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An Unusual Extension of the Distribution of the Shipworm in San Francisco Bay, California, by Albert LL. Barrows ........-...-------------- . Description of Some New Species of Polynoidae from the Coast of California, by Christine Essenberg; with plates 2-3 -.................-... . New Species of Amphinomidae from the Pacific Coast, by Christine HS SOMITE TOF VRE MOLEC CS 0) acc actensa ene caus ee eee recs cata chase erence . Crithidia euryophthalmi, sp. nov. from the Hemipteran Bug, Hury- ophthalmus convivus Stal, by Irene McCulloch; with 35 text TOURS ete aces cect sce cen essa e so ae fee ae nee ee cece cena ee ck seonecucseeteeseeeeeeee . On the Orientation of Hrythropsis, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olivier Swe zy walic helo tonne seins Ge xt eeeeeeeese eee eee oe. . The Transmission of Nervous Impulses in Relation to Locomotion in the Harthworm, by John F. Bovard; with 4 figures TAL LER cence . The Function of the Giant Fibers in Earthworms, by John F. ATS Oyicbicclls mawysit laa lent FUG Gy ra GO Keb eee eee eee ee ee ee ee ae 2 . A Rapid Method for the Detection of Protozoan Cysts in Mam- malraneBaeces, toy: Wallliam Cy Woe Ce state sss eee ec co. --c gee . The Musculature of Heptanchus maculatus, by Pirie Davidson; with WAS RUNES, Aa GORI a aaa oe ae coe tae scence cect coe cecmse near eattnceas ci enense sc aedeeueeeeedaan . The Factors Controlling the Distribution of the Polynoidae of the Pacific Coast of North America, by Christine Essenberg; with DUN STYa is @ eye) arpa alfa g hale) Shas i Sp. < res eee ee eae ae Aa Er a Sa Differentials in Behavior of the Two Generations of Salpa demo- cratica Relative to the Temperature of the Sea, by Ellis L. Michvelsswith plates Ooi s I nenume am tet 22: sc 8e eee eee eee . A Quantitative Analysis of the Molluscan Fauna of San Francisco Bay, by E. L. Packard; with plates 12-13; 6 figures in text -....... . The Neurometer Apparatus of Huplotes patella, by Harry B. Yocom; Ap VAOE) oly OWES eS a Leet pa eee et RL ra ara ER ee eee . The Significance of Skeletal Variations in the Genus Peridinium, by A. L. Barrows; with plates 17—20; 19 figures in text .................- . The Subclavian Vein and Its Relations in Elasmobranch Fishes, Loy? do Intreialie Weeraneils (By tlre ness Tl HES eee ete Sacer cooeee doce eee eer . The Cerearia of the Japanese Blood Fluke Schistosoma japonicum Katsurada, by William W. Cort; 3 figures in text -...-....--..------------- Notes on the Eggs and Miracidia of the Human Schistosomes, by wy Tle, NAV CCKanRR Cf MNS AUREIS) AY UEDA eae el ee eer ee PAGES 27-43 45-60 61-74 103-134 135-144 145-149 151-170 171—238 239-298 299-336 337-396 397-478 479-484 485-507 509-519 HT ra emcee Suet ee NR Sh 2s a a sk 521-529 ary ~ ~"-SRSBi lL INDEX* Acanthias, 168. vulgaris, 152, 157. Adinida, 404, 405. Alaska, 175, 400. ‘« Albatross,’’ U.S.S., expeditions, 172, 400; survey of San Francisco Bay, 299, 312, 313. Allolobophora foetida, 106, 137. Amphinomidae from the Pacific Coast, New Species of, 61; classification, 62; habitat, 63; bathymetrical distribution, 63; description of new species, 63-69. Amphinomina, subfamily, 62. Amphitrite, 213, 216. Annelids, distribution of, 171, 172; Polynoidae, scaly annelids, 174; defensive organs of, 211; blind- ness of, 222, 223. Antinoé anoculata, 183. Aphrodita aculeata, 209. Aphroditidae and Polynoidae, resem- blance between, 46. Arenicola, 127. Arnold, A. F., quoted, 284. Asterias ochracea, 213, 220. trochelii, 220. Atkinson, E. L., cited, 487. Autotomy in earthworms, 111. Banyuls-sur-Mer, France, 97. Barrows, A. L., 27, 397. Bartsch P., acknowledgment to, 30. Bergh, R. S., cited, 411. Biedermann, W., studies on locomo- tion of earthworms, 105, 106, 119; 129, 130, 136. Bispira polymorpha, 127. ““Blake,’’ U.S. Survey Steamer, ex- peditions, 172. Blanfordia, 487. nosophora, 487, 489. Blastodinium, 405. Blood fluke, Egyptian, 485; Japanese, 485, 486. See also Schistosoma haematobium; 8S. japonicum. Boeck, W. C., 1, 145. Bovard, J. F., 103, 1385; acknowledg- ment to, 400. Braune, cited, 380. Brock, H., cited, 407. Budington, R. A., cited, 120, 121. Bullinus contortus, 488. dybowski, 488. Burrage, G. H., U.S. N., member of board for survey of San Francisco Bay, 299. * Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., vol. 18. [521] Biitschli, O., 96; cited, 378. California, 63, 489. : Calkins, G. N., cited, 370, 371. Calonympha, genus, 383. Carchesium genus, 350. polypinum, 380. Cardium corbis, 303, 304, 307, 308, 312, 315, 320, 321, 322. Carlson, A. J., cited, 122, 127. Carquinez Strait, 315. Carter, H. F., cited, 145. Cawston, F. G., 488. Centrodinium, genus, 416. Ceratium, genus, 403, 416, 417. furea, figures of, 92, 93. gravidum, 91, figures of, 90. Ceratocorys, genus, 440. Cercaria of the Japanese Blood Fluke, Schistosoma japonicum Katsurada, 485; development of, in Katayama snail, 487; intro- duced into mice, 487; material studied, 490; method of study, 490; agreement with cercariae of other species, 491; structure of, 492-496, figures showing, 493, 497; excretory system, 494, fig- ure showing, 499; oral sucker and cephalic glands, 496-501; activity of, 502-504. Cerearia blanchardi, 488, 489. Cereariae of human _ schistosomes, 491. Cerebratulus, 127. Cette, Biological Station, 400, 448. ““Challenger’’ expedition, 172. Chemical composition of water, fac- tor in distribution of Poly- noidae, 209. Chesapeake Bay, shipworms in, 37, 38; temperature of, compared with that of San Francisco Bay, 38. Child, C. M., cited, 371, 372, 421, 463. Chilodon, genus, 380. Chione undatella, 308. Chitin, or lime salts, effect of secre- tion of, on animal’s habitat, 210. Chloeia pinnata, 63. Christiansen, E. B., 1, 21; cited, 366, 382. Christineberg, in the Skagerak, 448. Clam farming industry, 314, 315. Claparéde, D., cited, 172. Clark, A. H., cited, 191, 209. Index Cocaine, effect of on nerve cord of earthworms, 143. Coceudina keromina, 338. Cochlodinium citron, 93, 94. pulchellum, 91. Cockerell, F. D. A., cited, 205. ‘*Cold islands,’’ 198. Coleps, genus, 380. Columbella gausapata, 303, 320, 321. Commensal polynoids, 213, 216; ad- vantages of, 219, 220; plasticity in, 224; adaptive variation in setae of, 224; variation in color, 225, 226; external changes, 227. Conor, A., cited, 509. Coreus marginatus, 79. Cort, W. W., 485, 509. Crepidula nivea, 303, 307, 320, 321. Crithidia euryopthalmi, sp. nov., from the Hemipteran Bug, Lury- opthalmus convivus Stal, 75. Crithidia euryopthalmi, compared with C. lepticoridis, 76; infec- tion of Euryopthalmus convivus by, 81, 83, 85, 87; life eycle, 82; infective and degenerative cycles, 87. lepticoridis compared with C. eury- opthalmi, 76. Crockett, California, 30. : Cropper, J. W., cited, 145, 148. Coyptochiton stelleri, 213. Cysts in Giardia microti, 20, 23. Cytoplasmic structures and changes, correlation of mitosis with, 18. Daday, E., cited, 91, 92. Daniel, J. F., 479. Daboux, J. G., cited, 224. Da Silva, M. P., cited, 488. Davidson, Pirie, 151. Dechant, E., cited, 129, 130. Degenerative cycles in Euryopthal- mus convivus, 87. Delage, Y., cited, 96. Diatoms, influence of temperature on, 200. Delitzsch, Saxony, 401. Didinium, genus, 381. nasutum, 380, 384. Differentials in Behavior of the Two Generations of Salpa democrat- ica Relative to the Temperature of the Sea, 239. Dinifera, 404, 458. Dinoflagellata, morphology of, 89; Hryopthropsis admitted to, 96; relationship and morphology of, 400; habitat, 401; flagella of, 401; shell of, 402; protoplasm of, 403; asymmetry in, 403, 462; horns or spines in, 403. Dinophysidae, 404, 405, 458. Dinophysis, 405. Diplodinium ecaudatum, 365, 366, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 384, 385. Dufour, L., cited, 79. Earthworm, description of locomo- tion in, 104-105; function of the nerve cord, 104, 105-106; effect of anesthetizing, 107-108, 109; tension, in etherized worms, 109, in locomotion, 112-118; locomo- tor impulses, limits of transmis- sion, 118-122, rates of transmis- sion, 122-125; giant fiber im- pulses, 125-128. Earthworm, The Transmission of Nervous Impulses in Relation to Locomotion in, 103. Earthworms, Function of Giant Fibers in, 135; theories regard- ing, 136; functions of the nerve cord, 136; experiments in tran- section of nerve cord, 137-138, in regeneration of, 138-142, in removal of, 140-142, with sto- vaine, 143; summary, 144. Eetoparasitic polynoidae, 224. Egyptian blood fluke, 485. See also Schistosoma haematobium. Ehlers, E., cited, 62, 172, 204, 206. Ehrenberg, C. G., cited, 338, 401. Elasmobranch Fishes, Subclavian Vein in, and Its Relations, 479; material studied, 479; method, 480; observations on material studied, 481-482; discussion, 483. Engelmann, I. W., cited, 356, 378, 380. Entamoeba, 145. Environment, effect of, on animal life, 173, 215, 216. Enzymes, 226. Epitonium hindsi, 303, 307, 320, 322. savinae, 303, 307, 320. Erythropsis, orientation of, 89, 92; transverse flagellum of, 93; ocel- lus, 94; prod (tentacle), 94; prod (tentacle), 94; girdle, 96; paradinial lines, 97; attachment area, 99. agilis, 95; figures of, 98. cornuta, figure of, 98. Essenberg, Christine, 45, 171. Eunoé, genus, 212. barbata, 47. eaeca, 183. Euperidinium, genus, 411. Euphrosinidae, 62. Euphrosyne aurantiaca, 64, 65. calypta, 63-65; figures showing, opp. 72. dumosa, 69. kyllosetosa, 63, 68-69. limbata, 69. Index multibranchiata, 63, 65-66; fig- ures showing, opp. 72. pacifica, 67. spirocirrata, 63, 66-68; figures showing, opp. 72, 74. Euphrosynina, subfamily, 62, 63. Euploea, genus, 338. Euplotes, genus, 338, 339-340. charon, 338. harpa, 338, 340, 356, 378, 381. longipes, 338. patella, 338; preparation of for study, 341-343; illustrations of, opp. 392, 394, 396. Structure, external features, 344; diverticulum, 347; ecto- plasm, 348; endoplasm, 349; food vacuoles, 349; contractile vacuole, 350; nuclear strue- ture, 350;° macronucleus, 350; micronucleus, 351. Motor organs and neuromotor apparatus, 351; cirri, 352; membranelles, 353; structure of neuromotor apparatus, 354; function of neuromotor organs, 359; figure showing, 356; evi- dence of neural function, 362. Binary fission, 367-368; forma- tion of new eirri, 372, peri- stome, 373, neuromotor appa- ratus, 375. Fibrillar system in other ciliates, 378; neuromotor apparatus of flagellates, 381; homology of neuromotor apparatus in eili- ates and flagellates, 383. vannus, 339. worcesteri, 339, 340, 344, 349, 350, 352, 353, 356, 368, 372, 373, 374, 3fo, 378, 38. Euplotes patella, Neuromotor Appa- ratus of, 337; summary of con- clusions, 3886; literature cited, 388. Euryophthalmus convivus, 75; flagel- lates infecting digestive tract, 76, 81, 83, 85, 87; morphology of digestive tract, 78, figures showing, 80. Euryopthalmus convivus Stal, the Hemipteran Bug, Crithidia eury- opthalmi, sp. nov., from the, 75. Eurythoé, genus, 63. californica, 67. Exuviaella, genera, 404. Exuviation in Peridinium, 417. Factors Controlling the Distribution of the Polynoidae of the Pacific Coast of North America, 171. Falk, H. O., acknowledgment, 69. Farallone, San Francisco Bay, 63. Fauna, oceanic, feeding grounds of, 212. Fauré-Fremiet, E., cited, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 407, 412, 434, 459. Fowler, G. H., quoted, 285. France, 96. Friedlander, B., work on the move- ments of earthworms, 104, 105, 128, 130, 131, 136, 142. Fujinami, A., cited, 486, 487; acknowledgment to, 489. Function of the Giant Fibers in Earthworms, 135. Fundulus, 214. Gattyana amundseni, 203. cirrosa, 203, 209. senta, 206. Gemma gemma var. purpura, 303, 320, 321. Giardia, genus, 382. intestinalis, 145; compared with G. microti, 5. Giardia microti, 1; infection of hosts, 3; compared with G. muris, 3, 5; duodenum natural habitat of, 3; pathogenicity of, 4; mor- phology of, 4; morphological structures, 5; parabasal bodies, 8, funetion of, 9; figures of, opp. 10, 26; neuromotor apparatus, 19; cysts, 20. Mitosis in, 1; phases of, 11-17, figures showing, opp. 10, 26; cor- related with cytoplasmic struc- tures and changes, 18; conclu- sions, 22. muris, 5. Glyphis aspera, 213. Goniodoma, genus, 416. Gonyaulax, genus, 205, 402, 416, 420, 427, 438, 459. . Goto, 8., acknowledgment to, 400. Gran, H. H., cited, 411. Grassi, B., and Schweiakoff, W., cited, 21 Griffin, L. E., cited, 344, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 356, 359, 367, 368, 370, 372, 374, 375, 378. Grube, E., cited, 206. Gymnodinidae, 404, 405. Gymnodinioidae, 89, 91. Gymnodinium, 405. Halosydna californica, 183, 212. carinata, 47, 212. insignis, 175, 183, 212, 213, 216, 227; figures showing, 238. interrupta, 183, 212. lagunae, 47. macrocephala, 48; description of, 53; comparison of, 54; occur- rence, 55; plate showing, 60. Hanee, R. T., cited, 370. Haptomonads, 86. Index Harmothoé bonitensis, 48; compari- son and description of, 48; oc- currence of, 50; plate showing, opp. 98. earinata, 47. erassicirrata, 47. forcipata, 184, 206. fragilis, 177. hirsuta, 177, 183, 206, 211; figures showing, 236, 238. imbricata, 47, 174, 183, 211, 213. johnsoni, 48; description of, 50; comparison of, 52; occurrence of, 53; plate showing, opp. 60. lamellifera, 183. ~° multisetosa, 183, 208, 204. triannulata, 177. luta, 177, 206. yokohamiensis, 206. Hashegawa, T., cited, 486. Helodrilus caliginosa, 106, 137, 142; experiments in anesthetizing, 106. Hemipteran Bug, Huryopthalmus con- vivus Stal, Crithidia euryopthal- mi, sp. nov., from the, 75. Heptanchus cinereus, 152, 147. maculatus, description of, 151; fig- ures of, 155, 158, 160, 163, 164, 168, 169; subclavian vein, fig- ures of, 480, observations and discussion of, 481-483. Heptanchus maculatus, Musculature of, 151; pharyngeal musculature, 152; superficial circular muscles, 153; interarcuales, 158; subspin- alis, 159; adductors, 159; hypo- branchials, 161; musculature asso- ciated with organs of special sense, 162; appendicular, 163; of the trunk, 167. ‘Hérouard, E., cited, 96. Hertwig, R., 94, 95. Heterocapsa, genus, 416. Heterodinium, genus, 416, 440, 445, 459. Hexanchus, 165. griseus, 152. Hickey, J. P., acknowledgment, 509, 516. Hickson, S. K., quoted, 284. Hinnites giganteus, 303, 320, 321. Hjort, J., cited, 202; quoted, 284. Holeomb, R., cited, 516. Holothuria californica, 220. Holway, R. S., cited, 198. Huffman, O. V., cited, 515. Human schistosomes, method of trans- mission, 486; value of study of, 489; characters of cercariae, 491. See also Schistosoma, and its species. Human Schistosomes, Notes on. the Eggs and Miracidia of, 509. [524] Hypotricha, 350, 353, 371. Ikeno, 8., cited, 384. Ilynassa obsoleta, 314. Iturbe, J., 488. Izuka, A., cited, 203. Janicki, C., cited, 383. Japan, 175. Japanese blood fluke, 485, 486. See also Cerearia of the Japanese Blood Fluke; Schistosoma japon- icum. Japanese current, 208. Japanese Islands, 203. Jenkins, O. P., cited, 122, 127. Joergersen, E., system of classifica- tion of Peridinium, 412, 413-428, 460. Johnson, H. P., cited, 45, 218, 220. Johnstone, J., quoted, 283. Katayama nosophora, 487. Katsurada, F., cited, 486. Kerona patella, 338. Kodiak Island, Alaska, 66. Kofoid, C. A., 89; acknowledgment, 2, 45, 61, 108, 173, 300, 400, 489; cited, 1, 9, 21, 205, 330, 366, 340, 382, 383, 403, 405; member of board for survey of San Fran- cisco Bay, 299. Konno, F. F., acknowledgment to, 488. Krakow, Poland, 401. Krawany, J., cited, 127. Krukenberg, C. F. W., cited, 105. Kuno Siwo, or Japanese current, 208. La Jolla, California, 69, 99. Langdon, F. E., cited, 129. Lebour, M. V., cited, 91. Leiper, R. T., cited, 487, 488, 489, 514. Leodocidae, 63. Lepidasthenia gigas, 177, 183, 213, 218, 223, 224, 228, 236. Lepidonotus caeloris, 47, 175, 183, 203, 204. squamatus, 174, 184, 215, 228; fig- ures Showing, 236, 238. Leptocoris trivittatus, 76, 79, 87. Life zones on the Pacifie Coast, 75. Light intensity, effect of on deep sea animals, 223. ‘‘Lightning’’ expedition, 172. Lime salts, 210. Limnoria, crustacean woodbores, 28, 29. Literature cited, 24, 43, 56, 70, 88, 101, 134, 144, 149, 170, 231, 291, 333, 388, 466, 484, 505, 519. Loeb, J., cited, 210. Looss, A., cited, 485, 486, 514, 518. Lucapina crenulata, 220, 225. Lumbriconereis, 127. — Index Lumbrinereidae, 62. Lunatia duplicata, 314. heros, 314. Lupinus arboreus, 75. Lutz, A., cited, 488, 489. Lygaeus militaris, 79. Lysidice, 221, 226. McClung, C. E., cited, 370. McCulloch, Irene, 75; cited, 383. McEwen, G. F., acknowledgment to, 173, 191, 208; cited, 241. McGlashan, H. D., acknowledgment to, 32. McIntosh, W. C., cited, 62, 63, 206, 209, 221, 227, 228. Macoma balthica, 303, 304, 305, 307, 320, 322. inquinata, 303, 304, 307, 320, 321, 322. nasuta, 303, 304, 307, 312, 320, 321, 322. Madeira Islands, 95. Maier, H. N., cited, 353, 354, 357, 361, 378, 380. Mangin, O., cited, 91, 450, 451. Mare Island Navy Yard, California, damage done at, by shipworms, 29. Marenzeller, E., cited, 174, 206. Massachusetts, Commissioners on Fish- eries and Game, cited, 309; clam industry in, 314. Mastigophora, order, 400, 404. Matsuura, U., cited, 486. Matthews, J. R., cited, 145. Maupas, E., cited, 353, 356, 378. Maxwell, S. S., acknowledgment, 108. Meadow mouse. See Microtus eali- fornicus californicus. Metaperidinium, 412, 413, 421, 428, 429, 430, 431, 4385, 438, 444, 445, 446, 447, 454, 460, 461. Metschnikoff, E., 95. Meunier, A., cited, 412. Michael, E. L., 239; cited, 202, 282. Microtus californicus californicus, 1; gas inflation in, 4. Mitosis in Giardia microti, 1; phases of, 11, 16, 17, figures showing, 10, 26; correlated with cytoplas- mie structures, 18; conclusions, 22. Miyagawa, Y., cited, 486, 487, 491. Miyairi, K., 486, 487; cited, 487. Modiolus, ef. rectus, 303, 320, 321. Molluscan Fauna of San Francisco Bay, A Quantitative Analysis of, 299; collection of material, and method of procedure, 300-301; general distribution, 301; species of, 303-308; economic consider- ations, 308; factors governing distribution, 317: depth, 318, type of bottom, 318, salinity, 322, temperature, 324, food sup- ply, 327, biotic environment, 330; summary, 331. Monaco, Oceanographic 400. Monia macroschisma, 303, 320, 321. Moore, J. P., acknowledgment, 47, 55, 172; cited, 206. Murray, J., cited, 202, quoted, 284. Institute, 210, 215; . Musculature of Heptanchus Macu- [525] latus, 151, Mustelus, genus, 167, 168. antareticus, 479, 481. henlei, subclavian vein in, and its relations, 481-483. Mya arenaria, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308— 310, 311, 314, 315, 320, 321, 322, Sail. california, 303, 304, 307, 320, 322. ealifornica, 322. Mytilus californianus, 311, 315. ‘ealifornicus, 308, 311. edulis, 308, 304, 305, 307, 308, 311, 313, 320, 321. Naegleria gruberi, 381, 383. Nakamura, H., cited, 486. Nansen, F., cited, 198. Naples, Zoological Station, 400, 448. Narabayaski, F., cited, 486, 488. Nassa fossata, 303, 307, 320, 322. mendica, 303, 320, 321. perpinguis, 303, 320, 322. Nectomonads, 86. Nereis, 127. dumerilii, 207. mirabilis, 207. Neresheimer, E. R., cited, 378, 379. Nervous Impulses, The Transmission of, in Relation to Locomotion in the Earthworm, 103; materials and methods of study, 106-107; statement of problem, 108; ex- periments with anesthetized worms, 108; free moving, 109; tension factor, 109; anatomy, 111; free nerve preparations, 112-116; limits of transmission, 118; dependence on nervous sys- tem, 120; locomotor impulses, 122; giant fiber impulses, 125; the nervous mechanism, 128— 130; transmission by reinforced stimuli, 131; summary, 132-133. Neuromotor apparatus, first use of term, 351, 378; parts of, 351; definition of, 352; description of motor parts, 352-354; structure of, 354-359; ‘‘motorium,’’ 355, 359, 365, figure showing, 356; function of, 359; evidence of Index neural function, 362; in flagel- lates, 381; homology of, in cilia and in flagellates, 383. New International Encyclopaedia, quoted, 284. Ocean currents, 207. Ocean depths, 215. O’Donoghue, C. H., cited, 479, 483. Odostomia franciseana, 303, 320, 321. Ogata, 8., 488. Oleum, California, 31. Ophryodendron, 95. Ophryoscolex purkyngei, 380. Orientation of Hrythropsis, On 89. Ornithocereus, genus, 405. Orthoperidinium, subgenus, 412, 428, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 444, 446, 447, 452, 458, 460, Ostrea elongata, 308, 311. lurida, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 3116, 320) 321, 322: Oxyrrhis, 405. Pacifie coast, life zones on, 175. Packard, H. L., 299. Palmiridae, 62. Panope generosa, 308, 312. Paphia staminea, 303, 307, 308, 310, 313, 314, 315, 320, 322. - Paramoecium bursaria, 341, 371. Paraperidinium, subgenus, 413, 421, 428, 429, 433, 434, 435, 438, 444, 446, 449, 454, 458, 460, 461. Parker, G. H., acknowledgment, 108. Parker, T. J., cited, 479, 482, 483. Pathogenicity of Giardia microti, 4. Paulsen, O., cited, 412. Pavillard, J., 96, 97; cited, 413. Peeten, 312. Perediniae, found at surface, 200. Peridinidae, asymmetry in, 403, 443; member of Dinifera, 404; char- acters of, 405; skeletal variation in genera of, 408, 435, 458; major skeletal characters, 408— 414; plate development in genera of, 416-419, 458; multiplication of plates, 419-423; origin of accessory plates, 439, of dorsal plate patterns, 442. See also Peridinium. Peridiniella, genus, 416. Peridinium, genus, 398, 399; skeletal variations, 403, 408; systematic position, 404, 408; nomenclature of the plates, 405-407. Skeletal characters, 408-414, 459; antapical horn, 409; girdle, 411; plate patterns, 412, figures show- the, 413, 438, 461, 311, ing, 409; size, shape, surface, ete., 414, 459; plate relationships, 414. [526] Plate development, 416-419, 459; exuviation, 417; origin of acces- sory plates, 439, 459. Skeletal variations, regions of, 423, 460; figure showing, 423. Plate patterns, basis for subdivi- sion, 426-428; origin of dorsal, 442, 443; paired area of change, 444; completeness of series of variations, 446-447; variations in length of critical sutures, 448— 450; significance of variation in suture length, 450-456; muta- tions in, 456, 463; influence of environment on, 457, 465. Subdivisions, 428, 435; definition, 436; regions of variation in shell of, 437, 444. Peridinium achromaticum, 432. aciculiferum, 432. adriaticum, 450. anthonyii, 431. bipes, 451. breve, 430. brevipes, 430. cerasus, 429. cinetum, 431. claudicans, 431, 432, 435, 450, 456, 458. eonicoides, 431. conicum, 431, 442, 455. erassipes, 410, 430, 442. forma autumnalis, 430. forma typica, 430. cummingii, 410. curvipes, 413, 429, 430. depressum, 431. divergens, 430, 435, 442, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 454, 463; charts and figures of plate patterns, 415, 422, 423, 425, 429. excentricum, 419, 433, 447. faeroense, 431. globulus, 430. granii, 429, 435, 450, 456, 457. islandicum, 429, 443. laeve, 432. latum, 432. lenticulatum, 430. leonis, 431. marchicum var. javanicum, 432. marsonil, 434. minutum, 432. var. tatihouensis, 434, 459. mite, 413, 430. monacanthus, 430. monospinum, 432. multipunetatum, 432. obtusum, 431. oceanicum, 431, 435, 442, 450, 456, 457, 458. ovatum, 429, 434, 450, 456. pallidum, 429. Index parallelum, 431. paulseni, 433. pellucidum, 429. var. acutum, 429. pentagonum, 431. perrieri, 433. punctulatum, 451. pusillum, 432. quadridens, 432, 441. quarnerense, 430. rectum, 413, 429. roseum, 430. spinosum, 429. steinii, 410, 430, 445. subinermis, 431. tabulatum, 431, 443. tenuissimum, 410. thorianum, 403, 432. tristylum, 429. trochoideum, 432. typus, 431. umbonatum, 432. var. elpatiewskyi, 433. westii, 431. wiesneri, 430. willei, 431. Placoides tenuisculptus, 303, 320, 321. Phalacroma, genus, 405. Pholadidea penita, 308, 312. Pholas pacifieus, 303, 320. Physopsis africana, 488. Phytoplankton, 200. ‘“Plankton concept,’’ 240, 290; valid- ity of, 281—287. Planorbis bahiensis, 488, 489. boissiyi, 488. guadelupensis, 488. olivaceus, 488, 489. Plasmotomy in Giardia microti, 17. Polinices lewisi, 314. Polychaeta, 62. Polymastix, 382. Polynoé californica, 177, 213, 218. complanata, 47. filamentosa, 177, 183. fragilis, 177, 213, showing, 236, 238. lordi, 177, 213, 224; figures show- ing, 236, 238. ocellata, 218. pulehra, 220, 224, 225, 226. remigata, 177. scolopendrina, 221, 226, 227. Polyzioidae, attributes of, 46; resem- blance to Aphroditidae, 46; de- scription, 46; definition of, 174; division of based on distribution, 174; modes of self defense, 211, 228; changes in, 217; power of regeneration, 217; muscular adap- blanee to Aphroditidae, 46; de- vantage of commensal habits, 219; adaptive coloration, 220, 220; figures [527] 999. 225; abyssal species, 222; ecto- parasitic, 224. Distribution of, 46; tables show- ing, 176, 178, 184-190; bathy- metrical, 179, 180, 181, 183; fae- tors in, 191: temperature, 200, 206, ocean currents, 206, winds, 208, chemical composition of water, 209, plasticity (variabil- ity), 213; réle of food in, 211. Food habits, 47, 210, 211; influence of, on mode of life, 211-213. Species of, number, 174; cosmo- politan, 174; littoral, 182; deep water, 183; commensal forms, 213, 215; influence on, of environ- ment, 215, of depth, 215. Polynoidae from the Coast of Cali- fornia, Description of Some New Species of, 45. Polynoidae of the Pacific Coast of North America, Factors Control- ling the Distribution of, 171. ‘*Poreupine’’ expedition, 172. Port Erin Marine Biological Station, Isle of Man, 282, 400. Pottschapel, Saxony, 401. Pouchet, G., 96. Pouchetia, genus, 405. cochlea, 96, 97. cornuta, 96, 97. Prorocentrum, genus, 404. Protoceratium, genus, 416. Protoperidinium, genus, 411. Protozoan Cysts in Mammalian Faeces, A Rapid Method for the Detection of, 145; description of, 147; value of, 148. Prowazek, S. von, cited, 1, 256, 358, 378. Prowazekella. See Prowazekia. Prowazekia lacertae, 345. Psephdia ovalis, 303, 320, 321. Pyrocystis, genus, 405. Pyrophacus, genus, 416, 420, 427. Quatrefage, cited, 62. Raia erinacea, 152, 157. Ramsay, L. N. G., cited, 207. Rankin, EK. P., cited, 330. Reed, A. C., cited, 489. Retzius, G., cited, 129. Ritter, W. E., acknowledgment, 241. Robson, G. A., cited, 487. Rodenwaldt, E., cited, 5, 21. Row, R. W. H., cited, 145, 148. Sacramento-San Joaquin river sys- tem, 32; tables showing dis- charges of, 32, 33. Sagitta bipunctata, 202. Salinity of San Pablo Bay, 383, 35, 39, 42. See also Teredo diegensis. Salpa cabotti, 258, 259, 271. Index Salpa democratica, distribution, con- trol of, 240, 286, 290; questions on, 241; seasonal, 250, 288, ver- tical, 251, 288, surface, 252, 288; relations between temperature and surface distribution, 252- 261, 288, 289, bearing of on morphology, 256, on locomotion, 261; existence of protruding chains, 258, 290. life cycles, 241; relation between season and temperature, 262, be- tween position and temperature, 265; viscosity theory, 269, 290; peculiarities in temperature rela- tions, 274-281, 289. locomotion, theory of, 271, 286; conditions deduced from, 276, 279, 280..- Salpa democratica, Differentials in Behavior of the Two Generations of, Relative to the Temperature of the Sea, 239. Salpa fusiformis, 260, 272. zonaria, 260. San Diego, California, 68, 448. San Francisco Bay, distribution of shipworm in, 27-43; temperature of, compared with that of Chesa- peake Bay, 38; physical charac- ters of, 301; temperature, 302, salinity, 302-303; diversified bot- tom, 303; molluscan fauna of, 303-308; economic considerations concerning, 308-317. San Joaquin and Sacramento river systems, 32, 33. San Pablo Bay, presence of ship- worms in, 29-42; physical con- ditions of, 31; salinity of, 33, 35, 39, 42; temperature of, 36. San Quentin, Point, 316. Sars, M., cited, 172. Sausalito, California, 431, 435. Saxidomus nuttalli, 303, 308, 310, 313, 315, 320, 321. Schistosoma haematobium, 485; in- termediate hosts, and _ larval stages of, 488; cercaria of, 488; position of miracidium, 509; hatching of embryo, 516; ex- cretory system of miracidium, 518. See also S. japonicum; §. mansoni. Schistosoma japonicum, method of transmission, 486; discovery of intermediate host, 487; egg and miracidium of, 514-518; rudi- mentary spine, 514-515. Miracidium, 515; extrusion of oil globules, 516; hatching of em- bryo, 516-517; cephalie glands, 518; exeretory system, 518. See also Schistosoma haematobium; S. mansoni. Schistosoma japonicum, Japanese Blood Fluke, Cercaria of the, 485. Schistosoma mansoni, cereariae of, 488, 489; egg and miracidium of, 509-519; egg shell, 510; figure of egg, 510. Miracidium, shape, 510; cephalic glands, 511; nervous system, 512; excretory system, 513; figures of, 517; flame cells, 513; symmetry, 514; figures of, 511, 512, 513; extrusion of oil globules, 515—- 516. See also 8. japonicum. Schistosomiasis, 487, 489. Schizothaerus nuttalli, 303, 307, 308, 310, 314, 315, 320. Schott, G., cited, 191, 200. Schuberg, A., cited, 378. Schurig, W., quoted, 283. Schitt, F., cited, 411. Seripps Institution for Biological Re- search (Marine Laboratory), 99, 151, 400. Scyllium, genus, 168. eanicula, 479. Scymnus lichia, 152. Seligmann, C. G., cited, 516. Setchell, W. A., cited, 175. Sharp, R. G., cited, 350, 352, 366, 378, 379, 381, 384; quoted, 365. Shipworm. See Teredo diegensis. Shipworm in San Francisco Bay, California. An Unusual Exten- sion of the Distribution of the, 27. Sigerfoos, C. P., quoted, 37. Siliqua nuttalli, 308, 311, 315. Smith, A. J., cited, 516, 517. Solen sicarius, 303, 312, 315, 320. Soule, H. B., U.S.N., member of board for survey of San Francisco Bay, 300. South Africa, 488. Spinax, 168. Spiraulax, genus, 416, 440, 459. Spirostomum ambiguum,: 380. Spisula ecatilliformis, 303, 312, 320. Squalus sucklii, figure showing sub- clavian vein and its relations, 480, 482, 483. Stefanonympha, genus, 383. Stein, F., cited, 368. Stentor coeruleus, 371, 378, 379. niger, 380. Steuer, A., quoted, 282. Sthenelais, 127. Stockard, C. R., 210. Stovaine, effect of, on nerve cord of earthworms, 116, 143. Straub, W., cited, 120, 121, 136, 142. Index Strombidium testaceum, 371. Stylonychia, 341, 356, 378, 380, 381. Styloplotes, genus, 338. Subclavian Vein, The, and Its Rela- tions in HElasmobranch Fishes, 479; studies on, in Heptanchus, Mustelus, and Squalus, 480-483. Sumner, F. B., acknowledgment, 241, 300; member of board for sur- vey of San Francisco Bay, 299. Sumner, et al., cited, 32, 34, 35; acknowledgment, 300. Suzuki, M., 487; cited, 487. Swezy, Olive, 89; acknowledgment, 2, 173, 340; cited, 9, 366, 382, 383. Tellina buttoni, 303, 320, 321. salmonea, 303, 320, 321. Temperature in abyssal waters, 191, in the Pacific Ocean, 191, 192— 197, off the Pacific Coast of North America, 199, 201; factor in distribution of fauna and flora, 200, 202, 208, 205. See also Salpa democratica; San Fran- cisco Bay; San Pablo Bay. Teredo diegensis, absence, and pres- ence, in regions of San Francisco Bay, 27, 28, in San Pablo Bay, 29; activity of, 28, 40, 42; de- struction done by, 29, 30, 37, 39; effect of salinity on, 36, 42; sen- sitiveness of, 41. dilatata, 37. navalis, 37. Thais lamellosa, 303, 304, 305, 307, 320, 322. Thelepus, 216. Thon, K., cited, 380, 384. Tivila crassatelloides, 308. Tower, W. L., cited, 210, 225. Tragosome harrisii, 205. Transmission, The, of Nervous Im- pulses in Relation to Locomotion in the Earthworm, 103. Treadwell, A., acknowledgment, 172. Trichoda, genus, 338. Trichomonas, genus, 382. Tripsolenia, genus, 403. Tsuchiya, I., cited, 486, 487. Turbonilla franciscana, 303, 320, 321. keepi, 303, 320, 321. Turris, ef. incisa, 303, 321. Union Bay, Alaska, 431, 457. United States Bureau of Fisheries, Biological Survey of San Fran- cisco Bay, 299. Unusual Extension of the Distribu- tion of the Shipworm in San Francisco Bay, California, 27. Uronychia, 370, 371, 372. Urosalpinx cinereus, 314, 330. Venezuela, 488. Vogt, C., 95. Vorticella, 363. Walcott, C. D., cited, 171. Wallengren, H., quoted, 371. Webber, H. J., cited, 384. Wenyon, C. M., cited, 1, 21. Werner, H., cited, 1. Westwalde, Germany, 401. Whiting, P. W., cited, 370. Willemoes-Suhm, R., cited, 212. Wilson, C. W., cited, 366, 381, 385. Wooley, P. G., cited, 515. Wyville Thomson’s Ridge, 202. Xylotrya gouldi, 37. setacea, 27. Yamamoto, J., cited, 486. Yes Bay, Alaska, 429, 448. Wocom si Baesolr Zirfaea gabbi, 303, 304, 305, 307, 320, 321, 322. om pee: ee city . joie ? sande 9 wan HSA Pe e se a au a + be Dare ; ; wt 7 f ws A te a y : | ed Suet ew Py ea eh re Pere | rt | ‘i i ; } 4 ie, ABO | i 0 Neer i eee ( 7 , em Er le ee ; Sa mes Re oh U t ia, A ee Bes f ay patie p tier , i i feats: ne tri [se ann) f yh a { oy ' ie ; ’ i y ! i ‘ ' o~ tbe ory. f ve i * ae | ff E ee, an Vi a 1 1 hia * 7 r 4 Ae i ot 1 ‘ i mi ; , 1H a | u ’ : Wey ' i ay : ‘ re 1 i i i ; hy ' i bye Morin’ yo OX . y ay ie Matt i ae r ‘ x De BT ‘3m y i a Pt? i ‘ ri ' * i vial a eee! may e 1 7 en i ~ * AF x e Boa . ‘ : i ' 4 4 ; fay) i 4 Oy wes J ‘ \ 4 i fee z | ; ; rn ’ *F ao i: 1) 5 lll 1 th P i : Pe ig on ' { % ‘ jaar ss y ' r e ~ " ’ ety os a ’ a | A 4 ‘ 7 a | ‘ ‘ @ f a is ‘ ; » . t el Kei on i ‘ ) § i , i . § " = 1 at ' 4 r i Lu eb : 1 ' ’ & 4 . ‘ oy , ' 4 ‘ iy 4 - i } , | f \ ~ a ] iy f be . 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Sean ae Cited aa Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool, Volume 1, 1902-1905, -817 pages: with 98 Dati 83.50 Volume 2 (Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Associa- tion of Ban Diego}, 1904-1906, xwil + 382 pages, with 19 Plates awtrceptaecnaccanloeteeseae, GOUIO Volume 3, 1906-1907, 383 pages, with 23-plates nice tecnmeeeeneee $3.50 ze Volume 4, 1807-1908, £00 pages, with 24 plates: -22.-. cece hcleecennes $8.50 Volume 5, 1908-1910, 440 pages, with 34 plates SEAS EA RUE ieee. $3.50 Volume 6, 1908-1911, 478 pages, with 48 plates 2 “$3.50. Volume 7 (Contributions from. the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology), 1910-1912, 446 pages, with 12 plates 2 PS RULER Copia ES ne Dae ERE EOI a ee ‘Volume 8, 1911,°357 pages, with 25 plates 0. Scams Ae Saas $3.50 . 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March, 1914. 2.40 5, Aplodontia-chryséola, a New Mountain Beaver from the Trinity Region ; of Northern California, by Louise Kellogg. Pp. 295-296. 8. A Previously Undescribed 4 plodontia from the Middle North Coe of California, by Walter P. Taylor. Pp. 297-300. ~~ Nos. 6 and 6 in one cover. April,1914 06 108 7. A Second Species of the Mammalian Genus Microdipodops from Cali Be fornia, by Joseph Grinnell, Pp. 301-304. April, 1914-0)... ea fare 8, Distribution of River Otters in California, with Description of a New Subspecies, by Joseph Grinnell, Pp. 305-310, plate 14. October, 1914 .05 9. Four New Pocket Gophers from California, by Joseph Grinnell. Pp. : 811-816. November, 1914. wee. -10,' Three New Eaces.' of Vespertilionid ‘Bats from “California, “by: ‘Hilda ee Wood Grinnell; Pp. 817-321. December, 1914 2 (05 11. Eutamias sonomae, a New Chipmunk from the Inner Northern Coast / Belt. of California, by. Joseph Grinnell. -Pp, 821-325, 1 text figure. ate January, 1915 2a. 12, Batrachoseps major and -Bufo cognatus californicus, New Amphibia from Sonthern California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 327-334. a7 April; 1915-3 pO eR fe aE Se ys 1 Se 13. Report upon Mammals and 1 Birds found in Portions of Trinity, Siskiyou, and Shasta Counties, California, by Louise Kellogg. Pp. 335-398, plates 15-28. 14, An Analysis of the Vertebrate Fauna of the Trinity Region gf Northern. California, by Joseph Grinnell, Pp.. 401-412. Book = Nos. 13-and 14 in one’cover. January, 1916 «2.0.0: PY = eine 15..The Status of the Beavers of Western North America, with a Oon- Be es sideration of the Factors in their Speciation, by Walter P,. Taylor. ~ Satie ; Pp. 413-495, 22 text-figures. March, 1916: 2.02.22 tenet ten 85 48. Two New Aplodontias from Western North America, Be Walter P. Taylor, Pp. BOT DOT s MLAY, BOB each cate atk pepe pean star eho tem at Oe Wt een een mee ce ee need sone een enencese dares ia ssewenes nares: an nn ,06 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1-26, plate 1 October 16, 1917 MITOSIS IN GIARDIA MICROTI /£S _ [Fe BY ig WILLIAM C. BOECK \ Ma — ae i CONTENTS PAGE TAREE HDS OS ce a ee gee ea eee ae Pere 1 Miaitemialle ar Genbe@ hic We ese: eco: es. 8 oes Seca sce ot ee cou nen een eee eto eee 2 TIEN oS ISY. Cone THAT EC ECON 6 ac Oe ee ee ee Pe ee ee 3 BVA Ty FOL) @ Oey pla ee ere ae ek re we ae ene Whee eros ue ctn ses a aed ee eee ener 4 areas cli OM1es eter eee on ie 2 5 Pa ee ek red Se ae ee 8 VET GOSTS Merete ere cent ee, AS, ete Se ery ean 3 8h ods oleh eM ee ae eet iil TERIA 0 NEE Sacer BES we PRE eer ee 11 ML AGey TY ONES Sete se A RPA aie Pe Ee ee ane eee 16 PNSSEDY OV NEES) = a Sse ee Bee ee oer aoe NR ore ea ee Eee 16 SDRC OES ep a aE RN Ne re Lee Correlations of mitosis with cytoplasmic structures and changes .................-- 18 ING UU OTH OG O Nae UT PO TUS case soe a oe ace fw acs ans nce cannons teeae ae eeese oeeente sestoueeas Sete 19 CONS ERISY cee ested lt at a a a ee OP hee Pe 20 (CRONE CHITSTI OWI) a ee ee ee et ae a RR ESE aE Ee eee 22 VEAL SREY EE A SS oo Le Ree ee UE Eee eee 24 TENS SUSIE ECO LANG Te 0 LE WTS Veena re ie ee ere ONCE Re los ME ek Rep RS Pe 25 INTRODUCTON The investigations of Kofoid and Christiansen (19156) on Giardia muris showed that multiple and binary fission were carried on in the free state of the flagellates as well as during encystment, contrary to the conclusion of Wenyon (1907), Prowazek and Werner (1914) and others. Previous to this work, no evidence had been discovered for the occurrence of multiple fission either in the free state or during encystment. While the investigations on Giardia muris were being carried on, a new species, Giardia microti, was discovered in the mea- dow mouse, Microtus californicus californicus (Peale). In order to affirm further the work of Kofoid and Christiansen with regard to binary fission occurring in the free state of the flagellate and also to set forth the process of mitosis, investigations were made upon this new species, Giardia micrott. 2 University of Califorma Publications in Zoology [ VoL. 18 I wish to acknowledge to Professor Charles A. Kofoid and to Dr. Olive Swezy my appreciation of the help given me in the various fea- tures of this research. MATERIAL AND TECHNIQUE The meadow mice were collected in fields about a mile from the University campus. These fields have an abundant growth of long grass in which the runways of these mice are easily found. In the afternoon the common ‘‘Catch ’em alive’’ traps were set in these run- ways, having been previously baited with crushed barley. The mice were collected the following morning from the traps. Most of the trapping was done during the rainy season, character- istic of winter months around Berkeley, and as a result many of the mice were found dead from exposure in the traps. Often, however, I could not make an examination of these dead mice the same day I col- lected them, but waited until the second day; even then the parasites were often found to be living. Ordinary smears upon cover-slips were employed. These were made by cutting out a piece of the intestine about five millimeters long, moistening it with normal salt solution, and smearing it over the sur- face of the cover-glass. This was done in order to obtain the flagellates which adhere to the mucous lining of the epithelium as well as those in the lumen. Thin smears were prepared from faeces in the rectum and colon, the material being rolled out upon the cover-slip, in normal salt solution. The smears on the cover-slips were fixed in hot Schaudinn’s fluid and stained in aqueous iron haematoxylin. Mallory’s connective-tissue stain was also used. It was of importance in bringing out the neuro- motor apparatus. The intracytoplasmic fibrils stain a bright red therein, but it was not satisfactory as a nuclear stain. Counter-staining with eosin made a clear differentiation between the cytoplasm and the chromatin, and enabled one to trace the course of the flagella, but upon the whole gave no advantage in the study of mitosis. The data in this paper are based on the examination of twenty- three mice, all of which were Microtus californicus californicus (Peale). From the table given below, it will be noticed that four of the mice con- tained no parasites, but that these four had been dead several hours at the time the examination was made. The remaining nineteen mice were infected, thus making a very high rate of infection. 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti 3 TABLE OF INFECTION Slides Infection Series Date Condition of host prepared Colon small intestine Sex 1 10/1/15 Alive Sin hy ies. er Slight 2 13 12730715 Dead several hours 7 ...... Cee eS Slight re fe 27 30/1o) Se Dead several ‘hours Nie 2285. Heavy fe) 155, AVSX0/Als 1D een EGNGIRILNIO TIS) ee eae Jo 16 12/31/15 Dead 2 days Wipe Pater eet: Heavy J 18 12/31/15 Dead 2 days I Poss ES. Sere Fair J 20 1/4/16 Degdrseveral days «© cr tae eas | | eect Q gl 1/6716 Alive O20) Sse Heavy, (cysts) 9 22 1/19/16 Alive Teo Eee eee Slight Q Apeeli2s/16 Dead 1 day EDO ps shack ns Bh aL ee mal he Se Jo 24 1/28/16 Dead 1144 days Of Pend ee eee Fair J 25 1/28/16 Dead 1% days DSS) Ree eee Ge Pe aoe Fair, (cysts) J 26 2/13/16 Alive Gi We settee cha Naas ae Fair Jo 27 = 2/28/16 Dead (time?) See 3, cs Bek oie on, Sag eee 2 28 3/2/16 Alive NG eee eee ener Heavy io) 29 3/4/16 Alive 36 © Cysts Heavy, (cysts) 9? a0) BYVALIVAKG Alive 22 Not examined Heavy J Sil BYAVANG) Alive 6 Hexamitus Slight fe) 32 5/1/16 Alive 12 Not examined Heavy fe) 33 5/8/16 Alive 16 Very few cysts Heavy, (cysts) 9 34 5/16/16 Alive Dare Seb hace Sac eee Fair Q 35 5/16/16 Alive ae er eres Heavy io] 36 2/8/17 Alive 8 Not examined Heavy, (cysts) 9 It would seem from the data set forth in the table that these flagel- lates are very resistant to the degenerative conditions in the tissues of the host which ensue at the time of death. Of the twenty-three mice examined, ten were dead ; of these, six still showed the intestinal flagel- lates present. In two instances the parasites were still living in great numbers, after the host had been dead two days. Giardia microti seems to differ from Giardia muris in resistance, the latter remaining alive for only a few hours, while the former lived for two days. Beeause of this characteristic hardiness, it seems as if they should thrive under cultural conditions. Attempts were made to obtain cultures by placing some of the intestinal contents with normal salt solution in a eell slide sealed with vaseline. The parasites lived for only a short time in the preparations. It will be noticed, from the table, that the duodenum seems to be the natural habitat of these flagellates. In series 29 and 33 a few were found just below the caecum, probably preparing for delayed encystment, or were there through contamination, some forms having remained on the forceps used in the making of previous smears from the duodenum. In series 21, 25, and 29 eysts containing only one 4 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 individual each (pl. 1, fig. 12) were found at the posterior end of the duodenum and close to the caecum; in series 29 and 33 the cysts were found not only in the small intestine but also in the colon and rectum, the smears having been made from the faeces. These cysts showed single individuals with two nuclei (pl.1, fig.12) and the so-called ‘‘eopulation’’ types (Schaudinn, 1903; Rodenwaldt, 1911) with two individuals in the back-to-back, end-to-end position, and a total of four nuclei. The latter type is shown in plate 1, figures 13 and 16. In series 33 and 36, cysts with many nuclei (pl. 1, fig. 14) were very abundant in the small intestine, but only a very few were present in the colon. With regard to the pathogenicity of these parasites, Kofoid and Christiansen (1915b) found that Giardia muris caused a chronic enter- itis; that the walls of the intestine become orange or yellow in color, flaccid and often inflated with gas. In the case of the meadow mouse, a chronic enteritis accompanied by the erosion of the mucous lining, and the disintegration and falling away of epithelial cells and even of whole villi into the lumen, are the main visible pathogenic effects. The gas inflation did not oceur in mice examined by me; this con- dition as found in Peromyscus infected with G. muris is probably due to the presence of certain gas-producing bacteria and not to the pres- ence of the flagellates. There is no evidence at hand that Giardia microti causes a dysentery in the meadow mouse as Giardia intestinalis causes In man. That these parasites in turn undergo parasitism, which leads to deleterious results, is seen in the fact that they are at times covered with rod-like bacteria, many adhering to the flagella and some occur- ring as inclusions within the body itself (pl. 1, figs. 3,15). The identity of these bacteria could not be determined. They occurred in only two series of preparations. They appear to be surrounded by a clear space, filled with a liquid and walled off from the rest of the body by a membrane, or they may be situated in a vacuole. MorPHOLOGY The parasites were found to vary from 6 to 16 in length and from 4.5 to 8u in width. The body as seen from the dorsal or ventral sur- face is pyriform in shape, and, from a partial side view, the dorsal surface or back is arched (pl. 1, fig. 8). The anterior end of the parasite is semi-circular. Posteriorly the body tapers gently or abruptly to form the caudal area. This caudal area is well developed in this species, 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti 5 and presents an appearance not unlike that characteristic of Giardia intestinalis (see Rodenwaldt, 1911). The cytoplasm is finely granulated, sometimes appearing quite uniform in texture, except at the time of and during encystment, when some degree of coarseness is usually present. The cytoplasm in the area of the cytostome and in the triangular halo enclosing the caudal portion of the axostyle and bordered by the intracytoplasmic portions of the posterolateral flagella is of a still finer constituency and more finely granulated than that in the other parts of the body. Compared with G. muris, the species found in eulture mice and Peromyscus gambelt (See Kofoid and Christiansen, 1915b), G. microte is found to be from two to three » longer, but somewhat narrower. Its caudal area is more tapering, resembling that of G. intestinalis as seen in the microphotographs by Rodenwaldt (1911). There is some indi- cation that the cytoplasm of G. microti is more finely granulated than that of G. muris. The parabasal bodies in G. microti are usually slender, elongated bodies, lying dorsal to and across the axostyle, while in G. muris these organs are ellipsoidal bodies lying dorsolaterally on either side of the axostyle. The cytostome in G. microti is seen to extend more nearly to the periphery of the body than that in G. muris. The body contains the following morphological structures: the axostyle, lying medially upon the ventral surfce of the body; two nuclei, in the eytostomal area and near the axostyle; a centrosome, embedded in the nuclear membrane at the anterior pole of each nucleus; the rhizoplasts, connecting the two nuclei with centrosomes and the blepharoplasts and within the nucleus with the central karyo- some; and two blepharoplasts (united by an anterior commissure), situated on the anterior end of the axostyle. A temporary paradesmose stretches between the divided centrosomes of each nucleus at the time of mitosis. The anterior chiasma is the point of intersection of the two anterolateral flagella arising from the blepharoplasts. These flagella after leaving this point pass to the side opposite that from which they originated. The anterior and posterior peristomal fibrils border the periphery of the cytostome; the anterior right and left fibrils are thicker than the posterior fibrils. The parabasal bodies, composed of one or two bands of chromatic material, are situated in the posterior third of the body, and lie upon the dorsal surface of the axostyle. There are eight flagella: a pair of anterolaterals which border the anterolateral edges of the animal; a pair of posterolaterals whose intracytoplasmic portions bound the outer lmits of the clearer cyto- 6 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 plasm in the caudal area; a pair of caudal flagella which arise from the posterior tip of the axostyle or axostyles; and a pair of free ven- trals, arising upon the axostyle a short distance back from the ble- pharoplasts. Basal granules are sometimes visible at the posterior end of the axostyle, and where the free parts of the anterolateral flagella emerge from the cytoplasm (pl. 1, fig. 2). The separate structures enumerated above may now be treated more fully, as to structures, position, and possible function. The two oval-shaped nuclei le on either side of the axostyle in the eytostomal area. In the resting stage (pl. 1, fig.1) each nucleus con- tains a central ovoid karyosome surrounded by a hyaline space, which in turn is enclosed by a very definite nuclear membrane. I could find no signs of peripheral chromatin in the nuclei. The major axes of the nuclei are slightly directed toward each other anteriorly. The karyosome is connected to the centrosome on the nuclear membrane at the anterior pole by a small intranuclear rhizoplast; and the centro- some in turn is connected with the blepharoplast by a small extra- nuclear rhizoplast (pl. 1, fig. 1). By means of these rhizoplasts and the anterior commissure, the nucleus, centrosome, blepharoplast, and flag- ella of one side are connected with those of the other side, thus form- ing one integrated system, designated by Kofoid and Christiansen (1915) as the neuromotor system. The centrosome of each nucleus, previous to division, varies in size ; it lies on the nuclear membrane at the anterior pole of the nucleus. The centrosome of each nucleus is connected by a slender rhizoplast with the nearest blepharoplast at the head of the axostyle. When the axostyle splits, the anterior commissure may for a time remain intact, thus connecting the blepharoplasts of each new axostyle head; and when the axostyle is not split it appears as a fibril making possible the establishment (pl. 1, fig. 1) of direct connection between the karyo- some of one nucleus and the karyosome of the other nucleus. A paradesmose was best demonstrated with Mallory’s connective tissue stain ; this fibril connects the two divided centrosomes of each nucleus and always hes outside of but closely applied to the nuclear mem- brane (pl. 1, figs. 5, 6, 7). It is a recurrent cell organ in this species. The two blepharoplasts united by a fibril, the anterior commissure, le embedded in the material at the head of the axostyle. The blepharo- plasts appear to initiate mitosis, for they are the first organelles to divide and are followed by the cleavage of the axostyle. That this is the case is evidenced by the large number of forms having a partial 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti ft separation of the axostyle, but as yet there is no mitotic change in the nucleus, or a cleavage of the centrosome. This, however, as will be shown later, is the final step of the preceding mitosis. When the ble- pharoplasts divide, resulting in two smaller blepharoplasts on each axostyle head, there may be also a splitting of the anterolateral flagella extending from the blepharoplasts to the anterior chiasma, although this condition is variable (pl. 1, figs. 9, 17). Of the eight flagella, the anterolaterals, arising from the blepharo- plasts, proceed anteriorly, cross each other to form the anterior chiasma, and then, going to the sides opposite to their place of origin, lie in the anterior peristome. The intracytoplasmic portions of these flagella fuse or partially coalesce with the anterior peristomal fibrils, and are seen to proceed backward, each one later emerging from a basal granule as a free flagellum. Often the anterolateral flagella fuse or partially coalesce with the anterior peristomal fibrils, thus causing these fibrils to be wider than in their usual state (pl. 1, figs. eT): The pair of posterolateral flagella seem to arise, as has been said before, at a point on the axostyle a short distance back from the ble- pharoplasts. This is contrary to the findings of Benson (1908), who pictures each intracytoplasmic portion as having a special point of origin, a basal granule situated alongside of the blepharoplasts. But the evidence on hand in my material does not confirm his findings. As these flagella continue posteriorly in their course, they diverge from the axostyle at an angle of 20° to 30° in a lateral direction. The intra- cytoplasmic portion is more rigid and thicker than that part of the flagellum which continues outward as a free whip. There is no basal granule discernible at the end of the intracytoplasmic portion. These intracytoplasmic portions of the posterolateral flagella are close to the surface of the cytoplasm. Observations of living forms show them to be active, as scull-like propellers in the locomotion of the parasite. They vibrate in a co-ordinated wavelike manner from side to side, the vibration starting at the origin of each intracytoplasmic portion and continuing outward to the end of the flagellum. This movement is possibly due to the extreme plasticity of the caudal area of the flagellate’s body. At no time were the intracytoplasmic parts seen to be separated from the body. The pair of free ventral flagella take origin at or near the same point at which the posterolateral flagella arise, but they have no intra- cytoplasmic portions. In locomotion they are seen to trail behind, and 8 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 like the other flagella vibrate in the characteristic wave-like manner, the waves always progressing anteroposteriorly. The axostyle lies on the ventral floor extending from the caudal area anteriorly, well into the cytostomal area. It lies in the median plane. Bensen (1908) describes the axostyle as double, composed of two chromatinic rods; the blepharoplasts situated at their anterior extremities, each rod continuing posteriorly in a free flagellum. But according to investigations of Kofoid and Christiansen (1915a and b) there is more evidence to show that the axostyle is a single rodlike structure and not a double one, for throughout their study of mitosis in Giardia muris they found that the axostyle split, forming new ones for the new individuals. In no ease did they find four rods, as must be the result of splitting had the axostyle been composed of two rods as Bensen (1908b) believed. My work on Giardia microti confirms on this point the findings of Kofoid and Christiansen. The axostyle may now be said to consist of a single rod, terminating anteriorly with the two blepharoplasts and posteriorly with the two caudal flagella. It is but a single undivided rod except as mitosis approaches. In many eases a basal granule can be seen at the point at which the posterior or caudal flagella take origin (pl. 1, figs. 2,7). It would seem quite justifiable to regard the axostyle as the intracytoplasmic por- tion of the caudal flagella, and therefore probably of flagellar origin (Kofoid and Swezy, 1915). When the axostyle has completely split, one flagellum goes to each daughter axostyle (pl. 1, fig. 9) ; the contin- uity of the intracytoplasmic portions with each caudal flagellum is easily followed. The axostyle was never observed free from the body of the flagellate. It is very flexible and may bend upward and downward or to either side, acting in such a way as to direct the course of the flagellate in locomotion. PARABASAL BopIES The parabasal bodies, composed of one broad, or two narrow bands of deeply-staining material which in some cases appear to be fused in one body, are situated dorsal to the axostyle and at the end of the ante- rior two-thirds of the body (pl. 1, fig. 1). These organs he in a median plane, extending either to the right or left of the axostyle. In figure 8 it seems to le directly upon the axostyle, or (as in figure 12) it may be connected with the axostyle by one or more slender fibrils. It plays no part in mitotic activity. The character of these bodies in Giardia microti has a striking resemblance to that of similar structures found in G. intestinalis (see Rodenwaldt, 1911). Rodenwaldt (1911) 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti 9 expresses no theory as to the functions of these bodies, but believed their presence to be a criterion for determining the age of the flagel- lates. He says that the bodies are present in old forms and not in young forms. This conclusion, however, is unwarranted from the study of G. muris (Kofoid and Christiansen, 1915b)) and from my study of G. microti, for both small and large forms may be found without this organ. In another group of organisms, the trichomonad flagellates, the parabasal rod is correlated with the well-developed undulating mem- brane (Kofoid and Swezy, 1915). They found that ‘‘in the absence of such a localized area the parabasal body or homologue is often more condensed (not however in trypanosomes) and lies nearer the blepharo- plast and nucleus, as in Parajoenia.’’ Their final conclusions, how- ever, are that its function is ‘‘not primarily skeletal, or supporting, but rather connected with the metabolism of, and possibly also with the control of, the motor activity.’’ With regard to the function of the parabasal bodies in Giardia microti an hypothesis may be made based on the evidence revealed in the study of both the vegetative and encysted forms. From this study I am led to believe that these parabasal bodies are conveniences on the part of the flagellate for coping with the intestinal medium in which it lives; that they are connected with the motor activity and in rela- tion to the metabolism of the flagellate. Most vegetative forms have this organ well developed, but oeca- sionally some will lack it and they may be either large or small forms (pl. 1, fig. 10) ; some forms show the organ to be small in size (pl. 1, figs. 4,11). There are three explanations for these differences: First, an investigation of the parabasals during enecystment reveals the evi- dence that at the end of encystment the bodies are very faint (pl. 1, fig. 14) or entirely absent (pl. 1, figs. 13, 16), so that when plasmotomy occurs the daughter individuals would lack this organ (pl. 1, fig. 13) ; this would explain the absence of this organ in small forms which recently have been the products of plasmotomy and have not had as yet sufficient time for the organization of these bodies. Secondly, the organ may be fading out due to exhaustion from excessive activity on the part of the host—either motor or mitotic activity in some cases (pl. 1, figs. 10, 11) ; this may be true in large individuals which may not show evidence of mitosis. Thirdly, its absence may be due to the non-absorption of the stain, due to the biochemical state the bodies were in at the time of the preparation of the material. 