rF cK^. ototJil^l "Bi Given By m ;? STTPT OF DOCUMENTS 3^ DEPOSITORY \ Vol. 1 - pt. 29 Shi i«..-'u«i WYOMING and COLORADO fr^ COUNTIES AND STATE ECONOMIC AREAS 1954 Census F Agriculture U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • BUREAU OF THE CENSUS • WASHINGTON • 1956 PUBLIC ^^tU\A. g/ /C C^^Su J. U. S. Department of Commerce Sinclair Weeks, Secretary Bureau of the Census Robert W. Bursess, Director United States Census Agriculture: 1954 Volume 1 COUNTIES AND STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Part 29 Wyoming and Colorado Prepared under the supervision oF RAY HURLEY Chief, Agriculture Division FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS • LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS • CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES Boston Public Library Superinten'^pnt of Documents JUN 1 2 1956 1^ BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ROBERT W. BURGESS, Director A. Ross EcKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Robert Y. Phillips, Special Assistant Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Jack B. Robertson, Special Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Lowell T. Galt, Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Coordinator, International Statistics A. W. VON Strove, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — Ray Hurley, Chief Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chirf Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chief Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chief Census Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chief Field Division — Robert B. Voioht, Chief Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chief Geography Division — Clarence E. Batschelet, Chief Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chief Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, Chief Machine Tabulation Division — C. F. Van Aken, Chief Personnel Division — Helen D. Almon, Chief Population and Housing Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chief Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D. Goldfield, Chief Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chief Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chief Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Scries AC54-1, Preliminary Reports. SUGGESTED IDENTIFICATION U. S. Bureau of the Census. Economic Areas, Part 29. U. S. Census of Agriculture: 1954. Vol. I, Counties and State U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1956. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce, Price $2.00 (paper) PREFACE Volume I, Counties and State EJconomic Areas, is one of the three principal reports presenting the results of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Tliis volume, in 33 parts, pre- sents the compilation of the information given by farm operators to Census enumerators in 1954. The 1954 Census of Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress (Title 13, United States Code) ai)proved August 31, 1954, which includes provisions for the mid-decade censuses of agriculture. The collection of the data was carried out by Census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Census and working under the direction of Jack B. Robertson, then Chief, Field Division. Ernest R. Underwood, then special Assistant to the Director, was responsible for the recruitment of the field staff. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, and Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by Hilton E. Robison, Orvin L. Wilhite, Hubert L. Collins, Benjamin J. Tepping, Lois Hutchison, Carl R. Nyman, J. Thomas Breen, Robert S. Overton, Merton V. Lindquist, Russell V. Oliver, Charles F. Frazler, Gladys L. Eagle, Orville M. Slye, Caylord G. Green, Harold N. Cox, and Henry A. Tucker. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of technical personnel by the I'nited States Department of Agriculture in the planning, the enumera- tion, and the compilation of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. April 1956 III UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 REPORTS Volume I. — Counties and State Economic Areas. Statistics for counties include number of farms, acreage, value, and farm opera- tors; farms by color and tenure of operator; facilities and equipment; use of commercial fertilizer: farm labor; farm expenditures; livestock and livestock products; specified crops harvested; farms classified by type of farm and by economic class; and value of products sold by source. Data for State economic areas include farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class. Volume I is published in 33 parts as follows : Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States 1 New England States: West North Central: East South Central — Continued Maine. 8 Minnesota. 21 Alabama. New Hampshire. 9 Iowa. 22 Mississippi. Vermont. 10 Missouri. West South Central: Massachusetts. 11 North Dakota and South 23 Arkansas. Rhode Island. Dakota. 24 Louisiana. Connecticut. 12 Nebraska. 25 Oklahoma. 2 Middle Atlantic States: 13 Kansas. 26 Texas. New York. South Atlantic: Mountain: New Jersey. 14 Delaware and Maryland. 27 Montana. Pennsylvania. Kftst North dpntral* 1.5 Virginia and West Virginia. 28 Idaho. 16 North Carolina and South 29 Wyoming and Colorado. 3 Ohio. Carolina. 30 New Mexico and Arizona. 17 Georgia. 31 Utah and Nevada. 4 Indiana. 18 Florida. Pacific: 5 Illinois. East South Central: 32 Washington and Oregon. 6 Michigan. 19 Kentucky. 33 California. 7 Wisconsin. 20 Tennessee. Volume II. — General Report. Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1954. Summary data and analyses of the data for States, for Geographic Divisions, and for the United States by subjects as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below : Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. Products. IV Farm Labor. Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race^ and Tenure of Farm Operator. Economic Class of Farm. V Size of Farm. XI VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III. — Special Reports Part 1. — Multiple-unit Operations. This report will be similar to Part 2 of Volume V of the reports for the 1050 Census of Agriculture. It will present statistics for approximately 900 counties and State economic areas in 12 Southern States and Missouri for the number and characteristics of multiple-unit operations and farms in multiple units. Part 2. — Ranking Agricultural Counties. This special report will present statistics for selected items of inventory and agricul- tural production for the leading counties in the United States. Part 3. — Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, and V. S. Possessions. These areas were not included in the 1954 Census of Agriculture. The available current data from vari- ous Government sources will be compiled and published in this report. Part 4. — Agriculture, 1964, a Graphic Summary. This report will present graphically some of the significant facts regarding agriculture and agricultural production as revealed by the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Part 5. — Farm-mortgage Debt. This will be a cooperative study by the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of the Census. It will present, by States, data based on the 1954 Census of Agriculture and a special mail survey to be conducted in January 1956, on the number of mortgaged farms, the amount of mortgage debt, and the amount of debt held by principal lending agencies. Part 6. — Irrigation in Humid Areas. This cooperative report by the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of the Census will present data ob- tained by a mail survey of oiierators of irrigated farms in 28 States on the source of water, method of applying water, num- ber of pumps used, acres of crops irrigated in 1954 and 1955, the number of times each crop was irrigated, and the cost of irrigation equipment and the irrigation system. Part 7. — Popular Report of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. This report is planned to be a general, easy-to-read publication for the general public on the status and broad characteristics of United States agriculture. It will seek to delineate such as- pects of agricultui'e as the geographic distribution and dif- ferences by size of farm for such items as farm acreage, principal crops, and important kinds of livestock, farm facili- ties, farm equipment, use of fertilizer, soil conservation prac- tices, farm tenure, and farm income. Part 8. — Size of Operation by Type of Farm. This will be a coop- erative special report to be prepared in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture. This report will contain data for 119 economic sub- regions, (essentially general type-of-farming areas) showing the general characteristics for each tyiie of farm by economic class. It will provide data for a current analysis of the differences that exist among groups of farms of the .same type. It will furnish statistical basis for a realistic examination of produc- tion of such commodities as wheat, cotton, and dairy products in connection with actual or proposed governmental policies and programs. IV WYOMING AND COLORADO CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page History and legal basis IX Plan of presentation of statistics IX Opera tions for 195t check" should provide reliable totals for a limited number of items by States and major producing areas. Accordingly, a sample census was conducted as a pretest of procedures in Utah and Virginia, beginning in October 1953. These surveys are more fully described in separate reports for those two States, published In 1954. Congress, in an appropriation Act approved July 2, 1954, appro- priated $16,000,000 for the expenses necessary for taking, com- piling, and publishing the 1954 Census of Agriculture, as author- ized by law. Additional funds, amounting to $5,500,000, were appropriated in 1955 in order to complete the work on the 1954 Census. Flan of presentation of statistics. — This report follows the same general plan of presentation as that for 1950, the last complete census of agriculture. The report is a part of Volume I which comprises 33 reports. Each part of Volume I presents the data for each county and each State economic area for one or more States as well as State totals for those States for which county and State economic area data are shown. Statistics are most revealing when comparisons are available. Therefore, compa- rable data gathered in the 19.50 Census of Agriculture ave given for counties and for State economic areas. Comparative data for the States are ^iven for each successive census year beginning with 1920. However, for some items, the data obtained in 1954 are the only ones available. The tables provide totals for comities for nearly all Items for v/hich information was obtained in the 19.54 Census. Howevei;, most data by economic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are presented only for State economic areas. State economic areas repre.sent groupings of counties within a State. Outside of metropolitan areas, the State economic areas are, in general, the same as State type-of-f arming areas. (A description of State ec0 to either farm operators or Census enumerators except an instruction to enumerators not to in- clude brush pasture as woodland. Some of the changes in wood- land acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation of the meaning of woodland. Woodland not pastured. — This includes all woodland that was not used for pasture or grazing. TTnusually large tracts of timberland reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from the tabulations of land in farms when it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. The definition for woodland, as stated above, was used also for enumerating woodland not pastured. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). — This in- cludes rough and brush land i)astured and any other land pastured that the respondent did not consider as either wood- land or cropland. The figures for 19.54 and 19.50 are comparable but for 1945 all nonwoodland pasture not plowed within the preceding 7 years was included. For the 1940 Census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for 19.54 and 1950. except that the item may be somevi'hat less inclusive since land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classified as plowable pasture (shown as cropland used only for pasture in the tables). Improved pasture. — This item includes land in "other pas- ture" on which one or more of the following practices had been used : Liming, fertilizing, seeding to grasses or legumes, irrigating, draining, or controlling weeds and brush. The question on improved pasture was included in 1954 for the first time. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.).— This item in- cludes house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, and waste- land. It includes all land that does not belong under any of the other laud-use clas.ses. INTRODUCTION XV In addition to the complete classification of land in farms ac- cording to use, the tables also present data for three summary classifications as follows : Cropland, total. — This includes cropland harvested, cropland used only for pasture, and cropland not harvested and not pastured. Land pastured, total. — This includes cropland used only for pasture, woodland pastured, and other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). Woodland, total. — This includes woodland pastured and wood- land not pastured. Value of land and buildings. — The value to be reported was the approximate amount for which the land and the buildings on it would sell. This item was obtained for only a sample of the farms ; however, the value was not reported for all the farms comprising the .sample. Many problems, not encountered in enumerating most agricul- tural items, are involved in obtaining farm real-estate values. Most enumerated items require the respondent to malie a state- ment based upon fact. It may be the number and value of farm animals sold alive during the yeai- or the number of lambs under 1 year old on the place. In either case, only information as to activities during a specified period, or the situation as of a stated time, is required. This information is based upon actual trans- actions or existing conditions. But the estimation of the value of land and buildings is based largely uywn opinion. In the event a farm had been recently purchased, answers could be based upon that experience. But many farms have not changed hands for many years, nor are they currently for sale. In such cases, farm operators may have no clear basis for estimating the value. In making an intelligent estimate, a respondent needs, first, to estimate the prevailing market value in the community. Sec- ondly, he must in some way add to or subtract from this base to allow for his farm's special characteristics. In many cases, a farm operator who would not sell his place under any circum- stances may be inclined to give a "market value" that is un- reasonably high. Some operators who had purchased their real estate during periods of relativrty low prices may give an esti- mate that is unduly influenced by that experience. Further- more, the extent of variation known to exist in real-estate values makes it diflicult to establish checking procedures that will dis- close inaccurate estimates. Only average values of land and buildings per farm and per acre are presented in this report. A total value of the land and buildings for States, geographic divisions, and the United States, will be presented in Volume II. Age of operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was calculated by dividing the total of ages of all farm operators reporting age by the number of farm operators reporting. Residence of farm operator. — Farm operators were classified by residence on the basis of whether or not they lived on the farm operated. Some of those not living on the farm operated lived on other farms. When a farm operator rented land from others or worked land on shares for others and had the use of a dwell- ing as part of the rental arrangement, the enumerator was in- structed to consider the dwelling a part of the farm oi»rated. The dwelling assigned may have been on a tract other than that as- signed for crops. Since some farm operators live on their farms only a portion of the year, comparability of the figures for var- ious censuses may be affected to some extent by the date of the enumeration. In a few cases the enumerator failed to indicate the residence of the farm operator. Differences tietween the total number of farms and the number of farm operators by residence represent underreporting of this item. Years on present farm (year began operation of present farm). — The data on years on present farm and year began operation of present farm were secured on the basis of the inquiry, "When did you begin to operate this place? " The (Month) (Tear) time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began to operate their farms, as shown by a breakdown of the data for those farm operators who began to operate their present farms in the calendar years 1954 and 1953. The tabulation of years on present farm at each census is based on the calendar year the operator began operating his farm. Because of differ- ences in the date for various censuses, the figures are not fully comparable from one census to another. Off-farm work and other income. — Many farm operators receive a part of their income from sources other than the sale of farm products from their farms. The 1954 Agriculture Questionnaire included several inquiries relating to work off the farm and non- farm income. These inquiries called for the number of days worked off the farm by the farm operator ; whether other members of the operator's family worked off the farm ; and whether the farm operator received income from other sources, such as sale of products from land rented out, cash rent, boarders, old age as- sistance, pensions, veterans' allowances, unemployment compen- sation, interest, dividends, profits from nonfarm business, and help from other members of the operator's family. Another in- quiry asked whether the income of the operator and his family from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of all agricultural products sold from the farm in 1954. Off-farm work was to include work at nonfarm jobs, businesses, or professions, whether performed on the farm premises or else- wtiere ; also work on someone else's farm for pay or wages. Ex- change" work was not to be included. The purposes of these four inquiries were (1) to obtain in- formation in regard to the extent that farm operators performed off-farm work and the relation of other nonfarm income to the value of farm products sold and (2) to provide a basis for the classification of farms by economic class (see Farms by eco- nomic class, page XXII). The intent of the inquiry in regard to whether or not a member of the family had a nonfarm job, and the inquiry regarding income of the farm operator from other non- farm sources, was to obtain more accurate replies to the inquiry regarding the relationship of the income from off-farm work and other sources to the total value of all agricultural products sold. Specified facilities and equipment. — Inquiries were made in 1954 for a sample, of farms to determine the presence or absence of selected items on each place such as (1) telephone, (2) piped run- ning water, (.3) electricity, (4) television set, (5) home freezer, (6) electric pig brooder, (7) milking machine, and (8) power feed grinder. Such facilities or equipment were to be counted even though temporarily out of order. Piped running water was de- fined as water piped from a pre.s.sure system or by gravity fiow from a natural or artificial source. The enumerator's instruc- tions stated that pig brooders were to include those heated by an electric heating element, by an infra-red or heat bulb, or by or- dinary electric bulbs. They could be homemade. The number of selected types of other farm equipment was also obtained for a sample of farms. The selected kinds of farm equipment to be rei>orted were (1) grain combines (for harvest- ing and threshing grains or seeds in one operation) ; (2) corn pickers; (3) pick-up balers (stationary ones not to be reported) ; (4) field forage harvesters (for field chopping of silage and forage crops) ; (5) motortrucks; (6) wheel tractors (other than garden) ; (7) garden tractors; (8) crawler tractors (tracklaying, caterpillar); (9) automobiles; and (10) artificial ponds, reser- voirs, and earth tanks. Wheel tractors were to include homemade tractors but were not to include implements having built-in power units such as self-propelled combines, powered buck rakes, etc. "Pick-up" and truck-trailer combinations were to be reported as motor- trucks. School buses were not to be reported, and jeeps and station wagons were to be included as motortrucks or automo- biles, depending on whether used for hauling farm products or supplies, or as passenger vehicles. Classification of farms by class of work power. — Farms were grouijed by class of work power on the basis of whether horses, XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 mules, or tractors (wheel or crawler, but not garden) were reported. This classification does not present a complete picture of the work power used on all farms. For some farms, all the work power may be furnished by the landlord ; and for some farms, all the work power may be hired. Thus, farms hiring all of the work power from others and those having it furnished are shown as having no work power, unless the work animals or tractors were kept on the tenant-operated tract. Since the number of tractors was obtained for only a sample of farms, the number of farms by class of work jwwer represents an estimate. Farm labor. — The farm-labor inquiries for 1954, made on a sample basis, called for the number of persons doing farm work or chores on the place during a specified calendar week. Since starting dates of the 1954 enumeration varied by areas or States, the calendar week to which the farm-labor inquiries related varied also. The calendar week was September 26-October 2 or October 24-30. States with the September 2&-October 2 calendar week were : Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamp- shire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Okla- homa, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Ten- nessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. States with the October 24-30 calendar week were : Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Farm work was to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the operation of the farm or ranch business. Housework, contract construction work, and labor involved when equipment was hired (custom work) were not to be included. The farm labor information was obtained in three parts : (1) Operators working, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family working, and (3) hired persons working. Operators were considered as working if they worked 1 or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours ; and hired persons, if they worked any time during the calendar week specified. Instructions contained no specifications regarding age of the persons working. Data shown for earlier censuses are not fully comparable with those for 1954, primarily becau.se of differences in the period to which the data relate. The data for 19.54 were purposely related to a i)eriod of peak farm employment. During 1950 the labor in- quiries were related to the calendar week preceding the actual enumeration. Although starting dates were identical in all States (April 1, 105O), several weeks were required to complete the field work. Therefore, the calendar week preceding the enumeration was not the same for all farms. For the 1945 and 1935 Censuses, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January. The data for 1940 related to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equivalent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, only workers 14 years old and over were to be included. In 1935, as in 1954 and 1950, there was no specification regarding the age of the farm workers. No instructions were issued to include farm chores as farm work in 1940 and 1935 Censuses. In censuses prior to 1954, farm-labor data were not always satisfactorily reported when the specified week for reporting the niunber of persons employed did not immediately precede the week during which the actual enumeration was made. When the week, for which a report for the number of persons employed was required, was several weeks before the week of enumeration, the farm operator or the enumerator often reported the highest num- ber of persons employed during the year. When it was obvious that the data were not correctly reported, adjustments were made to make the data reflect more nearly the situation during the specified week. Because of demand for the data, the information on number of persons working on farms, for the 1954 Census, relates to a specified week. In some cases, this specified week was several weeks before the week of actual enumeration. However, few adjustments were made in the data for 1954 even though there were indications that there was incorrect reporting or that the report may have referred to a week other than the week specified. Regalar and seasonal workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the specified week were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year, and as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. If the period of expected employment was not reported, the period of employment was estimated for the individual farm after taking into account such items as the basis of payment, wage rate, expenditures for labor in 1954, and the type and other characteristics of the farm. Hired workers by basis of payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to the basis of payment. The question- naire called for the numbers of hired workers paid on a monthly basis, on a weekly basis, on a daily basis, on an hourly basis, and on a piecework basis. If the basis of payment was not re- ported for any of the hired workers, the missing information was supplied. Wage rate and hours worked. — The rate of pay (except for workers on a piecework basis ) and the hours that workers were expected to work to earn this pay (except for workers on hourly basis or on piecework basis) were asked for each class of worker. For 1954, the data include estimates of hours worked and wage rates for questionnaires incomplete for either of these items. Estimates were based upon relationships existing on nearby farms of similar size and type. Data for 1950 for hours worked and wage rates were restricted to farms reporting both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and lime. — The 1954 questionnaires contain inquiries on the tonnage and cost of fertilizer and liming material and the acreage on which they were used during the calendar year 1954. Fertilizer and lime used on the place were to be included regardless of whether the landowner, tenant, or both paid for them. Fertilizer was to include only commercial fertilizer or fertilizing material. No specific mention was made of basic slag. It was thought that this byproduct of steel production would be considered as a fertilizing material. Barnyard manure, straw, refuse materials, and soil conditioners were to be excluded. Lime or liming material was to include ground limestone, hydrated and burnt lime, marl, oyster shells, etc. No mention was made of gyi)sum but this product was excluded in the processing when the entries for such were detected. Lime used for sprays or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. Acres on which purchased materials were used were to be re- ported for both lime and fertilizer. In case fertilizer was applied to the same crop more than once in 1954, instructions were to report acres of land only once but to report the total tonnage used. The acres fertilized and tons applied were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by regions. This ar- rangement made it possible to obtain data for crops most com- monly fertilized in the region. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agricultural Conserva- tion Program. In some cases, the difference may arise because of sampling error and in other cases, it may be the result of under- reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences disappear when the data are presented for larger areas. In the South, some landlords, who conducted some farming operations themselves, reported for their operations fertilizer and lime paid for wholly or in part by them for use on their tenant- operated land. The tenants may also have reported the fertilizer and lime. During the editing procedure such reports, when detected, were adjusted to prevent duplication in the reports for fertilizer and lime by landlords and their tenants. Specified farm expenditures. — The 1954 Census obtained data for selected farm expense items in addition to those for fertilizer and lime. The expenditures were to include the total specified expenditures for the place whether made by landlord, tenant, or both. INTRODUCTION XVII Expenditures for machine hire were to include any labor in- cluded in the cost of such machine hire. Machine hire refers to custom machine work such as tractor hire, threshing, combining, silo filling, baling, ginning, plowing, and spraying. If part of the farm products was given as pay for machine hire, the value of the products traded for this service was to be included in the amount of expenditures reported. The cost of trucking, freight, and express was not to be Included. Expenditures for hired labor were to include only cash pay- ments. Expenditures for housework, custom work, and contract construction work were not to be included. Expenditures for feed were to include the expenditures for pasture, salt, condiments, concentrates, and mineral supplements, as well as those for grain, hay, and mill feeds. Expenditures for grinding and mixing feeds were also to be included. Payments made by a tenant to his landlord for feed grown on the land rented by the tenant were not to be included. Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil were to include only those used for the farm business. Petroleum products used for the farmer's automobile for pleasure or used exclusively in the farm home for heating, cooking, and lighting were not to be included. Farm-mortgage debt. — Data on farm-mortgage debt will be con- tained in a .si)ecial report (Part 5 of Volume III) to be issued in 1956. This report will contain data only for States and larger geographic areas. Crops Crops harvested. — The agriculture questionnaire was organized to make possible the listing of acreage and qiwntity harvested for each crop. To facilitate the enumerator's work, specific crop questions were varied according to areas (usually each area com- prised a State or a group of States). Regionalizing question- naires made it iwssible to devote special attention to the more important crops for a given area and also to use the unit of measure that was in most common use in the area. In most instances, the harvested acreage that was reported for individual crops represents the area harvested for the 1954 crop year. An exception was made for land in fruit orchards, vineyards, and planted nut trees ; in this ca.se the acreage repre- sents that in both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines as of the date of enumeration (usually October or November 1954). The acreage harvested for various crops is often less than the acreage planted. With three exceptions, citrus fruits, olives, and avocados, figures for quantity harvested represent the amount actually harvested during the 1954 crop year. Citrus fruit prodiiction was to be re- ported for the 1953-1954 marketing season (from the bloom of 1953). Olive and avocado production for California related to the quantity harvested from the 1953 bloom (an instruction to enumerators referred to the marketing season which began October 1. 1953). In Florida, the avocado production period, according to the Enumerator's Instruction Book, was to include the quantity harvested from the 19,53 bloom (the harvesting sea- son extending from July 1, 1953, to .Tune 30, 1954). The unit of measure used for reporting the quantity harvested for some crops has varied, not only from State to State, but from census to census, to permit reporting in units of measure cur- rently in use. In the State and county tables, figures on quantity harvested for each crop are shown in the unit of measure appear- ing on the 1954 Agriculture Questionnaire. When required, data for earlier years were converted into units of measure differing from those which were used in the published reiwrts for those years. Corn. — The inquiries regarding corn acreage and quantity har- vested were not the same in all States. In areas where farmers frequently use units of measure such as baskets, barrels, etc., the questionnaire permitted the reporting of quantity harvested in bushels or in an alternative unit of measure. When alternative units of measure other than bushels (shelled basis) were reported on the questionnaire, the quantity was converted into bushels prior to tabulation. As in former censuses, farmers in certain areas had a tendency to report the quantity of corn harvested in terms of baskets of ear corn, barrels, or some unit other than bushels of corn on a shelled basis. Such reports, when detected, were corrected to represent the equivalent bushels of 70 pounds of ear corn or 56 pounds of shelled corn. Annual legumes. — Acres and quantity harvested for the most important uses of soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained for areas where these crops are grown extensively. The total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage not harvested as the acreage plowed under for green manure was included. In certain States, separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. For the 1954 Census, enumerators were instructed to report acres and value of sales for cowpeas harvested for green peas with vegetables harvested for sale. For 1949, the total acreage of vegetables harvested for sale, shown in State and county tables, includes the acres of cowpeas harvested for green peas for the following States : Ala- bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas. However, for 1949 the number of farms reporting and the value of vegetables harvested for sale do not include farms reporting or the value of cowi)eas harvested for green peas. Hay crops. — The tables contain data regarding the total acres of land from which hay was cut. Sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays were excluded from this total as separate questions were provided in those States where these crops are important. The figures for total land from which hay was cut for 1954 were obtained by adding the acres of the various hay crops, including grass silage, for each county. The comparable figures for the 1950 Census were obtained by an inquiry of the farm operator. Alfalfa hay includes any production which was dehydrated. The tonnage of alfalfa hay for dehydration (as well as that for other hays but not for grass silage) is given on a dry-weight basis. Enumerators and farmers were Instructed to report the total quantity of hay harvested from all cuttings, but to report only once the acres of land from which more than one cutting was made. For 1954, alfalfa hay Inclyded alfalfa and alfalfa mix- tures. Likewise, clover and timothy hay included clover and timothy and mixtures of clover and grasses. For 1950, the agri- culture questionnaire contained instructions to report mixed hay under the kind of hay that made up the largest part of the mix- ture. The differences in the instructions for reporting mixed hays affect the comparability of the data for the 19.54 and prior censuses. The kinds of hay to be reported under "Other hay" varied from State to State, and can be determined for a specific State by referring to the copy of the questionnaire in the Appendix. Clover seed, alfalfa, grass and other field seed crops. — The 1954 questionnaire contained separate inquiries for a number of the field seed crops and provided a question on "other field seed crops" for the purpose of obtaining information for all minor field seed crops harvested. Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes.— The 1954 Census inquiry for both Irish and sweet potatoes called for acres harvested and the quantity harvested. If less than 20 bushels (or 10 bags in speci- fied States) of Irish potatoes or if less than 20 bushels of sweet- potatoes were harvested, the enumerator was instructed to report the quantity harvested, but not the area harvested. This method of reporting was used in order to facilitate the enumera- tion of potatoes grown on small plots for home use. The pro- cedure and inquiries for both Irish iwtatoes and sweetpotatoes were essentially the same for 1950. Data for censuses prior to 1950 are not entirely comparable with those for 1950 and 1954. Earlier censuses did not eliminate the acres of the small plot — home-use production of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes. There- XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 fore, especially in counties or States where the production of potatoes is largely for home use, the data on acres for 1954 and 1950 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. Berries and other small fruits.— The questionnaire called for acreage and quantity harvested in 1954 for sale. Nonbearing areas and area.s from which berries or fruits were not harvested for sale were not to be reported. Separate inquiries were carried on the questionnaire for such berries as strawberries, black- berries, and raspberries (tame) in States where production of these crops was important commercially. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. — For 1954. the number of trees or vines and the quantity harvested were not enumerated if there was a total of less than 20 fruit or nut trees and graiwvines on the farm. For censuses prior to 1954, enumerators were in- structed to report the number of fruit or nut trees and grape- vines and the quantity harvested, regardless of how many trees or grapevines were on the farm. Because of this change in instructions, the data for 19.54 are not fully comparable with those for prior censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change in instructions may have affected considerably the number of farms reporting, but had little effect on the number of trees or the quantity harvested. On the other hand, in counties where most of the fruit and nut trees and grapevines are in small plantings, largely for producing fruit or nuts for consumption on the farm, the change in instructions may have resulted in a reduc- tion not only in the number of farms reporting, but also in the number of fruit and nut trees and grapevines, as well as in the quantity harvested. For 1954, the acreage in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was not enumerated if there were less than 20 fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm. For the 1950 Census, enumerators were instructed not to report the area in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees if the area was less than one-half acre. For censuses prior to 1950, enumerators were instructed to report the area in all orchards, vineyards, and planted nut trees regardless of size of the area. However, frequently enumerators did not report the area for small fruit plantings and home orchards. In areas where small fruit and nut plantings or home orchards comprise a considerable part of the total fruit and nut acreage, considerable change may be indicated from census to census in the acreage of land in fruit trees, planted nut trees, and grapevines because of differences in enumeration procedures or in the enumerators' application of the instructions. In the regional questionnaire for Arizona and California, the acreage in each individual fruit and nut crop was secured. The acreage in fruit and planted nut trees and grapevines does not usually include the acreage of wild pecans that were not planted. For Maine, the acreage in cropland harvested includes the acreage from which wild blueberries were harvested. The unit of measure used for the quantity of fruits, grapes, and nuts harvested varied from State to State. Tables in this report show the quantity harvested in the unit of measure appearing on the 1954 Agriculture Questionnaire. Nursery and greenhouse products. — The agriculture question- naire included three inquiries relating to horticultural-specialty crops. One called for acres and value of sales in 1954 of nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.). Another asked for the area grown under glass ; area grown in the open ; and value of sales of cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. The third called for area grown under glass or in house ; area grown in the open ; and value of sales of vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. The inquiries in 19.54 were essentially the same as those used in the 1950 Census. Value of crops harvested and value of crops sold. — The total value of crops harvested represents the value of all crops harvested during the crop year 1954. It includes the value of the part of the crop consumed on the farm and the value of the part of the crop used for seed on the farm, as well as the value of the part of the crop that was sold. Farmers were not asked to report the value of crops harvested. The values were calculated in the central office by multiplying the quantity harvested for each crop by the average price at which the crop was sold in the State. These State average prices were ob- tained cooperatively by the Agricultural Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and the Bureau of the Census. The prices are based on reports provided by a sample of farmers and dealers. However, average prices were not calculated for vegetables harvested for sale, nursery and greenhouse prod- ucts, and forest products. In the absence of the value of quan- tities harvested for these products, the value of sales which was obtained in the enumeration was used in calculating the total value of crops harvested. State Table 16 gives data for the value of that part of each crop sold. The questionnaire did not call for reports of sales (quantity sold or the value of sales) for all crops. Estimates of the quantities sold were made in the central office for those crops for which the quantity sold was not enumerated. (For the pro- cedure used in estimating the quantity of each crop sold, see Value of farm products sold, page XXIII.) For each crop, the quantity sold was multiplied by the average State price in order to obtain the value of the quantity sold. Enumerators and farmers were instructed to report the landlord's share as sold unless it was used for feed or seed on the place where it was produced. In 1950, the value of crops sold was obtained by inquiry of each farm operator during the enumeration. Forest products. — The forest products data obtained by the Census relate only to those products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products cut on places not counted as farms are excluded. Therefore, the data pub- lished do not show the total forestry output and income for a county or State. The questions Included in the 1954 questionnaire were essen- tially the same as those for 1950. However, a change was made in the enumeration of the sales of standing timber. In 1950, a special question asked for "sales from standing timber," while in 1954, instructions were to report any standing timber cut as saw- logs and veneer logs. Irrigation Irrigated land was defined as land to which water was applied by artiflcial means for agricultural purposes. Water applied by subirrigation was included as well as that applied to the surface. Irrigated land included land irrigated by a sprinkler system. Land flooded during high-water periods was to be considered as irrigated land only if water was purposely applied for agri- cultural purposes by means of dams, canals, or other works. Regulation of the "water table" by drainage works was not to be included as irrigation. There were two groups of irrigation inquiries used for the 1954 Census. One group was used in the 17 Western States (Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Ne- braska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming) and in Arkansas, Florida, and Louisiana. The other group was used in the remaining 28 States. In the 17 Western States and Arkan- sas, Florida, and Louisiana, the agriculture questionnaire con- tained several inquiries regarding irrigation. These inquiries related to the area of irrigated land from which crops were harvested and the names of the crops for which the entire acreage harvested was irrigated in 1954. In all of these States except Arkansas and Louisiana, the area of irrigated pasture was also obtained. In the remaining States, the agriculture question- naire called for only the total acres irrigated in 1954. This acreage may have been used for harvested crops, soil-improvement crops, or for pasture. The inquiries relating to irrigation for the 1954 Census were essentially the same as those for the 1950 Census. However, in INTRODUCTION XIX 1950, irrigated land from which no crop was harvested was in- cluded as irrigated land, while such acreage was not obtained in 1954. Considerable data are published regarding irrigation in the 17 Western States and Arakansas, Florida, and Louisiana. The following definitions apply to these States : Irrigated farms. — These are farms reporting land irrigated. Data on land in irrigated farms and on land in irrigated farms according to use include the entire acreage of land in these farms, whether irrigated or not. land irrigated. — This relates only to that part of the land In irrigated farms to which water was applied. However, for Arkansas and Louisiana the total for irrigated land does not include land used solely for pasture or grazing. For the 17 Western States and for Arkansas, Florida, and Louisiana, this total does not include irrigated cropland that was not harvested and not pastured. Irrigated land in farms according to use. — This classification provides data on the use of irrigated land in farms and includes that part of the cropland harvested that was irrigated as well as that portion of the land pastured to which water was applied. Farms with all harvested crops irrigated. — These are all "irri- gated farms" on which all crops harvested were grown on irri- gated land. Irrigated crops harvested. — The data for irrigated crops har- vested include (1) the acreage of crops harvested on irrigated farms on which all harvested crops were irrigated and (2) the acreage of those crops which were wholly irrigated on farms where a part of, or all of, other harvested crops were not irrigated. Thus, the reported acreage in irrigated crops may not include the total acreage of each harvested crop grown on irrigated land, but the exclusions are minor. However, in the case of vegetables harvested for sale and orchard fruits and nuts, the data for farms reporting number of trees, value of sales, etc., relate only to those crops harvested on farms on which all crops were irrigated. Land'Use and Conservation Practices land in cover crops turned under for green manure. — The data for this item represent land on which a cover crop was turned under in 1954 and another crop was planted for harvest after 1954. Such acreages were to be reported even though the succeeding crop may later have failed. This inquiry was not made in Ari- zona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico. North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the western part of Texas. Stripcropping. — Tlie data for stripcropping relates to the area of row crops or close-seeded crops that were grown in strips across the path of prevailing winds to prevent or reduce the blowing of topsoil. This question was included only in Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada. New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the western part of Texas. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour. — Tills is the area for all grain and row crops tliat were planted around the slope to maintain comparatively level rows instead of being jilanted in straight rows running up and down tlie slope. Livestock and Poultry The 1954 questionnaire called for an inventory of or for some phase of production for all the important kinds of farm animals and poultry. Respondents were asked for the numbers on hand on the day of enumeration. Livestock were to be enumerated on the place on which they were located, regardless of ownership. Livestock grazing in national forests, grazing districts, or on open range at the time of enumeration were to be reported for the farm or ranch to which they belonged. The time of the year at which livestock and poultry were enumerated influences greatly the resulting data. Therefore, the date of the enumeration needs to be considered when comparing 1954 totals with those for corresponding items for the 1950 or prior censuses. The 1950 data represented a spring inventory (April 1, 1950) , while the current census provided a fall inventory. The 1954 enumeration came at a time of large scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feeder, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of agriculture beginning with 1920 and continuing through 1950 were taken as of either April 1 or January 1. The censuses taken in the years ending in "0" were taken as of April 1, while the censuses taken in the years ending in "5" were taken as of January 1. An enumeration made in April results in a count that differs considerably from a count made in January. In most areas a large number of animals are born between January and April. On the other hand, a considerable number of older animals are sold or die during the 3-month period, January to April. In the range States, sheep and cattle are moved, with the change in .season and grazing condition, from one locality, or country, to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, for States. The comparability of the data for the number of livestock and poultry has also been affected by changes in age groups and questionnaire inquiries from census to census. State Table 12 presents a description of the various age and sex groups of live- stock and poultry for each census from 1920 to 19,54. Milk cows; cows milked; milk sold. — Data on number of cows milked and milk production relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Questionnaires in 25 States, chiefly western and midwestern, provided three alternative units of measure for enumerators and respondents to report whole milk sales: (1) Pounds of milk, (2) pounds of butterfat, and (3) gallons of milk. In the other States, sales of whole milk on the basis of butterfat content were considered relatively unimportant and, therefore, the unit of measure (pounds of butterfat) was omitted from the question- naire. However, for publication by States, the reports for whole milk sold were converted into a unit of measure common to the particular State. Poimds of butterfat were converted into gal- lons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of whole milk, as shown by data furnished by the Agri- cultural Marketing Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. The tables for economic areas contain figures on total milk sold. These figures represent the total equivalent of milk and pounds of butterfat in cream sold in terms of whole milk. Total sales of all dairy products for 1954 are not entirely comparable with those for 1949. The value of sales for whole milk and cream was included in both the 1954 and 1945 Censuses. In 1950, the value of the sales of butter, buttermilk, and cheese was obtained ; the value of these products was not included in 1954. Sows and gilts farrowing. — The 1954 questionnaire asked for spring litters by an inquiry on the number of sows and gilts far- rowing between I>ecember 1, 1953, and June 1, 1954, and for fall litters by an inquiry on the number of sows and gilts farrowing since June 1, but before December 1, 1954. The inquiry relating to sows farrowing or expected to farrow during the fall was in- cluded in the census for the first time in 1954. The 1954 data for spring farrowings (sows and gilts farrowing between December 1, 1953, and June 1, 1954) are comparable with those for 1950. Since no data were obtained in 1950 for fall farrowing, only the 1954 data for farrowing after June 1 are given. For a number of counties, the ratio of sows farrowing to the number of hogs and pigs on hand, plus those sold, may be low because hogs or pigs were shipped into the county for feeding. Adjustments in the number of sows farrowing were made both for spring and fall litters when there was substantial evidence that the number of sows farrowing was not reported. The adjustments were made largely in counties outside the major hog-producing areas. Sheep and lambs and wool. — Questionnaires for all States, ex- cept Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, contained inquiries XX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 regarding sheep and lambs. In Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, the enumerator was instructed to report the number of sheep and lambs in the remarks section. However, no data on the number of sheep and lambs or on wool production were com- piled for these 3 States for 1954. Ooati and mohair. — In Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Ore- gon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties in Missouri, special questions were provided for reporting goats and mohair. These questions called for the number of all goats. Angora goats, and other goats, separately, and for the number of goats clipped and pounds of mohair clipped in 1954. Bees and honey. — Provision was not made for reporting beea or honey for the 1954 Census. Value of livestock on fannt. — The values for 1954 shown in State Table 13 were secured by multiplying the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand by the State average price. These prices were obtained cooperatively by the Agricultural Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and the Bureau of the Census. Livestock prodncti. — The inquiries regarding livestock produc- tion and sales relate to the calendar year 1954, and those for sales of livestock products relate to the products produced in 1954. Sales of lire animals.— The 1954 questionnaire called for the number and value of sales of animals sold alive from the place during 1954. The questions used were similar to- those used in the 1950 Census. The difference in the time of enumeration for the two censuses may have affected the comparability of the data. Since the 1954 Census was a fall enumeration, an additional problem was involved in getting information on animals sold alive. It was necessary not only to ask the respondent for sales he had made during 1954 prior to the date of the enumeration, but also for an estimate of sales he would make during the re- mainder of 1954. Some respondents may not have reported sales to be made after the enumeration but before December 31, 1954. No data are available to indicate the extent of under-reporting of sales of livestock and poultry. Poultry and poultry products. — For the 1954 Census, chicken sales were subdl\'lded into sales of (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. This is the first census in which broilers were enumer- ated separately. The enumeration of broilers presented problems because of the varied contractual arrangements under which broilers are produced. The agriculture questionnaire contained the following instruction: "Report all broilers sold from this place including those raised for others under contract." In a number of cases, young chickens were reported as broilers sold. Entries of less than 1,000 chickens or broilers sold, for individual farms, were tabulated as other chickens sold. Sampling Sampling was used for the 1954 Census of Agriculture in two ways. First, information on fertiliier and lime, farm expendi- tures, farm labor, off-farm work, facilities and equipment on the place, farm value, and mortgage debt, was enumerated for only a sample of farms. (The information in Sections Till through XIII of the questionnaire was obtained only for the farms in the sample. See Appendix for copy of the questionnaire. ) Second, some tabulations were prepared on the basis of a sample of farms. As a result, a greater volume of data could be published than if the reports for all farms had been used for every tabulation. Most of the data shown in this report by State economic areas are estimates prepared on the basis of the tabulation of data for the sample of farms. These tabulations are for the same sample of farms for which data were collected on a sample basis during the enumeration. Description of the sample for the 1954 Censns. — The sample used for the 1954 Census of Agriculture consisted of specified farms (see page XII for a description of specified farms) and one-flfth of the remaining farms. Thus, the sample included slightly more than 20 percent of all farms. The actual selection of farms in the sample was made by census enumerators as part of the enumeration procedure. The enumerator listed the head of each household on a single line of the Enumerator's Record Book, and determined whether an agriculture questionnaire was to be obtained. If he was re- quired to fill a questionnaire, he entered the "number of acres in this place" in accordance with question 11 of the agriculture questionnaire. On the basis of the number of acres in this place, the enumerator recorded a check mark in one of five squares that provided for the recording of each farm in one of five size-of- farm groups. All the squares for farms with 1,000 or more acres were lightly shaded and a random fifth of the squares for each of the other four size groups was also lightly shaded. (See Ai>- pendix for an example of a page of the Enumerator's Record Book.) If the respondent was listed on a line for which the shaded square corresponded to the size of his farm, his farm was included in the sample. The agriculture questionnaire con- tained one or more inquiries at the beginning of Section VIII — the first section containing inquiries to be asked for only a sam- ple of farms ( See copy of questionnaire in Appendix )— for the guidance of the enumerator as to whether the questionnaire was for a farm to be included In the sample and whether the farm qualified as a specified farm. Adjustment of the sample. — An adjustment in the 20 percent part of the sample was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms In the sample by size, for the purpose of (1) improving the reliability of the estimates from the sample on an economic area level, and (2) for the purpose of reducing the effects of possible biases introduced because some census enumerators did not follow perfectly the method devised for se- lecting the farms in the sample. In order to adjust the sample for each State economic area, counts were obtained of all farms and of sample farms for each of ten size-of-farm groups based on "acres in this place." The ten size-of-farm groups were as follows : Under 10 acres. 10-29 acres, 30-49 acres, 50-69 acres, 70-99 acre.s, 100-139 acres, 140-179 acres. 180-259 acres, 260^99 acres, and 500-999 acres. In determining the extent of the adjust- ment, the difference between the number of farms in the sample and the total number of farms divided by five was obtained for each size group. The actual adjustment for the size group was made by either eliminating or duplicating, on a random basis, farms in those counties of the State economic area where the greatest over- or under-representation existed. Kethod of estimation. — Data which are based on the sample of farms were expanded to represent figures for all farms. The expanded figure for an item was obtained by multiplying by five the tabulated total for that item for the farms in the 20 percent part of the sample and adding the total for the specified farms. KellablUty of estimates based on the sample. — The estimates based on the tabulation of data for a sample of farms are subject to sampling error.s. When data based on a sample of farms are shown in the same table with data for all farms, the data based on a sample are shown in italics. In ease all the data in a table are estimates based on a sample, a headnote for the table indicates that the data are estimates based on a sample of farms. Approxi- mate measures of the sampling reliability of estimates are given in State Tables 18 and 19 for farms reporting and for item totals. These measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estimates, but do not include adequate allowances for sources of error other than sampling variation as, for example, errors in original data furnished by farmers. Sources of error other than sampling may be relatively more important than sampling variation, especially for totals for a State. In general, the measures of sampling reliability presented are conservative in that they tend to overestimate the variations in sample estimates, because (1) the predicted limits of error do not always take fully into consideration that complete data were INTRODUCTION XXI tabulated for all specifled farms and (2) the maximum figures in- tended to serve for all economic areas were used. Consequently, there is a tendency to overestimate the variations in, the sample, especially for groups with large numbers of farms or for groups for which the totals for specified farms represent a high per- centage of the item totals. Data in State Tables 18 and 19 are given to assist in deter- mining the general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals. In State Table 19 a list of the items is given and the level of sampling reliability as shown in State Table 18 is indi- cated. By referring to State Table 18 in the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State Table 19, the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be obtained. For farms reporting, the indicated level of sampling is level 1. State Table 18 shows percentage limits such that the chances are about 68 in 100 that the difference between the estimates based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation for all farms would be approximately within the limit specified. However, the chances are 99 in 100 that the difference would be less than two and one-half times the i)ercent- age given in the table. The data in State Table 18 indicate that when the number of farms reporting specified items is small, the item totals are subject to relatively large sampling errors. Nevertheless, the considerable detail for every classification for each item is pre- sented to insure maximum usefulness for appraising estimates for any combination of items that may be desired. Percentage figures and averages derived from the tables will generally have greater reliability than the estimated totals ; also, significant patterns of relationships may sometimes be observed even though the individual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample for the 1950 Census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 1954 and the same State Tables 18 and 19 may be used to estimate the sampling errors for the 1950 data. Differences in data presented by counties and by State economic areas. — In many cases, data presented by State economic areas were estimated on the basis of tabulations for a sample of farms, while most of the data presented by counties were obtained by the tabulation of data for all farms in the county. However, data for the number of farms classified by type of farm and economic class of farm, and for the use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, farm labor, farm facilities, farm equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of the tabulation of data for a sample of farms in each county. The same sample of farms was also used for the tabulation of data for these items for State economic areas and for the State. In some cases, the totals presented for these items for State economic areas or for the State will differ slightly, but not significantly, from the totals obtained by adding figures for counties in the State economic area or the State. As a matter of economy, small adjustments were not made in the tabulations when the difference was not large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. Classification of Farms The classifications of farms by color and tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made on the basis of visual inspection of each questionnaire during the oflSce processing. The classification for color and tenure of operator was made for all farms, while the classifications by economic class and by type of farm were made for only a sample of farms. The classification of farms by size was made for all farms by means of electric tabulating equipment. Farms by size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area of each farm. The same classification was used for all States. In analyzing size-of-farm statistics, consideration should be given to the definition of a farm for census purposes. Census farms are essentially operating units, not ownership tracts. If a landlord has croppers or other tenants, the land assigned each cropper or tenant is a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire holding essentially as one farm in respect to supervision, equipment, rotation practices, purchase of sup- plies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South a special questionnaire, the Land- lord-Tenant Questionnaire, was used to obtain statistics for such multiple units. The statistics for multiple units will be pub- lished in Volume III, Part 1. Farms by tenure of operator. — Farm operators are classified ac- cording to the tenure under which they hold their land on the basis of the replies to the inquiries on total land owned, total land rented from others, total land managed for others, and land rented to others. The basis of classification l)y tenure is, in general, the same for the 1954 as for the 1950 Census. In 1950, for an opera- tor who owned land and rented land from others, there was no way to determine whether land rented to others represented land owned by the operator or land rented by the operator from others ; therefore, such an operator was classified as a part owner. In 1945 and earlier, full owners, part owners, and tenants were classi- fied on the basis of the land retained. Under this earlier classi- fication a part owner who sublets to others all the land he rents from others would have been classified as a full owner; a part owner who rents to others all the land he owns would have been classified as a tenant. In 1954, the acreage of owned land that was rented to others was obtained for the first time. Thus, it was possible to classify a farm operator who owned land and rented land from others as a full owner, part owner, or tenant according to the ownership or rental of the land he retained. Full owners own land but do not retain any land rented from others. Part owners own land and rent land from others. Uanagers operate farms for others and are paid a wage or sal- ary for their services. Persons acting merely as caretakers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm operator managed land for others and also operated land on his own account, the land operated on his own account was considered as one farm and the land managed for others as a second farm. If a farm operator managed land for two or more employers all the land managed was considered one farm. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. Tenants are further classified on the basis of their rental arrangement as follows : Cash tenants pay cash as rent, such as $10 an acre or $1,000 for the use of the farm. Share-cash tenants pay a part of the rent in cash and a part as a share of the crops or of the livestock or livestock products. Share tenants pay a share of either the crops or livestock or livestock products, or a share of both. Crop-share tenants pay only a share of the crops. Croppers are croi>share tenants whose landlords furnish all work power. The landlords either furnish all the work animals or furnish tractor power in lieu of work animals. Croppers usually work under the close supervision of the landowners, or their agents, or another farm operator, and the land assigned them is often merely a part of a larger enterprise operated as a single unit. Livestock-share tenants pay a share of the livestock or live- stock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. Other' tenants include those who pay a fixed quantity of any product ; those who pay taxes, keep up the land and buildings, or keep the landlord in exchange for the use of the land ; those who have the use of the land rent free ; and others who could not be included in one of the other specified subclasses. Unspecified tenants include those tenants for whom the rental arrangement was not reported. For earlier censuses, the definition for each subclass of tenant is essentially the same as for 1954. However, in 1945 the enumerator was asked to determine the subclass of tenants, while in 1954, 1950, 1940, and earlier censuses the classification was made during the processing of the questionnaires on the basis of the answer to the inquiries on the questionnaires. The XXII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 procedure for 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, particularly those for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by color or race of operator. — Farm operators are classi- fied by color as "white" and "nonwhite." Nonwhite includes Negroes, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and all other nonwhite races. Farms by economic class. — A classification of farms by economic class was made for the purpose of segregating groups of farms that are somewhat alike in their characteristics and size of operation. This classification was made in order to present an accurate description of the farms in each class and in order to provide basic data for an analysis of the organization of agricul- ture. Only the farms in the sample were classified by economic class. The totals given in tie tables represent estimates for all farms based on tabulations of the data for the farms included in the sample. The classification of farms by economic class was made on the basis of three factors; namely, total value of all farm products sold, number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, and the relationship of the income received from nonfarm sources by the operator and meml>ers of his family to the value of all farm products sold. Farms operated by institutions, experiment stations, grazing associations, and community projects were clas- sified as abnormal, regardless of any of the three factors. For the purpose of determining the code for economic class and type of farm, it was necessary to obtain the total value of farm products sold as well as the value of some individual products sold. The total value of farm products sold was obtained by adding the reported or estimated values for all products sold from the farm. The value of livestock, livestock products except wool and mohair, vegetables, nursery and greenhouse products, and forest products was obtained by the enumerator from the farm operator for each farm. The enumerator also obtained from the farm operator the quantity sold for corn, sorghums, small grains, hays, and small fruits. The value of sales for these crops was obtained by multiplying the quantity sold by State average prices. The quantity sold was estimated for all other farm products. The entire quantity produced for wool, mohair, cotton, tobacco, sugar beets for sugar, sugarcane for sugar, broomcorn, hops, and mint for oil was estimated as sold. If the estimated value of the quantity .sold for any other crop was .$100 or more, the entire quantity harvested was estimated as sold. To obtain the value of each product sold, the quantity sold was multiplied by State average prices. In making the classification of farms by economic class, farms were grouped into two. major groups, namely, commercial farms and other farms. In general, all farms with a value of sales of farm products amounting to $1,200 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $250 to $1,199 were classified as commercial only if the farm operator worked off the farm less than 100 days or if the income of the farm operator and members of his family received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with gross income of $250-$l,199 and farms with a value of sales of all farm products of less than $250, as well as farms operated by institutions, experiment stations, grazing associa- tions and community projects were classified as "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six groups on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : „, . . Value of farm CUtas of farm products »old I jf25, 000 or more II 10,000 to $24,999 III 5_ 000 to 9, 999 IV 2, 500 to 4,999 V 1,200 to 2,499 VI *250 to 1,199 •Provided the farm operator worked off the farm less than 100 dars or provided the income the farm operator and members of his famUv received from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. Other farms have been grouped into three classes as follows : Part-time farms. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $2.50 to $1,199 were classified as i)art time if the farm operator reported (a) 100 or more days of work off the farm in 1954, or (b) the nonfarm income received by him and members of his family was greater than the value of farm products sold. Residential farms. — Residential farms include all farms ex- cept abnormal farms with a total value of sales of farm prod- ucts of less than $250. Some of these represent farms on which the operator worked off the farm more than 100 days in 1954. Some represent farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others represent subsistence and marginal farms of various kinds. Some farms are included here which, if the classification were based on farm production for more than 1 year, might have qualified as commercial farms. Abnormal farms. — Insofar as it was possible to identify them, abnormal farms include public and private institutional farms, community enterprises, experiment-station farms, grazing asso- ciations, etc. Farms by type. — The classification of farms by type was made on the basis of the relationship of the value of sales from a par- ticular source or sources to the total value of all farm products sold from the farm. In some cases, the tyiie of farm was de- termined on the basis of the sale of an individual farm jtroduct, such as cotton, or on the basis of closely related products, such as dairy products. In other cases, the type was determined on the basis of sales of a broader group of products such as corn, sorghums, all small grains, field peas, field beans, cowpeas, and soybeans. Part-time, residential, and abnormal farms were not classified by type. In order to be classified as a particular type, sales or anticipated sales of a product or a group of products had to represent 50 percent or more of the total value of products sold. Only the farms in the sample were classified by type. The data given in this report by type of farm relate only to commercial farms. The types of farms for which data are shown, together with the product or group of products on which the classification is based, are : Product or group of products amounting to 50 percent or more of the value of all Type of farm farm products sold Cotton Cotton. Cash-grain Other field-crop. Vegetable Fruit-and-nut- Dalry_ Poultry- Livestock farms other than dairy and poul- try. Corn, sorghum, small grains, field pens, field beans, cowpeas, and soybeans. Peanuts, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, tobacco, sugarcane, sugar beets for sugar, and other miscellaneous crops. Vegetables. Berries and other small fruits, and tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Milk and other dairy products. The cri- terion of 50 percent of the total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm for which the value of sales of dairy products represented less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm if — (a) Milk and other dairy products accounted for 30 percent or more of the total value of products sold, and (b) Milk cows represented 50 per- cent or more of all cows, and (c) Sales of dairy products, to- gether with the sales of cattle and calves, amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold. Chickens, eggs, turkeys, and other poul- try products. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool, and mohair, provided the farm did not qualify as a dairy farm. INTRODUCTION XXIII Product or group of products amounting to 50 percent or more of the value of all Type of farm farm products sold — Continued General Farms were classified as general when the value of products from one source or group of sources did not represent as much as 50 percent of the total value of all farm products sold. Separate figures are given for three kinds of general farms : (a) Primarily crop. (b) Primarily livestock. (c) Crop and livestock. Primarily crop farms are those for which the sale of one of the following crops or groups of crops — vegetables, fruits and nuts, cotton, cash grains, or other field crops — did not amount to .TO percent or more of the value of all farm products sold, but for which the value of sales for all these groups of crops represented 70 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. Primarily livestock farms are tho.se which could not qualify as dairy farms, poultry farms, or livestock farms other than dairy and poultry, but on which the sale of livestock and poultry and livestock and poultry products amounted to 70 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. General crop and livestock farms are those which could not be classified as either crop farms or livestock farms, but on which the sale of all crops amounted to at least 30 percent but less than 70 percent of the total value of all farm products sold. Miscellaneous This group of farms includes those that had .^O percent or more of the total value of products accounted for by sale of horticultural products, or sale of horses, or sale of forest products. The classification of farms by type of farm for the 1954 Census was made on essentially the same basis as that for the 1950 Census. In 1950, miscellaneous farms included those that had 50 percent or more of the total value of products accounted for by the sale of fur animals, or the sale of bees and honey, in addi- tion to the items included in the 1954 classification. Value of farm products sold, — Data on the value of farm products sold were obtained for 1954 by either of two methods. First, the values of live-stock sold alive, poultry, poultry products, vegetables harvested for sale, nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, and all livestock products, except wool and mo- hair, were obtained during the enumeration by asking the farm operator the value of sales. Second, the values of all other agricultural products sold were estimated for each county. During the enumeration, the quantity sold was obtained for each farm, for corn for grain, sorghums for grain or forage, small grains, hays, and for all small fruits and berries. For all other crops, the quantity .sold was esti- mated for each county. For the purpose of computing value of farm products sold, it was assumed that the entire quantity har- vested, or reported, was sold for the following crops : Strawberries Blackberries Dewberries Raspberries Blueberries Boysenberries Loganberries Youngberries Cranberries Currants Gooseberries Elderberries Other berries Apples Peaches (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Clingstone peaches (except in a few States where the pro- portion of the crop culled was considerable) Pears Cherries Plums and prunes Plums (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Prunes (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Apricots Avocados (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Figs Mangoes Nectarines Olives Grapes Bananas Dates Guavas Ja|)anese persimmons Jujubes Papayas Pineapples Pomegranates Quinces Sapodillas Soursops Sugar apples Loquats Other tree fruits Tung nuts Walnuts (English or Persian) Almonds Filberts and hazelnuts Black walnuts Chestnuts C(K-onuts Other nuts Oranges Tangerines, mandarins, sat- sunias (except in selected of the crop culled was con- siderable) Temple oranges Valencia oranges (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was considerable) Navel oranges (except in se- lected States where the pro- portion of the crop culled was considerable) Other oranges (except in se- lected States where the pro- portion of the crop culled was considerable) Grapefruit (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Lemons Limes Tangeloes Kumquats Citrons Limequats Other citrus fruits Cotton Popcorn Sugar beets for sugar Broomcorn Sugarcane for sugar Tobacco States where the proportion The quantity sold was estimated for the following crops on the basis of crop-dispo.sition data published by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture : Alfalfa seed Red clover seed Lespedeza seed Sweetclover seed Timothy seed Alsike seed Soybeans for beans Cowpeas for dry peas Peanuts for nuts Dry field beana Sugarcane and sorghum for sirup Maple stigar Maple sirup 111 the case of Irish i>otatoes and sweetpotatoes, the quantity sold was estimated after making allowance for home use, on the ba.sis of data on the disposition of these crops as published by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The quantity sold for the following miscellaneous crops was estimated on the ba.sis of the reported quantity or value of sales for the 1954 Census or on the basis of the (luantity sold as shown for the 19,50 Census : Soybeans for hay Cowpeas for hay Peanuts for hay Velvetbeans Angelica Anise (except for oil) Arnica Artemisia Basil Belladonna Bloodroot Borage Buhach Burnet Cascara bark Carambola Cassava Castor beans Chicory Chufas Coriander Dikon Dill for oil Fennel seed Fejou Flax for fiber Foxglove Ginseng Gobbe Golden seal Guar Hemp for fiber Hemp for seed Jaboticaba Kudzu crowns Lemon balm Litchi nuts Mint for oil Oiticica nut Ramie for fiber Rape seed Roselle Safflower Sesame for oil Sorrel Sugar beet seed Sunflower seed Sweet corn for seed Teosinte Vetiver Wormseed oil Lentils Other grains Grass silage Other clover seed Hubam clover Mammoth clover Persian clover Sour clover Crotalaria seed XXIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 Indigo, hairy seed Other seed Meadow foxtail Sesbania Fescue grass Sheep fescue Rhodes grass The estimated value of all crops sold, except vegetables har- vested for sale, nursery and greenhouse products, and forest prod- ucts, was obtained by multiplying the estimated quantity sold by the State average price. The State average prices were obtained by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. In the case of miscellaneous crops listed above, the average prices have been determined on the basis of reiwrts of quantity sold and value of sales obtained in the 1954 Census of Agriculture. For the 1950 Census, the value of all farm products sold was obtained by inquiry of each farm operator during the enumera- tion. In that census, inquiries were made regarding the value of farm products sold for a maximum of 46 individual farm prod- ucts or groups of farm products. In most cases, the quantity sold for the individual farm product was obtained together with the value of sales. The total value of farm products sold for 1950 includes the value of several farm products not included in the figures for 1954 — butter, cheese, sliim milk, bees, honey, corn fod- der, corn silage, and grain straw, and receipts from the rental of pasture. Data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared in the receipts. The landlord's share of crops and livestock sold and also the livestock which the landlord took from the tenant farm to his own place were considered as sales from the tenant farm. Sales of crops grown on a contract basis, of livestock fed on a contract basis, or of poultry raised under a contract with a feed dealer or others, were included as sales from the farm. The (lata on sales cover one year's operation. The sales of crops represent the sales of crops before the enumeration as well as those yet to be sold at the time of the enumeration. Corn, cotton, and other commodities under loan were to be considered as sold at loan prices. Livestock sales are for the calendar year regardless of when the livestock were raised or produced. Most livestock products are sold at the time they are produced. It was assumed that all wool and mohair shorn or clipped in 1954 was sold. The value of farm products sold does not include government payments for soil conservation, lime and fertilizer furnished, and subsidy payments. When obtaining the value of the farm products sold from farm operators, tlie enumerators were instructed to report the gross value without making deductions of any kind. These instruc- tions, however, were not always followed. In the case of milk, jjoultry, eggs, etc., deductions were often made by buyers of farm products for hauling, handling, marketing, etc., before making payments to farmers. In such cases, farm operators often con- sidered the amount of the check received as the gross value of the farm products sold. WYOMING Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (1) STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE; CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms number. . Approximate laaii area (see text) acres.. Proportion in farms percent. . Laud io farms acres.. Average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buiidioKS: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars. . Land iu farms accordiog to use; ' Cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to o: (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... t 500 to 999 acres farms reporting... i; !2! (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... £ 7C 43 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (lU) (NA) (NA) acres... 5,: **Available data not comparable, NA Not available. '■For the Census of 195i, In the calendar year; all other censuses, in the calendar year preceding the census. Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of corn har- vested for grain. ^10 to i9 acres. *fO to 99 acres. ^100 to 259 acres. ^Total cropland, cropland used only for pasture, and other pasture not fully comparable for the various census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. 'irrigated cropland harvested only, ^Acreage of irrigated crops in- cluding soine duplication where two or more crops were harvested from the same land. '50 to 259 acres. WYOMING State Table 3.-FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data for 1954 are baaed on reports for only a sample of farma. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1954 (October) 1950 (i^rll 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 1920 (January 1) (January 1) ALL FAHM OPEBATORS All imrm operators number,. Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number . . All tenants number,. Proportion of tenancy percent. . Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. . Share tenants and croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number,. All land in farss acres,, Full owners • acres. . Part owners acres,. Managers, .....,....,......,......,.*............ .acres. . All tenants acres. , Cash tenants acres.. Share-cash tenants acres,, Share tenants and croppers acres,, Other and unspecified tenants acres,. All cropland harvested acres.. Full owners acres. , Part owners acres.. Managers. acres. All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres,-. Share-cash tenants acres. Share tenants and croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants. , acres. ALL WHITE FAm OPERATORS All white farn operators number. Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers ........................................ number . All tenants number. Proportion of tenancy percent. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants and croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. All loud in foras acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers. .....,,...............*................ .acres. All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres , Share-cash tenants acres. Share tenants and croppers acres. Other and un^ecified tenants acres. All cropland harvested acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres. All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Share-cash tenants acres. Share tenants and croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants, acres. ALL NONWHITE FAiM OPERATORS All DOnvhite fara operators number. Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers, .................. ,,,,■,,•,*,,*,>,.... .number. All tenants number. Proportion of tenancy percent. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants .,,,,•■•••.., number. Share tenants and croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. All land in faras acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers , , ■•,,,, ••••**•*,,•, acres. All tenants ■ acres , Cash tenants acres. Share-cash tenants,. ..,.,,,.,•••,,,,, acrea. Share tenants and croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. All croplmd harvested acres. Full owners acres. Part owners ,,,,,.,.,, ••,,•, •■,,,,, ,,.,. acres. Managers acres. All tenants ••,•,,•,,,■,■■•,•■, acres. Cash tenants acres. Share-cash tenants .,•,,■••• acres. Share tenants and croppers ,,... acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. 11,355 5,198 4,128 178 1,85! 16.3 475 227 1,000 149 35,042,316 3,491,167 22,596,016 6,779,223 2,175,910 1,131,342 252,603 666,394 125,571 1,545,855 469,084 761,732 83,406 231,633 37,663 34,737 149,893 9,340 11,084 5,063 4,032 174 1,815 16,4 469 222 995 129 33,223,9)7 3,477,312 22,552,680 5,026,305 2,167,620 1,124,672 251,838 666,194 124,916 1,530,588 466, 1 59 753,891 80,110 230,428 37,238 34,332 149,668 8,990 12,614 6,008 4,249 214 2,143 17,0 534 230 1,135 244 34,420,892 3,307,823 20,170,477 8,382,125 ?.,060,467 1,033,083 192,375 623,971 211,038 1,900,646 534,111 904, 105 126,928 285,502 51,875 38,832 174,439 20,356 12,391 5,879 4,200 212 2,100 16.9 512 226 1,119 243 32,322,683 3,795,864 20, 137,459 6,341,965 2,047,395 1,025,166 191,674 619,557 210,998 1,838,732 580,747 900,252 126,888 280,845 50,625 38,328 171,556 20,336 271 223 135 129 96 49 4 2 36 43 13.3 19.3 6 22 5 4 5 16 20 1 1,818,399 2,098,209 13,855 11,959 43,336 33,018 1,752,918 2,040,160 8,290 13,072 6,670 7,917 765 701 200 4,414 655 40 15,267 11,914 2,925 3,364 7,841 3,853 3,296 40 1,205 4,657 425 1,250 405 504 25 2,883 350 20 13,076 5,772 4,406 301 2,597 19.9 954 110 1,348 185 33,116,554 3,290,039 19,519,055 7,806,204 2,501,256 1,531,091 103,231 778,602 88,332 1,843,413 522,753 876,616 148, 522 295,522 90,825 17,868 173,498 13,331 12,751 5,542 4,376 300 2,533 19.9 923 108 1,327 175 32,814,114 3,271,803 19,428,824 7,806,202 2,307,285 1,343,599 103,047 772,672 37,967 1,831,399 518,902 874,840 148, 520 289,137 88,268 17,759 169,889 13,221 325 230 30 64 19.7 31 2 21 10 302 ,440 IB ,236 90 231 2 193 ,971 187 492 184 5 ,930 365 12 014 3 851 1 776 2 6 ,385 2 ,557 109 3 609 110 15,018 6,814 4,311 255 3,638 24.2 1,353 202 1,693 390 28,025,979 3,784,156 16,280,933 5,416,980 2,543,905 1,443,931 188,821 730,416 175,737 1,534,800 475,235 616,204 118,927 324,434 88,673 32,350 183,481 19,930 14,715 6,588 4,290 255 3,582 24.3 1,346 202 1,683 35) 27,995,197 3,764,558 16,277,428 5,416,980 2,536,231 1,448,121 188,821 726,847 172,442 1,527,068 470,551 615,023 118,927 322, 567 88,437 32,350 182,610 19,120 303 226 21 56 18.5 7 'I'o 39 30,782 19,598 3,510 7,674 810 3,569 3,295 7,732 4,684 1,181 1,367 186 871 810 17,487 8,202 4,332 370 4,083 23.3 (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 28,161,911 4,355,749 16,732,810 4,538,820 2, 534, 632 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,220,354 375,702 501,509 83,847 259,296 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 17,178 7,977 4,813 370 4,018 fNXl (NA) (NA) (NA) 28,132,120 4,336,135 16,729,004 4,538,820 2,528,161 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,212,070 371,167 500,799 83,847 256,257 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 309 225 19 65 21.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 29,791 19,614 3,806 6,371 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,234 4,535 710 3,039 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 16,011 7,896 4,299 296 3,520 22,0 1,125 (NA) (NA) («.) 23,525,234 4,746,195 14,188,100 2,085,097 2,505,842 1,190,216 (NA) (NA) («) 2,007,761 661,412 853,800 87,050 405,439 104,438 (NA) (NA) (*») 15,748 7,736 4,232 295 3,435 21.8 1>,113 (NAl (NA) («.) 23,482,700 4,729,372 14,172,435 2,033,992 2,496,901 1,187,916 (NA) (NA) (•«) 1,997,009 656,562 852,341 36,590 401,516 103,436 (NA) (NA) («•) 263 160 17 1 85 32.3 12 (NA) (NA) («.) 42,534 16,323 15,665 1,105 8,941 2,300 (NA) (NA) (••) 10,742 4,350 1,459 460 3,973 1,002 (NA) (NA) (««) 15,512 8,342 4,203 191 2,776 17.9 814 (NA) (NA) («) 18,663,308 4,149,798 10,912,260 1,939,095 1,662,155 721,322 (NA) (NA) (-) 1,572,625 604,659 617,660 65,351 284,955 65,376 (NA) (NA) («) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (UA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 15,748 10,681 2,722 377 1,968 12.5 '604 43 1,125 196 11,309,351 5,263,391 4,096,126 1,465,993 983,341 '347,984 25,973 480,416 129,468 '1,163,633 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 15,579 \Z] 10,563 2,717 (NA) 377 (NA) 1,922 (NA) 12,3 (NA) '594 (NA) 43 (NA) 1,114 (NA) 171 (NA) 11,786,483 (NA) 5,247,478 (NA) 4,093,903 (NA) 1,465,993 (NA) 979,109 (NA) '346,333 (NA) 25,973 (NA) 479,296 (NA) 127,007 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 27.2 '10 11 25 22,868 15,913 2,223 4,732 '1,151 1,120 2,461 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ••Available data not oonjjarable, NA Not available. 'For 1920, standing renters (renters paying a fixed quantity of products) were included with cash tenants. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com out for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com har- vested for grain. 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, I^Data are based on reports for onlj (For definitions and explanations, see text} All farm operators Total all Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers FJVRMS, ACRZilGE, WTO VALUE Fans number. . Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. . acres.. Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres.. Land managed by farm operators farms reporting . . acres. . Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres. . Land in farns acres.. Average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildinKs: Average per farm dollars. . Average per acre doliars.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent.. Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. . Land in faros accordinf. to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 to 'i99 acres farms reporting.. 500 acres and over farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . .farms reporting.. acres. . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting.. acres.. Other cropland farms reporting.. acres.. Woodland pastured farms reporting.. acres.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland, total farms reporting. . acres.. Land pastured, total ..farms reporting., acres.. Woodland, total farms reporting., acres., FARM OPERATCKS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off-farm work: Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farms operators reporting. By aue: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 3.4 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. . 45 to ^^ years operators reporting. 55 to 6A years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. By year beean operation of present farn: 1954 operators reporting. 1953 operators reporting. 1952 operators reporting. 1951 operators reporting. 1946-1950 operators reporting. 1941-1945 operators reporting. 1940 or earlier operators reporting. Fnraa by class of vork pover: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and oaly 1 horse or imile farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or ncre horses and/or mules........... ...........farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. 11,355 9,370 18,390,908 6,006 10,490,779 178 7,015,783 900 855,154 35,042,316 3,086.1 45,887 16.47 87 9,309 1,545,855 364 439 441 851 2,406 2,623 1,671 5W 4,100 461,893 3,603 561,077 2,239 344,172 2,298 216,905 1,045 619,436 149 26,322 8,682 31,430,189 10,563 397,544 10,035 2,568,825 10,342 32,511,518 1,153 645,758 10,351 873 4,497 2,122 2,375 6,712 167 1,568 2,912 2,747 2,292 1,520 549 497 497 540 3,119 1,515 4,455 848 239 992 6,622 3,869 3,669 3,439,389 23 15,759 XXX XXX 366 124,712 3,330,436 860.8 29,646 33.92 91 3,383 451,389 70 123 188 373 1,U3 957 427 112 1,562 138,318 1,140 119,608 652 72,322 716 47,286 385 117,218 69 12,265 2,840 2,412,131 3,654 79,507 3,568 709,315 3,575 2,667,667 432 129,483 3,585 254 3,957 3,957 14 670,048 3,956 8 235,005 XXX XXX 301 407,517 22 ,497,536 5,685.5 76,504 13.75 84 3,367 757,250 37 72 112 243 614 1,049 928 312 1,441 230,490 1,490 306,957 1,056 193,030 881 113,927 434 420,759 61 12,694 3,489 20,523,392 3,766 245,994 3,578 1,294,697 3,843 21,174,641 483 433,453 3,619 281 1,374 1,125 739 732 635 393 2,426 2,784 12 35 356 389 871 991 948 1,074 948 897 685 535 89 64 87 75 137 106 155 126 1,000 910 607 569 1,734 2,050 224 50 52 44 303 312 2,205 2,950 1,085 601 XXX XXX XXX XXX 155 3,899,000 22 233 ,117 3,665,883 23,650.9 245,434 12.16 77 132 78,531 5 1 15 18 42 51 48 24,751 14 8,467 8 2,015 8 6,452 21 27,946 144 3,511,271 136 14,917 133 111,749 154 3,563,968 21 27,946 122 30 18 110 25 1,652 34 28,838 1,652 2,152,662 XXX XXX 42 38,210 2,143,290 1,297.4 33,493 25.80 84 1,530 226,737 7 24 33 82 516 563 268 37 538 44,098 652 87,860 352 58,606 439 29,254 82 40,603 8 758 1,068 1,700,232 1,526 43,002 1,566 358,695 1,334 1,784,933 83 41,361 1,478 154 650 435 215 974 106 534 561 290 245 195 166 172 563 150 125 85 12 82 833 640 See footnotes at end of table . WYOMING 11 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954 a sample of farms. See text^ Item (for definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants^^Contlnued Crop-share tenants and croppers Livestock-share Other and unspecified FJiRMS, ACREJICE, AMD VALUE Farns nujnber. Land owned by farm operators..... .....farms reporting. acres. Land rented from others by farm operators.. . .farms reporting. acres. Land managed by farm operators farms reporting. acres. Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting. acres. Land in farms acres. Average size of farm acres. Value of land and huildinfrs: Average per farm dollars. Average per acre dollars. Proportion of farms reporting value percent. Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported.......................... percent. Land in faraa according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to A9 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting, 200 to «i99 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . .farms reporting. acres. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. acres. Other cropland farms reporting , acres. Woodland pastured farms reporting. acres. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. acres. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting.. acres. , Cropland, total farms reporting.. acres. . Land pastured, total farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland, total farms reporting.. acres. . FARM OPERATOBS Residing on farm operated .operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-fara •ork: Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 dajs operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting.. Not working off their farms operators reporting. By Bgt: Under 25 years operators reporting. . 25 to 34 years operators reporting. . 35 to ^ years operators reporting.. i5 to 54 years operators reporting. . 55 to 64 years operators reporting.. 65 years and over operators reporting.. By year be^an operation of present farm: 1954 operators reporting. . 1953 operators reporting. . 1952 .operators reporting.. 1951 operators reporting. . 1946-1950 operators reporting. 1941-1945 operators reporting. . 1940 or earlier ...operators reporting.. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules........... .farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules. ......... .farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting.. 211 256,160 XXX XXX 3 8,182 247,978 1,175.3 36,175 30.58 81 199 34,222 53 81 47 7 85 14,365 121 22 ,753 87 18,010 66 4,743 10 10,843 167 159,497 193 6,298 211 71,340 195 184,705 10 10,843 188 21 93 64 29 127 11 36 81 31 1 137 62 754 19 4,393 754 310,617 XXX XEX 19 4,393 310,617 412.0 29,124 70.30 81 751 112,098 6 7 17 263 316 129 13 218 8,549 350 39,342 146 24,520 267 14,822 25 6,659 1 260 371 121,241 706 22,463 753 159,989 514 136,449 25 6,919 707 36 225 197 28 502 50 200 291 148 44 10 146 92 85 73 235 65 42 16 290 433 196 2 960 196 343,662 XXX XXX 3 1,030 343,592 1,753.0 41,925 23.24 182 35,325 7 52 49 59 9 99 10,017 61 14,348 56 10,733 31 3,615 23 9,155 153 269,943 183 4,553 187 59,690 191 289,115 24 9,406 81 43 38 120 104 43 31 5 10 5 6 7 129 50 99 122,976 XXX XXX 1 40 122 ,936 1,241.3 27,514 22.24 85 90 9,010 1 11 1 45 27 4 1 19 1,074 27 4,092 16 1,848 15 2,244 1 900 73 105,986 1,374 91 14,176 83 107,960 1 900 1,722 1,510 252,633 375 87,353 23 3,116,783 169 51,593 3,405,171 1,977.5 11,804 10.74 897 31,948 250 220 103 152 128 36 6 2 511 24,236 307 38,135 171 13,199 254 19,986 123 12,910 1,121 3,283,163 1,431 14,124 1,190 94,369 1,436 3,320,309 134 13,515 1,547 154 1,327 203 1,124 397 11 254 454 401 331 242 138 130 77 76 606 179 494 487 131 277 524 303 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, £Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators Total all fannB Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Fmrma number.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. . Electricity farms reporting. . Television set farms reporting.. P iped running water farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting.. Electric pig brooder,.,, farms reporting.. Power feed grinder farms reporting.. MllMng machine farms reporting.. Grain combines farms reporting. . number.. Com pickers farms reporting.. number . . Plok-up hay balers farms reporting.. nuinber . . Field forage harvesters farms reportli^g.. number . . Motortrucks farms reporting, . number . . Tractors farms reporting.. number.. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. . Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting,. number. . Garden tractors farms reporting.. number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting., number. . AutoBobiles fELrms reporting. . number , . FARM LABCR WEEK OF SEPT, 26-OCT. 2 Fasily and/or bired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Faaily workers, including operator farms reporting,, persons.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons. . Bired workers farms reporting., persons, . Regular workers C to be eoployed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons . . Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons . . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired vorkers farms reporting.. Fams by kind of workers: Both famlljr workers and hired workers farms reporting,. Family workers only farms reporting.. Operators only farms reporting. . Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting.. Hired wor&ers only farms reporting. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified Imrm expeoditures^ farms reporting,. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars . , Hired labor farms reporting., dollars,, Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting., dollars . , Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting., dollars,, Comoterclal fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting.. dollars., tons,. acres on which used. Lime and liming material,... farms reporting.. dollars. tons. aorea on vliloh uB6d. See footnotes at end of table . 3,869 3,957 5,864 10, U9 S66 7,776 4,965 145 2,951 1,121 3,755 4,013 139 139 1,867 1,945 680 702 9,761 15,077 9,387 19,317 9,276 9,208 17,492 601 617 1,092 1,208 9,588 13,956 10,706 25,276 10,469 17,219 10,255 4,488 6,964 2,688 8,057 1,981 4,701 1,165 3,356 2,451 8,018 4,502 169 237 11,320 8,014 17,133,070 5,353 2,288,305 6,208 14,844,765 9,285 14,875,948 10,469 7,738,922 2,289 1,001,481 11,784 121,397 7 1,958 631 955 2,000 2,060 3,519 3,500 304 285 2,756 2,845 1,666 1,863 56 66 1,123 1,281 525 367 1,307 1,492 1,358 1,642 28 64 28 64 602 885 613 931 239 278 244 286 3,214 3,716 4,463 6,544 3,316 3,561 6,252 8,185 3,290 3,551 3,275 3,526 5,713 7,387 191 204 195 211 305 532 344 587 3,224 3,432 4,257 5,678 3,687 3,867 7,673 10 ,998 3,617 3,745 5,935 6,634 3,528 3,693 1,547 1,864 2,407 2,941 730 1,405 1,738 4,364 479 1,128 775 2,734 326 553 963 1,630 660 2,957 1,661 67 70 3,859 2,800 3,364,058 1,991 718,298 2,122 2,645,760 , 3,091 2,793,713 3,626 2,146,114 857 308,826 3,682 36,096 1,283 2,462 1,157 36 122 3,954 3,176 9,238,791 1,933 1,059,042 2,668 8,179,749 3,480 8,860,849 3,892 3,821,607 635 312,166 3,785 41 ,049 2 1,208 306 320 101 832 ■Lie. 1,469 21 84 126 986 96 641 3 18 66 363 14 173 24 779 3C 822 1 41 1 41 64 291 81 292 21 135 24 141 143 1,515 471 2,256 140 1,473 551 3,180 135 1,473 133 1,463 463 2,949 22 73 22 78 5C 151 66 153 143 1,448 531 1,815 153 1,577 1,126 3,336 135 1,560 175 2,448 135 1,549 27 593 40 899 134 367 951 888 119 240 788 334 50 195 163 554 116 19 15 154 146 2,545,468 71 121 ,078 146 2,424,390 136 1,110,497 152 312,782 32 42,454 508 5,397 350 1,210 743 1,652 1,292 1,670,590 879 342,580 983 1,328,010 1,224 1,595,182 1,596 1,227,855 645 328,310 3,682 37,480 5 750 325 635 WYOMING 13 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator — Continued Tenants — Continued Crop-share teiianls and croppers Livestock-share Other and unspecified Other farms FarBS number. SPKIFIH) FJiCILITIES AND EQUIP^ENT Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. Television set farms reporting. Piped running water farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric pig brooder farms reporting. Pover feed grinder farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting., Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. , Pick-up hay balers - farms reporting., number.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting., number. Motortrucks farms reporting., number. , Tractors farms reporting. , number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting., number.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number. . AutoBobiles farms reporting. . • number.. FARM LABCB WEEK OF SEPT. 26-OCT. 2 Faaily sod/or hired vorkers farms reporting., persons.. Faaily vorkers, Including operator farms reporting.. persons.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons.. Hired workers farms reptjrting. . persons.. Regular workers (to be enployed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days)......., farms reporting.. persons,. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting,, Farns by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting.. Operators only tarms reporting.. Unpaid members of operator ' s family only farms reporting.. Hired workers only farms reporting. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPEKDITUHES IN 1954 Specified farH expenilitures ,,.., farms reporting.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars.. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting,, dollars. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil ,...., farms reporting.. dollars. . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting.. dollars., tons.. acres on which used,. Lime and liming material farms reporting,, dollars. , tons,, acres on which used, . 100 198 21 141 90 2 70 29 123 126 15 15 33 33 15 21 193 283 199 406 199 194 371 11 16 19 19 199 242 196 508 195 291 194 37 194 53 142 87 211 169 225,009 131 62,190 130 162,819 176 238,421 211 172,308 73 44,704 516 4,297 403 714 44 465 308 11 149 73 462 490 20 20 126 126 85 85 699 1,130 723 1,722 723 723 1,610 29 29 82 83 710 892 731 1,644 719 1,206 719 299 487 193 438 131 160 102 278 181 538 311 754 605 861,631 401 156,614 520 705,017 473 635,701 731 646,798 449 237,047 2,614 26,986 5 750 325 635 114 179 17 146 84 2 51 23 92 102 55 55 12 12 182 268 179 417 179 176 380 21 21 16 16 172 240 196 389 196 315 195 82 120 42 74 30 35 23 39 42 154 89 196 140 176,013 103 39,173 99 136,840 177 233,335 191 157,093 56 26,210 304 3,723 96 115 81 172 81 81 142 11 11 18 19 82 97 84 158 82 116 81 21 35 18 42 18 29 11 13 99 85 75,680 53 10,130 54 65,550 76 70,046 89 42,904 31 8,382 122 1,090 871 1,523 172 1,061 699 2 118 42 153 161 5 5 25 28 7 7 1,173 1,343 897 1,149 827 811 980 111 111 54 58 1,341 1,675 1,422 2,143 1,412 2,027 1,350 457 677 52 116 15 70 41 46 42 1,370 926 62 10 1,701 600 314,163 474 47,307 289 266,856 1,354 515,707 1,203 230,564 120 9,725 127 1,375 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4^FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS. [^Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators Total all farms Tenure of operator* Full owners Part owners Managers Faras ..,., number.. LIVESTOCK Livestock oo hand: All cattle and calves farms reporting,. number.. Cows, Including heifers that have calved. farms reporting, . number.. Milk cows farms reporting. . number. . Horses and mules farms reporting . . number.. All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting,. number, , Livestock and livestock products sold io 1954: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number,. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting,. number,. Chickens sold farms reporting, , dollars,. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . , dozens,. Specified crops harvested io 1954: Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Com harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels harvested . . bushels sold . . Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold . . Barley threshed or combined farms reporting . . acres. . bushels harvested. . bushels sold . . Hay cut. .acres. . tons . . 10,059 ,240,900 9,778 583,856 7,871 39,166 7,853 53,275 2,841 34,498 7,992 514,724 8,6S4 b04,3O:i 1,865 30,550 2,193 204,494 3,934 2,065,713 1,647 49,751 395 6,553 203,369 37,045 1,409 192,415 2,225,851 2,027,927 3,265 110,781 2,600,034 1,141,115 943,850 1,065,221 3,428 276,213 3,335 128,826 2,675 15,665 2,560 12,720 989 13,508 2,727 188,078 3,105 126,530 712 11,561 864 63,695 1,457 882,989 551 14 ,143 145 2,182 68,820 12,175 405 40,628 499,972 452,395 1,123 35,033 941,195 405,735 283,133 350,453 3,957 3,728 746,655 3,677 360,858 2,905 14,070 3,306 29,303 1,001 12,936 2,852 188 ,366 3,534 377,259 654 12,965 716 69,251 1,390 733,871 622 25,626 114 2,387 59,939 9,700 650 109,390 1,219,560 1,100,796 1,194 47,830 1,000,420 423,659 480,693 483,167 133 98,367 131 38,409 110 976 128 3,483 29 971 96 14 ,465 127 46,552 22 829 26 5,364 36 110,329 13 596 6 85 6,550 9 2,933 33,384 30,342 29 2,322 51,134 16,800 67,861 73 ,338 1,451 94,544 1,419 44,424 1,209 6,112 927 3,936 529 5,740 1,171 70,459 1,131 47,248 313 4,496 331 26,516 564 191,727 408 8,699 115 1,814 64,910 15,170 263 35,919 454,210 431,779 770 22,846 567,327 282,403 91,877 135,967 332 32,967 330 16,578 267 1,380 277 1,713 74 1,019 251 12 ,294 284 15,713 62 665 62 4,412 114 31,623 47 1,154 6 55 280 31 2,457 26,529 25,999 100 2,517 43,808 13,184 25,310 25,293 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. WYOMING 15 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Crop-share tenants and croppers Livestock-share Other and unspecified Other farms Farms number. . LIVESTOCK Livestock on hand: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reporting. . number.. Horses and mules farms reporting. . number.. All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . LivestwcL and livesrock products sold in I*)?!: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. Chickens sold farms reporting.. dollars . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . CROPS Specified crops harvested in 1951: Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Com harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold.. Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres.. bushels harvested.. bushels sold . . Barley threshed or combined farms reporting . . acres. . bushels harvested . . bushels sold.. Hay cut acres. . tons. . 199 13,881 189 6,366 162 759 U3 479 60 778 156 10,774 176 6,363 49 547 51 5,011 72 24,161 75 1,996 42 922 32,750 11,290 61 10,072 143,043 139,408 91 2,526 59,603 18,994 10,155 14,688 648 18,747 628 7,570 557 2,715 306 792 311 3,096 540 33,021 431 11,104 170 2,699 151 10,950 270 95,608 242 4,273 66 835 31,840 3,880 104 15,014 183,571 171,955 459 14,352 370,138 222,595 32,729 67,227 184 21,615 184 10,135 144 917 141 647 43 505 156 9,607 173 10,887 24 511 42 2,688 70 25,154 37 1,086 1 2 40 52 7,279 87,253 61,293 85 2,779 75,365 21,850 18,110 20,781 88 7,334 3,775 79 341 60 305 36 342 4,763 67 3,181 25 3,455 38 15,181 7 190 15 1,097 13,614 13,124 35 670 18,413 5,780 5,573 7,978 1,722 1,319 25, la 1,216 11,339 972 2,343 932 3,833 293 1,343 1,146 53,356 787 6,711 164 699 256 19 ,668 487 146,797 53 687 85 3,150 82 3,545 16,725 12,615 149 2,750 39,958 12,516 20,266 22,296 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5._FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, RESIDENCE, OFF-FARM WORK, AGE, AND YEARS ON PRESENT FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 ['Data in italics are based on reports for only a sajuple of farros. See text] (For definitions artd explanations, see text) Census of — igs-i (October) 1950 (April l) 19<;5 (January l) 19i0 (J^rll l) 1935 (January l) 1930 (April l) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January l) FARM OPEFUTORS By color: White Negro Other nonwhite By resideoce: Residing on farm operated operators Not residing on farm operated operators Operators not reporting residence By off-faro worb: Working off their farms, total operators 1 to 49 days operators 50 to 99 days operators 100 days or more operators 100 to 199 days operators 200 days and over operators Operators not working off their farns C^erators not reporting By ape: Under 25 years operators 25 to 34 years operators 35 to 44 years operators 45 to 54 years operators 55 to 64 years operators 65 years and over operators Average age Operators not reporting age OperatioD of present faro began-* 1954: September or later operators July and August operators May and June operators March and April operators January and February operators 1953: November and December operators September and October operators July and Augus t operators May and June operators March and April operators January and February operators 1952 operators 1951 operators 1946 to 1950 operators 1941 to 1945 operators 1940 and earlier operators Operators not reporting, , Average number of years on present fara .number. .number. . .number.. reporting. , reporting. , , . . number . , reporting., reporting., reporting. reporting, reporting. reporting. ... number . ...number. reporting, reporting,. reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting. ,. ,, years. . . . number - reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting.. reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting, . reporting. . reporting, , reporting., reporting, . reporting. . reporting, . reporting. , , . . number . . ....years.. 10,395 865 142 A.i97 1.151 671 2,375 729 l.Si6 6.712 146 167 1.568 2,912 2.717 2.292 1.520 49.0 149 63 13 48 298 127 62 67 28 80 239 21 497 540 3.119 1,515 4.455 183 15 11,534 931 149 4,465 1.472 676 2,317 678 1,639 7.717 433 330 2.010 2,993 2,603 2.564 1.353 47.4 762 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 13 12,751 325 12,165 831 3,237 926 534 1,777 538 1,239 9,839 225 1,928 3,081 3,509 2,796 1,445 48.2 92 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 14 14,715 13,373 1,023 622 4,586 1,627 808 2,151 965 1,186 9,08"3 1,349 360 2,297 3,276 4,121 2,822 1,499 47.5 643 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1? 17,178 309 (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,238 3,007 1,615 2,616 1,423 1,193 10,012 237 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) 15,748 12 251 (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,858 1,850 947 2,061 959 1,102 11,153 509 2,743 4,598 3,844 2,398 1,315 (NA) 604 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (KA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) 15,579 17 152 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 616 4,090 4,557 3,300 2,049 844 (NA) 292 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) NA Not available. Stale Table 6.-FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER AND SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] see text) Census of— Item (For definitions and explanations, , 1954 (October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January l) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January l) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January l) 1920 (January 1) Farns by class of worL power; 848 239 992 6.622 2.654 5.864 10.149 866 7.776 i.9S5 145 2.951 1.121 3.755 4.013 139 139 1.867 1.945 680 702 9. 761 15,077 9.387 19.201 '3. 862 '3.165 '1.371 '509 '369 17.492 617 1.092 9.588 13.956 11.086 980 173 2.212 6.969 2.281 4.739 9.437 (NA) (NA) 1.696 (NA) (NA) 1.032 2.988 3.208 74 76 628 668 (NA) (NA) 9.118 12,617 9.250 15,610 '5.211 '2.609 '1.342 14.210 289 1.111 9,319 12,812 11.785 1.276 199 3.968 6,775 855 4,054 (NA) (NA) 598 1.844 2.089 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,424 8,917 7,444 9,855 5,593 1,502 349 9.481 108 568 9,551 11,445 11,994 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,628 5,134 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,553 6,341 5,601 6,534 (na) (NA) ( (NA) (NA) 1 (NA) (NA) 10,889 13,852 NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) h (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,483 '1,145 (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,820 4,108 3,749 4,110 (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 11,462 12,824 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,219 1,323 (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses ..farms reporting.. (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Specified facilities and equipment: Telephone Electricity ..farms reporting.. ..farms reporting.. 4,449 '717 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Milking machine (NA) (NA) Com pickers number.. ..farms reporting.. number.. (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number. . (NA) (NA) number . . (NA) 554 Tractors, including garden tractors number. . . .farms reporting.. number.. 591 969 1,075 (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Wheel tractors other than garden.... number.. (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,180 number. . Farms reporting automobiles and/or motortrucks number.. 6,705 (NA) NA Not available. ^The 1930 inquiry referred to electricity in "farmer's dwelling," and the 1920 inquiry referred to gas or electricity in "operator's dwelling.' Figures for 1954 and 1950 are for tractors other than garden tractors. WYOMING 17 State Table 7.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data In italics are based on reports for only a sajnple of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1954 (October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 ( January 1) 1930 (April l) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January l) FARH LABOR Fara workers for specified «eek:^ Family and/or hired workers^ farms reporting. . persons.. Average per farm reporting persons. . Family workers, including operators. .farms reporting, persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons . . Hired workers farms reporting.. persons . . Workers hired by month persons. . Workers hired by day or week persons . . Workers hired by hour or on piece-work basis persons. . No report as to basis of payinent persons.. Faras reportiag by oiaber of hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more workers farms reporting. . Faraa by kind of workers duriog specified week; No workers reported farms.. Family workers and hired workers farms . . Operator and hired workers farms.. Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms. . Members of operator's family and hired workers. ..farms. . Family workers only farms . . Operator only farms . . Operator and members of his family farms.. Members of operator's family only farms.. Hired workers only farms.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES' Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars.. Hired labor^ farms reporting.. dollars. . $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting., $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 and over farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. ...farms reporting.. dollars.. Coaocrcial fertilizer and fertilizing aaterial farms reporting.. dollars.. Line and lining naterial. ..farms reporting.. dollars. . 10.706 2b, 276 10,469 27,219 4.4SS 6,9ei 2.688 8.057 5.301 set 1.379 SSO 376 217 136 649 2,451 l,i79 927 45 a.oia 4,503 3,3i7 169 237 5.353 2.288,305 6.208 li.Sii, 765 821 716 1.202 983 1.109 712 372 175 118 9,285 H,875,9i8 JO. 469 7.738,922 2,289 1,001, iSl 7 1,958 11.547 25,581 11,175 18.236 4,993 7,446 3.177 7,345 6,079 731 i73 62 1.878 663 339 195 102 1,068 2.805 1,770 953 82 8.370 i,il2 3.655 303 372 6,511 2,515,572 7,933 16, 146, 198 1,200 9i2 2.405 1,231 1.570 9.970 16,116,837 10,571 6.593.138 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,106 22,739 11,900 17,635 4,403 6,109 2,132 5,054 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,279 386 233 173 61 970 1,926 1,335 547 44 9,974 6,162 3,532 280 206 (NA) (NA) 8,577 14,095,042 1,460 1,212 1,890 1,179 1,512 10,292 9,155,894 (NA) (NA) 2i 5.981 2 330 13,097 26,755 12,410 17,812 (NA) ^^N^i 3,391 8,943 6,617 1,861 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,921 2,704 (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,706 (NA) (NA) (NA) 687 (NA) (NA) 7,606 6,714,633 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,308 3,677,101 10,557 1,895,968 1,182 92,535 79 4,491 17,089 30,882 23,881 (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,404 7,001 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,182 590 374 186 72 393 2,837 (NA) (NA) (NA) 13,685 (NA) (NA) (NA) 567 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,481 3,605,019 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,995 5,136,287 (NA) (NA) '203 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,012 5,733,408 (NA) Cna) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,050 2,587,228 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) IT^ (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,961 6,717,376 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,823 6,909,684 (NA) (NA) 55 8,489 (NA) (NA) NA Not available. ^Census of 1954, week of Sept. 26-Oct. 2; Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, ^See text for differences in definition of farm workers. 'For Census of 1954, expenditures during calendar year 1954; for earlier censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. *Cash payments for farm labor; housework not included. For 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expenditures for contract construction labor included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included. 'Farms reporting tons of commercial fertilizer. last week of March. work, machine hire, and 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 8.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or .4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be eii5)loyed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or <; hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a Boothly basis farms reporting. Undei $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month .farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month .' . .farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month "...farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week i farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expendilures tor hired labor in 19S4 farms reporting. . . dollars., $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms re^rtini., $200 to $499 fa™^ reporting., t5°0J'° *'!'' farms reportini. , $1,000 to $2,499 farms re^rtini. , $2,500 to $4,999 far^ reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. Faros with expenditures for hired labor hut no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting.. f^„Jf "' farms reporting. . f^OO t" «19' farms reportln|. . $200 to $499 far^ reportin|. . !?°S„?'*'r farms reportini.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reportini.. H'^ ".*''''" farms re^rtini.. $5,000 and over fa™^ re^rtlni. . 2,688 8,057 1,379 580 376 217 136 1,981 4,701 1,180 394 215 115 77 1,165 3,356 565 218 153 78 51 1,523 458 707 2,131 169 197 533 851 278 58 13 11 34 2 1 400 32 17 181 32 152 6,208 14,844,765 821 716 1,202 983 1,109 712 665 3,520 770 640 966 653 422 63 6 2,636 7,941 1,334 578 375 215 134 1,966 4,631 1,169 394 213 115 75 1,124 3,310 627 216 152 78 51 l,51i 454 670 2,116 1 30 169 196 532 842 277 57 8 1 7 2 '32 17 166 31 5 24 151 5,919 14,577,909 669 639 1,158 981 1,107 705 660 3,283 629 538 928 653 421 58 802 3,948 199 187 175 140 101 723 2,970 213 189 145 102 74 287 978 116 58 63 31 19 515 208 79 757 3 21 49 170 368 129 13 904 9,109,649 5 7 27 44 126 218 477 102 5 5 25 U 33 15 5 903 2,391 494 234 120 27 28 702 983 507 139 49 6 1 349 1,408 173 97 39 13 27 554 148 201 724 "2 1 13 44 Bl 188 283 90 20 2 1 136 1,613 3,159,810 48 55 254 298 475 357 126 52 179 210 185 37 WYOMING 19 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1954 Sept. 26-Oct. 2. Data are based on reports for only a BOmple of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class — Continued Commercial farms^^ontlnued Residential Hired vorkera farms reportlj^. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or i hired worker? farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or <* hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less tlian 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a aonthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $3<^ per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid OD a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting . $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0,85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1,00 to $1,14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1,29 per hour farms reporting. $1,30 to $1,44 per hour farms reporting, $1,45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-vork basis farms reporting, Expenditurea for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting, dollars. $1 to $99 [arms reporting, $100 to $199 faj^ reporting, $200 to $499 farms reporting,, $500 to $999 [aroB reporting,, $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting,. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,, $5,000 and over farms reporting,. Farns with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workera reported ,,, farms reporting,. $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting,. $200 to $499 farms reporting,. tt°?J.° *'r f*™^ reporting,. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting., *f.59° ^ **.''' farms reporting., $5,000 and over farms reporting. . 200 330 140 39 12 104 Ul 16 7 105 139 72 15 15 59 34 7 u 1,040 517,549 232 229 266 147 143 12 11 840 218 207 229 116 69 135 175 105 21 53 62 47 90 113 72 13 5 17 13 9 19 7 499 195,543 168 81 130 65 37 18 364 148 73 80 42 19 2 25 40 20 17 32 12 172 63,525 64 17 70 147 63 17 59 7 9 11 32 33 31 1 31 9 204 51,002 92 67 36 2 42 31 6 66 2 2 5 58 79 9,130 60 10 7 73 55 10 7 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 9.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Hired •orkers ''"•"= reporting. . persons,. 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or A hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or i hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting., Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms rejxjrting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting, $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a neekly basis firms reporting. Dnder $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week.. farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day Cvms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0,35 to $0.44 per hour .farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0,85 to $0,99 per hour farms reporting, $1.00 to $1,14 per hour farms reporting, $1,15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting, $1,30 to $1,44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired Isbor in 1154 farms reporting, dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 2,688 8,057 1,379 580 376 217 136 1,981 4,701 1,130 394 215 115 77 1,165 3,356 665 218 153 78 51 1,523 458 707 2,131 1 31 169 197 533 851 278 58 9 1 7 2 32 17 181 32 730 1,738 438 162 81 27 22 479 775 326 93 44 13 3 326 963 194 63 40 13 16 404 75 251 4 71 53 102 190 6,208 2,122 14,844,765 2,645,760 821 338 716 284 1,202 531 983 330 1,109 354 712 174 665 ill 3,520 1,392 770 309 640 258 966 422 653 233 422 147 63 17 1,405 4,364 675 311 219 123 77 1,128 2,734 633 242 135 70 43 553 1,630 329 83 77 40 24 852 276 277 1,224 1 1 25 85 112 345 485 144 22 48 2,668 ,179,749 212 253 434 422 550 407 390 1,263 206 232 366 258 177 24 134 951 34 19 22 31 28 119 788 26 20 20 30 23 50 163 19 15 8 3 5 84 35 15 14* 2,424,390 6 22 12 101 187 86 53 34 7 240 334 184 39 14 2 1 195 554 85 55 27 22 6 172 68 127 983 1,328,010 119 101 189 223 131 112 58 616 114 98 138 159 92 15 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. WYOMING 21 BY TENURE OF OPERATOK: CENSUS OF 1954 Sept. 26-Oct. 2. Data are based on reports for only a aajnple of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Crop-share tenants and croppers Livestock-share Other and unspecified Hired vorLers.. .farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or i hired workers..... farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be en^jloyed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a nonthly basis farus reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $3*1 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per moi.th farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week far.ns reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting . $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for bircd labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars, $1 to $99 farms reporting., $100 to $199 farms reporting,, $200 to $499 farms reporting,, $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting., $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 and over farms reporting.. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting,. $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting., $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 54 217 27 13 37 194 12 12 7 6 17 1 36 130 162,819 20 6 27 33 22 19 3 76 20 4 20 14 13 5 193 438 105 32 31 25 isi 160 104 26 102 278 41 21 25 15 91 40 62 36 520 705,017 49 51 76 146 96 72 30 327 44 51 63 106 58 5 99 136,840 7 10 24 15 28 52 116 45 2 1 2 2 15 70 2 41 46 38 2 1 1 17 15 1 54 289 65,550 266,856 5 152 11 77 22 44 11 2 2 2 1 5 36 237 5 141 11 52 7 38 11 ... 1 2 5 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table lO-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit-and- nut Hired vorkers farms reporting. persons , 1 hired worker farms reporting, 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or i hired workers farms reporting, 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be en^iloyed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or ^ hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be enployed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or A hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regulai- and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a nonthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $23 to $3A per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $34 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms re]iortlng. $215 to $274 per awnth farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on e weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week larms reporting- $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 per day farms reporting. $3.00 per day farms reporting, $4.00 per day farms reporting. $5.00 per day farms reporting. $6.00 per day farms reporting. $7.00 per day farms reporting. $8.00 per day farms reporting. $9.00 per day farms reporting. $10.00 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piere-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting, dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Farns with expenditures for hired lahor bnt no hired worker* reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 2,688 8,057 1,379 580 376 217 136 1,981 4,701 1,180 394 215 115 77 1,165 3,356 665 218 153 78 51 1,523 458 707 2,131 157 332 87 34 13 23 75 98 57 17 93 234 45 14 17 17 64 11 82 1 31 2 169 7 197 6 533 22 851 33 278 8 58 9 69 1 6 13 1 11 3i 2 1 400 37 7 6 7 83 13 90 6 48 5 94 1 9 1 56 11 32 11 17 11 181 28 32 1 6,208 649 ,844,765 462 ,427 821 106 716 126 1,202 lAl 983 128 1,109 102 712 40 665 6 3,520 492 770 99 640 110 966 114 653 96 422 57 63 15 6 1 167 849 87 21 31 5 23 126 150 112 90 699 31 11 20 6 38 363 639,051 5 5 55 132 81 56 29 196 5 5 35 106 45 2 176 ,000 WYOMING 23 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1954 Sept. 26-Oct. 2. Data are based on reports for only a sao^le of f areas. See text^ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Type of farm — Continued Dairy Livestock other than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily crop livestock Crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- classified Hired •orkera farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or ^ hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more. farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be enployed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or li hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a nonthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $34 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting . $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $S to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms rejiorting . $60 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 per day farms reporting. $3.00 per day farms reporting. $4.00 per day farms reporting. $5,00 per day farms reporting. $6.00 per day farms reporting. $7.00 per day farms reporting. $S.OO per day farms reporting. $9.00 per day farms reporting. $10.00 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis. ............................................ .farms reporting. Expenditures for faired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars . $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 fa„js reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 fa^s reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting., Farns with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting.. $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 99 178 59 24 14 1 1 68 110 46 17 3 1 1 5 365 354 ,608 82 68 83 57 35 17 23 266 82 63 72 37 1,896 5,657 925 419 283 170 99 1,519 4,034 808 333 196 108 74 72i 1,623 435 138 87 44 IS 1,174 345 377 1,657 3 1 23 134 165 458 668 166 33 6 64 52 27 ,800 1 3,681 12,099,068 362 334 661 495 734 526 569 1,785 349 310 541 313 232 35 5 165 646 77 44 23 11 10 94 117 78 13 2 102 529 41 30 11 10 10 63 31 71 21 431 470 ,881 65 33 89 98 85 45 16 266 50 23 76 57 52 3 12 3 1 1 5 12 3 17 24,035 1 10 2 2 113 214 69 35 1 56 84 43 7 71 130 51 IS 1 1 42 14 57 2 14 13 26 17 322 297 ,729 47 58 83 59 41 21 13 57 49 39 22 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table ll.-DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1954, 1950, AND 1945 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Census of 195^ Census starting date — October -V Wyorriirig Census of 1950 Census date — April 1 Wyoming Approxiaale average date of eDuneratioo. Percent of faras enimerated duriDg— October 1 to 9 October 10 to 16.. October 17 to 23.. October 26 to 31.. November 1 to 6^. . November 7 to 13 . . November lA to 20. November 21 to 27. November 28 -to 30. December 1 to 4 . . . December 5 to 11.. December 12 to 18. December 19 to 25. December 26 to 31. Oct. 17-Oct. 23 28 23 17 12 8 6 3 (Z) (Z) (2) (Z) (Z) Approximate average date of enumeration. Percent of farns enunerated during — April 14 and earlier April 15 to 28 April 29 to Hay 12. May 13 to June 2... June 3 and later .. . Census of 19i5 Census date — January 1 Approxifflate averafte date of enumeration............ Percent of enumeration districts enumerated durinit— January 1 to 15 January 16 to 31 February 1 to 15 . . February 16 to 28. March 1 to 31. April 1 to 30. May 1 to 31 June 1 and later* Apr. 15-Apr. 28 5i 26 10 8 2 Apr. 1 Apr. 15 26 17 20 19 2 Less than 0,5. WYOMING 25 — - oa 0) -H t3 S SS S ^ Si i i I { ■si? "I as : -o m >i r-t 3 t. 3 O O t> t <0 d D < 33333 3S C tJ O « (u a • (4 «0 U O C O d Q +J 4J +J H -fJ s^ sas s s ■3E> m o js o O T3 t3 m -a o o » M m n) tj t, T) :^ i s s ^ !a a a az ^ i St 3s 31 Si <"S 3 S S € 3 ti O' (h O' o o d' .!^ 1^ !l- s-^ A ak 'S O 3 S sa^g O as"s 3 S 3 3 3 s (0 3 3 +> : -a +3 -9 ^ ^ s fi o^ C c s s 33| • 3 CO 1 *J 3 Q) < Q O 111 J -H O If a&s a*s 3 s g s 9 O a Q a) O +* -P +a r-l ■»* ^ -P .-I +> ^ S 3 H 3 Q gg, 01 1-1 • o O h c t_i +j a» -o -P a 3 c -p o ^ S S S g S'S Q > c o ^ _ "^ I -H OB >)>^ I: .,° . ) 01 +J o J H ffl +> se°-a s 5 01 -»-> 01 -P OJ ^ (5 S <5 Q 5 c 0> -P 01 SSS Ip r-l Q O (4 u cd o> 0) ca Q] tu o V. -P dj tJ -p 3 . o 01 +J P OJ 35 3 a C "-a « O 1) t3 01 ■O O 3° . S 3 3 3 3 „j^^ w - „ „ ^ a&5 a"s 3333 §i I o (d o p -p ^ rH -P r 3 3 o ^ a 3 3 (d 01 4) 01 S'l? I* O 9> £i -^ ^ O p ■"! a CTv Sj -p g ^ ^ S «5 as g. -H d •O ^ 3 3{ S I ^StSS 0) O at Q d O P -P P M P M P rH P 333333 ?^ c c s 0) >t ift 0 ff. - bll ^ • 3 CQ +5 a -p Ov O : >r -p * 0* +* I h O CO I 01 »J ! > P rH 3 3 ■1 P 3 01 ( H -H O ^ I < Q O 3 pH 01 ffl 3^-ass asa a <£ Q ■< d a I >t o -^ o Etn +J C Tl P OP ti • ••••>*■*«* number.. (NA) (NA) (NA) Other Boats and kids ..>..•••■...■•••• .farms reporting.. (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 508 2,011 (NA) (NA) (NA) 72 number.. (NA) (NA) 2,158 (NA) 1,019 flnn tR Bnii ki fiP*. «*■••>•>>*>*.*... 154,179 dollars. . 216,542 392,949 (NA) 205,404 (NA) 285,836 (NA) 125,705 Phlnlfon o^9*3 ^nlfl - ............ .farms reporting., dozens.. 3,806 2,180,839 5,134 2,493,418 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,670 3,147,255 (NA) (NA) 6,059 LfllX^ILCll t^ggo a\J^\JM •.*...*■*>..■..•'«...* 1,153,000 dollars.. 821,919 1,006,965 (NA) (NA) (NA) 894,301 (NA) 467,711 Turkey hens, to be kept for breed i t\s on hand ....••■■......•••.•••■ ..farms reporting.. 561 2,369 1,221 7,923 (NA) (NA) 2,809 23,467 4,935 54,015 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,298 number. . 12,560 Turkeys raised ..farms reporting.. 1,099 1,274 1,300 2,764 (NA) 5,320 (NA) (NA) number. . 27,835 86,847 106,672 204,982 (NA) 233,016 (NA) (NA) Ducks raised. .•.■.•.•••.>.•..••••...•••• ..farms reporting.. 491 3,889 543 6,009 (NA) (NA) 438 8,191 (NA) (NA) 1,003 12,806 (NA) (NA) (NA) number . . (NA) Geese raised ...■■......■...■••.•■■•■..■. ..farms reporting.. 529 4,132 407 3,084 (NA) (NA) 261 2,466 (NA) (NA) 947 6,850 (SA) (NA) (NA) number . . (NA) fiitl nfsnc; m i ^Jfid ............ ............. ..farms reporting.. 25 141 20 277 (NA) (NA) 30 329 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) V^LiillCQO ia^^cu>«». «a .. .* .■ ■ ... ..... ... .. number.. (NA) Turkeys, ducks, geese, and other miscellajieous poultry and their eggs sold ..farms renortine.. 550 119,445 9,474 819 500,935 10,344 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Aniaals sold alive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive dollars.. ..farms reporting.. (NA) (NA) dollars . . 74,750,782 79,305,166 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Cattle, hogs, or sheep sold alive ..farms reporting.. 9,424 10,262 (NA) 10,576 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Cattle and/or calves sold alive....... . .farms reporting . . 8,530 9,249 9,131 8,613 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number.. 598,710 438,555 411,957 342,393 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars . . 55,547,552 58,641,989 32,415,253 16,433,617 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) Cattle sold alive, excluding ..farms reporting.. 7,173 389,190 42,041,039 5,329 209,520 13,506,513 7,911 333,058 49,743,997 4,993 105,497 8,897,992 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,598 276,084 14,557,095 3,565 66,309 1,876,522 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Calves sold alive. ...•..•.>..... • number.. dollars.. ..farms reporting.. (NA) (NA) (NA) number., dollars.. (NA) (NA) Hoffs and dIes sold alive ..farms reporting.. 1,812 34,444 1,157,511 3,959 84,175 2,730,828 4,545 112,305 3,012,160 3,036 65,069 747,287 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) J 11.f|^0 41i<-J ^^ga o\^^u %A^A v^.. .•■••*.■. . number., dollars.. (NA) (NA) SheeD and lambs sold alive. .•••>••.• ..farms reporting,. 3,148 1,448,270 2,566 1,147,512 3,204 2,010,458 3,171 2,034,220 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number.. (NA) (NA) dollars.. 17,828,592 17,697,487 14,930,676 12,702,695 (NA) (NA) HnT-t!*>c nnrf mill ("^ 000 tons and over farms reporting., By quantity sold farms reporting., tons. , Under 25 tons farms reporting. . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. , 50 to 99 tons farms reporting., 100 to 499 tons farms reporting . , 500 to 999 tons farms report ing . , 1,000 tons and over farms reporting.. OATS, WHEAT, BARLK, RYE, 01 SMALL GRAINS By acres cut for hay farms Under 5 acres farms 5 to 9 acres farms 10 to 24 acres farms 25 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 to 299 acres farms 300 acres and over farms [ OTHER reporting, acres, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. By quantity harvested. ., .farms reporting. tons, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting. Under 25 tons farms 25 to 49 tons farms 50 to 99 tons farms 100 tons and over farms By quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 tons and over farms reporting. State total 967 115,830 41 70 184 197 138 160 68 62 35 12 967 111,929 294 187 159 282 35 10 119 8,632 43 30 24 20 2 1 833 65 272 118 218 603 i72 293 105 21 3 1 ,833 43 ,812 1 ,278 306 19i 119 3,396 74 20 17 WILD HAY By acres cut for hay.... farms reporting., seres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting . , 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. , 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting., 200 to 299 acres farms reporting., 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting., By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting., tons . . Under 25 tons farms reporting . . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting., 100 to 499 tons farms reporting . . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting.. 2,000 tons and over farms reporting.. By quantity sold farms reporting., tons . . Under 25 tons farms reporting . . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . - 100 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 tons :.. farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting.. 2,000 tons and over farms reporting.. OTHER HAY By acres cut for hay .... farms reporting, acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . , 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting . , 500 tons and over farms reporting. . By quantity sold farms reporting. . tons. , Under 25 tons farms reporting . . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting . . 500 tons and over farms reporting.. State total 1,546 299,449 42 70 245 218 277 252 142 134 103 63 1,546 211,337 493 245 296 415 68 16 118 9,274 35 36 21 23 3 1,100 67,474 55 117 337 263 171 98 32 14 7 6 1,100 49,654 715 173 136 65 11 81 2,610 56 14 8 1 IRISH POTATOES By acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting.. acres^. Under 0.5 acres farms reporting., 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting.. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting.. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting.. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting.. 20.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting.. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.. 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting., 100 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting.. lOO-lb. bags.. Under 25 lOO-lb. bags farms reporting.. 25 to 49 100-lb. bags farms reporting.. 50 to 99 100-lb. bags farms reporting.. 100 to 499 100-lb. bags farms reporting.. 500 to 999 100-lb. bags farms reporting., IjOOOto 1,499 100-lb. bags.. farms reporting.. I,500t3 1,999 100-lb. bags. .fariDS reporting., 2,000 to2, 999 100-lb. tags. .farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 100-lb . ba^ .. farms reporting.. 5,000 t3 9,999 100-lb. bags, .farms reporting.. 10,000 100-lb. bags farms reporting.. SUGAR BEETS By acres harveated for sugar farms reporting. . acres . , Under 5 acres farms reporting . . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting., tons . . Under 25 tons farms reporting. . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 to 499 tons f ariEs reporting . . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 tons.. ..... .farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting.. 3,000 tons and over farma reporting.. VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) By value of sales farms reporting. dollars. . Under 25 dollars farms reporting . . 25 to 49 dollars farms reporting.. 50 to 99 dollars farms reporting. 100 to 499 dollars farms reporting. 500 to 999 dollars farms reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 dollars farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 dollars farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 dollars farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 dollars farms reporting., 5,000 to 9,999 dollars farms reporting.. 10,000 dollars and over. .. .farms reporting.. LAND IN BEARING AND NONBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED NUT TREES^ By acres in orchards. .. .farms reporting., acres. , Under 0.5 acres farms reporting. , 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting., 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting., 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting., 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. , 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting.. 20 acres and over farms reporting.. State total 1,026 4,430 683 58 78 19 37 69 42 18 20 2 1,026 679,088 739 31 21 57 39 41 31 44 9 959 34,751 6 35 285 443 171 17 2 959 468,260 15 15 26 534 283 67 11 95 457,029 17 1 14 33 15 10 217 375 55 31 95 11 13 11 1 ^Does not include acreage for farms with leas than 10 bags harvested. See text. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 18.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. BY LEVELS If the estimated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — If the estimated number of farms reporting is— Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than— Level li Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level ll Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Percent 40 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 Percent 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 Percent 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 Percent 96 68 48 30 21 15 9.6 5,000 Percent 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 Percent 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 Percent 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 Percent 6.8 10,000 4.8 25,000 3.0 50,000 2.1 100,000 250,000 1.0 ^Level 1 should be used in deteriDlning the sampling reliability of estimated number of farms and farms reporting. If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting consti- tutes more than 75 percent of all farms in the universe, a better approximation to the sampling reliability may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the tables as follows: 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting Is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0,30, 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, inultiply the percent error by 0,20. Sute Table 19.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY. ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS QTo determine sampling reliability for an item, It is necessary to use this table to find out which of the 4. levels of sampling reliability given in State Table 18 to use. Reference la required also to the county, economic area, or State table In order to obtain the number of farms reporting] Level of san^jllng reliability for specified items by number of milk cows All commercial farms 30 to 49 50 and more Dairy farms 10 to 29 30 to 49 50 and more Milk cows *■,■■■■ >,•.,••••■■.■•■• .number >■ Whole milk sold gallons.. dollars.. Cream sold pounds of butterfat.. dollars. . Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of chickens on hand All commercial farms Total Under 400 400 to 799 800 to 1,599 1,600 to 3,199 3,200 and over PoiUtry farms Total Under 400 400 to 799 800 to 1,599 1,600 to 3,199 3,200 and over Chickens on hand Chickens sold ,.... Chicken eggs sold Chicken eggs sold, value of sales Value of sales of other poultry products ..number.. ..number.. ..dozens.. .dollars., .dollars.. Note: Items whose level is indicated by an X may be approximated by using the level given for the State, WYOMING 37 State Table 19.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS-Continued [To determine aanpllne reliability for an item, it is necessary to use this table to find out which of the 4 levels of sainpling reliability given in State Table 18 to use. Reference is required also to the county, economic area, or State table in order to obtain the number of farms reporting] ^___^ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tenure groups Full owners and managere Part owners Economic -class groups All tenants I, II, and III IV and VI and VII VIII and Type-of-farm groups Vegetable anc^ fruit- and-nut Other field- crop and general — primarily crop Poultry Livestock, general — primarily livestock, and primarily crop and livestock Faras anil fara cbaracteriscics: Land owned or managed by farm operators acres,. Land rented from others by farm operators acres,. Land rented to others by farm operators acres,. Cash rent paid by farm operators dollars.. Value of land and bulldiiigs per farm dollars.. Land in farms acres,. Cropland: Total, harvested, pastured, or other. .acres.. Woodland: Total, pastured or not pastured acres.. Total pastiu>eland acres. . Total irrigated land, land In crops for erosion control, or cropland farmed on contour acres., Coaaercial fertilizer: Commercial fertilizer purchased tons.. Acres on which commercial fertilizer applied acres.. Lime or liming material purchased tons.. Acres on which lime or liming material applied.. .acres, . Specified facilities and equipnent: Grain combines, com pickers^ pick-up balers, feed forage harvesters nutober.. Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks,,, number.. Motortrucks number. . Tractors: Total, wheel, garden, or crawler number.. Automobiles number.. Fara labor: Total hired workera and unpaid family \«>rkers. .persons.. Hired workers: Regular persons , . Seasonal persons. . Paid on daily basis persons . , Specified fara expenditures: Machine hire and/or hired labor ....dollars,. Feed for livestock and poultry dollars,. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars,. Commercial fertilizer purchased dollars.. Livestock and livestock products: Horses and/or mules number,. Cattle and calves number,. Cows including heifers that have calved number.. Milk cows number . . Hogs and pigs number.. Sheep and lambs number., Chicka:is, 4 months old and over, on hand number.. Cattle and calves sold number.. Hogs and pigs sold number. . Sheep shorn pounds of wool . . Whole milk sold t'allor.s.. Cream sold pounds of butterfat,. Chickens sold.., nuntoer,. Chicken eggs sold dozens.. Value of products sold by source: Hogs and plgti sold dollar.^.. Whole milk sold dollars,, Cream sold ....•,.•. • dollars,. Chicken eggs sold dollars,, Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars., Forest products sold dollars,. Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes acres- Corn harvested for grain 'acres. bushels harvested, bushels sold. Winter wheat threshed or combined acres . bushels harvested, bushels sold. Spring wheat threshed or combined acres. bushels harvested, bushels sold. Oats threshed or combined acres . bushels harvested. bushels sold. Barley threshed or combined acres . bushels harvested, bushels sold. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans acres. 100- lb. bags harvested. Alfalfa hay acres. tons harvested. Clover hay acres. tons harvested. Wild hay acres . Sugar beets for sugar acres . tons harvested. 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 X 3 2 3 2 X X 2 X 2 2 3 2 Note: Items whose level Is indicated by an X may be approxijnated by using the level given for the State, Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (39) 42 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [Data for Items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) Albany Big Horn Caii5)bell Hot Springs FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Approximate land area acres Proportion in farms percent Land owned by farm operators acres land rented from others by farm operators. ...acres Land manaied by farm operators acres Land rented to others by farm operators Isee text) acres Land In f armfe acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and bulldlnis: Average per farm dollars Aueraie per acre dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Land in fans according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to -19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to i9 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting lOO to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting acres Other cropland farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ) farms reporting acres Improved {see text) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland , total , farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres 195i . . 1950.. 1954 . . 1954 . . 195i. . I95i.. 195i. . mSi. . 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. l9Si.. 1950. . 1954.. i950. . 1954. . 1954.. 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954.. 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949.. 1954 . . 1949.. 1954.. 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949.. 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949 . . 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949.. 1954 . , 1949.. 1954 . , 1949 . , 1954 . , 1949 . , 1954 . , 1954 . , 1954. 1949 . 1954 . 1949. 1954. 1949 . 1954 . 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954 . FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1954 . 1950. Not residing on farm operated. .operators reporting 1954. 1950... 11,402 12, 6U '62,403,840 56.1 18,574,040 10,579,403 7,015,783 836,644 34,989,064 34,420,892 3,068.7 2,728.8 45,263 33,252 16.29 13.75 87 9,352 10 ,960 1,656,022 1,900,546 386 473 402 411 432 440 928 1,015 2,342 2,637 2,650 3,210 2,212 2,724 4,072 3,215 445,442 405,052 1,496 3,766 564,741 406,734 2,212 2,285 350,021 282,569 2,207 1,955 214,720 124,165 1,121 1,505 622,434 1,275,367 177 302 29,045 72,551 8,650 9,527 31,383,179 29,844,743 2,106 271,163 10,579 11,666 388,201 515,799 10,068 11,484 2,566,205 2,712,432 10,279 11,250 32,451,055 31,525,162 1,251 1,709 651,479 1,347,918 7,130 7,831 1,262,632 1,431,767 759 165,441 113 7,463 10,395 11 , 534 310 353 2,316,000 64.0 992,710 437,324 409,202 33,323 1,800,859 1,311,860 5,809.2 5,061.1 65,634 44,814 U.23 9.16 91 194 234 46,863 99,048 12 23 13 14 15 12 16 15 26 31 34 50 73 139 135 45 47,322 17,758 14 17 1,482 1,115 5 8 241 642 11 9 1,241 473 14 26 21,940 10,938 3 10 1,180 8,992 281 331 1,664,977 1,657,445 77 32,667 296 336 17,095 16,564 234 298 95,667 117,921 296 351 1,734,239 1,636,141 17 32 23,120 19 ,930 168 264 66,923 137,119 849 950 2,032,640 22.2 306,046 164,500 6,010 4,416 460,890 429,300 531.1 461.9 21,544 18,431 42.38 41.42 89 760 894 83,870 86,268 26 49 36 40 49 49 93 133 231 313 240 238 85 72 464 435 21,417 18,447 137 327 6,691 11,957 74 95 1,487 2,473 132 272 5,204 9,479 82 182 8,735 18,407 27 32 1,429 1,997 430 511 285,171 246,890 126 7,330 814 926 43,577 45,334 314 924 111,978 116,672 724 801 315,323 283,744 104 201 10,164 20,404 307 924 99,761 107,313 509 584 ^3,043,200 109.0 2,109,532 1,170,923 20,960 16,645 '3,318,523 '3,094,707 6,519.7 5,299.2 73,961 47,972 11.31 10.02 92 403 530 65,247 94,493 5 5 15 U 15 25 51 36 91 101 117 188 109 164 179 89 29,694 9,471 270 254 41,230 34,378 215 195 28,326 20,741 128 104 12,954 13,637 18 22 34,471 23,778 5 7 2,536 7,633 494 562 3,133,824 2,876,450 17 4,206 489 523 11,471 43,504 449 542 136,221 138,342 499 572 3,197,989 2,914,699 22 27 37,007 36,411 12 24 992 2,017 23 3,930 865 931 284 319 748 840 84 102 18 ,378 483 529 331 371 5,097,600 61.1 1,427,960 676,593 1,235,509 91,684 3,116,651 3,296,327 9,415.9 8,885.0 87,699 63,732 10.64 7.64 76 281 318 103,285 129,324 6 5 6 5 3 14 14 L2 54 42 54 78 144 162 126 73 43,561 31,839 38 28 14,604 7,607 21 13 3,952 5,916 23 14 5,652 1,691 45 62 21,482 51,339 2 9 200 353 299 330 2,917,308 3,065,937 101 47,897 293 344 16,211 9,423 294 327 161,450 169,270 322 365 2,982,351 3,149,115 47 67 21,682 51,692 278 304 142,340 179,903 2 173 349 379 2,666,880 92.4 1,298,294 782,825 524,742 165,483 2,464,193 2,346,526 7,060.7 6,191.4 65,961 68,228 10.38 9.54 90 236 318 39,742 55,806 5 7 16 16 12 12 35 36 48 30 58 32 62 85 107 63 15,010 9,031 80 57 11,036 3,473 38 30 6,124 2,187 59 31 4,912 1,286 13 81 9,278 89,735 2,088 331 357 2,375,281 2,163,633 35 6,737 314 355 13,846 17 ,760 269 324 65,788 68,310 341 370 2,399,569 2,267,399 13 39 9,278 91,823 165 191 23,996 43,594 18 2,235 540 627 1,854,030 82.4 1,053,488 477,825 34,318 25,783 1,527,922 1,524,774 2,329.5 2,431.5 47,631 27,091 15.97 12.42 89 500 583 95,363 107,626 5 9 4 16 12 10 34 46 111 125 173 200 161 177 139 108 17,677 7,467 290 291 28,311 22,667 243 233 22,623 13,392 103 101 6,188 4,275 329 258 292,546 172,305 27 40 3,100 12,774 431 555 1,053,775 1,173,944 16 777 520 600 26,650 22,491 517 598 141,851 137,760 531 613 1,368,998 1,359,216 342 271 300,646 185,579 31 20 2,430 1,602 23 1,486 30 2,336 280 315 50 313 348 496 577 1,271 1,332 5,916,160 44.9 670,023 730,298 1,486,198 34,182 2,657,137 3,230,069 2,090.6 2,462.5 25,169 16,181 11.76 17.85 36 1,060 1,133 106,968 103,587 68 69 76 80 63 85 U6 173 295 351 295 275 122 100 554 433 48,249 25,104 152 231 6,725 14,835 39 70 1,060 1,721 120 223 5,665 13,164 79 119 7,362 418 ,451 27 28 1,433 5,216 845 915 2,445,892 2,639,997 293 15,801 1,197 1,252 40,558 72,829 1,146 1,223 161,942 143 , 576 1,136 1,156 2,501,503 3,033,552 99 142 3,796 423,667 1,157 1,194 150,126 133,886 10 404 1,182 1,255 1,155 1,239 1,427,200 89.4 369,239 485,326 5,250 80,008 1,275,238 1,303,670 1,104.1 1,052.2 32,675 25,639 28.21 25.62 30 995 1,140 162,875 202,274 21 42 19 24 25 25 71 69 288 259 336 414 235 307 261 153 22,319 20,959 602 537 117,549 33,207 366 368 81,326 72,456 448 243 35,723 10,751 36 41 5,741 13,373 18 11 1,344 385 836 991 927,064 953,020 189 12,727 1,084 1,169 37,346 29,947 1,032 1,150 303,243 306,440 966 1,074 955,624 987,357 50 52 7,085 14,263 745 794 83 , 513 89,151 227 47,661 3 196 1,066 1,168 200 199 1,294,080 56.2 241,293 07,968 362,736 16,966 727,229 381,564 3,636.1 4,430.0 40,154 47,153 16.37 10.14 83 154 160 20,157 20,222 11 3 14 6 U 5 24 23 48 59 28 37 18 21 70 55 12,363 4,626 39 36 3,212 1,494 4 14 176 420 36 26 3,036 1,074 10 26 5,982 43,572 1 2 118 76 151 172 683,199 806 ,384 48 2,495 168 137 2,198 4,690 172 167 35,732 26,342 185 139 701,544 855,032 11 28 6,100 43,648 149 155 20,189 20,633 178 193 ^For the 1950 Census, includes data for 1 farm in Yellowstone National Park. 'Includes 1,875,840 acres in Yellowstone National Park (part of) not shown in detail. 'The excess of farm acreage over approxijnate land area is due to the fact that the entire acreage of a farm is tabulated as in the county in which the headquarters is located, even though a part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining county. WYOMING 43 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Johnson Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park' Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washaiie Weston 320 667 631 274 381 891 677 762 204 139 98 302 290 252 1 337 793 711 308 416 979 747 330 220 169 156 349 277 233 2 2,672,000 >1,729,920 2,624,640 3,418,880 '1,672,320 3,338,880 '1,352,960 1.619,840 3,120,640 6,714,880 1,801,600 1,324,800 1 ,447 ,680 1,541,120 3 84.8 121.0 23.8 73.1 101.9 27.1 103.7 97.1 17.4 18.9 4.6 75.0 32.9 79.1 4 1,195,760 1,187,926 428,684 1,281,059 1,063,111 408,156 934,320 1,012,297 426,158 155,309 48,038 388,451 293,132 782,449 5 1,031,165 479,579 160,6)6 1,034,356 529,348 179,886 5U,853 519,589 103,300 161,818 28,640 189,723 131,334 404,559 6 95,390 452,146 130,785 280,410 10,090 345,046 3,880 177,621 16,724 943,371 16,620 420,513 10,122 27,590 7 28,250 22,553 9,629 109,34* 9,655 3,960 32,223 100,355 1,920 8,120 800 19,520 18,873 2,440 3 2,265,297 ^2,093,769 625,019 2,500,260 '1,704,143 904,728 '1,402,656 1,573,067 543,946 1,266,514 82,720 993 ,497 475,822 1,218,934 9 l,98i,096 >2, 127, 200 632,169 2,661,696 1,611,615 730,681 '1,379,723 1,226,822 548,963 1,256,312 86,379 684,669 366 ,847 1,154,923 10 7,079.0 3,139.1 990.5 9,125.0 4,472.8 1,015.4 2,071.9 2,064.4 2,666.4 9,111.6 844.1 3,289.7 1,640.8 4,837.0 11 5,887.5 2,682.5 889.1 8,641.7 3,874.1 746.4 1,847.0 1,478.1 2,495.3 7,433.3 553.7 1,961.8 1,324.4 4,081.0 12 84,166 63,765 32,426 30,541 55,537 24,522 43,414 44,455 60,739 36,678 108,807 38,240 43 ,498 54,342 13 58,115 39,010 25,352 53,580 38,816 22,137 31,214 33,681 50,450 24,356 46,374 29,659 4«,743 36,714 U 14.21 20.76 34.67 9.44 12.96 23.68 18.77 23.49 29.53 19.42 150.67 18.71 28.56 10.84 15 3.94 14.38 31.02 6.19 10.47 29.73 19.38 23.14 20.55 16.90 87.42 16.77 30.55 9.39 16 90 91 97 86 95 86 74 35 38 84 92 37 88 92 17 210 525 564 143 265 825 501 617 200 121 90 277 252 179 18 276 657 673 150 362 803 668 704 204 145 138 316 251 253 19 35,821 138,444 96,682 21,125 44,246 92,779 70,579 81,065 102,079 16,638 22,242 48,229 34,135 27,588 20 46,112 190,760 103,313 17,976 66,430 87,917 123,803 90,805 101,712 17,641 21,508 54,534 35,017 43,970 21 8 12 14 9 2 23 29 96 2 6 6 15 5 22 12 U 24 15 6 25 22 105 5 6 10 10 3 23 8 9 19 10 12 25 38 38 3 4 6 8 9 14 24 10 9 20 14 6 23 19 53 2 7 9 10 12 5 25 8 16 17 10 20 28 47 27 3 12 2 16 6 10 26 11 13 19 15 13 33 26 26 6 6 6 8 9 11 27 21 25 62 14 32 89 72 51 3 11 6 25 16 22 23 24 18 SO 23 27 97 39 54 3 23 8 30 13 28 29 55 76 142 30 52 313 113 139 27 32 21 5S 58 34 30 59 79 204 37 72 317 122 151 29 39 32 64 64 57 31 43 141 181 40 81 276 94 155 33 27 24 73 103 44 32 92 176 198 28 103 234 242 180 33 41 49 106 37 79 33 67 246 129 30 66 71 103 Ul 124 29 31 91 45 50 34 68 349 128 18 135 74 198 135 126 24 23 88 56 70 35 100 140 192 62 105 485 203 216 19 64 33 121 128 64 36 100 145 286 77 49 398 154 190 28 56 39 92 83 59 37 11,937 17,998 18,687 11,875 14,901 15,934 20,016 U,319 8,734 11,801 6,365 21,413 5,209 9,141 38 9,513 18,347 45,326 22,112 10 ,766 12,860 66,462 18,696 19,446 12,389 3,400 10,830 3,288 6,915 39 41 458 132 16 100 108 502 203 8 42 11 41 47 115 40 62 458 177 46 65 309 330 194 15 23 31 42 62 124 41 7,820 131,455 3,676 4,627 14,371 2,894 1U,453 15,697 1,597 8,909 3,955 2,979 2,421 14,497 42 4,891 86,586 3,671 5,424 4,721 24,607 61,484 10,792 811 924 1,806 1,575 3,050 10,609 43 27 424 99 4 44 42 271 155 5 8 7 13 13 95 44 38 438 123 8 37 41 242 147 5 12 22 25 15 96 45 4,769 94,763 4,732 101 8,292 909 62,008 12,434 250 121 599 602 495 9,131 46 2,702 76,586 5,347 2,518 3,142 1,261 46,620 8.236 105 385 1,061 1,117 333 8,203 47 22 263 50 13 67 73 433 81 4 34 6 29 35 37 48 30 112 75 39 36 275 145 65 U 13 13 20 54 39 49 3,051 36,692 3,944 4,526 6,079 1,985 51,445 3,263 1,347 8,738 3,356 2,377 1,926 5,366 50 2,189 10,000 3,324 2,906 1,579 23,346 14,864 2,556 706 539 745 458 2,717 2,406 51 10 3 149 7 29 16 37 73 10 9 29 11 20 92 52 51 7 163 10 8 16 63 36 31 21 69 37 21 105 53 14,167 531 35,393 5,840 20,336 3,814 18 , 514 5,591 4,408 1,255 5,183 4,094 663 95,103 54 10,479 3,451 26,272 110,758 2,939 2,150 35,750 21,348 20,831 23,361 18,684 54,759 3,897 92,135 55 3 4 25 1 3 3 5 5 1 ... 2 1 4 10 56 3 10 53 5 2 9 3 17 2 3 12 5 5 20 57 598 164 6,176 1 500 58 97 248 80 190 20 303 4,270 58 1,008 933 6,430 651 160 330 776 2,436 81 725 2,227 1,839 283 16,158 59 293 549 482 237 362 423 480 675 194 79 55 263 178 232 60 323 622 424 226 404 447 577 682 207 100 79 294 176 241 61 2,190,317 1,791,963 448,185 2,428,445 1,583,371 763,270 1,153,226 1,447,112 421,600 1,225,872 42,452 914,048 423,585 1,053,242 62 1,878,506 1,806,671 435,790 2,475,895 1,494,826 564,395 1,066,291 1,073,812 400,291 1,194,254 36,245 549,803 312,907 960,357 63 40 120 216 47 30 161 58 224 69 18 21 158 31 6 64 2,667 12,276 15,087 6,733 7,147 19,348 7,170 13,091 17,613 3,063 3,296 29,980 1,195 1,310 65 293 623 564 238 353 790 649 687 201 132 93 277 263 241 66 315 720 652 251 405 353 720 709 192 154 149 323 264 267 67 4,637 13,214 U,220 28,347 26 ,418 25,979 21,771 10,035 5,448 2,039 2,333 2,714 9,506 15,088 68 33,587 20,452 7,367 28,880 31,723 38,422 25,157 8,433 5,741 7,013 2,509 11,329 8,405 24,229 69 230 568 574 160 305 848 622 654 201 134 93 286 266 200 70 294 692 687 188 369 946 683 724 208 152 145 327 258 258 71 55,578 287 ,897 124,045 37,627 73,518 1U,607 204,048 110,081 U2,410 37,348 32,562 72,621 41,765 51,226 72 60,516 295,693 157,310 45,512 81,917 125,364 251,749 120,293 121,969 30,954 26,714 66,939 41,355 61,494 73 306 579 585 245 365 737 571 718 202 110 87 295 229 250 74 328 675 656 259 407 678 669 766 215 137 142 337 216 274 75 2,216,421 1,310,492 502,265 2,44«,160 1,618,608 733,018 1,196,756 1,466,022 434,742 1,238,928 54,000 939,555 429,457 1,157,491 76 1,898,498 1,828,469 507,383 2,603,765 1,508,581 579,405 1,168,503 1,114,356 440,618 1,230,004 58,329 615,392 320,092 1,059,957 77 13 7 166 3 32 18 41 77 11 9 31 12 23 98 78 54 16 201 15 10 23 67 100 33 21 80 41 24 U5 79 14,765 695 41,569 5,841 20,336 3,872 18,611 5,339 4,488 1,255 5,373 4,114 966 99,378 80 11,487 4,384 31,702 111,409 3,149 2,480 36,526 24,284 20,962 24,086 20, 9U 56,598 4,180 108,343 31 204 105 512 157 43 861 253 524 201 117 79 232 251 24 82 220 115 579 120 35 834 432 548 201 143 126 330 253 25 83 34,928 21,600 73,142 24,285 3,360 131,338 17,968 62,311 121,695 22,395 26,353 80,596 37,468 3,923 84 39,942 31,823 84,618 18,418 3,009 103,973 59,747 54,173 129,051 23,736 24,197 102,538 36,395 4,924 85 275 1 39 1 128 6 5 86 62,835 400 7,322 240 38,269 213 418 87 3 6 4 4 3 5 11 3 5 88 415 360 142 117 79 137 948 94 456 39 239 603 585 239 348 336 605 691 185 123 90 279 261 231 90 319 693 643 263 382 920 699 761 204 143 143 302 255 253 91 30 60 45 29 30 44 62 56 16 16 8 19 21 19 92 16 76 55 36 34 41 44 59 15 23 3 40 19 25 93 44 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-IRRIGATED FARMS: NUMBER AND ACREAGE CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 (For definitions and explanations, see tert) Big Horn Campbell Irrigated farms number 1954. . 1950. . Proportion of all farms percent 1954.. Land in irrigated farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average per farm acres 1954. . 1950. . Land io irrigated faras according to uae, 1954: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres. . Cropland used only for pasture acres.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres.. Cultivated summer fallow acres.. WoodljHd pastured acres. . Woodland not pastured acres.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland), .acres. . Improved acres . . Land pastured, total farms reporting.. acres.. I^nd in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting. . acres.. Land irrigated acres 1954.. 1949'. Irrigated land io fams according to use: Irrigated cropland harvested. ,. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated pasture farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Faras vitb all barvested crops irrigated: Farms number 1954. . 1949.. Irrigated cropland harvested acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. 7,130 7,831 62.5 16,596,754 17,236,390 2,327.7 2,201.0 6,710 1,077,193 299,368 156,717 85,172 178,290 13,373 14,616,130 237,975 6,497 15,094,288 186 29,166 46 2,427 1,262,632 1,431,767 6,652 7,388 939,233 1,092,122 3,955 3,906 323,399 325,925 5,362 5,884 796,436 926 , 598 275 271 262 578 1,475 1,526 973 168 264 54.2 1,115,503 1,679,586 6,639.9 6,362.1 155 42,384 37,825 1,031 186 11,720 920 1,008,296 29 ,247 168 1,057,841 66,923 137,119 153 252 39,509 94,123 71 99 27,414 42,945 130 211 36,553 89,011 9 11 5 10 14 22 59 807 924 95.1 446,324 419,259 553.1 453.7 755 83,614 21,091 6,458 1,454 8,705 1,429 282,142 7,330 710 311,938 2 33 99,761 107,313 753 890 83,328 85,011 445 594 16,433 19,379 743 857 82,494 81,168 23 34 49 91 226 238 82 12 24 2.4 209,528 369,070 17,460.7 15,377.9 12 2,045 90 455 30 640 1 205,784 43 12 278 304 84.0 2,338,786 2,475,150 3,412.9 8,141.9 270 100,023 40,855 12,584 24,682 15,242 100 2,156,784 47,887 276 2,212,881 992 2,017 22 967 1,637 6 25 233 142 ,840 179 ,903 269 296 90 ,759 120 870 131 158 52 081 58 595 216 271 74 054 114 104 46 45 108 165 191 47.3 1,209,664 945,823 7,331.3 4,952.0 162 27,374 8,416 1,917 237 1,028 1,164,751 5,122 163 1,174,195 2 147 28,996 43,594 162 189 22,166 34,762 42 71 6,330 3,315 103 133 14,885 30,230 2 11 5 18 20 23 24 31 20 5.7 169,151 93,661 5,456.5 4,633.1 29 9,364 2,262 3,438 2,673 31,938 113,223 53 30 147,423 1 13 3 415 2,430 1,602 2,382 1,538 4 2 48 64 1,157 1,194 91.0 929,774 1,209,082 803. 6 1,012.6 1,055 106,391 45,329 6,315 1,060 6,753 1,173 723,838 15,702 1,058 775,920 7 364 10 404 150,126 133,886 1,052 1.101 105,856 100,414 772 638 44,270 30,968 1,024 1,059 103,408 95,928 64 74 66 134 281 288 117 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hot Springs Irrigated farms number 1954.. 1950. . Proportion of all farms percent 1954. . Land in irrigated farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average per farm acres 1954.% 1950. . Land in irrigated faras according to DSe, I9S4: Cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland used only for pasture acres.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres.. Cultivated summer fallow acres.. Woodland pastured acres. . Woodland not pastured acres.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ).. acres. . Improved acres. . Land pastured, total farms reporting. . acres.. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting.. acres.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting. . acres.. Land irrigated acres 1954.. 1949'. Irrigated land in faraa according to oae: Irrigated cropland harvested. . ..farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Irrigated pasture farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Faras rith all harTeatcd crops irrigated: Farms number 1954. . 1949. . Irrigated cropland harvested acres 1954., 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954,. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20O acres and over farms reporting 1954.. 745 794 64.5 582,143 520,599 781.4 655.7 718 94,095 14,469 32,452 19,578 3,527 731 417,547 11,737 632 435,543 116 15,989 83,513 39,151 709 765 73,525 79.339 232 224 9,938 3,237 511 503 55,379 53,098 12 149 155 74.5 616,768 725,763 4,139.4 4,632.3 139 19,556 10,352 3,088 176 5,962 118 575,484 2,108 132 591,798 1 13 1 13 20,189 20,633 139 152 17,418 18,486 52 54 2,771 1,861 105 131 14,773 14,380 8 194 184 45 204 220 63.8 1,181,720 989,094 5,792.7 4,495.9 185 32,407 9,991 2,240 1,060 12,897 553 1,120,653 2,517 200 1,143,541 1 36 34,928 39,942 184 209 23,225 31,682 83 98 6,703 7,788 138 172 22,171 26,457 6 4 7 15 39 27 40 105 115 15.7 748,538 1,295.032 7,123.9 11,261.1 104 36,828 1,373 17,745 11,057 528 10 637,654 4,193 91 690,055 36 7,835 3 110 21,600 31,823 104 108 20,353 30,310 19 12 1,247 1,435 43 38 12,731 16,874 5 1 512 579 81.1 527,735 553,401 1,030.7 955.8 489 86,908 16,056 6,330 3,916 31,659 6,078 372,160 14,761 496 419,375 73,142 84,613 475 548 63,467 68,084 337 304 14,675 16,184 178 223 35,364 38,338 7 9 10 24 33 43 52 157 120 57.3 1,338,285 1,275,799 8,524.1 10,631.6 141 21,047 7,163 4,057 71 3,470 1 1,279,577 4,683 149 1,290,215 24,285 18,418 141 109 18,81] 15,291 62 41 5,474 3,052 130 97 16,102 14,348 9 10 8 14 27 38 24 48 35 12.6 427,983 265,467 8,916.3 7,584.8 47 9,432 1,882 1,432 257 3,440 406,190 951 48 411,512 3,360 3,009 46 33 2.878 2,603 482 406 1,835 1,441 861 834 96.6 902,681 694,400 1,048.4 832.6 824 92,764 15,899 2,886 909 3,814 58 761,566 19,828 721 781,279 3 79 131,838 103,973 823 788 92,131 86,847 618 514 39,707 14,507 759 91,190 831458 22 22 26 39 309 271 'Includes Irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. For 1950 Census, Includes data for 1 farm in Yellowstone National Park. WYOMING County Table la.-IRRIGATED FARMS: NUMBER AND ACREAGE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 45 Item (For definitions and explanetlona, see tert) Irrigated farms number 1954.. 1950. . Proportion of all farms percent 1954.. Land in irrigated farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average per farm acres 1954. . 1950.. [^od in irrigated faras according to use, 1954: Cropland harvested farms reporting,. acres.. Cropland used only for pasture acres.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres,. Cultivated summer fallow acres.. Woodland pastured acres. . Woodland not pastured acres.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). .acres. . Improved acres . . Land pastured, total farms reporting.. acres.. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting. . acres.. Land irrigated acres 1954.. 1949'. Irrigated land in faras according to use: Irrigated cropland harvested. .. .farms reporting 1954,. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Irrigated pasture farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Faras with all harvested crops irrigated: Farms number 1954,. 1949. . Irrigated cropland harvested acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954., 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. 253 432 37.4 646,884 894,502 2,556.9 2,070.6 249 27,213 5,151 28,750 9,761 6,480 14 572,322 4,538 226 583,953 17 4,262 3 67 17,968 59,747 247 401 16,940 52,230 20 128 1,028 6,852 104 250 9,923 35,901 10 18 12 17 15 19 13 524 548 68.8 1,155,226 796,005 2,204.6 1,452.6 451 61,588 9,651 7,894 5,770 4,755 246 1,064,191 11,393 499 1,078,597 3 83 62,311 54,178 440 471 46,124 42,020 334 300 16,187 11,320 270 244 23,496 20,022 73 21 15 24 53 58 26 201 201 98.5 540,887 545,123 2,691.0 2,712.0 198 100,978 8,734 1,597 250 4,408 80 419,667 17,613 199 432,809 121,69 129,05 197 196 100,328 100,170 81 110 21,367 26, 593 193 189 96,798 99,060 2 3 3 7 25 33 120 117 143 84.2 316,637 246,295 2,706.3 1,722.3 114 16,497 10,788 5,988 107 1,055 280,340 3,063 22,395 23,736 112 140 15,028 16,310 58 62 7,367 7,389 105 131 14,634 15,007 3 3 10 10 28 27 24 79 126 80,6 78,796 80,411 997.4 638.2 78 21,353 5,413 3,801 530 3,697 190 42,123 3,296 73 51,233 26,353 24,197 78 12] 19,323 17,789 44 45 7,030 6,319 16,246 11,957 282 330 93.4 523,480 579,165 1,856.3 1,755.0 275 46,911 20,953 2,849 572 4,094 20 446,019 29,760 282 471,066 80,596 102,538 271 311 44,512 53,689 216 270 36,084 48,652 248 298 41,221 52,097 6 8 13 23 54 67 77 251 253 86.6 364,782 324,934 1,453.3 1,284.3 237 33,362 5,206 1,911 491 623 296 315,588 1,115 209 321,419 3 94 37,468 36,395 234 242 32,362 33,856 316 116 5,106 1,868 216 231 30,286 31,973 9 8 4 12 48 96 39 24 25 9.5 225,479 258,769 9,395.0 10,351.0 23 4,559 4Ii 1,499 345 11,855 1,300 200,231 1,025 24 212,498 3,923 4,924 22 24 2,841 4,511 8 4 1,062 413 1,794 1,746 'includes irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. 46 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF Item (For definitions and explanations. see text) The State Albany Big Horn Campbell Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Goshen FARMS BY COLOR AND tBtUsa OF OPERATOR 1 All fanns . . .number 1954. .. 11,402 12,614 310 358 849 950 509 584 331 371 349 379 540 627 1,271 1,332 1,156 1,239 2 ti 1 1 t Qi inn .•.•.■••••■•■••■••••••••■••••■■• 1950... 3 All land in fanes ,,,..........••••••••••• acres 1954... 34,989,064 34,420,892 1,300,359 1,811,860 450,890 429,300 3,318,523 3,094,707 3,116,651 3,296,327 2,464,193 2,346,526 1,527,922 1,524,774 2,667,187 3,280,069 1,275,238 1,303,670 4 1950... 5 Total cropland harvested .•>>•••••••••• acres 1954... 1,556,022 1,900,646 46,863 99,048 83,870 86,268 65,247 94,493 103,285 129,824 39,742 65,306 95,363 107,626 106 ,968 103,587 162,875 202,274 6 1949... 7 8 Farms by color of operator: . ..number 1954. .. 11,149 12,391 310 358 847 949 509 584 331 370 349 373 540 627 1,048 1,142 1,152 1,237 VVILJ. l.rC kj^^l Q \AJX O^taaflBfl*!********"***"* 1950... g NonwW. te operators ...........-••.••••• ...nuniber 1954... 253 223 2 1 1 1 223 190 3 2 10 1950... 11 Full owners .,.......-••••••••••••••••■ . ..number 1954. .. 5,245 6,008 99 143 513 573 148 134 113 163 83 122 218 239 588 706 447 469 12 1950... 13 PflTt nunPT'<; ......................... ... number 1954... 4,181 4,249 167 176 179 180 298 331 160 133 198 205 268 292 454 394 344 339 U I di i* UWII^X o. .■•••••■•*•■*■♦•■•■•••*••• 1950... 15 MEin&Eers .................■.••••••••••• . . .number 1954.. . 171 214 17 10 3 11 2 6 34 39 12 10 5 5 14 18 3 12 16 1950... 17 13 19 20 All tenants ...number 1954... 1,805 2,143 15.8 17.0 27 29 8.7 8.1 149 181 17.6 19.0 61 63 12.0 10.3 29 36 8.8 9.7 51 42 14.6 11.1 49 91 9.1 14.6 215 214 16.9 16.1 361 419 31.3 33.3 Proportion of tenancy 1950... ..percent 1954... 1950... 21 Cash tenants ..••••••>•■•••••■•••••• . . .number 1954 . . . 444 534 15 23 22 20 28 21 16 14 22 21 25 41 71 73 25 35 22 1950... 23 .^hAT*p— cnsh t.enAntR ................. ...number 1954... 209 230 2 1 4 12 8 9 "2 6 5 7 16 30 30 53 35 2-1 ^liai c »cioil ui;ii<2^i ulj •••.•.••••••■•••• 1950... 25 Share tenants and croppers . . .number 1954. . . 943 1,135 5 2 102 128 23 24 10 10 13 12 14 24 78 92 268 325 26 1950. . . 27 28 Crop-share tenants and croppers. . . .number 1954 . . . 1950... 789 963 2 1 95 112 9 16 4 3 3 8 7 21 63 77 248 299 29 Li vestoclt— share tenants ••••■••• . . .number 1954 .. . 154 172 3 1 7 15 14 3 6 7 5 4 7 3 15 16 20 26 30 1950... 31 Other and unspecified tenants..... ...number 1954... 209 244 5 3 21 21 2 9 3 10 10 4 3 10 36 19 15 24 32 1950. . . 33 Other tenants ...number 1954... 108 34 4 2 6 4 2 4 2 3 6 2 2 3 24 10 3 9 34 1950... 35 Unspecified tenants.. •■.■••••• • . . .number 1954... 101 160 1 1 16 17 5 1 7 4 2 1 7 12 9 12 16 36 1950... 37 Land in farns by tenure of operator: Fill 1 nuTippB . ........................ . . . .acres 1954. . . 3,488,624 3,807,823 92,157 99,901 145,650 195,442 217,266 322,694 208,633 327,525 91,213 148,685 255,372 247,352 153,099 165,320 228,319 236,679 38 4 1 1 1 J. UWIIC^ o.. •••.••••■•••••••••■••.■• 1950... 39 Part owners ...........■•.•••■..••.■•. acres 1954... ?2, 627,166 20,170,477 1,246,203 1,420,929 255,215 178,454 2,757,173 2,378,826 1,679,441 1,366,771 1,765,540 1,630,231 1,146,114 1,124,792 399,923 828,808 332,742 753,626 iO 1950... ■42 acres 1954... 1950... 6,776,232 8,382,125 397,312 250,403 3,135 9,400 20,960 204,524 1,128,701 1,508,359 398,692 446,933 34,813 31,501 1,492,311 2,199,868 5,460 62,161 43 All tenants acres 1954... 2,097,042 2,060,467 65,137 40,627 46,890 46,004 323,124 183,663 99,876 93 ,672 208 ,748 120,677 91,618 120,629 111,849 85,583 203,227 212,204 44 1950... 45 Cash tenants .•••■••■•.•■•••■•••••• . . ..acres 1954... 1,116,389 1,033,083 16,937 30,465 8,891 8,782 240,738 94,867 82,448 77,523 145,031 74,748 38,175 64,464 76,105 64,464 30,627 37,629 46 1950... 47 48 Share-cash tenants acres 1954... 1950... 231,335 192,375 3,680 2,000 4,845 2,386 15,823 31,003 2,699 19,320 13,280 25,365 22,352 11,485 7,000 41,437 18,266 49 Share tenants and croppers ••.■•••• ....acres 1954... 629,045 623,971 42,376 7,270 23,753 30,461 60,303 57,133 17,425 11,690 16,135 17,398 25,996 25,246 20,455 19,874 119,264 124,982 50 1950... 51 52 Crop-share tenants and croppers acres 1954... 1950... 319,652 335,296 1,950 270 23,256 25,002 18,107 23,435 2,215 377 6,308 4,256 7,833 22,066 14,033 13,810 69,038 91,731 53 54 Livestock-share tenants acres 1954... 1950... 309,393 288,675 40,926 7,000 5,498 5,459 42,696 33,698 16,210 11,313 9,827 13,142 13,163 3,180 6,422 6,064 50,226 33,201 55 Other and unspecified tenants. .... acres 1954... 120,273 211 ,033 4,204 4,971 4^2,465 584,111 1,694 892 52 93 6,636 14,335 4,401 3,875 440 535 38,338 45,070 5,760 5,660 131 166 15,268 26,178 3 1,860 95 143 22,036 42,837 27,762 15,261 67 103 4,365 9,662 2,082 8,567 200 216 27,088 26,806 3,804 4,245 465 561 29,253 36,478 16 ,899 31,323 340 410 39,640 49,014 56 57 Cropland harvested by tenure of operator Full ovmers farms 1950... reporting 1954... 1949 . . . acres 1954 . . . 1949 . . . 58 59 60 61 Part owners farms reporting 1954 . . . 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 3,499 3,877 774,948 904,105 116 161 29,335 70,010 176 174 28,223 21,639 219 305 40,537 59,582 139 121 55,808 48,238 129 169 24,545 23,274 250 278 57,736 64,924 417 363 69,176 44,048 313 325 73,078 37,698 62 63 64 65 Managers farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 137 177 80,623 126,928 15 7 7,939 9,383 3 10 1,165 1,266 2 6 1,181 1,952 25 25 18,160 30,664 10 10 6,193 11,523 6 6 2,259 2,775 9 15 2,261 4,685 3 12 963 6,233 66 67 68 69 All tenants •••..••.•••...•••.... farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 1,512 1,935 217,986 285,502 11 23 2,953 5,320 142 175 16,154 13,243 61 63 3,211 7,781 22 29 7,292 8,035 40 36 4,639 6,347 45 84 8,280 14,121 169 194 16,278 18,376 339 393 49,194 59,279 70 71 72 ^For 1950 Censiaa, Includes data for 1 farm In Yellouatone National Park. WYOMING 47 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Hoi- Springs Johnson Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park' Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washakie Weston 200 199 320 337 667 793 631 711 274 308 381 416 991 979 677 747 762 830 204 220 139 169 98 156 302 349 290 277 252 233 1 2 727,229 881,564 2,265,297 1,984,096 2,093,769 2,127,200 625,019 632,169 2,500,260 2,661,696 1,704,143 1,611,615 904,728 730,681 1,402,650 1,379,723 1,573,067 1,226,822 543,946 548,963 1,266,514 1,256,312 32,720 86,379 993,497 684,669 475,322 366,347 1,213,934 1,154,923 3 4 20,157 20,222 35^21 46,112 138,444 190,760 96,682 103, 3U 21,125 17,976 44,246 66 ,430 92,779 87 ,917 70,579 123 ,803 81,065 90,805 102,079 101,712 16,638 17,641 22,242 21,503 48,229 54,534 34,135 35,017 27,588 43,970 5 6 195 197 320 336 666 791 .630 711 274 308 331 415 835 972 676 747 761 827 204 220 137 167 98 156 302 349 282 267 252 233 7 8 5 2 i 1 2 1 "i 6 7 1 1 3 2 2 8 10 9 10 124 97 103 100 285 363 407 495 108 135 107 115 553 618 260 299 415 455 140 126 74 87 68 97 212 249 102 107 63 61 U 12 60 175 171 269 294 183 163 134 134 214 235 200 177 273 283 195 189 55 73 52 52 18 35 63 74 74 61 167 198 U 14 4 8 5 11 10 12 8 7 8 11 4 4 8 11 2 3 9 14 2 2 1 6 4 5 8 4 6 3 2 2 15 16 26 34 U.O 17.1 37 55 11.6 16.3 103 124 15.4 15.6 33 46 5.2 6.5 24 28 8.8 9.1 56 62 14.7 14.9 130 173 14.6 17.8 142 162 21.0 21.7 143 172 18.3 20.7 7 19 3.4 8.6 12 24 8.6 14.2 8 19 8.2 12.2 14 22 4.6 6.3 103 106 37.2 38.3 20 22 7.9 7.3 17 18 19 20 12 12 25 31 17 28 8 9 16 10 27 35 19 20 11 28 61 66 I 5 4 7 4 5 1 9 6 12 3 9 21 22 1 1 1 2 21 28 1 3 6 9 14 19 21 22 22 25 1 1 1 9 6 1 4 23 24 11 19 9 17 51 52 15 29 5 6 15 9 81 112 98 100 37 52 6 9 12 6 3 5 87 83 8 7 25 26 10 13 7 7 40 45 8 20 5 3 9 8 69 96 93 39 30 41 1 5 3 12 6 2 2 71 74 5 5 27 28 1 6 2 10 11 7 7 9 3 6 1 12 16 5 11 7 11 5 4 1 1 3 16 9 3 2 29 30 2 2 5 14 16 9 5 3 i; 3 9 16 12 12 23 29 5 3 5 4 8 9 7 6 5 3 2 31 32 2 2 5 10 3 6 1 1 8 4 4 3 7 16 5 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 1 4 3 1 33 34 2 13 J 1 11 ^ 14 18 9 5 7 24 3 2 2 1 6 7 4 5 1 1 35 36 129,023 38,499 135,202 107,694 243,423 279,001 126,515 192,402 72,222 75,032 146,073 135,012 206,444 216 ,326 165,274 219,541 279,965 279,447 240,706 142,291 32,491 29,573 23,617 27,497 165,476 165,212 39,485 56,250 90,499 50,443 37 38 216,081 331,945 1,864,709 1,320,082 1,305,921 1,172,399 351,774 363,447 2,109,699 1,911,871 1,441,456 1,362,210 325,032 203,310 1,101,264 1,029,131 929,703 573,559 275,111 363,954 285.132 230,004 29,270 18,446 396,879 374,433 369,553 183,554 1,043,226 1,044,695 39 40 361,196 486,754 95,390 218,850 453,561 569,986 137,424 61,012 277,212 586,397 10,091 32,720 341,963 263,319 3,380 3,210 176,245 218,392 16,724 25,025 943,371 939,825 15,340 14,620 423,998 125,481 10,868 66,000 27,590 17,395 41 42 20,929 24,366 169,996 337 ,470 90,864 105,814 9,306 15,308 41,127 88 ,396 106,523 81,673 31,289 42,726 132,238 127,841 137,154 155,424 11,405 17,693 5,520 6,905 14,493 25,816 7,144 19,543 55,916 61,043 57,619 42,390 43 44 11,239 16,549 164,612 241,538 14,079 32,478 4,456 2,918 37,552 61,305 59,755 60,642 8,249 11, lU 11,511 25,109 118,543 73 ,621 1,000 1,760 2,413 1,014 13,710 17,506 320 8,058 7,048 12,692 22,940 13,340 45 46 560 160 600 5,355 21,635 26,401 160 1,440 6,280 9,335 5,150 3,466 38,288 11,550 31,416 23,309 400 330 223 3,401 3,126 110 7,620 47 48 8,919 5,687 4,782 63,457 48,039 40,224 4,162 9,290 2,654 4,745 29,265 7,399 15,217 22,832 77,225 73,112 28,516 42,669 10,405 10,543 1,309 3,004 2,183 2,930 4,103 40,146 35,109 23,719 5,550 49 50 1,919 3,656 3,042 10,945 25,559 23,422 2,137 5,184 2,654 940 9,455 6,759 13,009 19,011 62,885 31,962 18,233 19,520 3,260 1,910 939 3,004 2,183 2,780 408 21,130 20,965 9,361 4,430 51 52 7,000 2,031 1,740 52,512 22,480 16,802 2,025 4,106 3,805 19,810 640 2,208 3,821 14,340 41,150 10,283 23,149 7,145 3,638 320 200 3,700 19,016 14,144 13,353 1,120 53 54 211 1,970 2 27,120 7,111 6,711 528 1,660 921 22,346 U,223 3,797 2,673 5,317 5,214 18,070 8,674 10,325 5,335 1,393 2,387 733 6,127 2,964 7,149 5,321 10,116 10,850 10,380 55 56 95 77 7,768 5,326 66 80 6,631 8,585 197 263 32,479 51,366 359 462 45,886 54,674 58 53 3,919 2,934 76 99 10,508 15,416 497 456 43,425 37,651 172 246 12,765 33,697 313 367 24,049 30,407 137 115 58,573 33,549 63 75 5,720 6,028 61 35 8,917 9,977 193 223 27,059 31,802 75 92 5,609 8,793 52 51 6,529 5,526 57 58 59 60 37 45 4,319 6,559 120 144 23,989 25,792 234 275 80,604 99,765 173 159 45,550 36,482 66 76 13,487 11,363 156 210 27,519 43,589 196 174 28,075 24,424 211 267 41,106 65,052 185 176 39,158 33,222 54 71 37,ff74 58,089 47 47 9,723 8,676 18 31 7,921 4,870 66 71 18,147 13,794 67 56 11,353 3,427 lU 179 18,435 34,488 61 62 63 64 3 7 6,426 5,007 2 11 585 3,908 10 u 5,946 12,670 3 6 3,036 5,305 7 6 1,545 2,694 1 4 215 605 7 10 6,331 3,463 2 3 203 576 3 U 5,195 6,305 2 2 3,322 5,280 2 376 4 5 3,125 3,201 6 4 1,837 1,205 4 3 568 1,628 1 2 1,083 1,174 65 66 67 68 19 31 1,644 3,330 22 41 4,616 7,827 84 108 19,415 26,959 24 46 2,210 6,852 12 15 2,174 985 32 49 6,004 6,820 125 163 14,393 17,379 116 152 16,500 24,478 106 150 12,663 20,371 7 16 2,605 4,794 11 21 1,195 2,561 7 17 2,279 3,460 7 18 1,136 2,733 106 100 16,605 16,169 15 21 1,541 2,782 69 70 71 72 48 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3. -FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE [Data for items shown in italics are based i Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Albany Big Horn Campbell Carbon Converse FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM Faras by size: All farms. .number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres nujober 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 1-40 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Land io farms by size of farn: All land in farms „... acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 160 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 50O to 999 acres acres 1,000 acres and over acres 1954.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950. . 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950. . 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950. . 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Sst imfit<>rt number of fnrms /g5^ Field-crop farms otfter fftin tie^elnble and frutt-nnti~mu number 1954.. 1950.. Cash-^rnln number 1954. 1950.. Cotton number 195i. . 1950. . Other flelii-rrop number 1954.. 1950. . Vegetable farms nmber 1954.. 1950.. Frult-and-nut farms nunfter 1954.. 1950. . Dairy farms number 1954.. 1950. . Poultrli farms number 1954.. 1950.. Ltvestoclf forms other ttian dalrij and P'lUltrii number 1954. . 1950.. General farms number 1954. , 1950.. Primarily crop number 1954.. 1950. . Primarily tluestoch number 1954.. 1950. . Crop and livestock number 1954.. 1950.. Hlsceltnneous and unclassified farms number 1954.. 1950.. 11,402 616 544 267 150 349 394 311 398 284 328 159 190 554 675 573 698 1,070 1,350 388 459 439 495 1,551 1,717 1,403 1,55.6 4,054 4,204 34,989,064 34,420,892 2,132 2,328 5,286 6,360 11,076 12,787 9,287 11,095 45,257 54,720 67,477 82,369 170,727 214,276 76,842 90,758 104,481 125,043 556,408 620,560 1,014,156 1,120,898 32,925,935 32,079,698 11,377 12,614 1,611 2,243 1,183 1,978 428 265 772 836 110 127 5,880 5,778 1,169 1,436 605 456 75 197 489 783 1,829 2,167 4 23 23 46 64 190 197 1,800,859 1,811^860 94 120 133 213 198 116 51 181 509 332 237 491 1,773 418 973 952 982 9,044 3,894 33,090 44,421 1,756,008 1,753.489 320 358 230 208 46 23 15 7 31 16 36 29 39 51 9 27 63 98 82 96 145 178 58 68 54 69 190 194 75 73 52 450,890 429,300 160 90 647 494 1,487 1,990 508 1,519 5,160 8,052 9,700 11,362 23,179 28,161 11,417 13,558 12,937 16,526 66,650 68,183 51,993 50,279 267,052 229,086 876 950 263 254 162 238 101 16 227 294 170 185 122 74 26 48 35 165 175 1 5 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 6 1 3 1 4 30 41 68 92 395 420 3,316,523 3,094,707 3 19 10 74 35 105 100 230 250 240 213 330 975 200 614 250 948 11,433 15,134 51,772 68,006 3,253,915 3,008,374 501 584 31 50 31 50 448 449 5 26 35 40 57 230 230 3,116,651 3,296,327 29 94 40 213 100 169 350 671 698 1,433 2,734 810 949 1,194 9,143 12,968 29,987 41,190 3,073,400 3,236,778 330 371 2 7 2 7 279 275 22 32 5 21 1 16 11 13 30 9 10 9 1 3 4 4 23 34 41 43 241 256 2,464,193 2,346,526 132 126 106 70 115 123 314 390 495 1,009 1,593 1,413 200 538 945 985 9,099 12,585 30,084 31,564 2,421,074 2,297,664 331 379 263 279 15 10 9 1 3 1 3 34 64 104 126 364 386 1,527,922 1,524,774 9 18 118 71 194 185 406 751 918 662 1,430 1,427 792 1,200 967 955 12,413 24,101 75,724 91,935 1,435,170 1,403,237 ilO 627 60 90 60 90 411 444 14 29 1 6 6 6 7 17 22 52 1,271 42 30 5 50 37 70 72 73 76 28 36 112 134 86 127 185 271 63 53 235 133 96 92 150 153 2,657,187 3,280,069 299 217 1,203 1,227 2,377 2,973 1,633 2,089 8,981 10,701 10,120 14,989 29,683 42,852 12,616 11,535 22,143 20,848 82,483 63,540 65,307 63,378 2,419,790 3,045,720 1,295 1,332 111 177 75 157 487 494 250 227 136 45 7 46 107 136 350 333 70 65 49 28 21 37 14 17 17 24 11 17 76 70 57 73 162 168 49 71 70 90 171 172 166 173 292 299 1,275,233 1,303,670 165 238 268 267 697 905 646 1,008 6,213 5,711 6,672 8,537 25,727 26,737 9,688 13,997 16,640 21,444 59,494 60,622 120,381 125,038 1,028,147 1,039,116 1,172 1,239 437 522 220 377 217 145 412 352 150 220 102 83 10 10 38 127 140 124 ^For 1950 Census, Includes data for 1 farm in Yellowstone National Park. WYOMING 49 OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 reports for anly a aampl e of fariLS. See text] Hot Springs Johnson Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park^ Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washaiie Weston 200 320 667 631 274 381 891 677 762 204 139 98 302 290 252 1 10 17 41 52 28 6 28 28 126 1 2 3 3 21 2 12 9 57 30 39 7 37 28 114 1 6 4 12 10 5 3 2 10 15 25 18 6 7 10 35 1 1 6 13 4 4 3 13 2 24 1 8 2 24 ... 4 2 5 5 8 7 26 27 10 21 18 91 "i 1 2 2 8 6 8 6 44 28 15 6 29 26 90 1 2 4 10 5 5 7 9 8 8 18 5 3 28 15 65 1 2 5 5 8 6 7 22 25 18 1 26 26 82 "i 1 9 8 7 2 9 10 7 4 24 8 ... 25 15 30 1 7 1 8 8 10 6 3 10 24 9 3 24 20 32 4 6 6 5 5 3 11 2 3 2 23 3 1 38 10 13 3 1 1 5 12 1 4 1 32 6 1 27 6 13 1 2 3 1 2 13 S 3 6 49 9 1 102 36 24 6 13 3 14 13 14 ^' 1 10 60 12 5 119 45 22 4 20 2 17 19 1 15 11 6 6 57 6 2 132 25 22 6 3 11 12 20 1 16 10 10 5 78 5 4 155 33 26 3 10 8 9 21 17 20 10 18 70 10 6 183 68 36 12 20 17 34 37 4 18 22 13 38 103 9 6 201 S6 46 14 29 38 33 38 5 19 9 6 9 41 3 2 49 33 15 1 6 4 5 22 1 20 12 5 9 47 8 1 51 33 28 3 6 7 14 20 1 21 10 5 4 42 3 2 52 29 17 1 2 2 8 21 2 22 6 3 10 38 3 4 51 28 33 2 9 4 15 13 3 23 29 20 112 104 21 29 131 73 94 26 20 24 69 40 25 24 32 30 153 119 18 29 152 82 111 38 21 34 88 46 18 25 21 39 165 52 30 61 44 90 101 34 16 13 45 33 23 26 15 40 180 65 25 59 58 96 97 34 15 27 53 31 41 27 61 196 292 99 143 268 79 255 219 116 41 17 93 65 196 28 68 212 298 90 156 296 78 264 226 115 44 14 94 60 204 29 727,229 2,265,297 2,093,769 625,019 2,500,260 1,704,143 904,728 1,402,656 1,573,067 543,946 1,266,514 32,720 993,497 475,822 1,218,934 30 881, 56* 1,984,096 2,127,200 632,169 2,661,696 1,611,615 730,681 1,379,723 1,226,822 548,963 1,256,312 86,379 684,669 366,347 1,154,923 31 40 51 151 178 75 6 125 99 527 3 10 10 19 53 32 49 29 247 171 107 32 162 139 514 5 21 20 71 28 '28 33 158 110 HI 294 75 65 423 259 1,142 ... 10 30 91 78 ... 34 98 92 301 405 309 20 386 391 1,232 11 20 154 169 129 30 35 375 266 162 955 321 ... 991 564 1,150 33 271 45 315 315 ... 36 245 120 385 941 341 120 953 790 1,219 144 238 242 137 197 117 37 113 184 113 1,363 178 60 2,215 551 733 189 65 60 290 33 50 242 60 1,894 341 68 1,618 353 766 '54 120 177 56 116 ... 39 672 240 500 4,119 736 80 8,386 2,949 1,978 482 1,043 237 1,139 1,042 40 739 80 760 4,931 990 423 9,569 3,637 1,815 313 1,600 146 1,404 1,519 '36 41 1,227 697 733 6,649 703 230 15,616 3,010 2,606 711 950 1,292 1,451 2,344 110 42 1,173 1,153 614 9,061 577 460 18,467 3,901 3,186 320 1,209 937 1,082 2,522 ... 43 3,196 1,537 2,874 11,204 1,584 975 28,679 10,847 5,796 1,921 3,176 2,665 5,342 5,885 675 44 3,561 2,049 6,076 16,487 1,431 967 31,587 13,628 7,345 2,240 4,627 6,215 5,257 5,934 80O 45 1,731 1,171 1,797 8,317 588 395 9,636 6,423 2,967 196 1,156 800 1,014 4,327 181 46 2,343 992 1,831 9,066 1,603 130 10,119 6,4S7 5,595 600 1,160 1,425 2,724 3,986 182 47 2,385 1,188 958 9,954 1,871 440 12,326 6,956 4,050 227 480 480 1,881 4,988 514 48 1,430 720 2,402 8,999 707 952 12,182 13,822 7,807 470 2,160 929 3,573 4,288 720 49 10,234 7,650 42,980 37,442 7,126 10,914 45,251 26,352 34,370 9,507 7,102 8,838 25,266 13,889 9,728 50 11,840 11,356 59,076 42,895 6,314 10,684 52,028 30,725 40,934 13,300 7,417 12,126 32,554 16,617 6,667 51 15,335 28,354 121,047 36,969 22,074 46,314 29,544 67,621 71,690 25,314 10,454 9,170 31,590 21,979 17,863 52 10,626 28,531 133, 532 43,829 18,721 43,415 40,003 70,711 70,506 25,541 11,343 19,063 36,434 22,333 30,449 53 691,763 2,223,849 1,922,343 507, 575 2,464,929 1,644,664 751,536 1,277,025 1,446,058 505,552 1,241,673 59,088 924,829 420,632 1,139,863 54 849,410 1,938,732 1,921,916 493,490 2,630,255 1,554,294 553,602 1,235,139 1,085,903 505,965 1,226,397 44,945 601,158 309,178 1,115,350 55 181 321 667 639 263 378 843 721 779 202 126 38 298 235 251 56 199 337 793 711 308 416 979 747 830 220 169 156 349 277 233 57 ... ... 186 55 15 290 91 18 ... 5 ... ... 36 10 58 11 14 267 36 47 312 225 85 ... 11 . . . . . . 72 57 59 183 55 15 245 81 18 ... 5 ... 15 10 60 11 14 261 3 6 36 47 297 35 15 "5 "5 183 'io 42 74 11 "6 !!! 11 ::: 62 "21 10 57 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 5 25 36 318 11 11 31 56 94 1 10 18 70 21 19 33 324 ... 17 36 21 38 ... 11 5 73 9 ... 71 5 ... ... 10 1 10 41 10 ... ... ... 72 ... 22 11 6 10 16 ... 11 1 1 73 125 233 287 155 148 313 247 402 314 174 53 53 212 177 225 74 98 233 255 195 198 287 257 290 351 163 75 82 188 138 173 75 15 30 38 16 33 10 170 40 92 12 35 3 6 21 2 76 27 25 78 48 4 23 144 105 87 27 22 24 19 14 20 77 5 14 9 6 19 5 82 12 27 10 25 2 1 6 1 78 11 6 18 8 19 5 2 ... 32 7 21 5 6 17 16 22 6 5 13 5 10 79 80 "s 27 6 6 15 5 27 ... ... 6 6 81 10 16 21 5 14 5 81 23 48 2 10 1 5 15 1 82 11 19 33 23 2 17 97 79 54 11 ... 12 9 10 83 31 33 120 95 56 28 105 91 251 16 27 17 62 51 14 84 '*'■' 46 136 97 99 42 214 96 247 30 39 45 69 43 32 85 50 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Albany Big Horn Canipbell Carbon Converse Crook Fremont 1 All farms number 1954 .. . 11,402 12,614 310 358 849 950 509 584 331 371 349 379 540 627 1,271 2 1950..; 1,332 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 All farm products sold dollars 1954... 115,134,739 121,835,629 4,137,812 4,320,735 7,484,844 7,220,134 5,479,450 6,085,350 7,291,011 7,953,988 4,374,555 4,105,563 4,247,403 5,031,712 8,024,559 4 1949... 8,389,14^ 5 All crops sold dollars 1954... 24,732,212 28,798,917 48,605 180, 949 3,778,948 2,992,503 540,621 987,234 291,210 396,725 178,822 329,310 634, 526 1,013,999 2,336,113 6 1949... 1,979,918 7 fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1954... 23,818,368 47,205 3,324,644 534,004 279,279 177,855 634, 190 2,316,407 8 1949... 28,375,768 177,305 2,869,028 979,323 390, 968 324,297 1,013,803 1,954,592 9 Vegetables sold dollars 1954... 486,974 137,535 110 425,112 52,295 95 25 98 75 390 75 56 10, 591 10 1949... 14,318 11 Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1954 . . . 18,650 30,760 152 4,157 1,821 22 186 659 1,419 261 140 1,865 12 1949 . . . 1,557 13 Horticultural specialties sold dollars 1954... 408,220 1,400 25,035 6,500 11,931 892 7,250 14 1949... 254,854 3,382 69,359 7,700 5,000 3,704 9,451 15 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1954... 90,165,656 92,905,089 4,083,542 4,105,486 3,705,896 4,227,615 4,934,719 5,097,258 6,997,501 7,557,228 4,192,983 3,768,461 3,418,754 3,959,850 5 681 325 16 1949... 6,409,157 17 4,721,166 165,396 264,220 26,777 171,435 132,955 75,876 565,698 18 1949 . . . 4,379,553 201,025 252,025 53,878 182,228 170,683 81,718 480,917 19 Poultry and poultry products sold. .. .dollars 1954... 1,157,906 38,227 79,947 27,735 25,118 38,950 32, 862 142,516 20 1949 . . . 1,900,849 53,966 123,310 52,470 21,372 52,606 48, 136 261,425 21 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1954... 84,286,584 3,879,919 3,361,729 4,880,207 6,800,948 4,021,076 3,310,016 4,973,111 22 1949... 86,624,687 3,850,495 3,852,280 4,990,910 7,353,628 3,545,172 3,829,996 5,666,815 23 Forest products sold dollars 1954 . . . 236,871 5,665 4,110 2,300 2,750 194, 123 7,121 24 1949... 131,623 34,300 16 858 35 7,292 57,863 69 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Goshen Hot Springs Johnson Larajtde Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park' 1 All farms number 1954... 1,155 200 320 667 631 274 381 891 2 1950... VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOUHCE 1,239 199 337 793 711 308 416 979 3 All farm products sold dollars 1954. . . 11,300,947 14,603,133 2,129,209 2,307,115 4,359,719 4,157,790 7,531,040 8,739,525 5,110,154 4,739,249 4,685,476 4,304,522 3,643,288 3,623,463 8,104,806 4 1949... 7,081,977 5 All crops sold dollars 1954. . . 5,597,361 136,707 233,792 2,276,101 539,534 306,687 174,176 3,709,275 6 1949.-.. 7,474,584 177,713 375,134 3,065,461 460,196 114,229 359,832 2,760,916 7 Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1954... 5,586,164 7,464,308 133,779 172,834 226,342 361,788 2,233,601 3,075,006 539,089 459,332 287,917 90,194 172,062 359,692 3,421,522 8 1949... 2,642,919 9 Vegetables sold dollars 1954... 6,420 925 100 39 20,214 10 1949 . . . 2,781 3,166 50 20 444 1,705 10 36,137 11 Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1954. . . 2,537 3 345 75 2,715 12 1949... 3,378 13 996 435 420 6,946 90 4,392 13 Horticultural specialties sold dollars 1954... 2,240 2,000 7,450 42,500 18,770 2,000 264, 824 14 1949... 4,117 1,700 12,300 10,000 15,384 40 77,468 15 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1954 . . , 5,703,499 1,992,502 4,124,927 5,254,939 4,568,970 4,376,194 3,469,112 4,392,091 16 1949... 7,128,549 2,129,402 3,780,956 5,654,014 4,278,643 4,188,793 3,263,402 4,316,216 17 Dairy products sold dollars 1954 . . . 334,086 51,955 83,201 203,437 972,126 54,083 123,459 360,723 18 1949... 204,346 80, 199 66,087 251,103 846,241 24,229 76, 526 264,777 19 Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1954... 102,286 25,281 29,534 143,721 41,863 31,286 19,810 107,058 20 1949... 175,583 34,280 49,697 170,250 99,145 49,918 23,009 216,810 21 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1954... 5,267,127 1,915,266 4,012,192 4,907,781 3,554,981 4,290,825 3,325,843 3,924,310 22 1949... 6,748,620 2,014,923 3,665,172 5,232,661 3,333,257 4,114,646 3,163,867 3,834,629 23 Forest products sold dollars 1954. . . 87 1,000 1,650 2,595 3,U0 24 1949... ... 1,700 50 410 1,500 229 4,845 ^For 1950 Cenaufl, Includes data for 1 farm in Yellowstone National Park. WYOMING County Table 4— VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 51 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Platte Sheridan Suhlette Sweetwater Teton •Uinta Washakie Weston 1 All farms number 1954 . . . 677 762 204 220 139 169 98 156 302 349 290 277 2 1950... 747 830 252 283 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 All farm products sold... dollars 1954... 4,762,339 6,203,720 2,840,673 2,044,219 942,099 2,301,360 5,511,682 2,624,374 i 1949... 7,258,233 6,810,291 3,271,183 1,785,403 1,099,733 2,678,315 3,912,084 2,356,937 5 All crops sold dollars 1954. . . 780, 201 736,882 147,206 139,921 170,366 36,100 1,759,224 179, 834 6 1949... 2,612,520 1,289,458 127,429 112,801 158,264 158,111 1,272,535 373,546 7 Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts , sold dollars 1954 .. . 777,315 728,615 147,206 135,371 170,366 34,600 1,731,136 179,699 8 1949 . . . 2,607,058 1,268,509 127,279 99,590 158,261 153,840 1,248,031 377,811 9 Vegetables sold dollars 1954... 73 825 ... 1,500 20,795 135 10 1949... 2,075 9,322 2,540 4,233 7,285 475 11 Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1954... 563 5,367 ... ... 740 12 1949... 1,165 4,299 150 171 3 38 2,070 260 13 Horticultural specialties sold dollars 1954... 2,250 2,075 ... 4,550 6,553 U 1949... 2,222 7,323 10,500 ... ... 15,199 15 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1954.. . 3,974,598 5,466,238 2,690,967 1,904,298 770, 833 2,265,260 3,752,458 2,444,050 16 1949 . . . 4,640,902 5,520,358 3,142,754 1,672,327 939,751 2,519,979 2,639,359 1,964,629 17 Dairy products sold dollars 1954 . . . 272,576 432,766 21,873 92,633 26,712 197,982 76,329 14,818 18 1949... 218,258 422,342 23,454 67,271 55,183 217,467 110,618 23, 978 19 Poultry and poultry products sold... .dollars 1954... 77, 574 71,987 3,475 29,320 11,146 23,831 32,652 21,727 20 1949... 112,098 101,288 7,505 47,343 11,195 57,790 106,484 25,169 21 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1954... 3,624,448 4,%1,485 2,665,619 1,782,295 732,975 2,043,447 3,643,477 2,407,505 22 1949... 4,310,546 4,996,728 3,111,795 1,557,713 873,373 2,244,722 2,422,257 1,910,432 23 Forest products sold dollars 1954... 7,540 600 2,500 900 ... 490 24 1949... 4,811 475 1,000 275 1,768 225 140 13,762 52 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER, OFF-FARM WORK {For definitions and explanations, see text) Estimated number of farms 195'i . 1950. FAHMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number 1954. 1950. Class I number 1954. 1950. Class II number 1954 . 1950. Class III number 1954 . 1950. Class IV number 1954 . , 1950.. Class V number 1954. , 1950. . Class VI number 1954.. 1950.. Other farms number 1954.. 1950.. Part-time number 1954 . . 1950.. Residential number 1954. . 1950.. Abnormal number 1954. . 1950.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWm No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954. . No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954 . . Piped running water farms reporting 1954. . Home freezer farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954.. Mil3ting machine farms reporting 1954 . . 1950. . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . 1950 . . number 1954 . . 1950.. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954.. 1950.. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting number Field forage harvesters farms reporting number Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting number Motortrucks farms reporting number Tractors farms reporting number Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting number Garden tractors farms reporting number Crawler tractors farms reporting number Automobiles farms reporting number OFF-FABM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fara operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954., 1950., 1954., 1950. , 1954., 1950., 1954., 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 11,377 12,614 9,620 10,535 940 1,026 1,944 2,213 2,554 2,586 2,179 2,595 1,434 1,530 569 585 1,757 2,079 922 1,036 813 992 22 51 1,011 6,535 2,739 5,890 4,735 10,172 9,432 870 7,794 4,980 1,706 145 2,951 1,121 1,081 3,753 2,989 4,013 3,209 143 74 143 76 1,865 628 1,945 668 679 702 3,833 25,796 9,777 9,113 15,122 12,600 9,389 9,260 19,344 15,606 9,200 8,982 17,509 14,221 603 267 622 279 1,096 989 1,213 1,106 9,616 9,320 13,992 12,912 2,427 2,583 4,523 4,467 2,401 2,490 [Data are based on reports for only Albany 320 358 240 273 44 47 52 61 58 67 46 Big Horn 74 191 13 186 160 278 270 58 233 158 35 1 22 10 30 5 16 5 125 606 278 269 456 405 210 198 532 359 201 195 468 320 6 2 6 2 55 32 58 37 275 280 430 496 94 102 142 109 876 950 696 786 48 40 145 175 168 243 192 164 108 122 35 42 180 164 100 96 80 57 65 20 41 480 270 392 309 835 806 413 127 5 252 60 55 398 320 425 348 11 5 11 5 209 61 220 65 57 58 133 457 721 612 1,137 836 760 798 1,846 1,512 745 758 1,620 1,347 61 21 61 21 142 136 165 144 768 762 1,075 1,005 243 237 441 385 273 224 501 584 493 546 54 46 106 110 115 156 127 138 201 141 341 353 151 20 4 147 13 6 172 167 186 185 19 13 19 13 121 45 123 48 9 10 471 4,996 470 409 700 544 449 464 74« 628 446 451 687 566 9 13 9 13 47 45 52 49 410 468 591 618 31 67 136 141 38 330 371 317 341 82 85 75 120 63 36 40 29 42 60 15 11 13 30 7 11 6 19 61 250 17 187 180 283 293 5 246 210 120 1 79 30 39 44 40 50 68 35 72 38 3 3 150 1,232 300 314 594 552 272 246 689 525 261 238 590 457 16 2 16 2 69 48 83 66 280 261 546 426 29 41 84 106 39 331 379 297 338 43 37 76 46 64 98 59 101 37 44 18 12 34 41 24 28 10 13 48 214 22 259 204 112 26 1 89 10 28 52 7 54 9 52 17 55 17 10 12 214 1,915 298 280 462 371 237 196 507 320 234 184 451 268 13 40 37 43 44 265 213 473 328 57 50 127 103 63 59 510 627 495 575 28 28 94 121 143 181 126 122 60 11 3 32 427 37 235 255 405 316 5 266 199 11 7 217 21 10 212 202 240 206 106 34 107 34 28 29 401 3,060 453 490 687 638 469 510 921 828 464 500 825 747 43 23 43 23 52 52 53 58 396 387 569 499 33 84 159 179 62 78 1,295 1,332 961 1,009 48 26 159 138 261 260 228 309 195 215 70 61 334 323 195 201 136 104 133 30 169 602 361 612 371 1,159 1,018 17 699 462 159 5 236 164 102 398 219 428 219 5 5 147 39 149 40 125 125 140 444 1,084 858 1,533 1,137 968 885 1,617 1,308 963 880 1,535 1,264 26 6 31 6 49 37 51 38 1,007 883 1,322 1,165 412 399 512 519 250 267 1,172 1,239 1,033 1,115 75 131 240 338 366 315 175 222 132 86 45 23 139 124 62 80 464 537 665 286 1,131 1,103 134 910 384 103 15 213 95 60 516 438 558 477 37 16 37 110 72 112 73 111 119 116 241 1,015 943 1,526 1,278 1,011 1,063 2,157 1,962 1,001 1,053 2,065 1,901 45 17 50 20 42 36 42 41 1,029 1,064 1,415 1,397 144 201 363 424 165 181 ^For 1950 Census, includes data for 1 farm in Yellowstone National Park. WYOMING AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a sample >3f farms. See text] 53 Hot Springs Johnson Ljirajnie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Parkl Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washaile Weston lai 321 667 639 263 378 843 721 779 202 126 38 298 285 251 1 i« 337 793 711 308 416 979 747 830 220 169 156 349 277 283 2 150 288 563 544 217 350 743 630 528 187 99 76 236 239 238 3 162 296 655 614 215 374 770 656 588 190 135 117 286 243 251 4 21 44 53 28 51 32 31 33 41 30 15 22 16 75 21 5 16 46 69 17 55 31 64 34 45 34 21 7 15 63 19 6 27 66 109 63 41 69 135 92 120 49 8 16 41 66 45 7 42 66 165 77 29 68 101 171 119 53 13 12 76 67 45 8 18 78 150 174 53 85 201 180 116 34 25 11 76 53 62 9 24 66 154 116 49 101 185 153 159 27 17 11 63 28 72 10 49 41 155 136 35 30 226 133 97 53 34 11 56 20 60 11 47 61 148 228 34 94 225 152 141 33 40 52 73 52 59 12 19 51 88 127 21 67 68 103 82 14 16 11 46 7 39 13 27 35 87 131 40 62 123 70 86 27 22 29 30 14 26 U 16 8 8 16 16 17 32 84 72 7 1 5 1 18 11 15 6 22 32 45 8 18 72 26 38 11 22 6 24 19 30 16 31 33 104 95 46 2b 100 91 251 15 27 12 62 46 13 17 37 41 138 97 93 42 209 91 242 30 34 39 63 34 32 18 5 20 36 50 21 22 74 45 131 5 11 5 50 15 12 19 22 17 60 65 29 30 43 43 91 15 11 14 39 11 26 20 25 13 67 45 15 6 26 46 120 10 15 6 10 30 21 15 16 78 32 64 12 160 43 151 15 13 24 24 23 6 22 1 "s 1 10 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 23 24 22 30 23 55 35 10 30 31 162 5 12 IS 21 9 25 1 5 29 25 21 6 10 10 22 5 ... 3 26 21 44 45 46 51 42 57 59 21 11 6 10 41 20 17 27 105 200 265 447 118 251 391 398 440 160 93 73 223 147 205 28 32 42 300 66 38 69 355 223 134 21 15 5 16 97 12 29 55 194 280 381 74 150 430 472 431 114 43 83 213 179 130 30 43 138 339 291 36 219 385 349 355 91 52 76 229 148 144 31 169 262 626 611 205 352 823 677 711 135 74 78 277 271 205 32 153 190 657 539 161 217 355 660 620 141 79 106 316 219 106 33 5 3 296 32 17 2 74 56 8 3 17 60 1 2 34 83 211 511 534 176 262 626 590 539 119 "66 73 203 200 144 35 110 143 352 237 108 132 357 405 392 68 23 29 218 199 113 36 59 39 175 110 23 17 193 103 131 32 5 13 134 49 22 37 7 13 31 1 8 7 13 2 2 5 7 38 62 126 207 151 26 95 234 217 206 28 "39 24 66 72 93 39 14 31 52 238 12 13 79 77 104 1 6 18 58 11 4 40 25 9 53 266 5 36 86 48 73 6 10 22 79 25 3 41 44 68 270 237 22 89 459 286 205 16 21 2 23 137 77 42 43 48 253 204 5 61 326 270 164 15 11 15 15 91 59 43 44 70 302 243 23 91 465 328 216 16 21 2 23 139 84 44 44 49 1 1 296 3 2 3 2 205 6 67 1 1 332 ... 313 47 26 47 26 177 4 4 15 11 15 15 97 5 5 60 5 1 5 1 45 46 47 48 49 13 71 113 102 72 38 180 93 142 18 31 16 41 35 50 50 3 23 41 23 14 7 18 52 65 15 9 14 13 5 10 51 15 73 119 106 76 38 188 100 155 19 32 21 43 35 50 52 5 25 48 24 14 7 20 62 66 15 9 17 13 5 10 53 5 6 47 20 7 50 94 41 1 2 7 50 2 54 6 7 50 20 2 7 50 94 43 1 3 8 51 2 55 68 210 122 61 176 260 155 215 374 36 32 20 75 63 216 56 342 1,962 337 483 1,586 1,591 553 1,106 2,021 158 276 34 319 351 1,726 57 164 293 563 461 213 314 748 654 659 184 96 33 239 258 229 58 158 265 572 357 199 293 703 604 609 172 118 103 276 260 244 59 247 460 1,006 638 369 436 1,153 959 939 327 167 127 326 537 336 60 234 4O0 844 443 325 337 911 844 815 293 165 155 325 442 306 61 138 247 565 518 175 321 756 622 604 181 103 78 239 244 217 62 126 230 580 529 100 347 842 637 546 146 91 93 208 242 183 63 278 540 1,236 873 360 536 1,693 1,215 1,161 566 195 225 399 693 357 64 246 389 1,021 669 156 445 1,460 1,190 860 361 117 157 263 532 293 65 135 236 560 501 152 314 746 618 571 178 103 67 239 244 216 66 126 226 559 437 76 320 842 607 539 146 85 33 207 232 183 67 252 463 1,133 793 273 502 1,509 1,168 1,005 513 172 152 380 617 331 63 208 343 954 565 117 421 1,345 1,096 774 316 102 124 248 452 281 69 5 26 49 11 43 6 91 15 73 1 8 13 2 36 5 70 15 6 36 2 10 10 8 34 23 2 1 26 2 71 5 27 49 11 43 6 93 15 74 1 "3 18 "2 36 5 72 15 6 37 2 10 10 10 39 23 3 1 26 2 73 16 45 44 58 40 26 82 29 73 50 "15 50 12 40 20 74 22 33 23 34 29 13 102 45 60 38 15 31 12 44 15 75 21 50 54 64 44 28 91 32 82 52 15 55 17 40 21 76 23 35 30 102 29 14 105 55 63 42 15 32 15 54 15 77 124 276 586 575 193 353 761 631 636 173 37 83 250 246 212 73 113 234 633 495 185 340 744 629 549 161 108 128 246 218 219 79 198 454 908 746 294 477 1,040 836 1,034 270 119 180 326 383 306 30 145 396 911 565 243 438 936 852 763 279 122 201 349 428 300 31 25 29 146 199 69 58 137 142 288 27 44 23 99 51 47 82 27 48 131 148 113 67 193 127 256 37 45 44 79 44 43 S3 61 81 329 380 94 145 330 317 358 61 58 43 125 92 85 84 85 89 295 346 133 123 348 282 272 57 59 67 166 76 98 35 13 35 187 203 61 76 151 139 261 35 40 27 80 46 56 36 48 42 171 165 113 84 191 145 233 26 37 32 95 46 43 87 54 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF [Data are based on reports for only {For definitions and explanations, see text) Albany Big Horn Campbell Estimated number of farms 1954 . . 1950.. FAHM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2:' Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. 1950. persons 1954. 1950. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . 1950. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . 1950. 1 to 14 hours persons 1954. 15 or more hours persons 1954. Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. 1950. persons 1954 . 1950. Hired workers farms reporting 1954. 1950. persons 1954 . 1950. Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954 . , Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm e:q)enditures^ farms reporting 1954., 1949., Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954., 1949 . , Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . , 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. , 1949.. dollars 1954 . , 1949., $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954 . . $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954.. $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954.. $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. . 1949 . . dollars 1954 . . 1949.. Commercial fertilizer farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954 . . tons 1954.. acres on which used 1954 . . Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954 . . USE OF COItlERCLAL FERTILIZER Crops OB vfaich coaaercial fertilizer was uaed, 1954: Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used . . Other pasture farms reporting . . tons . . acres on which used . . Sugar beets farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used . . Wheat Xarms reporting . ■ tons . . acres on which used . . Fruits, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting.. tons . . acres on which used . . Other crops farms reporting . . tons . . acres on which used . . 11,377 L3,614 10,719 11,547 25,315 25,586 10,466 11,175 10,253 10 ,790 2,140 8,1U 4,479 4,993 6,969 7,451 2,680 3,177 8,093 7,345 1,989 4,757 1,140 3,336 11,333 11,730 7,988 9,549 5,345 6,510 2 ,297 ,300 2,513,172 6,198 7,933 15,043,754 16,146,198 823 716 1,202 983 1,111 1,363 9,296 9,975 14,942,656 16,117,637 10,471 10,576 7,752,180 6,599,248 2,288 998,321 11,740 121,138 7 631 1,958 955 1,1S0 3,787 44,726 138 239 2,271 944 4,430 34 ,036 190 326 3,631 134 428 3,287 971 2,561 33,281 320 358 304 327 715 842 300 306 286 297 48 238 168 154 265 215 87 L24 164 330 69 130 319 349 131 270 71 141 33,273 96,313 159 252 365 ,788 566,539 6 17 31 21 44 40 312 326 726,366 823 ,039 288 313 154 ,781 159,031 15 3,266 42 500 15 42 500 876 950 771 894 1,750 2,006 751 862 751 842 195 556 247 423 413 709 237 245 586 455 163 283 136 303 376 924 596 694 425 532 194,526 132 ,392 464 559 1,033,699 962,950 36 51 88 70 60 109 662 703 630,550 685 ,419 750 823 589,228 506 ,210 358 142,984 1,784 17,644 202 555 7,452 30 20 200 174 393 6,517 36 51 445 1 90 800 88 175 2,230 501 584 500 534 856 1,190 493 518 486 495 65 421 142 309 206 435 89 137 164 260 76 133 501 603 337 502 208 337 98 ,093 120 ,288 259 415 397 ,983 525,965 35 31 61 39 51 42 435 540 703 ,622 388 ,423 488 563 365,506 320,971 2 783 13 140 10 100 330 371 330 367 1,265 1,455 305 343 300 335 46 254 116 131 186 202 174 195 779 918 149 564 60 215 330 372 261 320 145 153 121,649 132,203 249 315 1,670,855 1,850,770 15 21 35 28 37 113 314 315 998,538 1,650,732 325 344 327,583 300,233 17 10 ,738 132 1,418 64 764 2 3 40 329 331 379 318 323 395 316 311 311 305 296 67 238 184 146 292 281 97 110 298 239 82 198 41 100 331 329 203 269 105 14« 45 , 519 38,185 154 217 567,580 527,316 13 12 19 19 39 52 306 303 729 ,789 721,855 317 301 249 ,750 169,333 24 15,645 224 1,246 1 6 20 20 13 170 846 1 2 40 46 275 510 627 490 573 1,005 1,112 483 566 471 555 73 398 227 256 376 375 99 109 158 182 78 125 510 619 397 508 307 362 114,426 135,450 234 396 330 ,263 401,415 49 27 65 47 62 34 335 515 346,673 527,109 494 549 381,388 276 ,019 13 3,117 38 486 13 251 1,295 1,332 1,173 1,180 2,705 2,345 1,144 1,161 1,118 1,116 254 864 535 541 793 811 227 225 794 418 148 292 113 502 1,238 1,155 777 908 571 588 213,831 131,004 571 702 937,300 770,303 105 61 115 107 84 99 953 963 844,257 861,844 1,156 983 669,444 506 ,071 342 154 ,788 1,783 18,252 6 19 175 183 558 5,651 30 68 610 107 5L2 3,280 58 93 1,093 11 63 262 181 499 7,341 1,172 1,239 1,109 1,153 2,593 2,350 1,088 1,125 1,073 1,101 227 846 452 508 662 806 271 319 853 443 169 234 130 624 1,162 1,160 906 1,014 647 329 271,575 447,442 761 925 963,308 1,310,966 32 31 130 202 147 119 915 1,038 1,348,412 1,155,303 1,093 1,111 927 ,234 870,291 511 228,335 2,505 25,453 155 326 ,116 1 399 1,629 14,046 7 12 179 30 89 905 205 448 6,182 Z Less than 0.5. ^For 1950 Census, commercial fertilizer and lime. Includes data for 1 farm in Yellowstone National Park. For 1950, "Week preceding enumeration.' ^Excludes farms reporting WYOMING 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954 55 a sample of farms. See text] Hot Springs Johnson Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park' Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washakie Weston 181 321 667 639 263 378 843 721 779 202 126 88 298 285 251 1 199 337 793 711 308 416 979 747 830 220 169 156 349 277 283 2 176 283 580 618 237 368 808 680 779 195 111 81 296 269 243 3 181 303 692 601 257 419 942 753 710 187 145 143 338 255 270 4 428 699 1,291 1,560 755 747 2,109 1,197 1,575 527 537 244 599 747 516 5 479 724 1,434 1,228 727 834 1,749 1,595 1,540 524 425 339 724 603 545 6 169 279 567 611 232 366 780 658 763 194 106 73 291 263 239 7 174 291 669 579 246 406 924 740 691 180 135 141 304 238 265 8 167 277 563 576 212 363 758 654 753 193 105 72 275 261 234 9 169 289 642 553 245 386 893 707 666 169 129 141 279 228 257 10 27 27 165 138 37 101 102 206 155 21 15 14 55 45 57 11 140 250 398 438 175 262 656 448 598 172 90 58 220 216 177 12 53 106 217 384 100 188 364 265 260 64 45 30 114. 109 109 13 87 120 234 263 92 201 371 351 246 70 55 55 182 92 106 14 90 175 318 589 173 281 617 368 367 39 90 66 178 203 172 15 107 173 351 392 lis 291 452 538 382 82 106 55 254 118 198 16 43 99 123 L26 113 64 159 110 176 73 48 41 67 114 43 17 63 119 148 122 89 103 176 232 181 97 44 63 101 118 57 18 171 247 410 395 370 103 734 175 455 245 342 106 146 283 110 19 203 262 441 283 364 157 404 350 492 273 190 143 191 257 90 20 29 83 86 86 90 53 104 91 139 62 33 24 52 88 35 21 115 197 270 272 290 74 262 139 348 201 222 55 109 158 86 22 23 27 58 61 42 20 94 30 57 23 25 25 28 55 14 23 56 50 140 123 80 29 472 36 107 44 120 51 37 125 24 24 181 320 666 624 263 378 843 721 779 202 L26 88 296 279 250 25 176 306 742 644 263 412 783 767 713 203 151 153 355 275 276 26 L23 218 455 505 181 238 663 512 500 174 33 73 211 212 182 27 149 256 547 504 183 356 663 630 597 168 116 128 295 244 223 28 65 106 3i3 407 52 153 518 326 324 77 45 43 149 123 135 29 108 153 420 385 72 232 463 456 443 81 58 68 139 160 132 30 18,579 38 ,835 235,135 112,399 41,731 95,573 186,999 90,129 140,423 40,169 16,729 44,870 56,779 35,427 50,581 31 45 ,720 72,443 235,292 93,217 28,107 74 ,824 113 ,297 216,324 136 ,827 38,799 10,927 30,435 59,759 45,742 32,682 32 97 169 324 355 170 192 510 348 357 156 72 73 173 188 113 33 88 199 441 379 162 305 563 551 446 158 91 103 270 209 182 34 364,463 483,570 907,046 942 ,790 852 ,992 219,357 885,426 384,092 900,008 702,596 707 ,406 234,561 342,541 607,535 242,095 35 317,439 511,328 1,108,481 723,245 751,350 308,169 1,061,078 765,591 974,412 691,735 495,335 242,662 429,677 648,785 200,037 36 25 12 40 70 12 24 64 60 68 10 10 5 4 6 22 37 2 14 30 69 6 35 96 36 43 10 12 10 33 5 14 38 U 26 85 64 26 46 112 90 60 22 15 5 45 30 19 39 10 23 46 44 29 28 31 52 41 26 7 5 16 27 15 40 24 34 59 49 30 29 85 75 66 26 6 13 29 39 23 41 23 60 64 59 67 30 72 35 79 62 22 35 46 81 20 42 161 307 545 525 236 366 615 614 701 154 65 53 242 219 211 43 154 264 625 512 249 368 681 676 582 177 104 118 308 214 240 44 369 ,054 641,162 1,337,806 513,374 925,536 582,887 600,143 1,175,360 714,043 215,371 263 ,857 31,575 252,720 657 ,281 284,280 45 343,316 565,787 1,134,081 597,996 993 ,707 570,563 733,918 797 ,237 664,469 299,891 534,546 123,236 449,634 721,850 218,077 46 180 302 639 549 228 378 788 682 657 194 115 82 268 258 240 47 166 291 625 584 215 400 712 691 600 188 130 143 329 260 255 48 117,154 233,542 508,112 366,795 230,254 230,043 545,351 458,334 429,159 182,988 110,115 64,258 124 ,469 287,113 199,579 49 108,357 225,124 490,657 267,046 146,405 191,775 461,956 469 ,229 323 ,754 139,902 80 ,947 65,964 135 ,396 237 ,081 147 ,491 50 32 36 33 30 40 1 446 107 100 16 7 12 8 134 4 51 7,861 13,747 11,355 5.^43 9,264 12 206,344 30,080 32,525 4,443 1,987 2,691 1,325 104,098 7,690 52 53 54 92 173 131 142 134 (z) 2,280 391 431 68 51 29 28 1,171 98 888 1,936 1,364 1,123 1,010 3 25,717 4,781 4,742 1,212 185 370 151 11,656 861 1 300 1,188 300 5 55 :;■. 325 750 635 56 57 58 18 27 9 29 1 1 233 69 73 15 7 12 7 87 2 59 47 127 35 141 2 347 136 237 67 51 52 20 233 54 60 507 1,494 7 25 280 408 1 4 65 1,053 20 1 2 20 10,373 46 33 441 1,766 3,235 14 78 500 1,190 185 365 5 2 50 116 3,354 477 61 62 63 64 10 2 4 75 55 18 99 65 28 15 18 390 156 87 698 66 200 110 135 2,605 1,435 616 5,040 67 1 1 1 63 5 5 5 63 1 1 4 110 6 12 5 69 20 20 50 1,063 125 196 ... 75 70 1 3 15 62 5 5 71 (z) 21 18 141 1 4 72 1 ISO 300 781 10 75 73 13 1 27 23 265 '56 6 82 3 74 18 5 53 "' 110 748 93 16 8 235 44 75 180 32 610 620 9,999 1,455 185 22 35 3,137 384 \1 56 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 1 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock (For definitions and explanations, see text) Albany Big Horn Campbell Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting 1954 . . 1950 . , number 195"^.. 1950., Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Milk cows farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Heifers and heifer calves. .. .farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Whole millc sold farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . gallons 1954., 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Cream sold farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. pounds of butterf at 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954 . . number of cows 1954 . . Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons 1954 . . Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954 . . pounds 1954 . . Ilorses and Bales; Horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Hogs; Hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. number 1954. . 1950.. Born before June 1 farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Bom since June 1 farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting 1954.. number 1954,. Between Dec, 1 and June 1.... farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . number 1954 . . 1950.. After June 1 farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . %eep and wool; Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Sheep 1 year old and over . .farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Ewes farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1954. . 1949 . . number shorn 1954 . . 1949.. Wool shorn pounds 1954 . . 1949.. Average date of enumeration 1954. . 9,972 10,668 1,234,608 1,027,723 9,705 10,447 580,982 494,593 7,754 9,175 38,886 45,733 8,959 336,160 3,650 317,466 1,014 1,471 12,052,351 9,879,253 3,750,748 3,155,208 2,841 3,351 1,747,232 1,976,986 970,418 1,221,999 7,162 27,569 70,895 2,491 7,499 7,656 9,170 53,455 32,585 2,952 4,701 36,577 49,554 2,036 18,413 1,776 18,164 1,386 5,394 976 2,638 3,542 10,438 782 2,352 3,515 2,993 2,083,670 ], 323, 838 3,119 1,521,058 3,065 2,677 1,459,915 1,542,034 2,316 1,983 61,143 56,798 2,828 562,612 3,095 2,452 1,767,122 1,570,015 19,460,822 15,125,552 10/17-10/23 2S4 317 59,465 56,908 272 302 27,947 26,773 219 266 948 1,381 248 15,465 242 16,053 18 22 280,238 358,923 153,627 170,867 53 79 20,026 47,134 11,769 29,939 194 613 74 275 259 299 2,197 37 60 335 382 27 151 13 184 6 49 5 16 22 77 3 27 101 81 29,772 34,584 22,154 87 74 21,047 29,340 69 62 1,107 1,497 32 7,613 79 64 29,694 35,693 347,381 370,549 10/17-10/23 730 822 717 815 13,936 14,275 541 776 2,314 3,363 633 13,255 566 11,539 47 108 513,555 515,126 161,316 158,777 235 337 197,216 154,893 102,404 93,053 613 1,986 256 837 492 653 1,973 3,301 329 503 4,015 5,597 220 2,021 224 1,994 126 587 77 281 318 964 90 269 282 243 100, 187 114,973 223 61,928 221 162 59,693 69,359 144 96 2,235 2,935 239 38,259 210 134 76,353 67,442 884,079 736, 537 484 532 86,297 61,935 477 523 43,642 32,420 379 441 1,147 1,538 460 23,266 454 19,389 7 24 3,102 41,294 778 15,207 97 157 43,883 64,235 25,999 38,593 325 733 lil 377 10/17-10/23 435 501 2,841 4,148 96 161 1,038 1,349 71 658 50 380 54 139 39 106 98 351 24 41 182 165 103,203 89,332 177 32,566 176 157 79,528 74,383 160 128 3,038 2,810 154 25,642 174 139 90,986 73,313 952,816 670,799 10/24-10/31 285 310 76, 150 62,038 281 307 37,791 35,985 223 245 1,288 1,587 263 20,240 269 13,119 20 32 411,308 397,571 152,025 152,597 55 67 36,352 43,578 19, ao 29,386 204 798 2,029 303 343 4,266 5,465 64 63 501 423 40 296 36 205 13 62 9 25 43 110 148 155 291,943 297,383 142 248,080 139 154 231,733 266,575 111 137 16,347 7,914 121 43,863 143 143 297,582 277, 878 3,373,120 2,602,144 10/17-10/53 328 343 58,731 55,415 323 337 29,555 25,372 235 271 1,074 1,388 297 17,023 297 12,203 18 39 378,338 341, 100 113,394 142,323 60 105 25,222 45,927 14,561 28,280 216 753 73 276 293 321 2,154 3,303 55 109 687 924 26 232 35 405 15 111 10 57 67 245 9 146 132 127,938 96,644 141 94,204 140 126 91,313 87,564 122 102 2,891 2,704 115 33,734 136 114 99,417 79,858 1,062,299 743, 129 10/17-10/53 509 567 57,615 46,711 500 562 26,703 21,382 427 499 1,569 1,369 478 15,618 473 15,294 11 20 81,010 37,896 27,731 27,001 212 251 83,027 85,966 48, 145 54,709 390 1,034 185 554 479 561 2,671 3,608 195 258 2,495 2,240 135 1,086 108 1,409 103 426 74 172 259 530 52 167 184 143 58,284 43,450 163 44,874 161 136 43,305 35,075 129 109 1,569 881 145 13,410 175 133 51,861 34, 583 492,202 268,647 10/17-10/23 1,080 1,086 93,502 79,377 1,052 1,062 43,662 40,733 773 903 4,300 4,663 958 25,501 919 24,339 100 125 1,283,134 1,152,428 423,447 294,713 341 452 265,385 302,987 142,251 186, 144 716 3,100 205 571 324 357 5,886 11,611 310 443 3,228 4,224 221 1,540 185 1,688 126 470 36 231 272 704 76 198 438 392 162,812 U0,380 390 105,987 375 345 101,971 105,952 306 246 4,016 3,137 359 56,825 395 326 121,770 93,675 1,335,665 991,579 10/24-/10/31 995 1,074 78,350 66,235 935 1,042 32,236 27,525 732 922 3,348 3,585 881 22,732 854 23,332 39 44 605,203 193,919 223,153 73,116 361 511 197,634 217,748 110,933 131,230 675 2,310 239 606 468 691 1,4U 2,615 249 493 2,003 5,154 154 864 152 1,144 109 327 64 235 177 994 73 150 168 150 36,939 22,298 146 11,093 144 138 10,602 14,464 94 80 491 1,703 128 25,846 142 104 15,923 18,395 156,453 150,904 10/10- 10/l6 J ^For 1950 Census, includes data for 1 farm in Yellowstone National Park. WYOMING 57 PRODUCTS; CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 and poultry, see text and State Table 12] Hot Springs Johnson Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park' Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washakie Weston — 177 176 31,373 29,934 ;E5 296 53,742 47,224 535 609 64,956 65,131 566 623 38,796 3t,537 197 200 45,680 33,496 355 371 53,489 48,566 766 744 52,602 38,613 560 649 47,509 54,008 699 722 93,890 65,579 184 199 69,023 53,424 107 120 11,920 7,553 85 128 17,415 15,210 274 289 31,660 26,132 244 226 24,253 18,346 243 265 44,410 31,889 1 2 3 4 174 176 16,236 U,689 284 291 27,182 22,976 519 590 31,130 29,532 556 620 18,681 16,039 194 189 23,305 17,427 351 366 27,799 21,678 734 724 19,719 17,070 641 631 23,260 24,021 679 701 41,279 32,419 182 197 30,837 26,802 107 117 6,044 3,920 82 124 7,623 6,519 271 286 16,324 12,387 234 224 10,636 8,669 240 263 20,405 16,970 5 6 7 8 131 150 557 761 198 249 854 1,054 396 485 1,821 2,514 515 584 5,341 5,772 87 141 293 431 236 284 984 1,210 640 638 3,116 2,943 451 578 2,131 2,591 585 636 3,078 3,406 127 162 543 763 79 105 539 604 71 117 367 603 202 246 1,441 2,090 217 212 763 939 190 215 570 638 9 10 11 12 158 7,981 265 14,248 476 17,139 518 11,040 182 12,808 330 13,139 650 11,889 498 13,757 622 26,049 177 19,656 97 3,031 81 4,778 254 8,105 197 6,864 226 12,576 13 U 142 7,156 262 12,312 490 16,687 475 9,075 177 9,567 319 12,551 630 20,994 480 10,492 580 26,562 176 18, 630 94 2,846 76 5,014 239 7,231 199 6,753 233 11,429 15 16 23 46 135,760 204,354 40,303 68,127 14 31 181,999 128,594 70,854 50,798 22 52 349,430 380,584 141,708 149,926 421 477 4,333,162 3,225,112 962,692 833,027 13 14 137,125 47,338 49,498 20,296 19 24 239,377 122,227 109,956 51,198 83 106 734,894 487,503 248,296 174,925 38 38 667,169 237,455 185,938 102,975 64 102 866,286 783,081 339,170 294,966 2 4 16,010 39,321 12,476 L3,282 13 26 256,897 156,096 37,630 64,436 9 28 79,299 162,463 20,595 42,476 20 79 405,297 462,819 154,125 152,365 10 22 177,620 254,411 62,556 94,454 3 8 11,089 54,639 4,082 17,365 17 13 19 20 21 22 36 48 21,136 19,432 11,652 12,061 42 69 23,709 27,278 12,347 15,289 207 273 112,161 160,486 61,729 100,820 25 37 15,206 19,557 9,434 13,214 12 21 8,749 6,788 4,585 3,908 52 107 25,879 40,133 13,503 25,307 233 322 191,996 155,670 112,427 89,526 205 341 147,088 184,475 36,638 115,243 230 320 171,647 200,906 93,596 126,827 43 38 16,7L3 16,720 9,398 10,126 14 34 8,860 20,272 5,153 12,319 19 36 10,662 19,502 6,117 12,708 96 107 76,375 98,397 43,857 65,112 63 68 24,026 24,840 13,774 16,164 50 71 18,780 20,012 10,736 11,542 23 24 25 26 27 28 116 370 178 525 370 1,293 500 4,224 77 199 2U 699 602 2,304 417 1,481 540 2,240 122 332 77 385 65 248 191 1,032 200 657 161 353 29 30 928 1,292 3,091 12,957 412 1,389 6,114 3,785 5,994 588 1,149 679 2,435 1,421 672 31 28 96 58 211 127 363 84 271 16 56 69 174 184 494 159 403 230 573 58 265 26 76 26 96 44 136 74 224 66 218 32 33 146 156 1,136 1,787 266 303 2,136 3,587 317 443 1,742 3,599 513 610 3,232 4,591 193 224 1,883 2,560 302 3;7 1,468 2,198 449 566 2,733 4,184 374 493 1,683 2,643 492 582 3,365 4,707 178 200 3,518 4,999 108 130 1,480 1,796 88 135 1,366 1,639 268 302 1,822 2,947 131 171 1,109 1,426 228 262 1,386 1,883 34 35 36 37 44 81 527 1,335 68 104 1,238 1,974 131 264 2,931 3,178 284 423 5,134 5,081 33 64 531 544 35 90 422 463 267 387 4,319 4,864 129 287 1,437 3,592 255 330 2,822 3,935 47 69 216 216 40 63 160 416 26 63 278 373 123 144 870 867 69 133 719 1,760 66 109 666 668 38 39 40 41 31 292 24 235 49 633 40 605 98 2,067 72 864 219 2,651 175 2,483 22 227 22 304 22 168 26 264 196 2,034 166 2,286 83 542 79 895 154 1,207 ISO 1,615 35 109 26 107 27 74 22 86 14 121 19 157 91 581 52 289 46 363 44 366 66 466 26 210 42 43 44 45 27 99 32 191 94 318 215 1,012 14 124 17 83 124 689 50 263 124 531 10 17 12 17 8 32 51 160 24 94 32 93 46 47 22 56 70 268 12 29 2? 65 82 358 17 109 63 )56 200 843 46 118 155 357 656 1,675 J08 356 8 19 56 52 12 68 14 52 46 163 11 37 103 154 425 658 71 264 34 151 144 702 33 119 90 184 331 787 71 200 4 25 7 60 8 10 6 27 7 47 8 10 7 39 21 98 5 11 40 90 106 224 22 54 19 64 59 260 14 35 25 76 71 218 9 22 48 49 50 51 52 53 87 61 54,895 32, 127 163 140 129,842 84,830 126 101 61,961 68,956 246 229 156,727 135,413 130 110 178,867 206,623 123 99 46,323 32,438 218 135 69,967 64,064 118 97 32,534 34,843 163 118 54,906 36,733 44 66 45,191 36,938 67 60 121,382 106,603 4 11 104 815 195 177 66,620 74,702 135 92 140,975 85,504 47 36 17,293 8,195 54 55 56 57 72 41,160 153 96,709 110 48, 863 230 122,396 112 144,355 118 34,770 184 40,370 105 20,482 138 43,369 43 33,251 61 94,300 4 57 192 65, 179 81 64,502 45 10,409 58 59 71 53 38,521 27,690 147 129 93,761 76,571 108 95 47,272 60,436 226 221 118,473 118,833 110 100 139,708 182,495 118 95 33,374 23,865 183 98 39,244 43,512 101 83 20,015 26,679 137 110 41,375 33,754 43 62 32,231 35,027 60 69 90,863 101,426 4 8 54 687 191 175 63,037 60,363 79 64 62,644 55,627 44 33 10,151 7,452 60 61 62 63 35 24 2,639 765 129 92 2,948 1,767 80 67 1,591 2,464 127 146 3,923 3,971 90 89 4,647 5,161 101 83 1,396 1,151 121 59 1,126 1,135 69 61 467 4,622 83 77 1,994 737 37 53 1,020 1,395 46 44 3,437 2,542 2 6 3 24 166 166 2,142 2,009 60 41 1,858 6,182 35 25 268 292 64 65 66 67 63 13,735 131 33,133 97 13,098 196 34,331 96 34,512 94 11,553 189 19,597 74 12,052 123 11,537 43 11,940 64 27,082 3 47 162 11,441 113 76,473 37 6,884 68 69 71 43 42,310 33,709 153 122 105,531 77,562 107 87 60,425 57,274 228 199 151,099 123,859 113 105 162,059 205,324 115 90 39,226 30,182 185 81 45,815 44,237 110 79 26,131 24,340 142 104 46,048 30,775 43 57 38,331 36,634 56 58 109,590 97,708 2 4 53 607 192 175 61,881 54,476 79 65 81,232 60,072 45 36 13,306 7,419 70 71 72 73 473,494 332,030 1,099,329 706,657 687,780 615,024 1,634,774 1,249,234 1,860,690 2,027,335 446,655 286,845 514,292 404,685 261,101 224,438 459,715 275,025 477,494 395,313 1,281,442 917,653 560 6,055 615,694 609,675 909,510 472,140 134,272 64,155 74 75 10/17-10/33 1D/17-1D/23 10/17- lD/23 10/17-10/23 10/17-10/23 10/34-10/31 10/17-10/23 10/17-10/23 IO'17-IO 33 10/10-10/16 10/17-10/23 10/17-10/33 10/10-10/16 10/10-10/16 10/17-10/23 76 58 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 2 of 2]. -LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK .For comparat ility of data on livestock Item The State Albany Big Horn Campbell Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Goshen (For definitions and explanations, see text) Poultry and poultry products; 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting 1954... 4,500 94 336 186 93 124 283 533 482 2 1949... 5,870 98 474 319 103 178 332 643 695 3 dollars 1954... 1,157,906 38,227 79,947 27,735 25,118 33,950 32,862 142,516 102,285 A 1949... 1,900,849 53,966 123,310 52,470 21,372 52,606 48,136 261,425 175,583 5 Chicltens, 4 months old and over. on hand farms reporting 1954... 7,963 198 599 392 205 250 459 899 801 6 1950... 9,464 243 761 463 230 310 524 935 1,027 7 number 1954... 530,898 11,530 41,281 20,814 11,681 14,922 24,212 63,540 51,828 8 1950... 542,414 9,595 42,069 22,220 12,603 15,721 24,093 54,002 64,458 9 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 2,123 42 150 77 41 56 109 251 269 10 1949... 2,841 41 223 144 44 95 116 337 334 11 number 1954.. . 202,438 11,046 12,214 4,986 1,994 6,125 6,220 22,631 19,242 12 1949... 332,958 23,948 17,805 11,561 2,616 9,383 4,929 39,310 30,345 13 dollars 1954... 216,542 13,062 13,096 5,573 2,112 8,150 7,320 25,631 17,957 14 392,949 29,343 21,062 11,870 3,678 13,030 5,636 50,468 30,553 15 Broilers farms reporting 1954... 9 1 2 16 number 1954 26,290 6,000 3,490 ... ... ... 17 dollars 1954... 24,890 6,000 3,390 ... ... ... 18 Other chickens.......... farms reporting 1954... 2,117 41 149 77 41 56 109 251 269 19 number 1954... 176,148 5,046 8,724 4,986 1,994 6,125 6,220 22,531 19,242 20 dollars 1954... 191,652 7,062 9,706 5,573 2,112 8,150 7,320 25,581 17,967 21 Chicken sees sold>>> ••••••■•• •••f&rms reportinE 1954... 3,806 82 292 140 82 101 265 458 383 22 1949... 5,134 82 406 275 90 153 294 565 622 23 dozens 1954.. . 2,180,839 46,931 157,240 56,981 49,079 62,155 68,175 260,859 171,046 2-4 1949... 2,493,418 40,063 167,273 90,106 36,769 71,470 96,367 330,994 292,217 25 821,919 23,457 54,483 18,736 22,459 26,694 22,075 99,717 54,376 26 1949... 1,006,965 19,636 64,059 34,542 16,868 32,606 33,767 131,416 101,355 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954, . . 1,099 33 68 83 26 48 88 132 53 28 1949... 1,274 34 90 78 28 87 108 142 33 29 number 1954. . . 27,835 531 2,254 1,177 247 856 1,185 3,763 6,344 30 1949... 86,847 961 6,894 1,558 302 1,304 2,533 13,480 6,365 31 Light breeds farms reporting 1954 . . . 444 11 29 31 16 15 33 65 19 32 number 1954... 7,422 81 616 355 153 205 436 1,708 243 33 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954... 680 23 43 53 11 33 55 69 39 34 20,413 450 1,638 822 94 651 749 2,055 5,101 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand ........................ farms reporting 1954... 561 g 22 54 11 17 64 81 24 36 number 1954... 2,369 145 112 199 33 54 204 333 158 37 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 254 3 10 25 3 8 26 48 8 38 number 1954... 964 7 41 97 20 33 76 205 31 39 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954... 309 3 12 29 3 9 38 34 16 40 number 1954... 1,405 138 71 102 13 21 123 127 127 41 Ducks raised farms reporting 1954... 491 17 14 36 26 17 27 25 15 14 24 26 79 65 41 42 1949... 543 32 85 43 3,889 84 346 104 144 120 198 558 336 44 1949... 6,009 347 265 377 130 347 165 1,192 996 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold... farms reporting 1954... 550 7 34 39 10 27 34 74 36 46 1949... 819 13 62 49 9 59 66 108 50 47 119,445 1,708 12,368 3,426 547 4,106 3,467 17,118 29,943 48 1949... Auinsls sold alive; 500,935 4,987 38,189 6,058 826 6,970 8,733 79,541 43,664 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting 1954... 9,474 268 630 439 312 322 511 1,025 876 50 1949... 10,344 299 740 540 337 351 562 1,052 1,018 51 dollars 1954... 74,750,782 3,709,702 2,928,530 4,413,327 5,148,119 3,500,551 3,068,837 4,318,635 5,190,463 52 1949... 79,305,166 3,679,891 3,466,973 4,637,653 6,095,197 3,188,575 3,681,554 5,195,477 6,673,287 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 8,530 9,249 245 280 548 634 460 499 274 291 299 327 491 534 875 882 805 921 54 1949... 55 number 1954... 598,710 37,915 17,930 45,203 34,027 31,801 27,243 34,759 40,013 56 1949... 438,555 23,446 15,469 32,098 28,135 19,409 23,397 27,486 36,370 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves.......... farms reporting 1954... 7,173 219 437 420 238 273 440 548 544 58 1949... 7,911 255 504 459 277 302 498 679 761 59 number 1954.. . 389,190 24,319 11,674 26,507 16,506 20,691 18,208 23,143 24,705 60 1949... 333,058 17,901 11,368 22,432 18,672 15,292 17,917 21,982 25,563 61 dollars 1954... 42,041,039 2,573,194 1,431,757 2,517,834 1,541,698 2,072,439 1,908,258 2,294,458 3,355,971 62 1949... 49,743,997 2,710,614 1,789,976 3,017,787 2,842,456 2,091,817 2,565,697 3,133,024 4,481,283 63 5,329 4,993 170 153 352 346 304 260 202 153 201 159 288 288 602 480 64 1949... 538 513 65 number 1954... 209,520 13,596 6,256 18,701 17,521 11,110 9,035 11,616 15,308 66 1949... 105,497 5,545 4,101 9,666 9,513 4,117 5,480 5,504 10,807 67 dollars 1954... 13,506,513 838,499 477,590 1,038,574 1,105,857 664,354 573,451 764,625 1,139,463 68 1949... 8,897,992 491,985 407,806 775,416 779,277 343,471 420,785 423,324 957,734 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1,812 12 185 61 15 31 126 201 130 70 1949... 3,959 24 404 149 36 79 257 382 430 71 number 1954... 34,444 178 3,597 904 272 917 1,904 2,384 1,789 72 1949... 84,175 441 9,014 3,084 835 1,595 4,917 7,338 7,741 73 dollars 1954... 1,157,511 5,394 123,740 24,314 7,942 27,981 45,207 106,934 49,492 74 2,730,823 13,435 270,574 94,853 24,113 51,607 155,849 194,533 234,456 75 Sheep and lambs sold alive. . .farms reporting 1954... 3,148 70 236 177 141 139 169 396 152 76 1949... 2,566 57 130 135 135 114 135 357 144 77 number 1954... 1,448,270 24,569 68,255 68,343 224,162 58,262 41,725 39,881 35,022 78 1949... 1,147,512 30,020 60,781 56,323 153,347 49,948 30,239 89,041 48,455 79 dollars 1954... 17,828,592 279,265 891,641 771,684 2,480,235 721,277 531,220 1,137,217 639,114 80 1949... 17,697,487 453,635 988,183 742,201 2,433,309 690,757 433,277 1,412,330 992,450 81 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 703 47 26 56 39 48 52 72 28 82 1949... 1,327 48 89 65 51 44 94 143 93 83 number 1954... 4,913 296 79 264 326 452 161 351 152 84 1949... 6,985 319 250 287 473 359 211 1,257 239 85 dollars 1954... 217,127 13,350 3,802 10,921 12,337 14,490 10,691 15,400 6,423 86 1949... 234,862 10,222 10,434 7,396 11,042 10,923 5,945 32,261 7,354 WYOMING 59 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 and poultry, see text and State Table 12] Hot Sprincs Jotuison Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park Platte Sheridan Sublette Sveetwater Teton Uinta Washakie Weston 82 113 360 149 73 129 409 284 402 39 50 19 42 117 96 1 113 153 416 230 84 190 452 418 428 42 74 36 102 134 151 2 25,281 29,534 143,721 41,863 31,236 19,810 107,058 77,574 71,987 3,475 29,320 11,146 23,831 32,652 21,727 3 34,280 49,697 170,250 99,145 49,913 23,009 216,810 112,098 101,288 7,505 47,343 11,195 57,790 106,434 25,169 4 148 220 480 381 109 288 643 450 629 106 33 43 154 226 200 5 161 271 585 482 183 325 658 592 643 173 116 97 227 222 236 6 10,956 13,341 49,048 25,026 11,877 12,106 46,575 30,312 36,049 4,535 3,245 3,991 8,897 17,158 12,974 7 10,520 14,245 47,423 20,705 10,926 12,179 42,828 3A,425 34,621 5,850 9,439 4,118 14,784 13,995 11,590 8 47 47 217 38 40 49 211 136 171 10 17 8 21 61 55 9 59 88 247 74 39 74 239 225 224 22 43 16 43 47 56 10 4,900 4,752 23,305 4,662 3,440 3,387 17,624 17,970 13,467 475 4,589 1,352 6,687 5,281 5,989 11 7,393 7,147 38,654 10,360 3,812 3,345 33,929 26,789 18,652 1,138 11,254 2,428 8,562 9,208 5,390 12 5,354 5,081 24,078 2,862 4,379 3,722 17,765 17,733 15,986 394 4,445 2,126 6,813 5,965 6,873 13 9,922 9,937 45,627 10,033 4,832 4,377 43,824 1 2,000 1,500 28,133 2 6,000 5,500 22,553 1,572 14,881 1 3,000 2,403 3,806 9,368 1 4,300 4,600 11,960 5,484 1 1,000 1,500 14 15 16 17 47 47 217 '38 40 49 211 135 171 10 16 "s 20 61 54 18 4,900 4,752 23,305 4,662 3,440 3,387 15,624 11,970 13,467 475 1,689 1,352 1,387 5,281 4,989 19 5,354 5,081 24,078 2,362 4,379 3,722 16,265 12,233 15,986 394 2,045 2,126 2,2U 5,965 5,373 20 72 90 326 122 53 106 342 254 338 32 42 18 30 100 78 21 104 134 331 198 66 165 391 386 361 34 58 32 89 121 127 22 43,618 56,241 293,244 113,299 46,690 37,057 221,033 159,249 124,614 5,778 48,790 19,172 36,297 65,317 32,974 23 55,573 56,261 278,153 78,162 65,641 41,606 191,843 187,430 151,931 10,064 56,902 15,785 98,379 48,326 32,103 24 19,512 22,346 115,370 36,782 24,644 13,374 76,768 51,736 48,682 2,984 24,298 9,020 14,788 26,111 13,007 25 22,910 22,237 114,193 30,991 38,562 15,154 76,660 73,739 60,482 4,841 29,192 6,669 46,792 18,530 11,753 26 3 35 43 40 24 54 77 69 107 15 14 2 34 13 28 27 23 67 56 58 39 32 71 73 34 30 28 7 47 21 33 28 143 697 819 590 527 696 2,615 1,985 1,818 94 140 11 655 143 545 29 270 3,536 1,957 9,497 1,287 819 14,040 2,240 3,443 246 729 156 430 12,900 1,350 30 4 13 12 16 11 21 36 27 33 12 4 1 14 4 17 31 6S 188 224 228 230 347 563 591 503 63 39 5 130 52 389 32 4 23 34 24 14 33 44 45 76 4 12 1 20 9 11 33 75 509 595 362 297 349 2,052 1,394 1,315 26 101 6 525 91 156 34 4 17 21 30 14 21 30 24 66 10 12 1 14 8 10 35 22 77 72 171 56 73 155 98 240 29 44 2 44 16 32 36 1 3 7 U 8 5 19 9 25 7 4 7 5 5 37 3 7 18 68 29 16 109 26 86 23 13 26 10 19 33 3 14 14 17 6 16 11 15 42 3 3 1 7 3 5 39 19 70 54 103 27 57 46 72 154 6 31 2 18 6 13 40 7 24 30 6 15 10 31 17 57 15 6 3 12 5 41 U 16 27 10 20 8 20 31 61 10 2 3 9 14 11 42 86 244 227 38 145 59 241 99 517 83 51 34 134 41 43 83 31 240 60 135 63 193 273 593 76 33 'is 43 108 191 44 4 21 29 21 16 22 38 31 73 2 8 7 8 9 45 17 38 32 26 19 19 51 48 71 9 16 4 23 11 19 46 415 2,107 3,773 2,219 2,263 2,714 12,525 8,105 7,319 97 577 2,230 576 1,842 47 1,448 17,523 10,430 53,121 6,524 3,478 96,326 10,226 18,253 1,092 3,270 720 1,630 75,994 5,932 48 169 298 517 541 218 354 686 532 613 176 115 77 278 226 236 49 171 308 581 627 220 379 675 621 654 194 134 109 294 217 251 50 1,683,254 3,473,521 4,570,769 2,753,942 3,379,087 3,106,982 3,672,307 3,496,509 4,736,225 2,431,647 1,154,388 732,701 1,741,757 3,197,817 2,341,712 51 1,830,319 3,327,249 4,945,617 2,801,064 3,181,908 3,037,890 3,583,624 4,200,672 4,830,224 2,933,051 1,137,409 870,086 1,954,337 2,170,783 1,377,276 52 143 264 487 468 175 337 592 499 571 167 94 72 247 188 229 53 155 268 524 563 172 360 582 568 612 181 107 103 260 177 249 54 14,605 28,027 35,306 12,887 26,919 30,056 24,732 34,877 42,259 22,433 4,737 5,499 12,137 11,730 23,510 55 11,387 18,890 27,384 9,673 11,861 19,173 20,233 24,943 29,689 19,754 3,623 5,340 10,412 7,296 13,037 56 116 245 419 406 158 292 407 458 460 160 74 53 226 161 214 57 132 244 452 463 153 329 439 486 504 172 92 98 238 141 233 58 9,323 18,122 23,346 9,244 18,467 18,374 15,593 22,382 27,123 19,005 2,735 4,458 9,749 3,703 16,803 59 9,173 15,454 20,300 8,041 9,092 14,077 14,283 17,919 21,120 18,123 2,948 4,988 9,133 6,312 10,968 60 896,519 1,781,017 2,380,585 964,416 1,528,066 1,945,554 2,235,029 2,272,070 3,131,719 1,902,081 243,096 642,626 1,013,842 1,142,606 1,766,204 61 1,179,554 2,122,635 3,364,504 1,109,607 1,219,664 2,190,915 2,105,325 3,052,335 3,282,648 2,489,497 426,809 307,191 1,209,274 917,381 1,533,504 62 104 169 348 161 102 249 386 331 391 47 66 29 109 99 139 63 84 127 323 281 79 209 349 329 386 45 56 25 111 37 92 64 5,282 9,905 11,960 3,643 8,452 11,682 9,139 12,495 15,131 3,428 2,002 1,041 2,388 3,022 6,807 65 2,214 3,436 7,034 1,632 2,769 5,096 5,950 7,024 8,569 1,631 675 352 1,279 984 2,069 66 337,657 650,150 752,91J 2281470 432,624 806,184 671,832 744,238 1,034,892 212,215 115,368 34,127 163,282 205,538 404,539 67 191,493 286,270 596,397 94,907 235,837 450,494 539,282 536,630 780,019 107,803 46,018 33,575 99,703 77,536 172,028 68 30 43 103 216 20 25 207 37 156 9 12 11 54 36 42 69 83 95 239 387 32 76 348 264 290 20 44 36 108 98 78 70 544 864 3,521 4,413 477 364 4,670 2,212 2,704 53 88 192 620 654 618 71 2,628 3,063 6,358 7,448 758 1,052 8,579 5,721 7,173 150 918 479 1,181 2,642 1,054 72 19,290 28,877 137,577 171,563 15,523 10,073 167,224 66,439 82,594 1,690 2,216 2,508 20,036 21,787 19,110 73 82,097 98,807 283,865 257,796 22,445 29,525 281,893 191,272 235,559 4,031 34,661 15,430 40,005 80,369 33,648 74 82 146 109 205 109 112 193 116 136 41 52 2 185 133 42 75 52 111 96 178 103 80 109 88 101 50 56 5 161 36 32 76 36,417 36,347 58,319 102,767 113,091 29,075 41,699 28,963 38,587 27,053 81,691 47 44,420 122,305 12,270 77 24,561 60,560 40,083 80,557 120,118 23,586 41,548 21,128 31,689 20,714 40,247 602 37,290 78,221 8,439 78 426,536 964,513 776,825 1,385,643 1,399,096 340,522 590,457 409,107 468,102 315,119 790,793 715 541,796 1,825,810 141,900 79 372,414 813,283 671,390 1,329,331 1,693,693 355,999 654,207 366,402 495,011 322,736 627,621 11,340 600,010 1,092,671 134,677 80 16 23 40 27 16 28 29 37 42 6 7 11 19 12 22 31 34 45 71 105 33 65 58 70 71 31 11 16 34 22 33 32 87 1,233 248 114 121 87 201 113 208 26 112 60 60 50 112 83 292 181 485 234 169 424 306 177 333 402 61 50 216 82 128 84 3,252 48,964 12,869 3,850 3,778 4,649 7,765 4,605 18,918 542 2,910 2,725 2,801 2,075 9,959 85 4,761 6,254 29,461 9,423 5,269 10,957 7,917 3,983 36,987 8,934 2,300 1,949 5,395 2,276 3,419 36 60 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table S^NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST — r Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Albany Big Horn Campbell Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Goshen Nursery and ^eenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: 1 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and >iiil h=! 00 8,200 1 (Z) 10,000 14 ,993 2 1 8,388 1 1 1,425 2 1 27,000 1 2 (Z) (Z) 6,000 1,000 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 17 1 2 6 3 2 2 1 18 1, >00 5,150 42,500 13,770 1,500 1,200 1,500 1,575 4,000 1,525 19 1, 00 12,100 1 6,700 200 2 5,000 1 10,000 10,784 4 4,180 40 500 7,525 2 4,036 104 43 1,836 624 104 2,222 1 400 1 5,950 3 3,650 6,000 1 1 50 100 1,000 2 1,035 1 4 11 85 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 43 4 4 30 2,300 500 263,624 600 50 5,028 31 200 5,000 4,450 69,358 1,088 500 14,199 32 1 6 1 16 13 8 16 69 4 4 19 14 9 15 33 4 23 2 60 12 26 27 17 27 18 16 20 9 3 33 34 50 81 10 198 134 94 191 561 40 23 246 144 63 141 35 89 235 12 684 1,268 496 308 207 142 160 111 360 197 22 580 36 4 <) 2 27 2 15 13 20 7 9 14 4 3 20 37 7 13 61 1 11 26 18 11 29 5 11 5 5 24 38 2, 700 1,610 520 4,900 2,700 2,705 3,330 7,799 625 7,200 12,200 1,650 2,650 3,420 39 J87 4,955 7,424 15 1,985 7,306 7,401 3,840 38,702 1,280 6,178 700 415 6,625 40 2 8 1 3 2 6 1 2 7 41 1 5 2 1 1 5 2 3 1 6 42 202 131 90 16 52 199 10 49 53 43 7 45 30 3 3 119 40 31 1 299 44 1 5 2 2 5 1 2 3 3 45 1,000 1,650 2,595 3,440 7,540 600 2,500 900 490 46 1,700 50 410 1,500 229 4,845 4,811 475 1,000 275 1,768 225 140 13,762 47 62 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 4) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Albany Big Hom Campbell Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Goshen 1 Cofd; Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 1,635 1 83 136 22 133 181 456 2 1949... 1,551 67 167 39 140 184 230 3 acres 1954... 52,867 '30 1,604 7,016 791 5,634 2,585 10,566 4 1949... 4* ,868 939 7,892 1,252 4,364 1,816 3,805 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 370 8 22 1 18 2 232 6 1949... 587 20 41 21 27 24 118 7 acres 1954... 6,462 88 458 20 434 15 3,637 8 1949... 11,295 143 994 536 617 113 1,748 9 bushels 1954... 213,905 3,105 4,126 300 7,916 255 162,210 10 1949. . . 249,252 3,620 10,510 6,305 10,730 3,404 37,028 U Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 1,011 1 71 11 14 57 159 314 12 1949... 398 34 2 5 15 80 30 13 acres 1954... 26,268 30 1,377 563 539 2,801 2,341 6,276 W 1949... 7,317 6U 20 97 332 952 1,249 15 tons, green weight 1954... 190,867 240 15,207 1,285 4,089 10,041 20,312 63,531 16 1949... 56,666 5,106 48 505 1,758 7,222 12,384 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green op dry fodder. ............... . .farms reporting 1954. . . 513 11 120 8 21 73 112 24 87 33 61 18 1949... 790 21 141 19 acres 1954... 20,137 139 5,995 232 2,399 229 653 20 1949. . . 26,256 182 6,878 619 3,415 751 808 21 Com sold.. ....farms reporting 1954... 69 2 54 22 1949... 152 4 4 4 5 2 20 23 bushels 1954... 39,195 107 33,789 24 1949. . . Snail (Trains: 59,181 829 1,106 288 414 38 5,133 25 Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture. ..................... . .farms reporting 1954. . . 286 33 6 4 6 10 ,^3 11 26 1949. . . 491 1 58 14 1 9 21 77 23 27 acres 1954... 7,761 585 711 92 220 168 1,009 276 28 1949... 14,191 iio 1,219 1,356 8 450 711 1,705 662 29 bushels 1954... 225,015 20,620 9,655 1,390 3,325 1,925 34,868 2,905 30 1949... 359 ,418 800 36 ,072 17,226 130 5,420 11,382 55,676 11,120 31 bushels sold 1954... 30,823 1,550 480 400 1,827 120 32 1949... 59 ,723 600 4,153 7,107 600 1,906 4,970 2,970 33 Winter wheat threshed or combined.. .farms reporting 1954... 1,433 2,005 22 118 20 21 37 185 221 13 49 272 371 34 1949... 1 21 209 15 35 acres 1954... 193,232 302 14,197 6,708 2,528 15,047 183 46,538 36 1949... 263,705 120 205 21,476 6,086 2,240 19 ,434 813 68 ,369 37 bushels 1954... 2,201,720 5,532 193,151 42,430 20,222 198 ,858 4,882 440,597 38 1949. . . 5,186,392 1,800 5,240 417,550 86,171 29,114 372,599 18,493 1,450,823 39 bushels sold 1954... 1,987,800 4,479 174,420 41,075 18 ,382 176,331 2,305 390,932 40 1949... 4,666,286 1,800 1,734 361,899 76,778 23,547 334,685 9,608 1,301,383 41 Spring wheat threshed or combined. .farms reporting 1954. . . 1,562 2,884 159 280 117 182 10 38 43 102 222 264 238 397 30 68 42 1949. . . 5 43 acres 1954... 44,735 1,460 6,538 385 1,855 9,610 2,956 1,865 44 1949... 90,647 28 3,244 10,028 646 2,660 14,184 5,762 2,839 45 542,813 40 ,783 39 ,996 7,424 6,658 88,533 80,523 7,239 46 1949. . . 1,471,056 419 87,130 100,617 14 ,086 32,939 207,544 151,183 33,339 47 bushels sold 1954... 390,001 ... 29,715 25,442 1,547 4,762 68 ,042 54,523 4,115 48 1949. . . 966,590 200 43,012 69,546 4,487 18 ,676 151,039 84,265 26,816 49 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 3,U9 1 4U 94 46 55 207 533 245 50 1949... 4,180 5 459 169 81 109 251 596 301 51 acres 1954... 85,765 7 8,920 4,238 1,411 1,493 5,949 12,994 6,733 52 1949... 110,959 168 8,792 5,611 2,387 3,187 6,520 14,045 7,177 53 bushels 1954... 2,197,324 160 346,193 50,251 43,156 29 ,819 97,034 413,223 87,228 54 3 ,372 ,029 5,780 308,520 97 ,436 110,064 90,248 148 ,657 506,944 13? ,339 55 bushels sold 1954... 606,606 100 123,425 7,960 10,447 1,988 11,649 142 ,4^,5 19,290 56 1949... 876 ,296 3,780 56,926 15,306 30,129 16,911 12,222 193,653 52,285 57 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 3,297 4 398 56 34 53 169 332 503 58 1949... 4,557 12 479 92 72 117 188 346 734 59 acres 1954... 109,035 120 10,110 2,210 809 1,905 5,232 7,702 16,934 60 1949... 140,943 862 12,043 2,432 1,899 4,284 4,185 6,829 24,133 61 bushels 1954... 2,634,860 4,250 392 ,012 30,746 22 ,274 20,801 73,489 241,319 242,134 62 1949... 4,196,772 13,468 472 ,064 37,358 63,675 114,459 81,154 240,321 755,280 63 bushels sold 1954... 1,099,763 1,150 225,197 12,144 6,513 5,199 20,557 101,953 79,122 64 1949... 1,263,912 10,272 144,590 3,485 12,823 41,912 7,778 88 ,222 226,719 65 Other grain threshed or 136 5,124 3 170 10 262 2 343 28 1,974 66 acres 1954... 17 220 3 19 67 1949... 8,667 139 586 22 240 726 419 582 68 bushels 1954... 51,619 5,310 2,695 2,490 3,344 168 16 ,038 69 1949... 90,596 1,810 5,175 244 3,108 6,305 5,858 6,295 70 bushels sold 1954... 28,407 1,780 640 2,400 2,693 9,126 71 1949. . . Anoual leguaes: 36,569 765 447 340 2,565 4,428 1,750 72 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans............. ......farms reporting 1954... 1,567 299 1 5 11 1 3 228 313 494 593 73 1949... 2,111 508 74 acres 1954... 53,815 10,688 4 332 5 6,991 15 ,727 75 1949... 80,025 19 ,011 750 2 10,308 21,199 76 100-lb. bags 1954... 784,554 162 ,099 "2 3,670 75 39,076 250,793 77 1949. . . 1,103,971 245,776 11,351 20 133,022 322,543 78 Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas. farms reporting 1954. 108 79 1949. . . 72 2 80 3,934 81 1949... 1,305 '40 32 pounds 1954... 6,304,368 83 1949. . . 1 ,579 ,200 54,000 Z Less than 1 acre. ^For 1950 Census, includes data for 1 farm In Yellowstone National Park. ^Reporting sale of silage or fodder only. WYOMING 63 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Hot Springs Johnson Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park' Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washakie Weston 21 9 173 5 45 42 169 57 61 41 1 17 15 225 ... 10 43 22 243 50 42 57 2 379 249 10,096 ... 94 2,094 709 4,548 1,770 1,430 3,272 3 303 473 11,540 117 1,172 223 6,650 905 988 2,429 '• ... 27 1 5 6 37 3 1 7 5 ... 6 87 ... 1 13 5 190 15 2 17 6 ... 599 9 210 133 602 114 3 135 7 ... 96 2,270 ... 5 150 13 4,209 130 5 261 8 ... 10,084 ... 100 1,975 3,730 15,959 1,873 300 1,967 9 ... 1,270 32,719 ... 50 2,135 413 133,377 3,626 200 3,865 10 19 3 61 ... 4 21 32 129 41 61 8 11 13 2 29 ... 2 2 14 74 9 36 1 12 373 241 3,020 85 1,305 526 3,470 1,307 1,427 587 13 257 37 965 ... 13 47 178 1,598 150 794 14 14 3,378 1,505 16,692 ... 640 3,341 4,686 U,819 7,567 16,333 2,151 15 2,538 320 4,150 ... 53 112 1,275 12,721 939 7,510 25 16 2 1 125 25 5 32 22 32 17 4 9 160 7 30 6 43 29 "3 51 18 6 8 6,477 ... ... 579 45 476 349 ... 2,550 19 46 340 8,305 4 19 2,008 3,455 ::: 99 975 27 843 7 86 2,091 47,513 625 1 1,000 189 ■^"7 2,154 1 1 200 400 20 21 22 23 24 3 5 27 2 103 2 13 1 13 1 2 1 25 4 12 33 26 "2 11 104 24 25 6 25 ... 4 2 9 26 89 433 569 ■ >■ 150 2,035 673 258 35 397 18 19 ... 24 27 119 318 1,663 777 55 289 2,453 614 596 54 662 54 44 262 28 4,250 7,031 21,560 ... 1,100 86,545 7,550 6,572 1,000 13,965 130 360 ... 144 29 1,836 9,069 26,079 29,045 730 5,319 87,119 14,264 18,066 1,540 20,999 ... 1,400 2,075 4,051 30 ... ... 4,730 3,100 ... 800 5,766 7,000 100 600 4,150 ... 31 ... 694 1,484 5,350 ... 570 L3,283 4,128 3,250 530 7,713 ... ... 410 32 9 363 9 1 41 14 151 144 2 2 1 2 5 38 33 7 27 4^1 32 2 35 19 292 172 I 1 4 3 13 52 34 937 60,432 148 30 6,118 152 26,475 8,329 52 11 36 10 ,40 2,959 35 206 4,291 74,483 2,910 18 2,271 555 45,021 10,543 4 20 67 23 291 4,259 36 7,400 792,746 2,249 600 64,321 4,662 258,822 120,830 333 220 1,620 190 428 41,627 37 3,905 56, 569 1,234,934 45,810 514 38,928 16,775 1,004,204 249,729 50 1,000 1,045 290 5,090 95,759 38 6,050 734, 569 1,610 600 56,661 2,847 237,250 103,551 300 100 1,400 ... 142 34,746 39 2,259 50,549 1,198,582 36,487 300 34,410 7,232 930,577 209,486 ... ... 770 75 915 83,210 40 26 58 15 50 9 34 199 20 192 1 5 16 10 36 72 41 47 131 110 123 19 116 276 111 323 10 27 32 53 43 117 42 193 2,617 355 3,530 136 1,359 2,263 422 4,126 3 32 397 63 192 4,348 43 378 4,601 6,954 5,632 225 5,431 4,371 4,217 10,243 94 209 939 390 317 7,205 44 3,567 24,278 1,249 48,668 1,335 6,607 70,853 1,520 60,980 90 703 9,297 729 5,211 36,020 45 10,281 77,304 73,027 69,853 2,411 63,364 120,201 64,550 212,170 1,218 5,674 19,757 10,638 9,128 93,723 46 930 17,960 836 39,081 1,355 2,939 56,609 816 48,837 75 3,275 60 2,294 26,788 47 1,750 42,232 54,790 51,201 545 49,959 70,629 50,027 151,490 213 1,595 15,608 1,690 2,294 74, 526 48 52 84 151 172 37 51 425 82 224 21 44 27 21 104 59 49 60 134 323 182 45 142 397 231 277 24 45 56 56 132 105 50 970 2,304 7,055 2,833 1,342 3,199 8,650 4,130 5,225 681 2,001 983 276 2,127 2,139 51 1,661 3,415 15,792 2,626 1,365 6,520 8,045 5,303 5,470 790 1,936 1,772 628 3,326 3,923 52 26,497 59,027 86,704 107,702 33,563 27,592 363,187 32,175 157,908 13,750 85,035 25,249 8,581 79,056 24,234 53 64,722 133,740 354,444 94,694 55,245 152,502 331,126 137,985 210,451 21,613 76,911 50,100 22,301 132,077 82,630 54 2,541 14,345 26,734 15,328 13,660 5,866 83,695 18,112 21,345 1,995 47,570 9,171 300 21,965 1,675 55 11,045 14,665 129,420 13,376 28,037 42,094 67,949 44,184 35,304 3,215 42,641 15,454 3,723 34,217 9,740 56 54 54 206 397 15 31 322 140 248 12 20 16 42 162 29 57 89 89 300 480 20 61 309 334 344 41 53 36 106 187 68 58 1,483 1,794 10,793 20,443 281 1,738 7,628 6,018 5,831 439 263 413 652 5,318 869 59 2,540 2,500 14,985 19,127 1,040 2,575 7,286 11,919 6,773 963 1,386 937 2,168 6,178 1,879 60 35,504 29,373 128,717 629,146 6,512 10,513 337,774 59,597 107,814 7,974 6,575 14,633 15,410 210,117 8,076 61 81,507 82,005 277,301 600,663 16,757 41,879 278,514 326,750 246,704 25,371 36,772 25,315 75,368 270,393 33,694 62 5,956 2,545 55,628 238,920 2,850 1,500 134,534 26, 141 20,832 200 2,680 3,220 1,250 101,522 150 63 24,618 8,307 103,278 47 1,584 165,092 6,049 15,392 7 122 74,423 1 18 119,018 10 332 71,836 6 63 3,811 5,599 11,142 13,275 103,329 2,942 2 17 64 65 66 56 1,874 17,679 ... 150 2,392 603 273 290 447 2,343 88 602 2 "7 '55 109 57 67 68 2,450 20,396 10,043 ■•• 750 26,034 3,068 200 6,557 1,452 783 73 50 "so 550 1,033 69 70 ... 6,400 ... 400 14, 103 2,497 1,697 422 ... 550 205 71 6 34 4 371 35 89 72 9 45 ... 5 1 421 84 "2 116 73 116 ... 1,789 ... 138 14,261 856 ... ... 2,908 ... 74 236 ... 1,737 53 (Z) 20,314 1,933 17 4,465 75 1,827 ... 18,254 1,620 205,223 4,263 47,647 76 3,307 ::: 15,277 ::: 473 "2 278,514 106 62 3,883 1,158 6,218,868 1,457,800 26,809 222 •" 1 8 11 107 5,500 67,400 66,650 1 '40 30,000 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 64 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of 4) -SPECIFIED CROPS Item The State Albany Big Horn Campbell Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Goshen (For definitions and ejcplanations, see text) Hay crops (see text): \ T flnrt fTOm which hav was cut acres 1954. . . 940,071 1,059,107 46,625 97,892 39,311 29,92C 30,595 43,858 93 ,740 118,711 29,963 39,241 53,253 55,781 59,949 51,001 47,171 53,852 2 1949... 3 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,243 39 696 17' 100 169 412 738 685 4 1949... 5,943 53 734 22] 102 131 386 670 666 5 acres 1954 . . . 396,016 2,141 37,07] 10,84= 11,134 19,057 32,976 37,634 22,605 6 1949... 274,584 1,955 26,05= 9,02] 9,166 12,094 19,824 24,834 19,489 7 tons 1954... 645,574 1,820 100,33f 7,72£ 11,545 20,637 26,725 63,131 52,845 8 1949... 443,931 2,729 61,21- 8,30C 12 ,808 16,501 20,209 41,700 44,817 9 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,443 116,689 7 471 24E 21,66: 3C 12 954 25 2,348 13 556 221 13,882 226 11,873 10 tons 1954... 11 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay. .farms reporting 1954... 983 8 2C S 114 17 33 145 12 12 1949... 1,161 25 3- 14 120 24 45 163 6 13 acres 1954... 117,196 1,055 87] 24E 30,973 1,667 1,197 6,922 450 14 1949 . . . 104,439 1,374 1,09; 25f 27,895 2,051 970 8,220 63 15 tons 1954... 115,510 1,051 1,36C 10] 26,197 953 973 7,948 474 16 1949... 125,456 1,699 1,634 23C 32,560 2,412 829 10,132 73 17 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 139 1 19 1 18 4 18 tons 1954... 10,570 350 2; 2,950 22 481 227 19 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,787 7 2' 192 16 33 224 95 163 20 1949... 1,618 24 4. 20: 16 41 273 32 78 21 acres 1954... 64,808 207 26. 9,0C 655 1,300 7,928 1,873 5,664 22 1949 . . . 47,742 780 58<: 7,75! 455 1,100 10,223 1,768 1,670 23 tons 1954... 44,047 211 32] 4,04. 581 550 5,274 2,215 3,680 24 1949 . . . 44,358 836 76e 5,40; 428 775 9,030 2,193 1,580 25 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 104 4 2 3 7 13 26 tons 1954... 2,587 2C 2£ 15 85 127 181 27 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,554 159 14 7; 147 37 171 90 83 28 1949 . . . 2,786 225 It 19£ 178 100 299 137 179 29 acres 1954 . . . 296,623 42,932 746 6,43' 42,330 5,159 8,900 9,305 9,692 30 507,591 91,033 686 13,45' 78,407 11,370 19,142 12,013 17,004 31 tons 1954... 208,679 18,521 1,128 4,06E 25,402 3,145 5,303 7,353 5,753 32 1949 . . . 424,731 66,514 96: 8,42= 67,675 8,338 11,555 12,305 12,975 33 Sold farms reporting 1954 — 112 16 ] 20 2 4 6 11 34 tons 1954 . . . 9,650 065 10= f 2,628 50 113 160 860 35 36 Other hay cut farms reporting 1954 . . . 997 3 1" 8C 10 31 62 94 152 1949... 1,863 29 4£ 22] 22 119 145 121 193 37 acres 1954... 65,010 290 32: 4,054 8,648 2,730 2,252 4,145 8,690 38 1949 . . . 130,587 2,250 2,01] 13,26: 2,997 12,806 5,701 4,547 16,083 39 tons 1954... 47,418 115 49: 2,274 9,475 1,900 1,372 4,028 3,288 40 1949 . . . 103,832 1,676 2,946 6,52C 4,073 12,486 4,055 4,908 9,588 41 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 80 1 2 3 2 13 16 42 tons 1954... 2,929 4 9' 51£ 125 542 148 264 252 43 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954... 10 1 1 4 44 45 acres 1954... tons , green weight 1954 . . . Alfalfa seed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops: 418 3,2X 3! 30C .. 20 120 70 334 46 562 7= 4' 17 81 99 21 47 1949 . . . 955 14' b( 1 36 102 75 83 43 acres 1954 . . . 19,114 1,52' 1,87' 310 1,928 7,222 238 49 1949... 25,468 3,091 2,19: 8 728 1,997 2,256 1,235 50 pounds 1954... 2,276,559 274,39C 223, 57£ 24,340 172,676 942,068 25,520 51 1949... 2,374,687 453,184 316,674 700 47,796 163,216 329,730 74,476 52 Red clover seed harvested farms reporting 1954... 65 2. 1 2 53 1949... 26 .. 1 4 54 acres 1954 .. . 980 37' 5 16 55 1949... 316 5C .. 10 42 56 pounds 1954 . . . 209,495 71,85C 1,000 3,400 57 1949... 43,585 4,38C .. 900 1,800 58 Sweetclover seed harvested farms reporting 1954... 96 34 1 44 2 59 1949 . . . 330 IK "] 2 3 2 127 6 60 acres 1954 . . . 1,802 59. 13 812 15 61 1949 . . . 6,364 2,03J . 21 29 39 3,009 51 62 pounds 1954 . . . 564,705 231, 99C .. 1,000 240,885 2,070 63 1949 . . . 1,729,691 470,41J 1,00C 5,000 4,364 7,715 1,017,420 6,950 64 Other field crops: 955 9: 6 13 54 361 89 65 Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting 1954 . . . 969 18f 2 1 102 396 66 1949... 973 15. 5 94 405 67 acres 1954 . . . 36,889 7,22' 160 4 3,631 13,739 68 1949 . . . 28,119 4,55. 235 2,335 10,921 69 tons 1954 . . . 507,598 97,77] 1,268 52 42,810 199,508 70 1949 . . . 401,063 59,93t 3,478 30,091 178,416 71 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,045 4 5' 2= 24 5 104 156 75 72 1949... 1,353 10 16^ 84 31 23 150 137 151 73 acres 1954^.. 4,875 3 IC 1] 8 4 46 684 1,171 74 1949^ . . 6,964 25 9= IC 14 88 33 880 2,250 75 100-lb. bags 1954.. . 832,522 93 1,93< 31] 622 219 4,093 120,906 193,627 76 807,879 1,484 9,04- l,99e 678 8,604 1,636 98,262 312,082 77 Sorghum harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting 1954 . . . 9 2 1 2 78 1949 . . . 2 1 79 acres 1954... 506 320 50 16 80 105 75 81 bushels 1954 . . . 4,665 1,600 400 1,515 82 1949 .. . 1,050 900 83 Sorghum cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 25 3 1 3 84 1949... 6 6 85 acres 1954... 702 100 8 41 86 1949 . . . 55 55 87 tons 1954 . . . 4,114 520 '30 225 88 1949 . . . 251 251 89 Other field crops harvested acres 1954 . . . 152 15 102 ^For 1950 Census, includes data for 1 farm in Yellowstone National Park. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. WYOMING 65 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Hot Springs Johnson Laramie Lincoln Natror a Niobrara Park' Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton Uinta Washalsle Weston 16,376 27,236 43,782 69,140 18,« 96 26,371 45,98 L 25,123 54,462 101,007 14,133 20,283 47,31' ? 15,52 2 13,730 1 li,330 29,649 47,035 71,588 14,2 62 43,921 36,64 ! 43,423 51,462 93,242 13,043 16,869 50,86 i 15,11 3 22,405 2 134 184 92 463 1 1' 107 72] 246 493 52 94 58 3- 21 3 110 3 lao 17C 87 518 5= 100 53; 332 4U 34 94 69 9 20t 3 107 it, 14,761 23,849 4,490 28,984 13,3 01 6,700 39,73; 9,637 39,102 4,145 6,763 7,235 4,14 } 12,71 3 6,383 5 9,310 14,543 3,197 26,988 4,C n3 6,337 24,80f 12,581 18,351 1,494 5,335 4,403 4,62 11,11 3 4,978 6 13,152 33,692 8,531 42,761 20,3 75 4,434 89,30' 10,548 62,124 5,626 9,441 12,228 4,10. 29,77 > 4,712 7 17,769 19,365 5,022 37,200 5,8 93 6,326 44,60: 19,290 24,790 1,746 6,929 6,510 i,12i 28,69' ? 5, '790 8 22 35 27 61 5C 6 271 34 89 5 27 12 4. 2 9 1,377 4,911 2,316 2,905 9,3 51 113 21,831 2,778 7,318 680 3,300 3,795 U. 3,96 ) 135 10 2 18 10 119 5 11 46 12 109 79 17 26 13' 1 7 11 11 21 39 12 119 4 9 5£ 21 183 59 14 53 r 2 5 17 12 152 1,058 1,617 7,284 3 41 670 3,536 618 6,551 22,301 1,575 5,483 20,74< 1,64 J 240 13 1,781 3,117 482 7,896 2 85 510 5,682 1,003 11,691 9,682 548 6,716 9,88] 2,07 3 664 14 95 1,064 683 8,714 3 04 493 5,57S 405 10,219 21,116 1,174 8,330 16,13. 2,02 ' 122 15 2,673 4,006 485 10,390 2 65 459 7,265 1,300 14,881 9,511 350 9,018 10,23; 3,84 ! 693 16 16 1 1 12 2 25 19 6 1] 17 605 74 8 368 46 1,072 2,567 1,110 6O; 6 ] 18 6 29 266 256 15 88 2£ 85 87 13 21 37 1 3 78 19 21 49 127 215 27 63 2£ 77 107 7 5 22 1^ 1. 32 20 73 584 12,693 5,042 3 41 4,415 53= 5,152 1,850 1,342 364 2,113 6] 30( 3 2,979 21 378 1,407 5,480 4,255 5 66 1,861 525 2,019 2,183 184 100 1,217 39. 13 ) 2,700 22 73 335 7,282 6,608 2 67 1,475 1,04£ 2,098 1,421 1,104 327 3,468 3. 53 J 1,097 23 399 1,407 4,373 5,398 4 58 1,476 54' 2,029 2,186 236 120 1,720 402 22. 2,366 24 30 15 1 4 10 5 2 4 1 1 25 909 251 9 24 326 129 50 121 300 12 26 U 65 121 25 56 1: 74 54 122 36 23 13] ) 42 27 16 78 112 144 60 181 12 169 119 144 50 22 22c 1 > 111 28 1,141 15,849 24,448 4,4 70 6,072 51S 7,915 3,373 73,219 4,676 4,453 21,92£ 39 L 2,168 29 1,053 5,575 29,828 32,216 8,4 46 18,554 846 22,440 9,165 84,731 4,904 3,829 35,13' 1,19' ' 6,554 30 739 9,059 19,151 2,5 05 3,581 619 4,531 2,163 66,707 3,596 6,973 16,51' 6e( ) 1,183 31 1,277 5,495 30,350 28,688 7,8 47 11,171 59C 19,483 7,317 72,175 4,729 5,316 34,84' 1,76, 4,976 32 4 10 2 5 1 13 1 1 11 1 33 158 829 32 325 5 2,372 100 450 47] 15 34 17 13 166 37 IC 106 3 41 52 6 8 2 3 33 35 18 51 159 16 r 182 6. 99 176 21 23 10 S 1 5 108 36 1,390 604 9,133 3,374 ; 4; 8,514 i,6o: 1,751 2,936 755 374 43 47 Z 1,445 37 1,767 5,007 9,401 617 £ 8= 16,921 4,9a 5,511 10,270 3,361 2,200 356 94' r 62 1 7,661 38 1,451 468 5,978 4,042 ; 86 2,946 l,95f 1,013 2,472 702 1,281 32' 81 L 633 39 2,715 5,278 6,793 665 £ 01 10,638 5,61< 4,501 9,999 3,279 2,257 1,201 1,1»! ,88 i 6,752 40 2 2 7 3 2 4 1 5 1 ] I 1 41 115 2C 147 199 1 8 120 it 28 9] 6 101 1 150 1,000 57 1 120 1,300 r 6 J 15 1 15 60 42 43 44 45 13 2e 1 ] 22 2 J 8 106 5 15 46 9 36 7 52 6 ) 60 170 "i 3 25 47 202 54£ 8 IC 1,263 27 J 117 2,817 . •<■ 7 5 697 48 116 1,12' 144 ] oc 3,846 1,68. 994 4,506 20 1 ) 14 J 1,218 49 17,130 53,425 2,000 2,C )0C 96,575 54,84( ) 6,730 243,082 5,701 3 132,505 50 5,725 80,532 22,680 4,; 14C 185,861 159,92. 3' 1 58( 19f 133,24 35,58. 53,763 351,035 2 "10 420 1,200 20( ) 14,38 50 3 109,267 i ... 3 3 '.'.'. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 1 1 3 1 1 58 5 1 3 2 2 3e 13 6 1 3 1 59 22 40 15: 25 68 1 3 50 60 60 13 45 50 60 652 185 '32 10 5' 11 61 1,200 2,000 68,06C 400 9,200 2,50 ) 5,400 62 3,507 3,00C 11 ,200 5,400 28,600 132,77: 19,264 4,810 1,200 4,56 ! 2,500 63 11 128 .; 12 54 20 93 10 64 11 13 10 L 34 17 10 65 9 14 7. 87 47 8 66 373 15. 666 2,87 L 1,062 601 6,40 67 179 S' 705 1,56 J 2,124 1,567 3,85 68 5,226 1,67C 9,203 36,52 5 7,463 5,653 100,44 69 1,890 87. 8,898 18,51 J 28,406 18,654 51,90 70 31 4 42 14 31 14^ 7 135 5 24 7 2 4 3 28 71 37 4. 55 55 ( 48 1* 13 59 12 34 19 5. 3 i 34 72 40 2f 1,281 2 3 13 1,14 61 79 4 18 92 i 1 3 11 73 45 12^ 1,970 5 6' 43 79 ) 20 80 6 22 314 4. 1 13 74 6,015 3,40 186,529 143 18, 8C ) 1,179 267, 84i 9,380 6,901 378 1,007 6,927 46C 1,45 ; 516 75 7,284 6,04( 189,673 2 617 1, 6. 1,847 123,84 L 1,100 2 6,844 261 1,119 29,050 2,68- 1,31. 3 846 76 77 1 78 '70 50 30 79 80 800 350 150 81 82 13 2 1 2 83 84 372 19 22 140 85 86 1,978 95 66 1,200 ... 87 88 ( 22 89 66 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 3 of 4) .-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Item (For deflnltlona and explanations, see text) Vegetables Tor home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954 . . 1949. Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting 1954., 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sold dollars 1954 . 1949., Sweet com farms reporting 1954. , 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Dry onions farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949., Green peas farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Tomatoes farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954 . 1949. Snap beans (bush and pole types ) farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Other vegetables acres 1954. Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. quarts 1954. 1949. Other berries acies 1954. Big Horn Campbell 5,092 6,401 101 182 1,554 1,211 486,974 137,535 76 117 422 575 18 16 17 15 26 35 639 291 41 41 26 19 32 391 241 29 80 6 16 5,414 16,859 52 110 1 1 110 600 689 26 46 1,181 657 425,112 52,295 23 31 377 330 3 1 3 7 400 93 11 5 159 252 2 3 390 225 1 (Z) 362 455 (Z) 380 101 140 (Z) 98 2 (Z) 3 (Z) 1 (Z) 3 (2) 1 (Z) 100 142 229 75 390 280 338 1 2 1 1 75 56 2 1 (Z) (Z) 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 1 (z) 2 (Z) 318 (Z) 696 750 14 12 26 48 10,591 14,318 13 7 10 27 (Z) 300 1,080 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hot Springs Veeetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Sold dollars 1954. . 1949.. Sweet com farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. Dry onions farms reporting 1954, . 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. Green peas farms reporting 1954 , . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Tomatoes farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Snap beans (bush and pole types ) farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Other vegetables acres 1954. . Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. quarts 1954.. 1949.. Other berries acres 1954.. 537 702 15 22 21 6,420 2,781 5 1 10 1 1 (Z) (z) (Z) 101 98 5 5 9 11 925 3,166 159 210 1 (Z) 50 1 (Z) 168 275 212 257 5 (Z) (Z) 100 444 1 (Z) 18 1.705 10 13 12 1 2 4 (Z) 2,272 2,648 60 (Z) 81 (Z) 800 655 (Z) 136 163 (Z) 39 10 (z) 1 (Z) (Z) 270 (Z) (Z) 100 174 455 580 23 27 247 342 20,214 36,137 11 13 2 128 2 2 (Z) 1 236 191 2 2 1 1 3 (Z) 11 (Z) (Z) 160 156 Z Reported In small fractions. WYOMING County Table 9 (Part 3 of 4) .-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Contmued 67 Item (For deflnltlone and explanatlone , see text) Vegetables for hoae use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 195 6 L 29 20 6 43 4 29 58 212 35 176 36 263 5" 4 9 8 60 2 25 5 6 29 272 f 3 0 2,681 4,309 121 860 1,655 80 203 1,588 4,546 1,016 1,770 1,240 3,542 24 48 47 298 606 40 128 7 8 24 S6 1 9 ) 882 1,518 42 560 338 9 71 319 1,200 94 306 179 880 ... io 28 5 la 100 '23 9 10 5 186 ' a .1- 1,799 2,791 79 300 1,317 71 132 1,269 3,346 922 1,464 1,061 2,662 14 20 42 177 506 40 105 11 12 1 116 ' JX ) 372 125 822 5 68 826 5,438 203 1,473 1,494 2,012 '16 "3 42 180 1,338 56 13 14 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 1 U 16 10 1 7 23 25 6 4 23 "a 15 2 17 18 10 1 ... 3 8 4 15 5 6 20 25 3 18 1 5 6 "s ... 7 8 2 2 19 20 a 22 23 24 1 2 1 1 1 1 11 10 6 6 4 10 1 4 25 26 343 86 2 2 2 21 34 14 14 11 36 5 8 27 28 232 47 2 2 2 13 9 4 U 10 30 4 6 29 30 50 1,036,171 1,025,160 225,198 322,422 250,819 152,217 60,033 14,471 9,001 2,010 51 118 41 2 2,613 2,553 375 726 751 391 220 90 47 12 1 52 95 30 15 3,631 3,505 472 999 996 732 253 53 66 35 5 53 35,050 4,715 103 ,( MO 4,380,304 4,319,939 2,288,514 1,185,989 538,678 213,791 74,042 18,925 6,895 1,470 52,000 54 29,055 10,975 27, 00 5,659,268 5,612,143 2,739,642 1,787,281 759,025 245,665 67,325 13,205 17,830 6,795 22,500 55 112 41 2,153 2,094 120 557 724 385 218 90 47 12 56 6 2 460 459 255 169 27 6 2 1 57 398 311 2 4,085 3,726 375 794 1,046 787 518 206 193 166 53 275 ISO 10 4,569 4,154 453 1,033 1,107 914 493 154 224 135 6 59 124,795 49,940 98 ,C )00 7,113,187 6,992,805 3,071,594 1,811,393 1,202,063 597,167 253,995 56,593 83,432 36,950 60 64,130 34,880 80 6,628,140 6,517,965 3,100,178 1,792,412 922 ,064 475,151 191,130 37,030 72,230 33,090 4,855 61 395 226 2 4,635 4,262 386 896 1,209 944 623 204 202 170 1 62 260 115 5 4,786 4,486 477 1,088 1,216 1,027 519 159 183 110 7 63 82,475 16,459 9, 64 3,551,538 3,462,835 734,650 926,074 922,277 554,782 259,685 65,367 55,010 32,493 1,200 64 44,420 14,905 1, 00 3,154,780 3,101,199 788,924 1,037,284 670,860 423,753 141,443 38,935 39,911 11,930 1,740 65 82 11 731 715 77 207 267 101 47 16 10 5 1 66 6,555 510 310,964 308,666 68,532 96,131 106,114 27,199 6,440 4,250 1,360 900 38 67 83 6 3,573 3,539 828 1,098 1,182 307 76 48 18 15 1 68 755 96 3o,259 30b 320 35,804 2 306 1,208 320 8,123 1 300 1,188 300 10,812 11,745 1 6 20 20 3,540 1,074 510 285 150 20 69 70 71 72 73 84 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item The State Total Economic class Comnercial farms (For definitiona and ejcplanatioos, see text} all farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Livestock od hand: 1 2 HnT*c ..farms reporting 1954... 7,853 6,921 819 1,501 1,861 1,460 969 311 nUl OCC3 CUlLi iUU-LVO •* ••••••■•■■•• 1950... 9,354 8,174 890 1,795 1,971 2,023 1,082 4U 3 number 1954... 53,275 49,442 16,876 11,192 9,725 6,227 4,223 1,199 4 1950... 84,129 73,503 21,529 16,799 13,554 11,569 7,570 2,482 5 All cattle and calves ..farms reporting 1954... 10,059 8,740 848 1,820 2,405 1,975 1,242 450 6 1950... 10,703 9,365 907 2,006 2,317 2,366 1,348 421 7 number 1954... 1,240,900 1,215,779 492,055 323,208 228,392 111,078 49,570 11,476 8 1950... 1,030,501 998,799 418,046 272,847 160,801 96,486 41,327 9,292 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved ..farms reporting 1954... 9,778 8,562 835 1,768 2,372 1,928 1,211 448 10 1950... 10,477 9,240 881 1,955 2,301 2,360 1,322 421 11 number 1954... 583,856 572,517 222,746 153,984 112,085 54,559 23,745 5,398 12 1950... 495,716 480,508 192,990 133,052 80,158 48,873 20,793 4,642 X3 U MiUt cows ..farms reporting 1954... 7,871 6,899 639 1,451 1,716 1,974 2,015 1,570 2,126 948 1,123 317 351 1950... 9,237 8,112 781 15 number 1954... 39,166 36,823 3,591 8,293 11,645 8,071 4,190 1,033 16 1950... 49,794 45,930 5,570 9,622 11,508 12,485 3,424 1,321 17 All hogs and pigs ..farms reporting 1954... 2,841 2,548 188 517 739 639 358 107 18 1950... 4,841 4,340 341 865 1,094 1,241 654 145 19 number 1954 . . . 34,498 33,155 3,636 7,364 9,077 7,938 4,283 802 20 1950... 55,552 50,403 9,041 12,321 12,642 10,916 4,828 655 21 Chickens 4 months old and over ..farms reporting 1954 — 7,992 6,846 541 1,403 1,837 1,655 989 421 22 1950... 9,417 8,U7 731 1,749 2,003 2,058 1,251 340 23 number 1954... 514,724 461,368 38,616 97,685 129,835 112,151 53,608 24,473 2i Livestock and livestock products 1950... Mid: 548,736 485,061 47,882 105,341 130,362 121,371 64,379 15,726 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 8,684 7,897 808 1,700 2,204 1,747 1,081 357 26 1949... 9,229 8,477 859 1,869 2,144 2,094 1,162 349 27 number 1954... 604,300 597,589 275,368 157,091 101,096 44,0U 16,630 3,393 28 1949... 434,863 424,475 199,759 120,124 59,248 32,280 11,311 1,753 29 dollars 1954... 54,839,290 54,268,105 27,866,176 13,445,817 8,1%, 574 3,354,148 1,161,048 244,342 30 1949... 58,767,023 57,368,232 29,242,959 15,787,909 7,405,944 3,556,671 1,228,528 146,221 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ..farms reporting 1954... 1,865 1,701 99 347 507 459 257 32 32 1949... 3,987 3,686 243 721 1,031 1,086 510 95 33 number 1954... 30,550 29,851 3,083 7,278 8,304 7,147 3,544 495 34 1949... 88,047 83,838 13,432 22,137 24,558 16,046 7,025 640 35 dollars 1954... 997,346 977,014 118,987 254,390 277,750 221,120 89,750 15,017 36 1949... 2,904,806 2,813,257 600,322 772,304 781,711 468,490 177,330 12,600 37 Chickens sold ..farms reporting 1954... 2,193 1,937 90 379 569 480 275 144 38 1949... 2,901 2,548 146 535 718 701 323 120 39 doUars 1954... 204,494 184,826 8,835 34,622 56,869 52,740 18,963 12,792 iO 1949... 367,509 317,643 29,721 58,634 109,085 76,783 34,575 3,845 41 42 rhIfVpn foa'i Rold ........... . ..farms reporting 1954... 3,934 3,447 157 644 976 902 506 262 \jlLdLt.i nvi J cgl^a a\j^\^ *•■*>■•■«>■• 1949... 5,187 4,614 306 893 1,257 1,287 674 197 43 dozens 1954... 2,065,713 1,918,916 104,257 446 ,014 590,342 511,195 161,763 105,345 44 1949... 2,480,189 2,263,204 151,862 500,235 695,707 587,505 284,450 43,445 45 dollars 1954... 762,624 707,484 42,004 163,318 207,494 191,706 63,634 39,323 46 1949... 1,004,941 911,361 57,807 189,432 287,000 236,851 122,041 18,230 47 MiUt sold^ gallons 1954... 18,560,580 18,023,249 1,353,579 5,112,636 6,055,707 3,789,420 1,478,668 233,239 48 dollars 1954... 4,835,921 4,723,578 458,301 1,558,932 1,571,839 787,187 304,771 42,548 49 Specified crops barvested: 1949... 5,065,129 4,791,906 901,954 1,2L2,939 1,223,773 1,071,763 335,957 45,520 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 1,647 1,594 145 373 553 334 140 49 51 1949... 1,540 1,459 127 342 430 377 152 31 52 acres 1954... 49,751 49,064 7,966 15,569 13,762 8,139 2,713 915 53 1949 . . . 41,102 40,107 5,497 11,556 11,694 8,655 2,230 475 54 Com harvested for grain.. ...farms reporting 1954... 395 380 19 96 115 89 46 15 55 1949... 556 526 32 111 166 160 52 5 56 acres 1954... 6,553 6,468 640 1,262 1,959 1,640 672 295 57 1949... 10,758 10,208 1,238 2,966 2,380 2,935 624 65 58 bushels harvested 1954... 203,369 200,219 30,610 53,646 62,036 37,737 13,690 1,900 59 1949 . . . 225,340 217,510 20,095 53,870 74,110 57,350 10,400 1,635 60 bushels sold 1954... 37,045 37,045 19,095 7,700 4,800 4,250 1,200 61 Winter wheat threshed 1949... 74,863 74,863 9,503 20,805 19,700 23,755 1,100 62 or conihlned. ................ > • (faims reporting 195'* ... 1,409 2,050 1,327 2,025 87 185 289 560 403 525 316 509 195 215 37 31 63 1949... 64 acres 1954... 192,415 188,870 32,081 63,417 50,884 28,933 12,017 1,533 65 1949. . . 266,609 266,384 70,343 108,259 46,985 28,832 11,520 445 66 bushels harvested 1954... 2,225,851 2,207,126 370,607 869,830 604,167 271,945 73,641 11,936 67 1949 . . . 5,246,793 5,241,868 1,600,783 2,165,874 868,430 439,311 162,640 4,330 63 bushels sold 1954... 2,027,927 2,015,312 359,952 806,995 548,151 232,883 58,880 8,451 69 1949... 4,731,853 4,729,953 1,492,010 1,992,802 759,600 367,086 105,995 2,460 70 Barley threshed or combined.. ...farms reporting 1954... 3,265 3,116 249 795 941 635 380 116 71 1949... 4,675 4,398 360 1,051 1,134 1,197 540 116 72 acres 1954... 110,781 108,031 14 ,605 32,096 32,968 16,956 8,444 2,962 73 1949. . . 137,461 132,265 18,698 38,029 30,263 28,975 14,160 2,140 74 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 2,600,034 2,560,076 404,228 772,577 786,556 410,355 161,525 24,835 75 1949... 4,030,726 3,940,783 640,539 1,269,914 899,460 787,010 284,390 58,970 76 bushels sold 1954... 1,141,115 1,128.597 163,409 356,912 361,988 167,503 75,010 3,775 77 1949... 1,229,001 1,198,571 123,027 411,660 279,745 267,849 100,350 15,940 78 Hay Gut acres 1954 . . . 943,850 1,059,120 923,564 1,032,427 284,513 364,307 252,673 272,349 200,280 197,914 116,273 126,952 54,254 54,353 15,571 16,552 79 1949 . . . 80 tons 1954... 1,065,221 1,042,925 308,609 293,208 232,348 133,274 59,633 15,853 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. WYOMING CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 85 a sample of farms. See text] Tlie ; tate — Continued Area 1 Economic class — Continued Total all farms EcoDcmic class Other farms Conniercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class 17 Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 508 419 5 1,955 1,718 28 5 326 442 371 257 42 11 3 125 2 1 625 526 29 2,258 1,952 27 435 342 517 302 82 14 5 155 6 2 2,087 1,526 218 19,436 18,413 7,75 > 3,966 3,038 2,102 1,269 286 48 3 509 33 3 3,645 2,791 4,190 29,156 27,076 9,66 3 7,045 3,889 3,727 2,380 375 92 5 1,090 67 4 759 556 2 1,979 1,729 23 3 332 456 396 265 47 13 4 115 1 5 760 546 32 2,178 1,903 22 3 416 336 513 322 67 14 5 125 5 6 13,749 3,568 7,784 358,987 355,898 163,60 L 99,094 55,744 26,676 9,829 754 2,34. 4 467 278 7 10,552 2,710 18,440 285,650 282,260 131,99 1 83,920 32,500 23,649 8,488 1,732 1,72 3 655 995 8 739 475 2 1,938 1,710 23 > 331 454 386 260 47 12 9 98 1 9 725 460 32 2,158 1,883 22 2 409 336 512 317 87 14 5 125 5 10 6,335 1,376 3,628 171,049 169,830 77,17 J 46,556 27,717 13,191 4,818 369 93( 5 155 128 11 4,867 1,195 9,126 147,200 145,700 67,13 S 43,886 17,312 11,721 4,480 1,163 78 3 340 380 12 567 403 2 1,509 1,321 16 > 268 364 297 204 26 9 4 93 1 13 653 440 32 1,865 1,605 19 L 350 277 459 267 61 141 3 115 5 14 1,724 576 43 10,306 9,879 85 I 2,259 3,254 2,353 1,075 67 25 5 131 41 15 1,882 925 1,057 13,962 13,102 1,62 J 2,633 2,508 4,041 1,931 367 32 5 275 260 16 204 88 1 611 544 4 ) 66 141 136 117 15 4 3 26 1 17 331 145 25 983 653 6 S 149 129 338 147 25 9 5 30 5 18 972 331 40 8,064 7,902 6& 1,008 2,522 1,666 1,942 80 9 3 52 40 19 1,904 530 2,715 7,500 6,525 54 ) 861 1,062 2,854 1,089 90 51 5 65 395 20 603 531 12 1,262 1,045 11 5 186 250 270 192 32 6 3 118 11 21 718 535 27 1,675 1,405 16 3 304 244 380 267 50 141 3 125 5 22 30,260 16,256 4,840 75,539 63,062 10,02 14,865 11,320 14,958 9,303 2,592 3,13 3 4,599 4,740 23 30,661 18,635 14,379 80,454 69,069 9,26 5 14,638 11,437 15,529 16,805 1,395 4,85 5 3,500 3,030 24 617 168 2 1,766 1,626 22 J 322 438 377 225 36 10 3 36 1 25 605 115 32 1,%2 1,812 21. ! 399 341 462 307 71 12 3 25 5 26 3,975 357 2,379 168,982 168,106 94,37 3 39,976 21,209 9,152 3,168 228 72 5 68 62 27 2,271 ISO 7,937 111,492 110,877 57,81 7 32,907 10,721 6,943 2,159 330 41 3 35 170 28 304,470 17,875 248,840 14,878,046 14,614,361 8,566,80 > 3,494,793 1,757,639 748,250 230,009 16,865 53,59( 3 2,995 7,100 29 225,640 14,205 1,158,946 14,830,161 14,755,906 8,034,72 1 4,291,612 1,343,517 818,058 240,933 26,860 39,55 5 3,350 31,350 30 143 20 1 344 323 1 ) 33 94 96 78 6 1 5 5 1 31 241 40 20 742 677 3< 99 115 292 125 10 6 5 32 581 95 23 5,681 5,613 42 i 804 2,036 1,064 1,220 41 3 3 15 23 33 1,479 245 2,485 11,837 11,277 80( 3 1,861 2,990 4,051 1,505 50 331 230 34 17,984 1,495 853 214,891 212,163 14,79< J 33,436 85,135 42,965 34,423 1,405 1,501 3 375 853 35 43,719 8,045 39,785 376,934 358,009 21,41 J 59,774 92,735 134,603 47,945 1,535 11,22 7,700 36 159 96 1 194 152 1 i 34 28 34 30 11 1 1 30 1 37 232 105 16 324 249 1 ) 65 35 65 60 5 4 3 30 5 38 12,604 4,504 2,560 21,095 15,507 1,62 > 3,903 1,085 4,016 1,665 3,212 1,10 3 1,925 2,560 39 26,501 5,230 18,135 43,049 29,114 3,60 S 5,364 4,000 5,400 10,460 85 3,96 5 950 9,000 40 311 164 12 449 356 3 L 66 73 102 68 16 3 L 51 11 41 347 210 16 563 463 3 p 96 84 137 106 5 6 3 35 5 42 102,325 28,672 15,800 306,492 270,022 34,44< > 108,926 49,116 43,566 20,004 13,964 9,16 5 11,805 15,500 43 98,485 25,325 93,175 254,900 212,690 13,75 ! 32,519 51,728 57,060 57,305 300 13,06 3 5,150 24,000 44 37,898 10,392 6,850 122,673 108,543 14,65 L 40,214 15,957 19,540 10,081 8,100 2,97 3 4,460 6,700 45 40,780 9,900 42,900 125,620 103,000 6,14 ! 14,443 27,047 26,115 29,142 105 5,93 3 2,290 14,400 46 459,835 33,6% 43,800 6,695,697 6,564,594 258,78 L 1,755,194 2,347,612 1,604,084 564,883 14,040 76,06 3 11,235 43,800 47 81,730 6,951 23,662 1,686,476 1,644,618 66, 3L ) 517,167 541,683 352,235 144,045 3,175 17,30 3 2,896 23,662 43 61,408 5,115 206,700 1,627,137 1,724,927 341,03 ! 313,612 349,885 542,170 157,507 20,720 18,96 ) 390 82,855 49 32 21 2 2 1 1 50 61 10 10 6 6 1 5 51 562 125 45 45 15 30 52 660 75 260 140 140 40 100 53 5 10 54 20 5 55 75 10 56 360 15 175 57 3,000 150 56 6,875 300 655 59 60 61 62 57 25 26 28 15 2 2 25 43 43 6 5 '26 5 63 3,060 485 7,404 7,404 4,39 2,655 239 U5 64 225 7,748 7,748 4,64. 1,820 85 325 875 65 16,095 2,630 47,348 47,348 30,85< 15,660 626 203 66 4,925 107,875 107,875 69,34t 26,460 3,400 4,300 4,375 67 10,910 1,705 45,539 45,539 30,05^ 14,795 520 ... 170 68 1,900 ... 91,875 91,875 62,30t 21,950 3,000 2,000 2,625 69 116 30 3 534 526 2] 87 176 126 113 5 , 1 70 206 60 11 794 723 4 123 126 266 135 30 6C 10 1 71 2,316 240 194 23,532 23,247 1,64. 4,484 10,305 3,498 3,227 90 22- 60 72 4,195 480 521 25,327 24,121 3,89( 3,606 5,130 7,210 3,765 520 1,08C iio 6 73 30,623 3,775 5,560 711,144 699,344 38,43t 124,999 324,275 123,638 86,752 1,250 9,00c 2,800 74 77,630 9,925 2,388 747,675 719,467 110,60. 112,264 124,725 257,940 89,105 24,830 25,90C 2,200 108 75 11,958 140 420 303,130 303,130 11,10C 39,450 186,015 21,105 45,460 76 29,870 560 194,470 177,610 6,62. 30,980 35,625 68,005 30,235 6,140 16,80C 60 ... 77 13,446 2,489 4,349 413,292 407,462 147,13C 121,573 76,308 38,163 19,393 2,895 4,09] 390 1,349 78 16,498 7,870 2,325 490,211 480,831 201,92. 132,462 72,012 49,929 19,590 4,915 5,46. 3,515 400 79 14,374 2,620 5,302 387,099 361,251 132, 68< 108,791 78,249 39,629 19,323 2,570 3,14f 398 2,302 80 86 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item Area 2a Total Economic class Commercial farms [For definitions and explanations, see textj all farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class 17 Class V Class VI Livestock oo baod: 1 Horses and mules ..farms reporting 1954... 2,563 2,083 197 461 539 428 331 127 2 1950... 3,060 2,557 224 488 660 606 393 185 3 number 1954 . . . 15,710 13,337 3,943 3,044 2,717 1,551 1,593 489 4 1950... 27,549 20,865 5,198 3,829 4,462 3,260 2,975 1,141 5 All cattle and calves ..farms reporting 1954... 3,762 3,020 236 651 786 700 429 218 6 1950... 3,790 3,167 245 577 815 826 518 185 7 number 1954 . . . 336,662 318,291 122,109 78,149 64,345 30,664 17,323 5,701 8 1950... 273,705 251,865 100,973 62,769 48,459 23,050 13,738 2,876 9 Cows, including heifers that | Via vo i^ a T v^H ........a. . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,640 3,712 2,943 3,135 227 243 626 572 779 805 680 826 414 503 217 186 10 itavc; L-aiYcu- •■»■••<■•••■•■ 1950... 11 number 1954 . . . 149,619 141,053 48,283 36,859 30,609 14,709 7,915 2,688 12 1950... 131,752 120,909 48,096 29,144 23,305 11,770 7,189 1,405 13 Milk cows ..farms reporting 1954... 3,069 2,518 192 532 708 604 333 149 L4 1950 . . . 3,401 2,864 231 521 724 790 442 156 15 number 1954 . . . 14,529 13,123 1,027 3,087 3,953 3,154 1,391 511 16 1950... 18,279 16,122 2,332 2,915 3,798 4,610 1,911 556 17 All hogs and pigs ..farms reporting 1954... 1,215 1,033 78 237 273 252 140 53 18 1950... 1,942 1,687 ua 296 403 490 300 70 19 number 1954 . . . 14,936 14,014 1,617 3,873 3,191 3,648 1,103 582 20 1950... 26,076 22,461 2,955 5,327 6,599 4,905 2,330 345 21 Chickens 4 months old and over ..farms reporting 1954... 3,185 2,563 177 535 660 628 372 191 22 1950... 3,435 2,854 212 509 740 740 482 171 23 number 1954... 221,735 192,177 14,308 39,852 55,959 46,857 23,794 11,407 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold; 221,309 186,829 15,823 30,990 52,787 52,805 24,147 10,277 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ..farms reporting 1954... 3,010 2,540 204 560 708 568 353 147 26 1949... 3,006 2,669 212 532 725 656 393 151 27 number 1954... 137,225 132,458 58,947 34,401 23,308 9,554 4,831 1,357 28 1949... 112,595 104,058 46,125 28,502 16,924 7,724 4,141 642 29 dollars 1954... 13,546,557 13,108,087 6,657,385 3,308,578 1,971,393 748,169 343,379 79,183 30 1949 . . . 15,021,871 13,831,096 6,622,019 3,664,370 2,238,257 799,120 448,540 58,790 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ..farms reporting 1954... 869 748 43 191 202 187 101 24 32 1949 . . . 1,592 1,447 82 259 416 405 230 55 33 number 1954... 14,903 14,376 1,642 4,655 2,888 3,525 1,224 442 3A 1949... 39,500 36,425 5,059 9,869 11,587 6,735 2,970 205 35 dollars 1954... 479,793 465,288 68,028 156,660 91,843 108,962 26,535 13,260 36 1949... 1,237,121 1,185,396 195,789 354,308 371,924 182,945 74,855 5,565 37 Chickens sold ..farms reporting 1954... 942 800 39 165 213 217 113 53 38 1949... 1,224 1,073 52 150 301 320 165 85 39 dollars 1954... 84,899 73,379 5,306 13,797 27,423 13,710 9,738 3,405 40 1949 . . . 169,829 149,714 17,507 23,447 41,080 44,440 15,570 7,570 41 42 rVil r>V«>n pad snlrt ..farms reporting 1954... 1,674 1,427 53 288 411 381 189 105 OlLi^aCii CggO O^J4-\^ ■■•»■•<•••■■ 1949... 1,987 1,726 98 276 461 500 255 125 43 dozens 1954... 896,701 819,131 40,722 163,052 281,700 235,579 58,390 39,588 44 1949... 1,087,174 953,139 50,767 217,778 252,609 276,635 121,235 34,115 45 dollars 1954... 339,587 309,984 17,116 62 ,891 100,677 89,788 25,030 14,482 46 1949... 431,262 376,557 18,707 78,105 102,920 112,810 49,510 14,505 47 48 Milk sold^ gallons 1954 . . . 6,331,420 1,674,327 6,053,027 1,628,467 399,133 120,300 1,789,637 600,231 1,856,760 500,193 1,422,835 301,565 441,287 79,573 143,375 26,105 dollars 1954... 49 Specified crops barvested; 1949... 1,869,362 1,715,537 384,979 462,444 443,459 301,220 107,150 16,285 50 Com for all purposes ........ ...farms reporting 1954... 416 405 50 83 153 91 27 1 51 1949... 391 356 32 114 85 35 40 52 acres 1954... 7,430 7,350 1,464 2,044 2,151 1,335 336 20 53 1949... 5,498 5,138 1,140 2,128 1,020 565 285 54 Corn harvested for grain. . ...farms reporting 1954... 8 8 1 1 1 5 55 1949... 65 55 5 15 20 15 56 acres 1954... 170 170 '30 65 35 40 57 1949... 695 485 175 126 100 90 58 bushels harvested 1954... 3,400 3,400 1,500 500 1,000 400 59 1949... 14,430 13,650 3,750 5,400 2,900 1,600 60 bushels sold 1954... 1,000 1,000 1,000 61 1949... ... 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 204 333 179 313 14 17 29 63 49 78 41 85 34 55 12 15 63 1949... 64 acres 1954... 9,461 8,896 939 3,248 2,279 1,163 942 325 65 1949... 14,671 14,481 1,509 5,803 4,149 1,935 860 225 66 bushels harvested 1954... 142,618 138,018 15,702 48,575 46,010 17,210 6,671 3,850 67 1949... 327,372 322,672 33,277 126,676 97,254 46,915 15,300 2,250 68 bushels sold 1954... 122,886 119,836 14,778 43,596 40,030 12,727 5,590 3,115 69 1949... 256,034 254,134 29,577 103,457 75,345 37,230 7,595 830 70 Barley threshed or combined. ...farms reporting 1954... 1,463 1,366 147 382 355 294 131 57 71 1949... 1,845 1,695 151 396 428 460 205 55 72 acres 1954... 40,852 39,688 7,212 12,566 8,477 8,193 2,321 919 73 1949... 41,491 39,406 4,907 11,972 9,572 8,485 3,525 945 74 bushels harvested 1954... 1,333,656 1,310,981 275,709 451,422 290,065 233,295 47,815 12,675 75 1949 . . . 1,527,497 1,492,752 229,694 541,903 351,335 265,110 85,445 19,265 76 bushels sold 1954 . . . 651,126 640,741 120,399 252,750 112,695 131,247 22,275 1,375 77 1949... 477,095 472,705 29,100 160,230 137,600 112,640 28,335 4,800 78 79 acres 1954.. . 227,531 196,570 215,551 187,260 58,226 51,974 52,273 46,446 48,008 40,742 33,913 26,915 15,753 17,155 7,378 4,028 ^^ '^^ 1949... 80 tons 1954... 415,781 400,847 104,445 107,252 93,587 61,763 24,057 9,743 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. WYOMING CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 87 a sample of farms. See ext] Area 2a — Continued Ar a :?t Economic class— Continued Total all farms Economic class Other farms Conmercial farms Other farms Resi- Resi- Part-time dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time dential Abnormal 290 207 3 3,315 3,120 342 714 880 661 381 142 108 87 1 261 226 16 4,036 3,665 392 872 969 900 387 145 219 145 7 2 1,342 846 185 18,127 17,692 5,181 4,182 3,970 2,574 1,361 424 262 173 3 1,658 1,051 3,975 27,422 25,562 6,671 5,925 5,203 4,582 2,215 966 1,062 650 148 4 434 307 1 4,318 3,991 379 837 1,163 379 543 185 191 136 5 356 246 21 4,735 4,295 433 1,013 1,166 1,027 503 148 259 175 6 6 8,476 2,389 7,506 545,251 541,590 206,345 145,965 103,303 53,538 22,418 5,021 2,929 732 7 4,045 1,020 16,775 471,146 464,654 185,082 126,158 79,842 49,787 19,101 4,684 4,787 1,035 670 S 419 277 1 4,200 3,909 376 811 1,139 862 537 184 191 100 9 336 220 21 4,607 4,222 416 974 1,160 1,022 502 148 244 135 6 10 4,022 1,034 3,500 263,188 261,624 97,284 70,569 53,759 26,659 11,012 2,341 1,377 187 11 1,848 490 8,505 216,764 213,899 77,756 60,022 39,541 25,382 9,124 2,074 2,259 365 241 12 333 217 1 3,293 3,060 285 651 902 669 411 142 140 93 . • • 13 311 205 21 3,971 3,643 359 845 1,014 877 414 134 202 120 6 14 1,100 304 2 14,331 13,821 1,713 2,947 4,438 2,564 1,724 435 369 141 15 997 445 715 17,553 16,706 1,616 4,074 5,202 3,834 1,582 398 560 205 '82 16 131 51 1,015 971 61 194 325 251 101 39 33 11 17 160 80 'l5 1,916 1,800 148 420 562 413 207 50 76 35 5 18 6% 226 11,478 11,239 1,335 2,483 3,364 2,674 1,243 140 186 53 19 1,135 270 2,210 21,976 21,417 5,537 6,133 4,961 3,157 1,409 220 254 195 iio 20 354 267 1 3,545 3,238 249 682 927 757 425 198 161 146 21 335 230 16 4,307 3,378 359 936 1,024 938 502 119 243 180 6 22 20,163 9,295 100 217,450 206,129 14,284 42,968 62,556 50,336 25,511 10,474 6,959 4,362 23 14,940 9,090 10,450 246,973 229,163 22,794 59,713 66,138 53,037 23,427 4,054 10,866 6,045 899 24 354 115 1 3,908 3,731 376 818 1,058 802 503 174 160 17 25 261 55 21 4,261 3,996 435 938 1,078 956 462 127 224 35 6 26 2,230 220 2,317 298,093 297,025 122,048 82 ,714 56,579 25,305 3,581 1,798 1,019 49 27 857 85 7,595 210,776 209,540 95,817 58,715 31,603 17,613 5,011 781 1,004 60 172 28 183,300 13,430 241,740 26,414,687 26,345,657 12,641,986 6,642,446 4,467,542 1,857,729 587,660 143,294 67,580 1,450 29 79,150 5,270 1,106,355 28,914,991 28,781,230 14,586,214 7,831,727 3,624,170 1,939,493 539,055 60,571 106,935 5,535 21,241 30 106 15 652 630 40 123 211 176 78 2 22 31 115 20 10 1,653 1,562 125 363 500 389 155 30 66 20 ' 5 32 447 80 9,966 9,862 1,013 1,819 .1,J_ 2,538 1,100 12 104 ... 33 820 120 2,135 36,710 36,136 7,573 10,387 9,981 5,260 2,550 335 329 125 120 34 13,385 1,120 302,662 299,563 36,160 64,294 100,772 69,193 28,792 352 3,099 35 21,040 3,400 27,285 1,290,751 1,269,852 383,116 358,222 317,052 150,942 55,020 5,500 11,454 4,645 4,800 36 121 21 1,057 985 36 180 328 229 132 80 27 45 37 110 30 'ii 1,353 1,226 75 320 382 316 103 30 62 45 38 10,236 1,284 98,500 95,940 1,903 16,922 23,361 35,014 7,565 6,175 1,265 1,295 39 9,375 1,605 9,135 154,631 138,815 8,409 29,823 64,005 26,943 8,545 1,090 13,141 2,675 40 190 56 1 1,811 1,664 73 290 492 419 249 141 90 57 41 155 95 11 2,637 2,425 173 521 712 650 303 66 132 80 42 68,005 9,265 300 862,520 829,763 29,089 174,036 259,526 232,050 33,369 51,693 25,155 7,602 43 52,120 12,740 69,175 1,138,115 1,097,375 87,337 249,938 391,370 253,790 105,910 9,030 33,305 7,435 44 26,320 3,133 150 300,364 288,957 10,237 60,213 90,860 82,378 28,523 16,746 8,608 2,799 45 21,105 5,100 28,500 448,059 431,804 32,952 96,884 157,033 97,926 43,389 3,620 13,745 2,510 46 264,875 13,518 5,533,463 5,405,626 695,665 1,567,805 1,851,335 762,501 452,498 75,824 118,892 6,943 47 43,515 2,345 1,473,118 1,450,493 251,186 441,534 529,963 133,337 81,153 13,268 20,915 1,710 ... 48 29,785 2,980 121,060 1,368,630 1,351,442 175,942 436,883 430,429 228,373 71,300 8,515 12,658 1,745 2,785 49 1 10 1,229 1,187 95 239 40O 242 113 48 31 11 50 25 10 1,143 1,097 95 227 345 292 107 31 36 10 51 35 45 42,276 41,669 6,502 13,510 11,611 6,774 2,377 895 527 30 52 100 260 35,464 34,829 4,357 9,383 10,674 8,090 1,845 475 560 75 53 387 372 18 95 115 38 41 15 5 10 54 5 491 471 32 106 151 140 37 5 15 5 55 6,383 6,298 610 1,197 1,959 1,605 632 295 75 10 56 35 175 10,063 9,723 1,238 2,791 2,260 2,335 534 65 325 15 57 199,969 196,819 29,110 53,146 62,636 36,737 13,290 1,900 3,000 150 58 125 655 210,910 203,860 20,095 50,120 68,710 54,450 3,300 1,685 6,750 300 59 36,045 36,045 19,095 7,700 3,800 4,250 1,200 60 74,863 74,863 9,503 20,805 19,700 23,755 1,100 61 20 5 1,177 1,120 64 245 352 275 159 25 37 20 62 20 1,674 1,669 161 491 442 404 155 16 5 63 515 50 175,550 172,570 26,747 57,514 48,366 27,775 10,960 1,208 2,545 435 64 190 244,190 244,155 64,191 100,636 42,751 26,572 9,735 220 35 65 4,450 150 2,035,885 2,021,760 324,046 805,595 557,531 254,735 71,767 8,086 11,645 2,480 66 4,700 4,811,546 4,811,321 1,498,166 2,012,738 767,776 338,096 141,965 2,580 225 67 3,000 50 1,859,502 1,849,937 315,120 748,604 507,601 220,156 53,120 5,336 7,910 1,655 63 1,900 4,383,944 4,383,944 1,400,133 1,867,395 691,255 327,856 95,675 1,630 69 80 15 2 1,268 1,222 81 326 410 215 136 54 31 15 7C 95 45 10 2,036 1,980 166 532 580 471 200 31 51 5 71 885 145 134 46,397 45,096 5,750 15,046 14,136 5,265 2,396 1,953 1,206 95 72 1,230 340 515 70,643 68,738 9,001 22,451 15,561 13,280 6,870 675 1,885 20 73 17,340 2,575 2,760 555,234 549,751 90,069 196,156 172,216 53,422 26,958 10,910 4,283 1,200 74 24,990 7,475 2,280 1,755,554 1,728,564 300,242 615,747 423,400 263,960 110,340 14 ,875 26,740 250 75 9,825 140 420 186,859 184,726 31,910 64,712 63,278 15,151 7,275 2,400 2,133 76 3,890 500 557,436 548,256 87,302 220,450 106,520 87,204 41,730 5,000 9,180 77 7,470 1,510 3,000 303,027 300,551 79,157 78,827 73,964 44,197 19,108 5,298 1,837 569 78 4,925 2,660 1,725 372,339 364,336 110,410 93,441 85,160 50,108 17,608 7,609 6,108 1,695 200 79 10,164 1,770 3,000 262,341 260,827 71,475 77,165 60,512 31,882 16,253 3,540 1,062 452 oO 88 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reporta fop only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms ^ number 1954. . 1950. . Land in farms acres 195i. . 1950.. Average size of farm acres 1954. . 1950. . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954 . . 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954. . 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in faraa accordiog to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture,. farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. Cropland not harvetjted and not pastured farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Other cropland farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954. . Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949. . