oo WfY [JQFl • BOOKS BY WILLIAM EMERSON HITTER THE HIGHER USEFULNESS OF SCIENCE. THE PROBABLE INFINITY OF NATURE AND LIFE. THE UNITY OF THE ORGANISM, OR THE ORGANISMAL CONCEPTION OF LIFE. Illustrated. THE UNITY OF THE ORGANIC SPECIES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE HUMAN SPECIES. WAR, SCIENCE AND CIVILIZATION. AN ORGANISMAL CONCEPTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. RICHARD G. BADGER, PUBLISHER, BOSTON FIGURE 56. SKELETON OF PYTHON. THE UNITY OF THE ORGANISM OR THE ORGANISMAL CONCEPTION OF LIFE BY WILLIAM EMERSON HITTER Director of the Scripps Institution for Jiioloyical Research of the University of California, La Jolla California TWO VOLUMES VOLUME TWO ILLUSTRATED BOSTON RICHARD G. BADGER THE GORHAM PRESS COPYRIGHT, 1919, BY RICHARD G. BADGER All Rights Reserved This work contains the text of the book: "An Organismal Theory of Consciousness.' Made in the United States of America The Gorham Press, Boston, U. S. A. CONTENTS PART I CRITIQUE OF THE ELEMENTALIST CONCEPTION OF THE ORGANISM B. The Production of Individuals by Other Individuals (Concluded) CHAPTER PAGE XIV. EVIDENCE FROM METAZOAN GERM-CELLS THAT SUBSTANCES OTHER THAN CHROMATIN ARE THE PHYSICAL BASES OF HEREDITY 1 Evidence from spermatozoa, 1. Spermatozoa subject to heredity as well as "bearers of heredity," 1: (a) Illus- trated by the ontogeny of mammalian sperm, 4; (b) Illus- trated by the ontogeny of an insect sperm, 9. Evidence from the ovum, 15: (a) eggs of ascidians — the facts, 16; (6) Conklin's interpretation, 19. Critical examination of Conk- Hn's interpretation, S3. XV. EVIDENCE FROM SOMATIC HISTOGENESIS IN THE MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS ... 32 The mitochondrial theory of heredity, 32. The mitochon- drial theory tested by the ontogeny of spermatozoa, 36. The mitochondrial theory tested by histogenesis, 37. The un- tenable hypothesis that cytoplasm of the ovum is inheritance material for general but not for special characters, 40. Spe- cies attributes in single cells of adult orgtvwsms, 43. The spinules of the ascidian genus styela, 44- The spicules of sponges and other invertebrates, 50. The "hairs" of higher plants, 55. Cell-wall structures in higher plants, 57. The morphology of striated muscle fibers, 60. The physiology of muscle fibers, 61. Summary of positive information about the physical basis of heredity, 64. XVI. THE INHERITANCE MATERIALS OF GERM-CELLS INITIATORS RATHER THAN DETERMINERS 66 Antecedents of the cytoplasmic and nuclear theories of in- ix x Contents i r. \PTER PAGE heritance -material. (!6. Function of chromosomes in heredity aryuin-d and nc<-<>iin>b!i'in of hereditary substance, 70. The probability that inheritance material becomes such in each ontogeny, 73. Germ-cells subject to metabolism like all other cells, 74. Chemical changes in germ-cells during parent's ontogeny, 75. The possibility of changing sex by influences on the germ, 76. The determiner conception contrary to ordinary chem- ical principles, 79. Endorsement of E. B. Wilson's proposal to drop "determiner" from the vocabulary of genetics, 8%. Advantages in conceiving germ-cell chromosomes as initia- tors in hereditary development, S3. Inconclusiveness of the cytological evidence usually appealed to in support of the chromosome theory, 84. Summing up of the findings against the chromosome theory, 87. Brief reference to the untoward implications of the germplasm conception of heredity, 89. PART II. THE CONSTRUCTIVE SIDE OF THE ORGANISMAL CONCEPTION XVII. GROWTH INTEGRATION 93 The field to be covered by the constructive discussion, 93. Four types of bio-integration to be treated, 94- Graded repetitive series as integrative phenomena, 95. Illustrations from animals, 95. Illustrations from plants, 99. Justifica- tion for bringing all these phenomena under one head, 103. Attempted casual explanation of these series, 104- Axial metabolic gradients as integrative phenomena,, 107. Meristic gradients and metabolic gradients both phenomena of growth integration, 111. XVIII. CHEMICO-FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATION 113 Functional as contrasted with growth integration, 113. The conception of "internal secretions," 114- Effects of removing the human thyroid for curative purposes, 115. Experimental thyroid excision in normal lower animals, 117. The internal secretion of the duodenal mucous membrane, 119. The na- ture of the active substances in internal secretions, 121. The close resemblances and interrelations of the different in- ternal secretions, 124- Relation between the internal secre- Contents xi CHAPTER PAGE lory and nerrons systems, 128. Composition and nature of the auloiioinic xi/xtem, 129. Experimental evidence of connection between the adrenal glands and the nervous sys- tem, 131. Clinical eridence of adrenal-nervous connection, 133. Summary of present state of knowledge in this field, 137. XIX. THE ORGAN ISM AT. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INTERNAL SECRETORY SYSTEM 141 General inability of elementalism to Interpret Ihe phenom- ena, l^l. Critique of the view that infernal secretions are "format ire stuffs," 1/fi. The metaphysical and logical weak- ness of the view, 1^8. The form of metaphysical absolutism involved, 151. Confusion of theory of organisms and theory of the knowledge of organisms, 152. An illustra- tion of neglect of fact by elementalist theory, 157. A peculiar elementalist objection to the organic whole, 15X. XX. NEURAL INTEGRATION 161 Distinction between developmental and functional integra- tion, 161. Neural and not psychical phenomena the subject of this chapter, 101. The author's indebtedness to Sher- rington's work, 162. The fundament alii y of cellular inte- gration in the reflex-arc, 163. The integration of reflex- arcs, 168. The spreading and compounding of reflexes, 171. Antagonistic refl.exes in skeletal muscle groups finally in- tegratire, 17//. The antagonisms within the autonomic sys- Icni finally inlegrative, 178. Concluding remarks on the sig- nificance of neural integration for the organismal standpoint, XXI. IMPLICATIONS OF THE TROPISTIC AND SEGMENTAL THEORIES OF NERVE ACTION 18.1 Neglect of the works of Sherrington and Cannon by Jacques Loeb, 185. The real importance of Loeb's conception of the nf.rvous system, 187. The organismal character of tropisms partly recognized by Loeb, 188. The organismal character of the segmentai theory of the nervous system, 190. Critique of the element a lixl attempt to interpret tropistic and seg- mentai theories of the function of the nervous system, 198. The bearing of this critique on "analysis" in Biological xii Contents CHAPTER PAGE reasoning, 206. Theories of animal behavior in relation to the "science" of zoology, 208. XXII. PSYCHICAL INTEGRATION 214 Preliminary remarks: (a) Absolute discrimination between reflex and psychical phenomena not necessary, 214; (b) The organism an original datum in all problems of psychic life, 215; (c) Provisional classification of psychical facts, 217. Likeness between tropistic and higher psychic activity, 220. First move toward showing the organismal character of the higher psychic life, 221. Associatwnist psychology a special case of elementalist biology, 228. Preliminary examination of objective and subjective, 231. The essence of Wundtian apperception, 2S2. Remarks on analysis and synthesis, 236. XXIII. ORGANIC CONNECTION BETWEEN PHYSICAL AND PSYCHICAL 239 A still closer look at the organismal nature of tropisms, 239. The automatic and anticipatory character of tropisms and other reflexes, 2^1. A still closer look at the likeness between higher rational life and tropisms, 2I/.2. A still closer description of the subrational moiety of psychic life, 246. Remarks on the classes of subrational life, 2J^6. Four certainties about the adaptiveness of subrational psychic activities, 250. Generally useful to individual and to species, 250. Many useful to species primarily, 250. Variability of subrational activities, 251. Tendency of subrational activ- ities to excessiveness, 256. Summary of organismal charac- ter of all subrational psychic life, 21 '4- Specificity of subra- tional psychic life, 276. XXIV. SKETCH OF AN ORGANISMAL THEORY OP CONSCIOUSNESS . 282 Remarks on the hypothetical character of this chapter, 282. The natural history method and the study of one's self, 282. Formulation of the central hypothesis, 286. Preliminary justification of the hypothesis as such, 287. More systematic justification of the hypothesis, 291. The nature of "outer" or objective and "inner" or subjective, 292. As to the lowest terms of self -consciousness, 308. Instinct and physical or- ganization, 310: Emotion and physical organization, 316. Glance at the' equilibrative interaction between "body" and "soul," 323. Support of the hypothesis by the physico-chem- Contents xiii CHAPTER PAGE ical conception of the organism, 32!>. Personality and ele- mentary chemical substances, 327. On the psychology of subjective and objective personality, 331. Personality and the "breath of life" viewed in the light of physical chemistry of the organism, 336. POSTSCRIPT 351 BIBLIOGRAPHY 359 GLOSSARY 377 INDEX • 39J LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 56. Skeleton of Python Frontispiece 36. Sperm of Fur Seal (After Oliver) 4 3T. "Young" Spermatid (After Ballowitz) 5 38. Spermatid of Fur Seal (After Oliver) 5 39. Spermatid of Fur Seal (After Oliver) 6 40. Spermatid of Fur Seal (After Oliver) 8 41. Spermatid of Fur Seal (After Oliver) 8 42. Development of Sperm of Argas Miniatus (After Casteel) 10, 11 43. Development of an Ascidian Egg (After Conklin) ... 17 44. Spinule Cell of Styela Yakutatensis (After Huntsman) . 44 45. Spinule Cell of Styela Plicata (After Huntsman) ... 45 46. Spinule Cell of Styela Greeleyi (After Huntsman) . . 46 47. Spinule Cell of Styela Montereyensis (After Ritter and For- syth) 47 48. Spicules of Sponges (After Lankester) 51 49. 50, 51. Development of a Spicule (After Lankester) . 52, 53 52. Trichomes of Papaver Orientale (After Cannon) ... 55 53. Trichomes of P. Pilosum (After Cannon) .... 55 54. Trichomes of P. Somniferum (After Cannon) .... 55 55. Side View of Amphioxus (After Parker & Haswell) . . 95 57. Tentacle of Halocynthia Johnsoni (Schematic; After Ritter) 98 58. Acacia Elata 99 59. Vicia Gigantea 100 60. Cassia Sp 100 61. Sequoia Sempervirens 101 PART I CRITIQUE OF THE ELEMENTALIST CONCEPTION OF THE ORGANISM B. The Production of Individuals by Other Individuals THE UNITY OF THE ORGANISM Chapter XIV EVIDENCE FROM METAZOAN GERM-CELLS THAT SUBSTANCES OTHER THAN CHROMATIN ARE THE PHYSICAL BASES OF HEREDITY Evidence from Spermatozoa JN our discussion we will be guided by the principle laid •*• down earlier and followed throughout our treatment of heredity in the Protozoa, namely, that descriptive onto- genesis brought to bear on the actual transformations which result in the production of specific organs and parts, is the final tribunal for the determination of what substances are hereditarily formative. The first inquiry will be whether there exist among the metazoa single-cell organs or parts which when fully formed exhibit species characters in the sense of taxonomic biology. If such elements do exist, ob- servation on the constituents of the undifferentiated cells which take part in the transformations, obviously may be expected to give us the information sought as to what substances are formative. Spermatozoa Subject to Heredity as WeU as "Bearers of Heredity" The comparative anatomy and comparative ontogenesis of the male germ-cells among animals, which have been pur- sued with great assiduity and skill during recent decades, 1 2 The Unity of the Organism furnish perhaps the largest mass of relevant facts we pos- sess from any one field. Innumerable researches on fully formed spermatozoa, the greatest single research being that of Retzius, give us ex- tensive knowledge of the variety of structure of the sperma- tozoa in the larger and smaller taxonomic subdivisions of the animal world. It would be going beyond the evidence to say that every well-characterized animal species may be identified by its spermatozoa; but unquestionably the trend of investigation has been toward such a conclusion. I believe, for example, it would be impossible to assert on the basis of evidence that any two species of animals belonging to different genera, no matter how much alike if their dis- tinctiveness is not questioned, have indistinguishable sper- matozoa. "One may say," writes Ballowitz, "that each ani- mal species has its own sperm-form of definite size." An attempt to illustrate fully this variety of form and size by specific examples is out of the question here. We will refer only to the specificity of the sperm of man himself. Ret- zius was able to compare in detail sperms of the Chimpanzee, Orang-Utan, Gibbon, and Homo, and found that while their resemblance is rather close, each possesses clear differential marks. For example, the spiral structure of the envelop of the central piece is considerably more distinct in the Chim- panzee than in Homo. Worthy of mention is the fact that, according to Retzius, the sperm of the Chimpanzee resembles that of Homo more closely than does that of the Orang, thus falling in with the fact that in several particulars of adult structure the resemblance of the Chimpanzee to man is closer than that of the Orang. The spermatozoa of a given animal group having a closer resemblance to one another than to those of other groups ; in other words, having a resemblance due to descent, are themselves subject to heredity and are not alone concerned in the transmission of hereditary attributes from parent to Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 3 offspring1. Especially important for us is it to notice that to a great extent the diversity of structure among spermatozoa is in the locomotor organ, the tail; that is, the organ chiefly concerned with the unique life of the sperm as such, and very little if at all concerned directly with fertilization and hence with hereditary marks of offspring. This fact de- serves attentive consideration. "In its more usual form the animal spermatozoon resembles a minute, elongated tad- pole, which swims very actively about by the vibration of a long, slender tail." 2 In some respects comparison of the spermatozoon of the type here indicated with an Appen- dicularian, a minute Tunicate which possesses a tail through- out its life, is more instructive. Any one who has had op- portunity to observe both sperm cell and appendicularian when alive and active will not have failed to remark the general resemblance, not only as to form but as to kind of movement in the two cases. Is the development of the Appendicularian's tail a manifestation of heredity? Surely no one would think of giving any but an affirmative answer. How, then, deny that the development of the spermatozoon's tail is also a manifestation of heredity? I cannot see that it would be less inconsistent to affirm that the wriggling ap- pendicularian is alive but that the wriggling spermatozoon is not, than to affirm that the ontogeny of the first is guided by heredity while that of the second is not. To bring the point onto somewhat more familiar ground, let us revert to Wilson's comparison of the spermatozoon to the tadpole stage in the life of the frog. Our contention is that the tail of the frog's spermatozoon is as indisputably modeled by heredity as is the tail of the frog's tadpole, and consequently that we are bound to search for the physical basis of hered- ity in the former as well as in the latter. Our inquiry is, then, What observations have we as to the substances con- cerned in producing the spermatozoon tail? 4 The Unity of the Organism (a) Illustrated by the Ontogeny of Mammalian Sperm Without exception, so far as I know, positive description of spermatogenesis affirms that the tail is produced from h.c. ra.p.-- FIGURE 36. SPERM OF FUR SEAL (AFTER OLIVER). h.c., head cap. n'k., neck, c.p., connecting piece, c.r., cytoplasmic remnant, g.a., anterior granules, g.p., posterior granules, an., annulus. m.p., main piece, e.p., end piece. other parts of the spermatid than the nucleus. For the lit- tle we can do in the way of giving objectivity to this general statement we will first examine the nearly mature, typical Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 5 mammalian spermatozoon (figure 36) of the Fur Seal. For the origin of the various parts we will make use of the summary given by Ballowitz (figure 37). Concerning FIGURE 37. "YOUNG" SPEHMATID (AFTER BALLOWITZ). 1, nucleus. 2, centrioles. 3, idiosome. 4, mitochondrial body. 5, chromatoid body. 6, spindle remnant. the nucleus, ./, "it is certain that in all animals the chroma- tin-containing part of the sperm proceeds from the nucleus." 3 On this point there is agreement among observ- ers ; so whatever may be the truth about the sperm-chromatin FIGURE 38. SPERMATID OF FUR SEAL (AFTER OLIVER). n., nucleus, c., centrioles. a.f., axial filament. as the physical basis of heredity for the adult animal, there is no question about its being such for the head of the spermatozoon itself. 6 The Unity of the Organism The centrioles (2, figure 37) are "almost always double and occupy a place in the spermatid close beneath the surface of the cell." ' The pair is typically so placed that the axis joining them is perpendicular to the surface of the spermatid, the member a.f. FIGURE 39. SPERMATID OF FUR SEAL (AFTER OLIVER). h.c., head cap. n., nucleus, p.c., proximate centriole. d.c., distal centriole. a.f., axial filament, s., remnant of sphere. toward the surface being known as the distal centriole and the one toward the center of the spermatid the proximal centriole (figure 39 d.c. and p.c.). As to the part played by each of these in the development of FIGURE 40. SPERMATID OF FUR SEAL (AFTER OLIVER). n., nucleus, c.h., chromatin granules, c.t.f., caudal tube filaments. the sperm we learn that after migrating inward until they come to lie very near the nucleus, if not in actual contact with it, the centrioles begin their development with the following out- come: "The proximal centriole . . . divides into two portions, closely adherent to the nuclear wall, each connected by a fila- ment to one distal group. The distal centriole divides into an Evidence from, Metazoan Germ-Cells 7 anterior and a posterior portion. The -posterior portion becomes the annulus (an., figure 36) while the anterior one divides again, forming the Noduli posteriores" 4 (g.p., figure 36). Throughout their career these bodies or granules are highly stainable with certain dye-stuffs. Out of the idiosome (3, figure 37) which as a rule is a body "fiir sich" — in itself alone — develops the perforatorium, or head cap of the adult sperm (h.c., figure 36). It is agreed that the mitochondria (4, figure 37) in the spermatids of many animals, particularly of many vertebrates "furnish the material" 3 for the spiral found in the connecting piece (c.p., figure 36) of the sperm. Although no spiral is present in the Seal sperm it may be represented, according to Oliver, by numerous granules sur- rounding the axial filament in the connecting piece. But while the connecting piece of the Seal sperm seems not to be typical as regards the spiral, it presents another structure, the caudal tube, or "manchette" of some authors, in a form which is specially instructive from our standpoint. In the adult sperm this struc- ture is a thin sheath enveloping the cytoplasmic part of the con- necting piece and lying in close contact with the persisting cell membrane. The point of special interest about it is that its persistence in the completed sperm of the Seal appears to be exceptional, for it is known to disappear entirely in the course of development of the sperm of several other mammals. It is a transitory or embryonic organ in some species of sperm, but a permanent one in other species, just as gills, for example, are transitory organs in the ontogeny of some species, as a frog, but are permanent in others, as fish, The development of the tube in the Seal sperm is especially favorable for observation. "It may be readily followed," writes Oliver, "from its first appearance up to its final incorporation in the connecting piece as a peripheral layer, or sheath." * Here then is a structure having all the essential marks of devel- opment due to heredity and likewise one the "physical basis" of which has been carefully observed. Mentioning a long list of investigators who believe in the "derivation of the caudal tube by a process of cytoplasmic differentiation alone" Miss Oliver tells us that her study of the development of the fur seal sperm is a complete confirmation of this view. As to the very begin- ning of the tube we read: "Shortly after the centrosomes and their tail filament have reached the nuclear membrane there appears in the cytoplasm surrounding the axial thread a series 8 The Unity of the Organism of delicate filaments attached to the nuclear membrane. The proximal ends of these arise in a circle around the basal end of the nucleus with the centrosomes as a center, while their distal ends project freely into the cytoplasm." 5 (figure 40 c.t.f.) These filaments "are at first very short and thin, but they in- crease in length and thickness rapidly. By the progressive dif- ferentiation of the cytoplasm between them they soon fuse into a hyaline tube, surrounding the axial thread and open at its lower extremity." (figure 41, c.f.) The capital point is that we have here a well-defined structure the development of which is in- -an. FIGURE 41. SPEEMATID OF FUR SEAL (AFTER OLIVER). h.c., head cap. c.t., caudal tube, an., annulus. dubitably proved to depend primarily on parts of the cell other than the chromatin. Indeed no one, apparently, has pretended that the chromatin takes a part in its production, for even those investigators who have not believed that it arises from the cyto- plasm alone have held that it originates from the membrane of the nucleus. About the chromatoid body (5) and the "spindle remnant" (#) (figure 37), little need be said in this connection as they seem to be inconstant structures the significance of which is in much doubt. Finally, mention should be made of the fact that a con- siderable portion of the cytoplasm is cast off entirely in the ontogeny of the sperm of many animals, as for example the seal, Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 9 the body (c. r., figure 36) being all that is left of the substance at the late stage represented. So mucli by way of illustration of the portions of the spermatid, or germ of the spermatozoon, in the vertebrated animals, for despite the great variety in struct- ural details presented by the sperm of this part of the animal kingdom I think all will agree that so far as concerns the chief point being made in this discussion, what we have presented is true of the whole phylum. (b) Illustrated by the Ontogeny of an Insect Sperm We will now examine the ontogeny of a very different type of sperm, from another portion of the animal kingdom, the insecta. The particular species chosen is the fowl-tick (Argas miniatiis). The investigation made use of is by Doctor D. B. Casteel. The series of figures (42 a, b, c, d, e, f, g,} will help to an understanding of the remarkable, almost unique sperm and spermogenesis in this animal. Figure 42a shows the nearly ma- ture primary spermatocyte. Especially to be noted are the mitochondria, mi., scattered uniformly through the cytoplasm, and the striated layer, *. I., on the outer surface of the cell. This layer is sharply demarked from the underlying cytoplasm. The striae, disposed perpendicular to the surface of the cell, are excessively fine, and when looked at in situ end on "suggest the appearance of a faceted compound eye or of honey-comb." 8 Concerning the genesis of this layer Casteel says, in a personal letter, that the layer begins to appear at the surface and grad- ually increases in depth until the completed state shown in figure 42a is reached. "The striae," he says, "appear to be forming from the undifferentiated cytoplasm sheath." All the figures from 42 b to g have to do with the transforma- tion of the spermatid (figure 42b) into the spermatozoon. From figure 42b one sees that the striated layer has disappeared on one side of the cell and thinned out greatly in a smaller area on the opposite side; that the nucleus, n, has moved to the surface of the cell in the middle of the area of disappearance of the striated layer; that the large plasmosomes, pi. 42a have almost entirely disappeared from the nucleus ; that the vesicular bodies v.b., as- sembled for the most part in the vicinity of the nucleus, are •i.t fp. FIGURE 42. FIGURE 42. DEVELOPMENT OF SPERM OF ARGAS MIXIATUS (AFTER CASTEEL). a., rupture point of outer tube, c.p., cilia-like processes, fl., flagel- lum. f.p., finger-form process, g.e., gelatinous envelop, i.e., in- 10 n.— -/ rru\- - fi- rm. FIGURE 42. vagination cavity, i.t., inner tube, mi., mitochondria, m.r., mito- chondrial ring, n., nucleus, o.d., oil droplet, o.t., outer tube, pi., plasmosome. s.l., striated layer. V.b., vesicular bodies, b.p., begin- ning of inner tube. 11 12 The Unity of the Organism in processes of degeneration and disappearance; and that the mitochondria, mi, look as though they had collected into two well-defined spherical masses m.r., on the side of the cell oppo- site the nucleus and near the small area of thinned-out striated layer. As a matter of fact these two apparent mitochondrial masses are the opposite sides of a ring seen in optical section. Transfoimiation of the general form of the spermatid now be- gins by the indentation of the side opposite the nucleus, this going on to produce first the quarter-moon shape shown at i.e., figure 42c. By the still further growth and narrowing the edges of the cup finally come together to produce the elongated cavity shown in figure 42d, o.t. This is the beginning of the outer tube which becomes long and relatively narrow as development con- tinues, (figure 42e, ».£.). At an early period in the growth of this tube the striated layer which naturally becomes shut into the tube breaks up over most of the circumference of the tube into what resembles a dense layer of long cilia. However, since the processes are not motile and later dissolve and produce a gela- tinous mass within the tube, their resemblance to cilia is only superficial. This account of the fate of the striated layer applies, as previously intimated, to most of the circumference of the outer tube. But the small thin area of the layer opposite the nucleus, shown in figures 42d and 42c, retains the cilia-like processes. This persistent basal patch (b.p., figure 42d) is the starting point for an important part of the future spermatozoon, the "inner tube" so called by Doctor Casteel (i.t., figure 42e). While these profound changes are going on in the portion of the spermatid opposite the nucleus, a stout, somewhat finger- like process, (f.p., figure 42d) is formed on the nuclear side of the spermatid, into the base of which the nucleus migrates. In the meantime the vesicular bodies have entirely disappeared, and the mitochondria, no longer disposed in the ring of earlier stages, have assembled into an irregular, rather diffuse mass toward the basal patch {mi., figure 42d). At the time when the outer tube has reached its maximum length and is somewhat coiled, the inner tube, starting at the basal patch previously described, begins to grow into the cavity of the outer tube. This growth continues until the inner tube is approximately as long as the outer tube. Figure 42e presents an advanced but not completed stage of growth of the inner tube i.t. In reality, according to Doctor Casteel's interpretation, the inner tube grows at the expense of the outer tube, for when the Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 13 two are of nearly equal length the entire spermatozoon is only about half as long as it was before the inner tube developed. All of the mitochondria of the cell are drawn into the inner tube as it grows, and finally form a deeply staining mass at the distal end of the tube {mi., figures 42e and 42g). During these transformatory operations the nucleus, greatly reduced in size proportionally to the spermatozoon as a whole, has left its former place at the base of the finger-like process, and been making its way along the wall of the outer tube, bur- rowing through the gelatinous layer on the outer part of this tube (n, figure 42e). This migration continues until, when the distal end of the inner tube reaches nearly the end of the outer tube, the nucleus lies in the wall of the outer tube opposite the end of the inner tube (n, figure 42f.) The final act of transformation takes place after the sperm has left the' male tick and lies in a spermatophore sac within the genital ducts of the female. This act begins with the per- foration of the end (a. figure 42 f) of the outer tube by the inner tube. Through the opening thus made the whole inner tube finally passes, really by a slipping back of the outer tube, so that, the eversion of this latter being completed, the two tubes constitute one continuous tube. By this act of turning inside out, the finger-like process in which the nucleus formerly lay (figure 42d, f.p.) isv brought into close proximity again with the nucleus. Some of the details of the final steps in the transformation Doctor Casteel has not yet been able to make out; but these are of little consequence for our discussion. Nor has the act of fertilization been observed. Going on the usual cri- teria, the end of the sperm containing the nucleus would be regarded as the head. But surprisingly enough, in moving, the opposite end, the end containing the mitochondria, goes foremost. This sperm and its development are so unique as con- trasted with those occurring in most animal groups, that one might be almost inclined to question whether there may not be something wrong here — whether the case may not be one of diseased growth, or the result of manipulative mal- 14 The Unity of the Organism formation, or something else. Any such suspicion is, how- ever, completely done away with by the fact that much the same type of spermogenesis is known to occur in other ticks. Casteel cites particularly the observations of Katharine Samson on the development of the sperm of Ixodes ricinus and Ornithodes moubata as furnishing cases to which that of Argas is "in many respects parallel." After all that has been said in the previous pages, it is almost needless to point out the significance for our general contention of this remarkable case of spermogenesis. Were we living in that comfortable era of life-philosophy wherein theologians studied nature for the purpose of proving that everything in it was made to meet some human need, we could easily recognize this case as one designed expressly to assist man in refuting the false dogma of Chromatinic Omnipotence in heredity. It is hard to imagine a developmental process in which denial of form-determining power to non-chromatinic, even non-nuclear parts of the cell would be a greater folly than would be the denial of cytoplasmic "form-determination" in the production of the striated layer of the spermatid, or of the growth of the outer tube, or of the inner tube, or of the turning inside-out of the outer tube. In fact, by far the greater part of the astonishing transformations here gone through are cytoplasmic, the nuclear changes being relatively slight. It may be worth while to remind the reader again, so boldly does the real truth about hereditary substance stand out in this case, that the cardinal evil in the chromatin dogma is that it implies the denial of great masses of the most direct observational evidence we have as to what the physical bases of heredity may be, and so tends to detract attention from them. We may predict that the important research which has made known this unique case of organic genesis will pass almost unnoticed by the geneticists of our Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 15 day. Were their attention called to it they would probably frankly say that they have little interest in genesis in this sense. That the sperm here described is not peculiar in every respect to the species Argas miniatus is certain from the meager comparative information we possess, as Casteel has shown. Nevertheless not merely general analogy, but strong indications contained in even the little comparative knowledge we have in this particular case, warrant the sup- position that in some respects the sperm of the species would be peculiar to the species, to say nothing of the genus, family and so forth. The development is, consequently, due to heredity, and the cytoplasm is "inheritance material" as ascertained by direct observation. Evidence from the Ovum We now turn to the ovum to see what can be learned con- cerning hereditary substance in the development of the ovum iself. Attention should be called at the outset to the important difference between the sperm and the ovum in the kind of specialization in each. The sperm, it will be noticed, is far more specialized for its own particular life than is the ovum, this "particular life" of the sperm con- sisting in its great power of locomotion. As a consequence of this difference, the ovum as an entity has no such sharp distinction from the ovum as a germinal element as has the spermatozoon. This difference is expressed in one way by the assertion that the fertilized ovum Is the individual organism in the one-celled stage of its life. No such state- ment is ever heard about the spermatozoon for the obvious reason that the sperm does not transform directly into the embryo as does the egg. From the absence of so distinctive a character of the ovum as such, it happens that the hered- ity of the ovum is not so distinguishable from the heredity of the organism of whose life it is a stage, as is the case 16 The Unity of the Organism with the sperm. Nevertheless we are bound to recognize that the egg no less than the sperm has hereditary attri- butes of its own, and that other substances than chromatin play a demonstrable part in the production of these. In- deed the main discoveries concerning what in an earlier chapter was called the promorphology of the egg are of this sort. There is one kind of promorphology that is of special importance to the present stage of this discussion. I refer to the kind known sometimes as "germinal localization" and sometimes as "organ forming substances" in the ovum. The idea, expressed in a sentence, is that in the eggs of some animals, portions of the egg destined to give rise to par- ticular parts of the future embryo are visibly different from other portions before cell division begins, in some cases even before maturation and fertilization occur. According to our understanding of heredity, these distinguishable por- tions of such eggs are themselves hereditary attributes not only of the animal species to which the eggs belong, but of the eggs, no less than are distinctive morphological features of the adult animals or of any developmental stages. The study of these attributes of eggs is peculiarly interesting since, belonging to germ-cells par excellence, if we can get observational evidence on both their origin and destination, we shall have direct evidence that one and the same substance is determined on the one hand by heredity, and on the other is a determiner in the strict genetic sense of hereditary at- tributes yet to be developed. (o) Eggs of Ascidianj — The Facts Because of the great importance of the observations of E. G. Conklin in this field, and of his general views con- cerning the bearing of his observations on heredity, we shall make his work the center of our examination. One of the most important of Conklin's investigations was on the eggs Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 17 of several species of Ascidians. Among the great merits of this investigation are the facts that the normal living eggs were studied with great care, and that the comparative method was employed to a considerable extent. •t.c. CIX. C IX. O.V. t.C. Cr. FKirilK 43. DEVELOPMENT OF AX ASCIDIAX EGG (AFTER COXKMX). cn., chorion. c.p., clear protoplasm, c.r., crescent of mesodermal substance, g.v., germinal vesicle, p.b., polar body, p.l., peripheral layer of protoplasm, t.c., test cells, y.h., yellow hemisphere of egg- yk-» y°lk- Three species of simple Ascidians, Ciona intestinalis, Mol- gula manhattensis and Styela partita furnished the eggs for the investigations. We will begin the examination by quoting from the sum- 18 . The Unity of the Organism mary of results, and then use these as the basis of a closer scrutiny of the conclusions. Under the head "Organization of the Egg" we find : "14. In the ovocyte of Cynthia partita there is a peripheral layer of yellow protoplasm, (p. Z.) a central mass of gray yolk, («/&.) and a large clear germinal vesicle (g. v.) which is eccentric toward the animal pole (figure 43a). These same parts are present in the eggs of other ascidians, but are differently colored. "15. When the wall of the germinal vesicle dissolves at the beginning of maturation divisions a large amount of clear protoplasm, containing dissolved oxychromatin, is liberated into the cell body. This clear protoplasm is ec- centric toward the animal pole and is distinct from the yolk and peripheral layer. "16. Immediately after the entrance of the spermatozoon the yellow and clear protoplasm flow rapidly to the lower pole, where the yellow protoplasm collects around the point of entrance ; the clear protoplasm lies at a deeper level. The yellow protoplasm then spreads out until it covers the sur- face of the lower hemisphere. This flowing of protoplasm to the point of entrance of the sperm is comparable with what takes place in many animals, though much more ex- tensive and rapid here than elsewhere (figure 43b). "18. The sperm nucleus moves from the point of en- trance toward the equator in a path which is apparently predetermined. This path lies in the plane of first cleavage and the point, just below the equator, at which the sperm nucleus stops in its upward movement, becomes the posterior pole of the embryo. The median plane and the posterior pole are probably not determined by the path of the sperma- tozoon but by the structure of the egg. All the axes of the future animal are now clearly established antero-posterior, right-left, dorso-ventral. 19. The yellow protoplasm "collects into a yellow cres- cent with its middle at the posterior pole and its horns ex- Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 19 tending about half way around the egg just below the equator (figure 43c. y.h.) This position it retains through- out the whole development, giving rise to the muscle and mesenchyme cells (figure 43 d. cr.) "20. ... At the close of the first cleavage (figure 43d) the nuclei and clear protoplasm move (c.p.) into the upper hemisphere and thereafter, throughout development, this hemisphere contains most of the clear protoplasm and gives rise to the ectoderm. "21. . . . When the clear protoplasm moves into the upper hemisphere the yolk is largely collected in the lower hemisphere. This yolk-rich area gives rise to the endoderm. "24. The chief factor of localization is protoplasmic flowing; cell division is a factor of subordinate value."7 From the numbers given in this quotation it will be recog- nized that only a portion of the summing up of results is here presented; and it will be understood that each item in the summary represents a lengthy, detailed description in the body of the memoir. This summary we may again sum- marize as follows: By the time the first division of the egg- cell is completed the portions of the egg which are to give rise to three great groups of tissues of the future animal are distinguishable from one another by definitely visible attributes. The clear protoplasm situated at the upper pole of the cell will give rise to the external epithelium or skin ; the yolk-laden protoplasm in the lower hemisphere will produce the epithelial lining of the digestive tract; and from the yellow protoplasm gathered on the surface at the lower pole will come most of the muscle and connective tis- sue of the animal. (6) Conklin's Interpretation Passing now to a consideration of these facts in relation to heredity we must not neglect to notice the two-fold aspect 20 The Unity of the Organism of the question, namely that we have to do on the one hand with attributes of the egg itself which are results or termini of the kind that gave rise to the conception of heredity; and on the other hand with these same attributes not as results but as causes or forerunners of later-appearing at- tributes, also by the same criteria due to heredity. That the egg attributes with which we are dealing are due to heredity is obvious from the fortunate circumstance that, as already indicated, the observations under review were comparative to considerable extent. Thus we have this general com- parison of the unripe eggs of the three species: "In the liv- ing eggs of Cynthia this peripheral layer is clear and trans- parent and contains uniformly but sparsely distributed yellow pigment, which seems to be associated with these small refractive spherules. ... In dona and Molgula also these three areas are distinguishable in the living egg before ma- turation, but not so clearly as in Cynthia. In Ciona the peripheral layer is nearly transparent, the yolk is a brown- ish red. ... In Molgula both the peripheral layer and the germinal vesicle are transparent, while the yolk is gray, with a faint lilac tinge." As an example of a very definite statement of specific difference between the eggs we read, "In Ciona, the same type of protoplasmic movement occurs as in Cynthia, but with certain minor differences." The evidence brought forward by Conklin of species differ- ences in eggs is not restricted by any means to Ascidians. In some of the gastropod mollusca, for example, similar re- sults were reached by a very notable research on the quanti- tative relations of various egg organs of several species of the genus Crepidula. To be explicit in a single case only, the relative volume of macromeres 3A-3D to 3a-3d was found to be 12.1 :1 in Crepidula plana and 59.3 :1 in C. convex. From a long series of determinations of difference, Conklin remarks: "One cannot study the eggs of different animals without being much impressed with the fact that Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 21 the distribution of yolk to the four macromeres is highly characteristic of different species and orders." Yet, as we shall have occasion to point out later, it seems certain that facts of this kind have deeper meanings than Conklin has appreciated. After all that has been said in previous pages about specific differences, the point aimed at here will be obvious. The "decidedly thicker" layer of peripheral protoplasm at the lower pole in Ciona than in Styela, and the brownish red yolk in Ciona as contrasted with the white yolk tinged with lilac in Molgula, are indeed "minor differences." But species differences in adults and in all other stages are minor as a rule. The difference between the transparent-white color of the full-grown Ciona intestmalis and the pale, green- ish yellow of the adult Molgula manhattensis is also minor as contrasted with the "same type" of organization of the two animals. But it is just this being true to type as re- gards minor differences in living beings that has given rise to the conception not only of organic species, but to a large extent, of heredity as well; and how can any one recognize the differential color of the grown-up Ciona as compared with the grown-up Molgula as due to heredity, but refuse to recognize the differential color of the eggs of the two animals as due to the same cause? We are, then, bound to accept the attributes of the eggs as the results of heredity, and so inquire about the "physi- cal basis" or "bearers" of these attributes. And this brings us again to the main issue of this section: Have we or have we not observational evidence that any other substance or substances than chromatin contribute to the production of the egg-phenomena under consideration? Conklin's conclusions and mode of reasoning as to the bearings of his observations on heredity are so crucial for the point now engaging us that we must examine them in considerable detail. Returning to the summary of results 22 The Unity of the Organism upon which we have already drawn we read: "26. The organization of the ovocyte is not the initial organization. The yellow protoplasm (mesoplasm) of the Cynthia egg is probably derived, at least in part, from sphere material (archoplasm) which arose from the nucleus at the last ovogenic division. The yolk (endoplasm) is formed by the activity of the 'yolk matrix' (Crampton) which also is probably sphere material. The clear protoplasm (ecto- plasm) is derived from the germinal vesicle at the first maturation division. Thus many important regions of the egg come, at least in part, from the nucleus, and a method is thereby suggested of harmonizing the facts of cytoplasmic localization with the nuclear inheritance theory." Again, we find : "This truly remarkable condition in which considerable portions of the cytoplasm are traceable to the nucleus is of the utmost theoretical importance. From all sides the evidence has been accumulating that the chromo- somes are the seat of the inheritance material, until now this theory practically amounts to a demonstration. On the other hand, all students of the early history of the egg have observed that the earliest visible differentiations occur in the cytoplasm, and that the position, size and quality of the cleavage cells and of various organ bases are controlled by the cytoplasm. However, in the escape of large quanti- ties of nuclear material into the cell body, and the forma- tion there of specific protoplasmic substances we have a possible mechanism for the nuclear control of the cytoplasm, and when, as in the case of the ascidians and fresh water gastropods, these substances are definitely localized in the egg, and can be traced throughout the development until they enter into the formation of the particular portions of the embryo, a specific mechanism for the nuclear control of development is at hand, and the manner of harmonizing the facts of cytoplasmic organization with the nuclear inher- itance theory is clearly indicated." Evidence from. Metazoan Germ-Cells 23 (c) Critical Examination of Conklin's Interpretation One is struck at the outset of a critical examination of these sentences by the fact that what is claimed is that ob- servations have been made whereby a method is "suggested of harmonizing the facts of cytoplasmic localization with the nuclear inheritance theory" ; and that this suggested harmonization of such localization with the "nuclear in- heritance theory" (not "chromatinic inheritance theory" be it noticed) is the final count in a mass of evidence which "practically amounts to a demonstration" that the "chro- mosomes are the seat of the inheritance material." In other words objective facts which are only suggestive of a conclusion as touching the inheritance role of the whole nucleus rise to the demonstrational level as touching the same role of very small parts of the nucleus. The method by which this particular piece of logical sleight-of-hand is performed is easy to see, for though va- ried to meet the exigencies of the special case, it follows the general scheme of elementalistic interpretation with which we have become familiar. In the first place, the fact that the observations furnish very little if any direct evidence that the chromosomes cause the cytoplasmic flowing and localization is made innocuous as evidence against the chro- mosome dogma by assuming that the flowing and localization do not themselves come under heredity. That such an as- sumption is implied in the argument seems certain from the fact that Conklin did not consider "that the general theory of chromosomes as the bearers of heredity which he had espoused made it incumbent upon him to take cognizance of the fact that he himself had in reality testified that portions of the nucleus other than chromosomes are the seat of inheritance material. We have here another and a very notable case of shielding a prevalent theory by defini- tion; that is, of shutting relevant but inimical facts away 21< The Unity of the Organism frcin it by definition. That Conklin should have been un- wittingly led into this is the more surprising in that his c\vn studies, particularly those on comparative morphology and physiology of the eggs of several groups of animals, have added largely to the proof that many of the gross attributes of the eggs themselves are subject to heredity. Ir.dccd no biologist has expressed more positively than he the conception that the egg is the individual animal in one of its stages of development ". . . from its earliest to its latest stage an individual is one and the same organism; the egg of a frog is a frog in an early stage of development and the characteristics of the adult frog develop out of the egg, but are not transmitted through it by some 'bearer of heredity.'"12 One wonders if Conklin really would maintain that only the attributes of an animal in the adult stage of its life are subject to heredity; or even that the attributes of any of its developmental stages are not so subject, were he con- fronted with the question in this form. Although I have been unable to find statements in his writings from which one may positively infer what his answer would be, yet several passages can be brought together which can not, I believe, be harmonized with one another, but reveal real contradiction. Thus in The Mechanism of Heredity, al- ready cited, we find: "Differentiation, and hence heredity, consists in the main in the appearance of unlike substances in protoplasm and their localization in definite regions or cells. Such a definition is as applicable to the latest stages of differentiation, such as the formation of muscle fibers, as it is to the earliest differentiations of the germ cells, and the one is as truly a case of inheritance as is the other. In short, different substances appear at an earlier or later stage in the development of all animals, and these substances are then sorted out and localized; this is differentiation [= heredity: see above]. Physiological division of labor in- . Evidence from Meia::can Ccr:n-Cdls 23 volves morphological division of substance; sorting out of functions implies sorting out of the material substratum of functions." 13 If cytoplasmic sorting out and localization as well in the earliest as the latest stages of development constitute dif- ferentiation "and hence heredity," how, one must ask, can the hypothesis that "the chromosomes arc the scat of the inheritance material" ever "practically amount to a demon- stration"? The only way, so far as I can see, to reconcile these two statements is to say that in so far as the expres- sion "seat of inheritance material" means anything, both chromosomes and cytoplasm are such seats, and hence that neither is the seat of it. But it is not enough to point out that there is contradic- tion here. We must try to discover just how so careful a reasoner as Conklin should fail to detect it, for we may feel certain that the failure is due not to mere oversight or carelessness but to some defectiveness in standpoint or gen- eral mode of procedure. Conklin fully realizes, as our quo- tations show, that movements of the cytoplasm go far to- ward determining the attributes of the eggs of Ascidians and many other animals. But the following makes the recognition still more definite: "Undoubtedly the most im- portant of all the localizing factors so far recognized are cytoplasmiq movements." 14 Assuming that our contention is valid that these localiz- ing factors of the cytoplasm are inheritance factors (and the virtual admission of this by Conklin in one of the two statements which we hold to be contradictory should be noted) we have still to see by what facts and reasoning Conk- lin reaches the view that his observations support the theory that "chromosomes are the seat of inheritance mate- rial." The observations in this case which support the chromosome theory are that the three kinds of cytoplasm of the egg: the yellow protoplasm (mesoplasm), the sphere 26 The Unity of the Organism material (archoplasm), and the clear protoplasm (ecto- plasm) come, at least in part, and at one time or another, from the nucleus. It is not claimed that the chromosomes or even chromatin can be observed to produce the cytoplas- mic localization or any of the other distinctive features of the egg, as for example the different colors characteristic of different animal species ; or the different kinds of proto- plasm in the same species. Just what can be observed as to the relation between the chromosomes and the several kinds of material which pass out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm is not much dwelt upon by Conklin in this investi- gation. The clear protoplasm (ectoplasm) he describes and figures very definitely as being the major clear mass of the germinal vesicle set free in the cytoplasm as the nuclear membrane dissolves at the beginning of maturation. The chromosomes are said to be distinguishable at this time as numerous small deeply staining bodies. They can be ob- served to collect together in the "center of the nuclear area" and certain things can be made out about the shapes, and arrangement relative to one another of the individual chromosomes ; but nothing is recorded to indicate that they take any part in the movements of the ectoplasm, much less in the production of it. Concerning the relation of the other two kinds of cyto- plasm, the yellow or mesoplasm and the sphere, material or archoplasm, to the chromosomes, Conklin's description is still more meager. An investigation by Crampton, however, has given particular attention to the relation of the sphere material, or as he calls it the yolk-matrix, to the chromatin. Crampton's results are the more significant for this discus- sion in that Conklin was undoubtedly acquainted with them. As the result of several searching tests of the chemical character of the yolk-matrix, Crampton says : "In Molgula, certainly, these granular masses are not chromatin in the proper sense." 15 Although Crampton believes the substance Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 27 called by him yolk-matrix and considered by Conklin to be the same as what he calls sphere material, arises from the nucleus, this belief rests not on direct evidence of the pass- age of the substance from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, but on the facts that when the substance is first seen in the oocyte it is a small mass situated in the cell-body or cytoplasm close in contact with the nuclear wall, and that it reacts to stains and digestive fluids in the same way that certain granular contents of the nucleus react. But Cramp- ton is very explicit in pointing out that this substance in the nucleus is not chromatin, at least of the ordinary kind. Upon treating the cells with digestive fluids it disappears from both inside and outside the nucleus, the true chromatin being then left in clear view as fine granules in the nuclear reticulum. So far as concerns the endoplasm, then, even though it be derived from sphere material and this in turn from the nu- cleus, the most trustworthy evidence we possess is to the effect that its primal nuclear source is not chromatin. In view of such facts as these, made known by Crampton and others, through what reasoning would Conklin, to whom the facts are familiar, still hold that taken all-in-all they sup- port the chromatin dogma of heredity? Readers whose minds have become sensitized to the general type of reason- ing which pervades nearly all elementalistic theorizing and makes it to some extent fallacious, will readily anticipate about how the argument will run in this case. But it will be profitable to see it in actuality. After saying that "some of the important cytoplasmic substances can be actually seen to come from the nucleus" but that "this does not indi- cate that these substances exist from the beginning in the nucleus ; on the contrary there is direct and visible evidence that they arise epigenetically," Conklin continues: "Such epigenesis, however, does not signify lack of primary organ- ization ; on the other hand all the evidence favors the view 28 The Unity cf the Organism that 7;«c7i of the organization of the cytoplasm is the or- ganization of the cl.romosomcs, which is definite, determinate and primary" 10 (Italics mine). There yen have it again ! Although it is freely granted that you can see the cytoplasm in the very act of arising epigenetically and moving about to become definitely located, that is, to become organized, still what you see is no part of the real essence of the business. "Back" of this, in the chromosomes, which, be it specially noticed, can not be seen to take any active part in the operations, we must conceive is the "organization" which is "definite, determinate and primary" — in other words which is The Ultimate Cause, so far as heredity is concerned. Again I repeat, wearisome as the iteration has become, that the fallacy in this sort of reasoning is not in holding that there is some causal power "back" of the phenomena to be explained, but that all such power is located there. That is, stating the general point in its application to the special case, the fallacy lies not in holding that the chromosomes contribute something to the hereditary attributes of the ascidians and other ani- mal groups whose development Conklin investigated, but in the implied denial that the cytoplasm contributes anything to it. Conklin probably would not admit that there is real contradiction between the observations by himself and oth- ers, on the part played by cytoplasm in the early stages of development, and his contention that the evidence now "prac- tically amounts to a demonstration" of the correctness of the theory that the "chromosomes are the seat of the in- heritance material." What he would probably contend is that the observations are opposed merely to the extreme form of the chromosome theory. Thus, speaking from an angle of the general subject a little different from that of cytoplasmic localization, he writes : "This conclusion is not a refutation of the nuclear inheritance theory, but it is a Evidence from Mctazcan Ccrxi-Cdls 29 profound modification of it." 17 And still more recently he has said, "Many biologists maintain that the nucleus and more particularly the chromosomes are the exclusive seat of the 'inheritance material' and that all the 'determiners' of adult characters are located in them. Against the extreme form of this theory many general and specific objections may be urged. General objections are based upon the con- sideration that the entire cell, cytoplasm as well as nu- cleus, is concerned in differentiation and that neither is capable of embryonic development in the absence of the other. Differentiation is indeed the result of the interaction of nucleus and cytoplasm, and how then can it be said that the nucleus is the only seat of the inheritance material?" An elaborate discussion of whether the language here used can be harmonized with the statement quoted above about the demonstration of the correctness of the chromosome theory, by saying that the views expressed in the last quota- tion merely involve a "profound modification of the nuclear inheritance theory" would smack too much of pure dialectics to deserve a place in this volume. Our sole concern is with the truth about the thing itself. Conklin's position would be so far satisfactory if he would permit us to understand his statements "the entire cell, cytoplasm as well as nucleus, is concerned in differentia- tion," and the one about modification of the nuclear inheri- ance theory, to mean that cytoplasm is "inheritance mate- rial" and contains "determiners." Evidence that cytoplasm contains "determiners" is even more positive than is that for the theory that chromosomes are the seat of such things, for the simple reason that we can observe abundantly cyto- plasm in the act of producing hereditary structures, whereas we rarely observe chromosomes operating directly in this way. But such permission would not, I fear, be forthcoming. If it would be, one is at a loss to understand why the terms "hereditary substance," "physical basis of heredity," "de- 30 The Unity of the Organism terminers," "factors" and the like, constantly used in con- nection with the chromosomes are never used in connection with cytoplasm. Indeed, so well does Conklin present the general argument for the participation of cytoplasm in the development of hereditary structures that it is surpris- ing, not to say disappointing, to find him neglect to present the most specific argument we have to the same effect, name- ly that the genesis of a vast range of such structures can be directly observed to be largely due to cytoplasmic trans- formations. One other passage in Conklin's general argument is so significant that we must reproduce it. "Differentiation is indeed the result of the interaction of nucleus and cyto- plasm, and how then can it be said that the nucleus is the only seat of the inheritance material? If held rigidly, this theory involves the assumption that the cytoplasm and all other parts of the cell are the products of the chromosomes, and that therefore the chromosome and not the cell is the ultimate independent unit of structure and function; an assumption which is contrary to fact. Furthermore, since heredity includes a series of fundamental vital processes such as assimilation, growth, division and differentiation, there is something primitive and nai've in the view that this most general process can be localized in one specific part of the cell, something which recalls the long-past doctrine that the life was located in the heart or in the blood, or the ancient attempts to find the seat of the soul in the pineal gland or in the ventricles of the brain." 