10 University of Califorma Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 Figs. A-O. Mitosis in Giardia microti Kofoid and Christiansen. Diagram- matic presentation of the nuclei figured of the individuals illustrated in plate 1. X 11,000 approximately. . Prophase figs. A-K; metaphase fig. L; anaphase figs. M—N; telophase, figs. N-O. Fig. A. Typical resting stage of nucleus; ellipsoidal karyosome with connect- ing intranuclear rhizoplast to centrosome. Fig. B. Mitosis begun; karyosome elongated, extension of linin to posterior periphery of nucleus in the major axis. Fig. C. Knotlike spireme formed by contraction of chromatin at various points, initiating the formation of chromosomes. Fig. D. Spireme band, showing longitudinal split progressing anteriorly- posteriorly. Fig. E. Each spireme strand segmenting into four chromosomes, the action progressing from the centrosome posteriorly. Fig. F. Eight or tetraploid number of chromosomes completely formed. Fig. G. Dispersal of chromosomes. Centrosome has divided, one portion migrating to posterior pole of nucleus; paradesmose on outside of nuclear membrane. Fig. H. Dispersal of chromosomes, linin connecting fibril, paradesmose present. Fig. I. Anterior chromosomes serially homologous, or sisters, pair with each other. Linin connecting fibrils and paradesmose still present. Fig. J. Pseudosynapsis, in a side-by-side or parasynaptie union of sister cLromosomes completed, forming four bivalent chromatinie masses. Linin sus- pending the four masses and paradesmose present. Fig. K. Four chromatinic masses; paradesmose present; linin assuming spindle-like form. Fig. L. Four chromatinie masses on spindle formed from linin. Chromosomes dividing apparently in a transverse plane, but in what probably marks the end of a longitudinal division; paradesmose no longer visible. Fig. M. Showing chromosomes after their division on the spindle, beginning their migration to their respective poles of the nucleus. Fig. N. Chromosomes at each pole fused into single mass; constriction of nuclear membrane. Fig. O. End of mitosis; two rounded nuclei with central karyosome. Upper nucleus showing rhizoplast from centrosome to blepharoplast (not figured). 1917] _ Boeck: Mitosis mm Grardia microti ule The evidence for the connection of the parabasal bodies with motor activity is mostly morphological in that this organ is found directly upon the axostyle, a unit of the motor apparatus of the free vegetative organism. Often these connections can be demonstrated in the cysts (pl. 1, fig. 12) ; here the connections are very slender fibrils. By far the best evidence for the metabolic nature and relationship existing between the parabasal bodies and the organism as a whole is gained from a study of the cysts. It was found that all forms encysting had the parabasal bodies, but that they became very much hyper- trophied (pl. 1, fig. 12). This is explained by the fact that by virtue of encystment all motor activity is slowed down or ceases, and so the draft upon the reserve food-supply in the parabasal bodies decreases or stops and the bodies temporarily enlarge until absorption of food is cut off by the cyst-wall. They then decrease slowly and even disap- pear. This view gains more evidence when it is found that in those eysts in which binary fission of the flagellate had been completed the parabasal bodies were lacking (pl. 1, figs. 18, 16) and also that in the multinucleate cysts these bodies were either very faint (pl. 1, fig. 14) or entirely lacking; in explanation, the bodies had become physically exhausted because of the metabolic activity which must necessarily have taken place in the cyst, while the original source of food-supply had been progressively cut off. That these bodies are conveniences to cope with the varying intestinal medium would appear to be established since thus far it has been found that only the entoparasitic organisms have these parabasal bodies well developed. MITOSIS Mitosis in Giardia microti presents stages characteristic of the pro- phase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase which are in many respects homologous to these phases of mitosis in Metazoa. PROPHASE The prophase, in which the chromatin is getting ready for its equal division in the metaphase, is especially marked by the complexity of nuclear changes, most of which occur previous to the division of the centrosomes which is the forerunner and initiator of mitosis in the Metazoa. At the time when the first mitotic activity occurs, the division of the blepharoplasts and the beginning of the splitting of the axostyle 12 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 has been completed (pl. 1, fig. 2), but these cytoplasmic changes have come about long before the division of the centrosome (pl. 1, figs. 5, 6, 7). The division of the blepharoplast in trichomonad flagellates ini- tiates mitosis, and the question now arises as to the significance of this division in Giardia microti at the time when mitosis has begun, yet previous to the division of the centrosomes. If we consider that Giardia has evolved as a two-celled individual from a unicellular trichomonad flagellate which had undergone mitosis but no plasmotomy or division of the cytoplasmic body, then this point can be easily explained. In the mitosis of trichomonad flagellates, as has been said before, the blepharoplasts initiate mitosis by dividing and forming a paradesmose between the two daughter blepharoplasts ; these blepharoplasts become the poles of the spindle. They appear in func- tion to be centrosomes as well. However, they still act as the central point at which the new undulating membrane and the new flagella will form and so must be considered blepharoplasts (see Kofoid and Swezy, 1915). It is very significant that in the anaphase these daughter blepharoplasts temporarily divide to form two smaller gran- ules, one a ‘‘centrosome’’ and the other a ‘‘basal’’ granule or blepharo- plast with the paradesmose connecting the basal granules or blepharo- plasts. This paradesmose in all probability corresponds in part to the anterior commissure in Giardia microti, the fibril connecting the two blepharoplasts (pl. 1, fig. 1), which has here become a permanent structure. It is thus evident that Giardia is a two-celled animal derived from a trichomonad flagellate which had gone through mitosis but not plasmotomy. In the trichomonad flagellates these new centro- somes are only temporary structures and in the telophase the separated centrosome and blepharoplast reunite to become the permanent ble- pharoplast. Hence this blepharoplast contains the centrosome. In Giardia this fusion of the centrosome and blepharoplast has not taken place, but the separation is permanent, each centrosome occupying a position on the nuclear membrane at the anterior pole of each nucleus while the blepharoplast becomes a separate organ at the head of the axostyle (pl. 1, fig. 1). Now then, when the axostyle does divide at the time of mitosis in the prophase in Giardia, this division represents only the delayed division of this part which would ordinarily have taken place in the trichomonad stage of the organism after the completion of mitosis. This structure is now divided to provide the two axostyles of the new daughter individuals which will later separate after mitosis by plas- 1917] Bocck: Mitosis in Giardia microti 13 motomy. A large central, ellipsoidal karyosome, connected by an achromatic fibril, linin in nature, to the centrosome (pl. 1, fig. 1; text- fig. A) is characteristic of each nucleus in the resting stage. The first mitotic change in the prophase consists of the extension of this nin fibril posteriorly to a point on the nuclear membrane (pl. 1, fig. 1; text-fig. B) and the expansion of the chromatin of the karyosome to form a long, slender, ellipsodial karyosome. It is to be noted that thus far the nuclear changes have been of such a nature as to make more pronounced a polarity in the nucleus. This is marked by the extension of the linin fibril posteriorly and the expansion of the chromatin anteriorly and posteriorly on it. This polarity of the nucleus can be followed in later stages. It is related to the polarity exhibited by the cytoplasmic structures, especially to the main axial structure, the axostyle, which defines the poles and main axis of the body of the organism itself, although the axes of the two nuclei are not quite parallel to this major axis of the body. The longitudinal and what appears to be an equivalent splitting of this spireme to form two single, somewhat ragged spireme strands in each nucleus soon follows (pl. 1, fig. 3; text-fig. D). The splitting begins in the area adjacent to the centrosome and proceeds posteriorly and completely through the spireme band. These two spireme strands in each nucleus soon show the beginnings of the differentiation of the chromosomes by localized knotting up of the substance, which exhibits itself first at the end nearest the centrosome (pl. 1, fig. 3, right nucleus; text-fig. D). Thus from this progressive action in the split- ting of the spireme and in the formation of the chromosomes, the cen- trosome, the center of mitotic activity, exerts its influence on the mitotic process. After the formation of the split spireme, localized contraction and tranverse segmentation of the chromatin on these strands ensues to form four chromosomes from each strand, or eight chromosomes for the tetraploid number of each nucleus (pl. 1, fig. 6; text-fig. F). An intermediate stage shows the chromosomes first completely formed nearest the centrosome, again giving evidence of the fact that mitotic activity proceeds from the still undivided centrosome, as though under its influence, towards the opposite pole. The chromosomes are seen to be connected end to end by linin fibrils, forming two chains of four chromosomes each. These chains are in most cases parallel to the major axis of the nucleus, thus maintaining the same polarity (pl. 1, figs. 4, 5, 6). 14 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 It is significant to note here that the chromosomes arrange them- selves into two groups of four each and that the line of separation. is at the equator of the nucleus (pl. 1, fig. 5; text-fig. F). This suggests the possibility of a biparental origin of the chromosomes, and indicates the probability of the occurrence of sexual reproduction in Giardia, but there is as yet no evidence for this assumption. The lnin con- necting fibrils between chromosomes are present at this stage of mitosis. The chromosomes appear to be oblong in shape, about 0.3 long and about 0.24 in width. The chromosomes derived from a single spireme strand in a nucleus show immediately after their formation a tendency to pair off with the adjacent chromosomes derived from the other spireme strand of the same nucleus (pl. 1, fig. 5; text-fig. F). The chromosomes appear to be very much alike in shape and size. More evidence for polarity within the nucleus is displayed by the chromosomes in that their long axes are parallel to the long axis of the nucleus itself, as the chromosomes are differentiated in two linear axial lines in the nucleus (pl. 1, fig. 5; text-figs. F, G). Thus far it must be noted that all these mitotic changes, including the formation of the eight or tetraploid number of completely divided chromosomes, have taken place before the division of the centrosome or any evidence of activity therein, and that throughout the process thus far all nuclear changes have consistently displayed a polarity related to that of the polarity of the nucleus itself and of the organism as a whole in the direction comparable to that of the axial gradient of Child. On the division of the centrosome of each nucleus at this time, one daughter centrosome remains fixed while the other one migrates to a point on the periphery of the nucleus at the opposite pole 180° from its original situation, and here marks the posterior pole of the spindle to be formed later (pl. 1, fig. 5; text-fig. G). A paradesmose lying outside the nucleus but closely applied to the nuclear membrane is formed as a connecting fibril between the two daughter centrosomes. The chromosomes at this stage, as has been previously stated, may often be seen to be still connected in an end-to-end manner by linin fibrils, but there is a tendency now for them to disperse throughout the nucleus; this progressive stage and the one preceding are often found in the two nuclei of the same individual (pl. 1, fig. 5). Because of this dispersal there is given the opportunity for a rearrangement of the chromosomes different from that of their first order, but there 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti 15 seems, however, a tendency for them to return later to approximately the same position as that which they occupied in the split spireme when first formed. The uppermost chromosome of each spireme band comes to lie side by side with its mate of the opposite strand (pl. 1, fig. 6; text-fig. 1). Lower chromosomes continue this pseudosynaptie side- by-side pairing. After this pairing a rather intimate lateral fusion of these pairs takes place. This is a fusion on a plane identical, or at least parallel, with that of their original separation. What is prob- ably the beginning of this pairing and fusion of chromosomes number 1 is seen in the uppermost end of the left nucleus in figure 6 (plate 1), while the same chromosomes in the right nucleus also appear to be approaching each other. The end result of this fusion is four chroma- tinie masses, each composed of two chromosomes which have previously split and then fused (pl. 1, fig. 7; text-figs. J, K). Here again there is evidence that each one of these masses is so situated that its long axis 1s still nearly the same as that of the nucleus and approximately that of the whole cytoplasmic body. This is also true for plane of fusion, which is parallel to the plane which involves the long axis (pl. 1, fig. 7; text-fig. J). The spindle is now formed from the linin of the nucleus. Just previous to spindle formation the linin is a central mass upon which the four chromatinic masses are situated (pl. 1, fig. 7; text-figs. J. K). Often it seems to be shaping itself into a spindle-like structure approaching prematurely the structure of the later spindle (pl. 1, fig. 7, left nucleus). The spindle may partially or entirely fill the nucleus (pl. 1, figs. 8,9). The condition in which the spindle partially fills the nucleus is probably due to plasmolysis at the time of the fixa- tion of the material. With spindle formation, these four chromatinic masses come down into the equatorial plate (pl. 1, fig. 8; text-fig. L). On the spindle they appear to be elongated and to be getting ready for tranverse divi- sion in the metaphase. Because of the position of these chromatinic masses on the spindle it is probable that when the chromosomes pre- viously fused side by side (pl. 1, fig. 7) they next began to pull apart at one end and this proceeded more and more until finally these chromosomal members of each chromatinic mass came to an end-to-end position, though still fused in that region and are shown in this stage (pl. 1, fig. 8) in the equatorial plate on the spindle ready for final separation at the close of the metaphase. This pairing of chromosomes and their subsequent fusion might 16 University of Californa Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 be called a pseudosynaptic phenomenon. There is no evidence that a true synapsis occurs in any premitotic phases observed by me, more- over, thus far no sexual reproduction has been discovered in Giardia. Since, however, each chromosome seems to show a tendency in this stage in ordinary vegetative mitosis to fuse with the corresponding chromosome of its sister spireme strand, this relationship is strictly one devoid of all true synaptic relations, and so can be looked upon as wholly pseudosynapsis. METAPHASE. The four chromatinic masses now at the equator of the spindle appear to divide by transverse constriction through the center of each mass (pl. 1, fig. 8; text-fig. J); the division is equal. It results in the re-formation of eight chromosomes, two each from the four masses formed from four chromosomes which had previously split and then come together and fused. But, as has been said before, this apparent transverse division of these four chromatinie masses is not true trans- verse fission, but is rather an end-to-end separation, the completion of a division along a longitudinal plane which is identical with the plane of fusion of the two chromosomes. Again the chromosomes seem to be of uniform size (pl. 2, fig. 9) and there is evidence here of their recent separation from other chromosomes (pl. 2, fig. 9, left nucleus). For convenience we may consider the chromosomes in this nucleus in the right and left hemi- spheres. The two chromosomes above the equator in the right hemi- sphere were probably separated from the two chromosomes below the equator in the same hemisphere. Likewise the two chromosomes above the equator in the left hemisphere were separated from the other two chromosomes below the equator of the same hemisphere. It is possible that these four chromosomes in the left hemisphere which are farther separated from each other than those in the right hemisphere are the upper chromosome pairs, and that, as in previous stages they were formed first because of their proximity to the centrosome, so here, not for the same reason, but because of their holding on to their prop- erty of priority of change, they have been the first to become separated and already have migrated farther than those in the right hemisphere. ANAPHASE This phase is noted by the migration of the chromosomes to the poles of the spindle. The beginning of this phase shows the individual chromosomes near each other subsequent to the division in the meta- phase (pl. 1, fig. 9; text-fig. M). Often inequality of nuclear changes 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti LZ on the two sides of the organism occurs. This is exemplified in figure 9, where the left nucleus is in the anaphase, and the right nucleus dis- plays the four chromatic masses previous to their arrangement at the equator of the spindle. Another case, earlier in mitosis, is seen in figure 5. The chromosomes in the course of their migration fuse into two chromatinic masses, one mass going to either pole (pl. 1, fig. 10; text- fig. N). TELOPHASE With the formation of each chromatinie mass produced by the fusion of four chromosomes at each pole, the nuclear membrane begins to constrict (pl. 1, fig. 10; text-fig. N). The completion of this process results in two daughter nuclei (pl. 1, fig. 11; text-fig. O) on each side of the body. The upper two may still be connected by the small extra nuclear rhizoplast to the blepharoplast nearest each centrosome; the intranuclear rhizoplast as yet has not been differentiated (pl. 1, fig. 11) but undoubtedly occurs later as an outgrowth from the linin sup- porting the karyosomes. The reconstruction of the nuclei except for this intranuclear rhizoplast is thus completed. The linin of the spindle has again collected to form the network upon which the chromatin of the karyosome is suspended. Mitosis is now completed and is to be followed by plasmotomy. PLASMOTOMY Plasmotomy, or the division of the parent cytoplasmic body to form two daughter individuals, is not well understood. Only two cases were found in my material, one of which is figured (pl. 1, fig. 15). But from the study of these two stages and from like study upon Giardia muris by Kofoid and Christiansen (1915b), the plane of cleavage appears to be longitudinal, and the last point of cohesion of the two daughter flagellates to be at their caudal areas. This would result in the equipment of each daughter flagellate with two of the daughter nuclei, an axostyle, and a complete peristome. Whether or not this is the method in the ease pictured in this paper (pl. 1, fig. 15) cannot be definitely determined, for the anterior peris- tomal fibrils of the lower daughter flagellate are fainter than those of the upper but this may be due to the non-absorption of the stain. The division of the cytoplasmic body is not equal in this case, but this again is similar to cases found in Giardia muris (Kofoid and Chris- tiansen, 1915d). 18 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 CORRELATION OF MITOSIS WITH CYTOPLASMIC STRUCTURES AND CHANGES That there are effects or changes possible in the cytoplasm which can be correlated with mitotie activity taking place in the nucleus is probably not doubted by any cytologist, but owing to the fact that this problem of finding these correlations in the cells of Metazoa and Pro- tozoa alike is wrapped up with biochemical and physiological com- plexities, investigation in this field is attended with many difficulties. In the Protozoa, although the biochemical and physiological conditions are as complex as are those of metazoan cells, yet certain definite corre- lations between mitosis and cytoplasmic structures and changes can be the more readily detected because of the unusual development of cytoplasmic organs in these lower organisms. The first change to be noted is the division of the blepharoplasts and axostyle at the beginning of the prophase. This division of the axostyle, as has been said in the discussion of mitosis, represents the delayed division of this cytoplasmic organ following and belonging to a previous mitosis. It is a cytoplasmic phenomenon which precedes or initiates the next nuclear divisions, although it is completely detached, except for the rhizoplast, from the centrosome. The phenomenon of polarity exhibited by the chromatin in its arrangement during the prophase, as well as the direction of the major axis of the spindle, is very significant in that for the most part it is definitely related to the polarity of the body as a whole. Not only was the single knotlike spireme nearly parallel to the major axis of the nucleus, but also the two split spireme strands, and the major axes of the chromosomes when they were completely formed. Very significant in importance is the seeming influence of the centrosome. It was previously noted under mitosis that in the pro- phase the distribution of the chromatin of the karyosome proceeded along the axis or rhizoplast originating in the centrosome and extended distally in this axis to the opposite pole to form the single axially located spireme. Again, when this spireme split, the split proceeded from a point in the chromatin nearest the centrosome posteriorly ; likewise when the chromosomes were formed the first ones to be com- pleted by segmentation of the spireme strands were located near the centrosomes. The centrosome, even before its division, by the behavior of the chromatin gave evidence of its potential influence over the mitotic process. The entire number of eight chromosomes was, how- 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti 19 ever, completely formed previous to the division of the centrosomes, but their final separation, after the previous parallel fusion in pairs, came as it does in mitosis of Metazoa, after the centrosomes had divided. The behavior of the blepharoplasts, and axostyle, the distribution of the chromatin in the nucleus, and the influence of the cytoplasmic structures, the centrosomes afford clear morphological evidence for the correlation of mitotic activity with changes in the cytoplasm. NEuRoMoTOR APPARATUS The evidence of the presence of a unified system of structures which may be closely associated with the motor and sensory activi- ties of Giardia was brought forward by Kofoid and Christiansen (1915a,b). They called this system the neuromotor apparatus. In Giardia microti this same system appears, and here may be’ briefly described. Figure 1, plate 1, is indicative of what is present in all forms. The neuromotor apparatus may be conceived as consti- tuting here a union of the fibrillar system with the nuclear system. As has been said before, the two nuclei are connected together by rhizo- plasts, which on their route join the centrosomes and the blepharo- plasts. The blepharoplasts together constitute the center of the fibrillar system. Connected to the axostyle are the anterior and posterior peristomal fibrils, the posterolateral flagella by means of intracyto- plasmic portions, then the free ventral flagella, the pair of caudal flagella, and the parabasal bodies. The anterolateral flagella arise from the blepharoplasts. Thus all the fibrillar and motor parts are con- nected directly to the blepharoplasts, or indirectly by means of the axostyle, and, since the blepharoplasts are connected directly with the centrosomes and nuclei, there exists a definite integration into a single system of both the nuclear and fibrillar structures. The great- est metabolic activity takes place in the cytostomal area, and here we find the neuromotor apparatus conspicuously in evidence by virtue of the continuous fibril (peristomal fibril) bordering this area. This condition is analogous to the condition found in metazoan animals, such as trematodes and cestodes, wherein we find the presence of nerye-rings associated with sucker-like organs of attachment. Because of the close association of this unified system with the areas of motor and metabolic activities, these regions presupposing the existence of structures for the accommodation of motor and possible sensory 20 University of Californa Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 impulses, this unified system has been compared to the nervous sys- tem of metazoans, and is probably more closely allied to the mechanism of the reflex are, and therefore called the neuromotor apparatus. The fibrils stain red in Mallory’s connective-tissue stain, which is char- acteristic of nervous fibrils in the Metazoa. The neuromotor apparatus forms one entire integrated system for regulating and controlling the motor activities of the organism. The fibrillar division of this apparatus, composed of the eight flagella and their intracytoplasmic portions, are the organelles for locomotion. In the study of living forms all flagella are seen to vibrate synchronously and with the same rapidity when the flagellate lies upon its dorsum. The members of each pair of flagella vibrate together and at the same rate. The axostyle also undulates, as do the intracytoplasmic portions of the posterolateral flagella, the waves of vibration commencing at their proximal ends and continuing outward to the ends of the free flagella. When an increased rate of locomotion takes place it results from increased activity of all the flagella. It appears that the course of the animal in locomotion is directed by the tail, which acts as a rudder bending up and down, or from side to side. When the flagel- late comes in contact with an obstacle the axostyle, because of its rigidity, serves as a lever to push away from the impediment. The turning or rotating movement of the flagellate in locomotion is due to the combination of three factors—the concavity present between the intracytoplasmic portions of the posterolateral flagella; the action of the axostyle in bending up and down and from side to side ; and the position and increased activity of the flagella; the direc- tion of their stroke, whether straight back or oblique, is dependent on the position of the flagella, an oblique direction of the stroke tend- ing to rotate the organism (pl. 1, fig. 8). Cysts The eysts of G. microti are ellipsoidal in shape, varying in size from 6.7x8.5u to 7x13.34. In all eases these cysts are easily identified by the thick, firm cyst-wall and the scattered remains, now and then still intact, of the parabasal bodies and of the neuromotor apparatus. The cysts occur both in the small and large intestine, but predomi- nantly in the latter. Many of the cysts show a condensation of the protoplasm and its withdrawal from the eyst-wall (pl. 1, figs. 18, 16). This is probably due to plasmolysis at the time of fixation in the prepa- ration of the material. 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti PAL These cysts of Giardia were identified very early by various workers, among them Grassi and Schweiakoff (1888), Wenyon (1907), Bensen 1908), and Rodenwaldt (1911). Because of the various morphological aspects which these cysts present during different stages in their development, certain stages have received names designating them as definite types of cysts. Prior to the appearance of the paper ‘‘On Binary and Multiple Fission in Giardia muris’’ by Kofoid and Christiansen (1915b), only three types of cysts were identified. The first type, ‘‘single indi- vidual’’ cysts (pl. 1, fig. 12), was described by the early investigators, Wenyon (1907), Bensen (1908) and others. The second type, or ‘‘binary fission’’ cyst, contained four nuclei, and direct evidence for the cleavage of the body to form two individuals (pl. 1, fig. 16). The cysts containing four nuclei were seen by Wenyon (1907) and Roden- waldt (1911). The third type, the ‘‘copulation’’ eyst, included those in which two individuals were found (pl. 1, fig. 13). These differed from the second type in that the organisms, although separate, appeared to be in a state of partial fusion, suggesting copulation. Schaudinn (1903), in a footnote, refers to Giardia cysts in which he found two individuals adhering to each other by their cytostomal areas, and interpreted this act as one of copulation. It is from this interpretation that this type has received the name of ‘‘copulation’’ cyst. It was the prevalent view previous to the paper by Kofoid and Christiansen (1915b) that reproduction in Giardia took place only within the cysts, for no binary or multiple fission of these organisms had been seen in the free state. This paper, representing the results of work on Giardia muris, revealed evidence of the occurrence of binary and multiple fission in both the free and encysted states of Giardia muris. The work of Kofoid and Christiansen also disclosed another type of cyst which may be ealled the ‘‘multinucleate’’ cyst, for in it were found as many as sixteen nuclei. This type was also found in Giardia microti by the same workers (see Kofoid and Chris- tiansen 1915a). The question was raised by these authors whether certain of these multinucleate cysts with unequal nuclei might repre- sent possible maturation stages or whether the multinucleate condi- tion present was due to ‘‘multiple fission of two individuals in the stage of advanced plasmotomy.’’ In the light of the evidence upon eysts gathered in my work on G. microti, the four enumerated types of eysts would seem to resolve 22 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 themselves into only three types. The first, that of the ‘‘single indi- vidual’’ cysts (pl. 1, fig. 12), the second, ‘‘binary’’ cysts (pl. 1, figs. 13, 16), and the last the ‘‘multinucleate’’ cysts (pl. 1, fig. 14). The binary cyst is In all probability the same as the so-called ‘‘copulation’’ cyst; in the latter case complete separation of the cytoplasmic bodies has oceurred, while in the former the cleavage of the parent body is still in process. In the results of my study of the ‘‘multinucleate’’ cysts there are no grounds for attributing maturation phenomena to the parasite after encystment. No evidence was found which could be interpreted as progressive fusion of two individuals in a eyst; and when nuclei appeared larger, it was because they had another division to undergo; furthermore, no evidence for a reduction of the four ancestral chromo- somes to two chromosomes was ever found; the chromatin content appeared equal for all the sixteen nuclei. The sixteen nuclei came, therefore, as a result of multiple fission, three progressive divisions having taken place. CONCLUSIONS 1. Mitosis in Giardia microti presents phases characteristic of mitosis in Metazoa, viz., prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. The normal number of chromosomes is four. 2. The nuclear membrane of each nucleus persists during the entire process of mitosis. 3. The prophase presents many peculiar and complex nuclear changes: (a) The karyosome elongates to form a single spireme band sup- ported by a linin-hke substance in the main axis of the nucleus. (b) The single spireme band in each nucleus splits longitudinally from the centrosome distally to form two spireme strands. (c) Each spireme strand segments to form four chromosomes. The segmentation proceeds from the region of the centrosome poste- riorly, due to the probable influence of the centrosome. (d) Through all these stages the chromatin in its distribution on the spireme exhibits a polarity related to that of the body of the flagel- late; the long axis of the chromosomes also shows this polarity. (e) The eight chromosomes formed appear at first in two groups of four chromosomes each, one group above the equator of the nucleus and the other group below, suggesting biparental origin. 1917] Boeck: Mitosis in Giardia microti 23 (f) The chromosomes are about 0.34 in length and narrower in width, uniform in size and show little or no differentiation. 4. The centrosomes divide after the formation of the eight chromo- somes; a paradesmose is formed between the daughter centrosomes, one of which migrates 180° and the other stays fixed at the position of the parent centrosome. 5. Dispersal of the chromosomes in the nucleus takes place, fol- lowed by their pairing in an order which seems to be that of their former splitting and constriction in the spireme strands. The upper- most chromosome of one spireme strand fuses with its mate of the sister spireme strand, ete. This is a pseudosynaptic phenomenon. 6. The four chromatic masses thus formed come down on to the spindle formed from the linin. 7. Later the chromosomes of each mass all appear in an end-to- end position before final separation in the metaphase. 8. In the metaphase, what is apparently a transverse division of the chromatic mass to form the equivalent and uniform chromosomes, is in reality the end of a longitudinal splitting which commenced pre- vious to or at the time of the metaphase. The original plane of fusion becomes the plane of division in the metaphase. 9. In the anaphase the four chromosomes migrating to either pole in each nucleus fuse to form a chromatic mass near each pole of each nucleus. 10. Completion of the constriction of the nuclear membrane results in four daughter nuclei in which reconstruction has taken place. 11. The division of the axostyle prior to mitosis represents the eyto- plasmic change of a previous mitosis. 12. All changes in mitosis are closely correlated with structural changes in the cytoplasm. 13. The cysts may be grouped under three types: (a) ‘‘single indi- vidual’’ cysts; (b) ‘‘binary fission’’ eysts; (c) ‘‘multinucleate’’ cysts ; no stages were found in the material studied which were indicative of copulation on the part of the individuals and the fusion of their nuclei, or of maturative phenomena. 14. The organelles of the fibrillar system, together with the two nuclei and their related structures, present a single unified and inte- grated complex, which constitutes the neuromotor apparatus. Transmitted March 9, 1917. 24 University of Californa Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 LITERATURE CITED BENSEN, W. 1908. Bau und Arten der Gattung Lamblia. Zeitschr. Hyg. u. Infekt., 61, 109-114, 6 figs. in text. GRASSI, B. and SCHEUIAKOFF, W. 1888. Beitrige zur Kenntnis des Megastoma entericum. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 46, 143-154, pl. 1. Koro, C. A., and CHRISTIANSEN, E. B. 1915a. On Giardia microti sp. noy. from the meadow mouse. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 16, 23-29, 1 fig. in text. 1915b. On binary and multiple fission in Giardia muris (Grassi). Ibid., 16, 30-54, pls. 5-8, 1 fig. in text. Kororp, C. A. and Swezy, O. 1915. Mitosis and multiple fission in trichomonad flagellates. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., 51, 290-378, pls. 1-8, 1 fig. in text. PROWAZEK, S. v., and WERNER, H. 1914. Zur Kenntniss der sog. Flagellaten. Arch Schiff— u. Tropenhyg., 18, Beiheft 5, 155-170, pl. 10, 1 fig. in text. RODENWALDT, E. 1911. Flagellaten (Trichomonas, Lamblia) in Prowazek Handbuch der patho- genen Protozoen, 1, 78-97, pl. 3, 9 figs. in text. SCHAUDINN, F. 1903. Untersuchungen tber die Fortflanzung einiger Rhizopoden. Arb. kais. Gesundh., 19, 547-576. WENYON, C. M. 1907. Observations on the Protozoa in the intestine of mice. Arch. Prot., Suppl. 1, 169-201, pls. 10-12, 1 fig. in text. was if ‘ Pai Ww cs vei aN : i ath 7 an i os ae nn D ne halt We Wn tn ae: pi VB i) Patan Cae oie OEE HR Se, ne i Ge g ioe bar bien}: nt a a ey, A ¥ ie i” a i i _ n | pape hi ie 04 a he : ; , Vt % ; i : i y var’ i "2 f wa iF hy : ao : ; [ on he on EXPLANATION OF PLATES All figures of Giardia microti, Kofoid and Christiansen, drawn with camera lucida from smear preparations as described in paper. Magnification 2,750. Full length of flagella not shown in many figures. PLATE 1 Fig. 1. Ventral view, trophozoite in resting stage; note basal granules of anterolateral flagella and the axostyle as a single rod. Fig. 2. Ventral view showing elongated karyosome and linin extension; basal granules for caudal flagella. Fig. 35. Ventral view, prophase—knot-like spireme, and split in right nucleus—stage previous to segmentation of spireme bands to form tetraploid number of chromosomes. Parabasal; bacterial inclusions. Fig. 4. Ventral view, prophase—spireme of two strands; contraction of chromatin to form chromosomes, axostyle partially split, parabasal body. Fig. 5. Ventral view, prophase—precocious splitting to form eight chromo- somes or tetraploid number. In left nucleus separation of chromosomes to show possible ancestral origin. Linin fibrils between chromosomes; paradesmose. Fig. 6. Ventral view, prophase—precocious splitting of double spireme band of each nucleus, forming tetraploid number of chromosomes, paradesmose Fig. 7. Ventral view, prophase—four chromatinic masses resulting from fusion of the tetraploid number by pairs and their consequent contraction into single mass; centrosome divided; axostyle partially divided; basal granules. Fig. 8. Lateroventral view, late prophase—four contracted chromatinic masses at the equator. Fig. 9. Ventral view, metaphase—equatorial plate in right nucleus; eight chromosomes. Axostyle divided, blepharoplasts divided and formation of new anterolateral flagella as far forward as chiasma. Right nucleus in prophase. Fig. 10. Ventral view, late anaphase or early telophase—chromosomes fused at poles. Nuclear membrane constricting. Axostyle almost completely split. Fig. 11. Ventral view, telophase completed—four nuclei; small parabasal. Fig. 12. Dorsal or ventral view, ‘‘single individual’’ eyst—large para- basals with connectives to axostyle. Fig. 13. Lateral view, so-called ‘‘copulation’’ cyst, but in reality the end- result of binary fission. New organelles differentiating. Fig. 14. Dorsal or ventral view, ‘‘multinucleate’’ cyst—sixteen nuclei; remains of two neuromotor apparatuses; parabasals. Fig. 15. Ventral view, binary fission—axostyles partially split; anterior peristomal fibres of lower individual faint because of body being turned back- ward. Bacterial inclusions. Fig. 16. Dorsal or ventral view, ‘‘binary fission’’ cyst—four nuclei; two sets of neuromotor apparatuses. Fig. 17. Ventral view, metaphase—new anterolateral flagella as far as chiasma; splitting of posterolateral flagella; equatorial plate formation. [26] (BOECK) PLATE 1 18 UNIV. CALIF. PUBL. ZOOL. VOL. UNIVERSITY OF. CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS (Continued 17. Notes on the Local Distribution and Habits of the Amphibians. and Bg he 4 3 he EB Sem RAS SRR AGE He ean Oe Se Me aaa toa Sand we oe a Index, pp. 545-558. 1-20, plates.1-2. April, 1914... mesa ee tare te in Mi i fo Study of the Occurrence and ‘Manner of “Distribution “ot ‘the Crano- ue April, AGIs: oe os Cg Sg POSE Sk ca. $e A New Self-Regulating Paraffin Bath, by o. “W. Woodworth. “Pp. 39- 42.2 text-figures. . April, 1914 2 See es ; ast ~ _&. Diplodinium ecaudatum, with an Account of Tits N ‘euromotor A Apparatus, ; by Robert G. Sharp. Pp. 43-122, plates 8-7, 4 text figures. May, San Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly. Po. 128-145. May, 1914... 6. The Anatomy of Heterodontus francisci. I. The Exoskeleton, by J. esis 2B eS es a 7 eta oasis eR ORs = le NC See OOM SRR or ah Neate Ni hee eo PNR Frog, by 8. J. Holmes, Pp. 167-174, plate 10.. August, 1914 : Zoological Museum of the. University of California, by Aaron. L. Se Treadwail. Pp. 175-234, plates 11-12... « pos ot . 9 New Syllidac from San Francisco Bay -(collected by the U: 8.8. Osa Sea ~~ oo 0s **AYbatross’’), by Aaron L. Treadwell. Pp. 235-238, 7 text figures. Nos. 8 and 9:in one cover. October, 1914.20.20 ee 10. Note on the Medusan Genus Stomoldphus, from San Diego, by Heury B.. Bigelow. Pp.’ 239-241. ‘September, 1914 5.2.2 ae GG eeueue nomic ‘Significance, by Asa C. Chandler. Pp, 243-446, plates 13-17, e 3 ips WP COKE ALO ULES. S PLOT AN od ON Gop ns ae ed Sonya agape dened ait Ih phan wablaneiaeade 12. Anatomical Adaptations in the Thoracie Limb of the California Pocket ~-- 494, plates 38-39, 20 text-fignres,: Biaren, 1916 98. Notes on the Natural History and Behavior of Emerita analoga (Stimp- are son),. by Harold Tupper. Mead. Pp. 431-438, i text figure. ne ey : 5 0 he se yen cee ieee IN es oe mines ee ony Ree oe Re Seen S Sie ote -Ascidians of the Littoral Zone of Southern. California, by William E. Ritter and Ruth A. Forsyth. Pp. 439-512, plates 38-46. Angust, 1917. 1. : Vou: aT: 4, Diagnoses of Seven New Mammals from East-Central California, “by Sane Joseph Grinnell: and Tracy_I. Storer. Pp. 1-8. a, A New Bat of the Genus Myotis from the High Sierra Nevada of Cali- re E: fornia, by Hilda Wood Grinnell. Pp. 9-10. ae Nol i apd 2 in one covers “Auonst 1916 = : 3. Spelerpes platycephalus, a New Alpine Salamander from the. Yosemite National Park, - California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 11-14. Sep- Bese Bie tep ti] eYsY Sd GS op Bas tip a Re SH a eR Cet op ere emer eer ee 4, A New Spermophile from the. San J See Valley, California, ‘with. uae Notes: on Ammospermophilus nelsoni. nelsont Merriam, by.- Walter Be Taylor. Pp. 15-20, 1 figure in text. October, 1916 2 5. Habits and Food of the Roadrunner in California, by Harold ©. “Bryant aS oe ome Pp, 21-58, plates 1-4, 2 figures in text. -October, 1916 _-_. aS Sapam 6. Description of Biufo-canorus, a New-Toad from the Yosemite National Geist Park, by Charlies Lewis Camp. = 59- 62,. 4 figures in text: Novem: oe Neh eg WOR & Seas Bok oe Gf Ouse iui Sa Ren Sl Perens Nh Ore ances emote -.7.-The Subspecies of - Sceloporis seeientae. ‘with Description of a New ngs “Form from the Sierra Nevada and Systematic Notes on Other Cali- | - aah fornia Lizards; by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 63-74. December, 1916 ~ .10 > 3, Osteological Relationships of ‘Three Species of Beavers, py F. HEV ES, : “Holden, Pp. 75-114; plates 5-12, 18 text figures. 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A Report upom the Physical Conditions in San Francisco Bay, Based — 1-20; platea ‘I-25. “April,-19)4 <5 SSS Se Se ee 2A Study of the Occurrence and Manner of Distribution of the Ctano- apie phora of the San Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 21-38. | Piri TOs a se iS a ee ewes | Signe - A 8. A New. Self-Regulating Paraffin Bath, by C. W. Woodworth. Pp. 89. : &% 425° 9 text- Ogres: April 1814-2 ee Se ee et oe 4, Diplodinium ecaudatum, with an Account of Its Neuromotor Apparatus, 5 by Robert G: Sharp....Pp. 43-122, plates 3-7, 4 text figures. May, — HER TOS ae Na a a Se SON a a re ee : i; &. The Vertical Distribution and Movements of tho Schizopoda of the ets ee San Diego Region, by Calvin 0, Esterly. Pp. 123-145. May, 1914... © .20. 6. The Anatomy of Heterodontus francisct. I. The Exoskeleton, by J. Frank Daniel. Pp. 147-166, plates 8-9, 4 text figures. May 23, os on 1914 . Soa oe nie eee lee Sateen BE Sot hig) 7. The Movements and. ‘Reactions of ‘the. ‘Tsolated ‘Melanophores of the Frog, by 8. 3. Holmes, .Pp. 167-174, plate 10.. August, 1914 22.0. «10 &. Polychastous Annelids of the Pacific Coast in the Collections of the Zoological Museum of ‘the University of California, by Aaron L. Treadwell. Pp. 175-234, plates 11-12. ®. New Syliidse from San Francisco Bay (collected by the U. 8. 8. ** Albatross’”), by Aaron L, Treadwell. Pp. 235-238, 7 text figures. Nos. 8 and 9 in one cover. October, 1914 x20. OB 10. Note on the Medusan Genus Stomolephus, from San Diego, by Henry _ xs B. Bigelow. “Pp. 239-241. September, 1914 222.3... ~~ 08" - a 13; A Study of the Structure of Feathers, with Reference to their Tax0- : nomic Significance, by Asa ©, Chandler. Pp. 243- 446, plates 13-17, 7 text-feures,: So eg Se ccc ca eaaed Rega ea ce ee Scene ias 19, Some Phases of Spermatogenesis in the Mouse, by Harry B. Yocom. A eee iD Di tar aos DL OUs) ADUAEY), LON by oe age ee a ae ee 20, Specificity in Behavior and the Relation Between Habits in Nature and Reactions in the Laboratory, by Calvin O. Esterly.- Pp. 381-392. March, 1917 peticustenes SPE ct EE EE yas ble ARNE Rea cP ee OF tk le Ce raise 2.28 1,00 si ce 10 UNIVERSITY OF. CALIFORNIA PUBLICATION &—(Continued) - . The Occurrence ofa Rhythm in the Geotropism of. ‘Two Species of Plankton Copepods When Certain Recurring External Conditions: are ; if Absent, by Calvin O.-Esterly. Pp. 393-400, March, 1917 222. 22. On Some New Species of Aphroditidae from the Coast of California, 3 by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 401-430, plates 31-37. March, OAS ote 2 23. Notes on the Natural History and Behavior of Emerita analoga (Stimp- son), by Harold Tupper: Mead. Pp. 431-458, 1 text. figure. April,” ae OB acne 2 ae a Fe SaaS VED te A ae Sa ie es afte see eS 24. Ascidians of the Littoral Zone of Southern California, by William. E. Ritter and Ruth A. Forsyth. Pp. 439-512, plates 38-46. August, 1917 — Vol. 17. 1. Diagnoses of Seven New Mamnials from East-Central California, be = Joseph Grinnell and Tracy I. Storer. Pp. 1-8. — Se 2. A New Bat of the Genus Myotis from the High Sierra Nevada of Cali- fake fornia, by Hilda Wood Grinnell. Pp. 9-10. Nos, 1 and 2in one cover. August, 1916 OChOMENS A Od Tok as as pe ren aad Roa A conde a hae aaa eta op na eee eT de 2. An Unusual Extension of the Distribution of the Shipworm in San Francisco Bay, California, by. Albert L. Barrows, Pp. 27-43. De- . COmber, TOE ie. se a os pet ee ara Sasi anion apna Sacer 8. Description of Some New Species of Ralyhoeine From the Coast of: California, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 45-60, plates 2-3, October, : Bi) By Pagal SS al eR PN es at ae ed RRC Ta aga NE ae RE eR IS Ay NG A naa ne LS mer ae 4. New Species of Aphinomidae From the Pacific Coast, by Christine ater - Essenberg. Pp. CLA plates 4-5. October, eee Se Racca ea tar ees bo: fy Be eet Peet Lagi geiaee RN Soepeaye me UNIVERSITY oF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS | Wote.—The Univerrity of California Publications are offered in exchange for the publt. eations of learmed societies and institutions, universities and libraries. Complete Lists of all the publications of the University. will be sent upon request. For sample copies, lists bat of publications or other information, address the Manager of the University Press, Berkeley; . « Galifornia, U. 8. A. All matter sent in exchange should. be addressed to The Exchange 3 Department, University Library, Berkeley, Cobternis, Ge BAS’ Se 3 ZOOLOGY.—W.. E. ‘Ritter and ©. A. Kofoid, Editors, Price per volun: $3.50; beginning with vol. 11, $5.00. This series Contains the contributions from the Department of Zoology, from we Marine Laboratory of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research, at La Jolla, Oalifornia, and from the California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in barat Cited aa Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. sok VYolume 1, 1902-1905, 317 pages, with 28 plates ee eee cg ee ee =e Volnme 2 (Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Associa- .. tion of San Diego), 1904-1906, xvii + $82 esas With -19 “plates <3... 2s $3.50. 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The Schizopoda of the San Diego Region, by Calvin O; Ester'y. Pp. 1320<-pintes 0-2. A arate st Ne area eed 2. A Study of the Occurrence and Manner of Distribution of the Creno- phora of the San Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp 21-38. PTI AON esp FS ee ES RN Na ei ec ee ae A New Self-Regulating Paraffin Bath, by C. W. Woodworth. Pp. 39- AQ 2: LOxt- figupess “Aprils TO UM sce 2s Ck elke SO sen ere . Diplodinium ecaudatum, with an Account of Its Neuromotor Apparatus, by Robert G. Sharp. Pp. 43-122, plates 3-7, 4 text figures. May, DN ec ea i oe Biri oe a Gay ees ee ee Oe ae eee B. The Vertical Distribution and Movements of the Schizopoda of the San Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 123-145. May, 1914... 6. The Anatomy of Heterodontus francisci. I. The Exoskeleton, by J. Frank Daniel. Pp. 147-166, plates 8-9, 4 text figures. May 23, - 3 62) SRR i Fie Pace ec ee AV ae oe Sa ira eer ee AN gE en i peg ay We UMEDE DPR tS ena 7. The Movements and Reactions of the Isolated Melanophores of the Frog, by 8. J. Holmes. Pp. 167-174, plate 10. August, 1914 -2 8. Polychaetous Annelids of the Pacific Coast in the Collections of the Zoological Museum of the University of California, by Aaron L. Treadwell. Pp. 175-234, plates 11-12. 9. New Syllidae from San Francisco Bay (collected by the U.S. 8. ‘*Albatross’’), by Aaron L. Treadwell. Pp. 235-238, 7 text figures. — Nos. 8 and 9-in.one cover. October, 1914 <0. uo0 coin ee ~ 10. Note. on the Medusan Genus Stomolophus, from San Diego, by Henry — B. Bigelow. Pp. 239-241. September, 1914 wie il. A Study of the Structure of Feathers, with Reference to their Taxo- : nomic Significance, by Asa ©. Chandler. Pp, 243-446, plates 13-17, - (texte Rguress, April OG 8308 a3 a ae cee sac eee a cen geade eases 12. Anatomical Adaptations in the Thoracic Limb of the California Pocket Gopher and. Other Rodents, by Charles Daniel Holliger. .Pp. 447- 494, plates 38-39, 20 text-fisures. March, 1916 -o2...c.oo cette tees 18. The Inheritance of Extra Bristles in Drosophila Melanogaster Meig., by Edna M. Reeves. Pp. 495-515, 1 figure in text. December, 1916........ - Vol. 14. 1. A Report upom the Physical Conditions in San Francisco Bay, Based upon the Operations of the United States Fisheries Steamer ‘‘Alba- tross’’ during the Years 1912 and 1913, by F. B. Sumner, G. D. Louderback, W. L. Schmitt, BE. 0. Johnston. Pp. 1-198, plates 1-15, 20 text figures. Uuly, 1914 a ees Pas soso ese = 4 i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 45-60, plates 2-3 October 17, 1917 DESCRIPTION OF SOME NEW SPECIES OF POLYNOIDAE FROM THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA /< : BY f. 5 oh CHRISTINE ESSENBERG \ CONTENTS PAGE DEAN ETRY GUY CR EO ees SN ee en Sos tls SS eee 45 ANU SION A CSG UES TASS see eee eer ee en SS Sere eee 45 Generaladescriptionmotetlies Poly oielee ooo seas ce: ace ese oe nee eee angen see een 46 DESCRIP ULOMY Ol PNG Wa SPOOLS iecsceeseeec ees mea SE ey ak ES ee ecco 48 SUPP eAaysAaMOVe). || NOVAS KSHIST SY D5 ANON rece ee ea ear eee ere ne ace 48 EaTMO toe ey O MMS OMIha Ss Dee Ml OV re ese toa. wae <2 2 =-22 30 -a8ace conta coos saeseed ees pearance teats eats oaccnctsnce 50 Halosydna macrocephala, sp. MOV. ..........-..---------+---2c2--sneeeeceeeeteneteeceneecencnancerenntaccnenene 53 JOURS RADU RS) | LONE ssc cose ae ee Rn ey oe 56 EEXoTOL CATT ALT OTIN MO fag VEC Stas < estate cere esc ce bie cantare che udb bs cbacedeeenccee ee apnea eae eer os ctnteese 58 INTRODUCTION In 1897 Dr. H. P. Johnson reported that there were thirteen species of Polynoidae on the Pacific Coast. The number of species has increased since that time to about fifty. The purpose of this paper is to add to that list some species which have not been described by any of the previous workers. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The work was carried on in the Zoological Laboratory of the University of California. The writer wishes to express her sincere gratitude to Professor Charles A. Kofoid for his interest and valuable criticisms of this work. 46 University of Califorma Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE POLYNOIDAE The Polynoidae are widely distributed, occurring in boreal, tem- perate and tropical zones; in shallow waters and in depths beyond 3000 fathoms. A few species are cosmopolitan, occurring in all oceans, but for the most part each particular area harbors its char- acteristic species; species common around San Diego Bay are not found in San Francisco Bay, but their place is taken by other species. The Polynoidae were classified by the early workers as a genus or several genera of Aphroditidae. The recent workers, however, with a few exceptions, are following Kinberg’s (1857) plan in classifying the Polynoidae as an independent family. The Polynoidae resemble the Aphroditidae in certain characteristics. In the first place, they bear seales, or elytra, which are arranged in the same order as in Aphrodi- tidae, occurring on segments 2, 4, 5, and on all alternate segments to segment 23. Thence posteriorly the arrangement of elytra is less regular. In the second place all elytroferous segments are devoid of dorsal cirri. The peristomal segment bears the first parapodia. On the other hand, the Polynoidae differ from the Aphroditidae in some essential characteristics. The shape of the body of the Polynoidae is more oblong than that of Aphroditidae, varying in length in dif- ferent species. The lateral and the felt fibers are absent in Poly- noidae. The parapodia are biramous and distinct from the main body. The prostomium is bilobed and convex. The facial caruncle is absent. The eyes, instead of being borne on peduncles, are placed farther posteriad on the prostomial lobe. The base of the median tentacle is inserted in the anterior fissure of the prostomial lobe. Two additional lateral tentacles are present. The proboscis is mus- cular and exsertile with a chitinous armature. The chitinous jaws are strongly developed. The setae are of two or more kinds and are more complex than those of the Aphroditidae. The nephridial papil- lae open ventrally at the base of the parapodia. The shape, size, and color of the body of the Polynoidae may vary according to the conditions and the environment in which the indi- viduals live. Hence these characteristics do not always furnish a reliable basis for classification. The following may serve as an illus- tration. While at the Seripps Institution for Biological Research at La Jolla, I had opportunity to compare specimens of Polynoé pulchra which had been taken from different hosts. The specimens that came 1917 | Essenberg: New Species of Polynoidae 47 from a holothurian, Stichopus californicus, were brown in color, while the specimens found on the key-hole limpet Lucapina crenulata were dark, with conspicuous black rings on the elytra. At certain times the body of the worm may be filled with ova and greatly expanded, giving the worm a different appearance. The elytra do not extend far enough in that case to cover the entire dorsum. However, some characteristics are constant, furnishing a reliable basis for classification. Among these are the shape and the relative size of the prostomium, the size and location of the eyes, the relative length and structure of the cirri and of the palpi, the structure of the setae, the shape and relative size of the corresponding parapodia, and to some extent the number and structure of the elytra. The last characteristic may not be true of long worms, such as Lepidosthenia gigas. The number of elytra may vary in this ease in different individuals. The Polynoidae are voracious feeders, attacking one another when in captivity. The writer had a number of specimens of Polynoé cali- formca in an aquarium, where the food supply was scarce. The worms attacked one another with their strongly developed jaws, displacing the elytra or removing entire posterior segments of their companions. The material used in this work was from the annelid collection of the Zoological Museum of the University of California at Berkeley. In the material of that collection some species were found that had not been mentioned previously in Treadwell’s (1914) summary of the polychaetous annelids of the Pacific Coast. These were: Polynoé com: planata Johnson, which I found labelled Harmothoé imbricata, and a number of specimens of Halosydna lagunae Hamilton, which were labelled as Lepidonotus caelorus. Halosydna carinata Moore, reported by A. Treadwell (1914) as being in the collection, was not there; some specimens labelled Harmothoé carinata did not agree with the characteristics of Harmothoé carinata. The writer had the opportunity of comparing a specimen of Harmothoé carinata, which Dr. J. P. Moore had the kindness to send to us, with the specimens labelled Harmothoé carinata Moore, in the Zoological Museum at Berkeley. Some EHunoe barbata were found labelled as Harmothoé crassicirrata. 48 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 DESCRIPTION OF NEW SPECIES The species of Polynoidae in these collections were mostly well known or previously described. The following species, Harmothoe bonitensis, Harmothoé johnsoni, and Halosydna macrocephala, are new. Harmothoé bonitensis sp. nov. : Pegs: de ; Description—A rather small-sized polynoid; the 32 anterior seg- ments measuring 25 mm. in length, and the width at the widest part of the body, between the tenth and twelfth segments, is 5mm. The dorso-ventral diameter is 1 mm. The worm is very much flattened dorso-ventrally and rounded at both ends. The anterior parapodia are shorter than those toward the central portion of the body. Thus the anterior end appears narrower, increasing in width up to the twelfth segment, where the maximum width is reached. The width decreases then gradually toward the posterior end. The color of the body is yellowish gray. There are only 32 anterior segments. The extreme posterior segments are missing. The prostomium (pl. 2, fig. 1) is deeply fissured, with prominent acuminated peaks. The length of the prostomium is two-thirds of the width. The four pairs of eyes are comparatively large. The anterior eyes are situated in the widest part of the prostomium near the dorso- lateral margin. They are pointed anteriorly and laterally. The posterior eyes are smaller and are situated near the posterior end of the prostomium. They are closer together medially, and look poste- riorly and upward. The cirratophore of the median tentacle is promi- nent, inserted between the prostomial lobes. The style of the median tentacle is missing. In this specimen the short lateral tentacles arise from short cirratophores, ventrad and mediad of the acuminated peaks. Their length is about two-thirds that of the prostomium. The palpi are white, stout at the base, decreasing in diameter very grad- ually and terminating in fine tips. Their length is nearly five times the length of the prostomium. They are densely covered with club- shaped sensory cilia, which are arranged spirally. The cirratophores of the peristomial cirri are long, equal in length to the prostomium, but the styles are missing. The dorsal cirri of the other segments (pl. 2, fig. 5) are white, of medium length, their tips extending to 1917] Essenberg: New Species of Polynoidae 49 the tips of the longest setae, covered with short, club-shaped papillae. The ventral cirri are short and fusiform. The parapodia (pl. 2, fig. 5) are biramous. Each ramus is sup- ported by an aciculum. The ventral ramus is by far the more promi- nent, forming a triangle and ending in a narrow projection. The dorsal ramus or notopodium is less prominent, ending in a long, finger-like projection, through which the aciculum projects. The neurosetae are very numerous, 40 to 50, varying in size and structure. The ventral-most setae (pl. 2, figs. 9 and 10) are the shortest, about one-half the length of the long setae, with less con- spicuous serrations. The setae increase in length and complexity toward the dorsum. The long neurosetae (pl. 2, fig. 11) are slender and the serrations are conspicuous. The ventral setae have a strong subterminal tooth, and curved, pointed tips. The dorsal setae are also very numerous (about 50 or more). In their arrangement they give the appearance of a fan. They are arranged in six or more rows. The ventral setae are the longest, being about three times the length of the long notosetae, decreasing in length dorso-anteriorly. The setae are curved, ending bluntly, their distal ends, except the extreme tips, being covered with fine serrations, which are more pronounced on the convex side. The postero-ventral setae (pl. 2, figs. 6 and 7) are long and stout, about one-half the width of the body. The extreme dorso-anterior notosetae (pl. 2, fig. 8) are very short, strongly curved, with but a few serrations on the convex side. Between these extreme dorsal and ventral setae all gradations of size occur. The color of the setae is golden yellow. Their arrangement is such that in each suc- ceeding row the setae curve in opposite directions. This arrangement may be of some service as a protection for the animal. There are fifteen pairs of elytra (pl. 2, figs. 2 and 3) covering the greater part of the dorsum, except the narrow median line, which is partly exposed. They occur on segments 2, 4, 5, and on all alternate segments to 25; then on 26, 29 and 32. The first pair of elytra (pl. 2, fig. 2) are nearly orbicular; the rest are reniform. They are densely covered with brown, spinous protuberances (pl. 2, fig. 4). These pro- tuberances are club-shaped and covered with secondary projections. Numerous soft, white projections are scattered over the elytra. These projections are of the same shape as the marginal fringes, many exceeding the latter in length. The marginal fringes are confined to the postero-lateral margin only. A few large, soft tubercles are found near the lateral margin of the elytra. 