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown In strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF CONMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OD which coDnercial fertilizer «as used. 19S4: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons. , acres on which used., Other pasture farms reporting.. tons., acres on which used. . Sugar beets J"arms reporting. . tons. acres on which used. Wheat U"arms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. U,355 12,615 35,042,316 34,402,935 3,086,1 2,727,1 45,387 33,284. 16.47 13.64. 87 9,309 11,022 1,545,855 1,906,163 364 439 441 851 2,406 2,623 1,671 514 4,100 3,389 461,893 405,390 3,603 3,798 561,077 418,585 2,239 344,172 2,298 216,905 1,045 619,436 149 26,322 8,682 31,430,189 2,151 287 ,627 10,563 397,544 10,035 11,531 2,568,825 2,730,138 10,342 11,347 32,511,518 31,528,380 1,153 1,788 645,758 1,224,376 7,201 7,803 1,285,534 1,420,850 725 159,558 115 6,873 1,182 3,793 44,848 138 240 2,271 945 4,436 34,076 190 326 3,681 134 428 3,287 971 2,560 33,280 1,183 2,005 377,618 1,479,084 741,9 737,7 32,325 21,976 44.11 31.03 1,183 2,005 257,728 413,720 5 31 354 413 281 99 372 504 26,037 25,647 671 1,178 191,535 219,272 542 158,417 322 33,118 73 23,409 34 2,840 716 343,160 132 8,715 1,113 32,909 1,183 2,005 475,300 663,639 942 1,636 392,606 760,783 96 239 26,249 81,477 706 1,130 83,727 130,593 268 80,996 14 1,208 193 532 5,175 30 20 125 60 194 1,485 77 115 1,265 15 13 90 259 761 11,430 428 286 143,667 69,455 335.7 242,8 26 ,638 22,049 86.57 90.15 428 286 54,415 36,300 5 15 30 170 143 137 60 4,205 1,270 170 106 7,607 3,928 56 1,875 145 5,732 16 1,330 5 300 242 58,772 84 4,268 413 17,033 428 286 66,227 41,498 327 211 64,307 23 ,747 21 1 1,630 192 423 281 57,006 36,085 16 685 33 131 1,667 332 1,826 14,571 16 18 280 26 97 855 119 236 3,277 2 5 2,210 400 1,105,0 80,0 110,800 16,000 73.58 200.00 50 2 5 ,334 370 1 150 1 52 1 582 2 5 1,478 375 1 5 202 5 5 1,386 375 5 465 93.0 8,000 36.02 5 150 1 90 800 1 24 90 771 322 243,378 309,397 315.7 376.4 23,977 23,017 78.35 59.09 89 719 737 70,858 87 ,493 10 45 55 86 228 237 56 2 311 331 12,779 10,480 199 195 14,499 10,775 122 4,959 123 9,540 109 20,263 1 35 614 111,972 323 17,857 746 12,972 751 797 98,136 108 ,748 746 777 145,014 201,959 109 156 20,298 12,925 657 687 68,598 75,085 32 15 520 57 135 1,457 5 10 75 10 20 165 1 1 15 12 87 21 64 618 109 128 18,306 47 , 594 167.9 371. R 15,659 15,434 140.64 36.16 51 43 92 2,643 6,335 1 5 21 10 6 25 45 125 830 12 45 342 2,125 11 270 49 14,192 20 800 104 1,004 59 102 3,110 9,340 59 107 14,317 36,945 1,295 52 61 3,308 3,870 5,890 5,696 29,583,806 27,997,726 5,022.7 4,915.3 67,152 51,975 14.25 10.78 87 4,824 5,095 962,208 1,101,558 88 146 253 444 1,102 1,317 1,090 334 2,194 1,298 364,790 306,622 1,818 1,325 273,300 125,831 1,141 141,090 1,154 132,210 647 536,427 77 21,952 5,187 27,150,906 1,076 230,555 5,501 274,223 5,206 5,224 1,600,298 1,534,011 5,758 5,577 28,052,123 26,397,944 701 942 558,379 702,661 3,248 3,287 873,681 936,265 311 58,400 78 4,635 10 503 12 2,178 215 27,237 10 31 12 117 270 905 252 1,329 10,483 30 92 741 15 76 575 10 266 10 696 130 8,989 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: a sample of farma. See text] WYOMING CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 89 "nie state — Continued Type of farm — Continued General — Con. Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and unclas- sified 75 201 100,887 81,650 1,345.2 406.2 24,046 14,495 38.34 36.25 81 69 191 7,416 16 ,902 3 2 34 106 2,550 12,265 24 96 1,460 2,285 14 64S 13 812 18 3,542 5 5 55 83,174 9 1,009 74 2,740 69 196 11,426 31,452 70 196 89,266 57,441 23 40 3,547 8,050 54 140 6,740 15,655 499 799 350,770 47-1,350 702.9 589.9 29,798 22, UO 45.63 39.19 85 498 799 69,953 106,270 5 40 164 201 69 13 257 332 16,375 10,496 207 288 20,187 15,894 104 12,222 128 7,965 30 9,657 16 586 339 214,892 123 10,359 493 19,121 499 799 106,515 132,660 468 744 240,924 319,396 40 103 10,242 19,200 445 691 66,101 88,241 37 ,137 9 125 79 272 300 2,975 26 51 565 5 103 7 438 55 3,260 21 18 340 20 34 190 5 110 10 300 110 3,147 1,788 2,213 3,428,471 3,576,763 1,917.5 1,616.3 12,262 9,363 11.46 35.33 936 1,312 34,271 47,935 260 220 103 158 145 41 518 673 24,681 24,865 319 436 38,812 29,945 183 18,826 254 19,986 130 20,443 11 605 1,141 3,295,058 275 7,834 1,526 14,601 1,230 1,657 97 ,764 102,745 1,467 1,719 3,340,182 3,465,839 141 273 21,048 389,999 1,040 1,120 38,405 54,849 44 1 140 74 774 26 14 166 5 10 50 5 2 25 21 6 95 45 33 285 2,271 2,641 10,940,190 10,934,745 4,817.3 4,140.4 65,226 40,431 15.53 11.08 1,842 2,245 458,581 650,706 52 71 71 131 353 489 436 239 733 707 176,283 157,621 309 361 44,430 27,926 185 16,130 160 28,300 232 98,093 19 6,430 1,881 10,070,397 744 162,972 2,034 35,476 1,940 2,380 679,294 736,253 2,U3 2,469 10,345,273 10,237,717 248 505 104,523 250,538 1,779 2,039 583,161 699,836 1 400 101 439 ,193 29 395 20 22 375 28 157 1,006 68 64 50,110 48,487 736.9 757.6 35,185 18,956 60.68 21.67 96 68 64 13,373 15,227 6 20 16 22 5 U 22 2,8'15 1,770 33 34 8,910 9,160 26 7,165 9 1,755 4 839 12 960 39 17,041 56 1,132 68 64 30,088 26,147 41 44 20,685 12,772 15 16 1,799 11,010 44 37 4,500 2,735 1 400 11 69 280 5 3,200 640.0 32,000 60.00 100 5 1,800 5 1,276 5 1,476 6 125 6 1,800 5 1,276 5 3,275 5 15 250 373 460 108,044 126,615 289.7 275.3 25,849 21,528 92.02 77.79 99 357 450 40,963 49,405 5 20 35 111 153 32 1 U9 180 4,940 5,300 73 85 2,070 2,305 61 1,405 32 665 94 312 38,990 177 6,969 363 4,290 363 450 47,973 57,010 373 435 60,721 : 69,980 94 110 16,791 9,585 338 410 35,139 46,515 5 200 62 717 11 35 1,918 7,615 174.4 217.6 6,000 12,966 6,000.00 57.25 91 1 30 40 2,265 15 25 10 1,000 1 1,360 11 13 1 35 40 3,290 1 35 1,360 3,960 396 1 25 40 ,395 1,309 1,362 9,228,591 9,335,293 7,050.1 6,854.1 81,571 62,716 13.31 9.19 35 1,095 1,199 364,575 420,220 17 3 35 50 161 254 348 222 472 268 153,965 131,605 133 125 28,269 9,776 65 6,570 81 21,699 102 74,268 7 5,470 1,199 1,527,134 429 144,283 1,195 74,860 1,146 1,239 546,809 561,600 1,293 1,335 1,755,417 !,821,697 107 232 79,738 211,519 1,065 1,110 498,851 569,232 67 263 3,012 62 564 74 113 68,661 205,105 927.9 1,815.1 29,466 22,963 43.38 17.71 35 103 12,332 34,930 5 12 34 IB 3 30 40 1,542 8,370 19 16 606 625 365 12 241 3 1,100 54 51,559 28 2,515 73 1,022 74 113 14,980 44,425 74 108 54,201 166,269 3 21 1,100 2,905 72 98 14,401 40,590 5 40 135 11 20 3,810 6,165 346.4 308.3 25,014 19,028 72.22 61.73 100 11 20 1,060 1,875 1 1 15 400 1,735 5 325 6 1,960 11 65 11 20 1,460 3,620 11 20 2,635 3,720 5 5 326 10 11 20 1,220 2,660 54 58 73,413 81,900 1,359.5 1,412.1 36,310 34,696 44.87 26.58 31 54 58 U,373 14,103 16 22 10 6 25 16 2,205 876 15 11 450 691 15 450 3 820 56,645 20 4,309 54 1,420 54 58 14,528 15,670 54 58 59,670 65,001 3 10 820 1,735 54 53 13,967 13,403 366 529 1^02,443 U23,565 3,831.3 2,123.9 11,909 12,176 63.17 40.34 177 321 7,065 12,681 35 51 16 35 28 10 1 1 75 151 10,426 7,440 36 75 4,125 4,370 10 135 26 3,940 21 3,950 221 1,374,383 77 2,791 316 2,494 213 401 21,616 24,491 281 434 1,338,759 1,0%, 318 21 106 3,950 12,879 189 286 11,768 23,306 90 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are baaed on reporta for only {For definitiona and explanat iona, see text) Total all fapina Type of farm Caab-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Liveatock other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. . 1950.. Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average size of larm acres 1954.. 1950. . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954. . 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in faras according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting J.954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954,. 1949,. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954,. Other cropland farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954,. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949,. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949., Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which comoercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons. acres on which used,. Other pasture farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Sugar beets farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. Wheat farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 4,230 4,564 6,792,776 7,012,228 1,605.9 1,536.4 31,153 24,276 21.14 22.49 87 3,666 3,975 415,259 421,790 233 229 191 380 1,117 1,096 363 57 2,065 1,713 120,847 86,005 791 1,209 43,501 63,107 337 18,112 526 25,389 245 28,153 48 1,708 2,687 6,047,156 871 73,311 3,914 136,152 3,889 4,250 579,607 570,902 3,768 3,327 6,196,156 6,366,102 279 592 29,861 507,379 3,768 3,882 507,110 447,637 13 985 31 1,965 797 2,483 31,194 120 200 1,751 484 2,618 18,303 167 271 2,372 80 295 1,854 635 1,691 23,122 510 844. 143,931 209,574 282.2 248.3 22,354 16,919 30.60 63.44 87 510 844 62,060 91,750 10 220 244 35 1 246 336 8,645 9,730 107 233 5,950 11,920 37 3,320 83 2,630 16 2,736 10 155 255 47,201 62 1,645 494 17,184 510 844 76,655 113,400 425 629 58,582 74,332 21 90 2,391 6,230 503 792 63,409 92,400 5 300 5 500 146 398 3,955 30 20 125 25 102 635 70 108 1,095 10 8 70 196 603 8.615 193 70 63,376 17,035 328.4 243.4 26,147 23,454 98.04 88.61 87 193 70 25,574 7,225 5 10 25 60 52 41 96 30 2,795 220 42 15 2,762 425 15 K>0 1,330 5 300 63 18,519 33 1,358 133 12 ,096 193 70 31,131 7,370 143 55 22,644 7,605 21 1,630 183 65 27,815 7,400 56 92 1,297 168 969 7,069 11 10 170 10 60 240 56 114 1,912 2 5 2,210 400 1,105.0 80.0 110,800 16,000 73.53 200.00 50 2 5 1,334 370 1 150 1 52 1 532 2 5 1,473 375 1 5 202 5 2 5 1,386 375 1 6 60 90 800 1 24 90 5 465 93.0 8,000 36.02 231 220 59,936 53,100 259.7 241.4 20,967 19,306 35.48 79.62 86 216 210 16,896 17 ,980 5 30 15 25 71 62 104 115 4,259 3,990 42 70 1,499 3,750 16 279 26 1,220 6 450 1 35 171 32,725 98 9,625 216 4,122 231 215 22,654 25,720 211 200 37,434 29,035 6 30 485 1,415 206 200 27,371 21,410 5 220 26 38 470 5 10 75 46 52 3,063 21,299 175.3 409.6 19,167 22,616 215.36 45.37 65 36 36 2,363 2,445 25 25 126 760 1 10 12 325 31 4,923 20 300 46 640 46 41 2,500 3,530 41 41 5,048 16,910 31 3,228 2,440 14 233 1,577 1,603 4,396,983 4,318,810 2,783.2 2,685.8 50,673 41,287 19,39 15.33 36 1,424 1,447 203,649 209,932 32 43 105 164 409 409 207 50 340 577 73,061 51,210 311 350 19,569 16,647 163 3,715 171 10,854 115 12,465 12 748 1,198 4,024,035 364 47,838 1,446 58,456 1,481 1,502 301,279 277,789 1,512 1,541 4,114,561 4,009,618 124 282 13,213 136,704 1,376 1,411 257,694 217,389 2 120 15 915 10 295 12 1,369 215 18,017 10 18 12 92 270 585 136 330 5,935 24 58 337 3 3 22 10 173 10 403 130 5,803 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: WYOMING CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 91 e sample of farms. See text] Are a 2a— Continued Area 2b Type 0 f farm — Continued Total Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock C3eneral Miscel- Primarily Crop and laneous and all farms Cash- grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and^ laneous and livestock livestock fied crop crop livestock livestock sified 31 319 938 4,854 605 230 167 52 3,004 153 33 126 484 1 120 406 1,058 5,410 1,097 216 142 41 2,726 166 61 335 626 2 18,589 127,131 1,848,985 17,309,350 683,577 77,091 75,348 8,325 15,958,232 101,020 78,488 150,226 177 ,043 3 30,405 138,830 !, 174, 355 16,455,962 1,221,023 52,420 129,682 18,680 14,343,623 115,991 45,080 250,620 278 ,843 4 599.6 398.5 1,971.2 3,566.0 1,129.9 335.2 451.2 160.1 5,312.3 660.3 2,373.4 1,192.3 365.3 5 253.4 341.9 2,055.2 3,041.8 1,113.1 242.7 913.3 455.6 5,261.8 698.7 739.0 748.1 445.4 6 32,410 23,166 13,315 54,346 40,342 26 ,909 2J,179 15,118 69,504 33,459 19,008 44,933 10,404 7 11,416 21,218 7,859 37,124 25,773 21,638 33,069 9,310 53 ,017 26,525 18,560 21,425 9,309 8 49.19 57.97 7.45 15.22 35.57 80.74 47.85 68.04 13.31 52.54 26.93 35.23 33.31 9 49.98 60.99 60.98 12.54 24.99 90.64 34.34 17.96 10.30 35.73 25.11 29.96 21.00 10 58 87 89 86 87 88 72 31 38 67 97 30 87 11 31 319 552 3,801 605 230 146 6 2,305 150 27 125 207 12 120 406 656 4,802 1,097 216 127 26 2,449 166 51 335 335 13 2,877 33,372 16,882 672,015 177,295 27,041 12,999 240 393,984 a, 945 3,479 24,708 10,324 14 10,035 41,693 6 20,230 190 130 933,667 79 139 311,743 29,075 20,108 5 10 1,625 471,406 39 90 29,270 4,992 50,474 14,974 35 39 15 16 17 61 179- 5 5 20 5 113 5 26 18 25 86 340 16 5 26 230 11 15 37 19 23 131 69 936 114 110 46 532 46 23 17 48 20 7 139 15 1,038 153 91 22 1 654 60 1 40 16 21 1 18 872 224 18 16 535 30 2 41 6 22 1 218 93 1 1 112 3 1 7 23 16 182 354 1,302 115 41 88 882 20 17 50 89 24 65 195 295 969 146 30 36 5 453 25 26 121 127 25 1,210 U,298 8,925 164,763 14, M7 1,410 3,580 132,764 3,280 940 2,872 5,330 26 2,425 3,465 11,325 161,764 14,147 1,"50 1,190 95 123,807 1,115 8,105 6,155 6,100 27 5 101 82 2,503 531 128 84 11 1,374 64 19 91 201 28 55 120 280 2,228 861 91 40 25 850 87 36 157 81 29 300 6,275 2,740 473,146 176,675 4,845 10,930 330 225,462 8,335 1,160 13,462 31,947 30 955 7,025 21,140 327,552 198,202 3,503 4,720 800 99,409 6,985 1,320 8,178 4,435 31 5 40 36 1,717 479 41 45 1 913 43 9 49 137 32 300 2,786 1,280 309,930 147 ,942 1,315 3,275 60 125,805 4,338 348 8,986 17,361 33 65 61 1,612 230 113 70 11 902 43 13 63 167 X 3,489 1,460 163,216 28,733 3,530 7,655 270 99,657 3,497 812 4,476 14,586 35 6 17 66 568 53 9 430 16 7 10 43 36 1,100 2,1T71 7,180 493,190 19,834 3,022 449,694 2,444 2,117 6,766 9,313 37 5 15 82 12 53 1 11 38 5 465 18,184 1,726 15,734 120 605 39 26 187 583 4,114 422 174 131 17 2,790 112 23 108 337 40 10,921 59,382 1,804,735 15,312,136 278,918 38,978 40,257 7,409 14,599,687 61,789 70,293 98,865 115,940 41 42 43 S 91 137 536 62 46 48 283 23 1 12 61 885 4,870 4,050 51,344 6,440 1,435 1,263 38,434 1,475 124 1,180 993 31 319 805 4,565 563 225 167 47 2,860 146 32 120 405 44 2,176 14,268 8 , 523 175,916 14,543 4,817 4,560 346 140,907 3,227 499 3,433 3,584 45 31 319 693 4,206 605 230 157 12 2,579 151 27 126 319 46 120 406 866 4,901 1,097 216 132 26 2,483 166 56 335 390 47 4,387 50,945 28,547 1,309,924 368,557 33,296 27,509 570 752,210 33,560 5,579 41,042 47 ,601 48 13,415 52 ,183 52 ,745 1,422,933 524,092 33,628 26,018 2,520 694,622 37,370 14,417 64,807 25,509 49 31 294 803 4,441 476 179 162 17 2,953 123 28 120 333 50 115 361 749 5,051 963 156 142 31 2,701 136 61 325 536 51 13,231 72,751 1,820,840 15,970,089 313,339 40,388 46,859 7,409 15,182,145 67,513 73,350 108,503 130,583 52 53 15,240 71,600 2,120,657 14,924,561 673,679 16,142 102,894 16,075 13 , 566 ,629 77,002 38,481 182,795 250,864 11 27 66 626 60 9 470 16 7 10 54 54 25 60 105 691 133 1 16 1 428 7 10 33 62 55 56 1,105 2,536 7,180 511,374 21,559 3,022 465,428 2,444 2,117 6,886 9,918 1,16C 3,010 358,860 466,459 64,237 192 1,925 400 354,438 5,672 6,380 14,455 18,260 57 58 .59 60 61 31 315 718 1,654 159 230 113 5 807 119 12 76 133 105 396 697 1,882 301 216 77 5 766 123 15 242 137 3,872 41,109 25,077 195,263 15,818 25,916 6,088 40 117,136 16,032 1,648 11,025 1,560 12,22C 44,718 27,820 273,377 35,458 28,685 7,160 35 149,644 17,777 775 30,120 3,723 1 5 711 262 16 32 309 13 3 32 44 62 If 50 158,173 77 4,637 79 ,796 9 708 685 4,908 5 100 58,280 61 3,649 1,578 402 7,137 1 40 5,387 1 140 63 64 65 101 52 284 36 27 15 141 26 6 23 10 66 t 235 54 871 65 39 35 546 61 73 34 18 67 7C 2,370 495 9,461 940 370 270 6,208 603 230 575 260 68 69 21 26 10 5 5 36 14 32 17 15 70 365 lot. 410 210 200 71 7S 5 401 35 214 10 116 56 5 25 72 377 2,542 10 50 1,818 15,773 92 850 857 7,502 20 165 499 4,498 282 1,985 7 55 61 718 73 74 16 5 20 6 5 4 6 79 5 6 75 76 12 215 2 25 26 414 6 100 8 110 125 77 20 1.; 19-:i 81 190 2,297 10 2 25 10 8 90 34 111 1,058 303 712 9,152 5 5 20 63 158 2,815 11 36 5 63 122 1,365 10 50 385 12 73 553 88 226 2,622 5 10 100 36 100 1,200 5 10 110 18 26 470 1 1 20 25 20 185 78 79 80 81 82 83 92 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK. WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and eiplanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- end- nut Dairy- Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195^. . Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running wster farms reporting 1954.. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954., Milking machine farms reporting 1954., Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . , number 1954 . , Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fara operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954 . 1954 . 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR Week of Septeaber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified ram ejqjenditures^ farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . Machine hire farms reporting 1954. . dollars 1954.. Hired labor farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . dollars 1954.. 1949., $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954., $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . , dollars 1954., 1949., Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 5,864 543 10,149 1 120 9,437 1 596 866 175 7,776 817 4,965 470 145 22 2,951 343 1,121 63 3,755 819 4,013 933 139 14 139 14 1,867 179 1,945 181 680 59 702 61 9,761 1 066 15,077 1 611 9,276 1 118 9,162 1 847 18,700 2 278 15,321 3 220 9,588 1 106 13,956 1 402 2,401 2,486 4,497 4,465 2,375 2,317 1,231 6,622 2,654 10,706 25,276 10,469 10,255 4,488 6,964 2,688 8,057 1,981 4,701 1,165 3,356 11,320 8,014 5,353 2,288,305 e,208 7,933 14,844,765 16,146,198 4,831 1,377 9,285 9,970 14,875,948 16,116,837 10,469 10, 571 7,738,922 6,593,138 2,289 1,001,481 11,784 121.397 7 631 1,958 955 87 184 460 696 138 244 20 484 634 1,068 2,025 1,059 1,049 441 644 157 332 93 234 1,178 987 786 415,013 649 1,339 462,427 1,043,719 603 46 758 1,292 339,332 576,230 1,157 1,784 934,503 1,314,563 398 141,088 1,650 19,520 275 423 271 53 298 177 10 109 35 246 246 15 50 50 408 735 413 266 1,050 573 412 594 5 130 283 418 1,560 408 408 194 303 167 849 126 150 90 699 261 92,394 363 241 639,051 506,820 278 85 268 241 196,555 104,875 418 251 413,937 213,105 407 208,245 2,305 20,671 1 300 1,188 300 176,000 1,535 4,000 635 5 7,360 2,400 2 8,300 120 950 5 2,235 526 744 752 64 629 350 30 317 511 287 297 1 1 125 126 109 110 654 821 709 682 1,129 905 671 874 365 285 160 522 187 746 1,696 504 798 766 588 459 106,786 365 492 354,608 485,635 325 40 701 712 858,591 950,940 745 742 375,382 350,235 78 16,045 241 2,417 76 109 107 5 109 67 20 2,845 52 68 27,800 42,405 52 109 122 55,445 379,665 69 106 15,894 27,425 25 3,195 35 615 2,966 5,050 3,920 340 4,043 2,723 67 1,734 320 1,582 1,675 95 95 1,157 1,225 401 420 5,316 8,968 5,050 4,239 10,868 7,413 4,905 7,898 26 608 56 330 21 1,765 75 1,182 16 757 50 435 99 5,756 153 14,745 94 5,594 84 5,497 32 2,303 39 3,591 15 1,896 30 5,657 10 1,519 10 4,034 5 722 20 1,623 663 4,328 722 5,888 4,367 2,604 1,257,081 3,681 4,285 12,099,068 12,494,043 2,586 1,095 5,263 5,165 12,392,663 12,885,922 5,684 5,280 4,876,486 3,652, 639 730 373,946 4,493 48,918 6 331 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM WYOMING CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 93 a sample of farms. See text] The State — Continued Area 1 Type of farm— Cont inued Total all fanns Type of Farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Livestock General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified 58 233 908 1,281 42 245 709 32 11 25 217 1 68 480 1,587 1,946 62 372 1,050 62 11 49 324 2 176 701 1,538 1,955 49 425 922 66 20 58 390 3 3 23 177 192 1 37 110 44 4 45 353 1,103 1,655 58 322 899 45 11 46 264 5 C6 1 234 6 722 3 1,056 37 24 5 164 20 638 10 23 1 36 155 2 6 7 ::S 165 119 435 8 133 241 '26 '12 21 8 3;i 85 42 373 8 ... 241 90 1 11 11 11 9 3h 279 159 370 40 156 129 26 4 15 10 3? 287 1 1 168 5 5 383 51 156 131 26 4 15 11 12 13 !'■ 120 25 385 15 63 227 '37 1 34 8 14 1^ 120 23 406 16 64 245 37 1 34 9 15 5 37 7 37 ... 20 15 2 16 5 37 7 39 20 17 2 17 63 463 1,206 1,354 47 283 1,194 51 11 54 203 18 71 672 1,399 3,014 83 337 2,195 74 14 71 234 19 59 473 851 1,751 63 347 1,078 61 6 49 136 20 161 735 780 1,606 44 380 859 75 15 52 166 21 113 962 1,081 3,744 118 10 509 2,707 125 10 94 170 22 iii 1,263 965 2,595 68 450 1,653 124 15 72 198 23 5P 429 1,379 1,921 62 346 1,112 61 6 48 280 24 550 1,730 2,916 87 5 '..'. 451 1,863 74 8 62 365 25 6 60 1,404 584 20 90 146 22 16 290 26 35 62 1,692 587 5 50 15 93 21 16 7 386 27 34 158 1,356 987 42 2 38 341 41 10 23 292 28 SO 257 1,616 981 20 190 25 233 49 20 38 401 29 47 1,145 581 17 110 168 13 17 251 30 30 64 1,341 533 10 30 20 128 17 5 12 316 31 3 15 517 146 6 10 35 2 ... 93 32 11 11 420 374 ... ... 20 196 11 5 5 137 33 31 287 542 1,581 45 321 1 1,029 37 6 36 106 34 23 186 309 170 23 5 26 ... 49 24 13 30 35 75 499 1,432 2,172 63 5 373 1 1,296 66 11 54 303 36 156 1,105 2,245 6,143 145 25 880 2 4,297 166 '- 109 495 37 -.. 487 1,471 2,115 62 5 373 1 1,244 65 11 54 300 38 7. 478 1,409 2,020 62 5 353 1 1,197 65 11 53 273 39 50 248 478 1,026 36 5 289 1 529 35 10 12 109 40 70 413 703 1,631 53 5 450 1 843 67 10 13 189 41 5 113 69 729 7 5 32 615 20 1 29 20 42 12 214 133 2,492 30 15 77 2,257 34 3 43 33 43 5 56 26 551 4 , 11 499 7 1 11 13 44 12 84 81 1,782 11 5 25 1,683 9 3 22 24 45 71 47 304 4 5 ,, 231 13 20 8 46 130 52 710 19 10 52 574 25 21 9 47 75 499 1,766 2,253 63 5 368 11 1,308 74 11 54 359 43 40 406 638 1,674 42 5 322 1 1,064 57 6 44 133 49 30 300 486 989 34 5 271 519 38 5 24 93 50 9,633 112,989 49,982 467,599 27,085 1,500 50.800 343, 578 13,980 500 19,178 10,978 51 17 322 326 1,407 32 5 202 1 997 52 1 39 73 52 131 561 478 1,735 19 290 30 1,110 72 10 42 162 53 24,035 297,729 293,166 5,716,205 37,035 25,000 116,253 50 5,358,971 45,820 9,000 48,350 75,726 54 71 ,960 566,725 441,235 5,751,963 42,296 198,355 12,830 5,166,269 123,203 1,970 45,450 161,540 55 15 288 314 963 30 189 1 585 47 36 75 56 - 34 12 4i4 2 5 13 412 5 1 3 3 57 72 335 1,386 1,899 26 5 328 11 1,169 11 11 39 299 53 201 662 1,261 2,104 11 405 35 1,216 54 20 22 341 59 61,245 214,275 546,942 3,949,783 12,045 1 , 500 186,794 5,400 3,543,867 13,4i0 19,650 20,497 146,590 60 108,300 466,068 546,335 5,477,831 2,250 426,915 52,125 4,642,868 11,798 5,945 8,345 327,635 61 70 494 1,243 2,049 58 5 362 11 1,271 69 11 54 208 62 186 748 1,042 2,241 34 440 35 1,253 95 20 57 307 63 35,672 373,843 248,723 1,552,875 45,954 6,000 165,407 460 1,217,699 52,478 3,850 27,814 33,213 64 74,110 474,137 199,731 1,294,929 41,475 143,370 5,245 953,671 4>i,858 3,135 30,495 67,680 65 14 221 140 145 12 5 16 72 7 12 21 66 6,782 92,265 10,625 40,757 2,478 1,265 2,870 25,920 2,034 5,528 662 67 96 1,094 137 655 70 15 66 361 46 88 9 63 465 10,457 1,395 6,079 350 250 792 -,011 187 410 79 69 70 71 72 73 94 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK. WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see teit) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry SPECIFIED FACILITIES AM) E(jniPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195'i . . Electricity farms reporting 195";.. 1950.. Television set farms reporting 195^.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. . Home freezer farms reporting 1954. . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954.. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954. . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . number 1954 . . 1950 . . Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. number 1954.. OFF-FARM UOraC AND OTHER INCCME para operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Working off thetr farms, total operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. FABMS BY CLASS OF WORX POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules.. . .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Week of Septenber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . , Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954. . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954., persons 1954 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . , Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954., persons 1954. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. Machine hire farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. .^1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing ma terial farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 2,123 3,940 3,671 170 2,729 1,917 48 1,112 432 1,641 1,717 16 16 726 762 328 333 3,614 5,475 3,406 3,403 6,946 5,812 3,509 5,010 387 2,196 1,210 3,962 9,338 3,869 3,808 1,573 2,493 960 3,037 677 1,467 483 1,570 4,222 2,880 2,027 784,535 2,183 2,567 4,748,256 4,734,967 1,715 473 3,301 3,297 3,812,978 4,010,816 3,785 3,544 2,634,509 2,143,429 1,413 649,760 7,556 79,059 5 325 750 635 268 510 733 36 341 191 10 175 397 418 1 1 92 92 21 21 480 643 479 769 1,086 1,366 488 616 1,136 10 1,101 85 1,774 162 1,755 290 979 12 952 95 6 209 270 470 950 217 313 72 167 27 32 50 135 510 405 306 99,714 263 549 140, 545 310,650 243 20 336 559 127,665 192,029 500 739 378,547 448,755 287 109,240 1,252 14,445 127 188 65 25 123 106 5 76 20 127 127 52 54 32 32 183 387 178 70 501 130 182 272 5 57 121 188 819 82 141 108 500 87 93 58 407 193 168 92 31,815 153 45 320, 510 87,485 97 56 133 45 104,185 14,040 193 50 193,270 35,000 188 107,440 1,244 10,708 2 2 5,800 2 5 176,000 1,535 1 5 4,000 635 7,360 2,400 2 8,300 120 950 2,235 150 216 205 166 96 5 94 150 32 32 51 51 221 287 206 190 342 310 180 242 5 135 71 211 486 122 212 39 64 161 127 39,555 90 105 136,270 155,550 76 14 211 180 274,166 247,985 216 170 118,790 116,815 32 5,075 70 805 46 26 15 2,645 16 22 9,750 23,850 46 52 18,330 300, 365 41 36 11,635 14,410 25 3,195 35 615 731 1,443 1,251 30 1,060 815 17 500 112 524 542 14 14 360 390 187 192 1,407 2,452 1,371 1,291 3,044 2,402 1,244 2,047 215 93 520 352 251 125 146 1,086 285 46 91 1,542 3,967 46 1,485 36 1,471 25 30 10 25 552 890 543 1,606 5 5 430 1,128 5 20 228 478 1,577 1,178 754 346,781 1,009 1,185 3,374,025 3,518,302 690 319 1,341 1,369 2,731,766 2,823,092 1,477 1,462 1,284,839 1,086,404 419 239,132 2,764 30,737 5 325 750 635 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM WYOMING CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 95 a sample of farms. See text] Area 2a — Conti lued Area 2b Type o: farm— Cont inued Total all farms Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Livestock General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified 30 140 478 2,460 233 148 131 35 1,526 89 17 68 213 1 31 309 837 4,263 548 230 156 52 2,557 146 26 122 426 2 105 356 745 3,811 814 206 122 36 1,747 145 51 287 403 3 1 5 66 504 138 28 27 5 200 19 2 18 67 4 20 204 535 3,392 418 175 141 42 2,084 106 14 103 309 5 8 135 417 1,992 255 ... 66 90 30 1,270 51 17 63 150 6 1 5 60 7 5 5 40 1 1 1 7 12 88 73 1,404 160 ... 33 90 1 993 21 16 65 25 8 17 52 15 316 19 15 120 118 1 5 22 16 9 23 190 73 1,744 382 ... 119 . . . 68 1 929 76 13 85 71 10 23 196 73 1,913 464 119 68 1 1,002 78 14 87 SO 11 123 13 15 ... 1 ... 81 7 1 5 12 123 13 ... 15 ... 1 . . . 81 7 1 5 13 11 44 12 756 72 7 30 570 27 3 42 5 14 11 44 14 777 73 7 30 590 27 3 42 5 15 27 5 315 38 18 38 199 7 5 10 16 27 5 330 40 ... 18 39 211 7 5 10 17 30 292 631 4,293 539 220 145 42 2,715 121 22 117 372 18 32 433 742 6,588 885 343 197 42 4,321 184 25 168 423 19 31 298 458 4,119 571 230 156 11 2,601 145 22 126 257 20 95 375 421 4,148 1,034 196 112 16 2,089 149 51 308 193 21 46 582 576 3,010 1,074 539 278 12 5,117 312 57 286 335 22 150 645 491 6,914 1,786 443 145 18 3,358 275 67 546 276 23 25 272 720 4,153 556 225 145 36 2,549 132 27 109 379 24 26 345 937 6,030 699 317 181 36 3,988 182 56 143 428 25 31 73S 681 57 10 11 247 11 6 13 326 26 25 40 £07 79;-' 94 10 6 20 144 10 15 499 27 13 85 680 1,736 256 ... 31 62 6 904 32 11 50 384 28 iO 145 727 1,729 386 61 40 30 592 38 20 74 488 29 ... 16 572 815 109 5 5 6 338 16 14 322 30 20 30 612 827 139 20 10 20 182 16 5 22 413 31 ... 15 277 265 20 10 82 1 5 147 32 6 203 470 14 ... 11 31 321 7 6 80 33 15 180 308 2,845 230 73 ... 66 1 2,213 53 10 71 128 34 16 118 150 1,274 341 157 90 10 388 92 12 55 129 35 31 319 795 4,572 225 162 52 2,918 137 33 126 384 36 61 684 1,135 9,795 716 330 60 6,481 330 71 312 565 37 31 309 793 4,435 527 225 157 47 2,865 130 32 124 378 38 31 302 768 4,427 517 ... 225 157 47 2,829 129 32 123 368 39 23 165 233 1,889 188 107 93 6 1,222 49 17 71 136 40 28 289 334 2,840 278 157 136 8 1,858 80 32 HI 180 41 2 61 37 999 78 54 28 5 738 59 2 23 12 42 2 93 83 2,528 135 334 37 5 1,794 121 7 78 17 43 2 32 7 753 44 34 28 5 590 31 2 13 6 44 ' 40 48 1,452 55 52 36 5 1,223 43 7 22 9 45 38 32 373 39 27 1 263 28 13 7 46 53 35 1,076 80 282 1 571 78 56 8 47 31 319 930 4,845 605 230 167 52 3,003 152 33 126 477 48 14 267 328 3,460 540 215 105 40 2,125 143 20 95 177 49 7 202 255 2,337 446 164 61 5 1,331 100 18 74 138 50 6,500 60,362 26,318 1,036,171 288,214 59,079 16,431 200 566,722 56,757 2,633 33,449 12,686 51 13 211 172 2,613 354 205 73 35 1,675 120 3 72 76 52 85 270 175 3,631 771 196 97 16 1,990 135 36 249 141 53 3,235 156,885 148,115 4^380,304 284,847 293,541 102,085 18,000 3,366,072 142,140 11,800 92,494 69,325 54 47,620 225,170 212,090 5,659,268 690,773 419,335 131,730 5,675 3,809,472 216,153 22,370 296,105 67,655 55 13 191 164 2,153 330 181 60 35 1,311 98 2 61 75 56 20 8 460 24 24 13 364 22 1 11 1 57 29 243 717 4,085 396 130 162 52 2,753 87 32 103 370 58 120 336 495 4,569 722 196 127 35 2,580 119 61 304 425 59 19,478 153,738 274,235 7,113,187 199,622 90,870 397,631 31,715 6,117,030 88,045 22,117 40,040 126,117 60 65,090 234,575 107,455 6,628,140 381,951 90,835 276,040 27,175 5,419,962 60,519 37,265 223,148 1U,245 61 26 314 649 4,635 599 220 167 17 2,936 151 33 126 386 62 110 376 420 4,786 1,011 201 132 35 2,565 156 56 315 315 63 13,690 235,290 119,548 3,551,538 510,002 214,717 91,185 3,799 2,373,948 133,049 18,132 110,739 95,967 64 54,325 210,630 66,750 3,154,780 824,333 178,105 90,050 7,770 1,607,564 131,995 16,650 233,012 65,301 65 3 165 93 731 99 ... 214 30 ... 239 68 11 4.4 26 66 442 74,101 7,065 310,964 29,370 99,540 3,100 113,894 38,186 6,340 12,636 2,898 67 6 862 89 3,573 328 1,046 105 1,368 453 90 144 39 68 70 7,969 351 36,259 306 1 , 203 4,725 9,713 1 300 1,188 300 820 14,170 1 6 20 20 3,893 395 2,078 . 465 69 70 71 72 73 96 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and eiplanstiona. Bee text) The State 1 Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Primarily crop Livestock OD hand; 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954 . . . 7,853 504 135 1 ... 558 48 4,991 314 2 1950... 9,354 1,043 155 5 ... 722 53 5,127 280 3 number 1954... 53,275 1,239 280 2 1,801 146 43,004 1,219 I, 1950... 84,129 3,879 ... 300 10 ... 3,437 205 59,552 2,647 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 10,059 889 ... 367 1 ... 771 43 5,636 456 6 1950... 10,703 1,487 236 5 812 87 5,410 339 7 number 1954 . . . 1,240,900 34,561 ... 13,388 180 ... 30,533 430 1,091,425 14,365 8 1950... 1,030,501 42,245 ... 5,791 30 ... 27,894 1,602 379,274 11,361 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954... 9,778 881 ... 332 771 33 5,543 434 10 1950... 10,477 1,454 236 ... 812 87 5,334 334 11 number 1954... 583,856 16,045 ... 4,639 76 . • . 15,910 208 515,422 6,160 12 1950... 495,716 13,703 2,153 25 14,508 872 426,136 5,143 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954. . . 7,871 723 275 766 32 4,239 4,450 351 293 V. 1950... 9,237 1,321 231 812 67 15 number 1954... 39,166 2,703 1,338 . • * 12,959 113 15,715 1,218 16 1950... 49,794 4,917 1,058 25 ... 13,388 257 19,755 1,058 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 2,841 306 157 262 20 1,409 172 18 1950... 4,841 750 165 440 37 2,164 167 19 number 1954 . . . 34,498 3,230 . • . 1,407 4,094 115 19,503 2,212 20 1950. . . 55,552 7,935 ... 1,070 50 3,485 132 29,374 1,878 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 7,992 814 315 ... 582 97 4,140 402 22 1950... 9,417 1,491 215 ... 622 95 4,452 293 23 number 1954 . . . 514,724 60,121 19,716 100 ... 42,675 12,822 246,848 27,060 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 548,736 99,353 ... 13,345 376 ... 33,650 17,475 229,156 15,664 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 8,684 679 232 ... 720 32 5,387 350 26 1949 . . . 9,229 1,073 131 812 66 5,288 193 27 number 1954 . . . 604,300 11,430 4,322 65 8,703 158 555,409 5,258 28 1949... 434,863 13,403 2,495 ... 8,691 285 383,961 2,184 29 dollars 1954... 54,839,290 891, 5o4 ... 404, f^ 18 5,850 006,205 15,615 EC, 919,694 377,296 30 1949... 58,767,023 1,690,397 ... 269,840 ... 888,080 27,115 52,351,043 292,855 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1,665 161 ... 97 202 10 954 112 32 1949 . . . 3,987 549 ... 90 381 41 1,860 155 33 number 1954 . . . 30,550 2,606 ... 1,006 . • . . . . 3,096 125 17,891 2,718 34 1949 . . . (!3,047 11,969 700 5,740 396 51,898 2,232 35 dollars 1954... 997,346 93,142 40,200 . . . . . . 122,585 2,920 591,448 65,687 36 1949... 2,904,806 367,578 23,005 205 165,460 10, 560 1,840,595 63,935 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,193 233 ... 102 145 73 1,108 90 38 1949... 2,901 503 65 . . • 181 86 1,162 92 39 dollars 1954... 204,494 13,663 6,883 19,533 20,752 88,941 7,986 40 1949... 367,509 48,236 • • < 5,695 260 . * . 23,342 59,700 105,467 10,630 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,934 444 ... 153 283 102 1,913 186 42 5,187 857 . • t 100 . . . 306 90 2,350 191 43 dozens 1954 . . . 2,065,713 269,509 ... 46,130 120 233,145 126,944 829,799 117,424 44 1949... 2,480,189 381,899 . . t 43,855 2,600 ... 122,900 123,360 996,794 72,838 45 dollars 1954... 762,624 90,265 ... 14,699 48 ... 84,633 49,886 311,345 43,236 46 1949... 1,004,941 145,344 15,860 650 ... 49,490 60,425 393,306 28, 579 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954 . . . 18,560,580 815,260 ... 431,160 11,453,365 32,416 3,673,983 419,088 48 dollars 1954... 4,835,921 147,143 77,655 ... 3,469,454 5,296 718,744 69,822 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 5,065,129 212,081 53,815 635 2,986,630 12,610 970,717 43,542 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,647 205 185 152 11 834 96 51 1949... 1,540 250 60 ... ... 85 1 720 53 52 acres 1954 . . . 49,751 6,247 2,630 3,072 109 32,807 1,645 53 1949... 41,102 7,255 1,255 1,660 20 24,142 785 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 395 84 81 .. . 6 5 135 38 55 1949 . . . 556 133 35 5 176 47 56 acres 1954 . . . 6,553 1,680 735 85 40 2,981 490 57 1049 . . . 10,758 3,250 495 30 ... 3,663 615 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 203,369 47,375 35,645 8,275 560 79,274 19,060 59 1949 . . . 225,340 58,950 ... 16,385 900 63,395 14,630 60 bushels sold 1954 . . . 37,045 16,975 7,830 ... 3,700 2,050 61 1949... 74,863 25,305 ... 10,660 12,773 190 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined Xarms reporting 1954 . . . 1,409 2,050 500 876 15 30 ... 35 45 11 641 788 24 64 63 1949 . . . 64 acres 1954... 192,415 114,084 ... 335 2,506 61,322 1,708 65 1949... 266,609 193,615 1,005 2,950 550 62,779 4,020 66 bushels harvested 1954... 2,225,851 1,449,076 3,865 ... 14,955 595,468 29,776 67 1949 . . . 5,246,793 4,004,940 17,355 33,450 4,400 853,603 89,295 68 bushels sold 1954... 2,027,927 1,358,614 3,615 13,270 ... 509,965 26,897 69 1949... 4,731,353 3,760,150 \\\ 15,140 30,300 2,025 639,738 83,305 70 Barley threshed or combined .... J"arms reporting 1954... 3,265 656 270 1 . . . 371 20 1,246 261 71 1949... 4,675 1,089 226 >•■ 460 31 1,681 266 72 acres 1954... 110,781 38,038 • . • 6,839 130 11,372 495 38,388 5,930 73 1949... 137,461 36,111 ... 7,154 ... 11,255 1,550 52,831 6,797 74 bushels harvested 1954... 2,600,034 721,030 211,690 1,800 371,730 24,600 883,886 169,570 75 1949... 4,030,726 1,024,110 256,210 ... 359,460 32,000 1,517,569 236,225 76 bushels sold 1954... 1,141,115 483,423 ... 75,340 109,615 22,500 283,386 92,325 77 1949 . . . 1,229,001 548,424 94,065 39,500 12,000 257,647 102,615 78 Hay cut acres 1954... 943,850 1,059,120 40,237 48,547 ... 14,799 7,524 60 65 43,629 53,175 1,784 2,275 739,539 324,939 42,744 47,721 79 1949... 80 tons 1954... 1,065,221 59,819 35,681 200 ... 65,826 3,143 727,637 87,902 ^For ccBnparabillty of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: WYOMING CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 97 a sample of farms. See text] The State — Continued Area 1 Type of farm— Cont inijed Total Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- Primarily liveetock Crop and livestock all farms Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dair f Poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop an livestoe — laneous and unclas- " sified 42 298 962 1,955 45 41 1 1,225 48 11 4 243 1 176 573 1,220 2,258 27 35 20 1,309 78 20 4f 321 2 200 1,115 4,269 19,438 13^ 1, 158 4 16,340 413 73 25 > 1,156 3 8\i 2,324 10,961 29,158 2, HO 85 22,273 1,681 135 41. 2,X7 4 75 473 1,348 1,979 73 1 1,217 38 11 3' 251 5 191 763 1,373 2,178 ' 55 20 1,266 62 20 4 1 285 6 3,530 26,500 25,988 358,987 1,389 135 12,' i'66 25 335,203 1,353 1,078 3,92 r 3,111 7 5,415 24,117 32,272 285,650 494 14, 90 340 260,049 3,951 375 2,17 3,580 8 75 463 1,245 1,938 44 5 73 1 1,198 38 11 3 ) 229 9 191 752 1,272 2,158 22 ^ 55 20 1,252 62 20 4. 285 10 1,686 11,872 11,788 171,049 673 65 6,. 17 12 160,161 545 535 1,61 I 1,230 U 2,419 10,354 15,403 147,200 318 7, 25 235 134,542 1,926 195 1,08 ) 1,570 12 75 400 1,009 1,509 43 5 73 846 11 11 3 L 189 13 191 707 1,160 1,865 22 55 20 984 52 20 4, 270 U 584 2,145 2,388 10,306 170 5 5, 98 3,762 75 126 14 L 429 15 1,639 3,728 3,969 13,962 128 b. 80 135 5,249 183 195 27; 920 16 18 187 310 611 17 73 316 10 5 1 ! 67 17 130 477 506 983 16 15 10 426 19 15 4 ! 135 18 264 2,247 1,426 8,084 UO 3,. 6S 3,943 98 5 26 1 182 19 955 5,504 5,169 7,500 111 2, 25 15 3,056 319 95 la: 995 20 72 405 1,164 1,262 22 5 53 10 674 34 10 3( > 218 21 201 738 1,305 1,675 26 30 35 906 41 20 3 ! 280 22 11,078 39,884 54,420 75,539 1,350 300 18,. 55 1,500 33,477 1,669 2,060 4,23' 12,489 23 22,290 52,848 64,575 80,454 1,094 14, >05 6,400 39,610 2,365 1,645 2,62( ) 11,815 24 68 405 810 1,766 11 5 163 1 1,164 37 11 3 ) 141 25 196 603 772 1,962 16 55 15 1,210 38 20 5 J 155 26 1,129 10,749 7,077 168,982 218 60 3, J08 3 162,434 387 351 1,34 J 878 27 1,860 11,486 10,498 111,492 68 4, L30 75 105,295 373 110 81 > 625 28 81,218 916,920 590,310 14,878,046 20,675 4,400 276, >35 190 14, 344, 751 30,850 23,600 113,38 ) 63,965 29 187,405 1,641,497 1,418,791 14,830,161 7,500 481, >15 7,260 14,113,987 45,266 11,765 87,36 I 75,400 30 9 150 170 344 5 L56 150 2 1 ) 21 31 140 465 301 742 1 '80 20 313 17 15 3 L 65 32 137 2,226 745 5,681 15 2, 77 2,745 66 21 5 68 33 2,260 8,638 4,209 11,837 15 4, 80 215 5,554 336 75 80 560 34 6,003 53,579 21,782 214,891 710 lOi, )35 99,286 1,632 6,50 3 2,728 35 80,565 261,354 91,549 376,934 600 132,' .60 4,435 183,296 9,375 2,370 25,47 i 18,925 36 43 143 256 194 5 23 11 104 2 5 42 37 111 343 353 324 10 55 25 134 10 1. 75 38 7,627 19,436 19,668 21,095 60 3, 30 3,212 6,212 163 2,250 8 ] 5,588 39 23,080 41,233 49,866 43,049 325 5, V.0 7,085 10,374 3,340 2,95 ) 13,935 40 65 290 497 449 7 5 80 11 224 5 5 1 ) 93 41 171 529 588 563' 5 LIO 25 270 28 5 2 ) 100 42 84,370 207,595 150,677 306,492 10,125 150 108,' .55 13,214 114,098 4,550 7,200 12,23 ) 36,470 43 188,375 325,583 221,985 254,900 2,000 39, ?50 51,190 99,394 6,071 1,200 13,08 42,210 44 35,689 76,508 56,315 122,673 3,070 75 36, ?60 7,800 48,949 2,247 3,500 6,U 14,130 45 82,555 133,652 95,080 125,620 900 16,' .10 27,980 49,552 2,498 600 5,06 ) 22,620 46 321,712 867,553 541,043 6,695,697 82,372 5,205, ?50 1,038,545 62,292 115,860 59,77- 131, 103 47 70,889 163,991 112,928 1,688,476 20,351 1,368, )15 209,008 10,650 25,644 10,95 ) 43,858 48 183,505 327,666 273,928 1,827,137 4,893 1,366, L90 10,565 299,406 3,526 14,370 25,49 ? 102,690 49 18 93 53 2 1 1 50 55 235 81 6 6 51 499 2,055 687 45 15 30 52 775 4,215 995 140 140 53 15 16 15 54 25 105 30 55 245 212 85 56 330 1,825 550 57 5,300 4,230 3,150 58 5,000 58,250 7,830 59 200 1,290 25,935 ... 60 61 15 96 83 28 3 7 16 1 62 21 190 25 43 9 20 14 63 507 7,671 3,782 7,404 3,945 !64 2,352 36 20 64 715 10,750 225 7,748 6,695 60 693 65 9,680 103,096 19,935 47,348 31,750 3, 585 10,023 1,620 37 66 67 12,700 226,125 4,925 107,875 89,125 6, ^uO 11,850 8,060 93,681 13,825 45,539 31,610 3,' 8,759 1,400 37 ) 68 10,895 187,900 1,900 91,875 81,375 5, TX. 5,500 69 32 249 159 534 57 aes 143 19 5 1 J 6 70 96 549 277 794 35 320 15 267 36 10 4 5 71 71 578 5,936 3,075 23,532 7,675 9, W5 4,711 361 50 45 > 285 72 2,017 14,550 5,196 25,327 1,875 7, 565 990 10,289 1,097 265 1,74 ) 1,206 73 10,265 159,945 45,518 711,144 203,910 342, >90 129,741 7,290 1,500 14,31- J 11,800 74 72,244 442,965 89,943 747,675 56,320 251, 365 14,750 308,172 29,895 5,750 53,51. 28,208 75 1,833 55,875 16,818 303,130 157,120 98, J65 31,645 2,750 750 12,001 ] 76 4,750 139,570 30,430 194,470 47,015 29, 300 52,645 17,755 1,750 28,64 16,860 77 4,779 34,643 21,586 413,292 3,625 1,425 27, J06 40 352,415 10,720 1,010 10,57 L 6,180 78 7,685 39,266 27,923 490,211 1,682 36. XX) 1,130 398,364 31,510 1,430 10,13 9,960 79 5,149 56,083 23,781 387,099 4,600 2,350 39, )12 25 299,953 17,897 990 14,52' 6,348 80 98 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 2a Total all farms Type of farm Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Primarily crop Livestock on hand: 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954... 2,583 215 ... 62 1 140 15 1,232 206 2 1950... 3,060 464 ... 30 5 185 17 1,379 86 3 number 1954 . . . 15,710 527 ... 118 2 572 50 10,600 642 4 1950... 27,549 1,684 45 10 685 62 16,526 422 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 3,762 419 178 1 231 35 1,504 296 6 1950... 3,790 659 60 5 215 36 1,530 136 7 number 1954... 336,662 12,536 6,642 180 10,27: 240 263,170 8,312 S 1950... 273,705 !0,3!1 515 30 7,045 214 218,829 2,090 9 Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954... 3,640 419 158 231 215 25 36 1,478 1,513 280 136 10 1950... 3,712 649 ... 60 11 number 1954 . . . 149,619 5,798 2,296 76 5,452 105 116,373 3,415 12 1950... 131,752 4,503 ... 215 25 3,865 101 106,020 920 13 Hili cows farms reporting 1954... 3,069 364 143 231 25 1,184 254 li 1950... 3,401 614 55 215 26 1,317 121 15 number 1954... 14, 529 1,33] 650 3,862 100 4,580 893 16 1950... 18,279 2,353 155 25 3,725 66 6,361 466 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 1,215 156 76 ... 58 20 439 136 18 1950... 1,942 351 2 = 80 11 810 80 19 number 1954 . . . 14,936 1,976 552 353 115 7,818 1,639 20 1950. . . 26,076 2,998 160 50 590 86 14,442 920 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 3,185 389 153 205 40 1,194 280 22 1950... 3,435 659 40 135 25 1,308 111 23 number 1954 . . . 221,735 30,621 10,091 100 13,533 5,600 78, 198 19,842 21. 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 221,309 45,855 ... 1,650 375 12,220 4,150 78,345 5,827 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 3,010 328 lie 196 20 1,364 214 26 1949 . . . 3,006 424 20 215 35 1,493 4! 27 number 1954 . . . 137,225 3,743 2,796 65 2,439 50 114,754 2,448 28 1949 . . . 112,595 2,470 135 2,470 65 93,707 239 29 dollars 1954... 13,546,557 296,790 270,098 5,850 147,034 4,700 11,666,895 182,516 30 1949 . . . 15,021,871 285,394 12,580 212,985 4,025 12,689,136 33,811 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 869 98 ... 51 26 10 364 93 32 1949... 1,592 232 ... 15 65 16 704 80 33 number 1954 — 14,903 1,932 ... 481 ... 234 125 8,007 2,218 3i 1949 . . . 39,500 4,237 95 840 171 24, 527 975 35 dollars 1954... 479,793 72,510 . . . 21,615 8,530 2,920 273,152 54,520 36 1.237,121 119,216 ... 3,500 206 23,035 5,475 839,190 24,800 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 942 102 36 83 10 361 56 38 1949... 1,224 245 5 90 21 412 45 39 dollars 1954... 84,899 6,120 ... 2,860 8,566 1,260 27,492 6,064 40 1949... 169,829 30,725 . . . 175 260 15,255 18,075 47,209 5,715 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 1,674 226 ... 102 119 40 579 132 42 1949... 1,987 409 5 125 25 701 70 43 dozens 1954 .. . 396,701 142,085 19,680 120 66,950 56,230 239,963 80,240 44 1949... 1,087,174 176,375 900 2,600 57,615 15,920 443,579 19,845 45 dollars 1954... 339,587 47,782 6,699 48 28,363 21,525 93,902 32,987 46 1949... 431,262 67,828 300 650 24,250 6,770 171,819 9,180 47 Milk sold ^ gallons 1954 . . . 6,331,420 403,686 ... 172,275 ... 3,194,067 20,948 1 , 180, 832 311,612 48 dollars 1954... 1,674,327 73,477 32,335 1,076,683 3,415 234,598 51,370 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 1,869,362 119,300 11,370 635 900,875 1,085 364,402 13,710 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 41n 33 31 71 6 200 25 51 1949... 391 51 50 1 149 5 52 acres 1954... 7,430 340 445 1,142 69 4,696 185 53 1949 . . . 5,498 690 ... 730 20 2,743 20 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 8 1 7 55 1949 . . . 65 10 20 5 56 acres 1954 . . . 170 35 135 57 1949... 695 75 280 '20 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 3,400 1,000 ... 2,400 59 1949 . . . 14,430 2,450 8,150 750 60 bushels sold 1954... 1,000 1,000 ... 61 1949 . . . ... ... 62 Winter wheat threshed or comb'ined ...................... rnmiK renoT't 1 nff 1 9*14 204 28 91 6 63 V.^J»1U Lll^u ...................... i di uio 1 C[AJ1 b^ 11^ A ?.'.* . . . 1949... 333 69 173 21 64 acres 1954.. . 9,461 2,722 211" 4,453 208 65 1949... 14,671 5,815 5,306 400 66 bushels harvested 1954... 142,618 41^375 .■.. 4,450 60,883 7,450 67 1949... 327,372 145,400 99,687 8,750 68 bushels sold 1954... 122,886 37,745 ... 3,350 . . . 50,677 7,204 69 1949... 256,034 123,350 ... 68,779 7,525 70 Barley threshed or combined i'arms reporting 1954... 1,463 257 118 52 20 547 173 71 1949... 1,845 492 ... 30 75 16 686 101 72 acres 1954... 40,852 9,4J1 . . . 3,994 130 877 495 16,160 4,318 73 1949 . . . 41,491 12,215 . .. 720 1,515 560 16,166 2,825 74 bushels harvested 1954... 1,333,656 307,683 128,840 1,800 22,080 24,600 549,986 145,700 75 1949 . . . 1,527,497 460,995 21,400 . . . 62,745 17,250 630,637 118,250 76 bushels sold 1954... 651,126 216,490 ... 41,140 9,250 22,500 217,728 86,750 77 1949... 477,095 254,565 11,000 5,700 12,000 84,700 67,335 78 Hay cut acres 1954 . . . 227,531 16,419 17,825 6,978 1,110 60 65 9,409 8,080 1,544 840 143,677 134,442 21,159 6,305 79 1949... 196,570 80 tons 1954... 415,781 35,707 17,350 200 19,148 2,943 241,645 50,835 ^For compEirability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12, ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: WYOMING CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 99 a sample of farms. See text] Area 2a — Continued Area 2b Type of farm — Cont inued Total Type of farm Genera] — Con. Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Livestock General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and livestock all farms Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poiatry other than dairy anl poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified 15 186 511 3,315 244 73 ,, 32 2,534 60 16 71 208 1 100 276 518 4,036 552 125 102 16 2,439 116 56 249 381 2 63 653 2,483 18,127 577 162 171 92 16,064 164 64 203 630 3 360 1,041 6,714 27,422 2,083 255 o42 58 20,753 544 319 868 1,900 4 31 309 758 4,318 426 184 167 7 2,915 122 33 125 339 5 115 396 638 4,735 806 176 142 31 2,614 141 56 319 450 6 1,491 14,846 18,974 545,251 20,636 6,611 7,496 165 493,052 4,700 961 7,727 3,903 7 3,070 9,701 21,900 471,146 31,440 5,276 r., , SQ 1,048 400,396 5,820 1,970 12,245 6,792 8 31 304 713 4,200 418 169 '.." 7 2,867 116 33 120 303 9 115 39! 592 4,607 783 176 142 31 2,569 136 56 319 395 10 728 6,523 8,853 263,188 9,574 2,328 4,241 91 238,888 2,200 423 3,738 1,705 11 1,360 3,875 10,868 216,764 13,882 1,938 3,318 536 185,574 2,297 864 6,390 2,965 12 31 275 561 3,293 316 127 162 7 2,209 86 33 114 239 13 115 381 552 3,971 685 176 142 21 2,149 120 56 284 338 14 250 1,434 1,426 14,331 1,202 683 3,499 13 7,373 250 208 570 533 15 960 1,986 2,132 17,553 2,436 903 2,733 56 8,145 409 484 1,470 867 16 7 130 193 1,015 133 81 26 ... 6 54 26 6 39 50 17 80 245 255 1,916 383 140 45 It) 928 68 35 185 116 18 26 1,484 973 11,478 1,134 855 273 7,742 475 233 495 271 19 415 2,800 3,615 21,976 4,826 910 170 31 11,876 639 445 2,520 559 20 30 261 632 3,545 403 157 124 47 2,272 88 32 108 314 21 120 386 596 4,307 806 175 10" 35 2,238 14] 61 315 429 22 5,508 27,934 30,308 217,450 28,150 9,325 '0,637 5,722 135,173 5,549 3,510 7,711 11,623 23 13,175 24,762 34,950 246,973 52,409 11,695 6,525 6,925 111,201 7,472 7,470 25,4*6 17,810 24 31 253 485 3,908 340 109 I'-.I 11 2,859 99 26 119 184 25 120 316 342 4,261 633 11- 142 16 2,585 119 56 324. 275 26 550 5,298 5,082 298,093 7,469 1,466 2,956 105 278,221 2,423 228 4,108 1,117 27 990 3,962 8,557 210,776 10,865 2,360 2,091 145 184,959 1,572 760 6,708 1,316 23 39,755 480,599 452,320 26,414,687 574,099 130, 120 182,936 10,725 24,936,048 153,930 17,863 322,941 74,025 29 100,925 489,475 1,193,540 28,914,991 1,397,503 257,260 193,480 15,830 25, £47. 933 213,778 74,715 1064,654 149,851 30 3 103 121 652 58 46 20 440 17 6 37 28 31 95 235 145 1,653 316 75 3t 5 843 58 30 199 91 32 10 1,369 527 9,966 659 525 235 7,139 434 127 647 150 33 1,585 3,990 3,075 36,710 7,717 606 620 10 21,817 921 600 3,846 574 34 270 31,771 14,505 302,662 19,922 18,585 10,020 ... 219,010 9,535 5,733 15,308 4,549 35 51,090 118,885 51,725 1,290,751 247,762 19,505 q, 9.^,5 650 818,109 29,760 27,105 116,996 20,899 36 23 129 142 1,057 126 66 3„ 52 643 32 15 12 72 37 65 185 151 1,353 248 60 36 40 616 47 36 143 127 38 3,257 17,760 11,520 98, 500 7,488 4,023 7,437 16,280 55,237 1,759 2,120 1,596 2,560 39 11,435 20,865 20,116 154,631 17,186 5,520 3,047 34,540 47,884 4,915 8,305 17,418 16,816 40 29 194 252 1,811 211 46 84 51 1,110 49 31 77 152 41 no 271 266 2,637 443 95 71 40 1,379 93 56 238 222 42 45,960 160,103 79,370 862,520 117,299 26,300 57,740 57,500 475,738 26,634 31,210 35,262 34,837 43 89,065 144,240 137,035 1,138,115 203,524 42,955 25,535 56,250 453,821 46,922 98,110 168,253 42,740 44 20,659 57,469 30,153 300,364 39,413 7,925 19,510 20,561 168,494 8,002 11,530 12,897 12,032 45 36,955 57,805 55,705 448,059 76,616 15,560 8,830 25,675 171,935 16,901 45,000 70,787 16,755 46 126,344 643,263 278,393 5,533,463 329,202 258,885 3,053,548 11,468 1,459,606 45,184 79,508 164,515 131,547 47 30,885 125,704 45,860 1,473,118 53,315 45,320 1,024,756 1,880 275,138 7,802 14,360 27,337 23,210 48 118,100 185,835 154,050 1,368,630 87,888 42,445 719,565 960 306,909 26,306 51,035 116,334 17,188 49 1 38 n 1,229 172 154 80 633 71 17 55 42 50 30 70 35 1,143 199 60 35 565 48 25 165 46 51 10 463 80 42,276 5,907 2,186 1 ,91 5 40 28,081 1,460 489 1,592 607 52 330 605 360 35,464 6,565 1,255 930 21,259 765 445 3,610 635 53 387 83 81 6 128 38 15 16 15 54 10 10 "0 491 123 35 5 156 42 15 95 20 55 6,383 1,645 735 85 40 2,846 490 245 212 85 56 90 '20 210 10,063 3,175 495 30 3,383 595 240 1,805 340 57 • •• 199,969 46,875 35,645 8,275 560 76,874 19,060 5,300 4,230 3,150 58 1,500 800 780 210,910 36,045 74,863 56,500 15,975 25,305 16,385 7,830 10,660 900 55,245 8,700 12,773 13,880 2,050 190 3,500 200 57,450 1,290 25,935 7,050 59 60 61 ^ 42 25 1,177 469 15 22 534 17 9 53 58 62 5 45 20 1,674 798 30 25 11 601 43 16 145 5 63 295 1,007 565 175,550 107,417 335 1,431 55,017 1,464 212 6,457 3,217 64 50 2,910 190 244, 190 181 , 105 1,005 2,590 550 46,780 3,620 665 7,340 35 65 7,300 16,560 4,600 2,035,885 1,375,951 3,865 6,920 524,562 20,706 2,380 86,166 15,336 66 500 68,335 4,700 4,811,546 3,770,415 17,355 26,550 4,400 742,066 80,545 12,200 157,790 225 67 6,100 14,760 3,050 1,859,502 1,289,259 3,615 6,520 450, 529 18,293 1,960 78,551 10,775 68 54,480 1,900 4,383,944 3,e65,425 15,140 25,300 2,025 565,459 76,280 10,895 133,420 69 15 173 107 1,268 342 152 31 ... 556 69 12 60 46 70 55 240 160 2,036 562 196 65 ... 728 129 31 269 56 71 298 3,680 1,489 46,397 20,952 2,S45 500 17,517 1,251 230 1,801 1,301 72 985 4,420 2,085 70,643 22,021 6,434 1,875 26,376 2,875 767 8,390 1,905 73 4,840 119,892 28,235 555,234 209,437 82,850 7,060 204, 159 15,580 3,925 25,740 5,483 74 50,240 131,235 34,745 1,755,554 506,795 234,810 45,650 578,760 88,080 16,254 258,215 26,990 75 1,083 41,500 14,685 186,859 109,813 34,200 1,500 34,013 2,825 2,375 2,133 76 3,000 34,405 4,390 557,436 246,844 83,065 4,000 120,302 17,525 76,520 9,180 77 1,870 14,130 12,285 303,027 20,243 6,396 6,914 200 243,447 10,865 1,899 9,942 3,121 78 4,570 13,823 9,510 372,339 29,040 6,414 9,095 305 292, 133 9,906 1,685 15,308 8,453 79 3,300 1 29,119 15,534 262,341 19,512 15,481 6,766 176 186,039 19,170 859 12,440 1,399 80 100 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE. VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL j [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Part owners Crop- share tenants and croppers FARMS, ACRZACE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. . 1950.. Land in farms acres 195i.. 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950. . Value of laod and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954. . 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in fnras according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture.. farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Cultivated summer f allow. .. ..farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other cropland farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. , Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949. . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated land In farms farms reporting 1954,, 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Land In row or close-seeded crops grown In strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF COItERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which coaaerciol fertilizer vns naed, 19S4: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used., Other pasture farms reporting. . tons. , acres on which used.. Su^ar beets farms reporting. . tons., acres on which used., Wheat farms reporting. . tons.. acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting., tons. , acres on which used. Other crops .......farms reporting. tons., acres on which used. 11,355 12,615 35,042,316 34,402,935 3,086.1 2,727.1 45,887 33,284 16.47 13.64 87 9,309 11,022 1,545,855 1,906,163 364 439 441 851 2,406 2,623 1,671 514 4,100 3,389 461,893 405, 390 3,603 3,798 561,077 418,585 2,239 344,172 2,298 216,905 1,045 619,436 149 26,322 8,682 31,430,189 2,151 287,627 10,563 397, 544 10,035 11,531 2,568,825 2,730,138 10,342 11,347 32,511,518 31,528,380 1,153 1,788 645,758 1,224,376 7,201 7,803 1,285,534 1,420,850 725 159,558 115 6,873 1,182 3,793 44,848 138 240 2,271 945 4,436 34,076 190 326 3,681 134 428 3,287 971 2,560 33,280 3,869 4,463 3,330,436 3,749,563 860.8 840.1 29,646 21,865 33.92 25.63 91 3,383 4,112 451,389 557,811 70 123 138 373 1,133 957 427 112 1,552 1,489 138,318 125,390 1,140 1,315 119,608 104,005 652 72,322 716 47,286 385 117,218 69 12,265 2,840 2,412,131 835 84, 182 3,654 79,507 3,568 4,217 709,315 787,206 3,575 4,099 2,667,667 2,960,930 432 640 129,483 195,041 2,695 3,104 424,906 488,077 192 30, 164 2,757 478 1,199 14,210 47 128 810 294 1,186 8,262 82 102 1,083 41 152 961 374 897 10,824 3,957 4,060 22,497,536 19,930,945 5,685.5 4,909.1 76, 504 54,468 13.75 11.33 84 3,367 3,765 757,250 911,677 37 72 112 243 614 1,049 928 312 1,441 953 230,490 198,363 1,490 1,354 306, 957 205,323 1,056 193,030 881 113,927 434 420,759 61 12,694 3,489 20,523,392 728 149, 350 3,766 245,994 3,578 3,808 1,294,697 1,315,363 3,843 3,874 21,174,641 18,511,909 483 647 433,453 462,360 2,174 2,228 562, 701 585,902 321 87,497 49 3,065 382 1,687 19,833 49 73 1,005 193 899 7,100 72 130 1,508 34 103 641 261 910 10,944 155 164 3,665,883 5,165,747 23,650.9 31,498.5 245,434 232,035 12.16 132 138 78,531 117,295 5 1 15 18 42 51 48 30 24,751 42,565 14 38 8,467 6,035 21 27,946 144 3,511,271 59 28,054 136 14,917 133 139 111,749 165,895 154 162 3,563,968 5,015,248 21 32 27,946 118,872 114 115 93,712 124,616 3 660 3 154 22 262 2,674 3 26 316 7 113 1,062 11 106 1,345 1,652 1,840 2,143,290 2,000,177 1,297.4 1,087.1 33,493 26,354 25.80 24.46 84 1,530 1,760 226,737 274,330 7 24 33 82 516 563 268 37 538 364 44,098 14,297 652 655 87,860 73,277 352 58,606 439 29,254 82 40, 603 8 758 1,088 1,700,232 255 18,247 1,526 43,002 1,566 1,775 358,695 361,904 1,334 1,548 1,784,933 1,590,619 83 226 41,361 62,804 1,210 1,271 167, 140 169,281 165 35,850 17 757 237 571 7,357 16 25 290 453 2,340 18,664 28 65 749 31 54 528 300 624 9,902 392 411 1,118,167 1,021,140 2,852.5 2,484.5 37, 139 33,328 14.02 14.14 90 308 361 36,082 54,438 1 17 12 49 103 90 29 7 117 83 10,093 5,182 93 92 7,325 8,218 47 3,495 60 3,830 23 13,046 1 247 324 I 1,043,565 74 7,295 356 7,809 324 371 53, 500 67,838 351 393 1,066,704 934,807 23 83 13,293 44,279 230 185 33,263 26,143 26 2,715 10 31 306 7 39 315 1 1 3 25 55 760 211 225 247,978 205,711 1,175.3 914.3 36,175 28,184 30.58 30.40 81 199 214 34,222 40,082 53 81 47 7 85 36 14,365 2,215 121 112 22,753 14,740 87 18,010 66 4,743 10 10,843 167 159,497 18 1,041 193 6,298 211 214 71,340 57,037 195 207 184,705 146,610 10 40 10,843 6,630 124 132 18,087 15,403 39 10,261 2 145 32 97 1,010 58 307 2,386 2 28 74 28 84 827 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. WYOMING FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 101 a aample of farms. See text] The state — Continued Area 1 Tenure of operator^ — Con. Total Tenure of operator 1 Tenants —Con. Tenants Other farms all farms Full owners Part owners Managers Other Liyestock- Other and un- 411 Cash Share-cash Crop- share tenants and Livestock- Other and un- farms ahare specified croppers share specif ie d 196 99 1,722 2,271 895 823 82 121 49 1 20 X 1 7 350 1 185 158 2,088 2,641 1,100 846 68 133 41 10 30 25 2 7 494 2 343,592 122,936 3,405,171 10,940,190 905,769 6,367,684 2,009,140 256,856 158,485 3,320 16,925 72,416 5,71 3 1,400,741 3 282,138 1,753.0 168,000 3,556,503 1,977.5 10, 934, 745 4,817.3 1,055,973 1,012.0 6,063,227 2,457,375 24,501.7 246,225 181,047 2,280 8,535 28,638 25,72 5 1,111,945 4 1,241.8 7,737.2 2,122.8 3,234.4 3,320.0 846.2 2,129.9 335. 3 4,002.1 5 1,525.1 1,063.3 1,703.3 4,140.4 960.0 7,166.9 36,137.9 1,351.3 4,415.8 228.0 284.5 1,145.5 952. 3 2,250.9 6 41,925 27,514 11,804 55,226 37, 232 88,956 193,193 35,690 37,915 35,000 32,536 33,935 20,72 7 11,639 7 37,985 23,134 9,097 40,431 25,917 64,968 210,807 35,124 44,892 13,680 29,080 34,816 34,52 3 12, 369 8 23.24 22.24 10.74 15.53 38.15 11.99 10.73 20.93 19.66 10.54 40.94 18.04 49.5 7 60.36 9 23.65 25.76 34.10 11.08 27.23 9.03 6.16 18.55 10.84 60.00 93.99 30.68 41.4 5 41.74 10 86 85 88 88 97 81 76 87 94 100 70 97 6 5 87 11 182 90 897 1,842 806 697 70 98 34 19 33 1 2 171 12 185 139 1,247 2,245 1,008 759 48 124 33 'io 30 25 2 D 306 13 35,325 9,010 31,948 458,581 166,305 220,746 40,969 23,921 9,769 4,460 8,242 1,45( 3 6,640 14 33,125 14,860 45,050 550,706 192,897 264,262 56,311 25,065 8,137 1,680 4,470 8,080 2,69 3 12,171 15 6 1 250 220 52 71 5 13 12 7 35 51 16 17 11 103 71 34 18 "3 "i 1 1 16 18 7 1 152 131 54 40 2 2 35 19 52 45 128 353 215 88 "6 22 2 15 22 20 49 27 36 489 251 185 12 31 19 5 2 10 21 5^ 4 6 436 158 223 26 28 5 12 10 1 1 22 '-> 1 2 239 76 124 26 12 5 1 6 1 23 99 19 511 733 282 309 32 40 19 7 8 5 70 24 43 ■40 553 707 331 202 17 6 5 1 151 25 10,017 1,074 24,236 r,>.,283 52,010 86,615 21,805 5,677 3,467 640 565 845 16 3 10,176 26 2,075 1,120 24,775 157,621 36, 361 76,617 36,073 1,130 430 700 7,440 27 61 27 307 309 137 119 4 13 1 11 1 36 28 62 28 436 361 186 83 11 6 5 L 75 29 14,348 4,092 38,185 44,430 13,313 20,248 6,180 564 160 435 '29 4,125 30 6,077 1,706 29,945 27,926 12,520 9,426 1,529 81 75 i 4,370 31 56 16 171 185 76 85 2 12 11 1 10 32 10,731 1,848 18,199 16,130 8,280 6,901 300 464 435 29 185 33 31 15 254 160 71 59 3 1 1 26 34 3,615 2,244 19,986 23,300 5,033 13,347 5,880 100 100 3,940 35 23 1 123 232 106 84 7 14 6 1 7 21 36 9,155 900 12,910 93,093 20,136 55,572 15,140 3,245 925 200 2,120 3,950 37 6 11 19 13 5 1 1 38 251 605 6,430 4,350 1,820 260 260 39 153 73 1,121 1,881 734 745 72 110 49 1 14 34 1 ) 220 40 269,943 105,986 3,283,163 10,070,897 637, 398 5,922,987 1,916,227 220,902 143,450 2,040 10,738 60,621 4,05 i 1,373,383 41 37 19 2^4 744 332 262 31 43 28 1 13 L 76 42 3,157 2,547 7,7Q» 162,972 43,402 96,282 15,675 4,862 2,712 360 1,710 8 2,751 43 183 88 1,481 2,034 850 761 72 96 40 1 15 28 1 > 305 44 4,553 1,874 14,124 35,476 12,207 59,696 8,819 2,287 774 640 267 559 4 ? 2,467 45 187 91 1,190 1,940 829 728 70 101 35 1 19 34 1, ! 212 46 185 144 1,592 2,380 1,043 778 49 124 33 10 30 25 2 ) 386 47 59,690 14,176 94,369 679,294 231,628 327,609 68,954 30,162 13,336 640 5,460 9,116 1,61 ) 20,941 48 41,277 17,686 99,770 736,253 241,778 350,305 93,913 26,276 8,137 1,680 4,975 8,780 2,70^ 23,981 49 191 83 1,436 2,133 859 806 82 111 49 1 15 34 1. 275 50 180 132 1,664 2,469 1,045 815 68 122 40 10 20 25 2 ? 419 51 239,115 107,960 3,320,309 10,345,273 709,594 6,065,174 1,953,172 229,824 147,842 2,680 11,503 63,586 4,21 3 1,337,509 52 238,420 149,218 3,449,674 10,237,717 818,299 5,731,036 2,386,956 218,043 171,900 480 2,800 20,327 22,53 ; 1,083,383 53 24 1 134 248 117 89 7 14 6 1 7 21 54 22 25 243 505 242 123 9 35 10 15 5 ) 96 55 9,406 9on 13,515 ia;,523 24, 536 57, 392 15,140 3,505 925 460 2,120 3,950 56 1,395 3,300 385,299 250,533 88,078 117,051 32,920 3,610 480 1,895 935 30( J 8,879 57 131 69 1,008 1,779 764 661 68 103 39 1 IS 33 1. 183 53 135 117 1,035 2,039 936 685 40 102 26 10 25 20 2 276 59 22,420 7,997 37,075 583,161 200,583 290,099 55,375 25,801 12,485 40 3,990 8,086 1,20( ) 11,303 60 26,614 11,740 52,974 699,336 252,467 320,203 77,677 27,598 10,305 1,800 3,090 9,155 3,24 ! 21,891 61 28 13 44 1 1 62 6,210 1,131 5,387 400 400 63 2 1 7 5 1 1 64 249 140 271 200 6 65 65 33 11 63 101 38 48 9 5 1 66 ?5 10 74 439 86 235 76 40 2 67 1,182 200 774 4,193 1,008 2,246 785 135 135 19 68 69 70 71 6 lu 26 8 5 3 20 5 14 8 2 6 260 30 166 110 50 60 22 10 5 72 133 73 10 73 1,186 720 50 74 5 5 3 2 75 5 2 29 5 24 76 75 V: 100 25 395 20 375 75 120 275 5 15 250 10 3 50 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 31 10 25 23 20 6 2 59 5 23 157 85 36 36 1,020 40 26 5 1,006 360 330 316 102 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Pull owners Part owners Crop- share t'enants and croppers FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. . 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954. . 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954. , 1950. . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used onl^ for pasture.. farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954,. 1949,. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other cropland farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949,. acres 1954.. 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops formed on contour farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954,, USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on «hich conBerciol fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons , . acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons.. acres on which used.. Sugar beets farms reporting. tons.. acres on which used.. Wheat farms reporting . tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. 4,230 4,564 6,792,776 7,012,223 1,605.9 1,536.4 31,153 24, 276 21,14 22,49 87 3,666 3,975 415,259 421,790 233 229 191 380 1,117 1,096 363 57 2,065 1,713 120,847 86,005 791 1,209 43,501 63,107 337 18,112 526 25,389 245 28,153 48 1,708 2,687 6,047,156 871 73,311 3,914 136,152 3,889 4,250 579,607 570,902 3,768 3,827 6,196,156 6,366,102 279 592 29, 861 507, 379 3,768 3,882 507, 110 447,637 13 985 31 1,965 797 2,483 31,194 120 200 1,751 484 2,618 18, 303 167 271 2,872 295 1,854 635 1,691 23,122 1,548 1,829 898,845 913,477 580.6 499.4 24,667 20,028 43.19 36.30 92 1,425 1,709 134,452 163,524 36 72 87 191 546 410 68 15 859 339 53,540 43,915 295 477 16,151 17,380 105 4,160 213 11,991 75 6,041 27 830 917 644,842 345 31,549 1,455 42,989 1,496 1,754 204,143 224,819 1,403 1,599 704,423 678,027 91 230 6,871 39,744 1,442 1,615 186,012 173,986 21 1,591 369 956 11,384 . 41 125 735 176 760 4,755 82 102 1,083 26 93 491 241 541 7,449 1,000 999 2,945,096 2,329,493 2,945.1 2,331.8 52,841 41,215 19.65 18.71 959 933 160,682 136,263 2 11 26 71 222 389 213 25 542 382 37,456 21,104 262 271 15,532 13,264 143 8,098 143 7,434 67 10, 567 21 878 783 2,659,611 241 18,761 947 60, 370 966 943 213,670 170,631 955 889 2,707,634 2,111,993 85 166 11,445 50,977 915 912 176,012 151,146 1 100 6 296 220 988 12,898 43 56 820 112 574 4,287 60 114 1,209 22 63 296 198 673 8,154 31 50 624, 961 1,169,378 20,160.0 23,337.6 343,055 270, 241 15.34 8.49 77 19,592 24,458 5 3 5 14 7 7 857 3,598 1 14 35 1,315 1 300 30 603,637 17 11,107 25 540 27 44 20,484 29,371 30 49 604,794 1,139,256 1 14 300 50,525 26 44 27,166 21,834 10 125 1,339 2 98 812 8 65 997 739 698 479,019 423,930 648.2 614.5 29,342 22,432 43.54 36.57 82 719 668 84,461 78,685 5 16 17 38 285 279 304 200 20,114 6,103 156 167 9,098 10,008 57 4,594 109 4,504 36 4,065 385 337,206 131 7,844 703 24,075 723 678 113,673 94,796 583 571 361, 335 317,199 36 97 4,065 7,973 683 634 93,698 73,306 146 360 5,073 10 5 30 191 1,274 9,211 18 51 514 20 39 230 178 404 6,432 165 137 229,267 188,020 1,389.5 1,372,4 26,591 18,068 20.09 13.50 89 151 118 11,787 12,965 11 54 39 3,770 1,013 24 22 524 2,993 110 209,306 37 3,455 153 2,630 154 123 16,081 16,971 135 127 214,326 169, 319 8 37 1,250 6,153 146 104 15,806 9,336 20 53 655 76 61 61,266 27,910 806.1 457.5 36,431 22,533 41.80 49.25 83 10,689 6,340 32 34 8 1 51 11 6,278 1,675 28 20 2,151 430 20 2,079 9 72 54 39,645 3 147 74 2,483 76 61 19,118 3,445 76 51 45,943 19,670 1 10 20 150 64 56 11,668 5,065 1 15 1 15 15 67 735 17 102 658 2 23 74 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. WYOMING 103 FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] Area 2a— Continued Area 2b Tenure of operator^— Con. Total Tenure of operator^ Tenants —Con. Tenants Other all Full Part Other farms Livestock- Other and un- farms owners owners Managers All Cash Share-cash Crop-share tenants and Livestock- share Other and un- share specified croppers specified 66 912 4,854 1,426 2,134 42 792 178 IX 351 96 33 460 1 97 82 988 5,410 1,534 2,215 46 1,009 233 154 510 63 49 606 2 54,699 21,443 1,844,855 17,309,350 1,525,822 13,184,756 1,031,782 1,407,415 730,415 183,392 181,348 216,477 95,783 159,575 3 83,975 36,740 2,170,950 16,455,962 1,780,113 11,538,225 1,538,994 1,325,022 652,073 175,521 222,368 169,525 105,535 273,608 4 823.3 437.6 2,022.9 3,566.0 1,070.0 6,178.4 24,566.2 1,777.0 4,103.5 1,368.6 516.7 2,255.0 2,902.5 346.9 5 865.7 448.0 2,197.3 3,041.8 1,160.4 5,209.1 33,456.4 1,313.2 2,798.6 1,139.7 436.0 2,690.9 2,153.8 451.5 6 36,149 19,480 13,230 54,346 30,043 82,251 271,788 36,855 46,549 36,034 28,621 47,268 44,908 9,027 7 37,592 24,890 6,252 37, 124 21,016 56, 582 237,737 28,099 40,102 31,586 20,343 40,124 15,262 9,357 8 38.49 45.37 7.19 15.22 25.96 13.39 12.01 20.52 11.46 26.73 55.80 20.33 14.75 31.51 9 43.42 50.78 2.85 12.54 18.90 11.06 6.83 21.44 15.22 26.89 46.48 11.94 9.15 20.80 10 ■■'5 9c 89 8'-' 85 87 81 85 90 79 86 82 79 87 11 6l 49 53., 3,Sli1 1,152 1,711 35 713 123 124 349 88 29 190 12 97 71 621 4,8ij;' 1,395 2,073 46 968 210 143 510 63 42 320 13 7,281 4,544 U,072 672,01' 150,632 375,822 17,970 118,355 14,526 23,533 57,478 19,802 3,016 9,236 14 12,900 •; , 642 18,860 933,667 201,390 511,152 36,526 170, 580 33,336 32,062 87,717 12,145 5,320 14,019 15 ', 190 79 29 23 2 1 1 25 16 130 139 33 54 8 6 1 1 39 17 10 61 179 67 68 "5 13 5 "3 5 26 18 1 80 340 128 132 1 42 20 8 7 6 1 37 19 27 21 59 936 372 304 4 209 27 21 132 10 19 47 20 20 17 15 1,033 296 475 3 253 47 47 127 27 5 11 21 8 372 201 492 11 163 15 39 65 41 3 5 22 1 "i 218 21 163 11 23 2 6 12 3 23 50 6 353 1,302 421 590 9 194 44 33 68 41 8 88 24 30 25 285 969 319 369 6 158 44 25 62 12 15 117 25 5,318 430 8,880 164,76 3 32,763 106,419 2,089 18,307 2,856 7,447 3,666 3,854 484 5,130 26 785 915 11,235 161,764 45,114 100,642 2,894 7,064 4,169 540 1,560 590 205 6,050 27 2 7 77 2,503 708 1,109 9 483 68 93 244 58 20 194 28 30 20 280 2,228 652 1,000 13 482 70 92 281 32 7 81 29 109 1,341 2, 685 473,146 90,144 271,177 2,252 73,198 6,701 20,602 33,934 14,210 2,751 31,375 30 1,835 765 21,140 327,552 74,105 182,633 3,191 63,188 5,225 14, 310 38,476 4,242 935 4,435 31 1 1 31 1,717 471 828 5 283 41 67 106 54 15 130 32 80 cl l,22r" yCjM^ :i3(_. 59,882 178,031 1,680 53,548 3,181 15,931 22,025 10,624 1,787 16,739 33 61 lifi.: 432 679 5 329 40 57 194 29 9 167 34 29 1,280 1,.,60 163, 21t. 30,262 93,146 572 24,650 3,520 4,671 11,909 3,536 964 14,536 35 6 6r;. 568 204 283 13 32 9 9 3 10 1 36 36 275 7,130 493,190 90,991 354,620 12,506 33,293 10,871 10,823 3,939 6,760 900 1,780 37 82 29 35 7 1 6 11 38 18,184 7,085 9,996 498 247 251 605 39 30 43 572 4,114 1,189 1,961 42 593 165 112 209 89 18 329 40 39,743 13,963 1,801,860 15,312,136 1,129,891 11,940,794 991,407 1,142,124 690,809 117,812 75,954 169,579 37, 970 107,920 41 12 16 137 536 158 225 11 81 9 9 49 12 2 61 42 1,000 1,867 4,050 51,344 9,231 34,307 1,272 5,541 1,128 534 2,332 447 600 993 43 1,349 2,058 39 727 163 118 318 96 32 392 44 l,'i"l 1 , '■ ' '■ - ,ir'3 i-rsica. 24,311 125,928 5,558 16,640 4,405 3,175 6,377 2,021 662 3,479 45 i::l ,,:, 'o77 4,206 1,243 1,884 36 742 135 134 351 92 30 301 46 97 76 831 4,901 1,420 2,087 46 973 215 143 510 63 42 375 47 12,708 6,315 27,637 1,309,924 273, 544 753,418 22,311 214,860 24,083 51,582 95,078 37,366 6,251 45,791 48 15,520 8,522 51,285 1,422,983 320, 609 794,427 42,611 240,832 42,730 46,912 127,753 16,977 6,460 24, 504 49 tl 48 792 4,441 1,308 2,082 42 640 167 118 236 96 23 369 50 97 66 719 5,051 1,455 2,170 45 855 226 146 386 58 39 526 51 4^, 33f- 14,393 1,817,920 15,970,089 1,253,650 12,401,833 1,006,002 1,193,724 704,536 136,032 83,559 180,193 89,354 114,880 52 t■^■,■,'Kt 27,770 2,119,627 14,924,561 1,464,604 10,668,880 1,489,036 1,055,377 593, 538 126,460 84,814 151,603 93,912 246,664 53 ( 66 626 224 309 13 33 9 9 3 11 1 47 54 15 10 85 691 168 358 9 94 46 20 16 2 10 62 55 7,180 511,37m 98,076 364,616 12,506 33,791 11,118 10,823 3,939 7,011 900 2,335 56 1''0 4 50 358,160 466,459 67,219 294,332 35,427 51,221 33,126 6,000 4,235 310 2,550 18,260 57 49 702 1,654 489 598 20 424 45 59 272 40 8 123 58 82 81 677 1,882 553 631 31 535 55 66 366 33 15 132 59 8,447 6,427 24,222 195,263 38,311 96,590 11, 171 47,641 4,972 6,379 30,033 5,887 370 1,550 60 12,395 7.367 27,365 273,3-"' 61,624 114,553 25,105 68, 377 6,502 8,538 47, 143 5,064 1,125 3,718 61 711 187 319 3 158 26 38 53 28 13 44 62 158,173 30,114 86,997 660 35,015 2,715 10, 246 14,713 6,210 1,131 5,387 63 77 19 42 1 14 10 1 1 2 1 64 966 2,763 60 708 229 130 100 249 140 65 11 71 114 3 3c ^ 17 55 5 10 66 1 ' =,„ -■"1 157 464 61 171 29 30 92 20 13 67 932 20Ci 10 5 26 14 9,m61 10 32 1,318 1 1 4,689 3 11 550 2,144 6 20 264 275 1,405 200 260 68 69 70 30 16t mIO 25 125 260 260 71 11 10 461 118 81 262 5 41 205 11 ... 72 "1 73 10 1,818 426 325 1,067 25 205 775 62 73 74 720 50 15,773 3,507 2,813 9,453 230 1,728 6,935 560 5 20 10 10 10 75 5 75 ^ 11 15 15 76 25 -1- 179 235 235 77 10 111 34 10 12 11 1 10 1 • 1 73 20 111 55 40 15 1 14 79 lOtJ 25 1,053 395 345 298 3 295 20 80 ;•! lij 10 308 113 57 1 122 5 11 96 10 15 81 712 272 200 5 220 2 17 136 15 15 82 Z', 40 90 9,152 3,015 2,460 32 3,470 105 85 3,105 175 175 83 104 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.— FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are based on reports for only (For definitioDB and explanations, aee text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Crop- share tenants and croppers SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIFMENT Telephone farms reporting 195^.. Electricity farms reporting igs-i. , 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. . Home freezer farms reporting 1954.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954., Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954.. Milking machine farms reporting 1954.. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Com pickers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME FarB operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 5,364 10,149 9,437 866 7,776 4,965 145 2,951 1,121 3,755 4,013 139 139 1,867 1,945 680 702 9,761 15,077 9,276 9,162 18,700 15,321 9,588 13,956 2,401 2,486 4,497 4,465 2,375 2,317 1,231 6,622 2,654 10,706 25,276 10,255 4,488 6,964 2,688 8,057 1,981 4,701 1,165 3,356 11,320 8,014 5,353 2,288,305 6,203 7,933 14,344,765 16,146,193 4,831 1,377 9,285 9,970 14,875,948 16,116,837 10,469 10,571 7,733,922 6,593,138 2,289 1,001,481 11,784 121,397 7 631 1,953 955 2,000 3,519 3,593 304 2,756 1,666 56 1,123 526 1,307 1,358 28 28 602 613 239 244 3,214 4,463 3,290 3,572 6,057 5,497 3,224 4,257 559 431 1,374 1,296 635 474 355 2,205 1,085 3,687 7,673 3,617 3,528 1,547 2,407 730 1,733 479 775 326 963 3,859 2,800 1,991 718,298 2,122 2,901 2,645,760 3,785,496 1,837 285 3,091 3,606 2,793,713 3,428,944 3,626 3,996 2,146,114 2,082,815 857 308,826 3,632 36,096 2,060 3,500 2,853 235 2,845 1,863 66 1,281 367 1,492 1,645 64 64 885 931 278 236 3,716 6,544 3,551 3,165 7,974 5,826 3,432 5,673 315 243 1,125 923 393 319 356 2,950 601 3,867 10,998 3,745 3,693 1,864 2,941 1,405 4,364 1,128 2,734 553 1,630 3,954 3,176 1,938 1,059,042 2,668 3,138 8,179,749 7,832,399 1,871 797 3,430 3,586 8,860,84.9 3,368,459 3,392 3,810 3,821,607 2,923,985 635 312,166 3,785 41,049 2 306 1,208 320 101 138 127 21 126 96 3 143 471 135 132 529 497 143 531 18 110 25 153 1,126 135 135 27 40 134 951 119 788 50 163 154 146 71 121,078 146 152 2,424,390 2,788,339 33 113 136 154 1,110,497 2,316,982 152 153 312,782 322,548 32 42,454 508 5,397 832 1,469 1,406 84 988 6a 18 363 173 779 822 41 41 291 292 135 141 1,515 2,256 1,473 1,548 3,102 2,576 1,443 1,315 132 116 650 669 215 194 94 833 640 1,577 3,336 1,560 1,549 593 899 367 240 334 195 554 1,652 1,292 879 342,530 983 1,329 1,328,010 1,532,969 813 170 1,224 1,423 1,595,182 1,494,692 1,596 1,655 1,227,355 1,090,404 645 328,310 3,682 37,480 5 325 750 635 166 309 252 1 201 114 3 69 40 68 68 46 22 22 345 460 291 292 462 383 285 344 69 27 206 167 102 46 48 229 370 637 120 160 60 117 43 87 22 30 392 293 191 74,473 130 301 257,784 359,296 152 28 322 362 417,679 632,267 374 388 203,752 190,555 36 11,967 126 1,384 100 198 159 21 141 90 2 70 29 123 123 15 15 33 33 15 21 193 283 199 209 390 339 199 242 137 62 196 508 195 194 97 54 217 13 23 37 194 211 169 131 62,190 130 180 162,319 262,478 103 22 176 199 238,421 281,476 211 220 172,303 158,527 73 44,704 516 4,29' Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. WYOMING AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 105 a sample of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Tenure of operator^Con. Total Tenure of operator I Tenants — Con. Tenants Other farms all farms Full owners Part owners Managers Other farms Livestock- Other and un- ail Cash Share-cash Crop-Share tenants and Livestock- Other and un- share specified croppers share specified 114 49 871 1,231 527 426 53 73 25 17 20 11 202 1 179 69 1,523 1,946 776 694 70 97 37 19 29 12 309 2 145 99 1,458 1,955 900 565 41 84 22 10 20 25 7 365 3 17 1 172 192 82 53 12 1 ... ... ... 1 ... 44 4 146 35 1,061 1,655 650 614 64 78 28 ... 12 26 12 249 5 84 45 699 1,056 434 382 48 42 9 ... 7 20 6 150 6 2 2 37 16 18 ... 1 . .. ... 1 ... 2 7 '1 24 118 435 186 191 23 14 12 ... 1 1 ... 21 8 23 8 42 373 199 121 9 33 11 ... 1 16 "5 11 9 92 34 153 370 165 157 7 26 6 13 7 15 10 102 34 161 5 383 172 162 8 26 6 ... 13 7 15 11 12 55 31 25 • * • ... ... 13 55 32 28 385 154 167 '28 "28 10 11 7 9 14 12 1 7 406 156 177 36 28 10 11 7 g 15 12 1 7 37 22 6 7 ... ... 2 16 12 1 7 39 22 8 7 ... ... ... ... ... 2 17 182 96 1,173 1,354 714 755 73 115 48 1 20 29 17 197 18 268 115 1,343 3,014 968 1,444 226 148 68 1 26 36 17 228 19 179 81 827 1,751 757 688 71 100 40 19 29 12 135 20 170 102 745 1,606 797 519 48 86 20 10 20 20 16 156 21 396 161 1,038 3,744 1,444. 1,670 265 196 83 ... 49 51 13 169 22 274 166 925 2,595 1,122 1,012 175 98 26 10 20 26 16 133 23 172 82 1,341 1,921 761 711 75 104 43 1 20 23 17 270 24 240 97 1,675 2,916 1,047 1,187 217 125 55 2 21 30 17 340 25 23 17 1,387 584 174 97 3 20 13 1 6 290 26 16 12 1,687 587 102 98 ... 6 1 '.'.'. 5 331 27 81 45 1,327 987 394 236 7 58 29 2 22 5 292 28 69 59 1,561 981 331 220 12 37 6 '16 5 10 6 381 29 38 18 1,124 581 187 112 4 27 U ... 16 ... 251 30 16 22 1,321 538 93 112 6 16 1 '16 ... 5 311 31 5 6 487 146 34 20 2 7 1 1 ... 5 ... 83 32 12 12 408 374 104 U5 9 14 8 1 5 132 33 129 48 524 1,581 676 653 57 90 35 ... 19 '29 7 105 34 50 33 303 170 81 35 14 10 5 ... ... ... 5 30 35 196 34 1,422 2,172 865 815 80 120 48 1 20 34 17 292 36 389 158 2,143 6,143 1,924 2,953 535 257 101 5 59 52 40 474 37 196 32 1,412 2,115 852 787 68 119 47 1 20 34 17 289 38 195 31 1,350 2,020 810 768 68 112 41 1 20 33 17 262 39 82 21 457 1,026 436 412 15 54 23 1 9 14 7 109 40 120 35 677 1,631 675 649 20 98 27 3 35 15 18 189 41 42 18 52 729 228 388 78 25 15 1 1 3 5 10 42 74 42 116 2,492 439 1,536 4A7 47 33 1 4 4 5 23 43 30 18 15 551 147 311 67 23 13 1 1 3 5 3 44 35 29 70 1,782 254 1,104 365 45 31 1 4 4 5 14 45 23 11 41 304 107 155 32 2 2 8 46 39 13 46 710 185 432 82 2 2 ... ... ... ... 9 47 196 99 1,701 2,253 885 323 81 121 49 1 20 34 17 343 48 140 85 600 1,674 695 692 81 83 35 1 13 22 12 123 49 103 53 474 989 457 366 41 32 7 1 1 17 6 93 50 39,173 10,130 47,307 467,599 148,166 2U,322 69,054 28,079 17,395 60 600 9,608 416 10,978 51 99 54 289 1,407 564 623 81 71 34 1 13 12 11 68 52 139 30 413 1,735 760 692 65 71 24 10 5 15 17 147 53 130,840 65.550 266,856 5,716,205 914,935 3,460,765 1,176,838 99,941 76.621 350 5,300 15,095 2,575 63,726 54 149 -,772 105,270 206,995 5,751,963 1,166,188 2,982,969 1,362,124 143,142 100,233 1,000 385 20,014 26,510 92,540 55 84 51 277 963 449 372 14 63 27 1 13 11 11 65 56 15 3 12 444 115 251 67 8 7 ... ... 1 ... 3 57 177 76 1,354 1,899 698 738 74 105 48 1 5 34 17 284 58 164 116 1,201 2,104 894 733 62 94 34 10 10 19 21 321 59 233,335 70,046 515,707 3,949,783 653,175 2,568,321 497,162 108,535 80,923 2,000 1,565 19,507 4,540 122,590 60 132,017 84,060 507,760 5,477,881 913,271 2,749,893 1,225,809 291,313 245,005 14,000 115 24,843 7,350 297,595 61 191 89 1,203 2,049 832 314 80 116 49 1 20 34 12 207 62 165 116 957 2,241 995 781 67 121 39 10 25 25 22 277 63 157,093 42,904 230,564 1,552,875 473,241 318,476 150,653 72,442 32,461 750 15,750 20,536 2,945 33,063 64 97,571 51,650 173,386 1,294,929 434,404 603,057 142,503 55,985 18,195 4,000 14,250 12,665 6,375 58,980 65 56 31 120 145 58 56 15 5 5 u 66 26,210 8,382 9,725 40,757 10,915 18,345 9,615 1,520 1,520 362 67 304 122 127 655 173 281 152 40 40 4 6S 3,723 1,090 1,375 6,079 1,493 2,756 1,626 U5 135 69 69 70 71 72 73 106 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text} Total sll farms Tenure of operator^ Part owners Managers Crop- share tenants and croppers SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIFMZNT Telephone f'™^ reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer f a™s reporting 1954 . Eleo trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Com pickers farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Plok-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Hotortrucks farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Tractors, other than garden forms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCME Fara operators,- With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORX POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Week of Septeaber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954.. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than L50 days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954 . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures* farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954., Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954 . 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres liioed 1954. 2,123 3,940 3,671 170 2,729 1,917 48 1,112 432 1,641 1,717 16 16 726 762 328 333 3,614 5,475 3,406 3,408 6,946 5,812 3,509 5,010 1,136 1,101 1,774 1,755 979 952 387 ,196 ,210 3,962 9,338 3,869 3,808 1,573 2,493 960 3,037 677 1,467 483 1,570 4,222 2,880 2,027 784,535 2,188 2,567 4,748,256 4,734.967 1,715 473 3,301 3,297 3,812,978 4,010,816 3,785 3,544 2,634,509 2,143,429 1,413 649,760 7,556 79,059 5 325 750 635 707 1,472 1,535 77 1,088 667 12 487 204 654. 669 2 2 293 297 132 134 1,350 1,950 1,372 1,542 2,646 2,504 1,288 1,714 213 200 511 579 252 253 820 552 1,473 3,251 1,441 1,415 626 985 331 851 221 356 147 495 1,548 1,128 811 314,943 884 1,149 1,136,273 1,703,230 758 126 1,203 1,441 1,008,829 1,394,000 1,451 1,617 899,976 922,468 581 217,724 2,594 25.837 554 949 812 21 702 471 23 353 122 530 582 2 2 238 261 116 113 933 1,627 927 828 2,176 1,614 862 1,418 321 230 676 251 980 3,124 935 928 489 804 378 1,392 295 660 177 732 1,000 834 580 287,489 690 716 2,000,897 1,668,046 472 218 814 815 1,446,378 1,595,063 974 901 1,017,132 706,591 389 211,397 2,450 27,687 22 28 9 10 30 119 28 46 124 175 28 153 31 297 30 262 30 224 31 31 16 34,145 31 49 312,422 771,477 3 28 24 49 409,118 528,340 31 43 88,019 92,940 14 27,549 290 3,189 386 679 583 10 393 355 U 178 90 331 383 11 11 161 162 66 66 685 1,072 637 586 1,455 1,048 632 311 272 233 71 39 37 378 859 709 1,532 236 383 190 455 125 130 125 275 739 570 370 122,635 422 513 655,899 524,884 329 93 549 527 675,918 393,423 706 598 520,534 360,605 336 186,025 2,133 21,495 5 325 750 635 81 142 95 'si 64 27 21 19 19 6 6 13 13 17 17 141 195 109 87 169 124 112 131 160 253 165 138 103 28,577 71 107 79,945 127,501 62 9 128 116 126,465 152,128 159 127 77,216 75,659 22 6,887 69 782 71 106 70 61 157 87 74 95 76 60 45 17,502 40 46 61,578 49,235 29 11 64 61 106,363 48,170 76 61 57,339 36,120 23,614 264 2,209 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. WYOMING AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 107 a sample of farms. See text] Area 23— Continued Area 2b Tenure of operator^— Con. Total Tenure of operator 1 Tenants — Con. Tenants Other farms all farraa Full owners Part owners Managers Other farms Livestock- Other and un- All Cash Share-cash Crop- share tenants and Livestock- Other and un- Bhare specified croppers share specified 38 32 457 2,460 766 1,080 29 373 60 67 134 56 6 212 1 64 39 811 4,263 1,271 1,857 39 693 130 127 332 86 18 403 2 81 71 695 3,811 1,158 1,476 40 739 135 103 441 39 21 398 3 ... 61 504 145 211 8 73 1 21 34 16 1 67 4 46 9 519 3,392 1,018 1,529 35 517 92 93 239 74 14 293 5 33 33 401 1,992 565 1,010 25 244 U 50 116 31 6 148 6 60 28 25 1 6 3 1 1 1 7 8 16 73 1,404 450 737 22 171 30 36 55 42 "3 '24 8 S 2 15 316 122 124 4 50 8 18 21 2 1 16 9 29 22 68 1,744 488 805 9 372 43 68 193 56 12 70 10 29 22 68 1,913 517 898 12 403 43 72 215 66 12 78 11 123 26 62 30 . > . 15 15 5 12 123 26 62 30 15 15 5 13 24 '27 12 756 155 480 14 102 23 20 31 '24 4 5 14 24 28 14 777 160 493 17 102 23 20 31 24 4 5 15 ' 1 5 315 85 156 5 69 5 8 49 7 16 \ 1 5 330 88 160 7 75 5 14 49 7 17 01 49 616 4,293 1,150 2,028 40 715 156 121 316 92 30 360 18 89 58 707 6,538 1,545 3,473 126 1,036 197 176 480 143 40 408 19 56 39 442 4,119 1,161 1,936 36 736 142 129 341 94 30 250 20 92 56 406 4,148 1,233 1,818 38 876 185 133 465 58 30 183 21 139 102 545 8,010 1,967 4,128 140 1,451 210 233 756 206 46 324 22 159 108 471 6,914 1,871 3,200 147 1,430 233 242 324 39 42 266 23 60 34 699 4,158 1,175 1,859 40 712 130 124 338 39 31 372 24 87 43 914 6,030 1,496 3,073 161 379 158 145 U6 123 37 421 25 10 5 787 681 172 131 5 63 23 14 7 7 12 310 26 6 5 807 798 129 84 2 84 16 10 46 10 2 499 27 21 16 669 1,736 469 563 13 320 89 63 106 33 24 366 28 36 31 712 1,729 386 473 3 399 116 46 192 23 22 468 29 15 5 567 815 196 192 4 117 43 27 27 7 13 306 30 6 11 597 827 123 145 2 139 34 20 69 10 6 413 31 5 267 265 94 21 ... 13 7 ... 5 1 137 32 10 5 203 470 171 177 6 43 29 5 5 2 2 73 33 a 24 297 2,845 709 1,621 28 365 107 84 93 59 17 122 34 15 15 145 1,274 452 315 8 371 35 45 243 35 13 128 35 66 44 769 4,572 1,349 2,072 42 743 162 124 343 96 23 361 36 168 85 1,134 9,795 2,498 4,921 294 1,547 283 373 639 169 33 535 37 66 43 768 4,485 1,324 2,023 39 744 162 123 341 96 22 355 38 66 43 743 4,427 1,303 1,997 39 743 162 123 341 96 21 345 39 31 6 218 1,839 485 963 8 303 70 51 137 37 3 130 40 58 6 314 2,840 747 1,438 13 418 90 73 197 47 11 174 41 20 12 31 999 171 639 26 152 18 34 80 19 1 11 42 44 36 77 2,528 448 1,436 242 386 31 177 151 26 1 16 43 14 12 6 753 111 522 22 92 15 10 53 13 1 6 44 16 23 47 1,452 165 970 199 109 25 10 58 15 1 9 45 17 11 27 378 72 221 11 68 6 24 32 6 6 46 28 13 30 1,076 283 466 43 277 6 167 93 11 7 47 66 49 904 4,845 1,426 2,131 42 792 173 134 351 96 33 454 48 44 47 317 3,460 977 1,650 34 639 120 108 311 74 26 160 49 33 30 250 2,337 723 992 14 477 81 85 241 53 17 131 50 12,120 4,226 25,318 1,036,171 255,184 560,231 17,879 191,866 23,501 44,628 95,803 17,445 5,489 11,011 51 39 32 161 2,613 674 1,355 34 490 75 89 267 48 11 60 52 82 42 140 3,631 992 1,730 38 745 170 124 388 42 21 126 53 64,615 53,650 142,765 4,380,304 594, 552 2,713,087 435,130 572,170 101,218 100,891 303,606 57,130 9,325 60,365 54 78,948 67,315 67 . 330 5.659,268 916,073 3,181,384 654,733 359,943 131,562 212,243 453,833 50,310 11,445 47,125 55 32 31 153 2.153 630 1,027 16 421 63 78 230 41 9 59 56 7 1 8 460 44 328 13 69 12 11 37 7 2 1 57 59 37 711 4,085 1,190 1,928 38 570 146 lU 207 84 22 359 58 87 57 465 4,569 1,271 2,038 43 802 212 128 366 58 38 415 59 43.040 39,325 272,735 7,113.187 1,131,709 4,846,150 204,217 810,729 210,291 130,058 273,411 170,738 26,181 120,382 60 70,875 50,205 99,990 6,628,140 1,121,673 4,023,503 562,833 809,956 235,134 219,306 242,712 86,299 26,505 110,175 61 61 44 623 4,635 1,343 2,104 41 774 166 134 345 96 33 373 62 87 57 380 4,786 1,384 2,128 33 936 222 149 475 53 37 300 63 51,480 22,940 108,798 3,551,538 767,897 1,985,999 74,110 634,829 99,076 114,219 319,438 85,077 17,019 83,703 64 47,781 27,920 60,825 3,154,780 725,943 1,614,337 87,105 t73,814 96,701 US, 407 404,726 37,125 16,855 53,531 65 34 31 93 731 218 190 3 304 14 42 226 22 16 66 15,890 8,382 7,065 310,964 80,137 32,424 5,290 140,765 5,030 21,090 104,275 10,320 2,298 67 186 122 89 3,573 910 1,054 66 1,509 57 252 1,082 118 34 68 2,528 1,090 851 36,259 2 306 1,208 120 8,766 10,606 2 306 1,208 320 532 15,850 602 2,088 11,965 1,195 455 69 70 71 72 73 108 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD. AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For defiDitions and explanations, see text) The State Total all farms Tenure of operate rl Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Crop- share All Cash Share-cash tenants and croppers Livestock on baod:^ 1 Horses and mules .......•.••■■ ..farms reporting 1954... 7,853 9,354 2,560 3,281 3,306 3,487 123 159 927 1,247 277 344 143 172 306 452 2 1950... 3 number 1954... 53,275 12,720 29 ,303 3,483 3,936 1,713 479 792 t. 1950... 84,129 20,923 39,240 5,741 7,599 3,077 741 1,784 5 All r>nttlp nnrt cnlvpp ...... ..farms reporting 1954... 10 059 3,423 3,939 3 728 133 141 1,451 1,550 332 381 199 199 648 640 6 n^x i.a b bxc luiu \^t^t-i\is. ........ 1950... 10 [703 3I735 7 number 1954 . . . 1,240,900 276,213 746,655 98 ,367 94,544 32 ,967 13,881 18,747 8 1950... 1,030,501 241,133 564,106 112,496 81,064 31,912 10,239 U,802 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 9,778 3,335 3,677 131 1,419 330 189 628 10 1950... 10 ,477 3,839 3,687 141 1,523 375 198 625 11 number 1954 . . . 583,856 128,826 360,858 38,409 44,424 16,578 6,366 7,570 12 1950... 495 ,716 117,985 271,525 52,986 38,012 16,505 4,485 5,940 13 Milk cows ..farms reporting 1954... 7,871 2,675 2,905 110 1,209 267 162 557 U 1950... 9,237 3,440 3,136 124 1,412 342 178 581 15 number 1954... 39,166 15,665 14,070 976 6,112 1,380 759 2,715 16 1950... 49,794 21,401 15,660 1,030 7,339 1,984 1,528 2,328 17 All hogs and pigs ..farms reporting 1954... 2,841 989 1,001 29 529 74 60 311 18 1950... 4,841 1,845 1,523 61 911 179 121 413 19 number 1954... 34,498 13,508 12,936 971 5,740 1,019 778 3,096 20 1950. . . 55,552 21,151 18,302 1,397 9,053 1,786 1,443 3,922 21 7,992 2,727 2,852 96 1,171 251 156 540 22 1950... 9,4.17 3,430 3,111 107 1,489 342. 198 656 23 number 1954 . . . 514,724 188,078 188,366 U,465 70,459 12,294 10,774 33,021 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 548,736 209,562 184,952 9,363 81,179 14,541 10,970 38,609 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ..farms reporting 1954... 8,684 3,105 3,534 127 1,131 284 176 431 26 1949... 9,229 3,540 3,515 132 1,290 360 192 455 27 number 1954 . . . 604 ,300 126,530 377,259 46,552 47 ,243 15,713 6,363 11,104 28 1949 .. . 434,853 107,055 236,126 46,366 34,923 12,604 5,509 6,485 29 dollars 1954... 54,839,290 11,691,119 33,014,413 4,957,007 4,605,566 1,354,371 674,777 1,203,946 30 1949... 58,767,023 U, 043,517 32,097,287 6,561,536 4,660,842 1,556,255 777,502 991,204 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...farms reporting 1954... 1,865 712 654 22 313 62 49 170 32 1949... 3,987 1,638 1,299 44 705 121 111 307 33 number 1954... 30,550 11,561 12,965 329 4,496 665 547 2,699 34 1949... 88,047 34,149 31,334 1,832 16,023 2,452 3,229 5,933 35 dollars 1954... 997,346 367,316 437,163 31 ,394 141,141 23,123 U,775 82,355 36 1949 . . . 2,904,806 1,177,437 1,063,510 69,034 503,276 77,811 115 ,529 165,084 37 Chickens sold ...farms reporting 1954... 2,193 864 716 26 331 62 51 151 38 1949... 2,901 1,060 991 27 470 95 55 195 39 dollars 1954... 204,494 83 ,695 69,251 5,364 26,516 4,412 5,011 10,950 40 1949 . . . 367,509 155,396 97,753 16,401 48,093 13,230 3,570 17,096 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 3,934 1,457 1,390 36 564 114 72 270 42 1949... 5,137 2,023 1,778 38 775 188 107 316 43 dozens 1954 . . . 2,065,713 882 ,939 733,871 110,329 191,727 31,623 24,161 95 ,608 44 1949... 2,480,189 1,054,740 890,974 26,245 291,245 55,216 55 ,700 113,293 45 dollars 1954... 762 ,624 333,596 266,751 38,081 69,056 11,995 8,365 32,761 46 1949. . . l,00i,941 444,692 341,320 11,279 1U,070 22,740 20,467 45,180 47 Milk sold' gallons 1954... 18,560,580 9,350,509 5,552,403 606 ,378 2,513,959 637,439 212,404 1,098,323 48 dollars 1954... 4,835,921 2 ,476 ,273 1,446,536 212,149 583,570 178,703 44,332 234,383 49 Specified crops harvested; 1949... 5,065,129 2,312,282 1,572,092 41,981 865,551 350,685 189,705 139,440 50 Corn for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 1,647 551 622 13 408 47 75 242 51 1949... 1,540 523 629 5 302 52 45 153 52 acres 1954... 49,751 U,U3 25 ,626 596 3,699 1,154 1,996 4,273 53 1949 . . . 41,102 12,443 20,921 330 6,413 1,325 1,250 2,633 54 Com harvested for grain.. . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 395 U5 lU 6 115 6 42 66 55 1949... 556 192 196 2 136 11 20 35 56 acres 1954... 6,553 2,182 2,387 85 1,314 55 922 835 57 1949... 10,758 2,533 5,135 50 2,485 150 475 1,370 58 bushels harvested 1954... 203,369 68,820 59,939 6,550 64,910 230 32,750 j1,340 59 1949... 225,340 53,795 90,450 1,350 71,915 2,000 7,435 50,130 60 bushels sold 1954... 37,045 12,175 9,700 15,170 ... 11,290 3,880 61 1949... 74,863 U,295 29,988 30,580 1,500 3,485 24,445 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined . . . farms reporting 1954 — 1,409 405 650 9 263 31 61 104 63 1949... 2,050 686 913 26 400 59 92 207 64 acres 1954... 192, 8 1 7 62 32 10 25 43 29 12 63 7,279 1,097 3,545 7,404 4,554 1,362 37 ) 1,109 "26 1,089 64 4,197 150 225 7,748 2,680 5,058 1 ) ... 65 87,253 13,814 18,725 47,348 35,783 5,245 2,25 4,066 40 4,026 66 59,377 3,570 4,925 107,375 31,035 76,550 29 3 67 81,293 13,124 12,615 45 ,539 35 ,335 4,610 1,67 3,920 ... 3,920 68 55,358 3,570 1,900 91,875 25 ,075 66 ,800 •■ ... ... ... 69 85 35 14.9 534 291 189 1 J 38 5 1 L 17 6 70 99 70 277 794 440 227 3 48 5 'io 2C 13 71 71 2,779 670 2,750 23,532 11,261 10,271 6L J 1,102 110 64! 277 7 3 235 72 3,308 2,415 5,196 25,327 12,430 9,667 47 J 1,543 15 266 47! 858 1,206 73 75 ,365 18,413 39,958 711,144 328,600 316,629 16,541 3 37,575 4,415 19 ,00c ) 11,160 3, DO ) 11,800 74 118,190 44., 975 89 ,943 747,675 416,845 239,046 15,36 1 48,215 250 9,006 15,00( ) 23 ,965 28,208 75 21,850 5,780 12,518 303,130 130,955 149 ,005 3,92 3 19 ,250 ... 17 ,00c ) 2,250 76 28,575 23,125 30,430 194,470 84,740 67,395 50( 3 24,475 13,10( ) 11,375 16,860 77 18,110 5,573 20,286 413,292 144,522 204,238 38,59 20,107 9,494 2,64. 6,588 1, 8 ) 5,330 78 18 ,436 6,071 26,693 490,211 169,286 235 ,626 54,57 21,345 8,122 1,650 2,91C 6,293 2,. 7 ) 9,380 79 20,781 7,978 22,296 387,099 149 ,077 175,122 36,23 5 20,769 7,579 5,48C 5,690 2, )2 ) 5,843 80 no STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explaoetions, see text) Area 2a Total all farms Tenure of operato rl Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Crop- share All Cash Share-cash tenants and croppers Livestock on hand:^ 1 Horses and mules ..farms reporting 1954... 2,583 900 74.0 28 415 98 54 183 2 1950... 3,060 1,214 761 49 533 107 51 226 3 number 1954 . . . 15,710 4,230 6,385 987 1,735 669 173 466 i, 1950... 27,549 7,327 8,679 1,725 3,134 1,318 215 310 5 All cattle and calves ..farms reporting 1954 — 3,762 1,382 943 27 668 130 75 353 6 1950... 3,790 1,609 901 47 610 125 61 246 7 number 1954.. . 336,662 93,525 158,222 34,361 32,183 9,166 5,268 3,056 8 1950... 273,705 76,191 103,834 41,948 29,392 10 ,589 2,400 6,020 9 Cows, including heifers that | have calved ..farms reporting 1954... 3,640 1,325 931 25 662 129 75 348 10 1950... 3,71;: 1,597 396 47 595 120 61 236 11 number 1954 . . . 149,619 43,217 73 ,406 10,020 14,420 4,484 2,330 3,417 12 1950... 131,752 35,251 51,514 19,332 14,812 5,560 1,005 2,455 13 Milll cows ..farms reporting 1954... 3,069 1,117 794 20 537 106 71 321 U 1950... 3,401 1,460 810 42 552 107 51 221 15 number 1954... 14,529 6,261 3,924 177 2,761 591 363 1,452 16 1950... 18,279 7,812 4,980 395 2,935 474 414 837 17 All hogs and pigs ..farms reporting 1954... 1,215 417 340 8 268 30 37 165 18 1950... 1,942 862 429 25 371 74 30 155 19 number 1954 . . . 14,936 5,620 4,532 334 3,528 465 529 2,021 20 1950. . . 26,076 9,407 7,106 1,204 4,744 1,236 215 1,325 21 Chlcker^ 4 months old and over ..farms reporting 1954... 3,135 1,191 796 25 551 111 53 303 22 1950... 3,435 1,486 763 41 564 119 61 226 23 number 1954... 221,735 94,077 59,943 3,366 34,791 5,237 3,371 20,265 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... ■old: 221,309 94,156 53,714 4,334 34 ,625 5,379 2,780 16,566 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ..farms reporting 1954... 3,010 1,211 835 22 472 101 69 213 26 1949 . . . 3,006 1,310 812 42 505 131 51 161 27 number 1954 . . . 137,225 40,516 64 ,472 13,054 14 ,416 3,320 2,481 4,354 28 1949... 112,595 33,140 42,337 17,547 11,034 3,832 1,076 1,680 29 dollars 1954... 13,546,557 3,711,650 6,251,036 1,540,861 1 ,604 ,490 371,900 265 ,785 579,430 30 1949... 15,021,871 4,443,425 5,651,033 2,376,477 1,360,161 456,052 101,190 238,440 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ..farms reporting 1954... 869 300 253 6 189 33 25 112 32 1949 . . . 1,592 731 392 18 306 55 20 130 33 number 1954... 14,903 4,903 6,346 228 2,399 391 341 1,893 34 1949... 39,500 13,836 12,589 1,070 8,930 1,743 740 3,085 35 dollars 1954 . . . 479,793 157,882 199,727 12,294 95 ,385 14,325 8, 160 62,220 36 1949 . . . 1,237,121 422,869 450,682 44,297 267,548 53,716 22,905 79 ,820 37 Chickens sold ..fauns reporting 1954... 942 1,224 396 544 214 282 7 10 133 237 40 41 14 25 97 106 38 1949... 39 dollars 1954 . . . 84,899 30,002 27,411 1,766 14,200 2,747 827 8,911 40 1949 .. . 169,829 74,726 32 ,726 14 ,662 27,600 9,000 2,570 10,700 41 Chicken eggs sold ..farms reporting 19?4 . . . 1,674 689 428 6 304 57 24 189 42 1949 . . . 1,987 930 486 9 301 53 31 126 43 dozens 1954 . . . 896,701 481,335 217,546 12,609 107,541 17,573 8,533 67,015 44 1949 . . . 1,087,174 459,443 360,756 13,740 119 ,200 19 ,096 13,125 50,859 45 dollars 1954 . . . 339,537 182,920 81,355 6,711 33,998 6,559 3,256 23,310 46 1949... 431,262 190,608 132,985 6,288 46 ,676 7,788 4,775 19,993 47 Milk sold3 gallons 1954 . . . 6,331,420 3,172,957 1,653,779 122,509 1,103,782 272,588 107 ,429 651,744 48 dollars 1954... 1,674,327 871,994 443,815 37,566 275 ,092 82 ,922 24,757 150,701 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 1,869,362 773,416 683 ,495 8,330 250,296 33,011 56,065 57,295 50 Com for all purposes ..farms reporting 1954... 416 164 158 80 16 12 46 51 1949... 3Q1 170 119 66 11 10 25 52 acres 1954... 7,430 2,830 3,115 81 1,324 315 305 622 53 1949 . . . 5,498 1,902 2,191 995 90 65 340 54 Com harvested for grain.. ..farms reporting 1954... 8 7 1 1 55 1949... 65 35 10 10 . • . 5 56 acres 1954... 170 135 35 35 57 1949... 695 180 95 210 35 58 bushels harvested 1954... 3,400 2,400 1,000 ... 1,000 59 1949 . . . 14 ,430 6,650 1,500 5,500 1,750 60 bushels sold 1954 . . . 1,000 1,000 1,000 61 1949 . . . 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined . . farms reporting 1954 . . . 204 67 73 33 5 10 22 63 1949... 333 164 94 11 44 12 11 5 64 acres 1954... 9,461 2,055 3,776 200 2,365 405 1,408 1,022 65 1949... U,671 7,029 3,605 450 3,397 1,050 395 1,300 66 bushels harvested 1954... 142,618 35 ,694 62,046 4,000 36 ,278 4,010 13,778 17,890 67 1949... 327,372 162,931 75 ,735 9,305 74,201 25 ,370 5,785 31,000 6S bushels sold 1954... 122,886 31,261 52,321 3,500 32,754 3,730 12,648 15 ,876 69 1949 . . . 256,034 124,232 53,580 4,460 71,862 24,550 5,785 30,500 70 Barley threshed or combined.. ..farms reporting l'^54... 1,463 471 489 8 398 51 47 254 71 1949... 1,845 802 508 25 360 54 35 170 72 acres 1954... 40,852 12,870 15,436 532 10,850 1,054 1,258 7,038 73 1949... 41,491 16,556 12,809 1,215 8,826 1,524 550 4,305 74 bushels harvested 1954... 1,333,656 471,289 451,926 14,114 373,652 24,050 34,204 256,673 75 1949 . . . 1,527,497 682,571 481,043 33,223 295 ,915 42 ,790 16,000 156,975 76 bushels sold 1954... 651,126 225,419 220,103 1,400 193 ,819 7,184 14,505 157,150 77 78 1949... 477,095 247,920 99,550 4,835 120,400 13,100 2,785 87,265 79 80 ^ ^^ acres 1954... 227,531 73,442 90,074 16,393 35,642 7,468 4,316 17,701 1949... 196,570 65,930 71 ,478 19 ,679 30,173 6,568 2,810 10,793 tons 1954... 415.781 145 ,534 158,934 25 ,088 71,291 10,976 8,185 39,844 ^nn+.fl ni.o ntM^r. K,. + _j. _ uai.a, tire given oy xenuTe oi Ope: equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ■For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk WYOMING 111 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950— Continued a sample of farma. See text] Area 2a — Continued Area 2b Tenure of operator^— Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants -Con. Full oimers Part owners Managers Tenants Livestock- Other and un- All Cash Share-cash Crop-share tenants and Livestock- share Other and un- share specified croppers specified 51 29 500 3,315 880 1,798 34 408 136 89 103 61 19 195 1 32 67 503 4,036 1,080 1,948 45 592 197 111 206 52 26 371 2 256 171 2,373 13,127 2,991 12,564 634 1,503 674 306 216 243 64 435 3 476 315 6,684 27,422 5,019 15,856 1,646 3,041 1,386 436 704 256 209 1,860 4 61 49 742 4,318 1,233 2,046 42 670 156 123 280 39 22 327 5 97 31 623 4,735 1,339 2,098 45 813 216 128 369 53 47 440 6 6,636 3,057 18,371 545,251 69,157 401,568 21,606 49,259 13,307 8,323 10,124 9,465 3,040 3,661 7 9,365 1,518 21,840 471,146 75 ,530 312,217 36,563 40,344 15,748 7,389 8,182 6,275 2,750 6,492 8 61 49 697 4,200 1,215 2,003 42 644 155 113 265 89 22 291 9 97 81 577 4,607 1,313 2,062 45 802 216 127 364 48 47 385 10 2,879 1,310 8,556 263,188 33,071 195,110 10,095 23,348 9,391 3,882 3,954 4,307 1,814 1,564 11 5,012 780 10,843 216,764 35,843 144,334 15,935 17,737 7,919 3,300 3,150 2,042 1,326 2,865 12 45 44 551 3,293 911 1,577 34 538 126 90 227 76 19 233 13 92 81 537 3,971 1,129 1,731 41 742 198 117 335 46 46 328 14 182 173 1,406 14,331 4,421 6,635 341 2,4i4 512 357 1,200 283 72 510 15 760 400 2,157 17,553 5,692 7,240 278 3,496 826 1,084 1,181 166 239 847 16 13 23 182 1,015 282 449 12 228 40 22 134 30 2 44 17 61 51 255 1,916 493 814 20 473 97 31 238 26 31 U6 18 303 210 922 11,473 3,834 5,053 343 2,004 548 242 1,012 187 15 239 19 &W 824 3,615 21,976 7,919 9,069 447 3,982 531 1,198 1,882 134 187 559 20 45 39 622 3,545 1,037 1,609 35 557 120 102 227 89 19 307 21 77 81 581 4,307 1,227 1,792 34 325 194 122 410 57 42 429 22 3,233 2,685 29,553 217,450 67,976 102 ,889 3,728 31,536 6,064 7,338 12,231 4,725 1,173 11,321 23 4,780 5,120 34,480 246,973 80,657 102,982 2,736 42,788 8,131 7,740 20,973 4,068 1,376 17,810 24 56 33 470 3,908 1,U6 1,983 41 561 147 106 203 83 22 177 25 92 70 337 4,261 1,284 2,004 44 664 190 131 269 42 32 265 26 3,000 761 4,767 298,093 41,377 217,403 10,921 27,324 9,728 3,859 6,033 5,739 1,965 1,068 27 3,796 650 3,537 210,776 39,537 134,222 15,655 20,076 6,989 4,133 4,560 3,693 696 1,236 28 295 ,236 92,089 438,470 26,414,687 3,359,758 13,731,832 1,185,109 2,568,953 786,449 407,350 606,512 598,065 170,582 69 ,030 29 495 ,784 68,695 1,190,775 23,914,991 5,018,508 18,771,995 2,193,324 2,797,403 830,579 651,312 723 ,8U 497,063 94,635 133,761 30 12 7 121 652 221 276 12 121 28 23 57 12 1 22 31 66 35 145 1,653 472 713 19 358 61 81 167 24 25 91 32 243 31 527 9,966 3,666 4,220 413 1,558 266 201 800 268 23 104 33 1,607 1,755 3,075 36,710 12,952 15,916 542 6,726 659 2,459 2,768 625 215 574 34 9,545 1,135 U,505 302,662 108,731 134,636 11,735 44,461 8,718 6,390 19,945 8,708 700 3,099 35 50,127 60,930 51,725 1,290,751 518,667 509,820 17,702 223,663 23,345 91,684 33,379 16,050 9,205 20,399 36 16 16 142 1,057 412 424 8 141 21 37 54 20 9 72 37 30 35 151 1,353 425 580 9 212 43 30 89 29 21 127 38 705 1,010 11,520 93,500 46,484 36,959 951 11,546 1,620 4,184 2,039 1,258 2,445 2,560 39 2,115 3,215 20,115 134,631 68,400 51,943 534 17,888 2,000 6,000 6,396 2,597 395 15,816 40 17 17 247 1,811 619 795 15 235 54 47 79 44 11 U7 41 41 50 261 2,637 873 1,095 15 442 130 66 185 30 31 212 42 9,320 5,200 77,570 862,520 334,476 408,272 13,476 73,539 13,300 15,598 28,163 11,822 4,656 32,757 43 18,935 17,185 134,035 1,138,115 471,284 449,921 3,490 167,680 36,020 40,075 61,474 16,823 13,283 40,740 44 3,893 1,980 29,603 300,364 U6,808 142,708 4,092 25,349 4,991 5,094 9,209 4,255 1,800 11,407 45 7,875 6,245 54,705 448,059 192,622 170,266 3,179 65,737 14,902 14,692 24,947 6,536 4,660 16,255 46 45,621 26,400 278,393 5,533,463 2,533,393 1,940,829 188,047 743,359 125 ,874 95,510 394,974 101,643 25,353 127,835 47 12,087 4,625 45 ,860 1,473,113 676,246 563,972 75,261 135,014 18,683 17,459 75,322 18,666 4,384 22 ,625 48 73,365 30,560 153,825 1,368,630 535 ,733 5U,448 21,393 279,368 66,6U 125,640 62,745 15,024 9,345 17,188 49 6 11 1,229 337 462 10 328 31 63 196 31 7 42 50 li 5 35 1,143 348 509 4 236 41 35 128 17 15 46 51 82 80 42,276 U,31J 22,466 515 7,375 839 1,691 3,651 1,004 190 607 52 325 175 360 35,464 10,441 13,690 280 5,418 1,235 1,185 2,293 455 250 635 53 ■ • • 387 138 lU 6 lU 6 41 66 1 15 54 "5 '16 491 157 186 2 126 11 20 80 5 '16 20 55 ... ... 6,383 2,047 2,337 85 1,779 55 887 835 2 ... 85 56 175 2'i6 10,063 2,358 5,040 50 2,275 150 475 1,335 160 155 340 57 . . . 199,969 66,420 59,939 6,550 63 ,910 280 31,750 31,840 40 3,150 58 3,750 780 210,910 36,045 47,145 12,175 88,950 9,700 1,350 66,415 14,170 2,000 7,485 10,290 48,330 3,380 3,200 5,356 7,050 59 60 ... ... ... 74,863 U,295 29,938 30.580 1,566 3,485 24,445 ... 1,156 51 1 25 1,177 323 569 6 217 25 51 82 44 15 57 62 11 5 20 1,674 493 807 13 356 47 31 202 21 5 5 63 30 ... 565 175 ,550 34,019 104,252 2,354 31,945 2,032 3,664 13,992 6,160 1,097 2,980 64 602 50 190 244,190 52 ,639 133,185 3,581 49,750 3,045 10,595 32,415 3,595 100 35 65 600 4,600 2,035,885 428,495 1,152,269 27,130 413 ,866 22 ,479 129,265 165 ,681 82,627 13,314 14,125 66 10,046 2,666 4,700 4,311,546 944,645 2,766,471 69,690 1,030,515 63,485 207,985 703,144 49,331 1,570 225 67 500 3,050 1,859,502 385 ,799 1,043,865 25,168 395,105 22,269 126 ,760 156,079 76,873 13,124 9,565 68 9,027 2,666 1,900 4,383,944 876,145 2,460,809 64,130 982 ,860 55,945 198,365 680,649 46,331 1,570 69 29 17 97 1,268 361 516 11 334 44 44 194 39 13 46 70 51 50 150 2,036 591 776 19 594 70 101 363 35 20 56 71 1,158 342 1,164 46,397 10,902 22,123 1,177 10,394 1,353 1,270 6,669 1,344 258 1,301 72 1,297 1,150 2,085 70,643 15,364 32,220 1,508 19,646 2,099 3,725 11,404 1,153 1,265 1,905 73 46 ,075 12,650 22,675 555,234 Ul,306 231,865 20,480 156,100 15,343 25 ,399 94,465 18,130 2,763 5,483 74 48,550 31,600 34,745 1,755,554 409,724 716,674 33 ,499 568,667 44,190 106,492 358,935 45,675 13,375 26,990 75 11,200 3,780 10,385 186,859 49 ,361 54,551 11,480 69,334 6,000 4,489 48,445 8,400 2,000 2,133 76 5.250 12.000 4.390 557.436 128,520 218.199 10.462 191,075 7.400 30,505 131,095 U,950 10,125 9,130 77 3,443 2,714 11,980 303,027 65,169 186,331 12,873 36,128 8,348 5,839 12,383 8,079 1,479 2,476 78 7,570 2,432 9,310 372,339 71,844 222.277 27,389 42,326 17,611 5,350 14,023 4,573 1,369 8,003 79 7,326 4,960 14,934 262,341 55,342 149,111 11,967 43,907 6,738 6,503 21,903 7,765 998 1,514 80 112 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table lO.-FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF COWS, AIND DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF MILK COWS, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND DAIRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms, ^aee text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) All commerrial faros: Millt cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reportijig . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With less than 10 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 10 lo 29 milk cows oo hand; Milk cows farms reporting. number . Wliole millc sold farms reporting . gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 30 to 49 milk cows on hand: llilk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 30 or more milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number. Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons, dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars . Dairy farms; Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat . dollars. With less than 10 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number. Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat . dollars . Kith 10 to 29 milk cows on hand: Milk cows ■ farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat . dollars . ftith 30 to t9 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 50 or more milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. 6,899 36,823 983 12,423,618 3,790,0i0 2,708 1,696,858 933,538 5,882 18,992 352 1,203,087 337 ,768 2,355 I,li8,9i5 627 ,819 912 13,600 530 7,771,033 2,248,4.43 348 516 ,2W 289 ,702 3,077 85 2,573,994 861,097 4 13,956 7,281 16 1,154 16 875,504 342,732 1 17,743 8,736 765 12,959 665 10 ,777 ,069 3,358,832 123 204,939 110,622 207 1,231 151 772,634 215,910 71 92,225 49,595 467 7,91A 422 6,815,117 2,006,965 50 94,315 51,865 76 2,660 76 2,313,8U 793 ,225 1 656 426 16 1,154 16 875,504 342,732 17 ,743 8,736 1,321 9,879 485 5,937,812 1,535,024 295 189 ,934 109,594 936 3,341 167 663 ,058 182,131 227 105 ,441 60,540 352 5,273 285 4,229,410 1,035,926 67 83 ,837 48,628 26 890 26 816,294 229 ,267 1 656 426 7 375 7 229,050 87 ,700 373 5,598 368 5,159,862 1,359,564 11 13,906 8,451 101 639 101 533,479 143,505 245 3,889 240 3,746,839 932,292 10 13,250 8,025 20 695 20 650,494 196 ,067 1 656 426 7 375 229 ,050 87 ,700 2,518 13,123 332 3,513,621 1,216,671 1,141 769 ,517 411,796 2,137 7,272 140 401,292 117 ,982 1,021 552,697 295,270 299 4,680 163 2,189,247 723,585 117 186 ,777 101,495 30 1,042 27 824,977 331,572 2 12,300 6,295 2 129 2 98,105 43,532 1 17 ,743 8,736 231 3,862 176 2 ,798 ,816 1,014,712 66 119,773 61,971 450 40 159 ,430 51,890 50 73,885 38,615 124 2,403 109 1,797,484 616,390 15 28,145 W,620 25 743,797 302,900 2 129 98,105 43,532 17 ,743 8,736 3,060 13,821 165 2,972,185 1,038,345 1,272 737,407 412, 1A8 2,759 8,379 45 138,737 37,555 1,107 490,807 272,009 261 3,647 82 1,352,376 488,932 164 245,600 139,579 33 1,1*5 32 932,723 300,258 1 1,000 560 7 650 7 548,349 211,500 162 3,499 121 2,818,391 984,556 46 71,260 40,200 25 U2 10 79,725 20,515 21 18,340 10,980 98 1,622 73 1,270,794 458,283 25 52,920 29 ,220 31 1,085 31 919,523 294,258 7 650 7 548,349 211,500 WYOMING 113 Economic Area Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF CHICKENS, AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF CHICKENS ON HAND, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND POULTRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954 [DBta are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Area 1 Area 2a Area 2b 411 commercial farms: 1 Chickens 4 months old and over... farms reporting... 6,846 1,045 2,563 3,238 2 number . . . 461,368 63,062 192,177 206,129 3 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 1,937 152 800 985 1, number . . . 174,611 13,122 70,441 91,048 5 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 3,447 356 1,427 1,664 6 dozens . . . 1,918,916 270 ,022 819,131 829 ,763 7 dollars. . . 707,484 108,543 309,984 288 ,957 8 Other poultry and poultry products sold. .dollars. . . With less than 400 chickens 4 months old and over; 95,872 7,336 52,819 35 ,717 9 rhlclfpn.; 4 mrintho nld .ind nvpr -I'firm'i rpnortintr 6 793 1,029 52,712 2,550 3,214 10 ijHiVIVCllo .» iliUil 1.11C uxu CIIIU .jvtj............i a^ iii.^ i ^ |j\^i uxi|g . . . number. . . 431*796 1S4,935 194, 1A9 11 Chickens sold farms reporting... 1,888 139 787 962 12 number. . . 154,555 7,972 67 ,406 79 ,177 13 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 3,395 340 1,414 1,641 14 dozens . . . 1,668,496 155,322 758,210 754,964 15 dollars... 616,701 66,123 288 ,832 261,746 16 Other poultry and poultry products sold .dollars . . . 92 317 5,536 51,264 35,517 With 400 to 799 chickens 4 months old and over; 17 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... 49 U 12 23 18 number. . . 24,922 7,550 6,392 10,980 19 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . i5 11 12 22 20 number. . . 17 ,886 4,150 2,825 10,911 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... 49 lA 12 23 22 dozens . . . 211,340 78,500 58,041 74,799 23 dollars. . . 73,331 26,120 20,000 27,211 2i Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 800 to 1,599 chickens 4 months old and over: 1,755 1,555 200 1 1,000 25 26 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... number ■ . . 3 2,850 1 1,000 1 850 27 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 3 1,570 1 400 1 210 1 28 number . . . 960 29 Chicken eggs sold fanus reporting . . . 2 21,080 1 18,200 1 2,880 30 dozens ... 31 dollars — 10,252 9,100 1,152 .. • 32 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 1.600 to 3,199 chickens 4 months old and over: 33 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . . 1 1 ... 34 number . . . 1,800 1,800 ... 35 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 1 1 ... 36 600 600 ... 37 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 1 1 ... ... 38 dozens . . . 18,000 18,000 39 dollars.. . 7,200 7,200 ... 40 1,800 1,800 With 3,200 or more chickens 4 months old and over: 41 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... ... ... 42 number . . . • ■> 43 Chickens sold farms reporting... ... ... 44 number . . . 45 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... 46 dozens. . . ... 47 dollars... ... 48 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... ... 49 50 Poultry farms; Chickens 4 months old and over... farms reporting... number . . . 97 12,822 10 1,500 40 5,600 47 5,722 52 51 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 73 11 10 52 15,590 1,820 1,350 12,420 51 57,500 53 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting — 102 11 40 54 dozens. . . 126,944 13,214 56,230 55 dollars . . . 4.9,886 7,800 21,525 20,561 56 With less than 400 chickens 4 months old and over: 29,100 28,100 1,000 42 57 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . . . 92 10 40 58 number . . . 10,322 1,500 5,600 3,222 59 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 68 11 10 47 60 number . . . 8,090 1,320 1,350 4,920 61 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 97 103,544 11 13,2K 40 56,230 46 62 dozens . . . 34,100 63 dollars. . . 40,526 7,800 21,525 11,201 64 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 400 to 799 chickens 4 months old and over; 29,100 28,100 1,000 5 2,500 65 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . . 5 66 number . . . 2,500 67 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 5 5 68 7,500 7,500 69 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 5 5 23,400 70 dozens . . . 23,400 71 dollars... 9,360 9,360 72 With 800 to 1,399 chickens 4 months old and over; ... 73 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . . ... 74 number . . . ... 75 Chickens sold farms reporting... ... 76 number . . . ... 77 Chicken eggs sold fanns reporting... 78 dozens . . . ... 79 dollars . . . 80 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars . . . With 1,600 to 3,199 chickens 4 months old and over; ... 81 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... ... 82 number . . . ... 83 Chickens sold farms reporting . . ■ 84 number. . . 85 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 86 dozens — ... 87 dollars. . . 88 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. . . With 3,200 or more chickens 4 months old and over; ... 89 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... 90 number . . . ... 91 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 92 number. . . ... 93 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . - . 94 dozens . . . ... 95 dollars... 96 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars . . 114 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.-FARM LABOR: CENSUS OF 1954 LUata are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) FASM UBOR Week of September 26-October 2; Family aad/ur hired workerij farms reporting. persons . Average per farm reporting persons . Family worlcers, including operator farms reporting. persons . Operators working 1 or more hours farms reporting. 1 to li hours farms reporting. 15 or more hours farms reporting . Operators not working or not reporting number of farms . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons . No unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more or not reporting number of farms. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting . 2 hired -.rorkers farms reporting. 3 or > ............ .farms reporting... 23,355 27,267 28,054 29,766 '30,321 "31,288 (NA) 28,756 ■ ,,,|^ii,ru , lauu 1 u ■ H« as • acres... 2,262,921 2,902,118 2,698,519 2,467,548 '1,882,883 '2,291,927 (NA) (") Under 10 acres....... ............ .farms reporting... 2,154 7,202 2,597 11,342 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,181 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... (NA) 10 to 29 acres*. ..... ............ .farms reporting... 2,496 27,565 3,451 41,035 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) '6,340 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres.. . (NA) 30 to ^9 acres farms reporting. . . 1,466 2,002 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... 34,659 52,581 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 50 to 69 acres farms reporting... 836 967 (MA) (NA) (NA) '14,872 (NA) (NA) acres... 29 ,694 37,486 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 70 to 99 acres farms reporting... 2,327 2,901 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... 121,407 167,660 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 100 to 139 acres ............ .farms reporting... 1,647 115 ,699 1,921 147,340 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres. .. (NA) 1*10 to 179 acres ............ .farms reporting... 3,093 277,680 3,570 383 ,757 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... (NA) 180 to 219 acres..... ............. farms reporting. . . 1,015 105 ,654 1,096 124,394 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres.. . (NA) 220 to 259 acres ............ .farms reporting,. , 1,021 '118,006 1,159 154,386 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... (NA) 260 to A99 acres.... ............ .farms reporting... 2,957 408,347 3,135 506,165 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,653 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... (NA) 500 to 999 acres..,. ............ .farms reporting... 1,677 263,331 1,871 345,044 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,704 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... (NA) 1,000 acres and over ........ -farms renortlne. . . 2,666 748,177 2,597 930,928 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,538 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... (NA) See footnotes at end of table. 122 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued [Data for 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. Sff text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 195i (October) 1950 (April l) 1945 (January l) 1940 1935 (April l) (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January l) 1920 (January 1) Land in farms accordinf; to use — Continued Land in row or closc••••>•••>*••• ofarms Under 10 acres farms 10 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms . 50 to 69 acres farms 70 to 99 acres farms 100 to 139 acres farms 140 to 179 acres farms ISO to 219 acres farms 220 to 259 acres farms 260 to 499 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 acres and over farms reporting, acres. reporting, acres, reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting. acres, reporting, acres. reporting.. acres. , reporting. reporting, acres. reporting. acres, reporting, acres, reporting. reporting, acres. reporting . acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. 2,050 433,649 2 12 5 119 13 298 13 532 58 3,403 16 817 25 340 36,413 657 108,797 91i 281,389 1,139 187,180 6 105 10 380 16 865 16 1,279 168 16,2i9 342 46,147 505 119,391 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) •♦Available data not comparable. NA Not available, ^For the Census of 1954, in the calendar year; all other censuses, in the calendar year preceding the census. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of corn harvested for grain. '10 to 49 acres. *50 to 99 acres. *100 to 259 acres. *Total cropland, cropland used only for pasture, end other pasture not fully comparable for the various census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. ''Irrigated cropland harvested only, ^Acreage of irrigated crops including some duplication where two or more crops were harvested from the same land. ^50 to 259 acres. COLORADO 123 State Table 3.-FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data for 1954 are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) ALL FABH OPERATORS All f ara operators number. Pull owners number. Part owners number. Managers number , All tenants number. Proportion of tenancy percent. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants and croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. All lanil in tarma acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres. All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Share-cash tenants acres. Share tenants and croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. All croplaod harvested acres. Pull owners acres. Fart owners acres. Managers acres. All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres.- Share-cash tenants. acres. Share tenants and croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. ALL WHITE FAm OPERATORS All white fara operators number. Pull owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Proportion of tenancy percent. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Shape tenants and croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. All land io faraa acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres . Managers acres. All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Share-cash tenants acres . Share tenants and croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. All cropland harvested... ...,, acres. Pull owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres. All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Share-cash tenants acres. Share tenants and croppers acres . Other and unspecified tenants acres. ALL NONWHITE FAm OPERATORS All nonvhite fsra operators number. Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Proportion of tenancy percent. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants and croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. All land in farns acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers. ......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,......... .acres. All tenants ..,......,,,,,,■•.,,..., .acres. Cash tenants •,,,,,•,,,.,,, acres. Share-cash tenants acres. Share tenants and croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. All cropland harvested. .......,,..., ..,,,., .acres. Full owners ..,,.■,,.,..,,.,.,,,,,, ,. acres. Part owners , acres. Managers acres , All tenants ,,,.,, ■•,•,,■,,.,. ■.•.,,, acres. Cash tenants ,,■•,,,,. ,,,••■••,. ,. ..acrea. Share-cash tenants acrea . Share tenants and croppers .......,,, acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. Census of— 1954 (October) 40,672 20,938 10,457 305 8,972 22.1 1,146 750 6,212 864 38,468,979 8,949,013 22,243,714 2,888,542 4,387,710 695,345 569,937 2,751,070 371,358 5,218,453 1,369,878 2,482,153 98,518 1,267,904 52,898 149,406 1,009,685 55,915 40,369 20,853 10,426 303 8,787 21.8 1,111 730 6,087 359 37,693,9% 8,941,028 22,221,941 2,176,507 4,359,520 692,940 567,362 2,730,260 368,958 5,191,328 1,367,473 2,474,744 97,927 1,251,184 52,153 147,531 995,300 55,700 303 85 31 2 185 61.1 35 20 125 5 769,983 7,985 21,773 712,035 28,190 2,405 2,575 20,810 2,400 27,125 2,405 7,409 591 16,720 745 1,875 13,385 215 1950 (AprU 1) 45,578 23,582 11,255 366 10,375 22.3 1,342 1,034 6,901 1,098 37,953,099 9,237,807 20,424,821 3,767,064 4,523,407 772,859 586,018 2,794,983 369,547 6,892,904 1,902,460 3,167,085 159,709 1,663,650 92,101 207,935 1,274,490 89,074 45,150 23,446 11,194 361 10,149 22.5 1,283 1,015 6,764 1,087 37,125,566 9,220,232 20,409,761 2,999,777 4,495,796 769,052 583,137 2,774,902 363,705 6,854,321 1,393,504 3,158,763 159,295 1,643,259 89,501 205,809 1,259,505 88.444 428 136 61 5 226 52,8 59 19 137 11 827,533 17,575 15,060 767,237 27,611 3,307 2,331 20,081 842 38,083 8,956 8,322 414 20,391 2,600 2,176 14,985 630 1945 (January 1) 47,618 22,936 10,809 528 13,295 27.9 2,626 800 8,439 1,430 36,217,303 7,616,128 19,976,253 3,598,280 5,027,142 1,084,990 564,194 2,882,920 495,033 6,034,697 1,558,337 2,608,299 160,576 1,707,435 168,333 165,208 1,264,678 109,211 47,008 22,792 10,763 520 12,933 27.5 2,518 790 8,224 1,401 35,531,246 7,589,346 19,956,137 2,994,522 4,991,241 1,077,102 562,941 2,858,566 492,632 5,996,063 1,549,199 2,603,567 159,311 1,683,481 163,439 164,345 1,243,186 107,461 610 194 46 8 362 59,3 108 10 215 29 36,217,803 7,616,128 19,976,258 3,593,280 5,027,142 1,034,990 564,194 2,832,920 495,038 6,034,697 1,558,387 2,608,299 160,576 1,707,435 168,338 165,208 1,264,678 109,211 1940 (April 1) 51,436 22,335 9,442 471 19,138 37.2 4,266 1,612 11,922 1,338 31,527,240 6,618,678 15,475,092 2,112,094 7,321,376 1,637,522 1,102,938 4,031,552 549,364 4,769,671 1,217,346 1,617,927 131,060 1,803,338 170,500 226,330 1,332,504 74,004 51,034 22,263 9,421 469 13,376 37,0 4,191 1,593 11,770 1,322 31,477,198 6,603,303 15,469,955 2,111,771 7,291,669 1,632,505 1,093,965 4,012,986 547,213 4,745,942 1,213,031 1,616,393 130,757 1,735,761 167,313 224,285 1,320,452 73,706 402 117 21 2 262 65,2 75 19 152 16 31,527,240 6,618,678 15,475,092 2,112,094 7,321,376 1,637,522 1,102,938 4,031,552 549,364 4,769,671 1,217,346 1,617,927 131,060 1,803,333 170,500 226,330 1,332,504 74,004 1935 (January 1) 63,644 27,713 10,605 481 24,840 39.2 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 29,978,472 3,313,356 11,905,402 1,270,351 8,483,363 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,352,343 1,135,723 1,091,914 78,313 1,545,893 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 63,172 27,549 10,579 431 24,563 38,9 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 29,916,263 3,298,475 11,894,591 1,270,851 8,452,346 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,828,862 1,130,943 1,090,614 78,818 1,528,487 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 472 169 26 277 58.7 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 29,978,472 3,318,356 11,905,402 1,270,851 8,433,863 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,852,348 1,135,723 1,091,914 78,813 1,545,893 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1930 (AprU 1) 59,956 26,929 11,497 838 20,692 34,5 4,200 (NA) (NA) («) 28,876,171 7,518,660 12,021,491 2,167,191 7,168,829 1,651,536 (NA) (NA) (»•) 6,750,398 1,769,963 2,312,991 138,731 2,478,663 245,675 tNA) (NA) (».) 59,355 26,750 11,465 836 20,304 34.2 4,093 (NA) (NA) ( 28,794,511 7,496,728 12,005,526 2,166,711 7,125,546 1,641,274 (NA) (NA) ( ■ 1925 (January 1) ) 6,715,382 1,764,550 2,311,014 188,631 2,451,187 239,181 (NA) (NA) (•») 601 179 32 2 388 64.6 icr? (NA) (NA) (•m) 81,660 21,932 15,965 480 43,283 10,262 (NA) (NA) (-) 35,016 5,413 1,977 150 27,476 6,494 (NA) (NA) («) 53,020 29,292 10,225 535 17,918 30.9 2,889 [m) (NA) («•) 24,167,270 8,739,276 8,597,504 1,234,724 5,495,766 997,592 (NA) (NA) (•») 5,948,437 2,039,502 1,749,482 142,772 2,016,681 160,939 {na) (NA) (•») (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1920 (January 1) 59,934 35,553 9,738 380 13,763 , 23.0 ^3,375 304 9,575 509 24,462,014 10,633,109 7,933,569 1,595,353 4,244,483 ^1,259,349 100,000 2,701,258 133,376 ^5,052,363 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 59,331 35,339 9,704 874 13,464 22.7 '3,212 300 9,451 501 24,374,636 10,595,431 7,979,516 1,593,463 4,206,226 '1,239,968 99,450 2,633,646 183,162 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 553 214 34 6 299 54.1 '163 51,170 14,993 327 25,393 9,957 '8,153 200 1,497 107 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) *»AvBilable data not comparable. HA Not available, ^For 1920, standing renters (renters paying a fixed quantity of products) were Included with cash tenants, ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as moat of this acreage wag probably duplicated in the acreage of com har- vested for grain. 124 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, l_Data are based on reports for only (For definitionE and explanations, see text) All farm operators Total all Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers FARMS, ACREACE, AND VALUE Farms number.. Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. . acres. . Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres . . Land managed by farm operators farms reporting. . acres. . Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres. . Land in fnrns acres.. Average size of I'arra acres.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars.. Average per acre dollars. . Proportion of farms reporting value percent.. Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. , Land in faras according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to ^9 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to number. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. Television set farms reporting. Piped running water farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric pig brooder farms reporting. Power feed grinder farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractora farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Autoaobiles farms reporting. number. FARM LABCB WEEK OF SEPT. 26-OCT. 2 Faaily aod/or hired vorkera farms reporting. persons. Faaily «orkera, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or mDre farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers ( to be en5>loyed ISO days or more}......,. farms reporting, persons. Seasonal workers ( to be eiQ>loyed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Farns by kiod of vorkers; Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators onl^ farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 195-1 Specified fara expeodi tares ^ farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dollars. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting. dollars. tons. acres on which used. Lime and liming material farms reporting. dollars. tons. acres on which used. iBA 661 177 459 233 150 325 353 113 113 62 63 62 6i 642 956 695 1,265 695 695 1,226 15 20 17 19 640 787 696 1,644 694 1,181 678 322 503 147 463 62 95 110 368 145 549 304 11 2 5,127 3,652 4,317 2,134 3,549 2,017 50 1,150 912 2,195 2,4«0 771 778 468 474 680 702 4,462 7,167 4,856 10,563 4,851 4,833 10,245 81 101 211 217 4,597 6,007 4,785 12,259 4,754 7,422 4,695 1,352 2,727 1,451 4,837 707 900 934 3,937 1,420 3,334 2,018 53 31 545 675 244 597 390 27 247 142 282 327 91 91 126 126 159 172 609 1,077 664 1,568 664 664 1,465 3 3 82 100 633 951 676 2,495 666 1,U4 665 301 449 292 1,331 181 221 187 1,160 232 384 208 714 5,127 687 589 4,395 604 617,753 6,129,555 1,064,511 483 3,525 449 232,117 1,728,770 225,084 454 3,719 519 385,636 4,400,785 839,427 612 3,631 575 787,377 6,940,382 1,805,006 697 5,002 675 543,676 4,365,153 669,302 190 2,540 264 93,276 1,195,697 147,442 1,145 13,259 1,723 10,598 120,925 16,398 334 448 123 308 187 5 95 58 125 129 26 26 58 53 340 505 390 765 380 375 670 27 42 41 53 407 500 461 1,185 460 696 460 141 236 112 489 55 101 72 338 Ul 349 255 492 314 467,947 231 105,680 252 362,267 399 779,829 424 251,713 101 57,451 755 6,036 5,591 B,U7 2,287 5,688 2,394 36 668 183 64S 773 52 52 210 210 86 92 4,842 5,646 4,329 5,456 3,869 3,305 4,487 ff71 719 220 250 6,826 8,475 7,289 10, 510 7,238 9,827 6,962 1,989 2,B6S 334 683 115 222 2X 461 283 6,955 5,054 275 51 128 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS. [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Faraa number.. LIVESTOCK Livestock oo hand: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . Horses and mules farms reporting . . number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock aod livestock products sold in 19S4: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting . . dollars. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens. . CROPS Specified crops harvested in 19S4: Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres . . Com harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres . . bushels harvested . . bushels sold.. Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting. . acres. . bushels harvested . . bushels sold . . Barley threshed or combined farms recorting. . acres. . bushels harvested., bushels sold.. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting . . acres. . 100-lb. bags harvested.. Hay cut acres . . tons . . 31,596 2,100,366 29,779 889 _ 231 24^ 529 152,529 17,957 72,554 11,091 203,092 27,149 2,247,116 25,613 1,443,914 7,717 248,237 8,023 1,967,414 14,321 12,595,559 11,366 398,658 6,168 209,482 5,569,076 2,703,863 9,461 1,548,245 15,363,460 13,733,022 9,060 349, 535 6,201,802 2,822,909 4,304 226,214 1,303,001 1,293,534 1,991,555 13,819 11,061 706,584 10. 532 304 -,896 8,671 64,300 6,619 25,852 3,961 121,501 9,160 937,002 9,896 442,510 2,948 156,152 3,228 1,327.822 5,326 6,689,724 3,967 109,220 1,972 51,479 1,581,694 628,600 2,654 280,375 2,859,244 2,524,947 2,787 82,590 1,771,709 755,247 1,216 59,599 451,523 489,406 773,964 8,392 905,445 3.120 419j012 6,447 41,118 5,489 26,876 2,998 41,250 6,622 609,458 7,816 536, 549 2,202 49,236 2,040 436,552 3,846 3,299,517 2,850 147,327 1,497 87,682 1,610,117 732,033 4,120 923,326 9,245,302 8,273,387 2,887 173,432 2,520,277 1,191,149 984 94,837 484,831 434,807 595,743 231 136,114 218 35,277 157 1,206 209 2,314 56 658 144 8,838 223 181,544 33 730 45 4.589 58 27,952 39 2,076 10 149 3,940 650 43 17,323 133,835 118,470 38 3,345 84,U7 51,120 58,372 46,327 7,708 6,107 298,327 5,749 105,441 5,032 35,625 2,549 6,563 2,207 27,964 5,236 386,075 5,105 216,991 1,702 32,325 1,619 113,988 2,830 1,693,162 3,904 129,238 2,130 65,337 2,261,155 1,320,160 2,196 305,657 3,026,976 2,744,155 2,935 85,274 1,748,203 794,570 1,913 68,287 860,074 270,009 517,733 546 36,123 520 17,871 422 4,169 365 1,322 181 1,388 411 25,936 483 24,031 115 1,539 92 3,984 215 122,455 224 5,341 65 1,310 31,630 13,300 57 5,077 47,726 46,345 109 1,649 43,235 16,000 53 1,064 7,265 25,575 31,588 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sample of fariDS. See text] 129 (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Crop-share tenants and croppers L i ves toe k- share Other and unspecified Other farms Faros number.. LIVESTOCK Livestock on hand: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number, . Milk cows farms reporting , , number . . Horses and mules farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens U months old and over farms reporting.. number,, Livestuck snJ livestock proilucls sold io 1951: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number . . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting,. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. dollars,. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . , dozens,, CROPS Specified crops harvested in 1954: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested., bushels sold, . Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested., bushels sold. . Barley threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested., bushels sold. . Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres. . 100-lb. bags harvested.. Hay cut acres . . tons. . 620 2S,9le of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1954 (October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January l) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January l) 1920 (January 1) Fara forters for specified »eeL: ^ Family and/or hired workers^ farms reporting.. persons. . Average per farm reporting. Family workers, including operators. — farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons. . Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Workers hired by month persons.. Workers hired by day or week persons.. Workers hired by hour or on piece-work basis persons . . No report as to basis of payment persons.. Farms reporting by Dugber of hired •orkers: 1 hired worker farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more workers farms reporting.. Faras by kind of workers during specified «eek: No workers reported farms . . Family workers and hired workers farms.. Operator and hired workers farms.. Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms.. Members of operator's family and hired workers.. .farms. . Family workers only farms . . Operator only farms . . Operator and members of his family farms.. Members of operator's family only farms.. Hired workers only farms.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES' Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars.. Hi red 1 abor* farms reporting. . dollars. . $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting . . $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 and over farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. ...farms reporting.. dollars. . Coanercial fertilizer and fertilizing naterial farms reporting. . dollars.. Line and lining material farms reporting.. dollars. . 37. 235 36,043 36,71? 59,726 35.937 15.360 23. 7S9 9,6li 36,31? 7,6?i 6,711 4,612 1.812 1,340 923 927 3.437 9.096 5.163 3,79i 139 27.621 16.19* 10. 786 641 SIS 21.542 9,312,408 21.914 33. 606. S32 3.701 2.766 4.319 3.302 4.02? 2,306 1.037 332 124 31,12? 64, 543, 757 34.910 23.897.421 9.633 3.930.657 6? 5.680 40.346 84. 145 39,466 64,924 1?, 746 26.913 9.610 19.221 9.192 4,797 5,000 232 5,928 1,947 995 574 166 5,190 8,730 5,110 3,433 18? 30.736 16.610 12.858 1.268 880 26.995 13.490.748 29.135 42.691.136 5,312 3.501 5,735 4.218 5,764 34. 109 43.447.610 35,320 23.038.898 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 42,327 73,793 41,775 64,046 16,315 23,068 5,204 9,747 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,458 861 535 269 61 5,291 4,652 2,860 1,712 80 37,123 22,600 13,806 717 552 (NA) (NA) 30,689 35,760,787 5,926 4,280 6,470 4,643 5,512 36,999 30, 046,419 (NA) (NA) 82 80.245 13 8.397 43,235 79,151 41,254 61,051 (NA) 9,263 18,100 10,674 5,646 1,780 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,201 7,287 (NA) (NA) (NA) 33,967 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,981 (NA) (NA) 25,556 13,525,693 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) 30,780 10,231,919 30,144 5,471,584 2,606 165, 105 119 3,630 61,101 107,659 59,994 92,431 (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,158 15,228 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,402 1,502 840 357 57 2,543 3,051 (NA) (NA) (NA) 51,943 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,107 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 35,016 ,549,344 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 31,212 ,829,325 (NA) (NA) '749 (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 33,749 16,853,544 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 29,593 10,370,591 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 35,149 23,146,568 (NA) (NA) (NA) (.NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 36,092 18,430,975 (NA) (NA) 1,184 294,448 (NA) (NA) NA Not available. ^Census of 1954, week of Sept. 26-Oct. 2; Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. ^See text for differences In definition of farm workers. 'For Census of 1954, expenditures during calendar year 1954; for earlier censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. *Cash payments for farm labor; housework not included. For 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor Included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was Included. 'Farms reporting tons of commercial fertilizer. 132 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 8.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Hired workers farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be en^jloyed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a Boathly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per loonth farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per nvDnth farms reporting. Paid on a tteekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting., $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting., $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting., $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting.. Paid on a piecc-»ork basis farms reporting.. Expenditures for hired labor in I9S4 farms reporting.. 41 * *nn dollars.. t'- ^° *'! farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reportin|. . $200 to $499 farms r^ortini.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms re^rting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over fams reporting.. Fnrns nth expenditures for hired labor but no hired worbers reported .. .farms reporting.. !J^.*'!;AA farms reporting. . $100 to $199 far^ reporting.. f200 to $499 fa^^ reportlni. . f50°t°*'f farms reportlni.. $1,000 to $2,499 farm^ re^ortini.. t^^n '■°>''" farmsreJortiS.. $5,000 and over fa™^ reporting.. 9,614 36,317 4,612 1,812 1,340 923 927 5,315 9,887 3,526 1,008 508 198 75 5,920 26,430 2,749 903 863 608 797 3,694 1,621 4,299 4,463 5 11 6 132 351 307 1,010 1,873 630 lOO 38 622 5 11 34 100 216 161 62 14 6 2,074 11 12 12 63 338 422 331 489 65 331 2,926 28 88 114 836 186 1,393 185 14 82 1,208 21,914 33,606,232 3,701 2,766 4,319 3,302 4,027 2,306 1,493 12,300 3,271 2,295 3,122 1,842 1,422 292 9,280 35,634 4,398 1,767 1,289 908 918 5,200 9,665 3,436 995 503 195 71 5,688 25,969 2,611 864 825 596 792 3,592 1,608 4,1 4,395 5 11 6 132 342 303 986 1,856 622 97 35 612 5 11 29 100 216 156 62 14 1,958 11 11 12 53 311 395 310 471 65 319 2,792 23 38 114 793 174 1,332 173 13 82 1,192 20,389 32,988,206 2,982 2,486 4,034 3,162 3,960 2,285 1,480 11,109 2,624 2,059 2,934 1,749 1,397 291 55 2,066 11,425 652 440 386 296 292 1,775 5,116 789 433 317 165 71 943 6,309 359 149 151 88 196 1,123 652 291 1,487 11 34 51 217 817 302 34 21 1 1 6 29 103 64 17 7 1 23 25 116 45 215 14 1 11 230 2,538 15,714,209 11 43 95 158 501 705 1,025 472 11 75 192 2,935 10, 769 1,417 593 354 253 313 1,962 2,686 1,447 374 129 12 1,602 8,033 691 230 216 176 289 1,333 629 973 1,674 5 5 5 53 128 142 451 625 213 34 13 200 5 2 5 36 63 57 20 7 5 553 5 6 3 13 74 131 110 122 12 77 1 15 28 225 66 333 40 6 18 440 5,333 9,465,712 286 328 741 895 1,662 1,078 348 2,403 277 289 592 496 564 151 34 2,289 8,759 1,153 411 276 213 236 390 1,154 722 124 26 18 1,643 7,605 739 247 234 193 230 646 244 1,399 754 1 1 38 86 73 216 254 68 16 1 115 5 5 5 7 24 34 24 11 520 1 3 11 87 100 75 113 14 116 4 25 44 230 33 371 65 6 33 349 5,797 4,344,242 313 735 1,439 1,134 1,145 354 77 3,508 693 632 1,023 700 427 33 COLORADO 133 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1954 Sept. 26-Oct. 2. Data are based on reports for only a sa^^3le of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired »orlier» farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or <; hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. , Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. , 1 hired worker Carms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting., 3 or -; hired workers farms reporting. , 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. , Seasonal workers (to be employed less tlian 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. , 1 hired worker farms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting., 3 or i hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. , Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting., Paid on B Bootbly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting., $25 to $3i per month farms reporting., $35 to $A9 per month farms reporting. $50 to $8^ per month fa"ns reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $2U per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over ner week farms reporting. Paid on ■ daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting, $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.4^ per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1 . 00 to $1 . 14 per hour farms reporting . $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.4A per hour farms reporting. il.^VS and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-*ork basis farms reporting. Expenditurea for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras with eipeoditarea for faired labor bat no hired workers reported .. .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting, $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5 , 000 and over farms reporting . . Economic class—Continued Commercial farms — Continued 1,145 2,817 669 193 U7 75 61 356 434 307 30 19 849 2,383 461 137 117 73 61 296 60 789 313 15 12 6fl 22 30 7 70 28 100 58 17 16 3 12 57 69 i5 100 6 ,45 10 15 93 9 255 22 104 3,823 1,902,890 859 709 1,065 616 467 93 U 2,678 769 593 796 339 157 24 649 1,500 396 91 85 61 16 163 193 140 16 502 1,307 279 69 77 61 16 147 16 486 148 160 5 5 10 2 93 16 133 32 47 2,103 808,604 683 441 547 243 134 40 15 1,454 595 363 356 101 31 8 196 364 111 39 41 5 54 82 31 18 5 149 282 82 32 30 5 47 7 142 22 790 252,549 330 180 147 66 51 15 1 594 279 146 103 38 26 2 Other farms Residential 214 444 128 22 49 10 5 69 86 62 2 5 153 358 76 24 38 10 5 145 35 2 3 18 25 11 33 10 46 6 12 921 250,266 414 190 177 87 35 17 1 707 378 148 121 47 13 98 123 20 2 29 36 22 7 72 87 57 15 26 3 69 51 1 10 2 10 11 576 141,590 305 85 103 52 27 3 1 478 269 83 67 45 12 1 134 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 9. -HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number or workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers FUred •orkers ''"■'"s reporting. . persons.. 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons.. 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons.. 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers..... farms reporting,. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a noathly basis farms reporting.. Under $25 per month farms reporting., $25 to $34 per month farms rajjorting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting., $50 to $34 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. Under $5 per week farms reporting., $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. P»id on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8- per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour. farms reporting. Paid OB a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditnres for hired labor in 1954 ..farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 ...........,.,,,,..............,,.. .farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 fanns reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras with expenditures for hired labor but no hired vorkera reported. ..farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4.999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 9,614 36,317 4,612 1,812 1,340 923 927 5,315 9,887 3,526 1,008 508 198 75 5,920 26,430 2,749 903 863 608 797 3,694 1,621 4,299 4,463 5 11 6 132 351 307 1,010 1,873 630 100 38 622 5 100 216 161 62 2,074 11 12 12 63 338 422 331 489 65 331 2,926 114 836 186 1,393 185 14 82 1,208 21,914 33,606,232 3,701 2,766 4,319 3,302 4,027 2,306 1,493 12,300 3,271 2,295 3,122 1,842 1,422 292 56 3,565 14,399 1,591 731 534 311 398 1,943 3,961 1,247 392 193 69 42 2,234 10,438 1,013 333 342 211 335 1,331 612 1,622 1,556 5 10 118 107 329 657 235 36 10 265 5 640 6 10 4 17 136 132 25 28 325 85 544 59 11 52 548 8,120 12,687,336 1,463 1,011 1,684 1,194 1,333 815 620 4,555 1,299 836 1,220 594 497 80 29 3,366 12,703 1,594 663 498 324 287 2,034 3,767 1,256 426 241 91 20 1,976 8,936 956 349 223 204 244 1,390 644 1,332 1,775 54 152 140 420 734 205 44 19 5 2 12 47 72 32 8 3 1 840 5 1 8 28 131 182 106 198 28 153 9 28 35 270 46 451 62 6,745 12,311,468 853 862 1,282 958 1,382 848 560 3,379 731 723 929 508 369 109 10 27 30 11 129 464 54 33 19 14 9 63 342 21 18 8 13 3 93 36 27 214 1,478,105 4 3 18 16 54 2,193 7,726 1,171 327 230 243 222 1,094 1,473 879 144 50 21 1,415 6,253 621 164 252 168 210 778 316 1,099 945 29 67 51 195 421 164 13 42 81 115 124 11 66 48 186 42 326 44 5,310 ,511,297 662 610 1,050 994 1,191 575 228 3,117 591 497 778 636 509 90 16 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for conmierclal farms only. COLORADO 135 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954 3ept. 26-Oct. 2. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For deftnitions and explanations, see text) Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Crop-share tenants and croppers Livestock-share Other and unspecified Other farms Hired worker a farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or i hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be enployed 150 days or more) farms reporting, persons , 1 hired worker farms reporting, 2 hired workers farms reporting, 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting, 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting, 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a Monthly baaia farus reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. t25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per moi.th farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting, Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting, $5 to $7 per week farms reporting, $8 to $11 per week farms reporting, $12 to $19 per week farms reporting, $20 to $24 per week farms reporting, $25 to $29 per week farms reporting, $30 to $39 per week farms reporting, $40 to $49 per week farms reporting, $50 to $59 per week farms reporting, $60 to $69 per week farms reporting, $70 to $79 per week farms reporting, $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily baaia farms reporting, $1 per day farms reporting, $2 per day farms reporting, $3 per day farms reporting, $4 per day farms reporting, $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting, $7 per day farms reporting, $8 per day farms reporting, $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting $0,35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting, $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting, $0,75 to $0,84 per hour farms reporting $0.85 to $0,99 per hour farms reporting. $1,00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1,30 to $1,44 per hour farms reporting $1,45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting, dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting, $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting, $5,000 and over farms reporting. Farna with expenditures for hired labor but oo hired workers reported ,, ,farms reporting, $1 to $99 farms reporting, $100 to $199 farms reporting, $200 to $499 farms reporting, $500 to $999 farms reporting, $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting, $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting, $5,000 and over farms reporting. 147 463 99 18 4 16 10 62 95 39 IS 5 110 368 65 18 17 10 37 25 65 11 454 335,636 97 67 114 64 81 19 12 307 1,451 4,837 793 213 155 161 129 707 900 597 77 18 15 934 3,937 427 86 173 130 118 517 190 744 636 13 41 21 110 323 115 8 5 5 20 35 109 26 223 33 195 3,719 4,400,785 398 431 740 747 837 439 127 2,268 346 359 553 531 394 74 11 292 1,381 133 44 32 27 56 181 221 147 28 6 187 1,160 55 32 33 11 56 105 76 HI 152 59 519 839,427 68 36 76 91 138 64 46 227 68 30 53 25 41 10 112 489 45 29 9 17 12 55 101 29 12 13 1 72 383 26 16 7 12 11 40 15 57 17 4 10 11 5 10 1 10 24 5 16 252 362, 267 41 22 56 47 44 14 28 140 40 17 45 13 15 5 5 334 683 214 45 51 15 9 115 222 90 13 5 3 4 232 461 138 39 38 12 5 102 13 219 9 4 24 17 8 3 3 116 "i 10 27 27 21 18 43 12 61 12 1 16 1,525 618,026 719 280 285 140 67 21 U 1,191 647 236 188 93 25 1 I 136 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table lO—HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit-and- nut Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting , 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers ( to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or A hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be eii5)loyed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a DOnthly basis farms reporting. Under $23 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $S4 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week i arms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting, $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting, $40 to $49 per week farms reporting, $50 to $59 per week farms reporting, $60 to $69 per week farms reporting, $70 to $79 per week farms reporting, $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting, $1.