19 This passage contains several well-sent shafts not only against chromosomal elementalism, but against the elemen- talist standpoint generally. And I must recur again in con- nection with it, while the facts of egg organization as pre- sented by Conklin are fresh in mind, to the perception, indicated in previous chapters, that the physical-chemistry conception of the cell must be extended to the organism. If Evidence from Metazoan Germ-Cells 31 Conklin once sees the full force of this contention, he will, we may hope, be ready to let go entirely of the idea that the facts of cytoplasmic organization must be "harmonized with the nuclear inheritance theory." u He will then see that there is no more necessity for harmonizing the facts of cytoplasmic organization with the nuclear inheritance the- ory than there is for harmonizing the facts of nuclear or- ganization with the theory of cytoplasmic inheritance. REFERENCE INDEX 1. Ballowitz 255 2. Wilson, E. B. ('00) 135 3. Ballowitz 27T 4. Oliver 489 5. Oliver 479 6. Casteel 646 7. Conklin ('05) Ill 8. Conklin ('05) 11 9. Conklin ('05) 21 10. Conklin ('05) 114 11. Conklin ('05) 101 12. Conklin ('08) 90 13. Conklin ('08) 92 14. Conklin ('05) 102 15. Crampton ('99) 48 16. Conklin ('05) 101 17. Conklin ('08) 98 18. Conklin ('15) 162 19. Conklin ('15) 163 Chapter XV EVIDENCE FROM SOMATIC HISTOGENESIS IN MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS WE must now give the greatest possible concreteness to the general truths stated by Conklin that growth is the result of the interaction between nucleus and cyto- plasm and that heredity includes such fundamental vital processes as assimilation, growth, division, and differentia- tion. But the one and only way, I again insist, to attain concreteness and certainty in the matter is through a maxi- mum of observation coupled with a minimum of inference. That is, the goal must be reached mainly by direct study of the anatomical, histological and physiological transforma- tions through which hereditary attributes are produced. The issue can be met squarely only by a still further considera- tion of what we actually know about the participation of all sorts of elements of relatively undifferentiated cells in the production of obviously hereditary parts. The study of interactions between nucleus and cytoplasm and of as- similation growth, etc., in germ-cells is not enough. What we have seen in preceding pages about the development of organs in the protozoa and in spermatozoa is that much toward the end sought. Our task now is to consider the local transformations by which structures are produced in multicellular organisms, especially in those which develop from eggs. The Mitochondria! Theory of Heredity This task may well begin by examining the recent efforts to locate the "hereditary units" in the mitochondria of the 32 Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 33 cytoplasm instead of in the chromosomes. This effort is just as misdirected as is the effort to make chromatin the sole hereditary substance. According to the organismal conception, all life phenomena, including those of inheri- tance, consist in the activities and interactivities of an enormous number of substances and units and forces, all of which, in exhaustive analysis, are dependent upon the organ- ism as a living whole. It is, therefore, as futile to hunt in one corner as another for the physical basis of heredity in an exclusive and more or less metaphysical sense. Any one who has grasped this idea will know beforehand that the proposal to make mitochondria fully explain heredity is doomed to failure no less certainly than was the proposal to make chromosomes or any one kind of cell element play such a role. But hypotheses, the falsity of which might have been seen before they were tested, may still be useful. If those who propose them can be convinced of their fallacy in no other way than by testing them then it is better that they should be tested even though much time and labor be given to the task. Again, the evidence brought out which dis- proves an hypothesis may be highly useful in establishing some alternative general view. This result has been espe- cially striking in the case of the mitochondrial hypothesis of hereditary substance. By bringing the cell-body back into the field of interest, from which it had been largely excluded so far as heredity was concerned, by the nuclear inheritance theory, the mitochondrial hypothesis has resulted not merely in proving that mitochondria are not bearers of heredity in the elementalist sense, but that in a rational sense they are sometimes rather closely concerned in the production of hereditary structures ; and, of even greater importance, that still other cytoplasmic material is likewise so concerned. The only reason why the mitochondrial theory of hered- ity is less interesting than the chromatin theory is that there is so much less observational evidence in support of it. 34 The Unity of the Organism In fundamental principle the one is no more and no less acceptable than the other. Any half plausible suggestion that a particular minute, obscure part of the germ-cell may be a "bearer of heredity" seems to endow that part with a peculiar fascination to biol- ogists who have the elementalist habit of thinking, and this secures to it an inordinate attention until the untenability of the hypothesis is so overwhelmingly proved that even the most credulous are forced to abandon it. Several biologists have recognized something of the state of mind here indicated without, however, perceiving its real meaning. Thus in a review of the work of Meves, which will be examined presently, we read : "the new interpretation which Meves gives at this time indicates that many are still dissatisfied with the all-sufficiency of the [nuclear] theory, and are eagerly seeking and grasping, as it were, the first visible sign of any other substance which may serve to carry the hereditary qualities." The remark to be made about any statement of this kind is that the real though usually unperceived ground of dissatisfaction is not with the all-sufficiency of the nuclear theory of heredity, but with the all-sufficiency of any theory that attempts to local- ize the function of carrying heredity in some small, specific fraction of the germ-cells; and that the attitude which Doctor Payne well characterizes as "eagerly seeking and grasping" which has marked so much of recent search after the physical basis of heredity, has a large measure of genu- ine illusion in it. Inspired by the ages-old, alluring belief that an imperceptible final cause and explanation is hidden somewhere within or behind whatever is grossly sensed, the pursuit becomes "eager and grasping," which is another way of saying that it becomes more or less irrational and fitful. The truth of these remarks is rather strikingly exempli- fied in the short, somewhat feverish history of the mitochon- Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 35 drial theory of heredity. The meager observational support for the hypothesis that these particular cell members are generally bearers of heredity relieves us from the necessity of examining it in any such detail as we examined the chro- mosome theory. But there are several things about it of so much importance that we must look into it somewhat. The name mitochondria was first used by Benda for a "new cell organ, perhaps serving a specific function." Benda's original view was that the function served is that of the motility of the cell. But in a later publication he presented observations which seemed to him conclusive proof that the mitochondria of the sperm are situated in parts of it which enter the egg at fertilization. This last suggestion gave an added impulse to the study of the bodies occurring in the cytoplasm and soon many new names were applied to them, for they were soon found to present differences in size, shape, and reaction to chemicals. It seems, however, that the present state of knowledge justifies us in applying to them all the one term, mitochondria, though without imply- ing that they are all exactly alike. They may be held to be generically alike but specifically different. The first investigator to set up definitely the hypothesis that cytoplasmic elements of this class are bearers of hered- itary qualities seems to have been Meves. Only a few of the very many investigations since devoted to the subject can be noticed, these being selected for their bearing on particular aspects of the problem. In the first place, the position of Meves himself is important. Accept- ing the assumptions formulated by O. Hertwig in 1875 of a "substance which carries over the beginnings (Anlagen) of the parents to the child," 2 and that "this substance exists (in the germ-cells) in an original, histologically undifferen- tiated condition" ; 3 and adding his own reflection that not all the cytoplasmic parts of the spermatozoon (for example, the axial fiber of the tail) possess inheritance potencies, he 36 The Unity of the Organism advanced the hypothesis that the mitochondria answer the conditions of Hertwig's theory for the cytoplasmic part of the male, though probably not of the female germ-cells. Thus Meves reached the rather attractive conception that "heredity is accomplished through protoplasm and nucleus together." Were we to know no more than this about his theory we might suppose his position to be that of a genuine integrationist. However, his very next sentence does not permit us to question any further the orthodoxy of his ele- mentalism. "The qualities of the nucleus," he says, "are carried over by the chromosomes, those of the plasma by the chondriosomes." In other words the working together of nucleus and cytoplasm which he conceives is not of the sort which makes the part played by each contribute to all the results, but that one set of elements produces its partic- ular part of the total effects, while another set produces another part of the effects. The Mitochondria], Theory Tested by the Ontogeny of the Spermatozoa The utter inadequacy of this hypothesis is shown by some of the same evidence which revealed to us the inadequacy of the chromatin theory, namely that when we come to study the histogenetic processes by which innumerable hereditary attributes are produced, we find portions of the cytoplasm other than the mitochondria taking the leading part in the production. Perhaps no single one of the many instances examined by us of cytoplasmic participation in the produc- tion of attributes refutes Meves' hypothesis more complete- ly and instructively than that of the developing sperm of the fowl tick already described. We have already examined this case as one of special weight in proving that the cell-body, in contradistinction to the nucleus, is hereditary substance. Now we must see the conclusiveness Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 37 with which this particular ontogeny disposes of the mitochondrial hypothesis of heredity so far as this case is concerned. Recurrence to the description and figures (42 a, b, c, d, e, f ) will recall that the mitochondria, widely distributed through the cyto- plasm in the early spermatocyte (nn.) assemble into a rather sharply defined ring-shaped mass (m.r., figure 42b) as the cell transformation proceeds, and finally take a position in the devel- oping sperm about as remote as they can get from some of the most actively and fundamentally changing parts of the organism. (mi., figures 42 e, f, g). There is no more possibility of explaining the development of many of the parts of this sperm, the outer sheath, for example (o.t., figures 36e and f ) as due to the influence of the mitochondria than as due to the influence of the nucleus. And I point out again for the hundredth time what the real issue is here. The observations certainly do not exclude the possibility that the mitochondria exercise some invisible influence on the development of, say, the outer sheath. There may be or there may not be such an influence. But the observations do show conclusively that cytoplasmic portions of the cell other than mitochondria are operative in producing the outer sheath. It should be said in concluding this reference to the sperm of the chicken tick that Casteel finds the mitochondria located finally in the end of the sperm opposite that which contains the nucleus ; and that this end goes ahead in locomotion, the motion being pro- duced by a circlet of mobile processes at this end. From this he believes that the contractile elements are mitochondrial in origin. The conjecture that the mitochondria of the spermatocyte take part in producing the motor elements of the sperm tail is perhaps strengthened by the observations of other students, notably Lewis and Robertson. These investigators were able to follow the mito- chondria in the ontogeny of the living sperm directly into the tail, where they transform into two equal threads situated along- side the axial filament. T~he Mitochondrial Theory Tested by Histogenesis If this hypothesis that mitochondria in developing sperm cells give rise to the motion-producing structures of the sperm tail, then the mitochondria would be genuine "inheri- tance material" for these particular elements, the hereditari- 38 The Unity of the Organism ness of the motile elements being especially striking in the case of the chicken tick sperm from the fact that the mode of locomotion in this spermatozoon is almost unique. But while the case of mitochondria and other non-nuclear parts of the cell in the development of the spermatozoa, ought to be conclusive that although mitochondria can not be "hered- itary units" in any general sense, they, as well as other cytoplasmic parts, may contribute to the production of hereditary structures, yet it would not be so accepted, prob- ably, by the most exacting theorists because such biologists would not allow that a spermatozoon, being unicellular, can have organs and parts which are subject to heredity "in the strict sense" (i.e. in the sense of the definition of hered- ity set up by these persons). We must, consequently, pro- ceed to the specific task of this section; namely that of considering what is known about the part played by mito- chondria in the histogenesis of hereditary structures in multi-cellular organisms. Nearly all the studies centered upon the question of whether the mitochondria are bearers of heredity have gone on the assumption, quite inadequate according to my view, that the problem is to be solved by ascertaining whether or not the bodies are persistent cell organs, take a definite part in fertilization, and are contributed in equal quantity by the female and male germ-cells. In other words the assump- tion has been that the same criteria which have been relied upon to prove that chromosomes are bearers of heredity* must also be applied for deciding whether or not mitochon- dria have the same office. But numerous studies have also aimed to follow the mitochondria in the genesis of tissues, and herein lies the chief importance of investigations in this domain. Not only have they greatly increased our knowledge about the role played by various parts of the cell in histogenesis, notably of the cytoplasmic parts, but they have put us in possession of much precise information E-vidence from Somatic Hist agenesis 39 as to what "hereditary substance" is. The results and conclusions thus far reached are on the whole so diverse, often so conflicting, that any attempt at a general review of them would be useless for this discussion. However, certain of the results, actual or claimed, are im- portant. For example, at one extreme it is contended that the mitochondria are the immediate precursors of the most distinctive elements of all classes of adult tissues. Thus Meves: "All these differentiations (of embryonic cells into tissue cells) however heterogeneous they may be, arise through the metamorphosis of one and the same elementary constituent of the plasma, the chondriosomes. The chondri- osomes are the material substratum lying at the basis of the processes of differentiation, which become the specific sub- stances of the different tissues." As an extension of this view we learn from Lewis and Lewis and other reviewers that the following tissues are reported on the authority of a long list of workers to be produced by the mitochondria: fibrillse, myofibrillae, fibrillae of epithelial cells, corneous sub- stance, secretory granules, fat, leuco-, chloro- and chromo- plasts, the test substance in foraminifera, and various other tissue elements. But several investigators, notably E. V. Cowdry, have shown the inconclusiveness of the evidence on which the con- tention is based that neurofibrils originate from mitochon- dria. "There is no evidence," Cowdry says, "that mito- chondria are transformed into neurofibrils. . . . The mi- tochondria do not show, either by a variation in their morphology, staining reactions, or in any other fashion, . . . indications of being transformed into material of dif- ferent chemical composition." 7 Furthermore, he shows that the mitochondria do not diminish in quantity in any way commensurate with the increase of neurofibrils, as the neu- roblasts transform into ganglionic cells. Eminently worthy of note, as bearing on our contention made some pages 40 The Unity of the Organism back, that cytoplasm itself is hereditary substance, is Cow- dry's detailed description of neurofibrils as a "differentia- tion of the ground substance" of the neuroblasts. And in a later paper the same author makes a strong case of the view that while mitochondria are "associated in some way with the formation of many substances," 8 it is highly im- probable that they transform into them. On the whole the tendency of the latest investigations appears to be to deny that the bodies produce, in a strict sense, any tissue elements. Thus as a result of their quite remarkable studies on mitochondria of living cells Lewis and Lewis say, following the enumeration given above: "The above theories seem impossible to correlate. It seems evi- dent that the mitochondria are too universal in all kinds of cells to have the function of forming any one of the above structures of differentiated tissue, and in the light of what cytological chemistry is known, it appears practically impossible for the mitochondria to form all the cell struc- tures mentioned above. In view of the fact that the mito- chondria are .found not only in almost all animal cells but in plant cells as well it seems more probable that they play a role in the more general physiology of the cell." The idea that the mitochondria are primarily concerned with the metabolism of the cell appears to be gaining ground under the present comprehensive and critical methods of investi- gation that are being applied to them. The Untenable Hypothesis that the Cytoplasm of the Ovum is Inheritance Material for General but not for Special Characters A number of biologists have recently put forward the hypothesis that while the cytoplasm of the egg-cell may be "hereditary material" for certain of the general attributes of the organisms, chromosomes "carry" the hereditary, Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 41 of the more specific attributes. This conception has arisen from a considerable range of observations to the effect that for quite a time in the early ontogeny of many animals some of the attributes of the embryo can be seen to come directly from the cytoplasm of the egg. Thus both Driesch and Loeb have taken special notice of the fact that, as expressed by Loeb, "when the protoplasm of the egg possesses a strik- ing pigment the larva will possess the same for some time at least"; and that "if such an egg is hybridized with the sperm of a form whose egg is unpigmented, the larva will, of course, possess a 'maternal' quality which is due solely to the protoplasm (Driesch)".10 And in the same connec- tion, Loeb continues : "It is obvious, then, that during the first stages of development an influence of the protoplasm upon heredity may make itself felt, which will disappear as soon as the protoplasm of the egg has been transformed into the tissues of the embryo." One of the cardinal questions we have to consider may be formulated in connection with this last quotation: Have we a right to assume that because an obvious influence of the protoplasm upon heredity dis- appears on the transformation of the protoplasm into tis- sue, therefore all such influence of the protoplasm ceases? To answer this question through observations upon the protoplasm of the cells concerned just before, during, and just after the transformations is exactly the central aim of this section. I can not refrain from making use of another sentence from Loeb to aid in defining the problem more clearly. "It does not seem to me," he writes, "that a discussion as to the relative influence of protoplasm and nucleus upon heredity will prove very fertile, but that it is necessary to transfer this problem as soon as possible from the field of histology to that of chemistry or physical chem- istry." 10 I quite agree that "discussion as to the relative influence of protoplasm and nucleus upon heredity" can not be very fruitful. But the grounds of my skepticism are 42 The Unity of the Organism widely different from those of Loeb. According to my view, the question is not one to be settled by discussion at all, but by observation coupled with a measure of consistent reasoning. Assuming that I am right, to "transfer" the problem "from the field of histology" if this really means, as it seems to, that the problem should be taken away from histology, no matter whether to the field of chemistry or any other, would be to remove it all the further from ob- servation and plunge it so much the deeper into discussion. I have not the slightest doubt that chemistry, especially biochemistry pursued on the principles of physical chem- istry, will have to be made large use of before the fullest possible understanding of the mechanism of heredity is reached. But this use will have to go hand in hand not only with morphological studies on germ-cells, but as well on hosts of cells during the whole ontogeny. Chemical in- vestigation will have to supplement, it cannot supplant, it cannot even lead, histogenic investigation. If there is one thing made more positive than any other about heredity by modern study of the subject, it is that heredity is some- thing which pertains to the smaller taxonomic grades of organisms, races, varieties, species and so forth. It would seem, accordingly, that hardly any suggestion for the study of heredity could be wider of the mark than one to trans- fer it from the only field which makes any pretense of in- vestigating the details of development, and taking it into a field like that of physico-chemical activity, which is no- toriously devoid of the very attributes without which there would be no such thing as heredity. Having once ascer- tained by observation as much as possible about how hered- itary attributes are actually produced, it will then be in order to learn as much as possible about the chemistry of the processes. Chemistry can do its share in solving the problems of heredity after and not before histogenesis has done its share. Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 43 Conklin has expressed more definitely than any other biol- ogist with whose writings I am acquainted, the idea men- tioned above, that cytoplasm "influences" heredity in early ontogenetic stages, and also influences adult attributes of the major taxonomic groups, but becomes inoperative in the later stages of development, the heredity of these being transferred to the nucleus. He says, "In slwrt, the egg cytoplasm fixes the general type of development and tJie sperm and egg nuclei supply only the details." And fur- ther: "We are vertebrates because our mothers were vertebrates and produced eggs of the vertebrate pattern; but the color of our skin and hair and eyes, our sex, stature, and mental peculiarities were determined by the sperm as well as by the egg from which we came. There is evidence that the chromosomes of the egg and sperm are the seat of the differential factors or determiners for Mendelian char- acters, while the general polarity, symmetry, and pattern' of the embryo are determined by the cytoplasm of the egg." n If two points in this last quotation be viewed in the light of a large mass of relevant evidence not usually taken into account in recent discussions on heredity, and if strict consistency in the use of terms be maintained, the general conclusion will be quite different from that stated by Conklin. These two points, the conception of "differen- tial" and of "determiner," must now receive attention ; but first I will illustrate my position by a case presenting the kind of evidence to which I have referred. Species Attributes in Single Cells of Adult Organisms In general, this evidence comes from the field of histology, or more strictly histogenesis. The most convincing, because the most direct, evidence from this source is that pertaining to the development of hereditary structures in adult meta- zoa and metaphyta. The structures in such organisms 44 The Unity of the Organism which are the most indubitably hereditary are those which distinguish the smaller but yet definite taxonomic groups. A little consideration will convince one that about the most crucial cases would be those in which the development of differential attributes could be traced directly to cell struc- ture and development. It so happens that vast as is our knowledge of histogenesis, the part of it which answers directly to the requirements here laid down is by no means large. The S pinnies of the Ascidian Genus Styela The best instances I have been able to find are super- ficial appendages in some animals and plants, so small that they consist of a few cells or even of a single cell. One strik- ing instance of this sort has come to light in my own studies. FIGURE 44. SPINULE CELL OF STYELA YAKUTATENSTS (AFTER HUNTSMAN). n., nucleus. It is that of the minute spines which cover the inner surface of the branchial siphon in some species of the ascidian group of Styalids. Huntsman first called attention to the fact that each spinule is a single cell, and that at least in some cases the structures furnish differentiating attributes for species. Miss Forsyth and I have reexamined the point for Styela montereyensis and S. yakutatensis, and are able to Evidence -from Somatic Histogenesis 45 confirm Huntsman's results. As Huntsman had opportun- ity to study the matter in a larger number of species than Miss Forsyth and I have had, the following description is taken largely from his paper. Figures 44a, b, 45, 46 are from Huntsman and figure 47 is from Ritter and Forsyth. By comparing figures of what may be called the dorsal view (figures 44a, 45, 46) with the side view (figure 44b) it is seen that the distinctive feature about the cell which con- stitutes the spinule is a shield-like plate on one side of the somewhat elongated cell, the distal end of which projects more or less beyond the cell body, the whole resembling to FIGURE 45. SPINULE CELL OF STYELA PLICATA (AFTER HUNTSMAN). some extent the end of a finger with its nail. The shield is harder than the rest of the cell, and is probably com- posed of the same material as the general "test" of Ascid- ians, animal cellulose. The spinules are so placed that the basal portion is embedded in the surface layer of the test on the inside of the siphon, the shield being on the free side of the cell with its free edge pointed toward the lumen of the siphon. The specific attributes furnished by the spinules depend upon the shape and structure of the shields. The free edges may be truncate (figure 44, S. yakuta- tensis), or long-pointed (figure 46, S. greeleyi), or low- conical (figures 45, 47, S. plicata, S. montereyensis) . Again the edge may be smooth (figures 46, 47, 5. greeleyi 46 The Unity of the Organism and S. montereyensis) , or it. may be serrate (figures 44, 45 S. yakutatensis, S. plicata). Viewing this case in the light of considerations put for- ward on the preceding pages, the pertinent queries about the heredity of the shields almost ask themselves : What is FIGURE 46. SPINULE CELL OF STTELA GREELEYI (AFTEE HUNTSMAN). the "inheritance material" that causes the shield to be short and truncate in S. yakutatensis and long-pointed in S. greeleyi; or that explains the serrated edge in S. yakuta- tensis and S. plicata as contrasted with the smooth edge in S. montereyensis and S. greeleyi? Is the "seat" of that ma- terial in the cytoplasm or the nucleus of the shield-produc- ing cell? Unfortunately we have no direct observational information about the genesis of the spinules. But the Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 47 indirect evidence which bears on the point favors over- whelmingly the view that the cytoplasm is chiefly responsible for the shield. Huntsman supposes the spinules to be de- rived from the cells of the cellulose tunic characteristic of ascidians. He may be right in this ; but it may be, too, that they are derived from the epithelial lining of the siphon. The matrix of the cellulose tunic is undoubtedly largely if not wholly produced by the ectodermal cells. It is usually held to be secreted by these cells; but in some cases, in FIGURE 47. SPINULE CELL OF STYELA MONTEREYENSIS (AFTEE RITTER AND FOHSYTH). Perophora for example, a portion of the cytoplasm of the cells seems to become transformed into the cellulose. The process of transformation can be particularly well seen in the cells which line the branchial siphon of developing blas- tozooids as shown in figure 32, plate III of my memoir.12 The parts of the cell-bodies turned toward the cellulose are here long drawn out and the protoplasm gradually becomes indistinguishable from the surrounding cellulose substance in which it is imbedded. If now we imagine this protoplasm to transform not into the characteristic cartilage-like cellu- lose mass spread over nearly the whole surface of the body, that from innumerable cells fusing into a common mass, but each cell to retain its individuality, its protoplasm becoming the shield of a spinule, we should have what these styelids 48 The Unity of the Organism actually present. But whatever be the cells which transform into the spin- ules, all the available evidence indicates that the cytoplasm is the chief source of the shield part of the spinule. The possibility is not excluded that the nuclear chromatin also plays some part in the development. Indeed investigations, notably those by Duesberg on the ascidian egg made since "cytoplasmic inclusions" have come into prominence are distinctly favorable to such an hypothesis. But this is very far from proving that such chromatinic influence, assuming it to exist, reduces the cytoplasm to pure passivity. In the light of what is here set forth let us examine the view expressed by Conklin and quoted above that the egg cytoplasm fixes the general type of development, while the nuclei of egg and sperm together "supply only the details." The examination should be the more cogent from the fact that Conklin's idea was based largely on his investigation of ascidian eggs, some of which pertained to the very same genus, Styela, as do the spinules just described. The reader should not fail to notice that both Conklin and myself are dealing with single cells, he having to do with egg-cells, while I am concerned with spinule cells. Nor should the fact be lost sight of that these two categories of cells stand at about opposite extremes in the life career of an individual Styela, the egg being at. the very beginning, while the spinule is produced at or near the completion of adulthood. Since, however, both cells possess attributes distinctive of the species, there can be no more "filling in of details" at one end of the series than at the other, so far as concerns the differential attributes under consideration. Now comes the main point. The differential attributes of the egg-cell and early embryo, their "polarity, symmetry, and pattern," are "determined by the cytoplasm," to use Conklin's own words. What is the evidence that these attri- butes are thus determined? That of direct observation, Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 49 as the examination of Conklin's work has shown. But if on the basis of such observation it can be asserted that attri- butes of egg and early embryo are determined by the cyto- plasm, how escape asserting that the same sort of evidence touching the production of the adult attributes, those per- taining to spinule cells, are likewise determined by the cyto- plasm ? It was remarked above that if all known relevant facts were taken into account and consistency in terminology be maintained, Conklin's statement to the effect that we are vertebrates because our mothers were vertebrates and pro- duced eggs of the vertebrate type, but that our species and racial characters, color of skin and hair, and so forth, are determined by the chromatin of both parental germ-cells, would have to be greatly modified. We are now in position to see what modification is necessary. Although the state- ment is undoubtedly true that we are vertebrates because we develop from vertebrate eggs, the implication that the attributes which identify us with the human species and the Caucasian race are explained, so far as heredity is con- cerned, by the chromatin of the germ-cells, whether male or female or both, is not in accordance with all the observed facts bearing on the problem. The same kind of evidence on which the assertion is based that the embryonic charac- ters are determined by the egg cytoplasm, requires the assertion that skin and other adult characters are deter- mined by the same means. This leads to the remarks we have to make about con- sistency in the use of terms. The critical reader will hardly have failed to notice the difference in application of the word "determined" as used by Conklin in the quotation we are examining. When it is said that the color of skin, hair, stature and so on are determined by the germ-cells, the determining act or condition is far removed from that which is determined, and no direct causal connection be- 50 The Unity of the Organism tween the two is established. On the contrary in the state- ment that the polarity, symmetry and pattern of the egg are determined by the cytoplasm, the determination is im- mediate and observed. Manifestly in a literal sense "de- termined" is properly used in the second connection but not in the first. The cytoplasm is operative on the spot, so to speak, in the second case. It is concerned with an immedi- ate result. The germ-cells on the other hand are not really determiners. They are not concerned with an end result, but are if anything instigators of a long developmental series at the far end of which appear the attributes in question: skin, color and the rest. If this case of spinule production stood alone as an instance of specific characters in adult animals traceable to cytoplasmic activity of individual cells, it would be a rather small base on which to erect a general argument in favor of cytoplasm as inheritance material. But it does not stand alone. Indeed, the company to which it belongs will almost certainly be found to be legion when systematic investigation of the subject shall have been made. The Spicules of Sponges and Other Invertebrates I will cite a few more cases. In several widely separated groups of animals, spicules, usually either calcareous or silicious, are present in some of the tissues. These are often produced by one or a very few cells, and often, too, their shape, size, and probably other attributes differ from species to species even of the same genus. The spicular system reaches its greatest development and has been most studied in sponges. "The spicules of sponges," writes Sedgwick, "in the diversity, symmetry, and intricacy of their form, in the perfection and finish of their architecture, constitute some of the most astonishing ob- jects in natural history." 13 Figure 48 gives a hint of the Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 51 facts on which this statement is based. Although the prob- lem of what all these spicules are for does not directly con- cern us, indirectly it does, as the following further remarks of Sedgwick will indicate. "While it is pretty clear," he says, "that the main function of the skeletal structures is the support and protection of the sponge body, it is by no means easy to give explanations of the diversity and com- FIGURE 48. SPICtJLES OF SPONGES (AFTER LAXKESTER). plexity of form which they present. The form of the megas- cleres is probably connected with the form of the canal sys- tem with which they are in relation (F. E. Schulze) ; but the form and even the existence of the microscleres defies any reasonable explanation." And then comes this statement, highly significant for almost any discussion of heredity: "By some spongologists the small spicules are regarded as functionless, and as having on that account a greater value for classificatory purposes." 13 If any one wishes to be convinced of the extent to which the spicule forms differ with different species, he should 52 The Unity of the Organism consult such systematic monographs as those of Schulze and Sollas in the reports of the Challenger Expedition. A picture of such a group of spicules as that shown in figure 48 reminds one of pictures of ice crystals he has seen; and the question may well be raised, Are not these spicules in reality crystallization forms, and hence as devoid of hered- itary significance as are snow flakes? The fact that the form they have depends on the particular group of sponges to which they belong, i.e., that they follow the rules of biological taxonomy, is very strong evidence that they are FIGURE 49. DEVELOPMENT OF ,A SPICULE (AFTER LANKESTER). genuine organic productions, and not mere crystallizations. And the further fact that they follow this rule even though many of them appear to have no functional significance in- dicates that their particular forms are due to heredity and not to modeling by extraneous influences in each individual sponge. But we are not left to such general evidence for support of the supposition that they are true organic products and subject to heredity. Their development has been studied by several zoologists and the results leave no doubt about their nature so far as this point is concerned. A single instance will be enough for our purpose, but it should be remarked that many others could be given. This is taken from the excellent summary of what is known about sponges written by Minchin for Lankester's Treatise on Zoology. "To form a triradiate spicule three cells migrate into the parenchyma from Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 53 the dermal epithelium and become arranged in a trefoil-like figure (Figure 49). The nucleus of each cell then divides into two, in such a way that one nucleus is placed more deeply and one more super- ficially. Between each pair of sister nuclei a minute spicule ray appears, the three rays being at first distinct from each other but FIGURE 50 — SEE soon becoming united at the center of the system (Figure 50 tr. syst.*). As the rays grow in length the protoplasm of each actino- blast becomes aggregated around each of the two contained nuclei and finally more or less completely segmented off to form two formative cells, of which the one placed more internally travels to the tip of the spicule ray, while the other remains at the base FIGURE 51 SEE 49. b.f.c., basal formative cell, tr.syst., triradiate system. (Figure 51, b.f.c.}. The apical formative cell sooner or later dis- appears, returning, apparently, to the epithelium. The basal formative cell remains at the base of the ray (Figure 51), until this portion is secreted to its full thickness. It then migrates slowly outwards along the ray, and in the fully formed spicule is found adherent to the extreme tip." 54 The Unity of the Organism That such a mode of development is entirely foreign to crystal production hardly needs to be remarked. But if further proof to the same effect were demanded, one other strong piece of evi- dence is the fact that most of the spicules are not composed of inorganic substance alone but have a core of organic matter. Although the technique for the examination of cytoplasm de- veloped during these last years has not, so far as I know, been applied to the spicule-producing cells of sponges, we can be reasonably sure from the study of other secretory cells what the general results will be when such application shall have been made. They will bring out numerous details not now known of how both the nucleus and the cytoplasm act during spicule pro- duction. Surely it is not necessary for me to dwell again on the main point of the evidence here presented. The nuclei of the spicule-forming cells may take an active part in pro- ducing the spicules. Indeed from our general knowledge of nuclear activities, illustrations of which were given in an earlier chapter, it is probable that such will some day be demonstrated to be the case. But the proof of nuclear activity in spicule production will not be disproof of the already observed cytoplasmic activity in spicule production. Other animals that may be mentioned in which spicules are produced in much the same way and have the same taxo- nomic diversity and constancy are the alcyonaria among coelenterates, the holothurians among echinoderms, and some of the compound ascidians, particularly of the family didemnidae. Relative to the specificity of the structures in holothurians, we have this piece of significant information : "These calcareous bodies are of great value to the system- atist in classifying the smaller groups, such as genera and species. Although their general characteristics are fairly similar within the several families, the different shapes of spicules are not sufficiently constant to be used as diagnos- tic characters of such large divisions."15 In other words, so far as these animals are concerned, should it be found, Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 55 as it almost certainly will be, that the cytoplasm is "hered- itary substance" for the production of spicules, the reverse of Conklin's generalization that the cytoplasm determines the larger taxonomic features of animals while chromatin is the seat of the inheritance factors for "filling in details" turns out to be true. Species-marking details are just what we are able to see the cytoplasm fill in. The "Hairs" of Higher Plants For a few more instances of species characters in multi- cellular organisms brought down to single cells, we turn to the plant world. FIGURE 52. FIGURE 53. FIGURE 54. FIGURE 52. TRICHOMES OF PAPAVER ORIENTALS (AFTER CANNON). FIGURE 53. TRICHOMES OF P. PILOSUM (AFTER CANNON). FIGURE 54. THICHOMES OF P. SOMNIFEHUM (AFTER CANNON). The "hairs" or trichomes borne on the leaves, flowers and smaller stems of innumerable flowering plants are usually composed of only a few cells, so that the characters they have are often referable to the individual cells. Can- non has lately investigated these structures in several groups of plants, and while he was not aiming at the particular question now occupying us, some of his results are quite to the point for this discussion. An example of particularly distinct specificity of the hairs is presented in the following: "The trichomes of the three species [of poppy] are similar 56 The Unity of the Organism in form and size, but they are unlike in quality of rough- ness. In Papaver orientate (52 a, b) and Papaver pilosum (53 a, b,) the distal ends of the superficial cells project be- yond the general surface of the trichome and turn out at a rather acute angle. In Papaver somniferum, however, these cells did not extend beyond the general surface, with the effect that the trichomes of this species are smooth (fig- ure 54 a, b)." 16 This is especially instructive because the attribute in question pertains to the shape and position of cells, and not to differentiation within the cells. There, consequently, is no room for even a reasonable surmise that the attribute is explained by the chromatin instead of the cytoplasm. Even though the account gives no information about the position and behavior of the nuclei of the cells, it is hardly con- ceivable that any one would maintain that the substance itself of the cell-tips is not the main factor in the out- turning of these tips characteristic of Papaver orientate (figure 52 a, b). Dealing with quite another type of trichomes, those of the walnut, Cannon writes: "A character which easily dis- tinguishes the short secreting trichomes of Juglans cali- fornica from those of Juglans regia or Juglans nigra is the length of the head-cells." 17 Both drawings and tables of measurements of the heads showing lengths and diameters are given to bring out the positiveness of the distinction. Furthermore, details of cell division and cell structure dur- ing the development of the trichomes are furnished; so the visible evidence that the cytoplasm is "inheritance material" in this case is beyond question. What the invisible evidence may be remains for further investigation to discover, but of one thing we may be sure: no matter how many facts of development now invisible may later become visible they will not destroy the validity of the present visible evidence. How far it would be possible to go on pointing out specific Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 57 characters of plants that are referable to individual cells I do not know; but judging from the instances that come to view even in my limited knowledge of the subject it might be carried to an almost indefinite extent. Another instance which I recall from the experience of my student days is the case of mosses. The serration of the leaves, I remem- ber, was one of the features relied upon for generic and specific characteristics, and I also remember that the indi- vidual teeth often if not always consisted of one or a very few cells. Cell-wall Structures In Higher Plants That the cell-wall is a structure of great importance in plants is known to everybody; and the veriest tyro in plant histology has learned something of the enormous variety and definiteness of character in different tissues and dif- ferent kinds of plants presented by this part of the cell. A very brief reference to two plant structures, pollen- grains and wood tissue, will be, perhaps, a sufficient re- minder of what there is for us in this domain. A typically formed pollen-grain is a minute spheroidal body containing two cells, one known as the antheridial or germinative cell and the other as the sterile or vegetative cell. The wall of the grain consists of an outer coat, the exine, and an inner, the intine. The elaborateness of structure which these coats may reach is astonishing if regarded in the crepuscular light of the theory that cells are "simple" things. The most dis- tinctive thing about the pollen-grain is the pollen tube which is produced on one side of the grain and through which the antheridial cell reaches the ovule in fertilization. The taxonomic variety which is our main interest just here pertains largely to the sculpturing of the surface of the exine and to the structure of the exine at the point where the pollen tube will break through. It is well known to botanists that the "spikes, warts, ridges, combs, etc." of 58 The Unity of the Organism the surface of the grains are in general definitive of taxo- nomic groups of plants. And concerning the places of emergence of the pollen tube we read: "The number of these peculiarly organized points of exit is a fixed one in each species, and often in whole genera and families." As to the way these various structures are produced we have this very definite statement: "The sculpturing upon the outer surfaces of the spores of mosses and ferns and the corresponding pollen grains of the Phanerogams can in most cases be attributed to the activity of the protoplasm surrounding the developing spores." 19 That the main tissues of plants present taxonomic char- acters is amply illustrated in the wood-tissues. The facts concerning these tissues have been almost forced into prominence by the needs of fossil botany, though they have also been much studied as a part of ordinary plant mor- phology. The section on fossil wood in Zittel's Handbook of Palaeontology is a considerable resume of knowledge in this field, and contains numerous statements and figures which bring out impressively the general truth of the specificity of the tissues of trees. After necessary allowance is made for the strictly botanical unsatisfactoriness of many of the species and genera recognized by palaeobotanists, it is not doubted, so far as I know, that on the whole the kinds of tissue they describe do in reality represent different kinds of trees. A single illustrative quotation will serve to make concrete what is here dealt with in general terms : "The phloem segments, like those of the xylem, are divided by few-seriate pith rays into rather regular two- to four- seriate rows of cells made up of thin-walled, small-celled elements in the trunk of Zamia ftoridana, etc., and Stan- geria. But ... in the trunks of Cycas, Dion, Encepha- lartos, Macrozamia and doubtless most cycads, as likewise in the Cycadeoideae, sclerenchymatous elements are more or less numerously and regularly interspersed among the Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 59 row cells, thus giving much more strength to the stem." 20 And the author goes into considerable detail in discussing the presence and the absence of "wood tracheids," "scalari- form pittings," "border pits," "spirally thickened walls" and "sieve tubes" in the genera Zamia, Cordaites, Stangeria and Cycas. That this well-nigh endless variety of character of the cell- wall in adult plant tissues is due to the activity of the cell protoplasm appears never to be questioned by botanists so long as they are dealing with the actual structure and development of the wall. "The cell-membrane is produced by the protoplasm," we read in the section on morphology in the Lehrbuch der Botanik by Strasburger, Jost, Schenck and Karsten (llth German edition) this section being from the pen of Strasburger himself. This simple, unqualified statement of fact by Strasburger is the more noteworthy because, as we saw in another connection, he has been one of the extremists on the chromosome dogma of heredity. Reading his statement that the cell-membrane is produced by the protoplasm, with the indubitable fact in mind that this membrane presents innumerable characters which are taxonomically definitive, and hence are hereditary according to the best criteria we have of hereditary characters, it seems impossible to avoid seeing that it implies an irrec- oncilable contradiction of Strasburger's often-repeated view that the chromosomes are the sole bearers of heredity. To round out the primarily factual part of this discussion two questions remain to be considered : first, that of heredity in the main classes of tissues of multicellular organisms ; and second, that of the results being reached by the latest methods of cytoplasmic study on the behavior of different portions of the cells in the histogenesis of these tissues. What is implied in these two questions can be made clear by a special case. Is the minute structure of striated muscle tissue, for example, subject to heredity? If so, are the 60 The Unity of the Organism hereditary attributes determined by the chromatin or by the cytoplasm of the myogenic cells? Applying our usual test for hereditary structures, we ask whether or not this tissue presents attributes characteristic of the taxonomic groups, species, genera, families and so on. Here again, while we have a vast store of knowledge about the structure and genesis of muscle tissue in many kinds of animals, only incidentally, as a rule, have the studies been made from the taxonomic standpoint. The Morphology of Striated Muscle Fibers For one series of very recent studies that comes near this standpoint we are indebted to H. E. Jordan. On the taxo- nomic aspect of the matter Jordan writes: "A quite gen- eral consensus of opinion considers them more or less closely related, and ranks them both between Crustaceans and Arachnoids. Lvmukis muscle, however, is in appearance very much more like vertebrate than like insect muscle; while the muscle of the marine arthropod Anoplodactylus is of the typical insect type." 21 Of the numerous differences between the fibers of the two animals compared, reference to two will suffice for our purpose. They concern the so-called M and Z lines found in the light bands of most striated muscle tissue. What Jordan regards as one of the important re- sults of his work on Limulus muscle was the evidence secured that the Z line represents a membrane, as some observers have believed, the specially convincing evidence being the fact that the "line" is attached to the sarcolemma periph- erally and to the nuclear wall centrally. These rela- tions are lacking, he says, in the sea-spider's muscle. The M line, he tells us, is especially well developed and hence easily demonstrated in the sea-spider muscle in some states of contraction, while he failed, as have other students, to detect it at all in the Lvrmdus muscle.22 Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 61 So we come again to the real issue. Assuming the Z membrane to be a cytoplasmic structure, as it has practi- cally always been held to be, are we going to deny that the cytoplasm itself causes the peculiarity of the Z membrane in the sea-spider as compared with that in Limtdus, that denial being necessitated by the dogma that the real "seat" of the difference is the chromatin of the nucleus operating by some invisible "factor" perhaps of the nature of an enzyme? The extent of variety in striated muscle tissue is brought impressively to view in such a comparative study as that by Marceau. His main object is not to find differences but to discover whether in spite of structural differences they have similar traits, as if they might all be derived from a single primitive form which has undergone more or less profound modification. Of the many differences which the investigation sought to re- duce to orderliness on the basis indicated, only two will be men- tioned. From an elaborate table of measurements of the diameter of fibers, we find the following results for the sheep and pig : 23 Maximum Minimum Average Sheep 25/i 5/t 15p, Pig 45 5 20 The other point selected concerns "striated scleriform trans- verse bands" characteristic of the muscle fibers of the vertebrate heart. This time the animals we choose are the horse and cow. The thickness of the band is given as exactly the same in these two, but the distance between the bands is 140ju for the horse and 120/i for the cow.24 The Physiology of Muscle Fibers We might go on almost endlessly, pointing out slight but con- stant specific differences that involve differences in muscle struc- ture, questioning in each case whether the hereditary cause of this difference lies in the cytoplasm or chromatin of the muscle 62 The Unity of the Organism cells. But such repetition would be useless for the present dis- cussion. Striated muscle tissue is specially favorable for testing hypotheses about inheritance material from the functional side as well as from the structural s.ide. For example, there are innu- merable differences, larger and smaller, in the limb movements of animals belonging to different species and genera. I know of no observations which precisely connect activities of this sort with muscle tissue; but information concerning the electromotor force in various animals is available. The following on the au- thority of Englemann, taken from Winterstein will serve our purpose. The values are those of the "demarcation current" of galvanic electricity of heart muscle, this current being generated by making a cut surface at the base of the heart and the natural surface at the apex act as a galvanic pile: 25 Animal species Electromotor force in D. Anguilla fluviatilis 0.0265 Rana esculenta 0.031 1 Triton cristatus 0.0124 Tropidonotus natrix 0.036 Testudo graeca 0.022 Columba livia 0.0458 Cygnus oler 0.0168 Mus musculus v. albino 0.040 Mus rattus v. albino 0.0446 Lepus cuniculus 0.0363 These investigations appear to have been made from the stand- point of general physiology, and therefore not to have been car- ried out with the systematic exactness and exhaustiveness de- manded for taxonomic discrimination. We may consequently presume that more searching examination of the same series would considerably modify these results, but we have no reason to suppose that they would eliminate altogether the differences due to the animal species^ After due allowance is made for the purely physiological and environic causes which undoubtedly explain a great many of these differences, probably no biologist would hesi- tate to grant that many of them have an hereditary basis. Turning again to the question of the seat of the hereditary Evidencr from Somatic Histogenesis 63 factors, we are now especially attracted by the functional aspect of the subject. To an unsophisticated physiologist studying the phenomena involved in this question, it would probably never occur that more than one answer is possible. Well-informed as such a physiologist may be supposed to be on the important part known to be played by the nucleus in the life of the cell, he would undoubtedly take it for granted that the whole nucleus, its chromatin with the rest, con- tributes in some fundamental way to the result. But unless well indoctrinated beforehand with the chromosome dogma of heredity, he would almost certainly be amazed were some one to contend seriously that the cytoplasm is not the material basis of the hereditary peculiarities exhibited. He would reply, "Why, you are virtually denying that the substance of the muscle fiber is the real seat of muscular activity, thus implying a contradiction of the 'universally accepted principle that the potential chemical energy of the muscle substance is the primary source of muscular energy in all its manifestations' 2e for surely muscular energy 'in all its manifestations' would'include those elements of mus- cular activity which are hereditarily distinctive of different kinds of animals." That the cytoplasm is at least the main source of the muscle substance furnishing this energy would not be ques- tioned, probably, by any histologist, but the definiteness of view held at the present time on this subject is worth re- calling and is indicated by such statements as the following: "The energy of contraction is the transformed surface- energy of the ultimate structural elements or colloidal par- ticles (submicrons) composing the fibrils."27 Presumably there would be much difference of view among physiologists as to the validity of the chemico-physical part of Lillie's theory of muscular contraction ; but apparently there would be very little dissent from that part of his view which locates the processes, whatever their exact nature, in 64 The Unity of the Organism the muscle fibers. So it would be merely a matter of suf- ficient patience to go over all the tissue systems, epithelial, glandular, bony, nervous, and the rest, and point out nu- merous certain, and innumerable probable instances of dif- ferences for different taxonomic groups of animals, and to show that these hereditary differences are expressed pri- marily in the cytoplasm of the cells. Summary of Positive Information about the Physical Basis of Heredity We have explored a vast region of fact and theory con- cerning propagation and development in organisms, for the purpose of ascertaining what is actually known about the organs and substances by which hereditary attributes are produced. Expressing the matter in terminology familiar to current discussion on heredity, we have been trying to find what is actually known about the physical basis of heredity. If clear-cut, unequivocal information of the kind sought is contained in all»we have seen, it ought to be statable in a few simple sentences. What has been accomplished may be epitomized in two such sentences: First. Overwhelming observational evidence has been se- cured that the cytoplasm of cells participates directly m the formation of organic parts which have hereditary at- tributes. Second. A great mass of evidence, partly of observation and partly of legitimate inference from the principles of organic integration, has been secured, that the chromosomes of the germ-cells in plants and animals which propagate by means of such cells, participate in the production of or- ganic parts having hereditary attributes. Any substance which plays such parts in development may be named a physical basis of heredity; and these two Evidence from Somatic Histogenesis 65 groups, or categories of knowledge must, it seems, serve as the foundation of all legitimate reasoning about such "basis of heredity," or "inheritance material," or "hereditary fac- tors," or "bearers of hereditary qualities," or whatever ex- pression for the idea be employed. REFERENCE INDEX 1. Payne 190 2. Meves 816 3. Meves 81T 4. Meves 820 5. Meves 850 6. Meves 845 7. Cowdry ('14) 416 8. Cowdry ('16) 436 9. Lewis and Lewis 393 10. Loeb ('06) 181 11. Conklin, ('15) 176 12. Ritter ('93) 13. Sedgwick 82 14. Minchin ('00) 107 15. Goodrich 224 16. Cannon 13 17. Cannon 23 18. Goebel 367 19. Campbell 51 20. Wieland 197 21. Jordan ('16) 493 22. Jordan ('16) fig. 7 496 23. Marceau 273 24. Marceau 280 25. Winterstein Ill 26. Luciani Ill, 85 27. Lillie, R. S. ('16) 255 Chapter XVI THE INHERITANCE MATERIALS OF GERM-CELLS INITIATORS RATHER THAN DETERMINERS Antecedents of the Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Theories of Inheritance Material FOR the purpose of calling vividly to mind the character of the evidence on which the two propositions rest with which the last chapter ended, it will be profitable to cast a glance back on the course along which biology has come down to us, with a view to finding a sharply out- standing spot in the early growth of knowledge which led to each of them. On the botanical side such a spot in the knowledge of cytoplasm as hereditary substance, is the work of Schleiden on the microscopic structure of adult and developing plant tissues. The publication of his Ueber Phylogenesis, 1838, may be taken as the starting point of our knowledge of cellular transformation in the production of tissues. It should be remembered that the observers of that period had very hazy notions about the distinction between nucleus and cell-body, or cytoplasm. On the zoological side the publication by Ehrenberg, in 1836, of Die Infusionsthierchen als volkommene Organismen may, I think, be looked upon as the first milestone in the progress of knowledge of cytoplasmic transformation into tissue sub- stance. The ever-broadening stream of knowledge of the chromo- somes in relation to heredity is usually held to have orig- inated in the discovery forty years ago, by O. Hertwig, 66 •Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cetts 67 that the most essential fact in fertilization is the union of the nuclei of the male and female germ-cells. That cytoplasm is a physical basis of heredity is proved by a great body of direct observational knowledge. That the chromatin of chromosomes is a physical basis of heredity is proved by much observational knowledge when this knowl- edge is supplemented by reasoning involving the principles of biological comparison and correlation. These two masses of knowledge constitute, as already indicated, the founda- tion of all legitimate reasoning about inheritance material. Whether chromatin and cytoplasm are the only substances which participate in the formation of hereditary structures can not now be stated with certainty, though there are both observational and general grounds for believing that they are not. But into this question we need not enter in this discussion. Nor is it necessary for our purpose to inquire very particularly whether the conceptions of chromatiin and cytoplasm really imply just two substances or two great classes of substances, though it is best to have in mind the undoubted fact that the latter alternative is the true one. Beyond a doubt "chromatin" and "cytoplasm" ought al- ways to be understood to mean "kinds of chromatin" and "kinds of cytoplasm." Function, of Chromosomes in Heredity Acquired and Secondary The question which specially concerns us here is that of what the relation is between chromatin and cytoplasm in virtue of which they play the particular roles they are found to play in producing hereditary structures. Perhaps the most important aspect of this general question is that which the theory of phyletic evolution naturally brings up: does the evidence in hand suggest any answer to the question whether chromatin or cytoplasm is the more primitive and 68 The Unitt) of the Organism fundamental as hereditary substance? Surveying as we have the whole field of organic propagation, including the process in unicellular organisms as well as in multicellular, and sexless as well as sexual methods of reproduction, and taking the facts as they actually present themselves, it seems as though but one answer to this inquiry is possible: The substances included under tht generic term cytoplasm are the more fundamental and primitizre. The only possible way of escaping this conclusion is by excluding from the conception of heredity the vast majority of developmental phenomena presented by unicellular organ- isms and by monogenic propagation in multicellular organ- isms. As our examination of these provinces revealed, such exclusion is exactly what the chromatin dogma of heredity has undertaken, implicitly or explicitly, to fix upon biology. The utter unwarrantableness of this undertaking was made sufficiently obvious, we may assume, by the examination; so we need spend no time on that now. All that is necessary is to remind ourselves vividly of the main positive outcome of the examination: Heredity is a universal phenomenon of the living world. It is coextensive with organic propagation and development, while "carrying heredity" by chromo- somes is, according to the evidence, very far from a uni- versal phenomenon. It is a long way from being coex- tensive with organic propagation and development. We may, consequently, proceed in our quest of a more rational, more consistent, more satisfactory conception of the purely operative side of producing hereditary structures. Pur- suing the quest, we remind ourselves of having found that only the most meager observational evidence is afforded by the protophyta and protozoa, and by monogenic metaphyta and metazoa, that chromatin is hereditary substance, while these organisms afford an overwhelming mass of such evi- dence that cytoplasm is hereditary substance. But if in the lower, more primitive moiety of the organic Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 69 realm, chromatin is a physical basis of heredity to only a limited extent and in a partial way but has this office widely and positively fixed in the higher moiety, the moiety, that is, in which bisexual propagation is fully established, what other conclusion can be drawn consistently with the modes of reasoning universally sanctioned by evolutionists, than that the function of "carrying hereditary qualities" by the chromosomes in higher organisms is a secondary or ac- quired, or better a delegated or assigned function? Hered- ity is far older, phylogenetically, and far broader tax- onomically than is the chromatin mechanism by which it now in part manifests itself. Under this interpretation the acquisition by chromosomes of the function of carrying heredity would belong to the same evolutional type as for example the acquisition by certain cells of the function of muscular contraction, or by certain other cells of con- ducting nervous stimuli. The advantage and satisfaction of a conception of the role of chromosomes in heredity which ranges them naturally and easily with all other or- gans and tissues of the plant and animal body will be quickly seen by every one to whom the seemingly endless chance of discovering new interrelationships and consis- tencies in living nature is one of the most rewarding things about biological investigation. While we are duly impressed with the importance of per- ceiving that chromosomes fall into the great class of other organs and tissues when considered from the standpoint of phyletic differentiation of structure and function, we should not fail to notice that within the class they hold on a number of counts a very distinct place. Probably the most distinctive of these counts, at any rate the one most important for this discussion, is the fact that while the vast majority of tissues, taking the term in its usual meaning, stand at or near the termination of the ontogenic series — are, in other words, the final stage in the series — the chro- 70 The Unity of the Organism mosomes in their function as bearers of heredity stand at the beginning. They represent the initial stage in the series. Furthermore, their function in this respect is unique as contrasted with the function of other tissues, in that while other tissues have, typically, each a single function which they perform immediately, the chromatin of a given germ- cell has a great complex of functions, namely, that of ini- tiating the development through which all the attributes of the individual during its whole life-career are developed. In a word, chromosomes of germ-cells are not determiners or carriers of determiners ; they are initiators or carriers of initiators. They may, then, be called bearers, or carriers of heredity in a very literal sense, namely in the sense that they are made use of by one individual, the parent, to carry across or transfer from itself to another individual, the child, the hereditary attributes of the species in a latent or potential state. By virtue of their being thus used, they are members of a developmental series, in which series their place is at the beginning and not at the end, the nature of the series depending on the phylogenic history of the par- ticular organism to which the particular chromosomes be- long. The Two-fold Character of the Problem of Hereditary Substance At this point it becomes a matter of the greatest im- portance for theories about hereditary substance to dis- tinguish between the problem of the operation of such sub- stance in the developing individual, and that of how such substance ever came to be hereditary substance; stated otherwise, between the problems of how any substance par- ticipates either directly or as an agent in the building up of a structure having hereditary attributes, and that of how the substance itself became impressed with the attributes, in Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 71 a latent state, of the progenitors of the developing in- dividual. Investigation of the first of these problems is to a large extent a matter of observation, as we have seen in the pre- ceding pages. The sub-science of histogenesis consists largely in tracing out the processes by which completed tissues arise by the transformation of less differentiated or undifferentiated cells. And when such newly arisen tissues and structures are proved to be hereditary by such evi- dence as we have called attention to, then the study of histogenesis comes to be so far a study of hereditary sub- stance. When, however, we turn to the other problem, that of how hereditary substance comes to be such, we are in a different, a much more difficult case, for so far science has succeeded in getting almost no observational hold upon it; and despite the vast discussion it has received the darkness that envelops it is hardly an iota less black than it was the day of its original formulation. But stygian as the darkness is, here, especially as to details, we yet are able to see, probably, the quarter from which light will come if ever it does come. That quarter is the physical-chemistry con- ception of the organism as a system of phases the whole of which, as a species entity, is essential to its equilibrated activities. This nature of the organism, together with some- thing akin to its internal secretory and enzymic productiv- ity, enables it, we may conjecture, by some means now wholly unknown, to reflect its totality of transferable at- tributes upon the germinal cells and to transform them into a latent state. Ungrudging acknowledgment of the complete- ness of our ignorance of how any part of a cell or any other portion of an organism becomes endowed with the capacity to develop or causally to affect the development of an organism similar to that from which it came, should be an important item in the preparation to accept any and all indubitable 72 The rtiiti/ of the Organism facts connected with heredity, even though no causal ex- planation of them is forthcoming. The childlikeness, as Conklin well characterized it, of the belief that chromosomes are a simple and complete ex- planation of inheritance would not be so bad in itself. If it stopped there, as genuine childlikeness would, no posi- tive harm could be done. It is the making of this belief the starting point of a grand speculation which blinds the eyes and closes the mind to a vast number of facts and legitimate inferences about heredity, that plays havoc with thinking on genetics. It would be a great gain if gen- etic theory would recognize wholeheartedly that all or- ganic development, as contrasted with mere enlargement, consists more fundamentally and obviously in transforma- tion of substances than it does in unchanged continuity of substances. For under such recognition the futility of attempting to explain the transformation of one lot of substance by referring it to another lot which does not transform, or in other words to explain development by something that does not itself develop, would be manifest. That the chromosome theory of heredity in reality deep- ens rather than illumines the darkness which surrounds the problem is seen when one reflects that not only does it throw no light on the question of how the chromosomes come to be bearers of heredity, but that it creates the new and equally difficult question of how the chromosomes (which ac- cording to the theory maintain unchanged their individuality not only from generation to generation but throughout each ontogeny) are yet able to be causally operative in the cell- bodies undergoing the transformations which they actually do undergo in the developing organism. That the germ- plasm-chromosome theory of heredity could have led its devotees to sidestep the details of ontogeny, especially those of histogenesis, to the extent which our review has shown it to have done, would be unbelievable but for what is Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 73 actually before us in the recent history of biology. Viewing heredity as being definitively a kind of organic transformation — transformation, that is, in accordance with a pre-existing or ancestral pattern more than it is a kind of continuity— it becomes obvious that even were the dem- onstration to become complete that the chromosomes are the only portions of the germ-cells * essential to fertiliza- tion, they still would not be proved bearers of heredity in such sense as the germ-plasm theory holds them to be. They would not because the problem of the transformations which constitute ontogeny would still be untouched. The theory would be established only when the demonstration should be produced that the chromosomes cause immedi- ately all the particular ontogenic transformations known to be hereditary. All that would be proved about heredity by demonstration that the chromosomes alone participate in fertilization would be that the chromosomes alone con- stitute the first ontogenic stage of the hereditary parts of the particular organism to which the fertilized egg gives rise. The Probability That Inheritance Material Becomes Such In Each Ontogeny But because thus far failure has attended all efforts to get knowledge of how hereditary substance is produced, are we obliged to own that we know nothing at all, even inferentially, about its production? And is the search for such knowledge to be given up as hopeless? My answer is an energetic negative to both these questions. In the first place, there is much evidence to support the hypothesis, very general to be sure but yet by no means devoid of use- fulness, that hereditary substance becomes such in some * The utter unwarrantableness of the common assumption that as regards the male germ-cell such a demonstration is "practically com- plete" will be noticed presently. 