50 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 Comparison.—A single example of this species is in the Zoological Museum of the University of California. It bears some resemblance to Harmothoé triannulata Moore (1910). Especially the shape and structure of the elytra, as far as can be judged from figures and descriptions of J. P. Moore, have a great resemblance. There is also some similarity in the setae of the two species. There are, how- ever, some characteristic differences in the general shape of the body, the shape of the prostomium, of the cirri, and of other structures. The body. of Harmothoé triannulata, according to Moore’s deserip- tion, is deep, while in Harmothoé bonitensis it is very much flattened and thin dorso-ventrally. The palpi are comparatively short and smooth in Harmothoé triannulata, approximately less than three times the length of the prostomium; in Harmothoé bonitensis the palpi are long (about five times the length of the prostomium) and are covered with spirally arranged rows of spines. The dorsal cirri of Harmothoé triannulata are covered with more conspicuous spines resembling more the cirri of Harmothoé hirsuta, while in Harmothoé bonitensis the spines are inconspicuous. In Harmothoé triannulata the notosetae are ‘‘moderate in number, forming an inconspicuous, depressed whorl’’; in Harmothoé bonitensis, they are very numerous, forming a conspicuous whorl (see pl. 2, fig. 3). The setae are some- what similar in shape in both Harmothoé triannulata and H. boni- tensis, except the short, strongly curved notosetae of Harmothoé bonitensis (pl. 2, fig. 8) have no representatives in the figures for Harmothoé triannulata given by Moore. The distal ends of the neu- rosetae of Harmothoé triannulata are more slender and uniform in diameter, while those of Harmothoé bonitensis decrease in diameter gradually toward the tips. Occurrence.—The specimen was found near Bonita Point at Station D 5846 at lat. 89° N, in a depth of 45-50 fathoms in the col- lection of the Survey of San Francisco Bay, made by the United States Bureau of Fisheries, April 7, 1913. This description is pub- lished by the kind permission of the Commission of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. Harmothoé johnsoni sp. nov. Pl. 2, figs. 12-17; pl. 3, figs. 18-21 Description—The worm is flattened, but comparatively deep dorso-ventrally, the depth of the body bemg 4 mm. The color in the aleoholic specimen is gray. The dorsum is covered with large, 1917 | Essenberg: New Species of Polynoidae ik widely overlapping elytra. The dorsal and ventral surfaces are con- vex and the thirty-seven segments are well marked. The length of the body is 35 mm., and the width, including the setae is 14 mm. in the widest part of the body between segments 15 and 16. From these segments the body alternates very gradually towards both ends, more strongly towards the posterior end. The width of the body, excluding the setae and parapodia, is about one-third of the entire width, the length of each parapodium including setae being equal to the width of the body, or the parapodia and setae make up two-thirds of the entire width of the body. The prostomium (pl. 2, fig. 12) is deep and broad; the length of the prostomium being only about two-thirds of the width. It is deeply fissured with acuminated anterior peaks. There are two pairs of comparatively small and equal-sized eyes. The anterior eyes are anterior to the widest part of the prostomium, while the posterior pair are near the center of the prostomium, about two-thirds of the distance from the anterior margin. The style of the median tentacle is missing. The strongly developed cirratophore is deeply inserted between the prostomial lobes. The lateral tentacles arise from prominent cirratophores. The styles are very short, being only slightly longer than the cirratophores. The leneth of the lateral tentacles, including the styles and cirratophores is about one-third of that of the prostomium. The palpi are stout and uniform in width near the base attenuating very gradually toward the distal ends. They are round and perfectly smooth without any papillae or cilia, shghtly longer than the peristomial cirri. The parapodia (pl. 2, fig. 14) are long, their length being equal to the width of the body, biramous, each ramus terminating in a nar- row, finger-like projection, and is supported by a strong dark brown aciculum. The cirratophores of the dorsal cirri are very long, their length being about one-third of that of the style. The latter decreases very gradually in diameter toward the distal end, terminating in a fine filamentous tip. The neurocirrus occurs on all segments and consists of a strong cirratophore and a fusiform style. The setae are numerous, from 70-100 on each parapodium. They are distinctly of three kinds, with gradations between, in size, as well as in structure. They are longest towards the center, decreasing in length ventrally and dorsally. The neurosetae (pl. 2, figs. 16 and 17) are long and slender, the longest neurosetae being equal in length to that of the parapodium and are twice the length of the stout noto- 52 University of California Publications in Zoology _[Vou. 18 setae. The subdistal end is covered with strong serrations, while the slender extreme distal portion and also the greater part of the proximal end is entirely smooth without any serrations. The extreme ventral neurosetae (pl. 3, fig. 21) are very much shorter than are those near the center, being about one-half or less the length of the latter. They are strongly curved, with the fine distal end slightly bent, and the convex subterminal portion strongly serrated. The notosetae are of two distinct kinds. There are about half a dozen or more of fine dorsal setae (pl. 3, figs. 19 and 20) near the neuropodium. They are about equal in length to the long neurosetae, curved, attenuating very gradually and ending in very fine, almost capillary tips. The distal convex side is covered with spinous rough- enings (pl. 3, fig. 20). The notosetae of the other kind are numerous, arranged in rows, each row consisting of 6 to 10 setae thus making a total of about 50 or more notosetae on each parapodium. The dorsal- most rows contain the shortest setae. The length of the setae increases with each succeeding row ventrad, until the maximum length is reached in the last row nearest to the neuropodium, the setae there being about twice the length of the shorter setae from the dorsal most rows. The setae are stout, perfectly smooth without any roughen- ings or serrations, uniform in width, tapering very abruptly towards the distal end (pl. 3, fig. 18). There are fifteen pairs of elytra occurring on segments 2, 4, 5 and on all alternate segments to 23, then on segments 26, 29, and 32. The elytra (pl. 3, fig. 13) are kidney-shaped, large, widely overlap- ping, and thickly covered with chitinous tubercles (pl. 3, fig. 15). Fine venations radiate from the elytrophore in all directions. The nephridial papillae begin with the sixth segment, occurring thence posteriorly on all segments. They are short, inconspicuous, and uniform in diameter. Comparison.—The polynoid bears some resemblance to Harmothoé complanata Johnson (1901), and might even be considered as a sub- species of the latter. It differs, however, from Harmothoé complanata in the shape, and the relative dimensions of the body, the shape and the size of the prostomium, the shape of the parapodia and in the structure of the notosetae. In Harmothoé complanata the breadth of the body including the setae, is two-sevenths of the length, while in Harmothoé johnsoni the breadth including the setae is one-third of the length. The prostomium of Harmothoé complanata is equal in width and length, in Harmothoé johnsoni the prostomium is decidedly 1917 | Essenberg: New Species of Polynoidae 53 broader, the length being two-thirds of the width. The parapodia also differ in shape in the two species. In Harmothoe complanata the dorsal ramus or the notopodium is very much shorter than the neu- ropodium, having about less than one-half of the length of the neuro- podium, while in Harmothoé johnson both rami are almost equal in length (pl. 2, fig. 14). The stout dorsal setae of Harmothoé com- planata are serrated, those of Harmothoé johnson are perfectly smooth. The nephridial papillae in Harmothoé complanata have acuminated tips; they are uniform in width ending abruptly in Harmothoé johnsom. The color of Harmothoé complanata in the alcoholic specimens is reported by Johnson (1901) to be pale brown and a specimen in the Zoological Museum of the University of Cali- fornia is also of a brown color, while the color of Harmothoé johnson is light gray. The color, however, is not of great importance in classi- fication. Occurrence.—The single specimen which is now in the Zoological Museum of the University of California, was given to the writer by Mr. H. O. Falk, who had found it December 4, 1915, at a low tide on the beach off La Jolla, near San Diego, California. Halosydna macrocephala sp. nov. Pl. 3, figs. 22-33 Description.—The shape of the body is flattened and uniform in width, narrowing gradually toward the posterior end, rounded at both ends. The two specimens are 40 mm. and 25 mm. long, and 10.5 and 7 mm. wide respectively, with 5 mm. between parapodia. The dorsum is covered with widely overlapping elytra. The prostomium (pl. 3, fig. 22) is unusually broad, the width being more than twice the length. It is very convex, forming a deep median fissure and sloping down abruptly on both sides. Of the two pairs of eyes those of the anterior are considerably larger and are situated near the lateral margins in about the widest part of the prostomiums. The posterior eyes are smaller, nearer together, and are situated at the extreme posterior margin of the prostomium, so that they are partly concealed by the peristomial fold. The strongly developed cirratophore of the median tentacle is inserted between the anterior cephalic prolongations. The style of the median tentacle is lost in both specimens. The stout lateral tentacles, arising from the anterior prostomial prolongations are about one-half of the length 54 University of California Publications in Zoology Vou. 18 of the palpi. They are uniform in diameter with subterminal enlarge- ments ending then in filamentous tips. The palpi are very stout at the base, decreasing in diameter gradually and ending abruptly in filamentous tips; they are deeply grooved and covered with rows of prominent cilia. The peristomial cirri arising from strong cirrato- phores are of equal length with the palpi. The styles of the peris- tomial cirri are long, uniform in width, with subterminal bulb from which filamentous tips project. The biramous parapodia (pl. 3, fig. 25) are comparatively stout, bearing two dark aciculi. The neuropodium has numerous (40-60) amber-colored setae, varying in shape and size. There are about twenty supra-acicular setae (pl. 3, fig. 30) with prominent serrations and a strong subterminal tooth. The 30 to 40 subacicular setae (pl. 3, fig. 33) differ slightly from the supra-acicular in that the sub- terminal tooth is smaller or rudimentary. The notopodium is incon- spicuous and bears two kinds of setae; about 12 to 15 short, strongly curved setae, covered with strong serrations and ending bluntly with the proximal end and the extreme distal end smooth or free from serrations (pl. 3, fig. 31), and about 20 to 30 long, fine setae, densely covered with serrations, more or less curved and terminating in a fine point (pl. 8, figs. 26 and 27). The setae from the second parapodium differ from those of other parapodia in their shape and also by being more strongly serrated. The notosetae (pl. 3, figs. 28 and 29) are about equal in size to the neurosetae (pl. 3, fig. 832). They are also nearly alike in shape and structure. The nephridial papillae begin on the fourth segment, being situated at the dorso-lateral margin near the base of the parapodium and occurring thence posteriorly on all segments. The first or anterior papillae are short, increasing considerably in length dorsad. There are eighteen pairs of elytra (pl. 3, fig. 23) oceurring on segments 2, 4, 5, and on all alternate segments to 27, then on seg- ments 28, 30, 31 and 33. They are comparatively thin and smooth, with but a few small, scattered papillae and are mottled with dark brown or black pigment (pl. 3, fig. 24). There are no marginal cilia. Fine venations radiate from the elytrophore in all directions. The dorsal cirri are equal in size and shape to the peristomial ecirri. Comparison.—The species resembles Halosydna carinata Moore (1903) in some respects and this is specially true of the broad pro- stomium and the conspicuously grooved palpi. The chief difference 1917 | Essenberg: New Species of Polynoidae 5D lies in the shape of the parapodia and in the number and shape of the setae. In Halosydna carinata, of which Dr. J. P. Moore kindly loaned to me an imperfect specimen for comparison, the notopodia are small but prominent, being distinctly differentiated, while in Halosydna macrocephala the notopodium is inconspicuous and hardly differentiated. The neurosetae in Halosydna carinata are few, 10 to 20. They are strongly serrated, the plates with the serrations extending to the tip of the subterminal tooth; in Halosydna macro- cephala the neurosetae are more numerous, (40 to 60) the subterminal tooth is less prominent and the serrations do not extend nearly to the subterminal tooth, leaving a considerable portion of the distal end of the setae smooth. The notosetae in Halosydna carinata are few, only 3 to 4, short, barely reaching to the tip of the notopodium, curved and ending bluntly. In Halosydna macrocephala the neurosetae are numerous, (30 to 40) of two kinds, and long, reaching nearly to the tip of the neuropodium. The 12 to 15 short setae are strongly ser- rated, curved, and end bluntly (pl. 3, fig. 31). The twenty or more fine notosetae are covered with fine serrations and are terminating in a fine capillary tip. The setae of Halosydna macrocephala resemble those of Halosydna californica, Johnson, but the shape and the relative size of the pro- stomium and the deeply grooved palpi of Halosydna macrocephala distinguish the species from Halosydna californica. Occurrence.—The locality of the type is unknown. Two incom- plete specimens, the paratypes were found July 17, 1901, off San Diego, lat. 33° 369 N; long. 118° 14’7 W, at a depth of 39-51 meters, on rocky bottom. 56 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 LITERATURE CITED HAMILTON, W. F. 1915. On two new polynoids from Laguna. Jour. Entom. Zool. Pomona, 7, 234-240, pls. 1-2. JOHNSON, H. P. 1897. A preliminary account of the marine annelids of the Pacific Coast with description of new species. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., (3) 1, 153-198, pls. 5-10. 1901. The Polychaeta of the Puget Sound region. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 29, 381-437, 19 pls. KINBERG, J. G. H. 1855. Nya slagten och arter of annelider. Ofv. K. v. Vet. Akad. Forh., 12, 381-388. Moorz, J. P. 1910. The polychaetous annelids dredged by the U. 8S. S. ‘‘Albatross’’ off the coast of Southern California. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 62, 328-402, pls. 15-21. TREADWELL, A. L. 1914. Polychaetous annelids of the Pacific Coast in the collections of the Zoological Museum of the University of California. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 13, 175-238, pls. 11-12, 7 figs. in text. i % ™" rie 7 i if “4 : : Df ies cael ; 7 o] os ‘a f ee bd whi ¥ , oo ; . : : @ * TT [5 a , ‘ pe f ' ‘ P i 1 , \ } iF a y { fi f i ) ih ; 7? i v ‘e rs 7 ” han m7 i er ee 1 S on & Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE 2 Harmothoé bonitensis, sp. nov. Prostomium. X 10. Fifth elytron. X 10. First elytron. X 10. Portion of elytron. X 310. Fourteenth parapodium. X 15. Tip of long notoseta. X 310. Tip of long notoseta. X 75. Tip of short notoseta. XX 160. Tip of short notoseta. X 75. The same. X 310. Tip of long neuroseta. X 310. Prostomium. X 20. Hifth elytron. X 10. Eighteenth parapodium. XX 10. Tubercles of elytron. X 160. Portion of long neuroseta. X 310. Tip of long neuroseta. X 75. [ESSENBERG] PLATE 2 UNIVIN GALI RUBESZOOE VOEWI8 aS Pa fate Bea. | eer Wid x 4 rj ul Pas ra Mie. ak ie ha IND, Cette 1 F Mf.) er Swit vos a A, mips 7. i} : ' 2 ae oF 7 Le ay ‘ , VAY ae j ? i 2 vi ry os ‘ } ‘ i weir 2 iq ; a1 i i‘ ia, ae ponwmnnwnwnwnwnwonnw wb Ow Cr bo Lie SO COR Sas PLATE 3 Harmothoé johnsoni, sp. nov. Tip of short notoseta. X 310. Tip of fine notoseta. X 45. Portion of the same. X 310. Tip of short neuroseta. X 160. Halosydna macrocephala, sp . nov. Prostomium. X 20. Elytron. X 10. Portion of elytron. X 75. Fourteenth parapodium. X 10. Tip of long notoseta. X 75. Portion of the same. X 310. Tip of notoseta of first parapodium. X 160. Portion of the same. X 310. Tip of supra-acicular neuroseta. X 160. Tip of short notoseta. X 310. Neuroseta from first parapodium. X 160. Subacicular neuroseta. X 310. [60] [ESSENBERG] PLATE 3 UNIV. CALIF. PUBL. ZOOL. VOL. 18 essa xs eC C(O ‘UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS—(Continued) -Vol..15. Introduction. Dependence of Marine Biology upon Hydrography and Necessity of Quantitative Biological Research. Pp. i-xxiii. June, eos Ka 2 pea ae en Ce a HA RSIS Pe cl hoe Raat a ck Ne Re heey POE eS Ea 1. Hydrographic, Plankton, and Dredging Records of the Scripps Instita- >. tion for Biological Research of the University of California, 1901 to 1912, compiled and arranged under the supervision of W. EH. Ritter by Ellis L. Michael and George F. McEwen, - Pp. 1-206, 4 text figures GHG AAD. > RF. LORS ee a a encase eeict ene ccaphageentans 2. Continuation of Hydrographic, Plankton; and Dredging Records of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of Cali- fornia (1913-1915), compiled and arranged under the supervision of W. EB. Ritter, by Ellis L. Michael, Zoologist and Administrative As- ‘sistant, George F. McHwen, Hydrographer. Pp. 207-254, 7 figures in Mtexts~ INO VCTADET, 10 10. cS Core pe a ee NEG A ee 3. Summary and Interpretation of the Hydrographic Observations made by: the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California, 1908: to 1915, by George F. BCE WED, Hydrographer. Pp. 255-356, plates 1-38. ‘December, pM Bp sie sa as ip eh Wad VoL. 16. 1. An Outline of the Morphology and Life History of Crithidia iepto- coridis, sp. nov., by Irene McCulloch. Pp. 1-22, plates 1-4, 1 text figure. September, gS 5 saa eA WT ale As PRs rR kaos nee NER ON Sg See 2. On Giardia micrott sp, nov., from: the. Meadow Wiause. by Charles Atwood Kofoid and ENzabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp, 23-29, 1 figure in text. 3, On Binary and Multiple Fission in Giardia muris (Grassi), by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp.-30-54, plates 6-8, 1 figure in text. Nos. 2 and 3 in one cover. November 1915 2... cece 4. The Cultivation of Tissues from Amphibians, by John C. Johnson. “Pp..55-62, 2 figures in text. November, 1915 22.20.00. 5. Notes.on the Tintinnoina. 1. On the Probable Origin of Dietyoc ysta tiara Haeckel. 2. On Petalotricha entzi sp. nov., by Charles Atwood Kofoid. Pp. 63-69, 8 figures in text. December, 1915 222k 6. Binary and Multiple Fission in Heramttus, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 71- 88, plates 9-11. 7, On a New Trichomonad Flagellate, Trichomitus parvus, from the Intes- tine of Amphibians, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 89-94, plate 12. ~Nos,-6-and 7 in-one cover. . December, 1915 22:4... ne 8. On Blepharocorys equi sp. nov., a New Ciliate from the Caecum of the Horse, by Irwin C, Schumacher. Pp. 95-106, plate 13.. December, Gi NS Bg eae oo RS Rag IES oo ESN aS DRONES. Pat he Ren or ANON Ne 9, Three New Helices from California, by 8S. Stillman Berry, Pp. 107- AAI SPAM ALY pl ONG Sg re Pk SR. Dig a Nr eS 10, On Trypanosoma triatomae, a New Flagellate from a Hemipteran Bug: from the Nests of the Wood Rat Neotoma fuseipes, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Irene McCulloch. Pp. 113-126, plates 14-15.. February, yA Sb eS SC SO Pa ROD a aa eo GE RT Se ONE RS eagene ae ge en ee Wa SOD oo MRR 11. The Genera Monocercomonas and Polymastiz, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 127- £38 sates 16-17. 5cF ebaitary,: 198G ss ss ee se Se eee 12, Notes on the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus) of the California Coast, by Bennet M. Allen. Pp. 139-152, 2 figs. in text.. March, 1916 18. Notes on the Marine Fishes.of California, by Carl i. Hubbs. Pp, 153- 169, plates 18-20. March, 1916 2.2... BS eee ee cee ee eS pea /14, The Feeding Habits and Food of Pelagic Gopapada and the Question of Nutrition by Orgauic Substances in Solution in the Water, by. Calvin O..Esterly. Pp. 171-184, 2 figs. in text. March, 1916 22.22. 2 15.. The Kinetonucleus of Flagellates and the Binuclear Theory of Hart- mann, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 185-240, 58 figs. in text. March, 1916... 16. On the Life-History of a Soil Amoeba, by Charlie Woodruff Wilson. Pp, 241-292" “plates 18-23, dily; A9bG) 23 ee Se ee 17. Distribution of the Land Vertebrates of Southeastern Washington, by : Lee Raymond Dice. Pp. 293-348, plates 24-26. June, 1916 ........... 18. The Anatomy of Heptanchus maculatus; the Endoskeleton, by a Frank Daniel. Pp. 349-370, pls, 27-29, 8 text figures. December, EUR Ws Seattle ae re ay tN Uae, ot Ne OR ARI po Sees aA MRR ri gee See ae OTR 19. Some Phases of Spermatogenesis in the Mouse, by Harry B. Yocom. Pp. 2374-880, plrS0. danuaryy tole oe ok en ae Bs 20. Specificity in Behavior and the Relation Between Habits in Nature and: Reactions in the Laboratory, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 381-392. Match. F917 cS a Ea ee em cS PORES IG Se egee tow taee weattiges 2.29 1,00 210 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIOATIONS— (Continued) : 21. The Occurrence of a Rhythm in the Geotropism of Two ‘Species of Plankton Copepods When Certain Recurring External Conditions are Absent, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 393-400. March, 1917 .....-..: nace os 00 2 22. On Some New Species of Aphroditidae from the Coast of California, te Nae by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 401-430, plates 81-37. March, 1917-...... ‘ 35 Og 23. Notes on the Natural History and Behavior of Emerita analoga (Stimp- son), by Harold Tupper Mead. Pp. 431-438, 1 text figure. April, pA 7 2 jeraoe een O aSag s A Sirk Tae PL SP yA I Be) ANN Se dl ee ia «10 24. Ascidians of the Littoral Zone of Southern California, by William E. ; Ritter and Ruth A. Forsyth. Pp. 439-512, plates 38- 46. August, 1917 1.00 Vol. 17. 1. Diagnoses‘of Seven New Mammals from Bast-Central California, by Joseph Grinnell and Tracy I. Storer. Pp. 1-8. 2. A New Bat of the Genus Myotis from the High Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia, by Hilda Wood Grinnell. Pp. 9-10. ; ‘ a Nos. 1 and 2 in one cover. August, 1916 -.......... PENGAN Soe Nona ne saben: | ipa 8. Spelerpes platycephalus, a New Alpine Salamander from the Yosemite — National Park, California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 11-14. Sep- tember, BOG 2 aa Pi er age occas acs tal ante 05 4. A New Spermophile from the San Joaquin Valley, California, with: | e Notes on Ammospermophilus. nelsoni nelsoni Merriam, by Walter P. Taylor. .Pp. 15-20, 1 figure in text. October, 1916 21.2022. ~ 05 5. Habits and Food of the Roadrunner in California, by Harold C. Bryant, Pp. 21-58, plates 1-4, 2 figures in text. October, 1916 -...0:.2220...... 35 6. Description of Bufo canorus, a New Toad from the Yosemite National Park, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 59-62, 4 figures in text. Novem- ber, 1916 _2...... MAS is a eh ae DONE NE ESRC cL SCI AE Pee AE GE GUIS dT OE 05 - 7. The Scbspecies of Sceloporus. occidentalis, with Description of a New. po Form from the Sierra Nevada and Systematic Notes on Other Cali- . “i fornia Lizards, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 63-74... December, 1916 .10°/ 8. Osteological Relationships of Three Species of Beavers, by F. Harvey Holden. Pp. 75-114, plates 5-12, 18 text figures. March, 1917 ......... A LOS 9. Notes on the Systematic Status of the Toads and Frogs of California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 115-125, 3 text figures. February, 1917 .10 10. A Distributional List of the Amphibians and Eeptiles of California, by Joseph Grinnell and Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 127-208, 14 figures in texte” Ste y, TOE Ta aes caches ase roageetaas +85 Vol. 18. 1. Mitosis in Giardia. Microti; by William C. Boeck. Pp. 1-26, plate 1. October; MOP ss An ee A en ai ee) ag ee ewe s}5) 2. An Unusual Extension of the Distribution of ‘the Shipworm in San Francisco Bay, California, by Albert L. Barrows....222..22.2--2.0-2- (In press) 3. Description of Some New Species of Polynoidae From the Coast of-. California, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 45-60, plates 2-3. October, DTT ae ee irs ae Na OU Gs ieee. ee Ga che Se Nada .20 4. New Species of Aphinomidae. From the Pacific Coast, by Christine G see Essenberg. Pp. 61-74, plates 4-5. October, 1917... 2. 15 4 “UNIVEESITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS | “‘Wote.—The Univercity of California Publications are offered in eeainiak te tba. sahil sations of learned societios and institutions, universities and Ubraries.. Complete lists of — ail the publications of the University will be sent upon request. For sample copies, liste - of publications or other information, address the Manager of the University Press, Berkeley, — California. U.S. A. All matter sent in exchange should be addressed to Te hore 35 ; Department, Decent Library, Berkey hehe: U. 8. oe ‘ OOLOGY.—W, BH. Ritter and ©. A. Kofoid,. Editors. Price per FORNG) $9.50; Deginning with vol. 11, $5.06, This ‘geries contains’ the contributions from the Department of eonivey. from ae : Marine Laboratory of ths Scripps Institution for Biological Research, at La Jolls, ine Oalifornia, and from the California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in Seater: Cited aa Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. re Foiums i, 1902- 1905, 817 pages, with 28 plates 00 EE cates Sano AS $850 Volume 2 (Goatributions from the Laboratory of the. Marine Biological Associa- tion of San Diego), 1904-1906, xvii + 382 pages, with 19 Riskes olathe: SU Volume 8, 1906-1907, 383 pages, with 23 plates: eee ve $3.50" 3 Volume 4, 1907-1908, 400 pages, with 24 plates: SB Volume 5, 1908-1910, 440 pages, with 34 plates fe EES AOS “Volume 6, 1908-1911, 478 pages, with 48 plates 22 bee: Volume 7 (Contributions from. the ‘Museum of Vertebrata Zoology), 1910-1912, 446 pages, swith 12 ala ten se aa epee $3.50 Volume: 8,°1911, 857 pages, with 25 plates: ._ oe in Seta aSi - $3.60 mt Volume 9, 1911-1912, 365 pages, with 24 plates eS Ee se ea Sean = $8.50 2 Volume 10, 1912-1913, 417 pages, with 10 plates ou 88 Volume 11, 1912-1914, 588 pages, with 26 plates 20-02. $5.00 Volume 12, (Contributions fromthe Museum of Vertebrate- Zoology), SAS TIES, BbS. pases, with 22 plates: a5 er a eee ee ease nt cae seca teel eee $5.00 WoL 13. 1. The Schizopceda of the San ‘Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly: Pp. ave 3-203) abe FeO rh ok Se ee ee ra ila ie oak Se ge 2. A Study of the Occurrence and Manner of Distribution of the ( tho. ee phora of the Sam Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp 21-38. 00° p%g Yo Sage OW. SSS Antti N ck rsa mc Aes MeN ONES Sh ARON ea | Wi eI ee AME ee . A New Self-Regulating Paraffin Bath, by C. W. Woodworth. Pp. 39. mi sid 42, 2 text-figures: April, 1914 2202 PASM OAR NRE ALL ii 4. Diplodinium ecaudatum, with an Account of Its. Ne euromotor Apparatus, by Robert G Sharp. . Pp. 43-122, piates 3-7, 4 text figures. May, on eS he Base ae UO Reet CAS tangs PE AR ND Oa Cape ROC AOA Cint ped Pe SQ USOT ERIS 380: 5. The Vertical Distribution and Moyements of the Schizopoda of the = San Diego Regiou, by Calvin 0. Esterly. Pp. 123-145. .May, 1914... 20. 6. The Anatomy of Heterodontus francisci, I. The Exoskeleton, by J. ~~ Frank Daniel. ~Pp. 147-166, plates 8-9, A text figures. May 23,° y BR ch Be eeaete ete gee teas raat 2 2 GE SE Pine ee Desec Sa AW bop cari Tr BS Me nS Ee BE RRS ao 7, The Movements and Reactions of the Isolated Melanophores of the f Frog, by S.-J, Holmes. Pp. 167-174, plate 10. August, 1914 200000 | Ae 8. Polychastous Annelids of the Pacific Coast in the Collections of the - Zoological Museum of the University of California, by Aaron LL. Treadwell. Pp.-175-234,. plates 11-12. .. 9. New Syllidae from San. Francisco Bay (collected by the U.S. 8. ** Albatross’*), by Aaron L. Treadwell. Pp. 235-238, 7: text figures. ooh Nos, 8 and 9:in one. cover... Octcber, 1914 22.000 7 CRAP 10. Note.on the Medusan Genus Stomolophus, from San Diego, by. ‘Henry ee Rees Ne _B.°Bigélow. Pp. 239-241, September, 1914 220 _ 05 . 11. A Study of the Structure of Feathers, with Reference to their Tax. eect ys nomic Significance, by Asa C. Chandler. FP. 243-446, plates 13-17, fe Rei TS textHPur|ese: “ASP eV eS a ae a ag 2.00... 12, Anatomical Adaptations in the Thoracic Limb of. the California Pocket .. = ~ - Gopher and Other Rodents, by Charles Daniel Holliger. Pp. 447- 494, plates 38-39, 20 text-figures.. March, 1916 2c.2e.-- ci coceccc cet cetheeneents - ABS 13. The Inheritance of Extra Bristles in Drosophila Melanogaster Meig., by = ‘ Edna M. Reeves. Pp. 495-515, 1 figure in text. Decemiber, 1916 -..._... 20 Vol. 14. 1. A Report upon the Physical Conditions in San Francisco Bay, Based 4 upon:-the Operations of the United States Fisheries Steamer *‘Alba- tross’’ during the Years 1912 and 1913, by F. B. Sumner, G@. D.- Louderback, W. L. Schmitt, EL Cc. Johnston, Pp. spite, Plates 1-13, foe 20 text figures. July, 1914 ira tan ey: Oeeesorwcenns cccnee ewnnencese oe. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 61-74, plates 4-5 October 17, 1917 NEW SPECIES OF AMPHINOMIDAE FROM THE PACING COAST BY CHRISTINE ESSENBERG CONTENTS PAGE VEVCiS OVERDO OT, ee a ee a PE re cee 61 JETS (2 OUTTPET SES See Mee ARE Ee ne eee ee ee eer 62 CHEIEID I) GRSTCD TP GRO Sle San. Ska hi ep ees eee 62 PUES CIRO ED TE CLE LTE G(s] SCS Sh re Ne ee eee eee 63 TORONTO HANG Callyyonte), le TONS ose ece eee Saeco eco cc oee Ee eee ecm secnn 63 Huphrosyne multibranchiata, Sp. WOV. -.---.2-.---.2---------5--c--so----enee nro sense cceneensene ent 65 Tiara sgkeres SyOrU Ore Wane eh TLC L0G 5 Ree eee mae ae ee Beer or ee 66 Huphrosyne Kkyllosetosa sp. MOV. —----..--------2- Fig. 11. Shows how the posterior half of the worm changed its rhythm after the nerve cord had been cut. The upper line represents the movements of the anterior (4) half and the lower line the posterior (B) half. The nerve cord was cut without cutting any but a small portion of the ventral muscle. Conclusion—From the work just cited, it is quite certain that spontaneous movements are dependent on the nervous tissue and that 122 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou.18 the muscle has no property of rhythmie contractility. While this does not show that transmission of impulse passes over many ganglia in locomotion it strengthens the work of Biedermann (1904) and Bud- ington (1902) who hold the theory of nervous control. RATES OF TRANSMISSION OF LOCOMOTOR IMPULSES Problem.—The fact that locomotor impulses could be transmitted through a portion of the nerve cord isolated from segmental muscle connections led to the query, what is the speed of these impulses? If the speed were rapid it would mean that there were some fairly long neurones in the cord, and if the speed were slow it could be interpreted on the basis of short neurones and many synapses. This study should throw some light on the structural basis of transmission. Discussion—Jenkins and Carlson (1903) measured the rate of nerve impulses in several species of annelids. The rates were found to be exceedingly variable, from 89 centimeters in Nereis sp. to 694 centimeters per second in Bispira polymorpha. The question these investigators raised was whether they were dealing with simple con- tinuous nerve fibers or with a very complex nervous tract. While the anatomical connections of neurones in the cord have been worked out to some fair degree of certainty, no long connections have been estab- lished in the cord, except by the giant fibers. Jenkins and Carlson left the question open as to whether their measurements were those of a direct nervous path or an indirect one. After observing a very large number of experiments on the trans- mission of the impulses as they pass through the etherized section of the worm, and noting the slow progress of these as compared to the quick end to end jerk of the worm when stimulated, there is lttle doubt in my own mind but that the cord has two kinds of transmission of nerve impulses. First, the very rapid impulses through giant fibers, which result in vigorous contractions, as in the jerking back into their burrows of the worms when strongly stimulated; and the second type, the impulses in the short fibers in the middle of the nerve cord, which offer a complex path and so transmit impulses slowly down the cord. My records for the speed of impulses in the giant fibers agree quite well with the speed recorded by Jenkins and Carlson (1903). The method which these workers used was such that only the action of quick contractions was recorded and no attempt was made to separate this phenomenon from that of the locomotor impulses. As has been shown, these latter impulses run but short distances in the cord unless 1918] Bovard: Nervous Impulses in the Earthworm 123 reinforced by outside reflexes; and so, unless special methods are used, the reactions of these short fiber systems would not be observed. A frequent observation on the locomotor habits of worms is that the wave of contraction runs for a short distance and then disappears. This was a source of great inconvenience in determining the rate of impulse down the cord. A method was devised whereby electric con- tacts were successively made as the wave of contraction passed along the worm. These were recorded on a drum from which measurements were easily made and speeds computed (fig. 12). fee oerast ant. x. Cc. pl. post Fig. 12. The apparatus for measuring the speed of nervous impulses through the nerve cord in an anesthetized region was as follows: a.l. and p.l. are levers pivoted at piv. The lower part of the lever n is a sharp, very fine needle. One of these is thrust into the muscles of the first segment in front of the anesthet- ized part m. and the other into the muscles just behind this region m. The upper ends of these levers is quite long so that very slight movements of the lower part will produce considerable movement in the upper part. Platinum contacts were provided at pt.c. and each lever was connected by battery to signal magnets, a.s. and p.s., which gave a record on a smoked drum of a kymograph. When the locomotor movement of the anterior part of the worm had reached the muscles at x. the electrical contact would be made in lever a.l., which registered on a fast revolving drum at a.s. Now when the nervous impulses had passed through the anesthetized area m. and reached the muscle y. another electrical contact was made by lever p.l. and registered by signal magnet p.s. The speed of the drum being measured, the speed of the impulse could be ealeulated. 124 Umwersity of California Publications in Zoology [Vou.18 The very noticeable result of this series of experiments was the great variability in the speed, which seemed to depend on the state of irritability in the worm. Another important fact seemed evident from these measurements ; namely, the longer the section of nerve measured the slower the rate recorded. TIME TAKEN TO TRAVEL OVER CERTAIN LENGTHS OF NORMAL AND ANESTHETIZED WORMS EXPERIMENT 180 EXPERIMENT 162 EXPERIMENT 162 13 live, 20 etherized 11 live, 20 etherized 19 live, 20 etherized segments segments segments 1 .26 seconds .90 seconds .68 seconds 2 44 50 .65 3 .24 .64 70 4 eal .60 90 5 20 .o4 70 6 30 4 82 7 1.02 30 92 8 2 20 75 9 SII) 40 Se 10 .08 25 72 Average 370 452 .760 1 These figures are calculated from experiment 180, a series different from that in columns 2 and 3. The method for making these records was not refined and the times recorded can only be approximations. The table will show that where the length of the portion of the worm measured is increased the time of transmission increases, but not proportionately. The full significance of this fact and its relation to transmission and a new theory of locomotion will be brought out in a later part of this paper. In measuring the speed of the impulse through the nerve cord in a section where the muscle had been anesthetized, the electric method of measurement was quite effective. Records of slight movements of the segments just anterior to the inert section were followed by the registration of movements beginning in the part immediately behind this portion. Here again we meet great variability, depending on the state of excitement in the worm. If the etherized section is greatly increased in length the point will eventually be reached when no impulse comes through. Records through more than twenty segments were frequent, but when more than twenty segments were used, failure resulted more often than in fewer than twenty. Measurements were recorded over twenty-eight segments but these seemed to be exceptional 1918 | Bovard: Nervous Impulses in the Earthworm 125 eases. For the most part, impulses passed along the cord at the rate of about 25 millimeters per second. This represents the mode of a series of ninety-one measurements. Several observations showed good transmission at the rate of 60 millimeters per second, and a few were recorded in which the rate was very low, 10 millimeters per second (fig. 13). 20 Aouanbes4 i) o 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 iteje) i}te) Fig. 13. The frequency polygon which shows results of ninety-one measure- ments of the speed of locomotor impulses through the nerve cord when the peripheral nerves have been anesthetized. The mode lies between 20 and 30 millimeters per second. Conclusion.—The locomotor impulses show no definite speed. The most interesting feature is the extreme variability of this movement. In those cases where strength of stimulus is sufficient and other con- ditions are right the speed may be as fast as 100 millimeters per second, and again the speed may be so slow that it will die out in the nerve cord without ever emerging from the anesthetized region. I have taken the mode of the frequency polygon as against the average which shows that ordinarily the speed is about 25 millimeters per second. The slowness and variableness are the two main character- istics. RATE OF IMPULSES IN THE GIANT FIBERS Problem.—How does the rate of transmission of locomotor impulses compare with that of the giant fiber? Are the rates such that these two phenomena can be ascribed to quite different systems of neurones? Discussion.—The method used to measure the rate of transmission of impulses in the giant fibers was practically the same as that used in measuring locomotor transmission, except that in this case it was 126 Unversity of Califorma Publications in Zoology (Vou. 18 possible to use the full length of the worm. One characteristic of this type of action is that it seems to be related solely to the longitudinal muscles in contrast to that of the locomotor nerve fibers which set up complex reactions in both circular and longitudinal muscles. Responses resulting from stimulation of these large fibers are always exceedingly rapid as compared with other movements of the worms. The reaction may be slight or violent, according to the amount of stimulus applied, but any response travels the length of the worm in a very short time. It is interesting to note the antagonistic relations of the innervation of muscles when a quiescent worm is stimulated lightly, with a sharp needle, at the anterior end; immediately there is a response by a relaxation of the circular muscles near the posterior tip so that this part is flattened and enlarged. If the stimulus is made stronger, this reaction will be followed by a jerk of the longitudinal muscle and when the stimulus is moderately strong the contraction of the longitudinal muscle is so quick and extensive that no reactions of the circular muscle can be detected. A number of determinations for speed of this rapid action are recorded in the accompanying table. The range of variation is large, due in part at least to the methods of measurement and the inaceur- acies of the apparatus (fig. 14). ° 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Fig. 14. Frequency polygon which shows the speed of impulse through giant fibers. The figures represent millimeters per second. The mode is between 1000 and 1500 millimeters per second. All of these measurements were made on the large garden worm, Helodrilus caliginosa, and as nearly as possible under the same con- ditions. The interesting feature of this array of figures is that they are high compared to those obtained in locomotor transmission. Ordin- arily they can be said to be fifty times faster, and may even be one hundred times faster, than the other type of transmission. The mode for these few measurements is around 1500 millimeters per second. While this is not so rapid as some recorded by Carlson and Jenkins (1903) (table 1), in measurements on marine annelids, it is certain that it belongs in the same class of phenomena as they were 1918 | Bovard: Nervous Impulses in the Earthworm 127 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF RATES IN WORMS—CARLSON AND JENKINS Species Direction Centimeters per sec. Were oma al us peeesrn eee cere iP A 5.4— 9.0 Aulastoma lacustre .................. 12 A 56.0 (Ojrreez i HOUNDS) FS} OS oes eee iP A 90.0 ANTAGINGONGY, (SOY, ~ cdeceaecssereeee eee A 12 120.0 Bispira polymorpha ................ 12 A 694.0 PACT OCICO Se cer eacc 38-2 acct secs ice A Ie 54.0 ZOlymoen pul Clima; eee eee IP A 293.0 Sihenelarsieus cays eee ee 12 A 205.0 HET UTG CES spent eee eee 1 A 466.0 INGA SINS) OF cece toes ee ee ee 12 A 165.0 INererstiavamenigt 2 2 4e oe 12: A 89.0 ING GETS eva CMS ee eeenee eee : A 12 73.0 Lumbriconereis sp. (@) -......-... 12: A 45-241.0 Lumbriconereis sp. (0) .....-....-- 12 A 49—-937.0 umibriconeneisispe (Ge) see A IE 42—-160.0 GHB VOGIE), TRBEKOSE), ssc caqs- coer cere A ‘iP 433.0 Civceraeni gO Sages creas 1 A 435.0 measuring. None of my measurements approached the highest speeds in these marine forms, such as that in Bispira polymorpha, viz., 6940 millimeters per second, or even in Lumbriconereis sp., viz., 9370 milli- meters per second, nor on the other hand did I find any as slow as that in Cerebratulus at 54 to 90 millimeters. Several worms, Nereis, Arenicola, Sthenelais, give averages about the same as that which I found for Helodrilus. Jenkins and Carlson used averages in obtaining the figures above, when it would seem such a variation in measurements occurred that the mode is more nearly the correct expression. I have used this in both series, that on locomotor transmission and on giant fiber action. One feature of giant fiber action that is easily noticed is, that, once started, it always goes through to the posterior end; it never dies out in transit as the locomotor waves do. In cases where the nerve cord has been severed, the impulse runs as far as the cut, and never beyond. Krawany (1905) in his discussion of the elements in the central nerve cord describes the relations of the giant fibers to the association cells in the cord. These large fibers pass from end to end of the nerve cord and in each ganglion send out branches which are intimately in connection with processes from association cells in the middle group. These cells which thus synapse with the direct fibers never have cross- over connections but seem to be entirely homolateral. 128 Umversity of California Publications in Zoology [Vou.18 The physiology of these reactions is correlated with the anatomy of these fibers. The path is a direct one and the speed of their impulses is fast, 1500 millimeters per second compared with 25 milli- meters per second for locomotor reflexes. The connections are simple and the reactions are concerned largely with the contractions of but one set of muscles, the longitudinal muscles. The fibers run the full length of the cord and so reactions are concerned with the whole animal. They are single fibers and produce a single action. There is no wave motion nor evidences of loss as the stimulus passes down the cord. There is no reason to suppose that these fibers have anything to do with locomotor reflexes or transmission ; everything points to a separate function for these large long fibers. Conclusion.—We have taken for granted that Friedlander’s (1894) suggestion that the end to end movements are due to impulses carried by the giant fibers. The results of this work on rates of transmission seem to justify this supposition. No theory allows a nerve to have for itself more than one rate of transmission. The speed of one type of action and the slowness of the other would necessitate two kinds of fibers. The anatomical conditions and the physiological reaction are easily correlated. The large giant fibers are continuous structures running the full length of the worm and capable of carrying the impulses swiftly from end to end at a normal rate of 1500 millimeters per second, while in the center of the nerve cord are numerous short neurones running short distances up and down the cord, giving a complex path, with slow speed of transmission, normally 25 mill- meters per second, such as would be expected on account of the multiplicity of synapses. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The Nervous Mechanism.—Some of the most salient facts brought out in the study of transmission are: the nervous system plays an essential part in the movements of locomotion; the impulses respon- sible for the waves of contraction are capable of running for con- siderable distances in the cord and are not confined to one or two segments, as indicated by Friedlander; transmission may extend over as many as twenty segments without intervening muscular activity, the rate of transmission is a variable one becoming slower as it pro- ee eee a ee ee 1918] Bovard: Nervous Impulses in the Earthworm 129 ceeds. The giant fibers have little to do with locomotion and are specialized for rapid, end to end contractions. The excellent work of Krawany (1905) on the neurones of the central system of the worm and the researches of Dechant (1906) on the peripheral nervous system, together with the great amount of work done by the older writers, such as Bethe (1903), Rhode (1887), Apathy (1897), Retzius (1900), Biedermann (1904), Smirnow (1894), and others, have demonstrated that the nervous system is compounded of many short neurones. The longest elements are some few large fibers from the anterior end of the cord which arise in the sub- esophageal ganglion and run posteriorly to the terminal segment, but Krawany (1905) shows that for the most part the other nerve fibers run only from one ganglion to the next. Sensory nerve fibers originating in the epidermis pass down through the main nerve trunks to the ganglion where they branch as T- or Y-shaped bifurcations immediately on entering. These run but short distances before ending in fine arborizations. Krawany (1905) was unable to demonstrate that these passed into ganglia anterior or posterior to the segments of entrance, but was inclined to think that they remained within the ganglion entered. No demonstration of neuro-muscular end organs has ever been made in the smooth muscle of earthworms. Retzius (1895) and Langdon (1900) have shown, by using Golgi methods, that nerve fibers are in among the muscle cells, but Dechant (1906) by using methylene blue was unable to differ- entiate any definite end organs. Many nerve fibers parallel to muscle can be seen, showing the presence of abundant nervous tissue, but all fibers which looked like end organs proved to run only short distances and could not therefore be true nerves. While free sensory endings in the subepithelial regions are not yet demonstrated, Dechant believes they are undoubtedly there. After entering the cord the sensory nerves bifurcate, one branch passing up and another down the cord on the same side as they enter. They may then form synapses with neurones of motor ganglia in the anterior, middle, or posterior groups of nerve cells. These large cells send out neuraxes which may or may not cross to the opposite side, where they leave by one of the three lateral roots. Within the cord, however, there are still other paths open to impulses entering by the sensory paths. The large multipolar cells are the association cells which show an arrangement into three groups, an anterior, a middle, and a posterior group. Their function is to connect 130 University of Califorma Publications in Zoology Vou. 18 more or less distant parts of the ganghon and to interpolate them- selves between the sensory and motor elements. Many of these are homolateral and some are contralateral. The greater number of these association cells are intraganglionie, i.e., never leaving the segment; but a few in the anterior and posterior groups send processes into the next ganglion and so connect up the ganglia segment to segment. The most interesting feature is that in this nervous system there are no long nerve tracts, the giant fibers excepted. IJImpulses that run the length of the cord must find their way over a complex route and be necessarily slow. We have then a nervous system made up of many short units. Each ganglion is a complete relay station capable of receiving sensory and giving out the motor impulses necessary for the functions of each particular segment. The only connections between the succeeding segments are association fibers in the nerve cord and a few motor fibers which Dechant (1906) shows. These motor fibers take their origin from a nerve arising from the posterior root and pass laterally around the muscular wall near the interseg- mental furrow and at intervals give off five branches which pass into the segment behind. Without these two connections, one in the cord and one peripheral, there would be no nervous connection from seg- ment to segment of the worm. Friedlander (1894) laid particular emphasis on the ‘‘pull’’ of one segment on the succeeding ones and that codrdination was accom- plished even though the nerve cord were cut. The experiment of eutting a worm in two and attaching a string to each part resulting in coordinated movements indicates that pull certainly does play an important part. Undoubtedly the tension or stretching stimulates the nerve and starts the reflex movement. The succeeding movements then are due to both pull and nerve impulse. If part is etherized, it ceases contractions although it responds to direct stimulus. The nerve reflex has been broken. Again, if tension be eliminated by pinning experiments, codrdinated movement proceeds; but if now the nerve be eut, coordination ceases. So while tension is important in supplying a stimulus to the nerve mechanism, it is not wholly sufficient. Biedermann (1904) showed that these reflexes can travel consider- able distances in the cord. The interpretation of this might demand that there be present in the nerve cord longer systems of neurones than had been previously reported. However, it can be shown that no such supposition is necessary. The present knowledge of the neurones can be used to explain the facts at hand. 1918] Bovard: Nervous Impulses in the Earthworm 131 TRANSMISSION BY REINFORCED STIMULI There is one other point of great importance in the analysis of locomotion in the earthworms and one which has not been heretofore mentioned. This is the variability in the rate of the impulse along the cord. Experiments have shown that the transmissions over short . distances are much faster than those over longer distances, and this agrees with a phenomenon easily observable in the movements of worms, 1.e., the dying out of waves of contraction. One ean watch a wave of contraction start down the length of the worm and become more and more feeble until it is lost at the middle region. The distance the wave runs seems to depend on the force of the wave at the start. A strong wave runs further than one with a weak start. A glance back at the charts of the speeds of impulses passing through the etherized portion of a worm will show that there is a great variability. One has but to observe a smgle worm under the experimental conditions to become convinced of this without the figures. Any theory that accounts for locomotion must take into considera- tion the short unit system of the nervous system, the transmission of locomotor impulses over long sections of the cord, and the variability in rate of the speed of these impulses. Friendlander (1894) likened the locomotor mechanism to a system of telegraphic relays. Each contraction of the circular muscle elongated the segment and stretched the longitudinal muscle. This stretching caused a stimulus to pass along the nerves to the cord, where a reflex gave a contraction of the longitudinal muscle. The contraction of the longitudinal gave the pull which caused the circular muscle to contract and so on down the length of the worm, each segment with its own reflex, but progression of the wave of contraction due to the pull of contracting parts on succeeding segments. A short unit nervous system is all that is necessary for such an explanation. But when transmission of locomotor impulses can pass along the cord this relay system in each segment is not sufficient. If, however, we suppose that the association fibers transfer stimuli from one ganglion to the next, then we have a means for explaining Bieder- mann’s experiment. One of the characteristics of this transmission was that it varied considerably in rate. When the worm was in an excited state or stimulated, the impulses passed through an etherized section faster than otherwise. If we suppose that with each contrac- tion reflexes are set up in each segment and that these stimuli entering the cord reinforce the locomotor stimuli passing along in the short 132 University of California Publications in Zoology ([Vou.18 association tracts, and that if these stimuli are heavy they add to the strength of stimulus passing along, or if weak add little or nothing at all, then we have a basis for explaining the variations in rate. In each ganglion there will be at least one and maybe two synapses to be passed, each with a certain resistance which will tend to cut down the force of the stimulus and its power to get through. Each synapse in each segment resists the passage of the locomotor impulse but in ordinary locomotion each well codrdinated contraction wave reinforces the loss and the movement runs the full length of the worm. The uncertain limit of such transmission then can be understood for many factors may come in to change the force of the stimulus; the stimulus may have started in a weak contraction—outside conditions may have altered the amount of reinforeement—internal conditions in the cord itself may have demanded a more complex path in one case than in another, or even the physiological condition of the worm may have had some effect on the resistance in the synapses. SUMMARY 1. When a worm is anesthetized in the middle area and the peri- pheral nerves are rendered useless, locomotor impulses may be trans- mitted in both directions through the nerve cord of this middle region from anterior to posterior, and posterior to anterior. 2. Tension or pull, while important in normal creeping movements, may be eliminated and the locomotor stimuli will still pass up and down the cord for some distance. 3. Nerve free preparations show that locomotor impulses may travel considerable distances in the cord. Under such conditions the anterior and posterior parts act in perfect codrdination. When the nerve is cut such coordination ceases. Stovaine when applied to the nerve cord blocks the passage of locomotor impulses up and down and the codrdination of anterior and posterior parts is lost; as soon, how- ever, as the effects of the drug are removed impulses again pass freely in the cord and coordination returns. 4. The results of measuring the limits of transmission of the loco- motor impulses shows that no absolute limits ean be set. The impulses travel short distances of ten segments very readily but when required to traverse a longer section of twenty-eight segments the difficulty is great. No records show impulses passing through as many as thirty segments. Ve 1918 | Bovard: Nervous Impulses in the Earthworm 133 5. Spontaneous rhythmical movements are dependent on the nervous system and the muscle tissues do not possess the property of rhythmic contractility. This strengthens the theory that locomotion is under nervous control. 6. The speed of locomotor impulses is quite variable. The mode that expresses the normal rate is about 25 millimeters per second. The rate may be increased or decreased in transit from segment to segment. 7. The rate of the transmission of giant fiber action is very rapid when compared to that of the locomotor impulses. The mode for a number of measurements shows the speed to be about the rate of 1500 millimeters per second. The wide gap between these two types of nervous activity, the slow locomotor on the one hand and the rapid giant fiber action on the other, indicates that these impulses are mediated by two quite different kinds of nerve elements. 