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 per day farms reporting. $3.00 per day farms reporting. $4.00 per day farms reporting, $5,00 per day farms reporting, $6,00 per day farms reporting. $7.00 per day farms reporting. $8.00 per day farms reporting. $9.00 per day farms reporting. $10.00 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis ,,,,, , farms reporting. Under $0,25 per hour farms reporting, $0,25 to $0,34 per hour farms reporting, $0,35 to $0,44 per hour farms reporting, $0,45 to $0,54 per hour farms reporting, $0,55 to $0,64 per hour farms reporting, $0,65 to $0,74 per hour farms reporting, $0,75 to $0,84 per hour farms reporting, $0,85 to $0,99 per hour farms reporting, $1,00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting, $1,45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece,work basis farms reporting, Expenditares for hired labor in 1954, ,,,,,,,...,.,,,.,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, ,farms reporting, dollars, $1 to $99 farms reporting, $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Foraa with expenditures for hired labor hot no hired workers reported, ,, farms reporting, $1 to $99 farms reporting, $100 to $199 farms reporting, $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting, $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,, $5,000 and over farms reporting,. 9,614 36,317 4,612 1,812 1,340 923 927 5,315 9,887 3,526 1,008 508 198 75 5,920 26,430 2,749 903 863 608 797 3,694 1,621 4,299 4,463 5 11 6 132 351 307 1,010 1,873 630 100 38 622 5 11 34 100 216 161 62 14 6 2,074 11 12 12 63 338 422 331 489 65 331 2,926 1,259 3,399 731 197 123 146 62 506 669 413 59 24 9 1 884 2,730 486 110 102 126 60 375 131 753 420 7 42 22 106 163 61 16 3 114 12 336 168 186 34 393 228 185 29 14 1 82 4 21,914 3,711 ,606,232 2,818,361 3,701 648 2,766 601 4,319 1,040 3,302 595 4,027 560 2,306 211 1,493 56 12,300 2,452 3,271 566 2,295 530 3,122 784 1,542 329 1,422 193 292 43 56 7 1,057 10,653 295 135 65 122 440 532 800 383 108 19 21 1 796 9,853 150 42 62 104 438 261 271 525 379 7 26 15 69 188 56 69 6 134 15 364 1,902 85 60 117 51 51 137 262 70 41 15 11 293 1,640 50 65 97 35 46 71 66 227 5 12 30 145 10 36 15 1,784 530 4,155,738 943,730 33 40 55 35 241 110 393 97 520 122 341 70 201 56 727 166 23 15 40 25 178 60 235 16 203 35 COLORADO 137 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1954 Sept. 26-Oct. 2. Data are based on reports for only a saji^ile of farms. See text] Item (For definitions ajid explanations, aee text) T^e of farm — Continued Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- classified Hired worLers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or -i hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $3'i per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting . $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 per day farms reporting. $3.00 per day farms reporting. $4.00 per day farms reporting. $5.00 per day farms reporting. $6.00 per day farms reporting. $7.00 per day farms reporting. $8.00 per day farms reporting. $9.00 per day farms reporting. $10.00 and over per day fanns reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99. .....,..,...,. .farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting., $1 to $99. ...,...,..,... 4 ,,.,......,.,.,,,.,,,..,,...,,.,.........,, .farms reporting., $100 to $199 farms reporting., $200 to $499 farms reporting., $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 689 1,475 377 153 112 31 16 409 792 261 84 40 14 10 371 683 223 84 46 13 5 313 91 280 357 5 5 6 26 19 14 96 110 59 11 17 10 135 1,841 2,052,370 391 298 404 287 280 110 71 1,152 360 236 334 143 57 12 10 112 200 60 36 11 5 54 75 38 11 5 79 125 53 11 15 288 211,368 98 31 30 50 52 22 5 176 88 26 19 38 5 4,091 10,835 2,118 902 590 331 150 2,801 5,275 1,784 542 321 116 38 2,046 5,560 1,145 396 276 132 97 2,045 756 1,290 2,661 195 215 603 ,175 328 54 11 44 84 56 13 2 1 892 1 43 202 225 133 152 23 216 68 401 46 2 193 7,869 15,884,352 1,167 934 1,345 946 1,637 1,033 807 3,778 1,052 751 925 470 498 74 639 1,821 343 101 83 76 36 267 385 206 28 31 1 1 476 1,436 249 69 72 62 24 163 104 372 193 6 15 26 70 21 120 7 109 1,625 1,637,468 246 205 367 314 310 147 36 986 195 167 252 216 130 25 172 57,110 63 43 40 10 9 146 63 41 35 517 1,697 277 65 63 36 56 253 339 189 52 10 2 342 1,358 159 49 50 39 45 175 78 2U 235 85 1,354 1,662,869 239 182 261 207 237 160 68 837 222 157 191 135 109 23 526 1,899 259 93 75 55 44 277 1,162 137 56 37 23 24 319 737 183 45 54 27 10 207 70 249 6 9 4 28 29 33 4 21 25 25 10 133 i 10 32 27 22 19 22 235 58 17 112 32 27 1,740 2,666,635 725 282 296 158 74 79 126 1,214 647 237 194 103 26 6 1 138 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table ll.-DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1954, 1950, AND 1945 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of f arnis . See text] Census of 1954 Census starting dates — October 11; October 25 Appr le average date of enumeratioo. Percent of farns enuBerated dtiriDg— October 1 to 9 October 10 to 16... October 17 to 23... October 2A to 31... November 1 to 6.... November 7 to 13... November iA to 20. . November 2X to 27.. November 28 "to 30., December 1 to "i..., December 5 to 11... December 12 to 18. December 19 to 25. December 26 to 31. Nov. 1-Nov. 15 23 15 13 10 5 2 2 2 1 (Z) (Z) Census of 1950 Census date- — April 1 Approximate svrraee da(« of enuneration. Percent of farms eoumerated during — April I'V and earlier J^ril 15 to 28 April 29 to Hay 12. Hay 13 to June 2... June 3 and later. . . Census of 19A5 ilensus date — January 1 Approximate average date of enumeration Percent of enumeration districts enumerated durinfi— January 1 to 15 January 16 to 31 February 1 to 15.. February 16 to 28. March 1 to 31. April 1 to 30. Hay 1 to 31 June 1 and later. Apr. 15-Apr. 28 Mar. l-Mar. 15 2 13 35 12 Z Less than 0.5. COLORADO 139 33 -C t3 W >, • ■O O O CM (U C O > am -^ o w 3 h M -d 3 0) -H 01 c SS g S 3 s t i it bo u) * bo • c0 CO O (d o a^sgs as » -H C go 41 -O Cm CO C o 41 ■P >» ■P 11 p ^ p -H H -H Q << Q g 3 2 ^ m o j3 O jC -O 0) ?^ - •O O O OJ 41 S w " - 5 tn 01 U u -a 7 41 -r4 u q O >> rt 0 41 C >a > O - O l« ID m o 41 tJ B <^ m c H o 3 d 41 p. ^ «! 3 'z' ^ i ■O v_- w «5 1 P ■a; Q t< O^ t< t^ o o 4J ^ 4) ^ (^ v4 (- V. P ■M 41 ^ 0> >i O w fi 41 t* rt 3 j= o j: o c -g -ft ■a p. C C P Al d 4) m U m U CXt-i *^ M >i 3 03 O Ol-HP^C U S a-s as a a: IS! i g ON 41 O rH > m o as 3 C 4 P 3 41 <^ Q O s° . a oi ■a (. i i t s s s g 3q3q3S 3q O 3 - O P L< P 4) -P 4J P 41 P O S O Q O Q (4 -P »4 41 P « sss gg. C -3 . " 3 ! •p (4 P 4) ss p (- -p P 41 P Q 6 Q ■St si en M m •o ex S3 t S i S S S bD W • bj • (» • a (S o a Q 09 O p p p ^ ^ P .-I -p r-l P < ^ a < a ^ c O 3 r^ =p-?, ^ O 4) XI Nl- ^ C sa- s s s bf 4> s s 3 ■* • ** "^ 9 (u -J in ^ £> c^ g£; ^ 41 O 3 -ass sasaz Q O C (4 O P O 4) P -H P B > P ^ .rf O -H < Q >!■ Q tn w -p 5°a O • 4) t. U B (< 41 3 o\ o C >I P C ov p O ^ -H -.1 Q NT Q << tio 01 c > s s M > 3 p c M ffl p U £ P ■3^ .o C t^OOOiUO OO >t o ^ +J +a +j c «^ P r-IP— tPr-(p ^ptlO^P <0 0) Q a c O 41 P ,!< 0) P 4 e>Ptjhp.H* ; > p tj h 4 O -^ 3 ^ ■, P S P L. 3 t. o c o 11 41 C It c o ■^t^bpi->bph bpF->bD C1jC4)C« CWC slsltl 21? ocococ oco g& ta t. .-1 Si T§ 140 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data for number of lives lock not fully comparable for the several censuses. See State Table 12 and text] Census of— Item (For definitions and explanations see text) 1954 ( October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January l) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January l) Total vulue of specified classes of livesto ck dollars. . 224,333,040 261,069,341 152,035,747 71 ,458 ,774 54,924,787 115,4U,435 35,904,961 160,134,199 Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves. ••••■.••■•.••••••••■•• ..farms reporting.. 31,597 2,097,958 34,927 1,775,540 33,533 1,781,200 40,174 1,144,213 49 ,987 1,539,509 45 ,924 1,454,352 (NA) 1,436,150 50,538 number.. 1,756,616 value.. dollars.. 184,245,063 216,138,305 110,389,932 46,512,638 25,859,592 72,763,997 37,773,216 94,929,748 Cows, Including heifers that h&ve cal. ved •(..•.•..•••••••••••••••• ..farms reporting.. 29,687 877,763 33,795 765,846 36,349 366,739 39,261 584,638 49 ,246 761,662 (NA) 603,205 (NA) 683,133 (NA) number.. 721,420 value. .dollars,. 93 ,042 ,878 135,123,015 67,546,890 28,849,264 15,994,902 39,484,636 22,027,331 47,226,153 Mi Ik cows ..farms reporting.. 24,217 150,840 30,566 168,764 (NA) (NA) 37,583 207, U3 (NA) (NA) 40,025 2ia,933 28,008 159 ,226 36,102 number.. 192 ,234 Dairy products sold .....••.>..■••■.•••.• ..farms reporting.. (NA) 18,539 23,813 24,649 (NA) 30,395 (NA) (NA) dollars.. '25,547,981 21,800,855 17,734,008 3,619,261 (NA) 14,606,564 (NA) 10,555,075 Whole milk sold ..farms reporting.. 4,726 6,630 7,270 6,951 (NA) 3,211 (NA) 4,996 gallons . . 62,893,154 48,601,970 43,790,325 34,239,958 (NA) 36,082,195 17,703,304 16,086,983 dollars. . 22,275,531 17,689,040 ^11,691,787 ^5,780,391 (NA) 6,322,501 (NA) 4,624,283 Cream sold ..farms renortine.. 8,759 12,374 17,122 17,452 12,073,251 '2,731,837 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) pounds of butterfat.. dollars . . 6,002,690 3,272,400 6,343,973 4,081,687 10,995,412 ^6,004,783 (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,525,467 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,046,833 Butter, buttermilk, skim milk. Slid cheese sold ■•p><.. •••.•••. •>.■>• . . fajTrm rpnort.inp (NA) 155 3277 ' 1 ,939 (NA) ^2,663 (NA) '10,323 dollars . . (NA) 30,128 ^37,438 '107 ,033 (NA) '253,996 (NA) '883,954 Cows milked, day preceding enumeration,. ..farms reporting.. 22,412 29 ,029 (NA) (NA) (NA) 40,326 (NA) (NA) number of cows.. 108,488 125,168 (NA) (NA) (NA) 186,637 (NA) (NA) Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons.. 294 ,880 353,437 (NA) (NA) (NA) 406,327 (NA) (NA) Cows and heifers milked during any part of preceding year* . .. * . .*• ..farms reporting.. (NA) (NA) 36, U5 37,824 47,605 43,306 45,771 (NA) number. . (NA) (NA) 191,623 190,851 257,746 234,530 229,700 (NA) Horses and oules: Horses and/or mules ..farms reporting.. IB, 157 24,948 (NA) 37,680 48,650 48,580 51,707 (NA) number. . 72,043 121,131 197,849 224,284 296 ,409 358,468 403 ,498 451,829 value.. dollars.. 3,025,806 4,313,712 8,436,750 11,971,415 15,400,048 15,287,533 17,182,848 35,200,842 Horses and colts, including ponies... ..farms reporting.. (NA) 24,624 32,966 37,047 47 ,909 (NA) (NA) 54,728 number. . (NA) 117 ,073 138,675 212,350 277 ,879 329,344 365,425 420,704 value. .dollars. . (NA) 4,128,644 7,803,805 11,111,017 U, 160, 663 13,662,635 15,090,758 31,816,018 Mules and mule colts.... ..farms reporting.. (NA) 1,544 3,244 4,475 7,079 (NA) (NA) 11,108 number. . (NA) 4,053 9,174 11,934 18,530 29,124 38,073 31,125 value.. dollars.. (NA) 135,063 632,945 860,393 1,239,385 1,624,898 2,092,090 3,384,324 Hogs: Hogs and pigs ..farms reporting.. 11,314 19,170 21,447 24,489 29 ,094 27 ,807 31,064 38,789 number. . 170,909 232,199 266,339 2U,829 243,770 462,301 492,962 449,866 value, .dollars.. 4,566,196 5,746,706 5,134,244 1,438,011 1,243,850 5,873,968 5,248,245 7,802,084 I. months old and over ..farms reporting.. 8,035 16,463 (NA) 24,489 (NA) (NA) (NA) («) number. . 79,083 153,257 (NA) 2U,829 (NA) 293,519 (<») (") Less than 4^ months old ..farms reporting.. 7,057 9,340 (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,522 (NA) («) number.. 91,326 123 ,942 (NA) (NA) (NA) 163,782 («.) («,) Sows and gilts farrowing ..farms reporting.. 5,494 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number.. 30,909 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Between December 1 and June 1. •>•••. • ..farms reporting.. 3,892 16,803 10,249 43 ,900 11,101 40,837 12,012 38,975 9,860 27,637 15,703 62,763 (NA) 21,834 79,658 number.. 76,301 Between June 1 and December 1 ..farms reporting.. 3,766 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number.. 14,106 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Sheep and wool: Sheep and lambs ..farms reporting.. 5,664 4.902 5,582 5,175 6,090 5,838 3,542 4,088 number. . 1,914,448 1,657,425 2,393,802 1,631,380 2,448,636 2,505,159 2 ,243 ,869 '1,813,255 value.. dollars.. 30,208,539 32,268,363 24,340,632 10,138,387 11,018,862 18,581,744 22,740,036 19,355,613 Sheep 1 year old and over. ...•....••• ..farms reporting.. 4,706 4,454 (NA) 5,175 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number.. 1,072,023 1,260,540 (NA) 1,681,380 (NA) 2,234,300 845,911 914,665 Ewes ..farms reporting.. 4,596 4,273 4,283 4,516 4,535 (NA) (NA) 2,818 number . . 1,037,040 1,156,491 1,382,952 1,408,382 1,208,504 1,536,103 814,224 876,416 Rams and wethers ..farms reporting.. 3,104 34,983 2,324 104 ,049 (NA) (NA) (NA) 272,998 (NA) (NA) (NA) 698,192 (NA) 31,687 (NA) number.. 33,249 Lambs under 1 year old ..farms reporting.. 4,361 3,345 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,797 number.. 842,425 396,385 (NA) (NA) (NA) 270 ,859 1,397,958 844,568 Sheep and lambs shorn ..farms reporting.. 4,526 3,662 4,130 3,701 4,440 3,953 (NA) 2,111 number shorn. . 1,259,855 1,178,748 (NA) 1,338,162 1,531,737 1,494,687 933,036 1,564,636 Wool shorn pounds. . 11,749,756 10,069,384 13,147,010 10,937,195 12,176,912 11,678,297 6 ,473 ,969 9,755,312 value.. dollars.. 5,874,874 4,885,659 5,322,875 2,417,226 2,435,332 3,422,582 2,367,086 4,877,656 See footnotes at end of table. COLORADO 141 State Table 13.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued [Data for number of livestock not folly comparable for the several censuses. See State Table 12 and text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1954 ( October) 1950 (April l) 1945 (January l) 1940 (April l) 1935 (January l) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January l) 1920 (January l) Goats aod mohair: Goats and kids farms reporting.. number. . value.. dollars.. Angora goats and kids farms reporting.. number. , Other goats and kids farms reporting.. number. . Goats and kids clipped farms reporting.. number. . Mohair clipped pounds. . value, .dollars. . Poultry and poultry products: Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand., farms reporting., number . . value,, dollars.. Chickens sold farms reporting.. nu.Tiber . . dollars, . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens . . dollars,, Turkey hens, to be kept for breeding, on hand farms reporting.. number, . Turkeys raised farms reporting,. number. . Ducks raised farms reporting., number. . Geese raised farms reporting,, number . . Guineas raised farms reporting.. number, , Turkeys, ducks, geese, and other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting,. dollars.. Animals sold alive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting.. dollars. . Cattle, hogs, or sheep sold alive farms reporting.. Cattle and/or calves sold alive. ....... .farms reporting.. number, . dollars . . Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting. . number . . dollars.. Calves sold alive farms reporting.. number, . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number . . dollars. . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting,. number. . dollars.. Horses and mules sold alive farms reporting,, number. . dollars . . (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 16,297 10,527,742 27,042 2,287,436 2 ,287 ,436 7,756 2,211,693 1,864,529 U,116 12,380,330 4,551,828 904 11,598 2,551 844,990 1,542 18,546 1,043 9,399 45 467 1,619 4,111,385 28,428 207,835,082 28,259 25,374 1,431,793 174,911,117 20,363 993,592 U5 ,218 ,944 17,858 438,201 29,692,173 7,704 191,757 6,623,875 4,752 1,622,453 25,986,306 1,615 4,780 313,784 1,126 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) («) 22,812 12,622,108 34,795 2,570,135 2,602,255 11,887 2,411,373 2,408,106 20,210 U,484,617 5,831,862 2,362- 16,058 3,009 719,616 1,981 22,849 800 6,464 2,213 4,332, lAO 32,840 207,322,780 32,575 28 ,401 1,089,992 164,983,984 22,013 821,569 142,411,564 18,247 268,423 22,572,420 16,506 382 ,804 12,952,494 4,209 1,533,208 28 ,842 ,893 3,577 12,877 543 ,409 1,362 20,090 64,488 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 28,167 11,787,713 40,074 3,444,475 3 ,669 ,701 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,311 672,515 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 27,173 931,462 82,516,879 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19 ,226 524,997 14,233,795 4,350 2,113,549 21,523,826 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,498 20,667 57 ,374 88 2,171 1,441 18,496 74 (NA) 7,532 2,636 27 ,977 4,854,623 42,222 2 ,842 ,061 1,340,949 16 ,942 1,692,797 810,635 (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,894 86 ,874 8,814 901,502 1,937 40,487 561 5,737 259 4,023 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 29 ,427 24, U7 633 ,406 27,4U,623 18,407 483 ,716 23,712,297 13,507 154,690 3,702,326 12,941 299,333 3,426,948 3,537 1,767,701 11,310,548 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,233 25,561 58 ,790 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 93 (NA) 20,029 4,006 (NA) (NA) 51,966 3,359,112 1,343,645 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 15 ,267 U3,352 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,129 30,512 139 ,884 417 10,134 (NA) 20,378 (NA) 9,128 33,033 12,220 (NA) (NA) 49,001 3,653,054 2,767,309 23,003 2,226,813 1,773,064 32,487 17,572,775 4,713,227 (NA) (NA) 15,508 547,789 4,206 70,825 2,628 21,877 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,101 21,525 107,625 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,169 24,216 10,655 (NA) (NA) 49,316 3,751,618 2,852,991 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,281 28,688 164,924 109 6,393 1,230 22,295 128 6,350 21,895 11,023 (NA) (NA) 51,693 2,874,721 2,680,983 15,509 784,711 635,954 30,164 6,352,073 2,485,694 10,122 57,687 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) »»Available data not comparable. NA Not available. ^For 1954, whole milk and cream onlj^. ^Published values for 1945 prices. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated value of all dairy products sold. ^Butter sold, by age and sex. and ly40 were computed on the basis of average ^Figures include 54,022 sheep not classified 142 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14._FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF CATTLE ON HAND: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950; FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND OR SOLD ALIVE: CENSUS OF 1954 (^Data for 1954 are based oo reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) State total (For definitions and explanations, see text) State total Cattle Bod calves of all ages on haod farms reporting 195 ..number.. Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand number.. Cattle and calves sold - number. . Hogs and pigs sold ..number.. Sheep shorn pounds of wool.. Whole mili sold gallons.. Cream sold pounds of butterfat.. Chickens sold nuntoer,. Chicken eggs sold dozens,. Value of products sold by source: Hogs and pigs sold dollars., Whole miUc sold dollars,. Cream sold dollars, , Chicken eggs sold dollars,, Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars,, Forest products sold dollars,. Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes acres. Com harvested for grain acres. bushels harvested, bushels sold. Winter wheat threshed or combined acres, bushels harvested, bushels sold. Spring wheat threshed or combined acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Oats threshed or combined acres. bushels harvested, bushels sold . Barley threshed or combined , .acres . bushels harvested, bushels sold. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans acres. 100-lb. bags harvested. Alfalfa hay acres. tons harvested. Clover hay acres. tons harvested. Wild hay acres . Irish patatoes harvested for home use or for sale acres . 100-lb. bags harvested. 3 2 2 2 A 2 3 3 i 4 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 ? 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 3 X X 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 X 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Note: Items whose level Is Indicated by an X may be approximated by using the level given for the State. Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (155) °! ®® 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [ Data for Items shovm in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) Arapahoe FABMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954 . . 1950 . . Apppoxljnate land area acres 195>. 342 1 5 3 85 211 84 4 21 815 8 22 44 1 557 1 5 1 85 274 105 5 25 786 5 23 31 ... 115 1 14 1 67 106 56 11 20 419 10 24 54 2 165 1 5 1 76 90 87 7 18 497 9 25 31 3 37 8 14 ... 32 90 65 11 23 221 9 26 41 2 78 3 11 1 76 76 62 14 15 252 12 27 38 1 61 13 55 3 126 145 76 32 36 259 "i 21 28 63 6 74 14 19 1 145 142 94 16 42 339 1 36 29 63 3 67 29 119 2 176 343 63 55 220 328 4 61 30 90 4 115 36 92 2 242 348 116 70 219 348 3 72 31 39 7 40 54 224 2 116 235 67 115 394 123 3 84 32 53 13 72 60 252 2 130 334 130 146 432 103 3 83 33 20 88 21 240 452 3 46 75 47 310 4% 34 3 105 34 37 99 50 302 626 7 63 170 122 382 590 34 2 99 35 127 59 238 70 179 7 354 449 222 107 319 779 7 91 36 101 33 361 77 117 7 356 447 181 76 250 784 47 37 10,360 30, 930 15,853 19,605 22,404 3,670 25,750 22,442 19,031 23,255 20,005 30,751 1,340 10, 003 38 12,436 11,790 7,780 30,031 15,423 925 28,731 12,693 91, 682 17, 130 13,408 23,369 13,619 39 82 5 392 342 987 2 267 813 255 436 966 459 12 178 40 139 6 349 322 906 ... 260 513 263 506 966 599 ... 147 41 6,973 1,329 22,897 367,816 491,234 52 16,952 75,733 46,465 238,007 206,181 7,376 1,368 37, 596 42 11,214 1,561 14,539 170, 035 279, 948 13,020 37,827 24,482 183, 871 167,250 9,783 20, 200 43 39 4 133 281 903 ... 162 454 91 410 313 90 156 44 56 3 168 271 876 155 390 116 443 790 132 ... 140 45 4,114 750 10, 664 218,410 314,812 10,695 40,661 11,659 164,414 165,509 1,697 32,957 46 5,470 426 10, 294 142, 240 251, 592 ... 7,102 32,758 14,350 159,035 142,698 1,850 ... 17,227 47 55 3 337 245 789 2 154 614 215 358 539 393 12 56 48 97 5 212 123 227 ... 143 207 175 199 465 494 ... 24 49 2,859 579 12,233 149,406 176,422 52 6,257 35, 072 34,806 73, 593 40, 572 5,674 1,366 4,629 50 5,744 1,135 4,245 27, 795 23,356 ... 5,918 5,069 10, 132 24,335 24,552 7,923 ... 2,973 51 55 34 118 2 3 4 334 85 149 1 15 54 8 8 52 139 40 173 4 7 2 520 156 210 2 34 109 ... 40 53 36,607 21,397 47,802 724 1,170 859 158,495 54,279 204, 172 10 931 49,715 1,783 16,599 54 117,658 21,093 78,941 701 1,020 515 408,532 92,903 243,649 515 3,340 65, 384 ... 39,903 55 6 3 13 1 e 4 96 28 14 2 7 7 5 1 56 25 6 62 ... 6 3 127 34 46 5 22 30 1 6 57 1,538 1,840 2,720 210 2,344 650 12,775 10, 175 14,019 17 611 380 1,244 500 58 19,957 2,175 16,716 ... 798 760 29,133 23,312 31,632 705 1,400 3,479 4,700 7,595 59 318 98 670 282 888 9 565 326 588 571 979 686 16 307 60 359 130 485 282 931 10 385 850 597 645 1,061 678 8 299 61 680, 000 260, 307 147,205 419,863 577,583 2,686 243,369 448,681 2,224,952 1,155,516 549,237 410,834 13, 784 1,085,733 62 538,329 272,844 119,055 381 , 756 578,301 9,011 367, 738 412,480 2,077,247 1,102,066 567, 062 318,056 10,602 1,069,591 63 15 50 254 .; 50 9 345 254 31 51 209 450 5 109 64 2,193 43,512 4,849 390 3,922 248 18,156 9,228 6,869 23,951 10, 620 35, 198 1,265 21,429 65 337 103 1,053 302 927 15 794 1,424 705 600 1,222 2,212 20 314 56 419 136 1,430 353 1,003 19 830 1,619 783 661 1,382 2,304 6 310 67 31, 572 3,375 8,496 8,312 14,825 237 33,606 21,503 74,439 13,844 23,234 39,436 529 34,550 63 32,474 7,720 13,887 8.838 22,337 L,112 22,512 23,500 69,697 24,417 25,363 46,053 1,213 7,600 69 300 109 889 401 1,036 15 738 1,328 501 585 1,231 2,313 18 309 70 407 130 1,278 453 1,041 16 865 1,546 770 662 1,360 2,458 9 316 71 36, 732 103,527 61,562 551,790 778,237 5,337 93,734 192,512 103, 318 441,438 505, 554 112,420 5,078 107, 947 72 54,633 108,810 66,321 423, 548 650,871 3,660 105,012 195,394 198,806 420, 115 501,603 112,106 1,535 94,472 73 339 110 811 303 926 16 740 1,112 720 592 1,111 1,290 19 314 74 436 134 893 329 966 15 825 1,265 630 663 1,188 1,312 8 324 75 726,987 312,634 210,861 440, 192 601,157 7,215 427,614 525,402 2,448,155 1,179,781 570, 174 491, 300 16,907 1,113,435 76 668,423 305,727 205,776 412,488 594,744 10,451 805,301 518,081 2,412,778 1,119,711 583,810 407, 809 10,502 1,173,218 77 58 37 125 3 11 7 390 106 150 3 22 61 9 9 78 150 45 203 4 12 5 615 182 239 8 56 133 1 44 79 38,145 23,237 50,522 934 3,514 1,509 171,270 64,454 218,191 27 1,542 50,095 3,027 17, 199 80 137,615 23,268 95,657 701 1,818 1,275 438,015 116,215 275,281 1,220 4,740 69, 863 4,700 97, 503 61 152 102 621 4 47 12 643 1,234 276 41 574 2,332 12 145 62 285 122 1,001 1 8 16 725 1,392 373 15 608 2,443 3 136 83 8,220 116,674 13,860 2,345 4,396 4,241 52,899 86,914 15,543 14, 577 71,343 114,137 2,605 23,500 84 19, 578 142,619 26, 767 20 1,530 5,374 64,212 113,423 26,620 1,293 74,817 116,197 560 18,240 85 6 12 64 130 27 26 188 137 1 3 66 773 516 52,318 23,030 ... 4,525 3,339 47, 075 20,425 19 50 67 5 9 49 105 8 15 68 23 52 5 12 38 210 527 15,430 18,758 ... 677 564 11,379 4,588 5,595 63 2.518 89 304 99 1,088 272 828 12 754 1,402 696 558 1,181 2,239 16 273 90 401 118 1,446 316 893 16 847 1,564 812 623 1,333 2,360 9 279 91 42 11 68 154 242 5 68 98 96 85 133 119 2 56 92 45 19 58 166 151 3 46 97 89 97 115 126 51 93 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE. VALUE, AND FARM [ Data for items shown in italics are based on Item (For definitions and explanations. see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195'i . . 1950 . . Approximate land area acres 1954 . . Proportion in farms percent igsi . . Land owned by farm operators acres 195i. . ■ Land rented from others by farm operators acres 1954... Land managed by farm operators ocres 1954. ■ Land rented to others by farm operators {see text) ocres 195&. . Land in farms acres 195A . . 1950.. Average size of farm acres 195'i. . 1950 . . Value of land and butldtnis: Average per farm dollars igs-i . . 1950.. Auera^e per acre dol lars 1954. . 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting ualue percent 1954.. Laod in farns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. . 1949 . . acres 1954 . . 1949 . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. . 1949 . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954 . . 1949 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949 . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954. . 1949.. Other cropland farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. .acres 1954. . 1949.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949 . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Other pasture {not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . acres 1954 . . 1949 . . Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949 . . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . acres 1954. . 1949 . . Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954. . 1949 . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954 . , 1949.. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for '-rind erosion control farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954 . acres 1954. FAHM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated onerators reporting 1954. 1950. Not residing on farm operated. -operators reporting 1954. 1950. 27 3,298 868 902 941 1,316 978 1,402 1,340,300 1,432,960 68.1 41.5 304,317 481,595 102,490 156,240 566,734 31,193 27,183 55,452 912,743 595,016 604,511 606, 810 970.0 452.1 618.1 432.8 21,020 19,777 29,375 15,913 60.75 43.62 47.52 37.37 83 89 798 1,091 908 1,235 94,678 61,102 30,485 70,243 103 149 106 133 73 130 83 142 63 123 36 133 120 206 154 280 168 337 203 370 113 113 139 133 158 23 132 39 418 916 259 574 19,191 30,063 14,204 13,657 220 172 231 224 8,830 4,618 9,870 4,885 112 79 81 103 4,676 1,922 3,052 1,675 137 112 166 139 4,204 2,696 6,818 3,210 314 108 384 120 70,346 82,473 171, 576 108,133 158 14 205 28 21,840 1,378 25,294 4,702 385 512 459 822 677,240 374,890 267,857 354,040 271 158 12,504 13,331 312 1,239 911 1,334 20, 568 40,492 25,225 46,145 871 1,247 931 1,293 122,749 95,733 114,559 93,790 730 1,131 784 1,163 766,777 437,426 453,637 430,330 429 118 525 136 92,186 83,851 196,870 112,335 683 1,231 736 1,330 54,994 91,615 53,141 100,646 1,242 1,329 1,370 1,361 ^820, 430 100.4 513,957 335,995 13,810 51,876 ^323,464 746,442 601.1 548.5 40,129 24,793 68.31 43.54 84 1,192 1,273 195,034 213,310 23 34 29 24 15 17 60 62 347 363 465 482 248 291 309 275 22,562 16,011 693 519 121,313 67,934 361 294 71,615 49,123 547 319 49,703 13,806 24 32 2,851 3,367 8 y. 1,305 1,612 718 760 452, Ul 416,389 147 9,469 1,275 1,290 23,253 27,319 1,250 1,304 338,914 297,755 896 913 477, 554 435,767 30 43 4,156 4,979 966 995 111,114 113,570 95 16,948 18 1,921 1,233 1,279 126 63 955 1,030 810,880 92.8 446,417 321,389 14,352 752,378 757,953 737.8 735.9 26,670 21,610 33.00 27.50 69 784 871 60, 102 69,404 135 121 72 90 55 54 95 117 224 251 W6 179 57 59 215 231 6,339 13,508 383 249 18,623 6,239 80 61 2,736 1,682 329 206 15,837 4,557 21 34 1,456 4,355 9 14 452 764 319 367 654,616 647,399 41 3,384 869 930 10,790 16,284 837 909 85,064 89,151 472 534 662,411 665,262 29 43 1,908 5,119 731 873 52,224 73,612 3 606 810 956 Ouray 118 131 345,600 37.7 101,146 24,175 130,194 141,568 1,103.3 1,080.7 45,250 29,224 31.63 27.50 98 104 121 11,200 12,218 9 11 20 36 33 23 36 14 11 55 46 3,796 1,562 13 12 1,033 629 10 9 393 413 7 4 640 216 72 69 40,931 32,598 9 17 2,119 1,929 55 84 66,833 80, 563 34 1,546 115 123 4,282 12,069 114 128 16,029 U,409 114 127 111,560 11A,723 73 79 43,050 34, 527 108 126 15,242 16,368 111 121 159 190 1,386,240 45.2 356,441 U0,611 143, 966 5,000 626,303 594,057 3,939.0 3,126.6 73,390 37,643 16.55 11.60 93 110 161 22, 566 47,509 10 3 10 10 22 22 17 43 11 22 32 43 68 39 9,301 14, 362 . 21 24 878 5,782 2 8 38 659 19 19 840 5,123 94 94 71,747 149,511 36 22 7,979 14, 169 110 111 507,903 357,664 32 14,513 152 168 5,929 5,060 137 167 32,745 67,653 153 178 588,951 521,537 104 109 79,726 163,680 53 85 10,202 44,079 139 161 Phillips 560 593 '435,200 118.5 282,967 255,512 10,365 30,443 '515,597 '435,035 920.7 317.9 60,685 41,658 66.23 53.22 84 541 561 202,209 203,654 6 3 5 2 3 5 5 36 40 93 103 399 397 213 197 13,337 32,037 507 510 132,506 132,666 493 487 122,451 119,314 156 K9 10,055 13,352 1 3 141 130 3 3 23 412 351 391 155,778 99,612 35 1,992 523 534 11,553 11,4W 545 565 343,102 373,407 441 477 169,306 131,829 4 6 164 542 14 7 1,940 2,039 14 1,490 ± 451 483 96 101 'The excess of farm acreage over approximate land area is due to the fact that the entire acreage of a farm is tabulated as in the county in which the headquarters is located. even though a part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining county. COLORADO 163 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for only a sample of farms . See text] PTOuers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Jufln San Miguel Sedguiok Summit Teller Washington Weld Yuma 904 1,037 228 534 531 302 112 41? 36 95 1,162 4,087 1,307 1 1,126 1,125 243 593 532 335 125 474 42 117 1,263 4,416 1,436 2 l,040,6i0 1,536,640 2,088,320 586,240 1,491,200 2,012,160 250,880 821,120 343,160 391,680 354,550 1,616,000 2,562,550 1,525,120 3 93.0 76.6 25.6 36.1 35.6 25.0 20.8 34.4 11.3 40.4 65.7 81.7 95.8 4 597, 503 638,783 347,654 156,260 366,969 245,535 146,976 215,032 49,082 98,212 894,146 1,281,423 995,351 5 442,937 348,252 177,722 71,608 183,790 99,520 33,255 139,232 3,565 23,026 539,238 655,692 487,550 6 220,263 38,391 7,710 25,783 154,440 20,710 U,075 72,472 41,840 7 60,815 32, 597 25,399 20,248 35,329 2,400 11,527 47,939 2,440 59 67,334 120,197 64,783 8 967,647 1,177,784 535,279 211,856 531,194 503,488 171,054 293,727 44,446 U3,419 1,384,642 2,094,158 1,476,580 9 999,702 1,169,386 642,963 240,782 493,590 509,090 154,405 313,196 38,153 132,908 1,402,362 2,180,463 1,449,140 10 1,070.4 1,135.8 2,347.7 396.7 1,000.4 1,667.2 1,527.3 704.4 1,234.6 1,509.7 1,191.6 512.4 1,129.7 11 887.8 1,039.5 2,545.9 406.0 927.3 1,519.7 1,235.2 560.3 908.4 1,136.0 1,110.3 493.5 1,009.2 12 40,424 23,845 67,084 46,525 35,427 57,995 50,577 62,099 71,456 24, 3U 50,113 38,141 43,157 13 36,393 21,300 37,915 40,993 25,160 41,113 26,183 39,584 46,029 24,906 27,439 27,070 28,316 U 39.27 22.03 26.59 122.31 38.38 47.12 24.33 79.17 57.12 17.71 42.01 74.73 33.59 15 40.61 23.00 15.21 106.77 30.23 25.31 22.67 55.93 48.23 20.08 24.58 59.30 29.16 16 67 62 83 85 85 33 94 81 98 63 83 63 90 17 749 753 203 495 473 268 88 392 33 49 1,055 3,536 1,200 18 1,036 882 2U 556 502 296 117 436 40 92 1,186 4,173 1,346 19 191,985 65,661 34,706 73,925 85,981 79,768 9,139 110,216 6,757 2,160 339,159 488,915 343,747 20 306,915 90,804 38,356 89,805 84,568 94,194 15,020 113,154 7,238 5,939 397,855 579,853 356,667 21 12 167 3 21 19 7 10 6 3 2 125 10 22 26 170 4 33 25 8 8 4 ... 7 4 UO 15 23 18 111 9 19 13 6 9 4 2 15 17 105 12 24 24 113 9 18 23 5 9 10 2 8 7 92 20 25 16 48 9 9 lA 16 7 6 . . . 10 12 152 15 25 U 71 16 10 U 9 4 7 21 20 104 24 27 36 100 13 45 44 20 11 10 2 6 27 323 46 23 41 lU 13 35 50 9 8 U 3 17 17 235 49 29 119 132 47 115 100 39 24 56 8 9 110 1,151 125 30 154 164 44 UO 109 43 30 79 10 23 60 1,151 134 31 261 100 57 163 128 80 13 104 11 4 270 1,219 274 32 352 136 60 180 139 101 35 127 10 11 292 1,556 352 33 287 75 65 123 155 100 14 206 10 1 617 551 718 34 425 114 65 140 M2 121 23 195 15 5 766 865 752 35 221 195 75 347 168 174 61 98 10 40 270 9U 316 35 235 167 76 360 112 163 42 89 3 15 166 838 195 37 23,705 11,768 7,318 33,944 15,712 28,105 8,338 6,739 1,454 2,371 25,547 61,630 20,371 36 15,009 8,954 31,191 44,907 10,737 34,230 5,459 5,989 1,819 594 25,339 44,373 11,107 39 586 384 72 177 209 86 41 292 5 U 974 2,572 1,054 40 573 432 56 122 210 78 46 328 1 22 950 1,907 993 41 254,431 54,538 9,213 15,130 25,906 9,060 2,570 71,145 468 567 325,085 417,231 215,326 42 186,768 33,959 3,712 7,107 17,279 6,513 2,038 77,865 100 2,077 263,183 270,498 208,430 43 339 126 54 45 168 22 35 265 1 7 904 1,405 732 44 420 162 41 35 177 17 33 302 1 11 845 1,366 755 45 141,170 25,773 6,054 3,652 21,529 1,266 1,807 65,312 160 265 264,408 251,058 164,292 46 161,167 20,945 2,876 1,336 13,755 800 1,444 66,378 lOO 557 2U,026 226,270 162,506 47 459 324 30 150 77 73 14 114 4 8 511 2,068 660 48 238 323 21 96 63 64 20 112 14 413 888 491 49 113,261 28,765 3,159 11,478 4,377 7,794 763 5,833 303 402 61,677 165,173 51,034 50 25,601 13, OU 836 5,771 3,524 5,313 594 11,487 1,520 49,157 44,228 45,974 51 11 74 13 56 69 10 44 7 27 87 7 69 6 52 15 127 32 82 168 21 48 7 28 30 10 126 9 53 2,181 46,233 13,100 5,872 25,081 1,917 31,857 1,075 8,132 64,096 2,998 8,953 403 54 9,207 69,984 29,942 13,924 81,554 13,441 26,172 1,184 3,977 51,332 1,829 9,543 4,341 55 4 21 2 4 15 7 15 1 3 4 11 30 8 56 4 31 8 12 40 5 24 4 12 10 5 34 20 57 164 1,694 220 160 3,004 462 2,887 145 375 1,389 1,230 5,139 1,373 58 185 5,493 3,584 3,289 10,877 7,428 20,431 232 2,378 4,365 2,211 2,789 7,396 59 426 449 210 217 463 198 48 249 27 54 952 1,561 1,145 60 552 475 207 266 371 232 78 289 27 62 1,058 1,377 1,273 61 483,607 968,678 463,399 69,362 365,017 372,440 113,229 98,755 26,253 71,157 663,110 1,051,063 872,886 62 459,076 944,970 525,854 57,643 275,935 330,818 31,404 104,104 16, 576 64,102 676,544 1,095,295 834,784 63 28 27 67 103 131 42 20 33 11 11 85 390 88 64 1,936 2,048 7,180 9,539 10,712 13,724 5,660 1,995 4,210 1,210 5,682 27,559 5,131 65 725 1,005 217 510 496 283 102 354 34 76 1,039 3,908 1,224 66 957 1,039 234 571 488 330 110 449 39 76 1,217 4,160 1,353 67 11, 574 29,212 7,323 13,463 10,493 11,736 3,034 5,601 947 1,579 26,453 51,226 22,474 68 22,542 15,222 10,324 19,107 12,640 22,366 3,881 10,668 1,065 4,499 33,850 77,112 24,365 69 833 870 212 511 493 283 96 397 35 66 1,094 3,826 1,233 70 1,078 959 221 564 512 318 118 443 41 95 1,206 4,223 1,353 71 470,121 131,967 51,237 122,999 127,599 116,933 20,047 188,150 8,689 5,198 690,801 967,777 579,444 72 508,692 133,717 73,259 141,819 112,584 135,037 22,517 197,008 9,157 8,610 687,928 994,724 578,254 73 553 584 219 452 506 267 37 301 35 94 1,001 2,233 1,204 74 702 634 232 534 495 295 108 336 40 113 1,111 2,539 1,328 75 509,493 1,026,679 483,817 109,178 405,810 402,462 153,424 106,619 35,899 137,624 691,655 1,121,646 893,660 76 483,292 1,023,908 586,987 121,474 368,226 373,489 113,035 111,277 27,372 116,026 705,262 1,150,211 850,232 77 15 94 13 57 78 16 57 3 29 37 17 96 14 78 15 148 38 88 186 22 65 11 33 65 15 152 27 79 2,345 47,927 13,320 6,032 28,085 2,379 34,744 1,221 8,557 65,485 4,276 14,092 1,776 80 9,392 75,477 33,526 22,213 92,431 20,859 46,603 1,416 11,355 55,697 4,040 12,332 11,737 81 537 571 165 497 311 245 65 132 34 5 105 3,047 64 82 647 714 171 562 328 305 70 160 41 12 32 3,361 33 83 76,036 30,883 29,261 105,613 43,280 63,639 11,518 18, U5 10,867 52 10,750 302,655 5,117 34 94,450 49,048 30,405 140, 529 41,741 164,541 10,544 19,753 6,813 825 8,505 357,067 1,586 85 44 19 4 1 29 105 261 253 86 16,316 2,648 168 15 3,189 19,981 51,734 39,311 67 77 20 1 4 8 12 12 49 45 61 33 27,085 1,538 30 172 1,344 689 559 6,974 3,006 6,052 89 741 965 193 493 464 262 103 349 28 69 1,012 3,820 ■ 1,163 90 917 998 208 545 492 301 97 394 38 91 1,158 4,093 1,332 91 149 63 33 33 61 31 5 54 8 24 129 214 118 92 152 81 35 44 37 23 23 78 3 19 96 271 86 93 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-IRRIGATED FARMS. NUMBER AND Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Irrigated farms number 1954 . . 1950.. Proportion of all farms percent 1954 . . Land in irrigated farms acres 1954.. 1950 . . Average per farm acres 1954. . 1950 . . LaDd in irrigated farms nccording to use, 1954: Cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres. . Cropland used only for pasture acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres.. Cultivated summer fallow acres . . Woodland pastured acres. . Woodland not pastured acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . .acres. . Improved .acres . . Land pastured, total fanns reporting.. acres. . Land In row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting.. acres . . Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting . . acres . . Land irrigated acres 1954 . . 1949' . Irrigated laad iD farns accordiag to use: Irrigated cropland harvested. .. .fanns reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. Irrigated pasture farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Faras with all harvested crops irrigated: Farms number 1954. . 1949.. Irrigated cropland harvested acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres fanns reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. 23,355 27,121 57.3 16,592,897 17,083,200 710.5 629.9 22,181 2,193,936 583,755 84a, 141 422,198 1,247,135 83,873 11,031,937 398,747 16,627 12,862,827 307 43,540 250 28,471 2,262,921 2,872,348 21,949 25,790 1,770,249 2,253,868 9,322 10,789 492,672 557,664 17,975 20,906 1,456,655 1,826,908 3,453 1,862 1,359 2,147 4,299 3,394 1,461 693 939 53.9 237,424 307,615 342.6 327.6 675 58,037 9,225 63,810 38,139 1,949 301 94,291 2,843 348 105,465 9 743 32,651 49,677 664 899 29,440 45,902 153 166 3,211 2,327 477 660 18,729 25,916 153 95 47 65 72 32 13 309 401 77.6 364,569 333,301 1,179.8, 831.2 301 48,137 24,440 6,093 2,751 3,962 267,843 12,755 278 296,245 1 112 1 20 61,897 99,332 295 382 43,279 64,288 149 223 18,618 24,815 235 339 36,774 59,197 7 6 12 24 73 70 43 Arapahoe 193 279 28.6 170,744 154,810 884.7 554.9 166 19,285 4,716 33,049 20,323 2,357 155 107,865 2,100 138 114,938 3 314 7,756 9,592 164 250 6,801 7,991 66 84 955 1,260 117 176 3,653 3,384 62 13 10 7 15 152 154 67.6 218,408 138,102 1,436.9 896.8 145 13,232 3,511 1,169 446 93,077 2,282 102,836 4,992 148 199,424 17,313 16,683 143 148 11,500 11,557 91 78 5,813 4,897 99 86 8,430 8,000 7 14 9 13 28 19 53 397 22 454 5.7 69.0 170,618 310,488 39,102 480,048 3,219.2 782.1 1,777.4 1,057.4 52 391 14,617 53,786 3,520 6,608 50,197 13,743 34,914 5,303 265 100,496 231,289 60 736 38 291 104,016 238,162 2,682 5,073 1,371 52 18 4,891 962 5 2 182 25 1 2,052 14 5 2 2 7 1,683 45,964 61,652 391 434 44,591 56,139 55 171 1,373 3,806 292 367 33,874 46,599 21 15 14 32 77 92 41 Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Gilpin Irrigated farms number 1954 . . 1950.. Proportion of all farms percent 1954.. Land in irrigated farms acres 1954 . . 1950.. Average per farm acres 1954 . . 1950.. Land in irrigated farns according to use, 1954: Cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres. . Cropland used only for pasture acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres.. Cultivated summer fallow acres . . Woodland pastured acres . . Woodland not pastured acres.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland).. acres.. Improved acres.. Land pastured, total farms reporting.. acres . . Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting . . acres . . Land irrigated acres 1954.. 1949'. Irrigated land in farms according to use: Irrigated cropland harvested. .. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. Irrigated pasture farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Farms with all harvested crops irrigated: i-arms number 1954 . . 1949.. Irrigated cropland harvested acres 1954. . 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. 660 731 74.7 248,923 374,368 377.2 512.1 624 10,417 6,267 5,239 552 49,064 314 171,969 2,966 314 227,300 1 40 10,336 18,536 621 704 8,761 15,454 134 141 1,575 2,629 578 649 7,847 13,066 419 62 27 33 25 9 621 737 91.7 410,239 420,585 660.6 570.7 609 41,039 18,098 7,983 2,892 33,410 7,407 273,878 11,191 562 325,386 2 72 52,557 64,400 576 700 37,192 48,005 418 503 15,365 16,218 519 606 33,064 40,363 99 62 51 82 124 65 36 2 2 11.8 900 774 450.0 387.0 1 70 200 200 2 730 270 150 70 40 1 2 200 110 162 172 84.8 295,206 329,093 1,822.3 1,913.3 150 33,477 13,159 3,856 1,130 41,493 1,383 189,407 8,915 157 244,059 37,697 41,833 150 170 30,380 37,459 52 42 7,317 4,279 120 126 25,880 27,658 2 197 195 89.1 299,476 271,287 1,520.2 1,391.2 171 39,581 21,116 939 500 91,370 5,156 132,091 14,814 192 244,577 58,862 60,202 169 185 38,417 42,237 127 111 20,445 17,672 162 172 37,784 40,240 4 5 5 9 23 40 76 32 24 80.0 35,213 35,038 1,100.4 1,459.9 24 3,150 885 40 22,446 30 8,107 1,840 32 31 ,438 3,980 3,992 24 21 3,150 2,730 11 13 830 1,262 3,150 2,430 152 285 43.1 370,615 459,316 2,438.3 1,611.6 151 11,565 3,935 1,831 377 27,184 760 312,534 1,263 150 343,653 8,220 19,578 150 280 7,553 16,057 12 53 667 3,122 80 166 4,388 10,443 12 7 14 14 21 9 Includes irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. COLORADO 165 ACREAGE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejoa Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Doug la a Eagle Elbert El Paso 16i 8 5 598 349 351 82 1,335 28 9 69 166 48 139 1 184 3 825 441 390 130 1,616 49 10 65 222 17 150 2 82.-1 lie 35.7 81.7 91.8 79.4 48.0 94.3 26.2 4.4 19.7 92.7 6.5 15.5 3 142,977 28,640 7,635 490,014 484,606 187,625 132,319 280,075 327 10,583 114,456 229,791 117,211 269,394 4 135,387 470 435,192 556,411 129,296 168,373 329,255 406 14,513 93,399 232,953 73,357 219,495 5 871.8 3,58o!o 1,527.0 819.4 1,388.6 534.5 1,6U.6 209.8 11.7 1,175.9 1,658.8 1,384.3 2,441.9 1,938.1 6 735.8 156.7 527.5 1,261.7 331.5 1,295.2 203.7 8.3 1,451.3 1,436.9 1,049.3 4,315.1 1,463.3 7 153 8 4 565 346 350 78 1,252 27 9 68 151 47 131 8 11,457 3,157 307 74,730 27,464 30,444 11,005 47,611 243 554 7,746 19,189 6,605 14,063 9 6,937 1,235 4 32,409 9,123 10,446 4,142 23,752 25 463 2,336 3,594 2,464 10,103 10 1,595 12,527 11,576 12,027 19,778 1,523 8,031 25 115 4,283 524 6,796 5,490 11 210 6,702 4,837 1,279 5,46.4 98 1,006 ... 75 2,774 IIJ 4,361 2,107 12 39,116 4,595 17,573 82,898 167 6,428 38,946 530 6,310 8,907 2,794 5,940 13 1,572 2,493 753 10,006 16 1,566 2,807 300 580 166 30 14 79,663 11,432 178 338,779 288,804 120,255 98,201 111,589 11 7,706 89,963 187,523 97,802 230,788 15 4,318 40 70 14,147 3,167 285 3,499 12,906 11 125 4,859 11,516 1,843 7,470 16 153 8 5 510 223 159 81 1,077 1 9 69 160 48 127 17 125,716 12,717 4,777 388,761 380,830 130,868 108,771 174,287 36 8,704 98,659 205,024 103,060 246,831 13 2 5 2 1 3 2 2 4 7 19 7 3,088 21 80 525 34 625 570 968 20 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 7 21 75 60 57 40 107 34 19 150 175 302 22 16,174 355 264 38,249 31,6/5 22,712 10,652 68,504 246 661 4,040 30,821 2,428 14,195 23 16,734 100 143,268 40,353 41,247 25,285 84,577 293 884 4,836 33,072 1,211 14,380 24 151 8 4 565 346 350 77 1,242 27 3 63 148 43 127 25 176 3 796 436 382 129 1,540 46 9 62 214 17 145 26 10,306 340 240 68,046 26,951 21,845 7,202 47,114 235 475 3,630 18,311 2,157 9,650 27 12,125 100 100,542 30,403 37,940 17,537 54,735 283 534 4,397 23,136 760 11,024 23 84 "i 2 254 50 24 33 818 1 5 9 113 8 41 29 93 483 74 87 56 1,031 1 8 8 140 1 52 30 5,868 "is '24 20,203 4,724 867 3,450 21,390 11 186 410 12,510 271 4,545 31 4,405 39,171 7,999 1,090 7,708 28,289 3 350 417 9,825 50 2,956 32 131 1 1 478 334 184 33 1,211 25 6 13 138 10 72 33 161 3 748 410 358 73 1,482 44 3 5 203 1 89 34 9,235 38 100 59,178 25,493 11,985 3,606 46,459 229 395 1,060 17,652 837 7,120 35 11,330 100 97,770 28,523 36,350 11,568 52,093 274 310 1,494 22,483 50 8,037 36 22 73 75 14 2 299 18 3 7 9 37 10 51 50 23 5 238 5 1 7 12 38 9 40 39 20 3 163 1 1 12 1 4 39 26 43 39 40 5 204 2 4 19 2 11 40 31 1 88 55 52 7 208 1 3 5 40 4 13 41 25 1 91 49 28 3 73 1 4 32 2 15 42 8 92 27 8 26 ... 21 1 8 43 Jefferson Kiowa Kit Carson Lake U Plata Larimer Las Anloas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat MontezuiDa Montrose 621 4 47 12 648 1,234 276 41 574 2,332 12 145 683 1,231 1 1,001 1 8 16 725 1,392 373 15 608 2,448 3 136 736 1,330 2 53.0 0.9 4.3 70.6 77.8 81.1 33.7 6.3 43.3 96.2 60.0 44.1 72.6 93.5 3 114,833 35,936 132,998 8,976 457,307 537,2U 727,529 300,758 307,134 569,768 20,161 862,000 792,429 560,879 4 139,732 5,660 22,409 14,796 862,825 612,356 867,047 123,073 338,649 486,954 11,400 960,635 514,281 544,393 5 184.9 8,984.0 2,829.7 748.0 705.7 435.3 2,636.0 7,335.6 535.2 244.3 1,680.1 5,944.8 1,160.2 455.6 6 139.6 5,660.0 2,801.1 924.8 1,190.1 440.3 2,324.5 8,204.9 557.0 198.9 3,800.0 7,063.5 698.8 409.3 7 525 4 47 11 594 1,116 269 40 567 2,204 11 139 616 1,083 8 16,625 6,711 24,191 1,578 41,096 85,081 15,253 3,955 35,338 74,176 2,370 26,482 45,416 60,571 9 4,975 560 953 3,655 23,097 16,745 8,462 1,919 6,696 30,669 1,235 5,344 17,985 28,473 10 14,295 5,000 30,070 50 12,579 58,313 3,149 8,989 23,894 7,052 760 8,180 5,160 4,130 11 6,157 2,060 22,210 8,097 29,623 704 5,080 17,276 1,694 6,834 2,176 1,799 12 8,936 20 587 133,782 36,163 75,399 10 893 45,391 1,565 15,149 52,006 72,552 13 1,442 650 8,451 7,160 600 36 146 854 500 7,786 1,378 14 65,221 23,490 76,671 2,246 209,426 316,201 590,613 280,451 176,634 374,386 13,004 792,510 650,245 353,972 15 2,708 15. 739 248 17,670 8,813 1,1J6 11,455 4,366 34,327 1,165 15,733 12,088 13,131 16 424 4 46 11 613 916 244 39 476 1,263 12 142 616 1,081 17 79,132 24,050 77,644 6,488 366,305 369,109 674,474 282,380 184,223 450,446 15,804 813,503 720,236 454,997 18 6 1 2 22 4 13 18 1 3 2 19 227 2,000 ISO 3,934 639 3,017 1,485 19 41 85 20 6 1 6 5 13 13 3 13 5 10 3 21 290 2,000 2,655 ... 387 517 428 746 764 63 ... 686 71 22 13,360 2,345 4,396 4,241 52,899 86,914 15,543 14,577 71,343 114,137 2,606 23,500 54,994 91,615 23 26,767 20 1,530 5,374 64,212 113,423 26,620 1,293 74,817 116,197 560 18,240 53,141 100,646 24 512 4 46 9 577 1,093 269 39 563 2,204 11 136 597 1,071 25 889 1 8 15 672 1,263 361 12 597 2,331 3 127 672 1,223 26 10,831 2,330 4,221 1,238 31,883 75,353 13,097 3,377 66,620 73,434 1,665 16,549 31,947 59,288 27 28 29 21,614 20 1,290 2,735 39,300 99,932 23,448 898 71,406 76,251 560 14,762 31,094 68,742 241 1 3 7 462 538 40 11 156 1,128 5 54 520 940 349 1 6 465 563 53 3 82 1,151 43 507 946 30 3,029 15 175 3,003 21,016 11,561 2,446 11,200 4,723 40,703 941 6,951 23,047 32,327 31 32 4,384 70 2,639 23,495 11,623 2,773 305 1,591 37,710 3,467 20,817 30,536 395 8 7 419 959 205 19 384 2,194 8 63 506 1,050 33 705 ... 2 15 415 840 248 1 363 2,283 2 56 506 1,177 34 7,635 567 1,188 21,558 66,331 9,538 2,067 44,893 72,202 1,320 8,130 27,084 58,320 35 12,580 440 2,735 22,231 70,738 17,052 155 42,457 74,392 460 6,659 24,124 67,236 36 239 1 68 166 61 1 12 811 96 144 37 72 1 1 46 89 24 ... 8 419 3 57 124 38 17 1 61 74 31 2 8 220 3 55 120 39 22 2 i 81 124 32 5 19 268 'i 6 95 202 40 26 2 1 104 275 35 4 138 326 3 21 134 324 41 15 2 51 191 12 3 159 120 2 18 48 108 42 4 3 8 40 10 4 40 30 2 12 21 28 43 166 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-IRRIGATED FARMS: NUMBER AND ACREAGE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Contmued (For deflJiltloDfl and explsnations, see text) Ouray PMllips Irrigated farma number 195» rtnerflt.nT"? . .................... ...number 1954... 40,373 45,150 1,212 1,495 392 436 661 892 223 240 934 997 565 629 981 1,313 199 8 nii^ tc u^ct f^ vu. .3....................... 1950... 207 9 Nonwhlte operators. ................... ...number 1954... 376 428 74 94 6 14 13 16 2 ' 2 10 9 9 7 ... 10 1950... ... 11 Faras by teoure of operator: ...number 1954... 20,660 23,582 666 874 266 297 366 557 142 168 212 251 247 273 551 783 136 12 1950... 152 13 Part owners ........................... ...number 1954.. . 10,646 11,255 319 359 73 83 182 230 55 45 437 437 145 152 175 218 37 14 1950... 26 15 Mana ers ...number 1954... 318 366 5 14 3 2 8 14 6 1 1 6 2 5 6 6 2 16 1950. . . 4 17 All tenants ...number 1954... 9,125 10,375 22.4 22.8 296 342 23.0 21.5 56 68 14.1 15.1 98 109 14.5 12.0 22 26 9.8 10.8 284 305 30.4 30.5 181 208 31.5 32.6 258 313 26.1 23.7 24 18 19 20 Proportion of tenancy 1950... ..percent 1954... 1950. . . 25 12.1 12.1 21 Cash tenants ...number 1954... 1,119 1,342 80 97 7 20 34 23 9 14 2 12 19 25 51 60 9 22 1950... 12 23 Shape-cash tenants ................. . . . number 1954, . . 875 1,034 23 25 2 1 14 16 1 14 16 15 18 20 29 3 24 1950... 25 26 Share tenants and croppers ...number 1954... 1950... 6,162 6,901 164 183 38 36 40 52 4 6 250 262 130 156 164 197 6 11 27 28 Crop-share tenants and croppers. ...number 1954... 1950... 5,435 6,033 149 172 27 28 33 46 1 4 238 252 101 123 146 174 7 8 29 30 Livestock-share tenants ...number 1954... 1950. . . 727 868 15 11 11 8 7 6 3 2 12 10 29 33 18 23 1 3 31 32 Other and unspecified tenants ...number 1954.. . 1950... 969 1,098 29 37 9 11 10 18 8 6 18 15 17 9 23 27 4 2 33 34 Other tenants ...number 1954... 1950... 379 391 16 17 3 4 2 6 3 3 6 12 3 5 15 3 1 35 36 Unspecified tenants ...number 1954... 1950... 590 707 13 20 6 7 6 16 2 3 15 9 5 6 IS 12 1 1 37 Laod ID fOTBB by tenure of operator: Full owners. . ...acres 1954... 8,631,229 9,237,807 179,313 155,882 103,749 102,527 96,468 113,448 83,495 135,924 187,502 195,911 103,196 121,383 63,194 80,774 48,645 38 1950... 42,989 39 Part owners acres 1954... 22,246,721 20,424,821 459,723 412,996 143,871 212,595 354,172 328,416 157,121 67,258 886,013 794,723 634,775 657,501 87,911 124,270 90,161 40 1950... 82,526 41 42 Managers acres 1954... 1950. . . 2,883,679 3,767,064 1,465 13,684 70,440 1,600 16,707 50,035 22,234 580 14,000 55,480 1,300 41,297 5,550 4,585 1,778 5,746 43 All tenants acres 1954... 4,423,605 4,523,407 94,501 104,486 77,655 21,271 43,116 46,673 6,001 15,893 256,929 249,226 104,958 69,097 55,129 55,990 10,50: 44 1950. . . 8,53'- 45 Cash tenants acres 1954... 703,665 772,659 8,202 7,954 1,9C0 6,462 2,931 2,644 2,146 12,416 1,920 6,257 37,285 10,758 9,036 7,653 3,316 46 1950... 1,898 47 Share-cash tenants................. . ...seres 1954... 636,002 566,018 10,798 6,708 1,840 640 10,227 10,067 425 14,948 21,225 11,130 8,223 5,729 6,642 2,209 48 1950... ... 49 50 Share tenants and croppers acres 1954... 1950... 2,712,773 2,794,983 70,857 85,172 11,874 12,242 29,091 32,228 1,484 1,695 229,562 210,631 56,168 47, 314 37,890 37,352 2,746 3,630 51 52 Crop-share tenants and croppers acres 1954... 1950. . . 2,255,991 2,238,565 68,217 75,634 8,144 8,602 22,491 27,200 400 920 210,411 193,588 40,395 34,256 32,655 31,605 2,426 2,830 53 54 Livestock-share tenants ....acres 1954... 1950. . . 456,782 556,416 2,640 9,538 3,730 3,640 6,600 5,028 1,084 775 19,151 17,043 15,773 13,056 5,235 5,747 320 800 55 56 Other and unspecified tenants acres 1954... 1950... 371,165 369, 547 4,644 4,652 62,041 1,927 867 1,734 1,946 1,782 10,499 11,113 375 2,802 2,472 2,343 2,230 3,006 57 Croplaad barveated by teaure of operator Full owners ..................... farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 15,898 19,778 1,358,913 1,902,460 505 687 45,259 58,114- 205 250 21,975 31,360 181 370 10,852 28,403 119 154 8,459 11,929 126 222 34,943 74,814 186 224 17,693 27,714 342 529 17,188 26,149 111 58 59 60 133 5,480 6,986 61 Part owners ..................... farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 9,512 10,676 2,488,471 3,167,085 297 356 . 90, 852 140,822 69 81 16,653 26,355 152 223 38,162 63,346 51 43 5,656 4,991 350 426 143,756 263,293 114 139 26,216 39, 950 155 204 13,616 26,759 33 62 63 64 25 3,369 3,106 65 Managers •...••....••••........•. f ai^^ reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 252 315 98, 867 159,709 3 12 358 3,739 3 2 1,630 410 4 12 364 6,316 6 1 985 47 "5 3,790 2 5 955 1,195 4 5 417 916 2 66 67 68 3 487 728 69 All tenants ......•....•••**••... farms reporting 1954... 1949. . . acres 1954... 1949. . . 7,937 9,728 1,273,438 1,663,650 257 323 30,173 50,148 47 60 9,138 9,002 64 93 9,551 16,548 18 23 909 1,107 200 298 67,325 128,319 153 196 25,816 31,477 223 283 18,574 33,471 18 70 71 72 22 2,397 1,813 168 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF (For definitions and explanations, see text) Clear Creek Conejos Crowley FARMS BY COLOR AND IDTOM: OF OPERATOR All farms number 1954 . . 1950.. All land in farms acres 1954., 1950.. Total cropland harvested acres 1954. . 1949.. Faras by color of operator: Vhlte operators number 1954 . . 1950.. Nonwhi te operators number 1954 . . 1950.. FarBS by tenure of operator: Pull owners nximber 1954 . . 1950 . . Part owners number 1954 . . 1950.. Managers number 1954. . 1950.. All tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Proportion of tenancy percent 1954.. 1950.. Cash tenants number 1954. . 1950.. Share-cash tenants number 1954 . . 1950. . Share tenants and croppers number 1954.. 1950.. Crop-share tenants and croppers. . ..number 1954.. 1950.. Livestock-share tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Other and unspecified tenants number 1954.. 1950.. Other tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Unspecified tenants number 1954,. 1950.. Land in farns by tenure of operator: Full owners acres 1954.. 1950.. Part owners acres 1954. . 1950.. Managers acres 1954.. 1950.. All tenants acres 1954. . 1950. . Cash tenants acres 1954. . 1950. . Share-cash tenants acres 1954.. 1950. . Share tenants and croppers acres 1954.. 1950.. Crop-share tenants and croppers acres 1954.. 1950.. Livestock-share tenants acres 1954.. 1950.. Other and unspecified tenants acres 1954.. 1950.. Cropland harvested by lenure of operator: fMll owners farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Part owners farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Managers farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. All tenants farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. 434 402 9ol,506 845,367 120,683 176,474 434 40^ 103 110 113 101 26.0 25.1 10 7 131,230 127,213 541,751 473,701 81,877 127,000 206 , fc-;S U7,953 23,165 11,025 112,787 90,753 103,987 72,257 8,800 13,496 9,451 10,775 62 96 15,807 32,556 180 180 71,475 97,558 3,763 3,825 85 91 29,633 42,535 14 26 10,658 17, 241 322 415 1 5 7.1 1,061 11,156 3,234 4,090 1,600 1,995 1,300 1,430 92 245 2 100 90 732 872 506,116 439,069 76,263 103,260 729 862 482 569 190 209 8.2 10.6 183,250 142,786 31J,433 265,070 U,131 9,433 18,082 2,677 4,652 367 1,364 5,103 9,929 4,908 7,465 195 2,464 2,137 383 509 36,147 43,721 184 205 34,946 40,076 9,761 44 90 5,170 9,702 380 468 546,562 558,782 27,643 31,494 370 456 232 330 103 90 9.2 9.6 84,835 170,689 149,750 121,864 284,105 252,139 27,372 14,040 2,544 .319 2,200 154 2,302 12,295 2,352 9,515 460 2,730 20,316 772 203 307 10,008 16,315 108 87 11,347 9,666 3,413 2,230 32 43 2,875 3,233 442 490 403,692 420,673 38,963 58,600 430 473 174 201 129 124 129 160 28.2 32.7 102 122 113 10 39,110 51,042 225,912 249,543 75,054 37,100 63,615 72,983 4,777 25,9o5 5,384 4,202 36,956 31, a4 31,046 29,874 5,910 1,340 16,499 11,607 147 177 3,519 15,127 113 104 16,231 22,023 2 1,921 1,846 118 145 12,292 19,604 171 222 232,080 252,293 12,788 25,594 171 221 98 126 18 39 10.5 17.6 79,285 107,074 132,204 90,154 2,400 12,000 18,191 43,055 7,549 18,203 356 5,560 9,926 6,910 5,286 3,830 4,640 3,080 360 12,392 111 5,651 12,850 40 49 5,188 6,537 30 540 U 35 1,919 5,667 1,416 1,657 292,282 335,421 47,740 55,562 1,415 1,651 1,040 1,196 215 235 17 150 209 10.5 12.6 29 36 4 IJ 59 125 52 102 190,044 190,378 82,811 121,959 5,354 2,397 13,063 20,677 2,443 2,411 336 1,525 8,192 13,323 5,857 10,852 2,335 2,951 2,092 2,318 927 1,099 28,315 33,813 212 228 13,778 12,980 1,097 1,174 120 198 4,550 7,595 107 157 4,229 1,077 1,814 547 106 157 91 148 6.5 2.8 1,460 1,028 192 7 2,574 28 725 523 203 246 148,700 146,422 66,722 61,442 203 246 92 113 1,021 18 COLORADO 169 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 -Continued Douglas Eagle Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano Jackson Jefferson Kiowa 350 410 179 235 733 811 897 1,187 883 846 677 737 17 24 191 187 221 207 40 27 353 459 112 139 1,171 1,528 443 493 1 2 364,234 356,949 242,969 242,594 1,110,203 1,088,800 1,264,569 1,239,132 394,614 467,965 470,603 459,429 U,644 11,940 J07,710 334,394 309,753 274,091 37,803 35,138 786,449 763,051 390,446 412,642 267,786 294,920 980,899 814,843 3 4 23,916 42,371 19,291 23,586 83,036 154,209 86,776 145,471 11,493 20,498 44,162 51,937 140 897 34,308 41,137 39,741 43,809 3,150 3,220 19,379 30,983 71,268 95,459 22,812 44,002 164,369 223,482 5 6 350 409 179 235 732 811 896 1,186 882 846 677 737 17 24 191 185 221 207 40 27 352 453 112 139 1,1£4 1,523 443 493 7 3 "i 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 7 5 9 10 252 265 114 151 369 422 513 680 663 593 470 572 12 14 108 94 162 150 40 15 193 235 53 64 830 1,U6 109 179 U 12 53 64 40 35 245 250 267 326 142 159 U6 92 3 7 49 56 45 41 9 122 160 41 50 199 202 191 197 13 14 1 3 5 3 9 12 15 20 5 9 7 8 1 15 5 5 2 5 1 7 16 24 8 9 15 16 44 78 12.6 19.0 20 46 11.2 19.6 110 127 15.0 15.7 102 161 11.4 13.6 73 85 8.3 10.0 84 115 12.4 14.6 2 2 U.8 8.3 19 32 9.9 17.1 8 11 3.6 5.3 1 '■i'.l 28 60 7.9 13.1 12 13 10.7 12.9 126 156 10.8 10.2 135 108 30.5 21.9 17 18 19 20 24 38 2 10 33 31 29 39 50 42 26 35 3 6 2 5 9 6 6 47 77 5 7 21 22 1 12 1 7 17 29 17 10 1 3 4 6 1 1 1 2 3 2 13 16 18 6 23 24 15 15 16 24 43 57 42 31 9 23 38 53 5 15 3 3 11 20 4 8 37 30 104 72 25 26 7 6 10 21 32 50 31 71 7 20 32 44 3 10 2 1 7 14 2 3 32 24 104 65 27 28 8 9 6 3 11 7 11 10 2 3 6 9 5 1 2 4 2 5 5 7 29 30 4 13 1 5 17 10 14 31 13 17 16 21 5 10 2 3 1 6 16 2 2 29 33 3 23 31 32 1 5 1 3 7 7 10 22 9 10 10 10 5 2 1 2 13 1 13 4 8 33 34 3 8 "2 10 3 4 9 4 7 6 11 "s 2 2 1 4 3 1 2 16 26 4 15 35 36 228,193 229,241 79,967 120,511 329,167 379,245 477,589 373,001 104,890 139,257 188,605 226,425 6,918 5,048 108,393 117,013 158,082 137,292 37,803 10,461 177,013 190,108 134,586 91, 102 89,355 94,915 109,844 159,924 37 38 106,523 76,857 117,471 82,265 617,712 523,419 635,636 636,555 273,467 272,334 209,299 163,462 4,565 3,452 1A5,044 157,606 129,922 125,464 21,057 513,971 478,977 185,250 222,336 130,280 130,396 575,694 454,029 39 40 3,700 6,050 38,133 23,745 54,130 77,410 30,398 96,126 4,959 42,571 29,202 40,762 2,300 40,615 23,304 15,842 5,295 1,440 30,060 31,600 6,000 60,227 22,423 23,325 91,900 67,030 41 42 25,818 44,801 7,398 16,073 109,194 108,726 70,946 133,450 11,298 13,303 43,502 28,780 161 640 13,658 36,971 5,907 6,040 2,180 65,405 62,366 14,610 33,927 25,728 46,234 203,461 133,860 43 44 11,293 15,482 490 1,776 24,336 29,306 10,816 63,398 9,070 6,322 7,613 8,987 160 400 3,109 1,936 598 1,126 40,924 44,337 8,730 15,251 10,072 31,430 4,960 6,830 45 46 293 8,353 360 4,976 14,598 20,086 18,733 7,980 760 178 385 1,545 640 1,280 320 9,713 4,580 3,480 2,342 4,298 26,995 10,110 47 48 13,262 12,421 5,948 8,556 54,409 50,955 28,986 51,909 479 6,556 30,90t) 12,254 3iO 6,306 24,699 3,401 3,502 13,129 8,399 5,230 15,226 8,816 5,934 163,916 106,459 49 50 5,145 2,647 1,851 6,103 29,609 34,975 18,309 43,329 466 4,545 29,545 3,766 240 2,052 8,042 301 280 7,341 6,036 1,680 3,496 8,172 5,595 163,916 68,299 51 52 8,117 9,774 4,097 2,453 24,800 15,980 10, 667 8,580 13 2,011 1,361 3,483 4,254 16,657 2,600 3,222 5,288 2.363 3,600 6,730 644 339 38,160 53 54 970 8,545 600 765 15,851 8,379 12,411 10,163 989 247 4,598 5,994 1 3,603 9,05o 1,538 1,412 2,180 1,634 .5,050 600 4,970 4,498 4,572 7,590 10,461 55 56 183 219 13,857 25,140 101 138 7,537 10,976 267 389 25,607 58,638 332 480 31,236 54,439 484 520 5,073 8,287 419 526 25,361 34,274 3 U 95 403 89 92 16,426 18,523 125 135 22,803 27,224 24 12 3,150 1,645 143 198 6,440 13,013 51 52 38,450 21,411 442 785 3,335 17,940 68 140 22,194 51,165 57 58 59 60 44 60 7,086 10,134 32 33 5,122 4,837 206 248 46,313 70,158 214 295 40,564 64,722 120 146 4,996 8,962 111 86 12,216 8,032 1 6 45 174 47 54 11,609 14,546 39 40 12,154 13,746 9 1,350 96 134 8,988 12,982 40 50 27,153 45,183 149 183 9,329 15,765 163 183 89,249 114,173 61 62 63 64 1 3 50 260 5 3 3,905 3,003 5 3 675 1,517 9 IS 2,215 3,985 5 9 639 1,400 7 8 1,299 2,040 1 250 15 4 5,150 2,367 6 5 2,970 1,331 2 210 2 3 272 392 1 7 1,200 15,575 11 19 1,086 2,651 7 7 4,035 8,514 65 66 67 68 35 63 2,923 6,837 18 43 2,727 4,770 71 125 10,441 23,896 79 126 12,761 22,325 45 73 785 1,849 72 107 5,286 7,591 "i '70 10 31 1,123 5,696 6 10 1,314 1,503 1 15 U 47 3,679 4,591 10 18 4,465 13,290 31 124 4,062 7,646 103 37 48,391 49,530 69 70 71 72 170 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF (For definitlonfl and explanations, see text) FAHMS BY COLOR AND THTORE OF OPERATOR All farms number 195^. 1950. All land In farmE acres 1954. . 1950.. Total cropland harvested acres 1954. . 1949.. Faras by color of operator: White operators number 1954.. 1950.. 9 Nonwhite operators number 1954.. 10 1950. . paras by tenure of operator: 11 Full owners number 1954 . . 12 1950.. 13 Part owners number 1954 . . U 1950.. 15 Managers number 1954. . 16 1950.. 17 All tenants number 1954.. 18 1950.. 19 Proportion of tenancy percent 1954 . . 20 1950.. 21 Cash tenants number 1954.. 22 1950.. 23 Share-cash tenants number 1954 . . 24 1950.. 25 Share tenants and croppers number 1954.. 26 1950.. 27 Crop-share tenants and croppers . . . .number 1954 . . 28 1950.. 29 Livestock-share tenants number 1954.. 30 1950.. 31 Other and unspecified tenants number 1954.. 32 1950. . 33 Other tenants number 1954.. 34 1950.. 35 Unspecified tenants number 1954.. 36 1950.. Land in faras by tenure of operator: 37 Full owners acres 1954.. 38 1950. . Part owners acres 1954.. 1950.. Managers acres 1954 . . 1950. . 43 All tenants acres 1954.. 44 1950.. 45 Cash tenants acres 1954. . 46 1950.. 47 Share-cash tenants acres 1954 . . 43 1950.. 49 Share tenants and croppers acres 1954.. 50 1950.. 51 Crop-share tenants and croppers acres 1954.. 52 1950.. Livestock-share tenants acres 1954 . , 1950. . 55 Other and unspecified tenants acres 1954.. 56 1950. Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: 57 Pull owners farms reporting 1954 . 58 1949. 59 acres 1954. 60 1949. Part owners farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. 63 acres 1954.. 64 1949.. Managers farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. 67 acres 1954 . . 68 1949 . . 69 All tenants farms reporting 1954.. 70 1949. 71 acres 1954 . 72 1949. 1,085 1,067 1,374,159 1,253,327 264,599 355,500 1,084 1,067 331 354 476 457 273 252 25.2 23.6 180 185 lt.9 159 265,552 289,339 844,706 727,209 9,737 9,600 254,114 227,179 4,540 6,400 71,982 32,885 166,292 175,945 147,087 139,502 19,205 36,443 11,300 11,949 234 318 40,164 75,480 432 454 160,538 201,447 2,234 1,830 244 61,663 76,743 9,769 15,058 1,615 2,735 3,909 7,519 5,810 4,598 2,941 50 558 1,430 1,055 1,165 140 1 2 833 902 541,979 933,277 51,032 63,261 772 872 524 576 203 203 117 11.9 13.0 26 31 10 9 167,971 198,769 191,563 172,977 153,297 524,578 29,143 36,953 10,056 13.377 5,091 3,476 8,301 11,582 6,546 9,051 1,755 2,531 5,695 8,518 421 509 22,087 32,018 190 199 22,108 23,909 874 1,123 82 108 5,963 6,211 1,521 1,741 727,150 748,589 94,337 145,369 1,517 1,741 849 959 247 291 10 411 481 27.0 27.6 36 312 325 276 239 208,497 235,634 399,873 384,345 27,997 22,802 90,783 105,808 10,896 10,892 7,121 10,139 69,262 61,857 56,251 53,363 13,011 8,494 3,504 22,920 602 755 29,066 45,526 221 279 28,313 48,124 13 10 1,746 1,826 369 440 35,212 50,393 818 926 2,620,900 2,621,031 37,822 82,442 816 924 423 467 298 312 16 85 131 10.4 14.1 32 354,457 381,184 1,831,354 1,645,485 304,021 390,367 131,068 203,995 95,208 155,865 7,630 1,475 13,165 31,949 13,165 30,149 1,300 15,065 14,706 266 364 13,257 30,320 165 237 18,204 35,911 10 757 1,319 45 106 5,604 14,892 656 723 1,611,825 1,547,813 180,176 219,114 656 723 203 233 329 330 16 119 144 18.1 19.9 11 185,911 204,006 1,250,231 953,845 26,409 244,118 149,274 145,849 20,200 12,400 34,720 23,373 78,195 93,473 69,875 81,163 8,320 12,310 16,159 16,603 145 198 26,^22 39,688 289 300 115,749 134,931 5 11 4,032 5,170 101 131 34,073 39,325 Logan 1,327 1,482 1,079,567 1,098,768 279,367 320,945 1,325 1,475 380 448 433 449 507 578 38.2 39.0 15 23 75 92 376 418 347 387 168,872 185,701 668,772 618,209 11,984 55,902 229,939 238,956 15,428 5,425 46,739 59,373 160,927 165,039 136,125 139,539 24,802 25,500 6,845 9,119 321 355 43,770 53,368 409 431 141,435 155,313 3,157 4.183 473 550 91,005 107,581 2,443 2,525 612,785 546,078 74,293 73,954 2,436 2,516 1,376 1,952 354 339 204 228 8.4 9.0 39 29 10 15 113 104 335,717 294,642 228,950 206,165 607 2,601 47,511 42,670 19,060 1,130 684 1,402 16,830 35,399 10,523 22,930 6,307 12,469 10,937 4,739 1,672 1,811 43,214 51,002 346 330 22,179 18, 596 269 307 182 212 8,631 9,049 COLORADO 171 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND WSO-Continued Moffat MontezuiDa Montrosf Morgan Otero Ouray Park PMlllpa 329 I,2i6,i39 1,269,366 60,348 60,653 329 3i0 112 156 178 155 i 38 28 11.6 8.2 11 93,121 141,238 1,108,842 938,618 860 84,000 43,616 55,510 20,010 30,260 3 568 2 770 18 404 21 172 15 964 19 352 2 440 1 820 1 ft34 1 303 100 139 12 008 LS 0C7 IbU 149 42 352 34 96b 1 ,4;'0 31 27 5,728 6,260 941 978 912,743 604,511 94,678 90,485 940 977 609 631 215 228 1 113 118 12.0 12.1 26 22 149,366 151,674 170,747 159,099 567,685 266,600 24,945 27,138 3,674 2,984 1,030 1,846 16,617 17,106 12,661 14,827 3.956 2,279 3.624 5.202 5"2 35.380 205 223 112 11,135 10,888 1,316 1,402 595,016 606,810 61,102 70,248 1,315 1,402 852 860 240 261 12 220 269 16.7 19.2 39 28 12 20 136 191 134 180 2 11 33 30 230,082 230,275 286,396 321,761 30,438 16,451 48,100 38,323 13,053 3,047 6,885 3,242 21,658 28,809 20,783 24,234 r. .504 3.225 729 28,621 31.848 230 241 16,958 19,159 3 10 483 2,150 199 255 15,040 17,091 1,370 1,361 823,464 746,442 195,034 213,810 1,361 1,359 453 447 625 632 45.6 46.4 33 29 520 525 490 491 187,366 164,777 432,397 361,293 14,210 28,880 180,401 191,492 24,407 19,127 16,767 19,322 137,564 146,617 118,938 127,175 18.626 19,442 339 392 41.554 4''. 590 263 2c4 70,212 75,253 1.396 58b 614 81,080 89,571 955 1,030 752,378 757,953 60,102 69,404 930 1,003 488 522 1^5 184 290 319 30.4 31.0 23 33 200 212 195 199 71,587 105,866 635,462 504,262 187 91.495 45 , 142 56.330 2,070 14,149 5,293 4,624 35,943 33,839 30,847 30,560 5.096 3.2^9 1.83b 3. "18 3-8 421 lb, 375 23.b01 145 15" 18.159 18.514 156 460 259 288 25,412 26,829 118 131 130,194 141,568 11,200 12,218 118 131 18 17 15.3 13.0 48,010 58,038 72,934 79,067 9,250 4,463 3,263 1.535 560 1,200 5,427 1,243 5,427 1,248 ,423 ,125 2,009 1,311 159 190 626,303 594,057 22,566 47,509 159 190 28 25 17.6 13.2 12 69,034 115,232 388,498 250,714 135,506 203,245 33,265 24,866 20,340 16,000 700 1,100 8,920 5,287 3,760 5,287 560 593 515,597 485,035 202,209 208,654 560 593 122 133 263 274 172 186 30.7 31.4 102 101 60,017 63,790 X0,601 314,625 11,165 103,814 106,620 2,887 3,745 40,009 44,947 56,954 52,435 48,988 42,995 7,966 9.440 1.964 5,493 70 112 4.805 23.528 11.218 25.530 36 262 63 271 9,814 126,704 15,282 130,731 15 3 7 5,395 1,634 lb, 681 17 169 21 178 2,552 50,343 4,328 52,393 118,189 52,588 8,720 9,431 12 9.8 12.4 47,475 40,326 66,548 5,830 110 226 4,056 6,206 1,139 1,225 2,867 4,931 1,960 291 907 ,690 72 6,748 7.673 836 395 1,006 1.272 904 1,126 967,647 999,702 191,985 306,915 896 1,114 283 391 301 343 318 382 35.2 33.9 13 252 52 164,593 175,963 637,876 610,063 400 26,266 164,773 187,410 1,892 6.254 5,677 9,661 148,139 159,125 106 , 383 121,181 9,065 12.370 202 327 30,489 62.815 256 336 103,490 155,991 358 2,090 289 368 57,648 86,019 1,037 1,125 1,177,784 1,169,386 65,661 90,804 1,032 1,114 248 11 13 172 198 16.6 17.6 67 61 157, 148 176,208 745,372 709,296 213,624 188,124 61,640 95,758 27,740 24,449 1,413 11,925 28,196 41,555 20,404 36,718 7,792 4,837 4,291 17,829 485 24,o37 32.597 25,939 36,384 134 176 14,199 19,651 228 243 535,279 642,963 34,706 38,356 228 243 137 158 28 33 12.3 13.6 182,969 196,665 276,071 249,494 38,126 171,020 38,113 25,784 21,752 11,425 3,812 2,560 8,829 6,453 8,609 4,781 220 1,672 3,720 5,346 122 137 17,213 22,272 52 40 11,619 9,802 1,424 1,681 26 30 4,450 4,601 534 593 211,856 240,782 73,925 89,805 533 593 259 313 133 125 6 4 136 151 25.5 25.5 15 16 9 9 92 106 35 45 57 61 20 20 80,456 94,737 81,974 97,442 9,124 3,335 40,302 45,268 5,531 5,613 2,309 2,306 27,743 28,848 7,098 10,596 20,645 18,252 4,719 3,501 234 286 27,186 34,184 133 123 27,996 33,165 6 4 1,499 1,245 122 143 17,244 21,211 531 532 531,194 493, 590 85,981 84,568 530 530 290 304 166 139 72 82 13.6 15.4 17 23 175,241 188,128 274,510 237,883 20,788 8,862 60,655 58,717 8,298 18,719 10,293 9,790 38,764 29,304 15,568 12,447 23,196 16,857 3,300 904 248 282 32,615 35,455 162 134 41,203 34,843 670 1,495 61 79 11,493 12,775 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Item (For definitions and explanations see text) Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Teller Washington Weld Yuma FAHMS BY COLOR AND TENUEE OF OPERATOB 1 All farms ...number 1954... 302 335 112 125 417 474 36 42 95 117 1,162 1,263 4,037 4,418 1,307 2 1950. . . 1,436 3 All land in farms ....acres 1954.. . 503,488 509,090 171,054 154,405 293,727 313,196 44,446 38,153 143,419 132,908 1,384,642 1,402,362 2,094,158 2,180,463 1,476,580 i. 1950... 1,449,140 5 Total cropland harvested acres 1954... 79,768 94,194 9,139 15,020 110,216 113,154 6,757 7,238 2,160 5,939 339,169 397,856 488,916 679,853 343,747 6 1949... 353,667 7 8 Faraa by color of operator: White operators ...number 1954... 1950. . . 302 335 112 125 410 466 36 42 95 117 1,161 1,263 4,000 4,301 1,306 1,436 9 Nonwhite operators ................... .. .number 1954.. . 7 8 1 87 117 1 10 1950... 11 FarHB by teoure of operator: ...number 1954... 161 179 63 72 116 140 25 32 56 71 413 437 1,469 1,554 466 12 1950. . . 499 13 14 Part owners ...number 1954... 1950. . . 82 92 33 38 151 162 7 6 26 24 472 514 772 891 499 544 15 Managers • o oiiuniber 195*1. a a 5 7 "3 2 1 4 3 17 19 5 16 1950... 3 17 All tenants ...number 1954... 54 57 17.9 17.0 16 15 14.3 12.0 150 169 36.0 35.7 8.3 9.5 11 21 11.6 17.9 273 309 23.5 24.5 1,829 1,954 44.8 44.2 335 16 19 20 Proportion of tenancy 1950... ..percent 1954. .. 1950... 390 25.6 27.2 21 Cash tenants ...number 1954... 10 10 5 4 8 9 4 7 14 14 87 85 15 22 1950... 34 23 24 Share-cash tenants ...number 1954... 1950... 2 3 36 44 3 4 63 80 89 105 89 96 25 26 Share tenants and croppers ...number 1954... 1950... 31 35 7 9 96 111 1 1 6 170 198 1,559 1,667 211 234 27 28 Crop-share tenants and croppers ...number 1954... 1950... 21 11 6 7 94 109 ... 4 147 179 1,374 1,463 194 214 29 30 Livestock-share tenants . ..number 1954.. . 1950... 10 24 1 2 2 2 1 2 23 19 185 204 17 20 31 Other and unspecified tenants..... ...number 1954.. . 11 9 4 2 10 5 3 4 26 17 94 97 20 32 1950. . . 26 33 Other tenants ...number 1954... 1950... 3 6 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 4 32 11 11 4 35 Unspecified tenants... . . . number 1954 .. . 8 3 3 1 6 4 1 2 25 13 62 86 9 36 1950... 22 37 Land in farns by tenure of operator: Full owners acres 1954... 148,508 125,921 31,371 49,274 64,217 60,999 30,078 28,184 39,315 65,871 353,372 335,620 430,040 420,128 377,959 38 1950... 337,858 39 Part owners .. . .acres 1954.. . 162,919 189,180 137,488 94,421 161,989 178,673 10,808 4,303 74,588 50,821 802,145 825,124 1,161,392 1,226,747 794,476 40 1950... 820,043 41 Managers ....acres 1954... 151,880 168,700 7,762 650 21,466 1,637 14,075 17,690 72,241 93,109 41,640 42 1950. . . 18,230 43 All tenants ....acres 1954... 40,181 25,289 2,195 10,710 67,521 65,562 2,910 5,666 6,050 14,579 215,050 223,928 430,435 440,479 262,305 44 1950... 273,009 45 Cash tenants acres 1954... 7,778 4,831 56 7,203 3,136 4,191 2,910 2,114 3,470 13,581 15,858 26,675 15,011 35,698 46 1950... 17,503 47 Share-cash tenants ....acres 1954... 2,780 1,372 25,104 24,734 2,636 2,895 55,475 57,888 41,521 41,271 71, 105 4S 1950... 64,141 49 50 Share tenants and croppers acres 1954... 1950... 14,269 16,122 2,132 2,557 37,829 35,880 800 1,740 5,794 136,564 139,832 346,798 364,718 148,526 168,748 51 52 Crop-share tenants and croppers ....acres 1954... 1950. . . 6,879 2,295 1,932 1,997 37,093 35,158 800 2,090 113,784 119,745 298,971 309,502 126,766 127,585 53 Livestock-share tenants........ . a a a BCPfiS 195i. a • 7,390 13,827 200 560 736 722 1,740 3,704 22,730 20,037 47,827 55,216 21,760 54 1950. . . 41,163 55 56 57 58 59 60 Other and unspecified tenants Cropland harveated by tenure of operator Full owners farms acres 1954... 1950. . . reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 15,354 2,964 146 155 28,647 31,776 7 950 49 69 3,309 6,525 1,452 757 101 114 16,914 19,031 4,866 23 30 4,797 5,637 1,360 2,420 25 51 516 2,476 9,430 10,350 352 384 78,382 91,039 15,491 19,479 1,178 1,368 112,632 154,259 6,976 22,612 387 434 70,389 76,333 61 Part owners farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949. . . 75 65 20,950 33,530 31 35 4,575 7,197 150 159 58,744 60,768 7 6 1,605 975 17 23 1,221 2,379 454 506 186,081 219,312 705 861 168,097 249,861 492 62 63 64 539 183,370 187,462 65 66 67 68 Managers farns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 4 7 20,910 19,122 "3 1,250 1 75 1 1 90 90 3 2 2,213 1,264 13 17 6,912 10,310 4 3 1,040 682 69 All tenants ..................... farms reporting 1954. . . 1949. . . acres 1954... 1949... 43 49 9,261 9,766 8 13 1,255 1,298 141 160 34,558 32,105 2 4 280 626 6 17 333 994 246 294 72,493 86,241 1,740 1,927 201,275 265,423 317 TO 71 72 370 63,948 94,190 COLORADO 173 County Table 3. -FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 CData for Items shovn Iji Italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For deflnltlona and explanations, see text) Arapahoe FAHMS BY SIZE OF FARM Faraa by size: All farms number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to ^9 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number liO to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Ijud in farms by sice of farm: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 acres and over acres FAHMS BY TYPE OF FABM 1954. 1954. 1950. , 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. , 1954. 1950., 1954., 1950. 1954., 1950. 1954., 1950. 1954., 1950. , 1954. 1950. 1954., 1950., 1954., 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954., 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950., 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954., 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. , 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. Sstlmated number of farms 195i.. 1950.. Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frult-and-nut ntimber I95i.. 1950. . Cash-^raln number 195i. . 1950.. Cotton number 195i.. 1950.. Other field-crop number I95i.. 1950.. Vegetable farms number 195*.. 1950.. Frult-and-nut farms number 195i.. 1950.. Dairy farms number 1954. . 1950. . Poultry farms number 195*.. 1950. . livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number 1954. . 1950.. General farms number 1954., 1950.. Primarily crop number 1954. 1950. Primarily Ituestocb number 1954. 1950. Crop and llvestoctt number 1954. 1950. Ktscellaneous and unclassified forms number 1954, 1950. 40,749 4,115 4,343 1,272 935 2,843 3,408 3,232 4,046 1,790 2,260 990 1,281 2,702 3,301 1,921 2,186 3,936 4,519 1,232 1,372 1,306 1,477 5,703 6,6B1 5,614 6,172 3,208 7,940 38,385,234 37,953,099 16,622 19,534 52,995 ,5,384 68,910 91,630 57,777 74,636 218,943 267,090 223,657 256,220 625,319 715,670 243,340 270,130 310,239 350,827 2,109,184 2,464,695 4,098,177 4,485,832 30,360,071 28,891,451 40,651 45,578 7,720 11,206 5,765 9,288 1,955 1,918 620 1,066 1,055 958 3,476 3,114 811 1,14B 12,799 12,380 4,788 6,147 2,427 2,138 380 767 1,981 3,242 9,382 9,559 162 297 44 47 118 250 216 304 75 115 45 47 89 93 56 60 99 103 31 27 26 32 152 151 141 181 193 179 735,002 687,048 765 1,479 3,520 4,832 2,871 4,396 2,603 2,669 7,144 7,499 6,579 7,005 15,507 16,112 6,164 5,327 6,164 7,522 55,426 54,314 102,490 130,555 525,769 445,338 1,265 1,589 214 468 199 427 260 314 223 173 20 41 277 157 51 110 32 21 'lO 19 79 220 326 20 21 8 5 12 16 6 16 9 8 2 4 18 25 12 11 103 117 18 20 105 123 54 54 44 39 395,715 337,993 68 83 82 233 358 316 121 255 1,430 1,979 1,379 1,3?0 16,428 18,619 1,417 2,355 4,338 4,774 38,385 44,346 40,492 38,162 291,217 225,561 404 450 125 173 62 116 38 27 6 21 18 68 95 81 184 302 57 80 127 222 101 121 34 52 9 16 19 28 10 8 67 105 94 102 120 119 512,463 538,572 721 1,242 1,557 1,793 1,272 1,906 491 936 1,589 2,267 1,922 2,848 2,072 3,731 1,403 1,804 2,373 1,877 25, 522 38,313 67,420 74,811 406,121 407,044 715 910 68 206 114 82 41 69 139 87 327 388 225 8 5 3 17 13 39 46 42 52 54 47 268,851 219,655 96 28 131 325 319 187 620 977 1,286 1,679 3,803 5,881 1,622 1,173 4,058 3,095 14,604 16,834 29,623 36,261 212,666 153,214 214 240 120 146 28 34 5 6 'li 23 17 60 54 11 12 156 236 286 304 416 374 1,344,444 1,295,340 43 33 47 105 80 171 180 164 434 585 810 1,035 3,699 4,942 1,448 1,394 2,629 2,850 58,945 88,459 216, 192 222,589 1,059,937 973,012 931 999 362 753 162 583 200 170 268 129 39 38 3 5 34 37 205 32 52 29 22 11 30 18 29 35 19 18 15 23 33 22 27 90 109 23 21 33 37 82 111 58 68 114 115 84A,229 889,278 161 109 467 557 743 673 889 1,340 3,060 3,679 2,443 3,115 14,328 17,316 4,617 4,143 7,813 8,782 29,681 39,422 41,864 49,064 738,158 761,078 569 538 52 127 52 127 262 162 139 224 65 140 15 74 69 72 85 169 328 70 96 99 232 95 166 58 78 24 49 120 146 82 94 133 135 47 44 63 63 109 124 231,784 265,619 620 1,309 1,484 2,476 2,185 2,934 1,429 2,928 9,764 11,848 9,712 11,241 21,036 21,235 9,375 8,545 14,981 14,900 39,553 44,810 30,522 33,580 91,123 109,713 1,018 1,320 35 109 10 95 25 13 15 18 5 13 295 255 120 143 235 239 50 155 25 31 5 31 20 ■ 94 263 387 24 15 11 13 14 12 22 14 20 24 7 17 16 45 40 14 17 32 23 151,085 139,795 95 72 182 313 265 348 241 237 1,091 1,506 731 1,229 2,565 3,756 1,415 1,358 4,030 3,813 15,976 14,052 8,733 12,973 115,650 100,028 181 207 17 25 102 35 8 25 48 67 174 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3. -FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE [Data for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley FABM3 BY SIZE OF FARM FarBS by size: All farms number 1954.. Under 10 acres number 1954.. 1950. . Under 3 acres number 1954. . 1950. . 3 to 9 acres number 1954 . . 1950.. 10 to 29 acres nuinber 1954.. 1950.. 30 to 49 acres number 1954.. 1950.. 50 to 69 acres number 1954. . 1950. . 70 to 99 acres, number 1954. . 1950. . 100 to 139 acres number 1954.. 1950.. 140 to 179 acres number 1954.. 1950.. 180 to 219 acres number 1954 . . 1950.. 220 to 259 acres number 1954 . . 1950.. 260 to 499 acres number 1954 . . 1950.. 500 to 999 acres number 1954.. 1950.. 1,000 acres and over number 1954.. 1950.. Land in farns by size of fara; All land in farms acres 1954.. 1950. . Under 10 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 10 to 29 acres acres 1954.. 1950. . 30 to 49 acres acres 1954.. 1950. . 50 to 69 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 70 to 99 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 100 to 139 acres acres 1954. . 1950.. 140 to 179 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 160 to 219 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 220 to 259 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 260 to 499 acres acres 1954 . . 1950.. 500 to 999 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 1,000 acres and over acres 1954.. 1950.. FAHMS BY TYPE OF FARM Eft. imited number of ftrmR L954. , t»50.. Field-crop fdrms other thin ue^etoble and frill t-nnd-nut ntiniber I95i. . }950.. Cash-firnln number 1954.. 1950. . Cotton number 1954. , 1950. . Otber fleld-rroj} number 1954.. 1950. . Veietable farms number 1954.. 1950.. Frut t-and-nut farms number 1954. . 1950. . Dalri) farms number 1954.. 1950. . Poulf.ru farms number 1954.. 1950.. Ltuestocb farms otixer than datru and poultry number 1954. . 1950.. General farms number 1954. . 1950.. Prlmarl Ju crop number 1954. . 1950. . Primarily Huestoott number 1954.. 1950.. Crop and livestocii number 1954.. 1950.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1954.. 1950.. 40 36 90 83 277 24« 961,506 845,867 10 17 10 31 40 47 100 3,047 2,091 200 974 1,427 14,986 13,917 67,823 63,318 874,616 764,281 422 402 168 80 168 225 156 10,658 17,241 65 114 82 235 465 487 3,178 9,515 13,182 81 75 30 11 51 64 73 121 64 75 30 50 46 71 47 53 75 86 34 45 506,116 439,069 294 354 1,383 2,U9 2,484 3,302 1,730 2,895 3,656 5,729 5,373 6,162 11,872 13,654 6,742 8,801 11,060 12,236 34,301 38,794 34,051 36,189 393,170 308,814 760 872 110 115 27 60 300 357 38 90 16 33 282 290 65 10 3 34 62 73 106 42 63 25 31 23 32 18 29 29 32 19 20 10 14 42 38 17 19 33 19 546,562 558,782 217 403 1,403 1,893 1,633 2,422 1,427 1,793 1,955 2,570 2,048 3,400 4,695 5,068 3,754 3,5.02 2,352 3,323 15,724 15,988 11,318 13,758 500,036 504,262 368 468 138 102 50 68 141 233 14 22 32 35 15 24 52 67 48 56 58 58 19 23 20 21 54 56 39 30 72 78 403,692 420,673 53 92 240 376 1,272 1,367 905 1,442 4,194 5,368 5,589 6,347 9,207 9,054 3,729 4,590 4,786 5,024 18,640 18,763 29,311 22,075 325,766 346,175 442 490 35 81 18 66 175 128 157 204 91 121 20 15 46 68 40 51 232,080 252,293 17 27 75 150 121 160 320 257 588 2,075 2,989 957 1,583 1,443 1,437 13,654 22,664 29,989 31,562 183,451 190,833 156 222 93 119 179 150 60 16 119 134 245 335 216 294 123 128 180 215 112 124 87 119 292,282 335,421 792 770 4,395 5,971 8,390 11,473 7,253 7,420 14,531 17,393 U,039 14,502 13,816 18,817 11,171 12,130 6,870 6,790 31,997 34.134 28,598 36,077 151,430 169,944 1,379 1,65? 70 69 55 5 23 319 244 105 147 321 353 124 238 40 41 16 64 68 133 435 560 86 133 45 74 41 59 13 19 4,229 1,077 252 368 207 258 39 36 241 160 320 960 2,210 122 157 COLORADO 175 OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports Tor only a sample of rarras . See text] Douglas Eagle Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano Jackson Jefferson Kiowa 350 179 733 897 883 677 17 191 221 40 353 112 1.171 443 1 5 5 9 63 379 59 3 2 6 13 2 416 9 2 21 5 5 111 317 54 1 3 "2 13 7 575 10 3 1 1 3 33 45 15 1 1 2 7 91 7 4 5 1 2 43 30 7 5 "i 102 2 5 4 4 6 25 334 44 2 "1 4 6 2 325 2 6 16 4 3 63 237 47 1 3 2 8 6 473 8 7 5 4 4 28 196 61 3 3 17 287 1 8 17 10 5 69 184 86 '2 4 2 22 1 389 3 9 4 3 3 15 51 50 1 3 6 13 79 1 10 10 5 3 33 64 62 5 7 17 1 96 2 11 2 2 2 11 13 33 3 3 8 30 1 12 8 4 3 24 24 46 1 1 12 49 1 13 9 6 5 22 23 41 5 3 2 9 1 41 5 14 3 15 9 43 26 65 5 3 1 25 2 62 5 15 a 11 6 17 16 45 6 3 1 8 43 1 16 B 13 10 30 15 52 1 1 11 2 51 1 17 24 23 14 25 27 55 2 7 14 11 19 41 15 18 24 30 18 46 29 79 4 6 11 29 5 48 32 19 13 7 9 12 10 41 4 8 13 25 3 20 15 15 8 22 16 35 1 4 6 22 22 1 21 20 2 17 24 7 21 4 4 5 19 3 22 16 8 20 23 6 19 2 3 5 13 2 20 2 23 55 39 128 163 32 90 4 27 44 10 55 4 74 69 24 81 44 164 204 36 100 7 24 36 8 65 5 95 98 25 112 25 223 237 36 70 3 37 43 3 59 21 51 81 26 107 40 260 293 46 81 6 39 48 3 71 18 62 119 27 93 52 313 230 88 111 4 35 84 3 134 84 65 254 28 95 46 306 284 83 108 2 94 78 7 159 96 59 219 29 364,234 242,969 1,110,203 1,264,569 394,614 470,603 11,644 307,710 309,753 37,303 786,449 390,446 267,786 980,899 30 356,949 242,594 1,088,800 1,239,132 467,965 459,429 11,940 334,894 274,091 35,138 763,051 412,642 294,920 814,843 31 23 17 31 172 1,654 283 11 6 21 43 10 1,307 18 32 95 17 15 383 1,498 264 5 13 '16 53 29 2,637 35 33 65 62 77 476 3,007 1,044 41 45 304 4,403 10 34 251 171 80 1,107 2,797 1,503 34 53 21 430 15 5,783 46 35 160 110 120 617 1,897 1,927 38 294 245 474 2,999 40 36 373 185 115 1,275 2,355 2,416 181 296 637 40 3,823 80 37 120 121 107 649 1,029 2,012 173 134 459 1,749 60 33 473 210 165 1,459 1,41c. 2,667 60 62 724 2,853 o5 39 725 506 426 1,307 1,836 3,425 437 232 160 749 30 3,268 415 40 633 1.232 741 3,497 2,074 5,379 378 263 90 2,041 150 5,091 400 41 885 1,310 728 1,994 1,829 5,225 733 341 120 923 4,989 116 42 938 1,508 1,224 3,523 1,744 6,023 120 812 L25 1,302 218 5,812 100 43 3,834 3,771 2,279 3,987 4,345 8,720 310 1,116 2,232 1,755 2,998 6,414 2,480 44 3,836 4,740 2,351 7,327 4,525 12,506 634 950 1,727 4,556 816 7,559 5,U0 45 2,584 1,430 1,300 2,395 1,887 8,U1 795 1,597 2.59- 4,992 535 46 2,990 2,997 1,582 4,365 3,011 6,936 194 783 1,193 4,356 4,457 200 47 4,777 453 4,103 5,679 1,677 4,835 958 957 1,137 4,555 739 48 3,830 1,913 4,743 6,619 1,455 4,465 480 707 1,204 3,110 467 4,765 480 49 20,226 14,546 50,214 62,476 11,372 31,464 1,475 9,351 16,669 3,605 20,097 1,786 26,423 25,365 50 31,487 16,250 63,495 77,237 13,310 35 , 362 2,684 8,877 13,636 3,188 23,331 1,742 34,178 36,633 51 80,297 18,013 162,353 172,884 25,257 49,656 1.783 27,573 30,324 5.660 41,661 15,279 36,879 62,497 52 77,497 28,636 139,419 208,006 32,917 55,377 3,714 28,049 32,741 6,283 43,771 13.168 43,059 38,143 53 250,538 202,618 337,955 1,011,433 338,324 353,856 8,022 266,233 256,906 26,503 715,007 373,291 169,308 888,074 54 234,546 184,735 324,370 924,329 400,863 326,524 4,200 294,726 222,123 25,442 673,740 395,997 174,903 683,501 55 313 157 753 390 873 671 19 215 194 23 340 109 1,155 449 56 410 235 8U 1,187 846 787 24 187 207 27 459 139 1,523 493 57 14 6 51 43 5 U 2 1 1 28 179 58 31 37 164 108 5 30 1 "1 14 1 41 295 59 14 51 43 5 6 2 1 1 28 179 60 31 6 6 31 164 103 1 4 32 30 1 77 13 5 12 40 18 1 12 "i 14 4 1 36 5 35 96 '15 295 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 102 5 179 164 56 20 12 5 28 172 1 70 100 189 245 65 49 7 6 29 17 160 71 10 36 33 17 20 5 65 12 72 17 10 54 43 12 6 4 175 73 125 98 391 379 125 300 2 115 150 17 190 33 157 140 74 134 115 329 363 134 404 4 102 139 13 280 93 136 117 75 7 27 39 51 21 83 28 6 1 10 18 15 36 76 39 31 72 137 22 80 37 6 30 24 38 18 77 20 2 13 16 42 14 6 1 7 4 10 21 78 6 11 18 9 37 12 6 22 19 14 6 79 5 5 18 15 11 5 2 1 60 28 11 54 "I "s 31 2 2 19 23 5 35 9 "i 14 5 '14 82 5 31 50 65 9 43 25 8 5 19 12 83 55 21 57 220 616 192 17 58 33 10 106 2 683 81 84 89 52 47 276 470 194 13 29 32 8 no 21 867 63 35 176 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3. -FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE [Data for items shown in italics are based i Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) La Plata Larimer Las Anlmss Lincoln FABMS BY SIZE OF FABM Farms by size; All farms number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Land in faras by size of fnrm: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres ISO to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 acres and over acres 1954. . 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950. . 1954.. 1950. . 1954. . 1950. . 1954. . 1950. . 1954. . 1950. . 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Bstimited nimber of forms 1954. 1950. Ptf.ld-crop ft^rmR other than uetetnble and frult-nnii-nnt number 195i. 1950. Cash-erntn timber 1954. 1950. Cotton number 1954. 1950. Other flelii-rrop number 1954. 1950. yeietable farms number 1954.. 1950.. FruH-and-nut firms number 1954.. 1950. Ddlru firms number 1954.. 1950.. Poultrlj firms mmber 1954.. 1950.. Liuestoctf forms other than ditrii ind poultry number 1954. . 1950.. General firms number 1954.. 1950. . Prlmartln crop timber 1954. 1950. Primarily livestoetf number 1954. 1950. Crop ind liuestoclt tiumber 1954. 1950. Ulscellaneous and unclassi fifd farms number 1954.. 1950. 1,085 28 10 20 9 52 42 4 10 7 13 192 221 319 321 463 421 1,374,159 1,253,327 61 63 114 138 125 110 106 322 400 722 1,065 8,320 6,657 793 1,925 1,628 3,073 74, 827 84,612 242,300 242, 954 1,044,947 912,224 1,098 1.067 255 517 255 517 599 432 52 44 6 6 20 6 26 32 152 51 2 2 4 6 7 9,769 15,058 113 160 160 225 680 710 1,160 2,447 7,547 11,331 45 46 45 20 25 94 101 46 59 100 122 44 50 33 50 160 175 106 108 S3 86 541,979 933, 277 209 143 746 728 1,803 1,748 1,186 1,481 7,543 8,151 5,257 6,907 15,936 19,438 8,703 9,808 7,845 11,847 57,984 63,494 74,454 77,132 360,313 732. 350 853 902 82 140 82 135 128 104 227 276 113 158 37 28 33 27 48 103 288 209 218 282 74 81 144 201 170 202 72 99 47 63 163 185 119 137 225 239 71 73 71 172 172 73 79 126 139 727, 150 748,539 873 1,138 2,641 3,031 2,795 3,845 2,730 3,754 13,292 15,097 13,816 16,388 35,459 37,820 U,925 14,420 15,442 17,129 60,895 60,428 50,909 54,937 514, 373 520,602 1,566 1,741 76 241 319 173 479 486 163 238 87 56 10 37 AJ,2 449 31 102 142 130 142 325 326 2,620,900 2,621,031 252 201 588 867 891 1,433 1,086 1,298 2,281 2,617 1,255 3,065 3,260 3,262 1,610 4,628 6,039 7,347 37,861 52,353 97,386 105,003 2,463,341 2,433,957 341 926 102 93 438 397 37 61 23 30 5 14 26 308 296 5 68 89 139 194 394 371 1,611,825 1,547,818 60 56 74 146 80 110 180 70 314 241 688 2,898 4,623 800 1,196 220 1,130 26,011 34,374 105,676 146,846 1,475,519 1.358,231 670 723 135 327 134 327 355 262 40 48 10 1 8 4 22 43 90 64 1,327 53 70 40 29 13 17 18 11 62 74 53 58 163 130 30 48 57 73 298 330 303 325 269 258 1,079,567 1,098,768 101 240 207 613 312 657 1,062 654 5,090 6,030 6,235 6,797 26,223 28,565 5,864 9,460 13,473 17,340 111,269 123,574 224,470 236,331 685,261 663,507 1,339 1,482 653 612 528 517 125 95 291 408 278 255 136 55 2 35 140 165 72 120 556 431 33 34 473 397 278 319 135 156 131 209 133 143 102 119 66 66 34 37 87 82 46 46 98 111 612, 785 546,078 2,793 2,457 11,674 12, 926 10,592 16, 282 7,830 8,983 14,932 16,962 15,183 16,477 15,725 18,636 13,005 13,114 7,981 8,756 31,098 30,404 32,774 33,187 449, 198 367,894 2,423 2,525 161 188 121 161 40 27 25 52 603 468 126 166 315 416 301 255 205 99 30 21 66 135 852 959 COLORADO 177 OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for on ly a sajnple 0 f farms. See text] Moffat Montezuno Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Ppouers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt 329 941 1,316 1,370 955 118 159 560 82 904 1,037 228 534 531 1 8 107 116 79 162 5 11 3 39 204 3 30 22 2 7 50 102 46 144 1 11 1 37 176 4 27 12 3 4 47 19 39 54 ... 2 6 2 15 54 2 15 9 4 1 g 15 7 41 ... ... 7 ... 5 43 2 5 2 5 4 60 97 40 108 ... 3 5 1 24 150 1 15 13 6 6 42 37 39 103 1 ... 4 1 32 133 2 22 10 7 i. 63 146 23 104 4 2 3 ... 17 192 1 1.; 14 8 3 56 125 26 125 2 2 9 23 194 3 25 26 9 2 64 146 13 62 5 3 2 , . , 21 78 ... 8 10 10 1 69 170 19 77 6 3 3 3 27 92 12 11 11 1 33 73 22 40 2 ... 4 9 30 7 7 12 2 40 94 27 62 1 2 4 2 11 57 ... 2 6 13 4 90 227 146 125 7 4 1 5 37 55 24 8 14 7 104 250 182 139 7 1 5 6 59 66 34 9 15 6 71 130 100 86 8 7 4 30 46 9 25 11 16 3 91 148 85 91 10 3 6 1 65 40 9 30 12 17 8 99 127 278 102 13 14 25 6 139 51 13 101 33 18 12 125 142 282 108 13 16 31 17 182 62 18 125 40 19 5 37 51 58 49 6 4 5 3 50 24 7 24 U 20 3 47 55 58 45 4 3 9 4 59 28 5 25 17 21 3 48 42 69 37 3 1 5 4 54 29 7 36 17 22 5 40 48 81 43 10 2 11 5 59 33 7 32 17 23 39 160 99 236 78 22 22 154 17 149 88 35 171 104 24 57 206 111 230 81 27 25 175 24 210 116 36 179 123 25 62 115 54 140 42 21 19 207 15 125 94 38 59 126 26 70 106 47 145 53 21 34 200 19 150 104 50 58 107 27 187 54 105 206 68 27 85 136 25 234 146 111 35 166 26 170 44 110 180 62 29 99 129 15 244 157 102 44 147 29 1,246,439 912,743 595,016 823,464 752,378 130,194 626,303 515,597 118,139 967,647 1,177,784 535,279 211,856 531, 194 30 1,269,366 604,511 606,810 746,442 757,953 141,568 594,057 435,035 52,588 999,702 1,169,386 642,963 240,782 493,590 31 26 328 518 251 605 17 36 7 124 907 11 103 69 32 25 232 508 227 608 9 ... 23 5 162 769 8 155 46 33 66 1,047 2,394 388 1,656 66 47 65 . .. 295 3,329 27 235 193 34 74 1,042 2,149 395 2,034 42 40 140 388 3,191 45 380 426 35 SO 2,509 5,715 505 2,311 194 119 72 ... 799 3,036 313 380 36 40 2,714 6,682 719 2,969 224 122 122 117 1,024 3,433 198 456 420 37 65 1,931 4,242 1,312 2,311 120 217 ... 528 1,721 335 424 38 108 2,279 5,488 1,519 3,659 60 iio 240 108 645 3,239 110 365 39 337 7,310 18,518 11,637 10,201 577 310 80 435 2,987 4,401 349 1,931 699 40 564 8,500 20,139 14,704 11,343 642 70 429 505 4,853 5,215 330 2,742 715 41 668 8,281 15,172 11,693 9,792 908 847 476 3,539 5,344 1,011 2,938 1,300 42 333 10,528 17,172 10,090 10, 532 1,168 364 692 100 7,730 4,604 1,042 3,592 1,392 43 1,260 15,710 19,934 44,225 16, 112 2,145 2,253 3,962 932 22,118 8,198 2,037 16,133 5,229 44 1,911 19,644 22, 393 44,837 16,974 2,070 2,577 4,951 2,645 28,895 9,779 2,860 19,369 6,412 45 1,019 7,359 10,008 11,430 9,691 1,315 818 1,020 628 9,758 4,740 1,378 4,722 2,558 46 602 9,316 10,792 11,403 8,933 799 580 1,616 799 11,506 5,512 1,011 4,903 3,372 47 728 11,414 9,941 16,450 8,790 725 250 1,200 953 12,839 6,907 1,653 8,554 4,056 48 1,189 9,513 11,354 19,408 10,139 2,396 460 2,627 1,141 14,062 7,783 1,743 7,559 3,993 49 15,185 58,392 33,012 85,180 27, 283 8,247 8,317 59, 692 6,619 52,542 33,034 12,292 62,391 38,536 50 21,644 74,311 39,269 83,008 29, 166 10,126 9,525 68,970 8,433 75,346 43,250 12,813 63,623 47, 236 51 43,882 78,309 37,149 99,712 29, 117 14,531 12,745 152, 223 11,051 90,318 65,136 27,418 41,924 92,290 52 51,459 71,973 40,755 103,876 35,685 15, 168 24,900 145,337 12,430 108, 502 74,170 35,350 40,631 76,679 53 1,183,123 720,153 433,413 540,631 634, 509 101,366 601,427 296, 183 97,088 771,800 1,041,031 439,103 72,272 385,458 54 1,191,417 394,454 430,109 456,256 624,361 108,664 555,309 259,683 26,305 746, 589 1,008,441 587,563 96,762 352,529 55 332 1,013 1,347 1,327 973 87 150 571 82 900 1,061 231 550 536 56 340 97S 1,402 1,361 1,030 131 190 593 97 1,126 1,125 243 593 532 57 84 317 403 67 12 466 1 167 80 26 309 90 58 103 340 273 538 88 10 434 451 136 30 291 78 59 84 317 202 237 41 12 466 1 160 60 26 15 75 60 103 340 224 375 54 434 441 97 30 10 78 61 62 ... ... 40 166 26 7 '26 ... 294 ... 'is 63 64 '.'.'. 54 153 34 10 10 39 281 65 10 5 50 5 55 ... 11 66 5 10 94 ... 16 31 15 12 67 30 26 68 25 24 ..'. 69 1 52 ^5 51 15 5 26 9C . .. 48 70 4 45 39 46 54 16 123 15 16 71 2 15 11 15 30 2 15 ... 15 5 72 15 10 32 34 ... 5 17 44 ... ° 73 172 167 406 393 217 52 103 63 76 313 216 152 125 249 74 173 197 422 361 217 66 102 62 73 240 229 150 164 252 75 33 96 236 261 279 13 6 22 282 118 20 51 53 76 23 95 245 256 259 26 29 69 279 137 20 33 100 77 56 126 119 208 1 3 205 88 5 5 31 78 4 15 103 81 179 10 26 ... 131 72 6 12 32 79 6 10 30 10 5 1 1 2 ... 6 80 30 58 41 15 ... 23 10 10 ... 11 81 'io 30 80 132 66 12 2 22 76 28 15 46 16 82 24 50 84 134 65 16 1 46 ... 138 55 14 21 57 S3 40 341 341 194 315 10 41 15 5 105 487 32 50 30 84 32 256 374 128 234 29 46 23 17 107 375 33 70 74 85 178 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3^FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-^ontinued [Data for Items shown ijl Italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Saguache San Miguel Sedgwick Washington FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM Faras by size: All farms number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 160 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number I'od in tmrua by size of fara: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 acres and over acres 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954., 1950. 1954. 1950., 1954. 1950. 1954., 1950. , 1954., 1950. , 1954., 1950. , 1954., 1950. , 1954., 1950. , 1954., 1950. , 1954., 1950. , 1954. , 1950., 1954., 1950. , 1954. , 1950., FARMS Br TYPE OF FARM Sstlmated number of farms I95i.. 1950.. Field-crop farms other tfinn ueietable and frutt-and-nut nimiber 195i.. 1950. . Cash-^raln ntmber 195i. . 1950. . Cotton number 195i. . 1950. . Other field-crop number 1954. . 1950. . Veietable forms number 195i.. 1950.. Frult-and-nut farms number 1954.. 1950. . Dairy farms number 1954.. 1950. . Poultry farms number 1954.. 1950. . lluestock farms other than dairy and poultry number 1954. . 1950.. General farms number 1954. 1950. Primarily crop number 1954. 1950. Primarily lluestock number 1954. 1950. Crop and I Ivestoch number 1954. 1950. Klscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1954. 1950. 49 91 90 503,438 509,090 9 16 101 73 203 240 320 500 577 3,156 10,702 760 1,124 1,680 3,808 29,087 29,061 37,117 36,724 425,795 426,215 271 335 157 160 18 56 10 39 88 125 27 33 27 33 2 18 3 21 14 53 14 67 6 10 3 8 2 15 4 20 20 96 28 112 20 103 25 110 22 81 32 76 171,054 293,727 154,405 313,196 38 33 q 37 82 81 62 120 112 390 107 424 67 120 129 399 1,041 499 2,099 229 2,069 352 2,375 2,240 8,404 2,209 10,656 1,182 2,025 610 1,575 485 3,550 960 4,814 7,125 37,342 9,752 42,932 14,220 74,638 17,966 81,454 144,875 164,154 li',759 166,581 401 474 270 233 224 209 9 9 11 9 10 13 44,446 38,153 100 801 790 3,544 3,221 8,234 6,014 31,817 27,409 2 2 16 19 13 28 39 39 143,419 132,908 34 104 68 68 246 159 679 597 1,445 1,768 577 772 479 470 5,794 6,302 9,881 20, 960 124,209 101,702 1,162 29 19 20 5 9 12 14 10 11 61 60 9 16 9 14 224 273 356 397 445 439 1,384,642 1,402,362 56 136 112 269 60 216 964 1,150 1,175 1,290 9,778 9,503 1,778 3,139 2,165 3,379 89,315 107,408 272, 516 299,297 ,006,657 976,506 1,145 1,263 553 583 548 578 359 367 136 188 16 41 40 20 219 188 84 55 135 133 117 153 106 126 94 101 592 708 357 355 910 1,001 209 213 228 224 527 565 285 342 443 442 2,094,158 2,180,463 791 747 1,958 2,621 4,091 4,914 5,524 5,904 47,663 56,814 41,962 42,073 144,295 158,586 40,902 41,775 53,967 52,894 186,066 199,266 208, 367 250,019 1,358,567 1,364,850 4,017 4,418 929 1,543 408 909 521 639 676 348 50 66 1,192 1,011 796 1,040 444 409 11 56 341 575 314 272 COLORADO County Table 4.-VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 179 Item (For definitions and explanations see text) The State Adams Alaooss Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder Chaffee ...number 1954... 40,749 45,578 1,286 1,589 398 450 674 910 225 240 934 999 575 638 990 1,320 199 2 1950. . . 207 VALUE OF PHODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 379,899,742 426,447,889 25,502,276 18,077,495 3,582, 5&4 3,779,126 4,408,099 7,596,597 1,388,155 1,485,798 5,445,783 15,623,514 5,013,955 7,381,045 9,187,563 11,399,911 846,726 4 1949... 859,399 ..dollars 1954... 129,823,297 173,631,509 4,263,209 10,026,157 1,991,558 1,725,063 1,963,049 3,817,741 114,453 137,849 2,693,990 12,444,241 1,541,068 2,473,127 1,221.829 2,487,340 122,986 6 1949... 86,070 7 Field crops, other than vegetables and 106,529,209 156,247,958 2,251,135 7,478,653 1,813,340 1,384,723 520,994 2,106,950 112,413 137,500 2,693,798 12,443,949 1,379,429 2,261,264 875,410 2,114,729 96,800 8 1949... 67,217 q Vegetables sold ..dollars 1954... 6,728,052 1,655,144 174,200 40,105 162 158,138 104,332 5,745 10 1949... 11,443,409 2,149,391 339,808 89,802 70 208,689 122,231 8,802 ..dollars 1954... 9,614,779 4,186,050 2,405 18,259 68 382 5,777 12,632 2,045 349 30 222 1 464 4,470 17,260 2,497 12 1949... 4,551 ..dollars 1954... 6,951,257 354,525 3,450 1,396,173 3.500 237,567 17,944 14 1949... 6,754,092 379,854 150 1,603,307 2,710 233,120 5,500 15 All livestock and livestock products ..dollars 1954... 249,785,679 247,525,971 21,239,067 3,051,338 1,590,856 2,054,063 2,445,050 3,778,856 1,256,685 1,338,564 2,751,793 3,179,273 3,477,887 4,907,903 7,965,354 8,903,606 719,480 16 1949... 772,429 17 ..dollars 1954... 25,547,981 21,800,855 1,730,068 1,407,865 146,383 158,317 731,043 1,311,179 31,772 36,051 82,309 79,631 114,441 121,116 1,715,035 1,572,919 164.353 18 1949... 108,525 19 Poultry and poultry products sold. ..dollars 1954... 10,527,742 236,982 51,417 197,602 20,160 74,001 301,010 1,182,668 38,546 20 1949... 12,622,108 438,250 63,960 699,386 19,212 79,129 309,522 1,234,231 31,624 21 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 195*.. . 213,709,956 19,27:2,017 1,393,056 1,466,405 1,204,753 2,595,483 3,062,436 5,067,651 516,581 22 1949... 213,103,008 6,205,223 1,831,786 1,767,791 1,283,401 3,020,513 4,477,270 6,051,456 632,280 ?"^ ..dollars 1954... 290,766 150 17,012 330 4,260 24 1949... 290,409 9,285 10 3,965 900 Item (For definitions and explanations see text) Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores ...number 1954... 434 402 14 26 732 872 380 468 442 490 171 222 1,416 1,657 107 157 203 2 1950... 246 VALUE OF PRCDUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 ..dollars 1954... 2,779,161 5,638,996 45,427 72,926 4,568,699 6,545,961 3,050,019 2,523,926 2,362,067 4,115,425 986,628 1,509,825 8,413,237 6,377,950 2,631,609 2,133,057 1,496,132 4 1949... 1,905,162 862,833 3,112,112 2,309 2,073,375 2,987,798 2,273,060 1,406,093 809,320 2,031,165 27,847 120,437 5,033,255 2,088,936 2,501,807 1,951,544 1,363,979 6 1949... 1,636,585 7 Field crops, other than vegetables and 862,833 3,111,277 2,309 1,959,145 2,676,706 1,652,970 1,072,364 771,558 1,556,762 25,423 113,072 753,263 757,235 22,822 7,814 1,366,057 8 1949... 1,636,108 9 Vegetables sold ...dollars 1954... 114,627 620,010 33,145 2,100 59,249 91,696 10 1949... 825 310,852 333,150 470, 113 2,415 166,947 100,543 33 11 ...dollars 1954... 10 103 240 80 579 117 965 4,106,961 1,127,416 2,912 12 1949... 444 13 Horticultural specialties sold.... ...dollars 1954... 324 113,782 2,387,289 14 1949. . . 3,320 37,338 1,343,087 15 All livestock and livestock products Bold ...dollars 1954... 1,916,328 2,523,574 41,310 67,520 2,480,891 3,556,973 747,959 1,117,335 1,552,247 2,084,260 933,468 1,331,819 3,376,197 4,786,881 129,802 186,513 126,453 16 1949... 268,398 17 Dairy products sold ...dollars 1954... 75,052 7,115 67,661 1,830 91,654 255,551 485,867 9,544 1,877 18 1949... 44,857 11,238 101,385 5,803 110,461 171,839 443,582 33,100 2,150 19 Poultry and poultry products sold. ...dollars 1954... 32,123 21,769 42,514 11,222 179,360 8,173 139,136 118,441 10,690 20 1949... 55,655 25,042 42,903 17,004 228,070 25,487 225,549 105,358 3,005 21 Livestock and livestock products. other ...dollars 1954... 1,809,153 12,426 2,370,716 734,907 1,281,233 674,744 2,751,144 1,817 113,891 22 1949. . . 2,423,062 31,240 3,412,685 1,094,578 1,745,729 1,184,493 4,117,750 48,055 263,243 3,310 4, 117 3,097 33,933 1,190 29,000 448 20,313 7,519 3,785 2,133 695 24 1949... 179 180 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Douglas Eagle Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison 1 All farms number 1954... J50 410 179 235 733 811 897 1,137 883 846 677 787 17 24 191 187 221 207 2 1950. . . ViLW OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 All farm products sold. .................. ..dollars 1954... 2,198,333 1,824,411 4,483 433 5,673,255 1,764 506 3 601 090 30,803 24,439 1,314,016 1,456,159 2,009,919 2,771,803 4 1949. . . 2,762,316 2,837,779 6,394,049 7,396,776 2,177,375 4,868,133 5 All crops sold dollars 1954... 171,830 238,236 405,368 929,966 258,273 650,158 359,927 870 864 150,411 254,154 99,258 104,903 6 1949... 366,998 459,998 1,734,345 1,811,060 418,993 7 Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1954... 171,330 233,019 405,179 373,711 33 643 453,776 724,304 870 859 134,160 181,138 92,971 104,050 8 1949. . . 363,221 4-5,903 1,734,300 1,063,933 131,407 9 Vegetables sold dollars 1954... 14 44,860 73,150 101,257 141,709 3,901 3,184 16,251 72,974 10 1949... 2,596 13,495 408 11 Fruits and nuts sold. ....... ...... ...dollars 1954... 203 600 2Q 245 2,632 20,444 113,168 130,531 119,919 4,122 300 12 1949... 1,181 45 52 13 Horticultural specialties sold dollars 1954... 160 506,1 S3 52,934 6,950 2,165 14 1949. . . 666,345 27,709 12,020 ... 145 15 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1954. . . 2,016,055 1,585,765 4,071,279 4,734,857 6,068,739 1,499,296 1,746,582 2,943,943 4,004,104 24,623 22,815 1,161,010 1,198,060 1,908,551 2,665,924 16 1949... 2,386,203 2,375,531 4,651,755 17 Dairy products sold.... dollars 1954... 579 177 54 399 846 719 1 333 726 395,025 277,951 223,209 207,766 121 4,127 42,598 44,019 32,712 54,966 18 1949... ^1,964 64,616 706,574 1,235,175 19 Poultry and poultry products sold.. . .dollars 1954,,, 187,799 15,225 187,496 358,172 219,110 77,974 231 6,901 5,270 20 1949... 182,860 19,943 162,035 484,987 212,286 109,046 664 9,497 6,863 21 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. ,.;,.,, dollars 1954... 1,249,079 1,516,141 3,037,064 3,042,959 885,161 2,547,760 24,271 1,111,511 1,869,579 22 1949. . . 1,661,379 2,290,972 3,783,146 4,348,577 1,256,345 3,687,292 18,024 1,144, 5U 2,604,095 23 Forest products sold. .,..,.,..,.,..,. ...dollars 1954... 10,498 9,115 410 2,250 6,786 7,949 8,432 16,977 6,932 11,800 1,939 4,102 5,310 760 2,595 13,935 2,100 975 24 1949... Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Moffat Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Pork Phillips Pitkin 1 All farms. .................................. number 1954... 320 340 041 07P 1,316 l,iCi2 1,370 1,361 955 1,030 lis 131 159 190 550 593 82 97 2 1950. . . VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 All farm products sold ..,....,.. .dollars 1954. . . 4,389,777 4,617,381 4,126,925 3,948,216 6,869,865 7,630,795 22,306,643 17,887,806 8,972,012 10,848,364 685,524 323,757 1,172,655 1,529,492 6,576,922 5,989,359 724,742 713,142 4 1949. . . 5 All crops sold dollars 1954. . . 853,370 1,016,304 2,362,234 2,113,776 2,846,198 2,575,150 8,477,755 7,489,441 3,042,581 4,223,953 103,767 143,068 26,680 151,959 4,928,423 4,083,458 64,354 150,106 6 1949. . . 7 Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold., ..dollars 1954... 852,686 1,014,921 1,991,019 2,015,303 2,218,135 2,199,477 8,422,313 7,314,708 2,308,052 2,271,905 103,505 147,108 25,680 147,992 4,927,373 4,082,045 64,344 149,919 8 1949... 9 Vegetables sold dollars 1954... 235 5,276 174,617 29,755 674,984 35 10 1949... 149 7,683 223,265 154,073 1,878,720 900 3,200 50 11 124 365,888 420,134 187 287 211 15 10 12 1949... 1,218 91,862 112,825 1,214 2,911 60 13 187 13 Horticultural specialties sold dollars 1954... 325 51 33,312 25,500 59,258 50 500 14 1949... 16 3,928 34, 583 19,446 70,417 767 1,350 15 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1954... 3,533,537 3,600,877 1,763,264 1,826,337 4,014,877 5,046,094 13,826,338 10,398,365 5,929,431 6,623,814 579, 532 674,639 1,140,867 1,353,108 1,648,499 1,906,401 660,253 552,974 16 1949... 17 Dairy products sold, ...,...,..,.,... .dollars 1954. . . 37,070 36,151 311,015 213, 303 325,151 271,333 712,660 530,264 274,482 301,792 17,215 30,105 6,583 18,208 135,270 127,958 17,343 21,051 18 1949... 19 Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1954... 49,637 96,654 236,777 327,746 536,135 3,670 4,276 147,556 3,309 20 1949... 29,538 72,758 213,774 518,084 476,033 8,875 6,245 168,453 7,097 21 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1954... 3,446,830 1,355,595 3,452,949 12,736,482 5,118,814 558,547 1,130,008 1,355,573 539,111 22 1949. . . 3,535,188 1, 540,321 4,560,937 9,350,017 5,845,989 535,659 1,328,655 1,609,975 534,816 23 Forest products sold. .................. .dollars 1954.. • 2,870 200 1,427 3,053 8,790 9,551 2,000 2,225 1,050 5,108 24,425 125 62 24 1949. . . 597 COLORADO 181 SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Hinsdale Huerfano Jackaon Jefferson Kloua Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral «) 353 112 1,171 443 1,085 17 833 1,521 818 656 1,327 2,443 20 1 27 459 139 1,528 493 1,067 19 902 1,741 926 723 1,482 2,525 9 2 130,386 1,623,481 2,032,620 5,318,646 2,744,531 6,073,545 66,145 2,860,305 13,852,837 3,945,485 5,105,831 18,901,209 11,351,002 96,963 3 190,022 2,489,897 2,407,286 7,068,188 4,361,011 10,198,465 121,300 3,311,531 15,427,623 6,347,335 7,702,100 20,010,111 9,354,684 37,213 4 1,393 55,092 191,317 1,264,861 1,295,845 1,837,811 2,030 844,946 2,504,222 293,976 1,360,082 7,173,716 6,364,949 6,904 5 13,100 271,860 273,622 2,383,540 3,158,199 5,775,186 10,268 1,033,558 4,445,229 1,025,135 3,144,996 7,194,517 4,117,755 1,150 6 1,398 55,090 191,317 223,996 1,292,620 1,837,705 2,030 781,483 1,966,777 269,244 1,359,532 7,149,247 2,154,942 6,904 7 13,100 270,613 273,032 783,605 3,158,149 5,774,386 10,143 1,064,074 3,821,192 1,001,312 3,144,843 7,152,097 1,519,670 1,150 8 264,050 3,225 2,032 2?7,755 300 437 6,299 233,040 9 6 590 400,930 50 57 2,389 227,677 925 ... 32,018 300,661 10 2 7,610 6 54,626 107,751 10 63 lOO 4,320,728 11 1,241 65,291 243 10,895 274,742 398 153 652 2,173,716 12 769,205 100 6,800 171,939 29,422 18,070 156,239 13 1,133,664 125 11,200 121,618 22,000 9,750 123,708 14 128,988 1,554,476 1,839,345 4,041,109 1,443,736 4,235,734 64,115 1,997,832 11,335,975 3,619,206 3,745,749 11,727,489 4,930,565 90,059 15 176,922 2,216,236 2,132,762 4,666,356 1,702,812 4,423,279 109,720 2,698,729 10,953,034 5,731,395 4,557,104 12,815,594 5,735,504 36,053 16 2,102 165,943 12,215 1,388,282 25,551 203,128 17,676 473,581 1,947,419 114,131 189,744 570,070 993,153 3,897 17 2,811 112,406 20,918 1,138,609 30,052 185,125 45,948 439,377 1,316,163 203,770 110,138 542,508 773,235 1,728 18 30 54,279 1,431 1,125,018 46,278 117,277 295 112,394 378,003 35,585 125,804 212,903 361,123 613 19 515 92 , 593 2,493 1,540,039 48,985 172,710 410 142,215 470,970 92,502 139,729 340,897 263,802 ... 20 126,856 1,334,254 1,825,699 1,527,809 1,376,907 3,915,329 46,144 1,411,907 9,010, 553 3,419,490 3,430,201 10,944,516 3,626,289 85,544 21 173, 596 2,011,237 2,109,351 1,987,708 1,623,775 4,065,444 63,362 2,117,137 9,165,946 5,485,123 4,307,187 11,932,189 4,693,467 34,335 22 13,913 1,958 12,676 17,477 12,640 27,303 4 5,488 23 1,801 902 18,292 1,312 24,244 29,310 40,805 1,425 24 Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick SUBODit Toller Washington Weld Yuma 90* 1,037 228 534 531 302 112 417 36 95 1,162 4,087 1,307 1 1,126 1,125 243 593 532 335 125 474 42 117 1,263 4,413 1,436 2 7,983,184 6,799,591 2,706,305 9,078,398 4,074,041 3,798,999 924,893 6,003,929 374,291 306,634 9,721,095 84,113,057 8,954,303 3 13,253,853 8,418,670 2,789,420 12,212,727 4,172,492 4,669,314 1,061,528 5,773,013 199,147 465,867 11,307,292 78,049,617 10,328,929 4 3,398,500 2,245,559 311,422 6,087,340 1,206,048 1,653,828 161,016 3,920,624 30,914 833 4,954,223 23,310,527 4,366,954 5 8,237,530 3,200,381 466,312 7,941,960 1,501,677 1,662,431 240,154 3,147,186 28,840 45,054 5,927,133 31,377,924 4,948,718 6 3,297,633 1,341,285 309,334 6,038,347 1,157,149 1,648,458 160,659 3,903,056 30,914 253 4,953,823 21,995,056 4,364,230 7 8,069,682 2,037,607 464,804 7,662,554 1,338,964 1,639,134 240,119 3,056,973 23,340 37,753 5,926,013 29,781,659 4,943,865 e 97,353 615,503 88 45,369 45,430 5,100 320 15,675 500 116 1,019,263 309 9 167,094 978,087 274, 513 160,928 22,186 36,629 7,311 1,000 1,891,945 4,025 10 14 138 1,724 469 270 37 43 75 9 1,208 11 704 3,176 408 784 1,260 1,111 35 234 ... 120 13,549 328 12 3,500 288,633 2,000 1,400 3,000 1,850 275 295,000 1,915 13 50 181,511 1,100 4,109 525 3,350 190,770 500 14 4,584,684 4, 549,404 2,394,463 2,991,058 2,866,264 2,145,171 758,855 2,083,305 342,312 300,955 4,766,872 60,302,180 4,587,349 15 5,016,323 5,212,378 2,323,048 4,265,267 2,668,651 3,001,740 820,413 2,625,327 169,676 408,213 5,380,159 46,171^673 5,380,211 16 129,226 866,243 45,734 50,307 244,284 37,690 7,619 77,742 4,293 21,635 255,416 6,082,170 511,650 17 140,151 910, 562 33,689 101,022 202,319 49,484 11,091 83,833 5,504 32,910 274,897 4,216,003 404,181 18 270,077 283,954 15,220 58,630 95,659 21,300 8,622 33,632 139 7,588 344,233 1,132,803 453,945 19 319,938 298,459 14,664 53,116 77,506 30,739 8,367 100,938 538 17,333 542,104 950,003 557,608 20 4,185,381 3,399,207 2,333,509 2,881,571 2,526,321 2,036,181 742,614 1,921,931 337,830 271,682 4,167,223 53,587,207 3,621,754 21 4,556,234 4,003,357 2,274,695 4,111,129 2,388,826 2,921,517 300,955 2,441,056 163,634 357,965 4,563,158 41,005,567 4,413,422 22 4,628 420 1,729 5,027 1,065 4,846 350 23 5,911 60 5,500 2,164 5,643 961 631 12,590 20 ... 24 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER, OFF-FARM WORK [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Arapahoe Estimated nuniber of farms 195-4. 1950. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CIASS Commercial farms number 1954. 1950. Class I number 1954 . 1950. Class II number 1954. 1950. Class III number 1954. 1950. Class IV number 1954 . 1950. Class V number 1954. 1950. Class VI number 1954 . 1950. Other farms number 1954 . 1950. Part-time number 1954, 1950. Residential number 1954 . 1950 . Abnormal number 1954 . 1950 . FARMS BY CLASS OF KORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954 . . No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . 1950 . . Electricity farms reporting 1954. . 1950. . Television set farms reporting 1954. . Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . . Home freezer farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Com pickers farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting number Field forage harvesters farms reporting number Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting number Motortrucks farms reporting number Tractors farms reporting number Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting number Garden tractors farms reporting number Crawler tractors farms reporting number Automobiles farms reporting number OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fmrm operator*,-. With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954 . . . 1949 . . . 1954 . . . 1949 . . . 1954... 1949... 40,651 45,578 31,578 36,431 2,669 3,460 6,149 7,348 8,045 9,307 6,985 8,171 5,295 5,518 2,435 2,627 9,073 9,147 3,745 4,130 5,287 4,958 41 59 5,755 846 2,429 14,462 17,159 27,424 27,048 37,915 36,541 11,101 29,206 15,962 6,473 591 10,643 5,310 4,496 12,113 10,996 14,299 12,919 2,750 2,260 2,784 2,309 4,311 1,603 4,421 1,667 3,603 3,823 9,389 26,602 31,730 31,190 48,643 42,663 32,404 32,174 61,909 53,187 31,274 30,864 56,100 47,933 2,060 1,640 2,283 1,792 3,013 3,016 3,526 3,462 34,079 35,713 46,993 48,842 10,457 10,842 18,219 17, 147 9,848 9,263 1,265 1,589 1,051 1,285 94 155 234 317 244 412 223 213 193 137 63 51 214 304 73 152 136 147 5 5 169 10 7 305 774 985 1,086 1,201 1,408 843 1,054 485 256 18 215 244 253 411 516 522 668 42 31 42 32 137 63 138 63 161 171 235 509 1,142 1,232 2,204 1,984 1,139 1,247 2,335 2,267 1,061 1,076 1,966 1,790 119 225 185 241 139 199 184 236 1,147 1,334 1,929 2,162 333 359 518 524 310 342 404 450 309 369 24 25 61 50 125 53 38 16 21 95 81 55 37 40 23 182 139 297 254 384 391 19 339 197 120 15 114 43 51 111 59 127 94 47 96 51 21 22 36 63 287 305 457 407 326 313 704 543 311 303 578 440 13 92 113 103 340 374 477 463 122 105 170 197 90 104 715 910 428 571 46 66 62 124 103 126 81 110 95 113 41 32 287 339 71 164 211 170 215 15 56 196 233 544 745 693 885 390 585 306 186 3 124 150 109 203 264 297 325 4 62 21 64 23 44 57 130 499 482 631 754 968 509 592 879 921 403 545 710 757 105 80 110 92 43 52 59 72 653 833 1,077 1,282 268 378 350 426 275 339 214 240 154 186 10 16 18 31 19 28 47 55 40 28 20 2S 60 54 25 3 34 46 1 49 129 31 69 86 154 120 1 115 40 16 40 16 3 3 122 347 171 149 217 164 160 132 220 163 153 132 203 145 1 16 18 16 18 119 112 151 119 77 53 112 89 50 931 999 726 967 29 149 34 316 149 276 237 99 148 71 79 56 205 32 57 22 12 16 298 583 205 145 782 476 6 378 43 21 496 505 624 671 29 18 29 24 31 5 33 5 36 36 229 507 519 801 1,296 1,215 881 895 1,804 1,624 881 893 1,741 1,548 20 33 20 36 38 34 43 40 773 776 924 987 189 52 352 303 155 lOO 569 638 COLORADO AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 183 a simple of farms. See tex t] Boulder Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle 1.018 181 422 9 760 368 442 156 1,379 122 189 313 157 1 1,320 207 402 26 872 468 490 222 1,657 157 246 410 235 2 761 134 365 9 478 228 402 140 944 117 154 253 137 3 962 144' 383 15 585 235 439 181 1,124 110 228 321 183 4 85 9 13 43 34 12 14 45 40 9 7 18 5 71 6 64 55 33 39 6 23 14 6 12 16 6 125 10 57 ... 77 27 52 20 151 10 38 63 40 7 161 14 125 2 171 35 100 36 87 11 50 73 31 8 180 30 103 1 118 42 97 43 233 26 55 97 40 9 306 26 79 2 132 53 113 32 194 21 79 97 31 10 206 40 102 1 96 24 108 19 206 6 27 62 13 11 223 38 58 5 92 71 114 63 224 32 44 78 43 12 90 42 72 6 82 46 107 27 183 20 20 14 26 13 121 52 43 3 79 29 63 25 376 32 49 50 50 U 75 3 18 1 62 55 26 17 126 15 5 15 15 80 8 14 3 56 14 10 19 220 11 12 16 257 47 57 . • . 282 140 40 16 435 5 35 55 20 17 358 63 19 11 287 233 51 41 533 47 18 89 52 18 131 25 17 ... 97 20 11 205 5 10 25 10 19 161 24 13 4 86 69 17 6 335 12 6 38 17 20 126 21 40 185 120 29 16 230 25 30 10 21 197 39 1 6 7 201 164 34 35 198 '35 12 51 35 22 23 24 2iO 25 45 160 91 51 11 255 100 <; 5 6 25 21 ... 5 37 10 1 6 30 5 14 5 26 31 34 4 67 52 15 31 122 5 15 8 27 229 94 179 4 253 98 140 88 473 63 201 132 23 497 28 194 243 117 235 20 499 '22 111 78 6 29 940 163 153 q 405 112 293 73 1,0X 117 76 235 114 30 1,174 173 86 15 377 104 260 116 1,145 71 38 242 113 31 990 173 345 9 712 352 426 134 1,331 117 156 307 149 32 1,275 230 178 15 769 407 374 132 1,563 76 134 339 117 33 625 34 16 6 53 12 155 33 94 66 152 3 34 887 171 241 9 458 127 225 101 986 102 92 282 125 35 411 112 123 9 216 107 126 79 405 35 55 146 77 36 194 62 9 5 79 69 42 56 159 5 22 77 21 37 15 5 4 ... 10 2 22 6 35 ... 7 6 1 38 237 72 134 208 64 153 61 411 * . . 31 109 62 39 318 35 37 1 28 22 40 140 5 2 100 9 40 343 6 9 27 5 15 51 125 5 98 15 41 296 16 190 ... 131 73 54 14 182 2 138 97 10 42 218 10 141 153 115 62 17 104 174 97 43 322 16 249 ... 139 75 67 14 182 4 171 112 'io 44 234 10 209 162 121 65 22 104 230 107 45 26 ... 13 ... 79 44 1 ... 46 52 25 ... ... 84 1 11 47 26 13 ... ... 79 ... 44 1 ... 48 52 27 ... ... 84 1 11 49 80 50 27 3 104 40 104 47 132 7 42 38 50 36 ... 14 5 58 22 40 28 60 5 11 7 51 80 51 27 3 115 40 104 51 134 7 42 39 52 36 ... 14 5 75 24 40 29 60 5 11 7 53 212 10 32 ... 21 4 34 2 116 1 2 34 1 54 217 10 34 21 4 35 2 117 1 2 35 2 55 135 50 129 1 51 26 116 61 256 101 199 38 56 178 101 299 1 94 45 141 212 603 354 1,072 119 57 770 112 319 9 526 274 361 133 1,046 '72 154 236 136 58 805 160 227 20 575 294 357 163 925 44 192 229 155 59 1,106 157 522 9 682 382 503 180 1,298 115 228 308 192 60 1,076 167 366 20 745 381 452 218 1,085 69 287 289 193 61 771 127 373 9 501 215 385 108 1,007 57 174 280 138 62 849 143 276 5 514 234 386 137 1,026 13 227 308 113 63 1,536 202 705 10 982 .396 813 195 1,443 87 385 507 254 64 1,386 164 464 5 1,038 419 671 223 1,312 29 472 465 155 65 709 121 372 3 480 205 375 108 952 22 173 277 137 66 774 133 275 5 494 234 375 132 950 5 226 303 107 67 1,373 175 676 3 750 321 767 184 1,266 32 353 448 226 68 1,244 149 444 5 770 374 642 206 1,154 5 429 420 141 69 105 12 16 5 15 11 30 1 83 50 6 27 7 70 80 5 ... 10 10 10 60 13 5 15 5 71 110 12 17 5 15 16 30 1 83 55 6 27 8 72 80 5 ... 20 15 10 60 24 5 15 5 73 48 13 12 2 158 50 16 "9 78 ... 25 30 20 74 62 10 17 ... 182 29 18 17 93 33 25 9 75 53 15 12 2 217 59 16 10 94 26 32 20 76 62 10 20 ... 248 X 19 17 98 38 30 9 77 898 145 351 9 529 188 386 121 1,117 '87 161 284 129 78 1,134 180 266 15 630 233 419 153 1,161 73 182 314 142 79 1,196 197 448 13 719 295 442 160 1,523 130 180 453 252 80 1,526 194 388 15 811 275 518 239 1,340 75 219 413 162 81 287 58 58 6 258 69 67 34 512 10 46 67 25 32 443 51 31 11 334 233 60 41 630 53 32 102 59 33 448 99 195 1 344 164 204 66 777 15 95 139 55 34 602 92 130 11 324 189 125 83 890 45 101 140 75 35 255 63 72 ... 251 95 78 20 460 15 37 90 13 36 365 60 3? 10 236 126 57 36 437 45 45 90 39 37 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER , OFF-FARM WORK [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) EstljDated number of farms 1954 . . . 1950... FAKMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number 1954... 1950... Class I number 1954 . . . 1950... Class II number 1954... 1950... Class III number 1954... 1950... Class TV number 1954... 1950... Class V number 1954... 1950... Class VI number 1954 . . . 1950... Other farms number 1954 — 1950 . . . Part-time number 1954. .. 1950... Residential number 1954... 1950 . . . Abnormal number 1954... 1950... FAHMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954 . . . No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . . Tractor and horses and/or mules. — farms reporting 1954... Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQniPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954... 1950 . . . Electricity farms reporting 1954. . . 1950... Television set farms reporting 1954... Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . . . Home freezer farms reporting 1954... 1950... Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954... Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954... Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... Grain combines farms reporting 1954. . . 1950 . . . number 1954 .. . 1950... Com pickers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 .. . 1950... Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954... number 1954 .. . Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 — 1950... Tractors farms reporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 .. . 1950... Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Garden tractors farms reporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Crawler tractors farms reporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 — 1950... Autoncbilea farms reporting 1954. . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950. . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fara eperatora— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 1949 . . . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . . . 1949... 100 or more days operators reporting 1954... 1949... 753 811 697 764 30 41 65 130 165 246 195 210 208 84 33 53 56 47 31 23 25 24 40 31 19 42D 243 418 431 709 616 300 507 268 SO 3 359 200 163 315 266 372 279 6 22 58 20 60 20 34 89 468 1,772 653 532 880 699 664 64^ 1,104 995 662 634 1,069 936 13 20 13 20 15 33 22 39 636 591 813 823 84 63 283 159 131 1,187 687 922 20 47 64 70 183 287 207 257 142 180 71 81 203 265 116 117 81 145 52 396 329 454 607 830 1,025 328 674 367 235 6 380 187 290 132 127 144 130 49 39 49 39 48 27 51 27 86 90 503 1,651 626 720 818 945 770 894 1,192 1,248 725 849 1,053 1,154 33 44 83 50 48 42 51 44 794 1,016 1,186 1,444 300 316 393 450 253 268 873 846 262 376 4 15 46 53 39 33 55 64 66 U2 52 99 611 470 133 182 472 287 6 1 4S1 37 53 161 141 543 537 838 794 245 620 250 85 114 65 56 26 16 26 21 2 5 2 5 41 26 41 26 20 20 84 335 584 540 696 679 404 395 519 503 294 353 367 429 118 70 118 70 32 3 34 4 674 591 820 731 561 496 523 433 402 321 671 737 479 593 24 36 48 86 133 129 145 165 98 116 31 61 192 194 116 118 76 76 86 373 105 547 517 660 614 7 467 298 109 1 199 41 37 77 62 80 63 55 21 55 23 49 51 158 452 536 503 656 589 488 431 720 605 477 391 641 504 39 51 39 58 36 40 40 43 469 541 642 684 243 229 325 331 187 198 ^dlpin 1 4 2 7 1 3 15 10 5 10 10 30 30 3 215 187 162 158 13 10 33 17 29 16 141 155 134 155 130 20 142 105 79 39 14 11 9 41 4 52 4 4 20 61 191 173 126 257 141 151 153 322 260 150 158 273 239 1 5 1 5 45 15 48 16 134 121 198 154 194 207 161 175 20 29 48 60 50 23 27 34 11 17 5 12 33 32 10 23 22 9 1 36 150 7 137 161 184 137 23 7 23 7 7 7 57 157 160 149 286 184 157 180 368 3U 150 158 315 270 10 43 30 53 31 175 183 281 331 COLORADO AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] 185 Huerfano Jackson Jefferson KiOMa Kit Carson Uke La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Hoffat 3A0 109 1,155 449 1,093 6 853 1,565 841 670 1,339 2,423 25 332 1 459 139 1,528 493 1,067 19 902 1,741 926 723 1,482 2,525 9 340 2 235 107 527 358 945 5 566 1,129 543 581 1,263 1,581 11 292 3 349 118 723 430 1,016 13 693 1,301 648 659 1,367 1,587 7 303 4 U 27 47 15 25 4 131 27 29 102 60 1 40 5 21 45 33 40 85 "i 22 138 76 68 115 60 44 5 4« 33 99 68 150 70 239 74 100 355 332 "3 47 7 41 27 96 104 184 "4 93 239 105 111 335 169 2 39 8 38 25 W3 86 231 2 112 295 97 168 436 356 78 9 87 29 U9 103 323 2 115 280 128 165 440 256 '"i 103 10 66 8 110 82 229 2 210 217 U5 144 202 438 70 11 61 6 173 70 254 2 232 327 111 163 269 473 2 74 12 39 7 81 87 200 1 112 169 154 106 115 245 7 38 13 76 188 77 129 2 159 247 131 121 138 395 1 44 V, 30 7 47 30 lU 58 78 76 34 58 150 19 15 63 11 34 35 41 '2 72 70 97 31 70 234 1 4 16 105 2 628 81 152 1 287 437 298 89 71 842 15 40 17 110 21 305 63 51 5 209 440 278 64 115 933 2 32 18 20 1 266 41 59 1 105 150 118 47 31 361 5 20 19 61 a 234 16 35 1 120 279 96 28 43 396 2 16 20 85 1 361 40 93 181 281 180 42 40 481 10 20 21 49 521 1 46 1 16 5 87 1 2 160 6 1 182 35 1 72 537 "5 16 22 23 24 37 392 37 97 2 110 292 117 55 115 601 21 25 20 53 0 10 15 17 41 8 1 80 1 25 63 9 88 8 13 89 81 166 15 54 177 15 27 27 175 97 233 129 407 421 455 393 319 461 535 10 228 28 45 3 339 269 566 4 218 711 \2i, 273 708 1,030 1 55 29 105 94 1,034 Ul 515 432 1,356 351 284 913 1,992 21 188 30 93 99 1,294 72 427 335 1,458 189 203 857 2,010 1 200 31 278 108 1,1J7 342 970 748 1,515 674 639 1,251 2,339 21 a« 32 a2 108 1,413 223 501 719 1,590 473 342 1,242 2,377 1 170 33 34 18 752 57 16 24 913 49 160 206 414 1 34 174 78 1,042 230 774 497 1,241 443 504 953 1,724 26 173 35 67 80 354 138 343 350 771 247 314 558 872 9 152 35 28 9 290 43 31 139 445 39 33 255 306 1 47 37 15 1 9 16 22 7 3 27 33 '79 5 194 118 365 290 298 177 250 400 313 1 59 39 34 1 168 7 103 127 482 15 64 182 212 12 40 20 11 142 10 61 98 338 41 35 91 171 26 41 45 5 109 273 527 199 349 141 343 787 171 159 42 73 1 104 136 615 164 244 154 307 748 114 168 43 45 8 Ul 365 797 207 395 142 432 945 171 172 44 79 1 211 258 753 165 261 164 371 869 114 176 45 2 18 117 66 1 34 251 54 45 1 5 2 95 26 2 42 a6 22 47 2 18 117 71 1 34 252 54 48 1 5 2 96 25 2 46 218 22 49 94 20 72 18 57 173 213 131 57 97 162 2 57 50 68 5 19 1 24 44 100 107 19 60 59 20 51 95 28 72 20 57 173 219 136 58 98 165 "2 60 52 63 8 20 1 24 44 101 U9 19 61 61 21 53 10 57 36 118 52 273 17 35 174 89 54 10 63 40 137 62 273 13 36 184 94 55 158 42 257 75 199 2 422 235 508 231 190 456 21 132 56 390 100 454 142 329 4 949 399 2,391 224 322 1,076 34 1,698 57 273 98 339 362 903 5 619 1,227 652 587 1,154 1,504 21 301 58 308 108 769 287 914 10 575 1,283 554 545 1,158 1,454 5 303 59 362 175 1,155 549 1,453 12 765 1,957 363 942 1,817 1,905 43 511 60 357 153 1,023 455 1,107 10 515 1,766 723 724 1,553 1,854 7 451 61 220 100 728 398 973 4 549 1,216 524 597 1,169 1,520 11 283 62 221 91 581 290 914 575 1,306 475 557 1,139 1,297 5 290 53 326 378 1,078 776 1,763 6 957 2,515 762 1,070 2,553 2,234 25 565 64 287 186 970 549 1,472 738 2,079 679 860 2,225 1,523 10 442 65 213 99 610 385 973 4 636 1,165 504 589 1,155 1,547 9 280 66 209 91 550 278 9M 564 1,235 438 543 1,154 1,220 6 257 57 299 341 820 733 1,697 "5 843 2,308 584 988 2,419 1,930 18 430 63 262 160 708 510 1,423 558 1,935 591 819 2,049 1,443 9 383 69 2 157 7 39 29 92 8 31 63 143 14 70 1 156 12 25 15 90 20 9 58 93 7 71 2 162 7 39 29 105 8 32 63 148 14 72 1 171 12 25 15 90 20 10 68 93 7 73 25 35 79 28 24 1 78 91 63 45 67 96 8 64 74 34 5 34 25 23 59 52 62 29 94 82 1 47 75 25 37 96 36 27 1 85 102 70 50 71 106 8 71 76 24 6 91 27 24 65 54 68 31 109 37 1 52 77 196 95 1,018 350 958 "5 624 1,339 598 611 1,261 1,991 26 255 73 260 104 1,267 315 901 5 555 1,649 554 525 1,332 1,921 6 242 79 245 162 1,601 437 1,244 9 782 1,597 758 301 1,716 2,540 43 373 80 302 156 1,311 586 1,164 5 709 2,334 735 673 1,769 2,347 8 473 81 86 1 671 83 183 1 289 521 340 93 149 995 IS 70 82 103 21 891 76 95 1 235 525 252 92 199 1,038 4 39 83 124 29 706 2a 393 2 453 690 455 249 548 1,503 17 U7 84 151 41 399 172 355 7 376 743 353 198 5U 1,383 3 130 35 63 2 600 101 128 2 247 393 292 125 133 1,061 12 71 36 77 20 779 76 109 2 208 437 219 73 198 359 2 57 87 186 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER , OFF-FARM WORK [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Morgan Ouray Phillips Estimated number of farms 1954. 1950. FABMS BY ECONOMIC CLkSS Commercial farms number 1954. 1950. Class I number 1954 . 1950. Class II number 1954. 1950. Class III number 1954 . 1950. Class IV number 1954 . 1950. Class V number 1954. 1950. Class VI number 1954. 1950. Other farms number 1954 . 1950. Part-time number 1954 . 1950. Residential number 1954. 1950. Abnormal number 1954 . 1950. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954 . No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954.. 1950., Electricity farms reporting 1954 . , 1950., Television set farms reporting 1954 . , Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954. 1950 . Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . 1950. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Com pickers farms reporting 1954 . 1950 . number 1954 . 1950. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Tractors farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Garden tractors farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Autoinablles farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954. 1950. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCME Fara operatdra— . With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954 . 1949. 1,018 978 682 727 17 28 80 51 220 160 126 279 167 149 72 60 336 251 175 104 160 146 1 385 372 530 302 952 721 20 515 514 166 11 167 63 40 311 276 380 296 10 10 10 10 20 52 52 526 1,253 714 568 876 658 762 677 1,180 944 757 662 1,104 864 35 20 35 20 41 60 41 60 727 632 823 716 382 269 568 408 312 195 1,347 1,402 1,007 1,038 41 60 114 123 272 207 240 237 260 244 80 117 340 364 165 139 175 225 238 50 116 556 367 1,036 907 1,281 1,304 90 813 499 257 27 310 52 40 203 181 218 192 49 50 49 50 176 36 176 37 60 60 347 1,139 1,014 895 1,247 1,049 958 830 1,419 1,108 937 805 1,295 1,009 54 37 54 37 69 61 70 62 1,075 954 1,202 1,255 395 413 711 554 390 309 1,327 1,361 1,133 1,243 177 122 324 327 295 345 163 269 114 113 60 67 194 118 73 71 121 47 99 16 45 425 742 1,009 872 1,231 1,197 745 999 506 142 19 394 157 156 500 438 564 480 378 236 378 238 82 9 89 10 227 237 112 251 1,084 1,064 1,930 1,520 1,172 1,156 2,750 2,250 1,154 1,151 2,646 2,153 28 31 52 31 44 54 52 66 1,186 1,159 1,767 1,605 220 147 592 34« 212 143 973 1,030 796 45 71 105 179 164 161 183 192 120 114 41 315 234 160 105 155 129 170 31 70 196 506 750 711 939 936 293 620 287 115 11 211 47 46 123 111 129 117 127 101 127 101 134 37 134 37 109 126 139 343 672 649 1,005 903 712 695 1,362 1,239 696 658 1,276 1,106 32 41 32 51 51 80 54 82 823 799 1,145 1,049 356 271 539 423 352 232 87 131 58 94 74 104 1 70 43 31 15 6 42 154 76 34 100 97 67 62 87 66 62 62 81 63 5 150 190 109 144 8 10 16 20 13 43 29 41 25 6 18 24 41 46 21 34 20 83 93 122 109 12 33 73 41 577 124 159 217 223 105 131 241 322 101 130 200 300 37 22 41 22 113 126 197 168 571 593 570 36 41 172 182 198 155 123 153 12 26 15 11 15 23 15 4 128 422 450 426 536 471 35 486 366 125 331 395 486 502 129 120 133 125 17 4 20 5 19 22 39 67 523 468 886 710 552 523 1,000 350 550 496 931 752 31 14 31 14 34 77 38 84 543 523 744 634 26 55 144 219 43 61 COLORADO AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 187 a sajuple of farms. See text] Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgulck Smnult Teller Washington Weld Yuma ~ 900 1,061 231 550 536 271 88 401 40 94 1,145 4,017 1,298 1 1,126 1,125 243 593 532 335 125 474 42 117 1,263 4,413 1,436 2 795 585 200 500 456 245 78 396 35 66 1,092 3,718 1,192 3 1,024 765 205 533 469 285 107 427 32 84 1,204 4,156 1,354 4 4S 59 34 103 33 36 10 62 4 1 45 652 53 5 129 39 30 190 50 52 7 53 8 2 79 626 57 6 155 118 48 172 100 68 10 132 3 8 230 990 172 7 292 142 35 116 113 81 34 104 6 10 223 1,213 211 8 208 102 55 102 150 66 3 80 8 5 348 913 364 9 300 216 68 89 132 67 20 105 6 19 377 1,179 395 10 247 125 37 67 65 35 19 79 10 15 256 577 310 11 182 185 38 79 95 46 74 6 35 338 682 370 12 82 99 20 46 75 27 16 26 10 29 155 451 214 13 78 119 25 44 53 39 40 66 6 9 132 296 247 U 55 82 6 10 33 13 15 17 ... 8 58 135 79 15 43 64 9 15 26 6 25 ... 9 55 160 74 16 105 476 31 50 80 26 10 5 5 28 53 299 106 17 102 360 38 60 63 50 18 47 10 33 59 262 82 18 51 225 15 25 25 6 5 5 ... 18 30 117 80 19 19 182 16 23 17 28 12 13 .*. 4 39 154 48 20 54 250 15 25 55 20 5 ... 5 10 23 132 26 21 80 172 1 21 1 37 45 22 6 34 10 29 20 103 34 22 23 '3 6 1 i 24 94 241 35 30 21 11 12 94 279 91 25 11 53 5 6 5 ... 5 5 ... ... 12 33 10 26 21 92 30 10 30 35 6 7 6 31 15 73 43 27 276 315 178 292 311 148 ... 45 134 33 50 369 986 534 28 498 360 23 208 109 62 32 244 1 1 655 2,646 620 29 433 681 167 481 405 223 59 359 21 39 630 3,227 855 30 400 693 163 535 393 231 35 200 11 22 645 3,070 861 31 823 1,015 193 545 486 251 76 389 40 67 1,045 3,949 1,192 32 745 1,016 165 577 413 263 70 346 26 63 320 3,993 923 33 21 564 ... 13 9 10 16 1 11 262 2,773 63 34 609 757 139 498 376 225 49 356 34 56 760 3,325 1,024 35 286 281 86 304 271 132 40 242 34 26 387 2,000 397 36 99 153 31 191 115 62 22 79 10 11 52 322 57 37 17 10 1 31 2 11 5 12 35 71 29 38 313 293 50 144 161 62 34 156 3 14 446 702 580 39 53 100 3 20 65 17 11 68 I 2 100 1,114 173 40 31 127 11 20 111 10 5 18 93 870 94 41 460 120 70 96 134 41 39 241 1 649 1,563 732 42 546 124 31 52 146 52 26 201 6 701 1,076 599 43 535 142 70 112 151 44 39 311 1 780 1,777 920 44 643 153 38 52 168 57 31 277 6 802 1,195 730 45 173 39 ... ... 101 132 238 423 46 190 24 51 216 125 311 47 173 39 ... ... 101 189 241 432 48 195 24 ... ... ... 56 216 130 322 49 80 127 31 121 82 48 11 33 3 3 92 413 123 50 23 91 22 58 12 41 3 ... 1 24 93 15 51 80 128 33 122 82 51 11 38 "3 3 93 425 127 52 28 91 22 59 12 44 3 ... 1 24 95 15 53 100 45 1 35 11 16 '16 31 1 1 74 792 103 54 109 47 1 36 11 16 16 31 1 1 77 346 106 55 92 196 142 45 231 37 56 16 12 35 212 485 121 56 169 595 643 137 714 74 265 52 13 169 437 742 204 57 678 760 203 500 450 220 76 372 27 70 951 3,596 1,013 58 780 689 177 439 381 250 73 339 26 69 942 3,523 926 59 1,072 1,156 371 819 686 372 108 716 42 100 1,506 6,468 1,463 60 1,104 967 235 726 508 378 94 517 42 97 1,285 54,76 1,186 61 775 705 202 500 420 211 77 378 39 51 1,024 3,657 1,160 62 905 757 162 484 405 237 60 365 16 43 1,133 3,842 1,164 63 1,694 1,250 460 1,148 809 526 116 864 100 66 1,935 8,994 2,099 64 1,775 1,194 276 971 611 432 103 643 49 72 1,706 7,639 1,622 65 774 675 201 489 407 205 76 377 34 49 1,014 3,612 1,146 66 898 722 156 453 405 216 to 354 16 48 1,125 3,801 1,144 67 1,653 1,143 378 858 644 403 105 774 76 60 1,787 3,582 1,954 68 1,636 1,072 248 695 538 320 93 594 43 59 1,624 7,153 1,508 69 18 58 20 1 17 1 29 5 60 119 59 70 14 55 1 1 5 8 7 1 19 88 47 71 18 69 20 1 57 1 . • . 52 5 61 125 £0 72 25 60 1 1 5 10 7 ... 1 19 106 57 73 20 35 51 219 89 84 10 37 16 5 73 269 75 74 48 56 27 224 63 78 32 6 12 54 320 53 75 23 38 62 289 108 122 11 38 19 6 87 287 85 76 64 62 27 275 68 102 42 6 12 63 380 57 77 701 867 194 475 380 211 40 382 35 60 1,001 3,739 1,166 78 814 896 190 561 384 263 59 375 21 39 1,094 3,949 1,219 79 890 1,362 298 817 486 286 68 557 72 97 1,339 5,539 1,539 80 1,149 1,301 252 921 493 499 70 533 33 51 1,377 5,816 1,564 31 123 472 52 72 91 56 19 5 5 36 97 472 138 82 116 448 58 94 96 61 28 71 8 35 89 406 148 83 353 592 66 199 243 114 43 116 24 59 395 1,339 446 84 314 511 86 155 154 145 41 177 18 65 355 1,170 437 85 118 444 30 85 96 49 18 23 8 34 121 523 153 86 133 383 44 78 82 61 26 57 10 35 93 431 143 87 188 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF j [ Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Archuleta Estijnated number of farms 1954 . . . 1950... Week of Septeaber 26-October 2: ^ Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 1950... persons 1954 . . . 1950... Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . 1950.. 1 to 14 hours persons 1954.. 15 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . persons 1954 . . 1950 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. persons 1954 . . 1950.. Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . . persons 1954.. . Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954... persons 1954 .. . SPECIFIED TASK EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... 1949 . . . Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . . 1949... Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . . 1949... dollars 1954... 1949 . . . Hired labor farms reporting 1954... 1949 . . . dollars 1954... 1949... $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954... $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954 . . . $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954 . . . $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954... $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954... Feed for livestock and poultry, .farms reporting 1954... 1949 . . . dollars 1954... 1949 . . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . . 1949 . . . dollars 1954... 1949... Conmercial fertilizer farms reporting 1954... dollars 1954... tons 1954... acres on which used 1954 . . . Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954... tons 1954... dollars 1954... acres limed 1954 . . . USE OF COmERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OQ which coaaercial fertilizer vas used, 1954: Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... tons. . . acres on which used... Other pasture farms reporting . . . tons.. . acres on which used — Com farms reporting . . . tons — acres on which used . . . Sugar beets farms reporting... tons. .. acres on which used... Fruits, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting... tons . . . acres on which used . . . Other crops farms reporting... tons. . . acres on which used... 40,651 45,578 37,208 40,351 96,047 84,143 36,689 39,470 35,910 38,013 8,872 27,038 15,352 17,743 23,731 26,916 9,612 9,666 36,356 19,214 5,311 9,398 5,927 26,458 40,271 42,090 28,796 35,010 21,540 27,002 9,336,618 13,450,001 21,864 29,139 33,510,100 42,789,301 3,706 2,768 4,331 3,287 3,985 3,787 31,114 34,035 64,542,617 43,487,520 34,900 35,312 23,872,449 22,912,919 9,637 3,931,042 45,911 422,951 66 804 5,750 1.000 3,043 7,720 81,014 460 775 9,283 3,159 7,925 90,509 3,439 13,146 99,189 2,360 8,515 50,084 2,790 7,581 92,880 1,265 1,589 1,151 1,319 3,325 2,947 1,128 1,239 1,092 1,258 232 860 539 544 1,021 907 440 325 1,212 732 235 556 258 656 1,249 1,425 334 1,145 444 715 252,150 506,021 717 1,008 1,721,927 1,899,863 87 42 131 115 169 173 791 1,103 5,878,162 1,865,122 1,173 1,240 879,134 941,053 374 110,137 1,481 9,669 15 135 555 240 63 178 1,803 7 27 265 83 176 2,067 51 156 1,000 225 830 2,400 54 115 2,034 404 450 354 366 1,747 874 346 354 339 334 116 217 203 363 1,205 172 56 102 116 1,103 399 401 292 346 203 283 39,358 221,883 223 256 402,371 359,473 10 23 67 33 56 34 318 343 254,016 215,562 364 325 279,025 193,352 84 56,994 665 3,873 16 569 4,350 595 13 16 282 11 50 259 65 545 2,652 16 40 570 715 910 634 374 1,768 1,947 612 348 580 793 274 306 269 362 464 532 155 215 724 622 115 544 78 IR) 700 914 347 637 172 408 56,533 266,564 266 505 896,173 1,373,962 39 26 34 32 50 35 532 806 907,677 1,254,172 523 646 281,287 317,399 104 45,510 575 2,791 21 96 1,131 11 18 240 22 72 546 10 9 15 49 379 859 214 240 194 173 414 397 188 170 132 155 17 165 105 87 152 143 213 194 152 169 99 90 25,929 17,835 129 144 121,663 165,618 43 23 19 8 21 15 133 133 75,951 99,677 193 124 64,510 38,076 18 2,438 35 331 9 14 154 5 2 25 1 1 6 9 18 146 931 999 323 799 3,195 1,492 316 775 306 756 93 713 342 255 529 368 295 209 1,360 368 82 131 244 1,729 931 950 636 916 421 722 235,713 1,003,242 598 813 816,638 1,726,854 61 60 136 108 140 93 641 675 468,254 444,361 887 917 944,385 ,126,200 11 3,005 31 425 10 30 400 ^For 1950, "Week preceding enumeration. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO 189 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954 a sample of farms. See text] Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Crowley Douglas Eagle 1,018 1,320 922 1,163 1,895 2,261 1,U7 916 1,116 331 585 391 557 546 820 204 200 433 325 149 206 102 227 612 938 470 735 149,904 248,968 455 748 578,842 644,742 103 53 57 71 93 872 1,067 ,032.925 ,136,002 305 948 589,998 439,545 222 83,330 1,070 10,326 159 1,580 18 20 375 117 339 3,756 198 1,655 10 115 610 39 223 2.210 181 207 149 190 280 393 147 190 147 135 22 125 44 92 160 170 120 160 91 Ml 27,920 12,690 82 140 75,663 72,101 11 16 16 10 136 140 138,471 133,532 133 155 46,062 42,053 16 2,228 23 324 26 304 1 2 20 422 402 343 264 645 622 338 273 333 271 109 147 194 231 73 67 118 120 421 309 312 284 209 233 155,264 356,678 249 248 201,120 288,248 43 31 69 50 36 20 283 246 419,102 292,906 392 297 389,430 333,893 14 4,930 62 3,090 12 590 965 3 10 2,700 7,665 9 20 8,830 61,515 9 20 1,272 6,745 33 2,405 760 872 660 815 2,573 2,096 639 792 622 746 236 386 212 377 356 571 242 310 1,595 779 15o 306 1,289 755 873 510 728 411 585 170,258 235,546 348 568 828,188 1,165,203 46 21 52 37 98 94 522 620 299,174 397,329 580 663 386,263 421,779 101 95,605 1,200 8,449 10 132 ,578 2 12 160 12 54 627 110 70 727 4,143 38 266 1,831 368 468 302 393 1,475 787 296 338 239 363 35 254 134 133 214 226 103 80 972 198 43 124 367 398 315 353 265 275 63,045 60,618 135 223 393,949 509,266 15 10 6 34 32 38 143 200 82,710 44,655 271 278 174,952 236,350 75 63,326 808 5,332 5 15 105 11 770 40 66 701 3,285 13 77 1,017 442 490 413 428 1,020 873 413 426 413 406 92 321 197 222 323 289 83 56 284 178 442 445 354 398 299 352 95,124 151,065 244 342 230,637 385,453 58 46 43 41 24 32 380 394 521,338 323,612 397 424 257,942 315,918 96 38,030 447 2,975 27 52 498 65 290 1,835 15 60 225 13 28 221 156 222 155 198 341 450 152 187 151 182 33 118 96 110 138 202 32 46 52 66 156 223 94 152 60 114 28,496 35,390 71 147 54,916 140,604 17 13 12 18 5 147 192 256,911 144,607 145 183 58,539 78,899 13 9,320 108 650 12 107 545 1 1 5 1,379 1,657 1,264 1,556 3,181 3,053 1,252 1,531 1,220 1,480 360 860 491 685 708 981 297 319 1,253 592 118 214 216 1,039 1,369 1,561 1,047 1,336 907 1,169 193,330 193,023 668 931 846,217 380,498 145 76 154 95 104 94 1,011 1,203 524,402 723,226 1,107 1,181 381,576 320,748 394 110,917 1,331 10,948 218 567 5,844 33 54 285 106 138 1,340 39 110 467 107 290 1,774 96 174 l,21f. 122 157 745 232 111 71 111 71 50 20 70 25 102 21 564 136 80 370 67 194 122 54 112 34 15 5 1,750 50 112 29 878,240 319,581 5 16 15 1 75 30 10,350 97 19 23,300 5,975 110 25,500 352 315 15 65 605 40 30 32 185 80 320 130 189 246 179 211 667 365 179 206 179 196 37 142 53 72 91 102 70 35 397 67 64 376 189 247 148 232 103 134 52,891 60,305 142 197 125,678 134,553 20 18 37 23 31 13 111 171 52,680 27,385 174 232 160,768 192,139 1 270 313 410 303 354 587 671 297 338 296 323 103 193 117 169 178 232 73 113 116 157 235 753 811 313 364 174 244 39 188 21,923 47,007 139 194 161,345 209,267 32 22 31 16 15 23 296 319 711,531 322,994 279 287 134,079 118,793 14 3,507 42 566 10 172 150 715 174 691 485 1,437 451 1,501 146 710 172 678 141 693 166 661 30 143 HI 550 54 344 92 374 122 537 149 660 94 102 49 118 222 157 136 180 76 54 145 30 157 185 134 135 65 99 19,360 16,375 127 135 376,469 338,051 11 10 11 53 42 138 130 165,746 243,434 145 139 34,124 68,167 54 12,329 155 1,419 41 117 1,117 753 729 409 609 300 480 93,921 163,762 279 497 229,721 348,501 88 36 45 46 35 29 569 632 1,143,882 25 225 533,828 46 688 695 409,830 429,106 18 3,709 48 1,417 5 20 375 6 10 196 9 13 845 190 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF [ Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gilpin Estimated number of farms 195'i . . . 1950... FAKM LABOR Week of Septcaber 26-Octobcr 2: ^ Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 195A. 1950. persons 1954 . 1950. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. 1950. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . 1950., 1 to 14 hours persons 1954 . , 15 or more hours persons 1954. , Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. 1950., persons 1954.. 1950.. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . 1950 . . persons 1954 . . 1950.. Regular workers (employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . Machine hire forms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954.. $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954.. $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954.. $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. doUars 1954.. 1949.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . dollars 1954.. 1949.. Commercial fertilizer farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954.. tons 1954.. acres on which used 1954 . , Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954.. USE OF COttlERClAL FERTILIZER Crops OD which couercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons., acres on which used . . Com farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used . . Sugar beets farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used., FiTilts, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting.. tons . . acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting.. tone. . acres on which used . . 890 1,187 846 1,185 1,794 2,406 826 1,146 806 1,090 192 614 440 530 704 816 152 167 284 500 74 148 92 136 1,179 535 845 365 652 102,664 161,657 404 670 430,814 819, 362 119 82 64 52 43 44 780 1,018 1,322,846 1,146,959 772 937 352,957 449,068 74 17,646 220 6,332 873 846 753 794 1,188 1,474 745 778 725 732 336 389 227 341 310 463 76 190 153 279 59 lOO 833 793 487 574 409 481 51,148 106,388 222 332 196,982 402,056 78 50 32 9 36 17 610 670 605,027 613,159 511 514 93, 542 119,021 112 16,111 228 1,262 5 39 77 33 80 207 414 370 2,517 8 6 6 29 20 4 690 150 25 64 34 15 131 66 19 3,733 456 193 5 20 95 23 20 45 7 165 55 29 11 5 27 17 9 1,505 121 90 671 787 611 708 1,496 1,491 603 685 587 670 163 424 360 331 602 485 123 175 307 336 59 112 76 195 671 694 465 564 387 457 86,776 102,953 366 444 385,872 467,818 HI 107 34 34 35 45 542 487 358,737 389,153 588 494 190,930 176,416 109 20,054 266 2,975 12 10 2,165 1,550 11 9 25 3,724 9,735 14 30 1,145 4,680 215 187 180 167 392 386 179 161 14 179 30 154 5 42 9 137 5 55 25 72 20 84 25 80 1 57 70 1 129 152 36 78 1 32 1 51 19 204 35 182 lis 157 77 79 39,350 37,314 101 137 209,677 241,597 1 10 23 22 23 22 161 146 128,549 84,563 189 162 92,455 65,804 2,471 32 309 6 31 301 194 207 172 226 457 606 162 205 158 202 31 127 54 63 97 93 90 127 202 311 76 128 193 216 169 176 71 84 20,310 52,340 168 176 392,146 632,063 20 17 26 22 30 53 186 206 262,005 514,102 181 204 109,096 105,368 19 5,015 59 10 250 28 27 28 31 45 53 28 31 28 31 1 15 3 20 13 1 14 2 16 16 13,006 10,293 1 5 7 22 5 7,350 4,570 22 21 9,455 3,634 6 1,600 8 140 6 100 ^For 1950, "Week preceding enumeration. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO 191 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954-Coiiiinued a sample of farms. See text] Huerfano Jackson Jefferson Kioua Kit Carson Uke La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat 340 109 1,155 449 1,098 6 853 1,566 841 670 1,339 2,423 26 332 1 459 139 1,528 493 1,067 19 902 1,741 926 723 1,482 2,525 9 340 2 J19 108 1,059 365 982 4 783 1,491 779 623 1,262 1,968 26 316 3 386 119 1,199 315 946 5 796 1,600 809 651 1,351 2,308 6 326 4 673 340 2,131 908 1,774 14 1,637 3,118 1,656 1,225 2,677 4,949 59 871 5 704 317 2,348 742 2,020 5 1,460 3,225 1,673 1,143 2,690 3,931 13 808 6 316 103 1,050 361 967 4 770 1,460 770 623 1,255 1,974 21 312 7 373 113 1,168 308 926 5 790 1,568 801 632 1,321 2,243 6 307 6 309 103 1,006 353 956 4 763 1,469 746 612 1,238 1,916 20 310 9 347 107 1,078 300 889 5 750 1,493 738 619 1,265 2,156 6 297 10 32 14 272 73 218 1 195 386 184 141 372 616 1 31 11 277 89 736 280 738 3 568 1,063 562 471 666 1,300 19 279 12 136 27 495 162 373 2 357 622 311 253 530 731 12 156 13 196 22 529 148 535 335 759 366 238 623 821 5 139 W 202 55 687 272 616 "4 574 890 531 377 950 1,017 17 265 15 225 47 730 290 913 ... 496 1,127 585 372 1,020 1,107 5 212 16 98 64 177 132 128 3 166 365 174 133 254 442 14 98 17 99 60 200 84 149 116 397 195 105 252 407 1 107 18 161 182 '.36 283 202 "6 300 759 379 236 469 2,016 22 296 19 132 163 54C 152 216 214 605 350 152 405 668 2 299 20 38 48 11) 64 77 2 72 235 90 67 130 193 4 66 21 53 118 278 90 110 2 130 355 172 97 175 354 7 219 22 67 34 106 85 65 2 120 157 107 81 160 304 10 52 23 IDS 64 158 193 92 4 170 404 207 139 314 1,662 15 77 24 340 109 1,140 449 1,088 6 853 1,566 841 670 1,338 2,238 26 332 25 377 131 1,335 379 1,016 5 802 1,683 842 687 1,422 2,292 " 336 26 203 105 629 324 626 4 601 1,112 455 482 1,066 2,012 ,1 226 27 303 121 850 315 813 5 612 1,407 587 572 1,231 1,912 6 256 23 107 55 460 208 379 2 487 843 299 318 822 1,631 7 159 29 233 62 524 248 593 486 1,015 402 412 905 1,610 ... 154 30 28,882 109,878 69,351 137,667 197,780 450 112,778 360,854 100,214 175,602 469,261 403,421 1,100 96,961 31 70,684 50,357 83,990 349,526 475,965 ... 108,744 496,921 175,635 305,352 470,148 291,658 120,497 32 170 105 326 245 490 4 400 885 301 364 638 1,589 21 173 33 242 120 570 274 688 5 505 1,157 486 482 1,054 1,587 6 229 34 140,012 476,813 799,206 302,686 382,762 6,290 313,433 l,192,5i8 382,642 290,640 755,041 1,708,360 37,362 631,263 35 186,246 455,515 991,485 347,661 720,594 500 265,556 1,643,991 604,339 396,646 997,611 1,757,088 7,000 664,253 36 39 2 79 20 83 ... 148 152 64 66 120 327 3 37 25 2 21 42 73 1 65 102 52 80 110 205 16 38 35 12 59 41 166 63 225 55 100 174 283 16 48 39 19 12 36 49 71 . .. 51 94 35 38 203 295 22 40 39 20 52 53 64 3 36 154 52 48 157 260 1 26 41 13 57 79 40 33 ... 37 156 43 32 74 199 4 49 42 271 86 975 253 816 5 670 1,376 760 516 1,093 1,419 25 254 43 326 124 1,106 274 830 5 612 1,433 651 506 1,236 1,732 6 275 44 371,827 206,420 1,910,146 328,494 999,995 6,233 303;058 3,585,370 669,190 692,787 2,483,363 920,512 17,502 361,974 45 352,669 154,603 1,923,671 302,911 439,132 1,000 279,624 2,159,143 749,668 425,168 2,477,893 1,030,300 1,800 611,579 46 308 108 796 421 1,028 5 740 1,268 695 651 1,241 1,697 26 307 47 312 125 773 349 932 5 631 1,367 660 661 1,276 1,575 6 316 46 145,671 105,693 229,682 496,573 823,576 1,392 272,208 855,757 345,606 521,134 1,212,536 557,358 8,062 278, 778 49 127,681 66,797 289,118 402,975 816,362 500 196,345 841,402 358,504 521,166 1,091,581 441,960 575 225,490 50 26 15 136 20 32 1 92 573 30 10 470 1,206 3 51 8,317 6,562 14,746 11,975 14,417 220 24,416 226,603 8,399 3,171 211,617 3U,372 898 52 95 56 178 130 183 2 266 2,653 117 37 2,181 3,903 9 53 972 982 1,632 5 5 40 4,558 2,524 25 3,519 25,984 1,039 1,440 28,037 30,107 130 54 55 56 57 56 21 15 15 37 1 12 1 65 186 11 1 146 659 2 59 65 56 39 13 23 2 173 536 60 2 384 1,450 5 60 572 982 632 204 725 25 2,079 4,952 495 160 5,691 13,331 55 61 5 1 25 30 1 ... 