74 The Unity of the Organism way through being subject to the metabolic processes com- mon to the whole organism. Undoubtedly the germ-plasm dogma itself has tended strongly to divert attention from this aspect of the problem of germinal material— indeed, has tended to minimize the importance of the metabolism of such material even if it has not tended to deny that the material is subject to this process. So important is it from the organismal standpoint to conceive the material basis of heredity as part and parcel of the organism generally, especially as regards the basal growth and sustentative processes, that we must examine in some fullness the evidence favorable to such a conception. In its most brazenly evidence-ignoring form, the germ-plasm dogma asserts that the female parent does not really pro- duce the eggs or the male parent the sperm, as they seem to, but that these are produced by previous germs ad MI- finitum. There are, to be sure, quite a number of observ- able facts, as those of the early formation of germ-cells in several animals, that can be forced into a seeming sup- port of such a conception. But the familiar and all but uni- versal fact that multicellular organisms, plants and animals alike, are sexually immature for a shorter or longer part of their lives, the very essence of the immaturity being the un- developed state of the reproductive system, would be a sufficient refutation of the view for any mind not made impervious to facts by long and faithful sophistication. Germ-Cells Subject to Metabolism Like All Other Cells The biological commonplace that all germ-cells, like all other cells, undergo a process of growing and maturing before they can perform their distinctive office, and that this process depends upon the retention of the germs by the parent organism, ought, as already indicated, to be a suf- ficient antidote againjst the germinal continuity fallacy, Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cetts 75 even though nothing were known as to exactly what goes on in the germ while it is growing and ripening. But we are by no means without positive knowledge under this head. In fact the last few cell divisions immediately pre- ceding the ripening of both ova and spermatozoa, and the ripening processes themselves, have received searching ex- amination during the last few decades, with the result that hardly any cytological phenomena are better known than are the profound morphological changes which accompany these processes. That these changes are particularly mani- fest in the chromosomes, the assumed seat of the determiners of heredity, is one of the very things that has aroused so much interest in the processes. Nor are we wholly unin- formed about the chemical changes taking place in the growing germ-cells. Unfortunately knowledge in this field has hardly passed the stage of early infancy, but at least enough is known to warrant the assertion that the young germ-cells are subject, as are all the other cells, to the general metabolism of the organism. Chemical Changes in Germ-Cetts During Parent's Ontogeny About the most striking information we have in this field is what has come from such investigations as those on the chemical changes which occur in the sex glands and other body parts during reproduction in some fishes.* Mie- scher's work was ground-breaking in this domain for it was the first to show that the "sexual organs in the salmon develop at the expense of the muscular system, and that the salmine deposited in the testis during the breeding season must be derived from the proteins of the muscle, since the * Notable among these studies are: Histochemische und physiologische Arbeiten, gesammelt und JieraMsgegeben von seinen Freunden, by Mie- cher; and Changes in the Chemical Composition of the Herring during the Reproduction Period, by Milroy. Biochemical Journ., v. in, 1908, p. 366. 76 The Unity of the Organism fish does not take any food during the period." l The work of Riddle and his collaborators is producing evidence to the same effect. Such researches do not, to be sure, prove that the chem- ico-physiological changes extend to the chromosomes of the germ-cells, much less to the imaginary determiners of hered- ity in the chromosomes. But viewing the results in the light of the well-grounded general belief that the mo»st fundamental test of living substance is metabolic change, it is seen that any hypothesis which assumes the existence in the germ-cells of something virtually not subject to the general metabolism of the cells, assumes at the same time the burden of furnishing objective evidence that such a something does exist. As a matter of fact the prime offense of the germ-plasm- determiner hypothesis is that its very essence places it beyond the reach of scientific observation. Such truth as it may contain cannot be made really effective because it can not be proved, and such error as it may contain can not be robbed of its power for evil because it cannot be dis- proved. In a word, the hypothesis is one that belongs to the realm of dialectics primarily, and has no just claim to a place in inductive science. The Possibility of Changmg Sex By Influences on the Germ But perhaps the most conclusive evidence of the funda- mental dependence of true germinal material upon the or- ganism, should somewhat fuller verification of the obser- vations be obtained, are results like those reached by Whit- man, King, Whitney, Riddle, and by R. Hertwig and his students, according to which sex may be reversed in several animal species by various conditions extraneous to the germ itself, acting on the germ-cells from which the animal is to develop. The instance of this usually regarded as best established is afforded by certain species of frogs and toads. Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cetts 77 The widely known result reached by Hertwig and verified and extended by Kuschakewitsch expressed in a single sen- tence, is that the number of males and of females produced by the eggs of a given female depends upon whether the eggs are fertilized when newly ripe or when over-ripe, a great predominance of males coming from the latter class. In a tabulation of the results of four sets of experiments by Hertwig 2 almost every case shows the number of males increased when the time elapsing between deposition of the eggs and fertilization was increased, the highest percentage of males in any one lot being 759, fertilization in this in- stance having been twenty-two hours after the fertilization of the last preceding lot. In a species of toad, Bufo lentiginosus, results have been obtained just the reverse of those on the frog, that is, the proportional number of females has been experimentally increased. This was accomplished by fertilizing the eggs in water made slightly alkaline. Since frog eggs are known to absorb water when they remain long in it, as in the case of those which gave rise to a preponderance of males in the Hertwig method of experimenting; and since alkaline solutions extract water from eggs, and likewise cause them to produce a preponderance of females, Miss King drew the obvious conclusion that the quantity of water contained in eggs of these animals may be a factor in determining the sex of the animals developed from the eggs. Although Miss King recognizes that her experiments do not furnish final proof of the conclusion she draws, she believes, rightly it would seem, that they weigh heavily in that direction. "As they stand," she writes, "the results strongly suggest that sex in Bufo is determined at or near the time of fer- tilization, and that external factors acting during this pe- riod may influence the sex-determining mechanism in such a way as to cause it to produce one sex or the other. The results also seem to indicate that in Bufo sex is determined in 78 The Unity of the Organism the egg, and that it may depend in some way on the rela- tive amount of water in the egg at the time of fertiliza- tion." 3 Riddle, perhaps the most outspoken opponent of sex pre- destination now writing, strongly espouses the hypothesis that the sex to which a particular egg will give rise is de- pendent partly on the quantity of water which that egg contains. But whether water is a factor in determining sex or not, the evidence presented by Riddle, coming partly from researches by C. O. Whitman and partly from his own, constitutes, when taken with the evidence to the same effect presented by other investigators, almost if not quite com- plete proof that sex is not the hard-and-fast thing which most present-day genetic speculation would make it. Furthermore the evidence produced by these two inves- tigators seems to connect the decision as to which sex a particular egg shall give rise, with some condition of the parents. It is well known to all zoologists, in the United States at least, that at the time of his death Professor Whit- man had accumulated a vast store of data on the habits, particularly the breeding habits, of pigeons. To Doctor Riddle, who had worked with Whitman considerably, fell the task of carrying on to some extent Whitman's experi- ments and of preparing for publication the results which Whitman left in the rough. The following quotation from Riddle's paper referred to above, summarizes Whitman's results that are especially important for us now: "Whit- man found that if certain very distantly related pigeons [i.e., two individuals from different families] are mated that only male offspring resulted. If the matings were made of individuals not quite so distantly related — different genera usually — and if to this situation be added the ele- ment of overwork at reproduction [i.e., the birds not being permitted to- nest their own eggs, but forced to keep laying eggs in rapid succession] then the first several pairs of Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 79 eggs produced in the spring will produce all or nearly all males. The last several pairs of eggs laid in autumn will produce all, or nearly all, females. At the transition period in the summer he found that some pairs, or clutches, of eggs produced both a male and a female. In these cases it was usually the first egg that produced the male ; and the sec- ond egg — laid forty hours after the first — that gave rise to a female." 4 Into Riddle's interesting discussion of Whitman's results and his own chemical studies on the eggs of pigeons and hens we need not go. Suffice it to say that it seems to me Riddle is justified by the evidence now in our possession, in his contention that "sex rests upon a quantitative and reversible basis" and that in this sense it has been controlled by conditions extraneous to the germ-cells themselves. This does not imply, as I understand, that such control would necessarily be practicable or even possible in all organisms, nor does it preclude the possibility that in some species there may be dimorphic or partially dimorphic spermatozoa or ova as regards sex production. Neither does it preclude the possibility that in some cases where a preponderance of one sex has been observed, this is due to selective mor- tality or some process other than the actual shifting of the sex tendency in the particular eggs. These several concordant bodies of testimony must, it would appear, open the eyes of biologists sooner or later to the ludicrousness of a theory that would make the parent organism hardly more than a combined culture medium and incubating oven for its germ-cells. The Determiner Conception Contrary to Ordinary Chem- ical Principles If, on the basis of such facts as we have, we try to come still closer to the questions of how the assimilative and morphogenic processes of the organism occur, whether in 80 The Unity of the Organism the production of hereditary substance or in the transform- ation of such substance into actual hereditary structures and activities, we find ourselves hedged about on every side by partial knowledge, by dubious knowledge, and by com- plete ignorance on many fundamental points. However, chemical considerations seem to point the way to future discovery. In the first place, it seems necessary to recognize that the whole germ-plasm conception as orig- inally promulgated, with its interminable system of "bear- ers" and consummators, was contrary to what is well known about chemical processes generally. Thus the continuity presented by a complex chemical operation does not consist in an unchanged series of individual entities of some sort, such as determinants and determiners are, or originally were conceived to be, but rather in a regular succession of transformations. For example, when chromic hydroxide, which is grayish-green, is dissolved in acid, a green solu- tion results, which turns to greenish violet or pure violet if allowed to stand a long time. Exactly what the chemical changes are that correspond to these color changes I do not know, and probably the information which chemists have on the subject is not exhaustive. At any rate modern chemistry conceives the phenomenon to consist in a succes- sion of reactions and transformations, the various colors and shades being attributes of the compounds that exist in the various stages along the way, and not as due to in- dividual bodies carried by the preceding stages for the express and exclusive purpose of producing the particular colors that are observed, as would be implied in such a metaphysical scheme as was the germ-plasm theory elab- orated by Weismann. Enzymic chemical action presents perhaps a still better starting point for imagining what the fundamental hered- itary processes may be than does ordinary chemical activity like that just instanced. The essence of this kind 0f activ- Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 81 ity is, as everybody knows, that in some way enzymes cause or at least facilitate transformation in other substances. Thus the attribute of solubility of the sugar into which starch is transformed, through the action of the salivary enzyme ptyalin, is not held to be due to a determiner for solubility carried by the ptyalin and passed on into the sugar, but rather it is recognized that solubility is one of the attributes possessed by the kind of sugar into which starch is converted by the ptyalin. The solubility is thought of rather as an attribute of the sugar and not as something once latent in the ptyalin which produced the sugar. A few details of the action of the enzyme in this case illustrate the point still better. Maltose, which is the chief if not the only sugar resulting from the action of ptyalin, is not reached by a single bound, as one might say, but through a series of bodies known as dextrins, at least three of which have been recognized. These are amylo- erythro- and achroo-dextrin, named from the color they display when treated with iodine, the first mentioned turning blue, the second red, and the third remaining colorless. What mod- ern chemist would think of explaining the blue of the amylo- dextrin by a "determiner" for that color in the ptyalin or even in the starch, the red of the erythrodextrin by an- other determiner for red, and so on? That is the sort of explaining chemists of a century ago did, but they have long since learned not merely the futility but the scientific evil of such explanation. If it were germane to our present task we might go on and show that the gene conception in modern genetics is really a revival in biology to-day of the gene conception which passed muster in chemistry a hundred years ago, when oxygen and hydrogen were named. Such an exposi- tion would be appropriate to a history of scientific theory or to a treatise on the theory of natural knowledge, but hardly to the present work. 82 The Unity of the Organism Endorsement of E. B. Wilson's Proposal to Drop "De- terminer" From the Vocabulary of Genetics In his Croonian Lecture having the title The Bearing of Cytological Research on Heredity, E. B. Wilson said, "In the meantime it would be well to drop the term 'determiner' or 'determining factor' from the vocabulary of both cytol- ogy and genetics." 5 If the facts and arguments set forth in the preceding pages are valid, they constitute a demon- stration that not only would it "be well to drop the term 'determiner,' " but that it must be dropped, at least in its present application, before thought and investigation on the mechanism of heredity can be free and in very deed truth- seeking. "What we really mean to say," Wilson continues, "is 'differential' or 'differential factor,' for it has become entirely clear that every so-called unit character is pro- duced by the cooperation of a multitude of determining causes." So far as these statements go they are in strict accord with the organismal standpoint maintained in this volume, and we may also say, with the physical-chemistry standpoint. Where attributes of adult organisms have been so defin- itely correlated with particular chromosomes and possibly parts of chromosomes of the germ-cells as seems to be the case in the fruit flies, such chromosomes are unquestionably differential, and since they stand at the very beginning of a long and complex transforming and developing series, they may very properly be called differential factors even though they do not themselves participate substantively in the transformation. The general similarity of their mode of action to that of enzymes is certainly considerable : a minute quantity of the substance is capable of inducing or facili- tating the transformation of a large amount of other sub- stance in a perfectly definite manner, and the inducing agent is not itself consumed. Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 83 Advantages of Conceiving Germ-Cell Chromosomes as Initia- tors m Hereditary Development This chemical way of viewing chromatin and chromosomes sanctions the idea that these are to be regarded as initiators of developmental processes which lead to hereditary attri- butes, rather than determiners of those attributes. If one wants to know in what way this conception would have an advantage over the determiner conception as a working hypothesis, my reply is that the advantage is two-fold. First, it would surely correct the tendency of genetic re- search under the guidance of the determiner hypothesis, to restrict its attention to attributes of adults at one end of the ontogenic series and to the chromosomes of the germ- cells at the other end, and to ignore or touch only in the lightest way all the intervening parts of the series. This correction would result because the new standpoint would bring the whole series of continuities and transformations alike into proper perspective, revealing thus that the mem- bers of the series intervening between germ and adult must be investigated in exactly the same way and with the same objects in view as the end members, if complete understand- ing of the hereditary process be the goal of research. It could not then happen that the egg-cell would be repre- sented, as it now so commonly is, as a relatively large sac containing nothing significant for heredity except the rela- tively small chromosomes. Nor could nearly the whole mass of ontogenic phenomena, especially those of histo- genesis, be treated so lightly in speculation and so largely neglected in investigation as they have been under the domination of the determiner theory. The second advantage in the initiator conception is that since it would recognize the "differential factor" of the chromosomes to be in reality due to the fact that the whole ontogenic series to which the chromosomes belong is differ- 84 The Unity of the Organism ential, that is, that it pertains to a particular species or kind of organism, it would put an end to the notion by which recent genetic science has been so largely dominated, that the problem of how the series came to be thus specific or differential may be solved by speculation, and it would incite geneticists to efforts to solve the problem by obser- vation aided by experiment. It is impossible to refute the charge that genetics is to-day more interested in an elab- orate system of conceptions — of speculation, in other words — than it is in observed or possibly observable phenomena. We cannot keep too constantly before our minds the fact of our almost complete ignorance of how any substance becomes hereditary substance whether through the "inheri- tance of acquired characters" or in any other way. Hence mere speculation on the subject after the manner of the pan- gens idea is much worse than nothing if permitted to run into a bewildering and enslaving system like that of the germ- plasm theory as it came from Weismann's mind. Neverthe- less it is quite germane to the present discussion to point out that whatever might be the nature of the chemical ac- tion, whether enzymic or some other, through which the series of ontogenic transformations should be accomplished, the character and subtlety of these processes seem to make them, more than any others we know, competent with some modification to serve as the go-between for impressing the germinal material with the latent attributes of the species. Inconclusiveness of the Cytological Evidence Usually Ap- pealed to in Support of the Chromosome TJieory And this leads to the concluding statements of this dis- cussion. The three categories of cytological fact which have been weightiest in the formation and maintenance of the chromosome theory of heredity are the individuality and continuity, chiefly numerical, of the chromosomes from par- Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 85 ent to offspring; the apparent equality (it should never be forgotten that the dogma of equality does not rest on rigor- ous quantitative investigation) of the chromosomes in the male and female germ-cells ; and the assumption that in the male germ-cells the chromosomes alone are concerned in fertilization. Even if these groups of assumed fact were established with absolute certainty they would fah1 far short of being direct and final proof that chromatin is the only hereditary substance. That this is true must be apparent to all well-informed, carefully thinking biologists. The most important grounds for this inconclusiveness are in- volved in the facts and arguments set forth in the preced- ing pages, but they may be summarized here, and in addi- tion two other grounds may be pointed out. First and foremost, in my opinion, is the general truth that chromosomes or even chromatic substance can not pos- sibly be recognized as the sole bearers of hereditary sub- stance, because the evidence is enormous in quantity and direct and indisputable in quality that other substances par- ticipate actively in the production of hereditary attributes. There is no way of escaping this conclusion except by nar- rowing the definition of heredity for the very purpose of bringing it within the scope of the chromosome theory of hereditary substance. The scope and fundamentality of this aspect of the problem is sufficiently dwelt upon, we may hope, in what has gone before. The two additional grounds for skepticism as to the con- clusiveness of the cytological evidence will now be pointed out. First, as to the evidence from the individuality and continuity of the chromosomes. All that any careful thinker claims or can claim for this evidence is that the individuality and continuity of chromosomes as observed are what might be expected if they were the germinal de- pository of the organism's hereditary attributes. And the question is constantly and naturally afeked, what other 86 The Unity of the Organism meaning can the whole remarkable series of phenomena of maturation and fertilization have than that attributed to them by the chromosome theory? My rejoinder to this argument may begin with a reply to the question. As long as knowledge of the chemistry and physiology of cells — germ-cells with the rest — is as fragmentary and inconclusive as it now is, certainty as to the meaning of the phenomena mentioned is out of the question. However, it would seem quite probable that they are concerned primarily with the nutritive and assimilative processes of the cell and only derivatively with heredity. Furthermore, the question asked may well be paired off with another of similar character, namely, what is the meaning of the almost if not quite com- plete breaking up and disappearance of the chromosomes in the so-called resting stages of the immature germ-cells, this being accompanied by the dissolution of the nuclear mem- brane so as to allow the freest possible commingling of the whole nuclear contents with the cytoplasm of the cell? Have we not at least as much factual right to suppose that during this mixing of substances the chromatin, and so later the chromosomes, are influenced by the cytoplasm, as that the reverse influence takes place? Is it not entirely possible that this process is one of the very means or occasions of impressing the chromosomes with the attributes of the or- ganism which, as we have seen, apparently must take place whether acquired characters are ever inherited or not? And now as to the argument from the assumed exclusive participation of the chromosomes of the male germ-cell in fertilization. First of all, it can not be admitted for a moment that the chromosomes are proved to be as ex- clusively the fertilizing agents as they are generally as- sumed to be. Even in such extreme cases of seeming ex- clusiveness of chromosomal participation as that claimed by Strasburger for the pollen cells of some plants, neither Strasburger nor any one else has claimed, so far as I know, Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 87 that all other male substances than chromatin are excluded as rigidly as would be required by experiments in a chemical laboratory designed to ascertain the action of a particular chemical element or substance in its purity. It is certain, for example, that in almost if not quite all male germinal elements in animals, a thin outer layer from the cytoplasmic part of the spermatid is present on the head of the sperma- tozoon. Furthermore, it is well known that at least the "intermediate piece" of the sperm tail, which is not usually regarded as chromosomal in origin, remains in the egg at fertilization. Nor is there any good ground for supposing that the non-chromatinic portions of the nucleus are ab- solutely excluded. The almost certain presence in the egg at fertilization of at least these male substances other than chromatin can by no means be regarded as insignificant for heredity, especially if the initiator conception of germinal material is held. It seems to follow of necessity that if the fertilizing substances, whatever their source, be conceived to act in an organic system of the physical chemistry sort after the manner of enzymes, no such quantitative relation subsists between these fertilizing substances and the prod- ucts of organic growth as the chromosome theory implies ; nor can their action be so narrowly localized in the egg. Their action would be conceived to involve the entire ovum ab initio, and not the chromosomes alone. Summing Up of the Findings Against the Chromosome Theory The general result of our critique is that the whole at- tempt to interpret the physical basis of heredity in accord- ance with elementalist conceptions has failed and must con- tinue to fail, so fat as its main aim is concerned. We are led to see that the germ-plasm dogma, no matter how often or how completely it changes its nomenclatural habiliments, 88 The Unity of the Organism as in the shifting from determinants to determiners, or from determiners to gens, or from gens to factors, involves a rejection of the conception that the germinal elements of organisms after being discharged are literally detached parts of those organisms. This conception was well on the road to incorporation into the great body of established biological truth when it was headed off by Weismann's diametrically opposed hypothesis of germinal isolation. I would insist that the defense of the organismal concep- tion in this volume is really a carrying out of such a con- ception of the organism and its germinal products as is implied by the old view that the germ is a part of the parent organism. It would hardly be possible to express more sat- isfactorily in a single sentence the most inclusive theo- rem, as it might be called, the demonstration of which is the aim of the part of this volume devoted to the means by which organisms propagate their kind, than the following from E. B. Wilson: "To the modern student the germ is, in Huxley's words, simply a detached living portion of the substance of a preexisting living body carrying with it a definite structural organization characteristic of the species." 6 Coupling this statement by Wilson with another from one of his latest writings,5 to the effect that we ought to drop the term determiner because in reality what it means is differential, I call attention to the fact that the "dif- ferential factor" of the later statement and the "definite structural organization characteristic of the species" of the earlier statement are in essence one and the same. The only difference is that in the earlier statement it is the whole germ-cell that is recognized to be a detached part of the organism, while the later statement can be brought down to the chromosomes because of the greater refinement of knowledge attained since the earlier one was made. The point I wish to make stand forth with the greatest possible Inheritance Materials of Germ-Cells 89 boldness is that the germ-cell chromosomes may properly enough be said to be differential, if only one never loses sight of the fact that they are differential in no other sense than are any other particles or substances of the germ- cells or any other cells which participate in the production of species-attributes. Brief Reference to the Untoward Implications of the Germ- plasm Conception of Heredity The somewhat laborious task of exhibiting the difference between conceiving the physical basis of heredity from the elementalist and from the organismalist standpoints may well be brought to a close by calling attention to the impli- cation of the two conceptions as applied to heredity in man himself. Looked at from this direction the germ-plasm dogma is seen to be chargable with the grave offence of having added its weight to a conception of human life, the overcoming of which has been consciously or unconsciously man's aim throughout the whole vast drama of his hard, slow progress from lower to higher levels of civilization — the conception that his life is the result of forces against which his aspirations and efforts are impotent. As ap- plied to man this form of fatalism is no less sure and no less dire in its tendencies than have been any of the innumerable theistic forms of fatalism that have prevailed through the centuries. It is almost certain that the ardor with which Eugenics has been espoused by several biologists is due in considerable measure to the fact that they have felt more or less definitely this sinister implication of the theory, and have turned to Eugenics as the only weapon against its evil forebodings. The germ-plasmic eugenist virtually says, "Yes, indeed is man a reasoning, willing, aspiring animal, but all his activities in these ways are futile so far as the race as a whole is concerned, except as they are 90 The Unity of the Organism brought to bear, extrinsically and operatively rather than organically, on the Germ-Plasm." This form of the Eu- genic idea corresponds in spirit to the propitiative offerings of primitive religion. It aims to mollify by human agency powers that act upon men's lives, but which are in them- selves largely extraneous, largely evil, and wholly irre- sponsible. What eugenists of this school have failed to see, evidently, is that even were unit-factors as differentiate from one another in heredity as the extremest Mendelist conceives them to be, and that even were the germ-plasm improved up to the level of his highest hopes, his results in terms of ac- tual human lives and social conditions would be distressingly meager. They would be so, because whether unit-factors exist independently in heredity or not, they certainly do not exist thus independently in development and function. In these ways they interact upon one another in the most vital manner, as physiology, especially of the internal se- cretions and the nervous system, and as physiological and social psychology are rapidly and conclusively demon- strating. We thus end our examination of the means by which or- ganisms produce others of their kind with the conclusion that the material through which reproduction is accom- plished is in the most vital way part and parcel of the organism, that is, that the germ-cells are somehow stamped through and through, potentially, with the characteristics of the kind, or race, or species to which the producing or- ganism belongs. And with this we are ready to pass to the examination of those integrative phenomena of the organ- ism generally, one manifestation of which is this very nature of the germ-cells. REFERENCE INDEX 1. Marshall 292 4. Riddle 10 2. Hertwig, R. ('12) 75 5. Wilson, E. B. ('14) 351 3. King 232 6. Wilson^ E. B. ('00) 7 PART II THE CONSTRUCTIVE SIDE OF THE ORGANISMAL CONCEPTION Chapter XV 11 GROWTH INTEGRATION The Field to be Covered by the Constructive Discussion ACCEPTING the inevitable destructive result of our cri- tique of the elementalist standpoint, that the attempt to interpret living beings in the terms of their constituent parts alone always leads to partial failure and disappoint- ment, or to the worse result of illusionment as to the trust- worthiness of the explanations proposed; and accepting the constructive result that everything in the critical study tends to show that no part of any organism can be rightly inter- preted except as part of an individual organism, this indi- vidual being in turn interpreted as a member of a taxonomic group, it is revealed that we are only on the threshold of the positive, the constructive side of our general enterprise. Even though the conclusion be unescapable that the living organ- ism somehow acts causally on its parts, the problem still remains as to the modus operandi of that acting. The "some- how" which came to us as an incident of our critical study has yet to be inquired into. Stated more specifically the task now before us is that of examining closely and systematically the interdependences among the parts of the individual organism. Although these interdependences are among the most obvious and general of all organic phenomena such an examination of them biol- ogy has not yet made systematically. Indeed — and here is one of the most vital things for us to see — a cardinal charge against the elementalist standpoint is that in its very nature 93 94 The Unity of the Organism it not only does not encourage, it actually stands against such examination. Its opposition to comprehensiveness and systematization is profound and essential. Our examination will begin with a single brief, two-parted definition : The structural and functional interdependence found to exist among the parts of an organism we call bio- integratedness; and the process of moving on from grade to grade of interdependence among the differentiating parts which constitutes ontogenesis in the individual we call bio- integration. Four Types of Bio-integration to Be Treated In the present state of knowledge and for the discussion now before us four types or kinds of bio-integratedness and bio-integration may be recognized as pertaining to the in- dividual organism : 1. Growth integration, most obvious in graded me'ristic series, but also expressed in the "axial gradients" of Child. 2. Chemico- functional integration, known so far chiefly in connection with internal secretions. 3. Neural integration, comprising the interdependences among the parts of the nervous system, and the involvement with this of the muscular, glandular and other organs. 4. Psychic integration, very closely connected with neural integration, but approached from the side of the totality of activities of living beings rather than from the side of nerve- organ activity, and so taking cognizance of a vast number of phenomena not yet definitely correlatable with neural phenomena. The full presentation of facts and arguments under these four heads would reach far beyond the limits set for the present work. We are, consequently, obliged to restrict ourselves to a small portion of the best established and most compelling evidence under each head. Growth Integration 95 Graded Repetitive Series as Integrative Phenomena This, perhaps the simplest form of integrational phenom- ena known to biology, is seen almost everywhere, but shows itself most typically and strikingly in plants and in many lower animals. Reference is made to the gradation in the repetitive or meristic parts appearing in so many organisms. The most obvious criterion of such gradation is the rela- tive size of the parts, but, as we shall see later, there is con- siderable reason for supposing the gradation is not re- stricted to size. The few examples to which space can be given are selected to represent as wide a range as possible of the phenomena under consideration. Illustrations from Anvmals The lancelets, fish-like animals of the genus Amptiioxus, may be noticed first (Figure 55). It will be observed that FIGURE 55 — SIDE VIEW OF AMPHIOXUS (AFTER PARKER & HASWELL). nch., notochord. cir., cirri, or.hd., oral hood, myom., myomeres. dors.fr., dorsal fin rays, cd.f., caudal fin. gon., gonads the creature tapers off toward both ends and that the series of metameres, myom, usually called myomeres because they compose the main body-musculature, diminish not only in dorso-ventral measurement from near the middle each way, but are also thickest in the mid-region and become thinner as they progress toward each end. Something of this size scheme of body-parts is very com- 96 The Unity of the Organism mon in the animal kingdom. Figure 56, a photograph of the skeleton of a python (see frontispiece), shows in a gen- eral way the size-relations of metameric skeletal parts in a higher vertebrate. Something of the extent to which the proportionality of parts of the individual metameres is car- ried out in this skeleton is shown by tabulating a series of measurements of the parts : Position of vertebra L.V. T.V. T.ex.zyg. H.D.S. W.D.S. L.R. 5 6 mm. 5 mm. 11 mm. 15 mm. 4 mm. 25 mm. 50 11 16 23 11 8 48 100 13 17.5 28.5 9 7 79 150 13 16.5 26.5 7.5 7 82.5 200 11.5 15 22.5 5.5 7.5 69-5 250 10 10.5 16.5 5 5.5 52.5 300 6 5 7 4 2 0 327 4 3 4 2 2 0 "Position of vertebra" refers to the serial number, beginning with the head-end, of the vertebra measured. Legend: L.V., Length of vertebra, measured from the posterior edge of one dorsal spine to the anterior edge of the one next behind it. T.V., thickness of vertebral centrum in its thinnest part, i.e., near the middle. T. ex. zyg., thickness of vertebra at extreme of posterior zygopophyses (articulating processes) . H.D.S., height of dorsal spine. W.D.S., width of dorsal spine. L.R., length of rib. The starfishes are another class of animals which exhibit beautifully this size gradation of repeated parts, both their "tube-feet" and the calcareous skeletal supports being graded proportionately to the tapering arms of the animal. The following table presents a series of measurements of the two organ systems just mentioned, from a single arm of Astrospecten calvfornicus. The dimensions are in millimet- ers, and the series proceed from the proximal to the distal end of the arm. Growth Integration 97 TABLE Series Tube- feet Ambulacral plates Adambulacral plates number Length Length Width Thickness Length Width Thickness 5 3.9 6.4 3.1 1.2 3.8 3.6 1.0 10 3.7 3.9 2.7 1.3 3.5 2.4 1.2 15 3.5 3.5 2.4 1.3 2.8 2.2 1.4 20 3.1 2.6 2.0 1.2 2.4 2.0 1.2 25 2.2 2.3 2.0 1.0 2.1 1.9 1.1 30 2.1 2.1 1.9 0.9 1.9 1.7 1.2 35 2.3 1.8 1.6 1.0 1.7 1.3 1.1 40 1.7 1.2 l.l 0.9 1.4 1.0 1.0 45 1.8 0.8 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.9 50 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.6 55 0.9 60 0.8 - 65 0.7 68 0.5 Not only do these graded meristic series appear in the individual makeup of a great range of animal species, but they occur in the colonies of many species in which aggrega- tions are produced by budding. Sometimes, as in many al- cyonaria, the size gradations are very obvious, while in other groups the distinctions are so small as to be discoverable only by close quantitative study. An example of this latter is furnished by the plumularian hydroids. A typical colony of the genus here studied, Torrey writes, "closely resembles a feather, of which the shaft is represented by the stem and the veins by the two ranks of alternating branchlets, or hydro- cladia, corresponding to barbs. Each hydrocladium is divided by more or less definite nodes into internodes and bears on one aspect — the same in all hydrocladia — a compact series of hydranths, one to each internode." Without entering into the tabular and graphic details contained in this study, the author's summarized statement concerning one of the tables will suffice : "It will be seen from the table that, as the tip of the colony is approached, not 98 The Unity of the Organism only do the hydrocladia possess fewer and fewer hydroth- ecae, but the dimensions of the latter through the mesial nematophore reaches its minimum more and more rapidly. Since the hydrothecae, once formed, do not enlarge with age, it is clear that for such colonies as this, there is a limit of growth and a specific form." 1 This correlation and proportionality among repetitive parts is frequently observed within the bounds of particular a. FIGURE 57 — TENTACLE OF HALOCYNTHIA JOHNSONI (SCHEMATIC; AFTER RITTEH). 'a, axis, a', axis of branch, b', b", primary and secondary branches. organs, as for example, in the branching tentacles occurring in various groups. A detailed study of one of these cases was made by me some years ago on the tentacles of an as- cidian. Figure (pi. 12, figure 13) of this study, sup- plemented by the following statement, illustrates the point. "Although this figure is diagrammatic in a way, it is accurate as to numbers of branches. The positions, too, of all the branches and length of the primaries were deter- mined by micrometer measurements, and the secondaries were drawn as accurately as possible." 2 For the rest, the figure (Figure 57) tells its own story. Growth Integration Illustrations from Plants 99 But it is in the plant world that these graded series of homonymous parts in individual organisms arc most strik- ingly seen. It occurs in what is perhaps its most typical, least modified expression in the arrangement and size rela- tion of parts in the leaves of many ferns and palms. But the compound leaves of innumerable flowering plants illus- trate it very beautifully. Figures 58, 59, and 60 (Acacia, Vicia and Cassia) show three types of compound leaves based on the mode of gradation of the leaflets. These might FIGURE 58. ACACIA ELATA. 100 The Unity of the Organism be described as the bi-gradient, the direct gradient and the reverse gradient types, depending on whether the gradation is from the mid-region of the axis both ways (figure 58), from the proximal toward the distal end (figure 59), or from the distal toward the proximal end (figure 60). FIGURE 59. VICIA OIOAKTEA. FIGURE 60. CASSIA SP. Almost all simple leaves of seed plants show something of the same scheme. As examples, typical elliptical-entire leaves of the elm and poplar and such typical lobed leaves as those of most oaks may be pointed to. Nearly every twig of a tree which represents a single annual growth impulse, in cases where the growing period is restricted to a small part of each year, presents a size gra- dient in the leaves distributed along the axis. A particularly striking illustration of this is furnished by the California Growth Integration 101 coast redwood, Sequoia sempervirens (figure 61), where the new segment is short, is added end on to the one before it until a considerable succession of segments is produced, and where the leaves are retained for several years. That each segment in these leaves is an annual production is not cer- tain, probably several segments being sometimes formed in a FIGURE 61. SEQUOIA SEMPERVIREXS. single season ; but however that may be, that growth occurs in a series of impulses, each of which is sharply recorded in the size gradations of the repeated parts, is obvious enough. It is a familiar fact, too, that in many plants a similar quantitative gradation of the reproductive parts along an axis occurs, but the extent to which this scheme pervades the constituents of the members of the series, even to the seeds, appears not to have attracted much interest on the part of botanists. To illustrate this point I present a single set of measurements, one of many which I have collected, 102 The Unity of the Organism of parts of the fructiferous organs of plants. These meas- urements are of Frasera perryl, an abundant annual in southern California and rather specially favorable for such a study in that the fruit stalk is single in each plant, stands up intact and rigid after it is fully ripe and dry, and is al- most mathematically regular in the disposition of its parts. The table was compiled from measurements of a single plant, and three measurements pertaining to each seed vessel are given, namely, the length of the interval on the main axis between each two vessels, the length of the pedicels which bear the vessels, and the length of the vessels themselves. The measurements are all in millimeters. Several other di- mensions might have been taken, which would almost cer- tainly have produced similar results. Series Number Length of Internode Length of Pedicel Length of Capsule 1 27 36 21 2 19 29 18 3 19 32 18 4 22 34 16 5 23 29 16 6 19-5 28 17 7 18.5 25 17.5 8 17 25.5 17.5 9 19 25 18 10 18 25 16 11 18 21 16.5 12 15 21 16 13 15 22 13.5 14 15 22 14 15 15 21.5 13 That these gradations hold, at least in some plants, even to the seeds is certain as the following tabulation of the weight of seeds from different parts of the seeding axis of a wild mustard plant (Brassica nigra) shows. The figures were compiled from the weights of seeds taken from groups Growth Integration 103 of twenty capsules from the bases, middle portions, and dis- tal ends, respectively, of six such stalks. The weights given are in grams. Total weight Number of Seeds Av. Wt. per Seed Base .903 950 .00095 Middle .694 733 .00088 Tip .330 525 .00063 This mere glance at an exceedingly common phenomenon in living nature must suffice for the present. Justification for Bringing All These Phenomena Under One Head Probably about the first question that most persons would raise concerning what we have presented would be as to how far the series dealt with have anything to do with one an- other. Especially, we may apprehend, would most biologists question the justifiability of bringing together the meristie phenomena in animals and the repetition of parts in plants. If such a collocation of phenomena must be justified on the basis of known causal factors, then undoubtedly is justifica- tion impossible in the present state of knowledge. But justi- fication of this sort is not called for by the point now oc- cupying us. What concerns us at present is the quite for- mal fact that when any lot of homonymous objects fall into a quantitatively graded series the members of that series have a fixed relation to the scries as a whole. They are not interchangeable with one another. Each is a function, mathematically speaking, of its set or series. Vertebra TO of the python's skeleton, myotome m of the amphioxus body, tube-foot in of the starfish arm, branchlet m of the ascidian tentacle, leaflet m of the vetch leaf or of the redwood shoot, seed-vessel m of Frasera, seed-lot m of the mustard plant, and m, or any other member you choose from any other 104 The Unity of the Organism series whatsoever, is a determinate thing; it is what it is partly because of its position in the series regardless of whether the physical or other producing agent of the dif- ferent series be the same or wholly different. Even this purely structural formal basis establishes the fact of a measure of integratedness for all individual organisms in which the phenomenon appears. But to leave the subject at that would be superficial and unsatisfactory indeed. However, reflection makes it almost certain that there is some sort of causal basis for the phenomena. This conclusion follows first from the fact that the series result from the growth of the organism, and second from the cer- tainty, at least in many cases, that the continuance of life of the individual involves the maintenance of the series, this in turn involving some measure of metabolic interdepen- dence among the members of the series. Attempted Causal Explanation of These Series For establishing the general truth of this type of inte- gration we need not, in strictness, go any further than we have gone. Nevertheless, the importance of the subject justifies a few remarks on attempts that have been made to explain the series causally. The best known of these comes from botanists, and conceives that the diminishing series of leaves and other structures, seen with more or less distinct- ness almost universally among plants, is due to the increas- ing remoteness of the successive parts from the roots of the plant, that is, from the main source of the plant's food. It is obvious, however, that this explanation is not of general application, since in animals the food does not come from a root system which anchors the organism to its food-yielding medium. Nor is it possible to bring the series in all animals into correlation with a blood circulatory system, as their existence in many coelenterates, hydroids and alcyonarians Growth Integration 105 for example, where no circulation exists, shows. It is al- most certain, too, that the series occur in many plants that have no sap system such as is assumed by the physiological explanation above indicated. Many of the marine algae come under this head, a striking example of which is the kelp Macrocystis pt/rifera of the western coast of both Americas. That the lamina; of this plant fall into a beautiful direct gradient series is a fact which can not escape the- notice of any one who sees them. The question of whether each streamer of laminae reaches finally and necessarily a limit of growth in which the size series is present is not so certain, but from considerable attention to the question I am almost sure this is the case, although the point needs more study. Another interesting and probably useful course of reason- ing about organic growth attempts to connect the results of growth with autocatalytic chemical action. Although these attempts have not, so far as I am aware, taken special cog- nizance of the natural size series which are occupying us, but have been concerned with the weights or volumes of or- ganisms at various stages of growth, there is little doubt that the phenomena we have been considering are closely connected with those dealt with in these attempts. T. Brails- ford Robertson seems to have devoted more thought to this matter than any one else. The following, taken from the summary of conclusions found in his original paper, pre- sents the most essential parts of his theory: "(1) In any particular cycle of growth of an organism or of a particular tissue or organ of an organism the maximum increase in vol- ume or in weight in a unit of time occurs when the total growth due to the cycle is half completed. (£) Any particu- x lar cycle of growth obeys the formula log - - K(t-tx), A. X where a: is the amount (in weight or volume) of growth which has been attained in time t, A is the total amount of growth attained during the cycle, K is a constant, and £1 is 106 The Unity of the Organism the time at which growth is half completed." 3 Assuming that the growth of an amphioxus, lot us say, to adulthood represents a growth cycle of this statement, that the production of somites begins with the most anterior one and proceeds toward the tail, and that the successive growth- increments (corresponding to x in the formula) arc regis- tered in the somites as we find them, then the animal's body as exhibited by its myomeres would correspond fairly well to Robertson's statement under (1), as would several of the other growth series we have glanced at, and as would also great numbers of series presented by ordinary plants and animals. The formula for growth contained in (2) is, according to Robertson, "such as would be expected to hold good were growth the expression of an autocatalytic chemical reac- tion." Assuming the general correctness of these state- ments, no one interested in the larger problems of organic growth could hesitate to believe that they must be impor- tant in some way. However, that the relations shown do not prove that au- tocatalytic chemical activity is a cause of growth in any- thing more than a subordinate, contributory way, is obvious on reflection". In the first place, Robertson himself has pointed out, in substance, that such action says nothing about the particular shape which the mass of transformed substance takes, but since some characteristic configuration or shape is fundamental to all organic growth, the entities for which A and x stand in the formula are really only ab- stractions. Although the formula may apply approximately to a great many organisms, it will apply to none exactly, except by chance to a very occasional one. This is the gen- eral form of criticism, illustrations of which are seen in the fact that in the series of direct and inverse gradients shown in the vetch (figure 59) and Cassia (figure 60), respectively, the formula appears not to apply at all. The general pur- Growth Integration 107 port of the strictures here placed upon the value of this explanation of growth is well brought out by Moeser, who says, probably with literal truthfulness, "One will not find two germinating plants (Keimpflanzen) which would have exactly the same growth curve, even though they proceed from seed of absolutely the same weight and grow under exactly the came conditions." The kernel of this criticism is that even though it should be established, as very likely it will be, that autocatalytic action is an essential factor in all growth, it can be a causal explanation in only a partial and subordinate sense. This is so because although K is a constant for a particular indi- vidual as observed, it assumes different values for different groups, partly at least because no account is taken of size or configuration. Moreover, even if these factors were con- sidered, there would be nothing corresponding to a physical constant (depending only on autocatalytic action), since one of the most distinctive things about organic growth is that it is differential, the differentials corresponding to the taxonomic group to which the individuals belong. Even though we are still much in the dark as to what the causal nexus is between the growth processes and the quan- titatively graded series so widely seen in nature, it seems certain that some such nexus exists, and that its operation constitutes a true integrational factor in the individual. It appears, too, that this type of integration is about the simplest and that it accompanies the simplest type of dif- ferentiation, the two together constituting the simplest type of organization above the organization of the cell. But into this interesting subject we can not now go. Axial Metabolic Gradients as Integrative Phenomena For the most thorough and sustained experimental inves- tigation of the primary intcgrative processes in growing 108 The Unity of the Organism organisms that has been made, biology is indebted to C. M. Child. In two recent volumes he has summed up and sys- tematized the elaborate researches prosecuted by him in this field almost exclusively for fifteen years, and has presented his conclusions more fully than in any of his previous writ- ings. The limitation set for the present to the constructive part of our enterprise makes it impossible to do more than touch at a few points the great mass of experimental evidence on which Doctor Child bases his conclusions. Fortunately, however, the kernel of the conclusions can be stated rather clearly in a small space. Although (surprisingly, it seems to me) Child refers hardly at all to the graded meristic series occurring in na- ture, to which the preceding pages have been devoted, it can hardly be doubted that the phenomena with which he deals, and calls "axial gradients," come under the same head as do those which have been occupying us. The phenomena which in the first instance Child has been concerned with, have been brought to light mainly through studies on re- generation in many lower animals. But the general con- clusions reached are far broader than this ; indeed they ex- tend to well-nigh the whole scope of organic growth, but especially to growth which involves elongation either of the whole organism or of certain parts of organisms. Thus the head-tail type of individual, whether the body be segmented as in arthropods and in many worms, or unsegmented as in other worms and in molluscs, is perhaps the most striking exemplification of the axial gradations with which Child deals. The following quotation shows the generality with which he views the matter from the ontogenic side: "Gra- dients in rate of cell division, size of cells, condition or amount of protoplasm in the cells, rate of growth, and rate and sequence of differentiation are very characteristic fea- tures of both animal and plant development. Such gra- Growth Integration 109 dients are definitely related to the axes of the individual or its parts, and are evidently expressions of axial metabolic gradients. While the existence of such gradients indicates the existence of gradients in activity of some sort, the various kinds of gradients are not all necessarily pres- ent where metabolic gradients exist. In some cases the vis- ible gradient may be a gradient in rate of growth or in protoplasmic constitution ; in still others a gradient in sequence of differentiation, etc., and sometimes metabolic gradients exist without any structural indications of their presence. At best these various kinds of gradients are merely general indications of differences in metabolic rate and undoubtedly in many cases the visible^ differences along an axis represent something more than differences in meta- bolic rate. The important point is that visible indications of graded differences in metabolic rate occur so generally in definite relations to the chief axes of the body.5 One phase of this general statement is the developmental correlation that various regions of the body in many lower animals have with the head or anterior end, these regions being developmentally dominated, in Child's expression, by the anterior end proportionally to the distance of the re- gion from the end. A typical case is furnished by flat-worms of the genus Planaria, animals especially favorable for experiments in regeneration, since they are very hardy to laboratory con- ditions and have great powers of reconstituting themselves from pieces of various sizes, shapes and positions cut from them. "Any piece of the planarian body," says Child, "is capable of giving rise to all parts posterior to its own level, whether a head is present or not, but no piece is capable of producing any part characteristic of more anterior levels than itself, unless a head begins to form first." 6 From a great mass of experimental evidence produced b^ Child and others we have the following: "These facts force 110 The Unity of the Organism us to the conclusion that in such experimental reproductions there is a relation of dominance and subordination of parts. The apical or head region develops independently of other parts but controls or dominates their development, and in general any level of the body dominates more posterior or basal levels and is dominated by more anterior or apical levels." 