8. The anatomy of the nerve cord as shown by Krawany and Deschant has in it no long neurones. The processes may join suc- cessive ganglia but none extend through the cord for a great distance except the larger giant fibers, which run the full length of the cord. 9. The peculiarities of the locomotor impulses in transmission, such as the variability in rate of speed, and the slowness of it, can be accounted for on the basis of the structure. The impulse to make its way down the cord must pass in each ganglion at least one synapse, and the possibility is that there would be more than this. Hach synapse would not only cut down the strength of the impulse but would also slow down the speed because of the time consumed to cross the gap between neurones. In normal creeping the impulses travel regu- larly down the cord because each contraction of circular and longi- tudinal muscle in each segment sends in locomotor impulses which reinforce the impulse passing down the central nerve cord, and any loss through the synapse is made up in this way. If for any reason the muscular activity fail or if the nervous connections to the cord be destroyed the locomotor impulse traveling down the cord in this region would decrease in strength and decrease in rate because of the lack of reinforcement. 134 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 LITERATURE CITED APATHY, S. 1897. Das leitende Element des Nervensystems und seine topographischen Beziehungen zu den Zellen. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 12, 495-748, pls. 23-32. BeTHE, A. 1903. Allgemeine Anatomie und Physiologie des Nervensystems (Leipzig, Thieme), vii, 487, 2 pls., 95 figures in text. BIEDERMANN, W. 1904. Studien zur vergleichenden Physiologie der peristaltischen Bewegun- gen der Wiirmer und der Tonus glatter Muskeln. Arch. gesam. Physiol., 102, 475-542, 1 figure in text. BUDINGTON, R. A. 1902. Some physiological characteristics of annelid muscles. Am. J. Physiol., 7, 155-179, 16 figures in text. DECHANT, E. 1906. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des peripheren Nervensystems des Regen- wurms. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, 16, 361-382, pls. 1-2, 2 figures in text. FRIEDLANDER, B. 1894. Beitrige zur Physiologie des Centralnervensystems und des Bewe- gungsmechanismus der Regenwiirmer. Arch. gesam. Physiol., 58, 168-206. GARREY, W. HE. AND Moors, A. R. 1915. Peristalsis and codrdination in the earthworm. Am. J. Physiol., 39, 139-148, 2 figures in text. JENKINS, O. P. AND CaRLson, A. J. 1903. The rate of the nervous impulse in the ventral nerve cord of certain worms. J. Comp. Neur., 13, 259-289, 14 figures in text. KRAWANY, J. 1905. Untersuchungen iiber das Zentralnervensystem des Regenwurms. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, 15, 281-316, pls. 1-15, 11 figures in text. KRUKENBERG, C. F. W. 1881. Vergleichend-toxicologische Untersuchungen als experimentelle Grund- lage fiir eine Nerven- und Muskelphysiologie der Evertebraten. Vergl. Physiol. Studien, 1, 77-155, 1 pl., 1 figure in text. Lanepon, F. E. 1900. The sense organs of Nereis virens. J. Comp. Neurol., 10, 1-77, 3 figures in text. RETZIUS, G. 1895. Die Smirnow’schen freien Nervenendigungen im Epithel des Regen- wurms. Anat. Anz., 10, 117-123, 7 figures in text. 1900. Zur Kenntnis des sensiblen und des sensorischen Nervensystems der Wirmer and Mollusken. Biol. Unters, 9, 83-96, pls. 16—22. Roupe, FE. 1887. Histologische Untersuchungen iiber das Nervensystem der Chaeto- poden. Zool. Beitrage, 2, 1-81, pls. 1-7. SmIRNow, A. 1894. Ueber freie Nervenendigungen im Epithel des Regenwurms. Anat. Anz., 9, 570-578, 3 figures in text. STRAUB, W. 1900. Zur Muskelphysiologie des Regenwurms. Arch. ges Physiol., 79, 379— 399, 15 figures in text. Ree 5, ae 9. 10. we Ad, 12. 13. oe scene Be 16. 18. eee Sea: Br, 22. 23. 24, Sw VOL A7.* 1. oe oo t 4, ao a Fy 8. 9. 17. ‘UNIV ERSITY OF CALIFORNIA _ PUBLICATIONS — (Continued) Notes on the Tintinnoina. 1. On the Probable Origin of Dictyocysta tiara Haeckel. 2. On Petalotricha entzi, sp. nov., by Charles Atwood Kofoid. Pp. 63-69; 8 figures in text. December, 1915. SS A A nay NERY OEY . Binary and Multiple Fission in Heramitus, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 71-88, plates 9-11,- 05. On a New Trichomonad Flageliate, Price nomitus parvus, from the Intestine ; “of Amphibians, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 89-94, plate 12. Nos. 6. and 7 in one cover. December, 1915 20. On Blepharcorys equi,-sp. nov., a New Cilia te from the Caecum of the Horse, by Irwin C. Schumacher. Pp, 95-106, plate:i3. December, 1915... ‘Three New Helices. from California, by S.-Stillman Berry. -Pp. 107- 111, January; 1916... pM E ehcp a OE NE a OO SE ODE SRM te Cone Patty ey eee ee On Trypanosoma triatomae, a New Flagellate- from a Hemipteran Bug from the Wests of the Wood Rat Neotoma fuscipes, by Charles Atwood Kofoid ~ and Irene McCulloch. Pp, 113-126, plates 14-15. February, 1916 ...........:. The Genera Monocercomonas and Pol, ymastix, by Olive Swezy.. 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Frank Daniel. “Pp. 349-370, pls. 27-29, 8 text figures. December, 1916 2... Some Phases of Spermatogenesis in the Mouse, by Harry.B. Yocom: _Pp. 314-280; Plate S0.2% JanMar ys OLT Ge oes ee Se OS SS ae eect Suecificity in Behavior and the Belntion between Habits. in Nature and Reactions in the Laboratory, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 381-392. March, EM BABES ieee Conte toes cre anor tad Sg ta Ae Ea Wiech ss RC ae ee SO eG RN AP Sr aga The Occurrence of a Rhythm in the Geotropism: of ‘Pwo Species of Plank- ton Copepods when Certain Recurring External Conditions are Absent, by Calvin O- Esterly.- Pp. 393-400.- March, 1917--.3.22a oka ee On Some New Species of Aphroditidae from the Coast of California, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 401-430, plates 31-37. March, 1917 <2..2202..2-.....- Notes on the Natural History and Behavior of Emerita analoga (Stimpson), by Harold Tupper Mead. Pp. 431-438, 1 text figure. April, 1917.............. Ascidians of the Littoral Zone of Southern California, by William E. Ritter and Ruth A. Forsyth. Pp. 439-512, plates 38-46, August, 1917 _....020--... Diagnoses of Seven New Mammals from East-Central California, by Joseph Grinnell and Tracy I. Storer. Pp. 1-8. A New Bat of the Genus Myotis from the High Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia, by Hilda Wood Grinnell. Pp. 9-10. Wos; 1.and 2-in_ one: Cover. > AusustAdore= sia. ike Sa a 4 Spelerpes platycephalus, a New Alpine» Salamander from the “Yosemite National Park, California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 11-14. Septem- Sj 0 cs eRe BSE Sacre aie cA el EL Ph Meee Due ay aMtaatioene ie OR Aes eer 68h Sens eS dee See eae ea! A New Spermophile from the San Joaaain Valley, California, with» Notes: on Ammospermophilus nelsoni. nelsont Merriam, py-Wailter P. Taylor. “Pp. 45-20, 1 fierein-pext. - October, 1916. C es 8 eee a crachacde Sits Ns Habits and Food of the Roadrunner in. California, by Harold Cc. _ Bryant. Pp. 21-58, plates 1-4,-2 figures in text. October, 1916 202.2022... Description of Bufo canorus, a New Toad from the Yosemite National Park, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 59-62, 4 figures in text. ‘November, 1916... . The Subspecies of Seeloporus occidentalis, with Description of a New Form from the Sierra. Nevada and Systematic Notes on Other California Lizards, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 63-74. December, 1916 2.2... Osteological Relationships of Three Species of Beavers, by F. Harvey Holden, Pp. 75-114, plates 5-12, 18 text figures. March, 1917.00.22... Notes on the Systematic Status of the Toads and Frogs of California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 115-125, 3 text figures. February, 1917 -........... 325 10 05 05 35 .05 10 AO 10 “UNIV ERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS (Continua) 10, A Distributional List of the Amphibians and Reptiles of California, a = Joseph Grinnell and Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 127-208, cS figures in text : = PUIG ABET Skeid ee Nae Oe ee ae hn ae ye ene ie Ty A Study of ihe. Races of the ‘White-Fronted ‘Gooke: cee albifrons) “Occur. a ring in California, by H. S. Swarth and Harold c. ‘Bryant. “PR, 209- 222, 4 gerRtas +22 fpures in-text, plate 13. Ocpober 201 ra ness rs eA a ee, Vol. 18. 1. Mitosis in Giardia Microti,: by William c. Boeck. “Pp, 1-26, ‘Plate 1 _ Octo- RS ; beh 11) we) GSN AF GA coer ar een me ter ne PRESS BRU re te ues cONERN EN ARDS MU ncm me ep emp ntene Mp " 2. An Unusual estan on of the Distribution: of wie “Shipworm in- San Fran: Fe cisco Bay, California, by Albert L. Barrows.» Pp. 27-43, “December, 1917, — : Si: Description of Some New Species of Polynoidae from the Coast. of Gali-® << % fornia, by Christine Essenberg.. Pp. 45-60, plates 2-3, October, 1917.2... 4. New Species of Amphinomidae from the Pacific Coast, by Christine ‘Essen: - berg. Pp. 61-74, plates 4-5, October, “1917 Ba 5. Crithidia Buryophthatmi, sp. nov., from the Temipteran Bug, deurbophebamus % Convivus Stal, by Trene ‘McCulloch. Pp. 75-88, 35 text figures. Decem- . cus er 1917 < ~6, On the ‘Orientation of Hrythropsis, ay ‘Charles Atwood ‘Kofoid ‘and ‘Olive : -Swezy. Pp. 89-102, 12 figures. in text. December, 1917 <220000 2-0. es che Transmission of Nervous Impulses in Relation to Loconiotion: in the io * Earthworm, by John F. Bovard. Pp. 103- 134, 14 figures in text. xs anuary, ee sR Bs ae ian ie eet es RE A ape ACR SIMA pe pp tee Tee AEN geen SPER eS ONE OP . §. The Function of the Giant Fibers in Earthworms, py I ohn F. Bovard. Pp. vibes a 135-144, 1 figure in text. January, 1918 222.220. tsecaeeceececeeeestien weoele @ 2% age 9.A Rapid Method for the Detection of Protozoan Cysts in- Mammalian — : hate by William C. Boeck. Pp. 145-149, ee 1917 wtbenestaranerantensen : s lth Ries "UN IVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS Note —The University of California Publications are offered. in pa sae ee for this aha cations of learned societies and institutions, universities and libraries. Complete lists of all the publications of the University will be sent upon request.. For sample copies, lists of publications or other information, address the Manager of the University Press, Berkeley, _ California, U.S. A. All matter sent in exchange should be passed to The Sache ‘Department, University Library, perkeey; faa ¥. Ss. AL cs

sity of Quantitative Biological Research. Pp. i-xxili, June, 1916.:........: 133 1. Hydrographic, Plankton, and Dredging Records of the Scripps Institution . for Biological Research of the University of California, 1901 to 1912, compiled and arranged under the supervision of ‘W, HE. Ritter by Ellis I... Michael and George F. McEwen. Pp. 1-206, 4 text figures and map. ; B BV Eh: capes No 7 Rg mesibces eens AO edn NS SE Rie a a SNirae ets TUT fc cmer St aS Sh aN Ais 2S pote Poe SSIS. 7 2. Continuation of Hydrographic, Plankton, and Dredging Records of the Scripys Institution for--Biological. Research of the University of Cali- fornia (1913-1915), compiled and arranged under the supervision of W.. . E. Ritter, by Ellis L. Michael, Zoologist and Administrative Assistant, George F. McEwen, Hydrographer. Pp. 207-254, 7 figures in text. Novem- = 1 Yes SURE Bo NBS ee nesteein ate hives alts He Sick area mae AGE Mans nt Wp Asin re Rap ai eR ES cae eet EU ie 3. Summary and Interpretation of the Hydrographic Observations made by ~~ : the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of Cali- ~ fornia, 1908 to 1915, by George F. cycghi Hydrographer. Pp. 255-356, - plates, 1-38. December, VOUG eC ROE Re ice ee ey re ea tae nee Vol. 16: 1. An Outline of the Morphology and Life History of Crithidia leptocoridis, s sp. nov., by Irene McCulloch, Pp, 1- tee plates 1-4, 1 text figure. Sep- : tember, "1915 gE REY a ab ee RR Ec: sR a RRR tae ee ee Oe a gg eee 2. On Giardia microti, sp. Nov., feo the Meadow ‘Mouse, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp. 23- 29, 1 figure in text. © 3, On Binary and Multiple Fissionin. Giardia muiris (Grassi), by Charles -Atwood Kofoid and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp. 30-54, elehee, 5-8, 1 figure in text. Nos. 2 and 3-in one cover.- November, 1915 22 20..00-2p 2c 4. The Cultivation of Tissues from Amphibians, by J ohn, C, Johnson. Pp. 55- 62, 2 figures in text. ‘November, 1915 2.200222 i ace ee i geek UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 135-144, 1 figure in text January 10, 1918 THE FUNCTION OF THE GIANT FIBERS IN EARTHWORMS BY JOHN F. BOVARD CONTENTS PAGE init O UC EY OM meee eet eee renee eet Lt RUN ae ee Ee SO ee Ae Ae 136 he Generale function syOt shletmerviel ¢ OTC ese sre sence reece nee eee 136 demas Ve German mass PIG OIG? oo seas ca ca et sacs ecet oe crea a oe am Se 136 2. Muscle not responsible for rhythmic movements ........................ 136 a. Hniediander’s theory, of giant fiber action 2.2! 222 yt 2 136 Wi berlalee nal demmet io deste Oc ea oe 1s eee ee, Remmi eees eee eas 137 eee Nica Goretelligits © le tomes eee err cten sof este 225552 a ee ee eee see 137 HTM HOGS Cdl en ee ee ecco b oe chap ccs Senta nnn ctnt wetness eee siveccouee ace ce acer 137 HeeRE Om ELAM SOCULOED 282k. be io. Socata Sethe NR Soleo aoe es 137 25 hemovall of, short sections of the cord)... 222.522 ae 137 Sbitectisnotebhesoperatlom amd! TECOVET Ys sees seen ere 138 ROMEHETALTON CORPO LUM CTERS: fe: cated anemone cae ncaa cence acer deg tees anmereae ce 138 Heprirectsnolsumpler transverse SGCtION, | ......2crscre ete soe ee 138 I; Recovery of activity. of. locomotor fibers)... 2-0-2. -e-ce---- 139 Zo eRecovery, Of activity Of giant bers: 20s ee eee 139 iemtvemovaluoumshorbs pveces! Ot cblle CON steer eee ee ee eee ee were e acces 140 1. Recovery of locomotor fiber activity -.. ee Ti nie hrertee aati ot 141 2. Recovery: of giant) fiber activity -2x.2222 5 eh ee 142 III. Comparison of results with those of Straub and Friedlander -...... =, 142 RESP eR EMSEE SSe GWG EL SI OWED LO) San ec a alee ee Bet ne eee eee nen cceace 143 INAV es Gila: GS pee) Uc eae oe teen eee Ne see ee pipes Nett the Wes Jt Stet ee tat ee 143 My ec overys Trom (Omects Ol) ATU GS face ere eee eee ces temsene ene 143 Ty IBM lvalore Cit way Wayoroneayaneane NOE AS) _.... AEA ces SE ENE Os Ge RE Sd a EY Mira PEC Oe EY eee a A New Spermophile from the San J oaquin Valley, California, with Notes on Ammospermophilus nélsont nelsoni: Merriam, by Walter P. Taylor. Pp. 15-20, 1 figure in text. October, FO TG ee ee Se Sif) Soe gee eee am ee . Habits and Food of the Roadrunner in.California, by Harold: Cc. Bryant. Pp. 21-58, plates 1-4, 2 figures in text. October, 1916 “27S Description of Bufo canorus, a New Toad from the Yosemite National Park, by Charles Lewis Camp, Pp. 59-62, 4 figures in text. November, 1916...... The Subspecies of Sceloporus occidentalis, with Description of a New Form from the Sierra Nevada and Systematic Notes on. Other California Lizards, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 63-74. December, 1916...........-..-.---- Osteological Relationships of Three Species of Beavers, by F. Harvey “Holden. Pp. 75-114, plates 5-12, 18 text figures. March, 1917 -.........----»--- . Notes on the Systematic Status of the Toads. and Frogs of California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 115-125, 3 text figures. February, 1917 .......--.-. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS —(Continued) 10, A Distributional List of the Amphibians and. Reptiles of California, Ey’ A - . Joseph Grinnell and Charles: Lewis Camps. ee, 127-208, 14, figures: in ‘text. Re 71S pc: AS Be Eel ais inten Goh een Rar cece he ed GOMER Ot a Vina ae Ranh BU Ho: Sia ec gene es Lt. A Study of the Races of the ‘White-Fronted Goose ees albifronsy. ‘Occur. -. sYing in: California, by H. 8S. Swarth and Harold C. ‘Bryant. EB. “209-222, 2 figures in text, plate 13. October, eA Wy sale ears PAN ER ecre ee eae i é Vol. 18. 1. Mitosis in Giardia. meine ic by William Cc, Boece. Pp. 1-26, plate le Octo- . PO ber, 1917 =... SAA ut fee mcs Ae 8 9 D8 SRE nS IMR Ah cg SE SEN, Saree AO Cee 2. An Unusual Extension of the Distribution of the Shipworm in San. Fran. cisco Bay, California, by Albert L. Barrows. Pp. 27-43. December, 1917, Description of Some New Species of Polynoidae from the Coast of Cali- : fornia, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 45-60, plates 23. October, 1917 ...... 2( New Species of Amphinomidae from the Pacific Coast, by Christine Essen- =e berg. Pp. 61-74, plates 4-5. October, 1917 222.0 $$ 5. Crithidia Euryophthalmi; sp. nov., from the Hemipteran Bug, Euryophthalmus “3 Convivus Stal, by Irene McCulloch, Pp. 75-88, 35 text figures. — Decem- Ee SMa =) Aes LN 6 ea a gh ef tar aes ea ey PL Secs Dara SY Sat Mle Deir RN Se 05 eee Saag A : 6. On the Orientation of Erythropsis, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olive Swezy. Pp. 89-102, 12 figures in text. December, 1917 .......... Sen me age i 7, The Transmission of Nervous Impulses in Relation to Locomotion in the — Earthworm, by John F. Bovard. - Pp. 103- 134, 14 figures in text. J anuary, ; SF BS aR ah a pl ee a el acne AP ea SORRY RIE an cae RE SR iPad, GA Cn erat eS 8. The Function of the Giant Fibers in Earthworms, by John a ase Bovard. Pp. oes 135-144, 1 figure in text. - ‘January, = Lb Poe RAG aie ah Sea 8s pert ins marr eiaMeeaL Ae 9. A Rapid Method for the Detection of Pratneoud: Cysts in Mammalian ic Facces, by William ©. Boeck. Pp. 145-149. December, 2 | ay detain nae en : mh c a 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. PUBLICATIONS oe ote—The University: of California Publications are offered in exchange. for the ‘ee cations of learned societies and institutions, universities and libraries. Complete lists of all the publications of the University will be sent upon request. For sample copies, Meta - ef publications or other information, address the Manager of the University Press, Berkeley, California, U. 8. A. All matter sent in exchange should be addressed to The Exchange ty glenn ber be ag cpanel Berkeley, aon U.S. A. ee : ZOOLOGY.— > Ee Ritter and O. A. Kofoid, Editors, ‘Price per eikcrna? $3.50; beginning with vol. 11, $5.00, - -- Ehis series contains the contributions from the Department of Zoology, from the Marine Laboratory of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research, at La hice Oalifornia, and from the Oalifornia Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in Berkeley <: Cited as Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. Volume 1, 1002-1905, $17 pages, with 28 plates nee Volume 2 (Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Associa- tion of San Diego), 1904-1906, xvii + 382 pages, with 19 plates Volume 3S, 1906-1907, 383 pages, with 23 plates ‘eee Volume 4, -1907-1908, 400. pages, with 24 plates Sette pesemyortnnr voters Sates paseo tnstlrtn snag eeoaees $3.50 ack Volume 5, 1908-1910, 440 pages, with 34 plates 2 eee ees rah Volume 6, 1908-1611, 478 pages, with 48 plates Skaeeretae,, + 7.) ‘Volume 7. (Contributions from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology), 1910-1912, 446 pages, with 12 plates 2 Wolume 8, 1911, 357 pages, with 25 plates Volume 9, 1911-1912, 365 pages, with 24 plates cnc ase acca cwwteeneenve eee - $3.50 Volume 10, 1912-1918, 417 pages, with 10 plates . Volume 11, 1912-1914, 538 pages, with 26 plates. 28 $5.00 Volume 12, (Contributions from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology), 19138-1916, = BGS Magen, Wath Le patos ei ac tpn hin cag as aa ang aces mene lege degcnapeeees $5.00 Wol. 13. 1. The Schizopoda of the San Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly. PES = 420; plates 1-2. Apr, 1914S ea a ee 2A Study of-the Occurrence and Manner of Distribution of the (tano- phora of the Sam Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 21-38. API TOU 45 oa a eae eee S02 an eee ~ $. A New Self-Regulating Paraffin Bath, by OC. y. W. Woodworth. Pp. 39- 42.°2 text-figures.= April, “lO oo ig ies ee 4. Diplodinium ecaudatum, with an Account of Its Neuromotor Apparatus, — by Robert G. Sharp. Pp. 43-122, plates 3-7, 4 text figures. May, | gy B eeisat ocx aeticat Sab ste a RUN Peake ME MESA carat enbl, Oe SNS 5 Dae ey oct ate -§. The Vertical Distribution and Movements of the Schizopoda of the San Diego Region, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 123-145. May, 1914 6. The Anatomy of Heterodontus francisci. I. The Exoskeleton, by J. Frank Daniel. Pp. 147-166, Flates 8-9, 4 text figures. May 23, NOES ee a as ig 7. The Movements and Reactions of the Isolated Melanophores of the Frog, by 8. J. Holmes. Pp. 167-174, plate 10.. August, 1914 ...... 8. Polychastous Annelids of the Pacific Coust in the Collections of the Zoological Museum. of the University of California, by. Aaron iL. Treadwell, Pp. 175-234, plates 11-12. 9. New Syllidse from San Prancisco Bay (collected by the U. S. 8. ‘*Albatross’’); by Aaron L. Treadwell. Pp. 235-238, 7 text figures. Nos. 8 and 9 in one cover.- October, 1914 .....020. iol p 10. Note on the Medusan Genus Stomolophus, from San Diego, by Henry pela a B., Bigelow. 2p. 239-241. September, 19014: 22222232 nes il: A Study of the Structure of Feathers, with Reference to their Taxo- petty cat nomic Significance, by Asa C, Chandler. Pp. 243-446, plates 18-17, a ae 7 text-figured..: “Aprhl VON es ee i ic a oe ous pene aemneee ea 2.00 12. Anatomical Adaptations in the Thoracic Limb of the California Pocket = = Gopher and Other Rodents, by Charles Daniel Holliger. Pp. 447-5 494, plates 38-39, 20: text-figures. -March; 1916 -:..0.2..00 13. The Inheritance of Extra Bristles in Drosophila Melanogaster Meig., by Edna M. Reeves. Pp. 495-515,.1 figure in text. December, 1916 ....:.. Wol. 14. 1. A Report upom the Physical Conditions in San Francisco Bay, Basea ~~ — upon the Operations of the United States Fisheries Steamer ‘‘Aiba-~ tross’’ -during the Years 1912 and 1918, by F. B. Sumner, G. D. - Louderback, W. lL. Schmitt, B. O. Johnston. Pp, 1-198, plates 1-18, = 20 text figures. July, 1914 Paar ee aR at ee TN cedaneunessnsuectacsstennnépencecevesans $3.50. f% Pasian ee coves! 86 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 145-149 December 24, 1917 A RAPID METHOD FOR THE DETECTION OF PROTOZOAN CYSTS IN MAMMALIAN FAECES BY WILLIAM C. BOECK Cropper and Row (1917) have recently given an account of a rapid method of concentrating the cysts of Hntamoeba in human stools. This method has since been applied also to the concentration of the cysts of flagellates, principally those of Giardia intestinalis, by Carter and Matthews (1917). The method is based upon the principle that if ether is stirred into an emulsion of faecal material and normal saline solution and the mixture then placed in a separating funnel, the debris, having absorbed the ether, will float in the layer of ether which soon rises above the layer of normal saline solution, while the eysts will remain below. These cysts may then be procured by draw- ing off the saline solution at the bottom of the separatory funnel and concentrating them subsequently by centrifuging. In a paper by Carter and Matthews (1917) an account is given of a fair trial of this method of concentrating cysts from stools. They conclude that the method ‘‘is more severe than the ordinary method of examination of a faecal emulsion: that when the method is used at the time the third ordinary examination is made a result is given which would probably be obtained by five ordinary examinations. The method is impracticable, however, when a large number of stools have to be examined each day, for the time required to make these concen- trated examinations is not commensurate with the results obtained.’’ It is more important, however, to realize that the efficacy of the method is not in the least impaired by these conclusions, and that the method would be more practicable if the time involved in’ making the test could be shortened. 146 , University of California Publications in Zoology — [Vou. 18 In my work on the detection of the cysts of Giardia microti, a species found in rodents and similar in structure and size to Giardia intestinalis of man, I have used certain modifications of the Cropper and Row method, which I believe are improvements not only by saving considerable time in making the examination but also of enhancing the accuracy of detection of the cysts of Giardia and of other Protozoa in the stools. This method has been tested with success on human stools in the Biological Laboratory of the California State Board of Health. : The first change in the method, and one that saves considerable time, is the employment of the Hamilton-Beach ‘‘Cyclone’’ electric mixer for emulsifying the stools. This device may be seen in use in mixing drinks at most soda fountains. It commends itself very favor- ably because of its rotary action and its speed in beating up an emulsion. This action favors the mingling of all parts of the stool into a condition in which the eysts are uniformly distributed. The instrument shortens the time of thirty minutes prescribed by Cropper and Row (1917) as necessary when the stools are to be shaken into an emulsion to not more than ten minutes. Naturally the time element here is dependent upon the firm or the liquid consistency of the stools. The action of emulsification may be accelerated by fastening a wire, looped back and forth in a single plane, to the rim of the glass con- taining the sample of the stool in the normal saline solution so that it projects down into the mixture. This simple device is of great service in that it helps to break up any lumps that may occur in the faeces. I have found that this mixer beats up a fairly uniform emulsion and is entirely satisfactory in liberating the cysts from the lumps in the stools. This wire loop was devised by Mr. J. D. Me- Donald, Assistant in the Biological Laboratory of the California State Board of Health for use in the examination of human stools for hook- worm. I am greatly indebted to him for the suggestion of using the looped wire in order to break up the lumps in the stools, and to Professor C. A. Kofoid, Director of the Biological Laboratory of the California State Board of Health, for the permission to publish this note regarding the method of examination of stools in use in that laboratory. Another change in the method is in the use of neutral red to stain partially and to differentiate the cysts from the debris and from the intestinal yeasts. The use of this stain in making diagnosis of faecal material was first suggested by Stitt (1911). I have used two methods 1917] Boeck: Protozoan Cysts in Mammalian Faeces 147 in the application of this stain. In the first, one gram of faecal material in thirty cubic centimeters of normal saline solution is emulsified by means of the electric mixer for about eight minutes. About five cubie centimeters of neutral red solution N/10,000 are then put into the emulsion, which is stirred until it is of a uniform reddish color. Five centimeters of ether are then stirred into the emulsion. The remaining steps of the process of concentration follow at once. In the second method of appleation of this stain, a drop of the neutral red solution may be applied to a very small amount of residue containing the cysts and placed on a slide, preparatory to microscopic examination. The residue is obtained by centrifuging the saline solu- tion which had been drawn off at the bottom of the separatory funnel. In the latter method of appheation of the solution of neutral -red there results a greater intensification of the stain in the debris, afford- ing a sharper contrast between debris, yeasts, and the cysts. The cysts may take at the most only a light pink stain, due to their wall, which prevents penetration of the reagent. In many eases the eysts are not colored at all, even by this intensive method of treatment. The use of this stain, however, helps to cut short the time necessary for making the examination, since one is able to detect the cysts with great celerity and accuracy because of the sharp contrast that is presented between the cysts, the yeasts, and the debris. The yeasts, on the other hand, are usually entirely stained, but if not, the stain can be seen in the central vacuole, which at onee differentiates the yeasts from protozoan cysts of the same size in which the structure of the contained organism may be indistinct. Since, however, only a slight amount of stain is wont to differentiate the internal structures of protozoan cysts, one is able by the use of the neutral red to dis- tinguish the nuclei, axostyle, and the remains of the intracytoplasmic flagella in the cysts of Giardia more quickly than without the use of the stain. It is this feature which adds to accuracy in the detection of these cysts. The method in full as I have been using it is as follows: Take at least one gram of the stool to be examined, place it with thirty eubie centimeters of normal saline solution in the mixing glass and stir for at least ten minutes, pouring in five cubic centimeters of neutral red solution N/10,000 at the end of eight minutes, if one desires to use the stain at this time in the method. At the end of ten minutes, while still stirring, add five cubic centimeters of ether and stir two or three minutes longer. 148 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18: A general rule may be laid down here at this time. The ether tends at first to settle the emulsion temporarily, but at the end of about two minutes the emulsion begins to rise up and foam again because the ether becomes localized by absorption in the debris. In order then to get the best results and to be assured of the greatest possible flotation of ether-soaked debris, one should cease stirring at the very moment the emulsion commences to foam again. Then the emulsion should be hurried into a separatory funnel and allowed to stand for at least five to seven minutes, during which the eysts will settle to the bottom in the saline solution and debris will float in the ether above. The funnel used for this separation has a funnel-shaped bowl with steep sides contracting to a narrow neck above the turn- cock. At the end of this period of standing, the saline solution, about fifteen cubic centimeters, is drawn off at the bottom of the separatory funnel into a centrifuge tube of a capacity of fifteen cubie centimeters, and is centrifuged for three minutes at 1600 revolutions per minute. The supernatant fluid is then drawn off and the residue is examined microscopically for the cysts. At this time a drop of neutral red is applied to a small amount of this residue preparatory to microscopic examination if the stain has not been used previously. It is preferable to use it at this time in order to procure a sharper contrast between the cysts and the surrounding debris. By this method a faecal examination can be completed in twenty- five to thirty minutes, which is considerably less than the time required by the method which Cropper and Row (1917) described. Although I have been especially interested in the application of this modification of their method to the detection of the cysts of Giardia, I have noticed at the same time that it is equally applicable to the detection of cysts of Entamoeba, of other flagellates, and of the eggs of nematodes, which I have found in the faeces of the rat. The great value of this method of concentrating cysts of protozoan parasites is realized when one desires the most accurate diagnosis of a suspected case. A high degree of infection by both amoeba and flagellates is reported by Dobell (1917) from both dysenteric and non-dysenteri¢ convalescents from the Mediterranean area in British hospitals. Each infected individual might become the source through unsanitary con- ditions for further distribution of the disease among the troops should he return to the front, or possibly to civilians on his return to private 1917 | Boeck: Protozoan Cysts in Mammalian Faeces 149 life. All devices, therefore, which can assist in the certain and rapid detection of such carriers, not only of those under military conditions but of all persons returning from regions of dysenteric infections, have a preventive value, especially in view of the enhancement of the risks of contagion due to the present conditions in Europe. LITERATURE CITED CROPPER, J. W., and Row, R. W. H. 1917. A method of concentrating Entamoeba cysts in stools. Lancet, 192, 179-182. CarRTER, H. F., and MarrHeEws, J. R. 1917. The value of concentrating cysts of the protozoal parasites in exam- ining stools of dysenteric patients for pathogenic entamoebae. Ann. of Trop. Med. and Parasitol., 11, 195-205. DOBELL, ©: C! 1917. Reports upon investigations in the United Kingdom of dysentery cases received from the Eastern Mediterranean. I. Amoebie dysen- tery and the protozoological investigation of cases and carriers. Medical Research Committee, Special Report Series no. 4 (London, H. M. Stationery Office), 85 pp. Stiirt, E. R. 1911. Practical bacteriology, blood work and animal parasitology, ed. 2 (London, H. K. Lewis), xiii, 345 pp., 91 figs. in text. See pp. 299-304. “UNIVERSITY oF CALIFORN Ia PUBLIOATION S—(Continued) “vo. 15. ‘Introduction, ‘Dependence of Marine Biology upon Hydrography. and Necessity of Quantitative Biological Research, Pp. becdi, June, a ; 5 ISB 9) Sees Se ome OS Sas OO SNR Reese OES NLT aoe nr Rai Rei Re Pte ge SRE Sega etree 1. Hydrographic, ‘Plankton, and Dredging Reeenia of the Scripps Institu- ee Car - tion for Biological Research of the University of California, 1901 to ee : < 1912, compiled-and arranged under the supervision of W. E. Ritter by Ellis L, Michael and George F. McEwen. “Pp. 1-206, 4 text figures ; BANG ATA SSG POT ae ee re ee ee Se ee ES ate 2. Continuation of Hydrographic, Plankton, and Dasine Records of the - Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of Cali- * fornia’ (1913-1915), compiled and arranged wnder-the supervision of aS We ‘E. Ritter, by Ellis L. Michael, Zoologist and Administrative As- = sistant, George F. McHwen, Hydrographer. Pp, 207-264, 7 figures in s. Summary and Interpretation of the Hydrographic Observations made by -.» “the Scripps Institution for Biological-Research of the University- of “California, 1908 to 1915, by George F. aes “Hy drographer. Pp. 255-356, plates 1-38, "December, 5S 5 Wo Gis GE eet i aN ese ak Wol, 16, 1. An Outline of the Morphology and Life History of Crithidia lepto- ‘eoridis, sp. nov., by Irene McCulloch. Pp. 1-22, plates 1-4, i text ao figure. September, aA hb etc eite MR Aiehpe Sa crea tie eR RemOn n Bea Meathey, ele G8 ra 2. On Giardia microti sp. nov., from the Meadow Mouse, by Charles : Atwood Kofoid and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp. 23-29, 1 figure in text.. $. On Binary and Multiple Fission in Giardia muris (Grassi), by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp. epee plates 5-8, 1 figure in text. : Nos.2 and-3 in one cover. November 1915 ......... PINE SS 4. The Cultivation of Tissues. from Amphibians, by John C. Johnson. Pp. 55-62, 2 figures in text; November, 1915 22.80 “6, Notes on the Tintinnoina, 1. On the Probable Origin of Dictyocysta tiara Haeckel. 2, On Petalotricha entzi sp. nov., by Charles Atwood es Kofoid. Pp: 63-69, 8 figures in text. .Décember, 1915 ...0 _ 6, Binary and Multiple Fission in Hexamitus, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 71- 88, plates 9-11. 7. On a New Trichomonad Flagellate, Trichomitus parvus, from the Intes- , tine of Amphibians, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 89-94, plate 12. Nos. 6 and-7 im one cover. December, 1915 2.0000. . 8, On Blepharocorys ae sp. nov., a New Ciliate from the Caecum of the aa ORHE, by Irwin © . Schumacher. Pp. 95- 106, plate 138. December, 9. Three New Helices from Califernia, by 8. Stillman Barry, Pp. 107- Se EET PARTY yi k CLO t otirsc ace pci ae ee op er ae 10. On Trypanosoma ‘triatomae, a New Flagellate froma Hemipteran Bug from the Nests of the Wood Rat Neotoma fuscipes, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Irene MeCulloch. . Pp. 118- 126, ‘plates 14-15. February, NS eee Toe aE I eee aes Re tee oe ee eed kre 11. The Genera Movocercomonas and Polgmastix: by Olive Swezy. Pp. 127- 138; plates 16-19. “February, 1916 <5.) cs es 12, Notes on the Spiny Lobster (Paniulirus interruptus) of the California Coast, by Bennet M. Allen. Pp, 139-152, 2 figs. in text.. March, 1916 13. Notes on the Marine Fishes of California, by Oarl L. Hubbs. Pp. 153- : 169, Piatess15-20..; Maren, A9IB se So ee es 14. The Feeding Habits and Food of ‘Pelagic Copepods andthe Question of Nutrition by Organic Substances in Solution in the Water, by Calvin 0. Esterly. Pp. 171-184, 2 figs. in text.. March, 1916-22... seal 15. The Kinetonucleus of Flagellates and the Binuclear Theory of Hart- “mann, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 185-240,.58 figs. in text. March, 1916... =. 16..Cn the Life-History of a Soi! Amoeba, ey, Charlie Woodruff Wilson. Py. 241-292: plates: 18-25. -Suly, 1016 ee 17. Distribution of the Land Vertebrates of Southeastern Washington, by wi Lee Raymond Dice. Pp. 293-348, plates 24-26. June, 1916 2030. 18. The Anatomy of Heptanchus maculatus >. the Endoskeleton, by a. Frank: Daniel. Pp. 349-370, Pls. 229, 8 text figures. December, RAs HORROR CIS Aree AUNT Rac pe When ent AT Eg tahes een re aN Ow Anos ee ec BESET 19, Some Phases of Spermatogenesis in the Mouse, by Harry B. Yocom, PP. BT1-380; PL SO aT ANUary, wa hc se et es Fe 20, Specificity in Behavior and the Relation- Between Habits in Nature ‘and Reactions in the erg aha by Calvin 0, Esterly. Pp. 381-392. cast 1917 SAR kde a OE Sey eS Sig ceesebsvone anos bees we ext = November; 1976 sk Se he : 1.00 10. Vol. 17. Vol. 18. ‘UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS —(Gontinued) 21. The. Occurrence of a Rhythm in’ the Geotropism ‘of Two. ‘Spectes of BS ee Plankton Copepods When Certain Recurring External Conditions are === Absent, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 393-400. March, 1917 22... 6 0 22; On Some New Species of Aphroditidae from the Coast of California, = by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 401-430, plates 31-37. March, 1917... S86 . 23, Notes on the Natural History and Behavior of Emerita analoga (Stimp- son), by Harold Tupper Mead. Pp, 431-438, 1 text ‘figure. April, aes B Sa Uy Geredigten eens topes wie rR eer ae me Ne Oar TaSE NaN In, ros Rane Ge atAy aaah eS 10 24. Ascidians of the Littoral Zone ‘of Southern California, by William BE. Ritter and Ruth A. Forsyth. Pp. 439-512, plates 38-46, August, 1917 | 1.00 See 1, Diagnoses of Seven New Mammals from Bast-Central California, DR . Joseph Grinnell and Tracy I. Storer. Pp. 1-3. 2. A New Bat of the Genus Myotis from the aes Sierra Nevada. of Cali- fornia, by Hilda Wood Grinnell. Pp..9-10 Nos. 1 and 2 in one cover. August, 1916 00 deem See Ss 3. Spelerpes platucephalus, a-New Alpine Salamander from the Yosemite National Park, California, by Charles Lewis Comp. Pp. 11-14. ‘Sep- SEN MOR OE, 101 Goo bac er toed toda tecondt pe mae tacts 05 4, A New Spermophile from the: San Joaquin Valley, California, with ikea e Notes on Ammospermophilus: nelsoni. nelsoni Merriam, by Walter P. et Taylor. Pp. 15-20, 1 figure in text. October, 1916 -..022n O05. 5. Habits and Food of the Roadrunner in California, by Harold C, Bryant, sii Pp. 21-58, plates 1-4, 2 figures in text. October, 1916 2.2.0. ee 6. Description of Bufo canorus, a New Toad from the Yosemite National — Park, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp.59-62, 4 figures in text. Novem- rey UT ea 39 Neale Pek ez a tis I a ON, OA eR ee Niet BOR A ER PN cepa swt 06 7, The Subspecies of Scelopuwns occidentalis, with Description of 2 New Form from the Sierra Nevada and Systematic Notes on Other Cali- fornia Lizards, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 63-74. December, 1916 10 a 8. Osteological Relationships of Three Species of Beavers, by F. Harvey Holden: Pp. 75-114, plates 5-12, 18 text figures. March, 1917... 40 = A 9. Notes on the Systematic Status of the Toads and Frogs of California, 2 by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp: 115-125, 3'text figures. February, 1917... .10. ~~ 10. A Distributional List of the Amphibians and Reptiles of California, ° by Joseph Grinnell and Charles Lewis Camp. _Pp. 127-208, 14 figures $5 GORE PRAY ROR ce en Ee Sy as 85 ais 11, A Study of the Races of the White. Fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) Occurring in California, by H. 8. Swarth and Harold C. Bryant. Pp. 209-222, 2 figures in text, plate 13, October, 1917... ..... pee ee pee? 1. Mitosis in Giardia Microti, by William C. Boeck. Pp. “1-26, plate 3 OCs NTT TO a al ia saan laa eg te gta ae a 2. An Unusual Extension of the Distribution of the Shinworm in San Francisco Bay, California, by Albert L. Barrows. Pp. 27- 43. De- Asie et CET DERG DET ee esac pT SINR les cota capiooh Spee taste 3207: 3. Description of Some New Species of Datinswdae From the Coast of : California, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 45- 60, Plates 2-3. October, eee BS by Pea ates xe SRDS st ing ge alee CaO en ae TE tes ne tena Nays NRE area .20 4. New Species of Aphinomidae From the Pacific Coast, by Christine Essenberg.. Pp. 61-74, plates 4-5, October, 1917-002. 2022 --e-e SADE che : 5. Crithidia Euryophthalmi, sp. nov., fromthe Hemipteran Bug, Euryoph- thalmus Convivus Stal, by Irene McCulloch. Pp. 75-88, 35 text fig- ~~. : ures): Deeéniber, “TOV es he ee ee ee eee (In press) ae 6. On the Orientation of Hrythkropsis, by Charles Atwood Kofoid. ON es Olive Swezy. Pp. 89-102, 12 figures in-text... December, 1917. .:.... 15 - 7. The Transmission of Nervous Impulses in Relation to Tacdmenon : in the Earthworm, by John F.Bovard: Pp. 103-134, 14 figures, in text. = = ATURE Y, LOEB so eae Re ee haste a alee gee (In press) 8. The Function of the Giant Fibers in Earthworms, by John F. Bovard. ” Pp. 135-144, 1 figure in text. January, 1918 2.08 (In press) 9, A Rapid Method for the Detection of Protozoan Cysts in Mammalian’ RS Ae Faeceés, bE William C. Boeck, Pp. 145-149. December,. 1917". ees ray .05 UNIVERSITY OF GALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN : ? ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 151-170, 12 figures in text March 9, 1918 _ THE MUSCULATURE OF HEPTANCHUS oe MACULATUS BY PIRIE DAVIDSON UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS “‘BERKELEY» UNIVERSITY OF. ‘CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS - Sayer biti Note —The University of California Publications are offered in ne for the pubis Bhagat 5 ‘i y Le Ma ai 7 A ad : a vad oy mn ie wana me ty bs Pee Bie B ; Pie y A a ; s ¥ ¥ Nis rT ne” © oe yor =? [ Vou. 18 ions in Zoology Publicat nia ifon al ty of C werst Un 2 0 0} 09 Woay sopnyyR] Usayytou ay, +TeITS Ivsnsy, Woiz ysvoyynNog vag osouvder IGANOIUBA WOIF JSOA spue[sy UeIyNeLy oy} JO IoUIOD JSaMYINOG SPURS] OTA OY} JO opis UloJsBvoyyION Bes 3SI0TAO jo yaed aowIeM oy, Bag Suuog jo javd usoysen Beg sullog jo yavd wlejsoMyyI0ON S¥cv UII yy ‘apnyISuo, JO SveiZep us} Yova yw puw spPNyyR] JO SoviZep oAY Yow ye sinjesoduie} oY} SuULMOYS padopisuod oav ol Gal Ie 6'I oe 61 SL ST VT ST on Ll oat LT ele LT Ger: Sitar: oe ST 6oL vG éLol (L81‘%) (OF9'T) (F60‘T) (028) 000'F 000° 000% 00S'T bLol (LPS) 000'T 6G 86 F0 9°0 BE Sit GE 6€ 66 6¢ oe rolite GE Lg VE 9¢ oe && iz eT VG 6G & VE é8oL bG06 (Ler) (888) 008 009 (nyog pue 4yoyrg 104s) (sosoyjuored Ut W9AIS sWOYyeF Ut Syydop ‘s1ojzam ut syydaq ) O's Té UL L0 TG OF Si 0°9 ty) oP 0's 09 ov 97 os oP Ly OES) Ly oF 0s OF LY 1S g¢é VV OF L0 60 OT ST ST ont Gs 8G Site Gos 606 F0 (613) OOF 006 Oot NVG0O OWIOVd FHL NI SHYOALVAAINGAYT, JO NOWLOETHLSId x9 TIAVL (601) (gg) 9 &I LOL Or 9°8 UL r6) oS og og 9'P O'F Gs Pol (0) 0 oGFL oGEL of o06L o0FL o0Sl o09L oOLT M o08L oOLL o09T o0ST ‘sosoyjuoied Ul MO[aq UAATS SULOYYRE L8T‘Z 0} O WoaAy 10 SUUIN[OD JUaLOYIP Ul UALS ST SA9}0U OOO'F 0} OQ WO.Ls yydo ‘sopnyisu0o, puw sopnyyry, ‘syjydap sno1mea eV uwRIDG DYOV, oY} Ur siNzRAaduIa} JO UOINQIAYSIP 9Y} SUIMOYS ‘NYIG puB Yoyo 1o}JB Sl g 9[qQVy ; ead pay IP pnzywyel “sy I fPoVq oy} ur IGNQI14SIp oy TMOY LPS P PS JB SI'Q 9[GRL x oOF 00S 3 . e 19 dae ynov Distribution of the Pol Essenberg 1918] BIULOFIPRY LoMory JO Sotoys oY} WOLF SIM UWOTSOY OMIG ONS PRIS uBuldIqg FO APIUIOT A BlarOsTTeD ‘ournopueyy odeg «avon Sylva yy LG ile 66 66 VG 0% 66 6% 9° 61 0G VG GG iat ST 6G VG LT Lt GG Gs Mee Lt GG 86 LT LT GG 9% LT a t &G VG Av Lt GG La Lt LT GG Lt onl VG 6G oT wie GG VG oT on 6G VG GT on 6G VG ou rie 3G VG oT on! GG 6G cal om oS 6G CT ie 3 3 GT oT ST VG GT oT jay ST (L8T‘%2) (OF9'T) (F60'T) (028) 000‘ 000‘ 000'% 00S'T oS oe tite) gé is Ls VE 0s (LPS) 000'T ‘@ G Oe 66 OE 8's 8s rei LS 9°¢ (Sts (L&F) 008 oP oP VP oP i? SP 6'F LY oF (828) 009 (panwjzuoj)—9 ATAV J, nora) SE a Se ee Le | ol Sel A) teh a! te! 1D 19 1 Tee co & a o0€ 006 4 SL 0% 9G 6% BF 6F €'9 66 SOL 0°96 9°96 o08L a Lt ST 6G 6% oF SF Ta GOL OLT L9G OLE oOLT a Li ST GG 6% oF PP 6°9 OTL SiZr 696 GLE o09L ST ST GG 6% rea 6F L9 60L 061 696 E16 oO0ST > Go ST ST GG LG oF (OS L’9 CIOL T'06 G'9S CLS oOFL > VUBLIBI, S°SUOT TT, : i : — Ny Beep) ST i 66 LG LY Lg 89 6 OL L1G GS PLE o0§L oGL 8 a NX svoury = uvg odep woigy yynog sy GG Gg i i &'¢ 9°9 €'6 CTL €ST 0'SS oOIT a Salt Sal GG jets UP 0S T'9 G8 CTL My Pale 0°63 o0GL Ss ST Silas GhG G§ (2 LY 9°¢ 68 SSI 8°6L L1G 0ST aS : = ST is IL GG Sig GF oF GG 1g V9L GTS 8°6G oOFL ‘S ST 61 6G 0'€ SF GP gg 68 IgZt 8'°6S OFS o0ST eS N[upLoOuo Fy a, :SUOT MSS ynoqy Lt ST 66 6% oP GF oS 8'8 GLI 6&3 8'F6 o09T ee es lg ST GG 8°S Piz VP T'9 TOL T'06 9°6S FSG oOLT = M S See pL A ae eee : : : : ; . : : Sale GG GG 18 Si G9 LOL C6L T&6 8°GZ o08L iS BS ar ST GG 8S OF se eZ OTT CST GES L9G oOLT 006 > Gh SN i ee SS SY Ee : 2 : - : F ; 5 é : = Sul GG 9G O'F OS GL GGL 0°61 0'FS €'96 o09L < Ae ST GG 6% or vG 68 + $13 0°SS G'9G 00ST 2 SVUBIIBI S ‘SuOT [SFL Jnoqy £0 ST BG T's oP Gg v8 S'éT C'1G PFS 9°96 oOFL LT ST 6G 9% oP Lg SL G&L F6L 0°83 F'93 o0&§L 006 ch SYAIVULIY (L8T‘Z) (OF9'T) (F60‘T) (028) (L¥S) (LEFF) (828) (612) (601) (g¢) (0) B + 000% 000‘ 000‘ o00S'T 000'T 008 009 OOF 002 00T 0 ‘suoy = “4Ury a (panuyuop9)—9 @I1aV I, op) Distribution of the Polynoidae Essenberg 1918] BOY BISOH FO 4SoM puvysy uojredd1pp puUBIs] [[eysreyy yen puvysy [[eVysaeyy 3So My WOISaL OUT[OIVD dex jo 4seqy ovuBpuly, YIION WLOIF JSVO SOLU OFZ oojndvoy wor YING SyIVUIa YT a VG 8G Lé 0% 13 86 9¢ 61 61 8G Gs 61 61 8G VE ST 61 9°6 (Bite ST ST ace os& Jit LT 6G L§ 6G 9G 8° VE VG VG 9G BE 0G 6G VG 6G yi 61 oS 6G Ll 61 6G 6G LT 61 63 6G Ps 61 6G 6% ST 61 66 6% OT ome 8G Lé ST 61 °G VE ST 61 8G 66 ST 61 ST 6T ST ST 9G o& TG FG 0% 6G 9° 6G (L8T‘Z) (OF9'T) (F60'T) (028) 000'F 000°€ 000° OO0S'T 6F OF SP LY 8'P i SF VP (LES) 000'T oo oD SQ oD oO OD OD CO 1D 1D LO 19 19 1D 10 WO 169 (LEP) 008 LL ys 69 v9 69 v9 G9 £9 (828) 009 (panwyuog)—9 ATaAv I, v8 66 (61a) OOF Gél OL OGL Vit Ona: 6 OL 6 OL SOL L Ot 9'0OL GOL GOL 0'OT OFT (60T) 006 (g¢) OOT Nana Coot Ok a © an a Non wD DW ri © iar) 006 o00L oOIl o06L o0EL oOFL o0ST o09T oOLT M oO8L oOLT o091 oOGT oOFL o0ET a oVO0T oOIT o06l o0EL oOFL o0ST o09T oOLT M “SUO0TT oO oOI ery [ Vor. 18 Zoology am vons cat a ia Publ “Nia fo) ty of Cali werst Un SpuBls[ Hog [yy ApUuyorA uy SpUuBysy MBN :°SUOT 195 FNOgY IdAOUBFT MON FO YILON Bouiny MON JO YON yreayg opoplcy BULB Ue J yo F[ny worIy YING puv[sy Suiuuey tan yNyee l BuIporey YING f pue[s— ne[eq JO WoM SYAv Udy 0G VG FG is oF 9° oa ST UG GE VP LG Bye ST VG o& oF 6S ia ST VG rear CPT oS . ape oT GG 0° VP GG eh oma Been ee, |e eae ee a eee LG =i GG 9S cig i gg “seal” aa 9G Ga 8°F eS i BG 9G GiG SP VS OL G 9G SRG 8 VS UL 3G 9% 1) te be Pec ST 0% 9% 16 16 8'P FS SL OL CG Ste SP VS Pl 61 LG VE 8'P 8g 61 ome GG § LY gc VG oS GG Its 99°F s¢ Fy SL GG ts VP GG 0% LG 6G Its ie FG ZT ST 3G (ane 9'F ia BAL ST 6G Ls O'S 8g Pars ST 6G CE oF 3°¢ 6T 6T 6G eats oF 9°¢ (L8T‘%) (OF9'T) (F60‘T) (028) (LYS) (LEP) 000'F 000° 000° O00S'T 000'T 008 (panuyuopj)—9 FIaVL, GL UL GL GL 09 GL 9L LL Gh (828) 009 68 88 68 9°6 0°6 GOT "6 86 3 OL 0'OL 06 8°8 88 06 ¥'6 66 06 68 8°8 L8 68 68 (612) OOF L9T GLI 0°06 P16 BGG 06S S'GL 0ET Lol Vol STL SIt 0G 7 6L Tél PPL 0ST SL 0'9T oLt 081 LT (601) 004 o0ST oOLL o09T o0ST oOFL oO06L of 008 006 o00T oOLL o06L o0EL oOFL oOST o09L oOLT M oO8L oOLT o09T o0SL oOFL 006 of “suory of) C on G o- "yery LOT Distribution of the Polynoidae Essenberg 1918] sosvdeyey SYABMLAY ST 61 LG Bite ST 61 LG €& ST 61 LG Bits UG GG LG os VG 6G GG Vé i hegeet e LG o& ad 61 LG Gis ST 61 LG Oitg ST 61 LG rents) (LET'S) (OF9'T) (F60'T) (028) 000'F 000°8 000'% O00S'T VP oF LY os 8'F SP oF a VP (L¥G) 000'T 1D fon 195 © © © © oH Ne) Yer (LEP) 008 QL Ws CL SL GL 89 VL el OL (836) 009 (papnjou0))—9 ATAV I, 8°8 8°8 6 36 06 0'0L 90 FOL ¥'6 (613) OOF Gél SEL 9 FL GSt 0'9L Cel Lot Sol oéEl (601) 00% 198 Unversity of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 latitude and, to some extent, according to longitude. The highest temperature of the surface waters of the ocean, as one may naturally expect, 1s in the lowest latitudes on both sides of the equator, where the intensity of the solar radiation reaches its maximum. With an increase in distance from the equator toward the poles there is a grad- ual decrease in temperature. The difference in temperature is here about 28° to 29°C, ranging from 28°5C near the equator to 1°4C at latitude 60° (see table 6) or to 0° in the North Polar Basin at about 80° latitude. Again, a difference in surface temperature prevails between the surface waters of the coastal region and those of the mid- Pacific, and as a general rule the temperature of the surface water rises with the increase in distance from the Californian coast toward the mid-Pacific. But in the mid-Pacific, as well as near the coast, the temperature gradually decreases with the increase in distance from the equator toward the poles. The temperature near the shores, how- ever, 18 more subject to fluctuations due to various causes. Thorade (1912) has shown in detail the variations in temperature off the coast of California with isotherms for surface temperatures for each month ce of the year. Certain ‘‘cold islands’’ surrounded by warmer waters, off Seattle and San Francisco, disappear entirely during some months but are very prominent in others, the appearance and disappearance of these ‘‘cold islands’’ being caused by the seasonal changes in winds with their influence upon the waters. The shifting of the isothermal lines near the shores is also conspicuously noticeable in the varying seasons. Upwelling of the cold bottom waters is the cause of cold belts along the coast of California (Holway, 1905). An instance of narrow cold water belt is found in the waters along Cape Mendocino. Some limited areas of shallow water near the coast have higher tem- perature than the surrounding deeper waters. All these complexities help to diversify the thermal conditions of the surface waters, but on the whole the temperature decreases with the increase of distance ' from the equator to the poles (table 6). In the Arctic Ocean the surface temperature is nearly like the bottom temperature, varying from 1°80C in April to O0°80C in August. The temperature in the different depths in that region varies from 0°30 to 0°80C (Nansen, 1902) being also uniform in that region. This, however, is not true in the lower latitudes, where the temperature varies with the various depths, decreasing gradually with the increase in depth until in the greatest depth a minimum tem- perature is reached which is nearly identical with that of the Arctic waters. 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 199 Fig. A. Distribution of surface temperatures off the Pacific coast of North America in January and May. After Thorade (1909). 200 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 Schott and Schu (1910) have tabulated the temperatures of the various depths and latitudes from depths of 0 meters to 4,000 meters and from 60°N latitude to 50°S latitude. Their table and the map of the Pacific coast give a very good idea of the distribution of the tem- perature in the different depths and latitudes (see tables 6 and 7). Comparing some of the data in this table we find that the tempera- tures of the various depths near the equator correspond to the tem- peratures of the various latitudes. The temperature at a depth of 3,000 meters near the equator corresponds to the surface temperature of 60°N latitude. The temperature of the water at a depth of 1,500 meters is identical with the surface temperature at 55° latitude. The temperature at 1,000 meters depth at 0° latitude is equal to the sur- face temperature of 50° latitude. The temperature in the depth of 400 meters is equal to the surface temperature at 40° latitude. The temperature at 200 meters at 0° latitude is equal to the surface tem- perature of 30° latitude, and the temperature in the depth of 100 meters at 0° latitude is identical with the surface temperature of 20° latitude. Il. TEMPERATURE AS A Factor CONTROLLING DISTRIBUTION The above facts show that the vertical distribution of the tempera- ture from the surface to the bottom in the lower latitudes is com- parable to the horizontal distribution from the equator to the poles. In some places along the coast the changes in temperature are so abrupt that definite geographical points serve as division lines of different isothermal areas. If the distribution of certain species of animals and plants coincide with the distribution of the temperature zones, aS has been observed to be the ease, it is obvious that the tem- perature may be regarded as one of the main factors controlling the distribution of Polynoidae. It is a well known fact that a strong heat in summer may kill all _ the shallow water plants within a few days by raising the temperature beyond the maximum which those plants ean stand. Many organisms of phytoplankton occur in shallow water in winter, but in deep water during summer. The phytoplankton in the Gulf of Naples was not found in surface layers but in a depth of 200 fathoms where the water is considerably cooler, while in the oceans of higher latitude, as in the North Sea, where the surface temperature is lower, the diatoms and Peridiniae are found at the surface. In these regions, again, the depth 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 201 ‘inn eattle 2h ley n fo) Ze: IN IN = ct AS Pes bie _— ais Fig. B. Distribution of surface temperatures off the Pacific coast of North America in July and August. After Thorade (1909). 202 University of California Publications in Zoology (Vou. 18 y gy of the habitat of the plankton varies with the seasonal changes. At the beginning of the summer the plankton generally is abundant at a depth of 20 meters. With the increasing surface temperature, how- ever, it gradually sinks to greater depths and in late summer it is found at a depth of 60 to 80 meters (Steuer, 1911). Observations on Sagitta bipunctata have revealed the fact that this species increases in abundance as the temperature increases from 9° to 14° and decreases as the temperature increases from 16° to 21° (Michael, 1916). This is a clear proof that the maximum tempera- ture for that species lies between 14° and 16°; hence the species undergoes an oscillation downward or upward with the increase or decrease of surface temperature. It has also been observed that some animals, such as medusae, crustaceans and pteropods, come to the surface during the night, and sink to a greater depth during the daytime. A sudden change in temperature may kill the larvae of aquatic animals. Murray and Hjort (1912) have observed that if the eggs of Cucwmaria are shed in summer when the surface temperature of the Arctic waters is high, they are killed without hatching a single larva. Adult animals, as a rule, can stand more fluctuation of temperature, but there is a maximum and a minimum temperature above or below which the animals cannot live. The power of adaptation differs in different animals and consequently the maximum and minimum temperature eannot be the same for all animals. Hence the species will become adapted to that environment which is best fitted for its existence; while animals unable to adapt themselves perish. In whatever way temperature affects animals, it is evident that it plays an important role in their distribution by serving as a barrier. One of the best illustrations of the effect of temperature is Wyville Thomson’s Ridge. This ridge stretches from Iceland to Shetland, separating the Atlantic Ocean from the Norwegian Sea. The tem- perature in the upper strata of water, extending from 400 to 500 meters depth, is the same on both sides of the ridge, and the fauna of the upper strata is alike in both regions. But at a depth of 1,000 meters the temperature on the Norwegian side is below 0°, while on the Atlantic Ocean side it is 6° to 7°. The deep sea faunas on the opposite sides of the ridge differ greatly. Of 216 species taken from the depths of the warmer region, and the 217 species from the: colder region, Murray (1898) found that only 48 species were common to both sides. Other oceanic areas where the temperature changes less 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 203 abruptly show the same corresponding gradual changes in faunal distribution. Izuka (1912) shows that the Kyushiu Island is an important boundary line of distribution. Numerous northern species cease to exist south of Satsuma, and the southern species do not extend north beyond that point. On the Pacific side, the island Kinkwasan forms the boundary line of distribution of annelids. The cold water species rarely extend south of Kinkwasan Island, and the warm water species do not occur north of that island. Here again the chief factor, if not the only factor, controlling distribution is temperature. This differ- ence in temperature is caused by the cold and warm currents sweep- ing past the Japanese Islands. The islands there form a natural division line between the warm and cold oceanic areas. Hence it is natural to find the northern species occupying the cold area on one side of the island; while on the other side of the island, in the warmer area, the warm water species only occur. An evidence of the influence of temperature on distribution is the fact that aretie littoral species of polynoids, with a few exceptions, appear as deep water forms in warm oceans. On this coast a few species of Polynoidae are known which inhabit the littoral areas in the boreal zones, while nearer the equator, in warmer waters, they inhabit greater depths. As examples may be cited the following species: Gattyana amundsent, Gattyana cirrosa, Harmothoé multi- setosa and Lepidonotus caelorus. Gattyana amundsent has been found off Greenland, at about 77° latitude, as a littoral form at a depth of 16 fathoms, while in lower latitudes along the coasts of Alaska, it occurs in deeper waters between 50 and 100 fathoms depth (table 5). Comparing the temperatures of the corresponding latitudes we find that the temperature in waters of Greenland is about 0°, while near the Alaskan coasts, about 58° latitude, it is about 1°4 to 2°. . In a depth of 100 meters, however, about 50 fathoms, the temperature at the latter latitude is 0°4 (see tables 6 and 7), which is about identical with the temperature of the shallow waters off Greenland. Gattyana cirrosa oceurs in the Arctic oceans off Greenland and Alaska, about 60° to 70° latitude, in depths of 10-12 fathoms, while the same species occurs off the shores of Great Britain, about 55°N latitude, at a depth of 600 fathoms. The surface temperature at the coresponding latitudes differs considerably but the temperature of 600 fathoms depth off the shores of Great Britain is nearly identical 204 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 with the surface temperature off Greenland and that of the coasts of Alaska. Harmothoé multisetosa is found in the lower boreal zone, along. the shores of Alaska, in depths of from 18 to 23 fathoms. In the temperate and subtropical zones it occurs in depths varying from 50 to 750 fathoms. It is more abundant beyond the 500 fathom line, only one ease at a depth of 50 fathoms having been reported from Monterey Bay where the species occurred. Off Cape Colnett, in Lower California, however, the species occurs in 1,400 fathoms depth. Again, comparing the temperatures of the corresponding latitudes and the depths (tables 6 and 7) given in connection with the distribution, we find that the species, although occupying widely separated areas and different depths, lives in identical temperatures, and evidently for that very reason is found in deep waters in the subtropical regions, where the temperature is the same as that of the shallow waters of subboreal regions. . With a farther advance toward the tropical regions, its habitat extends to greater depths, and this is true of the tempera- ture (table 6). In order to find the temperature identical with that of the Arctic waters, one must seek it in deeper and deeper water as he approaches the equator. Another species, Lepidonotus caclorus, occurs in abundanee and in various depths on this coast mostly between 70 and 500 fathoms. Off Cape Colnett, Lower California, the species occurs at a depth of 1,400 fathoms. The temperatures of the various depths occupied by this species, however (table 6), are identical. These facts seem to prove that species, although they may occupy widely separated geographical areas, do live in identical temperatures. [Speaking of identical tem- peratures, one has to keep in mind that the temperature of an entire life zone, and not of one particular point is considered ; consequently an allowance for variation in temperature of about five degrees or more should be made.