2 99 62 5 1 53 52 30 3 149 63 50 60 594 640 250 50 813 64 5 21 6 14 11 304 5 4 167 265 65 10 16 19 105 13 810 6 4 424 633 66 175 230 5 10 45 46 56 465 740 2 36 165 1 8 76 1,061 :;: 98 10 7 100 8,137 250 835 6,252 25 50 440 70 13 15 154 250 7,133 362 1,163 10,607 5 1 25 4,931 77 469 2,263 463 609 4,769 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 "5 37 18 15 27 162 6 "9 103 250 74 15 57 52 54 41 565 6 30 188 396 75 175 260 3,373 673 648 5,303 70 1,030 4,014 4,204 75 76 192 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Phillips Estimated number of farms 195'V. 1950. Week of Septeaber 26-Octobcr 2: ^ Family and/or hired workers farms reporting Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1 to 14 hours persons 15 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting persons Hired workers . farms reporting persons Regular workers (employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FAHM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954 . $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954. $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954. $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer. farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954 . Lime and liming materials. .farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954.. USE OF C0^^IERCIA1 FERTILIZER Crops OD which coaaercial fertilizer was used, 1934: Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . . tons . . acres on which used . . Other pasture farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used . . ■^orn farms reporting . . tons . . acres on which used . . Sugar beets farms reporting . . tons . . acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting.. tons . . acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used.. 1,018 978 961 820 2,319 1,389 938 805 928 775 201 727 360 332 556 478 247 109 835 136 201 739 1,018 900 684 744 475 552 138,233 134,280 518 623 359,016 372,261 123 85 119 103 56 32 733 672 348,847 278,792 890 734 341,395 275,746 117 22,270 246 2,071 92 182 1,541 15 105 25 38 325 1,347 1,402 1,315 1,293 3,144 2,714 1,312 1,281 1,286 1,219 406 880 481 613 680 874 275 298 1,178 621 163 276 158 902 1,342 1,284 1,031 1,063 898 932 248,978 283,332 611 823 831,129 1,007,170 156 71 139 49 90 106 983 982 692,150 621,709 1,130 968 482,163 326,185 551 143,601 1,840 14,521 385 846 6,686 32 28 410 135 166 1,768 68 192 999 82 159 761 223 449 3,902 1,327 1,361 1,218 1,281 2,824 2,368 1,204 1,280 1,194 1,227 297 897 515 683 808 1,017 336 425 822 624 218 308 176 514 1,315 1,280 963 1,138 756 992 451,095 361,849 803 982 1,409,338 1,395,665 96 68 129 139 134 237 935 1,084 2,683,742 1,395,540 1,233 1,209 1,106,551 1,011,677 646 444,873 4,419 39,983 107 273 2,756 36 36 475 361 1,039 12,113 460 2,235 14,723 88 222 2,009 221 599 8,198 973 1,030 858 898 2,643 2,040 855 886 842 859 243 599 304 372 454 581 204 276 1,347 600 150 292 116 1,055 968 946 725 815 633 696 289,911 243,310 494 678 861,906 1,353,871 85 36 91 105 38 89 722 302 2,081,095 1,469,920 806 794 479,928 461,582 292 122,236 1,524 11,251 56 195 1,850 10 4 45 119 308 2,889 159 552 3,352 32 221 1,313 109 231 1,862 87 131 87 104 198 226 87 104 77 109 61 84 47 64 14,585 16,420 49 74 58,865 96,998 61 84 69,939 73,461 72 99 35,357 35,435 21 6,349 90 1,224 19 74 1,034 6 11 170 150 190 140 145 346 400 137 137 130 135 43 87 48 63 87 131 37 37 129 134 33 110 145 166 97 124 44 51 22,040 24,669 89 114 336,255 389,622 U 9 13 7 20 27 128 145 318,393 128,954 128 151 33,275 72,235 5 400 5 10 300 571 593 509 521 954 942 504 515 488 495 91 397 194 213 285 306 82 85 181 141 571 586 466 544 395 468 342,494 315,017 359 467 263,865 337,241 92 54 111 43 32 27 409 522 433,004 389,978 558 575 493,961 429,155 79 32,361 308 10,467 17 475 7 5 90 125 ,414 160 ,488 Z Reported in small fractions. ^For 1950, "Week preceding enumeration. Excludes farms reporting conmercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sample of farms. See text] 193 Saguache San Miguel Sedgvick Washington 900 1,126 809 957 1,737 1,864 759 9« 129 630 317 3i3 509 528 212 469 392 112 165 129 304 890 997 615 893 407 708 164,164 543,149 477 769 572,265 961,683 74 70 113 70 78 72 660 317 1,041,585 808,960 819 923 787,778 979,059 120 103,754 1,237 7,915 31 151 1,595 6 12 110 34 186 1,333 63 534 2,833 10 50 80 48 303 1,965 1,061 1,125 923 984 2,537 2,311 908 965 849 915 214 635 346 420 498 665 247 267 1,190 133 347 163 843 1,061 1,058 619 770 511 606 152,615 216,019 437 613 1,127,297 1,255,330 49 67 71 63 97 90 855 906 ,585 ,192 ,121 052 697 825 432 ,748 449 ,943 195 75 ,201 778 7 ,302 17 24 170 58 90 1,035 121 465 3,658 81 105 865 40 90 1,574 231 243 209 206 511 452 204 195 200 195 42 158 93 72 126 86 82 81 185 171 231 229 176 204 121 152 63,554 93,794 146 169 445,576 405,437 17 19 12 10 32 56 181 173 265,157 346,663 221 193 192,274 115,281 1,491 21 330 5 16 250 550 593 550 546 6,759 1,657 543 513 526 506 128 398 230 206 354 293 341 285 i,879 858 159 287 327 5,592 545 564 505 519 414 445 285,969 346,088 413 484 1,492,762 1,832,984 10 10 58 74 58 203 409 487 372,348 632,961 505 519 469,035 466,754 214 143,878 1,786 13,600 21 137 1,220 42 425 20 56 375 201 1,386 9,673 18 165 1,957 536 532 500 473 1,678 979 496 463 487 463 109 378 257 189 417 274 173 161 774 242 73 103 121 671 536 506 365 466 240 256 107,920 104,385 334 411 418,192 600,880 32 91 49 25 77 60 406 381 322,803 327,117 479 436 269,238 215,102 3fi 6,683 68 1,307 60 1,077 1 3 30 271 335 256 285 ,227 894 252 277 248 262 38 210 90 151 127 238 106 116 852 394 70 216 59 636 266 286 196 246 133 159 205,638 280,565 174 236 573,295 837,231 5 16 21 31 40 61 249 239 377,629 352,267 260 261 295,931 281,210 46 43,356 479 4,840 3 38 580 3 10 165 1 90 600 40 237 1,970 3 103 1,525 239 179 81 88 80 36 21 59 37 30 50 35 26 22 109 58 71 78 56 43 15,854 8,785 50 68 144,249 108,262 100,107 52,002 84 43,942 52,427 15 7,024 81 744 26 195 1 10 250 5 22 124 10 23 175 401 474 371 373 778 686 357 353 350 342 107 243 162 146 267 199 92 78 161 145 400 416 359 386 298 319 211,726 141,304 303 340 398,949 454,352 45 59 38 62 52 47 304 332 594,016 671,141 400 386 404,931 291,743 125 127,060 1,263 17,184 34 83 962 2 90 430 4,821 83 397 4,365 21 66 705 45 3B1 6,206 40 26 109 45 30 26 14 16 5,550 2,349 25 26 57,550 38,645 37 21 23,042 17,317 26 25,800 10,586 94 117 84 84 130 125 32 39 13 23 6,555 4,340 29 39 34,026 59,249 8 1 92 53 82,175 33,145 49 23,488 14,465 2 391 1,145 1,263 1,039 1,193 2,014 2,398 1,024 1,183 1,019 1,170 167 852 492 602 731 921 153 187 264 307 87 125 93 139 1,145 1,232 877 1,101 691 887 506,843 632,173 638 884 487,626 637,920 147 100 163 89 91 48 885 1,033 1,212,218 879,713 1,052 1,190 919,384 1,025,618 71 32,836 384 4,550 4,017 4,418 3,826 4,047 9,007 8,975 3,774 3,953 3,678 3,852 727 2,951 1,588 1,641 2,233 2,620 1,220 1,417 3,096 2,503 793 1,128 639 1,968 4,022 4,142 3,192 3,850 2,619 3,197 1,419,872 2,141,182 2,723 3,517 4,833,334 6,594,674 277 196 472 467 723 588 3,297 3,373 17,967,90? ' 745,714 3,726 3,930 3,427,642 3,104,060 2,235 982,048 11,546 101,961 20 330 26 674 391 8,030 1 82 2 146 26 1,655 40 875 173 2,041 ,350 19,392 31 1,469 150 5,084 940 41,945 521 1,728 10,944 29 722 34 1,715 S42 20,034 1,298 1,436 1,254 1,356 2,474 2,591 1,239 1,341 1,226 1,309 281 945 542 668 906 1,027 211 157 342 255 156 237 1,296 1,372 926 1,220 704 939 247,545 315,648 702 996 438,104 570,209 142 148 229 72 76 35 1,151 1,225 1,455,041 961,837 1,191 1,281 899,275 861,217 104 24,031 258 4,622 CZ) 40 141 2,258 11 3 21 66 100 2,155 194 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Pari 1 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Cat lie and dairy products; 1 2 3 Ca ttle and calves farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950 . . . number 1954. . . 1950... 31,597 34,927 2,097,958 1,775,540 8S8 49,050 33,010 325 369 19,895 20,545 4^1 561 18,839 22,463 180 195 13,322 11,062 659 733 47,659 39,487 458 463 32,079 32,332 5 6 7 8 Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... 29,687 33,795 877,763 765,846 663 846 U,954 12,543 317 365 10,286 9,491 339 512 10,510 12,060 176 192 5,562 4,834 642 717 19,663 13,667 442 451 15,416 15,734 9 10 Millc cows farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... 24,217 30,566 150,840 168,764 351 775 6,304 6,594 265 343 1,303 1,651 328 455 3,258 4,963 153 176 580 740 433 624 1,356 2,304 357 407 1,235 1,504 13 Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting 1954... number 1954 . . . 26,752 629,625 630 14,666 277 5,051 361 5,601 159 3,574 585 12,840 388 3,382 15 16 Steers and bulls including steer and biUl calves farms reporting 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . 25,907 590,570 612 20,430 250 4,558 322 2,778 148 4,186 530 15,156 357 7,781 17 18 19 20 21 22 Whole milk sold farms reporting 1954. . . 1949 . . . gallons 1954... 1949 . . . dollars 1954... 1949... 4,726 6,630 62,893,154 48,601,970 22,275,581 17,689,040 239 311 4,866,932 3,683,970 1,696,130 1,360,042 76 144 414,258 423,019 134,493 132,076 123 199 2,062,108 3,110,983 753,774 1,269,726 4 4 36,886 17,548 11,376 6,732 13 35 42,857 84,386 15,003 31,963 23 29 267,843 226,075 92,739 89,131 23 24 25 26 27 28 Cream sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1949 . . . pounds of butterf at 1954 . . . 1949... dollars 1954... 1949... 8,759 12,374 6,002,690 6,843,973 3,272,400 4,081,687 95 176 59,935 76,917 33,938 47,233 58 82 22, 180 42,722 11,890 26, 174 66 103 47,429 69,468 27,269 41,233 67 94 37,554 43,190 19,896 29,212 206 239 120, 823 82,165 67,306 47,531 78 157 40,795 55,769 21,652 31,935 29 30 Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954 . . . number of cows 1954 . . . 22,412 108,488 521 4,879 239 907 302 2,501 144 418 426 1,197 325 393 31 Milit produced, day preceding enumeration gallons 1954. . . 294,880 15,602 2,057 7,480 988 2,430 2,080 32 33 Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954... pounds 1954 . . . Horses and BQles: 6,652 16,777 92 258 49 137 78 191 65 207 204 404 75 133 34 35 36 37 Horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950 . . . number 1954 . . . 1950... ■logs: 18,157 24,948 72,043 121,131 357 633 1,115 1,912 202 258 751 1,641 259 366 975 1,416 188 215 981 1,253 364 514 1,004 1,921 235 316 674 1,535 38 39 40 41 Hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950 . . . 11,314 19,170 170,909 282, 199 256 473 25,101 24,333 118 216 2,591 3,836 163 299 1,931 2,763 82 Ul 528 1,243 263 444 2,233 5,399 191 337 2,943 7,773 42 43 44 45 Born before June 1 farms reporting 1954... number 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . 8,035 79,083 7,057 91,826 178 U,819 165 10,282 84 1,412 67 1,179 121 929 97 1,002 62 217 57 311 136 851 176 1,382 131 1,051 135 1,897 46 47 Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting 1954... number 1954 .. . 5,494 30,909 121 4,185 74 445 80 374 45 101 136 393 91 535 48 49 50 51 5? Between Dec. 1 and June 1 farms reporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... 3,892 10,249 16,803 43,900 3,766 14, 106 86 267 2,309 3,387 86 1,876 57 US 285 793 42 160 51 140 212 459 58 162 23 91 43 275 33 53 94 222 210 742 96 133 68 207 246 1,023 74 289 53 number 1954 . . . Sheep and wool: 54 55 56 57 Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1954... 1950 .. . number 1954 . . . 1950 . . . 5,664 4,902 1,9U,448 1,657,425 33 76 10,042 15,162 160 180 32,954 45,757 60 42 9,063 11,115 98 74 24,382 14,268 30 13 19,322 5,099 144 135 39,335 31,377 58 59 Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting 1954... number 1954 . . . 4,706 1,072,023 67 6,066 153 22,844 48 7,921 89 16,444 16 4,847 lis 20,792 60 4,596 4,273 1,037,040 1,156,491 65 68 5,720 11,031 153 167 22,062 26,439 47 40 7,669 8,305 38 73 16,002 12,830 15 15 4,651 4,365 116 99 20,120 18,863 61 62 63 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950 . . . 64 65 66 67 Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 .. . 3,104 2,824 34,983 104,049 40 45 346 931 118 119 782 624 34 19 252 202 68 50 442 235 13 8 196 94 62 63 572 4,635 68 69 Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . 4,361 842,425 64 3,976 96 10, 120 43 1,142 82 7,938 22 14,475 99 13,593 70 71 72 73 Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1954 . . . 1949... number 1954 . . . 1949... 4,526 3,662 1,259,855 1,178,748 65 49 9,617 10,823 165 169 27,713 26,357 50 31 9,826 3,934 90 58 18, 166 13,694 15 7 5,303 3,377 113 97 32,817 23,218 74 11,749,756 10,069,384 93,265 86,872 273,912 245,126 87,630 71,972 163,491 102,543 46,085 22,242 256,753 203,235 75 1949... 76 11/1-11/6 11/7-11/13 11/1-11/6 11/7-11/13 10/17-10/23 11/7-11/13 11/1-11/6 COLORADO 195 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Boulder Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle 813 998 39,654 36,212 165 172 9,973 6,883 302 331 32,370 29,895 13 14 381 439 596 644 24,015 24,938 219 256 9,270 5,1W 349 335 20,357 18,720 155 135 13,058 13,301 1,126 1,308 37,463 31,603 5 25 48 334 109 122 2,923 2,034 316 333 19,336 23,300 160 209 20,092 18,024 1 2 3 4 731 948 12,402 12,091 154 162 5,027 3,546 294 321 16,057 13,442 11 11 181 125 531 634 12,406 12,518 213 253 4,939 2,597 332 379 9,175 3,735 153 181 7,193 6,875 1,070 1,269 15,888 14,045 5 19 34 135 102 119 1,232 1,405 299 326 10,363 11,120 159 207 9,511 3,485 5 6 7 8 643 899 6,997 7,198 117 142 825 785 207 256 1,097 1,086 8 9 55 45 424 529 1,129 1,614 137 205 244 453 278 334 1,155 1,180 117 160 1,221 1,207 944 1,222 4,219 4,905 2 15 26 83 39 100 189 219 219 236 2,307 3,039 138 190 628 837 9 10 11 12 688 15,588 151 2,510 286 8,769 12 149 455 6,264 178 2,464 295 5,944 141 3,413 910 9,889 2 2 76 815 285 5,475 146 5,172 13 14 666 11,664 U9 2,436 284 7,544 8 51 329 5,345 103 1,867 284 5,238 139 2,452 875 11,691 3 12 72 876 284 4,048 145 5,409 15 16 332 493 4,668,833 4,255,316 1,658,433 1,535,337 23 19 313,885 182,523 141,910 82,432 7 10 68,814 15,540 25,387 4,889 2 5 18,800 14,944 5,883 9,381 68 123 170,044 298,001 51,112 89,415 5 10 1,766 9,572 1,009 3,332 18 29 146,418 160,862 54,701 69,920 41 45 630,744 393,754 241,584 152,135 73 149 594,745 491,763 234,325 163,274 1 2 29,200 54,651 9,000 27,600 2 3 662 2,930 340 1,028 108 152 1,615,444 1,546,555 561,524 512,210 7 11 37,395 76,266 29,118 39,222 17 18 19 20 21 22 85 165 105,570 63,919 56,602 37,123 42 75 38,612 46, 163 22,443 26,093 118 128 89,188 67,609 49,665 39,872 3 6 2,140 3,068 1,232 1,857 39 44 27,257 20,680 16,549 11,749 8 16 1,652 3,994 821 2,417 142 157 70,466 71,210 36,953 40,475 37 53 25,441 30,343 13,967 19,704 560 773 473,697 455,352 251,542 275,127 1 1 912 9,166 544 5,500 10 10 2,578 1,850 1,537 1,104 34 53 31,289 46,579 17,653 29,754 71 105 42,580 39,963 25,281 25,367 23 24 25 26 27 28 6V, 5,348 113 607 196 689 7 17 404 815 120 179 264 777 113 849 875 3,154 2 24 78 113 203 1,702 135 467 29 30 16,118 1,661 1,491 26 1,789 347 1,992 2,267 8,130 33 223 4,374 1,216 31 82 31 89 2 76 25 76 38 277 1 24 35 57 32 244 291 207 4 158 63 160 97 628 5 48 105 277 33 309 561 1,118 2,311 130 144 460 991 197 249 560 1,284 12 17 76 196 388 547 1,296 2,215 166 266 406 895 157 217 489 319 136 191 615 1,230 630 1,030 1,953 4,006 3 23 11 55 72 76 166 262 255 302 949 1,435 154 207 1,167 1,826 34 35 36 37 197 414 3,324 6,847 63 109 663 1,984 32 162 832 1,528 3 193 298 494 3,845 13,690 202 293 2,655 4,985 184 304 2,995 5,803 35 87 242 936 534 770 5,481 8,225 'to 34 56 120 484 53 102 433 759 80 113 439 1,105 38 39 40 41 160 1,528 105 1,796 49 285 37 378 51 350 58 482 247 1,953 132 1,892 183 1,334 111 1,321 139 1,159 131 1,836 23 113 18 129 374 2,219 330 3,262 20 65 18 55 47 232 26 201 55 213 48 276 42 43 44 45 108 761 32 129 38 163 165 641 77 396 106 558 11 53 214 882 7 13 13 84 32 110 46 47 88 226 412 1,029 76 349 25 74 75 368 21 54 25 83 80 263 23 83 'io 116 335 410 1,660 89 231 63 227 254 930 41 142 87 184 283 825 79 275 9 33 36 155 7 17 161 354 462 1,052 148 420 5 21 10 74 3 3 15 46 48 164 14 36 27 59 70 166 16 40 48 49 50 51 52 53 63 67 3,014 3,653 34 41 3,796 7,629 18 21 8,145 7,896 328 343 115,578 113,549 111 97 27,457 20,821 37 23 2,528 3,563 20 19 3,379 3,420 214 149 45,974 45,264 11 lA 2,931 6,005 21 10 869 673 70 73 40,959 53,337 54 55 56 57 59 1,485 32 2,390 13 3,138 297 82,121 97 17,689 25 911 20 2,991 173 27,224 8 2,510 15 794 63 36,514 58 59 59 62 1,440 1,555 31 37 2,291 4,058 13 15 3,079 6,301 292 315 80,126 75,941 96 89 17,191 14,232 23 16 387 2,337 19 18 2,879 2,771 176 132 25,334 32,983 3 13 2,409 5,729 13 10 760 368 67 70 35,430 45,899 60 61 62 63 26 26 45 891 22 23 99 130 8 11 59 100 171 202 1,995 1,786 63 44 498 220 15 5 24 15 15 10 112 31 106 74 1,390 1,105 6 10 101 181 10 6 34 8 49 53 1,034 1,936 64 65 66 67 46 1,529 23 1,406 15 5,007 255 33,457 99 9,768 29 1,617 15 383 181 18,750 11 421 14 75 41 4,445 68 69 55 47 1,551 3,204 31 29 3,861 4,576 14 3 2,312 3,379 299 278 89,170 74,410 102 31 18,914 14,673 23 9 1,023 1,958 13 14 3,163 2,553 172 105 37,569 33,722 7 6 3,041 6,225 14 3 332 313 70 55 39,297 . 50,646 70 71 72 73 14,292 24,683 38,148 42,660 23,874 34,852 909,359 730,207 174,550 129,092 10,677 17,013 30,653 23,283 354,920 291,640 5 33,441 58,879 3,773 2,713 403,998 375,156 74 75 11/1-11/6 10/17-10/23 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/1-11/6 11/1-11/5 11/1-11/6 11/1-11/6 10/17-10/23 11/7-11/13 10/24-10/31 11/1-11/6 10/24-10/31 76 196 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 1 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gilpin Cattle and dairy products Cattle and calves .farms reporting number Co"vs, including heifers that have calved farms reporting Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves ... .farms reporting number Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting number '^ole millc sold farms reporting gallons dollars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dollars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of cows Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting pounds ilorses and nules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Hogs and pigs farms reporting Born before June 1 farms reporting number Bom since June 1 farms reporting number Sows and gills farrowing farms reporting number Between Dec. 1 and June 1.... farms reporting number After June 1 farms reporting number Sheep Bod wool: Sheep and lambs farms reporting Sheep 1 year old and over. .. .farms reporting number Ewes farms reporting number Rams and wethers farms reporting number Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting number Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting number shorn Wool shorn pounds Average da te of enumeration 195^. 1950. 1954. 1950- 195i. 1950. 195i. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 675 743 43,024 46,226 656 727 22,058 20,752 506 625 4,749 5,861 598 10,717 616 10,249 175 200 2,169,425 1,544,818 763, 555 583,562 180 288 148,261 206,619 83,164 123,012 481 3,240 3,204 110 •255 446 584 1,284 2,252 177 322 1,711 4,108 115 562 123 1,149 94 291 63 177 147 529 64 144 54 36 11,251 11,224 45 9,419 30 9,091 9,552 29 28 328 399 35 1,832 39 25 10,147 8,652 96,501 66,252 787 987 53,208 46,091 768 954 26,271 22,169 625 867 6,723 7,663 698 15,030 721 11,907 211 271 3,532,181 2,827,065 1,236,503 1,061,755 212 358 177,563 282,995 97,223 170,052 593 4,692 12,110 127 290 453 738 1,701 3,337 245 465 5,069 8,114 188 2,053 155 3,016 133 1,184 92 224 619 1,004 99 565 47 50 5,009 6,011 42 3,780 40 46 3,659 4,552 33 29 121 253 33 1,229 37 37 4,638 6,579 39,433 52,890 11/1-11/6 514 527 18,960 17,634 449 502 9,814 9,470 368 458 1,578 1,703 352 5,037 368 4,109 47 66 850,248 619,402 363,618 248,324 81 121 53,262 44,086 31,407 26,878 314 1,197 3,578 114 322 287 371 847 1,437 196 280 1,790 2,374 127 807 121 983 57 380 39 119 220 382 38 160 40 30 1,215 3,423 34 864 34 27 827 2,701 18 16 37 87 27 351 33 19 1,395 3,896 13,408 31,204 11/1-11/6 572 665 41,172 33,901 560 651 18,437 15,416 501 619 2,281 2,662 502 11,128 487 11,607 28 55 377,078 260,751 107,248 90,807 316 360 215,119 206,042 115,961 116,918 472 1,664 4,543 214 554 472 599 2,326 3,920 287 372 2,912 5,420 197 1,275 184 1,637 134 502 102 194 264 754 83 238 155 156 44,570 69,617 132 36,945 131 137 35,824 47, 574 92 99 1,121 1,193 121 7,625 135 126 44,525 50,638 424,384 424,659 10/17-10/23 13 17 493 405 12 17 306 215 11 17 21 55 12 118 69 3 9,354 3,653 2 3 212 758 121 474 12 19 96 127 161 161 21,817 16,910 157 159 9,633 8,638 123 148 580 794 147 6,306 139 5,878 13 29 67,067 63,005 23,350 23,675 47 62 31,229 32,184 19,248 20,344 116 426 30 11/7-11/13 57 235 157 164 1,430 1,896 172 232 24 108 19 35 26 15,215 8,480 29 29 21 7,651 7,714 18 20 247 209 30 7,317 30 20 9,065 8,661 87,152 42,865 10/10-10/16 185 191 41,348 30,179 185 186 19,279 16,523 146 167 609 857 172 11,755 173 10,314 7 17 44,798 94,260 16,389 33,850 51 75 28,493 33,779 16,323 21,116 136 396 34 120 189 188 2,408 2,408 36 50 218 236 19 82 24 136 34 18 43,900 6,177 30 30,357 30 17 29,571 5,591 26 14 786 169 26 13,543 30 13 31,677 5,228 332,260 38,571 10/17-10/23 COLORADO 197 PRODUCTS; CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued Las Aniinas 311 380 26,622 23,834 308 372 15,180 12,155 225 319 1,228 1,'194 276 6,391 269 5,051 29 37 392,412 210,522 143,636 72,943 59 94 37,363 65,568 22,307 38,788 204 841 60 135 277 381 1,042 1,891 137 284 1,054 2,852 92 291 90 763 66 189 39 185 89 599 45 100 62 97 9,018 20,090 51 7,893 51 S3 7,643 14,567 32 38 250 320 38 1,125 51 69 9,518 15,172 89,520 121,296 U '14-11 '20 105 122 39,536 31,840 104 122 19,664 16,874 93 113 402 517 102 9,964 99 9,908 1 3 320 20,311 150 6,180 42 62 21,029 24,050 12,065 14,693 92 250 107 126 2,050 3,105 27 33 21,807 24,716 27 19,614 27 31 18,941 23,103 23 28 673 1,031 19 2,193 27 27 18,136 22,625 164,707 182,150 10/24-10/31 770 877 21,332 20,024 626 783 10,026 10,003 507 709 4,463 4,614 554 6,059 569 5,247 164 261 3,808,868 2,894,698 1,371,358 1,102,187 69 113 28,557 56,055 16,924 35,626 452 3,508 136 380 487 650 1,671 2,632 179 354 3,553 3,662 107 1,386 115 2,167 62 524 40 140 243 438 43 281 87 74 4,806 4,910 72 3,015 68 67 2,790 3,341 35 40 225 300 61 1,791 69 40 3,706 2,702 36,418 25,152 11/14-11/20 280 295 27,618 23,132 274 288 13,736 11,167 186 244 600 825 247 6,998 249 6,884 10 1,783 11,834 580 4,442 74 98 44,634 41,848 24,971 25,610 161 398 59 141 154 197 474 1,004 168 962 1,960 69 493 46 469 42 137 32 37 73 257 23 64 18 13 4,301 2,600 15 2,109 2,069 815 7 5 40 1,250 11 2,192 15 5 2,038 2,921 23,468 21,792 814 913 41,421 52,383 789 893 19,799 22,611 624 738 3,288 3,901 715 11,847 692 9,775 14 36 150,911 65,926 50,836 21,395 426 509 271,556 270,912 152,292 163,682 587 2,076 234 626 431 621 1,099 2,538 327 594 3,474 7,939 229 1,499 209 1,975 157 610 104 333 352 1,412 104 258 56 47 8,357 16,312 45 3,090 41 36 2,937 9,448 29 20 153 255 40 5,267 41 28 6,953 9,363 74,358 93,931 11 '7-11 '13 11/7-11/13 14 13 384 646 13 323 333 9 11 78 95 13 296 14 265 2 5 39,600 125,460 17,676 45,702 360 246 2 3 560 592 2 310 2 2 282 550 2 250 2 2 355 300 2,450 1,950 10/10-10/16 713 729 29,057 22,310 697 717 13,248 10, 550 587 671 3,395 3,680 616 8,313 590 7,496 34 99 1,040,072 708,554 362,129 269,163 268 357 204,110 231,705 111,452 169,219 551 2,539 230 661 533 623 2,175 3,351 269 423 2,302 4,045 203 1,047 155 1,255 131 413 90 225 201 732 97 212 231 187 34,442 41,275 206 24,362 198 176 23,364 33,074 136 109 998 1,202 196 10,080 136 161 25,319 32,047 221,343 269,230 10/24-10/31 1,241 1,392 69,266 56,526 1,125 1,340 24,396 20, 592 1,010 1,280 8,629 7,754 1,055 24,379 1,019 20,491 502 626 5,261,334 3,532,271 1,868,629 1,235,607 153 284 138,622 130,880 78,790 76,923 958 6,472 162 403 519 721 2,003 3,338 310 572 4,954 7,946 203 2,284 213 2,670 152 949 101 270 552 1,109 115 397 267 231 150,598 46,408 198 15,000 190 169 14,437 19,948 110 123 563 16,105 207 135,593 180 142 29,606 16,557 255,001 133,839 11/1-11/6 686 769 80,527 77,193 670 749 40,637 37,658 433 597 1,621 2,322 595 21 , 568 590 18,322 17 64 236,348 312,528 84,584 137,462 85 166 43,493 91,602 29,547 54,002 387 1,049 125 326 549 712 2,690 3,949 247 434 1,578 3,013 183 725 132 853 73 197 48 196 107 499 47 90 73 69 11,725 15,665 67 9,132 66 67 8,343 14,274 38 38 289 433 46 2,593 60 52 10,781 15,696 107,268 115,956 11/7-11/13 561 590 58,277 52,366 551 580 31,934 22,566 417 499 1,941 2,363 512 14,523 515 11,820 34 13 370,241 43,431 132,905 15,702 163 291 103,900 153,062 56,839 94,294 374 1,304 3,087 149 343 349 431 1,067 1,830 193 331 1,897 4,594 115 825 129 1,072 96 339 49 173 151 753 75 188 45 33 18,767 5,861 36 10,305 35 30 9,975 4,476 28 22 330 264 34 8,462 34 30 11,044 9,273 100,304 70,873 11/7-11/13 1,144 1,288 79,022 63,086 1,093 1,253 25,455 20,325 1,176 5,229 6,464 1,006 25,119 1,019 28,448 145 228 1,272,325 944,820 395,167 317,023 454 691 319,621 361,347 174,903 225,377 814 3,439 8,579 246 606 551 814 1,501 3,223 357 710 4,732 8,863 254 2,116 225 2,616 216 974 157 384 522 1,457 144 452 36 5,927 5,730 37 3,779 33 34 3,613 3,750 23 16 166 872 36 2,148 32 19 1,307 1,255 17,896 11,974 11/1-11/6 1,469 1,529 53,033 50,304 1,359 1,489 27,550 24,737 1,228 1,416 6,073 6,304 1,145 15,623 1,034 14,855 173 187 2,244,763 1,463,724 790,250 557,131 526 673 376, 588 374,893 202,903 220,803 1,124 4,469 343 820 838 1,191 2,747 4,600 648 956 6,755 9,121 439 3,163 393 3,537 233 1,126 217 432 637 1,187 177 489 355 227 67, 542 53,445 298 45,228 283 192 43,572 42,602 195 117 1,656 1,320 230 22,314 275 167 47,728 44,472 466,978 371,370 10/17-10/23 1,226 1,067 16 7 552 569 11 325 12 349 2 2 9,322 5,055 3,649 1,728 1 470 248 164 94 1 2,222 22 2 2,115 2 1 2,045 20 2 107 ,155 22 21,500 187 10/10-10/16 255 264 24,797 16,570 249 263 11,441 8,924 188 215 603 804 233 6,871 227 6,485 3 12 52,960 43,745 16,100 14,022 63 87 37, 386 37,285 20,970 22,054 169 433 63 194 269 230 2,741 68 73 765 493 49 483 24 72 18 40 40 109 108 93 152,595 151,312 101 125,598 99 90 121,857 140,934 78 80 3,741 4,251 78 26,997 96 90 143,292 149,193 1,227,454 1,200,376 10/24-10/3ll76 198 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 1 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK (For definitions and explanations, see text) Montezuma Morgan Ouray Phillips Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . number 1954 . . 1950 . . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . 1950 . . number 1954 . . 1950 . . Milk cows farms reporting 1954 . . 1950 . . number 1954 . . 1950 . . Heifers and heifer calves. .. .farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . '.^ole milk sold farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . gallons 1954 . . 1949 . . dollars 1954 . . 1949 . . Cream sold farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . pounds of butterfat 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954 . . 1949.. Cajs milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954 . . number of cows 1954 . . Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons 1954. . Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954. . pounds 1954 . . Horaea and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954., 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 , . 1950., number 1954 . , 1950., Born before June 1 farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . . Bom since J-jne 1 farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Between Dec. 1 and June 1.... farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. After June 1... farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Sheep and wool: Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950 . Sheep 1 year old and over ... .farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Ewes farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954. number 1954- Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1954. 1949. number shorn 1954. 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1954 . 1949. Average date of enumeration 1954. 729 749 28,243 18,938 693 739 13,964 9,752 560 641 2,546 2,564 559 7,163 549 7,116 49 73 619,998 365,984 230,869 122,544 224 290 149,227 153,457 80,146 90,705 515 1,772 214 434 477 540 2,775 2,535 195 363 1,299 2,669 138 582 104 717 70 244 51 172 145 456 42 99 180 124 31,912 27,892 142 22,447 138 111 21,799 21,553 91 82 643 1,758 154 9,465 132 100 23,238 20,741 199,632 169,047 11/1-11/6 1 090 1,115 1 155 1,135 40 521 77,996 32 255 60,757 1 047 989 1 131 1,083 13 720 19,974 15 806 14,050 908 812 1 051 1,006 3 665 4,783 3 942 5,783 893 922 10 889 30,354 870 884 10 912 27,668 43 171 39 291 430,183 1,923,323 240,854 1,299,609 143 624 631,207 85 719 406,646 487 265 636 374 360 761 151,072 309 642 21A,806 181 527 81,453 185 iMl 123,618 846 751 2 61A 3,360 265 594 702 977 2,385 4,733 511 789 5,920 10,048 345 2,133 335 3,737 203 1,074 153 413 513 1,341 U5 561 366 239 125,162 142,217 297 87,495 256 84,533 104,515 181 159 2,962 3,562 299 37,667 285 192 94,700 101,962 832,478 823,233 10/17-10/23 195 424 513 697 1,295 2,325 365 631 6,125 10,523 245 2,708 233 3,417 190 1,229 120 356 689 1,869 126 540 124 79 28,121 15,552 90 4,340 85 63 4,212 7,249 55 37 128 3,782 94 23,781 77 46 7,363 8,607 61,796 55,012 11/1-11/6 752 798 44,462 36,144 694 754 14,158 14,255 560 695 2,152 2,648 563 17, 295 575 13,009 62 83 579,425 589,609 223,779 237,846 173 253 95,123 109,616 50,703 63,371 518 1,498 3,932 119 248 311 435 937 1,559 367 584 5,687 12,759 282 2,459 235 3,228 211 1,137 U3 360 580 1,698 166 557 135 95 34,024 22,293 98 12,908 93 81 12,707 13,629 56 42 201 1,337 104 21,116 92 57 U,761 10,948 118,155 94,419 11/1-11/6 102 lU 10,470 8,544 101 llA 5,021 4,093 84 103 295 413 95 2,320 91 3,129 44 63 32,839 33,686 17,215 20,434 73 223 89 113 445 307 24 43 197 376 19 78 15 119 9 39 6 18 19 56 7 20 33 17 11,688 5,527 26 7,022 26 16 6,375 5,069 20 9 147 121 30 4,666 26 15 7,263 5,278 64,628 49,444 10/17-10/23 139 416 167 453 27,306 20,569 21,241 U,265 136 405 162 450 14,773 9,357 10,973 6,463 91 332 130 405 234 1,693 452 2,027 120 379 6,860 5,843 129 370 5,673 5,369 2 23 9 11 4,340 173,669 19,228 25,673 1,394 51,239 7,743 7,762 22 231 49 317 8,234 162,330 17,196 203,432 4,689 34,031 10,430 120,206 86 309 177 1,120 36 112 122 161 1,021 1,503 24 43 U2 155 11 56 14 56 3 17 1 7 8 10 3 9 13 11 17,327 12,948 12 15,364 11 U,555 12,450 10 10 809 458 13 1,963 16,706 9,711 167,150 96,643 10/17-10/23 2,851 119 269 143 207 371 601 133 272 2,390 4,529 100 1,057 89 1,333 84 441 50 166 216 364 64 225 7,775 3,719 35 4,073 35 22 3,733 1,271 21 17 290 1,563 37 3,702 3,733 2,054 42,497 16,696 11/1-11/6 COLORADO 199 PRODUCTS; CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Contiiiued Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Teller Washington Weld Yuma 670 809 42,976 35,518 742 796 41,527 43,763 185 189 36,077 26,761 387 478 16,269 16, 594 419 428 37,664 23,316 243 273 32,400 27,665 98 96 6,074 4,779 323 380 19,513 17,037 36 34 6,3U 3,620 89 96 6,838 5,149 955 1,031 55,541 56,008 3,403 3,639 283,836 189,149 1,157 1,296 64,523 62,689 1 2 3 4 642 805 18,697 16,284 653 755 16,183 17,445 177 184 17,941 13,343 381 462 8,213 7,340 408 4a 16,582 13,300 242 271 16,293 14,198 93 96 2,334 2,047 307 352 6,157 5,364 35 34 2,524 1,953 85 95 3,349 2,734 921 1,068 25,651 25,863 3,046 3,450 69,880 52,999 1,141 1,282 32,708 31,609 5 6 7 8 476 699 1,849 2,073 509 634 3,329 4,539 125 159 515 675 331 423 1,025 1,429 356 393 2,164 2,237 194 249 695 1,016 75 36 231 295 217 312 998 1,346 29 31 117 145 50 69 244 311 699 905 3,356 4,943 2,670 3,235 26,005 24,130 908 1,127 5,291 6,082 9 10 11 12 563 12,178 565 13,555 171 9,059 308 3,827 381 10,361 217 8,671 36 1,435 239 5,738 33 1,485 82 1,990 376 14,379 2,926 110,902 1,043 16,466 13 14 528 12,101 556 11,739 173 9,077 302 4,224 383 10,721 no 7,436 75 1,805 237 7,618 36 2,302 76 1,499 361 15,011 2,752 103,054 1,043 15,349 15 16 29 30 237,843 193,689 81,192 84,548 104 145 2,170,230 2,226,552 850,817 878,797 6 8 88,475 49,292 31,766 16,253 31 140 72,428 257,132 27,700 72,209 27 91 419,039 443,709 152,470 137,758 15 49 62,907 66,219 22,239 27,363 2 1 465 2,052 U5 706 17 15 121,302 34,117 33,573 10,624 1 6 500 3,476 100 1,186 4 11 39,359 53,705 14,105 23,765 32 40 330,181 104,754 98,710 31,407 1,209 1,555 16,849,745 11,508,324 5,936,739 4,016,170 76 29 794,697 226,300 273,945 75,319 17 18 19 20 21 22 164 238 89,238 95,184 46,034 55,548 55 119 27,470 53,441 15,426 30,728 46 66 25,067 31,121 13,968 17,436 39 92 42,102 48,687 23,107 28,813 211 173 163,703 106,023 91,314 64,546 41 63 27,377 34,804 15,451 22,096 26 36 13,493 13,068 7,504 10,289 131 211 80,333 118,158 44,164 73,017 12 15 7,200 6,652 4,193 4,313 13 19 12,635 15,634 7,580 9,145 438 618 293,138 404,051 156,706 243,440 430 664 269,193 351,760 145,381 199,033 615 872 434,491 556,902 237,705 328,862 23 24 25 26 27 28 421 1,150 450 2,881 119 353 298 702 338 1,555 175 437 70 160 193 612 23 79 45 153 647 2,318 2,509 19,409 858 3,64« 29 30 2,744 8,011 920 1,675 3,762 971 450 1,596 139 293 5,021 58,815 8,275 31 134 326 99 239 43 137 74 200 149 469 68 192 41 113 74 215 21 74 20 35 287 583 372 878 387 323 32 33 309 504 928 2,027 442 603 1,803 2,941 197 219 1,575 2,555 267 391 935 1,380 421 447 2,687 3,613 198 231 1,155 2,003 68 86 416 477 134 197 304 612 33 34 269 411 81 96 573 652 453 714 1,324 2,326 1,133 1,647 2,977 5,269 623 955 1,550 3,465 34 35 36 37 330 543 6,346 11,812 344 515 7,138 6,237 33 78 632 698 190 288 5,531 8,726 171 171 1,204 371 90 147 2,072 3,375 31 51 272 684 110 198 1,740 2,776 7 15 78 46 16 25 42 101 376 669 6,527 9,263 745 1,521 9,043 16,879 534 819 7,767 11,783 38 39 40 41 242 2,391 231 3,955 230 2,513 213 4,625 25 485 21 197 158 3,137 la 2,394 122 716 82 483 73 1,186 53 836 22 114 19 158 80 903 57 837 7 39 3 39 8 16 10 26 232 2,819 347 3,703 488 4,028 465 5,020 384 3,501 353 4,266 42 43 44 45 210 1,287 142 999 14 92 133 1,036 70 204 47 354 12 38 43 231 4 13 3 4 262 1,303 311 1,540 358 1,779 46 47 145 345 652 1,662 156 635 94 232 524 881 103 475 10 41 65 164 6 27 107 204 536 1,787 36 400 49 96 134 261 30 70 34 106 203 637 30 151 3 26 13 84 10 20 34 128 151 606 27 80 2 4 5 n 3 8 2 4 2 5 2 2 132 419 719 1,923 190 534 216 651 839 2,473 ai 701 263 538 940 2,242 256 839 48 49 50 51 52 53 126 164 55,506 44,316 42 49 20,575 29,245 70 58 64,282 42,964 309 312 102,735 155,993 149 120 37,958 24,047 150 161 61,181 97,278 23 19 35,502 19,973 18 9 825 1,554 2 3 302 498 2 3 40 7 96 84 17,273 15,746 414 338 233,321 89,411 32 63 3,664 4,164 54 55 56 57 93 19,546 28 3,882 66 48,611 300 75,481 136 29,999 137 46,370 24 27,726 592 2 302 2 23 82 12,200 239 16,355 81 2,421 58 59 88 113 13,779 22,839 27 42 3,765 13,076 66 58 47,131 41,434 297 298 72,956 91,i31 133 111 29,089 21,233 133 151 45,178 64,750 24 18 26,869 13,614 14 7 535 1,152 2 3 302 417 2 3 22 5 81 75 11,937 11,347 235 346 15,711 37,035 31 57 2,313 2,791 60 61 62 63 61 66 767 1,242 13 23 117 6,440 51 42 1,480 1,062 246 238 2,525 5,073 90 85 910 604 121 124 1,692 1,&40 ... 17 13 857 466 10 3 57 3 3 'si 1 2 1 2 52 44 263 399 140 158 644 30,532 61 34 103 76 64 65 66 67 100 35,960 34 16,693 52 15,671 211 27,254 112 7,959 109 14, 3U 27 7,776 13 233 2 17 71 5,073 352 216,966 57 1,243 63 69 101 30,335 30,307 23 34 7,989 19,519 66 55 53,173 43,922 304 289 87,994 39,133 134 106 30,942 23,332 137 160 60,018 66,225 26 20 29,187 16,952 10 4 366 649 1 4 357 372 2 1 35 2 77 62 14,552 11,156 203 187 37,117 20,313 77 42 2,617 2,004 70 71 72 73 269, 292 314,995 87,266 169,490 502,633 364,156 882,554 900,573 259,823 197, 6U 601,374 603,736 292,114 141,256 10,117 5,240 2,356 3,032 292 13 151,097 90,0'79 252,693 159,340 27,800 17,409 74 75 11/1-11/6 11/7-11/13 10/17-10/23 10/17-10/23 10/17-10/23 10/24-10/31 10/ 17- 10/ £3 11/1-11/6 10/10-10/16 lVl-11/6 11/7-11/13 1V7-U/13 11/1-11/6 76 200 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 2 of 2). -LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock Item The State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder (For del'initions and explanations, see text) Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting 1954... 16,297 374 143 250 85 319 263 464 2 1949... 22,812 665 237 454 104 420 400 742 3 dollars 1954... 10,527,742 236,982 51,417 197,602 20,160 74,001 301,010 1,132,666 4 1949... 12,622,108 438,250 63,960 699,886 19,212 79,129 309,522 1,234,231 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over. on hand farms reporting 1954. . . 27,042 597 278 391 178 572 414 621 6 1950... 34,795 1,182 360 603 195 710 501 1,010 7 number 1954... 2,287,436 53,423 17,630 32,276 8,628 37,348 44,602 88,640 e 1950... 2,570,135 96,685 20,506 65,161 8,172 50,319 45,470 103,594 9 Chicjtens sold farms reporting 1954... 7,756 191 55 123 38 120 132 277 10 1949... 11,887 367 37 270 45 172 230 427 11 number 1954.. . 2,211,693 125,213 3,870 68,135 1,676 45,707 24,473 383,326 12 1949... 2,411,373 144,735 7,713 274, 590 3,208 12,718 33,282 195,326 13 dollars 1954... 1,864,529 87,595 4,041 49,006 1,694 35,746 20,294 292,576 li 2,408,106 146,288 7,796 260,451 3,266 13,022 29,834 193,064 15 Broilers farms reporting 1954... 98 4 7 ... 2 1 18 16 number 1954 .. . 1,430,255 101,100 55,500 37,500 12,000 350,245 17 dollars 1954... 1,165,657 67,050 38,869 . • . 28,500 9,600 267,013 18 Other chickens farms reporting 1954. . . 7,639 188 '55 118 38 118 132 262 19 number 1954. . . 731,433 24,113 3,870 12,635 1,676 8,207 12,473 33,081 20 dollars 1954... 693,872 20,545 4,041 10,137 1,694 7,246 10,694 25,563 21 Chicken eggs sold .farms reporting 1954... 14,116 312 116 182 66 277 210 380 22 1949... 20,210 592 215 391 35 391 351 640 23 dozens 1954 .. . 12,330,330 269,840 69,257 181,241 35,454 117,123 247,373 607,556 24 1949... 14,484,617 550,521 92,945 421,183 26,363 181,014 249,669 887,899 25 4,551,823 108,057 27,643 81,098 14,661 35,716 81,051 233,762 26 1949... 5,881,862 237, 596 37,462 200,924 11,020 60,350 94,642 385,889 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954. . . 2,551 57 41 47 45 40 48 48 28 1949... 3,009 76 67 50 43 24 57 86 29 number 1954. .. 844,990 8,170 4,065 16,721 986 624 44,645 131,903 30 1949... 710,616 8,095 3,169 38,104 1,199 1,120 32,845 122,507 31 Light breeds .farms reporting 1954. . . 1,173 19 25 23 16 20 305 18 17,466 24 38,808 32 number 1954.. . 216,202 1,492 455 12,438 242 33 Heavy breeds .farms reporting 1954. . . 1,457 41 19 27 30 20 319 31 27,179 24 93,095 34 628^ 788 6,678 3,610 4,283 744 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand farms reporting 1954 .. . 904 17 11 45 14 438 21 76 18 74 5 43 14 2,458 36 number 1954. . . 11,598 97 37 Light breeds farms reporting 1954. . . 455 5 10 9 7 13 3 26 8 1,528 38 number 1954... 5,977 27 42 225 29 47 39 Heavy breeds .farms reporting 1954... 457 11 \ 5 14 5 2 17 6 930 40 number 1954... 5,621 70 3 213 47 27 41 Ducks raised .................... farms reportinG 1954 1,542 32 89 22 45 46 44 6 9 26 21 19 35 24 48 42 1949... l|981 43 18,646 406 171 563 26 143 196 406 44 1949... 22,849 1,156 328 486 47 122 402 1,170 45 Turkeys^ ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold... farms reporting 1954... 1,619 47 22 34 30 17 36 50 46 1949... 2,213 60 40 36 20 12 53 77 47 dollars 1954... 4,111,385 41,330 19,733 67,496 3,805 2,539 199,665 656,330 48 1949... Aniaals sold alive: 4,332,140 54,3f,6 13,702 238,511 4,926 5,757 185,046 705, 278 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting 1954... 28,428 706 314 377 183 619 417 704 50 1949. . . 32,840 787 376 514 198 671 481 941 51 dollars 1954... 207,835,082 19,225,385 1,256,100 1,422,590 1,123,007 2,572,441 2,934,060 5,060,505 52 1949... 207,322,780 6,156,896 1,701,553 1,671,083 1,217,765 3,007,674 4,377,622 6,013,902 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive ....................... rarms reportinc 1954 25 374 631 651 250 28B 330 423 144 164 587 598 343 383 653 844 54 1949... 28i40L 55 number 1954. . . 1,431,793 101,338 9,315 15,892 8,688 25,033 20,912 33,337 56 1949. . . 1,089,992 26,166 7,364 11,178 6,272 22,426 21,773 29,729 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves ................... farms reportiiiE 1954 20,363 22,013 525 484 134 203 273 325 112 128 466 448 283 279 532 636 58 1949. . . 59 number 1954. .. 993, 592 88,516 3,874 7,624 6,358 11,680 12,099 26,754 60 1949. . . 821,569 20,f37 5,157 6,615 5,478 13,514 15,259 25,586 61 dollars 1954... 145,213,944 16,216,072 359,451 764,027 727,801 1,250,202 1,436,495 4,415,572 62 1949... 142,411,564 4,087,109 761,366 1,101,054 861,763 1,963,530 2,620,935 5,248,727 63 17,853 434 212 265 91 481 259 407 64 1949... 18,247 450 203 319 78 395 263 569 65 number 1954.. . 433,201 12,822 5,441 8,268 2,330 13,353 8,813 6,583 66 1949. . . 268,423 5,529 2,207 4,563 794 8,912 6,514 4,143 67 dollars 1954... 29,692,173 1,235,215 355,322 470,257 155,234 1,002,353 541,363 334,546 68 1949. . . 22,572,420 333,739 176,802 286,590 72,037 820,550 581,093 222,077 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 7,704 176 90 99 50 130 U8 143 70 16,506 331 193 241 102 361 313 377 71 number 1954. . . 191,757 25,001 2,472 2,227 559 2,078 3,437 7,153 72 1949... 382,804 25,225 6,193 3,835 2,053 5,701 9,676 3,790 73 dollars 1954... 6,623^875 1,037,453 75,302 85,885 12,405 61,971 108,497 231,921 74 12,952,494 1,171,072 177,784 137,615 53,233 180,950 370,448 313,929 75 Sheep and lajnbs sold alive. . .farms reporting 1954... 4,752 65 158 36 83 26 136 51 76 1949. . . 4,209 60 183 36 62 7 124 65 77 number 1954. . . 1,662,453 41,412 33,399 7,858 16,638 18,625 46,203 3,250 78 1949... 1,533,208 32,410 30,798 7,890 13,273 2,220 46,022 8,518 79 dollars 1954... 25,986,306 731,707 464,790 93,885 225,889 247,969 845,286 57,064 80 1949... 28,842,893 554,391 577,864 141,785 228,969 36,224 797,908 189,165 31 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 1,615 30 13 35 23 38 18 31 82 1949... 3,577 74 37 49 18 58 80 81 83 number 1954... 4,780 82 35 106 40 166 56 92 84 12,877 286 189 105 91 159 340 195 85 dollars 1954... 313,784 4,933 1,235 8,536 1,677 9,946 2,419 21,402 86 1949... 543,400 10,585 7,737 4,039 1,763 6,420 7,238 40,004 COLORADO 201 PRODUCTS : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 and poultry, see text and State Table 12] Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Lolures Cttuglas Eagle Elbert 79 178 5 168 63 219 56 553 9 53 131 70 354 1 101 211 13 260 S3 272 89 854 31 61 197 113 484 2 38,5^ 32,123 21,769 42, 514 11,222 179,360 8,173 139,186 118,441 10,690 187,799 15,225 187,496 3 31,624 55,655 25,042 42,903 17,004 228,070 25,487 225,549 105,358 3,005 182,860 19,943 162,035 4 147 254 6 472 268 325 114 1,030 q 129 197 137 485 5 159 295 14 614 326 390 156 1,343 65 150 316 191 665 6 9,507 20,052 3,628 26,861 13,469 30,754 4,920 59,103 5,189 6,398 16,910 7,909 49,010 7 9,512 26,257 2,844 27,934 12,154 27,739 7,151 67,259 12,658 5,139 19,670 9,789 53,400 8 1,2 58 3 61 16 122 29 260 5 23 69 23 168 9 63 a;' 8 78 35 151 38 456 23 22 102 41 238 10 12,584 ■..■^r.] 7,231 6,787 765 11,936 1,455 19,505 4,675 1,576 5,323 1,427 20,358 11 6,272 'i.:'89 8,061 4,550 1,553 15,316 3,950 36,961 34,392 720 15,364 1,827 22,752 12 13,390 4,154 9,916 8,029 720 10,570 1,513 17,278 4,195 1,886 5,133 1,635 21,246 13 7,564 6,872 11,602 5,306 2,099 15,200 4,080 36,663 35,682 731 15,677 2,115 22,773 14 1 1 ... ... 1 ... 15 7,800 5,000 . . . *>. 2,800 ... 16 7,800 ... 6,500 ... ... 2,800 ... 17 42 58 3 61 16 122 29 260 4 23 69 23 168 18 4,784 4,461 2,281 6,787 765 11,936 1,455 19,505 1,875 1,576 5,323 1,427 20,358 19 5,590 4,154 3,416 8,029 720 10,570 1,513 17,278 1,395 1,886 5,133 1,635 21,246 20 68 166 5 139 54 191 50 490 7 43 107 59 324 21 68 190 12 226 74 236 76 736 30 51 170 95 445 22 48,655 90,825 21,592 96, 390 21,256 152,451 17,132 301,046 32,400 19,719 114,781 28,440 298,922 23 45,925 130,260 29,073 79,783 32,412 133,882 27,256 353,649 163,296 4,913 118,856 33,386 311,227 24 22,751 26,471 11,853 33,896 10,030 55,154 6,206 99,134 14,246 8,444 48,601 12,369 111,610 25 20,707 47,055 13,428 33,276 13,889 52,816 11,596 135,233 69, 666 2,066 50,655 15,540 121,513 26 21 21 71 27 31 10 74 2 14 29 32 34 27 33 11 87 30 28 10 132 2 5 42 52 50 28 519 400 ... 478 220 19,127 125 5,208 25,015 249 25,021 412 7,385 29 695 288 1,191 413 26,760 1,629 9,599 13 46 18,160 642 2,854 30 6 7 54 15 11 7 33 1 11 9 11 14 31 62 131 348 98 2,072 84 1,706 9,000 215 3,075 106 136 32 15 14 ... 17 13 20 3 43 2 3 21 22 20 33 457 269 IX 122 17,055 41 3,502 16,015 34 21,946 306 7,249 34 5 14 19 11 4 8 34 1 4 12 20 35 19 70 64 29 38 25 130 10 10 58 435 36 2 6 12 8 2 7 14 ... 1 3 6 9 37 9 24 42 23 5 23 42 10 8 29 28 38 3 9 7 3 2 1 21 ... 1 6 11 39 10 46 22 6 33 2 88 ... 2 29 407 40 18 8 7 6 26 6 52 ... 6 3 9 25 41 10 5 "2 15 5 20 4 72 3 6 25 10 33 42 332 104 30 86 233 42 486 13 21 62 231 43 50 34 '14 64 21 165 226 607 21 22 160 82 328 44 10 15 8 4 24 6 37 1 3 19 14 23 45 18 10 1 41 12 30 9 106 1 2 31 24 35 46 2,405 1,498 589 472 113,636 454 22,774 100,000 360 134,065 1,221 54,640 47 3,353 1,728 12 4,321 1,016 160,054 9,811 53,653 10 208 116,528 2,288 17,749 48 149 307 7 526 200 321 154 870 3 60 313 160 67S 49 155 327 12 669 288 386 177 1,159 6 89 319 192 740 50 497,507 1,794,716 12,426 1,916,036 647,632 1,275,895 659,415 2,573,684 1,815 97,171 1,244,693 1,314,142 2,988,814 51 609,036 2,408,140 23,335 3,043,356 1,033,336 1,733,448 1,168,549 3,881,637 48,055 231,917 1,657,713 2,085,701 3,748,478 52 137 299 7 369 104 273 146 770 3 54 306 134 669 53 125 310 11 462 126 296 166 972 4 65 304 176 716 54 5,006 19,577 194 10,128 3,630 11,550 7,689 17,229 36 1,092 14,431 7,478 34,128 55 3,767 17,630 153 12,619 4,409 10,340 8,320 16,454 276 1,166 12,354 7,882 26,890 56 106 251 6 219 85 226 118 585 1 41 270 118 548 57 97 254 8 272 71 235 118 674 3 52 241 163 615 58 2,484 9,722 97 4,772 788 7,680 3,532 11,042 7 806 7,286 4,116 17,252 59 1,974 11,569 105 8,191 3,810 7,206 4,643 12,662 226 626 7,699 5,879 18,459 60 245,585 977,896 6,653 474,528 74,962 848,830 329,916 1,331,124 448 47,279 755,339 487,540 1,657,851 61 265,277 1,773,305 16,078 1,117,242 554,946 1,112,972 779,898 1,992,395 43,790 78,608 1,180,514 962,645 2,712,147 62 99 248 6 291 97 190 131 516 3 27 258 86 548 63 96 220 8 342 96 189 130 606 2 39 222 87 463 64 2,522 9,855 97 5,356 2,842 3,870 4,157 6,187 29 286 7,145 3,362 16, 876 65 1,793 6,061 48 4,428 599 3,134 3,677 3,792 50 540 4,655 2,003 8,431 66 169,475 685,873 5,475 377,153 184, 842 245,013 287,970 436,996 1,367 18,302 461,808 234, 536 1,177,162 67 162,975 517,418 2,668 407,713 54,901 260,049 314,894 312,335 2,520 53,916 435,427 180,807 726,393 68 39 59 171 98 150 17 347 8 36 48 128 69 103 142 4 402 223 272 66 715 "3 31 79 78 319 70 819 1,098 3,131 1,795 3,312 302 7,450 61 537 672 1,716 71 2,623 2,220 124 13,899 5,247 7,344 1,169 15,511 '46 514 1,111 1,450 5,877 72 23,097 31,885 * . . 100,187 46,588 131,042 6,619 253,478 2,561 15,474 17,439 47,382 73 84,069 82,802 4,430 433,953 184,250 263,459 34,650 505,349 1,745 15,164 29,455 38,244 201,103 74 29 16 295 95 27 15 159 7 12 68 49 75 30 12 298 77 22 16 143 ... 10 8 63 33 76 3,628 6,802 70,619 19, 861 3,136 2,583 38,806 2,270 900 41,122 8,726 77 4,663 1,916 65,004 12,833 4,885 1,957 51,581 5,024 289 50,082 6,571 78 57,215 97,821 962,715 340,722 49,237 33,703 548,103 28,492 11,457 572,792 101,230 79 93,112 30,773 1,081,836 236,618 92,673 35,979 1,057,500 83,975 6,815 902,072 101,834 80 12 13 2 10 5 la 12 52 ... 5 14 12 34 81 14 36 2 35 6 39 26 167 6 35 22 74 82 37 41 5 18 21 29 40 83 8 27 30 76 S3 89 181 4 82 66 130 93 320 ... 11 88 65 186 84 2,135 1,241 298 1,453 518 1,773 1,207 3,983 ... 537 615 1,835 5,189 85 3,603 3,842 159 2,612 2,621 4,295 3,128 14,058 ... 254 5,502 1,933 7,001 86 202 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 2 of 2). -LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For coinparability of data on livestock — Item El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano (For definitions and explanations, see text) Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting 1954. . . 455 685 329 424 303 382 2 5 49 52 23 46 1 8 93 176 2 1949... 3 dollars 1954... 358,172 219,110 77,974 231 6,901 6,270 30 54,279 •; 1949... 484,987 212,286 109,046 664 9,497 6,363 515 92,593 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over. on hand farms reporting 1954... 613 594 522 7 89 95 7 242 6 1950... 941 655 642 10 128 131 14 376 7 number 1954... 77,909 45,934 28,356 234 4,335 4,064 260 15,088 3 1950... 89,317 41,891 31,611 320 5,034 4,129 315 16,968 9 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 222 141 123 1 21 10 1 48 10 1949. . . 366 226 167 3 21 15 91 11 number 1954.. . 98,238 52,054 8,303 15 1,236 946 30 5,518 12 1949... 149,474 32,579 16,094 250 1,671 935 7,987 13 dollars 1954... 88,435 51,934 10,058 20 1,425 1,133 '30 5,372 1* 154,107 32,925 19,041 291 2,078 1,215 10,812 15 Broilers.. farms reporting 1954... 6 3 16 number 1954... 69,959 32,800 17 dollars 1954... 60,940 33,500 18 Other chickens farms reporting 1954... 213 140 123 "i "21 '10 1 48 19 number 1954... 28,279 19,254 8,803 15 1,286 946 30 5,513 20 dollars 1954... 27,495 13,434 10,058 20 1,425 1,133 30 5,372 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 406 285 258 2 43 20 79 22 1949. . . 516 356 305 3 46 42 "s 156 23 dozens 1954.. . 518,800 271,517 136,001 256 11,706 10,294 56,366 24 1949... 607,155 279,366 124,728 746 11,464 9,446 936 53,991 25 222,247 113,797 59,576 129 5,320 5,072 24,773 26 1949... 284,247 109,039 52,468 373 4,974 4,658 395 25, 9 W 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954. . . 67 62 37 2 6 2 1 33 28 1949... 38 60 112 19 11 36 29 number 1954. . . 6,973 10,921 1,957 14 33 3 15 5,000 30 1949... 7,512 9,662 7,245 471 198 9,698 31 Light breeds. .farms reporting 1954. . . 36 36 32 1 12 32 number 1954... 2,032 2,536 703 4 329 33 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954... 34 32 60 2 6 1 1 21 34 4,946 8,385 1,254 14 33 4 15 4,671 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand farms reporting 1954... 26 11 51 1 2 1 12 36 number 1954... U7 55 186 2 4 2 43 37 Light breeds. farms reporting 1954. . . 17 5 18 7 38 number 1954.. . 62 37 71 26 39 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954. . , 9 6 33 1 2 1 5 40 number 1954.. . 75 18 115 2 4 2 17 41 Ducks raised farms reporting 1954. . . 40 23 25 3 1 9 42 1949... 66 30 59 6 2 "i 19 43 577 122 222 21 10 36 44 1949... 1,041 448 521 73 4 166 122 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold. ..farms reporting 1954... 54 35 40 1 4 2 9 46 1949... 55 45 77 12 2 1 22 47 dollars 1954... 47,490 53,379 8,340 82 156 60 23,634 48 1949... Afiinals sold alive: 46,633 70,322 37,537 2,445 990 120 55,867 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting 1954... 719 350 517 9 138 132 24 291 50 1949. . . 905 448 627 12 U9 185 22 339 51 dollars 1954... 3,023,243 378,457 2,435,568 24,271 1,067,935 1,703,449 117,831 1,239,494 52 1949... 4,315,666 1,237,341 3,468,037 15,635 1,121,822 2,576,385 170,588 1,936,181 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting 1954. . . 638 294 452 9 135 167 23 271 54 1949... 850 377 540 10 147 176 22 322 55 number 1954... 30,285 10,425 19,150 269 3,680 14,817 1,116 13,760 56 1949... 28,284 9,472 16,840 128 6,142 U,178 1,174 13,696 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting 1954 .. . 545 222 365 8 121 150 21 183 5S 1949... 692 243 419 8 130 167 19 236 59 number 1954... 17,130 5,509 11,829 118 5,516 7,438 721 5,807 60 1949... 17,944 5,546 13,536 57 4,648 11,360 1,024 9,154 61 dollars 1954... 1,949,839 496,963 1,207,599 12,430 658,337 870,769 79,050 541,074 62 1949... 3,019,385 761,436 1,983,647 8,868 771,195 1,788,679 146,268 1,202,967 63 540 213 278 3 79 113 16 231 64 1949... 611 291 303 7 67 81 8 239 65 number 1954.. . 13,105 4,916 7,321 151 3,164 7,379 395 7,953 66 1949... 10,340 3,926 3,304 71 1,494 2,818 150 4,542 67 dollars 1954... 785,908 293,191 554,829 11,841 275.225 522,237 22,556 530,326 68 1949... 801,657 313,179 291,223 5,946 166,737 237,573 13,246 395,429 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 130 96 199 9 9 73 70 404 212 342 "i 25 27 1 227 71 number 1954... 6,943 2,512 3,053 93 192 1,104 72 1949... 9,105 4,384 8,446 15 311 293 '14 3,679 73 dollars 1954... 137,812 64,720 89,875 3,306 5,137 30,754 74 331,997 116,733 351,969 643 9,004 9,056 289 110,027 75 Sheep and lamba sold alive. . .farms reporting 1954... 38 25 130 21 25 4 56 76 1949... 44 20 139 1 23 23 0 78 77 number 1954... 5,502 1,764 44,732 3,628 21,779 1.197 9,807 78 1949... 7,965 2,201 46,833 2 9,139 28,017 562 14,371 79 dollars 1954... 37,021 21,533 576,033 122,354 303,226 16.200 132,285 80 1949... 140,970 40,948 327, U5 28 171,366 486,585 10,710 224,383 81 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 49 17 46 22 18 1 25 82 1949... 94 58 102 1 25 30 1 43 83 number 1954. .. 99 29 105 140 47 1 91 84 1949... 370 135 491 "9 78 203 5 155 85 dollars 1954... 12,663 2,050 7,232 8,713 2,030 25 5,055 86 1949... 21,657 5,045 14,063 150 3,020 4,492 75 3,375 COLORADO 203 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND I950--Continued and poultry, see text and State Table 12] Jackson Jefferson Klowo Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat 16 366 160 517 1 345 651 218 309 716 730 3 121 1 20 605 201 642 2 465 999 323 4U 1,007 1,020 145 2 1,431 1,125,018 46,278 117,277 295 112,394 378,003 85,585 125,804 212,903 361,123 613 49,637 3 2,493 1,540,039 48,985 172,710 410 142,215 470,970 92,502 139,729 340,897 263,802 29,538 4 32 681 230 680 5 636 1,050 599 409 966 1,442 7 227 5 86 1,015 317 842 7 716 1,334 749 554 1,230 1,783 1 242 6 1,217 63,062 22,565 65,223 218 42,948 101,721 32,406 47,202 96,615 94,568 366 16,516 7 2,3W 98,330 26, lU 74,632 167 44,571 122,918 34,198 47,735 118,283 82,372 24 12,582 8 3 173 71 203 1 146 369 91 135 367 292 3 59 9 11 359 103 257 2 250 607 156 190 518 516 71 10 47 362,777 8,567 16,312 50 10,658 90,618 7,566 11,040 30,057 31,871 120 5,724 11 501 556,070 7,380 23,085 200 21,937 92,541 13,000 13,471 43,526 41,127 4,759 12 47 312,470 7,106 11,957 50 10,951 74,724 7,939 9,827 22,512 27,036 135 6,762 13 727 524,482 19 333,194 283,377 8,122 23,139 260 25,171 91,203 4 45,000 36,000 K,994 2 2,223 2,723 18,056 41,878 1 1,000 1,000 42,627 5,863 14 15 16 17 3 159 71 203 1 U6 367 .90 135 367 292 "3 59 18 47 29,583 8,567 16,312 50 10,858 45,618 5,343 11,040 29,057 31,871 120 5,724 19 47 29,093 7,106 11,957 50 10,951 38,724 5,216 9,827 21,512 27,036 135 6,762 20 12 306 147 479 1 300 563 183 287 645 584 2 103 21 17 476 186 617 1 407 890 272 381 959 872 120 22 1,394 468,259 74,206 349,689 480 220,336 624,017 108,253 256,883 541,083 507,591 1,073 64,141 23 3,779 864,177 114,030 398,307 300 245,009 736,950 102,946 2U,417 747,341 347,200 54,569 24 794 217,000 23,441 102,555 245 89,722 234,550 46,510 92,208 179,037 211,500 433 24,685 25 1,766 448,366 40,477 142,749 liO 99,448 297,084 44,607 79,375 233,206 U7,391 20,326 26 3 81 17 32 133 68 88 30 31 188 44 27 2 109 14 23 127 117 73 40 37 186 45 28 30 131,045 3,320 675 2,878 15,410 7,533 4,271 2,639 26,062 3,789 29 18 89,199 130 1,002 3,500 U,058 5,344 6,798 2,655 13,680 818 30 2 27 6 16 65 32 61 8 13 91 15 31 24 49,636 324 264 1,004 1,142 2,775 107 112 4,018 2,738 32 1 64 11 17 71 37 27 22 19 101 32 33 6 81,409 2,996 411 1,874 14,268 4,808 4,164 2,527 22,044 1,001 34 18 4 23 33 29 34 10 12 81 17 35 3,960 16 125 121 175 628 36 83 289 48 36 8 2 10 23 15 23 4 4 30 2 37 1,828 8 36 77 57 614 12 43 101 9 38 10 2 13 10 lA 7 6 9 51 15 39 2,U2 8 89 44 118 14 24 35 188 39 40 3 54 16 52 2 77 71 35 16 54 62 24 41 1 99 8 66 2 43 102 55 26 77 108 10 42 327 2,252 173 536 6 550 1,061 224 197 558 707 146 43 3 1,960 190 779 17 325 1,453 432 240 984 958 118 44 2 77 11 40 56 53 41 20 37 110 21 45 94 7 31 32 95 38 33 50 125 34 46 590 595,548 15,731 2,765 11,721 68,729 31,136 23,769 11,354 122,587 18,190 47 567, 191 386 6,772 17,596 82,683 32,901 42,298 15,813 83,784 3,344 48 104 617 273 837 12 627 1,110 533 541 1,085 1,133 16 260 49 116 692 290 909 14 691 1,281 704 595 1,225 1,363 7 269 50 1,743,345 1,509,600 1,365,173 3,878,150 44,919 1,301,235 8,383,053 3,365,856 3,380,049 10,935,568 3,392,800 74,794 2,833,103 51 2,009,109 1,756,049 1,613,240 4,018,837 62,204 1,943,159 9,086,561 5,398,769 4,272,357 11,920,723 4,483,360 34,228 2,906,152 52 100 527 257 817 12 531 1,001 562 530 1,051 892 14 218 53 110 529 266 381 14 579 1,139 641 569 1,146 1,094 7 235 54 16,045 13,703 14,177 41,530 547 10,745 49,021 39,077 36,068 68,581 24,626 526 10,528 55 13,030 11,112 12,049 27,683 615 10,323 38,191 41,488 30,603 60,854 24,144 298 7,011 56 85 424 214 731 8 378 845 406 455 878 644 10 170 57 103 376 222 752 12 407 852 436 485 948 773 7 209 58 11,808 8,355 7,170 26,307 398 6,429 37,506 20,606 17,926 56,073 13,106 409 4,987 59 10,076 7,866 7,716 20,138 410 6,823 31,659 25,884 18,920 53,623 17,163 283 4,642 60 1,291,579 1,023,383 803,411 2,628,573 36,189 682,057 6,072,563 2,004,590 1,866,573 9,347,008 1,533,519 45,739 530,905 61 1,411,297 1,285,514 1,033,856 2,816,130 47,128 929,005 6,213,570 3,384,980 2,792,343 10,632,601 2,573,720 32,768 646,685 62 57 372 197 640 8 372 669 476 424 643 632 7 162 63 54 363 173 529 9 368 761 511 397 673 730 1 127 64 4,237 5,348 7,007 15,223 149 4,316 11,515 18,471 18,142 12,508 11,520 117 5,541 65 2,954 3,246 4,333 7,545 205 3,500 6,532 15,604 11,683 7,226 6,981 10 2,369 66 262, 669 268,797 496,398 911,511 5,875 263,076 711,507 1,240,614 1,266,164 366,806 731,230 7,100 401,231 67 295,780 201,315 376,388 673,854 12,254 289,521 467,747 1,292,426 1,071,044 629,918 531,913 850 207,251 68 2 113 73 273 178 193 91 133 290 338 21 69 11 258 133 559 1 338 485 260 314 626 846 48 70 14 3,636 1,012 4,118 2,305 4,793 1,093 2,028 4,941 6,845 537 71 73 5,951 2,402 11,636 1 7,199 9,877 4,114 6,469 11, 686 16,061 755 72 304 158,385 23,723 134,412 63,539 179,948 34,096 33,943 165 , 558 230,697 17,025 73 2,666 178,819 67,527 352,279 62 201,051 350,196 92,426 223,346 399,714 474,585 25,516 74 26 64 10 45 2 188 2W 47 40 29 281 2 94 75 28 38 8 33 1 155 191 38 33 25 193 1 38 76 13,436 2,607 2,009 U,239 274 20,954 11A,123 7,079 10,376 3,235 61,141 2,115 138,590 77 14,793 3,445 4,834 8,422 250 26,004 91,859 8,367 10,511 11,635 52,338 28 131,390 78 184,601 40,600 35,475 192,319 2,705 285,980 1,911,091 76,524 158,531 46,295 887,953 21,610 1,881,777 79 295,727 67,360 83,295 163,778 2,500 513,398 2,027,917 105,029 179,577 237,068 885,132 550 2,021,622 80 17 47 15 81 1 54 58 54 29 58 47 3 21 81 23 77 30 105 2 75 138 109 61 126 168 1 27 82 81 123 27 201 1 98 151 223 69 127 99 11 75 83 108 249 86 385 10 145 616 605 176 413 413 2 168 84 4,192 18,435 1,166 11,335 150 6,583 7,939 10,032 4,838 9,901 9,401 345 2,165 85 3,639 23,041 2,174 12,796 260 10,184 27,131 23,908 6,047 21,422 17,955 60 5,078 86 204 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 2 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock Item (For definltionfs and explanations , see text) Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Poultry aod poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold ........................... f aptns reporting 1954... 1949... 344 539 693 384 36 25 322 30 2 414 733 812 533 54 41 391 41 3 dollars 1954... 96,654 236,777 327,746 536,135 3,670 4,276 147,556 3,309 i 1949... 72,758 213,774 518,084 476,033 8,875 6,245 168,453 7,097 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand farms reporting 1954... 1950... 710 946 971 689 77 78 370 56 71 6 742 1,166 1,131 842 107 103 445 7 number 1954... 41,789 70,488 92,391 60,848 2,590 2,583 54,658 2,549 8 1950... 32,860 62,004 100,786 56,134 4,449 3,349 52,256 3,115 9 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 1949... 165 185 255 366 353 205 17 7 201 242 5 16 10 452 302 32 17 11 number 1954... 11,763 87,068 31,415 23,883 880 314 23,063 119 12 1949... 12,703 29,389 44,361 39,269 1,937 1,669 22,661 1,109 13 dollars 1954... 12,039 84,781 25,847 21,937 1,038 1,157 17,430 166 14 1949... 13,324 32,025 40,333 41,380 2,653 2,561 21,336 1,407 15 Broilers farms reporting 1954... number 1954.. . 1 2,000 2 63,293 1 1,450 16 17 dollars 1954... 2,000 63,292 1,450 18 Other chickens .farms reporting 1954. . . number 1954... 164 254 23,775 353 31,415 205 23,883 17 7 201 21,613 5 119 19 9,763 880 314 20 dollars 1954... 10,039 21,489 25, 847 21,987 1,038 1,157 15,930 156 21 Chicken eggs sold ......,.,....., farms reporting 1954... 1949... 277 466 630 621. 717 319 454 24 42 23 35 302 370 25 36 22 352 23 dozens 1954 . . . 175,036 397,412 426,713 340,778 6,207 5,878 383,508 5,438 24 1949... 111,555 324,443 517,145 291,234 13,237 7,244 367,206 9,815 25 dollars 1954... 69,660 147,143 140,531 123,136 2,443 2,889 116,701 2,440 26 1949... 43,126 130,148 201,776 112,828 5,246 3,334 144,737 3,700 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954. . . 99 61 40 68 11 6 13 9 28 1949... 102 110 46 88 13 4 20 20 29 number 1954. . . 3,456 1,066 25,893 69,698 90 64 2,682 152 30 1949... 3,696 7,826 40,168 52,237 218 59 427 395 31 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 48 23 15 36 4 6 2 32 number 1954.. . 2,368 413 4,197 2,158 37 89 12 33 Heavy breeds.... ...farms reporting 1954.. . number 1954... 58 1,098 34 653 26 21,696 34 67,540 7 53 6 64 7 8 140 34 2,593 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand farms reporting 1954.. . number 1954... 33 214 33 185 22 114 12 46 6 17 3 7 6 16 3 6 36 37 Light breeds farms reporting 1954.. . number 1954... 16 51 19 136 10 60 8 33 4 12 3 6 3 6 38 39 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954.. . number 1954.. . 17 163 14 49 12 54 4 13 2 5 3 7 3 10 40 41 Ducks raised farms reporting 1954... 72 30 92 50 2 1 6 8 42 1949... 34 48 93 23 7 25 9 43 number 1954... 647 207 1,273 396 '13 1 137 41 44 1949... 236 356 1,557 316 41 304 80 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold... farms reporting 1954... 50 45 53 44 5 2 14 4 46 1949... 56 69 68 70 8 4 19 11 47 dollars 1954... 14,955 4,853 161,368 386,012 189 230 13,425 703 48 1949... 16,308 51,601 275,975 321,825 976 350 2,385 1,990 Aniaals sold alive: 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1949... 527 620 912 1,070 981 1,054 640 '728 103 108 121 147 404 444 70 90 50 51 dollars 1954... 1,255,779 3,036,710 12,755,584 5,059,736 526,333 1,046,433 1,344,425 551,701 52 1949... 1,429,005 4,132,527 9,320,407 5,793,569 608,195 1,279,495 1,600,198 511,113 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive.. .farms reporting 1954... 1949... 464 539 706 811 899 911 520 527 94 100 118 143 336 407 60 32 54 55 number 1954. .. 11,875 15,693 74,152 30,464 4,462 12,762 11,534 3,033 56 1949... 8,051 14, 876 46,558 27,042 3,671 9,110 9,567 2,953 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting 1954... 304 497 764 388 75 96 305 54 58 1949... 382 576 726 355 92 121 349 75 59 number 1954. . . 6,415 7,460 65,033 24,334 2,021 4,404 7,959 2,274 60 1949... 5,505 10,382 40,353 23,147 2,825 5,539 5,657 2,441 61 dollars 1954... 620,825 810,792 11,428,713 3,799,859 230,763 379,542 907,828 251,144 62 1949... 776,455 1,452,737 7,390,443 4,658,669 401,664 858,923 878,120 346,880 63 Calves sold alive farms reporting 1954. . . 344 470 535 345 69 97 264 33 64 1949... 321 499 522 347 50 107 243 32 65 number 1954.. . 5,460 8,233 9,119 6,130 2,441 8,353 3,725 759 66 1949... 2,546 4,494 5,705 3,895 846 3,571 3,910 512 67 dollars 1954... 323,207 543,307 551,707 427,028 196,244 545,775 259,727 48,812 68 1949... 209,745 353,793 485,306 293,526 95,581 283,558 391,328 44,738 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 103 360 296 267 14 6 141 23 70 1949... 309 744 611 505 40 25 280 39 71 number 1954. .. 1,592 6,751 7,077 7,397 261 126 2,602 599 72 1949... 4,883 17,211 13,849 14,741 662 195 5,975 1,002 73 dollars 1954... 38,397 204,384 236,441 245,346 4,144 4,768 101,271 12,973 74 1949... 110,517 483,395 473,665 487,183 19,112 4,792 271,042 21,723 75 Sheep and lambs sold alive. . .farms reporting 1954... 145 304 98 112 25 7 31 26 76 1949... 112 242 69 71 23 6 16 18 77 78 number 1954.. . 18,920 99,813 29,918 31,399 7,067 9,534 5,316 16,399 1949... 18,749 110,425 42,438 19,856 5,337 9,011 3,127 5,090 79 30 dollars 1954. . . 265,240 1,473,617 535,335 583,711 93,878 115,968 73,297 238,389 1949... 322,116 1,825,137 954,099 347,285 90,099 128,552 56,328 93,881 81 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 40 44 35 22 8 7 15 5 82 1949... 70 139 133 75 25 23 38 15 83 84 number 1954... 96 83 61 142 22 9 31 8 1949... 349 415 417 251 65 173 74 96 85 86 dollars 1954... 8,110 4,610 3,388 3,792 1,304 380 2,302 383 1949... 10,172 12,465 11,894 6,906 1,739 3,570 2,880 3,346 COLORADO 205 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued and poultry, see text and State Table 12] Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Sujnmlt Teller Washington Weld Yuma 393 333 77 169 245 91 39 215 4 27 684 1,527 776 1 619 471 96 231 220 161 49 278 12 36 870 2,304 1,029 2 270,077 283,954 15,220 58,680 95,659 21,300 8,622 33,632 189 7,588 344,233 1,132,803 453,945 3 319,938 298,459 14,664 53,116 77,506 30,739 8,367 100,938 538 17,338 542,104 950,003 557,608 4 559 706 152 366 353 198 79 271 17 49 823 2,833 982 5 807 901 166 414 385 259 96 348 20 77 989 3,463 1,195 6 56,611 61,215 8,046 22,383 24,846 9,924 4,206 32,330 457 2,641 103,337 231,329 105,151 7 73,483 63,903 7,882 21,196 25,343 13,036 4,549 33,466 481 3,688 111,693 249,299 121,823 8 158 156 29 77 117 40 16 118 2 14 359 813 354 9 366 239 41 112 102 70 25 166 5 21 460 1,266 538 10 34,084 99,331 1,304 8,571 39,451 3,066 1,057 14,571 46 2,352 59,825 186,663 69,785 11 36,015 83,827 1,912 9,702 18,457 5,426 1,654 15,760 105 6,225 43,610 131,288 42,627 12 28,781 92,004 1,845 8,417 39,885 3,591 1,159 11,944 92 2,513 43,106 162,544 63,108 13 34,879 95,341 2,492 12,151 24,317 6,135 1,802 15,480 157 8,157 38,774 138,633 37,633 14 6 1 3 4 4 6 15 13,320 70,000 32,300 23,428 110,943 57,400 16 11,290 63,000 32,503 18,860 84,476 43,114 17 154 156 29 77 116 40 16 lis 2 14 355 810 349 18 20,764 29,381 1,304 8,571 7,151 3,066 1,057 14,571 48 2,352 36,397 75,720 32,385 19 17,491 29,004 1,845 8,417 7,382 3,591 1,159 11,944 92 2,513 24,246 78,068 19,994 20 335 263 65 142 209 74 32 193 1 26 632 1,408 728 21 567 388 82 206 195 140 42 253 10 34 816 2,033 979 22 273,255 356,938 28,299 111,432 88,811 40,015 17,217 203,667 55 9,158 720,135 1,124,082 672,493 23 371,009 324,862 22,118 38,915 129,067 53,479 15,915 196,181 696 14,906 771,521 1,228,935 830,715 24 85,103 148,799 11,896 44,876 34,007 15,938 6,818 66,417 39 4,841 219,668 406,613 200,523 25 134,514 143,787 9,200 36,920 49,929 22,272 6,194 74,888 336 7,234 284,377 490,626 284,354 26 47 92 28 59 38 41 18 7 2 10 26 124 35 27 48 92 34 47 42 50 10 13 1 6 42 186 51 28 30,992 7,946 408 1,464 4,205 524 261 1,173 11 90 14,490 120,011 46,403 29 28,787 9,985 705 781 730 796 128 2,030 3 291 34,336 53,523 41,068 30 25 37 4 28 11 27 9 3 4 6 70 38 31 16,368 913 52 338 534 324 132 103 23 52 31,457 590 32 23 58 24 33 29 14 9 4 2 7 20 62 48 33 14,624 7,033 356 1,126 3,671 200 129 1,065 11 67 14,438 36,554 45,813 34 10 19 12 7 13 8 12 4 2 2 16 48 36 35 50 95 40 24 40 43 47 65 5 5 54 357 139 36 6 12 2 2 4 7 4 2 1 5 28 20 37 39 44 6 8 11 33 11 61 3 10 210 79 38 4 8 10 5 9 1 8 2 2 1 11 21 17 39 11 51 34 16 29 5 36 4 5 2 44 147 50 40 10 29 6 17 8 14 3 5 3 54 169 55 41 17 51 14 12 15 25 5 11 2 4 29 231 45 42 130 343 49 134 69 52 18 57 33 782 2,458 475 43 150 425 97 127 107 196 18 74 62 39 395 2,547 449 44 31 53 11 18 27 11 10 11 1 4. 35 115 52 45 49 65 19 26 25 30 4 13 1 3 41 168 43 46 156,193 43,151 1,479 5,387 21,767 1,771 645 5,271 53 234 81,459 563,646 190, 314 47 150,545 59,331 2,972 4,045 3,260 2,332 371 10,570 45 1,947 218,953 320,744 235,616 48 640 580 190 429 401 248 77 301 33 38 959 3,133 1,095 49 788 718 200 485 417 234 91 357 35 89 1,075 3,400 1,250 50 4,050,735 3,355,574 2,082,193 2,440,294 2,396,409 1,785,494 596,557 1,916,873 336,402 271,536 4,091,675 53, 460, 8Se 3,607,354 51 4,427,461 3,916,867 2,076,895 3,654,675 2,278,056 2,603,381 732, 185 2,437,510 161,391 357,482 4,518,070 ■•0,911,766 4,406,929 52 518 490 166 269 346 174 70 290 32 86 934 2,941 1,051 53 608 577 173 324 381 212 82 327 34 86 1,026 3,103 1,210 54 30,829 26,580 16,374 8,023 17,341 11,292 2,948 12,971 3,413 2,988 37,879 290,829 35,842 55 20,340 24,548 9,836 8,500 11,531 9,562 2,637 12,635 1,205 3,044 30,336 188,194 31,263 56 358 362 149 183 297 141 51 232 27 74 797 2,543 854 57 477 432 159 242 338 151 68 275 31 63 857 2,480 957 58 21,259 20,391 8,637 2,740 12,014 5,144 1,645 9,408 2,743 1,732 21,356 257,461 16,975 59 15,635 15,848 8,413 4,683 9,011 5,207 2,079 9,732 702 1,821 21,085 158,903 18,324 60 2,226,890 2,403,747 889,231 J01,725 1,511,484 551,081 150,032 1,563,695 283,487 181,191 2,527,756 45, 657, 894 1,951,539 61 2,525,280 2,487,544 1,174,133 669,116 1,441,904 966,117 238,923 1,917,081 115,493 261,589 3,057,518 34,771,261 2,705,351 62 374 317 104 205 138 137 48 211 16 64 739 1,647 860 63 320 406 65 207 165 164 49 183 21 53 629 1,833 941 64 9,570 6,189 7,737 5,233 5,327 6,148 1,303 3,563 670 1,256 16,023 33,368 18,867 65 4,705 8,700 1,423 3,817 2,520 4,355 558 2,903 503 1,223 9,301 19,291 12,939 66 662,757 335,547 516,322 402,985 373,389 446,020 92,600 279,705 43,100 86,512 1,093,374 2,339,093 1,265,559 67 411, 801 713,429 136,697 3%, 379 270, 117 443,926 50,253 297,417 39,597 91,801 830, 376 1,391,378 1,086,464 68 266 205 17 158 73 64 15 94 6 2 319 481 476 69 508 383 71 268 130 133 43 190 7 13 652 1,188 792 70 7,916 8,187 449 5,337 1,033 2,150 298 2,359 85 8 7,898 10,460 10,063 71 14,294 8,287 1,481 16,536 1,757 6,302 835 4,614 20 103 12,220 20,026 15,632 72 265,286 309,293 14,852 205,539 33,369 71,917 9,789 62,034 2,220 125 298,066 386,627 349,613 73 500,397 305,528 45,109 588,469 59,425 160,807 27,082 145,031 347 3,243 447,717 682,078 529,223 74 124 29 59 310 128 138 25 8 1 2 77 356 79 75 145 34 55 294 111 151 22 5 4 58 322 40 76 55,650 14,819 53,216 95,283 33,003 51,803 25,939 976 452 35 12,531 249,533 2,317 77 58,643 19,811 39,842 100,685 28,382 46,647 17,088 4,687 302 9,174 171,075 3,387 78 884,827 284,549 659,248 1,526,055 464,424 713,7% 342,892 10,402 6,780 315 165,363 5,051,515 32,515 79 976,348 389,445 709,320 1,995,710 491,005 1,028,211 364,369 76,031 5,319 170,380 4,021,158 61,369 80 33 27 9 19 46 20 7 13 4 13 57 70 87 81 80 81 23 38 72 31 12 25 3 6 115 272 146 82 166 445 33 57 138 43 13 21 16 72 120 235 179 83 489 736 103 125 185 136 71 52 5 34 407 864 328 84 10,975 22,438 2,540 3,990 13,743 2,680 1,244 1,037 815 3,393 7,116 15,729 8,626 65 13,635 20,921 11,636 5,001 15,605 4,320 1,558 1,950 135 849 12,079 45,860 24,022 86 206 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table S^NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST I ten (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder Nursery and greeaboase producta, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: 1 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 1954... 6,951,257 6,754,092 354,525 379,354 3,450 150 1,396,173 1,608,307 3,500 2,710 237, 567 233,120 2 1949 . . . 3 Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornajnentals, etc. ) farms reporting 1954. . . 109 4 4 7 1 3 i 1949 . . . 115 6 1 14 1 6 5 acres 1954 . . . 447 32 1 29 1 6 6 1949 . . . 385 34 (Z) 21 2 16 7 Sold dollars 1954 . . . 695, 524 515,703 51,400 24,8U 3,100 35 20,700 21,307 1,200 300 8,000 11,965 3 1949 . . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: 9 10 Grown under glass ........... .farms reporting 1954... 226 12 1 26 2 9 1949 . . . 196 6 1 28 ... ... 2 7 11 square feet 1954 . . . 4,837,094 191,740 900 1,235,350 1,100 62,702 12 1949... 4,505,414 221,266 140 1,260,148 1,100 57,325 13 Orown in open farms reporting 1954... 106 2 1 3 3 14 1949 . . . 153 5 10 2 9 15 acres 1954... 170 10 (Z) 8 3 16 1949... 229 10 11 1 20 17 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 283 13 2 28 2 10 IS 1949 . . . 298 11 1 36 3 14 19 dollars 1954... 5,795,190 296,600 350 1,373,548 1,100 193,119 20 1949 . . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: 5,604,696 160, 628 80 1,575,710 1,230 203,555 21 Grown under glass or in 63 3 1 2 4 22 1949... 55 2 1 3 2 4 23 square feet 1954 . . . 153,816 4,720 3,465 2,500 10,101 24 1949 . . . 364,449 153,300 60 8,320 580 10,525 25 Grown in open farms reporting 1954. . . 125 5 1 1 2 26 1949 . . . 153 2 2 2 4 27 acres 1954 . . . 1,261 24 1 ... 2 21 28 1949... 1,751 3 1 1 49 29 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 178 7 2 2 6 30 1949 . . . 198 3 1 5 3 3 31 dollars 1954 . . . 460,543 6,525 1,925 1,200 36,448 32 1949 .. . Forest products: 633,693 194,412 35 11,290 1,180 17,600 33 Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954... 1,155 1 5 7 30 2 12 34 1949 . . . 1,309 9 3 7 21 6 45 35 cords (4'x 4'x 8") 1954... 13,037 10 63 95 596 31 7 79 36 1949... 14,971 50 15 65 164 50 410 37 Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954... 883 2 3 2 42 2 1 9 33 1949 . . . 1,099 3 5 19 1 3 15 39 number 1954... 253,407 170 400 115 9,819 135 100 832 40 1949 . . . 320,490 118 345 6,260 30 750 1,546 41 Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing timber sold ) farms reporting 1954 . . . 205 1 14 1 42 1949'.. 171 4 4 43 thousands of bd . ft. 1954... 14,872 4 1,398 10 44 4,570 395 6 45 Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954. . . 302 1 15 3 46 dollars 1954... 290,766 150 17,012 380 47 1949... 290,409 9,285 10 3,965 Z Reported in small fractions. 'Does not Include amount sold as standing timber. COLORADO 207 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle Elbert 17,944 324 113,782 2,337,289 160 1 5,500 3,320 37,338 1,843,037 2 1 1 1 12 1 3 2 2 7 4 2 t (Z) 42 (Z) 5 1 1 23 6 2,275 32^ 50 181,507 10 7 1,000 2,300 102,775 8 3 3 62 1 9 1 3 50 10 22,238 10,025 1,948,421 80 11 1,200 9,750 1,461,215 12 1 1 13 1 13 2 3 12 14 1 (Z) 7 (Z) 15 3 1 14 16 i 3 67 1 17 3 5 60 13 15,370 33,732 2,196,532 75 19 4,500 9,550 1,739,312 20 1 1 3 21 1 5 22 300 11,500 5,000 80 23 400 U,361 24 1 3 1 3 4 1 25 26 1 35 9 8 3 1 27 28 2 3 1 11 6 1 29 30 290 3,320 80,000 25,488 9,250 1,000 75 31 32 40 1 4 4 6 3 5 16 5 31 8 21 33 21 3 34 5 2 3 43 15 41 27 21 34 327 4 61 41 74 36 3 76 80 168 56 170 35 138 50 227 36 24 I 416 150 244 250 219 36 7 1 1 3 3 1 3 42 8 20 11 7 37 5 5 12 3 L 2 52 20 32 21 11 38 1,082 50 50 275 1,250 3,17 5 6,745 4,180 1,780 3,112 1,210 39 1,312 915 1,224 556 1,50( 3 7,409 6,835 4,944 5,362 747 40 4 2 6 2 1. 2 2 1 7 1 7 41 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 6 4 42 121 459 1,149 3,005 61 2 100 5 228 7 484 43 3 50 3 10 18 2 38 5 34 116 33 44 3 2 6 2 1 1 8 4 6 2 7 45 4,260 4,117 33,933 29,000 20,31 3 3,785 695 10,498 410 6,736 46 900 3,310 3,097 1,190 44S 7,51 3 2,133 179 9,115 2,250 7,949 47 208 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gilpin Nursery and greeohouse products, jflower < seeds and plaots, aad bulbs: vegetable Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 1954. 1949. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc . ) farms reporting 195'4. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sold dollars 1954 . 1949. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: Crown under glass farms reporting 1954. 1949. square feet 1954. 1949. drown in open. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1954 . 1949. square feet 1954 . 1949. Grown in open . farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Forest products: Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954. 1949. cords C4'x 4'x 8') 1954. 1949. Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954 . 1949. number 1954. 1949. Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (Including standing timber sold) farms reporting 1954. 1949^ thousands of bd. ft. 1954. 1949^ Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954.. 1949 . . 506 150 666 34.5 16 13 113 «J 89 665 111 664 206,823 405,932 2 11 16 17 413 300 554 518 3,185 163 659 346 1,077 4,274 5 555 136 8,432 16,977 52,934 27,709 (Z) 1 232 1,400 5 3 38, 925 21,574 11 14 7 8 14 15 46,012 21, 360 4 6 4 250 9,045 16,100 2 4 1 5 (Z) 17 1 8 6,690 4,949 452 927 33 29 8,231 11,304 10 13 135 224 14 6,932 11,300 6,950 12,020 2 1 5,700 4,500 (Z) 2 2 6,450 12,020 26 53 337 1,664 27 70 6,814 20,918 2 2 29 6 1,989 4,102 5 5 45 50 6 1 3,630 100 4 5,310 760 44 32 501 772 41 39 12,780 45,807 2 3 41 13 6 2,595 13,935 2,165 145 1,600 95 (Z) (Z) 1 1 400 25 1 1 165 25 13 104 100 12 14 4,752 2,525 4 2 63 14 2,100 976 23 5 519 53 7 1 500 85 119 37 1,320 598 35 24 6,982 5,384 11 3 518 13,913 1,801 Z Reported in small fractions, ^Does not Include amount sold as standing timber. COLORADO 209 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Jackson Jefferson Kiowa Kit Carson Lake U Plata Larimer Las AnlEBS Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Hoffat 769,205 IOC 6,800 171,939 29,422 18,070 156,239 325 1 1,133,664 •• 125 11,200 121,618 22,000 9,750 123,708 It 2 15 ... 1 ... 7 1 6 3 20 ... 2 8 2 2 4 93 29 (Z) 7 2C 5 153 ... 4 35 1 8 6 1'15, 725 IOC ... 60,520 4,000 32, 388 32 7 131,735 ... •• 1,700 31,294 ... 3,200 1,200 8 40 2 7 1 1 3 9 33 1 2 10 1 2 6 10 739, 984 .. 11,345 49,100 18,000 15,000 87,650 11 720,455 ... 600 16,500 51,465 5,130 10,024 49,434 L2 .:v ... 8 1 13 13 34 1 7 1 10 14 03 ... 22 ... (2) 11 15 109 ... 1 3 (Z) ... 5 (Z 16 53 2 11 1 1 18 17 56 1 2 11 1 2 12 18 592,450 ... 6,400 104,340 29,422 8,000 109,941 19 950,397 125 8,700 81,949 12,000 4,050 69, 598 20 10 1 5 2 4 21 7 1 7 1 1 2 22 46,059 X5 11,656 ... 7,100 25,010 23 73,040 2,500 11,609 16,000 5,000 30,350 24 3 4 1 4 25 S 3 26 ... 2 ... 5 (Z) 12 27 39 ... 7 23 13 .. 7 2 7 29 14 7 1 1 5 30 31,030 400 7,079 6,070 13,910 31 51,532 800 8,375 10,000 2,500 52,910 32 5 53 L 2 49 57 70 1 32 7 . 33 10 47 I 1 80 87 75 47 ... 1( ) 34 190 549 3 14 336 1,023 900 2 468 77 1 7 35 133 613 1 4 942 1,032 791 1 ... 315 9 3 36 7 44 1 2 65 34 65 1 2 39 4 1 ? 37 12 54 2 2 88 34 64 ... 2 64 1 ) 38 860 6,729 21 3 300 27,996 22,981 48,820 2 600 5,828 1,650 5,20 5 39 3,170 15,316 1,02 9 350 42,898 2,590 39,213 75 8,930 ... 3,29 i 40 2 10 12 11 U 3 L 41 1 18 1 11 15 20 2 42 80 172 1,285 549 375 404 ... 50 3 43 (Z) 528 12 607 249 490 163 ... 44 2 20 22 20 32 1 5 3 45 1,958 12,676 17,477 12,640 27,303 ... 4 5,483 2,87( 3 46 902 18,292 : 1,;;; 24,244 29,310 40,805 ... 1,425 20( 3 47 210 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table S^NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Nursery and ^eeabouse produrts, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: 1 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 1954... 51 33,312 25,500 59,258 50 500 2 1949... 3,928 34,583 19,446 70,417 6' 1,350 3 Nursery products {trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc . } farms reporting 1954. . . 2 1 4 i 1949... 1 1 1 7 5 acres 1954... (2) 9 18 6 1949... 1 1 11 7 t 7 Sold dollars 1954. .. 500 10 2,200 3,000 4,000 4,118 4,042 ... 4 6' ... 8 1949 . . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: 9 Grown under glass farms reporting 1954 . . . 3 2 3 ... ... 10 3 1 2 1 11 square feet 1954 . . . ... 9,400 30,090 17,500 ... 12 1949... 8,250 20,000 7,640 154 13 Cirown in open farms reporting 1954. . . 3 1 5 1 1 U 1949 . . . 1 1 2 7 1 15 acres 1954. . . ... (Z) 2 19 (Z) 1 16 1949... 1 (Z) 3 9 1 17 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 6 2 6 1 1 18 1949... 1 4 2 8 1 19 dollars 1954... 11,134 12,500 19,000 50 500 20 1949 . . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: 200 28,584 12,4^6 19,101 OC 1,350 21 house farms reporting 1954... 2 2 22 1949 . . . 1 2 1 2 23 square feet 1954 . . . 280 420 24 1949 . . . 9 1,750 10,000 1,050 25 Grown in open farms reporting 1954. . . 7 1 31 26 1949 . . . 2 5 20 27 acres 1954 . . . ... 19 1 262 28 1949... 1 6 ... 182 29 Sold , farms reporting 1954 . . . 2 9 1 31 30 1949 . . . 3 7 1 22 ... 31 dollars 1954... 51 22,168 10,000 36,140 32 1949... Forest products: 3,228 3,799 3,000 47,274 33 Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954... .•0 19 1 3 8 4 7 34 1949 . . . 75 30 5 8 5 4 S 35 cords (4'x 4'x 8') 1954... 302 243 5 12 64 ,7 57 36 1949... 559 217 73 78 29 )0 155 37 Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954 . . . 37 17 3 4 e 2 2 33 1949 . . . 56 25 3 5 17 2 5 39 number 1954 .. . 6,832 2,863 405 246 2,570 2, 32 525 40 1949 . . . 11,858 3,652 525 2,120 2,702 7, 10 445 41 Savlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing timber sold) farms reporting 1954. . . 1 7 1 5 1 42 1949'.. ... 3 2 1( 1 43 thousands of bd . f t . 1954 . . . 40 690 100 248 OC 44 I949I.. 172 35 3. 1 45 Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954... 7 5 1 8 1- ... 1 46 dollars 1954... 1,427 8,790 2,000 2,225 5, Oi ... 125 47 1949... 3,053 9,551 597 1,050 24,^ 2 ... 62 Z Reported in small fractions, ''Does not include amount aold as standing timber. COLORADO 211 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Suranit Teller Washing to n Weld Yuma 3,500 288,633 2,000 1,400 3,000 1,850 295,000 1,915 1 50 181,511 7 7 19 32,400 24,610 7 6 77,675 48,250 2 4 1 1,100 1 1 1 (Z) 500 500 1,600 (Z) 4,109 1 1 1 1 700 900 3 2,496 1 1 1 (Z) 525 i 1 3,500 3,500 3,350 1 1 4 1 oOO 70O 1 4,300 2,916 3 (Z) 1 7f 190,770 3 5 9 50,800 31,000 6 5 45,460 114,000 3 7 12 5 500 2 1 2,486 450 1 (Z) 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 1 1 1 9 2 17 8 3 1 3 ... 10 1 18 129,200 1,000 700 3,000 1,250 ... 137,800 1,915 19 34,279 100 2,759 500 2,150 93,404 200 20 3 1 4 21 3 ... 1 1 2 1 22 2 , 500 2,640 7,216 500 1,248 180 3,411 501 1,350 23 24 1 45 7 25 1 59 1 1 1 22 26 10 817 55 ... 27 (Z) 1,194 (Z) 1 3 200 28 1 48 1 ... 11 29 1 60 I 2 1 1 24 1 30 3,500 127,033 5110 56,400 31 50 122,622 500 450 25 500 66,366 300 32 1 19 8 11 50 6 16 23 44 11 5 33 2 40 5 19 58 6 9 10 43 I 27 2 34 5 188 73 109 474 63 159 277 521 2 5 34 127 35 7 514 32 157 539 108 98 143 435 5 131 22 36 1 13 12 3 73 1 10 14 27 2 2 37 3 34 15 5 106 10 5 20 2 8 1 38 100 2.^23 6,775 1,150 17.344 400 2,470 2,150 3,425 37 5 55 140 39 1,6A0 4,806 12 3 377 4,352 405 1 24,445 4 1 143 2 4,693 4 220 575 3 3 60 2,845 7 4 323 20. 348 1 1 50 100 40 41 42 43 42 100 200 12 35 325 4 ... 44 13 2 8 5 3 9 1 45 4,628 420 1,729 5,027 1,065 4,346 350 ... 46 5,911 60 5.500 2,164 5,643 961 631 12,590 20 47 212 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5 ) —SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder 1 Corn; Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 11,876 271 22 73 24 67 223 404 2 1949... 16,180 413 1 191 41 198 380 593 3 acres 1954... 395,622 8,265 493 2,105 215 2,230 4,234 10,110 i. 1949... 613,242 14,750 14 7,000 260 8,205 12,083 12,107 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 6,250 71 7 7 47 183 67 6 1949... 11,789 261 80 38 182 359 251 7 acres 1954... 213,522 1,842 109 105 1,512 3,243 763 8 1949... 472,895 9,380 3,054 239 7,780 10,647 3,206 9 bushels 1954... 5,744,203 67,024 735 2,840 13,721 107,173 31,900 10 1949... 11,616,645 206,861 39,563 6,664 119,350 502,316 173,052 11 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 5,955 215 21 56 1 15 35 362 12 1949... 4,123 175 70 33 424 13 acres 1954... 139,405 5,724 479 1,753 14 583 673 9,000 14 1949... 81,133 3,968 2,354 1,001 6,115 15 tons, green weight 1954... 1,285,081 49,333 6,284 11,038 180 3,083 4,591 85,288 16 1949... 694,605 25,969 12,542 10,448 68,100 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1954... 1,787 25 1 13 17 8 30 31 IS 1949... 2,788 70 1 64 5 20 34 99 19 abres 1954... 42,695 699 14 243 96 135 313 347 20 1949... 59,214 1,402 14 1,592 21 425 435 786 21 Corn sold farms reporting 1954. . . 2,584 26 1 15 97 15 22 1949... 5,847 98 IS * 79 202 193 23 bushels 1954... 2,814,122 22,083 100 4,521 57,778 4,847 24 1949... 6,068,991 63,219 6,320 318 66,003 260,815 59,313 25 Sorghums: Sorghum for all purposes except for sirup farms reporting 1954... 7,213 90 1 63 569 353 15 26 1949... 8,143 122 146 2 563 350 10 27 acres 1954... 795,877 4,901 8 3,334 131,980 26,665 341 28 1949... 597,247 5,137 ... 5,727 7 88,735 23,019 76 29 Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting 1954. . . 3,488 28 ... 9 391 232 8 30 1949... 3,087 17 ... 10 1 470 254 2 31 acres 1954... 385,810 1,605 1,165 73,780 13,847 212 32 1949... 297,620 501 284 1 67,954 15,659 14 33 bushels 1954... 4,003,514 13,248 10,325 591,354 268,132 4,290 34 1949... 5,117,104 4,163 5,580 8 1,191,228 308,839 748 35 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 732 18 4 44 59 3 36 1949... 252 7 7 8 18 37 acres 1954... 32,034 772 120 3,543 1,524 37 38 1949... 9,076 253 94 437 350 39 tons, green weight 1954... 125,606 1,903 136 12,570 15,257 215 40 1949... 42,014 460 754 ... 2,304 1,721 41 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or Jiay farms reporting 1954... 5,077 56 1 53 405 179 4 42 1949... 6,465 114 140 1 406 157 8 43 acres 1954... 378,033 2,524 8 2,049 54,657 11,294 92 44 1949... 290,551 4,383 5,349 6 20,344 7,010 62 45 tons cut 1954... 212,946 1,277 527 28,402 10,800 46 1949... 311,848 6,751 4,503 6 20,937 8,638 93 47 Sorghum sold farms .reporting 1954 .. . 2,096 14 3 313 141 4 48 1949... 2,375 13 8 392 156 49 bushels 1954... 2,759,787 5,473 8,843 464,327 145,546 3,280 50 Sorghum hay or forage sold farms reporting 1954... 496 6 4 59 27 51 tons 1954... 26,134 242 ... 91 6,006 1,533 COLORADO 213 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Chaffee Cheyeime Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle Elbert 2 26 19 30 215 2 517 28 107 2 239 1 1 56 4 31 356 17 717 1 39 146 5 432 2 130 2,391 472 162 4,143 123 6,932 ... 288 2,895 32 10,015 3 35 3,033 74 49 11,621 660 7,082 130 288 4,187 25 20,195 4 1 12 1 14 154 280 3 15 5 50 22 339 7 543 15 15 147 6 100 870 20 41 2,376 2,942 15 441 7 2,380 25 10,575 282 4,306 ... 111 285 6,233 8 2,500 11,085 600 510 74,995 185,719 205 4,283 9 42,990 426 416,206 4,405 226,772 1,520 6,005 71,075 10 1 5 15 4 75 2 271 9 76 2 130 11 1 2 1 19 8 186 3 76 2 102 12 30 348 432 60 1,266 123 3,291 203 2,158 32 6,030 13 35 325 20 352 326 2,045 36 2,298 16 3,346 14 260 950 4,310 535 9,030 875 36,187 730 10,038 375 10,471 15 220 1,725 100 2,684 1,147 18,828 121 9,307 160 9,093 16 11 3 13 36 99 16 33 120 17 6 4 12 36 4 119 1 23 68 3 296 18 1,173 20 61 501 699 70 737 ... 3,544 19 328 54 24 694 52 731 130 141 1,604 9 10,616 20 4 1 1 57 ... 59 21 17 192 1 174 1 3 38 22 6,515 600 15 30,786 57,883 23 23,360 218,671 163 52,425 40 200 15,420 24 1 234 183 7 1 29 209 25 271 119 5 9 ... 2 46 260 26 360 46,383 8,623 45 5 1,027 12,879 27 34,925 7,879 167 45 4 1,090 9,885 2C 1 137 121 3 34 29 167 68 1 3 7 30 3dO 25,232 13,907 4,510 4,075 6 11 420 2,488 323 31 32 3,600 260,342 289,744 9 4 617 235 747 860 67,957 55,581 28 7 360 220 3,198 1,635 60 1 24 30 150 2 7 35 552 8 3 166 100 595 325 16,174 3,375 21 3 920 47 1,226 57 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 177 68 5 ... 1 19 183 41 218 57 4 6 2 44 275 42 20,534 3,753 38 5 441 9,471 43 15,783 3,584 137 34 4 990 9,515 44 8,490 2,588 73 ... 273 4,494 45 23,251 2,830 227 38 481 4,751 46 1 95 110 41 33 1 1 1 9 14 47 48 3,600 207,705 20 1,220 26,225 7 182 150 1 3 3,795 14 440 49 50 51 214 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) El Paso Fremont Garfield Ollpln Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano 1 Corn: Corn for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 413 156 145 2 1 27 1949... 565 251 115 ... 2 73 3 acres 1954... 26,500 990 1,748 87 40 268 4 1949... 33,956 2,416 962 300 686 5 Hnrvncil'Sii fnr oTflln . ..fHrma rpt)rtrtlnp 1954-. . . 146 86 13 1 1 9 6 1949... 353 195 41 2 44 7 acres 1954... 8,006 405 48 75 13 49 8 1949... 18,859 1,593 138 300 373 9 bushels 1954... 64,019 21,565 2,145 2,150 1,040 705 10 1949... 162,460 54,244 5,907 8,662 8,138 11 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 142 30 118 1 1 4 12 1949... 89 22 54 1 13 acres 1954... 8,084 397 1,559 12 27 92 14 1949... 3,444 510 641 15 15 tons, green weight 1954... 21,929 4,950 17,271 75 400 685 16 1949... 13,714 3,432 5,913 77 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1954... 220 50 20 14 18 1949... 288 55 23 ... 28 19 acres 1954... 10,410 188 141 127 20 1949... 11,653 313 183 ... 298 21 Com sold. farms reporting 1954. . . 28 22 1 1 22 1949... 93 38 5 ... ... 1 23 bushels 1954... 13,311 6,710 100 10 24 1949... 38,053 12,715 230 ... 480 25 Sorghums: Sorghum for all purposes except for sirup farms reporting 1954... 260 10 1 ... 21 26 1949... 220 13 9 20 27 acres 1954... 18,541 170 ... 1,300 28 1949 . . . 7,201 411 ... 583 29 Harvested for grain or for seed .farms reporting 1954. . . 33 3 30 1949... 12 5 2 31 acres 1954... 2,393 ... ... 340 32 1949... 659 303 35 33 bushels 1954... 15,803 1,350 34 1949... 6,317 4,275 ... 140 35 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 22 1 ... 36 1949 . . . 11 1 37 acres 1954... 789 1 ... 38 1949 . . . 311 7 39 tons, green weight 1954... 1,105 7 ... 40 1949... 434 32 41 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1954... 240 9 ... ... ... 19 42 1949... 203 7 9 18 43 acres 1954... 15,359 169 10 ... 960 44 1949... 6,231 101 57 548 45 tons cut 1954... 8,987 64 50 262 46 1949... 3,068 32 208 ... 443 47 Sorghum sold farms reporting 1954.. . 11 ... 48 10 1 ... 1 49 bushels 1954... 4,700 ... ... 50 Sorghum hay or forage sold farms reporting 1954... IS 1 ... ... 1 51 tons 1954... 598 30 ... 45 COLORADO 215 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Jackson Jefferson Kloua Kit Carson Uke U Plata Larimer Las Aniroas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat 98 30 116 100 662 104 121 595 833 3 1 .JIJ 46 408 146 666 258 233 714 1,039 1 2 1,934 2,226 6,565 1,177 15,341 1,349 9,330 27,153 11,343 4 3 3,406 2,121 22,843 1,264 12,046 4,418 17,061 37,559 9,552 2 4 7 19 50 19 191 41 77 501 639 1 5 55 39 365 79 276 187 195 644 838 6 47 1,369 2,926 95 2,491 611 5,933 20,729 7,630 1 7 496 1,985 20,061 519 3,589 2,896 13,615 33,621 6,856 8 1,934 16,464 47,067 1,255 135,663 5,832 54,679 646,170 437,580 8 9 18,776 28,517 281,696 14,125 152,484 44,840 171,548 852,205 294,280 10 74 12 44 67 561 14 22 187 236 11 118 1 22 40 420 10 2 111 161 12 1,653 529 1,670 391 12,548 395 1,284 4,491 3,362 13 2,565 15 905 436 7,55« 202 63 2,155 2,108 14 9,094 2,172 9,004 6,849. 135,661 3,385 2,748 40,448 41,124 15 19,533 50 4,078 3,594 65,679 1,933 405 20,636 20,797 16 JO 11 40 25 43 51 41 66 76 2 17 4-3 7 69 39 101 80 63 100 110 1 18 234 330 1,769 191 302 343 2,113 1,933 331 3 19 345 121 1,857 309 903 1,320 3,383 1,583 588 2 20 1 4 22 49 3 32 267 167 21 i7 17 172 14 160 25 104 364 204 22 (-.5 5,247 31,975 40,020 1,269 33,950 307,156 138,675 23 11,161 16,572 146,515 1,924 56,756 10,777 95,494 465,553 65,775 24 e 300 521 4 23 114 317 359 25 25 9 293 840 9 13 155 393 350 29 26 341 104,248 59,872 11 620 11,263 52,450 17,144 297 27 286 74,383 68,974 54 166 11,846 32, 599 10,244 209 28 3 260 199 1 8 31 126 153 6 29 253 410 2 2 44 116 22 5 30 196 79,986 16,258 2 341 1,816 15,617 7,022 41 31 60,953 25,093 2 10 4,610 10,057 638 18 32 4,460 625,598 93,577 25 2,874 10,004 116,918 87,662 1,365 33 856,791 422,289 30 90 36,437 92,651 6,561 375 34 1 28 57 6 5 23 21 35 1 8 46 2 13 1 36 S 2,772 3,973 100 405 1,380 486 37 1 651 2,666 21 623 4 38 50 11,815 6,862 507 961 2,660 2,336 39 2 2,708 8,669 165 1,395 25 40 4 146 433 9 100 282 256 19 41 8 162 717 10 135 359 328 23 42 137 21,490 39,641 9 179 9,042 35,453 9,636 256 43 285 12,779 41,213 52 135 7,236 22,542 6,983 187 44 33 12,297 15,309 18 207 2,411 16,682 7,741 682 45 58 11,722 46,006 55 236 7,685 17,062 9,473 307 46 1 230 101 2 14 85 80 47 224 246 1 22 102 48 3 48 3,300 523,501 49,377 667 3,050 60,677 56,139 49 1 16 32 8 51 35 1 50 13 1,299 1,973 ... 12 316 3,173 773 60 51 216 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin 1 Corn: Corn for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 130 516 907 504 6 219 2 1949... 186 601 1,011 708 2 248 ... 3 acres 1954... 1,119 6,619 32,688 12,037 61 23,002 ... i 1949... 1,339 6,720 39,372 16,584 24 35,773 ... 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 51 333 735 401 3 194 6 1949... 121 502 938 662 1 245 7 acres 1954... 314 3,304 22,287 7,530 15 21,064 ... 8 1949... 809 5,166 33,814 13,781 12 34,396 ... 9 bushels 1954... 8,913 185,351 1,197,025 361,793 640 296,473 10 1949... 20,380 269,299 1,404,515 774,26^ 1,000 653,751 ... 11 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954. . . 58 240 434 182 4 19 ... 12 1949... 24 82 229 107 1 4 13 acres 1954... 593 2,837 9,837 4,159 43 817 ... K 1949... 236 902 4,159 2,440 12 151 ... 15 tons, green weight 1954... 4,164 31,862 122,000 39,072 760 2,437 ... 16 1949... 1,214 7,137 48,883 28,325 120 1,600 ... 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1954... 31 64 35 33 2 27 18 1949 . . . 53 95 65 50 19 19 acres 1954... 212 478 764 343 3 1,121 ... 20 1949... 294 652 1,399 363 1,226 ... 21 Corn sold farms reporting 1954. . . 11 77 436 200 1 129 22 1949... 11 152 583 377 197 ... 23 bushels 1954... 2,575 42,003 673,977 204,120 200 199,130 ... 24 1949... 1,759 66,496 686,263 386,338 534,987 ... 25 Sorchums; Sorghum for all purposes except for sirup farms reporting 1954... 2 4 216 151 1 385 26 1949... 8 4 234 93 302 27 acres 1954... 13 28 10,607 2,566 30 27,650 28 1949... 42 11 9,761 1,132 10,022 29 Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting 1954... 1 72 82 233 30 1949... 1 39 60 36 ... 31 acres 1954... 10 3,493 1,370 16,115 ... 32 1949... 3 2,091 715 818 ... 33 bushels 1954... 500 35,412 32,217 254,265 34 1949 . . . 25 17,135 23,995 8,809 ... 35 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 1 19 27 26 ... 36 1949... 2 7 2 ... 4 37 acres 1954... 5 632 265 ... 1,327 38 1949... 8 178 17 160 39 tons, green weight 1954... 50 2,958 2,380 5,199 40 1949... 46 1,048 110 800 41 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1954... 2 2 143 53 1 259 42 1949... 6 3 208 41 ... 287 43 acres 1954... 13 13 6,482 931 30 10,208 44 1949... 34 8 7,492 400 9,044 45 tons cut 1954. . . 13 3,883 1,586 2 9,511 ... 46 1949 . . . 26 17 6,305 927 12,020 ... 47 Sorghum sold farms reporting 1954. . . 42 23 162 48 1949... 28 23 56 49 bushels 1954... ... 24,628 16,837 184,124 ... 50 Sorghum hay or forage sold farms reporting 1954... ... 17 6 36 51 tons 1954... 388 86 863 COLORADO 217 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Prowers Puehlo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgvick Summit Teller Washington Weld Yuma 219 407 1 35 15 20 170 312 2,123 615 1 530 565 2 1 20 183 625 2,287 852 2 5,7U 7,803 12 952 ... 414 292 10,816 18,466 49,784 64,351 3 16,464 11,167 12 8 ... 198 10,703 53,497 53,911 117,078 4 157 222 2 146 217 597 529 5 508 444 1 177 625 1,107 836 6 3,296 2,991 17 8,928 12,526 9,924 56,519 7 15,525 7,652 7 9,942 49,155 23,450 115,562 8 95,637 121,740 710 287,957 216,909 454,206 575,233 9 706,647 284,667 50 ... 328,181 ... 792,775 802,394 1,663,635 10 53 104 1 33 15 13 52 81 1,776 82 11 19 78 ... 10 10 23 1,357 6 12 1,276 3,206 12 843 414 197 1,388 2,880 37,698 3,792 13 391 1,612 166 249 616 25,197 150 14 9,234 25,898 80 10,511 3,477 1,711 8,644 12,218 473,012 10,448 15 3,525 14,389 1,800 2,257 2,383 262,147 490 16 38 121 3 6 24 73 111 80 17 41 loa 1 1 10 24 95 280 48 18 1,142 1,606 109 78 500 3,060 2,162 4,040 19 548 1,903 5 8 32 512 3,726 5,264 1,366 20 72 72 107 97 213 274 21 301 170 121 369 676 626 22 51,154 46,874 208,71b 114,214 171,919 335,624 23 423,062 104,170 218,610 452,196 351,436 1,155,402 24 608 116 1 201 585 281 944 25 752 89 155 1 797 300 1,030 26 100,502 8,470 15 12,742 39,219 12,597 78,620 27 80,234 2,763 ... 4,462 300 42,079 10,718 52,009 28 490 29 106 177 66 445 29 651 32 9 ... 1 126 26 231 30 63,613 2,363 ... 6,645 ... 11,026 2,815 30,729 31 64,785 1,278 ... ... 291 300 5,198 1,041 10,987 32 947,991 26,795 ... 94,457 95,417 19,810 301,020 33 1,535,166 13,196 ... 5,268 14,000 57,625 12,101 144,152 34 112 23 lo 29 32 87 35 54 5 1 10 5 21 36 4,710 756 454 1,087 619 4,197 37 1,090 60 3 381 171 962 38 30,310 2,375 1,563 3,043 3,469 U,872 39 11,494 338 30 1,773 309 3,970 40 234 81 1 147 485 199 798 41 280 62 150 751 292 967 42 32,179 5,349 15 5,643 ... 27,106 9,163 43,694 43 14,359 1,430 ... 4,168 36,500 9,506 40,060 44 11,594 1,311 20 5,139 20,973 4,829 32,218 45 20,819 847 7,250 43,140 7,035 44,599 46 332 10 61 70 24 226 47 523 18 19 1 123 35 163 48 677,533 7,625 ... 45,411 45,387 6,670 ■ 160,212 49 20 7 16 35 3 48 50 2,886 139 ... ... 703 1,215 82 1,706 51 218 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of s) -SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder 1 Saall grains: Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture. ...... ..farms reporting 1954... 452 3 12 2 2 1 5 3 2 1949... 1,402 44 25 27 5 15 10 20 3 acres 1954... 15,246 188 247 90 17 500 86 85 A 1949... 60,652 3,683 439 1,517 72 2,117 306 249 5 bushels 1954... 236,866 1,215 2,944 1,320 148 2,200 2,145 500 6 1949... 1,280,505 75,450 7,102 36,321 1,720 25,914 6,999 6,553 7 bushels sold 1954... 70,848 250 .. 1,500 ... ... 8 1949... 548,663 60,653 1,117 16,955 12,971 5,122 1,813 9 Winter wheat threshed or combined .................... ..farms reporting 1954... 9,260 12,363 407 498 1 2 188 262 2 4 7 200 6 724 95 254 U2 303 10 1949... 11 acres 1954... 1,530,887 99,223 8 36,449 49 7 38,191 1,901 6,914 12 1949... 2,309,911 116,408 45 50,469 1,18 4 277,932 27,669 15,645 13 bushels 1954... 15,365,198 711,240 100 229,096 10,67 4 203,863 27,035 51,959 14 1949... 35,106,861 2,368,497 600 865,929 24,13 2 4,663,178 336,452 390,913 15 bushels sold 1954... 13,714,711 604,643 191,749 8,62 8 157,503 21,661 39,787 16 1949... 32,523,908 2,216,495 225 810,476 13,19 5 4,512,918 327,340 331,312 17 Spring wheat threshed or combined ..farms reporting 1954... 2,309 21 49 4 5 6 5 19 18 1949... 5,077 163 125 62 7 6 5 7 116 19 acres 1954... 46,567 418 787 75 84 5 142 343 20 1949... 173,719 26,661 2,262 9,948 1,48 2 1,300 200 2,109 21 bushels 1954... 779,652 3,043 15,986 390 15,58 2 1,224 2,420 22 1949... 3,474,602 645,397 55,692 127,762 36,39 6 24,691 2,269 67,467 23 bushels sold 1954... 604,272 1,637 12,146 200 11,50 9 919 973 24 1949... 2,731,732 594,865 30, 173 112,396 19,14 7 24,691 2,019 51,711 25 Oats threshed or combined.... ..farms reporting 1954... 5,197 56 122 13 6 4 3 89 81 26 1949... 9,637 138 228 35 3 7 5 53 351 27 acres 1954... 103,269 1,402 3,031 230 99 4 67 1,165 1,142 28 1949 . . . 197,296 2,339 6,965 1,846 1,34 1 139 644 4,571 29 bushels 1954... 2,669,778 17,076 80,447 4,275 32,30 2 2,200 29,508 27,725 30 1949... 6,584,166 87,656 235,878 57,411 58,63 7 4,884 18,126 209,299 31 bushels sold 1954... 785,455 4,186 24,594 250 11,48 7 400 9,064 2,679 32 1949... 2,110,991 26,786 86,822 15,027 11,44 8 200 3,771 60,167 33 Barley threshed or combined.. ..farms reporting 1954... 9,420 296 161 107 4 9 11 143 242 34 1949... 17,538 643 245 333 5 2 134 306 627 35 acres 1954... 358,966 23,826 6,851 8,515 62 5 393 2,830 6,250 36 1949... 748,101 48,905 8,727 24,053 72 2 8,935 7,633 20,965 37 bushels 1954... 6,600,337 153,300 199,629 63,554 17,841 S 3,945 70,760 131,933 38 1949... 21,107,997 1,426,134 235,030 605,343 24,35 1 158,169 194,070 968,709 39 bushels sold 1954... 3,189,201 70,577 119,853 26,958 6,42 7 1,473 25,660 46,586 40 1949... 10,296,625 871,577 106,794 263,420 2,15 5 102,398 73,761 391,275 41 Rye threshed or combined ..farms reporting 1954... 861 6 1 4 45 9 42 1949... 690 15 2 2 3 33 4 4 43 acres 1954. . . 43,724 350 20 139 6 7 2,811 121 44 1949... 22,613 366 25 25 7 3 1,964 82 101 45 bushels 1954... 243,667 1,916 200 1,260 95 3 3,537 1,484 46 1949... 194,866 3,325 50 82 1,06 3 15,881 742 2,976 47 bushels sold 1954... 143,912 1,546 830 4,363 430 48 49 Other grain threshed or combined 1949... ..farms reporting 1954... 89,425 1,010 1,375 7 1 1 11,702 11 527 3 2,000 2 50 1949... 1,337 15 4 7 6 5 37 51 acres 1954... 70,852 501 « 10 952 20 235 52 1949... 79,335 632 56 230 225 252 477 53 bushels 1954... 788,825 3,655 1,093 160 6,947 105 638 54 1949... 1,287,713 7,930 1,762 1,425 3,575 3,700 3,241 55 bushels sold 1954... 592,757 3,355 1,093 1,705 500 56 57 Annual legunes; Dry field and seed bea.ns harvested for beans 1949... ..farms reporting 1954... 738,091 4,560 2,242 29 734 2 600 7 2,740 ) 7 2,982 4 7,883 5 58 1949... 6,067 62 5 29 1< 8 18 59 acres 1954... 231,940 641 40 195 lie 330 157 105 60 1949... 281,976 2,483 113 1,347 y 410 533 ... 61 100-lb. bags 1954... 1,955,673 6,470 207 614 43' 662 921 1,298 62 63 64 Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas 1949... ..farms reporting 1954... 1949... 2,169,547 247 605 17,048 1 361 14 28 2,809 7. 1,269 1,303 1 65 66 acres 1954... 1949... 5,946 15,488 (Z) 350 803 ... ■•. 12 67 68 pounds 1954... 1949... 4,782,320 17,179,700 200 265,100 709,700 ••■' 1,500 13,000 2 Less than 1 acre. COLORADO 219 HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Clear Creek Conejos Douglas Eagle 2 3 11 46 255 1,352 14 301 195 5,232 5,770 4,932 1,661 14 37 124 235 2,905 6,132 1,660 1,639 33 78 377 1,029 8,500 43,164 2,592 8,600 30 88 337 1,469 12,192 57,983 2,535 7,087 121 307 97,300 427,800 228 349 388 5,065 260 1,540 158 239 57,326 116,794 289,897 1,444,031 259,404 1,394,222 3,360 2,500 1 21 150 611 4,500 10,037 4,500 1,040 6 56 288 3,707 1,965 61,461 40,060 9 6 1,002 335 5,415 3,450 3,950 3,050 5 6 415 269 1,662 5,989 217 4,512 12 24 389 1,116 10,93° 43,287 66 19,484 457 739 457 54Ci 130 262 1,535 3,903 27,075 ')9, 537 16,805 53,955 267 331 9,661 10,951 278,206 460,231 136,324 247,064 288 454 14,244 20,889 478,752 824,849 319,574 494,246 77 1,450 200 55 120 361 480 4,876 2,495 52 202 1,171 4,417 936,740 4,397,500 3 11 33 125 695 2,722 375 900 11 22 124 605 2,169 14,670 1,390 12,070 137 207 1,187 2,292 22,835 46,713 14,247 23,710 103 101 2,090 2,325 65,910 83,203 26,933 38,575 164 252 5,007 6,232 171,912 184,203 129,369 101,299 2 1 64 20 750 400 630 21 50 589 1,100 25 600 131 150 527 589 5,521 4,804 110 186 2,790 6,637 2,411,740 7,767,600 33 150 462 1,968 218 6 44 1,907 9,592 24,475 97,400 21,225 88,102 1,064 8 63 35 675 809 20,960 67 2,940 16 222 238 4,879 7,666 114,647 554 53,088 1 2 6 15 125 75 100 149 520 694 20 1,420 3,746 3,691 9,150 2 30 17,900 3 7 55 241 529 4,837 1,335 3 6 52 37 370 1,112 249 460 9 32 66 392 552 6,096 171 3,044 25 94 635 2,776 11,766 73,628 150 15,496 15 84 263 2,655 3,620 69,362 180 12,201 4 12 84 235 350 6,294 3,551 79 142 906 1,970 40,732 34,106 3,390 12,095 59 78 578 746 13,194 22,474 5,258 11,694 162 297 806 1,761 24,462 56,712 7,878 22,029 282 4«2 2,531 4,189 107,164 180,699 16,612 40,382 305 404 3,177 4,343 142,799 137,339 26,638 46,241 5 5 35 20 320 334 70 20 4 10 8 39 240 827 89 115 1,812 1,437 27,573 17,951 5 2 1,150 lis 7,606 3,860 7,456 3,360 1 305 12 1,285 300 1,130 300 3,350 131 163 22,138 21,714 239,088 394,288 215,199 352,882 ,^74 605 2,567 10,294 2,129 9,928 3 12 J 58 3,884 7,115 1,440 2,555 15 27 419 589 5,007 12,839 3,407 4,167 3 165 206 41,774 36,717 142,940 156,169 2 13 15 1,520 25 26,825 12,155 124 131 9,694 9,562 80,676 191,074 61,187 145,834 7 28 199 972 1,215 16,028 720 13,069 21 112 3,344 6,934 61,910 47 127 1,451 4,146 15,192 101,311 5,568 16,912 4 18 42 389 345 4,105 160 1 3 31 92 310 1,215 1 5 6 96 300 4,090 250 25 42 92 297 1,101 11,027 45,526 7,215 27,324 56 108 789 1,428 47,418 85,772 8,625 31,734 23 72 194 763 9,021 41,170 1,010 11,214 60 90,000 6 62 662 4,520 5,786 72,521 1,390 49,235 272 350 35,992 45,030 207,715 689,005 161,520 627,020 3 120 136 5,753 829 65,632 120 43,942 39 227 1,215 7,896 6,751 121,949 1,455 35,572 77 388 3,233 25,740 14,959 431,143 4,332 222,838 41 20 1,660 317 9,26f 2,444 5,342 580 16 35 623 313 3,739 7,209 1,781 713 40 181 2,433 12,390 2,455 26,753 220 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of s) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano 1 Saall grains: Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting 1954... 2 8 1 1 2 1949... 16 5 10 4 1 11 3 acres 1954... 89 123 8 11 1, 1949... 842 84 235 72 10 554 5 bushels 1954... 930 3,582 320 232 6 1949... 14,420 1,387 9,094 1,446 150 6,508 7 bushels sold 1954... 65 8 9 1949... Winter uheai threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 6,302 66 11 2,900 32 751 12 2,266 24 10 1949... 120 38 85 13 3 1 42 11 acres 1954... 3,737 91 2,003 974 2,326 12 1949... 11,821 1,604 2,154 1,076 698 17 4,581 13 bushels 1954... 27,796 1,817 22,710 5,688 15,298 14 1949... 154,393 15,053 51,809 19,613 12,646 255 52,133 15 bushels sold 1954... 20,476 1,233 18,784 5,203 13,282 16 17 1949... Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 110,822 11 10,628 5 36,308 175 16,493 11,208 2 205 43,556 2 18 1949... 153 19 284 9 6 49 19 acres 1954... 241 27 1,630 10 11 20 1949... 5,974 136 3,049 259 28 534 21 bushels 1954... 700 792 47,395 ... 250 32 22 1949... 53,214 2,181 96,181 5,174 766 7,509 23 bushels sold 1954... 395 597 30,178 24 1949 . . . 31,260 585 49,569 3,019 23 3,603 25 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 27 21 188 20 8 1 40 26 1949... 200 78 316 43 13 123 27 acres 1954. . . 832 158 1,811 789 177 10 667 23 1949... 7,714 795 3,220 1,562 346 1,916 29 bushels 1954... 5,981 5,829 82,629 16,780 3,565 700 12,573 30 1949... 108,637 23,121 169,259 41,529 15,031 71,518 31 bushels sold 1954... 520 786 8,863 788 940 490 32 1949... 21,458 4,252 36,529 9,078 2,424 19,270 33 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 18 26 190 13 4 39 34 1949... 262 117 292 38 14 219 35 acres 1954... 639 291 2,474 358 69 1,274 36 1949 . . . 13,313 1,990 4,404 1,246 181 5,524 37 bushels 1954... 4,863 8,544 101,218 6,680 1,280 ... 9,381 38 1949 . . . 196,507 49,928 217,151 33,912 5,968 131,357 39 bushels sold 1954... 815 2,190 30,885 1,900 ... 1,126 ■40 1949. . . 89,503 10,960 57,925 11,693 1,372 37,326 41 Rye threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 15 1 9 . 1 1 1 42 1949... 35 5 12 6 1 1 43 acres 1954... 457 108 278 15 20 10 44 1949... 883 41 199 120 40 45 45 bushels 1954... 2,724 50 961 35 100 125 46 1949... 5,969 50O 2,934 1,681 500 360 47 bushels sold 1954... 1,632 125 43 49 1949... Other grain threshed or combined farms reporting 1954. . . 2,471 25 47 200 100 260 ... 50 1949... 32 1 1 1 1 51 acres 1954... 1,015 52 1949... 698 5 2 20 2 53 bushels 1954... 5,737 54 1949... 7,478 20 40 300 ... 11 55 bushels sold 1954... 2,555 56 57 1949... Annual le^mes: Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1954... 1,273 130 3 1 9 58 1949... 374 8 3 50 59 acres 1954... 14,543 32 120 66 60 1949... 33,715 103 6 151 61 100-lb. bags 1954... 26,962 159 240 . 110 62 63 64 1949... Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting 1954... 1949... 82,636 2 498 "i 12 263 1 12 65 66 acres 1954... 1949... 172 70 3 20 67 63 pounds 1954. .. 1949... 64,000 70,000 1,000 9,400 COLORADO 221 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Jackson Jefferson Kloua Kit Carson Lake U Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat 1 2 3 4 26 6 1 1 46 15 4 1 3 16 16 49 16 42 15 48 80 20 10 2 8 25 1,030 225 421 150 12 125 2,171 239 22 3 40 612 1,796 3,480 251 1,802 341 3,867 3,676 229 586 4 80 70 8,030 951 7,987 1,410 400 500 22,160 5,973 1,425 5 764 16,151 44,149 60,615 7,945 48,750 4,715 56,446 80,970 7,952 3,532 6 40 7,980 840 310 138 125 10,108 1,650 500 7 10,606 19,191 30,442 120 13,203 1,987 33,199 41,507 765 1,375 8 3 96 140 711 254 91 59 299 728 89 153 9 4 155 289 767 355 305 168 347 792 180 148 10 310 6,456 35,447 176,559 13,175 10,075 5,468 84,423 121,807 1,341 20,233 11 187 10,733 132,445 215,684 18,343 22,675 22,152 102,750 146,239 2,288 22,154 12 1,370 60,005 200,661 903,748 214,981 52,198 26,978 485,660 1,905,980 28,012 252,175 13 2,550 294,147 1,243,765 2,813,235 428,753 468,299 260,279 1,256,826 2,076,917 59,083 409, 582 14 1,250 54,278 171,808 762,787 183,155 42,018 21,413 441,484 1,741,762 17,459 236,101 15 1,665 261,091 1,187,539 2,710,262 347,622 388,650 234,583 1,203,842 1,889,197 36,865 384,789 16 10 2 165 35 3 ... 28 122 126 17 1 92 4 11 238 216 85 21 48 214 114 18 156 227 1,738 1,880 9 929 589 9,224 19 4 1,693 290 1,438 3,544 5,158 2,306 1,768 3,758 1,505 8,517 20 1,215 1,215 39,225 8,529 160 3,733 17,912 101,698 21 36 45,671 903 2,102 11,124 983 90,085 31,330 141,939 6,747 25,471 15,365 42,629 2,644 44,991 10,803 161,253 91,272 22 23 38, 549 1,902 9,948 56,353 118,422 17,120 14,415 34,704 25,771 142,813 24 2 31 4 12 290 127 23 10 215 429 89 25 3 146 4 186 389 404 100 54 379 578 37 26 100 612 275 225 4,422 1,739 328 253 5,779 3,897 2,550 27 97 2,588 80 4,934 5,554 6,281 1,502 1,623 10, 329 5,281 1,846 28 1,200 11,184 4,145 1,190 146,338 46,195 6,384 1,563 81,219 165,713 63,939 29 2,030 93,965 950 102,421 218,793 254,844 32,533 31,815 354,286 222,307 66,222 30 350 2,000 45,953 2,930 305 14 22,342 26,935 29,163 31 14,454 600 U,967 63,977 68, 590 4,398 10,774 132,547 34,932 16,343 32 1 82 14 95 221 467 32 63 704 219 102 33 2 238 49 389 301 964 277 297 882 343 67 34 20 2,153 906 5,521 3,795 12,511 644 4,456 34,748 1,915 4,401 35 60 5,006 5,780 25,583 4,005 36,593 7,783 33,276 45, 147 3,734 1,395 36 200 35, 532 3,941 24,591 104,950 261,971 14,190 17,487 569,945 79,804 72, 567 37 690 168,480 103,965 437,299 149,843 1,457,356 136,593 557,729 1,312,235 141,846 40,219 38 17,005 2,44^ 8,910 33,911 67,647 5,615 8,063 258,250 13,504 49,584 39 58,909 74,855 259,328 43,037 620,765 53,315 403,627 698,467 33,083 12,593 40 2 23 65 23 9 67 48 4 17 41 4 9 3 13 24 10 13 13 55 16 26 42 300 2,267 4,589 277 ... 239 6,123 2,140 28 864 43 94 99 95 487 228 Ill 537 506 3,009 161 813 44 170 U,34S 12,580 3,109 1,053 26,096 16,390 617 5,021 45 360 3,006 350 6,235 3,979 1,803 3,357 4,072 22,698 4,180 6,929 46 7,919 5,648 1,347 514 19,840 12,975 27 2,270 47 250 1,790 200 20 4,210 14 1,111 72 1 1,130 2 2,033 56 14,234 191 2,176 2 2,706 48 49 1 3 6 2,640 34 1,178 2 16 20 2 59 102 4,189 144 13,582 7 9 50 51 250 68 627 18,317 1,981 3,305 9 380 240 30 205 8,042 30,408 8,342 179,542 92 140 52 53 2,000 675 7,460 16,937 21,020 2,050 72 5,859 240 140 45 131,551 20,349 201,939 144,798 1,460 54 55 1,660 650 6,404 14,102 4,003 71,508 103,089 404 56 1 5 3 49 154 18 45 137 253 57 3 15 95 72 117 68 215 312 58 1 58 3 3,377 2,882 616 3,629 2,697 5,407 59 9 285 6,235 1,041 6,809 5,051 4,696 6,469 60 2 136 23 14,285 43,443 1,471 7,608 31,085 72,911 61 10 1,274 18,518 17,163 17,107 11,782 39,011 68,841 62 1 2 3 4 16 2 63 64 1 "3 41 7 15 ... 5 65 66 1,000 ••• 500 38,200 835 1,900 6,200 67 68 222 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of s) —SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin 1 Ssall grains: Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture ..farms reporting 1954... 4 53 6 5 3 9 2 1949... 9 169 21 12 5 8 3 3 acres 1954... 61 578 130 57 23 525 4 1949... 196 2,525 1,156 117 110 1,238 73 5 bushels 1954... 1,770 21,560 1,228 1,220 940 8,963 6 1949... 5,142 102,717 23,666 3,928 3,205 9,873 2,200 7 bushels sold 1954... 1,916 400 340 420 4,134 8 9 Winter wheat threshed or combined 1949... ..farms reporting 1954... 1,310 209 17,158 112 6,859 427 880 76 995 8 6,400 504 450 1 10 1949... 226 128 300 135 8 1 504 3 11 acres 1954... 13,320 1,377 49,743 1,235 326 104,636 200 12 1949. . . 13,173 1,893 32,652 1,800 304 4 131,486 67 13 bushels 1954... 189,830 34,716 539,180 42,666 4,251 1,944,153 1,400 14 1949... 253,868 55,409 515,018 50,994 8,531 60 1,778,567 2,515 15 bushels sold 1954... 170, 540 27,540 4S0,479 33,453 3,691 1,796,506 1,120 16 17 Spring wheat threshed or combined 1949... ..farms reporting 1954... 206,343 124 35,147 344 464,617 32 39,180 11 5,397 24 1,656,875 2,400 22 18 1949... 191 466 102 17 40 7 7 37 19 acres 1954... 1,857 3,595 1,197 61 264 152 20 1949... 3,121 5,275 9,856 241 646 56 469 325 21 bushels 1954... 35,427 137,036 7,973 1,690 9,715 5,924 22 1949... 75,414 177,956 94,859 3,147 15,170 588 6,387 12,322 23 bushels sold 1954... 27,056 111,668 6,097 850 5,452 ... 3,338 2i 1949... 44,444 109,404 83,932 2,245 11,242 280 6,027 4,384 25 Oats threshed or combined.... ..farms reporting 1954... 183 461 167 140 35 99 40 26 1949... 242 570 279 201 38 16 151 62 27 acres 1954... 2,464 4,973 2,852 1,425 319 3,347 547 28 1949... 3,173 6,367 5,420 1,907 354 261 4,401 932 29 bushels 1954... 100,806 212,745 69,009 52,894 13,831 ... 56,883 29,121 30 1949... 127,034 243,714 153,323 80,323 14,483 4,290 155,967 53,537 31 bushels sold 1954... 35,451 65,447 29,255 19,717 4,340 11,679 8,668 32 1949... 46,905 53,488 45,403 23,362 2,977 1,233 46,890 21,315 33 Barley threshed or combined. . ..farms reporting 1954... 171 337 573 239 25 ... 310 9 y. 1949... 214 401 973 519 25 20 241 20 35 acres 1954... 4,010 4,046 19,115 3,411 309 22,419 76 36 1949... 3,094 4,756 38, 583 9,027 392 330 14,211 153 37 bushels 1954... 147,561 159,729 426,046 109,140 11,186 ... 415,526 4,024 38 1949... 101,127 192,827 1,092,532 303,505 10,600 5,715 352,004 7,019 39 bushels sold 1954... 118,683 53,480 213,425 52,896 5,025 267,722 1,000 40 1949 . . . 36,169 46,024 544,964 151,818 2,375 2,833 205,888 1,250 41 Rye threshed or combined ..farms reporting 1954... 2 4 29 2 54 42 1949... 3 4 26 2 26 ... 43 acres 1954... 22 21 1,552 11 2,285 ... 44 1949... 34 33 952 31 1,240 45 bushels 1954... 750 620 7,555 193 23,894 46 1949... 501 739 5,390 890 8,899 47 bushels sold 1954... 726 250 3,444 28 16,831 48 49 Other grain threshed or combined 1949... . . . farms reporting 1954. . . 60 1 4 2,800 89 400 1 4,093 105 50 1949... « 4 114 12 61 51 acres 1954... 2 7,246 20 6,511 52 1949... 43 22 9,035 436 3,121 ... 53 bushels 1954... 40 ... 60,613 400 121,202 ... 54 1949... 1,550 360 87,565 9,842 52,057 55 bushels sold 1954... 34,332 370 ... 109,261 56 57 Anniiat lecumes: Dry field and seed beans harvested for heans 1949... . . . farms reporting 1954. . . 464 289 325 46,785 540 1,686 117 ^ 39,283 2 58 1949... 390 394 649 171 3 59 acres 1954... 53,862 8,024 14,134 1,758 9 81 60 1949... 48,893 7,747 16,525 2,348 34 61 100-lb. bags 1954... 196,768 126,193 232,936 17,651 136 290 62 63 64 Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas 1949... ...farms reporting 1954... 1949... 223,535 125,094 240,103 1 29,647 .8C 65 66 acres 1954... 1949... 11 67 6S pounds 1954... 1949. . . 7,200 COLORADO 223 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgvlci Sumlt Toller Washington Weld Yuma 7 3 28 6 6 1 9 23 17 9 1 12 19 7 62 17 32 3 12 71 119 28 2 255 38 955 779 298 6 715 1,219 979 368 3 320 517 167 1,835 523 939 50 473 4,823 6,737 1,390 4 1,623 1,250 21,885 13,834 6,455 180 10,169 ... 12,348 5,993 2,815 5 5,915 12,653 7,275 52,151 12,641 24,168 1,425 8,315 ... 78,348 121,969 19,433 6 1,448 300 7,230 12,003 8,700 1,795 1,661 717 7 2,255 3,848 1,500 2,780 1,373 6,600 5,760 40,745 71,784 4,384 8 300 99 50 7 153 3 30 273 1 893 753 779 9 721 194 55 2 163 1 52 293 2 712 1,196 705 10 29,691 6,667 4,269 85 14,934 68 1,655 59,442 12 196,379 116,443 133,009 11 154,278 20,174 6,315 35 17,138 66 4,184 69,831 158 152,249 159,445 133,234 12 219,647 62,178 62,106 1,440 237,405 977 24,260 1,104,342 120 2,051,144 920,348 1,615,062 13 2,433,889 266,595 148,468 700 455,863 1,320 70,107 928,662 ... 1,477 2,271,134 2,875,287 1,803,940 14 185,294 52,4U 55,872 1,245 223,670 832 21,668 1,017,519 120 1,871,446 773,949 1,502,562 15 2,328,093 2U,064 137,328 700 432,137 1,000 61,291 893,477 ... 1,465 2,057,405 2,605,520 1,655,863 16 7 9 46 102 133 24 17 ... 1 3 51 3 17 10 27 77 176 141 77 33 ... . .. 1 44 392 25 18 113 103 1,602 2,279 8,252 451 289 ... ... 15 843 1,260 279 19 1,090 612 2,623 5,616 9,348 2,219 627 ... ... 3 4,374 23,611 1,569 20 2,190 960 26,087 55,974 109,251 7,031 6,208 ... 81 8,640 9,266 1,230 21 10,460 8,834 65,263 189,040 213,822 60,975 13,283 ... ... 60 46,541 406,345 11,465 22 1,392 400 22,717 48,995 96,096 5,191 5,209 ... 7,250 6,725 1,100 23 8,800 5,792 54,097 156,567 190,136 48,340 8,498 43,169 360,075 9,033 24 64 42 64 162 167 77 16 84 2 2 164 318 102 25 85 112 93 243 205 141 32 115 5 4 316 849 199 26 879 967 1,372 4,213 6,771 3,975 198 2,566 167 36 5,638 5,697 3,830 27 2,177 1,556 1,875 7,549 7,048 6,441 473 3,006 154 107 10,860 18,358 5,882 28 17,082 25,076 46,394 138,763 135,983 109,560 9,589 44,379 3,276 517 49,697 118,031 43,590 29 57,868 43,906 91,396 345,763 243,673 226,468 17,267 102,747 3,150 2,954 273,262 569,308 138,890 30 4,745 7,059 5,528 65,305 46,569 32,145 350 10, 314 ... 10,332 27,569 6,675 31 25,435 12,241 34,191 167,361 108,944 110,592 4,031 35,926 1,270 400 81,068 174,076 26,832 32 152 140 50 236 172 83 34 191 1 2 431 1,699 276 33 422 293 63 293 171 116 39 179 5 6 756 3,266 270 34 3,366 3,317 1,402 9,083 11,538 4,941 1,089 9,859 60 34 29,310 61,409 15,500 35 13,656 8,024 1,219 11,817 5,496 6,000 815 6,817 201 213 72,123 144,127 16,663 36 58,196 84,725 43,001 308,636 230,519 155,537 42,998 168,377 1,200 248 242,518 1,014,029 154,605 37 284,279 203,064 49,024 412,256 144,659 172,673 19,375 200,663 4,384 1,676 1,423,381 4,909,457 327,231 38 29,567 25,943 17,270 200,232 175,859 109,087 25,063 95,216 ... ... 101,335 349,960 53,758 39 121,192 70,365 12,220 167,405 78,684 102,741 5,928 94,901 600 484 900,390 2,280,397 181,705 40 16 2 2 ... 4 1 3 26 ... ... 51 44 167 41 9 3 7 ... 6 3 14 2 62 34 63 42 520 7 29 57 160 17 1,352 4,769 1,532 7,223 43 365 33 123 56 39 693 30 2,545 2,464 2,451 44 2,732 160 170 275 1,600 190 16,207 ... 25,728 12,348 39,697 45 4,605 361 2,665 ... 890 470 7,236 30 340 15,045 22,621 12,103 46 1,324 ... ... ... ... 7,204 ... 13,857 3,526 22,240 47 2,350 186 881 ... 360 ... 5,456 100 7,023 6,116 3,436 43 4 3 2 ... ... 6 217 89 124 49 5 11 1 2 1 ... 8 329 159 130 50 524 205 66 ... 353 ... 16,759 6,003 7,503 51 62 461 10 107 13 231 26,720 5,635 9,552 52 8,932 1,960 1,007 ... 4,543 189,414 44,739 98,273 53 845 3,354 100 803 130 ... 4,819 ... 484,922 59,316 157,625 54 8,902 355 890 ... 3,173 137,113 29,839 72,852 55 300 660 753 100 3,649 ... ... 289,252 29,820 99,185 56 1 134 3 ... 3 21 83 41 1,562 6 57 9 166 3 1 1 37 75 67 1,763 7 58 1 12,850 ... 10 48 3,016 2,752 ... 1,278 50,605 175 59 264 17,197 30 1 2 4,344 1,504 2,179 55,863 30 60 5 34,869 33 288 11,454 41,561 ... 15,025 880,964 1,398 61 1,738 47,069 4 3 2,100 231 45 38 924 2,220 783,515 2,878,500 2 25 14 17 569 468 275,090 413,700 14,712 19,588 "■ 15,962 953,480 1 9 10 189 10,000 262,300 104 62 o3 64 65 66 67 6S 224 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 3 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item Ihe State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hay crops, excluding sorghun hay (see text): 1 Land from which hay was cut acres 1954. . . 1,310,742 19,256 30,276 7,393 12,589 2,232 30,222 22,590 2 1949... 1,367,619 19,504 39,872 11,881 12;202 i;7oo 24,135 26,381 3 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating). .farms reporting 1954... 19,550 522 255 205 136 39 374 579 4 1949... 20,565 552 297 296 139 31 388 732 5 acres 1954... 731,570 17,640 14,754 6,438 4,612 1,925 29,380 19,743 6 1949... 628,883 15,786 14,795 7,241 4,291 1,009 23,316 19,657 7 tons 1954... 1,498,206 38,370 21,065 11,830 7,272 3,514 39,879 40 ,795 8 1949... 1,405,318 41,655 23,801 18,655 8,394 1,253 47,811 49,767 9 Sold farms reporting 1954. . . 6,640 466,439 195 12,428 70 4,847 51 2,108 24 999 11 1,157 249 25,802 193 11,040 10 tons 1954... 11 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1954... 2,152 17 7 71 6 22 12 1949 . . . 2,384 1 9 7 84 "i 2 29 13 acres 1954. . . 195,832 567 115 6,451 398 635 1* 1949. . . 166,540 2 633 159 6,684 10 65 760 15 tons 1954... 237,161 588 186 8,606 424 636 16 1949 . . . 251,855 3 567 267 9,716 'io 62 886 17 Sold ..••...•<••••••••■••■•.•• f ards reporting 195^ . • . 323 2 2 3 4 18 tons 1954... 22,378 20 60 280 135 19 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1954... 2,937 25 55 18 70 2 13 22 20 1949 . . . 2,574 24 31 28 37 1 7 79 21 acres 1954... 79,939 344 1,723 459 957 65 164 285 22 1949... 49,333 369 961 488 503 40 226 835 23 tons 1954... 63,445 389 1,775 410 1,183 37 181 247 24 1949... 53,561 546 1,222 565 768 40 119 1,100 25 Sold farms reporting 1954... 257 3 13 6 3 4 26 tons 1954... 7,093 97 429 112 55 41 27 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1954. . . 1,796 9 54 6 19 3 2 65 28 1949. . . 3,701 33 61 46 30 7 3 119 29 acres 1954... 243,839 594 12,213 196 506 100 160 1,649 30 1949... 458,107 2,956 21,148 3,084 632 591 315 4,384 31 183,129 357 7,454 192 683 155 90 1,485 32 1949... 468,039 2,809 16,373 2,775 722 355 505 4,936 33 Sold farms reporting 1954... 206 5 1 11 34 tons 1954... 19,649 2,093 200 178 35 Other hay cut farms reporting 1954. . . 1,759 22 20 10 7 3 10 17 36 1949... 2,293 27 14 35 15 3 10 31 37 acres 1954... 58,359 623 911 185 63 142 120 230 38 1949... 70,669 626 2,270 831 214 76 257 540 39 tons 1954... 42,746 426 788 147 67 23 146 223 40 1949... 74 ,077 714 1,606 792 274 141 183 562 41 Sold farms reporting 1954. . . 164 4 3 2 2 42 tons 1954... 4,414 32 140 7 27 43 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa. clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954... 23 2 3 1 44 acres 1954... 1,193 55 108 48 45 tons, green weight 1954. . . aeed crops: 4,209 350 230 200 46 Alfalfa seed .harvested farms reporting 1954. . . 934 18 1 3 6 3 103 7 47 1949... 1,610 26 6 5 7 12 202 18 48 acres 1954... 21,981 288 20 17 48 170 3,868 84 49 1949... 33,587 408 81 80 25 378 6,231 173 50 pounds 1954. .. 2,950,816 26,660 2,000 1,060 2,350 18,555 410,833 3,160 51 1949... 3,442,518 43,200 15,525 6,361 1,375 36,381 703,356 10,150 52 Sudan grass seed harvested farms reporting 1954... 240 1 1 64 1 53 1949... 297 3 2 45 2 ... 54 acres 1954. . . 26,005 60 5 6,284 10 55 1949... 25,907 44 38 4,024 12 56 pounds 1954... 6,505,229 4,580 900 1,127,690 12,000 57 1949... 9,384,148 23,400 2,300 1,187,850 5,400 58 Sweetclover seed harvested farms reporting 1954... 94 14 8 3 1 59 1949... 530 2 90 "i 17 1 10 4 60 1,600 373 91 32 15 61 1949... 9,544 6 1,644 'is 260 10 194 126 62 pounds 1954... 354,445 64,140 47,740 4,500 1,000 63 1949 . . . 2,414,844 700 474,626 1,150 140,152 1,600 32,685 30^766 64 Other field crops: 4,034 95 10 28 60 47 90 65 Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting 1954. . . 3,927 101 13 1 1 36 63 66 1949 . . . 4,814 154 5 2 38 126 67 acres 1954... 113,170 2,598 757 14 40 1,082 1,324 68 1949... 115,874 3,323 76 18 979 2,865 69 tons 1954... 1,639,227 39,836 7,784 96 400 14 ,961 17,540 70 1949... 1,882,660 52,868 711 251 141337 46)679 71 Broomcom harvested farms reporting 1954. . . 340 295 377 5 6 72 1949... 447 "l 73 acres 1954... 63,807 59,617 925 74 1949... 80,506 330 74,394 276 75 tons of brush 1954... 4,965 4,635 87 76 1949... 11,517 22 10,776 16 77 Irish potatoes harvested for home 3,335 5 142 56 38 5 2 2 3 78 1949... 4,430 4 145 79 acres 1954^.. 51,181 28 4,438 17 77 (^) 80 1949 ' . . 56,068 69 3,477 63 36 (M 81 100-lb. bags 1954... 10,016,799 5,270 838,860 2,675 9,815 78 82 1949... 10,859,914 8,780 712,670 5,567 6,100 12 83 Popcorn harvested ............... farms report ins 1954. . . 127 1 15 96 2 3 84 1949... 388 2 85 acres 1954... 1,264 (2) 151 7 86 1949. . . 4,619 tz) 1,462 14 87 pounds 1954. . . 1,886,765 700 123 ,635 11,500 88 8,535,800 900 3,048,000 16,100 89 Other field crops harvested acres 1954... 979 12 170 3 10 Z Reported In small fracticma . ^Doea not Include acreage for farms with lesa than 10 bags harvested . COLORADO 225 HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Cheyenne Conejos Douglas Eagle 2,753 1,338 25 7 1,083 204 661 250 5 U6 2 1 110 12 75 24 292 63 60 119 13 641 716 321 639 2 90 10 11 627 343 340 467 1 55 2 60 2,900 55 106 9,610 14,44i 2,738,145 4,381,563 3 188 27,205 5 1 2 322 415 150 200 170 220 170 155 100 152 1 1 (1) 44,013 52,183 378 450 19,782 19,022 26,032 30,726 62 3,739 62 49 2,532 1,263 3,270 1,563 7 102 78 83 1,393 1,700 1,409 1,962 177 255 17,581 26,160 U,066 22,562 11 688 56 53 2,705 2,255 3,162 2,358 4 172 20 100 1 2 4 25 1,000 4,210 1 87 20 2,119 5,000 701,416 186 6 9 247 199 2,016 1,340 9,512 7,941 205 249 4,928 5,915 8,369 8,827 33 2,178 48 37 1,624 712 2,030 1,061 3 50 33 19 1,158 354 1,300 344 2 320 14 33 1,228 637 1,112 697 3 731 10 20 574 384 436 488 2 128 4,439 160 7 105 175 24 ,000 17,000 12 40 259 560 1,518 102 166 190 103 3,522 3,843 3,817 1,818 765,210 781,590 936,026 418,518 19,203 13,039 338 325 18,615 12,370 27,948 32,208 199 17,208 239 10 101 2 9 27 586 272 81 238 141 1 4 123 95 2,241 1,615 248,584 160,844 85 14,293 9 91 2,100 21,225 89 145 1,353 3,358 7,067 44,069 3 1 900 100 73 (') 22 45 231 599 193,207 866,400 11,487 17,827 43 75 1,347 2,216 1,801 4,321 2 125 77 55 8,433 6,763 7,818 7,624 8 604 23 26 661 528 383 650 1 25 13 84 1,031 7,900 780 9,234 2 160 1 10 15 518 6 517 4,800 1 25 2,700 9 6 4 8 107 247 22,832 23,608 964 1,104 19,246 18,997 48,864 48,178 177 7,072 107 2,324 2,060 3,382 3,595 11 343 88 119 544 688 693 1,140 4 15 21 26 432 645 70S 1,168 2 8 31 57 286 1,514 538 2,225 4 70 11 22 120 236 26,893 15,964 250 10 23 104 171 20,400 48,885 259 66 64 1,043 679 17,929 9,677 152 318 56 183 5,385 19,214 5 (Z) 3,600 6 66 78 78 153 2 59 1 5 4 28 150 2,247 1,150 862 22 35 537 520 559 755 3 178 3 4 90 74 115 138 14 11 383 113 348 165 1 9 4 5 81 92 121 109 122 33 6,425 1,750 4,500 222 30 70 31 64 1,565 8,272 14,829 143 213 5,464 7,515 8,830 12,636 20 1,124 21 40 576 2,080 324 2,873 1 14 49 61 1,510 1,627 891 1,287 1 24 16 73 344 2,654 263 2,737 23 48 378 1,144 268 906 1 31 15 75 270 3,710 10,142 1 15 248 17,544 19,108 116 156 8,024 8,099 15,257 18,332 24 2,520 48 83 4,957 8,631 6,946 14,731 7 235 31 23 2,400 214 2,629 449 2 17 16 15 2,156 1,390 2,210 1,813 3 59 3 16 5 3 100 126 1 64 1 94 M 448 1 818 4 90,349 15 137,013 13,974 20,987 200 287 7,527 7,902 8,428 13,335 8 281 23 535 417 589 620 65 133 2,570 2,891 928 2,580 3 128 78 240 1,635 7,449 1,083 7,630 2 25 64 103 1,682 2,581 732 1,959 1 15 6 386 40O 23,175 1 9 10 119 1,500 14,650 2 1 (>) 226 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 3 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations. see text) Hay crops, excludiqg sorgbua hay (see text): Land from which hay was cut acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) ,. farms reporting tons Sold farms reporting tons Clover, tiiK)thy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting tons Sold farms reporting tons Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting acres tons Sold farms reporting tons 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. Wild hay cut farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Other hay cut farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. tons, green weight 1954. /Vlfalfa seed, seed crops: clover, grass, and other field Alfalfa seed harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. pounds 1954. 1949. Sudan grass seed harvested. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954.. 1949. . pounds 1954. . 1949.. Sweetclover seed harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. pounds 1954.. 1949 . . Other field seed crops harvested acres 1954.. Other field crops: Sugar beets harvested for sugar .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. tons 1954.. 1949.. Broomcom harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. tons of brush 1954. . 1949.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954'. 1949'. 100-lb. bags 1954.. 1949.. Popcorn harvested. farms reporting 1954, . 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. pounds 1954. . 1949.. Other field crops harvested acres 1954.. 19,606 23,992 209 249 7,456 7,541 U,657 14,918 39 3,966 3 25 153 941 122 1,285 94 184 3,476 5,356 818 3,236 5 29 81 190 3,396 5,439 2,234 5,202 7 568 127 187 5,090 4,842 2,462 2,716 10 77 1 35 140 42 1,500 42 3,000 89 10,400 60 13 279 3,716 1 35 4 (') 46 8,413 10,163 458 451 5,136 6,037 10,732 13,429 120 2,246 27 28 2,253 1,387 1,572 1,669 5 116 46 49 561 650 524 790 5 55 13 22 343 1,524 275 1,515 15 32 120 558 124 622 1 5 2 5 57 52 5,300 1,079 3,200 4 43 478 2 2 (^) (1) 11 13 24,800 2 32,860 34,748 528 593 20,425 29,903 49,520 58,344 116 6,637 41 72 1,338 2,836 2,164 4,510 1 56 52 744 405 744 569 1 109 20 27 731 978 834 1,712 17 38 297 1,092 474 1,555 2 15 3 325 850 53 72 1,283 1,669 217,371 176,438 1 9 8 142 2,000 28,960 16 45 161 503 2,128 7,616 133 185 228 737 37,766 121,153 (Z) 2,100 Gilpin 150 905 2 17 30 832 32 477 1 30 32,091 35,913 21 15 1,002 237 1,051 324 2 10 133 129 26,439 23,502 26,952 35,143 43 4,368 12 15 300 674 291 617 21 68 3,885 11,242 4,413 1A,129 5 178 3 7 465 321 865 488 1 35 239 119 39,362 41,407 28 23 732 588 1,311 1,290 2 66 152 89 33,253 13,936 44,300 22,657 30 3,183 15 23 202 667 261 1,170 17 101 5,175 25,773 6,418 36,429 3 190 5 404 577 28 32 22 15 1,949 902 3,095 3,175 3 4 200 247 450 444 19 14 2,330 6 12 565 1,325 541 1,878 1 48 1 160 160 1 1 1 (^) 25 3 Z Reported In small fractions. 'Does not incltide acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. See text. COLORADO 227 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Jackson Jefferson Kioua Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat 70,530 9,354 6,465 9,195 1,615 22,347 40,356 16,640 12,1A6 40,532 36,823 2,370 22,910 1 94,700 16,000 893 6,631 2,735 22,333 45,380 22,363 10,464 36,023 36,193 1,635 22,9W 2 470 38 53 1 538 946 301 54 608 1,482 1 161 3 "2 604 U 28 603 997 367 31 534 1,5U ... 175 4 8,181 2,803 1,912 366 16,312 32,428 9,550 2,082 24,276 35,197 480 10,380 5 "t 9,377 443 919 17,697 30,571 10,237 880 20,339 32, U3 ... 10,037 6 12,201 2,975 3,624 756 31,072 90,043 12,449 4,359 67,304 92,695 45 12,973 7 12 22,013 446 1,743 ... 36,111 71,363 18,681 1,738 55,506 79,606 ... 15,576 3 152 15 7 '115 303 69 3 317 543 1 23 9 2,752 1,211 413 ... 4,438 19,425 4,226 580 26,865 24,171 45 1,233 10 13 39 2 4 4 117 30 47 2 13 13 7 60 11 6 44 2 5 6 105 43 85 2 ... 54 1 64 12 8,608 538 135 165 223 2,654 2,190 3,603 50 205 101 1,020 3,992 13 1,445 1,557 70 135 1,097 2,082 1,950 4,740 70 ... 1,236 300 4,826 14 7,477 364 135 174 266 4,325 1,882 2,230 19 255 123 780 5,367 15 1,742 1,498 70 157 850 3,608 1,931 4,797 40 ... 1,742 700 7,535 16 3 7 ... U 3 4 ... 1 ... 3 8 17 912 54 ... ... 234 54 50 ... 10 ... 139 443 13 3 44 6 39 119 73 61 40 150 101 2 80 19 3 109 36 "i 104 96 53 16 35 115 1 51 20 27 425 346 5,394 . . . 1,384 1,033 972 2,213 3,902 768 90 2,503 21 142 1,153 1,244 8 1,049 963 612 591 1,586 769 50 1,288 22 18 236 336 2,754 1,806 399 532 7X 2,746 1,030 110 1,682 23 107 1,208 1,134 16 1,791 1,231 489 439 1,708 1,100 50 1,512 24 6 1 13 14 10 4 6 10 11 1 6 25 44 100 598 141 77 38 302 235 99 40 137 26 36 15 2 18 9 43 51 24 59 65 10 4 60 27 119 75 6 58 9 43 115 77 133 154 24 8 75 28 61,29') 182 90 418 1,092 831 4,292 1,993 2,916 6,407 491 730 5,186 29 92,907 3,108 340 2,674 1,620 933 10,752 5,919 6,005 10,953 1,275 1,235 5,772 30 53,048 129 35 301 766 1,240 3,467 1,240 1,357 4,756 527 595 6,329 31 91,918 3,938 150 2,639 1,137 1,772 10,173 5,166 5,316 12,335 1,481 1,365 7,792 32 ' 29 1 2 5 3 1 3 20 ... 1 6 33 5,635 36 ... ... 70 127 32 32 118 1,307 ... 40 743 34 1 14 27 31 34 29 20 91 184 15 ... 22 35 1 27 5 50 1 42 65 27 82 147 33 ... 22 36 600 318 3,092 1,306 616 373 522 4,835 5,742 176 849 37 200 334 125 1,596 '16 724 2,095 934 2,913 3,709 836 ... 930 38 250 231 2,676 527 742 497 247 2,532 4,383 213 ... 537 39 214 395 130 1,998 "s 963 2,237 529 2,482 3,675 1,781 ... 981 40 4 9 . .. ... 3 4 1 9 19 1 1 41 19 758 ... 35 28 6 233 424 8 ... 2 42 1 3 ... ... ... 2 ... 43 150 ... . . . 40 ... 90 ... ... 44 200 ... ... ... 184 ... ... ... 550 ... 45 1 U 1 15 12 10 2 33 97 10 46 1 U 3 10 20 33 3 119 81 ... U 47 ... 2 825 1 107 124 206 123 540 1,529 ... 121 43 3 353 69 105 183 355 35 1,829 1,115 ... 325 49 400 47,080 60 7,640 11,000 22,610 15,500 46,605 483,431 ... 7,550 50 300 44,037 8,229 ... 24,333 13,838 70,497 3,600 166,035 232,567 ... 28,750 51 1 40 10 ... ... ... 23 3 52 36 17 ... 1 "1 15 6 1 ... ... 53 10 6,129 337 ... ... 2,384 171 . .. .*. 54 4,595 696 2 ... 120 659 162 3 ... ... 55 1,000 1,394,510 59,517 ... 800,083 74,400 ... . .. 56 ... 2,997,534 269,147 4 300 21 ... 24,000 99,2A3 59,160 1 3,666 2 ... ... 57 58 1 "2 4 52 55 352 "2 "i 5 4 20 17 8 ... "2 59 60 '20 '33 62 4,810 846 124,673 "16 "6 *98 40 500 80 1,000 'ii 61 62 1,666 9,466 7,000 2h'0,047 1,950 166 8,666 10,565 14,935 1,166 63 275 43 ... 53 20 68 209 97 ... 42 64 3 2 240 23 329 116 65 ... 8 ... ... 364 43 ... 323 77 ... ... 66 49 165 ... 5,346 431 9,533 3,394 .. . 67 ... 34 . ... 3,674 634 ... 8,125 1,251 68 335 2,390 ... ... 80,939 5,120 ... 125,327 55,991 . . . ... 69 ... 711 1 3 20 650 1 67 • ... 137,569 8,578 11 7 992 1,107 65 120 1 '46 4 126,860 22,114 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 2 5 2 10 1 143 24 ... ... 8 139 104 77 9 2 ... 17 187 34 '1 "i 29 291 . . . 69 78 1 2 20 5. (i) 71 246 ... 23 170 ... 38 79 1 (') 2 173 301 2 m 145 706 71 30 75 42 1,410 224 9 7,295 43,098 ... 3,0U 22,126 . . . 3,450 31 52 12 4 3 8 15 10,215 39,200 136 "'3 '64 41,500 200 ::: 18,455 40 39,451 1 23 9 191 14,000 330,400 10 1 "2 1,200 4 49 12,360 2 3 (2) 24 665 24,700 93,532 2 3 5 12 1,200 13,200 13 2,935 82 S3 34 35 36 87 38 89 228 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 3 of 5 ) —SPECIFIED CROPS — Item Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hay crops, excladiog sorglmB hay ( see text) : 1 Land from which hay was cut acres 1954... 15,7iy 27,976 X,135 23,755 9,822 22,437 U,33 3 7,670 2 1949... U,38 L 28,850 29,944 24,012 10,359 45,767 5,30; > 7,400 3 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) . .farms reporting 1954... 48; 891 903 735 68 4 9 J 61 1, 1949... 54. 923 858 751 59 7 3 3 60 5 acres 1954... 13,58 ) 22,363 29,115 23,095 2,538 25 4,68 3 5,109 e 1949... 11,27 ) 19,813 23,074 23,779 1,901 36 79 7 3, 176 7 tons 1954... 28,99 57,532 36,247 61,445 4,607 30 4,19 ! 3,917 8 1949... 22,72f 43,447 66,889 59,780 3,446 45 1,15 L 5,384 9 Sold farms reporting 1954... 10 5,69 > 286 ) 15,350 489 36,784 436 36,125 13 1,133 ... 1 64J 7 8 3 515 10 tons 1954... 11 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1954... 2. 95 n 3 51 11 5 27 12 1949... 4' 1 183 7 2 79 16 I 56 13 acres 1954... 69 2,945 243 17 4,687 583 12 3 2,279 W 1949... 98< ) 5,793 187 UO 6,955 675 7 3,441 15 tons 1954... 1,06 ] 4,224 329 31 5,905 339 12 J 3,3W 16 1949... 1,46 L 9,018 367 170 9,831 660 7 5,937 17 Sold farms reporting 1954... 16 5 *.* 8 ... I 1 18 tons 1954... I' 346 123 ... 4U ... 80 19 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1954. . . 6 > 100 31 34 5 35 7 3 6 20 1949... 5 ) 79 28 9 8 55 2 3 6 21 acres 1954... 671 L 985 875 334 27 813 2,46 3 92 22 1949... 41' 907 480 64 120 1,774 36 3 90 23 tons 1954... 1,W. 1,206 910 341 28 295 2,07 136 24 1949... 62 ! 1,308 399 53 127 1,830 46 5 156 25 Sold farms reporting 1954... 11 4 6 ... ... 7 ... 26 tons 1954... 2 L 117 320 92 ... ... 131 3 27 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1954... 2 L 20 18 1 23 75 3 2 28 1949... 3 J 27 49 3 26 114 2 1 8 29 acres 1954... 44^ 1,380 1,950 200 2,470 20,988 94. 2 190 30 1949... 1,16 ) 1,062 5,080 32 1,293 41,406 2,38 2 254 31 64 1 1,247 1,258 31 2,864 7,910 55 1 350 32 1949... 1,56 > 1,317 3,665 28 1,620 35,803 1,39 3 329 33 Sold farms reporting 1954... I 1 6 ... 5 U .. ... 34 tons 1954... 1. I 75 578 ... 694 920 .. . 35 Other hay cut farms reporting 1954. . . 1 ) 22 56 9 1 5 12 36 1949... 3 56 63 19 1 22 3 3 4 37 acres 1954... 32' 303 1,952 109 100 73 3,1L ... 38 1949... 68 J 1,365 1,642 256 90 2,336 1,85 5 439 39 tons 1954... 52 S 41i 1,378 145 100 34 2,91 & ... 40 1949... 79 ) 2,303 1,302 425 200 1,446 2,21 1 691 41 Sold farms reporting 1954. . . J 5 5 1 ... ... 1 ^ •■■ 42 tons 1954... 5 1 80 89 10 ... ... 38 3 *** 43 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954... 44 acres 1954... ... ... ... ,. * .■> 45 tons, green weight 1954... seed crops: " ... ... ... ... ■■ ■ 46 Alfalfa seed harvested farms reporting 1954... I 14 38 119 ... 5 ... 47 1949... 5 29 87 194 2 ... 2 2 1 48 acres 1954... IC 178 664 2,699 ... ... 9 ' ... 49 1949... 8' 343 1,436 3,843 21 ... 28 ' 2 50 pounds 1954. . . 1,5a 21,080 85,981 342, 3M ... ... 6,53 3 ... 51 1949... 7,19t 27,874 144,800 378,081 850 14,67 ) 60 52 Sudan grass seed harvested farms reporting 1954... .. ... 6 ... ... .. ... 53 1949... 2 2 "i ... J ... 54 acres 1954... 166 ... ... 55 1949... ( 3 18 10 .** XL. ... 56 pounds 1954... ,, ... 27,574 ... ... • >. 57 1949... 4,30( ) 1,538 4,600 1,366 ... 59,04 3 58 Sweetclover seed harvested farms reporting 1954... 3 2 59 1949... 37 23 "e "i ... ... 60 ,. 25 56 ... ... 61 1949... 1' 578 427 43 '33 2 3 ... 62 pounds 1954. . . ,, 14,112 9,700 ... ... 1,20( 3 ... 63 1949... 2,80C ) 163,246 69,045 9,150 2,140 ... 1,25 ) 64 Other field crops: 27. 316 338 24 ... 32 > 65 Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting 1954... ,. 76 561 217 3 ... .. 66 1949... .. 82 547 260 2 ... 67 acres 1954... ., 1,418 18,774 4,280 74 68 1949... ., 888 15,325 4,446 56 ... 69 tons 1954... ,, 19,022 281,342 56,589 1,150 ... 70 1949... 12,005 240,742 61,236 1,072 ... 71 Brooncom tarvssted, ........••• . farms rsporting 195'i. - • 72 1949 . . . 1 !!! .'.'. 73 ... ... 74 1949... 1 ... ... 75 tons of brush 1954. . . ., ... . .. 76 1949... (Z) ... ... 77 Irish potatoes harvested for home 15 1 180 lU 13 6 8 L 28 78 1949... 21. 298 137 21 18 15 i 48 79 acres 1954'.. 16 3 986 1,601 ISO 7 1 (' 102 80 1949'.. 42 7 1,677 2,132 238 59 42 (' 376 81 100-lb. bags 1954... 17,00- J 196,464 320,577 34,577 452 33 7 20,123 82 1949... 33,15 1 354,021 368,470 31,746 7,557 700 5 52,243 g3 Popcorn harvsstod. >•••..•.••*•• .fEiiTnB rsportlng 195'i. . . 29 34 1949... , , 1 1 52 85 acres 1954... (Z . • * • *• 251 86 1949... .. 1 2 412 87 pounds 1954. .. 2 ... 351,230 ,, 88 1,000 1,500 1,029,700 2,50( 89 Other field crops harvested acres 1954 — ■• 13 ... 6 Z Reported In small fractions. ^Does not Include acreage for famtB with less than 10 bags harvested. See text. COLORADO 229 HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Sagiiache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick SUMDit Teller Washington Weld Yu]Da 45,536 16,688 26, OW 37,552 42,954 63,«2 2,531 9,261 6,530 2,071 23,313 119,377 31,196 1 28,021 16,248 25,804 38,798 41,420 70,939 3,972 9,612 7,175 4,904 20,733 114,566 17,251 2 527 556 128 364 190 165 ... 49 129 ... 6 185 2,834 393 3 515 598 114 371 198 166 ... 44 128 1 13 UO 2,898 147 4 43,750 14,464 9,042 21,938 7,264 14,729 ... 1,635 3,599 ... 83 6,335 100,822 19,273 5 27,862 13,913 7,569 18,285 5,945 11,349 1,598 3,431 11 83 3,347 88,828 3,424 6 80,761 28,469 13,185 31,3CH 6,083 18,936 ... 3,173 8,560 98 13,842 287,888 18,365 7 63,085 32,987 11,941 30,570 10,063 17,460 ... 2,327 9,211 'io 156 7,789 235,105 6,U9 8 375 226 24 68 21 39 4 62 ... 48 1,174 42 9 55,693 12,487 2,X6 3,691 979 3,166 ... 70 2,372 ... 4,393 86,840 3,866 10 3 12 88 57 302 23 9 2 33 3 21 26 19 11 > • > 20 63 43 311 13 ... 25 . •. 39 3 4 16 25 12 219 373 12,093 2,216 31,592 2,727 ... 511 102 6,265 37 913 835 443 13 ... 805 6,844 1,957 30,018 801 ... 1,323 ... 5,756 110 213 325 724 14 260 205 15,705 2,767 44,448 2,752 ... 509 102 7,384 47 782 1,392 358 15 894 11,185 2,495 53,018 1,295 ... 1,558 ... 8,330 90 217 486 714 16 1 2 16 8 68 3 2 7 1 2 1 17 100 15 1,403 187 6,230 260 ... 102 1,189 30 110 27 18 17 59 39 125 88 49 13 61 ... 29 204 135 127 19 4 35 38 34 47 40 27 34 62 30 133 33 20 361 782 726 4,021 2,396 5,567 186 1,945 ... 1,257 8,512 3,912 3,943 21 131 429 746 2,423 915 1,236 667 1,025 2,502 759 3,429 723 22 375 652 391 6,202 1,804 5,217 ... 266 2,011 ... 670 5,604 2,225 2,068 23 103 428 1,185 3,968 1,089 1,835 ... 821 1,199 . ., 2,069 725 3,081 672 24 3 13 4 10 8 6 ... 1 6 16 7 11 25 75 116 124 473 159 392 20 254 ... 813 208 418 26 8 3 35 65 23 91 ... 5 29 3 22 42 59 70 27 5 14 73 112 44 123 ... 10 43 12 45 133 150 136 28 802 530 3,731 3,875 1,138 38,419 126 2,930 265 660 1,740 9,270 4,277 29 220 859 8,975 15,843 4,018 57,289 ... 282 4,814 1,368 1,486 9,416 17,422 7,482 30 383 610 4,800 7,610 983 21,384 164 2,204 330 375 1,023 4,781 2,851 31 375 906 17,489 19,508 7,062 48,635 ... 330 4,753 1,6U 1,727 11,055 13,640 7,191 32 • •• 1 6 10 4 12 ... ... 3 . . . ... 2 6 1 33 90 527 522 118 1,543 ... ... 300 ... 19 115 4 34 11 23 11 18 17 13 ... 4 28 ... 4 137 119 139 35 10 22 16 30 23 15 3 21 1 13 203 169 171 36 404 539 422 452 564 1,465 ... 73 685 ... 29 6,313 4,516 3,170 37 349 361 1,530 1,005 683 641 102 484 40 828 6,882 5,553 5,171 38 380 353 386 1,101 304 799 ... 84 648 19 3,679 2,616 2,272 39 534 417 2,214 1,350 1,178 712 ... 123 383 '20 1,949 7,695 4,351 5,337 40 2 2 1 2 3 ... ... 4 . • . 11 11 8 41 ... 43 60 3 1 50 200 29 66 2 US 800 ... ... 20 ... ... 270 684 1 22 150 132 1 90 130 42 43 44 45 95 11 4 2 3 1 7 16 13 59 46 237 29 17 ... ... 1 1 23 ... 32 17 71 47 2,453 57 46 15 27 30 ... ... 39 ... 480 212 2,653 48 6,945 638 521 . .. ... 20 2 345 330 243 1,105 49 518,254 4,165 2,160 2,600 685 3,000 ... ... 11,900 23,455 13,492 272,144 50 721,257 43,053 74,558 ... ... 700 150 35,933 ... 66,028 21,975 76,653 51 4 6 ... ... 1 ... 4 1 13 52 7 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... 15 3 9 53 106 98 ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 ... ... 182 3 330 54 42 35 90 ... ... 5 6 ... ... 400 34 192 55 43,280 62,000 ... ... ... ... 2,000 ... ... 50,100 400 103,850 56 14,185 7,000 1 18,000 2 ... 1 ... 1,900 1,000 ... ... 156,025 7 2,600 1 39,020 3 57 58 '1? 2 3 "i 13 73 "i 10 20 ... "4 "2 ... 4 165 6 12 24 42 59 60 284 9 500 "i 302 14,000 'io 247 2,900 ... 55 '43 ... 78 5,720 82 900 721 2,050 61 62 60,674 1,120 400 56,080 800 23,807 5,870 5,700 7,390 3,715 99,540 63 56 54 ... 16 20 107 ... ... 281 lU 187 64 72 147 3 1 7 88 24 1,621 65 98 189 ... 4 1 ... 87 28 2,083 ... 66 3,(X5 3,983 ... 69 "i 731 ... ... 3,740 ... 768 47,650 67 2,788 4,681 ... 100 ... 29 ... 2,202 674 53,271 63 24,126 47,104 489 2 4,163 ... 51,107 10,396 762,958 69 33,453 62,476 988 189 ... 32,201 9,2% 944,462 70 22 ... . . . ... ... ... ... 71 50 ... ... ... ... 1 72 1,248 . . . ... ... ... ... 73 3,638 ... ... ... 10 74 92 ... ... ... 75 506 ... 2 76 1 1 86 372 145 129 30 32 6 3 10 552 18 77 2 1 63 417 107 132 ... 42 60 7 14 10 920 12 78 20 (M 12 17,575 221 4,895 7 1,066 2 3 3 10,908 18 79 23 120 16 18,408 269 4,135 ... 30 1,637 2 18 68 13,790 10 80 1,560 2 1,038 3,469,068 15,342 809,325 447 176,160 59 46 215 2,323,053 2,147 81 3,620 15,000 44 830 4,023,508 19,844 699,147 ... 1,334 300,116 122 1,170 12,615 2,388,082 ..3 520 82 83 17 89 588 ... ... 1 ... 10 13 12 2 84 85 272 1,284 1,165,438 "i ... 135 91 13,700 "5 86 87 444,800 2,421,700 800 68,100 148,500 6,300 83 1 35 ... ... ... ... 1 48 2 89 230 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5J —SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and e3q)lanations, see text) Arapahoe Vef^etafales for home ase and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949., Sold dollars 1954. . 1949.. Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cabbage farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cantaloups, honeyballs, honeydews, and mustonGlona farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954, . 1949.. Carrots farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954., 1949.. Sweet com farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954.. 1949.. Lettuce and roraaine farms reporting 1954., 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Dry onions farms reporting 1954. . 1949,. acres 1954. . 1949.. Green peas farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Tomatoes farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954. . 1949.. Asparagus farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949,. Cauliflower farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Celery farms reporting 1954.. 1949,. acres 1954.. 1949.. Spinach farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949., Sweet peppers and plmientos. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954. . 1949. . Watermelons farms reporting 1954,. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Other vegetables acres 1954.. Berries and other sneil fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. quarts 1954.. 1949.. Other berries acres 1954., U,292 385 19, U9 675 2,1J9 293 3,534 443 29,640 5,004 51,863 6,702 6,728,052 1,655,144 11,443,409 2,149,391 330 33 446 50 1,955 119 2,283 267 354 120 563 151 2,552 661 3,685 703 311 33 348 40 1,976 248 3,340 223 240 88 453 185 1,333 588 962 486 629 61 905 116 2,778 490 4,275 708 575 97 885 139 2,106 239 2,245 358 304 101 615 206 2,895 288 4,321 601 649 121 1,189 175 5,238 662 10,473 758 154 5 455 21 1,560 12 7,625 54 754 52 935 54 2,943 126 3,987 150 67 15 127 33 308 96 409 107 lU 49 275 70 518 168 2,222 234 169 99 330 155 531 370 1,123 619 59 12 186 65 493 17 1,045 78 247 109 276 133 362 171 320 162 123 10 196 13 348 22 512 51 1,739 725 180 6 469 29 88 11 237 32 83,943 6,520 244,663 34,493 177 193 1 ,570 1 ,570 174 ,200 339 ,808 3 (Z) 12 18 448 527 335 13 (Z) "2 (Z) u 21 617 378 1 2 1 (Z) 3 3 22 30 1 (Z) 10 16 134 607 1 2 \l\ 200 189 158 300 9 28 151 310 40,105 89,802 18 30 5 16 25 40 1 5 (Z) 3 16 8 18 15,j60 20,301 122 151 139 170 3 3 (Z) 1 162 70 1 (Z) (Z) 2 (Z) 1 (z) 60 77 169 16 37 567 952 158,138 208 ,689 1 2 (Z) 4 1 '16 12 u 210 1 2 (Z) 2 4 7 2 IS 2 7 (Z) 12 28 247 438 7 15 73 203 (Z) 2 (zi (Z) 4 6 16 38 5 Z Reported in i COLORADO 231 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Douglas Eagle 104 109 3 7 38 iO 5,745 8,802 (Z) 2 1 (Z) 3 6 37 34 1 (Z) 1 736 1,036 10 825 1 (Z) 282 394 36 81 1,152 3,676 1U,627 310,852 2 10 68 269 (2) 1 1 (2) 10 (2) 13 12 265 271 70 807 2,741 12 294 1 (Z) (Z) 190 100 237 193 29 105 1,986 2,088 620,010 333,150 U 28 474 595 212 61 17 U 992 345 6 13 105 171 133 53 108 li7 24 100 318 2,000 38, U5 470,118 (2) "2 14 10 17 124 406 5 48 40 773 10 68 121 706 2 300 9 13 2,100 2,415 2 (2) (2) 1 3 2 3 1 3 (2) (Z) (Z) (Z) 2 (2) 1 4 (Z) 1 2 (2) 920 5 1,202 37 65 22 129 34 276 160 605 140 59,2A9 91,696 166 ,947 100,643 4 6 11 ... U 13 30 1 12 5 25 1 29 2 37 2 (2) (Z) 30 63 156 371 2 5 (Z) 38 65 82 167 (Z) 3 (2) (Z) 13 14 47 3 19 3,290 17,194 140 134 82 U6 2 18 2,596 116 136 (2) 139 U 13,495 (2) 1 (Z) (2) (Z) 2 5 1,280 (2) 116 962 197 2*7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 232 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5 j —SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gilpin Vegetables for hoae use and for sale (other than Irish aod aveet potatoes); Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting acres Sold dollars Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting Cabbage farms reporting acres Cantaloups, honeyballs, honeydews, and muskmelons farms reporting Carrots farms reporting acres Sweet corn farms reporting acres Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting acres Lettuce and romalne farms reporting acres Dry onions farms reporting acres Green peas farms reporting acres Tomatoes farms reporting acres Asparagus farms reporting acres Cauliflower farms reporting acres Celery farms reporting acres Spinach farms reporting acres Sweet peppers and pimientos .. farms reporting acres Watermelons farms reporting acres Other vegetables acres Berries aod other saall fruits harvested for sale; Strawberries farms reporting acres quarts Other berries acres 195 2 2 (Z) (Z) (Z) 3 (Z) 2 (Z) 12 23 2 4 3,561 4,968 (Z) 59 58 441 271 40 85 723 348 2 1 2 (Z) 6 10 4 3 39 1 521 16 15 9 6 2 2 (Z) 2 (Z) 42 13 3 3 1,656 2,984 210 245 1 10 300 9?5 2 (2) 174 227 3 "j 437 (Z) 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 3 (Z) 1 3 1 1 (Z) 135 300 324 408 1,282 1,448 16 23 82 151 188 255 1,028 1,305 6,299 2,018 233,040 300,661 4 2 (Z) (z) 10 17 7 3 4 3 3 23 9 14 4 10 3 1 (Z) 5 1 6 8 6 41 40 2 (Z) 56 114 17 112 179 154 190 758 783 (Z) 1 1 1 (2) 17 50 4 31 4,475 39,341 204 177 2 1 1 6 235 149 1 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) (z) 234 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5 j .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Vegetables for hone use and for sale (other thsD Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting acres Sold dollars Snap beans (bush and pole types farms reporting acres Cabbage farms reporting acres Cantaloups, honeyballs, honeydews, and imiskmelons farms reporting acres Carrots farms reporting acres Sweet corn farms reporting acres Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting acres Lettuce and romaine farms reporting acres Dry onions farms reporting acres Green peas farms reporting acres Tomatoes farms reporting acres Asparagus farms reporting acres Cauliflower farms reporting acres Celery farms reporting acres Spinach farms reporting acres Sweet peppers and pimlentoE. . farms reporting acres Watermelons farms reporting acres Other vegetables acres Berries sod other sssll fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting acres quarts Morgan Ouray PMUlps 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954.. 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949. . 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949 . . 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949. . 1954.. 1949.. 1954. . 1949. . 1954.. 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 633 673 34 25 50 65 ,276 6 1 2 (Z) (Z) 2 (Z) 22 7 13 6 3 (Z) 21 18 10 15 1 (Z) 1 (z) 875 988 132 132 671 771 174,617 228 ,265 (Z) 2 3 (Z) 1 5 2 4 18 8 10 12 10 3 2 (Z) (Z) 105 107 544 610 2 (Z) 8 26 20 39 2,179 2,971 1 (Z) 1 1 (z) 1 (z) 14 13 26 li 16 11,251 22,770 511 558 231 331 25 45 172 284 207 339 3,530 5,985 29,755 154,073 674,984 1,878,720 (z) 11 21 97 182 5 6 (Z) 1 165 660 79 66 806 786 17 20 34 20 35 27 U2 102 23 36 102 283 1,316 3,796 5 10 41 78 116 117 890 899 2 3 1 (Z) 1 2 10 38 40 181 191 (Z) 3 3,200 128 219 Other berries acres 1954. . Z Reported in small fractions. COLORADO 235 HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel 70 286 192 437 16 178 36 228 372 2,645 1,098 4,954 97,353 615 ,503 167,094 978,087 1 73 1 102 (Z) 334 (z) 302 29 46 56 151 3 53 9 63 116 254 364 1,033 43 • • • SO 66 131 2 82 5 126 1 306 23 678 2 67 3 S4 1 104 1 128 1 33 5 52 (Z) 49 190 110 9 82 21 127 234 652 415 1,192 21 50 26 251 5 86 9 76 11 194 75 116 17 31 14 24 10 24 63 86 13 22 61 110 16 34 23 59 1 56 61 (Z) 67 92 2 13 5 23 8 22 28 35 300 646 127 115 2 (Z) 88 1 (Z) 1 (z) 274 262 33 69 438 2,102 45,869 274,513 254 283 7 15 341 1,222 45 ,430 160,928 2 (Z) 26 49 274 810 14 48 129 1,012 140 145 27 215 5,100 22,186 50 86 70 157 3 12 28 3 61 298 320 15,675 86,629 11 125 598 2 (Z) 46 (Z) 1 (z) 13 216 624 (Z) ,000 420 2 (Z) 1 (zi 2 (Z) 3 "2 2 (Z) 3 fz) 2 (Z) 1 (2) Sedgvick 3 8 1 5 330 1,478 1 700 1,980 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 1 35 266 (Z) 10 2 28 500 7,311 287 329 2 8 16 116 1,000 (Z) 3 1 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 748 1,478 358 638 4,963 9,086 1,019,263 1,891,946 73 103 1,113 1,227 63 117 526 949 37 50 99 ISO 13 13 73 19 58 109 425 729 213 305 796 984 6 53 46 258 92 163 910 1,307 33 100 353 2,007 87 150 455 631 (Z) 2,500 4,433 308 470 6 11 8 26 809 4,025 (Z) (Z) 69 70 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 236 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of S) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Arapahoe Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting Apples farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Peaches farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Q-uantity harvested bushels Pears farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Cherries.. trees of all ages number Quantity harvested pounds Sour cherries farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested pounds Sweet cherries farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested pounds Plums and prunes farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Apricots farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Grapes farms reporting Vines of all ages number Vines not of bearing age number Vines of bearing age number Quantity harvested pounds 1954 1. 