7 A really unique merit in Child's work is the fact that he has given special attention to the connection of these axial gradients manifesting themselves in various structural and functional ways, with the fundamental metabolism of the' organism. Several methods of experimenting have been em- ployed to this end, the one most frequently used being what he calls the susceptibility or survival-time method. The es- sence of this depends upon the fact, determined by many ob- servers, "that a relation exists between the general meta- bolic condition of organisms, or their parts, and their sus- ceptibility to a very large number of substances which act as poisons, i.e., which in one way or another make meta- bolism impossible, and that difference in susceptibility may be used with certain precautions and within certain limits as a means of distinguishing differences in metabolic condition, and more specifically, differences in metabolic rate." 8 The demonstration of metabolic gradients by this method depends upon the fact that "death and disintegration' of dif- ferent parts of the body usuallv follow a regular sequence," this making it possible "to determine the time, not merely of disintegration of the whole animal, but of the various re- gions of the body." 9 Another way of showing difference in rate of metabolism in different parts of the organism is by the use of the biom- eter, an apparatus for estimating minute quantities of carbon dioxide, recently devised by S. Tashiro in connection with his important researches on carbon dioxide production in nerves. By these methods it is shown, pointing to a single Growth Integration 111 instance, that in pieces of a flat-worm isolated by cutting "the rate of metabolism is higher in long anterior pieces than in posterior pieces of the same length." Starting from this low but seemingly universal level of integrative phenomena in the individual, Child formulates views of the nature of organisms that agree very well with the organismal standpoint upheld in this volume. He writes : "The organic individual appears to be a unity of some sort. Its individuality consists primarily in this unity, and the process of individuation is the progress of integra- tion of a mere aggregation into such a unity, for this unity is not simply the unity of a chance aggregation, but one of a very particular kind and highly constant character for each kind of individual. In all except the simplest individ- uals it determines a remarkable degree of uniformity and consistency, both in the special relations of parts and the order of their appearance in time, and also in coordination or harmony of functional relation to these parts after their development." ll Meristic Gradients and Metabolic Gradients Both Phenomena, of Growth Integration In view, then, of the exceedingly wide prevalence in living nature of axially disposed meristic series quantitively graded, and of the equally wide or even wider prevalence of axial gradients on the basis of metabolic activity, the gradients of both sorts arising as fundamental growth phe- nomena, it appears impossible to avoid recognizing our first category of integration, namely, growth integration, as about the most simple and primal and universal of all these categories, at least for multicellular organisms. It seems as though the other kinds of differentiation and integration are superposed, as one might express it, upon this primordial kind. To a consideration of the other, superimposed inte- 112 The Unity of the Organism grations we now pass, taking them again in their seeming order of obviousness. REFERENCE INDEX 1. Torrey 139 7. Child (1) 215 2. Ritter ('09) 71 8. Child (1) 66 3. Robertson 612 9. Child (1) 77 4. Moeser 373 10. Child (1) 73 5. Child (2) 65 11. Child (2) 2 6. Child (1) 213 Chapter XVIII CHEMICO-FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATION Functional as Contrasted with Growth Integration A SSUMING Child's theory of metabolic gradients to be •*T^well grounded, we are furnished thereby with one im- portant insight into the chemical processes involved in the unity of the individual organism. But that process is con- cerned primarily with the growth, with the production of the individual. The question now is, are there chemical proc- esses the object of which is to maintain the functional unity of the complete or nearly complete individual? Are there chemical operations the office of which is to preserve a proper interrelation among the parts of the organism as these perform their special offices? That such is to some extent the significance of most if not all internal secretions as usually understood is indicated by the fact that the functional disturbances attending re- moval of the thyroids or other glands from various animals ; and by the further fact that where internal secretions play a part in development, their action is rather that of stimula- tor, or at least modifier, than of true producer. The conception of internal secretions as being at least as much regulators of physiological function as of growth is illustrated by cases of hypopituitarism of the post- adolescent type, like those described by Gushing, for ex- ample. In the series of cases of disease due to "pituitary deficiency" the first symptoms appeared when the subjects were from thirty to forty years old. 113 114 The Unity of the Organism The Conception of "Internal Secretions" The nature of the phenomena now to be considered, and their significance for our discussion make it desirable to think about these secretions from the broad standpoint first stated, according to Bayliss, by Brown-Sequard and d'Arson- val, namely, as materials produced by any living cells or tissues which are discharged into the blood or lymph and have specific effects on other parts or functions of the or- ganism. Regarded thus it is now known that many cells of the organism produce internal secretions. Although we are more concerned with function than with structure in this discussion, our purpose will be best served by beginning with a morphological classification of the secretion-pro- ducing cells. They may be divided into two categories, those which are disposed into definite organs, or glands, the ductless glands of long standing in anatomy; and those which are not assembled in such organs. Knowledge of this second class of cells is of recent date, and is fuller from the functional than from the structural standpoint. The chief glands, to which the name Endocrine has lately been given by Schafer, are now so well known as hardly to need men- tion. They are the thyroid apparatus, including the thy- roids and the parathyroids, the suprarenal body, the pitui- tary body, and probably the thymus and pineal bodies. Cells now known to produce internal secretions but which are not arranged in glands are certain cells of the pancreas scat- tered among the pancreatic cells proper; certain cells of the alimentary mucous membrane ; the interstitial cells of the ovary and of the testis, and probably certain cells of the placenta, of the mammary gland, and of the uterus. Following our usual course of making the treatment merely illustrative rather than aiming at exhaustiveness, our selection will include one example from each of these groups. From the glandular category we take the thyroid Chemico-Functional Integration 115 apparatus, and from the non-glandular a portion of the alimentary mucous membrane, namely, that of the duo- denum. Effects of Removing the Human Thyroid for Curative Purposes As definite knowledge of the great physiological impor- tance of internal secretions begins with human surgery — with operations on the thyroid apparatus — we may well begin our study here. This is the better starting point in that there is no more striking illustration of how great a part of the whole organism may be implicated in the action of internal secretions than is afforded by the prod- ucts of the thyroids and parathyroids. The subject first came into clear light in the early eighties of the last century through the experiences of Swiss sur- geons, Theodor Kocher and J. L. Reverdin especially, who removed the thyroids to cure goitre, this disease being spe- cially prevalent in some parts of Switzerland. The patients operated on were found to improve rapidly for a time after the operation, but later untoward symptoms began to mani- fest themselves. Because the variety and pervasiveness of these symptoms in a typical case are highly instructive for us we present them in detail, selecting a description from Human Physiology by Luciani : "Patients who have under- gone total thyroidectomy . . . experience the initial symp- toms of glandular deficiency either at once or at latest some weeks after the operation. They feel weak, complain of heaviness of the limbs, and more or less diffuse dull pains, particularly in the legs, which may become acute and assume the character of pains in the bones. "Other more serious symptoms are gradually associated with the preceding. After four or five months the face and the extremities swell and become cold, the muscles are 116 The Unity of the Organism torpid, sometimes rigid, often exhibiting muscular tremors, and are incapable of carrying out any delicate manual acts of precision. At first the swelling is variable ; it is more pronounced in the morning than in the evening, but steadily increases until it becomes permanent. It is not ordinary oedema, in which percussion with the fingers leaves a depres- sion; it is a hard and elastic swelling. It is specially local- ized in the hands, feet and face, where it produces a char- acteristic alteration of the countenance. The lower eyelids are the first to present a sacculated, semi-transparent swell- ing, which is hard to the touch ; then the infiltration spreads to the folds of the face, which become smoothed out ; to the nose, which gets rounded; to the lips which swell, and bulge outward, saliva dribbling from them. The features are coarsened and expressionless like those of a cretm. "The mental functions accord with this appearance, since they are blunted, so that the patients lose their memory, become deaf, taciturn, melancholy, self-absorbed, and reply extremely slowly to questions. They further complain of slight but perpetual headache; feel an almost constant sen- sation of cold, which is most acute at the extremities ; at times they are seized with vertigo, and may even lose con- sciousness. "All the symptoms become still further aggravated. The whole body may grow more bulky from the extension of the swelling. The skin loses its elasticity, can only be picked up in large folds, and becomes dry owing to defective capacity for sweating. The epidermis desquamates in more or less extensive lamellae, particularly on the hands and feet ; the hair turns grey, falls out, and gets constantly thinner. "The heart functions weakly, but with ordinary rhythm ; the pulse is small and thready. Examination of the blood shows nothing constant; but there is often a more or less pronounced and progressive oligocyth 257 12. Holmes ('06) 313 5. Loeb ('02) 7 13. Holmes ('06) 315 6. Friedlander 363 14. Luciani iii, 355 7. Loeb ('02) 85 15. Loeb ('02) 5 8. Loeb ('02) 91 Chapter XXII PSYCHIC INTEGRATION Preliminary Remarks (a) Absolute Discrimination Between Reflex and Psychical Phenomena Not Necessary I T will be recalled that in our discussion of neural inte- •*• gration we limited ourselves strictly to those manifesta- tions and activities of organisms which are, so far as ob- servation can determine, strictly reflex, that is, show no evidence of intelligence and volition, or even necessarily of instinct. What we have to do next is to consider the unity, the integratedness of the animal organism as manifested in the vast array of its activities which by universal consent are designated by such terms as instinctive, emotional, vo- litional, conscious and intelligent. Be it noted that this aim will not exact of us, any more than did the last, a sharp delimitation between reflex or purely mechanical acts and psychical or conscious acts. Just as in the former discussion we were concerned with the integrative character of those acts which are indubitably reflex, so here our object is to study the integrative or syn- thetic character of those acts which are indubitably psychi- cal. We shall now be dealing with acts which have unques- tionable psychical attributes, that is, show something of individual plasticity and something of correspondence to individual needs; which are, in other words, to some degree individually determined to meet individual requirements either of external or internal imposition and intention. 214 Psychic Integration 215 (b) The Organism an Original Datum in All Problems of Psychic Life Another preliminary remark of high importance concerns the question of what, precisely, it is with which we have to do — of what we start from and what is ever in sight, in the discussion. Our fidelity to the organism, living in its natural setting, as the foremost objective reality in this treatise, prevents us ab initio from being satisfied with a Body, and a Mind or Soul, as these have figured from time immemorial in discourse about the higher animals, particularly about man. If in all the world there is such a thing as objective truth, what we start with and have ever to deal with in studying psychic phenomena, just as in studying all other phenomena of animals, are individual objects or bodies of very particular construction and activity. And by no pos- sibility can consistent thought and statement avoid acknowl- edging that that vast assemblage of acts and other manifes- tations which are called psychical are yet only part and parcel of the still vaster assemblage of acts and manifesta- tions presented by the very same living objects, that is, by or- ganisms. Our occupation will be basally with an object, some particular organism, having innumerable attributes, which being classified fall rather roughly into two great groups, one of which we name physical or material and the other psychical or spiritual. For short, the physical or material •group is called the Body, while the psychical or spiritual group is called the Soul or Mind. Our discussion, then, will never lose sight of the fact that the acts with which we deal are acts of the organism and not of any of its parts merely, whether these be conceived as material or psychical. No matter how far particular acts may be dependent upon, and so explicable by, particular parts, this dependence can not in reality be the whole story, 216 The Unity of the Organism for the sufficient reason that the parts are, finally, non- existent except as derivatives of and dependencies upon the organism, as our whole treatise has abundantly shown. Discussion of the Nervous System, the Brain, the Cerebral Cortex, Neurones, Reflexes, the Senses, Responses, Emo- tions, Consciousness, Will, Reason, and so on, as though any of these are now or ever have been or ever will be independent entities, or things to which the organism is subordinate, is from our standpoint one of the deep inadequacies and mis- fortunes of much biological and psychological thinking. To the whole attitude of the zoological naturalist, who by na- tive endowment and by training is imbued with the spirit of his motto "neglect nothing" in the study of animals, this habit of the special sciences of animal life is intolerable. The ancient problem of the relation of "Mind" to "Body" is one of those problems which run on endlessly in discussion simply because the partisans of one theory or another never know exactly what they are discussing — never know just where they start from, in what direction they are going, or what the end would be like if they reached it. Lest this statement be taken as foreshadowing both a right statement and a "final solution" of the problem, I affirm very positively that it foreshadows nothing of the sort. All I hope to do is to add considerably to a clear statement of the problem, to add a little to our comprehension of whither we are going, and to contribute a bit to the "final solution," whatever that may mean. The real problem of psychic integration formulates itself, for us, in a two-parted way: Given any particular act or action-system* which is unquestionably psychical, (1) how many and what parts of the organism are essentially in- volved in it? and (2) does the act or action-system bear such * This phrase I borrow from Jennings (Behavior of the Lower Organ- isms, p. 107) and mention incidentally here that we shall find it ex- tremely useful later on. Psychic Integration 217 relation to other acts or action-systems and to material parts of the organism as to warrant the ascription to these acts of causal influence on other acts and on the material parts ? (c) Provisional Classification of Psychical Facts A third and final introductory remark touches on the question of what shall be recognized as contained in the organism's system of psychic attributes. Following our regular custom of beginning with the phenomenon under con- templation at its fullest, most indubitable expression, we shall not go far amiss if we accept the time-honored trium- virate of feeling, will, and intellect as the most obvious sub- groups of highest psychic attributes ; for only a hopelessly sophisticated philosophy and psychology can hesitate to acknowledge that every full-grown, normal, civilized human organism, at least, is at once a sort of reservoir of feeling, sentiment, and emotion ; a dynamo of resolution and exe- cution ; and a granary of intelligence and reason. ( See, for example, Thinking, Feeling, Doing, by E. W. Scripture.) Perhaps the only thing that needs saying about these sub-systems of mind is that our general standpoint aligns us squarely with the tendency in present-day psychology to accept them for what they actually are, striving to become acquainted with them and to assess their importance on this basis. To ascertain first of all the facts on the psychic side of the living animal, then next to interpret, to correlate, to explain these facts, are cardinal principles of procedure in our enterprise. For one thing, as an evolutional zoologist of many years' practice in speculating on how animal parts originated (even those of almost infinite simplicity as com- pared with the mind of man), I am too familiar with the limitations and pitfalls of the genetic method to be be- guiled into making some one theory of the origin of mind The Unity of the Organism the corner-stone of my interpretation.* Furthermore, as a naturalist faithful to the mandate "neg- lect nothing," I am in full accord with psychology's aban- donment of the earlier supposition that a leading aim of psychology must be to prove that some one psychic province is all-dominant, the others being merely secondary and trib- utary. Thus all forms of the theory that the psychic empire is at bottom Intellect, the heaven-ordained monarch of which is Unconditioned Ideation, are incompatible with our stand- point. Something of the weight and variety of authorita- tive sanction which are pitted against us here is indicated by such names as Descartes, Locke, Leibnitz, Hume, Kant, and Herbart of the proximate past, and Wundt, Royce, Howison and Bradley of the immediate past. And theories like those of Fichte, Schopenhauer, Hart- mann, Nietzsche, and divers pale, fitful present-day lights, which would accord to Will hegemony over the entire psychic realm, are still less tolerable to us. Feeling has won its rightful place in psychology so recently that there seems little danger of its pushing its claims to position and power beyond reason. Except perhaps in the form of sensationalism, or the theory that all knowledge ac- tually does originate in sensations, psychology of the west- ern world appears never to have attempted seriously the deification f of Feeling as it has of Reason and Will. When * I count it as one of the pieces of good luck in my scientific career that, through no merit of my own, a technical memoir of mine containing an elaborate theory of the origin of the vertebral column has lain in editorial keeping unpublished for a decade and a half. t It is possible, as my friend Professor G. M. Stratton suggests to me, that the German philosopher Fr. H. Jacobi, came nearer doing this than any one else. His teachings gave, however, a definite place to positive knowledge, so that, according to Hoffding, his faith and his knowledge constituted two distinct philosophies. What he wrote probably does not, consequently, contradict the statement in the text. Jacobi seems not to have exerted much influence on the main current of German philosophy and life. Psychic Integration 219 Thomas Hobbes identified imagination with fancy, "orig- inal fancy" with sen'se, and "decaying sense" with memory, and held sense to be caused by "so many several motions of the matter, by which it presseth our organs diversely," and when he defended the general doctrine that "there is no conception in a man's mind which hath not at first, totally or by parts, been begotten upon the organs of sense," 1 he did indeed blaze a trail which might easily lead to an over- exaltation of the sensuous and emotional side of life. But the eminently practical character of Hobbes' undertaking being remembered (he was writing not for the love of specu- lation but to save his country from political chaos and mis- ery begotten as he believed from false theories and impossible desires and ambitions) one may expect to find in him ele- ments of steadiness and restraint which would make for safety in speculation. One such element is clearly seen in his opinion that he who is "born a man" and lives "with the use of his five senses" has all the native equipment necessary to realize the best in him both for himself and for his country.2 The necessity of being "born a man" is the point to be especially noticed. That, with all it may imply, is on a par with the necessity of using the five senses. So whatever of scientific hobby- riding under such captions as "sensationalism," "empiric- ism," "associationalism," may have followed in the wake of Hobbes' writings, Hobbes himself, I am quite sure, was at heart a genuine organismalist and is entitled to high es- teem as one of the very first moderns to speak strongly for the importance of the body generally to the psychic life of man. Listen to this: "Natural sense and imagination are not subject to ab- surdity. Nature itself cannot err; and as men abound in copiousness of language, so they become more wise, or more mad than ordinary." "Between true science and erroneous doctrines, ignorance is in the middle." 220 The Unity of the Organism Having completed a reconnoissance of the field in which we are to work, of its expanse, its contents, and its main subdivisions, we are prepared to. take up the task proper. Approaching it from our standpoint, one naturally sur- mises that between the organism's neural unity as manifested by its reflexes studied in the last chapter, and its psychical unity known to psychology and to be considered presently, a vital unity of still higher order exists. By unity I mean a unity so intimate, so reciprocating, so mutually constitutive that the term parallelism, with the meaning given it in much of recent psychology, is wofully inadequate for it. Such a unity, if it exists, must be sought by inspecting the entire gamut of psychic life, from the simplest responses to stim- uli on up through simple reflex responses, the tropisms, the primal affective and emotive responses, through the perceiv- ing, the imagining, the conceiving, the reasoning operations, to the very highest constructive human mental achievings. Likeness Between Tropistic and Higher Psychic Activity An important move, starting from the highest phase of rational mind, has been made toward recognizing the nature of this unity. This move is the more significant for our enterprise in that the investigator who has made it is neither an elementalist nor an organismalist, but an eminent sub- jective idealist. Josiah Royce is the student who has per- formed this service. Stated in a single sentence, the ad- vance he has made toward discovering the union consists in the recognition of certain fundamental resemblances be- tween some of the very highest operations of man's mind and the pure tropistic operations of lower animals. Royce's contribution to this subject is contained in his Outlines of Psychology, and nowhere else so far as I know. From the preface of this book I gather the following, partly by way of quotation and partly from obvious inference. Psychic Integration 221 "To my mind," says Royce, "an interesting side-light has been shed upon the well-known controversies between the associationists on the one hand, and the school of Wundt and the partisans of 'mental activities' generally, on the other, by the stress that Professor Loeb has recently laid upon the part that what he calls 'tropisms' play in the life of animals of all grades." 4 Then after telling in a few sentences what tropisms are, Royce continues : "Now it is especially notable that the 'tro- pisms' of Loeb are not, like the 'reflex actions' of the theories, modes of activity primarily determined by the functions of specific nerve-centres. Furthermore, they are more general and elemental in their character than are any of the acquired habits of an organism." (At this point Royce takes up, for a moment, a matter to one side of my main purpose, namely the problem of "self-activity" and "spontaneity"; so I ven- ture to change somewhat the order and emphasis of his ar- gument.) "Now it has occurred to me to maintain, in sub- stance, that the factor in mental life which Wundt's school defines as 'Apperception' . , . may well be treated, from the purely psychological point of view, as the conscious aspect or accompaniment of a collection of tendencies of the type which Loeb has called 'tropisms.' " ° Then we have: "Wundt has insisted that his 'Appercep- tion' is no disembodied spiritual entity. I conceive that Loeb has indicated to us, in the concept of the 'tropism,' how a power more or less directive of the course of our asso- ciations, and more general than is any of the tendencies that are due, in us, to habit, or to specific experience, can find its embodiment in the most elemental activities of our organism." ( What, now, is the bearing of this idea of Royce's on the main theme of this chapter, the organism's unity as mani- fested in and influenced by its psychic life? As an initial step toward answering this question, the reader is asked to 222 The Unity of the Organism recur to the chapter on tropistic activities and their an- atomical groundwork, recalling that it was the special aim of our discussion to show the inevitable organismal trend of the whole doctrine of tropisms. It should be remembered also that tropisms are, all of them, probably, beyond ques- tion adaptive in fundamental nature; i.e., they work in the interest of either the individual as a whole or of the species to which the individual belongs. The circumstance that under occasional more or less artificial conditions the ac- tivities of an animal may result in injury to it or even in its death, is not proof that on the whole those activities are not advantageous. A horse or man may make himself sick now and then by taking the wrong kind of food or too much food, but this does not prove eating to be useless on the whole, or non-adaptive. Another important thing to bear in mind about tropisms is their automaticity, or preferably their intrinsicality. They are rooted in and partake of the very essence of the or- ganism— so much so that they manifest themselves inevitably when the right external and internal conditions are present, whether the general ends which they normally serve are at- tained in the particular instance or not. The flight of the moth toward the flame, even at the sacrifice of its life some- times, is a manifestation of a tendency that wqrks, on the whole, for the good of the animal. That the moth follows the impulse even to death merely shows how tremendously deep-seated this type of reaction is. That the activity may result in injury or death in a special case is just because the case is special, i.e., it is a departure from the regular con- ditions under which the reaction-type became incorporated in the organization of the creature. Being always poised for a particular kind of action, and having a supply of en- ergy to execute the action, are unquestionably among the most distinctive attributes of animal organisms. Such or- ganisms are distinguished from plant organisms not only Psychic Integration 223 by the present fact of inherent activity of the animal, but by their inherent preparedness for acting to meet new and more or less unusual situations. This action and action- readiness are the real meaning of the neuro-muscular system. All biotic organization is anticipatory in various ways, but animals are almost exclusively anticipatory in action. It is just these attributes that Royce recognizes as com- mon ground between certain of the highest psychic activi- ties of man and tropistic activities. With this overplus, and in some cases useless or even injurious activity (in- stanced by the flight of the moth toward and around the flame), let us now pass to the upper end of the gamut of animal activity for illustrations. A very few must suffice. The first chosen is one of exalted creativeness in art. From the vast domain of art a more instructive illustra- tion of over-wealth of self-activity can hardly be found than is afforded by William Shakespeare. A recent investigation of his works undertaken with a view to finding what they tell about the "native endowments of the author" and prose- cuted with that love for accurate, exhaustive knowledge which is the very soul of "modern science, leads to the result that of these endowments "the most outstanding perhaps is his exuberant vitality." This characteristic of the man is exhibited in the "reckless volubility of almost every char- acter, the piling up of fancy upon fancy, of jest upon jest, the long embellishment of humor and foolery and horseplay for no other reason than the delight they afford." 7 And incidentally, the strict individualism of this sort of thing is exemplified by one of these same Shakespearian characters: "Come, come," says Mercutio to Benvolio, "thou art as hot a Jack in thy mood as any in Italy. . . . Nay, an there were two such, we should have none shortly, for one would kill the other." "What has Queen Mab to do with the ac- tion of the play of Romeo and Juliet? Nothing; but Mer- cutio mentions her, and before any one can stop him he has The Unity of the Organism poured forth fifty lines of purest fantasy. . . . Whole scenes," this student declares, "exist for no other reason than that the author's brain is teeming with situations and humor and infinite jest." 8 Now I hear in imagination expressions of astonishment, rising to protest, even to ridicule, on the part of some biol- ogists, and to horror on the part of some literateurs, at the idea of suggesting that there is anything really in common between the two groups of phenomena here placed side by side — the activities of a moth and of Shakespeare ! For the moment I do no more in reply than ask the reader to take cognizance of the fact that the whole training and occupa- tion of the naturalist consist largely in comparing all sorts of things, inorganic as well as organic, which to cursory observation seem unlike, for the purpose of finding whether closer and broader examination can not discover resem- blances and affinities which may throw light on the ever- insistent problem of origin and causal relationship. From that procedure, and that alone, initially, came the theory of organic evolution. It is the quintessence of the organic method. To him who is so instructed and disciplined that the recognition of likeness and kinship between, for example, the prothallus of the fern and the flowering plant, or between a horse's fore-foot and a man's hand, will receive no shock from the comparison. The intrinsic justification of the comparison will be deferred until we have a few other illus- trations before us. Another illustration will be taken from an author, J. J. Rousseau, whose activities stand about mid- way between art proper and science proper. "I felt," Rousseau says in his Confessions, "that writing for bread would soon have exhausted my genius, etc.," Again: "Nothing vigorous or great can come from a pen totally venal." And finally: "In a severe winter, in the month of February, and in the situation I have described, I went every day, morning, and evening, to pass a couple of Psychic Integration 225 hours in an open alcove which was at the bottom of the garden. ... It was in this place, then, exposed to freezing cold that without being sheltered from the wind, I composed, in the space pf three weeks, my letter to D'Alembert on theatres." If this sort of thing, one may note in passing, is a case of "struggle for existence," the existence struggled for is on the highest plane of psychic life and not on the plane of mere brute continuance. The only other example will be one of activity in science proper, i.e., "pure intellect" as far as there is such a thing. The case of some man devoting the best of his life to the working out of a great germal idea — an Aristotle, a Coper- nicus, a Galileo, a Kant, a Darwin will serve our purpose best. Of these we choose the case of Darwin. Consider first the youth and the young man keenly alive to the flood of sense impressions pouring in upon him from external nature, and mentally — "internally" — "restless," as Royce would say, from an undefined though strong dissatisfaction with the stereotyped school and university curricula and modes of dealing with subjects. Later comes the set of environ- mental influences (chiefly through the naturalist Henley), quite incidental to his regular, prescribed environment, to which he responds with eagerness and effectiveness — an al- most automatic choosing of fields of intellectual activity. Out of ajl these fragmentary and by-the-way experiences — "contents of consciousness" — there is organized a body of natural knowledge, and such definiteness and promise of ten- dency as to justify an appointment to a post of consider- able responsibility and unique opportunity, that of natural- ist to H. H. Exploring Ship Beagle. During the voyage and from the new and strange con- tacts with nature afforded by it, there arises another state of "restlessness," this time concerning the origin of organic species, the "mystery of mysteries," as Darwin himself put 226 The Unity of the Organism it. A matter deserving special notice is that the truly for- ward, the creative step came after, and was conditioned upon, a period of dissatisfaction with the prevalent teaching on the subject. Then the considerable time of semi-con- structive observation and thinking and feeling under guid- ance of the general surmise that species arise naturally and not supernaturally, as all his earlier experiences — "contents of consciousness" — had taken for granted. And at last the final, for him, great conception, the hypothesis of the "strug- gle for existence" and "survival of the fittest" as a cause of the transformation of species. The suddenness and spon- taneousness with which this idea emerged into consciousness should be specially noticed. Once the merest suggestion of it hove in sight, the whole hypothesis formed itself, organ- ized itself, rapidly and completely. The sense in which the process may justly be called spon- taneous is important. Although we well know that the famous hypothesis was suggested by the reading of Malthus' work on population, we know equally well that the most es- sential features of the hypothesis were not contained in the teachings of Malthus. There was something genuinely new in the hypothesis. Out of the former total of experiences came that which did not actually exist in those experiences. Although the hypothesis was clearly a product of something which went before, it was a synthetic product in the strictest sense, in essentially the sense that a chemical compound is a synthetic product of its interacting elements, the sense that the most distinctive attributes of the compound can not be found in the elements taken separately, but only after the interaction has actually occurred. We must not fail to consider the long period of Darwin's strict "self-activity" in collecting evidence, pro and con, bearing on his hypothesis ; and the activity designed, notice, to ascertain whether or not there is a process going on in the outer world of plants and animals corresponding to the Psychic Integration 227 process he had conceived, i.e., had pictured in his "inner world" of consciousness. The genuineness of the individual, the personal, the unique character of mental life and mental creation can hardly be more strikingly illustrated than by such cases as this of Darwin's when the conception, the hy- pothesis, is kept to one's self so long in order "to prove" whether it is "true" or not. Now I want to call particular attention to the indubitable fact that these illustrations are only extreme manifesta- tions of attributes which are universal in the human animal at least. There is no normal human known to anthropology which has not some measure, no matter how small, of creative impulse in art and in science. As a conclusion to this presentation of instances I must again insist upon one of my cardinal points: that the in- dividually active and creative power of the human organism on its psychical side is not a whit less real, less objective, less a natural phenomenon to the natural historian than is the individually creative power of physical growth and variation, and reflex and tropistic action. Indeed, the thorough-going, consistent zoological naturalist, the substance of whose science is largely animal behavior in all its aspects, can not possibly approve the effort to separate completely the two sorts of creation. First Move Toward Showing the Organismal Character of the Higher Psychic Life Now for the further scrutiny of such psychical facts as those typified by the examples presented, for the pur- pose of seeing what has been done and may yet be done to- ward bringing them into accord with the organismal con- ception, the pole star of all our previous discussions. This examination will begin, as others have begun, by showing how elementalistic attempts to interpret organic phenom- 228 The Unity of the Organism ena soon reveal their inadequacy and finally break down as the efforts come to face the increasing complexity which progress of objective research always finds in such phenom- ena. Associationist Psychology a Special Case of Elementalist Biology In the particular psychical realm we are now to examine, elementalist theory has appeared most prominently as what is called Associationism. This flourished first in England as the school of English Associationists, David Hartley, near the middle of the eighteenth century, being usually consid- ered its founder. Psychologists of this group hold that ideas, which for them appear to be identical with sensations, are the "ultimate elements" of psychic phenomena. "Ac- cording to this theory, rigidly carried out, all genesis of new products is due to the combination of pre-existing ele- ments." Even the passions, according to Hartley "must be aggregates of the ideas, or traces of the sensible pleas- ures and pains ; which ideas make up, by their number and mutual influence upon one another, for the faintness and transitory nature of each singly taken." 9 The "piling up of fancy upon fancy, of jest upon jest, the long embel- lishment of humor and foolery and horseplay" which Pro- fessor Manly shows characterize many of the Shakespearian plays, would be explained, according to this kind of psy- chology, not really by the author Shakespeare but by the "aggregation," in some way, within him of ideas. And, similarly, the works which in popular language are said to be by a Darwin, a Humboldt, a Copernicus, an Aris- totle, are in reality not by but merely m these men. The men were only the places of aggregation of the elements — the ultimates — by which the teaching on the .origin of species, on the general character of the earth, on the solar system, Psychic Integration on the deeper meaning of external nature, were produced. Again the old story with which we have become familiar: not the organism, but elements of, or perhaps merely in it, are the causal explanation of whatever occurrences are associ- ated with the organism. It is, I think, safe to assume that both the merits and the demerits of associationist psychol- ogy have been made patent enough, at least to English- speaking students, by the writings of James and others. If only the doctrine of "association of ideas" can be satis- fied to do what it is really able to do, and not insist upon trying to do what it can not do, its usefulness is great and its permanence in psychology assured. As indicated above, the "huge error," as James expresses it, by which the "whole historic doctrine of psychological association is tainted" 10 is only another miscarriage of the elementalist mode of reasoning, and so is subject to the general type of criticism which the reader has met in every chapter in this book. In order to divest the criticism as much as possible of personal flavor I shall make large use of James' language. "All these writers," says James, referring to Hobbes, Hume, Priestley, Hodgson and the later English associationists, "hold more or less explicitly to the notion of atomistic 'ideas' which occur. In Germany, the same mythological suppo- sition has been more radically grasped, and carried out to a still more logical, if more repulsive, extreme, by Herbart and his followers, who until recently may be said to have reigned supreme in their native country." Now the objection to the doctrine of "atomistic ideas" does not so much concern the conception of ideas as atoms as the nature attributed to these atoms, namely in assum- ing them to be immutable, and sufficient in their isolate capacities to account for the thought and other products arising from their "association." The following two quota- tions illustrate the form this criticism, the essence of which 230 Tlie Unity of the Organism is now very familiar to us as biologists, takes when it ap- pears in garments of a psychologist's making. The "huge error" of the association doctrine, mentioned above, James explains, is "that of the construction of our thoughts out of the compounding of themselves together of immutable and incessantly recurring 'simple ideas.' " 10 If there be any doubt as to the meaning of this surpris- ingly un-James-like wording, there certainly can not be as to the following: "For Herbart each idea is a permanently existing entity, the entrance whereof into consciousness is but an accidental determination of its being. So far as it succeeds in occupying the theatre of consciousness, it crowds out another idea previously there. . . . The ingenuity with which most special cases of association are formulated in this mechanical language of struggle and inhibition, is great, and surpasses in analytic thoroughness anything that has been done by the British school. This, however, is a doubt- ful merit, in a case where the elements dealt with are arti- ficial ; and I must confess that to my mind there is something almost hideous in the glib Herbartian jargon about Vorstel- lungsmassen and their Hemmungen and Hemmungssummen, and sinken and erheben and schwehen, and Verschmelzungen and C ample xionen." ll The long and short of the "huge error" of associationist psychology is that ideas are no such independent, immutable, simple entities as the doctrine supposes ; that in their origin and in all they are, and all they do, and all that comes forth from their association, they are in some sort and measure dependent upon — what? Something. Search after this something has been a large motive of more recent psycho- logical inquiry. One way of supplementing and rectifying associationist doctrines is to epitomize the shortcoming of these doctrines in the statement that they recognize only the objective side of the association process, whereas the subjective side is Psychic Integration 231 equally important. Thus Pillsbury: "It was a neglect of the subjective conditions and the insistence upon the objec- tive side of the problem that has led the English Associa- tional School into disrepute. The explanations that they gave were true as far as they went, but their incompleteness vitiated the conclusions as soon as they laid claim to uni- versality." 12 And the author then shows, convincingly enough, how two sets of subjective factors, attention and choice, play a large and important role in determining the "associative train." And further, "A complete explanation of association demands that both sets of factors [objective and subjective] be taken into account; to omit either is to fail in the solution of the problem." 13 Preliminary Examination of Objective and Subjective There is undoubtedly a real gain in having proved, as Pillsbury and others surely have, that a "side" other than the objective in association does exist. It is highly ad- vantageous, also, to have learned enough about this other "side" to make the term subjective an appropriate name for it. But any one coming to a study of the associational activities of the organism's psychic life as we have, namely as naturalists, can not avoid, if true to his traditions and methods, wanting to know how these two "sides," the objec- tive and the subjective, go together — what the nature is of their relation. For the very fact that they are two sides of one thing is to the naturalist prima facie evidence that they are in vital organic connection. Even the two sides of an inanimate thing, like the earth with its two hemispheres, have a relation to each other too important for the earth sciences to ignore or even to put off as merely "parallel." But when it comes to an entity like a live animal, the quin- tessence of which is organization, the question of how two of its "sides" so important as its objective and its subjec- 232 The Unity of the Organism tive are related, becomes most fundamental, especially when a 'subject like that of psychical association is up for con- sideration. It is, then, fundamental to our enterprise to find out all we can about the connection between the objective and sub- jective aspects or sides of the organism. It would be folly to expect results of any value from an effort of this sort without having first given attention to the nature of each of the sides. Now the objective "side" comes to much the same thing as the physical or material organism as we are conceiving the "sides." But since this has been the sub- ject of our whole treatise up to the last two chapters, and even of the greater part of these, we are already possessed of enough understanding of this "side" for our present purpose. As to the subjective "side" the case is different. Into its nature, its makeup and activities, we have looked very little — only in a bird's-eye-view fashion thus far in the present chapter, and into its marginal or transitional zone in the preceding two chapters. We are, consequently, obliged to penetrate further into the subjective realm itself before the main problem, that of the relation between the sides, is attacked. The Essence of Wundtian Apperception This carries us back to the point at which we brought Royce's suggestion of a relation between Loeb's tropism theory and Wundt's apperception theory into the discus- sion, the return to this point being for the purpose of using Wundt's conception to induct us further into the nature of mental life. The importance of examining Wundt's con- ception is two-fold. In the first place, we want to know whether or not it is genuinely descriptive of man's highest psychical life. If it is, nothing can stand in the way of its Psychic Integration 233 acceptance, so far, by the anthropological zoologist. But in the second place we must know whether or not it carries, a's some critics believe it does, transcendental or supernatural- istic implications. If this charge be true it is of course to this extent unsanctionable from our standpoint. Wundt's most concise characterization of apperception which I have found is, "The process by which any content of consciousness is brought to clear comprehension we call apperception." A content of consciousness is any definable experience we may have. All consciousness whatever is consciousness of something or other. This "something or other," no matter what, nor whether regarded as a whole or in part, is a con- tent of consciousness, according to my understanding. What is most distinctive about Wundt's characterization may be regarded as centering around the word clear. When a particular content gets itself into the lime-light of con- sciousness— when it becomes the center of attention — the process by which it does so is apperception. On the other hand, the process by which* contents, though brought into consciousness, come only into its outer zones or edges, and do not monopolize attention, is perception. Though this getting of a content into clearness in consciousness, this monopolizing of attention, may take place passively or actively so far as the mind as a whole is concerned, the ac- tive way seems to be the more distinctive and important, at least for mental life as a whole. It is apparently this positive activity of apperception, directed toward making particular contents of conscious- ness clear, which has brought criticism upon Wundt's con- ception. "Wundt talks," says Pillsbury, "almost as if there were a faculty or force of apperception, something behind and superior to consciousness, which brings about the change in clearness of the impressions. There is in the brain a definite centre of apperception, and in conscious- 234 The Unity of the Organism ness a force very closely related to will, that in and of itself chooses certain ideas for elevation to the high places of consciousness, and equally arbitrarily rejects others." And then follows this in Pillsbury's criticism, which brings out unmistakably its real purport: "It is very much like the self-conscious unity of apperception of Kant, which gives the final form and order to the various disconnected elements of the mind, and is in so far something inexplicable, a factor in experience that must be assumed without any further discussion of its nature, origin, or laws of action." 13 A suspicion, obviously, that the transcendentalism of Kant broods over Wundt's theory. As to the justification of this suspicion we need not be concerned here. Enough for us at this point to recognize that from the standpoint of description as natural history practices the art, or aims to practice it, Wundt's account of the way the mind works in a vast range of its activities seems true, and as far as it goes is satisfactory. Not only the matter of clearness of the contents of con- sciousness, but their makeup as well is important. Al- though "psychical elements" figure largely in Wundt's sys- tem, one finds no intimation that the whole mind and its contents can be "explained" by reducing them to "ultimate elements" after the familiar manner of elementalist explana- tion. "All the contents of psychical experience," Wundt says, "are of a composite character." And it follows from this that "psychical elements, or the absolutely simple and irreducible components of psychical phenomena, are the products of analysis and abstraction." 16 The two words, "analysis" and "abstraction," need par- ticular consideration. The psychical elements found by analysis do not exist, as such, in nature. Analysis, in this case, is logical or thought-analysis, and not objective analy- sis. We should do well to recall what was said in the dis- cussion of reflexes, namely that the "simple reflex," though Psychic Integration 235 legitimate and useful as an aid to interpreting the phenom- ena of reflex nerve action, has no actual existence in nature. It, like the "psychical element," is an abstraction. This is only another way of saying that psychical elements are what they are because they are parts of the mind as a whole, just as we have seen over and over again physical elements of the body are what they are because they are parts of the body. "The specific character of a given psychical process depends for the most part not on the nature of its elements so much as on their union into a composite psychical com- pound. Thus, the idea of an extended body or a rhythm, are all specific forms of psychical experience. But their charac- ter as such is as little determined by their sensational and af- fective elements as are the chemical properties of a compound body by the properties of its chemical elements. Specific char- acter and elementary nature of psychical processes are, ac- cordingly, two entirely different concepts." 17 We must not miss an essential point in this, that since with psychical elements just as with chemical elements we never know exactly what OR how much each particular ele- ment contributes to the compound, we are obliged to con- ceive the attributes of the compounds as pertaining to the elements collectively even before the compounding has been done. So it comes about that because all contents of conscious- ness are fundamentally composite, but are also resolvable into components of various grades of complexity, synthesis and analysis have a prominent place in the Wundtian system. Of these, synthesis is the more definitive and fundamental, since it enters into the very nature of consciousness itself. Consciousness is, according to Wundt, the "inter-connec- tion of psychical compounds." "It is the name for the gen- eral synthesis of psychical processes, in which synthesis the single compounds are marked off as more intimate combina- tions." 18 The meaning of this is made clearer by the state- 236 The Unity of the Organism ment that unconscious states like deep sleep, faint, and so on, are the interruption of these interconnections. Remarks On Analysis and Synthesis This brings us to where we can see the important distinc- tion between an aggregation and a synthesis — in a psychical sense particularly — and likewise between a fragmentation and an analysis. No mere aggregation,* as of ideas or emo- tions, would make consciousness. Only a synthesis of con- stituents can do that. And, contrariwise, while the mere severance of the synthesized components produces uncon- sciousness, an analysis of them results, not in unconscious- ness, but in a consciousness of the constituent parts of the contents of consciousness. The essence of consciousness is unitariness — integratedness, in our general terminology — as regards the contents of an individual organism's psychical nature, so th.at whatever analytical processes the mind per- forms must move within the bounds of its own unitariness or integratedness. Were we to conceive the analytic opera- tions of the mind to exceed or even quite to equal its synthetic operations, we should have to conceive it as utterly negating consciousness, i.e., as destroying itself. A man could ana- lyze his own mind in an elementalist sense only by suiciding. In other words, he could never do it, simply because he would have killed himself by the very process of analyzing before he had completed his job. These remarks on the distinction between synthesis and aggregation, and between analysis and fragmentation, are not quite what Wundt says. They go somewhat beyond his actual expression, but are legitimate inferences, I am quite sure, from his discussion as a whole. And they help us toward what we want to accomplish, namely to discover still more * Recall our previous remarks on this subject, e.g., pp. 182 and 268, and also the quotation from Hartley, p. 228. Psychic Integration 237 than Royce discovered about the relation between apperccp- tive processes, as Wundt conceives them, and the processes known as tropisms. Anticipating our results, and stating them in the most general terms possible, we may say that the "apperceptive synthesis" of Wundt, and what may be called tropistic syn- thesis, have a common ground in the kind of synthesis which is the very essence of that kind of organization to which the term life is applied. To be alive is to be an organic in- dividual; to be an organic individual is to be an indi- vidual that perpetually synthesizes itself from substances extraneous to itself (food, in the narrower sense, and oxygen) ; and to be a psychically endowed individual is to be an individual which in addition to synthesizing a physical nature from the substances mentioned, synthesizes a psychical nature from physical and chemical contacts and interactions between the individual and the external world, the physical contacts being called stimuli. Viewing the matter thus, it is seen to be -highly probable that in its ulti- mate essences the dependence of the psychical nature of the organism on stimuli is connected, directly and inseparably, with the dependence of its material nature on material nu- triment. We should, I think, be surprised were a demonstration to be produced that psychic life has as little connection with metabolic processes as the text-books of psychology would lead one to suppose. Every modern psychologist, like every modern biologist, accepts, unquestioningly I presume, the conception that in some way the psychic life is no less de- pendent on the nutritive substances and processes than is the physical life. Yet that "some way" appears to be gen- erally regarded as so remote and obscure as to be beyond the reach of profitable treatment by psychological science, judg- ing from the considerable number of standard text-books which I have consulted on the point. In only one of these 238 The Unity of the Organism (Elements of Physiological Psychology, by Ladd and Wood- ward) do I find the word "metabolism" in the index. Our task may then be restated as that of making out more fully and clearly than Royce did the connection be- tween apperception and tropisms, which is involved presum- ably in the whole problem of organic synthesis from its highest manifestations in psychic synthesis to its lowest manifestation as metabolic synthesis ; of bringing to more specificity the general statement made above. But such statements are altogether too sweeping and abstract to satis- fy scientific description and explanation in our day. A chapter must now consequently be devoted to making them more definite. REFERENCE INDEX 1. Hobbes 15 10. James ('90) 1,553 2. Hobbes 21 11. James ('90) I, 603 3. Hobbes 25 12. Pillsbury 106 4. Royce ix 13. Pillsbury 112 , 5. Royce x 14. Wundt 229 6. Royce xi 15. Pillsbury 270 7. Manly 3 16. Wundt 32 8. Manly 4 17. Wundt 33 9. Baldwin I, 80 18. Wundt 223 Chapter XXIII A Still Closer Look at the Organismal Nature of Tropisms HAVING selected tropisms as a strategic point in our program of search for the vital connection, if such exists, between the physical and the psychical, we must turn again to this subject. Our previous treatment of the tro- pism theory brought out the essential organismal character of the type of activity to which the term tropism has. been applied. The result of tha"t treatment might be epitomized by saying that in so far as the theory rests on accurate and adequate description, it is genuinely organismal and genuinely sound, but in so far as it rests on causal ex- planation that is elementalistic in spirit and expression it is genuinely unsound. Our present aim will be furthered by illustrating this epitomized stricture on the theory in a little different way from which we objectified our criticism in the earlier treatment. Every one familiar with current explanatory discussion of tropisms must have noticed the large and free manner in which the word substances is made use of in the explanations. Thus, to illustrate: The larvae of certain butterflies emerge from their winter nests under the influence of the warm spring sunshine, crawl to the tips of the branches of some shrub or tree, eat the buds and tender leaves there; then, after feeding to satiety "turn tail" and crawl down the 239 240 The Unity of the Organism branches. This rather complex and, to the insects, highly useful performance Loeb and others have proved to consist of a series of reflexes so interconnected as to come under the tropistic type of activity. And Loeb, e.g., in the chap- ter, On the Theory of Animal Instincts (Physiology of the Brain) uses the case to good effect in support of his contention that the traditional instinct-and-nerve-center ex- planation of such phenomena is utterly inadequate. So far, good. As to the straightforward presentation of facts, Loeb's position seems unassailable. But what about the causal explanation of the facts? What, exactly, is it that sends the larvae up the branches? What causes the eating activities? What makes the creatures then turn about and finally sends them down the branches? That several environmental factors, the warm weather, the sunlight, the character of the plant buds and leaves, and so on, are involved is brought out clearly enough. But what about the factors pertaining to the larvae themselves ? The body-shape, the skin, the sense drgans, the muscles are, as was emphasized in the previous discussion of tropisms, freely recognized after a fashion by the tropism theory. But deeper still than these — what? Chemical substances "ac- cording to requirement," in the language of the cook books. Until the caterpillars have taken food they are positively "heliotropic," that is, literally, are induced by sunlight to move toward the sun, after the higher spring temperature has caused chemical changes in their bodies essential to such movement. But by eating to satiety the chemical changes essential to the positive heliotropism are inhibited and a negatively heliotropic state comes on. "We can im- agine," writes Loeb, "that the taking up of food leads to the destruction of the substances in the skin of the animal which are sensitive to light, upon which substances the helio- tropism depends, or that through the consumption of food the action of these substances is indirectly prevented." 1 In Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical the total scheme, then, actual and imagined, various "sub- stances" are indispensable. That the imaginary constituents constitute a very im- portant part of the explanation is obvious. This fact is, however, not specially objectionable. It is not if its true character is never forgotten. But here comes the point I wish to make focal just now. If imagination is to be given a place at all in the argument it must have a larger place than Loeb has accorded it. Otherwise the teachings of evolution, i.e., the genetic continuity in biology, are tacitly repudiated. Attention has previously been called, especially in the chapter on the organism and its chemistry, to the deep current of virtual anti-geneticism which runs through physi- ology generally, and particularly through bio-chemistry. Undoubtedly we can imagine "substances" produced and de- stroyed in such a complex of activities as that described, to meet exactly the needs of the larva; but can we legitimately imagine them to be so produced and so destroyed by any other means than just by the particular animals in question, that is, by the organisms? Various of our discussions, but particularly those in which the specificity of protoplasm have been dwelt upon, constitute a decisive negative answer to this question. No causal explanation of the requisite "substances" imagined can stop short of the organism, alive and normal, as an essential and "causal factor" in the phe- nomena presented. Causal explanation of tropisms which aims to reach a physico-chemical basis is really organismal as well as are tropisms seen through the medium of pure description. The Automatic and Anticipatory Character of Tropisms and Other Reflexes Nor should the reader fail to note the intrinsicality, the adaptiveness, and the anticipatoriness, of tropisms as illus- The Unity of the Organism trated in this example. Conscious will and choice seemingly do not come into the operation at all. Given the right con- ditions, internal and external, the caterpillar goes through the concatenation of operations necessary for its existence, willy-nilly. Moreover, the actions initiated by the warm weather, the larvae being yet down at the base of the shrubs or branches, have in organic prospect, as one might say, a supply of food peculiar to the species. And this supply, be it remarked, is several inches at least, and several min- utes at least, away from the larva at the beginning of its round of activities. Its future, even more obviously than its present, existence is involved in the acts. Anticipatori- ness is perhaps the most conspicuous attribute of the adap- tiveness of such activities. C. Lloyd Morgan has well ex- pressed the truth that one of the most important lessons to be learned from the study of animal behavior "in its or- ganic aspect" is the fact that "living cells may react to stimuli in a manner which we perceive to be subservient to a biological end, and yet react without conscious purpose — that is, automatically." 2 But from our examination of the cell-theory we conclude that "living cells" in this statement ought to read "living organisms." So much by way of further preparation, in the reflex and tropistic phases of animal life, for our search after a vital connection between the physical and the psychical. It will now be advantageous to return to that supremely important aspect of human psychic life already examined somewhat, namely that of Wundtian apperception. A Still Closer Look at the Likeness Between Higher Ra- tional Life and Tropisms As Royce's statement of the objections to the concep- tion of Wundt contains several points that will be useful to Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 243 us, we reproduce more of his sentences. "It has been ob- jected to the partisans of Wundt that the term 'appercep- tion,' as thus used, seems to signify a factor in mental life which can be explained neither in terms of what we have called sensitiveness, nor in terms of the law of habit. It has also been objected that the conception of a conscious process, engaged in influencing its own states, is a concep- tion which confuses together metaphysical and psycholog- ical motives. The psychologist, engaged as he is, not in studying how Reason forms the world, but in observing and reducing to rule the mere phenomena of human mental life as they occur, is not interested, it has been asserted, in a power whose influence upon mental phenomena seems to be of so ambiguous a character as is that which the Wundtian 'ap- perception' possesses." 3 Again: "This is the place," Royce writes, "neither to expound nor estimate Wundt's theory. But it does here concern us to point out that what occurs m mind whenever we are actively attentive is attended with a feeling of rest- lessness, which makes its dissatisfied with all those associa- tive processes that do not tend to further our current in- tellectual interests. On the other hand, the cerebral proc- esses that accompany active attention are certainly such as tend to inhibit many associative processes that would, tf free, hmder our current intellectual interests." Mean- while, "our active attention itself is always the expression of interests which possess the same elemental character that we have all along been illustrating in the foregoing para- graphs. The attentive inventor is eager about the beau- tiful things that he thinks of while he is trying to invent. The attentive hostess is eager about social success. The attentive caged animal is eager about whatever suggests a way of escape." 4 The discussion from which these sentences are taken is contained in a chapter near the end of the book, entitled 244 The Unity of the Organism The Conditions of Mental Initiative, and in order that the reader may get the full force of what Royce is talking about, he is earnestly recommended to read the entire chap- ter. Only thus can the "foregoing paragraphs" mentioned be adequately appraised. But we must try, in our own way, to get the essence of the matter. Royce's presenta- tion is his way of insisting upon the facts of psychical life and activity, high and low, which have given rise to the Wundtian conception of apperception, these facts being the indubitably initiatory, directive and selective qualities of mind in all its grades. Furthermore, Royce dwells on the homogeneity, as one may express it, of this intrinsicality of mental life — its initiative, its persistence, and its selectiv- ity— with the individual or fluctuating variations which have played so large a part in theorizing about organic evolution and heredity during the Darwinian era of biology. And he goes back still further in good modern biological fashion, and connects these variations with organic growth itself, thus calling attention to the fact that variations of this particular sort can not be referred to environmental influence. At this point we may stop, as biologists, to supplement Royce's argument by pointing out that variations of the sort indicated, are referable to environmental influence only in the sense that growth is so referable. An organism's securing and taking in of its nutritive substances are un- doubtedly a kind of response to contact with its environ- ment, and in that broad sense growth may be said to be due to environmental influence. If the organism had no nourishment, if it received no environmental influence of this kind, it certainly would not grow. At the same time, since the organism manages somehow to build a great variety of tissues and organs out of one and the same supply of nour- ishment; that is in response to one and the same "environ- mental influence" (as we are agreeing to use the phrase Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 245 here) there is no course open but to recognize that the or- ganism is a very important, because indispensable, factor in its own growth and differentiation. "Self differentiation," so far as the whole organism is concerned, is a fact than which no other in the whole domain of biology is better es- tablished. Indeed, self differentiation is really a special form of self growth and surely no one would contend that environmental influence is more than an essential factor in the growth of an organism. To hold it to be a complete explanation of the phenomenon would be too manifestly ab- surd to receive serious consideration. It would be to con- tend, in effect, that one of the processes of the organism (its growth) is more than all the processes of the whole or- ganism. But since most if not all Variation depends, either directly or indirectly, upon growth, what is more natural than that the living, growing organism should display much self variation? That such variations are among the most common phe- nomena presented by organic beings, there is no shadow of doubt to any one who views the problem broadly and crit- ically, and with no domineering preconceptions as to what ought to be and ought not to be ; who, in other words, views the organic world as a natural historian, guided by the mandate "neglect nothing," instead of as a physicist in the mathematico-laboratory sense, guided by the mandate "neg- lect everything which can not be made to conform to gen- eral mathematically statable law." These remarks about the relation of mental activity to growth, differentiation and variation of the organism, and to environmental influence would apply throughout, muta- tis mutandis, to tropistic activity. 