"3n Given By U. S. SUPT. OF DOCUMENTS UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE West yirginia COUNTIES m «r^»K**'^^**^S»* ,. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS U.S. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 Final Report— Vol. I— Part 25— Counties FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES West Virginia COUNTIES Prepared under the supervision of RAY HURLEY, Chief Agriculture Division U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COAAMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Richard M. Scammon, Director (From May I, I96?j Robert W. Burgess, Director (To March 3, 1961) BUREAU OF THE CENSUS RICHARD M. SCAMMON, Director A. Ross ECKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Lowell T. Galt, Special Assistant Herman P. Miller, Special Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Julius Shiskin, Chief Economic Statistician Joseph F. Daly, Chief Mathematical Statistician Charles B. Lawrence, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Chief International Statistical Programs Office A. W. von Struve, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — Ray Hurley, Chief g^ ""fv Warder B. Jenkins, Asjistant Chitf CrUu-^-'C'C Orvin L. WiLHiTB, Assistant Chief Field Division— n"3\n Jefferson D. McPike, Chief Ivan G. Munro, Assistant Chief '~\\^ ^ 1 1 Machine Tabulation Division — C. F. Van Aken, Chief \/ \ | H^nKY A. Bloou, Assistant Chief Vol , ' Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chief p \ , ^2. -i ■' »? ^7 Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chief ^ Construction Statistics Division — Samuel J. Dennis, Chief Decennial Operations Division — Glen S. Taylor, Chief Demographic Surveys Division — Robert B. Pearl, Chief Economic Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chief ^ -j— f~. . Electronic Systems Division — Robert F, Drury, Chief \ CJ o v / U Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chief Geography Division — William T. Fay, Chief Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chief Housing Division — Wayne F. Daugherty, Chief Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, C/i/«'/ BOSTON P\\\^\ IC IIDD/\D\/ Personnel Division— James P. Taff, C^f/ rUDLIL L/DKAKY Population Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chief Statistical Methods Division — Joseph Steinberg, Chief Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D. Goldfield, Chief Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chief Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chief Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Series AC59-1 and AC59-2, Preliminary Reports Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: A60-9482 SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Agriculture: 1959. Vol. I, Counties, Part 25 West Virginia U.S. Government Printing OfBce, Washington, D.C., 1961 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing OfBce, Washington 25, DC, or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce. Price $1.25 PREFACE Volume I, Counties, is one of the five principal reports presenting the results of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. This volume, in 54 parts, presents the compilation of the infor- mation given by farm operators to census enumerators in 1959. The 1959 Census of .Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress of .\ugust 31, 1954 (amended .August 1957), which codified Title 13, United States Code. The collection of the data was carried out by census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Bureau of the Census and working under the direction of Robert B. Voight, then Chief, Field Division. Paul R. Squires, then Special Assistant to the Director, was responsible for the recruitment of the field staff. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief, and Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by M. Vincent Lindquist, Thomas Jabine, Robert S. McCauley, John C. Mackey, Robert Standley, Hilton E. Robison, Helen E. Teir, Carl R. Nyman, Kenneth R. Norell, Gladys L. Eagle, Henry L. DeGraff, Charles H. Boehne, Joseph A. Correll, Margaret G. Wood, Evelyn K. Jett, Simon Yablon, Emma B. Gass, Charlotte J. Messinese, Bennie L. Sharp, Lsaac E. Lemon, .Tames M. Lindsey, Samuel S. Murray, William F. Kauffman, Hector Vila, Harry P. Owings, Charles A. Nicholls, Henry A. Tucker, Robert S. Boyle, Helen M. Davenport, Albert W. Graybill, Lois G. Miller, Thomas D. Monroe, Gerald P. Owens, Bernard L. Ross, Marvin M. Thompson, Helen D. Turner, Kurt W. Luethy, Arnold L. BoUenbacher, George W. CofTman, Joseph A. Horak, Samuel J. Hundley, Donald K. Larson, Chester G. Lykins, Wilmer R. Maxham, Virgil L. McClain, Jr., Darrell D. Prochaska, Robert J. Rades, Hubert E. Sites, Duane E. Traylor, Donald H. von Steen, Elmer O. Rea, Frances G. Compton, Lillian W. Bentel, and Neil V. Perkins. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of personnel by the United States Department of .Agriculture in the planning, the enumeration, and the com- pilation of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. September 1961 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 FINAL REPORTS Volume I — Counties — A separate part for each State. Statistics on number of farms; farm characteristics; acreage in farms; cropland and other uses of land; land-use practices; irrigation; farm facilities and equipment; farm labor; farm expenditures; use of commercial fertilizer; number and kind of livestock; acres and production of crops; value of farm products; characteristics of commercial farms, farms classified by tenure, by size, type, and economic class; and comparative data from the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Volume I is published in 54 parts as follows: Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States New England States: West North Central — Continued Mountain: 1 Maine. 19 South Dakota. 38 Montana. 2 New Hampshire. 20 Nebraska. 39 Idaho. 3 Vermont. 21 Kansas. 40 Wyoming. 4 Massachusetts. South Atlantic: 41 Colorado. 5 Rhode Island. 22 Delaware. 42 New Mexico. 6 Connecticut. 23 Maryland. 43 Arizona. Middle Atlantic States: 24 Virginia. 44 Utah. 7 New York. 25 West Virginia. 45 Nevada. 8 New Jersey. 26 North Carolina. Pacific: 9 Pennsylvania. 27 South Carolina. 46 Washington. East North Central: 28 Georgia. 47 Oregon. 10 Ohio. 29 Florida. 48 California. 11 Indiana. East South Central: 49 Alaska. 12 Illinois. 30 Kentucky. 50 Hawaii 13 Michigan. 31 Tennessee. Other Areas: 14 Wisconsin. 32 Alabama. 51 American Samoa. West North Central: 33 Mississippi. 52 Guam. 15 Minnesota. West South Central: 53 Puerto Rico. 16 Iowa. 34 Arkansas. 64 Virgin Islands. 17 Missouri. 35 Louisiana. 18 North Dakota. 36 37 Oklahoma. Texas. Volume II — General Report. — Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. Summary data and analyses of the data by States, for geographic divisions, and for the United States, by subjects, as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below: Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest Prod- III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. ucts. IV Farm Labor, Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race, and Tenure of Farm Operator. V Size of Farm. XI Economic Class of Farni. VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III — Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Western States (Dry Areas) — Data by States for drainage basins and a summary for the area, including number and types of irrigation organiza- tions, source of water, expenditures for works and equipment since 1950, water used and acres served for irrigation purposes. Volume IV — Drainage of Agricultural Lands. Data by States on land in drainage organizations, number and types of organizations, cost of drainage and drainage works. Volume V — Special Reports, Part 1. — Horticultural Specialties. Statistics by States and a summary for the United States present- ing number and kinds of operations; gross receipts and/or gross sales; sales of nursery products, flower seed, vegetables grown under glass, and propagated mushrooms; number of container- grown plants; inventory products; sales of bulb crops; employ- ment; structures and equipment. Titles of additional parts of this volume are not available as this report goes to press. IV WEST VIRGINIA CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE Page History of the Census IX Legal basis for the Census LX Pretest of the 1959 Census DC Training program for personnel for enumeration IX Enumeration period DC ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization EC The agriculture questionnaire IX Agricultural operations X Enumeration assignments and enumeration districts X Enumerator 's record book XI Enumeration maps XI Lists of special and large farms XI Landlord- tenant questionnaire XI Township sketch map XI Field review of enumerator ' s work XII SAMPLING Use of sampling XII Description of the sample XII Adjustment of the sample XII Estimation of totals for the sample XII Presentation of sample data XII Reliability of estimates XII Differences in data resulting from differences in tabulating procedures XIII PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of enumeration XIII Editing of questionnaires XIII Coding of questionnaires XIII Tabulation of data XIII PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS Statistical content of this report XIV Comparability of data XIV XJinor civil divisions XTV DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive summary and references XIV General Farm Information Census definition of a farm XIV Farm operator XV Farms reporting or operators reporting XV Land eirea XV Land In farms XV Land in farms according to use XVI Value of land and buildings XVII Age of operator XVII Residence of operator XVII Year began operating present farm Till Off-farm work and other income XVII Equipment and facilities XVII Farms by kind of road XVIII Farm labor XVIII FertiUzer and lime XVIII Specified farm expenditures XDC DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS— Continued Crops Page Crops harvested XIX Com XDC Annual legumes XX Hay crops XX Field seed crops XX Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes XX Berries and other small fruits XX Tree fruits , nuts , and grapes XX Nursery and greenhouse products XXI Forest products XXI Value of crops harvested XXI Vclue of crops sold XXI Irrigation Definition of irrigated land XXI Enumeration of irrigated land XXI Irrigated farms XXI Land in irrigated farms XXI Land irrigated XXI Farms irrigated by number of acres irrigated XXI Land irrigated by source of water XXI land-Use Practices Summary information XXII Cropland in cover crops '. XXII Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour XXII Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control... XXII System of terraces on crop and pasture land XXII Livestock and Poultry Inventories XXII Milk ooivs, cov/s milked, milk produced, and butter XXII Whole milk and cream sold XXII Sows and gilts farrowing XXII Sheep, lambs, and wool XXII Goats and mohair XXII Bees and honey XXII Value of livestock on farms XXII Sales of live animals XXII Sales of poultry and poultry products XXIII Classification of Farms Scope of classification XXIII Farms by size XXIII Farms by color of operator XXIII Farms by tenure of operator XXIII Farms by economic class XXIII Farms by type XXIV Value of farm products sold XXV (V) VI CONTENTS Chapter A— STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table— Page 1 Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 3 2 Farms and farm acreage according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 A 3. — Farms and farm acreage, by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 6 4. — Farm operators by color, age, residence, and off -farm work; and equipment and facilities on farms : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 7 5. — Specified farm expenditures and farm labor : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 8 6. — Livestock and poultry on farms, number and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 9 7 Livestock and livestock and poultry products sold: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 10 8. — Farms reporting, acreage, quantity harvested, and sales of crops: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 11 9 Nursery, greenhouse, and forest products: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 16 10 Characteristics of places not counted as farms because of change in definition of farm: 1959 17 11 Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 17 12. — Farms reporting classified by number of livestock on farms and by quantity of livestock and livestock and poultry products sold : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 18 13 Farms reporting classified by acres harvested, quantity harvested, and quantity sold for selected crops : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 19 14 Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by economic class of farm. Census of 1959 22 15. — Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by type of farm. Census of 1959 24 16. — Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by size of farm. Census of 1959 25 17. — Farms and farm characteristics by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 28 18 — Farms and farm characteristics of commercial farms by type of farm by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 38 19 Farms and farm characteristics by type of farm: Census of 1959 58 20. — Farms and farm characteristics by size of farm: Census of 1959 68 21. — Farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator: Census of 1959 78 22 — Cash rent paid by cash tenants and share-cash tenants by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 108 23 — Sampling reliability of estimated totals for county and State by number of farms reporting, by levels 108 24 — Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated county and State totals for specified items 109 Chapter B— STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table— 1 — Farms, acreage, and value : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 112 2 — Number of farms, land in farms, and cropland harvested, by size of farm: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 117 3.— Farms and farm acreage by tenure of operator: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 122 4. — Characteristics of commercial farms. Census of 1959 127 5 — Farms reporting by off -farm work; and farms by tenure of operator, type of farm, economic class of farm, and value of farm products sold , by source : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 132 6. — Equipment and facilities on farms and farm labor : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 137 7.— Use of fertilizer and lime on farms and farm expenditures: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 142 8. — livestock and poultry on farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 147 9 — Livestock and livestock products sold from farms and litters farrowed: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 152 10 — Dairy products and poultry and poultry products sold from farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 157 11 — Farms reporting acreage and quantity of crops harvested : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 160 12 — Nursery and greenhouse products and forest products cut on farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 180 APPENDIX The 1959 Census of Agriculture Questionnaire 186 Enumerator ' s Record Book 190 Index to tables 192 INTRODUCTION (VII) > eZ c o z § >r I— ** 3 o o INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE History of the Census. — -The 1959 Census is the 17th nationwide agricultural census. The first agricultural census was taken in 18-10, at the same time as the Sixth Decennial Census of Popu- lation. From 1850 to 1920, an agricultural census was taken every 10 years. With increased application of scientific findings and the growing use of mechanization in agriculture, farming practices were changing so rapidly that facts collected at 10-year Intervals were no longer adequate. Aware of the need for more accurate and timely information, the Congress in 1909 (36 stat. 10, sec. 31, provided for a census to be taken in 1915 and every 10 years thereafter which was to be in addition to the census of agriculture to be taken at the time of the decennial census of population. The 1915 census was not taken, however, because of the abnormal conditions created by World War I. Beginning with 1920, a national agricultural census has been taken every 5 years. Legal Basis for the Censns.^The 1959 Census of Agriculture was authorized by an Act of Congress, as were all prior censuses of agriculture. "Title 13, United States Code-Census," codified in August 19.54, and amended in August 1957 and September 1960, Is now the legal basis for censuses of agriculture and other cen- su.ses, and surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agriculture. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning in the month of October 1959, and In the same month of every fifth year thereafter, take a census of agriculture, provided that the censuses directed to be taken In October 1959 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken instead in conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relates to the decennial cen- suses of population, unemployment, and housing to be taken as of the first day of April of each decennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title 13, the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties imposed upon him by this title" to the Director of the Bureau of the Census. Pretest of the 1959 Census. — A "pretest" of the field procedures of the 1959 Census of Agriculture was conducted in 17 counties of the United States during the fall of 1958. The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a measure of the effective- ness of the questions and procedures planned for the 1959 nationwide census. Three versions of the agriculture question- naire— the first one for Northern States, the second for Southern States, and the third for Western States — were used In the pre- test Each version contained questions appropriate to the type of agriculture in the part of the country where it was used. All major aspects of field forms and procedures, from the hiring and training of crew leaders and enumerators to actpal interviews with farm operators, were given a "trial run" in each of the 17 counties. Preliminary versions of reporting forms, maps, pay- roll records, training guides, and instruction manuals were sub- jected to actual use under conditions simulating those expected in the nationwide enumeration conducted in the fall of 1959. In making final preparations for the 1959 census, the staff of the Bureau drew heavily on the results of the pretest, as well as on experience gained from previous censuses. Training Program for Personnel for Dnnmeration. — Every per- son hired to do work in connection with the 1959 Census of Agri- culture received specialized training for his Job. Staff mem- 863128—60 bers of the Washington and Regional OflSces of the Bureau and of the U.S. Department of Agriculture trained approximately 110 agriculture field assistants and 2,100 crew leaders. The crew leaders, in turn, trained and supervised approximately 30,000 enumerators. All training was presented according to procedures contained in various guides and manuals prepared by the Bureau. The training program included filmstrips, map-reading, practice interviewing, and practice filling of questionnaires and other census forms. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas in which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. Enumeration Period. — The actual enumeration In the conter- minous United States (see page XIV) started at dates varying from October 7 to November 18, 1959. In general, starting dates were based upon regional variations in harvesting seasons and on weather conditions. The primary aim was to have the enumeration late enough to follow the harvesting of the bulk of important crops and early enough to precede the advent of winter weather with the attending unfavorable travel conditions. The hulk of the enumeration work was completed within three to four weeks after the starting date. In Hawaii, the enumera- tion was made during the months of December 1959 and January 1960; and in Alaska, during April 1960. Enumeration starting dates for the censuses of 1959 and 1954 are given in State table 11, together with figures showing the percentage of farms enumerated in the State during weekly pe- riods. The average enumeration date for the 1959 census for each county is given in county table 6. Data for inventory items — land In farms, machinery and equip- ment, livestock, and poultry — relate to the situation at the actual time of enumeration of each individual farm. Data for acres, production, and sales of crops relate generally to the crops har- vested during the crop year 1959, regardless of whether and when they were sold while data for sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year 1959. Since the enumera- tion was made before the end of 1959, special emphasis was placed upon the Inclusion of estimates for crops yet to be sold and for livestock and livestock products expected to be sold in the period from the time of enumeration to the end of the cal- endar year. Instructions on the questionnaire and the wording of questions were designed to assure that full crop-year or calendar-year data would be reported. For example, "How much of this year's crop was or will be sold?" ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization.— Section 5 of Title 13 of the United States Code authorizes the preparation of forms and questionnaires used In the census. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall prepare schedules, and shall determine the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title." The Agriculture Questionnaire. — The questionnaire for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was prepared by the staff of the Bureau. Selection of the inquiries was based on the results of the 1958 pretest and experience gained in earlier censuses. Careful con- sideration was given to such factors as the current availability UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 of data from other sources, the possibility of obtaining data by methods other than a census, the adequacy of the data that might be obtained, and the need for and usefulness of the data. Two committees gave advice and counsel to the Bureau. One of these, a Special Advisory Committee, was composed of members desig- nated by the organizations they represented, following an invita- tion from the Director of the Bureau of the Census to name a representative to serve in an advisory capacity. The Special Advisory Committee for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was made up of one representative from each of the following : Agri- cultural Publishers Association, American Association of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Farm Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Farm Equipment Institute, National As- sociation of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agri- culture, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers' Union, National Grange, Rural Sociological Society, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A representative of the Bureau of the Budget was in attendance at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Because of the special interest of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture in censuses of agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Census sought the continuous cooperation of that organiza- tion in developing plans, questionnaires, and procedures for the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Working Groups were established in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make recommendations for the following general subjects : Tenure, Land Values, and Mortgage Debt Land Use and Conservation and Production Practices Field Crops Fruits and Vegetables Forest Products Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Income and Expenditure (including Contractual Operations) Farm Labor Equipment and Facilities (including Structures) Each Working Group had the responsibility for ascertaining the U.S. Department of Agriculture's need for data in the field covered by its "terms of reference" and for presenting recom- mendations to a small Joint Committee comprising representa- tives of both the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Joint Committee received written recom- mendations from each Working Group. The Chairman of each Group appeared before the Joint Committee as did any member of the Working Group who was needed to present supplemental information of a specialized nature. Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire, State Agricul- tural Colleges and other major users of census data were invited to suggest inquiries for the enumeration. Each member of the Special Advisory Committee had the opportunity and the respon- sibility for channeling in suggestions from the organization he represented. The number of inquiries submitted from all sources greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census, from the point of view of cost, of the respondent's time and patience, and of practical value to the majority of users of data. The final selection included 316 questions, some of which con- sisted of several parts, for the 48 States comprising the con- terminous United States. Although each of the 316 questions was asked in one or more of the 48 States, considerably less than this total was asked in any one State because of the use of "State" questionnaires. Moreover, about 50 questions out of the total were asked of approximately one-fifth of all farm operators in the State. The number of questions ranged from 159 on the questionnaire for Maine to 194 on the questionnaire for Cali- fornia. In all, 38 versions of the questionnaire — one for each State or combination of adjoining States and two for Texas — were used for the 1959 census in the conterminous United States as compared with 21 versions in 1954 and 41 in 1950. A separate version was used in Alaska and another in Hawaii. Differences in the questionnaires were designed to account for regional and local differences in agriculture. Most, but not all, of the differences related to crops. The use of State ques- tionnaires made possible the inclusion of separate inquiries for all important crops grown within a State and, at the same time, a reduction in the total number of inquiries for a State. Questions that did not apply, to any considerable degree, to a particular State were omitted from the questionnaire used In that State. For example, separate questions about citrus fruits were omitted from all questionnaires except for the few States where citrus fruits are grown. An added advantage of State questionnaires was that production and sales data could be asked In the unit of measure most commonly used by the farmers in each State. Regional variation in the number and type of ques- tions is an Important provision of the census for obtaining com- plete coverage of agricultural operations. About 2 weeks before the start of the enumeration, agricul- ture questionnaires were mailed to most households in rural areas. A letter was attached to each questionnaire asking the farm operator to fill the questionnaire and to give It to the enu- merator when he called. The purpose of this procedure was to save time and money In taking the census and to improve the quality of the information given by farm operators. By having the questionnaire ahead of time, the farmer could determine what information would be required and could check his records in advance of the enumerator's visit. It was, however, the respon- sibility of the enumerator to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each place which qualified. If the questionnaire had been filled out by the farm operator, the enumerator was instructed to examine the questionnaire for completeness and accuracy and, if need be, to give the farmer such help as might be necessary. Agricultural Operations. — The training of enumerators stressed the concept that a census of agriculture Is a census of agricultural operations rather than a census of farms. This concept was in- tended to assure a complete agricultural census free of any per- sonal judgment by enumerators as to what constitutes a farm. In accordance with clearly defined procedures, an enumerator was required to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each person who had charge of one or more agricultural operations, whether or not he considered himself to be a farm operator. For enu- meration purposes, it was considered that there were agricul- tural operations on a place if, at any time In 1959 — a. Any livestock (hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, or mules) were kept on the place. b. A combined total of 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and ducks were kept on the place. c. Any grain, hay, tobacco, or other field crojs were grown on the place. d. A combined total of 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and nut trees were on the place. e. Any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products were grown on the place for sale. As a result of the requirement that all places having agri- cultural operations be enumerated, more questionnaires were obtained than are included in the tabulations for farms. During the oflBce processing operations that followed the completion of enumeration, criteria were applied to the questionnaires .to sort out for tabulation those that represented farms according to the census definition of a farm (see page XIV). Enumeration Assignments and Enumeration Districts. — To as- sure a complete enumeration within the time allotted, the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) was divided into 29,374 Enumeration Assignments, or EA's. Each EA comprised an INTRODUCTION XI area that one enumerator could reasonably be expected to canvass within a 3- to 4-week period, as indicated by performance rec- ords from the 1954 census. Each EA was made up of one or more Enumeration Dis- tricts, or "ED'S," as the geographic unit for enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, the ED's were classified into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms, as indicated by the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the 1950 Census of Population and Housing, current population esti- mates, and highway maps showing culture which were basic to establishing the boundaries of each assignment. Through the use of different canvassing procedures for each group of ED's, the Bureau was able to reduce the cost of enumeration without running any material risk of missing any farms or other places with agricultural operations. The ED groupings and canvassing procedures are described below. Oroup I Enumeration Districts. — In general, ED's with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open- country areas and comprise Group I. For each ED of Group I, in his Enumeration Assignment, the enumerator was required to list in his Record Book the name of every head of household living in the ED and also the name of every person not living in the ED who had agricultural operations there. There were approximately 20,7.^1 ED's in Group I for the 1959 Census. Group II Enumeration Districts. — Rural ED's in which the number of dwellings was large in relation to the number of farms were considered to be in Group 11. For each ED, In Group II, the enumerator was required to list the head of the household for all dwellings in the ED except for those on less than one acre of ground in built-up residential areas of 50 or more dwellings. He was also required to determine, by obser- vation or local inquiry, whether there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations In the built-up areas and, if so, to obtain an agriculture questionnaire. There were approximately 7,979 ED's in Group II. Group III Enumeration Districts. — Most Incorporated places and unincorporated villaRfs having approximately 150 or more dwellings were designated as separate ED's and are classified as Group III. Also, most ED's in counties around large metro- politan areas were designated as Group III Ed's. Prior to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, places enumerated In these areas during the 1954 Census of Agriculture were listed in the Enumerator's Record Book. The enumerator was required to visit and enumerate or otherwise account for each place listed in his Record Book. In addition, he was instriicted to ask at each of these [duces if there were any farui.s or other places with agricultural operations in the Enumeration District, and. If so, to add them to his list and enumerate them. There were ap- proximately 15,836 Group III ED's In 1959. According to the 1954 Census, these ED's contained 380,575 farms. A few enumeration districts that comprised Incorporated places or that were within an incorporated city were classified as Group I or Group II because they had a large number of farms. A few others, comprising extensive rural districts requiring con- siderable travel, were classified as Group III because they had only a small number of farms. Enumerator's Record Book. — Each enumerator received one or more Record Books containing a listing form for use during canvassing. (See appendix for facsimile of one page of list- ing form Included In Enumerator's Record Book.) The lines on the listing form were numbered In consecutive order. Ex- cept as otherwise prescribed for Group II and Group III ED's, the enumerator listed in his Record Book the name of each head of household living In his assigned area and also the name of each person not living in his area who had agricultural opera- tions there. As he made his listing, he also asked the questions about agricultural operations that were printed on the listing form. Answers to these questions determined, for the enumerator, whether or not an agriculture questionnaire was required for the person listed and, if so, whether he or some other enumerator was responsible for getting it. Thus, the Record Book served as an important aid to the enumerator in securing complete cov- erage of all agricultural operations within his area. At the same time, it helped to prevent enumeration of the same place by two or more enumerators. Enumeration Haps. — As a second aid to getting complete cover- age, each enumerator received a map or, in a few exceptional cases, a brief written description of the area assigned to him for enumeration. He was required to plan and follow an orderly route of enumeration within the boundaries of his assigned area in accordance with established canvassing procedures. As the enumerator listed a place In his Record Book, he indicated its location by copying onto his map the number of the line on which he listed it. This numbering system indicated the enumerator's route of travel, and helped both the enumerator and his crew leader to determine the extent of coverage of the enumerator's assignment at any given time. Lists of Special and Large Farms. — Prior to the enumeration, a card list of "special and large farms" was prepared on the basis of records obtained from the 1954 census and from Federal and State agricultural agencies. In general, "special and large farms" fell into one of three categories: (1) farms having unusually large acreages, livestock inventories, or annual sales as indi- cated by available records; (2) farms known to be specializing In such operations as broiler production, turkey growing, feed lots, nursery or greenhouse production, cranberry bogs, citrus groves, etc.; (3) farms that might easily be overlooked because they had absentee operators or were not locally thought of as farms, such as institutions, Indian reservations, grazing associa- tions, etc. Enumerators were given the cards for the special and large farms within their assignment areas to use as aids to obtaining complete coverage. Generally, the cards provided insurance against the omission of farming units that could have a signifi- cant effect on the totals for a given county or State. The enu- merator was Instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each special or large farm in his area or to write an explana- tion on the card as to why an agriculture questionnaire was not required on the basis of 1959 operations. The crew leader had a duplicate set of cards for use In checking enumeration coverage. Landlord-Tenant ftuestionnalre. — As in several previous cen- suses, a special landlord-tenant questlomiaire was used in some parts of the South as a supplement to the agriculture question- naire. Its purpose was to help the enumerator get complete and accurate coverage of individually operated tracts of land that were actually part of one operating unit under the control of one landlord. To accomplish this purpose, the enumerator was required to fill a landlord-tenant questionnaire for each landlord who had any land worked on shares. The entries made in this questionnaire included the name of each sharecropper, tenant, or renter ; the amount of land assigned to each ; and the acreage and quantity of crops harvested on shares. By checking these entries against the agriculture questionnaires obtained for the individual operators, the enumerator and the Central Office could verify that each part of the operating unit controlled by the landlord was enumerated and that It was enumerated only once. The landlord- tenant questionnaire was used in 386 counties In the 1959 census as compared with approximately 900 counties In 1954. Township Sketch Map. — In some areas of the Great Plains, a considerable portion of land Is farmed by nonresident operators — that is, by persons who do not live on the land they operate or who live on it only during part of the year. Enumerators In these areas used a special mapping form, the Township Sketch, In addition to their enumeration maps as an aid to obtaining com- plete coverage. Each township included on the sketch was identified by township and range number and was divided into 144 small squares. In a standard section of 640 acres, each square represented a quarter section of land, or 160 acres. .As the enumerator canvassed his assignment area, he indicated the acreage and location of each farm, ranch, and tract of nonfarm XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 land by drawing its boundaries on the sketch. He also used a simple numbering system as a cross reference between the agri- cultural land identified on the sketch and the questionnaire on which it was reported. The Township Sketch was used in all counties of North Dakota and South Dakota and In selected counties of Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Field Review of Enumerator's Work.— In the 1959 census, greater emphasis was placed on a detailed review of enumerators' work during enumeration than had been the case in previous censuses. The objective was to detect and correct enumeration errors as early as possible in order to achieve and maintain a high quality of individual performance. Starting on the first day of enumeration and continuing throughout the enumeration period, each crew leader was instructed to make regular and frequent visits to his enumerators. At each visit, he was to follow a clearly defined procedure for observing the enumerator's conduct of interviews and for checking his listings, maps, ques- tionnaires, and other forms for accuracy and completeness. As an aid to checking coverage and enumerator eflBclency, the crew leader was given a list containing estimates, based on the 1954 census, of the number of questionnaires required in each enumeration assignment area within his district, and of the mileage and time required to obtain those questionnaires. SAMPLING Use of Sampling.— In the 1959 census, as in several previous censuses, sampling was used in two ways : for enumeration and for tabulation. Sampling in enumeration consisted of the col- lection of information about the items Included in sections IX through XV of the questionnaire for only a sample of farms. The "sample" items relate to sales of dairy products and sales of livestock, use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, equipment and facilities, rental agreements, farm values, and farm mortgage debt. The same sample of farms was used for tabulations by type of farm and by economic class of farm and for many of those by size of farm and by color and tenure of operator. Description of the Sample. — The sample used for the 1959 Census of Agriculture consisted of all farms with a total area of 1,000 or more acres or with estimated sales of $100,000 or more in 1950, and approximately 20 percent of all other farms. Farms with 1,000 or more acres were universally Included in the sample during enumeration. As the enumerator filled the questionnaire, he determined the number of "acres in this place" (see question 7 of the agriculture questionnaire). If the acreage amounted to 1,000 or more he was required to fill sections IX through XV of the questionnaire. Farms with less than 1,000 acres, with esti- mated sales of $100,000 or more, were included in the sample during the office processing. For these farms the information for sections IX through XV was obtained by mall. The selection of farms of less than 1,000 acres for inclusion in the sample was made during enumeration, according to the fol- lowing procedure : As the enumerator determined that he was required to obtain a questionnaire, he assigned a number to it, whether or not he was able to obtain the questionnaire on his first visit. He assigned numbers in consecutive order, beginning with "1" for the first questionnaire required in each enumera- tion district within his area. He was instructed to fill sections IX through XV on all questionnaires for which the assigned number ended in "2" or "7" (i.e. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc.). Adjustment of the Sample. — An adjustment in the part of the sample that was comprised of farms of less than 1,000 acres Jind with estimated sales of less than $100,000 was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms In the sample by size of farm. The purpose of this adjustment was to Improve the reliability of the estimates based on the sample and to reduce the effects of possible biases introduced by enumerators who de- viated from the prescribed procedure for selecting the sample farms. The adjustment procedure was carried out for "blocks" of counties, each consisting of from one to ten counties In a State. To adjust the sample, separate counts were made for each county, and for the block of counties of all farms and of farms in the sample for each of 10 slze-of-farm groups based on the "acres in this place" (question 7). The 10 slze-of-farm groups were as follows : under 10 acres, 10 to 49 acres, 50 to 69 acres, 70 to 99 acres, 100 to 139 acres, 140 to 179 acres, 180 to 219 acres, 220 to 259 acres, 260 to 499 acres, and 500 to 999 acres. Farms of less than 1,000 acres, but with value of sales of $100,000 or more, were excluded from these counts. For each slze-of-farm group, the number of farms In the sample for the block of counties was adjusted to make it equal or approximately equal to the total number of farms divided by five. This was accomplished for each group by the elimination or duplication on a random basis, of farms in those counties where the difference between the actual proportion In the sample and the expected 20 percent was in the same direction as the difference for the block of counties. Estimation of Totals for the Sample. — For the items Included in the sample part of the questionnaire (sections IX through XV ) , estimated totals for all farms were derived from the tabu- lated totals for the farms in the adjusted sample. First, Item-by- item totals, as tabulated for that part of the sample comprising farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000, were multiplied by 5. These estimated item-by- item totals were then added to the corresponding Item totals, as tabulated, for all farms of 1,000 acres and over and farms with estimated sales of $100,000 and over. The resulting values represent the estimated totals for all farms. Presentation of Sample Data. — In tables where a small amount of data based on the sample farms is presented together with data for all farms, the data based on the sample are printed In italics. Other tables contain headnotes explaining that most of the data are estimates based on reports for only a sample of farms. Reliability of Estimates. — The estimated totals for all farms of the items enumerated for only the sample farms are subject to sampling errors. The estimated totals obtained by making tabulations for only the farms included In the sample are also subject to sampling errors. State tables 23 and 24 contain ap- proximate measures of the sampling reliability of the estimates for numbers of farms reporting and for item totals. While these measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estimates, they do not completely reflect errors arising from sources other than sampling ; for example, errors in the original data reported by farmers. Errors arising from sources other than sampling may, in some Instances, be relatively more important than sampling variation, especially for county totals. The general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals may be determined from the data in State tables 23 and 24. State table 24 contains a list of items, together with a figure for each item indicating one of the four levels of sampling reliability that are presented in State table 23. For each item the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be de- termined from State table 23, in the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State table 24. To determine the sampling reliability for any Item, reference must be made to State table 24 to find out which of the four levels of sampling reliability given in State table 23 should be used, and also the appropriate county or State table to obtain the number of farms reporting the Item. INTRODUCTION xin As explained in State table 23, the level of sampling reliability designated as level 1 should always be used to determine the sampling reliability of estimated numbers of farms or of farms reporting. State table 23 shows percentage limits such that chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference between an estimate based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation of all farms would l>e no more than the percentage specified for the estimated number of farms reporting that item. The chances are about 99 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 2*^ times the percentage specified. As indicated by the percentages in State table 23, the smaller the number of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error In the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail Is presented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, inorder to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report Per- centages and averages that may be derived from the tables will generally have greater relative reliability than the corresponding estimated totals. However, significant patterns of relationships may be observed in the estimated totals even though the indi- vidual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample of farms for the 1954 census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 1959. Therefore, State tables 23 and 24 may also be u.sed to determine the sampling errors for the 1954 data. Differencea In Data Betulting From Differences in Tabnlating Procedures. — Many of the figures in the detailed Stale tables rep- resent estimates obtained by tabulating only the sample farms. The totals for these detailed distributions will generally differ somewhat from totals presented in other tables obtained from different distributions which were tabulated on a 100 percent basis. Moreover, although most of the figures presented by coun- ties were obtained from tabulations of all farms, the data in county table 4 for commercial farms, and all of the data in the county tables on dairy products and livestock sold, fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, facilities and equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The State totals in the county tables for these items, though based also on the sample, were obtained in a different series of tabulating runs, and so may differ slightly from totals presented in some State tables. For reasons of economy the sample distributions were not adjusted to the 100 percent totals even when such totals were available, nor were slight discrepan- cies resulting from different runs of the sample data always rec- onciled unless the differences were large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of Enumeration. — As an enumerator completed his assignment, he turned the portfolio containing questionnaires and other census materials over to his crew leader. After making a final review of the enumerator's work, the crew leader mailed the portfolio to the Agriculture Processing Office at Parsons, Kansas. There, each enumerator portfolio was thoroughly checked for completeness of all required forms and for correct application of the sampling procedure. Editing of Qaestlonnairei. — Each agriculture questionnaire was individually edited and coded t>efore the Information was trans- ferred to punch cards and tabulated. As the first major step In the editing process, questionnaires that did not represent farms according to the census definition were withdrawn from fur- ther processing. (Se^ p. XIV.) As the second major step, the remaining questionnaires were examined for errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. Among the specific Items subjected to con- sistency checks were the following : a. Total acreage compared with its distribution by use. b. Acreage of individual crops harvested compared with total cropland harvested. c. Irrigated acreage compared with total acres in the farm. d. Total acreage of individual crops for all purposes compared with the acreage harvested for specific purposes. e. Quantity of crojxs harvested in relation to acreage harvested. f. Sales In relation to production and, for livestock, to inven- tories. g. Total livestock compared with the inventory by age and sex. h. Expenditures compared with production and inventories. Obvious errors in calculations or in units of measure, and misplaced entries were corrected as they were found. Entries not clearly legible were rewritten. Many omissions or incon- sistencies were disregarded during editing. Those of significant magnitude could be and were handled more efliciently and eco- nomically during mechanical processing operations. Question- naires containing major inconsistencies and omissions were re- ferred to members of the technical staff for review. Depending on the magnitude of the data involved, the technical staff cor- rected (or supervised the correction of) the questionnaires either on the basis of information reported for other farms of similar tyi)e in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived in response to letters directed to the farm operators. Coding of Qaestionnalrei. — Most of the numerical information on a questionnaire was self-coding in that the inquiry number was utilized for tlie item identification on punch cards or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was also neces- sary for such Items as irrigated crops for selected States, crops infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for individual items. All farms were coded by size of farm in terms of total acreage, by race, and by tenure of operator. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii were also coded on the basis of irrigated cropland and irrigated pasture. Additional codes were applied to all farms included in the sample to classify them by type of farm and by total value of agricultural products sold. Individual items were coded only where reports were received for crops or poultry not covered by separate inquiries on the questionnaire. This coding was necessary to assure inclusion of the data in the appropriate farm product totals. Tabulation of Data. — After the questionnaires were edited and coded, the information on them was punched on cards. The cards were then mechanically sorted and fed Into machines which transferred the data to tabulation sheets. One of the initial and primary steps in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate and list those cards which lacked necessary in- formation, those which contained inconsistent or Impossible data, and those on which the data were possible but of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was war- ranted. The listing sheets were examined and, as necessary, the cards were corrected. When the cards for a particular county were considered satisfactory, the data were tabulated. Subject-matter sijeclalists of the Bureau and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture examined all tabulations for reasonableness and consistency. As necessary, they made corrections on the basis of a further review and reappraisal of the original reports and verification of the editing, coding, and punching. XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS statistical Content of This Report.— This report is part of Vol- ume I of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Volume I consists of 54 parts, each part containing information about agriculture for a single State, Commonwealth, or Possession. Each part con- tains county data for that particular State or area. The term "county," as used in this report embraces election districts in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, municipios (municipalities) in Puerto Rico, etc. The statistics for 1959 were obtained from the Census of Agriculture taken in the "conterminous United States" (see following paragraph), Hawaii, and Puerto Rico during the period October 1959 to January 1960 and in Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, and Virgin Islands as of April 1, 1960. Compara- tive data for years prior to 1959 were obtained from earlier censuses. In the planning of the publications for the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing and the 1959 Census of Agriculture, the term "conterminous United States," recommended by the Board of Geographic Names to designate the 48-State area as it ex- isted before Alaska and Hawaii became States, was adopted by the Bureau of the Census. The definitions and explanations in this introduction for vol- ume I generally have application broad enough to include the States of Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the island possessions. However, specific application in many Instances may be limited to the conterminous United States ; for example, references to earlier censu.ses, to the sam- pling naethods and procedures, to specific sections or questions on the questionnaires, and to specific table numbers. For each part of.volume I (one part for each State or area), a facsimile of the appropriate questionnaire is reproduced in the appendix. The statistics for States and counties are presented according to the same general plan as was followed in the volume I re- ports for the 1954 and the 1950 censuses. State and county totals are given for nearly all items for which information was ob- tained in the 1959 census. However, most of the data by eco- nomic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are given only for States. Comparative data for the States are given for each census year beginning with 1920. Comparative data for counties are given for the years 1959 and 1954. For some items, the data obtained from the 1959 census are the only ones available. For comparative purposes 1950 data are carried in county table 6 for the kind of road on which farms were located. Comparability of Data. — The data obtained from the various censuses of agriculture are not strictly comparable for all Items. For example, differences from one census to another in the time of enumeration, the wording of the questions, and the definition of a farm cause some lack of comparability. Differences con- sidered to have a significant effect on the comparability of data are described in the text and/or mentioned in footnotes to the tables. Uinor Civil Divisions. — As in prior censuses, data for most of the items included In the 1959 Census of Agriculture were tabu- lated for minor civil divisions. The term "minor civil division" applies to the primary subdivision of a county into smaller geo- graphic areas such as townships, precincts, districts, wards, beats, municipalities, etc. Figures for these smaller geographic areas are not included in any of the published reports, but they may be supplied upon request and payment of the costs of com- piling and checking the data. Prior to the 1954 Census, an enumeration assignment did not include more than one minor civil division, even in cases where the township, precinct, etc., did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. In 1954, and again in 1959, the aim was to make enumeration assignments large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a 3- to 4-week period. Hence, in some areas, two or more adjoining minor civil divisions were combined into one enumeration assignment. An enumeration assignment never comprised the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another, nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division that included too many farms for one enumerator to cover during the enumeration period was divided into two or more enumeration assignments. In some cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a single minor civil division, even when such totals required a grouping of enumeration assignments. In other cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a combination of two or more adjoining minor civil divisions. The data for each individual minor civil division included in such totals can be tab- ulated separately, however, since each questionnaire obtained in the census contains the designation of the minor civil division in which the farm headquarters was located. An additional charge must be made for a separate tabulation of any small area in- cluded in a total for two or more combined minor civil divisions. Requests for census information for minor civil divisions should be directed to the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive Summary and References. — The definitions And ex- planations that follow relate only to those items that are con- sidered to be inadequately described in the tables where they appear. Although the descriptive terms and explanations refer specifically to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, many of them also apply to earlier censuses. Most of the definitions consist of a r(?sum6 of the questionnaire wording, supplemented by excerpts from Ins'^ructions given to enumerators. For exact wording of the questions and of the Instructions included on the question- naire, see the facsimile of the 1959 Agriculture Questionnaire in the appendix of this report. An analysis of the questions asked in the 1959 census, and of the data obtained, is given in Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General Farm Information Census Definition of a Farm. — For the 1959 Census of Agricul- ture, the definition of a farm was based primarily on a combina- tion of "acres in the place" and the estimated value of agricultural products sold. The word "place" was defined to include all land on which agricultural operations were conducted at any time in 1959 under the control or supervision of one person or partnership. (For definition of "agricultural operations", see p. X.) Control may have been exercised through ownership or management, or through a lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Places of less than 10 acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $250. Places of 10 or more acres in 19.59 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $50. Places having less than the $50 or $250 minimum estimated sales in 1959 were also counted as farms if they could normally be exi)ected to produce agricultural products in sufficient quantity to meet the requirements of the definition. This additional qualification resulted in the inclusion as farms of some places engaged in farming operations for the first time in 1959 and places affected by crop failure or other unusual conditions. To avoid biases arising from an enumerator's i)ersonal judg- ment and opinion, the Bureau did not give enumerators the defini- INTRODUCTION XV tion of a farm. Instead, enmnerators were instructed to obtain questionnaires for all places considered farms by their operators and for all other places that had one or more agricultural oi)era- tions. (See "Agricultural Operations", p. X.) In 1954, enumer- ators were instructed to till questionnaires on the same basis as in 1959. In 1950, agricultural operations were defined to include every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not the operator con- sidered it a farm, and every place having "specialized operations", regardless of the acreage. "Specialized operations" referred to nurseries and greenhouses and to places having 100 or more poultry, production of 300 or more dozen eggs in 1949, or 3 or more hives of bees. In all of the three last censuses, as a result, questionnaires were filled for a considerable number of places that did not qualify as farms. The determination as to which questionnaires represented farms was made during ofl5ce process- ing operations and only those questionnaires meeting the criteria for a farm were Included in the tabulations. For both the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale but ex- clusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. A few places with very low agricultural production because of unusual circumstances, such as crop failure, were also counted as farms if they normally could have been expected to meet the minimum value or sales criteria. In the censuses from 1925 to 1945, enumerators were given a definition of "farm" and were instructed to obtain reports only for those places which met the criteria. According to this defini- tion, farms included all places of 3 or more acres, regardle.ss of the quantity or value of agricultural production, and places of less than 3 acres if the value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale, amounted to $250 or more. Because of changes in price level, the $250 minimum resulted in the in- clusion of varying numbers of farms of less than 3 acres in the several censuses taken during this period. Generally, the only reports excluded from tabulation were those taken in error ahd those showing very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more were tabulated only if at least 3 acres were in cropland and/or pasture or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to at least $150. The decrease In the number of farms in 1950 and 1954, as com- pared with earlier censuses, was partly due to the change in farm definition, especially with respect to farms of 3 or more acres in size. Some of the places of 3 or more acres that were not counted as farms in 1950 and 1954 because the value of their agricultural production was less than $150 would have qualified as farms If the criteria had been the same as In earlier censuses. For 1959, the decrease in the number of farms as compared with all prior censuses resulted partly from the change in farm definition. The fact that sales of agricultural products In 1959 was used resulted In the exclusion of some places that would have qualified as farms had the value of agricultural products alone been considered. The Increase in the acreage minimum also had an effect The reduction In the number of farms due to change In definition, 1954 to 1959, Is shown for each county In county table 1. Some characteristics of the places not counted as farms in 1959, but which would have been included in 1954, are shown In State table 10. The change In farm definition made In 1950 and again in 1959 had no appreciable effect on the totals for livestock or crops because the places affected by the change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the totals for a given county or State. For the States that comprise the conterminous United States, two figures are published for each county on the number of farms in 1959. One is an actual count of all farms and the other is an estimate based on the number of farms included in the sample. For almost every county there is a difference between the actual number of farms and the estimated number of farms. Because of sampling procedure and sampling variability, the number of farms in the sample seldom agrees exactly with the actual num- ber of farms. For most counties, the actual number of farms in the sample was either more or less than precisely 20 percent of all farms. Similarly, totals estimated on the basis of data for the sample farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the actual totals that would have been obtained had the data been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, the estimated number of farms reporting certain items may, in some instances, be greater than the total number of farms shown in county table 1. However, the estimated number of farms is given in county tables 5 and 6 so that estimates based on the sample farms may be related to the estimated rather than the actual number of farms. Farm Operator. — The term "farm operator" is used to designate a person who operates a farm, either doing the work himself or directly supervising the work. He may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he is considered as operator only of the land which he retains for his own operation. In the case of a partner- ship, only one partner is counted as an operator. The number of farm operators is considered to be the same as the number of farms. Farms Reporting or Operators Reporting. — Figures for fnrms re- porting or operators reporting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or operators, for which the speci- fied item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms In a eoimty and only 1,465 had chickens 4 months old and over on hand at the time of enumeration, the numl)er of farms reporting chickens would be shown as 1,465. The difference be- tween the total number of farms and the number of farms re- porting a particular item represents the number of farms not having that item, provided a correct report was received for all farms. Where applicable, figures may be given for the number of farms or operators not reporting items that were Intended to be ob- tained for all farms ; for example, residence of farm operator. State table 4. The number not reiwrting, as compared with the total number of farms or operators, indicates the extent of incompleteness of the reporting of the data for the Item. land Area. — The approximate total land area of States and counties as reported for 1959 is, in general, the same as that re- ported for all censuses beginning with 1940. Such differences as are shown reflect i)oIitical changes in boundaries or actual changes in land area cau.sed by changes in the number or size of reser- voirs, lakes, streams, etc. For Alaska, the areas for election districts represent the gross area of land and water. land In Farms. — Except for managed farm.s, the land to be in- cluded in each farm was determined from the answers to ques- tions about the number of acres owned, the number of acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the number of acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres owned and the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others were first added together and then the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others were subtracted. The re- sult represented the number of acres in the farm. The number of acres in a managed farm was the difference between the total land managed and that part of the managed land that was rented to others or worked on shares by others. In the 1959, 1954, and 1950 censuses, enumerators were in- structed to record total figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others, including any part of the land that was rented to others. In censuses prior to 1950, enu- XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 merators were instructed to exclude all land rented to others and to record only that portion of the acreage owned, rented from others, or managed for others that was retained by the farm op- erator. Thus, the figures for the individual tenures of land are not entirely comparable for all censuses. However, the land in- cluded in each farm was determined on essentially the same basis for all censuses. The acreage designated in the tables as "land in farms" consists primarily of "agricultural" land — that is, land used for crops and pasture or grazing. It also includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation nor used for pasture or graz- ing. For example, the entire acreage of woodland and wasteland owned or rented by farm operators is included as land in farms, unless it was being held for nonagricultural purposes or unless the acreage was unusually large. For 1959 and 1954, if a place had 1,000 or more acres of woodland not pastured and wasteland, and if less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was used for agricultural purposes, the acreage of woodland not pas- tured and wasteland was reduced to equal the acreage used for agriculture. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of woodland not pastured and wasteland differed slightly from the one used in 1959 and 1954. In 1950, adjustments were made In places of 1,000 or more acres (5,000 or more in the 17 Western States ) , if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under government permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms provided the place of which it was a part was a farm. Grazing land operated by Grazing Associations was to be reported in the name of the person chiefly responsible for conducting the business of the Association. Land used rent free was to be reported as land rented from others. All land in Indian reservations that was used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be in- cluded. Land in Indian reservations that was not reported by Individual Indians and that was not rented to non-Indians was to be reported in the name of the cooperative group that used the land. In some instances, an entire Indian reservation was re- ported as one farm. Land owned. — All land that the operator and/or his wife held under title, purchase contract, homestead law, or as heir or trustee of an undivided estate at the time of enumeration is considered as owned. land Bented from Others. — This item includes not only land that the operator rented or leased from others but also land he worked on shares for others and land he occupied rent free. Grazing land used under government permit or license is not Included. Land Rented to Others.— This item includes all land rented or leased to others, except land leased to the government under the Soil Bank, and all land worked by others on shares or on a rent-free basis. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes land rented for residential or other purposes. The tenant or sharecropper is considered as the operator of land leased, rented, or worked on shares even though his landlord may supervise his opera- tions. The landlord is considered as operator of only that por- tion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land Uanaged. — This item includes all tracts of land man aged for one or more employers by a person hired on a salary basis. A hired manager was considered to be the operator of the land he managed since he was responsible for the agricul- tural operations on that land and frequently supervised others in performing those operations. Managed land was always to be reported on a separate questionnaire whether or not the manager also oiierated a farm on his own account. Land in Two or More Counties. — An individual farm was al- ways enumerated in only one county, even in cases where the land was located in two or more counties. If the farm operator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county where he lived. If he did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where the farm head- quarters was located. In cases where there was any question as to the location of the headquarters, figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where most of the land was located. Land in Farms According to Use. — Land in farms has been distributed according to the way in which it was used in 1959. The land uses described in the following paragraphs are mutually exclusive; that is, each acre of land is included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. Cropland Harvested. — This category refers to all land from which any crops were harvested in 1959, whether for home use or for sale. It includes land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut and land in berries and other small fruits, or- chards, vineyards, nurseries, and greenhouses. Matured crops hogged off or grazed were considered to have been "crops har- vested" and were reported here. Land from which two or more crops were harvested in 1959 was to be counted only once in the land-use classification. Land used for other purposes either before or after the crops were harvested was to be re- ported as cropland harvested, without regard to the other uses. The enumerator was instructed to check the figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the individual crops and subtracting the acreages from which two or more crops were harvested. This checking procedure was repeated during the ofl3ce processing of questionnaires for all farms having 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. Cropland used only for Pasture. — This land-use classification includes rotation pasture and all other land used only for pas- ture or grazing that the operator considered could have been used for crops without additional improvement. Enumerators were instructed to include land planted to crops that were hogged off, pastured, or grazed before maturity but to exclude land pastured before or after hay or other crops were harvested from it. Permanent open pasture may have been reported either for this item or for "other pasture" depending on whether or not the operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely comparable with those for the last three censuses. For 1945, the figures include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for 1940, 1935, and 1925 are more nearly comparable with those for 1959, 1954, and 1950, however, because they in- clude land pastured that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not Harvested and not Pastured. — This classification represents a total of three subclasses for the 17 Western States and two subclasses for other States. Cultivated Summer Fallow. — This subclass of land is shown only for the 17 Western States. It refers to cropland that was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for the 1959 harvest in order to control weeds and conserve moisture. Soil Improvement Grasses and Legumes. — For the 1959 cen- sus, land used only for cover crops to control erosion or to be plowed under for green manure is tabulated separately from "other cropland". After the establishment of the Soil Bank, land that would normally have been used for other purposes was frequently planted to soil-improvement crops. In counties where large acreages were placed in the Soil Bank, the total of land used for soil-improvement crops plus "other cropland" may be considerably larger than the "other cropland" shown for previous censuses. Other Cropland. — This subclass includes idle cropland, land in crops intended for harvest after 1959, and cropland not harvested because of complete crop failure, low prices, labor shortage, or other reasons. The 1959 figures for "other cropland" are not entirely comparable with those for previ- ous censuses since they do not include land used only for soil-improvement crops. (See preceding paragraph.) Woodland Pastured. — This classification includes all wood- land where livestock were pastured or grazed in 1959. The instruction on the questionnaire — "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts ; cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture" — represents a somewhat more precise definition than the corresponding instruction contained on the 1954 ques- tionnaire. No definition of woodland was given in 1950 apart from an instruction to enumerators not to include brush pas- ture as woodland. Some of the changes in woodland acreages from one^ census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation as to what constitutes "woodland." Woodland not Pastured. — This classification refers to all woodland not used for pasture or grazing in 1959, including land in operated farms that was placed in the Soil Bank and planted to trees. Unusually large tracts of timberland that were reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from INTRODUCTION XVII the tabulation of land In farms when It was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. Other Pasture. — This classification refers to all land other than woodland and cropland that was used only for pasture or grazing in 1959. It includes noncrop open or brush pasture and cutover or deforested land that has been improved and used for pasture. The figures for the last three censuses are comparable but those for 1945 Include all nonwoodland pas- ture that had not been plowed during the preceding seven years. For the 1940 census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for the last three censuses. However, the classification may be somewhat less inclusive because land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classi- fied as plowable pasture and included with "cropland used only for pasture". Improved Pasture. — This subclass refers to that portion of "other pasture" on which one or more of the following prac- tices had been used: liming, fertilizing, seeding, irrigating, draining, or the clearing of weed or brush growth. The fig- ures are comparable with those for 1954, when the question on improved pasture was asked for the first time. Other Land. — This cla.ssification refers to all land not in- cluded in the preceding land-use classifications, such as house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, land area of ponds, and wasteland. This figure for 19.')9 was obtained from the ma- chine tabulations by subtracting the total of all other uses from the total land in all farms reported for a given county or classification. Hence, there is no figure given to represent the farms reporting this item.' Value of Irand and Buildings. — Only average values of land and buildings per farm and per acre ar* presented in this report They are estimates based on data obtained for sample farms. Estimates of the total value of land and buildings by States, geographic divisions, and the United States, are presented in volume II. The enumerator was Instructed to record the market value of the land and the buildings on that land. Market value was defined as the price which the farm operator would expect to receive for the land and buildiags if he were to .sell them on the day of enumeration. More problems and difficulties arise in the enumeration of farm- real-estate values than in the enumeration of most other agri- cultural items. Most of the items enumerated require the re- spondent to make a statement of fact. For example, information about the number and value of farm animals sold alive during the year is based on actual transactions. Similarly, information about livestock inventories relates to the situation existing on a spe- cific place at a specific time. Reports concerning the value of land and buildings, however, are estimates based almost entirely on opinion. The majority of farms have not changed hands for many years and are not currently for sale. For such farms, the operators are not likely to have any clear basis for estimating the value. To make an intelligent and objective estimate, a respond- ent first needs to make an estimate of the prevailing average market value of farms in his community. Then, he must either add to or subtract from that estimate to allow for the different characteristics of his own farm. In many eases, an operator who would not sell his farm under any circumstances may report an unreasonably high market value. In other cases, a farm operator who acquired his real estate during a period of relatively low prices may estimate an unrealistlcally low value by current stand- ards. Because of the extent of variation that is known to exist in real estate values, it is difficult to devise checking procedures that will identify inaccurate estimates. Age of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was derived from the sum of the ages of all farm operators reporting age divided by the number reporting. The number of farm operators 65 or more years of age is an actual count based on the oi)€rators reporting age. Residence of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by resi- dence according to whether or not they lived on the farms they were operating. Some of those who did not live on the farms they operated themselves lived on farms operated by others. In cases where all the land was rented from others or worked on shares for others, the operator was considered to live on the farm operated provided the dwelling he occupied was included in the rental agreement. The dwelling, in such cases, was not neces- sarily on the land l)eing operated. Similarly, a farm operator who did not live on the land being cultivated or grazed but who had some agricultural operations (other than a home garden) at his dwelling was considered as living on the farm operated. Since some farm operators live on their farms only during a part of the year, comparability of the figures for various cen- suses may be affected by the date of enumeration. In a few cases, the enumerator failed to report the residence of the farm operator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm operators classified by residence indicate the extent of under-reporting. Year Began Operating Present Farm. — Enumerators were in- structed to report the year during which a farm operator began to operate his present farm and, if the year was 1958 or later, also to report the month. The year was intended to refer to the first year of the period during which the operator had been in continuous charge of his present farm or of any part of it. The time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began operating their farms, as shown by a monthly breakdown of the reports for farmers who began operating their present farms during 1958 and 1959. Off-Farm Work and Other Income. — To obtain a measure of the extent to which farm operators rely on nonfarm sources for part of their income, four questions were asked of all farm operators. The first question asked for the number of days the operator worked off his farm in 1959. The other three questions, to be answered "Yes" or "No," asked (1) whether other members of the oi)erator's household did any work off the farm ; (2) whether any income was received from sources other than the sale of agri- cultural products from the farm operated; and (3) whether the combined Income of all members of the household from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of agri- cultural products sold from the farm operated. Off-farm work was defined to include work on someone else's farm for pay as well as all types of nonfarm Jobs, businesses, and professions, wliether the work was done on the farm premises or elsewhere. Exchange work Was not included. The questions asked in the 1959 Census are closely comparable with those asked in 1954. The data for 1959 are actual totals of all operators reporting off-farm work and other Income whereas those for 1954 are estimated totals based on the sample. Equipment and Facilities. — In 1959 as in several earlier cen- suses, data about specified equipment and facilities were obtained for only a sample of farms. Farm operators were asked to report equipment and facilities that were on the farm at the time of enu- meration, regardless of ownership. They were to include items that were temporarily out of order but not any that were worn out. Data in terms of actual number were obtained for the follow- ing items of farm equipment in 1959: (1) grain combines, (2) corn pickers, (3) pick-up balers, (4) field forage harvesters, (5) mo- tortrucks, (6) wheel tractors, (7) garden tractors, (8) crawler tractors, and (9) automobiles. Definitions given enumerators in- cluded the following specifications, among others : Corn pickers related to all types of machines used for picking com, whether used in separate or in combined picking-shelling operations. Pick-up l)alers were to include both hand-tie and automatic balers but not stationary ones. Motortrucks were to include pick-up trucks and truck-trailer combinations ; jeeps and station wagons XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 were also to be Included if they were used primarily as trucks, but school buses were specifically excluded. Wheel tractors spe- cifically excluded garden tractors, Implements with built-in power units, such as self-propelled combines or powered buck rakes, and the power unit of a truck-trailer combination. Automobiles were to include jeeps and station wagons if they were used primarily as passenger cars. Questions to be answered "Tes" or "No" provided information as to the presence or absence of the following items : ( 1 ) tele- phone, (2) home freezer, (3) milking machine, (4) electric milk cooler, (5) bulk-type milk cooler (In six States only — Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), (6) crop drier and (7) power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Comparable data from one census to another are not available for all items. The questions asked about equipment during a given census reflect changes In farm mechanization and in the facilities available to farm families. Questions about some items of equipment were asked in 1959 for the first time (electric milk cooler, crop drier, bulk-type milk cooler, etc.). Similarly, some questions that were asked in earlier censuses were omitted in 1959. For example, the use of electricity is now so widespread that there is no longer any need for obtaining a count of the farms having it. Farms by Kind of Road. — ^The classification of farms by the kind of road on which they are located is based on only a sample of farms. The enumerator was instructed to report, on the basis of his own observation, the kind of road on which the most frequently used entrance to the fanm was located. For farms consisting of two or more tracts, he was to limit his report to the tract on which the farm operator had his dwelling or other headquarters. Farm Labor. — The questions about farm labor were asked only for the sample farms and related to persons working during the calendar week preceding the week of enumeration. Since the enumeration starting dates varied by geographic areas, and the enumeration within each area lasted over a period of several weeks, the calendar weeks to which the data apply also vary. Thus, the data for an individual farm may relate to any one week during the months of October, November, or December, or even, in a few instances, to weeks during September 1959 or January 1960. Farm labor was defined to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the agricultural operations of the farm ; and to ex- clude housework, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by per- sons employed specifically for such work. The farm labor in- formation contained in this report represents estimates based on answers to questions relating to the farm work or chores done during the week by (1) operator, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family, and (3) hired persons. An operator was considered as working if he worked one or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours ; and hired persons, if they worked at all during the week. Data are not fully comparable from one census to another, primarily because of differences in the i)eriod to which they relate. In 1954, the data were purposely related to either one of two calendar weeks, depending in part on the starting date set for the enumeration and in part on which week represented a period of peak employment within a given State. For the majority of States, the period specified was the week of September 26-October 2 ; for other States, the week of October 24-30. In 1950, as in 1959, the data related to the week preceding the actual enumeration. Unlike 1959, however, enumeration starting dates were identical for all States in 1950 (April 1) but since several weeks were required to complete the enumeration, the calendar week preceding the eniuneration was not Identical for all farms. In 1945 and 1935, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January and, in 1940, to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equiv- alent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, an additional specification limited the workers to those 14 years old and over. Experience gained from earlier censuses indicates that farm labor data are often unsatisfactorily reported unless the week specified is the week immediately preceding the actual enumer- ation. When a farm operator was asked to report the number of persons employed during a specified week that was several weeks prior to enumeration, he often reported the highest number of persons employed during the year. Obviously incorrect reports were adjusted to make the data reflect more nearly the situation known to exist during the specified week. The farm labor data for 1954 relates to a specified week which, in some cases, was sev- eral weeks prior to enumeration. Few adjustments were made in those data, however, even though there were indications of incorrect reporting. Regular and Seasonal Workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the week concerned were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year. They were classed as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. In cases where the period of employment was not reported for an individual farm, it was estimated from data for such items as basis of payment, wage rates, expendi- tures for labor in 1959, and type of farming operations. Hired Workers by Basis of Payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to whether they were paid on a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis, or by piecework. In cases of incomplete reporting, the basis of payment for hired workers was supplied during the oflSce processing operations. Wage Rates and Hours Worked. — The agreed cash rate of pay was asked for each class of hired worker except those em- ployed on a piecework basis. (The number and the earnings of persons paid on a piecework basis were required for those who worked on Friday of the week preceding the enumeration.) The number of hours that workers were expected to work to earn their pay was asked for each class except those employed on an hourly or piecework basis. For 1959 and 1954, the data include ofiice estimates for farms submitting incomplete reports of wage rates and hours worked. The estimates were consistent with the size and type of operations for the individual farm as compared with similar farms in the area for which complete reports were received. The corresponding data for 1950 apply only to farms that reported both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and Lime. — The questions about fertilizer and lime, asked only for the sample farms, relate to the acreage on which fertilizer and lime were used and to the quantity used. Farm operators were asked to report total quantities used in 1959 on the farms they operated regardless of when or by whom the ferti- lizer and lime were purchased. In the South, some landlords who operated farms themselves included the fertilizer and lime they had purchased for use on their tenant-operated land. Such fertilizer and lime may also have been reported by the tenants. When double reporting was detected during the editing process, the data on the questionnaires concerned were adjusted to elim- inate duplication In the totals. The 1959 data for fertilizer and lime are entirely comparable with those for 1954. A breakdown between dry and liquid fer- tilizing materials was not obtained in 1954 and data on cost of either fertilizer or lime were not obtained in 1959. Fertilizer. — The report for fertilizer was to refer only to com- mercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials, including rock phosphate. The acres fertilized and the tons of fertilizer ap- plied to those acres were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by region so that it was possible to obtain detailed data for the crops most commonly fertilized in each region. In cases where the same land was used for more than one crop, the acres fertilized were to be reported separately for each crop. If the same crop was fertilized more than once, however, the acres in that crop were to be reported only once. In all cases, the total quantity of fer- INTRODUCTION XIX tilizer used in 1959 was to be reported, including quantities used on land occupied by crops planted in 1958 or by crops to be harvested in 1960. Reports for quantity of fertilizer and fertilizing materials used were required for both dry and liquid materials. The terms "dry" and "liquid" referred to the form in which the fertilizers and fertilizing materials were purchased and not to the way in which they were applied. Thus, dry fertilizers were those purchased in dry or solid form, as powders, dusts, granules, pellets, etc. ; liquid fertilizers were those purchased in fluid form, as solutions or as liquefied gases. Lime. — The data for lime relate to the total acreage limed in 1959 and the total tonnage of lime and liming materials used on those acres for purposes of conditioning the soil. Instruc- tions on the questionnaire stated that ground limestone, hy- drated and burnt Lime, marl, and oyster shells were to be included but that lime used for spraying or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agriculture Con- servation Program or the Conservation Reserve Program of the Soil Bank. Differences may be due either to sampling error or to under-reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences are minimized or eliminated entirely in the data presented on a State or regional basis. Specified Farm Expenditures. — The data for farm expenditures are estimates based on reports obtained from the sample farms. The 1959 questionnaire contained questions for six items of farm expenditure: (1) purchase of feed for livestock and poultry, (2) purchase of livestock and poultry, (3) machine hire, (4) hired labor, (5) seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, and (6) gaso- line and other petroleum fuel and oil. With the exception of items (2) and (5), exactly the same questions were asked in 1954. For each item specified, the total expenditures made for the farm in 1959 were to be reported, whether made by the farm operator, his landlord, or both. A farm operator who rented part of his land to others was to report only the ex- penditures for the land he operated himself. Enumerators were instructed to ask respondents who had difficulty estimating their expenses for the period between enumeration and the end of the year to estimate them on the basis of current costs. Peed. — The report on feed purchased for livestock and poultry was to include expenditures for grain, hay, millfeeds, pasture, salt, condiments, concentrates, and mineral supplements as well as for the grinding and mixing of feed. The estimated cost of items furnished by a landlord, contractor, or other owner for feeding poultry and livestock kept on the farm was also to be Included. Payments made by a tenant to his land- lord for feed grown on the tenant farm were to be excluded. livestock and Poultry. — The cost of baby chicks and turkey poults was to be included in the expenditures made for the purchase of livestock and poultry. Enumerators were in- structed to ask the farm oi)erator to include the cost or esti- mated purchase value of poultry and livestock provided by others and cared for by the operator under a contract feeding arrangement. The cost of livestock purchased for resale within 30 days was not to be included. A short-term transaction of that nature was considered to be a dealer operation, not an agricultural one. Data on the purchase of livestock and poultry were not ob- tained In 1954. The Instructions for the 1950 census specified that expenditures for domestic rabbits, fur-bearing animals kept in captivity, and bees were to be Included. Any lack of comparability in the 1950 and 1950 data resulting from Inclu- sion or exclusion of rabbits, fur-bearing animals, or bees Is considered to be so slight as to be insignificant Uachine Hire. — Expenditures for machine hire relate to cus- tom machine work, such as tractor hire, threshing, grain or seed combining, silo filling, baling, cotton picking, cotton gin- ning, corn picking, plowing, vegetable harvesting, fruit pick- ing, spraying, and dusting. Any amount spent for the labor included in the cost of machine hire was to be considered as part of the total expenditure. The cost of freight or trucking and exchange work without pay were to be omitted. Hired Labor. — Expenditures for hired labor were to include total cash payments made In 1959 to family members and to others for farm labor. Payments to persons supplied by a con- tractor or a cooperative organization and paid directly by them or by the crew boss were also to be included. Payments for the following types of work were to be excluded : house- work, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by persons spe- cifically employed for such work. Oasoline and Other Petrolenm Fuel and Oil. — Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil were to relate only to the products used in the farm business. Enumerators were instructed to exclude the cost of petroleum products used for ihe family automobile when operated for other than farm business purposes and of products used in the farmhouse for heating, cooking, and lighting. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, and Trees. — ^Expenditures were to repre- sent the total amount spent for seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees to be used on the farm operated. The value of seed grown on the farm was to be excluded. For nurseries and greenhouses, the cost of products purchased for immediate resale was also to be excluded. This item of expenditure was not included In the 1954 Census. The data are comparable with those for 1950, however. Crops Crops Harvested. — The 1959 agriculture questionnaire was simi- lar to the questionnaire used In several previous censuses in that it provided for the collection of detailed data for all crops harvested on each individual farm. The variation In the crops listed on the questionnaires used in different States made pos- sible the separate reporting of all Important crops grown In a given area. All versions of the questionnaire contained several "All other crops" questions where crops not specifically listed in separate questions were to be reported. Acreage of Crops Harvested. — In most Instances, the acreage reported for Individual crops represents the area harvested during 1959. The area harvested is often less than the area planted. For fruit orchards and groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, the acreage reported represents the total area in both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines as of the date of enumeration — usually a date in October, November, or Decem- ber 1959. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acreage grown for all purposes was reported as well as the acreage har- vested for specific purposes. For velvet beans, only the acreage grown was reported. As the enumeration was about to begin in South Florida (those counties In which the enumeration was begun on October 7), an Instruction was Issued to the effect that the data for vegetables and jwtato crops should relate to a full year, beginning on October 1, 1958, and ending Sep- tember 30, 1959. Quantity of Crops Harvested. — Except for citrus fruits, olives, avocados, and for vegetable and potato crops In South Florida (see preceding paragraph) data for quantity harvested relate to the calendar year 1959. For citrus fruits, the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the 1958-59 marketing season was to be reported. For olives, the crop harvested in 1959 was to be reported for all States except California and Arizona. Enumerators in those two States were instructed to report olives harvested from the bloom of 1958 during the 1958- 59 harvest season (September 15, 1968, to February 28, 1959). In the case of avocados, the data for California were to relate to the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the marketing season that extended from October 1, 1958 to Sep- tember 30, 1959; the data for Florida were to relate to the crop harvested for the marketing season that extended from July 1, 1959, to February 28, 1960. Respondents were to estimate quantities not yet harvested at the time of enumeration. TTnlt of Measure. — The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported has varied for some crops, not only from 13tate to State, but also from census to census. The aim has been to permit reporting in the units of measure currently in use. In the State and county tables, the quantities harvested for each crop are usually expressed in the unit of measure given on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire. In 1959, for corn and Irish potatoes, a choice between two units in which to report the production was given in some States. (See the discussion for those crops.) To provide readily comparable information, data published in earlier reports in different units of measure generally have been converted to the units used In 1959. Com. — In the 1959 census, detailed questions regarding the purpose for which corn was harvested were asked in all States. For most States, bushels was the only unit specified for com XX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 for grain. In some areas, however, where farmers were not accustomed to using bushels as the unit of measure, the question- naire contained a provision for the quantity of corn for grain to be reported either in bushels (shelled basis) or in baskets of ear corn. As in former censuses, some reports were received in units of measure other than bushels or baskets. Prior to tabulation, all reports were converted to bushels (shelled basis) on the basis of the following factors: 70 pounds of ear corn, 2 baskets of ears, or 56 pounds of shelled corn equal one bushel. A barrel of ear corn was usually considered equal to 5 bushels of shelled corn. Annual Legumes. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acres and quantity grown or harvested for specific purposes, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained for areas where these crops are grown extensively; for velvet- beans, only the total grown for all purposes was obtained. For all these crops except, possibly peanuts, the total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage that was plowed under for green manure. In a few Southern States, separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. In 1959, as in 1954, enumerators were in- structed to report green soybeans and blackeyes and other green cowpeas harvested for sale as vegetables and not as annual legumes. Hay Crops. — Data for the total acres. of land from which hay was cut exclude the acreage in sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays. These crops were reported in separate questions in the States where they are important. To obtain the total acres from which other hays were cut, the acres of the various hay crops, including grass silage, were added together for each county. The corresponding totals for 1954 were obtained by the same procedure. For the 1950 census, however, the totals were based on farmers' own reports of their total acreage in harvested hay crops. The questionnaire contained an instruction that if two or more cuttings were made from the same land, the total production from all cuttings was to be reported but the acres cut were to be counted only once. In cases where both hay and grass silage were cut from the same land, the total acreage was to be reported for both crops. In 1959, as in 1954, alfalfa hay included alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating ; clover and timothy hay included clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses ; .small grain hay included oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. The hay crops listed on the questionnaire varied somewhat from one State or region to another. The kinds of hay to be included in separate questions can be determined for a specific State from reference to the facsimile of the questionnaire that is in the appendix. The tonnage of hay, including alfalfa hay for dehydrating, la given on a dry-weight basis. Prior to tabulation, production reported in green weight was converted to its dry-weight equiv- alent by dividing by 3. However, the production of grass silage is given in terms of green weight. Field Seed Crops. — The field seed crops listed on each version of the questionnaire were limited to those considered most im- portant within the given State. Each version of the question- naire contained space for listing other field seed crops in order to facilitate the reporting of all field seed crops harvested. Quantity harvested was to be reported in terms of clean seed for most field seed crops. Bluegrass, or Junegrass .seed, was to be reported in terms of green seed for Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Tennessee. No mention was made of "green-weight basis" for other States where this crop was to be reported in the "All other" question. Irish Potatoes and Sweetpotatoes. — For Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes (including yams), the total quantity harvested was to be reported for each crop In all cases, whether harvested for home use or for sale or whether used for livestock feed. The acreage harvested was to be reported for each crop only in cases where the quantity amounted to 20 or more bushels (or the approximate equivalent in terms of hundredweights, barrels, or pounds, as explained on different versions of the questionnaire). This method of reporting was designed to facilitate the enumera- tion of potatoes harvested on small plots for home use. Essen- tially the same procedure was followed in both 1954 and 1950. In earlier censuses, however, the acreage of Irish potatoes and sweetjxjtatoes was to be reported in all cases, even when produc- tion was solely for home use. Therefore, the data on acres for censuses prior to 1950 are not fully comparable with those for the last three censuses, especially in counties or States where production is largely for home use. The unit of measure in which quantity was to be reported varied from one State or region to another to correspond with the units most commonly used in a given area. In 27 States, the questionnaire provided a choice for reporting either bushels or 100-pound bags (hundredweights). The published data for counties and States are in terms of bushels. Berries and Other Small Fruits. — The question for berries and other small fruits related specifically to the acreages and quanti- ties harvested for sale. Only tame or cultivated berries were to be reported except for the New Ehigland States, where wild blue- berries were also to be included. Enumerators were instructed always to report the total quantity of each kind of berry har- vested for sale but to report the area harvested only when it amounted to one-tenth acre or more. Nonbearing areas and areas and quantities harvested for home use were to be excluded. The data for 1959 and 1954 are fully comparable. Tree Fruits, Nuts, and Grapes. — In 1959, as in 1954, fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines were not enumerated for farms having a combined total of less than 20 at the time of enumeration. Both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines were to be Included but not any that had been abandoned. For censuses prior to 1954, all fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm were to be enumerated, regardless of the number. Because of this change in enumeration procedure, the data for 1959 and 1954 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change in procedure may have had a considerable effect on the number of farms re- porting without causing any sigrniflcant changes in the number of trees and vines nor in the quantity harvested. In counties where most of the trees or vines are In small plantings and where production is largely for home-use, however, the change may have caused a significant reduction not only in the number of farms reporting but also in the number of trees and vines and in the quantity harvested. In both 1959 and 1954, the area In fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was enumerated when there were 20 or more fruit trees, nut trees, and g:rai)evlnes. In 1950, the corresponding area was enumerated only if it amounted to one-half acre or more. In censuses prior to 1950, the area was to be reported regardless of its size or of the number of trees and vines. Enumerators frequently omitted the fractional acre- ages in small plantings and home orchards, however. In some counties, small plantings or home orchards comprise a sizeable proportion of the total fruit and nut acreage. For those counties, the change from one census to another in acreage of land in fruits and nuts may not be due to fact but merely to differences in enumeration. In 1959, California was the only State for which the acreage In each individual fruit and nut crop was obtained. In 1954, such acreage was also obtained for Arizona. In all States, the number of bearing and ncmbearing trees or vines on the farm at the time of enumeration and the quantity harvested In 1959 were to be reported sei>arately for each fruit and nut crop. (Ex- ceptions In the harvest period for citrus fruits, avocados, and INTRODUCTION XXI olives are described on p. XIX.) The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported varied from one State to another. Tables in this report show quantities in the unit of measure appearing on the 1959 questionnaire used in the State. Nursery and Greenhouse Products. — The questions about nursery and greenhouse products related only to products grown on the place for sale. Crops bought for resale without additional cul- tivation were to be excluded. The area used for growing and the value of sales were to be reported separately for each of three g^roups, as follows : a. Nursery products, (trees, shrubs, vines, and ornamentals). b. Cut flowers, i)Otted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be re- ported separately from the area grown under glass. c. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be reported separately from the area grown under glass or in the house. The data obtained for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 and 1950 since the questions asked were essentially the same in the three censuses. Detailed data regarding the pro- duction and sale of nursery, greenhouse, and other horticultural products on farms having sales of $2,000 will be published in volume V, part 1. Forest Products. — The forest products data obtained in the Census of Agriculture relate only to the products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products rrown or cut on nonfarm places are excluded. Therefore, the data in this report do not represent the total forestry output or income for a county or State. The questions Included on the 19r)9 agriculture questionnaire are more detailed than those asked in the 1954 Census. Value was obtained for the sale of standing timber or trees and for the sale of pwles and piling, bark, bolts, and mine timbers. The quantity cut, whether for home use or sale, and the quantity sold were obtained for individual forestry products such as firewood and fuelwood, fence posts, sawlogs and veneer logs. Data relating to pulpwood, Christmas trees, maple trees, and maple syrup were obtained in States where such products are important commercially. Value of Crops Harvested. — The total value of crops harvested represents the estimated value of all crops harvested during the crop year 1959. It includes the value of quantities consumed on farms as food, feed, seed, etc., as well as quantities sold. Farmers were not asked to report values of crops harvested ; the values were calculated in the Processing Office. For individ- ual crops, the quantity harvested was multiplied by the average price at which the crop was sold in the State. State average prices were furnished to the Bureau of the Census by the Agricul- tural Marketing Service of tie U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are based on reports received from a sample of farmers and dealers. Quantities harvested were not obtained -for vegetables nor for nursery and greenhouse products. Therefore, for those crops, the value of sales, as obtained in the enumeration, was used in the calculation of total value of crops harvested. Value of Crops Sold. — The questionnaire required value of .sales of crops to be reported only for total vegetables, nursery and greenhouse products, and certain forest products. For all other crops, the value of sales was calculated on a county level during processing operations by multiplying the State average prices by either the quantity sold or the quantity harvested. Reports of quantity sold were obtained during the enumeration only for some of the major field crops. Quantity harvested was used in the calculation of value of crops sold for such crops as cotton, tobacco, etc., that are customarily grown for sale. The procedures used for the various crops are described on page XXV. They are similar to the procedures followed in 1954. In 1950, values of crops sold were obtained for each farm during the enumeration. Ibbiqation Deflnltion of Irrigated land.— Irrigated land is defined as land watered for agricultural purposes by artificial means. These means included subirrigation as well as systems whereby water was applied to the ground surface, either directly or by sprinklers. Land flooded for rice culUvation was considered as irrigated. Land flooded during high-water periods was to be included as irrigated only if water was directed to agricultural use by dams, canals, or other works. The definition of irrigated land specif- ically excluded land where the "water table", or natural level of underground water, was controlled by drainage works with no additional water brought in by canals or pipes. Enumeration of Irrigated Land.— A question on total land irri- gated was asked in all States, with the exception of Alaska. The acreage reported for this question includes not only irrigated cropland but also any other land that was irrigated in 1959. The questionnaires used in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii included several additional questions regarding irri- gation. These questions related to the acreage of land irrigated by sprinklers, irrigated land from which crops were harvested, specific crops irrigated, and source of irrigation water. Such additional data, for Irrigated farms, are presented in county tatile la for these States. Statistics on the Irrigation enterprises which supplied irriga- tion water were collected in the 1959 Census of Irrigation and are published In Volume III, "Irrigation of Agricultural Lands". This report contains a considerable amount of data about irri- gation for the 17 Western States and Louisiana. Irrigated Farms.— All farms reporting any land irrigated in 1959 are counted as irrigated farms. Land in Irrigated Farms.— Data for land in irriffated farms ac- cording to use relate to the entire acreage in these farms, in- cluding land that was not irrigated. Land Irrigated.— Data for land irrigated relate only to that part of the land in irrigated farms that was watered by artificial means at any time in 1959. Separate figures are given for farms reporting land Irrigated by sprinklers whether or not the land was also irrigated by other means. Additional figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers only. Data on sprinkler irrigation were not obtained in the 1954 census. Irrigated Cropland Harvested.— The data for irrigated crop- land harvested relate to all irrigated land from which crops were harvested in 1959, regardless of the method of irrigation. An instruction on the questionnaire reminded enumerators and respondents to include irrigated land from which hay was cut, irrigated land in both bearing and nonbenring fruit and nut crops, and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested. Each irrigated acre was to be reported only once, regardless of how many crops were harvested from it. Other Irrigated Land. — This classification was obtained by subtraction of the acreage of irrigated cropland harvested from the acreage of total land irrigated. It represents primarily irrigated cropland not harvested and irrigated pasture or grazing land. Farms Irrigated By Number of Acres Irrigated. — All farms on which any land was irrigated in 1959 are classified according to the number of acres irrigated in county table la for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii. This classification is based on total land irrigated. Therefore, it includes not only the Irrigated land from which crops were harvested but also all other irrigated land, regardless of use. Land Irrigated By Source of Water. — The agriculture question- naire contained a question as to what proportion of irrigated water used on the farm in 1959 was obtained from ground- water, surface-water, and irrigation-organization sources. Re- spondents were asked to report separately the percentage of xxn UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 ■water obtained from each source. The number of acres that were irrigated by water from each source or combination of sources was calculated during office processing operations by applying the percentages to the total land irrigated. Ground-water sources relate to wells (pumped or flowing) and springs ; surface-water sources relate to streams, lakes, reservoirs, and sewage and drainage ditches. For each of these sources, only water obtained by pumps or other works operated as part of the operator's own farm or as part of another single farm was to be Included. Irrigation-organization sources relate to irriga- tion enterprises organized to supply water to a group of farms, regardless of how or where the enterprise obtained the water. The irrigation enterprise may be a legal organization or a group of farmers informally organized to operate a supply ditch or other works to provide water for their own farms. Land-Use Practices Summary Information. — The 1959 data for land-use practices are estimates based on reports obtained from only a sample of farms. Comparable data are not presented for 1954 because questions about land-use practices were included on the 1954 questionnaire for only a limited number of States. The various land-use practices relate to methods for reducing soil erosion, either by Improving the soil, controlling the run-off of water, or reducing the blowing of topsoil. Cropland In Cover Crops. — The data relate to land on which cover crops were turned under for green manure in 1959 and which was then planted to another crop. The entire acreage of cover crops so used was to be reported even if the following crop failed. Cropland Used for Grain or Row Crops Farmed on the Contour. — This item relates to land on which grain or row crops were planted in level rows around the slope of a hill. Land in Strip-Cropping Systems for Soil-Erosion Control. — Strip- cropping was defined as the practice of alternating close-sown crops with strips or bands of row crops or of alternating either close-sown or row crops with bands of cultivated fallow land. The published data refer to the total acreage of all fields and tracts in which strip-cropping was practiced in 1959. System of Terraces on Crop and Pasture Land.— This item re- lates to the acreage in ridge-type or channel-type terraces con- structed on sloping cropland and pastureland. Livestock and Poultby Inventories. — Data for livestock and poultry on farms relate to the number on hand at the time of enumeration. All live- stock and poultry, including those being kept or fed under con- tract, were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch where they were, regardless of who owned them. Livestock in transit from one grazing area to another or grazing in national forests, graz- ing districts, open range, or on land used under permit were to be reported as being on the place where the i)erson who had control over them had his headquarters. The time of year at which livestock and poultry are enumerated affects the data. Therefore, the date of enumeration needs to be considered when totals for the various censuses are compared. Both the 1959 and the 1954 census data represent fall inven- tories. These censuses came at a time of large-scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feed lot, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of 1920, 1925, 1935, and 1945 were taken as of January 1 and those of 1930, 1940, dnd 1950, as of April 1. A count made in April varies considerably from one made in Jan- uary. In most areas a large number of animals are born between January and April. A considerable number of older animals die or are sold during the same period. In the range States, along with the change in season and grazing condition, sheep and cattle are moved from one locality or county to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, for States. The comparability of data by age has been affected also by changes in the questions from one census to another. Uilk Cows, Cows Milked, Hilk Produced, and Butter. — Data on the number of milk cows, cows milked, and milked produced relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Data for butter churned were obtained only for 14 States and relate to the calendar week preceding the enumeration. The data for cows milked yesterday and milk produced yesterday are not given in this volume. These figures were obtained primarily to serve the needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in making monthly and annual esti- mates of milk production. These figures can be made available, at a small cost, to others who express an interest in them. Whole Milk and Cream Sold. — Data for whole milk and cream sold relate to the entire year 1959 and are estimates based on reports obtained for farms in the sample. All milk and cream sold from the farm (except quantities purchased from some other place and then resold) were to be included, regardless of who shared the receipts. The questionnaire provided three alternative units of measure for reporting the quantity of milk sold — pounds of milk, gallons of milk, and pounds of butterfat. The respondent was thus permitted to report quantity according to the unit of measure in which payment was received. In the State and county tables, the data for milk are given in the unit of measure most commonly used in the State. Pounds of butter- fat were converted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of milk as shown by data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and Gilts Farrowing. — In the 1959 census, data were ob- tained for the number of litters farrowed between December 1, 1958, and June 1, 1959, and from June 1 to December 1, 1959. In the 1954 census, data were obtained for the sows and gilts that farrowed rather than for the number of litters. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool. — In the 1959 census, questions about sheep, lambs, and wool were asked in all States. Data on shearings and on amount of wool shorn were obtained for lambs and sheep separately. In the 1954 census, sheep and lamb Inven- tories were not obtained for Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Goats and Mohair. — In 1959, questions on goats, kids, and mo- hair appeared on the questionnaires for the following nine States : Arizona, California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Utah. In 1954, corresponding data were ob- tained for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties in Missouri. Bees and Honey. — No questions on bees and honey were in- cluded on the questionnaires for either the 1959 or the 1954 census. In 1959, however, enumerators were instructed to ob- tain agriculture questionnaires for places not having agricultural operations if they were engaged in beekeeping. The number of hives of bees and the amount of honey sold were to be reported In the "Remarks" space of the questionnaire. Data for bees and honey are not included in this report. Value of Livestock on Farms. — To obtain the value of livestock on farms, the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand was multiplied by the State average price for 1959, as furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Comparable data for 1954 were compiled by the same method on the basis of average prices for that year. Sales of Live Animals. — Data for the number and value of ani- mals sold alive in 1959 are estimates based on reports for sample farms only. (Corresponding data for 1954 were obtained for all farms. The dollar value of sales was obtained from the farmer INTRODUCTION XXIII for cattle, calves, and horses and mules. Average value per head for other livestock sold viras obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the 1959 census, respondents were asked to report separately the number of live animals already sold and the number estimated to be sold between the time of enumeration and the end of the year. This separation of reports for the number sold and to be sold was designed to assure more complete coverage of all livestock sales made during the year. In the 1954 census, only totals for the entire year were obtained though reference was made to animals to be sold between enumeration and the end of the year. Sales of Poultry and Poultry Products.— For both the 1959 and the 1954 Censuses, sales of chickens were obtained for two groups : (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. The enumeration of broiler sales presents prob'ems arising from the varied contractual ar- rangements under which broilers are produced. The question- naire contained an instruction to the effect that all broilers grown for others under contract were to be reported as sold. During office processing operations, the data reported for inventories and sales of chickens four months old and over, chicken eggs sold, and broilers sold were carefully examined. Obvious inconsistencies indicating confusion between broilers and other chickens were corrected on the basis of estimated values and, for sample farms, on the basis of data reported for expenditures for feed, poultry and livestock purchases, hired labor, etc. Questions relating to poultry other than chickens (and broilers) were generally the same In 1959 as in 1954. In the 1959 census, however, only total numbers were obtained for turkeys and turkey fryers raised and for turkey hens kept for breeding whereas the 1954 questionnaire asked for a breakdown between light and heavy breeds. Also, for poultry other than chickens and turkeys, the 1959 census obtained the number sold whereas the 1954 census obtained the number raised. CLASSmCATlO."* OF FARMS Scope of Classification. — Data for land in farms, and for crop- land harvested in farms classified by size, by color of operator and by tenure of operator were tabulated for all farnjs. However, most of the detailed data by size of farm, by color of operator, by tenure of operator, by economic class, and by type of farm are estimates based on farms in the sample. The farm classifications by size of farm, color of operator, tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made in the processing office on the basis of data reported on each questionnaire. Farms by Size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area established for each farm. The same classifica- tion was used for all States. According to definition, a farm is essentially an operating unit, not an ownership tract. All land operated by one person or partnership represents one farm. In the case of a landlord who has assigned land to croppers or other tenants, the land assigned to each cropper or tenant is considered a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire landholding as one unit in respect to supervision, equipment, rota- tion practice, purchase of supplies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South, a special Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire was used to assure an accurate enumeration of each unit within a multiple-unit operation. A change was made in the size classifica- tion for 1959, as contrasted with several preceding years, by sub- dividing the 1,000-acre-and-over group and by combining two previously recognized groups, viz., 10 to 29 acres and 30 to 49 acres. Farms by Color of Operator. — Farms were classified by color of operator into two groups, "white" and "nonwhite." "Nonwhlte" Includes primarily Negro and Indian operators but also some of other racial origin. Enumerators were instructed to report the race on the basis of their own observation whenever possible rather than by asking the respondent Farms by Tenure of Operator. — The classification of farms by tenure of operator was based on data reported for land owned, land rented from others or worked for others on shares, land managed for others, and land rented to others or worked on shares by others. The same basis of classification was used in 1959 as in 1954. For 1959, each questionnaire was coded, during the editing proc- ess, to indicate whether it represented a farm operated by a fuU owner, part owner, manager, or tenant. The sample question- naires for tenants were given a code to Indicate the kind of tenant. The various classifications of tenure, as used for the 1959 census, are defined below : a. Full Owners operate only land they own. b. Part Owners operate land they own and also land rented from others. c. Managers operate land for others and are paid a wage or salary for their services. Persons acting merely as care- takers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm operator managed land for others and also operated land on his own account, the land operated on his own ac- count was considered as one farm and the land managed for others as a second farm. If, however, lie managed land for two or more employers, all the managed land was considered to be one farm. d. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. They are further classified, as de- scribed below, on the basis of rental arrangements in regard to the payment of cash rent, sharing of crops, sharing of livestock or livestock products, and the furnishing of work power by the landlord. (1) Cash Tenants pay cash rent, either on a per-acre basis or for the farm as a whole. (2) Share-Cash Tenants pay part of the rent in cash and part in a share of the crops and/or of the livestock and livestock products. (3) Crop-Share Tenants pay a share of the crops but not of the livestock or livestock products. (4) Livestock-Share Tenants pay a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. (5) Croppers are tenants whose landlords furnished all the work animals or tractor power. They usually work under the close supervision of the landowners or their agents, or other farm operators. Also, the land assigned to them is often merely a part of a multi-unit operation. Croppers may or may not also pay cash rent or a share of crops, livestock, or livestock products. Data for croppers are available for only 16 southern States and Missouri. (6) Other Tenants are those who did not qualify for inclusion in any of the foregoing subclassifications. They may have had the use of land rent-free or in return for a fixed quantity of products, payment of taxes, maintenance of buildings, etc. (7) Unspecified Tenants are those for whom the rental arrange- ment was not reported. The definition of each subclass of tenant was essentially the same for earlier censuses as for 1959. In 1945, however, the enumerator was asked to determine the subclass of tenants whereas in other censuses all classifications were made during the processing of questionnaires on the basis of the data reported. The procedure used In 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, especially for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by Economic Class. — The totals for farms by economic class are estimates for all farms made on the basis of data re- ported only for the sample farms. The economic classifications represent groupings of farms that are similar in characteristics and size of operation. The economic classes were established on the basis of one or more of four factors: (1) total value of all farm products sold, (2) number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, (3) the age of the farm operator, and (4) the re- lationship of Income received by the operator and members of his household from nonfarm sources to the value of all farm products sold. Institutional farms, Indian reservations, agricultural ex- periment stations, and grazing associations were always classified as "abnormal." XXIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 The total value of farm products sold was obtained by addi- tion of the reported or estimated values for all products sold from the farm. The value of cattle and calves, horses and mules, dairy products, some poultry products, vegetables, nursery and green- house products, standing timber, and miscellaneous forest prod- ucts was obtained from the farm operator during the enumera- tion. The quantity sold was obtained during enumeration for corn, sorghums, small grains, hay, small fruits, some of the for- est products, chickens and chicken eggs, hogs, sheep, and goats. To obtain the value of sales of these products, the quantity sold was multiplied by State average prices. For each of the other products, the entire production was mul- tiplied by the State average price. If the resulting value amount- ed to $100 or more, the entire quantity produced was considered as sold. This procedure was followed only in establishing the economic class and the type of farm but was not used in estab- lishing the total value of products sold from the farm. (See p. XXV.) Farms were grouped Into two major categories, commercial farms and other farms, mainly on the basis of total value of prod- ucts sold. The 1959 class intervals and some of the criteria for determination of a given class are different from those used in 1954 and in 1950. In general, for 1959, all farms with a value of sales amounting to $2,500 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 were classified as com- mercial if the farm operator was under 65 years of age and (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days during the year and (2) the income received by the operator and members of his family from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 and institutional farms and Indian reservations were included in one of the groups of "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six economic classes on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : Value of Farm Class of Farm Products sold I $40,000 and over II $20,000 to $39,999 III $10,000 to $19,999 IV $5,000 to $9,999 V $2,500 to $4,999 VI* $50 to $2,499 •Provided the farm operator was under 65 jears of age, and — (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days, and (2) the In- come that he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of farm products sold. Other farms were divided into three economic classes as follows : a. Class VII, Part-time. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $30 to $2,499 were classified as "part-time" if the operator was under 65 years of age and he either worked off the farm 100 or more days or the income he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was greater than the total value of farm products sold. b. Class VIII, Part-retirement. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part- retirement" if the farm operator was 65 years old or over. Many of these are farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others are residential, subsistence, or marginal farms. In previous censuses, the age of the farm operator was not a criterion for grouping farms by economic class. Since the number of elderly people in our population has been steadily increasing during recent years, a separate classification for farms operated on a part-retirement basis was considered important for an adequate analysis of the agricultural structure of a county or State. c. Class IX, Abnormal. — All institutional farms and Indian reservations were classified as "abnormal," regardless of the value of sales. Institutional farms include those operated by hospitals, penitentiaries, schools, grazing associations, government agencies, etc. Farms by Type. — The data for farms by type are estimates based on data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The type represents a description of the major source of income from farm sales. To be classified as a particular type, a farm had to have sales of a particular product or group of products amounting in value to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm prod- ucts sold during the year. The types of farms, together with the products on which type classification is based, are as follows: Type of Farm Source of Cash Income (Products with sales value representing 50% or more of total value of all farm products sold) Cash-grain Corn, sorghums, small grains, soybeans for beans, cowpeas for peas, dry field and seed beans and peas. Tobacco Tobacco. Cotton Cotton. Other field-crop Peanuts, potatoes (Irish and sweet), sugarcane for sugar or sirup, sweet sorghums for sirup, broomcorn, pop- corn, sugar beets, mint, hops, and sugar beet seed. Vegetable Vegetables. Fruit-and-nut Berries, other small fruits, tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Poultry Chickens, chicken eggs, turkeys, and other poultry products. Dairy Milk and cream. The criterion of 50 percent of total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm hav- ing value of sales of dairy products amounting to less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm, if — (a) Milk and cream sold accounted for more than 30 i>ercent of the total value of products sold and — (b) Milk cows represented 50 percent or more of total cows and — (c) The value of milk and cream sold plus the value of cattle and calves sold amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm products sold. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool and mohair except for farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Florida that qualified as livestock ranches. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisi- ana, and Florida were classified as livestock ranches if the sales of live- stock, wool, and mohair represented 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold and if pasture- land or grazing land amounted to 100 or more acres and was 10 or more times the acreage of cropland har- vested. Field seed crops, hay, silage. A farm was classified as general also if it had cash income from three or more sources and did not meet the criteria for any other type. Nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, mules, horses, colts and ponies. Also all institutional farms and Indian reservations. Livestock other than dairy and poultry Livestock Ranches. General- Mlseelianeous- INTRODUCTION XXV The type classifications were essentially the same for the 1959 as for the 1954 census except that tobacco farms and livestock ranches were not separately classified in 1954. Tobacco was In- cluded as one of the crops used in the classification of "other field crop" farms in 1954. The farms classified as livestock ranches in 1959 would have been classified as "livestock other than dairy and poultry" in 1954 without regard to the acreage in pasture. Value of Farm Products Sold. — Data for the value of farm prod- ucts sold in 1959 were obtained by enumeration for some prod- ucts and by estimation for others. The questionnaire used for the 1959 census provided for farm operators to report value of sales for the following products : Vegetables Miscellaneous poultry products Nursery and greenhouse prod- Milk and cream ucts Cattle Standing timber Calves Miscellaneous forest products Horses, mules, colts, and ponies For all other agricultural products, the value of sales was esti- mated during the oflBce processing. The State average prices used for calculating the value of farm products sold were fur- nished to the Bureau by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One of three following pro- cedures was used. (1) For the products for which data on quantities sold were obtained during enumeration, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the county totals of the quantities reported as sold or the quantities reported as produced for sale. The following prod- ucts were covered by this procedure : Corn for grain Fence posts Sorghums for grain, seed, sirup, Sawlogs and veneer logs or dry forage Christmas trees All small grains Chickens (broilers and others) Hay crops Chicken eggs All berries and small fruits ' Hogs and pigs Firewood and fuelwood Sheep and lambs Pulpwood Goats and kids 'Adjastment made for cranberries based on Cranberry Payment Program. (2) For most of the agricultural products which are cus- tomarily raised for sale, the entire quantity produced was considered to be sold. The State average prices were, accordingly, multiplied by the county total of production. The following crops were covered by this procedare : Cotton Popcorn Sugar beets for sugar Broomcorn Sugarcane for sugar Tobacco Wool Mohair (3) For all other crops, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the quantities sold as estimated on the basis of crop- disposition data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service, data reported in questions for "other crops" on the 1959 question- naire, or data obtained from earlier censuses. For all tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, the entire quantity pro- duced was considered as sold, except for apples, apricots, sour and sweet cherries, peaches, plums, prunes, avocados, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit in States where a portion of the crop was not harvested or was subjected to excess cullage as indicated by data obtained from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agricultura The data for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 since essentially the same procedures were used in both censuses for estimating quantities and values of farm products sold. In 1959, as in 1954, data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared the receipts. For tenant-operated farms, the landlord's share of agricultural products was considered as .sold provided the products were moved off the tenant farm. All crops, livestock, and poultry raised under a contract arrangement were considered as sold from the farm where they were raised. For institutional farms, all agricultural items produced on land operated by the institu- tion and consumed by the inmates were to be reported as sold. All sales data relate to one year's farm operations. Crop sales are for crops harvested during the crop year, whether the crops were actually sold immediately after harvest or placed in storage for later sale. Sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year, regardless of when the livestock or prod- ucts were raised or produced. All wool and mohair reported as shorn or clipped was considered as sold. Enumerators were instructed to record gross values of quanti- ties sold, with no deductions for feed, seed, fertilizer, water, labor, or marketing costs. For some products, however, net values may have been reported. In the case of milk, particularly, some farm operators may have reported the payments they received as the gross value of sales, even though the buyer had deducted handling and hauling charges before making payment. Adjustments were made in the data reported only in cases of obvious error. o Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (1) WEST VIRGINIA State Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Dala cr value of land and buildincs for 1950, 1954, ■eports for only a sample of farms. Se^ lextj (For definitions and explanaUons, see text) Farms number . . Approximate lanij area (see text) acres . . Proportion in farms pc««enl . . Lanil in farms acres.. Average size of farm arses . . Value of land and buildings: Averace per farm dollars. . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: ' Cropland harvested farms roportinc.- 1 to 9 aoes f«m3 teportini* . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. , 20 to 29 acres farms rcportini: . 80 to 40 a<»e» farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 anes farms reportinc . 200 or more acres farms reponinc. 200 to 499 acres farms rcfnrtinK . 500 to 999 acree farms reporting . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture* fariro reporting . Croplarxl r 1 and not pantured farms reporting. Soil-improvement ffassea and logwmea . . .farms rsfiortjng. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . , Woodland pastured 'arms reporting . Woodland not pastured farms repeating. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)* farms reporting . Improved pastire farms (qurting . OtJier land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc,) farms reporting. Cropland. ujuJ' farms leportini: . Land pastured, total farms reporlinn . Woodland, total farms reporting . Imealed land in farms farms re|»rtine . 44,011 15,410,560 39.3 6,062,594 137.8 9,997 75.48 39,380 831,884 16,733 9,344 5,166 4,471 2,662 782 15,067 319,602 8,189 199,961 2,006 39,839 6,671 160,122 21,390 1,016,773 23,775 1,587,217 27,295 1,686,036 5,999 269,280 HA 221,121 41,515 1,551,447 40,086 3,222,411 36,036 2,603,990 66 68,583 15,411,200 47.7 7,351,874 107.2 7,067 67.32 60,477 1,073,216 30,268 13,269 6,945 5,728 3,173 877 18,004 512,956 13,653 232,909 •lA HA 30,908 1,275,397 31,676 1,763,186 42,707 2,276,493 7,809 276,510 62,456 217,717 63,900 1,819,081 60,039 4,064,846 51,964 3,038,583 62 81,434 15,411,200 53.3 8,214,626 100.9 5,793 58.74 71,152 1,218,239 35,108 16,186 8,451 7,001 3,412 805 28,553 786,927 19,891 348,515 :IA 34,899 1,206,421 40,661 1,990,494 47,630 2,325,7*4 !U NA 73,031 338,286 76,310 2,353,681 71,594 4,319,092 60,982 3,196,915 97,600 15,417,600 56.6 8,719,579 89.3 3,494 39. U 90,964 1,489,919 47,499 19,323 9,870 8,462 4,582 13,574 311,622 llA 32,675 1,099,848 49,308 2,126,628 71,092 3,243,927 KA NA 82,290 276,105 92,971 1,973,071 85,107 4,655,397 67,976 3,226,476 11 99,282 15,417,600 57.8 8,908,803 89.7 2,718 30.29 95,022 1,564,754 62,727 ,033,299 97,991 3,861,054 71,045 2.994,330 104,747 15,374,080 61.3 9,423,655 90.0 2,269 25.22 101,676 1,710,475 56,841 1,642,885 HA 43,270 1,430,822 50,109 2,139,329 47,698 1,879,467 74,574 403,262 82,641 15,374,080 57.3 8,802,348 106.5 4,138 38.85 79,100 1,655,380 53,832 1,717,957 MA 32,886 1,120,611 44,489 2,007,939 38,035 1,672,105 61,354 376,442 NA 3,625,251 4,510,673 MA 3,128,550 8,979,847 99.4 3,941 39.66 54,454 1,726,130 NA 26,778 905,058 50,483 2,263,565 40,078 1,657,264 NA Not available. 'Ftff the Cenauies of 19» and 1954, In the Census year •hieh flgurea are available, eitiept that corn cut for forage was excluded as ma con^iarable for the various Census years because of dlffereneee in definition of for all other Censuses , tn the calendar year preceding the It of this acreage was probably dtipllcated in the acreage of cropland used only for pasture. See text. CenstiB . ^Total acreage of crops f or com harvested for grain. 'Hot fully STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a Census of — All farms numbef Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 1 acre or less number 2 acr«5 number 3 to 9 acres number 3 acres number 4 acres .number 5 acres number fi acres number 7 acres numljer 8 acres numoer 9 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 U> 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 or more acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number Land in (arms acres Average size of farm acres Under 10 Hcres acres 10 to 49 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres .10 to 49 acres acrea 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1.000 or more acres acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 2,000 or more acres acres Land in farms according to use: ' Cropland harvested farms reporlinE Under 10 acres farms reportmt; 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 10 to 29 acTes farms reportinfr 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 69 acres farms repoflinp 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 260 to 499 acres .farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting, 2,000 or more acres farms reporting See footnotes at end of teble. U,371 5,928 5,*43 665,ia 262,680 1,965 9,823 63,018 4,737 48,58i 5,710 78,790 5,968 117,519 3,639 88,104 2,357 75,151 1,565 59,681 3,315 170,258 1,190 87,792 68,583 8,074 1,159 20,036 U,2U 8,825 38,719 548,425 206,995 341,430 60,477 1,073,216 5,016 U,495 17,004 103,339 9,211 44,071 7,793 59,268 7,459 75,509 8,146 U3,365 3,010 94,047 1,760 64,175 3,738 183,489 1,270 97,346 81,418 8,852 1,034 24,627 13,602 11,025 45,937 682, 328 252,528 429,800 71,528 1,222,079 5,641 14,467 20,642 130,138 10,962 52,963 9,680 77,175 9,205 97,120 10,126 149,314 9,897 192,400 5,270 134,885 3,479 105,976 1,903 67,160 3,878 186,484 1,136 88,971 97,600 14,964 2,132 29,818 17,085 12,733 70,614 799, 335 308,921 490,414 90,964 1,4«9,919 12,663 27,924 27,308 179,401 15,424 78,928 11,884 100,473 11,357 129,683 11,355 178,691 11,126 238,833 5,863 167,948 3,680 129,262 2,099 86,313 4,032 209,007 1,160 88,497 31,179 17,601 13,578 68,150 841,048 317,993 523,055 95,022 1,564,754 12,048 32,333 29,543 212,662 16,517 94,116 13,026 118,546 12,464 152,028 12,103 200,044 11,635 259,272 5,956 175,433 3,741 130,056 2,099 85, 593 4,027 199,756 1,085 77,646 32,348 17,912 14,436 71,326 882,518 325,785 556,733 291,757 NA 189,775 NA 141,631 NA 90,797 NA 199,091 NA 73,982 14,539 NA 192,596 NA 1,676,570 NA 18,703 NA 217,625 NA NA NA NA NA '413,676 197,308 NA 67,687 WEST VIRGINIA State Table Z-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959-Continued [Data for 1959 and 1950 aie based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texCJ (For definitions and explai Census of — Land in farms according to use '-Continued Cropland, total farms reporting Under 10 acres farms reportinc 10 to 49 acres fanns reporting 50 lo 69 acres fanns ref.0OO or more acres farms reporting 950 3,275 10,504 125,035 5,007 94,948 6,040 161,535 6,183 220,646 3,774 165,A93 2,4A2 134,236 1,625 no, 204 3,432 301,993 63,900 1,819,081 5,798 13,177 18,515 197,359 7,813 141,857 8,457 202,604 8,347 261,348 4,661 194,588 3,078 150,322 1,777 105,167 3,775 296,291 40,336 60,039 ,194,273 4,064,846 671 4,068 2,325 12,550 9,920 17,094 166,060 276,814 4,942 7,600 163,023 252,399 5,910 8,262 274,900 389,206 6,116 8,216 388,831 540,914 3,743 4,624 320,985 411,923 2,432 3,026 262,856 339,742 1,623 1,762 222,215 244,682 3,404 3,729 638,199 733,105 1,200 1,269 403,185 469,083 375 389 351,694 394,428 304 NA 223,984 NA 71 MA 127,710 HA 76,575 2,367,110 6,766 23,922 22,777 263,418 9,850 196,320 10,576 239,224 10,227 366,082 5,425 254,600 3,564 201,616 1,918 131,228 3,953 366,564 92,971 1,973,071 13,088 33, 328 28,113 247,129 11,607 178,526 11,553 242,615 11,281 321,281 5,939 224,630 3,727 174,005 2,114 111,030 4,062 267,389 71,647 85,107 ,269,627 4,655,397 4,510 7,657 14,575 22,807 a, 226 26,197 332,567 400,583 9,485 11,407 294,050 358,729 10,391 11,482 468,675 515,415 9,916 11,173 623,980 690,526 5,320 5,898 454,180 506,137 3,483 3,688 373,132 397,943 1,917 2,097 257,279 277,522 3,904 4,039 701,485 762,058 1,146 1,150 411,466 426,711 452,011 MA 358,748 216,397 NA 138,223 404,084 NA 303,680 HA 200,872 NA 462,846 NA 139,075 NA Not available. 'For the CenouBes of 1959 and 1954, In the Census year; for all other Censuses, in the calendar year preceding the Census. 'Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as jnost of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. ■'50 to 99 acres, 'lOO to 259 acres. 'Not fully comparable for the various Census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. S STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 and 1954 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai Census of — ALL FARM OPERATORS All farm operators number . Full owners number. Fart owners number . Managers number . All UtTianls number. Proportion of tenancy percent . Cash tenants number . Share-cash tenants number . Share tenants number Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants number . All land in farms Full owners i Part owners Managers i All tenants i Cash tenants i Share-cash tenants i Share tenants i Croppers i Other and unspecified tenants i All cropland harvested i Full owners Part owners i Managers i All tenants i Cash tenants i Share-cash tenants i Share tenants i Croppers ) Other and unspecified tenants i ALL WlflTF FAPM OPERATORS White farm operators m Full owners number . Part owners number . Managers number. AH tenants number . Proportion of tenancy percent . Cash tenants number . Share-cash tenants number . Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants number . Land in farms acres Full ownos acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested acres Full OMnors acres Part owners acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres ALL NOmVUITE FARM OPF,R.\TORS Nonvfhite farm operators numbei Full OATiers numbei Part owners numbei Managers number . All tenants number . Praportion of tenancy percent . Cash tenants number . Share-cash tenants number . Share tenants number . Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants ni Land in farms i Full o>vners i Pait owners Managers All tenants Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants Cropland harvested Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants 2,823 1,019 1,187 6,047,301 4,300,048 1,062,979 127,620 356,654 106,831 16,605 55,320 28,962 148,936 849,062 601,176 171,959 23,944 51,983 14,169 6,230 11,210 3,046 17,328 1,182 6,035,911 4,492,318 1,062,799 124,320 356,474 106,656 16,605 55,320 28,962 148,931 847,735 600,506 171,869 23,467 51,943 14,129 6,230 11,210 3,M6 17,323 68,570 56,243 5,943 169 6,215 9.1 2,768 2,161 7,353,659 5,614,746 1,095,309 101,921 546,683 221,121 12,054 105,005 33,560 169,943 1,079,199 772,859 195,717 23,082 37,541 25,430 3,652 33,706 5,469 19,284 68,284 56,033 5,393 2,151 7,341,539 5,605,561 1,091,024 100,621 544,333 220,116 12,054 103,945 38, 560 169,658 1,077,042 771,959 195,197 22,675 37,211 25,410 3,652 33,411 5,469 19,269 10 17,120 9,185 4,285 1,300 2,350 1,005 1,060 81,434 67,583 5,280 218 8,353 10.3 3,346 3,264 8,214,626 6,410,191 332,062 116,150 806,223 278,649 16,269 139,746 79,437 292,072 1,218,239 931,354 148,510 27,510 110,365 24,653 3,798 35,834 13,518 32,562 31,062 67,310 5,242 214 3,296 10.2 3,313 3,249 8,195,392 6,397,895 379,893 U4,417 303,187 276,399 16,269 139,355 79,318 291,346 1,215,216 929,993 148,059 27,194 109,965 24,497 3,798 35,694 13,496 32,480 15 19,234 12,296 2,169 1,733 3,036 1,750 391 14,387 14.7 3,976 8,719,579 6,774,545 676,773 176,410 1,091,346 530,356 12,765 214,334 85,451 248,940 1,489,919 1,144,420 130,029 46,087 169,333 54,731 2,085 48,522 18,523 35,472 14,257 14.7 8,B94 2,836 8,689,470 6,754,928 675,107 173,213 1,086,217 527, 3U 12,765 213,315 84,997 247,829 1,483,922 1,141,026 129,480 45,087 163,329 64,512 2,085 43,205 13,442 35,085 29 30, 109 19,617 1,671 3,192 5,629 3,W5 1,019 22,579 22.7 12,774 411 3,206 1,123 5,065 3,908,303 6,370,913 610,270 157,451 1,770,164 799,335 46,211 351,581 150,047 422,990 1,564,754 1,132,834 124,057 39,719 268,144 97,115 5,793 34,766 23,281 52,189 93,611 71,146 4,752 373 22,340 22.7 12,584 4U 3,138 1,114 5,043 8,835,062 6,355,867 608,713 156,530 1,763,952 797,220 46,211 349,894 149,050 421,577 1,559,503 1,129,827 123,610 39,312 266,754 96,629 5,793 84,263 28,029 52,040 23,741 15,051 1,557 104,747 68,981 3,152 9,423,655 6,435,037 876,960 230,510 NA 1,710,475 1,157,333 130,737 49,350 323,050 NA NA 104,054 68,525 8,097 NA 9,395,425 6,418,032 874,656 228,609 1,874,078 NA NA NA 1,704,606 1,154,039 180,056 48,818 321,643 NA NA NA 28,230 17,005 2,304 1,901 7,020 NA NA 82,641 60,581 5,992 MA 8,802,348 6,320,792 824,431 256,964 1,400,161 580,057 NA NA 1,655,3 1,190,645 161,648 47,926 255,161 78,561 82,150 60,253 5,947 714 15,236 13.5 7,046 NA 8,774,263 6,305,051 821,630 255,995 1,391,537 577,884 MA NA 174,434 NA 1,648,716 1,187,532 160,989 47,510 252,635 78, 157 NA NA 28,085 15,741 2,801 90,380 70,203 4,740 662 14,775 16.3 6,133 NA 3,979,847 6,960,333 522,493 211,191 1,285,830 460,912 NA NA 107,657 NA 1,676,570 1,269,310 111,932 41,455 253,873 68,624 NA NA 89,666 69,699 4,709 657 14,601 16.3 6,056 NA 8,949,841 6,941,351 521,346 209,141 1,278,003 459,677 NA NA 106,362 NA 1,668,580 1,264,761 111,519 41,141 251,159 68,283 NA NA NA 30,006 13,932 1,147 2,050 7,827 1,235 NA NA NA Not available. ^Total acreage of crops fo' harv'ested for grain. of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of i WEST VIRGINIA State Table 4.-FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, AGE, RESIDENCE, AND OFF-FARM WORK; AND EOTIIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [DnUi in ilalics are based on repofts for coly a sample of farms. See texi] FARM OPERATORS mwhite. . . .number.. . .number. . . .number . . Oth« By age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 lo 34 years operators reportinp .t5 to 44 years operators repioel tractors farms reporting . . Crawler tractors farms reporting . . Automobiles farms reporting. . Autrmobiles and/or motortnicka farms reporting . . Telephone farms re|iiTting . Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting . Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Clop drier (for frain, forage, a other crops). . .farms reponing. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or hlowcr farms repeating. Farms by kind of roatj on wtiich locatetl: llani surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved Less than I mile to a hard surface road . 1 or more miles lo a hard sivface road. . . s reporting. s reporting, s reporting, a reporting. s reporting, -repeating. s reporting. NA Not available. *Plgurea for 1945 are for all tractora. 'Ctmcrete, brick, asphalt, and oacadaja. ^Concrete or brick end macadain. Asphalt w ^Includes sand-cloy. 'Distance to all-neathor road. See text. t.SOS 7,SSi II. 71! 39,285 2,127 2,599 t*.ltl 3, DBS 1,316 IS, «J« 74. SM 013 SSI I.H3 1,177 6,3/11 6,i63 1,036 1,066 II, Ml li, 70i ti,ei7 S!, sef 17,660 II, 106 sn, 661, 16, MJ ts, onri le, SS4 16, 761 IK,67! 17, me 6,633 ii,ie3 ■I. ":: 4,3(4 1,616 not included. 631 6,076 '4.W 16, 3i! 11.166 16, 4« 63. 0 733 65,150 2,414 1,019 JJ, !60 6,69S I,ti6 39, 507 7,6S6 !i, sa I}, in a, 711 16, 616 IS, 16! 33, 370 36, 474 16, 633 II, 74« I!, 603 3,116 16, 774 17. U! IS. Hi 76,157 3,319 1,958 45, 60$ 6. SI I i,666 36, on 11.966 33.066 11,60! 13, 93i 0,COi 1 1. SOI 31. S3I 37, tec 3t, f3l tl, 710 4, 76! !,303 1,120 10,257 22,844 21,053 21,140 52.0 579 45,337 3,562 2,916 38,859 7,009 31,850 6,358 6,863 '6,358 (.24; yi,t70 40,477 37,670 21,599 '25,574 '4,333 1,951 12,956 19,353 22,129 20,719 19,347 50.9 2,827 92,904 3,736 2,642 45,686 6,087 6,247 33,352 15,673 17,679 20,947 11,235 63,705 48,519 15,116 10,845 22,558 11,742 10,816 1,930 9,677 16,894 20,633 17,561 13,378 KA 2,568 39,503 11,007 6,757 21,739 10,021 11,718 =9,638 '5,237 61,786 '6,368 '1,153 77,891 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 e based on reports for i (for definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Feed for Livestock and poultry fanns Ptffchase of livestock and poultry farms Machine hire , . , farnis Farms classified by amount of expend iiu re— $1 to $199 farms S200 to$499 farms $500 to $999 farms ?1,000 to $2,499 farms $2,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to $9,999 farms 510,000 or more farms Hired labor farms Farms classified by amount of expenditure- Si to $199 farms $200 to $499 farms $500 to $999 farms $1,000 to $2.499 farms $2,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to $9,999 farms $10,000 to $19,999 farms $20,000 or more farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials farms Lime and liming materials farms reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting reportjng reporting reporting reporti ng repotting dollars reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting dollars reporting dollai FARM LABOR FaTm workers for specified week:* Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Average per farm reporting persons Family workers, including operators farms reporting persons Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours, farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting Workers hired by month farms reporting Workers hired by week farms reporting persons Workers hired by day farms reporting persons Workers hired by hour farms reporting persons Workers hired on piece-work basis . . farms reporting persons No report aa to basis of payment. . . . farms reporting Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . persons . Fanps reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting . 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting , Seasonal hired workers farms reporting . persons . Farms by kind of workers during specified week: No woriters reported farms . Family workers only farms , Operator only farms . Oper^or and members of his family farms . Members of operator's family only farms. Family workers and hired workers farms. Operator and hired workers farms . Operator, members of his family, and hired workers fnrms . Members of operator's family and hired workers farms. Hired workers only farms . Regular farm workers only farms. Seasonal farm workers only .farms . 36. 6^9 S6. 4H, 899 17, 189 11, PH. 131 15, 003 1. 507, 038 36, 714 i. 737, 989 16, 066 l,!6i, 788 37, 516 61, 63S 36, 76S e.040 34, US S3, 70S O.OSO 1.607 n, 016 £,6i7 1,197 1,118 NA S3, 898 67.810 3. Sl$, 7S£ 9.417 176. 41S 6*7. 936 8. iSS 66, 01 S 37, 101 16, 881 58, 56J, U, 015, 164 35,1,73 IS, 127, 990 18, 965 1,367,801 NA IS, S£9 5,654 1, 601, 1,518 7,055 It, 674 1,861 1,863 700 1,SS0 S.387 3,m 17, 9£6 66, i57 34, 185 J6, 983 75,211 20,873,380 .77. 503 7, £89, 870 30,302 3,626 1,703 1,098 19, ISS NA 25,379 907, H3 NA 993,70; U, 93S i7,iOS !iA 6tS, 965 1, SSS, 99S NA NA 51, 574 4i,956 NA llA 51,937 NA 1,971, III 1,301,135 NA 19, 970 U,35] NA 186, 35£ NA 1,099,335 483,102 7'i,527 109,732 69,608 NA 9,299 14,828 2,974 4,353 '6,351 '9,544 NA Not available. ^For Censuses of 1959 and 1954, expenditures during Census year; for earlier Censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. ^Cash payments for fam labor; housework not included. For 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included. ^Census of 1959, week preceding the enumeration; Census of 1954, week of October 24-30. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. 'See text for differences in definition of fann workers. 'Separate data not available by day or week. ^Separate data not available for workers hired by the hour or piece-work basis. Questionnaire called for other hired labor Including piecework and contract labor. WEST VIRGINIA state Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS, NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Du. otnur-ber oflivesU) k not fully comparable for the several C »=""»■ *«'<■"] I,^ ^^., Census of— (Fcr derinitions and explanations 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1). 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Total value of specified classes of livestock and poultry dollsre... 78,013,091 58,033,707 80,663,228 52,311,590 36,475,241 29,539,560 54,030,842 38,813,764 66,623,095 Cattle aikd calves . .fanna reporting . . . 36,467 58,144 65,042 77,302 81,419 92,050 71,240 NA 81,368 number . . . 515,027 596,876 588,306 573,083 527,067 611,402 556,257 567,769 537,462 value, dollars . . . 63,805,413 41,982,037 59,741,240 33,518,580 19,699,119 12,692,302 29,885,681 17,706,639 33,727,219 Cow9, including heifers that have calved . ..lams reporting... 34,805 56,191 63,222 74,435 79,487 89,768 NA NA NA number . . . 263,015 309,985 286,664 309,592 254,727 299,170 2U,868 266,945 252,870 value, dollan . . . 39,715,265 25,728,755 41,205,928 22,460,994 11,264,744 7,778,420 15,779,149 10,054,937 17,788,631 Milk cows farms reporting 29,130 52,521 58,999 NA NA 78,338 218,769 NA NA 65,782 183,263 49,579 137,323 65,6a 181,206 number... 121,151 185,838 203,997 value, dollars .. . 18,657,254 NA NA NA 9,545,315 NA 13,889,955 5,552,575 12,800,247 Heifers and heifer calves .Farms reporting... 24,659 35,295 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA. numbK... 149,008 170,440 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA value. doUan . . . 14,304,768 9,033,320 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steers and bulls, including steer and ball calves ..farms reporting... 18,390 22,736 NA NA KA NA KA NA NA numbtr... 103,004 116,451 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars... 9,785,380 7,219,962 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA Hcrs«9 and/or mules . .farms reporting . . . 19,590 33,596 49,176 NA 53,872 58,177 58,781 69,050 NA number . . . 37,587 58,790 91,987 105,113 107,857 111,012 124,958 157,737 184,129 value, dollars... 4,284,918 3,821,350 7,204,634 9,991,447 10,876,987 11,154,297 11,235,545 11,348,181 19,668,921 Htrses and colts. incIudinR ponies ..farms repeating... NA NA 46,574 50,317 49,250 52,347 NA NA 59,021 number... NA NA 85,681 97,336 98,127 98,626 U2,638 142,620 159,148 value, dollars .. . NA NA 6,667,529 9,198,003 9,897,284 10,021,908 10,096,458 10,141,234 17,829,634 Mules and mule colta ..farms reporting... lU 1A 3,861 4,942 5,240 7,861 NA NA 8,355 number... NA NA 6,305 7,777 9,730 12,386 12,320 15,117 14,981 value, dollars... NA NA 537,105 793,444 979,703 1,142,389 1,139,087 1,206,947 1,839,287 Ho and rMnsmDrtins 23 736 39,545 132,850 43,894 197,286 48,072 165,283 58,006 171,765 59,239 188,143 49,623 221,681 47,698 177,012 57,897 305, 2U number... 148,238 value, ddlars... 3,256,6U 5,043,850 3,221,106 2,295,580 1,508,045 997,158 2,542,111 1,739,041 4,046,132 Bom since June 1 . .farms reporting . . . 12,240 18,002 14,883 NA NA NA 11,454 NA NA number . . . 81,762 90,806 82,671 NA NA NA 75,679 NA HA value, dollars... 1,062,906 1,362,090 874,468 NA NA NA NA NA NA Bom before June I farms reporting 18,670 66,476 32,020 92,044 36,324 NA 58,006 NA NA NA NA number... 114,615 NA 171,755 NA 146,002 NA NA value, dollars .. . 2,193,708 3,681,760 2,346,638 NA 1,508,045 NA NA NA NA Sheep and lamba . .tuns reporting. . . 8,578 10,033 10,391 13,160 18,753 23,927 22, lU 17,677 22,234 number . . . 290,449 M2,691 421,700 322,123 437,381 606,190 896,661 441,401 509,831 value, dollars... 4,453,076 4,283,370 7,201,130 2,599,315 2,357,451 2,394,450 7,186,163 3,855,648 5,049,727 . .farms reporting... 5,303 6,168 8,731 NA NA NA NA NA 12,021 number... 65,663 57, 9U 169,196 NA HA NA 319, 9U 64,481 82,858 value, dollars... 984,945 810,796 2,530,980 NA NA NA NA NA 652,212 Sheep I year dd and ovv ..farms reporting... 8,369 9,738 10,094 NA 18,753 NA NA NA NA number... 224,786 244,777 252,504 NA 437,381 NA 576,747 376,920 426,973 value, dotlars .. . 3,468,131 3,472,574 4,670,150 NA 2,357,461 NA 5,435,681 NA 4,397,515 Ewe« ..farms reporting... 8,244 9,588 10,012 12,650 17,406 22,590 HA HA 21,134 number... 211,023 229,545 232,638 279,766 385,004 483,514 528,082 345,353 392,790 value, dollars... 3,165,345 3,213,630 4,358,669 2,242,204 2,114,752 1,885,705 5,032,880 NA 4,017,264 rUma and wethers .,. . . . .farms iwpoting . . . 6,495 7,350 6,640 NA NA NA NA NA NA number... 13,753 15,232 19,866 NA 52,377 NA 48,565 31,567 34,183 value, dollars... »2,786 258,944 311,481 NA 242,709 NA 402,801 NA 380,251 Chickens ^ months old and nver . .farms ivporting . . . 29,346 52,598 56,647 79,070 84,181 93,951 75,431 81,412 82,389 number... 2,015,129 2,663,126 2,961,984 3,541,313 3,377,535 4,123,914 3,673,989 4,349,406 4,027,510 value, dollars .. . 2,115,885 2,796,282 3,180,462 3,906,668 1,967,475 2,144,435 3,181,342 4,164,255 3,831,016 Ttffcey tvens kepi for breedinff. ..farms reporting... 566 965 1,785 HA 5,267 12,346 NA HA 13,403 number... 23,764 30,809 26,435 NA 31,554 66,781 NA HA 61,800 value, dollars . . 102,185 106,818 U4,656 NA 66,154 146,918 NA NA 250,080 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 7.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1969 for livestock sold alive and dairy prodiicts sold are based on reports for only a sample of farma. See textj Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including poultry and poultry products dollars . Any livestcck sold alive (cattle, horses and mules, hogs, and sheep) farms reporting . value of sales, dollars . Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sates, dollars . Poultry and poultry products farms reporting . value of sales, dollars . LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting , dollars . Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting. number . dollars . Calves farms reporting. dollais . Horses and/or mules sold alive farms reporting . number . dollars . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . number, dollars . SHEEP SHORN .WJDnOOL Sheep and/or lambs shorn farms reporting . number shorn . pounds of wool . value, dollars . Lambs shorn farms reporting. number shorn, pounds of wool . Other sheep shorn farms reporting . number shorn . pounds of wool , LITTERS FARROWED Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting. number of litters . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting , number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. number of litters . POl'LTRY AST) POl'LTR^ PRODI 'CTS SOLD Chickens sold farms reporting number dollars Broilers sold farms reporting dollars Other chickens sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dollars farms reporting . dollars. Turkeys raised farms reporting . Ducks sold farms reporting. number . Geese sold farms reporting. Guineas sold farms reporting . number. DAIRY PRODl'CTS ■am sold farms reporting. Average sales per farm reporting dollars . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting. cheese sold farms reportin MA Not available. ^All dairy products sold. ^Published values for 1*45 and 1940 i -prtjducts sold. ^Butter sold. Census of — 31,120 250,716 29,165,871 16,255 107,338 18,862,194 25,546 143,378 10,303,677 1,814 3,095 387,912 7,170 110,687 3,652,671 8,012 218,337 2,838,381 6,576 23,814,984 13,679,984 1,199 22,936,314 13,073,699 5,570 878,670 606,285 12,713 12,304,181 4,552,54« 4,789,764 1,046 1,388,943 10,557 18,155,196 1,720 5,920 395,307,745 17,524,324 5,094 1,334,155 630,872 17,014,354 25,478 24,634,107 40,104 270,101 19,041,713 22,231 115,017 12,826,768 34,963 155,084 6,214,945 1,925 3,399 221,515 10,125 118,851 2,847,573 3,946 216,941 2,965,680 9,458 255,249 1,369,875 739,729 9,216 27,568 6,944 13,412 6,257 14,156 11,585 18,990,847 13,876,681 1,975 18,196,006 13,126,740 9,977 794,841 749,941 20,901 10,222,629 4,506,333 1,250 6,251,093 2,280 1,702,836 6,736 353,744,999 14,880,686 10,742 3,023,046 1,393,949 16,727,716 38,640 18,339,585 45,639 244,078 24,154,148 22,275 113,752 17,425,717 38,896 130,326 6,728,431 3,180 5,288 367,740 18,074 184,017 3,305,075 9,254 197,559 3,279,022 9,796 241,782 1,284,174 640,035 21,919 11,364,985 9,345,694 32,538 12,6a, 223 5,383,149 1,740 3,610,742 2,142 610,593 '24,043 '15,435,868 9,042 293,582,370 13,330,587 12,560 3,270,591 1,745,755 47,760 275,064 15,277,206 m KA 17,143 172,309 2,867,363 11,026 228,798 1,830,900 '394 10,196 247,644,638 '9,294,647 13, 375 3,550,122 '1,917,381 '9,164 '582,677 40,062 217,976 7,916,733 22,627 134,797 6,440,222 27,991 33,179 1,476,511 MA NA NA 12,821 131,118 1,482,361 14,873 324,066 1,823,060 17,345 412,714 2,134,257 567,925 39,058 3,036,293 1,852,936 6,548 157,807,222 '4,307,503 14, 379 4,587,168 '964,718 22,683 570,376 2,901,499 754,390 19,527 521,361 2,741,308 995,441 47,738 2,442,994 2,317,664 60,153 19,644,672 6,307,914 7,355 145,775,461 4,695,908 400,031 2,118,096 900,201 computed on the basis of average prices. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated value of all dairy WEST VIRGINIA 11 state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 Census of — anftUors. see lext) (Foe definitions ajid exp 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) All f aDEfl number... AA,011 68,583 81,434 97,600 99,282 104,747 82,641 90,380 87,289 Cropland harvested . .fnrms reporting . . . 39,380 60,477 71,152 90,964 95,022 101,676 79,100 NA NA acres 831,3ft4 1,073,216 1,218,239 1,489,919 1,564,754 1,710,475 1,655,380 1,676,570 '1,891,515 Total value of crops barvested. Including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars . . . 52,636,579 69,903,794 57,967,331 75,376,401 38,641,344 NA NA NA NA Total value of crops sold. including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars. .. 21,278,520 23,736,408 14,972,486 15,066,639 7,124,433 NA 14,390,000 NA NA Com; Com for all purposes . . ..faima reporting — 20,907 39,711 51,173 63,978 77,760 89,070 67,019 69,617 NA acres . . . U9,017 189,022 238,306 332,452 430,532 529,847 434,426 438,286 NA value, dollars . . . 8,260,133 13,514,039 14,878,125 U,312,188 9,604,953 NA NA NA NA Harvested for grain. . .fanns reporting... 19,922 38,729 49,586 63,023 76,886 87,994 65,682 66,239 77,476 acres . . . 99,604 169,445 219,160 316,373 414,181 514,793 409,984 403,201 568,219 bushels. . . 4,423,350 7,931,675 9,659,976 8,835,020 12,391,025 12,506,137 11,656,200 9,375,248 17,010,357 Sales ..faBas reporting... 2,954 3,760 ^2,980 NA NA NA NA NA 5,396 bushels . . . 884,244 1,322,364 776,777 NA NA NA NA NA 994,003 dollars . . . 1,176,043 1,983,546 '918,325 NA NA NA NA NA 1,739,505 Cut for silage . . fRTTTW reporting . . . 1,736 2,020 1,724 NA 1,592 NA 1,933 2,415 NA acres . . . 17,368 17,452 14,573 NA 12,218 NA 15,755 19,072 NA tons, green weight... 188,096 184,269 142,764 NA 128,131 NA 128,330 142,637 NA Bogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder . .fajms reporting . . . 516 703 1,434 NA 1,318 NA NA NA *24,671 acres... 1,845 2,125 4,573 NA 4,133 NA 8,687 16,013 ■'182,709 Sotgtiums: Sorghums for all purposes ..fauns reporting... Nil M NA '297 3,793 NA '167 NA NA acres . . . 257 491 254 '946 2,599 2,223 1,663 2,285 11,222 value, dollars... 45,733 81,880 34,986 '33,241 123,695 39,228 99,624 NA 603,854 Harvested for grain or seed ..fanns reporting... 5 20 3 27 12 30 18 NA 40 acres. . . 15 31 5 49 50 68 33 87 133 bushela . . . 540 871 175 1,028 956 1,262 606 1,019 1,888 Sales ..fams reporting... 3 N4 NA NA NA NA NA NA bushela. . . NA 610 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 360 793 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cut for silage ..fauna reporting... 3 4 NA 9 NA NA NA NA acres. . . 20 34 NA 48 NA NA NA NA tons, green weight... 207 244 NA 258 NA NA NA NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay.. ..fame reporting... 4 7 NA 232 NA NA NA 550 acres... 15 W NA 431 NA NA NA 2,650 tcms out... 12 19 NA 749 NA NA NA 2,967 Sales ..faints reporting... NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA Harvested for sirup. ..fazoa reporting... 255 521 405 NA 3,569 NA 2,482 NA 11,900 acres. .. 207 426 235 NA 2,070 NA 1,310 1,195 8,439 gallons... 16,907 33,530 17,621 NA 133,982 NA 87,606 NA 451,875 Sales ..fanns reporting... 216 NA 177 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 34,348 59,093 12,4U NA NA NA NA NA NA Small gtaltis harveslei!: ffheat ..fams reporting... 2,994 5,992 8,149 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 22,516 44,053 64,680 85,114 123,810 144,685 104,282 111,319 298,036 bushels... 512,221 1,069,997 1,208,423 1,586,408 1,782,392 1,846,998 1,360,285 1,369,253 3,747,812 value, dollars... 921,998 2,125,494 2,263,712 2,446,549 1,553,854 1,810,058 1,704,684 2,204,562 8,395,097 Sales ..fazins reporting... 1,016 1,920 1,902 NA NA NA NA NA NA buAhelA . . . 287,222 610,880 391,182 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 516,998 1,191,216 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Oata faims reporting 4,342 6,574 5,982 6,383 8,933 42,483 8,648 11,522 11,206 34,600 " acres ! '. '. 24,918 33,043 29,442 32,502 42,941 62,857 60,558 169,915 bushels . . . 1,016,809 1,235,331 825,058 817,038 996,908 945,702 1,5U,150 1,399,738 3,054,668 value, dollars... 803,279 1,050,031 711,646 752,625 458,904 520,136 970,247 1,041,839 3,054,668 Sales ..fanns reporting... 325 426 270 NA NA NA NA NA 1,364 bushels . . . 80,140 75,795 31,495 NA NA NA NA NA 116,111 dollars . . . 63,309 64,421 NA NA NA NA NA NA 116,111 Barley ..fanns reporting... 992 1,646 1,183 998 1,194 640 171 196 305 acres . . . 9,179 14,233 U,188 3,261 9,775 4,896 932 1,201 1,359 bushels . . . 309,107 551,W6 351,464 221,025 257,051 99,513 21,182 21,477 24,816 value, dollars . . . 327,653 584,215 373,020 280,704 130,485 66,674 19,102 20,405 37,232 Sales ..fams reporting... 132 259 179 NA NA NA NA NA 35 bushels . . . 34,883 72,268 43,370 NA NA NA NA NA 1,659 dollars . . . 36,977 76,603 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,489 Hye ..femi3 reporting... U7 216 259 785 1,016 1,969 1,831 1.791 3,900 acres... Sit 1,388 1,229 5,050 5,926 11,143 11,146 10,224 19,760 bushels . . . 15,232 27,541 16,709 67,999 66,622 U6,779 105,842 99,376 186,709 value, dollars... 22,848 45,443 24,225 91, U9 43,609 92,255 120,096 133,938 326,749 Sales ..fanns reporting... 31 43 46 NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 7,078 10,391 3,651 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 10,619 17,146 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Buclnhcat . .fanns reporting . . . 346 1,081 1,700 NA 4,088 NA 5,905 6,954 8,869 1,325 4,271 6,109 NA 14,538 NA 23,381 27,384 31,095 bushels . . . 29,519 104,787 123,088 NA 235,192 NA 409,757 412,497 537,883 value, dollars... 32,471 130,984 181,585 NA 171,722 NA 425,104 502,788 860,616 Sales ..fanns reporting... 72 172 202 NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 10,677 38,157 17,943 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 11,746 47,699 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other grains ..fanns reporting... 45 47 36 77 NA 156 NA NA acres. 312 333 206 363 553 788 1,241 40 bushels . . . 8,336 10,188 6,560 6,271 9,731 13,690 23,289 718 value, dollars... 9,170 12,226 5,904 8,627 6,357 10,268 22,067 1,136 Sales ..fanna reporting... 1 5 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 100 1,236 575 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 110 1,483 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for beans ... .f anna reporting bushels value, dollars Sales dollars Cut for hsy' f aims reporting value, dollars Sales dollars Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting value, dollars Plowed under for green manure farms reporting Hay crops (see text): Land fron wblch hay was cut^ acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating, .fanos reporting value, dollars Sales farms reporting dollars Clover, timothy, and mlJrtures of clover and grasses cut for hay f anus reporting value, dollars Sales farms reporting dollars Lespedeza cut for hay fajms reporting value, dollars Sales farms reporting dollars Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other ^""11 grains cut for hay farms reporting value, dollars Sales fanns reporting dollars Other hay cut farms reporting value, dollars Sales f aims reporting dollars Grass silage made froL grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting. tons, green weight, value, dollars. Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed f aims reporting . pounds . value, dollars . Sales dollars . Clover seed: Red clover seed farms reporting. bushels . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Lespedeza seed f aims reporting . pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . LT"hardgrae8 seed faims reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Timothy seed farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars . Other field seed crops acres . value, dollars. Sales dollars . See footnotes at end of table . 8,265 17,191 16,530 591 1,708 2,804 71,502 3,590 8,674 122,174 227,959 7,066,729 20,701 311,136 399,479 10,386,454 2,291 23,361 607,386 1,068 8,286 8,864 203,872 3,409 12,917 15,714 361,422 8,602 9,909 135,744 148,226 3,112,746 1,099 8,303 174,363 11,144 64,556 742,394 2,570 3,003 60,060 51,760 61,666 14,183 13,999 103 587 9,850 26,102 23,754 2,411 6,654 11,367 363,744 18,188 227 U,506 122,535 225,055 1,664,618 28,979 346,219 427,089 13,880,392 1,025 14,092 457,993 3,794 28,805 32,915 987,450 10,869 41,110 51,454 1,517,893 14,086 163,512 177,181 4,961,068 8,653 46,5i2 325,794 1,715 1,798 52,142 28,681 16,756 3,016 1,659 76,830 18,451 12,915 4,685 9,760 14,131 33,176 149 169 1,372 898 22,414 10,369 61,446 22,879 NA NA 4,056 8,809 10,8U 29,719 17,985 40,279 498,720 1,103,331 7,809 63,958 122,014 3,302,597 36,962 429,885 525,693 12,556,629 5,561 40,714 44,436 1,177,881 '42,311 20,097 '992,725 15,747 188,593 203,440 ,254,519 3,161 13,016 91,112 3,625 3,008 85,730 7,177 51,954 93,013 2,715,026 36,344 434,612 466,225 U,814,551 3,917 25,297 22,482 591,793 '52,884 10,918 '1,112,597 246,088 238,397 5,099,838 11,890 42,767 65,409 826,131 5,600 34,825 72,967 1,110,875 32,697 327,549 342,633 4,437,924 24,861 24,552 326,353 '56,624 25,780 '599,580 242,107 228,428 2,486,668 ^'4,257 1'4,796 '36,518 9,437 36,870 46,890 820,575 2,823 18,438 34,334 642,046 41,037 433,271 312,945 5,101,004 '68,300 17,683 265,245 180,303 125,230 1,958,822 5,481 23,171 30,501 448,855 1,674 9,894 17,661 325,625 526,956 554,057 ,221,469 '95,542 15,997 239,141 140,697 126,164 1,567,810 WEST VIRGINIA 13 state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of — Ottief field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for hone use or for sale f ams reporting . toisTiela. value, dollars . Sales dollars . Popcam fams reportljig. pounds (ear coni) . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Sveetpotatoes faisss reporting. bushels. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Tobacco fanos reporting . pounds. value, dollars . Soles dollars . Other field crops acres. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars . Vegetables fw horre use and for sale {other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for heme use^' farms reporting. value, dollars. Vegetables harvested for sale^'' fannfi reporting. Sales dollars . Beans, green Mmn farms reporting. Beans, snap (bush and pole typce) farms reporting . Beets (table) fams reporting. Cabbage faiss reporting . Cantaloups and musbselons f anas reporting . Cauliflower f ams reporting . Com, sweet farms reporting. Cucumbers and ploUes . .faims reporting. Kale famis reporting. C^ons, green fama reporting. Peas, green faiwis reporting. Peppers, sweet farms reporting. PumplElns famui reporting. Tanatoes farms reporting. Turnips farms reporting . Watermelons farms reporting . Other vegetables acres . Berries and other small fruits harvested for S3le:'° Blackberries and dewberries fanns reporting . value, dollars. Raspberries farms reporting. value, dollars. Strawberries farms reporting . quarts. value , dollars . Other berries and small fruits acres. value, dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 27,370 5,833 835,-139 1,478,727 292,405 103 105 166,456 4,298 4,298 28,780 60,438 12,092 2,556 2,009 2,975,626 1,785,378 1,785,378 12 1,341 3,140 525,052 84,585 38,066 1,174 52,917 9,518 1,519,559 2,628,837 616,219 254 85 126,802 5,072 4,564 3,352 2,837 4,116,U5 2,058,071 2,058,071 81 1,934 3,804 553,709 52,250 14,345 1,571,067 2,894,398 2,801 2,760 3,755,502 1,802,549 '*46,535,277 2,841 4,945 619,055 67,908 27,352 2,160,497 4,355,839 10,537 1,666 122,350 243,058 2,479 2,969 2,982,087 1,266,659 5,960 7,560 1,0W,506 74,340 30,989 2,730,459 2,557,502 10,630 1,532 107,027 119,057 2,457 2,639 2,165,779 393,444 3,862 6,460 467,069 (Z) 1,356 3,346 1,069 582,251 65,9U 3,735 1,219 1,194,320 131,422 63 1,384 80,953 43,069 3,007,676 2,436,218 13,920 2,601 170,963 205,156 3,U7 2,306 1,783,508 290,712 2,695 1,137 1,047,424 125,691 69,086 35,924 3,745,941 5,057,826 7,959 1,051 96,776 158,326 4,541 7,181 5,361,698 1,129,045 10,848 10,212 1,085,404 4,785 2,100 783,330 90,952 3,895 1,331 798,264 155,892 4,683 1,303 1,431,641 253,441 60,259 31,283 2,662,695 2,873,506 4,186 1,023 70,101 109,124- 5,062 7,767 5,681,477 1,135,936 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land tn bearing and nonbf arlng fruit orchardB, graves, vineyards, and planted nut trees fanns reporting. Apples famiB reporting. IVeea of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age faros reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested faiana reporting. bushels . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Cherries farms reporting. Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age ra-rma reporting . Trees of bearing age fanoQ reporting. Quantity harvested. .fanns reporting. pounds . value , dollars . Sales dollars . Cherries, sour fauns reporting. Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age fauns reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. Quantity harvested. .farms reporting. pounds. value , dollars . Sales dollars . Cherries, sweet fauns reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age fanns reporting. Trees of bearing age faxms reporting. number. Quantity harvested, .fanns reporting. pounds. value , dollars . Sales dollars . Grapes fauna reporting. Vines of all ages number. Vines not of bearing age farms reporting . number. Vines of bearing age f tirms reporting . number. Quantity harvested faims reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Peaches fanns reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number. Trees of bearing age fanns reporting . number. Quantity harvested farais reporting. bushels . value , dollars . Sales dollars . Pears farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels . value, dollars . Sales dollars . Plums and prunes fanns reporting. Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels . value, dollars. Sales dollars . See footnotes at end of table . 7,340 39,209 7,251 1,191,559 6,440 855,969 2,290 6,418,363 8,985,708 8,921,520 HA. 63,238 53,236 NA 1,275,495 89,300 89,300 2,023 44,411 590 330 1,1>43,745 80,066 80,066 2,173 18,827 543 131,750 9,234 9,234 15,802 50,546 15,835 1,450,030 14,857 1,164,933 12,039 6,393,210 10,229,135 10,229,135 7,537 118,316 6,327 94,214 3,571 2,406,502 264,715 264,715 KA NA 3,381 7,303 31,132 58,199 694 1,238 7,4i0 9,912 2,949 6,442 23,692 48,287 1,292 3,681 152,344 473,871 9,142 23,694 9,142 23,694 3,324 8,623 337,754 446,575 1,230 2,284 67,121 60,142 2,574 7,386 270,633 386,433 839 5,532 541,891 834,561 1,412,160 1,460,483 1,412,160 1,^60,483 3,440 7,473 15,189 30,597 865 1,649 4,119 6,513 2,366 6,329 11,070 24,084 1,381 4,303 17,537 62,839 28,941 100,544 28,941 100,544 10,631 28,710 28,710 3,940 26,074 2,287 23,600 47,200 47,200 48,616 ^'73,076 45,329 2,334,177 40,178 1,913,254 24,595 4,429,968 5,131,136 NA 16,280 154,381 3,833 2,777,111 249,941 NA NA 44,272 104,587 70,626 3,644,609 22,937 38,975 145,442 244,547 4,664 NA 25,899 NA 19,316 NA 119,543 NA 9,029 NA 880,599 4,158,206 44,032 191,420 NA NA 23,608 43,842 764,988 1,172,681 8,793 NA 192,292 NA 17,622 NA 572,696 NA 4,530 NA 504,856 365,764 897,965 1,801,492 NA NA 17,121 28,866 65,661 104,031 13,230 NA 49,816 NA 2,865 NA 26,354 173,428 48,757 266,397 NA NA 12,297 20,023 74,250 116,848 3,972 NA 20,408 NA 9,092 NA 53,842 NA 1,021 NA 6,269 44,662 12,593 94,934 51,430 117,863 63,520 3,828,519 58,279 3,241,174 46,978 6,325,326 3,601,043 NA 21,282 202,682 8,197 2,040,078 84,007 NA 20,960 166,821 13,611 2,489,722 70,262 NA 26,993 820,967 12,254 454,106 486,852 NA 8,475 74,832 58,769 56,416 143,968 66,218 4,863,354 161,038 65,088 6,193,538 984,406 1,122,288 NA KA NA NA 56,993 488,715 901,413 96,888 675,555 1,250,455 NA NA NA 24,638 23,186 30,591 113,525 113,869 141,754 WEST VIRGINIA 15 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For dennitiona and explw Census of— Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes^ ^-Continued Chestnuts fauns reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age fonns reporting . Trees of bearing age fauns reporting . ^lantlty hAr/ested farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . falnuts, black (planted) fanas reporting. Trees of all ageg number. Trees not of bearing age faros reporting . □umber. Trees of bearing age fams reporting. number. Quantity harvested fazms reporting. pounds. value, dollara. Sales dollars . Other tree fruits and nuts value, dollars. Sales dollars . 8,U4 1,621 1,621 87,000 2,610 2,610 6,331 136 4,518 124,091 6,206 6,206 02,249,135 12,249,135 6,545,262 4,906,065 2,344,344 HA Not available. Z Reported in small fractions. ^FlgMres for cropland harvested and specified cropa relate to the crop years 1959, 1954, 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. ^Total acreage of crops for vhlch figures are available, except that cam cut for forage v«s excluded as ntost of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of ocm harvested for grain. *Value of com and other com product* sold. *Com cut for forage . 'Sorghums for all purposes, except for simp- le 1944 and 1939 figures do not include acres plowed under for green manure. The 1944 figures are for acres grown alone. ''For 1944, soybeans and covpeas har/ested for hay. Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches In 1924. •For all Cenfluses, except 1950, obtained by adding the individual hay crops. 'includes oats cut for feeding unthresbed. ^^Sllage crops other than com and aorgbuos. ^^Clover seed, except sweetclover. ^^Clover seed, including sweetclover. ^^For 1959 and 1954, does not Include acreage for fams with less than 20 bushels h&rveeted; for 1949, does not include acreage for fauns with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. ^^Includes receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges. '''includes the value of maple sirup and maple sugar produced. ^'Excludes Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes, except for the 1920 Census which Included potatoes for heme use only. ^^Excludea Irish and sweet potatoes. ^'Oreen lima beans included with snap beans. ^'includes hot peppers. ^"Fot Censuses nrior to 1950, small fruits harvested for hone use or for sale. ^*For 1959 and 1954, does not include data for fazns with less than 20 trees and grapevines. See text. ^^Does not Include acreage for fams reporting less than l/2 acre. See text. 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 9.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nuraer>' and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold fanns reporting dollars On farms with sales of S2,000 or more farms reporting dollars Nuraery products (treea, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) Farms reporting Sales dollars Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting Grown under glass farms reporting square feet Grown in the open farms reporting Sales dollars Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting Grown under glass or in house faims reporting square feet Grown in the open farms reporting Sales dollars Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting Sales of any forest products farms reporting dollars Soles of standing timber farms reporting dollars Sales of all other forest products farms reporting Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, sawlogs, veneer logs, and Christmas trees . . .farms reporting dollars, Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting dollars Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting cords (4' X 4' X 8') Sales farms reporting coris (4' X 4' X 8") Pulpwood sold farms reporting cords (4' K 4' X 8") Fence posts cut farms reporting Sales fanns reputing number Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting thousands of board feet Sales farms reporting thousands of board feet Christmas trees sold farms reporting Maple sirup made forms reporting gallons Buckets hung farms reporting number Maple sugar made farms reporting "2,032 1,277,688 4U,917 50 96 251,211 *'V95,Q21 NA Not available. ^Excludes data for farms unclassified as to type. ^Treea, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbe. Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated nnishrooms. 'Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass; and flowers grown in the i^en. ^Total square feet under glass. ''Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and planta grown in the open. ^Value of vegetables and vegetable plants. 'Excludes farms reporting only sales of maple sirup. "Does not include farms reporting only toaple sirup and/or maple sugar sold. ^^Not strictly coi[?)arable with other years as figures probably include some reports of firewood used < ^^Does not include value of sales of maple sin^ and maple sugar. ^^Flgurea include sales of standing timber. WEST VIRGINIA 17 state Table 10.- -CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 (For dennitions and explanations, see text) Places excluded as farms by change in definition , 1954-1959 number Cropland harvested places reporting Under 10 acres places reporting 10 or more acres places reporting Operators b>- tenure: Full owners number Part on-ners and managers number Tenants number Operators b>' color White number Nonwhite number Operators by year began operation of present place: 1959 operators reporting 1958 operators reporting 1957 operators reporting 1956 operaLcrs reporting 1951-1955 operators reporting 1950 or earlier operators reporting Operators b>' age: I'nder 55 years operators reporting 55 to 64 >-ears op9»tor9 repcrting 6S or more years. operators reporting Operators not reporting age number (For dennitions and explanations, see text) Operators by days of wxk off place in 1959: No days operators reporting . . 1 to 49 days operators reporting. . 30 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. , 300 or Toote days operators reporting . . Operators not reporting number. . Operators reporting other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting . , Cattle and calves of all agos places reporting . . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved places reporting.. number . , Hogs and pigs places reporting.. number . , Chickens 4 months old and over places reporting . , number . . Com harvested for all purposes places reporting . . Ray harvested places reporting . 5,711 8,074 5,381 5,732 State Table 11.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 CeoBUB Census of 1959 Btartlng date— Novanber 11 Sest Vlrglnlo Census of 195A Census storting date— Hovember 3 West Virginia Approximau kvcngo dale dl enumen Pcrc^t of fanns cnuiMnt«ct duhng- Nov. 22-Nov. 28 Percent (Z) (Z) (Z) i 7 30 20 18 U 6 3 Pcvcoflt of faims enuniarau?d during Percent (Z) (Z) (Z) 7 18 23 Novombet 15 ID 2L 23 12 8 5 2 (Z) Z Less than 0.5. 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON FARMS AND BY QUANTITY OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data for caUle and calves on hand, < rt hand, millc cows on hand, and animals sold alive are based on reports for only a sample of taima. See texlj Cattle and calves of all ages on hand farms reponinr.. . number . . , 1 fanns reporting . . . 2to4 fanns reporting . . . 5(o9 f aims reporting . , , 10 to 49 '"IDS reporting . . , 10 to 19 farms reporting . . SO to 49 farms reporting.. . 50 to 99 f«"is reporting.., 100 or more farms reporting . ■ 100 to 199 fanns reporting... 200 to 499 'wrns reporting.. 500 or more farms reporting. . Cows on hand, including heifers that have calved. . . . ^. . farms reporting . . number . . 1 farms reporting . . 2 farms reporting . . 3 or 4 farms reporting , , 51q9 farms reporting . . 10 to 14 farms reporting , . 15 to 19 farms reporting . . 20to29 farms reporting . . 30 to 49 faima reporting.. 50 to 74 fanns reporting . . 75 to 99 (arms reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 499 farms reportins., 500 oc more farms reporting . . Milk COWS on hand farms reporting.. number . . 1 famis repcMting . . 2 farms reporting . . 3or4 farms reporting . , 5 to 9 farms repotting . . 10 to 14 farms reportins.. 15 to 19 fanns reporting.. 20lo29 fanns reporting . . 30 to 49 fanns reporting.. 50 to 74 fanns reporting . . 75 to 99 farms reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 to 499 fanns reporting . . 500 or more farms reporting. . Cattle sold alive, excluding calves fanr.s reporting.. 1 lo 4 farms reportir^i; . . 5lo9 fanr^ reoortinp.. 10 to 19 farms r^xxiing . . 20to29 fanns reporting . . 30 lo 39 fanr.s reporting . . 40 to 49 . . r farms reporting . . 50 lo 99 fanns reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 or more fvms reporting . . Calves sold alive fams reporting. . lio4 farms renorting.. gio9 fanrs reportinp.. 10 to 19 farTTiS reportine . - 20to29 farm.s reporting . . 30 to 39 farms reporting . . 40 (o 49 farms reporting. . 50 to 99 farms r^iorting . . 100 or more- farms reporting.. 100 to 199 farms reportinp . . 200 or more forms reportin.T . . Hogs and pigs of all ages on hand fams reporting.. number . . ItoO farms reporting.. 10 to 24". farms reporting , . 2S lo 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 99 fanns reporting.. 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 to 499 r»«Tns reporting.. 500 to 999 farr.is reporting. . 1.000 or more fwms reportine . . Litters farrowed. December I. previous year, to November 30. Census year farms roponinc . . ] fvrr^ reporting . , 2 farms reporting.. 3 fanrs reporting . , 4 farms reporting . . 5 farms reporting. , g farms repwting . 7 farms reporting . . g fantis reporting . , ^ farms reporting . , 10 or more farms renorting . , 10 to 19 farms reporting . 20 to 39 fani'S reporting. 40 to 69 ■■■ fanns reporting. 70 to 99 Famis reporting. 100 or more faTT,;s reporting . NA Not available. 10,19^ 7,649 12,135 6,559 5,626 1,677 442 353 35,584 56,533 269, U4 317,033 8,883 19,517 6,323 10,761 5,768 8,786 6,385 8,463 3,058 3,788 1,603 1,899 1,936 1,865 1,139 1,008 12 1 3a,ei> dozens 800 to 1.509 dozens 1,600 to 1,999 liozens 2,000 to 4,909 dozens 5,000 to 9,999 dozens 10,000 to 19,999 dozens 20,000 to 49,999 dozens 50,000 or more dozens Turkeys raised Undw 50 50to.^99 400to79P 600 to 1,599 1.600 or more l.BOO to 3,199 3,200 to M93 5 reporting.. nuiT.ber.. s reporting . . 5 reporting. . s reporting.. s reporting . . s reporting.. 5 reporting . . s reporting.. s reporting., s reporting. . reporting. number reporting 'arms reporting , 'arms reporting. reporting 'arms reporting ■arms reporting 'arms reportinr . reporting. renorting . reporting. reporting, farms reporting. reporting, farms reporting. 5 reporting . number . 5 reporting. s reportinp. s reporting . 3 reporting. 5 reporting. 5 reporting. 3 reporting. s reporting 3 reporting 9 reporting s repotting 3 reporting s reporting 9 reporting. , s reporting. s reporting . , s reporting., s reporting . . 3 reporting., s reporting. . 5 repcrting . . s reporting . s reporting. s reportin;* , s reporting. . s reporting. . s reporting. arms reporting . . reporting . . reporting . reporting . reporting, reporting . . 29,346 2,015,129 20,978 5,002 2,810 271 U7 22 5,570 878,670 2,750 1,366 1,071 168 117 12,713 12,304,181 4,420 4,363 1,549 1,253 160 558 WEST VIRGINIA 19 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data for all crops except corn, Irish potatoes, and forest products are based on reparts for only a sample of farms. See textj Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting,. Ifeder 5 acres f aims reporting . . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 acres faras reporting., 11 to 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting.. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 or more acres fanas reporting. . Acres harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels . . Under 5 acres fanaa reporting.. 5 to 9 acres fanas reporting.. 10 acres farms reporting,, 11 to 15 acres faras reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 24 acres farms reporting,. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres faros reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting.. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reportli^., 300 or Skore acres farms reporting.. Com sold farms reporting. , bushels.. Under 100 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels faima reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels faxms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels fanas reporting.. WHEAT Acres harvested faima reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting,. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres faima reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting,. 25 to 29 acres faroe reporting.. 30 to 49 acres faros reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting.. C^iantlty harvested f atma reporting. . bushels . . Under 20 bushels farms reporting . . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 199 bushels farma reporting.. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting,. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. ^lantlty sold farms reporting,. buahela . . Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. IX to 499 bushels farms reporting., 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 bushels faims reporting., 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting., 2,000 or more bushels farms reporting., See footnotes at end of table. 19,922 99,804 4,423,350 52 \ 65 f 38,350 172,161 ,097,647 OATS Acres harvested farms reporting, , 28,752 Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 7,842 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. . 15 acres farms reporting,. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting,, 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting,. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting,, 100 or more acres farms reporting.. Qiantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels , . Under 20 bushels farms reporting.. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting,. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting,. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting. . 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 9<>9 bushels fanns reporting,. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. (^jantity sold farms reporting., bushels.. Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting., 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting., 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting, , 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. BARLEY es harvested farms reporting,. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres forms reporting., es farms reporting . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting,. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. or more acres farms reporting.. Qiantity harvested f anna reporting . . bushels . . Under 20 bushels famts reporting,, 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 1,824 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting.. 3 , 108 200 to 499 bushels farma reporting . . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting,. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting,. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. Quantity sold farms reporting.. bushels.. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms report ing . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 or more bushels farms reporting. 4,516 24,892 2,619 1,248 371 69 4,516 1,020,617 1,309 1,255 1,115 9,741 1,115 327,475 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued fData for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, and forest [Hvducts are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ (For definitions and explanatic ALFALFA AMD ALFALFA MIXTURES CUT FOR HAY AND FOR DEHrDRATINO Acres harvested. ••••• ...farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres fanns reporting.. 10 to lA acres fanns reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres fanns reporting.. 20 to 24 acres fanns reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting,. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acres fanns reporting.. Qiantity harvested, .farms reporting.. Under 20 tons fanns reporting.. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting,. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 or more tons farms reporting-. Quantity sold farms reporting.. Under 25 tons fanns reporting , . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting,. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 or more tons farms reporting.. CLOVER, TIMOrHY, AHD MDCTUKES OF CLOVER AND GRASSES COT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres fanns reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres fanns reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres faima reporting,. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting,. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting.. 200 to 249 acres faniB reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acrea fanns reporting.. l^aiitlty harvested fanns reporting.. Under 20 tons fanns reporting.. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons fanns reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting.. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 or more tons farms reporting.. (^antity sold farms reporting.. Ihider 25 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons fams reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 or more tons fanna reporting.. LESPEDEA CUT FOR HAT Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acrea farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting, 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres fanns reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. ftiantity harvested farms reporting. Under 20 tons faims reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 or more tons farms reporting. diantity sold farms reporting, tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 or more tons farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 9,025 125,430 2,678 2,073 1,376 410 323 9,025 237,236 5,474 21,005 31B,203 5,155 4,758 3,455 1,240 765 1,791 21,005 406,936 U,297 1,605 3,213 1,430 11,746 122,908 4,969 2,687 9,081 1,446 28,877 343,258 9,870 6,537 GATS, WHEAT, EARLEY, RYE, OR OTHER SMALL GRAINS COT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres fanns reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 or more acres farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting.. Under 20 tons farms reporting.. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting., 50 or more tons farms reporting.. Qiantity sold farms reporting.. tons.. Under 25 tons fanns reporting.. 25 or more tons farms reporting, , OTHER HAY COT Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres... farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres fanns reporting.. 20 to 24 acrea farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acrea fanns reporting. , 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting., 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 or more acres farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting.. tons.. Under 20 tons fanns reporting.. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 to 199 tons fanns reporting.. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 or more tons fanns reporting.. Quantity sold farms reporting.. Under 25 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 or more tons farms reporting.. GRASS SILAGE MADE FROM GRASSES, ALFALFA, CLOVER, OH SMALL GRAINS Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting. . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres fanns reporting. . 15 acres fanns reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting,. 200 or more acres fanns reporting. . (iiantlty harvested farms reporting. , tons, green weight., Under 20 tons farms reporting. , 20 to 24 tons farms reporting., 25 to 49 tons farms reporting., 50 to 99 tons farms reporting., 100 to 199 tons fanns reporting., 200 to 499 tons farms reporting., 500 to 999 tons fanns reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting,, 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting., 2,000 or more tons farms reporting.. 2,656 2,454 1,678 WEST VIRGINIA 21 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [pau for all crops except corn, Irish poUioes, and forest products are based od reports few only a sample of fanns. See text3 (For definitions and explanalio e text) IHISH POrATOES Acres liaxvested for hone use or for sale farms reporting. . buBhels.. Under 1 acre fams reporting.. bushels.. 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting., lushela.. 2.0 to 2,9 acres farms reporting.. bushels. . 3,0 to i.9 acres farms reporting.. bushels, . 5,0 to 9.9 acres faros reporting,, acrea., bushels.. 10,0 to 2^.9 acres farrns reporting.. bushels.. 25,0 to 49,9 acres farms reporting.. busbelA.. 50 or more acres farms reporting.. bushels.. TOBACCO Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres.. Under 0.5 acre faras reporting.. 0.5 to 0,9 acre farms reporting.. 1,0 to l.A acres farae reporting.. 1.5 acres fams reporting.. 1.6 to 1,9 acres fans reporting,. 2.0 to 2.<* acres farms reporting,, 2.5 to 2.9 acres fauna reporting., 3.0 to ^.9 acres farms reporting,. 5 or more acres farms rcportlj^.. (^lantlty harvested farms reporting., pounds.. Under 20 poxmds farms reporting,, 20 to 24 pounds farms reporting. , 25 to 49 pounds farms reporting.. 50 to 99 pounds farms reporting.. 100 to 199 pounds farms reporting.. 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting. . 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting, . 1,000 to 1,499 pounds fanas reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 pounds farms reporting,. 2,000 to 2,999 pounds fanaa reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds fans reporting.. 5,000 or more pounds fame reporting.. 27,370 5,833 835,439 25,659 3,619 607,261 1,553 1,599 U9,879 52,917 9,51fl 1,519,559 50,485 6,197 1,175,688 2,131 2,122 163,390 Acres In orchards fanns reporting. Under 0.5 acn 0,5 to 0.9 ac; 1.0 to 1.4 ac: 1.5 acres 1.6 to 1.9 ac; 2.0 to 2.4 ac: 2.5 to 2.9 ac: 3.0 to 4.9 ac: 5.0 to 9.9 ac: 10.0 to 1).9 1 20,0 to 24.9 1 25.0 to 29.9 I 30,0 to 49.9 1 50,0 to 99.9 t 100 or more a< .farms reporting., .farms reporting., .farms reporting.. , farms reporting.. .farms reporting.. , farms reporting., .farms reporting,, , farms reporting., .farms reporting,. , farms reporting., .fams reporting, .farms reporting.. , farms reporting, .farms reporting. • farms reporting. FOREST PRODUCTS Under $25 farms reporting,, $25 to $99 farms reporting., $100 to $299 farms reporting.. $300 to $999 farms reporting,. $1,000 to $1,999 fanas reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more farms reporting.. Under 25 cords farms reporting.. 25 to 49 cords... farms reporting,. 50 to 99 cords farms reporting. 100 to 499 cords farms reporting. or more cords farms reportl ng . Under 25 cords farms reporting., o 49 cords farms reporting.. 50 to 99 cords faims reporting.. 100 to 199 cords farms reporting. to 499 cords farms reporting,. or more cords farms reporting.. Under 100 fence posts farms reporting. 100 to 499 fence posts faims reporting. 500 to 999 fence posts farms reporting. 1,000 to 4,999 fence posts farms reporting. 5,000 or more fence posts farms reporting. VEGETABI^S HARVESTED FOR SALE {Other than Irish and sweet potatoes) Value of sales fams reporting.. dollars.. Under $20 farms reporting. $20 to $24 farms reporting. $25 to $49 farms reporting. $50 to $99 farms reporting, $100 to $199 farms reporting, $200 to $499 farms reporting, $500 to $999 farms reporting, $1,000 to $1,499 farms reporting. $1, 500 to $1,999 farms reporting. $2,000 to $2,999 fanas reporting. $3,000 to $4,999 fanw reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting, $10,000 or more farms reporting. Under 1,000 board feet farms reporting. 1,000 to 2,499 board feet farms reporting. 2,500 to 4,999 board feet farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 board feet farms reporting. 10,000 to 19,999 board feet farms reporting. 20,000 to 49,999 board feet farms reporting. 50,000 to 99,999 board feet farms reporting, 100,000 or more board feet farms reporting. Christmas ' ; sold farms reporting.. Under 100 trees farms reporting . to 499 trees farms reporting. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting. 1,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting. 5,000 or more trees fanas reporting. NA Not available. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvecrted, ^Doea not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [^Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding tl Data are based on reports For only a sample of rarms. See t«xt^ (For definitions and explai Total all farms Commefciol farma Hired workers fanns reporting. persons. 9 reporting. 3 reporting. 9 reporting. s reporting. s reporting. 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired wwkers 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 o 1 hired worker 2 hired wodcers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers a or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired wcx-kers and no seasonal hired woricers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . $110 1 $170 t 3 reporting. persons . 9 reporting. 3 reporting. 5 reporting. B reporting . 9 reporting. 9 reporting. persons. 9 reporting, s reporting. 9 reporting. 3 reporting. 9 reporting, 9 reporting. 9 reporting . 3 reporting. Paid on a monthly basis fanns reporting. p«9ons. Average hours worked per person per month hours . Average wage rate per person per month dollars. Under $50 per month tanaa reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms rejxjfting . 0 $129 per month fanns reporting . 0 $169 per month fanns reporting. o $214 per month farms repotting . D $274 per month fams reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 to $374 per month farms reporting. $375 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. persons. Average hours worked per person per week hours . Avera^ wage rate per person per week dollars . Under $12 per week fanns reporting. $12 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 p€r week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farma reporting. $60 to $69 per week fanns reporting. $70 to ^79 per week fanns reporting. $S0 to $89 per week farms reporting. $90 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. persons. Average hours worked per person per day hours . \verage wage rate per person per day « dollars . Under $4 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting . $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day fanns reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 per day fanns rcfwrting. $11 per day farms reporting. $12 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. persons. Average wage rate per person per hour dollars. Under SO. 45 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to SO. 64 per hour. farms refjorting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour. farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour. farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour. farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $L44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. persons , Average earnings per person doUara . HA Not available. 3,520 7,588 2,165 2,016 'i,176 1,296 1,936 3,A12 1,^12 1,485 3,482 0.78 5,136 12,478 2,985 1,138 1,951 3,953 1,288 3,729 8,525 2,345 2,396 5,776 0.66 2,646 6,430 1,496 1,745 3,824 1,078 1,045 2,882 0.78 WEST VIRGINIA 23 State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures od Dumber of woken sad wage r s fix hired persoes working the week preceding the Dkts'are based on npaia for only ■ sample of fwms. See text] Cooncntic class, l959^Conun ed Ilao Conxnercial fums— Continu ed Other ranns (For defiaitioaa ud expltaabooa, s«e text) OaaalV OaasV OassVl Total Part-time Part-rticirement Atmomal Hired workers. ...rsnaa refnrting. .. 637 714 163 874 578 277 19 persons... 1,016 1,061 300 1,158 703 385 70 ...rsnaa rsfxvting... 430 124 497 156 97 15 669 161 463 105 205 56 1 3 hired ««iier8 ...rann9 reporting... S or 4 hired lukeis ... rsnaa refxating... 60 49 46 36 10 10 16 .. .fsnsa reporting 23 12 5 6 6 10 rr onre hired «cr1cera 2 2 RMniiu wuiliwB (to be employed 150 or more days) ...fsraa reixvtiiig 412 310 43 271 172 80 19 perwsis... 531 390 65 352 192 95 65 1 hired iwfker ...ranosrepoltiag... 322 244 27 218 152 65 1 2 hitwd twjikccg 70 53 10 40 20 15 5 8 or 4 hired waiters ...ranns reporting... 19 13 6 11 11 . . .(arms reporting. . . 1 ^ -wil^ . . .farms reporting. .. 2 ■. .. 2 Seesonel woriera (to be eoBloyed lesa Ihu 190 dAvs). 309 462 125 633 421 207 5 ponions!.. 485 671 235 806 511 290 5 1 hired woriter ...rsnaa reporting... 227 336 75 496 336 155 5 3 hired worlcera ...rsnca ranorting... 44 98 10 121 80 41 23 17 35 10 5 5 S In fl h rwl wcvVws "rsnna repotting' 15 11 5 6 6 10 m rmreh red mxictn ' tvwa reporting ■nli«iseii»i<>i hired nd« S50 per mmh ranaa raportiBg... 15 5 5 61 X 31 iW to S84 per leonh. ranaa reporting... 31 52 X 25 5 SK to SU» per enlh. ranaa reporting... 39 54 '5 17 " 5 "i $110 to J129 per mooth. ranaa reporuag . . . 31 25 5 10 ' 5 Siao to sua per nxith rsrmsfaporting... 50 22 5 5 SITO to S214 per isxUl rmnaiaportiag... 11 5 2 ... 2 SSIS to S374 per ironlh ran» repeating... 10 5 5 t!T9 to S334 per month ranaa repiating... "5 6 6 $325 lo SJ74 per month. ranaa reporting... S37S >^d ovce per month. Paid on a weakly basis ... ranaa raportiag... 153 91 25 75 65 10 panou... 206 106 45 75 65 10 Averefie houre worked per person pm vtwk. honn... 44 40 44 34 34 40 Avwsje >e«» rsta per person pel •eek dollam... 33 26 31 26 27 18 Under »2 per ••ek. 5 5 10 10 SI2 to $24 per nek rHna rafiarting. . . 37 31 10 40 30 10 E5 to !2» per ..ek ranisfapating... 30 30 5 5 MO lo S39 per week farma reporting... 46 10 io S40 lo 54< per nek fanna reporting... 25 10 ISO to »9 per wenk fanaa repeating... 5 5 5 20 20 Se« to Ma pa week 5 noioSTOperweek fermo reporting... S80 lo S«« per week ranaa taporung... $90 end over per week rsiaianpatiag... Paid on a daily basis rinia reporting... 89 139 36 193 122 71 138 236 78 230 U2 98 Aversjte hours worked per person per d^r hnaa... 7.9 7.7 8.0 7.4 7.3 7.6 Ay»»«e ngt rslo pm person per dqr dollara... 4.50 4.25 6.47 4.46 4.35 4.60 Under S4 per dny 15 38 10 56 40 16 $4 per dsy. . . . 19 41 5 51 31 20 $5p«d.y.... 40 25 1 40 25 15 Mperd.y.... rBmarapomg... 15 10 36 21 15 $7 p9 dsy faima reporuag... 15 5 SSpodsy.... fama reporting... 10 15 10 5 5 «p«dsy.... fanna reporting... $10p.rds»... farma reporting... SUperdiy... fanne renting... $13 end over per day rannareporuiig... Paid on an houtly basis rsnaa reptsting... 247 353 32 440 300 140 persona... 391 532 U7 600 390 210 Aversne w.,e rau per person per bos dollara . . . 0.69 0.74 0.68 0.78 0.78 0.76 Under 10.45 per ho» ranaa reporuag... 23 10 15 10 5 S0.45 to $0.54 per honr 80 120 26 165 110 55 $0.55 to $0.54 per hoo ranaa repcaung... 7 10 10 15 10 5 $a«5 to $0.74 per hois fannsnpaung... 16 10 5 5 $a75 to $0.84 p« )ra ferais raporung. . . 55 119 '20 120 95 25 $a85 to $0.M per ho« rarns laporung... 5 5 ID 5 5 $L00 to $1.14 per honr rams raporung... 51 79 15 80 45 35 $1.15 to $1.29 p«ho« 5 5 15 10 5 $1.30 lo 51.44 pre tour ranaa reporuag... $1.45 end ov«e per how (anaarapaung... "5 5 1 15 16 5 Paid on a oiece^mdi basis ranaa reporuag... 26 11 5 50 25 25 paraona... 67 11 5 55 X 25 Persons xortiii! Friday meli piecedinj enuinetation raima reporung. . . 10 10 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 ' (killsra... 6.00 10.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of wjrkws and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the numeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xt] {Fat deHnitions and explai Hired wrkers. farms repotting. , 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. , 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . . R^;ular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . 1 hired w)rker ." farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporUng.. 8 ot 4 hired workers farms reporting . . 6 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 160 days) farms reporting, . perscHia. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 8 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired woifcers fanns reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers fanns repotting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Average hours marked per person per month hours . . Average wag© rat« per person pa- month dollars.. Under S50 per month farms reporting.. $50 to $84 per month. farms reporting.. S85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . SIIO to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $189 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 to $274 per nvmth farms reporting. . $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. . $325 to $374 per month farms reporting. . $375 and over per month. farms reporting. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. persons.. Average hours wrorked per person per week hours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars. . Under $12 per week farms reporting.. S12 to $24 per v/eek ferma reporting. , $25 to $29 per week farms repotting.. $30 to $39 per week farms repotting.. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting . . $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting . . $70 to $79 per week farms reporting . . $80 to $89 per week farms reporting.. $90 and over per week farms reporting. . Paid on a dai ly basis farms repotting . . persons.. Average hours worked per peraon per day hours , . Average wage rat« per person per day dollars . . Under $4 per day farms reporting . . $4 per day farms repotting . . $5 per day farms reporting.. 56 per day farms reporting. . 57 per day farms reporting. . SB per day farms reporting. . S9 per day farma reiMting. . $10 per day farms reporting.. $11 per day farms reporting.. $12 and over per day farms repotting . . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. . persOTis, . Average wage rate per person per hour dollars . . Under $0.45 per hour farms reporting. . $0.45 to $0.54 per hour. farms reporting.. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour. farms reporting.. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour. farms reporting.. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour. fanns reporting.., $0. 85 to $0. 99 per hour. fanns reporting . . , $1.00 to $1.14 per hour. farms reporting.., $1.15 to $L29 per hour. farms reporting. . , $1. 30 to $1.44 per hour. , farms reporting . . , $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting . . Paid on a piecework basis farms reporting. . , Pef..ons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting . . persons . , , Average earnings per person ,- dollars . . , NA Not available. 3,520 5,136 7,588 12,478 2,165 2,985 758 1,138 396 655 149 256 52 102 2,016 1,951 4,176 3,953 1,296 1,288 1,936 3,412 1,412 1,485 3,482 0.78 3,729 8,525 2,345 2,396 5,776 0.66 WEST VIRGINIA 25 State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of woricers and wage rales are for hired persons working the *e^k preceding the enuraerauon. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See iexi] (For definitioaa and erplanatioi Tvpe of fam>— Continued and dairy farms and livestock Hired workers farms 1 hired wor1(er 3 hired woriten S or 4 Kired workers 5 to 9 hired worfcera 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers {to be employed 150 o 1 hired wxfcer 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired wurkers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired «ork«s . SeaaonaJ wrkers (lo be errplo>'ed less than ISO days).. reporting 9 reporting s reporting 9 repeating s reporting s reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting Turns reporting, 'arms reporting reporting 'trma refKjrting Paid on a monthly basis. farms reporting Av erage hoars i^rked per person per month hows 4v«r«ge wafje rate per person per montii dollars Under $50 per month fwms reporting. S50 to SB4 per fwnth, farms reporting !!95 to SIOO per month. farms reporting $110 lo $139 per month farms reporting 5130 to 5169 per month famw reporting $170 toSSK per iinnth farms reporting S2I5 lo S3T1 per month. farms rerorting S275 to S324 per month farms reporting 5325 to $374 per monlh farms reporting S375 and over per month ^ farms reporting I rapoAiniE. 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or nore hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired wirkers and no regular hired wcrkera . . Paid on a weekly basts far Average hours worked per person per week. . Average ««ite rate per person pa woek CndOT S12 per weeiL $12 lo $04 (Mr wmIc S25 to 529 p« week $30 lo $39 per week 540 to 549 per week 1IS0 to $59 per week SeO lo $«9 per week 570 to $79 per week SW lo $R9 per week S90 and over per week Paid on a daily basis.. ..dollan farms reporting reporting rvptfting rams reporting. repoting farms reporting. reporting. reporting, fiunM roparting. Average hours worked per person per day houiv . Xverage wage rale per person per day doHars Under M per day fanns reporting. 54 per day farms reporting 55 per dey farms reporting SA per day farms refiorting 57 per day farms reporting 58 per day farms reporting SB per day farms rrporting $10 per day farms reporting. Sll per day farms reporting. <12 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hOVItly basis farms report! ng Average wage rate per person per hour Under SO. 45 per hour fanas SO. 45 loS0.5< per teur farms Sa55 to .^. 84 per hour. farms 50. S5 U* SO. 74 per hour farms S0.75 lo $0.84 per hour farms S0.85 lo !0.99 per tour farms 51.00 lo Sl.H per hour farms 51.15 lo $1.'J9 pw hour fanns Sl.W lo 51.44 per hour farms 51.45 and over per hour farm! reporting reporting reporting refiorting reporting reporting rqxrting. reporting, eporting Paid on a pieCe-WOfk basis farms reporting . persons. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting Average earnings per person d(^ars 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 16.-HIRED FA-RM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enurneration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of Farms. See text] explanations, see text) Total all farms Hired workers fanns reporting.. persons. , 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers fanns reporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting , , 10 or more hired woricers farms reporting . . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting, . persons. . 1 hired work« farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. , R^iulu hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid on a monthly basis farms Average hours worked per person per month Average wage rate per person per month Under S50 per month farms $50 to $84 per month farms $85 to $109 per month farms $110 to $199 per month farms 1130 to $169 per month farms $170 to $214 per month farms $215 to $274 per month farms $275 to $324 per morth farms $325 to $374 per month farms $375 and over per month farms Paid on a weekly basis farms Average hours worked per person per week Average wage rate per person per week Under $12 per week. farms $12 to $24 per week farms $25 to $29 per week farms $30 to $39 per week farms $40 to $49 per week farms $50 to $59 per week farms |«0 to$69 per week farms $70 to $79 per week fanns $80 to $89 per week farms $90 and over per week farms reporting, persons. reporting . , reporting. . reporting. , reporting., reporting. . reporting . . reporting. . reporting.. reporting. . persons. . ..dollars., reporting. . reporting. . reporting . . reporting. . reporting . . reporting . . reporting. . Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms 54 per day farms 55 per day farms $6 per day farms ST per day farms $8 per day. farms S9 per day. farms 510 per day farms 511 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms ..dollars.. reporting . , reporting. , reporting. , reporting. . reporting . . r«poning.. reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . Average wage rate per person per hour dollars . Under $0. 45 per hour farms reporting . , 90.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. . $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. , $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. , $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. , $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. , $1.00 to $1.14 per Sour farms reporting.. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting., $1.30 to $L44 per hour. farms reporting., $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. persons. . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting.. Average earnings pet person .dollars . . NA Not available. 3,520 5,136 7,588 12,478 2,165 2,985 758 1,138 2,016 4,176 1,296 1,936 3,412 1,412 1,485 3,482 0.78 3,729 8,525 2,345 2,396 5,776 0.66 WEST VIRGINIA 27 State Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on numb« of woflen and wage rates are fof hired persons working tlie week preceding the enumeratioQ. DatA are based on reports foe only a sample of farms. See text] B of farm— Continued Hired workers farms 1 hired woriier 2 hired woriiers 3 or 4 hired wotkers 5 to 9 hired wcfkers 10 or more hired workers . 9 (lo be employed 150 or tnore days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired woricers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed lass than 150 dftys). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired wnrkcm and nn Both regular and seasonal hii Seasonal hired ^xxkers and n I refrular hired workers . reporting persons 3 reporting 3 reporting 9 repofting 9 reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting B reporting B reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting B reporting 3 reporting B reporting 9 reporting 3 reporung 3 reporting 3 reporting Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting Average hours worked per person per month hours Average wage rale per peraoB per month I'nder S60 per month . »0 (o S«4 per rmnth. . . . $65 to 5109 per month. . . ;ilO to S129 per month. . 5130tofl69pern«nth.. $170lo$214perronth.. S2l5lo$274 pcrncmth.. $275 to $.124 per nonth. . 5374 per month. . ^75 and over per month. . reporting raiTne r^xvtjng reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting Fanns reporting rarms reporting Paid on a weekly basis farms r r $12 per week. . . . □ ?24 per week . . . o $29 per week . . . o S39 per week . . . o $49 per week . . . o S59 per week . . . o 569 per week . . . o $79 per week . , . o $A9 per week . . . ...dollan B reporting i reporting s repeating 8 reporting 1 reporting ■ repcrting Paid on a daily basis raims r Avenge hours worked per person per day \verage wage rale per pereon par A»yf Under $4 per day farms $4 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day farms $7 per day farms SS per day farms $9 per day farms 510 per day farms 51 1 per day farms $12 and over per day farms . .dollars reporting reportinj". reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting Paid on an houfly basis.. Kv^mgv wage rale per person par how . l'nd es or more years numl)« Avwageage years OFF-FARM IIORX AND OTHER INOOME Farm opetators- Worfcing off their faims, total operatoia reporting.. 1 to 99 days operalora laporting.. 100 (o 199 days operalora raporting . . 900 or more days operators rspofting . . With other members of family etirfcing off farm operalcrv reporting. . With inotme ftom soirees other than farm operated and off.farm wcrk. operators reporting. . With other inoome of family exceeding value of a^cultiml txoducts sold opreatcrs reportjng. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting aa to worli off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family anricing off farm operators reporting. . With iaoome from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . With tithar income of family exceeding value of a^cultural products sold opatators reptirting.. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acree nwnber.. 80 to 60 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 189 aerea number . . 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acree number.. 2ao (o 959 acree number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. BOO to 999 acree number.. 1,000 to 1.999 acres number., 9,000 or more acres ntaolier.. See rootnotes at end oflabla^ EtxHiomio dass-Cootinusd CoiDfflercial farms-Continued 654,958 10.8 317,5 8,062 231 7,133 1,190 106,344 1,159 147,825 1,638 208,696 833 50,756 1,852 247 3,955 209 6,167 133 3,280 940,507 15.6 266.4 5,84« 441 12,946 2,117 149,211 2,033 220,759 2,744 316,346 1,128 64,035 10 1,165 2,345 378 3,433 321 8,206 117 2,985 1,054 1,364 4,946 U.2 588,423 4,549 79,418 1,676 l,a7 3,340 803 18,277 2,632 100,753 2,690 162,199 2,991 152,916 618 19,365 2,364 76 2,050 21,458 48.8 1,882,525 31.1 87.7 18,687 226,746 9,966 4,957 2,206 1,189 7,350 184,572 3,971 81,331 800 12,826 3,398 68,505 9,610 328,2»l U,250 518,750 12,654 452,842 2,321 44,336 30 90 2,780 516 3,050 350 3,885 250 5,405 2,049 5,253 7,866 5,965 18,110 2,055 3,462 12,593 3,604 7,402 16,036 3,348 857 2,802 3,348 Pattpretirement 9,895 22.5 1,099,463 18.2 111.1 8,993 124,104 4,333 2,489 1,130 3,623 105,389 2,085 52,661 512 10,102 1,673 42,559 4,831 186,555 5,434 325,665 5,953 263,800 1,065 23,762 15 45 1,130 240 1,765 100 1,420 90 1,910 1,173 1,244 8,346 1,070 7,092 1,080 265 7,377 2,625 3,027 1,335 3,260 1,675 3,040 1,445 1,556 925 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [t>aU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See test] FARMS BV COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All lafm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number.. All tenants number.. Cash tenants number.. Share-cash tenants number . . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number.. Other and unspecified tenants number. . White farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number.. All tenants ." number.. Croppers number. . Nonwhil« farm operators: Full owners number.. Part owners number.. All tenants number.. Croppers number.. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number.. Tobacco farms number.. Cotton farms number.. Other field-ciT>p farms number.. Vegetable faims number.. Fniil-and-nut farms number.. Poultry farms number.. Dairy farms number . . Livestock farms other liian poultry and dairy farms number.. General farms number.. Miscellaneous and unclaaaified farms number.. SPECIFIED EQDlPMEm' AND FACILITIES AND HND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. . number.. Cora pickrrs farms reporting. . Pick-up balers farms reporting. . Field forage harveaters 'aims reporting. . MoUrtnicks 'arms reporting. . number . . Tractors '*r™9 reporting . . number.. Tractors other than garden 'arms reporting., number, , I tractrw farms reporting., Straclors 'arms reporting., 3 tractors farms reporting... 4 tractors farms reporting.., 5 or more tractors farms reporting... Wheel tractors farms reporting . . , number... Crawler tractors 'arms reporUng. . number. . Garden tractors 'arms reporting. . number. . Automobiles '""ns reporting. . Automobiles and,'or motortrticka 'arms reporUng. . Telephone 'arms reporting. . Home freesef 'arms reporting. . Milking machine 'arms reporting. . Elecuic milk cooler 'arms reporting. . Crop drier ('or grain, forage, or other ereips) 'arms reporting. . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower 'arms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard sur'ace farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale ..farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting, . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or Smiles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting. . 5 or more miles farms reporong. , FARM LABOR, WEFJi PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers 'arms reporting. . persons . . Regular hired wor*us and unclassified farms number.. SPECIFIED EQIJTPMENT AND FAaUTIES AND tOND OP ROAD Grain combines f«mB reporting.. Com pickers fsims reporting.. Pick-up balers f«nns reporOnd . . number. . Field forve harvesters farms reportjflft.. number., v-oiortrucka f"n>» «pOrtinn . . Tractors farms reporting.. number.. Tractors other than f(ard«n farms reporlinn . . 1 tractor farms reportinn. . S tractor* fwmi reporting.. S tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractor* faima renortjnit.. 5 or more tractors feraui reporting.. Wheel tractor* farms reporting.. Ctawler tractor* faima reporting.. Garten ixactora tirma r«porting . , Automooiles farms reporting.. number., Xulomobiltm and/or motortrucks /aims reporting., Telephone (inns reporting., Ilome freezer farms reporting. , Milking machine firms reporting.. Electric milk cooler fsnns re^wrting., Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-operaLnd elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. , Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard -lurface farms reporting., nTm\c\, -thpil, or shale farms reporting. , Dirt or unimproved farms reporting., Less than 1 mile (o a hart surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hart surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. ?or 3 miles '•«">« reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PKECEOtNO EKIMEKATTON Hired workers fsrms reporting. Hegular hired workers (employed 130 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of refpilar hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting, 2 hired workers farms reporting. Sor 4 hired »oikrcs farms reportinR. 5 tofl hir«d workers fama reporting. 10 or more hired •orkers taimn reporting. REEIDGNCE OF FARM OPERATOR Kesiding on farm operated operators repotting. Not residing on farm operated .operators reporting. Operators not reporting rMJdenco number. See footnotes at end of table. 1,807 3,291 1,719 2,539 1,057 529 U3 752 1,593 1,913 1,98^ 1,455 1,280 748 757 2,794 4,566 2,653 3,409 2,036 504 97 2,491 2,902 3,283 2,218 1,886 666 653 1,280 1,173 2,463 18,364 1,490 1,589 18,294 1,480 1,579 312 1,189 312 1,209 25 110 22 115 2,130 10,365 2,253 11,197 1,879 10,204 2,502 13,393 1,578 7,794 1,768 8,330 1,«M 7,310 1,558 7,633 1,702 7,990 66 323 66 340 719 4,953 7X 5,0*3 2,335 U,799 2,544 16,445 3,596 18,652 1,662 10,680 1,195 8,177 260 7,383 5,397 8,417 3,000 5,417 1,946 2,374 421 676 3,090 3,872 2,180 2,302 2,073 97 4,074 4,440 5,845 4,390 2,716 100 120 3,460 2,208 4,101 1,282 2,819 912 1,230 19,220 1,068 1,170 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU ftre based on reports Tor only a sample or farma. See text] Commefcial fanns USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIS(E Dry materials. . . Liquid materials Dry materials Liquid materials Othf;r pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Liquid materials Pry materials Liquid matenals WLeat Dry n Liquid materials . . Irish potatoes. Dry materials Liquid materials.. All other crops . . . Dry materials. .. Liquid materials ne or limine material: SPEQFIED FARM EXPENDITIIRES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry I'nder SltKl S100toSEl99 51,000 to Sl,999 S2,000 to S4,999 $5,000 or more. Purchase of livestock and poultry I'nder $1,000 51,000 to f2,499 S2,500 to S4,999 55,000 to f 9,999 SIO.OOO or more Machine hire Under S200 S200 to S899 Sl,000ormore Hired labor. I'nder S200 S200toS499 S500 to S999 51,000 to ?2,499 52,500 to .54,999 55,000 to 59,999 «10,0C0 to 519,999 520,000 to 549,999 550,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and tjees Under .5100 5100 to S499 S600toS999 51,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under 5100 5100 to 5499 5.500 to SS99 51,000 to 54,999 55,000 or more See fooljiotep at ond of lahle. s reporting s reportini: s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s repeating s reporting dollars. 5 reporting. dollars. 5 reporting. s reporting. 5 reporting. dollars. 5 reporting. 5 reporting, s reporting, s reporting. s reporting. 3 reporting. s reporting, s reporting, s reporting. s reporting 19,723 307,618 67,286 19,713 67,282 10 8,757 116,906 8,752 27,699 2,841 45,484 2,841 10,434 10,372 74,923 10,372 14,543 2,327 20,603 2,327 3,540 4,263 2,763 4,263 1,249 6,517 46,939 6,512 9,817 6,906 85,508 169,276 42,633 35,649 26,434,899 11,630 19,868 1,698 1,489 964 17,189 11,481,131 14,631 1,512 13,003 1,507,938 10,754 2,120 129 13,504 10,360,699 8,455 2,268 7,800 as, 278 45,630 7,790 45,626 10 3,957 75,335 3,952 17,594 1,581 34,634 1,581 7,749 4,5a 53,918 4,5a 9,910 1,535 16,766 1,535 2,833 1,278 881 1,278 2,846 36,744 2,841 7,143 3,229 53,372 109,285 12,590 11,203 a, 225,239 2,008 5,649 1,251 1,343 952 6,7(X) 9,345,172 4,581 i,ia 4,968 897,036 3,451 1,408 109 6,603 9,323,069 2,905 1,294 16,056 6,018 1,164,783 861,082 13,778 4,225 2,005 1,559 164 133 109 101 36,714 11,358 4,737,989 3,181,095 25,757 4,455 8,969 5,049 1,414 1,298 8,569 204 1,512 5,599 159 1,486 WEST VIRGINIA 33 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU ire baa«d on rapoiu for only a sample of fama. See text] Eccnoniic class— Continued Cooonercial fanns-Cootinued Part-retirement USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTIUZER AND LIME Dry materiala farms repotting Liquid materials farms reporting 'arms reporting Dry matarisls. • farms repotting Lirjoid nuUerials farms reporting Other pastuie (i»t cropland) farms reporting Dry matstiala farms reporting Liqaid materials farms reporting Corn -farais reporting Dry materials. farms reptzting Liquid materials i farms repotting Wheat Jams reporting Dry materials. farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Irish potatoes Juma reporting Dry materials. farms reporting Liqtiid imteriaU farms reporting All other crofw Dry materials Liquid materials Lime or liming matenals used during the year. • reporting I reporting 9 reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPE-NDTTORES Any of the folUiwing specified eipendituros Feed la livestock and poultry Under $100 JlOOtoWSS si.wniosi.nt (2,000 to M.Mt $5,000 or mtm Pirchase of tiveetock and poultry Under il.OOO 11,000 lo S2.4H 12,900 to $4,gi» K,oooioS9,me nO.OOOamore Machirw hire Und«$«IO »800to$9M - (1,000 or more. Bired labor Under S200. $a00to$4M (500 to sun (1,00010(2,499 (e,soo to S4,g»9 (5,000 to »,9«9 $10,000 to S19,9«9 $20,000 to (49,999 $50,000 IX mere Seeds, bulbs, plants, and treee Under SIOOl $10010(499 (500 to (999 $1,000 or moi«. Oaaoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under (too (100 to (499 (50010(899 (1,000 10(4,999 (5,000 or more. See (aotnolee at and of table. ■ repotting., s reporting., dollars., s roportjng.. s reporting.. s repotting . . B roportjng.. dollsrs.. s reporting.. B roptxting.. s reporting., s reporting.. B reporting.. sreportrng.. dollaTs., B repcrting.. s repxting. , s repeating., s reporting.. dollars., s reptrting.. s reporting.. 9 reporting. 9 reporting., s reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting.. 9 reporting., 9 repeating. s reporting . . dollsrs. 9 reporting, s reporting, s reporting, s reporting. s reporting . . dollars.. B reporting.. B reporting., sroptxting.. 9 reporting., a reporting. , 1,537 9,948 1,537 9,948 15,750 889 4,149 7,652 409 1,961 U,284 887 2,026 2,063 2,000 3,277,488 ,400 46,322 10,231 2,400 10,231 1,293 21,222 1,293 4,999 1,246 9,159 1,246 1,753 1,101 16,080 32,512 3,531 3,350 2,755,372 2,115 1,597,035 1,600 1,669 244,807 1,202 2,149 803,838 1,071 1,926 140,980 1,461 3,423 704,108 1,017 2,119 2,400 a, 562 4,857 2,395 4,854 1,518 6,206 1,518 1,369 4,931 3,957 921,520 1,451 2,385 81 40 1,753 404,109 1,643 1,272 186,373 1,077 1,691 51,117 1,630 3,876 300,746 2,908 8,110 60,573 14,892 8,110 14,892 3,815 13,781 3,815 3,141 2,053 1,242 2,053 2,463 6,261 2,463 1,724 2,723 24,306 45,142 20,787 16,734 3,630,145 6,354 9,964 291 125 7,218 1,501,359 6,917 5,362 4CK,029 4,872 480 10 4,496 519,449 3,588 7,073 a7,873 6,707 13,882 1,155,223 15,915 2,866 3,794 27,146 6,379 3,794 6,379 3,417 1,331 29,584 11,692 3,417 1,381 7,075 2,975 2,018 6,629 2,018 1,374 1,190 3,445 1,190 9,232 7,688 1,409,245 3,262 4,250 156 20 3,258 517,850 3,123 2,386 269,101 1,962 2,951 70,825 2,846 6,450 374,460 5,381 1,044 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [^Dala are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See textj Commercial feims ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All faril] products sold U>tal, dollars. average pet farm, dollars . All crops sold dollars . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . Vegetables sold dollars . . FVuits and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars . . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars . . Dairy F^oducts sold dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold r dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting . , Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting . . number. . Milk cows farms reporting . , Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting . . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting . . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 4 heaii. farms reporting . 6 to 9 head. farms reporting . 10 to 19 hearL farms reporting . 20 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 hestL farms reporting . . lOO to 499 heart farms reporting . . 500 or more head. farms reporting . . Cowa, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 0 head farms reporting , 10 to 19 head. farms reporting . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . SO to 74 head. farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms repcrting.. 10 to 19 head farms reportjng. , 20 to 29 head. farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head. farms reportjng.. 100 or more head. farms reporting , , HotseS and/or mules farms reporting.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . Bom since June 1 farms reporting . . number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . . Sheep and lamlK farms reporting . . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . . Ewes farms reporting . . Rams and wethers. farms refnrting . , number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . . number., Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting . , number., dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number. , dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting. . pounds. . dollars . . Chickens including broilers sold tarms reportjng. . dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting., dozens.. 101,194,692 2,301 a, 946, 390 5,414,487 656,836 10,623,557 5,251,510 79,248,302 24,418,957 18,li;8,301 36,681,044 37,101 527,022 35,584 269,114 30,041 122,659 25,118 152,914 18,861 104,994 4,954 10,194 7,649 6,559 5,626 1,677 434 8 dollai 18,476 4,661 1,936 1,139 10,824 16,672 1,301 19,440 37,824 24,419 149,483 12,682 82,134 19,128 67,349 8,512 292,025 5,270 66,573 8,305 225,452 8,190 210,277 6,533 15,175 31,120 250,716 29,165,871 7,166 U0,651 3,651,483 8,012 218,337 2,838,381 10,561 428,737,290 18,148,301 6,969 14,908,107 13,397 12,659,745 4,684,109 83,905,851 6,657 13,398,604 2,979,843 506,311 10,374,904 4,537,546 65,507,247 22,838,111 16,642,980 26,026,156 11,391 344,594 11,165 173,321 9,552 75,850 9,U2 96,233 7,839 75,040 578 1,459 1,469 2,029 3,765 1,652 431 1,268 3,983 2,620 1,704 1,114 324 87 2,127 5,067 1,126 5,959 12,806 7,494 78,397 4,187 44,799 6,224 33,598 3,863 181,329 2,584 45,320 3,786 136,009 3,757 126,811 3,145 9,198 10,564 170,948 21,206,496 3,224 72,121 2,379,993 3,705 143,521 1,865,773 4,935 373,846,849 16,642,980 3,780 14,332,712 4,871 10,021,235 3,707,859 a,774,906 95,087 10,397,729 137,553 1,800 8,867, 675 1,390,701 11,377,177 3,666,730 508,750 2,201,697 2,810 70 1,598 9,179 37 3,486 13,166,059 26,332 2,494,594 368,434 305,530 646,588 1,174,042 10,671,465 4,539,460 3,328,676 2,803,329 9,2S4 340 8,396 183 517 273 6,153 16S 4,268 242 1,385 158 15,014 102 5,386 157 9,628 157 9,005 125 See footnolos at end of table. WEST VIRGINIA 35 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continuecl [Data are baaed OD rapocis for only a sample of fanna. See text] Coomercial fann»-ContinDed Economic clas»-Oontjnued ESTBUTED V VLIIE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold tctal, dollars . avtfa^ per farm, dollars . All cropa sold dollars. Field crops, other than vejreu^les and fraits and nuts, sold . . , . dollars . Ve^eubles sold dollars. Fruits and nuu sold. dollars.. Forest products and horticultural specialty poducts sold. dollars . . \II livestock and livestock jrodacts sold dollars . Poultry and poultry fxoducts sold ....dollars. Duty products «otd dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy , sold dollars . LIVESTOCK A.ND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, includinjt heifars that have calved. . s npauag.. 9 repcrting.. number. 9 repcrting.. Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves Farms reptvting by number on t^and: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms refiorting., 3 to 4 head. farms repealing,, 5 to 0 head. farma rcfxxtin^ , , 10 to 19 head. farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms repeating.. 50 to 99 head farms repeating.. 100 to 499 head. farms repotting. , 500 or more head. farms repotting. , Cows including heifers that have calved- 1 head. farms refiMting,, 2 to 9 head. farma reporting.. 10 to 19 head. farms refDtting.. 3D to 29 head. farma reporting.. 30 to 49 head. farms reporting.. 50 to 74 hewL farms reporting., 75 to 99 head farms rapoiting,, 100 a more head farms reporting.. Milk oows- 1 head. farms rtfiorting , , 2 lo 9 head. farms reporting , , 10 to 19 heart farms reporting , . 20 to 29 head. farms reporting . . 30 lo 49 head. farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting., 75 to 99 head farms reporting., 100 or mora head. farms reporting., Horses and/or nules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting,, %im since June 1 farms reporting., Bern beftre June 1 fanna repotting.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting,. Lambs under 1 year oid farms reperting. , number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. F.wes farms reporting . . number . . tarns and wethers farms reforting.. Chickens! months old and over farms repotting.. Livestock and livestock prodticts sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. . number . . dollars.. Hogs and pi^ .sold alive farms reporting., dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. dollars.. Milk and cream aold^ farms reporting.. dollars.. Chickens including broilors aold farms reporting,. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting , . 14,043,498 6,807 1,347,570 565,117 18,216 143,263 620,974 12,695,928 2,639,082 4,032,799 6,024,047 1,973 82,530 1,952 42,408 1,691 17,968 1,714 22,689 1,610 17,433 2,004 1,234 15,958 772 9,212 1,043 6,746 28,854 633 1,433 1,932 40,702 4,923,263 1,138 95,192,520 4,032,799 12,635,002 3,578 1,307,851 601,330 53,830 162,597 490,094 11,327,151 1,758,178 2,302,875 7,266,098 3,368 101,468 3,283 51,068 2,729 16,355 2,898 28,087 2,757 22,313 dollar 1,749 4,105 2,089 20,605 1,153 U,486 1,777 9,119 839 10,332 1,309 47,503 1,304 43,693 1,131 3,810 3,289 50,U7 5,808,827 999 19,498 643,434 1,297 47,462 617,006 1,578 61,560,140 2,302,875 1,135 949,660 1,555 1,943,137 718,958 4,199,337 849 1,059,046 628,072 39,660 135,000 256,314 3,140,291 329,739 468,837 2,341,715 4,260 40,467 4,180 23,058 3,626 10,982 1,U2 1,052 1,U7 2,670 4,781 3,016 15,326 1,583 8,133 2,400 7,193 729 5,671 1,089 22,159 1,079 20,834 808 1,325 3,614 18,427 1,690,408 859 8,887 293,271 1,024 20,790 270,270 1,246 15,547,112 468,837 802 66,092 1,744 694,020 256,787 11,082,342 516 2,279,707 1,594,538 94,460 123,663 467,046 8,802,635 931,129 806,791 7,064,715 17,596 123,622 16,631 64,057 13,850 30,423 11,306 39,817 7,510 19,748 2,918 6,083 4,204 3,148 1,228 15 5,247 9,865 1,338 8,824 17,589 12,279 51,082 6,323 27,223 9,219 23,859 3,022 67,351 1,670 U,930 2,927 55,421 2,857 52,019 2,141 3,402 14,024 52,435 5,277,381 2,911 27,020 891,660 2,756 46,400 603,200 3,317 27,040,910 806,791 1,838 407,119 4,693 1,3TO,935 507,244 5,757,222 582 1,213,616 814,738 35,615 120,766 242,497 4,543,606 615,181 510,150 3,418,275 8,091 57,106 7,765 30,880 6,517 15,815 4,682 16,338 3,489 1,458 2,647 1,976 1,382 4,655 7,424 4,628 17,602 2,154 8,469 3,667 9,133 1,626 43,022 1,015 9,132 1,591 33,890 1,575 31,321 1,246 2,569 6,509 26,650 2,599,736 1,013 8,875 292,875 1,550 28,260 367,380 2,242 18,305,231 510,150 1,338 149,280 3,820 1,225,575 453,466 Saa footnotea at end of table. 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continuecl [Dfitfl are bused on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For derinitions and explanations, see text) LI\'ESTOCS AND LIVF>iTOCK PRODUfTS-Conlinued Litters fatrowed December 1, 1958, to NovemlKC 30. 1959 '»"is i number of litters. .. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting... S to 9 litters farms reporting... 10 to 19 litters farms reporting... 20 to 39 litters farms reporting.. . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting... 70 or more litters farms reporting . . . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting... number of litters... December 1 to June 1 farms reporting... number of litters . . , SPEaFED CliOPS HARVESTED Com for all purpose? farms reporting .. . I'nder 11 acres farms reporting... 11 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reportin?.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting.. Harvested for grain farms reporting.. jales farms reporting.. Wheat harvesteia farma reporting. . buahela . . Sales farma reporting . . buahela . . Date harveateia for grain farma reporting. . buehela . . Salea farms reporting . . b\j£bela . . Barley harvested farms reporting . . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels. . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting . . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting . . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting . . Sales farms reporting. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . Other hay cut farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . tons, green weight.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. Apples^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of hearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested bushels . 6,282 20,935 4,045 1,874 5,153 10,858 4,187 10,077 21,264 122,893 18,974 1,378 35 78 20,307 102,739 4,624,007 3,397 987,476 3,116 23,448 544,155 1,093 305,983 4,516 24,892 1,020,617 1,115 9,741 327,475 9,025 125,430 237,236 773 10,918 21,005 318,203 406,936 2,590 24,431 1,221 8,572 9,527 3,401 12,917 15,757 106 405 10,060 136,067 144,701 1,252 9,576 732 27,5a 5,652 800,046 2,4^4 2,019 2,966,576 7,600 38,758 7,458 1,151,214 339,283 811,931 6,577,014 2,873 12,758 1,450 1,143 2,430 6,400 2,201 6,358 7,694 80,095 5,829 1,017 61,812 2,958,063 1,235 703,011 1,892 17,799 424,710 2,500 17,497 758,722 4,662 91,247 185,571 6,955 160,430 228,259 1,333 6,678 8,763 2,939 60,328 70,416 7,445 1,715 246,841 2,178 29,469 2,087 973,975 302,448 671,527 6,529,859 772,863 265,529 507,334 5,705,916 53,947 9,125 49,322 423,550 1 and butterf at sold . include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. include data for farms with WEST VIRGINIA 37 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fData are b&sed on reports for only a sunpte of fsniis. See text} Economic class— Continued Commercial farms-Continut LIVfSTOCK 4ND LIVESTOCK PRODllCTS-ConUnued Lilteis tarroited Decembet 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 fams retwrting . number of lirxers.. s reporting, s rerortine. 3 ret»rting. s reporting, , 9 reporting. . number of liuers. , . . . farms reporting. . number of titters. . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED CoTB for all purposes fanna reporti Under 11 acres 11 lo 24 acies 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more ta Harvested for grain renorting.. reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting.. bushels,, Sales farms reporting., bushels.. Wheat harvested fsraa reporting... acres... busbelB... Sales farms reportiag. .. buabels... Oats harvested for grain farms reporting... huahela... Sales farms reporting. .. bushels. .. Barley harvested farms reporting... acres... bushels. . . Sales farms reporting. . . huAbelA... Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures i hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. acres. tons. Sales farms reporting. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay .fazms r«portlng. tens. Sales farms reporting. tens. Leapedeza cut for hay. Sales .farms reporting. tons. farms reporting. tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . Other hay < forme reporting. Sales farms reporting. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small gralna fame reporting. tons, green weight. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treee^ farms reporting . Apples^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested bushels. 1,378 531 1,420 1,134 12,699 637,779 1,126 25,384 52,295 1,220 39,205 56,239 1,075 226 33,519 27,170 6,850 20,320 58,197 1,550 674 1,635 2,089 15,639 1,666 1,921 12,946 623,274 1,536 23,998 41,696 2,053 50,144 68,436 2,097 526 77,833 24,496 4,174 20,322 42,840 3,065 11,908 2,945 3,000 11,383 454,135 2,574 34,561 39,077 1,152 13,549 12,719 3,287 696 87,375 29,027 5,055 23,972 63,710 2,483 5,915 1,893 2,037 3,244 1,406 2,671 8,940 28,208 8,658 8,699 27,062 1,075,955 1,551 205,985 730 135 17,235 1,275 4,330 148,145 85 9,965 3,034 22,222 32,735 350 2,455 9,235 98,849 112,162 1,321 10,615 570 4,901 50,374 49,449 13,497 2,575 348,393 3,398 5,547 3,373 109,714 30,195 79,519 21,090 4,502 13,418 573,409 1,312 11,371 17,805 2,218 25,250 24,778 6,572 1,267 177,903 2,007 3,687 1,982 56,755 6,610 60,145 25,065 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 1 of 4. -Poultry farms [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Percent disuibution percent. , Land in faf ms acres . . Percent di.sti-ibution percent. , Averape size of faim acres.. Value ot land ant] buildings: 20 t. >49a 50 lo 99 act. 100 lo 199 a 200 to 499 a 500 to 999 I 1,000 otnxn , .farms reporting. . , .farms reporting., .farms reporting . , ..farms reporting. , . .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. , .farms reporting., .farms reporting. , Cropland used only for pasture farms reputing,. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporung.. Soil-impcovement grasses and legumes farms reporting . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporUng . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms reporting . . ised for f^ain or row . .farms reporting . , . .farms reporting. , System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . , FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . Under 25 years number . 25 to M years number . 35 to 44 years number . 45 to 54 years number. 55 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number . Average age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- working off tjieir farms, totid operators 1 lo 99 days operators 100 to 199 days operatcrs 200 or n»re days operators With cither members of family working off farm operators Withi operated and off-farm work operators With otjier income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators Operators not working off their farms cr not reporting as to work off their farms operators With other members of family working off farm operators With income from sources other than farm operated operators With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural pnxlucts sold operators FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres 10 to49 acres SO to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres 140 to 179 acres ISO to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 2«0 lo 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1.000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 or more acres See footnotes at end of t^ble. reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting . reporting, repcrting. .number. , ..number., ..number. 12,605 3,048,532 241.9 11,753 495,01° 2,199 1,935 1,933 2,425 2,275 4,592 244,786 2,253 70,824 747 21,079 1,718 49,745 6,944 464,696 7,035 730,027 8,848 956,945 3,474 231,543 39 26,399 427 11,538 103 855 2,301 3,834 3,949 1,420 52.0 1,738 1,726 1,025 2,459 1,300 1,859 1,359 1,500 100.0 239,955 100.0 150.0 55,620 313 10,949 26,626 11.1 256.0 47 4,305 57 6,921 70 9,097 33 2,919 11.0 42,631 17.8 242.2 75 5,351 129 18,867 % 7,893 39 2,020 5 445 20.7 55,351 23.1 157.2 15,188 90 2,875 22.5 60,502 25.2 157.1 157 9,159 241 23,370 232 11,972 85 2,225 21.6 33,580 14.0 97.1 WEST VIRGINIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 4. -Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See lexlj 39 (For dermitions and exjiu FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm opetalors: Full owners nun ,«».., Part owners nunibw . . , Cash tenants number . . . Share-each trnanls nun'ber . . . CKp-sharc tenants number... Livestock-share tenants. number . . . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number. . While fann operator;: Full ownen number... Part owners number . . All tenants number.. Croppcv^ number. . Non*hit* farm operators: Full owners number . . Part own«s nun-ber . . Ail tenants RumbCT.. Crorpers number.. SPECTFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACIUTTES ANT) KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms rorcrtin^ ... number.. Com pickers. fanns repcrtinf;. . . Pick-up balers farrra rerorting . , number,. Field (portinc,. 5 or mote tractors , farm- rcportir^,. Wheel tractors fam-s ronorljns.. Oawler tractors. farriA roportinf . . nun.brr.. Garden tractors fam.fi reporting.. Autonobiles famtt noarUnf, . . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reportina;. . Telephone farms repcrUMt.. Home frfvztT farms rvjorUnf., Milkiflft machine farms ropnrtin);.. F,l0Ctnc milk cooler farms reportin;>.. Ch>p drier (fv grain, foragv, or other crop*). farms reportinfc . . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms rvpraljnc.. Farms by kind ol road on which located: Hard surfac« farms reportinf' . . . Gravel, shell, or shaJe farma reportjnit.. Dirt or unimproved fanns rcportinft.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface load ..fanns reportini;.. 1 or more milm to a hard surface ro*d. farms reporUnfc.. 1 mile farms rsfoftinit . . 3 or 3 miles farms raportin;.. i miles farms raportin^.. ^ or more mtlea farrrs r«portJn(t<> FARM LABOR, WEZX PRECEDTNG ENUMERATION Hired workers farms rvportinic . . Rejrular hirwl wcrkors (employed 150 or more days) farms reportinj(,. Fanrm reportinf; by nufrbar of r«pilar hired wocttcrs: 1 hired worker farms reportinf;.. 2 hirn) •orkcrs farms repcrtinj; . . .^ or 4 hired workers farms reportint^.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms roporUnR , , 10 or more hired workers farms reportinft , , RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm opnatcd opwators reportinf;.. Not re^idin^ on farm operated operators reportine.. Operators not reporting residence number.. Spe footnotes at snJ of table. 1,001 45 1,035 45 3,810 267 3,865 267 878 61 901 66 7,810 1,004 10,181 1,227 8,3U 1,045 U,926 1,638 7,667 844 11,297 1,013 5,152 708 1,787 112 7,584 829 10,735 964 520 49 562 49 3,477 595 3,629 625 8,154 1,102 9,741 1,279 10,862 1,415 6,986 922 5,743 722 2,398 57 2,354 42 3,062 4,578 1,351 3,227 1,165 1,340 40 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS.AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 4. -Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See Lexi ] 'xplftnalions, USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AM) LIME Commprrinl fprtilizw and fortilizinc materials used durine the >onr fam.s rcportinp . . acres on which used. ,, Dry materials farma reporting. . Liquid mftUTJHls farms reporting. . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... Dry materials , farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting . . I>)' materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com /arms reporting.. Dry materials fftm'S reporting.. Liquid materials fanTis reporting,. Wheat /amis rf p«»ting . . Pry materials farms roporling.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Irish potatoes /anus rcporimt'. . Dry materials fomis reporting. . Liquid materials forms reporting.. All other crops farms reporting.. Dry materials (arms ronorting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Lime or liming materials used dunnc the year farms reporting. . acres limed.. SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting . . Feed for livestock and poultry fnms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to S999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to SI ,999 farm>4 reportmfl. . $2,000 to $4,999 farm-; reporting, . 55,000 or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting, , dollars,. Under $1,000 farms reporting. , 51,000 to $2,499 fam.s rooorting.. S2,500 to *4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9.999 farms refxirtini; . . $10,000 or more farm-i reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting.. $200 to $999 famip renorling , . $1,000 or more farma reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars . . I Inder $200 farms reporting . . $200 to $499 farms reporting, . $500 to $999 farms reporting.. 51,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. . $2,500 to :f4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting,. . $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting,. 550,000 or more farms rcportinp . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. Under SlOO fanus reporlinp . . '=;100 to $499 farms rep ears number . 25 lo M yoan number . 35 to 44 years numl»«r. 45 to 54 years number . 35 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number . Average age y^rs OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fann operators- Wr^king off thoif farms, total operators repcrting. 1 lo 90 days operslors reporting. 100 to 199 days operalcra repeating. :9X) or more days operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators repcrting. With income ftian sources other than farm operated and off-farm wcrk operators reporting. WiUi oihfw income of family eiceeding value of a^rultural products sold operator* reporting. Operators not wtrking off their farms or not rvportinf; a.4 to work off their farms operalrrs repcrting. With other mombers of family working off farm operatcra reporting. With income fran sources other than rarm operated operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of a^culttral ptoducLn sold operators repcrting. FARhe BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 lo 49 acres number. 50 lo 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number lOOtolSeacTM number 140 lo 179 acres numbv 180 to 219 acres number 220 to S59 Mcn* number 260 to 490 seres number 500 to 999 acroa number l.OOO lo 1,999 acres ^ number 2,000 or more acres number Seo footnoCae at ond of table. 12,605 3,048,632 2A1.9 11,753 495,019 2,199 1,935 1,933 2,425 2,275 793 176 106 855 2,301 3,834 3,949 1,420 52.0 1,738 1,726 1,300 1,859 1,359 2,TO5 100.0 579,554 100.0 214.3 4,592 1,028 54,077 2,253 517 70,824 13,738 747 179 21,079 5,096 1,718 371 49,745 8,642 «,eflr tun^ reporting. ures on mhich used . Dr> niatehal." fanns fef«ning . Liifuid mftUTiKls fanns fepcrting. Odp? on »hich U9e«l— [lay atkJ cropland panture farms repcrung. Dr> mau' materials farms reportine. Liquid materials farms retxrung.. Cam ...farms repcvtin;;.. [>> mali?nals farTi.s repottini I iquid materials farms repnrtine. . Wheat. .farms rfrwting., I>ry materials rarms reporting,. Liquid materials farms reptfting. Irlah potatoes fam.s rrpcrtint;. . Dry materials fam.s repottiRg. Liquid materials farms R.parting. All otlier crops farms reporting.. T>y materials farms rem Liquid materials farms reeortini:. Lime or liming materials used durim? the yc^sr farms rppretjng. SPEaFTED FARM EXPENDITL-RES Any of the folios inc specified eiponditures Feed fcr livestock and poultry Under SlOO S10OU>»9!l» 51,000 to Sl,99« 52,000 to S4,l)» S5,0OO or n«ire Purchase of livestoHt and poullry Under «1,000 51,000 to ^2,tM ,?2.S(10 to <4,1»99 «,ooo lo si<,irai< «10,00(1 or nore Machine hire Under $200 <200to*Ofl!» sl.OOOwmore Hired labor Under $200 5200toSt!t9 S500 1o.«Mn 51,000 lo 5-.',490 S2,i00 CO M,mi> 55,000 lo 59,1»9 510.000 to 510,009 520,000 lo 5^9,900 5.50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under 5]00 5in0U).<.199 55n0 to 5099 51,000 or nore Gitsoline and olher petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under jlOO 5100 to 5(90 S500to$909 51,000 to 51,099 5.'i.000 or itore !• reporlinp. w refirrting. s reporting, s rrmrtinr;,. s reporting, ■ renorting. . 'arms repcrting . a reporting. s reporting.. s reporting.. s reporting. s reporting, » n-pnrtin,.. s reporting. Hn-portinr. » reporting. » re^iortiRg. . 7,8(» 21fl,278 45,630 7,790 45,626 10 3,957 75,335 3,952 17, 594 1,581 34,634 1,581 7,749 4,521 53,918 4,521 9,910 1,535 16,766 1,535 2,833 2,846 36,744 2,841 7,143 3,229 53,372 109,285 12,590 U,203 21,225,239 2,008 5,649 1,251 ' 1,343 952 4,968 897,036 3,451 ! 1,408 109 6,603 9,323,069 2,905 1,294 11,358 3,181,095 4,455 5,049 1,298 534 22 1,963 73,022 13,875 1,963 13,875 1,087 24,732 1,087 5,342 1,290 21,897 1,290 3,650 1,0U 16,042 34,496 2,705 2,700 4,833,064 1,474 1,091,271 1,152 5,251 96 1,077 » footnotes at end of table. 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 4 .-Dairy farms [D« s based on reports for only a sample of fanriB. See text] ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold average per farm, doltai , dollai 'egeUbles and fruiLs and nuts, sold. . . . .dotlai All crops sold . Field crops, < Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nula sold doUara Forest produ:rts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry pxxlucLs 5old dollars Dairy products sold , , , , , .dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves . . Cows, includin|! h Heifers and heifer calves. . Sleera and bulls includino ins reporting.. numbtf. ms reporting. number. TDs reporting.. ms reporting., ma reporting. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head (ttrma 2 to 4 head farms 9 to 9 head femis 10 to 19 head farms 20 to 19 head farms 50 to 99 head farms 100 to 499 head farms 500 or more head farms Cowa, including heifers that have calved- 2 to 9 head farms 10 Lo 19 head farms 20 to 29 head farms 30 lo 49 head farms 50 to 74 head forms 75 to 99 head farms 100 or more head farms Milk cows- 1 head farms 2 to 9 head farms 10 to 19 head farms 20 to 29 head farms 30 to 49 head farms 50 to 74 head farms 75 to 99 head farms 100 or more head farms Horses and/or mules farms Hogs and pigs farms Bom since June 1 .farms Bom before June 1 farms Sheep and lambs farms Lambs under 1 year old , farms Sheep 1 year old and over farms Ewes farms Rama and wethers farms ChicKens4 months old and over farms Livestock and livestock products sold: CaUle and calves sold abve farms Hogs and pigs sold alive farms Sheep and lambs sold alive farms Milk and cream sold ^ , . .farms Chickens including broilers sold farms Chicken eggs sold farms See footnotes at end of tabla. reporting., reporting. , reporting. . reporting,, reporting., reporting. , reporting.. reporting., reporting.. reporting, reporting. , reporting. reporti ng . . reporting, . reporting., reporting., reporting . number., reporting., number . , reporting.. 83,905,851 20 ,194,122 6,657 7,465 18,398,60i 993,904 2,979,843 765,804 506, 3U 62,015 10,37i,904 44,179 '1,537,546 121,906 65,507,2<7 19 200,213 22,838,111 626,005 16,6<2,980 15 323,364 26,026,156 3 250,849 11,391 2,690 344,594 99,096 11,165 2,680 173,321 59,408 9,552 2,660 75,350 54,299 9,n? 2,490 %,233 32,886 7,839 1,892 75,040 6,802 578 1,459 1,469 2,029 3,765 1,652 431 1,268 3,983 2,620 1,704 1,114 324 87 2,127 5,067 1,126 5,959 12,806 7,494 78,398 4,187 44,799 6,224 33,598 3,863 181,329 2,584 45,320 3,786 136,009 3,757 126,811 3,145 9,198 10,564 170,948 21,206,496 3,224 72,121 2,379,993 3,TO5 143,521 1,865,773 4,985 378,846,849 16,642,980 3,780 14,332,712 1,168 2,353 1,441 17,615 868 10,866 1,190 6,749 2,650 39,723 2,600,165 2,705 339,440,328 15,323,364 693 79,516 1,155 1,416,883 524,244 613,395 76,674 58,098 45,218 800 3,220 8,860 555,297 30,557 378,840 145,900 2,352 3 1,179 8 1,032 8 854 3,321,156 26,536 199,669 153,007 42,930 432 3,300 3,621,487 64,914 3,052,300 7,513,134 12,931 353,535 289,534 7,550 23,089 33,362 7,159,649 272,324 5,765,051 1,122,274 4,372,233 6,665 240,872 209,381 3,350 5,091 23,050 4,631,361 147,665 3,756,075 727,621 1,600 105 1,530 2,730,654 3,753 106,127 54,872 4,690 5,939 40,576 2,674,527 33,772 2,009,653 581,102 WEST VIRGINIA 47 State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM UY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 4 .-Dairy farms [pste we tMsed on repotta br only ft sample of ruins. Sw text] LTVESTOCK AND LATSTOCK FKODL»CTS-ConUmied Litters farrowed December I, 1958. to November 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting. . nnmbeT of litters . . 9 reporting.. 3U>9liUa 10 lo 19 111 20 to 39 lit 40 to 09 III June 2 to November 3 December 1 to June I reporting.. reporting.. reporting.. reportiiie. rums reporting.. rwins reportiog . . rof litters.. SPECIFIED CROPS HARVECTED Com foe all purposes fanns reporUng . anna reporting . . reporting. . reporting., reporting . . rams reportiftg.. r^»orting., 'arms reporting. 75 to 99 acres . basheis. Sftles fanns reporting.. bushels. Wheat baz^ested farne reporting. bushels. Sales fame reporting . tnishela. Oata harvested for grain fans reportlJig. bushels. Sales farms reporting. tushels. Barley harvested Tams reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Hay crops: Land froD ¥hlch hay vas cut.. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures < hay and for dehydrating I'ame reporting . tens. Sales farms reporting . Clover, timothy, and aizturea of clover and grasses cut for hay fama reporting. Sales farms reporting. tCElS. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. tons. Sales farmi reporting. other small Other hay i reporting . tens. Sales farms reporting. tons. Qrass silage made froo grasses, alfalfa, clover^ or snail grains farma reporting. tons, green weight. farms reporting . bushels. Tobacco harvested forme reporting. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treea^ fame reporting. Apples' farns reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age ...number. Quantity harvested % bushelB. 2,873 12,758 1,450 1>U3 2,430 6,400 2,201 6,358 7,694 80,095 5,829 1,017 7,088 1,647 61,812 22,801 2,958,063 1,127,390 1,235 374 703,011 289,835 1,892 575 17,799 6,511 424,710 150,401 860 319 274,8U 104,255 2,500 876 17,497 7,728 758,722 349,646 204 56 63,560 19,215 917 423 8,805 4,070 299,130 1U,281 4,662 91,247 185,571 6,955 160,430 228,259 1,333 6,678 8,763 2,939 60,328 70,416 2,012 33,028 1,142 1,711 41,847 90,470 1,493 33,386 53,870 U,567 5,783 68,713 35,495 7,445 1,375 1,715 226 246,841 35,406 849 64 865 44 1,299,171 65,551 504 m 506,311 62,015 2,178 348 29,469 709 2,087 333 973,975 10,490 302,448 1,745 671, 527 8,745 6,529,859 10,690 ^Includes miUc equivalent of cream and butterfat sold, less than 20 trees and grapevines. 'Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms with 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 3 of 4. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms ^Uftta Bre based on reports for a mple of fanns. See textj (For derinilions and explef stexl) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average sire of farm .....acres Value ol land and buildings: Average per fami dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested fanns reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acies farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 300 to 499 acres farms reporting 50O lo 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Oopland used only for pasture farms reporting Ctt>pland not harvested and not pastured. farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reptrting Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land In farms farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting Cropland used for grain or row crops fanned on tbe contour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators ref»rtlng age number Under 25 years number 25 to M years number 85 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 69 days ofieralors reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporti ng With other members of family working off farm operators refiorting With incnme from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting With other income of family enceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not working off Iheir farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income frcm sources other than farm 0|wrated operators reporting With other income of ramily exceeding value of agricultural prtxiucts sold operators reporting FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 70 (o 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres numbw 160 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number l.OOOlo 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See footnotes at end of table. 12,605 3,(K8,632 241.9 U,753 495,019 2,199 1,935 1,933 2,425 2,275 4,592 244,786 2,253 70,824 747 21,079 1,713 49,745 6,944 464,696 7,035 730,027 8,848 956,945 3,474 231,543 39 108 855 2,301 3,8X 3,949 1,420 52.0 1,738 1,726 1,300 1,859 1,359 1,141 894 2,124 6,134 100.0 1,829,249 100.0 39,528 350 13,153 665 26,375 3,628 302,979 3,406 418,774 4,567 640, 520 1,821 149,973 10,398 194 6,291 13,067 25 31,682 228,525 12.5 751.7 19,983 47 3,081 12.9 377,653 20.6 478.6 2,090 34.1 693,545 37.9 331.8 528 1,293 73,020 115,679 438 1,229 72,288 160,779 681 1,685 140,351 241,905 401 758 35,696 50,645 1,105 238 2,053 196 5,706 82 2,170 WEST VIRGINIA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 4.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms _DatA are b&sed on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 49 FARAB BY COLOR AND TENXTIE OF OPER^TOU All (ann operators: Full owners nun,oef... Pan<«Tiers nunibcr... All lOT«nli numl>ef... Cash (enfuit5 numher... Shwe-cftsh Wnanls nuirtjw . . . Oop-share benute number... Livestock-share t«naiits. number . . . Croppers number. . . Other and unspecified tenants number.. < While rann operalors: FuH owners number.., Part owners , number . . . Crtjppers .number. .< Nonwhile farm operators: Full owners numher... Pert owners nwr.ber . . , All tenarls nwnber . . , Ctoipers , nwnber.. , SPECIFtED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUIIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combioes firm renorlinc . . . number... Com pickers. Ivma repcrtin^ . . , number.., Pick-«p balers fanru! reforting.., Field {ante harvester Tarms reporting,. number.. Motortrucks. ftm-s repntine... Tractors tuma reportin;:.. number... Tracttfs other than mrOen farms reporting., 1 tracta farms rcpotin^ . . , 2 (raclom farms refoftinj^... 3 (ractorn farms rcfwtin^... 4 traders fam,^ reporting.. 5 or more tractors farm'' rcporiir^, . Wheel traders fanrH ronorUn; . . Crawler tractors fam^s roportinf.. nun-ber.. Garden tractors farr.,s reporting.. Automobiles faims reoortinf,. Automobiles and/or mtortnickB farms rwfxvting.. Telephone farm* repcrtin; . . Home freeter fama reportinf . . Ml Ikinft machine. farms rapcrting.. FJactric milk cooler farms reportinit.. Crap dner (for 9'ain, tongfi, or other cropa). famw reportinK.. Power-operated elevator, conveyer, or blower farms reportini; . . Fams by kind of road on which located: Hard surface. farms r«fx>rtin|r... Gravel, shell, or shale farms reportinft ■ . Dirt or unimproved. faima raporting.. Less than 1 mile lo a hard surface read farms rapoitinc.. 1 or more miles to a hard surfftc* road. farms repartinx<> 1 mile farms reporunft.. 3 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reportinjt.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDINa ENUMERATION Hired workers. farms reporting. . Refcular hired wcrkera (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting.. Farms reriortin^ by nuirber of reptlar hired workers: 1 hired worker farms roporUng., 2 hired workers farms repotinc.. 3 or 4 hired wtflccrs farms reportinf;.. 5 to 9 hired warVera farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporUnfc.. RFSIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated opcratorn reporting.. Not rvsidingon farm operated operators reporting. . Operators not reporting residence number . . See footnotes at end of t^ble. 1,001 365 1,035 389 3,810 1,845 3,865 1,876 878 284 901 292 7,810 10,181 3,695 4,486 8,314 14,926 7,667 3,998 6,688 3,733 11,297 5,152 5,082 2,746 1,787 727 7,584 3,686 10,735 4,847 520 222 562 235 3,477 1,568 3,629 1,606 8,154 3,797 9,741 4,539 10,862 5,223 6,986 3,210 5,743 2,601 2,398 207 2,354 173 4,899 3,062 4,578 1,351 3,227 1,165 1,340 2,433 1,377 2,290 1,680 2,827 1,624 2,120 1,232 309 72 1,461 1,732 1,963 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARM&AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 4.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms |DaLa are based on reports for only a sample of (Arm^ See text | USE OF COMMERCTAL FERTIUZER AND UMF Dr>' fiiftLcnals farms LinuiH maUfinls farms Hay and cropland pnsu Dp»' matMials Liquid materials . .. Other pasture (nol crop Dr>' matorials Liquid materials . .. Dry material? Wheat Dryn Liquid maurials fvniH Irljh potatoes Jamis Liquid mat«fiBls Tamis All other craps fanna reporting reporting 3 Importing s reporting 5 reporting 9 reporting s reporting 3 reporting 3 reporting 3 reptcting 5 reporting repCTling reportini;, reporting reporting reporting, Dry materials ftirmv reporUng Liquid materials farms reeortinc or liniinp materials used durinc the year forms reporting SPEanED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting Peed tor livestock and poultry -. fam-s reporting dollars Under $100 farms reporting SlOO to $999 farms reporting $1,000 to $1,999 farms ropcrtinfl $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting $5,000 or more farms reporting Purchase of livestoclt and poultry farms reporting (hilars Lnder $1,000 fams reporting 51,000 to $2,499 fwn,s rcprrting $2,500 to $4,999 fnnns reporting $5,000 to 59,999 faniis repotting $10,000 or more farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Under S2Q0 farms reporting $200 to $990 farms reporting 51,000 or more farms reporting Hired labor farms reporting Under 5200 farms reporting S20O to $499 farms reporting S500 to $999 farms reporting 51,000 to $2,499 farms reportin? 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting 510,000 to $19,999 farms reporting, $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting 550,000 or more farms reporting Seeds, bulbs, plants, and txees i farms reporting dollars Under $100 faniis reporting $100 to $499 farms reporting 5500 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 or more farms reporting Gasoline nnd other petroleum fuel and oil for the fan') liusiness farms repcrting dollars Under ^lOO farms reporting SlOO to 5499 1 farms reporting S500 to $199 farms reporting 31,000 to 54,999 fams reporting 55,000 or nrafo farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 7,800 218,278 "15,630 7,790 i5,626 10 3,957 75,335 3,952 17,594 1,581 34,634 1,581 7,7-i9 A, 521 53,918 ■4,521 9,910 1,535 16,766 1,535 2,833 1,278 881 1,278 2,846 36,744 2,841 7,143 3,229 53,372 109,285 12,590 U,203 21,225,239 2,008 5,649 1,251 1,343 952 6,700 9,345,172 4,581 1,121 4,968 897,036 3,451 1,408 109 6,603 9,323,069 2,905 1,294 3,761 94, 573 21,751 3,761 21,751 2,107 38,582 2,107 9,631 20,207 2,088 4,074 1,093 7,739 1,093 1,486 1,624 29,413 58,147 6,119 5,482 2,672,397 1,288 3,564 397 171 3,027 4,435,977 2,090 2,288 385,141 1,578 3,128 1,978,854 1,415 6,018 2,783 861,082 220,065 4,225 2,152 1,559 591 133 18 101 22 11,358 5,443 ,181,095 1,199,323 4,455 2,312 5,049 2,520 1,298 439 1,462 31,070 7,272 1,462 7,272 5,207 724 1,104 2,090 1,985 932,502 WEST VIRGINIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 4.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DslA are based on reports for only a sanple of fuma. See left] 51 F^nonic c)&3s ESTDMTED VAUIE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All (ara [Koducts sold uh.1. ddius .'. . Bvera^ per fum, dotlus . . . All cTOt« sold dollafB... Fipld CTOTB, other Uun vefietAbles ftnd ttuita tnd nuU, aoid. . . . .doflan) , . . VeCM/ibIn sold 4)1 1«3... Fhiita and nuW sold doUare... Forest poducts Bud horticultural specujty pltxlttcts sold dollars... All livestock and livestock producta sold. dollars... Pooldy and f»ultry froducts sold. dollars . . . Dairy rroducta sold dollars... Livest4]ck and livestock products, other ijian poulDv and daiiv, sold .dollars . . . LIVTSTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and CSlWS 'ar™ rsponini . . . Cows, includinK heifers that have calved fanns reporting... Milk an. larms teportinit... Heifers and heifer calves farms repcnini-. .. Steers and bull.H including; steer and bull calves farms rc^vorting . . . Farms npoiung by number on hand: Cattle and calves* 1 head farms rvpotinff . . . 2 to 4 head farms reportini; . . . S to 9 head farms repcrtinff... 10 to 19 head farms reptsting .. . 20 lo 49 head farms reportinjr... 50 to 99 head farms rafnrtinic... 100 to 499 head farms reixxtjnK. . . MO or more head farms pepcaljnK... Oowa, inclodinft heifera that have calveii- 1 head farms rvpoitiniE... S (A 9 head farms reportinfc . . . 10 to 19 head farms repwunp . . 30lo29 head farms reportinn . . 30 to 49 head fanrw reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms ft?patinR . . 75 to 99 head farms reportinf; . . 100 or more head farms rr^jorunR . . Uilkoo«s- 1 head farms repcrtinit.. 2 lo 9 head farms niporunft . . 10 lo 19 he«i farms reportinic.. 20 to 29 head farms repcatjni!.. 30 to 49 head farms reportinjt.. 50 to 74 head farms reportjnK.. 75 to 99 head farms reportinc.. 100 or more heed farms r«f>orun|E.. Hoises and/OI Mies. farms repretlni;.. Hop and pip farms repoKinj. . BnTi since June 1 farms l»(«»ti»« . . Ban beftre June 1 farms reporting.. Sheep and !aml» farms ropcrting.. Lambs und« 1 year old farms reporung . . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . . number.. F^wee farms reporting.. number . . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. Chickens 4 nonths oldandovef farms t«porung.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calve* sold abve farms reporting . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. dollars.. Sheep and lamhs sold alive farms reporting. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Oiickee eggs Bold farms reporting. dollai 83,905,851 6,657 18,398,604 2,979,843 506,311 10,374,904 4,537,546 65,507,247 22,838,111 16,642,980 26,026,156 U,391 344,394 11,165 173,321 9,552 75,850 9,112 96,233 7,839 75,040 578 1,459 2,029 3,765 1,652 in 1,268 3,983 2,620 1,704 l.UA 324 87 2,127 5,067 1,126 5,959 12,806 7,494 78,397 4,187 U,799 6,224 33,598 3,863 181,329 2,584 45,320 3,786 136,009 3,757 126,811 3,145 9.198 10,564 170,948 21,206,496 3,224 72,121 2,379,993 3,705 W3, 521 1,865,773 4,985 378,846,849 16,642,980 3,780 U,332,712 4,871 10,021,235 3,707,859 22,893,088 3,732 1,315,890 768,650 17,115 U8,367 4U,758 21,577,198 1,063,750 652,190 19,861,258 5,943 204,994 5,784 92,487 4,599 14,372 4,729 51,597 4,490 60,910 3,198 7,277 3,816 42,774 2,180 24,212 3,203 18,562 2,390 124,096 1,592 28,512 2,343 95,584 2,315 88,858 2,022 6.726 1,803,619 62,366 29,512 20,873 8,639 1,779,107 138,512 40,287 4,231 18 287,855 873 5,862 29 114,295 6,494 16,717,575 1,509,401 1,803 22 44,084 1,065 1,454,772 35,145 2,321 22 101,328 3,286 1,317,264 42,718 1,509 15 21,292,411 1,175,93; 652,190 40,287 1,172 7 319,405 13,002 2,217 12 1,418,913 1,379 524,996 1,984, U2 25,438 105,103 86,545 17,706 1,879,029 89,763 53,668 2,428 77 6,1A3 1,364 8,457 32 149 937 4,673 42 181 427 3,784 39 137 6,9U 16,445 36 101 2,293 5,156 38 136 4,620 U,289 38 134 4,190 10,167 4,187,734 13,775 213,517 176,759 4,000 639 32,119 3,974,217 188,478 86,377 5,315,U7 5,737 277,283 180,447 435 5,054 91,347 5,037,854 217,107 200,969 4,619,788 779 47,580 758 21,833 570 2,345 652 U,713 717 M,034 298 7,695 363 20,788 352 19,765 329 1,023 468 64,745 7,187,550 3,439 4A2,441 233,766 6,055 19,746 183,874 6,745,109 307,403 191,427 6,246,279 2,059 75,749 1,989 35,988 1,511 4,660 1,784 20,188 1,853 19,573 1,095 2,701 1,268 14,253 732 8,274 1,091 5,979 2,055 39,812 5,085,950 See foDtnotee at sid of ti 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 4. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DaiA are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See texlj LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farma reporting number of liUers 1 or 2 litters farms reporting 3 to 9 liuefs farms reporting 10 to 19 litters Farms reporting 20 to 39 litters farms reporting 40 to 69 litters farms reporting 70 or more litters farms reporting June 2 to November 30 farms reporting number of litters December 1 to June 1 farms reporting number of litters SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting Under U acres farms reporting 11 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or more acres farms reporting Harvested for grain farms reporting Sales farms reporting bushels Wheat harvested farms reporting huflhels Salea f anna reparting bushels Oets harvested for grain farms reporting bus he la Sales fame reporting bushels Barley harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting tons Sales farms reporting Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting tons Sales farms reporting Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting tons Sales fanns reporting Other Hay cv*. farmB reporting Sales farms reporting tons Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting tons, green weight Irish potatoes harvested for hcune use or for sale farms reporting bushels Tobacco harvested farms reporting pounds Vegetables harvested for sale fame reporting Sales dollars Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treea^ farms reporting Apples farms reporting Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . 2,873 12,758 1,450 1,143 2,430 6,400 2,201 6,358 7,694 80,095 5,829 1,017 4,662 91,247 185,571 6,955 160,430 228,259 1,333 6,678 8,763 2,939 60,328 70,416 7,445 1,715 246,841 2,087 973,975 302,448 671,527 6,529,859 1,317 3,669 1,248 3,766 3,600 30,CK2 2,969 7,083 3,426 61,812 23,546 2,958,063 1,138,526 1,235 365 703,011 150,526 1,892 933 17,799 7,871 i2i,710 189,712 860 391 274,813 116,018 2,500 1,010 17,497 6,011 758,722 255,656 204 52 63,560 15,480 917 337 8,805 3,498 299,130 113,650 2,020 36,355 70,446 3,745 101,131 139,040 1,528 38,614 45, 539 3,737 767 106,694 1,110 2,098 1,084 35,430 6,027 29,403 61,842 11,226 13 10,060 187 411 1,118 3,776 4,132 7,243 191,332 212, 6X 354,879 27 50 157 32,766 43,260 45,285 94 158 372 1,641 1,316 2,597 40,783 36,722 60,697 72 116 143 31,828 27,548 26,982 71 165 384 551 1,195 2,331 23,696 54,360 100,866 6 11 30 1,410 2,070 11,750 57 89 134 776 671 1,108 26,320 22,225 34,865 1,364 38,427 52,026 517 1,165 822 1,229 125 193 515 7,872 15,470 9,155 19,071 1,258 258 38,004 10,596 2,189 8,407 3,485 buttepfat sold. Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. WEST VIRGINIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 4 of 4. -General farms [Data ore based od reports for only a sample of farms. - See texlj 53 (For definilions and explai e text) F/UIUS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Perc«wt distribution , percent Land in farms acres Percenl di^UibuUon percent Avera^ sue oT farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per fann dollars ^veraae per acre dollars. Ljfld in farms according to use: Cropland harvested ranns reporting. i to9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms repcrting 80 to 49 acres farms reporting SO to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres fanna repotiag 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or morr acres farms reporting Dopland used only for pastor* farms repcrting Cvoplaodnol harfestcd and not pastured. fanns reporting Sbi l-improvemeDt passes ar>d legames ..fanns reporting. Oliter cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland putued, farms refiorting . Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). farms reporting . Improved pasture fanns rvperting. ItTlgated (and in farms farms reporting. Land use practices: cropland in cover eropa farms reporting. Cropland used for grain cr row CTDpR farmed on ttie corrtoor farms reporting. Land in stnp-oopping systems for Boil-eroaion control farms reporting. System of terraces on crop and pasture lan<^ farms repcrting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age nwnber . Under 25 years nun^MT . 25 to t4 years aurabar , 85 to 44 years number . 4S to 54 yews number, 55 lo 64 yeara number , 6S or more year* number. Average age years , OFF-FARM WORK AND VTVEX INOOUE Farm Ofwrators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. I to 99 days operators reporting , 100 to 199 days operators reporting . 200 or more days operators reporting. With other members of family wtrkiag off fam operalors repcrting. With income fron sources other than faro operated and off- farm work operalors reporting . With other income of family eiceoding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting, Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators repcrting. With other members of family working off fanii operalcrs reporting, With inccMne ttaa sources other than fann operaied operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of af^culUral products sold operators reporting. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres ntonbor. 10 to 49 acres number . SO U> 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number . 100 lo 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acre* Mofcer 220 lo 259 acres number 200 lo 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 lo 1.999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See footnotes at end of table. 12,605 3,043,632 241.9 11,753 495,019 2,199 1,935 1,933 2,425 2,275 793 176 108 855 2,301 3,834 3,949 1,420 52.0 1,738 1,726 1,300 1,859 1,359 100.0 114,177 100.0 187.5 *,592 248 244,786 9,162 2,253 138 70,82i 3,403 747 52 a, 079 1,360 1,718 in 49, 7« 2,043 6,9<4 299 464,696 12,270 7,035 387 730,027 34,760 8,848 413 956,945 28,298 3,474 148 231,543 4,640 18,919 16.6 394.1 7,045 33 3,939 10.2 21,575 18.9 348.0 25.8 37,376 32.7 238.1 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 4.-General farms [D.t d based on reports for only a sample of faims. See I (For dennitions and exploi FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR Cash t«nnnU Shftre-CRsh I Crop-share I Livestock •share tenanls. . Other and unspeciHed teni , .number. White fann operalor nialMialp raims reporting... Liqui.) ir«l.Tinl.s firms repcrting... C>op5 on which wsod— llav nntl cropl.ind msture farms reporting... Dp. tnau^als ftrms reponing... Liquid niaunaU rarms reporting... Other pn.aturo(no( cropland) rums rcpcrting.. O^ frjitmal*' farms rrpcrtin^.. Liquid material*) farms reporting... Com /arms rnxtin^... Drv rnatcnal<> fi»ni.s rtTwrting.. Liquid maUnal? turn* rr^vvtine... Wheat tami* rrnmng.. Pry matecial* farrtM reporting.. Liquid matcnalfi fwmn rrpcrting... Irish potatoes r>m.H rrpoftino. . Dr> m«UTiaJ!< fwrr.- rtrwling" Liquid malcrials , fan^.- n materials farmn rmnrting.. Liquid matMials fanr-n rrncrUne.. Lime or liniiBf maUnal!< used dunnc the yew farm-* rrncrting. , SPEaFlED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the follo^inr speciricd MppndiUirm» tart\is nfxgUn^... Feed for liv«slock and poultry f!%m* repeating... dollar)... Under . reportinp.. 51,000 to S2,W!) fom.i rr^^rrtine.. 52,500 to <4,999 fnrm^ reporting.. 55,000 to Sfl,909 faifl.^ renorlinf*,. 510,000 or more fafm-. roporting . . Machine hire. farm- reporting.. Jollant.. Under S200 farms reporting.. S200 to -^099 farms renorting, , .51,000 or more fwma reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . (bllars... lender 5200 farms reporting.. 5300 to 51I>9 fvms reporting, . 5&00 to509n farms reporting.. 51,000 to S_',499 farms reportin?.. 52,000 to S.t.999 farms reporting.. 55,000 to 59,909 farms reporting.. $10,000 to ■^19,999 farms reporting. . $20,000 to ^9,009 farms reporting.. 550,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees. firms roportinc.. dolleni.. Under <100 fan-is rrporting.. MOO toS499 farms reprrting.. 5500 to "^999. famji reporting. . 51,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fann business farms reprvting. . (Wlars,. Under $100 farms rqx>rling . . SlOO to ^199 farms reportinc . SOO to $999 farms reportinr . . 51,000 to 51,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 or more farrT.s reportinc.. 7,600 218,278 «,630 7,790 'i5,626 10 3,957 75,335 3,952 17,594 1,581 34,634 1,581 7,749 4,5a 53,918 4,521 9,910 1,535 16,766 1,535 2,833 2,846 36,744 2,841 7,U3 3,229 53,372 109,285 12,590 11,203 21,225,239 2,008 5,649 1,251 1,343 952 6,700 9,345,172 4,581 1,121 4,968 897,036 3,451 1,408 109 6,603 9,323,069 2,905 1,294 6,018 861,082 4,225 1,559 See foot/iotes a 56 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 4.-General farms [pata are based on reports Tor only a sample of farms. See text] ESTIMATED VALITE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fami products sold tot*', dollars . . average per fann, Hollars.. All crops sold dollars . . Field crope, other than vepeUbles and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars . . Fruits and nuts sold dollars . . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars . . Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars , , LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fannsreportinR.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. Milk cows fanns reporting. . Heifers and heifer calves fan^s reporting.. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and hull calves farms reporting.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 4 head farms reporting . . 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . 500 Of more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms repnrting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 (o 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cowa- 1 head farms reporting., 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/Of muies farms reporting . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number . . Born before June 1 farms reporting. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting,. number.. Sheep 1 y'ear old and over farms reporting . . number.. Ewes farms reporting . . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting, , number . . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold. Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number . . dollars. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting., number . . dollars.. Milk and cream sotd^ farms reporting.. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken egga sold farms reporting. . dollars. 83,905,851 2,065,614 6,657 3,392 18,398,604 542, 183 2,979,843 353,098 506,311 59,925 10,374,904 66,720 4,537,546 162,440 65,507,247 1,423,431 22,638,111 555,401 16,642,980 231,853 26,026,156 636,177 11,391 492 344,594 8,763 11,165 4S7 173,321 4,713 9,552 416 75,850 1,860 9,112 356 96,233 2,571 7,839 292 75,040 1,484 573 1,459 1,469 2,029 3,765 1,652 431 1,268 3,983 2,620 1,704 1,114 324 87 2,127 5,067 1,126 5,959 259 12,806 489 7,494 410 78,397 3,591 4,187 211 44,799 2,054 6,224 350 33,598 1,537 3,363 140 181,329 7,151 2,584 103 45,320 3,367 3,786 140 136,009 3,784 3,757 140 156,311 3,618 3,145 114 9,198 166 8,776 515 1,214,784 82,780 10,564 422 170,943 4,220 21,206,496 464,233 3,224 184 7?, 121 3,170 2,379,993 104,610 3,705 135 143,521 3,896 1,865,773 50,643 4,985 279 378,846,849 6,754,384 16,642,980 231,853 3,730 269 14,332,712 315,674 4,871 359 10,021,235 630,595 3,707,859 233,322 217,032 31,005 17, 530 3,560 9,200 4,800 199,452 90,239 13,438 599,961 12,499 249,135 121,156 14,475 36,849 76,703 350,776 122,029 108,115 120,632 407, 261 6,569 147,746 101,213 10,000 3,793 32,740 259,515 81,705 21,715 156,094 634,533 4,042 127,052 58, 105 19,750 17,212 31,985 507,481 241,766 70, 145 195,550 1,446 61 1,380 WEST VIRGINIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 4.— General farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of renns. See textj 57 UVFSTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-ConUnot Litters farrowed December 1. 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fanra June 2 lo November 30 farms number December 1 to June 1 farms TofliUers. s reporting. s repwtinc . , 3 reporting! . , s reporting . reporting, reporting . . ifliU SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com ta all purpoaea fanns reporting. . Under 1 1 acres fanas rrportirg . . 11 to 24 acres fam? reporting . . 25 to 49 acres fama reporting . . 50 to T4 acres faims reporting . 75 to 99 acres fam.i r^xjrting. , 100 or nmre acres fanns tpporling., Harvested fix grain farms reporting . Sales farms repaying , , bwihels . . Wheat harvested. ..fanns reporting. bushels. Sales fama reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain faros reporting. buahela. Sales forma reporting. bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales fanna reporting. bushels. Hay crops: Land from which hay aas cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanaa reporting. Sales farms reporting. for hay fanis reporting. Sales faras reporting. Oats, vheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fams reporting. Sales faxne reporting. Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Grass silage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting. tons, green weight.. Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale fanas reporting. bushels. Tobacco harvested farms reporting.. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees' farms reporting.. Apples^ forma reporting. Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested bushels. . ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. less than 20 trees and grapevines. 2,873 12,758 l^-iSO 1,U3 2,4X 6,400 2,201 6,358 7,694 80,095 5,829 1,017 559 178 34 77 7,088 61,812 2,958,063 1,235 703,011 1,892 17,799 424,710 4,662 91,247 185, 571 6,955 160,430 228,259 1,333 6,678 8,763 7,445 1,715 246,841 2,178 29,469 2,087 973,975 302,448 671,527 6,529,859 13,150 30 10,770 ^Doca not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harveated. Include data for farms with 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.--FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data ate based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (Forderinitions andexplaj Total all farms Coranerctal farms by type of farm Caah- grain farms Tobacco farms Vegetable farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number.., Percent distribution percent.., Land in farms acres.., Pproent di stri bution percent . . . Average si re of farn acres . . , Value of land and buildings: Averaeener rarm dollars... Average per acre dollars.., Land in farms according to use: Crapl and harvested farms reporting.., 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.., 10 to 19 acres fanns reporting.., SO to 39 acres farnis reporting. ., 80to4fl acres f'ln^s reporting.. 50 to 99 acres fa™s reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farnis reporting. ., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reoorting... Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reportjng. . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . Impn:>ved pasture farms reporting.. Irrigated land in farms fanns reporting. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops fanns reporting.. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms refxjrting. . System of terraces on cmj) and pasture land farms reporting. . F'VRM OPER\TORS BV \GE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to ^4 years number . . S5 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years numba-.. 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off fann operators reporting. . With inqome from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural oroducts sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their fanns or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated, , .operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . F\RMSBVSIZE Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 49 acres number. . 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number., ion to no acres number., 140 to 179 acres number. , 180 to 219 acres, number., 220 to 2S9 acres number. , 2flO to (99 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 to 1.999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number. See footnotes at end of table. 43,982 yxx 6,047,301 137.5 39,456 849,062 16,503 9,381 5,269 4,409 2,853 15,571 4,592 535,227 244,786 8,321 2,253 205,604 70,824 2,065 747 44,581 21,079 6,796 1,718 161,023 49,745 21,397 6,944 980,295 464,696 23,737 7,035 1,579,588 730,027 27,477 8,848 1,678,751 956,945 6,870 3,474 300,546 231,543 43,729 318 2,905 7,554 11,712 9,925 11,315 54.5 24,211 5,373 4,318 14,520 4,790 10,315 19,007 19,771 2,957 12,363 1,717 11,371 5,242 6,235 6,344 3,845 2,497 1,650 3,467 1,231 311 72 12,605 100.0 3,048,632 100.0 241.9 11,753 495,019 2,199 1,935 1,933 2,425 2,275 793 176 12,467 108 8 55 2,301 3,834 3,949 1,420 52.0 1,738 1,726 8,055 1,025 2,459 1,300 1,859 1,359 1,141 14,980 315 15,740 2,100 51 2,629 WEST VIRGINIA State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reporta for only a sample of fanns. See text] 59 (Far definiUons and exptai F^RMS, ACREAGE. ANT) VALUE Farms number PCTcenl cfistrtbotjoa percent Land in farms acres, Pwnent distribution percent. Vvera^o si ze of (am .acres , Value of land and buildings: Xvwage per farm dollars. \veTace per (ure dollars, Land in farms according to use: Cropland har\e3C«d faims reporting. 1 to 9 acres fsnris reporting. 10 (o 19 acres fanns reporting, 20 to 29 acres farms reoortine, 30 to 49 acres farrps reporting, SO to 99 acre« farms reportini;. 100 to 190 acres farms reporttng, 200 to 499 acnes farms rerortinf:. 500 to 999 acres farms renorttng , 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Cnx>laiHi used only for pasture farms reoorting. Oopland not harvested and not paAiured farms reportine, Soil-improvement Krasnes and legumes farms renorting. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporUng, Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms renorUng . Other pmMure (not cror>land and not Moodlaixl) farms reporting. Imoroved pasture , farms rcpofting- Irrigated land In (arms farms reporting. Land use practices: Cropland m cover ctdds fafms rapoftiaf , Cropland used for grain or row cnpR farmed on the contour fam* nfx)rtinx. Land in strip-cropping systcma for soil-erosion control farms reporting. System of terraces on crop and pasture I and farms reporting , FARM OPERATORS BY \GE Operators reporting age number. (.'nder 25 years number . 25 to ^4 years number . ^5 to 44 years number . 45 to M yoara nsmber . 55 to SI years number. €5 or more years number . Average af^e year* . OFF-FXRMHORK \VD OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Worimg off their farms, toUt opwators reporting. I to 90 days operators reporting, 100 to 199 days operators reporting. 