1950. . I954I. 1950^. 195-4'. 1950.. I954I. 1950. . 19541. 1950.. 1954 1. 1950. . 1954 ^ 1949 . . 1954 1. 1950.. 1954 ». 1950.. 1954 1. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1949.. 1954.. 1950.. 19541. 1950.. 19541. 1950. . I954I. 1950. . 1954 1. 1949.. I954I. 1950.. 1954 1. 1949.. I954I. 1950. . 1954 1. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. I954I. 1950. . I954I. 1949.. 1954 1. 1950. . 1954 1. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954 1. 1950.. 1954'. 1949.. I954I. 1950. . I954I. 1950.. 19541. 1950.. 1954 1. 1950.. 1954'. 1949.. 1954'. 1950.. 19541. 1950.. 1954'. 1950. . 1954'. 1950. . I954I. 1949. . 1954 1. 1950.. 1954'. 1950. . 1954'. 1950. . 1954'. 1950.. I954I. 1949.. 3,187 12,505 20,286 27,252 2,299 8,573 406, 821 564,419 85,472 113,675 321,349 450, 744 1,443,560 1,397,747 2,131 4,942 979,683 1,295,753 157,767 325,327 821,916 970,426 1,890,549 1,781,370 1,074 2,228 99,121 95,108 24,466 20,558 74,655 74, 550 212,443 165,795 150,670 344,605 4,155,107 5,336,274 1,342 5,056 114,022 291,702 28,098 69,726 85,924 221,976 2,180,288 4,070,126 940 2,513 36,648 52,903 14,377 26,052 22,271 26,851 1,974,819 1,266,148 1,283 4,584 32,940 74,623 4,969 18,364 27,971 56,259 43,133 52,006 1,373 3,721 56,508 84,917 6,286 21,596 50,222 63,321 64,730 107,615 844 2,268 55,916 107,198 4,885 11,325 51,031 95,873 249,476 654,721 11 353 13 153 14 267 418 5,826 119 613 299 5,213 5 78 14 298 11 179 3 119 148 3,950 100 9,849 174 69 3,475 31 697 38 2,778 7,906 6 63 79 475 IS 100 61 375 100 1,943 6 139 34 1,285 289 26 996 55 1,283 1,378 508 561 775 817 2,240 2,492 (Z) 6 2 5 13 123 9 64 1 3 10 326 6 1L2 280 7 55 11 222 381 3,234 85 1,320 296 1,914 2 60 12 223 11 155 106 1,431 150 5,638 5 130 50 1,026 6 484 44 542 50 4,282 3 46 56 405 16 120 40 285 100 1,356 4 113 50 684 20 139 30 545 6 42 42 270 31 104 11 166 12 34 32 53 12 34 751 991 50 90 701 901 605 944 5 1 39 12 16 375 64 2 1 10 100 5 5 100 161 23 36 12 85 135 790 59 328 76 462 168 13 110 353 1,310 155 648 198 662 102 50 52 178 701 13 87 141 572 80 232 5 32 37 129 21 102 16 27 9 71 40 470 22 190 18 280 10 47 85 219 39 116 46 103 7 58 132 696 71 276 61 420 500 1,645 3 56 19 233 12 113 4 50 66 254 32 177 34 77 27 190 14 192 2 33 20 146 11 96 9 50 42 26 257 11 123 15 134 2 18 16 274 10 93 2 Reported In small fractions, farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. ipor 1954, does not include data for farms with leas than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. See text. For 1950, does not Include acreage for COLORADO 237 HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle Elbert 29 2 7 9 561 31 3 7 4 1 69 46 "2 '47 68 41 1.040 "i 84 66 37 106 2 5i 2 8 8 6.431 40 3 6 6 3 32 6 (Z) 1 12 18 (z) 7,936 (Z) 38 46 6 20 4 30 2 8 8 390 31 8 7 6 5 69 20 2 45 55 27 672 63 45 33 64 6 1,702 41 313 126 227,688 348 216 189 115 7 3,311 105 '12 187 570 617 254,150 449 860 441 423 8 306 176 28 47,935 56 75 35 59 9 169 18 "5 '45 107 173 38, 616 181 90 57 130 10 1,396 41 137 98 179,753 292 141 154 56 11 3,li2 87 7 142 463 444 215,534 268 790 384 293 12 824 ... 1,100,059 174 42 6 13 3,763 10 6 409 655 755 983,635 229 560 199 285 14 1 8 401 34 1 1 7 15 28 23 777 64 7 24 16 8 113 178, 245 301 2 45 17 178 248 11 303.317 25.926 464 23 18 78 12 18 19 '85 142 56, 859 92 10 49 20 8 102 152.319 278 2 33 21 93 106 246,458 352,420 372 523 8 29 22 23 '48 6 401.500 335 '20 24 1 4 155 20 1 25 i. 4 2 6 4 274 31 6 26 1 10 27,224 !!! 55 13 4 27 7 11 5 'S5 8 16, 799 85 12 11 28 5 11,284 11 4 29 3 7 16 8 ... 6,163 34 8 30 1 5 15,940 44 31 i. 4 5 69 10,636 51 11 '3 32 1 43, 307 20 33 3 16,781 35 1 34 32 127 49 51 34. 594 234 13 21 58 35 46 147 '58 99 150 50, 226 187 94 a 550 36 840 224 145 2,408,065 1,908 ,.. 30 125 37 469 1,122 193 868 390 1.097,495 1,619 166 60 2,812 38 4 2 4 6 131 21 5 6 39 11 25 4 7 15 309 38 13 11 76 40 32 85 31 49 15,534 172 9 17 56 41 42 124 44 35 126 24,648 101 86 31 550 42 12 6 5,504 21 2 4 23 43 "j '43 4 57 21, 141 20 66 6 132 44 32 85 '19 43 10, 030 151 7 13 33 45 37 81 40 35 69 3,507 81 20 25 418 46 840 ... 224 145 989, 311 1,476 30 125 47 445 742 103 632 390 124, 130 1,118 116 60 2,812 48 2 1 1 210 23 1 2 1 49 2 8 4 20 8 414 37 2 3 ,.. 50 42 ... 18 2 19. 060 62 4 4 2 51 4 23 14 64 24 25, 578 86 8 10 52 12- 6,523 11 4 2 "2 53 "2 "8 24 20 12,794 33 8 54 42 6 2 12, 537 51 ... 2 55 "2 15 '14 40 4 12,784 1,418,754 53 432 8 2 56 57 24 380 90 236 973,365 501 '56 58 4 5 6 183 29 2 5 7 59 10 8 10 15 15 472 52 12 8 37 60 12 26 104 13, 967 233 33 23 83 61 24 '21 44 74 133 33,908 396 79 26 269 62 11 615 6 4 1 30 63 4 "5 14 27 77 7,405 40 56 6 77 64 12 15 104 13,352 227 29 22 53 65 20 '16 ... "30 47 56 26, 503 356 23 20 192 66 3 20 10 30,008 253 20 67 12 5 44 20 14 28, 151 229 12 7 "(k 68 1 1 2 239 31 3 4 69 4 10 1 7 624 73 2 19 18 70 3 1 33 18, 891 301 18 27 71 7 29 1 19 32.051 2,273 469 14 4 64 3 45 8 72 73 6 13 19 5,693 53 3 8 18 74 3 1 33 16,618 287 15 19 75 1 16 "i 26,358 416 "i 56 27 76 1 35, 061 52 . . . 77 '13 1 63.089 442 ... '58 13 78 1 9 89 20 1 1 4 79 ... 2 25 220 33 6 3 9 80 2 '20 337 4,300 240 3 9 16 81 23 ... 681 7,089 342 56 13 44 82 1 20 455 30 ... ... 2 83 3 199 1,451 63 52 12 39 84 1 337 3,845 210 3 9 14 85 20 482 1,230 5.638 27. 060 279 703 4 1 5 75 86 87 1,425 64, 701 2,226 *62 20 30 88 238 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of 5 ) —SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tree fruita, Dots, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1954 ^ . . 1950... acres 1954^.. 1950^.. Apples farms reporting 1954 ^ . . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^. . 1950. . . Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954^.. 1950... Quantity harvested bushels 1954^.. 1949... Peaches farms reporting 1954^. . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. . 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954^. . 1950... Quantity harvested bushels 1954^.. 1949... Pears farms reporting 1954^.. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954'.. 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954'. . 1950... Quantity harvested bushels 1954'.. 1949... Cherries.. trees of all ages number 1954'.. 1950... Quantity harvested pounds 1954'. . 1949... Sour cherries farms reporting 1954'. . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954'.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954'.. 1950. . . Trees of bearing age number 1954'.. 1950... Quantity harvested pounds 1954'. . 1949... Sweet cherries farms reporting 1954 ' . . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954'. . 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954'.. 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954'.. 1950... Quantity harvested pounds 1954'.. 1949... Plums and prunes farms reporting 1954'. . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954 '. . 1950. . . Trees not of bearing age number 1954'.. 1950. . . Trees of bearing age number 1954'. . 1950... Quantity harvested bushels 1954'.. 1949... Apricots farms reporting 1954'.. 1950. . . Trees of all ages number 1954'.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954'.. 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954'. . 1950... Quantity harvested bushels 1954'.. 1949 . . . Grapes farms reporting 1954'. 1950... Vines of all ages number 1954'.. 1950... Vines not of bearing age number 1954'.. 1950... Vines of bearing age number 1954'. . 1950... Quantity harvested pounds 1954' . . 1949... 22 255 47 63 23 144 732 1,754 66 625 666 1,129 26 1,812 57 85 234 46 136 39 98 959 2,406 1,962 15,539 20 160 927 2,171 102 418 825 1,753 1,962 15,146 a 32 235 16 81 16 154 16 76 175 699 60 180 115 519 5 36 24 176 31 71 164 11 100 99 296 525 1,044 1,800 302 487 34,476 70,405 6,804 18,416 27,672 51,989 778 140,447 86 162 2,114 4,204 212 3,161 1,902 1,043 4,001 715 109 178 678 1,472 100 455 578 1,017 2 2,845 10,421 27,529 19,243 341,597 207 352 9,617 26,749 2,323 6,701 7,294 20,048 19,143 338,233 38 76 804 780 95 399 709 381 100 3,364 98 202 796 1,848 89 670 707 1,178 100 704 24 27 79 408 30 108 49 300 11 144 204 9,916 12,168 213 1,276 9,703 10,892 31,957 66, 500 150 US 671 698 147 358 17,872 20,933 1,873 3,385 15,999 17,548 44,948 47,449 105 211 10,344 14,167 1,779 1,013 8,565 13,154 7,123 13,746 68 117 500 584 40 215 460 369 665 622 5,467 7,562 220,018 172,981 71 160 623 1,165 135 162 488 1,003 15,793 35,697 69 156 4,844 6,397 2,677 2,885 2,167 3,512 204,225 137,284 198 4,005 4,362 433 418 3,572 3,944 2,474 3,102 120 305 3,643 5,730 462 610 3,186 5,120 3,790 8,084 34 82 4,707 8,262 653 635 4,054 7,627 8,245 43,645 Gilpin 1 3 5 6 1 1 400 310 200 200 310 1 136 1 1 100 6 50 50 6 1 1 100 12 50 50 12 Z Reported in small fractions. 'For 1954, does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text, reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. ^For 1950, does not include acreage for farms COLORADO 239 HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Jackson Jefferson Kiowa Kit Carson La lie La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mess Mineral Moffat 62 14 88 168 17 5 21 1,078 8 1 2 729 17 187 ... 353 350 253 97 218 1,709 40 2 93 8 231 962 14 4 32 7,816 8 3 (Z) 477 1 26 ... 285 2,152 45 11 33 9,271 16 4 71 10 94 ■ 151 20 6 18 357 7 5 610 6 65 ... 302 606 206 41 125 565 34 6 3,525 83 4,844 8,841 306 44 184 27,942 183 7 15,113 *28 375 ... 9,226 22,422 2,027 192 718 29,157 378 8 468 50 327 657 119 19 60 14,381 23 9 1,759 20 280 ... 1,381 1,978 281 103 345 15,272 65 10 3,057 33 4,517 8,184 187 25 124 13,561 160 11 13,354 8 95 7,845 20,444 1,746 39 373 13,885 313 12 384 16,326 15,820 4 9 36,358 20 13 15,293 2 42 7,892 25,562 1,324 61 351 24,552 250 14 10 9 38 13 14 9 13 945 3 15 "i 119 11 72 ... 65 62 93 29 61 1,279 ... 5 16 37 53 ... 661 231 74 52 84 728,293 27 17 1 739 47 504 ... 556 188 437 137 323 878,860 74 13 26 31 55 14 33 26 43 126,317 11 19 1 549 34 298 ... 164 99 231 95 159 242 , 506 35 20 • , , 11 . . . 22 606 217 U 26 36 601,976 16 21 190 13 206 392 1,481 89 500 256 42 164 636,354 1,448,132 . . . 39 22 23 259 2 34 35 73 166 29 176 1,282,991 "d 24 10 7 58 16 8 4 9 310 ... 5 25 50 "2 22 ... 114 40 35 6 26 391 7 26 26 53 346 716 43 9 31 64,910 ... 32 27 143 3 56 ... 558 133 84 40 68 70,752 ... 43 28 13 50 ... 35 17 8 2 20 12,120 9 29 75 2 42 ... 63 46 45 3 45 11,098 17 30 13 3 311 699 35 7 11 52,790 23 31 68 1 14 495 738 87 77 39 37 23 59,654 164,350 26 7 32 33 44 446 49 '26 ... "6 143,335 4 34 1,747 253 715 70,190 103 154 296 15,915 33 35 10,638 46 1,651 1,469 182,882 525 641 1,009 22,985 76 36 675 60 46,439 725,898 96 824 513,281 ... 301 37 95, 528 84 3,916 ... 10,022 2,724,851 2,383 1,953 4,184 579,601 215 38 40 16 45 136 8 7 19 251 6 39 386 9 140 ... 114 490 85 43 105 408 11 40 1,349 199 269 69,874 50 104 255 8,604 28 41 9,515 46 1,469 569 179.788 446 505 691 16,041 51 42 60 126 29 14,082 13 33 36 4,012 3 43 1,365 23 625 177 27,217 113 246 290 3,235 10 44 1,289 73 240 55,792 37 71 219 4,592 25 45 8,150 '23 844 ... 392 152,571 333 259 401 12,806 41 46 255 55 7,479 722,763 96 824 376,123 301 47 91,255 S4 3,889 2,197 2,702,582 2,158 1,861 3,295 521,046 165 48 9 7 24 15 5 I 5 318 ... 1 49 71 22 64 80 24 20 51 417 7 50 ... 398 54 ... 446 316 53 50 41 7,311 5 51 1,173 182 900 3,094 79 136 318 6,944 25 52 162 18 . . . 54 32 27 50 4 4,020 2 53 323 ... 114 ... 577 986 31 93 212 4,754 16 54 ... 236 ... 36 392 284 26 37 3,291 3 55 ... 850 68 323 2,108 48 43 106 2,190 9 56 420 5 38,960 3,135 . . . 137,158 ... 57 '.'.'. 4,273 27 ... 7,825 22,269 225 92 889 53,555 50 58 29 13 45 38 13 4 13 333 7 59 207 4 72 ... 149 190 102 22 83 629 21 60 906 104 ... 249 362 131 35 230 6,526 143 61 1,966 20 602 ... 747 924 771 125 623 11,356 104 62 274 52 47 69 55 23 95 1,007 4 63 315 16 285 ... 133 203 172 25 299 4,125 39 64 632 52 202 293 76 12 135 5,519 144 65 1,651 4 317 614 721 599 100 324 7,231 65 66 71 534 33 1 7,550 10 67 1.201 '63 571 646 169 22 132 8,475 12 68 5 13 39 7 5 3 3 542 4 69 40 "6 44 128 32 17 21 27 947 14 70 12 111 173 26 21 16 24 30,639 22 71 115 13 222 686 55 37 57 80 37,376 88 72 11 106 17 16 5 2 12 2,897 ... 2 73 80 4 142 ... 157 29 20 22 59 U,038 39 74 1 5 ... 156 10 16 14 12 27,742 20 75 35 9 SO ... 529 31 26 17 35 21 24,338 24,051 49 76 77 '.'.'. 29 6 '12 '.'.'. 222 19 5 '23 '31 29,374 22 78 25 4 4 24 3 2 3 233 ... 5 79 87 2 20 26 72 22 13 33 372 ... 5 80 6,789 44 ... 27 294 16 18 83 15,325 ... 43 81 10,912 6 105 . . . 367 725 153 38 307 35,876 56 82 ... 42 30 ... 71 ... 14 33 1,998 ... 12 83 267 6 45 ... 66 159 122 9 57 1,939 ... 11 84 6,747 14 ... 27 223 16 4 55 13,327 31 85 10,645 60 301 566 31 29 250 33,937 ... 45 86 10,955 185 1,150 21 100,260 10 87 22,981 323 1 1,551 2,338 '56 286 1,734 246,013 350 88 240 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of 5) —SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Morgan Ouray Phillips Tree fruits, nuts, and grspes; Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting Apples farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Peaches farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Pears farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Cherries . . trees of all ages number Quantity harvested pounds Sour cherries farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested pounds Sweet cherries farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested pounds Plums and prunes farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Apricots f aiTDS reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Grapes farms reporting Vines of all ages number Vines not of bearing age number Vines of bearing age number Quantity harvested pounds 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950^. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1949.. 1954'. 1950. . 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954 1949 1954 1950 1954 1950 1954 1950, 1954 1950, 1954' 1949. 1954' 1950. 1954' 1949. 1954' 1950. 1954' 1950. 1954' 1950. 1954' 1950. 1954' 1949. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950. . 1954'. 1949. . 1954'. 1950. . 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1949.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950. . 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1949.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950. . 1954'. 1950.. 1954'. 1950.. 1954 1949 227 475 1,593 2,081 215 450 47,610 67,568 4,249 16,815 43,361 50,753 113,669 62,634 174 335 25,769 40,806 308 5,964 25,461 34,842 29,963 28,717 119 200 1,089 1,132 171 213 918 919 1,419 655 1,149 2,050 43,652 15,513 121 217 476 929 90 176 386 753 15,261 10,983 155 673 1,121 43 258 630 863 28,391 4,530 129 252 907 2,295 76 373 831 1,922 1,306 2,875 144 289 959 2,590 104 435 855 2,155 146 1,383 84 126 4,160 7,090 152 1,099 4,008 5,991 40,995 54,411 176 796 911 1,113 160 609 23,282 27,436 5,953 5,022 17,329 22,414 110,688 49,599 147 499 32,102 44,662 2,377 10,885 29,725 33,777 46,316 50,294 75 246 2,933 1,847 377 1,255 2,561 592 1,663 618 3,024 4,180 153,684 a, 944 58 237 1,240 1,714 373 1,257 867 457 12,157 9,130 61 201 1,784. 2,466 414 1,193 1,370 1,273 1U,527 32,814 87 338 1,241 3,428 102 799 1,139 2,629 680 1,745 101 551 1,032 3,143 130 282 902 2,861 1,507 4,170 53 207 6,234 10,796 178 569 6,056 10,227 18,820 92,835 6 200 139 81 708 29 242 52 466 3 515 2 40 10 162 7 108 3 54 117 762 763 7,030 9 83 109 545 28 182 81 363 760 6,072 79 8 138 .3 958 103 50 714 12 270 38 444 2 362 1 21 2 6 33 159 189 '75 159 114 460 ,220 21 144 53 123 278 ,122 179 590 14 73 131 540 66 217 65 323 8 2,194 5,059 1,050 8,924 17 65 1,990 4,983 591 2,594 1,399 2,389 50 8,817 2 21 204 76 '31 204 45 1,000 107 14 58 219 727 28 152 191 575 10 45 602 2,627 78 982 524 1,645 1,800 10,991 2 19 3 2 2 16 45 139 15 16 30 123 50 183 1 5 1 25 5 62 5 11 2 36 21 155 7 100 14 55 78 551 165 1,211 5 42 70 442 12 80 58 362 165 990 2 13 8 109 '31 8 78 2 23 14 270 "33 14 232 32 Z Reported in small fractions. 'For 1954, does not include data for farms with leas than 20 trees or grapevines. See text, reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. ^For 1950, does not include acreage for farms COLORADO 241 HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued FTouers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Craniie Routt Saguaohs San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Suimiit 90 243 37 107 53 136 13 149 412 S6 1,211 32 128 283 39 96 86 521 13 21 129 1 85 20 7 35 32 433 18 lie 14 315 2 226 257 9 40 12 202 183 2,030 56 446 127 1,584 8 7 39 77 95 U 334 312 58 23 185 123 37 18 149 189 30 909 111 30 702 13 126 17 576 3,829 '38 207 'U 123 5 79 71 549 8 124 63 425 14 90 26 469 110 2,379 12 43 48 210 U 426 62 2,169 600 33 20,388 42 204 532 ioi 204 481 2 43 2 (Z) 2 29 104 197 42 44 62 153 10 233 34 260 3 34 is '19 1 9 1 (z) 1 6 18 42 18 9 5 14 114 227 33 37 81 190 2 7 35 57 2 4 10 13 3 8 27 36 22 95 194 274 U 62 28 182 8 33 166 92 10 8 189 95 2 2 7 13 5 3 19 65 1 1 6 44 4 2 13 21 2 11 17 2 3 5 8 5 13 8 21 2 5 2 11 3 3 6 10 2 3 23 13 13 7 12 36 3 25 19 10 7 87 17 5 132 20 471 60 215 120 1,868 1 9 4 46 2 114 13 404 2 61 7 233 53 6 171 215 20 1,606 1 1 3 11 3 18 7 67 12 3 29 3 6 4 38 60 100 262 1 8 13 31 3 88 41 282 3 47 14 68 U 27 214 (Z) Washington 300 40 300 40 111 122 53 63 58 59 154 311 65 ,130 9 29 100 849 24 26 15 124 12 36 29 553 85 701 168 3,573 64 350 93 1,257 21 351 75 2,316 33 112 2,501 170 10 28 1,596 289 1,551 99 45 190 1 6 10 13 101 5 59 134 115 904 29 78 75 305 5 30 56 40 599 45 220 260 5,764 229 52 137 14 92 12 47 36 105 28 60 124 755 8,367 2,339 129,443 12 25 40 362 123 693 260 7,846 55 77 155 544. 68 616 105 7,302 65 2,255 960 126,513 4 12 10 128 31 62 51 521 17 32 30 232 U 30 21 289 84 2,930 25 274 183 1,450 89 362 94 1,088 1 928 10 67 84 185 37 75 47 110 3 172 2 74 22 380 11 225 3 65 13 430 4 169 9 261 35 932 2,567 3 96 35 824 11 272 24 552 2,256 2 56 8 359 3 124 5 235 1 44 U 162 242 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9a.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED [Data for specified crops are not included for farms on Item The State Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . . . 21,949 664 295 164 143 52 391 2 acres . . . COHN 1,770,249 29,440 43,279 6,801 11,500 4,891 44,591 3 rnt*n fnT nil nnmn=:(>=; ................... farms rSDOrtlllE . . . 8,415 174 21 40 16 16 209 ^ acres . . . 185,195 4,968 433 1,035 70 336 3,959 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting . . . 4,336 43 3 5 5 176 6 acres . . . 77,166 925 63 20 36 3,1U 7 bushels — 4,160,804 43,642 600 390 765 105,314 g Corn sold bushels . . . 1,943,481 17,251 100 625 56,778 SORGHUMS 9 Sorghums for all purposes, except for sirup farms reporting... 1,100 16 3 19 256 10 acres — 35,886 352 65 1,557 6,205 11 Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting... 672 4 13 177 12 acres . . . 22,200 95 968 4,674 13 bushels . . . 713,822 1,900 32,043 159,372 14 Sfrt'crhiim'! sold ............................ .bushelS . . . 449,761 1,700 22,937 94,271 SMALL GRAINS 15 Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting . . . 267 10 5 16 acres. . . 4,425 221 ... 86 17 bushels . . . 133,246 2,864 2,145 13 bushels sold... 17,268 250 19 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting... 1,339 14 1 6 '17 6 82 20 acres . . . 25,949 690 8 160 241 250 1,327 21 bushels . . . 566,058 7,080 100 1,570 6,324 2,050 23,102 22 bushels sold . . . 484,196 6,753 752 5,062 700 18,487 23 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting... 1,675 9 44 2 28 4 24 acres . . . 16,998 78 753 10 288 67 25 462,536 775 15,489 20 7,935 824 26 bushels sold . . . 340,583 440 12,146 5,367 669 27 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting . . . 3,682 25 111 8 37 1 83 28 acres . . . 57,636 276 2,759 115 5L2 12 1,087 29 bushels. . . 1,967,323 7,869 75,273 1.540 17,785 400 28,288 30 bushels sold . . . 590,396 2,456 23,134 250 7,337 400 9,064 31 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting . . . 5,603 64 151 15 23 2 137 32 126,838 1,051 6,170 305 242 60 2,767 33 bushels . . . 4,076,605 22,575 168,691 7,475 7,458 1,400 70,190 34 bushels sold . . . ANNUAL LEGUMES 1,882,094 11,022 94,117 1,485 3,519 160 25,460 35 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting... 3,580 26 1 4 3 1 3 36 acres . . . 97,124 584 10 65 5 40 57 37 lOO-lb . bags . . . 1,521,507 6,329 70 515 17 60 271 38 Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting . . . 227 10 39 acres . . . 5,535 284 40 pounds . . . HAY 4,529,235 214,200 41 Land from which hay was cut, .••• acres . . . 893,660 9,958 23,829 3,531 9,744 1,346 20,774 42 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay { and for dehydrating) farms reporting . . . 15,320 325 193 110 69 26 2% 43 acres . . . 537,653 9,528 9,756 3,095 2,800 1,346 20,502 44 tons . . . 1,242,216 24,543 16,100 7,467 5,112 2,789 28,341 45 tons sold . . . 382,537 7,771 3,445 1,423 748 957 17,518 46 Clover, tijnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting... 1,651 14 5 63 4 47 acres . . . 164,028 545 100 6,260 38 48 tons . . . 208,900 566 146 8,424 44 49 tons sold . . . 19,994 20 60 280 50 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . . 1,329 11 46 9 28 11 51 acres. . . 22,639 158 1,336 121 296 144 52 tons . . . 29,475 214 1,407 148 437 161 53 tons sold — 2,537 47 334 62 36 54 Wild hay cut farms reporting... 873 . . * 36 2 10 1 55 acres . . . 158,329 11,348 155 351 40 56 tons . . . 139,152 7,009 170 522 40 57 tons sold . . . 15,698 2,083 200 58 Other hay cut farms reporting . . . 401 11 17 4 3 7 59 acres . . . 10,501 242 766 60 37 50 60 tons . . . 12,299 278 703 56 26 96 61 tons sold . . . 1,468 32 90 7 62 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... 14 1 2 63 acres — 510 30 76 64 tons, green weight.. . FIELD SEED CROPS 2,604 200 170 65 Alfalfa seed harvested .farms reporting . . . 737 3 1 1 5 3 13 1 20 101 3,708 66 acres . . . 16,727 43 20 67 pounds . . . MISCELLANEOUS CROPS 2,437,676 4,300 2,000 500 1,100 500 371,833 68 Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting... 3,820 93 13 1 1 36 69 acres. . . 111,089 2,451 757 14 40 1,062 70 tons . . . 1,614,394 38,767 7,784 96 400 14,961 71 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fajms reporting . . . 2,761 5 137 24 5 72 acres^ . . 49,685 28 4,360 9 77 73 100-lb . bags . . . 9,839,949 5,270 831,508 1,947 9,815 74 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting^.. 1,842 251 15 7 1 13 75 acres . . . 27,712 4,649 1,570 148 (Z) 555 76 Sold dollars^. . 6,036,926 1,459,824 110 136,200 12 39,720 4 100 121,638 1 77 Cabbage farms reporting . . . 326 78 acres — 2,404 598 448 27 10 79 Sweet com farms reporting . . . 554 58 1 3 3 80 acres . . . 2,399 478 1 16 2 81 Lettuce and romalne farms reporting... 231 91 14 4 62 acres . . . 2,863 269 617 16 83 Dry onions farms reporting... 616 114 1 4 12 84 acres . . . 4,910 642 1 25 247 35 Other vegetables ............................... acres . . . 15,136 2,662 503 62 (2) 296 86 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting... 2,756 7 3 10 1 3 87 acres . . . 19,237 10 2 28 3 2 z only, Reported in amall fractions, ^Etoes not include acreage for farms with leas than 10 bags harvested. ■^Doea not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. ^Farms reporting and dollara are for wholly Irrigated farms COLORADO 243 FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1954 which only part of specified crop was irrigated. See text] Boulder Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delxa Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle 598 151 8 4 565 346 350 77 1,242 27 8 68 148 1 32,251 10,306 340 240 68,046 26,951 21,845 7,202 47,114 235 475 3,630 18,311 2 343 2 1 18 30 170 1 506 20 2 3 8,991 130 25 452 162 3,072 100 6,734 440 32 4 58 1 14 122 275 5 643 100 41 1,764 2,808 6 29,400 2,500 510 62,910 177,169 7 4,042 15 27,873 50,433 8 11 1 108 7 2 9 194 ' 45 2,071 45 17 10 6 1 74 11 151 25 1,496 12 4,030 850 42,370 13 3,150 300 12,392 14 2 11 2 1 78 1 15 11 355 23 17 904 6 16 255 10,339 66 495 375 238 ... 40,652 3,390 300 250 17 18 14 3 "i 2 11 3 "i 57 1 2 "l 19 189 36 40 26 124 25 14 542 20 24 18 20 3,987 425 243 457 2,169 415 80 12,704 150 433 80 21 3,286 200 248 457 1,390 225 4,858 150 363 60 22 11 12 112 131 4 159 42 23 86 93 1,364 1,150 11 792 297 24 913 2,605 24,502 22,211 126 24,386 11,027 25 79 1,660 15,844 13,897 ... 7,878 7,215 26 58 28 243 100 8 11 278 2 1 56 27 797 346 9,169 2,075 35 245 2,472 48 40 789 28 21,746 8,209 269,615 65,560 809 5,542 105, 4X 504 200 47,418 29 2,064 2,592 131,824 26,933 87 150 16,612 8,625 30 141 26 263 158 13 7 297 1 7 22 31 3,283 371 12,992 4,884 208 87 3,079 30 187 177 32 97,055 11,757 451,501 169,492 7,156 1,260 140,049 150 5,380 8,421 33 31,932 2,535 300,215 127,369 279 26,518 150 3,000 1,010 34 5 49 127 13 89 35 105 342 523 135 1,812 36 1,298 3 109 89,100 4,802 46 1,069 844,240 5,509 108 2,762 2,390,140 1,157 27,573 37 38 39 40 13,438 8,439 143 160 34,709 8,886 7,896 4,917 22,360 15 383 2,111 16,456 41 362 101 5 320 199 188 27 931 2 6 39 109 42 11,451 3,882 88 16,809 4,836 7,850 987 18,812 15 169 1,989 7,454 43 26,740 6,433 237 22,192 8,274 12,869 1,502 48,236 6 216 4,773 14,715 44 7,120 1,523 94 3,336 2,118 7,424 125 7,037 762 2,520 45 19 51 1 54 44 1 34 88 3 3 43 46 588 3,784 60 2,310 1,461 4 3,302 2,324 90 50 4,736 47 576 5,025 65 2,918 1,902 4 3,445 3,382 115 50 6,706 48 135 153 100 50 237 343 14 235 49 17 20 64 32 1 4 86 4 2 28 50 241 353 1,165 858 15 192 539 63 35 2,337 51 204 536 1,218 1,000 5 101 688 129 40 2,575 52 41 84 20 15 17 53 38 13 'i 129 12 4 20 2 13 54 997 375 100 12,402 1,207 436 402 61 1,924 55 1,042 384 65 9,894 1,088 277 638 90 1,970 56 125 53 453 731 3 59 57 13 2 2 40 9 "i ... 29 2 2 58 161 45 55 2,023 524 27 283 37 5 59 152 34 75 2,337 415 89 536 31 5 60 10 55 170 128 4 70 61 62 63 64 3 1 122 11 1 65 50 36 2,238 120 5 66 1,360 ... 4,439 248,140 26,893 100 67 59 6 1 88 66 1 68 1,297 247 40 1,833 1,043 60 69 17,147 ... 2,016 560 6,987 17,929 360 70 1 23 90 163 3 U6 1 61 71 (M 53 3,468 3,779 2 65 (M 445 72 6 7,219 757,147 773,190 53 5,244 4 89,934 73 13 2 33 29 12 1 61 'l9 1 74 467 38 1,152 1,986 318 6 265 149 (Z) 75 68,451 1,745 108,952 620,010 20,366 1,500 55,251 89,121 14 76 6 1 2 14 1 12 77 92 (z) 68 474 2 29 78 10 1 1 1 12 3 79 37 (z) 4 (Z) 6 1 80 6 3 •13 17 1 9 81 34 37 265 992 2 13 82 9 5 28 83 87 40 152 84 217 1 819 520 274 2 107 106 (Z) 85 20 21 6 6 533 4 86 41 37 7 8 6,255 4 87 244 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9a.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED [Data for specified crops are not included for farms on Item Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano {For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . . . 43 127 621 576 150 169 24 150 2 acres . . . CORN 2,157 9,650 8,761 37,192 30,380 33,417 3,150 7,553 3 4 rciTn for all DuTDoses farms reporting . . . 8 33 145 130 2 1 6 ijUi 11 lui Hi J, ^\a ^^losa .................... '^. ■"" • ~r -—--o acres. . . 225 1,595 952 1,605 37 40 76 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting... 12 81 13 1 1 3 g acres . . . 246 387 48 75 13 15 7 bushels . . . 7,470 21,160 2,145 2,150 1,040 405 8 Corn sold bushels . . . 2,490 6,710 100 SORGHUMS 9 Sorghums for all purposes, except for sirup farms reporting . . . 1 8 7 1 10 acres . . . 60 137 39 10 11 Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting... 2 12 acres . . . 42 13 bushels . . . 1,080 14 Sorghums sold bushels . . . 880 SMALL GRAINS 15 Grains grown together and 1 1 threshed as a mixture farms reporting . . . 5 16 acres . . . 67 8 11 17 bushels . . . 2,682 320 232 18 bushels sold. . . 19 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting... 5 9 13 2 1 20 acres . . . 185 83 236 88 35 21 bushels . . . 5,871 1,772 3,580 434 400 22 bushels sold... 5,671 1,233 1,532 434 330 23 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting... 1 5 162 1 24 acres. . . 8 27 1,103 5 25 bushels . . . 160 792 37,401 150 26 bushels sold . . . 160 597 27,788 27 28 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting... 4 18 176 8 3 "i 'is acres. . . 149 140 1,617 304 177 10 269 29 bushels . . . 3,050 5,519 78,219 5,750 3,565 700 9,217 30 bushels sold . . . 786 7,513 940 490 31 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting . . . 6 23 171 5 2 14 32 119 251 2,125 110 25 141 33 bushels . . . 2,834 8,349 94,479 4,050 900 4,732 34 bushels sold. .. ANNUAL LEGUMES 800 2,190 27,925 896 35 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting . . . 2 3 36 acres . . . 22 32 37 100-lb. bags... 130 159 38 Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting . . . 39 acres . . . 40 pounds . . . HAY 41 T onrt f-pnm ^JM cVi hflV XtUR PUt ...................... .SCreS . . . 1,092 6,331 5,632 27,984 28,132 37,588 3,095 5,289 42 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay ( and for dehydrating) farms reporting . . . 20 99 421 486 13 26 3 96 43 acres . . . 766 4,905 4,366 25,610 866 702 200 3,831 44 tons . . . 1,514 11,996 9,843 45,777 989 1,266 450 6,127 45 tons sold . . . 3,839 2,135 6,274 10 489 46 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting... 3 1 17 36 117 140 19 13 47 acres . . . 278 125 711 1,030 23,022 31,556 2,330 967 48 tons . . . 338 100 848 1,545 24,449 43,423 3,030 1,146 49 tons sold . . . 86 3 3,852 2,959 50 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other 10 81 small grains cut for hay farms reporting... 1 5 35 44 7 12 51 acres. . . 10 37 247 434 194 155 52 tons . . . 30 42 318 501 151 241 95 53 tons sold . . . 55 13 54 Wild hay cut farms reporting . . . 1 7 8 14 17 17 6 55 acres 15 1,160 213 573 3,585 5,175 565 379 56 tons — 15 1,102 220 702 4,185 6,418 541 419 57 tons sold . . . 465 170 190 48 79 58 Other hay cut farms reporting . . . ' 2 6 L4 16 3 2 59 acres . . . 23 104 95 272 465 31 60 tons . . . 45 127 99 473 865 27 61 tons sold — 30 5 15 35 62 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . . 2 63 acres . . . 65 64 tons, green weight — FIELD SEED CROPS 350 65 Alfalfa seed harvested farms reporting . . . 48 66 acres . . . 1,139 67 pounds . . . MISCELLANEOUS CROPS 201,456 68 Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting — 16 69 acres . . . 161 70 tons . . . 2,128 ... 71 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale. ...................... .farms reporting . . . 1 121 6 20 1 72 acres ^... (') 226 4 14 1 73 100-lb bags... 3 37,653 235 1,679 25 74 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting^ , . . 6 81 14 3 75 acres . . . 292 403 13 72 76 Sold dollars^ . . . 44,500 3 93,506 23 3,801 2 9,451 77 Cabbage farms reporting . . . 78 acres — 1 34 (Z) 79 Sweet corn farms reporting . . . 6 55 10 80 acres . . . 125 97 7 31 Lettuce and romaine farms reporting . . . 1 22 3 1 82 acres . . . 2 42 (Z) 27 83 Dry onions farms reporting . . . 3 18 2 84 acres . . . 1 13 (Z) 85 Other vegetables acres . . . 163 217 6 45 86 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves. vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting... 1 12 237 145 4 87 acres . . . 1 35 854 655 4 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. ^Farms reporting and dollars are for wholly irrigated farms only. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. COLORADO 245 FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued which only part of specified crop was irrigated. See text] Jackson Jefferson Kloua Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat 9f 512 4 46 9 577 1,098 269 3= 563 2,204 11 136 1 69,95C 10,831 2,330 4,221 1,238 31,883 75,353 13,097 3,37' 66,620 73,434 1,665 16,549 2 58 3 22 62 596 43 440 831 3 1,001 191 1,541 723 13,622 492 37; 14,882 11,332 4 5 1 10 9 173 15 372 639 5 40 70 580 19 2,164 80 9C 10,484 7,630 6 1,884 3,500 21,220 405 L22,226 1,300 1,65C 531,522 437,580 7 65 15,200 35,870 238,695 138,675 8 1 9 2 16 11 23 24 9 80 680 3 145 3,700 900 8 226 4 45 1,307 487 380 38^ 17. 4,70t 3,30C 310 8 79 2,155 1,060 192 6 41 1,365 10 11 12 13 14 9 3 1 7 15 1 15 111 27 12 70 239 12 16 4,370 575 400 1,193 183 5,973 1,650 600 17 18 'u 1 87 38 11 71 86 5 19 718 70 2,352 2,064 136 1,478 925 151 20 8,840 40O 65,812 17,614 2,327 28,593 23,712 3,430 21 8,136 200 56,691 15,222 1,182 25,432 17,359 3,390 22 2 105 23 2 3 122 U 23 13 1,050 405 6 22 589 328 24 210 24,297 5,760 150 156 17,9L2 6,268 25 210 19,131 4,573 87 10,803 5,636 26 ] 17 "i 175 102 15 "11 72 427 20 27 6C 274 35 2,556 1,472 112 4C ) 1 ,024 3,864 475 28 1,00c 7,377 1,750 90,140 41,033 3,645 60( ) 21,907 165,153 12,300 29 325 30,610 2,256 260 5,345 26,935 2,140 30 34 4 108 390 23 "1 1 321 218 12 31 2t ) 570 155 1,492 9,030 381 6, 9,258 1,897 205 32 20C 15,549 2,320 49, 9X 227,111 10,694 1,50( ) 246,582 79,624 7,585 33 7,759 1,160 17,978 53,000 3,440 93,841 13,324 2,050 34 1 9 138 2 1 123 250 35 1 191 2,594 12 8( ) 2,431 5,289 36 2 872 39,795 56 40 ) 29,490 72,631 37 1 1 38 1 2 39 1,000 400 40 69,26( ) 5,655 680 883 1,188 12,739 35,356 9,439 1,911 24,136 36,579 1,600 13,427 41 310 3 22 1 342 843 194 2( 510 1,479 75 42 4,942 660 864 300 9,466 28,922 5,474 1,50 20,649 34,990 5,842 43 9,694 910 2,519 750 18,557 80,230 9,209 3,72' 60,582 92,130 9,088 44 2,258 300 300 3,275 17,238 3,507 58 ) 24,088 23,871 923 45 1 ) 19 3 85 21 22 7 13 6 41 46 8,33 ! 271 103 1,831 1,802 2,070 112 101 820 3,295 47 7,35 ? 233 176 3,146 1,678 1,405 179 123 780 4,673 48 91 > 49 178 40 30 10 139 390 49 L 19 1 2 74 62 18 I 31 98 20 50 > 162 20 19 749 832 130 1 5 522 731 371 51 > 133 40 31 989 780 126 1 3 684 984 376 52 43 113 60 34 60 99 15 53 8 S 1 3 24 35 13 27 10 4 32 54 60,32( ) 12 785 474 3,549 1,664 39( 3 2,787 491 780 3,693 55 52,-11 i 8 475 632 3,141 1,098 43 ) 2,801 527 595 4,427 56 5,30 70 13 22 32 10 5 1,490 40 570 57 12 17 21 3 L 5 15 3 58 60 ) 268 219 211 101 ) 66 176 226 59 25C ) 214 233 337 63 ; 69 213 256 60 19 20 28 3 40 184 6 20 8 2 90 550 61 62 63 64 3 4 6 7 30 97 3 65 105 11 54 122 508 1,529 31 66 9,200 740 7,150 17,250 44,885 483,481 2,500 67 3 2 227 22 322 116 68 49 165 5,590 418 9,376 3,394 69 335 2,390 77,456 4,960 123,476 55,991 70 1 1 1 71 20 5 188 17 71 {') (M 20 43 222 13 168 10 72 1: 5 1,400 5,466 39,787 1,505 22,111 480 73 114 6 78 1 11 186 74 881 '16 7 1,344 1 69 1,027 75 224,572 1,202 234,095 300 5,024 227,015 76 23 3 5 1 9 77 47 1 7 (2) 4 78 94 5 49 1 7 39 79 429 2 387 1 23 37 80 16 1 2 5 81 22 (Z) 2 4 82 7 2 3 6 9 83 9 (Z) 4 34 112 84 374 16 4 944 (Z)' 12 870 85 39 67 121 5 1 4 1,078 3 86 60 192 758 3 1 3 7,816 3 87 246 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9a.-SPEClFIED CROPS HARVESTED QData for specified crops are not Included for farms on Item Montezuma Montrose r-lorgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 2 Irrigated nronland harvested farms reportine... 597 1,071 950 711 99 51 14 70 acres . . . 31,947 59,288 106,949 50,629 10,792 8,570 1,747 8,352 CORN 3 4 Corn for all purposes farms reporting . . . 98 509 804 431 5 5 acres . . . 848 6,539 27,449 10,321 60 275 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting... 35 330 643 348 3 3 6 acres — 214 3,265 17,656 6,555 15 170 7 bushels . . . 7,418 183,001 1,131,000 329,968 640 7,775 Q Torn sold bushels . . . 2,065 42,003 645,241 190,460 200 4,500 l_,l_PJ JJ O'JJ.U*. ■ ..... ■ .. ... ..... ... ■ . . .... .. ..L^b.^..^^W-- SORGHUMS 9 Sorghums for all purposes, except for siruD farms reporting . . - 4 50 U3 1 10 i \j±_ OiX U^ ,...•--■-..........-........••.■ '— - "' - ^j^ - — '.o acres . . . 28 912 1,527 13 11 Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting... 1 23 61 1 12 acres. . . 10 502 708 6 13 bushels . . . 500 11,530 23,885 200 U Sorshums sold .....••.........•■.•.•...... .bushels . . . 7,847 12,137 100 SMALL GRAINS 15 Grains grovm together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting . . . 4 52 3 2 3 16 acres — 61 574 76 24 23 17 bushels. . . 1,770 21,375 1,052 550 940 18 bushels sold. . . 1,916 400 420 19 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting... 56 101 196 68 3 ... 20 acres . . . 1,210 1,078 3,246 1,080 33 21 bushels . . . 22,110 30,742 106,836 40,308 1,009 22 bushels sold. . . 18,690 24,935 100,668 31,562 989 23 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting... 95 335 10 8 24 22 24 acres — 992 3,458 151 53 264 152 25 bushels . . . 25,149 134,089 3,106 1,535 9,715 5,924 26 bushels sold . . . 18,542 109,468 2,569 750 5,452 3,338 27 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting . . . 163 442 140 125 33 4 40 28 acres. . . 2,279 4,726 2,117 1,234 291 68 547 29 bushels . . . 95,036 204,274 65,555 45,772 12,366 1,500 29,121 30 bushels sold — 34,222 63,422 28,370 15,802 4,240 8,668 31 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting. . . 145 324 446 201 23 2 9 32 acres . . . 3,477 3,637 9,560 2,929 265 84 76 33 bushels . . . 133,707 153,779 343,578 97,894 9,734 797 4,024 34 bushels sold . . . ANNUAL LEGUMES 109,033 52,230 168,367 50,731 5,025 497 1,000 35 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting. . . 78 325 513 111 1 36 acres . . . 5,728 8,024 13,500 1,646 9 37 100-lb. bags... 26,886 126,193 225,891 17,218 136 38 Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting . . . 39 40 acres . . . pounds . . . HAY ... ... 41 Land from which hay was cut acres . . . 14,036 26,578' 25,731 21,519 9,780 7,428 499 7,477 42 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay ( and for dehydrating) farms reporting . . . 443 861 804 597 67 1 9 59 43 acres . . . 12,352 21,438 25,227 21,238 2,501 8 499 5,077 44 tons . . . 27,093 55,598 78,808 49,371 4,570 3 1,381 8,908 45 tons sold . . . 5,506 14,773 33,838 28,193 1,133 356 515 46 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting . . . 21 90 6 3 51 7 25 47 acres . . . 583 2,791 109 17 4,687 377 2,121 48 tons . . . 825 3,920 271 31 5,905 260 3,223 49 tons sold . . . 14 334 118 411 80 50 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting — 60 96 15 23 4 7 5 51 acres. . . 592 781 230 194 22 90 89 52 tons . . . 1,064 1,120 473 167 23 92 134 53 tons sold . . . 21 117 277 4 54 Wild hay cut farms reporting... 17 17 3 23 34 2 55 acres . . . 384 1,275 38 2,470 6,953 190 56 tons . . . 573 1,121 79 2,864 3,636 350 57 tons sold . . . 11 75 60 694 225 58 Other hay cut farms reporting . . . 12 21 10 7 1 59 acres . . . 125 293 127 70 100 60 tons . . . 230 402 204 120 100 61 tons sold . . . 32 80 82 62 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... 63 acres . . . 64 tons , green weight . . . FIELD SEED CROPS 65 Alfalfa seed harvested farms reporting . . . 1 14 35 112 66 acres . . . 10 178 479 2,533 67 pounds . . . MISCELLANEOUS CROPS 1,500 21,080 61,086 270,771 68 Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting . . . 75 547 198 3 69 acres. . . 1,404 18,452 3,948 74 70 tons . . . 18,772 276,845 52,553 1,150 71 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale •.••••••■.......■.■.•■. .farms reporting. . . 143 159 111 16 5 3 27 72 acres ^. . 151 978 1,568 177 6 1 102 73 100-lb. bags... 16,596 194,971 314,574 34,394 432 22 20,118 74 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting^... 31 129 19 172 75 acres. .. 4A 668 168 2,922 76 Sold dollars^ 4,536 1 172 502 20,622 1 555,065 1 77 Cabbage farms reporting . . . 78 acres. . . (Z) (Z) 2 79 Sweet corn farms reporting . . . 19 17 5 W 80 acres — 10 9 2 24 81 Lettuce and romaine farms reporting . . . 1 2 82 acres . . . (Z) 23 83 Dry onions .......................... .farms reporting . . . 1 104 w 94 1,113 84 acres . . . 1 543 97 85 Other vegetables acres . . . 33 116 69 1,760 86 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves. vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting... 189 176 4 17 2 2 87 acres . . . 1,517 911 4 X 3 1 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. ■'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. ^Farms reporting and dollars are for wholly irrigated farms only. COLORADO 247 FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued which only part of specified crop was irrigated. See text] Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Washingto 1 Weld Yuma All other counties 531 562 156 491 290 235 58 132 33 10 5 3,001 61 6 1 73,472 29,934 23,745 72,862 33,218 50,826 4,046 17,660 6,537 10,25 ? 279,480 4,575 112 2 168 329 33 15 17 95 5 5 1 ,874 19 3 4,152 5,200 923 414 266 4,126 2,41 3 41,763 765 4 127 193 2 88 4 3 516 10 5 2,726 2,159 17 3,438 1,73 7 ,464 251 6 83,769 109,990 710 192,464 114,01 5 405,362 15,835 7 47,928 42,224 133,473 74,02 5 158,100 8,340 8 301 30 1 5 7 52 5 9 16,311 403 15 99 21 893 412 10 251 11 2 1 20 2 11 12,290 149 5 > 317 230 12 -112,457 3,435 36 5 6,978 4,600 13 283,175 320 1,205 3,600 14 3 2 28 8 1 2 4 1 15 97 18 955 298 6 27 66 20 16 898 850 21,885 6,455 180 484 3,044 130 17 898 7,280 110 80 18 168 35 3 6 1 2 "7 7 1 J 95 2 19 3,650 327 75 76 8 26 269 126 41 J 2,018 55 20 66,243 10,740 1,048 1,340 100 602 10,103 1,930 15,25 ) 32,748 780 21 61,348 9,585 372 1,145 582 9,423 1,869 14,19 ! 28,287 740 22 4 4 17 102 2 23 10 21 23 53 16 194 2,279 14 436 136 255 24 1,100 345 4,727 55,974 380 6,881 4,802 4,740 25 950 3,090 48,995 60 5,191 4,327 3,651 26 35 29 42 158 9 68 14 12 1 1 233 27 442 285 843 4,143 158 3,429 185 161 7 24 ) 3,173 28 10,907 12,525 32,462 137,163 6,345 97,066 8,989 3,555 76 6,06 90,929 29 3,089 2,259 2,893 63,857 205 29,345 350 80 1,37 22,591 30 74 90 27 233 3 80 26 42 2 1 1,187 4 31 1,653 1,718 513 8,976 62 4,833 788 1,174 49 ) 24,793 39 32 31,834 69,508 19,023 306,396 1,860 153,147 38,461 31,336 14,35. 739,537 685 33 15,049 23,501 4,280 199,132 1,036 107,087 23,291 17,383 7,39 238,920 34 1 88 2 3 70 2 ) 1,507 2 35 1 1,351 6 48 2,359 86 49,139 95 36 5 14,470 32 44 854 735,515 288 13 494 244,640 37,160 13,29. 867,460 1 10 10,000 1,340 37 38 39 40 31,515 11,839 20,542 36,599 30,640 31,967 2,368 3,428 6,530 3,59« 82,020 2,364 113 41 398 463 96 360 38 146 44 % 8' 2,406 47 1 42 30,658 11,280 6,488 21,614 1,888 11,706 1,558 2,628 3,10 79,386 2,264 15 43 61,426 26,511 U,710 30,875 2,310 15,799 3,091 6,971 9,48. 245,590 6,794 20 U, 43,923 12,036 1,952 3,691 552 2,971 70 2,462 3,72. 71,139 2,631 45 2 4 71 56 239 17 S 33 1 17 46 209 129 10,220 2,166 27,577 1,347 506 6,265 IOC 410 47 250 134 13,390 2,717 39,678 1,532 502 7,384 8C 751 48 100 15 1,331 187 5,645 200 1,189 8C 10 49 10 34 23 120 13 40 9 5 e 51 3 1 50 149 256 356 3,872 386 1,746 141 105 20. 802 60 1 51 138 346 530 6,058 448 3,103 203 161 12 806 67 1 52 15 114 30 463 61 92 20 4C 148 53 2 31 62 7 47 3 5 '3 ] 8 3 54 440 3,166 8,445 649 16,128 95 695 265 IOC 533 90 55 100 4,165 7,330 715 13,356 130 496 380 IOC 375 39 56 527 522 90 1,028 75 50 30 57 3 'io 8 18 2 11 2 i 23 3 1 58 59 174 312 452 140 905 68 9C 362 40 7 59 143 177 43 284 60 1,101 3 1 50 200 92 506 66 2 135 800 80 5' 646 350 1 22 150 45 3 60 61 62 63 64 91 10 1 2 1 6 i 9 3 65 2,336 52 2 15 30 77 16: 152 941 66 508,066 3,865 1,200 2,600 3,000 11,100 10,525 9,942 105,114 67 72 141 3 1 7 37 24 1,589 68 3,045 3,886 69 1 731 3,722 76E 46,972 69 24,126 46,214 489 2 4,163 50,827 10,39e 755,114 70 1 1 35 368 66 119 3 25 5 541 6 71 20 (M 6 17,315 39 4,721 2 769 1 10,307 15 72 1,560 2 571 3,424,263 3,056 785,859 112 141,557 49 2,303,142 1,970 73 13 168 1 30 3 1 5 312 74 371 2,470 (2) 403 331 27 27 4,852 1 75 94,493 584,603 28 53 68 36,044 16,370 5,100 5,450 1 1 968,715 62 506 76 77 78 1 80 4 54 1 79 1 297 2 400 1 80 1 32 26 3 1 6 81 (Z) 48 274 125 1 46 82 9 79 3 92 83 234 634 11 910 84 136 1,438 (Z) 129 206 27 12 z 2,990 85 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 4 14 1 86 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 16 1 87 Chapter C STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS (249) I 0) o< i i 2 ° P H Z 252 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954.. 1950. . Land In farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950. . Value of laad and buildings; Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950. . Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950. . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in forns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 lo 49 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture.. farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other cropland farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. , acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954.. Improved {see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949., Woodland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949. , acres 1954., 1949. , Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954. , 1949. , Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control. ... ...farms reporting 195'i., acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which conmercial fertilizer «as used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting., tons. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons. , acres on which used.. Com , farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Sugar beets farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 40,672 45,536 38,468,979 38,104,324 945.8 836.8 36,389 26,129 39.11 32.56 83 33,662 40,556 5,218,453 6,879,193 4,278 2,548 2,035 3,283 6,774 6,855 5,803 2,081 12,621 10,929 1,022,674 958,419 20,229 18,028 4,820,070 3,157,452 12,503 3,047,738 14,462 1,772,332 3,191 1,839,454 866 173,072 23,361 24,339,766 5,690 52j,206 37,369 1.055,490 37,009 42,103 11,061,197 10,995,064 30,187 33,286 27,201,894 26,584,683 3,794 5,762 2,012,526 3,202,634 23,332 27,267 2,263,972 2,902,118 2,109 439,484 1,195 198,141 3,029 7,727 80,734 460 786 9,283 3,160 7,892 90,374 3,445 13,228 99,924 2,371 8,611 49,879 2,783 7,575 92,096 31,597 36,426 36,330,927 36,320,216 1,149.8 942.2 43,428 29,964 37.78 31.10 83 28,339 34,211 5,102,368 6,768,974 1,339 1,520 1,539 2,884 6,531 6,665 5,736 2,075 10,239 3,915 935,273 895,158 17,480 16,059 4,374,639 3,064,512 11,410 2,845,213 12,164 1,529,426 2,522 1,681,347 587 135,404 19,536 23,131,710 4,690 500,167 29,233 970,186 29,930 34,788 10,412,280 10,728,644 24,602 27,881 25,748,330 25,132,113 2,925 4,631 1,816,751 2,715,741 18,465 21,608 2,176,089 2,805,267 1,954 417,638 1,083 181,951 2,710 7,201 77,674 394 659 8,428 3,053 7,751 83,810 3,425 13,215 99,834 2,240 8,538 49,474 2,680 7,422 90,829 2,665 3,420 11,195,857 13,698,796 4,201.1 4,005.5 120,907 94,386 28.39 23.90 81 2,371 3,154 866,035 1,727,931 88 18 16 107 260 740 695 447 859 965 165,257 325,425 1,276 1,544 501,306 855,147 760 363,139 646 138,617 195 398,411 33 21,832 1,436 8,978,111 484 176,443 2,449 264,355 2,445 3,214 1,533,148 2,908,553 1,910 2,545 9,541,779 10,744,096 215 358 420,243 898,143 2,011 2,194 596,696 835,803 31 26,560 52 12,211 428 1,971 21,716 47 106 1,671 679 2,461 26,136 759 4,373 32,882 436 3,914 21,035 583 2,656 24,656 6,150 7.243 9,225,149 9,358,793 1,500.0 1,291.1 63,050 41,979 42.52 33.36 84 5,751 6,954 1,511,696 2,015,133 82 126 177 252 1,153 1,697 1,375 839 2,096 1,304 228,057 225,293 3,346 3,581 1,064,745 930,611 2,278 781,304 2,239 283,441 435 423,008 94 15,605 3,820 5,756,199 1,067 134,333 5,788 225,839 5,900 7,036 2,804,493 3,171,042 4,743 5,519 6,407,264 6,090,818 508 325 438,613 619,728 4,096 4,400 648,544 731,336 308 72,919 204 39,560 646 1,917 20,432 125 286 3,350 330 2,362 27,531 1,216 5,201 37,723 663 2,425 15,736 720 2,212 30,429 8,049 9,331 7,311,370 6,929,777 908.4 742.5 39,196 25,992 42.08 36.38 84 7,439 8,999 1,359,463 1,650,828 191 266 240 634 1,940 1,810 1,860 493 2,734 2,213 225,080 165,732 4,821 4,659 1,079,257 679,044 3,208 726,324 3,114 352,933 558 323,934 178 36,449 5,065 4,090,812 1,260 91,819 7,595 196,375 7,786 9,073 2,663,800 2,495,604 6,332 7,239 4,639,826 4,318,683 685 1,081 360,383 505,741 4,560 5,434 460,173 620,794 534 112,414 342 58,155 757 1,742 18,477 102 126 2,037 929 1,853 22,457 363 2,336 19,192 578 1,383 3,140 735 1,421 20,510 7.010 8.222 4,819,457 3,954,405 687.5 481.0 27,811 16,494 40.29 34.84 82 6,308 7,773 835,340 395,256 298 404 371 840 1,663 1,282 1,270 180 2,315 2,046 174,232 95,299 4,125 3,515 361,653 370,604 2,782 519,661 2,903 341,992 542 268,796 131 32,777 4,478 2,496,603 952 54,651 6,447 150,051 6,724 7,901 1,871,225 1,361,159 5,675 6,503 2,939,636 2,431,981 607 1,195 301,573 429,093 3,783 4,732 272,876 347,010 560 95,215 245 41,386 528 947 10,716 393 729 7,236 366 851 6,443 343 506 3,073 379 713 8,156 5,29^ 5,563 2,695,781 1,713,629 509.1 308.9 20, 361 12,454 40.12 40.46 83 4.540 4,971 406,438 369,593 418 390 495 748 1,130 878 435 46 1,692 1,302 109,617 60,455 2,852 1,913 543,297 163,202 1,766 298,624 2,181 244,673 565 181,737 93 16,033 3,217 1,338,972 618 27,529 4,800 99,687 4,939 5,131 1,059,352 593,250 4,134 4,177 1,630,326 1,070,539 637 776 197,770 193,781 2,794 3,217 146,793 161,289 319 57,834 162 20,240 228 413 4,110 120 181 2,543 161 280 2,504 175 223 1,245 208 323 5,278 COLORADO FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 253 a Bample of famiB. See teit] The State— Continued Area 1 Economic class — Continued Total all farms Economic c lass Other fanna Conmepcial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III ClasB VJ Class V Class VI Part-time f"'' , Abnorm dential al 3,755 5,269 51 3,177 2,543 240 463 671 543 454 172 306 320 8 1 4,096 4,947 67 3,538 2,846 284 490 740 674 472 186 345 340 7 2 660,765 696,316 780,971 5,367,573 5,213,799 2,360,276 1,194,659 769,466 539,012 261,412 88,974 75,103 56,882 21, ?S9 3 535,790 382,497 865,821 5,329,054 5,165,119 2,611,549 947,001 905,619 464,455 174,075 62,420 77,985 52,090 33, J60 i 176.0 132.2 15,313.2 1,689.5 2,050.2 9,834.5 2,580.2 1,146.7 992.6 575.8 517.3 245.4 177.8 2,72 .6 5 130.8 77.3 12,922.7 1,506.2 1,814.9 9,195.6 1,932.7 1,223.8 689.1 368.8 335.6 226.0 153.2 4,83' r.i 6 13,255 10,008 174,443 48,436 56,840 188,970 86,724 39,703 33,649 23,772 17,004 16,280 12,373 55, )22 7 9,I'60 7,684 540,809 30,795 35,265 131,708 49,059 28,897 17,297 12,267 16,454 11,161 12,345 8 75.60 80.80 25.98 28. '8 27.60 19.18 31.70 36.35 36.60 43.05 31.28 70.87 86.47 5 74 9 69.75 101.67 51.11 22.12 21.08 14.58 26.10 25.11 26.33 33.26 48.56 47.90 80.19 10 85 83 57 86 86 88 84 88 85 88 80 89 84 25 11 2,664 2,616 43 2,705 2,339 207 439 655 508 378 152 226 132 e 12 3,116 3,175 54 3,247 2,731 262 472 740 634 442 181 290 220 6 13 85,086 26,226 4,773 459,047 451,364 113,863 131,470 110,580 58,091 28,723 8,637 5,923 1,245 15 14 74,140 30,160 5,919 557,530 544,610 174,534 142,625 133,177 60,404 26,435 7,435 8,510 3,900 10 15 984 1,948 6 203 55 5 7 27 16 76 71 1 16 610 417 1 179 76 2 5 7 16 15 31 57 45 1 17 330 111 5 129 78 3 1 4 30 22 18 36 10 5 18 329 60 15 280 245 8 12 58 84 66 17 30 5 19 198 43 2 628 607 23 40 163 179 149 53 20 1 20 155 29 h 577 576 24 94 223 140 88 7 1 21 SI -- 7 523 516 70 207 175 44 10 10 6 1 22 1 186 186 77 75 18 15 1 23 1,142 1,169 21 1.384 1,126 117 204 283 271 207 44 153 103 2 24 1,030 960 24 1,107 887 92 148 201 231 165 50 145 75 25 41,944. 34,480 10,977 163,072 152,746 35,960 40,474 30,344 29,187 11,207 5,574 5,808 4,310 08 26 30,850 25,570 6,841 140,032 128,072 53,542 26,326 28,364 11,565 5,945 2,330 8,225 3,735 27 1,181 1,541 27 875 759 44 148 240 166 129 32 64 51 1 28 896 1,056 17 716 636 51 111 176 157 106 35 25 55 29 146,435 294 , 177 4,819 99,338 95,444 8,386 34,480 26,948 14,102 7,498 4,030 3,179 665 50 30 37 , 885 4 3,715 11,340 67,451 66,261 12,699 20,559 11,063 15,920 5,060 960 465 725 31 556 534 3 528 484 29 100 161 103 73 18 38 6 32 69,758 132,647 120 68,651 67,417 6,952 27,070 20,069 8.434 3,643 1,249 1,109 125 33 939 1,334 25 481 387 20 62 110 86 79 30 48 45 1 34 76,677 161,530 4,699 30,687 28,027 1,434 7,410 6,879 5,668 3,855 2,781 2,070 540 50 35 296 360 13 753 619 59 89 135 143 143 50 62 67 5 36 63 , 895 42,211 52,001 530.633 502,284 132,001 93,684 87,969 100,444 61,851 26,335 20,189 7,710 ' 50 37 110 162 7 163 89 5 8 31 22 11 12 29 45 38 15,088 20,650 1,730 46,721 34,323 8.212 3,538 9,141 5,754 4,258 3,420 5,373 7,025 39 1.801 1,995 29 2,475 2,096 229 404 567 435 338 123 187 189 3 40 270,689 245,210 692,157 3,925,271 3,843,915 2,018.612 864,018 480,928 311,552 133,379 35,426 28,020 33,310 20, )26 41 496 488 16 895 822 107 169 239 158 126 23 41 30 2 42 12,080 9,633 1 , 326 164.829 161,214 70,189 47,883 24,108 11,304 6,709 521 1,545 1,470 00 43 3,411 4,680 45 3,017 2,400 212 442 652 516 419 159 294 315 8 44 37,f03 33,162 14,514 143,491 133,723 43,242 26,995 23,556 19,882 14,496 5,552 6,611 2,617 40 45 3,12.1 3,907 49 2,957 2,454 223 451 666 540 416 158 271 224 8 46 3,411 3,851 58 3,334 2,763 268 478 740 644 447 186 310 255 6 47 273, 4c5 3 54,883 20.569 721,457 699,554 158,209 206,424 167,872 101,380 47,428 18,241 14,910 6,220 TO 48 142,875 99,445 24 1 1 00 765,013 738,943 240,775 189,510 172,604 87,889 37,440 10,725 17,200 8,360 10 49 2,570 2,976 39 3,011 2,477 240 451 647 533 444 162 281 245 8 50 2,650 2,701 54 3,274 2,697 277 464 739 644 437 136 300 270 7 51 376,528 321,901 755,135 4,618,976 4,498,945 2,186,573 998,176 599,241 441,183 206,437 67,335 54,017 45,330 20,( 84 52 371,910 234.645 846,015 4,515,649 4,378,379 2,375,585 743,134 726,815 366,990 122,750 43,105 64,375 39,645 33,, 50 53 372 477 20 838 663 61 94 151 149 151 57 78 92 5 54 510 605 16 1,248 1,073 105 215 284 237 156 76 70 100 5 55 78,983 63,061 53,731 577,354 536,607 140,213 97,222 97,110 106,198 66,109 29,755 25,562 14,735 i 50 56 94,730 94,220 297,943 822,489 739,334 315,403 157,435 152,001 109,185 32,355 22,955 12,025 15,740 5,. 90 57 2,235 2,591 41 2,313 1,963 213 387 539 425 312 87 200 143 7 58 2,740 2,885 34 2,655 2,229 253 426 610 487 337 116 255 165 6 59 45,166 27,622 15,095 475,554 464,058 148,656 133,493 98,443 51.468 25,086 6,912 5,792 4,779 J25 60 57,005 32,900 6,946 554,903 542,358 211,186 143,158 112,399 45,610 24,770 5,235 8,085 4,065 95 61 93 56 5 2 2 2 62 12 , 303 8,603 850 23 23 23 63 58 44 10 41 36 6 5 4 17 4 5 64 6 , 705 8.973 510 4.663 4,583 225 1,085 485 2,652 136 80 65 171 135 u 274 238 29 41 97 47 18 6 26 10 66 366 111 49 786 764 114 201 281 124 39 5 19 3 67 1,928 875 257 9,589 9,156 1,777 2,119 3,335 1,600 292 33 393 40 68 45 20 1 14 14 1 1 6 1 5 69 103 14 10 22 415 22 415 2 20 5 200 10 170 4 20 1 5 70 71 425 390 40 70 25 7 17 17 2 1 7 1 5 1 72 97 25 19 23 23 5 1 9 4 2 2 73 1,155 310 99 245 245 32 11 125 30 35 12 74 20 5 5 5 75 13 20 20 20 ... 76 90 95 95 95 77 90 40 1 40 35 2 6 1 16 5 5 5 78 46 12 15 34 33 2 10 2 15 2 2 79 290 70 45 295 290 40 65 10 150 15 10 80 48 50 26 26 3 4 11 1 7 81 94 49 10 57 57 16 5 23 5 8 82 757 435 75 670 670 280 47 270 20 53 83 254 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reporta for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Conmercial farms FifflMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUi: Farms number 195^. 1950. Land In farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Valoe of laod end buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre. ........•*.......•.... .dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in faras according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other cropland farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acreff 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops oo vhicb coaaercial fertilizer waa used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Com farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Sugar beets farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 7,846 3,309,208 3,375,886 453.9 430.3 20,028 16,249 53.66 6,476 7,260 409,988 426,381 1,437 1,055 706 996 1,288 551 375 68 3,286 2,665 140,013 115,457 1,532 1,789 55,685 50,861 633 29,321 1,064 26,364 1,012 445,155 380 47,573 3,185 1,991,242 1,820 97,994 6,736 219,552 6,842 7,534 605,686 592,699 5,345 5,573 2,576,410 2,543,322 1,295 1,884 492,728 976,636 6,345 6,927 406,422 426,574 18 1,645 111 15,036 1,414 3,244 29,696 190 294 2,352 527 982 8,361 184 770 3,729 672 1,281 7,444 633 1,125 10,483 5,015 5,528 2,442,610 2,483,293 487.1 449.2 24,885 17,717 52.09 43.77 87 4,816 5,313 389,291 400,161 472 639 586 891 1,247 541 372 68 2,466 1,985 115,979 105,752 1,140 1,277 45,338 44,504 556 27,564 718 17,774 815 369,473 300 40,073 2,350 1,299,856 1,364 90,368 4,661 182,595 4,911 5,377 550,608 550,417 3,849 4,225 1,785,313 1,720,046 1,043 1,546 409,551 660,068 4,504 4,890 365,807 391,057 18 1,645 106 15,006 1,193 2,837 27,814 150 202 2,057 482 904 7,846 174 764 3,704 592 1,249 7,274 568 1,096 10,258 186 196 736,568 812,226 3,960.0 4,144.0 104,521 91,422 25.36 22.38 89 178 154 37,343 36,231 6 1 2 42 32 43 37 15 82 60 13,672 32,008 40 33 3,463 3,220 12 1,757 31 1,706 43 94,789 6 1,250 116 568,811 65 25,827 158 17,240 178 163 54,478 71,459 139 174 677,272 727,706 48 64 96,039 211,119 171 152 49,773 52,977 77 427 4,304 3 43 550 51 210 1,660 19 190 972 51 236 1,194 22 76 493 794 568 635,429 549,552 801.5 967.5 41,231 35,015 56.69 39.56 92 778 551 109,544 85,351 21 77 98 70 230 136 95 51 311 215 39,176 14,115 155 126 12,568 9,257 63 9,061 109 3,507 100 101,167 33 4,191 414 330,958 226 25,812 746 38,825 786 556 161,288 108,723 545 472 471,301 398,302 129 207 105,358 161,044 710 480 87,558 75,354 18 1,645 29 4,625 241 806 7 720 43 78 644 113 251 2,150 42 261 1,223 166 378 2,765 147 392 3,943 1,256 1,062 494,465 447,425 393.7 421.3 24,962 20, 548 66.67 55.72 87 1,209 1,042 118,097 108,934 70 97 117 170 413 168 172 2 664 420 27,666 31,694 297 243 8,281 7,597 146 5,640 165 2,641 203 80,089 100 10,598 561 204,099 318 16,706 1,177 45,635 1,237 1,057 154,044 148,225 973 867 311,354 264,320 280 318 90,687 99,962 1,087 922 96,477 89,401 6,681 356 778 7,191 32 27 268 165 272 2,339 48 165 339 165 306 1,755 176 315 2,875 1,271 1,003 1,531 1,426 329,404 170,907 378,180 222,515 259.2 170.4 247.0 156.0 16,286 12,684 13,150 9,929 70.21 79.53 56.45 55.52 83 86 1,230 956 1,486 1,350 73,412 37,043 97,065 51,790 155 140 168 151 112 157 264 249 338 190 136 38 57 11 644 547 590 445 15,112 14,982 11,255 13,225 375 190 375 305 13,078 5,334 10,260 10,220 215 93 8,062 2,088 227 129 5,016 3,246 204 171 52,030 24,185 84 45 10,201 5,580 554 428 120,991 53,733 326 248 10,981 5,537 1,175 945 44,530 29,050 1,242 978 1,495 1,375 101,602 57,359 113,580 75,235 976 787 1,131 1,011 188,133 92,900 194,855 110,663 255 211 451 331 62,231 30,765 115,115 58,073 1,154 915 1,351 1,255 65,693 47,450 91,785 54,850 22 2,580 297 515 5,504 31 21 310 92 107 1,009 30 89 320 125 198 970 136 222 1,885 5 700 131 178 1,790 25 22 195 35 34 383 35 59 350 70 125 540 62 61 677 COLORADO FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 255 a sflmple of farma. See text] Area 2a — Continued Area 2b EcoDorei c class — Continued Total all farms Economic c Isas Other farme Conmercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 1,031 1,242 3 2,567 1,914 250 423 452 319 294 175 228 420 5 1 1,105 1,200 13 2,959 2,209 354 505 433 475 261 180 260 490 2 85,940 62,305 718,353 2,428,111 2,369,270 1,176,184 496,192 297,369 230,549 130,634 38,292 31,701 24,335 2,805 3 73,060 43,945 775,588 2,420,029 2,300,174 1,220,170 589,360 200,412 173,987 78,735 37,510 51,645 68,210 4 83.4 50.2 239,451.0 945.9 1,237.9 4,704.7 1,173.0 657.9 722.7 444.5 217.6 139.0 57.9 561.0 5 66.1 36.6 59,660.6 817.9 1,041.3 3,446.8 1,167.0 462.8 365.5 301.7 208.4 193.6 139.2 6 9,696 7,590 767, 500 33,099 42,734 126,636 53,460 32,393 23,858 17,132 7,873 10,340 3,596 20,000 7 6,565 5,913 2,223,333 28,576 36,443 102,780 44,793 29,113 13,694 11,572 7,021 6,626 4,060 3 112.98 154.75 10.12 40.23 39.28 31.76 43.73 51.36 33.85 37.20 42.57 82.20 74.66 35.65 9 103. « 155.24 50.14 36.14 36.36 29.53 40.08 62.16 41.40 36.72 34.22 40.97 25.84 10 85 87 67 88 87 79 90 91 83 88 32 90 90 100 11 861 795 3 2,245 1,308 250 417 429 295 272 145 172 260 5 12 1,005 930 12 2,710 2,130 353 493 433 450 246 155 220 360 13 13,930 5,830 937 318,194 312,539 121,478 80,211 57,076 31,693 16,303 5,778 3,455 2,040 160 14 18,265 6,505 1,450 417,856 407,686 176,590 107,442 56,127 40,886 19,031 7,610 6,770 3,400 15 375 590 242 21 6 15 26 195 16 255 161 160 65 5 "s 26 25 55 40 17 90 30 156 91 "i 3 13 39 35 50 15 18 95 10 256 206 " 45 65 53 36 40 5 5 19 36 5 441 435 5 SO I2i 92 104 28 1 5 20 10 571 571 50 217 181 80 43 21 } ,'31 331 138 93 63 31 1 5 22 88 88 56 20 6 6 23 395 422 3 1,351 1,105 168 259 291 149 147 91 101 140 5 24 335 335 10 1,233 1,073 243 272 246 216 55 45 95 60 25 6,415 7,155 10,464 148,380 139,620 42,391 35,906 30,908 12,870 11,020 6,025 5,340 3,235 135 26 4,465 4,240 1,000 140,819 133,234 71,343 26,877 14,020 12,935 4,149 3,405 6,340 1,245 27 186 205 1 724 594 117 105 163 95 84 30 75 55 28 240 270 2 778 643 93 144 147 114 90 50 75 60 29 5,895 4,445 7 60,456 54,731 19,272 10,247 13,485 5,514 3,293 2,920 3,005 2,720 30 3,170 3,105 82 45,652 41,122 13,288 9,013 6,185 7,316 2,720 2,600 3,810 720 31 46 30 1 190 170 25 36 42 37 25 5 10 10 32 1,345 405 7 13,013 12,103 3,991 2,885 2,521 1,831 740 135 110 800 33 161 185 589 464 99 79 133 54 64 25 75 50 34 4,550 4,040 47,443 42,628 15,281 7,362 10,964 3,633 2,553 2,735 2,895 1,920 35 95 100 2 302 252 26 69 46 54 41 16 30 15 5 36 15,735 10,035 49,907 236,948 232,373 100, 538 54,659 28,102 34,762 9,940 4,327 2,500 440 1,630 37 55 25 39 19 6 4 1 3 5 10 10 38 5,555 1,945 13,985 12,225 10,150 1,186 40 814 35 1,630 130 39 416 416 3 1,338 1,031 121 237 252 212 173 86 117 135 5 40 24,480 20,595 646,311 1,538,909 1,512,773 821,569 297,607 154,434 136,446 84,161 18,506 11,251 14,035 800 41 245 210 1 395 350 42 76 93 94 33 12 25 20 42 4,550 3,020 56 53,948 51,383 15,059 15,827 7,886 9,624 2,490 502 305 1,755 43 961 1,111 3 2,371 1,793 241 395 412 305 284 160 183 385 5 44 13,930 12,300 10,727 111,239 105,004 60,236 16,376 13,274 8,450 5,932 736 4,520 1,635 30 45 921 1,007 3 2,411 1,373 250 419 451 315 237 155 203 325 5 46 1,050 1,095 12 2,797 2,172 354 498 433 471 251 165 240 335 47 26,240 17,430 11,408 527,030 506,890 183,641 126,364 101,469 50,077 30,616 14,723 11,800 7,995 345 48 25,900 13,850 2,532 604, 327 582,042 261,726 143,332 76,332 51,137 25,900 13,615 16,920 5,365 49 686 807 3 2,121 1,689 221 333 411 294 239 141 177 250 5 50 690 645 13 2,302 1,897 320 443 393 410 191 140 170 235 51 46,630 37,785 706,682 1,924,237 1,884,771 965,043 388,172 213,494 184,078 105,121 28,858 19,091 17,760 2,615 52 32,940 16,950 773,386 1,780,597 1,714,142 952,271 450,128 126,051 112,023 52,254 21,405 37,695 28,750 53 140 110 2 317 257 26 72 47 55 41 16 30 25 5 54 160 175 3 513 403 54 101 81 96 41 30 40 70 55 21,290 11,980 49,907 250,933 244,603 110,738 55,345 23,142 35,575 9,975 4,327 4,130 570 1,530 56 18,885 11,845 285,838 351,586 305,651 179,698 73,110 13,390 19,573 16,690 3,190 10,455 35,480 57 886 952 3 2,134 1,757 247 412 419 285 261 133 137 235 5 58 980 1,045 12 2,729 2,119 352 497 418 456 241 155 235 375 59 19,060 10,150 11,405 369,162 360,937 132,670 101,364 61,038 40,745 17,145 7,975 4,100 4,075 'so 60 20,895 12,130 2,492 618,001 11 230 604,276 11 230 269,249 1 30 167,541 5 25 80,277 5 125 53,909 25,155 7,135 8,745 4,930 61 62 63 5 12 12 1 1 5 5 64 30 3SC 380 40 40 100 200 ... 65 115 105 1 ■ 50 50 26 18 6 66 327 76 4 347 347 268 70 9 67 1,145 700 37 3,892 3,892 3,132 670 90 68 25 15 9 9 1 1 6 69 88 4 30 30 4 8 13 70 255 40 975 975 100 50 795 20 71 30 15 45 45 17 18 5 5 72 74 4 123 123 55 26 34 8 73 435 80 1,599 1,599 704 445 375 75 74 10 38 38 13 20 5 75 6 206 206 140 58 8 76 25 1,384 1,334 999 275 110 77 65 15 443 433 132 165 99 27 5 5 5 78 28 4 3,661 3,659 2,162 938 476 79 3 1 1 79 150 20 21,729 21,664 11,834 6,294 2,868 633 10 20 30 35 80 25 40 96 96 27 32 7 20 10 81 15 14 668 668 308 220 43 55 36 82 135 90 6,946 6,946 3,538 1,866 222 935 385 83 256 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) FAlUe, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954 . 1950. land In farms a=res 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in farns according to use: Cropland harvested firms repc 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 to 499 acres farms 500 acres and over farms Cropland used only for pasture. .farms Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms ing 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . reporting 1954.. reporting 1954.. reporting 1954.. reporting 1954.. reporting 1954.. reporting 1954.. reporting 1954.. reporting 1954.. reporting 1954.. 1949., acres 1954.. 1949., reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Total all farms Cultivated surmier fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Other cropland farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acreff 1954.. Other land {house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which coamercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used.. Corn farms reporting.. tons . . acres on which used.. ."^ugar beets farms reporting. . tons . . acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons . acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 9,669 10,774 5,244,944 5,332,640 542.4 495.0 38, 900 25,649 72.56 54.78 82 8,320 9,671 1,206,554 1,552,840 527 368 383 717 2,317 2,359 1,289 360 2,330 2,347 145,702 105,518 5,967 4,600 952,306 638,721 3,636 615,206 4,351 337, 100 259 97,515 97 20,029 5,014 2,675,267 1,253 69,498 9,084 147,571 8,842 9,926 2,304,562 2,297,079 6,507 7,145 2,918,484 2,940,345 335 510 117, 544 143,576 6,538 7,634 613,447 754,787 579 99,508 176 15,329 885 2,134 24, 561 170 272 3,290 1,914 5,049 55,117 2,689 9,982 79,882 670 2,133 14,508 1,297 3,608 46,015 Economic class Coimnercial farms 8,406 9,452 5,101,065 5,208,438 606.8 551.0 42,852 28,787 71.47 53.41 82 7,727 8,950 1,193,142 1,538,640 196 273 331 661 2,282 2,343 1,283 358 2,114 2,121 135,727 103,677 5,563 4,369 911,463 624,713 3,455 599,656 4,030 311,807 224 94,975 61 16,124 4,429 2,609,411 1,096 66,443 7,932 140,223 8,006 9,065 2,240,332 2,267,030 5,752 6,374 2,840,113 2,850,977 269 449 111,099 138,241 5,931 6,893 602, 675 743,172 567 98,127 160 14,464 864 2,088 24,161 165 267 3,275 1,878 5,009 54,228 2,579 9,975 79,817 670 2,183 14,503 1,271 3,494 45,145 1,205 1,159 1,350,062 1,423,328 1,120.4 1,228.1 81,261 59,530 73.12 48.44 84 1,136 1,111 260,293 342,315 16 8 3 23 153 549 291 83 308 280 27,463 24,564 563 473 132,790 148,581 395 95,213 440 37,577 22 15,190 7 1,510 529 880, 709 190 25,507 1,158 32,107 1,150 1,115 420, 546 515,560 743 653 923,362 875,454 27 39 16,700 42,708 1,076 954 194,695 179,854 44 9,321 16 1,825 243 862 9,484 36 46 931 530 1,741 19, 505 552 3,495 27,204 222 943 6,740 383 1,272 15,255 2,165 2,391 1,499,017 1,553,355 692.4 691.5 52,334 36,647 77.93 52.65 83 2,087 2,311 405,335 513,487 15 15 37 80 505 911 348 176 638 539 34,296 38,212 1,349 1,111 242,175 201,387 333 177,586 953 64,589 87 35,917 19 1,775 1,109 737,230 327 16,368 2,058 42,289 2,110 2,331 681,806 753,086 1,483 1,555 307,443 889,443 95 132 37,692 41,927 1,717 1,858 206,717 240,724 115 22,538 39 5,909 254 496 6,682 63 121 1,560 529 1,459 15,767 985 3,965 31,059 213 834 5,018 368 1,128 14,951 2,204 2,657 1,175,677 1,101,533 533.4 414.6 34,431 24,910 62.29 62.95 82 2,070 2,500 295,152 395,550 23 46 40 190 871 457 370 73 559 562 34,781 19,320 1,560 1,383 240,797 162,922 912 162,006 1,094 78,791 31 17, 193 15 6,127 1,235 543,027 330 15,131 2,132 32,600 2,129 2,515 571, 730 577,892 1,562 1,828 600,001 492,430 45 102 23,320 30,681 1,479 2,003 117, 736 196, 965 153 25,527 47 4,667 193 421 4,252 36 48 434 542 1,168 12,219 656 1,661 14,010 170 325 2,120 335 591 9,069 1,449 1,358 625,586 715, 206 431.7 335.5 27,338 17,328 63,39 47.96 1,294 1,758 143,298 201,672 21 88 95 192 452 229 198 19 353 395 18,734 14,217 1,102 865 160, 841 71,597 755 96,599 800 54,242 32 14, 510 2 4,632 812 254,445 131 5,150 1,333 19,025 1,402 1,773 322,873 287,486 1,067 1,373 297,790 416,221 32 126 19,242 13,350 900 1,258 51,847 39, 114 103 19,052 25 770 113 210 2,151 15 10 155 180 455 4,202 250 538 4,955 35 60 385 89 228 2,765 965 953 343,432 222,310 355.9 233.3 23,464 13,449 64.59 54.32 81 68,907 65,170 76 71 100 115 229 153 67 5 186 233 15,988 6,425 628 379 98,405 24,450 395 53,513 511 44,892 44 9,755 7 945 533 138,504 77 3,053 860 9,928 865 853 134,300 95,045 545 698 165,247 125,268 51 35 10,700 8,830 538 575 24,175 26,070 108 15,684 28 953 36 54 887 15 42 195 52 104 1,315 86 172 1,594 25 20 245 70 123 1,710 418 434 107,291 91,706 255.7 211.3 19,943 11,120 75.92 77.19 73 324 362 19,157 20,346 45 45 51 55 72 44 60 61 3,465 939 261 153 36,455 15,676 163 U,739 222 21,716 1,135 211 40,495 41 1,224 376 4,274 350 373 59,077 36,961 247 267 46,270 52,161 19 15 3,445 745 221 235 7,505 10,445 44 5,005 5 340 15 35 705 45 32 1,220 40 94 895 25 52 1,385 COLORADO FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 8 sample of farma. See text^ 257 Areas ^ and A Economic class — Continued Other famiB Resi- deotial Total all farms Economic class Coimterc isl farms Other famiB Resi- dential 507 745 715 606 60,72d 74,255 71,040 51,25.' 119.8 99.7 99.4 84.5 12 , 850 10,988 9,477 10,410 100.43 125 . 78 84.94 2.-'0.37 34 SO 304 283 440 2S0 9,375 3.157 10,870 2,895 140 191 40 55 36 IL. 40 11 30 5 121 150 4,775 895 150 120 13,780 5,450 73 0,305 118 7,475 15 1,165 5 980 241 28,877 60 1,035 371 535 27, 930 17,215 326 435 34,817 50,125 20 40 2,145 5,070 301 475 6,185 8,400 10 240 5 5 15 25 18 655 11 450 5,125 870 243 110 25,258 8.535 107 9,185 193 16,073 1,375 31 2,925 338 32,160 91 1,595 4,255 325 33,540 12 , 300 423 335 38,660 37,940 20 4,300 2e0 300 2o5 3,315 2,690 10 21 230 1 8,898 1,910 808.9 1,910.0 80,545 475,000 99.57 1 1,805 23 10 1,745 4,319 425 11 1.319 11 1 2,760 534 4,394 1,303 1 1,272 525 IJ 510 35 345 10,376 12,569 12,553,849 11,995,684 1,154.3 954.4 46,205 29,896 39.20 31.44 84 3,612 10,848 .1,062,564 2,679,825 860 378 341 538 1,161 1,769 2,506 1,059 2,597 2,098 279,790 266,769 7,550 7,115 2,623,577 1,751,201 5,932 1,780,695 4,998 842,882 388 139,135 76 17,234 7,734 7,245,172 1,031 108,917 9,888 186,377 9,798 11,380 4,965,931 4,697,795 8,607 9,707 7,664,097 7,315,634 444 743 156,369 284,904 2,134 2,747 115,840 124,094 1,262 280,440 522 80,427 191 482 6,733 43 92 1,591 366 989 18,491 95 365 2,750 329 966 3,247 463 1,349 21,086 8,875 10,238 12,135,655 11,746,578 1,367.4 1,141.8 52,414 33,640 37.46 29.81 84 7,633 9,520 2,020,729 2,650,460 404 267 270 437 1,082 1,646 2,468 1,059 2,264 1,667 268,158 249,469 6,697 6,603 2,449,107 1,722,860 5,459 1,697,312 4,318 751,795 254 124,661 58 12,399 6,662 7,084,310 818 105,087 8,124 176,291 8,290 9,721 4,737,994 4,622,789 7,313 8,374 7,477,129 7,143,924 293 517 137,060 243,979 1,559 1,911 110,310 114,924 1,138 264,639 482 76,137 176 477 1,633 1,101 361 988 18,476 95 365 2,750 314 956 3,167 456 1,341 20,919 500 844 2,618,621 3,534,421 5,237.2 4,187.7 170,292 110,832 30.49 26.19 75 387 759 229,979 615,688 60 6 18 24 52 64 163 117 151 27,298 94,796 275 596 237,349 453,602 234 185,092 154 52,257 17 23,309 9 710 289 2,075,282 53 27,529 432 24,694 408 788 494, 626 1,164,086 341 670 2,125,889 2,425,892 25 43 24,019 52,976 135 194 27,104 34,301 31 13,439 20 53 817 1 29 138 2,235 12 43 400 410 546 105 744 2,778 1,551 1,942 3,110,165 3,116,458 2,005.3 1,604.8 85,337 48,723 41.20 31.31 82 1,399 1,863 611,702 774,495 24 21 22 49 197 148 471 467 435 333 50,885 50,285 1,229 1,475 641,421 519,330 1,060 494,726 742 146,695 33 18,360 12 3,866 1,215 1,739,795 222 25,079 1,451 43,636 1,472 1,337 1,304,003 1,344,160 1,335 1,6W 1,809,540 1,755,958 44 65 22,726 55,858 389 381 40,017 28,303 147 43,276 2,459 2,931 2,979,126 2,824,312 1,211.5 963.6 51,091 29,144 40.34 30.84 85 2,207 2,773 593,981 685,188 69 87 63 93 209 471 901 309 687 506 79,160 52,327 1,959 2,043 622,761 405,221 1,641 445, IW 1,146 177,647 67 33,340 11 3,297 1,885 1,599,220 238 23,712 2,302 47,367 2,368 2,815 1,295,902 1,142,736 2,067 2,406 1,711,720 1,675,163 73 164 36,637 60,740 412 581 22,880 30,490 328 74,262 169 26,703 55 53 190 126 2,045 2,074 9 12 32 20 511 290 129 127 484 206 8,233 5,468 33 25 193 85 1,170 910 47 90 105 195 771 730 98 145 239 227 7,574 6,928 2,136 2,493 1,937,835 1,436,147 907.2 576.1 34,821 17,920 36.36 29.93 86 1,853 2,343 353,284 388,210 94 73 62 112 237 435 710 35 533 342 69,381 27,342 1,611 1,497 466,823 211,206 1,304 296,393 1,076 170,430 38 16,909 11 2,191 1,651 995,361 186 14,877 1,979 33,886 2,009 2,378 889,488 626,758 1,811 2,047 1,031,651 793,532 43 130 19,100 46,200 305 410 11,894 13,215 381 59,237 116 17, 165 1,599 1,575 1,080,260 646,445 675.6 410.4 25,151 15,188 36.14 36.86 85 1,304 1,360 182, 636 152,212 111 55 66 121 261 395 266 29 353 277 33,406 21,964 1,211 754 299,636 99,718 931 182,079 663 117,557 77 25,018 13 2,075 1,185 518,403 91 7,310 1,421 19,086 1,483 1,415 515,678 273,894 1,300 1,244 576,827 379,034 84 95 27,093 25,730 214 270 4,639 6,860 172 31,299 62 6,710 1,061 636 6 20 280 50 11 75 20 995 595 15 5 22 4 125 70 105 50 124 52 655 330 69 34 60 56 1,571 2,038 630 503 409,648 188,795 650.2 375.3 24,080 11,489 35.44 31.97 79 478 422 49,147 34,667 46 25 57 39 104 145 56 6 89 58 8,028 2,755 412 238 181, 117 33,733 289 93,908 337 87,209 22 7,225 2 260 437 156,249 28 6,530 539 7,622 550 438 238,292 71,155 459 393 171,502 1W,295 24 20 7,435 2,475 104 75 3,726 1,755 79 43,076 33 3,282 15 15 950 5 18 75 15 70 135 5 15 876 991 205,958 136,880 235.1 133.1 18,398 13,525 33.65 95.12 538 656 33,830 20,050 140 76 46 78 61 102 35 181 190 6,982 6,075 393 246 68,138 12,235 257 38,200 287 29,938 56 7,775 6 1,050 517 83,461 95 2,160 799 4,672 685 731 109,000 36,360 633 645 98,218 91,140 61 120 8,325 23,035 232 390 2,643 4,680 73 8,881 32 3,625 5 100 10 3 140 1,108 1,260 190,624 73,620 172.0 58.4 16, 285 10,399 100.54 173.16 80 427 650 6,465 6,880 3U 35 25 23 16 16 1 152 230 4,650 6,450 452 255 103,515 9,520 215 45,130 385 58,385 77 6,685 10 2,085 545 62,764 111 1,425 949 4,460 808 905 1U,630 22,850 651 660 74,099 51,685 37 100 8,770 11,230 330 440 2,250 3,040 51 6,920 5 10 350 17 30 21,612 33,606 1,271.3 1,286.9 257,463 43,711 291.04 38.06 47 1,490 2,435 5 11 2,317 6,586 53 8 2,764 1 14 2 1,700 10 14,637 7 245 16 954 15 23 4,307 13,796 10 23 14,651 28,865 3 6 1,714 6,610 13 6 637 1,450 258 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL £Dat8 are based on reports for only [For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Conmercial fants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms niimber 1954 . . 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954. . 1950.. Value of land end buildings: Average per farm .dollars 1954. . 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954,. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954., Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954., 1949. , acres 1954., 1949., Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. , 1949. , acres 1954 . , 1949., Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other cropland farms reporting 1954. , acres 1954., Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954 . acres 1954 . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954, acres 1954, Other land ( house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.)...., farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954, 1949. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954. acres 1954, Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954, acres 1954. USE OF COmEKCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on vhicb connercial fertilizer *as used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting, tons. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. Com farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. Sugar beets 4'arms reporting, tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc,,,, farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. 7,092 7,850 9,565,294 9,651,031 1,34«.7 1,229,4 30,6S1 26,323 21.99 22.16 77 5,304 6,820 762,106 1,244,761 1,009 403 320 501 939 1,028 779 320 1,673 1,479 145,717 189,824 3,581 3,030 1,028,708 603, 566 1,584 540,852 2,979 487,856 477 390,063 111 27, 530 3,615 6,963,905 296 28,020 6,273 247,260 6,159 7,137 1,936,531 2,038,151 4,596 5,285 7,499,690 7,439,136 565 364 417,598 623,443 3,868 4,575 283,547 423,759 237 57,638 333 82,306 215 734 6,263 34 76 660 291 726 6,561 4X 1,885 12,084 217 486 2,656 268 763 6,896 4,844 284 754 6,103 583 1,347 9,068,528 2,954,146 2,288,687 9,416,614 4,097,102 2,503,067 1,872,1 10,401.9 3,035.4 1,542,9 7,027.6 1,858.3 40,626 164,921 65,143 31,796 116,432 40,852 20,81 14.10 21,05 21,48 17.33 23,21 76 71 76 4,016 213 631 5,567 515 1,264 735,303 103,129 173,434 1,227,417 382,623 391,733 191 6 17 200 1 8 233 2 19 444 11 34 878 23 101 988 22 191 766 95 161 316 53 100 1,214 67 199 1,177 139 247 123,043 17,973 27,320 174,954 48,667 69,483 2,727 137 360 2,531 293 614 818,556 100,546 123,854 565,052 223,657 171,015 1,286 65 186 441,161 70,184 69,976 2,247 102 284 377,395 30,362 53,373 358 28 57 357, 571 32,534 113,721 60 18 20,260 1,049 2,918 202 iM. 6,781,445 2,613,128 1,786,591 240 27 47 25,667 12,332 3,364 4,318 248 636 232,350 86,836 57,718 4,391 236 662 5,690 526 1,286 1,676,902 221,648 324,608 1,967,423 654,947 632,231 3,522 221 546 4,314 451 971 7,262,059 2,663,635 1,932,632 7,324,645 3,337,188 1,353,353 400 28 74 643 53 105 377,831 32,534 119,770 578,468 96,239 130,354 2,751 169 481 3,566 279 758 272,302 43,798 79,395 409,480 88,236 126,256 218 5 23 52,974 3,670 5,435 287 12 42 71,381 4,715 10,610 189 688 6,018 23 64 605 275 704 6,416 434 1,885 12,084 196 458 2,571 263 766 6,891 33 247 2,202 5 4 50 50 262 2,000 53 505 3,307 22 161 681 43 240 2,302 37 154 1,196 8 42 375 40 141 975 136 724 3,996 61 160 823 71 228 2,048 1,007 1,510 1,595,267 1,450,476 1,534,2 960,6 41,426 23,290 23.85 25.21 76 369 1,411 183,577 271,752 22 24 13 73 158 310 179 90 250 278 22,221 20,007 602 667 166,985 36,056 306 90,974 466 76,011 76 77,241 20 7,246 565 1,104,054 42 4,276 920 33,943 935 1,413 372,733 377,315 672 1,006 1,203,516 1,033,399 89 132 84,487 143,967 624 900 63,599 111,262 48 12,500 70 19, 519 47 127 1,535 10 8 80 83 164 1,931 134 475 3,433 53 83 657 60 117 1,U6 FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. a sample of farms. See text] COLORADO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 259 Item (For deflQitiooa and explanat ione, aee text) FAHHS, ACREAGE, AND VALUI Farms number 1954, 1950. Land In Tarms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildinga; Average per fann dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954 . 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in faraa according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949.. acres 1954. 1949. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other cropland farms reporting 1954 . , acres 1954. , Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954 . , acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other pasture (not cropland and not vfoodland) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. , Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. , Cropland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954. , 1949. , Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954., 1949. , acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total...., farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949. , acres 1954.. 1949.. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF CO^WERCIAL FERTILIZEB Crops on vhicb conaercinl fertilizer vas used, 1954: Ha.v and cropland pastured farms reporting., tons. , acres on which used,. Other pasture farms reporting. , tons., acres on which used.. Com JTarms reporting. , tons. , acres on which used.. Sugar beets J'orms reporting. , tons., acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc., farms reporting., tons., acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting. , tons. acres on which used . , Area 5 — Continued Economic class — Continued Commercial farms — Continued 1,292 1,190 1,157,071 785,430 895.6 660.0 25,972 17, 181 28.81 26.97 76 1,123 1,102 175,562 107,019 28 51 59 123 315 262 230 55 355 271 28,948 17,985 776 507 201,295 54,305 367 108,342 650 92,953 71 50,041 9 9,185 8U 667,812 57 2,205 1,133 24,228 1,215 1,139 405,805 179,309 994 848 746,801 598,310 73 155 59,226 125,670 7U 760 51,229 53,377 74 16,903 65 18,219 37 33 300 5 10 100 65 80 975 61 124 838 35 30 275 64 142 980 980 876 709,086 374, 549 723.6 427:6 19,609 11,194 25.03 27.05 77 814 765 72,826 54,955 58 62 101 144 197 161 80 11 252 126 22,014 8,747 610 279 129,131 21,034 248 56,561 535 72, 570 89 50,988 12 2,1A0 560 410,792 43 1,430 871 21,195 910 790 223,971 84,736 719 596 483,794 280,570 99 118 53,128 52,098 554 539 28,248 22, 574 39 9,851 63 11,741 89 505 16 21 215 35 45 390 105 25 39 415 527 597 364,271 205,990 691.2 3A5.0 18,122 7,746 26.71 23.98 78 366 510 26,775 19,335 60 54 39 59 84 42 21 7 91 116 4,567 10,065 242 171 96,745 8,985 114 45,124 210 51,621 37 28,046 1 640 336 199,068 24 2,060 460 8,430 433 536 128,087 38,385 370 231,681 170,825 37 80 28,686 25,140 209 330 6,033 1,T!5 29 4,615 35 (>,5n 11 38 280 21 36 320 15 12 120 5 3 30 807 680 201,337 125, 180 249.5 184.1 11,859 7,454 43.62 38.80 77 563 505 18,523 9,675 227 127 72 46 50 31 6 4 191 115 12,624 4,850 313 190 52,438 12,755 132 22,689 250 29,749 38 16,531 5 500 323 94,600 30 1,985 702 6,121 672 545 83,585 27,280 467 410 123,755 95,535 43 80 17,031 25,260 479 405 7,386 6,200 14 2,981 2,905 Resident ial 1,434 1,051 287,915 93,380 200.8 8,532 5,485 41.61 61.46 718 735 7,489 6,580 591 81 15 6 11 262 185 10,005 9,030 535 306 157, 574 21,110 166 77,002 476 80, 572 81 15,966 41 6,740 372 82,296 26 368 1,251 7,845 1,089 836 175,068 36,720 600 556 108,267 59,665 117 140 22,706 19,615 631 595 3,053 5,995 5 1,683 30 8,020 15 31 110 7 16 7,514 15,857 1,073.4 991.1 366,290 170,283 75.44 72.42 U 13 791 1,089 1 1 6 2 45 990 6 3 UO 4,649 6 140 5 30 2 5,564 2 944 7 16 976 6,728 7 5 5,609 9,191 5 1 30 100 7 9 806 2,084 6 10 85 1 10 40 6 18 95 260 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item Tiie Jta te Total Economic class Commercial farms (For definitions and explanations, see text) all farms Total Class I Class 11 Class III Class rv Class V Class VI SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 1 Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . . 27,425 37,903 36,574 21,834 29,791 29,278 2,376 2,598 2,976 5,044 5,995 6,317 5,774 7,760 7,682 4,466 6,602 6,267 3,025 4,748 4,215 1,149 2,086 1,821 2 Electricity farms reporting 1954... 3 CiCt. "i i^ ^ ^J ............................ U..J • ..[. V -•'.Q ^ . ^ 1950... 5 Television set farms reporting 1954... 11,098 29,199 8,811 23,511 1,328 2,481 2,223 5,386 2,364 6,258 1,565 4,897 992 3,248 339 1,241 Piped running water farms reporting 1954... 5 Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . . 15,945 591 13,551 555 1,774 45 3,356 125 3,651 169 2,544 121 1,610 84 616 11 7 Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . . . S Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . 10,649 9,981 1,029 2,198 2,899 2,232 1,182 441 9 Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,320 5,137 341 1,356 1,855 1,034 416 135 10 Grain combines farms reporting 1954.. . 12,134 11,489 1,050 2,670 3,238 2,547 1,438 546 11 number 1954. . . 14,304 13,531 1,427 3,305 3,809 2,823 1,575 592 12 13 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,754 2,789 2,702 2,737 311 316 723 739 837 845 567 ■ 572 199 200 65 65 number 1954.. . 14 Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . 4,316 4,106 667 1,137 1,061 751 389 101 15 number 1954... 4,426 4,216 724 1,154 1,075 762 391 110 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,602 3,516 815 1,171 760 445 235 90 17 number 1954... 3,814 3,722 911 1,242 782 456 241 90 18 19 Motortrucks farms reporting 1954... 32,003 48,653 27,161 43,007 2,567 7,316 5,874 10,744 7,210 10,538 5,856 7,530 3,973 4,833 1,681 2,046 number 1954 . . . 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 31,610 27,741 2,407 5,812 7,439 6,203 4,250 1,625 21 1950... 31,411 26,904 3,031 6,551 8,140 6,383 3,537 1,262 22 number 1954 .. . 59,647 54,910 8,161 13,975 14,126 10,156 6,171 2,321 23 1950 .. . 51,325 48,485 8,336 13,184 12,740 8,422 4,203 1,600 24 Automobiles farms reporting 1954... 34,084 47,492 27,256 39,017 2,527 6,371 5,844 9,024 7,162 9,301 5,874 7,261 4,141 5,063 1,710 1,997 25 number 1954... OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCME Farn operators— 26 With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 10,477 3,433 97 250 449 1,007 1,630 27 10,929 3,422 123 281 476 987 1,553 28 Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954... 18,227 11,430 451 1,466 2,716 3,140 2,906 751 29 1949... 17,776 10,993 601 1,519 2,435 2,833 2,814 736 30 9,852 3,992 127 333 737 1,292 1,503 31 1949... FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER 9,566 3,774 228 383 688 1,124 1,351 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 5,786 2,134 162 162 328 454 543 485 33 mules farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,276 14,681 1,722 13,144 96 1,338 176 2,933 282 3,414 346 2,940 502 1,849 318 670 34 Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954... 35 Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... FARM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2: 16,929 14,597 1,069 2,879 4,025 3,266 2,401 955 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 37,235 29,946 2,615 5,999 7,719 6,612 4,821 2,180 37 96,043 85,533 15,653 21,120 22,229 13,663 8,992 3,676 38 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 — 36,717 29,479 2,4«9 5,906 7,627 6,546 4,739 2,172 39 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . . 35,937 28,975 2,452 5,820 7,515 6,436 4,639 2,113 40 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954... 15,360 13,371 1,038 2,814 3,673 3,016 1,988 342 41 persons 1954. . . 23,789 20,924 1,776 4,531 5,955 4,610 2,353 1,199 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954... 9,614 9,280 2,066 2,935 2,289 1,145 549 196 43 persons 1954 . . . 36,317 35,634 11,425 10,769 8,759 2,817 1,500 364 44 or more days} farms reporting 1954. . . 5,315 5,200 1,775 1,962 890 356 163 54 45 persons 1954 . . . 9,887 9,665 5,116 2,686 1,154 434 193 82 46 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. . . 5,920 5,688 943 1,602 1,643 349 502 149 47 persons 1954 . . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 26,430 25,969 6,309 8,083 7,605 2,363 1,307 282 43 Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... 40,286 31,557 2,670 6,147 8,044 7,009 5,277 2,410 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954... 28,871 24,978 2,587 5,690 6,802 5,180 3,356 1,363 50 21,542 18,299 1,749 4,090 5,013 3,831 2,560 1,056 51 dollars 1954... 9,312,408 8,931,241 2,163,203 2,741,144 2,085,126 1,128,773 577,016 235,979 52 Hired labor farms reporting 1954. . . 21,914 20,389 2,538 5,338 5,797 3,823 2,103 790 53 1949 . . . 29,135 27,167 3,289 6,632 7,694 5,622 2,974 956 54 dollars 1954... 33,606,232 32,988,206 15,714,209 9,465,712 4,844,242 1,902,890 808,604 252,549 55 1949... 42,691,136 41,742,604 19,243,487 12,341,466 6,305,903 2,452,507 1,108,620 290,621 56 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... 18,115 16,624 808 3,912 5,366 3,716 2,048 774 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954... 3,799 3,765 1,730 1,426 431 107 55 16 58 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 31,127 24,625 2,331 4,992 6,382 5,395 3,888 1,637 59 1949 . . . 34,109 28,409 2,861 6,091 7,589 6,353 3,834 1,631 60 dollars 1954... 64,543,757 62,447,890 35,843,953 12,077,914 7,656,403 4,233,692 2,070,353 565,570 61 1949 .. . 43,447,610 41,554,461 22,774,507 8,145,516 5,502,619 3,116,868 1,636,636 373,315 62 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil fanns reporting 1954. . . 34,910 29,698 2,587 5,982 7,757 6,654 4,750 1,968 63 1949 . . . 35,320 32,086 3,279 6,897 8,695 7,190 4,350 1,677 64 dollars 1954 . . . 23,897,421 22,991,726 4,926,696 6,400,405 5,599,325 3,581,324 1,791,459 692,517 65 1949... 23,038,898 22,569,099 5,871,868 6,737,591 5,415,719 2,930,044 1,237,223 376,654 66 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material .farms reporting 1954... 9,633 8,981 1,456 2,531 2,543 1,452 716 283 67 3,930,657 3,869,000 1,300,026 1,274,673 795,064 314,010 128,111 57,116 68 tons 1954 . . . 45,958 44,920 15,564 14,439 8,920 3,822 1,485 690 69 acres on which used 1954... 422,476 415, 230 128,257 135,066 91,208 36,359 16,075 8,265 70 Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... 67 66 25 15 11 15 71 tons 1954 . . . 799 794 180 320 19 m 72 dollars 1954... 5,680 5,655 1,010 1,845 145 2,655 73 acres limed 1954... 1,000 995 225 335 110 325 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 261 a sample of farms. See teit] The State — Continued Areri 1 Economic class — Continued Total all farms Economic c lass Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 3,066 38 2,308 1,892 206 394 508 399 306 79 221 189 6 1 3,^11, 4,o58 45 2,8U 2,267 224 434 627 436 384 112 269 269 8 2 3,J00 3,-137 59 2,549 2,068 238 418 538 423 361 85 235 240 6 3 882 1,385 20 136 103 22 20 22 26 10 3 22 11 4 2,445 3,199 44 2,a8 1,802 210 399 493 349 291 60 181 228 7 5 1.045 1.327 22 1,533 1,309 161 303 376 233 182 54 113 105 6 6 2* 10 1 15 15 1 5 4 5 7 4 27 223 18 747 716 76 153 a7 163 'sa '26 21 10 8 105 6l 17 209 197 19 33 83 41 16 5 11 1 9 339 288 IS 502 480 54 115 142 96 45 28 16 5 1 10 393 360 20 539 515 66 126 149 99 46 29 13 5 1 11 40 10 2 1 1 1 12 40 10 2 1 1 1 13 120 80 10 504 481 71 99 141 ioo 59 11 17 5 1 14 120 80 10 534 511 81 102 149 100 60 19 17 5 1 15 37 35 14 96 91 15 21 23 25 1 1 5 16 37 40 15 107 102 18 21 36 25 1 1 5 17 2,169 2,639 34 2,614 2,232 236 435 615 430 361 105 138 192 2 18 2,470 3,030 146 3,993 3,445 604 782 894 593 436 136 243 287 18 19 2,125 1,705 39 2,420 2,202 205 439 642 466 358 92 139 77 2 20 1,535 922 50 2,227 2,036 241 443 571 453 252 76 140 45 6 21 2,523 2.0' '7 117 4,650 4,381 741 1,092 1,217 739 476 116 147 112 10 22 1,700 1,038 102 3,526 3,309 605 831 842 552 308 171 155 55 7 23 3,025 3,7l.7 34 2,395 1,977 222 433 548 411 275 88 230 132 6 24 3,725 4,607 143 3,629 3,065 586 728 735 522 387 107 298 253 13 25 3,315 3,716 13 769 290 8 18 17 90 157 266 a2 1 26 3,701 3,306 677 332 12 42 41 91 146 300 245 27 3,102 3,681 14 1,310 858 33 89 191 222 270 53 245 207 28 3,205 ■ 3,556 22 1,401 876 48 131 154 228 280 35 260 260 "5 29 2,o64 3,187 9 653 282 11 14 33 102 122 199 172 30 2,710 3,080 2 734 334 24 42 11 97 160 215 185 31 1,086 2 , 5'->0 6 261 70 2 2 6 28 32 56 135 32 544 1.004 6 496 271 35 22 27 71 68 48 111 108 6 33 S74 t 35 28 2,0n7 1,870 201 386 522 398 287 76 118 77 2 34 1,251 1 , ..70 11 353 332 4 53 120 68 71 16 a 35 3,276 3,963 45 2,914 2,467 239 457 663 535 422 151 250 189 8 36 5,1^7 5,120 193 7,705 6,886 1,270 1,394 2,150 1,095 747 230 490 300 29 37 3,258 3, '"'38 42 2,85: 2,413 226 445 652 525 415 150 250 184 8 38 J,1J5 3, 7-; 5 42 2 , -• 5o -,37S 225 443 645 512 409 144 240 174 8 39 1,124 855 10 1,309 1,137 101 225 334 259 167 51 112 60 40 1,618 1,212 35 2,160 1,811 174 367 582 377 230 31 229 120 41 214 98 22 981 952 209 304 227 140 67 5 16 6 '7 42 444 123 116 2,745 2,697 871 584 923 206 103 5 a 6 21 43 69 29 17 647 628 195 230 111 71 20 1 11 1 7 44 8ij 3': 100 1,334 1,301 684 359 137 86 34 1 11 1 21 45 153 7 514 504 87 134 150 81 43 4 5 5 46 358 ,:? 16 1,411 1,396 187 225 736 120 74 ' 10 5 47 3,729 4,950 50 3,11= 2,532 240 462 666 543 449 YIZ 301 278 8 48 2,076 1,784 li 2,275 2,034 236 439 570 409 275 105 156 77 8 49 1,725 1,501 17 1,458 1,279 139 234 377 257 203 69 125 52 2 50 254,147 116,352 10,668 664,869 642, la 206,180 147,931 150,674 62,215 60,439 14,682 16,005 4,643 2,100 51 9a 576 28 1,931 1,769 230 430 496 334 200 79 93 61 8 52 1,226 696 46 2,301 2,U0 281 465 614 452 237 61 120 65 6 53 250,266 141,590 226,170 4,142,435 4,071,124 2,112,337 1,046,137 535,182 253,621 90,380 33,467 29,945 10,066 31,300 54 334,338 144,030 470,164 4,592,977 4,466,187 2,422,837 1,197,407 590,010 188,735 59,035 8,063 62,870 35,590 28,330 55 903 572 16 1,477 1,322 33 274 434 309 196 76 88 61 6 56 18 ^ 12 ~'~ 447 197 156 62 25 4 3 5 2 57 2,822 3,639 41 2,535 2,090 223 396 546 451 357 117 223 a6 6 58 2,925 2,726 49 2,532 2,162 248 443 616 452 292 111 ao 155 5 59 981,108 725,739 339,020 2,818,199 2,674,153 1,173,973 631,901 428,177 264,223 142,586 28,288 61,453 74,443 8,150 60 800,195 464,370 628,084 3,156,538 3,046,233 1,586,115 779,144 315,120 208,359 141,413 15,577 76,725 30,080 3,500 61 2,594 2,578 40 2,807 2,383 234 450 655 503 394 147 248 168 8 62 1,975 1,206 51 2,711 2,456 268 473 684 583 347 101 175 75 5 63 483,076 385,029 37,590 1,607,705 1,554,667 421,115 396,433 393,504 215,898 101,103 21,614 31,712 16,051 5,275 64 291,315 123,365 55,119 1,255,148 1,210,478 375,529 311,599 289,269 163,408 61,893 8,780 31,475 9,445 3,750 65 384 255 13 337 301 34 51 115 65 30 6 26 10 66 39,322 16,510 5,825 79,604 77,745 11,511 21,274 26,511 13,084 4,509 856 1,584 275 67 723 210 105 945 923 Ml 221 325 174 51 11 18 4 68 4 , L 50 2.080 516 11.334 10,896 2,149 2,442 3,925 1,925 395 60 393 45 69 1 70 5 71 25 72 5 ... 73 262 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK. WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, AND [Dqta are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text} Total all farms Economic class Conmercial farms SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950 . Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954. Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950 . number 1954 . 1950 . Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . OFF-FARM WORX AND OTHER INCOME Faro operators — With other income of fajDlly exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949 . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER Ho tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting l'^54. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Coiwnercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 5,149 6,876 6,898 647 4,668 2,728 128 1,561 607 1,243 1,368 157 157 799 804 386 402 5,220 6,419 5,121 4,597 7,371 6,065 5,730 7,111 2,643 2,658 4,160 3,894 2,520 2,120 795 2,504 2,617 6,582 16,138 6,515 6,381 2,511 3,675 1,517 6,082 646 1,141 1,082 4,941 7,151 5,604 4,562 1,170,085 3,978 4,784 4,337,407 4,595,388 3,484 494 4,996 5,437 2,935,921 3,013,538 5,8U 5,405 2,239,310 1,876,532 2,376 620,305 7,703 61, 915 3,635 4,786 4,892 442 3,294 2,076 112 1,418 571 1,171 1,290 157 157 741 746 375 386 4,050 5,167 4,206 3,906 6,305 5,274 4,011 5,057 828 698 2,364 2,154 955 680 359 2,090 2,116 4,671 13,448 4,528 2,051 3,070 1,443 5,850 638 1,116 1,014 4,734 5,010 4,409 3,494 1,061,160 3,533 4,072 4,208,345 4,356,493 3,042 491 3,394 3,975 2,640,051 2,588,958 4,573 4,563 2,124,915 1,787,597 1,975 587,550 7,058 58,803 164 172 162 37 162 110 2 69 10 54 74 13 13 68 72 40 40 175 396 174 131 4A1 294 173 388 121 53 171 1,378 166 165 72 114 158 1,099 130 397 95 702 186 186 129 113,735 186 179 1,290,802 1,169,891 30 156 136 160 597,429 858,186 179 171 266,015 198,396 120 100,206 1,186 9,153 687 772 529 110 657 438 18 310 lis 246 286 45 45 189 189 124 130 741 1,096 748 514 1,392 984 721 1,012 62 36 252 156 61 41 398 350 773 3,160 765 751 367 538 450 1,871 290 445 261 1,426 794 775 523 234,962 750 532 1,558,801 1,317,612 496 254 558 455 858,713 553, 501 771 558 588,952 435,616 423 192,559 2,167 18,356 943 1,200 945 137 820 596 31 445 218 386 443 48 48 233 234 90 90 1,082 1,362 1,133 895 1,752 1,215 1,018 1,192 519 283 156 73 52 561 572 1,200 3,698 1,190 1,177 534 892 456 1,629 144 170 352 1,459 1,256 1,192 935 298,868 1,049 971 808,728 910,800 985 64 844 814 534,260 479,306 1,197 997 598,295 451,350 567 147,925 1,864 15,351 903 1,223 1,351 93 849 445 36 333 150 312 314 46 46 145 145 61 66 1,009 1,175 1,092 1,181 1,420 1,436 984 1,153 251 210 677 611 311 246 33 510 582 1,146 2,583 1,145 1,114 531 748 189 721 149 660 1,271 1,093 896 209,919 821 1,215 331,063 536,625 811 10 852 1,110 337,678 351,315 1,186 1,321 396,474 402,665 430 91,238 1,157 9,973 691 960 1,250 45 560 336 20 195 40 125 125 5 5 79 79 50 50 709 758 755 860 959 1,005 753 875 424 400 690 775 423 310 148 357 398 907 1,810 877 862 358 503 165 4i;5 137 417 1,003 794 684 134,118 505 835 166,386 297,495 493 7 662 971 236, 146 246,100 865 1,071 199,944 234,170 269 40,122 478 3,930 ^Excludes fauns reporting commercial fertilizer ajid lime. COLORADO FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSF^ OF 1954 AND 1950-Coatinued 263 a sample of farma. See text] Area 2a — Continued Area 2b Econom c class — Continued Total all farms Economic class Other fanuB Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Claaa I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 710 801 3 1,587 1,381 240 337 355 197 142 60 96 110 1 950 1,137 3 2,398 1,810 250 409 436 288 277 150 198 335 2 970 1,025 11 2,527 1,967 340 474 407 385 236 125 195 365 3 95 110 94 69 23 23 11 2 5 5 5 20 4 655 716 3 1,762 1,505 243 330 379 254 201 48 122 130 5 280 370 2 1,035 919 187 245 232 137 86 32 66 50 6 10 5 1 69 69 13 18 26 1 11 7 90 51 2 665 645 104 150 190 106 79 16 20 8 15 20 1 118 103 7 22 55 18 6 10 9 is 26 1 485 465 84 109 125 69 72 6 10 10 10 50 26 2 530 510 102 115 Ul 74 72 6 10 10 11 12 '20 36 "2 447 442 115 i24 ios 56 39 5 13 14 20 36 2 464 459 128 127 109 56 39 5 15 5 5 1 100 100 39 34 16 6 5 16 5 10 1 102 102 41 34 16 6 5 17 521 646 3 1,953 1,647 244 406 4U 278 210 95 106 195 18 561 681 10 2,929 2,608 707 636 605 325 233 97 116 200 19 51n 396 3 1,882 1,675 247 411 423 279 224 91 112 90 20 i20 260 11 1,912 1,737 339 465 398 349 176 60 35 40 21 ol7 436 13 3,929 3,696 987 943 834 511 313 103 123 100 22 430 285 26 3,525 3,370 1,066 933 590 505 201 70 105 50 23 785 932 2 1,862 1,464 226 335 350 238 171 94 173 220 24 945 1,102 7 2,745 2,322 674 554 481 235 224 104 208 210 25 901 912 oS; 183 5 20 33 37 88 201 265 5 26 1,010 950 874 209 6 12 40 66 85 250 415 27 876 917 3 1,103 675 52 93 158 151 170 46 178 250 28 850 890 1,215 630 77 120 140 177 Ul 25 205 330 29 765 797 3 621 248 18 35 66 33 96 163 210 30 690 -50 668 258 28 22 70 77 61 150 260 31 330 595 38" 112 6 16 15 50 25 65 210 32 185 251 298 127 3 6 13 25 20 60 51 120 33 245 166 3 1,101 1,004 153 241 245 173 126 61 62 30 5 34 271 230 781 671 94 170 178 101 93 30 50 60 35 911 997 3 2,315 1,832 250 422 441 299 274 146 183 290 5 36 l,i31 1.232 27 14 , 194 13,598 4,486 4,355 3,208 659 628 262 241 350 5 37 906 991 1 2,2c4 1,791 242 411 438 287 267 146 133 285 5 38 891 961 1 2,206 1,744 237 406 432 281 247 141 132 275 5 39 285 175 887 795 112 178 205 113 114 73 37 55 40 365 240 1,406 1,298 220 267 379 156 170 106 38 70 41 45 26 3 1,001 975 236 343 256 78 55 7 21 5 42 175 31 26 10, 582 10,556 4,029 3,682 2,397 222 211 15 21 5 43 5 3 515 499 186 203 71 25 14 11 5 44 10 15 1,065 1,049 589 231 123 37 14 11 5 45 45 21 2 782 772 186 256 222 58 43 7 10 46 175 21 11 9,517 9,507 3,440 3,401 2,269 185 197 15 10 47 1,021 1,11" 3 2,545 1,902 250 422 452 319 293 166 228 410 5 48 69i. 496 3 1,970 1,674 250 421 413 245 221 124 141 150 5 49 621 446 1 1,525 1,264 176 327 274 201 174 112 121 135 5 50 77,480 29,945 1,500 840,697 822,737 328,125 242,247 127,210 86,847 26,423 11,935 10,980 5,330 1,600 51 316 126 3 1,437 1,366 250 406 332 187 112 29 41 25 5 52 480 220 12 1,911 1,776 354 472 373 341 171 65 30 55 53 48,397 15,165 64,000 3,835,498 3,817,603 2,220,403 937,004 453,190 131,437 72,910 2,659 16,645 725 525 54 91,430 28,815 118,650 4,869,780 4,826,490 3,024,170 1,211,473 320,292 159,360 83,105 23,090 24,645 13,645 55 316 126 991 921 40 227 337 183 105 29 40 25 5 56 3 446 445 210 179 45 4 7 1 57 755 845 2 1,774 1,332 212 329 335 227 154 75 167 270 5 58 825 625 12 2,052 1,692 299 422 331 359 181 100 150 210 59 169,005 120,165 6,700 1,461,828 1,405,902 694,560 304,133 223,961 33,231 77,240 17,777 34,156 21,470 300 60 152,165 84,515 187,900 1,727,451 1,690,146 996,388 368,513 162,340 97,550 46,600 13,755 23,240 14,065 61 651 587 3 2,173 1,305 244 412 447 313 273 116 148 215 5 62 550 280 12 2,170 1,985 343 477 398 401 241 125 110 75 63 70,505 39,340 4,550 1,669,716 1,632,666 627,019 421,331 352,043 133,944 74,539 23,790 21,695 14,755 600 64 61,265 21,260 6,410 1,635,661 1,603,296 694, 151 436,935 242,630 160,485 49, 110 19,935 27,275 5,090 65 230 170 1 538 528 154 198 113 43 15 5 5 5 66 24,090 8,265 400 410, 597 410,307 244,774 106,361 43,117 12,975 2,555 25 90 200 67 539 102 4 5,034 5,032 2,935 1,320 582 155 39 1 1 1 68 2,14 5 930 36,475 21 574 4,385 650 36,410 21 574 4,335 650 20,257 9,610 10 315 1,830 325 4,350 1,778 1 4 20 20 395 10 255 2,535 305 20 30 35 69 70 71 72 73 264 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Comnercial farms SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped riinning water farms reporting 1954 . . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954. . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . , Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . number 1954 . . 1950 . . Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . OFF-FAHM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farn operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949 . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949 . 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949 . FABMS BY CLASS OF WOHK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or miiles. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2; Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 7,800 9,321 9,743 5,275 7,772 4,539 142 2,188 2,326 3,737 4,315 1,060 1,069 923 949 1,710 1,789 8,204 14,002 8,254 8,561 18,715 15,851 8,856 12,878 1,659 1,780 3,738 3,626 1,599 1,709 1,011 4G4 2,769 5,485 9,095 20,309 3,996 8,850 3,808 5,694 2,481 5,765 1,588 2,278 1,277 3,487 9,634 7,319 5,803 3,Ck41,447 6,017 7,797 9,206,055 11,730,835 4,330 1,187 7,922 8,526 31,351,424 18,074,93 8,693 9,115 7,598,540 6,779,958 4,271 2,080,931 23,324 223,760 5 10 50 5 6,878 8,159 8,652 4,632 6,831 4,161 137 2,092 2,254 3,592 4,143 1,039 1,048 907 933 1,639 1,768 7,589 13,249 7,657 8,195 17,945 15,449 7,863 11,601 700 695 2,788 2,611 798 849 265 2,589 5,068 8,035 18,829 7,942 7,312 3,509 5,318 2,445 5,699 1,577 2,247 1,252 3,452 8,407 6,889 5,456 3,005,862 5,827 7,551 9,140,065 11,676,430 4,642 1,185 6,893 7,655 30,944,634 17,809,928 7,989 8,614 7,463,198 6,711,698 4,199 2,065,111 23,110 221,521 5 10 50 5 1,155 1,192 1,108 882 1,139 869 5 407 191 570 668 208 213 232 242 534 574 1,175 3,229 1,154 1,071 3,849 3,018 1,180 2,494 30 41 195 172 26 55 15 432 722 1,187 3,965 1,147 1,124 499 780 834 2,061 7W 1,249 313 812 1,210 1,167 920 879,102 1,137 1,110 4,575,254 4,893,390 464 673 1,1W 990 22,064,346 12,235,603 1,185 1,124 2,101,459 1,770,932 921 732,754 8,441 79,365 5 10 50 5 1,916 2,143 2,268 1,303 1,938 1,199 36 572 716 1,029 l,a9 312 315 283 289 567 601 2,075 3,931 2,087 2,190 5,519 4,818 2,117 3,319 40 61 491 459 68 115 29 747 1,340 2,113 5,571 2,096 2,066 1,028 1,599 825 1,906 561 666 403 1,240 2,165 1,999 1,6U 1,115,194 1,861 2,273 2,861,032 4,106,239 1,465 396 1,796 2,022 4,798,795 2,714,099 2,122 2,287 2,448,330 2,208,129 1,366 722,409 3,013 74,921 1,749 2,146 2,494 1,198 1,821 1,049 32 622 747 955 1,116 322 322 187 187 304 304 1,986 2,992 2,023 2,452 4,290 4,229 2,077 2,711 120 123 746 714 165 208 56 615 1,403 2,103 4,4S7 2,030 2,1X6 871 1,392 457 1,049 200 222 295 827 2,204 1,868 1,460 611,731 1,598 2,216 1,180,121 1,907,125 1,515 83 1,803 2,191 2,490,344 1,550,387 2,118 2,505 1,614,031 1,689,570 1,159 406,347 4,311 42,421 1,082 1,381 1,653 696 1,009 553 32 296 393 557 622 127 127 147 157 179 179 1,238 1,640 1,273 1,567 2,385 2,256 1,308 1,639 230 185 667 650 300 205 35 476 797 1,369 2,594 1,357 1,332 572 820 191 442 141 381 1,448 1,030 828 241,321 735 1,283 343,842 565,811 719 16 1,118 1,483 1,005,137 844,121 1,376 1,653 776, 533 708,355 459 134,372 1,555 14,563 678 885 785 392 652 341 32 127 155 359 396 44 45 51 51 30 85 776 1,016 811 666 1,396 822 832 1,041 280 285 518 491 239 266 61 250 561 1,534 885 872 363 476 99 186 69 156 962 610 461 91,484 367 506 138,240 154,176 355 12 755 692 471,003 385,243 850 747 376,501 244,432 209 46, 554 526 6,046 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Co.uinued 265 a sample of '■arms. See text] Arey 3— Continued Areas 4 and A Econoinjc class — Continued Total all farms Economic c laas Other farms Conmercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- Abnormal Total Class I Claas II Class III Class 17 Class V Claas VI Part-time Resi- Abnormal dential dential 379 537 6 6,788 5,470 409 1,152 1,682 1,205 750 272 557 745 15 1 i77 679 6 10,068 8,300 439 1,516 2,395 2,013 1,366 521 767 985 16 2 590 501 9,238 7,334 677 1,531 2,200 1,625 1,024 277 790 1,085 29 3 278 365 3,445 2,577 265 538 767 486 392 78 310 545 13 4 396 539 6 8,265 6,799 471 1,390 2,005 1,579 999 355 617 833 16 5 157 266 5 4,029 3,488 230 877 1,038 773 393 122 265 268 8 6 5 149 134 15 30 44 28 U 6 10 5 7 •15 'so 1 3,493 3,300 204 674 993 834 420 175 127 58 "s 8 .41 30 1 1,628 1,600 79 357 621 342 162 39 11 10 7 9 73 61 11 4,480 4,267 197 924 1,303 1,046 582 215 127 81 5 10 89 71 12 5,591 5,334 392 1,265 1,587 1,187 658 245 150 102 5 11 10 10 1 1,020 999 42 223 325 263 114 32 20 1 12 10 10 1 1,046 1,025 42 236 333 258 114 32 20 1 13 10 5 1 810 779 98 272 236 107 51 15 15 'ii 5 14 10 5 1 829 798 112 275 238 107 51 15 15 11 5 15 15 5 1 884 852 103 316 249 90 59 35 16 11 5 16 15 5 1 958 926 146 337 252 96 60 35 16 11 5 17 265 344 6 8,708 7,601 452 1,500 2,227 1,773 1,191 443 535 561 11 18 298 415 40 13,661 12,341 1,554 2,978 3,344 2,393 1,504 553 517 646 57 19 290 296 U 8,883 7,872 385 1,463 2,306 1,929 1,315 474 554 435 11 20 250 116 8,899 3,255 734 1,720 2,5a 1,939 1,064 277 370 %5 29 21 361 378 31 15,644 14,413 1,251 3,429 4,148 3,033 1,328 724 573 518 40 22 270 132 13,587 12,865 1,872 3,107 3,717 2,520 1,251 398 375 290 57 23 454 533 6 9,599 7,935 458 1,470 2,235 1,900 1,337 485 751 894 9 24 555 683 39 13,791 11,461 1,400 2,334 3,054 2,438 1,650 585 1,037 1,225 58 25 <31 523 5 2,421 869 37 81 129 233 389 737 765 26 650 435 2,783 947 47 94 157 264 385 856 970 27 373 567 10 4,447 2,960 37 371 729 869 761 143 739 747 1 28 600 415 4,655 2,939 155 409 787 783 639 101 765 935 16 29 300 496 5 2,418 1,101 46 UO 237 335 373 671 645 1 30 490 370 2,629 1,053 73 U2 239 298 325 710 865 1 31 171 356 1,460 718 104 54 90 137 204 129 252 484 6 32 46 93 533 285 11 34 63 70 80 27 60 138 33 88 86 6 3,896 3,559 259 790 1,03C^ 850 464 166 131 151 "5 34 202 210 5 4,987 4,313 126 673 1,275 1,079 351 308 383 285 6 35 ,70 579 XI 9,946 8,341 492 1,504 2,332 2,035 1,423 555 752 832 11 36 698 746 'ib 21,745 19,279 2,776 3,818 5,163 4,138 2,520 854 1,261 1,155 50 37 1 470 574 10 9,791 8,191 452 1,471 2,308 2,017 1,394 549 758 831 11 38 464 564 10 9,573 8,048 445 1,436 2,271 1,993 1,359 543 723 791 U 39 157 142 4,374 3,884 161 708 1,232 1,002 634 157 284 201 5 40 204 172 7,091 6,304 324 1,196 1,972 1,672 920 220 439 323 25 41 20 10 6 2,105 2,015 392 588 542 293 139 61 61 25 4 42 30 10 26 5,081 4,927 2,006 1,136 920 473 241 101 99 41 14 43 5 5 1 1,162 1,118 346 337 219 89 52 25 31 9 4 44 5 5 21 2,692 2,621 1,504 532 274 107 68 36 47 10 14 45 15 5 5 1,261 1,207 157 317 376 222 93 42 35 18 46 25 5 5 2,389 2,306 402 654 646 366 173 65 52 31 47 506 71C 11 10,806 8,863 500 1,551 2,459 2,136 1,590 627 375 1,051 16 48 242 182 6 7,077 6,297 473 1,359 1,938 1,405 809 313 409 367 4 49 211 135 1 4,749 4,134 233 911 1,329 920 535 205 299 314 2 50 26,727 6,010 2,848 2,361,492 2,263,419 436,025 714,725 605,502 306,374 152,482 48,210 73,075 24,098 900 51 92 92 6 5,297 4,981 456 1,30 1,570 1,025 507 183 202 110 4 52 170 75 1 7,508 7,169 792 1,669 2,283 1,509 775 141 201 120 18 53 16,655 22,835 26,500 7,495,1CK 7,317,412 3,681,464 1,820,358 1,039,477 463,975 229,098 33,040 95,195 45,127 36,370 54 30,110 11,295 13,000 9,1&4,475 8,919,632 4,382,674 2,192,452 1,468,281 584,776 270,194 21,255 50,623 21,230 172,990 55 92 91 5 4,553 4,256 153 975 1,479 939 484 175 190 107 56 1 1 744 725 313 254 91 35 23 8 12 3 4 57 450 573 6 3,356 6,932 391 1,289 2,005 1,701 1,131 415 551 708 15 58 525 345 1 9,657 8,169 680 1,607 2,448 1,992 1,115 327 710 755 23 59 200,738 121,932 84,120 17,464,335 16,907,543 7,753,556 3,641,770 2,988,234 1,648,404 533,257 132,322 320,134 186,285 50,922 60 172,850 67,145 25,000 10,734,341 10,182,779 4,219,394 1,986,929 2,206,612 1,103,738 593,161 72,945 220,340 149,455 131,767 61 330 363 11 9,621 3,385 471 1,507 2,374 2,026 1,452 555 650 575 11 62 350 150 1 9,876 9,112 799 1,805 2,720 2,201 1,245 342 435 300 29 63 72,337 53,155 9,850 6,373,609 6,620,039 881,244 1,721,073 1,857,089 1,270,412 535,302 253,419 157,329 83,198 13,043 64 44,890 18,370 5,000 6,988,730 6,872,902 1,492,233 1,960,818 1,829,755 1,042,453 430,950 115,683 55,740 26,980 33,108 65 41 25 6 1,160 1,108 139 265 351 214 104 35 42 10 66 9,360 5,010 1,450 344,526 341,408 91,932 113,537 80,967 29,721 13,916 11,235 2,218 900 67 112 56 46 4,257 4,214 1,440 1,255 862 353 175 118 31 12 68 1,425 600 214 53,883 53,026 6,791 20,309 16,385 4,572 3,579 1,190 502 355 69 41 40 20 5 10 5 1 70 215 210 170 5 15 20 5 71 1,245 1,220 960 15 125 120 25 72 ... 345 340 220 10 90 20 5 73 266 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK. WORK POWER. FARM LABOR. AND , [Data are based on reports for only I Item Area 5 Total Economic class Commercial farms (For definitions and explanations, see text) all farms Total Class I Class II Class III SPECIFIED FACILITIES AHD EQUIPMENT 1 Teleohone farms reporting 1954 — 3,793 6,432 2,578 4,469 202 271 508 721 537 2 Electricity farms reporting 1954... 956 3 1950 . . . 5,619 4,365 451 1,097 1,098 ^ Television set farms reporting 1954... 1,501 4,514 988 3,280 98 256 179 622 229 5 6 °iDed nrnnlne water farms reporting 1954... 740 Home freezer farms reporting 1954. . . . 2,031 1,598 167 294 360 7 Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 195'i . . . 88 88 9 IS 32 8 Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. . . . 1,995 1,810 169 339 432 9 Mi Iki TIP riaehine farms reporting 1954 . . . 432 407 35 110 131 10 I'll, ilV 1.11^ UO^lliliC ■■■»••,•••.•■•■■••••■. "■* m*T J. *-^*j*. v.*.A*^ .fc^,*^-.- Grain combines farms reporting 1954... 1,687 1,514 91 247 327 11 number 1954 . . . 1,961 1,739 125 294 373 12 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. .. 516 506 47 143 142 13 number 1954. . . . 516 506 47 U3 142 l". Pick-uD bav balers farms reporting 1954... 833 756 83 170 156 15 number 1954... S46 769 89 172 158 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954... 426 409 84 109 73 17 number 1954. .. 456 438 92 119 84 18 Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . - . 5,304 7,649 4,042 6,197 275 816 717 1,321 S86 19 number 1954. . . 1,341 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 5,050 4,129 242 664 912 21 1950... 5,215 4,725 515 1,219 1,303 22 9,338 8,170 892 1,600 1,885 23 1950... 8,771 8,218 1,481 2,506 2,147 2i 5,642 4,008 268 718 884 25 number 1954... OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators— 7,338 5,511 829 1,077 1,128 26 With other income of family exceeding value of fam products sold operators reporting 1954... 2,331 563 14 29 62 27 1949 . . . 1,957 541 15 36 67 28 Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. . . 3,469 1,785 45 165 373 29 1949 .. . 2,985 1,733 110 244 357 30 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. . . 2,041 608 22 45 80 31 1949 .. . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORX POWER 1,706 600 33 51 87 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 1,292 300 16 29 24 33 No tractor but horses and/or 750 415 26 61 71 34 Tractor and horses and/or mules farrns reporting 1954... 2,344 2,032 172 371 441 35 Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... ttpck of S^ptenber 26-October 2: 2,706 2,097 70 293 471 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 6,383 4,600 276 730 980 37 15,952 13,493 1,778 2,822 3,523 38 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954... 6,296 4,525 256 718 959 39 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954. . . 6,127 4,465 255 71B 944 40 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. . . 2,471 1,995 93 308 497 41 persons 1954 . . . 3,763 3,123 164 564 738 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,529 1,450 237 425 351 43 persons 1954 . . . 6,062 5,905 1,359 1,540 1,841 44 or more days) farms reporting 1954... 757 740 204 291 145 45 persons 1954 . . . 1,377 1,331 593 403 223 46 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. . . 1,004 939 100 231 248 47 persons 1954 .. . SPECIFIED FASH EXPENDITURES 4,685 4,574 766 1,137 1,618 48 Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... 7,031 4,843 284 753 1,007 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. . . 4,626 3 675 275 152 697 481 821 638 50 Machine hire farms reporting 1954... 3,445 2^672 51 1,233,818 1,135,892 200,036 286,084 291,041 52 Hired labor farms reporting 1954... 3,254 2,913 269 661 702 53 1949 . . . 4,834 4,489 573 1,221 1,237 54 dollars 1954... 4,589,733 4,433,657 1,833,949 1,242,380 827,544 55 1949... 7,737,681 7,497,372 3,350,475 2,316,283 1,109,395 56 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... 2,780 2,441 88 474 616 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954... 474 472 181 187 86 58 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 5,544 3,934 255 624 849 59 1949 . . . 5,905 4,756 484 1,142 1,189 60 dollars 1954... 8,511,500 7,375,607 3,550,084 1,842,602 991,427 61 1949 . . . 6,740,819 6,236,417 2,878,816 1,743,330 788,854 62 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,802 4,563 274 720 966 63 1949 . . . 6,043 5^358 574 1,297 1,391 64 dollars 1954 . . . 3,908,541 3,596,241 629,844 824,286 779,363 65 1949... 4,502,869 4,383,128 1,340,627 1,384,444 913,145 66 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material fanns reporting 1954... 951 870 386,879 88 118,849 228 117,933 238 90,197 67 394,694 68 tons 1954... 4,695 4,583 1,421 1,463 976 69 acres on which used 1954... 35,109 34,574 10,542 9,428 8,776 70 Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... 71 tons 1954... 72 dollars 1954... . • . 73 acres limed 1954... ... ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime . COLORADO FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] 267 {For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 5 — Continued Economic class — Continued Commercial farms — Continued Other farms SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . Electricity farms reporting 195-;.. 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped rurmlng water farms reporting 1954 . . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 195i.. Grain combines farms reporting 1954.. number 195"^ . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . niimber 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . , Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954. . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . number 1954. . 1950.. Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. number 1954. , OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER IKCCKE Far* operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949., Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954., 1949., 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949.. FAftMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of Septeaber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers. Including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures-' farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 680 458 1,211 876 825 559 262 IAS 857 545 393 272 19 10 495 279 90 37 *67 255 527 278 131 36 131 36 196 110 197 111 84 40 84 40 1,073 726 1,404 881 1,169 787 894 519 2,068 1,199 1,153 616 1,033 768 1,224 886 166 171 554 434 211 201 64 528 641 1,292 998 729 222,097 721 322 378,952 417,200 705 16 1,046 957 890,019 501,285 1,250 1,031 788,013 452,678 191 32,620 413 3,448 292 252 497 438 250 228 125 365 422 1,228 2,794 909 1,753 1,215 901 1,204 890 539 837 254 753 362 554 124 309 71 82 19 19 198 671 112 290 980 647 502 112,070 412 450 111,590 239,565 410 2 779 583 455,126 224, lU 916 699 402,570 216,658 20,455 215 1,630 193 434 335 72 260 112 96 4 127 142 7 7 41 42 19 19 365 434 355 275 526 315 337 367 151 150 68 155 200 477 823 476 454 196 266 59 103 ID U 50 92 527 237 170 24,564 148 186 39,242 64,454 14S 381 401 146,349 100,018 437 366 172, 165 75,576 36 6,825 90 750 524 684 753 1,203 520 721 172 334 474 753 164 268 124 54 17 1 68 105 76 146 10 10 58 18 58 IB 1 9 1 9 554 701 635 801 504 410 270 216 597 553 315 226 622 1,006 682 1,134 729 625 691 525 566 455 91 180 324 695 1,076 691 635 249 343 51 98 797 432 348 49,830 177 175 42,929 74,660 177 576 505 195,622 154,375 567 355 129,498 70,670 40 1,930 22 155 1,039 791 993 726 867 650 244 125 285 1,081 1,337 1,020 222 287 26 30 4 5 23 25 1,384 512 419 46,326 162 161 45,672 28,455 162 1,027 636 201,443 119,610 670 326 178,530 42,220 35 1,860 35 115 7 7 13 7 7 1 7 7 1 1 7 8 7 16 7 4 IS 12 6 11 7 46 5 10 2 29 2 29 1,720 2 9 67,475 137,194 238,828 229,917 2 4 4,272 6,851 6 3,975 55 265 268 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item The St ate Total Economic class Commercial farms (For definitions and explanations, see text) all farms Total Class 1 Class 11 Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Livestock on hand:^ 1 Horses ajid miiles ..farms reporting 1954... 17,957 14,866 1,434 3,109 3,696 3,288 2,351 983 2 1950... 24,695 20,939 2,243 4,279 5,231 4,753 2,932 1,501 3 number 1954 . . . 72,554 61,605 11,646 15,695 13,181 10,793 7,366 2,924 i. 1950 . . . 117,690 104,946 20,689 22,937 24,213 20,137 11,402 5,563 5 All cattle aiid calves ..farms reporting 1954... 31,596 25,791 2,200 5,147 6,673 5,764 4,132 1,320 6 1950... 34,977 29,661 2,835 6,178 7,917 6,833 4,080 1,818 7 number 1954 . . . 2,100,366 2,046,470 670,456 554,267 417,275 246,047 121,255 37,170 3 1950... 1,812,678 1,771,650 633,034 477,848 359,233 199,345 79,309 22,831 9 Cows, including heifers that [ have calved ..farms reporting 1954... 29,779 24,619 1,877 4,909 6,487 5,595 3,939 1,762 10 11 1950... 33,861 28,930 2,627 6,003 7,808 6,724 4,505 1,763 number 1954 . . . 389,231 864,626 207,992 253,091 206,442 120,642 58,480 17,979 12 1950... 778,674 759,422 216,469 219,973 178,661 94,995 38,285 11,039 L4 Hi Ik cows ..farms reporting 1954... 24 , 529 30,788 20,357 26,340 1,578 2,330 4,120 5,492 5,432 7,177 4,670 6,121 3,158 3,629 1,399 1,591 1950... 15 number 1954... 152,529 142 . 749 15,398 40,215 42,224 25,437 14,610 4,865 16 1950. . . 167,792 156,654 15,458 37,290 46,533 35,100 16,435 5,838 17 All hogs and pigs ...farms reporting 1954... 11,091 9,222 658 1,669 2,290 2,281 1,595 729 18 1950... 18,972 16,133 1,311 3,156 4,383 3,777 2,514 987 19 number 1954 . . . 2"3,092 191,373 69,463 35,223 35,426 30,789 16,044 4,428 20 1950... 262,038 243,972 45,156 50,992 66,757 51,757 21,900 7,410 21 27,149 21,162 1,436 3,964 5,536 4,878 3,537 1,711 22 1950... 35,159 28,649 2,255 5,670 7,674 6,609 4,400 2,041 23 number 1954... 2,247,116 1,941,373 116,333 389,537 563,855 453,597 301,745 111,306 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 2,647,591 2,359,550 207,126 510,625 642,732 572,011 314,108 112,948 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ...farms reporting 1954... 25,613 23,040 2,069 4,734 6,008 5,138 3,644 1,447 26 1949... 28,484 26,055 2,691 5,520 7,093 5,967 3,457 1,327 27 number 1954 . . . 1,443,914 1,427,594 714,688 322,643 211,444 117,203 50,779 10,832 28 1949... 1,090.815 1,081,834 579,492 243,228 152,326 75,931 25,563 5,294 29 dollars 1954... 178,228,339 177,147,996 118,341,410 29,626,788 16,166,064 8,764,419 3,564,147 685,168 30 1949... 166,042,339 165,162,226 104,345,274 32,441,903 17,507,579 7,973,273 2,431,488 462,709 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 7,717 6,885 500 1,320 1,797 1,732 1,173 363 32 1949 . . . 16,348 14,725 1,061 2,763 4,129 3,749 2,229 794 33 number 1954 . . . 248,287 238,443 101,267 44,793 38,789 34,202 15,588 3,804 3A 1949... 372,982 354,212 64,621 81,834 95,053 71,789 32,063 8,852 35 dollars 1954. .. 8.797,835 8,557,636 4,069,541 1,603,536 1,379,310 935,862 438,555 80,332 36 1949 . . . 12,588,803 12,051,472 2,664,490 3,123,405 3,110,887 2,150,012 801,833 200,845 37 Chickens sold . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 8,023 6,932 484 1,266 1,936 1,671 1,147 428 38 1949 . . . 12,329 10,660 639 2,057 2,952 2,633 1,708 671 39 dollars 1954... 1,967.414 1,882,951 893,048 387,072 302,984 147,419 126,835 25,593 40 1949... 3,048,376 2,900,888 1,180,423 595,228 489,196 371,460 212,596 51,930 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 14,321 12,060 642 2,151 3,316 3,020 2,103 828 42 1949... 20,753 18,013 1,146 3,483 5,063 4,315 2,833 1,168 43 dozens 1954 . . . 12,595,559 11,710,355 760,079 2,624,572 3,646,991 2,725,627 1,603,258 349,828 44 1949... 15.452,102 14,577,659 1,228,445 3,470,838 4,279,243 3,363,034 1,855,060 381,034 45 dollars 1954... 4,728,848 4,391,907 284,085 1,048,809 1,377,616 981,524 575,653 124,220 46 1949 . . . 6,411,483 6,042,312 655,623 1,401,188 1,742,419 1,348,934 752,718 141,430 47 Milk sold' gallons 1954 . . . 84,758,142 26,869,595 82,619,956 26,315,764 12,204,248 4,926,726 27,664,334 9,685,375 25,670,249 7,652,737 11,194,345 2,833,785 4,740,543 974,785 1,146,237 192,306 48 dollars 1954... 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 22,006,795 21,335,991 3,476,212 6,436,483 6,728,383 3,366,701 1,065,108 243,099 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 11,866 10,760 1,279 2,559 2,882 2,215 1,274 551 51 1949 . . . 16,293 14,731 1,296 2,853 4,176 3,416 2,079 911 52 acres 1954 . . . 398,658 387,861 53,671 113,150 100,312 67,256 29,354 14,118 53 1949... 610,956 597,416 63,448 137,248 185,042 132,738 56.110 17,780 54 Com harvested for grain.. ...farms reporting 1954... 6,168 5,609 427 1,229 1,672 1,284 695 302 55 1949... 12,073 10,859 655 1,931 3,213 2,671 1,683 701 56 acres 1954... 209,482 204,647 18,307 65,645 53,567 41,715 14,549 5,864 57 1949... 474 ,497 464,982 38,055 104,224 150,423 111,340 48,040 12,400 58 bushels harvested 1954... 5.569,076 5,456,906 1,003,075 1,893,469 1,449,450 744,613 274,444 91,350 59 1949... 11,666,275 11,440,710 1,358,375 3,068,001 3,755,364 2,205,520 835,750 217,700 60 bushels sold 1954 .. . 2,703,863 2,681,493 426,620 1,080,130 767,907 303,636 89,325 13,875 61 1949 . . . 6,156,712 6,103,472 703,597 1,729,430 2,197,670 1,037,625 338,090 47,060 62 Winter wheat threshed rw i^riml^ \ nfH ............aA« . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 9,461 12,209 9,013 11,811 552 1,242 1,984 3,127 2,645 3,663 2,219 2,401 1,227 1,081 386 297 63 \Ji, UVJIUU XKdJ #••••••■••■•••»• 1949 . . . 64 acres 1954 . . . 1,548,245 1,526,681 224,669 517,633 413,419 235,266 106,237 29,457 65 1949... 2.280,827 2,271,702 757,908 786,716 471,029 188,953 54,490 12,601 66 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 15,363,460 15,265,357 2,790,596 5,347,590 4,106,779 1,803,159 590,296 126,937 67 1949... 34,971,941 34,847,246 12,912,842 12,585,561 6,225,783 2,430,672 561,898 130,490 68 bushels sold 1954... 13.733,022 13,660,959 2,582,513 5,332,241 3,690,745 1,517,774 465,155 72,531 69 1949 . . . 32,407,805 32,341,215 12,307,524 11,852,414 5,529,012 2,131,076 452,938 68,251 70 Barley threshed or combined ...farms reporting 1954... 9,060 8,647 1,054 2,363 2,460 1,587 909 269 71 1949 . . . 17,369 16,435 1,847 3,841 4,903 3,456 1,732 656 72 acres 1954 . . . 349,535 344,641 61,604 115,269 90, 107 47,445 24,446 5,770 73 1949... 758,616 746,148 152,156 203,165 218,552 115,579 46,511 10,185 74 bushels harvested 1954... 6,201,302 6,124,611 1,716,586 2,071,269 1,374,465 625,265 266,871 70,155 75 1949 . . . 21,338,854 21,074,439 5,298,766 6,155,981 5,777,152 2,630,375 1,009,270 202,895 76 bushels sold 1954... 2,822,909 2,792,086 795,688 1,010,755 632,196 240,775 93,097 19,575 77 1949 . . . 10,157,566 10,061,381 2,562,367 3,107,169 2,767,009 1,126,516 444,085 54,235 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans ...farms reporting 1954... 4,304 4,113 696 1,170 1,113 640 349 145 79 1949... 6,097 5,691 495 1,347 1,681 1,188 700 28C 80 acres 1954... 226,214 222,723 36,533 69,032 70,632 30,179 13,008 3,289 81 1949... 277,947 274,070 27,047 67,313 93,675 55,800 25,100 4,635 82 100- lb. bags harvested 1954... 1,803,001 1,796,423 550,442 651,983 419,157 130,079 39,427 5,340 83 1949 . . . 2,055,768 2,044,593 359,749 743,609 571,215 265,965 89,435 14,625 84 Hay cut acres 1954.. . 1,293,534 1,252,594 299,513 342,055 291,610 185,787 99,649 33,980 85 1949 . . . 1,390,308 1,348,298 398,529 362,051 299,853 177,916 82,823 27,126 86 tons 1954... 1,991,555 1,938,767 467,401 585,372 452,724 255,486 136,496 40,788 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, aee text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. COLORADO CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 269 a sample of fanns. See text] The State— Conti nued Area 1 Economic class — Continued Total all farms Economic claas Other farms Conmercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-tijne Resi- dential Abnormal l,il8 1,639 34 2,563 2,141 235 408 549 469 355 124 229 135 3 1 1,850 1,872 34 2,796 2,385 261 433 699 529 327 136 220 190 1 2 3,984 5,325 1,539 19,421 17,235 4,307 4,048 3,783 2,951 1,561 486 946 1,133 101 3 5,-105 5,609 730 26,495 24,448 5,658 5,776 6,453 3,659 2,353 549 1,195 840 12 4 2,660 3,112 33 2,625 2,220 197 415 565 500 405 137 238 155 2 5 2,585 2,682 49 2,898 2,478 225 473 698 594 377 111 240 175 5 5 32,283 13,267 8,345 338,141 333,182 97,535 104,459 72,319 38,935 16,411 3,522 3,551 1,054 254 7 23,770 10,375 6,883 265,466 261,511 85,063 75,927 53,405 26,175 3,721 1,220 3,105 710 140 3 2,423 2,704 33 2,567 2,183 192 413 556 495 380 137 232 150 2 9 2,455 2,427 49 2,850 2,455 218 467 693 589 372 111 240 150 5 10 14,326 5,572 4,707 158,895 155,534 47,150 47,759 33,183 18,775 8,035 1,732 1,705 472 84 11 10,950 4,787 3,515 132,812 130,837 42,051 37,814 34,039 11,968 4,470 495 1,520 310 45 12 1,878 2,264 30 2,108 1,804 159 346 490 403 302 104 178 124 2 13 2,215 2,187 46 2,598 2,243 203 448 637 517 342 96 225 125 5 14 5,295 3,410 1,075 9,059 8..?69 914 1,463 2,544 1,734 1,236 378 550 184 55 15 6.045 3,517 1,575 12.04-' H,0o2 1.320 2,189 3,038 2,574 1,665 276 765 215 5 16 933 922 14 910 785 58 120 242 181 142 42 80 50 1 17 1,5P0 1,302 3- 1,228 1.078 75 192 316 268 192 35 115 35 18 5,782 3,905 2,032 7,806 7,215 912 1,848 1,803 1,783 623 241 305 220 66 19 9,000 4,703 4,363 11,481 10.876 879 2,111 3,891 2,635 1,055 255 565 40 20 2,503 3,451 33 1,972 1,625 117 279 457 354 308 110 198 143 1 21 3,220 3,240 50 2,601 2,211 138 370 639 547 331 136 250 135 5 22 146,512 137,411 21,820 117,236 101,565 6,970 14,844 35,416 13,765 20,157 5,413 9,313 5,183 1,175 23 154,790 109,420 23,831 135,312 122,562 5,843 29,564 28,401 32,729 19,936 6,089 9,240 3,450 50 24 1,946 600 27 2,200 1,980 175 385 541 437 331 111 173 40 2 25 1,780 610 39 2,542 2,327 239 419 673 573 352 65 165 45 5 26 11,879 1,455 2,986 146,990 145,507 51,859 45,470 27,759 14,390 4,811 808 1,121 120 142 27 6,180 875 1,926 114,974 114,309 43,683 33,891 23,336 9,793 2,765 341 530 70 15 28 781,337 71,665 227,341 13,546,079 13,548,241 5,161,395 4,327,705 2,466,739 1,192,497 347,760 51,645 80,438 6,200 11,200 29 549,715 66,800 263,598 15,586,381 15,523,921 5,321,048 4,753,277 3,026,704 1,192,545 294,981 35,255 54,900 5,160 2,400 30 558 260 14 432 331 24 45 136 76 87 13 35 15 1 31 1,205 386 32 939 854 35 129 249 260 150 30 65 20 32 5,846 1,450 2,548 7,310 6,730 755 2,002 1,553 1,287 1,025 107 350 120 106 33 11,420 1,919 5,431 17,920 17,350 517 4,317 6,046 4.210 1,750 500 450 120 34 108,970 28,945 102,284 200,587 188,827 23,207 53,952 54,644 34,908 18,774 3,342 5,750 2,000 4.666 35 271,000 37,901 228,430 572,060 558,900 19,893 168,112 177,485 126,460 53,375 13,575 10,585 2,575 36 744 326 21 500 443 21 43 161 108 84 25 45 10 1 37 1,095 545 29 674 594 19 92 142 171 130 40 65 15 38 49,114 14,389 20,950 47,437 44,627 1,606 3,073 16,631 5,730 16,947 535 2,140 145 525 39 103,155 26,070 18,253 117,174 111,224 1,157 53,335 11,642 23,900 12,950 3,220 4,525 1,425 40 1,196 1,049 16 989 827 31 129 253 217 159 38 105 55 1 41 1,675 1,020 45 1,275 1,105 29 193 318 295 210 60 130 40 42 545,509 157,770 171,925 498,110 454,789 16,970 44,154 206,124 83,436 93,151 10,904 28,971 6,350 8,666 43 591,285 122,850 160,308 570,877 542,087 7,689 174,735 98,123 156,145 89,375 15,520 25,520 3,170 44 214,617 61,894 60,430 210,531 192,144 7,299 18,350 89,907 35,651 36,805 4,122 13,747 2,540 2,666 45 251,310 47,330 70,531 245,383 233,533 3,109 "7,275 39,199 66,335 40,920 6,595 10,565 1,285 46 1,129,731 113,355 895,090 3,288,795 3,105,519 300,767 547,565 1,119,199 640,501 387,669 109,718 128,732 8,032 46,512 47 237,532 19,102 297,19" 807,570 763,455 96,596 148,317 297,680 128,643 73,889 13,330 22,735 1,330 20.000 48 223,005 25,380 421.919 943,176 918,231 181,552 178,976 245,212 187,550 114,490 10,351 22,895 1,050 1,000 49 642 446 18 157 140 13 21 46 49 10 1 15 1 1 50 795 740 27 116 86 9 32 25 10 5 5 15 15 51 8,265 1,984 548 1,977 1,888 488 376 567 380 65 12 55 4 '36 52 8,345 3,755 1,440 1,333 1,258 452 446 250 30 45 35 35 40 53 328 226 5 20 14 1 1 1 1 10 5 1 54 630 575 9 37 22 2 15 5 5 10 55 3,794 939 102 200 161 75 7 13 1 65 ... 35 4 56 6,975 2,245 295 480 445 300 110 ... 35 20 15 57 73,035 30,930 3,205 7,573 5,623 2,150 525 1,040 8 1,900 ... 1,750 200 58 161,235 51,920 12,410 19,137 17,562 8,562 ... 8,750 250 1,000 4"5 59 20,345 2,025 ... ... > . . ... 60 49,020 4,220 ... 1,000 ... ... 1,606 ... 61 314 119 15 428 418 29 93 143 78 48 27 10 ... 62 241 140 17 555 535 53 109 137 111 65 10 10 "6 63 18,012 2,650 902 43,812 43,702 5,611 16,663 13,834 5,240 1,224 1,130 110 54 6,750 2,070 305 50,004 49,784 11,974 17,515 13,190 5,660 1,375 70 160 "56 65 79,246 10,158 8,699 605,033 603,158 80,097 239,286 198,261 59,125 13,093 13,295 1,375 66 98,410 21,795 4,490 1,181,422 1,178,022 295,568 459,249 277,635 113,185 30,435 300 2,400 1,000 ... 67 52,021 3,400 6,542 559,126 557,625 75,386 226,030 187,435 52,712 10,813 5,250 1,500 ... ... 68 60,060 5,560 970 1,101,185 1,093,485 284,585 446,220 241,940 98,985 25,755 1,300 900 69 256 145 12 507 496 38 107 170 112 56 13 5 5 1 70 575 345 14 843 788 60 142 215 235 111 25 30 20 5 71 3,768 830 296 18,830 18,750 3,712 6,712 5,657 1,762 823 79 25 20 35 72 9,185 3,010 273 17,967 17.582 2,100 4,667 4,610 4,730 1,360 115 95 260 30 73 58,145 10,530 8,516 465.262 463,471 109,800 159,008 130,394 48,660 12,554 3,055 300 200 1,291 74 202,385 52,535 9,495 621,599 612,724 72,429 163,810 177,255 159,600 36,540 3,090 3,075 4,800 1,000 75 28,790 1,035 998 293,195 293,195 81,150 100,997 82,260 23,148 3,000 2,640 76 91,845 3,840 500 179,523 178,783 7,290 45,983 58,070 55,975 8,800 665 240 500 77 110 80 1 1 1 1 78 205 200 1 10 10 5 5 79 2,935 550 5 1 1 1 80 3,110 760 7 110 110 '90 20 31 5,855 610 108 2 2 ..2 32 8,895 2,250 25 1,840 1,840 ... 1,800 40 83 25,410 12,286 2,244 350,200 343,609 98,474 94,107 78,479 43,311 22,941 6,297 4,605 1,556 ■ 436 84 25,435 13,505 2,070 417,947 407,767 144,029 100,815 96,239 40,589 19,965 6,130 6,695 2,975 510 85 33,970 14,799 4,019 409,995 404,276 106,284 118,315 100,201 47,849 26,309 5.318 3,760 1,342 61" 86 270 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD. AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, 3ee text) Al-ea 28 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class 11 Class III Class IT Class V Class VI Livestock on bandi^ 1 Horses and mules ..farms reporting 1954... 3,29° 2,449 127 422 613 543 505 239 2 1950. . . 4,568 3,516 150 432 667 911 871 485 3 number 1954 .. . 12,660 9,139 1,293 2,185 1,849 1,728 1,437 647 i 1950... 19, 60S 16,376 2,207 2,695 3,183 3,585 2,971 1,735 5 All cattle and calves ..farms reporting 1954... 5,452 3,838 131 567 975 994 772 399 6 1950... 5,723 4,330 144 473 891 1,231 1,076 515 7 number 1954 . . . 207,211 190,658 29,362 54,945 48,034 33,768 17,674 6,875 3 1950 . . . 1«3,062 149,908 33,404 33,506 37,604 25,602 14,547 5,245 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved .............. ..farms reporting 1954... 5,121 3,687 113 561 943 876 954 1,216 727 1,066 389 490 10 1950... 5,581 4,258 142 468 11 number 1954... 04,756 86,528 13, ■•■7 26,179 21,446 15,154 7,655 2,927 12 1950... 74,624 69,379 14,224 15,823 18,678 11,504 6,640 2,510 13 U MiUt cows ..farms reporting 1954... 4 45*^ 3,188 3,994 94 478 820 796 858 1,160 614 1,011 324 490 1950... 5!215 116 421 15 number 1954... 21,510 18,670 375 4,033 5,315 5,020 2,646 1,281 16 1950... 22,207 19,299 657 2,572 4,749 5,720 3,751 1,850 17 All hogs and pigs . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,272 1,735 42 226 450 491 324 202 18 1950... 3,456 2,715 77 268 524 791 745 310 19 number 1954 . . . 22,918 20,079 664 3,279 5,071 6,745 3,180 1,140 20 1950... 38,360 33,471 2,917 4,869 8,446 8,929 6,510 1,800 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954 — 5,225 3,557 91 487 944 966 692 377 22 1950. . . 6,148 4,372 94 436 890 1,201 1,171 580 23 number 1954 . . . 344,026 276,408 4,938 61,253 87,163 68,370 36,433 18,251 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 292,429 229,744 4,727 27,912 45,681 71,895 55,869 23,660 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ..farms reporting 1954... 3,641 3,027 102 453 763 810 601 298 26 1949 . . . 4,091 3,476 143 402 745 935 891 360 27 number 1954 . . . 83,810 79,334 14,949 24,055 20,529 11,854 6,160 1,787 28 1949... 77,170 75,150 21,096 20,853 17,552 9,530 5,109 1,010 29 dollars 1954... 7,564,797 7,263,775 1,649,913 2,345,816 1,706,468 966,913 470,913 123,752 30 1949... 9,695,077 9,521,091 3,172,533 2,671,014 2,167,905 974,960 443,344 91,335 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ..farms reporting 1954... 1,425 1,239 35 185 311 365 237 106 32 1949 . . . 3,080 2,579 56 241 542 800 675 265 33 number 1954 .. . 24,860 23,118 636 4,608 6,239 7,640 3,011 984 34 1949 . . . 66.28= 59,401 7,080 7,909 13,892 16,990 10,605 2,925 35 dollars 1954... 735,054 705,999 24,046 143,726 222,572 212,195 87,905 15,555 36 1949... 2,009,240 1,828,405 323,202 311,506 434,237 475,055 223,340 61,065 37 Chickens sold ................ ..farms reporting 1954... 1.204 1,808 938 1,382 21 7 159 109 273 251 258 415 147 420 80 180 38 1949 . . . 39 dollars 1954 . . . 102, °38 88,093 919 30,945 24,232 20,647 9,005 2,345 40 1949... 146.369 120,084 358 19,964 21,857 34,370 29,355 14,180 41 Chicken eggs sold ..farms reporting 1954... 2,415 1,829 29 225 521 489 379 186 42 1949 . . . 3,164 2,483 19 232 522 745 655 310 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,988,950 1,859,270 11,729 585,035 625,701 440,886 151,724 44,195 44 1949 . . . 1,364,485 1,207,450 7,147 186,029 239,189 416,805 280,700 77, 580 45 dollars 1954... 782,277 734,172 4,293 244,126 243,754 172,032 52,452 17,515 46 1949... 538,266 473,076 2,459 74,464 88,338 173,730 107,210 26,875 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 10,X3,914 2,750,308 9,725,229 2,642,443 234,639 75,397 2,427,701 818,928 3,210,177 944,047 2,380,934 553,616 1,014,562 181,218 457,216 69,237 48 dollars 1954... 49 Specified crops barvcstcd; 1949 . . . 2,222,428 2,082,713 83,938 395,725 697,605 530,485 270,160 104, 800 50 Com for all purposes ..farms reporting 1954... 2,168 1,811 83 298 503 465 342 120 51 1949... 2,904 2,293 64 243 491 620 555 320 52 acres 1954 . . . 27,493 25, 579 2,866 6,005 7,172 4,841 3,650 1,045 53 1949... 28,205 25,163 1,593 4,640 5,710 6,540 4,555 2,125 54 Corn harvested for grain.. ..farms reporting 1954... 1,308 1,087 51 146 311 282 202 95 55 1949... 2,239 1,709 17 166 366 475 430 255 56 acres 1954 . . . 14,120 12,819 1,145 2,422 4,114 2,883 1,610 645 57 1949... 18,920 16, 560 358 2,942 3,530 4,875 3,275 1,580 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 790,395 731,980 74,175 128,490 270,520 145,790 83,825 29,180 59 1949... 380,365 803,630 21,870 168,630 197,010 220,185 128,250 67,685 60 bushels sold 1954... 212,715 201,940 36,750 126,175 20,250 17,065 1,700 61 1949 . . . 223,345 213,005 66, 170 43,045 65,175 28,445 10,170 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined ...farms reporting 1954... 1,032 930 43 136 274 259 159 59 63 1949... 1,165 1,034 .38 140 251 380 175 50 64 acres 1954 . . . 56,782 55,225 6,978 19,520 12,890 9,528 4,280 2,029 65 1949 . . . 57,730 55,935 5,262 11,621 18,727 15,455 4,205 665 66 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 706,419 780,315 96,450 259, 355 205,487 139,026 66,525 13,472 67 1949 . . . 1,168,599 1,129,789 117,959 253,355 357,335 315,620 76,070 9,450 68 bushels sold 1954... 673,745 664,168 87,627 231,668 171,321 110,469 53,630 9,453 69 1949... 941,917 930,472 106,857 230,505 271,560 264,295 51,030 6,225 70 Barley threshed or combined • . • farms reportlnc 195^ . . . 1,388 1,566 1,221 1,420 59 52 207 159 311 308 335 481 238 280 71 140 71 1949... 72 acres 1954 . . . 17,986 16,773 1,590 3,783 4,342 3,728 1,959 1,371 73 1949... 19,332 18,282 936 3,182 5,292 5,470 2,385 1,015 74 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 644,330 615,415 86,961 147, 845 169,475 114,248 67,081 29,805 75 1949 . . . 736,262 704, 242 40,537 145,265 197,050 203,485 86,560 31,345 76 bushels sold 1954... 220,667 213,394 6,400 57,370 85,796 38,300 19,778 5,750 77 1949... 179,420 166,745 4,000 53,315 39,815 45,430 20,995 3,190 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans ...farms reporting 1954... 1,15" 1,102 29 211 409 272 156 25 79 1949... 1,574 1,454 23 156 375 475 325 100 80 acres 1954... 117,800 116,095 8,635 39,100 44,381 18,739 4,655 585 81 1949... 108,857 107,052 9,282 24,825 37,165 23,725 10,860 1,195 82 100-lb.bags harvested 1954... 535,526 581,801 44,537 199,811 224,986 87,083 23,969 1,415 83 1949... 653,751 647, 581 46,656 176,080 206,660 157,240 52,710 8,235 84 acres 1954... 125,525 115,481 11,825 28,793 30,482 24,148 14,263 5,970 85 1949... 130, 552 120,147 15,992 25,933 26,892 26,160 16,865 8,305 86 tons 1954... 281,843 263,440 26,119 68,342 69,100 55,208 31,663 13,017 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table .12. ''Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. COLORADO CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 271 8 sample of farms. See text] Area 2b — Continued Area 2b Economic class — Continued Total all farms Economic c lass Other farms Commercial farma Other farma Part-time Resi- Abnormal Total Claaa I Claas 11 Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-tiine Resi- Abnormal dential dential ~Xi 417 3 1,399 1,131 156 247 258 203 146 121 113 150 5 1 'cO 480 12 1,858 1,523 284 373 267 304 145 150 120 215 ... 2 1,030 1,157 1,334 5,574 4,781 1,202 1,025 985 699 519 351 423 350 20 3 1,515 1,245 562 9,816 8,751 2,407 2,169 1,421 1,484 550 720 510 555 4 720 891 3 2,009 1,587 183 363 385 296 224 136 182 235 5 5 730 650 13 2,190 1,805 291 437 352 384 201 140 145 240 6 7,400 3,875 5,278 117,965 114,598 38,571 31,422 24,473 11,814 5,765 2,553 2,437 920 10 7 5,085 1,850 3,219 109,526 107, 566 49,571 28,280 14,192 10,161 4,157 1,205 1,170 790 8 625 806 3 1,986 1,569 181 352 385 296 224 131 177 235 5 9 715 595 13 2,158 1,783 285 436 342 379 201 140 145 230 10 3,315 1,747 3,166 59,390 57,717 19,390 14,933 13,213 5,716 3,081 1,384 1,163 500 "5 11 2,470 980 1,795 53,438 52,378 22,149 14,922 7,046 5,083 2,483 695 570 490 12 545 721 1 1,638 1,321 142 329 314 269 156 111 132 180 5 13 640 570 11 1,930 1,600 269 406 332 318 170 105 130 200 14 1,630 1,181 29 5,141 4,488 410 992 1,301 913 595 277 388 260 5 15 1,620 920 368 6,945 6,430 936 1,765 1,352 1,557 600 220 240 275 16 280 256 1 939 722 rj 139 185 131 97 83 92 125 17 440 290 11 1,625 1,235 134 283 276 277 150 115 135 255 18 1,725 1,103 11 19,787 18,667 2,708 5,679 5,603 2,529 1,499 649 555 565 19 2,375 745 1,769 32,804 30,949 7,535 6,288 8,210 6,176 1,615 1,125 720 1,135 20 725 941 2 1,722 1,221 143 276 291 224 164 123 161 335 5 21 925 840 11 2,165 1,675 198 398 351 353 215 160 180 310 22 33,580 33,070 968 102,085 85,423 11,951 13,993 25,322 15,353 13,366 5,438 5,702 10,650 310 23 36,560 21,965 4,160 108,533 96,708 12,543 22,068 25,800 21,207 9,520 5,570 5,025 6,800 24 460 151 3 1,386 1,218 126 240 340 216 186 101 138 30 25 460 150 13 1,605 1,420 186 341 267 345 196 85 95 90 ... 26 2,225 357 1,894 50,350 49,389 17,833 12,743 11,183 4,704 2,270 656 881 80 27 1,270 200 550 50,366 49,896 27, 127 12,718 4,522 3,853 1,406 270 350 120 28 153,790 20,702 126,530 4,360,964 4,302,799 1,657,622 1,169,107 913,348 355,676 157,271 49,775 54,415 3,750 29 107,050 14,015 52,921 6,933,870 6,889,560 4,247,734 1,546,311 546,950 397,410 124,015 27,140 36,560 7,750 30 IX 55 1 650 539 68 136 128 107 74 26 56 55 31 415 75 11 1,282 1,102 139 245 246 272 120 80 85 95 32 1,460 270 12 20,180 19,298 3,630 7,055 5,252 2,044 1,068 249 537 345 33 4,050 230 2,604 51,350 49,755 14,366 11,194 12,200 8,675 2,415 905 1,055 540 34 20,770 7,585 700 673,046 657,501 146, 322 251,339 167,781 71,885 16,215 3,959 10,470 5,075 35 92,160 6,275 82,400 1,640,410 1,612,835 516,209 420, 591 385,095 229,755 42, 560 18,625 17,550 10,025 3t 170 95 1 311 271 42 57 53 62 37 20 30 10 37 310 105 11 40O 359 43 71 115 60 55 15 10 40 38 10,675 3,810 360 48,859 47,199 4,748 12,053 22,374 4,173 3,211 640 1,495 165 39 18,440 4,045 4,300 38,108 35,743 4,543 7,315 14,5.-5 4,390 4,530 420 1,125 1,240 40 260 325 1 578 528 63 115 142 109 79 20 40 10 41 440 230 11 1,008 903 111 221 215 136 105 65 50 55 42 82,015 36,715 10,950 387,865 373,855 46,014 56,539 111,904 81,192 74,981 3,225 13,760 250 43 102,640 22,835 31,560 472,102 459,937 67,134 82,103 143,950 93,620 61,405 11,725 6,875 5,290 44 30,650 13,075 4,380 153,122 147,047 19,023 23,052 41,003 34,447 28,39-' 1,125 5,960 115 45 46,790 8,775 9,625 193,698 188,438 26,020 35,198 58,440 38,870 24,900 5,010 3,045 2,215 46 497,201 59,584 21,900 1,369,606 1,309,187 21,429 235,440 592,250 240,764 200,592 18,712 60,126 293 ... 47 84,315 10,410 13,140 306, 544 292,974 4,140 57,179 136,446 53,536 38,488 3,185 13,525 45 48 80,505 7,050 52,160 409,440 405,194 31,139 101,725 95,985 134,430 37,020 4,895 4,005 250 49 211 145 1 168 133 43 30 36 8 11 5 20 1; 50 345 255 11 82 57 2 20 20 5 10 5 20 51 1,354 545 15 2,955 2,860 1,524 468 735 93 20 20 55 40 52 1,780 810 452 475 430 60 170 105 45 50 15 30 53 i35 85 1 19 14 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 54 295 235 50 30 1; 5 10 20 ... 55 975 325 1 73 63 20 5 10 3 5 20 10 56 1,625 735 160 130 3; 45 50 30 57 42,895 15,490 30 950 900 566 40 200 40 20 100 50 ... 53 58,380 18,355 5,650 5,400 • . ■ ... 1,650 1,250 2,500 250 59 9,775 1,000 600 600 50O 100 60 13,545 1,795 375 375 375 61 65 35 2 66 51 4 13 2 21 6 5 5 5 5 62 95 35 1 80 65 4 16 20 10 10 5 10 5 63 945 485 127 882 787 78 232 26 363 68 20 45 15 '35 64 1,630 135 30 1,303 1,168 83 160 445 315 115 50 95 40 ... 65 9,935 4,345 1,824 19,097 18,072 1,440 6,300 602 7,170 2,160 400 500 150 375 66 36,280 1,450 1,080 28,225 24,250 1,740 3,300 12,400 2,950 2,735 1,125 3,450 525 67 6,405 1,550 1,622 16,372 15,962 1,140 6,150 582 5,910 1,830 350 410 68 10,770 315 360 13, 2X 11, 7X 1,740 1,000 5,400 2,450 200 940 1,500 69 90 75 2 935 853 149 231 213 123 107 30 47 30 5 7C 105 40 1 1,404 1,224 188 281 322 257 105 70 80 100 ... 71 690 465 58 37,625 36,892 13,309 8,293 7,170 4,750 3,035 335 538 120 75 72 825 205 20 55,465 53,250 19,041 12,585 11,970 7,131 1,928 595 1,745 470 73 20,920 6,295 1,750 1,141,806 1,130,376 496,446 230,756 220,215 119,464 58,310 5,135 9,155 1,525 750 74 27,650 3,950 420 1,860,073 1,816,413 730,338 473,640 353,815 13-', 170 51,145 20,305 37,175 6,485 75 5,465 810 998 633,160 627, 890 332,511 143,474 65, 170 49,865 33,595 3,275 5,270 76 12,675 937,356 919,666 442,496 204, 105 164, 245 83,535 21,100 4,185 17,100 590 77 45 10 180 105 8 7 2 12 26 50 20 55 78 80 40 266 136 6 10 10 25 35 50 30 100 79 1,540 165 701 501 56 135 5 89 61 155 140 60 80 1,610 195 910 710 165 70 30 110 245 90 70 130 81 3,500 225 3,405 2,350 414 610 22 377 377 550 845 300 82 5,505 665 5,830 4,675 1,220 30 135 700 1,955 535 460 695 83 6,360 3,170 514 189,776 186,361 74,561 46,977 33,392 19,021 8,467 3,943 1,905 1,460 50 84 6,700 3,155 550 225,016 220,526 104,393 58,902 19,977 21,184 12,320 3,750 2,875 1,615 ... 85 12,ltX) 5,370 924 197.436 194,396 72,648 53,766 37,971 18,068 8,337 3,606 1,980 1,025 35 86 272 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 3 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI LivestocL on band; i 1 Horses and mules ..farms reporting 1954... 3,173 2,854 ■ 447 776 671 561 311 88 2 1950... 4,610 4,258 529 1,094 1,104 918 361 152 3 number 1954 . . , 9,004 8,114 1,437 2,433 1,682 1,391 381 235 i. 1950... 17,608 15,289 2,866 4,093 3,389 4,073 1,186 682 5 All cattle ajid calves ..farms reporting 1954... 8,008 7,135 1,078 1,888 1,897 1,154 732 327 6 1950... 8,792 8,030 1,049 2,082 2,306 1,638 551 304 7 number 1954 . . . 558,003 551,346 272,804 137,010 83,030 33,947 19,315 5,239 e 1950 . . . 448,228 441,558 192,412 123,456 71,313 39,110 11,234 3,533 9 Cows, including heifers that 1 have calved •••••■•••••••• ..farms reporting 1954... 7,288 8,371 6,577 7,679 855 9M 1,742 1,999 1,310 2,244 1,127 1,612 736 621 307 239 10 1950... 11 number 1954 . . . 159,015 156,625 38,388 52,143 39,984 15,532 8,197 2,381 12 1950... 129,267 126,952 26,707 44,529 30,791 18,459 5,011 1,455 13 Milk cows ..farms reporting 1954... 6,293 7,968 5,700 7,311 762 891 1,531 1,896 1,562 2,146 990 1,529 590 580 265 269 U 1950... 15 number 1954... 52,062 50,726 6,972 18,677 U,637 6,332 3,015 993 16 1950... 50,978 49,503 5,085 14,809 16,199 9,267 3,267 876 17 All hogs and pigs ..farms reporting 1954... 2,045 1,874 272 465 446 351 245 85 18 1950... 4,014 3,657 448 910 1,099 780 294 136 19 number 1954 . . . 29,584 28,656 5,792 5,573 8,215 4,200 2,400 475 20 1950... 51,750 49,244 3,862 14,024 13,172 9,745 2,736 655 21 Chickens 4 months old and over. .farms reporting 1954... | 6,695 5,848 741 1,523 1,543 997 687 357 22 1950... 8,521 7,520 885 1,939 2,197 1,545 714 339 23 number 1954 . . . 600,052 «9,5U 53,539 128,514 159,304 101,372 74,975 31,706 21. Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold; 729,937 675,255 73,952 172,693 138,563 148,623 65,485 25,934 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ..farms reporting 1954... 6,888 6,493 1,032 1,300 1,668 1,033 668 237 26 1949 . . . 7,472 7,121 1,050 1,897 2,041 1,391 530 a2 27 number 1954 . . . 536,138 533,914 372,316 91,625 42,199 16,968 9,133 1,673 28 1949... 381,140 379,803 264,972 65,516 29,773 15,065 3,642 835 29 dollars 1954... 89,430,283 89,313,857 73,921,258 9,612,556 3,683,123 1,320,754 677,8a 93,345 30 1949... 70,292,727 70,161,215 55,234,836 9,781,341 3,166,233 1,550,438 366,691 61,176 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ..farms reporting 1954... 1,581 1,469 195 385 423 256 174 35 32 1949 . . . 3,513 3,296 357 771 1,009 770 286 103 33 number 1954 . . . 50,531 49,649 22,011 11,859 9,261 3,975 2,232 310 34 1949... 74,356 72,032 12,346 19,932 20,556 13,195 4,933 1,070 35 dollars 1954... 1,807,033 1,783,253 862,886 348,760 376,427 112,791 71,559 10,330 36 1949 .. . 2,524,959 2,461,803 434,762 773,920 681,787 423,410 121,490 26,434 37 Chickens sold ...farms reporting 1954... 2,501 2,255 297 555 574 405 292 122 38 1949 . . . 3,722 3,346 308 874 951 715 351 136 39 dollars 1954... 874,734 856, 215 471,040 155,364 136,873 30,372 51,035 11,526 40 1949... 521,440 486,655 30,062 105,475 197,748 92,373 50,045 10,450 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 3,807 3,363 373 882 895 593 423 137 42 1949... 5,442 4,941 529 1,171 1,462 999 558 222 43 dozens 1954 . . . 3,347,154 3,143,672 273,237 511,317 1,072,412 510,442 469,579 106,685 44 1949... 4,515,169 4,341,124 311,884 1,253,171 1,223,624 915,357 509,363 117,225 45 dollars 1954... 1,197,227 1,124,498 93,296 205,842 402,092 ao,053 159,013 39,202 46 1949 . . . 1,784,006 1,718,271 124,103 506,662 438, 587 343, 580 208,881 41,458 47 Milk sold gallons 1954... 33,015,545 32,809,831 6,143,429 13,068,432 9,002,149 3,368,132 993,153 234,536 48 dollars 1954... 11,120,659 11,045,158 2,047,215 4,748,262 3,013,896 967,156 220,803 48,836 49 Specified crops harvested; 1949 . . . 8,177,134 8,103,733 1,107,315 3,060,251 2,543,551 993,553 258,622 40,431 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 4,798 4,611 933 1,372 1,219 536 310 141 51 1949... 5,457 5,266 795 1,273 1,555 1,042 451 UO 52 acres 1954... 144,813 142,466 37,065 48,161 29,531 15,721 7,307 3,180 53 1949 . . . 162,245 150,332 25,496 41,036 46,749 30,901 11,305 3,795 54 Corn harvested for grain.. ...farms reporting 1954... 2,256 2,175 290 615 668 342 135 75 55 1949... 3,542 3,436 323 753 1,104 791 355 105 56 acres 1954... 61,769 61,095 10,593 23,305 14,5a 7,244 4,287 1,040 57 1949... 106,332 105,264 10,251 25,105 33,193 24,510 9,155 2,950 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 2,651,980 2,638,430 722,960 1,005,237 587,228 213,020 39,935 20,050 59 1949... 3,701,176 3,576,401 506,515 970,602 1,303,164 640,170 207,300 48,150 60 bushels sold 1954.. . 1,366,433 1,351,588 322,950 553,748 317,790 105,920 42,730 3,450 61 1949... 1,711,044 1,701,994 158,527 472,943 639,574 304,415 65,580 10,955 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined ...farms reporting 1954... 2,379 2,325 207 640 653 479 274 73 63 1949... 3,069 3,014 298 832 1,014 565 a9 36 64 acres 1954... 365,037 361,663 55,489 128,178 99,224 51,935 a, 335 5,002 65 1949... 451,172 449,392 111,537 169,195 108,143 44,156 12,725 3,635 66 bushels harvested 1954... 4,470,185 4,460,523 847,252 1,834,375 1,156,053 478,496 122,829 a,618 67 1949... 7,231,502 7,a2,567 2,094,099 2,792,985 1,569,834 551,471 144,963 49,210 68 bushels sold 1954... 4,016,379 4,007,568 797,513 1,553,547 1,036,238 411,200 90,177 3,993 69 1949 .. . 6,543,799 6,631,964 1,991,599 2,620,332 1,338,399 488,270 122,193 a, 166 70 Barley threshed or combined ...farms reporting 1954,... 3,675 3,618 655 1,185 1,002 484 229 63 71 1949 . . . 6,347 5,666 967 1,313 2,053 1,175 487 166 72 acres 1954... 142,711 141,317 23,087 50,430 33,954 18,470 3,651 1,705 73 1949... 289,371 285,318 65,961 85,341 78,066 39,975 13,440 3,035 74 bushels harvested 1954... 2,491,074 2,479,029 750,592 969,333 482,054 192,005 71,440 13,555 75 1949 . . . 9,894,705 9,812,575 2,726,435 3,042,946 2,614,935 1,015,390 349,030 63,790 76 bushels sold 1954 . . . 956,452 951,842 234,357 412,412 202,674 75,375 22,904 4,120 77 1949 . . . 