246 The Unity of the Organism A Stitt Closer Description of tlie Subrational Moiety of Psychic Life And this brings us to where our final return may be made for purely descriptive and comparative purposes, to the subrational moiety of psychic life, the purpose of the re- turn this time being to characterize this moiety as faith- fully but as briefly as possible on the basis of the total re- sults of researches in the field up to the present time. So bulky and varied are these results that to examine them exhaustively is hardly possible for any one person even though he be a specialist in the field. Much less possible is it, then, for a general zoologist to make such an examina- tion. Nevertheless it is, I believe, possible to give an epitome of the present state of knowledge that shall be true in all fundamental respects and highly significant for our enterprise. Remarks on the Classes of Subrational Life In giving this epitome we shall not try to maintain a sharp distinction between reflexes, whether of the tropistic or any other type, and instincts. To begin with, as always, when a large and intensively cultivated domain of science is en- tered for the purpose of extracting from it its most certain major results, we may take it for granted that the ex- tremists touching any portion of the field over which di- vergence is wide and warm, are unsafe guides for the gen- eral student. Thus, the student who enters the realm of animal behavior for such a purpose as that for which we are now entering it soon sees that those specialists who find nothing but tropisms, and these of the most uncompro- mising sort, in the activities of much of the animal king- dom, are not the ones to whose guidance he can entrust Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 247 himself, no matter how voluminous, and perhaps excellent in quality, their experimental researches may be. For instance, such a view as that of Bohn's, according to which the word instinct ought to be eliminated from the terminology of science "as a legacy of the past, the middle ages, the theologians and the metaphysicians," 5 is so obvi- ously unjustifiable to any well-informed zoologist as to make him suspicious of such a writer all along the line, especially wherever his judgment and scientific poise are im- plicated. This question of the reality of instincts I use to illus- trate the peril to the general student of the unpoised spe- cialist, because it is germane to the present discussion. In general zoology the type of animal behavior to which the term instinctive is applied is not less conspicuous and real, to say the least, than is the type described as tropistic. For an experimentalist to come out of his laboratory and tell a broadly experienced entomologist or ornithologist, for example, that the familiar achievements of young insects of many species, and of numerous young birds should not be called instinctive because (as the experimenter asserts) they are reducible to the tropistic or perchance the simple reflex type of reaction, may justly be characterized as sci- entific impertinence. It is as though an embryologist, hav- ing discovered that a bird's wing is the genetic counterpart of a salamander's forelimb, should instruct the ornitholo- gist that it is wrong for him to call the bird's wing a wing, because the member may be reduced to a lower type of limb. Unquestionably the experimental specialist often pro- duces results which necessitate changes in the general zo- ologist's conceptions and nomenclature. But it is not his province to take into his own hands the revision of the fundamental terms of zoology. Any one moderately in- structed in the history of zoology knows that "instinct" is a hardly less well-grounded zoological term than "birth" or 248 The Unity of the Organism "intelligence," or many another indispensable term. Our inquiry is not as to whether there are such things as instincts, but how they operate and what they signify for the animals possessing them. Perhaps of highest interest to us is the fact that innumerable instincts, if indeed not all, are as indubitably hereditary as are any animal endowments whatever. This comes out especially convincingly in those numberless cases where the instinctive operations develop strictly pari passu with the anatomical development of the young, there being absolutely no opportunity for them to learn, even subconsciously. Take as an example the crustacean Amphithoe longimana, in which Holmes compared in detail the activities of the newly hatched young with those of the adult. "Amphithoe lives in tubular nests which are usually lodged among sea weed. The nests are somewhat longer than the animal, and are spun of a web-like material into which bits of sea weed are often incorporated which help to conceal the oc- cupant. In its nest Amphithoe lies in wait for prey, ready to dart out upon any small creature which touches the ends of its long antennae. "The activities of the adult Amphithoe, with the excep- tion of those concerned in reproduction, are almost ex- actly paralleled by those of the young. I have taken the eggs from the maternal brood pouch shortly before hatch- ing and kept them isolated in individual dishes. For some time after emerging from the egg the young were weak and had imperfect control of their movements, which were jerky and irregular. Soon the minute creatures would crawl and swim much like the adults, and the next day they began constructing nests which were the same shape as those formed by their parents." Then comes a part of the description to which the reader's special attention is called because it brings out, partly by implication, a richness of detail in be- havior which defies full expression, and which every care- Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 249 fully observing zoologist knows to be characteristic of the activities of nearly all animals. Especial attention is in- vited to this, because this elusive wealth of behavior is usually overlooked by the cursory observer on the one hand and by the experimentalist on the other. "The attitudes in the nest," Holmes writes, "the waving of the antennae, the beating of the swimmerets, the restless movements of the legs and mouth-parts, springing after food, belligerency toward passers by, the little unobtrusive signs of timidity, the reversal of position in the nest on the approach of danger and the general behavior outside of the nest, were, on the next day after hatching, almost exactly the same as in older individuals. The only differences in behavior were due to the feebleness of the young and their imperfect con- trol of their movements." One never reads a description like this by a typical experimentalist, especially if he be a pure tropist, or by a meagerly trained zoologist ! Then the final statement: "The young are hatched with all the in- stincts necessary fully to equip them for the business of life. No experience is necessary to teach them what is advan- tageous for them to do." The impossibility should be noticed of drawing a sharp line in this description between instinctive and purely reflex acts. "Reversal of position in the nest on approach of danger" is clearly instinctive. But "beating of swimmer- ets," and especially the "restless movements of the legs" — are these instinctive or wholly reflex? Probably they arc reflex, though the leg movements may well be partly in- stinctive. A whole volume of examples as unquestionable as this could be compiled, and all groups of animals from mammals down to worms at least would be represented. 250 The Unity of the Organism Four Certainties About the Adaptiveness of Subrational Psychic Activities Concerning the purposefulness or adaptiveness of activi- ties of this general type, I think four things may be re- garded as absolutely certain. Generally Useful to Individual and to Species First, a vast majority of them are recognizably contribu- tory to the perpetuity of both the individual in its normal life, and of the species. But for them neither individual nor species would continue to exist. This is so obvious that further remark upon it is unnecessary. Many Useful to Species Primarily Second, in a large number of instances particular acts by particular individuals are in the interest of the species primarily and of the individuals only secondarily or not at all. This is shown most conclusively in cases like that of several species of salmon, where the individual normally goes through activities which secure the continuance of the spe- cies but which end in the death of the individual. A large and varied number of cases of this type occur, especially among insects. But the supremacy of species over individ- ual needs appears under various other forms. Thus almost certainly such tropistic activities as that of the moth going to its death or injury in the flame is of this sort. This case may be stated in general terms thus: Owing to lack of any ability on the part of an individual to modify its in- herited mode of action to meet a special situation, it acts in the old way even though the new situation, while in gen- eral like the old, yet differs from it enough to make it peril- ous to the individual if it acts unmodifiedly in the old racial Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 251 way. The preeminently racial utility and hereditary char- acter of instincts is certainly one of the most interesting things about them for the present discussion. Variability of Subrational Activities The third certainty about reflex and instinctive activities is that they are by no means so stereotyped and invariable as older cursory observation or as much theorizing, espe- cially about tropisms and instincts, has held them to be. Darwin, in the notable chapter on Instinct in The Origm of Species, was the first to attack seriously the notion of such invariability in dealing with instincts. He undertook to show that the instinctive type of activity is subject to vari- ation just as are all other aspects of animal life. A telling set of recent investigations under this head is by the Peckhams. That on the solitary wasp, Ammophila urnaria, is particularly to the point because the earlier writers had used its habits of paralyzing caterpillars by stinging them and storing them up as food for its young to illustrate the undeviating and unerring character of in-. stincts. But the extensive studies of these entomologists led them to write: "The one preeminent, unmistakable and ever-present fact is variability. Variability in every par- ticular— in shape of the nest and the manner of digging it, in the condition of the nest (whether closed or open) when left temporarily, in the method of stinging the prey, in the degree of malaxation, in the manner of carrying the victim, in the way of closing the nest, and last, and most im- portant of all, in the condition produced in the victims by stinging." 7 No present-day authority so far as I know contends that instincts operate in a hard-and-fast manner comparable to the workings of any man-made machine. They are now universally recognized to be subject to the same general The Unity of the Organism principles of variation to which all organic phenomena are subject. Furthermore, under the searching investigation and criticism of numerous workers, notably H. S. Jennings and Ills followers, the tropism theory has been deprived, for most biologists, of its inorganically mechanistic character. The principles of "random movements," "avoiding reac- tions," "trial and error," and others, are thoroughly estab- lished and the recognition of them may be said to have so modified the doctrine of tropisms as to make it one of or- ganic mechanism rather than of inorganic mechanism — as it virtually would be according to the thoroughgoing elemen- talistic conception of it. The "mechanistic conception of life," one may remark, has very much to commend it if only the machines conceived are recognized to be alive. My re- marks under this head * may be consulted by the reader who wishes to follow this point. What is meant by random movements is made clear by the following: "In the earthworm and the larvae of blow- flies which are negatively phototactic it has been shown by the writer that movements which bring the animal toward the light are checked or reversed and only those which hap- pen to direct the animal away from the light are followed up. Whatever immediate orienting tendency the light may have in these cases is relatively unimportant as compared with the clement of selection of favorable movements in di- recting the animal away from the light." Here it will be noticed that the end, beneficial to the ani- mal, is reached through a combination of orienting reac- tions of the rigidly tropistic type, -i.e., the type dependent on the movement of the animal directly toward or away from the source of light by the symmetrical plan of the body, and a sort of reaction in which the particular body- form and the direction of light rays are of only secondary * See "Machines, living," in the index of The Probable Infinity of Na- ture and Life. Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 253 significance. But this latter type of activity, wholly di- vorced from a direct-orienting reaction, and even from a bilateral body symmetry, is of wide application among the lower animals. It was first brought clearly to the atten- tion of biologists by Jennings in his now well-known inves- tigations on Paramecium and other protozoans. These in- vestigations formed the bases of the "avoiding reaction" and the "trial and error" conceptions now generally recognized to be of much importance in the behavior of all animals, es- pecially of those in which a high measure of bodily activity occurs but in which there is little or no intelligence. Jen- nings' lucid account of his results in the chapter Be- havior of the Infusoria; Paramecium (Behavior of Lower Organisms) is strongly commended to the reader. The following paragraph must suffice for our reference to this work. After describing the behavior of Parame- cium, Jennings writes : "This method of behaving is per- haps as effective a plan for meeting all sorts of conditions as could be devised for so simple a creature. On getting into difficulties the animal retraces its course for a distance, then tries going ahead in various directions, till it finds one in which there is no further ^ obstacle to its progress. In this direction it continues. Through systematically testing the surroundings, by swinging the anterior end in a circle, and through performing the entire reaction repeatedly, the in- fusorian is bound in time to find any existing egress from the difficulties, even though it be but a narrow and tortuous passageway." And this complex and highly useful be- havior is performed by an organism which, so far as the best anatomical researches have been able to determine, is entirely devoid of a nervous system, and consists of a single cell! But the "trial and error" scheme here exemplified is by no means confined to unicellular, non-nervous animals, nor to experimentally produced conditions. That it is opera- 254 The Unity of the Organism tive in nature, and among animals with rather highly de- veloped nervous systems I shall illustrate by describing briefly a performance witnessed by me some years ago. This was the capture and engulfment of food by a nemertean worm.* These marine worms are of considerable size, some reach- ing a length of many inches, even a few feet, and ranging in thickness from less than an eighth of an inch to nearly an inch. Externally they give the impression of being very lowly in organization, the body being devoid of limbs or other appendages, and without segmentation. However, when they are examined internally a surprisingly high grade of organization is found, the muscular, digestive, blood and nervous systems being on a par, probably, with those of any invertebrates below the crustaceans and insects. The nervous system, particularly the brairi^ is relatively large, though not differentiated into diverse ganglionic masses and connecting strands to the extent found in jointed worms. The creatures are poorly equipped with external sense or- gans, there being no tentacles nor any certain olfactory or auditory organs. And eyes, when present, are so minute and simple as to be without power of sight in the ordinary sense; almost certainly they are mere light-perceiving or- gans. The most distinctive anatomical feature of the nemerte- ans is a very long and thin though muscular and flexible hol- low tube situated at the anterior end of the animal, which is usually carried stowed away in a pouch within the body. While thus retracted the tube has some such relation to the rest of the animal that a glove-finger would have to the * Greatly to my regret I am unable to say what the species or even the genus was of either the nemertean or the annelid here referred to. The observation was made at the Shumagin Islands, Alaska, and under cir- cumstances that rendered it quite impossible to "look up" the species. And my knowledge of the taxonomy of these groups of worms is alto- gether too meager to enable me to identify genera even, offhand. Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 255 glove were it completely inverted into the hand of the glove. This tube is used in the capture of prey, the ani- mals being carnivorous and highly voracious. The mode of employing the apparatus consists essentially in thrusting the tube out with almost the speed of lightning, the object being to bring the organ into contact with the prey at many points. The lash is not used as a lasso for catching or as a spear for piercing the prey, but for paralyzing it, prob- ably by a toxic secretion spread over the whole surface. The more effectually to accomplish this, the lash is shot out at a victim again and again. Now for the aspect of the whole operation of food-taking which specially concerns us. Being quite sightless and touchless in the usual sense, the lash must be used as an ex- ploring or finding as well as a paralyzing or killing organ; and since its great length and limberness preclude it from being used as an ordinary tentacle is used, the finding op- eration is accomplished by repeated out-thrustings of the tube. In the instance witnessed the prey was an annelid worm, a creature well provided with locomotor organs, and a good crawler. On this account the victim-to-be was able, in the early stages of the onset, to move out of contact with the nemertean now and then. At such times the prey could be relocated only by darting out the lash at random, except as to general direction. So it resulted that many of the thrusts missed the mark; but they were instantly repeated with a little variation of direction, till the victim was lo- cated again. The whole performance reminded one of the game of blind-man's-buff, a game in which the seeker paws around in the general vicinity, as he believes, where the one sought was last touched. The effectiveness of the try, try again method was at- tested in this instance by the fact that the annelid was hit and the paralyzing dose administered times enough to put the annelid into so helpless a state that the nemertean was 256 The Unity of the Organism finally able to get its mouth into contact with its prey. Then the victim, itself but little smaller than the nemertean, disappeared down the latter's "throat" with almost the rapidity with which the lash was retracted into and thrust out of its pouch. How much of this highly complex per- formance, so eminently useful to the nemertean, was purely reflex, how much chemotactic, and how much instinctive.'' And who will assert positively that there was no trace of consciousness, even of intelligence, in it? An extremely interesting line of inquiry is suggested by cases of "trial and error" like this where at one extreme the "errors" are not much less numerous than the successes, and, at the other extreme, are cases in which the errors are re- duced almost to nil. A type case of this last would be the poise-and-spring of a cat after its prey. With little doubt a closely graded series could be made out running through from one extreme to the other. A cardinal interest in the inquiry would be as to the extent to which the simple reflex, tropistic reflex, instinct, and intelligence figure in the dif- ferent grades. Would it not turn out that the gradual diminution of error through the series would be, generally speaking, concomitant with the increase of intelligence? I suspect so. Tendency of Subrational Activities to Excessiveness The fourth and last certainty about reflex and instinc- tive activities to receive attention is their tendency to ex- cessiveness — their way of going beyond what is necessary or even really safe for the welfare of the organism. Although from several points of view this is one of the most impor- tant aspects of the whole subject, it has received surpris- ingly little attention, especially by the modern school of ex- perimental zoology. Probably every one who has observed animals widely and Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 257 thoughtfully has been impressed with the exuberance of their performances. That they are ever wont to overdo things, even operations which are when done in measured fashion absolutely essential to their existence, is matter of common knowledge. Holmes has some comments under this head which may fitly introduce our presentation. "With all their wonderful adaptiveness instincts are far from ideally per- fect. Much of Mark Twain's remarks on the futility and imbecility, the wasted effort and labor at cross purposes shown in the behavior of ants may easily be verified by any observer." A common form taken by excessiveness of action is repe- tition. Very many, perhaps all, animals are notorious re- peaters. A few out of the many available instances will suffice to fix the phenomenon in mind. Some time ago a small whale (probably a half-grown Humpback, Megaptera versabttis) came near shore at La Jolla, California, and re- mained in the same small area for days. While there it went through a particular set of movements known to whal- ers as "breaching" scores of times, each set being exactly, so far as one could see from the shore, like every other set. The performance consisted, in this case, of a leap out of the water, which carried the body clear of the surface of the sea, the direction of emergence being probably thirty degrees from the perpendicular. During the ascent the ani- mal turned with a characteristic twist to the left and came down on its head and left side with a great splash. Once back in the ocean the creature reversed the course it was going when making the leap, returned to some distance from where it had emerged, reversed its course again, and re- peated the leap identically, to all appearances, even as to the spot of emergence and direction of travel. Why so many times the same performance in the same spot? That is the problem which concerns us here. Even though we conceive it to be somehow adaptive — connected in some in- 258 The Unity of the Organism direct way possibly with feeding or reproduction or migra- tion or some other vital function — the question still remains, why so much of it? And to this no probable or even ra- tional answer is forthcoming from the standpoint of adapta- tion and utility, taking these terms in their usual meaning. Here is another case from the mammalia, the possible adaptive significance of which is still more remote, if any- thing, than that of the behavior of the whale. Many indi- vidual mice of the genus Peromyscus being used by Doctor Sumner and Mr. Collins in their researches on heredity and environmental influence at the Scripps Institution take to throwing back summersaults in their cages. The more com- mon performance consists in a run along the floor of the wooden cage and up its side to near the top, then a quick, strong jump backward clear across the cage, the feet being uppermost during the first part of the leap but coming to rights again by the time the landing is made. Here again the question of why the mice do this seemingly useless thing is not so interesting for the present discussion as that of why they do it so much. The high flight of some species of birds, the great eleva- tions being reached by long, regular upward spirals, would appear to come under the head of non-adaptive, superfluous action. The sand-hill crane, Grus mexicana, may be taken as an instance of a bird given to this habit. Surely such flights by this species can have nothing to do with food- getting, since in the excursions the bird is going directly away from, instead of into, the region where its food abounds. It eats snakes, frogs and other creeping animals, and various seeds and roots. Nor is there any evidence that the flights are concerned with the mating function, nor yet with migration, though one might possibly imagine that while on the excursions the birds learn, after a fashion, the topography of the surrounding regions. The high-diving and booming of the night-hawk, Cordefas Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 259 lirginianus, repeated time after time in the early evening and occasionally in midday when an approaching storm cools the air, would seem to be another performance of the non- adaptive sort. The suggestion that this is a courtship af- fair can hardly stand, in view of the fact that at least as often as otherwise the birds which do it are entirely alone. Nor can one see how so extensive and swift a dive, with so much noise, can be advantageous for the capture of flying insects. And reflect on the quantity of movement of many ani- mals. Can any one believe that mammals and lizards run, birds and insects fly, and fishes swim just exactly so much as and no more than, they must in order to survive? Would it be contended that the Golden Plover, to take a well known case of extensive migration, would certainly succumb in the struggle for existence on arty thing less than a journey from the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere well into the southern hemisphere and back, each year? There is a vast difference between a necessity for migration to some ex- tent and a necessity for migration of a particular quantity. One of the great weaknesses of the natural selection theory has been, I am very sure, its slight regard for quantity ; quantity of need, quantity of performance', quantity of benefit. These examples serve to illustrate the fact that among the higher animals at least, much muscular activity occurs which is not at all, or only partly, adaptive. But by far the more common occurrence of excessive activity is in connec- tion with behavior which is more or less obviously adap- tive. "A good thing carried to excess," in the familiar phrase, expresses well what is in mind here. This excessiveness of adaptive activity is naturally more easily recognized in animals which are most easily observed and most active generally. Thus it is from birds and in- sects that examples can be most readily drawn. 260 The Unity of the Organism • Let the current view be accepted that the song of pas- serine birds is associated adaptively with the mating func- tion. Even so, no one who has given careful attention to the matter can have failed to recognize that with many species much more singing is done than actual pairing and breeding call for. I have kept almost daily notes for sev- eral years on the singing of the Western Meadow Lark, Sternella magnu neglect a, in the vicinity of La Jolla. The birds are resident the whole year through, and as they come familiarly around my home and laboratory, the observations can be quite full. Although the breeding time is restricted to late February, March, April, and sometimes May, there is not a month in the year when songs may not be heard, most of the time in full volume. Significantly, I believe, the song is at its ebb during some weeks just before the nesting period begins. Nor does the singing of the males seem to be connected in any close way with mating. The birds do not pair off closely and permanently, even for the breeding season. Most of the singing, which occurs chiefly in the morning and early forenoon and again toward evening, is done while the singer is, more commonly than otherwise, quite alone on some telephone pole or wire. And the mode of singing does not change at all when mating begins. An- other interesting fact about the singing of this species is the considerable range of temperature and light conditions over which the song is invariable, so far as these factors are concerned. The song may be as full and frequent on cloudy, misty mornings as on sunny ones; and over a con- siderable range of temperature the song is quite independent of the particular degree marked by the thermometer. While the song habits of this bird are undoubtedly some- what exceptional in their looseness of correlation with mat- ing and with environmental conditions, certain it is that much this sort of thing is observable with several resident species which I have observed. The house finch, Carpodacus Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 261 Mexicamis, and the California towhee, Pipilo fuscus, may be specially mentioned in this connection. The fact that do- mesticated song birds, like the canary, may be brought to sing almost perpetually is only an extreme manifestation of tendency among song birds to sing in excess of any strict utility of song. Think of the monotonous repetition in the croaking of frogs, the chirping of crickets, the stridulations of cicadas, and so on! I have counted more than five hundred con- secutive chirps of a cricket in about half an hour, with only a little variation as to notes or intervals. And this is surely a very moderate example of what actually occurs — as any one can easily convince himself by listening and count- ing almost any still night, almost anywhere where crickets live. Probably the chirping pf crickets is employed in mat- ing. Very well. But are the thousands of chirps uttered by a given individual each night for many nights, the small- est number upon which the species can survive? Even ask- ing of the question reveals the monstrosity of a theory that would necessitate an affirmative answer to it — as strict ad- herence to the natural selectionist meaning of utility un- doubtedly would. In place of bringing forward additional instances, which could easily be done, to show that vocal sounds and bodily performances of various sorts more or less obviously con- nected with mating among higher animals are produced in excess of what the strict application of the rule of physio- logical economy would dictate, I shall do no more than util- ize the conclusions of two investigators who seem specially qualified to speak on the subject, and assume that these con- clusions would receive the sanction of all zoologists who have given serious attention to the matter and have formed their judgments unbiased in favor of any explanatory theory. The first of these investigators is W. H. Hudson, who represents a period a little antecedent to the present spe- 262 The Unity of the Organism cially critical experimental era. I quote from his well- known The Naturalist in La Plata, published in 1892: "I wish now to put this question : What relation that we can see or imagine to the passion of love and the business of courtship have these dancing and vocal performances in nine cases out of ten? In such cases, for instance, as that of the scissor-tail tyrant-bird, and its pyrotechnic evening displays, when a number of couples leave their nests, con- taining eggs and young, to join in a wild aerial dance; the mad exhibitions of ypecahas and ibises, and the jacanas' beautiful display of grouped wings ; the triplet dances of the spur-winged lapwing, to perform which two birds already mated are compelled to call in a third to complete the set; the harmonious duets of the oven-birds, and the duets and choruses of nearly all the wood-hewers, and the wing-slap- ping aerial displays of the whistling widgeons ; will it be seriously contended that the female of this species makes choice of the male able to administer the most vigorous and artistic slaps? . . . There are many species in which the male, singly or with others, practises antics or sings during the love-season before the female; and when all such cases, or rather those which are most striking and bizarre, are brought together, and when it is gratuitously asserted that the females do choose the males that show off in the best manner or that sing best, a case for sexual selection seems to be made out. How unfair the argument is, based on these carefully selected cases gathered from all regions of the globe, and often not properly reported, is seen when we turn from the book to Nature, and closely consider the habits and actions of all the species inhabiting any one district. We see then that such cases as those described and made so much of in the 'Descent of Man,' and cases like those mentioned in this chapter, are not essentially different in character, but are manifestations of one instinct, which appears to be almost universal among the higher animals. The explana- Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 263 tion I have to offer lies very much on the surface. . . . We see that the inferior animals, when the conditions of life are favorable, are subject to periodical fits of gladness, affecting them powerfully, and standing out in vivid contrast to their ordinary temper. And we know what this feeling is — this periodic intense elation which even civilized man occasionally experiences when in perfect health, more especially when young. There are moments when he is mad with joy, when he cannot keep still, when his impulse is to sing and shout aloud and laugh at nothing, to run and leap and exert him- self in some extravagant way." X1 The reader is asked to note what Hudson says about pick- ing out such evidence as will help the case for sexual selec- tion, and saying nothing about evidence which will not help it. Beyond question the dogma of natural selection, espe- cially the Weismannian perversion of it, has flourished largely on this sort of thing. Nor has natural selection alone among biological theories had the benefit of assorted evi- dence. Indeed the whole elementalistic mode of interpret- ing living nature may be characterized as one whose doc- trines depend largely upon "special privilege," to adopt a phrase lately much used in the economic world, as to evi- dence for their support. The other investigator upon whom we draw is Prof. Julian S. Huxley, whose work is that of a field zoologist imbued with the exacting spirit of the present day. Huxley's stud- ies are devoted to the mating habits of birds, so there can be no question that the activities he describes are intimately connected with reproduction. Of the numerous species dealt with in the paper now before us, we notice first the Great Crested Grebe. It is highly significant that in this species mating takes place before the so-called courtship performances begin, so this latter process can not be es- sential to securing a mate. The female is "courted" after she is got possession of. The courtship activities begin soon 264 The Unity of the Organism after pairing, two entirely different sets of ceremonies be- ing involved in the activities. One of these Huxley calls ceremonies of mutual display, the other, ceremonies of coi- tion. The highly elaborate mutual display performances are fully described but can not be reproduced here. They consist in a variety of body attitudes, head and wing and feather movements, swimmings and divings, and call-notes, the whole lasting some minutes. Concerning this prelim- inary operation, Huxley writes : "The most noticeable thing about all these ceremonies is that they are 'self-exhausting' — they do not lead on to any- thing further. Looked at from the physiological point of view, they seem to me to be nothing but 'expressions of emo- tion' : the birds act thus because they are impelled to do so, because they enjoy it. Looked at, on the other hand, from the evolutionary point of view, they seem to have been developed as a bond to keep the pair together." 12 Following these preliminaries, the ceremonies of coition take place, these being less striking, though characteristic. Speaking of his studies on the mating habits of some of the warblers, and referring to differences of interpretation between himself and W. P. Pycraft, another observer in the same field, Huxley writes : "In this, Mr. Pycraft and myself are, I think, agreed; to both of us the 'display' of the male Warbler is nothing but a direct expression of sexual excite- ment, scarcely, if at all, modified by Darwinian Sexual Se- lection— nothing but the way in which nervous disturbance caused by sexual excitement happens to liberate itself. Gen- eral nervous discharge will cause general muscular contrac- tion; and something approaching this is here seen — rapid hopping, extension and fluttering of the wings, spreading of the tail, bristling up of the feathers on head and throat, and utterance of a series of quick sounds. This ex- presses a condition of readiness to pair, and doubtless to the female comes to be a symbol of the act of pairing. Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 265 Hence, as far as the female is concerned, the act of pairing has come to depend upon this stimulus (acting of course on a suitable internal physiological state). This is no more strange in the bird than it is that in ourselves thoughts and emotions of love well up at the sight of some tangible ob- ject connected with the beloved." 13 But it is in the sex function itself that the tendency to overdo manifests itself with greatest force. In fact, the fa- miliar and ominous expression "sexual excesses" as applied to the human animal, indicates very truthfully what is be- fore us. The whole phenomenon of competing and fighting among the males of all higher animals for possession of the females, with its momentous consequences in dozens of ways, may truly be said to rest back on the excessiveness of the sex impulse and instinct. Since as a general rule the males and females of animal species are approximately equal in numbers, pairing off two by two, after the manner of the population of Noah's ark, might occasion but little and mild competition could each male and each female be satisfied with one mate, in accordance with the allotment which the numerical equality would make. And the pertinent question may be raised in passing, would not such a mode of pairing secure the perpetuation of the species quite as well as, pos- sibly better than, the method which is so largely in vogue? Highly suggestive seems to me in this connection, observa- tions I have recently been able to make on the mating hab- its of one of the California "surf perches" (Cymatogaster aggregatus}. This is one of the numerous viviparous bony fishes peculiar to our coast. The species under attention lives quite normally, as far as one can see, in the aquaria of the Scripps Institution; so what may be assumed to be its typical habits can be observed continuously. Strict monogamy appears to prevail in the species. At least this is true with the specimens — three males and four females under observation, and so far as a particular breed- 266 The Unity of the Organism ing period is concerned. Each male begins his attentions while his fiancee, so to speak, is heavily gravid from the pre- vious mating (when and how accomplished we unfortunately know nothing about beyond the fact that it must have been before the individuals under observation were brought to the aquarium from the sea, about six weeks before the mat- ing began.) In the case of one pair, the amours of the male continued more than two weeks, the first few days of which were before the family of young began to be born, the period of parturition extending over three days. Although there was no indication on the part of the other males of inten- tions or even desires toward the spouse (as she may now be called) of this male, he was quite pugnacious, directing his seemingly unnecessary operations against the other females as well as against the other males. It should be said, how- ever, that his antipathies were considerably greater against the males than against the other females. The other two males took partners after much the same fashion ; but since both of these were somewhat smaller, and fully acknowl- edged the over-lordship of the one singled out in our account, their performances were less clear cut. Specially noteworthy is the character of the amours of the male, which alone or almost alone, seems to take an in- terest in the performance. No contact, or at least only the slightest, of the male with the female was seen though the fish were under observation much of the time. A peculiar downward darting of the male first on one side then on the other of the female, close to her but not quite touching her, was one of the favorite manoeuvers. But various rapid circlings about, up and down, head-on and tail-on, over and under, and in nearly all possible ways, may be witnessed. The full meaning of this monogamic (temporarily so, at least), largely non-tactual type of mating we do not know partly because we have not yet all the facts ; but I suspect Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 267 it to be important. But this much is clear as to its bear- ing upon the point uppermost in this discussion: There is an excessiveness of activity in a variety of ways, particularly in the driving of other females, the presence of which in the vicinity of the mate is merely incidental and utterly harm- less. Obviously it is the demand, instinctive or organic or both, for more sexual gratification than the natural numerical scheme of the two sexes provides, and the actual necessities of race perpetuation demand, which is largely responsible for the contests to secure mates, so characteristic of all higher animals. The bull fur seal must have forty or fifty mates, instead of the one which the numerical equality of the two sexes would naturally give him ; hence the fierce com- bats among the males, with the result that a great majority of the whole male population at any one time is forced to remain outside the "harems" during the mating season. And some such eliminative process must occur in all species where the sexes are about equal in numbers, and where promiscuity in pairing is practised. Nor are the injuries and disasters which may result from the driving power of the sex-impulse restricted to compet- ing individuals of the same sex. The mates sought after not infrequently suffer seriously from the excesses of the seek- ing males, the females being usually more passive and hence the more liable to injury in this way. Thus, J. S. Huxley has lately told of the exhaustion and actual death of the female mallard duck from being repeatedly "tread" by the males, the same and different individual males participating in the strangely destructive performance. Finally, the individual itself is not safe from self-injury through its own sex impulses. Some of the forms which this sort of thing may take in the human species are too famil- iar, too disastrous and too repugnant to need illustration in proof of their reality. That they occur also more or less 268 The Unity of the Organism among animals is well known to all who have had consid- erable experience with domestic animals. Excessive activity in connection with the alimentary func- tion must now be glanced at. That there is no nice quanti- tative balance between the food necessities of the animal and the food gathering instincts and impulses and efforts on the basis of the principle of natural economy and parsimony, is shown conclusively it would seem by many animals which have the storing habit. The honey bee is an example of this among insects. Given a sufficient supply of flowers to work on, in the wild state these bees seem always to store away more food material than they consume. The extent of their honey-making is limited rather by the raw material available and by their own restricted phys- ical powers than by their nutritional needs. This is the im- pression I have from my observations on wild and tame bees and I find it to coincide with that of other naturalists whose opportunity for observing wild bees has been much greater than mine. For example my esteemed naturalist friend, Mr. Frank Stephens of San Diego, California, reminds me that the view is confirmed by the fact that in "bee trees" a por- tion of the comb containing honey is not infrequently black and shows signs of being old. Darwin made quite a point, it may be recalled, of the economy in some aspects of the. bee's work. "The comb of the hive-bee," he says, "as far as we can see, is absolutely perfect in economising labour and wax." (Cell-Making In- stinct of the Hive-Bee, in The Origin of Species.) 14 But a thoroughly economic adjustment between different parts of a given complicated operation, and economy of the opera- tion as a whole, are very different. As an instance of excessive repetition in the food-getting activities among the insects, the following from Fabre may be taken as fairly typical. A solitary wasp of the genus Sphex captures and slays a locust, but instead of using it Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 269 at once for food, or of taking it directly into her home, she sometimes leaves it on the road, and runs to her home, even though this is threatened by no danger. Then after a time she returns to the game. This going-and-coming may be performed repeatedly before the carcass is finally taken into the dwelling. If by chance the game is removed during the absence of the wasp, the wasp returns to the spot where her load was left, but, not finding it, she, nevertheless, keeps up the going-and-coming for some time. The first back-and- forth journey from game to dwelling is explicable, Fabre shows. "But what is the use of the other visits, repeated so speedily one after another?" Fabre inquires.15 Something like this almost every one must have seen, who has watched in- sects at all. I am quite certain that the acorn storing habit of the California woodpecker, Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi, is quite beyond any use the bird makes of the acorns. In the first place, despite much discussion of the question whether the acorns are used at all, and if so how, the case is by no means clear. But the point I particularly wish to make is that whatever use, if any, the birds make of the acorns, whether as food directly or as culture media for worms or insects, these in turn to be eaten by the birds, they store up many more than they utilize. This seems to me highly prob- able from the fact, which I have ascertained by numerous examinations at different places and times, that many holes contain dried up and wasted acorns which show no signs of having been picked at or otherwise moved after they were inserted into the holes. Furthermore, the great extent of the hole-drilling and filling in itself seems to exceed the bounds of necessity, especially in view of the certainty that the bird's chief food supply is from quite another source. A pine log fifty feet long and one hundred thirty-six inches in girth at the middle, which I found in the San Jacinto Moun- tains, contained on a fairly careful estimate 31,800 holes, 270 The Unity of the Organism many of them containing acorns. But even were it certain that the acorns are utilized in any manner and to some extent in connection with the feeding function, there are still other evidences than that just ad- duced of the imperfect and excessive operation of the acorn- storing instinct. As is well known, the bird sometimes ex- tends its drilling operations to wooden buildings to the ex- tent of making itself a great nuisance. I have seen a case where the birds had pierced the rustic of an uninhabited house, so that when the acorns were inserted, instead of filling the puncture as they would fill holes in a tree, they would drop down into the space between the rustic and the inner wall. Apparently the failure to stop the hole, and failure also to perceive why, or to recognize that the hole could not thus be stopped, "fooled" the birds into putting one acorn after another into the same hole, endlessly almost, judging by the great quantity of nuts piled up at the bot- tom of the space. While the storing habit of the California woodpecker is undoubtedly exceptional as to extent, it is by no means wholly unique. At least one species of blue- jay (Cyanocitta cristata) has much the same habit, in the opinion of most ornithologists who have studied the habits of the bird. An experienced naturalist, E. H. Forbush, has recently said concerning Mark Twain's "Baker's Blue Jay Yarn," in A Tramp Abroad, "All of this is not merely amusing; it is good ornithology in so far as it reports the way a Jay acts." This story, it may be said for the benefit of any reader so unfortunate as not to know it, turns upon the performance of a jay similar to that narrated above about the California woodpecker, the acorns, and the old house. The habit of the shrikes (genus Lanius) of impaling their victims and leaving them, almost certainly operates more or less independently of, and often in excess of, the food re- quirements of the birds. "My observations," says Forbush, Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 271 "have led me to believe that it rarely returns to eat what it has thus cached, unless driven to do so by hunger resulting from adverse fortunes of the chase." 17 Nor is there much if any question that something of the same sort occurs among mammals which have the food stor- ing habit. E. T. Seton quotes the following from Dr. John Wright concerning the big eastern chipmunk (Tanuas stria- tus griseus) : "It is a most provident little creature, con- tinuing to add to its winter store, if food is abundant, until driven in by the severity of the frost. Indeed, it seems not to know when it has enough, jf we may judge by the surplus left in the spring, being sometimes a peck of corn or nuts for a single squirrel." 18 There are many other statements by the best authorities, especially concerning numerous spe- cies of mice, which strongly suggest a like superabundance of storing activities. But for the rest I will mention a case that has come to my own notice. I am indebted to Mr. Frank Stephens for information about and the opportunity to witness to some extent for myself the operations of the storing instinct and feeding habits of the Antelope Ground-Squirrel (Ammospervnophi- lus leucurus). This chipmunk-like little squirrel proves to be so readily domesticable that it becomes almost as familiar a household member, at least for Mr. Stephens' household, as a domestic cat. Although an account of the habits of the single individual in Mr. Stephens' possession can not yet be told fully by a long ways, a few points of much interest for the present discussion are positive enough. In the first place the genuinely instinctive character of the storing habit is established by the fact that although the specimen under observation was taken soon after birth, and has lived all its life in complete isolation from parents and all its kind and has been furnished artificially with an abundance of food, its storing operations are carried on constantly and almost as perfectly, so far as one can judge. 272 The Unity of the Organism as though it were living in the natural state. This fact 'in itself is evidence that the instinct is not determined solely by immediate needs of the individual. But much more convincing evidence furnished by this case to this effect is in the particular way the instinct works. For example, this species possesses cheek pouches for carrying food as do so many rodents which have the storing habit. When nuts, grain, etc., are presented to the animal she very rarely eats them immediately even though manifestly hungry, but carries them away to some distance, one at a time; going back and forth and placing the articles in her two pouches till these are quite full. And these little pre-storage journeys, as they may be called, are often definite in character. At any given time they end at nearly the same spot, and the animal takes nearly the same position while the article is being pre- pared for and inserted into the pouches. This is clearly the typical procedure in filling the pouches, though it is varied considerably from time to time. As to what follows the pouch-filling there is considerable variation — normally so it appears. In case the animal is hungry she may quietly extract the nuts from the pouches and eat them. Or she may run about for some time with her cheeks bulging full. Or she may take her load off some- where and lay it away either in some cache previously es- tablished or in a new one. The cache may be in a bed of sand if this is at hand ; or it may be in or under some old garment or piece of cloth or paper which the surroundings may present. An especially interesting fact noticed by Mr. Stephens is the tendency shown on the part of this squirrel to carry the articles to as distant a place from where it gets them as can well be reached. On the whole there is no doubt that we have here a var- iedly illustrative example of activity over and above need in the operation of an instinct. Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 273 This bare touch, so far as instances are concerned, of overactivity in connection with reflexes, and especially with instincts which are on the whole useful, leads naturally to the great field of animal play. Space limitations prohibit us from taking more than a bird's eye view of this field. Fortunately, however, even such a view can be quite effective for our purpose because of the well-known work of Karl Groos, The Play of Animals. Our sole purpose here, as in the rest of this discussion, is to answer the question whether animals do or do not carry their activities which on the whole are fundamental -to their existence beyond what is necessary for their own individual requirements. With Groos's explanatory theory of play we are concerned only so far as it involves the question of fact upon which our present interest centers. That most if not all animal activ- ity which can rightfully be called play, and which is not intelligent, is instinctive, we believe Groos has conclusively shown. The explanation adopted by Spencer and others that play is the useless imitation by young animals of useful activities performed by their seniors, the imitative acts be- ing useless because merely the overflow of "surplus energy," is certainly inadequate, as Groos has insisted. That animals constantly go through performances playfully which they have had no chance to see or to have otherwise impressed upon them from without, is as certain as that they constantly perform useful acts in this way. It consequently results that a source of energy for play, that is, for actions which are not immediately essential to the existence of the organism, must be an endowment of the organism no less certainly than that a source of energy must exist for actions which are essential to its existence. So Groos's statement: "A condition of surplus energy still ap- pears as the conditio sme qua non that permits the force of the instincts to be so augmented that finally, when a real occasion for their use is wanting, they form their own mo- 274 The Unity of the Organism tive, and so permit indulgence in merely sportive acts," becomes a statement of fact if by "surplus energy" we understand energy available for, and upon occasion used for, acts which are not indispensable to the existence of the in- dividual. The quantity and generality of play performed by animals may be taken as one important measure of the extent of the energy possessed over and above what is essential for their normal individual existences, and this without reference to whether or not the play may be useful as a preparation for future essential activities, or for recreation only. The fact can hardly be too much insisted upon that ulterior useful- ness of the organism's acts, whether to the species generally, to offspring, or to the individual's own future, cannot pos- sibly be a sufficient explanation of the energy immediately re- quired for the act itself. Even though an animal does noth- ing whatever except by reason of its hereditary endowments, or in the interest of its offspring; and though the real pur- pose of much that it does looks to its own future, it must nevertheless continue to eat, digest and assimilate, and breathe. The subdivision of biology which has come to be known as physiology has for its distinctive task exactly that of studying the present activities of the organism. With the organism's past, whether individual or racial, and with its future, whether individual or racial, physiology can be concerned only indirectly. Summary of Organismal Character of All Subrational Psychic Life Having now examined broadly though far from exhaus- tively the psychic life of the animal in each of its most ob- vious phases, the highest rational phase, the emotional phase, the instinctive phase, and the reflex phase (in which tropisms are included) for purely descriptive and classificatory pur- Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 275 poses, let us briefly summarize what we have learned. In each phase we have found the organism, living, whole and normal, indispensable to a comprehension of the phe- nomena examined. Or, expressed in a different way, we have found it possible in each phase to reach only a very imperfect understanding of the phenomena by referring them to the elements which can be discovered in them. For example, the theory of association of ideas is inadequate to explain ra- tional life, in such manifestations as apperception and mental initiative and creativeness. In the emotional phase, in such emotions as fear, rage and sex passion, not only does cursory observation recognize the involvement of a large part of the organism, but physi- ological investigation is able greatly to extend our recogni- tion of this involvement by showing how the nervous system in its cerebro-spinal and its autonomic divisions, the cir- culatory, the alimentary, and the internal-secretory sys- tems, are essentially and reciprocally involved. As to the organismal character of psychic life in the phase of instinct, it suffices to recall that one of the most widely accepted criteria for differentiating instinctive from reflex activities is that the former involve the organism as a unity, a whole, while reflexes, according to this criterion, pertain only to limited portions of the organism. "An instinct is a more or less complicated activity manifested by an organism which is acting, first, as a whole rather than as a part." 20 To this statement of the matter may be added that when the instinctive act is in the interest of the indi- vidual performing it, the act is not only by but for. the in- dividual as a whole. As to the reflex phase (if that is to be reckoned as psy- chic) the organismal nature of tropisms has had so large a place in our discussion that surely no more need be done in this summary than to remind the reader of our discussion of tropisms. And even reflexes of a simpler fern than the 276 The Unity of the Organism tropisms — indeed the abstract conception of the "simple reflex," though not, perhaps, involving the conception of the organism as a whole, yet is not comprehensible on elemen- talistic principles, as our examination of Sherrington's in- vestigations revealed. And such phenomena as those of the spreading and compounding of reflexes are quite incompre- hensible except on the organismal principle, even though the whole organism may not be involved, observably at least, in particular reflex acts. Specificity of Subrational Psychic Life The concluding section of this descriptive chapter on psychic integratedness must be devoted to the specificity, not to say individuality, of animal behavior in all its phases. The vast body of trustworthy detailed knowledge now in our possession justifies, I am quite sure, the following general- ized statement under this head: It is exactly on the psychic side of animal life, psychic being taken in the broadest sense, that animals are most differentiated from one another, both as to individuals and as to species. Taxonomic zoology is based almost entirely on structural attributes of animals. This results from reasons that are obvious, speaking generally, and constitutes a justification of the fact from a practical standpoint. Nevertheless the purely practical advantages of the classificatory systems as they have been built up have been, and are, gained at the expense of several rather serious disadvantages. One of these is* as advance of knowledge leads us to realize, that our well-nigh exclusive attention to structural differences and likenesses has tended strongly to divert attention from func- tional differences and likenesses. It is of fundamental impor- tance for a truly comprehensive science of organic beings, that is, for a philosophical biology, to regard our synoptic classifications not as a final result of knowledge-getting, but Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 277 rather as a life-sized sketch, as one may say, of the whole living world, to facilitate the gigantic task of completing the picture through the cooperation of numberless artists, the completion to be accomplished by filling in the sketch with the entire round of attributes, structural and func- tional, presented by the natural lives of organisms. I have dwelt somewhat at length on this matter elsewhere,* and can refer to it here only as a background for what I wish to say about psychical specificity. Two extracts must suffice. "No biological phenomenon is adequately interpreted or dealt with experimentally, until it has been considered with reference to the place that the organism to which it pertains holds in the system of classi- fication." And further: "What I affirm is that the inductive evidence has now gone so far toward proving every sharply differentiated species to contain some differentia in all the main provinces of their structure and function, that to as- sume the absence of such differentia in any given case is unwarranted." 21 I want to utilize these earlier general statements about organic specificity, as a basis on which to rest a generaliza- tion concerning the specificity of psychic attributes. So enormous is the observational data available for illustration here, that in lieu of presenting any of them I am going to state in a wholly dogmatic fashion the generalization toward which we are certainly being led by modern crucial researches on animal behavior. Let us imagine ourselves possessed of an approximately exhaustive descriptive knowledge of the be- havior of the whole animal world, this knowledge being, how- ever, unaccompanied by any knowledge whatever of the cor- poreal nature of the animals. This behavior-knowledge would fall naturally into categories larger and smaller, the * The Place of Description, Definition and Classification in Philoso- phical Biology, in The Higher Usefulness of Science (Boston, 1918) ; also The Scientific Monthly, November, 1916. 278 TJie Unity of the Organism smaller ones being for the most part subdivisions under the larger. Then let us imagine this system of behavior-knowl- edge compared exhaustively with a later-acquired, equally exhaustive knowledge of the corporeal nature of all animals. The two systems would be found to match each other very nearly as closely as though the two had been worked out to- gether, much as they are being actually elaborated by struc- tural and functional zoology. In other words, the species, genera, orders, and so on, of animals are differentiated from one another and coordinated with one another by their "be- havior," that is, by their whole round of psychical and reflex attributes, much as they are by their corporeal attributes. The inductive evidence for such a generalization is being produced at the present time by three quite definitely marked- off kinds of research. These may be designated as ( 1 ) quali- tative field researches, (2) laboratory experimental re- searches, and (3) quantitative field researches, the definitely quantitative method being statistical. The first-mentioned class of investigations is typified by the earlier field zoologists, whose aim was to learn, as ex- haustively as possible in a purely qualitative way, the habits of animals in nature. Workers of this class are the typical zoological naturalists of the history of animal biology. Aristotle, Conrad Gesner, John Ray, Charles Linne, P. S. Pallas, Gilbert White, J. J. Audubon, J. H. Fabre, A. R. Wallace and A. Forel may be named as conspicuous examples of pre-modern members of this class ; and Charles Darwin stands out sharply as a representative of it, but as a transi- tion to the modern period, the transitional character of Darwin being seen not only in the doctrines he proposed but as well in his intimate combination of the experimental method with the older method of observation. By the modern period of research in field zoology I mean the period during which, while the natural history point of view and attitude are retained, the critical rigor of modern Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 279 science generally is practiced, and experimentation in one form or another is employed as a supplementary agency wherever and whenever possible. One of the best examples of this type of zoological research and writing is Ants, by W. M. Wheeler. But a considerable portion, and fortunate- ly an increasing portion, of experimental research in animal behavior is being done quite in the spirit of field zoology. The work of R. M. Yerkes deserves mention as perhaps the most definitely purposed and executed combination of the field and experimental methods for investigating the behavior of mammals and birds, that has yet been made. But much of the research recently named animal ecology tends strong- ly toward rigor in field investigation. This kind of study is specially adapted to bring out the specific nature of behav- ior, since the group of organisms, species, etc., as a whole, occupies a central place in the student's interest, so that if behavior is attended to at all its differential features are likely to receive attention along with the differential struc- tural features. (2) Laboratory experimentation on animal behavior has, as previously indicated, been prosecuted more intensely and widely in the modern period than either of the other classes of investigation. In fact, it may be said to be distinctive of the period, and to have set the standard as regards rigor for the other types of investigation. From its very nature, how- ever, it is not calculated to bring the specificity of behavior to a central place in the student's interest. Singling out as it does one or a few attributes at a time as they are ex- hibited by one or a few individuals of one or a few species, breadth and penetration of comparison are liable to be sacri- ficed. This kind of research tends to be extremely particu- laristic in every way. Nevertheless, painstaking and judi- cious workers, like Englemann, Forel, Binet, Wasmann, Romanes, C. Lloyd Morgan, Verworn, Jennings, Loeb, Holmes, and Parker, generally state what species their in- 280 The Unity of the Organism vestigations have dealt with, so a reader interested in the question of specificity can usually detect evidences of dif- ferences in the behavior of different species, even though the investigator himself was obviously little interested in the subject, and so took no pains to bring out such evidence. Indeed, the fact that species-differences in behavior can so frequently be recognized in descriptions even though the writer's general attitude may, if anything, militate against the disclosure of the differences, is rather strong evidence of the general prevalence of such differences. (3) Although statistical investigation of animal behavior has been much less prosecuted than has either of the other types it is, nevertheless, within the limits of its availability, a very valuable method for revealing species differentia, its efficacy consisting in the fact that species may be compared with reference to different behavior traits taken one by one, and on the basis of quantitative data covering considerable samples of whole populations. The method is specially ap- plicable to the minute floating life of the seas and lakes, known as plankton, and is being much employed to this end at the Scripps Institution for Biological Research. It can- not be described in detail here, but consists essentially, as employed at this Institution, in collecting great quantities of organisms by agencies as nearly quantitatively constant and accurate as possible, in counting the organisms thus secured, and in correlating the biological values thus ob- tained with quantitative studies on the physical environment of the organisms, these environmental determinations being made simultaneously with the collection of the organisms. By this means one element in the behavior, that namely of the up-and-down journeys in the sea, long known to be per- formed by many oceanic species, has been studied with a fair degree of quantitative accuracy as to the extent of travel, time required for each journey, and environmental influence. A considerable series of species have been compared on this basis. Organic Connection Between Physical and Psychical 281 Two quotations are all that space will permit us to give for showing what these investigations are bringing out on the subject of specificity in behavior. The animals referred to in the first quotation constitute a group of small, arrow- shaped worms known as the Chaetognatha — bristle-jaws. "Each species occurring in the San Diego region has its own definite and specific manner of vertical distribution, just as truly as it has its own morphological characteristics." 