| Similar observations were made by Ehlers (1875) who found that Arctic species of annelids outside of the Arctic realm always inhabited considerable depths, and were never found at the depths frequented by the same species in colder regions. This was shown remarkably well in some parts of the Norwegian Sea, where near shore the temperature is constant, ranging from 6° to 7°. Ap- proaching the deeper basin of 600 meters the temperature is about 0°, or identical with the temperature of Arctic waters. A corresponding difference in distribution of annelids was also found there. In the warmer areas, nearer shore, were found the warm water annelids which 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 205 had migrated from southern latitudes, while in the greater depths exclusively arctic species predominated. The observations of investigators in other fields of animal life strongly support the view that to a great extent temperature deter- mines the distribution of oceanic fauna. The studies on Dinoflag- ellata prove that certain species of Gonyaulax (Kofoid, 1907, 1911) may be designated as distinctly warm water forms oceurring in the warm waters of the tropical and subtropical zones on this coast as well as in other oceans, while the species occurring in the subboreal regions on this coast are also reported from other parts of the world from the cold waters. The ascidians of this coast (Ritter, 1913) are dis- tinguishable as boreal, subboreal, and temperate species, each group being limited strictly to its temperature zones. Furthermore, we find that the same temperature relations prevail in the distribution of terrestrial fauna and flora. Contrasting the valleys and mountains, where the difference in temperature 1s con- siderable, we find that many species of animals are restricted to valleys in higher latitudes which in lower latitudes in tropical areas, inhabit higher altitudes or the alpine zones; while the lowland species of a subtropical or tropical zone do not ascend to the higher altitudes of that latitude. Oregon lowland forms of insects extend southward into California where they seek a higher altitude. Some species, like Tragosoma harrisii, occur from Sitka to California. In the cooler regions in the higher latitudes, they are found in lowlands. They rise as they approach a more southern region until in the subtropical Cali- fornian areas they inhabit the zones above 10,000 feet altitude (Cockerell, 1893). Furthermore, some Coleoptera which occupy the lowlands in temperate zones occur as alpine species in the Andes in Eeuador and are never found in tropical lowlands. Some Coleoptera which oceur as alpine and subalpine species in the tropical and sub- tropical areas of North America are found in Canada, Lapland and other northern countries as lowland species. Comparing the high-alpirie, mid-alpine and subalpine species of insects of tropical zones we find again that each zone has its distinct species which do not occur in the adjacent zones. The level at which certain species may be found varies with the season, the line rising up the hill during summer and receding towards the valley in winter. The valleys and the mountains on the dry land, as far as the tem- perature is concerned, are comparable to the shallow and deep waters in the oceans. The effect on distribution is comparable in the two cases. 206 University of California Publications in Zoology (Vou. 18 These observations lead to the conclusion that the distribution of Polynoidae, which occurs in a definite manner, is not a mere accident, but that it is governed by some underlying principles or factors. One of the chief controlling factors undoubtedly is temperature. III. ROLE oF CuRRENTS IN DISTRIBUTION The locomotion of Polynoidae is by means of swimming and crawl- ing, the latter method being the more common. If a polynoid is brought to the surface of the water, it swims with undulating motions, soon returning to the bottom. The writer has never seen an adult polynoid rise to the surface under ordinary circumstances and swim, aS many other polychaetous worms do. Keeping various annelids in aquarium, the writer has observed that some of them, e.g., Phyllodocidae, Nephthy- didae, if disturbed rise to the surface and swim about vigorously, and very often when the aquarium overflows the worms are found outside of the aquarium. The Polynoidae, however, do not leave the aquarium even when the latter overflows. This shows that they habitually lve on the bottom, crawling about slowly, searching for their food in the mud and eapturing other smaller animals or attacking one another. Since the Polynoidae are bottom dwellers and are not known to be very powerful swimmers, how then shall we account for their wide distribution? With their limited powers of locomotion they could not possibly traverse distances of thousands of miles, yet the ecosmopoli- tan species occur in all oceans, as I have stated, from the Aretie Ocean to and south of the equator (table 5). Some Pacific coast species as Harmothoé hirsuta inhabit the northern subtropical zone along the shores of southern California, but one example of this species, how- ever, has been found on the coast of Chile. Harmothoé forcipata also is known to occur abundantly on the coast of southern California (Moore, 1910). One specimen has been found near Eno-Sima, Japan (Ehlers, 1875), and another specimen has been found on the north coast of Korea at a depth of 1400-1600 meters (Marenzeller, 1902). Harmothoé tuta has been reported from Sitka (Grube, 1855) and from Puget Sound (Johnson, 1901). Harmothoé yokohamiensis has its habitat along the coast of California (Moore, 1910), but one example has been reported from Yokohama, Japan (MeIntosh, 1885). A num- ber of examples of Gattyana senta have been taken on the southern coast of California, but the same species has also been reported from MeCormick Bay, Greenland (Moore, 1902). Numerous eases of this 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 207 kind are known in which Polynoidae are found occupying areas that are separated, sometimes by thousands of miles. Considering those species with relatively few individuals and found in widely separated areas, we come to the conelusion that the creatures would never have arrived there by their natural means of locomotion, but that there must be some natural factor or agent facilitating their distribution. One of the best means of dispersal is undoubtedly the oceanic cur- rents. These may influence the distribution indirectly or directly. First, by influencing or changing the temperature of the water. See- ondly, by carrying terrigenous debris and small oceanic animals to some places, thus preparing better feeding grounds for the Polynoidae. Or the powerful currents may remove the debris from other places leaving the rocks bare and unsheltered, thus changing food conditions. Acting directly the currents may carry adult worms along the bottom of the ocean or in weeds along the surface. The latter mode of trans- portation is known to be true of Nereis. Nereis dumcrilii was collected in the middle Atlantic Ocean (Ramsay, 1913) where it had suposedly drifted from the neighborhood of the Gulf of Mexico with the south- west drift. Nereis mirabilis has been recorded from the coasts of Brazil, Florida, Porto Rico, Bermuda, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Since this species lives and breeds in the algae it is supposed to have been carried out with the floating weeds. But the usual way of transportation probably is that of carrying the eggs and pelagic larvae of the worms. If the pelagic larvae hap- pen to be caught in a current, they may drift very rapidly to great distances. This may account wholly for the wide distribution of some of the Polynoidae. One would naturally inquire why there are not more annelids seattered in the ocean and why in so many eases only a few specimens of some particular species are found in restricted areas far away from their natural habitat. The reason, apart from imperfections of obser- vations, that only a few individuals of a species are found far away from their original home may be due to their becoming there the prey of natural enemies. The greatest impediment, however, would be the sudden changes of temperature which would destroy the larvae. For instance, the larvae of arctic Polynoidae if carried to tropical zones, would probably be killed by the high temperature of the surface waters. Their survival would depend greatly upon the season in which the larvae were carried, and upon the character of the bottom where they happened to drop in changing from the trochophore to the adult stage. 208 University. of California Publications in Zoology |Vou. 18 On the other hand, assuming that the arctic larvae were carried to the lower latitudes in a favorable season, 1.e., during the coldest months, the larvae, although they would have more chance to survive on their journey, would nevertheless sooner or later be killed by the temperature if they happened to be driven to warm shallow waters in the tropical zones. Those that were carried to deep waters would find a tempera- ture identical with that of their natural habitat, and would survive and adapt themselves to the new surroundings. Considering their numerous enemies and unfavorable conditions one realizes that there is very little chance for the larvae to survive and probably for that reason we find very few individuals, and those in limited areas far away from their original habitat. Such supposition would explain why the aretie species of Polynoidae, when found on the coasts of Cali- fornia, are so largely deep water inhabitants. As exceptions to this are the cosmopolitan species which are found on these coasts in shallow waters. But it may be that in this species the plasticity and the power of adaptation are more highly developed, so that they would be more fit to survive the vicissitudes of such transportation. Probably for that very reason they are so widely distributed. The most powerful oceanic current on this coast aiding in the distribution of the oceanic fauna is the extension of the Kuro Siwo, or Japan Current, flowing along the Pacific coast of North America, striking the American coast at Sitka, Alaska. At this point it broadens out, drifting slowly toward the equator and curving away from the coast. The Japan Current is joined on the west side by the southerly drifting surface waters which increase in volume and breadth until at latitude 25° the current extends more than 1,000 miles off shore (McEwen, 1915). This current undoubtedly serves as a powerful agent of transportation or distribution of species. Probably it is due to the action of this current that species from the coasts of Japan and Alaska have representatives along the coast of California and near the equator: IV. THE WInpDs In addition to oceanic currents, the winds may be regarded as agents of distribution. The prevailing winds act upon the water, causing cool upwellings of the bottom layers. This has been observed to be the case along most of the Pacific coast of North America. This upwelling water is driven in an easterly direction or toward the shore, thus causing in some parts an inshore cold belt. With the moving body 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Palynoidae 209 of water oceanic life may be carried away. This action is especially noticeable after severe storms when deep water animals are found washed ashore and when marine algae whose habitat is far off the shores are also abundant on the beach. The same phenomenon is known to occur on other coasts. After a severe storm the beach of St. Andrews, Scotland, is known to be strewn with multitudes of Aphrodita aculeata. These aphrodites are driven by the currents from the offshore grounds, where they normally live in deep waters. Many times after the retiring tides, the beach for a distance of a mile or more has been covered with aphrodites and other deep water species (MeIntosh, 1900). Gattyana cirrosa, which normally occupies a depth of 600 fathoms in that region, has been found on the beach after storms. Similar observations on the effect of storms have been made on the coasts of Scandinavia. Since deep water species are driven to the shores it is also probable that severe storms or even the prevailing winds with their constant action on the waters may drive animals from the shores into the depths. V. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WATER As another factor controlling distribution may be mentioned the chemical composition of the water. The differences in salinity may influence the distribution of Polynoidae to some extent. Some species of Polynoidae ean live in brackish waters as well as in salt. Some species have even been found in river estuaries. Others, again, are restricted to salt waters only. It is found that species most widely distributed live under more varied conditions, while very restricted species usually occur in similar environment even when they are found widely separated. Evidently some species have acquired a greater plasticity, while others may be more sensitive to changes in tempera- ture and to chemieal effects, and would either perish or undergo con- siderable changes. These chemical differences may also explain the greater number of genera and species in the great depths, if their environment were altered. Most probably littoral polynoids, migrat- ing or driven to the depths of the ocean, are in a more or less patho- logical condition in the abnormal environment, and undergo such radical changes that they soon lose their identity with the ancestral shore species. That animals in great depths undergo pathological changes has been revealed by the studies on erimoids (Clark, 1915). These animals reach their minimum specialization between 550 and 210 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 750 fathoms, a depth which is the zone of an optimum temperature for the group. Below 750 fathoms they undergo semipathological changes, forming new genera and species. Murray (1898) suggests that the ancestors of the fauna of great depths have migrated from many shal- low water areas, hence the great diversity of genera. This would hardly be necessary. If by sudden change in temperature different kinds of beetles can be produced (Tower, 1906), and if changes in temperature or treatment with potassium cyanide or magnesium sul- phate can produce abnormal fish (Loeb, 1915; Stockard, 1909), it seems entirely possible that chemical and physical agents in the depths of the oceans may affect the deep water fauna in such a way as to modify their external appearance to so great an extent that in time the new generations are quite unlike their shallow water ancestors and become new species. The great number of genera and species of deep water Polynoidae may have been produced by the action of the chemical and physical influences upon migrants from the littoral zone. A further proof that similar chemical and physical conditions may produce similar results affecting organisms equally is the fact that identical species of aquatic animals are found in corresponding life zones on both sides of the equator. Murray (1898) enumerates 150 identical species of Metazoa, and about 100 closely allied species, oceur- ring in the extra-tropical regions of the northern and southern hemi- spheres, which are wholly unknown from the intervening tropical belt. This phenomenon suggests that similar chemical and physical condi- tions have a tendency to produce similar results. Furthermore, it is a generally known phenomenon that chitinous and calcareous animals are abundant in the tropics, while animals secreting little or no lime salts or chitin are more abundant in polar regions and in great depths. The deep water Polynoidae of the Pacific Ocean have soft, thin scales and cuticle. This condition may have been produced by chemico- physical influences which arise in the colder waters in the depths. VI. Foop Hapits AND Mops or Life Polynoidae are voracious feeders, devouring any animal they can capture. Their chitinous jaws are strongly developed and well adapted for their purpose. In captivity they attack one another, severing seg- ments and scales from the bodies of their companions; hence it is difficult to keep alive a number of Polynoidae in the same aquarium, for they inflict such serious harm to one another that they soon die. — 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 204 Smaller and weaker polynoids are usually devoured by their stronger companions. They also feed on other annelids, small crustaceans, mollusks, sponges, and other small animals, as well as diatoms which are often swallowed with the debris. Some species living as com- mensals become ectoparasites, feeding on their messmates. In connection with their food habits it is interesting to observe the modes of self defense or protection among the different species of Polynoidae, as well as among other annelids. The Polynoidae naturally hide beneath pebbles, empty mollusk shells or weeds in the aquarium. Halosydna californica when disturbed or attacked by individuals of its own kind moves away quickly but without any wriggling motions, very often leaving behind the attacked posterior segments or elytra. Some other Polynoidae act in the same manner. Harmothoé, on the other hand, when disturbed moves very swiftly with a vibrating, wriggling motion at first and then coils up, turning its ventral surface inside of the ring and spreading out its spiny, rough seales and its numerous serrated setae in such a manner as to protect the body. Harmothoé imbricata and Harmothoé hirsuta have been observed to use this mode of self defense. It seems as if the creatures knew instinetively the value of their protective organs and how to use them to the best advantage. Other annelids that lack defensive organs such as chitinous jaws and rough elytra have other means of self protection. If Nephthy- didae, Nemertidae, or Phyllodocidae are attacked by other annelids or are disturbed in some other way, they immediately protrude the pro- boscis, extruding a slimy substance which evidently must be disagree- able to their aggressors, for the latter immediately withdraw. The abundance or seareity of food undoubtedly plays an important role in the distribution of polynoids, so that one would naturally expect to find the worms more abundantly represented in localities where the food is at the maximum. The constitution of the bottom may deter- mine the annelid population. It has been observed that some Poly- noidae, and Annelida in general, oceur in a depth of 14 fathoms in Kiel Bay, while the same species are found off the Faroes in 60 to 100 fathoms. Again, some species occur in great abundance on the shores of Greenland and Denmark at a depth of 6 to 10 fathoms, while around the Faroes they are only scantily represented at a depth of 60 fathoms. The cause of this difference in bathymetric distribution has been attri- buted to the differences in the constitution of the bottom. The shores of the Faroe Islands are rocky and steep, and the soft, muddy bottom AA University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 is found some distance away from the shores, while in other places the bottom nearer shore is muddy and soft (Willemoes-Suhm, 1874). The best feeding grounds of the oceanic fauna are undoubtedly the shore regions or littoral zone, where plant and animal life occurs in great abundance. Hence the Polynoidae and annelids in general are more abundant in the littoral zone. With an increase in distance from the shore and with an increase in the depth there is a decrease in individual numbers of the Polynoidae but a proportionate increase in genera and species. On this coast, although the littoral Polynoidae are very abundant so far as individual numbers are concerned, yet there are only four genera and fifteen species (table 4). Of these four genera, one, Hunoé, is not common in subtropical littoral zones but occurs as a littoral form in the boreal and subboreal regions, and as an abyssal form in the temperate and subtropical zones. This leaves only two strictly littoral genera in the subtropical and temperate zones. Of the exclusively deeper water polynoids we have seven genera and fourteen species. The number of deep water genera is about two times that of the littoral polynoids, and the number of species about equal. The number of individuals, however, is very small, and some deep water genera are known from but a single representative. Although we have to admit that the deep water survey is less com- plete than that along the shore, nevertheless the data show that there is an increase in genera with an increase in depth, and that the great- est uniformity prevails among the littoral polynoids. The species most abundantly represented on this coast, such as Halosydna insignis, H. californica, H. carinata and H. interrupta, are very much alike in their general appearance so that by superficial observation they are more likely to be taken as individuals of the same species. The same similarity may be observed among other species and genera and great diversity of species and genera found among the deep water species is not as common among the littoral species. Food conditions near the shore aid to increase and multiply the lttoral polynoids. On the other hand, the scanty food supply in the depths, other things being equal, will naturally check the increase of the deep water polynoids. The deep water species of Polynoidae evidently do not inhabit the depths from choice, but many of them have been carried from the colder boreal regions and have found there identical temperature con- ditions although the food conditions are greatly different. Other polynoids have been driven off shore by waves or storms. Secondly, since the food supply in the great depths is insufficient only com- 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 213 paratively few animals can exist on a given area, while an area similar in size but with abundant food supply nearer shore naturally contains an abundance of animals. Aside from the problem of food supply the mode of life of the Polynoidae deserves some consideration. The majority of the Poly- noidae are free living forms and the largest numbers, as has been indicated above, are found near the shores and between tide marks where they hide in crevices and beneath rocks, pebbles and weeds or crawl about freely. Most probably they do not go very far from their dwelling place unless driven away by some physical force. There are, however, some polynoids which depend for their dis- tribution on the locomotion and the mode of life of other animals. These are the commensal forms. The number of strictly commensal species known up to present time is limited. Nevertheless, some species are known exclusively as commensals and depend for their distribution on their messmates; hence their distribution naturally coincides with that of the latter. These commensal polynoids are: Lepidasthenia gigas, commensal with a large tube dwelling annelid, Amphitrite; Polynoé lordi, commensal with the limpet, Glyphis aspera and with Cryptochiton stelleri, in which it occupies the branchial groove; Polynoé fragilis, commensal with the starfish, Asterias ochracea. These species are known up to the present time only as commensals, and have a very limited distribution. A few other species occur both as free living forms and occasionally as commensals. Those known on this coast are: Halosydna insignis, Polynoé californica and Harmothoé imbricata. These species do not necessarily depend on their messmates since they live both as commensals and independently. They are most widely distributed on this coast. Evidently the ability to live in a variety of environments favors the wide distribution of these polynoids. The known facts and the observations lead one to the conclusion that the food habits, food supply and the mode of hfe play an important role in determining the distribution of the Poly- noidae. VII. Puasticity Some of the most obvious external factors controlling distribution have been enumerated. But there may be other factors of a more complex nature, which are beyond our present reach and are waiting for future investigations. There is, however, one more factor, viz., variability. Variability or plasticity may be considered both as a 214 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 factor and a result of distribution. As a factor, because species with greater plasticity and greater power of adaptation are able to live in a great variety of environments, and consequently have more chance to survive than have species with a very limited power of adaptation. Some phases of variation serve directly as a protection to the animal. Other forms of variation are usually results of environ- ment. It is the expression of a varied mode of life, or a response to external stimuli. This has been variously proved by experimental methods, where variations are produced artificially by changing the environment. Not all living organisms, however, respond to the same external stimuli in the same way. While one form of animal hfe may undergo considerable changes under the influence of external stimuli, others, being unable to adapt themselves to new conditions, will perish. This is shown in Loeb’s experiments with the eggs and the embryos of Fundulus referred to above. While a great percentage of the embryos were killed after four to seven hours exposure to low temperature, others remained alive, and among the latter 30 per cent were abnormal. This indicates that there is a difference in plasticity or in the power of adaptation even among different individuals in the same species. In sudden changes of environment the power of adapta- tion will determine the survival and, consequently, the distribution of a species or an individual. Numerous instances of great adaptation are known among various organisms signifying that the animals have an innate power which enables them to resist adverse conditions. This power is designated as plasticity or adaptability. The degree of plasticity varies in differ- ent species and individuals. Hence as the distribution depends to some extent on the power of the adaptation of the animals to the changing environment, the plasticity may be justly considered as a factor determining the distribution. From the observations made, one comes to the conclusion that the plasticity in Polynoidae, although varying in degree in the different species, is fairly great in most. Marked differences between different genera and species are found among polynoids characterizing their mode of life and the influence of the environment upon them. These differences occur in the size, the shape and the color of the body, in the size, shape, texture and color of the elytra, in the number, shape and size of the setae, in the texture of the cuticle, and in other char- acteristics. These variations occur not only in different species but individuals of the same species which are living in different environ- 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 215 ments show such marked differences that they appear more like differ- ent species than individuals of the same species. It is generally known that of the cosmopolitan polynoids occupying different latitudes, the arctic examples as a rule are larger in size than are those of the temperate or subtropical zones. Lepidonotus squamatus exhibits a characteristic difference in size among indi- viduals from different localities. Comparing the specimens of that species from Finmark, New England, Puget Sound and from the coast of California, great differences in size appear. The size of the specimens from the coast of California is about one-third of that of the specimens from Finmark and New England. The specimens from Puget Sound are considerably larger than are the Californian but they are inferior in size to the arctic and eastern forms. Ehlers (1875) found also that the deep water forms were considerably smaller and that they have thinner elytra. A further influence of the depth on the polynoids is seen in the lack of pigmentation and the eyeless condition of the worms. A great number of the deep water polynoids are without eyes. Moore (1910) enumerates eight blind deep water species of Polynoidae on this coast. Of all the numerous polynoids in this collection, however, not a single specimen of the littoral species of this coast is eyeless. Ehlers (1875) believed that it is natural for the deep water annelids to be blind since many of the deep sea species have been found in that condition. He accounts for the possibility of some deep water individuals having eyes as due to the yearly migration of littoral forms toward greater depths. The influence of the environment on the organisms is here very marked. Considering the environmental differences in shallow and deep oceanic waters, one will naturally expect to find the correspond- ing physical changes in Polynoidae. Besides the minimum food con- ditions in the great depths and the different chemical composition of the water, the pressure in great depths is very much greater than in the shallow waters, for it is a well known fact that the pressure in the ocean increases by about one atmosphere for every ten meters in depth ; consequently in a depth of about 2,000 meters (1,000 fathoms) there is a pressure of 200 atmospheres. It has also been proved by various hydrographers (e.g., Murray, 1912) that there is no light in the oceanic depths below 500 fathoms. On the brightest day and in the clearest and most transparent waters only slight traces of the blue light rays are perceptible at a depth of 1,000 meters. The green rays are absent at a depth of 500 meters, the red rays are absorbed by 216 University of California Publications in Zoology (Vou. 18 the surface layers without penetrating even to a depth of 100 meters. There is an absolute darkness in the depths below 1,000 meters. Add- ing these combined factors to the low temperature, insufficient food supply, the small quantity of free oxygen, and carbon dioxide are sufficient causes to bring about variations and changes in abyssal Polynoidae. The effect of the environment on the Polynoidae and the great plasticity of the latter is especially noted in commensal polynoids. The variation in size between the commensals and free-living forms of the same species is remarkable in some cases. Halosydna insignis is a beautiful example of this variation. This species is known as a free-living form occurring in a variety of environments; it also lives as a commensal in the tubes of Amphitrite and Thelepus. The species is widely distributed, occurring along the entire coast of North America. The commensal individuals are longer and more rounded. The elytra are thinner and, excepting the first pair, devoid of marginal cilia. They are smaller and do not cover the entire dorsum. The spinous tuberecules on the elytra are very much reduced and are almost microscopic in size (pl. 8, fig. 27). The dorsalmost setae are greatly enlarged and bear an enlarged spur. The neural setae are stouter and strongly hooked. The free-living specimens are broader and shorter and usually smaller in size than the commensals. The elytra are thicker, tougher and larger, strongly overlapping and covering the entire dorsal surface (pl. 8, figs. 28-30). They are thickly. covered with large, horny prickles and bulbs. The marginal cilia are longer than they are in commensals and are present on all elytra; there is also a tuft of long cilia arising a short distance from the anterior margin. The setae are more slender, less strongly hooked, and with fewer serrations. The pigmentation is stronger in com- mensals than in free-living examples. But the pigmentation varies considerably in both kinds. From all the characteristic differences | indicated the two forms are very likely to be taken for different species rather than for members of the same species; however, these characteristic differences in the commensal and free-living Halosydna insignis illustrate the great plasticity in that species of polynoids and the influence of the environment upon it. Thrusting itself into a tube of a messmate the polynoid does not naturally find the tube made to fit the shape of its body, and if it were not for the great plasticity of the creature it would perish in the tube if it did not soon leave it. But here comes nature to assist the intruder in adapting itself to its 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 217 new environment. A muscular adaptation occurs. The muscles, espe- cially those in connection with locomotion supporting the parapodia, are constantly used by the free-living worm and through this exercise they are naturally well developed. In a commensal polynoid the locomotor muscles are of no use and begin to degenerate. Secondly, the dwelling place is too narrow and the walls of the tube press upon the broad lateral surfaces. This constant pressure forces the muscles to contract laterally and to expand ventrally, dorsally and longi- tudinally where no pressure or resistance is met. If the commensal polynoid remains in this condition for some time, the shape of its body will naturally be changed from a compressed flat one to a rounded one. The elongation of the segments will increase the length of the worm, the parapodia become shorter and broader and we have a worm that has changed its shape so greatly that it could hardly be recognized as being an individual of the species. That Polynoidae tend to retain the plasticity, which is common to some higher types in the very early stage of development, is proved by the great power of regeneration which they possess throughout their lives. If a polynoid loses some of its segments, elytra or append- ages, it regenerates them within a few weeks. This is an indication of plasticity and adaptability to diverse conditions. The changes of color are probably produced by some enzymes pro- duced by the messmate of the commensal polynoid. The small size of the elytra is evidently due to the disuse and the degeneration of those structures. The absence of the chitinous bulbs and protuberances on the elytra may be accounted for in the same way. First, the free- living polynoid is under the influence of some chemicals which act as stimulants in the production of the bulbs on the elytra. Living as a commensal its environment has been changed and the secretions or enzymes of the messmate may impede the development of the rough structures on the scales of the polynoid. That this is true is proved by the fact that the first pair of elytra remain unchanged. The reason for this condition is apparent. The polynoid is hidden in the tube with its anterior end, its tentacles and head projecting. The first pair of elytra remain in the same environment in the open water as they were before the polynoid entered the tube hence they remain unchanged. The external changes in this case may be traced back to the changes of environment and to the quick response or the plas- ticity of the polynoid undergoing these changes. 218 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou 18 That the environment and adaptation may lead to some extreme variations is illustrated by the shape of Polynoé ocellata. This species has been recorded from Japan (MeIntosh, 1900; Izuka, 1912) as a commensal, living in the tubes of Spirochactopterus challengeria. The worm is extremely elongated and narrow, having over one hun- dred segments and fifty or more pairs of elytra. The length of the worm is about 60 mm. but its breadth is only 2.5 mm., including setae. It is most vividly colored with yellow, olive, black and white markings. The elytra are exceedingly small, translucent and smooth. The first pair of elytra, however, are large, covering the prostomium completely ; they are also less delicate. In a vertical section, McIntosh discovered that the cuticle and hypodermis of the worm are unusually thin. This again illustrates the great variability and the power of adaptation of this polynoid. It is remarkable that the external changes do not occur uniformly but that parts subjected to somewhat different environment, as the anterior elytra, which are naturally outside of the tube and are exposed to the free ocean water, differ in size and structure. As far as is known it may be considered as a general rule that the commensals are usually larger in size than the free-living indi- viduals of the same species, provided the dwelling place of the com- mensal is sufficiently large so as not to interfere with the expansion of its body. Polynoé californica is known as both commensal and as free-living. The commensal animals are noted for their large size, while the free-living individuals collected from various places are much smaller. All the largest specimens, except one from Santa Catalina, were collected near San Pedro. They range from 35 to 45 mm. in length and from 8 to 14 mm. in breadth. The specimens from other localities have a size ranging from 15 to 30 mm. in length and from 5 to 11 mm. in breadth. The average length of the worm is about 25 mm. Johnson (1897) states that the species has been found on a huge Amphitrite off San Pedro. That the commensal forms of Polynoidae are usually larger in size, relatively and absolutely, can be proved by the fact that not only individuals of the same species distinguish themselves through their larger size from the free-living specimens, but that species which are known exclusively as commensals are of relatively greater size. Thus the largest species in the family, Lepidasthenia gigas, is a commensal with an amphitrite. The largest specimens measure 180 mm. in length, and 7.5 mm. in width. It would be a far-reaching conclusion to assume that Lepidasthenia gigas has 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 219 reached its large size because of its commensalistic habits, but it is very likely that the commensalistic habit aids it In maintaining its large size. The commensal habits evidently are of some advantage to the polynoids favoring their growth and development. One advan- tage is that the commensals do not have to exert as much energy to obtain their food as do the free-living worms. In thickly populated places the competition among animals must be considerable, hence an animal must exert a great amount of energy in changing location and in pursuit of prey. At the same time it has to be vigilant in guarding its own safety lest it fall a victim to other animals. The free-living Polynoidae usually are found beneath rocks or weeds or in crevices. Occasionally they venture out of their hiding place, but the least dis- turbance causes them to disappear again. Their great activity will naturally reduce the volume of the body or check its development. On the other hand, the commensal does not have to exert any energy. It is well protected and leads a passive life. Secondly, it obtains an abundant food supply. The writer has watched some of the tube- dwelling annelids many times. They reach out their numerous ten- tacles in great distance forming a circle and capturing any object within their reach conveying it then to the mouth. It is surprising to see the amount of food and material they may convey to the tube. Once the writer destroyed the tube of some tube-dwelling annelids, erumbling it carefully to pieces without injuring the worms which were then put into a small glass dish where the material of their tubes had been crumbled up in fine granules. The worms immediately set to work with their tentacles rolling the small pebbles and the grains of sand toward their bodies and cementing them with some substance which was formed around the body. Within less than two hours the tubes, about two inches in length, were completed. If a terebellid worm is placed in an aquarium where the food supply is insufficient it stretches out its long tentacles covering considerable distance. The tentacles when stretched to the limit are about equal in length to the body of the worm. As soon as one of the tentacles comes in contact with some substance or food particles it immediately contracts and bends, conveying that substance to the mouth. If the polynoid is in the tube with its head at the entrance it may capture every food particle that is conveyed toward the tube, robbing thus its messmate of its food and receiving an abundance of food for itself, at the same time remaining perfectly quiet. This passive condition and the abundant food supply will naturally result in an increase in 220 University of California Publications in Zoology | Vou. 18 the size of the body. Commensals that live on the surface of moving animals have the same advantage. While the food is not carried directly to their mouths, the polynoid however is carried to new feed- ing grounds and no energy is used in locomotion. Hence there is less chance for reduction of the size of the body. Moreover, the polynoid may become an ectoparasite, obtaining some of its food directly from its messmate. It has been found that some Polynoidae living on sponges had in their digestive tracts spicules of the sponges on which they lived. This proves that they are feeding on their hosts. They may become ectoparasites on other animals in a similar manner, con- suming some of the secretions or part of the food of their hosts. Another interesting feature is the adaptive coloration in Poly- noidae. This evidently is the result of the environment. Such an example remarkable for its adaptive coloration is Polynoé pulchra. The worm is commensal with two animals, the sea eucumber, Holo- thuria californica, and the keyhole limpet, Lucapina crenulata. Laiv- ing specimens from both hosts were given to me for identification. Judging from the color they look more like different species than indi- viduals of the same species. Only microscopical examination reveals the identical specific characteristics of both. The example living on the holothurian mimics the color of the latter to perfection and can be hardly detected when it lies quietly on the surface of its host. The polynoids occupying the cavity between the mantle flap and the foot of the limpet are very conspicuously colored, with prominent black markings which show plainly against the uniformly colored, whitish yellow background of the ventral surface of the limpet. Another example of a polynoid showing great adaptive coloration is Polynoé fragilis. This species lives in the ambulacral groove of the starfish, Asterias ochracea and Asterias trochelu. Johnson (1897) had an opportunity to observe the polynoid on the aboral side of the starfish where its coloration harmonized so well with that of the Asterias that it eseaped any notice. The elytra of this polynoid also are thin and delicate, without any tubercles or prominenees, and cov- ering the dorsum only partly (pl. 8, fig. 32). A remarkable adapta- tion is also seen in the setae (pl. 7, fig. 14). The latter are few, slender, pointed and hooked, being thus well adapted for attachment. Moreover, the setae as they become blunt from wear are continually replaced by new pointed ones growing out from the base of the para- podia (pl. 7, fig. 15). The latter characteristic is not common to all Polynoidae but is an exception observed in a few species which are in a habit of attaching themselves to other animals. 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae See MelIntosh (1900) has observed a remarkable variation in Polynoe scolopendrina. This worm lives as a commensal and as a free-living form around the shores of England and off the Hebrides. Besides the remarkable differences in size between the free-lving and com- mensal forms from the shores of Great Britain and the individuals off the Hebrides there is a difference in coloration particular to each group. The coloration is especially conspicuous in the commensals oceupying the burrows of Lysidice. The commensal, according to MeIntosh’s observation, is very narrowly compressed. The pigmenta- tion of the anterior ventral portion of the body of the worm and around the mouth has a coloration mimicking the Lysidice. The tube- dwelling Polynoé scolopendrina have the setae greatly modified ; espe- cially is this true of the dorsal setae, the tips of which are curiously wrinkled. The specimens from the Hebrides, however, prove that in the normal conditions the setae are finely tapered. The wrinkled condition has evidently been brought about through the commensal life. E. GENERAL DISCUSSION The fact that Polynoidae fall into different groups according to their geographical and bathymetrical distribution suggests that the phenomenon of distribution is governed by certain physical and chemical factors and that the Polynoidae, reacting in response to the external stimuli, are limited to their particular distributional areas. One of the most important factors controlling distribution is the temperature. This is proved by the fact that certain species of Poly- noidae are limited to definite temperature zones, and that boreal species, occupying the littoral zone, occur as deep water species in temperate and in subtropical zones. Since the most apparent simi- larity between the boreal shallow waters and the subtropical deep waters consists in the temperature, this latter may be considered as the chief factor in distribution. Other factors, as currents and winds, may act in transportation of the larval and adult forms or by influenc- ing the temperature and the food conditions. The food conditions may be of importance in distribution and polynoids may be naturally expected to be more abundant where food conditions are maximum. This condition is found in the littoral zones. 222, University of California Publications in Zoology (Vou. 18 The greatest number of polynoids is found in the littoral zones. The number of polynoids decreases with the increase in depth. On the other hand, a greater uniformity prevails among the littoral poly- noids. The number of genera and species increases with the increase in depth so that the deep water genera of this coast are almost two times the number of the littoral, and the deep water species are almost equal to the number of the littoral. This condition seems to indicate that the littoral zone is the center of origin of the Polynoidae and that they have migrated or have been driven occasionally from the littoral zones to the deep water where they have probably under- gone considerable external changes, forming thus new genera and species, while the shallow water forms living in the same environment have maintained a greater uniformity. Moreover, the different environment in the greath depths, as the low temperature, the absence of light, the difference in chemical composition of the water, may produce a semipathologic condition in the polynoids affecting the germ cells, and thus bring about rapid changes and partial degenera- tion. This is suggested by the great degenerative changes found in the deep water polynoids. The deep water species, as compared with the littoral species, are as a rule smaller in size, and have delicate euticle and elytra. A great number of the deep water species are without eyes. On this coast out of fourteen abyssal species eight are known to be without eyes (Moore, 1910). This shows that the deep water species have undergone certain physiological and morphological specialization in adapting themselves to their particular environment. This special adaptation or the degenerate condition, however, makes them unfit to adapt themselves to any other environment. The low temperature in the depths of the ocean undoubtedly has a great effect upon the developing annelid eggs in producing abnormalities and physical variations. This assumption is in aecord with the laboratory experiments where abnormalities, such as blindness and other defects, are produced artificially by subjecting eggs in their early stages of development to a low temperature. Secondly, the embryos may be affected by the sudden environmental changes or by the shock effect of the sudden change of temperature. The annelid trochophores rising from great depths to the surface would naturally come sud- denly into a very much higher temperature which would kill the majority of them or would modify them greatly. In the littoral zones where the difference between the bottom and surface temperatures is less conspicuous, the worms in their embryonal development are not 1918 | Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 223 subject to the sudden environmental changes and are less likely to be killed by the temperature or to undergo any variation and abnor- malities. There is a general belief that the deep water annelids are without eyes or blind on account of the absence of the light in the great depths. Experiments in the laboratory have proved that absence of light does - not produce blindness, but on the other hand by exposing eggs to 0 to 2° temperature, numerous abnormalities and blindness in embryos of the fish Fundulus were produced (Loeb, 1915). Since the corre- sponding low temperature is found in the depths of the ocean it would not be at all unlikely that the low temperature, although it may not change the adult forms which have been carried from warmer areas to the cold waters in the depth, may still affect the second generation— the eggs of the first migrants—and thus produce blindness indirectly. So that the cause of blindness and eyeless condition of the abyssal Polynoidae might be attributed to low temperature rather than to darkness. The degree of light intensity may be a cause of modification of the eyes of deep sea animals. It has been found (Brauer, 1901) that in all fish from about 300 meters, the rods only are found in the retina of the eye, a condition which is characteristic also of the eyes of nocturnal animals; while diurnal animals have both rods and cones. The differences of the pigment of the retina in the deep sea fish signify that their eyes are adapted to nocturnal conditions. Further result of the modification and adaptation is the telescopic eyes of some fish. There are also great numbers of blind fish in the depths of the ocean ; it remains an open question whether the blindness is caused by the low temperature or by the action of some chemicals in the deep sea or by a combination of both. That the plasticity is great in Polynoidae is proved by the fact that considerable changes are produced. A remarkable difference is noticeable in the size and shape of different individuals living in’ different environment. Boreal species as a rule attain a larger size than individuals of the same species occurring in tropical and tem- perate zones. This rule of comparative size within a given species does not hold strictly true as between localized species. The largest known polynoid, Lepidasthenia gigas, is subtropical, inhabiting a limited area on the coast of southern California. It is quite possible, however, that its great size is an unusual development since the animal is an exclusive commensal. 224 University of California Publications in Zoology {Vor 18 The greatest variation and plasticity is seen in the commensal polynoids. As a general rule the commensals are larger in size than the free-living individuals of the same species. This fact is un- doubtedly due to the greater food supply which a commensal obtains by robbing its messmate of the food which the latter has secured, or the commensal may become an ectoparasite as has been observed to be the case with some polynoids living on sponges. In examining the contents of the stomachs of polynoids (Darboux, 1899) spicules of sponges were found indicating that the commensals had been feed- ing on their messmates. Secondly, a commensal is protected by the messmate by living in the tube or hiding in some sheltered place of the body of the latter. Since it lives there in absolute quiescence there is less catabolism in its organism than in the free-living worm which has to exert a great deal of its energy in securing food and in watching for its own safety. Consequently almost the whole food supply of the commensal goes to build up and to increase the bulk of the body, and the natural result is the larger size of body which has been mentioned above. Moreover, the shape of the body of the commensals may be greatly modified by an increase in length, and by reduction in breadth, thus changing from a short, compressed to a long, round form. The pro- tective structures in commensals, as the elytra, the cuticle and the setae, are usually degenerate. A marked adaptive variation is noticeable in the number, strue- ture and size of the setae according to the mode of life of the com- mensal. In the free-living species the setae are numerous, usually from 50 to 100 on each parapodium (pl. 7, figs. 1, 19). The setae in the free-living species are also rougher, with numerous, strong serrations (pl. 7, figs. 4-6, 8-11). In commensals and ectoparasites, especially in those which are in the habit of attaching themselves to their hosts, the number of setae is greatly reduced (pl. 7, figs. 15, 17). Some species, as Polynoé pulchra and Polynoé lordi, have only 5 or 6 slender, -smooth, sharply pointed setae, the blunted setae being constantly replaced by new, sharply pointed ones which arise from the base of the parapodium (pl. 7, figs. 3, 7). In some of the tube- dwelling commensals, as Lepidasthenia gigas, the number of the setae is small, usually 5 to 8 on each parapodium. The setae (pl. 7, fig. 13) have a few serrations and are not so sharply pointed as are those in the commensals which use their setae for attachment to their host. In Lepidasthenia gigas, however, there is, in addition to the ordinary 1918] Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 225 setae, a strongly developed dorsal neuro-seta (pl. 7, fig. 18) peculiar to that species only. Whether it has any significance in the com- mensalistie life of that polynoid is an open question. Whether the reduction of setae is a secondary characteristic developed in response to commensalistic life, or whether the polynoids chose that mode of life because of the fitness of their setae for that purpose, is another question which cannot be definitely settled at present. However, the sharply pointed and hooked setae are of special use to the polynoid as a means of attachment to the host. One phase of plasticity in polynoids reveals itself in the variation of color in response to different environments. In the majority of eases the abyssal forms are less brightly colored. The commensals and ectoparasites, however, display a great variation in color, as 1s seen in some species which occur simultaneously on two or more differ- ent hosts. For example, Polynoé pulchra, which lives on Lucapina crenulata hidden between the foot and the mantle flap of the latter, is very conspicuously colored, while individuals of the same species found on holothurians, completely mimic the color of the latter. Such changes in color may be due to various causes but in each case are evidently caused in response to some chemical or physical stimulus. The color in each animal indicates that there is some chemical reaction particular to that species. With changes in the environment the physical equilibrium is disturbed and some chemical affinities may be more stimulated to reaction than others. These changes may induce new interactions in the tissue and protoplasm of the animal, resulting in external changes, such as changes in color. Polynoidae in great depths are, as a rule, less strongly pigmented or entirely unpigmented. This fact shows that there is some inhibitory action which prevents the pigment from forming. Whether it is the absence of light, the different chemical composition of the water, or the low temperature that produces the changes in color cannot be definitely decided. It has been proved by experimental methods that no pigment was produced in the chrysomelid beetles when the embryos were kept in low temperature (0° to 5°C) while embryos kept in high temperature (43° to 45°C) developed dark pigment (Tower, 1906). Since pigmentation involves the process of oxidation or metabolism, the temperature undoubtedly is an important agent in accelerating or retarding the development of color. Furthermore, the light intens- ity may be of some importance in production of color. However, the light reaction seems to be of secondary importance as is shown in the 226 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou.18 fact that some commensal worms, such as Polynoé pulchra living on the keyhole hmpet between the foot and the mantle of the latter, and protected from the light, are conspicuously colored. The same has been observed to be true with Polynoé ocellata, which lives as a com- mensal in tubes, sheltered from light, yet is very vividly colored. The so-called color mimicry in Polynoidae may be due to chemical responses or to stimulating enzymes. The commensals living in close contact with their messmates probably have a chemical inter-relation with the latter, and are influenced by some of the same chemical con- ditions which are responsible for the color production in the latter. Under a similar chemical or enzymic reaction the same color pattern is produced in the commensal polynoid. This may be a plausible explanation of how commensal polynoids adopt the color pattern of their messmates to such perfection as is shown in Polynoé pulchra living on the holothurian, and Polynoé scolopendrina living in the tube of the Lysidice, both mimicking the color of their messmates. These facts seem to lead to the conclusion that there must be some chemical interaction between the two commensal species stimulating the latent chemical and protoplasmic properties of the worm to color production. That animals can be stimulated to produce colors has been proved experimentally by extracting the pigment-producing enzymes from beetles and placing parts of other unpigmented beetles in the extracted enzymes, with the result that pigment was produced on the unpigmented beetle (Tower, 1906). Evidently some influence must be exerted by the enzymes of the host on the commensal worms and the chemical complexes which are present in the protoplasm of the commensal, when stimulated in the polynoid, will react in a definite manner, producing similar colors to those of the host. The great differences in coloration between Polynoé pulchra living on the keyhole limpet, and the one living on the holothurian may be explained on the basis that although the former is living in the mantle fold of the limpet in an area which shows no pigmentation, yet the pigment-producing enzymes are probably present in other parts of the body of the mollusk. The cells of the lower surface of the latter may not have the base, or the color-producing properties and hence do not respond to the stimulus of the enzyme, while the protoplasm of the polynoid possesses the color producing properties which are latent. As soon as they receive the proper stimulus, they react and the dark brown or black pigment, similar to that found on the upper surface of the mollusk, is produced in certain areas of the elytra of the poly- 1918} Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 227 noid. The color producing enzyme may be obtained by the polynoid either by partly feeding on its host or the enzyme may be given off the mollusk in some kind of secretion. There may be still another possibility, viz., that both the commensal and the mollusk are obtain- ing the same kind of food and that this food may act as stimulant in producing the same colors. Yet food alone could not be responsible for the color production ; it may be only one of the agencies concerned in color production, else the pigment would be distributed more or less equally over the entire body. Cases are known, however, as in Polynoé scolopendrina (MeIntosh, 1900) in which dark brown pig- ment is produced only around the mouth and the anterior ventral region, giving that part of the body the general appearance of Lysidice whose tube the polynoid occupies. The rest of the body is, however, less affected by the color. Be it the similar food conditions, or the influence of some enzymes that produce the same combination of colors in the holothurian and in the polynoid, and another color pattern in the mollusk and in the polynoid, it is evident that the same forces which act on the messmates in producing a certain color pattern do act on the commensal polynoids producing the same results. The significance here les in the fact that animals widely different in the scale of evolution possess the same properties which when aroused by similar stimuli respond in the same way producing similar results in pigmentation. Other external changes in commensals may be caused by the various environmental influences in response to the plasticity of the animal. The close contact with the messmates, probably through the secre- tions and enzymes of the latter, may react variously on the commensal, weakening the external structures such as the cuticle and elytra, so that they gradually degenerate (pl. 8, figs. 27, 31) or assume a more delicate texture like that of the messmate. The abundant food supply which the commensal obtains and the lack of exercise aid in increas- ing the bulk of the body, while the limited space in a tube aids in shaping the body, thus entirely changing the external appearance of the commensal. This suggests the possibility that a species, if subjected to similar environmental conditions for generations may change its characteristics and become a new variety or a new species. In our well known Halosydna insignis, the free-living and the com- mensal may become two distinct varieties, if not distinct species, if kept in their corresponding environments for generations. These observa- tions suggest the possibility that the environment and a corresponding 228 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou 18 plasticity may result in formation of new species. They further sug- gest the possibility that different species occupying different geo- graphical and bathymetrical areas are descendants from common ancestral stocks and that their differences are the results of the par- ticular external influences and of the degree of plasticity in each species. Species with the greatest plasticity are best provided with protective structures and are more widely distributed. Being able to overcome vicissitudes and changes in environment, they are superior to species specialized for certain modes of life and for certain environ- ments. Lepidonotus squamatus serves as a good illustration. It has rough spiny elytra (pl. 8, figs. 834-35) covering the entire dorsum, and numerous strongly developed setae (pl. 7, figs. 8-11). On one oceasion MeIntosh (1900) observed that a specimen of Lepidonotus squamatus which was in a tank with other animals was coiled up so as to have its scales and setae placed to the best advantage for self protection. When it was picked up by a young cod it was immediately rejected and fell to the bottom. Again it was attacked by Cottus, and again also immediately rejected, while Nereis and other annelids were devoured by the same animals. This explains partly the world wide distribution of Lepidonotus squamatus while the largest species of the family, Lepidasthenia gigas, depending entirely on a commensalistic life and being ill protected outside of the tube, has a very limited dis- tribution. Probably young Lepidasthenia gigas fall victims to their enemies if they do not happen to find a vacant tube of an Amphitrite ; or their adaptability is so limited that they can live only in that particular environment as commensals and perish in open ocean. Hence there are no free-living forms of that species. These facts show that, besides the external factors, the physical condition of the animal, its powers of adaptation, and its variability are equally impor- tant factors in its distribution. 