4,414,990 4,379,325 1,057,142 1,457,178 1,258,055 433,535 152,890 20,475 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans ...farms reporting 1954... 2,215 2,763 2,204 2,718 512 418 841 975 528 875 172 340 51 75 35 79 1949... 80 acres 1954... 65,159 54,998 25,125 23,752 11,986 2,395 i,aio 81 1949... 74,396 73,976 14,187 30,554 20, 260 6,980 1,405 580 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 1,103,225 1,103,052 484,046 425,764 158,667 26,835 7,740 83 1949 . . . 1,132,977 1,131,447 292,729 507,663 263,620 54,355 10, 590 2,490 84 Hay cut acres 1954 . . . 261 263 257,942 254,615 57,235 63,591 79,445 85,857 60,173 64,536 29,284 37,327 15,995 10,523 5,810 2,781 85 1949... 268*431 86 tons 1954... 603,537 597,695 175,575 197,554 128,215 58,943 30,085 7,322 'For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. COLORADO CROPS. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 273 8 Bample of farms. See text] Are a 3 — Continued Area 5 4 and A Economic class — Continued Total all farms Economic class Other farms Commercial farma Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Claas II Class III Class 17 Class V Clsss VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 134 179 6 4,429 3,844 270 824 1,093 920 544 193 241 339 5 1 200 151 1 6,575 5,718 554 1,145 1,677 1,357 753 232 405 435 17 2 323 552 15 U,366 12,787 1,606 3,689 3,163 2,315 1,449 565 531 960 33 3 895 407 17 25,003 22,227 3,376 4,628 6,210 4,233 2,565 715 1,265 1,445 66 4 381 485 6 8,225 7,043 353 1,277 2,047 1,731 1,212 41B 607 565 10 5 420 341 1 9,451 8,194 641 1,590 2,435 2,041 1,145 342 595 635 27 6 4,247 2,066 344 505,416 493,992 120,345 130,937 123,383 75,122 34,991 3,709 7,783 2,536 1,105 7 3,945 2,204 521 486,197 476,336 135,859 120,091 120,216 67,160 26,864 6,146 5,650 2,550 1,661 8 340 365 6 7,779 6,754 311 1,222 1,979 1,669 1,162 411 552 463 10 9 385 306 1 9,142 3,030 606 1,550 2,413 2,004 1,120 332 545 540 27 10 1,634 592 164 243,316 233,657 47,094 65,516 64,795 38,798 18,045 4,409 3,305 854 500 11 1,440 636 239 223,698 219,490 52,806 58,348 60,276 32,440 12,752 2,868 2,450 1,070 688 12 268 319 6 6,155 5,371 246 956 1,608 1,306 925 330 403 372 9 13 365 291 1 7,972 6,976 471 1,330 2,132 1,764 938 291 485 485 26 U 800 446 90 45,197 43,228 4,199 10,749 14,357 7,992 4,719 1,212 1,125 565 279 15 955 456 64 52,948 50, 180 4,986 10,404 15,900 12,211 5,053 1,626 1,430 870 463 16 80 90 1 2,758 2,421 116 441 625 608 463 168 177 156 4 17 230 116 1 4,945 4,393 346 876 1,302 1,046 692 131 285 245 22 13 330 450 148 88,894 36,109 50,460 12,449 9,489 8,133 4,808 770 1,629 762 394 19 1,945 435 126 72,477 68,632 17,939 U,839 18,203 13,387 6,249 1,015 1,610 940 1,295 20 378 463 6 6,654 5,596 229 957 1,616 1,436 980 378 490 556 12 21 545 355 1 9,675 8,029 556 1,471 2,396 2,005 1,235 366 770 355 21 22 29,155 19,671 1,715 718,739 654,486 25,127 140,727 187,034 174,552 98,662 23,394 36,753 24,343 3,152 23 36,865 17,215 602 957,929 375,501 85,2ai 170,909 250,163 229,856 113,284 26,035 41,180 32,320 3,923 24 264 125 6 7,421 6,788 332 1,251 2,002 1,633 1,153 367 498 126 9 25 305 45 1 8,214 7,697 639 1,516 2,337 1,918 1,004 283 390 115 12 26 1,732 350 W2 408,792 405,314 170,856 92,337 73,237 43,651 17,367 2,366 2,932 261 285 27 1,070 115 152 268,755 266,493 114,544 62,923 54,165 25,257 8,147 1,457 1,465 170 627 28 92,011 11,055 13,360 42,709,325 42,450,486 25,620,028 7,417,922 4,970,377 3,128,575 1,139,254 174,330 211,425 U,483 32,931 29 90,660 11,045 29,807 36,766,948 36,492,212 18,698,220 7,990,627 6,275,467 2,620,458 780,390 127,050 138,010 13,030 123,696 30 76 35 1 2,151 1,965 109 361 519 523 360 93 122 60 4 31 175 41 1 4,509 4,202 239 307 1,290 1,079 606 131 225 65 17 32 587 120 175 105,192 103,021 63,054 12,486 10,414 10,475 5,492 1,100 1,400 450 321 33 1,955 239 140 94,596 91,427 20,528 21,532 25,041 15,444 7,480 1,402 1,765 355 1,049 34 11,410 3,370 9,000 3,982,342 3,929,053 2,546,396 544,659 348,704 301,598 166,372 21,324 28,710 7,995 16,584 35 52,265 3,891 7,000 3,511,009 3,405,593 954,930 811,733 363,321 506,494 235,794 33,321 46,010 6,060 53,346 36 190 50 6 2,350 2,082 70 337 629 605 350 91 190 66 12 37 270 105 1 3,730 3,295 159 569 1,061 904 487 115 275 150 10 38 11,505 3,015 3,999 719,861 702,981 409,768 116,771 79,608 67,295 22,080 7,459 12,540 2,264 2,076 39 25,670 4,815 4,300 1,953,815 1,909,455 1,138,285 328, Ul 184,147 167, 297 34,950 6,635 33,890 3,255 2,215 40 273 170 1 4,394 3,846 92 610 1,1a 1,105 679 239 315 227 6 41 350 150 1 6,502 5,771 290 1,CH3 1,761 1,538 353 281 425 235 21 42 165,632 33,500 4,350 4,784,718 4,589,303 340,109 1,156,898 1,248,862 1,147,585 574,396 121,453 143,640 46,650 4,625 43 147,065 19,480 7,500 6,367,253 6,059,003 755,387 1,216,800 1,992,062 1,399,018 605,122 90,619 216,725 39,780 51,740 44 59,809 11,120 1,800 1,802,644 1,725,682 131,294 483,578 458,916 401,141 205,899 39,854 57,520 17,392 2,050 45 55,295 7,340 3,100 2,805,662 2,667,065 473,261 500,445 855,915 561,399 240,048 35,997 95,370 15,555 27,672 46 160,850 19,792 25,072 27,437,898 27,105,273 3,477,667 8,617,047 9,942,733 3,327,979 1,505,984 233,863 196,907 18,112 U7,606 47 60,120 2,760 11,611 8,210,428 3,122,723 1,368,801 2,836,616 2,636,922 375,883 313,636 40,865 39,652 3,207 44,846 48 39,720 5,255 28,426 7,351,869 7,151,408 1,429,617 1,808,859 2,367,722 1,195,872 294,986 54,352 52,205 7,415 140,841 49 111 70 6 2,660 2,501 106 529 727 634 335 170 116 40 3 50 110 80 1 4,433 4,191 236 658 1,321 1,144 621 211 135 100 12 51 1,530 690 127 182,653 178,367 10,781 52,762 53,241 33,060 15,028 8,495 4,160 185 Ul 52 1,430 415 68 332,543 327,093 22,655 66,369 112,297 34,117 32,760 8,895 3,635 1,210 610 53 45 35 1 1,339 1,277 31 268 405 370 134 69 55 5 2 54 65 40 1 3,244 3,063 136 444 939 352 491 151 120 55 6 55 375 280 19 112,075 109,978 3,950 34,217 34,566 27,052 6,893 3,300 2,020 5 72 56 890 145 33 273,969 270,074 13,084 54,673 95,367 72,435 28,700 5,815 3,485 300 no 5-' 6,275 5,900 1,375 1,366,161 1,352,216 102,415 512,485 412,427 248,505 55,564 20,820 12,620 25 1,300 53 17,180 5,365 2,230 3,995,626 3,940,681 262,722 972,578 1,413,846 943,005 295,415 53,115 46,250 6,675 2,020 59 3,820 1,025 747,078 746,753 65,415 327,995 225,477 112,316 13,300 2,250 325 60 7,550 1,500 ... 2,459,940 2,443,295 156,436 649,063 954,211 522,505 W7,405 13,675 16,645 61 22 30 1 4,682 4,476 203 943 1,405 1,105 638 132 164 36 6 62 40 15 ... 5,075 4,949 525 1,339 1,561 1,002 426 96 66 45 15 63 2,673 675 "26 996,227 981,839 139,114 330,196 271,710 150,587 72,594 17,688 12,494 1,150 694 64 1,130 650 ... 1,208,761 1,204,701 393,175 424,028 243,321 103,032 29,050 7,095 3,105 730 225 65 7,003 1,775 780 8,863,083 8,801,717 1,603,312 3,329,101 2,444,473 1,006,532 350,482 67,812 53,521 2,525 5,320 66 17,715 1,220 17,218,552 17,175,372 6,367,577 6,453,492 2,902,942 1,162,501 227,580 56,730 30,970 10,700 1,010 67 6,948 1,035 728 7,975,490 7,926,682 1,482,256 3,043,703 2,216,332 853,841 282,914 42,581 44,061 815 3,932 68 11,115 720 ... 16,139,398 16,106,583 6,105,516 6,130,991 2,613,830 1,029,941 189,035 32,270 28,930 3,275 610 69 41 15 1 1,808 1,744 85 480 569 351 202 57 52 10 2 70 145 35 1 4,055 3,859 353 862 1,259 880 415 90 no 80 6 71 1,274 100 20 117,556 116,508 12, 597 41,132 35,879 16,285 3,715 1,900 910 50 83 72 3,315 215 23 301,870 299,020 48,993 78,457 98,930 48,460 21,135 2,995 1,595 1,035 170 73 9,860 1,425 760 1,090,027 1,076,137 178,412 446,954 295,753 103,144 40,559 11,315 9,900 425 3,565 74 73,090 7,740 1,300 6,440,603 6,379,733 1,340,969 1,852,369 1,936,810 858,305 353,060 38,220 37,420 17,630 5,775 75 4,510 100 569,069 561,899 122,415 228,287 159,176 40,991 8,570 2,460 7,045 125 76 35,500 165 3,719,553 3,701,223 839,317 1,129,636 1,092,984 435,396 194,905 8,985 17,270 1,060 77 5 5 1 403 368 19 38 74 114 75 48 30 5 78 40 5 348 813 18 62 257 256 175 45 25 10 79 150 5 6 24,406 23,051 350 1,980 5,740 6,894 5,252 2,335 1,055 300 80 300 120 63,138 62,023 1,510 5,363 24,895 20,035 9,110 1,110 870 245 81 50 15 108 53,510 52,390 11,065 11,358 12,391 10,687 3,626 2,763 1,060 60 82 1,030 500 155,882 154,377 8,041 22,551 64,290 40,850 17,455 1,190 1,370 135 83 1,954 897 470 177,638 169,512 22,556 45, 733 49,085 30,509 15,923 5,706 4,876 2,840 410 34 2,630 1,010 176 172,184 164,644 39,034 33,892 45,495 27,078 11,530 2,565 5,100 2,020 420 85 4,006 1,115 821 203,451 196,390 34,094 65,901 52,071 24,910 14,379 5,035 3,769 2,745 547 86 274 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 5 Total all farms Economic class Corranercia I farms Total Class I Class 11 Class III Livestock on haod; ^ 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954. . . 3,094 2,447 198 432 512 2 1950... 4.,288 3,539 365 802 817 3 number 1954... 11,529 9,548 1,751 2,310 1,719 •; 1950... 19,070 16,855 3,675 3,576 3,562 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 5,277 3,967 253 637 303 6 1950... 5,923 4,824 485 1,123 1,235 7 number 1954... 373,630 362,694 111,339 95,494 66,031 8 1950... 343,199 334,771 136,725 95,533 52,053 9 Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,038 3,849 225 619 804 10 1950 . . . 5,759 4,725 462 1,083 1,230 11 number 1954 . . . 173,859 168,465 42,803 46,561 33,821 12 1950... 164,835 160,386 58,532 48,537 27,831 13 Hili cows farms reporting 1954... 3,880 2,973 175 480 638 14 1950... 5,105 4,216 380 991 1,134 15 number 1954... 19,560 17,368 2,528 4,301 4,020 16 1950... 22,667 20,180 2,474 5,551 5,295 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 2,161 1,685 83 278 342 18 1950 . . . 3,704 3,045 231 627 371 19 number 1954.. . 34,103 30,647 7,927 5,395 5,239 20 1950... 55,166 50,800 7,024 11,861 14,335 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 4,881 3,315 165 442 735 22 1950... 6,049 4,742 333 1,056 1,201 23 number 1954... 364,978 273,980 13,703 30,206 69,626 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold; 423,451 359,780 24,857 37,479 104,124 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 4,077 3,534 252 596 694 26 1949... 4,552 4,014 434 945 1,030 27 number 1954 . . . 217,834 214,036 86,865 56,413 31,537 28 1949... 198,410 196,183 108,070 47,327 22,478 29 dollars 1954... 20,516,891 20,268,838 10,330,694 4,753,682 2,426,009 30 1949... 26,667,336 26,474,227 16,670,903 5,698,833 2,324,320 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1,478 1,292 69 207 280 32 1949 . . . 3,025 2,692 184 570 793 33 number 1954... 40,214 36,627 11,130 6,733 6,070 34 1949... 68,465 64,247 9,784 16,950 17,318 35 dollars 1954... 1,399,773 1,293,003 466,684 261,100 209,132 36 1949... 2,331,125 2,183,936 415,494 637,543 568,962 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 1,157 943 33 105 246 38 1949 . . . 1,986 1,684 103 342 432 39 dollars 1954... 173,585 143 ,836 4,967 68,861 23,211 40 1949 . . . 270,970 237,727 6,013 75,997 59,257 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,138 1,667 54 190 384 42 1949 . . . 3,362 2,810 168 623 785 43 dozens 1954... 1,588,762 1,288,966 72,020 170,629 381,938 44 2,162,216 1,963,053 79,204 548,000 582,300 45 dollars 1954... 583,047 468,364 23,880 68,861 141,944 46 1949... 844,468 761,929 26,671 207,144 211,940 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 9,342,384 8,564,917 2,026,317 1,334,577 2,763,149 1,076,073 1,803,741 573,796 48 dollars 1954... 3,674,086 3|448,001 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 2,902,739 2,674,712 642,651 890,937 678,313 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 1,915 1,564 101 309 351 51 1949 . . . 3,295 2,838 190 627 784 52 acres 1954 . . . 38,567 36,701 5,946 10,378 9,066 53 1949... 86,150 83,140 17,192 24,537 20,036 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 1,226 1,042 53 193 286 55 1949 . . . 2,961 2,599 172 563 744 56 acres 1954 . . . 21,245 20,531 2,419 5,689 5,343 57 1949 . . . 74,636 72,509 14,062 21,504 18,223 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 752,017 727,757 100,875 246,692 178,035 59 1949 . . . 3,064,321 2,996,936 558,606 956,191 832,594 60 bushels sold 1954... 377,037 370,612 37,755 146,637 98,365 61 1949... 1,756,008 1,744,803 388,634 541,254 510,840 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined J-arms reporting 1954. , . 874 812 66 159 168 63 1949... 2,265 2,214 324 691 630 64 acres 1954... 85,505 83,415 17,399 22,344 15,735 65 1949... 511,857 510,722 230,877 164,197 87,203 66 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 609,642 601,472 162,045 179,173 101,898 67 1949 . . . 8,143,641 8,126,746 4,034,799 2,618,180 1,105,537 68 bushels sold 1954... 491,910 488,853 138,591 156,133 78,737 69 1949 . . . 7,568,276 7,561,981 3,817,227 2,423,366 1,002,833 70 Barley threshed or combined , farms reporting 1954. . . 747 2,654 715 2,478 68 227 158 579 195 71 1949... 746 72 acres 1954... 14,827 14,401 2,309 4,919 3,095 73 1949... 74,611 72,196 15,123 18,933 19,684 74 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 369,253 360,183 94,375 117,323 76,574 75 1949 . . . 1,785,606 1,74«,751 388,058 477,951 497,287 76 bushels sold 1954... 150,366 143,866 18,855 68,215 37,120 77 1949... 726,724 715,639 212,122 215,952 153,840 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1954... 348 333 28 73 100 79 1949... 636 560 30 139 164 80 acres 1954... 18,147 18,077 1,917 4,065 8,520 81 1949... 30,536 30,199 1,903 6,901 11,325 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 57,243 56,833 10,380 14,440 22,591 83 1949... 105,488 104,678 11,103 35,435 36,510 64 Hay cut acres 1954. . . 189,132 179,689 24,862 47,000 39,999 P 1949... 176,178 170,599 31,440 51,652 46,714 86 tons 1954... 295,193 282,561 52,681 81,994 65,166 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. COLORADO CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continuecl a sample of farms. See text] 275 Ares 5 — Continued Economic class — Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms — Continued Other farms Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Residential Abnormal LivestocL on band:^ 1 2 Horses and mules fanns reporting 1954... 592 490 223 271 369 7 1950 . . . 734 475 346 345 401 3 3 number 1954 . . . 1,709 1,419 640 581 1,169 131 4 1950... 3,103 1,777 1,162 1,025 1,117 73 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 1,079 787 403 532 771 7 6 1950 .. . 945 630 406 455 641 3 7 number 1954. . . 52,460 27,098 10,272 6,765 2,816 1,355 8 1950... 31,137 13,786 5,482 4,815 2,271 1,342 9 Cous, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954. . . 1,054 760 387 497 635 7 10 1950... 924 625 401 425 606 3 11 number 1954 . . . 26,667 13,466 5,146 3,199 1,407 788 12 1950... 15,541 6,929 3,016 2,400 1,301 743 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954... 844 571 265 352 548 7 14 1950... 833 538 340 370 516 3 15 number 1954... 3,396 2,399 724 802 774 616 16 1950. . . 3,771 2,099 990 1,035 781 671 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 509 324 149 224 245 7 18 1950... 615 441 260 295 361 3 19 number 1954 . . . 7,399 3,534 1,153 1,238 805 1,413 20 1950... 10,835 3,685 2,560 1,785 1,408 1,173 21 901 706 366 551 1,008 7 22 1950... 958 684 460 550 745 12 23 number 1954 . . . 80,185 58,151 22,104 32,009 44,489 14,500 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 67,696 50,014 25,610 25,920 27,650 10,091 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 954 705 333 408 128 7 26 1949 .. . 800 484 321 365 165 8 27 number 1954... 25,141 11,038 3,042 2,988 237 523 28 1949 . . . 12,433 4,494 1,381 1,445 200 582 29 dollars 1954... 1,800,004 771,128 187,321 189,258 15,475 43,320 30 1949... 1,237,361 422,067 120,743 122,535 15,300 54,774 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive forms reporting 1954... 405 241 90 139 40 7 32 1949... 568 392 185 240 90 3 33 number 1954 . . . 8,780 2,760 1,054 1,502 145 1,940 34 1949... U,275 4,870 2,050 2,145 435 1,638 35 dollars 1954... 252,485 77,730 25,822 31,850 2,920 72,000 36 1949... 388,838 125,274 47,825 52,430 9,075 35,684 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 233 237 89 lis 95 1 38 1949... 367 255 185 165 130 7 39 dollars 1954 . . . 19,202 24,557 3,038 10,759 4,990 14,000 40 1949... 48,630 30,755 17,075 19,515 5,290 7,438 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 502 379 158 202 262 7 42 1949... 552 447 230 280 260 12 43 362,036 238,927 63,366 111,491 44,305 144,000 44 1949... 381,589 308,595 68,365 92,350 32,295 59,508 45 dollars 1954... 128,190 83,087 22,402 46,931 17,552 50,200 46 1949 . . . 160,020 130,759 25,395 40,245 12,160 30,134 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 1,235,935 638^583 92,192 85,915 7,552 684,000 48 dollars 1954... 304,951 146,751 11,853 17,185 1,300 207,600 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 324,711 109,830 28,270 23,675 4,860 199,492 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 423 266 114 169 175 7 51 580 432 225 185 270 3 52 acres 1954 . . . 7,161 2,784 1,366 1,111 520 235 53 1949 . . . 11,095 7,400 2,830 1,450 1,250 310 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 288 159 58 83 95 1 55 1949 . . . 538 402 175 145 215 2 56 acres 1954 . . . 4,532 1,689 859 389 315 10 57 1949... 9,885 5,865 1,970 955 1,020 152 58 bushels harvejted 1954... 137,255 43,200 21,700 14,495 9,265 500 59 1949 . . . 400,510 203,035 46,000 33,425 20,800 8,160 60 bushels sold 1954... 65,150 16,230 6,475 6,425 61 1949... 195,530 96,660 11,885 10,280 925 62 Winter wheat Ihreshed or combined farms reporting 1954 . . . 277 333 102 186 40 50 48 20 13 30 1 63 1949... 1 64 acres 1954... 17,613 6,236 3,588 1,745 325 20 65 1949... 20,340 7,020 1,085 630 455 50 66 bushels harvested 1954... 112,809 35,207 10,340 6,407 1,363 400 67 1949... 274,945 80,110- 13,125 7,595 6,900 2,400 68 bushels sold 1954... 83,642 25,791 5,904 2,597 ... 360 69 1949 . . . 247,135 63,720 7,650 5,945 350 70 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1954 — 182 428 77 333 35 165 21 105 10 70 1 71 1949... 1 72 acres 1954 . . . 2,450 1,248 330 331 75 20 73 1949... 9,813 6,2U 2,430 1,610 775 30 74 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 47,744 16,927 7,240 8,010 660 400 75 1949... 206,425 132,885 46,145 23,975 11,880 1,000 76 bushels sold 1954... 13,096 5,250 1,330 6,500 77 1949 . . . 71,595 45,395 16,735 9,060 2,025 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans fs™^ reporting 1954 . . . 69 92 41 90 22 45 10 30 5 45 79 1949... 1 80 acres 1954... 1,561 1,800 214 50 20 81 1949... 4,950 3,480 1,540 260 70 7 32 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 5,095 3,715 612 400 10 ... 83 1949... 12,820 6,725 2,085 530 255 25 84 85 Hay cut acres 1954... 39,514 25,578 22,060 11,620 6,254 3,595 6,710 2,435 2,363 2,730 370 1949... 414 86 tons 1954 . . . 50,508 25,722 6,490 8,355 3,202 1,075 276 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL {[Data are based on reports for only Item The State Total Type of farm L iveatock General (For definitiODS and explanations, aee text) all other farina Cash-grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and Primarily crop poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE 1 2 Farms number 1954... 40,672 45,536 5,775 9,396 1,955 1,944 620 1,039 1,060 971 3,477 3,135 796 1,163 12,306 12,290 2,452 2,127 1950. . . 3 4 5 6 Land in farms acres 1954. . . 38,468,979 38,104,324 5,380,433 8,038,330 690,502 531,476 38,627 78,554 73,248 46,393 1,216,989 1,007,477 150,227 150,624 26,386,573 23,445,867 939,665 957,770 1950... Average size of ' arm. acres 1954. . ■ 945.8 836.8 931.7 855.5 353.2 273.4 62.3 75.6 73.3 47.8 350.0 321.4 188.7 129.0 2,060.5 1,907.7 383.2 450.3 1950... Value of land and buildings: 7 8 Average per farm dollars 195'4 . . . 36,389 26,129 48,947 32,493 38,678 31,533 22,022 16,564 13,054 15,852 28,141 17,869 17,505 13,773 54,372 38,379 30,974 23,928 1950... 9 10 Average per acre... ...............dollars 1954... 39.11 32.56 51.68 38.78 120.05 113.09 373.94 212.44 287.16 345.15 78.57 57.30 84.98 98.18 26.45 20.85 82.49 53.98 1950... 11 Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954... Laod in faros according to use; 83 84 85 67 87 85 80 83 80 12 Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954... 33,662 5,775 1,955 620 1,060 2,995 416 10,519 2,444 13 1949... 40,556 9,396 1,944 1,039 971 2,833 752 11,038 2,114 U acres 1954... 5,218,453 2,004,983 317,685 21,584 24,595 248,336 21,057 1,793,426 303,175 15 1949... 6,879,193 3,270,562 311,319 42,914 21,485 249,801 31,093 1,958,331 308,747 16 17 18 1 to 9 acres. ............... .farms reporting 1954,. , 4,278 2,54S 2,035 3,288 6,774 6,855 10 30 82 228 715 1,156 10 50 60 106 515 -88 230 151 56 55 85 36 315 290 235 136 63 18 132 227 27" 563 1,059 512 105 50 40 96 61 50 323 577 626 1,134 2,466 2,653 37 60 105 309 336 718 10 to 19 acres. ............. .farms reporting 1954... 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. ,, 19 30 to 49 acres. ............. .farms reporting 1954... 20 50 to 99 acres.. ............ .farms reporting 1954... 21 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954... 22 200 to 499 acres. ........... .farms reporting 1954... 5,303 2,081 2,379 1,175 341 85 5 2 3 196 29 13 1 2,113 627 266 63 23 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954... 24 12,621 1,478 648 67 245 1,449 175 4,598 667 25 1949... 10,929 1,635 523 66 141 1,012 247 3,553 511 26 acres 1954... 1,022,674 95,936 43,96o 782 6,063 69,179 8,030 622,330 26,542 27 1949... 953,419 123,333 36,730 3,405 3,140 38,724 6,091 607,465 22,969 28 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954... 20,229 4,600 941 233 225 2,057 322 6,310 1,315 29 1949... 18,023 6,596 633 293 135 1,202 276 4,319 726 30 acres 1954... 4,820,070 1,958,993 103,010 4,335 3,136 241,769 41,820 1,668,307 141,472 31 1949... 3,157,452 2,136,23c 44,838 4,252 1,080 71,886 16,798 612,253 37,906 32 12,503 4,130 360 23 38 1,098 170 4,100 554 33 acres 1954... 3,047,738 1,507,617 41,659 1,565 317 112,712 17,503 974,744 62,096 34 Other cropland .farms reporting 1954. . . 14,462 2,337 770 207 193 1,610 250 4,644 1,033 35 acres 1954... 1,772,332 451,37-; 61,351 2,770 2,869 129,057 24,312 693,563 79,376 36 Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. . . 3,191 137 68 15 28 236 39 1,686 113 37 acres 1954... 1,839,454 32,027 6,675 910 5,570 39,134 5,982 1,462,763 61,768 38 Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954... 866 193 5 5 30 81 10 215 13 39 acres 1954... 173,072 27,765 30 30O 590 5,940 100 86,311 6,847 40 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . . . 23,361 3,405 687 43 294 2,291 350 9,890 984 41 acres 1954. . . 24,339,766 1,108,987 179,006 5,732 22,983 567,861 68,099 20,145,400 350,935 42 Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954... 5,690 510 177 6 138 738 72 2,405 236 43 acres 1954... 523,206 27,591 5,479 13 1,-63 31,936 2,630 397,981 10,051 44 Other land (house lots, roads. wasteland, etc.) ..farms reporting 1954... 3", 369 1,055,490 5,105 151,742 1,851 40,130 4,934 959 15,261 3,369 44,770 751 5,089 11,829 607,986 2,351 48,926 45 acres 1954... 46 Cropland, total farms reporting 1954... 37,009 5,775 1,955 620 1,060 3,288 524 11,684 2,444 47 1949. . . 42,108 9,396 1,944 1,039 971 2,943 332 11,375 2,115 48 acres 1954... 11,061,197 4,059,912 464,661 26,701 33,844 559,284 70,957 4,084,113 471,189 49 1949... 10,995,064 5,535,131 393,387 50,571 25,705 360,411 53,987 3,178,049 369,622 50 Land pastured total farms reporting 1954... 30,187 33,286 4,137 6,810 1,142 1,076 lU 252 450 336 3,037 2,759 476 711 11,651 11,110 1,474 1,358 51 1949... 52 27,201,894 1,236,950 229,647 7,424 34,616 676,174 82,161 22,230,543 439,245 53 1949 , 26,584,633 2,343,236 127,867 26,319 13,328 616,270 91,125 20,118,148 554,024 54 Woodland, total farms reporting 1954... 3, •'94 312 73 20 58 290 39 1,797 118 55 1949... 5,762 647 112 26 60 527 100 2,463 203 56 acres 1954... 2,012,526 59,792 6,705 1,210 6,160 45,074 6,082 1,549,074 68,615 57 1949... 3,202,634 134,081 11,160 1,425 2,665 103,127 18,020 2,214,859 60,522 58 Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954... 23,332 1,468 1,731 605 1,055 2,232 317 6,977 2,226 59 1949... 27,267 2,604 1,776 1,039 956 2,093 679 7,588 1,962 60 acres 1954... 2,263,972 149,155 241,363 21,424 28,163 155,257 12,094 1,121,949 240,250 61 1949... 2,902,118 270,134 274,705 44,241 23,023 146,347 23,147 1,426,750 271,696 62 Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control ..farms reporting 1954... 2,109 586 47 195 30 829 64 63 acres 1954... 439,484 172,753 7,530 25,020 3,577 159,767 14,536 64 Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954... 1,195 370 45 35 11 435 56 65 acres 1954... USE OF COmERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on »hich coanercial fertilizer was used, 1954; 198,141 75,859 7,115 6,849 1,300 71,505 5,020 66 Hay and cropland pastured.. farms reporting... 3,029 256 172 25 143 313 36 1,116 398 67 tons . . . 7,727 640 470 42 179 820 52 3,631 944 68 acres on which used... 80.734 6,411 5,085 400 1,694 7,889 578 39,554 10,959 69 Other pasture farms reporting. . . 460 49 5 31 106 126 23 70 tons . . . 736 59 1 13 201 234 32 71 acres on which used... 9,283 687 40 76 1,666 4,661 320 72 Corn farms reporting.. . 3,160 7,892 304 960 320 660 36 87 57 76 475 932 37 73 1,066 3,002 413 938 73 74 acres on which used... 90,374 15,370 7,491 1,326 634 10,227 686 34,134 9,335 75 Sugar beets.. ...farms reporting... 3,445 13,228 174 567 960 4,106 50 139 I 1 319 834 15 42 802 3,139 624 2,159 76 tons... 77 acres on which used... 99,924 4,516 32,475 950 4 7,097 155 23,913 16,471 78 Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. .. .farms reporting. . . 2,371 76 597 409 445 67 15 274 195 79 tons... 8,611 111 4,072 1,359 961 124 26 1,103 329 SO acres on which used... 49,879 1,000 23,831 6,050 5,313 693 125 6,451 2,738 81 Other crops .......................... farms reporting... 2,783 522 251 36 46 232 20 757 369 32 tons. . . 7,575 1,521 747 78 44 541 39 2,084 326 83 acres on which used... 92,096 27,747 8,745 615 388 6,821 320 28,760 8,800 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: COLORADO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 277 a BGUnple of farms. See text] The State — Continued irea 1 Type of farm— Cont inued Total Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous Livestock other General Miscel- laneous all Cash- grain Other Primarily Crop and and unclassi- farms Cotton field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and_ and liveBtock livestock fied crop livestock livestock sified 375 1,995 9,361 3,177 208 26 11 40 117 32 1,761 169 34 131 648 1 792 3,157 9,517 3,538 267 45 16 30 166 25 1,862 173 20 217 717 2 198,720 1,105,019 2,283,976 5,367,573 248,113 10,620 3,560 3,405 53,023 2,379 4,643,572 111,338 20,373 97,959 173,231 3 319,253 1,665,488 1,863,092 5,329,054 247,841 19,555 15,364 1,125 48,345 755 4,547,228 136,708 7,895 137,353 166,885 4 529.9 553.9 244.0 1,689.5 1,192.8 408.5 323.6 85.1 453.2 74.3 2,636.9 658.8 599.2 747.8 267.3 5 403.1 527.6 195.3 1,506.2 928.2 434.6 960.3 37.5 291.2 30.2 2,442.1 -90.2 394.8 633.0 232.3 6 22,636 37,174 12,887 48,436 36,214 16,885 76,000 14,700 26,310 12,641 69,066 35,035 21,599 31,264 15,437 7 15,533 24,081 10,958 30,795 23,318 27,638 36,578 11,333 16,167 8,760 43,054 25,846 29,725 19,247 11,451 8 41.36 70.87 70.83 23.58 29.84 41.34 56.72 165.70 54.57 170.03 25.82 55.02 33.19 44.75 61.41 9 43.09 49.26 -6.53 22.12 24.93 56.94 26.50 302.22 53.57 290.07 19.13 32.88 75.30 36.06 60.36 10 84 85 83 86 91 100 9 88 86 100 85 89 85 39 86 11 358 1,995 5,525 2,705 208 26 11 40 111 22 1,535 169 29 131 373 12 752 3,146 6,571 3,247 267 45 16 30 156 10 1,737 173 20 217 526 13 39,319 325,582 118,711 459,047 61,242 2,520 1,990 1,165 9,380 333 319,590 27,186 2,956 24,475 8,210 y. 70,328 498,395 115,713 557,530 69,601 3,475 2,350 520 7,700 130 390,624 34,365 2,240 33,055 12,970 15 11 15 3,090 203 5 15 15 19 1 143 16 2 J 42 1,049 179 10 5 5 46 5 5 103 17 17 86 451 129 5 5 1 52 5 10 51 18 ':.6 185 410 230 5 20 11 188 15 6 35 19 107 557 260 628 26 20 5 54 394 51 16 34 23 20 90 643 191 577 58 6 11 22 1 372 56 11 39 1 21 40 379 68 523 79 2 370 32 1 32 7 22 88 6 186 30 2 144 5 5 ... 23 161 788 2,345 1,384 31 5 1 30 65 1- 822 69 13 73 263 24 246 943 2,052 1,107 23 10 6 5 75 640 42 15 66 225 25 9,591 50,628 89,527 163,072 2,582 90 200 280 3,365 "50 127,281 9,796 1,261 7,091 11,076 26 5,910 41,116 64,536 140,032 1,667 30 480 100 3,270 ... 114,121 3,480 620 4,194 12,070 27 208 1,225 2,793 875 201 15 1 10 29 7 346 74 18 52 122 23 335 1,416 2,047 716 196 5 15 45 5 279 20 55 90 29 29,295 179,903 447,980 99,338 55,653 540 80 45 2,680 305 23,467 3,009 1,0"8 3,272 4,209 30 18,645 118,374 95,184 67,451 37,989 215 235 35 1,370 100 23,257 735 1,965 1,550 31 137 787 1,106 528 189 15 1 5 2 2 193 40 1 30 50 32 18,415 106,225 204,830 68,651 46,955 540 20 10 1,400 235 13,504 1,623 200 2,565 1,549 33 166 873 2,329 481 63 1 5 27 5 199 45 18 24 94 34 10.;?8o -3,678 243,100 30,687 8,698 60 35 1,280 20 14,963 1,386 873 707 2,660 35 41 138 690 753 9 13 1 510 46 6 21 147 36 1,145 35,068 182,412 530,633 6,386 4,519 360 457,970 9,294 660 7,836 43,608 37 IT 22 282 163 9 s 63 5 1 75 38 4,330 982 39,877 46,721 2,442 15 1.: ■- 30,605 95 57 13,407 39 283 1,278 3,856 2,475 179 6 1 25 100 12 1,512 131 34 94 381 40 101,661 471,777 1,317,325 3,925,271 109,27fi 5,850 830 1,020 30,103 1,259 3,571,585 56,938 13,191 52,639 82,578 41 -3 317 1,008 895 43 6 10 33 5 609 43 26 42 73 42 4,032 17 ,468 24,257 164,829 4,723 40 55 1,150 40 146,673 3,743 -75 4,015 3,615 43 362 1,906 8,327 3,017 197 2t 11 40 117 32 1,634 167 33 129 631 44 7,379 41,079 88,144 143,491 10,530 1,620 460 880 2,876 72 108,074 5,020 1,227 2,589 10,143 45 360 1,995 7,304 2,957 208 2b 11 40 117 22 1,688 169 29 131 516 46 772 3,147 7,574 3,334 267 45 16 30 161 10 1,809 173 20 217 586 47 78,205 556,113 656,218 721,457 119,477 3,150 2,270 1,490 15,425 683 475,338 39,991 5,295 34,838 23,495 48 94,883 657,885 275,433 765,013 109,257 3,720 3,065 655 12,340 230 528,002 39,080 2,860 39,214 26,590 49 359 1,669 5,629 3,011 192 11 1 35 117 22 1,756 164 34 Ul 548 50 722 2,612 5,540 3,274 235 35 6 20 166 15 1,824 153 20 212 587 51 118,397 557,473 1,589,264 4,618,976 118,246 5,940 1,030 1,300 37,987 1,669 4,156,836 76,028 15,112 67,566 137,262 52 212,283 968,196 1,513,337 4,515,649 130,869 15,315 12,444 265 36,780 45 3,988,135 92,368 2,635 98,858 137,935 53 51 144 892 838 18 5 13 1 539 46 6 21 189 54 101 337 1,186 1,248 59 20 5 61 5 777 81 15 40 185 55 11,475 36,050 222,289 577,354 8,828 15 4,619 360 488,575 9,389 660 7,893 57,015 56 28,979 105,748 522,048 822,489 12,542 385 35 13,340 15 726,692 18,990 1,025 13,555 35,410 57 217 1,529 4,975 2,313 36 11 11 40 94 21 1,459 143 22 124 352 58 467 2,276 5,827 2,655 64 45 16 30 121 10 1,614 143 15 166 431 59 15,447 187,691 90,679 475,554 2,897 1,180 1,800 1,395 7,315 194 392,749 31,080 1,943 23,368 11,633 60 32,103 282,042 102,930 554,903 5,271 4,010 2,430 680 8,305 130 454,102 36,515 1,750 29,135 12,575 61 44 159 155 2 1 1 62 7,114 27,341 21,846 23 14 63 21 55 11~ 41 9 19 1 10 64 2,078 11,555 16,860 4,663 3,103 3" 733 40 750 65 3: 207 325 274 3 6 5 16 5 135 11 36 66 354 536 786 3 ... 30 1 42 7 637 30 14 22 67 ■.:-i 4,5'3 3,138 9,5B9 62 330 10 699 75 7,479 242 259 .33 68 10 44 66 14 5 9 69 5 64 127 22 1 21 70 55 923 855 415 5 410 71 11 339 102 17 ... 5 11 1 72 12 1,006 141 23 2 20 1 73 200 9,407 1,564 245 35 198 12 74 11 469 20 5 5 75 42 2,136 13 20 20 76 140 14,113 90 95 95 77 10 137 146 40 6 5 14 10 ■ 5 78 5 409 112 34 10 2 16 5 1 79 40 2,708 430 295 100 10 140 40 5 80 16 270 264 26 3 1 1 18 2 31 It 772 907 57 6 1 1 37 e 82 1^:6 7,986 1,768 670 70 10 8 477 30 83 278 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item Area 2a Total Typ e of farm Livestock General (For definitions and explanations, aee text) all farma Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and Primarily crop poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE 1 2 farms number 1954... 7,291 7,846 944 1,188 95 96 40 90 993 761 486 511 66 85 1,412 1,691 464 313 1950. . . 3 Tnnrt in farm=; acreS 1954,,, 3,309,208 3,375,886 357,745 398,781 11,120 19,420 3,995 4,175 69,266 33,4i3 78,775 86,180 6,365 4,265 1,732,875 1,647,416 73,030 39,335 uiuku ill I "J uia,.,,..............,.....".".....— — — — — — .. 1950... 5 6 flvomcrp '^^ 7f nC i arm ............•••••••-• acres 195i. . • 453.9 430.3 379.0 335.7 117.1 202.3 99.9 46.4 69.8 43.9 162.1 168.6 96.4 50.2 1,161... 974.2 157.4 285.4 1950. . . Value of land and buildings: 7 8 Averaee Der farm dollars 1954... 20,028 16,249 28,489 16,486 21,149 15,838 13, 529 8,526 18,216 16,050 15,7°0 10,405 14,434 7,894 36, 208 24,464 16,935 15,155 n V ci o^c uci ^ i:n 1U9 ■. .. * • *. ■• •• • •■ .. ■■ .•■•— w ^^^^^ w _ ^^ 1950... 9 10 Av(»i*npp Tipr arrp. ..................... .dollars 1954. •• 53.66 47.91 76.23 53.32 176.89 78.24 158.36 187.27 298.33 364.05 98.50 80.06 140.43 157.33 30.45 27.43 107.13 60.16 Average per acre ^^^^ _ _ 11 Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954... Land in farsa according to use: 87 87 95 88 87 91 92 84 92 12 13 Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954... 6,476 944 95 40 993 471 51 1,325 464 1949... 7, 260 1,188 96 90 761 476 80 1,551 313 li acres 1954... 409,988 185,992 5,560 1,860 22,880 22,553 1,237 95,372 28,048 15 1949... 426,381 174,289 6,827 2,465 16,115 21,343 1,255 112,894 24,365 16 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954... 1,437 5 ... 5 300 25 20 77 15 17 18 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954... 1,055 706 20 41 10 5 10 280 220 90 45 10 164 155 20 65 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954... 19 20 21 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954... 996 1,28S 551 115 253 175 25 45 10 10 115 58 17 155 125 23 15 244 391 215 96 206 5.^ 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954... 22 375 273 ... 3 8 7 23 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954... 68 62 ... ... 6 24 Cropland used only for pasture, .farms reporting J.954... 3,286 454 45 35 208 274 31 907 246 25 2,665 378 41 20 96 235 15 732 116 26 acres 1954... 140,013 10,398 705 310 3,660 7,189 303 79,399 4,485 27 1949... 115,457 6,509 332 130 1,755 4,820 110 82,846 3,055 28 Cropland not harvei^ted and not pastured farms reporting 1954... 1,532 303 15 15 214 84 10 306 87 29 1949... 1,789 366 11 20 125 135 25 299 80 30 acres 1954... 55,685 21,935 210 115 2,672 1,139 55 12, 843 2,741 31 1949... 50,861 19,110 106 230 830 2,540 285 13,443 2,240 32 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954... 633 2^7 5 5 JJ 54 130 16 33 acres 1954... 29,321 13,936 85 5 J07 704 4,533 631 34 Other cropland farms reporting 1954. . . 1,064 101 10 10 187 50 10 222 77 35 acres 1954... 26,364 2,999 125 110 2,365 435 55 8,310 2,110 36 Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954... 1,012 112 15 5 27 92 1 435 37 37 acres 1954... 445,155 22,401 680 15 5,420 9,065 77 314,666 3,120 38 Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954... 380 168 20 30 ... 66 1 39 acres 1954... 47,573 23,503 555 1,385 9,730 1,390 W Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954... 3,185 326 30 jbJ 331 21 976 158 41 acres 1954... 1,991,242 48,737 1,450 lo,3^3 30, 194 4,385 1,136,127 19,328 42 Imnroved (see text) ••...■.•• .farms reporting 1954... 1,820 186 10 L23 243 10 588 82 43 acres 1954... 97,994 3,932 250 i,058 8,545 295 68,202 1,593 44 Other land (house lots, roads. wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954... 6,736 859 85 40 892 475 61 1,377 •Mi 45 acres 1954... 219,552 4^,774 2,515 1,695 14,236 7,250 308 84,738 13,018 46 Cropland, total farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,842 944 95 40 993 476 66 1,400 464 47 1949... 7,534 1,188 96 90 761 486 80 1,580 313 48 acres 1954... 605,686 218,325 6,475 2,285 29,212 30,881 1,595 137,614 36, 174 49 1949... 592,699 199,908 7,265 2,325 18,700 23,703 1,650 209,183 29,660 50 Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954... 5,345 669 75 35 403 <,76 46 1,407 339 51 1949... 5,573 830 31 45 241 ..91 60 1,546 243 52 acres 1954... 2,576,410 81, 536 2,835 325 28,923 46,448 4,765 1,530,192 26,933 53 1949... 2,5<.3,322 101,664 5,337 575 3,013 45,017 1,905 1,390,936 49,197 54 Woodland, total farms reporting 1954... 1,295 262 15 5 47 112 1 463 37 55 1949. . . 1,884 428 10 55 156 15 623 28 56 acres 1954... 492,728 45,909 680 15 5,975 10,450 77 324,396 4,510 57 1949... 976,636 94,080 290 2,630 19,722 795 450,305 28,672 58 Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954... 6,345 573 95 40 938 476 61 1,381 464 59 1949... 6,927 723 96 90 761 436 75 1,603 308 60 acres 1954... 406,422 48,374 6,470 2,185 26,038 33,882 1,762 180,583 33,101 61 1949. . . 426,574 55,120 7,169 2,340 21,328 29,623 2,290 194,054 27, 265 62 Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954... 18 7 5 ^ 63 acres 1954... 1,645 1,085 ..10 150 64 Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954, ., 111 93 2 5 65 acres 1954... USE or COmERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which coaaercial fertilizer voa used, 19S4: 15,036 14,690 136 150 66 Hay and cropland pastured. .......... .farms reporting... 1,414 163 40 15 32 133 178 111 290 16 14 392 1,222 216 498 67 tons... 3,244 373 83 63 acres on which used... 29,695 3,137 535 300 1,684 2,578 93 12,391 5,574 69 Other pasture farms reporting. , , 190 20 26 20 47 15 70 tons . . . 294 16 ... 12 36 116 10 71 acres on which used... 2,352 125 ... 71 325 1,293 90 72 Com farms reporting. , . 527 60 15 5 52 66 6 152 70 73 tons... 932 112 68 5 74 88 14 332 109 74 acres on which used... 8,361 935 440 40 599 798 36 2,838 1,145 75 Sugar beets farms reporting... 184 20 70 5 1 31 26 76 tons... 770 80 328 2 1 182 88 77 acres on which used... 3,729 360 1,695 20 4 867 427 78 Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting... 672 30 20 25 4.,0 11 3t) 79 tons... 1,231 24 60 60 959 J 6 7.. 80 acres on which used... 7,444 165 315 235 5,803 2,8 4..S 81 Other crops. .farms reporting. . . 633 169 25 56 15 32 46 44 30 30 5 2 140 282 90 150 82 tons... 1,125 398 83 acres on which used... 10,433 4,117 440 365 338 350 25 2,271 1,415 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: COLORADO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Contmued 279 a sample of farms. See text] Area 2a — Continued Area 2b Type of fariD — Cont inued Total all Type of arm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock other General Miscel- laneous Cash- grain Other laneous Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclassi- fied farms Cotton field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclas- sified 129 294 2,288 2,567 116 612 12 41 25 903 76 6 122 654 1 217 516 2,378 2,959 198 449 45 65 20 1,071 115 40 181 775 2 28,218 68, 500 879,319 2,428,111 35,107 287,711 3,495 7,848 2,705 1,741,697 114,920 3,530 140,207 90,841 3 57,393 133,190 902,288 2,420,029 56,235 162,791 10,260 11,470 15,200 1,711,917 115,247 5,670 191,734 126,505 4 218.7 233.0 334.3 945.9 302.6 470.1 291.2 191.4 108.2 1,928.8 1,512.1 596.7 1,149.2 138.9 5 26A.5 258.1 379.4 817.9 334.5 362.6 228.0 175.5 810.0 1,593.4 1,010.3 156.8 1,059.3 153.2 6 16,519 18,447 9,320 33,099 15,791 ..6,058 8,000 17, 537 6,125 47,339 37,322 15,000 32,519 6,617 7 12,105 15,560 12,972 28, 576 15,399 -6,-05 27,643 10,731 17,750 42,791 26,774 12,700 30,137 4,916 8 77.43 85.77 65.46 40.23 59.92 127.45 200.00 127.34 90.07 26.73 23.15 50.00 61.01 49.57 9 62.50 61.48 71.93 36.14 50.88 123.00 118.6- 60.81 21.91 27.67 24.75 76.16 31.09 30.50 10 80 86 86 88 81 90 42 85 80 84 89 33 97 91 11 129 294 1,670 2,245 116 cl2 ,. 35 10 824 71 6 122 437 12 202 515 1,987 2,710 198 -49 -5 65 15 1,018 114 40 181 585 13 6,216 18,608 20,762 318,194 13,188 95,512 1,892 2,410 485 168,104 11,943 555 13,450 5,655 L4 9,923 30,050 26,855 417,856 27,709 69,558 -,985 4,525 1,335 222,371 20,857 2,590 32,656 10,770 15 10 10 970 242 10 ... 11 ... 221 16 20 10 421 160 ... 15 45 5 95 17 10 40 120 156 15 25 5 46 65 18 35 86 105 256 25 41 5 10 5 99 '15 6 50 19 ■;7 107 41 441 30 118 5 15 5 185 16 5 56 6 20 7 33 10 571 30 260 5 ... 219 21 1 35 ... 21 8 3 331 88 14 2 125 13 2 155 54 5 8 ::: 21 4 ... 22 23 67 I'/Q 820 1,351 52 -IJ9 15 15 -92 35 5 80 246 24 91 236 705 1,233 45 237 5 20 10 538 61 20 92 155 25 2,292 7,238 24,034 148,380 2,930 30,332 ... 490 890 83,225 2,740 2,465 10,548 8,760 26 1,070 4,870 9,960 140,819 1,785 26, "13 2,500 910 1,950 81,797 5,555 485 9,339 7,535 27 32 74 392 72.. 48 231 7 5 5 223 31 4— 130 28 o5 136 527 773 92 129 10 20 5 303 7 15 62 135 29 898 2,730 10,347 tiO.-'ji, 1,710 22 , 192 1,045 50 135 24,677 2,500 ... 2,372 5,725 30 1,1-^5 3,935 6,497 ,5,652 ..,52o 10,194 630 245 1,800 18,973 663 710 3,331 4,530 31 12 54 77 190 2 4'/ 2 5 94 6 14 20 32 523 1,840 1,757 13,013 140 3,266 510 185 7,256 130 516 910 33 25 26 346 589 -8 204 6 5 139 30 32 125 34 375 890 8,590 47,443 1,570 13, 12b 435 50 17,1.21 2,370 1,356 4,815 35 33 58 197 302 6 -2 • . . 177 1 26 50 36 6,015 8,019 75,677 236,948 1,610 3,300 173,906 40,000 13,062 4,570 37 5 10 80 39 1 7 11 20 38 3,405 100 7,500 13,985 821 ... 10,579 ... 825 1,760 39 71 173 835 1,338 41 227 ... 21 10 674 45 5 57 258 40 6,159 21,058 703,961 1,536,909 13,197 109,553 ... 4,535 805 1,215,293 48,667 500 88,223 58,136 41 36 86 455 395 5 73 6 5 220 10 ... 26 45 42 652 5,041 7,626 53,9»3 225 -,031 900 -80 -2,545 1,150 2,057 2,560 43 129 289 2,081 2,371 110 592 2 36 20 357 69 6 105 573 44 3,233 10,747 37,038 111,239 1,051 22i,_^22 558 363 340 55,913 9,070 60 5,727 5,235 45 129 294 1,941 2, ..11 116 'j-2 12 35 15 869 71 6 122 533 46 207 516 2,217 2,797 193 — 9 45 65 15 1,050 114 40 181 630 47 9,406 28,576 55,143 527,030 17,828 l:-,C3o 2, .'37 2,950 1,560 276,006 17,133 3,020 31,370 20,140 48 12,638 38,855 43,312 604,327 34,020 123, o65 3,115 5,580 5,585 323,141 27,075 3,735 45,376 22,385 49 129 269 1,497 2,121 76 •;iD 31 15 352 60 5 122 433 50 202 446 1,388 2,302 103 ^•--■2 K: 55 20 1,023 103 35 151 420 51 14,466 36,315 803,672 1,924,237 17,737 l-'-',o85 5,025 1,695 1,472,424 91,407 2,965 111,833 71,466 52 37,268 71,514 831,391 1,780,597 28,640 -3,:33 3,750 5,050 9,940 1,383,024 85,340 2,920 140,750 72,440 53 38 63 252 317 7 -2 ... 180 1 ... 27 60 54 56 160 353 513 10 -1 294 20 5 23 115 55 9,420 8,119 83,177 250,933 2,1.31 3,300 ... 164,485 40,000 13,387 6,330 56 20,699 40,505 318,938 351,586 685 3,090 135 ... 282,811 985 245 16,925 46,710 57 123 293 1,351 2,134 111 q12 12 3d 15 734 66 6 115 377 58 197 506 2,082 2,729 193 -5- -5 65 15 1,021 105 40 176 615 .59 7,137 26,210 40,680 359,162 13,711 119,032 1,392 3,050 1,130 133,562 12,133 1,055 25,322 8,225 60 12,113 36,520 1 30 38,252 30 618,001 12 380 30,689 12b., Oho 140 p,095 7,165 1,625 358,130 5 25 5 200 24,860 4,680 44,366 1 80 1 40 14,325 61 62 63 54 65 31 66 2;i ^ .^ 16 23 10 56 54 88 407 3..? IL 1-9 1-6 42 57 367 1,105 1,332 J, 39^ 80 1,740 1,702 ... 370 68 10 12 _:! o 8 1 69 5 7 :■ 30 25 5 70 55 98 j'.? 975 955 20 71 11 45 45 <,5 13 17 10 72 12 100 78 123 27 53 30 73 200 765 515 1,599 417 75 797 310 74 5 16 10 33 15 11 ... 12 75 30 53 6 206 2S ... b2 116 76 SO 251 25 1,33- 310 234 ... 790 77 10 30 ,,3 10 315 12 10 5 24 11 46 10 78 16 32 3,ODl 20 3,107 132 8 15 207 38 132 2 79 oO VIU 21,729 270 17,776 1,120 50 75 1,183 205 985 55 30 fc 41 bCi 96 3 30 38 5 15 ... 81 Ij 96 2^' 6bS 126 175 273 5 89 82 5b 830 226 6,946 1,210 2,5S'3 2,251 60 736 83 280 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item iiem (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Caah-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-Dut Dairy LiTestock other tban dairy and poultry FARI-C, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954.. 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954., 1950.. Average size of i arm acres 1954 . . 1950. . Value of land and buildingst Average per farm dollars 1954 . . 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954. , 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land ia farns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres fEirms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. IOC to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting J.954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Cropland not harvei.ted and not pastured farms reporting 1954. . 1949, . acres 1954.. 1949.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Other cropland farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. , Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. , acres 1954. , Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. , Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949., Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Woodland, total farms reporting 1954,, 1949. acres 1954.. 1949., Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954,, 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OQ which conmercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Sugar beets farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. 9,669 1,449 10,774 2,264 5,244,944 1,134,237 5,332,640 1,468,904 542.4 782.8 495.0 643.8 38,900 49,200 26,649 30,232 72.56 60.55 54.78 46.63 82 83 8,320 1,449 9,671 2,264 1,206,554 456,571 1,552,340 633,223 527 5 368 383 10 717 25 2,317 250 2,359 312 1,289 583 360 264 2,330 282 2,347 396 145,702 20,733 105,518 32,279 5,967 1,233 4,600 1,618 952,306 428,392 638,721 418,699 3,636 1,107 615,206 355,001 4,351 564 337,100 73,891 259 8 97,515 1,000 97 7 20,"029 350 5,014 845 2,675,267 194,052 1,253 143 69,498 8,726 9,084 1,309 147,571 32,584 8,342 1,449 9,926 2,264 2,304,562 906,251 2,297,079 1,084,201 6,507 993 7,145 1,463 2,918,434 215,840 2,940,345 369,269 335 15 510 40 U7,544 1,350 143,576 925 6,538 432 7,634 1,040 613,447 41,120 754,787 109,379 579 209 99,503 46,336 176 71 15,329 9,515 2,134 24,561 170 272 3,290 1,914 5,049 55,117 2,539 9,932 79,832 670 2,183 14,508 1,297 3,608 46,015 64 184 1,978 14 14 212 141 458 6,670 121 356 2,739 25 56 335 184 566 11,204 923 1,031 162,975 170,473 176.6 165.3 38,803 28,949 219.18 176.54 81 923 1,031 108,994 124,510 20 30 30 310 450 82 1 142 150 3,325 3,455 432 331 20,830 3,523 182 8,945 336 11,835 237 18,093 75 890 393 11,733 923 1,031 133,149 136,488 373 416 21,418 18, 553 30 5,540 93 1,026 104,559 121,285 11 1,280 10 415 186 2,240 5 267 542 6,349 793 3,338 27,682 251 890 5,590 186 498 5,441 85 165 5,130 11,020 60.4 66.3 21,979 17,692 393.98 253.46 32 35 165 3,320 8,725 20 5 15 20 20 5 40 55 680 440 40 630 410 5 10 80 575 85 165 4,000 9,310 20 55 555 1,020 5 10 145 115 35 165 3,125 8,200 5 6 150 15 32 220 45 199 1,145 26 70 3,055 6,035 117.5 86.2 16,619 23,873 159.22 513.92 62 26 70 407 2,320 10 5 10 1 6 30 373 175 5 20 6 2,120 5 55 26 135 26 70 730 2,555 11 40 2,493 2,315 5 20 26 55 587 2,280 1,392 903 316,496 131,718 227.4 201.2 31,107 19,479 130.10 101.62 85 1,242 798 98,512 69,370 30 70 105 205 528 243 54 6 538 287 20,600 5,907 996 362 35,570 21,545 458 32,714 830 52,856 32 6,370 6 460 739 89,623 236 3,305 1,341 15,251 1,307 333 204,732 96,322 1,127 743 116,593 79,788 37 50 6,830 5,620 1,106 802 82,695 58,253 51 141 363 3,723 74 147 1,135 309 714 6,440 236 774 6,445 45 101 540 168 476 5,095 257 342 36,364 28,905 141.5 84.5 18,425 14,336 118.97 154.22 75 147 197 7,090 3,949 20 20 15 45 25 20 2 51 90 1,770 1,395 116 66 12,335 5,066 80 4,850 96 7,535 20 3,670 10 100 112 10,065 35 1,230 a42 1,234 172 222 21,245 15,410 147 226 15,505 12,975 20 20 3,770 3,575 111 196 4,570 4,255 15 2,655 2,554 2,945,825 2,753,467 1,109.5 1,039.4 52,094 36,157 48.19 35.81 79 2,236 2,438 321,782 420,812 35 123 no 184 565 730 368 71 729 628 77,593 43,191 1,616 1,049 253,279 117,876 1,010 148,445 1,252 114,834 134 78,085 26 9,832 1,643 2,138,037 379 43,200 2,509 57,167 2,425 2,433 662,654 531,879 2,060 2,029 2,293,765 2,135,298 157 199 87,917 117,531 1,776 1,830 212,617 247,157 196 33,459 41 3,196 10 354 6 993 185 11,339 45 63 1,223 20 655 44 1,851 330 20, 824 5 554 20 2,472 50 20,073 161 585 3,981 5 364 2 963 30 13,073 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: COLORADO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 281 a sample of farms. See text] Area 3— Continued Areas 4 and A Type of farifr— Cont inued Total Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- laneous laneous all Other other Priroarlly Crop and and iinfi 1 A CO i — farms Cash- grain Cotton field- Vegetable fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy arai poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and and unclas- livestock livestock fied crop crop livestock livestock sified J3 728 1,289 10,876 2,560 a 325 1,124 280 3,688 159 140 366 2,213 1 205 1,095 1,394 12,569 3,981 50 470 '20 1,115 449 2,975 131 230 687 2,461 2 ll,a45 254,054 145,624 12,553,849 3,089,074 4,075 8,890 638,414 74,372 7,679,724 127,193 112,669 374,808 444,630 3 -38,015 332,985 129,333 11,995,684 4,268,515 4,275 13,750 490 517,494 44,444 6,079,995 105,675 137,595 562,757 259,684 4 35.".') 349.0 113.0 1,154.3 1,206.7 194.0 27.4 568.0 265.6 2,082.4 800.0 805.0 1,024.1 201.0 5 331.8 304.1 92.8 954.4 1,072.2 85.5 29.3 24)5 464.1 99.0 2,043.7 814.3 598.2 819.2 105.5 6 36,376 43,848 13,277 46,205 60,431 23,500 23,180 32,901 a, 005 59,589 38,854 25,554 47,800 20,540 7 16,294 27,673 10,406 29,896 38,600 a, 267 13,830 13,250 a, 730 15,876 40, 558 32,436 18,904 23,171 14,054 8 91.1-4 120.56 119.88 39.20 49.03 121.10 827.87 55.84 67.71 28.71 50.94 32.17 47.46 110.57 9 51.51 89.4* 120.12 31.44 36.66 251.84 447.15 54o!82 45.83 142.45 20.49 36.59 35. a 28. 155 134.36 10 52 86 82 84 83 100 66 82 80 36 78 94 94 82 11 33 728 619 8,612 2,560 a 325 383 108 2,936 159 129 366 1,125 12 .^00 1,095 767 10,848 3,981 50 470 '20 1,013 233 2,536 131 ao 575 1,423 13 3,776 100,290 13,852 2,062,564 1,101,075 2,430 6,075 100,567 8,340 535,486 36,000 22,610 107,055 42,876 14 19,'jIO 167,346 U,990 346 2,679,825 360 1,704,718 3,410 8,055 140 205 ia,163 36 8,654 30 578,487 72 30,698 31,505 162,155 30,774 582 15 15 15 100 378 5 105 35 10 101 1 5 116 17 5 20 52 341 11 35 85 11 95 '15 1 11 76 18 11 41 61 538 27 5 15 127 16 2a 5 10 10 101 19 1 236 35 1,161 112 25 268 U 552 35 32 25 89 20 10 295 17 1,769 449 5 5 133 18 778 46 50 107 123 21 7 109 6 2,506 1,255 5 lU 11 855 34 30 155 33 22 12 2 1,059 706 1 21 1 251 22 5 52 23 11 222 a6 2,597 575 30 ..^0 34 994 46 28 137 337 24 75 330 226 2,098 579 10 20 .?75 76 541 31 40 92 434 25 k; 6,383 9,975 279,790 52,928 50 23,391 3,005 164,054 1,885 2,841 14,A68 12,168 26 ;,3uo 11,015 1,841 266,769 66,319 50 105 16,[i;7 1,336 155,800 2,899 1,260 4,893 18,060 27 28 498 404 7,550 2,410 120 -^97 115 2,669 123 98 328 890 28 85 503 241 7,115 3,318 20 UO 10 535 103 1,754 74 145 485 540 29 4,409 46,774 40,843 2,623,577 1,236,385 980 135,405 a, 725 917,016 30,007 18,360 88,535 175,064 30 3,810 35,324 14,083 1,751,201 l,236,ia 465 1,225 '90 39,956 4,487 355,497 8,056 11,290 64,999 29,005 31 IS 310 131 5,932 2,329 5 543 59 2,096 69 85 267 479 32 2,955 24,243 15,550 1,780,695 953,730 60 73,558 3,548 572,981 15,868 12,047 60,120 83,783 33 18 395 3a 4,998 1,226 110 578 75 1,901 99 79 218 711 34 1,454 22,531 25,293 842,882 282,655 920 61,347 13,177 344,035 14, U9 6,313 28,515 91,231 35 16 35 388 1 63 11 170 1 2 2 138 36 1,515 2,540 36 3,905 139,135 76 17,234 520 8 644 13,481 12 2,324 615 103,113 33 8,505 15 470 5 925 881 20,040 18 4,835 37 38 39 18 421 586 7,734 1,744 6 20 396 135 3,292 90 128 335 1,088 40 3,300 39,067 67,141 7,245,172 641,872 1,325 630 X2.035 33,790 5,762,253 57, 153 65,437 155,925 178,591 41 93 158 1,031 120 147 12 467 lA 14 38 219 42 67 2,290 3,630 108,917 8,195 12,675 485 75,896 1,995 2,318 3,080 4,273 43 28 697 1,158 9,888 2,220 a 300 1,090 250 3,456 137 135 358 1,911 44 as 10,025 7,368 186,377 55,650 270 1,1C5 16,211 1,897 89,285 2,133 2,026 5,843 10,956 45 33 728 862 9,798 2,560 a 3'5 1,061 149 3,359 159 130 366 1,668 46 205 1,095 907 11,380 3,981 50 470 '26 1,048 283 2,743 131 220 677 1,757 47 8,327 153,447 64,670 4,965,931 2,390,388 2,480 7,105 264,363 33,070 1,716,556 67,892 43,811 a0,158 230,108 48 25,780 213,685 30,914 4,697,795 3,007,158 3,925 9,335 295 177,166 14,477 1,089,784 41,663 44,055 232,048 77,839 49 23 538 756 8,607 1,942 6 35 1,010 170 3,500 135 135 363 1,311 50 175 820 792 9,707 3,213 15 75 10 999 228 2,850 100 225 540 1,352 51 3,442 96,965 79,656 7,654,097 695,320 1,325 730 333,907 42,410 6,029,430 59,053 68,748 172,275 210,899 52 42,305 113,549 93,483 7,315,634 1,237,483 100 3,165 95 333,760 27,075 5,053,784 65,432 92,545 322,948 179,247 53 16 66 444 9 70 11 189 1 7 2 155 54 75 61 743 67 5 175 20 a2 6 10 17 231 55 1,515 6,445 156,369 1,164 15,805 615 111,619 15 1,395 831 24,875 56 3,720 5,335 284,904 9,133 250 34,855 3,000 175,119 850 915 14,727 41,«.5 57 Jtj 641 633 2,134 92 20 315 326 33 554 79 15 69 531 58 105 952 777 2,747 185 50 470 '20 354 182 383 66 40 99 398 59 1,467 75,279 11,787 115,840 9,427 1,980 5,980 19,379 930 52,626 7,655 1,345 9,772 6,746 60 7,625 110,428 12,600 134,094 15,332 3,d55 7,900 295 24,006 3,a2 38,014 8,525 1,820 10,691 10, 594 61 11 39 12 1,262 319 1 137 10 516 25 25 104 124 62 2,425 2,627 1,381 280,440 112,724 500 13,991 1,517 98,112 8,850 3,914 19,931 15,301 63 5 3 16 522 127 75 5 a7 20 12 26 40 54 90 533 365 80,427 25,283 6,301 400 34,208 2,850 1,097 5,995 4,290 65 6 93 ZL 191 9 5 13 97 26 1 14 a 65 J, 142 46 432 26 10 40 287 78 1 25 15 57 o5 2,058 400 6,733 384 60 439 3,715 1,495 a 391 178 58 5 43 10 2 10 1 5 15 69 40 5 92 19 3 24 13 15 13 70 ':*:' 15 1,591 250 ... 46 475 180 150 490 71 36 366 73 5 5 39 1 141 26 a 5 72 7^3 40 989 293 5 22 lis 2 433 28 82 1 73 6,752 839 18,491 6,940 40 220 2,902 20 7,151 340 853 15 74 6 388 10 95 11 20 10 22 16 10 6 75 12 1,717 7 365 17 127 25 92 48 20 36 75 oO 11,911 65 2,750 670 740 125 ... 510 395 135 175 77 71 329 11 255 ... 11 5 17 30 78 245 966 11 876 12 5 13 49 79 1,573 3,247 230 2,685 95 10 122 105 80 166 '46 463 103 5 5 33 125 26 19 147 81 5^ 164 1,349 280 10 15 34 259 18 a 712 82 20 5,410 1,035 a, 086 9,623 105 30 1,3':3 8,435 355 o53 502 83 282 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL COata are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit-and-Dut FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195A. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average sise of farm acres igSi. 1950. , Value of land and buildinga; Average per farm dollars 1954 . , 1950.. Average per acre ..•. dollars 1954 . . 1950. , Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954., Land in faras according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954., 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured ...farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other cropland farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954, . Other land (hou.'ie lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954,. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954, , 1949., Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949. , Woodland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Irrigated land In farms farms reporting 1954., 1949. , acres 1954., 1949., Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which coamercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and croplEind pastured farms reporting., tons . , acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons. , acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. , tons, , acres on which used,. Sugar beets farms reporting. , tons., acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting., tons., acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting.. tons. , acres on which used,. 7,092 498 7,850 1,498 9,565,294 516,157 9,651,031 1,588,054 1,348.7 1,036.4 1,229.4 1,060.1 30,681 42,701 26,323 37,537 21.99 40.74 22.16 35.05 77 80 5,304 498 6,820 1,498 762,106 186,915 1,244,761 661,022 1,009 40B 320 5 501 31 939 44 1,028 132 779 175 320 111 1,673 84 1,479 214 145,717 6,310 139,824 19,774 3,581 405 3,030 1,006 1,023,708 214,413 603,566 419,791 1,584 256 540,852 132,855 2,979 335 437,856 31,563 477 1 390,068 HO 111 27,530 3,615 270 6,963,905 101,851 296 8 28,020 1,790 6,273 410 247,260 6,553 6,159 498 7,137 1,498 1,936,531 407,643 2,038,151 1,100,587 4,596 315 5,235 965 7,499,690 108,271 7,489,136 475,161 565 1 864 43 417,593 110 623,443 16,716 3,868 224 4,575 399 283,547 33,626 423,759 54,293 237 50 57,638 12,549 333 65 82,306 23,268 215 734 6,263 34 76 660 291 726 6,561 434 1,885 12,084 217 486 2,656 268 768 6,896 11 39 770 5 10 100 30 92 825 22 114 747 55 145 1,518 278 273 214,001 154,962 769.3 567.6 31,036 24,914 38.54 43.61 79 278 273 102,619 84,039 5 22 57 129 65 47 25 3,514 3,950 i9,g 137 59,238 25,335 111 28,823 170 30,415 H 2,195 5 30 131 42,735 8 268 234 3,670 278 273 165,371 113,324 161 167 48,444 39,529 16 11 2,225 1,355 "0 105 8,642 12,520 30 5,625 29 6,560 15 12 130 20 18 245 57 265 1,953 147 253 13,557 23,985 92.2 94.8 22,755 20,870 206.01 227.31 63 147 253 6,447 16,334 65 31 1 10 25 10 5 11 10 222 45 50 72 1,435 1,492 10 870 40 565 5 750 5 300 7 3,312 1 3 126 591 147 253 8,104 17,871 22 51 4,784 5,365 10 6 1,050 925 142 253 6,442 16,776 10 10 100 54 916 20 80 585 72 92 865 15 30 210 COLORADO FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Conimued 283 a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954, 1950, Land In farms acres 195'V,. 1950, , Average size of farm acres 195A , , 1950, , Value of land and buildinga: Average per farm dollars 1954, , 1950, , Average per acre dollars 1954, , 1950., Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954,, Land in faraa according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954,, 1949,, acres 1954,, 1949,, 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954,, 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954., 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954., Cropland used only for pasture.. farms reporting 1954.. 1949,. acres 1954. . 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949., Cultivated siimmer fallow farms reporting 1954,. acres ,1954.. Other cropland farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954,, Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954,. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not i.roodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Improved (see text) farins reporting 1954.. acres 1954., Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc) farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954. , Cropland, total farms reporting 1954,, 1949, . acres 1954, . 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954,, USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which coaaercial fertilizer vas used, 19S4: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting,, tons. . acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used.. Corn i'arms reporting, . tons. . acres on which used.. Sugar heets farms reporting., tons. . acres on which used. . Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting.. tons., acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting. . tons. . acres on which used. . Area 5 — Continued Type of farm— Continued Dairy 317 375 122,433 162,270 386.2 432.7 21,017 14,102 52.72 35.90 82 253 320 14,814 25,700 26 32 31 55 69 31 9 131 120 9,144 7,770 145 105 16,925 6,230 41 4,336 120 12,589 36 5,699 28 1,671 204 71,371 18 361 310 2,809 292 345 40,883 39,700 276 300 86,214 115,875 58 85 7,370 29,580 194 265 8,936 18,995 2 150 3 403 27 85 395 10 15 160 11 11 18 142 1 3 Poultry 136 247 28,042 56,055 206.2 226.9 13,988 12,213 68.41 51.66 81 78 217 3,572 10,275 20 5 13 15 15 10 32 56 2,062 1,300 69 72 7,165 5,060 24 3,640 63 3,525 6 1,260 60 12,795 5 50 U6 1,188 100 222 12,799 16,635 76 162 16,117 39,185 6 40 1,260 5,635 76 201 3,458 11,635 5 250 1 400 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 5 25 225 5 10 175 10 22 105 2,307 2,037 7,642,880 6,700,844 3,312.9 3,289.5 51,040 42,537 15.31 13.30 79 1,513 1,608 253,092 233,143 59 98 167 198 369 339 282 101 554 474 90,828 129,710 1,150 635 422,025 83,207 577 228,025 931 194,000 260 335,023 20 17,059 1,793 6,322,045 142 21,465 1,996 202,808 1,923 1,700 765,945 446,060 2,066 1,838 6,747,895 6,166,971 269 358 352,082 462,401 1,023 1,087 99,812 135,293 106 28,021 151 33,032 65 346 2,928 7 35 305 89 318 2,316 90 375 2,294 27 226 777 72 270 :,;53 Primarily crop 752 744 283,845 332,020 377.4 440.3 30,572 24,209 85.08 57.80 64 749 737 107,238 114,977 11 20 10 82 230 263 109 24 137 131 2,883 4,225 446 270 54,571 12,907 133 21,341 383 33,230 19 5,149 218 105,540 25 545 729 8,454 749 738 164,592 132,109 317 378 113,572 190,397 19 43 5,149 9,810 595 704 80,640 101,206 16 ,915 128 1,080 1 2 10 72 135 1,137 177 797 5,272 75 110 741 74 236 2,178 Primarily livestock 33 80 22,035 41,685 667.7 521.1 25,303 11,562 39.70 22.19 94 32 80 3,206 4,460 1 1 11 6 11 2 16 5 590 115 32 25 4,550 1,190 21 2,690 26 1,860 27 13,074 31 615 33 80 8,346 5,765 32 65 U,664 34,610 15 6,095 25 70 2,500 4,115 7 775 Crop and livestock 354 461 169,491 307,459 478.8 656.9 29,872 25,746 60.52 52.23 70 354 461 56,704 73,132 5 5 36 98 134 54 15 97 127 4,900 6,805 229 174 36,120 8,770 112 15,941 178 19,179 15 3,755 198 63,864 32 985 327 4,148 354 461 97,724 88,707 245 333 72,519 220,567 15 22 3,755 16,316 287 377 27,740 50,902 14 4,689 18 4,912 12 43 390 5 2 30 27 65 715 47 214 986 90 27 34 327 Miscellaneous and unclassified 2,269 1,792 550,331 278,397 242.5 155.4 10,145 6,998 39.30 44.17 79 1,301 1,283 27,356 19,354 823 214 87 58 61 40 14 4 463 307 23,514 15,020 855 514 211,792 39,519 299 101,331 732 110,461 123 35,977 53 3,470 707 226,818 57 2,553 1,973 16,404 1,784 1,477 262,662 73,893 1,084 1,001 286,309 198,841 170 241 44,447 74,510 1,131 1,024 11,608 14,584 19 4,564 16 22 145 28 85 284 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, [Data are baaed on reporta for only [For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone fa™s reporting 1954... Electricity farms reporting 1954... 1950... Television set farms reporting 1954... Piped running water farms reporting 1954... Home freezer farms reporting 1954... Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954... Pouer feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . . Grain combines farms reporting 1954.. . number 1954 . . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954... number 1954 . . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . . number 1954 . . , Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 1950 . . . number 1954 . . . 1950... Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCME Fara operators^ With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Week of Septenber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator'. farms reporting 1954 . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . dollars 1954.. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry . . farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . dollars 1954. . 1949 . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . dollars 1954 . , 1949.. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954. tons 1954 . acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. Total all farms 27,425 37,908 36, 574 11,098 29,199 15,945 591 10,649 5,320 12,134 14,304 2,754 2,789 4,316 4,426 3,602 3,814 32,003 48,653 31,610 31,411 59,647 51,325 34,084 47, 492 10,477 10,929 18,227 17,776 9,852 9,566 3,276 14,681 16,929 37,235 96,043 36,717 35,937 15,360 23,789 9,614 36,317 5,315 9,887 5,920 26,430 Type of farm Caah-graii 40,286 28,871 21,542 9,312,408 21,914 29,135 33,606,232 42,691,136 18,115 3,799 31,127 34, 109 64,543,757 43,447,610 34,910 35,320 23,897,421 23,038,898 9,633 3,930,657 45,958 422,476 67 799 5,680 1,000 3,545 5,229 6,369 1,224 4,080 2,641 36 1,615 460 3,869 4,960 687 704 369 378 335 345 5,017 8,383 5,433 8,187 10,341 13,974 5,080 6,721 446 666 2,247 3,169 636 970 66 1,530 3,903 5,166 11,557 5,007 2,007 3,151 1,259 3,399 506 669 884 2,730 5,775 4,791 3,648 2,270,996 3,711 7,004 2,818,361 6,845,846 3,444 267 3,431 6,358 1,982,224 2,842,272 5,620 8,515 5,105,317 7,770,700 861 352,415 3,867 55,795 Other field-crop 1,524 1,895 1,807 726 1,582 889 57 400 228 187 187 20d 206 24.. 1,777 3,139 1,370 1,753 4,617 3,558 1,776 560 356 150 142 552 1,318 1,912 13,822 1,899 1,878 1,291 1,057 532 800 796 9,853 1,950 1,894 1,516 1,024,493 1,784 1,743 4,155,738 4,991,625 1,242 542 1,219 1,405 773,733 787,774 1,900 1,749 2,110,533 1,661,996 1,382 888,440 10,045 77,707 10 315 1,830 325 Vegetable 515 882 2,723 615 1,034 3,396 953 956 2,351 411 148 1,478 515 798 2,789 177 315 1,430 • •• 5 61 37 86 1,363 41 2,680 21 21 1,004 21 21 1,072 10 151 10 151 16 33 495 16 34 496 25 15 770 35 15 804 570 770 2,987 972 923 4,388 473 805 3,120 704 536 2,397 836 961 5,750 1,188 649 3,528 514 399 3,068 791 1,120 4,489 25 111 142 245 21 120 17 56 417 DOS 3,251 600 348 749 364 1,902 137 262 293 1,640 620 555 249 96,975 530 824 943,730 1,721,623 404 126 213 581 53,635 140,340 590 899 314,005 503, 807 440 129,000 1,704 9,356 10 30 200 60 Fruit- and-nut 266 225 538 445 321 190 40 228 577 855 3,615 849 849 276 371 334 2,395 62 104 303 2,291 1,060 1,040 745 176,007 1,000 311 1,516,231 1,243,209 807 193 569 560 220,415 152,850 924 766 228,244 144,815 545 109,797 1,273 8,599 Dairy 315 341 1,242 1,039 426 406 162 1,319 1,801 3,333 8,114 3,361 3,314 2,021 3,325 689 1,475 409 792 371 683 3,477 2,447 1,928 632,923 1,341 2,034 2,052,370 1,702,394 1,660 181 3,265 2,724 8,262,552 3,715,354 3,232 2,683 1,938,775 1,174,447 1,016 288,816 3,504 34,339 5 5 45 50 Poultry 628 786 ,091 244 675 303 15 191 47 155 168 18 13 28 28 23 23 528 657 433 502 609 640 696 858 193 286 323 436 199 265 51 179 254 746 1,515 746 731 425 584 112 200 796 396 271 49,355 288 549 211,368 513,183 261 27 760 1,064 4,032,646 4,226,844 605 777 209, 879 260,979 82 19,194 235 1,864 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 8,243 11,918 9,592 2,981 9,389 5,775 297 4,836 974 3,902 4,525 985 990 2,066 2,145 1,675 1,785 11,248 18,288 11,050 9,422 22,527 16,033 10,814 16,413 1,552 1,211 4,290 3,308 1,686 1,148 1,198 7,464 3,586 12,426 30,984 12,146 11,884 5,379 8,265 4,091 10,835 2,801 5,275 2,046 5,560 9,515 6,423 3,187,346 7,369 9,203 15,e84,K£ 17,733,318 6,029 1,840 11,456 10,586 44, lfl4. 124 26,658,970 12,040 10,874 9,684,626 7,483,111 2,456 1,131,283 13,349 137,937 15 375 2,975 450 Primarily crop 1,833 2,354 1,929 843 1,739 847 21 498 186 777 855 345 346 466 469 161 175 1,953 2,868 2,208 1,864 4,441 3,463 2,127 2,853 316 108 1,083 633 328 150 710 1,498 2,248 5,185 2,214 2,177 803 1,187 639 1,821 267 385 476 1,436 2,437 2,136 1,806 783, 127 1,625 1,693 1,637,468 2,488,362 1,442 183 1,551 1,506 716,015 556,410 2,256 1,915 1,570,604 1,284,613 1,174 478, 316 5,253 47,961 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 285 a sample of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Type of farro— Cont inued Total all Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous Livestock other General Miscel- Cash- grain Other laneous Primarily Crop and and unclass i - farms Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and and unclas- sified livestock livestock fied orop crop livestock livestock 226 1,453 5,848 2,308 140 21 1 30 90 32 1,320 123 22 104 425 1 348 1,947 8,386 2,813 155 26 11 40 102 32 1,573 152 29 128 560 2 662 2,738 7,626 2,549 164 45 6 30 150 20 1,352 121 20 140 501 3 39 580 2,424 136 I 2 5 79 12 3 34 4 254 1,444 5,934 2,218 110 2i 11 20 74 26 1,310 106 28 88 424 5 184 919 2,465 1,533 114 1 1 20 54 15 948 61 21 61 237 6 12 51 36 15 15 7 206 733 684 747 45 .J I 1 59 10 470 41 '23 35 '42 3 9^ 415 190 209 8 75 84 7 5 16 14 9 133 946 647 502 151 13 2 256 23 7 28 22 10 1h3 1,069 775 539 174 1- 2 264 24 7 30 24 11 14 305 52 1 1 ... 12 l- 317 52 1 1 13 49 370 218 504 20 5 1 32 327 61 5 30 23 14 49 387 218 534 20 5 1 33 349 63 5 35 23 15 33 234 87 96 1 11 71 5 1 2 5 16 34 250 93 107 1 11 81 5 1 3 5 17 310 1,814 5,029 2,614 191 26 11 40 87 22 1,561 128 29 123 396 18 360 2,692 5,983 3,993 370 41 54 45 118 23 2,427 165 30 156 564 19 329 1,923 3,966 2,420 193 26 11 40 106 22 1,526 141 29 100 226 20 597 2,790 2,609 2,227 223 30 11 20 101 5 1,361 123 20 142 191 21 504 4,160 4,901 4,650 330 52 13 45 163 25 3,246 214 40 193 279 22 738 4,582 2,972 3,526 361 45 40 40 126 5 2,226 252 25 189 217 23 316 1,742 7,052 2,395 157 6 11 15 93 31 1,402 125 26 97 432 24 3o4 2,438 3,876 3,629 201 12 11 15 117 36 2,321 165 31 130 590 25 32 147 7,075 769 27 5 5 21 170 45 5 7 484 26 105 212 7,584 877 .,1 -.0 10 151 20 5 55 555 27 183 770 6,849 1,310 9- 20 11 15 27 21 489 91 21 58 463 23 295 951 6,899 1,401 148 15 15 10 60 15 445 52 101 540 29 •^7 142 5,896 653 40 5 10 15 153 27 16 6 376 30 SO 232 5,863 734 5v 10 5 5 25 10 133 32 45 410 31 1? 15 3,832 261 15 5 34 11 5 191 32 31 57 1,563 ^96 11 5 201 17 31 231 33 16«. 908 1,571 2,067 115 o 1 20 91 1,^39 73 24 88 205 34 165 1,015 2,395 353 78 20 10 20 15 22 87 63 12 21 35 365 1,96» 7,565 2,91.. 190 26 11 40 117 32 1,729 153 29 131 456 36 71- 5,195 12,091 7,705 387 537 28 145 290 55 4,741 270 78 291 833 37 365 1,959 7,492 2,855 139 2o 11 40 116 32 1,682 143 29 131 451 33 355 1,932 7,210 2,800 134 26 11 40 lie 32 1,662 148 24 126 431 39 202 1,016 2,076 1,309 82 26 1 20 83 12 786 47 23 57 172 40 318 1,566 2,982 2,160 128 32 2 40 157 23 1,226 56 49 98 349 41 26 517 526 981 53 21 11 15 10 750 50 5 35 31 42 41 1,697 1,899 2,745 75 529 15 65 17 1,853 66 5 67 53 43 17 253 277 647 19 5 11 9 540 21 21 21 44 24 339 1,162 1,334 26 5 15 15 1,188 22 ... 26 37 45 11 342 319 514 40 21 15 2 361 35 5 24 11 46 17 1,358 737 1,411 49 524 65 ' 665 44 5 41 16 47 375 1,994 9,004 3,119 208 26 11 40 117 32 1,755 169 34 131 596 48 267 1,717 4,113 2,275 157 2o 11 35 B6 7 1,420 153 21 115 244 49 236 1,439 3,281 1,458 121 2o 25 56 7 838 104 16 85 180 50 40,104 660,239 390,338 66^,869 57,699 12,190 995 8,335 1,950 480, 501 34,203 5,320 40,792 22,834 51 172 1,354 1,740 1,931 124 26 11 35 65 1 1,254 133 20 97 165 52 496 2,523 2,250 2,301 180 45 11 25 91 5 1,479 92 20 152 201 53 57, UO 1,662,869 2,666,635 4,142,435 124,610 58,395 49,580 33,365 32,923 500 3,563,251 81,165 6,900 110,669 81,077 54 195,054 2,478,762 2,776,755 4,592,977 154,364 66,670 66,000 51,270 86,183 5,000 3,818,612 94,243 4,750 118,120 127,765 55 165 1,126 1,535 1,477 107 6 1 30 63 1 863 129 20 80 157 56 7 228 205 454 17 20 10 5 2 371 A 17 3 57 345 1,725 6,543 2,535 113 26 1 40 116 32 1,523 101 28 101 454 58 722 2,727 5,876 2,532 178 30 5 25 121 25 1,509 78 10 161 390 59 307,391 1,857,279 2,148,743 2,818,199 39,996 1,730 100 16,900 159,625 41,510 2,345,010 13,675 3,281 45,137 146,235 60 451,625 1,759,563 2,155,108 3,156,538 56,097 5,285 110 30,400 166,762 61,950 2,619,639 17,480 2,925 34,955 160,935 61 353 1,945 5,445 2,807 203 26 11 40 112 22 1,653 147 3- 126 433 62 682 2,935 3,525 2,711 217 40 6 20 126 15 1,697 133 20 167 270 63 165,337 1,584,156 985,945 1,607,705 192,020 17,440 6,160 10,135 61,633 2,800 1,118,180 57,737 11,543 71,569 58,483 64 262,839 1,852,717 638,874 1,255,148 159,633 13,920 3,029 4,160 36,205 3,465 878,334 45,175 2,875 52,527 45,325 65 68 770 839 337 6 11 1 10 17 5 221 12 10 8 36 66 10,630 400,908 121,858 79,604 734 -,510 40 525 3,700 535 62,768 2,710 450 1,773 1,859 67 138 4,748 1,842 945 9 60 1 6 42 7 737 33 5 23 22 68 1,039 40,029 7,850 21 65 575 40 11,334 132 ::: 10 60 707 75 6,729 317 40 301 ... 438 69 70 71 72 73 286 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK. WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reporta for only Item (For definitione and explanatioae, aee text) Total all farms Type of farm Caah-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone »%, farms reporting 1954 . . Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . Grain combines farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954., number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. niimber 1954 . , 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954., number 1954 . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCME Fara operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949 . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules fanns reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of Septeoiber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry . .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954 . Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 5,149 6,876 6,898 647 4,668 2,723 128 1,561 607 1,343 1,368 157 157 799 804 386 402 5,220 6,419 5,121 4,597 7,371 6,065 5,730 7,111 2,643 2,658 4,160 3,894 2,520 2,120 1,375 795 2,504 2,617 6,582 16,138 6,515 6,381 2,511 3,675 1,517 6,082 646 1,141 1,082 4,941 7,151 5,604 4,562 1,170,085 3,978 4,784 4,337,407 4,595,388 3,484 494 4,996 5,437 2,935,921 3,013,538 5,814 5,405 2,239,310 1,876,532 2,376 620,305 7,703 61,915 569 885 935 77 495 451 7 219 42 586 694 41 41 95 95 56 56 782 1,038 893 1,028 1,557 1,598 752 869 104 120 458 501 125 156 294 6a; 917 2,925 917 907 357 542 335 1,476 75 87 293 1,389 944 820 615 239,554 672 892 374,973 556,994 650 504 730 140,330 132,867 899 1,062 594,957 584,728 256 80,527 1,011 8,869 10 10 10 10 90 125 85 71 145 109 85 95 95 200 95 90 45 55 30 55 25 25 15 30 95 70 28,755 80 76 96,095 162,603 70 10 50 66 29,375 33,563 85 81 44,845 46,915 85 57,780 594 3,480 40 831 40 968 30 756 5 143 30 752 25 290 5 5 86 41 21 ., 21 10 10 33 34 15 15 35 713 50 859 40 748 40 471 50 898 70 504 40 873 40 1,094 40 195 40 40 20 35 15 120 40 35 25 12,100 35 50 41,915 66,515 30 5 25 50 3,690 3,820 40 55 15,955 30,650 35 9,960 132 960 255 180 523 360 316 145 40 202 546 788 3,334 782 782 251 326 313 2,226 61 100 233 2,126 993 978 720 175,012 938 671 1,442,455 1,016,394 756 182 518 435 198,080 99,985 867 621 214,035 115,345 535 109, 272 1,267 8,539 325 471 481 36 341 204 15 168 271 69 69 56 56 62 62 401 487 406 346 532 462 360 436 56 40 197 210 60 65 60 196 210 471 1,174 466 466 294 485 93 223 52 102 57 121 486 400 364 31,095 250 296 158,895 175,520 239 11 406 431 374,150 328,102 446 411 152,795 124,028 162 33,156 4,096 66 66 80 5 61 26 5 10 66 56 50 6,785 46 45 31,705 6,560 41 5 56 80 136,200 84,140 51 50 16,370 7,855 16 2,435 30 204 1,096 1,408 1,504 100 987 658 44 649 122 235 245 55 55 357 361 197 203 1,281 1,740 1,222 1,134 2,016 1,494 1,174 1,674 231 225 623 549 247 196 171 961 261 61 L31 1,430 3,631 61 1,388 56 1,334 36 43 26 32 654 987 488 1,310 5 10 369 704 21 22 222 606 1,487 1,259 970 327,093 1,009 1,258 1,778,608 1,854,476 798 ai 1,231 1,355 1,477,786 1,565,642 1,379 1,382 774,643 568,274 501 177,353 2,130 19,865 ^Excludes farms reporting coranercial fertilizer and lime . AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM COLORADO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 287 a sample of farms. See text] Area 28— Continued Area 21i Type of farm— Cont inued Total Type of rarm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- laneous all Cash- grain Other other laneous Primarily Crop and and unci asa 1- farms Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and and livestock livestock Tied crop crop livestock livestock sif ied 197 1,521 1,587 50 521 7 31 25 609 45 6 36 207 1 1.3 284 2,097 2,393 111 592 12 41 25 829 71 6 122 589 2 .'■OJ 441 2,061 2,527 157 443 45 60 15 924 104 40 164 575 3 ill 6 205 94 5 37 13 13 1 25 4 :■'■!:; 178 1,381 1,762 81 526 "7 40 25 653 61 6 105 258 5 (..;; 136 658 1,035 60 323 6 26 15 402 26 6 55 116 6 Lu 11 16 69 32 37 7 121 144 665 '39 146 1 '26 10 344 '16 "5 '53 20 8 .,.' 29 36 118 5 25 21 46 5 6 10 9 90 72 435 30 179 1 5 5 193 18 34 20 10 42 91 21 78 530 32 200 1 5 5 203 19 40 20 11 12 21 '.,' 13 :'i 49 '59 447 '19 119 5 225 'io '64 "5 14 ri 49 59 464 19 119 5 241 10 65 5 15 10 10 18 23 12 17 100 102 2 24 25 59 60 15 15 16 17 9S 264 1,177 1,953 85 537 7 26 15 304 45 6 122 306 18 HI 309 1,260 2,929 97 947 19 33 15 1,263 63 6 165 321 19 ICj 279 921 1,882 96 572 7 36 15 776 50 6 117 207 20 u. 391 711 1,912 133 418 35 45 10 842 93 40 166 130 21 US 415 1,074 3,929 168 1,330 23 58 20 1,720 107 12 253 233 22 166 467 811 3,525 201 980 70 50 15 1,557 160 40 237 165 23 103 198 1,726 1,862 69 527 7 36 25 633 61 1 105 393 24 lU 245 2,062 2,745 91 860 14 46 35 1,031 88 1 156 423 25 45 1,316 654 21 43 5 15 87 7 5 471 26 3U 51 1,975 374 25 15 10 15 ... 98 15 'io 21 665 27 71 147 1,796 1,103 46 173 6 15 15 326 23 5 65 429 28 90 200 1,760 1,215 55 99 20 50 5 300 46 20 75 545 29 11 51 1,565 621 15 52 1 15 15 127 1 5 16 374 30 15 30 1,450 668 25 26 10 15 123 15 10 34 410 31 5 931 387 10 30 5 5 10 21 25 5 276 32 :jl 10 436 298 10 10 106 1 171 33 177 419 1,101 44 .236 16 '16 585 29 "i '33 97 34 .:i 102 502 7S1 52 33i 7 20 5 191 21 5 34 110 35 1:4 289 1,923 2,315 111 oj-? 12 36 .?5 862 51 6 122 433 36 :3S 725 2,721 14,194 219 8,585 119 62 40 3,267 282 7 1,017 596 37 1:-; 289 1,909 2,264 101 596 12 - 3c 25 845 50 6 120 473 38 12A 284 1,864 2,206 91 590 12 36 25 825 39 ' 120 462 39 68 173 466 337 37 224 12 11 10 394 27 80 92 40 103 301 611 1,406 74 337 27 21 10 651 58 120 108 41 6 43 31 1,001 34 462 11 5 5 365 20 "i 72 26 42 11 140 246 10,582 54 7,658 80 5 5 1,791 135 1 777 26 43 6 11 15 515 18 203 6 5 233 9 25 16 44 11 16 38 1,065 21 388 37 5 522 27 49 16 45 42 69 782 23 431 11 5 223 14 1 64 10 46 124 208 9,517 33 7,270 43 5 1,269 153 1 728 10 47 1:'"' 294 2,153 2,545 116 607 12 41 25 902 71 6 122 643 48 ii:j 238 1,207 1,970 91 592 12 35 10 747 61 6 120 296 49 107 201 1,068 1,525 82 438 2 35 10 554 46 6 91 261 50 12,933 53,689 108,925 840,697 33,430 371,399 15,200 4,580 3,240 331,433 13,209 894 44,352 17,910 51 51 166 457 1,437 35 552 12 15 5 590 41 6 110 71 52 151 361 752 1,911 123 434 45 40 15 845 74 35 150 150 53 18,710 100,619 157,562 3,835,498 56,646 1,935,561 59,000 9,230 6,135 1.478.973 70,205 1,100 200, 753 17,895 54 96,234 200, 157 279,565 4,869,780 86,005 2,055,168 161,120 14,410 4,440 2,097,640 142,722 11,525 233,960 57,790 55 46 145 447 991 33 301 6 15 5 429 40 6 06 70 56 5 21 10 446 2 251 6 161 1 24 1 57 112 237 1,602 1,774 34 401 10 31 25 701 33 6 91 442 58 302 391 1,507 2,052 106 336 35 60 15 376 63 35 146 375 59 71,8o0 73,830 295,870 1,461,828 16,310 225,378 1,200 28,510 53,650 1,020,478 4,269 4,680 51,427 55,926 60 99,930 145,504 465,875 1,727,451 al,480 329,907 30,260 19,380 9,050 I, lie, 409 26,667 18,800 107,943 42,555 61 119 287 1,248 2,173 106 537 12 41 15 855 61 6 122 368 62 182 426 892 2,170 173 419 40 55 20 929 109 40 180 205 63 40,435 116,820 121, 295 1,669,716 46,428 680,991 7,500 10,730 6,535 727,151 41,188 4,250 107,893 37,050 64 56,939 136,413 104,230 1,635,661 97,930 524,246 40,260 15,920 5,920 688,112 73,114 12,490 140,954 36,715 65 46 97 402 538 18 326 12 10 5 87 12 58 10 66 7,655 27,278 32,785 410,597 14,324 277,813 12,075 440 1,625 64,984 4,710 34,33b 290 67 106 358 645 5,034 156 3,484 132 3 22 771 48 411 2 68 753 3; 103 3,113 36,475 21 574 4,335 650 1,560 6 9 55 75 22,882 10 3L5 1,330 325 1,120 50 150 7,172 5 250 2,500 250 285 3,191 65 69 70 71 72 73 288 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, [^Data are baaed on reporta for only Item {Jor definitiona and explanationa, Bee text) Total all farms Type of farm Caah-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy- Poultry LiTeatock other than dairy and poultry SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIFMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954.. Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . Television set farms reporting 195-4.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954. . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horse.s, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules.. . .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of Septenber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954.. SPECIFIED FARM E]a>ENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry . .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954 . Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 7,800 9,321 9,743 5,275 7,772 4,589 142 2,188 2,326 3,737 4,315 1,060 1,069 923 949 1,710 1,739 8,204 14,002 8,254 8,561 18,715 15,851 8,856 12,378 1,659 1,780 3,738 3,626 1,599 1,709 404 2,769 5,485 9,095 ."■0,309 3,99b 6,850 3,808 5,694 2,481 5,765 1,588 2,278 1,277 3,487 1,066 1,348 1,865 549 1,158 •7b9 8 371 150 1,003 1,317 196 197 92 97 84 85 1,313 2,293 1,358 2,064 2,693 3,623 1,360 1,917 76 185 568 788 133 227 25 368 990 1,299 2,577 1,274 1,259 496 810 227 508 111 141 131 367 1,449 7,319 1,206 5,803 932 3 041,447 546,561 6,017 922 7,797 1,710 9 206,055 773,369 11 730,835 1,739,871 4,830 837 1,187 R5 7,922 966 8,526 1,600 31 351,424 627,692 18 074,923 729,128 8,693 1,428 9,115 2,126 7 598 , 540 1,337,829 6 779,958 1,760,934 4,271 340 2 050,931 160,276 23 .324 1,636 22', 760 23,173 5 813 918 1,031 607 768 428 15 107 191 368 375 150 150 50 50 197 207 858 1,629 893 931 2,454 1,880 893 1,260 140 50 55 181 "12 903 2,519 903 893 377 651 378 975 257 318 192 657 747 476,5-8 848 901 1,468,288 1,833,292 661 187 552 765 444,120 376,140 903 911 1,077,380 772,322 883 506,575 5,447 47,422 85 150 75 60 10 10 5 5 80 170 70 130 150 270 70 110 20 40 10 60 75 330 45 95 40 160 35 135 40 7,200 70 145 111,000 268,890 55 15 45 80 16,100 12,555 70 150 68,500 2.1,985 238 1,535 20 1,248 25 1,367 60 672 5 872 25 1,163 5 660 30 402 1,209 508 530 79 79 226 226 396 423 16 1,245 17 1,953 16 1,276 45 753 16 2,765 50 1,245 10 1,311 10 1,833 5 25 26 45 27,825 105,060 21 11 35 5,435 9,995 16 45 3,375 13,130 109 75 513 305 143 120 36 367 909 2o 1 ,357 131 3 ,039 26 1 ,357 26 1 332 5 755 5 1 093 5 302 100 614 188 277 5 100 157 337 1,392 1,042 .369 371,534 835 648 842,395 451,787 735 100 1,342 768 3, 124, 5.30 901,114 1,322 808 921,786 407,807 648 209,430 .3,57,;, 222 257 327 126 237 82 5 41 16 77 83 1 1 5 5 15 15 172 217 152 157 225 184 237 298 40 55 102 140 55 90 257 142 87 10,070 96 162 62,756 96,565 91 242 322 2,048,664 1.113,000 177 232 64,243 60,610 30 5,225 VI 2,036 2,549 2,392 1,415 2,128 1,405 64 815 323 680 1,004 330 332 372 383 750 781 2,411 4,498 2,356 2,274 5,792 4,731 2,427 3,936 328 205 81o 636 306 162 10 160 55 1,120 97 1,236 242 2,561 455 6,176 242 2,512 237 2,453 137 1,060 173 1,555 20 960 45 2,166 15 721 25 1,100 10 414 20 1,068 2,660 2,069 1,531 925,677 1,600 2,207 4, 035, 486 4,984,820 1,244 556 2,487 2,408 23,112,573 13,439,712 2,499 2,460 2,553,036 2,280,161 1,160 606,192 7,019 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 289 a sample of farms. Set text] Ares 3 — Continued Areas 4 and A Type of farm— Coiit inued Total all Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous Other Livestock other General Miscel- laneous Primarily Crop and and unclassi- farms Cash- grain Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and and unclas- livestock livestock fied crop crop livestock livestock sified 22 621 943 6,788 1,535 15 :-90 815 191 2,020 91 73 231 1,527 1 33 712 1,183 10,068 2,284 21 32 5 1,034 270 3,488 140 124 357 1,975 2 180 1,088 1,147 9,238 2,491 50 430 20 963 422 2,011 100 170 518 2,063 3 15 434 659 3,445 533 21 250 487 97 960 42 13 66 976 4 33 582 962 8,265 1,374 15 300 '.1=1 241 2,780 109 88 277 1,662 5 17 395 438 4,029 1,111 11 65 3^'4 111 1,542 22 56 148 579 6 5 5 149 15 11 77 2 29 15 7 11 183 96 3,493 772 5 51... 61 1,648 39 69 190 193 8 7 237 72 1,628 234 666 21 298 22 34 100 33 9 8 413 145 4,480 1,803 1 367 37 1,671 83 63 236 214 10 9 463 172 5,591 2,390 1 409 43 2,045 93 70 282 258 11 2 148 21 1,020 408 10 61 2 410 16 7 35 21 12 2 153 21 1,046 424 10 61 2 413 16 7 92 21 13 1 79 16 810 118 5 10 119 2 421 39 10 50 36 14 1 89 16 829 122 5 10 119 2 436 39 10 50 36 15 11 142 21 884 137 5 252 2 404 13 6 33 32 16 11 147 21 958 146 5 259 2 459 15 7 33 32 17 33 674 636 8,708 2,240 21 325 963 177 3,199 116 111 319 1,237 18 46 1,160 790 13,661 3,952 31 505 1,355 218 5,277 162 130 463 1,568 19 28 718 608 8,883 2,412 21 250 1,025 133 3,338 147 130 356 1,071 20 155 1,049 372 8,899 3,491 50 2-0 '15 367 168 2,420 104 200 624 690 21 55 1,928 802 15,644 4,557 37 415 1,792 171 6,182 303 191 672 1,324 22 190 2,056 410 13,587 5,889 110 375 15 1,235 204 3,652 185 255 886 7S1 23 33 697 1,019 9,599 2,316 16 275 1,005 243 3,311 131 122 355 1,825 24 39 1,074 1,321 13,791 3,136 17 455 1,543 304 4,906 190 148 466 2,621 25 5 38 959 2,421 184 5 10 113 70 412 27 11 14 1,575 26 30 50 1,090 2,783 225 10 35 5 131 156 238 5 25 25 1,873 27 15 226 950 4,447 900 15 50 356 107 1,246 81 57 110 1,525 28 1)5 237 1,055 4,655 1,236 10 55 5 324 170 818 35 65 200 1,737 29 28 801 2,413 289 10 10 lo2 68 484 28 15 7 1,345 30 3il 65 895 2,629 380 5 45 151 120 270 10 25 31 1,592 31 542 1,460 130 70 65 126 155 12 5 5 892 32 5 10 139 533 18 5 34 21 195 ... 5 5 250 33 7 246 181 3,396 601 5 30 476 59 2,085 45 59 186 350 34 21 472 427 ioSl 1,811 16 220 549 74 1,253 102 71 170 721 35 33 71.? 1,086 9,946 2,191 21 320 1,095 260 3,613 125 140 366 1,815 36 46 1,589 1,630 21,745 4,190 62 1,530 2,679 541 7,630 261 274 775 3,803 37 33 710 1,080 9,791 2,155 21 315 1,0-9 260 3,545 122 140 365 1,789 38 33 699 1,064 9,573 2,116 21 315 1,057 255 3,480 122 135 364 1,708 39 12 320 304 4,374 838 16 200 673 163 1,591 49 30 202 562 40 13 4-5 381 7,091 1,311 31 480 1,198 218 2,475 73 122 297 886 41 :3.: 62 2,105 459 IJ 215 206 41 815 46 12 64 237 42 415 185 5,081 -63 10 •35 ... 424 68 1,675 66 17 114 1,209 43 132 31 1,162 65 104 24 525 12 10 22 175 44 159 106 2,692 5 120 245 25 1,023 17 12 32 915 45 120 31 1,261 289 5 135 125 33 406 40 3 50 125 46 ;5d 79 2,389 465 5 615 179 43 652 49 5 82 294 47 JJ 72V 1,253 10,806 2,560 21 325 ... 1,124 280 3,687 153 140 366 2,150 48 28 653 456 7,077 2,120 16 290 660 107 2,423 131 74 309 947 49 27 581 353 4,749 1,621 15 30 445 56 1,500 103 56 237 636 50 4,555 333,657 36,335 2,361,492 1,253,467 7,400 31,845 128,295 13,585 675,597 44,340 10,483 92,812 103,668 51 23 549 216 5,297 1,623 16 285 502 82 1,931 102 53 225 478 52 130 945 293 7,503 2,933 40 350 15 694 179 2,053 106 130 524 484 53 4,176 866,300 312,790 7,495,104 1,237,593 29,848 472,520 556,889 64,905 2,960,469 65,530 20,160 151,298 1,926,892 54 32,930 l,ai,298 120,515 9,164,475 2,608,038 116,530 495,260 39,335 098,834 270,156 2,619,110 107,243 33,965 272,353 1,903,096 55 23 433 188 4,553 1,504 11 225 451 75 1,612 96 51 205 323 56 116 28 744 119 5 60 51 7 319 6 2 20 155 57 33 642 1,030 8,356 1,546 11 65 1,058 274 3,416 109 133 345 1,399 58 130 980 882 9,657 2,823 30 255 10 1,009 389 2,643 105 215 625 1,548 59 61,531 ip76,640 411,790 17,464,835 1,009,951 2,99C 21,250 3, 308, 192 1,306,9EO 10,741,574 44,844 131,108 313,664 584,362 60 112,880 852,627 279,100 10,734,341 1,527,124 6.735 50,255 550 1, 594, 526 2,059,400 4,311,625 47,413 151,240 289,807 695,666 61 33 712 730 9,621 2,486 21 320 1,044 214 3,500 152 129 349 1,406 62 165 1,040 547 9,876 3,608 45 415 15 948 253 2,704 121 200 676 886 63 18,082 732,885 145,217 6,873,609 2,389,919 20,875 149,935 644,911 77,021 2,795,453 12:, 297 71,457 301,320 295,371 64 87,615 753,142 83,645 6,988,730 3,507,543 41,445 172,680 2,275 448,27" 37,376 1,886,098 82,145 82,175 446,573 232,143 65 6 490 97 1.160 164 20 255 126 6 285 58 1 32 213 66 1,820 293,081 19,970 344,526 63,617 15,400 53,120 31,146 644 92,799 12,818 70 15,773 59,139 67 18 3,402 264 4,257 653 152 936 300 7 1,075 158 1 178 797 68 150 ... 28,679 2,404 5 10 50 5 53,833 41 215 1,245 345 18,102 945 3,060 10 30 200 60 5,416 5 5 4i 50 30 20,287 10 125 475 200 2,515 21 2,212 1,295 16 55 525 35 69 70 71 72 73 290 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit-and-nut SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195i . Electricity farms reporting 195"i. 1950. Television set farms reporting 195^. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FAHM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farn operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER Mo tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR tteek of Septenlier 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954. Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dollars Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting dollars Ions acres on which used Lime and liming material farms reporting tons dollars acres limed 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 3,793 6,432 5,619 1,501 4,514 2,031 83 1,995 432 1,687 1,961 516 516 833 846 426 456 5,304 7,649 5,050 5,215 9,338 8,771 5,642 7,338 2,331 1,957 3,469 2,985 2,CVU 1,706 1,292 750 2,344 2,706 6,383 15,952 6,296 6,127 2,471 3,763 1,529 6,062 757 1,377 1,004 4,685 7,031 4,626 3,445 1,233,818 3,254 4,834 4,589,733 7,737,681 2,780 474 5,544 5,905 8,511,500 6,740,819 5,802 6,043 3,908,541 4,502,869 951 394,694 4,695 35,109 183 446 757 59 362 136 6 169 21 291 353 42 42 25 25 55 55 406 633 476 1,248 986 2,302 426 507 34 70 181 441 34 123 2 108 368 458 1,259 450 450 197 286 151 523 63 96 108 427 498 397 277 WO, 285 335 1,166 251,165 1,700,574 313 22 318 916 147,945 372,576 493 1,329 544,164 1,659,932 77 32,937 402 3,959 79 243 152 46 197 91 106 7 91 99 27 27 17 17 13 13 245 366 273 253 599 434 249 325 5 94 179 107 U2 242 81 107 35 5 5 15 25 112 174 95 218 185 363 111 161 10 41 40 70 10 30 260 1,869 W7 1,049 258 147 258 147 119 185 156 1,426 70 110 72 792 37 59 40 65 132 1,367 47 727 277 127 220 102 123,176 30,630 262 117 247 223 567,551 209,715 757,362 663,843 193 37 69 30 179 67 173 156 70, UO 16,295 36,144 43,340 273 137 253 233 269,002 65,905 258,148 153,493 57 87 26,362 32,820 308 265 2,453 2,671 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 291 a sample of farma. (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 5— Continued Type of farm — Continued Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily 1 ivestock Crop and livestock Miscellaneous and unclassified SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. , Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954.. Home freezer farms reporting 1954.. Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954. . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950 . . Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . OFF-FAHM UORX AND OTHER INCOME Forn operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . , Working off their farms , total operators reporting 1954 . . 1949., 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of Septenber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 214 311 325 81 252 102 5 192 218 11 57 57 49 49 265 442 271 285 420 410 263 509 27 40 134 90 36 30 21 173 96 307 370 205 371 73 192 51 1A8 30 44 317 224 159 39,034 174 265 452,038 276,110 157 17 312 335 1,267,545 705,970 267 335 146,920 142,210 53 10,944 134 792 92 136 227 11 85 54 5 59 10 23 24 15 15 15 15 101 131 85 132 135 192 114 129 126 293 67 117 20 50 10 15 10 35 1,167 2,066 1,409 414 1,531 320 60 910 101 667 759 189 139 364 375 194 201 1,992 3,033 1,332 1,391 3,571 2,373 1,867 2,545 324 244 790 5£0 369 264 365 1,274 558 2,231 5,539 2,174 2,130 894 1,371 7U 2,038 413 738 420 1,30Q 2,307 74 1,597 61 1,030 13,725 4*7,490 53 1,285 143 1,361 45,365 2,067,565 130,462 2,358,660 48 1,063 10 222 131 2,093 33 1,795 395,472 5,486,703 899,304 3,603,943 126 2,154 202 1,702 42,910 1,716,163 95,753 1,132,132 20 202 8,730 125,187 98 1,567 810 10,888 494 728 701 213 505 210 6 193 21 231 270 166 166 161 162 49 56 560 862 698 670 1,486 1,312 638 903 73 46 315 232 64 40 178 520 674 1,691 666 655 236 370 181 666 30 144 140 522 751 658 545 237,956 443 583 583,035 1,078,527 373 70 481 559 146,328 162,068 700 678 521,015 521,127 284 120,597 1,425 10,393 17 214 1,225 33 344 1,982 50 337 1,279 1 70 525 13 214 1,247 22 124 6 437 21 146 139 2 27 25 13 U5 174 15 163 223 5 51 10 5 51 10 12 93 79 12 99 79 5 24 17 5 29 18 33 312 1,277 37 439 1,480 33 353 933 50 418 515 71 694 1,139 60 697 538 31 290 1,652 32 367 1,359 26 24 5,919 19 30 6,064 15,600 19 34,931 65,850 32 75 19,570 20,745 5 635 33 10 164 133 34 27 1 123 225 344 798 184 275 71 184 42 57 354 282 244 39,937 207 391 233,230 437,369 177 30 309 424 291,581 328,727 349 446 253,669 323,108 35 28,667 376 2,538 1,770 1,421 1,636 1,262 1,435 1,106 336 319 6L4 1,802 2,508 1,790 1,681 480 647 89 180 19 50 2,209 963 783 100,666 353 370 161,419 238,024 350 3 1,616 1,174 654,560 510,977 1,260 725 328,524 136,316 31 7,815 112 535 292 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND £Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The ::-t9 te Total all farms Type of farm Livestock General Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Frult- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and Primarily crop poultry Livestock OD haad: 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954... 17,957 1,596 572 73 268 1,481 230 8,662 781 2 1950... 24,605 3,935 847 373 296 1,931 346 9,606 926 3 number 1954 . . . 72,554 3,876 1,211 202 691 3,526 395 45,034 2,369 i 1950... 117,690 12,237 2,621 790 640 6,556 901 65,382 5,178 5 All cattle and calves ...farms reporting 1954... 31,596 3,853 1,391 129 458 3,472 453 11,971 1,750 6 1950... 34,977 6,698 1,493 312 401 3,080 611 11,510 1,654 7 number 1954... 2,100,366 122,304 33,319 1,869 7,161 146,324 11, 208 1,573,705 38,610 8 1950... 1,812,678 195,154 26,289 2,714 2,132 105,283 8.556 1,273,160 35,287 9 Cows, Including heifers that 1 have calved ...farms reporting 1954... 29,779 33,861 3,699 6,529 — 1,329 1,457 99 302 403 381 3,472 3,075 338 601 11,319 11, 149 1,661 1,617 10 1950 . . . 11 number 1954 . . . 389,231 55,922 15,985 457 3,137 79,416 3,396 647,691 15,662 12 1950... 778,674 87,318 9,367 1,442 912 55,477 3,942 533,963 14,620 13 Milk cows ...farms reporting 1954... 24,529 2,886 1,186 87 362 3,471 335 8,523 1,432 li 1950... 30,788 5,707 1,416 267 361 3,065 539 9,766 1,527 15 number 1954 . . . 152,529 11,248 5,118 239 1,457 71,456 1,292 32,906 5,117 16 1950... 167, 792 23,427 6,345 857 847 48,528 1,938 43,729 6,597 17 All hogs and pigs ...farms reporting 1954... 11,091 1,381 465 79 218 865 146 4,336 669 18 1950... 18,972 3,712 788 237 215 1,280 329 6,168 1,031 19 number 1954 . . . 203,092 14,947 7,746 413 2,444 7,035 2,876 133,810 3,739 20 1950. . . 262,038 43,347 13,535 1,631 1,825 10,340 6,634 117,704 14,466 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 27,149 3,569 1,232 243 551 2,643 664 8,622 1,607 22 1950... 35,159 6,646 1,418 643 561 2,655 1,019 10,139 1,773 23 number 1954 . . . 2,247,116 333,603 71,594 13,538 20,328 207,255 305,967 649, 199 111,772 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 2,647,591 516,671 87,420 24, 675 22,305 173,508 384,466 665,950 117,402 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ...farms reporting 1954... 25,013 3,034 878 78 253 3,262 336 11,370 1,091 26 1949... 28,484 5,213 890 156 245 2,949 355 11,503 1,146 27 number 1954... 1,443,914 50,503 13,193 751 1,931 56,353 6,284 1,226,721 13,423 28 1949 . . . 1,090,815 68,349 6,152 672 615 37,813 2,498 897,463 8,860 29 dollars 1954... 178,228,339 4,322,073 1,297,019 64,295 174,210 3,886,752 598,017 IM, 862, 763 1,308,467 30 1949... 166,042,339 7,979,227 746,041 56,921 72,945 3,381,139 314,167 144,117,191 1,008,160 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...farms reporting 1954... 7,717 1,000 359 16 161 583 148 3,309 475 32 1949... 16,348 3,207 629 135 185 1,110 238 5,737 950 33 number 1954 . . . 248,287 13,400 3,262 140 2,465 8,290 2,932 178,658 8,193 y. 1949... 372,982 45,905 20,040 1,615 2,645 18, 196 4,920 187,901 17,125 35 dollars 1954... 8,797,835 469,282 293,781 5,100 55,800 230,522 76,870 6,630,158 259,382 36 1949 . . . 12,588,803 1,494,341 664.489 42,675 89,565 503,793 152,214 6,772,010 578,419 37 Chickens sold ...farms reporting 1954... 8,023 1,193 286 50 92 877 604 2,518 353 38 1949... 12,329 2,316 421 87 160 956 908 3,179 643 39 dollars 1954 . . . 1,967,414 79,642 22,836 3,935 2,909 74,421 1,400,548 173,673 31,752 40 1949 . . . 3,048,376 171, 183 30,350 7,739 9,555 77,850 2,097,070 270,953 37,614 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 14,321 2,196 541 86 236 1,450 635 4,623 760 42 1949 . . . 20,753 4,286 723 176 220 1,750 922 5,929 932 43 dozens 1954 . . . 12,595,559 1,740,991 207,547 53,075 37,320 956,618 3,728,878 2,950,536 375,535 44 1949... 15,452,102 2,646,123 308,531 60,610 112,255 325,075 4,458,455 3,035,169 361,723 45 dollars 1954... 4,728,848 576, 192 69,597 24,336 34,473 364,931 1,606,246 1,029,260 126,860 46 1949 . . . 6,411,483 968,682 123,327 24,745 47, 600 334,863 2,150,640 1,177,532 134,319 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 34,758,142 3,392,095 2,115,263 66,025 681,046 57,633,787 581,435 9,823,688 1,786,691 48 dollars 1954... ,'6,869,595 682, 137 533,552 26,165 147,865 20,478,070 153,998 2,202,891 425,807 49 Specified crops harvested; 1949... 22,006,795 1,383,528 595,147 51,075 81,220 12,M8,632 211,919 2,943,105 503.383 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 11,366 1,564 828 116 163 1,738 149 3,747 1.191 51 1949 . . . 16,293 3,309 856 307 185 1,770 252 4,472 1,268 52 acres 1954 . . . 398,658 108,204 20,106 2,536 1,309 47,415 3,715 136,331 29,715 53 1949 .. . 610,956 223,671 15,389 3,770 1,000 47,020 5,846 175,048 32,708 54 Com harvested for grain. . ...farms reporting 1954... 6,168 1,227 422 70 122 484 65 1,572 850 55 1949 . . . 12,073 2,884 570 292 170 805 211 2,965 1,137 56 acres 1954 . . . 209,432 89,031 8,766 550 924 9,261 1,432 51,333 19,481 57 1949 .. . 474,497 207,810 9,922 3,485 890 19, 523 3,535 114, 524 28,738 58 bushels harvested 1954... 5,569,076 1,685,928 383,205 23,200 48,190 210,100 26,560 1,469,161 879,932 59 1949... 11,666,275 4,254,874 501,215 162,035 40,325 464,532 115,615 2,738,148 1,351,561 60 bushels sold 1954 .. . 2,703,863 1,230,177 2,-'7,825 11,350 23,100 21,732 9,300 196,182 617,002 61 1949 . . . 6,156,712 3,253,182 213,565 111,550 13,205 101,337 11, 175 673, 887 824,571 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined ...farms reporting 1954... 9,461 4,349 142 10 30 555 39 2,556 397 63 1949 . . . 12,209 6,439 244 45 30 602 113 2,435 544 64 acres 1954 . . . 1,543,245 1,035,424 6,193 235 120 40,543 4,102 350,641 20,070 65 1949... 2,280,827 1,849,183 19,290 340 230 21,972 3,072 262, 150 25,280 66 bushels harvested 1954... 15,363,460 11,748,570 64,029 6,935 2,525 283, 103 34,815 2,317,790 195,766 67 1949 . . . 34,971,941 28,856,673 252,955 8,520 6,340 409,200 46,695 3,409,969 432,976 68 bushels sold 1954 . . . 13,733,022 10,774,947 56,190 6,310 2,100 227,411 27,072 1,833,024 169,630 69 1949... 32,407,805 27,310.447 231,265 5,980 5,375 307,780 22,730 2,890,537 427,056 70 Barley threshed or comhined ...farms reporting 1Q54... 9,060 2,435 987 32 38 757 45 2,537 787 71 1949... 17,369 4,436 1,352 197 66 1,533 178 4,958 1,354 72 acres 1954 . . . 349,535 172,414 30,328 405 951 16,503 995 81,338 18,251 73 1949... 758,616 329,226 44,911 3,723 930 39,992 4,039 202,050 40,485 74 bushels harvested 1954... 6,201,802 2,115,743 907,372 18, 125 30,440 275,761 26,065 1,750,164 458,134 75 1949... 21,338,854 7,760,877 1,333,631 139,630 35,200 1,201,985 133,645 5,978,330 1,358,975 76 bushels sold 1954... 2,822,909 1,377,311 553,137 12,030 13,675 31,456 6,410 374,937 229,195 77 1949 . . . 10,157,566 5,562,409 731,553 91,035 13,335 216,909 13,375 1,507,894 744,365 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans. ....... . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 4,304 1,153 2,009 576 605 45 80 11 15 275 260 11 10 870 1,196 637 645 79 1949... 5l097 80 acres 1954... 226,214 134,479 16,221 1,210 434 7,181 370 31,337 15,107 81 1949 . . . 277,947 166, 171 15,140 1,055 410 7,475 30 42,395 14,415 82 100- lb. bags harvested 1954... 1,803,001 679,029 242,202 10,010 1,050 61,560 565 373,673 218,728 83 1949... 2,055,768 969,003 237,715 17, 620 2,125 29, 170 340 370,953 189,925 84 Hay cut , acres 1954 . . . 1,293,534 84,662 95,692 59,269 58,442 3,009 6,148 6,250 3,940 92,608 76,125 6,704 9,311 755,757 348,769 137,883 119,455 85 1949... 1,390^308 86 tona 1954... 1,991,555 114,202 119,462 8,296 15,255 182,471 11,264 1,001,719 291,396 For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text aM State Table 12. ^ Includes mili equivalent of cream and butterfat sold COLORADO 293 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a sample of farms. See text] Tlio i.tate— Conti nued Area 1 Type of farm — Cont inued Total Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- laneous and unclas- Prinarily Crop and laneous and all farms Cash- grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Primarily Primaril 1 Crop and livestock livestock fied crop crop livestoc c livestock sified 195 965 3,134 2,563 115 6 1 20 102 5 1,640 9; 24 119 436 1 537 2,012 3,886 2,796 160 25 1 5 96 1,733 13; 2C 202 421 2 589 3,037 11,624 19,421 680 30 5 50 388 5 14,346 634 134 922 2,227 3 1,848 7,555 13,482 26,495 1,220 160 8 20 489 19,268 1,53C lie 1,453 2,082 4 359 1,925 5,835 2,625 131 11 1 35 117 25 1,655 9£ 2' 110 413 5 767 3,047 5,404 2,898 168 40 1 20 166 5 1,738 loe 2C 207 425 6 12,920 91,809 55,637 338,141 4,041 798 112 260 4,480 75 308,799 5,584 1,75S 6,969 5,267 7 18,473 102,054 43,521 265,466 4,199 945 9 255 4,355 5 237,913 3,37' 1,11c 9,323 3,975 8 359 1,860 5,185 2,567 130 11 1 35 117 20 1,534 8£ 2= 110 392 9 757 2,985 5,008 2,850 168 40 1 15 166 5 1,725 10: 2C 207 400 10 6,459 35,877 25,229 158,895 1,746 359 46 130 2,066 40 145,479 2,70; 73' 3,175 2,415 11 8,242 42,912 20,479 132,812 1,765 440 5 105 2,285 5 118,989 2,201 51C 4,527 1,980 12 344 1,710 4,193 2,108 108 6 1 35 117 20 1,309 7C 24 106 312 13 757 2,864 4,519 2,598 150 40 1 15 166 5 1,556 3£ 2C 197 360 U 2,835 10, 983 9,878 9,059 458 17 3 110 1,542 40 4,939 21; 22£ 570 339 15 5,187 18,945 11,342 12,047 579 195 5 105 1,991 5 6,526 35 18: 1,115 990 16 180 846 1,886 916 59 11 1 20 45 533 V- 63 137 17 506 1,827 2,879 1,228 50 20 1 15 85 '10 708 5' ic 122 150 18 2,122 11,173 11,787 7,806 350 17 1 155 191 5,775 17 L 4; 479 624 19 6,097 27,208 18,701 11,431 451 205 3 265 380 10 8,085 49C 8C 907 505 20 344 1,541 6,028 1.972 142 26 1 30 110 31 1,095 7' 1 14 92 354 21 732 2,937 6,636 2,601 191 40 1 25 116 25 1,430 11< 2C 191 400 22 55,616 170,800 307,444 117,236 12,269 1,070 40 795 12,221 7,465 55,150 2,87f > 1,97. 6,615 15,762 23 89,150 273,528 292,516 135,312 7,471 2.C9U 150 590 7,184 15,625 67,132 4,84t 2,40( 13,905 13,325 24 350 1,848 2,613 2,200 78 1 1 25 101 15 1,587 4, > 24 98 228 25 727 2,789 2,511 2,542 145 20 1 15 141 1,730 r. 2( ) 177 220 26 5,059 52,393 17,303 146,990 1,457 10 36 115 1,383 50 138,725 65 > 49< > 2,603 1,446 27 6,698 52,191 9,504 114,974 1,528 290 2 70 1,481 107, 533 60( ) 23 2,565 670 28 375,461 5,172,383 1,166,899 13,546,079 117,273 1,000 2,750 13,970 90,873 4,740 13,002.082 49,60 38,17 1 223,284 102,323 29 731,196 6,689,668 945,634 15,686,381 158,361 37,990 256 11,000 154,470 14, 837, 497 62,59 26,69C ) 334,702 62,310 30 158 673 835 432 30 15 18 264 2( ) > 31 52 31 565 1,833 1,659 939 38 20 10 70 538 4 3 127 85 32 2,815 13,202 9,930 7,310 282 130 124 5,582 IL ) 4 439 593 33 10,340 41,533 22,762 17,920 223 240 330 1,015 13,225 55 9 1,667 570 34 91,232 444,009 241,699 200.587 7,090 3,020 2,879 161,521 3,30( ) 1,18 ! 9,315 12,280 35 318,415 1,365,477 607,400 572,060 6,198 8,270 14,840 23,965 429, 190 13,49 4,00 ) 58,942 13,160 36 218 735 1,092 500 61 20 38 31 229 2 ) 40 57 37 557 1,413 1,689 574 64 5 1 60 20 348 ]_ 1. > 66 30 38 35,019 53,202 84,477 47,437 5,420 475 2,580 16,125 15,055 33 ) 93 ) 3,643 2,810 39 67, 217 130,487 148,303 117, 174 4,212 3M) 119 4,735 53,475 36,954 1,85 ) 2,53 ) 6,889 5,950 40 313 1,203 2,273 989 89 20 1 20 62 31 501 2 3 1 70 162 41 687 2,333 2,795 1,275 95 20 5 95 25 694 4 ) 2 ) 101 175 42 508,955 1,089,600 896,004 498,110 62,139 4,330 40 3,350 87,675 98,700 163,570 2,83 J 1,91 3 30,239 43,321 43 948,009 1,805,279 890,873 570,877 35,155 6,400 2,000 33,135 153,830 217,594 20, OK ) 19,65 ] 52,338 29,665 44 189, 547 366,060 341,296 210,531 27,707 1,715 16 1,260 35,088 44,190 67,584 92 ) 79 7 12,758 18,387 45 377, 134 696,755 375,836 245,383 15,251 2,010 600 15,200 72,805 85,373 8,18 i 10,42 J 23,199 12,330 46 1,386,174 5,124,900 2,167,038 3,288,795 114,921 4,475 800 72,800 1,158,324 12,480 1,223,341 57,99 , 124,05 3 312,860 196,742 47 312,485 1,342,013 559,612 807, 570 24,082 1,342 150 11,430 370,563 2,140 252,379 10,39 7 20,28 > 68,040 46,765 48 644,593 2,311,789 672,404 943,176 37,322 5,410 20,290 454,751 297, 627 11,77 ) 25,45 ) 64,411 25,145 49 143 1,116 1,106 157 10 104 6 1 19 17 50 500 1,792 1,582 116 '20 61 30 51 4,848 33,682 10,797 1,977 45 1,595 7 9 166 39 52 14,870 77,449 13,685 1,333 10 170 1,078 75 53 78 719 559 20 5 8 1 6 54 390 1,425 1,224 37 22 15 55 2,938 20,929 4,835 200 35 L35 1 39 56 10,825 65,610 9,535 480 445 35 57 29,512 701,118 112, 170 7,573 ... 1,000 4,615 8 1,950 58 218,050 1,583,440 236,430 19,137 17,662 1,475 59 2,830 341,995 22,370 60 54,585 845,655 54,000 1,000 1,000 61 145 740 448 428 189 10 10 13 1 131 1< * 39 10 62 232 1,122 403 555 206 5 15 5 204 2t 75 20 63 8,233 61,120 21,564 43,312 31,104 470 '36 1,331 169 7,640 52f 9C 2,340 110 64 10,320 79,825 9,165 50,004 34,807 25 250 30 11,077 54. 7: 2,975 220 65 48,072 558,747 98,103 605,033 452,572 2,000 300 14,394 1,200 94,224 6,64' 1 90C 30,921 1,875 66 127,185 1,245,833 125,095 1,181,422 838,528 875 10,300 500 230,104 13,55C ) 2,50C 81,665 3,400 67 35,524 478,751 72,063 559,126 428,443 1,000 10,271 852 83,191 5,76 L 88. 27,213 1,500 68 90,420 1,049,575 66,590 1,101,185 815,199 625 9,595 375 188,901 11,00< ) 1,50( D 71,290 2,700 69 102 872 418 507 112 5 20 267 3 7 1 1 39 16 70 346 2,000 949 343 75 20 50 471 5 ) 111 55 71 2,022 21,284 5,044 18,830 9,549 115 594 6,524 92 3 11 5 638 230 72 8,342 71,710 12,708 17,967 2,334 335 795 10,393 1,11; 5C 2,060 335 73 29,670 512,137 73,191 465,252 213,800 4,400 11,880 175,721 29,60; 6,20c 15,865 2,791 74 206,435 2,412,381 272,765 521,599 63,585 19,040 31,600 334,044 33,95C 1,50C 74,005 8,875 75 7,685 186,200 30,823 293,195 194, UO 4,400 5,950 53,425 24,96C 5,00c 5,320 76 35,155 1,091,901 99,085 179,523 49,023 10,500 11,715 69,205 17,00C 21.340 740 77 23 502 201 1 1 78 100 771 406 10 '5 5 79 1,765 14,539 3,571 1 1 30 2,315 24,664 3,877 110 90 20 31 2,886 206,215 7,083 2 2 32 7,115 220,627 11,170 1,840 1,800 40 83 8,951 96,232 42,209 350,200 4,637 570 55 555 6,542 139 237, 797 23,53£ 1,531 17,945 6,741 84 15,533 112,005 44,388 417,947 8,575 1,750 685 135 5,690 70 333,931 31,13C 1,65C 23,990 1P,290 85 13,e3b 179,018 54,536 409,995 3,999 1,710 46 840 8,396 275 335,643 31,054 2,93E 19, 185 5,399 86 294 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item Area 2a Total Type of farm Livestock General [For definitions and explanations, see text] all farms Caah-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and Primarily poultry crop Livestock OD haad:^ 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,299 4,568 305 578 35 51 25 242 236 256 355 21 40 1,132 1,450 183 193 2 1950... 3 number 1954 . . . 12,660 664 85 635 652 38 5,582 532 ^ 1950... 19,698 1,595 132 '55 525 1,390 85 9,559 748 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 5,452 667 65 30 422 485 41 1,380 334 6 1950... 5,723 854 76 40 331 506 50 1,507 243 7 number 1954 . . . 207,211 11,861 2,305 435 6,731 15,507 341 134,849 5,285 8 1950 . . . 160,062 7,081 631 255 1,757 11,506 290 112,808 2,907 9 Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954... 5,121 5,581 610 819 60 71 30 40 372 316 485 506 41 50 1,336 1,495 339 238 10 1950... 11 number 1954 . . . 94,756 4,826 680 155 2,937 8,317 346 51,551 2,448 12 1950... 74,624 3,207 275 145 692 5,020 120 51,643 1,270 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954 . . . 4,455 525 55 20 326 486 41 1,040 299 U 1950... 5,215 733 71 40 296 506 50 1,348 32 15 number 1954 . . . 21,510 1,865 330 45 1,341 7,494 121 3,975 1,077 16 1950 . . . 22,207 2,318 197 100 637 5,559 115 6,349 671 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 2,272 284 25 5 198 214 5 601 148 18 1950... 3,45o 527 56 25 165 285 20 399 176 19 number 1954 . . . 22,918 2,426 150 15 2,289 1,232 100 9,010 1,723 20 1950... 38,360 5,068 1,202 85 1,025 2,050 160 14,965 1,529 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 5,225 710 60 35 510 388 61 1,062 353 22 1950... 6,148 901 81 55 431 460 80 1,390 246 23 number 1954 — 344,026 48,737 1,705 1,395 18,946 23,621 54,425 63,019 27,520 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold; 292,429 40,571 2,830 1,670 15,530 20,875 20,420 55,475 12,480 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 3,641 403 40 20 222 431 25 1,297 203 26 1949 . . . 4,099 438 21 25 190 476 25 1,503 140 27 number 1954... 83,810 3,360 930 190 1,711 4,596 200 61,370 1,484 28 1949... 77,170 2,438 166 75 475 4,667 100 62,050 710 29 dollars 1954... 7,564,797 266,900 55,435 16,420 150,555 267, 103 11,555 5,919,199 115,500 30 1949... 9,695,077 242,285 20,449 5,925 54,325 402,090 7,440 8,240,626 91,030 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1,425 165 15 146 152 15 454 96 32 1949... 3,080 446 46 20 145 291 20 935 115 33 number 1954... 24,860 2,441 305 2,335 1,462 155 11,666 1,815 3i 1949... 66,285 5,465 740 '35 1,730 4,906 225 31,276 1,570 35 735,054 62,985 7,415 52,780 40,515 4,635 371,501 61,868 36 1949 . . . 2,009, ^;o 150,290 27,297 1,315 55,020 136,882 5,965 1,015,173 42,765 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,204 134 5 92 130 55 265 60 38 1949... 1,808 205 10 5 120 155 75 390 55 39 dollars 1954... 102,938 9,300 240 2,909 7,535 30,125 18,669 6,095 40 1949... 146,869 13,065 550 235 6,725 5,595 28,275 32,697 3,115 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,415 319 20 10 211 201 61 531 167 42 3,164 466 50 30 165 295 75 750 105 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,988,950 197,573 1,020 7,560 83,970 112,365 755,200 309,238 ia,io5 44 1949... 1,364,485 148,330 10,225 6,660 72,450 78,920 235,040 250,991 28,520 45 dollars 1954... 732,277 73,135 300 2,570 33,013 43,926 322,755 113,947 41,791 46 1949 . . . 538,266 53,925 3,830 2,270 32,080 29,550 116,535 95,537 10,335 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 10,303,914 526,800 137,188 2,400 375 608,246 5,336,278 53,200 1,473,350 239,057 389,907 48 dollars 1954... 2,750,308 99,254 54,635 136,435 1,735,831 9,525 71,620 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 2,222,428 68,635 32,610 1,700 48,015 1,235,686 6,215 346,094 18,270 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 2,168 332 50 15 158 273 16 561 181 51 1949... 2,904 435 51 50 170 255 40 732 180 52 acres 1954... 27,493 4,718 765 170 1,264 3,385 185 9,719 2,614 53 1949... 28,205 5,095 705 275 950 2,310 285 8,953 1,310 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 1,308 252 40 15 117 80 16 265 156 55 1949... 2,.^39 365 41 50 155 140 35 433 170 56 acrea 1954... 14,120 3,215 485 160 839 355 120 3,573 2,032 57 1949... 18,920 4,335 500 275 340 355 220 4,140 1,605 58 bushels harvested 1954 .. . 790,395 195,130 35,650 8,950 47,190 45,045 9,370 197,265 107,450 59 1949 . . . 880,365 185,565 32,150 12,325 38,575 43,375 10,990 204,360 91,440 60 bushels sold 1954... 212,715 39,950 2,750 23,100 3,500 23,400 54,810 61 1949... 228,345 79,290 10,350 I,™ 12,455 3,535 730 13,670 26,075 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined Xanns reporting 1954. . . 1,032 1,165 477 493 5 5 10 20 20 49 76 6 5 186 213 5? 63 1949... 64 acres 1954... 56,782 45,468 20 90 1,138 50 4,193 65 1949... 57,730 44,530 15 '75 90 2,250 40 5,130 955 66 bushels harvested 1954... 796,419 613,239 1,000 2,225 15,930 1,700 78,680 22,385 67 1949... 1,168,599 845,051 250 2,390 1,800 31,750 500 135,878 41,525 68 bushels sold 1954... 673,745 540,858 1,000 2,100 11,730 760 57,105 17,805 69 1949... 941,917 742,352 250 1,890 375 23,200 33,345 23,300 70 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 19.'54. . . 1,388 273 15 5 88 118 5 417 111 71 1949... 1,566 298 36 5 36 130 15 512 121 72 acres 1954 . . . 17,986 4,983 220 50 951 1,145 39 5,827 1,499 73 1949... 19,332 4,178 827 30 445 915 30 6,830 1,615 74 bushels harvested 1954... 644,380 150,421 15,150 1,750 30,440 39,075 5,500 a;5,854 66,050 75 1949... 736,262 U7,495 40,440 1,000 18,700 39,560 3,325 265,762 62,085 76 bushels sold 1954... 220,667 93,338 3,325 750 13,675 39,226 46,375 77 1949 . . . 179,420 57,675 8,825 3,885 2,000 42,140 28,905 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1954... 1,157 698 25 15 11 35 5 65 166 79 1949... 1,574 932 30 15 10 30 5 152 120 30 acres 1954... 117,800 107,545 490 530 434 785 20 1,948 3,0U 81 1949... 108,857 99,015 170 135 no 665 25 2,092 2,345 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 585,526 484,804 4,850 3,625 1,050 4,940 160 25,809 37,5CH 83 1949 . . . 653,751 553,997 2,480 2,470 925 2,355 215 18,014 37,315 84 Hay cut acres 1954. . . 125,525 UO,552 9,562 9,195 1,190 2,001 660 505 5,692 2,640 11,983 9,705 370 510 60,658 70,545 15,095 9,700 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 281,843 23,116 4,070 1,915 14,409 27,160 1,165 123,972 41,597 'For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. 'includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. COLORADO 295 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] Area ^a — Continued Area 21 Type of f arm— Cont inued Total Type of farm General -Con. Miscel- Livestock other General Miscel- laneous laneous all Other Primarily Crop and and farms Cash- grain Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy end poijltry Primarily Primarily Crop and and livestock livestock fied crop crop livestock livestock sified 83 187 855 1,399 54 246 16 10 691 30 1 83 268 1 157 396 1,077 1,858 100 234 20 50 10 357 71 15 106 345 2 277 639 3,546 5,574 i.:3 60o 30 30 3,703 118 7 159 793 3 4S8 1,649 3,472 9,816 .■80 973 "55 150 15 6,350 454 40 394 1,105 4 129 284 1,614 2,009 75 431 1 41 15 841 55 6 122 422 5 207 491 1,413 2,190 130 330 15 55 20 968 77 40 160 395 5 3,794 9,000 16,553 117,965 1,B2U 11,592 1 692 415 93,820 532 210 5,516 3,367 7 3,088 9,050 10,689 109,526 1,985 4,694 140 1,490 75 93,621 1,290 655 3,466 2,110 8 129 284 1,434 1,986 75 420 1 41 15 835 54 6 122 417 9 207 491 1,348 2,153 130 325 15 55 20 951 77 40 160 335 10 1,792 3,476 8,22s 59,390 937 5,525 1 424 210 47,410 273 135 2,802 1,673 11 1,387 4,340 5,525 53,438 975 2,432 70 740 40 45,372 721 340 1,603 1,145 12 129 267 1,267 1,633 69 388 41 10 644 46 6 117 317 13 207 481 1,246 1,930 110 319 15 55 15 820 62 40 154 340 U 1,021 1,401 2,340 5,141 176 1,106 420 15 2,155 72 38 506 653 15 997 2,191 2,963 6,945 305 1,097 '45 560 30 3,081 318 235 699 575 16 96 159 537 939 53 194 6 15 10 373 10 1 60 a7 17 166 381 756 1,625 135 227 20 30 15 633 52 20 93 390 18 1,366 1,763 2,839 19,787 768 5,544 65 30 150 10,680 40 30 1,360 1,120 19 2,087 5,170 5,019 32,801 3,715 7,027 320 570 45 16,428 1,164 200 1,480 1,855 20 12* 254 1,668 1,722 38 369 10 26 25 571 23 1 108 501 21 207 491 1,806 2,165 160 282 25 _ 60 20 823 92 40 168 495 22 18,001 18,989 67, 618 102,085 4,746 19,929 700 1,960 12,250 35,197 905 200 9,536 15,662 23 16,840 32,008 63,630 108,533 6,945 13,078 1,100 2,000 2,120 43,330 5,045 5,290 12,715 11,910 24 119 252 624 1,386 29 2.U 40 15 760 19 6 105 168 25 187 441 653 1,605 65 192 5 60 5 882 47 35 124 190 26 1,418 3,645 4,906 50,350 450 3,451 225 240 42,092 170 127 2,634 961 27 988 3,271 2,230 50,366 390 1,623 5 390 5 41,850 222 165 5,2a 485 28 100, 190 313,943 342,997 4,360,964 40,252 281,908 16,520 10,675 3,693,895 11,679 7,690 240,180 58,165 29 91,971 334,390 204,546 6,933,870 49,470 196,622 900 34,310 735 5,920,059 20,786 11,955 651,223 47,810 30 76 110 186 650 31 176 1 10 258 5 1 57 111 31 175 36b 521 1,282 91 a6 10 '25 571 57 25 107 180 32 1,289 1,650 1,742 20,130 213 6,397 10 400 U,093 25 20 1,140 882 33 4,015 8,644 7,579 51,350 2,350 13,697 200 330 ^;,958 3,015 710 4,495 1,595 34 38,105 66,195 29,055 673,046 5,765 233,782 500 5,665 373,104 750 200 37,735 15,545 35 106,225 268,333 199,975 1,640,410 68,420 486,685 4,425 7,295 796,134 92,425 12,015 145,436 27, 575 36 96 100 266 311 17 76 5 15 107 5 1 44 40 37 147 220 426 409 20 57 5 10 10 162 10 15 70 50 38 8,295 4,425 14,845 48,859 981 13,090 240 22,020 7,438 150 210 3,070 1,660 39 13,852 14,975 26,785 38,103 2,150 5,350 1,000 325 1,370 13,848 145 3,085 8,470 2,365 40 113 196 586 578 36 156 5 11 25 216 6 1 72 50 41 132 350 696 1,008 40 149 10 35 15 442 46 35 131 105 42 182,990 88,244 129,680 387,365 14,900 67,649 450 4,200 123,700 96,781 1,250 1,300 58,625 14, 010 43 139,704 184,910 153,635 472,102 13,490 67,551 17,300 7,135 20,965 160,775 15,325 52,025 100,371 12, 165 44 71,903 30,832 43,105 153,122 4,812 24,758 200 1,190 50,305 40,452 525 585 24,220 6,075 45 60,064 67,710 65,380 193,698 7,335 25,919 6,900 2,950 9,130 66,904 6,415 20,320 42,565 5,260 46 588,898 603,%2 578,635 1,369,606 33,265 253,762 380,905 2,340 474,994 4,160 21,791 137,970 60,419 47 140,535 105,176 107,865 306,544 6,660 57,434 91,100 1,170 94,317 725 6,250 35,318 13,570 48 U5,238 208,475 140,490 409,449 10,550 52,115 725 82,940 ... 164,946 19,443 27,775 46,075 4,880 49 66 159 357 168 5 33 5 68 22 35 50 120 250 621 32 10 5 32 5 25 51 690 2,069 1,914 2,955 5 547 75 1,810 423 95 52 1,125 3,630 3,067 475 110 5 260 10 4 45 53 40 106 221 19 6 8 5 54 00 225 530 50 5 20 20 55 255 1,235 1,301 73 "io 53 10 56 745 3,045 2,360 160 5 80 4 30 57 16,390 69,540 53,415 950 840 50 58 31,475 153,375 4,430 76,735 10,775 5,650 600 150 4,000 600 1,25 250 59 60 2,500 62,700 15,340 375 375 ... 51 42 93 102 66 6 24 1 U 15 62 42 115 131 80 15 33 6 15 63 940 2,077 1,557 882 70 128 253 "s 328 95 64 445 2,405 1,795 1,303 585 35 333 7 90 135 65 9,665 35,491 16,104 19,097 2,400 2,000 6,602 ioo 6,970 1,025 65 10,825 59,320 38,310 28,225 10,450 1,700 7,940 2,23 1,925 3,975 67 7,875 ai,935 9,577 16,372 2,350 1,800 5,372 5,940 410 68 7,170 43,590 U,445 13,230 7,850 1,200 940 1,740 1,500 69 52 U6 167 935 74 363 2 10 306 23 75 82 70 61 201 151 1,404 148 262 30 40 541 67 2( 116 180 71 663 1,346 1,213 37,625 4,930 14,419 180 440 13,094 1,385 2,444 733 72 672 2,625 1,115 55,465 6,928 13,093 375 880 19,968 3,145 34< 3,021 2,215 73 14,560 46,615 28,965 1,141,806 143,390 473,922 9,000 7,220 384,834 28,050 83,960 11,430 74 17,650 104,975 35,270 1,860,073 214,690 441,503 22,460 17,690 632,669 89,500 7,87 340,026 43,660 75 1,735 14,920 7,273 633,160 115,710 316,872 8,880 1,500 118,433 20,200 46,290 5,270 76 200 22,315 12,975 937,356 168,520 240,325 14,300 330 169,740 57,365 269,086 17,590 77 82 55 180 27 35 36 5 2 75 78 '25 135 120 266 50 5 5 60 11 130 79 1,330 1,705 701 152 100 139 '60 50 200 30 240 2,255 1,805 910 240 85 5 225 1 145 200 31 19,059 3,725 3,495 726 480 484 240 420 1,145 82 3,905 25,905 6,170 5,830 1,850 1,200 '20 1,020 15 570 1,155 83 2,517 7,754 10, OW 189,776 2,753 30,685 40 1,625 235 132,862 8,397 365 9,394 3,415 84 3,908 11,100 10,740 225,016 5,510 21,567 575 1,555 1,375 166,415 9,635 925 12,319 .5,090 85 5,660 20,235 18,394 197,436 3,774 42,533 80 3,275 410 122,741 7,251 651 13,681 3,040 86 2% STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item Area 3 Total Typ e of farm L i vest ock General (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 all farms Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and Primarily crop poultry Livestock ob baod: 1 1 Horses and mules ..farms reporting 1954... 3,173 393 181 15 6 403 65 1,280 ai2 2 1950... 4,610 785 351 40 10 437 92 1,674 180 3 number 1954... 9,004 311 311 30 6 825 95 4,782 647 i. 1950... 17,608 2,171 392 UO 15 1,299 350 7,863 1,170 5 All cattle and calves ..farms reporting 1954... 8,008 1,008 663 30 1 1,392 152 2,518 640 6 1950... 8,792 1,715 836 60 25 888 172 2,492 566 7 number 1954 . . . 558,003 30,579 17,670 215 170 62,318 3,090 384,807 13,937 8 1950... 448,228 44,263 16,945 750 95 31,052 2,128 291,574 11,655 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved .............. . . farms reporting 1954 . . . 7,288 8,371 960 1,649 623 810 25 60 1 25 1,392 883 127 172 2,188 2,313 579 556 10 1950 . . . 11 number 1954 . . . 159,015 13,018 6,477 80 70 31,337 812 38,242 4,517 12 1950... 129,267 17,438 4,590 400 70 15,590 988 69,173 3,350 13 Milk cows ..farms reporting 1954... 6,293 746 562 25 1 1,392 97 1,727 516 U 1950... 7,068 1,524 785 60 25 873 162 2,137 545 15 number 1954 . . . 52,062 3,021 3,132 80 6 29,560 341 7,281 2,179 16 1950... 50,978 6,795 4,055 400 70 14,330 670 9,955 3,235 17 All hogs and pigs ...farms reporting 1954... 2,045 330 138 15 a8 36 705 201 18 1950... 4,014 790 340 45 '20 311 72 1,204 2ia 19 number 1954 . . . 29,584 3,439 1,223 25 2,612 416 16,087 1,901 20 1950... 51,750 8,002 3,505 235 415 2,554 2,675 20,622 1,945 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 6,695 917 568 50 11 1,084 192 1,822 592 22 1950 . . . 8,521 1,644 795 125 50 748 281 2,193 600 23 number 1954... 600,052 91,214 36,713 2,825 587 91,690 81,265 150,442 36,077 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 729,937 136,953 52,955 6,240 2,800 51,695 81,355 183,242 39,350 25 Cattle and calves sold alive- ...farms reporting 1954... 6,888 830 452 20 6 1,322 U2 2,576 433 26 1949... 7,472 1,276 521 40 15 888 132 2,568 475 27 number 1954... 536,138 14,250 6,559 85 105 21,868 1,678 455,856 5,979 28 1949... 381,140 13,376 3,047 180 30 9,540 543 325,788 3,615 29 dollars 1954... 89,430, 233 1,249,401 762,490 6,825 9,635 1,654,322 146,558 81,733,700 728,057 30 1949... 70,292,727 1,592,770 376,285 5,945 4,125 872,936 56,225 63,822,812 375,800 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...farms reporting 1954... 1,561 240 108 5 163 36 580 136 32 1949... 3,513 637 235 15 10 241 37 1,151 245 33 number 1954... 50,531 2,930 1,067 10 3,226 681 35,036 2,157 3i 1949... 74,366 9,176 3,845 295 425 4,427 1,439 32,899 2,990 35 dollars 1954... 1,807,033 li5,135 34,580 400 96,472 20,879 1,292,869 53,170 36 1949... 2,524,959 291,042 97,375 7,000 15,955 129,281 41,842 1,256,887 112,445 37 Chickens sold ...farms reporting 1954... 2,501 346 145 15 421 207 696 118 38 1949 . . . 3,722 702 ;95 30 '26 320 251 876 225 39 dollars 1954... 874,734 29,729 7,735 2,990 28,537 690, 504 53,546 5,452 40 1949... 521,440 52,726 21,725 1,375 1,315 30,550 236,350 71,607 14,885 il Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 3,807 583 262 30 5 601 187 1,009 264 42 1949 . . . 5,442 1,068 430 45 25 471 266 1,369 370 43 dozens 1954 . . . 3,347,154 5W,264 103,469 17,770 500 386,390 875,820 736,346 85,097 44 1949... 4,515,169 735,906 208,760 11,345 24,325 217,415 1,204,010 868,665 147,435 45 dollars 1954... 1,197,227 177,541 33,199 7,855 200 140,325 348,629 268,653 30,281 46 1949... 1,784,006 270,397 85,800 4,880 8,460 87,685 499,495 343,402 57,430 47 Milk sold2 gallons 1954... 33,015,545 1,010,145 1,527,332 22,825 23,380,317 145,975 2,962,223 877,592 48 dollars 1954... 11,120,659 219,004 4Q;, 520 10,305 8,495,562 41,947 803,193 217,750 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 3,177,134 519,901 442,000 31,915 12,915 3,993,958 63,150 1,057,508 371,580 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 4,798 436 658 20 887 42 1,485 555 51 1949... 5,457 957 665 45 613 56 1,612 370 52 acres 1954 . . . 144,813 23,423 16,321 255 21,721 943 49,864 14,495 53 1949... 162,245 44,687 11,870 400 14,121 975 53,822 7,690 54 Com harvested for grain.. . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,256 336 306 10 283 5 572 351 55 1949 . . . 3,542 777 405 40 317 36 936 270 56 acres 1954... 61,769 18,758 6,335 60 3,450 350 15,320 9,078 57 1949... 106,332 38,894 6,505 355 6,113 660 29,147 5,560 58 bushels harvested 1954... 2,651,980 583,448 313,985 1,700 115,515 1,000 722,652 493,450 59 1949 . . . 3,701,176 1,107,393 369,485 9,500 198,547 20,700 1,083,556 234,715 60 bushels sold 1954... 1,366,433 459,358 212,560 1,500 14,415 1,000 72,915 352,795 61 1949 . . . 1,711,044 797,537 166,830 4,140 47,242 4,020 227,720 172,590 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined ...farms reporting 1954... 2,379 1,115 83 5 187 52 515 131 63 1949... 3,069 1,442 120 10 'io 187 30 596 170 64 acres 1954... 365,037 260,189 3,126 75 10,089 1,828 63,711 8,068 65 1949... 451,172 346,110 2,685 55 Lio 5,608 1,025 56,028 6,925 66 bushels harvested 1954... 4,470,186 3,573,139 45,650 3,000 81,720 14,010 532,073 76,555 67 1949 . . . 7,231,502 5,686,205 44,050 335 5,040 127,395 13,875 733,658 122,395 68 bushels sold 1954... 4,016,379 3,270,170 41,960 2,375 • . . 58,791 8,860 445,229 67,060 69 1949... 6,643,799 5,389,543 34,745 5,000 100,540 950 632,149 113,685 70 Barley threshed fw c rMTiV*iT np(i .......«••■••■•■ ...farms reporting 1954). . . 3,675 6,847 858 1,549 572 951 10 60 '25 424 593 26 65 893 1,789 442 545 71 vji. i^i_iLiiLra.iic*-i *•••«■•*••••••••> 1949 . . . 72 acres 1954... 142,711 64,136 15,184 45 8,944 680 30,420 10,472 73 1949... 289,371 100,321 28,666 1,290 335 15,123 2,115 80,925 18,320 74 bushels harvested 1954... 2,491,074 704,235 399,910 1,100 174,920 8,990 671,614 245,239 75 1949... 9,894,706 2,756,139 1,259,028 63,075 11,500 545,825 30,670 2,938,899 751,775 76 bushels sold 1954... 956,452 412,067 220,230 400 20,676 2,810 105,730 100,995 77 1949 . . . 4,414,990 2,013,596 476,898 39,610 5,000 106,829 8,000 788,737 410,835 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans. ...farms reporting 1954... 2,215 301 458 10 160 561 374 79 1949... 2,763 614 545 30 90 5 622 360 80 acres 1954... 65,159 9,303 14,899 135 3,415 17,191 10,059 81 1949... 74,396 20,321 ... 14,165 570 1,140 '5 17,734 9,395 82 100- lb. bsgs harvested 1954... 1,103,225 152,269 233,862 2,605 52,180 315,504 172,180 83 1949... 1,132,977 283,585 229,100 12,340 13,010 125 304,530 123,705 84 Hay cut acres 1954 . . . 261,263 22,851 32,077 22,420 28,666 550 1,U5 41,338 19,780 2,240 2,000 107,789 122,687 32,914 85 1949 . . . 268,431 795 23,135 86 tons 1954 . . . 603,637 38,824 62,025 2,165 94,868 3,548 227,857 96,256 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: COLORADO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 297 a aanple of farms. See text] Area 3_Coiitinued Areas 4 and A Type of farm— Cent inued Total Type of farm Genera — Con. Miscel- laneous Livestock General Miscel- all Other other laneous Primarily Crop and and iinclaaai- farms Cash- grain Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and and liveatock livestock fied crop crop livestock livestock sified 12 256 320 4,429 619 5 35 510 30 2,280 45 64 191 600 1 120 553 368 6,575 1,672 20 180 15 758 92 2,278 54 155 455 896 2 U 543 935 14,366 1,406 15 40 1,075 107 9,156 129 136 450 1,852 3 550 1,639 1,499 25,003 4,969 35 270 30 2,478 195 12,260 156 405 1,331 2,374 4 23 703 373 8,225 1,641 16 35 1,119 139 3,464 116 140 353 1,197 5 195 1,075 763 9,451 2,924 20 60 "io 1,095 187 2,902 95 225 669 1,264 6 75* 37,332 7,131 505,416 64,042 498 480 ... 47,877 4,706 349, 152 3,087 5,177 13,607 U,790 7 4,595 37,504 7,667 486,197 104,354 415 670 50 41,905 1,822 290,920 3,159 6,815 26,070 10,017 3 23 658 712 7,779 1,595 11 20 1,U9 109 3,279 116 140 355 1,035 9 1S5 1,025 693 9,142 2,870 20 55 10 1,095 177 2,814 94 225 664 1,118 10 381 11,576 2,505 243,316 30,166 260 60 27,896 1,090 165,571 1,556 2,843 9,125 4,749 11 2,035 12,471 2,662 223,698 43,164 250 385 30 22,107 1,057 130,203 1,709 3,240 12,215 4,338 12 18 615 594 6,155 1,182 6 20 1,U3 96 2,403 87 135 317 791 13 185 1,015 657 7,972 2,402 20 40 io 1,095 156 2,334 79 225 609 1,002 14 183 4,937 1,337 45,197 4,731 12 60 ... 24,319 451 10,040 252 1,151 2,200 1,981 15 1,215 8,778 1,475 52,943 U,233 225 U5 20 19, U8 546 12,077 359 2,125 4,353 2,777 16 16 215 171 2,758 535 1 15 238 50 1,333 25 51 167 343 17 130 510 352 4,945 1,670 30 394 100 1,631 56 105 407 552 13 191 2,712 923 83,394 6,915 1 60 1,659 1,105 73,928 254 348 1,832 2,792 19 1,230 7,606 2,961 72,477 20,053 35 2,866 785 38,671 603 1,825 3,739 3,845 20 32 530 347 6,654 1,402 1 65 788 229 2,535 77 140 331 1,086 21 185 983 917 9,675 2,773 35 265 "io 946 387 2,599 99 205 630 1,676 22 3,365 55,333 50,541 713,739 154,342 36 2,430 ... 59,783 119,207 235,468 5,295 25,203 51,451 65,519 23 23,600 96,770 54,977 957,929 258,268 940 8,675 130 72,339 206,530 212,527 10,310 30,770 73,212 33,673 24 28 713 396 7,421 1,445 11 20 1,063 102 3,541 89 140 353 647 25 190 1,010 357 3,214 2,636 10 30 10 1,034 36 2,929 74 225 657 523 26 312 27,082 2,364 408,792 27,097 202 95 22,601 3,266 339,026 1,191 2,276 9,420 3,618 27 1,760 21,861 1,400 268,755 38,404 40 255 '25 15,810 765 196,783 1,052 3,005 10,269 2,347 28 22,231 2,991,288 125,726 42,709,325 2,332,8&4 16,130 13,025 1,545,328 354,689 37, 101, 230 92,391 177,294 303,599 272,775 29 2a4, 520 2,341,573 139,686 36,766,943 4,470,235 4,755 23,855 2,175 1,498,313 79,580 28, 468, 985 132,262 336,660 1,461,605 283,523 30 16 135 112 2,151 435 5 136 47 1,142 22 46 132 186 31 145 524 223 4,509 1,574 5 15 5 333 30 1,596 42 135 417 307 32 577 3,965 882 105,192 6,293 20 1,960 976 90,268 223 687 2,589 2,171 33 2,545 10,734 5,591 94,596 23,792 10 65 10 4,398 635 53,511 613 1,990 6,353 3,169 34 22,947 141,301 23,730 3,982,342 235,924 200 53,199 23,126 3,512,014 7,479 21,973 75,138 53,289 35 105,750 354,597 112,285 3,511,009 825,033 450 2,930 40O 122,480 25,355 2,118,505 21,370 67,560 221,010 105,416 36 17 290 246 2,350 554 10 214 203 361 15 72 153 263 37 135 487 331 3,730 1,073 5 15 326 337 928 35 170 351 440 38 14,935 22,787 13,519 719,861 29,989 115 31,199 566,306 58,681 464 6,300 9,927 16,380 39 16,565 38,347 34,995 1,953,815 79,073 375 3,030 31,450 1,67E,480 66,846 2,770 17,865 35,191 44,735 40 32 390 444 4,394 1,014 1 15 461 215 1,673 53 U2 272 558 41 175 717 506 6,502 2,043 5 45 679 336 1,807 66 195 530 746 42 33,650 340,366 203,482 4,784,718 393,182 12 4,250 296,007 1,534,162 1,178,681 19,361 247,751 405,397 205,415 43 288, 565 634,598 174, 145 6,367, 253 1,453,662 2,000 11,520 404,320 2,151,280 1,165,739 46,245 334,590 481,227 316,620 44 11,004 106,311 72,729 1,302,644 273,521 4 1,830 116,102 710,432 383,525 7,033 37,581 136,354 81,212 45 114,320 246,367 65,770 2,305,662 533,703 1,000 4,995 167,488 1.186,275 443,144 13,639 129,050 180,351 142,017 46 112,607 2,670,815 205,714 27,437,398 1,423,302 33,216 £1,219.984 149,098 2,789,312 55,334 444,830 939,647 332,625 47 21,334 832,553 74,401 8,210,423 281,275 14,320 6,885,031 37,681 565,422 12,914 99,634 226,446 87,705 48 184,920 1,425,886 73,401 7,351,869 685,455 47, 535 8,760 4,322,352 50,289 823,978 27,430 265,460 419,649 200,461 49 11 517 137 2,660 629 11 25 482 41 1,009 61 58 185 159 50 155 793 191 4,438 1,400 5 25 697 36 1,331 70 150 422 252 51 380 15,064 2,347 182,353 74,809 281 555 20,314 1,812 61,042 3,351 3,670 12,033 4,486 52 4,860 21,907 1,91? 332,548 152,586 80 105 26,754 2,841 91,980 3,100 7,835 41,762 5,505 53 1 311 31 1,339 505 11 5 35 U 453 31 37 136 62 54 125 530 106 3,244 1,249 5 20 238 25 1,017 60 100 344 186 55 45 7,649 674 112,075 63,385 281 25 4,581 642 27,003 2,031 2,638 9,387 2,097 56 3,490 14,540 1,068 273,969 144,198 30 35 10,510 1,235 67,531 2,330 5,540 33,465 3,945 57 450 406,230 13,550 1,366,161 787,040 4,950 750 ... 35,Q40 4,490 354,339 26,840 12,672 126,095 13,945 53 85,950 516,555 24,775 3,995,626 2,259,166 6,000 5,700 139,470 13,250 882,575 56,915 70,375 506,365 55,810 59 247,045 4,845 747,078 580, 269 1,800 750 7,317 ... 73,362 20,040 2,330 60,385 325 60 18,475 263,440 9,050 2,459,940 1,752,591 450 39,635 297,499 31,395 23,145 292,320 17,405 61 17 221 53 4,632 2,344 299 19 1,419 46 74 275 206 62 70 379 55 5,075 3,158 "io 279 36 970 54 80 362 126 63 1,330 13,247 3,374 996,227 657,188 27,755 1,980 246,386 4,591 5,335 37,654 14,338 64 3,675 27,141 1,780 1,208,761 1,001,024 'so 13,024 1,092 U5,442 5,140 5,415 33,514 4,060 65 5,110 129,361 9,563 8,363,033 6,824,493 174,594 15,955 1,419,521 31,651 32,022 303,481 61,366 66 45,525 434,089 18,935 17, 218, 552 14,643.352 650 227,600 14,325 1,721,715 82,815 53,545 426,870 42,680 67 4,810 108,413 8,711 7,975,490 6,287,782 145,459 14,780 1,153,319 29,341 21,954 268,547 43,808 68 26,600 328,752 11,835 16,139,398 13,948,036 170,370 12,275 1,464,973 78,905 51,120 380,404 32,315 69 17 376 57 1,803 1,043 5 5 ... 145 2 400 23 12 104 64 70 U5 969 186 4,055 1,389 15 20 515 26 899 78 100 317 196 71 345 10,591 1,394 117,556 85,810 105 30 4,690 105 20,125 1,140 289 4,214 1,043 72 3,250 35,418 3,603 301,870 191,079 455 125 17,909 791 62,203 4,820 4,035 17,603 2,350 73 4,100 268,921 12,045 1,090,027 847, 5U 4,200 2,000 34,035 4,600 140,231 6,090 2,510 34,960 13,390 74 77,835 1,275,230 84,730 6,440,608 4,143,090 18,975 4,950 449,205 a, 750 1,112,123 106,410 93,745 429,485 60,375 75 500 33,434 4,610 569,069 522,346 4,200 2,000 2,720 3,600 20,533 2,800 3,700 7,170 76 19,575 507,645 33,265 3,719,553 2,979,943 17,175 285 83,305 5,125 325,315 63,555 13,670 207,345 18,330 77 305 16 403 55 6 80 6 151 11 18 41 35 78 'io 442 45 348 301 5 130 240 15 40 32 35 79 9,971 131 24,406 5,009 414 2,981 350 9,909 670 1,265 2,453 1,355 30 100 10,i46 420 63, U8 31,301 145 5,495 14,054 510 1,315 3,703 1,115 31 174,127 493 53,510 13,982 1,420 4,440 405 21,373 1,174 1,636 7,905 1,120 32 310 159,712 1,530 155,882 85,096 1,370 12,750 27,931 1,825 2,325 23,080 . 1,505 83 514 27,176 3,471 177,638 33,316 760 350 ... 23,071 1,550 85,944 7,072 2,879 13,564 8,632 84 3,450 30,375 4,351 172,184 25,477 470 440 65 23,585 2,249 82,427 7,633 4,070 12,305 7,963 85 740 71,214 6,140 203,451 26,548 2,220 1,125 38,102 1,639 89,581 U,546 3,126 18,372 8,192 36 298 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 5 Total all Type of farm farms Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit-and-nut LivestocL on baad: ^ 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,094 110 99 22 2 1950... 4,288 640 116 107 '36 3 number 1954... 11,529 137 164 127 4 1950... 19,070 2,002 429 292 '50 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 5,277 331 205 32 6 1950... 5,923 907 191 136 '15 7 number 1954 . . . 373,630 9,961 5,456 576 8 1950... 343,199 33,272 2,659 890 25 9 Cows, Inclildlng heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,038 329 204 22 10 1950... 5,759 393 191 131 15 11 number 1954 . . . 173,859 5,229 2,684 115 12 1950... 164,835 15,769 1,380 437 15 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954... 3,880 256 169 21 U 1950... 5,105 783 181 111 15 15 number 1954 . . . 19,560 997 521 51 16 1950... 22,667 2,197 576 192 'is 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,161 120 96 37 18 1950... 3,704 540 145 116 15 19 number 1954 . . . 34,103 999 811 247 20 1950... 55,166 6,558 1,596 903 120 21 Chickens 4 months old and over. .farms reporting 1954... 4,881 310 208 82 22 6,049 977 185 172 '45 23 number 1954 . . . 364,978 22,245 12,141 6,148 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 423,451 66,363 9,927 6,840 3,255 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .f anus reporting 1954... 4,077 244 130 17 26 1949... 4,552 653 126 55 15 27 number 1954... 217,834 3,889 2,041 345 28 1949 . . . 198,410 12,213 986 155 'is 29 dollars 1954... 20,516,891 315,333 180,056 25,275 30 1949... 26,667,336 1,466,106 109,940 15,030 1,320 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1,478 99 60 5 32 1949 . . . 3,025 421 107 75 15 33 number 1954 . . . 40,214 ' .241 493 100 34 1949... 68,465 ,399 1,508 970 100 35 dollars 1954... 1,399,773 .^,383 18,004 4,000 36 1949... 2,331,125 153,358 43,912 27,005 3,350 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 1,157 81 40 25 38 1949 . . . 1,986 252 49 31 '20 39 dollars 1954... 173,585 3,723 1,296 830 40 1949 . . . 270,970 19,962 1,990 1,530 1,015 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,138 155 82 25 42 1949... 3,362 574 69 46 '25 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,588,762 58,928 31,067 23,005 44 2,162,210 253,530 13,595 13,785 13,480 45 dollars 1954... 583,047 19,476 9,621 11,865 46 1949 . . . 844,468 88,071 4,768 5,700 6,460 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 9,342,384 283,662 92,506 6,784 48 dollars 1954... 3,674,086 51,862 15,621 1,015 49 1949... Specified crops barvested; 2,902,739 51,665 14,477 7,975 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 1,915 162 76 55 ... 51 1949 . . . 3,296 512 125 182 15 52 acres 1954.. . 38,567 5,249 2,192 1,556 53 1949 . . . 36,150 21,293 3,124 2,985 '50 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 1,226 134 59 40 55 1949 . . . 2,961 493 119 177 'is 56 acres 1954... 21,245 3,673 1,607 305 ... 57 1949 .. . 74,636 20,383 2,837 2,755 50 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 752,017 120,310 28,560 11,800 ... 59 1949 . . . 3,064,321 702,750 93,580 134,410 1,750 60 bushels sold 1954 . . . 377,037 100,600 10,715 9,100 61 1949 . . . 1,756,008 623,764 36,385 105,250 750 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954 . . . 874 2,265 218 1,125 37 108 5 15 63 1949 . . . 64 acres 1954... 85,505 41,405 2,449 160 65 1949 .. . 511,857 422,127 16,480 160 66 bushels harvested 1954... 609,642 282,727 13,379 3,935 67 1949 . . . 8,143,641 6,833,087 206,080 5,145 68 bushels sold 1954... 491,910 245,344 10,430 3,935 69 1949 . . . 7,568,276 6,407,467 194,445 4,090 70 Barley threshed or combined. ......,,. farms reporting 1954... 747 2,654 70 477 27 68 10 71 1949 . . . 82 "5 72 acres 1954... 14,827 2,906 285 100 73 1949 . . . 74,611 24,386 1,535 1,403 150 74 bushels harvested 1954... 369,253 51,386 9,790 4,275 75 1949 .. . 1,785,506 430,878 54,545 48,145 5,000 76 bushels sold 1954 . . . 150,366 39,670 4,160 77 1949... 726,724 293,647 27,830 35,840 5,000 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1954... 348 636 72 112 22 15 20 79 1949... 30 "5 80 acres 1954 . . . 18,147 12,465 318 545 81 1949 . . . 30,536 15,294 485 345 366 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 57,243 27,248 1,590 3,730 83 1949 . . . 105,488 39,475 1,755 2,790 1,200 84 Hay cut acres 1954... 189,132 176,178 10,988 14,857 3,544 3,985 1,354 2,828 3 85 1949 . . . 305 86 tons 1954... 295,193 17,941 6,904 2,965 6 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes millt equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. COLORADO 299 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a sample of farma. See text] Item Area 5— Continued Type of farm — Continued General (For definitions and explanations, see text) Livestock other than Miscellaneous Dairy Poultry dairy and Primarily Primarily Crop and and poultry crop livestock livestock unclassified Livestock on hand; ^ 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954... 194 49 1,639 186 11 129 655 2 1950... 225 112 1,614 295 70 300 779 3 nvmber 1954 .. . 546 120 7.465 309 21 319 2,271 4 1950... 750 256 10,582 970 255 1,034 2,450 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 317 81 2,113 507 32 343 1,316 6 1950 . . . 370 177 1,903 565 80 445 1,134 7 number 1954 . . . 15,950 2,081 302,278 10,185 1,229 14,385 11,529 8 1950... 14,980 4,236 246,324 12,899 2,210 16,641 9,063 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved ................ .farms reporting 1954... 317 76 2,047 485 32 331 1,195 10 1950... 370 177 1,851 549 80 438 1,064 11 number 1954 . . . 9,376 898 139,438 4,166 571 5,723 5,659 12 1950... 8,735 1,732 118,583 4,869 730 7,756 4,829 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954 . . . 317 71 1,400 414 32 288 912 U 1950... 370 151 1,571 521 80 408 914 15 number 1954 . . . 8,121 324 4,516 1,324 209 1,269 2,228 16 1950... 6,860 622 5,741 1,663 430 1,809 2,562 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 135 45 791 261 13 182 481 18 1950... 175 112 1,088 450 75 309 679 19 number 1954. . . 1,311 1,105 18,330 4,645 144 3,027 3,434 20 1950... 1,920 3,009 18,933 8,730 675 8,306 4,416 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 252 126 1,537 485 33 276 1,572 22 1950... 325 226 1.654 624 75 424 1,342 23 number 1954... 17,980 31,355 108,923 39,099 6,870 28,875 91,342 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold; 18,915 58,366 94,244 45,377 10,250 44,918 64,996 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 300 67 2,109 305 33 322 550 26 1949... 350 107 1,891 337 70 380 568 27 number 1954 . . . 5,680 850 189,652 3,933 427 7,009 4,008 28 1949... 5,925 1,085 163,449 2,661 545 9,004 2,372 29 dollars 1954... 312,606 69,800 18,412,657 311,238 29,879 595,089 264,908 30 1949... 419,020 170,187 22,827,212 325,637 59,400 1,066,175 207,259 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 114 40 601 196 17 158 188 32 1949 . . . 150 101 996 445 SO 292 343 33 number 1954 . . . 1,518 720 25,013 3,353 197 3,419 3,660 34 1949... 3,120 2,571 32,032 8,382 985 9,640 4,253 35 37,457 22,565 919,149 127,315 6,825 113,825 107,750 36 1949... 83,895 78,552 1,156,121 295,919 22,865 317,159 148,939 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954. . . 68 92 360 140 28 108 215 38 1949... 85 165 475 303 75 219 312 39 dollars 1954... 4,330 75,468 25,284 19,206 4,340 9,345 29,763 40 1949 . . . 4,195 105,120 49,001 14,849 13,220 26,615 33,473 41 Chicken eggs sold fanns reporting 1954 . . . 114 175 116 698 244 28 203 473 42 1949... 205 867 300 80 454 567 43 dozens 1954... 69,981 336,296 415,920 145,892 41,348 166,229 300,096 44 1949... 84,150 643,330 371,255 104,183 113,475 351,835 199,593 45 dollars 1954... 23,300 129,935 149,999 46,301 17,677 55,035 114,788 46 1949... 31,990 267,400 143,217 32,765 42,955 136,563 84,579 47 Milk sold' gallons 1954... 6,147,979 218, X2 895,468 401,154 93,990 409,646 792,853 48 dollars 1954... 2,899,983 66,535 198,523 112,401 24,450 74,430 229,216 49 1949... Specified crops barvested; 2,017,445 92,265 252,952 54, 890 25,750 147,293 223,027 50 96 45 520 388 7 214 351 51 1949... 185 120 654 643 70 327 463 52 acres 1954... 1,495 700 12,301 9,132 99 3,927 1,866 53 1949 . . . 3,665 1,745 18,955 20,098 1,005 10,150 3,080 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 36 30 266 312 165 184 55 1949... 110 115 532 637 'to 326 367 56 acres 1954... 375 320 5,254 6,340 2,657 714 57 1949... 2,045 1,420 13,181 19,193 1,005 9,560 2,197 58 bushels harvested 1954... 14,500 11,700 189,450 252,192 99,245 24,260 59 1949... 83,140 70,675 545,995 918,491 29,000 407,145 77,385 60 bushels sold 1954... 4,800 25,905 139,357 30,135 6,425 61 1949... 10,925 6,425 134,623 594,011 5,465 227,195 11,205 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined ................... .farms reporting 1954 . . . 7 45 11 37 281 414 148 250 6 30 99 185 62 63 1949... 56 64 acres 1954... 230 75 27,958 5,626 38 5,474 2,090 65 1949... 840 865 44,140 11,715 635 13,700 1,175 66 bushels harvested 1954 .. . 1,470 1,950 186,685 58,428 375 52,523 8,170 67 1949 . . . 12,155 17,495 580,674 222,691 7,555 241,464 17,295 68 bushels sold 1954... 1,160 1,810 132,808 49,663 43,703 3,057 69 1949 . . . 3,575 9,130 515,279 200,166 4,030 223,799 6,295 70 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1954^ . . 40 205 11 72 254 746 151 437 10 45 142 286 32 71 1949... 181 72 acres 1954... 690 121 5,348 2,835 115 2,001 426 73 1949... 4,365 1,053 21,231 11,470 495 5,983 2,540 74 bushels harvested 1954... 8,631 6,975 131,910 33,100 2,300 61,816 9,070 75 1949... 118,105 32,900 544,833 315,255 7,330 188,660 39,355 76 bushels sold 1954... 600 37,535 33,865 450 27,536 6,500 77 1949 . . . 12,730 250 112,257 161,705 1,710 63,670 11,085 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans. .......... .farms reporting 1954... 10 57 122 81 150 5 20 71 96 20 79 1949... 76 80 acres 1954... 2,150 1,305 500 734 130 81 1949... 175 8,290 2,165 150 2,995 337 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 10,498 7,630 1,200 4,702 595 83 1949... 1,025 19,463 27,080 560 11,320 810 84 Hay cut acres 1954... 8,049 2,170 80,707 50,867 1,145 20,399 9,906 85 1949... 10,810 3,607 72,714 38,172 1,530 21,416 5,954 86 tons 1954... 10,670 4,227 101,925 100,582 721 36,281 12,971 300 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL £Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part oiroers Managers Crop- share tenants and croppers FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE ,,, number 1954. . . 1950... Land in farms acres 1954... 1950... Average sise of farm acres 1954... 1950... Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954... 1950. . . Average per acre............... dollars 1954..- 1950. . . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954... Land in faras according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949... 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954... 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954,, . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.,. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954... 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954... 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954... 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.., Cropland used only for pasture,, farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949,.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954,,. 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.,. acres 1954,,, Other cropland farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) , farms reporting 1954... acres 1954. .. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954... acres 1954.. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Cropland, total farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949.,, Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.., 1949... acres 1954,,, 1949, . . Irrigated land in farms. ........ farms reporting 1954... 1949. . . acres 1954... 1949. . . Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control.... . ..farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which connrrcial fertilizer maa used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting... tons . . . acres on which used... Other pasture farms reporting... tons. . . acres on which used... Corn. farms reporting. . . tons. . , acres on which used , , , Sugar beets farms reporting, , , tons,,, acres on which used... Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting... tons... acres on which used,.. Other crops..... ., farms reporting... tons.. . acres on which used,,. 40,672 45,536 38,468,979 33,104,324 945.8 836.3 36,389 26,129 39.11 32.56 83 33,662 40,556 5,218,453 6,879,193 4,278 2,548 2,035 3,288 6,r/4 6,855 5,803 2,081 12,6a 10,929 1,022,674 958,419 20,229 18,028 4,820,070 3,157,452 12,503 3,047,738 14,462 1,772,332 3,191 1,839,454 866 173,072 23,361 24,339,766 5,690 523,206 37,369 1,055,490 37,009 42,108 11,061,197 10,995,064 30,187 33,286 27,201,894 26,584,683 3,794 5,762 2,012,526 3,202,634 23,332 27,267 2,263,972 2,902,118 2,109 439,434 1,195 198,141 3,029 7,727 80,734 460 786 9,283 3,160 7,892 90,374 3,4.45 13,228 99,924 2,371 8,611 49,879 2,783 7,575 92,096 13,819 16,509 8,277,758 8,786,042 599.0 532,2 30,917 21,050 51,20 40.11 85 11,925 14,989 1,311,276 1,894,294 1,099 1,081 983 1,757 2,996 2,301 1, ,15 293 5,019 4,61A 391,180 342,576 6,029 5,776 804,064 615,758 3,306 471, 507 4,322 332,557 1,431 610,844 297 47,334 8,341 4,823,215 2,488 225,121 12,832 289,345 12,793 15,393 2,506,520 2,352,628 10,955 12,850 5,825,239 5,806,915 1,623 2,529 658,178 978,979 3,864 10,589 392,042 1,089,684 538 71,360 329 47,342 1,353 3,258 33,569 223 273 3,581 1,101 2,470 28,243 853 3,149 21,441 989 2,846 17,199 1,047 2,856 25,198 9,809 10,621 21,865,454 20,416,602 2,229,1 1,922,3 64,559 45,281 28.55 24.15 80 8,905 10,188 2,457,919 3,135,905 147 226 361 644 1,433 1,871 2,833 1,340 3,320 2,589 411,254 459,964 6,438 6,096 2,488,865 1,737,638 5,021 1,713,730 4,210 770,035 818 780, 549 188 44,167 7,264 15,223,322 1,385 226,164 9,113 459,378 9,412 10,277 5,358,038 5,333,507 8,540 9,178 16,415,125 14,906,775 941 1,359 824,716 1,280,463 4,327 4,773 668,066 867,533 960 219,958 541 100,171 754 2,374 25,660 125 265 3,042 732 2,169 26,345 473 2,348 17,430 473 2,607 U,927 686 1,966 34,354 261 296 2,102,842 2,925,133 8,056.9 9,832.2 146,607 148,905 18.82 14.49 80 209 267 93,705 149,416 1 16 7 13 33 33 46 55 93 76 21,870 23,292 110 90 106,408 50,660 75 57,504 73 48,904 A3 181,393 10 31,408 195 1,595,598 48 11,336 236 72,460 225 275 221,983 223,368 232 259 1,798,361 2,655,177 52 64 212,801 234,096 128 191 43,891 126,325 9 32,335 7 665 26 207 2,045 2 15 340 9 25 408 1 29 2A0 17 332 1,277 3 34 426 7,708 9,000 4,034,873 4,192,434 530.0 465.8 37,033 25,289 65.93 57.57 82 7,300 8,767 1,239,468 1,589,359 92 197 238 470 2,014 2,460 1,442 337 1,857 1,536 110,969 69,326 4,903 4,097 975,302 660,456 3,008 597,422 3,559 377,880 225 108, 561 92 12,495 3,736 1,439,575 769 37,546 7,047 145,503 7,500 8,343 2,325,739 2,319,141 4,875 5,594 1,709,105 1,763,245 309 679 121,056 222,203 5,146 6^055 572,090 721,225 447 93,985 206 33,773 577 1,362 15,400 44 101 1,465 1,216 3,087 33,814 2,098 7,689 60,723 761 2,753 17,071 944 2,566 30,851 924 643,779 703,895 935.7 761.3 27,359 18,683 27.44 30.17 81 543 815 49,198 83,955 41 80 63 48 172 77 51 16 199 211 16,947 10,908 296 222 22,031 15,831 104 7,471 233 14,560 66 63,580 11 965 412 466,638 95 3,711 601 24,420 586 846 88,176 110,694 537 677 547, 165 569,684 76 155 64,545 100,502 411 625 34,876 57,448 14 1,201 1 100 34 70 583 11 29 430 63 110 1,822 50 W7 800 70 277 835 45 37 725 714 1,033 555,097 573,019 777.4 554.7 40,125 23,377 47.73 43.79 84 685 1,033 147,761 206,573 11 15 43 130 234 193 54 197 153 15,405 5,646 535 610 138,720 82,895 422 92,356 352 46,364 31 7,199 1 985 504 231,332 68 3,321 663 13,695 711 1,033 301,885 295,U9 598 859 253,936 262,560 32 86 3,184 20,820 311 550 33,961 66,349 98 20,697 35 5,321 38 75 947 6 4 55 92 183 2,752 U9 370 3,030 50 354 1,920 52 1A7 1,860 5,127 5,5U 2,036,060 2,115,915 406.9 384.0 36,466 25,328 35.60 67.34 81 5,037 5,473 864,044 1,057,114 25 86 132 267 1,445 1,850 962 260 1,044 332 47,486 28,041 3,425 2,722 694,449 430,509 2,063 4a, 218 2,494 273,231 62 15,523 50 8,570 2,191 367,741 406 10,348 4,683 88,247 5,127 5,503 1,605,979 1,565,664 2,872 3,000 430,750 493,972 112 249 24,093 33,155 3,638 3,755 387,727 447,239 259 59,763 124 25,168 396 928 10,318 26 63 710 924 2,399 25,011 1,748 6,139 50,515 550 1,6a 10,871 736 2,036 23,756 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. COLORADO FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 301 a sample of farms. See text] The State — Continued Area 1 Tenure of operator^ — Con. Total Tenure of operator 1 Tenants -Con. Tenants Other farms all Full Part Other 1 Livestock- share Other and un- farms owners owners Managers All Cash Share-cash Crop-Share tenants and Livestock- Other and un- specified croppers share specified 687 492 9,075 3,177 1,405 796 59 283 80 29 no 42 22 634 1 784 746 9,110 3,533 1,657 772 40 377 117 20 113 57 70 692 2 465,232 334,705 2,138,052 5,367,573 1,464,215 3,133,278 328,574 287,732 96,132 23,916 90,899 51,225 20,510 153,774 3 460,147 338,453 1,784,108 5,329,054 1,482,430 2,781,375 594,534 306,780 96,333 20,335 80,122 62,670 46,820 163,935 4 677.2 680.3 235.6 1,689.5 1,042.1 3,936.3 5,569.0 1,016.7 1,202.3 997.1 326.4 1,219.6 932.3 242.5 5 586.9 453.7 195.8 1,506.2 894.6 3,602.3 U, 863.4 8U.7 827.6 1,016.8 709.0 1,099.5 668.9 236.9 6 48,322 34,165 12,004 43,436 43,657 82,802 136,450 37,919 27,798 45,422 35,796 43,662 58,329 14,494 7 39,764 16,806 10,324 30,795 27,873 51,592 157,745 23,293 18,980 33,383 21,440 41,920 12,100 11,738 8 72.01 44.14 70.29 23.53 41.96 20.06 23.79 38.63 24.86 47.50 41.84 43.02 65.41 65.29 9 79.95 38.59 73.89 22.12 31.80 15.99 9.84 33.71 23.22 32.84 43.42 41.61 37.09 60.36 10 86 77 83 86 89 81 90 83 82 97 35 76 68 35 11 658 372 5,323 2,705 1,295 735 52 257 68 24 109 40 16 366 12 773 673 6,345 3,247 1,576 743 40 372 112 20 113 57 70 516 13 125,732 52,733 116,035 459,047 198,973 181,494 21,759 49,138 11,736 4,035 20,189 9,884 3,294 7,633 U 153,105 83,607 110,219 557,530 242,859 200,508 41,496 59,747 15,570 1,705 25,022 9,980 7,470 12,920 15 26 2,939 203 23 26 ... 