22 Similar results have been obtained by the same methods applied to a very different group of animals, minute crus- taceans of the ubiquitous order Copepoda. The investiga- tions on this group have been made by Dr. C. O. Esterly, and the results are specially interesting in this case, because Doctor Esterly has applied laboratory experimentation, to some extent, to the same animals, and has found a good de- gree of concordance in the results of the statistical and the experimental investigations. "A heterogeneous assortment of forms may be obtained in the same collection but each has its own way of reacting toward the elements of its environ- ment." 23 It is the indubitable trend in one direction of the vast evidence from these three quite different classes of research on animal behavior that to my mind justifies such a con- ception of specificity of psychical and reactive animal life as that formulated above. Something of the probable mean- ing of this specificity we shall see in the next chapter. REFERENCE INDEX 1. Loeb ('02) 189 13. Huxley, J. S. 156 2. Morgan, C. L 10 14. Darwin, C I, 353 3. Royce 328 15. Kellogg, V. L 648 4. Royce 329 16. Nature Lovers' Library II, 218 5. Holmes ('11) 92 17. Nature Lovers' Library 6. Holmes ('11) 93 III 100 7. Peckham, G. W. and E. S. 53 18. Seton I, 360 8. Holmes ('11) 21 19. Groos 15 9. Jennings ('06) 49 20. Wheeler ('10) 518 10. Holmes ('11) 95 21. Ritter ('18) 119 11. Wallace, A. R 555 22. Michael 46 12. Huxley, J. S 151 23. Esterly 11 Chapter XXIV SKETCH OF AN ORGANISMAL THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS Remarks on the Hypothetical Character of This Chapter HYPOTHESIS and theory will dominate in the task upon which we now enter and in this respect the present chapter will differ sharply from the preceding chap- ters. Fact, description, classification, and restrained gen- eralization have been the leading motives up to this point. One main and several subsidiary hypotheses will be central in the discussion. Into the presence of these will be sum- moned many of the facts and generalizations previously set forth. The purpose in this summoning will be on the one hand to test the hypotheses by the facts and generalizations and on the other hand to see how the facts will look in the light of the hypotheses. This announcement of the hypothetical and theoretical character of the task now before us, will give us two advan- tages: It will justify a dogmatic form of expression at times which we should not otherwise feel privileged to use; and will justify a brevity of treatment which would not be pos- sible were we aiming at thorough generalization and demon- stration. Hence the justification of undertaking to deal with so vast and vital a subject in the limits of a sketch. The Natural History Method and the Study of One's Self Insistent as I have been on the importance of the natural history way of approaching the phenomena of the living 282 Sketch of an Organlsmal Theory of Consciousness 283 world, in entering upon the present discussion I must em- phasize this more than ever and must call attention to the particular character of this importance in our present un- dertaking. The natural history method of viewing organic beings is per se the comprehensive method, one of its best mottos being, as we have repeatedly seen, "neglect nothing." That knowledge of organisms separates itself sharply into de- partments is no deterrent to the naturalist against utilizing any knowledge he may come upon that will contribute to his main aim — that of understanding organisms. Who or what shall restrain me from observing and carefully thinking about any fact of my own being which promises to help me on my road to such understanding? The foremost zoolo- gists, of modern times especially, have amply recognized and freely used this principle so far as all physical and some of the lower psychical attributes are concerned. But when it comes to man's higher psychical attributes, zoologists have usually said, sometimes expressly, sometimes tacitly, that these belong to a wholly different realm, a realm with which we have little or nothing to do. And their position of "hands off" as touching man's higher psychic life, has re- ceived the readier, fuller sanction in that it has accorded well with the prevalent views and practices of those students, anthropologists, economists, sociologists, and ethicists who have made these higher reaches of human life their special fields of inquiry. But the course of nature can not be per- manently thwarted. Such an attempt to wrench human life asunder is bound to fail finally. In the several subdivisions of biology, normal advance has tended to stay the wrenching process, comparative psychology being notable in this ten- dency. The opposition to such organic disunion consistently maintained throughout this book reaches its culmination in these chapters on psychic integration. In what follows we 284 The Unity of the Organism shall pass more freely than ever from one phase or aspect to another, over the entire gamut of psychic life both in the individual and in the animal kingdom. If facts of my own subjective life will serve my purpose, I shall be as free to requisition them as to requisition facts of any phase or as- pect of my objective life. If the ethical or esthetic or social attributes of the human animal will best illuminate a point, these shall be brought in with as little misgiving as will be anatomical or embryological or physiological or instinctive attributes. So great store do I lay on this catholicity of attitude toward psychic life, that I shall show by a single instance that at least a few other present-day zoologists have some- what similar feelings about the zoological character of psy- chical phenomena. Referring to the controversies which have inevitably arisen over the problem of instinct, W. M. Wheeler says that such controversy "is pardonable, at least to some extent, since the subject itself presents no less than four aspects, according as it is studied from the ethological, physiological, psychological or metaphysical points of view." "From the first two of these," the author continues, "in- stinct is open to objective biological study in the form of the 'instinct actions.' These may be studied by the physiol- ogist merely as a regularly coordinated series of movements depending on changes in the tissues and organs, and by the ethologist to the extent that they tend to bring the organism into effective relationship with its living and inorganic en- vironment. But that these movements have a deeper origin in psychological changes may be inferred on the basis of analogy from our own subjective experience which shows us our instincts arising as impulses and cravings, the so-called 'instinct-feelings'; and these in turn yield abundant material for metaphysical and ethical speculation." From the context of these sentences we may infer that Wheeler rec- ognizes that the four aspects mentioned under which the Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 285 subject of instincts presents itself, represent the same num- ber of valid departments of man's mental life. The point I wish to make is that although a zoologist may recognize without cavil that speculation on psychological, ethical, and metaphysical problems which arise in connection with instincts, are legitimate activities of man, and might prop- erly deny that it is incumbent upon him to do much specu- lating of this sort, yet it would be incumbent on him to take due cognizance of these speculative attributes of the human animal. A truly scientific zoology can not justify itself in issuing a manifesto to the effect that certain attributes pre- sented by some animals do not fall within its province. It may more or less constantly neglect or refuse on practical grounds, to deal with certain attributes ; but that is a very different matter from a formal declaration such as many present-day zoologists make, that with these attributes zoology has nothing to do. Such a declaration is self-stunt- ing, if not self-stultifying, in that it is a virtual self-inhi- bition by zoology of its own growth. These reflections may be terminated by defining the mo- tives and the mental attitude with which I approach the great problem of consciousness. I come to it not as a meta- physician, not as a psychologist, not as a physiologist, not even as an anthropologist, but as an anthropological zoolo- gist ; as a zoologist who in course of his regular professional work takes up the animal group of which he himself is a mem- ber, chancing as he does to possess among other attributes that of knowing his own life directly, that is, through sub- jective or self-conscious experience, as well as indirectly through objective experience. Approaching the problem of consciousness in such an at- titude and for such a motive, it is impossible to view it other- wise than as one aspect of the larger problem of life gener- ally. For while the psychologically and metaphysically im- portant question of whether consciousness is coextensive 286 The Unity of the Organism with life need not be raised by the naturalist, the indubitable fact that at least a large sector of life is conscious ; in other words, the fact that consciousness is a part of life, he can not ignore if he is to deal with consciousness at all. For the naturalist, then, no hypothesis or theory of consciousness can be satisfactory which is not clearly and expressly em- bedded in and an essential part of an hypothesis or theory of life generally. Our central hypothesis, drafted in ac- cordance with these principles, may now be given. Formulation of the Central Hypothesis All the manifestations which in the aggregate we call Life, from those presented by the simplest plants to those of a consciously psychical nature presented by man and numerous other animals, result from the chemical reaction between the organism and the respiratory gases they take, oxygen being almost certainly the effective gas for nearly all animals. An essential implication of this proposition is that every living individual organism has the value, chemically speaking, of an elementary chemical substance. Let us be promptly explicit in recognizing the character of the two propositions contained in this hypothesis. They are manifestly chemical in large part, and a complete demon- stration of their truth is impossible without the aid of chem- ical research focussed directly upon them. But though clearly chemical, equally clearly they go beyond — far beyond —present chemical knowledge. To speak of a whole organ- ism as equivalent to a chemical element seems at first sight not only unwarranted by positive chemical knowledge, but opposed by such knowledge. Furthermore, the term "re- action" as used in the first proposition undoubtedly seems quite foreign to the technical meaning which chemistry has attached to the word. Indeed so remote to say the least, are these fundamental propositions of the hypothesis from Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 287 definite chemical knowledge, that if they are entitled to rank as constituting a legitimate scientific hypothesis, this must be on grounds other than those of present-day technical chemistry quite as much as on those of such chemistry. In attempting, consequently, to establish the propositions on a true and useful hypothetical basis, it will be permissible to notice these other grounds first. » Preliminary Justification of the Hypothesis as Such The proposition that each living individual has the chem- ical value of an elementary substance, will receive attention first, and the initial step will be to inquire what, in general, the criterion is of an elementary chemical substance. Here, for instance, is a lump of phosphorus. In virtue of what is it declared to be such a substance? Not primarily, let us specially notice, because the phosphorus is simple, that is to say, is an element in the sense of not being reducible to still simpler substances. Rather the basal criterion of its being a chemical substance is that upon its being brought into contact under certain conditions with certain other chemical substances, oxygen for instance, there is produced a third substance having very different attributes from either of the original substances. Transformation of substances chiefly through interaction upon one another is the founda- tion fact which has brought it to pass that substances are described as chemical. That is the fact upon which the science of chemistry primarily rests. Facts and problems of simplicity and complexity, relative and absolute, are later and secondary. The task of chemistry "consists in the investigation of substances and those of their processes by which the physical attributes of the substances undergo permanent changes." (Handworterbuch der Naturwissen- schaft.) Every adequate definition of chemistry and chemical sub- 288 The Unity of the Organism stance and chemical action contains the idea of transforma- tion in one form or another. Clearness on this point is in- dispensable to our purpose. Chemistry is too often defined, even in elementary text books and in dictionaries, as though the "composition of matter" were its initial and most es- sential function. But this conception is surely contrary to the history and most essential nature of the science. There is, it seems, entire agreement among competent writers that scientific chemistry is a direct descendant of Alchemy, and a very imperfect knowledge of the history of Alchemy re- veals the fact that the every-where present, normal trans- formations in nature, particularly in inorganic nature, were the foundation phenomena of this old art. One has only to recall the place held by the idea of the transmutation of metals, this idea having usually the practical aim of chang- ing the "base metals" into "noble metals." The "phil- osopher's stone" and the "great elixir" were magical some- things by which the transmutations could be accomplished. Greatly significant from our standpoint is the fact that one of the objectives of Robert Boyle (middle of the seven- teenth century), who, perhaps as much as any one man, is entitled to be called the father of experimental chemistry, was to rectify the false and mystical notions prevalent in his time about "Elements," "Principles," "Essences," etc. "Tell me what you mean by your Principles and your Elements," Boyle demanded, "then I can discuss them with you as work- ing instruments for advancing knowledge." What is "behind" the transformations — forces, elements, principles, essences, spirits or what not — is indeed an impor- tant and, properly asked, a legitimate question. But — and here is the most vital fact of all — it is a question which can not be raised even, until after the transformations have been observed, nor can an answer of objective value be given un- less the whole round of observed phenomena, the substances previous to transformation, the transformatory processes, Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 289 and the new substances, be accepted at their face value, that is to say, at a value which is as near to ultimate truth as any truth whatever, connected with the phenomena. The elemental constitution of bodies is an inference, al- ways and solely, drawn from their observed corporeal attri- butes. And chemistry is the science which assumes the task of drawing, elaborating, and systematizing these inferences on the basis of the transformation of the attributes. The meaning of the statement that chemistry is one of the natural sciences is that chemistry is the science which uses its natural history observations to penetrate still more deeply into the constitution of bodies. Natura a natura vmcitur, nature is surrounded by, is contained in nature, is as fundamental a truth for chemistry as for any other natural science. A living being is as much a natural body as is a piece of phos- phorus, and its obvious attributes, its outer-layer attributes, are as essential to its nature as are its inner, its hidden attributes. So any genuinely transformatory changes, and genuinely new products arising through the reaction between the living body and some other body is so far chemical in nature, and the reacting bodies are so far chemical. A long step toward justifying the proposition that each individual living organism has the value, chemically, of an elementary substance, will be taken if it can be shown that any qualitatively new product whatever results from the interaction between the organism acting as a unit, as one, as an element, and some other element. Having regard to the entire world of living beings, the chances for finding new products which may have arisen in this manner are prac- tically if not theoretically infinite. Manifestly, then, only a very small sector of the entire range of such possible produc- tions can be searched. It must, consequently, be our aim, as always in handling inductive natural history evidence, to choose for examination evidence which shall be most clear- cut, most illustrative, and most convincing. 290 The Unity of the Organism The sector of organic phenomena best capable of yielding such evidence is, I believe, exactly this of psychic life. And within the great range of this life, the higher conscious life of man is most replete with the evidence we seek. Again within the range of man's higher life, each individual's own private life, even his subjective life, his consciousness, is the evidence most certain and convincing. Translating this last statement into familiar language, one sees that it is only another way — the scientific way — of affirming the truth, that the greatest of all certainties of which man is capable is that of his own existence. I am saying, virtually, that when we analyze, after the manner of objective science, this old fa- miliar affirmation about certainty, and carry the analysis as far as we are at present able to, we find that the sense, or better, the feeling of certainty of self-existence and self- identity is in last analysis one of the effects of a transforma- tory interaction between ourselves and some substance (oxy- gen?) in our breath, as stated in the first of our two propo- sitions. That proposition seems then to be hardly more than a recognition that psychic phenomena containing at least the germ of consciousness is a kind of chemical product which has not heretofore been clearly recognized as such, the lack of recognition being due to the strangeness of the product as compared with any chemical products with which experimen- tal chemistry has hitherto occupied itself. But looked at in a really broad and deep way, is it any more difficult for me to interpret a state of consciousness in myself to be a result of chemical action between me and the air (oxygen?) I breathe, than for me to interpret the dim greenish-white luminosity of a piece of phosphorus to be a result of the chemical action between the phosphorus and the air essential to the glowing? From a purely chemical standpoint I do not believe we have any ground for holding that some prod- ucts of chemical reaction are more comprehensible or less Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 291 comprehensible than are others. Chemically viewed the problem now on our hands is en- tirely one of fact — fact as determined by observation alone, and by observation with the aid of experimentation. If it can be shown that each individual conscious being really does behave like a chemical substance in the process of reacting; and if the result of such reaction (jan be shown to have even one of the essential marks of a -chemical product, both propo- sitions of my two-parted hypothesis are warrantable and the hypothesis becomes genuinely scientific — a genuine "working hypothesis" — one, that is, for bio-chemistry to take seri- ously. More Systematic Justification of the Hypothesis That the propositions are demonstrable to the extent of the demand just indicated is my contention. This conten- tion I will now try to make good and will begin with a few remarks on a question concerning the hypothesis which ought to arise instinctively in the mind of every one. That question is : Does such a conception of psychic life and con- sciousness as that contained in our hypothesis imply any real infringement upon or derogation from me, in the deepest sense a real entity properly designated by the terms person and personality? On saying that this query ought to arise mstmcti-vely, I do not mean ought in the ethical sense, but in the organismal sense. That is, in a sense which implies that the very nature of the conscious organism is that it is not only self-existent in a measure like every natural object, but that it is self-iden- tifiable, and within certain bounds, self-determinative of its own acts. Now recognizing it to be thus by its "very na- ture" is only another way of recognizing that it is so in its instincts as well as in its physical organization. But since instinct is more fundamental, more deep-rooted in the or- 292 The Unity of the Organism ganism than is intellect, as phylogenic and ontogenic psy- chology make clear, if a pronouncement implying a de- rogation from the reality and natural prerogatives of the individual be issued from the intellect, a response of protest and antagonism would be expected from instinct. This would be expected as an ordinary organic impulse to self-defense and self-preservation. The Nature of "Outer" or Objective and "Inner" or Subjective What we have to do consequently is to scrutinize the con- scious individual in order to see if it presents any uniqueness of attributes and of transformatory power in reacting with other bodies that is on a par with the uniqueness of an ordi- nary chemical substance in the same respects. Now it is, 'as suggested some pages back, exactly in the conscious, the subjective life, that such uniqueness is most easily demon- strable. There are several ways in which the conscious indi- vidual manifests this uniqueness. A particularly convincing way, I think, is in the relation between what are commonly known as the objective, or "outer," and the subjective or "inner" sides of mental life. This, consequently, will be the approach to the subject chosen by us and we will enter upon it by returning to Royce, first to his "Outlines of Psychol- ogy," then a little later to some of his specifically philosophi- cal writings. In the first chapter of the Outlines, devoted to initial defi- nitions and explanations, Royce states, simply and clearly, a distinction "between our physical and mental life," which elsewhere he has worked out with great elaboration. Thus: "Physical facts are usually conceived as 'public property,' patent to all properly equipped observers. All such observ- ers, according to our customary view, see the same physical facts. But psychical facts are essentially 'private property,' Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 293 existent for one alone. This constitutes the very conception of the difference between 'inner' psychical or mental, and physical or 'outer' facts."4 Ever-present, and obvious as is the comparison here made, it nevertheless is of so great importance that we must stop and reflect upon it, for we shall surely fail to grasp the full measure of what is to follow if we are lukewarm toward one of the elements of it. The element I refer to is the unique- ness, the essentially personal character of inner as contrast- ed with outer facts. Every normal person is ready enough to insist that his thoughts, his feelings, his emotions and all the rest of his higher psychical experiences are his and his alone. The tremendous reality and force of the rights of "private opinion," of "personal conscience" and so forth, among civilized men, hardly need to be expatiated on. The character of the uniqueness of these experiences, how- ever, concerns practical living less vitally, so we give it less attention. The whole vast range of my mental life, from the lowest, simplest, vaguest sensations to the highest, most bewildering complex emotions, passions, imaginings and thoughts, are my own, absolutely, so far as other persons are concerned. I cannot share them to the least extent with another person. Of course I can let others, especially my most intimate associates, my dearest friends, know a good deal about these experiences of mine. But after all, gladly as I would share many of them with these friends, it is utter- ly impossible for me to do so. My experiences must remain wholly outside of their consciousness. No two persons can have the same experience any more than they can have the same hands or stomachs. Nor is this all. If mental life is subject to the general biological laws of variation into which we have latterly gained much insight, I am obliged to sup- pose that these experiences of mine, the whole retinue of sen- sations, feelings, emotions and thoughts, differ somewhat from the corresponding experiences of other persons. And 294 The Unity of the Organism all observation confirms this supposition— much of it strong- ly. Inferential evidence could hardly be stronger than that my particular emotional response to opera singing, for example, is quite different from that of many other persons. Obviously we are here skirting the edge of what modern realism in formal philosophy calls pluralism, and deals with in part as the question of whether percepts are strictly indi- vidual and personal. No philosopher with whose views I have become acquainted, has discussed this question so fully, and in my opinion, so illuminatingly as Sellars. The follow- ing sentences taken from his chapter, The Advance of the Personal, show clearly, it seems to me, that the conclusions he has reached, working from the purely philosophical side, are essentially the same as those arrived at by me, advancing from the biological side: "What may be called the sensory content of our percepts is important, — I do not wish to be understood to belittle it, — but so are the meanings which arise in conection with our bodily activities and motor ad- justments to stimuli. Here again, we are face to face with individual factors in perception which even the idealist must recognise and somehow explain. Evidently, perception is not a mere passive presentation, but a construction whose gene- tic elements can be partially traced. Finally, let us call to mind that percepts are continuous with feelings and with the so-called organic sensations. . . . Once vaguely objective, feeling is now considered subjective or personal."1 Many other sentences and paragraphs of like purport could be quoted from this author. I have selected this for the two- fold reason that it indicates the measure of my agreement with his view as to the personal character of percepts and the rest of conscious life; and at the same time indicates wherein I shall have to out-do him in the matter of validat- ing the individual. A part of our task, to be reached a little later, will be to show that although feeling and all the rest of psychic life is indeed subjectively personal, it is also Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 295 objectively personal. In other words, it will be my task to remote, or at least to show the way to remove, the vagueness which Sellars asserts, rightly, has hitherto clouded this side of personality. To do this thing is, indeed, one of my most important chances to contribute to a "better philosophy of life." But since our psychical life, especially our conscious life, is a vast — incalculably vast- — complex of experiences, of "contents," sounds, sights, memories, feelings, ideas, many of which are set off very sharply from the rest, are clearly characterizable, and are wonderfully persistent; and since innumerable of these are coming along all the while which have much of genuine newness about them ; and since further, these contents of consciousness are intertwined with and are determinative of a vast complex of other contents called voli- tions which in turn are linked up with and are more or less directive of bodily activities of many kinds, some purely re- flex and some instinctive, it seems impossible to escape recog- nizing, even if one wanted to, that if the verb "to create" has any definite meaning at all the normal, self-conscious animal organism is about the most creative thing we know or can conceive. Indeed it is altogether likely that the very notion of creation, whether natural or supernatural, came initially from the creative activity and the impulse to such activity, of man himself. We may justly say, I think, that we know all creativeness, chemical creativeness with the rest, through being in our own deepest natures creative, that is, transformative and trans- formative in the way which we call chemical. We learn about the processes of life and call some of the most essen- tial of them chemical just by performing those processes as some of our most essential attributes. A portion of the pro- cess which goes on within us, together with the corresponding product, constitutes what we call the science of bio-chemis- try. This means that according to our hypothesis "objec- The Unity of the Organism tive" and "subjective," or "outer" and "inner" as applied to life, are something quite different from what they have been either in traditional philosophies, or in most, at least, of recent psychology. "When we speak," Royce writes, "of our physiological processes as internal, the word 'internal,' although it here generally implies 'hidden, in whole or in part, from actual outer observation', does not imply 'directly felt by us ourselves.' " 5 My hypothesis implies a denial of the correctness of this statement. I say that in the sum total of the "contents of consciousness," a nether segment, as one might call it, of physiological processes is "directly felt by ourselves." There is no content of consciousness which does not contain an element that is internal or subjective in what- ever sense any other content of consciousness is internal or subjective. And per contra, there is no content of conscious- ness which is not objective to some extent, in whatever sense any other content of consciousness is objective. The mind, according to this conception, is not something which uses the brain or any other part of the organism merely as a tool with which to make thoughts and other contents of con- sciousness. Nor on the other hand is consciousness of the nature of a secretion, the gland for which is the brain, though unquestionably the brain has an essential part in the pro- duction of thought and the higher contents of consciousness. Among the consequences of the reaction between the or- ganism and the air we breathe are consciousness with its marvellously rich and varied contents. But at this point I must specially request the reader to notice that I am not pretending to describe and explain all the contents of consciousness. In other words it is not a theory of knowledge, but a theory of consciousness that I am sketching; and knowledge in the strict sense, and con- sciousness are very different. They differ, according to my understanding, much as the fully developed, physical organ- ism differs from the living substance, or protoplasm, of Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 297 which the organism is composed. Consequently I am not even concerned primarily with sensation in so far as this im- plies sense organs or even nerves and nerve terminals of the simplest kind. Rather I am dealing with the stages and con- ditions antecedent to consciousness and in which it is latent, in much such way as the cytologist when he studies the living substance of all sorts of tissue-cells is not dealing with organs and the organism in the full sense, but only with their sub- strata. But although it is not knowledge, properly speaking, either in its conceptual or perceptual aspect that I am dis- cussing, since my enterprise does take me across the border line and a short distance into the realm of knowledge, I must, in the interest of historical continuity and setting, say a little more than I have said about the general nature of knowledge. My assertion should be taken literally that there is no content of consciousness which is purely either subjective or objective, inner or outer, conceptive or perceptive, ideational or impressional, or whatever form of expression be given the antithesis here implied. That every content of consciousness which exists or can be conceived has an essential element of both members of the antithesis is exactly what I mean. To illustrate, even the axioms, postulates, or whatever else may be counted as most ultimate in mathematics contain an ele- ment of the outer, or objective, as well as of the inner, or subjective. These mathematical contents of consciousness I single out to illustrate my meaning because they have been clung to by philosophers and scientists more tenaciously than any others as purely subjective or mental. And further there is a strategic gain in this reference to mathematics in that it brings into the open the fundamental opposition of my hypothesis to one main root of Cartesian philosophy; the philosophy, that is, from which the modern doctrine of psycho-physical parallelism has grown. Our thinking, which Descartes held proves our existence, really proves it only in 298 The Unity of the Organism so far as it shows that among the activities essential to the human organism thinking is one. In other words the "there- fore" in "I think, therefore I am," is true only because "I am, therefore I think," the reverse proposition, is also true and includes the other truth. The lesser truth is true be- cause it is an essential part of the larger truth, much in the same way that the cells of a multicellular organism are alive because they are essential parts of the organism. We need not inquire how, from this serious shortcoming of Descartes' description of psychic life Descartes went on to the conclusion that "there is nothing really existing apart from our thought" and that "neither extension, nor figure, nor local motion, nor anything similar that can be attrib- uted to body, pertains to our nature, and nothing save thought alone ; and, consequently, that the notion we have of our mind precedes that of any corporeal thing, and is more certain, seeing we still doubt whether there is any body in existence, while we readily perceive that we think."18 Nor need we concern ourselves with the voluminous and tedious reasonings by which a considerable number of moderns, fol- lowing Descartes's lead, have convinced themselves that they have "reduced" all reality or at least all reality that really amounts to anything, to quantity. Enough now to remark that every modern biologist who really accepts the basal data of his science, must agree that "Psycho-physical paralellism . . . stands to-day as the scandalous but irrefutable conse- quence of postulating a material world without qualities and a world of minds that lack spatiality and exists — nowhere" One way of characterizing my hypothesis would be to say that it is an effort to remove this scandal by showing where- in the postulation noted by Dr. Montague is not true. The genetic relationships of my hypothesis can be still farther indicated by coming on down from Descartes to Hume then from Hume to Huxley and finally to G. F. Stout and John Dewey as philosophers of to-day. Hume's nom- Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 299 enclature for the subjective and objective sides of man's psychic life is "Relations of Ideas" for the first, and "Mat- ters of Fact" for the second. Of the first kind says Hume, "Are the sciences of Geometry, Algebra and Arithmetic ; and in short, every affirmation which is intuitively or demonstra- tively certain." . . . "That three times five is equal to half of thirty" is a simple illustration of the relation of ideas. And, "Propositions of this kind are dis- coverable by the mere operation of thought, with- out dependence on what is anywhere existent in the uni- verse."20 And further on, Part 2, same section, we read: "It must certainly be allowed, that nature has kept us at a great distance from all her secrets, and has afforded us only the knowledge of a few superficial qualities of objects ; while she conceals from us those powers and principles on which the influence of those objects entirely depends." Then Hume goes into a discussion of the operations and relations of the "superficial qualities" and "secret" powers of objects which is so similar to my treatment of the relation of the organism to the attributes of certain objects (chapters 20 and 21 this book, and, more particularly, my essay Is Nature Infinite?21) that it seems as though his words must have been in my mind when I thought out what I have there written, though I cer- tainly was not conscious of Hume's views. And this sub- conscious influence appears the more probable in that I have almost conclusive proof of having read his argument not long before my own was written. I am certain, however, that if his statements were in my mind they were only in its pro- conscious part and were not nor ever had been in its full- conscious part. In other words, if I had read his words I had not. grasped their full significance. This probable in- stance of the "sub-" or "pro"-conscious I refer to not so much because of its interest in this instance, as because of its bearing on my conception of the nature of consciousness. The discussion by Hume to which I refer is that in which he 300 The Unity of the Organism talks about the sensible qualities and the "secret powers" of the bread we eat. "Our senses inform us of the color, weight, and consistence of the bread," he says, "but neither sense nor reason can ever inform us of those qualities which fit it for the nourishment and support of a human body." The particular puzzle upon which Hume comes in this matter is the fact that although the examination here and now of a natural object gives us absolutely no clue as to what latent attributes ("secret powers," he calls them) the ob- ject may possess, when we examine a second object of the same kind we assume that the same secret powers are pos- sessed by the second object. "If a body of like colour and consistence with that bread, which we have formerly eat, be presented to us, we make no scruple of repeating the ex- periment, and foresee, with certainty, like nourishment and support. Now this is a process of the mind, of thought," Hume goes on to say, "of which I would willingly know the foundation." "The bread," he says, a little farther on, "which formerly I eat, nourished me; that is, a body of such sensible qualities was, at that time, endued with such secret powers : but does it follow that other bread must also nour- ish me at another time, and that like sensible qualities must always be attended with like secret powers? The conse- quences seem nowise necessary. At least, it must be acknowl- _ edged that there is here a consequence drawn by the mind; that there is a certain step taken; a process of thought, and an inference, which wants to be explained." Then after a little further argument to show the necessity of recog- nizing such a process we find this to me exceedingly interest- ing passage: "There is required a medium, which may en- able the mind to draw such an inference, if indeed it be drawn by reasoning and argument. What that medium is, I must confess, passes my comprehension; and it is incumbent on those to produce it, who assert that it really exists, and is the origin of all our conclusions concerning matter of fact." Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 301 The great merit here shown by Hume is his ability to push the analysis of his problem to the very limit of the positive information he had to go on, recognise exactly wherein his information was lacking, and then stop without running off into a purely speculative substitute for his deficient knowl- edge. According to my hypothesis the unknown "medium" which he saw must exist, the* researches of a century and a half since he wrote, in chemistry, physiology, general zoology and botany, and psychology, have enabled us to see is the individual animal organism reaching with the respiratory substance (oxygen?) it takes in. In this one particular and, from the standpoint to which we have been accustomed, very peculiar case, the reaction is at one and the same time part of the essence of both ideas and impressions in the Humean sense, the reaction being the "medium" or the "certain step" by which the inference is drawn, this inferring being possible because of the continuity of the organism as a person, or self, and the persistence of the respiratory substance as the same identical thing from the past through the present into the future. We will now notice how Huxley, because of his much more extensive knowledge of the structure and function of animals than Hume possessed, was able to draw still closer than Hume could to the heart of the old Mind-Body puzzle. The gist of Huxley's position on, and contribution to, the problem can conveniently be presented through his remarks on the question of innateness of various aspects of psychic life, these remarks occurring in his essay on Hume. After point- ing out that neither Locke nor Hume seemed to know exact- ly what Descartes, the originator of the modern conception of innate ideas, meant by his phrase "idees naturelles,1" Hux- ley quotes Descartes as follows: "I have used this term in the same sense as when we say that generosity is innate in certain families ; or that certain maladies such as gout or gravel, are innate in others ; not that children born in these 302 The Unity of the Organism families are troubled with such diseases in their mother's womb; but because they are born with the disposition or faculty of contracting them."22 Then after further quota- tions to the same effect Huxley writes : "Whoever denies what is, in fact, an inconceivable proposition, that sensations pass, as such, from the external world into the mind, must admit the conclusion here laid down by Descartes, that, strictly speaking, sensations, and a fortiori, all the other contents of the mind, are innate. Or, to state the matter in accordance with views previously expounded, that they are products of the inherent properties of the thinking organ, in which they lie potentially, before they are called into exist- ence by their appropriate causes." The upshot of this clearly is that innate for Descartes and Huxley means hardly anything else than hereditary, as ap- plied to the psychical as well as to the physical attributes of animals. The ample justification in our day of the view that psychical attributes are hereditary should, it would seem, restore to full standing in biology, the conception of innate ideas — only, of course, in a very different sense from that into which later Idealists have perverted it. It is in this discussion that Huxley makes one of the most direct and unanswerable arguments against materialism that can be made : "The more completely the materialistic posi- tion is admitted, the easier it is to show that the idealistic position is unassailable, if the idealist confines himself with- in the limits of positive knowledge."23 That is to say, if the materialist insists that all traces of innateness of ideas and other contents of the mind must be repudiated, he virtually contends that heredity of whatever sort, whether of physical or psychical attributes, must be repudiated. With this con- ception of innateness in the entire psychic aspect of the organism before him Huxley asks: "What is meant by ex- perience?" "It is the conversion," he replies, "by unknown causes, of Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 303 these innate potentialities into actual experiences."24 Now these "unknown causes" are, according to my view, essential- ly the same as the "medium" which Hume recognized must exist for making the "step" possible from the "superficial qualities" to the "secret powers" of natural objects and from the "secret powers" of one object to those of another. They are, to repeat, the reaction of the organism in its latently psychical aspect, with "the breath of life," that is, with the oxygen, or whatever be the gaseous constituent of the air which is active in respiration. And I believe we can see to a considerable extent why Huxley considered these causes as wholly unknown. It was because physiology and bio-chemis- try in his day were not yet able to view the organism from the standpoint of physical chemistry. Because of this ina- bility Huxley nor any other physiologist of his period had an adequate structural ground-work for thinking organis- mally about living things. They were consequently obliged, really, to think of all psychic phenomena, and consciousness with the rest, as being restricted to the nervous system. That such was Huxley's view at any rate, we know from his own words : "No one who is cognisant of the facts pf the case nowadays doubts," he writes, "that the roots of psychol- ogy lie in the physiology of the nervous system." The im- portant revision of this statement which our hypothesis calls for is that while the roots of psychology are indeed in the nervous system they are by no means in that system alone. They pass through it to a much deeper level, so to speak, and in passing draw great nutriment from it. In a brief but important paper starting off with the prop- osition that a philosopher can not legitimately question the existence of the external world — that all he can rightly do is to inquire what that world is and how we can know it at all, G. F. Stout comes to the kernel of the problem in considera- bly the same way that Hume and Huxley came to it. "For primitive consciousness and for our own unreflective con- 304 The Unity of the Organism sciousness," he says, "sense experience and the correlative agency which conditions it coalesce in one unanalysed total object. They coalesce in such a way that the sense-presenta- tion appears as possessing the independence of the not-self, and the independent not-self seems to be given with the same immediacy as the sense-presentation." And, "this complex but unanalysed cognition," Stout continues, "is the germ from which our detailed knowledge of matter develops."39 If proved true my hypothesis would be a considerable for- ward step, I believe, in analysing this "unanalysed cogni- tion." For although Stout's assertion "the independent not- self is not matter" seems at first sight to exclude oxygen or any other constituent of our breath from such a place in the external world of his conception as that which it has in that world according to my conception this exclusion is, I think, only seemingly so, for a sentence farther on the author says matter "essentially includes the qualification of the in- dependent not-self by the content of sense-experience." The seeming discrepancy is probably due to the generality of the term matter. I too would say that the "independent not- self" is not matter were I to mean by matter the total sub- stance of the external world. But in the sense that the effec- tive respiratory gas (oxygen supposedly) is matter, my hypothesis would require me to hold that the not-self has an essential material component, which component is really the attribute of the gas in virtue of which it reacts with the organism in the peculiar way it does to produce conscio.us- ness. It seems to me that what Stout seeks in the "quali- fication of the independent not-self by the content of sense- experience" is the immediately consciousness-producing attri- bute of the respiratory gas. We might state the point this way: Oxygen (or the effective respiratory gas) has a double status in human consciousness. First and most fundamental- ly, it has the status of an immediate and essential participant in producing all consciousness whatever; and second it has Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 305 the status of an indirect participant in producing the par- ticular consciousness which we call observational knowledge of the gas. Our knowledge of this one gas is due to two tilings, (1) to our reaction to it through our sense organs in the usual psychological meaning of react; and (2) to our reaction with it through the protoplasmic basis of all con- sciousness, reaction in this case having the meaning which chemistry has given the word. What the relation is be- tween the attributes of the gas in virtue of which it reacts with the organism in these two ways, and also what the rela- tion is between the attributes of the organism in virtue of which it reacts with the gas in these two ways, are questions with which a theory of knowledge would deal but which lies outside of the scope of this sketch, which, as has already been said, restricts itself to a theory of consciousness. I may, however, refer in passing to the fact that chemistry appears to be all at sea on the problem of the relation be- tween the chemical and the physical attributes of all sub- stances whatever; so the difficulties about oxygen in this one particular are not an unshared difficulty. Finally, to bring this exposition of the historical setting of my hypothesis down to the present hour, I call attention to the way the hypothesis connects with the best that formal philosophy in our own day has done, or as I suspect is competent to do, towards making out what "experience" is. No philosopher with whom I have met has gone farther in this direction than John Dewey. In his recent essay, A Re- covery of Philosophy, we read: "Dialectic developments of the notion of self-preservation, of the conatus essendi, often ignore all the important facts of the actual process. They argue as if self-control, self-development, went on directly as a sort of unrolling push from within. But life endures only in virtue of the support of the environment."26 The italics are mine and mark the most vital part of the quotation for us. And a page farther on: "Experience is no slipping 306 The Unity of the Organism along in a path fixed by inner consciousness. Private con- sciousness is an incidental outcome of experience of a vitally objective sort; it is not its source. Undergoing, however, is never mere passivity. The most patient patient is more than a receptor. He is also an agent — a reactor." . . . Again the italics are mine. I take the liberty to end the quo- tation at "reactor" though the remaining part of the sen- tence is important for Dewey's particular purpose. But my aim is different. I want to fix attention on the two state- ments italicised for the purpose of showing how my hypo- thesis connects with Dewey's general conception of experi- ence. When Dewey says life endures only as supported by the environment, he is speaking in very general terms, having reference, I imagine, more to social and other bulk aspects of environment. My hypothesis, on the contrary, makes the dependence of life on environment exceedingly specific in that it undertakes to show the particular thing in the environ- ment, namely, the respiratory part of the atmosphere, which is physiologically basal to self-development and self-pre- servation. The Self which traditional philosophy has strug- gled so hard to understand is literally, the human organism, according to my hypothesis. And when in this discussion I speak of it as reacting with the respiratory air to produce consciousness, I am using the verb to react in a very specific, physico-chemico-biological sense, while Dewey is using it in a general sense, and explicitly at least, with only a psy- chological implication. The "self" which I am suggesting does indeed imply "another" no less unequivocally than does the "self" of ad- vanced social psychology. But the "self" and the "other" implied by my hypothesis differ from those of current philo- sophical theory in that the roots of both are not only in the social relationships of the human species, but extend right on through these into sub-human relationships, even down into the very constitution of inorganic nature. The Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 307 "self" and the "other" of my conception are more personally objective, and more cosmic in their affinities, than are the "self" and the "other" of social psychology. Continuing now with our examination of the foundation of my hypothesis I find it convenient, especially because of my reference a few pages back, to Huxley's unanswerable contention for an essence of truth in both materialism and idealism, to call attention to a natural history fact in the higher mental life of man which I take to be a strong con- firmation of the contention. This fact concerns the general difference between what are commonly known as the mate- rialistic and the idealistic attitudes of mind. This difference comes, I believe, to the same thing finally, as the difference between the objective and subjective attitudes, and is also the difference, at bottom, between what in rather loose though prevalent expression, is called the difference between the scientific and the philosophic attitudes. It would seem that the philosopher who declares himself to be an Absolute Ideal- ist, as Royce does, is under heavy obligation, especially if he enters the field of psychology, to explain the fact that the originators of great interpretative ideas of nature have in- variably recognized that their hypotheses must be "proved" ; that is, that the subjective experience which constitutes the hypothesis must be found to have its counterpart in the ex- ternal world of sense. If "Reason creates the world," even in the recondite meaning of Royce's philosophy, how hap- pened it that Newton should have been so "restless" for evi- dence of an objective, an external counterpart to the subjec- tive result he had reached by mathematical reasoning, that he held back his reasoned creation for sixteen years, waiting for the proof, the sense-perceptual or at least the sense- percepfibfc experience, that should round out his reasoned truth? May not, I ask, the very kernel of the difference between science at its best and philosophy at its best be in this, that the typical scientist is somewhat deficient in "rest- 308 The Unity of the Organism lessness," adopting Royce's terminology, for internal or sub- jective reality ; while the philosopher of the schools is some- what deficient in restlessness for external or objective reality? We could say with almost literal chemical accuracy that the curiosity and eagerness of the naturalist for yet unobserved objective truth is due to an unsatisfied affinity which is weak, or in some instances, wholly lacking, in the subjective idealist. The facts which seem to justify our chemico-organismal hypothesis of conscious psychic life, seem also to imply a complete interpenetration of objective science and idealistic philosophy. As to the Lowest Terms of Self -Consciousness Let us now veer our course in examining self-conscious life, and see what can be made out about its roots and rootlets instead of about its fruitage. We are often reminded that our knowledge about our in- ternal organs, our heart, liver, lungs, et cetera, comes only through observations by the anatomist and physiologist; that we are quite unconscious of these organs in our own bodies, especially if they are working normally. Now I point out that to be perceptually conscious of a liver, let us say, as a specialized morphological entity performing its appropriate functions, is a very different matter from being conscious of those primal, undifferentiated processes which are basal to life itself, and so are common to all the tissues whether liver, muscle, brain, or what not, so long as they are actually living. That that which is truly organic, in the sense of pertaining to the fully constituted organism, must be regarded from this standpoint as well as from the stand- point of their final state of differentiation, is one of the common-places of modern biology. Let a person in as near- ly perfect health as he ever experiences, do his best to elimi- nate all external and internal stimuli of his specialized Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 309 sensory parts ; also all remembering, all feeling of the usual kind, all imagining, and all thinking. Then let him answer the question: How do I know I am alive? An undertaking of this sort is wholly introspective in the sense of being such that each person must engage in it for himself alone. He can not show his results to anybody else. A good bit ot ingenuity may be exercised on it and the outcome will be found to be rather surprising if not very conclusive as to the purpose for which the experiment was tried. But the results as reported may be of some value. Personally, I believe I can follow my consciousness down to where I can recognize its most basal remaining "content" to be an awareness of what I may call extension without definite limitations. It seems to me I can detect something to which I could not, from its nature alone, apply the terms "I" or "me" as some- thing differentiated from everything else. Possibly what I note is wholly fanciful, but I seem to feel myself in about the condition of psychical life which I imagine a star fish is in. Of course I realize how far such a statement is from being purified of all thought and other ordinary mental elements. Nevertheless, I believe it to be of some value as evidence that consciousness is an attribute of the organism as a whole, and can neither be held to contain an element which can exist separately from the organism, nor be restricted to any particular part of the organism as the brain or the nervous system. There seems to be some evidence "directly felt by us ourselves," and that evidence points to this con- clusion as to the nature and "seat" of consciousness. The point is susceptible, I am quite sure, of rather rigid experi- mental examination. However, the further experiments which have suggested themselves to me involve difficulties more formidable than I have thus far been in position to attempt. The reader acquainted with James's notable Chapter X, "The Consciousness of Self" (The Principles of Psychology, 310 The Unity of the Organism Vol. 1) will recognize the difference between such introspec- tive experimentation as that here indicated, and that so il- luminatingly described by James as tried on himself. While James's undertaking was to give an account of the thought and other processes in consciousness as he could observe them in himself, what I want to accomplish requires me to get rid of, to ignore as far as possible, the very things which James was studying. I want to find whether any "content of con- sciousness" remains after thought and the other usual men- tal contents are out of the reckoning. I believe, however, that James opens the way to such an hypothesis as mine. Thus in a footnote we read, "The sense of my bodily exist- ence, however obscurely recognized as such, mat/ then be the absolute original of my conscious selfhood, the fundamental perception that / am. All appropriations may be made to it by a Thought not at the moment immediately cognized by itself. Whether these are not only logical possibilities but actual facts is something not y«t dogmatically decided in the text."6 Except for a little misgiving arising from uncertainty as to the exact meaning of "Thought" in this quotation, I be- lieve my hypothesis does what James says his text leaves un- decided. This foot-note of James's may serve as a switch key to shift the current of our discussion from the psycho-con- scious phase of life through the psycho-physical to the purely physico-chemical phase. The course along which this shifting will run can be designated thus: full-fledged intellect (al- ready examined), instinct, emotion, bio-physico-chemical or- ganization. Instinct and Physical Organization The discussion from which we have just turned of the relation between "inner" and "outer," between "subjective" Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 311 and "objective," must be regarded as meeting the require- ments of this sketch so far as the first member of the series is concerned; and the relation between instinct and physical organization will now receive attention. The evidence of vital connection here is so abundant and clear-cut, and the views of competent observers are so unanimous that the sub- ject can be disposed of quite summarily. Probably the most indubitable single block of evidence comes from nest-building and cocoon-spinning insects. Many of the facts from this field have been so much exploited for the very purposes to which we now invoke them that a few quotations from and remarks upon the writings of naturalists generally acknowl- edged for learning and judicious thinking will suffice. We turn first to W. M. Wheeler, and take to begin with, words which he in turn quotes from Bergson: "As Bergson says," we read, " 'It has often been remarked that most in- stincts are the prolongation, or better, the achievement, of the work of organization itself. Where does the activity of instinct begin? Where does that of nature end? It is im- possible to say. In the metamorphoses of the larva into the nymph and into the perfect insect, metamorphoses which often require appropriate adaptations and a kind of initia- tive on the part of the larva, there is no sharp line of de- marcation between the instinct of the animal and the organiz- ing work of the living matter. It is immaterial whether we say that instinct organizes the instruments which it is going to use, or that the organization prolongs itself into the in- stinct by which it is to be used.' ' And Wheeler continues : "The spinning of the cocoon by the larval ant is a good example of the kind of instinct to which Bergson refers. From one point of view this is merely an act of development, and the cocoon, or result of the secretive activity of the seric- teries and of the spinning movements of the larva, is a pro- tective envelope. But an envelope with the same protective function may be produced by other insect larvae simply as a The Unity of the Organism thick, chitinous secretion from the whole outer surface of the hypodermis. Here, too, we have an activity which, though manifested in a very different way, is even more clearly one of growth and development. And when the workers of (Ecophytta or Polyrhachis use their larvae for weaving the silken envelope of the nest, as described in Chapter XIII, we have a further extension and modification of the cocoon- spinning activities. In this case the spinning powers of the larva are utilized for the purpose of producing an envelope, not for its individual self, but for the whole colony. In conventional works this latter activity would be assigned a prominent place as a typical instinct, the spinning of the cocoon might also be included under this head, but the form- ation of the puparium, or pupal skin, would be excluded as a purely physiological or developmental process, yet this last, no less than the two other cases, has all the fundamental characteristics of an instinct."7 Then immediately follows this statement, especially signi- ficant for the proposition of our hypothesis which assigns to the individual organism the chemical value of an elementary substance: "Viewed in this light there is nothing surprising about the complexity and relative fixity of an instinct, for it is inseparably correlated with the structural organization, and in this we have long been familiar, both with the de- pendence of the complexity and fixity of parts on heredity and the modifiability of these parts during the life-cycle of the individual. Fixed or instinctive behavior has its counterpart in inherited morphological structure as does modifiable, or plastic, behavior in well-known ontogenetic and functional changes." The statement that surprise is largely taken away from such elaborate manifestations of instinct as those here de- picted, by recognizing that the instincts are "inseparably correlated with structural organization" and have their "counterpart in inherited morphological structure," will, no Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 313 doubt, receive the assent of most zoologists, as will also the statement that our long familiarity with structural organi- zation and morphological inheritance is what makes us re- gard these without surprise, and, by inference, as compre- hensible. It is not that the corporeal form and structure of the worker ants and of the larvae which they manipulate as spinning instruments and shuttles for making the nest, are necessarily simpler and, on that account, more comprehen- sible than are the instinctive acts of the workers, but that during our whole lives we have been familiar with structure, and ourselves exist as "structural organizations." This is equivalent to saying that we have always been not only learn- ing but directly experiencing interdependences and correla- tions among the common body-parts and body-acts, and so regard them as comprehensible, as explicable. To compre- hend really an external complex of structures and activities is to live the counterpart of it. To understand such a com- plex scientifically is to understand it through a course of observation and reasoning; that is, rationally. To explain such a complex is to bring in, or recognize consciously one by one the constituent elements of the complex, and recognize all these as parts of the ensemble. It is to recognize the elements in both their isolate and integrate capacities. So much for the evidence of integration between instinct and physical organization as presented by one carefully phil- osophical naturalist. Several other naturalists have gone nearly as far, but this single instance is so typical and conclu- sive as to the objective facts that it will suffice. In com- menting on the significance of being surprised at such rarely witnessed performances as those furnished by these ants, while we are not surprised at common structures and acts of equal or greater complexity furnished by more familiar animals and by ourselves, I go beyond, though only a little beyond Wheeler. The only other zoologist to whom I turn for evidence of 314 The Unity of the Organism vital relation between instinct and structure is C. O. Whit- man. His testimony supplements Wheeler's in that it is more exclusively and radically objective than is Wheeler's; that is, it verges less toward the subjective- type of presenta- tion and draws nearer to the bio-chemical ground work. Al- though Whitman wrote relatively little on animal behavior, that little seems to me to contain some of the most important observations and conclusions which have been produced in this branch of zoology. What I utilize is taken from his address Animal Behavior. The animals upon which Whit- man's chief studies were made were leeches of the genus Clep- sine; a salamander (Necturus) ; and pigeons of several spe- cies. Our purpose will be best served by quoting a few sen- tences which go direct to the heart of the question in hand, that namely of the vital connection of instinct and basal physical structure. "The view here taken," Whitman writes, "places the primary roots of instinct in the constitutional ac- tivities of protoplasm and regards instinct in every stage of its evolution as action depending essentially upon organiza- tion".8 Then, apparently to clarify and emphasize the last clause about the dependence of instinct or organization, he adds a footnote thus : "Professor Loeb refers instinct back to '(1) polar differences in the chemical constitution in the egg substance, and (2) the presence of such substances in the egg as determine heliotropic, chemotropic, stereotropic, and similar phenomena of irritability.' According to this view, the power to respond to stimuli lies in unorganized chemical substances, and the same powers exist in the adult as in the egg, because the same chemical substances are present. Or- ganization serves at all stages merely as a mechanical means of giving definite directions to responses. "The view I have taken regards instinctive action as organic action, whatever be the stage of manifestation. The egg differs from the adult in having an organization of a very simple primary order, and correspondingly simple pow- Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 315 ers of response. Instinct and organization are, to me, two aspects of one and the same thing, hence both have onto- genetic and phylogenetic development." These statements show, as do those given in our discussion of the cell-theory, how far Whitman went away from full- fledged elementalism and toward organismalism. But his treatment of instinct and animal behavior reveals what his treatment of the cell-theory does not, at least so clearly ; namely, how far he also went on the way to the natural his- tory mode as contrasted with the mechanistic mode of phil- osophizing on biological phenomena. And this gives me a pleasant opportunity to testify to the genuinely naturalist current that ran through his life and work. An unforgettable visit which I had with him among his pigeons not long before he died, permitted me to see something of the character and depth of his interest in those animals. His whole attitude toward them — his wonderfully broad information about, and understanding of their general ways of life and personal idiosyncrasies, his solicitude for them, and his measured af- fection for them — was such as is never displayed by any one who has not very much of the real naturalist about him, in his personality as well as in his knowledge. The individual pigeons, many of them at any rate, appeared to be realities to him in a deep sense and not merely "mechanical means for giving definite directions to responses" of chemical sub- stances. But after all this is said, it must also be said that there is no evidence that Whitman ever grasped fully the con- ception that the "constitutional activities of protoplasm" in which he believed instincts to be rooted, must be the consti- tutional activities of protoplasms (protoplasm in the plural number), because no individual pigeon is either any other in- dividual nor even exactly like any other; and also that the existence of protoplasms is dependent upon the organisms to which they belong as well as upon the chemical substances of which they are composed. Whitman went so far on the 316 The Unity of the Organism road toward organismalism as to believe genuinely in the organic and organisation, but not far enough to make him accept unreservedly individual organisms. We are able to state definitely wherein lies the great and rather unique merit of Whitman's investigations on animal behavior. (1) By a judicious combination of pure observa- tion and observation aided by experiment and conception, he pushed psychic phenomena in the form of instinct down al- most to the physico-chemical level; that is, to the proto- plasmic level. (2) He at the same time remained positively within the organic, the living realm. His merit is that of restraint as well as of positive achievement. He did not per- mit his enthusiasm for physical explanation to betray him into adopting a phraseology which, while sounding like an explanation of instinct, amounts in reality to a denial or a repudiation of it. So much for the evidence of vital connection between in- stinct and organization. According to the schedule indi- cated a few pages back for reviewing systematically this con- nection through the entire range of psychic life, we have next to glance at the connection between the emotions and organization. Emotion and Physical Organization Approaching this subject as we now are from the direction of psychology proper, the well-known James-Lange interpre- tation of emotion comes immediately to mind. It will be advantageous for our sketch not to focus attention too close- ly on any theory or discussion but to take in as much as we can of the entire field, keeping in the foreground our own personal experiences and observations as contrasted with the descriptions and views of authorities. What I mean is that the reader shall take himself in hand for serious study as to his emotional life, watching himself from hour to hour, day Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 317 to day, and year to year under all the varied conditions, happenings, purposes, and impulses to which he is subject. In doing this a special point should be made of looking back scrutinizingly at experiences of particular satisfaction, ela- tion, joy, sorrow, irritation, anger,' fear, dread, humiliation, and shame, as soon after their occurrence as possible that they may be fresh in memory. But incidents and episodes of one's remoter past which stand out with special vividness from the intensity of the particular emotions when they were experienced, or because of results which flowed from them, will be found illuminating. To what extent and in what particular fashion was our bodily organization implicated in the feelings and emotions we experienced, is our problem. Fortunately one can "live over again" as we say; can "work himself into" rather pro- nounced emotional states, through a combination of memory and imagination. That is, he can be much of a genuine dram- atist when all alone, as touching events and scenes of his own past experience. What happens to your body when you do that sort of thing? is the central question before us. The very criterion by which you answer this question you will find will be that of how far the body-manifestations appro- priate to the particular emotions are elicited through your efforts. If your hands do not clinch somewhat, if many of your arm, leg, and abdominal muscles do not contract some- what, if your respiration does not quicken somewhat, and other manifestations, various corporeal indices of anger, do not appear quite independently of direct intention on your part, you will be sure you have not "worked up" a genuine state of anger. The only real knowledge of an emotion is a lived knowledge of that emotion. In order to be a true actor your body parts must act, directly, automatically, spon- taneously, so far as any rational purpose is concerned. And what is true of anger is clearly true of all other emotions. Our emotional activities may be described as instinctive 318 The Unity of the Organism and reflex activities, the feeling-impulse of which comes through intelligence, but is not of intelligence — is not under the direct guidance and control of intelligence. According to this interpretation no animal, no matter how highly con- stituted as to instincts and reflexes, could have emotion un- less it had intelligence. Emotional activity is instinctive and reflex activity of an intelligent organism, with, however, the element of intellect eliminated or in abeyance for the time being as regards these particular acts. This is what I would call the natural history description of emotion. And I be- lieve it is in essential accord with James's conception of emo- tion, but his description is a psycho-physiological rather than a natural history description. I am quite sure that what I have just said means virtually the same as the follow- ing: "// we fancy some strong emotion, and then try to ab- stract from our consciousness of it all the feelings of its bodily symptoms, we find we have nothing left behind, no 'mind-stuff' out of which the emotion can be constituted, and that a cold and neutral state of intellectual perception is all that remains."9 I will now point out wherein I believe the natural history description and interpretation of emotion are somewhat truer and better than those given by James and other physiologi- cal psychologists — and, I may add — very much truer and better than those given by certain writers who approach the subject from the physiological side pure and simple. James's epigrammatic statements about being afraid because we tremble when we meet a bear in the woods ; about being sorry because we cry ; about being angry because we strike, do his own position some injustice, I think. This is an instance in which his gift for piquant writing succeeded too well. But the fact ought to be noticed that what he actually says is that as between the usual statement, namely, that we tremble because we are afraid, cry because we are sorry, strike be- cause we are angry, and his way of stating the case, his way is Sketch of an Orgamsmal Theory of Consciousness 319 "more rational." It is only relative, not absolute truth, he is aiming at in these statements. Nevertheless, after due al- lowance is made for an expressional miscue to some extent, there is yet substantial defect in his presentation. Speaking in general terms, the defectiveness is not so much in the antithesis set up as in the restrictedness implied. Or, bring- ing the criticism around toward our particular standpoint, the statement falls short of being organismal. Cannon has, I believe, indicated the direction in which the adequate statement lies. He writes : "We do not 'feel sorry because we cry,' as James contended, but we cry because when we are sorry or overjoyed or violently angry or full of tender affection — when any one of these diverse emotional states is present — there are nervous discharges by sympathe- tic channels to various viscera, including the lachrymal glands. In terror and rage and intense elation, for example, the responses in the viscera seem too uniform to offer a satis- factory means of distinguishing states which, in man at least, are very different in subjective quality. For this reason I am inclined to urge that the visceral changes merely contri- bute to an emotional complex more or less indefinite, but still pertinent, feelings of disturbance in organs of which we are not usually conscious." What Cannon's criticism amounts to, expressed in other language is: while freely granting that organs and functions in the usual physiologi- cal sense play an essential part in emotion, neither the vis- ceral nor any other single set of organs is sufficient to account for the whole of any emotion. Visceral changes contribute to the "emotional complex," but the real source of the feel- ings involved is embedded elsewhere and more broadly in the organization. Cannon suggests : "the natural response is a pattern reaction, like inborn reflexes of low order." 