200 or more days operators reporting. With other members of family ^orlcing off farm operalors reoorting. H'lth income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm •wt operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural nroducls sold operatont reporting. Operators not «oriing off their farms or not rcparting as to work off their farms operatom reporting. With other members of fnmily woriing off farm operalors reporting. With income from sources othw than farm operated, . .operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of aipicultural prnducLs sold operators rriporting. FARMS BY 3ZE Under 10 acres number. 10 to 19 acres oumbv. W to M acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. liXJ to no acres number. 110 to 179 acred number. ISO to 219 acres number. 220 to ?W acres number. 2ft0 to 109 acre* number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or more acres numb**. See footnotes ai end of tablck Caonerctal farms by type of farm — Continued 1,600 12.7 239,955 19,170 204 3,096 43 726 167 2,370 733 39,088 970 85,550 961 55,620 313 10,949 U 2,705 21.5 579,554 19.0 214.3 5,096 371 8,642 1,564 73,419 1,352 82,331 2,179 191,484 1,021 58,252 14,429 138 2,975 Llvestocli farms other than poultry and dairy farms 48.7 1,829,249 60.0 298.2 13,153 685 26,375 3,628 302,979 3,406 418,774 4,567 640,520 1,821 149,973 6 1,175 10,398 194 6,291 3,792 408 1,242 General fanaB 34,760 413 28,298 60 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of rarms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) FMtilS BY COLOR \ND TENURE OF OPERATOR Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Crofv share tenants number. Livestock- share tenants number. Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants number. White (aim operators: Full c mber. All tenants number. Nonwhite Full ov Parto Croppers number.. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial fBima number.. SPEOnED EQLIPMENT AND FACU.ITTES AND KIND OF ROAD Com pickers Pick-up balers Field forage harvesters . Motortrucks 9 reporting., number,. s reporting., Tractors farms Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number. . reporting . . number., reporting. . report ng.. reporting. . reporting., retxirting, , reporting.. number. . reporting., number . . reporting . , number . . reporting. , number , , reporting., reporting., reporting., refwrting. , ttlieel t Garden tr \utomobileE Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms Telenhone fanrs Home freezer farms '.filking machine farms Electric milk cooler forms Cron drier [for prain, for&ge, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms repotting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reoorting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile, farms reporting.. 2 or 1 miles farrrs reporting. . i miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting.. persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired worlcers reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. , RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOH Operate I See footnotes farm operated operators reporti ng . , on farm operated .oneralors reporting. it reporting residence number. Total all farms 36,415 4,396 2,813 15,761 10,672 17,096 5,633 11,463 4,023 4,944 3,520 7,588 2,016 4,176 39,698 2,037 2,247 Commercial farms by type of farm 1,336 2,063 3,531 1,U3 1,001 1,177 1,035 5,382 3,810 5,i59 3,865 1,036 878 1,065 901 21,280 7,810 2.4,70"; 10,181 21,627 8,314 32,268 14,926 17,660 7,667 21,995 11,297 U,536 5,152 2,321 1,787 582 515 127 121 94 92 17,331 7,584 21,024 10,735 905 520 971 562 9,966 3,477 10,273 3,629 27,045 8,154 M,654 9,741 35,383 10,862 22,080 6,986 16,654 5,743 2,835 2,398 2,696 2,354 4,899 3,062 4,578 1,351 3,227 1,165 1,340 313 404 2,646 6,430 1,745 3,824 CaBh-graln farms Vegetable faime WEST VIRGINIA State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DftU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Cannerclal farms ly type of farm— Continued 61 (For derimUons and explai Livestock farma other than poultry and dairy farms General farms FMWS BY OOLOS AND TENURE OF OPER.ATOK All farm operators: Full owners ngmber... Part owners Dnmber... All wnants Bumoer... Cashlenaota nimbef... Share-cuh unuls number... Ctap- share t«nanta number. . . Livestock.share t«osnts numbv... Oon)er9 number... Other and unspecified tenants nwnber... White fam operators: Full owners number . . . Part owners otwiber . . . All tenants number... Qonwrs number... Nori«liit« rum ooerators: Full owners number... Part owners number... All tenants number... Oippers number... FARMS BY eCOrWUIC CLASS Commercial farms number . . . Class I numhw... Oaas II number . . . Oass m number . . . Class IV number. .. Oass v..'.'.! number... Class VI number... SPBaFIED EXJUtPMENT AND FACILrTIES AND HND OF ROAD Orain csmbinea fams r<|ioitin« . . . Con pickers faimsreportinn... number... Pick-up balers farms reporting... number... Field forage harvesters farms rrporting... fLtotoftrudts farms reporting. . . Tractors farma rororting... Tractors other than garden 'alms romrting. . . 1 tractor farms reporting... 2 tractors farms reporting.., 8 tractors 'arms rcfiorting.. . 4lnctors farms reporting. . , 5 or more tractors farms reporting. . , Whrwl tractors farms reporting... number.. Crawl IT tractors farms reporting. . number.. Qwdsn tractors farma repating.. number.. Automotales fanrs reporting.. Automobilee and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Teler>hoo« fairrsraporting.. KomelVeeter farms prrorting. . 'diking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler 'arms rsmrting. . Crop drier (for pain, foraf^, or olhar crops) farms reporting. . Power-Ofiented elevator, oonvi»yor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road ott wtiich located: Hard surface 'arms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale 'arras reporting. . Dirt or unimproved 'arms reporting. . Leas than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road 'arms reporting. . 1 mile '"m» rrportjng. . 2 or « miles farms reporting.. 4 miles '•""« reporting. . 5 or more miles 'arms reporting.. F^RM LABOR. WEEK PRBCEMNO ENUMERA'nON Hired workers 'arms reporting. . Regular hired workers (employsd 150 or more days) 'arms reporting. . Farma reporting by number o' regular hired workers; 1 hired wodrer farms reporting. . 2 hired wodiern farms reporting.. a or 4 hired woikera farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . RESnlENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on fann operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated .oneralora reporting . . Operators not reporting residence numbir.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,735 117 1,045 1,102 1,279 1,415 2,255 4,679 2,175 3,704 1,107 737 243 931 975 2,063 2,476 2,520 2,098 1,745 2,034 2,054 102 3,733 5,082 2,746 222 235 1,568 1,606 3,797 4,539 5,223 3,210 2,601 207 173 2,433 1,377 2,290 62 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [P&ta ore based on reports Tor only a sample of fanns. See textj Total all farms Commercial farms by type of farm Caah- grain farms Tobacco farms USE OF CX)MMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial rettilizer and fertilizing materials used during Ihe year farms reporting., acres on which used., Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid material ti farms reporting,. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture fanns reporting.. Dry materials faims reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reoortine>< Com farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting,. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Wheat farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. , Liquid mated al 3 farms reporting., Irlah potatoes farms reporting, . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. .\1I other crops farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting,. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting.. SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Under $100 farms SlOO to «»99 farms ^1,000 to ?1, 999 farms .«2,000 to M,999 farms $5,000 or more fanns Purchase of livestock and poulljy farms Under $1,000 farms !«1,000 to $2,499 fams S3. 500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to $9,999 farms $10,000 or more farms Machine hire farms Under $200 farm; $200 to $999 farms $1,000 or more farm: Hired labor farm; Under $200 farms $200toS49fl farms $500 to $999 $1,000 to 52,499 farms $2,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to «9.999 farms $10,000 to $19,999 farms $20,000 to W9,99fl fams $50,000 or more farms Seeds, bul bs, pi ants, and trees farms Under $100 farms $100 to $499 farms $500 to $999 farms $1,000 or more farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms Under $100 farms S100to$499 farms $500 to $999 farms :^1.000 to $1,999 farms .$5,000 or more farms See footnotes at end of table. reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting. , reporting. . dollars., reporting., reporting., reporting,, refyirting.. reoorting.. dollars., reporting., reftorting.. reporting. . reporting. , dollars., reporting. . ling., reporting., reporting,, reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting., reoorting,. reporting.. dollars., reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting.. reporting., dollars., reporting., reporting., reporting , . reporting., reporting.. 19,723 7,800 307,618 218,278 67,286 «5,630 19,713 7,790 67,282 45,626 8,757 116,906 8,752 27,699 2,841 45,484 2,841 10,434 10,372 74,923 10,372 14,543 2,327 20,603 2,327 3,540 4,263 2,763 4,263 1,249 6,517 46,939 6,512 9,817 6,906 85,508 169,276 42,633 35,649 26,434,899 11,630 19,868 1,698 1,489 964 17,189 11,481,131 14,631 1,512 U,003 1,507,938 10,754 2,120 129 13,504 10,360,699 8,455 2,268 16,056 1,164,788 13,778 2,005 164 109 36,714 4,737,989 25,757 8,%9 1,414 551 23 3,957 75,335 3,952 17,594 1,581 34,634 1,581 7,749 53,918 4,521 9,910 1,535 16,766 1,535 2,833 2,846 36,744 2,841 7,143 3,229 53,372 109,285 12,590 11,203 21,225,239 2,008 5,649 1,251 1,343 952 6,700 9,345,172 4,581 1,121 4,968 897,036 3,451 1,408 109 6,603 ',323,069 2,905 1,294 6,018 861,082 4,225 1,559 WEST VIRGINIA 63 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports Tor only a sample of farms. See text] Canmerclal fanas by type of farm— Continued Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms General farms Ulscellaneous USE OF CO««ERa.\L FERTTLIZER .\SD LI! Dry materials .. Liquid materials Dry materials .. Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials ... Liquid materials. Wheat Dry materials Liquid materials .. Irlah potatoes. Dry materials Liquid materials .. All other orops Dry materials ... . Liquid materials .. i\» used dunnft the yoi SPEanRD FARM FAPENDfTURES \ny of the rollowinx specified expenditunu Feed for livestock and povllfy Under JtlOO M00io«BM ?l,000 to «l.M« ^2.000 to W.MO $5,000 or more Purchase of livostock and poultry Under <1,000 n,00OtoS2.498 «e,500to$l,M9 W.0O0 to«8.«99 510,000 or more Machine hire Under $200 ?200 toSBfl9 J1,000 or more Hirvd labor Under ^aOO 5200 to W99 «500to«99fl ?1,000 to S2,W9 .«2,500 to «(.999 S5.000 to «9,999 «10,000 to «19.099 520,000 to 549,999 ^W,000ormore Seeds, hulba, plants, and trees Under «100 ?100to?49fl «SOn to 5899 «1,000 or more GsAoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fami business Umtor ^im «I0()W<199 «W0 to«M9 51,nOOto5f.W9 55.00n or more See footnotes at end of table. s reporting s reoorting 9 reporting s repotting. N reporting. 9 reporting. tons. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting, i rvportjng. I reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting 'anivN reporting. n reportini*. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. dollars. s reporting, s reporting. n reporting. dollars. n reporting. ^ renorting. n reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. dollars. B reporting doll: 9 reporting 1,600 1,590 12,791,U3 1,963 73,022 13,875 1,963 13,875 11,211 492 1,948 1,290 21,897 1,290 3,650 8,547 702 1,791 1,018 16,042 34 496 2,705 2,700 .,833,064 1,474 1,091,271 1,152 3,761 94,573 21,751 3,761 21,751 1,087 2,107 24,732 38,582 1,C87 2,107 5,342 9,631 20,303 884 5,114 2,088 20,207 2,088 4,074 1,093 7,739 1,093 1,486 1,624 29,4U 58,1*7 6,U9 5,482 2,672,397 1,288 3,564 397 171 3,027 .,435,977 2,090 1,379 2,288 288,937 385,141 828 1,578 515 682 36 28 1,740 3,128 1,906,314 1,978,854 643 1,415 2,783 220,065 2,152 5,443 1,199,323 2,312 2,520 64 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DftU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] «ial farms by type of fa ;For definitions and expJQJ Total all farms Cash-grain farms Tobacco farms ESn\HTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold - total, dollars. . average per farm, dollars. . .All citips sold dollars. . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest nnxlucts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. Ml livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LINTSTOCK AMD LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number. , Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reporting. . number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms rerorting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reoorting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that have calvett- 1 head farms renorting. . 2 to 9 head farms report] ng . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . .TO to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and/Of mules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . number. . Bom before June 1 farms reporting. . number.. Sheep and lambs farms retx>rting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Bams and wethers farms reporting.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. dollars., [logs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . . number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number., dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting. , dollars'. Chickens including broilers sold farms renorting. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farnis reporting.. 101,194,692 2,301 21,946,390 5,414,487 656,836 10,623,557 5,251,510 79,248,302 24,413,957 18,148,301 36,681,044 37,101 527,022 35,584 269,114 30,041 122,659 25,118 152,914 13,861 104,994 4,954 10,194 7,649 6,559 5,626 1,677 dollaj 434 18,476 4,661 1,936 1,139 10,824 16,672 1,301 19,440 37,824 24,419 149,483 12,682 32,134 19,128 67,349 8,512 292,025 5,270 66,573 8,305 225,452 3,190 210,277 6,533 15,175 31,120 250,716 29,165,371 7,166 110,651 3,651,483 8,012 213,337 2,838,331 10,561 428,737,290 13,148,301 6,969 14,908,107 13,397 12,659,745 4,634,109 83,905,351 6,657 13,398,604 2,979,843 506,311 10,374,904 4,537,546 65,507,247 22,833,1U 16,642,9 26,026,156 11,391 344,594 11,165 173,321 9,552 75,850 9,112 96,233 7,839 75,040 578 1,459 1,469 2,029 3,765 1,652 431 1,263 3,933 2,620 1,704 1,114 324 87 295,284 1,215 256,160 220,74.4 31,800 351 2,127 5,067 1,126 5,959 12,806 7,494 73,397 4,187 44,799 6,224 33,593 3,363 181,329 2,584 45,320 3,736 136,009 3,757 126,811 3,145 9,193 10,564 170,943 21,206,496 3,224 72,121 2,379,993 3,705 143,521 i,773 1,8 378,846,849 16,642,9 3,730 14,332,712 702,365 1,378 606,460 578,294 6,855 2,686 18,625 96,405 12,711 2,580 81,114 2,120 360 1,145 39,577 36,061 2,750 See footnotes at end of talile WEST VIRGINIA 65 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DstA are based on reports for only n sairple of famts. See text] Cananepcial farma by type of farm— Continued 3 and explanations, see lext) Poultry farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms General farms EsnvHTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold tocJ, dollai averagv per farm, dollai All ooosaold dollai Field crops, othr* tiian vegetables and Iniita and nats, sold dollai Vegetables sold dollai Fruits and nuts sold dollai Forest nnvjucts and horticultural specialty products sold dollai All liveslorSi and livestock products sold dollai Poultry and poultry products sold dollaj Dairy products sold dollai Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollaj LRESTOCK VVD LIVESntKTC PRODUCTS Cattle andcalves fams repotting . . Cows, including heifevs that have calved farms reporting. , number.. Milk cows farms reporting.. Heifers and heifer calvva farms reportini number. . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. . 3 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reimrting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 lo W9 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. .. Cows, including heifers that have ealved- 1 head farms reporting... 2 to 9 head farms reporting... 10 to 19 hear) farms reporting... 20 lo 29 head farms reriorting... % to 49 head faima reporting... SO lo74 head farms reporting... 75 In 99 head farma reporting... 100 or more head farins reporting... 10,723,042 44,128 10,228,651 103,789 1,250 10,109,842 13,770 494,391 74,703 134,100 285,583 22,675,357 14,172 350,840 103,420 110,176 19,785 127,459 22,314,517 20,453,876 262,188 1,598,453 1,262 18,597 1,246 9,624 1,097 3,227 903 5,323 20,194,122 7,465 993,904 765,804 62,015 44,179 121,906 19,200,218 626,005 15,323,364 2,690 99,096 2,680 59,408 2,660 54,299 2,490 32,886 1,892 6,802 22,893,088 3,732 1,315,890 768,650 17,115 118,367 411,758 21,577,198 1,063,750 652,190 19,861,258 5,943 204,994 5,784 92,487 4,599 14,372 4,729 51,597 4,490 60,910 2,065,614 3,392 642,183 353,098 59 925 66,720 162,440 1,423,431 555,401 231,853 636,177 1 head farma reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms repotting... 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. U to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farma reporting., 75 to 99 head farma reporting.. 100 or more hear] farms reprMting.. HWSeS and/Of mules farms reporting.. tlogsand pigs farms reporting. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. 9ieep and lanbS farms remrting. . number,. Lamba under 1 year old farms reporting. . numbre.. Sbeep 1 year old and ov« farms reporting.. Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rama and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms repirting . . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms rr^rting . . Milk and c «.1#, dollars., reporting., dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms See footnotes at end of tabla. 2,033 44 1,U6 7,972 664 18,659 1,059 8,383 967,167 6,825,462 252,188 1,493 13,527,318 1,168 2,353 1,441 17,615 868 10,866 1,190 6,749 1,830 188,505 2,650 39,723 2,500,165 2,705 339,440,328 15,323,364 693 79,516 1,155 1,416,883 524,244 3,198 7,277 3,816 42,774 2,180 24,212 3,203 18,562 2,390 124,096 1,592 28,512 2,343 95,584 2,315 88,858 2,022 5,726 4,231 287,855 5,862 114,295 16,717,575 1,803 44,084 1,454,772 2,321 101,328 1,317,264 1,509 21,292,411 652,190 1,172 319,405 2,217 1,418,913 524,996 66 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for oniy a sample of farms. See t«xtj [For definitions and explai Total all farms Commercial farms by type of fan Cash-grain farms Tobacco farms LI\ ESmCK AKD LI\1ST0CK PRODUCTS-Continued Littefs farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 fams reportini;, number of li 1 or 2 litters forms renc S to 9 litters faims reporting, 10 to 19 hUers fRcms reporting, M to 39 litters : farms reporting, 40 to 'iS litters farms reporting, "r* or more litters farms reporting, June 2 to N'ovember 30 farms reporting number of litters December 1 to June 1 farms reporting number of liUers SPECIFIED CROPS ll\RVT^ED Com for all purposes farms reporting Under 11 II to 94 a 25 to 49 a 50 to 74 a 75 to 99 a 100 or moi . .farms reporting , .farms reporting , .farms reporting , farms reporting ..farms reporting , .farms reoorting ..farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting, Wheat harvested f anne reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Oats harvested for grain farms reporting bushels. Sales farms reporting bushels, Barley harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels Hay crops; Land f rem which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting Sales farms reporting tans Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Sales farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting Sales farms reporting Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting tons , green weight Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting planted i .farms reporting.. Apples farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested bushels.. m and butterfat sold. 6,282 2,873 20,935 12,758 4,0*5 1,450 1,874 1,143 5,158 10,858 4,187 10,077 21,264 122,693 18,974 1,378 35 78 20,307 102,739 4,624,007 3,397 987,476 3,116 23,44« 544,155 1,093 305,983 4,516 24,892 1,020,617 349 84,760 1,115 9,741 327,475 9,025 125,4X 237,236 773 10,918 21,005 318,203 406,936 2,590 24,431 1,221 8,572 9,527 95 650 3,401 12,917 15,757 106 405 10,060 136,067 144,701 1,252 9,576 732 27,521 5,652 800,046 2,484 2,019 2,966,576 7,600 38,760 7,458 1,151,214 339,283 811,931 6,577,014 2,430 6,400 2,201 6,358 7,694 80,095 5,829 1,017 34 77 7,088 61,812 2,958,063 1,235 703,011 1,892 17,799 424,710 860 274,813 2,500 17,497 758,722 4,662 91,247 185,571 6,955 160,430 228,259 1,333 6,673 8,763 2,939 60,328 70,416 7,445 1,715 246,841 2,178 29,469 2,037 973,975 302,448 671,527 6,529,859 Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. Include data for fa WEST VIRGINIA State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued D&la are based on reports for only a sample of farms. Se« lexl] For definilions and explai cial farms by type of farm — Continued Poultry farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms General farms LI\"ESTOCK AM) LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Coolinoed Litters farrowed December 1, 19S8, to Novefflbec 30. 1959 fams reponine. namberof liu«rs. 1 or ? litter* faims renorling. .1 to 9 liuers (urns r«oorting. 10 lo 19 littefs fwrns reporting. 20 to S9 litters fwms reporting. 40 to ^9 litt«« farms reporting. 7r> Of rnore lifters fams reporting. June 2 to November 3f> fwns reporting. Rdfflber of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. nafflber of litters. SPFXIFIED CROPS lURVTfrfED Com for all purposes fums reporting. I'nder 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres farms rerorting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 7* acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or 'Tx>re acres famis renorting. Harvmted for grain farms reporting. bushel s. bushds. Wheat harvested fanas reporting. bushels.. Sales faras reporting.. bushels.. Oata harvested for grain fans reporting. . bushela.. Sales fanae reporting. bushels. . Barley harvested fanas reporting., acres. . bushels., Sales faroM reporting., bushels., Hay crops: Land froo which hay vaa cut acrea., Alfalfa and alfalfa Bdxturea cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting., tons., Sales far&a reporting.. tons.. Clover^ timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting.. tons.. Sales farms reporting.. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting., Sales farms reporting . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other «n«ll grains cut for boy farms reporting., Sales farms reporting., Other hay cut faras reporting.. Sales farms reporting . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. tons, green jelght. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale faras reporting. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ anns reporting Apples'* farms reporting Trees of all sges number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels 903,553 291,729 611,824 6,416,346 6,235 1,335 4,900 1,025 2,012 33,028 1,142 1,647 22,801 1,127,390 1,711 41,847 90,470 1,493 33,386 53,870 10,490 1,745 8,745 10,690 1,317 3,669 1,248 3,766 3,600 30,042 2,969 3,426 23,546 1,138,526 116,018 1,010 6,011 255,656 2,020 36,355 70,446 3,745 101,131 139,040 218 1,638 3,7<1 321 2,435 4,8U 10 140 •U)S M2 1,528 6,297 10,212 38,614 7,666 12,321 45,539 1,110 2,098 1,084 35,430 6,027 29,403 61,842 68 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texlj (For definitions and e FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. Percent (iistnbuLion percent. Land in farms acres.. Percent dist/ibution percent. . Average size of farm acres.. Value ot land and buildings; Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre .dollars. . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested .farms reporting. , 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. , 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. ,10 to 49 acres farms reacting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-imprcivement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . Woodland pasttjred farms reporting. . Woidland not pastured farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . Improved pasture . , farms reporting. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control forms reporting. . System of terraces on crrjp and pasture land farms reporting.. FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number. . Under 25 years , number. . 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 4-1 years number. . 45 to 54 years number. . 55 to 64 years number. . 65 or more years number. . Average age years. . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off tiieir farms, total operators reporting.. Ito 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 900 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off form operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . Witli other income of family exceeding value of agricultural productja sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . IVith other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated . , operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . See footnotes at end of table. 6,047,301 100.0 U7.5 39,456 849,062 16,503 9,381 5,269 4,409 2,853 845 177 15,571 535,227 8,321 205,604 2,065 44,581 6,796 161,023 21,397 980,295 23,737 1,579,588 27,477 1,678,751 6,870 300,546 43,729 318 2,905 7,554 12,712 9,925 11,315 54.5 24, 2U 5,373 4,318 14,520 4,790 10,315 19,007 19,771 2,957 1-2,363 1,717 3.9 7,213 325,837 5.4 28.7 9,823 63,018 7,642 1,895 1,430 1,54« 14,306 3,897 43,107 4,546 57,948 2,287 2,992 2,576 2,630 7,063 1,200 1,162 4,701 1,325 2,850 6,087 4,308 655 3,165 2,860 305,808 5.1 58.3 4,737 48,584 2,541 1,586 2,632 50,085 2,846 64,745 1,471 1,106 1,400 1,360 2,570 2,177 280 1,457 1,292 517,590 8.6 83.0 5,710 78,790 2,335 1,390 1,040 390 55 2,220 57,550 1,290 25,195 4,410 1,085 20,785 3,165 79,585 3,655 116,275 1,100 270 1,490 1,010 1,575 1,395 1,750 1,465 2,840 2,660 415 1,790 1,425 WEST VIRGINIA 69 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DatA are based on npona for only a sample of fanis. See texij (For definitions ud expln Si«e of faim-Continued 219 acres 220 lo 259 a 1,000 u> 1,999 acres 2,000 FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Faros nnmbw. Percent distribution percent. Land in farms acres. Percent distribution percoit. Average size of fafra aer«s, Value 0) land and buildings: \veraee ()«■ farm dollars. \veraj» p» acre dollirs. Land in farms aixording to use: Croriland harvested fams reporting. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 aa«s taims reporting 20 to 29 acme farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acios taims reporting 20O to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms noorting Ooiiland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested aivj not pastured farms reporting. Soil-improvsnent fffassee and legwnoe farms reporting Oilier appland(idle and crop failure) farms reporting. Woodland pastured farms rvporting. Woodlaiu] not pastured farms rvpotting. Other oasture (not cropland and not wnodland) farms reporting Imiiroved pasture farms reporting. Irrigatetl land in fa/ais farms renorting Land use ptactiixs: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. Croplaad us«d for train or row oops farmed on tiie contour farms repeating Land in strip-cropping systems for soi|.en>sion control farms reporting Systran of terraces on crtip and pasture land farms refiorting FARM OPEIHTORS BY ACE Operators reporting age number. Under 25 years number. 25 to ^4 years number. W to 44 years nianber. 45 to 51 years number 55 to 64 years number. 65 or more yeira number. Average age years. OFF-FARM «ORX AND OTIIER INCO^(E Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 to 199 days oiyirators reporting 200 or more days oricrators reporting With other members of family ssirking off farm operators reporting With income frtjm sources other than farm operaied and off-farm work operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of a^Ticultural products sold operstors reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms Ofierators reporting. With other memocrs of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm oporated , , operators rornrting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural fvoducts sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of utble. 603,476 10.0 157.0 2,281 100,360 152,508 3,280 50 1,560 493,677 8.2 197.7 1,561 74,196 1,631 121,440 3,330 60 1,200 1,031 60,235 1,089 87,395 280 1 1,180,375 19.5 340.5 8,4«1 554 25,768 2,234 202,142 2,329 303,052 2,651 338,551 1,140 72,953 4,240 310 5,310 260 10,190 130 3,340 817,629 13.5 664.2 9,255 191 14,405 226,110 453 54,149 2,880 151 4,212 402,481 6.7 1,294.2 77,204 216 114,328 70 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.-FAKMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-C()ntinued F \R\IS nV COLOH \ND TENURE OF OPEK \TOR All farm operators: Full owTior.t number.. Part o*iiPfF number. . Ml [4>nanL<: number.. Cash lonants numltrr . . ^!ha^^cad:h tonanls nunibef . . rrop-sharc lenanlt* number. . Croppers number, . Other and unspecifieH tennnls number., Mi[^ farm operators; Ful I owners number . , Part o*iiers number . . \ll tenants ^ number. . Croppers number.. N'onwhit« fann operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number. , All tenants number.. Croppers number., FARMS BY TYTE OF FARM Cash-^ain farms number., Tobacro farms number. . Cotton farms , number.. Other rield-crop farms number. , \'e[;etable farms number.. Fniit-and-nut farms number. . Poultry fanns number. . Dair>- farm* number,. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number.. General famis number, . Miscellaneous farms number.. SPEHFIED EQIIIPMFNT VND F vnLITIES \SV KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting;,. number. . Com pickers farms reportine. . number.. Pick-up balers farm:" reportine.. Field forage han esters farms reporting , . Motortrucks farms reportint;.. Tractors farms report] ng . . Tractors other than garden farms reporti ng . , number.. 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting,, ^ tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractors farms reporting. , 5 or more tractors farms reporti ng . . Wheel tractors farms reporting.. Crawler tractors farms reporting,. number.. Garden tractors farms reporting., \ulomobiles farms reporting., number . , Automobiles and/or molortnicks farms reporting. , Tel ephone farms reporti ng . , Home freezer farms reporti ng . , Milking machine farms reporting. , Electric milk cooler farms reporting. , Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. , Po* er-operaled elevator, ronv'-ynr, or Mower farms reporting, , Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting., Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting., Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reportine . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or S miles farms reporting, 4 miles farms reporting, 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. Regular hired workers (employed ISO or more days) farms reporting. Farms reporting by numl>er of regular hire TENITIF: OF OPERATOR All ^nn operators: Full o^Tiw^ number. . Part o»TieTs number. . All tenantp number.. Cii»h tenants number. . Shar^cash ImanUi number.. Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock- share tenants number, . fioppers nurnber, , Other anrt unsoeciTied tenants numbo'.. White fanr operators: Full owTiers numba-.. Part oftTiers ,. number.. All tenants number. , Croppers number., Konwhite ttim operators: tull owners number.. Part owners nomber. , All tenants number. . mppers number., FARkC BY TVPE OF FARM Cash-p-Bin farms numbv.. Tobacco farms number, , Cotton farmo number , , Other rield-croo fanns Bomber.. Ve^retAble farm-) osmbar.. t-^vit'Ond-nut farms nwnber. . Poultry far^s number.. Dairy farms nwnber. , Livestock farms other than powltiy and dairy fams ntmAar.. General farms number,. Miscellaneous farms number.. SPEHFTED EOOPVCEST A.VD FAdLmES WD KIVD OF ROAD Grain combines farms repoRinit. . Com pickers farms reporting.. Pick-uo balers farms reportinK.. Field fora^ harvesters farms reportinK. , \los npofling... rtfnu raponinft. , . 291,233 2 32 13 6 9 PurchftM of livsstock ind pmltiy fama refwdinK... dollara... 40 350,708 12 6 3 4 15 36 dollan... 14,126 16 5a»l»J999 51,000 or mof. Ilirwllahof fanna refxxtinfi. .. IfiMnponintt... fama nporttnu. . . dollan... 16 4 67 666,997 6 famiowsg SSOOloJMt fama raportia*. . . tama reportjnji. . . 3 14 $2,500 lo J4,9M faima rofnrtinii. . . 10 510,000 to S19,M9 fama roportiaft . . . 3 SSO,!)00 « mort fanna reportjnji... 33 dolhm... 6 fl30loH99 J500U>"999 fanna rapoftind. . . .fomaraportini;... 1 6 riawlin^ and other potroloum fu*! 69 Ind« Jino =100 10 5199 dollara... fanna ropoKinK... fama roportjne... 2 19 15 55,000 or TO.0 fanna raportinR... 74. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports Tor only a sample of famis. See texlj (For definidons and explaj ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm producls sold toul, dollara avera^ per Tann, dollars All crops sold ^dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fhiits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars FVuits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry Bnd poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LlVESrOCK ANT LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting, number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Beifers and heifer calves farms repotting. number. Steers and bulle including steer and bull calves .farms repotting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. SO to 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. SCO of more head farms reporting. Cows including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head [arms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. .10 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reptjrting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms r«ptxting. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms rsporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and/or mules farms reporting . number. HtlgS and pigs farms reporting. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs farms importing. Lambs under 1 year old farms t^portinp. Sheep 1 year old and over [arms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over faims reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number .Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Milk and cream sold femis renorting pounds dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold fmis reporting dollar 101,194,692 2,301 21,946,390 5,4U,487 656,836 10,623,557 5,251,510 79,248,302 24,418,957 18,U8,301 36,681,044 37,101 527,022 35,584 269,114 30,041 122,659 25,118 152,914 18,861 104,994 4,954 10,194 7,649 6,559 5,626 1,677 434 10,824 16,672 1,301 19,440 37,824 24,419 U9,483 12,682 82,134 19,128 67,349 8,512 292,025 5,270 66,573 8,305 225,452 8,190 210,277 6,533 15,175 31,120 250,716 29,165,871 7,166 110,651 3,651,483 8,012 218,337 2,838,381 10,561 428,737,290 18,148,301 6,969 14,908,107 13,397 12,659,745 1 4,684,109 I 4,568,875 2,661 1,194,310 151,309 4,220 22,157 1,016,624 3,374,565 2,924,121 35,965 414,479 4,860 775 2,440 8,292,294 729 1,523,215 755,324 132,115 268,126 367,650 6,769,079 4,258,852 387,140 2,123,087 8,675 34,233 8,160 17,972 6,987 12,524 4,583 li,166 2,431 5,095 2,132 4,082 1,790 See for I end of table. 1,310,895 455,032 I 3,787 6,147 5,877 20,824 2,886 10,204 4,402 10,620 956 13,880 491 2,577 916 11,303 876 10,388 550 915 6,467 I 16,524 ! 1,571,735 1,266 10,029 330,957 806 10,653 138,489 I 1,570 I 12,860,244 367,140 I 1,283 ] 2,819,753 2,915 I 1,800,170 I 666,063 ! 3,730,395 712 561,411 395,840 17,655 60,895 87,020 3,168,984 1,005,423 554,565 1,608,996 4,427 27,542 4,232 14,442 3,647 8,702 2,655 8,395 1,700 4,705 2,416 3,792 2,840 10,405 1,450 5,235 2,085 5,170 620 3,641 ■ 13,151 1,240,625 727,755 . 1,447 743,510 j 275,098 I 7,220,231 1,158 1,095,973 643,422 27,850 277,318 147,383 6,124,258 1,953,486 1,457,815 2,712,957 5,415 45,230 5,165 23,620 4,410 14,355 3,665 14,495 2,505 7,U5 1,510 1,580 1,125 2,965 5,245 3,465 16,565 1,700 8,340 2,705 8,225 555 4,620 1,030 17,900 1,015 16,985 4,400 20,575 I 2,073,870 1 860 9,895 I 326,535 1,005 15,805 205,465 I 1,480 i 37,231,300 ' 1,457,815 ; 805 I 845,705 I 1,935 1,415,665 523,796 985 12,210 402,930 1,255 24,385 317,005 1,760 53,919,459 2,204,075 1,030 1,386,404 2,040 1,702,660 629,934 WEST VIRGINIA State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See t«xtj 75 (For definilions and explai Size of fum-Oontinaed ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold toui, doliara, nvmge per rum, dolltra All onpssold dollus Field oDps, other Ihu vegetables and fhiits aad nala, sold dotlara VegeuUes sold dollar! Fhiits and nuU sold dollars. Forest Dfoducts luid horticultural specialty pndacts sold dollars Alt livestock and I ivnstock products sold doliara Poultry and poultrv products sold dollai9 Dairy products sold dollars Liveetodt and livestock products, other than pooltry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and i:alves Cows, including heifers I Heifers and heifer calves Sl«ers and bulla inclutling steer and bull calvee . .farms refnrung. , number. . s tspytinK.. number.. .farms reporting.. s reporting. . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calvee- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting,. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. ID t0 19 head farms resorting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 90 head faima reporting.. lOOto 499 head farms reporting.. !W0 or more hettd farms reporting.. Cows including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting,. 10 to 19 head .farms reviorting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . 30 to 40 head farms repotting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 tr»99 head farms reporting. . lOtJ or more head farms reporting. . tfilk cows- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms ronorting.. 30 to 49 head farms rrrwrting.. 50 to 74 head faims reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms teoorting.. 100 or iron head farms reporting. Horses and/Of mules farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs farms reoorting. . number.. Bom since June I farms reporting.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting.. number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting.. Chickens 4 months old and ovet farms reporting.. number,. Livestock and lii/estKk products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting, dollars. Mors and pigs sold alive farms reporting. Mlars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms rcfiorting. number, dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting, dollars. Cliickens including tsoilers sold farms reporting,. dollar Chicken eggs sold farms reportin 9,990,328 2,598 2,327,265 471,136 30,540 1,006,445 819,104 7,663,063 2,216,783 2,023,031 3,423,249 3,583 52,686 3,453 27,238 2,862 13,631 2,613 15,610 2,166 9,838 1,996 3,742 2,228 13,337 1,177 7,475 1,798 5,862 5,715 1,011 24,865 3,148 25,199 2,704,298 981 23,649 307,437 1,166 48,310,741 2,023,031 696 1,420,743 1,295 1,820,855 673,719 8,361,917 3,349 1,466,834 387,284 143,880 691,372 243,798 6,895,083 1,844,633 1,871,630 3,178,820 2,318 45,965 2,238 23,003 1,853 11,168 1,911 U,369 1,601 8,»3 1,242 3,172 1,487 11,815 910 7,390 1,167 4,425 2,081 21,237 2,565,855 7,475,218 19,780,761 4,530 5,705 1,202,992 3,960,373 297,243 1,004,083 48,125 63,710 668,046 2,131,300 189,578 761,280 6,272,226 15,820,388 1,339,399 3,509,650 2,475,805 4,845,188 2,457,022 7,465,550 1,557 3,211 38,301 107,017 1,546 3,166 20,836 56,131 1,336 2,6U 10,460 21,624 1,292 2,670 10,740 29,689 1,176 2,583 6,725 21,197 1,966 1,001 9,424 1,461 18,595 1,942,410 1,769 4,382 2,0U 20,082 1,046 10,632 1,729 9,450 907 13,713 1,248 42,706 1,243 40,503 1,092 2,203 3,059 51,761 6,126,396 823 17,416 574,728 1,241 45,325 589,225 1,307 108,548,334 4,845,188 787 2,374,185 1,272 1,287,445 476,355 9,414,257 7,648 2,044,476 338,755 110,250 1,141,476 453,995 7,369,781 1,085,615 1,524,180 4,759,986 1,150 62,611 1,150 31,240 884 7,622 1,003 16,481 1,028 14,890 7,854 653 5,613 35,850 634 33,210 1,123 28,876 3,749,596 7,883,126 25,348 2,877,707 172,043 19,956 2,499,302 186,406 5,005,419 1,073,344 667,440 3,264,635 292 34,210 287 14,587 221 2,705 259 8,712 274 See footnotes at end of table. 76 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See cext j LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODIICTS-Continued Litteis lairowed December 1. 1958, to November 30, 1959 ....fa™s reporting., 1 or 2 liltefS fanns renorting.. 3 to 9 litters fanns reporting.. 10 to U litl«fs farms reporting.. 3} to 39 litters farms reporting.. 40 to 69 litters farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting. . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting.. number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters. . SPEanED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting.. s reporting., s reporting., s reporting., s reporting.. a reporting.. 3 reporting. . s reporting. , Harvested for grain . bushels. .. Sales faims reporting... bushels. ,. Wheat harvested fanns reporting... btishels . . . Sales farms reportltig . . . bvishels . . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales fanDs reporting. . . bushels . . . Barley harvested farms reporting... bushels . . . Sales farms reporting. . . bushels. . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres , . , AlfalTa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . Sales farms reporting. . . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting . . . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Oats, ivheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales , farms reporting . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting, tons, green weight. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. buBhels. Tob.'.cco harvested farms reporting. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. Apples farms raportlng . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested bushels . 6,282 20,935 ^,045 1,87+ 21,264 122,893 18,974 1,378 35 78 20,307 102,739 4,624,007 3,397 987,476 3,116 23,448 544,155 1,093 305,983 4,516 24,892 1,020,617 349 84,760 1,115 9,741 9,025 125,430 237,236 773 10,918 21,005 318,203 406,936 2,590 24,431 1,221 e,572 9,527 3,401 12,917 15,757 106 405 10,060 136,067 1A4,701 1,252 9,576 732 27,521 5,652 800,046 2,484 2,019 2,966,576 7,600 38,758 7,458 1,151,214 339,283 811,931 6,577,014 4,531 11,601 4,456 4,405 11,145 430,120 1,255 755 1,065 5,715 5,435 9,170 9,365 8,815 15,265 220 55 105 1,670 610 850 4,515 2,220 3,110 24,575 19,445 31,735 28,840 22,705 37,620 2,080 10,965 11,570 7,262 1,343 178,055 1,883 2,888 1,863 60,585 9,505 51,080 132,545 2,387 6,693 2,337 2,287 6,343 258,855 1,317 10,414 9,980 3,436 611 84,098 27,440 4,275 23,165 16,745 1,120 535 1,230 3,010 10,825 2,870 2,875 10,040 448,655 1,600 16,855 17,645 3,980 739 101,030 535,870 200 27,850 55,105 10,785 44,320 154,555 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. WEST VIRGINIA State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 77 [Dats Bfe based on refxMts for only a sajnple of fainis. See lexlj (For delinidoos and explan&doRs, see text) ■Size of (am-Conljnued LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODCCTS-Cooonued LittHS fanowed Decmtei 1, 1958, to Novanbei 30. 1959 . . . .taima reforang. . nomber of liOefs.. lof 2 litters fanns reporting.. S to 9 litters farms reporting.. If) to 19 litters farms reporting.. 30 to 39 litters farms reporting. . 40 to 89 litters farms reporting. . 70 or more Utters farms reporting.. June 2 to Novonber TO farms reporting.. Dumber of litters. . December 1 to June 1 farms repotting.. number of litters. , SPEOFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting.. Under U acres farms reporting., 11 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 40 acres farms reporting., 50 to 74 acres farms reporting., 75 to 99 BOes farms reporting., 100 or more acres farms reporting.. Harvested for gi«in farms reporting. Saiee farnia reporting.. Wheat liarvested farac reportlag.. bushels.. Sales faras reportiDg. , bushels.. Gate harvested for grain faroB reporting. . bushels.. Sales fanae repotting., bushels . . Barley harvested faiBS reporting.. buiihols.. Sales f azve reporting . , bufihels. Hay crops: Land f rem shl<:h hay was out acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating f aras reporting . Sales fartns reporting. Clover, tlaothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses out for hay farms rt>porting . Sales faime reporting. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting . tons. Sales farms reporting . Oats, Aeftt, barley, lyc, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales faims reporting . Other hay cut fanac reporting. Sales fame reporting . tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. tons, green weight. Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale faxvs reporting. bushels . Tobacco harvested farms reporting . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollar;; . Land In bearing and ncmbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trces^ fanas reporting. Apples^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. , Trees not of bearing age number. , Trees of bearing age number.. Quantity harvested bushels . 2,122 U,571 1,907 2,052 9,986 443,980 1,005 13,285 24,495 2,111 34,300 42,630 1,031 14,630 15,010 2,436 502 74,855 244,385 145 30,540 129,610 50,410 79,200 628,615 1,491 U,121 1,196 1,401 9,176 422,000 1,366 27,065 35,667 1,501 338 47,075 190,150 85 143,880 66,040 16,370 49,670 411,480 66,982 16,677 50,305 458,595 1,947 25,456 1,407 1,822 20,657 970,080 1,370 28,158 57,313 2,306 62,621 85,327 2,095 494 65,716 195,370 60,160 135,210 1,213,335 1,104 291 1,260 110,108 23,526 81,582 735,846 30,341 4 1,550 20,404 8 19,956 215,125 77,789 137,336 1,596,098 78 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21.-PARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data Bra based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For descriptions and explaj clal farms by tenure of operator FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms jjumber . . . Percent distribution percent. . . Land in farms Percent distribution . . Average size of farm . Value of land and buildings: Average per ranr Average per acre 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to S9 aci«s farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms repotting., S0lo99acr 100 to 199 1 a» to 499 ■ SOO to 999 I 1,000 or mor . .fanns reporting.. ..farms reporting.. ..fanns repotting., , .farms reporting.. , .farms reporting, , Ctt>pland used only for pasture farms reporting. , Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting., Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting.. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland and not wtodland) farm? reporting. . Improved pasture farms reporting. . Irrigated land in farms famis reporting.. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators teporling age number. . Under 25 years jiumber. . 25 to :14 years number. , 35 lo 44 years number. , 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to fi4 years number. , 65 or more years number. , Average age years., OFF-FARM WORK A.\D OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting.. Wilh other members of family working off farm . . operators reporting. , With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . With other inc»me of family exceeding value of agncultura] products sold operators reporting. . See footjiotes at end of table. 6,047,301 137.5 39,.l56 8i9,062 16,503 9,381 5,269 4,409 2,853 15,571 535,227 8,321 205,604 2,065 44,581 6,796 161,023 21,397 980,295 23,737 1,579,588 27,477 1,678,751 6,870 300,546 84 43,729 318 2,905 7,554 11,712 9,925 11,315 54.5 24,211 5,373 4,318 14,520 4,790 10,315 19,007 19,771 2,957 12,363 3,048,632 100.0 241.9 11,753 495,019 2,199 1,935 1,933 2,425 2,275 4,592 244,786 2,253 70,824 747 21,079 1,718 49,745 6,944 464,696 7,035 730,027 3,848 956,945 3,474 231,543 26,399 427 11,538 2,301 3,834 3,949 1,420 1,738 1,726 8,055 1,025 2,459 1,951,709 64.0 212.5 8,493 298,875 1,753 3,513 159,197 1,586 49,834 516 15,223 1,229 34,661 4,939 297,598 5,032 487,361 6,351 601,888 2,269 138,232 22 7,754 745 9,035 15,070 237 6,421 1,573 2,633 3,168 1,154 1,176 1,273 5,988 683 1,929 334,662 27.4 346.2 15,362 197 4,447 354 U,415 1,506 129,463 1,566 186,352 1,852 230,995 980 75,123 8,275 158 4,315 101,678 3.3 623.8 WEST VIRGINIA 79 State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dmu are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms jiunber , . Percent distnbutJon percent.. Land in farms acres . . Percent distribution percent,, Average 31 le of faim acres., Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars.. Average per acre dollars. . L3nd in farms according to use: Ooplaxid harvested fanns reporting. , 1 to 9 acres faims reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 29 acres fKins reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. SO to 99 acres firms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 900 to 499 acres farms reoorting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. Oopland not harvested and not pastured farms retxirting,. Soil- improvement grasses and legumes farms repotting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failare) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting.. Hoodand not pastured farms reporting.. Otiier panUire (not cropland and not eoodiand) farms reporting.. Improved pasture farms reporting.. Irrigated land in farms fanurapoitiBg.. Land use practices: Onpland in cover crops fannt reporting.. Oopland used for grain or nw craps farmed on the contour farms reporting.. Land in strip-aopping systsras for soil-erosion control Jams reporting.. System of terraces on crop and pasture land iarms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age j>umber.. Under 25 y( ars ji umber. . 23 to M yeara jiiunber.. ^5 to 44 years nnmber. . 45 to !14 years nnmte.. 95 to 64 years jinmber.. 95 or more years jumbar.. Average age years.. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INOOME Farm operalors- WorVing off their farms, total opentors reporting.. I to 99 days operalorsrvparting . . too to 199 days operators reporting.. a)0 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operalora reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm worit operators reporting.. With other irtnome of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operator-i not working off their farms or not reoorting %s to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other membws of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income fnsm ikju re es other than farm operated . , . operators reporting. . W^ith other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting,. See fooiAot«s at end of tablai Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants 15,590 0.5 283.5 325 25 1,380 45 2,605 40 3,265 10 380 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [^[htta are bftsed on reports For only & sample or (arms. See t«]ctj All tenants SPECIFTED EQUIPWENT AND FACIUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Own combines f«r^3 reporting.. Cor« pickers Fsms reporting.. Pick-up balers fftrms reporting.. number. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. Xtetort/ncks fanns reporting.. Tractors faxma report! ng . . Tractors other than garden : farms reporting . . 1 tractor farms reporting. , 2 tractors farnia reporting., 3 tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting.. 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors farms reporting. , Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number, , Garden tractors farms reporting., Automobiles fams reporting. . number.. Automobiles and/or molortnicks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting. , Milking machine farms reporting., Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting., Power-onerated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of load on which located: Hard surface famis reporting., Oavel, shell, or shale farms renor Dirt or unimpnaved famis reporting., Less than I mile to a hard surface road farms reporting., 1 or more miles to a hard surface road fanns reporting. , 1 mile farms reporting., 2 or 3 miles ..farms reporting., i miles farms reporting 5 or more miles .farms reporting FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. , persona , . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . Fanns reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporti ng . . 2 hired workers , farms reporting.. .3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting*., 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. , REaOENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting . . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence pumber.. USE OF COMMERHAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year operators reporting. , acres on which used. , Dry materials farms reporting. , Liquid materials farms reporting. , Crops on which used- Bay and cropland pasture farms reporting., Dry materials farms reporting. , Liquid materials farms reporting. , Other pasture {not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,U3 1,001 1,177 1,035 5,382 3,310 5,459 3,865 1,036 873 1,065 901 21,280 7,810 24,704 10,181 21,627 8,314 32,268 14,926 17,660 7,667 21,995 11,297 14,536 5,152 2,321 1,737 17,381 7,584 21,024 10,735 905 520 971 562 9,966 3,477 10,273 3,629 27,045 8,154 30,654 9,741 35,383 10,862 22,030 6,986 16,654 5,743 2,835 2,398 2,696 2,354 15,761 10,672 17,096 5,633 11,463 4,023 4,944 980 1,516 3,520 7,588 2,016 4,176 39,693 2,037 2,247 19,723 307,618 67,236 19,713 67,232 10 3,757 116,906 8,752 27,699 2,841 45,434 2,841 10,434 10,372 74,923 10,372 14,543 4,399 3,062 4,578 1,351 3,227 1,165 1,340 318 404 2,646 6,430 1,745 3,824 218,273 45,630 7,790 45,626 3,957 75,335 3,952 17,594 1,531 34,634 1,531 7,749 5,739 9,691 5,201 7,137 3,769 1,036 243 59 5,797 6,306 7,797 4,968 3,974 1,404 1,352 3,401 2,220 3,5CE 1,032 2,470 920 1,030 1,643 3,403 1,003 1,926 5,365 124,926 27,085 5,360 27,084 2,309 50,596 2,809 U,695 1,014 19,355 1,014 3,049 27,012 3,049 5,224 1,936 3,329 1,385 3,040 1,039 565 167 1,767 2,201 2,274 1,310 64,590 13,421 1,810 13,421 20,505 950 4,731 1,121 19,440 1,121 3,505 WEST VIRGINIA 81 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D&U are based on reports for only a asmple of fanns. See text] SPEaFIED EQUlPlrfENT AND FACILmES AND KI^fD OF ROAD Qrein combines ft^rms reporting.. number.. Com pickera farms reporting.. number.. Pick-up halera , farms reporting,. Field fonge harvesters farms reporting,. number.. Motortncka faims reporting.. number.. TTBctors fanns reporting.. Tractors otlier than garden fanns reporting.. number.. 1 tractor (arms reporting.. Stfactors farms reporting.. S tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 Of more tractors farms reportiag. . Wheel tractors farms reporting.. Oawlw tractors farms reporting.. Garden tractors farms reporting,. number.. Automobiles farms reporting. . Automobiles and/or molortraeks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting.. Home fVeezer farms reporting. . Milking machine /arms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . PQwer-operaI«d elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . FaFiris by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or ahalo fanns reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile U) a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles (o a hard surface road farms reporting. , Imile farms reporting.. 2or SmilM farms reporting.. 4inilM farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEWMO ENUMERATION Hired rkef« , firms reporting,. personb., Re^lar hired vrarhera (employed 150 or more days) faims reporting.. persons.. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers faims reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farma reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on faim operated Operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not retorting residence number.. USE OF COMMERCTAL FERTILIZER AND LIME ConimcrciaJ fertjliier and fertilizing malarial fl used during ihe year farms reporting.. acres on which used. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms rrporting . . Crops on which used- Hay and cropl and pasture .farms reporti ng . , Dry materials farms reporting., Liquid materials firms reporting., Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farma reporting.. Com farms reporting. , Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid malsrials farms reporting. , See footnotes at end of table. clal farms by tenure of operator— Continued Cash tenants Lives toe It- share 82 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on refiofta for only a sample of faims. See text] nnerclal farms by tenure of operator All tenants USE OF rOMMERCl \L FERTILIZER AND LIME-Conlinued Commercial fettilizer and fertilizing materials useH Hunnf; the year— Continued Crops on which used-Continued *heat '»™s reoonmB. Dry materials fanns reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. Irish potatoes fanns reportmK. Dry matenals farms reporting. Liquid materials farms refxjrtjng. All other crops farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials fanns reporting. Lime or liming matenals used during the vear farms reporting. acres limed. SPECinED FARM EXPENDITURES Under $100 fanns reporting.. SlOO to 5099 farms reporting.. $1,000 to enrfitures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms recxming.. (bllarB.. Under ^100 farms reporting.. SlOO to 3K»» farms reporting.. <1,000 to 51,9M farms reporting.. 52,000 to W.flM faimt reporting.. 55,000 or more farms rcfxvting.. Purchase of livestock and poulliy farms reporting.. iMIars.. Under 51,000 famu reporting.. Sl.OOf to *?,199 farms reporting.. 52,500 toHMfl farms reporting.. 55,000 to 50,999 farms reporting. . 510,000 or more farm* reporting.. llachine hire farms reporting.. dollar*.. Under 5200 farms rerorting.. 5300 to $999 farms reporting.. 51,000 or more farms reportii^.. Hired labor , farms rctx>rting.. (p*i«bl»9 sold dollars.. Fryitn and nuU sold dollars.. Forpst products and horticultural sn«cialty products sold dc^lars.. Ail livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products aold dollan . . Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. . See footnotes at end of tmUct, cial farms by of operator — Continued 124,133 52,799 4,175 67,159 1,039,783 34,998 584,465 420,320 I 385,739 16, 329 311,010 189,072 150,277 18,000 403,017 22,726 266,130 326,387 Xl,a90 7,253 2,826 9,387 46,496 9,387 19,437 1,095 519 25,445 317,000 295,394 1,370 1,272 217,040 118,350 84 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See text] (For definitions and expla] Commercial farms by All tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fams renonme number Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves fanns renorting number Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reoortin? Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and caives- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 lo 4 head farms renorting. . 5 to 0 head farms reporting.. 1(1 lo 10 head farms reporting.. '20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 5(1 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 49(^ head farms reportinr;.. 50O or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that have c.llved- 3 9 hejwt farms reporting. to 10 head farms reporting. lo 1*9 head farms reportinp. to 49 head farms reporting. to 74 head farms reporting. to 09 head farms reportin,?. I or more head farms renorting. 1 to Q head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to '29 head fan^is reporting. X> to 49 hea/1 farr'.s renorting. (iO lo 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms Horses and/or mules farms Hogs and pigs fajmsp number. rk»m before June 1 .farms reporting. number. Sheep an(} lambs Lambs under 1 year old. . SheeD 1 year old and ovei Rams and wethers number. s reporting. number. Chickens 4 nionths old and o Livestock and livestock pioducts sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number, Chiclsens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. June 2 to November SO . December 1 to June 1 . . s renorting. , ...farms reporting., number of litters.. . . .farms reporting. , 37,101 527,022 35,534 269,1U 30,041 122,659 25,118 152,914 18,861 104,994 4,954 10,194 7,649 6,559 5,625 1,677 434 18,476 4,661 1,936 1,139 10,824 16,672 1,301 24,419 149,483 12,682 82,134 19,128 67,349 8,512 292,025 5,270 66,573 8,305 225,452 3,190 210,277 6,533 15,175 31,120 250,716 29,165,871 7,166 110,651 3,651,483 8,012 213,337 2,838,381 10,561 423,737,290 18,148,301 6,969 14,903,107 13,397 12,659,745 4,684,109 6,282 20,935 4,045 1,874 5,153 10,858 4,187 10,077 U,391 344,594 11,165 173,321 9,552 75,850 9,112 96,233 7,339 75,040 578 1,459 1,469 2,029 3,765 1,652 431 1,268 3,933 2,620 1,704 1,114 324 87 2,127 5,067 1,126 7,494 73,397 4,187 44,799 6,224 33,593 3,363 181,329 2,584 45,320 3,786 136,009 3,757 126,311 3,145 9,198 10,564 170,948 21,206,496 3,224 72,121 2,379,993 3,705 143,521 1,865,773 4,935 373,846,849 16,642,930 3,780 14,332,712 4,371 10,021,235 3,707,359 2,873 12,758 1,450 1,U3 2,430 6,400 2,201 6,353 8,268 215,070 8,094 107,327 6,375 44,769 6,447 58,942 5,549 48,801 1,206 1,272 1,647 2,568 3,312 1,881 1,078 5,180 46,246 2,846 25,082 4,2U 21,164 2,763 118,U3 1,843 29,573 2,713 83,540 2,686 82,183 2,267 6,357 7,659 103,521 13,412,226 2,102 43,164 1,424,412 2,642 92,587 1,203,631 3,373 212,282,395 9,116,624 2,864 10,371,956 3,586 7,635,322 2,325,070 1,489 3,567 1,413 3,764 2,303 93,704 2,277 50,012 2,022 23,027 2,033 28,112 1,770 20,580 11,001 1,426 8,067 2,188 43,855 6,144,345 1,214 -121,390,600 5,423,572 WEST VIRGINIA 85 State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fums, Se« text] clal farms by tenure of operator — Continued LIVESTOCK *ND LIVESTOCK PHODUCTS Cattle and calves fanns wponing.. number.. Cows, inclading heifers thai have calved farms reporting. . *llt cows farms reporting.. number. . Hetfers and h^fer calves faims reporting.. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves fanns reporting.. Farms reporting by number on hand: CatXje and calves- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to < head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting . . ID to 19 head farms reporti ng . . 2D to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporti ng . . 100 to 490 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including hetfers that Have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head , farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 3) to 29 head farms reporting.. .10 to 49 head farms rrporling.. SO to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to9S head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reportiflg., Uilkcowe- 1 head famu reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 30 to 29 head tumn reporting.. W to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting., 75 to 99 head farm? reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting,. Horses and/or mules farms rcportiiv. . number.. Hogs and pigs firms reporting,, number . . Bom since Jiuie I farrr.-" reporting.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. Sheep and lambs farms reoorting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms repurtjng.. number. . Sheep I year old and over farms rcfiorting,. Ewes farms reporting,, Rama nd wethers farma reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over fame reporting. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cauie and calves sold alive farms reportinit.. number . . dollars.. Ibgs and pigs sold alive farmn r»f«»ting.. number. , dollars.. Sheer and lamhs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Milk nny malenals farms reporting,. Liquid materials farms reporting. , Co^^ farms reporting. , Dry materials farms reporting,. Liquid matenals farms reporting,, See footnotes at end of table. 1,142 1,000 1,176 1,034 5,376 3,804 5,453 3,859 1,035 877 1,064 900 21,209 7,809 24,633 10,180 21,556 8,298 32,167 U,900 17,604 7,651 21,936 11,278 U,481 5,137 2,321 1,787 17,325 7,568 20,966 10,717 904 519 970 561 9,925 3,471 10,231 3,622 26,955 8,134 30,544 9,721 35,267 10,841 22,019 6,970 16,599 5,738 2,834 2,397 2,695 2,353 15,695 10,647 17,031 5,608 11,423 4,013 4,919 980 1,511 3,519 7,583 2,015 4,171 39,562 2,017 2,242 19,667 306,928 67,060 19,657 67,056 10 6,732 116,736 8,727 27,653 2,841 45,484 2,841 10,434 10,341 74,643 10,341 14,474 4,893 3,057 4,563 1,341 3,222 1,165 1,340 318 399 2,645 6,425 1,744 7,784 217,863 45,476 7,774 45,472 10 3,947 75,255 3,942 17,573 1,581 34,634 1,581 7,749 53,783 4,515 9,880 5,729 9,676 5,191 7,127 3,759 1,086 248 59 5,777 6,786 7,777 4,958 3,974 1,404 1,352 3,401 2,215 3,487 1,022 2,465 920 1,030 1,643 3,403 1,003 1,926 5,355 124, 911 27,081 5,350 27,080 5 1 2,804 50,591 2,804 11,694 1,014 19,855 1,014 4,745 3,044 27,002 3,044 5,221 1,936 3,829 1,885 3,040 1,089 565 167 1,767 2,201 2,274 1,736 567 1,037 1,810 64,590 13,4a 1,810 13,421 1,121 19,440 1,121 3,505 WEST VIRGINIA 91 State Table 21a-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DsU we bftsed on reporta hr ooly ft sHnple of funis. See text] s wid erplsaatiofls, see text) Connercial farms ty tenure of vhlte curator — Ccotlnued SPBnFIED BQUIPUEST AND FAdLriTES AND KIND OF ROAD Otin combines ftims reporting,, Cora pickfTS farms reporting., Pick-op balers farms reporting., Held tpngb barvesten farms reporting., number., Motortracks fairns reoorUng.. nnmber.. Tractors farms reporting. , Tradors other than garden farms reporting., 1 tractor (aims reporting., StoBcCon farms reporting.. S tractors f amis reporting. . 4 tractofB fanns reporting,, S or mor« tractors farms reporting,. Wheel tractora farms reporting.. Oawfff tractors farms reporting.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. Aulomobilffl Antornobiles and/or motortrucks Uilking machine Electhc milk cooler farms reporting., farms reportirg;. , farms reporting, . farma reporting. , Fanns by hind of road on which located: Hard surface twrna reporting. Gravel, shett, or shale farmi reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms refwrting. Le99 than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard swfaoe road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. Sor Smilea farms reporting, 4 milM /arms reporting, Sarmaranrilee farms reporting. FAflM LABOR, WEEK PRECEOINn ENUMERATTON Hired wxkers , . farms reporting.. Regular hired *«kers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting., Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired wirker farms reporting, , 2 hired wiorker* farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting, , 5 (o 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workere, farms reporting, . RESIDENCE OF FARU OPERATOR Residing on farm oporated operators reporting,. Not residing on farm opetat«d operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number., USE OF COhMERaAL FER11LIZCR AND LME Ovnmerdal fertiliser and fertilieing Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid maleriais farms reporting.. Dry materials Liquid materials Other pSAlure (not cropland) . LItiuid materials Con , Dry materials Licfuid materials See fbotootes at end of tAble. n reporting., B reporting., .farms reporting., s reporting. , s reporting., farms reporting., .farms reporting. , 92 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See toxl] Total all farms of white operators Conmierclal farms by of white operato t)SE OF COMMEBCI \L FERTILIZER AND LIHE-Conlinued Commercinl fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year-Continued Crops on which used-Continued nieat /arms reporting. Dry materials faims reporting. Liquid malennis farms reporting. Irish potatoes farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. All other Dp9 on which used-Continued Wheat /•™a reporting.. Dry materials fanna repotting., Liquid matMials faims reporting.. Irish potatoes /arms reporting.. Dry malerials fairna reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other crops farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting.. Lime or liming malerial.i used during the year farms reporting., acres limed.. SPEanED FARM EXPENIMTTRES \ny of the following specified expenditures farms reponing... Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.., dollars.. Under '100 'w^' reporting.., SlOO to SM9 ftrms reporting.. $1,000 to ?1,9M farms reporting.. $2,000 to W,»W farms reporting.., $5,000 or more farms reforting... Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . (bllars.. Under Sl.OOC farms reporting.. $l,OCf> to ??,lfl9 '■'ms reporting.. 52,800 to W,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 to SB,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or trore farms reporting.. Vlachine hire farms reporting.. doltarB.. Under MOO f«m« reporting.. $a00 to $999 tvrn* reporting.. $1,000 or more '»rms reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Under «'200 farms reporting.. ?aDO to M99 '"ms rtiporting,. «500 to $999 fwrns roporting.. S1,000 to $2,499 '•""" reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. 510,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $90,000 to $49,999 f*™" reporting. . $90,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and mas farms reporting.. dollars.. Under SlOO f*m» reporting. . ^100 to $499 fu^ni reporting.. MOO to ^99 farms reporting. . *1,000 M more farms reporting.. (^Mohne and other petroleom fuel aitdoil for the farm business farms reporting.. dollars. . Under $100 tarw reporting.. $100 to $499 f«ms reporting.. S500 to $999 r»nn" reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999 f«n>« reporting. . $5,000 or more f«nnn reporting.. ESTftUTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE \ll fanii prrylucL^ wid iot*l, dollars.. average per farm, dollars. . All CTopnsold dollars.. Field CTopductJt sold dollars.. Livestock and live'«tock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold .dotlara. . See footnotes at end of t«ble. clal faitts by temire of white operator— Cant Inued Cash tenants 124,133 52,799 4,175 67,159 1,039,783 34,998 584,465 385,739 16,329 311,010 189,072 150,277 18,000 403,017 22,726 266,130 317,000 1,370 217,040 46,496 19,437 1,095 295,394 1,272 118,350 94 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions anri expla: Total all fari of white operators Ccxnuercial farms by ■ of white operate: All tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fa^s reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms renorting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms renorting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- ipaH . 0 19 h^ad 3 49 head . . , . a 99 head lo 190 head . . s reporting. s, including heifers that hn vecalved- ra s reporting. s reporting. 3 reporting, s reporting. 9 reporting 5 reporting, s reporting 1 head farms reoortin-^ 0 to 9 head farms renorting in lo 19 head farms reporting 31 lo *J9 head farms reporting ^D lo 19 head farris rerartine fiO lo 7J head farms reporting 75 to 99 head farms reporting, 100 or more head farms repr Hogs and pigs farms reporting nuTiber Bom since June 1 foims reponin;^ number Rom before June 1 farms reporting Sheep and lambs farms reporting Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting, number Sheeo I year old and over farms refxTTting number Ewes faims reporting 1 wethers farms reporting Chickens 4 months old and over farms , .farms reporting... Hogs and pigs sold aliv dollars. Litters fallowed December 1, 1958, lo ttovembel 30. 1959 farms reporting. number of litters. S to 9 litters farms renorting. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting. 20 to 19 litters farms reporting. 40 to 159 litters ^ , .farms reporting. 70 or more litters farms reporting. June 2 lo November 10 farms reporting. December I lo June 1 farm.s reporting. number of littors. See footnotes at end of table. 37,005 526, W9 35,498 268,703 29,965 122,464 25,062 152,618 18,825 104,828 4,929 10,164 7,634 6,539 5,621 1,677 433 8,863 18,426 4,651 1,936 1,139 329 87 10,799 16,622 1,301 24,298 148,075 12,591 81,433 19,022 66,642 8,497 291,540 5,265 66,503 8,290 225,037 8,175 209,877 6,523 15,160 31,034 250,386 29,121,626 7,090 109,583 3,616,239 7,997 218,107 2,835,391 10,545 428,478,892 18,132,823 6,949 14,906,451 13,362 12,647,720 4,679,659 6,216 20,703 3,995 1,864 5,107 10,783 4,151 9,920 11,375 344,201 11,149 173,140 9,536 75,785 9,106 96,107 7,833 74,954 573 1,459 1,464 2,024 3,765 1,652 4» 1,263 3,978 2,615 1,704 1,114 324 2,122 5,057 1,126 7,468 78,034 4,166 44,608 6,198 33,426 3,863 181,329 2,584 45,320 3,786 136,009 3,757 126,811 3,145 9,198 10,548 170,823 21,187,896 3,208 71,838 2,370,654 3,705 143, 521 1,365,773 4,984 378,622,047 16,629,492 3,780 14,332,712 4,866 10,020,985 3,707,766 2,852 12,636 1,435 1,138 2,414 6,370 2,185 6,266 8,258 215,035 8,084 107,302 6,865 44,744 6,442 58,932 5,549 48,801 1,206 1,267 1,647 2,568 5,160 46,111 2,831 24,997 4,191 21, U4 2,763 118,113 1,843 29,573 2,713 88,540 2,686 82,183 2,267 6,357 7,649 108, 506 13,411,376 2,092 43,064 1,421,112 2,642 92,587 1,203,631 3,373 212,282,895 9,116,624 2,864 10,371,956 3,581 7,635,072 2,824,977 1,474 3,552 1,403 3,754 2,303 98,704 2,277 50,012 2,022 23,027 2,033 28,112 1,770 20,580 8,067 876 53,768 577 U,430 859 40,338 857 37,814 734 2,524 2,188 48,855 6,144,845 1,214 121,390,600 5,423,572 WEST VIRGINIA 95 State Table 21a. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DkU «ra baaed oo reporta far ooly a stmple of Fuma. See text] Cash tenants CameTciBl farms liy tenure of lAilte operate LIVESrOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. Cows, tnclnding heifers that have calved fanna reporting.. Milk cows farms reporting.. Heifen and heifer calves farms reporting., Steers and bulls includinf! steer and bull calves farms reporting.. 1,890 1,065 Faims reporting b\- number on hand: CatUe and calve»- 1 head farms reporting., 2 to 4 head farms reporting., 5 to 9 head farms r^fxxting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting,, 20 (o 49 head farms reporting,. 50 to 99 head farms reporting,. 100 to 490 head farms reporting., 500 or more head farms reporting., Cowa, indnding heifers that have calved* 1 head faims reporting., 2 to 9 head farms reporting., 10 lo 19 head farms reporting., 20 to 29 head farms reporting., .10 to 49 head farms reporting., 50 to 74 head farms reporting., 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head fatms repotting., Milk CDw»- 3 19 head farms reporting., 3 29 head farm^ reporting, , 3 49 head farm.- reporting., 3 71 head turn* reporting. , 3 99 head farm- reporting., » head farms reportinq... Horses and/Of mules . Hogs and pigs firms reporting. . (Vxn since June 1 farms reporting.. IWn before June I farms reporting.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. Cwea fanns reporting.. number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting.. 2,401 95 1,520 Sheeo and lambs sold ali« Chiokenymatetials Liqtiid materials Dry materials Liquid materials See footnotes at end of table. 9 reporting.. 5 reporting.. s reporting., 9 reporting., s reporting., s reporting. , s reporti ng . , 9 reporting., s reporting. , 3 reporting. , a reporting.. WEST VIRGINIA 101 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued {_DeU are based on reporta lea only a sample ot Tanns. See lext] (For definitions and explanalions, see text) Ccoanercial farms by of ncsnAiite operator — Continued Share-cash tenants Crop-sliare Lives t cxk- share Othei and \mspectfled tenants SPECTFTED EQIOPMENT VfD FAaLITffiS A.VD taSV OF ROAD Ooin combines rarms reporting... number. . . Corn pickers (aims reporcing. . . number... Pick-up balera fanns reporline;... number... Field fora^ harveslera fanns reporting... MotortndiB , fanns reoorting... number... TVaetors fanns reporting... Tractors other than garden faims reporting... 1 tractor fanns reporting... 2 tractors fanns reporting... 3 tractors farms reporting... 4 tractors farms reporting... 5 or more tractors farms reporting, .. Wheel tractors farms reporting... Crawfer tractors Jams reporting... number... Ganlen tractors fanaa reporting... Automobiles farms reporting... number... Automobiles and/or imCortradcs farms reporting... Telephone farms reporting... Home froeier farms reporting... Milking machine farms reporting. . . Electric milk cooler farms reporting... Crap drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . . Power-operated elevator, convej-or, or blower fams reporting. . . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface fanns reporting... Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. .. Dirt or unimproved farma reporting... Less than 1 mile lo a hard surface toad farms reporting... I or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting... 1 mile farm« reoorting... 2 or Smiles farms reporting... 4 miles Jarms reporting... 5 or mof« miles farms reporting... FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING EVUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . . Regular hired tmrkers (employed 130 or more days) farms reporting. . . persons . . . Fanns reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired workw farms reporting. . . 2 hired workers farms reporting... 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting... 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting... RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting... Not residing on farm operaUd oporalors reTx>rting. . . Operators not reporting residence number... CSE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LTUE Commercial fertilizer and fortilizing rtiateriala used during the yoar finrs reporting. . . acres on which uned . . . Dry materials farms reporting... Liquid materials farms reporting.. . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture iarms reporting... Dry materials fanns reporting... Liquid materials farms reporting... Other pasture (not cnapland) farms reporting... Dry maleriaJs farms reporting... Liquid materials farms reporting. . . Com f«rms reporting... Dry materials farms reporting... Liquid materials farms reporting... See footnotes at end of table. 102 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For derinitions and explai Total all farms of nanwMte operators cial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator USE OF COMNfERCT \L FERTILIZER \ND Ll\fE-Coniinu«l Commercifil fertilizer and fert,i!izine materials useri dunnp the year— Continued Crops on which used— Continued Wheat /annsreportinG.. Dry materiiUs f«"is reporting. . Liquid materials fanns renorting. . Irish potatoes /arms renortms.. Dry malehals fanrs reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other crops farms reporting.. Or>' materials farms reporting.. Liquid matenals farms reporting.. Lime or liming matenaU used during the year farms reporting.. acres limed.. SPECIHED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultr>' farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 fwrns reporting. . SlOO U) $999 farms reporting.. ?l,Ont) lo 151,999 fanns reporting.. ?2,000 to ?4,999 farms reporting. . SS.OOO or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $1,000 (aims reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting. , Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars.. Under S200 farms remrtino.. $2CD to :=999 farms renortinc. . $1,000 or more farms rervirting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. tinder S200 farms reporting.. $200 lo $<99 farms reporting.. $.'>00 to $999 farms reporting., $1,000 to $2,499 farnis reporting. . $2,SO0 to $4,999 farms reporting. . ?5,000 to $9,999 farms reporti ns . . SIO.OOO lo $19,999 farms r^norting. . $20,000 to $49,999 farms rcTmrting. , $50,000 or more farms reporting., Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. rlnllars.. Under $100 faim? refwrtin:;., $100 to $499 farms reoortinp. . l^'iOO lo$999 farms reporting. . £1,000 or more farms reporting., Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. dnllors., Under $100 farms reporting. . SlOO to $499 farms refwrting., $500 lo$999 farms reporting.. $1,000 lo $4,999 farms reporting. , $5,000 or more farms reporting. , ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE Ml farm prwlucts sold total, dollars. , average per farm, dollars., Ml crops sold dollars., Field crops, other than vegetables and ^its and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold , dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. ■Ml livestock and livestock prt>ducts sold .dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock pn>ducts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 12^,833 775 20,076 8,389 9,200 487 1,500 10i,757 6,106 15,478 11,954 2,754 9,200 41,520 V 13,488 27,939 11,600 2,400 9,200 37,277 13,488 23,789 WEST VIRGINIA 103 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [t)«U are btaed oo repoc^ fbr only « sample of fuma. See text] (For definitions and explaj USE OF CO*ft(ERaAL FERTILIZER \SD LIME^Continued Cocranflrnal fertilizer and fertjhzing Tn&ienajs used during the year— Continued Oops on which used-Continued Wheat fanns reporting. . tky materials fanns reportiBg. . Liquid malehals , Tarms reporting.. Irish potatoes farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other 0003 fants reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials , fanrs rerorting, . Lime or liming matenals used dunn^ the year farms reporting.. acres timed.. SPeaFIED FARM EXPENDTIVRES Arty of the following specified eocpenditures fanm reporting.. Feed for livestodc and poulby farms reporting.. dollars.. Under «100 farms reporting.. SlOO to SMft farms reporting.. ?1,000 to51,fl» farms reporting.. S2,O00to?4,M9 faims reporting.. 55,000 or more farm* reporling. . Purcbaseof liveatock aitd podtry farms raporting.. dollars.. Under Sl.OOC farms reporting.. Sl.OOn lo $?,190 farms reporting.. S2.300 to $4.M9 farms reporting.. 55,000 to SQ.tn farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire fams reporting.. dollani.. fnder $900 farms reooftiRg.. SaOO to JBM farms reporting.. $1,000 or more farms repotting.. ICred labor farms rcfiorting.. (bllars.. Under <200 farms reporting,. $300 to 54M (arms reporting,, WOO to $999 farms reporting,. Sl.OOO to $2,409 farms reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to 3B,999 fMms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 faims reporting. . $20,000 to S49,99fl fame reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, pi ante, and tree* farms reporting.. dollar*.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting.. 5S00 to *W9 farms reporting.. tl.OOO or more farms reporting.. Gaaoline and other petnlawn Aiel and oil for (he farm busioesa fams reporting.. dollars,. Under $100 farms reporting,, $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $899 farms reporting.. 51,000 to $4,999 farm* reporting.. 55,000 or more farms reporting.. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold iotd, doll an.. mvmng* per farm, dollars. . All crops sold dollars, , Field cropeeiatty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products soili dollan.. Poultry and poultry products aold dollars.. Dairy producta sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock prtMhictii, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. See footnotes at end of labia. -clal fams by tenure of ncnaxtilte cpexB tor— Cant Imied CasYi tenants 104 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. , Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. Milk cows farms reporting., Heifers and heifer calves farms renorting. , number. . Steera and bulls including steer and bull calves fanns reoorling.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms renorting., ■2 to ^ head farms renortinf;., 5 to 0 hfail farms reporting., 10 to 19 head farms reporting., 20 to 49 head farms reporting., TO to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 190 head farms reporting;., 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers thai have calved- 1 head farms rerxirtins.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 2r) to '29 head farms reporting.. 10 to 49 head farms reporting.. fi[) lo 74 head fanns reporting.. 75 to 99 heaiJ farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms renorting.. Milk cow^ 1 head farms renortin^. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting., 3) to "S head farms reporting.. W to 19 head farmi reporting., 50 to 74 head fams reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting,, 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and/or mules farms reporting.. number,. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June I farms reporting. . number.. Stieep and lambs fams reporting.. numbe'^.. Lambs undCT 1 year old farms reporting.. nurrber. . Sheeo 1 year old and over farms reporti ng . . Ewes farms reportins.. Rams and wethers farms refwrting.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars. . Milk and cream solrf farms reporting.. pounds . . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, lo November 30. 1959 farms reporting.., number of litters. ., 1 or 2 litters farms reporting.., ■^10 9 litters farms reporting. . , 10 lo 19 litters fanns reporting.., 20 to ^9 litters farms reporting.., 40 to fig litters farms reporting. . , 70 or more litters farms rerx)rting. . , June 2 to November 30 farms reporting... number of litters.., December 1 to June 1 farms reporUng.., See footnotes at end of table. Total all fanns of nanwhlte operators Conmercial farms by tenure of nanwhlte operator WEST VIRGINIA 105 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FAKM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [psta are b«sed oo reports for ooly » sample or Tanna. See te-a] clal farms by tenure of ncEirtilte operator — Ccntlnued Share-cash tenants Crop- share tenants Other and unspecified tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cowa, including heiTers that have calved . Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves . 3 reporting... number . . . .fanna reporting. . . 9 reporting... number.,. s reporting... .fanns reporting.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head fonns reporting... 2 U) 4 head fanns reporting... 5 to fl head farms reporting... 10 (o 19 head farms reporting... 2D (o 49 head farms reporting... SO to 99 head farms reporting... 100 to 499 head farms reporting... 500 or more head fanns reporting... Cows, including heifers that have calvad^ 1 head farms reporting... 2 to 9 head farms reporting... IC to 19 head farms reporting... 20 to 29 head fanns reporting. . . W to 19 head fanns reporting... 50 to 74 head farms reporting... 75 to 99 head fanns reporting... 100 or more head farms reporting... Milk cowB- 1 head farms reporting... 2 to 9 head farms reporting... 10 to 19 head farms reporting... 90 to 29 head farms reporting... -TO to 19 head farms reporting... 50 to 74 head farms reporting... 75 to 99 head farmi" reporting... 100 or more head farms r«pofling. . . HOfSeS and/Of mules fannjt roportjnK. . . Hogs and pigs fanns Bom since June 1 farms Horn before June 1 farms reporting... reporting., number.. Sheep and lambs ^ farms Lamb liUM 3to9liUei 10 to 19 lit June 2 to November % . Dec(vnber t to June 1 . , a reporting.. s reporting.. 106 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of Tanns. See text] Total all farm of nonwhite operators Cmninerclal farms ly tenxire of nonwMte operate: SPEOnED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. Under 11 i n to 2A ) 25 to 49 > 50 to 74 i 75 to 99 I 100 or mo] .faims reporting. .farms reporting. .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .faims reporting, .farms reporting. Harvested for grain f anna reporting. bushels. Sales ^farms reporting. bushels. Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Data harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Sales fannQ reporting, bushels. Sales faniis reporting. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay faims reporting.. .farms reporting. Grass silage made fran grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. tons, green weight.. reporting. bushels . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-^ farms reporting. Apples-^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested bushels. Z Reported in small fracticns. ^Includes millt equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. Does not include data for fanns with less than 20 trees and grapevines. WEST VIRGINIA State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- [Data are based on reporls for only a sanple o( fa/ms. See V 107 Continued SPEnrtED CROPS RARVESTED Com for all purposes farne reporting. Ifader 11 acrea fanoe reporting. 11 to 2^ acres fams reporting. 25 to 49 acres fans reporting. 50 to 7A acres fams reporting. 75 to 99 acres faims reporting. 100 or more acres fams reporting. Harvested for grain faras reporting. bushels. Sales fame reporting . bushels. Wheat harvested fams reporting. bushels. Sales fams reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain fams reporting. bushels. Sales fams reporting. bushels. Hay crops: Land fron vhich hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa alxturea cut for hay and for det^dratlng fame reporting. acres. Sales f ai«B reporting . Clover, tlaDtl:y, and alxtures of clover and grasses cut for hay faras reporting. Sales farms reporting. LespedBza cut for hay fams reporting. Sales faivs reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other saall grains cut for hay fams reporting. t s i J i-"^ 1 ; i 1 1 s b 3 1 1 5 ^ 1 s H% S y 2 * g 1 1 1 = > S 1 8 ^ s- 111 J_ i 1 i i i i 1 5 a B 3 i c 5 C 1 1 2 1 i III Farms and farm characteristics: LanJ in f<»mis 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Value of land and buildings p«r fam ]..'.'. dottm.. 2 Cropland harvealed 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total cnjpland acres . . . 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 [mealed land in fanna acres .. . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Commercial tertilizer: Lftfldon which cofnmeraal fertiliier was used acres . .. 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 Farm labor: Repjlar hired workers employed 150 ormore dqrs peraoDS . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 X X Specptied farm expenditures: Feed for livestodt and poultry dbllara A 4 4 i 2 2 4 4 3 4 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 4 3 Purchase of livestock and poulny dollars i. A 3 < i. 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 (bllara 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Hired labor dollars . 4 2 3 i. 2 3 4 3 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 3 2 4 Seeds, bulbs. planLs. and treee dollars . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 Gasoline and other petroleum tad and oil for the fam business dollan . 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 Livestock and livestock ptoducts: Cauie and calves on hand . . - number . . 1 2 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 X Co«s. includinf; heifers that have calved, on baod 2 number . . . 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 I 2 Sheep and lambs on hand 2 Chickens, 4 months old asd over, on buKl number . . t, 2 2 2 1 2 i 2 2 4 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 * 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 4 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 Calves sold alive Dumber . . 2 Cattle, rtot counting calves, sold alive number . . . 2 ninber . . 2 2 1 3 1. i. 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 3 3 i. 2 2 1 3 3 4 2 2 1 3 2 4 2 2 1 3 4 4 2 2 1 3 4 4 2 2 1 3 4 3 3 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 1 3 4 4 1 2 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 X 3 4 4 2 2 1 3 4 4 2 2 1 3 4 4 2 2 1 3 4 4 2 2 X 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Shi^ and lambs sold alive Dwnber . . 2 Horses sold umber . 1 Broilers sold fiunbar 3 Other chickens told ovnber . . . 2 Chicken egds sold dotena 4 Value of milk and cream sold dollars i 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 4 2 4 3 Specified crops harvested: Com for all purposeB i. 1 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 2 4 Harvested for grain acres. . . A 1 2 2 I. 2 3 3 2 4 2 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 bushels... t. 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 2 3 teres... 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 tons.. . 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 Clover, tiootfay, and adxtures of clover and grasses cut for hay acres.. . 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 tons... 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 X Lespedeza cut for hay acres... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 tons... 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Oata, wheat, barley, rye, or other email grains cut for hay acres. . . 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 tons... i. 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 2 Other hay out acres 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 tons... 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa. c lover , or ainall grains X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X X X X X X tOQS... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 X 1 2 X Value of vegetables harvested for sale ...dollars... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (111) 112 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [t)BlA Tor jLems shown in italic (I'or definitions ami explanalio FARMS. *n!E50 number Aprcoximfile Innd area acres 1959 Pfo|«tion in fams percent 1959 ■nnd in fnmLs acres 1959 Avorace size of fami acres 1959 1951 Value Of lani] and builiJings: Averaar per fmn, dolUvs J969 im, M'fratjr per acre dollars 1959 PropoTtio't nf lams reptyrtin^ valtie percent 1959 19Si Land in farms acctMding to use: Cropland hiwested famj reporting 1959 I95< acres 1959 1954 I to 9 acres farms t«porting 1959 1954 10 to 19 acres farms repcrtinp 1959 1954 20 to 29 acres farms repotting 1959 1954 m to 49 acres fnrms reporting 1959 1954 50 (o 99 acres farms repotting 1959 1954 ino to 199 actws farms repcrting 1959 1954 20O to 499 acres farms repcrting 1959 1954 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 1954 1,000 or more acres farms repotting 1959 Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Soil'imprtwement fTasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 Other cnjpland (idle and crop failure) fnrms repcrting 1959 Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Woodland not pastured farms repotting 1959 1954 acres 1959 ropland and not woodlnndV . . farms reporting 1959 ■ farms reporting 1959 1954 Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 19.54 Cropland, total farms reporting 1959 1954 Land pastur«l, lotnl farms reporline 1959 1954 Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 1954 Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Land-use practices: Croplanti in cover crops ..latins reporting las'). Croplaml user! Inr 'jrain or rovi crops fttrmeit on the contour lasvis reporting 19.59. Land in strip-croppinij systems lor soil-erosion control lams reporting 19.'}9. acres 1959. System ol terraces on crop antl pasture land larms reporting 1959. acres 1S69. 7,066 15,410,560 39.3 6,062,594 7,351,874 137.8 107.2 9,998 7, mi 75.49 67.42 39,380 60,477 331,884 1,073,216 16,733 30,258 9,344 13,269 5,166 6,945 4,471 5,728 15,067 18,004 519,602 512,956 8,189 13,653 199,961 232,909 2,006 39,839 6,671 160,122 a, 390 30,908 1,016,773 1,275,397 23,775 31,576 1,587,217 1,763,186 27,295 42,707 1,585,036 2,276,493 5,999 7,809 269,280 276,510 41,515 63,900 40,086 60,039 36,035 51,964 66 62 139 215,040 61.7 132,673 147,610 119.5 94.6 7,777 5,045 70.17 52.25 1,032 1,436 21,831 26,519 1,293 56,663 66,657 1,074 1,509 1,057 1,489 132,222 139,158 152.0 123.0 18,691 12,225 131.43 112.60 12,615 33,670 43.5 55.2 6,238 5,912 162.32 117.95 119 330,880 49.4 153,390 210,119 132.7 113.5 6,270 3,716 51.84 34.10 1,157 1,659 20,059 27,096 217 1,056 962 26,566 9,705 35,975 150 703 265 915 7,014 33,137 5,603 46,564 55 1,050 23 1,535 716 65,100 674 89,351 45 5 315 2,354 16 15,597 1,622 3,018 755 4,357 265 1,186 575 1,583 125 1,204 358 1,599 194 1,132 448 1,597 16 56,960 39.5 22,578 27,291 134.4 85.3 21,777 11,533 151.59 152.13 90 178,550 43.6 77,795 104,196 81.3 63.4 10,033 7,030 123.85 122.12 1,435 9,593 14,415 1,039 10,977 25,104 99 179,840 58.2 104,740 138,559 132.2 110.1 5,966 4,367 53.97 45.10 1,185 13,534 19,689 1,140 35,883 47,905 WEST VIRGINIA 113 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 reports for only ft sample of farms. See lextj Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hajapshlre Hancock Hardy Harrison Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan 683 858 741 709 1,529 837 184 928 1,232 1,232 507 706 946 1,091 289 1 944 1,675 1,106 777 2,172 1,135 248 1,006 1,712 1,751 615 1,735 1,345 1,726 625 2 51 232 53 29 a2 87 26 80 185 157 34 253 38 296 154 .1 2 483 424 33 253 289 480 257 343 101 595 165 39 3,593 10,099 3,939 3,545 19,229 27,180 227 13,439 21,331 29,491 15,628 U,758 8,872 5,282 1,124 40 14,483 6,904 10,604 2,100 13,337 17,094 754 5,813 10,242 29,025 12,569 6,298 4,015 14,155 2,560 11 76 278 137 98 161 258 29 72 122 132 96 190 113 613 82 42 117 614 76 29 257 261 84 151 179 254 76 424 73 797 293 43 1,640 3,800 3,256 1,777 3,350 11,231 929 1,020 5,181 3,569 5,363 4,512 2,700 12,561 705 44 3,873 6,830 1,541 1,464 3,687 7,305 1,302 3,343 3,657 5,754 2,740 9,279 2,289 12,164 3,517 45 17 61 22 14 42 48 8 14 51 23 44 34 25 98 17 4S 297 491 606 290 1,232 1,644 206 163 2,127 779 2,764 587 455 1,074 a9 47 60 234 122 89 122 229 23 60 64 112 59 150 94 587 68 IS 1,343 3,309 2,660 1,487 2,118 9,587 723 857 3,054 2,790 2,599 3,925 2,245 11,487 486 49 397 295 392 .491 634 367 47 424 517 841 137 297 580 623 105 50 577 391 633 463 1,165 547 58 482 695 928 165 818 770 904 281 51 23,704 6,537 24,263 50,617 37,088 22,988 921 31,997 17,390 39,547 3,489 11,954 26,493 17,065 5,976 52 37,677 6,529 35,760 52,381 63,091 37,585 1,151 54,155 15,018 31,524 3,358 25,231 29,248 24,577 5,175 53 383 461 503 310 709 601 52 695 389 524 113 359 370 821 192 .54 381 814 559 •287 548 585 125 533 422 702 149 639 367 1,249 346 35 26,606 13,654 34,470 50,748 54,941 97,775 2,717 108,150 13,607 23,064 4,530 15,203 22,066 36,349 8,720 r.6 19,629 23,549 33,421 40,162 44,559 91,819 5,714 54,133 15,509 27,181 3,972 24,369 20,159 63,353 15,906 57 630 202 647 595 1,082 404 170 548 957 704 313 160 838 4a 23 58 746 686 840 649 1,660 703 176 814 1,372 1,213 440 650 1,224 437 140 59 50,560 3,520 41,928 62,918 93,463 25,199 5,086 45,371 80,478 50,142 27,545 5,371 79,419 10,438 395 60 54,935 12,146 56,107 67,061 105,865 42,451 4,731 52,847 103,487 73,656 28,304 22,602 107,654 11,278 1,151 61 112 39 137 207 332 138 42 136 256 94 134 26 224 102 62 75 90 132 81 486 273 23 118 148 201 119 45 197 54 "3 63 3,518 498 5,550 11,257 24,649 8,471 833 13,161 14,744 5,116 10,648 617 14,160 1,451 61 2,372 1,230 7,241 9,355 19,874 11,315 820 5,557 5,835 9,104 5,202 1,223 9,429 701 14 65 3,485 2,334 3,735 3,443 6,415 7,449 3,836 5,077 10,024 7,006 3,917 3,332 5,370 7,015 2,532 66 2,842 3,515 3,422 4,173 6,852 4,727 2,478 3,592 6,335 6,055 3,954 4,523 4,704 4,514 1,107 67 669 820 699 647 1,397 802 157 847 1,211 1,171 448 610 901 1,079 276 68 900 1,583 1,051 689 1,933 1,036 219 889 1,585 1,643 525 1,504 1,250 1,602 611 69 671 719 723 663 1,457 755 171 872 1,220 1,196 440 569 928 835 160 70 397 1,214 1,058 718 1,984 1,016 198 911 1,612 1,671 533 1,411 1,283 1,383 449 71 622 646 686 610 1,165 726 94 824 816 1,089 220 546 307 958 244 72 825 1,075 934 1 637 1 2 1,508 3 5 969 6 3 151 1 3 837 2 2 996 1 2 1,372 "i 276 2 1,215 1 1,034 2 1 1,504 1 445 74 75 1 2 9 197 10 139 6 "i 274 '26 76 23 48 67 71 35 3 35 300 1 77 15 20 13 67 58 6 47 35 60 30 11 25 250 78 40 110 171 498 1,243 145 367 233 555 855 35 125 470 79 10 52 71 27 22 33 36 7 30 45 25 90 190 1,011 1,845 124 325 255 242 463 130 110 50 31 5 60 84 11 21 11 15 20 25 82 20 1,186 4,139 69 975 190 155 775 1,655 S3 5 39 31 53 1 7 10 31 1 'si 20 io 84 100 620 905 1,060 200 31 105 365 15 3,935 675 210 65 114 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: (Tor definitions and explai F\H\tS, 4rRE4GE. AND VALUE s numl«r 195D . 1054. Dprrcnso in fnnn-fi due to chanqe in fftmi definition lfl5J to 1059 number . Aprroximiuo Innd area, acres 1950 . Troixrtion in fatrnp percent 1959 . .nnd in (nmif acres 1959 . i>er«i.'e sire of fami acres 1959 . 1954. Value Of land and buildings; ■li'cro^c pfr jmm doUata 1959. Avero'jf ^t ncJt doOan 1959 . 1951,. Proportion of fartns reporting value percenl l!)59 . I95i Land in (aims acctKding to use: Cropland h.wested farns reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 1954. 20 to 20 acres farms reporting 1959. 1954. .10 to 49 acres farms («patinc 1959 . 191 50 to 99 noes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1.000 or mere acres farms reporting 195? . 1954. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1 I acres 1 Oopland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reprrting 1959 . acres 1959 . Other cropland (idle and crop failive) farms reporting 1959 . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Woodland not pastured farms refnrting 1959 . 19.54 . acres 1959 . Other "Pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting 1959 , 1954 . acres 1959 . 1951. Improvetl pasture (see text) farms repotting 1959 . , 1954. acres 1959. 1954 . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . 19.54. Cropland, tJiUl farms reporting 1959 . 1954. LnntJ pasturorl. total farms reporting 1959. 1954. Woodland, total farms rcportini^ 1959 . 1954. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Land-use practices: CroptaTui in cover crops farms reporting 7959 . . acret 1059.. Crophia.' use'f for yraht or row crops farntetl on t!9 acres 1959 324,581 8,953 5,053 5,231 3,113 1,156 2,132 9,111 17,004 5,133 9,U9 31 19U 548,425 U,060 4,909 12^107 32 50 to 69 acres Kr«s 1959 304,784 472,983 9,639 3,952 1,380 9,818 14,297 832 3,280 14,328 6,671 10,774 3,1 1954 13,736 4,617 5,544 1,372 34 70 to 99 acres acrvs 1959 517,411 U,011 7,482 1,789 17,283 23,424 1,768 13,945 10,898 13,500 35 1954 721,360 18,578 9,940 5,030 2,689 17,899 36 100tol39^ef«s acres 1959 '736,219 19,729 21,926 15,210 1,779 23,215 2,987 13,453 16,480 23,781 37 1954 980,080 15,285 4,952 31,402 3,957 20,014 38 140 to 179 acres .c««olt5« 604,285 14,319 12,986 1,745 21,497 3,278 10,212 12,574 39 1954 7<«,155 15,853 17,254 3,927 24,574 4,495 U,391 17,835 40 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 498,251 11,787 13,905 796 14,681 1,919 7,043 10,522 41 1954 614,066 U,186 18,376 2,713 23,019 2,785 5,886 12,944 42 220 to 259 acres acr«s 1959 395,201 428,360 8,766 7,616 10,960 9,122 709 U,584 19,239 1,896 972 3,748 3,745 7,286 43 1954 7,221 44 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 1,191,737 1,293,947 21,578 37,534 34,828 1,092 3,631 35,505 38,190 2,454 3,546 6,359 8,351 21,010 21,451 45 1954 20,146 46 500 to 999 acres acres l»5« 8M,916 859,055 14,394 13,538 15,051 607 1,500 16,307 16,793 3,340 4,968 5,321 3,505 11,152 12,468 47 19S4 16, 5U 46 1,000 or more acres acfmi 1959 664,121 9 372 U,256 5,664 2 900 3,000 4,050 49 1954 648,724 4^307 6I726 50 1,000 to 1,999 atrcs Mam 1959 406,956 4,622 11 255 2 590 2 900 Cfoplafid harvested: 51 \ny cropland harvested fMTOS reportinp 1959 39,380 1,032 704 252 1,157 U3 847 734 52 1954 60,477 1,485 884 521 1,559 290 1,435 1,185 53 acres 1959 831,884 21,831 43,878 1,394 20,059 3,899 9,593 13,534 54 1954 1,073,216 26,519 46,304 2,128 27,095 5,651 14,415 19,689 55 fnder 10 acres farms nfxjntng 1959 875 13 16 58 5 7 65 4 S« 1954 5,016 97 60 124 41 63 154 39 57 acres 1959 2,305 28 52 189 12 19 154 8 » 1954 U,495 235 140 278 97 129 331 100 59 101o49aci»s fanns rvportinc 1959 9,686 269 130 125 2U 38 260 140 60 1054 17,004 454 169 153 357 76 532 265 61 acres 1959 62,760 2,334 1,250 690 1,212 249 1,375 845 62 1954 103,339 3,447 1,557 673 2,106 531 2,945 1,637 63 50 to 69 acres farms reportinr 1959 4,747 158 58 23 155 U 125 100 64 1954 7,459 230 58 90 229 23 227 171 65 acres 1959 48,957 2,240 1,048 83 1,470 222 927 929 «6 1954 75,509 3,100 1,391 394 2,199 292 1,582 1,553 «7 70 to 99 acres farms refmnind 1959 5,773 162 74 22 198 17 153 121 6^ 1954 8,U6 220 104 55 275 30 201 218 69 acres 1959 78,510 2,637 2,113 101 2,256 270 1,6U 1,619 70 1954 113,365 3,738 3,237 238 3,296 559 2,092 3,040 71 100 u> 139 atlea farms reportini: 1959 5,906 159 114 15 192 21 109 134 1954 8,121 189 127 41 263 33 172 199 73 acres 1959 112,280 3,790 5,317 55 2,883 528 1,313 2,319 74 1954 154,099 4,128 5,110 219 4,408 1,019 2,270 3,460 75 140 to 179 acres fafms reprrtine 1959 3,601 88 74 11 U6 17 60 78 76 1954 4,564 101 103 21 155 29 76 112 77 acres 1959 87,721 2,468 4,293 77 2,847 552 1,037 1,540 7« 1954 116,881 2,803 5,426 139 3,301 1,324 1,737 2,635 79 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 1959 2,365 56 54 4 72 10 34 50 80 1954 3,010 72 89 13 116 U 28 66 81 acres 1059 71,114 1,964 4,716 18 1,689 330 1,103 1,474 82 1954 94,047 2,407 7,418 65 2,912 672 751 1,790 89 220 to 259 acres fanns reporting; 1959 1,568 35 40 59 7 16 30 84 1954 1,760 32 36 "3 80 4 15 30 65 acres 1959 57,551 1,247 4,133 1,723 294 439 979 86 1954 64,175 1,300 3,379 15 2,433 113 604 990 87 260 to 499 acres farms reportinc 1959 3,321 53 104 3 102 7 18 63 88 1954 3,738 51 98 9 113 U 25 64 89 acres 1059 154,861 2,908 13,806 158 3,819 519 795 2,369 90 1054 183,489 3,134 12,185 53 4,324 804 1,304 2,728 91 500 to 999 awes farms repcrtine 1059 1,172 22 22 1 22 4 7 13 92 1954 1,270 25 26 2 25 7 5 19 93 acres 1959 87,702 1,512 4,350 8 1,740 670 735 1,127 94 1954 97,346 1,814 5,420 44 1,552 1,198 599 1,449 95 1,000 or more acres farms repcrtine 19.59 366 5 8 2 1 1 1954 389 4 4 5 2 97 acres 1959 58,123 703 2,800 408 246 325 98 1954 59,471 413 540 458 197 99 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms repcrtinr 1959 298 4 3 2 1 100 acre. 1959 42,933 493 2,800 408 245 118 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND All forms. , rnder 1(1 acres. 1 170 ac 180 to 219 ac 220 to 25(1 nc 260 to 499 a< .100 to 999 ac 1.000 CI marc l.Ono to 1.' Land in farms: Under 10 acri 10 to 49 acrci 50 to 69 acre: 70 to 99 acre 100 to 139 ic 140 to 179 ac ISO to 219 ac 220 to 259 ac 260 to 499 ac 500 to 999 lie 1,000 or more .number 1 . number 1 . numfwr 1 . number 1 . number 1 Ciopland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms repoltinc 1 fnrms re^nrting 1 . farms reporlin . farms reporting 1 300 5,905 9,796 6,U8 8,692 7,185 10,060 7,188 10,400 5,237 5,2.46 2,913 3,109 2,450 2,386 6,630 6,475 3,012 5,332 1,200 Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock Hardy 134 3,681 5,755 4,819 7,236 8,943 12,783 12,847 15,650 U,445 16,962 9,788 10,580 6,349 6,903 30,906 32,869 19,982 14,778 11,818 23,996 3,018 358 2,156 11,378 18,851 6,665 10,255 9,149 12,100 6,483 8,681 3,287 4,961 3,687 5,070 1,210 1,412 4,419 3,833 1,465 3,346 1,415 8,157 U,192 7,861 9,404 13,037 12,052 17,956 16,354 20,895 13,127 14,950 10,674 13,631 26,457 32,094 20,771 23,957 8,378 10,011 6,178 1,007 12,904 19,757 181 277 3,290 3,723 2,392 2,197 4,524 5,370 8,267 11,185 9,313 9,900 12,4ii5 12,017 10,686 9,570 40,556 43,089 48,698 40,689 50,139 48,196 26,505 637 290 1,223 10,671 16, 568 9,007 U,328 16,374 21,370 23,263 28,497 21,060 23,372 15,080 17,906 13,157 15,483 59,017 58,038 52,539 46,674 25,522 1,294 1,838 31,494 37,088 2,745 4,561 3,U5 4,724 6,907 10,359 13,228 16,801 15,994 18,299 14,890 17,196 14,756 16,378 46,602 53,175 40,638 49,924 59,065 39,482 31,297 619 1,355 2,431 3,292 5,048 4,590 479 737 2,290 1,962 1,429 1,419 1,730 3,230 1,730 159 WEST VIRGINIA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 119 Harrison Jackson Jefferson Kanavha Lewis Lincoln Logan McDowell Marlon Msrahall Mason Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia 1,232 1,232 507 706 946 1,091 289 241 958 950 1,109 1,131 433 289 871 1 1,712 1,751 615 1,735 1,345 1,726 625 931 1,379 1,311 1,648 2,235 630 881 1,593 2 39 19 47 50 10 64 16 26 27 18 48 43 14 48 37 3 207 87 ica. 314 109 126 97 283 121 90 172 436 61 281 243 4 ■407 176 80 269 168 317 152 112 351 138 238 454 62 130 298 5 579 345 78 731 289 5U 313 427 552 261 324 886 118 393 567 6 134 140 20 105 108 176 34 38 155 85 136 141 24 26 115 7 191 220 22 227 132 291 67 76 197 131 196 234 47 67 180 8 167 216 36 92 124 197 24 15 149 159 168 154 46 26 123 9 192 259 33 166 163 291 53 44 205 191 255 230 56 49 182 10 174 255 54 77 149 157 28 17 106 213 185 145 50 20 115 11 195 357 77 127 206 231 41 34 147 250 251 210 79 32 170 12 103 145 58 43 101 76 11 9 71 129 97 74 39 9 62 13 97 173 74 67 124 122 21 13 74 130 150 83 44 15 98 14 75 86 50 21 66 47 10 6 36 79 60 39 42 9 38 IS 65 99 62 44 84 79 13 11 30 93 104 46 55 17 61 18 43 54 39 16 45 16 4 2 27 49 48 22 30 4 24 17 47 69 39 11 50 32 9 4 15 43 41 27 25 3 20 IS 98 104 87 27 U8 34 6 10 29 65 92 47 74 10 39 19 100 LK 97 35 137 38 9 20 32 67 104 62 95 19 47 20 30 28 27 5 46 7 3 3 7 14 24 10 37 3 15 21 27 20 24 12 39 5 2 17 6 12 39 18 38 5 20 22 12 9 9 1 U 1 3 1 13 2 15 4 5 23 12 8 8 1 12 2 3 12 3 12 5 24 9 9 8 1 10 "i 2 12 2 13 4 5 26 170,265 178,477 105,621 58,171 163,806 95,793 20,671 24,414 82,377 127,760 155,215 100,113 109,498 23,191 89,071 2« 179,047 2U,014 109,801 103,317 192,039 141,429 33,260 46,634 95,825 150,588 201,055 147,152 122,827 36,994 126,230 27 184 68 148 162 59 246 68 88 90 91 208 191 54 186 177 28 1,041 428 370 1,495 504 596 451 1,197 646 446 809 2,224 268 1,321 1,214 29 11,607 5,864 1,960 7,388 4,870 9,497 3,674 2,950 10,048 4,332 7,023 12,347 1,864 3,180 7,880 30 15,869 10,744 1,997 19,427 8,193 14,567 7,604 9,406 14,955 7,580 9,237 22,898 3,437 8,502 14, 558 31 7,816 8,254 1,183 6,006 6,318 10,212 l,ff78 2,168 9,011 4,943 7,872 8,072 1,414 1,456 6,790 32 11,109 12,860 1,292 13,272 7,708 16,969 3,824 4,169 U,448 8,941 11,280 13,543 2,821 3,723 10,483 33 U,761 18,287 3,058 7,593 10,309 16,373 1,933 1,162 12,216 13,356 14,167 12,654 3,858 2,064 10,048 34 16,039 21,412 2,697 13,793 13,602 24,064 4,183 3,531 16,788 16,126 21,522 19,011 4,710 3,930 15,130 35 20,090 29,578 6,320 8,983 17,183 17,962 3,161 1,782 12,090 24,914 21,564 16,853 5,873 2,223 13,229 3t 22,573 40,566 8,976 14,500 23,773 26,960 4,532 3,595 16,929 29,151 28,992 24,152 9,177 3,559 19,615 37 16,335 23,062 9,239 6,602 15,817 U,681 1,732 1,398 U,002 20,171 15,297 11,524 6,230 1,407 9,762 38 15,530 27,142 11,749 10,509 19,497 18,927 3,262 2,021 11,546 23,613 23,669 12,959 6,991 2,335 15,426 39 14,878 16,875 10,045 4,126 U,U4 9,291 1,998 1,182 7,119 15,408 11,887 7,639 8,312 1,761 7,631 40 12,749 19,452 12,323 8,632 16,754 15,390 2,535 2,237 3,8S2 18,277 20,634 9,045 10,777 3,356 12,051 41 10,208 12,856 9,341 3,730 10,776 3,820 947 482 6,478 U,506 11,509 5,266 7,044 949 5,701 42 11,129 16,506 9,259 2,324 U,786 7,645 2,249 971 3,504 10,116 9,756 6,404 5,920 712 4,772 43 32,998 34,772 30,776 9,167 41, U9 12,004 1,916 3,664 9,743 21,518 32,7U 16,524 26,860 3,330 12,363 44 33,945 39,116 34,041 11,067 45,794 12,614 3,160 6,555 10,416 22,564 35,066 21,169 33,589 6,549 15,180 45 20,074 17,262 16,394 3,394 29,392 4,707 1,864 1,953 4,580 9,271 16,093 5,967 23,809 1,615 9,900 U 16,800 U,201 15,201 7,067 25,364 3,497 1,440 10,497 3,711 7,461 24,944 12,039 25,052 3,007 12,400 47 22,314 U,599 17,157 1,000 U,849 1,500 7,585 2,250 16,884 2,975 24,180 5,000 5,590 48 22,263 11,587 11,896 1,031 19,064 2,455 6,113 15,096 3,708 19,985 5,401 49 17,484 11,399 9,857 1,000 12,649 1,500 2,748 14,501 2,976 15,473 3,000 5,590 60 1,166 1,U5 416 486 863 1,054 261 172 848 882 1,011 990 363 178 742 61 1,507 1,589 505 1,345 1,236 1,5U 379 709 1,254 1,192 1,407 1,883 544 701 1,243 52 22,254 25,558 44,148 6,041 18,886 7,083 1,169 837 12,044 22,939 M,290 11,692 U,589 893 14,642 63 24,789 34,719 54,904 10,915 23,970 11,388 2,844 2,230 13,204 28,458 38,766 18,964 14,740 2,246 20, U3 64 20 7 10 10 8 62 9 10 11 8 32 23 3 22 19 55 U6 37 22 176 68 95 87 195 75 58 88 271 27 203 94 6< 54 11 25 26 15 130 22 27 26 25 71 71 4 54 50 57 273 94 46 335 173 273 190 380 167 121 211 568 51 466 226 58 363 142 31 166 W5 301 138 92 300 124 198 384 47 89 232 69 496 280 58 550 250 415 289 336 499 217 248 747 87 316 433 60 2,182 1,080 638 926 968 1,226 433 346 2,080 998 1,323 2,375 350 318 1,506 61 2,878 2,173 716 2,675 1,616 1,758 1,342 954 2,903 1,482 1,675 4,139 592 943 2,796 82 123 123 11 79 100 168 31 31 140 79 126 124 18 14 100 83 175 204 13 193 125 257 62 61 188 138 175 218 45 58 152 84 1,U6 1,264 316 675 942 813 145 186 1,443 1,187 1,331 1,161 225 114 1,413 66 1,916 2,176 439 1,275 1,233 1,486 297 241 2,039 1,769 2,037 1,942 448 193 1,722 86 157 202 33 76 112 195 24 8 140 146 161 141 39 16 113 87 181 247 32 148 154 264 49 37 195 176 237 212 48 43 170 88 1,908 2,916 1,091 889 1,320 1,256 87 57 1,948 2,558 2,432 1,562 455 84 1,957 69 2,U3 3,521 1,140 1,341 1,921 1,812 304 284 2,777 3,537 4,147 2,549 708 195 2,450 70 165 237 51 60 138 153 26 14 98 208 170 138 37 15 106 71 186 345 76 113 200 220 39 31 143 240 233 200 75 25 157 72 2,781 4,544 2,822 827 1,873 1,187 129 123 1,736 5,396 3,721 1,859 553 80 2,338 73 3,230 6,971 4,454 l,3«l 3,005 2,241 219 179 2,538 6,237 5,100 2,950 1,088 117 3,072 74 93 137 55 35 90 72 11 4 67 122 95 68 34 6 58 75 97 168 73 63 120 115 20 8 74 M7 139 83 41 14 95 76 2,021 3,223 4,577 905 1,792 807 87 20 1,329 3,763 2,622 1,255 657 42 1,652 77 2,161 4,370 6,405 941 2,649 1,299 201 32 1,564 5,U2 4,414 1,537 981 82 2,541 78 73 82 48 17 62 47 9 4 33 73 57 37 38 3 34 79 63 99 62 43 83 75 U 9 29 93 94 44 54 16 53 80 1,984 2,499 4,465 420 1,407 557 98 40 880 2,759 2,540 748 1,176 20 1,126 81 1,790 3,261 6,356 793 2,109 1,066 120 48 761 3,555 4,159 950 1,442 74 1,664 82 38 53 38 U 41 16 4 1 25 47 47 18 29 2 22 83 45 69 39 9 49 29 9 4 14 43 40 27 24 3 20 84 1,X2 2,033 4,494 377 1,279 213 43 2 733 2,139 2,035 487 675 8 971 86 1,455 2,559 4,878 214 1,529 489 78 32 484 1,820 1,853 639 656 33 818 86 94 97 84 24 113 33 6 4 27 62 89 46 70 8 39 87 99 112 96 35 137 38 9 14 31 66 102 60 93 18 46 88 4,681 5,121 14,235 752 4,353 645 93 22 1,309 3,006 7,U1 1,663 2,751 138 1,919 89 4,735 6,361 16,675 1,224 4,756 747 75 62 1,395 3,547 7,193 2,389 3,755 122 2,715 90 29 27 26 4 43 7 2 3 7 12 23 9 34 14 91 27 20 24 12 38 5 2 12 6 12 39 18 38 "5 19 92 2,256 2,U5 6,209 222 3,309 229 9 U 560 838 2,880 426 2,611 1,168 93 2,043 1,896 7,186 417 2,740 217 18 30 576 929 5,374 878 3,002 16 1,800 94 11 8 9 1 11 1 1 1 13 2 14 3 5 96 12 8 8 1 12 2 2 12 3 12 4 9< 1,949 732 5,276 22 1,428 "3 3 270 4,224 85 2,132 25 542 97 2,175 1,337 6,609 120 2,237 8 319 2,603 423 2,017 339 98 9 8 8 1 M) "i 1 12 2 12 "3 5 99 1,675 732 4,426 22 1,328 3 3 3,477 85 1,496 25 542 100 120 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND — lien Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preaton Putnam (Fof definitions and ex jianaliona, see text) Farms: , All farms number 19.59 . , . 1,199 1,772 315 459 1,019 1,616 312 479 1,106 1,322 283 392 783 1,061 1,525 2,060 366 1,537 2 1954... 3 I'nder 10 acres number 1 959 . . . 34 192 10 47 33 189 18 81 67 177 8 27 24 98 37 171 41 143 4 1954 . . . 10 to 49 acres number 1959... 247 415 48 81 419 702 68 116 143 196 68 112 162 224 344 491 184 420 6 1954... 7 50 to 89 acres number 1959... 137 199 21 37 136 216 17 34 80 91 30 49 73 92 137 213 139 227 8 1954... 9 70 to 99 acres 173 227 42 56 148 193 47 56 111 122 49 52 79 103 223 306 169 258 10 1954 . . . 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . . . 166 62 125 72 117 48 93 281 162 15 1954 .. . 235 72 147 89 140 67 131 333 238 13 140 to 179 acres number 1959 .. . 118 47 57 33 106 29 59 174 66 14 1954 . . . 155 53 69 38 111 33 33 191 113 15 180 to 219 acres number 1959 .. . 76 21 39 20 76 13 55 93 45 16 19.54... 103 38 31 31 77 14 63 110 55 17 220 to 259 acres number 1959 .. . 71 16 18 8 55 9 33 63 15 18 1954 .. . 68 28 21 9 66 7 34 TO 22 19 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . . . 123 35 38 25 190 13 112 126 34 ■20 1954... 127 31 39 21 188 25 139 134 49 21 500 to 999 acres .number 1959... 39 10 5 4 110 5 62 37 3 22 1954 . . . 39 13 8 4 112 6 69 31 9 2S 1,000 or mere acres number 1959... 10 3 1 51 1 26 5 3 24 1954 . . . 12 3 1 42 25 5 3 25 1,000 to 1,999 acres Land in farms: number 19.59... 9 2 1 46 1 21 4 3 26 All land in farms acres 1959... 183,099 54,169 85,439 37,753 292, U6 33,657 179,457 204,339 89,451 27 1954 . . . 221,305 63,986 107,144 44,301 288,027 40,388 204,600 229,720 134,293 28 Under 10 acres acres 1959... 165 934 54 255 157 1,031 71 349 272 503 33 136 94 450 102 883 161 729 29 1954 . . . 30 10 to 49 acres acres 1959... 7,385 1,357 12,208 1,814 3,913 2,098 4,628 10,236 5,519 31 1954 . . . 12,029 2,106 18,844 3,068 5,510 3,354 6,093 13,894 11,840 32 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . . . 7,997 11,611 1,229 2,227 7,963 12,603 998 1,993 4,738 5,394 1,724 2,838 4,600 5,332 8,143 12,817 7,972 13,224 33 1954 . . . 34 70 lo 99 acres acres 1959 .. . 14,768 3,396 12,236 3,859 9,099 4,057 6,518 18,764 14,000 35 1954 . . . 18,759 4,624 15,843 4,712 10,069 4,277 8,587 25,506 21,533 36 100 to 139 seres acres 1959... 19,711 27,444 7,489 8,397 14,449 16,921 8,41fl 10,374 13,620 16,354 5,630 7,789 10,809 15,195 32,604 38,597 18,862 27,383 37 1954 .. . 38 140 lo 179 acres acres 1959... 18,807 7,286 8,910 5,260 16,646 4,513 9,245 27,504 10,286 39 1954 .. . 24,545 8,220 10,842 5,992 17,539 5,215 12,885 30,012 17,822 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . . . 15,114 20,390 4,m 7,533 7,721 6,123 3,931 6,056 15,201 15,303 3,535 2,652 10,964 12,469 13,316 21,660 8,972 10,840 41 1954 .. . 42 220 to 259 acres acres 1969... 17,157 3,839 4,262 1,914 13,104 2,139 7,828 16,281 3,513 1954... 16,301 6,699 5,056 2,140 15,760 1,675 8,042 16,577 5,148 44 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 . . . 42,006 42,367 U,549 10,484 12,545 13,299 8,307 6,960 67,077 65,634 5,849 8,722 39,977 49,107 42,193 43,893 11,402 16,413 1954 . . . 46 500 lo 999 acres acres 1959 . . . 26,107 26,544 6,480 8,041 3,130 5,382 3,181 2,657 75,827 76,579 3,025 3,730 40,944 46,475 23,816 19,001 4,647 5,060 47 1954 . . . 1,000 or more aci^s acres 1959 . . . 13,882 7,379 1,858 72,614 1,054 43,350 6,880 4,117 49 1954 .. . 20,381 5.400 1,200 59,382 39,965 6,875 4,301 50 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959 .. . U,482 2,844 1,858 60,309 1,054 26,958 4,830 4,117 Cropland harvested: 51 Any cropland harvested farms repotting 1959 .. . 1,077 276 944 273 972 257 696 1,339 784 52 1954... 1,551 367 1,492 409 1,095 371 939 1,900 1,329 53 acres 1959... 26,153 9,902 12,421 10,430 25,695 5,547 19,474 37,937 12,180 54 1954... 31,270 U,607 17,885 13,255 27,594 6,894 24,060 46,013 19,986 55 Tmler 10 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 11 5 21 10 12 5 3 10 34 56 1954 .. . 121 23 147 37 31 21 46 115 91 57 acres 1959 .. . 35 17 79 18 32 20 15 27 82 58 1954... 258 86 334 76 73 44 106 285 230 59 10 to 49 acres farms reportinE 1959 .. . 201 42 384 52 113 58 132 301 155 60 1954... 347 52 643 99 152 104 180 433 320 61 acres 1959 .. . 1,564 271 2,564 365 609 444 989 2,673 990 62 1954 . . . 2,514 444 4,217 747 957 675 1,445 3,535 2,317 63 50 lo 69 acres farms reporlinp 1959 .. . 126 20 128 17 67 29 68 131 128 64 1954... 177 25 208 30 83 45 83 202 204 65 acres 1959... 1,405 158 1,476 269 628 343 787 2,023 1,333 66 19.54.. . 1,991 359 2,402 575 910 527 981 2,357 2,032 (.. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 162 36 143 43 107 44 70 207 158 :-8 1954... 210 48 183 55 113 51 98 299 246 69 acres 1959... 2,307 489 1,821 1,163 1,361 614 1,068 4,055 1,982 70 1954 . . . 3,170 840 2,560 1,592 1,562 681 1,537 6,050 3,285 71 100 lo 139 acres farms reportine 1959 . . , 149 51 120 67 103 47 35 261 151 72 1954... 215 68 146 88 135 65 129 323 228 73 acres 1959 .. . 3,189 1,326 2,061 2,407 1,692 1,008 1,807 7,226 2,464 74 1954 . . . 4,113 1,765 3,017 3,227 2,401 1,163 2,4*2 9,316 3,350 75 140 lo 179 acres farms repcrting 1959... 115 43 54 29 105 28 54 167 62 76 1954 . . . 143 47 67 36 105 33 80 133 106 77 acres 1959 .. . 2,709 1,396 1,231 1,313 2,028 862 1,132 5,795 1,367 78 1954... 3,592 1,357 1,412 1,948 2,193 931 1,808 6,335 2,423 79 180 lo 219 acres 73 18 36 30 19 72 16 53 90 39 80 1954... 99 32 30 76 14 62 109 52 81 acres 1959 . . . 2,054 696 974 1,051 1,401 650 1,343 3,673 998 82 1954 . . . 2,751 1,051 919 2,021 1,775 348 1,676 4,307 1,289 83 220 lo 259 acres larms reporting 1 959 71 66 li 16 21 8 9 53 64 7 7 32 33 62 68 14 84 1954 . . . 28 21 85 acres 1959 . . . 2,323 675 495 693 1,507 346 936 2,966 397 86 1954 .. . 2,179 1,002 761 564 1,659 334 1,033 3,208 346 87 260 to 499 acres farms reoortine 1959 120 125 35 30 36 38 24 21 Ul 186 17 25 108 137 115 33 49 88 1954... 133 S9 acres 1959... 6,001 2,147 1,369 2,580 5,834 683 4,039 6,356 1,800 90 1954... 5,726 1,692 1,669 2,172 7,117 1,663 5,816 7,479 2,603 500 lo 999 acres 39 36 10 11 4 4 108 108 60 66 37 30 92 J954" 8 6 9 93 acres 1959... 3,137 1,159 246 566 5,499 543 3,617 2,406 425 94 1954 .. . 2,858 1,083 553 333 5,335 478 4,069 1,946 760 05 1,000 or more acres 10 12 2 3 51 42 1 26 25 2 1954" 1 5 3 97 acres 1959 .. . 1,429 1,568 105 5,054 34 3,741 737 342 98 1954 . . . 2,118 1,928 41 3,612 3,077 695 851 99 1.000 lo 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 9 1 1 4* 1 21 4 2 100 acres 1959... 1,415 68 105 4,260 34 2,642 587 342 WEST VIRGINIA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 121 Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Sunners Taylor Tucker ISler Dpshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoming 1,076 1,003 802 1,239 873 535 383 582 1,167 1,183 575 505 494 1,110 553 1 2,038 1,383 1,228 1,904 1,427 764 542 763 1,648 2,292 959 l,a4 604 1,698 1,096 2 107 32 10 13 19 16 4 5 20 43 6 7 3 23 66 3 bin 166 73 71 107 60 46 26 126 259 120 84 20 174 237 4 516 222 112 203 209 154 59 100 349 403 229 96 74 317 251 5 866 362 215 406 431 271 112 149 563 875 360 274 93 513 471 6 139 116 78 157 111 73 45 58 184 189 101 61 58 178 73 7 190 153 139 251 2U 116 64 88 264 336 136 151 75 244 107 8 108 131 101 212 148 90 57 80 133 198 92 94 38 168 35 9 17i 172 130 320 212 90 33 116 224 302 137 198 91 241 75 10 101 137 134 245 142 83 71 102 179 151 58 86 96 185 41 11 108 164 196 334 171 87 85 131 a7 242 97 198 123 246 73 1-2 37 80 117 135 81 36 46 64 84 72 39 59 62 79 20 13 56 80 131 153 106 42 45 82 91 106 33 117 57 118 24 14 24 62 47 108 47 17 23 55 49 53 28 37 36 53 21 27 62 81 121 56 30 29 56 63 65 36 74 56 61 29 16 10 45 62 62 32 20 20 38 30 19 9 24 23 47 6 17 16 52 54 66 41 20 a 37 33 32 18 42 25 32 15 IS 26 100 102 113 68 34 37 64 68 40 9 30 41 49 22 19 37 90 117 129 74 33 38 59 47 52 17 60 53 53 33 20 7 59 33 38 13 10 10 14 18 13 3 9 11 9 17 21 10 54 35 43 9 11 12 16 16 17 4 10 10 10 29 22 1 19 6 3 3 2 6 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 23 5 28 7 5 6 4 7 3 4 6 1 6 1 1 3 24 1 12 6 2 3 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 25 68,829 215,667 138,209 137,415 104,243 62,958 62,149 87,628 127, 5«) 109,209 46,396 68,147 71,670 113,605 50,090 26 105,149 224,946 173,805 235,061 141,991 78,343 74,549 102,067 140,388 173,271 67,634 134,561 82,795 1/2,361 84,356 27 in 148 47 57 91 70 12 a 79 179 29 34 19 110 258 28 2,902 826 319 349 550 323 183 135 634 1,331 616 444 126 880 1,169 29 12,647 6,270 3,250 6,514 6,118 4,551 1,764 3,066 10,778 11,794 6,429 3,179 2,380 9,216 6,342 30 21,050 9,945 5,997 12,584 12,529 7,575 3,493 4,412 16,090 24,671 9,881 3,276 2,793 14,530 11,517 31 7,850 6,646 4,544 9,285 6,416 4,263 2,653 3,436 10,713 11,010 5,796 3,505 3,409 10,395 4,113 32 10,810 8,777 8,U5 14,668 12,491 6,718 3,717 5,202 15,406 19,593 7,878 8,839 4,327 14,130 6,085 33 8,878 10,872 8,420 17,648 12,127 7,443 4,950 6,537 15,146 16,364 7,545 7,838 7,381 13,900 2,876 34 U,404 U,340 U,984 26,578 17,419 7,428 6,902 9,612 18,516 24,849 U,443 16,330 7,691 20,124 6,117 35 U,530 15,942 15,565 28,122 16,325 9,6U 8,388 11,903 20,662 17,459 6,532 9,785 11,031 21,494 4,435 36 12,124 13,654 22,813 38,880 19,771 10,055 10,013 15,297 24,366 27,724 11,112 22,950 U,379 23,413 8,051 37 5,857 12,479 18,3U 21,214 12,782 5,662 7,284 10,042 U,177 11,158 6,155 9,149 9,347 12,478 3,056 38 8,875 12,477 20,618 24,717 16,608 6,549 7,096 12,849 14,222 16,509 5,182 18,350 3,393 18,455 3,714 39 4,720 12,238 9,230 21,320 9,323 3,364 5,497 10,911 9,832 10,517 5,530 7,387 7,075 10,433 4,174 40 5,265 12,117 16,021 23,740 u,ou 5,926 5,690 U,042 12,497 12,941 7,033 U,542 10,935 12,065 5,719 41 2,401 10,840 U,841 14,741 7,566 4,755 4,711 9,178 7,135 4,607 2,100 5,743 5,591 11,182 1,489 42 3,833 12,542 12,802 15,549 9,324 4,725 5,020 8,808 7,691 7,728 4,314 10,071 6,028 7,554 3,630 43 8,350 35,623 35,530 38,888 21,343 11,695 12,283 20,336 23,318 U,152 2,842 10,316 14,064 16,059 7,342 44 12,733 31,231 40,905 42,968 24,148 10,781 12,188 19,557 15,399 17,157 6,197 20,033 17,696 19,069 U,414 45 5,119 40,375 21,046 24,126 8,384 7,062 6,025 3,321 12,309 9,084 2,067 6,343 6,873 5,254 10,580 46 6,283 36,826 22,293 26,706 6,057 7,663 7,740 9,353 10,370 11,299 2,878 6,832 6,690 5,944 13,781 47 1,000 64,234 7,422 5,500 3,273 4,480 8,532 2,877 4,391 2,885 1,371 4,868 4,000 3,084 5,425 46 6,870 67, 2U 8,908 3,322 11,533 11,100 12,507 5,300 4,697 9,469 1,100 1,371 7,389 3,237 1,197 8,159 49 1,000 17,315 7,422 2,600 3,273 1,900 6,033 2,877 2,U3 2,885 1,068 1,000 3,034 50 973 914 740 1,197 812 502 362 554 1,067 1,052 539 454 467 1,011 478 51 1,804 1,258 1,135 1,763 1,3U 725 S03 706 1,553 1,931 847 1,108 577 1,503 995 52 9,696 a, 191 16,807 23,766 12,378 10,396 8,940 12,282 18,163 10,017 4,916 7,507 10,445 19,715 3,128 53 13,9U 26,520 a,829 33,274 17,767 12,705 10,539 15,202 22,129 15,399 8,276 17,208 12,187 26,857 4,775 54 69 18 3 7 12 10 3 2 9 23 2 6 2 11 46 5S 439 m 43 46 84 45 33 16 86 173 79 64 16 93 211 SS 173 47 15 24 34 23 4 5 24 60 6 19 10 35 107 57 994 293 95 105 226 94 74 48 136 434 136 143 40 217 479 58 476 194 94 180 187 U9 53 92 317 344 205 32 64 277 226 59 771 324 192 358 377 254 102 131 530 699 308 241 79 435 412 80 2,631 1,443 606 1,117 1,379 1,042 505 649 2,224 1,835 1,027 568 473 2,073 1,191 61 3,869 2,369 1,177 2,397 2,453 1,767 897 837 3,563 3,008 1,673 1,390 636 3,118 1,593 62 130 105 74 145 104 68 43 53 171 172 99 52 57 168 67 63 182 145 130 230 199 113 57 83 253 303 131 136 71 229 99 64 1,192 1,372 641 1,415 940 889 594 506 1,857 1,195 800 469 744 2,014 454 85 1,568 1,912 1,248 2,437 2,106 1,354 831 807 2,912 2,061 982 1,109 782 2,565 551 66 102 122 94 200 141 37 52 77 168 130 89 36 84 153 31 87 165 169 167 302 207 39 82 104 219 266 130 180 91 232 71 68 1,184 1,757 1,278 2,524 1,733 1,525 1,000 963 2,437 1,419 791 1,206 1,380 2,381 248 69 2,004 2,523 2,172 3,965 2,382 1,319 1,539 1,651 3,204 2,142 1,396 2,346 1,316 3,992 467 70 98 129 124 236 133 32 71 100 165 144 57 '78 89 175 30 71 104 155 189 318 163 87 80 127 2U 223 92 188 119 241 71 72 1,585 2,404 1,976 3,879 2,248 1,650 1,336 .,778 2,954 1,473 681 1,155 1,662 4,032 245 73 1,606 3,051 2,985 5,675 2,572 1,301 1,662 2,525 3,912 2.379 1,507 3,155 2,273 5,266 456 74 33 74 109 126 76 36 44 62 80 70 38 56 59 75 18 75 55 77 129 155 103 41 44 77 90 99 32 U4 57 115 24 76 737 1,332 2,264 2,330 1,482 348 1,008 1,351 1,628 764 506 1,071 1,423 2,084 344 77 1,081 1,7% 2,574 3,496 2,054 975 971 1,979 2,026 1,287' 549 2,580 1,399 3,618 167 78 a 58 44 100 46 17 25 53 45 51 27 33 36 51 18 79 24 60 77 120 54 29 29 54 62 63 35 69 56 58 29 80 326 1,649 1,156 2,491 1,088 509 931 1,415 1,461 635 441 814 912 1,664 119 81 731 1,654 1,822 3,216 1,202 782 1,049 1,394 1,868 1,074 678 1,842 1,721 2,020 207 82 10 43 61 57 30 20 19 38 23 17 9 23 23 44 6 83 16 51 52 65 40 20 20 36 33 32 13 42 24 32 15 84 279 1,317 1,924 1,662 869 750 664 l,21fi 906 433 183 601 888 1,669 75 85 579 1,729 1,686 1,938 1,327 708 660 1,315 1,2U 503 465 1,245 754 1,620 136 86 26 95 99 107 57 31 37 62 64 37 9 28 40 49 21 87 34 87 llA 127 73 32 37 59 46 50 17 59 53 57 33 88 1,054 3,721 4,283 4,951 2,305 1,390 1,801 2,932 2,362 393 372 994 1,623 3,064 212 89 897 3,563 4,819 5,721 2,420 1,592 1,396 2,373 2,002 1,335 641 2,542 2,174 3,499 372 90 7 57 32 36 13 10 10 13 17 12 3 8 U 7 14 91 9 51 35 42 9 11 12 16 16 17 4 9 10 10 23 92 428 3,172 2,026 2,592 508 970 611 1,027 1,413 1,066 105 392 795 599 102 93 316 3,228 2,291 3,701 599 941 812 1,462 974 553 119 559 740 892 162 94 1 19 6 3 3 2 5 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 95 5 28 7 5 5 4 7 3 4 6 1 6 1 1 2 96 107 2,777 638 231 237 800 486 440 392 194 4 218 535 lOO 31 97 269 4,397 960 623 426 1,372 648 311 271 623 30 292 352 50 185 98 1 12 6 2 3 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 99 107 944 638 223 287 500 486 440 245 194 4 203 40 100 100 122 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE Item (For definitions and explanatioi e text) Farms: AM farm opefHUJfS number 1 1 Full owners numljer 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1059 . , 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancv pertwnt 1 1 Land in fams: All fann operators acres 1 Full owners aties 1959 . 1954 . . Paitownas acres 1959. 1954. Managers acres 1959 . All tenants acres Cropland harvestetl: All fam operators famis reporting 1959. 1954 . acres 1959. 1954 . Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959 . Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Managers farti.s reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants farms rerortinp 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954, Farms by color and tenure of opefator: White farm operators, toUl number 1959. 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954 . Managers. number 1959 . 1954 . All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1959 . Full o^vners number 1959 . Part owners numljer 1959 . Managers number 1959 . All tenants number 1959 . Proportion of tenancy percent 1969 . Land in farms by color and tenure of operator; White fanr. operators, totil acres Full owners acres 1959 . , 1 Part owners atres 1 1 Managers acres 1 1 \ll tenants acres 1 1 Nonwhite farm operators, total acres 1 Full owners acres 1 Part owners acres 1 Manacers acres 1 All tenants acres 1 Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : While farm operators, lota] farms reporting 1 acres 1 1 Full owners famis reporting 1959 . Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants farms reporting 1959 . Nonwhite farm operators, total farms reporting Full owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1 Part owners farms reporti ng 1 acres 1 All tenants farms repotting 1959 . i4,on 68,583 36,856 56,292 4,169 5,7i7 160 170 9.3 6,062,594 7,351,874 4,601,251 5,627,144 1,007,868 1,065,221 116,031 101,377 337,444 558,132 39,330 60,477 831,884 1,073,216 32,876 49,633 597,700 783,462 4,019 5,563 164,100 186,003 U5 161 23,011 23,927 2,340 5,120 47,073 79,824 43,865 68,240 36,736 56,017 4,155 5,713 157 166 6,050,798 7,334,401 4,593,398 5,615,304 1,006,685 1,062,676 114,217 99,773 336,498 556,648 11,796 7,853 1,183 1,814 946 39,273 60,203 830,345 1,070,496 32,792 49,420 596,840 781,885 4,005 5,530 163,919 185,654 2,334 5,096 46,965 79,558 107 1,539 1,110 1,561 1,008 1,343 4.7 132,673 147,610 112,698 117,749 16,745 23,995 776 1,032 1,486 21,831 26,519 939 1,281 19,256 22,020 1,108 1,474 1,006 1,265 132,456 143,359 112,481 114,070 16,745 23,530 776 1,030 1,413 21,792 25,862 937 1,217 19,217 21,452 132,222 139,158 75,094 84,197 33,882 27,794 6,854 5,697 16,392 21,470 704 131,793 138,907 74,665 83,946 33,882 27,794 6,854 5,697 16,392 21,470 429 429 12,615 33,670 10,495 25,035 1,296 2,645 12,607 33,351 10,495 24,724 1,231 1,773 1,084 1,530 6.4 163,390 210,119 138,734 177,860 14,033 21,879 1,157 1,659 20,059 27,096 1,026 1,439 17,325 22,677 67 127 1,224 1,771 1,078 1,528 162,588 209,966 138,030 177,707 13,935 21,879 1,151 1,658 19,984 27,095 1,021 1,438 17,257 22,676 66 127 5.6 22,578 27,291 14,643 20,420 1,714 2,843 4,281 1,609 1,940 2,419 143 22,384 27,226 14,449 20,355 1,714 2,843 4,281 1,609 1,940 2,419 194 9.4 77,795 104, 196 55,879 77,689 14,544 17,238 2,637 292 1,435 9,593 14,415 620 1,075 5,345 8,807 77,795 104,046 55,879 77,689 14,544 17,233 2,637 142 1,434 9,593 14,345 620 1,075 5,345 8,807 WEST VIRGINIA 123 OF OPERATOR: CENSUSESOF 1959 AND 1954 Clay Doddridge Fsyette GUjner Grant Greenlnrler ReqjstLtre Hancock Hardy Harrlsan Jackson Jefferson Kanavlia Lerls Lincoln 546 688 858 741 709 1,529 837 184 928 1,282 1,232 507 706 946 1,091 849 944 1,675 1,106 777 2,172 1,135 248 1,006 1,712 1,751 615 1,735 1,345 1,725 2 «2 599 764 604 612 1,250 718 158 789 1,014 1,046 312 620 739 810 3 803 811 1,428 854 662 1,723 955 208 865 1,408 1,464 372 1,430 1,032 1,436 23 58 43 86 58 194 76 17 96 171 130 76 35 142 153 5 9 68 95 146 64 279 UO 25 85 142 161 78 80 161 130 1 1 2 6 12 8 6 9 1 17 2 2 7 1 1 2 2 8 8 "4 3 11 4 U 4 2 1 8 41 30 50 49 33 73 35 9 37 83 55 102 49 63 128 9 36 64 150 104 51 162 62 U 53 151 122 154 221 150 159 7.5 4.4 5.8 6.6 4.7 4.8 4.2 4.9 4.0 6.9 4,5 20.1 5.9 6.7 11.7 11 4.2 6.8 9.0 9.4 6.6 7.5 5.5 4.4 5.3 8.8 7.0 25.0 12.7 11.2 9.2 46,702 120,583 48,101 124,505 190,491 245,980 218,393 18,583 225,060 170,265 178,477 105,621 58,171 163,806 95,793 13 64,996 147,646 70,665 160,612 186,218 274,479 231,306 23,042 197,554 179,047 213,014 109,801 103,317 192,039 141,429 41,071 94,856 41,808 93,067 159,187 172,197 167,556 15,812 171,973 110,092 136,706 46,386 48,845 113,862 74,869 15 62,954 113,761 60,819 116,543 150,595 195,258 184,695 17,477 158,025 120,029 166,581 47,148 81,311 133,474 120,465 16 2,718 15,869 3,729 23,376 25,413 57,833 33,633 1,789 43,928 47,375 31,061 24,763 5,338 39,833 12,998 17 357 20,639 4,068 34,495 28,399 55,510 35,953 1,971 31,835 40,356 27,251 25,534 8,981 42,787 10,932 IS 4,900 192 1,650 1,634 6,185 6,987 2,499 3,488 1,500 15,310 960 1,070 100 4,900 496 232 9,614 3,047 2,846 2,007 4,918 4,870 8,401 1,088 1,033 37 20 2,913 4,958 2,372 6,412 4,257 9,765 10,217 982 6,660 9,310 9,210 19,162 3,028 9,041 7,926 1,585 8,346 5,282 9,342 7,224 U,097 7,611 748 5,687 13,744 14,312 28,718 11,937 14,745 9,995 22 4B7 649 759 664 637 1,294 731 159 784 1,166 1,115 416 486 863 1,054 2S 801 852 1,415 1,007 682 1,838 980 207 848 1,507 1,589 505 1,345 1,236 1,513 24 5,608 10,995 8,157 12,904 17,443 31,494 26,571 4,867 20,006 22,254 25,558 44,148 6,041 18,886 7,083 8,095 14,202 11,192 19,7?? 18,877 37,088 M,225 6,362 22,671 24,789 34,719 54,904 10,915 23,970 11,388 26 434 568 673 539 554 1,0U 623 135 664 924 943 243 426 667 776 27 760 734 1,197 779 591 1,448 831 170 734 1,253 1,321 281 1,106 961 1,238 28 4,690 8,486 6,608 9,428 13,860 a,213 19,317 4,076 13,823 14,259 18,797 17,591 5,005 12,900 4,859 29 7,758 11,253 9,282 13,922 14,913 26,332 23,995 4,042 17,424 15,329 26,306 20,635 8,355 15,979 8,973 30 22 56 42 85 53 185 75 17 92 160 127 70 30 140 152 31 9 64 90 U3 59 264 106 24 80 137 158 77 79 159 126 32 618 1,607 1,027 2,796 2,923 8,020 4,821 532 4,919 6,U2 5,371 U,879 599 4,764 1,577 102 1,641 1,140 4,801 3,385 8,255 4,503 538 3,696 6,023 5,943 13,740 1,409 5,345 1,461 34 1 1 2 5 10 7 5 9 1 15 1 2 3S "i 1 1 2 7 7 4 3 U 4 11 4 2 "i 36 612 75 187 208 1,008 1,303 527 5U 175 5,076 152 177 37 62 600 30 38 640 799 1,509 486 601 403 5,148 276 151 9 3S 31 24 43 38 25 55 26 7 23 73 44 87 29 54 126 39 31 53 127 83 32 119 36 9 31 106 106 136 156 114 148 40 300 290 447 493 452 1,253 1,130 259 737 1,339 1,215 9,602 184 1,045 647 41 173 708 740 996 579 1,861 928 173 1,065 1,836 2,067 15,381 875 1,495 945 42 546 688 844 741 702 1,517 837 184 924 1,281 1,232 492 703 944 1,090 43 849 944 1,635 1,106 772 2,U6 1,134 248 1,004 1,710 1,751 591 1,729 1,344 1,726 44 482 599 752 604 607 1,239 718 158 785 1,013 1,046 300 618 737 809 45 803 811 1,397 8*4 658 1,701 954 208 853 1,406 1,464 355 1,426 1,031 1,436 46 23 58 42 86 57 193 76 17 96 171 130 74 35 142 153 47 9 68 92 146 64 275 110 25 85 142 161 77 80 161 130 46 1 1 2 6 12 8 6 9 1 17 2 2 49 "i 1 2 2 8 8 "4 3 U 4 U 3 2 1 50 41 X 49 49 32 73 35 9 37 88 55 101 48 63 128 61 36 64 144 104 50 162 62 11 53 151 122 148 220 150 159 52 7.5 4.4 5.8 6.6 4.6 4.8 4.2 4.9 4.0 6.9 4.5 20.5 6.8 5.7 U.7 53 4.2 6.8 8.8 9.4 6.5 7.5 5.5 4.4 5.3 8.8 7.0 25.0 12.7 U.2 9.2 54 14 7 12 4 1 15 3 2 1 55 12 1 "i 5 1 "i 11 1 4 1 12 2 1 2 "i 2 1 56 67 58 59 7.1 U.3 6.7 33.3 60 46,702 120,583 47,886 124,505 188,705 244,822 218,393 18,583 224,992 170, 191 178,477 105,270 58,119 163,505 95,773 61 64,996 147,646 70,064 160,612 185,186 272,637 231,264 23,042 197,491 178,998 213,01/4 109,447 103,117 191,859 Ul,429 62 41,071 94,856 41,632 93,067 158,204 171,212 167, 556 15,812 171,905 110,018 136,706 46,277 48,794 113,561 74,849 63 62,954 113,761 60,492 116,543 149, 573 194,167 184,653 17,477 157,962 119,980 166,581 47,036 81,154 133,294 120,465 64 2,718 15,869 3,725 23,376 25,050 57,660 33,633 1,789 43,928 47,375 31,061 24,725 5,338 39,833 12,998 65 357 20,639 4,013 34,495 28,399 54,759 35,953 1,971 31,835 40,356 27,251 25,507 8,981 42,787 10,932 66 4,900 192 1,650 1,534 6,185 6,987 2,499 3,488 1,500 15,310 960 1,070 67 ioo 4,9C0 496 232 9,614 3,047 2,846 2,087 4,918 4,870 8,401 1,048 1,033 '37 68 2,9U 4,958 2,337 6,412 3,817 9,765 10,217 982 6,650 9,310 9,210 18,958 3,027 9,041 7,925 69 1,585 8,346 5,063 9,342 7,2U U,097 7,611 748 5,687 13,744 U,312 28,503 11,924 14,745 9,995 70 215 1,786 1,158 68 74 351 52 301 20 71 176 983 985 68 74 109 51 301 20 72 4 363 173 38 74 35 440 204 1 487 649 751 664 631 1,283 731 159 783 1,165 1,115 409 484 861 1,053 76 801 852 1,379 1,007 678 1,819 980 207 847 1,505 1,589 496 1,340 1,235 1,513 77 S,608 10,995 8,118 12,904 17,364 31,372 26,571 4,867 20,002 22,248 25,558 44,009 6,034 18,866 7,079 78 8,095 14,202 11,061 19,757 18,846 36,922 M,225 6,362 22,568 24,777 34,719 54,759 10,858 23,957 11,388 79 434 568 667 539 550 1,034 623 135 563 923 943 239 424 665 775 80 760 734 1,170 779 588 1,433 831 170 733 1,251 1,321 276 1,103 960 1,238 ei 4,690 8,436 6,580 9,428 13,810 21,118 19,317 4,076 13,819 14,253 18,797 17,528 4,999 12,880 4,855 82 7,758 11,253 9,1% 13,922 14,883 26,223 23,995 4,042 17,421 16,317 26,306 20,593 8,323 16,956 8,973 83 22 56 41 85 52 184 75 17 92 160 127 68 30 140 152 84 9 64 87 143 59 260 106 24 80 137 158 76 79 159 126 85 618 1,607 1,024 2,796 2,919 7,993 4,821 532 4,919 6,142 5,371 11,847 699 4,754 1,577 86 102 1,641 1,130 4,801 3,385 8,198 4,503 638 3,695 6,023 5,943 13,724 1,409 5,345 1,451 87 31 24 42 38 24 55 26 7 23 73 44 85 29 54 126 88 31 53 121 83 31 119 36 9 31 106 106 133 155 114 148 89 300 290 439 493 427 1,253 1,130 259 737 1,339 1,215 9,558 184 1,045 647 90 173 708 705 996 578 1,861 928 173 1,065 1,835 2,057 15,294 871 1,495 945 91 8 6 11 1 1 7 2 2 1 92 39 79 122 4 6 139 7 20 4 93 6 4 10 1 1 4 2 2 1 94 28 50 95 4 6 63 2 32 1 7 20 4 96 1 3 1 4 1 25 1 27 97 98 8 ... 44 99 124 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explai B text) Farms: All ram operatofs numbef I 1 Full owners rtuml)et 1 1 Part owners number I 1 Manapers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 I Proportion of tenancv percent 1 1 Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1 1 Full owners acres 1 1 Fart owners acres 1 1 Managers acres 1 1 All tenants acres 1 1 Cropland harvested: All farm operators fam.s reporting 1 1 1 Full owners farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 I Part owner? farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 Managers fum.s reportinq 1 " 1 acres 1 1 \ll tenants farms rerortinp 1 1 acres 1358. 1954. Farms by color and tenure of operator: Vhite farm operators, total number 10.59., 1 Full owners number 1959. 1954 . Part owners number 1959 . 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . I •Jonwhite farm operators, total number 1959 . Full O'vners number 1 Part owners numlwr 1 Managers number 1 All tenants number 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White tanr. operators, total acres 1 1 Full owners acres! 1 Part owners acres 1 I Managers acres 1 1 All tenants acres 1 Nnnwhite farm orwrators, total acres 1 Full owners acres 1 Part owners acres 1 Managers acres 1 All tenants acres 1 Cropland liarvested by color and tenure of operator : ite form operators, total farms refiorting 1 1 acres 1 1 ■"uU owners firniis reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 'art owners farms reporting 1 1 acres I 1 Ml tenants farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 nwhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1 acreji 1 Full owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 19! Part owners farms reporting 191 acres 19! All tenants farms refxirting 191 acres 1950 . 20,671 33,260 15,962 25,624 1,266 2,131 840 20,670 33,260 15,961 25,624 1,266 2,131 846 24,414 46,634 7,531 19,808 3,442 1,750 24,410 46,427 7,528 19,801 3,442 1,750 82,377 95,325 69,765 82,339 8,896 7,412 55 638 1,254 12,044 15,204 741 1,117 9,850 13,002 82,366 95,800 69,754 82,314 8,896 7,412 11.4 127,760 150,588 89,656 109,036 22,858 22,263 2,681 2,656 12,565 16,633 882 1,192 22,939 23,458 127,760 150,556 89,656 109,036 ^,858 22,231 2,681 2,656 12,565 16,633 1,253 1,191 2,042 22,939 5,203 28,453 740 687 1,116 932 9,848 15,825 3,001 20,240 66 110 7d 127 1,708 4,564 1,535 4,839 41 82 63 130 436 2,070 560 3,039 9.6 155,215 201,055 104,653 129,407 39,594 48,033 1,966 4,536 9,002 19,079 1,011 1,407 30,290 38,766 767 1,001 16,778 21,470 153,801 199,641 104,653 129,407 39,594 48,033 552 3,122 9,002 19,079 1,414 1,131 2,235 1,056 1,935 6.8 100,113 147,152 94,240 127,980 2,617 10, 160 337 1,833 11,692 18,964 925 1,630 11,033 16,173 1,124 2,224 1,051 1,929 99,871 146,720 94,023 127,905 2,602 9,911 387 102,930 20,195 17,248 109,498 122,827 83,498 102,980 20,195 17,248 843 1,009 986 363 1,405 1,876 544 29,932 11,650 11,589 38,329 18,928 14,740 767 922 306 1,001 1,627 488 16,778 U,002 8,824 21,470 16,160 12,230 175 26 50 270 131 42 10,813 409 2,683 11,799 1,805 2,125 23,191 36,994 10,898 22,490 1,070 1,544 WEST VIRGINIA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 125 Manroe Uorgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnsn Heltigb Randolph Ritchie Roane Smmners Taylor 1,199 315 1,019 312 1,106 283 783 1,525 866 1,076 1,003 802 1,289 873 535 1 1,772 459 1,616 479 1,322 392 1,061 2,060 1,537 2,038 1,383 1,228 1,904 1,427 764 1,036 232 923 260 959 219 679 1,403 670 856 874 663 1,105 761 470 S 1,413 385 1,398 385 1,162 287 888 1,833 1,153 1,650 1,215 1,073 1,636 1,177 682 4 123 71 55 37 80 47 81 78 125 76 76 89 127 67 37 s 233 54 91 49 77 59 108 131 183 103 95 75 156 121 37 e 9 2 1 6 1 3 1 1 8 2 3 2 2 7 2 2 6 6 1 6 3 3 3 7 2 3 2 1 8 31 10 40 15 61 17 22 41 70 143 45 48 54 43 26 9 124 18 127 39 77 45 59 93 198 282 66 78 109 127 44 10 2.6 3.2 3.9 4.8 5.5 6.0 2.8 2.7 8.1 13.3 4.5 6.0 4.2 4.9 4.9 11 7.0 3.9 7.9 8.1 5.8 11.5 5.6 4.5 12.9 13.8 4.8 6.4 5.7 8.9 5.8 12 183,099 54,169 85,439 37,753 292,116 33,657 179,457 204,839 89,451 68,829 215,667 138,209 187,415 104,248 62,958 13 221,305 63,986 107,144 44,301 288,027 40.388 204,600 229,720 134,293 105,149 224,946 173,805 235,061 141,991 78,843 14 141,524 34,126 72,145 26,496 231,064 25,390 129,295 181,749 63,653 52,733 151,604 104,610 150,513 84,660 49,371 15 172,563 47,922 90,629 29,572 248,687 28,657 145,356 197,390 91,060 73,605 160,923 145,443 196,114 U9,7U 65,819 16 28,187 13,799 9,457 9,326 50,159 7,365 44,978 16,940 17,300 6,914 43,732 25,315 30,497 14,385 8,252 17 39,158 9,782 8,643 8,333 29,849 8,113 47,248 20,197 21,733 10,126 45,]£S 20,774 27,712 12,110 7,590 IS 7,046 5,329 365 2,230 3,000 786 450 323 15,«00 1,060 1,395 1,623 2,5a 19 2,576 3,900 2,279 3,168 694 5,645 3,162 675 770 9,391 647 383 948 1,900 20 6,342 915 3,472 1,931 8,663 902 2,184 5,364 8,048 8,859 4,531 7,224 5,010 3,580 2,814 21 7,008 2,382 7,872 4,117 6,323 2,924 6,351 8,971 20,825 20,648 9,444 6,941 10,852 9,222 3,534 1,077 276 94A 273 972 257 696 1,389 784 973 914 740 1,197 812 502 23 1,551 367 1,492 409 1,095 371 939 1,900 1,329 1,804 1,258 1,135 1,768 1,314 725 24 26,153 9,902 12,421 10,430 25,695 5,547 19,474 37,937 12,180 9,696 21,191 16,807 23,766 12,878 10,396 25 31,270 11,607 17,885 13,255 27,594 6,894 24,060 46,0U 19,986 13,914 26,520 21,829 33,274 17,767 12,705 26 924 195 855 224 846 198 603 1,280 595 773 799 608 1,025 707 443 27 1,228 299 1,293 319 981 269 790 1,694 983 1,478 1,109 999 1,518 1,083 552 28 19,972 4,393 10,647 7,021 20,414 3,942 14,605 33,104 8,083 8,053 16,447 12,560 19,244 10,669 8,155 29 22,802 6,854 15,440 8,871 23,081 4,5(» 17,695 39,580 12,417 11,527 20,704 18,448 27,372 14,349 10,849 30 US 70 52 35 79 47 77 77 125 70 74 89 121 66 34 31 227 54 88 48 76 59 107 130 182 98 39 72 155 117 35 32 4,991 3,490 1,403 3,007 4,397 1,443 4,475 3,588 3,111 913 2,777 3,416 3,734 1,518 1,175 33 6,869 2,695 1,530 3,015 3,258 1,825 5,172 4,586 4,327 1,242 3,369 2,528 4,552 2,198 1,068 34 9 2 1 5 I 2 1 1 8 2 3 2 2 35 2 2 6 6 1 6 3 2 3 7 2 3 2 1 36 683 1,845 "9 127 74 158 U 74 1,410 85 216 294 600 37 328 1,846 379 373 lii 3X 357 217 114 1,508 86 54 255 362 3S 26 9 36 14 42 12 15 30 63 129 33 41 48 37 23 39 94 12 111 36 32 42 36 73 162 225 53 62 92 112 37 40 507 174 362 402 757 162 320 1,087 975 656 557 746 572 397 466 41 1,271 212 915 990 882 448 863 1,490 3,025 1,031 939 767 1,296 965 426 42 1,189 315 1,018 312 1,099 283 778 1,525 S66 1,072 1,002 800 1,289 864 530 43 1,751 459 1,616 479 1,3U 392 1,056 2,060 1,536 2,004 1,382 1,228 1,904 1,410 754 44 1,028 232 922 260 952 219 676 1,403 670 853 873 662 1,105 754 466 45 1,399 385 1,398 385 1,153 287 884 1,833 1,152 1,622 1,214 1,073 1,636 1,166 673 46 122 71 55 37 SO 47 79 78 125 76 76 89 127 65 36 47 229 54 91 49 77 59 107 131 183 102 95 75 156 U7 37 4S 8 2 1 6 1 1 1 8 2 3 2 2 49 2 2 "6 6 1 6 3 3 7 2 3 2 1 50 31 10 16 15 61 17 22 41 70 U2 45 47 54 43 26 Bl 121 18 127 39 77 45 59 93 198 277 66 78 109 125 43 92 2.6 3.2 3.9 4.8 3.6 6.0 2.8 2.7 8.1 13.2 4.5 5.9 4.2 5.0 4.9 S3 6.9 3.9 7.9 8.1 5.9 11.5 5.6 12.9 13.8 4.8 6.4 5.7 8.9 5.7 54 10 1 7 3 4 1 2 9 5 55 8 1 1 1 7 3 2 3 "1 25.0 1 1 1 50.0 7 2 4 1 66 57 58 59 60 181,633 54,169 85,437 37,753 291,634 33,637 179,114 204,839 89,451 68,786 215,523 137,963 187,415 103,545 62,821 61 219,257 63,986 107,144 44,301 287,662 40,388 2»t,114 229,720 134,221 104,455 224,940 173,805 235,061 141,019 78,447 62 140,556 34,126 72, U3 26,496 230,582 25,390 128,986 181,749 63,653 52,705 151,460 104,454 150,513 84,289 49,254 63 171,357 47,922 90,629 29,572 248,322 28,657 145,134 197,390 90,988 73,039 160,917 145,443 196,114 118,969 65,473 64 28,089 13,799 9,457 9,326 50,159 7,365 44,944 16,940 17,300 6,914 43,732 25,315 30,497 14,053 8,232 65 38,624 9,782 8,643 8,333 29,849 8,113 46,984 20,197 21,733 10,120 45,188 20,774 27,712 12,000 7,590 66 6,646 5,329 365 2,230 3,000 786 450 323 15,800 1,060 1,395 1,623 2,521 67 2,576 3,900 2,279 3,168 694 5,645 3,162 675 770 9,391 647 383 94S 1,900 68 6,342 915 3,472 1,931 8,663 902 2,184 5,364 8,048 8,844 4,531 7,134 5,010 3,580 2,814 69 6,700 2,382 7,872 4,117 6,323 2,924 6,351 8,971 20,825 20,526 9,444 6,941 10,852 9,102 3,484 70 1,466 2 482 343 43 144 246 703 137 71 968 2 482 309 28 144 156 371 117 72 98 34 332 20 73 400 is '90 74 76 1,067 276 944 273 966 257 691 1,389 784 970 913 738 1,197 803 498 76 1,532 367 1,492 409 1,089 371 936 1,900 1,328 1,771 1,257 1,135 1,768 1,300 715 77 25,972 9,902 12,421 10,430 25,629 5,547 19,429 37,937 12,180 9,690 21,171 16,765 23,766 1,;,793 10,376 78 30,913 916 11,607 17,885 13,255 27,557 6,894 23,991 46,013 19,971 13,802 26,519 21,829 33,274 17,655 12,608 79 195 855 224 840 198 600 1,280 595 771 798 607 1,025 700 440 80 1,215 299 1,293 319 975 269 788 1,694 982 1,451 1,108 999 1,518 1,073 643 81 19,851 4,393 10,647 7,021 20,348 3,942 14,574 33,104 8,083 8,048 16,427 12,545 19,244 10,629 8,138 62 22,619 6,854 70 15,440 8,871 23,044 4,509 17,667 39,580 12,402 11,429 20,703 18,448 27,372 14,261 10,756 83 117 52 35 79 47 75 77 125 70 74 89 121 64 33 84 223 54 88 48 76 59 106 130 182 97 89 72 155 113 35 85 4,963 3,490 1,403 3,007 4,397 1,4A3 4,461 3,588 3,111 913 2,777 3,416 3,734 1,473 1,172 86 6,777 2,695 1,530 3,015 3,258 1,825 5,131 4,586 4,327 1,238 3,369 2,528 4,552 2,175 1,068 87 26 9 36 14 42 12 15 30 63 128 33 40 48 37 23 88 92 12 111 36 32 42 36 73 162 220 53 62 92 112 36 89 507 174 362 402 757 162 320 1,087 975 655 557 719 572 397 466 90 1,189 212 915 990 882 448 863 1,490 3,025 1,021 939 767 1,296 965 422 91 10 181 8 121 6 66 6 66 5 45 3 6 2 1 20 1 2 42 1 9 85 7 20 3 92 93 1 i 31 2 U 5 20 15 40 2 17 1 96 28 ... 1 ... 1 45 3 97 i ... i 1 1 "L 1 27 99 126 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued (For definitions and explaj 9 text) All turn operaUirs numbet 1 1 Full owners number 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 AlU Proportion of tenancy percent . farms reporting 1950 Manaj^s farms reporting 1059 . farms reporting 1959 Full owners number 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 1 •ionwhite farm operators, total number 1 Full owners number 1 Part owners number 1 ^1ana(.'er3 number 1 \l\ tenants number 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: le film, operators, tot^l acres 1 Full r a farm operators, totel . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator: White rarm operators, total rarms reporti^ , farms reporting 1959 . rarms reporting 1959 B farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 wners farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 iwners farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 nants farma reporting 1959 8.3 62, 149 74,549 50,574 50,018 9,304 15,253 1 378 62, 149 74,549 50,574 50,018 9,304 15,253 1 378 6.2 87,628 102,067 64,750 79,777 17,822 16,161 936 87,628 102,067 64,750 79,777 17,822 16,161 936 1,960 4,120 4,169 9fl 3,334 3,303 127,540 140,388 98.162 118,443 22,546 12,057 420 170 1,067 1,553 18,163 22,129 914 1,389 14,095 18,761 127,510 140,210 98,132 118,265 22,546 12,057 420 170 1,066 1,551 18,153 22,108 913 1,387 14,085 18,740 8.1 109,209 173,271 89,100 144,994 14,085 17,395 377 1,052 1,931 10,017 15,399 878 1,629 6.904 11,413 109,074 173,270 88,965 144,993 14,085 17,395 377 1,051 1,931 10,013 15,399 877 1,629 6,900 U,413 9.7 46,396 67,634 40,014 54,942 1,322 5,466 1,371 46,396 67,634 40,014 54,942 1,322 5,466 1,371 68,147 134,561 55,790 94,084 5,400 27,073 136 1,108 7,507 17,208 67,804 134,553 55,597 94,084 5,400 27,065 136 1,107 7,497 17,204 71,670 82,795 58,733 62,535 9,994 14,766 1,131 2,943 4,363 71,506 82,795 58,569 62,535 9,994 14,766 1,131 2,943 4,363 7.5 113,605 142, 361 90,501 112,244 17,244 19,758 1,011 1,503 19,715 26,857 876 1,269 14,867 19,811 113,577 142,327 90,473 112,210 17,244 19,758 465 1,010 577 1,502 10,436 19,711 12,187 26,847 401 875 473 1,268 8,870 14,863 9,065 19,801 48 88 68 130 1,252 3,773 2,274 5,439 16 47 32 104 314 1,075 651 1,607 WEST VIRGINIA 127 County Table 4. -CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS. CENSUS OF 1959 [DaU are based on raports for only a aam^de of farms. See text] (For definitjons and explanations, see text) Farms, acreage, ant] value: All commercial farms nundwr.. Land in farms . . acres . . Average sire of fann acres.. Value of land and hpilHinpn average per fami, dollars . . average per acre, dollars . . Cropland harvested fanns reporting . . Farm operators: WorVing off their funis, total number.. 100 or TCTe da>-s number . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural pRxtucts sold number . . By tenure: Full owners number . . 12,605 3,048,817 241.9 17,297 72.90 11,753 494,309 59,567 215.8 10,885 59.19 104,771 227.3 27,908 127.64 2,380 34.0 8,467 230.91 52,021 194.1 11,178 56.41 6,760 218.1 21,423 93.14 17,550 113.2 13,887 116.96 36,545 207.6 12,322 58.23 All I Jams rqmtjnfr. . Ctjnfc . . Autonobilos turns refnrtjnr . . nwnbor. . Telephone tmns rcpofUni; . . Vane fraexer ttnra reportinc.. MilkinK machine faims repoitjnf; . . Flectric milk cooler farms re^wrting. . Farms by Kind of road on «Mdi located: Hard surface farms repoting.. r>avi^, shell. Of shale flrma nponiaR. . Dirt or unimfTOVod farms repottinc.. Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: i/r,il> and or hirM <«»krr^ farms reportinf;.. Fwnily Hortors, including operator farms r«pprtin|;.. Opentarp «oriing 1 or mere hows pvaons.. I'npaid members of operator's fsnily worfcinft 15 or mora hoars farms reporUng. . Regular hired woriers (employed 150 or mora days). . farms rerortinf^.. Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calv.^ farms rapcrtjnfC . . Milkc . fsnrn rvportjnf; . . farms roporting . Hofsas and/or nulaa Hogs and piies farms roportjne ■ - number.. Chickens. 4 mootba old and ov« farms rvportjnK. . Livestock and potrlt/y sold: Cattle, not counung calves, sold alive. farms reporting . . nuniber. Calves sold alive farms reportinc . nimiber. HoRS and pigs sold aliva fsrms t«poning. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms taportinff . Chickens including tsoilers sold farms repealing . farms reptrting . , dozens . . Milk and cream sold fsrms reporting.. dollars . Wool farms ivportjng . Specittet] (arm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditiaes farms reporting . dollars. Feed for livestock and poultry dollars . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars. Machine hire dollars . Hired labor ilollars. Gasoline and other psttoleun fuel and oU for the farm business dollars. iweds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars. Crops harvested: all purpoees fanas reporting . . Land frcm abicb hay ' 679 697 1,001 1,035 3,796 3,865 7,805 10,176 7,667 11,297 8,1*9 9,736 6,991 5,743 2,398 2,354 4,899 3,062 4,578 11,617 U,334 11,041 4,422 6,230 1,746 3,819 11,397 344,658 9,558 75,805 5,954 12,801 7,498 78,695 8,776 1,214,784 7,100 81,347 8,954 89,716 3,232 72,170 3,705 143,521 3,780 24,982,441 4,871 10,021,235 4,981 16,656,150 3,796 822,122 12,590 44,820,283 21,225,279 9,337,597 894,536 9,322,819 79,763 333,641 2,031 216 1,788 276 517,195 245,147 152,750 U,947 63,576 1,382,230 60 9,570 461 2,571,888 542,575 340,233 100,171 1,180,110 9,529 13,913 1,746 212 1,828 268 409,714 191,905 98,409 5,665 77,660 31 108,090 42,250 20,150 2,060 23,250 155 443,370 192,965 97,170 2,265 95,365 176 338,504 213,420 71,665 1,290 32,455 128 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For deHnit B text) Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial farms number Land in famis acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested fanns reporting Farm operators: Vorkinc off their farms, total number I(Xi or moTp days number Vith other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number 3y tenure: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number \lt tenants number Specjtied equipment and facilities: Grain con:binPS farms reporting. number Com pickers fanna reporting number Pick-up balers fanns reporting number Motortrucks farms reporting number Tractors other than garden farms reporting number Autonmbiles farms reportinc number Telephone farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting Flectric milk cooler farms reporting Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimpDved farms repotting Farm lalwr, week preceding enumeration: -"amily and/of hired workers farms reporting Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons I'npaid membws of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting persons Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms reporting Livestock and poultry on farms: CaUle and calves farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting numhOT Horses and /or mules farms reporting number Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Chickens, 4 months old and over farms reporting. number . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting, Calves sold alive farms reporting Hogs and pigs sold alive fanr« reporting number Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms repcrting dozens Milk find croam sold farms reporting dollars \\'oi>\ , farms reporting Specified farm expenditures: Any speciTied farm expenditures - farms reporting dollars Feed for livestock and poultry dollars Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars Machine hire dollars Hired labor dollars Ciasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm liusiness dollars l^eds, hulbs, plants, and trees dollars Crops harvested: Com for ell purposes fenns reporting Land from which hay was cut seres Vegetahles for sale (other than Irish and sneet potatoes) farms reporting dollars 51,250 346.3 11,563 35. U e,S65 59.1 8,852 U6.60 393,145 25 96,810 210,682 218,195 113,205 145,665 35,105 22,435 7,130 685 40,220 35,410 13,364 13,200 1,658 800 16,030 55 31,810 116 107,722 37,325 23,159 3,612 27,702 128,104 351.9 17,963 52.49 19,177 158 2,863 281 2,926 149 4,390 274 11,435 226 60,525 127 69,641 364 2,548,518 1,719,808 500,096 31,430 187,292 1,744 10,160 Greenbrier Hampshl: 161,209 257.5 24, 137 92.59 626 2,452,317 1,063,133 720,879 59,004 407,583 3,438 17,230 173,852 364.5 17,923 47.35 153 272,645 123 78,911 175 34,175 472 3,743,917 1,988,219 692,151 73,312 782,973 2,474 10,418 5,099 231.8 18,333 141.03 13,750 15 39,300 102,746 65,675 1,890 179,042 313.6 14,927 48.40 13,996 426 1,887 571 4,558,865 3,000,639 1,090,270 44,456 253,939 5,387 10,103 WEST VIRGINIA 129 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a sBTiple of farms- See text] Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan McDowell Morion MarshaU Mason Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia 383 372 142 291 210 25 15 165 346 4*8 202 155 6 220 1 86,539 100,902 18,482 92,724 24,110 365 770 24,755 58,180 92,910 26,991 65,650 1,340 44,115 2 226.0 271.2 130.2 318.6 U4.8 14.6 51.3 150.0 168.2 207.* 1J3.6 *23.5 223.3 200.5 3 13,878 49,122 18,986 19,689 5,215 1,U4 1,000 13,284 13,140 30,428 12,4*0 16,897 20,833 22,736 4 70.00 193.00 154.3* 61.00 48.58 76.30 39.22 97.65 80.19 146.33 100.25 38.56 93.28 120.08 5 372 352 112 291 205 10 15 145 341 438 197 U9 6 210 13,8U 45,444 2,684 12,818 2,060 30 390 4,125 13,620 24,034 3,660 7,207 53 3,207 7 12* 63 45 109 85 5 65 170 181 36 70 81 8 39 26 25 67 10 35 95 76 16 28 61 9 34 42 41 66 15 30 80 90 16 *7 65 10 TTH. 229 U6 193 U5 10 5 105 220 241 192 112 5 156 11 87 1 74 19 15 1 83 85 5 40 5 100 6 125 12 5 43 51 2 12 13 21 50 10 15 10 15 5 5 20 70 5 1 U U 6 85 10 44 9 5 15 6 86 10 50 9 5 16 16 166 5 io 40 101 2 6 17 16 170 5 10 40 106 2 6 18 105 203 ii 97 10 '46 121 176 '2i 62 79 19 105 203 20 97 10 40 121 183 21 62 79 20 221 232 72 199 140 10 90 221 287 92 102 1 170 21 270 517 87 261 170 15 115 232 368 118 139 1 234 22 207 305 27 205 35 5 80 236 298 55 120 1 130 23 265 741 39 259 45 10 120 296 5a 65 189 1 256 24 187 340 71 219 80 '16 5 80 285 245 97 U7 179 25 205 478 82 247 85 10 20 90 320 322 107 156 225 26 175 266 87 195 5 15 5 105 271 193 82 99 5 180 27 150 279 65 132 55 5 10 80 205 178 82 77 5 135 28 66 185 10 61 5 3 210 142 5 32 56 29 61 220 15 56 5 30 7X0 137 5 42 61 SO 91 2*1 56 129 30 75 131 126 40 80 5 94 31 129 70 36 86 35 5 "5 35 85 226 87 16 50 32 162 61 50 76 W5 20 10 50 130 96 70 58 1 76 S3 3*7 367 127 281 195 10 15 155 346 402 131 144 6 195 .14 3*2 340 125 255 195 10 15 150 346 386 131 142 6 195 35 332 339 125 255 190 15 UO 341 375 131 132 6 190 36 100 143 10 93 75 10 5 75 185 U9 25 70 1 70 37 130 245 10 129 115 10 5 90 260 199 25 115 1 U5 38 38 156 22 83 5 5 35 20 101 5 19 59 39 60 454 53 115 ' 5 55 35 215 5 69 100 40 368 332 101 276 140 10 15 150 336 393 177 125 6 200 41 10,*90 21,467 2,369 11,504 1,270 10 45 4,470 8,310 15,005 3,365 3,816 31 7,408 42 31* 299 80 249 125 15 115 305 290 130 118 6 149 43 2,716 6,389 645 2,0*6 320 15 1,025 3,735 5,387 140 1,300 17 1,751 44 265 93 71 205 175 10 85 196 204 91 53 6 123 45 528 329 127 617 375 10 320 483 548 197 82 6 214 46 238 228 86 163 155 25 "io 65 126 216 121 73 1 63 47 1,623 8,158 870 631 585 245 10 225 1,467 1,848 474 864 1 620 48 271 203 111 202 185 15 15 95 201 291 116 lU 6 U8 49 19,350 14,814 36,355 26,391 11,690 400 3,150 8,960 22,685 32,770 7,925 9,8*1 560 32,261 50 243 272 55 210 5 UO 241 247 97 85 1 130 51 1,5*2 5,259 380 3,067 5 810 2,094 3,164 9*8 699 6 2,139 52 316 299 71 238 60 "5 UO 290 262 137 115 1 145 53 2,767 5,033 738 2,622 435 10 1,605 2,470 2,916 9*2 1,230 1 1,447 54 82 20* 31 40 25 20 20 66 69 20 22 27 55 1,277 7,133 818 265 185 200 470 1,215 1,557 280 790 392 56 56 66 6 153 95 39 30 74 63 57 1,322 3,940 98 4,944 3,375 793 1,110 2,863 2,082 58 86 79 45 71 '26 io '46 30 UO 25 64 "5 36 59 6,550 *,588 25,410 804,225 4,900 650 284,175 5,910 165,395 2,600 414,795 250 14,020 60 135 12* 66 129 45 15 55 150 159 55 56 5 76 61 95,110 58,790 198,990 224,160 69,045 U.OOO 77,800 129,425 217,295 *5,725 75,992 890 291,950 62 152 259 30 179 5 45 275 189 30 79 81 63 567,719 1,788,420 150,955 496,013 24,000 210,655 880,035 1,482,000 10,985 294,777 447,425 64 61 66 6 148 20 90 39 30 79 63 65 8,235 31,079 850 26,620 1,055 42,635 5,910 5,115 15,815 14,237 66 383 372 U2 291 210 25 15 165 346 448 202 155 6 220 67 580,576 3,106,240 472,190 1,172,038 79,670 4,870 38,615 432,665 644,688 1,625,893 1*4,306 590,603 995 736,621 68 28*,*20 442,612 157,570 573,601 39,425 4,620 8,875 187,515 321,835 538,010 60,*10 271,220 321,070 69 43,195 453,038 50,310 299,297 11,995 1,490 105,995 98,710 451,884 26,205 87,124 141,150 70 21,870 88,219 1,690 18,515 2,040 7,730 25,722 35,085 5,0*3 14,671 8,300 71 106,883 1,757,333 221,490 201,985 10,045 20,666 95,820 88,221 4U,758 15,*98 148,839 500 181,406 72 64,203 306,775 29,375 60,560 13,810 250 7,750 28,760 82,800 147,546 15,565 52,081 450 52,595 73 60,005 58,263 11,755 18,080 2,355 500 6,845 27,400 41,610 21,585 16,668 45 32,100 74 244 306 60 133 175 10 5 90 231 342 111 84 6 109 75 1,525 10,675 415 770 610 30 10 483 1,910 8,145 *23 675 15 82* 76 U,833 17,995 2,020 U,898 1,280 X 3,570 10,060 U,670 2,772 4,355 7,037 77 15 5,935 10 1,600 31 5,130 5 250 5 100 25 62,810 42 67,900 10 1,250 10 2,500 10 500 73 79 130 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only {For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, acreage, and value: All commwcial farms number. Land m fami5 aaea . Average size of farm acres . . Value of land and buildinps average per farm, dollars . average per acre, dollars . Oopland harvested fanns repcwting.. Farm operators: ttorkinc off their fanns. total number. With othor income of family exceeding value of africuitural pioducts sold number . , By.. Fullo AMI . number . . ■ nuinber.. .nuinb«r. . fanns repotting. . number. . Com pickere farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up balers farms reporting. . number. . Motortrucks farms repotting . . number.. Tractors other than garden farms reputing. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number.. Telephone farms repotting.. Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting . . Electric milk cooler farms reporting, . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms repoting . , Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimpoved farms repoting . . Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired unrkers farms teporting . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting, . Operators working 1 or more hours persons , , I'npaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting, . Regular hired wiykers (employed 150 or more days). . farms reforting, , persons, . Livestock and poultry on farms: CatiJe and calves farms reporting . . number.. Milk cows farms reporting , , number,. Horses and.'or mules farms reporting , , number,. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens, 4 montbs old and over farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting . . number.. Calves sold alive farms reporting . . number, . Hogs and pigs sold alive fanr,s teporting,. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number. . Chickens including broilers sold farms teporting. . number. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reptxting.. dozens , Milk and cream sold farms reporting . dollars. iVool farms report! ng . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified fami expenditures farms reporting . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars. Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars , Machine hire dollars , Hired labor dollars , fiasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars. Seeds, hulb.^i. plants, and trees dollars. Crops harvested: Com for all purposes farms reportjjig , Land frt^m which hay i Vegetables for sale {other than Irish and sweet potatoes) fanns reporting. 128,237 259.1 20,851 81.12 291 454,370 222 704,280 251 40,820 495 1,840,366 927,636 487,134 61,465 197,323 3,332 13,404 35,199 247.9 8,994 48.68 U2 596,876 100, 510 92,105 24,583 313,470 1,775 1,970 23,488 172,7 11,446 67,28 136 199,900 112,575 59,900 1,565 8,700 30,318 177,3 21,654 145,37 171 1,027,590 259,870 44,505 12,115 565,695 3,385 6,890 Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston 215,343 360,7 22,204 61.18 6,923 503 61,466 463 4,514 307 7,350 461 19,083 390 4,238,140 284 488,060 597 3,304,290 2,208,673 694,839 38,286 200,762 2,104 14,827 5,805 116.1 26,714 207.09 117, 592 459.3 23,129 50,48 13,940 55 922,315 256 914,977 458,274 212,306 14,797 153,614 81,890 201,7 12,706 62,39 904,034 62 13,542 406 2,066,336 1,396,943 329,968 28,830 176,115 1,981 U,210 WEST VIRGINIA 131 FARMS. CENSUS OF 1959-Continued * Aaqde of fanns. Se« tortj Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane SuBBDers Taylor Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne Wehster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoaing 195 262 171 323 244 115 116 182 253 252 50 Ul 162 213 56 ^ 15,080 118,093 67,452 71,905 38,612 24,515 27,882 34,932 46,101 36,215 3,235 28,608 36,780 36,978 8,415 3 77.3 450.7 394.5 222.6 158.2 211.3 240.4 191.9 182.2 U3.7 64.7 202.9 227.0 173.6 127.5 3 10,998 21,639 W,771 U,859 8,564 13,254 U,325 9,540 U,894 18,125 3,250 4,985 11,974 15,386 4,900 U1.26 49.79 37.70 55.59 58.99 62.72 47.55 48.90 85.80 127.81 45.06 24.31 50.75 95.79 100.62 5 165 237 171 288 234 116 115 182 238 222 45 U5 157 196 56 3,255 8,884 8,453 11, 4U 5,577 3,800 4,476 6,375 7,077 6,759 355 3,323 6,440 7,595 231 7 30 104 96 U7 67 56 54 66 112 96 10 35 71 72 10 S 15 59 59 51 22 26 17 16 17 31 5 51 22 10 > 30 66 59 70 37 25 23 26 36 17 75 61 22 21 10 170 207 122 251 206 90 94 115 166 157 45 121 147 142 65 11 15 32 8 15 44 52 22 1 15 a 17 62 57 65 15 10 61 13 14 'io 5 20 5 5 "5 30 30 "5 5 '5 16 5 6 1 15 15 5 10 5 10 IS 5 6 1 15 15 5 10 5 10 1< ID U 5 10 21 20 10 36 '5 40 1 17 10 11 5 10 21 20 10 46 5 40 \ 18 30 87 74 '3I 32 51 51 81 42 41 'ii 65 105 ID 30 88 74 32 32 52 51 81 42 41 11 65 110 20 100 175 104 178 149 71 81 75 123 112 20 61 86 148 51 21 135 213 119 209 170 78 84 81 133 158 20 76 99 202 61 22 55 166 126 158 68 91 91 131 IAS 82 5 41 96 152 21 23 M)5 250 169 181 86 99 117 183 181 154 5 66 108 218 23 24 105 137 126 173 112 76 64 U7 121 127 5 96 91 158 31 3S 110 157 138 184 117 78 72 137 137 184 5 101 103 207 31 26 125 130 103 127 108 76 40 137 143 111 76 97 153 21 27 60 96 82 U3 51 66 56 75 62 82 46 82 111 41 28 25 23 30 5 7 25 21 70 35 50 26 20 90 29 25 17 30 5 6 25 6 70 X 50 X 25 95 30 55 97 70 86 78 51 34 41 92 76 10 50 52 47 11 31 *5 51 55 92 26 X 30 101 66 36 10 41 55 121 33 90 114 46 U5 135 35 52 40 95 140 30 X 55 45 '55 39 190 241 156 283 219 U6 Ul 172 228 207 40 126 131 203 61 34 190 238 156 272 219 Ul 101 171 226 196 40 126 131 201 61 39 185 232 155 262 219 106 101 171 216 196 40 126 126 196 61 38 iJO 90 42 65 82 35 64 70 76 55 36 46 100 25 37 45 136 62 75 111 35 100 100 121 105 41 61 145 35 38 20 20 U 27 4 16 7 17 8 31 16 16 38 1 39 65 27 21 47 4 21 7 19 8 77 21 35 71 3 40 135 250 166 X>3 239 111 121 177 253 196 35 126 156 197 51 41 1,845 7,615 5,836 B,m 4,156 3,»1 3,100 4,193 5,757 2,599 140 1,5^5 5,405 5,735 «U 43 115 1B2 128 242 219 86 106 156 207 181 35 lU 120 175 50 43 1,035 930 705 718 581 563 617 1,622 863 1,342 65 667 715 2,340 235 44 85 138 50 207 132 51 64 92 14« 137 20 106 92 91 41 45 115 217 U7 434 244 108 89 W5 267 245 X 289 227 182 76 4« 125 134 66 226 158 46 95 76 136 151 10 91 91 111 15 47 1,W5 484 183 1,083 1,038 244 670 206 885 1,402 25 437 947 500 41 48 U5 IAS 62 216 181 76 90 145 177 181 45 101 101 U5 55 49 110,150 .2,181 2,517 12,465 19,319 2,8» 5,721 9,900 31, U5 15,075 1,560 4,425 8,12c 52,465 5,120 90 X 148 136 243 139 81 85 152 167 86 10 51 111 i3e 26 91 175 2,170 1,520 3,508 1,065 777 564 894 1,135 348 25 168 1,327 1,200 3» 92 7D 198 155 273 143 91 100 160 207 86 15 91 101 140 25 53 290 2,101 1,427 3,423 953 1,131 999 1,255 1,780 623 15 368 984 1,480 50 54 45 37 36 50 20 45 11 56 56 5 40 30 26 1 55 880 201 964 580 235 315 121 602 970 85 250 510 250 15 5« 15 127 '» 56 32 35 35 21 75 5 15 41 15 21 57 255 4,787 1,975 1,657 610 1,045 1,165 212 2,140 125 175 945 745 950 58 60 57 10 86 85 10 22 55 65 45 5 20 X 55 10 59 600,500 136,160 105,900 150,995 47,235 400 122,450 88,555 35,550 4,275 125 775 102,620 51,150 1,000 80 90 100 25 121 125 26 47 106 95 61 20 45 50 80 15 81 800,590 71,640 23,250 71,040 U7,365 6,380 46,150 60,875 450,585 108,815 3,525 9,740 39,285 61,0760 17,300 62 30 89 72 65 52 55 72 131 115 70 5 61 60 115 20 63 277,655 92,325 171,755 52,770 50,085 113,030 83,490 370,280 126, UO 320,785 175 93,571 115, 2M 597,420 26,250 64 15 133 53 56 37 35 45 36 75 5 15 51 20 65 2,3X 29,761 9,175 7,860 3,970 5,480 7,769 2,660 10,770 560 795 9,555 7,495 88 190 262 171 323 244 116 116 182 248 252 50 Ul 162 213 66 97 798,890 404,647 355,590 452,971 193,900 178,776 143, U5 331,864 380,829 532,670 7,915 100,287 301,635 815,945 73,496 98 478,470 Ul,269 138,037 138,535 92,105 78,990 41,295 146,940 179,419 207,345 5,535 45,133 128,015 417,980 48,255 89 128,505 137,375 124,075 134,711 41,040 43,753 56,348 Ul,689 105,430 56,830 655 13,380 94,195 166,535 10,350 70 680 10,103 12,785 12,110 8,772 7,154 4,408 8,830 10,819 6,595 55 1,860 7,670 7,585 71 151,200 66,181 44,500 88,045 22,278 21,040 U,376 26,225 46,713 159,575 445 a, 545 45,005 U8, 130 5,843 72 30,225 44,743 33,368 53,4«5 24,478 26,684 24,956 32,835 35,553 51,175 1,185 17,744 22,430 51,815 8,778 73 9,810 4,976 2,825 6,105 5,227 1,155 4,762 5,345 2,795 51,150 M 525 4,320 23,800 250 74 95 134 60 176 168 25 90 125 116 187 30 81 82 130 36 75 960 641 295 545 744 45 695 895 339 3,940 50 251 630 1,315 105 76 2,095 7,744 8,263 10,670 4,143 3,750 3,055 5,265 6,788 2,463 390 2,902 5,875 5,905 55 77 15 5 10 20 12 5 15 20 5 5 78 400 2,250 800 2,000 4,095 10,906 600 3X 7,550 500 45,000 79 132 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 (For definit Eslimnud number of farms 1059 ■ lO.iJ . Fatm operators by age: O(wrators re[iortinp app number 105!1, Under 25 years number 1959 . 25 to 34 years number 1959 . riS to 44 years number 195,9 . 45 to 54 years number 1959 . 55 to fi4 vears number 1959 . 65 or n»re yoars number 1959 . Average ape - years 1959. Off-farm work anrl other income; Farm operators- Horkinp off their fam.s operators reporting 1959 . 1954. inO or more days operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . With other income of family eyceeding value of farm products sold o[Teratf»3 reporting 1959 . 1954 . . Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959. , 1934 . . Part owners number 1959., Managers number 1959.. 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Cash tenants number 1959. 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Oop-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Liveslocl<-share tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Croppers number 1959 . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit^and-nut . . number 1959 . Osh-grain aumber 1959 . Tcbacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959. Vegetable farms number 1959. Fniit-and-nut farms number 1959. . Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. Livestock ranches number 1959 . Genera! farms number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . Class 1 number 1959 . Class n number 1959 . Class in number 1959. Class IV number 1959 . , ClassV number 1959 . Class V7 number 1959 . Other farms number 1959 . Part-titiio number 1959. . ■Part-retirement number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959. . Value of products soiiJ by source: All farm proilucts sold total, dollars average per farm, dollars 1959. All crops sold dollars Field cro[re. other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars VcRcUhles sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959 . , Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959. Poultry and poultry producta sold dollars Dairy (ToducLs sold dollars 1954 . Livestock and livestock froducta, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . «,662 311 2,957 7,720 11,474 10,005 11,195 54.4 24,292 39,250 19,LL8 29,507 36,545 56,292 4,406 5,747 2,828 6,374 1,019 2,708 1,600 2,705 6,134 1,341 2,068 3,531 4,931 31,377 21,463 9,890 99,142,162 90,461,365 2,254 1,319 21,278,520 23,736,408 525,052 553,709 10,722,984 12,249,135 4,823,6U 3,779,629 77,863,642 66,724,957 23,022,296 24,634,107 18,155,196 16,274,635 1,669,584 1,372,150 1,470 2,036 2,999 10,515 47,137 102,313 84,054 1,501,791 1,170,887 358,643 365,489 245,640 209,979 7,157,828 7,067,178 7,936 6,232 4,135,489 4,433,447 60,673 59,975 3,636,364 3,939,009 U8,395 57,345 3,022,339 2,633,731 397,679 790,945 1,409,205 1,065,924 6,701 3,122 2,176 13,274 1,500 3,965 39,534 84,905 22,069 47,549 10,179 2,763 2,816 34,374 88,371 24,462 29,723 1,036,092 983,041 91,170 205,813 92,930 83,929 327,279 445,647 2,085 1,433 104,001 156,370 3,030 3,385 48,909 66,605 38,157 37,106 223,278 238,777 29,044 57,350 97,565 122,874 1,240,959 1,337,718 1,306 21,504 20,447 8,250 24,754 166,563 216,297 625,760 624,621 126,679 195,042 180,355 219,160 22,696 45,003 558,699 468,177 84,748 81,568 9,020 38,093 WEST VIRGINIA 133 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954 fcr only a saiifile of farms. See (ei rt] Doadrldge Fayette Glljier Grant Creen^e. Hajupahlre Hancock Hanay Harrlaon JaclEsan Jefferaon Kanavha Lewis Lincoln 654 805 732 588 1,552 831 177 955 1,273 1,239 517 732 981 1,U0 1 882 1,685 1,183 808 2,161 1,154 242 991 1,737 1,823 510 1,757 1,397 1,700 2 685 851 740 706 1,517 326 182 926 1,273 1,224 498 599 928 1,084 3 3 3 5 5 4 4 1 3 13 13 3 4 11 11 4 38 37 40 44 10; 74 11 84 103 88 37 42 45 71 5 ua U2 120 1/W 266 153 25 157 202 224 95 120 140 212 168 222 185 177 357 209 59 217 328 331 152 171 205 312 T U8 227 179 138 379 181 50 208 281 267 U5 157 211 223 6 a? 220 211 182 407 203 35 257 345 301 95 205 315 255 9 56.1 55.2 55.7 54.3 55.1 53.4 54.2 54.6 54.6 53.9 52.7 55.2 57.2 53.2 10 413 481 422 342 772 448 125 434 753 679 212 386 480 529 506 995 591 416 1,188 589 192 501 1,062 940 269 1,241 757 840 12 310 354 332 267 617 316 123 314 543 520 158 342 355 405 13 323 655 420 223 855 406 192 278 836 719 156 1,090 506 510 11 528 553 560 368 843 403 W6 408 990 707 195 555 593 681 15 453 740 450 206 1,178 477 176 285 929 879 205 1,150 732 735 16 558 720 565 562 1,228 599 137 792 1,030 1,035 349 635 768 855 17 811 1,428 854 662 1,723 955 208 855 1,408 1,464 372 1,430 1,032 1,436 18 70 35 106 76 218 72 13 UO 153 142 89 30 168 160 19 68 95 146 64 279 110 23 85 142 161 78 80 161 130 20 1 1 10 16 9 2 1 19 5 21 1 2 2 8 8 4 3 11 4 U 4 "2 1 22 25 50 60 40 90 51 3 31 90 61 60 50 43 85 23 64 150 104 51 162 62 11 53 131 122 154 221 150 159 24 15 25 25 30 15 10 25 30 20 20 20 25 20 68 26 11 50 16 "7 5 39 33 33 125 47 40 26 2T 28 1 ' i 1 5 3 2 4 7 2 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 10 20 5 30 29 2 "7 8 "1 12 3 8 ' i 3 8 5 18 5 72 5 '3 8 40 5 30 31 3 "i 5 "3 20 "3 5 6 5 "3 '5 3 5 7 n 17 "i 10 '5 5 1 10 32 33 7 5 7 S 14 'io io 20 14 5 8 14 8 34 10 20 15 5 60 41 5 20 45 33 5 30 10 20 35 31 69 10 10 16 59 30 75 10 5 5 31 11 6 '5 50 3 "i 25 5 5 59 46 25 5 20 5 20 41 82 5 5 75 5 5 55 175 10 160 5 37 38 39 40 41 43 15 15 150 '49 103 293 "5 "5 '20 '25 15 44 35 10 15 25 128 15 15 36 131 65 205 15 66 5 45 92 85 100 138 418 225 6 182 210 247 106 81 164 10 46 "20 '31 '5 '50 '25 21 30 15 '2i 47 (8 512 655 617 344 942 377 155 424 906 851 150 511 700 905 49 ua 150 116 364 626 477 22 571 367 383 372 142 291 210 50 21 10 35 1 30 2 34 5 7 51 8 38 22 1 53 13 15 58 17 52 6 'io '2 71 63 53 115 54 17 75 '20 11 53 27 15 26 98 113 82 io 121 77 44 UO 5 54 '10 54 70 5 48 U6 192 114 5 136 151 82 60 45 117 35 55 45 120 40 50 210 160 5 116 70 225 35 55 75 155 56 506 655 616 324 926 354 155 394 906 855 145 590 690 900 57 275 465 396 202 650 212 135 195 641 501 105 450 355 595 58 231 190 220 122 276 142 20 197 1 255 255 40 UO 325 305 sg 60 758,672 483,520 774,015 4,617,786 5,245,782 4,917,172 484,577 5,950.218 3,020,131 1,812,635 7,255,773 1,011,630 2,225,193 790,065 61 686,520 593, 5U 813,474 4,674,233 3,610,562 4,922,348 539,557 6,916,330 1.902,293 2,081,969 7,1.!0,506 1,128,150 1,678,535 890,380 62 1,160 601 1,057 6,712 3,380 5,917 2,738 7,202 2,372 1,463 U,034 1,382 2,268 712 63 778 352 688 5,785 1,671 4,255 2,230 6,979 1,095 1,142 11,673 642 1,202 524 64 83,053 84,827 65,800 231,452 217, 7OT 2,430,187 335,069 187,472 240,571 175,133 3,697,911 387,594 131,491 598,189 65 132,428 104,104 110,181 105,165 231,512 2,U2,277 381,122 251,135 195,186 330,840 4,435,450 344,795 132,532 702,865 66 28,864 41,683 33,432 56,596 57,593 92,400 28,429 74,232 36,070 121,393 493,589 25,971 53,315 587,798 67 18,677 29,839 43,746 51,240 157,763 151,979 47,583 164,610 32,061 234,289 833,712 31,982 42,404 671,351 68 1,469 2,973 549 683 1,078 53,520 12,650 453 11,791 7,183 5,375 26,975 5,494 1,638 69 416 5,680 872 974 1,169 54,955 35,423 1,437 12,019 12,180 2,345 13,572 4,853 2,852 70 2,997 12,349 1,309 1,135 13,185 2,096,474 289,383 1,778 7,0U 5,094 3,179,105 9,291 6,888 2,089 71 14,307 51,207 34,575 5,204 23,831 1,798,803 294,386 66,354 44,801 30,362 3,584,358 52,217 43,599 14,769 72 49,723 27,822 30,410 193,038 135,850 207,793 5,507 111,009 185,597 41,463 19,842 325,357 55,794 6,664 73 99,028 17,378 30,988 37,747 68,749 105,540 3,730 28,734 105,305 54,009 15,025 236,924 41,755 13,894 74 675,619 398,693 708,215 4,366,334 5,028,075 2,466,985 148,508 6,762,746 2,779,580 1,637,503 3,557,862 624,035 2,093,702 191,876 75 554,092 489,410 703,293 4,569,088 3,359,050 2,810,071 155,535 6,555,195 1,707,107 1,751,129 2,685,056 783,355 1,545,903 187, 5U 76 52,283 165,195 87,314 2,932,447 1,210,565 1,231,763 20,397 4,577,577 299,707 119,515 31,521 138,593 278,770 29,653 77 59,153 141,429 152,023 3,681,0W 729,137 1,925,856 42,856 5,458,888 261,725 217,022 90,448 123,909 339,030 40,361 78 U7,240 98,590 52,160 89,051 1,270,310 85,277 50,550 285,476 841,115 588,794 1,794,470 155,185 541,568 26,265 79 127,932 152,976 53,230 95,126 949,894 102,523 70,028 153,791 780,751 834,724 1,408,353 441,865 375,954 44,807 80 466,096 134,908 568,741 1,344,835 2,547,100 1,148,945 77,661 1,898,693 1,538,758 929,194 1,681,871 330,258 1,273,354 135,958 81 367,007 195,005 498,040 792,948 1,680,019 780,692 45,551 1,042,516 664,631 699,383 1,185,245 217,581 829,919 102,346 82 134 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 (For definitions Mid oxplai .1055. Estimaled number of fomis in,=i4 . Faim operators by age: Operators reporting npp numhor 1050. Under 25 yenr» number 1950 . 25 to 34 years number 1959. .15 to 44 years nunihef 1950 . 45 to 54 years number 1950 . 55 to n4 vrars number 1959 . 65 or nore years number 1959 . Avera4:e ape years 1950 . Off-farm work anrJ ottier income: Fami o[iemtors- (\orkine off their fnm.s openU^»s reporling 1059., 1054. 1(10 or more days operators reporting 1059. , With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . . 1054.. Farms by (enure of operator: Full owners number 1059 . 1054 . Part ow-ners number 1050 . 1054. Managers number 1959 . 1954 . All tenants number 1959 . . 1954.. Cash tenants numbw 1959.. 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . lost. Livestocli-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Croppers number 1959 . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-nnd-nut . . number 1059 . Cash-grain number 1059 - Tcbacco number 1059. Cotton number 1959 . Other neld-CTOp number 1959 . . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Frtiit-and-nut farms number 1959. . Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms ether than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. . Liv tock ranches number 1959- famis number 1059 . ineous and unclnssiHed farms number 1950 . Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1950 . Class I number 1959 . Class n number 1950 . Class in number 1050.. Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959.. Class VI number 1959. Other farms number 1959 . . Part-titiio number 1959 . Part-retirement number 1959. Abnormal number 1959 . . average per farm, dollars 1059. 1054. All crops sold dollars 1050. 1,012,932 858,769 1,061 2,0^,375 1,898,895 2,161 1,626 159,724 277,785 3,278,810 3,303,-133 2,829 2,061 637,974 917,179 1,453,055 1,355,398 3,379 2,032 394,327 352,987 Vegetables sold dollars 1 1 Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1050.. 1054 . livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1950. 1954 . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1950. Dairy (loducts sold dollars 1954 . 1954 . Liv. 885 9,648 47,083 48,998 9,480 17,710 850 15,180 4,338 19,476 36,838 622 6,803 43,995 47,179 16,415 10,331 670 7,161 2,450 1,766 8,475 40,274 85,062 48,996 895,532 749, 205 140,912 209,320 235,610 176,108 a, 759 15,630 13,348 54,756 67,011 139,478 1,884,651 1,6a, 110 84,636 153,044 1,020,560 962,676 34,875 38,081 3,120 35,182 34,022 53,307 2,640,836 2,386,254 133,093 193,072 1,486,760 1,430,373 4,761 5,375 13,325 57,174 78,180 93,331 698,379 762, 339 110,854 117,176 22,595 a4,614 14, 693 15,457 254,8 244,231 78,569 45,863 1,058,728 1,002,411 372,124 469,254 7,288 2,920 89,902 37,144 16,802 18,238 4,225 2,479 WEST VIRGINIA 135 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. fa only a su^le of fanns. See u«.] Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor 1,211 319 991 296 1,118 296 752 1,491 853 1,096 1,005 831 1,324 909 542 1 1,768 459 1,676 560 1,340 405 1,036 2,060 1,493 2,065 1,295 1,222 1,845 1,466 759 2 1,187 312 1,016 307 1,095 282 778 1,5a 858 1,072 997 796 1,231 853 533 3 11 1 4 5 9 1 5 a 14 4 8 5 12 5 5 76 23 57 18 73 14 37 147 56 56 61 51 79 55 37 J 196 62 196 49 199 58 110 303 185 218 172 112 232 156 96 P 317 81 X3 38 245 81 209 423 226 267 259 200 306 235 132 7 280 77 20.7 81 247 61 183 317 172 243 a3 191 293 199 129 g 307 68 239 66 322 67 234 310 205 279 284 237 359 203 134 54.7 53.2 53.8 53.7 55.3 54.2 56.3 52.0 52.8 54.7 55.0 56.2 54.9 54.1 54.3 10 654 185 633 155 512 188 387 900 478 560 526 475 714 392 333 11 878 275 1,045 390 699 255 569 1,232 790 1,078 565 728 1,173 748 456 12 494 130 511 130 3a 143 308 7a 423 450 414 366 550 308 273 13 612 220 865 355 383 190 394 882 685 803 508 476 916 463 386 14 683 209 763 184 520 169 448 975 6a 733 615 572 929 546 401 U 784 245 911 355 476 185 414 853 775 1,163 602 552 977 779 360 16 990 ZX7 880 235 974 a5 671 1,384 661 901 863 697 1,172 791 470 17 1,413 385 1,398 385 1,162 287 883 1,833 1,153 1,650 i,a5 1,073 1,636 1,177 682 18 152 95 66 46 73 51 64 66 127 45 73 94 77 92 46 la 233 54 91 49 77 59 108 131 183 103 95 75 156 la 37 30 18 2 11 1 6 5 9 1 1 21 2 2 6 6 1 6 3 3 3 7 2 '3 2 1 22 51 5 45 15 60 30 16 35 60 150 60 40 75 25 25 23 124 18 127 39 77 45 59 93 198 282 66 78 109 127 44 24 25 25 10 10 5 5 100 10 5 20 5 15 2S 32 2 63 20 8 5 1 12 12 15 5 3 52 ai 23 23 28 43 15 a 4 "i i 2 5 1 4 5 1 "i 27 28 10 20 29 24 4 10 "5 3 5 10 6 10 61 10 "3 "3 4 15 19 "i SO 31 "J 5 3 2 5 3 5 "5 4 5 10 4 10 5 S2 33 14 9 11 12 3 5 7 3 2 5 12 13 6 34 a 5 20 10 40 10 11 10 20 50 45 30 40 5 5 35 45 12 45 7 50 19 36 62 70 65 37 38 47 47 21 se 20 5 20 5 5 110 25 6 15 37 10 5 15 5 5 5 15 38 10 "i 5 7 "5 '.'.'. 5 5 110 '5 20 5 5 "i 5 5 5 3a 40 41 42 43 55 5 10 5 282 5 25 26 15 65 ii 16 20 30 44 116 15 130 5 15 a 191 40 20 4« 30 5 11 35 278 60 86 30 293 10 184 162 58 65 172 126 293 163 81 M 5 40 '5 1 16 21 15 10 11 5 10 47 736 182 870 iji 532 256 512 1,091 UO 901 759 660 1,001 670 426 49 495 142 136 171 597 50 256 406 243 195 262 171 323 244 116 50 7 2 1 10 5 6 1 5 1 91 42 5 35 5 15 2 "5 10 5 6 52 56 15 '26 45 103 22 36 25 20 14 '15 21 2 53 82 15 20 40 W8 "5 41 91 6 15 37 37 41 a 15 5< 172 55 31 55 189 90 126 66 15 76 79 100 56 45 55 136 55 65 25 112 '35 82 150 141 130 130 40 155 165 55 56 716 177 855 125 5a 246 496 1,085 610 901 743 660 1,001 665 426 57 531 122 660 UO 305 186 320 765 430 625 482 385 650 455 300 58 185 55 195 15 216 60 176 315 5 180 276 260 1 275 351 ao 125 1 60 3,729,851 1,335,317 805,306 1,714,281 6,637,234 247,839 1,746,929 4,138,573 1,352,625 900,554 1,530,000 1,059,163 1,759,361 790,361 718,303 61 2,6a, 171 1,136,131 694,239 1,478,155 5,955,722 314,124 1,617,037 2,245,201 1,283,994 788,818 1,467,196 1,063,534 1,379,338 733,876 699,591 62 3,080 4,186 813 5,791 5,937 837 2,323 2,776 1,586 822 1,522 1,275 1,329 869 1,325 63 1,483 2,475 414 2,640 4,445 776 1,561 1,090 860 382 1,133 870 743 501 922 64 400,943 899,251 106,099 794,759 243,328 106,166 a0,465 279,932 429,978 U9,575 249,373 63,493 117,701 99,370 75,834 65 345,008 832,366 169,401 596,935 279,115 105,970 143,250 292,057 695,412 191,427 314,868 101,628 152,342 164,197 77,855 66 133,955 77,079 50,788 14,533 80,954 30,283 44,625 131,017 393,373 37,790 61,259 31,106 69,874 32,501 21,928 67 173,087 69,469 89,070 42,124 117,970 54,257 58,888 200,910 573,226 46,561 184,261 27,353 71, a5 77,979 23,982 68 775 36,086 1,791 6,612 233 26,663 6,552 3,689 7,583 3,076 22,233 635 9,981 14,600 6,533 69 2,797 23,309 2,775 17,785 804 17,446 4,453 2,834 4,803 16,906 22,022 375 13,139 14, 637 10,256 70 101,175 748,242 8,560 5,419 11,341 3,777 10,813 6,a9 8,724 13,539 10,775 2,396 5,269 16,984 11,305 71 37,906 732,797 65,137 22,224 36,371 6,014 5,230 22,129 21,200 58,227 30,967 a, 417 46,806 43,083 24,036 72 165,038 37,844 44,960 768,195 150,800 45,443 148,475 139,007 20,298 65,170 155,106 29,361 32,577 35,285 36,118 73 131,218 6,791 12,419 514,802 123,970 28,253 74,679 66,184 96,133 69,733 77,618 51,978 21,182 28,498 19,581 74 3,328,908 436,066 699,207 919,522 6,393,906 141,673 1,536,464 3,358,641 922,647 780,979 1,280,627 995,665 1,641,660 690,991 642,419 75 2,276,163 303,765 524,838 881,220 5,676,607 208,154 1,473,787 1,953,144 538,582 597,391 1,152,328 961,906 1,226,996 569,679 6a, 736 76 780,123 106,531 135,891 53,167 4,294,234 42,591 303,296 1,772,727 108,787 275,497 179, 358 102,392 142,493 108,979 43,145 77 508,368 106,642 116,795 90,966 4,302,795 34,465 230,239 429,362 133,578 258,254 120,965 159,744 166,677 125,467 52,341 78 744,825 115,345 4,230 719,350 184,398 33,435 a7,405 1,126,039 468,560 292, ao 143,840 199,725 70,405 59,110 161,030 79 499,768 95,504 101,443 613,638 70,307 70,364 182,601 791,009 144,664 155,891 335,317 225, 394 117,269 81,514 a0,543 80 1,803,960 214,190 559,086 147,005 1,915,274 65,647 1,015,763 959,875 345,300 a3,272 952,429 693,048 1,428,762 522,902 438,244 81 1,268,027 101,619 306,600 176,616 1,303,505 103,325 1,010,947 732,273 310,340 183,246 696,046 576,768 943,050 362,698 358,847 82 136 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, TYPE OF FARM. ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Con. [\1ost dala for 1959 an based on reports For only a sample of farms. So« l«xt] Estiinated number of farms . Farm operators by age: Operators reporting age number 1959 . , Under 25 years number 1959 . , 25 lo 34 years number 1959.. . number 1859. . . number 1959 . . number 1959. . number 1959 . 55 to 64 years 65 or more years Average age years 1959.. Off-farm work and other income: e days operators reporting 1959 . , Farms by tenure of operator: Managers number 1959 . Cash tenants. . Share-cash ten Livestock-share tenantj Croppers Other and unspecified t Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other the Cash-grain Tobacco Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable farms Fruil-and-nut farms Poultry farms Dairy farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms . Livestock ranches . . . . General farms Miscellaneous and uncla: . number 1959. . . number 1959 . . . number 1959 . . . number 1959. . . number 1959 . . . number 1959. . . number 1959. . . number 1959 . . .number 1959.. . number 1959.. . number 1959 . . . number 1959 . . number 1959. . . number 1959 . . Class I number 1959 . . Class n number 1959 . . Class in number 1959. . Class IV number 1959 . . Class V number 1959. . Class VI number 1959 . . Other farms number 1959 . . Part-time number 1959 . . Partrretirement number 1959 . . Abnormal number 1959 . . 1. dollars 1959.. 1954.. n. dollars 1959.. 1954.. .. dollari 1959.. 1954 . . Is, sold dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Vegetables sold dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959.. 1954.. .. dollars 1959.. 1954 . . ..dollars 1959.. 1954.. ..dollars 1959. 1954 . . . dollars 1954 . 1954. .. dollars 1959. All livestock and livestock products sold . Poultry and poultry products sold Dairy products sold 756,153 558,837 2,011 1,022 113, 45^ 112,736 71,747 49,317 642,699 446,101 203,117 155,295 123,040 124,270 870,762 737,630 1,435 13,939 48, 591 824,475 639,046 34,506 69,466 414,320 269,086 1,353,697 1,164,368 1,169 7,748 2,616 12,981 47,169 62,178 56,730 1,221,481 999,039 337,912 239,355 162,740 278,496 23,165 13,102 5,929 22,121 156,530 140,021 770,306 740,481 121,509 355,854 329,790 175,596 19,239 28,204 163,050 165,934 69,367 49,430 8,300 16,363 1,021 1,062 1,759 26,364 87,390 55,030 297,411 559,717 14,391 66,573 120,531 208,010 753,023 607,631 1,546 1,213 77,048 118,382 23,630 60,993 675,975 489,249 46,201 104,480 134,935 124,237 1,799,484 1,809,643 1,669 1,016 312,770 429,663 16,707 23,351 4,890 22,958 201,669 213,527 1,486,714 1,379,980 246,192 302,895 647,530 608,640 592,992 WEST VIRGINIA 137 County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [All daXa except residence of operator are based on reports for only a sample of farma. See t«xt] (For defiaitiaas lad explwialions, we text) The State Barbour Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke Cabell Calhoun Clay 1 Ewimetod Dumber of rams 1959 43,982 1,136 902 75 1,258 157 950 771 500 2 1964 68,575 1,519 1,134 >27 1,650 310 1,675 1,297 881 SPEOFIED EQUffVIENT AND FACILmES 3 Ckkin combines farms reporting 1969 923 132 16 13 4 1964 828 10 121 40 10 5 number 1969 951 137 16 15 e 1964 839 10 131 40 10 7 Cora pickers ftrms peprrtinp 1959 1,143 144 1 11 35 8 1954 830 146 15 9 number 1959 1,177 144 "i 11 35 10 1954 843 146 15 11 Pick-up balers (arms reporting 1959 5,368 133 258 68 41 55 25 10 12 1954 2,505 38 156 12 35 10 10 13 mimbtr 1959 5,459 133 268 69 41 55 25 10 U 1964 2,533 38 156 12 35 10 10 15 Field fonige harvesters farms reporting 1969 1,036 11 6 66 52 10 5 10 10 5 1« 1964 '619 ^ 17 number 1959 1,065 11 66 10 5 "5 10 18 1954 629 6 52 10 5 18 Motortrucks farms reporting 1969 21,265 493 562 90 477 92 445 276 210 20 1954 24,454 483 684 122 618 110 400 387 265 21 number 1969 24,699 541 836 90 525 113 465 317 230 22 1964 27,001 499 842 122 640 120 420 414 275 a Ttneien fanns reporting 1969 21,627 594 712 45 398 97 395 311 60 24 1954 19,118 499 789 25 239 ISO 240 171 25 a nombir 1959 32,268 798 1,359 45 567 164 535 408 75 3t 1964 24,707 585 1,248 M 274 240 290 192 25 27 Ttvctors other Uian gardao. fame teptfting 1969 17,660 489 637 15 303 92 325 206 35 28 numbs 1969 21,995 526 1,073 15 361 124 380 223 35 29 14,536 452 360 15 261 66 280 195 35 90 2 or mere tractors farms reporting 1959 3,124 37 277 42 26 45 11 SI Wheel tractira farms reporting 1959 17,381 489 632 15 293 82 300 201 35 S2 1954 15,251 449 689 10 184 125 150 121 20 S3 number 1959 21,024 521 1,043 15 335 114 340 203 35 34 19H 17,457 465 935 10 186 135 165 122 20 8S 905 5 28 26 10 40 15 3< 1954 643 5 26 ID 5 10 5 87 number 1959 971 5 X 26 10 40 20 S8 1954 705 5 28 10 5 10 5 S9 Gaiden tractors farma roporting 1959 9,966 262 271 30 196 40 145 185 40 40 1954 6,409 115 275 20 78 100 no 65 5 41 number 1959 10,273 272 286 30 206 40 155 185 40 42 1954 6,545 115 285 20 78 100 115 65 5 43 Autcmobilea farms reporting 1959 27,045 795 759 150 512 125 610 441 270 44 1954 32,364 809 933 1A5 453 235 880 522 265 46 number 1959 30,649 892 892 L60 559 160 680 526 285 4« 1954 36,559 875 1,229 50 493 250 980 558 280 47 Telephone farms repoting 1959 22,085 765 610 95 396 127 485 146 30 48 1954 21,751 279 637 LIO 182 255 405 317 10 49 Hone freecer farms reporting 1959 16,659 378 466 70 222 85 380 201 95 SO 1964 12,593 207 331 85 77 150 255 127 85 51 Milking maohin*. rams raporting 1969 2,835 46 203 15 25 25 62 1964 3,U6 47 240 5 50 25 10 53 2,696 210 36 20 203 5 15 64 Oop drier (for pain, fcrago. or other CfOf«) farms reporting 1959 5 55 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1969 Fsnns by kind ol toad on wlilch locsted: 2,603 37 251' ii 16 25 '5 6< HartI aurface fanna lepoting 1959 15,761 478 579 90 302 41 380 251 120 57 1950 ■29,009 903 761 10 612 187 790 745 500 58 Qravel, ahell. or shale fanm reporting 1959 10,632 180 176 55 380 86 150 255 150 59 1950 12,240 U5 122 85 175 66 221 155 1J5 SO Ditt or unimproved farms repming 1959 17,096 468 U2 L20 551 10 410 240 215 SI 1950 J6,568 835 235 85 1,320 90 800 681 710 S2 l.«ss than 1 mile to a haitl surface roail farms reporting 1959 5,633 197 75 25 135 5 160 60 45 S8 1 or more mile4 to a hard aurface road farms reporting 1959 11,463 271 67 95- 416 5 250 180 170 S4 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 6 or more miles farms reporting 1959 DATE OF ENUMERATION 9,947 1,516 266 5 65 2 99 5 361 55 5 250 175 5 145 25 86 Approximate avcmge date of enumeration 1969 FAHM LAHOB, WF.EK PRFrEDING ENUMERATION' 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/29-12/5 11/22-11/ 28 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/29-12/5 S7 Family workivs, including operators farms reporting 1969 37,516 1,039 810 95 1,007 135 835 661 355 es 1964 59,674 1,369 1,074 i 97 1,499 290 1,485 981 785 sg persons 1969 51,532 1,501 1,124 : 80 1,279 165 1,100 891 405 70 1954 85,196 2,177 1,691 t 12 2,157 405 2,030 1,302 930 71 r>peralcrs working 1 or mere hours persons 1959 35,752 999 790 95 957 115 750 576 325 72 1954 57,497 1,309 1,054 t ^7 1,429 290 1,420 901 750 7.1 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 15,835 486 222 35 370 75 295 265 185 ^4 19,917 513 568 60 587 40 455 311 140 7.'. Unpaid momhers of operalA's fsmily working 15 or more hoirs farms reporting 1959 11,942 396 266 80 246 40 305 235 70 78 pi»soris 1969 15,780 502 334 85 322 50 350 315 30 77 Hired workers farms reporting 1969 3,520 5,131 70 103 211 218 20 37 74 27 15 70 100 21 42 78 1964 10 79 7,611 90 591 60 59 105 31 80 1954 12,478 201 1,192 25 130 30 205 96 10 81 P.egular vwxkors (employed 150 or mere days) . . . farms reporting 1969 2,016 23 148 22 22 50 6 82 1954 1,961 38 148 14 15 25 6 5 83 persons 1959 4,190 34 328 35 44 65 11 1951 3,974 59 277 14 X 45 6 "5 Farms reporting by numbw of regular hired workers: 86 1 hired worker farms reporting 1969 1,297 12 96 15 6 35 5 719 11 52 7 16 15 1 FARM OPFRATOR RESIDENCE 87 39,285 984 793 55 1,166 U6 842 693 504 88 1964 65,160 1,494 1,067 91 1,698 281 1,600 1,221 825 89 Not residing on farm operated .operators reporting 1959 2,127 2,414 71 50 56 58 6 8 44 64 10 10 73 36 25 37 9 90 1954 15 of October 24-30. 138 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND £A1I data except residence of operator are baaed (For derinitions and explaj E^timoled number of rnnns 1959 , SPECIRED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUTlES Oain combines famia reporting number Com pickers farnis ropnrting number Pick-up balers fwnis reporting Field Torape harvesters .farms reporting number Motorlnicks. Tarms reporting number Tractors farms reporting Tractors other than panJen famis reporting number 1 tractor farms reporting 2 or mere tractors farms reporting . farms reporting number . farms reporting lobiles famis reporting number Telephone farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting nc milk cooler famis reportinq Crop drier (for i^ain. forage, or other crops) farms reporting Power -opwated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface fanns reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 or more miles to a hard surface road forms reporting 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 5 or more miles farms reporting DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average dale of enumeration 19'. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' Family workers, includinn operators farms reporting 101 19; persons 101 191 Operators working 1 or mere hours persons 191 19! 1 to 14 hours persons 191 15 or mere hours persons 19i Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 19i Hired workers farms reporting 19! persons 19J 19i Regular workers (employed ISO or more days) . . , farm.'; reporting 191 persons 191 191 Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 19! 2 or more hired woiiers forms reporting 191 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on form operated operators reporting 191 19: Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 191 n/22-U/28 11/22- U/28 U/22-11/28 U/29-12/5 1,030 1,086 1,U2 1,155 1,049 1,416 U/22-U/28 1,410 1,977 2,062 2,877 1,330 1,882 551 779 1,002 1,063 1,446 ^For 1954, data relate to week of October 24-30. WEST VIRGINIA 139 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on r«T>orls for only a sample of (amn. See text] Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan McDowell Marlon Marshall Mason Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia 1,239 517 732 981 1,U0 271 273 955 946 1,159 1,127 430 280 855 1 1,823 610 1,7?7 1,397 1,700 580 932 1,396 1,168 1,603 2,233 657 940 1,500 ! 6 85 10 44 10 24 15 9 6 62 5 10 53 5 10 21 4 6 86 10 SO 10 24 15 5 6 62 5 10 53 5 10 21 6 21 171 5 10 45 111 7 6 7 27 U4 1 25 5 31 94 7 8 21 175 5 10 45 115 7 6 9 27 U5 1 25 5 31 101 7 10 160 208 30 137 15 115 166 216 51 92 i29 11 U8 156 U 54 5 50 61 133 5 35 87 12 160 208 35 U7 15 115 166 223 51 92 129 IS U9 158 U 54 5 50 61 133 5 35 87 H 40 49 5 15 10 10 25 33 5 18 16 16 26 22 16 15 5 21 51 1 19 15 1« «) 49 5 15 "io 10 25 35 5 18 18 17 26 22 16 15 5 21 51 1 19 15 IB 532 287 352 489 635 41 101 430 481 523 537 257 22 470 19 577 324 631 501 340 165 3U 486 472 660 592 390 180 475 20 606 582 382 566 690 41 111 470 507 604 578 294 22 544 21 6L2 569 702 587 340 165 311 536 541 723 707 459 185 530 2S 623 426 267 535 195 25 15 520 566 659 411 315 16 550 a 523 485 376 551 130 35 20 436 497 X7 242 382 20 510 24 872 989 350 795 225 30 20 705 781 1,080 496 491 15 825 25 681 912 420 748 140 35 20 537 634 842 282 510 20 664 26 533 370 U7 385 130 15 5 370 536 619 230 250 11 445 27 621 811 169 444 140 15 10 420 601 852 295 344 11 541 28 ^1 151 130 334 120 15 330 481 452 265 196 11 352 29 72 219 17 51 10 5 40 55 167 15 64 83 30 523 369 142 380 130 15 5 370 526 519 270 255 11 440 31 4?? 424 191 396 95 10 295 432 487 157 322 400 32 611 790 159 419 140 15 5 415 586 838 285 324 li 511 33 543 729 204 442 95 10 325 477 676 152 359 447 34 10 U 10 25 ' 5 5 15 U 10 20 30 35 7 U 1 38 10 5 21 26 25 7 5 3« 10 21 10 25 5 5 15 U 10 20 30 37 7 16 1 38 'io 5 21 27 35 7 6 38 251 177 176 330 80 15 'io 265 180 212 i95 145 5 273 39 131 162 205 258 35 20 20 191 125 126 120 139 20 206 40 251 178 181 351 85 15 10 285 180 228 201 U7 5 284 41 131 167 215 268 35 20 20 191 UO 131 120 144 20 2U 42 728 455 426 629 585 106 98 660 730 600 602 327 146 654 43 805 550 656 646 375 170 266 856 842 6CD 807 430 U6 863 44 816 618 467 722 615 106 113 755 815 692 657 401 163 790 45 910 864 701 764 410 170 281 962 977 724 852 5U 141 981 4< 611 351 432 575 110 126 31 720 706 468 412 239 65 580 47 643 355 656 679 45 90 46 836 667 473 466 244 50 844 48 451 344 355 302 270 65 76 410 475 383 432 172 82 495 49 344 267 480 196 200 60 86 365 3U 250 331 100 105 459 50 76 185 25 71 5 25 285 152 10 32 71 91 176 202 31 126 10 10 30 3U 151 15 48 55 52 76 225 29 25 5 56 15 5 30 275 137 16 15 42 1 71 10 53 64 69 216 10 56 5 "io izL 155 48 38 55 231 3a 251 434 270 75 36 355 351 271 300 235 lOO 349 5« 504 368 811 639 445 250 225 801 611 525 1,066 235 480 583 57 530 120 131 311 UO 5 35 205 240 511 467 31 5 150 58 653 76 320 175 205 35 45 230 430 877 375 96 105 U5 59 442 71 315 236 720 181 196 380 350 352 340 163 174 351 60 855 60 875 530 1,440 545 706 1,000 501 690 1,121 359 315 685 61 61 36 125 101 110 81 66 120 120 51 115 50 45 180 «2 381 35 190 135 610 100 130 260 230 301 225 113 128 171 63 291 35 185 135 480 95 95 250 210 195 200 102 53 161 64 90 5 130 5 35 10 20 105 25 U 55 10 65 U/22-11/28 U/29-12/5 11/22-U/28 11/22-11/28 U/22-U/28 U/22-U/28 11/22-U/28 12/6-12/12 11/22-U/28 U/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 U/22-11/28 Ll/22-11/28 Ll/22-11/28 66 1,063 455 610 840 960 246 231 850 856 977 761 377 129 665 67 1,576 563 1,612 1,315 1,270 420 762 1,181 1,092 1,479 1,573 626 625 1,359 68 1,424 749 755 1,124 1,310 297 271 1,115 1,236 1,311 941 552 159 900 69 2,242 949 2,112 1,974 1,870 635 1,012 1,671 1,834 2,277 2,098 794 797 1,801 70 1,048 454 580 810 935 206 2U 815 846 936 741 322 104 635 71 1,541 548 1,537 1,285 1,220 405 657 1,131 1,062 1,4U 1,508 506 615 1,344 72 501 U5 275 262 400 U5 146 405 245 335 396 123 45 286 73 547 309 305 548 535 71 65 410 601 601 345 199 59 349 74 301 183 130 233 250 56 55 240 295 315 170 175 54 200 75 376 295 175 314 375 91 60 300 390 375 200 230 55 255 76 80 176 42 170 45 15 80 65 168 41 26 89 77 215 240 76 206 25 15 10 86 107 261 52 55 54 78 125 760 83 269 55 15 130 115 407 47 172 160 79 328 1,907 168 381 30 15 15 125 186 575 96 240 U2 80 43 156 27 93 10 10 55 25 105 10 19 64 81 62 165 26 104 5 36 52 109 27 20 43 82 65 454 68 130 10 10 75 45 220 10 69 105 83 104 558 43 179 5 59 100 229 38 67 66 64 21 86 20 68 10 10 35 10 46 10 7 48 89 22 70 7 25 20 15 60 12 16 86 1,060 449 601 777 996 234 231 828 811 978 1,032 375 275 789 87 1,580 571 1,676 1,275 1,597 603 918 1,312 1,259 1,511 2,177 590 871 1,466 88 73 28 53 59 20 3 3 54 36 81 30 23 3 44 89 109 36 31 51 60 12 7 47 42 95 42 21 5 84 90 140 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator ere based Estimated number of farms. . SPEnFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES , farms reporting 1959 . Com picl(ors. farms reporting 1959. up balers farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 19.54 . forape harvesters farms refcrting 1959 . 1954 . number 1959 . , 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . number 1959 . 1954.. Tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959.. 1954.. Tractors other than partlen farms reporting 1959 . . number 1959 . . 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 . . 2 or mere tractc^s farms reporting 1959 . . IVheel tractors farms repxting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Garden tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . Automobiles farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Telephone farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Electric milk cooler farms reporting 1959 . Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . -operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 19,59 . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting 19.59 . . 1960. firavel, shell, or shale .farms reporting 1959. 1950. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . > a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . a hard surface road farms rorxvting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average date of enumeration 1959 . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDtNG ENXJMERATION' Family workers, including operators farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . persons 1959 . 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . 15 or more hours persons 1959 . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959 , 5 1959. farms reporting 1959 . 1954. persons 1959 . 19.54. xe (lays) . . . farms reporting 1959. 1954. persons 1909. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Na residiag on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1,086 1,572 1,606 2,235 1,056 l,^? 