1 ... ... 1 143 16 20 1,028 179 53 IS 5 5 * • . 103 17 17 11 446 129 55 12 11 6 ... 5 51 18 51 61 404 230 163 57 2 18 6 1 U . . * 35 19 154 113 243 628 402 142 10 53 13 10 24 3 3 21 20 213 76 190 577 305 166 12 93 15 10 43 15 10 1 21 185 46 67 523 228 214 14 60 15 2 28 14 1 7 22 38 19 6 136 56 100 14 16 8 1 3 3 1 23 319 98 2,332 1,384 642 341 28 115 45 14 30 24 2 258 24 272 168 2,014 1,107 579 196 19 93 31 11 21 30 220 25 24,645 6,486 37,401 163,072 74,729 55,381 7,221 15,415 7,020 1,185 2,054 4,981 175 10,326 26 16,826 7,905 63,261 140,032 65,387 48,228 5,957 8,500 1,450 1,735 2,940 2,375 11,960 27 407 240 2,749 875 349 304 5 101 19 13 46 20 3 116 23 269 274 1,969 716 292 193 3 138 22 10 51 15 40 30 29 71,494 48,603 445,431 99,338 30,470 53,832 542 10,550 1,260 716 7,037 1,307 180 3,894 30 49,328 31,893 92,940 67,451 29,598 27,897 2,376 5,890 790 275 4,010 125 690 1,190 31 276 143 1,093 528 183 232 3 66 18 3 24 15 1 44 32 45,520 30,857 202,525 68,651 18,292 41,447 79 7,599 730 252 5,539 928 100 1,234 33 303 177 2,298 481 215 113 3 56 8 6 32 8 2 94 34 25,974 17,751 242,906 30,687 12,178 12,435 453 2,951 480 464 1,548 379 80 2,660 35 37 29 669 753 373 173 23 A5 11 8 13 6 7 134 36 14,554 7,705 153,107 530,633 220,079 203,433 48,140 30,577 5,980 3,795 5,803 9,294 5,705 28,349 37 30 ... 279 163 52 22 5 10 ... 2 8 74 38 1,975 37,668 46,721 14,589 8,536 10,008 1,190 390 800 12,398 39 385 244 3,825 2,475 1,129 693 46 223 61 27 92 28 15 379 40 214,432 209,432 1,208,056 3,925,271 881,882 2,571,750 230,337 159,946 67,094 13,514 39,762 23,670 10,906 81,356 41 151 49 1,000 395 460 255 19 88 16 18 40 7 7 73 42 13,811 1,355 23,039 164,829 76,577 72,251 4,976 7,410 3,235 1,545 1,245 1,070 265 3,615 43 663 437 3,136 3,017 1,322 757 54 267 70 27 109 40 21 617 44 12,400 9,741 85,304 143,491 43,493 53,747 10,567 20,916 3,092 671 15, 6U 1,289 250 9,768 45 681 395 7,079 2,957 1,354 774 57 269 73 29 110 41 16 503 46 773 683 7,320 3,334 1,595 751 40 377 117 20 113 57 70 571 47 221,871 107,327 648,917 721,457 304,172 290,757 29,522 75,103 20,016 5,936 29,330 16,172 3,649 21,903 48 224,259 123,405 266,420 765,013 337,844 276,633 50,329 74,137 17,810 1,980 30,767 13,045 10,535 26,070 49 576 292 5,585 3,011 1,366 770 59 282 80 29 109 42 22 534 50 577 481 5,405 3,274 1,554 757 39 347 112 20 33 57 70 577 51 253,631 223,623 1,453,564 4,618,976 1,176,690 2,830,619 285,698 205,938 80,094 23,494 47,619 37,945 16,736 120,031 52 230,872 206,153 1,452,570 4,515,649 1,135,073 2,472,365 540,038 230,903 77,108 18,265 47,510 50,440 37, 530 137,270 53 60 29 869 838 402 185 23 53 U 8 15 12 7 175 54 83 101 1,131 1,248 644 261 16 152 41 10 31 25 45 175 55 16,529 7,705 195,775 577,354 234,668 212,024 58,148 31,767 5,980 3,795 6,193 10,094 5,705 40,747 56 36,951 30,775 486,893 322,489 282,342 390,349 52,428 64,215 11,375 5,460 12,935 15,850 13,595 33,155 57 537 249 4,367 2,313 1,124 575 47 217 49 26 89 33 15 350 58 645 480 5,659 2,655 1,327 593 38 271 92 15 77 42 45 426 59 37,697 27,829 87,883 475,554 239,979 164,221 19,510 40,343 8,S49 3,849 15,617 8,800 3,233 11,496 60 107,516 42,673 96,351 554,903 242,027 214, 2a4 43,327 52, 280 15,050 2,425 17,955 10,295 6,555 12,545 61 33 33 155 2 2 62 5,744 6,530 21,846 23 ... 23 '.'.'. 63 26 20 112 41 10 22 1 3 2 1 5 64 1,346 1,838 16,190 4,663 1,333 3,123 30 97 ... 35 12 80 65 82 27 319 274 160 55 7 16 1 5 ^ 8 36 66 179 110 526 786 465 201 48 50 4 10 20 16 22 67 2,267 1,235 3,060 9,589 5,510 2,437 535 674 23 100 172 379 433 68 1 66 14 6 7 1 1 . * . 69 5 127 22 4 13 5 5 70 260 855 415 25 190 200 200 71 104 33 102 17 9 1 7 6 1 72 330 65 141 23 14 1 8 4 .; 73 3,506 723 1,564 245 166 12 67 47 20 74 150 31 20 5 5 5 75 666 317 13 20 20 20 76 5,470 908 90 95 95 ... 95 ... 77 55 36 131 40 26 3 1 5 5 5 78 310 191 73 34 26 3 2 2 2 1 79 2,335 1,110 405 295 215 50 10 15 15 5 30 75 36 103 26 17 7 2 2 81 226 70 153 57 26 22 9 9 82 2,495 2,005 1,267 670 245 385 40 40 83 302 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) FAimS, ACIffiAGE, AND VAIUE Farms number 1954. . 1950.. Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950. . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954,, 1950. . Average per acre dollars 1954. . 1950. . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in fnrns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture,, farms reporting 1954.. 1949,. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other cropland farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954,. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949., acres 1954., 1949,, Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954,. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . USE OF COttERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which conaercial fertilizer vas uaed, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons, . acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons., acres on which used. . Corn farms reporting.. tons.. acres on which used.. ."ligar beetf; farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops .,,.*,. .farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Total all farms ■7,291 7,346 3,309,208 3,375,836 453.9 430.3 20,028 16,249 53.66 47.91 87 6,476 7,260 409,988 426,381 1,437 1,055 706 996 1,283 551 375 68 3,286 2,665 140,013 115,457 1,532 1,789 55,685 50,861 633 29,321 1,064 26,354 1,012 445,155 380 47,573 3,185 1,991,242 1,820 97,994 6,736 .210,552 6,842 7,534 605,636 592,699 5,345 5,573 2,576,410 2,543,322 1,295 1,884 492,728 9''6,636 6,345 6,927 406,422 426,574 18 1,645 111 15,036 1,414 3,244 29,696 190 294 2,352 527 982 3,361 184 770 3,729 672 1,281 7,444 633 1,125 10,433 Tenure of operator^ Full owners 3,216 3,494 1,090,700 1,106,312 339.1 316.6 20,339 14,884 61.69 49.43 3,048 3,333 175,188 199,869 435 530 402 613 689 231 130 18 1,570 1,238 72,869 61,290 738 809 22,448 27,941 330 10,851 478 11,597 499 155,545 156 17,469 1,499 544,794 897 49,757 3,014 102,387 3,135 3,386 270,505 289,100 2,481 2,599 773,208 719,576 612 910 173,014 261,574 2,985 3,135 204,821 211,966 11 695 35 7,451 703 1,518 14,664 85 66 705 265 401 3,516 75 347 1,479 365 734 4,222 291 602 5,342 Part owners 1,191 1,283 1,178,862 1,195,196 989.8 931.6 40,434 28,929 39.60 34.62 82 1,171 1,247 168,241 147,694 17 44 113 183 338 235 193 48 635 522 36,741 39,777 307 320 21,442 13,559 186 16,226 168 5,216 249 192,608 103 14,174 660 660,823 333 36,223 1,112 64,333 1,179 1,252 226,424 201,030 972 1,080 910,172 902,930 323 477 206,782 343,214 973 1,067 120,002 122,900 6 905 6,705 331 954 9,438 60 116 1,172 146 400 3,314 63 330 1,572 127 245 1,767 165 288 2,745 Managers 15 39 35,858 34,186 2,390.5 876.6 65,025 31,109 27.24 57.89 93 14 37 1,161 3,232 16 580 650 1 7,000 5 26,176 1 100 14 776 14 38 1,906 3,946 5 29 33,756 29,622 1 16 7,000 21,722 14 37 1,497 4,352 18 150 5 5 100 593 712 137,190 147,599 231.3 207.3 19,616 12,264 88.76 63.43 88 583 696 44,701 49,366 20 65 66 95 213 74 257 209 5,789 4,035 84 142 1,283 2,940 34 442 14,325 41 3,430 186 48,063 133 4,288 521 14,599 583 701 51,773 56,341 391 517 68,177 67,918 107 143 22,755 33,558 532 651 39,487 51,839 1 45 15 850 153 347 3,562 5 20 180 66 98 916 36 87 653 90 198 975 111 202 2,160 98 72 36,900 22,415 376.5 311.3 17,847 9,424 50.55 39.33 81 89 66 4,325 3,674 20 20 15 26 42 26 855 195 10 11 25 535 5 5 5 20 22 3,795 47 26,091 31 1,300 79 1,809 89 66 5,205 4,404 92 62 30,741 15,664 22 32 3,795 8,429 89 66 6,324 4,365 20 38 290 5 20 180 15 24 210 15 23 125 20 88 230 25 46 450 33 71 12,995 13,735 393.8 193.5 13,969 14,026 29.93 68.65 82 32 71 1,909 6,145 5 15 10 1 1 17 26 1,077 310 5 21 350 355 5 350 15 2,050 1 985 12 5,575 6 270 27 1,049 32 71 3,336 6,810 22 61 8,702 5,224 16 25 3,035 2,945 32 71 2,952 5,710 215 1 Crop- share t:enants and croppers ^Data are given by tenure of operator for coranercial farms only. COLORADO FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Contuiued 303 a sample of farms. See text^ Are a 28— Continued .-J-t^i ^L Tenure of operator^ — Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants — Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Livestock- Other and un- All Cash Share-cash Crop-share tenants and Livestock- share Other and un- Bhare specified croppers specified 57 62 2,276 2,567 1,020 573 25 296 39 8 106 93 50 653 1 61 110 2,318 2,959 1,338 561 7 303 63 30 81 108 21 -50 2 15,880 17,420 866,598 2,426,111 647,797 992,518 538,187 190,768 18,730 5,558 26,750 34,125 105,555 58,841 3 16,724 21,510 892,593 2,420,029 806,989 966,577 429,130 97,478 23,483 7,010 22,690 39,815 4,480 119,855 4 278.6 281.0 380.8 945.9 635.1 1,732.1 21,527.5 644.5 481.5 694.8 252.4 366.9 2,111.1 90.1 5 .^"^■i.: 195.5 335.1 817.9 603.1 1,723.0 61,304.3 321.7 372.7 233.7 280.1 368.7 213.3 159.8 6 29,i98 20,509 9,304 33,099 35,810 53,766 186,222 36,379 25,342 25,193 25,555 47,824 48,174 6,087 7 17,700 10,724 12,732 28,576 25,437 56,042 1,251,560 27,193 12,782 23,567 24,536 43,534 19,250 4,915 8 103.08 85.77 65.31 40.23 56.14 33.37 12.59 57.05 60.57 57.14 101.62 131.32 21.49 76.49 9 99.33 57.36 70.59 36.14 43.96 34.70 15.45 93.16 38.69 100.86 120.83 111.69 104.05 31.76 10 91 90 8" 88 90 78 38 92 97 88 90 95 88 90 11 57 l,c6il 2,245 953 557 24 274 28 3 106 88 44 437 12 61 105 1 , '"'47 2, "10 1,281 549 7 293 53 30 81 108 21 530 13 6,366 3,546 20,697 318,194 133,164 108,922 29,587 40,866 4,132 1,193 12,030 13,705 9,306 5,655 14 *,219 6,525 5 26,220 965 417,856 242 181,792 21 149,135 30,470 46,239 6,793 4,165 10,024 22,792 2,465 10,170 221 15 16 5 416 160 26 '19 5 15 . • . 16 "5 95 17 6 120 156 48 33 10 ... 10 65 IS 15 '25 105 256 123 52 "i 30 10 10 10 50 19 20 20 41 441 259 102 2 72 25 21 11 6 20 6 6 10 571 303 168 100 '7 45 32 5 ... 21 10 3 331 143 149 5 34 1 6 20 6 22 1 88 30 34 11 13 5 7 23 36 26 32' 1 1,351 599 360 12 134 6 3 35 67 23 246 24 25 65 680 1,233 637 281 4 156 32 10 30 63 16 155 25 1,235 1,032 24,034 148,380 69,160 55,822 4,022 10,616 520 232 1,925 5,665 2,274 8,760 26 610 1,790 9,705 140,819 67,699 49,917 4,700 10,918 1,675 160 1,565 6,053 1,465 7,585 27 1 16 392 724 291 166 7 130 11 2 60 42 15 130 28 20 15 512 778 359 223 4 57 10 5 26 11 5 135 29 15 127 10,347 60,456 26,059 15,565 956 12,151 980 337 4,795 4,884 1,155 5,725 30 385 160 6,357 45,652 22,251 16,106 1,414 1,351 70 40 981 235 25 4,530 31 1 1 77 190 S3 54 2 31 5 20 6 20 32 15 47 1,757 13,013 5,266 4,428 756 1,653 75 270 1,308 910 33 15 346 589 225 119 5 115 6 2 55 37 15 125 34 W 8,590 47,443 20, ■'93 11,137 200 10,498 905 337 4,525 3,576 1,155 4,815 35 12 6 197 302 114 107 10 21 5 6 10 50 36 3,5<5 1,425 75,677 236,948 51,139 93,516 86,763 960 335 300 325 4,570 37 10 80 39 7 6 1 5 ... 5 20 38 580 7,500 13,985 100 1,975 10,000 150 150 1,760 39 22 27 835 1,338 593 345 14 129 19 2 41 42 25 257 40 2,8« 9,195 691,386 1,538,909 342,353 694,103 362,260 114,052 10,688 2,700 3,665 7,864 89,135 26,136 41 22 16 456 395 192 97 6 55 13 1 6 25 10 45 42 1,150 550 7,626 53,948 26,487 18,001 2,700 4,200 1,440 320 325 1,740 375 2,560 43 55 62 2,075 2,371 970 529 24 275 39 3 96 83 44 573 44 1,295 2,095 36,957 111,239 25,817 22,615 44,599 11,973 2,460 1,096 4,000 1,557 2,360 6,235 45 57 62 1,931 2,411 1,003 570 25 280 28 8 106 93 45 533 46 61 110 2,157 2,797 1,306 556 7 303 63 30 81 108 21 625 47 7,616 4,705 55,078 527,030 228,383 180,309 34,565 63,633 5,632 1,762 13,750 24,254 13,235 20,140 48 5,214 8,475 42,282 604,327 271,742 215,208 36,584 53,508 8,538 4,365 12,570 29,080 . 3,955 22,285 49 52 47 1,496 2,121 912 546 25 206 19 3 71 78 35 432 50 56 90 1,348 2,302 1,144 505 6 242 57 20 46 98 21 405 51 7,624 11,652 791,097 1,924,237 462,657 843,441 453,045 125,628 11,208 2,932 5,925 13,829 91,734 39,466 52 10,045 6,215 823,276 1,780,597 552,466 759,162 364,594 37,920 U,377 2,165 9,105 11,433 1,840 66,455 53 22 6 252 317 116 110 10 21 5 6 10 60 54 11 35 338 513 230 136 2 35 5 5 10 10 5 110 55 4,125 1,425 83,177 250,933 51,239 95,491 96,763 1,110 ... 335 450 325 6,330 56 5,959 9,060 316,568 351,586 119,541 113,695 69,675 2,740 245 1,460 310 700 25 45,935 57 57 62 1,841 2,134 929 541 19 268 29 8 101 87 43 377 58 56 100 2,037 2,729 1,275 539 7 293 58 30 81 108 21 610 59 4,891 4,938 40,615 369,162 165,752 131,854 13,625 49,706 5,072 1,093 11,815 20,701 11,025 3,225 60 6,595 6,785 35,517 613,001 11 230 267,862 10 150 230,570 1 80 47,665 58,179 8,415 4,820 12,424 29,490 3,030 13,725 61 62 63 10 12 6 6 ... 64 400 30 330 140 240 65 11 10 221 50 23 26 1 1 66 44 22 407 34^ 165 170 12 12 67 320 240 1,882 40 92 295 3,892 9 30 975 1,647 2 16 790 2,125 7 14 185 120 120 68 69 70 71 10 6 45 45 25 10 10 5 5 72 18 10 78 123 64 24 35 15 20 73 105 86 5 8 35 515 10 6 25 1,599 38 206 1,384 897 26 92 484 292 12 114 900 410 200 210 74 75 76 77 5 10 80 443 212 129 6 86 5 40 25 16 10 78 10 45 32 3,661 1,357 1,297 258 747 25 412 178 132 2 79 25 285 170 21,729 8,010 7,827 957 4,870 200 2,505 1,375 790 65 80 10 65 96 47 41 2 6 5 1 81 30 29 668 406 145 30 87 75 12 82 335 225 6,946 3,805 l,8-'.l 415 885 200 685 83 304 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL CData are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Crop- share tenants and croppers FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. . 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950. . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land io faraa uccordiug to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture, .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954,. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954, , 1949,, acres 1954,, 1949,, Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954.. Other cropland farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954,, Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. . In^roved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. , 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949. . Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954,, 1949,. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954,, 1949, . acres 1954,. 1949, . Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . OSE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which coanercial fertilizer was used, 19S4: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used. , Other pasture farms reporting., tons., acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. . tons. . acres on which used.. Sugar beets farms reporting. tons, acres on which used., Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.,.,farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. Other cropa farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. 9,669 10,774 5,244,944 5,332,640 542.4 495.0 38,900 26,649 7,256 54.73 82 8,320 9,671 1,206,554 1,552,840 527 368 383 717 2,317 2,359 1,289 360 2,330 2,347 145,702 105,518 5,967 4,600 952,306 638,721 3,636 615,206 4,351 337,100 259 97,515 97 20,029 5,014 2,675,267 1,253 69,498 9,084 147,571 8,842 9,926 2,304,562 2,297,079 6,507 7,145 2,918,434 2,940,345 335 510 117,544 143,576 6,538 7,634 6X3,447 754,787 579 99 , 508 176 15,329 2 134 24 561 170 272 3 290 1 914 5 049 55 117 2 689 9 982 79 882 670 2 183 14 508 1 297 J 608 46 015 2,912 3,313 1,086,362 987,328 373.1 297.6 32,486 20,798 87.39 73.34 32 2,479 2,906 251,619 326,075 153 168 188 352 799 520 263 31 840 935 46,473 36,847 1,686 1,242 172,492 94,945 883 98,158 1,321 74,334 134 38,630 37 4,915 1,652 535,532 476 28,733 2,753 36,701 2,648 3,012 470,584 457,867 2,183 2,452 620,635 524,536 161 164 43,545 36,056 2,025 2,420 170,167 201,702 142 15,405 24 2,526 317 664 7,029 107 160 1,595 564 1,460 15,646 592 2,024 15,264 130 337 2,342 346 753 9,235 1,985 2,344 2,863,499 2,992,446 1,442.6 1,276.6 61,101 40,650 42.75 32.96 79 1,839 2,285 479,473 653,933 28 45 54 125 308 430 584 265 585 511 59,747 41,178 1,560 1,5U 490,520 384,623 1,257 358,813 1,002 131,707 68 50,555 12 9,264 1,285 1,722,324 262 27,716 1,863 51,616 1,919 2,292 1,029,740 1,079,734 1,600 1,868 1,832,626 1,859,840 74 112 59,819 80,038 938 1,150 109,316 139,355 252 60,611 33 9,856 207 560 7,012 36 70 875 336 1,063 11,799 267 1,290 10,524 337 2,145 254 875 15,375 40 44 124,936 205,380 3,566.7 4,667.7 122,306 62,175 34.30 10.86 100 14,069 20,030 1 2 6 13 19 13 3,760 6,257 21 16 9,924 6,223 17 7,208 12 2,716 1 680 1 1,800 21 92,273 3 1,710 33 2,430 33 42 27,753 32,510 33 43 96,713 177,066 2 1 2,480 2,500 14 30 3,764 9,203 3 970 3 51 545 1 2 150 4 20 308 1 29 240 3,469 3,746 1,025,268 1,023,284 295.4 273.2 40,648 28,120 133.50 1,029.7 83 3,377 3,719 447,981 538,602 10 51 88 184 1,174 1,391 430 49 670 562 25,747 19,395 2,296 1,598 238,527 138,922 1,298 135,477 1,695 103,050 21 5,110 11 145 1,471 259,282 355 3,279 3,233 49,476 3,405 3,719 712,255 696,919 1,936 2,011 290,139 289,535 32 172 5,255 19,647 2,954 3,293 319,428 392,912 160 21,141 53 2,082 337 813 9,575 21 35 645 974 2,466 25,475 1,819 6,532 53,789 465 1,509 10,021 671 1,866 20,535 127 145 87,023 75,039 685.2 308.5 28,307 21,819 43.03 42.87 93 109 131 8,960 12,902 20 11 7 46 14 10 1 40 45 3,132 1,465 76 50 6,797 4,600 34 2,103 65 4,694 2 1,150 86 64,898 11 380 103 2,086 111 131 18,889 18,967 102 125 69,160 57,160 2 20 1,150 7,780 70 111 4,704 10,312 6 535 21 43 535 20 94 525 10 30 95 15 40 270 273 318 143,558 141,354 525.3 444.5 43,420 26,000 79.97 63.40 85 264 318 47,238 56,289 20 82 91 58 13 70 42 2,918 2,057 205 181 38,035 17,653 160 26,414 130 11,621 1 400 171 50,778 33 924 256 4,189 272 318 88,191 75,999 208 272 54,096 62,985 1 15 400 1,205 166 247 17,280 30,899 31 4,957 10 650 30 62 785 5 2 20 59 108 1,450 96 299 2,374 40 345 1,845 31 92 925 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Data ere given by tenure of operator for com <, rcial farms only. COLORADO 305 FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] Area 3— Continued Al eas 4 and A Tenure of operator^ — Con. Total Tenure of operator 1 Tenants -Con. Tenants Other all Full Part Other Livestock- Other and un- farms owners owners Managers All Cash Share- cash Crop -share tenants and Livestock- share Other and un- share speci f led croppers specified 239 133 1,263 10,376 3,457 3,563 88 1,767 201 308 984 123 151 2,001 1 325 241 1,322 12,569 4,232 3,770 103 2,183 310 430 1,148 107 183 2,281 2 101,327 35,064 143,879 12,553,849 2,693,217 7,388,293 441,714 1,612,431 181,234 317,976 858,761 147,775 106,635 418,194 3 111,710 55,956 124,202 11,995,684 2,767,242 6,643,717 780,135 1,555,484 187,809 292,934 783,932 165,148 120,611 249,106 4 'iS'i.O 263.6 113.9 1,154.3 779.1 2,073.6 5,019.5 912.5 901.9 1,032.4 372.7 1,201.4 706.2 209.0 5 343.7 232.2 94.0 954.4 653.9 1,762.3 7,574.1 712.5 605.3 631.2 687.3 1,543.4 641.5 109.2 6 55,469 40,546 12,501 46,205 36,123 72,120 159,534 40,305 37,132 39,775 41,238 51,730 23,597 18,427 7 39,676 18,831 10,312 29,396 22,986 47,534 160,873 25,705 18,914 22,302 27,200 59,724 21,032 12,122 8 131.28 135.78 111.76 39.20 44.19 34.66 26.73 41.11 30.42 36.78 45.54 41.19 33.75 95.81 9 120.29 71.64 120.45 31.44 34.52 26.70 21.63 38.45 41.06 34.34 39.97 41.35 30.69 112.94 10 89 84 82 84 84 84 69 84 70 90 34 39 81 83 11 233 92 593 8,612 2,728 3,230 70 1,605 145 294 939 115 112 979 12 325 229 721 10,348 3,699 3,657 89 2,075 263 430 1,123 96 163 1,323 13 37,870 ll.'-)67 13,412 2,062,564 399,983 1,171,456 23,357 425,428 9,852 80,385 290,877 25,960 18,354 41,835 U 54,208 20,928 14,200 2,679,325 643,368 1,422,029 36,797 548,266 23,716 107,207 341,726 42,109 33,508 29,365 15 5 331 360 339 35 30 20 10 456 16 95 378 133 32 1 46 25 11 10 111 17 1 5 52 341 160 64 46 10 10 15 5 6 71 13 20 5 56 538 236 113 7 81 14 2 43 6 16 101 19 58 40 35 1,161 467 376 14 225 47 23 111 26 13 79 20 90 22 16 1,769 692 557 16 381 12 96 212 39 22 123 21 59 13 6 2,506 538 1,340 17 573 17 114 391 27 24 33 22 5 2 2 1,059 108 713 15 223 38 167 12 6 23 96 5 21b 2,597 872 972 21 399 24 31 221 44 29 333 24 102 50 226 2,098 692 692 3 280 41 55 149 19 16 431 25 3,033 5 9,975 279,790 96,001 134,397 2,302 34,958 2,495 9,195 16,237 5,061 1,970 11,632 26 4,188 1,500 1,841 266,769 49,921 183,739 1,089 14,670 1,093 2,659 9,478 685 755 17,300 27 164 67 404 7,550 2,136 3,056 57 1,448 113 264 885 88 93 853 28 111 87 231 7,115 2,222 2,941 35 1,405 97 310 835 76 87 512 29 15,756 10,455 40,843 2,623,577 431,238 1,410,957 33,330 523,532 3,193 89,370 371,393 23,949 29.677 174,470 30 11,511 4,254 14,008 1,751,201 341,352 993,056 34,848 353,604 5,731 51,401 251,175 25,618 19,629 28,341 31 117 47 181 5,932 1,540 2,666 42 1,211 29 235 801 72 74 473 32 10,116 6,387 15,550 1,780,695 280,299 1,016,441 47,716 352,856 4,103 60,446 253,316 14,873 20,113 33,383 33 119 44 321 4,998 1,396 1,962 39 921 92 167 534 66 62 680 34 5,640 4,068 25,293 842,832 150,939 394,516 35,614 170,726 4,090 29,424 113,577 9,076 9,559 91,087 35 1 35 388 123 92 6 28 18 1 1 2 6 134 36 50 2,540 139,135 43,046 71,811 3,240 6,564 4,320 4 740 1,250 250 14,474 37 1 36 76 26 20 2 10 6 3 1 18 33 15 3,905 17,234 6,721 3,173 800 1,700 415 835 400 ... 4,835 39 109 40 585 7,734 2,392 2,997 73 1,195 109 260 626 107 93 1,072 40 41,321 10,840 65,856 7,245,172 1,665,557 4,500,095 325,017 593,641 153,438 132,573 164,154 39,048 54,373 160,862 41 53 5 157 1,031 363 362 17 76 5 10 26 29 6 213 42 1,515 50 3,055 103,917 37,794 56,135 1,815 9,343 530 262 620 7,801 80 3,830 43 233 116 1,152 9,888 3,155 3,340 79 1,550 181 239 826 121 133 1,764 44 3,232 1,797 7,348 136,377 50,666 96,399 2,663 26,558 2,521 5,949 13,975 2,107 2,006 10,086 45 234 92 836 9,798 3,050 3,456 75 1,709 167 307 934 123 128 1,503 46 325 229 861 11,330 3,330 3,692 93 2,106 269 430 1,148 96 163 1,659 47 56,659 22,427 64,230 4,965,931 927,227 2,716,810 109,989 983,968 20,540 179,450 679,007 54,970 50,001 227,937 43 69,907 26,682 30,049 4,697,795 1,034,641 2,593,874 72,734 916,540 30,590 161,267 602,379 68,412 53,892 75 ,006 49 179 45 755 8,607 2,663 3,228 78 1,34A 126 294 702 123 99 1,294 50 204 122 771 9,707 3,295 3,412 86 1,581 185 384 300 92 120 1,333 51 44,404 10,845 78,371 7,664,097 1,304,604 4,706,303 331,059 635,163 160,303 141,772 181,131 95,359 56,598 186,968 52 36,762 28,212 89,368 7,315,634 1,713,317 4,129,269 691,007 609,331 144,464 122,332 182,255 95,859 64,921 171,710 53 2 66 444 140 108 8 37 23 1 4 3 6 151 54 31 61 743 264 155 19 79 37 15 12 15 226 55 65 6,445 156,369 49,767 74,989 4,040 8,264 4,735 4 1,625 1,650 250 19,309 56 6,067 5,335 234,904 73,660 86,816 33,150 40,353 30,623 4,900 2,015 2,815 40,925 57 220 76 607 2,134 739 502 21 297 88 30 103 44 27 575 58 304 223 741 2,747 916 511 37 447 147 50 130 30 40 336 59 32,354 6,917 10,772 115,840 35,953 49,063 2,957 22,337 2,998 2,111 11,363 5,155 705 5,530 60 41,806 20, 103 11,615 124,094 36,831 43,326 4,374 29,893 4,363 3,035 19,360 1,035 2,050 9,170 61 11 10 12 1,262 324 561 5 248 3 66 142 9 23 124 62 652 1,925 1,381 280,440 44,134 127,593 31,330 61,582 666 15,240 38,994 2,027 4,655 15,801 63 6 11 16 522 176 214 6 36 1 21 58 3 3 40 64 260 737 865 80,427 21,184 37,693 635 16,625 100 4,525 11,571 194 235 4,290 65 47 15 21 191 73 70 7 26 1 1 23 1 15 66 101 76 46 482 183 193 50 41 (z) 1 40 (Z) 5 67 1,380 915 400 6,733 2,214 3,193 640 586 40 20 516 10 100 68 1 5 43 7 13 1 7 1 6 15 69 5 5 92 14 20 13 27 2 25 18 70 260 15 1,591 271 360 180 290 45 245 490 71 76 21 36 366 109 169 33 10 13 41 13 6 5 72 234 52 40 989 247 461 280 16 51 152 58 3 1 73 2,577 572 889 18,491 5,015 9,140 4,321 750 742 2,150 614 65 15 74 140 26 10 95 37 27 31 10 6 15 75 556 309 7 365 153 118 94 28 20 46 76 4,910 873 65 2,750 920 1,105 725 145 185 395 77 25 329 190 69 55 30 5 10 10 15 78 122 966 260 529 167 132 4 17 14 IC 79 935 3,247 1,675 1,047 445 295 20 95 35 80 80 52 'lO 26 463 232 141 33 5 8 48 7 15 7 31 143 12 114 1,349 849 347 145 1 22 93 13 16 8 82 1,745 150 870 21,086 4,385 11,043 5,491 5 698 3,633 320 835 16^ 83 306 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 5 Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants All Cash 1 2 3 K 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE 7,092 7,850 9,565,294 9,651,031 1,348.7 1,229.4 30,681 26,323 21.99 22.16 77 5,304 6,820 762,106 1,244,761 1,009 408 320 501 939 1,028 779 320 1,673 1,479 145,717 189,824 3,581 3,030 1,028,708 603,566 1,584 540,852 2,979 487,356 477 390,068 111 27,530 3,615 6,963,905 296 28,020 6,273 247,260 6,159 7,137 1,936,531 2,038,151 4,596 5,285 7,499,690 7,489,136 565 864 417,598 623,443 3,868 4,575 283,547 423,759 237 57,638 333 82,306 215 734 6,263 34 76 660 291 726 6,561 434 1,885 12,084 217 486 2,656 268 768 6,896 1,309 2,470 1,295,467 1,635,741 716.1 662.2 24,681 19,803 35.49 30.87 83 1,422 2,194 152,344 300,331 118 116 130 265 380 250 113 50 496 533 31,948 61,432 829 852 121,357 99,671 287 58,641 687 62,716 183 102,405 19 3,540 1,076 853,092 100 5,768 1,618 30,781 1,603 2,264 305,649 461,434 1,350 1,806 987,445 1,161,447 192 317 105,945 200,806 1,062 1,516 75,370 129,296 51 10,976 78 14,708 77 258 2,505 16 18 195 129 284 3,003 123 533 3,294 66 132 735 114 220 2,186 1,701 1,391 6,309,004 5,837,291 3,709.0 3,086.9 64,033 51,432 16.31 16.72 75 1,373 1,707 343,333 562,556 41 68 85 114 217 315 353 180 427 387 69,166 97,075 1,045 901 496,499 302,397 626 231,425 846 215,074 124 168,571 25 7,040 1,279 5,054,227 76 15,838 1,517 165,168 1,514 1,734 913,998 962,023 1,424 1,556 5,291,964 4,783,209 141 218 175,611 266,351 793 913 93,610 127,158 128 30,746 160 42,554 65 291 2,455 2 32 260 70 220 1,788 104 496 3,329 70 196 1,091 78 289 2,965 34 63 633,573 881,773 18,634.5 13,996.4 182,896 145,240 9.22 11.38 71 17 54 3,272 17,391 1 1 1 3 4 2 3 2 9 21 3,485 4,639 9 21 11,491 5,235 5 1,700 9,791 7 35,570 1 8,800 31 559,535 2 35 32 11,420 21 55 18,248 27,265 32 56 593,590 852,850 8 10 44,370 49,621 13 42 2,538 16,904 1 35 3 1,300 l,c"o 830,434 1,061,309 638.8 632.4 30,111 24,189 39.46 42.11 69 1,204 1,612 231,354 347,139 31 15 17 62 277 421 297 84 232 236 18,444 11,808 844 757 189,209 157,749 368 99,395 706 39,314 44 51,025 15 880 532 314,591 62 4,026 1,151 24,981 1,253 1,637 439,007 516,696 716 896 384,060 527,139 59 98 51,905 61,690 878 1,095 100,734 136,122 38 11,217 49 14,119 44 99 833 10 14 150 76 200 1,625 207 856 5,461 60 130 745 71 257 1,740 143 1950... 216 223,610 1950... 298,316 1,563.7 1950. . . Value of land and buildings: 1,381.1 23,890 1950... 21,142 L3.89 1950. . . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954... Land in fans according to use; 19.93 81 109 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 190 10,193 21,300 21 10 18 19 20 21 16 6 25 19 & 6 24 25 26 27 28 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Cropland not harvested and not 42 36 2,925 5,030 67 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1949... acres 1954... 1949... acres 1954... Other cropland farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... acres 1954... 32 4,776 4,055 U 405 57 4,371 13 48,335 5 acres 1954... Other pastiire (not cropland and 550 90 41 42 43 44 acres 1954... Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Other land (house lots, roads. 144,379 19 1,726 129 45 acres 1954... 12,452 118 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949... Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954... 1949... 1949... 200 17,894 30,385 118 136 195,639 261,911 18 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1949... 1949... 1949... 1949... Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Cropland used for row or grain crops 20 48,885 42;050 86 151 6,929 14,943 65 acres 1954... USE OF C0W1ERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which comaercial fertilizer was used, 1954: 7 67 68 69 70 71 tons... acres on which used... Other pasture farms reporting... tons . . . acres on which used... 40 75 20 150 5 4 50 6 73 74 acres en which used... 8 80 5 76 77 78 79 80 81 tons... acres on which used... Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting... tons . . . acres on which used... > 82 83 tons . . . acres on which used. . . ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: a sample of farms. See text] COLORADO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 307 (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1934. 1950. Land in farms acres 195 14,279 19 4,664 46 10,925 26 46 245 6 12 55 16 22 145 21 28 85 5 2 5 308 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK. WORK POWER. FARM LABOR. [Data are tiased on reports for only Item The i tate Total Tenure of operate rl Tenants (For definitions and explanations, see tejft) all farms Full owners Part owners Managers ::rop- share All Cash Share-casn tenants and croppers SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 1 Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . . 27,425 37, 908 36, 574 9,774 13,010 13,407 6,363 9,285 8,334 193 245 241 5,499 7,251 7,296 484 650 782 484 661 779 3,652 4,817 4,464 2 Electrlcltv farms reporting 1954... 3 1950... I, Television set farms reporting 1954 . . . 11,098 3,468 2,388 93 2,862 179 177 2,134 5 Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . . . 29,199 15,945 591 10,649 10,202 5,569 305 4,160 7,663 4,732 154 3,885 226 139 1 76 5,420 3,111 95 1,860 507 249 6 135 459 268 7 233 3,549 2,017 50 1,150 5 Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . . 7 Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . . 3 Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . 9 Milklne machine farms reporting 1954... 5,320 2,288 1,396 30 1,423 161 150 912 10 Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . . 12,134 3,572 4,328 56 3,033 106 325 2,195 11 number 1954 . . . 14,304 4,005 6,041 79 3,406 117 353 2,480 12 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,754 778 896 3 1,020 19 113 771 13 number 1954 . . . 2,789 790 911 3 1,028 20 113 778 U Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . 4,316 1,799 1,419 69 319 105 62 468 15 number 1954 . . . 4,426 1,335 1,476 70 835 114 63 474 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954... 3,602 1,326 1,177 21 992 77 62 680 17 number 1954 . . . 3,814 1,4CK 1,257 32 1,029 77 64 702 18 Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . • . 32,003 48,653 11,304 16,170 3,997 15,757 243 599 6,617 10,481 564 776 642 956 4,462 7,167 19 number 1954 . . . 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 31,610 11,323 9,087 220 7,111 521 695 4,851 21 1950... 31,411 11,646 9,259 231 7,768 633 962 4,952 22 number 1954 . . . 59,647 20,068 19,375 602 14,865 870 1,245 10,462 23 51,325 17,916 16,890 592 13,087 354 1,446 3,713 24 Automobiles farms reporting 1954... 34,084 11,376 8,808 238 6,836 559 640 4,597 25 OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME FapB operators— 47,492 16,214 13,301 519 8,983 738 737 6,007 26 of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 10,477 1,940 806 25 662 141 34 395 27 1949 . . . 10,929 2,016 681 20 705 143 65 345 28 Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . . . 18,227 4,866 3,319 49 3,196 333 310 2,075 29 1949... 17,776 5,163 2,806 49 2,975 371 386 1,743 30 100 or more days operators reporting 1954... 9,852 2,102 997 28 365 163 75 490 31 1949... FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER 9,566 2,058 789 34 893 178 103 480 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 5,786 1,521 214 3 396 73 11 224 33 No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 .. . 3,276 14, 681 975 5,64i 508 4,981 38 171 201 2,348 94 271 8 262 52 1,342 34 35 Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... FARM LABOR 16, 929 5,679 4,106 49 4,763 250 433 3,509 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 37,235 12,959 9,489 250 7,248 630 696 4,785 37 persons 1954 . . . 96,043 35,944 29,307 1,108 19,174 1,591 1,644 12,259 38 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954... 36,717 12,739 9,315 234 7,191 617 694 4,754 39 Operators working 1 or more hours ••■■........... persons 1954 . ■ . 35,937 12,471 9,167 234 7,103 605 678 4,695 40 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. . . 15,360 5,913 4,501 44 2,913 297 322 1,852 41 persons 1954 . . . 23,789 9,0/4 7,437 68 4,345 430 503 2,727 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954... 9,614 3,565 3,366 156 2,193 191 147 1,451 43 persons 1954 . . . 36,317 14,399 12,703 806 7,726 556 463 4,837 44 Regular workers {to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . . 5,315 1,943 2,034 129 1,094 89 62 707 45 persons 1954 . . . 9,887 3,961 3,767 464 1,473 156 95 900 46 Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. . . 5,920 2,234 1,976 63 1,415 112 110 934 47 persons 1954 . . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 26,430 10,438 8,936 342 6,253 400 368 3,937 48 Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... 40,2B.j 13,787 9,, 306 25o 7,703 683 714 5,127 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. . . 2R.fl71 10,371 8,013 219 6,375 473 589 4,395 50 Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . . 21.?..; 7,439 5,714 114 4,982 294 483 3,525 51 dollars 1954... 9,312,408 3,005,421 3,397,741 125,596 2,402,483 110,832 232,117 1,728,770 52 21,914 8,120 6,745 214 5,310 366 454 3,719 53 1949... 29,135 11,187 8,741 253 6,986 607 822 4,406 54 dollars 1954... 33,606,232 12,687,336 12,311,468 1,478,10? 6,511,297 523,182 385,636 4,400,785 55 1949 .. . 42,691,136 15,052,189 15,758,343 2,115,295 3,316,777 532,915 924,117 5,602,994 56 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... 18,115 6,685 5,337 95 4,507 312 423 3,153 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. . . 3,799 1,435 1,408 119 303 54 31 566 58 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 31,127 10,642 8,027 219 5,737 520 612 3,631 59 1949 . . . 34,109 12,509 8,977 217 6,706 644 346 4,045 60 dollars 1954... 64,543,757 20,995,703 20,530,156 9,336,165 11,585,866 1,272,772 787,877 6,940,332 61 1949 . . . 43,447,610 17,394,435 14,651,455 3,381,054 6,127,517 650,207 U7,698 3,059,942 62 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . . 34,910 12,509 9,552 244 7,393 595 697 5,002 63 1949 . . . 35,320 13,597 10,105 260 8,126 732 978 5,110 64 dollars 1954... 23,897,421 7,142,988 9,370,120 328,720 6,149,898 315,054 548, 676 4,365,153 65 1949 . . . .'3,038,398 ",021,769 9,295,214 393,034 5,359,082 364,343 677,578 3,954,137 66 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . . . 9,bJ3 3,703 1,950 42 3,286 191 190 2,540 67 dollars 1954... 3,930,657 1,273,273 993,731 49,763 1,552,183 58,317 93,276 1,195,697 68 45,958 14,926 11,743 643 17,603 721 1,145 13,259 69 acres on which used 1954 . . . 422,476 129,428 121,918 4,737 159,147 5,190 10, 598 120,925 70 Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... 67 50 11 5 ... 71 tons 1954 . . . 799 630 159 5 ... 72 dollars 1954... 5,680 4,715 895 45 ... 73 acres limed 1954... 1,000 720 225 50 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. '^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 309 a sample of farms. See text] The State — Continued Aren 1 Tenure of operator^— Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants -Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Livestock- share Other and un- specified flll Cash Share-cash Crop-share tenants and croppers Livestock- share Other and un- specified 545 334 5,591 2,308 1,070 563 52 207 59 .-'6 73 39 10 416 I 675 448 8,117 2,313 1,260 694 58 255 76 .J 3 98 42 16 546 2 696 575 7,296 2,549 1,274 499 37 258 94 87 37 40 481 3 2i4 128 2,237 136 59 26 9 9 1 5 3 33 4 597 308 5,688 2,218 953 619 50 180 'ss 23 54 36 9 416 5 390 187 2,394 1,533 702 426 40 141 54 16 39 24 8 224 6 27 5 36 15 8 1 1 5 5 7 247 95 668 747 436 213 13 54 9 4 '22 12 7 31 8 U2 58 183 209 109 61 8 19 8 3 1 12 9 282 327 125 129 645 773 502 539 237 242 194 221 5 5 44 47 5 6 4 23 25 6 6 6 6 22 24 10 11 91 25 52 1 1 12 91 26 52 1 1 13 126 58 210 504 265 125 22 '69 '21 11 '21 5 11 '23 14 126 58 210 534 275 135 22 79 29 12 22 5 11 23 15 159 14 86 96 59 22 2 8 7 1 5 16 172 14 92 107 67 24 3 8 7 1 5 17 609 340 4,842 2,614 1,172 749 58 253 69 29 109 36 10 382 13 1,077 505 5,646 3,993 1,695 1,324 99 327 85 46 143 40 13 548 19 664 380 3,869 2,420 1,196 690 50 266 76 29 104 41 16 218 20 703 513 2,507 2,227 1,U1 605 31 269 70 15 102 37 45 191 21 1,565 723 4,737 4,650 2,193 1,531 144 463 132 43 181 81 26 269 22 1,278 791 2,840 3,526 1,790 1,034 106 379 85 15 143 61 75 217 23 633 407 6,326 2,395 1,076 641 56 204 69 17 76 28 14 418 24 951 500 8,475 3,629 1,641 1,050 119 255 93 18 92 38 14 564 25 30 62 7,044 769 173 67 3 47 26 19 2 479 26 37 115 7,507 377 190 59 '' 76 25 26 10 15 545 27 322 156 6,797 1,310 459 231 6 162 47 12 65 30 3 452 28 206 269 6,783 1,401 485 199 9 183 61 15 61 26 20 525 29 51 86 5,860 653 152 67 6 57 28 5 20 2 2 371 30 30 102 5,792 734 208 62 8 56 25 21 5 5 400 31 6 82 3,652 261 54 10 6 1 5 191 32 17 30 1,554 496 155 96 9 11 3 6 1 1 225 33 34S 125 1,537 2,067 1,037 578 50 205 65 18 73 33 16 197 X 316 255 2,332 353 159 112 61 11 11 31 8 21 35 676 461 7,289 2,914 1,345 781 59 282 79 29 110 42 22 447 36 2,495 1,185 10, 510 7,705 3,150 2,903 219 609 153 68 245 90 53 819 37 666 460 7,238 2,855 1,324 759 56 274 73 29 108 42 22 442 38 665 460 6,962 2,800 1,304 749 56 269 68 29 108 42 22 422 39 301 Ul 1,989 1,309 640 378 8 111 40 20 28 19 4 172 40 449 236 2,865 2,160 1,037 613 12 149 47 27 39 29 7 349 41 292 112 334 931 401 395 43 113 30 8 50 16 9 29 42 1,381 489 683 2,745 809 1,546 151 191 38 12 93 19 24 48 43 181 55 115 647 270 292 34 32 14 2 4 6 6 19 44 221 101 222 1,334 447 715 95 44 16 3 7 6 12 33 45 187 72 232 5U 203 196 21 84 18 7 46 10 3 10 46 1,160 383 461 1,411 362 331 56 147 22 9 91 13 12 15 47 687 492 8,729 3,119 1,394 796 59 283 30 29 110 42 22 587 48 604 3U 3,393 2,275 1,082 649 56 247 63 28 102 33 16 241 49 449 231 3,243 1,458 683 421 23 147 45 14 67 18 3 179 50 225,084 105,680 381,167 664,869 299,054 286,159 15,447 41,461 16,320 3,445 15,833 4,073 1,790 22,748 51 519 252 1,525 1,931 885 602 56 226 54 28 97 31 16 162 52 683 468 1,963 2,301 1,206 638 30 236 72 15 72 37 40 191 53 839,427 362,267 618,026 4,142,435 1,441,413 2,155,495 279,807 194,409 53,608 16,989 31,330 25,902 16, 530 71,311 54 1,254,679 409 452,072 210 948,532 1,491 4,592,977 1,477 1,886,032 709 1,937,578 376 345,152 28 297,425 209 87,360 49 6,340 27 76,475 88 63,400 30 63,850 15 126,790 155 55 56 110 42 34 454 176 226 28 17 5 1 9 1 1 7 57 575 399 6,502 2,535 1,123 674 46 247 67 28 92 33 22 445 58 673 498 5,700 2,532 1,231 655 27 249 75 15 62 42 55 370 59 1,805,006 779,829 2,095,367 2,313,199 1,004,786 1,404,966 120,393 144,003 49,022 24,933 46, 582 10,402 13,064 144,046 60 1,579,619 390,051 1,393,149 3,156,533 1,381,801 1,378,446 134,342 151,644 58,808 3,380 20,137 17,239 52,030 110,305 61 675 424 5,212 2,807 1,287 769 57 270 73 29 110 41 17 424 62 718 588 3,232 2,711 1,376 734 29 317 97 15 93 52 60 255 63 669,302 251,713 905,695 1,607,705 669,746 694,457 44,593 145,871 47,877 15,710 52,019 18,559 11,706 53,038 64 583,082 279,887 469,799 1,255,148 557,742 496,399 35,219 121,113 32, 634 2,930 53,207 11,462 20,335 44,670 65 264 101 652 337 196 64 7 34 12 5 9 8 . 36 66 147,442 57,451 61,657 79,604 46,519 19,246 3,319 8,661 1,341 460 4,010 2,850 1,859 67 1,723 755 1,038 945 538 241 50 94 15 10 53 16 22 63 16,398 6,036 5 5 45 50 7,246 1 5 25 5 11,334 6,136 3,074 545 1,091 285 100 327 379 438 69 70 71 72 73 310 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.— FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK. WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, LData are based on reporta for only Item Area 28 Total Tenure of operate ri Tenants (For definitions and explanations, see text) all farms Full owners Part owners Managers Crop- share All Cash Share-cash tenants and croppers SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EaUIfWENT I Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,149 6,876 6,893 2,365 3,064 3,094 842 1,152 1,133 14 15 39 414 555 626 73 91 66 16 27 61 232 323 338 2 Electricity farms reporting 1954... 3 1950... i, Television set farms reporting 1954... 647 299 82 61 5 51 5 Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . . . 4,668 2,127 788 'is 364 75 '12 193 6 Home freezer farms reporting 1954... 2,728 1,269 579 u 214 39 12 100 7 Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . . . 128 69 33 10 5 8 Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,561 855 438 8 117 'ii "i 31 g Mllkine machine farms reporting 1954... 607 383 127 61 10 30 10 1 IX J.A^ llg llin i,.ixii.. .... ....... .......... ... ."" . — [.... .^..^ A '.-•'. . Grain combines farms reporting 195ii. . . 1,243 396 439 2 134 16 5 92 11 number 1954 . . . 1,368 660 492 2 136 16 5 94 12 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954... 157 53 72 32 1 30 13 number 1954... 157 53 72 32 1 30 14 Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954... 799 366 271 "3 101 '28 1 72 15 number 1954.. . 804 367 274 3 102 29 1 72 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . . . 386 224 135 16 5 10 17 number 1954... 402 229 141 16 5 10 18 Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,220 2,515 1,054 10 471 92 27 268 19 number 1954... 6,419 3,060 1,483 20 599 126 33 323 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 5,121 2,564 1,120 14 503 79 27 303 21 1950 . . . 4,597 2,284 1,059 27 536 41 56 313 22 7,371 3,578 2,020 26 631 95 39 406 23 1950... 6,065 2,973 1,607 35 659 41 67 399 24 5,730 7,111 2,548 3,139 1,015 1,392 15 30 433 496 69 75 17 13 253 281 2S number 1954... OFF-FARM WOFUC AND OTHER INCCME Far» optrators— 26 With other income of family exceeding vBlue 2,643 604 138 5 81 20 41 27 1949 . . . 2,058 450 146 1 101 10 11 50 28 Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954... 4,160 1,4^2 581 1 340 67 15 183 29 3,894 1,358 450 11 335 50 20 130 30 100 or more days operators reporting 1954 . . . 2,520 650 178 1 126 20 5 81 31 2,120 436 138 6 100 15 10 55 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 1,375 363 30 57 7 5 30 33 No tractor but horses and/or 795 289 41 1 23 12 1 10 34 Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954... 2,5iy, 1,302 600 9 179 19 10 101 35 Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... Week of Scpteaber 26-October 2: 2,617 1,262 520 5 329 60 17 202 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 5,582 2,953 1,171 15 532 88 27 303 37 persons 1954 . . . 16, ua 8,125 3,332 77 1,414 224 44 843 38 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954... 6,515 2,915 1,163 14 525 86 27 293 39 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . . 6,381 2,851 1,148 14 515 86 22 293 40 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954... 2,511 1,314 543 5 189 36 15 37 41 persons 1954... 3,675 1,381 383 5 301 51 20 139 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,517 800 490 10 143 22 1 91 43 persons 1954. .. 6,082 3,393 1,301 53 598 37 2 411 44 Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 — ^6 341 245 10 42 7 1 16 45 persons 1954 . . . 1,141 542 499 20 55 11 2 16 46 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,082 553 331 7 123 16 80 47 persons 1954. . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 4,941 2,851 1,302 33 543 76 395 48 Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... 7,151 3,ai 1,191 15 593 93 33 343 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. . . 5,604 2,793 1,096 10 510 62 22 312 50 Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . . 4,562 2,263 838 7 386 33 17 252 51 1,170,085 590,339 333,621 2,573 134,627 14,903 5,460 81,400 52 Hired labor ........•.■•••■.. .farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,978 2 175 963 10 385 57 41 17 61 227 53 1949 . . . 4,784 2^433 1,034 29 526 308 54 dollars 1954... 4,337,407 2,296,175 1,550,241 72,550 239,379 60,280 10,177 111,885 55 1949 . . . 4,595,388 2,339,931 1,558,564 100,730 307,163 5,365 73,752 178,261 56 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... 3,484 1,913 772 357 43 16 227 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954 . . . 494 262 191 '16 23 9 1 58 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 4,996 2,140 368 14 372 69 32 193 59 1949... 5,437 2,430 1,016 23 451 41 66 213 60 dollars 1954... 2,935,9a 1,553,607 366, 227 U,275 208,942 71,413 U,020 52,480 61 1949 . . . 3,013,538 1,404,561 961,131 86,302 136,914 9,455 23,004 69,010 62 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,814 2,357 1,173 14 529 90 32 303 63 1949... 5,405 2,763 1,180 33 587 47 61 338 64 dollars 1954... 2,239,310 1,046,926 354,186 8,050 a5,753 36,198 12,435 119,100 65 1949... 1,876,532 907,073 669, 596 9,630 201,298 8,401 30,953 131,333 66 CoiiBiercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,376 1,213 480 12 270 60 12 166 67 620,305 295,403 204,761 3,319 79,062 19,740 1,555 43,190 68 tons 1954 . . . 7,703 3,667 2,339 100 952 240 19 506 69 acres on which used 1954 . . . 61,915 29,887 19,894 571 8,451 1,435 335 5,200 70 Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... 71 tons 1954... 72 dollars 1954... 73 acres limed 1954... ^Data are given by tenure of operator for connnercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 311 a sample of farms. See text] Area 2a — Continued Area 2b Tenure of operator^— Con. Total Tenure of operator 1 Tenants -Con. Tenants Other farms all farms Full owners Part owners Managers Other farms Livestock- Other and un- All Cash Share-cash Crop-share tenants and LiTestock- Other and un- share specified croppers share specified 52 41 1,514 1,587 752 391 22 21c 38 1 76 73 28 206 1 57 57 2,090 2,398 958 547 24 231 39 8 96 93 45 588 2 56 105 2,006 2,527 1,164 519 7 277 58 30 71 98 20 560 3 5 205 94 45 11 3 10 5 5 ... 25 4 42 42 1,374 1,762 816 417 23 249 29 6 86 '88 40 257 5 36 27 652 1,035 506 273 16 124 2 5 41 52 24 116 6 5 16 69 47 7 15 10 5 7 17 7 143 665 351 224 4 66 6 2 15 26 17 20 8 16 5 35 118 54 37 17 1 10 5 1 10 9 20 1 72 485 232 147 2 84 2 40 26 16 20 10 20 1 1 1 78 530 250 152 4 104 50 36 16 20 11 12 13 '58 447 236 124 6 76 6 1 '25 27 17 5 14 58 464 242 135 6 76 6 1 25 27 17 5 15 "i 11 100 55 39 1 5 5 16 1 16 102 56 39 2 5 5 17 52 32 1,170 1,953 862 500 24 261 24 8 96 93 40 306 18 72 40 1,252 2,929 1,286 828 97 397 25 8 136 143 85 321 19 -.■.7 42 915 1,882 890 505 19 261 29 8 86 93 45 207 20 -4' 80 691 1,912 1,019 484 7 277 52 30 76 98 21 125 21 3} 58 1,066 3,929 1,880 1,178 85 553 43 10 197 182 la 233 22 52 100 791 3,525 1,715 1,152 45 458 71 50 136 174 27 155 23 42 52 1,719 1,862 760 436 19 249 34 7 81 88 39 398 24 58 64 2,054 2,745 1,171 750 63 338 34 8 101 134 61 423 25 X 1,815 654 109 53 1 20 10 5 5 471 26 30 1,950 874 116 48 45 20 20 5 665 27 45 30 1,796 1,103 3.,; 211 1 121 22 3 55 40 1 428 28 35 50 1,740 1,215 407 159 2 112 40 10 30 26 6 535 29 5 15 1,565 621 124 82 ... 42 11 15 15 1 373 30 20 1,440 668 177 38 2 41 15 5 15 1 5 410 31 15 925 387 56 26 30 10 20 275 32 5 436 298 74 42 6 5 5 171 33 22 414 1,101 507 351 13 133 23 7 36 '58 9 97 34 3u 20 501 781 383 154 6 123 ° 1 50 35 36 110 35 57 57 1,911 2,315 968 553 25 286 39 8 101 88 50 483 36 ISO 123 2,690 14,194 6,569 4,350 340 2,339 54 20 931 962 372 596 37 57 57 1,898 2,264 94a 539 24 280 39 8 100 83 50 473 38 57 57 1,853 2,206 923 528 24 269 38 8 90 83 50 452 39 20 31 460 887 408 280 4 103 4 6 35 42 15 92 40 45 46 605 1,406 617 480 8 193 4 11 60 72 45 108 41 17 12 74 1,001 503 309 18 145 12 46 57 29 26 42 78 20 232 10, 582 5,029 3,342 308 1,877 12 781 807 276 26 43 17 1 8 515 253 178 11 57 6 16 26 8 16 44 23 3 25 1,065 420 416 107 106 6 46 36 17 16 45 15 12 68 782 395 239 11 127 6 45 52 24 10 46 55 17 207 9,517 4,609 2,926 201 1,771 6 735 771 259 10 47 57 62 2,141 2,545 1,009 572 25 296 39 8 106 93 50 643 48 52 52 1,195 1,970 873 513 20 268 28 7 101 88 44 296 49 37 47 1,068 1,525 665 381 14 204 27 6 71 72 28 261 50 15,330 17,534 108,925 840,697 366,479 293,473 39,895 122,940 21,820 3,435 19,150 53,350 25,185 17,910 51 37 47 445 1,437 731 412 20 203 13 2 76 73 39 71 52 46 70 712 1,911 1,011 490 7 268 53 30 66 98 21 135 53 37,771 69,266 129,062 3,835,498 1,563,155 1,488,894 278,999 486,555 28,700 1,800 170,645 193,840 91,570 17,895 54 17,715 31,575 238,895 4,869,780 2,191,408 1,646,756 241,866 746,450 55,603 108,285 158,175 405,842 17,555 43,290 55 31 35 442 991 536 250 4 131 8 2 46 43 32 70 56 6 12 3 446 195 162 16 72 5 30 30 7 1 57 42 36 1,602 1,774 692 432 15 193 19 1 71 58 44 442 58 51 80 1,462 2,052 989 451 5 247 48 15 66 97 21 360 59 48,616 22,413 295,870 1,461,828 614,827 565,656 90,381 135,038 22,960 400 17,765 31,248 62,665 55,925 60 22,645 12,800 424,580 1,727,451 848,713 632,871 68,295 140,267 30,883 6,100 27,215 63,309 12,760 37,305 61 52 52 1,241 2,173 953 552 24 276 29 8 96 93 50 368 52 56 85 842 2,170 1,176 514 7 288 63 30 76 98 21 135 63 30,365 17,605 114,395 1,669,716 770,667 557,538 79,727 224,734 27,960 3,654 76,755 75,120 41,245 37,050 64 14,021 16,085 88,935 1,635,661 830,454 532,016 38,157 202,669 31,590 19,150 45,445 95,559 9,925 32,365 65 16 16 401 538 270 164 7 87 5 40 25 17 10 66 6,260 8,317 32,755 410,597 169,315 148, 155 a, 600 71,237 2,800 39,560 14,105 14,772 290 67 72 115 645 5,034 2,098 1,764 288 882 40 488 198 156 2 68 450 981 3,112 36,475 21 574 4,335 650 15,583 10 415 3,490 425 13,170 11 159 395 225 1,372 6,285 400 2,705 1,585 1,595 65 69 70 71 72 73 312 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8— FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are Dased on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Part owners Crop- share tenants and croppers SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. . Home freezer farms reporting 1954.. Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954.. Grain combines farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . number 1954. . 1950.. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . OFF-FARM WORK AJID OTHER INCOME FarB operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . 100 or more days operators reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Week of Septeaber 26-Octobcr 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . , persons 1954.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. , persons 1954 . , Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . , SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949 . dollars 1954. 1949 . $1 to $2 ,499 farms reporting 1954 . $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949 . dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954 . Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954 . 7,800 9,321 9,743 5,275 7,772 4,589 142 2,188 2,326 3,737 4,315 1,060 1,069 923 949 1,710 1,789 8,204 14,002 8,254 8,561 13,715 15,851 8,856 12,878 1,659 1,780 3,738 3,626 1,599 1,709 1,011 404 2,769 5,485 9,095 20,309 8,850 3,808 5,694 2,481 5,765 1,588 2,278 1,277 3,487 9,634 7,319 5,803 3,041,447 6,017 7,797 9,206,055 11,730,835 4,830 1,187 7,922 8,526 31,351,424 18,074,923 8,693 9,115 7,598,540 6,779,958 4,271 2,080,931 23,324 223,760 5 10 50 5 2,418 2,862 3,014 1,537 2,412 1,330 66 773 957 971 1,072 305 311 349 361 598 627 2,528 3,961 2,465 2,568 5,325 4,551 2,635 3,901 369 363 918 998 425 434 136 881 1,584 2,743 5,915 2,696 2,637 1,277 1,896 653 1,382 421 596 316 786 2,908 2,158 1,643 362,857 1,706 2,307 2,361,990 3,127,266 1,355 351 2,512 2,653 8,485,666 7,055,836 2,640 2,828 1,958,683 1,713,524 1,173 490,727 5,462 51,393 1,490 1,892 2,077 986 1,691 1,078 34 632 392 1,158 1,475 231 233 259 268 393 414 1,867 3,567 1,847 2,143 4,440 4,216 1,888 3,063 151 131 640 641 166 163 62 76 808 1,039 1,931 4,584 1,898 1,854 887 1,448 634 1,282 450 675 292 607 1,985 1,627 1,219 772,472 1,341 2,034 2,265,201 3,309,681 1,049 292 1,667 1,963 6,618,855 5,159,007 1,927 2,268 2,057,925 2,129,597 648 367,261 4,198 48,040 13 1 12 27 5 5 U 13 5 11 34 123 34 36 96 126 34 72 35 138 21 100 40 32 17 23,941 32 39 382,363 410,078 21 11 39 41 7,189,769 1,906,787 35 44 55,626 30,805 6 8,675 103 1,254 2,946 3,370 3,523 2,087 2,694 1,736 37 674 904 1,451 1,569 498 499 286 291 693 716 3,160 5,593 3,311 3,448 8,084 6,556 3,306 4,565 177 199 1,216 965 200 245 47 877 2,434 3,326 8,192 3,315 3,238 1,342 1,969 1,137 2,935 693 894 634 2,041 3,474 3,072 2,577 1,346,592 2,748 3,171 4,130,511 4,829,405 2,217 531 2,675 2,998 8,650,344 3,683,248 3,387 3,474 3,390,964 2,787,772 2,372 1,198,448 13,347 120,834 82 112 125 48 90 46 40 47 42 47 7 7 3 3 23 23 106 166 109 116 241 131 110 140 111 398 111 uo 50 77 36 211 96 70 15,005 64 106 210,080 94,735 46 13 101 126 321,026 151,200 107 111 63,874 72,450 41 16,305 215 1,505 231 258 278 107 185 126 6 72 112 121 27 27 9 9 45 45 260 418 261 308 541 523 266 333 13 15 116 92 22 25 7 35 176 263 825 116 207 63 361 51 292 273 245 213 108,871 185 258 240,461 305,144 167 18 238 263 486,162 183,740 273 298 243,975 224,525 130 76,836 920 7,433 2,312 2,633 2,573 1,690 2,090 1,323 26 482 679 1,145 1,235 426 427 199 204 509 530 2,473 4,353 2,606 2,515 6,359 4,870 2,580 3,563 134 129 899 691 140 163 16 644 1,962 2,590 6,059 2,580 2,559 1,038 1,477 875 2,023 530 637 473 1,386 2,702 2,438 2,040 1,089,505 2,233 2,316 3,160,726 3,600,679 1,811 422 1,997 2,147 5,933,253 2,112,256 2,656 2,540 2,680,205 2,070,424 1,986 970,011 10,589 97,514 ' ' u ■ ■ I ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime COLORADO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 313 a sample of farms. See text] Are a 3 — Continued Areas 4 and A Tenure of operator^— Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Other farms Tenants— Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Livestock- Other and un- All Cash Share-cash Crop-share tenants and Livestock- Other and un- Bhare specified croppers share specified 212 109 922 6,783 2,123 2,256 70 1,016 153 177 509 73 104 1,318 1 239 128 1,162 10,068 3,223 3,424 84 1,569 195 287 836 117 134 1,768 2 319 228 1,091 9,238 3,057 2,810 72 1,395 255 263 673 80 L24 1,904 3 183 59 643 3,445 1,132 972 48 425 96 54 139 39 47 868 4 228 101 941 8,265 2,663 2,903 79 1,154 153 133 639 104 75 1,466 5 173 68 428 4,029 1,202 1,695 39 552 50 90 317 49 46 541 6 5 5 149 57 57 20 1 1 8 5 5 15 7 61 19 96 3,493 1,106 1,619 29 546 33 131 288 61 33 193 8 71 27 72 1,628 575 648 21 356 71 52 164 45 24 28 9 106 46 145 4,480 1,090 2,222 29 926 26 191 603 59 47 213 10 120 46 172 5,591 1,273 2,906 35 1,120 31 210 766 64 49 257 11 31 7 21 1,020 268 437 2 292 6 73 176 19 18 21 12 31 7 21 1,046 274 450 2 299 7 73 182 19 13 21 13 59 16 16 810 281 366 16 116 21 23 46 22 4 31 14 59 16 16 829 285 381 16 116 21 23 46 22 4 31 15 104 7 21 884 257 445 10 140 24 10 81 24 1 32 16 106 7 21 958 280 491 11 144 24 12 82 25 1 32 17 229 92 615 8,708 2,758 3,232 =c 1,475 169 255 845 93 113 1,107 IS 511 145 753 13,661 4,090 5,915 183 2,148 237 366 1,261 140 144 1,320 19 233 102 597 8,883 2,760 3,429 31 1,602 U9 307 926 112 118 1,011 20 325 184 366 8,899 2,945 3,410 80 1,820 197 390 1,004 96 133 644 21 68i 259 770 15,644 4,583 6,899 194 2,737 216 435 1,631 231 174 1.231 22 654 323 402 13,587 4,220 5,888 153 2,604 260 517 1,485 153 189 722 23 233 117 993 9,599 2,936 3,371 33 1,545 174 282 854 117 113 1,664 24 384 145 1,277 13,791 4,361 4,947 181 1,972 261 336 1,089 155 131 2,330 25 11 959 2,421 418 228 9 214 51 19 121 23 1,552 26 40 1,035 2,783 579 168 4 196 36 37 97 11 15 1,336 27 114 30 950 4,447 1,049 1,117 16 778 77 133 486 33 49 1,487 28 61 71 1,015 4,655 1,207 390 9 833 102 202 434 26 69 1,716 29 11 5 301 2,418 472 327 3 294 55 36 160 5 37 1,317 30 1 36 360 2,629 543 221 3 286 61 52 160 3 5 1,576 31 5 21 527 1,460 543 52 2 121 30 1 58 1 31 742 32 1 10 139 533 154 82 5 44 32 10 2 243 33 96 11 180 3,896 1,232 1,705 57 565 66 127 263 67 42 337 X 137 91 417 4,03-' 1,528 l.-'24 24 1,037 73 180 663 45 76 674 35 239 123 1,060 9,946 3,248 3,416 62 1,595 130 306 847 122 140 1,605 36 603 307 1,430 21,745 8,037 7,847 230 3,165 479 560 1,655 236 235 2,466 37 239 123 1,054 9,791 3,179 3,359 73 1,530 175 305 839 122 139 1,600 38 239 123 1,033 9,573 3,113 3,306 73 1,551 170 304 816 122 139 1,525 39 104 34 299 4,374 1,526 1,672 17 669 93 132 334 61 44 490 40 152 56 376 7,091 2,472 2,805 26 1,001 151 190 519 77 64 78; 41 120 38 36 2,105 770 904 49 292 53 48 139 31 16 90 42 212 128 66 5,081 2,447 1,736 131 6U 153 66 320 37 32 154 43 85 26 11 1,162 460 511 46 101 23 8 46 16 8 44 44 98 41 31 2,692 1,528 834 114 145 47 8 53 16 21 71 45 61 22 25 1,261 465 522 10 210 36 43 107 15 9 54 46 114 87 35 2,389 919 902 17 468 111 58 267 21 11 33 47 239 133 1,227 10,806 3,456 3,562 33 1,762 201 308 979 123 151 1,943 48 216 77 430 7,077 2,225 2,771 75 1,226 121 240 689 96 80 780 49 134 70 347 4,749 1,314 1,950 39 831 62 195 473 51 50 615 50 100,354 32,357 35,585 2,361,492 587,784 1,216 ,459 32,730 426,446 27,224 98,484 262,167 21,537 16,934 93,073 51 195 71 190 5,297 1,703 2,254 73 951 101 181 525 80 64 316 52 305 186 246 7,508 2,564 3,023 37 1,495 133 314 795 91 112 339 53 406,309 112,935 65,990 7,495,104 3,615,379 2,306,750 348,393 546,390 118,394 65,360 262,464 40,803 59,369 177,692 54 601, U5 227,712 54,405 9,164,475 3,505,005 3,805,445 659,615 949,567 171,647 176,739 471,733 75,827 53,621 244,343 55 137 56 188 4,553 1,371 1,953 31 901 89 176 502 77 57 297 56 58 15 2 744 332 301 42 50 12 5 23 3 19 57 213 12b 1,029 8,356 2,662 2,966 74 1,280 145 267 643 108 117 1,374 58 292 170 871 9,657 3,267 3,241 72 1,539 199 344 846 85 115 1,483 59 1.413,108 496,795 406,790 17,464,885 6,401,469 7,113,432 1,795,755 1,596,887 438,547 241,547 548,566 159,502 153,725 557,342 60 1,050,523 190,529 264,995 10,734,341 4,240,458 3,382,762 957,133 1,102,421 157,901 161,090 373,833 331,788 77,309 551,562 61 239 112 704 9,621 3,130 3,475 80 1,700 176 297 965 117 145 1,236 62 320 205 501 9,876 3,422 3,617 83 1,985 242 410 1,031 91 161 764 63 311,384 91,526 135,342 6,873,609 1,770,456 3,504,195 102,307 1,243,031 86,361 214,337 784,396 93,236 63,701 253,570 64 296,665 123,708 68,260 6,988,730 1,331,635 3,560,339 124,105 1,356,773 115,516 266,892 801,893 91,304 81,168 115,828 65 174 41 72 1,160 520 377 7 204 56 25 32 14 27 52 66 103,231 32,065 15,320 344,526 145,955 123,110 4,530 67,813 15,780 3,171 35,746 5,819 2,297 3,113 67 1,172 451 214 4,257 1,710 1,685 62 757 177 100 376 71 33 43 68 11,872 2,510 2,239 53,883 41 215 1,245 345 14,486 35 205 1,175 290 25,872 320 11,848 5 5 1,230 1,710 7,024 934 950 5 5 45 50 857 1 5 25 5 69 70 71 72 73 314 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are based on reports for only Item Ares 5 Total Tenure of operator Tenants (For definitions and explanations, see text) all farms Full owners Part owners Managers 411 Cash SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 1 Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,793 1,041 821 16 700 79 2 Flectricitv farms reporting 1954... 6,432 5,619 1,643 1,804 1,576 1,296 29 48 1,221 1,217 137 3 £,iCt 1,1 il. i I, J .....1... ......... ....■..." "." . ..[...• -1..^ » . ^ . . - . 1950 . . . 184 i Television set faras reporting 195i.. . 1,501 396 311 11 270 25 5 6 Piped running water farms reporting 195"+. . . 4,514 1,231 1,245 25 779 102 Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,031 560 681 13 344 58 7 Electric pig brooder farms reporting 195-4 . . . 88 58 22 8 B Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,995 639 759 "9 403 '36 9 Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . . 432 210 131 66 24 10 Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,687 446 663 6 394 17 11 number 1954 . . . 1,961 508 795 6 430 17 12 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . . 516 152 155 1 193 6 13 number 1954 . . . 516 152 155 1 198 6 U Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . 833 302 274 9 171 26 15 number 1954 . . . 846 305 283 10 171 26 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . . . 426 133 143 3 130 13 17 number 1954. .. 456 145 148 5 140 13 18 Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,304 1,469 1,545 31 997 104 19 number 1954... 7,649 2,078 2,635 67 1,417 137 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 5,050 1,448 1,496 22 1,163 39 21 1950... 5,215 1,699 1,558 50 1,413 162 22 9,338 2,509 3,257 57 2,347 143 23 1950... 8,771 2,667 2,993 127 2,431 216 24 5,642 1,421 1,457 31 1,099 103 25 number 1954 . . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Faro operators— 7,338 2,001 2,099 54 1,357 135 26 With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 2,331 267 169 4 123 21 27 1949 . . . 1,957 318 129 6 38 37 28 Working off their farms. total operators reporting 1954... 3,469 656 539 11 579 63 29 2,985 708 467 11 547 63 30 100 or more days operators reporting 1954... 2,041 279 177 6 146 27 31 1949 . . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER 1,706 260 167 8 165 42 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 1,292 194 34 1 71 20 33 No tractor but horses and/or 750 167 171 11 66 34 34 Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954... 2,344 685 939 19 389 57 35 Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting ;'^'5.'.,.. Week of Sept«Bber 26-October 2: 2,706 763 557 3 774 32 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 6,383 1,702 1,637 34 1,227 133 37 15,952 4,148 5,786 104 3,455 283 38 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,296 1,677 1,597 34 1,217 133 39 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . . 6,127 1,638 1,532 34 1,211 133 40 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954... 2,471 748 741 7 499 69 41 persons 1954.. . 3,763 1,171 1,208 12 732 100 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,529 433 634 15 363 33 43 persons 1954. . . 6,062 1,339 2,996 58 1,512 50 44 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . . . 757 198 358 15 169 25 45 persons 1954 . . . 1,377 428 628 46 229 27 46 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954... 1,004 302 396 4 237 9 47 persons 1954. . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 4,685 911 2,363 12 1,233 23 48 Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... 7,031 1,809 1,700 34 1,300 143 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . . 4,626 1,240 1,357 26 1,052 98 50 Machine hire farms reporting 1954... 3,445 916 905 14 837 57 51 1,233,818 298,908 495,557 11,010 330,417 15,560 52 Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,254 920 1,173 23 797 77 53 1949... 4,834 1,616 1,522 61 1,290 152 54 dollars 1954... 4,589,733 1,409,224 2,044,887 115,993 863,553 52,120 55 1949... 7,737,681 1,952,497 3,500,319 357,804 1,686,752 167,705 56 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... 2,780 801 937 11 692 72 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954... 474 119 236 12 105 5 58 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 5,544 1,513 1,420 31 970 119 59 1949... 5,>';5 1,889 1,651 44 1,172 155 60 dollars 1954... 8,511,500 2,935,348 3,961,020 123,537 850,652 319,804 61 1949 . . . 6,740,819 2,463,016 2,637,183 228,190 908,023 241,960 62 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954... 5,802 1,642 1,656 34 1,231 120 63 1949... 6,043 2,032 1.792 59 1,475 172 64 dollars 1954... 3,908,541 926,510 1,701,819 33,417 929,495 52,284 65 1949... 4,502,869 1,181,291 1,907,267 105,113 1,189,452 103,757 66 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 ... 951 331 125,349 217 131,248 3 3,320 319 17 67 394,694 126,962 2,351 68 tons 1954 . . . 4,695 1,451 1,521 40 1,571 34 69 acres on which used 1954... 35,109 11,893 11,868 175 10,638 285 70 Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... 71 tons 1954... 72 dollars 1954... 73 acres limed 1954... '.'.'. ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 'Excludes farms reporting conmercial fertilizer and lime. COLORADO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued s sample of farms. See text] 315 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Ai-ea 5 — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Crop share tenants and croppers Livestock- share Other and linspecified Other farms SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EftUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195-1 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 195A. Piped running water farms reporting 195i. Home freezer farms reporting 1954. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . niimber 1954. Com pickers farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Flck-up hay balers farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles fanns reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FABM WORK ADD OTHER INCOME FarB operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor bat horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of Septcnber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reportiiig 1954. persons 1954 . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persoiis 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 33 58 U7 15 50 19 23 11 11 11 12 12 17 17 7 7 53 85 63 163 127 274 51 74 63 127 450 831 722 194 487 197 1 262 29 292 310 139 139 105 105 79 79 671 946 826 942 1,688 1,685 753 881 75 23 387 347 74 66 20 225 601 834 2,526 829 829 330 493 250 1,204 95 183 1,063 47 753 38 622 12,422 260,715 41 561 144 849 50,849 613,685 253,857 1,117,671 35 479 6 82 46 635 143 711 20,815 341,736 70,384 457,441 58 872 164 982 57,965 652,678 133,073 850,385 18 257 6,254 103,180 96 1,247 1,020 8,155 96 127 106 19 106 171 128 101 304 184 125 182 128 424 55 74 51 228 31 42 34 186 133 119 87 29,890 103 106 134,802 89,760 91 12 116 106 142,130 94,115 133 101 140,638 74,071 27 15,177 194 1,178 42 68 58 17 41 14 10 10 5 5 53 78 57 50 85 72 67 85 13 10 38 53 26 31 25 32 69 95 12 17 8 9 6 7 2 2 74 35 33 11,830 15 39 12,097 57,759 15 57 26,167 44,123 25,930 28,166 1,215 1,963 1,254 513 1,234 433 185 25 173 222 10 10 77 77 17 IS 1,262 1,452 921 490 1,168 553 1,634 1,827 1,768 1,416 1,684 1,252 1,433 1,106 335 312 609 1,783 2,459 1,771 1,662 476 640 17 46 65 111 2,188 951 773 97,926 341 345 156,076 240,309 339 2 1,610 1,149 635,893 504,402 1,239 685 312,300 119,741 81 7,815 112 535 316 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item The State Total Tenure of operate r^ Tenants (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 all farms Full owners Part owners Managers All Cash Share-cash Crop- share tenants and croppers LirestocL oa haad: ^ J^ HoT'QpFi ATi/^ nnil ^R . .-.....«•••■ ..farms reporting 1954... 17,957 24,695 6,619 9,651 5,489 6,968 209 224 2,549 4,096 365 544 270 541 1,394 2,065 2 n\jx a^o cuiu linj Ait^o *»•■»••■•■•••■ 1950... 3 number 1954... 72,554 25,852 26,376 2,314 6,563 1,322 699 2,950 4 1950... 117,690 44,013 43,183 3,337 14,413 2,645 1,945 5,993 5 6 fill /»nttl*» nnrt paIvpp ...... ..farms reporting 1954... 31,596 11,051 8,392 231 6,107 546 620 3,929 /tiA ^D k ^J.C OJiU ^^XVl^C' •••■»•■•■ 1950... 34,977 12,937 9,409 235 7,080 648 929 4,270 7 number 1954 . . . 2,100,366 706,534 905,445 136,114 293,327 36,123 28,940 162,621 8 1950... 1,812,678 615,856 798,910 113,380 243,504 35,104 28,724 112,898 9 Cows, Including heifers that | have calved .......••>••■•• . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 29,779 33,851 10,532 12,591 8,120 9,263 218 222 5,749 6,854 520 629 603 914 3,678 4,126 10 1950... 11 number 1954 . . . 889,231 304,896 419,012 35,277 105,441 17, 871 12,495 48,277 12 1950... 778,674 271,098 365,609 38,741 83,974 14,654 12,509 33,648 13 L4 Mi Ik cows ..farms reporting 1954... 24,529 30,788 8,671 11,410 5,447 8,209 157 183 5,032 6,538 422 569 523 862 3,236 3,968 1950... 15 number 1954... 152,529 64,800 41,113 1,205 35,625 4,159 3,593 21,539 16 1950... 167,792 69,153 47,562 1,503 38,336 4,424 6,000 20,556 17 18 ill Virtcf ^ Rfirlnlp^ - ...... ..farms reporting 1954... 11,091 3,961 2,998 56 2,207 181 237 1,430 rtX-L ilWgo O^IU ^J.gO**B>B*<>«>**" 1950... 18,972 5,719 5,067 99 4,243 420 604 2,508 19 number 1954... 203,092 121,501 41,250 658 27,964 1,383 3,106 15,850 20 1950... 262,038 104,371 82,855 4,326 52,420 4,733 3,329 '26,363 21 Chickens ^ months old and over ..farms reporting 1954... 27, 149 9,160 6,622 144 5,236 411 527 3,464 22 1950. . . 35,159 12,999 8,573 211 6,856 693 820 4,218 23 number 1954... 2,247,116 937,002 609,458 8,838 386,075 25,936 51,178 246,703 24 LivestocL aod livestocL products 1950... sold: 2,647,591 1, 182, 104 683,918 15,454 473,074 34,933 63,584 298,295 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ..fanes reporting 1954... 25,613 9,895 7,816 223 5,105 483 572 3,203 26 1949... 28,484 11,451 8,583 237 5,784 563 812 3,342 27 number 1954 . . . 1,4*3,914 442,510 586,549 181,544 215,991 24,031 18,701 129,224 23 1949... 1,090,815 380,937 447,205 95,241 158,451 18,346 14,430 78,568 29 dollars 1954... 178,228,339 49,988,815 63,358,870 33,258,187 30,542,124 2,364,674 2,028,344 20,347,160 30 1949... 166,042,339 55,955,907 53,887,972 18,417,857 25,900,490 2,311,817 1,650,188 13,642,919 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ..farms reporting 1954... 7,717 2,948 2,202 33 1,702 115 202 1,120 32 1949... 16,348 6,374 4,680 84 3,587 377 526 2,087 33 number 1954 .. . 248,287 156,152 49,236 730 32,325 1,589 3,487 17,680 34 1949... 372,932 152,518 114, 573 3,853 73,268 8,877 10,834 35,463 35 dollars 1954... 8,797,835 5,665,194 1,786,989 23,777 1,081,676 40,012 128,800 613,431 36 1949... 12,588,803 5,361,556 4,118,587 164,953 2,406,376 289,690 369,819 1,147,077 37 Chickens sold ..farms reporting 1954... 8,023 3,228 2,040 45 1,519 92 214 1,021 38 1949 . . . 12,329 5,038 3,031 55 2,535 192 350 1,597 39 dollars 1954... 1,967,414 1,327,822 436,552 4,589 113,988 3,984 12,354 66,921 40 1949... 3,048,376 1,948,932 262,686 6,773 682,497 103,730 38,884 158,867 41 Chicken eggs sold ..farms reporting 1954... 14,321 5,326 3,846 58 2,830 215 332 1,816 42 1949... 20,753 8,272 5,609 98 4,034 301 569 2,466 43 dozens 1954... 12,595,559 5,589,724 3,299,517 27,952 1,693,162 122,455 220,688 958,344 44 1949 . . . 15,452,102 8,434,558 3,908,730 112,439 2,071,922 120,828 406,697 1,215,293 45 dollars 1954... 4,728,848 2,635,768 1,166,204 10,749 578,186 49,303 69,807 319,072 46 1949... 6,411,483 3,713,517 1,494,676 49,097 785,022 44,779 152,098 463,405 47 Milk sold ■* gallons 1954... 84,758,142 38,961,053 13,204,835 22,783,756 862,370 20,012,767 2,704,416 959,742 1,825,584 11,940,531 48 dollars 1954... 26,869,595 6,524,942 328,619 5,257,357 540,774 3,619,264 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 22,006,795 10,517,280 5,634,041 384, 547 4,700,123 579,709 664,044 2,426,056 50 r.irm fnr sll niiT*noRes. ...... ...farms reporting 1954... 11,866 3,967 2 850 39 3 904 224 335 2,837 51 \JKJX li i.Vl %Trao+a/^ f*rtT* "h^AnS .......•• ...farms reporting 1954 4 304 1,216 2,035 984 1,411 1,913 2,234 53 56 119 167 1,541 1,785 79 JltlX'Vcc> UC?U L \JX \jVQLia *••*•«■«• 1949... 6! 097 11 80 acres 1954 . . . 226,214 59,599 94,837 68,287 1,064 3,176 56,587 81 1949 . . . 277,947 96,284 100,707 1,033 76,041 2,155 5,896 50,400 82 100- lb. bags harvested 1954... 1,803,001 451,523 484,831 860,074 7,255 29,680 744,384 83 1949 . . . 2,055,758 548,790 551,2M 13,974 830,620 8,074 34,522 681,182 84 acres 1954.. . 1,293 534 489,406 530, 576 434,807 481, 107 58,372 78,124 270,009 258,491 25,575 40,273 20,343 25,780 164,999 132,229 85 1949... l!390,'308 86 tons 1954... 1,991,555 778,964 595,743 46,327 517,733 31,538 31,316 355,557 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for cominercial farms only. equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^ror comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk COLORADO 317 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a sairple of farms. See text] The State — Continued Area 1 Tenure of operator^ — Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator L Other farms Tenants -Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Livestock- Other and un- All Cash Share- cash Crop- share tenanta and Livestock- share Other and un- share specified croppers specified 365 155 3,091 2,563 1,192 674 59 216 68 13 79 34 17 422 1 ^63 383 3,756 2,796 1,365 682 33 305 91 20 37 52 55 411 2 1,090 502 10,949 19,421 8,167 6,740 1,032 1,297 430 143 372 266 81 2,185 3 2,150 1,680 12,744 26,495 11,306 9,450 1,135 2,507 746 135 549 567 510 2,047 4 646 366 5,805 2,625 1,241 678 56 245 69 24 95 36 21 405 5 668 545 5,316 2,893 1,433 690 34 321 92 20 97 52 60 420 6 50,171 20,472 53,896 338,141 154,910 136,393 19,881 21,998 5,063 2,662 7,391 6,077 805 4,959 7 44,877 21,901 41,028 265,466 125,039 100,212 15,825 20,435 6,321 970 4,899 3,880 4,365 3,955 8 600 348 5,160 2,567 1,226 657 56 244 69 24 94 36 21 384 9 668 517 4,931 2,850 1,417 633 34 321 92 20 97 52 60 395 10 17,741 9,057 24,605 153,895 70,563 65,278 10,204 10,584 2,641 1,265 3,310 2,942 426 2,261 11 13,547 9,516 19,252 132,812 61, 635 50,527 8,296 10,329 3,094 425 2,207 2,013 2,590 1,975 12 557 289 4,172 2,108 1,035 532 35 202 54 18 81 33 16 304 13 628 511 4,448 2,598 1,305 605 27 306 67 20 92 47 60 355 14 4,358 1,966 9,780 9,059 4,757 2,486 157 369 221 93 323 145 87 790 15 4,207 3,149 11,138 12,047 6,174 3,043 175 1,670 447 50 437 206 530 985 16 238 121 1,869 916 429 226 11 117 34 6 56 14 7 131 17 399 317 2,639 1,228 660 246 10 162 47 5 45 35 30 150 13 5,118 2,502 11,719 7,606 3,652 2,658 60 345 240 105 335 111 54 591 19 7,050 5,440 18,066 11,431 6,990 2,146 131 1,609 634 200 295 400 30 605 20 504 330 5,987 1,972 936 4«2 27 160 50 9 77 30 14 347 21 614 521 6,510 2,601 1,319 557 23 312 93 20 97 42 60 390 22 32,843 29,415 305,743 117,236 65,858 27,527 950 7,230 1,553 671 3,230 1,033 743 15,671 23 48,575 27,687 288,041 135,312 77,459 26,781 360 17,462 3,121 540 7,353 3,363 3,085 12,750 24 536 311 2,573 2,200 1,100 625 56 199 68 24 55 31 21 220 25 573 494 2,429 2,542 1,361 650 40 276 87 20 62 47 60 215 26 31,802 13,233 16,320 146,990 68,792 62,072 7,176 7,567 2,278 1,000 1,303 2,093 393 1,383 27 35,713 11,394 8,981 114,974 57,097 41,617 6,455 9,U0 3,340 535 1,341 3,024 900 665 28 4,488,856 1,313,090 1,080,343 13,646,079 6,497,310 5,777,620 602,166 671,145 180,040 37,928 167,631 199,770 35,776 97,338 29 6,485,241 1,810,325 880,113 15,636,381 3,163,044 5,541,607 800,776 1, 113,494 430,683 62,000 174,587 306,074 145,150 62,460 30 164 101 832 432 221 85 3 72 20 7 32 7 6 51 31 307 290 1,623 939 517 195 5 137 47 5 45 15 25 85 32 6,761 2,808 9,844 7,310 3,095 2,975 63 597 234 63 176 21 48 580 33 11,328 6,366 18,770 17,920 10,529 4,333 131 2,357 557 135 625 510 530 570 34 214,238 85,195 240, 199 20O, 587 34,389 84,437 1,100 13,401 3,401 1,930 5,405 875 1.790 11,760 35 370, 537 229,253 537,331 572,060 321,701 155,153 5,703 76,343 24,363 3,365 19,915 16,240 12.460 13,160 36 163 129 1,091 500 262 121 9 51 8 2 21 13 7 57 37 275 122 1,669 674 395 119 5 75 20 5 25 15 10 80 38 20,049 10,680 84,463 47,437 31,485 9,959 539 2,644 168 90 1,113 264 1,009 2,810 39 359,456 11,560 147,438 117, 174 89,394 11,565 300 9,965 1,270 1,500 2,825 2,495 1,375 5,950 40 270 197 2,261 989 524 216 12 75 17 5 32 13 3 162 41 404 294 2,740 1,275 654 311 15 125 30 10 45 10 30 170 42 165,061 226, 114 885,204 498, 110 343,916 86,589 4,402 19,882 2,637 2,656 10,700 2,604 1,235 43.321 43 197, 570 131,534 874,443 570,877 380,066 116,237 1,099 44,685 5,300 2,650 23,320 7,650 5,765 28,790 44 50,092 89,912 336,941 210,531 148,363 33,434 2,000 3,347 1,134 923 4,658 922 710 18,387 45 78,244 46,496 369, 171 245,363 165,076 49,739 393 13,325 1,200 1,300 10,005 3,460 2,360 11,850 46 2,391,475 1,150,761 2,136,166 3,238,795 1,739,658 941,354 36,975 367,532 69,628 61, 920 Ul,062 72,779 42, U3 183,276 47 761,613 375,969 553,831 807,570 374,753 292,299 10,744 65,659 15,409 15,403 24,248 16,953 13, Ml 44,115 48 558,061 372,253 670,804 943,176 593,234 166,716 9,292 143,937 50,277 21,935 7,465 69,260 24,945 49 374 134 1,106 157 87 35 13 6 7 5 17 50 435 352 1,562 116 66 9 1 10 10 30 51 14,405 4,407 10,797 1,977 1,030 693 160 47 103 10 89 52 16,422 10,155 13,540 1,333 712 386 20 140 140 75 53 129 60 559 20 6 3 5 5 6 54 253 249 1,214 37 20 2 15 55 4,393 1,969 4,835 200 43 83 35 35 39 56 10,518 7,155 9,515 460 145 300 35 57 183, 160 35,415 112, 170 7,573 1,940 2,683 1,000 1,000 1,950 58 361,313 205,945 225,565 19,137 9,000 3,662 1,475 59 57,555 26,235 22,370 60 181,943 68,560 53,240 1,000 1,000 61 189 100 448 423 180 184 2 52 7 3 39 2 10 62 214 153 398 555 272 179 7 77 20 5 32 5 15 20 63 17,903 14,256 21,564 43,812 12,632 26,712 63 4,290 952 343 2,719 176 100 110 64 38,453 24,866 9,125 50,004 13,231 24,153 565 6,835 375 60 6,185 70 145 220 65 192,445 121,087 93, 103 605,033 190,321 357,769 350 54,218 13,062 5,602 33,474 1,680 400 1,875 66 581,687 340,846 124,695 1,161,422 426,395 554,324 14,335 182,968 13,635 500 162,933 2,100 3,800 3,400 67 174, 654 110,144 72,063 559,126 170,695 336,935 134 49,862 12,356 5,452 30, 190 1,464 400 1,500 68 552,676 320,082 66,590 1,101,185 334,912 524,125 11,255 176, 193 13,460 160,583 2,100 2,050 2,700 69 308 96 413 507 270 160 3 63 3 6 33 15 1 11 70 509 292 934 843 427 215 4 142 47 5 45 25 20 55 71 8,689 2,545 4,894 18,830 6,914 10,356 57 1,423 120 168 943 152 40 80 72 21,585 8,794 12,463 17,967 3,770 5,412 90 3,310 765 200 1,290 870 185 385 73 172,272 50,720 77,191 465,262 187,336 247,479 2,200 26,456 2,255 2,362 18,639 2,100 400 1,791 74 737,134 270,295 264,415 621,599 320,515 137,809 4,300 100,100 34,675 4,000 44,225 10, 275 6,925 8,875 75 63,978 17,720 30,823 293,195 104,156 171,070 17,969 2,000 15,909 60 76 232,370 128,290 96,185 179,523 76,850 63,883 200 37,850 12,800 50 25,000 740 77 139 61 191 1 1 73 125 101 406 10 5 5 5 79 5,575 1,865 3,491 1 1 80 3,644 3,946 3,677 110 20 90 90 81 57,455 20,790 6,573 2 2 82 72,340 34,402 11, 170 1,840 40 1,600 1,600 83 42,741 16,351 40,940 350,200 162,277 123,825 21,294 36,213 9,643 2,546 13,651 7,519 2,854 6,591 84 39,370 19,834 42,010 417,947 184,550 149,243 32,634 41,335 13,200 1,365 12,300 8,235 6,235 10,180 85 76,699 22,473 52,738 409,995 201,368 143,420 18,086 41,402 9,371 3.956 16,032 8,766 3,277 5,719 86 318 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and expl anations, see text) Are J 28 Total all farms Te nure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Crop- share All Cash Share-cash tenants and croppers UvestocL on haad;^ 1 Horses and mules ..farms reporting 1954 — 3,299 1,591 641 10 207 31 11 111 2 1950... 4,568 2,180 890 19 427 67 41 213 3 number 1954... 12,660 5,301 2,755 66 517 77 32 a6 4 1950... 19,698 9,229 5,377 no 1,660 351 139 737 5 All cattle and calves ..farms reporting 1954... 5,452 2,455 975 10 398 85 27 202 6 1950... 5,723 2,650 1,114 29 537 57 66 283 7 number 1954 . . . 207,211 117,316 58,376 1,915 12,051 3,0a 680 3,247 8 1950... 160,062 38,131 46,027 4,016 ll.,734 1,315 1,200 4,539 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved ..farms reporting 1954... 5,ia 2,363 9a 10 393 35 27 202 10 1950... 5,531 2,594 1,11A 28 522 57 61 233 11 number 1954... 94,756 54,341 26,206 853 5,123 1,554 369 1,130 12 1950... 74,6a; 40,193 22,727 1,605 4,849 590 655 1,909 13 Hlli cows ..farms reporting 1954... 4,455 2,006 801 9 372 69 27 197 U 1950... 5,215 2,462 1,003 27 502 57 56 268 15 number 1954... 21,510 11,877 4,654 25 2,114 641 174 732 16 1950... 22,207 11,281 5,457 148 2,413 377 251 903 17 All hogs and pigs ...farms reporting 1954... 2,272 1,087 475 6 167 13 10 116 18 1950... 3,456 1,542 745 15 4U 50 51 206 19 number 1954 . . . 22,918 12,292 5,988 99 1,700 79 270 1,027 20 1950... 38,360 17,532 10,107 180 5,652 410 935 2,330 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 5,225 2,178 916 14 449 62 32 268 23 1950... 6,148 2,714 1,065 27 566 57 66 313 23 number 1954... 344,026 180,125 68,349 664 27,270 2,354 1,580 14,551 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 292,429 149,2a 52,454 636 27,433 2,402 3,813 15,243 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ...farms reporting 1954... 3,641 1,996 735 10 286 65 a 136 26 1949 . . . 4,099 2,2a 860 23 372 47 36 188 27 number 1954 . . . 83,810 50, 282 23,871 680 4,501 795 132 1,534 28 1949... 77,170 45,662 23,024 2,180 4,284 586 276 1,496 29 dollars 1954... 7,564,797 4,572,462 2,174,445 62,055 454,813 66, 115 7,360 115,670 30 1949... 9,695,077 5,704,191 2,934,230 403,903 478,767 60,104 34,430 153,565 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...farms reporting 1954... 1,425 796 299 7 137 16 10 85 32 1949... 3,080 1,542 719 11 307 45 26 160 33 number 1954... 24,860 14,531 6,824 85 1,673 127 285 960 34 1949... 66,285 30,391 20,044 204 8,262 1,200 1,079 2,665 35 dollars 1954... 735,054 432,333 a7,286 2,801 53, 574 2,975 6,750 33,900 36 1949... 2,009,240 917,517 641, 550 17,676 251,662 17,905 27,523 77,275 37 Chickens sold ...farms reporting 1954... 1,204 631 205 1 101 10 6 55 38 1949... 1,808 900 312 5 165 20 25 100 39 dollars 1954... 102,938 64,131 15,237 20 8,705 145 385 3,375 40 1949... 146,869 88,744 19,085 325 11,930 3,010 910 7,585 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 2,415 1,154 451 6 218 35 22 120 42 1949... 3,164 1,553 604 10 316 25 35 161 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,988,950 1,314,036 333,573 760 ao,90i 9,060 4,795 50,170 44 1949... 1,364,435 886,645 203,143 2,100 110,557 7,970 20,975 62,517 45 dollars 1954... 782, 277 5a, 217 131,5a 290 31,144 3,095 1,288 16,925 46 Milk sold' 1949 . . . 538,266 353,976 77,575 920 40,605 3,250 6,845 23,010 47 gallons 1954... 10,303,914 6,442,389 2,165,615 24,400 1,092,825 432,909 62,202 356,884 48 dollars 1954... 2,750,308 1,780,324 550,411 4,093 307,615 155,155 11,130 76,240 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949 . . . 2,222,423 1,205,561 634,137 57,735 185,230 20,230 19,175 49,975 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 2,168 1,009 507 5 290 52 26 155 51 1949... 2,904 1,362 554 25 352 15 35 206 52 acres 1954... 27,493 12,080 9,185 125 4,189 736 528 2,105 53 1949 . . . 28,205 13,248 6,966 385 4,564 100 335 2,939 54 Com harvested for grain.. ...farms reporting 1954... 1,308 609 281 5 192 15 16 125 55 1949 . . . 2,239 1,004 409 15 281 15 30 166 56 acres 1954 . . . U,120 5,930 4,525 35 2,329 165 303 1,440 57 1949... 18,920 8,828 4,203 150 3,374 100 325 2,194 58 bushels harvested 1954... 790,395 352,795 244,905 1,400 132,880 5,800 22,680 82,975 59 1949 . . . 830,365 435,645 208, ao 7,750 152,025 4,875 18,225 100,960 60 bushels sold 1954... 212,715 115, 260 31,950 54,730 19, 500 33,440 61 1949... 223,345 120,400 36,715 55,890 1,175 700 49,765 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,032 471 364 1 94 1 11 67 63 1949... 1,165 556 367 10 101 10 15 61 64 acres 1954... 56,782 20,695 31,028 15 3,487 14 354 2,144 65 1949. . . 57,730 22,951 28,454 150 4,380 400 1,225 2,315 66 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 796,419 314,591 409,764 300 55,660 200 2,970 31,890 67 1949... 1,168,599 4S9,750 546,784 5,250 88,005 3,000 ^4,790 49,965 68 bushels sold 1954... 673,745 253,009 361,803 . .• 49,356 200 2,620 26,646 69 1949 . . . 941,917 401,340 461,347 4,000 63,285 1,500 22,710 32,325 70 Barley threshed or combined ...farms reporting 1954... 1,388 637 413 2 169 31 1 102 71 1949... 1,566 762 468 1 189 a a 102 72 acres 1954 .. . 17,986 7,703 7,513 26 1,531 164 20 987 73 1949... 19,332 8,595 6,853 7 2,827 164 375 1,688 74 bushels harvested 1954... 644,380 291,553 269,479 460 53,923 5,255 600 36,043 75 1949 . . . 736,262 324,264 271,630 400 107,948 7,000 20,700 60,473 76 bushels sold 1954 . . . 220,667 105,208 91,911 16,275 1,700 13,325 77 1949... 179,420 75,110 56,740 X,895 1,175 9,100 23,930 76 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beani3 . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,157 482 387 233 25 17 151 79 1949... 1,574 718 466 270 25 15 205 80 acres 1954... 117,300 36,337 64,196 15,512 655 514 11,333 81 1949... 108,857 48,460 47,582 11,010 365 460 8,010 82 100- lb. bags harvested 1954... 585,526 195,795 277, 7U 108,295 5,655 2,009 82,286 83 1949 . . . 653,751 292,020 259,471 96,090 2,415 3,505 76,095 84 acres 1954 . . . 125,525 130,552 66,049 67,997 36,244 36,697 598 1,277 12, 590 14,176 1,306 910 470 1,720 7,087 7,841 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 281,843 152,831 80,523 807 29,288 3,965 869 18, W4 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only, equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk COLORADO 319 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950— Continued a sample of farms. See text] Area 2a — Conti nued Area 2b Tenure of operator^ — Con. Total Tenure of operator 1 Tenants —Con. Tenants Other all Full Part Other farms Livestock- Other and un- farms owners owners Managers All Cash Share-cash Crop -share tenants and Livestock- Other and un- share specified croppers share specified 27 27 350 1,399 581 393 19 138 23 ., 36 58 14 268 1 36 70 1,052 1,858 892 446 5 180 42 20 45 67 6 335 2 118 74 3,521 5,574 2,208 1,902 331 340 38 19 74 128 81 793 3 lis 315 3,322 9,316 4,724 3,069 332 575 152 45 80 288 U 1,065 4 47 37 1,614 2,009 359 495 24 209 24 7 66 83 29 422 5 46 85 1,393 2,190 1,086 493 4 217 53 15 45 88 16 385 6 3,220 1,833 16,553 117,965 48,008 46,145 11,388 8,557 2,050 105 1,020 1,361 4,021 3,367 7 2,590 2,090 10,154 109, 526 47,553 45, U9 10,415 4,479 1,918 195 335 1,846 135 1,960 8 42 37 1,434 1,986 342 494 24 209 24 7 66 83 29 417 9 46 75 1,323 2,158 1,070 497 4 212 53 15 45 88 11 375 10 1,237 838 3,228 59,390 23,603 22,827 6,827 4,460 1,092 51 475 601 2,241 1,673 11 1,005 690 5,245 53,438 23,353 21,831 4,991 2,203 904 75 205 973 46 1,060 12 42 37 1,267 1,638 687 409 19 206 22 6 56 83 29 317 13 46 75 1,221 1,930 944 453 3 190 42 15 45 77 11 330 14 384 133 2,340 5,141 2,121 1,432 36 899 125 6 238 353 127 653 15 412 470 2,903 6,945 3,695 1,357 36 832 302 75 155 254 46 515 16 12 16 537 939 333 252 1 131 16 6 45 47 17 217 17 41 65 741 1,625 756 331 2 146 35 5 35 55 15 390 18 150 174 2,839 19,787 9,116 5,303 18 4,230 186 127 1,020 2,260 537 1,120 19 297 1,680 4,889 32,804 19,574 8,640 UO 2,625 370 5 445 1,630 175 1,355 20 41 46 1,668 1,722 625 374 16 205 32 7 61 73 33 501 21 55 75 1,776 2,165 1,044 435 2 194 47 15 45 67 20 490 22 1,546 7,239 67,618 102,085 49,575 23,754 1,083 11,011 2,937 234 2,282 2,245 3,263 16,662 23 2,360 3,615 62,685 108,533 60,054 26,484 180 9,990 2,357 800 1,835 3,923 1,025 11,825 24 47 17 614 1,386 660 401 19 138 U 2 51 47 24 163 25 41 60 623 1,605 343 415 5 156 48 15 30 52 11 185 26 1,584 456 4,476 50,350 22,067 18,397 5,109 3,316 532 128 460 397 2,299 961 27 946 980 2,020 50,365 20,360 17,717 9,651 2,168 1,486 65 125 303 189 470 28 222,780 42,888 301,022 4,360,964 1,956,104 1,589,540 457,755 299,399 43,030 7,155 33,325 40,551 175,268 53,155 29 117,093 108,575 173,986 6,933,870 2,644,145 2,455,108 1,5U,826 278,481 193,509 8,605 12,430 33,333 30,4(X 44,310 30 10 16 186 650 242 179 1 117 15 5 45 3o lo 111 31 26 50 501 1,232 669 293 2 133 26 15 31 55 11 180 32 175 131 1,742 20,180 9,152 5,057 7 5,082 405 75 1,175 3,087 340 882 33 533 2,785 6,884 51,350 28,581 12,592 400 8,182 1,725 585 1,850 3,685 337 1,595 34 7,000 2,949 29,055 673,046 321,251 176,203 140 159,907 3,275 3,000 33,920 102,112 17,600 15,545 35 10,419 118,540 180,835 1,640,410 933,533 420,650 14,500 244,152 47,850 17,200 37,000 128,725 13,377 27,575 35 10 20 266 311 151 79 5 35 1 10 15 10 40 37 10 10 426 409 197 92 70 20 10 5 35 50 38 260 4,540 14,845 48,859 29,3a 4,473 1,200 11,705 5 340 10,930 430 1,660 39 165 260 26,785 38,103 26,619 5,0CH ... 4,120 1,055 1,175 725 1,165 2,355 40 21 20 586 578 239 160 6 73 26 10 11 '25 50 41 50 45 681 1,003 533 259 1 110 40 10 10 45 5 105 42 3,886 142,990 129,680 337,865 250,700 75,346 3,520 44,289 28,495 1,190 3,274 11,330 U,010 43 4,195 14,900 157,035 472,102 333,366 91,006 100 35,465 U,155 2,2JkD 4,600 9,910 4,550 12,165 44 1,216 53,620 43,105 153,122 95,018 30,544 1,453 20,027 13,630 530 1,416 4,451 6,075 45 1,545 5,955 65,190 193,693 138,155 36,108 40 W,135 5,225 990 2,150 3,500 2,270 5,260 46 191,311 49,519 578,685 1,369,606 558,711 450,471 200,005 25,533 73,384 91,908 8,180 60,419 47 55,100 9,990 107,865 306,544 157,653 97,081 38,235 5,330 13,045 18,210 1,550 13,570 48 70,680 25,120 139,715 409,449 211,377 U4,214 3,230 76,373 35,610 7,685 11,810 9,315 11,453 4,255 49 35 22 357 16- 59 io 25 5 5 10 5 35 50 46 50 611 32 30 17 10 10 25 51 585 235 1,914 2,955 1,422 673 765 200 '30 235 300 95 52 590 600 3,042 475 165 175 90 90 45 53 15 21 221 19 1 13 5 54 30 40 530 50 25 5 20 55 260 161 1,301 73 5 58 10 56 315 iAO 2,360 160 105 25 30 57 14,900 6,525 53,415 950 40 850 50 58 12,200 15,765 76,735 5,650 3,900 1,500 250 59 1,665 125 10,775 600 600 ... 60 3,000 1,250 15,340 375 375 61 15 ... 102 66 17 13 21 11 10 15 62 5 10 131 80 56 7 2 2 15 63 975 1,557 682 333 234 220 105 115 95 64 110 330 1,795 1,303 835 250 33 33 135 65 20,600 16,104 19,097 7,270 6,052 4,750 2,750 2,000 1,025 66 1,750 3,500 38,810 28,225 17,910 5,600 740 740 3,975 67 19,890 9,577 16,372 6,550 5,272 4,140 2,640 1,500 410 58 ... 6,750 11,445 13,230 6,990 4,000 740 740 1,500 69 15 20 167 935 380 290 9 174 20 6 60 56 22 82 70 25 20 146 1,404 695 353 7 169 31 25 46 55 11 180 71 215 145 1,213 37,625 16,095 13,357 988 6,452 550 365 2,810 1,812 895 733 72 385 215 1,050 55,465 22,633 16,534 5,655 8,378 1,565 875 2,308 3,253 372 2,215 73 7,875 4,150 28,965 1,141,806 466,067 423,507 45,052 195,750 13,675 23,350 33,110 52,265 13,350 11,430 74 10, 500 9,275 32,020 1,860,073 743,437 555,159 256, &i7 261,170 53,600 33,190 64,710 99,210 10,450 43,660 75 750 7,273 633,160 238,980 210,805 41,600 136,505 12,000 5,630 65,350 40,725 11,300 5,270 76 690 12,675 937,356 262,490 237,484 245,647 174,045 41,750 25,500 41,760 62,035 3,000 17,690 77 20 20 55 180 35 70 ... 75 78 10 15 120 266 90 31 15 "5 '16 130 79 2,465 545 1,705 701 120 331 200 80 265 1,910 1,805 910 335 255 120 "5 iii 200 81 12, 530 5,315 3,725 3,495 295 2,055 ■ 1,145 82 4,320 9,755 6,170 5,830 1,835 2,100 740 '15 725 1,155 83 1,621 1,606 10,044 189,776 76,803 63,741 26,330 19,482 2,240 538 3,875 6,088 6,741 3,415 84 2,125 1,580 10,405 225,016 94,340 38,750 22,160 15,276 2,820 1,470 1,615 8,306 1,065 4,490 85 3,035 3,225 18,394 197,436 87,565 70,874 15,352 20,505 1,245 423 5,345 7,397 6,095 3,040 85 320 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD. AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on re ports for only Item (For defiDitions and explaDations, see text) Area 3 Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Ten ants Crop- share All Cash Share-cash tenants and croppers Livestock on hand:^ 1 Horses and mules ...farms reporting 1954... 3,173 1,017 884 29 924 54 92 660 2 1950... 4,610 1,452 1,268 36 1,502 81 138 959 3 number 1954... 9,004 2,73C 3,103 193 2,038 262 205 1,305 4 1950 . . . 17,608 5,279 6,176 405 4,429 298 595 2,629 5 All cattle and calves ...farms reporting 1954... 8,008 2,479 1,697 39 2,921 106 233 2,227 6 1950 . . . 8,792 2,683 2,070 39 3,233 106 293 2,347 7 number 1954 . . . 558,003 159,791 163,865 65,334 162,356 6,506 12,204 115,857 8 1950 . . . 448,228 127,054 162,240 27,245 125,019 7,560 9,343 74,292 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved ...farms reporting 1954... 7,288 2,263 1,633 30 2,651 100 223 2,019 10 1950... 3,371 2,559 2,019 33 3,058 105 293 2,211 11 nujnber 1954 . . . 159,015 49,718 61,983 3,588 41,336 3,068 4,354 27,580 12 1950... 129,267 36,420 58,413 3,846 28,273 2,960 3,052 15,382 13 Mili cows ...farms reporting 1954... 6,293 7,968 1,942 2,405 1,342 1,846 IS 26 2,398 3,034 80 100 202 293 1,328 2,198 U 1950... 15 number 1954 . . . 52,062 21,583 9,652 54 19,427 805 1,638 14,350 15 1950... 50,978 17,900 12,155 211 19,237 1,220 2,136 12,693 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,045 689 442 5 738 33 52 537 18 1950... 4,014 1,147 950 10 1,560 60 184 1,097 19 number 1954... 29,584 14,788 6,342 28 7,498 210 364 4,789 20 1950... 51,750 19,166 14,219 425 15,434 465 1,877 9,603 21 Chickens 4 months old and over. .farms reporting 1954... 6,695 2,048 1,309 22 2,469 71 193 1,912 22 1950... 8,521 2,647 1,897 32 3,044 116 247 2,233 23 number 1954 .. . 600,052 218,687 153,832 2,640 174,352 6,633 19,252 125,164 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 729,937 269,005 187,295 6,279 212,676 5,955 20,028 153,464 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. . . . farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,888 2,305 1,632 37 2,519 105 215 1,334 26 1949 . . . 7,472 2,427 1,956 43 2,695 106 263 1,355 27 number 1954... 536,138 139,203 130,237 121,193 143,281 7,453 9,746 103,432 28 1949... 381,140 123,214 118,165 39,630 98,744 2,589 5,841 58,926 29 dollars 1954... 89,430,283 21,215,779 18,436,486 25,380,501 24,281,091 918,702 1,332,659 18,165,199 30 1949... 70,292,727 22,218,683 20,422,240 9,269,412 18,250,380 356,935 593,933 10,748,434 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...farms reporting 1954... 1,581 544 337 2 586 20 50 437 32 1949... 3,513 1,105 894 27 1,270 60 133 888 33 number 1954... 50,531 32,131 7,918 67 9,533 184 480 6,560 34 1949... 74,366 31,830 18,262 551 21,389 1,120 2,525 13,716 35 dollars 1954 . . . 1,807,033 1,061,311 377,080 1,400 343,462 8,505 16,330 237,213 36 1949... 2,524,959 1,048,165 707,761 25,371 680,506 33,555 85,760 435,287 37 Chickens sold . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,501 863 536 6 850 24 94 613 38 1949 . . . 3,722 1,283 854 8 1,201 35 113 395 39 dollars 1954... 874,734 496,197 306,258 1,495 52,265 1,194 5,675 38,117 40 1949... 521,440 312,790 79,895 1,404 92,566 16,065 7,346 55,657 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 3,807 1,196 848 10 1,309 39 127 976 42 1949 . . . 5,442 1,803 1,321 24 1,793 36 170 1,325 43 dozens 1954 . . . 3,347,154 1,497,081 953,937 9,884 682,770 34,182 78,452 446,122 44 1949... 4,515,169 2,156,751 1,187,273 68,251 928,349 26,733 149,035 595,697 45 dollars 1954 . . . 1,197,227 541,233 344,977 3,144 235,144 11,432 26,706 156,076 46 1949... 1,784,006 871 , 384 458,403 30,547 357,937 11,024 59,582 230,040 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 33,015,545 14,801,157 6,150,070 3,510 11,855,094 484,668 895,165 8,707,556 48 dollars 1954... 11,120,659 5,145,483 2,015,459 678 3,884,548 184,945 281,431 2,805,141 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 8,177,134 3,573,040 1,772,583 29,055 2,729,055 184,520 324,816 1,740,774 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 4,798 1,383 803 6 2,419 54 158 1,969 51 1949... 5,457 1,650 1,174 19 2,423 76 249 1,677 52 acres 1954 . . . 144,813 37,401 36,531 538 67,996 1,364 4,998 54,013 53 1949 .. . 162,245 40,395 55,943 1,033 62,961 1,456 11,533 38,670 54 Com harvested for grain.. . . . farms reporting 1954 . . . .3,256 636 375 1 1,163 17 87 992 55 1949... 3,542 1,079 821 2 1,534 35 193 1,072 56 acres 1954... 61 , 769 14,696 18,999 9 27,391 264 2,365 23,235 57 1949... 106,332 24,413 40,262 92 40,497 785 9,585 24,829 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 2,651,980 716, 520 515,671 70 1,406,169 8,950 77,964 1,233,970 59 1949 . . . 3,701,176 991,894 955,842 410 1,728,255 37, 500 247,367 1,195,285 60 bushels sold 1954... 1,366,433 289,860 248,303 70 823,355 4,700 41,590 759,005 61 1949 . . . 1,711,044 378,014 355,082 200 968,698 15,350 173,790 716, 375 62 Winter wheat threshed or comhinedi ............... . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,379 546 827 1,009 1,218 15 13 756 956 15 20 110 121 544 723 63 1949... 3,069 64 acres 1954 . . . 365,037 60,600 217,491 4,997 78,575 1,605 17,282 51,079 65 1949... 451,172 69,906 284,149 4,493 90,844 1,000 11,505 70,597 66 bushels harvested 1954... 4,470,186 714,186 2,677,052 56,050 1,013,335 15,450 259,355 640,477 67 1949 . . . 7,231,502 1,112,318 4,443,682 77,985 1,578,582 21,470 169,191 1,242,514 68 bushels sold 1954 . . . 4,016,379 642,324 2,399,291 47,928 918,125 15,000 237,975 576,694 69 1949 . . . 6,643,799 1,019,767 4,108,820 71,535 1,431,842 13,490 149,141 1,133,284 70 Barley threshed or combined . . . farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,675 890 869 9 1,850 25 136 1,507 71 1949... 6,847 1,956 1,538 25 3,147 71 280 2,353 72 acres 1954... 142,711 27,424 61,467 1,473 50,953 275 5,042 40,163 73 1949... 289 , 371 66,646 101,041 2,111 116,020 1,420 11,086 88,474 74 bushels harvested 1954... 2,491,074 525,152 761,432 27,735 1,164,710 4,650 78,332 974,733 75 1949 . . . 9,894,706 2,282,763 2,937,499 39,299 4,503,015 54,905 385,780 3,443,235 76 bushels sold 1954... 956,452 176,218 303,654 8,970 463,000 100 34,211 410,974 77 1949... 4,414,990 923,479 1,312,549 23,000 2,120,297 32,515 188,600 1,725,122 78 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans ...farms reporting 1954... 2,215 503 287 1,414 20 71 1,201 79 1949... 2,763 706 423 6 1,583 6 81 1,335 80 acres 1954... 65,159 13,325 10,465 41,208 280 1,454 36,191 81 1949... 74,396 17,450 13,677 738 42,111 440 1,939 35,187 82 100- lb . bags harvested 1954 .. . 1,103,225 226,363 162,889 713,800 1,300 24,312 631,353 83 1949... 1,132,977 266,696 180,110 12,774 671,867 4,619 21,744 554,877 84 Hay cut acres 1954 . . . 261,263 74,979 67,395 4,196 111,372 3,421 8,135 85,212 85 1949... 268,431 65,931 77,799 10,222 110,663 7,189 9,930 74,371 86 tons 1954... 603,637 181,761 120,299 4,176 291,459 4,523 16,227 228,917 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only, equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry^ see text and State Table 12- ^Includes milk COLORADO 321 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950— Continued 8 sample of farms. See text] Are a 3 — Continued Areas 4 and A Tenure of operator^ — Con. Total Tenure of operator 1 Tenants — Con. Tenants Other all Full Part Other Livestock- share Other and un- farms owners owners Managers All Cash Share-cash Crop-share tenants and Livestock- share Other and un- specified croppers specified 97 21 319 4,429 1,386 1,787 62 609 98 127 263 77 44 565 1 183 91 352 6,575 2,340 2,356 80 942 128 275 376 70 93 357 2 230 36 890 14,366 4,307 6,779 387 1,314 226 256 548 164 120 1,579 3 bU, 263 1,319 25,003 7,727 11,014 727 2,759 475 733 1,009 291 251 2,776 4 239 116 872 8,225 2,613 3,059 70 1,301 140 277 659 120 105 1,182 5 301 186 762 9,451 3,159 3,365 63 1,587 184 382 811 90 120 1,257 6 22,623 5,166 6,657 505,416 145,341 271,202 22,240 55,209 8,344 11,040 19,470 10,085 6,270 11,424 7 26,155 7,669 6,670 486,197 139,899 256,271 32,046 48,120 8,175 12,070 16,763 7,137 3,975 9,861 8 20i 105 711 7,779 2,477 2,969 67 1,241 135 270 623 114 99 1,025 9 286 173 692 9,142 3,068 3,318 31 1,563 178 372 803 35 120 1,112 10 4,520 1,804 2,390 243,316 68,234 135,957 6,7J9 27,737 4,753 5,471 9,344 5,565 2,604 4,659 11 5,029 1,850 2,315 223,698 65,798 120,324 10,501 22,867 3,528 6,114 8,205 2,888 2,132 4,208 12 194 94 593 6,155 1,943 2,307 53 1,068 117 232 535 103 81 734 13 275 168 657 7,972 2,612 2,889 66 1,409 153 335 724 78 119 996 14 1,790 844 1,336 45,197 16,113 17,525 852 8,738 1,561 1,467 3,679 1,336 645 1,969 15 2,119 1,019 1,475 52,948 20,587 19,148 919 9,526 1,259 2,510 4,116 907 734 2,768 16 84 32 171 2,758 821 1,057 20 523 38 137 282 32 34 337 17 131 88 347 4,945 1,480 1,862 37 1,014 127 265 497 59 66 552 18 1,285 850 928 88,894 64,310 14,362 313 7,124 327 1,805 3,761 482 729 2,735 19 \ ,1^'h 1,703 2,506 72,477 23,528 31,290 2,739 11,075 1,554 3,430 4,488 782 821 3,845 20 1 r 96 847 6,654 2,097 2,398 41 1,060 102 240 542 85 91 1,058 21 174 901 9,675 3,313 3,138 85 1,493 193 331 764 81 124 1,646 22 14,5-.J 7,750 50,541 718,739 306,077 253,093 2,568 92,748 5,042 26, 577 47,758 6,869 6,502 64,253 23 23,3-17 9,882 54,682 957,929 449,485 292,910 5,335 127,771 11,846 28,933 72,524 6,494 7,974 62,426 24 209 106 395 7,421 2,504 2,997 ,.> 1,219 124 264 616 116 99 633 25 275 196 351 8,214 2,930 3,238 1,449 169 369 734 82 95 517 26 18,617 4,033 2,224 408,792 109,845 218,781 39,123 37,560 7,187 6,408 14,199 5,801 3,965 3,478 27 25,512 5,876 1,337 268,755 81,783 137,905 24,450 22,355 4,008 5,127 7,349 4,144 1,727 2,262 23 3,249,158 615,373 116,426 42,709,325 10,657,811 22,657,073 6,016,266 3,119,336 639,343 479,873 1,202,327 497,102 300,686 258,839 29 5,289,682 1,161,846 131,512 36,766,948 11,449,155 18,009,963 4,491,453 2,541,641 457,310 503,492 867,649 538,310 174,880 274,736 30 57 22 112 2,151 674 870 15 406 19 105 226 21 35 186 31 103 86 217 4,509 1,501 1,763 24 914 122 251 428 56 57 307 32 1,561 748 882 105,192 75,231 19,405 291 8,094 434 1,781 4,037 392 1,450 2,171 33 2,613 1,415 2,334 94,596 35,833 38,423 2,367 14,804 2,023 4,183 5,715 1,986 697 3,169 34 56,958 24,456 23,780 3,982,342 2,962,379 703,869 9,019 253,786 11,731 65,310 126,267 13,198 37,280 53,239 35 90,674 35,030 63,156 3,511,009 1,372,064 1,447,225 95,466 490,838 59,011 144,478 192,318 72,659 22,372 105,416 36 66 48 246 2,350 885 850 20 327 20 90 157 28 32 268 37 117 41 376 3,730 1,497 1,222 17 559 61 126 294 37 41 435 36 4,917 2,362 18,519 719,861 606,729 74,867 1,235 20,150 581 5,427 9,771 2,684 1,687 16,680 39 7,938 4,060 34,785 1,953,815 1,269,308 106,555 1,688 531,904 78,755 21,598 37,118 340,743 3,690 44,360 40 106 61 444 4,394 1,483 1,658 23 682 44 160 363 55 60 548 41 165 97 501 6,502 2,426 2,295 29 1,021 102 255 526 56 82 731 42 89,796 34,218 203,482 4,784,718 2,586,793 1,502,470 6,766 493,774 16,681 130,995 233,377 35,729 26,992 194,915 43 94,885 62,449 174,045 6,367,253 3,536,993 1,834,212 32,289 655,514 49,505 191,027 358,537 23,015 33,430 308,245 44 27,375 13,555 72,729 1,802,644 1,069,813 499,850 2,649 153,370 7,257 39,935 86,768 10,479 8,931 76,962 45 37,986 19,305 65,735 2,805,662 1,711,668 700,436 13,907 241,054 17,416 67,469 134,406 8,697 13,066 138,597 46 1,120,597 647,107 205,714 27,437,898 10,158,991 10,979,140 794,717 5,172,425 1,221,158 730,275 1,973,326 861,664 386,002 332,625 47 386,020 227,011 74,491 8,210,428 3,225,721 2,969,503 312,599 1,594,900 445,593 210,665 545,729 276,711 116,202 87,705 43 339,146 139,799 73,401 7,351,869 3,410,433 2,343,189 283,735 1,114,051 199,292 234,893 469,336 114,770 95,760 200,461 49 133 55 187 2,660 872 1,031 24 574 64 109 284 31 36 159 50 254 167 191 4,438 1,664 1,561 5 961 75 231 481 45 79 247 51 6,076 1,545 2,347 182,853 45,866 68,744 1,120 42,637 2,456 9,941 22,921 5,139 2,180 4,486 52 7,212 4,040 1,913 332,548 84,451 143,457 511 98,674 3,595 34,886 50,058 5,650 4,285 5,455 53 52 15 81 1,339 389 548 3 337 12 90 189 27 19 62 54 118 116 106 3,244 1,154 1,138 3 768 50 230 396 35 57 181 55 1,372 155 674 112,075 24,926 58,262 80 26,710 643 6,022 14,201 2,201 1,643 2,097 56 2,778 2,520 1,063 273,969 62,870 116,060 250 90,894 3,110 32,716 46,623 5,260 3,185 3,895 57 74,725 10,560 13,550 1,366,161 287,904 681,111 720 382,481 6,380 84,140 205,946 67,985 18,030 13,945 58 140,288 107,815 24,775 3,995,626 847,890 1,720,091 5,740 1,366,960 54,735 481,405 697,570 91,550 41,700 54,945 59 8,500 9,560 4,845 747,078 126,460 393,086 227,205 800 63,820 113,395 32,640 16,550 325 60 36,783 24,900 9,050 2,459,940 406,790 1,025,980 3,000 1,007,525 25,650 357,750 542,175 69,400 12,550 16,645 61 56 31 53 4,682 1,210 2,243 22 1,001 24 202 683 41 51 206 62 59 33 55 5,075 1,541 2,309 22 1,077 31 244 672 69 61 126 63 5,467 3,142 3,374 996,227 170,747 597,363 12,226 201,553 2,396 33,325 147,208 8,475 10,149 14,333 64 6,744 998 1,780 1,208,761 254,484 703,020 15,141 232,056 2,479 35,346 153,860 22,569 17, 302 4,060 65 63,317 34,736 9,563 8,863,083 1,526,930 5,435,959 76,850 1,761,978 17,314 337,941 1,255,669 70,903 80,151 61,366 66 125,632 19,775 18,935 17,218,552 3,622,089 10,148,757 205,986 3,199,040 36, 538 464,986 2,203,591 284,305 209,620 42,680 67 55,625 32,831 8,711 7,975,490 1,369,631 4,882,586 70,406 1,604,057 17,289 310,112 1,138,913 65,175 72,563 48,808 68 116,646 19,281 11,835 16,139,398 3,348,493 9,527,151 197,566 3,033,373 35,284 416,661 2,106,108 276,640 198,480 32,815 69 135 47 57 1,808 380 976 14 374 10 70 260 28 6 64 70 270 173 181 4,055 1,164 1,776 19 900 75 204 523 56 42 196 71 4,093 1,380 1,394 117,556 20,381 76,641 771 18,715 175 3,915 13,094 1,446 85 1,048 72 10,506 4,534 3,553 301,870 73,150 161,779 2,773 61,313 4,230 10,920 38,442 4,861 2,865 2,850 73 79,740 27,255 12,045 1,090,027 176,226 724,655 8,620 166,636 2,750 28,491 120,324 14,506 565 13,890 74 441,854 172,240 82,130 6,440,608 1,575,376 3,422,436 109,360 1,272,561 113,890 189,100 738,221 128,395 52,955 60,875 75 13,030 4,685 4,610 569,069 88,145 383,579 550 89,625 12,148 74,325 2,667 485 7,170 76 92,835 80,225 35,665 3,719,553 897,974 1,896,998 65,200 841,051 73,280 127,845 546,151 56,100 37,675 18,330 77 96 26 11 403 97 140 131 2 26 75 18 10 35 73 100 61 45 848 335 286 192 10 35 122 10 15 35 79 2,368 915 161 24,406 5,804 11,189 6,058 50 1,183 3,793 642 390 1,355 80 2,954 1,591 420 63,138 20,985 27,510 13,528 555 2,230 10,048 300 395 1,115 81 42,350 14,485 173 53,510 15,520 16,479 20,391 18 3,184 14,624 2,175 390 • 1,120 82 67,175 23,452 1,530 155,882 52,304 68,973 33,100 515 4,265 26,880 725 715 1,505 83 11,489 3,115 3,321 177,638 57,881 81,701 3,885 26,045 2,925 4,341 12,777 4,962 1,040 8,126 84 12,336 6,837 3,816 172,184 57, 112 75,174 7,635 24,723 6,130 5,170 9,295 1,571 2,557 7,540 85 33,860 7,927 5,942 203,451 70,613 89,345 4,744 31,688 4,102 3,660 16,620 6,657 649 7,061 86 322 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND. LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Are a 5 Itein (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total Tenure of operator^ Tenants all farms Full owners Part owners Managers All Cash 1 2 3 5 6 7 a Livestock OB hand: 2 Horses and irniles farms reporting 1954... 3,094 4,288 852 1,422 1,110 1,326 30 51 455 740 91 1950... 135 number 1954... 11,529 2,589 5,597 305 1,057 289 1950... 19,070 5,743 3,097 523 2,482 623 All fsttle and calve'" farms reporting 1954... 5,277 5,923 1,414 1,9a 1,488 1,672 32 46 1,033 1,185 122 1950. .. 156 number 195 l.^ CHARGE,} ".'ciys; { (6) D r I (r) D ( f (o) D White 1 Negro ] Otiier, Wliftt r -OWNERSHIP, RENTAL AGREEMENT. AND LOCATION OF LAND Section II. OWNED LAND; 4. Ho»- manv acres of land do you OWN? ■■■■,■- □ ^O"" (It vou own more than one tract of Ift.id, INCLUDh ALL LAND OWNED. Include not only cropland but also paslureland, woodland, wasteland, cle.) // no land ia ownrd, rhrrk tht iquarr for "None" abovf, LAND RENTED FROM OTHERS: 5. Do you have a grazing permit Foresl Service, Grazing Service, etc. under Government Permit are not to m rented, but livestock on these permit included in this report.) (From the U. S. GraiinK landx uaed be included a.x land iho-ild belD No Id Yes 6. How many acres ot land do you RENT FROM others, incIudinB any worked OIL shares? - D None (Include any separat* fielda. meadows, paslureland. woodland, wasteland, etc. Include Federal, Sute, school, railroad, and other land leased and land used by you rent free.) ;/ "None." fhtek and skip to qiieition [9J. (o) Give the tollowing information for each landlord: Name and address of landlord mployer it the place is operated by a hired n How many acre:< are rented from each landlord? (Buu) a ormuniyl a located in each; "TFISi RESIDENCE AND AGE OF I'EIISON IN CHAUGE: [131 Do you live on this place? . , . . 14. How old were yon on your last birthday' 15. \\ hi-n did ymi beKin lo oporalc this place.' . . jD No Id Yc« Seclion III.— CROPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR, 19S1 Report all crops harvr for question II) acres. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY acres wcro or will be harvested' (2) f:() HoK eh of this voar'« How much was or will be will )><• soldT . wliHl and bvlry : H hnl anJ rvf; «U Mid hwlry- nau ind pcu ) IB. WINTERWHEATT. Q None I». SPRING WHEATT, Q None 20. OATST - . . n None 21. BARLEY? . . , D None 22. OTHER GRAIN threshed ? Buckwheat, emmer, flaxseed, prosu (3) t How much of ! this year's crop was or will be aoldT harvested ? harvented? DRY BEANS AND DRV I'lOAS: im^ >r<]. 24. How manv DRY FIELD and SEED PEAS were harve-led for PEAS this year? . (AUiki pRU. wrlniilrel imi. Canailn pri' HAY CKiil'S If Iwo or more culllnfa count the acres only once but gke (old production of all culllnss. Were Any ot the Fuixowisi; H*r Chops Cut Tmi« Ye.\r— For earh kind of hay cut, annxotr tht*t uue»llon» . . . * 26. ALFALFA, and ALFALFA MIXTURES FOR HAY (and for dehydrating) 7 D None 2S. CLOVER, T)IMOTHy. and mixtUTes of clover and grassea FOR HAYT . . . □ None iRcpoil inrfTtcIovrr nit Inc hiy In qucsllon Ml. 27. OATS. WHEAT. BARLEY. UYE. or other ■mall grain cut FOR HAYT. D None (Includf oau cut when ripe or newly ripa lor Ending unltiRthcd ) 28. WILD HAY (prairie, range, or marsh grass) cut FORHAY7 D None 29. Any OTHER HAY? lmicrau. mllkl, Sudan fTUI. gwHlclovcr.) From how manv acres was fiay cut Tons _ Tons _ ALFALFA SEED. CLOVER, GRASS. AND OTHIIR FIELD SEED CHOI'S 30. Were any alfal(a seed, clover seed, grass |D No. // "No." chtek and itip lo seed, and other field iKed crops harvested thia I ^ imfion [34]. year? Id Yes [Report production on a "clean seed" bania.) 31. How much ALFALFA SEED was harveal«d7 Acres * Pounds 32. How much RED CLOVER SEED washarveatedT Acres * Pounds 33. What OTHER FIELD SEED CROPS were harvefll«d T Acrea it Pounds «i-Ara.<-i. I.adiiio doi Color 1 2 3 Tenure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I Irrigation 1 2 3 X Clau 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 O X V REGJON 19 ma Mait. Nn. Ulih Wye. (Reduced facsimile) WYOMING 329 \rd III' ualiitirat piitpo^r SUGAR BliliTS AND I'OTATOrCS: For each crop, aiuu^r thue guulionii lUJ Saau bertii lor SafArf . . . Q None 35. Irlsb potaloes (or home use »r for sale? Q None (If leas [hail 10 bags were hu-vested, do not report acrea.) (1) How many acrea were or will be harvested? (Report Ualht of an acre, if called Tor.) How much wan or Kill be harvest«d 7 VIOGKTABI.KS FOR HOMI-; USK AND FOR SAi-t: M. ^^c^? aiiv TCicUblea, iweet cern. or meloni harvested this ye*r — jD No ■ Id Ye. «. (D No lf"No."rtuckan4*kiplo aueitioFi [491. Id v« (n) For home u llou Mamy A(-i L De Harv£steu Tnia Year For Salb — (licporl tenth* of an acre, *urh m A, i'*. A. 'A. etc If two or more planliiiga of Ihe B«'iic crop were made, cither on the eatne land or on different land, report Ihc total harvc-K^d acrcn of the several plantings. Include acrta of vegetM>l(« hwvnied from land from uhich other cropa were also harvested.) S7. Sweel corn? M> Drj onions? n. Green peaaT 40. T«Bat«e«T . Bnsp ban* (liuih wid Itndude lull] lord'! ibafr chh» PumpCTiu Smrl pippmai BERRIES AND OTHER SMALL FRUITS: [41] Were any berriefl or other small fruit« | Q No, If ■Wo," check and tkip harvested this year lor aaleT to quMlion [4$]. Id Ves How Manv Werk H«Rvt>rrEo Thid Ybak For S*lJt — (Report tenths of an acre, nuch a* A. fi. 'A. etc. Do tiol include nonbearing a.) 44. SlrawberrlesT 45. OlbcrT Acrw ♦_ . Quarts (Olvi'iunu-) :io ?>>. liovM-nlierTioi, currant*, Rooseberriet, raapberries. Tltl-:i': VltLlTS. M'TS, AND GRAPKS: j D No, // -Xo.- rhrrk and tktp to ^ueilion [57]. iD Vc» (a) Are there on many a.H 20 fruil and ID No. // "A'o," rhrck ami tktp to Mtit trees and uraprvincs of all kltid^7 qaetlion [57]. ID Vcs 47. How much land i> in bearinK and iiontfcariiiK fniil orchards. Kroven, vineyardK, and planted nut trees? ... Acrex * :_ (Report tenths of an aere, xuch an A> 1 A. t'lc Do not include jio >erry acreaice " 1(11 OF THE FOLLOIMK'I Ki> FstiT ANU Nit Trees Are on This Place— NOT of bcarinK age? 48. A1'IM,KS». 49. PEACHKS? - . L 50. I'KARS? . . 51. SOUR CHKRRIICS? 52. BWICKT CHIiRRlliS^ 53. PI,r.\IS and fRUNKS? 54. Al'RlCOTS' I 56. GRAPKS? |. 56. OTHER Pr.ANTKDTRKKFia!TS ] atid NUTS' Apncot.j. figs. alni'Mnl-. filii I «i-S4«r tr 11. im. crop- (not mentioned heforel ihal were nr r_, ,, ■n ihi- place' Tollon, hops. Icnlils, pop- I LJ -^c corn rape seed, root and grain crops hogged or graied lother than In « corn), satflower, sorghums, eoybeans, sugar-beet seed sweel corn seed , I'-' '** If "Yet.- give the name of the crop, acres and quantity harvested, and value of Value oi tUs year's crop Acre* sold or lo ■■.„,.„.„ . har\e,ird ^ be sold »S /Qn Section IV.— LAND USE THIS YEAR. 19S4 58. (Copy acrw from quw-don M) . . . . , , ^ Acres Now we want lo distribute the ACRES IN THIS PLACE accordniK to how thev were uned lhlf> vear. After jou have onounled for a field or plot do not count thin land again Be sure to account for all the land flive only whole acre* 59> ocrr? do vou consider to t>e Improved paaiareT Q -None (Improved by liming, fcriiliiing. Iab seeding to grasses or legiimn, imgaiiiig. draining, or by controlling weeds and brush ) [82] How many acres were in lionw lota, barn Iota, tiira, roadfi, ditches, and waxteland '' Q N'oi Sccdon v.— IRRIGATION. LAND-USE PRACTICES. AND CONSERVATION THIS VEAR, 1954 83. Of the land fro'n which crops were harveiied (reported ill question 59ol. how Inanv acres were IRRIGATED this y^^r* □ None // ".Vone." r*»rH and ikip U -.[84]. (D No // "\'o," chtek and ikip to f Jrftton [64]. D Yw, // ■' Yet," aiutrer the (6) pori of Ihii fiMi/ion (6) What are the nanea of crops that had the entire acreage Irrigated? [84] Of the land uxed only fur pasture or grailng (reported in questions S9b, 60a. and 61), how manv acres were Irrigated this vear? ... □ Nor .plfti>cl .i.-ed for GRAIN c (Reduced facsimile) 330 THE QUESTIONNAIRE 8«llM VI.— FOREST PRODUCTS AND NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE o^' ^ PRODUCTS THIS VEAB. 19M ^ FOREST PRODrCTS: «7. WV any firewood, fuclwood. feiico po»U rrj ^„ If "No.- rhrrk and lumber, or other forest prodiicrH cut tbiH yi-ar for 1'-* tkip lo home use or for M(eT < qtittlion 1691. IC V<> (a) How many cords of FIREWOOD and FUELWOOD were or will be cut thin year on this place? D None Cord" ______ (6) How mauy FENCE POSTS were or will be cut this year on ihLs placcT Q None Number le) How many board feet of SAWLOGS and VENEER LOGS were or will be cut thU year Board onthisplaeeT D No"e '**' llnduda »la er iluidlof llcnbetl 68. How much was or will be received thl-> year from the sale of firewood, fence po«W logs, lumber. pulpwood. piliiiR and poles, bart, bolM, Chriatma* trees hewn lie^, mine timber, and other mucelUneous None forest productsT D "o'd •( — yoo NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS, FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS AND PLANTS, AND BULBS: [«91 Were any nursery or greenhouse jD No jlroducta, Bower or vegetable seeds or ( plants, flowers, or bulbs grown for sale ID Ye* this year? if "No," chrck and nkip t queilion [73J. 70. How many acres of NURSERY PRODUCTS (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamenlals, etc ) did you have this year? 71. How many CUT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS, FLORIST GREENS, and BEDDING PLANTS were grown this year for dale — (a) Under glass? . . (6) In open? 72. How many of the following were produced this year for MleT Vegetables grown under glass, Rower »e«ds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms— (o) Under glaBS«r.ui house? (6) In open? (Report tenths of an acre, such as j^, A. lA. eWl Square feet . Square feet , Acres * How much was or will be the value of sales? Include all animals on ikis place owned by you and bjr olliers. Also. Include aor animals belanglni to (Us place bnl graalni on naUonal forests, pulng districts, or on open range. CATTLE AND CALVES: [73J How many CATTLE and CALVES of all ages arc on this place? D Noi (Include all cows and all other cattle and calvcii, both dairy and beef, on this place ) ;/ "A'onc," chtck and ik>p lo qmttion [781. OF THIS TOTAL— {a) How many are C0W8T Include heifers that have calved (c) How many are bulls, bull calves, steers, and steer calveA? . (The total for questions (a), (b). and (r) must equal the number for question 73.) COWS MILKED YESTERDAY: 7fi. How many MILK COWS were on this place yesterday? Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved Q Nor 77. How manv POUNDS of BUTTER were'J CHURNED last week? D Noi DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1954: "No," chtck a quMllon [79] [781 Was any MILK, CREAM, [Q No. if "No." chtck and tkip to iUTTER, or CHEESE sold (this year, ) ouallon rrsl 19M)?. (Report all RSles from this place whether made by you or by others. Report a" sold dairy products turned over lo or sold for your landlord. Be sure to include dairy Sroducts which you will sell before anuary 1, 1955.) (a) How much WHOLE MILK was or will br sold this year* ...,.,. Q None <&) How much CREAM was or will be sold thi» vear? Q None (If cream nold by Ealloti, multiply the namb<-r of Rallons hy 2', (t, get pouiidn of buKorfal.) lo Yes (1) 12) How much was or will be the value of sales? •s /oo SHi:t;r and i.ambs [791 How many F.WES, RAMS, WETHERS, and LAMBSof all ages arc on this place?. - // •Wont." rhtrk and iktp lo «»«/ion [801- OF THIS TOTAL- ID) How many are LAMBS under 1 year old'' . (b) How II No. e KWES I year old aiwl over? If) How nianv arc RAMS and WETHERS 1 vear old and over^ (The total for questioim (o), (b), and If) muM equal the ninul>er for qiierow:> and boars, are on this place* // -Kone:' chtrk and ii*ip lo qut$l,on [B2al. OF THIS TOTAL— (a) How many were born Hlnce June 1, •hix year? . . (b) How many were born before June 1. this year? . ■ (The total for quextiono (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 81.1 SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: 82b How ina'iv sowy and gilU farrowed Mnce June I, this year, or will farrow before December I ? Q None ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR. 1954: (Report all salcA froio thi.i place whether made bv you or by othert. Re;: as Rold anrnoL^ turned over to or iiold for vour landlord. Be sure to include animals which you will i-cll before January 1. 195S ) Fot fofh kind, c 8S0, HOGS and PIGS Hold or tobesold? D Xoue S3b. CALVES oold or to be sold? . O None 8Se CATTLE, not counting calves. Hold or to be sold ? Q None Hid. SHEEP and LAMBS Nold or to be sold? . . D None 8Sc, HORSES, MULES, COLTS, and PONIES "Old or lo be Mold? . . D No"e (2) llow much was or will be the value of sales? •»_ _/00 •« /OO •s /oo •s WOOL SHORN THIS YEAR. 1!I54: id IbuiIk wen- // "A'on/," cheek and tkip lo qnrtlion [85]. (a) How many pounds of wool were shorn this year (1054) ? (Report all salcw fro-n ihlN place whether made by you or by olher> Report ax sold all poultry and poultry products turned over to or sold tor your landlord. " sore to Include as piold any chickens, broilero, egKi. tnrkeyN, etc., which you sell before January 1, 1H55.) y chichciiH, n lhi?i place ■ place ihi:" 86. How many CHICKENS, 4 r and over, are on Ihii* place? (Hens, pullets, rooster*, etc ) D No. D Yes ithx old . , . . [ will lie (a) Broilers? , . . . Q Noi (Report all broilera sold from this place including those ral?H^d for otherH under contract ) 88. How many doicna of chicken EGGS were or will be SOLD this year? O None 89a. How manv TURKEYS and ^D None TURKEY FRYERS wore rained thin year? (Light breeds 89b. How many TURKEY HENS c hand now, are von keeping for breeding In 1U65? < Light breeds 90. How manv DUCKS, GEESE, and other poultry (not counting chickens and turkeys) were RAISED this year? D None. 91. How much was or will be received ihiH year from the sale of TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE, and mi^cellaneoux poullrv. and THEIR : EGGS' ... . . D = (Do nul Kicliide chickens and chicken okkm ) Color 1 2 3 Teaurc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IrrigilioD 1 2 3 Cliti 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O X V REGION 19 Idibo Moil. No. Uuh W,.. (Reduced facsimile) WYOMING 331 Stetlon VIII.— FERTILIZER AND LIME MATtiniAI.wHflpiifchsscdlhL- vc»rT O No"c -_ t /OO , (tto nai Include bamimnl manurr, •in> , rrluK iThui; Id d'oul ml. rMlrrlal*. m tyiwim l dallurt only) // "Nont," ehrfk and tkip to qurilian [941- tS. 0» which crop* wm FEHTILIZER USED For rach rtop, afutart theie qiittliont ' " ■ J (a) ll&y Kiiil croplniiil pai>iiirc' . . . Q Noiic (b) Other putiiro itiDt cropland) f . . Q None (e) SuBH- b«UT D None lor livpKlock and poultryT Q (Include coni of Krain. hkv, mill feeda, coneentralCH, and rounhage*. alxo, auiountH paid for Hrindini! and mixing feed.) Iher pclrolcu'n Fl'KI. SeeUon X.— FARM LABOR 96. About how many hours the week of Sept. 2l>-Oel 2 did you (the peraon In charge of thi> place) do farm wori or chormon thU place? . . [Ckfrk onA 1. n None 2. Q 1 to 14 hours 3. O IShouniormo (a) How many OTHKR MEMDERS OF YOUR FAMILY did IS hourw or inort of farm work or chonw on thid place tho week of Sept 20-Oct 2 WlTHOl'T RECElVIN't; CASH WAOKS? Q Noi (Oo not include housework.) (6) How nianv HIUKl) PICKSONS did ant lann work or chorea on thin place the week of Sept, 26~Ocl, 2T Q Noi (Include inenilierK of your family receiving cafhw-ageii.} // "Sont." check and »hp la quettion [97J. (c) 150 day» or more during this yearT Q None (rf) l«ss than ISO dayn during thi* year? Q None (The tolal for que^TioiiK (r) and \ sold or lo be sold I Q No from vovir place Ihw vcar? In w SecUon XII.— FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT NOW ON THIS PLACE Include eqalpmeal and facilities thai are lemporarlli' out of order. [99] Do you have on thl- (a) TetephoBcT (b) Piped mBBlaf waterT . (() ElectridlrT (if) Teletlalon aciT . . (r) Home freeier (for quick freeiing and storing foods. Do not include tvfrigeralor)? . Id 1 ID. ID 1 jD. ID 1 ID. Id 1 ID- Id 1 (/} Electric ttg brocdecT (B) MllUnf ntcUner - (A) Power feed grinder (aullAblr. for grinding end enuihing grein) * ID N» Idv,. id No ID Ye. |D No Id v» 0«s* On IM. HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARE ON THIS PLACE— laclDde eqalpmcBl, whether e«B«d by yoa or by olbera, hepi oa lUa place. (a) Groin comMDM (for harvcniing and threshing grairu or seeds (n one ib) Corn pleh«rar (ri Pick-Dp balera? , . id) Field foraie har*eatera gardei (p) Garden DacloraT 10 Automobllea(beloii^ng to you, to hired worken, or lo otiien living on this placel? (j) ArtlBdal ponds. e^Merralra. and earib lant>r Section XIII.— MISCELLANEOliS INFORMATION FARM VALl'fc, .MOHTUAGb DEBT. AND CASH KENT: 101. About how much would the land and the buildingn on II sell (or? (a) LAND OWNED BY YOUT- Q Noi (from quMtlon i) (b) LAND RENTED FROM OTHERS' n No' (from question C) (r) LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS? D Xot (from question 9) MORTGAGE DEBT on land and 104. On vkat doit uxu lAii fu<»li 105. H'Ao/umi«Aeif Ikt in/ornofion gtPtn i Q Operator Q Wife or other member of operator's D Undlord (Oltr monlh uid day) ~ riparlT (Check whici 1 G Hired laborer G Neighbor G Other KNUMERATOR-S RECORD-To be filled by Ccns STATE COUNTY E. D. N... DISTRtuT, PRECINCT, TOWNSHIP. OR CENSUS DIVISION Have you reviewed each section of this questionnaire? Certified by Dale lEaiunmuirl Checked by _^_^__ Dale ID No 1G Yes _. 1954 ■ (WSnih; l'J54 (Reduced facsinile) 332 THE QUESTIONNAIRE uiry ■■ luihuriicd by Aci ul ConfrcM 146 Slit. 2\-, 11 USC 201-2181 which rcqnirci thai you lilt SecUon I.— PERSON NOW IN CHARGE (If K member of the tunily or Anyone elae fills this questionnure for the person in ch&rM, please be sure that all the informalion ie given FOR the PERSON IN CHARGE) FORM Al U 5 DETARTHENT OF COMHERCE— buuaU OF tke census WASHINCTON CENSUS OF AGRICUITURE 1 QC4. QUESnONNAKE iJ«rT 1. What ts your aameT IPtni>Dbich4ft*) (Pint) 2. What is your address? 3. What u your raett J (fr) q Negro (ntctH.) jj^j ^ Other. What rw*7 SecUon ri— OWNERSHIP. RENTAL AGREEMENT. AND LOCATION OP LAND OWNED LAND: 4. How many acres of land do you OWNT .... O None (If you own more than one tract of land, INCLUDE ALL LAND OWNED Include not only cropland but also pastureland, woodland, waati^land, etc.) LAND RENTED FROM OTHERS: 5. Do you have a gracin^t permit? (From the IT. S, Forest Service, Gracing Service, etc Uraiing lands used under Government Permit are not to be included aa land rented, but livestock on these permit lands should belO No included in this report.) . , la Yes 6. How many acres of land do you RENT FROM others. including any worked on shares? D None (Include any separate Gelds, meadows, pastureland, woodland, wasteland, etc Include Federal, Stale, school, railroad, and other land lea.-«t oom, paprorn. "ElyplUB com," k*Bi. or milo mutt ) harvtiled, eJitck and skip to quulton [17]. (o) CORN for GRAIN' (70 lb ear corn or 56 lb. shelled corn = l bu. Report corn hogged off in question (e), not here.) (M CORN for SILAGET . . . (c) CORN hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder (ears not husked or snapped) ' (The Iota] ol Ihc Km lor qunllooi URPOSES eiicept sirup this year? . . O None // "\ont," check and tkip to quealion [I8J. (6) SORGHUM for SILAGE? (c) SORGHUM hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay? (a), (A), inil Id miul fquftJ itw *crr* How mucb'was or will be harvested ? crop wa will be soldT llDcludn ' XXX Color 1 2 3 XXX XXX Tons of hay or SMALL GRAINS. WtRE Ant o»- thi FoLLowiNO Grain C Threshed oh Coms THrs Ve*8— [18] GRAINS grown together and threshed as a MIXTURE? 19. WINTER WHEAT? 20. SPRING WHEAT? 21. OATS' 22. BARLEY? .... 2». RYE? 24. OTHER GRAIN tliresbed ? Buckwheat, emmer, flaueed, proso millet, spelt . (VlidcrUai kind ) n None D None D None O None D None How many acres were harvested T Huw much harvested ? (3) How much of this year's crop was or will be sold? I Include Uodlonl'i npl thil uiDd lor iHd or trai DRY BEANS AND DRY PEA9: 25. How many DRY FIELD and SEED BEANS wore harvested for BEANS this vearT D None iPlnlauidoib^ 1 28. How many DRY FIELD and SEED I'EAS were harvested for PEAS this year? D None Acres *_ HAY CROPS: If iwo or more culUngs eoonl Ibe acres only once but (Ive total production of all cuttings. Were Any of the Following Hat Chops Cut This Yeah— 27. ALFALFA and ALFALFA MIXTURES FOR HAY (and for dehydrating)? Q None 28. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, and mixtures of clover and gras-ics FOR HAY? . Q None iK'potl swrrltlovet cul for ha» In qUBllon 11.) 29. OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY, RYE, or other small grain cut FOR HAY? . Q None (Inrludr cwu cut wtiin i^pc ot nMrly dp* (sr 30. WILD HAY (prairie, range, or marsh graas) cut FOR HAY' a None 31. Any OTHER HAY? Q None many acres was hay cut this year? How many tons were (3) How much of will be soldT nmi iutdlord'i IhLs plux,) _ Tons _ _ Tons _ _Ton» _ _ Tons _ _ Tons _ _Tona_ 32. Were any alfalfa seed, clover seed, grass [D No. If "No," check and ak\p to seed, and other field seed crops harvested this \ queition [SS]. year? iD Yes (Report production on a "clean need" basis.) atu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tjp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O X V REGION 18 DromegraiiS, nullel, red clover, Sudan gra.-ui, ; . whealgrs.t^ (Reduced facsimile) COLORADO 333 ( Cenjut rrporl uill 6« uitd for ttOlUlical porpoirt only and connul 6r mrd jot putpaiti til SIGAR IIKKTS. BRunMCORN, AND I'uTAToK.s [353 Sugar b«e(8 r^r SugwT . . G N" 36. BroomcornT . ■ . . Q None 37. Iriah PoUlocB for home use .r forsftip? □ None (If lens than 10 bafpi were hsrvMtcd, do Mol report acres,) (1) How many acre* were or will be harvested T (Report tentlu called for.) VKGKTAKI.KS FDR HOMK ISK AND FOR SK\.K 38. \\ere any regelatilea, sweet (o) For home useT . meloiu harvested this vcar — [D No Id Yes {h) For sale for freah market or to canneri. | Q No. // ".Vo," ehtrk and tkip lo frcejcrs, or other proccjwors* . . . . ! qurtlion [SI]. In Yea How Mahj AmEa Weke oh Will Bk Hahvcsteh Tnts Yeah Foh S*LB— (Report teiithH of an acre, niich u 1^, 1^. ft. 1 i^, etc. If two or more plantings of the name crop were made, either on the name land or on different land, report the total harvested acres of the several plantings. Include acres of vegetables harvested from land from which other crops were also harvested.) 41. Canlaloupa, boncrballs, bonerdewa, and ciuskmelonsT . , . 4Z. Carrots T 43. SweeleornT . 4S. Drr obIouT 4T. Grren peaaT 48. Tomalocar . ■ wrww SvMt (xppffS tad plotniuia votaaa lUdlibal Sqoub Rhubub TumJp* t>i> Dal loduiJc ibc (I BERRIES AND OTHER SMALL FRUITS: [511 Were any berries or other smaJI (Q No. 1/ "A'o," check and tkip lo fruits harvested Inia year tor uleT . . J guulion [S4]. la Yes 52. Strawberries? 53. OlherT _: Quarta 1 10 J_ Quarta . Blackberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberr TREE FRUITS, NUTS. AND GRAPfS: :his p [54] Are anv fruit or nut trees or (Q No. // "A'o," cheek and tkip U grapevines on this place? { ^ue*lion [6G]. la) Are there an many as 20 fruit and |D No. // "No." check and tkip ti nut trees and grapevines of all kinds?. I quttlion [95]. Id Yes 55. How much land « in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nul trees? . , Acrta ♦ _ (Report tenths of an acre, such as A, 1 A> *^'^- ^° ""^ include berry acreage or nuraeries.) Which or the Following Kinds Fdurr and .N'bt Treks Ahe on This Place— 56. APPLES? 57. PEACHES? . 58. PEARS? 69. SOUR CHERRIES? . 60. SWEET CHERRIES? 61. PLUMS and PRUNES' 62. APRICOTS? - , 63. GRAPES? es, planted wslnutt. S'> How many bearing Bge? Id vm a uid quaaiity harvested, and value of Value of this year's crop sold or to be sold •( SeetloD IV.— LAND USE THIS VEAR. 1954 66. (Copy acres from question II) . . . -' > Acr*«_ Now we want to distribute the ACRES IN THIS PLACE according to bow they were used this year. After you have accounted for a Geld or plot do not count this land again, for all the land. Give only whole acres. CROPLAND: 67a. From how many acres of land were CROPS HARVESTED lincluding hay cut) this year?. . . D None (This area may be obtained by adding the acres in the fields from which one or more crops were harvested or hay was cut this year, acres in nonbeanng and bearing planted tree fruits, nuts, and grapes; and acres in nuivery and greenhouse products.) To Be FiUed by Census Enumerator: (1) Add acTtM of aU cTopt {unlK It \n Sieiioni HI and VI) and inter Mat ficrt . . . . . , (3) From how many acres of land were two crops harvested this year? ...... (Oo Doi cDuot txn m euiUnp oi u» am* tor np.) (31 SuUraci Die acre* Jor (2) from (I) and enter difference htrt . . , (This entry should be within three acres o( the acres shown for queaUon 67a.) only, and land od which all crops failed.) WOODLAND: (Include as wcx>dland all wood lota and timber tracts aod cutover land with young trees which have or will have value as wood or umber.) 686. How DUJiy acres of woodland nere not pastured (or graaed) this year? . . D None OTHER LAND: // "None," check and ikip lo fuulion [70]. (a) Of this other pasture, bow many acres do you consider to be Improved paslaref D None (Improved by hming, fertihiing. seeding lo ' grasses or legumes, imgalmg. draining, or by controlling weeds sad brush.) Section V._IRRIGATION. LAND-USE PRACTICES, AND CONSERVATION THIS YEAR, 1954 71. Of the land from which crops were harvested (reported in quution 67a), how many acres nere IRRIGATED this year? D None // "None," check and tfcip lo ^eilion [72]. Irrigated this year? . D None 73. Ho* many acre* of ROW CROPS or CLOSL-SEEDED CROPS were grown in strips this ycarforwinderosioii control? D Noi (Reduced facsimile) 334 THE QUESTIONNAIRE -FOREST PRODUCTS AND NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS THIS YEAR. 1954 FOREST PRODUCTS: a any firewood, fuelwood, fence poets, r other rorwt produclfl cut Ihia yew for irfoTMleT D No. // "No." check and $k\p lo queUitm [77]. D Ves (a) How many cord* of FIREWOOD ftod FUELWOOD were or will be cutthiayewon this pl«e? □ N""" Cords _ (ft> How many FENCE POSTS were or will be ci this yew on this pl»ceT □ None Number _ How many board feet of SAWLOGS and VENEER LOGS were or will be cut this year I this plat tncludc nln o iBUndlni llmtwr.) 76. How much was or will be received this year from the sale of 6rewi>od, fence poala. log^ lumber, pulpwood, piling and pole?, bark, bolts, Chnslmaa trees, hewn ties mine timber, and other miscellatiei forest products T . . NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS. FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS AND PLANTS. AND BULBS 177] Were any nuraerv or greenhouse (D No, products, flower or vegeUble seeds or j 1, flowers, or bulbi grown for ttle IQ Yea // "No. ' check and ikip to n 1811- this year" 78. How many acrw of NURSERY PRODUCTS (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamental*, etc.) did you have Ihis yearT 7». How many CUT FLOWERS. POTTED PLANTS, FLORIST GREENS, and BEDDING PLANTS were grown this year for sale — (a) Underglass? (6) In open? 80. How many o! the following were produced this year for aaleT Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetabit seeds, vegetable plant (a) Under glass or in house T (b) In open? bulbs, Aral (Report tenths of ai acre, such as iV, A, lA. etc) Square feet . Acrea * Square feet . How much was or will be the value of aatesT SeeHoB VII.— LIVESTOCK NOW ON THIS PLACE AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION THIS YEAR. US4 laclade all animals od thli place owned by yon and by olherr Also. Include anr animals beloogln| lo lUi place but padag an natloaal foreila. gratlDg dlslriclB. at on open range. CATTLE AND CALVES: [81] How many CATTLE and CALVES of aU agea are on this place? Q None (Include all cows and alt other cattle and calves, both dairy ahd beef, on this pUce.) // "None." ehtck and utip ta queitton [Bt]. OF THIS TOTAL— (a) How many are COWST Include heifera thai have calved . . (t) How many are heifers and heifer calveeT (Do not include any heifers that have calved.) (c) How many are bulls, bull calvea, steers, and steer calvesT . , (The total for questions (a), (b), and (c) must equal the number for question 81.) COWS MILKED YESTERDAY: 83. How many MILK COWS were on this place yesterday? Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved G None produced yesterday? , 86. How many POUNDS of BUTTER were CHURNED last week T Q None SHEEP AND LAMBS: 1:871 How many EWES, RAMS, WETHERS, and LAMBSof all ages are on this place? D None // "None." ehtcM and ikip lo guutum [88]. OF THIS TOTAL— (a) Uow many are LAMBS under 1 year old T (b) How many are EWES 1 year old and over? (c) How many are RAMS and WETHERS 1 year old and over? . (The total for questions (a), (b), and (e) must equal the number for question 87.) MULES AND HORSES; DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR. IBM: (Report all sales from this place whether made by you or by others. Report as sold dairy products turned over lo or sold for your landlord Be sure to include dairy products which you will sell before January 1, 195S.) I How much WHOLE MILK was or will be sold this year? Q None (b) How much CREAM was or will be sold this year 7 D None (If cream sold by gallon, multiply the number of gallons by 2H lo gel pounds of (1) Quantity HOGS AND PIGS; 8L How many HOGS and PIGS of all ages, including sows and boars, are on this place? ... Q Noi // "Nont," cheek and ik>p Id gvttlton [Ma]. OF THIS TOTAL— ta) How many were born since June I, thia year? (6) How many were born before June 1, this year? (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 89.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING; ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR. 1954: (Report all itales from this place whether made by you or by others. Report ad sold animals turned over to or sold for your landlord. Be sure to include animals which you will sell before January I. 1955 ) For each kind, ansuvr tht*e quuttone " "* 91(1. HOGS and PIGS sold or to be sold? . . D None 91b. CALVES sold or to be sold? . Q timm, 9U CATTLE, not counting calves, sold or to be eold T Q None 91d- SHEEP and LAMBS told or lobe sold? Q None 9I( HORSES, MULES, COLTB, and PONIES sold or to be sold? . . Q -'on' Mow many be mM this year? How much was or will be the value of sales? /OO . WOOL SHORN THIS YEAR, I9B4: // "Non*," check and *kip lo que*lion [98]. (a) How many pounds of wool were shorn this year (1964) 7 . (Report all sales from this place whether made by you or by others Report as soldaA poultry and poultry products turned over to or sold for your landlord Be sure to include as sold any chickens, brolleni. eggs, turkeys, etc , which you will ■ell before January 1. 1956 ) ickens, fD ' ce this I ... In 1 S93] Are there now any chickens, fQ No. If "No," check and tk\p lo ceys. or other poultry on this place I qiutlion [100]. or were there any on this place ''''~ year? 94. How many CHICKENS, 4 months old and over, are on this place? O None (Hens, pullets, roosters, etc.) 95. How many CHICKENS were or will be SOLD this year— (a) BroilersT D None (Report all broilers sold from this place including those raieed for othera under contract ) (6) Old hens, roostera, pullets, and other chickens? Q None M. How many doaana of chicken EGGS were or will be SOLD this year? D None 97a. How many TURKEYS and (Q None TURKEY FRYERS were raieed this year? .^. . . ( Light breeds (Include those raised from poults bought, poutta batched on this place, or iHeavy breeds raised for others under contract, whether sold, eaten, or now on hand ) 97b. How many TURKEY HENS [Q None on hand now. are you keeping for breeding In 1955? d) SecUon Xl— OFF-FAHM WORK AND OTHER INCOME |I05] How many days Ihu year did you work off your farm 7 Include work at a noolarn) job, business, profewion, or on someone else's farm, (Chtek onti (Do not include exchange work. Include days you expect ta work oS your farm before Jan 1. 1955 ) ) 100 to lOfl days e thi* year from any of the following aources— (b) Have vou any i „ ■ale of pro^ucia from land rented out, ca.ih rent, boarders, old-age assistance, pensions, veterans' allowanc**, unt — '- interest, dividends, proSta from nonfarm busint of your family T D No a Yes D No D Ye. IOC. Will the income which you and your famjjy receive from work off the farm and from other Bourcea {lut«d in questions lOS. \a). and (b)) be creater than the total value >■ Sceti»a n.— SELECTED FARM EIPENDITURBS.THIS YEAR. 1»S4 103. How much was m mUIm fifKNT th>a year f>»— (o) MACHINE HIRE? Q None (Include custom work such as tractor hire. threshing, combining, silo filling, baling, plowing, and spraying ) (6) HIRED LABORT D None (Do not include housework, cmtom work, or contract construction work. Include cash payments only.) (Include cost of grain. I concentrates, and roughages, also, amounts paid tor grinding and mixing fe«d.l Section X.— FARM LABOR 104. About how many hours the week of Sept 2fl- | Oct. 2 did you (the person in charge of this place) da farm 1 work or chores on this place? {Chtek ont) \ 2. Q I to M hours 3. Q 1& hours or more (a) How manv OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY did 15 hours or more of farm work or chores on this place the week of Sept. 26-Oct. 2 WITHOUT RECEIVING CASH WAGES? Q Noi (Do not include housework.) (6) How majiy HIRED PERSONS did any farm work or Chora on this place the week of Sept 26-Oct 2 7.0 Nor (Include member? of your family receiving cash wages.) If -Noni;' ditek and ilnp to quatton tlOSJ. (c) 150 days or more during this yearT Q None (d) Less than 160 days during this year? Q None CThe total for questions |c) and {d) must equal the number fur question I04I6J.| f pay and ,(bn? (El How muiy of theae hired persons were paid on ^— What was the agreed cash rate of pay? (If more than one person, give average) person were these vorkera expected to work to earn this pay? (Doikn ooly) SecUon XIL— FACILITIES AND EQl'IPMENT SOW ON THIS PLACE Inclnde equlpiaenl and ladllties Ihal are lemporarlly out «l order CII7] Do you have on this plat (a) TelephooeT (b) Piped mnalBg wa(«rT (c) ElMlridlrr (d) T«le*lal»D aciT . D No D Yea D No , D Vei D No D Yes Q No D Yea D No (<) Hone Ireeser (for quick freeslng and atonng foods. i Do uot Include icfrigerator) 7. I O Ves go Electric pig broodcrT . (p) Milking macUaeT . . (A) Power leed grinder (suitable for grinding and crushing gram) T . . . 1 D No ■ i a Ym 1 0 No 1 D »«> 1 D No - Id Yea lOB. HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARE ON THIS PLACE— Include eqcilpmenl. whether owned by jou or by others, ke((l on tUa place. (s) Grain coaMaca ifor barvrsling and threshing grains or seeds in one operation] T (b) Carn pickeri! . . . . (e) Plcb-ap balcraf . . . (if) Field (orafefcarveslera (for field chopping of silage and forage cropsi 7 . , I garden ' (p) Garden traelorsT (0 AnlemoUlea rken,or to ulhers living on this place) T . ij) Arrlllclal ponds, tanks? SeeUea XIII.— MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION FARM VALUE. MORTGAGE DEBT, AND CASH RENT 109. About how much would the land and the building* on it sell f value per acre. (6) LAND RESTED FROM OTHERS* O None (from question I) (c) LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS? Q None (from question 9) J^Valuepsr fD No JD Y« Id No land owned 112. On vhat datt too* tKi* qMaUonnatrt fiiUdt IIS. Who}urnuhid Iht ynlotmatton ftrtn D Operator D W'ife or other member of operator'i O Landlord • OMHilb sod dayi ' rtporlt iChtck vhicK) Q Hired laborer y D Neighbor a Other ENUMERATOR'S RECORD— To be filled by Census Em Colorado roiiNTv STATE CENSUS DIVISION Have you reviewed each section of this questionnaire T . . Certified by Date _ lEnuBKnlorj Checked by ^ Date ^ ID No ID Yea _, 1954 ?;«. O =*= gx en I- o b c Ola 'pvoj |o aoisfj -- s s (Reduced facsimile) INDEX TO TABLES 337 Abnormal farms Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtureB cut for hay.... Alfalfa seed Almonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes, specified Apples , Apricots Area, approximate land.,, ».., Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks Asparagus , Automotilles Austrian winter peas, including Dixie Wonder Avocados Barley Beans Beets (table) Berries, specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries (tame or wild) Boysenberrles Broccoli Broomcom Buckwheat Butter churned Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons, etc Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash tenants , Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cattle and dairy products Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Citrus fruits, specified , Class of work power Clingstone peaches Clover seed , Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay , Color of operator Commercial farms Coannercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer uses of Common and perennial (English) ryegrass seed Conservation of land Com Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop Cowpeas Cows Cows milked Cream sold Crimson clover seed , Crop and livestock farms, general Cr^land By acres harves ted By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour , Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants and croppers Crops fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested, specified Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeration Days worked off farm Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks raised Durum or macaroni wheat Economic class of farm Eggplant Eggs sold 16 16 16 15 4,13,14 16 16 16 1 16 4,6 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 3,4,9 8,9,10 4,13,14 4, 13,14 13 16 4,13 4,13 4,13,14 16 4,6 16 16 16 3,4,5,9 9 4,7 16 4,16,17 4,6 16 10 2 16 4,13,14 13 13 16 10 1*2,3,4 1*2,3,4 4 1 3,4 1,2,4 2 3,4,9 ^.9 4,16,17 4,16,17 16 1,2,4 15 10 13 13 11 4,5 16 16 16 13 16 16 4.13 County 9 2,2a 5 6 6 9 1,1a 9 5 9 3 1.1a 1,1a, 2, 2a l,la,2 2a la 2a 1 1,1a 2,2a 2 6 9a 9,9a 4,9,9a 9,9a 1,1a 1,2,3 3,6,9 2,5,8 4,5,6 7,8,9 12 3,6,9 3,6.9 3,6,9,11 3,6,9,11 3,6,9,11 2,5,8 1,2,3,10,11 2,5,8 1,4,7 1,4,7 3,6,9 2,5,8 4,5^6 1,4,7 3,6,9 10 4,5,6 1,4,7 1,4,7 1,4,7 1,4,7 7,8,9 7,8,9 1,4,7 3,6;9 3,6,9 4,5,6,10 3,6,9,10 2,5,8 1,2,3 3,6,9 Electricity Electric pig brooder Emmcr and spelt English or Persian walnuts Ewes Expenditures, farm. See Farm expenditures. Facilities and equipment, specified Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures, specified Farm labor By color of operator By economic class By tenure of operator By type of farm Farm operators: By age By color By residence By tenure , By years on farm By off -farm work and other income Farm products, value of Farm property, value of Farms, number, , By class of work power By color of operator By economic class By kind of workers By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold Farms with all harvested crops irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for,. Fertilizer, commercial, uses of Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry , Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frult-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits emd nuts, sold Field seed crops Figs, Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood cut.. Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Frult-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified. Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese raised General farms Gilts. See Sows and gilts. Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Grain combines Grains Grains grown together and threshed as a mixi:ure Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains , Green lima beans , Green peas ( English) Greenhouse products , Guineas raised Hairy vetch seed Harvesters, field forage Hay balers, pick-up Hay crops Hazelnuts (included irfth Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, fano. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated farms, number Irrigated land In farms By use Kumquats ^,6 6 16 16 13 4,7,8,9,10 S 10 *,5 3,4,5,9 5 3,4,9 4,5 4,5 13,16 1,4 1,2,3,4 4,6 1,2 2 3,4 10 13.15,16 *,7 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 15 15 16 10 16 16 3,4,9 4,7 13 10 13 13 4,6 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 13 16 4,6 4,6 16 16 4,7 8,9,10 4,13 4,13,14 4,6 13 13 15 16 1,2 County 2,2a 1 2,2a 1 1,2,3,4 5 2,2a 5 6 1,1a 3 2,2a 3 4,7,8 la 6 9 9 9 3 9 4 9 9 9 3 9 S 4,8 9 3 9 2,2a 1,1a 1,1a, 9a la 2,5,8 2,5,8 2,5,8 2,5,8,12 2,5,8,12 2 8 5 7,8,9 2,5)8 1,4,7 1,4,7 2,5,8 2,5,8,12 1.4,7 3,6,9,10,11 2,5,8 1,4,7 2,5,8 4,5,6 2,5,8 2,5,8 3,6,9 2,5,8,12 12 3,6,9 3,6,9 2,5,8 1,4,7 1,4,7 338 INDEX TO TABLES County Economic area County Ladlno seed Land and buildings, value of Land area, approximate Land from which hay was cut Land In farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees Land in irrigated farms By use Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control Land pastured Legumes, specified annual Lemons Lespedeza cut for hay LespedezB seed Lettuce and romaine Lima beans Lime and liming material, expenditures for. Limes Livestock and livestock products sold Livestock farms, other than dairy and poultry Livestock-share tenants Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries Lupine seed Machine hire, expenditures for Machinery, farm Managed land. Managers ...................*...•*•>> Mandarins {included with Tangerines) Mangoes Maple sirup made Maple sugar made Maple trees tapped Milk Mili sold Milk cows Milking machine Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Mixed grains Mohair clipped Motortrucks Mules and mule colts Navel oranges Nectarines Nonwhite farm operators. Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs Nuts, specified Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other small grains cut for hay Off-farm work and other Income Okra Olives Onions, dry Operators, farm. See Farm operators. Oranges Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins Other field-crop farms Owned land Part owners Part-time farms Pasture Peaches Peanuts Pears Peas Pecans Peppers. See Sweet peppers and pimientos. Pig brooder, electric Plmientos (included with sweet peppers).... Piped running water Plums Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes PoultiY and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power feed grinder Primarily crop farms, general Primarily livestock farms, general Products, farm, value of Proso millet Prunes Pulpwood cut Rams and wethers Raspberries Red clover seed Redtop seed Rented land 16 1,4 1 16 1,2,3,4 3,4 2 3,1 1,2,4 16 2 1,2,4 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 4,13,14 10 4,9 4,13,14 4,13,14 16 16 *,' 4,6 3,4,9 16 16 15 15 15 13 13 4,13,14 1,6 10 16 13 4,6 13 16 16 3,4,9 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 3,4 3,4,9 8 1,2,4 16 16 16 16 16 4,6 16 4,6 16 16 16 16 4,13,14 4,13,14 10 4,6 10 10 13,16 16 16 15 13 16 16 16 3,4 9 1 1 9 1,2,2a 2a 3 1,2,2a 1 9 la la 1,1a 1,1a 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 9 4,7 3 2 7 7 9 9 6 5 1 7 7 7 5 3 9 7 5 7 9 9 2,2a S 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 3 1 2,2a 5 1,1a 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 5 9 9 9 9 7 4,7 3 5 3 3 3,6,9 1,4,7 7 1,4,7 1,4,7 1,4,7 2,5,8 3,6,9,10,11 4,5,6 7,8,9 3,6,9,10,11 3,6,9 2,5,8 2,5,8 7 7,8,9 3,6,9,10 3,6,9,10 2,5,8 4,5,6 2,5,8 7,8,9 1,2,3 1,4,7 2,5,1 2,5,' 11 3,6,9,11 4,5,6,11 2,5,8 4,5,6 4,5,6 Residence of operator Residential farms Rice Root and grain crops hogged or grazed Rye Ryegrass seed, common and perennial (English) Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs cut Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, field Share-cash tenants Share tenants and croppers Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of farm Small fruits Small grains Snap beans (bush and pole types) Sorghums Sows and gilts Soybeans Specified facilities and equipment Specified farm expenditures Spinach Spring wheat Squash Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves. Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar or for sale to mills.. Sugarcane or sorghum for sirup Summer fallow, cultivated Sweetclover seed Sweet com Sweet peppers and pljDientos Sweetpotatoes Tangeloes Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Television set Tenants Temple oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Timothy seed Tobacco Tomatoes Tractors Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes Tung nuts Turkeys Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of commercial fertilizer Uses of land Valencia oranges Value : Crops , Farm products sold Farms (land and buildings) Livestock ,, Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale Vegetable farms Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale Velvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains, cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Wage rates Walnuts (English or Persian) Watermelons Water, piped running Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat White farm operators Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland in farm, by use Wool shorn Workers : Family Hired Regular Seasonal Work off farm Work power, class of Years on farm Youngberries 16 16 16 16 18,19 15 16 16 16 3,4,9 3 13 13 13 16 2 16 16 16 16,17 13,14 16 4,6 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1,2,4 16 16 16 16 16 16 4,6 4,6 3,4,9 16 3,4,9 15 16 16 16 4,6 16 16 13,14 10 10 16 16 13,15,16 1,4 13 8,9,10 16 16 16 3,4,9 16 16 1,2,4 13 4,7 4,7,8,9,10 4,8,9,10 4,8,9,10 4,5 4,6 4,5 16 5 6 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 l,la 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 5 2,2a 9 2,2a 8 9 9 9 5 9 9 3 6 1,1a 3 9 4,9 9 9 9 5 9 2,2a 9 9 1,1a 7 i I