1J "The typical facial and bodily expressions," he writes, "automati- cally assumed in different emotions, indicate discharge of pe- culiar groupings of neurones in the several effective states." 320 The Unity of the Organism Without stopping to examine this language in detail, our aim will be achieved by pointing out that the more closely the various emotions are scrutinized, and the more effort there is made to refer them to their causes, the more varied are they found to be, and the more widely are we led to search in the organization for causal factors. The mental attitude of per- fect openness toward any and all facts, both of effect and cause, which may occur in a given organic situation, is one of the leading characterizations of the organismal conception. The assertion that the organism as a whole is the causal ex- planation of an emotion or an "emotion complex" is justified by two considerations: (1) Except for the organism viewed alive and whole and under both its ontogenic and phylogenic aspects, the emotion would not exist; and (2) so wide-spread and subtle does common observation recognize the parts of the organism involved to be in many of its emotional activi- ties that for practical purposes, it is better to work on the hypothesis that all parts of the organism are implicated than to adopt the alternative hypothesis that certain parts only are involved ; that is, that some parts are not involved. As a matter of fact, I believe that in spirit James' hypo- thesis is organismal even though, probably from his training and career in formal anatomy, physiology, and psychology, he never became entirely free from the Body-Soul antithesis and the dogmatisms of "nerve physiology," which have so dominated modern physiology and psychology. This opinion I base on the general tenor of his discussions particularly of the emotions, rather than on his direct formulation of his theory of emotion. I will quote a few passages that seem particularly to trend in this direction. "No reader of the last two chapters {The Production of Movement, and In- stinct] will be inclined to doubt the fact that objects do excite bodily changes by a preorganized mechanism, or the farther fact that the changes are so indefinitely numerous and subtle that the entire organism may be called a sound- Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness mg-board, which every change of consciousness, however slight, may make reverberate. The various premutations and combinations of which these organic activities are susceptible make it abstractly possible that no shade of emotion, how- ever slight, should be without a bodily reverberation as unique, when taken in its totality, as is the mental mood it- self. The immense number of parts modified in each emotion is what makes it so difficult for us to reproduce in cold blood the total and integral expression of any one of them. We may catch the trick with the voluntary muscles, but fail with the skin, glands, heart, and other viscera."12 I ask the read- er to make special note of the part of the quotation be- ginning, "The various permutations" as we shall have more to say about it a few pages farther on. Again we read: "Our whole cubic capacity is sensibly alive ; and each morsel of it contributes its pulsations of feel- ing, dim or sharp, pleasant, painful, or dubious, to that sense of personality that every one of us unfamiliarly carries with him. It is surprising what little items give accent to these complexes of sensibility."1 I hope the reader will notice how easy it would be for me to contend that these state- ments come near to my statement about "inner" and "outer," or subjective and objective; and also to my formal hypo- thesis as to the nature of consciousness. However, I do not wish to make too much of such a contention, though I shall bring up the point again presently. All I want to do just here is to make still clearer the meaning of my view that James was organismal in spirit, though not wholly so in for- mal statement. To me one of the strongest evidences of this was his obvious effort, as indicated by these and many other passages in many other writings than his Psychology, to describe fully the phenomena with which he chanced to deal. As I have remarked in substance so many times in this book, one of the most unmistakable signs of the elementalist attitude in biology is incomplete and more or less perverted 322 The Unity of the Organism description. And nowhere, perhaps, in the whole biological realm is there a better chance for description of the genuine- ly natural history, organismal kind — the kind a cardinal motto of which is "neglect nothing," than in this very field of human emotions, especially of one's 'own emotions. Nor can I refrain from reminding the reader that one of the master works in this field is Darwin's The Expression of the Emotion* m Man and Animals,27 and that while a leading motive of its author was to interpret the emotions in ac- cordance with the theory of descent and the natural selec- tion hypothesis, probably the most lasting value of the work is from its fullness and excellence as a natural history de- scription of the emotions and their objective expression. As to the fact of vital interdependence between psychic life and physical life through the emotions, personal experi- ence and observation, backed up and supplemented by many authoritative writings, among which those of Darwin and James stand out strongly, there seems no longer any room for question. The role of the emotions as between "Body" and "Soul" may be crudely likened to the splice which a skill- ful sailor weaves into two pieces of rope in joining them so that there shall be no knot and as great strength as in any other part of the rope. In the recent period of psychology — of so-called physiological psychology — we have frequently heard about psychology "without a Soul;" and such an idea has seemed repugnant to many persons. But if we could show that this modern psychology is "without a Body" by the same token that it is "without a Soul," the legitimate mis- givings about the soullessness of the psychology ought to be allayed. And really the organismal conception of psychic life is seen, especially when we examine it in the phase of the emotions, to amount to such a composition of the Body-Soul antithesis. "Body" we can see, as it figured in the old psy- chology, virtually signified what we usually mean by corpse, or cadaver. "The Body," in that sense was not alive at all. Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 323 It was not alive because all the life was taken out of it (by the theoretical antithesis) and put into "The Soul." Glance at the Equiltbrative Interaction Between "Body" and "Soul" Going forward from such predominantly observational descriptions of psychic life in its emotional phase as those of Darwin and James, to such experimental descriptions as those being produced by the investigations of Pawlow, of Crile, and especially of Cannon, we are getting considerable insight into the rationale of how "Body" and "Soul" vitalize each other. Modern researches on the physiology or the psychology (which one calls it depends entirely on the direc- tion of his approach) of psychic life is revealing something of the why and how of the poet's instinctive perception, "Soul needs Body as much as Body needs Soul." Only one aspect of this "why and how" need be noticed in the present discus- sion. That is the fact of the balancing off of antagonistic emotions to make the normal emotional life just as reflex- actions and instinctive actions are largely phenomena of equilibration, or balancing-off. It should be recalled that we have found this antagonistic- equilibrative principle to run through the entire neuro-psy- chic life. In the strictly reflex phase the mode of operation of the opposing muscles, the flexors and extensors of the limbs, as brought out by Sherrington, was cited as a good illustration of the principle. A manifestation of the prin- ciple in a broader way, as measured by the extent of organic parts involved, was seen in the relation of the vagal (cranial) and splanchnic (thoracico-lumbar) autonomies, as empha- sized by Cannon (Chap. 19, this book) this illustration being chiefly in the reflex phase. In a yet higher phase we saw, again from Cannon's work, the principle in operation through the emotions (Chap. 23) thus bringing it up to the 324 The Unity of the Organism phase of lower conscious life. The reader should not forget the insistence throughout our presentation of these antagonistic phenomena, that al- ways the oppositions and antagonisms and competitions are fundamentally constitutive as to the normal organism. Even the most pronounced of them are yet in the interest of the organism as a whole. They are always partial phenomena relative to the whole organism. They have evolved in strict accordance with and sub-ordination to the fundamental na- ture of the organism in its totality. The opposing muscles of our limbs can not break or tear one another under normal conditions. Even antagonisms among the parts of the or- ganism are possible because the parts belong to the organism. The antagonisms of the parts do not produce the organism, primarily, but are themselves produced by the organism, or at least, are a portion of the means or methods by which the organism lives and enlarges, develops and functions. All this, be it noticed, holds not merely as touching purely physical organization * but as to the entire gamut of psychic life, at least up to and including instinctive and emotional life. Support of the Hypothesis by the Physico-Chemical Con- ception of the Organism This prepares us for the final step of switching the discus- sion from the psycho-conscious aspect of life to the bio- physico-chemical aspect. The place in our discussion to which this return naturally takes us is that wherein we con- sidered the organism's chemical nature as interpreted by phy- sical chemistry. That interpretation has been presented by several physiologists but with special insight and cogency by F. G. Hopkins. For example, our citation in Chapter 4 of the statement that the conception of the organism as a * Recall the discussions of growth and chemico- functional integration, chapters 17, 18, and 19. Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 325 chemical laboratory "is rapidly gaining ground," should be recalled, as should also the opinion of Hopkins : "the chem- ical response of the tissues to the chemical stimulus of foreign substances of simple constitution is of profound biological significance," and that further study of the phenomena "must throw vivid light on the potentialities of the tissue labora- tories."1 So far this chemical laboratory conception of the tissues may be said to be strictly chemical; but let us recall what the interpretation is when it passes from chemistry in the exclusive sense to physical chemistry and becomes more specific as to the laboratory apparatus, as one may say, through which the "tissues" work. In other words, recall the conception of the cell and its mode of operating, as viewed by physical chemistry. The quotations given in Chapter 4 may well be repeated in part: ". . . the living cell as we now know it is not a mass of matter composed of a congregation of like molecules, but a highly differentiated system ; the cell in the modern phraseology of physical chem- istry, is a system of coexisting phases of different consti- tutions." 15 Then from this review our own contention, set forth especially in Chapter 7, that wherever in such state- ments as those just quoted from Hopkins "the term cell oc- curs the term organism really ought to be used." It is important for our cause generally that the full weight of our argument in support of the view that on the strictly physical plane, the organism rather than the cell is really the equilibration system toward which physico- chemical knowledge is tending, should be in the reader's con- sciousness. At this point if, consequently, this is not so, he is urged to read what is said on the point in Chapters 4 and 7 especially. Our central purpose now is to show that the organismal hypothesis of consciousness articulates directly and natur- ally with the same conception of the organism. Undoubtedly it is in the emotional phase of psychic life that this articu- 326 The Unity of the Organism lation is most open to common observation. Compare, for example, James' "Our whole cubic capacity is sensibly alive; and each morsel of it contributes its pulsations of feeling, dim or sharp, pleasant, painful, or dubious, to that sense of personality that every one of us unfamiliarly carries with him," with Hopkins' "On ultimate analysis we can scarcely speak at all of living matter in the cell; at any rate, we cannot, without gross misuse of terms, speak of the cell- life as being associated with any one particular type of mole- cule. Its life is the expression of a particular dynamic equil- ibrium which obtains in a polyphasic system . . . 'life' as we instinctively define it, is a property of the cell as a whole, because it depends upon the organization of processes, upon the equilibrium displayed by the totality of the coexisting phases." 16 Also compare Hopkins' statement that among the different "phases" of the cell in which its life inheres, "are to be reckoned not only the differentiated parts of the bio-plasm strictly defined (if we can define it strictly), the macro-and-micro-nuclei, nerve fibers, muscle fibers, etc., but the materials which support the cell structure, and which have been termed metaplastic constituents of the cell," with James' "each morsel" of our cubic capacity "contributes its pulsations of feeling, etc." The congruity of these statements is apparent even when taken as here exhibited; that is, each as standing by itself at about the two extremes of the scale of life. When, how- ever, they are viewed in connection with my general argument that "cell" in Hopkins' statement ought to be replaced by "organism"; and in connection with what we have learned from Cannon and others about the mechanism by means of which the organism operates in the phase of conscious emo- tion, it seems as though our organismal hypothesis of con- sciousness comes near to a demonstration. And so far as ordinary descriptive natural history is concerned, I believe this to be true. However, I recognize, keenly enough, that Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 327 from the standpoint of bio-chemistry, and physiology, and also from that of philosophy in the traditional sense, that demonstration is not only far away, but is attainable, if at all, only by surmounting very formidable difficulties. So I reassure the dubious reader that all I am claiming is that my two propositions about the nature of consciousness to- gether constitute a legitimate scientific hypothesis. Personality and Elementary Chemical Substances With both the physico-chemical aspect and the psychical aspect of our hypothesis now before us more fully and sharply than they have been hitherto we will examine an ob- jection to it which I apprehend will be the most serious the hypothesis will meet; namely that to the proposition that each individual organism has the value in a chemical sense of an elementary substance. And since this objection will probably be more intolerant and stubborn from the side of physics and chemistry than from that of natural history and psychology I will adjust my remarks with reference to tke opposition as thus anticipated. The considerations I am going to present might have been, in strict expository coherence, presented as a part of my discussion of the uniqueness of the individual consciousness as marked by its necessary privacy and its difference from all other individual consciousness. What we are now to emphasize is the fundamentally of objective as contrasted with subjective personality of such highly developed animals as song birds, domesticable animals, and civilized man. A complete definition of "personality" is not obligatory for our purpose. Only this much need be said about the meaning we shall give the word: First, we deny the right claimed by some authors to make personality purely psy- chical, or spiritual — a thing of the "inner," or "deeper" self; "Self" that is, in a thorough-going subjectivistic sense. 328 The Unity of the Organism It is on this ground, as I understand, that some psycholo- gists, as G. F. Stout, and apparently C. Lloyd Morgan,29 deny personality to animals. All I will say on this question here is that I am quite sure that every close observer of the higher animals will recognize that if he undertakes to .give truly full report of his observations on their behavior he wil have to speak of the personality of some at least of ther just as he would of the personality of observed human beings, or he will be obliged to call the same thing by some other name — a kind of procedure against which we have spoken strongly throughout this volume. For us, whatever person- ality may be, we must conceive it to be founded upon, and conformable to, the organism. "Organism" must be the more inclusive term. "Person" must stand to "Organism" in the logical relation of species to genus. Another meaning of personality in this particular dis- cussion will concern the uniqueness of each organism as to its psychical attributes regarded in their totality. By unique- ness I mean not merely the fact that each organism is itself, perceptually regarded, but that it is not a replica, a dupli- cate of any other. It is not only another organism but it is in some measure a different other organism. For the benefit of those physical- and metaphysical-minded readers who have never informed themselves much about the facts of natural history and have never tried seriously to think in the nat- ural history manner I would remark that what I have just said concerning the uniqueness of the individual organism is only re-asserting in a more refined way what botany and zoology have recognized more or less definitely since Dar- win's time at least, and have partially expressed in the terms "individual difference" and "individual variation." With this we come to the cardinal point: // individual animal organisms, especially individual humans under civi- lization, be contemplated with due heed to the motto "neglect nothing" the conviction wul be reached that each and every Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 329 one has literally as much of uniqueness about it as has an elementary chemical substance. In order to bring out the truth" of this statement we must exhibit, in the regular natural history manner, the resem- blances and differences between chemical elements on the one hand and the resemblances and differences between human beings on the other, and then pool the results of these com- parisons. To the carrying out of this enterprise the so-called peri- odic law in chemistry is of very great importance. The essence of this law, stated from the natural history stand- point, is that the chemical elements range themselves into natural species and genera after much the fashion that plants and animals do ; and that the classification is based mostly on the chemical attributes of the substances, but partly on their physical attributes also. Thus the "halogen group," that to which lithium, sodium, and potassium belong, is a genus in the sense of descriptive natural history, its species being the substances mentioned with others not enumerated. Also the group often spoken of in chemical laboratories as "the iron group" — the genus containing the species iron, cobalt, nickel, platinum, etc., illustrates the point. Two species of the last genus, iron and nickel, will be used in our study. Let us compare some household utensil made of iron with a similar one made of nickel. For the ordinary uses to which these implements would be put the difference between the sub- stances of which they are made would hardly be noticed. The higher specific gravity of nickel (8.5 plus) is so slight as compared with that of iron (7.8) that the greater weight of the nickel implement would probably not be noticed. Nor would the slightly lower melting point of nickel nor its much lower magnetic capacity be recognized. The most avail- able distinguishing difference is in color, the ordinary house- keeper answering you, if you ask how she knows a nickel from an iron implement, that the nickel piece is silvery bright 330 The Unity of the Organism while the iron piece is black. See now what this means. Actually, as is well known to every beginning student in analytical chemistry, these two metals are very similar in color as well as in other physical attributes — so much so, in fact, that some authors apply the same term "silver white" to both. What a housekeeper really means when she says she knows one implement to be of nickel because it is bright and the other to be of iron because it is black, is that she is depending on a chemical rather than a physical attribute for a distinguishing mark; the attribute, that is, in virtue of which iron is acted upon much more readily by oxygen in the presence of moisture than is nickel. The much greater liability of iron than nickel to tarnish and rust is a chemical rather than a phy- sical difference between them. This fact, namely that of the dependence of distinguishing differences between sub- stances more upon chemical than upon physical attributes is of very wide applicability in nature, and is greatly impor- tant both scientifically and philosophically. Now turn from comparing these two elementary chemical substances to a comparison of any two human organisms, or ; persons who might be members of a household to which the implements might belong. And make the comparison first on the basis of the physical attributes just as we began comparing the implements of nickel and iron. Does any reader doubt that he would find it much easier to distinguish the persons than the metals? As to purely morphological, that is, physical differences between almost any two persons (with the possible exception of certain rare instances of "identical" twins), there is no room for question. General shape of head, face and features, and the size and propor- tions of the various parts of the body furnish many unmis- takable distinguishing attributes. Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 331 On the Psychology of Subjective and Objective Personality • But unerring as are the differentiating marks on the physical side, such marks are few as compared with those on the psychical side. Noting first certain merely physico- psychical differences think of the manners of speech and of hand writing, to mention only two items ! Undoubtedly these differences are to a considerable extent physical but no one would seriously question that psychical factors come in all along the line. This is perhaps most obvious in speech as evidenced by voice modulations, intonations, gesticulations, and facial and bodily expressions. Again, differentials are everywhere recognizable in responses to sensory stimuli, especially in the matter of reaction-time. There are the quick and accurate persons, and the quick and inaccurate ones ; and there are the slow and accurate and the slow and inaccurate types, to go only a step in description and classi- fication on this basis. Then we proceed to compare the unequivocal psychical phases of life: the feeling, the emotional, the esthetic, the religious, and the intellectual phases. Here we pass into a realm of what might properly be called objective privacy in psychology, individuals for the study of which would be largely the student's most intimate and most enduring friends and associates, human and animal. Such a psychology would be undeniably so particular and intimate that much of it would be unpublishable even if it had an interest beyond the few persons concerned. At the same time there are some portions of it of great public importance, one such por- tion being exactly what we are in need of in the present dis- cussion. I refer to the exceedingly familiar but scientifically much neglected definite and sustained psychical differences of individuals who by reason of being members of the same household or same small community are subject to nearly identical influence so far as concerns such fundamental en- 332 The Unity of the Organism vironic factors as food in the narrow sense, drink, air, light and temperature. The duty before us is that of testifying to, of viseing, the objectively psychical individual as we did the subjectively psychical individual earlier in this sketch. "What is needed," writes Sellars, "is not vague statements to the effect that individuals cannot be separated or that they are aspects of one another, but definitions and analyses." 17 Sellars is here raising his voice against the tendency in present-day social psychology to make the individual a kind of incident in the social order, a by-product of Society. It is a satisfaction that the regular course of my psychological argument has brought me to where I also may contribute something to the definition and analyses essential to check- ing the tendency indicated by Sellars. If it can be shown biologically and psychologically all in one that personality is indubitably objective, both substantively and kinetically, not only the Individual but Society will be the gainer, I am very sure. For my contribution we will examine in outline what may appropriately be called the action-system (adopt- ing and expanding Jennings' term) as it manifests itself in a small homogeneous group of human beings. Our study will be, in other words, one in domestic and neighborhood psy- chology. The "material" in this instance must be nay own household and the handful of persons constituting the colony of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research. This group is rather specially favorable for such a study in that its geographic severance from other groups, and its strictly rural habitat give it an exceptionally natural, simple, and uniform environment. The analysis might run along any one or all of several axes ; but our purpose will be accom- plished by following one only. That one shall be the reac- tion, the behavior, of individual members of the group in response to the stimulus of the world war. Were complete- ness to be aimed at in the analysis, every individual in the Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 333 group would have to be considered. Such a treatment would be highly instructive but space limitations forbid us going to such length. We must restrict ourselves to a few of the more pronouncedly individualistic behaviors and must treat even these in a very sketchy fashion. To be remarked at the outset is the fact that every member of the group is deeply loyal to America and to the cause of the Allies. On the very door-sill of the examination we recognize two well- differentiated aspects to each person's action-system, namely an aspect of commonality for nearly all members of the group ; and an aspect of very pronounced differentiality for many of them. Behaviors-in-common will receive attention first. In the uniform growth, from the very beginning of the struggle in August, 1914, of belief in the general rightness of the cause of the Entente ; of realization of the meaning of the struggle ; and of sentiments and resolutions of devotion to the foreign nations with which our nation is finally joined, these experi- ences have been very much at one. To be sure this common- ness has fallen far short of identity. But as to essentials resemblance has been far greater than difference. For ex- ample every adult has accepted unhesitatingly his and her obligations to the Red Cross ; to the appeals for aid from IBelgium, France, and the other despoiled countries; to the increasing cost of living; to the buying of Government Bonds ; and to the appeals and regulations of the Food Ad- ministration. Naturally there has been difference in the particular way and extent of response of each in these mat- ters ; but in essence there has been nothing differential. We turn now to behavior-not-in-common ; behavior, that iis, which has differentiated the members personally with great sharpness. This examination is much more important for the subject in hand. The reference here is to each one's "bit" as the common phrase had it when our country was first entering the conflict. The "war work" (as the expres- 334 The Unity of the Organism sion has gradually become with the advance toward the cli- max of the gigantic struggle) into which each has gravitated has much the appearance of the naturalness and inevitability presented by the falling of a stone or the flowing of water. The case grows so significant at this point that I must par- ticularize somewhat more than I have heretofore. A becomes an acknowledged leader in "drives" for Red Cross funds, Liberty Bond sales, etc. B becomes a regular consultant on the knitting of Red Cross articles. C is a highly skilled deviser and maker of dishes from "substitute" foods. D is appointed an official of the National Food Administra- tion. E becomes an official teacher of girls and women as to the peculiar duties and obligations of their sex in war times. F concentrates nearly the whole of his physical energy upon an elaboration of the view that a victory over Germany and her allies cannot be really complete without being spiritual as well as material — that the philosophy or theory of life being fought for by Germany must be overthrown as well as her armed forces. Of the forty adult members of the group fully one-half have been incited in a special degree to some activity that has a distinct personal character, some of these, as above indicated, being very pronouncedly so. The per- sonality of these reactions comes to view most distinctly in the fact, absolutely certain to an observer whose acquain- tance with the persons has been intimate and has extended over some years, that no one of those who has settled into one of the special, definite, and important pieces of work could wholly replace any of the others in their special tasks. Probably each could do something at the "job" of any of the others were conditions such as to force him to try; but success under such conditions would surely be partial, very much so in some of the cases. This automatic definition and classification of persons sub- ject to a common major stimulus, with nearly the same gen- eral environic conditions, and with almost complete freedom Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 335 of action so far as concerns the particular stimulus, seems to me a phenomenon of very great importance since it de- pends upon principles of organic beings, especially upon principles of civilized man's "being," which are well-nigh if not entirely universal, I am sure. Undoubtedly the phenom- enon is often much obscured through counteracting ele- ments in the environment, especially in social customs, eco- nomic conditions and general education among civilized men. But in spite of all these, attentive observation will nearly always be able to recognize it. Highly significant is it as bearing on this particular aspect of the matter, that the niches finally found by most of the persons were obviously determined to some extent by long continued previous activi- ties and unmistakable natural "gifts." Another noteworthy fact is the clear indication of not mere acceptance, but positive satisfaction on the part of most if not all the persons, once they are "settled" to their "jobs," this satisfaction prevailing despite the strenuousness, perplexity, and wear-and-tear entailed. During the first weeks of America's plunge into the maelstrom the anxious psychical casting about in our little group, as throughout the whole land, presents to the anthropological biologist as he looks back upon it a case of trial and error on a gigantic scale, the scene being replete with jumbled elements of noble zeal, splendid efficiency, mis-expenditure of strength and funds, and ludicrous proposals. But out of this, as out of this unprecedented instance of world-wide "struggle for ex- istence," there is quite sure to come, indeed is coming, as one of its first fruits, personality more real and powerful and fuller of grandeur than ever. While personalities come forth with special distinctness of outline and forcefulness of expression during occasional events of vast import to the race like the present war in- volving literally the whole civilized portion of the human species, yet I would insist that the difference between the 336 The Unity of the Organism manifestations at such times and at ordinary times is al- most entirely one of degree, rather than of essential nature. The attentive observer will not fail to find personalities as here understood always and everywhere, no matter how sim- ple and lowly the lives, and monochrome the external condi- tions. In little details of intelligent, but still more of reflex, instinctive, and emotional life, all of which compounded to- gether makes what we often call temperament, the keen and sympathetic observer will always see persons in the deep sense here indicated. Not the transcendent genuises merely, the Aristotles, the Shakespeares, the Napoleons, have the right to be called personalities, because of the unique powers with which they are endowed ; but each and every one of civi- lization's humblest-ranked myriads, and each and every nature-tutored denizen of the virgin forest, of the untilled plain, and of the unregenerate desert, have the same right- in-kind. Personality and the "Breath of Life" Viewed in the Light of Physical Chemistry of the Organism Swinging the discussion back now on the physico-chemical aspect of the organism, I recall first the truth alluded to a little while ago, namely, that it is preeminently the chemical rather the physical attributes of elementary inorganic sub- stances which furnish the distinguishing marks of these sub- stances. Even in the inorganic world we saw that substances are most readily and decisively differentiated from one an- other by the transformation-products resulting from the reaction of the substances upon one another. "Transforma- tion of energy," using a form of expression favored by the disembodying tendencies in recent chemical theory, is the most distinctive thing about all chemistry, inorganic as well as organic. The oxidation and other chemically reactive changes and products of nickel and iron, we noticed, are the Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 337 most differentiative things about these metals. Let us push the application of this criterion of difference a little farther in comparing human persons. We give energy-transforma- tion and work performed a leading place here also. And being naturalistically chemical rather than chemically chem- ical we are forced to touch the "high spots" only at first regardless of what may be in between them. We are free to seize upon the end or completed products of the reactions and transformations. What reaction-products, I ask, of nickel and iron towards any other substance or set of condi- tions are more unlike than the reaction-products of an effi- cient Department-of-Justice official, let us say and an ef- ficient food conserving house-keeper, in this time of common national danger? Yet these diverse products may come from not only the same danger stimulus, but likewise from as nearly identical physico-chemical environic stimuli as it is possible to secure. Were official and house-keeper to eat of the same food, drink of the same fluids, breathe of the same air, and be subject to the same temperatures month in and month out the difference in product would not be a whit less. So stands the case when viewed in its "high places" only. But the high places are as real places as any whatever. No realities, it matters not how obscure or subtle, pertaining to the intermediate places, can make the high places other than what they are. Judging human beings by what they do, by work done through the transformation of the substances and energies which they take from the external world, their personalities °xe surely not less well-attested than are the individualities ^.' elementary chemical substances.* But it will not do to be satisfied with touching the high places in this rather jaunty fashion. Some attention must be given to * A rather full discussion of the point here touched may be found in my essay, The Higher Usefulness of Science, where I raise and try to answer the query, "What is nature because man is a part of it?" Per- haps a less ambiguous way of asking the question would be, "What must nature be in order that it may produce such an animal as man?" 338 TJie Unity of the Organism the subtler aspects of the problem. The little we shall do in this way may be introduced by the query, what reason is there for including in our hypothesis the supposition that it is "some substance in the air, almost certainly oxygen," with which th'e organism reacts chemically, to produce con- sciousness and all other phenomena of life? Why single out this substance from the other elementary substances essential to life, as for instance carbon or nitrogen ? * My reply be- gins by recalling the immemorial recognition of the "breath of life" the "life giving air" and so on, of universal experi- ence. It is well to recall likewise such semi-philosophic con- ceptions as that of the pneuma or "psychical breath of life" of later Greco-Roman philosophy. The inextricable en- tanglement, historically, of breath and air with spirits is also worth remembering, especially the continuance of this into the modern period of scientific analysis, unmistakeable traces of which are seen in the writings of William Harvey and the foremost physiologists of the era to which he be- longed. For example, the spiritus nitro-aereus of John Mayow which, we now know, was his term for oxygen as glimpsed first in the history of science, may be mentioned. More important than any of these reminders from the his- tory of knowledge is that of the familiar fact that the most crucial evidences of truly independent or autonomous life of the individual higher animal are respiratory. That the new born human babe's first breathing-act is its first genuine in- dependent life-act is one of the most commonplace of truths. And recall how the "return of life" as we say of the nearly drowned person, and of one who has "fainted dead away" is marked by the resumption of respiratory activities. Cer- tain reflexes, as those from stimulating the eyelids, and pos- * The argument in answer to this query should be taken as an exten- sion of, and in important respects a replacement of, that contained in my essay, Is nature infinite?" wherein I discuss the specificity of in- dividual organisms as indicated by how they use their nutrient sub- stances. Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 339 sibly certain heart flutterings, may be more persistent move- ments than those connected with breathing. But these are less certain signs of individual life. It is only to philosophy of the elementalist sort that the mere twitch of a hand or an eyelid or a trace of heart action would be a satisfactory proof of life. Nor would it be to a philosopher of this school should the "living substance" under observation happen to pertain to a loved relation or friend. Satisfactory evidence of life in this case would come only with the nearly simul- taneous return of breathing and consciousness. A right interesting section could be written at this point on the importance of nutriment in the ordinary sense, and of drink, as compared with air at the very beginning and ending stages of the individual life. For instance such questions would have to be considered as that of the independence of the new individual for a while at the outset on food-yolk in many animals below the mammals, and on placental connections in mammals; that is on material metabolically elaborated by the older or parent individual. But such a discussion not being indispensable to this sketch, must be foregone. Enough here to emphasize the fact that while it may be entirely jus- tifiable to regard oxygen as a food as some good modern physiologists do the two important facts should never be lost sight of that (1) oxygen (air) is the one and only ever- present and never varying constituent of the dietary. In other words that it is the one constituent which nature sup- plies as by "free grace" to use a good old theological ex- pression; and that (2) oxygen is the one and only food that needs no digesting and so no digestive organs or tissues set apart for its metabolic elaboration.* Oxygen is the only food which passes directly as such to * Were the view held by some physiologists, that the alveolar epithe- lium of the lungs transmits atmospheric oxygen to the blood by an active process spoken of as a secreting, this statement would need modifying somewhat. However, the view does not seem to be accepted by most authorities. 340 The Unity of the Organism every part of the organism. In oxygen the organism finds one of its most fundamental food materials for which it does not normally have to go in search or to compete with other organisms. The familiar fact and its significance appear not to have attracted the attention of biologists much. Even L. J. Henderson 30 who has written so illuminatingly on many aspects of organic adaptiveness says nothing definite on this point. These two facts are weighty reasons for my proposal to look upon oxygen as one chemically elementary substance and the organism as another, the reaction be- tween which is basal in the production of consciousness and all life phenomena. Consequently the problem of how, ex- actly, the organism endowed with full-fledged consciousness reacts toward oxygen is certainly one of the most important of all problems on the purely physico-chemical side of life. And, as said early in this sketch, it is just here that my the- ory is most avowedly hypothetical. It would be quite out of the question to present in the remaining pages of this book, even had I the requisite knowledge for doing so, all that might profitably be said on the subject. Consequently only two or three of what seem to me the most crucial matters will be mentioned. In the first place I ask the reader to recall what has been said in various of the preceding chapters which have brought out the indubitable trend of the interpretation of life phe- nomena according to the principles of physical chemistry, away from the elementalistic conception of the organism. The interpretation of the organic cell as a system of phases in dynamic equilibrium, so strongly set forth by Hopkins and Bayless will be remembered. And this will call to mind the sharp way in which the new conception, with its appeal to the role of surface-layers, membranes, and areas of con- tact between all sorts of constituent substances, sets itself over against such pseudo-objective conceptions as that of biogens, not to mention the horde of out and out subjectivis- Sketch of an Organismal Theory of Consciousness 341 tic "elements" of which pangens er Ban und Entwicklung von Acanthometron pellucidum J. M. Arch. f. Prot'k., Bd. 16, p. 209-236. MoRTENSEST, TH. 1914. On the development of Japanese echinoderms. Annotationes Zool. Japonensis. v. 8. MULLER, K. 1911. Versuch iiber die Regenerationsfahigkeit der Siisswasser- schwarnme. Zool. Anz., Bd. 37, pp. 83-88. MUSLOW, W. 1913. Die Conjugation von Stentor coeruleus und S. polymorphus. Arch. f. Prot'k., Bd. 28, pp. 362-388. NACHTSHEIM, H. 1913. Cytologische Studien iiber die Geschlechtsbestimmung bei der Honigbiene (Apis melliftca L). Arch. f. Zellforsch., Bd. 11, pp. 169-241. 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ALCYONARIA, include many corals and other coelenterate animals with eight mesenteries and eight tentacles. ALVEOLAR. In anatomy, a numer- ously-pocketed, or sacculated, structure, typified by the ter- minal cavities of the lungs, but occurring in various tissues; be- lieved to constitute also one kind of protoplasmic structure. AMOJBA. A unicellular animal, a genus of rhizopodous Protozoa. AMPHIBIAN. An animal living both in water and on land. Properly a class of vertebrates whose young are typically aquat- ic and respire by gills; examples, frogs, toads and salamanders. .\MPHIOXUS, literally pointed, or sharp at both ends. The cur- rent name for one of the very simplest and lowest vertebrate animals occurring in the sand and mud of the seashore in many parts of the world. ANABOLIC, the chemical up-build- ing of the living body; construc- tive metabolism. ANTIBODIES. "The products of a reaction of the body towards a natural or artificial introduction into it of certain foreign sub- stances, bacteria and their poi- sons, vegetable poisons of other kinds, and various albuminoids." The name antibodies has refer- ence to the antagonism thess products have for the introduced substances. ANTIGENS. Substances the reac- tion of which with the living body produce antibodies. ASCIDIANS. Marine animals hav- ing a gelatinous or leathery en- velope containing cellulose. In the larval stage a notochord or forerunner of the vertebral col- rmn is present. Some free liv- ing species retain the notochord all through their lives. AXON. The long, slender, sparce- ly-branched, fibrillar process of a ganglion cell; contrasted with the shorter, more branched, more irregular dendron. AXOSTYLE. A slender, flexible rod of organic substance forming a supporting axis for the body in some Protozoa. BIOGEN. Literally life producer. Imaginary ultimate units of life. Such special significance as the "biogen theory" has over other theories which make imaginary vital or physiological units a goal of the ultimate explanation of life, is found in the fact that the biogen theory aims to be more definitely chemical than 377 378 Glossary the others. The German physi- ologist Max Verworm has elab- orated this speculation more fully than has any one else. BIOPHOR. Literally life carrier. Biophors, the imaginary ultimate vital units of the Weismannian system of speculative biology, differ from biogens in the fact that Weismann, not being a chemist or even a physiologist, but a zoologist interested in re- production and heredity, rather than in function generally, did not undertake to put his specu- lation on a chemical basis. BIOPLASM. Formative living mat- ter; not differing in any but a speculative way from proto- plasm. Bionc. Pertaining to living beings. BLASTOGENESIS. Reproduction by budding, as used in this book; in general, propagation from an undifferentiated germinal mass. BLASTOMEHES. The first segments or cells formed by the division of the ovum. BLASTOZOOIDS. The united individ- uals produced by budding, and constituting the colony, or cor- mus in the compound ascidians. BLASTTJLA. The stage of develop- ment of the embryo from the ovum in many animals, in which the organism consists of a hol- low sphere the wall of which is composed of a single layer of cells. BRYOZOA. Literally "moss ani- mals," from the resemblance, fancied more than real, of some, of the species to mosses; also called Polyzoa. Marine animals occurring abundantly on all shores. Most of the species propagate by budding as well as by eggs and sperm, the bud-pro- duced individuals remaining at- tached to one another to form colonies, as in many hydroids and ascidians. Each individual con- sists of a body proper bearing a circle of tentacles, and an en- veloping case often calcareous, into which the body may be quickly and completely re- tracted. CALYMMA. The much-vacuolated portion of the body of radio- laria, situated outside the central capsule, the vacuoles containing fluid impregnated with gas. The main office of the structure seems to be in connection with the flotation of the animals. CAMBIUM. The layer in woody plants between the outer dead layer, or bark, and the inner dead mass, or wood proper, from which new tissue is formed; the true growing part of plants which live several years and at- tain a large size. CARTESIAN PHILOSOPHY. The mode of viewing man and nature in- augurated in modern times by Rene Descartes. The most dis- tinctive thing about it is the sharpness with which the dual- ism, or antithesis, between mind and matter stands out in it. Its great practical importance for the present era lies in its genetic relationship to psycho-physical parallelism in psychology, and to all forms of idealism in philos- ophy. CENTROLECITHAL EGGS. Eggs in which the protoplasmic portion and nucleus constitute a surface layer, the inner mass being chiefly yolk, that is food ma- terial for the future embryo. The eggs of most insects and crustaceans are of this type. CEPHALIZE. The tendency among animals for a head to become differentiated from the rest of the body. CHEMICAL MESSENGERS. Substances produced by the organism, either in special glands, the Glossary 379 glands of internal secretion, or in general tissues, and carried by the blood and lymph over the body generally, to influence the growth or functioning of other tissues. Hormones is another name given to these substances. CHEMOTROPIC. Pertaining to the reaction of organisms to chem- ical stimuli. CHROMATIN. The finely granular substance most distinctive of the cell-nucleus. Its name comes from the readiness with which it is colored by many dye-stuffs. CHROMATOPHORES. Pigment-bear- ing sacs, often single cells, in plants and animals. It is by means of these that the rapid color changes in the skin of many animals are accomplished. CHROMIDOSOMES. One of the many names given to minute specially stainable bodies in the cytoplasm of many cells. CHROMOSOMES. The more or less definite bodies of the cell-nu- cleus into which the chromatin granules are grouped. Their constancy of structure and rela- tion to hereditary characters have given them great promi- nence in much of recent biolog- ical theory. CHROMOPHIL. Any body in the liv- ing organism that has an avidity for staining reagents. Coccus. In the classification of bacteria according to their shapes, those which are spherical are called cocci. COELENTERATA. A group of ani- mals that have a digestive cav- ity, but nothing corresponding to the abdominal cavity; also called radiata from the radial arrangement of the body. CORTICAL. Pertaining to the cor- tex, or outer layer of an organ, as of the brain, bark of the tree, &c. CRETIN. An individual aifected with cretinous disease, a disease characterized by certain bodily deformities and mental impair- ments. The malady frequently accompanies goitre, and is now considered due to deficiency in secretion of the thyroid gland. CRUSTACEA. A class of inverte- brate animals belonging to the great phylum arthropoda, briefly characterized by their exoskele- ton and paired jointed appen- CYTOLOGY. Science of the cell. CYTOPLASM. Substance of the cell- body, as opposed to the cell-nu- cleus. DETERMINANTS. That particular class of imaginary ultimate vital units by which the development of hereditary attributes is deter- mined. They were invented by Weismann, and were conceived to constitute the germ-plasm, and to be located primarily in the chromosomes of the egg and sperm. In later speculation de- terminer is used more frequently than determinant — on some ac- count that is not clear. DIATOMS. An immense group of aquatic, unicellular algae espe- cially characterized by their firm, box-like, regularly-shaped, chitinous shell. DINOFLAGELLATES. Literally or- ganisms which are two-lashed, . owing to the two flagella pos- sessed by most of the species. A group of aquatic unicellular organisms almost as numerous as the diatoms. The photo-synthe- sizing power of living substance possessed by these two groups, and their enormous abundance at and near the surface of the bodies of water in which they live, make them fundamentally important for all the life of the waters of the earth. DISTAL. A common anatomical term signifying away from a 380 Glossary given point, usually some defi- nite feature, as the attachment of a muscle, taken as a point of reference. DORSO- VENTRAL. A term much used in the anatomy of the higher animals to signify a di- rection from-back-to-belly of a creature. DUODENUM. The first portion of the small intestine between the stomach and the jejunum. DYNAMIC CENTER. A phrase used rather frequently in recent biol- ogy, especially in the biology of the cell, to express the concep- tion that certain structures, as the centrosome, are in someway not clearly specifiable the "seat" of various vital activities. The phrase has some such implica- tion for general physiology as "nerve center" had and with many still has, for nerve phys- iology. ECOLOGICAL. Pertaining to Ecol- ogy, the science of organisms in relation to their natural environ- ments. This old but newly ap- preciated and named branch of the science of living nature, may properly be regarded as the nat- ural history of plants and ani- mals modified to meet the mod- ern demands of comprehensive- ness and exactness in dealing with a great province of nat- ural phenomena. ECTOPLASM. The outermost, some- what denser layer of protop'asm in many cells, especially in nrmy unicellular animals. Opposed to endoplafm, the inner, more fluid mass. The ectoplasm in proto- zoans corresponds to the skin of higher animals. The presence of a more or less sharply set-off outer layer or membrane or skin in all organisms whatever is coming to be recognized as hav- ing a more fundamental physio- logical meaning than that of a protection for the delicate parts underneath, now that so much is being learned by physical chem- istry about surface phenomena. ENERGY. Work and capacity to do work. It is important to note that work and capacity to work necessarily imply some object, organic or inorganic, to do the work, and hence that when the energy of a horse, or of a stream of water, is spoken of the word energy has a very different meaning from what it has in such a phrase as the "energy conception" of nature or of the organism, the implication in these cases usually being that energy is the real essence of nature and of the organism, the shape and other so-called static attributes which all bodies pre- sent, being only incidental and mere appearances. ENZYME. A chemical substance produced by an organism, plant or animal, to the end of bring- ing about chemical transforma- tion in other substances, but without itself being transformed. The ptyalin of saliva by which starch is changed into sugar, is typical. Enzymes play a very great part, especially in diges- tion and nutrition, in the physio- logical processes of all organ- isms. EPIGENESIS. That theory of devel- opment of the individual organ- ism which holds the organs and parts to be actually new produc- tions, and not merely enlarge- ments or actualizations of what already existed, this latter con- ception of development consti- tuting the theory of preforma- tion. Although these opposing theories were debated with fury, almost, some years ago, little is heard about them now though none of the particular problems around which the discussions Glossary 381 centered can be said to have been solved. EPIMORPHOSIS. The mode of re- generation of organisms in which a multiplication of cells on the surface of injury is first produced, then from this "em- bryonal tissue," the new organ or part is formed; contrasting with morphalaxis, a mode of new formation which consists in a direct transformation of an already existing part into the new part. FACTOR (in Genetics). A hypo- thetical unit of structure or of chemical composition, contained in the germ-cell, which in some way is held to condition the de- velopment of a particular char- acter in the adult, or of a com- plex of characters which are transmitted in constant associa- tion with one another. Factors are believed to interact with one another in development, and at times to be so "linked" that they are only partially independent in transmission. FLAGELLTJM. A lash-like appen- dage or large cilium serving as an organ of locomotion in some Protozoa and some bacteria. FORAMIXIFERA. A class of rhizo- podous marine Protozoans, usu- ally having a porous shell. FORMATIVE STUFFS. Hypothetical substances which are supposed to be formed in one part of an organism and transported to an- other part, there to produce, or to influence the production of new organs. For example, sev- eral botanists have supposed that the flower substance of some plants is actually produced in the leaves. GAMETE. A reproductive cell which unites with another repro- ductive cell to form a zygote. GASTRULA. That stage of embry- onic development in many ani- mals which consists of two germ- layers inclosing a central cavity. It is produced from the blastula (which see) by the in-sinking of one-half of this into the other. GEMMIPAROUS. Producing gemmae, or buds (reproducing by bud- ding), applicable to both plants and many animals. GEMMULE. In the original and proper sense a small aggregation of cells set apart in the tissues of some plants and animals, notably in many sponges, for the purpose of reproduction. In ori- gin and structure gemmules are more like buds than eggs, though the end served is very similar to that served by seeds. In a secondary and wholly hypo- thetical sense, gemmules are imaginary, minute bodies given off by all the tissue cells of an organism and assembled in the germ cells, there to cause the development of the next genera- tion. This taking of a very con- crete name from botany and zoology, and using it in a wholly imaginary way to explain hered- itary development was due orig- inally to Charles Darwin, but with more or less unimportant variations of meaning has since been resorted to by many of the best known biologists. This example indicates the great importance for biology, espe- cially for the biology of repro- duction and development, of dis- tinguishing between the same terms used in a strictly objective and descriptive sense on the one hand, and in hypothetical, or purely imaginary sense on the other. GENE. A term much used in pres- ent-day genetical science, but ap- parently not differing in any sig- nificant particular from factor (which see). GEXETIC. Pertaining to genetics, 382 Glossary evolutionary science dealing with natural propagation and devel- opment, the interest centering at present in that portion of devel- opment which is hereditary and involves sex cells. GERM-PLASM. Actually all the pro- toplasm of the germ-cells which participates in development; the- oretically merely the small por- tion of the germ-cells supposed to be "hereditary substance." GONAD. A mass of undifferen- tiated, generative tissue from which the male and female re- productive glands originate. GOXOPHORE. The ultimate gener- ative zooid of a hydrozoan, giv- ing origin directly to the genera- tive elements. HECTOCOTYLIZED. Applied to the remarkably altered condition as- sumed by one of the arms of the male cephalopod to make it an organ for impregnating the fe- male. HELIOTHOPIC. Responding to the stimulus of sunlight. HETEROMORPHOSIS. A kind of re- generation in which the part pro- duced is different from that which was lost, as, for example, when an antenna-like structure grows in the place of an eye- stalk, in some crustaceans when the eye stalk is cut off. HISTOGENESIS. The process of tis- sue genesis, or production, from undifferentiated cell masses, in plants and animals. HISTOLOGY. The science of tissues, plant or animal; microscopical anatomy. HOHMOXE. Literally something which excites or stirs up. Orig- inally and strictly applied to those internal secretions (which see), the office of which is to incite the parts on which they act to greater activity. But in- ternal secretions are also known now which retard or inhibit the action of the part they affect; and to these it has been proposed to apply the term chalone, that which slackens. But some phys- iologists use hormones as syn- onymous with "internal secre- tions." HOMONYMOUS. As used in this book, an anatomical term refer- ring to the different members of a series which differ more or less, but still all have the same general name. Thus all the pairs of appendages of a lobster are homonymous, or ambulatory appendages originally, although used for a variety of purposes now. HYDRANTH. One of the bud-pro- duced polyps of a hydroid col- ony. IDIOPLASM. Literally plasm which is very specially one's own. First used to designate the hypothet- ical part of the germ-cells which is supposed to be alone respon- sible for hereditary transmission. Idioplasm may be regarded as the historical antecedent of 'germ-pla#m (which see). INTERSTITIAL. Pertaining to or sit- uated in an intervening space; a term much used in anatomy to signify within an organ. IXTEHXAL SECRETION. The term has long been used in the phys- iology of the higher animals, in contradistinction to "external se- cretion," to designate the prod- ucts of glands, like the thyroid, which discharge their products into the blood or lymph, instead of upon the surface of the body or into the digestive or some other cavity of the body. The existence of internal secretions was known long before anything was known about their use; hence this non-committal name, so far as function is concerned. The recent discovery of their office has suggested the name Glossary 383 hormone (which see) for them, and has revealed their great im- portance not only for physiology, but for philosophical biology. INVOLUTION. Literally inrolling, or inwrapping. In descriptive biol- ogy used to signify the return of an organ to its original or nor- mal condition after some violent or pronounced deformation of it. Sometimes, but apparently un- justifiably, used as a synonym of degeneration. Since the doctrine of evolution has become prom- inent in biology, a process the opposite of evolution has been thought by some to be necessary, and to this involution has been applied. JELLY-FISH. In the interest of dis- criminative knowledge, the habit, rather common among people who' have the opportunity to see the transparent, somewhat gela- tinous-appearing animals of the ocean, of calling them all "jelly- fishes" should be abandoned. The name should be restricted, to the regularly disc- or dome-shaped, tentaculated animals belonging to the coelenterate phylum, thus enlarging the bounds of definite, popular zoological information, by recognizing that marine ani- mals of several large and very distinct classes have this general consistency and appearance. KARYOPLASM. A cytological name referring to the substance or plasm distinctive of the cell-nu- cleus. KARYOSOME. A small, discrete, rather constant body which stains readily, contained in the cell-nucleus; frequently synony- mous with nucleolus. KATABOLISM. The down-breaking, or descensive phase of metabol- ism; the opposite of anabolism (which see). KINETO-NXTCLEUS. One of the nu- clei in the two-nuclear protozoa supposed to be concerned in some special way with the move- ment of the flagella or cilia of these animals. LAMELLAE, singular lamella. A term much used in anatomy to designate the thin plates, scales, etc., that are so numerous and varied in form and size in nearly all organisms. LARVA. Properly applied only to stages in the lives of individual animals which pass into succeed- ing stages through a deep-sealed metamorphosis, as for example the grub or maggot of a fly, and its transformation into the adult. Larval stages and profound metamorphoses are very common and widespread in the animal kingdom. LIMULUS. The technical genus name for the horse-shoe crab, an animal of special interest to gen- eral zoology in several ways. MACRONUCLEUS. In the infusoria, a group of protozoans, there is one large nucleus and one or several much smaller nuclei. The first is called, from its relatively large size, the macro-nucleus; the others micro-nuclei. From the behavior of the two kinds of nu- clei at conjugation and division, the micronuclei are known to be intimately connected with these processes, while the macronucleus seems to be more concerned with the nutritive functions of the animal. MANUBHIUM. In morphology a part or organ which resembles a handle; specially the clapper- like, or handle-like portion of a medusa which is found within the "bell." The animal's mouth is at the end of the manubrium, and most of its digestive cavity within the stalk of the manu- brium. MATRIX. In biology the ground substance in which cells are em- 384 Glossary bedded in some tissues, and which is produced as a secretion by the cells. It is one kind of intercellular substance. The opalescent, almost homogeneous chief mass of ordinary cartilage is a typical matrix. MELANIN. A rather general term in biology, especially in zoology, applied to dark brown to black pigments. MEROTOMY. The automatic cutting off of parts or segments in liv- ing organisms. MESENCHYME. Undifferentiated mesoderm that produces con- nective tissues, some muscles, and certain other structures in the animal body. METABOLIC. Pertaining to metab- olism, the process of chemical building up and breaking down in the living organism. METAMERIC. Pertaining to the longitudinal series of parts or joints into which the bodies of many higher animals, such as earthworms, lobsters and fishes, are divided. METAPLASTIC. Pertaining to meta- plasm — applied to changes which cells sometimes undergo from one plasmic type to another; also applied to certain supposedly lifeless inclusions in the proto- plasm of cells. METAZOA. Multicellular animals. MICRONUCLEUS. See macronucleus. MICHOPHYLE. In botany and zool- ogy the aperture in the coats of the ovule and ovum through which the male fertilizing cell penetrates. MONERA. Hypothetical simple structureless masses of proto- plasm (without any nucleus). Assumed by Haeckel as the low- est members of the evolutionary series. Advance of knowledge has found no evidence of such organisms. MORPHALLAXIS. A kind of regen- eration in which part of an or- ganism transforms directly into a new and different part. MORPHOLOGICAL. Pertaining to morphology, the science of form and structure. MORULA. A stage in the embryonic development of many animals, in which the ovum has completely segmented, but the segmentation cavity has not yet been formed. MYONEME. A thread-like contrac- tile structure in the cytoplasm of certain higher protozoa. NEMATOPHORE. A body of defense and offense developed in certain hydroids, consisting of a chitin- ous receptacle in which thread- cells are immersed; the nettling organs on the tentacles of large jelly-fishes. NEURAL. Pertaining to nerves. NETTHOBLASTS. Undeveloped' nerve cells. NUCLEO-PLASM. Nuclear substance, including the different nuclear ingredients. NucLEb-pROTEiN. One of the com- pounds of nucleins and paranu- cleins. (EDEMA. Dropsy, a vasomotor neurosis characterized by non- inflammatory swellings on vari- ous parts of the body. ONTOGENY. The development of an individual organism from germ to completed or adult stage. ORGANELLE. A little organ, and organoid, organ-like, are terms applied to the organs of unicel- lular plants and animals, not so much because of their small size and indenniteness of form and structure as on account of the theory that a true organ must be composed of cells, and cannot be a part of a cell. These terms are among the sequelae of the cell-theory. ORIENTING. Finding or fixing the positions or directions. PANGEN, and PANGENESIS. These Glossary 385 terms, basal in Darwin's famous hypothesis of heredity, mean all- generator and all-generative only in the sense that all parts of the body of the organism give off gemmules (which see), which assemble in the germ-cells to en- able these to reproduce the or- ganism. Thus the pan, or all- generative power was conceived as having its original "seat" in the organism all-in-all. In other words Darwin's speculation was almost diametrically opposed to the transformation it has under- gone latterly, especially in the prolific mind of Weismann, the germ cells alone, or rather the germ-plasm being the all-genera- tor, according to these specula- tions. PARATHYROIDS. Small glands lying near the thyroid but not func- tionally connected with the lat- ter. PARTHENOGENESIS. Reproduction by means of unfertilized eggs. PELLICULA. The cuticle or outer- most body membrane in some unicellular and other low organ- isms. PHASE. This old and familiar word has taken on new and greater importance, both scientific and philosophic, with the recent ad- vance of knowledge in the region of over-lap between physical and chemical phenomena, this ad- vance making what is generally called physical chemistry. A phase in pure physics, as it may be called, has reference to the position of the particles of a body when the particles are un- dergoing change. For example, corresponding particles in two succeeding waves of water or air are in the same phase. In phys- ical chemistry phase has refer- ence not to position but to state or condition of the constituent particles of a heterogeneous, or unlike system. Thus, a combina- tion of liquid water (in common language just water) and solid water, or ice, is a two-phase sys- tem of water. Philosophically viewed, the great significance of phases is that the positions and states of the particles are possible, even conceivable, only in relation to the larger, containing part or whole. Something of the bear- ing of this on the theory of plu- ralism (which see), when this theory is approached from the strictly objective side, will be easily seen. PHLOGISTON. An imaginary sub- stance formerly supposed to ex- ist in all combustible bodies, and to be the cause of fire and flame. For nearly a century before the discovery of oxydation as the true cause of fire, by Lavoisier, the phlogistic theory dominated much of chemical science. The chief interest in the theory now is in its relation to the observa- tional and logical processes in- volved in interpreting the gen- erative processes of nature everywhere. The phlogistic the- ory may be taken as a type of elementalistic causal explanation of natural production. PHYLOGENIC. Pertaining to phy- logeny, the development of the race; concerning ancestral or- ganisms, real and hypothetical. PITUITARY GLAND. A gland of in- ternal secretion, situated at the base of the brain, and connected in the embryo with the roof of the mouth. PLURALISM, philosophical (so used in this book). The conception that in its deepest nature the universe is multiform and com- plex; the opposite of Monism, the conception that some single Essence or Substance, more or less known or unknown, is the foundation of all things. 