516 540 11/22-11/28 1,311 1,016 1,894 11/22-11/28 1,254 1,338 1,963 1,164 1,044 1,332 1,375 1,900 2,057 3,021 1,255 1,855 512 743 ^For 1954, data relate to week of October 24-30. WEST VIRGINIA 141 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on reports for only a sample of fama. See texlj Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Simniiers Taylor Ticker lylei- Upshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wycmlrg 1,096 1,005 831 1,324 909 542 376 607 1,158 1,163 541 488 487 1,078 549 2,065 1,295 1,222 1,345 1,466 759 547 778 1,706 2,302 991 1,187 501 1.781 1,091 2 20 22 6 25 1 20 5 10 5 15 3 10 24 10 1 1 25 4 20 22 6 25 1 20 5 'io 5 15 5 10 24 10 1 1 25 6 10 26 5 10 26 '20 16 46 5 "5 50 1 10 5 1 5 5 5 21 5 55 1 e 'io 26 5 10 26 20 10 56 5 5 50 1 9 10 5 "i 10 5 5 a 5 55 1 10 "is 159 109 61 62 72 61 126 82 46 5 11 85 190 11 40 33 6 26 33 14 10 41 3 10 30 95 12 45 161 109 62 62 74 61 126 82 46 5 11 35 195 13 41 33 6 26 33 14 10 41 8 10 30 95 14 40 10 15 15 1 6 20 5 30 5 1 10 30 1 15 5 3 5 1 5 5 1 16 5 30 1 16 40 15 is 15 1 6 20 5 30 5 1 10 30 1 17 10 3 5 1 "'5 5 1 16 5 30 1 16 400 552 344 609 il9 287 211 246 438 507 170 188 241 533 257 19 548 615 448 604 549 293 235 211 522 546 380 359 ai 646 209 20 505 652 369 680 485 315 214 291 468 593 185 214 254 702 277 21 606 667 469 631 606 327 241 218 573 602 400 395 a8 696 a4 22 360 523 451 478 289 337 261 366 528 292 120 147 246 732 136 2S 320 440 416 294 303 278 197 316 490 193 140 202 151 6a 29 24 475 348 640 626 424 441 368 558 757 424 130 198 338 1,103 153 25 340 549 4S8 337 348 339 210 370 582 220 145 233 183 735 38 2e 250 443 356 393 203 262 241 296 408 252 35 107 231 612 51 27 310 580 404 436 246 276 282 363 461 334 90 143 243 713 53 28 220 340 314 357 171 255 201 245 365 200 80 81 220 531 50 29 30 103 42 36 32 7 40 51 43 52 5 26 11 31 1 30 240 432 356 393 198 257 231 286 403 242 85 106 231 607 51 31 175 360 316 259 248 218 182 251 424 173 95 106 131 486 18 32 280 518 399 420 226 270 256 337 456 319 90 136 238 703 53 33 175 399 328 276 266 238 189 266 440 183 95 106 133 546 27 34 25 X 5 16 20 6 26 26 5 15 6 5 10 35 20 30 10 1 5 U 11 6 6 "5 11 5 20 36 30 62 5 16 20 6 26 26 5 15 7 5 10 37 20 31 15 1 5 U 12 7 6 "5 12 5 20 38 165 257 226 185 177 165 '34 190 236 75 40 55 90 380 100 39 145 119 145 60 77 85 21 91 135 31 45 115 35 a5 11 40 165 263 236 190 178 165 86 195 296 90 40 55 95 390 100 41 145 119 145 60 77 90 21 92 135 31 45 115 40 220 11 42 600 575 491 689 417 372 234 402 661 522 220 323 276 858 257 43 788 588 621 839 429 493 265 441 815 610 395 604 236 1,046 433 44 635 654 523 745 452 405 277 437 747 624 220 343 293 957 272 45 798 657 666 945 454 531 275 467 884 672 415 624 248 1,147 467 46 as 491 388 533 423 392 35 452 573 382 80 277 287 733 201 47 546 489 449 758 267 414 73 276 560 282 115 519 131 1,051 90 48 440 382 277 559 211 222 141 240 242 347 50 182 167 506 267 49 235 219 211 230 151 199 89 90 216 388 120 147 71 390 102 50 25 29 40 10 7 36 31 70 65 60 26 25 125 SI 20 46 32 40 2 22 27 20 75 51 'is 36 30 165 52 30 18 45 10 6 31 11 75 35 60 35 35 140 53 10 1 5 5 5 1 10 6^ 15 83 37 32 ii 27 35 46 21 '35 a 65 55 321 384 285 326 293 227 134 186 397 437 190 186 192 a? 116 56 690 596 609 714 357 432 232 291 562 777 340 526 225 550 321 57 170 187 180 413 166 80 65 266 271 171 55 106 135 686 35 58 220 136 145 442 251 75 36 295 395 445 120 3U 166 875 35 59 590 419 366 570 425 235 177 150 490 545 281 191 160 170 393 60 1,275 azL 343 1,181 940 295 316 415 375 1,355 630 541 336 430 831 61 300 203 101 120 160 110 85 50 185 170 91 40 65 55 111 62 290 216 265 450 265 125 92 100 305 375 190 151 95 115 282 63 255 204 255 365 225 120 77 95 280 305 155 131 95 90 187 64 35 12 10 85 40 5 15 5 25 70 35 20 25 95 65 IL/22-11/28 U/22.11/28 U/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11^-11/28 1V22-U/28 uA5-ii/a 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 llvte-ll/28 11/22-11/28 1169-12/5 n/z-a/is 6« 951 851 751 1,053 749 507 336 526 1,015 852 431 412 441 986 503 67 1,810 1,160 1,146 1,600 1,256 637 527 673 1,434 1,891 861 1,102 366 1,611 955 68 1,251 1,211 952 1,318 1,080 682 571 721 1,327 1,062 516 498 562 1,346 919 69 2,467 1,925 1,630 2,326 1,669 948 847 985 1,928 2,676 1,161 1,541 537 2,251 1,268 70 896 785 695 1,033 719 482 301 516 931 802 471 392 4a 961 498 71 1,780 1,122 1,101 1,510 1,231 631 522 653 1,449 1,806 835 1,017 356 1,576 938 72 530 286 281 506 315 200 111 240 475 562 361 226 210 360 262 73 366 499 414 527 404 282 190 276 456 240 110 166 ai 601 235 74 290 315 217 235 282 170 179 145 296 165 35 86 121 295 226 76 355 426 257 285 361 200 270 205 396 260 45 106 141 385 421 76 40 62 67 123 44 37 17 37 73 61 10 26 16 58 6 77 45 158 70 162 82 94 44 62 179 99 50 92 1 141 2 78 100 101 92 203 85 71 22 46 91 167 10 36 35 109 18 79 60 355 83 252 164 213 90 79 325 199 75 142 10 237 19 SO 20 36 16 37 14 22 12 27 23 31 a 16 38 1 81 5 41 23 62 7 13 1 U 22 18 1 1 46 82 65 46 26 57 19 36 12 34 28 77 26 35 71 3 83 10 74 28 38 11 37 1 12 37 94 4 10 91 84 31 11 26 9 20 12 21 18 10 16 10 21 95 20 5 5 11 5 2 * 5 21 5 6 17 1 86 988 907 731 1,118 776 499 349 437 1,035 1,071 547 452 431 919 522 87 1,971 1,313 1,140 1,778 1,357 707 500 728 1,538 2,192 933 156 582 1,621 1,066 88 28 53 46 87 48 31 26 43 74 21 13 26 28 48 5 89 51 45 59 109 59 38 25 34 54 50 15 52 17 58 12 •0 142 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on roports for only lt«ii (For dermitionF i\nil cxplanat ons, see text) The State Barbotlr Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke Cabell Calhoun Clay IiSF. OF OHIMERnAI. FF.nTILIZER AND LH(E 1 ConmHTCinl fertUilcr and fertilizin): iiiaUTinls uspd durint" the year farms reporting 1959 . . . 19,724 669 567 115 412 57 465 160 L30 o 1954... 33,899 1,123 749 327 804 100 720 346 i65 3 acres on » hich used 1959 .. . 307,738 7,900 27,441 405 4,200 1,119 4,340 650 i25 1954... 367,441 7,416 25,104 993 4,372 1,540 2,580 1,924 1, 70 5 ions 1959 .. . 67,201 1,757 4,625 110 1,243 191 878 245 L30 f^ 1954 . . . 67,858 1,462 4,467 167 789 459 643 271 16 7 Dry nmU^nats .... farms reporting 1959 . . . 19,714 67,197 669 1,757 567 4,625 115 UO 412 1,243 57 191 465 878 160 245 L30 130 tons 1950... farms reporting 1959 .. . 10 10 Crop? on which uaed- tons 1959... 4 .... farms reporting 1959 . . . 8,762 343 187 5 167 16 125 80 40 60 12 '■ 1954... 8,805 246 209 15 213 40 85 101 13 acres 1959... 116,429 4,585 4,444 5 1,795 370 1,880 565 »5 14 1954 . . . 96,229 1,715 4,123 145 1,662 665 600 1,114 50 8,757 343 187 5 167 16 125 80 40 54 16 tons 1959... 27,615 874 1,129 2 437 49 388 193 17 Liquid motenals farms reporting 1 959 . . . 5 IS Ions 1959 . . . 3 .... farms reporting 1959 . . . 2,860 126 60 20 20 20 1954 . . . 1,925 35 77 10 20 '15 5 10 21 acres 1959 .. . 45,495 1,890 1,312 1,U0 180 00 22 1954 .. . 29,420 635 1,471 20 250 145 85 60 75 23 IM' nialeriala .... farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,860 126 60 51 20 20 24 tons 1959... .... farms reporting 1959. . . 10,468 464 294 362 43 19 26 tons 1959 .. . 27 Com . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 10,4«3 362 371 95 247 37 165 60 65 28 1954... 20,989 882 374 167 564 55 220 110 30 29 acres 1959 .. . 75,197 845 7,6U 280 635 364 1,220 195 L55 30 1954 .. . 117,647 2,599 6,685 494 1,729 315 1,020 490 15 31 Dry materials .... farms reporting 1959 . . . 10,483 362 371 95 247 181 37 56 165 60 29 65 39 32 tons 1959 . . . 14,474 252 1,122 49 207 33 liquid materials farms reporting 1959 .. . 34 tons 1959 .. . 35 Wheat . ■ . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 2,338 4,959 25 116 176 235 16 30 36 1954 . . . 10 ... "5 3T acres 1959... 20,609 85 2,537 20 100 iio 38 1954 . . . 36,802 361 3,465 50 135 "5 39 . . . . farms repotting 1959. . . 2,338 25 176 5 16 40 41 tons 1959... 3,538 19 414 5 23 25 42 ■ tons 1959... 43 Irish potatoes , 4,307 2715 HA 37 NA 75 NA 210 NA '16 NA 50 NA 35 NA 80 NA 1954 .. . Kk 45 acres 1959... 2,788 120 30 40 120 10 40 30 65 46 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47 Dry materials farms reporting 1959 .. . 4,307 276 37 75 210 10 50 35 80 48 49 Liquid materials tcrs 1959... .... farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,252 79 11 IS 44 2 9 10 15 50 tons 1959... 51 Ml other crops farms reporting 1959. .. 6,521 151 337 65 'so "21 320 '30 16 52 acres 19.59... 47,220 375 U,505 80 500 275 870 60 10 53 151 69 337 1,655 65 41 80 214 21 61 320 206 30 13 10 3 54 tons 1959... 9*850 55 Liquid materials .. . . farms reporting 1959. . . 5 56 tons 1959... 1 57 Lime or liming materials used dunng the year .... farms reporting 1959 .. . 6,925 221 104 102 27 80 40 15 58 1954... 9,402 302 193 '25 116 45 60 65 45 59 acres limed 1959 . . . 85,718 2,830 2,169 1,943 221 770 385 125 60 1954... 102,090 2,728 3,450 iio 1,035 535 320 515 1, 55 61 tons 19.59... 169,586 4,540 4,513 3,450 518 2,220 755 65 62 1954 . . . 176,412 5,193 8,250 190 1,710 1,220 870 1,055 1, 70 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 63 Any or the following specified expenditures. . farms reporting 1959 .. . 42,628 1,121 892 265 1,178 157 900 721 4 90 64 Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959... 35,699 956 769 185 978 127 660 586 140 65 1954 .. . 54,900 1,134 1,003 317 1,204 225 1,190 977 80 66 dollars 1959 . . . 26,435,439 .359,812 631,515 30,790 300,470 58,580 343,240 268,825 107,' ■90 67 1954... 29,014,506 394,190 849,045 92,430 189,305 75,375 416,985 136,750 70,6 05 68 Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959 . . . 17,194 438 572 60 387 51 270 265 95 69 dollars 1959 . . . 11,476,131 219,955 421,728 1,860 168,589 22,965 151,085 112,325 29,6 .45 70 Machine hire farms reporting 1959 .. . 12,998 423 461 15 270 57 195 U5 45 71 1954 .. . 23,172 566 577 80 379 80 495 360 1 90 72 dollars 1959 . . . 1,506,938 33,797 115,856 650 22,825 5,517 13,440 5,710 1,6 95 73 1954... 1,868,157 26,765 113,685 1,895 25,673 U,820 36,840 15,395 6,; 165 74 Under 5200 farms reporUng 1959. . . 10,754 375 275 15 240 55 175 UO 45 75 S200to?999 farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,1X5 48 168 30 1 20 5 76 Sl.OOOormore farms reporting 1959. . , 129 18 1 77 Hired labor farms reporting 1959 .. . 13,504 381 466 15 393 47 270 286 55 76 1954... 19,612 474 454 75 555 55 310 502 J J5 79 dollars 1959... 10,360,699 90,071 1,189,250 2,750 102,485 47,900 171,075 50,320 8,2 75 80 1954 . . . 9,457,684 83,720 882,905 10,070 61,345 44,195 135,345 56,965 21,; 65 81 Under Sl.OOO farms reporting 1959 . . . n.7ii 362 311 15 366 35 235 280 55 82 1954... 17,857 451 316 75 553 50 290 500 1 JO 83 $1,000 to S2,499 faims reporting 1959 .. . 1.059 16 61 20 6 20 84 1954 .. . 1,117 22 71 2 15 "i 85 52,100 or mere 734 638 3 1 94 67 7 g 15 6 86 1954 . . . 5 5 1 '5 87 52,500 to S4,999 .... farms reporting 1959 . . . 412 2 51 7 5 5 5 88 $5,000 or more farms reporting 1959 . . . 322 1 43 1 10 1 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting 1959 .. . 36,709 1,015 667 185 823 137 790 581 ; 190 90 1954 . . . 24,864 559 759 80 434 120 275 381 : 00 91 dollars 1959... 4,736,364 84,355 355,699 7,330 54,660 28,325 64,455 33,160 24,1 55 92 1954... 3,634,723 60,925 269,930 3,100 65,460 31,900 23,890 19,215 13,2 25 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1959 .. . 16,051 387 534 45 522 62 445 341 90 94 dollars 1959... 1,164,538 14,310 91,330 1,105 12,545 5,718 46,925 7,794 1,9 70 WEST VIRGINIA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 m s«inpl« or fums. See text] 143 Doddridge Fayett* GUmer Grant Greenbrier Haj^shlre Hancock Hardy Harris^ Jac]£8on Jefferson Kanavha Lewis Lincoln 221 350 91 350 1,052 515 102 426 410 418 352 156 375 710 1 128 1,020 360 324 1,593 814 141 470 506 550 448 426 638 960 2 1,499 2,085 816 7,800 18,191 U,450 2,225 10,492 4,986 7,804 22,955 1,272 4,629 2,800 3 733 5,105 3,460 5,586 18,577 20,456 1,545 9,832 5,193 8,122 29,930 2,385 5,741 3,080 4 333 549 208 1,836 4,367 3,061 419 1,999 1,366 1,399 4,036 304 1,138 893 i 140 8U) 719 941 3,764 3,839 280 1,605 1,173 1,663 4,516 454 1,194 823 S 221 350 91 350 1,052 515 102 426 410 418 347 156 370 710 7 333 549 208 1,836 4,367 3,061 419 1,999 1,366 1,399 4,035 304 5 1 70 1,135 5 3 222 893 S 9 10 136 140 60 195 419 218 27 159 258 272 136 60 11 68 105 77 US 279 216 U 120 320 312 144 86 229 45 12 974 890 405 3,549 6,746 5,023 940 2,453 2,852 3,035 5,282 1,035 2,620 290 13 501 835 1,032 1,582 3,298 2,958 320 1,715 3,868 3,266 5,214 730 3,005 510 14 136 140 60 195 419 218 27 159 258 272 136 70 217 60 15 216 246 UA 917 1,545 1,040 1^6 665 820 693 1,033 234 672 5 62 IS 17 55 55 16 74 226 63 17 42 lis 'si 35 3 124 '25 IS 19 1 50 10 13 128 81 69 20 72 41 "5 55 5 20 355 80 295 1,663 4,140 1,798 420 1,495 1,609 3,260 1,806 1,375 200 21 15 640 1,550 150 2,015 1,092 1,025 215 1,785 560 "16 680 10 22 55 55 16 74 226 63 '17 42 128 81 35 124 25 23 61 29 66 515 1,138 472 62 244 391 363 365 278 85 24 25 45 180 35 142 706 272 72 247 85 183 200 35 141 395 2« 27 51 660 187 107 1,135 562 125 264 217 228 296 181 410 390 28 75 505 100 1,463 4,238 3,297 390 3,596 415 1,207 6,515 115 427 1,290 29 120 1,870 622 1,674 6,661 4,881 520 3,740 710 2,414 9,066 950 1,544 1,345 30 45 180 35 142 706 272 72 247 85 183 200 35 Ul 395 31 21 112 22 229 968 657 96 634 123 259 1,129 25 90 275 32 33 5 35 im 230 132 35 iii '21 170 15 34 35 40 163 535 322 65 185 "35 36 209 16 31 3e 15 170 622 1,392 915 215 1,115 152 4,434 65 37 130 1,283 3,459 2,448 255 1,892 160 170 5,653 "46 185 38 5 35 101 230 132 35 Ul 21 170 15 39 5 34 89 330 184 40 178 28 578 15 40 41 "eo '96 26 68 193 '99 99 60 '56 ■5 '45 '57 160 42 43 NA NA NA NA NA NA KA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA 44 65 75 16 58 99 73 59 30 25 5 35 62 95 45 NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 40 80 90 26 68 193 99 99 60 50 5 45 57 160 47 26 38 6 19 45 34 28 12 10 1 13 25 35 48 19 '26 iio '99 31S 263 60 180 '55 65 155 'si '26 576 50 51 15 365 445 1,576 3,344 260 1,774 80 125 4,913 87 80 925 52 20 110 99 318 203 60 180 55 65 150 51 20 570 53 4 90 67 341 674 65 250 20 46 929 5 32 55 436 55 236 '85 '56 170 451 229 85 83 337 157 1 64 '51 108 '25 5« 57 43 195 81 66 495 207 96 88 274 304 63 40 189 55 58 1,354 580 250 2,299 5,784 3,585 535 1,572 4,705 1,892 2,937 692 937 335 59 490 2,370 1,019 772 5,U9 2,346 710 1,918 2,785 2,529 2,450 305 2,341 715 60 2,108 1,450 650 4,971 12,993 8,253 1,270 3,168 7,365 3,449 5,8U 1,330 1,559 840 61 864 2,655 1,097 1,664 9,088 5,100 1,150 2,572 5,138 3,967 3,745 805 4,129 945 62 638 785 702 682 1,517 805 177 950 1,268 1,189 517 687 951 1,105 63 577 555 650 620 1,361 736 U7 900 1,147 913 456 541 841 765 64 641 840 970 750 1,933 996 211 930 1,436 1,320 560 1,282 1,205 1,465 66 200,940 215,675 127,670 1,810,063 1,219,548 2,085,524 104,825 3,140,569 542,711 375,145 459,942 246,015 672,266 U7,245 66 165,140 321,440 184,250 3,317,791 1,161,848 1,043,948 89,400 3,892,142 637, UO 735,828 504,358 504,494 957,540 107,000 67 272 255 223 389 670 460 60 523 629 376 282 206 437 295 6S 89,135 43,800 61,989 535,896 805,619 729,003 12,770 1,119,800 564,U3 106,575 466,113 61,565 381,762 50,765 69 305 135 112 372 668 454 41 408 354 367 266 55 363 235 70 245 435 260 423 1,075 672 Ul 489 563 693 397 225 729 395 71 23,165 10,760 7,542 40,825 85,689 87,757 3,465 53,541 38,231 39,380 92,234 10,875 39,945 10,065 72 U,367 17,315 12,035 46,176 89,809 72,415 U,655 52,386 46,520 73,507 114,028 10,830 60,172 9,050 73 280 U5 ica 313 544 338 35 308 296 305 121 45 297 230 74 25 20 U 56 3 122 2 110 6 6 95 5 57 1 62 123 22 5 5 66 5 75 76 233 95 297 278 538 361 22 421 457 376 3U 147 496 270 77 281 185 552 329 857 455 42 402 652 648 365 281 752 315 78 57,100 43,705 48,973 203,137 433,343 805,208 12,800 280,714 287,121 129,628 1,761,018 237,925 230,585 35,790 79 48,334 37,260 91,310 171,365 464,694 605,454 30,270 228,501 244,700 216,744 1,663,985 110,700 329,610 23,290 80 226 85 285 227 437 266 20 340 362 332 135 105 437 260 81 275 170 524 269 712 385 40 324 598 598 206 260 671 315 82 5 12 36 49 47 52 67 27 95 26 37 10 S3 2 15 28 46 104 31 50 31 38 70 10 46 S4 2 10 15 52 48 "2 29 28 17 81 16 22 85 3 U 41 39 2 28 23 12 89 U 35 88 2 10 10 27 17 1 22 19 17 25 12 87 5 25 31 1 7 9 56 16 10 88 513 680 536 622 1,312 749 167 828 1,148 1,029 492 587 825 1,090 89 301 400 310 510 1,097 683 157 493 646 823 480 341 672 375 90 31,804 37,975 33,389 111,641 231,515 204,481 33,601 178,807 148,020 137,993 316,365 49,990 90,440 46,170 91 26,811 25,410 29,932 88,996 176,778 181,515 18,580 100,070 94,787 113,956 266,286 35,790 108,755 12,735 92 366 235 192 368 571 274 21 421 341 434 275 287 297 430 93 7,263 8,215 4,825 20,431 38,343 30,726 4,400 27,599 12,392 78,060 61,648 17,165 20,115 9,025 94 144 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data ore based on rcmrls for only {For definitions ftml pxplanaUon Logan s, see te«) ^ McDowell Iterion Marshall Mason Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia lISEOFCOMMFUnALFFRTILIZER ANDUME | 1 ConinKTcinl fertilizer i»nd fertilizint! nintefiiils u'00 14,280 63,350 116,045 180,616 54,740 72,916 5,350 84,985 92 1954... 10, 50 7,550 57,230 87,890 186,395 27,280 63,355 25,910 66,495 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 56 20 145 475 527 231 233 84 267 94 dollars 1959 .. . 5, 25 735 12,720 40,720 50,548 27,145 19,158 2,635 38,070 HA Not available. WEST VIRGINIA 145 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued > sample of farms. See text] Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocaliontas Preston Putnajn Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Sumners Taylor 806 242 546 151 483 50 480 928 416 505 509 293 417 613 152 1 1,263 274 1,166 260 570 140 706 1,419 763 1,284 842 518 433 1,160 331 2 15,072 7,155 4,005 2,984 7,562 770 6,805 15,614 3,935 4,680 7,092 3,030 6,189 6,093 1,617 3 17,475 9,225 8,029 4,320 7,662 1,910 9,390 20,618 6,116 6,092 7,548 3,134 4,338 8,468 1,914 4 4,053 1,323 900 426 2,083 275 1,745 2,992 1,092 997 1,579 639 1,755 1,308 522 5 3,355 1,644 1,555 860 1,239 583 1,754 3,592 1,296 1,111 1,565 623 726 1,412 422 6 S06 242 546 151 483 50 480 928 416 505 509 293 417 613 152 7 4,053 1,323 900 426 2,083 275 1,745 2,992 1,092 997 1,579 639 1,755 1,308 522 6 375 75 165 60 274 15 288 426 106 175 302 172 297 173 101 11 349 35 245 155 205 25 239 494 156 293 238 161 217 241 120 12 5,938 1,125 1,840 675 3,382 165 3,451 6,245 1,600 1,990 4,013 1,599 3,532 2,003 1,102 13 3,765 400 2,200 1,925 1,868 685 2,239 5,181 2,801 1,528 2,848 1,850 2,141 1,035 810 14 375 75 165 60 274 15 288 426 106 175 302 172 297 173 101 15 1,830 220 344 128 1,057 58 889 1,157 467 485 868 336 1,069 443 373 16 IT 131 25 55 87 86 156 45 '46 '77 '62 io6 'to '40 19 93 25 40 20 61 "5 87 166 35 30 33 25 20 16 10 20 2,322 245 3» 1,151 1,018 2,135 650 805 1,390 876 2,132 925 325 21 1,698 345 295 160 918 20 1,338 1,770 345 260 434 245 935 100 30 22 Ul 25 55 87 S6 156 45 40 77 62 106 70 40 23 588 69 111 420 299 333 183 155 240 180 555 187 66 24 25 608 170 356 iio 212 is 250 56t 261 230 267 i25 iio 437 '26 211 1,007 212 826 140 331 65 504 1,070 297 777 562 248 251 375 196 28 3,692 1,980 900 1,470 1,369 80 1,076 2,851 1,110 1,265 1,080 435 340 1,569 110 29 6,062 2,314 2,674 1,155 2,346 965 2,450 4,660 1,860 1,901 2,083 685 777 3,387 559 30 608 170 356 UO 212 15 250 568 201 230 267 125 110 437 26 31 936 406 239 118 263 9 260 636 212 197 262 95 86 345 32 32 305 90 60 20 146 '50 wi '26 is 7 io 166 34 583 165 125 75 289 10 154 445 41 30 29 30 237 '25 36 2,130 1,110 230 UO 854 393 840 135 75 76 35 575 37 3,660 1,540 640 395 1,615 70 810 2,060 300 U5 163 125 1,335 55 38 305 90 60 20 146 50 191 20 15 7 10 100 3!l 458 151 54 15 145 66 161 21 28 12 3 107 40 95 15 lis 5 76 '20 67 120 30 220 iii '90 80 i96 26 42 43 NA KA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 44 75 10 65 5 69 20 47 90 20 140 146 50 40 71 40 45 NA KA NA NA KA KA KA NA KA NA NA NA NA HA NA 46 95 15 115 5 76 20 67 120 X 220 114 90 80 196 26 47 35 3 40 2 14 6 15 43 9 53 110 15 17 50 26 48 10 175 127 210 71 131 10 156 512 235 215 '« '40 55 26i 11 50 51 915 2,685 640 724 737 505 820 3,453 420 405 387 70 110 945 40 52 175 127 210 71 131 10 156 512 235 215 84 40 55 261 11 53 206 474 112 163 184 202 216 662 200 79 87 U 25 176 25 54 236 'so 180 120 207 '25 152 402 '95 105 266 187 167 iio 91 56 57 417 145 340 215 195 35 204 418 155 255 388 101 266 152 173 58 3,645 940 1,645 1,230 2,419 490 1,673 4,212 1,135 730 3,356 1,900 3,164 1,325 1,090 50 5,238 1,730 2,560 2,285 1,449 915 2,44« 3,697 1,940 4,290 4,520 1,501 2,760 1,500 2,100 60 6,344 2,145 3,155 2,605 5,205 1,025 3,011 8,820 2,365 1,345 6,888 3,990 6,872 2,830 1,731 61 9,628 3,100 4,595 4,575 3,124 925 6,419 5,758 3,025 5,385 7,422 1,990 5,904 2,929 3,034 62 1,176 319 956 296 1,108 296 752 1,446 818 1,026 995 821 1,289 869 532 63 1,004 295 700 220 1,037 221 671 1,245 542 861 827 726 1,097 649 482 64 1,305 410 1,125 445 1,274 335 949 1,745 1,313 1,254 905 1,126 1,558 1,135 609 65 1,018,036 132,650 214,470 270,065 2,327,333 57,305 546,169 1,664,608 3W,670 737,945 254,389 333,797 267,840 172,225 169,330 66 71S,645 308,730 214,880 351,990 2,869,032 65,485 460,689 571,996 247,230 329,000 335,160 415,560 272,215 223,217 229,855 67 556 115 270 130 632 105 332 718 282 471 328 297 632 372 212 68 546,294 95,660 89,335 50,960 728,284 26,370 241,116 399,968 96,731 194,275 205,360 183,640 260,036 77,460 68,993 60 567 186 250 100 455 50 295 577 265 170 254 351 262 329 186 70 873 241 581 200 679 65 443 874 457 515 510 488 697 537 332 71 84,010 28,988 16,245 15,960 49,131 8,950 32,242 51,460 30,455 8,795 22,958 38,195 23,055 20,587 19,269 72 79,197 31,920 34,940 24,090 48,287 2,205 56,937 59,280 43,725 27,725 40,086 35,245 34,068 26,770 24, 595 73 436 151 235 50 378 45 255 521 205 160 226 285 230 307 165 74 111 30 15 50 76 34 51 60 10 28 61 31 22 21 75 20 5 1 5 6 5 5 1 76 610 97 136 1J6 523 41 306 393 271 171 289 380 443 209 167 77 638 173 330 185 540 no 433 509 432 283 363 526 875 424 214 78 221,198 317,345 16,295 573,645 226,337 56,160 174,174 241,065 72,445 161,080 116,831 67,515 122,890 42,293 49,385 79 263,596 568,933 32,655 127, a5 14«,496 24,165 214,764 97,605 74,455 69,755 147, 172 31,380 173,940 55,100 30,023 80 543 90 136 75 470 31 283 362 260 146 253 375 410 195 165 81 553 146 325 150 490 110 380 437 416 278 332 519 842 417 200 82 53 50 29 5 16 20 1 15 31 5 23 12 83 62 16 "J 15 45 39 16 U 12 6 18 5 U 84 14 7 U 24 '5 7 11 10 io 5 10 2 2 85 23 17 20 5 14 6 5 5 19 "1 15 2 3 86 11 5 5 13 4 6 10 2 10 2 87 3 2 6 U '5 3 5 'io 3 2 88 1,061 289 811 281 1,012 266 732 1,321 738 850 829 711 1,019 679 472 69 762 209 385 410 725 110 593 1,130 518 511 478 494 389 489 318 90 168,513 66,496 49,250 72,230 167,369 29,220 103,988 191,851 73,910 61,885 108,914 60,363 100,695 49,293 56,174 91 119,843 76,982 33,450 66,655 118,465 10,205 105,554 125,563 45,235 33,230 77,780 62,745 41,190 42,195 38,720 92 628 142 330 166 437 111 269 613 196 535 246 296 512 443 HI 93 50,370 U,355 9,185 82,135 23,016 5,285 13,338 31,694 13,165 21, 510 16,426 6,895 15,275 17,372 5,110 94 146 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND FARM EXPENDITURES- CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [DaUire based on reports for only a Sample of farms. See t ] Item (Per derinitions and explan&ti ns, see Lext)- Tucker Tyler [Ipehur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wycming I'SE OF CnHMF.nnAL FEKTIUZER AND LIME 1 Commercial Tertilizer and ttttihzing 210 230 611 471 211 272 560 256 755 2 1954 .. . 387 355 1,112 866 656 307 191 3 fl cres on which used 1959. . . 2,629 1,675 5,255 7,056 682 737 2,430 5,113 3,455 1 3,373 2,430 8,842 6,289 2,259 1,551 1,505 7,915 3,216 5 tons 1969. .. 556 379 1,417 1,208 208 192 706 1,218 615 6 1954 .. . 754 438 1,890 936 496 263 406 1,420 478 7 Dry materials . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 210 230 611 471 211 112 151 272 256 S tons 1959... 556 379 1,417 1,203 208 192 706 1,218 615 9 Liquid materials ... farms reporting 1959... 10 Crops on which used- tors 1959... 11 Hay and cropland pasture . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 138 80 281 181 75 45 115 171 150 12 1954... 73 90 375 151 71 71 110 205 134 13 acres 1959 .. . 1,344 610 3,040 2,024 290 515 1,140 2,080 2,655 14 1954 . . . 680 670 3,645 2,605 336 548 720 2,390 705 15 Dry materials . . . iarms reporting 1959 .. . 138 80 281 131 75 45 115 171 150 16 tons 1969... 263 144 799 422 82 134 323 564 435 17 Liquid materials ... farms reporting 1959. .. ... 18 tons 1959 .. . ... 19 Other pasture (not cropland) . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 31 15 125 41 5 36 '65 'so 20 1954 .. . 35 20 55 15 10 41 40 21 acres 1959 .. . 307 35 1,285 501 20 755 1,070 '76 22 1954... 145 160 1,580 40 60 245 230 23 Dry materials ... farms reporting 1959... 31 15 125 41 5 36 65 'so 24 tons 1959... 66 15 263 81 5 212 213 7 25 Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . ... 26 tons 1959 .. . ... 27 Com . . . farms repotting 1959 .. . 115 150 255 321 1 131 47 '81 150 116 28 1954... 299 190 806 510 1 476 167 101 270 565 29 acres 1959... 540 820 550 4,25( ) 237 162 515 1,330 340 30 1954... 1,092 1,195 1,994 2,91. 1,243 668 390 3,425 1,777 31 Dry materials . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 115 150 255 32 Ul 47 31 150 116 32 tons 1959 .. . 113 167 199 59 85 33 156 306 57 33 Liquid materials ... farms reporting 1959... 34 Ions 1959... 35 Wheat . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 15 'is 35 36 1954 .. . 30 30 90 "5 '26 '16 85 37 acres 1959... 25 40 270 38 1954 .. . 120 ioo 230 '5 '30 '25 630 39 41 Dry materials Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 15 7 15 12 35 40 42 tons 1959... 43 Irish potatoes ■••farms reporting 1959... 71 75 220 14 60 51 '30 "5 100 44 1954... NA M NA n; NA NA NA NA HA 45 acres 1959... 71 35 100 71 50 15 20 5 75 46 1954... NA NA NA tu NA NA NA NA NA 47 Dry materials . . . fanns reporting 1959 .. . 71 75 220 14 60 51 30 5 100 48 tons 1959... 19 20 45 4, 17 9 10 3 SO 49 Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . SO tons 1959... 51 All other crops ... farms reporting 1959. .. 'so 30 175 '« 55 6 41 iio 52 acres 1959... 342 175 240 21C 55 25 308 315 53 Dry materials . .. farms reporting 1959... 80 30 175 6C 55 6 41 uo 54 Ions 1959... 83 33 99 7C 24 11 92 86 55 Liquid materials . .. farms reporting 1959. . . 56 tons 1959... 57 ^ime or liming materials used during the year . . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 74 66 191 ioc 40 41 41 iii 46 58 1954... 130 85 4a 11' 111 172 100 205 27 59 acres hmed 1959 .. . 513 505 1,815 1,11C 305 170 275 1,220 190 60 1954... 1,150 950 2,844 1,53; 1,165 1,235 905 2,725 657 61 ions 1969... 1,298 1,575 3,090 2,27C 580 440 500 2,895 230 62 1954 .. . 2,152 1,565 4,847 2,023 1,200 2,995 1,345 3,965 990 SPEnFIED FARM EXPENDITl'RES 63 Any of the following specified expenditures .. farms reporting 1959... 356 602 1,138 1,098 496 478 482 1,073 493 64 Feed for livestock and poultry . . farms reporting 1959. . . 255 52i 993 877 431 391 456 347 447 65 1954 .. . 406 653 1,480 1,612 716 1,022 401 1,576 1,050 6fi dollars 1959 . . . 130,155 196,390 339,544 320,185 43,410 98,278 188,925 566,015 135,145 67 1954... 81,002 147,520 493,010 742,205 77,990 172,277 120,305 630,525 140,597 68 Purchase of liveslock and poultry . . farms reporting 1959 - . . 160 302 457 306 95 191 146 417 •245 69 dollars 1959 .. . 73,318 136,864 164,135 110,61C 16,075 40,240 100,105 213,405 34,145 70 Machine hire farms reoortine 1959 100 250 225 235 496 852 188 637 50 295 92 257 102 150 250 605 71 1954 .. . 40 72 donar5l959... 9,278 23,245 46,769 14,870 1,930 4,911 12,500 22,370 73 1954... 19,032 14,050 47,460 31,530 7,950 9,160 11,975 49,680 705 74 Under S200 195 30 431 60 162 26 50 92 85 16 ■210 40 75 $200 to $999 f rr»r Iflsq 76 Sl.OOOormwe farm SMti 1 959 77 Hired labor sr ng 90 211 217 343 413 500 191 270 50 216 133 357 157 176 218 416 36 37 78 .. arms reporting J59... 79 dollars 1959... 16,121 38,480 85,783 169,980 6,490 29,316 51,950 160,710 8,513 80 1954 .. . 36,761 46,125 106,730 163,235 18,010 41,750 33,540 155,265 15,135 81 Under' $1,000 84 205 210 332 391 475 160 251 50 216 123 351 145 175 186 365 35 85 82 1954... 63 $1,000 to $2,499 .. farms reptrting 1959... 6 6 22 16 10 6 20 64 1954 . . . 6 11 20 11 6 36 "i 85 86 S2,500ormore . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 1 5 15 3 6 1 12 15 1 1 87 S2,500 to $4,999 . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 5 6 1 88 $5,000 or more .. farms reporting 1959... 15 1 6 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business . . fams reporting 1959 .. . 341 527 948 817 340 393 387 1,043 398 90 1954... 306 316 697 494 280 397 171 731 138 91 dollars 1959. . . 46,431 55,225 80,683 72,145 11,550 30,584 41,265 112,790 24,978 92 1954... 32,535 21,995 58,660 54,250 14,260 19,530 20,555 104,770 9,705 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 175 301 276 316 55 136 165 411 105 94 dollars 1959... 7,962 8,395 6,110 56,515 590 2,575 6,420 31,550 2,930 WEST VIRGINIA 147 County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Cattle and calves farms rcpoftin C(»3, includinj* hciTpre th«l I Heifera and heifer calves. , number IflW . . 1954 . . ive calved farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954 . farms reportinc 1959 . 1951. 1954 . farms reportinc 1959 . nun)ber 1959. Steers and bulls, indixlinj; steer oni bull calves. . .farms reportinc 1959. . 1954.. number 1959 . . 1954.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 farms reforting 1959 . . 2 to 4 farms reporting 1959 . . 5 to 9 farms rejiorting 1959 . . 10 lo 19 farms repoting 1959 . . 20 to 41) farms reporting 1959. . 50 to 99 farms tepcrting 1959. . 100 Of more farms (vponjng 1959 . . Cows, including heifers thst have calved- 1 farms refwrting 1959. . 2 to 9 farms reportinc 1959 . . 10 lo 19 fnnr« reportirj 1950 . . 20 to 29 farms teinrtin.'; 1959 . . 30 lo 49 farms repcrtinc 1939 . . SO to 74 farms repoting 1959 . . 75 to 09 farms reporung 1959 . . 100 or men farms reporting 1959. . Milk oows- 1 farms repaiinc 1959. . 2 to 9 farmn reporting 1959 . . 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . 20 lo 29 farms reprilinc 1*59. . 30 lo 49 farms reporting 1859 . . 50 or more farms rervjninc 1959. . Horses and or mules farms reroninc 1959 . 1954. . 1954 . . Ilogs and piga fomvs repcrunc 1959.. 1954.. nur.iber 1959 . . 1951.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting 1959.. 19&4.. number 1959 . . 1954.. Bom before Juno 1 farms reporting 19.W . . 1954.. numbrr 1959 . . 1054 . . Farms reporting by number of hoes aitd pig»- L'ndre 10 fartns reporting 1959 . . 10 to 24 farms reporting 1959 . . 25 lo 99 farms reporting 1959 , . 100 or mor» farms ropcrtinc 1959 . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. nionber 1959. . 1054.. I amhs under 1 year old fanr.s reporting 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959 . . 1954.. Sheep 1 )«ar old and over farms reporting 1959 . 1954- numbrr 1959. 1951. Ewes farms repeating 1959 . 1954 number 1959 . 1954. Itams and wothcrs farms teptrting 1959 . 1954 number 1959 . 1954 Farms reporting by number of Bhrs^p and lambs- l^ndcr 25 farms reporting 1959 . 25 lo 299 farms reporting 1959 . 300 or more farms reporting 1959 . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954 Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 months old and over- I^ndcr 50 farms reportinc 50 lo 399 farms repwting 400 to 799 farms rrijorting ROO u> 1.599 farms reporting 1,600 to 3,199 farms reporting 3.200 or more farms reporting Ttrkey hens kept for breeding farms repxting number 36,467 58,144 513,027 596,876 34,805 56,191 253,015 309,985 29,130 52, 521 121,151 185,838 24,659 35,295 149,008 170,440 18,390 22,736 103,004 116,451 4,765 10,381 7,325 6,616 5,377 1,487 516 8,471 18,322 4,690 1,699 1,101 356 10,240 16,329 1,420 615 394 132 19, »0 33,596 37,587 58,790 23,736 39,545 ue,23e 182,850 12,240 18,002 81,762 90,806 18,670 32,020 66,476 92,044 8,578 10,033 290,449 302,651 5,303 6,168 65,663 57,9U 8,369 9,738 224,786 244,777 8,244 9,588 211,023 229,545 6,495 7,350 13,763 15,232 29,346 52,598 2,015,129 2,663,126 1,407 13,735 14,310 961 1,389 7,573 7,682 751 1,302 2,827 4,391 1,201 45,791 53,352 1,102 1,660 13,046 15,358 1,086 1,637 6,999 8,517 953 1,126 1,274 2,119 775 1,270 2,710 4,325 1,089 1,255 2,317 1,407 44,134 52,712 1,217 5,202 5,467 559 1,130 2,248 3,190 418 1,077 1,293 2,566 1,183 43,234 63,648 1,102 6,892 9,454 554 1,078 3,656 5,026 546 1,012 1,408 2,769 1,059 829 1,403 1,235 470 535 930 867 2,787 1,691 3,314 3,032 251 305 395 431 1,506 870 1,440 1,491 351 374 752 723 1,281 821 1,874 1,541 148 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item (For definitions and explanation s, see text) Doddridge Fayette GUjner Grant Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock Hardy Harrison 1 Cattle and calves . .farms reporting 1959 . . , 569 627 661 616 1,397 711 144 761 1,104 o 1954 . . . 33.3 1,236 1,002 662 1,955 958 196 842 1,506 3 number 1959 . . . 7,2A7 4,774 8,168 13,663 28,050 12,702 1,947 15,578 19,202 i 1954... 9,292 6,213 11,700 12, 583 28,912 12,934 1,317 14,569 18,872 5 Cows, including heifers that have calved . .farms reporting 1959. . . 547 569 649 599 1,357 685 129 744 1,023 C 1954 . . . 787 1,140 936 651 1,899 934 177 328 1,453 7 number 1959 . . . 3,566 2,049 4,652 6,806 13,863 6,709 3CH 7,270 8,882 ^ 1954... 4,41.3 3,063 6,680 6,180 14,641 6,682 879 6,428 9,238 n Mill cows . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 459 473 576 531 1,211 559 39 633 834 10 1954 . . . 742 1,077 393 598 1,306 355 147 777 1,350 11 number 1959 . . . 1,377 1,237 1,550 1,876 6,213 1,796 390 2,182 4,277 12 1954 . . . 2,638 2,352 2,661 1,858 7,426 2,657 569 2,708 5,839 13 Heifers and heifer calves . .faims reporting 1959 . . . 391 439 403 402 942 508 109 486 830 14 1954 . . . 502 679 623 428 1,134 597 133 505 1,028 15 number 1959, .. 2,038 1,599 2,204 3,238 6,726 3,339 717 3,561 5,528 16 1954... 2,710 2,012 2,887 2,921 7,306 3,248 475 3,350 5,420 17 Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves. . farms reporting 1959 . . . 298 357 291 296 741 383 96 373 629 18 1954... 354 420 443 304 317 470 115 335 645 19 number 1959. .. 1,593 1,126 1,312 3,619 7,461 2,604 426 4,647 4,792 20 Farms reporting b> number on band: Cattle and calves- 1954 . , . 2,169 1,138 2,133 3,487 6,965 3,004 463 4,781 4,214 21 1 .farms repxting 1959 . . . 73 58 107 70 170 70 11 32 111 22 2 to 4 .fam;s reporting 1959 . . . 166 248 190 164 380 172 52 230 250 23 5 to 9 .farms reporting 1959. . . 121 158 114 97 257 130 35 137 218 24 lOtolO . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 106 121 129 U4 209 162 30 121 221 25 20 to 49 . .farnis reporting 1959 . . . 79 38 93 105 231 124 12 114 223 26 50 u> 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 20 2 22 43 100 33 3 45 63 27 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 .. . 4 2 6 23 50 20 1 32 18 Cows, including heifers that have calved— 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . 131 227 151 102 282 124 36 135 230 20 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 303 298 345 295 634 341 69 404 497 30 10 to ID .fanr.s reporting 1959 . . . 75 35 96 108 177 128 13 100 165 SI 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 19 6 32 37 91 41 3 39 64 32 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 17 1 18 31 76 31 2 41 53 33 50 to 74 .farms repcrting 1959. . . 1 1 6 16 33 15 15 9 34 75 to 99 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 7 7 4 5 4 35 100 or more Milk cows- .farms reporting 1959 . . . "i 1 3 7 1 1 4 1 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 166 226 207 153 362 201 32 202 281 37 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 272 234 355 345 7U 336 43 403 435 38 10 1O19 .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 20 9 11 26 67 10 11 11 54 39 20 to 29 • farms repcrting 1959 . . . 1 2 3 2 26 5 2 7 32 40 .30 to 49 .farms repcrting 1959... 5 34 5 1 5 19 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959... 2 11 2 4 3 42 Horses and or mules .farms reporting 1959 .. . 357 317 434 224 539 231 55 305 631 43 19.54 . . . 515 658 657 348 915 509 79 376 907 number 1959... 608 659 901 385 1,139 548 125 514 1,430 45 1954... 910 1,051 1,342 614 1,751 908 157 630 1,951 46 Ho5s and pies .farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 348 537 404 697 440 819 459 486 393 1,289 529 750 56 97 5U 710 449 666 17 48 number 1950... 1,158 1,822 1,687 5,826 5,722 6,570 266 10,269 1,826 49 1954 . . . 1,333 2,062 3,190 4,329 6,448 6,123 456 8,362 2,135 50 Bom since June 1 .farms rcixirling 1959.. . 183 194 230 231 420 274 24 363 199 51 1954 . . . 292 343 385 214 616 347 33 347 255 52 number 1959 . . . 568 919 927 3,235 2,883 3,757 123 5,161 993 53 1954 . . . 904 1,089 1,563 2,157 3,357 3,172 196 4,832 937 54 Born hefore June 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 260 318 343 414 748 451 44 561 334 55 1954 . . . 463 482 726 430 1,067 647 77 632 515 56 number 1959 . . . 590 903 760 2,591 2,839 2,913 143 4,103 833 57 Fanns reporting by number of hogs and pies- 1954 . . . 929 973 1,527 2,172 3,091 2,951 260 3,480 1,249 58 Cnder 10 .farms reporting 1950... 331 363 410 313 738 355 47 389 419 59 10 to 24 .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 15 36 26 83 116 103 9 IX 25 60 25I0 99 .farms reporting 1959.. . 2 4 4 52 36 65 113 4 61 100 or more .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 6 3 6 12 1 62 Sheep and lambs .farms reporting 1959 . . . 193 53 187 463 582 279 7 538 175 63 1954 .. . 218 55 235 449 518 342 9 504 186 64 number 1959... 5,103 1,076 5,442 19,046 20,115 10,390 193 23,052 5,226 65 1954 .. . 5,976 964 6,416 16,238 19,394 9,976 127 16,950 4,637 66 1 ambs under 1 year old . farms repcrting 1959 . . . 115 38 119 310 339 196 3 354 104 67 1951... 122 33 156 290 290 218 7 331 106 68 number 19.59 . . . 747 311 1,034 6,330 4,117 3,307 15 7,188 393 69 1954... 1,012 211 1,122 4,213 2,866 2,256 25 3,750 679 70 Sheep 1 year old and over .farms reporting 1959 . . . 186 46 180 455 570 277 7 529 158 71 1954 . . . 209 52 226 440 606 337 7 493 179 72 number 1959... 4,356 765 4,403 12,666 15,998 7,083 173 15,364 4,333 73 1954... 4,964 753 5,294 12,025 16,528 7,720 102 13,200 3,958 74 Ewes .farms reportin!( 1959 . . . 184 45 180 452 560 275 7 521 164 75 19.54 .. . 197 50 221 436 SOI 333 7 480 175 76 number 1959 . . . 4,125 713 4,213 U,954 15,147 6,785 135 15,190 4,115 77 1954 .. . 4,645 678 5,059 11,507 15,742 7,233 96 12,463 3,792 78 Ham* and wether* .farms reporting 1959. . . 165 34 144 375 445 173 4 412 140 79 1954 . . . 167 38 185 361 474 as 5 375 110 NO niimlior 1959 . . . 231 52 195 712 351 298 43 674 217 81 Farms reptirting bv numlicT of sheep and bi..ib5- 1954... 319 75 235 513 786 487 6 737 166 82 Und« Sr, 119 36 96 219 299 145 g 227 100 83 25 to 299 f s nort 1959 74 17 91 242 281 133 1 307 74 84 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 2 1 4 1 85 Chickens 4 months old and over .farms reporting 1959 . . . 452 538 5U 515 1,151 550 104 527 747 B6 1951 . . . 727 1,215 927 469 1,826 836 173 684 1,291 87 number 1959... 18,500 53,029 23,837 32,916 86,135 50,453 8,077 33,235 62,222 88 1954 . . . 27,772 59,270 34,941 26,756 36,075 59,052 13,711 76,358 63,531 89 Under 50 359 369 431 398 333 355 53 368 557 90 50 to 399 farms renortinc 1959 91 151 g 285 14 170 15 7 2 43 3 120 174 91 400IO799 farms renorti 1959 16 5 600 to 1,599 farms reporting 1959 4 4 . 13 4 12 6 93 1,900 to 3.199 .farms repcrting 1959 .. . 1 "i 5 2 1 22 2 39 2 1 9 5 2 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding .farms reporting 1959... 8 5 34 18 3 96 1954 . . . 6 24 16 12 51 14 "2 59 21 97 number 1959... 26 13 66 10,142 120 338 6,075 9 _98_ 1954 .. . 23 92 69 556 644 389 5 20,457 109 WEST VIRGINIA FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 149 Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan McDowell Marion Marshall Uason Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia 1,1''2 427 493 840 619 173 158 799 343 903 964 346 156 760 I 1,605 540 1,356 1,230 1,286 430 762 1,223 1,154 1,416 1,942 531 ■^5 1,254 2 I6,i70 21,509 3,939 13,996 2,545 490 460 3,252 13,220 19,452 7,762 5,462 475 U,585 3 21,316 21,668 7,140 17,167 4,253 1,228 1,7U 9,585 15,237 22,70B U,466 7,651 1,479 13,439 l,12i 400 450 316 581 158 151 723 803 855 ■KO. 324 150 684 g 1,554 513 1,273 1,214 1,233 440 716 1,173 1,098 1,353 1,883 512 688 1,177 6 9,266 11,228 2,052 71,44 1,236 251 247 3,779 5,819 10,205 3,792 3,416 a3 5,086 12,134 11,624 3,731 8,780 2,319 679 1,046 4,729 8,185 11,474 5,218 3,952 867 6,a6 8 910 326 364 703 541 152 144 552 658 553 771 233 139 491 9 1,432 455 1,218 1,108 1,151 426 686 1,071 1,043 1,238 1,786 454 673 1,031 10 4,017 6,491 1,242 2,751 892 232 216 1,3(» 5,132 6,460 2,141 1,342 195 2,323 11 7,071 7,532 2,939 4,563 1,862 646 910 2,361 7,257 8,296 4,777 2,036 830 3,561 12 822 360 277 548 295 78 62 559 708 592 532 236 87 591 13 1,086 449 693 735 596 233 309 786 908 1,017 1,0U 356 274 827 5,048 6,470 1,246 3,675 859 171 138 2,632 4,334 6,934 2,589 1,752 as 3,885 15 6,443 6,455 2,376 4,568 1,514 437 509 3,123 4,842 7,881 3,254 2,341 452 4,045 16 627 359 216 448 153 41 39 482 532 493 344 a6 25 478 17 703 397 432 534 216 68 86 574 645 554 613 260 107 520 18 2,156 3,8U 641 3,177 400 68 75 1,351 2,067 J, 313 1,381 1,294 47 2,514 19 2,739 3,589 1,033 3,819 420 U2 156 1,334 2,210 3,347 1,994 1,358 160 3,178 20 82 8 108 102 244 74 57 71 19 78 153 29 67 53 SI 278 38 151 221 240 76 76 259 140 195 391 77 67 197 22 261 26 120 137 76 U 18 193 186 201 191 76 26 186 23 274 49 66 163 37 8 6 157 248 183 133 59 6 155 24 185 160 38 156 19 1 1 94 226 147 82 65 124 25 53 93 9 44 2 12 21 55 12 20 35 2« 9 53 1 17 1 3 3 33 2 10 10 27 138 19 163 181 367 115 37 17D 61 146 315 46 106 150 38 695 72 242 405 195 41 63 458 464 459 484 172 44 334 29 178 93 22 U6 14 1 1 58 217 106 71 53 87 30 56 82 U 69 1 1 21 43 56 22 25 31 31 45 79 7 33 4 12 17 48 7 17 24 32 10 32 4 8 4 1 22 1 9 7 33 2 15 8 1 2 2 7 U 1 2 i 34 3! 279 39 167 245 360 U7 89 175 71 183 X6 59 98 179 3« 560 80 177 405 178 33 55 352 374 332 437 138 41 257 37 24 64 7 29 1 1 13 171 42 18 15 23 38 25 69 4 12 1 1 7 33 32 9 12 15 39 18 48 6 9 1 5 9 38 1 6 14 40 4 26 3 3 26 2 2 41 684 134 344 472 667 155 125 447 493 528 431 140 119 362 4! 1,038 190 837 757 1,059 3U 402 695 792 918 991 269 3a 618 43 1,366 433 814. 1,004 1,033 197 170 1,QU 1,051 1,056 332 236 158 701 44 2,039 540 1,271 1,531 1,570 389 463 1,276 1,577 1,751 1,553 428 349 1,159 45 694 309 367 445 607 213 140 288 388 527 722 193 157 291 4« 1,182 393 954 796 992 348 359 617 625 981 1,274 305 417 717 47 3,407 8,884 2,481 1,940 1,955 797 435 1,115 2,538 3,912 2,966 1,442 488 1,514 48 5,5a 9,487 3,564 2,685 2,456 831 852 1,929 3,936 5,256 4,247 1,819 959 2,954 49 364 223 196 227 319 97 63 159 209 249 262 99 84 136 50 592 249 449 376 458 140 147 258 304 437 497 137 200 222 51 1,885 5,502 1,448 1,039 1,026 417 202 651 1,503 2,190 1,499 30; 261 807 52 2,849 5,085 1,703 1,227 1,165 387 353 878 2,023 2,696 1,858 977 487 1,360 53 523 231 271 336 458 185 lOQ. 185 3U 435 612 147 121 228 54 881 357 708 607 718 256 265 489 512 813 1,068 243 300 616 55 1,522 3,382 1,033 901 929 380 233 464 1,035 1,722 1,467 638 227 707 56 2,672 4,402 1,861 1,458 1,291 444 499 1,051 1,913 2,560 2,389 342 472 1,594 57 618 93 309 413 573 199 132 268 305 439 661 152 143 254 58 66 88 40 29 27 W 7 16 70 60 43 29 9 27 59 9 116 16 2 7 5 1 3 12 23 16 12 9 60 1 12 2 1 1 1 5 2 1 «1 146 83 15 332 5 3 5 89 2a 46 123 171 4 167 62 182 96 25 431 13 2 19 UO 280 60 177 167 15 188 63 3,679 4,500 365 9,155 98 26 66 2,208 10,309 i,a7 3,109 5,729 77 5,990 64 4,020 4,316 532 10,376 102 12 229 2,658 12,847 1,230 4,770 5,542 167 8,060 65 93 47 9 187 2 1 3 51 154 30 64 111 3 97 66 124 56 15 237 7 1 12 75 185 33 106 122 11 130 67 565 614 59 1,393 37 6 9 707 2,333 331 531 1,344 25 1,533 68 916 735 117 1,248 37 1 64 604 2,955 194 878 1,275 56 2,332 69 145 85 14 325 5 3 5 88 ao 45 la 170 4 162 70 162 96 22 422 12 2 19 104 266 59 168 163 14 182 71 3,114 3,886 306 7,762 61 20 57 1,501 7,976 886 2,578 4,385 51 4,457 72 3,104 3,581 415 9,128 65 11 165 2,054 9,392 1,086 3,892 4,267 111 5,728 73 143 83 13 319 3 1 4 37 202 45 121 170 4 159 74 161 94 22 420 12 2 19 102 251 58 163 158 12 177 75 2,940 3,710 252 7,352 57 13 25 1,401 6,052 335 2,459 4,173 47 3,918 76 2,871 3,422 398 8,723 63 11 151 1,918 7,266 1,033 3,710 4,054 74 5,241 77 117 70 9 255 3 3 3 58 147 30 83 134 2 U5 78 125 87 14 329 2 8 70 182 46 la 135 8 122 79 174 176 54 410 4 "7 32 100 1,924 51 U9 212 4 539 80 233 159 17 405 2 14 135 2,526 53 132 213 37 487 81 80 31 10 186 4 3 4 56 35 26 71 81 3 81 82 66 56 1 5 146 1 1 32 1 135 1 20 52 90 1 85 1 83 84 763 324 490 578 814 258 196 497 597 698 764 255 226 435 85 1,225 457 1,395 1,034 1,148 542 801 994 958 1,235 1,832 487 664 1,051 86 43,329 22,848 49,259 49,146 32,991 U,189 12,628 35,871 33,096 62,740 45,543 14,810 13,333 38,351 87 86,469 32,217 61,048 46,325 44,703 21,671 25,108 43,601 53,293 73,362 68,644 30,025 28,341 54,571 88 460 170 334 439 625 183 U8 331 416 392 610 190 143 343 89 298 5 150 3 1 140 4 6 4 2 125 6 2 2 4 185 3 1 74 1 75 2 1 109 4 1 1 1 173 4 4 288 11 5 1 1 146 1 2 3 2 59 5 2 80 3 128 7 3 2 2 90 91 92 93 94 16 3 8 16 7 3 2 9 7 17 16 10 1 5 >5 43 2 21 14 11 14 L2 13 15 30 52 11 5 8 96 160 8 32 87 21 7 3 51 27 70 125 40 2 31 97 190 6 89 39 54 59 60 39 57 111 190 47 14 27 W 150 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON It«m Uonroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleaaanta Pocahontas Preston Putnam , see text) 1 Cattle and calves . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,112 221 851 252 996 214 705 1,386 656 2 1954 . . . 1,637 342 1,323 357 1,156 324 962 1,368 1,268 3 number 1959 . . . 20,345 3,043 7,335 6,120 20,240 2,241 12,029 20,230 6,454 4 1954 . . . 23,206 3,008 8,511 7,429 19,250 3,082 14,681 19,933 9,089 S Co^^s, including hcifpr? thai have calved . .farms repotting 1959 . . . 1,091 204 338 235 991 201 695 1,336 633 6 1954 . . . 1,613 329 1,281 326 1,147 319 957 1,833 1,226 7 number 1959 . . . 10,046 1,467 4,123 3,174 10,312 1,093 6,852 10,728 3,460 g 1954 . . . 11,944 1,530 4,788 3,856 10,114 1,539 8,059 10,867 4,795 !1 Milkco.^ . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 974 161 722 186 893 163 638 1,135 515 10 1954 . . . 1,520 288 1,221 287 1,079 294 903 1,7U 1,174 11 number 1959 . . . 4,733 626 1,686 2,514 2,638 593 2,249 5,670 1,717 12 1954 . . . 6,276 1,022 3,199 3,142 3,717 937 3,047 7,235 3,533 13 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 717 171 501 219 685 178 439 1,064 441 14 19.54 . . . 1,004 233 750 301 675 214 597 1,273 756 15 number 1959... 4,849 967 2,118 2,270 4,552 786 2,819 6,273 1,931 16 1954 . . . 5,568 953 2,315 2,758 4,342 990 3,285 6,U0 3,016 17 SU?er5 and bulls, including ;=teeT and hull calves. . farms reporting 1959 . . . 603 149 293 174 578 107 331 792 336 18 1954 . . . 716 151 423 238 536 156 429 325 408 19 number 1959 .. . 5,450 609 1,089 676 5,376 362 2,358 3,229 1,063 20 Farms reporting bv number on band; Caule and calves- 1954 .. , 5,694 525 1,408 815 4,794 553 3,337 2,936 1,278 21 1 .farms reforting 1959 . . . 116 17 183 2 95 16 86 84 82 92 2 to 4 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 293 58 239 31 226 64 179 340 205 23 5lo9 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 206 44 171 48 185 65 133 312 159 24 10 lo 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 195 40 U4 52 204 37 133 322 126 25 20 to 49 .farms reporting 1959. . . 203 54 74 87 183 27 Ul 259 73 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 71 7 16 29 68 5 46 62 9 27 100 or more Cows, includinp heifers thai have calved- .farms reporting 1959. . . 28 1 4 3 35 12 7 2 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . 134 41 309 25 147 42 118 198 155 20 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 593 102 414 83 501 131 357 .766 380 30 lOtolO .fanT,s reporting 1959 . . . 164 47 72 65 189 17 127 243 64 11 20 lo 29 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 79 9 25 35 82 8 42 83 23 32 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 51 4 16 19 44 2 34 36 7 33 50 lo 74 .farms lepdting 1959. . . 12 1 2 3 23 1 9 8 2 34 75 to 99 .farms reporting 1959 . , . 3 3 5 1 2 35 100 or more Milk co»s- .farms reporting 1959 .. . 5 2 3 1 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 237 47 375 21 248 50 172 315 IBS 37 2 to 0 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 630 98 328 64 624 103 429 659 307 38 10 to 19 .farms rercrting 1959 .. . 56 14 11 43 20 6 27 105 8 39 20 to 29 .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 27 2 6 33 4 7 42 6 40 41 30 to 49 50 or more • farms reporting 1959 . . . • farms reporting 1959. . . 21 3 1 1 15 5 1 2 1 12 2 4 2 42 Horses and 'or mules .farms reporting 1959 . . . 430 106 401 106 423 156 235 483 458 43 1954 , . . 837 195 746 175 666 207 453 765 369 44 number 1959 . . . 1,027 213 705 297 757 280 503 886 949 45 1954 . . . 1,651 342 1,090 365 1,228 373 836 1,275 1,540 46 Hoes and pics • farms reporting 1959^^^ 848 195 521 89 801 140 473 851 467 47 1954 . . . 1,236 292 910 138 1,034 214 702 1,249 958 48 number 1950.. • 5,662 1,352 2,305 992 8,335 808 2,825 6,043 2,265 49 1954... 6,990 1,612 3,000 1,410 3,637 764 4,255 7,165 3,743 50 Bom since June 1 .farms reirrting 1959. .. 369 107 238 52 411 70 208 484 227 51 1954... 459 107 410 82 477 121 298 665 433 52 number 1959 .. . 2,866 1,098 1,206 5% 4,502 413 1,256 3,681 1,153 53 1954 . . . 3,211 715 1,490 798 4,413 422 1,698 3,863 1,917 54 .farms reporting 1959 • . . 776 166 437 67 723 110 371 670 367 55 1954 .. . 1,146 256 691 101 971 131 614 989 775 56 number 1959 .• . 2,796 754 1,099 396 3,833 395 1,569 2,362 1,112 57 Farms reporting hy number of hogs and pies— 1954 •• . 3,779 897 1,510 612 4,224 342 2,557 3,302 1,826 58 Vnder 10 .farms reporting 1950. . . 676 129 452 66 555 123 411 673 407 59 10 to 24 .farms reporting 1959 . . , 136 49 61 14 170 12 41 139 44 60 25 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 35 17 8 6 72 4 19 36 16 61 100 or more .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 3 4 1 2 3 62 Sheep and lambs .farms reporting 1959 . . . 562 17 182 36 842 15 539 205 27 63 1954. - 655 16 251 56 907 23 683 182 37 64 number 1959. 18,656 398 3,902 1,424 35,241 387 28,608 5,483 580 65 1954--. 18,272 290 4,806 2,094 29,904 824 32,544 3,801 757 66 l.amhsunderlyearold . farms reporting 1959 . . . 274 7 92 29 558 11 407 146 13 67 19.54 . • • 339 9 152 46 459 12 513 129 24 68 number 19^59 . • . 3,885 43 546 405 8,420 93 6,507 1,201 123 60 1954 . . . 2,391 56 920 584 4,363 123 6,897 939 122 70 Sheep 1 year old and over .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 557 17 172 35 837 11 579 195 25 71 1954 . . . 641 16 239 54 900 23 683 177 36 72 number 1059... 14,770 355 3,356 1,019 26,821 294 22,101 4,282 457 73 1954 . . . 15,881 234 3,886 1,510 25,541 701 25,647 2,862 635 74 545 17 172 34 831 11 572 191 23 75 1954... 640 15 233 54 893 23 630 172 35 76 number 1959 .. . 14,040 317 3,180 932 25,509 260 20,923 4,083 389 77 1954 . . . 15,164 222 3,689 1,374 24,346 683 24,482 2,733 604 78 Hams and wethers • falms repcrting 1959. . . 448 13 105 20 728 8 485 136 16 70 1954 . • . 507 12 144 40 755 14 565 111 29 80 number 1959... 730 33 176 87 1,312 34 1,178 199 68 61 Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs- 1954 .. . 717 12 197 136 1,195 13 1,165 129 31 82 Undcf 25 296 265 13 4 124 53 15 21. 368 469 10 5 223 360 126 17 83 25I0 299 farms reliorti 1959 79 10 84 • farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 5 6 85 fbickens 1 months old and over • farms reporting 19^59 , . , 858 239 743 181 854 175 603 931 540 86 1951... 1,458 333 1,290 309 1,110 254 367 1,618 1,133 67 number 1959 .. . 75,356 31,851 40,161 13,382 74,194 8,205 27,758 71,525 34,592 88 1954 . . . 85,111 43,422 59,283 29,550 77,336 12,355 40,213 94,785 56,207 Farms reportinp by number of chickens 4 months old and over- I'ndcr 50 496 134 547 107 62 583 138 480 604 368 90 50 to 399 • farms reporting 1959^ . . 334 96 190 251 34 118 305 161 91 400 to 799 ,.., • farms reporting 1959 , . . 9 3 3 9 10 2 1 16 6 92 800 to 1,599 13 2 1 3 4 1 3 3 3 93 1,6(KI to 3,199 faWns f(.r«(.nn 1 USQ 6 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding .farms reporting 19.59 . . - 34 5 6 32 24 6 13 96 1954... 40 1 23 5 41 26 8 34 97 number 1959 .. . 143 6 16 13 2,842 108 9 33 98 1954 . . . 145 5 132 19 2,979 105 22 173 WEST VIRGINIA FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 151 Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Sumers Taylor Incker l^ler Upshur Wayne WehBter Wetzel Wirt Wood Wycmlng 761 892 714 1,117 744 473 359 510 1,036 842 456 430 435 947 373 J 1,<62 1,203 1,134 1,678 1,238 643 475 674 1,487 1,872 770 1,007 567 1,500 898 2 4,872 14,026 10,778 14,615 7,358 7,433 5,109 7,671 11,840 4,531 2,140 3,749 6,974 12,304 1,615 3 6,527 16,065 13,742 17,860 9,0% 9,322 5,302 8,735 12,447 8,003 3,013 7,866 7,745 15,316 2,878 722 862 683 1,083 718 449 350 492 999 794 447 390 426 897 351 5 1,381 1,181 1,111 1,643 1,217 622 471 659 1,464 1,784 745 %7 561 1,453 867 « 2,577 7,357 5,353 8,061 3,540 3,494 2,921 4,124 5,983 2,301 1,299 1,926 3,533 6,093 856 7 3,624 8,157 6,526 9,490 4,782 4,285 2,979 4,612 6,793 3,998 1,835 4,116 4,077 7,699 1,546 8 636 733 561 869 650 348 305 367 884 699 345 307 354 6% 326 9 1,314 1,108 1,007 1,518 1,166 551 456 589 1,385 1,679 735 912 522 1,326 853 10 1,570 2,829 1,832 1,934 1,866 1,685 1,250 1,759 2,795 1,525 693 1,058 1,419 3,814 541 U 2,719 4,152 3,296 3,588 3,560 2,162 1,832 2,671 4,440 3,309 1,499 3,411 2,203 5,890 1,2% 12 450 598 517 692 489 373 271 373 697 440 188 287 318 744 140 13 774 777 749 983 732 448 324 468 920 876 338 634 392 1,061 399 11 1,542 3,795 3,068 3,752 2,264 2,170 1,465 2,292 3,511 1,620 580 1,157 2,151 4,275 504 15 1,905 4,861 3,583 4,631 2,481 2,446 1,478 2,522 3,690 2,558 851 2,358 2,144 5,031 808 16 293 435 408 540 324 278 188 299 500 238 99 223 238 499 94 17 437 443 539 697 461 306 187 352 491 388 181 419 286 671 192 18 753 2,874 2,357 2,802 1,554 1,769 723 1,255 2,346 610 261 666 1,290 1,936 255 19 996 3,047 3,633 3,739 1,833 2,591 845 1,651 1,964 1,447 327 1,392 1,524 2,586 524 20 162 91 66 131 100 26 18 38 127 291 149 53 43 62 150 21 327 247 177 M2 266 108 101 117 329 321 186 148 100 261 148 22 138 212 137 232 148 130 89 110 237 123 65 99 84 240 46 23 89 154 144 231 133 100 72 112 175 61 36 84 112 191 17 24 34 125 158 166 78 82 60 110 127 34 16 41 73 158 11 25 9 43 26 48 16 21 17 18 36 10 3 4 20 29 26 2 20 6 7 3 6 2 5 5 2 1 1 3 6 1 325 174 127 214 200 72 39 69 217 450 193 100 78 169 210 28 337 471 360 602 424 279 215 274 6U 298 232 235 235 536 130 29 41 121 130 165 69 66 56 96 108 29 17 45 72 130 9 30 9 45 44 58 17 11 22 38 32 7 3 6 23 35 1 31 6 34 17 34 5 U 13 10 21 8 1 3 13 19 32 4 11 3 3 4 1 7 2 1 2 1 7 2 1 5 5 7 "i 2 1 1 3 1 1 6 2 1 34 35 321 217 182 369 235 93 59 103 304 426 164 99 122 186 207 36 299 466 345 491 393 219 226 212 541 253 179 188 201 401 117 37 8 28 21 5 17 22 15 38 22 12 2 17 20 71 2 38 2 U 13 2 4 6 5 12 11 3 3 4 20 39 4 6 2 1 5 2 3 5 6 13 40 2 2 3 3 1 5 41 442 394 394 761 410 262 158 284 449 599 243 298 256 506 263 42 773 637 698 1,154 758 391 275 420 777 1,159 407 671 375 870 5U 43 889 735 800 1,523 647 506 251 540 840 950 331 584 466 1,015 349 44 1,061 1,158 1,271 2,075 1,208 784 446 769 1,284 1,794 573 1,287 719 1,673 632 45 581 532 398 756 604 188 205 228 609 682 276 265 301 478 292 46 910 811 791 1,279 %5 295 318 431 1,006 1,203 479 726 423 960 554 47 2,782 2,561 1,341 3,040 2,977 %7 1,109 958 2,236 3,286 839 1,001 1,732 2,852 972 48 2,686 3,6U 2,434 4,328 3,974 1,019 1,514 1,536 2,991 3,904 1,274 2,878 1,921 4,123 1,185 19 302 246 188 408 383 88 111 127 287 390 150 148 UO 269 166 50 402 401 351 626 399 133 151 191 416 537 213 355 169 413 207 51 1,547 1,259 631 1,422 1,691 518 626 512 1,186 1,864 516 565 917 1,635 536 52 1,338 1,614 1,135 2,036 1,895 460 818 761 1,392 1,889 575 1,433 911 2,022 468 53 426 422 308 573 461 U7 1S8 167 484 475 177 187 259 341 216 54 713 609 653 1,050 828 222 271 348 848 895 362 578 383 768 427 55 1,235 1,302 710 1,618 1,286 449 483 446 1,050 1,422 323 436 315 1,217 436 56 1,348 2,000 1,299 2,292 2,079 559 696 825 1,599 2,015 699 1,445 1,010 2,101 717 57 524 480 378 707 522 170 175 212 564 605 257 244 258 416 276 58 43 45 17 45 69 16 24 10 38 60 17 19 33 48 14 59 13 6 3 3 13 1 6 6 7 14 2 2 9 11 2 60 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 61 83 302 138 168 135 68 80 66 209 24 58 91 36 78 14 62 79 333 247 212 165 65 80 105 242 16 99 166 62 110 17 63 1,891 12,834 5,251 3,806 2,982 1,592 2,728 1,847 4,394 347 1,025 2,431 1,202 1,852 150 64 1,755 12,965 6,065 4,812 2,981 1,219 2,370 2,946 4,798 263 1,537 6,605 1,669 3,226 250 65 45 195 109 91 92 39 55 49 128 19 26 48 25 51 10 66 51 225 144 108 86 31 57 72 134 13 70 139 48 79 9 67 344 2,422 806 575 742 244 693 445 652 U7 175 463 256 363 40 68 376 2,822 824 815 420 109 462 607 802 79 266 1,626 281 817 62 «e 79 299 184 161 128 64 78 63 206 18 56 85 36 71 U 70 72 327 237 205 162 62 78 99 232 15 91 158 58 108 16 71 1,547 10,412 4,445 3,231 2,240 1,348 2,035 1,402 3,742 230 850 1,%8 946 1,489 110 72 1,379 10,163 5,241 3,997 2,561 1,U0 1,908 2,339 3,9% 184 1,271 4,979 1,388 2,409 188 73 75 297 183 159 124 63 73 63 205 16 56 84 36 70 M 74 72 325 235 198 159 61 78 98 227 14 91 156 57 107 16 75 1,387 9,925 4,226 3,017 2,059 1,292 1,938 1,325 3,557 201 828 1,671 906 1,428 101 76 1,301 9,690 4,965 3,757 2,423 1,061 1,818 2,218 3,767 160 1,194 4,204 1,274 2,315 163 77 SO 248 163 130 87 49 64 43 158 U 22 47 26 51 6 78 45 255 193 138 111 40 58 72 158 ID 71 113 46 69 10 79 160 487 219 21A 181 56 97 77 185 29 22 297 40 61 9 80 78 473 276 240 138 49 90 121 229 24 77 775 U4 94 25 81 55 129 108 116 91 40 45 40 147 17 44 55 15 49 13 82 28 173 80 52 44 28 35 26 62 7 14 35 1 21 29 1 84 746 692 489 841 604 368 275 356 785 813 393 341 302 632 464 85 1,597 1,121 919 1,468 1,250 570 421 593 1,193 1,716 781 973 491 1,282 932 86 83,143 32,844 15,309 47,481 38,521 16,403 11,875 14,476 65,548 36,662 20,378 11,249 14,010 53,849 22,850 87 77,389 49,4% 32,552 72,352 59,849 22,766 19,566 24,513 45,450 77,515 33,642 38,907 26,514 80,582 31,164 88 549 547 425 605 386 282 206 270 637 610 327 277 206 435 300 89 169 138 64 228 210 82 66 84 128 1% 59 64 95 178 162 90 8 2 3 5 4 2 2 2 5 2 1 10 2 91 7 4 2 2 1 7 2 4 5 92 9 4 1 2 1 1 7 4 1 2 2 93 94 7 18 4 11 12 4 8 6 12 10 3 4 6 4 10 95 43 12 5 19 25 9 6 4 14 9 24 15 4 12 11 96 40 58 31 41 30 9 34 19 61 38 20 32 67 13 36 97 346 29 107 117 TO 40 18 46 35 96 79 57 29 30 44 9C 152 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Mo t data for 1959 ar e based on reports Item (For definitions and explanation . see text) The State Barboitr Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke Cabell Calhoun Clay 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including daily products: dollars 1J59 .. . 77,863,642 1,501,791 3,022,339 39,534 1,036,092 223,278 625,760 558,699 266,668 2 1954 . . . 66,724,957 1,170,887 2,633,731 84,905 983,041 288,777 624,621 468,177 243,737 3 Any livestock sold nlive (cattle, liorscs and mules. hoi:s. ami sheepl . farms reportinp 1959. . . 33,998 997 726 85 988 112 505 636 360 4 1954... 42,509 1,203 818 150 1,426 134 855 911 417 valu of sales, dollars 1959... 36,044,835 893,041 1,208,120 17,465 835,419 93,491 318,095 462,071 148,980 6 1954 . . . 25,076,486 591,039 766,783 27,161 669,092 105,219 209,954 344,604 129,649 7 Poultry and poultry producLs . famis reporting 1959. . . 14,839 383 373 125 533 69 223 284 127 A 1954 . . . 25,478 597 549 245 677 109 498 414 188 9 valu of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 23,022,296 358,643 397,679 22,069 91,170 29,044 126, 679 84,743 113,392 10 11 Livestock products other than poult/y 1954 .. . 24,634,107 365,489 790,945 47,549 205,813 57,350 195,042 81,568 96,404 of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 18,796,511 250,107 1,416,540 109,503 100,743 126,208 180,986 11,880 3,796 12 ' 1954... 17,014,364 214,359 1,076,003 10,195 108,136 219,625 42,005 17,684 livestoc:k sold alive 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . famis reptxting 1959 .. . 31,120 966 650 25 893 101 440 616 310 14 1954... 40,104 1,170 775 116 1,371 130 767 878 394 15 number 1959... 250,716 6,984 9,325 55 5,944 746 2,100 3,714 1,120 16 1954... 270,101 8,287 8,297 401 7,688 1,029 2,896 4,642 1,746 17 dollars 1959... 29,165,871 817,471 943,436 5,950 703,970 68,640 237,535 400,027 125,670 18 1964... 19,041,713 531,903 529,001 19,908 511,622 77,427 168,702 310,437 112,987 1(1 Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 16,255 506 453 25 403 51 170 316 150 20 1954 . . . 22,231 665 499 69 741 100 428 501 207 21 number 1959 .. . 107,338 2,916 3,909 25 2,466 249 830 1,619 540 22 1954... 115,017 4,194 3,680 184 2,757 544 1,284 1,946 726 23 dollars 1959 . . . 18,862,194 515,913 638,956 4,825 423,685 40,510 148,040 230,082 81,080 24 Farms reporting by number of cattle 9oId- 1954... 12,826,768 367,496 385,236 13,239 271,459 65,181 113,372 193,333 69,984 25 1 to! -. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 10,729 331 222 25 255 40 140 215 125 26 51o 19 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 4,323 136 178 125 5 15 35 20 27 28 20 to 99 100 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,136 67 36 3 48 5 23 6 15 16 5 2!) Calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 25.546 796 523 io 762 86 350 520 230 30 1954 ■ ■ ■ 34,963 1,059 663 88 1,247 95 597 782 345 31 number 1959 . . . 143,378 4,068 5,416 30 3,478 497 1,270 2,095 580 32 1954... 155,084 4,093 4,617 217 4,931 485 1,612 2,696 1,020 33 doU 813 1959... 10,303,677 301,558 304,480 1,125 280,285 28,130 89,495 169,945 44,590 34 1954 . . . 6,214,945 164,4Cf? 143,765 6,669 240, 163 12,246 55,330 117,104 43,003 35 Horses and. of mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,814 40 46 10 50 40 55 5 36 1954 .. . 1,925 43 32 15 71 2 49 41 18 37 number 1959... 3,095 55 51 10 90 125 90 5 38 1954... 3,399 103 93 33 94 5 95 51 25 39 dollara 1959... 387,912 6,245 6,925 625 12,800 20,500 10,415 450 40 1954 . . . 221,515 8,239 5,490 1,725 5,813 230 5,008 3,044 1,455 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 7,170 161 349 50 161 32 140 91 60 42 1954... 10,125 231 323 44 330 32 230 184 89 43 number 1959... 110,687 1,305 7,114 330 1,283 562 1,820 1,013 545 44 1954 .. . US, 851 1,788 6,164 340 3,005 640 1,729 1,370 638 45 doHars 1959... 3,652,671 43,065 234,762 10,890 42,339 18,546 60,060 33,429 17,985 46 1954... 2,847,578 31,414 193,762 5,458 48,737 23,041 35,213 17,340 9,309 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms refxrtitig 1959. . . 8,012 95 76 290 15 75 25 48 1954 . . . 8,946 90 89 "2 426 17 5 33 31 49 number 1959... 218,337 2,020 1,769 5,870 485 1,400 375 50 1954 .. . 216,941 1,469 2,568 '2 9,013 453 88 1,231 512 51 dollars 1959... 2,838,381 26,260 22,997 76,310 6,305 13,200 4,875 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 . . . 2,965,680 19,483 38,530 ■70 102,920 4,521 1,031 13,733 5,898 53 Sheep and/o( lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. .. 1954... 8,393 87 82 316 430 14 17 7 9 62 91 30 34 54 9,458 96 95 1 55 number shorn 1959... 242,971 1,840 2,227 7,243 728 47 1,258 564 56 1954 . . . 255,249 1,584 3,113 3 9,925 702 125 1,628 644 57 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 1,336,073 9,308 15,281 34,424 6,619 273 5,958 3,512 58 1954 . . . 1,369,875 8,112 18,664 io 44,828 6,174 861 7,245 2,905 59 Lambs shorn . farms repating 1959. . . 264 5 3 9 2 1 60 number shorn 1959... 4,341 59 74 193 28 18 61 poumis of wool 1959 . . . 19,138 255 352 776 120 54 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959 . . , 8,288 84 80 309 14 7 47 62 1,258 29 546 238,630 1,781 2,153 7,050 700 64 LITTERS FARROTOD pounds of wool 1959... 1,316,935 9,053 14,929 33,648 6,499 273 5,958 3,448 65 year to November 30. Census year , farms reporting 1959. . . 6,092 129 262 20 164 24 95 104 46 6B 1954... 9,216 204 279 59 259 30 169 172 106 67 numbtrnf liUers 1959... 20,639 275 1,094 47 343 109 430 226 97 68 Farms reportins by number ot litters farrowed 1954... 27,568 459 1,253 105 663 143 473 395 190 60 1 or 2 litters . farms reprting 1959 . . . 3,943 98 120 15 130 12 62 82 34 70 3 u> '! litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,794 29 115 4 32 11 24 20 12 71 lOtolnlitlers . farms reporting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 257 73 2 26 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 73 40 10 69 litters . farms reporting 1959. . . 17 1 1 " 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 8 75 .lune 2 to November 30 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 4,989 102 221 15 120 19 83 78 42 76 1954 . . . 6,944 157, 224 40 187 21 124 141 83 77 number of litters 1959 .. . 10,889 154 543 22 181 52 249 134 64 78 1954... 13,412 242 591 57 289 71 215 212 120 79 December 1 to .lune 1 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3,882 83 193 10 86 20 44 60 19 80 1954 .. . 6,257 138 208 28 178 22 101 91 50 81 number of litters 1959... 9,750 121 551 25 162 57 181 92 33 82 1954... 14, 156 217 662 48 374 72 258 183 70 WEST VIRGINIA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 far (Hily a sanrde of fonna. See text] Grant Greenbrier HantpBhire Hancoclt 153 1,406 1,677 2,503,300 1,633,315 576 1,034 1,210,665 729,137 756 329,103 216,463 3,267 4,115 372,715 291,057 1,433 1,900 241,830 196,631 1,834 2,215 130,885 94,426 1,245 2,419 101,880 164,958 1,119 42,320 122,361 1,300 59,560 42,597 3,864 5,690 431,922 394,156 1,929 U3,982 201,237 2,990 3,761 297,940 192,919 6,706 5,521 939,352 483,907 3,188 2,430 608,604 317,035 3,518 3,091 330,748 166,872 1,316 1,605 15,339 13,645 2,074,099 1,264,895 695 758 7,233 6,805 1,426,164 974,107 411 173 102 9 1,098 1,418 8,106 6,840 647,935 290,788 57 6,034 6,109 831,277 480,016 380 412 2,388 2,345 488,917 287,294 273 3,646 3,764 342,360 192,722 8,090 6,075 1,196,161 540,804 332 306 3,550 3,070 789,434 403,058 218 3,005 406,727 137,746 11,158 8,227 1,485,497 580,199 6,148 3,378 1,135,U8 405,757 5,010 4,849 350,379 174,442 1,093 1,424 7,874 9,590 809,409 564,423 553 705 2,627 3,144 421,626 309,293 931 1,3U 5,347 6,446 387,783 255,130 61 10,502 9,573 1,340,1A8 811,Cyl5 5,374 4,273 l,Cf74,212 651,016 349 438 5,128 5,300 265,936 160,029 12 2,303 2,925 252,935 173,243 1,060 1,322 175,655 124,085 1,243 1,603 77,280 49,158 816 1,050 8,904 8,449 1,067,613 666,953 450 594 3,912 3,722 681,838 453,811 4,992 4,727 385,775 213,142 1,000 1,015 33,000 13,685 3,463 4,244 45,019 47,231 1,629 1,956 53,757 26,505 4,890 5,014> 63,570 58,706 5,265 3,707 173,745 113,169 447 429 14,620 10,397 190,060 158,140 4,994 4,105 164,802 105,076 19,658 16,032 255,554 255,857 5,940 5,297 196,020 165,560 7,529 7,053 97,877 103,682 12,744 9,227 420,552 292,252 17,637 12,037 229,281 163,736 4,976 3,351 64,688 42,777 2,112 3,748 69,696 83,701 2,217 2,752 28,821 34,530 8,943 267,234 294,505 3,940 3,352 51,220 59,790 2,183 1,506 72,039 33,477 410 2,379 4,701 1,608 32,340 31,501 8,519 8,602 110,747 101,159 5,270 23,878 22,984 5,608 21,952 24,502 13,443 U,796 72,686 65,893 17,570 17,106 91,250 86,489 7,403 7,871 44,003 45,063 16,889 13,518 95,986 5,070 4,085 26,376 21,359 3,502 3,4U 20,245 22,852 3,859 3,559 26,518 24,123 8,600 9,612 41,361 43,402 154 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most dala for 1959 ar e based on reports Item (For derinitions and expUnaUon , see text) Logan McDowell Marion Marshall Mason Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia 1 Value ol Mies o( livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959 47,083 43,995 895,532 1,884,651 2,640,836 698,379 1,058,728 89,902 1,266,694 ■2 1954 AS, 998 47,179 749,205 1,621,110 2,386,254 762,339 1,002,411 37,144 1,093,583 3 Any livcslock sold nlivp (cnltle, horses and mutes, hous. and sheep) . . farms reporting 1959 140 176 740 866 898 777 365 175 690 1 1954 77 146 786 1,024 1,280 1,278 459 134 816 5 valu of sales, dollars 1959 36,710 26,763 514,510 744,452 1,017,735 558,405 371,089 68,779 631,736 e 1954 16,092 29,455 357,529 457,045 758,898 420,282 305,437 16,190 593,499 7 Poultry and poultry products . . farms ref«rtinc 1959 56 62 257 318 349 390 140 61 245 A 1954 67 217 377 559 711 719 238 119 412 9 valu of sales, dollars 1959 9,480 16,415 140,912 84,636 133,093 110,854 372,124 16,802 130,556 10 11 Livestock products other than poultry 1954 17,710 10,331 209,320 153,044 193,072 117,176 469,254 18,238 96,135 and poultry products value of sales, dollars 1959 893 817 240,110 1,055,563 1,490,008 29,120 315,515 4,321 504,402 15 1954 15,196 7,393 182,356 1,011,021 1,434,284 224,881 227,720 2,716 403,949 LIN-ESTOac SOLD ALIVE 13 CaUle and/or calves sold alive . famis reporting 1959 75 120 690 776 853 712 310 144 620 « 1954 57 123 736 991 1,242 1,182 413 100 784 15 number 1959 130 165 4,465 6,709 8,107 4,050 2,699 423 5,326 16 1954 283 342 4,163 6,774 9,881 5,206 3,133 239 6,207 17 dollars 1959 18,250 17,215 467,080 581,872 914,322 484,175 273,900 41,400 550,089 18 1954 12,987 24,327 324,155 321,912 626,563 325,862 222,945 10,837 506,653 19 Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 70 55 465 431 478 327 175 98 445 20 1954 40 77 437 599 729 652 240 59 504 21 number 1959 105 65 1,730 2,744 3,851 1,543 1,019 236 2,889 22 1954 122 167 1,974 2,200 3,955 2,065 1,372 108 3,125 23 dollars 1959 17,500 10,935 270,230 438,857 676,862 273,598 170,832 24,390 428,475 24 Farms reporting by number of cattle sold- 19.54 8,320 18,464 220,921 211,822 446,265 207,270 154,663 7,202 355,520 25 70 55 345 290 281 260 106 72 256 26 5tol9 . farms repeating 1959 105 121 145 52 64 26 146 27 28 20 to 99 100 or more . farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 15 15 5 49 3 15 5 42 1 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 15 'so 445 625 657 602 270 77 420 .10 1954 42 78 553 646 1,130 1,041 366 67 634 31 number 1959 25 100 2,685 3,965 4,256 2,507 1,680 187 2,437 32 1954 161 175 2,189 4,574 5,926 3,141 1,761 Ul 3,082 33 dollars 1959 750 6,280 196,350 143,015 237,460 210,577 103,068 17,010 121,614 34 1954 4,667 5,863 103,234 110,090 180,298 118,592 68,282 3,685 151,133 35 Horses and, or mules x>\d alive . farms reporting 1959 20 20 35 65 25 30 10 26 46 36 1954 7 12 31 47 86 54 17 10 36 37 number 1959 20 35 80 135 30 40 10 32 101 38 1954 16 12 38 69 173 86 19 13 65 39 dollars 1959 1,600 4,400 9,965 14,250 3,015 4,340 790 4,200 8,700 40 1954 785 1,055 2,523 4,460 11,44S 6,349 1,112 725 4,494 11 55 70 94 166 265 130 371 135 214 57 88 78 51 72 124 42 1954 24 19 43 number 1959 505 156 830 2,470 2,663 1,200 1,165 663 632 14 1954 122 137 750 2,748 4,659 1,917 1,104 247 1,443 45 dollars 1959 16,665 5,148 27,390 31,510 87,879 39,600 33,445 21,879 20,856 46 1954 2,097 2,726 14,216 58,237 111,059 44,174 29,326 4,358 31,042 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms repcrting 1959 15 65 175 59 115 174 5 173 48 1954 1 "s 83 222 54 144 157 3 151 49 number 1959 15 775 5,140 963 2,330 4,458 100 4,007 50 1954 14 ioi 1,397 6,951 339 3,216 3,698 24 4,253 51 dollars 1959 195 10,075 66,320 12,519 30,290 57,954 1,300 52,091 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 223 1,347 16,635 72,436 9,828 43,897 51,554 220 51,310 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . farms rejx^ting 1959 2 4 85 215 44 115 178 3 158 54 1954 1 11 93 261 56 161 164 6 177 55 number shorn 1959 21 54 1,633 9,337 1,059 2,661 4,795 30 5,024 56 1954 10 122 1,953 10,781 1,129 3,984 4,453 72 5,834 57 pounds of wool 1959 90 306 9,376 72,923 6,766 13,593 27,819 200 30,014 58 19.54 30 430 11,570 89,527 7,243 19,013 24,460 438 37,617 59 Lambs shorn . farms reptxting 1959 4 10 2 3 5 12 60 number shorn 1959 51 242 SO 46 67 270 61 pounds of wool 1959 215 1,358 470 208 185 1,071 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959 2 4 81 214 44 112 176 3 153 63 number shcm 1959 21 54 1,582 9,095 979 2,615 4,728 30 4,754 64 UTTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1 959 90 306 9,161 71,565 6,296 13,385 27,634 200 28,943 65 Litters farrowed, December 1. previous year to November 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959 36 16 52 147 142 106 62 16 73 es 1954 58 30 87 259 237 198 84 48 103 67 number of liUers 1959 123 43 134 381 762 339 205 47 204 68 r,irms reporting by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 19.59- 1954 88 94 232 616 903 555 265 78 401 69 1 or 2 litters . farms reporting 1959 29 12 35 109 73 74 40 8 51 70 3lo9lltters . farms reporting 1959 5 3 15 33 47 24 19 8 17 71 lOtolOliucrs . farms reporting 1959 2 1 2 3 2 9 5 3 4 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 2 1 ■^ 1 74 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959 75 ,Iune 1 Id November 30 . farms reporting 1959 36 14 47 113 121 85 51 12 61 76 1954 45 26. 76 172 208 160 68 39 78 77 number of litters 1959 62 40 76 220 357 169 115 30 118 78 1954 61 52 125 302 398 270 142 50 201 79 December 1 to .lune 1 . farms reporting 1959 8 3 35 94 91 58 45 11 43 80 81 1954 number of litters 1959 21 61 22 3 66 58 181 161 212 405 111 170 65 90 21 17 82 86 27 42 107 314 505 285 123 2B 200 WEST VIRGINIA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 155 for only s samp eoffuToa. See t«l] Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor 3,328,908 436,066 699,207 919,522 6,393,906 141,673 1,536,464 3,858,641 922,647 780,974 1,280,627 995,665 1,541,550 690,991 642,419 1 2,276,163 303,765 524,838 881,220 5,676,607 208,154 1,473,787 1,953,144 588,582 597,391 1,152,328 961,906 1,226,996 569,679 621,736 i 1,125 230 681 230 1,017 151 712 1,285 613 621 539 716 1,084 729 482 i l,i36 228 866 307 1,146 254 903 1,531 810 683 927 1,022 1,447 928 505 t 1,766,175 213,380 550,252 143,320 1,842,553 64,240 953,751 947,212 343,919 209,205 924,912 681,322 1,419,766 517,250 434,835 s 1,226,293 100,906 295,572 169,300 1,229,894 100,804 939,882 722,811 308,799 179,013 668,273 551,758 932,094 355,354 355,599 g 613 124 296 89 707 56 324 500 209 311 301 223 448 353 174 7 1,034 183 60O 185 870 114 505 868 548 555 412 500 798 542 231 B 780,123 106,531 135,891 53,167 4,294,234 42,591 303,296 1,772,727 108,787 275,497 179,358 102,892 142,493 108,979 43,145 5 508,368 106,642 116,795 90,966 4,302,795 34,465 280,239 429,862 133,578 258,254 120,965 159,744 166,677 125,467 52,341 10 782,610 116,155 13,064 723,035 257, U9 34,842 279,417 1,138,702 469,941 296,277 176,357 211,451 79,401 54,752 164,439 11 541,502 96,217 112,471 620,954 143,918 72,885 253,666 800,471 146,205 160,124 363,090 240,404 128,225 87,858 213,796 i: 1,039 210 551 220 902 131 662 1,225 563 491 703 691 1,039 644 462 13 1,374 212 793 296 1,057 244 817 1,450 758 610 860 1,001 1,399 897 495 14 11,350 1,515 3,572 2,085 10,198 562 6,478 7,807 3,297 1,372 6,106 5,097 10,372 3,463 3,503 15 11,630 1,242 3,608 2,703 8,571 1,458 7,104 9,375 4,047 2,442 6,874 6,527 10,250 4,177 4,031 le 1,438,300 157,760 475,847 126,390 1,219,711 55,235 644,573 588,898 289,810 115,875 779,358 513,207 1,319,418 442,855 386,495 17 891,404 80,236 221,067 119,537 702,479 87,402 543,895 568,342 256,476 132,923 506,098 487,063 825,657 253,724 331,074 u 482 105 191 165 417 56 296 579 293 171 324 411 593 369 272 u 7U 128 420 203 491 145 387 771 451 331 489 554 778 490 310 so 5,408 400 1,888 565 4,388 143 1,955 2,645 1,128 416 2,571 2,200 4,673 1,815 1,397 21 5,100 526 1,332 833 3,890 600 2,745 3,452 1,701 1,085 3,092 2,940 4,502 1,896 2,208 22 1,046,330 64,090 330,615 95,290 762,514 20,880 333,879 411,128 165,265 51,845 472,721 373,205 771,476 322,905 233,260 23 616,007 52,299 123,695 85,372 461,763 55,789 329,325 357,351 161,044 85,670 347,855 330,204 532,163 178,302 258,992 24 235 75 120 125 264 46 2U 425 230 151 210 305 340 245 195 25 176 30 41 40 84 10 68 127 57 20 72 78 200 117 70 2e 70 30 66 15 26 6 40 28 47 7 6 27 1 3 2 1 2 6 1 28 931 ISO 466 180 829 106 603 1,083 452 396 585 585 964 418 346 29 1,225 173 691 253 958 213 755 1,326 663 484 741 864 1,270 761 434 30 5,942 1,115 1,684 1,520 5,810 419 4,523 5,162 2,169 956 3,535 2,897 5,599 1,548 2,106 31 6,530 716 2,276 1,870 4,681 858 4,359 5,923 2,346 1,357 3,782 3,687 5,748 2,281 1,323 32 391,970 93,670 145,232 31,100 457,197 34,355 310,694 277,770 124,545 64,030 306,637 240,002 547,942 119,950 153,235 33 275,397 27,937 97,372 34,165 240,716 31,613 2U,570 210,991 95,432 47,253 158,243 156,859 294,504 85,422 72,082 34 43 10 45 5 28 5 21 56 26 35 30 10 81 20 40 35 58 4 38 8 41 13 24 44 51 33 49 50 69 45 23 3« 55 10 60 5 31 5 36 176 51 ICO 35 10 88 30 60 37 92 7 97 15 50 21 26 59 94 52 75 92 109 106 31 38 9,091 1,060 7,775 500 3,522 725 4,065 20,675 7,300 8,575 3,420 810 7,110 2,650 5,140 30 7,096 740 3,973 1,050 3,442 1,363 1,441 3,764 5,284 4,991 5,262 5,376 7,211 5,221 2,189 40 315 100 120 35 418 15 88 276 112 155 108 20 151 170 51 41 411 75 187 SO 498 37 228 517 203 127 196 139 274 198 54 42 4,390 1,610 1,115 425 8,372 U5 1,046 5,523 1,188 2,200 803 190 1,759 1,550 730 48 4,965 639 1,621 1,215 6,993 282 2,644 4,359 2,135 1,293 2,265 1,150 2,568 2,221 478 44 144,870 53,130 36,795 U,025 276,276 3,795 34,518 182,259 39,204 72,600 26,499 6,270 58,047 51,150 24,090 43 105,032 18,164 29,924 37,882 171,178 4,820 63,235 U0,361 40,761 23,571 38,741 16,400 47,328 52,499 7,769 4< '.'->\ 10 136 15 861 15 532 176 25 61 304 213 141 112 65 47 '9t 11 192 38 874 19 643 164 31 62 302 224 186 139 49 48 '.'i,11'i 110 2,295 185 26,388 345 20,315 4,260 585 935 8,895 4,695 2,707 1,585 1,470 49 14|668 131 3,067 844 23,619 593 23,046 2,761 572 1,178 8,609 4,560 3,733 2,162 1,004 50 173,914 1,430 29,835 2,405 343,044 4,485 270,595 55,380 7,605 12,155 115,635 61,035 35,191 20,605 19,110 SI 222,761 1,766 40,608 10,831 352,795 7,219 331, 3U 40,344 6,278 17,528 118,172 52,919 50,888 34,910 14,567 52 5'j7 15 172 31 843 15 539 192 25 72 301 189 162 129 62 53 637 13 223 50 394 21 684 170 3D 65 316 230 196 152 48 54 I'j 447 289 3,569 1,049 28,229 455 25,049 4,392 487 1,561 10,893 4,847 3,639 2,437 1,416 55 15]870 221 4,074 1,617 26,367 681 27,619 3,056 568 1,407 10,357 5,656 4,159 2,551 1,093 5« 78,720 1,688 18,404 7,676 151,502 2,931 129,193 26,381 2,877 3,472 57,326 24,430 18,742 11,754 7,102 57 77,285 1,321 20,423 13,549 136,317 4,668 131,602 17,522 2,854 7,839 51,432 27,797 20,289 11,749 6,015 59 18 6 2 13 1 15 5 12 7 5 3 2 S9 242 37 10 230 524 49 203 66 55 26 18 60 :,230 156 41 1,098 20 2,032 216 1,081 328 283 54 54 61 s^l 15 169 31 839 14 585 189 25 72 296 187 162 128 61 62 1'. ."■■' 289 3,532 1,039 27,999 451 24,525 4,343 487 1,561 10,590 4,781 3,584 2,411 1,398 88 77,. vt 1,688 18,248 7,635 150,404 2,911 127,161 26,165 2,877 8,472 56,245 24,102 18,459 11,690 7,048 64 288 70 116 40 399 29 145 297 104 117 92 58 144 119 38 65 362 84 185 53 450 31 213 413 207 145 175 117 238 191 43 66 773 231 282 156 1,402 140 407 890 296 439 237 133 365 322 195 67 '. ,'..?C 205 427 249 1,421 95 627 1,050 516 358 545 341 582 563 138 68 •■.7 45 ■ 83 23 238 19 101 197 74 89 63 45 112 85 30 69 i^' 22 30 14 136 6 37 92 25 18 27 12 31 29 5 70 3 3 1 2 19 5 1 3 1 6 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 2 71 72 7.1 74 ■i6 87 29 294 24 87 1 252 86 94 71 47 lie 106 32 75 2<'-9. 60 132 40 323 26 142 322 164 113 116 100 186 152 34 76 i.m 119 141 88 663 71 169 495 178 199 132 77 196 190 105 77 :■!>'■ 105 219 117 650 62 250 568 294 199 240 167 299 279 70 78 ;,,„ 45 81 27 302 13 109 182 56 58 62 31 76 62 23 79 ?^'<'. 62 120 44 335 12 152 291 120 77 127 76 142 125 24 ■"81 82 112 141 68 739 69 238 395 118 240 105 56 169 132 90 100 208 132 771 33 377 482 222 159 305 174 283 284 68 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Most data for 1959 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Uein Tucker Tyler Upshiir Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyiaming (For definitions and explanations see text) I Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products | IncludifiE dairy products: . . , dollars 1959 . . . 642,699 4-46,101 824,475 639,046 1,221,481 999,089 770,306 740,481 163,050 165,934 297,411 559,717 675,975 489,249 1,486,714 1,379,980 172,361 2 1054 . . . 84,167 3 \ny livestocli sold alive (cattle, horses and mules. hoRS. and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 . . . 346 497 1,008 736 321 357 411 872 277 4 1954 .. . 385 560 1,197 737 473 785 477 1,163 202 5 value of sales, dollars 1959... 310,654 370,854 710,472 318,405 83,215 156,215 492,160 587, 615 106,604 6 1954... 159,932 292,492 470,824 208,475 96,771 264,114 255,196 459,545 59,496 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 121 175 378 261 96 151 126 278 166 6 1954 .. . 232 303 541 500 267 467 264 641 100 9 value ofsales, dollars 1959... 203,117 34,506 337,912 121,509 69,367 14,391 46,201 246,192 25,194 10 1954... 155,295 69,466 239,355 355,854 49,430 66,573 104,480 302,895 15,310 11 Livestock products other than poultry of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 128,928 130,874 419,115 277,088 173,097 288,910 330, 392 176,152 10,468 19,733 126,805 229,030 137,614 129,573 652,907 617, 540 40,563 12 9,361 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 CaUle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 331 472 963 611 266 287 396 847 232 14 1954 . . . 371 537 1,148 6(M 438 727 468 1,125 180 15 number 1959... 2,433 3,379 5,555 2,151 651 1,219 3,261 5,545 792 le 1954... 2,150 4,438 6,104 2,747 1,369 3,486 3,070 5,976 842 17 dollars 1959... 267,008 339,335 605,011 226,135 62,075 113,675 453,915 528,005 94,070 18 1954... 120,733 249,624 385,233 180,104 72,422 194,288 211,296 377,030 52,935 19 CatUe, not raiunting calves . farms repotting 1959 .. . 225 317 447 251 110 lAl 201 497 107 20 1954 . . . 178 311 568 429 236 407 254 681 124 21 number 1959 .. . 914 1,374 1,855 803 215 478 1,607 2,560 492 22 1954... 778 1,514 2,502 1,364 461 1,319 1,242 2,666 333 23 dollars 1959 . . . 163,095 226,910 318,646 117, 560 34,380 64,310 318, X5 393,890 73,620 24 Farms repeating by number of cattle sold- 1954 . . . 74,443 142,761 258,198 140,853 37,387 118,114 134,904 264,707 35,468 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959... 167 57 1 220 90 7 320 111 16 191 60 100 10 100 41 no 75 16 330 155 11 96 5tol9 27 20 to 99 11 100 or more . farms reporting 1959 . , . 1 29 . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954- •■ 271 334 4(30 465 877 1,021 481 496 196 390 232 633 321 424 610 905 161 30 158 31 number 1959... 1,519 2,005 3,700 1,348 435 741 1,654 2,985 300 32 1954... 1,372 2,924 3,602 1,383 908 2,167 1,828 3,310 509 33 dollars 1959... 103,913 112,425 286,365 108, 575 27,695 49,365 135,570 134,115 20,450 34 1954 . . . 46,290 106,863 127,035 39,251 35,035 76,174 76,392 112,323 17,467 36 Horses and or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 15 25 55 70 15 30 35 15 36 1954 .. . 14 24 54 26 '36 40 17 20 5 37 number 1959... 25 30 70 95 25 40 50 15 38 1964... 16 89 92 34 33 52 54 37 5 39 dollars 1959... 2,175 3,595 6,775 9,900 2,180 2,955 6,500 1,375 40 1954 . . . 1,138 4,255 6,290 1,995 2,257 3,527 2,780 3,174 365 41 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 76 61 136 201 40 80 70 91 51 42 1954 .. . 104 98 222 162 76 203 104 246 33 43 number 1959... 587 611 1,397 2,435 355 510 705 1,050 335 44 1954... 788 996 1,667 1,914 724 1,704 1,044 2,436 318 45 dollars 1959... 19,371 20,163 46,101 80,355 11,715 16,830 23,265 X,650 11,055 46 1954... 18,110 15,470 26,488 23,069 12,566 27,928 21,616 59,805 4,736 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 65 56 200 10 55 101 30 56 1 48 1954 .. . 72 88 221 16 75 134 62 89 5 49 number 1959 .. . 1,700 597 4,045 155 725 1,810 925 1,420 8 50 lO.M... 1,565 1,963 4,631 358 967 3,461 1,676 1,724 m 51 dollars 1959... 22,100 7,761 52,585 2,015 9,425 23,530 12,025 18,460 104 52 SHEEP SHORN .WD WOOL 1954... 19,951 23,143 52,813 3,307 9,526 38,371 19,504 19,536 1,460 53 Slieep and/or lambs sliorn . . farms reporting 1959. . . 77 64 211 15 57 85 33 70 11 54 1954 .. . 78 98 234 13 86 151 62 106 14 55 number shorn 1959 .. . 2,125 1,598 4,038 255 903 2,091 1,029 1,647 106 56 1954 . . . 2,004 2,565 4,178 184 1,320 5,765 1,615 2,671 218 57 pounds of vrool 1959 . . . 12,266 9,990 21,579 1,254 4,516 13,071 5,580 11,203 652 58 L954 . . . 12 . 229 14,818 19,285 1,030 6,241 38,925 9,881 16,482 1,131 59 Lambs shorn . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 9 4 1 3 2 2 6 2 60 number shorn 1959... 10 76 94 6 42 5 25 78 6 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 75 330 426 25 162 16 131 525 25 62 77 2,115 63 1,522 210 3,944 15 249 33 69 10 63 number shorn 1959 . . . 861 2,086 1,004 1,569 100 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959... 12,191 9,660 21,153 1,229 4,354 13,055 5,449 10,678 627 65 year to [ilovember 30. Census year . . farms reporting 1959. . . 57 53 119 125 32 56 63 125 50 66 1954... 81 80 171 167 82 178 97 207 78 67 number of litters 1959 . . , 168 159 276 380 78 132 . 230 446 103 68 Farms reporting by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1954... 206 251 468 560 185 442 ;57 593 126 69 1 or 2 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 36 39 85 91 24 41 40 78 45 70 71 10 to 19 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . id 3 12 1 33 27 5 8 14 1 21 42 1 4 72 20 to 39 litters.. . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 1 1 3 "i 73 40 (0 69 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 1 74 70 or more litters .. farms reporting 1959... 75 June 2 to November 30 . . farms repotting 1959 . . . 49 42 99 107 26 41 56 105 45 76 1954 . . . 61 63 138 117 41 120 84 159 47 77 number of liuers 1959 . . . 96 71 172 237 50 69 132 208 66 78 1954 . . . 121 114 204 287 88 211 144 297 69 79 December 1 loJune 1 .. farms repotting 1959... 34 42 64 52 13 39 37 89 21 80 1954... 54 49 104 103 55 139 47 152 49 81 number of litters 1959... 72 89 104 14 J .:;-: 53 98 238 37 82 1954... 137 264 273 97 231 113 296 57 WEST VIRGINIA 157 County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 DatA for d&iry products sold for 1959 are bas«d « reports for only a ampleof farms. Sei • text] llan (For deTinitions and explanations, see («irt) The State Barbair Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke CabeU Calhoun DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 Any milk Of cream sold.. farms repotting 1959... 10,557 422 308 241 35 80 80 2 19M . . . 17,478 635. 425 87 478 57 ao 306 3 dollars 1959. . 18,155,196 245,640 1,409,205 92,980 97,565 180,855 9,020 4 1954 .. . 16,274,635 209,979 1,065,924 10,179 83,929 122,874 a9,160 38,093 i Avenge sales per farm reporting dollars 1959. . . 1,720 582 4,575 386 2,788 2,261 113 < ttlk sold as whole milk farms reotrtinir 1950 .. . 5,920 232 243 35 25 50 7 1954 .. . 6,736 a6 273 52 29 45 76 19 8 pounds 1959. . . 395,307,745 5,492,150 32,808,290 1,372,645 2,490,570 4,328,537 9 1954... 353,744,999 4,017,948 26,793,564 125,113 725,243 2,868,366 4,364,580 257,782 10 Cream sold - farms reptxting 1959 . . . 5,094 ao 70 211 10 30 80 11 1954... 10,742 419 152 35 449 12 134 287 12 pounds of bulteifu 1959 . . . 1,334,155 56,265 34,390 58,116 6,500 10,055 17,940 13 1954 . . . Pfn'LTRY A.ND POIT-TRY PRODtCTS 3,023,046 113,795 71,131 6,737 97,493 9,038 37,835 53,462 14 Poultry and poultry lirodUCtS sold farms reporting 1959 . . . 14,839 383 373 125 533 69 223 284 15 1954... 25,478 597 549 245 677 109 498 414 16 dollars 1959 .. . 23,022,296 358,643 397,679 22,069 91,170 29,044 126,679 84,748 17 1954 .. . 24,634,107 365,489 790,945 47,549 205,813 57,350 195,042 81,568 18 Chickens sdd farms re^nrting 1959... 6,576 136 188 49 111 38 100 67 U 1954... 11,585 245 259 83 236 56 a4 132 90 number 1958... 23,814,93i .--51,,6'j; 206,427 2,300 18,814 3,453 17,059 68,582 21 1954... 13,990,4. ;;6, 677 9,166 126,491 4,534 69,754 45,345 22 Btoilvs sold farms reptrting 1959... 1,'. 16 1 3 2S 1954... 1, ■ 74 2 8 3 4 24 number 1959... 22,?.?t, " 134,440 7,500 64,000 2S 1951 ■!;.%oU 137,314 5,500 113,728 52,600 39,225 2a Other chickens sold farms teoortine 1959 . . . 123 176 49 110 38 100 65 27 1954 212 235 81 230 56 ai 128 28 number 1959 .. . 15,510 21,987 2,300 11,314 3,453 17,059 4,582 29 1954 . 7^'-^,^^'.l 12,718 19,363 3,666 12,763 4,534 17,154 6,120 ao Chicken et^ sold farms repotting 1959... 12,713 348 336 120 490 60 205 262 31 1954... 20,901 523 486 224 595 SO 432 367 J2 doicns 1959 .. . 12,304,181 330,967 265,909 55,302 212,605 72,004 305,533 118,419 33 1954... 10,222,629 200,073 253,554 88,455 244,034 100,873 a3,836 115,563 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and tlteir eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 781 15 20 1 13 1 3 10 a 19M... 1,250 29 51 9 22 4 16 8 X dollars 1959... 4,789,764 13,909 178,991 20 424 20 1,361 1,291 87 1951 .. , 6,251,093 39,635 514, 7U 1,373 2,629 2,858 31,497 473 38 Turkeys and turkey (ryers raised farms reportingi%9... 1,046 20 14 2 29 1 20 7 39 1954... 2,280 54 43 17 34 8 45 10 40 number 1959 .. . 1,388,943 3,495 41,019 12 270 25 477 467 41 1954 .. . Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers rai.scd- 1,702,836 15,730 110,831 302 779 522 4,159 126 42 Under 50 farms reporting 1959... 809 19 8 2 29 1 18 6 43 50 to 399 farms reporting 1959... 67 1 2 44 400 or more farms reporting 1959 . . . 170 "i 5 "i It«n (For definitions and explanations, see text) Clay Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock DAIRY PRODICTF 1 Any milk or cream sold ;.... farms reptjting 1959... 25 215 50 200 223 536 199 25 2 19S4... 70 357 165 M6 256 638 437 43 3 dollars 1959... 2,110 147,240 98,590 52,160 89,051 1,270,310 86,277 50,550 1 IDil... 16,115 127,932 152,976 53,230 95,126 949,894 102,523 70,028 5 \varage sales per farm reporting dollars 1959. .. 84 685 1,972 261 399 2,370 434 2,022 S Milk add as •tole milk farms repotting 1IM» . . . 5 140 40 75 99 244 76 25 7 IK4... U ISO 72 60 102 236 47 31 8 pounds 1959 .. . 3,250 3,369,690 1,799,808 1,227,536 1,865,368 25,057,390 2,067,155 1,192,930 9 1954 .. . 244,481 2,693,955 2, 569, 587 969,876 1,968,977 21,085,280 1,493,411 1,478,660 10 Cream sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 25 85 10 140 134 307 138 11 57 207 93 246 154 402 390 12 12 pounds of buttrrfat 1959 .. . 4,195 22,335 1,175 18,345 36,472 117,540 25,385 13 1954... 6,714 47,078 15,442 49,441 34,253 116,876 74,623 6,011 POULTRY AV-D POll.TRY PRODLrTS 14 Potlttfy and poultry products sold farms repteting 1959. . . 127 216 249 261 421 576 335 57 IS 1054 .. . 188 382 527 433 550 1,034 644 98 18 dollars 1959... 113,892 62,283 165,195 87,314 2,932,447 1,210,665 1,231,763 20,397 17 1954... 96,404 59,153 141,429 152,023 3,681,014 729,137 1,926,356 42,856 18 Chickens .sold farms reporting 1959.., 47 66 108 73 310 248 a9 31 19 1954 .. . 80 139 146 152 457 409 385 55 20 numbrr 1959 .. . 80,349 41,134 18,266 9,098 3,523,672 1,599,297 1,502,545 2,850 21 1954. . 51,932 32,211 48,389 152,411 3,204,464 773,738 1,491,493 4,867 22 Bttnlers sold farms reporting 1969. . . 2 3 246 39 89 23 19S4... 1 3 "5 4 388 55 163 1 24 numb«1959... 72,500 38,000 3,505,042 1,535,933 1,474,969 28 1954... 44,500 27,900 35,400 146,500 3,184,772 760,067 1,455,349 1,660 26 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 ., . 45 65 108 73 85 a3 146 31 27 1954... 79 136 142 148 118 359 256 54 28 number 1959... 7,849 3,134 18,266 9,098 18,630 63,364 27,576 2,850 29 1954... 7,432 4,311 12,989 5,911 19,692 18,671 36,144 3,867 30 Chicken eggs sold.. fanns reporting 1950. •. 116 199 232 232 213 475 239 54 31 1954... 143 316 471 381 246 896 435 87 32 doiens 1959... 179,886 103,316 410,926 214,923 186,288 636,015 300,995 49,001 33 1954 . . . 110,289 81,666 185,720 97,103 118,254 369,703 310,532 71,132 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry and thtnr eggs sold farms repotting 1 959 . . . 5 7 3 8 12 20 17 17 40 69 41 52 22 G4 ,, 1954 . . . 6 38 dollars 1959... 593 234 548 1,514 852,791 56,136 260,636 300 37 1954... 535 643 6,284 8,725 1,216,116 50,064 709,482 1,560 38 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 9 19 4 13 13 62 26 21 51 75 61 117 29 70 2 9 .- number 1 959 . . . 163 117 91 491 310,909 10,681 93,759 76 41 1054 . . . 175 136 2,007 1,843 340,668 10,621 225,858 557 42 Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raieod- llndieSO farms reporting 1959... B 3 13 24 32 53 11 1 43 50 to 399 farms repcrting 1959 .. . 1 1 2 3 16 3 5 17 400 or more farms reporting 1959 . . . 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data For dairy producLg sold for 1959 are based Item (For dennitions and oxplanatio e text) Jefferson DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold forms reponine i 1 ilolUfs 1 1 Average sales per farm repcrlin^ dollars 1 Milk sold as whole milk farms rpnorlinp 1 1 pounds 1 1 Cream sold farms repcrling 1 1 pounds of buLt^rfat 1 1 POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reportinc 1 dollars 1 1 Chickens sold farms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Broilers sold forms reptrlinp 1 1 1 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1 dollars I Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reportmi^ i number 1 1 Farms reporting by number oflurkeys and turkey fryers raised- I'nder 50 farms rejiorUng 1 50 to 399 farms reporting 1 400 or more farms reporting 1 (For del i and explai 9 text) DAIRY PRODirXS Any milk or cream sold farms repcrling 1959.. 1954.. dollars 1959.. 19.'i4 . . Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 . . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Cream sold farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . pounds of butterfat 1959 , . POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold fam? reporting 1959.. 1954 . . dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959., 1954 . . Broilers sold farms repcrting 1959. . 1954 . . number 1959., Other chickens sold forms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. number 19.^9 . 1954.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. dozens 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms repotting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 , 1954. Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under 50 farms reporting 1959 . 50 to 399 farms repcrling 1959 . 400 or more farms reporting 1959 . 285,476 841,115 153,791 780,751 1,012 2,333 118 312 47 401 ,661,390 19 628,825 ,119,672 17 450,040 165 51 227 157 45,894 25,190 53,152 50,157 588,794 1,794,470 834,724 1,408,363 1,722 6,319 106 234 131 280 12,093,620 39,991,840 16,033,493 35,399,316 236 50 502 70 52,133 12,935 140,246 45,109 1,126,039 791,009 2,044 155,185 441,865 2,387 468,560 144,664 3,905 541,568 376,954 1,725 292,210 155,891 2,541 WEST VIRGINIA 159 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on reports for only a =ample of fanrs. Se« lextj Logan McDowell Marion Marshall Mason Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio 10 15 150 485 264 140 94 10 161 397 100 45 140 1 W 74 297 727 615 413 151 23 309 509 73 150 185 2 850 670 235,610 1,020,560 1,486,760 22,595 302,162 4,225 489,995 744,825 115,345 4,230 719,350 3 15,130 7,161 176,108 962,676 1,430,373 214,614 214,512 2,479 383,636 499,768 95,504 101,443 613,638 4 85 45 1,571 2,104 5,632 161 3,214 423 3,043 1,876 1,153 94 5,133 5 10 10 95 430 163 105 82 10 126 196 40 35 140 e 6 45 136 592 177 206 85 15 140 117 30 48 158 7 17,200 3,075 4,139,315 23,868,095 30,999,281 425,080 6,487,638 43,000 10,966,677 16,976,597 2,408,090 42,552 16,745,625 8 345,061 101,734 2,823,821 26,548,535 32,464,957 3,673,684 4,766,077 28,758 7,751,044 10.528,383 2,223,482 996,760 15,740,523 9 5 65 60 106 50 22 10 40 211 60 10 10 ' S 29 161 U5 438 207 66 8 169 392 43 102 '27 11 1,000 30,190 33,055 20,478 6,885 10,325 950 23,790 55,735 18,695 3,835 12 435 2,656 45,603 73,908 107,101 44,510 17,649 1,164 68,916 102,467 11,304 53,276 41,873 13 56 62 257 318 349 390 140 61 245 613 124 296 89 11 67 217 377 559 711 719 283 119 412 1,034 183 600 185 IS 9,480 16,415 140,912 84,636 U3,093 110,854 372,124 16,802 130,556 780,123 106,531 135,891 53,167 IS 17,710 10,331 209,320 153,044 193,072 117,176 469,254 18,238 96,135 508,368 106,642 116,795 90,966 17 29 45 98 144 170 96 80 48 91 225 78 111 53 18 37 169 179 317 314 254 151 41 197 433 81 245 99 19 2,019 3,032 71, U5 11,430 76,559 11,767 465,035 5,006 41,584 963,617 12,970 105,196 5,454 20 1,792 2,8U 159,848 18,793 86,712 12,626 572, U9 3,887 16,856 479,400 15,000 21,104 8,133 21 1 2 32 2 30 3 22 10 3 57 1 23 1 1 29 56,000 60,000 459,400 22,000 938,774 92,000 24 143,420 66,000 563,624 3,000 458,765 2,000 5,000 26 29 45 97 144 168 96 53 48 90 202 78 108 '58 •S 37 169 175 317 311 254 100 41 196 416 30 245 99 27 2,019 3,032 15,135 U,430 16,559 11,767 5,635 5,006 19,584 24,843 12,970 13,196 5,454 28 1,792 2,811 16,428 18,793 20,712 12,626 8,525 3,887 13,856 20,635 13,000 16,104 8,138 29 47 59 236 291 316 369 100 58 234 566 117 270 76 SO 47 81 302 473 632 618 208 97 323 925 167 524 159 31 21,695 38,233 251,221 193,045 231,337 275,612 74,384 35,917 275,560 546,281 263,586 197,301 122,216 32 29,363 14,884 141,342 267,727 322,522 191,311 75,7a 29,190 126,628 309,385 277,437 213,078 155,762 33 4 5 IB 16 25 18 12 3 9 40 2 6 6 34 5 23 42 40 53 U 7 17 63 3 20 13 35 60 177 5,597 5,322 1,872 759 78,856 59 2,546 25,756 55 1,345 4,134 38 151 10,763 6,762 3,759 7,276 25,436 685 20,184 51,250 1,971 4,672 7,308 37 5 9 15 13 32 32 20 4 21 48 2 17 8 38 10 23 63 35 45 123 22 14 32 84 4 43 23 39 19 40 809 1,4U 365 351 19,293 9 803 4,332 33 387 808 40 35 114 2,849 1,651 1,187 2,017 7,680 193 4,721 10,503 344 1,328 1,418 41 5 9 12 8 31 31 12 4 17 45 2 15 7 42 3 4 1 1 1 3 5 4 2 1 2 1 43 44 Ritchie Roane Sujmero Taylor T\icker Tyler Dpahur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoming 297 280 137 191 182 236 375 130 50 131 115 260 65 1 526 430 275 197 248 335 565 U9 59 489 257 613 55 2 199,725 70,405 59,U0 161,030 123,040 414,320 162,740 329,790 8,300 120,531 134,935 647,530 40,250 3 225,394 U7,269 81,514 210,548 124,270 269,086 278,496 175,596 16,363 208,010 124,237 608,640 8,750 4 672 251 431 843 676 1,756 434 2,537 166 920 1,173 2,491 619 9 102 50 56 106 U6 175 125 125 25 71 50 130 55 6 151 57 41 U7 151 138 171 77 23 143 55 183 28 7 4,188,061 1,218,500 1,071,456 3,250,460 3,120,435 9,369,645 3,459,245 5,943,253 47,055 2,753,485 3,079,450 U,233,275 859,856 8 4,920,098 1,619,811 1,036,591 4,647,983 3,2TO,673 5,765,647 5,588,607 4,342,252 233,116 4,208,989 2,137,865 12,756,543 112,588 11 205 245 91 100 76 76 275 35 25 60 65 135 30 10 375 373 234 80 97 197 394 72 36 346 202 425 27 11 34,805 24,880 U,550 38,885 18,979 17,645 46,030 17,665 U,650 U,965 31,285 50,120 8,030 12 100,253 81,014 63,158 29,495 27,219 78,518 94,872 27,565 7,421 113,380 81,346 153,576 5,068 13 223 448 353 174 121 175 378 261 96 151 126 278 166 14 500 798 542 231 232 303 541 500 267 467 264 641 100 15 102,892 142,493 108,979 43,145 203,117 34,506 337,912 121,509 69,367 U,391 46,201 246,192 25,194 18 159,744 166,677 125,467 52,341 155,295 69,466 239,355 355,854 49,430 66,573 104,480 302,895 15,310 17 76 194 137 67 44 66 148 126 36 38 60 140 70 18 175 242 206 98 124 118 204 209 100 203 158 301 44 19 148,339 47,446 41,670 5,317 316,119 20,380 208,890 72,481 5,013 1,641 40,069 59,069 6,042 20 122,538 39,4B0 41,361 7,547 148,628 23,071 244,522 202,997 7,280 11,324 59,323 132,668 2,643 21 6 3 3 9 1 8 1 3 2 22 12 3 4 ' i 20 1 15 6 1 8 8 23 145,600 31,000 28,600 312,700 17,000 180,000 65,000 36,800 43,500 24 111,100 25,800 28,300 1,200 Ul,761 17,400 230,552 182,943 2,606 50,595 103,800 25 70 193 135 67 36 65 146 125 36 38 58 138 '76 28 164 241 202 98 113 117 194 205 100 203 151 296 44 27 2,739 16,446 13,070 5,317 3,419 3,380 28,890 7,481 5,013 1,641 3,269 15,569 6,042 28 U,438 13,680 U,061 6,347 6,867 5,671 13,970 20,054 7,280 9,324 8,728 23,868 2,643 30 195 374 321 164 103 160 343 220 86 U2 U8 257 153 30 449 738 472 197 U9 264 466 395 230 416 175 566 76 31 41,856 304,101 223,351 106,125 56.583 60,462 567,509 U7,341 176,966 34,124 60,257 501,321 54,076 32 106,137 316,840 213,777 91,821 60,534 104,291 160,342 253,244 93,954 133,720 136,236 403,767 23,303 33 5 11 12 4 8 6 16 14 3 7 8 6 7 34 5 29 15 9 4 10 10 15 7 13 9 14 6 35 2,523 958 1,019 210 1,583 113 5,400 28,481 431 633 674 25,165 1,017 38 5,585 2,241 2,658 613 452 6,339 2,139 65,774 369 503 577 30,030 1,198 37 11 20 28 8 15 6 20 15 8 8 11 10 12 38 13 41 47 25 12 14 26 28 32 24 19 21 26 39 460 316 331 90 585 49 1,077 7,115 181 150 191 5,653 170 40 1,429 724 921 372 154 1,144 503 13,974 206 170 234 5,355 343 41 10 1 20 27 1 8 13 2 6 17 2 1 14 1 7 1 7 10 1 8 2 11 1 42 48 44 160 Part 1 of 4 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY The State Barbour Cabell Calhoun Com for all purpose Harvested for grain. Cut for silage ....farms reporting 1959. 19 5A. acres 1959. 1954. farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. ....f arras reporting 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. 20,907 39,711 119,017 139,022 19,922 38,729 99,804 169,445 4,423,350 7,931,675 2,954 3,760 834,244 1,322,364 1,736 2,020 17,368 17,452 138,096 184,269 1,035 1,323 2,931 525 1,026 1,116 2,721 63,042 167,965 26 7,917 9,007 382,444 362,164 1,539 1,514 15,683 11,946 1,217 22,573 44,769 648 1,238 1,567 3,675 70,983 220,648 54 2,671 4,211 98,531 155,196 2,303 37,212 94,273 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes; Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959. Small grains harvested: Wheat fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 2,994 5,992 22,516 44,053 512,221 1,089,997 2,181 3,887 47,067 95,215 .faims reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. 4,342 6,574 24,913 33,043 1,016,809 1,235,331 2,185 2,622 95,363 96,159 -farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. 992 1,646 9,179 14,233 309,107 551,146 2,550 4,032 85,765 167,708 .farms reporting 1959. 1954 . acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. 346 1,031 1,325 4,271 29,519 104,737 10,677 .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. WEST VIRGINIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 161 Part 1 of 4 Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Haa^ishire Hancock Hardy Harrison Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan 232 409 305 324 811 354 92 458 316 556 352 252 314 745 223 1 442 952 627 387 1,305 647 126 570 723 1,064 443 793 757 1,245 480 2 504 1,090 864 2,868 4,928 3,317 489 5,275 830 2,882 12,521 980 891 2,833 610 3 1,078 2,508 2,106 3,259 7,368 4,685 629 6,309 1,855 5,750 15,012 2,424 2,225 4,776 1,594 4 231 391 304 284 710 346 92 432 291 533 346 233 284 740 57 5 439 931 626 372 1,275 639 126 535 708 1,004 436 719 732 1,243 438 6 502 932 849 1,723 3,492 2,561 469 3,693 566 2,410 10,648 792 535 2,805 151 7 1,053 2,440 2,094 2,345 6,254 4,024 578 4,569 1,665 4,971 13,151 1,982 1,952 4,760 1,475 3 25,562 37,955 40,303 87,096 152,069 Ul,691 18,627 172,461 25,960 103,986 459,933 26,193 23,356 93,273 5,520 9 45,617 103,821 78,378 112,643 364,655 193,051 28,023 223,687 84,215 283,737 615,022 72,177 116,588 171,709 36,530 10 18 85 35 30 47 42 19 36 14 49 179 47 24 102 43 11 16 57 25 U 179 106 27 60 27 120 225 38 26 121 20 12 2,645 8,264 4,307 7,350 11,167 18,416 3,313 8,762 1,410 13,743 166,761 3,770 1,836 15,098 3,635 13 3,012 9,310 4,115 3,350 42,139 29,869 7,058 32,042 3,310 45,264 213,390 5,862 7,770 39,709 3,375 14 1 6 1 98 120 46 5 113 33 36 140 12 34 15 3 5 1 74 134 41 3 128 30 73 161 20 55 16 2 58 14 1,142 1,232 699 20 1,528 291 463 1,855 155 275 17 22 44 12 905 1,039 633 31 1,703 164 700 1,703 251 263 18 27 341 51 12,691 14,419 7,674 148 19,324 3,764 4,757 20,177 1,748 3,200 19 122 395 64 8,894 14,127 6,393 248 17,513 1,748 7,190 16,749 2,175 3,494 20 19 1 2 56 8 8 6 3 3 12 6 7 167 21 "2 19 2 12 4 "2 7 14 21 8 75 5 6 50 22 50 "i 3 204 57 54 23 9 18 33 31 23 459 23 '3 24 9 75 28 '20 37 26 79 158 191 10 16 119 24 228 403 296 257 706 275 87 346 309 500 68 238 301 719 221 25 4 4 8 27 64 44 2 35 4 30 56 7 7 15 1 26 2 1 32 5 2 1 37 3 "i 22 9 2 2 2 1 53 18 1 5 2 1 21 3 2 152 44 10 22 5 2 5 1 10 1 1 27 23 29 30 32 133 279 169 42 148 5 21 169 3 3 31 6 50 219 540 357 89 324 16 87 266 8 17 3 32 114 868 1,434 1,137 220 1,164 20 112 4,649 14 9 33 16 149 1,485 3,164 2,420 506 2,539 71 488 8,326 46 79 16 34 3,127 23,315 33,868 29,552 6,365 30,277 455 2,077 95,398 290 223 35 405 2,738 35,830 74,064 62,503 14,562 65,701 1,757 10,367 227,173 837 2,032 309 36 1,111 14,117 12,543 16,800 3,415 18,453 100 939 80,369 200 37 '56 206 18,626 27,437 31,834 8,610 38,963 1,008 4,464 197,969 121 670 38 1 89 1 159 275 208 64 225 5 23 158 15 6 15 4 39 11 147 2 199 298 328 82 276 29 63 189 22 7 82 11 40 1 324 1 892 1,337 1,158 432 1,240 16 111 2,627 56 19 76 8 41 20 439 1,042 1,307 1,606 417 1,471 98 323 2,415 41 16 232 15 42 20 9,539 20 35,087 52,830 47,692 20,232 53,974 670 4,232 109,522 1,712 365 2,509 132 43 621 13,489 135 35,546 48,684 60,658 17,186 60,045 2,779 10,541 88,154 616 425 6,126 331 44 747 1,850 2,075 3,741 1,515 3,590 312 18,705 475 45 330 3 225 49 1,676 37 3,649 69 879 12 4,344 87 1 1,010 9,504 138 50 1 15 9 46 47 3 63 38 111 11 127 2 "2 238 1 1 2 43 16 422 348 564 86 801 12 1,783 2 49 14 527 277 715 36 823 11 4 3,680 1 3 9 50 347 14,912 11,765 19,695 2,308 29,551 300 64,663 120 51 441 1 18,392 532 350 7 9,C»2 604 3 27,694 3,386 2,974 11 1,565 840 32,444 270 888 10 460 163 143,222 11,193 30,579 13 '20 2 350 1 165 52 53 54 55 2 10 8 21 2 16 "i 1 17 1 "i 56 3 40 11 116 34 156 7 5 57 3 27 29 67 4 61 "i 5 296 3 1 58 60 570 240 2,006 727 2,805 163 ioo 59 47 539 352 799 540 815 1,195 130 65 1,218 229 56 15 150 6,041 1,166 3,763 60 '26 60 61 62 13 18 15 2 1 1 63 44 "2 34 57 12 1 64 56 70 60 10 3 1 65 111 4 140 280 35 5 66 1,072 1,648 990 145 120 '10 67 2,219 i22 2,903 6,556 694 200 68 380 600 80 69 247 1 5 310 1,101 9 7 108 49 3,388 1,879 2,834 5 '48 760 94 1 2 5 9 50 301 190 1 1 15 '2 '36 1,080 1 2 6 6 120 75 1 1 15 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Stub Items continued 162 Part 1 of 4 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY McDowell Marlon Marshall Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia Monroe Com for all purpo; Harvested for grain. Cut for silage. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. ins, green weight 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder famis reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes; Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959. Small grains harvested: Wheat famis reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sale: .farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Buckwheat farms Other grains fan eporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. 'eporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. 1,007 6,446 15,020 1,434 21,839 78,375 1,711 3,581 78,716 165,201 1,212 26,139 46,637 1,014 9,273 11,111 638 1,006 7,478 9,536 334 ,977 506,550 159 1,718 1,548 17,635 18,132 1,166 1,778 3,989 537 1,053 1,667 3,549 70,701 139,166 53 1,506 28,946 61,744 972 2,145 9,726 43,943 22,035 116,364 61 38 5 47 3,328 4,384 550 14,176 WEST VIRGINIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 168 Part 1 of 4 Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants PocahontAs Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Sumners Taylor Tucker 205 581 171 533 U9 337 780 426 502 409 282 550 536 157 203 1 315 1,095 242 751 187 573 1,357 874 1,119 781 596 1,028 1,013 310 335 2 2,240 1,481 1,339 2,804 870 1,567 3,5X3 2,502 1,368 1,799 870 1,528 1,998 398 836 3 2,699 3,259 1,586 3,919 1,360 2,705 5,781 4,218 3,049 2,936 1,580 3,131 3,936 748 1,384 * 198 573 146 519 113 318 731 423 494 396 266 549 527 151 202 5 313 1,086 210 745 187 555 1,316 372 970 771 585 1,028 1,007 304 327 6 2,068 1,393 866 2,4a 359 1,232 2,864 2,439 1,284 1,524 700 1,489 1,921 323 749 7 2,505 3,124 1,070 3,609 1,346 2,226 5,043 4,200 2,671 2,562 1,450 3,112 3,814 666 1,232 3 95,240 72,199 36,346 118,613 34,675 67,711 140,723 98,921 51,733 80,859 31,364 63,911 70,171 12,554 41,339 9 94,509 160,152 51,789 180,4U 52,194 130,488 289,331 174,177 104,597 155,970 77,777 148,843 147,418 41,341 71,103 10 83 102 3 84 20 34 80 64 30 35 23 35 45 7 22 11 56 90 25 43 16 29 159 139 64 65 32 64 140 23 21 12 34,636 7,971 2,520 18,826 14,030 12,566 17,976 29,831 2,760 6,388 3,687 4,051 5,318 2,585 9,155 13 23,224 18,644 8,330 11,806 16,125 7,260 41,995 48,336 10,931 12,886 6,233 12,706 29,333 3,335 11,642 14 20 13 69 33 2 41 108 4 4 30 30 2 8 8 12 15 16 16 76 32 2 53 118 1 17 40 27 2 10 10 22 16 133 73 473 374 11 309 618 55 47 269 170 24 66 75 81 17 176 129 505 307 6 408 638 7 64 363 110 18 116 82 152 18 1,017 932 4,469 4,023 90 3,415 7,936 595 325 2,845 2,068 250 497 911 930 19 1,208 1,291 4,649 3,681 95 5,053 7,555 49 522 4,154 1,643 108 1,370 815 1,399 20 6 5 3 9 10 3 7 3 3 6 2 21 2 4 4 1 "i 13 20 5 166 3 "3 1 4 22 39 10 9 26 31 8 37 6 15 11 "6 23 18 6 U 3 '"» 71 95 11 314 11 '26 1 6 24 140 575 138 487 110 316 728 383 494 375 269 542 526 152 190 25 41 5 21 22 1 10 42 U 6 22 10 2 5 4 9 26 17 5 1 1 11 20 3 1 4 1 2 10 "i 10 24 4 1 1 10 1 3 6 5 "i 3 1 27 23 29 1 1 I "i "i 30 128 66 40 275 4 64 230 27 7 23 4 2 98 3 16 31 194 84 115 441 2 142 497 70 17 64 14 19 195 15 38 32 1,183 263 185 1,396 19 417 886 259 29 165 25 6 560 36 42 33 1,632 334 587 2,386 14 747 2,071 493 67 326 61 102 1,097 80 101 34 21,253 6,926 4,499 35,049 370 11,406 22,981 4,481 740 4,208 365 100 13,069 284 393 35 29,931 7,690 16,408 58,991 420 18,729 55,567 10,210 1,130 8,580 1,036 1,753 22,887 2,040 2,303 36 10,306 2,046 2,339 14,124 7,005 7,011 3,031 2,484 218 5,420 200 133 37 14,672 1,155 8,560 24,141 392 7,551 18,122 4,799 386 4,275 392 6,751 1,439 100 38 75 111 108 211 2 218 634 25 32 145 5 5 134 22 131 39 133 240 142 340 4 333 893 47 99 197 14 30 243 39 196 40 388 362 818 692 22 938 3,684 163 161 735 35 16 579 50 558 41 656 774 961 1,118 22 1,480 5,046 217 295 1,071 48 110 965 92 932 42 13,855 13,087 42,294 31,541 500 37,163 168,359 5,200 3,631 31,739 708 630 13,445 1,585 22,686 43 17,585 26,266 41,631 41,713 800 58,889 236,530 6,303 5,809 45,316 1,035 1,049 28,107 3,243 33,176 44 730 342 900 1,312 920 10,676 1,665 1,664 1,231 480 45 500 892 1,220 1,235 238 1,845 17,280 1,303 153 1,330 1,065 365 46 18 2 40 99 20 71 2 6 1 3 1 10 47 35 1 91 1» "i 45 158 3 "i 22 4 1 16 48 en 5 346 500 95 363 6 104 "6 13 20 36 49 211 4 563 624 10 165 662 21 4 208 12 10 71 50 2,093 155 7,630 18,846 3,565 12,775 200 3,194 266 365 100 1,620 51 5,708 120 22,667 25,033 1,125 330 6,143 50 24,789 1,059 440 106 7,068 372 20 332 100 1,979 52 53 150 220 1,939 2,236 290 260 33 54 14 2 16 2 1 3 1 1 55 13 3 30 "s 3 7 5 1 56 82 5 29 9 2 15 1 1 57 74 26 76 '37 13 44 13 7 53 1,254 75 408 340 60 580 "a 10 59 1,369 540 1,204 696 375 910 234 75 60 464 304 50 430 61 692 344 341 184 62 3 9 15 3 152 16 5 15 3 22 63 17 47 "i 34 17 443 61 17 3 35 4 37 64 11 21 27 4 688 70 16 64 9 61 65 82 122 "2 70 35 2,083 213 53 3 127 10 274 66 159 607 643 60 17,493 1,132 314 1,237 160 1,438 67 1,359 2,570 '45 1,563 40 894 55,390 8,075 4,629 491 1,389 19 2,920 406 242 6,752 336 63 69 160 63 59 23,036 6 1 22 4 636 140 1,523 382 "2 '21 861 1 1 3 6 125 158 1,790 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 1 of 4 — Iccm Tyler Upshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoming (Fnr .iofinillons mil e»plBn«li 7 9 8 16 3 7 1 1 48 26 9 4 U 25 8 4 6 (Z) 4 60 38 27 17 20 14 5 4 9 4 3 1 "3 1 46 49 50 51 11 7 2 2 21 23 6 14 10 7 3 3 9 13 2 7 25 31 327 207 8 7 89 91 3 10 1 9 53 46 46 35 17 25 25 62 7 9 52 21 50 40 41 34 24 21 13 18 10 5 3 3 "3 "2 52 53 54 55 8 6 3 1 (Z) 6 5 1 1 4 5 (Z) 1 7 10 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 6 (Z) 1 10 8 2 1 4 9 1 1 1 6 (Z) 4 26 15 3 2 9 6 2 1 4 1 1 (Z) 1 (z) 56 57 58 59 14 8 4 1 20 31 5 8 9 6 2 3 (Z) 11 12 5 1 12 26 3 9 3 9 6 13 2 8 (Z) 3 35 45 9 21 13 29 15 24 3 5 (Z) 4 45 38 25 21 19 24 6 10 11 15 6 8 3 1 60 61 62 63 6 3 1 (Z) 11 19 2 4 6 6 1 1 (Z) (Z) 5 5 1 1 9 12 5 4 3 4 6 U 2 6 (Z) 1 10 13 3 7 5 7 1 1 2 3 (Z) 1 25 U 3 2 9 10 1 3 5 7 1 2 1 1 64 65 66 67 Stub Itenis continued 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 3 of 4 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia Monroe .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 tons, green weight 1959 1954, .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 19X. bushels 1959. 1954. Other Held crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home i or for sale Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and s\»eel potatoes): Vegetables harvested for Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954.. Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959.. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959. 1954, acres 1959. 1954. Cabbage farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1,126 1,696 1,245 1,578 2,764 2,389 2,527 2,276 1,618 1,798 1,675 1,981 4,544 7,825 4,772 8,221 WEST VIRGINIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 173 Part 3 of 4 Uorgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor Tucker 13 24 73 229 83 200 128 170 1,191 2,024 1,435 1,724 56 56 900 792 1,060 890 332 405 5,352 5,197 5,639 5,105 98 53 1,634 610 1,358 566 112 252 1,820 3,782 2,156 4,308 128 120 1,671 1,116 1,484 996 251 243 2,729 2,473 2,445 2,973 78 225 581 1,172 694 1,164 225 278 3,222 3,503 3,466 3,682 237 515 4,294 7,759 4,969 8,338 444 543 6,683 9,323 6,735 12,324 60 67 527 392 632 329 243 391 4,388 5,054 3,746 4,841 18 69 283 545 278 561 1 2 3 4 5 6 25 4 219 93 3 16 41 15 4 155 80 13 3 143 41 8 2 200 U 10 3 59 14 13 16 126 190 4 4 41 12 34 9 346 52 20 3 267 17 47 28 382 407 5 "16 48 4 240 35 1 1 15 2 7 8 9 10 9 94 23 7 4 27 15 10 4 150 lis 41 19 4 40 32 21 5 47 42 18 1 63 41 20 134 87 27 3 58 15 4 "i 107 87 24 6 1 82 94 46 12 3 212 152 57 19 4 40 15 1 89 97 41 14 2 8 5 3 2 11 12 13 14 15 1 15 5 8 66 54 263 266 38 36 804 406 3,112 2,259 10 11 209 114 1,295 671 1 3 9 12 60 60 16 22 224 244 1,517 1,5U 4? 44 459 380 3,595 2,328 5 2 83 32 567 64 7 2 44 13 171 61 23 22 553 308 3,558 1,456 8 2 105 13 558 100 6 7 128 205 328 732 2 4 28 41 90 254 4 5 66 87 298 411 2 3 26 9 115 74 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 8 U9 54 130 57 2 3 10 11 7 7 1 6 "io 21 46 145 193 190 261 3 14 17 5 1 53 3 43 1 1 62 4 53 4 2 4 1 i "i 1 is 27 3 16 "a 1 3 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 172 283 615 1,320 97 247 906 1,137 199 336 4U 883 567 1,361 519 1,U3 905 1,647 563 1,025 551 1,104 814 1,580 519 1,279 187 444 240 432 28 29 21 56 180 390 12 30 216 254 42 148 109 166 201 240 58 131 298 384 304 550 102 142 170 202 132 189 51 60 71 143 30 31 4,285 6,391 25,062 57,305 1,888 4,600 26,903 47,352 6,288 14,181 11,356 32,042 44,587 53,345 10,996 18,766 29,739 48,179 48,939 113,476 14,232 30,866 21,962 36,088 16,799 29,414 5,497 12,847 10,908 21,922 32 33 3 1 4 (Z) "2 (Z) 410 610 378 602 2 3 (Z) 1 6 1 26 25 14 14 2 5 1 3 34 35 36 37 350 lis ioo 532,253 854,667 350 645 2,818 21,758 25,230 1,175 3,493 38 39 294 395 965 1,447 261 418 1,057 1,240 265 358 707 987 1,366 1,9« 774 1,437 989 1,820 895 1,314 734 1,163 1,144 1,781 814 1,350 478 691 355 498 40 41 63 90 227 162 26 24 16 14 18 27 35 74 5 7 4 12 7 168 128 8 8 6 30 22 36 25 28 21 43 35 38 40 177 30 194 24 23 133 121 18 10 11 47 64 76 107 44 45 104 126 19 28 70 68 21 40 35 74 42 43 44 45 36,086 23,309 1,791 2,775 6,612 17,785 233 804 26,663 17,446 6,552 4,453 3,689 2,834 7,583 4,803 3,076 16,906 22,233 22,022 635 875 9,981 13,139 14,600 14,637 6,533 10,256 8,860 13,835 46 47 61 87 212 136 20 16 4 17 22 7 12 5 3 2 1 5 3 4 1 8 5 1 2 16 15 5 4 12 16 5 5 33 U5 5 28 20 16 36 29 U 1 (Z) 22 24 7 8 32 28 10 15 15 17 10 11 10 12 2 2 48 49 50 51 11 12 U 15 21 19 8 6 17 21 20 40 5 3 1 1 9 6 149 122 8 5 2 8 18 29 10 17 15 22 23 16 28 163 9 58 23 16 32 22 13 5 3 2 26 22 18 15 34 35 47 77 17 28 21 18 M 17 8 11 52 53 54 55 3 1 4 1 (Z) (Z) 7 8 1 1 4 1 (Z) (Z) 2 1 1 (Z) 8 I 1 7 5 1 1 3 3 (Z) (Z) 13 52 1 6 10 5 3 2 6 2 1 (Z) 14 10 5 1 8 5 3 2 5 8 4 2 1 5 (Z) 1 56 57 58 59 4 1 4 15 11 3 2 9 13 3 5 4 4 1 1 6 3 5 2 8 3 1 3 11 16 3 2 9 25 4 11 33 165 10 51 15 12 28 23 14 6 2 1 37 51 40 62 31 30 19 22 14 17 13 24 8 10 1 2 60 61 62 63 1 2 (2) 4 5 4 1 1 6 12 1 3 4 4 (2) 1 1 2 (Z) 2 S 3 1 3 6 9 5 1 4 6 1 4 15 133 2 26 11 8 12 14 7 3 1 (Z) 9 8 1 2 8 11 4 3 8 12 7 3 6 5 9 1 64 65 66 67 Stub items continued 174 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 3 of 4 Hay crops-Continued other hay cut farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 195i. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. taos 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. , 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959., Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959., 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. tons, green weight 1959.. 1954.. 3,359 2,818 2,995 2,373 6,476 6,914 7,526 7,729 1,115 1,117 1,179 1,079 1,539 1,408 1,464 1,127 3,071 3,045 3,600 3,554 3,397 3,985 3,470 3,953 .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Other flelil crops lervested: rish potatoes for hcHne i or for sale Vegetables for liome use and for sate (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sales doUars 1959. 1954. Tdcatoes fanrs reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet com farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. Stub items continued WEST VIRGINIA 175 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 4 of 4 (For deHnitions and explai e Ufut) Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. quarts 1959. 1954. Raspberries farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954. . . quarts 1959... 1954. . . Tree fruits, nuts, and crapes: Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orcliardB, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees fanas reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954... Apples faras reporting 1959... 1954... Trees of all ages 1959... 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959... 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959.., 1954... ^lantlty harvested buahelB 1959... 1954... Peaches farms reporting 1959... 1954... Trees of all ages 1959... 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959... 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959... 1954... ^antity harvested bushels 1959... 1954... Pears farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... Trees of all ages 1959... 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959... 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959... 1954.., ^lantity harvested bushels 1959... 1954... Grapes farms reporting 1959... 1954... Vines of all ages 1959.., 1954... Vines not of bearing age 1959.., 1954.., Vines of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Oiantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Plume and prunes farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearli^ age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Qiantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. Cherries: Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. ^umtlty harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Sour cherries farms reporting 1959.. Trees of all ages 1959.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. Sweet cherries farms reporting 1959,. Trees of all ages 1959,. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. ^entity harvested pounds 1959.. 7,340 15,802 39,209 50,548 7,251 15,835 1,191,559 1,450,030 335,590 285,097 855,969 1,164,933 6,41B,363 6,393,210 3,324 8,623 337,754 446,575 67,121 60,142 270,633 386,433 641,891 834,561 3,440 7,473 15,189 30,597 4,119 6,513 11,070 24,084 17,537 62,839 3,381 7,303 31,132 58,199 7,440 9,912 23,692 48,287 152,344 473,871 1,771 4,833 16,856 35,126 2,902 9,052 13,954 26,074 10,631 23,600 63,238 US, 316 10,002 24,102 53,236 94,214 1,275,495 2,406,502 2,023 44,411 6,211 38,200 1,143,745 2,173 18,827 3,791 15,036 131,750 299 10,550 488 9,328 129 U7 346 170 4,141 360,677 11,590 322,6U 535 131,717 778 65,013 3,606 228,960 10,812 257,598 106 2,162,440 15,594 2,044,847 56 79 196 UJ 829 122,259 2,026 106,900 181 25,320 422 7,428 648 96,939 1,604 99,472 20 257,676 1,263 342,940 2,U7 745 52,913 1,212 883 1,730 959 8,484 18,369 13,681 592,246 487,394 33 1,298 1,683 4,882 246 532 10,090 21,428 1,461 5,191 8,629 16,237 11,595 45,468 120 819 2,104 4,147 6,467 5,586 3,505 128 4,266 8,403 32,096 33,549 2,357 386 4,696 1,301 5,580 5,783 83 284 4,128 10,743 1,450 1,715 2,678 9,028 1,625 12,272 36 2,266 641 1,458 176 Part 4 of 4 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For dennitions and explai Doddridge Fayette Grant Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock Hardy irries and other small fruits harvested for sale- strawberries farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. quarts 1959. 1954. Raspberries f anus reporting 1959. , 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. quarts 1959., 1954.. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees fanns reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959., 1954., Apples fanns reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954. , Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954. , Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954., Quantity liarvested bushels 1959. , 1954. , Peaches farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. ^entity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954.. Pears fanns reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959,, 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959, , 1954., Grapes fanns reporting 1959,, 1954,. Vines of all ages 1959. . 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959,. 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959,, 1954.. Trees of all ages ,1959. , 1954. , Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959 . , 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954., Cherries: Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Ojantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Sour cherries farms reporting 1959, Trees of all ages 1959. Trees not of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959. (iiantlty harvested pounds 1959. Sweet cherries farms reporting 1959. Trees of all ages 1959. Trees not of bearing age 1959, Trees of bearing age 1959, Quantity harvested pounds 1959, 230 7,388 8,776 3,248 1,4S7 4,140 7,289 240 14,126 1,807 1,731 1,044 309 665 9,943 20,394 1,825 1,949 8,118 18,445 1,878 23,318 1,557 5,901 14,003 782 1,393 4,300 9,533 1,697 6,609 96 3,213 362 1,069 101 172 211,965 128,128 56,621 44,250 155,344 143,878 1,135,614 855,885 79 Ul 118,063 141,755 16,836 15,610 101,227 126,145 221,716 234,481 11 1,859 1,655 3,478 2,674 1,925 1,174 68,655 21,993 53 36 42,262 45,642 15,921 4,326 26,341 41,316 205,928 176,101 39 WEST VIRGINIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 177 Part 4 of 4 Mingo Monongalia US 331 5,490 10,853 1,292 1,511 4,198 9,342 453 19,388 1,812 1,563 5,225 47 58 221,854 242,406 51,366 65,706 170,488 176,700 2,072,216 2,025,609 21 990 31,759 ,780 43,031 346 6,247 534 4,890 644 25,512 ,246 38, Ul 58 115,234 ,259 130,635 13,771 32,355 2,332 4,768 11,439 27,587 485,428 1,027,840 20 13,428 2,022 11,406 481,841 166 419 5,979 15,466 2,083 2,838 3,896 12,628 783 33,091 1,035 2,053 8,175 580 1,137 2,938 7,806 1,147 22,971 51 2,765 2,264 7,018 122 228 9,287 10,731 2,594 2,128 6,693 8,603 12,839 20,411 27 600 1,730 4,996 10,235 1,631 20,930 1,675 3 1,019 851 2,055 5,678 10,497 3,746 16,384 196 388 3,524 6,937 1,050 907 2,232 2,654 5,600 65 221 770 509 842 2,011 1,884 5,091 1,026 9,717 9,787 40,092 1,416 3,229 29,560 1,219 1,3U 10,796 3,133 130 4,991 306 791 U,871 27,635 2,890 2,867 8,981 24,768 4,698 21,772 138 1,170 578 3,353 1,132 710 3,772 2,931 6,524 38,375 2,527 3,874 50,688 19 97 23,105 28,345 3,122 2,959 19,933 25,386 180,346 144,650 12 4,054 1,528 2,003 51 2,051 1,477 3,090 9,264 4,651 586 1,083 1,628 3,568 2,667 3,474 35 178 Part 4 of 4 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY {For definitions and explar e text) Monroe Morgan Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954, quarts 1959. 1954. Raspberries farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. quarts 1959. 1954. Tree fruits, nuts, and graoes: Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959. 1954., Apples fanns reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959,, 1954., Trees of beEuring age 1959., 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959. , 1954., Peaches farms reporting 1959 . , 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954,, Qjantity heonrested bushels 1959., 1954,, Pears farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959, . 1954.. Grapes farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959,. 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959,. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959,. 1954,. Trees of bearing age 1959,. 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959. , 1954., Cherries: Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954. , Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954. , ^entity harvested pounds 1959. , 1954., Sour cherries farms reporting 1959., Trees of all ages 1959., Trees not of bearing age 1959., Trees of bearing age 1959,, Quantity harvested pounds 1959., Sweet cherries farms reporting 1959., Trees of all ages 1959., Trees not of bearing age 1959., Trees of bearing age 1959., ftaantity harvested pounds 1959., 308 2,713 586 2,843 U7 31 325 32 10,339 97,871 13,601 95,486 2,211 32,033 2,198 31,566 8,128 65,338 U,«)3 63,920 64,973 478,862 U,721 420,945 82 16 223 16 1,492 20,339 3,354 U,264 XI 4,770 690 1,453 1,151 15,569 2,664 9,811 2,501 32,360 1,774 25,498 967 2,907 5,999 18,392 1,801 33,013 67 843 2,356 879 2,502 5,196 2,118 159 814 162 187 257 372 684 1,542 717 2,315 4,939 1,746 7,756 25,310 1,070 63,526 97,793 26,155 3,416 13,644 1,516 7,317 51S 1,384 1,492 5,075 U9 46 310 154 399 1,338 1,182 4,921 2,409 9,211 14,787 23,307 5,405 10,444 4,435 16,361 1,275 3,707 18,388 2,004 4,025 7,282 and grapevines. OF CROPS HARVESTED: WEST VIRGINIA CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 179 Part 4 of 4 Wood Wyoming 1,012 U,811 37,470 1,274 4,404 13,537 33,066 2,214 24,173 155 2,339 2,581 30,890 75,859 214 359 8,214 11,636 1,810 1,430 6,404 10,206 2,682 12,583 53 1,915 1,469 3,435 1,009 224 478 742 174 1,691 991 2,693 835 6,904 7,359 12,850 6,338 272 456 7,957 14,088 1,476 1,467 6,481 12,621 492 22,087 789 1,413 7,608 U,069 4,764 U,958 142 1,248 8,017 12,099 '512 2,784 1,021 4,167 151 304 173 370 361 2,480 848 3,797 1,033 17,167 6 117 65,436 1,033 2,059 5,272 6,119 130 221 741 413 903 1,838 4,531 5,706 5,674 3,947 3,974 0,695 11,793 13,050 1,266 1,568 545 l,lli 3,095 1,242 4,408 2,379 3,429 9,583 8,698 11,808 880 841 1,693 18,135 9,921 28,642 2,458 202 44,309 1,788 79 1,561 1,561 1,044 432 221 1,874 3,612 42 10 1,666 3,872 1,087 1,101 1,373 1,304 5,878 180 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nurscn and greenhouse proiucts. flo^^e^ and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms reporting 1 dollars 1 1 On fams with sales of ^'2.0(10 or more farms reportins 1 dollars 1 Nursery products (trees, shrubs. vines, ornamentals, cl*-.) farms reportinjr 1 1 acres used for growinj: 1 1 Sales - dollars 1 1 Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants fams reporting 1 1 Grown under glass farrrs reporting 1 1 square feet 1 1 Grown in the open farms reporting 1 1 acres used for growing 1 1 Sales dollars 1 1 Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds. vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1 1 Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1 1 square f 1954 Grown in the open farms Importing 1959 19M acres used fe» growing 1959 1951 Sales dollars 1959 Any forest protlucts cut and/or soltJ farms reporting 1959 . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1959 dollars 1959 19.54 Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 dollars 1959 Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959 dollars 1959 Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence postA, sawlogs, and Christmas trees farms repcrting 1059 dollars 1959 Sales of other miscellaneous projucts farms reporting 1959 dollars 1959 Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1959 ccfds (V \ V \ f^') 19.59 1954 Sales farms reporting 1959 cords ( 1* X 4' X S') 1959 Pulpwood sold famis reporting 1959 s(4' 8')1 56 1 r- 1959 1954 1959 1954 1959 1954 1959 1954 1959 1954 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 7,411 3,172 2,274,163 1,679,596 1,614 996,475 2,032 1,277,688 232,941 3,573 posts cut farms reporting Sales . , farms reporting Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms repr>rting thousands of board feet Sales farms repcrting thousands of hoard feet Christmas trees sold farms reporting number Maple sirup made farms reporting gallons D Data not shoim to avoid discloeure of Individual operatia Z Reported in small fractions. ^Excludes farms reportljlg only sales of maple sirup, ^Includes sales of standing tijnber. 2,464 6,720 371,143 1,11J2,4«) 2,394 9,018 53,460 (D) 40,000 (Z) (Z) 1,700 1,400 (Z) 20,000 10,900 2,362 2 1,200 WEST VIRGINIA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 181 Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hajq}shlre Hancock Hardy Harrlflon Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan 1 6 1 5 7 4 4 1 15 3 4 18 6 1 (D) 16,910 10( 3 2,100 29,300 4,000 5,562 200 142,068 (D) 10,700 319,175 23,297 2 3,610 8,040 4 L 3,300 22,819 3,650 1,065 94,413 40,000 11,932 232,206 5,224 3 1 1 5 1 2 9 2 1 9 3 4 (D) 12,500 29,000 2,000 4,262 136,505 (D) 6,300 3U,975 20.482 5 1 "i 2 2 5 5 1 5 40 100 2 2 2 1 7 (Z) 6 7 31 23 (Z) 2 1 1 1 9 2 165 153 3 1 3 5 6 7 e (i)) 1,100 15,000 1,500 1,162 18,800 1,450 154,525 2,820 10 1,900 15,658 150 10,600 450 155,255 2,500 11 1 1 6 1 2 1 10 2 3 13 3 ... 12 3 1 6 3 2 6 1 5 11 1 13 "i 1 4 "i 2 9 2 3 12 2 U 2 "l 4 3 5 1 4 10 1 15 1,800 7,200 11,600 1,600 3,400 U8,925 28,600 8,135 93,246 5,500 16 5,055 250 6,894 3 4,690 1 "i 111,295 1 23,000 1 5,519 1 65,732 5 784 1 17 IS "i 4 2 4 1 3 4 19 1 1 4 (Z) 1 1 3 (z) 20 (z) 5 19 3 (Z) 1 2 21 (i) 12,500 6,800 1,000 4,606 200 119,068 (D) 7,800 157,900 16,015 22 4,540 1,200 4,528 2,900 1,065 70,743 40,000 9,882 61,622 680 23 1 3 5 3 2 1 4 1 2 6 1 24 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 11 1 25 1 3 4 2 "2 1 4 2 5 1 26 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 U 1 27 1,800 3,579 2,420 6,000 2,600 2,000 6,916 1,075 50,450 4,000 28 4,100 3,500 (Z 1,130 2 3 2 1 3,600 1 3 1 (Z) 300 38,675 "i (z) (Z) 1 (Z) 1,100 "1 (Z) 21,242 1 1 2,500 28 30 31 32 33 (i) 3,310 10( ) 2,100 7,500 1,500 466 4,200 (D) 1,450 6,756 4,462 34 3,610 1,600 * 2,100 2,633 600 13,070 1,600 15,329 2,044 36 105 52 11. 263 353 296 3 357 131 262 84 45 207 31 4 38 63 36 4 175 110 195 167 67 36 18 25 67 22 4 37 45,723 10,912 30,31 190,938 106,550 203,793 45 U0,809 43,629 12,503 9,142 6,182 42,497 6,664 885 38 95,418 9,338 30,94 1 34,447 45,930 106,540 80 27,669 11,892 14,009 3,093 4,718 36,542 U,894 9,648 39 44 20 3 64 74 68 86 38 6 9 13 38 10 2 40 36,947 7,245 U,82 36,470 70,677 75,772 33,301 U,383 2,620 6,633 1,677 29,589 3,869 425 41 27 19 1 157 49 174 113 38 32 10 16 32 U 3 42 8,776 3,667 IB ,48 154,468 35,873 128,021 45 77,508 32,246 9,883 2,509 4,505 12,908 2,795 460 43 20 9 1 155 42 170 U2 34 26 10 12 30 2 44 5,244 2,536 16,53 138,934 22,125 122,172 45 76,376 30,390 6,150 2,359 3,928 10,867 640 45 11 11 7 9 20 10 9 9 5 3 12 3 46 3,532 1,131 1,95 15,534 13,748 5,849 1,132 1,856 3,733 577 2,041 2,155 460 47 8 9 1 lli 237 158 260 3 191 49 14 33 2 48 26 107 2/ 272 595 346 531 10 395 151 32 17 10 49 84 102 10 1,702 2,760 2,000 5,290 23 3,256 379 a 488 60 SO 256 533 38 4,771 8,207 3,478 7,798 73 6,906 1,730 746 715 324 51 1 37 8 15 16 1 7 5 2 1 52 10 1,476 65 276 342 2 102 113 5 200 S3 1 125 23 166 94 1 4 54 20 7,231 891 7,224 4,228 50 140 55 42 11 7! 46 89 36 2 45 74 93 48 14 141 5 56 98 66 16<( 129 218 U5 17 157 152 257 132 70 169 26 57 8,068 2,226 8,70^ 6,360 17,177 7,404 150 4,560 9,219 13,719 5,219 5,701 16,138 375 58 14,522 13,233 21,35^ 14,389 31,791 16,980 2,815 U,961 21,478 45,422 18,278 U,482 21,484 11,855 850 59 7 2 13 4 1 6 5 15 3 5 10 60 3,350 568 16£ 490 8,991 2,327 100 675 241 1,989 1,000 4,401 1,450 61 10 6 f 16 15 17 24 23 19 5 9 10 5 62 45 37 5< 74 94 118 1 90 30 58 25 28 42 31 63 89 55 41 156 U7 89 136 776 84 40 58 189 30 64 1,5L! 424 1,07( 1,057 1,616 2,783 "5 782 225 446 155 207 987 426 05 11 6 14 6 4 13 16 6 1 4 9 2 66 S4 54 40f 126 76 46 108 7D1 44 16 43 170 16 67 3 6 2 4 U 3 2 2 U 68 40 10( 189 2 278 1,013 22 45 120 724 60 6 30 5 1 1 1 1 2 70 20 3,381 28 1 2 5 1 11 71 6 30 5 1 1 1 1 2 72 113 10,200 60 4 10 20 4 50 73 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursery and greenhouse ptoducts, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: On rams with sales of <2.n(V) or more farms reporting 1959 dollars lflS9 Nursery products (trees, shruhs, vines. omamenUla, etc.) farms reportinp 1059 10.54 acres used for pro\vins 1050 19S4 Sales dollars ]f»59 1054 Cut flowers, potted plants, riorist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959 1954 Grown under glass farrr.s rcportinc 1959 si^uare feet 1959 1054 firown in the open fanns reporting 1950 1054 acres used for growing 1959 1954 Sales dollars 1959 1954 Vegelnliles grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds. vegetable planls, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1*>59 1954 Grovcn under glass or in house farrns reporting 1959 1954 square feet 1959 1954 Gnnwn in the open farms reporting 1959 1954 acres used for uowing 1959 1054 Sales dollars 1959 1954 Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reportinc 1059 Sales of anv forest products fonns reporting 1959 dollars 1950 1954, Sales of standing limber forms reporting 1959 dollars 1959. Sates of all other forest products farms reporting 1059 dollars 1059 . Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, snw logs, and Christflios trees. farms reporting 1959 dollaral050. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1950 dollars 1959 . Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1059 1054 coeds (4' X 4' X 8') 1059 1054 Sales farms reporting 1959 cords (P X 4' X &') 1959 Pulpwood sold farms reporting 1950 cords (4' X 4* X 8') 1059 r^nce posts cut farms reporting number Sales ..s farms reporting number Sawloj^s and venocr logs cut farms reporting thousnraJs of board feet Sales farms reporting thousands of board feet Christmas tree? sold farms reporting Maple sirup made farms reporting gallons . farms repnrtin (z) 2,050 2,235 U,160 34 5,411 37,820 1 (D) (Z) 3,274 53,314 8 2,945 1,700 1 (D) D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations, Z Reported in small fractions, ^Excludes farms reporting only sales of maple simp. ^Includes sales of standing timber. WEST VIRGINIA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 183 Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Siumners Taylor Tucker 1 IS 1 7 5 6 12 5 2 1 4 4 2 I 300 761,334 100 36,085 43,551 18,293 55,785 39,634 297 80 3,705 (D) (D) 2 400 503,352 10 23,400 3 16,800 3 86,375 2 46,800 4 16,322 3 320 1,465 400 1 7,696 2 14,100 1 3 757,752 34,695 42,901 17,603 51,800 38,884 3,000 (D) (D) 5 9 6 3 2 5 3 2 1 1 6 3 1 5 3 1 2 2 2 7 29 187 10 2 6 29 "3 10 10 8 4 60 10 141 1 6 4 10 9 57,465 25,740 8,050 230 16,850 12,050 3,030 (D) (D) 10 10,000 20,000 3,400 81,175 2,000 1,501 150 2,000 U 9 1 3 3 4 2 1 1 12 13 1 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 8 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 14 12 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 15 485,100 22,000 3,035 12,660 22,548 7,900 6,050 11,300 16 355,268 3,300 4,750 4,400 26,900 6,430 1,950 712 3,570 17 4 1 2 2 1 18 4 1 1 3 "i 1 1 19 4 2 1 1 (z) M 9 (Z) (Z) 1 "i (z) (z) 21 698,019 10,345 35,101 17,903 32,000 27,664 (D) (d) 487,190 2,200 12,050 4,600 38,300 12,321 475 1,577 8,950 23 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 2 2 24 1 6 1 3 1 1 3 1 4 1 6 3 25 1 1 4 5 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 5 3 26 27 7,000 32,388 4,000 160 9,310 600 262 1,192 450 28 500 10,134 3,366 3,466 340 10,000 5,000 450 950 502 8,964 3,165 29 1 1 1 1 3 "i 1 1 1 2 1 30 31 (Z) 1 (Z) (Z) 2 (i) (Z) (z) (2) Z) (Z) 1 32 33 300 5,900 166 466 160 6,935 500 297 80 675 b) 34 400 U,662 1,266 1,350 600 6,000 3,000 320 990 400 5,969 3,156 35 94 85 53 645 43 283 220 44 113 208 142 205 213 53 76 38 53 67 11 219 23 77 123 U 26 75 iX 61 81 28 64 37 n.iu. 44,660 6,811 150,700 9,358 148,475 95,456 2,005 9,335 115,472 29,064 32,497 31,580 20,138 44,950 38 6,791 12,019 5,950 123,970 4,853 74,679 49,384 9,808 22,933 60,796 51,658 19,717 28,098 11,885 35,717 39 24 48 4 136 13 55 73 5 9 38 32 18 36 16 31 40 19,186 30,335 1,943 77,125 3,355 71,077 39,360 793 3,312 49,472 20,082 6,015 10,181 3,304 24,227 41 40 27 7 127 14 37 77 9 20 41 23 48 64 U 43 42 18,633 14,325 4,868 73,y75 6,003 77,398 56,096 1,212 5,y73 66,000 8,482 26,482 21,399 11,834 20,723 43 40 9 7 124 10 31 58 7 10 32 19 27 35 9 36 44 17,843 8,520 4,868 67,520 3,418 69,326 22,414 912 2,405 61,417 7,249 17,618 11,935 10,981 18,699 4S 1 21 10 7 6 34 2 11 12 6 29 38 6 10 4< 815 5,805 6,055 2,585 8,072 33,682 300 3,168 4,583 1,733 3,364 9,464 853 2,024 47 57 13 27 517 16 202 61 16 80 U3 15 85 144 22 33 48 93 37 64 751 33 421 106 66 19 151 33 257 447 37 134 49 396 74 233 5,958 317 3,203 575 75 760 1,488 167 1,081 1,087 182 1,052 50 1,067 238 807 8,7U 705 7,134 963 507 149 1,746 347 3,710 3,624 194 1,790 51 3 I 22 8 8 1 1 4 1 2 4 1 22 52 21 3 328 170 112 6 150 114 2 14 104 5 994 S3 36 2 62 1 12 5 3 5 4 3 5 54 713 250 2,549 75 726 107 580 229 342 47 173 55 14 6 32 173 6 70 67 19 30 57 91 109 53 22 13 56 18 59 81 346 27 187 191 102 26 102 141 261 165 107 105 57 1,135 748 4,855 29,911 1,250 11,223 10,925 2,417 2,055 12,975 U,786 20,939 7,576 4,549 2,095 58 2,500 26,048 13,197 48,748 4,425 21,213 36,228 10,490 6,152 37,024 19,913 44,778 21,958 13,906 17,080 59 1 15 1 5 11 5 4 U 11 13 4 2 4 60 50 75 8,507 500 361 3,000 300 284 6,068 2,135 7,770 295 2,200 765 61 10 10 54 9 17 43 3 3 8 14 33 26 5 8 62 5 29 224 10 87 111 73 21 87 49 58 78 39 78 93 213 238 455 35 1,483 449 7 22 854 124 306 244 210 91 64 45 471 73 3,933 66 3,266 1,476 1,023 796 1,954 605 661 842 576 1,890 65 6 9 42 4 10 30 2 4 9 4 13 21 4 4 66 154 2U 438 13 1,370 355 5 8 349 65 212 237 203 66 97 10 5 3 13 1 2 7 1 3 3 7 68 527 1,037 1,052 506 2,720 200 112 10,056 1 230 1,151 728 69 "i "9 25 13 14 1 6 7 3 1 3 70 4 122 265 548 204 1 212 33 9 20 75 71 1 9 25 -8 14 1 6 7 3 1 3 72 12 292 785 1,522 1,163 3 395 101 93 130 170 73 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued (For ddfinitions and explanations. Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery and greenhouse producla, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowera, and bulbs sold fams reporting 1959 dollars 1959 1954 On farms with sales of $2,000 of more fanrs reporting 1959 dollars 1959 Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1959 1954 acres used for growing 1959 1954 Sales dollars 1959 Grown under glass farros reporting 1959 1954 square feet 1959 1954 Grown in the open fanns reporting 1959 1954 acres used for ^wing 1959 1954 Sales icAlara 1959 Grown under glass . farms reporting 1959. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for Rowing 1959 . 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1959 . . tales of any forest products farms reporting 1959 ' dollars 1959. 1954. Sales of standing Umber farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of all other forest ptiducts fanns reporting 1959 dollars 1969 . Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts. i Chnstii;&s t . farms repcrtjng 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of other n ella) Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1959 . 1954. c«d8 (4' X 4' X B") 1959 . 1954. .... farms reporting 1959. c(ids(4' x4*x8'>1959. Pulpwood sold farms reporting 1959 . cords (4* X 4' X 8') 1959. Fence poets cut farms reporting I9b9 . 1»4. number 1959 . 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959 . Sawlogs and v farms reporting 1 1 thousands of board feet 1 riihslmas trees sold farms reporting 1 number 1 Maple sirup made farms reporting 1 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operatla Z Reported In Bmall fractions. Excludes farms reporting only sales of maple sirup. ^Includes sales of standing timber. (z) 7,115 (Z) 400 10,275 8,396 66 3i,460 (Z) 1,100 APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (185) 186 THE QUESTIONNAIRE B is authoriud by Act of Congress. United Stale* Code. TlUe 13. Sections 5. S IK thBl the inrormslion furnished be secorded confldenllal - DELAWARE. MARYUND, WEST VIRGINIA us. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE— lui QUESTIONNAIRE: -PERSON NOW IN CHARGE ■ (person in charge)? s your mBil address? on II— OWNERSHIP meidered separate i 1 the tquart for "None. pastureiand. woodland, and wasteland 4. How many acrc8 do you rent from others? Include {IJ-Noner mark \ and si ich landlord ar worked on shares. nted C )rkcd c i for each? (Peat office and State) LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS: [SJ How many acr inder the Soil Bank. do you rent to others? (//"A'on*." mark X one ACRES IN THIS PLACE: [7] Adding acres owned and a others, then ■ublracllni (Question 3 plu. the LOCATION OF LAND 8. Is any of this land located in another c {IJ-No.- mar (a) How many acre» are in your com (b) Give names of other counties and at III.— CROPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR, 1959 Ify CORN; (Include Ihe landlord's share as sold if taken from this place ) [91 W a« any corn harvested for any lurpose thiM year? ... , No Q Ye {// "Ao,-' mark X and akip to queelion IlSJ.) (Antwer theae qutationt, i/ "Yta.")^ >r^6Ib ofshelled=I bu (b) Corn for silagef . I huBked or snapped)' of thi» and ik\p to quealxon [21].) r theat quealiona. if "Yea.")^ How many grown? 14. Sorbea (a) Soybeai (b) Soybeai (c) Soybeai (dl Soybeai s for all purposes? I hogged or graxed. or cu wed under for green [21] Wheat? 26. Oals for grain? 29 Barley? 30. Rye? 35. Buckwheat? 38. Other grains? HAY AND GRASS SIl cuitingB Include th AGE CROPS {If two e cuttings, of all Ihe following hay crops 42. CloTer, timothy, and mlzlurea of clover and grasses for hay? 43. LespedeES for hay? 45. Oats, wheat, barley, rye. or < small grains cut for hay? nearly ripe for feeding untnrei 47. Any other hay? (Include bromegross, millet, ' meadows, orchardgraas, redtc sweetclover, wild grasses ) 48. Graas silage made from grase alfalfa, clover, or email graini CLOVER SEED. LESPEDEZA SEED, AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS Were any clover aeed. lespedeta seed, or other field aeeda 62. LespedexB a«ed7. . No D Yes D rk \ and akxp tc qutation [79].) r thtte queation; i/ "Yea")' • harvested or to be harvested? POTATOES AND TOBACCO: . harvested? (Report the lollowini harvested , Sweetpolatoea for 1 _8I. Tobacco (1959 crop)! WEST VIRGINIA 187 VEGETABLES FOR HOME USE AND FOR SALE: 105. Were any vefeUbles. sweet corn, or melon*. lot. Were .nv .»,.UM«1. • hftrvnted thit star for s«l« fo to canners, freeien, processoni w«t f fres Ofn. or raelona. 1 [1«J) {.inJieer theat queation; 1/ "Kcs (1) Acres harvested* (Report tenths of acres) 'l»7. Tomalwar 108. S>eel corn? 109 Cueomlxra and pIcUcar 110. Snap beans (bush and pole types)? . HI. Watermelons? Tm D D D D D D D D D D D D n D D D a D Q a a a D a D n * /lO ▼CSeuble crop* ha/*eated thi, if. (Anawtr Uute quettioru, if " Yf.') > 144. Slra«berrie«T . 14ft. RaapberrleoT . TREE FRUITS, tlft2] Is there , rards. and pasted ■ SD GRAPES I bearing and I UeesT . . . . No a ves a \ klnda ol trees oa lUa lU. PeochssT .... ISA. PearsT ICI. GrspesT IKS. Plums and prnncsf cherries? I fit. »our IffT. QulneesT Planted black walnuuT English walnutaT NOT of How many vines) are NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS, FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS AND PLANTS, AND BULBS; freenhoaoe preducu. flower c [1981 Were any nursery or TeceUblc seeds or plants. Bow UfSo." Narserr prodnel* (tr 201. VegeUblea frown inder (lass, flower seeds, egelsble seeds, regetable ilsola. bulbs, moshroomsT . ■ bnlba grown for sale thia gearT \d tkip to qutation £202] ) r that queUuttu, if "K«.")- aa used for growing? nlea tn t$SfT I /-x OTHER CROPS: [202] Are there any other c • harvested thia year c No D Yes a s I > I .s K T H 1 ; ZM. Acre* In thia place (eopy acre* from quMtloo ?)•■ CROPLAND: 2*4. How many acre* of land were -n fields and tracts from whic crops were harvested (including hay cut) thia gamrT. (This area mav be obtained by adding the acres in the I or tract* from wriich one or more crops were harvested or was cut thia gaar; acres in nonbearing and bearing plantc fruit tree*, nuts and grapes, and acres in nursery and THlfl SHADED BICTION 18 TO B» FILLP) BT CgNBUB PfUMKEATOB (a) Add aeraa of aa crop* imlAir M Stt. lU) vtdmiar lotoihara (6) Pnm bow many aen* of had «m two en »fbr{b)fn>m{a)iutdm 206. How manv ftrrr. :t cropland were used only r pasture (or graimgi thi, 207. It 207. Mow many acre* of croal aoJI-lmprevemeal graaaes and ic not pastured thia p« ~ ilaad were used only for t harveat«d and 2011. How many ■ nclude idle cropland and cropland c 20f. How many acres of woodland were paalarod (or graaed) thia g—rf None D OTHER LAN I [212] How many i I were in ether paalsreT laaoa, reada, ditcboa. and waat«land7 1 hoaao lota, barn lata. 188 THE QUESTIONNAIRE on VI.— RACE, AGE, RESIDENCE, OFF-FARM WORK. AND OTHER INCOME 218. What i 219. How ol 220. Do yoL 221. When < Ripe Neiro D Olhcr D No D Yps D f you began to operate this place s December St. 19S9. (I) : off your farm hclween i /c you any i rom land re: IVnM Ca^l • Boai fnimr mployn Socia Dividends' Profits from nonfarm busii {// "Aonf" for question 222 and ••No" for both qutstiona ?23 .12263) 224, ak>i 9 sold 0 223 and 224) be Kreater [bar sold from your place thia year? Sectic VII.— FOREST PRODUCTS THIS YEAR. 1959 t226J How mueh was or will be received thig year from he sale or standing limber or trees? (Include standing timber sold for pulpwood.) 227. How much was or will be received thia year from the aale of poles and piling, birli. bolts, and mine KmberB? . . , include sate of standing timbLT, firewood, pulpwood, None sold Q S None sold D * I poultry and animals on this place owned by you. by your landlord, by your employees, and by POULTRY: [2361 Art- there any chickens, turkeys, or other pOHllry on this place? No D Ves D 237. If "No." wore there any on this place any time l/iis »ear.' , No Q Yes Q (// -So- for both t/uestiom 236 and 237. nrnrk X and Mk,p to ttuf^tion tUSX) 23S. How many chickens (hens, piilk-Ls, rooater^. etc ) s old e i other chickens this place' will be sold I . pullei I be sold thia year? . No h.cken eggs ' . No I Hirkey fryers No 1 poulU hatched, poulls G n Uotens . Q Number aised for others 243. How mai.v lurkry honi n-: .eejiiiig for br.-i-diiig next year? . 244, How many ducks, geese, .nd other poultry (not counting ' sale of turkeys, ducks, geei ---E SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR, 1059: 2fil. Wore any sheep or lambs shorn this year? ... - No Q Yes Q (// "iVo," mart X and skip to question £2541 ) 252. Ue 253. We any lambs shorn in i9S9? any sheep shorn in 1959* (1) How msny (2) How much No Vm D D D D """'" L». """■" U>. HOGS AND PIGS; {If -Non. jit) Since June 1. thia year? ~ \(b} Before June t. thia year? ? number for question 254.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: [2551 How many litters were farrowed since June t. CATTLE AND CALVES: (Include all < I, both dairy and beef, D Number (Include heifers that I Oi this total, |fb) Heifers and heifer csIti how many are — | (Do not include any heifers that ha Bulla, bull caUi r for question 2B7 ) COWS MILKED AND BUTTER CHURNED; 25«. How many cows and hellers were milked yeaterday? . . . None Q Number . 259. How many milk cows were on this place yeaterday? None D Number . (Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved.) 260. How many pounds of milk were produced yeaterday? , . . . None □ Pounds _ 261. How niiiin pounds of butter wen- churned fosf ireefc.' , . None D Pounds - Time questions are to answered by CENSUS ENUMERATOR (a) Does Al ntimber end in S or 7T. ib) Are acres in question 7, 1,000 or i .NoQ v»n -NoQ Y«.n SrcCion IX— DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR. 1959 [2e2J Was any mirk or cr»i a Report bII sales froRi this pls< landlord. Be a . /S5».' No D Ves D ,„d ,k,p ic ,«.l.o» i:2«51 ) by you or by others. Report dairy products sold for y ch you will sell by December 31. thia year. i sol/ in J ow much whole milk was '' sold in 19S9? None D V (Report in pounds of milk, I < gallons of milk, or pounds of butterfat ) I ? sold in ;9597 None D (If rream was sold by the gallon, multiply the ] number of gallons by 21i to get pounds of butterfat ) Section X.— ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 1959 low many mo will be sold between noiT and Oec. 31? value of sales WEST VIRGINIA 189 rrr- XI.— FERTILIZER AVD LIMT purchased bj ^ou or by yoar landlord. I, On how manv acres were eonraerclal rertiliter and fcrtUixing inalerUlB used (n I9S9? (If ■■A'onf,' mark X and ikip to qutation [272] ) (a) Har and cropland paslureT - (bl Other paslare (not cropland)? , . . (e) CornT (d) Wbcatr (e) Irlab poUloeaT (D All oilier crops? . Dry materiaJs? (Include rock phosphate) [272] Ho 273. How 1 f limed in I9S9T None Q Acrea mark \ and tktp to quttlion 1274].) ig msterlalt wa» uwd in I9S9? Tons (Include ground limestone, hydrated and burnt lime, m&rl, oyster EXPENDITI^RES Include How naci wu or wll b*apenl Lr.x'i- be paid br Deeemb€r 31. 1959. by j landlord for I [274] Feed for livestock and pouHrv' None Q (Include cost of KTMn, hay, mill feeds, concentratps, and roughages, also, amounts paid for grinding and mixing feed.) 275. The purchase of livestock and poallryT None D -EOl'IPMENT AND FAtMLlTlES NOW ON THIS PLACE «»i.>i,.is« II] Grain combineaT , Corn pickers (include picker-abeller* and corn combioee)? . Pick-up balers? . Field forage harTesters (for field chopping of silage and forage crops)? , >. Motortrucks (include pick-ups)? .. Wheel tractors other thfto gaxdea? . Garden Lractora? . Crawler tractors (tracklaying) ? I. AatoraoMlesT 800. Telephone? No Q Yes Q 301. Home freeier (for quick freeitng and storing food)? ..... No Q Yes G (Do not include refrigerators ) 302. Milking machine? No D Yes D 503. Electric mUk cooler? No D Yes Q 305. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops)? No D Yes □ _30«. Power -operated elevator, conveyor, or blower? No D Yes D (In r hire. threshing, combining, silo filling, corn picking. baling, plowing, fruit picking, spraying and dusting,} n work. Include cash 278. Seeds. buJbs. plants, and trees? 27S. Gasoline and other pelrolenm fuel and ell ... None D Acres _ ilour? "" None D Acres. of slrlp-cropplng systems tor on this place IMm y9ar? None D Acres. None n Acr»^ . nd thpn planted to another crop? N of cropland used for grali ■ of crop and pasture land c .S*bfl, not liviag in thi* ED, who hii •(rirultural operations in thii ED. (21 Otm tkii p«rMti Of wiy iMtnlm Of hU koiuc- hold ^r rafKhl^ <5I Doe. (») Doe. this GIT africuUiiral operations where he lives' CIO) Anr live stock; horses? sheep? «o«it? ac.) «) 20 or
  • eh>> An, croptT Icon? otur JLccol other Mi crot»?| 161 20 0* SST tflO? (rape- Tine*? ami (') lot taur berries? nursery oe gt«en> house products? (•) — No ; Yes No iYei No |Yes No 'Yes No j Ye. No [Yes No I Ye. No 1 Yes 1 - - • 1 -•■! -J -I j i NolYt. i i -j— • No ; Ya No 1 Yes i i — i — No |Ye. ] No ;. Yes No : Ym ! .....| i No 1 Ye. No 1 Yes No; Ya No ! Yes No : Y«» No 1 Yes No ; Yes No -Yes NoJYe. No ! Yes i i 1 j No 1 Ma No; y«» i No 1 Yes No : Yes j- No ; Yet No| Ye. No; Yes 1 No I Yes i <■) w (»> 1*) (5) («) (V (•) (9) (10) l--ni)^iOA2 • < ..lumnt «-« It N.. ...,,// ..Jumi.t A.p dumiil6 H Vo • < .ilumo ■) If N.. t.lU..luiitii Ml ll \ ,^ I,„.,„ ■> ,t, • ColumnlO K N.> till ..ilumn I I juJ jtrt Al ll Yr^ in...lum.. ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK 191 (III PART IV -RtCORIl OF (OMPLKTION OF ENUMtRATION 1 Don prnon •ork l return, tdqihooc number, cli 1 (IJ) Dite InJer > inn.jli (HI Al N,. Due Date : 1 . T 1 Al No No 1 Vn Due Date \ Al N„ Dne D..lr \ AlNo D«e ""' (III (I>) (I>1 (.4. (I«l (161 192 INDEX TO TABLES Abnormal farms Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay Alfalfa seed Aljnonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes, specified Apples Apricots Area , approximate land Asparagus Automobiles Austrian winter peas Average size of farm Avocados Barley Beets (table) Berries, specified Blaclcbe tries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries {tame or wild) Boysenberries Broccoli Broilers sold Broomcom Buckwheat Butter, buttermilk, skim mili, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons , etc Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cauliflower Celery Change in definition of tarms Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Christmas trees sold Citrus fruits, specified Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Collards Color of operator Commercial farms Commercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial ryegrass seed Ccaiservation of land Com Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop drier Cropland By acres harvested ^ color of operator E^ Irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland in cover crops Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants Crop fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested, specified Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeration Days worked off farm Definition of farms, change in Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks sold Durum wheat Economic class of farm Eggplant Eggs sold Electric milk cooler Elevators, power-operated, conveyor or blower. Emmer and spelt English or Persian walnuts Equipment and facilities, specified Escarole, endive, and chiekory 7,12>17, 18, 19,20,21 ■1,17,18,19,20,21 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 ,18,19,20,21,22 5, U, 15,16 ,17,18,19,20,21 ,17,18,19,20,21 7,12, 6,12, 7,12, 17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 3 14,17,18,19,21 ■1,5 17,18,19,20,21 7 8 11 1,17,1^,19,20,21 l,le 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 8,15 11 15,17,18,19,20 5 8 U 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8 7,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 8 11 4,17, IB, 19,20,21 6 1,2,3 l,la,2,3 ,2,3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,4 3,17,18,19,20 3 1,2 la 3,17,18,19,20,21 3 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 17,18,19,20,21 1 17,18,19,20,21 1 3,17,18,19,20,21 5 3,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 7 1,17,18,19,20,21 la, 11a 8,13,17,1^,19,20,21 4,11 8,13,17,18,19,20,21 5,11 1,17,18,19,20,21 9 15, 17, IB, 19,20 7 7,17,18,19,20,21 U 8 4, 17, IB, 19,20, 21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 Expenditures, farm. See Farm expenditures. Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures , specified . .' FaiTii labor Farm operators : By age &y color By residence By tenure By off -farm work and other income , Farm products, value of , Farm property, value of Farms , number By color of operator , By economic class By kind of road on which located By kind of workers During specified week By land irrigated By size of farm E^ tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold.- Farms with all harvested crops irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for. Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for Fertilizer, commercial, uses for Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas , dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold Field forage harvesters Field seeds Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fue Iwood Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Fruit-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese sold General farms Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Goats and kids sold alive Grain cconbines Grains Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas sold Hairy vetch seed Harvesters, field forage Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hags and pigs sold alive Hcune freezer Honeydews Horses and colts , including ponies Horses and/or mules Horses and/or mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated farms, number Irrigated land in farms By use Kale Kind of road Kumquats ladlno seed Land and buildings, value of Land area, approximate land from which hay was cut By color of operator ^ size of farm By tenure of operator By use Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 6,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18, 3,4,17, 4,17,18, 3,4,17,18, 4,17,18, 17,18, 1,17,18, 1,2,17,18, 3,17, 1,17,18, 2,16,17, 3,17, 19,20,21 18,19,20 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 18,19,20 17,18,19 19,20,21 19,20,21 5 19,20,21 18,19,20 18,19,20 18,19,20 19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 9,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 5,17,18,19,20,21 7 15,17,18,19,20 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18 5,17,18 ,16,17,18 ,12,17,18 ,12,17,18 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18, 9,17,18, 19,20,21 7 19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 1 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 INDEX TO TABLES 193 land in Irrigated farms ■ 3y use land in strip -cropping systems for soil erosion control ■ land irrigated by source of water land pastured ■ Legumes, specified annual I^spedeza cut for hay Lespedeza seed ■ Lettuce and rooalne Lima beans Lime and liming material, expenditures for.... T.V^ and liming material used during the year. Litters f arrowed Livestock and livestock products sold Llvestocli farms other than poultry and dairy and livestock ranches Uvestock ranches Livestock -share tenants , Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive loganberries Lupine seed Machine hire, expenditures for Managed land Iilanagers , Mandarins ( included with Tangerines ) , Mangoes , Maple sirup made , Buckets buD£ Maple sugar made Milk cooler, electric , Bulk-type , Milk sold , Ml Ik cows Milking machine ^. Mint for oil Miscellaneous and unclassified farms , Mixed grains , , Mohair clipped Motortrucks , Mules and mule colts Navel oranges Nectarines Nonwhlte fans operators Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and planta, and bulbs Nursery and nursery products (trees, shrube, vines, omaaentals, etc.) Nuts, specified Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, onfl other small grains cut for hay Off -farm work and other Inecme Okra OUves Onions Operators, farm. See Fans operatore. Oranges, Including tangerines and mandarins... Other and unspecified tenants Other field-crop farms Owned land Part owners Part-retirement Part-time forms Pasture Peaches Peanuts Pecans Peppers. See Svee^ peppers and plolentoo. Pick-up balers Plmlentos Plums Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower.. Products, farm, value of Proso millet Prunes Pulpwood sold Pumpkins Purchase of livestock nid poultzy Quinces Radishes Rams and wethers Raspberries Red clover seed Redtop seed 17,1B,19,20>21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,13,19,20 15,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,16,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 e 8 5,17,18,19,20,21 3 3,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,8,9 4,5,9,10a 4,7 3 3,4,5 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,1B,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 Residence of operator Rice Root and grain crops hogged Ryegrass seed. and perennial. . . Sajnpling, reliability of Saw logs and veneer logs cut Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, expenditure] for. Seeds, field. Shallots. Share-cash i Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of farm Small fruits Small grains Snap beans ( bush and pole types ) , Sorghums , Specified equipment and facilities , Specified farm expenditures Spinach Spring wheat , Squash , Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves., Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar , Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar , Sugarcane or sorghum for sirup , Sumaer fallow, cultivated Sweetclover seed Sweet com ; Sweet peppers and plmlentos Sweetpotatoes , System of terraces on crop and pasture land Tangeloa Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Tenants Temple oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Timothy seed Tobacco Tobacco farms Tomatoes Tractors Tree fruits , mita , and grapes Tung nuts Turkeys TUmlps Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of Gcmncrclal fertilizer Uses of land Valencia oranges Value: Fam products sold Faraa (land and buildings) Livestock Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms.... Vegetable f ama Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale Vegetables sold Velvetbeons Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains, cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Wage rates Walnuts Watermelons Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat White farm operators Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland In fern, by use Wool shorn Wool sold Workers: I Family j Hired I Regular Seasonal Specified week j Work off farm Youngberrles 5,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 8 16,17,18,19,20 6,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 9 8 8 15,17,18,19,20 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 6,7,12,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 8 8 17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17.18,19,20 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE North Carolina COUNTIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS U.S. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 Final Report — Vol. I — Part 26 — Counties FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES boston Public Library Superintendent ot Documents North Carolina JAW 1 'i 1962 DEPOSITORY COUNTIES Prepared under the supervision of RAY HURLEY, Chief Agriculture Division U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Richard M. Scammon, Director (From May 1 , 1961) Robert W. Burgess, Director (To March 3, 1961) BUREAU OF THE CENSUS RICHARD M. SCAMMON, Director A. Ross ECKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Lowell T. Galt, Special Assistant Herman P. Miller, Special Assistani Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Julius Shiskin, Chief Economic Statistician Joseph F. Daly, Chief Mathematical Statistician Charles B. Lawrence, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Chief International Statistical Programs Office A. W. VON Struve, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — Ray Hurley, Chitj Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief Orvin L. WiLHiTE, Assistant Chiij Field Division — Jefferson D. McPike, Chiej Ivan G. Munro, Assistant Chief Machine Tabulation Division — C. F. Van Aken, Chiej Henry A. Bloom, Assistant Chief Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chiej Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chiej Construction Statistics Division — Samuel J. Dennis, Chief Decennial Operations Division — Glen S. Taylor, Chiej Demographic Surveys Division — Robert B. Pearl, Chiej Economic Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chiej Electronic Systems Division — Robert F. Drury, Chiej Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chief Geography Division — William T. Fay, Chiej Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chief Housing Division — Wayne F. Daugherty, Chief Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, Chiej Personnel Division — James P. Taff, Chiej Population Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chiej Statistical Methods Division — Joseph Steinberg, Chiej Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D. Goldfield, Chiej Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chiej Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chiej Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Series AC59-1 and AC59-2, Preliminary Reports Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: A60-9482 SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Agriculture: 1959. Vol. I, Counties, Part 26 North Carolina U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1961 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, DC, or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce. Price $1.75 PREFACE Volume I, Counties, is one of the five principal reports presenting the results of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. This volume, in 54 parts, presents the compilation of the infor- mation given by farm operators to census enumerators in 1959. The 1959 Census of .\griculture was taken in conformity with the .\ct of Congress of .\ugust 31, 1954 (amended .\ugust 1957), which codified Title 13, United States Code. The collection of the data was carried out by census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Bureau of the Census and working under the direction of Robert B. Voight, then Chief, Field Division. Paul R. Squires, then Special .\ssistant to the Director, was responsible for the recruitment of the field staff. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief, and Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by M. Vincent Lindquist, Thomas Jabinc, Robert S. McCauley, John C. Mackey, Robert Standley, Hiltoti E. Robison, Helen E. Teir, Carl R. Nyman, Kenneth R. Xorell, Gladys L. Eagle, Henry L. DeGraff, Charles H. Boehne, Joseph A. Correll, Margaret G. Wood, Evelyn K. Jett, Simon Vablon, Emma B. Gass, Charlotte J. Messinese, Bennie L. Sharp, Isaac E. Lemon, James M. Lindsey, Samuel S. Murray, William F. Kauffman, Hector Vila, Harry P. Owings, Charles A. NichoUs, Henry A. Tucker, Robert S. Boyle, Helen M. Davenport, Albert W. Graybill, Lois G. Miller, Thomas D. Monroe, Gerald P. Owens, Bernard L. Ross, Marvin AL Thompson, Helen D. Turner, Kurt W. Luethy, Arnold L. BoUenbacher, George W. Coffman, Joseph A. Horak, Samuel J. Hundley, Donald K. Larson, Chester G. Lykins, Wilmer R. Maxham, Virgil L. McClain, Jr., Darrell D. Prochaska, Robert J. Rades, Hubert E. Sites, Duane E. Traylor, Donald H. von Steen, Elmer O. Rea, Frances G. Compton, Lillian W. Bentel, and Neil V. Perkins. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of personnel by the United States Department of Agriculture in the planning, the enumeration, and the com- pilation of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. October 1961 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 FINAL REPORTS Volume I — Counties — A separate part for each State. Statistics on number of farms; farm characteristics; acreage in farms; cropland and other uses of land; land-use practices; irrigation; farm facilities and equipment; farm labor; farm expenditures; use of commercial fertilizer; number and kind of livestock; acres and production of crops; value of farm products; characteristics of commercial farms, farms classified by tenure, by size, type, and economic class; and comparative data from the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Volume I is published in 54 parts as follows: Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States New England States: West North Central— Continued Mountain: 1 Maine. 19 South Dakota. 38 .Montana. 2 New Hampshire. 20 Nebraska. 39 Idaho. 3 Vermont. 21 Kansas. 40 Wyoming. 4 Massachusetts. South Atlantic: 41 Colorado. 5 Rhode Island. 22 Delaware. 42 New Mexico. 6 Connecticut. 23 Maryland. 43 Arizona. Middle Atlantic States: 24 Virginia. 44 lUah. 7 New York. 25 West Virginia. 45 Nevada. 8 New .Jersey. 26 North Carolina. Pacific: 9 Pennsylvania. 27 South Carolina. 46 Washington. East North Central: 28 Georgia. 47 Oregon. 10 Ohio. 29 Florida. 48 California. 11 Indiana. East South Central: 49 Alaska. 12 Illinois. 30 Kentucky. 50 Hawaii 13 Michigan. 31 Tennessee. Other Areas: 14 Wisconsin. 32 Alabama. 51 American Samoa. West North Central: 33 Mississippi. 52 Ouam. 15 Minnesota. West South Central: 53 Puerto Rico. 16 Iowa. 34 Arkansas. 54 Virgin Islands. 17 Missouri. 35 Louisiana. 18 North Dakota. 3C) 37 Oklahoma. Texas. Volume II — General Report. — Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. Summary data and analyses of the data by States, for geographic divisions, and for the United States, by subjects, as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below: Chapter Title Chapter VII Title I Farms and Land in Farms. Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest Prod- III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. ucts. IV Farm Labor, Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race, and Tenure of Farm Operator V Size of Farm. XI Economic Class of Farm. VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III — Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Western States (Dry Areas) — Data by States for drainage basins and a summary for the area, including number and types of irrigation organiza- tions, source of water, expenditures for works and equipment since 1950, water used and acres served for irrigation purposes. Volume IV — Drainage of Agricultural Lands. Data by States on land in drainage organizations, number and types of organizations, cost of drainage and drainage works. Volume V — Special Reports, Part I. — Horticultural Specialties. Statistics by States and a summary for the United States present- ing number and kinds of operations; gross receipts and/or gross sales; sales of nursery products, flower seed, vegetables grown under glass, and propagated mushrooms; number of container- grown plants; inventory products; sales of bulb crops; employ- ment; structures and equipment. Titles of additional parts of this volume are not available as this report goes to press. IV NORTH CAROLINA CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTUHE Page History of the Census DC Legal basis for the Census IX Pretest of the 1959 Census IX Training program for personnel for enumeration IX Enumeration period IX ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization IX The agriculture questionnaire K Agricultural operations X Enumeration assignments and enumeration districts X Enumerator 's record book XI Enumeration maps XI Lists of special and large f aims XI Landlord- tenant questionnaire XI Township sketch map XI Field review of enumerator 's work XII SAMPLING Use of sampling XII Description of the sample XII Adjustment of the sample XII Estimation of totals for the sample XII Presentation of sample data XII Reliability of estimates XII Differences in data resulting from differences in tabulating procedures XIII PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of enumeration XIII Editing of questionnaires XIII Coding of questionnaires XIII Tabulation of data XIII PRESENTATION Or STATISTICS Statistical content of this report XIV Comparability of data XTV Minor civil divisions XTV DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANAIIOtJG Descriptive summary and references XIV General Fann Information Census definition of a farm XIV Farm operator XV Farms reporting or operators reporting XV Land area XV Land in farms XV Land in farms according to use XVI Value of land and buildings XVII Age of operator XVII Residence of operator XVII Year began operating present farm XVII Of f -farm work and other income XVII Equipment and facilities XVII Farms by kind of road XVIII Farm labor XVIII Fertilizer and lime XVIII Specified farm expenditures XIX DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS— Continued Crops Page Crops harvested XIX Com XIX Annual legumes XX Hay crops XX Field seed crops XX Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes XX Berries and other small fruits XX Tree fruits , nuts , and grapes XX Nursery and greenhouse products XXI Forest products XXI Value of crops harvested XXI Value of crops sold XXI Irrigation Definition of irrigated land XXI Enumeration of irrigated land XXI Irrigated farms XXI Land in irrigated farms XXI Land irrigated XXI Farms irrigated by number of acres irrigated XXI Land irrigated by source of water XXI land-Use Practices Summary information XXII Cropland in cover crops XXII Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour XXII Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control... XXII System of terraces on crop and pasture land XXII Livestock and Poultry Inventories XXII 1'J.lk eovra, cov;s milked, milk produced, and butter XXII Whole milk and cream sold XXII Sows and gilts farrowing XXII Sheep, lambs, and wool XXII Goats and mohair XXII Bees and honey XXII Value of livestock on farms XXII Sales of live animals XXII Sales of poultry and poultry products XXIII Classification of Farms Scope of classification XXIII Farms by size XXIII Farms by color of operator XXIII Farms by tenure of operator XXIII Farms by economic class XXIII Farms by type XXIV Value of farm products sold XXV (V) I VI CONTENTS Chapter A— STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table— 1. — Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 2. — Farms and farm acreage according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 3. — Farms and farm acreage, by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 4. — Farm operators by color, age, residence, and off -farm work; and equipment and facilities on farms : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 5 Specified farm expenditures and farm labor: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 6. — Livestock and poultry on farms , number and value : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 7. — Livestock and livestock and poultry products sold: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 8 Farms reporting, acreage, quantity harvested, and sales of crops: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 9. — Nursery, greenhouse, and forest products : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 10. — Characteristics of places not counted as farms because of change in definition of farm: 1959 11. — Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 12 Farms reporting classified by number of livestock on farms and by quantity of livestock and livestock and poultry products sold : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 13 Farms reporting classified by acres harvested, quantity harvested, and quantity sold for selected crops : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 14 Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by economic class of farm, Census of 1959. 15 Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by type of farm. Census of 1959 16.— Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by size of farm. Census of 1959 17. — Farms and farm characteristics by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 18. — Farms and farm characteristics of commercial farms by type of farm by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 19. — Farms and farm characteristics by type of farm: Census of 1959 20.— Farms and farm characteristics by size of farm: Census of 1959 21 Farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator: Census of 1959 22. — Cash rent paid by cash tenants and share-cash tenants by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 23. — Sampling reliability of estimated totals for county and State by number of farms reporting, by levels 24 Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated county and State totals for specified items Chapter B— STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table— 1. — Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 2 Number of farms, land in farms, and cropland harvested, by size of farm: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 3. — Farms and farm acreage by tenure of operator: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 4 Characteristics of commercial farms. Census of 1959 5. — Farms reporting by off -farm vrork; and farms by tenure of operator, type of farm, economic class of farm, and value of farm products sold, by source: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 6. — Equipment and facilities on farms and farm labor: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 7 Use of fertilizer and lime on farms and farm expenditures: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 8 Livestock and poultry on farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 9 Livestock and livestock products sold from farms and litters farrowed: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 10. — Dairy products and poultry and poultry products sold from farms: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 11. — Farms reporting acreage and quantity of crops harvested: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 12. — Nursery and greenhouse products and forest products cut on farms: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 APPENDIX The 1959 Census of Agriculture Questionnaire. Enumerator's Record Book Index to tables INTRODUCTION (VII) < £ Z ; O 3 <^. ft 00 -^ o o l/fr-^^ ■■'i^ ..■.■SI d s "- '^ B^ £ \ " |-\ -■■■"•' -^"■^^ "'-2' 'sT" INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE History of the Census. — The 1059 Census is the 17th nationwide agricultural census. The first agricultural census was taken in 1810, at the same time as the Sixth Decennial Census of Popu- lation. From ISfjO to 1920, an agricultural census was taken every 10 years. With increased application of scientific findings and the growing use of mechanization in agriculture, farming practices were changing so rapidly that facts collected at 10-year intervals were no longer adequate. Aware of the need for more accurate and timely information, the Congress in 1909 (3G stat. 10, sec. 31, provided for a census to be taken in 191.") and every 10 years thereafter which was to be in addition to the census of agriculture to be taken at the time of the decennial census of population. The 191.^ census was not taken, however, because of the abnormal conditions created by World War I. Beginning with 1020, a national agricultural census has been taken every ') years. Legal Basis for the Census. — The 1059 Census of Agriculture was authorized hy an Act of Congress, as were all prior censuses of agriculture. "Title 13, United States Code-Census," codified in August 19.';4. and amended in August 10.")" and September 1900, is now the legal basis for censu.ses of agriculture and other cen- suses, and surveys conducted by the P.ureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agriculture. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning in the month of October 10.")0, and in the same month of every fifth year thereafter, take a census of .Tgricullure. provide*! that the censuses directed to be taken in October 19.59 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken instead in conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relates to the decennial cen- su.-ics of pojmlation, unemployment, and housing to be taken as of the first day of A])ril of each decennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title l.'J, the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties imjioscd upon him by this title" to the Director of the Rurcau of the Census. Pretest of the 1959 Census. — A "pretest" of the field procedures of the 19.59 Census of Agriculture was conducted in 17 counties of the United States during the fall of 1958. The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a measure of the effective- ness of the questions and procedures planned for the 1959 nationwide census. Three versions of the agriculture question- naire— the first one for Northern States, the second for Southern States, and the third for Western States — were used in the pre- test. Kach version contained questions appropriate to the type of agriculture in the part of the country where it was used. All major asi>ects of field forius and procedures, from the hiring and training of crew leaders and enumerators to actual interviews with farm operators, were given a "trial run" in each of the 17 counties. Preliminary versions of reporting forms, maps, pay- roll records, training guide.s, and instruction manuals were sub- jected to actual use under conditions simulating those expected in the nationwide enumeration conducted in the fall of 1959. In making final preparations for the 19.59 census, the stalT of the Bureau drew heavily on the results of the pretest, as well as on experience gained from previous censuses. Training Program for Personnel for Enumeration. — Every per- son hired to do work in connection with the 1959 Census of Agri- culture received specialized training for his job. Staff mem- 563128—60 bers of the Washington and Regional Oflices of the Bureau and of the U.S. Department of Agriculture trained approximately 110 agriculture field assistants and 2,100 crew leaders. The crew leaders, in turn, trained and supervised a|)pr()ximately 30,000 enumerators. AH training was presented according to procedures contained in various guides and manuals prepared hy the Bureau. The training program included filmstrips, map-reading, practice interviewing, and practice filling of questionnaires and other census forms. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas In which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. Enumeration Period. — The actual enumeration in the conter- minous United States (see page XIV) started at dates varying from October 7 to November IS, 1959. In general, starting dates were based upon regional variations in harvesting seasons and on weather conditions. Tlie primary aim was to have the enumeration late enough to follow the harvesting of the liulk of impiirt.int crops and early enough to precede the advent of winter weather with the attending unfavorable travel conditions. The bulk of the enumeration work was completed within three to four weeks after the starting date. In Hawaii, the enumera- tion was made during the mimths of December 1959 and January 1900; and In Alaska, during April 1900. Enumeration starting dates for the censuses of 1959 and 1954 are given in State table 11, together witli figures showing the I>ercentage of farms enumerated in the State during weekly pe- riods. The average enumeration date for the 1959 census for each county is given In county table G. Data for inventory items — land in farm.s, machinery and eeriiid from the time of enumeration to the end of the cal- endar year. Instructions on the questionnaire and the wording of questions were designed to assure that full crop-year or calendar-year data would bo reported. For example, "How much of this year's crop was or will be sold?" ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization.— Section 5 of Title 13 of the United States Code authorizes tlie preparation of forms and questionnaires used in the census. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall prepare schedules, and shall determine the inquiries, and tlie number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title." The Agriculture ftuestionnairc. — The (|uestionnaire for tlie 19.59 Census of Agriculture was prepared hy the staff of the Bureau. Selection of the inquiries was based on the results of the 1958 pretest and cxjjerience gained in earlier censuses. Careful con- sideration was given to such factors as the current availability UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 of data from other sources, the possibility of obtaining data by methods other than a census, the adequacy of the data that might be obtained, and the need for and usefulness of the data. Two committees gave advice and counsel to the Bureau. One of these, a Special Advisory Committee, was composed of members desig- nated by the organizations they represented, following an invita- tion from the Director of the Bureau of the Census to name a representative to serve in an advisory capacity. The Special Advisory Committee for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was made up of one representative from each of the following : Agri- cultural Publishers Association, American Association of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Farm Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Farm Eiiuipment Institute, National As- sociation of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agri- culture, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers' Union, National Orange, Rural Sociological Society, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A representative of the Bureau of the Budget v.as in attendance at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Because of the special interest of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture in censuses of agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Census sought the continuous cooperation of that organiza- tion in developing plans, questionnaires, and procedures for the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Working Groups were established in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make recommendations for the following general subjects : Tenure, Land Values, and Mortgage Debt Land Use and Conservation and Production Practices Field Crops Fruits and Vegetables Forest Products Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Income and Expenditure (including Contractual Operations) Farm Labor Equipment and Facilities (including Structures) Each Working Group had the responsibility for ascertaining the U.S. Department of Agriculture's need for data in the field covered by its "terms of reference" and for presenting recom- mendations to a small Joint Committee comprising representa- tives of both the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Joint Committee received written recom- mendations from each Working Group. The Chairman of each Group appeared before the Joint Committee as did any member of the Working Group who was needed to present supplemental information of a specialized nature. Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire, State Agricul- tural Colleges and other major users of census data were invited to suggest inquiries for the enumeration. Each member of the Special Advisory Committee had the opportunity and the respon- sibility for channeling in suggestions from the organization he represented. The number of inquiries submitted from all sources greatly exceeded the number that could be Included in the census, from the iwint of view of cost, of the respondent's time and patience, and of practical value to the majority of users of data. The final selection included 31G questions, some of which con- sisted of several parts, for the 48 States comprising the con- terminous United States. Although each of the 310 questions was asked in one or more of the 48 States, considerably less than this total was asked in any one State because of the use of "State" questionnaires. Moreover, about 50 questions out of the total were asked of approximately one-fifth of all farm operators in the State. The number of questions ranged from 159 on the questionnaire for Maine to 194 on the questionnaire for Cali- fornia. In all, 38 versions of the questionnaire — one for each State or combination of adjoining States and two for Texas — were used for the 1959 census in the conterminous United States as compared with 21 versions in 1954 and 41 in 1950. A separate version was used in Alaska and another in Hawaii. Differences in the questionnaires were designed to account for regional and local differences in agriculture. Most, but not all, of the differences related to crops. The use of State ques- tionnaires made possible the inclusion of separate inquiries for all important crops grown within a State and, at the same time, a reduction in the total number of inquiries for a State. Questions that did not apply, to any considerable degree, to a particular State were omitted from the questionnaire used in that State. For example, separate questions about citrus fruits were omitted from all questionnaires except for the few States where citrus fruits are grown. An added advantage of State questionnaires was that production and sales data could be asked in the unit of measure most commonly used by the farmers in each State. Regional variation in the number and type of ques- tions is an important provision of the census for obtaining com- plete coverage of agricultural operations. About 2 weeks before the start of the enumeration, agricul- ture questionnaires were mailed to most households in rural areas. A letter was attached to each questionnaire asking the farm operator to fill the questionnaire and to give it to the enu- merator when he called. The purpose of this procedure was to save time and money in taking the cen.sus and to improve the quality of the information given by farm operators. By having the questionnaire ahead of time, the farmer could determine what information would be required and could check his records in advance of the enumerator's visit. It was, however, the respon- sibility of the enumerator to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each place which qualified. If the questionnaire had been filled out by the farm operator, the enumerator was instructed to examine the questionnaire for completeness and accuracy and, if need be, to give the farmer such help as might be nece.ssary. Agricultural Operations. — The training of enumerators stressed the concept that a census of agriculture is a census of agricultural operations rather than a census of farms. This concept was in- tended to assure a complete agricultural census free of any per- sonal judgment by enumerators as to what constitutes a farm. In accordance with clearly defined procedures, an enumerator was required to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each person who had charge of one or more agricultural operations, whether or not he considered himself to be a farm operator. For enu- meration purposes, it was considered that there were agricul- tural operations on a place if, at any time in 1959 — a. Any livestock (hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, or mules) were kept on the place. b. A combined total of 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and ducks were kept on the place. c. Any grain, hay, tobacco, or other field crops were grown on the place. d. A combined total of 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and nut trees were on the place. e. Any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products were grown on the place for sale. As a result of the requirement that all places having agri- cultural operations be enumerated, more questionnaires were obtained than are included in the tabulations for farms. During the oflice processing operations that followed the completion of enumeration, criteria were applied to the questionnaires to sort out for tabulation those that represented farms according to the census definition of a farm (see page XIV). Enumeration Assignments and Enumeration Districts. — To as- sure a complete enumeration within the time allotted, the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) was divided into 29,374 Enumeration Assignments, or EA's. Each EA comprised an INTRODUCTION XI area that one enumerator could reasonably be expected to canvass within a 3- to 4-week period, as indicated by performance rec- ords from the 1954 census. Each EA was made up of one or more Enumeration Dis- trictJi, or "ED's," as the geographic unit for enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, the ED's were classified into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms, as indicated by the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the 1950 Census of I'opulation and Housing, current population esti- mates, and highway maiJS showing culture which were basic to establishing the boundaries of each assignment. Through the use of different canvassing procedures for each group of ED's, the Bureau was able to reduce the cost of enumeration without iiinning any material risk of missing any farms or other places with agricultural operations. The ED groupings and canvassing procedures are described below. Group I Enumeration Districts. — In general, ED's with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open- country areas and comprise Group I. For each ED of Group I, in his Enumeration Assignment, the enumerator was required to list in his Record Book the name of every head of household living in the ED and also the name of every person not living in the ED who had agricultural operations there. There were approximately 20,7.'>1 EDs in Group I for the 1959 Census. Group II Enumeration Districts. — Rural ED's in which the number of dwellings was large In relation to the number of farms were considered to be in Group II. For each ED, in Group II, the enumerator was required to list the head of the household for all dwellings in the ED except for those on less than one acre of ground in built-up residential areas of 50 or more dwellings. He was also required to determine, by obiwr- vation or local inquiry, whether there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the built-up areas and, if so, to obtain an agriculture questionnaire. There were approximately 7,979 ED's in Group II. Group III Enumeration Districts. — Most Incorporated places and unincorporated villages having approximately 150 or more dwellings were designated as separate ED's and are classified as Group III. Also, most ED's in counties around large metro- politan areas were designated as Group III Ed's. Prior to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, places enumerated in these areas during the 1954 Census of Agriculture were listed in the Enumerator's Record Book. The enumerator was required to visit and enumerate or otherwise account for each place listed in his Record Book. In addition, he was instructed to ask at each of these iilaces if there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the Enumeration District, and. If so, to add them to his list and enumerate them. There were ap- proximately 15,836 Group III ED's in 1959. According to the 1954 Census, these ED's contained 380,575 farms. A few enumeration districts that comprised incorporated places or that were within an incoriwratcd city were classified as Group I or Group II because they had a large number of farms. A few others, comprising extensive rural districts requiring con- siderable travel, were classified as Group III because they had only a small number of farms. Enumerator's Record Book. — Each enumerator received one or more Record Books containing a listing form for use during canvassing. (See appendix for facsimile of one page of list- ing form included In Enumerator's Record Book.) The lines on the listing form were numbered in consecutive order. Ex- cept as otherwise prescribed for Group II and Group III ED's, the enumerator listed in his Record Book the name of each head of household living In his assigned area and also the name of each person not living in his area who had agricultural opera- tions there. As he made his listing, he also asked the questions about agricultural operations that were printed on the listing form. Answers to these questions determined, for the enumerator, whether or not an agriculture questionnaire was required for the person listed and, if so, whether he or some other enumerator was responsible for getting it. Thus, the Record Book served as an imjwrtant aid to the enumerator In securing complete cov- erage of all agricultural operations within his area. At the same time, it helped to prevent enumeration of the same place by two or more enumerators. Enumeration Haps. — As a second aid to getting complete cover- age, each enumerator received a map or, in a few exceptional cases, a brief written description of the area assigned to him for enumeration. He was required to plan and follow an orderly route of enumeration within the boundaries of his assigned area in accordance with established canvassing procedures. As the enumerator listed a place in his Record Book, he indicated its location by copying onto his map the number of the line on which he listed it. This numbering system indicated the enumerator's route of travel, and helped both the enumerator and his crew leader to determine the extent of coverage of the enumerator's assignment at any given time. Lists of Special and Large Farms.— Prior to the enumeration, a card list of "special and large farms" was prepared on the basis of records obtained from the 1954 census and from Federal and State agricultural agencies. In general, "special and large farms" fell into one of three categories: (1) farms having unusually large acreages, livestock Inventories, or annual sales as indi- cated by available records; (2) farms known to he specializing in such operations as broiler production, turkey growing, feed lots, nursery or greenhouse production, cranberry bogs, citrus groves, etc.; (3) farms that might easily be overlooked because they had absentee operators or were not locally thought of as farms, such as institutions, Indian reservations, grazing associa- tions, etc. Enumerators were given the cards for the special and large farms within their assignment areas to use as aids to obtaining complete coverage. Generally, the cards provided insurance against the omission of farming units that could have a signifi- cant effect on the totals for a given county or State. The enu- merator was instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each special or large farm in his area or to write an explana- tion on the card as to why an agriculture questionnaire was not required on the basis of 19,59 operations. The crew leader had a duplicate set of cards for use in checking enumeration coverage. Landlord-Tenant ttuestionnalre.— As in several previous cen- suses, a special landlord-tenant questionnaire was used In some parts of the South as a supplement to the agriculture question- naire. It.s purpose was to help the enumerator get complete and accurate coverage of individually operated tracts of land that were actually part of one operating unit under the control of one landlord. To accomplish this purpose, the enumerator was required to fill a landlord-tenant questionnaire for each landlord who had any land worked on shares. The entries made in this questionnaire included the name of each sharecropper, tenant, or renter ; the amount of land assigned to each ; and the acreage and quantity of crops harvested on -shares. By checking these entries against the agriculture questionnaires obtained for the individual operators, the enumerator and the Central Office could verify that each part of the operating unit controlled by the landlord was enumerated and that It was enumerated only once. The landlord- tenant questionnaire was used in 386 counties in the 1959 census as compared with approximately 900 counties In 1954. Township Sketch Map.— In some areas of the Great Plains, a considerable portion of land is farmed by nonresident operators— that is, by persons who do not live on the land they oi)erate or who live on it only during part of the year. Enumerators in these areas used a special mapping form, the Township Sketch, in addition to their enumeration maps as an aid to obtaining com- plete coverage. Each township included on the sketch was identified by township and range number and was divided Into 144 small squares. In a standard section of 640 acres, each square represented a quarter section of land, or 160 acres. As the enumerator canvassed his assignment area, he Indicated the acreage and location of each farm, ranch, and tract of nonfarm XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 land by drawing its boundaries on the sketch. He also used a simple numbering sy^item as a cross reference between the agri- cultural land identified on the sketch and the questionnaire on which it was reported. The Township Sketch was used in all counties of North Dakota and South Dakota and in selected counties of Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Field Review of Enumerator's Work. — In the 1959 census, greater emphasis was placed on a detailed review of enumerators' work during enumeration than had been the case in previous censuses. The objective was to detect and correct enumeration errors as early as possible in order to achieve and maintain a high quality of individual performance. Starting on the first day of enumeration and continuing throughout the enumeration period, each crew leader was instructed to make regular and frequent visits to his enumerators. At each visit, he was to follow a clearly defined procedure for ob.serving the enumerator's conduct of interviews and for checking his listings, maps, ques- tionnaires, and other forms for accuracy and completeness. As an aid to checking coverage and enumerator efficiency, the crew leader was given a list containing estimates, based on the 1954 census, of the number of questionnaires required in each enumeration assignment area within his district, and of the mileage and time required to obtain those questionnaires. SAMPLING Use of Sampling.— In the 1959 census, as in several previous censuses, sampling was used in two ways : for enumeration and for tabulation. Sampling in enumeration consisted of the col- lection of information about the items included in sections IX through XV of the questionnaire for only a sample of farms. The "sample" items relate to sales of dairy products and sales of livestock, use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, equipment and facilities, rental agreements, farm values, and farm mortgage debt. The same sample of farms was used for tabulations by type of farm and by economic class of farm and for many of those by size of farm and by color and tenure of ojierator. Description of the Sample.— The sample used for the 1959 Census of Agriculture consisted of all farms with a total area of 1,000 or more acres or with estimated sales of .$100,000 or more in 1959, and approximately '20 percent of all other farms. Farms with 1,000 or more acres were universally included in the sample during enumeration. As the enumerator filled the questionnaire, he determined the number of "acres in this place" (see question 7 of the agriculture questionnaire). If the acreage amounted to 1,000 or more he was required to fill sections IX through XV of the questionnaire. Farms with less than 1,000 acres, with esti- mated sales of .$100,000 or more, were included in the sample during the office processing. For these farms the information for sections IX through XV was obtained by mail. The selection of farms of less than 1,000 acres for inclusion in the sample was made during enumeration, according to the fol- lowing procedure: As the enumerator determined that he was required to obtain a questionnaire, he assigned a number to it, whether or not he was able to obtain the questionnaire on his first visit. He assigned numbers in consecutive order, beginning with "1" for the first questionnaire required in each enumera- tion district within his area. He was instructed to fill sections IX through XV on all questionnaires for which the assigned number ended in "2" or "7" (i.e. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc.). Adjustment of the Sample. — An adjustment in the part of the sample that was comprised of farms of less than 1,000 acres .'ind with estimated sales of less than $100,000 was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms in the sample by size of farm. The purpose of this adjustment was to Improve the reliability of the estimates based on the sample and to reduce the effects of possible biases introduced by enumerators who de- viated from the prescribed procedure for selecting the sample farms. The adjustment procedure was carried out for "blocks" of counties, each consisting of from one to ten counties in a State. To adjust the sample, separate counts were made for each county, and for the block of counties of all farms and of farms in the sample for each of 10 size-of-farm groups based on the "acres in this place" (question 7). The 10 size-of-farm groups were as follows : under 10 acres, 10 to 49 acre.s, 50 to 69 acres, 70 to 99 acres, 100 to 139 acres, 140 to 179 acres, ISO to 219 acres, 220 to 259 acres, 260 to 49i» acres, and 500 to 999 acres. Farms of less than 1,000 acres, but with value of sales of $100,000 or more, were excluded from these counts. For each size-of-farm group, the number of farms in the sample for the block of counties was adjusted to make it equal or approximately equal to the total number of farms divided by five. This was accomplished for each group by the elimination or duplication on a random basis, of farms in those counties where the difference between the actual proportion in the sample and the expected 20 percent was in the same direction as the difference for the block of counties. Estimation of Totals for the Sample. — For the items Included in the sample part of the questionnaire (sections IX through XV), estimated totals for all farms were derived from the tabu- lated totals for the farms in the adjusted sample. First, Item-by- item totals, as tabulated for that part of the sample comprising farms of le.ss than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000, were multiplied by 5. These estimated item-by- item totals were then added to the corresponding item totals, as tabulated, for all farms of 1,000 acres and over and farms with estimated sales of $100,(K)0 and over. The resulting values represent the estimated totals for all farms. Presentation of Sample Data. — In tables where a small amount of data based on the sample farms is presented together with data for all farms, the data based on the sample are printed in italics. Other tables contain headnotes explaining that most of the data are estimates based on reports for only a sample of farms. Reliability of Estimates. — The estimated totals for all farms of the items enumerated for only the sample farms are subject to sampling errors. The estimated totals obtained by making tabulations for only the farms included in the sample are also subject to sampling errors. State tables 2.'! and 24 contain ap- proximate measures of the sampling reliability of the estimates for numbers of farms reporting and for item totals. While these measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estimates, they do not completely reflect errors arising from sources other than sampling ; for example, errors in the original data reported by farmers. Errors arising from sources other than sampling may, in some instances, be relatively more important than sampling variation, especially for county totals. The general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals may be determined from the data in State tables 23 and 24. State table 24 contains a list of items, together with a figure for each item indicating one of the four levels of sampling reliability that are presented in State table 23. For each item the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be de- termined from State table 23, in the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State table 24. To determine the sampling reliability for any item, reference must be made to State table 24 to find out which of the four levels of sampling reliability given in State table 23 should be used, and also the appropriate county or State table to obtain the number of farms reporting the item. INTRODUCTION XIII As explained in State table 23, the level of sampling reliability designated as level 1 should always be used to determine the sampling reliability of estimated numbers of farms or of farms reporting. State table 23 shows percentage limits such that chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference between an estimate based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation of all farms would be no more than the percentage specified for the estimated number of farms reporting that item. The chances are about 99 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 2V2 times the percentage specified. As indicated by the percentages in State table 2.'^, the smaller the number of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error in the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail is presented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, in order to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report. Per- centages and averages that may be derived from the tables will generally have greater relative reliability than the corresponding estimated totals. However, significant patterns of relationships may be observed in the estimated totals even though the indi- vidual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample of farms for the 1954 census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 19."i9. Therefore, State tables 23 and 24 may also be u.