1918] Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 229 F. SUMMARY 1. Polynoidae as a group have a world wide distribution, occurring in all oceanic waters. The fifty-one species of Polynoidae on this coast are divisible into two main divisions: (1) the cosmopolitan, and (2) the non-cosmopolitan species. The cosmopolitan species occur in all oceans; the non-cosmopolitan are restricted to the Pacific Ocean and many of them occur only along the shores of North America. 2. The Pacific coast polynoids, on the basis of their geographical distribution, fall into boreal, north temperate, and subtropical species, according to the life zones they occupy. 3. The polynoids are again divisible into littoral, sublittoral, and abyssal species according to their bathymetrical distribution. 4. The distribution of Polynoidae is evidently controlled by certain factors. The most important factors determining distribution are: (a) temperature, (b) currents, (c) winds, (d) chemical composition of water, (e) food habits and mode of life, and (f) plasticity or response of the animal to its environment. 5. The facts that certain species are restricted to definite life zones and to definite ranges of temperatures, that the same species occurring in widely separated areas occur in depths of similar temperature and that boreal species occur in temperate and subtropical zones as deep water species, seem to point to the conclusion that temperature is the chief factor in determining distribution. 6. Some species of Polynoidae are found in widely separated areas. Since they cannot possibly traverse such distances by their natural means of locomotion, currents may be regarded as agents in distribu- tion, carrying the adult worms along the bottom and the pelagic larvae in the upper strata and at the surface. The currents may further influence the temperature and the food conditions of an area. Consequently they play an important role in determining distribution. 7. After severe storms some deep water species are usually found driven to the shores. The winds may thus serve as agents in determin- ing distribution. 8. The chemical composition of waters differs at different depths and latitudes. Since. certain species of polynoids are restricted to definite areas and to definite depths, undergoing there considerable external changes, the chemical composition of water may be of some importance in determining distribution. 230 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou.18 9. The greatest numbers of polynoids are found in the littoral zones where food is more abundant. Hence the food conditions of a certain area may be of some importance in controlling distribution. The mode of life may also influence the distribution. This would be especially true of commensal polynoids. Their distribution would naturally depend on that of their messmates. 10. Modifications and changes in the polynoids are considerable. These changes are marked in size, shape and color of the body, in the size, shape, structure and color of the elytra, in the number, shape, size and structure of the setae, and in the texture of the cuticle. These changes are remarkable in commensal polynoids, so that commensal individuals differ greatly from the free-living forms of the same species in all the characteristics enumerated above. The deep water species differ considerably from the littoral species and certain characteristies, such as the thin cuticle, the smaller size, the delicate elytra and eye- less condition of many abyssal species, point to the conclusion that the latter have undergone a degeneration and a physical specialization which makes them fit for that particular environment only. Such changes, however, would be impossible if the polynoids did not possess a plasticity and were not able to react in response to the external stimuli. The plasticity may be therefore, regarded as one of the most important factors in controlling distribution. 11. The perfect color mimicry of the commensal polynoids sug- gests that there is some chemical or enzymic interaction between the messmates and the commensal, producing similar color patterns in animals widely different in kind. 12. The great uniformity of littoral species and the great diversity of abyssal genera and species lead to the conclusion that the lttoral zone is the center of origin, or the center of dispersal of the polynoids, and that species migrate or are driven to abyssal areas where they undergo great specialization and partial degeneration. 1918] Essenberg: Distribution of the Polynoidae 231 LITERATURE CITED BRAUvER, A. G. 1901. Ueber einige von der Valdivia-Expedition gesammelte Tiefseefische und ihre Augen. Marburg Sitz. Ber. Ges. Nat., 1902, 115-130. 1902. Ueber den Bau der Augen einiger Tiefseefische. Verh. Zool. Ges., Leipzig, 12, 42-57. 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Polychaeta from the coastal slope of Japan and from Kamehatka and Bering Sea. Ibid., 55, 401-490, pls. 23-27. 1905. New species of Polychaeta from the North Pacific chiefly from Alaska waters. Ibid., 57, 525-554, pls. 34-36. 1908. Some polychaetous annelids of the northern coast of North America. Ibid., 60, 321-364. 1909. Polychaetous annelids from Monterey Bay and San Diego, California. Ibid., 61, 235-295, pls. 7-9. 1910. The polychaetous annelids dredged by the U. 8. 8. ‘‘Albatross’’ off the coast of southern California. Ibid., 62, 328-402, pls. 28-33. MuRRAY, J. 1894. On the deep and shallow water marine fauna of the Kerguelen region of the great Southern Ocean. Trans. Roy. Soc., Edin., 38, 343-500, 1 map. 1898. The general conditions of existence and distribution of marine organ- isms. Smiths. Rep., 1896, 397-409. Murray, J., and Hgort, J. 1913. The depths of the ocean. (London, Macmillan), xx + 821 pp., 4 maps, 575 figs. in text. NANSEN, F. 1902. The oceanography of the North Polar Basin. Norweg. North Polar Exped., 1893-1896, 3, no. 9, xi + 427 pp., 33 pls. OSBORN, H. F. 1917. The origin and evolution of life. (New York, Scribner’s Sons), 322 pp., 186 figs. in text. RAmMSay, L. N. G. 1913. Polychaeta of the family Nereidae, collected by the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902-1904. Trans. Roy. Soc., 50, 41-48, pl. 1. RITTER, W. E. 1913. The simple ascidians from the northeastern Pacific in the collection of the U. S. National Museum. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 45, 427-505, pls. 33-36. Sars, M. 1868. Fortsatte bemaerkinger over det dyriske livs udbredning i havet dybder. Forhandl. Vid. Selsk., Christiania, 1, 246-275. Savieny, J. C. 1809. Systeme des annelides: Description de 1’Egypte. Hist. Nat., 1, 1-128. ScuHimperr, A. F. W. 1903. Plant geography upon physiological basis. (Oxford, Clarendon Press), 835 pp., 4 maps, 497 figs. in text. ScHort, G., and Scuu, F. 1910. Die Wirmeverteilung in den Tiefen des stillen Ozeans. Ann. 4. Hydrogr. Marit. Meteorol., 38, 2-25, 18 maps, pls. 1-15. SETCHELL, A. W. 1893. On the classification and geographical distribution of the Laminaria- ceae. Trans., Connecticut Acad., 9, 333-375. 1915. The marine flora of the Pacific Coast in Nature and Science on the Pacifie Coast, pp. 177-181. 234 University of Califorma Publications in Zoology [Vou. 18 STEUER, A. 1911. Leitfaden der Planktonkunde. (Leipzig, Teubner), 383 pp., 279 figs. in text. STOCKARD, C. R. 1909. The development of artificially produced cyclopean fish—‘‘ The magnesium embryo.’’ Jour. Exp. Zool., 6, 285-337. THORADE, H. 1909. Ueber die kalifornische Meeresstromung. Ann. Hydrogr., 37, 17-34, 63-76, 3 pls. Towrr, W. L. 1906. An investigation of evolution in chrysomelid beetles of the genus Leptinotarsus. Publ. Carnegie Inst., 48, 1-314, pls. 3. TREADWELL, A. L. 1914. Polychaetous annelids of the Pacific Coast in the collection of the Zoological Museum of the University of California. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 13, 175-238, 11-12, 7 figs. in text. Watcortt, ©. D. 1911. Middle Cambrian annelids. Smiths. Mise. Coll., 57, (5), pp. 109-144. WILLEMOES-SuuM, R. 1874. Anneliden an den Kiisten der Faeroeer. Zeit. wiss. Zool., 23, 346-349, ple po a a oo Fw p [oe a a CoN AAR YH ES H. EXPLANATION OF PLATES All figures drawn with camera lucida PLATE 7 Tenth parapodium af Harmothoé hirsuta. X 15. Dorsal cirrus of Harmothoé hirsuta. X 75. Twentieth parapodium of Polynoé lordi. X 15. Tip of upper neuropodial seta of Harmothoé hirsuta. X 75. Tip of a long notopodial seta of the same. X 75. Tip of a short notopodial seta of the same. X 75. Tip of supra-acicular neuroseta of Polynoé lordi. X 160. Tip of short notoseta of Lepidonotus squamatus. X 310. Tip of a long notopodial seta of the same. X 310. | Tip of ventral neuropodial seta of the same. X 310. Tip of a ventral notopodial seta of the same. X 310. Tip of blunt supra-acicular seta of Polynoé lordi. X 160. Tip of neuroseta of Lepidasthenia gigas. X 160. Tip of neuropodial seta of Polynoé fragilis. X 160. Nineteenth parapodium of Polynoé fragilis. X 115. Tip of notopodial seta of Polynoé fragilis. X 310. Seventeenth parapodium of Lepidasthenia gigas. X 15. Tip of upper neuroseta of the same. X 160. Twelfth parapodium of Lepidonotus squamatus. X 20. [236] fESSENBERG]) PEATE ¥ 18 UNIV. “CALIF, PUBL. ZOOL. VOL. a ~~ tl ' he Lae : “ha %, BA tay Ay abs, at mn! at er hi 7 Tt i 7 cs if ‘ . . ’ i. : et + (7 . hy , : aA rn : ' i ' . : | iM 7 y Md i ’ Mt “ ’ - + a A . ters v . " 71 ; a x, : 4 NT "< > 4 ‘ ' 4 ' é . { i A- » Ey as . ; ii j : i : Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 2 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 34, PLATE 8 Fifth elytron of Harmothoé hirsuta. Fringe of the same elytron. X 75. x 15. Small section of the same elytron showing the large tubercles. X 75. 22-24. Different kinds of tubercles of the same. Tubercle of the same elytron, surface view. X 75. x 75. Tenth elytron of Halosydna insignis (of commensal). Tenth elytron of the same of free-living form. Fringe of the same. X 75. Tuberele of the same. X 70d. Fifth elytron of Polynoé lordi. X 15. Second elytron of Polynoé fragilis. Tubercle of the first elytron of Lepidonotus squamatus. Highly magnified portion of the second elytron of squamatus showing the various types of tubercles and a few fringes. x 15. Fig. 35. First elytron of Lepidonotus squamatus. [238] X 16. eliys x 15. x 310. Lepidonotus X 310. UNMVmCALI PURE ZOOL, VOL. 18 [ESSENBERG] PLATE 8 ao igre he ‘ sot Oe? 2's e765 eraw, aia a be We UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Be “Notes on the- Tintinnoina. 1,-On the Probable. Origin: of Dictyocysta tiara Haeckel. 2, On Petalotricha entzi, sp. nov., by Charles Atwood Kofoid, _. Pp, 63-69, 8 figures in text. December, iis cy aa 6, Binary and Multiple: Fission in Hexamitus, by Olive: Suan Pp. 71-88, plates 9-11; - 7. On a New Trichomonad Flagellate, Trichomitus parvus, from the Intestine of Amphibians, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 89-94, plate~12. Nos. 6 and 7 in one cover. December, 1915 Sa ae aS ee ee SSR anes ee Se a ; 8. on Blepharcorys equi, sp. nov., a New Ciliate from the Caecum of the Horse, by Irwin C. Schumacher. Pp. 95-106, plate 13. December, 1915:.. 9. Three New Helices from California, by & Stillman Berry. em 107-111, January, DOUG opts Sick Coe os Tee an hel eo es ye Cae the? 10.-On Trypanosoma triatomae,a New Flagellate. froma Hemipteran Bug from > the Nests of:the Wood Rat. Neotoma fuscipes, by Charles Atwood Kofoid .. -and Irene McCulloch, Pp, 113-126, plates 14-15. February, 1916 2.2.2... 11, The Genera Monocercomonas and Polymastiz, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 127-138, Fa ates sG-17 54: EFepriary, OOK. ee YS ee eee 12. Notes on the’ Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus). “of the California Coast, fo DY Bennet M. Allen. “Pp.139-152, 2 figures in text. “March, 1916 _...... M2 13; Notes on the Marine Fishes of California, by Carl L. Hubbs. Pp. 153-169, plates 28-20.) March, 1996... 55 a eo ee a ey 14.-The Feeding Habits and.Food of. Pelagic Copepods and the Question of '. Nutrition by Organic Substances in Solution in the Water, by Calvin O, (i Esterty.: Pp. 171184) 2 figures in text: March; 1916 nese 15, ‘The Kinetonucleus of Flagellates.and the Binuclear Theory of Hartmann, ~by Olive Swezy.: Pp. 185-240, 58 figures in-text. March, 1916 ....00.0.02..2:. 16. On the Life-History of a Soil Amoeba, by’ Charlie Woodruft Wilson. Pp. O41 BOF plates. 18-29. . Sly AOUG ose eee ee Poe eet ace “17. Distribution of. Land Vertebrates of Southeastern ‘Washington, by Lee “Raymond Dice, Pp. 293-348, plates 24-26. June, 1916 22... ce ek. 18, The Anatomy of Heptanchus maculatus: the Endoskeleton, by J. Frank Daniel. Pp. 349-370, pls. 27-29, 8 text figures. December, 1916:.........02 19. Some Phases of Spermatogenesis in the Mouse, by Harry B. Yocom. Pp. STAB DEALS Oe PS SIUALY, LOLS oe ck i Srnec ecco ayarscb casein seeeccrre 20. Specificity in Behavior and the Relation between Habits in Nature and Reactions in the Laboratory, by Calvin 0. Esterly. ED: 381-392, March, SiS Wr ced ea SP ea eM OR ae Re ps AONE onary Ge Cay ca) OTe RRO MG Sn mo 21, The Occurrence of a Rhythm in the Geotropism of Two Species of Plank- ton Copepods when Certain Recurring External Conditions. are Absent, by + Salvin 0: Estetly: -Pp.-398-400;: ‘March, 1917s... 2S ek ie 22, On Some New Species of Aphroditidae from the Coast of California, by : Christine Essenberg. Pp. 401-430, plates 31-37. March, 1917 -......2..20... 23. Notes on the Natural History and Behavior of Hmerita analoga (Stimpson), ‘by Harold Tupper Mead. Pp. 431-438, 1 text figure. April, 1917 ......-.:.... “4, Ascidians of the Littoral Zone of Southern California, by William E. Ritter ‘and Ruth A. Forsyth. Pp. 439-512, plates 38-46. August, 1917-00202... Vol. 17. 1, Diagnoses of Seven New Mammals from East-Central California, by J oseph ~ Grinnell and Tracy I. Storer. Pp. 1-8. 2. A New Bat of the Genus Myotis from the High Sierra Nevada of Cali- ~.. fornia, by Hilda. Wood Grinnell. Pp. 9-10. ) : Nos. ft and 2 in one cover. August, 1916.22... ec een °8; Spclerpes platycephalus, a New. Alpine Salamander from the Yosemite National Park, California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp, 11-14. Septem- Ue) eRe! A oe meee Seabee sors = ie Pe Sera EN ee UME NL aN Ar EDU teeter Sue ge Nr 4, A New Spermophile from the San Joaquin Valley, California, with Notes -on Ammospermophilus nelsoni nelsoni. Merriam, by Walter P. Taylor: Pp. 45-20, 1 figure: in text, October,-.1916 =.2020o 0 aac eee 5. Habits and Food of the Roadrunner in California, by Harold C. Bryant. Pp. 21-58, plates 1-4, 2 figures in text:. October, 1916 ......-...2.2.. ee 6, Description of Bufo canorus, a New Toad from the Yosemite National Park, by Charles Lewis Camp, Pp. 59°62, 4 figures in text. November, 1916...... --%, The Subspecies of Sceloporus occidentalis, with Description of a New Form i from the Sierra Nevada and Systematic Notes. on Other California Lizards, by Charles Lewis Camp, Pp. 63-74. December, 1916 ................-.. 8. Osteological Relationships of Three Species of Beavers, py F. Harvey Holden. Pp. 75-114, plates 5-12, 18 text figures. March, 1917 ...................- ' 9,. Notes on the Systematic Status of the Toads and Frogs of California, by _ Charles: Lewis aaret ep: 115-125, 3 text figures. February, 1917 ..-..i<... UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS — (Continued) a 10. A Distributional List of the Amphibians. and Reptiles of: California, by. Joseph Grinnell and Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 127-208, 14 figures in. text. TIS OEE Se tae ga oe eee ec 11. A Study of the Races of the White-Fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) ‘Ocetr: = ring in California, by H. S. Swarth and Harold C. Bryant. Pp. 209- 222, 2 figures in text, plate 13; . October;*1917 2:3: 225 a ae 12. A Synopsis of the ‘Bats of California, by Hilda Wood Grinnell. Pp. 223-404, ‘plates 14-24, 24 text figures. January 31, 1918 Sonne ene enna e mente reed es sanewe ns ce encamececces 18. The Pacific Coast Jays of the Genus Wpheloctiiba. py H. 8. ‘Swarth. Pp. ee 405-422, 1 figure:in text. February 23, 1918 o.oo ee - Vol. 18,1. Mitosis in Giardia Microti, by William C. Boeck. Pp. 1-26, plate ‘1. - Octo- 5H ber, 1917. wane eFesetensedtewnegeenensnnesennatennenssrennencserencnenenecscansbedderseusaseesnensnaencseumenrorenes== matcccene og An Unusual Extension of the Distribution of the Shipworm in San Fran- cisco Bay, California, by Albert L. Barrows. Pp. 27-43. December,.1917. . - . Description of Some New Species of .Polynoidae from the Coast of Cali- 3 fornia, by Christine Essenberg. ._ Pp. 45-60, plates 2:3. October, 1917 ...... 5 4. New Species of Amphinomidae from the Pacific Coast, by Christine Essen: 5 berg. Pp. 61-74, plates 4-5. October, 1917 . Crithidia Euryophthalmi,-sp. nov., from the Hemipteran Bug, Luryophthalmus Convivus Stal, by Irene McCulloch. Pp. 75-88, 35 text figures: Decem- Der, ALOE ees Nee ee ae oe Rs ee ee eg eee 6, On the Orientation of Hrythropsis, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olive Se nena eee en an wn eens nana wwe en seen een deenwencestnescece Swezy. Pp. 89-102, 12 figures in text. December, 1917... een Sl 7. The Transmission of Nervous Impulses in Relation to. Locomotion in the Earthworm, by John F. Bovard. Pp. 103-134, 14 figures in text. January, OR are eae Be. Rieassin, co Suath ya capesgbncosce ths eiacacscgn cen UCR EISSN Cals panne a oat Baa oacae 8. The Function of the Giant Fibers in Barthworms, by John F. Bovard. Pp. 135-144, 1 figure in-text. January, 1918 .2...s ccc teen eyer 9A Rapid Method for the Detection of Protozoan Cysts in. Mammalian K Faeces, by William ©. Boeck. Pp. 145-149. December, 1917 00.0.0... 10. The Musculature of Heptanchus maculatus, by Pirie Davidson... Pp. 151-170, LZ tienes. in. texts MEArOR: ATR eae a a ak oabbe ck vl bac ath ste eee eae ee 11. The Factors Controlling the Distribution of the Polynoidae of the Pacific Coast of North America, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 171-238, Bakes wi ee 2 figures es fexhe March, 3 OVS oS A a rape acta oR & i rN 1 4 Ne lf tid BES Ji Fal Aah BCs LN int pee SA Ue ee eeny SLLe ee ang? PBR Sk a soa iba y es ‘ & a ee be apts (Saat . BPs odes a oO i y . Me py 15 J neht PORE WORE Cslag ys i tae ey ae pup bo TNS We’ RAT ae $4 4, TR PEP RL OTN, eS SA ek gh eta ase is ¥ hy “UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS Sek Pare in ‘ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 239-298, plates 9-11, 1 figure in text March 11, 1918 DIFFERENTIALS. IN BEHAVIOR OF THE TWO “GENERATIONS OF SALPA DEMOCRATICA _ RELATIVE TO THE TEMPERATURE OF THE SEA BY ELLIS L. MICHAEL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF - CALIFORNIA PUBLICATION S- Note—The University of California Publications are offered in Seeiinwe for the. pubis ‘ = cations of learned socicties and institutions, universities and libraries. Complete lists of alJl the publications of the University will be sent upon request. For sample copies, lists ~~ of publications or other information, address the Manager of the University Press, Berkeley, California, U. S. A» All matter sent. in exchange should be addressed to The Earlier Ss Department, University Library, Berkeley, . California, U.S. A. ZOOLOGY. ——W. E. Ritter and C. A. Kofoid, ‘Editors. ae per alias $3.50; beginning with vol. 41, $5.00. - This series contains the contributions from the Department of Zoology, from the - Marine Laboratory of the Scripps Institution for Biological. Research, at La Jolla, California, and from the California Museum of: Vertebrate Zoology in Berkeley. Cited as Univ, Calif. Publ. Zool. Volume 1, 1902-1905, 317 pages, with 28 plates cc. ccc: se eget settles $3.50 Volume 2 (Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological ‘Association of San Diego), 1904-1906, xvii + 382 pages, with 19 plates -0...2.2...-.sc.c.ce-ccsessscecteceosecs scccene -$3,50 Volume 3, 1906-1907, 883 pages, With. 23 plates .2..c..c.c ccc cccece de sceccccseseeeececsecceneserssesenentevcaee $3000 Volume 4, 1907-1908, 400 pages, With 24 plates —an..c.-csscccncessceneccessnesesienssseccannererconelerscngueneet $3.50 Volume 5, 1908-1910, 440 pages, With 34 plates ooo on in ceccscsemsceesosnenugescusnesctevinernsisdecsenssse $3.50" Volume 6, 1908-1911, 478 pages, with 48 plates ........ SO Sehr Ea a SS REE ea SEE $3.50 Volume 7 -(Contributions from the Museum of Vertebrate Pciewsy: 1910-1912, 446 Pas Pages, With 12 Plates. eo eas rs nea gece ce ron ni tN $3.50 Volume 8, 1911, 357 pages, with 25 plates... 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Dependence of Marine Biology upon Hydrouiauhy and Neces- sity of Quantitative Biological Research. Pp. i-xxiii, June, 1916 __......... 225 1. Hydrographic, Plankton, and Dredging Records of the Scripps Institution .—_ for Biological Research of the University of California, 1901 to 1912, compiled and arranged under the supervision of W. E. Ritter by Ellis L. Michael and George F. McEwen. Pp. 1-206, 4 text figures and: map. Wily, 416 fas a ae et eer hese Ne eae 225. 2. Continuation of Hydrographic, Plankton, and Dredging Records of the ~ Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of Cali- fornia (1913-1915), compiled and arranged under the supervision of W. E. Ritter, by Ellis L.Michael, Zoologist and Administrative Assistant, — George F. McEwen, Hydrographer. Pp. 207-254, 7 figures in text. Novem- Mer G1 oe ee RR ek ee a BO ae 3. Summary and Interpretation of the Hydrographic Observations made by the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of Cali- fornia, 1908 to 1915, by George F. McEwen, Hydrographer. Pp. 255-356, plates -1-$8.° ‘Decentber, 19167 so ee 1.00. oa Vol. 16. 1. An Outline of the Morphology and Life History of Crithidia leptocoridis, sp. nov., by. Irene McCulloch. Pp. 1-22, plates.1-4, 1 text figure. Sep- tamber, (91s: Ae = se ee eer cree a a 2 2. On Giardia microti, sp..nov., from the Meadow. Mouse, by Charles Atwood — Kofoid and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp. 23-29, 1 figure in text. 3. On Binary and Multiple Fission in Giardia muris (Grassi), by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp..30-54, plates, 5-8, 1 figure in text. Nos. 2 and 3 in one Cover. November, 1915... -cic.---cecsscnecpeescesetneesnesenoes 30 4, The Cultivation of Tissues from Amphibians, by. John C. Johnson. Pp. 55- 62, 2 figures in text. November, 1915 20000021... CRA an Reena ee 10 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 239-298, plates 9-11, 1 figure in text March 11, 1918 DIFFERENTIALS IN BEHAVIOR OF THE TWO GENERATIONS OF SALPA DEMOCRATICA RELATIVE TO THE TEMPERATURE OF THE SHA BY ELLIS L. MICHAEL (Contribution from the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California) CONTENTS PAGE JM ERO CINCO» cece: Face cece ee ee ae de eee 240 PeNvommy eoats UTD DIET ep Vga eS oe oe oo coc e ona Sunde cdgeaue Hench cose cucu duwebccuas pt eeee reeees emer e sees eae eee 241 lee DWeseripurommotpline yey Cle: <.255 ca. ck! cnc s. cde Le rs eee oe Ne 241 Zeorde data aud method of procedure -...-<..4.s ee ee ee 246 Do GIe He Cis CUSSTOME Ox: 15 as Onley ler cis trl OU GON seen a mee 250 Acie CiscusstONmOLeVertlealls Gist 11 Ut lO Ty seers eee eee ene 251 eee emi penaauie mam dls UieteLC@ (Cu Strato Ut LOA) oeesee sess =e eet ese ame es Ee 252 mene indonsenevedied: by data... i 2-.:---.:.scctee es oe eee 252 PP emer nOloci eal Mpc ation. 2.62462 tog ei —) pots tee eee, Shots Standardization formula. 250 University of California Publications in Zoology | Vou. 18 Since the standardized frequency given by the above formula, is that time frequency which would most probably have resulted had every haul consumed the same amount of time (one hour), it is equivalent to what the haul frequency would have been under the same conditions. The latter is therefore of no avail and the methods employed in this investigation are two: (1) the average number of solitary forms and aggregate forms obtained per hour under the various temperature conditions are compared; and (2) their standard- ized frequencies under the same temperature conditions are compared. By using these two methods, the first of which is affected by variability in number of individuals collected while the latter is entirely inde- pendent of such variability, a check on interpretation is maintained. 3. BriEF DISCUSSION OF SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION Investigations concerning the distribution of the chaetognatha (Michael, 1911, p. 139) revealed no apparent seasonal effect. Simi- larly, no seasonal effect is apparent in the data discussed by Esterly (1912) relative to the copepoda. In the ease of Salpa democratica, however, the influence of season is pronounced. As revealed by the following table, both generations of this species occur on the surface mainly during the months of June and July, solitary forms being restricted entirely to these months. No collections, however, were made during the months of January, May, October, or December. TABLE 2 Seasonal surface distribution of Salpa democratica during 1908-09 Number of animals Average Solitary forms Aggregate forms Hours of tempera- Average Month Hauls_ hauling ture salinity Total Per hour Total Per hour Feb. 5 6.5 13°6C 33.949 /5 5 0 0 6 1 Mar. 15 12.6 asst 33.64 0 0 0 0 Apr. 6 4.1 16.1 33.70 0 0 0 0 June 41 28.2 17.9 33.61 4,164 147 12,516 444 July? | 85) | 25.5 Telos ets ue i92) aoe 2,359 93 Aug. 15 6.5 TOG.) ) Wake 0 0 92 14 Sept. 6 Peo 18.5 33.88 0 0 14 Z Nov. 5 2.6 17.9 33.85 0 0 0 0 In addition to the almost complete restriction of both generations to the months of June and July, the table shows both to have been more abundant during June than during July. Moreover, while the aggregate forms were more abundant than the solitary forms during June, the solitary forms were the more abundant during July. This difference may have been consequent upon any or all of several influ- 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 201 ences: (1) normal sequence in the life cycle; (2) the effect of higher temperatures during July in increasing the abundance of solitary forms; and (3) a similar effect of higher salinities during July. To what extent and how each of these factors has operated in causing the difference noted it is impossible to say, but it seems probable that temperature has played an important part.. This is not only made evident in the ensuing discussion but also by the fact that twenty-one surface hauls made between August 9 and 23, 1911, in the vicinity of San Diego when the temperature averaged 20°2C failed to catch a single specimen of either generation, while on August 21, 1911, three surface hauls made with the same net in the vicinity of Santa Rosa Island when the temperature averaged 16°4C were all successful, obtaining 115 solitary forms and 1409 aggregate forms. In apparent contradiction to this fact, the table shows that aggre- gate forms occurred to some extent during August although solitary forms did not and judging from the high temperature average, this is the reverse of what might have been expected. These facts indicate the complexity of causes leading to the seasonal appearance and disappearance of S. democratica. When all the hauls in all depths are examined, June and July still stand out as the months of maximum abundance, the number of specimens obtained during other months being relatively few. 4. Brier DISCUSSION OF VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION Considering horizontal closing net hauls from all depths, made during the months of June and July, 1908 and 1909, a total of 6,889 solitary forms and 17,091 aggregate forms were obtained. Table 3 shows how they were vertically distributed. TABLE 3 Vertical distribution of Salpa democratica during June and July, 1908 and 1909 Number of animals Average Solitary forms Aggregate forms Depth in Hours of tempera- fathoms Hauls hauling ture Total Per hour Total Per hour 0 76 5a.t 18°36C 6,756 126 14,875 276 4-6 Wl Sal. iW este) 59 ily) 1,135 366 7-12 14 4.4 16.06 56 12 505 114 15-20 i) 3.2 12.92 13 4 297 93 25-35 14 4.4 10.97 3 a 253 57 40-75 14 4.1 9.73 2 1- 26 6 100-350 27 11.0 8.28 0 0 0 - 0 This table shows that solitary forms decrease in abundance as the depth increases, disappearing entirely below 100 fathoms, while 252 University of California Publications in Zoology | Vor. 18 aggregate forms are most abundant between four and six fathoms, decreasing from that depth until they also disappear below 100 fathoms. Here again, as in table 2, the maximum abundance of soli- tary forms corresponds to a higher temperature than is the case with aggregate forms. Is this correspondence merely consequent upon the effects of random sampling, or does the temperature of the water play an important and differential part in the distribution of the two generations of this species? B. TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE DISTRIBUTION 1. RELATIONS REVEALED BY DATA The June and July data of the years 1908 and 1909 reveal a_ variation in surface temperatures taken simultaneously with surface net hauls of five degrees Centigrade, or from 15°9C to 20°8C. When these hauls are arranged in two groups according as the temperature was 18°3C or less, or 18°4C or more, it is found (table 4) that an average of 67 solitary forms per hour’and an average of 529 aggre- gate forms per hour are associated with the lower temperatures, while an average of 156 solitary forms and an average of 124 aggregate forms are associated with the higher temperatures. In other words, solitary forms were most abundant on the surface in the warmer water, while aggregate forms were most abundant in the colder water. TABLE 4 Relation between surface temperature and surface distribution of Salpa democratica during the months of June and July, 1908 and 1909 Solitary forms Aggregate forms Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency ee Tempera- S x pat sf 5 5 36 a B 5 ture in n ee fag ° GS wus a S SC 2 Sa. saws ae Voor thas Unie ee eo gaa as centigrade & 62 O92 5% BR a ao eNeny es Bon OB 7S aa Te Gas a Ay = au fas a oY eH 15°9-18°3 30 20.0 16.2 1,346 67 81 92 16.2 10,575 529 81 92 18°4-20°8 46 34.7 204 5,410 156 59 69° 23.1 4,300 “124 67 77 Table 4 also shows that the frequency of both solitary forms and aggregate forms was 92 when the temperature was 18°3C or less, while that of solitary forms was 69 and that of aggregate forms 17, | when the temperature was 18°4C or more. In other words both soli- tary forms and aggregate forms were obtained most frequently in the colder water. To sum up, table 4 shows: 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 253 1. Solitary forms most abundant in the warmer water. 2. Solitary forms most frequent in the colder water. 3. Aggregate forms most abundant in the colder water. 4. Aggregate forms most frequent in the colder water. 5. Frequency of solitary forms very similar to that of aggregate forms. 6. Abundance of solitary forms reversed to that of aggregate forms. With respect to aggregate forms these relations seem reasonable, for the orders of their abundance and frequency are parallel as is to be expected. Regarding solitary forms, however, the relations appear to be meaningless. Do they not signify that the solitary forms are found in greatest abundance in the places they frequent the least or, to state it differently, that they are found most often under the con- ditions when they occur in smallest numbers? Obviously, this is precisely what is implied if the relations revealed by table 4 are not due: (1) to systematic errors introduced by the method of collecting ; (2) to the chance effect of random sampling; or (3) to what amounts to the same thing, an insufficient number of hauls. First, as to methods used in collecting. All collections were made with surface nets of 000 mesh (Michael and McEwen, 1915, p. 201), as nearly like one another as it is possible to construct them. Further- more, the ‘‘ Agassiz’’ was allowed to drift during every haul, and the error introduced by variation in volume of water filtered is far within the differences in abundance noted in table 4. The ratio between the mean variability (0.172 km. per hour) and average velocity of tow (1.8 km. per hour) as determined from fifty hauls made with a cur- rent meter attached below the net, is 0.01, while the mean variability in number of organisms obtained per hour usually exceeds the average number (Michael, 1916, p. xviii). It is unlikely, therefore, that lack of standardization of nets or method of collecting could have been responsible for the relations above revealed. It may be urged, however, that the effect of random sampling, 1.e., an uneven distribution of hauls with respect to influences other than temperature, might account for the above relations. This is partly true; the hauls were unevenly distributed with respect to light, only nine night hauls (6 p.m. to 6 A.M.) having been made in the colder water, while thirty-three were made in the warmer water. The follow- ing table, however, includes only night hauls and the same relations persist. 254 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 TABLE 5 Reproduction of table 4 by excluding all except night hauls (6 P.M. to 6 AM.) Solitary forms Aggregate forms Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency Tempera- S bp rte an y 8 ‘sé " H H ture in ee ese ee = 5. th ages = = Peale hee centigrade z 52 B98 <= ie EG Oe = 5 aq H Mm He Has «8 & 8 & Dae oe Bi ei = 788 15°9-18°3 OF car oro 424 58 74 81 5.5 1,631 220 74 81 18°4—-20°8 33 26.0 14.5 3,248 125 56 63 184 3,084 118 71 79 This table shows that an average of 58 solitary forms per hour was obtained in the colder water and an average of 125 per hour in the warmer water, while an average of 220 aggregate forms per hour was obtained in the colder water and an average of 118 in the warmer water. Table 5 also shows that the frequeney of both generations was 81 in the colder water, while that of solitary forms was 63 and that of aggregate forms 79 in the warmer water. Thus, table 5 corroborates table 4 in every respect, solitary forms again appearing in greatest abundanee and least frequency in the warmer water, while aggregate forms appear in greatest abundance and greatest frequency in the colder water. Even when the data are arranged in every other practicable way with respect to light, as in table 6, the same relations persist. TABLE 6 Relation of surface distribution of Salpa democratica to temperature with respect to different periods of the day Solitary forms Aggregate forms Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency Tempera- San OS a 5 BO wp 3 = P ‘ Dn nw oS ua iS) S ture in a) SBS HO.8 = zg 5 cS pears m= tt Ps z centigrade & oe 598 = Fs & a Dee = = £ z G He as oS iY - & Was a AY = ie A—Ineluding only daylight hauls (6 A.M. to 6 P.M.) 15°9=18°3 21 9126 10:7 922-73". "85. 9b) 10.7 8,944" 710" So 96 18°4-20°8 13 8.7 59 2,162 249 68 82 4.7 1,216 140 54 68 B—-Including only intense light hauls (10 A.m to 2 P.M.) ISS alisys 3} 8 fal aa. 226 55 100 100 41 3,811 930 100 100 18°4-20°8 5 39 3.4 789 202: 87 (2938) 3,104, 06%, (247 7 8749s C—Ineluding only early morning hauls (6 A.M. to 10 A.M.) 3. 9 B58 4.2 B45 192 72186 | 42 e261) abk 7 2esG —2058 § 4) 1-05 0:97)" 365 )asr 940 eit 0c 76,” §390) 4607s D—Ineluding only evening hauls (6 P.M. to 10 P.M.) 15°9-18°%3 6 44 4.4 324 74 100 100 44 1,621 368 100 100 US24—2078) 18 Te5) (6:2) 2.374206 54) 70) 6:2 gyilit AS) tee (rAd) 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 255 We have now considered the data in six different ways with similar results. In table 4 data relative to all the June and July hauls are considered, while in tables 5 and 6 night hauls, day hauls, mid-day hauls, morning hauls, and evening hauls are separately considered ; and in each ease the following relations are shown: 1. Solitary forms most abundant in the warmer water. 2. Solitary forms most frequent in the colder water. 3. Aggregate forms most abundant in the colder water. 4. Aggregate forms most frequent in the colder water. It must be evident that such a variety in tabulation would introduce contradictions were it not for a definite relation between fluctuations in surface temperature (or some influence closely associated with it) and the behavior of the two generations of this salpa. However, on account of the apparently paradoxical relation between the abundance and frequency of solitary forms, the probability that such a repeti- tion of relations was due to chance, insufficient or madequate haul- ing, or to anything other than an actual correspondence between tem- perature and distribution has been calculated and found to be less than 0.0007. The calculation is simple, as follows: There are four possible ways in which the aggregate forms might have been related to the colder water, namely: 1. Most abundant and most frequent. 2. Most abundant and least frequent. 3. Least abundant and most frequent. 4, Least abundant and least frequent. Whichever of these combinations might result, it is obvious that the solitary forms might have been related to the colder water in any one of the same four ways. For each tabulation, therefore, there would be sixteen possible com- binations of relations, any one of which would be equally likely to occur by chance. Then, for any one of the sixteen possible combinations that appeared in the first tabulation, there would remain sixteen possible combinations that might appear in the second tabulation, whence the number of possible combina- tions in two tables would be 16%. In three the number would be 16%, in four 16’, and in six 16°. Hence, the probability that the same combination of relations appearing in all six tabulations was due to chance is 4," or 1 > NGM, be tables 4 and 5 as well as section A of table 6 be excluded on the ground that they contain part of the data in the remaining tabulations, the probability would be 1 + 16° or 1 + 1,536 which is less than 0.0007. It may be claimed that this is an underestimate because of a natural associa- tion between maximum abundance and maximum frequency. Suppose, then, that the probability of maximum abundance and maximum frequency of the aggregate forms occurring together is large—say P. Then, since there is an equal chance of this combination being related to the colder or the warmer water, the probability of its being related to the colder water in any one tabulation would bes . From this it follows that the probability of minimum 256 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 abundance occurring with maximum frequency and also with the colder water in any one tabulation (as is the. case with the solitary forms) would be a Hence, the probability of maximum abundance and frequency of aggregate forms being associated with minimum abundance and maximum frequency of the solitary forms and with the colder water in any one tabluation is a =) or 9 9 “a -, and the probability of this happening three times in succession is CZ) 2y 3 a ) = Y¥,,*, and since this is the value P assumes if abundance be independent of frequency, it follows that the probability would be less than 14,° if a natural association exists between maximum abundance and maximum frequency. Furthermore, the magnitudes of the differences between maximum and minimum abundance and between maximum and minimum frequency, as well as the number of hauls, have not been considered, so that the probability 0.0007 must be regarded as a large overestimate rather than an underestimate. The value of this expression is largest when P= 1% or when( It therefore follows that the odds in favor of the trustworthiness of the relations shown by tables 4, 5, and 6 are sufficiently large (more than 1,535 to 1) to justify the conclusion that temperature, or some influence intimately associated with it, must play a prominent, albeit a peculiar, part in the distribution of Salpa democratica. 2. A MorpHOLOGICAL IMPLICATION What do the foregoing facts imply? Since solitary forms aecumu- late on the surface in greatest numbers when the water is warm, while aggregate forms accumulate in greatest numbers when the water 1s eold, some definite relation must exist between them, compelling soli- tary forms to be taken in cold water whenever aggregate forms are captured, compelling aggregate forms to be taken in warm water whenever solitary forms are captured, and preventing any of one generation to be taken without some of the other. Were there no such relation, | can conceive of no way in which the two generations could be so nearly identical in frequency and at the same time reversed in abundance. Upon considering the life cycle, two possible relations are sug- gested: (1) that individuals of the solitary generation are developed until maturity within the body of those of the aggregate generation (p. 245) ; and (2) that the aggregate salpae are budded off in the form of a chain by the proliferating stolon of the solitary salpa (p. 243). The first alternative might account for the capture of at least one solitary form in cold water by each haul that captured a number of 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 257 aggregate forms. For at least one individual of that generation might be captured which contained an embryo sufficiently mature to be dislodged during the processes of towing and washing the net and condensing and handling the hauls, and so be counted as a solitary form. If such were the ease, the frequeney of solitary forms would be identical with that of aggregate forms in colder water. But, even so, this could not account for the fact that those solitary forms cap- tured in the warmer water were accompanied by aggregate forms, for the embryo does not carry the adult, and aggregate forms are shown to be most abundant in cold water, while solitary forms are most abundant in warm water. The second alternative, however, completely satisfies the conditions, providing the chain of aggregate salpae remains attached to the solitary salpa after being protruded from its mantle cavity into the water. This will be rendered more intelligible, perhaps, if the problem is stated in symbolical language. Let a solitary form be symbolized by a cork, an aggregate form by an iron weight, warm water by the surface of a pond, and cold water by the bottom of the pond. Flota- tion is then analogous to accumulation in warm water, and sinking to accumulation in cold water. Our problem may now be restated as follows: Since corks float and iron weights sink, what is the relation between them that necessitates taking some corks from the bottom of the pond whenever a number of iron weights are taken therefrom, and that necessitates taking some iron weights from the surface when- ever a number of corks are taken therefrom? Stated in this symbolical language, it is evident that the only feasible answer is that at the time the corks and iron weights were removed from the pond, they were tied together. Now, if by experi- ment, we find that one cork will barely float six weights, corks with more than this number of weights attached would sink, while those with less attached would float. Moreover, if those corks with more than six weights attached wsuwally outnumbered those with less attached, while occasionally those with less attached far outnumbered those with more attached, then both corks and weights would be so distributed with respect to surface and bottom that, while corks in the long run would be obtained in greater numbers from the surface than from the bottom, at least one would be present in a larger per- centage of bottom than of surface hauls. in other words corks would be most abundant and least frequent on the surface, while iron weights would be most abundant and most frequent on the bottom. 258 University of California Publications in Zoology [| Vou. 18 This hypothetical distribution of corks and iron weights exactly parallels the distribution of the individuals of the two generations of Salpa democratica as demonstrated by tables 4 to 6. The conclusion, therefore, seems unescapable that each aggregate salpa, after being pushed to the exterior of the solitary salpa, remains attached to its predecessor and that this chain of salpae also remains attached to the solitary salpa as in other species of the genus. 3. EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF PROTRUDING CHAINS The conclusion being reached that protruding chains of Salpa democratica are of normal occurrence, it is well before assuming its truth, to consider whatever other evidence there may be. To this end the literature has been searched without finding a single unequivocable statement. Brooks (1893, pl. xii) has published a drawing of what he calls: ‘‘part of a fully grown chain of Salpa democratica.’’ It consists of six salpae attached together as described on page 244, but the magnification is not given and, while it is probable from the con- dition of the test that Brooks had a portion of a protruded chain before him, it is possible that by ‘‘fully grown chain’’ he means the final positions assumed by the salpae in the terminal portion of the stolon. Again Herdman (1889, p. 58), after refering to a cut of the posterior end of the solitary form of S. democratica, says: ‘‘ After the solitary Salpa has become fully developed, the chain produced by the stolon is set free in sections, each section being composed of a number of aggregated Salpae at about the same stage of develop- ment.’’ This statement sounds definite and explicit, but it is not clear that it refers to S. democratica in the first place nor to the freeing of the salpae from the mantle cavity of the solitary form in the second place: by ‘‘set free in sections’’? Herdman may refer to the periodic manner in which the stolon segments (see page 244). But, Herdman’s statement is corroborated by that of Agassiz (1866, p. 20) who, in describing S. cabotti—probably a large variety of S. democratica—says: ‘‘The young Salpae are not uniformly developed in proportion to their distance from the base of the tube [stolon]. Sections of the tube are equally advanced and we find generally, three such portions unequally developed. . .. The base of the geminiferous tube is simply slightly corrugated, next comes a section in which we find two rows of slight elevations, and finally the most advanced part of the chain where the rudimentary Salpae are 1918] Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 259 more or less advanced and resemble in every respect, long before it becomes detached, the chains which are found floating about. These sections are thus liberated in turn, new ones continually forming at the base of the geminiferous tube during the budding season... . These chains escape through an opening formed at the proper time through the tunic [test], near the nucleus on the ventral side, which shows afterwards no trace of the passage of the small chain.’’ Agassiz repeatedly refers to these liberated chains so that, if S. cabotti is in reality only a variety of S. democratica, it is evident: (1) that the chain of aggregate forms remains intact after, as well as before, escap- ing from the mantle cavity of the solitary form; and (2) that the chain is liberated in blocks of from forty to sixty individuals. Obviously, this means that protruding chains must exist during the period of liberation, but what length of time this involves is not indicated. Aside from these three instances I have failed to find a single statement applicable in any way to the question as to whether or not the salpae remain attached in the form of a protruding chain. In fact the attitude of those familiar with the group seems to be either that such chains may be assumed to exist on general principles, or that they do not exist in this species. But negative evidence is never conclusive. Following up the implications of tables 4 to 6, examination of the crude data (table 1) shows that every haul that captured more than six solitary forms, and all but three capturing less than six, also captured aggregate forms. The three that failed (hauls 1650, 1653, and 1804) were all made in water exceeding 18°9C. Moreover, as aggregate forms accu- mulate in cold, and solitary forms in warm surface water, a con- siderable number of hauls made in the colder water ought to have captured aggregate forms, but no solitary forms, if protruding chains or salpae containing mature embryoes were not frequently encount- ered; but not a single such haul was made. Again, hauls made in the warmer water ought frequently to have captured solitary forms, with- out aggregate forms, if protruding chains were not generally encount- ered ; but only three such hauls were made. Further examination of the crude data reveals three more hauls (1860, 1872, and 1875) made in water exceeding 18°9C which eap- tured 21, 12, and 89 aggregate forms respectively, but no solitary forms. Why? In answering this question it must be recognized that during the processes of washing the net and of condensing, separating, and examining the hauls a few specimens are nearly always lost. Con- 260 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 sequently, in hauls encountering only a very few protruding chains the chance of losing the single solitary salpa of each chain would be much greater than that of losing all the aggregate salpae. This, I believe, is why no solitary forms were found in these three hauls. Moreover, in four others (1432, 1779, 1854, and 1864) individuals of the aggregate generation alone were recognized at first, but on reéx- amination mature solitary forms were fownd, which makes the above explanation more plausible. The crude data also show that out of thirty-six hauls made in water below 18°6C, each of twenty-five con- tained both solitary forms and aggregate forms, while each of the remaining eleven failed to obtain a single individual of either genera- tion. This seems explicable only on the assumption that protruding chains were encountered in nearly if not all successful hauls. It is well known that chains of even such large species as Salpa fusiformis and S. zonaria are obtained entirely intact only with the greatest difficulty. Says Herdman (1889, p. 59): ‘‘Out of the enormous number of aggregated Salpae collected during the Challenger expedition, none were adhering together when they reached my hands. In all cases the chains . . . had become broken up into their con- stituent Salpae.’’ Although this has not been the result of collections made under the auspices of the Scripps Institution, chains of no species have been obtained entirely intact except when collecting with extreme care with a dip-net. Would ‘it be surprising, then, if the pressure and swirl of the water in a tow-net completely breaks up — whatever chains of the smallest and most delicate species, S. demo- cratica, may be encountered ? Granting this to be the explanation why protruding chains of this species have never been described, it follows that the effect of the swirling water in causing breakage would be less pronounced the shorter the duration of the haul. Working over the collections from this point of view, it was noticed that, while all the hauls herein con- sidered consumed upwards of twenty minutes, a few thirteen-minute hauls had been made in the vicinity of Santa Rosa Island during August, 1911. Furthermore, while no portion of a chain was found in any of the hauls entered in table 1, several fragments were dis- covered in one of the above mentioned thirteen-minute hauls (2766). In three instances two aggregate forms were found attached together ; in another, three larger ones were attached; and in still another, five were attached together so as to form a double chain as illustrated in plate 9, figure 1. There can, therefore, be no doubt that, as Agassiz 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 261 (1866) has said, each aggregate salpa remains attached to its pre- decessor after as well as before being pushed out of the mantle cavity of the solitary salpa into the water. Does it seem unlikely, then, that the chain also remains attached to its progenitor ? 4. IMPLICATIONS REGARDING LOCOMOTION If, as claimed on page 260, the general occurrence of protruding chains is the only feasible explanation of all the temperature relations, then some form of locomotion of the individuals of the two generations is implied. For, to return to the corks and iron weights, the only hkely manner in which corks could be most abundant and least fre- quent on the surface, while the attached iron weights were most abundant and most frequent on the bottom is, as stated on page 257, for corks with less than a given number (six) of attached weights to float and for those with more attached to sink. That is, the presence of weights on the surface would be consequent upon the buoyancy of the attached cork, and the presence of corks on*the bottom upon the sinking propensity of the attached weights. Translating back into Salpa terminology, the inference seems clear that protruding chains of less than a given but unknown number of aggregate salpae—short chains—are prevented from leaving an area of warm surface water by virtue of the activity of the attached soli- _ tary form, while with chains consisting of more than this number— long chains—the solitary form is prevented from escaping out of an area of cold surface water by virtue of the combined activity of the attached aggregate salpae. I do not mean to stipulate that aggregate forms are negatively thermotactic and solitary forms positively ther- motactic, nor that long chains move horizontally out of warm into cold areas of surface water, while short chains move horizontally out of cold into warm areas of surface water. This may or may not be the true explanation, but it seems unlikely. Further, it is not stipulated that aggregate forms are negatively geotactic and solitary forms positively geotactic in cold surface water, while the responses are reversed in warm surface water. This, again, may or may not be the true explanation; the data are inconclusive. Lastly, it is not stipulated that an internal control by aggregate forms and solitary forms over their own specific gravities leads to an accumulation of short chains in warm surface water and long chains in cold surface water; nor is it stipulated that some form of metabolic rhythm is 262 University of Californa Publications in. Zoology [| Vou. 18 involved. Onee, again, either of these may or may not be the true explanation, but neither seems likely. What the uneseapable implica- tions of the data are, may be listed as follows: 1. Short chains accumulate in warm surface water and long chains in cold surface water. 