386 Glossary PLUTEUS. Name given the charac- teristic process-bearing larva of sea-urchins and their near rela- tives. These larvae are of con- siderable general interest because of the extensive use made of sea- urchin eggs in experimental em- bryology, the eggs being easily obtained and easily kept in the laboratory. PROTEINS. Nitrogenous substances found in the bodies of plants and animals. These substances are usually considered to be the most fundamental, from the chemical standpoint, in organic beings. PROTISTA. A group name intended to include all unicellular organ- isms; i.e., both protophyta, one- celled plants, and protozoa, or one-celled animals. PSETJDOPODIA. Literally false feet. They are temporary protrusions of the protoplasm of some pro- tozoa, especially of the rhizopo- dous class, typified by the amoe- ba, the name having reference to the locomotor office of the proc- esses. But their food-taking and digesting office should be noted also. PTYALIN. The unorganized fer- ment, or enzyme of saliva, chiefly instrumental in the conversion of starch into sugar. RADIOLARIA. One of the main sub- divisions of the protozoa, espe- cially characterized by their gen- erally spherical outline, and ra- diating structures, some soft and extensile, others stiff and per- manent. The radiolaria are al- most all marine. REGULATION. Much used in studies in the regeneration of organisms, to express the power many plants and animals have of un- dergoing structural or func- tional readjustments in order to retain, or to regain, their typical form ; a significant adaptation of a general term to a technical end. RETICULAK. Net-like, a term much used in anatomy, as many por- tions in both plants and animals of many grades, present this type of structure, though the netting never has the regularity of manufactured netting. RHLZOPODA. The great subdivision of the protozoa especially char- acterized by sending out pseudo- podia (which see). Amoeba is usually mentioned as the type of this subdivision, but the larger number, probably, of rhizopods possess shells of one sort and an- other, while . amoeba is entirely naked during all its active life. SAHCODE. Literally like flesh. The name originally applied to what, under microscopic examination, seemed to be the fundamental living-substance of animals. La- ter discovered to correspond to what was known as protoplasm in the cells of plants. SABCODYCTIUM. A protoplasmic network of the surface of the calymma of a radiolarian. SELF-DIFFERENTIATION, SELF-REGU- LATION, &c. It is not without philosophical significance that the term self has forced its way into technical biology, something as it has into technical philoso- phy. In biology the term is par- ticularly common in connection with developmental phenomena and has reference to operations wliich depend primarily on the organism itself, and can be re- ferred to "external factors" only remotely and in a round-about way. SERICTERIES. Glands by which silk and silk-like substances are se- creted in many insects. SOMA, SOMATIC. The body and pertaining to the body. Much used in later discussions of heredity in a strongly hypothet- Glossary 387 ical sense, to indicate the com- plete independence, so far as development is concerned, of the body from the germ. The an- tithesis is often made stronger by speaking of the substance of the body and the substance of the germ, using the terms somatic- plasm and germplasm. From the philosophical standpoint it is instructive to compare the the- oretically complete separation of body and germ in modern gen- etics, with the theoretically com- plete separation of body and soul in philosophy and psychol- ogy- SPECIFICITY. The state of being specific, that is, of being mani- fested as phenomena distinguish- able from all other phenomena. The group of terms kindred to specific and species, long import- ant in systematic and taxonomic biology, are becoming increas- ingly so with the advance of knowledge, especially in the do- mains of the chemistry of differ- ent kinds of organisms, and of comparative behavior and psy- chology. SPORAZOA. One of the main sub- divisions of the protozoa a lead- ing characteristic of which is in- dicated by the name, that char- acteristic being the commonness with which propagation occurs in the group by means of spores produced within the body of the animal. By far the greater num- ber of the species of the group are parasitic, many of them dis- ease producing. SPORULATION. The process of con- verting into spores, as in the sporazoa, in some other animals, and in many plants. Spores dif- fer from eggs, on the one hand, and seeds on the other, only in the fact that spores are not sex cells, that is, do not need to unite with other cells in order to de- velop, as is the case with most eggs and seeds. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. The difference between "spontaneous" in this phrase and in the phrase "spontaneous action," as of an animal, should not be thissed. In the latter connection the word has nearly if not quite its orig- inal meaning, that is, of one's own accord, or initiative; acting by and through one's self alone. The adjective pronouns mea, tua and sud are said to have been used always with sponte in good Latin prose. Strictly, then, if life really originated from some- thing which was not living, that is by a "fortuitous" concourse or interaction among chemical ele- ments of different sort, spon- taneous would not be the proper term .to describe the operation, simply because it would have in- volved fundamentally several selves, even if the different ele- ments could each be called a self. It would not have been an operation identifiable by my, your, or his or its, but by their. Plurality rather than singularity of action would be the essence of the conception. STEREOTROPIC. Reacting to stimuli of contact with solid objects. STOLON. A prolongation of the body of some plants and animals that gives rise to new individuals by budding. StTDORiPARous. Sweat-producing. SYMBIOTIC. Pertaining to a state of living together of two dissim- ilar organisms to the advantage of both. SYNAPTIC. In cytology pertaining to synapsis, the conjugation of chromosomes in sex cells preced- ing the reduction divisions con- nected with the maturation of germ cells. SYNCYTIUM. As used in this book, a cytological term applied to a 388 Glossary protoplasmic mass containing many nuclei, but not set off into distinct cells. The entire em- bryo is of this character in some animals. In fact a few embry- ologists have contended that dur- ing the embryonal stages of most, if not all animals, the cells are connected by protoplasmic strands and bridges, making them syncytia. The undoubted wide prevalence of syncytial structure among animals espe- cially, has been used as an argu- ment against the cell-theory. SYNTHESIS. From the organismal standpoint not many terms used in biology are more important than this. The etymological meaning, placed or put together, expresses only a part of the to- getherness of an organism; the part, namely, which pertains to the assimilative activity per- formed by the organism on its nutritive substances. This proc- ess may be regarded as a syn- thesizing one in nearly the lit- eral sense (though even here the process is more one of self-ac- tivity and less one of external agency than seems to be implied in the original word). But it is when we come to consider the original nature and power of the organism by virtue of which it assimilates food, that the inad- equacy of synthesis, except in a much modified sense, comes to light, for the organism's ability to assimilate, that is to put or place together, its nutritive sub- stances is wholly dependent, so far as we have evidence, on the fact of its being already and originally a together entity. An organism is able to put together, or synthesize, its food just be- cause it itself is together, or syn- thesized. A synthesized state is a prior condition to synthesizing. To be an organism at all is to be synthesized. SYSTEMATIC. Pertaining to a sys- tem; literally a standing or being together. It is unfortunate that "systematic" has come to be re- stricted in its application in re- cent biology to the formal classi- fication of plant and animal species. As a matter of fact a necessary consequence of the unity of all phenomena of the living world is that all these phenomena "stand" in some nat- ural and ascertainable relation with all other phenomena, so that all biological knowledge whatever must of necessity be systematic if it really corre- sponds to nature. TAXONOMY. Mode of arrangement, the branch of biology which deals with the classification of the species of plants and ani- mals. TEST. As used in zoology and bot- any, an external covering or tunic, usually nearly lifeless, tough and resistant. Its office is mostly protective. THYMUS. A gland of internal se- cretion found in the neck region in all vertebrates, and connected originally with the gill system. THYROID. One of the most impor- tant glands of internal secretion, located, as is the thymus, in the neck region, but connected em- bryonically with the pharynx rather than with the gills proper. TROCHOPHORE. A larval stage in the lives of many marine worms and molluscs, characterized by being well organized for swim- ming by means of cilia variously disposed on the surface of the body. TRYPSIX. One of the chief "active principles," or enzymes of pan- creatic juice. It splits proteids into simpler compounds. It is produced by some plants as well as many other animals than man Glossary 389 and vertebrates. TUNIC. In botany and zoology, any well differentiated membran- ous covering of an organ or an entire organism; much the same as a test. TUNICATE. Name of a group of marine animals, most sharply characterized by the cellulose- containing tunic, or test, which envelopes the body; by the pe- culiar basket-like respiratory sys- tem; and by the notochord or precursor of the vertebral col- umn, possessed by all the species in the embryonal life, and by a few during the whole life, fre- quently used synonymously with Ascidian, which see. VAGAI,. Pertaining to the vagus nerves, one of the tenth pair of cranial nerves in all true verte- brates. VASO-CONSTRTCTOR. Applied to the nerves which cause contraction of the walls of blood vessels. VASO-DILATOH. Applied to nerves which cause, or more exactly, permit a widening of the blood vessels by diminishing the tonus of the muscles of the vessel walls. Since the smaller blood vessels are all supplied with both constrictor and dilator nerves the constant balancing between these antagonistic influences, both kinds of impulse being in response to the general needs of the organism, this scheme illus- trates well a principle of equili- bration widely operative in the animal kingdom. VISCERAL. A term used in zoology to indicate not only the totality of internal organs, but also the side of .the animal on which these are situated. ZYGOTE. A body formed by the conjugation of two reproductive cells, called gametes. Gametes and zygotes may be either uni- cellular organisms, or the repro- ductive cells of multicellular or- ganisms. ZYMOGEN. The enzyme-producing substance in the secretory cells of glands the secretions of which contain enzymes. INDEX Abderhalden, E., i, 102 Absolutism, metaphysical, ii, 151 Acacia, ii, 99 Accidental products of chemical change, i, 111 Acorns, storing of, by woodpeck- ers, ii, 269 Acromegaly, ii, 124, 137 Action, autocatalytic, ii, 107 Action-system, ii, 216 Activity, adaptive, excessiveness of, ii, 257 Activities, instinctive, tendency to excessiveness of, ii, 256, 268 Adaptation, of neural activity, ii, 183 Adaptive parallelism, i, 335 Adaptiveness, ii, 241 ; of subra- tional psychic activities, 250 Adrenal glands, and nervous sys- tem, ii, 131 Adrenaline, chemical composition of, ii, 123 Adrenin, in blood, ii, 131; effects on fatigued muscles, 181 Adsorption, meaning of, ii, 344 Adventitious buds, i, 38 Aggregation, principle of, i, 182; of protozoa, 268; and synthesis, ii, 236 Air, in relation to consciousness, ii, 290; breath, and spirits, 338 Albumen, living and dead, distinc- tion between, i, 78 Alchemy, ii, 288 Alcyonaria, ii, 97 Aldrich, T. B., ii, 123 Alga, i, 41 Allen, B. M., on origin of sex- cells, i, 73; on removal of thy- roid, ii, 145 Alternation of generations, i, 316 American biologists and organis- mal theory, i, 11 Amoeba, complexity of, i, 289; to man, 291 ; as organism and as cell, 297 Amours, of fishes, ii, 266 Amphibia, i, 204 Amphioxus, on isolated blasto- meres of, i, 204; on graded series in, ii, 106 Analysis, in biological reasoning, ii, 206; and abstraction, 234; and synthesis, 235; remarks on, 236; of organic substance, 341 Anatomist, of protozoa, i, 286 Ancestral, i, 290 Anger, ii, 132, 317 Animal, odors of, i, 84; behavior, ii, 208; human, 284; kingdom, 284 Animals, as analytical chemists of one another, i, 88 Annelids, ii, 192 Antagonisms, ii, 175; within au- tonomic nervous system, 178; co- operative, 178 Anthropologist, ii, 285 Anthropology, ii, 227 Anthropomorphism, ii, 201 Anti-bodies, i, 100 Anticipatoriness, ii, 242 Antigens, i, 100 Ants, behavior of, ii, 257, 279; larval, spinning of cocoon by, 311 Aphids, i, 353 Appendicularia, ii, 3 Apperception, relation to tropisms, ii, 221; definition by Wundt, 233; real nature of, 243 Apples, odor of, i, 87 Argon, ii, 341 Aristotle, i, 2; ii, 278 Arrhenius, S., i, 101 Art, creativeness in, ii, 223; crea- tive impulse in, 227 391 892 Index Artificial parthenogenesis, i, 345 Ascidian, bud propagation in, i, 50, 309; egg development in, ii, 17; tentacles of, 98; ganglion of, 187 Assimilation, ii, 205 Association in psychology, objec- tive and subjective sides of, ii, 230 Associationism, ii, 228 Associationists, ii, 221 ; and ele- mentalists, 228 Atomistic theory, ii, 151 Atoms, ii, 149, 160 Attention and choice, ii, 231 Attitudes, difference between sci- entific and philosophic, ii, 307; elementalist, and emotions, 321 Attributes, correlation of, i, 215; ii, 202; physical or material, and psychical or spiritual, 215; struc- tural and functional, 277; eth- ical, 284; observed corporeal, 289; physical and chemical, 305; latent of oxygen, 341 ; latent, 343 Autocatalytic action, factor in growth, ii, 107 Automaticity, ii, 221 Autonomic nervous system, ii, 128; vagal or cranial, 129; sympa- thetic or thoracico-lumbar, 130; sacral, 130; antagonisms within, 178 Avoiding reactions, ii, 252 Axioms, ii, 297 Axones, ii, 170 Baboon, i, 98 Bacillus biitschlii, i, 262 Bacteria, i, 310; membrane and surface structure, 257; un- doubted organisms, 263; classifi- cation of, 266 Balance of organs, i, 7 Balanoglossus, i, 223 Balfour, F. M., i, 268 Ballowitz, E., ii, 2 Barker, L. F., on interrelation be- tween internal secretions and nervous system, ii, 130, 138 Basedow's disease, ii, 138 Bateson, W., i, 22 Bayliss, on accidental chemical products, i, 112; and Starling, ii, 120; on meaning of autonomic nervous system, 129 Bearers, i, 306; of heredity, 338 Bees, honey, ii, 268 Behavior, complexity of, i, 289; animal, ii, 208, 210, 227; be- havior-knowledge, 277 Behring Sea, ii, 211 Benda, C., ii, 35 Benecke, W., i, 258 Bernard, Claude, ii, 149 Bichat, i, 4 Bio-chemical substances, phylog- eny of, i, 110 Bio-chemistry, and taxonomist, i, 94 Biococcus, i, 22; 319 Biogen conception, i, 194 Biogenesis, theory of, i, 27; versus spontaneous generation, 316 Bio-integration, types of, ii, 94 Biologist, anthropological, ii, 335 Biology, real, i, 5; goal of, ii, 152; elementalist, and associa- tionist psychology, 228; subdivi- sions of, 283 Birds, high flight of, ii, 258; song habits of, 260; mating habits of, 263 Blastomeres, i, 203; position in the whole, 206 Blastula, i, 203 Blepharoplast, i, 255, 329 Blood, and bloods, i, 91 ; cor- puscles, white, 297; adrenin in, ii, 131 Blue-jay, storing habits of, ii, 270 Body, i, 321; ii, 150, 215; relation to mind, 216; constitution of, 289; vs. corpse or cadaver, 322; and soul, 323 Born, G., i, 207 Botanical, diagnosis, i, 265 Botany, elementary instruction in, i, 236 Boyle, Robert, ii, 288 Brain, not coordinating center, ii, 191; normality dependent on, 194; as element of organism, 216 Index 393 Brandt, Percy, i, 39 Bread, "secret powers" of, ii, 300 "Breath of Life," ii, 303, 336, 338 Brown, A. P., i, 95 Briicke, E., conception of the cell, i, 129 Bud, adventitious in plants, i, 38; propagation in compound ascid- ian, 50, 309; in bryozoa, 53 Burrows, M. T., on tissue cultures, i, 173; on organ formation in such cultures, 176 Butterflies, larvae of, ii, 239 Calkins, G. N., i, 240 Cambium, buds from, i, 39 Canary birds, ii, 261 Canidae, i, 96 Cannon, W. A., on chromosomes and Mendelism, i, 356; on heredity in plant hairs, ii, 55 Cannon, W. B., on autonomic nerve action and adrenin, ii, 129, 131, 162, 178, 185, 319, 323 Carbon, ii, 338 Carrel, Alexis, on tissue cultures, i, 168, 174; isolated tissues and "morphological plan" of organ- ism, 177 Carrying, characters of adult, i, 224; hereditary qualities, second- ary and acquired, ii, 67 Cassia, ii, 99, 106 Casteel, D. B., ii, 9 Castle, W. E., definition of hered- ity, i, 315 Caterpillar, ii, 239 Caudal tube of spermatozoan, ii, 7 Causal factors, ii, 103 Cause, in heredity, i, 313; sufficient, ii, 147; contributing, 153; un- known, of experience, 303 Cell, as chemical laboratory, i, 82; physical chemical conception of, 116; as an organism, Briicke, 129; as key to ultimate biologi- cal problems, 163, 181 ; in logical and factual aspects, 228; as elementary organism, 228; ag- gregations, 295; colonies, 295; evolution of, Minchin, E. A., 307 Cell-membrane, produced by pro- toplasm, ii, 59 Cell-nucleus, and protoplasm, i, 126 Cell-state, i, 295 Cell-system, i, 216 Cell-theory, what it is, i, 150 et seq.; inadequacy of, 11 and 158; attempt to subordinate protista to, 280 et seq.; and integration of nervous system, ii, 169 Cell-wall, in higher plants, ii, 51 Ceils, subordinate to living beings, i, 293; used by living beings, 294; isolated, 294 Cellular centers, i, 332 Centers, dynamic in cells, i, 333; of apperception, ii, 233 Centrioles, i, 333 Centrosome, i, 330, 331 Cerebral cortex, ii, 216 Cerebrum, ii, 130 Ceremonies, self-exhausting, of mating, ii, 264 Cha?tognatha, ii, 281 Chcetopterus, i, 12 Chain reflexes, ii, 197 Challenger Expedition, ii, 7 Characters, special and general in heredity, ii, 40 Chemical action and interaction, i, 215; autocatalytic in organic growth, ii, 105 Chemical basis of genus and spe- cies, i, 107 Chemical, criterion of, ii, 289 Chemical messengers, i, 23; ii, 119, 121, 128, 170 Chemico-functional integration, ii, 94 Chemico-naturalist inquiries, i, 105, 109 Chemist, and naturalist, i, 107 Chemistry, and organism, i, 75; of organisms, 91; comparative, 105; and variation, 115; in solving problems of heredity, ii, 42; definition of, 287; physical, 303, 336; periodic law of, 329; atom- istic, 343 Index Chicken pox, i, 264 Child, C. M., and physiological cor- relation, i, 17; and metabolic gradients, ii, 108 Chipmunk, storing habit of, ii, 271 Chondriosome, ii, 36; as material substratum of different tissues, 39 Chromatin, theory of, i, 314; rela- tively undifferentiated, 318; evi- dence of, as hereditary sub- stance, 326; physicial basis of heredity, 328; supposed omnipo- tence in heredity, ii, 14; kinds of, 67 Chromatinists, i, 319 Chromosomal elementalism, i, 320 Chromosomal hypothesis of hered- ity, evidence ' for, i, 324, 326 et seq. Chromosome dogma, ii, 59 Chromosomes, i, 21, 306, 324; as immediate ancestors, 319; in fertilization, 342; accessory, 347; X and Y, 350; seat of inheri- tance material, ii, 22; in rela- tion to heredity, 66; initiators in heredity, 83 Chun, C., i, 301 Cilia, i, 330 Ciliary tuft of spirillum, i, 259 Classification, i, 99, 296; of physical facts, ii, 217; synoptic, 276 Chemical evidence of adrenal- nervous connection, ii, 133 Cohn, F., on classification of bac- teria, 266 Collins, H. H., ii, 258 Common-paths in nerve physiol- ogy, ii, 171 Common-sense, i, 32 Comparison, i, 99; of shells of rhizopod and nautilus, 237; sacrifice of, in experimental method, ii, 279. Competition, ii, 175 Condition, molecular appeals to, i, 276 Conjugation, i, 269 Conklin, E. G., on egg as stage in life of organism, i, 193; on development of Ascidian egg, ii, 17; on hereditary characters de- termined by cytoplasm, and by chromatin, 42, et seq. Coordination, neural, not a "cen- tral" process, ii, 192 Corycella, i, 270 Consciousness, ii, 161 ; contents of, 233; organismal theory of, 282; and chemical action, 290; theory of, and theory of knowledge, 296; an attribute of the organ- ism as a whole, 309; and physico-chemical conception of organism, 324; and pro-con- ; sciousness, 350 Contents of consciousness, ii, 225, 233 Courtship of animals, 262 Cowdry, E. V., i, 437 Crampton, H. E., ii, 26 Crane, sand-hill, ii, 258 Crepidula, ii, 20 Cretin, ii, 116 Crickets, chirping of, ii, 261 Crithidia, i, 334 Ctenophore, i, 201 Cushing, H., ii, 113, 124 Cuvier, i, 5 Cycads, ii, 58 Cytoplasm, and Karyoplasm, i, 135; Kinds of, ii, 67; funda- mental and primitive as heredi- tary substance, 68 Cytoplasmic activity, in spicule production, ii, 52 Cytoplasmists, i, 319 Cytostome, i, 248 Dances, of lapwing, ii, 262 Darwin, Chas., as naturalist, i, 75; ; as example of creativeness in j science, ii, 225; on comb of hive* bee, 168 Davidson, H. C., on plant as sym- biotic colony, i, 35; on "planto- gens," 36 De Bary, and cell theory, i, 162 Definition, i, 296 Dendrites, ii, 170 Descartes, Rene, ii, 298 Descent, i, 315 Index 395 Description, i, 99 Determinants, Weismannian, i, 21, 225; changed to determiners, 348 "Determined," different meanings of, ii, 49 Determiner, fascination of for some minds, i, 306; meaning in true objective sense, ii, 16; and dialectics, 76; theory of, con- trary to chemical principles, 79; Wilson's proposal to drop, 82 Development, in protozoa, i, 267; cause of, ii, 158 Developmental mechanics, i, 18 Dewey, John, ii, 298; on "Self" and environment, 305 Diagnosis, medical, i, 265 Dialectics, and determiner hy- pothesis, ii, 76 Diatoms, i, 310 Difference, chemical, between or- ganisms, i, 83; between germ- cells, importance of, 214; re- semblances and, 317; in func- tion and behavior, ii, 276 Differential factor, ii, 82 Differentiation and integration, ii, 168 Dinoflagellates, i, 310 Directing activity, of develop- mental process, i, 70 Display, mutual, ii, 264 Distribution, vertical, ii, 281 Division, of labor, i, 205; deter- mined by growth, 220; physio- logical, ii, 24 Dobell, C. C., on nuclei in bac- teria, i, 262; on Ehrenberg's conception of protozoa, 284; on protozoa as non-cellular, 290 Dog, as causal explanation, ii, 203, 204 Donaldson, H. H., ii, 169 Doncaster, L., i, 352 Dormitive principle, ii, 204 Dramatist, ii, 317 Driesch, Hans, on cell theory, i, 153; totipotence theory of, 202, et seq. Ductless glands, ii, 114 Dujardin, Felix, interpretation of protozoa, i, 280; and plasmic elementalism, 320 Duodenal mucous membrane, ii, 119 Dynamic center, of cell, i, 333 Earthworm, ii, 191 K chinas, i, 202 Ecology, ii, 212, 279 Economy, physiological, ii, 261 Ectoderm, i, 46 Effect, i, 313 Ege, of chick, studied chemically, i, 79; of frog, 199; floating, 213; hereditary attributes of, 214; as stage in development of indi- vidual, ii, 24 Ehrenberg, C. G., interpretation of protozoa, i, 280, and ii, 66 Elements, photosensitive, ii, 189; physical and chemical, 235; psychical, 235; chemical, cri- terion of, 286 Elementalism, i, 2; narrowing in- fluence of, 230; cellular, 286; and internal secretion, ii, 141 Elementalist, conception, i, 280; speculation, 319 ; and organismal standpoints, ii, 148; theory, and neglect of fact, 157; anarchistic, 160; attempt to interpret trop- istic and segmental theories, 198; biology and associationist psychology, 228 Elementalistic interpretation, ii, 23 Elementary organism, i, 227 Embryogeny, i, 277 Embryology, methods of, i, 224; of protozoa, 268; and genetics, 311, 324 Embryo, i, 204, 272 Emotions, and physical organiza- tion, ii, 216; natural history de- scription of, 318, 322; elemen- talist description of, 321 Emotional, attitude, i, 322; Glyco- suria, ii, 132; psychic life of animals, 133 Empedocles, i, 3, 40 Endoderm, i, 46 Endocrine glands, ii, 114, 130 396 Index Endoplasm, i, 277 Energy, formative and regenera- tive, i, 11; of modern physics, 76; and matter, 141; conception of, 320; of contraction, ii, 63; and substance, 337; and power, force, work, 342; surface, 344 Entelechy, ii, 149 Environmental influence, ii, 244 Enzymes, digestive, comparative chemistry of, i, 104; facilitate transformation, ii, 81 Epicurus, i, 3 Epithelium, and internal secre- tions, ii, 135 Eppinger, H., ii, 133 Equilibrium, general notion of, i, 17; physical chemistry concep- tion of, 216 Essences, ii, 288 Esterly, C. O., ii, 208 Evidence, direct and indirect, of mechanism of heredity, i, 325; favorable to chromatin as hered- itary substance, 326; visible and invisible, ii, 56; picking out of, ii, 263 Evolution, i, 291, ii, 241 Evolutions, four simultaneous, i, 321 Eudendrium, i, 67 Eugenics, i, 305; and fatalism, ii, 89 Excessiveness, of instinctive activ- ity, ii, 259; of sex impulse, 265 Excitability, threshold of, ii, 165; selective, 165 Excitor, ii, 147 Experience, ii, 305; subjective and objective, 285; causes of, un- known, 303 Experimentation, limitations of, ii, 212; laboratory, 279 Explanation, spurious type of, ii, 81; causal, 146, 240; of trop- isms, 190 Expression of emotion, ii, 264 Factorial hypothesis in heredity, i, 21 Factors, in heredity, i, 42, 306 Facts, neglect of, by elementalists, ii, 157; matters of, 299 Falta, W., ii, 134 Fatalism, ii, 89 Fatigue, and sugar in blood, ii, 132; and blood pressure, 181 Fear, and adrenin in blood, ii, 132; with physical and psvchical life, 183 Feeling, intellect, will, ii, 217 Felidas, i, 96 Ferns, ii, 99 Fertilization, hybrid, 5, 344 Fielde, A., on odors in ants, i, 89 Finalism, ii, 152 Finch, house, ii, 260 Fishes, sperm of different species, i, 102; floating eggs and young of, 213; mating habits of, ii, 265 Flagella, of bacteria, 259; rela- tion to nucleus, 328, 330; struc- ture and origin of, 370 Flat-worms, ii, 109 Flavors, of animals and plants, i, 84 Fluid, as phase of system, i, 216 Foetus, i, 272 Forbush, E. H., ii, 270 Forces, antagonistic, ii, 127; con- stitutively antagonistic, 134; abuse of the term, 298 Fore-foot, horse's, and man's hand, ii, 224 "Formative stuffs," i, 16; and in- ternal secretions, ii, 142; of Sachs, 147 Formi-determination, cytoplasmic, ii, 14 Forsyth, Ruth, ii, 44 Fossil wood, ii, 58 Foster, Sir Michael, ii, 346 Fragmentation, and analysis, ii, 236 Freud, S., ii, 350 Friedlander, B., ii, 103 Frog, eggs of, i, 199; pigment cells of, 339; sex determination in, ii, 76; larva and thyroid of, 143; croaking of, 261 Fruit flies, supposed connection between mutations and chromo- somes in, i, 354 Fundamental, criterion of, ii, 201 Index 397 Fungus, i, 41 Fur-seal, development of sperm of, ii, 4; migrations of, ii, 210; mating habits of, 267 Fusibility of tissues, as test of relationship, i, 143 Gall-stones, ii, 164 Gametes, i, 269 Ganglia, supra-oesophageal, ii, 191; as relay stations, 194 Gastrula, i, 203 Gates, R. R., i, 353 Gemmule, as method of asexual propagation, i, 309; as specula- tive entities (see term in glos- sary) Gene, a hypothetical entity in modern genetics, i, 20; static nature of the conception, 42; historic antecedent of, ii, 84 Geneticists, modern school of, i, 324 Genetics, tendency to ignore em- bryology, i, 311; inattention to developmental facts, ii, 14; thinking on, 72 Germ, nature of, i, 223; imaginary structureless, 268 German Deep-Sea Expedition, i, 278 Germ-cells, in hydroids, i, 60; promorphology of, 211; '^hrow of" the soma, 319; subject to metabolism, ii, 74 Germ-disc, i, 208 Germinal, continuity, i, 310; ma- terial, 209; localization, ii, 16 Germ-layers, i, 45; subservient to organism, 48; and the germ- plasm theory of Weismann, 58 Germ-plasm theory, type effect of, on observation, i, 66; implica- tions of, 318; extreme form of contrary to inductive science, ii, 76 Germ-regions, organ forming, i, 209 Giardia, i, 254 Gibbs, J. Willard, ii, 341 "Gifts," natural, ii, 235 Ginkgo, i, 330 Gladness, fits of, ii, 263 Glands, ductless, endocrine, ii, 114 Glycogen, i, 215 Goal of biology, ii, 152 Goette, Alexander, review and criticism by Weismann on sex- cells in hydroids, i, 62, et seq.; organismal trend of results by, 68 Goitre, ii, 115 Gradients, direct and inverse, ii, 106; axial metabolic, 107 Grafts, i, 143 Granules, epithelial, ii, 135 Grasshopper, i, 357 Graves' disease, ii, 133 Grebe, great crested, ii, 263 Grennell, Joseph, i, 85 Groos, Karl, ii, 273 Growth, determines division, i, 220; integration, ii, 93, 94; cycle of, 105; of an organism, 105; explanation of, 107 Gudernatsch, J. F., ii, 143 Habits, mating, of birds, ii, 263; of viviparous fishes, 265; stor- ing, of honey bee, 268, of wood- pecker, 269, of mammals, 271; in nature, 278 Haeckel, E., on radiolaria, i, 235; moneron theory, 256, 320 Haecker, V., on radiolaria, i, 236; on ontogeny of radiolaria, 278 Hairs of higher plants, ii, 55 Half-embryo, i, 199, 201 Hallez, P., i, 218 Hardens, A., i, 104 Hargitt, C. W., i, 67 Harmer, S., i, 54 Harmonic, equipotential system, i, 205; equilibrium, ii, 118 Harmony, i, 3; in health, ii, 127 Harrison, R. G., on tissue cul- tures, i, 168, et seq. Heidenhain, H., i, 332 Heinke, Fr., i, 213 Heliotropic, ii, 240 Helium, ii, 342 Hemoglobin, i, 95 Henderson, L. J., ii, 339 Herbart, as extremist in associa- 398 Index tionist psychology, ii, 229 Herbst, C., i, 344 "Hereditary substance," contrary to facts in hydromedusae, i, 68 Heredity, and elementalistic phil- osophy, i, 20; nature of, 305; stronghold of biological elemen- talism, 305; effort to restrict to sexual propagation, 308; denned by E. G. Conklin, 308; com- plex of causes, 313; definition, 314; chromatin in, 320, 321; and sex, 348; cytological basis of, 349; spermatozoon's tail mani- festation of, ii, 3; mitochondrial theory of, 33; and sponge spic- ules, 53; summary of informa- tion on physical basis of, 64; narrowing definition of, 85 Herlitzka, Amedeo, i, 205 Hertwig, O., theory of Biogene- sis of, i, 27; experiments on half embryos, 200; on centro- some, 332 Hertwig, R., on cell-theory as ap- plied to protozoa, i, 288; on experimental determination of sex, ii, 76 Higher Usefulness of Science, ii, 337 His, Wilhelm, i, 208 Histogenesis, and the mechanism of heredity, i, 325, and ii, 32; and species characters in adults, 43 Hobbes, Thomas, and sensational- ism in philosophy, ii, 219 Holmes, S. J., an organism as symbiotic community, i, 183; on brainless frogs, ii, 195; on ac- tivities of Amphithoe, 248; on behavior of ants, 257 Hooker, D., i, 339 Hopkins, F. G., on the cell as a chemical laboratory, i, 82; on the physical chemistry of the cell, 114 et seq.; on the cell constituents essential to the cell as a system of phases, 192; ver- sus particular types of mole- cules as an explanation of life, 194 Honey-bee, eggs and chromosomes of, i, 352; storing habits of, ii, 268 Hormones, importance of, to or- ganismal conception, i, 23; na- ture of action of, ii, 121; rela- tion to nerve action, 128; sup- posed identification with "form- ative stuffs," 142; integrative office of, compared with that of nervous system, 162 Hudson, W! H., ii, 261 Human being in one-celled stage, i, 217 Hume, David, ii, 298 Hunter ciliates, i, 235 Huntsman, A. G., ii, 44 Huxley, Julian S., ii, 263 Huxley, T. H., on the physical basis of life, i, 121 ; on the cell-theory, 288, 296; on innate ideas as conceived by Descartes, ii, 298; against materialism, 302 Hydroids, germ-cells in, 60; sepa- rated blastomeres in eggs of, 204; graded growth series in, ii, 97 Hypophysis, ii, 124; alliance with thyroid and adrenals, 127 Hypopituitarism, ii, 113 Hypothesis, ii, 282; of conscious- ness, 286; "working," 291 Idea, central of this book, i, 24 Ideas, atomistic and association of, ii, 229; "relations of," in Hume's system, 299; innate, 301 "Identical stuffs," i, 123 Impertinence, scientific, ii, 247 Individual, man, i, 31 ; tree, 31 ; ex- altation of, 196; normal, ii, 205 Individuality, in the living world, i, 30; Huxleyan, 43; of chromo- somes, 85; of organism, ii, 111 Inheritance, i, 312; nuclear theory, and cytoplasmic localization, ii, 22; of acquired characters, 24; material — imitator rather than determiner, 66; probability that substance becomes such in each ontogeny, 73 Inhibition of reflexes, ii, 176 Index 399 Initiative, mental, ii, 244 Initiator hypothesis in heredity, advantages of, ii, 83 Inner mass, and outer layer, of body, i, 301 Insane-like conduct from absence of brain, ii, 194 Insect, eggs of, i, 220; sperm of, ii, 9 Instinct, involves animal as a whole, ii, 188; importance of as zoological term; 247; variability of, 251; and intelligence, 256; food-gathering, 268; problem of, 284; "instinct actions," "instinct feelings," 284; and physical or- ganization, 310 Integratedness, of Oiardia, i, 255; and equilibrium, ii, 198 Integration, growth, ii, 93; func- tional, 113; distinction between developmental and functional, 161; cellular, in reflex arc, 163; and differentiation, 168; psy- chic, 214 Integrity, organismal, i, 26 Intellect, feeling, will, ii, 217; and instinct, 256 Interaction, chemical, i, 215 Intercellular substance, ii, 170 Interdependence, metabolic, ii, 104 Internal secretions, importance of, to organismal conception, i, 23; conception of, ii, 113; interrela- tions of, 124; and epithelium, 135; and "formative stuffs," 142 Internal secretory systems, ii, 128; and nervous systems, 128 Investigation of distribution of sex-cells, i, 73; statistical of animal behavior, ii, 280 Iron, ii, 339, 337 Irradiation, ii, 174 Isolated cells, i, 167 James, William, on human energy, ii, 132; on associationist psy- chology, 229; on consciousness of self, 309 Jelly-fish, i, 235 Jennings, H. S., on ultra-Mendel- ism, i, 42; on complexity of protozoan behavior, 289; on trial and error, etc., ii, 252 Johnson, H. P., i, 272 Jolly, J., i, 176 Jordan, H. E., ii, 60 Kant, E., self-conscious unity of apperception, and transcenden- talism, ii, 233 Karyoplasm, i, 135 Kelp, ii, 105 Key, cell as, to biological phe- nomena, i, 229 King, Miss H. D., ii, 76 Knowledge, analytic and synthet- ic, i, 25; -getting, ii, 213; ana- lytic, 213; theory of, 296; nature of, 297 Kofoid, C. A., i, 244; on soil amoe- ba, 328 Kofoid and Christiansen, on neu- rometer system in flagellates, i, 254 Kolle and Wassermann, i, 258 Laboratory, as an agency, ii, 212 Lamarck, i, 5, 75 Lancelet, ii, 95 Langley, J. M., ii, 129 Lapwing, dance of, ii, 262 Larvae, grafting together, i, 207; specific characters in, 214; as "carrier" of adult characters, 224 Law, of elements, ii, 160 Lead, ii, 341 Leaves, compound, ii, 99 Leeches, ii, 311 Leibnitzian theory, ii, 150 Lemon trees, i, 38 Lewis and Lewis, ii, 40 Life, ii, 286; vegetal, emotional, rational and intellectual, 162; tripod of, 182; subjective, 284 Like produces like, i, 315 Likenesses, functional, ii, 276 Lillie, F. R., as pre-organismalist, i, 11; on "properties of whole" in the embryo, 12 and 193 Lillie, R. S., i, 340 Limulus muscle, ii, 60 Lineus lacteus, i, 189 400 Index Living beings, in nature, ii, 211 Living substance, i, 115 Living units, hypothetical, i, 19 Localization, by protoplasmic flow- ing, ii, 19 Locust, i, 218 Locy, Wm. A., i, 280 Loeb, Jacques, i, 23; on relative in- fluence of nucleus and protoplasm on heredity, ii, 41 ; on identifica- tion of internal secretions with "formative stuffs," 141; on "ultimate aim" of biology, 151 ; and "organism as a whole," 185; neglect by, of work of Sher- rington and Cannon, 185; on understanding of natural phe- nomena, 207; organismal ten- dency of tropism theoiy of, 240 Logic, pure, i, 22 Loomis, L. M., i, 85 Love, emotions of, ii, 265 Luciani, L., ii, 115 Lucretius, i, 3 Machines, living, ii, 252 Macrocystw pyrifera, ii, 105 Mammals, storing habits of, ii, 271 Manly, J. M., on "exuberant vital- ity" of Shakespeare, ii, 223 Marceau, F., ii, 61 Marshall, F. H. A., ii, 79 Materialism, author's attitude to- ward, ii, 207; Huxley against, 302 Mathematics, ii, 297 Mating habits, of birds, ii, 263; of fishes, 265 Matter, and energy, in modern physics, i, 76, 141 ; and force, 196; composition of, 288, 341; generality of the term, 304 Mass action, ii, 344 McClung, C. E., i, 347 Mcllvane, Charles, i, 87 McMurrich, J., Playfair, on germ layers, i, 47; character of cell division in embryo, 219 Meadow lark, western, song habit of, ii, 259 Mechanism of heredity, i, 315, 322 ; organic vs. inorganic, ii, 252 Medussetta, i, 236 Meirowsky, E., i, 339 Melanin, i, 339; formed in cyto- plasm, 341 Membrane, and surface structure of bacteria, i, 257; synaptic, be- tween cells of reflex arc, ii, 167 Mendel, Gregor, i, 305 Mendelian inheritance and chro- mosomes, i, 356 Mendelism as a creed, i, 324 Mental, sense, i, 3; initiative and restlessness, ii, 243 Meristic parts, ii, 95; meristic phe- nomena in plants and in ani- mals, 103 Merotomy, i, 276 Mesenchyme cells, dormant in tad- poles, ii, 147; as inheritance material, 155 Messengers, chemical, secretin as example of, ii, 119, 121 Mesoderm, i, 46 Metabolic processes, and the or- ganism's supremacy over its cells, i, 294; interdependence of, ii, 104 Metabolism, i, 215; germ cells sub- ject to, ii, 74; katabolic and anabolic, 346 Metals, "base" and "noble," ii, 288 Metameres, ii, 95 Metamorphosis, ii, 145 Metaphysician, ii, 285 Metaphysics, chromatin and, i, 321; juvenile, ii, 141; as an epi- thet, 201 Metaplasy, of differentiated cells, i, 186 * Metazoa, i, 268 Metcalf, M. M., i, 289 Method, experimental, ii, 278; sta- tistical, employed at Scripps In- stitution, 280; natural history, in study of self, 282; impor- tance of, 282 Meves, F., ii, 35 Meyer, Arthur, i, 258 Mice, summersaults of, ii, 258 Michael, E. L., ii, 281 Microbes, specificity of, i, 265 Miescher and Kossel, i, 79, 102 Migration, of sex-cells, i, 61 ; ex- Index 401 tent of, by birds, ii, 259 Milk, i, 104 Minchin, E. A., Biococcus theory of, i, 2; on evolution of cell, 307; as chromatinist, 318 Mind, relation to body, ii, 215, 216; "mind stuff," SIS Miracles, i, 322 Mitochondria, in ontogeny of in- sect sperm, ii, 9; not trans- formed into neuro-fibrils, 37 Mitochondrial theory of heredity, ii, 33 Moeser, W., ii, 107 Molecular condition, appeals to, i, 276, 282 Molecules, ii, 149 Mollusca, i, 221 Moore, V. A., i, 259 Monogamy, in viviparous fishes, 11, 265 ' Moneron theory of Haeckel, i, 256, 320 Morgan, C. Lloyd, ii, 328 Morgan, T. H., and regeneration, i, 180; on half -embryos of frog, 200; on eggs of phylloxerans, 353; on mutations and heredity in fruit flies, 354 Morphallaxis, i, 180 Morphological, plan of the organ- ism, i, 177, 195; entity, funda- mental to tropism conception, ii, 190 Mortensen, T. H., i, 216 Mosaic, theory of development, i, 12, 198, 205; "mosaic picture," organism as, 208 Mosquitoes, i, 213 Mosses, leaves of, ii, 57 Mushrooms, poisonous species of, i, 87 Musk-deer, i, 86 Mustard plant, weight of seeds of, ii, 102 Mutation, connections of, with chromosomes, i, 353 Myomeres, ii, 95, 106 Mystification of protoplasm, i, 121 self, ii, 282; importance of, 283 Natural selection, and selected evidence, ii, 263; slight regard for quantity by, 259 Naturalism, ii, 142 Naturalist, and evolution theory, i, 76, 286; ii, 224; zoological, 227, 278 Nature, of things, i, 34; not sim- ple, 236; of knowledge, ii, 152 Nautilus, comparison of, with rhizopod, i, 237 Needs, nutritional, ii, 268 Neglect nothing, naturalist's mot- to, i, 94; ii, 216, 245, 283 Nemertean, regeneration of, i, 189; capture of prey by, ii, 255 Neoformation, i, 276 Nereis, ii, 192 Neresheimer, E. R., i, 245. Nerve, centers, ii, 187; physiology of, 320 Nervous system, in protozoa, i, 243; autonomic, ii, 128; and in- ternal secretions, 128; integra- tive action of, 162 et seq.; Loeb's important conception of, 187 Neural integration, ii, 94, 161 Neurones, ii, 216 Neurophanes, i, 245 Neuro-motor apparatus, i, 243; system, 255 Nickel, ii, 327, 329 Night-hawk, ii, 258 Nomenclature of germ-plasm the- ory, ii, 87 Non-cellular, protozoa interpreted as, i, 290 Nucleus, i, 207, 331 ; in bacteria, 261 ; part in pigment formation, 340; in oxidizing action, 341; of "utmost theoretical importance," ii, 22; control of cytoplasm by, 22 Nusbaum, J., on tissue trans- formation, i, 190 Nusbaum and Oxner, on regenera- tion of nemertean, i, 189 Natural history, special ability of, i, 113; methods of studying the Objective, side of psychical asso- ciation, ii, 230; and "outer," 292 402 Index Observation, method of, ii, 278 Odors of animals and plants, i, 84 (Edema, ii, 116 Oil-drops and globules, in eggs, i, 213, 215 Oliver, J. R., ii, 7 Omnipotence of chromatin in heredity, ii, 14 One-cell stage of organism's life, i, 214 Ontogeny, misuse of term, i, 271 ; of protozoa, i, 277; effort to ex- plain on elementalistic princi- ples, ii, 158 Optic nerve, ii, 164 Organ, i, 245 Organ-forming substances, in the ovum, ii, 16; theory of, 141 Organ-germs, i, 209 Organelles, i, 248 Organic formation, and isolated fragments, i, 176 Organic matter, i, 114 Organicists, i, 7 Organ-independence, i, 40 Organism, as a whole, familiarity of expression, i, 1; definition of, 18; distrust of by biologists, 25; and its chemistry, 75; and its protoplasm, 120; and its cells, 150; in interpreting the cell, 156; substitution of, for cell, 194; consisting of one cell, 227; fic- tion of structureless, 256; as cause, 276; "organless," 232, 320; hypothetical primitive, 319; fundamentally dynamic, ii, 134; "body" and "soul" combined, 151; as causal explanation, 199; as cause of chemical transfor- mation, 205; a natural object, 207; attributes and acts of, 215; living, 275 ; physico-chemical conception of, and conscious- ness, 324 Organism-transforming action of thyroid substance, i, 145 Organismal theory, i, 2, 280; con- structive side of discussion of, ii, 91; and C. M. Child's results, 111; and elementalist stand- point, 148; in relation to trop- isms, 188; of consciousness, 282 Organismalism, i, 2; and correla- tion, 17; remarks on the term, 28 Organismalist, ii, 149 Organization, law of embryonic development, i, 14; of infusoria, 282; of chromosomes, ii, 28; physical, and instinct, 310; and emotion, 316 Organizing power of living beings, i, 211 "Organless organisms," i, 232, 320 Organogenesis, i, 325 Organoids, i, 248 Organs, fallacious teachings about, i, 242; rudimentary, 277; "can belong only to multicellular or- ganisms," 281 Origin of species, i, 4 Osborn, H. F., i, 320 Outer layer, universality in or- ganisms, i, 301 Ovum, i, 210; as entity and as germinal entity, ii, 15 Oxidation, in animal body, i, 340; ii, 346 Oxygen, "doscarecious" powers of, ii, 204; in relation to conscious- ness, 290 et seq.; as respiratory substance, 301 ; latent attribute of, 341 ; hereditary, ontogenic and individual, 347; "activation" of, 348 Pacific Ocean, journey of fur seals in, ii, 211 Pain, ii, 183 Pairing, promiscuity in, ii, 267 Paleobotanists, ii, 58 Paleontologists, i, 322 Palms, ii, 299 Pancreas and pancreatic juice, ii, 120 Pangens of Darwin, i, 19 Parallelism, psycho-physical, irre- solvable inconsistency of, with organismal standpoint, ii, 150, 220; historical basis of, 297 Paramecium, i, 326; ii, 253 Paratoid gland, of toad, i, 111 Parthenogenetic eggs, i, 351 Index 403 Particles, ultimate, ii, 151 Partisanship in science, i, 338 Payne, F., ii, 34 Pearl, R., i, 311 Peckhams, G. W. and E. S., ii, 251 Percepts, ii, 294 Periodic law, in chemistry, ii, 329 Personal conscience, ii, 292 Personality, ii, 335; and person, 295; and elementary substances, 327 Petrels, i, 85 Phases, fluid, of cell system, i, 216; of the cell, ii, 326 Philosopher's stone, ii, 288 Philosophy, cartesian, ii, 297 Phleps, Ed., ii, 135 Phlogiston, i, 225 Phosphorus, ii, 290; a simple, 287; glow of, 343 Phylogeny, of biochemical sub- stances, i, 110 Phylloxerans, eggs of, i, 352 Physical basis of life (Huxley), i, 121; of heredity, ii, 64 Physical chemistry, in biology, i, 114; and protoplasm doctrine, 140; and the organismal stand- point, 191; conception ' of cell, 215, 333; conception of organ- ism, ii, 71; limitations of, in biology, 208; absence of in earlier biology, 336; anti-ele- mentalistic tendency of, 341 Physical science, ii, 152 Physio-chemical substances and forces, in behavior, ii, 312 Physics, and chemistry in hered- ity, i, 115; province of, 141 Physiologist, ii, 285 Physiology, and heredity of mus- cle fibers, ii, 61; distinctive task of, 274 Phytin, ii, 123 Pigeons, control of sex in, ii, 78; Whitman's study of habits of, 314 Pigment, from chromatin, i, 338; bearers, 340 Pigmentation, i, 213 Pill bugs, i, 219 Pillsbury, W. B., ii, 231 Pineal body, ii, 114 Pituitary Body, ii, 114, 124 Plankton, ii, 280 Plantagens, i, 36 Planaria, ii, 109 Plasma, i, 134 Plasmic elementalism, i, 311 Play of animals, ii, 273 Pleasure and Pain, criterion of, i, 289 Pleomorphism, i, 266 Plover, Golden, ii, 259 Pluralism, philosophical, ii, 294 Pluteus larva, i, 203 Poisoning, strychnine, ii, 173 Polarity, in plants and animals, i, 181 Pollen grains, in fertilization, i, 343; structure of membrane of, ii, 57 Porospora gigantea, i, 270 Post-generation, i, 207 Postulate, ii, 297 Powers, secret, of substances, ii, 300 Precipitin reaction, i, 100 Predisposition, i, 206 Primitive, i, 290 Primrose, evening, i, 353 Primun movens, i, 276 Principle, of unity of organiza- tion, i, 166; of aggregation, 182 Principles, Alchemists', ii, 288 Private opinion, ii, 292 Promiscuity in mating, ii, 267 Promorphology, of germ cells, i, 211; metaphysical, 225 Properties of the whole, i, 13, 148 Prophysiology, i, 212 Protista, i, 230, 280 Protophyta, i, 230 Protoplasm, as goal of biology, i, 5; mystification of, 120; and the organism, 120; Max Schultze on, 125; latest views as to morphol- ogy of, 133; specificity of, 143; as general term must be used in plural number, 148 Protozoa, theoretical simplicity of, i, 230, 286; development of, 267; theoretical aggregation of to 404 Index produce metazoa, 268 Protozoan colony, theory of, as nature of metazoan, i, 222 Protozoology, i, 280 Pseudopodia, i, 240; pseudopodial system, 239 Psychic activities, subrational, four certainties about, ii, 250 Psychic integration, ii, 94; discus- sion of, 214 et seq. Psychic life, subrational moiety of, ii, 246; phases of, 274; spec- ificity of, 276; man's higher, 283; catholicity of attitude toward, 284 Psychical, organic connection be- tween physical and, ii, 239 Psychical element, an abstraction, ii, 235 Psycho-analysis, ii, 350 Psycho-physical parallelism (see parallelism) Psychoids, ii, 149 Psychologist, ii, 285 Psychology, associationist, ii, 228, and Wm. James, 229; without a soul and without a body, 322; social and domestic, 332 Purpose, of reflex, ii, 184 Python, proportionality of parts in skeleton of, ii, 96 Radicals, compound, in chemistry, ii, 343 Radiolarian, compared with jelly fish, i, 235; swarm spores of, 278 Rage, ii, 183 Random movements, ii, 252 Reaction, chemical and neural, ii, 286 Reason, ii, 216; "forms the world," 243 Receptors, superficial and deep, ii, 173 Redwood, adventitious buds in, i, 38; meristic growth series in, ii, 101 Reed, H. S., on adventitious buds in lemon trees, i, 38 Reflex arc, cellular integration in, ii, 163 Reflexes, simple, an abstract con- ception, ii, 168; compounding and spreading of, 171 ; scratch, allied, proprio-ceptive, 172; an- tagonistic, 174, 176; inhibition of, and compensatory, 177; pur- pose of, 184; relation to in- stinct, 188, 246 Regulation, formative, i, 199 Reichert, E. T., i, 95 Relationship, the problem of causal, ii, 224 Rennet, i, 104 Repetition, in organic growth, ii, 95 et seq.; in instinctive activ- ity, 257 et seq. Repetitive parts, ii, 95 Reproduction, asexual, and hered- ity, i, 309 et seq. Researches in biology, field, labor- atory, quantitative, ii, 278 Resemblance, importance in doc- trines of heredity, i, 312, 315; and difference, 317 Respiration, life, and conscious- ness, ii, 286 et seq.; of muscle, 346 Responses, ii, 216 "Restlessness," mental, ii, 225, 243, 307 . Retzius, G., comparative re- searches on spermatozoa, i, 216, ii, 2 Reversibility, of direction in nerve conduction, ii, 166 Rhizopod, i, 123 Rhus, chemistry of, i, 87 Riddle, O., ii, 76 Ritter and Forsyth, ii, 45 Robertson, T. B., on chemical ac- tion in growth, ii, 105; on tethelin, 123 Rousseau, J. J., ii, 224 Roux, W., terminology of "De- velopmental mechanics," i, 18; Mosaic theory of, 198 Royce, J., relation between trop- isms and apperception, i, 23, ii, 220; on mental initiative and restlessness, 243 Ruzicka, V., i, 262 Sachs, J., i, 16; law of, 219 Index 405 "San Diego region" (oceanic), ii, 281 Saint-Hilaire, J., i, 7 Sajous, E. de M., ii, 124 Salamander, ii, 311 Salmon, ii, 250 Salpa, i, 316 Sarcode, identification with plant protoplasm, i, 123 Schafer, E., on endocrine organs, ii, 14; drug-like action of inter- nal secretion, 122 Schaudinn, F., i, 261 Schleiden, M. J., conception of plant, i, 34 Schultze, Max, on protoplasm and cell, i, 125 et seq. Schwann, Th., theory of cells, i, 150 Science, positive, i, 298; creative impulse in, ii, 227 Scientific, spirit, i, 338; attitude, difference between, and philo- sophic, ii, 307 Scratch-reflex, workings of, ii, 172; possible "ultimate explan- ation" of, 202 Scripps Institution, statistical methods in, ii, 280; for Biolog- ical Research, 332 Sea Urchin, properties of eggs of, i, 107; experiments on develop- ing eggs of, 202 "Seat" of heredity, i, 321; of in- heritance material, ii, 23; brain supposed seat of coordination, ii, 191 "Secret powers" of substances, ii, 341 Secretin, ii, 120 Secretions, internal, integrative office of, ii, 113 et seq. Secretory systems, internal, ii, 128 Sedgwick, A., ii, 50 Seeds, gradations in, i, 102 Segmental theory of nerve action, ii, 185; of nervous system, 190 Segregation, in heredity, i, 355 Selection, sexual, ii, 262 Self-preservation and regulation, i, 18; -differentiation, 199, 208; ii, 245; -activity, 226; -exhaust- ing ceremonies, 264; -injury through sex impulse, 267; nat- ural history method in study of, 282; -defence and -preservation, 292; or person, 301; -control, 305; -development, 305 Sellars, R. W., individuality in percepts, ii, 294; the individual, and social psychology, 332 Sensationalism, ii, 218 Sense organ, ii, 165; senses, 216 Sequoia sempervirens, adventi- tious buds of, i, 38; growth series in, ii, 101 Series, graded repetitive, ii, 95 Serum, rabbit, i, 101 Sex, cell production, theory of, i, 61; as unit-character, 348; de- pendence upon chromosomes, 346, 350; impulse, excessiveness of, ii, 265; power of, 267 Sexes, numerical proportion of, ii, 267 Shakespeare, Wm., "reckless volu- bility" of, ii, 223 Sherrington, S. C., fundamental work on nervous system, i, 22, ii, 162 et seq.; neglect of, by J. Loeb, 185 Shrikes, ii, 270 Simple reflex, an abstract concep- tion, ii, 168 Simplicity, "ultimate," i, 320 Skin, universal presence of, in or- ganisms, i, 300 Smallpox, i, 264 Smell, i, 84 Smith, J. B., i, 214 Society, and individual, ii, 332 Soma, i, 319 Song habits of birds, ii, 260 Soul, composed of "seminal atoms," i, 3; as aspe'ct of organ- ism, ii, 215; and body, interac- tion between, 323 Specialist, the unpoised, ii, 247 Species, difference in egg of, ii, 20 Specific differences between germ cells, importance of, i, 214 Specification of organic matter, i, 111 Specificity, chemical, of organ- 406 Index isms, i, 83; of corresponding proteins, 95; of protoplasms, 143; of sperm of anthropoids and man, ii, 2; of animal be- havior, 276; of psychical and reactive life, 281 Speculations, i, 293 Spermatozoa, species differences in, i, 216; structure of tail of, 333; structure of head of, 342, and ii, 87; two kinds of, i, 347; subject to heredity, 399; resem- blance to tadpole, ii, 3; ontog- eny of mammalian, 4 Spicules of sponges, ii, 50 Spinules of Ascidian, ii, 44 Spirits, historical relation to es- sences, ii, 288; historical relation to breath and air, 338 Sponge tissues, i, 144 Spontaneous, generation, ii, 316; in mental activity, 226; on meaning as applied to "origin of life" (see glossary) Spores, i, 269; of mosses and ferns, ii, 258 Squid, i, 221 Squirrel, storing habits of, ii, 271 Stage, one celled, of animal life, i, 214 Star fishes, ii, 96 Starch grains, i, 214 Stein, Fr., i, 286 Stentor, supposed nerves in, i, 245; ontogeny of, 272 Stephens, Frank, on storing habits of bees, ii, 268; of antelope ground squirrel, 271 Stevens, Miss M. M., i, 350 Stimuli, summation of, ii, 167 Storing habits, of honey bee, ii, 268; of woodpecker, 269; of mammals, 270 Stout, G. F., ii, 298; unanalyzed cognition in consciousness, 308; on personality in animals, 328 Strassburger, Ed., i, 342; and chromosome dogma, ii, 259 Striated muscle tissue and hered- ity, ii, 59 Structurelessness, i, 285 Structures, ii, 199; constitutively antagonistic, 134 ; organ-form- ing, 141 Struggle, of the parts, ii, 175; for existence, 225 Studies, practical, i, 214 Sub-conscious, ii, 350 Subjective, ii, 231; side of asso- ciation, 230; and "inner," 292 Substance, of soul, i, 4; organic production of, 81; simple homo- geneous, 281; imaginary, 240; nutritive, 244; criterion of ele- mentary, 287; abuse of the term, 2*98; respiratory, 301; and energies, 337; free and vague appeals to, ii, 239 Sugar, and enzyme action, ii, 81 ; from liver into blood, 132 Summation, of stimuli, ii, 167 Sumner, F. B., ii, 258 Supernaturalism, and finalism, ii, 142; and materialism, 148 Suprarenal body, ii, 114, 135; in alliance with thyroid and pitui- tary, 127 Surface energy, of muscle fibers, ii, 63 Surfaces of separation, ii, 170 Surf perches, matings, habits of, ii, 265 Surgeons, Swiss, ii, 115 Surplus energy, ii, 273 Sutton, W. S., i, 356 Swarm spores, of radiolaria, i, 278 Swezy, olive, i, 291 Symbiotic theory of organism, i, 35, 183 Symmetry of animals, ii, 189 Sympathetic nervous system, ii, 128 Synthesis, organizing, ii, 149; as- similative, 205; and analysis, 235; apperceptive, 237 System of nature, i, 4 Systematic biochemistry, i, 95 Tadpoles, of frogs and toads, ii, 143 Takamine, J., ii, 123 Taste, i, 84 Taxonomic, in organic grades, ii, 42; discrimination, 62 Index 407 Taxonomist, i, 213 Terms, of oxygen, ii, 202; of life, 207 Tetany, i, 117, 135 Tethelin, ii, 123 Theory, of structive of proto- plasm, i, 138; wrong better than none, 292; Leibnitzian, ii, 150; of organisms, and of knowledge, 152; elementalist, 157; tropistic and segmental, of nerve action, 185; of tropisms, 232; of apper- ception, 232; of knowledge, 296; of consciousness, 296 Thomson, J. A., i, 309 Threshold of excitability, ii, 165 Thymus, ii, 114 Thyroid, ii, 124; apparatus, 114; effect of removing, 115, 117; triple alliance with pituitary and adrenal, 127; substance, 143; organ-transforming sub- stance from, 145 Tissue, laboratories, i, 83; mix- tures, 143; cultures, 168; falla- cious teaching about, 240; of multicellular organisms, 281 ; isolated, 294; of trees, specific- ity of, ii, 58 Toads, ii, 76 Tonniges, C., i, 326 Torrey, H. B., ii, 97 Totipotence, theory of, i, 202 Transformation, essence of evolu- tion, i, 41; heredity works by, i, 312, 322; of substances, ii, 72, 287 Transmission, in connection with heredity, i, 312 Transmutation of metals, ii, 288 Transcendentalism, ii, 233 Treviranus, i, 5 Trial and error, ii, 252, 256 Trichocysts, i, 326 Tripylea, i, 278 Tropism theory, essentially an or- ganismal theory, ii, 188; relation to apperception, 232 Tropisms, explained by organism, ii, 190; organismal nature of, 239; automatic and anticipatory character of, 241; higher ra- tional life and, 242 Tropistic and higher psychic ac- tivity, ii, 220 Tropistic mechanism, ii, 189 Tropistic theories of nerve action, ii, 185 Truth, ultimate, ii, 152, 289 Trypsin, i, 106 Type, i, 7 Tyranny, of the whole, ii, 158 Ultimate, problem, i, 35; criterior of, ii, 149, 201; particles, ii, 151; truth, 152, 175, 289; elements. 228 Ultramicroscopic organisms, i, 265 Unicellular, i, 290 Units, representative, i, 306 Unity, the organism the "only real," i, 12, 26, 205; physiolog- ical, 14; of the individual, 33; thought of, ii, 150 Uranium H., ii, 341 Utility, racial, ii, 251; natural se- lectionist meaning of, 261 Variation, ii, 245 Vertebrates, man a, because moth- ers were, ii, 43 Verworn, M., ii, 279 Vetch, ii, 106 Virgin propagation, i, 352 Vital force, ii, 149 Vitalism, i, 113; author's attitude toward, ii, 207 Viviparous bony fishes, mating habits of, ii, 265 Volition, ii, 161 Wallace, A. R., ii, 278 Waller, H. E., ii, 126 Warblers, ii, 264 Wasps, instincts, variability of, ii, 251; excessive action of, 268 Wassermann, i, 258 Watase, S., i, 221 Webber, H. J., i, 330 Weismann, A., studies of sex-cells in hydroids, i, 60; Goette's re- sults contrary to, 68; metaphys- ics of, 225, 348 Whale, breaching of, ii, 257 Wheeler, W. M., sense of smell, 408 Index and odors, of ants, i, 87, 89; early embryology of insects, 218; as field naturalist of mod- ern type, ii, 278; on problem of instinct, 284; on instinct and bodily organization, 311 Whitman, C. O., as pre-organis- malist, i, 11; on cell-theory, 220; relation between instinct and structure, 314 Whole, embryo, i, 204; "tyrannizes over parts," ii, 159 Will, feeling, and intellect, ii, 216, 217 Wilson, E. B., as pre-organismal- ist, i, 11; on cell structure, 135; statement of cell-theory, 151 ; on "real unity," 192; on early em- bryology of amphioxus, 204; on promorphology, 217; on x and y chromosomes, 350; on connec- tion between chromosomes and Mendelian inheritance, 356; pro- posal to drop "determiner" as genetic term, ii, 82; on germ as detached portion of parent, 88 Wilson, H. V., i, 144 Winterstein, H., ii, 62 Woodpecker, California, storing habits of, ii, 269 Wood-tissues, ii, 58 Work, energy, power, force, ii, 342 World, external, ii, 303 Wundt, W., and apperception, i, 23; definition of apperception, ii, 233; seeming transcendental element in the apperception of, 234 Yerkes, R. M., on combined ex- perimental and field research in behavior, ii, 279 Ziegler, C., i, 201 Zoja, R., i, 204 Zoological diagnosis, i, 265 Zoologist, anthropological, ii, 285 Zoology, instruction in elementary, i, 236; and the science of be- havior, ii, 208; fundamental terms of, 247; taxonomic, 276 Zygote, i, 269 University of Toronto Library DO NOT REMOVE THE CARD FROM THIS POCKET Acme I ibrary Card Pocket Under Pat. "Ref. Index File" Made by LIBRARY BUREAU H9 it