2. Since the only difference between short and long chains con- sists In the number and size of the attached salpae, a differential in the distribution of the two generations must be due to a differential in behavior of short and long chains, which obviously implies a differen- tial in behavior of the solitary form and aggregate forms constituting the chains. 3. The only type of behavior consistent with all the facts is some form of locomotion. However, these are implications—not facts—and it is necessary to gain some idea of their reliability by reéxamining the data. Cr REEXAMINATION OF THE DATA 1. RELATION BETWEEN SEASON AND TEMPERATURE It has been suggested that the difference between short and long chains may actually not have been restricted to the number and size of the attached salpae. This, it is said, would be true only if all possibility of seasonal influence were eliminated. In other words, it is argued that, owing to an intimate association between increasing temperature and advancing season, even within the limits of June and July, 1908 and 1909, the relation between temperature and abundance of the two generations may have been consequent upon an increased production of solitary forms and an increased death rate of aggregate forms. On first thought this seems reasonable, but careful consideration proves it untenable. For each individual of the aggregate generation can give birth to only one solitary form, so that an increased produc- tion of the latter requires an increased number of the former. Further- more, as stated on page 245, the embryo is carried and developed within the body of the aggregate form and is not set free until after it has reached maturity and its stolon has begun to be converted into the salpae of the succeeding aggregate generation. Consequently, all hauls obtaining an excess of solitary forms over aggregate forms would, 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 263 according to this hypothesis, have to be restricted to that time interval between, the death of many of the embryo-bearing salpae and pro- trusion from the mantle cavity of thé solitary forms of the first salpae of the next generation—a time interval which is brief if it occurs at all. If this were not the case, either no significant temperature rela- tions would have appeared in the data, or aggregate forms as well as solitary forms would have been most abundant in the warmer water, both of which are contrary to fact. Moreover, the hypothesis requires the death of a large number of aggregate forms prior to their maturity, for, as stated on page 245, the testis does not develop until after the embryo has matured and made its escape. Does this seem reason- able? But to speculate gains naught. The hypothesis is therefore sub- jected to an empirical test. Table 7 gives the distribution of hauls involved in tables 4, 5, and 6 with respect to each of the four months concerned: June and July, 1908, and June and July, 1909. TABLE 7 Distribution of hauls with respect to season Temperature June, 1908 June, 1909 July, 1908 July, 1909 in ary ee Sas ee WS =e centigrade Hauls Mean date Hauls Mean date Hauls Mean date Hauls a ate Section A—Hauls involved in table 4 15°9-18°3 iil 18 14 23 2 19 3 5) 18°4-20°8 5 20 13 22 9 21 19 ii Section B—Hauls involved in table 5 15°9-18°3 0 ie 9 23 0 a 0 see 18°4-20°8 0 Jets 9 23 8 22 16 8 Section C—Hauls involved in table 6A 15°9-18°3 11 18 5 22 2 19 i 5 18°4-20°8 5 20 4 23 1 8 > 2 Section D—Hauls involved in table 6B 15°9-18°3 fal 18 il 15 0 sat oa 18°4-20°8 3 19 0 ~eet 0 bee ill 2 Section E—Hauls involved in table 6C 15°9-18°3 2 i7/ 2 23 2 18 3 5 18°4-20°8 2 PAL i 29 1 8 Section F—Hauls involved in table 6D 15°9-1873 0 cee 6 24 Q A 0 aa 18°4—20°8 0 = 8 21 4 21 6 7 264 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Von. 18 From these data it is difficult to understand how any seasonal effect could have been responsible for the temperature relations revealed by tables 4 to 6. In the first place section A shows that, while six more hauls were made during June, 1908, in the colder than in the warmer water, the five made in the warmer water were, as indi- cated by the mean date, made somewhat later in the month than were the other eleven. According to the hypothesis under consideration this might lead to an excess of solitary forms and a deficiency of ageregate forms in the warmer water. But the differentials revealed by table 4 could not have been due to the influence of this month because the same differentials are shown by table 5, and section B of the above table shows that none of the hauls involved in table 5 were made during June, 1908. Likewise, it is shown by section D that none of the hauls involved in table 6B were made during July, 1908; yet the same differentials are revealed by it as by table 4, which obviously means that the differentials could not have been due to the way in which the hauls were distributed throughout July, 1908. Similarly with respect to July, 1909: section E of the above table shows that no hauls were made in the warmer water between 6 A.M. and 10 a.m. (table 6C), while section F shows that none were made in the colder water between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. (table 6D). Yet the differentials revealed by tables 6C and 6D, to which these data relate, are identical. It is clear, then, that the hypothesis under consideration must justify itself, if at all, on the way in which hauls were distributed during June, 1909. But all five sections of table 8 show: (1) an almost exact equality between number of hauls made in the colder water and in the warmer water; (2) an almost identical mean date relative to hauls made in warm and cold water; and (3) that the slight differ- ences in mean date that do exist are erratic with respect to the tem- perature of the water; two instances (section A, and F) indicating that the hauls made in the colder water were also made somewhat later in the month than were those made in the warmer water, while two instances (sections C and E) indicate that the reverse was true. To demonstrate completely the inadequacy of this hypothesis, table 4 is reconstructed by eliminating therefrom all hauls except those made during June, 1909. The results are given in the following table: 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 265 TABLE 8 Reconstruction of table 4 by eliminating all hauls except those made during June, 1909 Solitary forms Aggregate forms a Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency \ aa ue oH Ser) u Hes H H Tempera S on Sw : 5 Sb 2 FI ture in a: ze £o5 es S Sy ep ne = a Soe pe centigrade S ee veus S 3 = B 698 S) Ey = 5 q Go as = Ay H Ff ae a a a A 15°9-18°3 el” alej2) lls 739 56 86 88 11:3 3/389 257 86 88 18°4-20°8 AL 3} 8.6 5.0 2,104 245 58 80 3.7 943 110 438 63 Table 8 not only shows the same relation as does table 4, but demonstrates that elimination of the seasonal effects due to the other three months intensifies the difference between the abundance of soli- tary forms in the colder water and their abundance in the warmer water. In the colder water their abundance is reduced from 67 per hour (table 4) to 56 per hour (table 8), while their abundance in the warmer water is increased from 160 per hour (table 4) to 245 per hour (table 8). Therefore, although advancing season and increasing temperature were associated, the salpae were so distributed during the months to which these data relate as to make it highly improbable, if not impossible, for the relations revealed by tables 4 to 6 to have been consequent upon the seasonal succession of the two generations. 2. RELATION BETWEEN POSITION AND TEMPERATURE Another hypothesis has been raised. It is argued on the basis of certain evidence relating particularly to aphids and rotifers that high temperatures might favor production of solitary forms. Although some of the more recent investigations (Whitney, 1907; Shull, 1911) make such an effect of temperature doubtful, other causative factors, such as substances in solution, may be so associated with temperature as to lead to a greater production of solitary forms at high tempera- tures. It is well, therefore, to consider this hypothesis. According to it the differentials established by tables 4 to 6 are consequent not upon locomotion of solitary forms and aggregate forms, nor upon their seasonal succession, but upon a stratification of sur- face water into areas of high and low temperature, in the former of which solitary forms predominate because of their greater production, while aggregate forms predominate in the latter because of their greater death rate in the warm areas. As in the case of seasonal suc- 266 University of Californa Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 cession, it is difficult to see how solitary forms could by this means predominate in the warm areas without also involving a predominance of aggregate forms in the same areas. For, as stated on page 245, each individual of the aggregate generation can give birth to but a single solitary form and then not until the stolon of the latter has begun to be converted into salpae of the next generation. This makes it neces- sary, aS in the ease just considered, for all hauls obtaining an excess of solitary forms over aggregate forms to have been made during that brief and improbable time interval in the life cyele between the pre- mature death of many of the embryo-bearing salpae and protrusion of the first salpae of the next generation from the mantle cavity of the solitary form. But, assuming the hauls to have been made in this improbable if not impossible manner, the verity of the hypothesis hinges upon whether or not stratified areas of warm and cold surface water per- sisted for a sufficient length of time. In other words, were the major- ity of warm water hauls made at one set of positions and the majority of cold water hauls at another set? If so the above hypothesis might be true; if not it is obviously inadequate. To answer this question the following list is supplied, which gives the distribution of hauls involved in table 4 with respect to position, the unit of position being a rectangular area or section of five miles (or more accurately five minutes), on a side. In designating the section, the number denotes its distance in five-minute units west of 114°W, while the subscript denotes its distance in five minute units north of 32°N. For further explanation see Michael and MeEwen (1915, p. 46; 1916, p. 217) and McEwen (1916, pls. 1-8). List SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF HAULS INVOLVED IN TABLE 4 BY SECTIONS Number of hauls in Number of hauls in a (2 Cold Warm Cold Warm water water water water Section 15°9-18°3C 18°4—-20°8C Section 15°9-18°3C 18°4-20°8C 39,0 0 4 4515 1 0 40,5 0 15 45, 1 0 40,, 0 7 46, 1 0 40,. 1 0 46,5 2 0 41, 0 2 49,, 0 1 42, 1 3 501, 1 0 42, i) 1 eh. 1 2 42. 11 9 5215 0 1 4310 4 0 53,0 1 1 43,, 2 0 61, 2 1 44, 1 0 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 267 This list shows that as the distance from the coast increased the number of hauls made in the cold water relative to those made in warm water, as a rule, also increased. According to the hypothesis under consideration, this might lead to an excess of aggregate forms in the colder water and an exeess of solitary forms in the warm water and so account for the differentials. But, as shown by table 9, the excess of warm water hauls in sections 39,5, 40,5, 41s, 425, 42,, and 49,, together with the excess of cold water hauls in sections 40,,, 48,,, 44,., 45,,, 45,., and 50,, can not account for the differentials in question, for the reason that the differentials are revealed by table 6C as well as by table 4, and none of the hauls involved in table 6C were made in these sections. Similarly, the excess of warm water hauls in sections 40,, and 52,, together with the excess of cold water hauls in 46,, 53,, and 61. can not account for the differ- entials because none of the hauls involved in table 6B were made in TABLE 9 Distribution of hauls involved in tables 5 and 6 with respect to position Table 5 Table 6A Table 6B Table 6C Table 6D | Warm water Posooooeo eee Se SeoNAseoeor Oo WF WY 18°4 99°80 Cold water Scoooeoeoo eee eeorRNST SSS OS SP SO 15°9-18°3C Warm water Warm water SorocoooooocoeooeorFe SF SSW OS © 18°4-20°8C SSSHSOSSOSOSCOSO OOH NSOOOS SC jg04 o00g0 Cold water SS ee I AOC eae Y Cold water ROE tie SOR Oe Ae OR ONS SSW OO) OS S32 SO (5c O= 18996 Warm water SS TS SS SS IS aC NOX) Cold water Warm water SS SS TS eo er SS FOO IIESIE! HOSOH OSC OS OSC OO ONO SCHON w 1Q04 99°C Cold water i [w) L--} SocooONHaAcCSoOoOSoOSCSCOS : Soococooo THO =1se3C Section (sy) i) iC He (=) 5 Nek 40,, 268 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 these sections, and this table as well as table 4 reveals the differentials. Again the excess of cold water hauls in section 46,, can not have been responsible, for none of the hauls involved in table 5 were made in this section. Finally, the excess of warm water hauls in section 52,, can not have eaused the differentials, because none of the hauls involved in table 6D were made in this section. All the sections except 42,, and 43,, are thus eliminated from further consideration. Relative to the latter, all the hauls were made in the colder water. According to the hypothesis in question this might account for the excess of aggregate forms in the colder water. Still, it obviously can not account for the excess of solitary forms in the warmer water. But, neither ean the distribution of hauls in sec- tion 42,, account for it, for not only were more cold than warm water hauls made in this section, but table 9 shows that none of the warm water hauls involved in table 6B were made in it. Furthermore, every haul made in this section was made within 0/3 of 32° 52’N and all except one (1657), which failed to catch a single individual of either generation, within 0°4 of 117° 30’W. Finally, every haul save one (1815, made on July 7, 1909) was made between June 15 and June 29, 1909. This obviously means that, even if stratified areas of warm and cold water did exist within the required limits of approximately 0.64 square miles—a highly improbable occurrence—the time elapsed was insufficient to enable the excess of solitary forms and deficiency of aggregate forms in the warmer water to have arisen in consequence of an increased production of the former and death of the latter. It follows, then, that if table 4 be reconstructed by eliminating all hauls except those made in section 42,,, this stratification hypothesis will be put to its final test. Table 10 shows the results of such reconstruce- tion. TABLE 10 Reconstruction of table 4 by eliminating all hauls except those made in section 42,, Solitary forms Aggregate forms ese Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency Tempera- Sica ince eH P ‘36 a SI H ture in a) Bley Ge = = a =| Oo. = é © Z centigrade 89 52 532 ¢ Ba. Si BS See Be Bales as] ewiaaieet Pacp Svc bye oe Ea Ap eee Oo ~ Sod Gay 15°9-18°3 LON ONT 726 68) 1007 100) 1103732306) 309) 00) 100 18°4—-20°8 9 5.9 do liso 4 3229 90 98 4.0 942 160 68 80 1913] Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 269 According to the stratification hypothesis this table ought to show an approximate equality between the abundance of solitary forms in the warmer water and their abundance in the colder water, and also between the abundance of aggregate forms in the warmer water and their abundance in the colder water. This is obviously not the ease. The relations shown by table 10 are essentially the same as those shown by table 4, solitary forms again appearing as most abundant and least frequent in the warmer water, while aggregate forms appear as most abundant and most frequent in the colder water. Not only is this true, but the difference in abundance of the solitary forms in the warmer and that in the colder water has been increased from 93 in table 4 to 161 in table 10. Therefore, although the temperature did decrease with increasing distance from the coast, the two generations were so distributed with respect to position as to make it quite impossible for the differentials revealed by tables 4 to 6 to have been due to stratified areas of warm and cold surface water, or what amounts to the same thing, to differences in position. 3. OstwaLp’s Viscocrry THEORY The inadequacy of this theory to explain vertical migrations has been pointed out before (Michael, 1916, p. xiv). It is not my pur- pose, therefore, to discuss the theory in detail. But, as someone is sure to claim that variation in viscocity of the water induced by variations in temperature is responsible for the differentials observed in the surface distribution of Salpa democratica, it 1s necessary to forestall this claim. The matter will be considered on the basis of three alternative assumptions: (a) that solitary forms or short chains have the same specific gravity as aggregate forms or long chains; (b) that solitary forms or short. chains are heavier than aggregate forms or long chains; and (c) that aggregate forms or long chains are the heavier. It needs no argument to demonstrate that if, the first case (a) were true, differentials in distribution of the two generations would be impossible if due solely to viscocity effects. For if owing to an increase in temperature, the viscocity decreases sufficiently to cause the indi- viduals of one generation to sink, those of the other generation, being of the same specific gravity, must also sink. In the second case (b), a decrease in viscocity might cause solitary forms or short chains to sink while aggregate forms or long chains 270 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vor. 18 remained on the surface. This would, however, require a lower viscocity in cold than in warm surface water, for otherwise aggregate forms would be most abundant in warm surface water and least abundant in cold surface water, which is contrary to fact. But even so, it would be physically impossible for solitary forms or short chains to remain in maximum numbers on the surface when aggregate forms or long chains were present in minimum numbers. For, the former, being heavier than the latter, must sink if the latter do. The third assumption (c) is, perhaps, the most probable, because since many individuals of the aggregate generation contain an embryo of the solitary generation, it may well be that their specific gravity exceeds that of the solitary forms and, for the same reason, the specific gravity of long chains may actually exceed that of short chains. Under these conditions a decrease in viscocity induced by an increase in temperature might permit the sinking of aggregate forms or long chains while solitary forms or short chains remained on the surface. This might explain why aggregate forms were most abundant and most frequent in the colder surface water and least abundant and least frequent in the warmer surface water. But, as in case (b), solitary forms could not be more abundant in warm than in cold surface water, for cold water, being denser, anything heavy enough to sink in cold water must certainly sink in warm water. Again if it be claimed that, owing to variation in evaporation, warm surface water is at times denser than cold, while at other times cold surface water is denser than warm, what must the consequences be? Returning to the three alternative assumptions, if (a) were true, the warmer water must have been the more dense during the majority of hauls or solitary forms could not have been taken in greater numbers from the warmer water. Yet, to obtain the aggre- gate forms in greater numbers from the colder surface water, it would have had to be the more dense’ during the majority of hauls. Obviously both conditions could not have been realized, and even if they could, the frequency of solitary forms would have paralleled their abundance, which is contrary to fact. If either (b) or (ec) were true, the situation, while more complex, remains essentially unaltered. For in the first case, solitary forms or short chains, being the heavier, would of necessity sink whenever aggregate forms or long chains sank; while in the latter, aggregate forms or long chains, being the heavier, would have to sink whenever solitary forms or short chains sank. ee 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 271 It seems, then, that whatever the specific gravities of individuals of either generation may be, and whatever may have been the way in which viscocity of the water was related to high and low temperatures, the observed differentials could not have been caused by changes in viscocity alone. Furthermore, as any combination of physical influ- ences could, at best, only directly affect one generation more than the other, it follows that whenever the generation least Hable to be affected was affected, the other generation must of necessity have been similarly affected. This means that the observed differentials could not have thus arisen. Is it not evident then, that, although changes in viseocity, ete., have doubtless affected the magnitudes of the observed differences in abundance of the two generations, such changes alone are impotent to explain the differentials noted ? D. THEORY OF LOCOMOTION 1. BEHAVIOR OF CHAINS In the preceding pages it has been demonstrated that neither differ- ences in season, differences in position, nor a combination of these, nor variations in the condition of the water are adequate to account for the facts that: (1) solitary forms are most abundant on the surface when the temperature of the water is high; (2) aggregate forms are most abundant on the surface when the temperature is low; and (3) both solitary forms and aggregate forms are most frequent on the surface when the temperature is low. Furthermore, tables 5 and 6 make it evident that influences associated with time of day could not have given rise to these relations. Is the conclusion, then, not forced upon one that, as stated on page 262, ‘‘the only type of behavior con- sistent with all the facts is some form of locomotion’’? Since the com- bined effects of all surface influences directly associated with time and space, i.e., with time of day, day of the month, month of the year, and with latitude and longitude, do not materially alter the observed differentials, locomotion appears to be the only instrumentality by means of which they could have arisen. It is characteristic of all salpae, as stated on page 242, that when- ever they breathe or feed they move forward along a stream of water forced through their bodies. Concerning the movements of this species (described as S. cabotti) Agassiz (1866, p. 18) says: ‘The te University of Califorma Publications in Zoology [| Von. 18 chains* move along with the current, seemingly quite helpless, though the upper extremity is sometimes deflected somewhat abruptly by at- tempts to eseape capture. The solitary individuals, on the contrary, are exceedingly active, swimming about vigorously, generally with the anterior extremity uppermost; expelling by quick and powerful jerks the water which propels them by its reaction. Their motions are very similar to Trachynema; they can readily change the direction of their movements, and regulate them by their powerful transverse muscular bands, though they lack in their motions the ease and grace of Jelly Fishes.’’ And again, on page 21: When the individuals of a chain have become separated, ‘‘the aggregate form is perfectly helpless, the great thickness of the tunic preventing it from regulating its motion ; while, when connected as a chain, their capacity to guide the chain in any particular direction is much greater.’’ Assuming, therefore, that protruding chains exist ; if the oral-atrial axes of the chain salpae remain at an angle to the oral-atrial axis of the soltary form after as well as before protrusion into the water (see p. 244), the direction of locomotion of the solitary form will differ from that of the protruding salpae. Moreover, as every salpa in the left and right row respectively of the double chain, of necessity moves in the same direction, the resultant foree tending to propel the chain at an angle to the direction of motion of the solitary form will increase as the number of protruding salpae increases. The mechanical result must be either to break the chain or to twist it until solitary forms and aggregate forms become headed so as to move in opposite directions. The situation is that of a ‘‘tug of war’’ in which each short chain is pulled along by the solitary form while, in each long chain, the solitary form is pulled along by virtue of the combined locomotive power of the attached aggregate forms. As the number of salpae in the protruding chain increases, the strain upon the chain also increases, and this must sooner or later break it. Is there any clue as to how this occurs? There is. It was stated on page 244 that the stolon undergoes alternating periods of active segmentation and rest so that the salpae are formed, and, according to Agassiz (1866, p. 20), set free in blocks of from forty to sixty indi- viduals of nearly the same size. The ‘‘intermediate piece’’ (Johnson, 1910, p. 150) connecting two blocks is composed of small, imperfect, and distorted individuals. In chains of Salpa fusiformis, which are * Throughout these quotations Agassiz refers not to protruding chains but to chains completely isolated from the solitary salpa. 1918] Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 273 formed in a very similar manner to those of S. democratica, Johnson (1910, p. 151) says: ‘‘If one removes a large block from the chain, the separation oceurs at the first zooid of the block, leaving the entire intermediate piece as the terminal remnant of the block that remains.’’ The intermediate piece, or salpa adjacent to it, is therefore a place of weakness, or ‘‘deploying point’’ as Johnson (1910, p. 151) calls it, and it seems likely that, if not accidently broken sooner, the strain above mentioned will naturally break a chain of S. democratica at this point at about the time each block has been protruded into the water. According to Agassiz (1866, p. 20), this separation must occur some time before the entire block has been liberated, for, he says: ‘‘These chains escape through an opening formed at the proper time through the tunic . . . which shows afterwards no trace of the passage... .”’ If this be true, the load carried by the solitary form will vary period- ically as budding proceeds, from zero at one extreme to the condi- tion where the combined locomotive power of the aggregate forms ereatly exceeds that of the solitary form at the other extreme. Moreover, if as seems likely, the number of protruding salpae required to equal in locomotive power that of the attached solitary form are few, compared to the number in the protruding portion of a block at the time of separation, long chains would be encountered more frequently than short chains. Again, is it not probable that the large majority of hauls encountering a number of long chains would also encounter at least one and in some instances many liberated blocks, chain fragments, or detached aggregate salpae, while the large majority encountering a number of short chains would also encounter at least one and in some instances many solitary forms from which no salpae protruded? If this question be answered in the affirmative, and if it be granted that the preference, so to speak, of solitary forms to remain on the surface increases as the temperature of the water increases, while that of aggregate forms increases as the temperature decreases, it follows that long chains plus liberated blocks plus chain fragments plus detached aggregate forms, would be most abundant and most frequent in the colder surface water, while short chains plus detached solitary forms would be most abundant but least frequent in the warmer surface water. Finally, if each chain and liberated block and chain fragment becomes broken up into its constituent salpae by the swirl and pressure of the water during the process of towing (see p. 260), it follows that the data, when tabulated as in the foregoing tables, would reveal the solitary forms as most abundant and least 274 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vor. 18 frequent on the surface when the temperature was 18°4C or more, and the aggregate forms as most abundant and most frequent on the sur- face when the temperature was 18°3C or less. It is only by some such means of locomotion that I can conceive how the observed differentials in abundance and great similarities in frequency of the two generations could have arisen. Let it be emphasized, however, that this is theory, not fact, and can be fully established only by observations on moving protruding chains. But if correct, verification ought not to prove difficult, for the theory implies the same type of locomotion, though not the same type of behavior relative to temperature, for every species within the genus having similar double chains. 2. DEDUCED PECULIARITIES IN TEMPERATURE RELATIONS If the foregoing theory of chain locomotion is correct, several con- sequences in the distribution of the two generations are implied. It is obvious that, were no solitary forms or aggregate forms ever encountered except when attached together in chains, the frequency of both generations would be identical with that of chains, and conse- quently parallel to the abundance of chains. Whence, if long chains accumulate on the surface in increasing numbers as the temperature decreases, while short chains accumulate in increasing numbers as the temperature increases, chains, irrespective of length, would be most abundant and frequent in the coldest and in the warmest water, and least abundant and frequent in water of medium temperature. There- fore, if as the theory stipulates, the frequency of each generation is consequent upon the characteristic occurrence of protruding chains, the frequency of both should not only be nearly identical, but should decrease as the temperature increases from its lowest to its middle values, ie., from about 16°90C to about 18°5C, and then should increase as the temperature increases from its middle to its highest values, i.e., from about 1895C to about 21°0C. Furthermore, on account of the periodic segmentation of the stolon resulting, hypo- thetically, in periodic breakage of the protruding chains at the ‘‘inter- mediate piece,’’ it follows, as stated on page 273, that long chains would be encountered more frequently than short chains. Henee, if M represent the temperature half way between the two extremes, and x any range in temperature, the frequency of both generations relative to M—zx should exceed that relative to M+-z. 1918] Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 275 Again, only one solitary form can be transported into cold surface water by the aggregate salpae of each long chain, while several aggre- gate forms must be transported into warm surface water by the soli- tary salpa of each short chain. In other words, a decrease in number of aggregate forms relative to an increase in temperature must be masked by an increase in number of short chains to a far greater extent than a decrease in number of solitary forms relative to a decrease in temperature would be masked by an increase in number of long chains. Therefore, aggregate forms should be more abundant in the warmest surface water than in that somewhat cooler. Indeed, their abundance should approximately parallel that of chains, so that a minimum ought to oceur in water having a temperature about mid- way between the two extremes, i.e., about 18°5C. Solitary forms, however, being much less affected by the distribution of long chains than aggregate forms are by that of short chains, should increase in abundance as the temperature increases from its lowest, or nearly its lowest, to its highest value. By retabulating the data with reference to three, four, five, and more temperature groups, this locomotion theory will be subjected to an empirical test. To sum up, the relations that according to theory should be revealed are: 1. Frequency of both generations nearly identical, and decreasing with an increase in temperature to near the middle of its range, then increasing with an increase in temperature. 2. Frequency of both generations greater in the lowest than in the highest temperature group, greater in the next lowest than in the next highest, greater in the third lowest than in the third highest, and so on. 3. Abundance of aggregate forms paralleling, or nearly paralleling, frequency of both generations, appearing at its minimum relative to medium temperatures. 4. Abundance of solitary forms decreasing as the temperature decreases throughout the entire range or nearly so; if any increase in abundance accompanies a decrease in temperature, this will be evi- dent only in the coldest water when the number of temperature groups is great enough to permit comparison of the effect of small ranges. In table 11 the data are arranged in three groups according as the temperature varied from 15°9C to 17°4C, 17°5C to 19°0C, or 19°1C to 20°6C. The only haul (1579) made in water exceeding 20°6C, and which did not capture a single individual of either genera- tion, is excluded in order to preserve a uniform range in each group of. 126C. 276 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 TABLE 11 Surface distribution of Salpa democratica during June and July, 1908 and 1909, relative to three temperature groups Solitary forms Aggregate forms Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency a) Tempera- ‘3 ae 2 5B ake ie = = ture in 2 ae Zz Ze = = ale heiiceees = = a 2s digmie! Ge Ee eee Eee ge cee on eee er ae 15°9-17°4 15 9.0 7.9 465 52 88 97 7.9 5,750 640 88 97 17°5-19°0 42 all 1723) “25280 73 56 67 20.5 6,014 193 66 77 19°1-20°6 LS 143 WA AO 280 808i TOS I 21S 7 St Each of the four conditions deduced from the locomotion theory is shown by this table: 1. The frequencies of the two generations are identical relative to the lowest temperature group, nearly so relative to the highest, and parallel throughout. The frequency of both is lowest in water of medium temperature (17°95C-19°0C). 2. The frequencies of both generations are greater in the coldest than in the warmest water. 3. Abundance of aggregate forms parallels frequency of both gen- erations, being highest (640 per hour) in the coldest water, and lowest (193 per hour) in the water of medium temperature. 4. Abundance of solitary forms increases from 52 per hour in the coldest water to 73 per hour in water of medium temperature to 280 per hour in the warmest water. In table 12 the data are retabulated again in four groups according to whether the temperature lay between 15°9C and 17°1C, 17°2C and 18°3C, 18°4C and 19°5C, or 19°6C and 20°8C. Be it noted that the two middle groups each have a range of 1°2 C, while the two extreme groups each have a range of 1°3C. TABLE 12 Surface distribution of Salpa democratica during June and July, 1908 and 1909, relative to four temperature groups Solitary forms Aggregate forms Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency Sa Tempera- ote a = 5 Be a 5B 5 ture in z 28 o.S = = © z 228 = z © = centigrade S Se os = #4 a H Sioi = - 8 mn oe Se 1g Bun Eig is bEEeee eh mal ies a ee es 1529-1721 12 5.2 ©=6- 4.2 282 54 81 98 4.2 4,923 945 81 98 1722-1823 13) 148) A205 064s 72s SIS ale OMe ODS Somes ST 18°4-19°5 34. (27.0 15.7 3,107) 12) S765” 18-0) eo ie a ose ero 19°6—20°8 12 6.9 4.7 2,303 334 68 86 4.2 1123 163 61 81 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica Pa As in table 11, each of the four conditions deduced from the loco- motion theory appear in this table: 1. The frequencies of the two generations are identical in the two lowest temperature groups, nearly identical in the highest temperature group, and parallel throughout. The frequency of both generations decreases as the temperature increases from its lowest to its middle value (18°4C-19°5C), and then increases. 2. The frequency of both generations is greater in the coldest than in the warmest water, and also greater in the next coldest than in the next warmest water. 3. Abundance of aggregate forms parallels frequency of both gen- erations, decreasing from a maximum (945 per hour) in the coldest water to a minimum (115 per hour) in water between 18°4C and 19°5C in temperature. 4. Solitary forms increase in abundance from 54 to 72 to 112 to 334 per hour as the temperature increases from its lowest to its highest value. In table 13 the data are once more retabulated relative to five temperature groups according as the temperature lay between 15°9C and 629°, 17 20C and 17°9C, 1820C, 1829C) 1920 and: 1929, or 20°0C and 20°8C. Be it noted, that although the lowest group has a range of 1°1C and the highest a range of 0°9C, the range of each of the three middle groups is one degree. TABLE 13 Surface distribution of Salpa democratica during June and July, 1908 and 1909, relative to five temperature groups Solitary forms Aggregate forms Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency Tempera- 3 se 5 | oe 5 2 Merges fee Gee OS. 5.) aoe eee wes eee centigrade & Be oe = H 6g H oe = H gi ee pee Sete ey OS) 8 ee oe. sar aires eas al caesar 15°9-16°9 11 4.6 3.59 278 60 77 97 3.00 4,900 1,065 77 97 W/O SD ANG ale ssr/ as} 893 65 82 86 11.3 5,479 400 82 86 Wsc0=18°9 93 14:8 6:35. 1082; 73' 43) 158 6.4 460 31 43 58 19°0-19°9 16 15.4 10.8 2,200 143 70 Ti 13:6 2,913 189 88 89 20°0-20°8 10 6.1 4.7 PBIB Byte e7f ale ab 123 184 69 86 Once again are each of the four conditions deduced from theory, revealed : 1. The frequencies of the two generations are identical relative to the three lowest temperature groups, and decrease as the tempera- 278 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Von. 18 { ture increases from its lowest to its middle value (18°0C-18°9C) where the minimum, 58, occurs. Relative to the two remaining groups the frequency of solitary forms increases from 71 to 91 as the tempera- ture increases, while that of aggregate forms decreases from 89 to 86. Be it noted that the former increase accords with theory, while the latter less significant decrease does not. 2. The frequency of both generations in the coldest water exceeds that in the warmest, and that of solitary forms in the next coldest water exceeds that in the next warmest by 1586-71, while the correspond- ing frequencies of aggregate forms, 86 and 89, are reversed in order. Here again, the former excess which aecords with theory, is much more significant than the latter deficiency which does not accord with theory. 3. Except for an insignificant decrease from 189 to 184 aggregate forms per hour relative to the two highest temperature groups, their abundance parallels the frequency of solitary forms exactly. Is it not striking that the abundance of 400 per hour relative to the next lowest group, exceeds significantly that of 189 per hour relative to the next highest group, which accords with theory, while all the relations not in accord with theory are comparatively insignificant, 1.e., the decrease from 89 to 86 in frequency of aggregate forms and from 189 to 184 in their abundance instead of an increase relative to the two highest temperature groups; and the deficiency instead of an excess in fre- quency of aggregate forms (86) relative to the next lowest temperature group as compared to that (89) relative to the next highest group ? 4. Solitary forms increase in abundance from 60 to 65 to 73 to 143 to 378 per hour as the temperature increases from its lowest to its highest value. Attention is called to the fact that the abundance of solitary forms relative to the next lowest temperature group (as given by tables 11, 12, and 13) has deercased from 73 to 72 to 65 per hour as the number of groups has been increased from 3 to 4 to 5. Obviously, this accords with the fact that solitary forms decrease in abundance as the tem- perature of the water decreases. But, the abundance of solitary forms in the coldest water has increased from 52 to 54 to 60 per hour as the number of groups has been increased from 3 to 4 to 5. Apparently, this fact carries an implication directly contrary to the above. But, it accords with the theory of chain locomotion. For, does this theory not stipulate that a larger number of solitary forms should be encount- ered in the coldest water than would be present were they not pulled there by virtue of the combined locomotive power of the aggregate 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 219 forms in each of a number of long protruding chains? Do the facts not suggest that, if retabulated again relative to temperature groups of still smaller range, the data may reveal an excess in abundance of solitary forms in the coldest water over that in next coldest? Accord- ingly, table 14 is supplied, in which the data are retabulated with respect to six temperature groups each having a range of 0°8C. TABLE 14 Surface distribution of Salpa democratica during June and July, 1908 and 1909, relative to six temperature groups Solitary forms Aggregate forms Specimens Frequency Specimens Frequency pase Sy Tempera- iS 36 B ty Cale, La] u site in ae 28 2 al = eS © a zZ ae = e © z centigrade 5 Be 593 = a qd 8 Soe = a Gok Fe ate lie). = eo AB & Has a Ay Be WSO UGES 30) Bats 278 68 86 99 3.55 4.900 1,195 86 99 16°7-17°4 5 49 4.4 187 38 90 91 4.4 850 174 90 91 1725-1822 14 10.8 8.3 881 HU tid) teh) 4,825 447 77 85 18°3-19°0 28 20.3 9.0 1,399 69 44 55 12.2 1,189 59 60 71 19°1-19°8 9 8.5 6.7 gfe} PAty 7/8) tik LY 1,988 234 79 81 19°9-20°6 9 D8 ALT 2,303 398 81 93 4:2 1,123 194 72 86 Once again is each of the four conditions deduced from the loco- motion theory evident, though not so strikingly, perhaps, as in the fore- going tables: 1. The frequencies of the two generations are identical relative to the lowest, second lowest, third lowest, and second highest temperature groups, and they are parallel throughout. The frequency of both decreases as the temperature increases from its lowest to its middle value (18°3C to 19°0C), and then increases as the temperature increases to its highest value. 2. Both generations appear more frequently in the coldest than in the warmest water, in the second coldest than in the second warmest water, and in the third coldest than in the third warmest water. 3. The abundance of aggregate forms, while more erratic than shown by the foregoing tables, parallels in general the frequency, being greatest (1195 per hour) in the coldest water and least (59 per hour) in water having a temperature between 18°3C and 19°0C. 4. Except that slightly less, instead of more, than 81 solitary forms per hour were obtained when the temperature was between 18°3C and 19°0C, they increase in abundance as the temperature increases from next to its lowest to its highest value. Is it not a significant cor- 280 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 roboration of theory that more per hour were obtained in the coldest than in the next coldest water? Although the hauls are too few and the temperature range in each group is too small to justify retabulation relative to a still smaller range, it is found that the abundance of solitary forms relative to temperatures between 15°9C and 16°5C is 75 per hour, while that relative to temperatures having the same range (0°7C) between 16°6C and 17°2C is 36 per hour. That the significance of this fact may be better appreciated, the abundance of solitary forms and mean tem- peratures relative to the two lowest temperature groups as shown by tables 11, 12, 13, and 14 are brought into relation to the fact just mentioned in the following lists: List A GROUPS List B (Lowest temperature group) (Next lowest temperature group) ae Mean Mean Abundance temperature _ Abundance temperature 16°65C 52 3 18°39C ie 16°52 54 4 L755 72 16°46 60 5 17 258 65 16°44 68 6 17°08 38 16°43 75 7 17°00 36 Presented in this way, list A shows that solitary forms decreased in abundance as the mean temperature increased from 16°43C to 16°65C, while list B shows that they increased in abundance as the mean temperature increased from 17°00C to 18°39C. How is this apparent paradox to be explained except on the assumption that the number of solitary forms with long protruding chains exceeded the number of detached solitary forms plus the number with short pro- truding chains when the temperature of the water was on the average below 16°7C, while when it was above 16°29C, the number of detached solitary forms plus the number with short protruding chains exceeded the number with long protruding chains? Is it not striking that the relations revealed by tables 11 to 14 verify the deductions from the theory of chain locomotion almost to the smallest detail? In order that this may be better visualized, the relation between the two generations in abundance and frequency is presented in the form of histograms by plates 10 and 11, figures 4 to dal. 1918] Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 281 5. VALIDITY OF THE PLANKTON CONCEPT This is too large a subject to discuss fully, but the assumption of passivity, and consequently of uniformity, in plankton distribution so permeates the literature as to demand brief consideration in the light of the facts revealed by this investigation. The fundamental tenet of the prevailing plankton concept is, as later demonstrated, that the organism is carried about passively by the currents of the sea; that the organism plays a negligible part in its own distribution. Virtually, the inanimate is substituted for the animate, and the prob- lem of plankton distribution thus becomes nothing more than a problem in mechanies; a problem resembling that of the distribution of dust in the air, or of salts in the sea; a complicated problem, per- haps, but none the less a mechanical one. This may be better appreciated, perhaps, from an analogy. Rain- drops tend to be uniformly distributed. In any particular region where the physical conditions of the air are the same, approximately the same number of raindrops fall on one square foot of the earth’s surface as upon any other square foot, whence a single rain gauge is sufficient to measure quite accurately the total precipitation through- out that entire region. This is common knowledge. It is also com- mon knowledge that the locomotive powers, say of small gnats, are too feeble to permit headway against the wind; they are carried hither and thither by the currents of the air. Let it be assumed that they are carried passively, that their own activities are negligible, and they must of necessity be distributed in a very similar manner to raindrops, or better to the dust of the air. In other words, wherever in the air the physical conditions were uniform, there also the abun- dance of gnats would approximate uniformity. Of course this sounds ridiculous, but it is the unesecapable con- sequence of an assumption of passivity. It is only necessary, there- fore, to substitute plankton organisms for gnats and water for air to realize that, if the fundamental tenet of the plankton concept be true, there is no escape from the claim made by Johnstone (1908, p. 157) that ‘‘the validity of all conclusions as to the general abun- dance of microscopic life in the sea depends on the truth of the postulate, that wherever in the sea the physical conditions are uni- form, there also the composition and abundance of the plankton is uniform.’’ This postulate of uniformity, although rightly held by many to be absurd, either must be true or else the fundamental tenet 282 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vor. 18 of the plankton concept must be false. Any given plankton species must either control its own distribution to a significant extent or it must tend to be distributed in accordance with the uniformity postulate, i.e., like the salts of the sea. That this postulate actually does lie at the foundation of a large amount of quantitative plankton research is evident from the extent to which what might be called ‘‘rain gauge’’ methods of collecting are employed. Sweeping statements are not infrequently made rela- tive to the distribution of plankton organisms over large areas of the sea which are based upon the assumption, more or less unrecognized perhaps, that owing to passivity and consequently to uniformity, one or at most a very few hauls, carefully made with a net whose ‘‘filter- ing capacity (Michael, 1916, pp. xvi-xix). Maps and charts are continually being published showing the distribution of various so-called types of plank- 93 is accurately determined, justifies the generalizations ton throughout large portions of the globe, the reliability of which, with few exceptions, rests upon rain gauge methods of collecting, which methods in turn, of course, depend upon the validity of the eencept of passivity and uniformity. Nothing is more natural, perhaps, than to fall into the error of supposing that, because the locomotive powers of many plankton organisms are too feeble to permit headway against a current, there- fore locomotion has a negligible effect on the distribution of such organisms. In thus overlooking the fact that the ocean, being a body of three instead of two dimensions, may permit plankton organ- isms with feeble powers of locomotion to control their horizontal dis- tribution by means of vertical movements, it is not surprising to find that such organisms are generally regarded, so far as concerns their horizontal distribution, as physical particles which are carried hither and thither by wave, tide, and current. In spite of the noteworthy investigations of the Port Erin Marine Biological Station, Isle of Man, as well as those of various individuals, which have established facts wholly inconsistent with this conception, it not only persists but is made apparent in almost every standard text or reference book dealing in any way with plankton organisms. Witness, for example, the following opening statement quoted from Steur’s Planktonkunde (1910, p. 1): ‘‘Die Planktonkunde oder Planktologie befasst sich mit der Erforschung jener im freien Wasser schwebenden,* grossenteils mikroscopischen Lebenwesen, die wir heute * Italics in this and two following paragraphs inserted by author. 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 283 mit dem Namen Plankton bezeichnen.’’ In order that there be no doubt as to the real meaning of Steur’s words, consider the following statement, also quoted from page 1: ‘‘Die Planktonorganismen oder Planktonten sind also grésstenteils kleine Lebenwesen, die ohne Eigen- bewegung oder ungeachtet derselben hilflos im Wasser treiben und die Planktologie ist demnach die Lehre von den schwebenden Wasserorganismen.’’ Compare with these statements, the following extracted from the first page of Schurig’s Plankton-Praktikum (1910) : ‘“Unter Plankton nun versteht man die Gesammtheit aller meist mikroseopisch kleinen im Wasser schwebenden, ‘flottierenden’ Leben- wesen pflanzlicher und tierischer Natur, die dem Wogen keinem Widerstand entgegenzusetzen vermogen, die einem NSprelball der Wellen reprasentieren.”’ That the extent to which this conception has guided the thinking of able investigators may be more fully appreciated, the following statements are quoted from Johnstone, Conditions of life in the sea (1908) : From page 56: ‘‘There are first of all those [organisms] which by reason of their minute size and feeble powers of locomotion are carried about passively in the sea by tides and currents. These are they which are caught in the tow-nets, which Miller called the Auf- trieb, and Hensen the Plankton.’’ Again, from page 57: ‘*Then one at times finds it difficult to say whether organisms, like the medusae, which are carried about in great swarms by tides and cur- rents, but which nevertheless are capable of some degree of locomotion, are to be included in the plankton or in the nekton.’’ Or again, from page 65: ‘‘Some worms may belong temporarily at least to the nekton, and the large medusae, though perhaps better classed with the plank- ton, do move about ‘of their own accord.’’’ Or again, from page 67: ‘“These [pelagic fish eggs] have absolutely no powers of locomotion and they are drifted about passively by tides and currents, the very type of planktonic organisms.’’ Or again, from page 143: ‘‘ Plank- ton organisms . . . have little powers of locomotion, certainly not such as will enable them to segregate themselves, and they are drifted about Or lastly, from page 148: ‘‘Small ? in the sea quite passively.’ ’ organisms, such as those of the plankton, are particles in the physical sense and behave as such.’’ Clearly, Johnstone (1908) has recognized the real nature of the plankton concept; similar statements might be quoted from nearly every page of his book. 284 University of Califorma Publications in Zoology | VoL. 18 This is not all. The same conception, or should it be called a mis- conception, is to be found, expressed more cautiously perhaps, not only in the technical writings, textbooks, and laboratory manuals, but also in most of the semipopular books and reference books that treat plankton organisms to any extent whatsoever. To cite but three instances: Hickson (1893, p. 52), in his Fauna of the deep sea, says: ‘‘Some animals simply float or drift about with the currents of the sea and aré unable to determine for themselves, excepting, perhaps, within very small limits, the direction in which they travel. ... This portion of the fauna has recently been called the Plankton.’’ Again, Arnold (1908, p. 23) in her Sea-beach at ebb-tide, says: ‘‘Those [organisms] which float at or near the surface and are carried about by the currents... are plankton. Strong swimming animals which move about at will are nekton.’’ Finally, on page 702 of the New International Encyclopaedia (1916), one finds this statement: ‘‘In zoology the term [plankton] is restricted to the pelagie life which drifts, the actively swimming surface forms constituting a separate assemblage, the nekton. It consists mainly of jelly fishes, ascidians, especially salpa, and a great variety of pelagic larvae and minute erustacea with feeble powers of locomotion that are carried along almost passively by the oceanic currents.”’ This list of quotations might be continued almost indefinitely. All carry the implication, some more conspicuously than others, that plankton organisms, because of their feeble powers of locomotion, — may be assumed to behave like corks; that the characteristic quality of such organisms is to float, to drift, to remain in suspension. It may be, perhaps, that few actually believe this; it is difficult to under- stand how anyone ean believe it. Yet, the above list of quotations makes it certain that it is precisely this ridiculous assumption that lies at the foundation of the prevailing plankton concept; that it colors the thinking of able biologists; and that it influences the pro- cedure of capable investigators. There are, to be sure, a few text books, a few reference books, a few semipopular books treating of plankton that are not permeated by this dogma, but the number. is remarkably small. On page 309 of Murray and Hjort’s Depths of the ocean (1912), this statement occurs: ‘‘The term ‘plankton’ is now used for all floating organisms which are passively carried along by currents, while ‘nekton’.. . is used to designate all pelagic animals which are able to swim against currents.”’ Although this statement carries the same implication, 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 285 the ensuing discussion partly offsets it. Witness, for example, the following from page 773: ‘‘Hensen invented his method for the pur- pose of investigating the floating or suspended life in the sea, which he termed ‘plankton.’ This plankton is, however, very difficult to define, for among the profusion of organisms, ranging from the minutest plants ... to the large crustaceans and fishes, there is an enormous variety in size, in activity, and consequently in the faculty of avoiding the appliances of capture. In many investigations, there- fore, the word plankton may be taken to signify practically ‘the catch made in the hoop-net constructed by Hensen, when new and in per- of rhe} feet working order. A further step in the same direction is taken by Fowler (1912, p. 162) in his Science of the sea: ‘‘To those animals and plants which float in the sea, whether at the surface or in deep water, the term ‘Plankton’ is applied for brevity ; they are contrasted with the creatures which crawl upon, or are fixed to, the bottom. In modern usage, Plankton is generally taken to include even powerful swimmers . . . as well as helpless and minute organisms.’’ Similarly, ce oh) under the term ‘‘plankton’’ in the last edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Fowler (1911, p. 720) writes: ‘‘Plankton, a name invented by Professor Victor Hensen for the drifting population of the sea.’’ But, in the next column: ‘‘The fauna of the sea is divisible into the plankton, the swimming or drifting fauna which never rests on the bottom (generally taken now to include E. Haeckel’s nekton, the strong swimmers such as fish and cephalopods), and the benthos, which is fixed to or crawls upon the bottom.”’ Although these statements, quoted from Fowler (1911, 1912) and from Murray and Hjort (1912), represent a decided step in advance, they still carry the implication that a large number of plankton organisms are as helpless as drifting physical particles; that they play a negligible part in their own distribution. There may be such organisms, but ought this not to be demonstrated rather than assumed ? Is it beyond question that even fish eggs are of necessity distributed in accordance with this assumption? At a depth of twenty fathoms two eggs begin development at the same time and place; the rate of growth is more rapid in one; it’s specific gravity decreases and it ascends, reaching the surface by the time the second, more slowly developing, egg has ascended to the fifteen fathom level. The surface current flows southward; that at fifteen fathoms, to the west of south. At the end of two days the two eggs are ten miles apart. Has the difference in their rates of growth played a negligible part in deter- 286 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Von. 18 mining their whereabouts? Does this self-induced movement—the locomotion of the egg—count for nothing in its distribution? Is the egg carried along passively by the current? It would seem necessary, in the hght of this investigation, to discard completely this dogma of passivity, and to replace it by a conception more in accordance with fact. For Salpa democratica is admitted by all to be a most typical plankton organism, and, if the facts revealed in the foregoing pages are trustworthy, it is evident that this plankton species, to a very large extent, does control its own distribution. It is not drifted about passively ; it is not a particle in the physical sense and it does not behave as such. How explain the differentials in distribution of the two generations on any such basis? The hauls were the same; the currents were the same; the tides were the same; every conceivable condition of and in the sea was the same, during the collecting of one generation as during the collecting of the other. Yet they were distributed differently. Ob- viously, the activity of the organisms and that alone can have caused the differentials in their distribution. Further, the data strongly suggest that the main type of activity involved is locomotion. If so, it necessarily follows, not only that this plankton species influ- ences its own distribution, but that it does so just as certainly, just as definitely, and by much the same means as does any fish or other animal ineluded under the general term, nekton. Salpa probably does not accomplish this by forcing its way against a current as does a fish, but the solitary forms manage to get them- selves onto the surface in largest numbers when the temperature of the water is high and to avoid the surface when the temperature is low, while the reverse is true of the aggregate forms. Even granting them to be transported by surface currents, as they doubtless are, these data demonstrate that solitary forms are found for the most part in the warm currents and aggregate forms in the cold currents. Is it not, therefore, as illogical to credit the entire control of their horizontal distribution to the currents as it would be to claim that John Smith had nothing whatever to do about getting himself to New York because he was earried there on a Pennsylvania Pullman? Fom a strictly biological point of view, it would seem necessary to disregard entirely, as Fowler (1911, 1912) has done, the distinction between plankton and nekton. There seems to be no natural line of demarcation between the two. Surely, there is far less difference in activity between sardines and jelly fishes or the larger copepods than 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 287 there is between a copepod and a fish egg or diatom. Yet sardines are excluded from the plankton, while everything from a diatom to a jelly fish is ineluded. Or consider the matter from another point of view; the sardine begins its career as an egg; by a gradual and continuous process of growth the successive stages in the life cycle follow: the early embryo, the late embryo, the young larva, the mature larva, the post larva, the adult. Clearly, activity characterizes the individual from egg to adult. At what stage does the sardine cease to be a constituent of the plankton and take its place with the nekton? At what stage does its activity become effective in determining its distribution? It was suggested on page 285, how activity might be effective in the egg. If so, can any differential in the type of locomotion or the degree of its effectiveness be recognized that will justify a distinction between plankton and nekton on that basis? Some say that strong swimmers belong to the nekton and that such animals alone are able to make headway against a current. But, how strong is a strong swimmer, and against a current of what velocity must headway be made? Merely to raise this question denotes the artificiality of such a distinction. With equal justification might we not distinguish between the plank- ton and nekton of the air, defining the latter as strong flyers capable of making headway against the wind? However, in spite of the artificiality of distinguishing between plankton and nekton, the distinction does have a certain methodo- logical value. Might it not be wise, therefore, to combine the state- ments of Fowler (1911, 1912) and of Murray and Hjort (1912) into a definition somewhat as follows? Marine and fresh water organisms are divisible into two main classes: (1) pelagic organisms, the fauna and flora that do not live upon, or fixed to, the bottom; and (2) ben- thos, or the fauna and flora which do live upon, or fixed to, the bot- tom. For practical reasons pelagic organisms are artificially subdivided into two groups: (1) plankton, or the sum total of all animals and plants captured by any kind of tow-net or water-bottle; and (2) nekton, the sum total of all animals that escape capture by such means. Does not a statement of this nature serve the purpose of dis- tinguishing the two types of organism, insofar as there are two types, without committal as to whether or not any particular ones play an important part in controlling their own distribution ? iw) oe) 8 University of California Publications in Zoology —— [ Vou. 18 E. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The facts revealed by this investigation may be summarized under three heads as follows: I. Facts relating to seasonal distribution : 1. The occurrence of Salpa democratica in the San Diego region at all depths during 1908 and 1909 reached its maximum in the summer, both generations being restricted almost exclusively to the months of June and July. 2. Both generations were more abundant on the surface during June than during July. 3. Aggregate forms were more abundant than solitary forms during June, while solitary forms were the more abundant during July. Il. Facts relating to vertical distribution: 1. Solitary forms are most abundant on the surface, decreasing in abundance as the depth increases. 2. Aggregate forms are most abundant in the neighborhood of five fathoms, decreasing in abundance as the depth increases below that level. 3. Aggregate forms were, on the average, more abundant than solitary forms at all levels. 4. Individuals of neither generation have been captured below seventy-five fathoms. III. Facts concerning surface distribution during June and July, 1908 and 1909 relative to temperature of the water: 1. When the data are tabulated with respect to two tempera- ture groups ranging in value from 15°9C to 18°3C and from 18°4C to 20°8C respectively, they show that: a. Solitary forms are most abundant but least frequent in the warmer water. b. Aggregate forms are most abundant and most frequent in the colder water. e. The frequency of solitary forms in both warm and cold water is nearly identical with that of aggregate forms. d. These same relations hold when all the June and July data are considered, when day hauls alone are considered, when night hauls alone are considered, when only hauls made 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 289 between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. are considered, when only hauls made between 10 A.M. and 2 p.m. are considered, when only hauls made between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. are considered, when all hauls are excluded except those made during June, 1909, and when all are excluded except those made between June 15 and June 29, 1909, and within one mile of each other. 2. When the data are tabulated with respect to three, four, five, and six temperature groups each having an equal range between 15°9C at one extreme to 20°8C at the other, they show that: a. Solitary forms increase in abundance as the temperature increases from its lowest, or next lowest, value to its highest value. b. The frequeney of both solitary forms and aggregate forms decreases as the temperature increases from its lowest to its middle values, and then increases as the temperature increases. e. Both solitary forms and aggregate forms are more fre- quent in the coldest than in the warmest water, more frequent in the next coldest than in the next warmest water, more fre- quent in the third coldest than in the third warmest water, and So on. d. The abundance of aggregate forms parallels the fre- queney of both generations. 3. When each of the June and July surface hauls is examined on its own merits, it is found that : a. Forty-six of the forty-nine hauls that captured solitary forms also captured some aggregate forms. b. Twenty-four of the twenty-seven hauls that failed to capture solitary forms also failed to capture aggregate forms. From these facts it is concluded that: 1. Differentials in distribution of solitary forms and aggregate forms are as definite and pronounced as are the differentials in their structure. 2. Seasonal succession of the two generations can not explain the observed differentials. 3. Greater production of solitary forms in stratified areas of warm surface water than in those of cold surface water, if occurring at all, ean not explain the observed differentials. 290 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 Y¥ / gu 4. No amount of hydrographic change or of variation in viscocity of the water can explain the observed differentials. 5. Solitary forms show an increasing preference, so to speak, for the surface, as the temperature of the surface water increases from 16°C to 20°C; while aggregate forms show a similar preference as the temperature decreases. 6. The chain of aggregate forms remains attached to the solitary salpa after having been liberated from its mantle cavity into the water. 7. One solitary form is carried into cold surface water by virtue of the combined locomotive power of the aggregate forms in each long protruding chain, while short chains are carried into warm surface water by virtue of the locomotive power of the attached solitary form. 8. Owing to the strain due to the opposite direction of locomotion of solitary form and of attached aggregate forms, the protruding chain becomes detached from the stolon periodically, 1.e., at the ‘‘inter- mediate piece’’ before an entire ‘‘block’’ of aggregate forms has been protruded. 9. Contrary to the prevailing plankton concept, Salpa democratica, a typical plankton organism, controls to a significant extent its own distribution just as certainly as does any fish or other animal com- monly included under the term of nekton. It is unnecessary to state that the sixth, seventh, and one con- clusions, while apparently unescapable, are all based upon indirect evidence and must be regarded as tentative rather than as fully estab- lished. In conclusion, if this paper serves to stimulate a closer morpho-physiological scrutiny of the life cycle of the Salpae, if it serves to instigate a closer study of their habits, if it serves to rectify a prevailing misconception concerning plankton distribution, and if it serves as an antitoxin against the too prevalent tendency of morph- ologists to ignore the ecologist’s point of view and of ecologists to ignore the morphologist’s point of view, its primary aim will be accomplished. Transmitted July 10, 1917. Scripps Institution for Biological Research, La Jolla, California. 1918 | Michael: Behavior of Salpa democratica 291 F. LITERATURE CITED ANONYMOUS 1916. Plankton. New Inter. Eneye. (New York, Dodd), 18, 702. AGASSIZ, A. 1866. Description of Salpa cabotti Desor. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 11, 17-23, figs. 1-5 in text. ARNOLD, A. F. 1903. The sea-beach at ebb-tide, a guide to the study of the seaweeds and lower animal life found between tide-marks. (New York, Century Co.), x + 490 pp., 600 figs. in text. Brooks, W. K. 1893. The genus Salpa. Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins, 2, 397 pp., 57 pls. ESTERLY, C. O. 1912. The occurrence and vertical distribution of the Copepoda of the San Diego region, with particular reference to nineteen species. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 9, 253-340, 7 figs. in text. Fow.er, G. H. 1911. Plankton. Encye. Brit., ed. 11, 21, 720-725, 3 figs. in text. 1912. Science of the sea. (London, Murray), 452 pp., 221 figs. in text. HERDMAN, W. A. : 1889. Report upon the Tunicata collected during the voyage of H. M. 8. ‘¢Challenger’’ during the years 1873-1876. Part 3, Rep. Sci. Res. ‘“Challenger,’’ Zool., 27, no. 4, 166 pp., 11 pls. Hickson, S. J. 1893. The fauna of the deep sea. (London, Triibner), xi + 169 pp., 23 figs. JOHNSON, M. E. 1910. A quantitative study of the development of the salpa chain in Salpa fusiformis-runcinata. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 6, 145-176, 15 figs. in text. JOHNSTONE, J. 1908. Conditions of life in the sea, a short account of quantitative marine biological research. (Cambridge University Press), xiii + 332 pp., 31 figs. in text. LEuUCKART, R. 1854. Zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tunicaten. Zoolog- ische Untersuchungen. (Giessen, Ricker), 2, 93 pp., 2 pls., 3 figs. in text. McEwen, G. F. 1916. Summary and interpretation of the hydrographic observations made by the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the Uni- versity of California, 1908-1915. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 15, 255- 456, pls. 1-38. MIcHAEL, E. L. 1911. Classification and vertical distribution of the Chaetognatha of the San Diego region, including re-descriptions of some doubtful species of the group. Ibid., 8, 21-174, pls. 1-8. 1916. Dependence of marine biology upon hydrography and necessity of quantitative biological research. Jbid., 15, i—xxiii. 292 University of Califorma Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 MicHakg.L, HE. L., and McEwsn, G. F. 1915. Hydrographic, plankton, and dredging records of the Scripps Insti- tution for Biological Research of the University of California, 1901-1912. Ibid., 15, 1-206, 4 figs. and 1 map in text. 1916. Continuation of hydrographic, plankton, and dredging records of the Seripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California, 1913-1915. Ibid., 15, 207-254, 7 figs. in text. Morray, J., and Hgort, J. 1912. The depths of the ocean, a general account of the modern science of oceanography based largely on the scientific researches of the Norwegian steamer ‘‘ Michael Sars’’ in the North Atlantic. (Lon- don, MacMillan), 821 pp. 575 figs. in text. RITTER, W. E. 1905. The pelagic Tunicata of the San Diego region, excepting the Larvacea. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 2, 51-112, pls. 2-3, 31 figs. in text. Scuuriec, W. 1910. Hydrobiologisches und Plankton-Praktikum. (Leipzig, Quelle), 160 pp., 6 pls., 215 figs. in text. SEELIGER, O. 1886. Die Knospung der Salpen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 19, 573-677, 10 pls. SHULL, A. F. 1911. Studies in the life cycle of Hydatina senta. II. The réle of tempera- ture, of the chemical composition of the medium, and of internal factors upon the ratio of parthenogenetic to sexual forms. Jour. Exper. Zool., 10, 117-165. STEUER, A. 1910. Planktonkunde. (Leipzig, Teubner), 723 pp., 365 figs. in text. WHITNEY, D. D. 1907. Determination of sex in Hydatina senta. Jour. Exper. Zool., 5, 1-26. EXPLANATION OF PLATES «PLATE 9 Fig. 1. Dorsal view of a portion of a protruded chain of Salpa democratica. x 18. Fig. 2. Ventral view of a mature individual of the solitary generation. x 4.5. Fig. 3. Dorsal view of aggregate form containing a nearly mature embryo of the solitary generation. X 4.5. | 294 | UNIN SCAR PUBE RZOOE VOEN ls [MICHAEL] PLATE 9 PLATE 10 Fig. 4. Histograms showing abundance of aggregate forms, or number obtained per hour from the surface relative to temperatures between 15°9C and 18°3C (left), and 18°4C and 20°8C (right); (a) based on all data pertaining to June and July, 1908 and 1909 (table 4); (b) based on night data (table 5); (c) based on day data (table 6A); (d) based on intense light data (table 6B); (e) based on early morning data (table 6C); (f) based on evening data (table 6D); (g) based on June, 1909 data (table 8); (h) based on data restricted to collec- tions made within one mile of each other (table 10). Fig. 5. Histograms showing abundance of solitary forms relative to the same conditions as specified in the explanation of figure 4. Fig. 6. Histograms showing abundance of aggregate forms on the surface relative to temperatures between 15°9C (left) and 20°8C (right), divided into (a) three groups each having a range of 1°6C (table 11); (b) four groups each having a range of 1°2C or 1°3C (table 12); (c) five groups each having a range of one degree (table 13); and (d) six groups each having a range of 0°8C (table 14). Fig. 7. Histograms showing abundance of solitary forms relative to the same conditions as specified in the explanation of figure 6. , [ 296 ] a . “~ eh “ee [MICHAEL] PLATE 10 18 UNIV. CALIF. PUBL. ZOOL. VOL. h & f (¢ d b a sili 5004 1000} Yu; WME EEE »* 8004 700+ 600+ 0 120 1100 1000 eA ET sel Fig. 8. Histograms showing frequency of aggregate forms, or percentage of hour hauls in which they were captured from the surface, relative to the same conditions as specified in the explanation of figure 4. Fig. 9. Histograms showing frequency of solitary forms relative to the same conditions as specified in the explanation of figure 4. Fig. 10. Histograms showing frequency of aggregate forms relative to the same conditions as specified in the explanation of figure 6. Fig. 11. Histograms showing frequency of solitary forms relative to the same conditions as specified in the explanation of figure 6. [ 298 ] © ee ee ey RR le OM Te hie al a an IE ZOO, UNIV. CALIF, PUBL. R g f b Cc d a é —— POSTION 1 on POPP III OV ZL Z { \ Yt LELILLAL LL LL ILLS ALLL hE Sen re YMMML MMMM t “yy, Uti 1 QPSSTILIISTISIOLI LA LLM ELTA TLO TLL ALLL LAL - EES ae Dae er te a ee WMT y “Yi tify J \ WMH MLL LLM LLL Ls MZ YA tp Z DILL pp oh Liss LLL CLLMMALLLLLELL LLL MLL L LL, LLL LZ LL Ze J EEE WITT ITI ITI III II 7 pp eee y, SLLALASS AA > til - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS—(Continued) _ «6. Notes on the Tintinnoina. 1. On the Probable Origin of Dictyocysta tiara Haeckel... 2. On Petalotricha entzi, sp. :nov., by Charles, Atwood Kofoid,;

® ooo Oy, 22.0 O25 os fa Feo 478 Baa Boe Roa Rae am aa 4 q Bmtine mayan 5.9 5.4 1.8 45.4 134.8 180.3 4.8 1.06 8.6 Upper bay... Det 13.) Age) eds VO we) oss 7.8 Maddie bayiee U5 7.0 2.4 80.0 235.9 315.9 6.1 2.2 9.9 ower Waly 6.9 6.2 12 229 79.0 TOTOF V5.2 1.6 8.3 A tabulation of data derived from table 1 shows in table 6 that the conditions within the different divisions of San Francisco Bay are not equally favorable to mollusean life. This analysis of these more restricted areas clearly shows that the middle division of the bay is a much more favorable habitat for the mollusk than either of the other two divisions. The lower section is much richer per haul than the upper in every respect, the average number of living indi- 318 Unwersity of Califorma Publications in Zoology (Vou. 13 viduals being nearly seven times as great. These differences as brought out in this table challenge investigation as to their causes. There is such an inter-relation between the different factors that determine the distribution of animals of this class that it is difficult to determine the effect of any single one upon the molluscan life. REATION TO DEPTH The effect of depth upon the distribution of the Mollusea is probably insignificant within these local waters. This conclusion is based more largely upon a study of the distribution of the entire fauna collected by the Survey than upon the results of this study. However, the ‘following table is presented in which the averages per haul for four different bathymetric zones are given. TABLE 7 THE RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF SPECIES AND INDIVIDUALS FOR DIFFERENT BATHYMETRIC ZONES Average number of living Average number of Depth in Number individuals species per haul fathoms of hauls per haul Pelecypoda Gastropoda 0to 5 2 5.5 3.0 0.0 5 to 10 26 42.5 4.57 iil 10 to 15 12 31.8 DD al 15 to 20 3 152.6 5.3 6 This table suggests that the number of living individuals per dredge haul is greater with increase of depth. A similar correspond- ence is seen in the last column in table 6, where the greatest average depth for the quantitative hauls occurs in the middle division of the bay, which is there shown to be the richest faunally. This apparent bathymetric distribution may be due to other factors which are pecu- liar to the middle portion of the bay, in which most of the deeper hauls were made. RELATION TO TYPE OF BoTToM The character of the bottom is a recognized factor in determining the distribution of mollusks. In order to show the relative abundance of mollusean life on different types of bottoms, the following table has been prepared. Seven types of bottom have arbitrarily been recognized. This classification is based upon the physical analyses of the bottom samples, supplemented by the notes regarding the bottom 1918] Packard: Quantitative Analysis of Molluscan Fauna 319 made on shipboard at the time of dredging (see Sumner et al., 1914, pp. 1, 111). At a number of stations the bottom was found to be composed of two or more types of materials. These have been classi- fied according to predominance of one type over that of the others. For instance, a bottom which might be characterized as a muddy sand is herein designated as sand and mud. Since objects for support are essential to some mollusks, groups one and seven are considered in which shells comprise a conspicuous part of the bottom material. Of course in such a ease the presence of shell generally indicates that conditions have long been favorable to mollusean life, therefore the larger numbers in such a group are not necessarily entirely due to the shell element in the composition of the bottom. The figures given are derived from table 1, and represent the averages per haul within the group under consideration. TABLE 8 THE RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF SPECIES AND INDIVIDUALS FOR THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF BOTTOMS ie| | 4S h os 83 86) 2 2 FS [Pier ER Etim) (Bate H a AB aS, =i ass ASS 34 ae & & = Bo en Soe 8&6 ie) oy "5 So SA a5 2 Sa a2 ge Se 58 oS 525 52% She fate S RD Z ap Za e rey Zz am BD 1. Pure mud allt 3.2 3.2 13.9 2.6 6 2. Mud and sand 14 4.0 34 41.8 3.6 4 3. Mud and shells 4. 7.0 8.7 82.5 Bed) ey 4. Sand and mud 5 9.8 8.8 33.8 7.8 2.0 5. Pure sand ft 5.0 5.0 28.0 4.0 1.0 6. Sand and gravel 4 8.25 7.5 2.0 7.0 nee 7. Sand and shells 4 als) 10.0 174.0 9.2 2.7 In interpreting these figures due allowance must be made for the fact that the different types of bottoms are not represented by equal numbers of hauls. When the number of living individuals is consid- ered, it is seen that the greatest numbers were taken on bottoms char- acterized as being composed of sand and shells; while the second largest numbers come from bottoms of mud and shells. The pelecy- pods are represented by the larger number of species per haul from bottoms characterized as sand and shells, mud and shells being the next in importanee as regards the number of species per unit area. A study of the mollusean associations peculiar to these different types of bottoms shows several interesting relationships. The list of species occurring upon various types of bottoms is given below, the asterisk indicating that the specimen was dredged alive. 320 University of California Publications in Zoology SPECIES OCCURRING IN GRouP 1: PuRE Mup Cardium corbis Paphia staminea Macoma balthica*, Pholas pacificus Macoma nasuta* Psephidia ovalis Mva arenaria* Zirfaea gabbi Mya california* Epitonium hindsi Mytilus edulis* Odostomia franciscana Ostrea lurida Turbonilla franciscana SPECIES OCCURRING IN GROUPS 2 AND 4: MupD AND SAND Cardium corbis* Schizothaerus nuttalli Gemma gemma var. purpura* Solen sicarius Macoma balthica* Tellina buttoni* Macoma inquinata Tellina salmonea* Macoma nasuta* Zirfaea gabbi* Mya arenaria Crepidula niva* Mya california* Columbella gausapata Mytilus edulis* Nassa mendica Ostrea lurida Nassa fossata* Phacoides tenuisculptus* Nassa perpinguis Pholas pacificus Thais lamellosa* Psephidea ovalis Turbonilla franciscana SPECIES OccURRING IN GROUP 3: MupD AND SHELLS Cardium corbis Paphia staminea Gemma gemma var. purpura* Psephidea ovalis Macoma inquinata Zirfaea gabbi* Macoma nasuta* Columbella gausapata Mya arenaria* Epitonium hindsi? Mya ealifornia* Nassa fossata? Modiolus, ef. rectus Nassa mendica* Mytilus edulis Thais lamellosa Ostrea lurida Turbonilla keepi SPECIES OCCURRING IN Group 5: PurRE SAND Mytilus edulis* Tellina buttoni* Phacoides tenuisculptus* Turbonilla franciscana* Psephidea ovalis* SPECIES OCCURRING IN GROUP 6: SAND AND GRAVEL Cardium corbis Saxidomus nuttalli Hinnites giganteus Schizothaerus nuttalli Macoma balthica Spisula catilliformis Macoma inquinata Tellina salmonea* Macoma nasuta Nassa fossata Monia macroschisma Thais Jamellosa Mya ealifornia Zirfaea gabbi Ostrea lurida SPECIES OccURRING IN GROUP 7: SAND AND SHELLS Cardium corbis Schizothaerus nuttalli Macoma balthica Tellina salmonea Macoma inquinata Zirfaea gabbi Macoma nasuta Epitonium hindsi* Mya arenaria Epitonium savinea Mya ealifornia* Nassa perpinguis Mytilus edulis Thais lamellosa Ostrea lurida Turbonilla keepi Psephidia ovalis* [ Vou. 13 1918] Packard: Quantitative Analysis of Molluscan Fauna 321 Most of the species listed above occur in several groups of quite dissimilar character. This would suggest that the occurrence of a species at a certain locality does not give a true idea of its ecological relationships. The relative abundance of a species within a dredge haul gives a clue as to the optimum environment for that species, and therefore may well serve as the basis for studies in faunal associations. For this reason the average per haul for each species has been ecaleu- lated. The group in which the highest average falls would appear to represent that type of bottom best suited to the mollusk in question. Such a list is given below. The number of hauls is possibly too few to more than suggest the broad outlines of such molluscan associations. The following species -are arranged according to their relative abundance on the different types of bottom: Group 1. Pure mud Living: None Dead: Gemma gemma var. purpura Mya arenaria Psephidia ovalis Columbella gausapata Odostomia franciscana Group 2. Mud and sand Living: Cardium corbis Gemma gemma var. purpura Crepidula nivea Dead: Pholas pacificus Group 3. Mud and shells Living: Macoma nasuta Modiolus, ef. rectus Zirfaea gabbi Dead: Cardium corbis Zirfaea gabbi Turbonilla franciseana Turris incisus? Group 4. Sand and mud Living: Psephidia ovalis Tellina buttoni Dead: Mytilus edulis Ostrea lurida Nassa mendica Group 5. Pure mud Living: Phacoides tenuiseulptus Turbonilla franciscana Group 6. Sand and gravel Living: Tellina salmonea Dead: Hinnites giganteus Macoma inquinata Monia macroschisma Saxidomus nuttalli Tellina salmonea Turbonilla keepi 322 University of California Publications in Zoology Vou. 138 Group 7. Sand and shells Living: Mya californica Macoma balthica Epitonium hindsi Dead: Mya california Paphia staminea Epitonium hindsi Nassa fossata Nassa perpinguis Thais lamellosa The above list shows several different associations of species. Of the prevalent species, Cardium corbis, Macoma nasuta, Mya arenaria, and Zirfaea gabbi appear to be predominantly mud-dwelling forms; while Mya californica, Macoma balthica, M. inquinata, Ostrea lurida, and Thais lamellosa may be classed as sand dwellers. Although these conclusions are tentative, because of the paucity of the hauls upon which they are based, they suggest the broad features of the different mollusean communities. RELATION TO SALINITY In order to determine the influence of salinity upon mollusean distribution, a comparison of a curve showing the number of living mollusks for most of the quantitative stations with salinity curves for the equivalent hydrographic stations as published by Sumner e# al. (1914) may be made. In these curves the stations are arranged along the horizontal axis, at distances proportionate to their relative positions in the bay. The average number of living mollusks from the several hauls made in the immediate vicinity of the hydrographic stations is represented along the vertical axis of the specimen curve. There is apparently little correspondence between the areal density of the mollusks and the mean annual salinity. This is evident by referring to figure B. It appears, however, that the mean annual salinity at stations D 5815 to D 5820 inelusive (left end of curve) is unfavorable to an abundant mollusean life. The specimen curve as well as the following table indicates that the average number of individuals per haul is greatest for those stations having a mean annual salinity between 28 and 30 per mille. TABLE 9 Average Mean number annual Number living salinity Group of hauls individuals 17.16=19.37 1 8 3.1! 19.38—21.57 2 2 5.9 21.58—23.79 3 0 0.0 23.80—26.07 -f 6 9.0 26.02—28.23 5 8 12.3 28.24—30.45 6 15 82.0 30.46—32.67 u a 12.7 ° 9 < 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 i7s 150 125 1600 a‘vy SISS a‘y 2189S a‘y o18S a'w sigs Fig. A— Digs rca PN \ cra ae he ¥y vt, : @ af ; aay St ae ic i ig , ") & we : — \ 9 7 ba * ; Ta > rg : i Er ~ - , i] 9 ' r. 4 - ee J 7h, rity j 400 400 375 350 $25 325 300 275 275 250 225 200 175 150 ; 125 100 75 §0 25 209s Sess Stes 6Ees sées Obes bees eces es a‘v etes Sty 2295 efy oftes e‘v ezes a‘y 9205 afw izes afv eves S‘v zess 3‘v o2eS efv 6ISS a‘v oes a‘v 2iss e‘y o18S s‘v sas i ach station. Fig. A—Specimen curve. Average number of living mollusks obtained at e ata } tas cp ect iy URE | pet Ti NT Hoes a vy sal i PRCA A It hie ane ie Me oh 1918] Packard: Quantitative Analysis of Molluscan Fauna 323 Carquinez Strait Golden Gate Pont SanMateo BSB AER SERRLERBRERGRENEB’SEBY Fig. B—Mean annual salinity at each of the hydrographic stations of the regular series. (After Sumner et al.) 324 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou 18 It is not improbable that the annual range of salinity is even more potent in determining the abundance of mollusks than is the mean annual salinity. A comparison of the specimen curve with the pub- lished curve indicating the annual range of salinity (Sumner et al., fig. N, p. 69) shows only a general increase in the number of mollusks with decrease in range of salinity, for two of the highest points of the specimen curve fall within the area of high range in salinity. The curves showing the distribution of salinities in the bay during April 23 to May 6 corresponds more closely with the specimen curve than does any of the others representing the salinities at other periods of the year. The highest average number of mollusks per haul is found at those stations having a mean annual salinity between 28 and 30 per mille. If this represent the optimum salinity for the bay fauna, that portion of the bay having a salinity most nearly that of these figures should yield the largest number of mollusks per unit area. No portion of the upper bay satisfies such a condition, but the middle division does fulfil such a requirement and is also the richest faunally. The lower bay is found to hold an intermediate position both faunally and from the standpoint of salinity. However, since such a salinity is the rule in the middle portion of the bay and to a lesser extent in the lower division this apparent relationship may have but little significance. If the optimum mean annual salinity is high, as seems reasonable, it might be expected that the regions where the salinity is low at any period of the year will be low in the number of mollusks per unit area. Thus the inverse relationship shown in the curves (figures A and C) might have been foretold. It appears, then, that minimum salinity is one of the factors influencing the distribution of the local mollusks. The closer correspondence between the specimen curve and the mini- mum seasonal salinity curve than between any of the other curves showing the salinity for the other periods of the year tends to confirm such a statement. RELATION TO TEMPERATURE It is not improbable that the molluscan larvae are more susceptible to temperature control than is the adult mollusk. An investigation of the water temperatures during the periods of reproduction is de- sirable from the standpoint of the oyster culture as well as from that of pure science. Unfortunately data as to the reproductive periods of the local species are not available. Therefore only the more con- spicuous effects of temperature can at present be determined. 1918] Packard: Quantitative Analysis of Molluscan Fauna 325 Carquinez Strait 497 4976 497 497. 496 Golden Gate Point San Mateo ia Sa nO Fig. C—Seasonal range of salinity at each station. (After Sumner e¢ al.) 326 University of California Publications in Zoology (Vou. 138 ee SS Viste fils Carquinez Strait 0 ie ice € Golden Gate Point SanMoteo S > FB BRERA SS Fig. D—Distribution of the salinities of the bay during the period of April 23 to May 6. This represents the minimum seasonal salinity. (Adapted from Sumner et al.) bE Ea SI a a Pe i et ats 1918] Packard: Quantitative Analysis of Molluscan Fauna 327 Curves similar to those just considered suggest the importance of the temperature factor. The mean annual temperature curve as pub- lished by Sumner ef al. appears to have little significance when com- pared with the specimen curve. Table 9 indicates, however, that the larger number of living individuals per haul were obtained in regions of relatively low annual temperatures. TABLE 10 Average Mean number annual Number living temperature Groups of hauls individuals 11.98-12.35 1 6 134.5 12.36—-12.73 2 13 41.0 12.74-13.11 3 14 42.4 13.11—13.49 4 6 Seo 13.50-13.88 5 4 0.0 It appears from figure E that those portions of the bay where the seasonal range of temperature is high are regions in which the areal density is relatively low. It is not certain, however, that this indicates a causal relationship. The correspondence between the October and July temperature curves and that of the specimen curve indicates that more mollusks occur within a given area where the waters are cooler during those months. In this connection it is of interest to note that the bay fauna includes a majority of predominantly northward ranging species. However, it is not evident that the warm summer temperatures of the other divisions of the bay act as a barrier to these northern forms, for the open ocean during this period is cooler than that of the bay and yet it has a fauna showing a southern facies. If the temperature factor is important in determining the local distribution of the mollusks, the greater areal density of the middle division of the bay may be due to the low seasonal range or to the low summer temperature. This rather indefinite relationship between mollusean distribution and temperature may indicate that this factor is effective only during the reproductive periods of a particular mollusk. If these periods do not all fall within a single season, as seems rather improbable, it is not surprising that the influence of temperature is obscure. RELATION TO THE AVAILABLE Foop SUPPLY The plankton probably serves as the most important food supply of the pelecypods, which in turn become the main supply for the predaceous gastropods. The distribution of the plankton within San 328 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou 13 aQ_@ O10. 20 = NSO 5 an a a a Sa SS Corquinez Strait Golden Gate Paint San Mateo > a o i | o oO Oo ° . ° e og ° 2 oO Qa Q a fed oO oO iS oO Fig. E—Seasonal range of temperature at each station. (After Sumner et al.) 1918] Packard: Quantitatwe Analysis of Molluscan Fauna 329 Carquinez Strait Golden Gate Point San Mat COC a: a a a eS omt San Mateo Ue ee eh Rey Gag Fig. F—Distribution of bay temperatures. Upper curve, July 22-31; lower curve, October 7-12. (Adapted from Sumner et al.) 330 University of California Publications in Zoology (Vou. 138 Francisco Bay might be a factor in determining the distribution of the mollusks if there were regions of relatively impoverished waters. That such conditions exist is suggested in the recent studies upon the diatoms made by Mr. E. P. Rankin. He shows that the number of species and individuals of these plants decreases as one passes from the middle to the upper division of the bay, and that the marine forms are not there replaced by fresh water species. The main channel through that arm of the bay is found to represent a region of impov- erished water in comparison to that of the quieter and presumably more saline water near shore. This distribution of the diatoms is paralleled in general by that of mollusks, as is shown by the relative number of species and indi- viduals per haul for San Pablo Bay in comparison with the other regions of the bay (see p. 18). However, this apparent correlation is probably not due to the lack of food supply, for Professor Kofoid’s studies show that the plankton of the bay is relatively rich; it is more probably due to the salinity, which is exceedingly variable within that region. It is thus evident, that from the data at hand no definite conclusion regarding the relationship of the distribution of the plank- ton to that of the mollusks can be reached. RELATION TO THE Biotic ENVIRONMENT The relation between the distribution of other forms of hfe and that of the Mollusea can only vaguely be suggested. From the stand- point of the food it seems that the distribution of the plankton when present in quantities above the requirements of the organism has little influence upon the occurrence of the mollusks. Until the Algae of this region are better known it is impossible to say that certain of the gastropods are not distributed according to the occurrence of certain of these plants. The distribution of some of the predaceous gastropods corresponds to that of their prey. Unfortunately no quantitative data are available regarding the distribution of the oyster drill, Urosalpinx cinereus, but qualitative studies show that it occurs most abundantly upon the oyster beds. The relation of the enemies of the mollusks and the distribution of several gastropods the shells of which are inhabited by hermit crabs can only be ascertained by a detailed study of the entire fauna and flora of the bay. | 1918] Packard: Quantitative Analysis of Molluscan Fauna 331 SUMMARY The orange-peel bucket dredge, used for the first time for purposes of biological investigation, has been employed by U.S. 8S. ‘‘Albatross’’ at forty-three stations within San Francisco Bay. Twenty-three species of Pelecypoda and twelve of Gastropoda were taken by means of this dredge. The ten species that were taken at more than one-fourth of the hauls represent the most adaptable forms of the molluscan fauna. The middle division of the bay is a more favorable habitat for the Mollusea than either of the other two divisions. Depth has little significance in determining the distribution of the local forms. The character of the bottom is an important distributional factor. The most favorable bottom appears to be composed of sand and shells, the shells serving as supports for sessile forms. A low salt concentration or a large annual range of salinity appear to be unfavorable to an abundant local molluscan life. The regions in which the annual range of temperature is not great nor the maximum high during July and October support the larger number of mollusks per unit area. Nevertheless the significance of the temperature factor is obscure. Several species of edible clams live within San Francisco Bay. Of these, Mya arenaria is most important. The present production of the bay is probably considerably less than it was a decade ago. The bay, under the improved methods of farming, would support an an- nual yield of more than four billion bushels of this clam. Such an industry should be established only after a detailed survey has been made and many of the outstanding problems solved. Laws should also be enacted which give private control to certain tracts suitable to clam farming. 332 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vou. 13 APPENDIX Table 11 is given in order to show the different groupings of the hauls that have been made in the preparation of this paper. For further data regarding these stations and their location within San Francisco Bay the reader is referred to the often mentioned report by Sumner et al. (1914). TABLE 11 SHOWING THE DIFFERENT GROUPINGS OF THE DREDGE HAULS 5 si = si a mn = a = ° Hq ro} w Seta sie. (somes ae ee #2 ge #2. Be Sar i) eo sho a SuR a) acu aee ae D 5815 A 2, 4 1 2 D 5826 A i 2 5 2 D 5815 B 2 4 il 3 D 5826 B 7 2 5 2 D 5816 A i 3 il 2 D 5827 A 6 3 itt 4 D 5816 B al 3 i 3 D 5827 B 6 3 1 2 D 5817 A 2 4 1 2 D 5828 A 2 1 6 4 D 5817 B 2 4 1 2 D 5828 B 3 1 6 3 D 5818 A 1 2 2 2 D 5829 A 6 1 7 3 D 5818 B 2 2 2 1 D 5829 B 6 1 ai 4 D5819 A 2 2 4 2 D 5830 A 5 i 7 3 D 5819 B 2 2 4 2 D 5830 B 2 i 7 2 D 5820 A 2 3 5 3 D 5831 2 2 6 3 D 5820 B 2 3 5 2 D 5832 4 2 6 2 D 5821 A 2 2 5 2 D 5833 8 2 6 2 D 5821 B 2 2 5 2 D 5834 4 3 6 3 D 5822 A il 3 4 1 D 5835 3 4 6 2 D 5822 B 1 3 4 2 D 5836 1 5 6 2 D 5823 A 3 3 5 2 D 5837 il 5 6 2 D 5823 B 3 3 5) 3 D 5838 il 5 6 2 D 5824 A 1 3 4 3 D 5839 1 5 6 2 D 5824 B 7 3 4 2 D 5840 1 3 6 2 D 5825 A 4 2 6 2 D 5841 4 4 6 3 D 5825 B 4 2 6 3 1918] Packard: Quantitatie Analysis of Molluscan Fauna 333 LITERATURE CITED Bewpine, D. L., and LANE, F. C. 1916. The shell fisheries of Massachusetts: their present condition and extent, in Mass. Comm. on fisheries and game, Report upon Mollusk Fisheries of Massachusetts, pp. 16-233. MASSACHUSETTS COMMISSION ON FISHERIES AND GAME. 1916. Report upon Mollusk Fisheries of Massachusetts. 50th Ann. Rep., 234 pp., pls. 1-9, several text figures. PETERSEN, C. G. 1913. Determination of the quantity of animal life on the sea-bottom. Ann. 1’Inst. oceanographique, 10 figs. in text. PETERSEN, C. G. 1915. Valuation of the sea. II. Rep. Danish Biol. Station, 21, 1-44, app. 1-67, 6 pls., 3 charts. SuMNER, F. B., OsBuRN, R. C., CoLz, L. J., and Davis, B. M. 1913. A biological survey of the waters of Woods Hole and vicinity. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 31, 1-860, 274 charts. Sumner, F. B., LoupERBAcK, G. D., Scumirr, W. L., and JoHNsoN, G. E. 1914. A report upon the physical conditions in San Francisco Bay, based upon the operations of the United States Fisheries Steamer ‘¢ Albatross’’, 1912-1913. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 14, 1-198, pls. 1-13, 20 figs. in text. STEARNS, R. E. C. 1881. Mya arenaria in San Francisco Bay. Am. Nat., 15, 362-366. EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE 12 Dredging stations of the ‘‘ Albatross’’ in San Francisco Bay. (After Sumner et al). [ 334 ] NS eynid BMY BVYAGI2G60 BYA, | Boi 2 LEVWEY VPBVibOee . EDCIMC eLVLioOUe LHS RO nes IMO FF ie © to3 UNIV. CALIF. PUBL. ZOOL. VOL. 18 mie Wh S77F. Vn O ROCK y SS if Pt Lobos %4, 2 Noe KEY ROUTE PIER OAKLAND S.PPIER [PACKARD] PLATE 12 a 05" Wy, 4, MARTINEZ d sae 38 ell zi 00 DREDGING STATIONS i ) FISHERIES STEAMER ALBATROSS SAN FRANCISCO BAY CALIFORNIA ki igi2 —I913 NAUTICAL MILES 1 Pre: 5 KILOMETE 2 —! | 1, 440 BASED ON 1] 3S. CHART 5S30 | | 4 | | | t 1 | i | creo W. S BLANCHARD DEL. | ; al 37) = aT = —_— a 0S j PLATE 13 Diagram showing the relative abundance of mollusks per unit area of 7.8 square feet within the three divisions of the bay. The circles of different size stand for the different species and the number of circles for the number of living individuals obtained in the average dredge haul for the indicated region. The number of old shells is not represented. [ 336 ] UNIV. CALIF. PUBL. ZOOL. VOL. 18 fo) : S I i PtLobos YW, A = ree eat wa QO i) [PACKARD] PLATE 13 MARTINEZ lb“ ¥ FERAY BUILDING KEY ROUTE PIER OAKLAND SAN FRANCISCO BAY. \ CALIFORNIA on "NAUTICAL MILES v ERR Er PRI KILOMETERS _ Mee St MOET ws Bae ees ¥ Ri ¥ s a ‘ 5. an fo bo oe 21, 22. 23. 24, Vol. 17, 1: a oe Ea 9. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS— (Continued) Notes on the Tintinnoina. 1. On the Probable Origin of Dictyocysta tiara Haeckel, 2. On Petalotricha entzi, sp. nov., by Charles Atwood Kofoid, Pp. 63-69, 8 figures in text. December, 1915 ects eae: Binary and Multiple Fission in Hezamiius, by Olive Swezy. Pp. ‘71-88, plates 9-11. On a New Trichomonad Flagellate, 7'richomitus parvus, from the Intestine of Amphibians, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 89-94, plate 12. Nos. 6 and:’7::in' one,‘cover.. December,1915 ©0000 es a On. Blepharcorys equi, sp. nov., a New Ciliate from the Caecum of the Horse, by Irwin C. Schumacher. Pp. 95-106, plate 13. December, 1915.... Three New Helices from California, by S. Stillman Berry. Pp. 107-111. Panuary;, L916) 05 a Res bales Bs eRe SAR Aol SOKO Sy Loe CL MEN ertek ny Cieet Ny mE SOI On Trypanosoma triatomae, a New Flagellate from a Hemipteran Bug from the Nests of the Wood Rat Neotoma fuscipes, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Irene McCulloch. . Pp. 113-126, plates 14-15. February, 1916.00.00... The Genera Monocercomonas and Polymastiz, by Olive Swezy. Pp. 127-138, WMahes DE-UFs OPK Mary SOLOS i sl eee i hal calon cate ipnece deserter Notes on the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus) of the California Coast, by Bennet M. Allen. Pp. 139-152, 2 figures in text.; March, 1916 22.0...0.. Notes on the Marine Fishes of California, by Carl L. Hubbs.. Pp. 153-169, plates 18-20. ‘March, ' 1916 SORES eo: aE TRIN AO ACRES Se NM 9 Oe PR aa The Feeding Habits and Food of Pelagic Copepods and the Question of Nutrition by Organic Substances in Solution in the Water, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp.'171-184, 2 figures in text. March, 1916022000 0c.. ect eee The Kinetonucleus of Flagellates and the Binuclear Theory of Hartmann, by Olive Swezy. Pp, 185-2410, 58 figures in text. March, 1916 <2... . On the Life-History of a Soil Amoeba, by Charlie Woodruff Wilson. Pp. DAT BOOS Mates LE S2 oii Utd Vg BOLO con coke te ates ee eee alac ue rcac dc bas aeadaapecbsnuaceteseet Distribution of Land Vertebrates of Southeastern Washington, by Lee Raymond Dice. Pp. 293-348, plates 24-26, June, 1916 220.22 . The Anatomy of Heptanchus maculatus: the Endoskeleton, by J. Frank Daniel. Pp. 349-370, pls. 27-29, 8 text figures. December, 1916 ............ Some Phases of Spermatogenesis in the Mouse, by Harry B. Yocom, Pp. 37 1:380, plate) SO, San arys LOL) ac ae eB cel: esate venaccasuaneass pes Specificity in Behavior and the Relation between Habits in Nature and Reactions in the Laboratory, by Calvin O. Esterly.. Pp. 381-392, March, OR CR ENE ey ORE Oy A OTE EADY 5 BRB ic, LOE ae UC ANG. hak ante gaat tink The Occurrence of a Rhythm in the Geotropism of Two Species. of Plank- ton Copepods when Certain Recurring External Conditions are Absent, by Calvin O. Esterly.. Pp. 393-400. March, 1927 .222-p-t.1--2----.- eee nsec ecntte On Some New Species of Aphroditidae from the Coast of California, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 401-430, plates 31-37. March, 1917 2........2.2.2...... i Notes on the Natural History and Behavior of Emerita analoga (Stimpson), by Harold Tupper Mead. Pp. 431-438, 1 text figure. April, 1917 .............- Ascidians of the Littoral Zone of Southern California, by William E. Ritter and Ruth A. Forsyth., Pp. 439-512, plates 38-46. August, 1917 ...............- Diagnoses of Seven New Mammals from East-Central California, by Joseph Grinnell and Tracy I. Storer. Pp. 1-8. A New Bat of the Genus Myotis from the High Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia, by Hilda Wood Grinnell. Pp. 9-10. Nos. 1 and 2 in one cover. August, 1916 2.520... cocilcee cee eects Spclerpes platycephalus, a New. Alpine Salamander from the Yosemite National Park, California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 11-14. Septem- pores eee os = ANSP My Soran kf ae en ey a art ee eee Ses PEN eg 0 SY Sc tidy . A New Spermophile from the San Joaquin Valley, California, with Notes on Ammospermophilus nelsoni nelsoni Merriam, by Walter P. Taylor. Pp. 15-20, 1 figure in text. October, 1916) ..o..cn uence i ences cence enna ttc Habits and Food of the Roadrunner in California, by Harold ©. Bryant. Pp. 21-58, plates 1-4, 2 figures in text. October, 1916 .....1-...2....-.----.-4.----- Description of Bufo canorus, a New Toad from the Yosemite National Park, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 59-62, 4 figures in text. November, 1916:..... The Subspecies of Sceloporus occidentalis, with Description of a New Form from the Sierra Nevada and Systematic. Notes on Other California Lizards, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp, 63-74. December, 1916 ...............-..- Osteological Relationships of Three Species of Beavers, by F.. Harvey Holden. | Pp. 75-114, plates 5-12, 18 text figures. March, 1917 ................ Notes on the Systematic Status of the Toads and Frogs of California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp, 115-125, 3 text figures. February, 1917 -.......... 05 A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. PUBLICATIONS —(Continued) 10, A Distributional List of the Amphibians eae Reptiles of: California, “by Joseph Grinnell and Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 127- 208, 14° figures in text. MUAY G VOT Ds ee Oe eet NAC ON CORON Aa ee IO tne IK A Mi ae eke is a 11, A Study of the Races of the White-Fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) Geer: WPree ee: . ring in California, by H..S. Swarth and Harold ©. Bryant, ‘Pp..209-222, or | Qdigures in ‘text, plate 13..October, 1917 wai er | ee Brat Set” 12. A Synopsis of the Bats of California, by. Hilda ‘Wood Grinnell. bi "223-404, eg plates 14-24, 24 text figures, January 31, 1918 2.00 2.00 13. The Pacific Coast Jays of the Genus Aphelocoma, by H. &. ‘Bwarth, Pp. s 405-422, 1 figure'in. text, February,/23,.\1918 22. se ge ey | rae Vol.18. 1. Mitosis in Giardia Microti, by William C. Boeck. Pp. 1-26, plate 1. Octo- : 41 liar WY ied tea ansatier yan to ds MU cn ay MrR gt eh at ged, Gud On ean | pees i aby let Mirai A aD 30 2. An Unusual Extension of the Distribution of the Shipworm in, San Fran- ; cisco Bay, California, by Albert L. Barrows. Pp.:27-43. December, 1917. .20 © || 3. Description of Some New Species of Polynoidae from the Coast of Cali- A fornia, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 45-60, plates 2:3. October, 1917 ...... OS here 4, New Species of Amphinomidae from the ‘Pacific Coast, by Christine Essen: berg. Pps61-74)) plates 4-5. October, £017) ce See ge ae 15 5. Crithidia Buryonhthalms, sp. nov., from the Hemipteran Bug, Eur yophthalmus..: convivus Stal, by Irene McCulloch. Pp, ‘T9- 88, 35 text papi Decem- fomee ed ea 3 Leto fice Cs as iis oa AS CE act i er a RN RRS Cy PS OL aE BOR A TAD Ube Pe ate os” 6. On the Orientation of Erythropsis, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olive f ai¥A Swezy. Pp. 89-102, 12 figures in text. December, 1917 20000-0200occcececcssee Ke EOS aire 7. The Transmission of Nervous Impulses in Relation to Locomotion in the Ny Oe ae Earthworm, by John F, Bovard. Pp. 103-134, 14 figures in text. January, ‘s i) 5 2) G5 omen athe aake eae SSUES eRe: UP, OO La OAc aN Sisco CALL MMs eR ack ck, wae Ane cr AB EL! jf A 8. The Function of the Giant Fibers in Earthworms, by John F. Bovard. Pp. a $S5-144) Li figure: in text), Sanuary, 1918 yet eee i a - 10 sie 9A Rapid Method for the Detection of Protozoan Cysts in sp dent tiseat Te. Faeces, by William C. Boeck. Pp. 145-149. December, 1917 -.:202:00...242... 05 Be 10. The Musculature of Heptanchus maculatus, by Pirie Davidson... Pp. {51 170, ie Rae ee 12 fenresin text.) March olQ1 8. ck Ne Pee AO) es Ry 20) ite 11. The Factors Controlling the Distribution of the Polynoidae of the Pacific «. ie Coast of North America, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 171-238, plates 6-8, Be 2) fignnes’ intext. Marek | bOUa ss af oo i CT 6 Ye Nee Ley Ee ere 75 Sah 12. Differentials in’ Behavior of the Two Generations of Salpa democratica — i 4 Relative to the Temperature of the Sea, by Ellis L. Michael. Pp. 239-298, a plates 9-11, 1 figure in text. March, 1918 _2.20.22.00..-ec0scte eee elie eee 65 2K 13. A Quantitative Analysis of the Molluscan Fauna of San Francisco Bay, by oa ay, BE. L, Packard. Pp. 299-336, plates 12-13, 6 figs. in text. April, arte ata 1 AO 15 My 1 i uA) a it yu r) : OY iA 4 ? Ee et ft ‘ st oA a UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS - Note.—The University of California Publications are offered in exchange for the tikes 5 cations of learned societies and institutions, universities and libraries:. Complete lists of ~ all the publications of the University will be sent upon request. For. sampie. copies, lists — of publications or -other information, address - the MANAGER OF THE UNIVERSITY — PRESS, BERKELEY,-CALIFORNIA, U.S. A. ~ All matter sent in exchange should be addressed to THE EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, BERKELEY, | ae pkg CALIFORNIA, Us S. A. WILLIAM WESLEY & SONS, LONDON © Agent for the series in American Archaeology and EEhNOIOEy, Botany, Geology, Physiology, and Zoology. ZOOLOGY.—W. E. Ritter and C. A. Kofoid, Editors. Price per volume, $3.50; beginning — with vol. 11, $5.00. This series contains the contributions from the Department of. Pontes: from the “: Marine Laboratory of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research, at La Jolla, ~ California, and from the California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in pe iin - Cited as Univ. Calif; Publ. Zool. Volume 1, 1902-1905, 317 pages, with 28 ‘plates -5..2 ince coo asses Boca cccecccpeerdenndghecectpet eR $85 50 Volume 2 (Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of oe oe San Diego), 1904-1906, xvii + 382 pages, with 19 pinier. SRR ROHS ais Seer a gpar seep Si $3.50 Acne | Volume 3, 1906-1907, 383 pages, With 23 plates oc. nn-ceecttecfonecceeeecnteccseqoceruaeesuaiensttoneceoneten $3.50 * es Volume 4, 1907-1908, 400 pages, with 24 plates 22.0... BER Fis EE SION het $3.50. Volume 5, 1908-1910, 440 pages, with 34 plates se. ceeai.cseccsssescloesarecnoeessedeesnsseernenseseccnsteseee ODO. Volunie 6, 1908-1911, 478 pages, With 48 plates 2... assesses: An Aare alate sae ae $3.50. 7 Volume 7 (Contributions from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology), 1910-1912, 446 2 ee x PAReS WIth: TQ plates: og ei seis ee eres gre Sigs eocaeac angela capngerntoes: SHI a ee Volume 8, 1911, 357 pages, “with 25 plates 2. See ¥ SH Bie mY ; eer a "3 rest ine CO ge ee ee ee Le ee ee ee SE ee eT ey ae Te ee Le a Eee iW & eR j fest re Wide Liheegad Fo ete AF ehh Pg sa De ey " } UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 18, No. 14, pp. 337-396, plates 14-16 September 7, 1918 THE NHEUROMOTOR APPARATUS: OF EUPLOTES PATELLA Peon f & HARRY B. 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The same year, 1831, he gave the name Euplotes patella to one of the species in the genus. O. F. Miller had deseribed this species as T'richoda in 1773 but in 1786 he changed it to Kerona patella. Later Bory (1824) called the organism Coccudina keromina et clausa. In the later works by Stein (1859) and Kent (1881) the generic name remains that given by Ehrenberg (1831). The genus Euplotes is distinguished from the other three genera of the family Euplotidae by the presence of four marginal cirri which are entirely isolated from one another; while in Styloplotes, the only other genus having marginal cirri, they are arranged in two fascicles. Besides Euplotes patella, the subject of this investigation, there have been described for the genus Euplotes five distinct species. All conform in a general way in shape of body, position of cirri and mem- branelles, and shape and position of nuclei as given below for E. patella. Euplotes harpa Stein, the largest member of the group, has a long oval body with broad rounded anterior end. The convex dorsal sur- face is marked by eight longitudinal dorsal ribs. The ventral surface bears ten cirri anterior to the five anal cirri, while the anterior ventral surface carries two blunt denticulations. The posterior margin bears four unbranched cirri. The animal varies in length from 148-180 microns. Euplotes longipes C. and L. is slightly smaller than EF. harpa, being about 138 microns in length, while the ventral surface lacks the denticulations, the whole organism presenting a smooth contour. Euplotes charon Ehrbg. is rounded, oval, with the right side feebly but the left side strongly convex. The anterior margin of the anterior 1918] Yocum: The Neuromotor Apparatus of Euplotes Patella 339 ventral surface is feebly denticulated. irri similar to the above species. Length, 78-96 microns. Euplotes worcesteri Griffin. Body oval, anterior end rounded, pos- terior end bluntly pointed; dorsal surface much curved and usually characterized by eight rows of sensory bristles; ventral surface flat- tened, cytostome broad, containing forty-five to seventy membranelles while the pharynx contains twenty to thirty membranelles. Ten cirri anterior to the five anal cirri and from two to five marginal cirri. Length, 72-93 microns. Euplotes vannus O. F. M. Closely resembles E. worcesteri in general structure. Usually the pharynx of H. vannws is shorter than that of EH. worcestert. The most important difference is that the pos- terior end of the macronucleus of H. vannus is recurved or itself and slightly enlarged. Euplotes patella has an elliptical cuirass, somewhat truncated anteriorly with a projecting lip extending anteriorly from the cyto- stomal field. The dorsal side is convex, while the ventral side is con- cave, markedly so in the anterior part. A series of membranelles extends along the left side of the wide triangular cytostome and into the pharynx posteriorly, while anteriorly it is continued around the anterior end dorsal to the lp, to the right anterior corner of the cyto- stomal field. The right anterior ventral field bears nine styliform cirri, six of which according to Kent (1881) are termed frontal cirri, while the other three are the abdominal or ventral cirri. Five heavy anal cirri extend backward over the posterior margin of the body from the posterior ends of five parallel ventral grooves which begin near the middle of the body to the right of the cytostome and extend back to within twenty to twenty-five microns of the posterior end of the body. There are four caudal cirri, the two to the right being fimbricated (pl. 14, fig. 4). The dorsal surface is marked by eleven parallel equidistant rows of granules arranged in rosettes (pl. 14, fig. 7). The macronucleus is roughly C-shaped with the open side of the C to the right (mac., fig. A). The micronucleus is a small spherical body lying in an indenta- tion on the anterior left side of the macronucleus (mic., fig. A). The single contractile vacuole hes just anterior to the anal cirri (c. v., fig. A). While Euplotes is of widespread occurrence, little literature is found which indicates an intensive study of the animals belonging to the genus. As has been mentioned Ehrenberg (1838) gave a brief 340 University of California Publications in Zoology [ Vou. 18 description of the genus. Stein (1859) gave several pages to a con- sideration of the systematic position of the genus and described a few of the different species. Likewise Kent (1881) gave a mere synoptic account of the genus and its species. Maupas (1883) mentions seeing some fibers extending anteriorly from the anal cirri in an unnamed species of Hwplotes. In later works (1886-1889) he considers the process of conjugation in Euplotes patella. Schuberg (1899) gave a short account of the process of division of this species. Wallengren (1901) contributes a rather full account of the formation and resorp- tion of cirri in dividing individuals of EH. harpa and also considers the origin of the new cytostome, while Prowazek (1903) describes the same species and gives special reference to a system of fibers which he finds in connection with the cirri. Griffin (1910) in two papers describes a new species, H. worcestert, in which he gives a rather detailed description of certain parts including a fibrillar system in connection with the cirri, and of the division process. Other than the above mentioned works little seems to have been written about this group of highly specialized ciliates. In this study of Euplotes patella it is the purpose to give a general description of the anatomy of the animal, and a detailed description of the system of fibers in connection with the cirri and membranelles. This system will be described as the neuromotor apparatus and an attempt will be made to show in what way it may be considered as having the function of a primitive nervous system.