-^ed to determine the sampling errors for the 1954 data. Differences in Data Eesulting From Differences In Tabulating Procedures. — Many of tlic figures in the detailed State tables rep- resent estimates obtained by tabulating only the sample farms. The totals for these detailed distributions will generally differ somewhat from totals presented in other tables obtained from different distributions which were tabulated on a 100 percent basis. Moreover, although most of the figures presented by coun- ties were obtained from tabulations of all farms, the data in county table 4 for commercial farms, and all of the data in the county tables on dairy products and livestock sold, fertilizer and lime, farm exi)cnditures, land-use practices, farm labor, facilities and equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The State totals in the county tables for these items, though based also on the sample, were obtained in a different .series of tabulating runs, and so may differ slightly from totals presented in some State tal)l('s. For reasons of economy the sample di.stributions were not adjusted to the 100 jtercent totals even when such totals were available, nor were .slight discrepan- cies resulting from different runs of the sample data always rec- onciled unless the differences were large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of Enumeration. — As an enumerator completed his assignment, he turned the portfolio containing questionnaires and other census materials over to his crew leader. After making a final review of the enumerator's work, the crew leader mailed the portfolio to the Agriculture Processing Office at Parsons, Kan.sas. There, each enumerator portfolio was thoroughly checked for completeness of all required forms and for corre<_'t application of the sami)ling procedure. Editing of Questionnaires. — Each agriculture questionnaire was individually edited and coded before the information was trans- ferred to punch cards and tabulated. As the first major step in the editing process, questionnaires that did not represent farms according to the census definition were withdrawn from fur- ther processing. (See p. XIV.) As the second major step, the remaining questionnaires were examined for errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. Among the specific items subjected to con- sistency checks were the following : a. Total acreage compared with its distribution by use. b. Acreage of individual crops harvested compared with total cropland harvested. c. Irrigated acreage compared with total acres in the farm. d. Total acreage of individual crops for all purposes compared with the acreage harvested for specific purposes. e. Quantity of crops harvested in relation to acreage harvested. t. Sales in relation to production and, for livestock, to inven- tories. g. Total livestock compared with the inventory by age and sex. h. Expenditures compared with production and inventories. Obvious errors in calculations or in units of measure, and misplaced entries were corrected as they were found. Entries not clearly legible were rewritten. Many omissions or incon- sistencies were disregarded during editing. Those of significant magnitude could be and were handled more efliciently and eco- nomically during mechanical jiroccssing operations. Question- naires containing major inconsistencies and omissions were re- ferred to members of the technical staff for review. Depending on the magnitude of the data involved, the technical staff cor- rected (or sui)ervise(l the correction of) the questionnaires eitlier on the basis of information reimrtcd for other farms of similar tyiK- in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived in response to letters directed to the farm oix?rators. Coding of Questionnaires. — Most of the numerical information on a questionnaire was self-coding in that the inquiry number was utilized for the item identification on imncli cards or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was also neces- sary for such items as irrigated crops for selected States, crops infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for individual items. All farms were codeland and irrigated i)asture. .\d(lilioii;il codes were apiilicd to all farms included in the sample to classify them by type of farm and by total value of agrictiltural prwlucts sold. Individual items were coded only where rejiorts were received for crops or iK)Ultry not covered by separate inquiries on the questionnaire. This coding was necessary to assure inclusion of the data in the appropriate farm i)roduct totals. Tabulation of Data. — After the questionnaires were edited and coded, the information on them was punched on cards. The cards were then mechanically .sorted and fed into machines which transferred the data to tabulation sheets. One of the initial and primary steps in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate and list those cards which lacked neces.sary in- formation, those which contained inconsistent or imjjossible data, and those on whicli the data were po.ssil>le but of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was war- ranted. The listing sheets were examined and, as necessary, the cards were corrected. When the cards for a particular county were considered satisfactory, the data were tabulated. Subject-matter specialists of the Bureau and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture examined all tabulations for reasonableness and consistency. As necessary, they made corrections on the basis of a further review and reappraisal of the original reports and verification of the editing, coding, and punching. XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS statistical Content of This Report. — This report is part of Vol- ume I of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Volume I consists of 54 parts, each part containing information about agriculture for a single State, Commonwealth, or Possession. Each part con- tains county data for that particular State or area. The term "county," as used in this report embraces election districts in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, munlcipios (municipalities) in Puerto Rico, etc. The statistics for 1959 were obtained from the Census of Agriculture taken in the "conterminous United States" (see following paragraph), Hawaii, and Puerto Rico during the period October 1959 to January 1960 and in Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, and Virgin Islands as of April 1, 1960. Compara- tive data for years prior to 1959 were obtained from earlier censuses. In the planning of the publications for the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing and the 1959 Census of Agriculture, the term "conterminous United States," recommended by the Board of Geographic Names to designate the 48-State area as it ex- isted before Alaska and Hawaii became States, was adopted by the Bureau of the Census. The definitions and explanations in this introduction for vol- ume I generally have application broad enough to include the States of Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the island possessions. However, specific application in many instances may be limited to the conterminous United States ; for example, references to earlier censuses, to the sam- pling methods and procedures, to specific sections or questions on the questionnaires, and to specific table numbers. For each part of volume I (one part for each State or area), a facsimile of the appropriate questionnaire is reproduced in the appendix. The statistics for States and counties are presented according to the same general plan as was followed in the volume I re- ports for the 1954 and the 1950 censuses. State and county totals are given for nearly all items for which information was ob- tained in the 1959 census. However, most of the data by eco- nomic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are given only for States. Comparative data for the States are given for each census year beginning with 1920. Comparative data for counties are given for the years 1959 and 1954. For some items, the data obtained from the 1959 census are the only ones available. For comparative purposes 1950 data are carried in county table 6 for the kind of road on which farms were located. Comparability of Bata. — The data obtained from the various censuses of agriculture are not strictly comparable for all items. For example, differences from one census to another in the time of enumeration, the wording of the questions, and the definition of a farm cause some lack of comparability. Differences con- sidered to have a significant effect on the comparability of data are described in the text and/or mentioned in footnotes to the tables. Minor Civil Divisions. — As in prior censuses, data for most of the Items included in the 1959 Census of Agriculture were tabu- lated for minor civil divisions. The term "minor civil division" applies to the primary subdivision of a county into smaller geo- graphic areas such as townships, precincts, districts, wards, beats, municipalities, etc. Figures for these smaller geographic areas are not included in any of the published reports, but they may be supplied upon request and payment of the costs of com- piling and checking the data. Prior to the 1954 Census, an enumeration assignment did not Include more than one minor civil division, even in cases where the township, precinct, etc., did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. In 1954, and again In 1959, the aim was to make enumeration assignments large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a 3- to 4-week period. Hence, in some areas, two or more adjoining minor civil divisions were combined into one enumeration assignment. An enumeration assignment never comprised the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another, nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division that included too many farms for one enumerator to cover during the enumeration period was divided into two or more enumeration assignments. In some cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a single minor civil division, even when such totals required a grouping of enumeration assignments. In other cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a combination of two or more adjoining minor civil divisions. The data for each individual minor civil division included in such totals can be tab- ulated separately, however, since each questionnaire obtained in the census contains the designation of the minor civil division in which the farm headquarters was located. An additional charge must be made for a separate tabulation of any small area in- cluded In a total for two or more combined minor civil divisions. Requests for census information for minor civil divisions should be directed to the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive Summary and References. — The definitions and ex- planations that follow relate only to those items that are con- sidered to be Inadequately described in the tables where they appear. Although the descriptive terms and explanations refer specifically to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, many of them also apply to earlier censuses. Most of the definitions consist of a r^sum^ of the questionnaire wording, supplemented by excerpts from instructions given to enumerators. For exact wording of the questions and of the instructions Included on the question- naire, see the facsimile of the 1959 Agriculture Questionnaire in the appendix of this report. An analysis of the questions asked in the 1959 census, and of the data obtained, is given In Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General Faru Information Census Definition of a Farm. — For the 1959 Census of Agricul- ture, the definition of a farm was based primarily on a combina- tion of "acres in the place" and the estimated value of agricultural products sold. The word "place" was defined to Include all land on which agricultural operations were conducted at any time in 1959 under the control or supervision of one person or partnership. (For definition of "agricultural operations", see p. X.) C-ontrol may have been exercised through ownership or management, or through a lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Places of less than 10 acres in 1959 were counted as farms If the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $250. Places of 10 or more acres In 1959 were counted as farms If the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $50. Places having less than the $50 or $250 minimum estimated sales In 1959 were also counted as farms if they could normally be expected to produce agricultural products in sufficient quantity to meet the requirements of the definition. This additional qualification resulted in the inclusion as farms of some places engaged in farming operations for the first time in 1959 and places affected by crop failure or other unusual conditions. To avoid biases arising from an enumerator's personal judg- ment and opinion, the Bureau did not give enumerators the defini- INTRODUCTION XV tion of a farm. Instead, enumerators were instructed to obtain questionnaires for all places considered farms by their operators and for all other places that had one or more agricultural opera- tions. (See "Agricultural Operations", p. X.) In 1954, enumer- ators were instructed to till questionnaires on the same basis as in 1959. In 1950, agricultural operations were defined to include every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not the operator con- sidered it a farm, and every place having "sijecialized operations", regardless of the acreage. "Specialized operations" referred to nurseries and greenhouses and to places having 100 or more poultry, production of 300 or more dozen eggs in 1949, or 3 or more hives of bees. In all of the three last censuses;, as a result, questionnaires were filled for a considerable number of places that did not qualify as farms. The determination as to which questionnaires represented farms was made during office process- ing operations and only those questionnaires meeting the criteria for a farm were included in the tabulations. For both the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural product.s, whether for home use or for sale but ex- clusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. A few places with very low agricultural production because of unusual circumstances, such as crop failure, were also counted as farms if they normally could have been expected to meet the minimum value or sales criteria. In the censuses from 1925 to 194.5, enumerators were given a definition of "farm" and were instructed to obtain reports only for those places which met the criteria. According to this defini- tion, farms included all places of 3 or more acres, regardless of the quantity or value of agricultural production, and places of less than 3 acres if the value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale, amounted to $2.50 or more. Because of changes in price level, the $2.50 minimum resulted in the in- clusion of varying numbers of farms of less than 3 acres in the several censuses taken during this period. Generally, the only reports excluded from tabulation were those taken in error and tho.se showing very limited agricultural production, .such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more were tabulated only if at least 3 acres were in cropland and/or pasture or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to at least $150. The decrease in the number of farms in 19.50 and 1954, as com- pared with earlier censuses, was partly due to the change in farm dclinition, especially with respect to farms of 3 or more acres in size. Some of the places of 3 or more acres that were not counted as farms in 1950 and 1954 because the value of their agricultural production was less than $1.50 would have qualified as farms if the criteria had been the same as In earlier censuses. For 1959, the decrease in the number of farms as compared with all prior censuses resulted partly from the change in farm definition. The fact that sales of agricultural products In 1959 was used resulted in the exclusion of some places that would have qualified as farms had the value of agricultural products alone been considered. The increase in the acreage minimum also had an effect. The reduction in the number of farms due to change in definition, 19.54 to 19.59, Is shown for each county In county table 1. Some characteristics of the places not counted as farms in 19.59, but which would have been included in 1954, are shown in St;ite table 10. The change in farm definition made In 1950 and again in 1959 had no appreciable effect on the totals for livostiKk or crops because the places affected by the change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the totals for a given county or State. For the States that compri.se the conterminous United States, two figures are published for each county on the number of farms in 1959. One is an actual count of all farms and the other is an estimate based on the number of farms included in the sample. For almost every county there is a difference between the actual number of farms and the estimated number of farms. Because of sampling procedure and sampling variability, the number of farms in the sample seldom agrees exactly with the actual num- ber of farms. For most counties, the actual number of farms in the sample was either more or less than precisely 20 percent of all farms. Similarly, totals estimated on the basis of data for the sample farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the actual totals that would have been obtained had the data been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, the estimated number of farms reporting certain items may, in some instances, be greater than the total number of farms shown in county table 1. However, the estimated number of farms is given in county tables 5 and 6 so that estimates based on the sample farms may be related to the estimated rather than the actual number of farms. Farm Operator. — The term "farm operator" is used to designate a person who operates a farm, either doing the work himself or directly supervising the work. He may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he is considered as ojjcrator only of the land which he retains for his own diicration. In the case of a i)artner- ship, only one partner is counted as an operator. The number of farm operators is considered to be the same as the number of farms. Farms Reporting or Operators Reporting. — Figures for farms re- purling or operators reporting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or operators, for which the speci- fied item was reix)rted. For exanii)le, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only l,4(j5 had diickcns 4 months old ;ind over on hand at the time of enumeration, the number of farms reporting chickens would be shown as 1,465. The difference be- tween the total number of farms and the number of farms re- Iiorting a particular item represents the number of farms not having that item, provided a correct rei)ort was received f(U' all farms. Where applicable, figures may be given for the number of farms or operators not reporting Items that were intended to be ob- tained for all farms; for example, residence of farm operator, State table 4. The number not reporting, iis compared with the total number of farms or operators, indicates the extent of incomiilelcness of the reporting (jf the data for the item. Land Area. — The approximnte total land area of States and counties as reported for 19.59 is, in general, the same as that re- I)orted for all censuses beginning with 1940. Such differences as are shown reflect political changes in bo\nidaries or actual changes In land area caused by changes in the number or size of reser- voirs, lakes, streams, etc. For Alaska, the areas for election districts represent the gross area of land and water. Land in Farms. — Except for managed farms, the land to be in- cluded in each fai'm was determined from the answers to ques- tions about the number of acres owned, the number of acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the number of acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres owned and the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others were first added together and then the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others were subtracted. The re- sult represented the number of acres in the farm. The number of acres in a managed farm was the difference between the total land managed and that part of the managed land that was rented to others or worked on shares by others. In the 1959, 1954, and 19.50 censuses, enumerators were in- structed to record total figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others, including any part of the land that was rented to others. In censuses prior to 1950, enu- XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 merators were instructed to exclude all land rented to others and to record only that portion of the acreage owned, rented from others, or managed for others that was retained by the farm op- erator. Thus, the figures for the individual tenures of land are not entirely comparable for all censuses. However, the land in- cluded in each farm was determined on essentially the same basis for all censuses. The acreage designated in the tables as "land in farms" consists primarily of "agricultural" land — that is, land used for crops and pasture or grazing. It also includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation nor used for pasture or graz- ing. For example, the entire acreage of woodland and wasteland owned or rented by farm operators is included as laud in farms, unless it was being held for nonagricultural purposes or unless the acreage was unusually large. For 1959 and 1954, if a place had 1,000 or more acres of woodland not pastured and wasteland, and if less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was used for agricultural purposes, the acreage of woodland not pas- tured and wasteland was reduced to equal the acreage used for agriculture. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of woodland not pastured and wasteland differed slightly from the one used in 1959 and 1954. In 1950, adjustments were made in places of 1,000 or more acres (5,000 or more in the 17 Western States), if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under government permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms provided the place of which it was a part was a farm. Grazing land operated by Grazing Associations was to be reported in the name of the person chiefly responsible for conducting the business of the Association. Land used rent free was to be reported as land rented from others. All land in Indian reservations that was used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be in- cluded. Land in Indian reservations that was not reported by individual Indians and that was not rented to non-Indians was to be reported in the name of the cooi^erative group that used the land. In some instances, an entire Indian reservation was re- ported as one farm. Land owned. — All land that the operator and/or his wife held under title, purchase contract, homestead law, or as heir or trustee of an undivided estate at the time of enumeration is considered as owned. Land Kented from Others. — This item includes not only land that the operator rented or leased from others but also land he worked on shares for ottiers and land he occupied rent free. Grazing land used under government permit or license is not included. Land Rented to Others. — This item includes all land rented or leased to others, except land leased to the government under the Soil Bank, and all land worked by others on shares or on a rent-free basis. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes land rented for residential or other purposes. The tenant or sharecropper is consiiiered as the operator of land leased, rented, or worked on shares even though his landlord may supervise his opera- tions. The landlord is considered as operator of only that por- tion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land Managed. — This item includes all tracts of land man aged for one or more employers by a person hired on a salary basis. A hired manager was considered to be the operator of the land he managed since he was responsible for the agricul- tural 0]>erations on that land and frequently supervised others in performing those operations. Managed land was always to be reported on a separate questionnaire whether or not the manager also operated a farm on his own account. Land in Two or More Counties. — An individual farm was al- ways enumerated in only one county, even in cases where the land was located in two or more counties. If the farm operator lived on the farm, tlie farm was enumerated in the county where he lived. If he did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where the farm head- quarters was located. In cases where there was any question as to the location of the headquarters, figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where most of the land was located. Land in Farms According to Use. — Land in farms has been distributed according to the way in which it was used in 1959. The land uses described in the following paragraphs are mutually exclusive; that is, each acre of land is included only once even though it may have had more than one' use during the year. Cropland Harvested. — This category refers to all land from which any crops were harvested in 1959, whether for home use or for sale. It includes land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut and land in berries and other small fruits, or- chards, vineyards, nur.series, and greenhouses. Matured crops hogged off or grazed were considered to have been "crops har- vested" and were reported here. Land from which two or more crops were harvested in 1959 was to be counted only once in the lanarately from "other cropland". After the establishment of the Soil Bank, land that would normally have been used for other purpo.ses was freciuently plantcnl to soil-improvement crops. In counties where large acreages were placed in the Soil Bank, the total of land u.^ed for soil-improvement crops i)lus "other croiiland" may be considerably larger than the "other cropland" shown for i)revious censuses. Other Cropland. — This subclass includes idle cropland, land in crops intended for harvest after 1959, and cropland not harvested because of complete crop failure, low pri<-es, labor shortage, or other reasons. The 1959 figures for "other cropland" are not entirely comparable with those for previ- ous censuses since they do not include land used only for soil-improvement crops. (See preceding paragraph.) Woodland Pastured. — This classification includes all wood- land where livestock were pastured or grazed in 1959. The instruction on the questionnaire — "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts: cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture" — represents a somewhat more precise deflnitiou than the corresponding Instruction contained on the 1054 ques- tionnaire. Xo definition of woodland was given in 19.50 apart from an instruction to enumerators not to include brush jias- ture as woodland. Some of the changes in woodland acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation as to what constitutes "woodland." Woodland not Pastured. — This classification refers to all woodland not used for pasture or grazing in 1959. including land in operated farms that was placed in the Soil Bank and planted to trees. Unusually large tracts of timherland that were reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from INTRODUCTION XVII the tabulation of land in farms When it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. Other Pasture. — This classification refers to all land other than woodland and cropland that was used only for pasture or grazing in 1950. It includes noucrop open or brush pasture and cutover or deforested land that has been improved and u.sed for pasture. The figures for the last three censuses are comparable but those for 1945 include all nonwoodland pas- ture that had not been plowed during the preceding seven years. For the 1940 census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for the last three censuses. However, the cla.s.-iification may be somewhat less inclusive because land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classi- fied as plowable pasture and included with "cropland used only for pasture". Improved Pasture. — This subclass refers to that portion of "other pa.sture" on which one or more of the following prac- tices had been used: liming, fertilizing, seeding, irrigating, draining, or the clearing of weed or brush growth. The fig- ures are comparable with those for 1954, when the question on improved pasture was asked for the first time. Other Land. — This classification refers to all land not in- cluded in the preceding land-use classifications, such as hou.se lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, land area of ponds, and wasteland. This figure for 1959 was obtained from the ma- chine tabulations by subtracting the total of all other uses from the total land in all farms reported for a given county or classification. Hence, there is no figure given to represent the farms reiK)rting this item. Value of Land and Buildings. — Only average values of land and buildings jier farm and i^er acre are presented in this report. They are estimates based on data obtained for sample farms. Estimates of the total value of land and buildings by States, geographic divisions, and the United States, are presented in volume II. The enumerator was instructed to record the market value of the land and the buildings on that land. Market value was defined as the price which the f;irm operator would ex[)ect to receive for the land and buildings if he were to sell them on the day of enumeration. More problems and difficulties arise in the enumeration of farm- real-estate values than in the enumeration of most other agri- cultural items. Most of the items enumerated require the re- spondent to make a statement of fact. For example, information about the number and value of farm animals sold alive during the year is based on actual tran.sactions. Similarly, information about livestock inventories relates to the situation existing on a spe- cific place at a sijccific time. Reports concerning the value of land and buildings, however, are estimates based almost entirely on opinion. The majority of farms have not changed hands for many years and are not currently for sale. For such farms, the operators are not likely to have any clear basis for estimating the value. To make an intelligent and objective estimate, a respond- ent first needs to make an estimate of the prevailing average market value of farms in his community. Then, he must either add to or subtract from that estimate to allow for the different characteristics of his own farm. In many cases, an operator who would not sell his farm under any circumstances may report an unreasonably high market value. In other cases, a farm operator who acquired his real estate during a period of relatively low prices may estimate an unrealistically low value by current stand- ards. Because of the extent of variation that is known to exist in real estate value.s, it is diflScult to devise checking procedures that will identify inaccurate estimates. Age of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was derived from the sum of the ages of all farm operators reporting age divided by the number reporting. The number of farm operators 65 or more years of age is an actual count based on the operators reporting age. Residence of Operator. — Farm operators were classli';cd by resi- dence according to whether or not they lived on the farms they were operating. Some of those who did not live on the farms they oi>erated themselves lived on farms operated by others. In cases where all the land was rented from others or worked on shares for others, the operator was considered to live on the farm operated provided the dwelling he occupied was included in the rental agreement. The dwelling, in such cases, was not neces- sarily on the land being operated. Similarly, a farm operator who did not live on the land being cultivated or grazed but who had some agricultural operations (other than a home garden) at his dwelling was considered as living on the farm operated. Since some farm operators live on their farms only during a part of the year, comparability of the figures for various cen- suses may be affected by the date of enumeration. In a few cases, the enumerator failed to report the residence of the farm operator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm operators classified by residence indicate the extent of under-reporting. Year Began Operating Present Farm. — Enumerators were in- structed to report the year during which a farm oi>erator began to operate his pre.sent farm and, if the year was 195S or later, also to report the month. The year was intended to refer to the first year of the period during which the operator had been in continuous charge of his present farm or of any part of it. The time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month tliey began operating their farms, as shown by a monthly breakdown of the reiwrts for farmers who began operating their present farms during 195S and 1959. Off-Farm Work and Other Income. — To obtain a measure of the extent to which farm oi)erators rely on nonfarm sources for part of their income, four questions were asked of all farm operators. The first question asked for the number of days the ojierator worked off his farm in 19.59. The other three questions, to be answered "Yes" or "No," asked (1) whether other members of the operator's household did any work off the farm ; (2) whether any income was received from sources other than the sale of agri- cultural products from the farm operated; and (3) whether the combined income of all members of the household from off-farm W(irk and other sources %vas greater than the total value of agri- cultural products sold from the farm operated. Off-farm work was defined to include work on someone else's farm for pay as well as all tyiies of nonfarm jobs, businesses, and professions, whether the work was done on the farm premises or elsewhere. Exchange work was not included. The (juestions asked in the 1959 Census are closely comparable with those asked in 1954. The data for 19.5!) are actual totals of all operators reporting off-farm work and other income whereas those for 1954 are estimated totals based on the sample. Equipment and Facilities. — In 1959 as in several earlier cen- suses, data about sijecified equipment and facilities were obtained for only a sample of fani>s. Farm operators were asked to report equipment and facilities that were on the farm at the time of enu- meration, regardless of ownership. They were to include items that were temporarily out of order but not any that were worn out. Data in terms of actual number were obtained for the follow- ing items of farm eipiipment in 19,59 : (1) grain combines, (2) corn pickers, (3) pick-up balers, (4) field forage harvesters, (5) mo- tortrucks, (0) wheel tractors, (7) garden tractors, (8) crawler tractors, and (9) automobiles. Definitions given enumerators in- cluded the following specifications, among others: Corn pickers related to all types of machines used for picking corn, whether used in separate or in combined picking-shelling oi^rations. Pick-up balers were to include both hand-tie and automatic balers but not stationary ones. Motortrucks were to include pick-up trucks and truck-trailer combinations ; jeeps and station wagons XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 were also to be included if they were used primarily as trucks, but school buses were specifically excluded. Wheel tractors spe- cifically excluded garden tractors, Implements with built-in power units, such as self-propelled combines or powered bucli rakes, and the power unit of a truck-trailer combination. Automobiles were to include jeeps and station wagons if they were used primarily as passenger cars. Questions to be answered "Yes" or "No" provided information as to the presence or absence of the following items: (1) tele- phone, (2) home freezer, (3) milking machine, (4) electric milk cooler, (5) bulk-type milk cooler (in six States only — Michigan, Minnesota, New Tork, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), (6) crop drier and (7) power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Comparable data from one census to another are not available for all items. The questions asked about equipment during a given census reflect changes in farm mechanization and in the facilities available to farm families. Questions about some items of equipment were asked in 1959 for the first time (electric milk cooler, crop drier, bulk-type milk cooler, etc.). Similarly, some questions that were asked in earlier censuses were omitted in 1959. For example, the use of electricity is now so widespread that there is no longer any need for obtaining a count of the farms having it. Farms by Kind of Eoad. — The classification of farms by the kind of road on which they are located is based on only a sample of farms. The enumerator was instructed to report, on the basis of his own observation, the kind of road on which the most frequently used entrance to the farm was located. For farms consisting of two or more tracts, he was to limit his report to the tract on which the farm operator had his dwelling or other headquarters. Farm Labor. — The questions about farm labor were asked only for the sample farms and related to persons working during the calendar week preceding the week of enumeration. Since the enumeration starting dates varied by geographic areas, and the enumeration within each area lasted over a period of several weeks, the calendar weeks to which the data apply also vary. Thus, the data for an individual farm may relate to any one week during the months of October, November, or December, or even, in a few instances, to weeks during September 1959 or January 1960. Farm labor was defined to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the agricultural operations of the farm ; and to ex- clude housework, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by per- sons employed specifically for such work. The farm labor in- formation contained in this repwrt represents estimates based on answers to questions relating to the farm work or chores done during the week by (1) operator, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family, and (3) hired persons. An operator was considered as working if he worked one or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours ; and hired persons, if they worked at all during the week. Data are not fully comparable from one census to another, primarily because of d'fferences in the period to which they relate. In 1954, the data were purposely related to either one of two calendar weeks, depending in part on the starting date set for the enumeration and In part on which week represented a period of peak employment within a given State. For the majority of States, the period specified was the week of September 26-October 2 ; for other States, the week of October 24-30. In 1950, as in 1959, the data related to the week preceding the actual enumeration. Unlike 1959, however, enumeration starting dates were identical for all States in 1950 (April 1) but since several weeks were required to complete the enumeration, the calendar week preceding the enumeration was not identical for all farms. In 1945 and 1935, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January and, in 1940, to the last week In March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equiv- alent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, an additional specification limited the workers to those 14 years old and over. Experience gained from earlier censuses indicates that farm labor data are often unsatisfactorily reported unless the week specified is the week immediately preceding the actual enumer- ation. When a farm operator was asked to report the numl)er of persons employed during a si)ecified week that was several weeks prior to enumeration, he often reported the highest number of persons employed during the year. Obviously incorrect reports were adjusted to make the data reflect more nearly the situation known to exist during the si)ecified week. The farm labor data for 1954 relates to a specified week which, in some cases, was sev- eral weeks prior to enumeration. Few adjustments were made in those data, however, even though there were indications of incorrect reporting. Regular and Seasonal Workers.- — Hired persons working on the farm during the week concerned were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year. They were classed as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. In cases where the period of employment was not reported for an individual farm, it was estimated from data for such items as basis of payment, wage rates, expendi- tures for labor in 1959, and type of farming operations. Hired Workers by Basis of Payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to whether they were paid on a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis, or by piecework. In cases of Incomplete reporting, the basis of payment for hired workers was supplied during the oflice processing operations. Wage Rates and Hours Worked. — The agreed cash rate of pay was asked for each class of hired worker except those em- ployed on a piecework basis. (The number and the earnings of persons paid on a piecework basis were required for those who worked on Friday of the week preceding the enumeration.) The number of hours that workers were expected to worli to earn their pay was asked for each class except those employed on an hourly or piecework basis. For 1959 and 1054, the data include office estimates for farms submitting incomplete reports of wage rates and hours worked. The estimates were consistent with the size and type of operations for the individual farm as compared with similar farms in the area for which complete reports were received. The corresponding data for 1950 apply only to farms that reported both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and Lime. — The questions about fertilizer and lime, asked only for the sample farms, relate to the acreage on which fertilizer and lime were used and to the quantity used. Farm operators were asked to report total quantities used in 1959 on the farms they operated regardless of when or by wliom the ferti- lizer and lime were purchased. In the South, some landlords who operated farms themselves included the fertilizer and lime they had purchased for use on their tenant-operated land. Such fertilizer and lime may also have been reported by the tenants. When double reporting was detected during the editing process, the data on tlie questionnaires concerned were adjusted to elim- inate duplication in the totals. The 1959 data for fertilizer and lime are entirely comparable with those for 1954. A breakdown between dry and liquid fer- tilizing materials was not obtained in 1954 and data on cost of either fertilizer or lime were not obtained in 1959. Fertilizer. — The report for fertilizer was to refer only to com- mercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials, including rock phosphate. The acres fertilized and the tons of fertilizer ap- plied to those acres were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by region so that it was possible to obtain detailed data for the crops most commonly fertilized in each region. In cases where the same land was used for more than one crop, the acres fertilized were to be reported separately for each crop. If the same crop was fertilized more than once, however, the acres in that crop were to be reported only once. In all cases, the total quantity of fer- INTRODUCTION XIX tilizer used in 1959 was to be reported, including quantities used on land occupied by crops planted in 1958 or by crops to be harvested in 1960. Reports for quantity of fertilizer and fertilizing materials used were required for both dry and liquid materials. The terms "dry" and "liquid" referred to the form in which the fertilizers and fertilizing materials were purchased and not to the way in which they were applied. Thus, dry fertilizers were those purchased in dry or solid form, as powders, dusts, granules, pellets, etc. ; liquid fertilizers were those purchased in fluid form, as solutions or as liquefied gases. Lime. — The data for lime relate to the total acreage limed in 1959 and the total tonnage of lime and liming materials used on those acres for purposes of conditioning the soil. Instruc- tions on the questionnaire stated that ground limestone, hy- drated and burnt lime, marl, and oyster shells were to be included but that lime used for spraying or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agriculture Con- servation Program or the Conservation Reserve Program of the Soil Bank. Differences may be due either to sampling error or to under-reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences are minimized or eliminated entirely In the data presented on a State or regional basis. Specified Farm Expenditures. — The data for farm expenditures are estimates based on reports obtained from the sample farms. The 1959 questionnaire contained questions for six items of farm expenditure: (1) purchase of feed for livestock and poultry, (2) purchase of livestock and pecific purposes. For velvet beans, only the acreage grown wa.s reported. As the enumeration was about to begin in South Florida (those counties in which the enumeration was begun on October 7), an instruction was issued to the effect that the data for vegetables and potato crops should relate to a full year, beginning on October 1, 1958, and ending Sep- tember 30," 1959. Quantity of Crops Harvested.— Except for citrus fruits, olives, avocados, and for vegetable and potato crops in South Florida (see preceding paragraph) data for quantity harvested relate to the calendar year 1959. For citrus fruits, the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1S>58 for the 1958-59 marketing season was to be reported. For olives, the crop harvested in 19.59 was to be reported for all States except California and Arizona. Enumerators in those two States were instructed to reixirt olives harvested from the bloom of 1958 during the 19,58- 59 harvest season (September 1!>, 1968, to February 28, 1959). In the case of avocados, the - tember 30, 1959; the data for Florida were to relate to the crop harvested for the marketing season that extended from July 1, 1959, to February 28, 1960. Respondents were to estimate quantities not yet harvested at the time of enumeration. Unit of Measure. — The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported has varied for some crops, not only from State to State, but also from census to census. The aim has been to permit reporting in the units of measure currently in use. In the State and county tables, the quantities harvested for each crop are usually e.xpressed in the unit of measure given on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire. In 19.59, for corn and Irish potatoes, a choice between two units in which to report the production was given in some States. (See the di.scussion for those crops.) To provide readily comparable Information, data published in earlier reports in different units of measure generally have been converted to the units used in 1959. Corn. — In the 1959 census, detailed questions regarding the purpose for which corn was harvested were asked In all States. For most States, bushels was the only unit specified for com XX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 for grain. In some areas, however, where farmers were not accustomed to using bushels as the unit of measure, the question- naire contained a provision for the quantity of corn for grain to be reported either in bushels (shelled basis) or in baskets of ear corn. As in former censuses, some reports were received in units of measure other than bushels or baskets. Prior to tabulation, all reports were converted to bushels (shelled basis) on the basis of the following factors : 70 pounds of ear corn, 2 baskets of ears, or 56 pounds of shelled corn equal one bushel. A barrel of ear corn was usually considered equal to 5 bushels of shelled corn. Annual Legumes. — —For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acres and quantity grown or harvested for specific purposes, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained for areas where these crops are grown extensively ; for velvet- beans, only the total grown for all purposes was obtained. For all the.se crops except, possibly peanuts, the total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage that was plowed under for green manure. In a few Southern States, .separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. In 1959, as in 1954, enumerators were in- structed to report green soybeans and blaekeyes and other green cowpeas harvested for sale as vegetables and not as annual legumes. Hay Crops. — Data for the total acres of land from which hay was cut exclude the acreage in sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays. These crops were reported in separate questions in the States where they are important. To obtain the total acres from which other hays were cut, the acres of the various hay crop.s, including grass silage, were added together for each county. The corresponding totals for 1954 were obtained by the same procedure. For the 1950 census, however, the totals were based on farmers' own reports of their total acreage in harvested hay crops. The questionnaire contained an instruction that if two or more cuttings were made from the same land, the total production from all cuttings was to be reported but the acres cut were to be counted only once. In cases where both hay and grass silage were cut from the same land, the total acreage was to be reported for both crops. In 1959, as in 1954, alfalfa hay included alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating; clover and timothy hay included clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses ; small grain hay included oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. The hay crops listed on the questionnaire varied somewhat from one State or region to another. The kinds of hay to be included in separate questions can be determined for a specific State from reference to the facsimile of the questionnaire that is in the appendix. The tonnage of hay, including alfalfa hay for dehydrating, is given on a dry-weight basis. Prior to tabulation, production reported in green weight was ccmverted to its dry-weight equiv- alent by dividing by 3. However, the production of grass silage is given in terms of green weight. Field Seed Crops. — The field seed crops listed on each version of the questionnaire were limited to those considered most im- portant within the given State. Each version of the question- naire contained space for listing other field seed crops in order to facilitate the reporting of all field seed crops harvested. Quantity harvested was to be reported in terms of clean seed for most field seed crops. Bluegrass. or Juiiegrass stn-d. was to be reported in terms of green seed for Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Tennessee. No mention was made of "green-weight basis" for other States where this crop was to be reported in the "All other" question. Irish Potatoes and Sweetpotatoes. — For Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes (including yams), the total quantity harvested was to be rejKirted for each crop in all cases, whether harvested for home use or for sale or whether used for livestock feed. The acreage harvested was to be reported for each crop only in cases where the quantity amounted to 20 or more bushels (or the approximate equivalent in terms of hundredweights, barrels, or pounds, as explained on different versions of the questionnaire). This method of reporting was designed to facilitate the enumera- tion of iK)tatoe3 harvested on small plots for home use. Essen- tially the same procedure was followed in both 1954 and 1950. In earlier censuses, however, the acreage of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes was to be reported in all cases, even when produc- tion was solely for home use. Therefore, the data on acres for censuses prior to 1950 are not fully comparable with those for the last three censu.ses, especially in counties or States where production is largely for home use. The unit of measure in which quantity was to be reported varied from one State or region to another to correspond with the units most commonly used In a given area. In 27 States, the questionnaire provided a choice for reporting either bushels or l(K.)-|X)und bags (hundredweights). The published data for counties and States are in terms of bushels. Berries and Other Small Fruits. — The question for berries and other small fruits related sijecifieally to the acreages and quanti- ties harvested for sale. Only tame or cultivated berries were to be reported except for the New England States, where wild blue- berries were also to be included. Enumerators were instructed always to report the total quantity of each kind of berry har- vested for sale but to report the area harvested only when it amounted to one-tenth acre or more. Nonbearing areas and areas and quantities harvested for home use were to be excluded. The data for 1959 and 1954 are fully comparable. Tree Fruits, Nuts, and Grapes. — In 1959, as in 1954, fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines were not enumerated for farms having a combined total of less than 20 at the time of enumeration. Both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines were to be included but not any that had been abandoned. For censuses prior to 1954, all fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm were to be enumerated, regardless of the number. Because of this change in enumeration procedure, the data for 1959 and 1954 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change In procedure may have had a considerable effect on the number of farms re- porting without causing any significant changes in the number of trees and vines nor in the quantity harvested. In counties where most of the trees or vines are in small plantings and where production is largely for home-use, however, the change may have caused a significant reduction not only in the number of farms reporting but also in the number of trees and vines and in the quantity harvested. In both 1959 and 1954, the area in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was enumerated when there were 20 or more fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines. In 1950, the corresponding area was enumerated only if it amounted to one-half acre or more. In censuses prior to 1950, the area was to be reported regardless of its size or of the number of trees and vines. Enumerators frequently omitted the fractional acre- ages in small plantings and home orchards, however. In some counties, small plantings or home orchards compri.se a sizeable proportion of the total fruit and nut acreage. For those counties, the change from one census to another in acreage of land in fruits and nuts may not be due to fact but merely to differences in enumeration. In 1959, California was the only State for which the acreage in each individual fruit and nut crop was obtained. In 1954, such acreage was also obtained for Arizona. In all States, the number of bearing and ncmbearing trees or vines on the farm at the time of enumeration and the quantity harvested in 1959 wore to be reixirted separately for each fruit and nut crop. (Ex- ceptions in the harvest period for citrus fruits, avocados, and INTRODUCTION XXI olives are described on p. XIX.) Tlie unit of measure in wliich quantities were to be reported varied from one State to another. Tables in this report show quantities in the unit of measure appearing on the 1951) questionnaire used in the State. Nursery and Greenhouse Products. — The questions about nursery and greenhouse products related only to products grown on the place for sale. Crops bought for resale without additional cul- tivation were to be excluded. The area used for growing and the value of sales were to be reported separately for each of three groups, as follows : a. Nursery products, (trees, shrubs, vines, and ornamentals). b. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be re- ported separately from the area grown under glass. e. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be reported separately from the area grown under glass or in the house. The data obtained for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 and 1950 since the questions asked were essentially the same In the three censuses. Detailed data regarding the pro- duction and sale of nursery, greenhouse, and other horticultural products on farms having sales of $2,000 will be published in volume V, part 1. Forest Products. — The forest products data obtained in the Census of Agriculture relate only to the products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products grown or cut on nonfarm places are excluded. Therefore, the data in this report do not represent the total forestry output or income for a county or State. The questions included on the 19."9 agriculture questionnaire are more detailed than those asked in the 19.54 Census. Value was obtained for the sale of standing tiniber or trees and for the sale of poles and piling, bark, bi>lt.«. and mine timbers. The quantity cut, whether for home use or sale, and the quantity sold were obtained for individual forestry products such as firewood and fueIwo(Kl, fence posts, sawlogs and veneer logs. Data relating to pulpwood, Christmas trees, maple trees, and maple syrup were obtained in States where .such products are Important commercially. Value of Crops Harvested. — The total value of crops harvested represents the estimatert values of crops harvested; the values were calculated in the Processing (»lli9 Census of Irrigation and are published in Volume III, ''Irrigation of Agricultural Lands". This report contains a considerable amount of data about irri- gation for the 17 Westeni States and Louisiana. Irrigated Farms.— All farms reix)rtlng any land irrigated in 1059 are counted as irrigated farms. Land in Irrigated Farms.— Data for land in irrigated farms ac- cording to unc relate to the entire acreage in these farms, in- cluding land that was not irrigated. Land Irrigated.— Data for land irrigated relate only to that part of the land in irrigated farms that was watered by artificial means at any time In 1959. Separate figures are given for farms reporting land Irrigated by sprinklers whether or not the laud was also irrigated by other means. Additional figures are given for farms reiiorting land irrigated by sprinklers only. Data on sprinkler irrigation were not obtained in the 1954 census. Irrigated Cropland Harvested.— The data for irrigated crop- land harvested relate to all irrigated land from which crops were harvested in 1959, regardless of the method of irrigation. An instruction on the questionnaire reminded enumerators and respondents to include irrigated land from which hay was cut, irrigated land in both, bearing and nonbearing fruit and nut crops, and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested. Each irrigated acre was to be reported only once, regardless of how many crops were harvested from it. Other Irrigated Land. — This classification was obtained by subtraction of the acreage of irrigated cropland harvested from the acreage of total land irrigated. It represents primarily Irrigated cropland not harvested and Irrigated pasture or grazing land. Farms Irrigated By Number of Acres Irrigated.— All farms on which any land was irrigated in 1959 are classified according to the number of acres irrigated in county table la for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii. This cla.ssiflcation is based on total land Irrigated. Therefore, it includes not only the irrigated land from which crops were harvested but also all other Irrigated land, regardless of use. Land Irrigated By Source of Water. — The agriculture question- naire contained a question as to what proportion of irrigated water used on the farm in 1959 was obtained from ground- water, surface-water, and irrigation-organization sources. Re- spondents were asked to report separately the percentage of XXII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 water obtained from each source. The number of acres that were irrigated by water from each source or combination of sources was calculated during office processing operations by applying the percentages to the total land irrigated. Ground-water sources relate to wells (pumped or flowing) and springs ; surface-water sources relate to streams, lakes, reservoirs, and sewage and drainage ditches. For each of these sources, only water obtained by pumps or other works operated as part of the operator's own farm or as part of another single farm was to be included. Irrigation-organization sources relate to irriga- tion enterprises organized to supply water to a group of farms, regardless of how or where the enterprise obtained the water. The Irrigation enterprise may be a legal organization or a group of farmers informally organized to operate a supply ditch or other works to provide water for their own farms. IiAND-UsE Practices Summary Information. — The 1959 data for land-use practices are estimates based on reports obtained from only a sample of farms. Comparable data are not presented for 1954 because questions about land-use practices were included on the 1954 questionnaire for only a limited number of States. The various land-use practices relate to methods for reducing soil erosion, either by improving the soil, controlling the run-off of water, or reducing the blowing of topsoil. Cropland In Cover Crops. — The data relate to land on which cover crops were turned under for green manure in 1959 and which was then planted to another crop. The entire acreage of cover crops so used was to be reported even if the following crop failed. Cropland Used for Grain or Row Crops Farmed on the Contour. — This item relates to land on which grain or row crops were planted in level rows around the slope of a hill. Land in Strip-Cropping Systems for Soil-Erosion Control. — Strip- cropping was defined as the practice of alternating close-sown crops with strips or bands of row crops or of alternating either close-sown or row crops with bands of cultivated fallow land. The published data refer to the total acreage of all fields and tracts in which strip-cropping was practiced in 1959. System of Terraces on Crop and Pasture Land. — This item re- lates to the acreage in ridge-type or channel-type terraces con- structed on sloping cropland and pastureland. Livestock and Poultry Inventories. — Data for livestock and poultry on farms relate to the number on hand at the time of enumeration. All live- stock and poultry, including those being kept or fed under con- tract, were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch where they were, regardless of who owned them. Livestock in transit from one grazing area to another or grazing in national forests, graz- ing districts, open range, or on land used under permit were to be reported as being on the place where the person who had control over them had his headquarters. The time of year at which livestock and poultry are enumerated affects the data. Therefore, the date of enumeration needs to be considered when totals for the various censuses are compared. Both the 1959 and the 1954 census data represent fall inven- tories. These censuses came at a time of large-scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feed lot, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of 1920, 1925, 1935, and 1945 were taken as of January 1 and those of 1930, 1940, and 1950, as of April 1. A count made in April varies considerably from one made in Jan- uary. In most areas a large number of animals are born between January and April. A considerable number of older animals die or are sold during the same period. In the range States, along with the change in season and grazing condition, sheep and cattle are moved from one locality or county to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, for States. The comparability of data by age has been affected also by changes in the questions from one census to another. Milk Cows, Cows Uilked, Milk Produced, and Butter. — Data on the number of milk cows, cows milked, and milked produced relate to tlie day preceding the enumeration. Data for butter churned were obtained only for 14 States and relate to the calendar week preceding the enumeration. The data for cows milked yesterday and milk produced yesterday are not given in this volume. These figures were obtained primarily to serve the needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in making monthly and annual esti- mates of milk production. These figures can be made available, at a small cost, to others who express an interest in them. Whole Milk and Cream Sold. — Data for whole milk and cream sold relate to the entire year 1959 and are estimates based on reports obtained for farms in the sample. All milk and cream sold from the farm (except quantities purchased from some other place and then resold) were to be included, regardless of who shared the receipts. The questionnaire provided three alternative units of measure for reporting the quantity of milk sold — pounds of milk, gallons of milk, and pounds of butterfat. The respondent was thus permitted to report quantity according to the unit of measure in which payment was received. In the State and county tables, the data for milk are given in the unit of measure most commonly used in the State. Pounds of butter- fat were converted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of milk as shown by data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and Gilts Farrowing. — In the 1959 census, data were ob- tained for the number of litters farrowed between December 1, 1958, and June 1, 1959, and from June 1 to December 1, 1959. In the 1954 census, data were obtained for the sows and gilts that farrowed rather than for the number of litters. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool. — In the 1959 census, questions about sheep, lambs, and wool were asked in all States. Data on shearings and on amount of wool shorn were obtained for lambs and sheep separately. In the 1954 census, sheep and lamb inven- tories were not obtained for Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Goats and Mohair. — In 1959, questions on goats, kids, and mo- hair appeared on the questionnaires for the following nine States : Arizona, California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Utah. In 1954, corresponding data were ob- tained for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties in Missouri. Bees and Honey. — No questions on bees and honey were in- cluded on the questionnaires for either the 1959 or the 1954 census. In 1959, however, enumerators were instructed to ob- tain agriculture questionnaires for places not having agricultural operations if they were engaged in beekeeping. The number of hives of bees and the amount of honey sold were to be reported In the "Remarks" space of the questionnaire. Data for bees and honey are not included in this report. Value of Livestock on Farms. — To obtain the value of livestock on farms, the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand was multiplied by the State average price for 1959, as furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Comparable data for 1954 were compiled by the same method on the basis of average prices for that year. Sales of Live Animals. — Data for the number and value of ani- mals sold alive in 1959 are estimates based on reports for sample farms only. Corresponding data for 1954 were obtained for all farms. The dollar value of sales was obtained from the farmer INTRODUCTION XXIII for cattle, calves, and horses and mules. Average value per head for other livestock sold was obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the 1959 census, respondents were asked to report separately the number of live animals already sold and the number estimated to be sold between the time of enumeration and the end of the year. This separation of reports for the number sold and to be sold was designed to assure more complete coverage of all livestock sales made during the year. In the 1954 census, only totals for the entire year were obtained though reference was made to animals to be sold between enumeration and the end of the year. Sales of Poultry and Poultry Products. — For both the 1959 and the 19t'>4 Censuses, sales of chickens were obtained for two groups : (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. The enumeration of broiler sales presents prob'ems arising from the varied contractual ar- rangements under which broilers are produced. The question- naire contained an instruction to the effect that all broilers grown for others under contract were to be reported as sold. During office processing operations, the data reported for inventories and sales of chickens four months old and over, chicken eggs sold, and broilers sold were carefully examined. Obvious Inconsistencies indicating confusion between broilers and other chickens were corrected on the basis of estimated values and, for sample farms, on the basis of data reported for expenditures for feed, poultry and livestock purchases, hired labor, etc. Questions relating to poultry other than chickens (and broilers) were generally the same in 1959 as In 1954. In the 1959 census, however, only total numbers were obtained for turkeys and turkey fryers raised and for turkey hens kept for breeding whereas the 1954 questionnaire asked for a breakdown between light and heavy breeds. Also, for poultry other than chickens and turkeys, the 1959 census obtained the number sold whereas the 1954 census obtained the number raised. CLASSinCATION OP FaRUS Scope of Classification. — Data for land In farms, and for crop- land harvested in farms classified by size, by color of operator and by tenure of operator were tabulated for all farn>a. However, most of the detailed data by size of farm, by color of operator, by tenure of operator, by economic class, and by type of farm are estimates based on farms In the sample. The farm classifications by size of farm, color of operator, tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made in the processing office on the basis of data reported on each questionnaire. Farms by Size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area established for each farm. The same classiflca- tion was used for all States. According to definition, a farm la essentially an operating unit, not an ownership tract. All land operated by one person or partnership represents one farm. In the case of a landlord who has assigned land to croppers or other tenants, the land assigned to each cropper or tenant is considered a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire landholding as one unit in resiwct to supervision, equipment, rota- tion practice, purchase of supplies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South, a special Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire was used to assure an accurate enumeration of each unit within a multiple-unit operation. A change was made in the size classifica- tion for 19.')9, as contrasted with several preceding years, by sub- dividing the 1,000-acre-and-over group and by combining two previously recognized groups, viz., 10 to 29 acres and 30 to 49 acres. Farms by Color of Operator. — Farms were classified by color of operator into two groups, "white" and "nonwhite." "Nonwhlte" Includes primarily Negro and Indian operators but also some of other racial origin. Enumerators were Instructed to report the race on the basis of their own observation whenever possible rather than by asking the respondent. Farms by Tenure of Operator. — The classification of farms by tenure of operator was based on data reported for land owned, land rented from others or worked for others on shares, land managed for others, and land rented to others or worked on shares by others. The same basis of classiflcntion was used in 1959 as in 1954. For 1959, each questionnaire was coded, during the editing proc- ess, to indicate whether it represented a farm operated by a full owner, part owner, manager, or tenant. The sample question- naires for tenants were given a code to indicate the kind of tenant. The various classifications of tenure, as used for the 1959 census, are defined below : a. Full Owners ni>er!ite only land they own. 1>. Part Owners operate land they own and also land rented from others. c. Managers operate land for others and are paid a wage or salary for their services. I'ersoiis acting merely as care- takers or hired as laborers are not classified iis managers. If a farm operator niaiiaged land for others and also operated land on bis own account, the land operated on his own ac- count was considered as one farm and the land managed for otiiers as a .second farm. If, however, lie managed land for two or more employers, all the managed land was considered to be one farm, d. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. They are further classified, as de- scribed below, on the basis of rental arrangements In regard to the payment of cash rent, sharing of crops, sharing of livestock or livestock products, and the furnishing of work power by the landlord. (1) Cash Tenants pay ca.sh rent, either on a per-acre basis or for the farm as a whole. (2) Share-Cash Tenants pay part of the rent in cash and part in a share of the crops and/or of the livestock and livestock products. (3) Crop-Share Tenants pay a share of the crops but not of the livestock or livestock products. (4) Livestock-Share Tenants pay a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. (5) Croppers are tenants whose landlords furnished all the work animals or tractor power. They usually work under the close supervision of the landowners or their agents, or other farm operators. Also, the land assigned to them is often merely a part of a multi-unit operation. Croppers may or may not also pay cash rent or a share of crops, livestock, or livestock products. Data for croppers are available for only 16 .southern States and Missouri. (6) Other Tenants are those who did not (pmlify for inclusion in any of the foregoing subclassifications. They may have had the use of land rent-free or In return for a fixed quantity of products, payment of taxes, maintenance of buildings, etc. (7) Unspecified Tenants are those for whom the rental arrange- ment was not reported. The definition of each subclass of tenant was essentially the same for earlier censuses as for 19,59. In 1945, however, the enumerator was asked to determine the subclass of tenants whereas In other censuses all classifications were made during the processing of questionnaires on the basis of the data reported. The procedure used In 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, especially for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by Economic Class. — The totals for farms by economic class are estimates for all farms made on the basis of data re- ported only for the sample farms. The economic classifications represent groupings of farms that are similar In characteristics and size of operation. The economic classes were established on the basis of one or more of four factors: (1) total value of all farm products sold, (2) number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, (3) the age of the farm operator, and (4) the re- lationship of Income received by the operator and members of his household from nonfarm sources to the value of all farm products sold. Institutional farms, Indian reservations, agricultural ex- periment stations, and grazing associations were always classified as "abnormal." XXIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 The total value of farm products sold was obtained by addi- tion of the reported or estimated values for all products sold from the farm. The value of cattle and calves, horses and mules, dairy products, some poultry products, vegetables, nursery and green- house products, standing timber, and miscellaneous forest prod- ucts was obtained from the farm operator during the enumera- tion. The quantity sold was obtained during enumeration for corn, sorghums, small grains, hay, small fruits, some of the for- est products, chickens and chicken eggs, hogs, sheep, and goats. To obtain the value of sales of these products, the quantity sold was multiplied by State average prices. For each of the other products, the entire production was mul- tiplied by the State average price. If the resulting value amount- ed to $100 or more, the entire quantity produced was considered as sold. This procedure was followed only" in establishing the economic class and the type of farm but was not used in estab- lishing the total value of products sold from the farm. (See p. XXV.) Farms were grouped into two major categories, commercial farms and other farms, mainly on the basis of total value of prod- ucts sold. The 1959 class intervals and some of the criteria for determination of a given class are different from those used in 1954 and in 1950. In general, for 1959, all farms with a value of sales amounting to $2,500 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $.50 to $2,499 were classified as com- mercial if the farm operator was under 65 years of age and (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days during the year and (2) the income received by the operator and members of his family from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 and institutional farms and Indian reservations were included in one of the groups of "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six economic classes on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : Value of Farm Class of Farm Products sold I $40,000 and over II $20,000 to $39,999 III $10,000 to $19,999 IV ,$5,000 to $9,999 V $2,500 to $4,999 VI» $50 to $2,499 •Provided the farm operator was under 65 years of age, and — (1) he did not work oflt the farm 100 or more days, and (2) the In- come that he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of farm products sold. Other farms were divided into three economic classes as follows : a. Class VII, Part-time. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $.50 to $2,490 were classified as "part-time" if the operator was under 65 years of age and he either worked off the farm 100 or more days or the income he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was greater than the total value of farm products sold. b. Class VIII, Part-retirement. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,409 were classified as "part- retirement" if the farm operator was 65 years old or over. Many of these are farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others are residential, subsistence, or marginal farms. In previous censuses, the age of the farm operator was not a criterion for grouping farms by economic class. Since the number of elderly people in our population has been steadily increasing during recent years, a separate classification for farms operated on a part-retirement basis was considered important for an adequate analysis of the agricultural structure of a county or State. c. Class IX, Abnormal. — All institutional farms and Indian reservations were classified as "abnormal," regardless of the value of sales. Institutional farms include those operated by hospitals, penitentiaries, schools, grazing associations, government agencies, etc. Farms by Type. — The data for farms by type are estimates bused on data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The type represents a description of the major source of income from farm sales. To be classified as a particular type, a farn> had to liave sales of a particular product or group of products amounting in value to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm prod- ucts sold during the year. The types of farms, together with the products on which type classification is based, are as follows ; Type of Farm Source of Cash Income (Products with sales value representing 50% or more of total value of all farm products sold) Cash-grain Corn, sorghums, small grains, soybeans for beans, cowpeas for peas, dry field and seed beans and peas. Tobacco Tobacco. Cotton Cotton. Other field-crop Peanuts, potatoes (Irish and sweet), sugarcane for sugar or sirup, sweet sorghums for sirup, broomcorn, pop- corn, sugar beets, mint, hops, and sugar beet seed. Vegetable Vegetables. Fruit-and-nut Berries, other .small fruits, tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Poultry Chickens, chicken eggs, turkeys, and other poultry products. Dairy Milk and cream. The criterion of 50 percent of total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm hav- ing value of sales of dairy products amounting to less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm, if — (a) Milk and cream sold accounted for more than .30 percent of the total value of products sold and — (b) Milk cows rei)resented 50 percent or more of total cows and— (c) The value of milk and cream sold plus the value of cattle and calves sold amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm products sold. Livestock other than dairy and poultry Livestock Ranches. General- Miscellaneous. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goata, wool and mohair except for farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Florida that qualified as livestock ranches. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisi- ana, and Florida were classified as livestock ranches if the sales of live- stock, wool, and mohair represented 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold and if pasture- land or grazing land amounted to 100 or more acres and was 10 or more times the acreage of cropland har- vested. Field .seed crops, hay, silage. A farm was classified as general also if it had cash income from three or more sources and did not meet the criteria for any other type. Nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, mules, horses, colts and ponies. Also all institutional farms and Indian reservations. INTRODUCTION XXV The type classifications were essentially the same for the 1959 as for the 1954 census except that tobacco farms and livestock ranches were not separately classified in 1954. Tobacco was in- cluded as one of the crops used in the classification of "other field crop" farms in 1954. The farms classified as livestock ranches in 1959 would have been classified as "livestock other than dairy and poultry" in 1954 without regard to the acreage in pasture. Value of Farm Products Sold. — Data for the value of farm prod- ucts sold in 19.59 were obtained by enumeration for some prod- ucts and by estimation for others. The questionnaire used for the 1959 census provided for farm operators to report value of sales for the following products : Vegetables Miscellaneous poultry products Nursery and greenhouse prod- Milk and cream ucts Cattle Standing timber Calves Miscellaneous forest products Horses, mules, colts, and ponies For all other agricultural products, the value of sales was esti- mated during the office processing. The State average prices used for calculating the value of farm products sold were fur- ni.shed to the Bureau by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One of three following pro- cedures was used. (1) For the products for which data im quantities .sold were obtained during enumeration, the Stale average prices were mul- tiplied by the county totals of the quantities reported as sold or the quantities reported as produced for sale. The following prod- ucts were covered by this procedure : Corn for grain Fence posts Sorghums for grain, seed, sirup, Sawlogs and veneer logs or dry forage Christmas trees All small grains Chickens (broilers and others) Hay crops Chicken eggs All berries and small fruits ' Hogs and pigs Firewood and fuelwood Sheep and lambs Pulpwood Goats and kids ' Adjustment made for cranberries based on Cranberry Payment Program. (2) For most of the agricultural products which are cus- tomarily raised for sale, the entire quantity produced was considered to be sold. The State average prices were, accordingly, multiplied by the county total of production. The following crops were covered by this procedure : Cotton Sugarcane for sugar Popcorn Tobacco Sugar beets for sugar Wool Broomcorn Mohair (3) For all other crops, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the quantities sold as estimated on the basis of crop- disposition data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service, data reported in questions for "other crops" on the 1959 question- naire, or data obtained from earlier censuses. For all tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, the entire quantity pro- duced was considered as sold, except for apples, apricots, sour and sweet cherries, peaches, plums, prunes,' avocados, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit in States where a portion of the crop was not harvested or was sulijected to excess cuUage as indicated by data obtained from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The data for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 since essentially the same procetlures were used in both censuses for estimating quantities and values of farm products sold. In 1959, as in 1954, data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared the receipts. For tenant-operated farms, the landlord's share of agricultural products was considered as sold provided the products were moved off the tenant farm. All crops, livestock, and poultry raised under a contract arrangement were considered as sold from the farm where they were raised. For institutional farms, all agricultural items produced on land operated by the institu- tion and consumed by the inmates were to be reported as sold. .\11 sales data relate to one year's farm operations. Crop sales are for crops har\esteU during the crop year, whether the crops were actually sold immediately after harvest or placed in storage for later sale. Sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendai' year, regardless of when the livestock or prod- ucts were raised or produced. All wool and mohair reported as shorn or clipped was considered as sold. Enumerators were instructed to record gross values of quanti- ties sold, with no deductions for feed, seed, fertilizer, water, labor, or marketing costs. For some products, however, net values may have been reported. In the case of milk, particularly, some farm operators may have reported the payments they received as the gross value of sales, even though the buyer had deducted handling and hauling charges before making payment. Adjustments were made in the data rejiorted only in cases of obvious error. o Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (1) NORTH CAROLINA State Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data an value of land and buiidines for 1959, 1954. and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lextj Census of— (For defmiuons and explai Fanns number. . Approximate land area (see text) acres . . Proportion in farms percent . . Land in farms acres . . ^verace size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildings: Averaire per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: ' Cropland harvesteil farms rtiportinc . . 1 to 9 acres farms reportini;. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting; . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . SO to 99 acres farms reporting. . lOO to 199 arras farms reportinc . . 200 or mcae acres farms repoctin^. . 200 to 499 acres farms refortin^.. 500 to 999 acres farms reponinji. . l.WMorrwre acres farms leportjnx.. Cropland used only for pasture' farms reportim; . . Cropland not harvested and not pa-stured. . . .farms repacting. . Soil-improvement (jas'es and le^mes . . .farms reporting . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms ropcrting.. Woodland pastured farms reportinit . . Woodland not pastured farms teportinn.. Other pastiffe (not cropland and not woodland)* farms reporting . . Improved pasture farms reptMting . . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc,) farms reporting , , Cropland, toul' farms reportinp. Land pasturei). total farms reporting . Woodland, total farms reporting. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . 190,567 31,iO2,eS0 50.6 15,BSr7,72i ea.i. W,685 193.43 177,251 4,7i6,364 53,460 4*, 716 29,949 27,733 15,647 4,356 1,390 1,218 152 20 55,481 673,613 73,623 995,806 23,203 233,843 61,656 761,963 56,489 1,024,441 120,617 6,725,336 64,726 1,040,167 31,481 463,992 KA 681,997 182,762 6,415,783 118,533 2,738,221 135,287 7,749,777 8,537 65,743 267,906 31,422,080 58.1 18,260,346 68.2 8,063 128.08 245,703 5,504,204 77,423 67,558 45,838 35,529 15,013 3,360 982 28 68,703 702,345 84,097 847,721 !IA IIA 82,269 1,506,096 154,452 7,732,788 88,264 1,283,583 35,834 391,966 230,806 683,609 256,157 7,054,270 158,186 3,492,024 179,435 9,238,884 2,704 25,423 288,508 31,422,080 61.5 19,317,937 67.0 6,486 98.71 266,953 5,782,407 75,413 80,427 54,000 39,858 13,857 2,625 773 15 83,130 732,664 103,212 1,183,324 •lA Kk 89,345 1,422,819 176,162 8,273,353 79,800 1,017,154 KA NA 237,349 866,216 277,730 7,698,395 169,899 3,212,637 200,176 9,696,172 96 287,422 31,450,880 59.2 18,617,932 64.8 3,490 53.87 280,735 6,126,001 73,876 85,115 58,749 45,041 14,743 2,543 668 57,775 525,691 :1A 78,259 1,092,886 194,059 8,106,200 91,957 1,099,454 NA NA 243,974 718,102 285,176 7,601,290 161,587 2,718,031 209,562 9,199,086 19 278,276 31,450,880 59.9 16,845,338 67.7 2,647 39.09 271,291 6,125,386 103, 2U 1,230,171 276,963 8,422,275 206,366 9,093,377 300,967 31,193,600 63.9 19,936,307 66.2 2,069 31.24 294,404 5,965,547 90,512 946,260 NA 98,792 1,574,303 196,659 8,520,440 42,128 494,053 253,553 1,103,800 ;IA 8,243,711 NA 3,014,616 NA 10,094,743 279,708 31,193,600 57.9 16,055,103 64.5 3,016 46.75 269,925 5,809,741 71,615 887,956 NA 85,036 1,423,912 175,696 6,902,522 36,620 533,415 204,229 1,295,097 UA 7,900,157 2,845,283 8,326,434 riA 283,482 31,193,600 59.6 18,593,670 65.6 3,267 49.80 66,237 881,893 NA 76,690 1,386,759 165,563 7,069,724 34,591 546,394 lU Not available. *For the CenauBcfl of 1959 and 1954, In the Censua year; for all other Ccneuflee, In the calendar year preceding the CensuB. ^Total acraage of crope for ahlch figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as moat of thla acreage waa probably duplicated In the acreage of i harveated for grain. 'Not fullj conqjarable for the various Oamufl years heaause of dlTferences In definition of cropland vised only for pasture. See tert. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [DalA for 1959 and 1950 are based on repccta for only a sample of fams. See text] Census of — 190,511 17,804 4,591 2,425 2,166 13,213 2,109 1,967 2,105 1,852 1,734 1,922 1,524 81,107 46,489 34,618 1,316,899 672,887 644,012 177,833 4,775,054 U,65S 52,068 76,204 1,132,466 NA NA 23,154 532,322 21,535 603,215 16,962 591,497 8,891 401,856 5,282 280,912 3,151 202,742 6,408 514,067 1,950 274,676 189,233 476 113,285 267,906 34,479 5,391 126,001 76,672 49,329 173,945 3,321,164 1,446,352 1,874,812 245,703 5,504,204 26,516 99,591 117,572 1,815,565 71,020 900,051 46,552 915, 5U 30,127 684,114 26,206 697,676 19,156 521,334 9,293 372,505 5,402 254,155 3,072 166,477 6,016 423,159 1,722 199,589 288,473 28,255 2,582 140,747 84,741 56,006 158,118 3,740,879 1,611,808 2,129,071 267,094 5,832,946 20,997 80,238 132,506 2,056,371 79,054 1,002,609 53,452 1,053,762 35,287 783,772 28,768 742,077 21,812 577,233 10,390 372,720 5,953 255,612 3,255 163,311 5,891 379,649 1,697 287,412 27,340 3,187 137,118 81,082 55,036 144,777 3,659,330 1,529,767 2,129,553 280,735 6,125,001 25,532 92,174 134,256 2,103,420 79,135 1,010,347 55,121 1,093,(773 38,659 895,297 30,737 832, 639 24,296 771,058 10,728 407,508 5,979 260,616 3,021 157,154 5,582 354,475 1,481 278,276 24,912 1,033 125,817 73,532 53,285 141,748 3,415,852 1,382,585 2,033,277 271,291 6,125,386 22,646 90,131 123,773 1,912,342 71,421 38,780 904,511 31,974 890,264 25,475 830,775 11,693 457,930 5,427 281,903 3,130 161,541 5,500 363,279 1,426 137,774 82,147 55,527 159,194 3,658,683 1,537,080 2,121,603 2,024,562 NA 995,223 796,298 HA 421,540 279,708 18,417 430 104,568 NA 2,229,452 221,992 NA 73,689 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA f State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959-Continued [DkIa tpcrling . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting . 230 to 259 acres ftfms reporting . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 to 990 acres farm* reporting . 1.000 or more acres farms reporting . 1.000 to 1,999 acroa farmii reporting . S,000 or more acres farms reporting . 183,783 6,485,773 14,399 57,491 78,963 1,363,601 23,881 698,522 22,090 825,025 17,374 827,867 9,103 558,020 5,464 398,701 3,271 29;, 308 6,573 751,701 137,079 120,420 2,780,241 2,969 7,672 41,437 328,460 18,346 243,856 18,342 315,847 15,015 354,820 8,017 249,475 4,969 185,927 2,946 U3,340 5,928 4U,800 142,745 151 136,505 1,811 2,863 U,659 1,067 7,370 1,026 7,480 256,157 7,054,270 28,596 112,939 122,445 2,084,820 31,160 859,706 27,084 918,666 19,782 838,543 9,618 510,632 5,578 353,437 3,192 232,677 6,242 601,203 HA 158,186 3,492,024 7,975 21,047 60,459 479,556 24,580 335,824 23,071 437,217 17,414 455,697 8,665 308,439 5,048 223,132 2,923 161,751 5,743 472,592 1,684 270,751 624 326,018 1,931 266 1,880 256 2,234 160 1,722 113 1,090 81 i,iae 278,592 7,779,072 23,767 99,744 137,629 2,407,056 36,378 1,008,924 29,634 1,009,274 22,348 970,517 10,735 552,160 6,144 376,591 3,420 243,594 6,166 596,953 HA 170,714 3,227,884 7,960 22,775 66,422 496,272 27,588 358,018 24,572 425,525 19,110 464,390 9,225 297,805 5,293 221,920 3,028 158,928 5,447 394,128 285,178 7,601,290 26,306 102,041 136,435 2,340,406 39,175 1,080,521 31,081 1,054,434 24,560 1,016,706 10,841 554,959 6,055 362,335 3,067 213,892 5,778 517,432 NA 161,5ff7 2,718,031 6,580 15,432 60,454 419,890 27,418 320,018 24,140 383,890 19,829 421,769 9,0U 255,437 5,088 190,376 2,545 111,659 4,847 296,405 109,458 HA 2,291,921 HA 1,190,093 HA 1,237,541 HA 1,211,643 HA 696,169 HA 447,027 NA 257, 5U NA 591,097 HA 246,971 1,184,626 HA 648,526 5,195 74 2,787 MA Not available. ^For the Censuaea of 1959 and 1954, in the Cenaua year; for all other Censuaes, In the calendar year preoedlng the Census. ^Total acreage of orops for tflloh figures are available, except that com cut fcir forage was excluded as noet of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. '50 to 99 acres. *100 to 259 acres. 'Not fully cooqiarable for the various Census years because of differences in definlticn of cropland used only fear pasture. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE. BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 and 1954 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explaj ALL FARM OPERATORS All farm operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number All lantj in farms acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Manaeefs acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Clt>ppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres All croplant] harvested acres Full owners acres Part owners acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Other and unspeci fied tenants acres ALL WHITE FARM OPERATORS White farm operators number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Land in farms acres Full own«a acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland tiarvested acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acre? All tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Crofjpers acres Other and unspecified tenants -acres ALL NOmHITE FARM OPERATORS Nonwtiite farm operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers , number All tenants number Proportion oftenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Other and unspecified tenants number Land in farms acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland tiarvested acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres 190, 5U 92,261 39,905 57,903 30 .i 2,507 2,U0 22,636 26,000 4,650 15,886,251 7,847,602 4,584,167 431,366 3,023,U6 192,752 172,170 1,520,657 907,175 230,362 4,775,054 1,542,557 1,650,948 75,664 1,505,885 65,002 81,165 715,056 555,695 88, %7 147,898 81,699 33,127 405 32,667 22.1 1,862 1,580 15,656 10,570 2,999 14,050,452 7,348,072 4,174,986 417,640 2,109,754 168,112 143,605 1,156,817 460,270 180,950 3,906,872 1,413,977 1,478,789 73,562 940,544 55,147 62,430 519,326 243,395 60,1% 42,613 10,562 6,778 6,980 15,430 1,651 1,835,799 499,530 409,131 13,726 913,362 24,640 28,565 363,840 446,905 49,412 368,132 128,580 172,159 2,102 565,341 9,855 18,685 195,730 312,300 28,771 267,818 129,239 41,429 564 96,586 36.1 3,870 1,785 36,051 48,825 6,055 18,276,109 9,816,158 3,804,813 479,109 4,176,029 231,751 110,455 1,957,939 1,554,575 321,309 5,469,633 1,909,451 1,326,384 89,211 2,144,587 67,790 48,900 953,969 971,934 101,994 201,819 115, 116 32,927 523 53,253 26.4 2,800 1,275 22,960 21,723 4,495 15,634,152 9,177,054 3,358,212 403,812 2,695,074 181,001 86,650 1,383,404 779,240 264,779 4,159,176 1,731,663 1,132,769 76,519 1,218,225 49,280 35,845 626,749 430,382 75,969 65,999 14,123 8,502 41 43,333 65.6 1,070 510 13,091 27,102 1,560 2,641,957 639,104 446,601 75,297 1,480,955 50,750 23,805 574, 535 775,335 56,530 1,310,457 177,788 193,615 12,692 926,362 18,510 13,055 327,220 541, 552 26,025 283,508 142,035 35,422 516 110,435 38.3 4,341 1,442 38,305 57,457 3,420 19,317,937 10,544,059 3,143,340 385,359 5,240,179 278,984 85,419 2,234,467 2,128,450 512,859 5,782,407 2,196,044 1,048,497 74,863 2,463,003 81,945 42,409 972,286 1,203,404 162,959 215,956 127,105 26,838 495 61,468 28.5 3,083 861 24,671 26,939 5,914 16,191,079 9,824,031 2,698,219 376,112 3,292,717 211,680 56,923 1,516,994 1,106,324 400,796 4,269,730 1,977,736 859,532 72,350 1,360,112 57,511 24,477 610,007 556,520 111,597 72,552 14,930 8,534 14,134 30,513 2,506 3,126,858 720,028 450,121 9,247 1,947,462 67,304 28,496 717,473 1,022,126 112,063 1,512,677 218,303 138,965 2,513 1,102,891 24,434 17,932 362,279 646,884 51,362 237,412 144,450 19,835 550 122,577 42.6 7,322 949 40,481 62,687 10,638 18,617,932 10,432,012 1,646,463 294,573 6,194,379 500,661 61,916 2,546,904 2,536,619 548,779 6,126,001 2,753,308 612,029 79,099 2,681,565 149,265 22,105 999,561 1,300,202 210,432 213,139 128,693 15,751 532 68,163 32.0 5,521 669 26,232 28,577 7,164 15,303,271 9,724,593 1,438,861 286,496 3,858,321 351,140 45,525 1,762,104 1,299,134 400,418 4,569,683 2,490,333 519,168 76,664 1,482,973 98,620 15,191 639,908 589,694 139,560 74,273 15,757 4,034 18 54,414 73.3 2,301 230 14,249 34,110 3,474 3,309,661 757,419 207,607 8,077 2,336,558 U9,521 16,391 784,300 1,237,485 143,361 1,556,313 262,425 92,861 2,435 1,198,592 50,645 6,914 359,653 710,503 70,872 278,276 132,451 21,784 565 123,476 44.4 10,720 1,113 41,337 60,300 10,006 13,845,338 9,803,644 1,740,095 315,676 6,985,923 664,408 70,792 2,914,601 2,689,304 646,818 6,125,386 2,635,101 640,045 76,787 2,723,453 183,652 30,572 1,039,404 1,283,081 186,744 218,008 113,514 17,476 31,338 33,497 7,524 15,986,949 9,130,362 1,531,103 303,431 5,022,053 533,528 51,155 2,296,568 1,638,248 502,554 4,853,050 2,452,363 545,593 72,685 1,782,409 138,921 21,097 781,639 706,439 134,313 60,268 13,937 4,308 29 41,994 69.7 2,381 329 9,999 26,303 2,432 2,858,389 673,282 208,992 12,245 1,963,370 130,330 19,637 618,033 1,051,056 144,264 1,272,336 232,738 94,452 4,102 941,044 44,731 9,475 257,765 576,642 52,431 300,967 128,394 29,717 66,393 NA 19,936,307 10,006,999 2,033,718 352,672 7,542,913 NA NA NA 2,634,119 NA 5,965,547 2,399,702 706,524 86,416 2,772,905 NA NA NA 16,766,839 9,340,291 1,752,859 347,988 5,325,701 NA NA NA 1,530,237 NA 4,633,714 2,190,108 587,861 85,261 1,770,434 NA NA 69,373 14,343 6,030 30,001 NA 3,169,468 666,708 280,859 4,684 2,217,217 NA 1,103,832 NA 1,331,333 209,594 U8,663 1,155 1,002,421 NA NA 279,708 115,765 25,680 648 137,615 49.2 9,237 69,091 NA 18,055,103 9,408,707 1,663,573 255,246 6,727,577 531,394 NA NA 5,809,741 2,331,263 603,792 68,892 2,805,794 170,232 NA NA 14,662,568 8,711,777 1,378,392 249,062 4,323,337 443,435 NA NA NA 4,178,046 2,097,742 465,624 67,497 1,547,133 118,489 NA NA 76,873 13,198 6,513 23 57,139 74.3 2,545 NA 3,392,535 696,930 285,131 6,184 2,404,240 137,959 HA 1,211,903 NA 1,631,695 233,521 138,168 1,395 1,258,611 51,743 NA NA 283,432 132,610 22,195 423 128,254 45.2 7,520 52,419 NA 13,593,670 11,254,022 1,278,669 232,169 5,828,810 443,150 NA NA 1,651,671 NA 5,574,921 2,482,997 476,995 35,750 2,579,179 141,191 NA NA 231,594 202,335 202,516 114,051 102,567 117,285 23,687 19,167 15,439 683 625 403 93,173 80,476 69,389 40.2 39.7 34.3 NA 6,692 4,383 21,940 NA 15,353,006 10,478,896 1,007,309 226,570 3,642,231 306,790 NA NA 768,471 NA 3,974,797 2,241,325 346,457 34,788 1,352,227 38,743 NA NA 80,966 15,325 6,756 20 58,365 72.7 2,632 NA 3,240,664 777,126 271,360 5,599 2,136,579 136,360 NA NA 1,600,124 241,672 130,538 NA Not available. ^Total acreage of crops for which figurei the acreage of com harvested for graiji. ailable, except that i 1 most of this acreage was probably duplicated in NORTH CAROLINA State Table 4.-FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, AGE, RESIDENCE, AND OFF-FARM WORK; AND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 Census of — FAIBl OPERATORS By color: Vhile mimber . . Negro number . . Other nonwhite number . . Byaie: Under 25 ypnrs operators reporting , , ■25 to .14 years operators rerortine , , W to 44 years operators repolinft . . 45 to 54 years operators reporting. . 55 to 64 years operators reporting . . 65 or more years operators reporting. . Average age years . . Operators not repcfting age number . . By residence: Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on fann operated operators reporting. . Operators not reporting residence number . . By offfarm work: Woriing off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to49 days operators reporting. . 50 to 99 da>-s operators reporting . . inOor more days opetators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators teportiitg.. Operators not working off tjieir farm or not repotting as to worit off their faim number.. By Other income: With other income ot family exceeding value of aghcultuial products sold operatres repoting. . SPEnnED EQIIPVIEST AND FAnUTIES ANT) KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fanns reporting.. number. . Com pickers farms reporting. . Pick-up balers fauna ropcrtiitg. . Field forage harvesters farms refiorting.. Motortrucks farms reporting . , number.. Tractors farms re^xxting. . nwiber. Tractors other than garden farms reporting . number. farms reportiiv; . . farms reporting . . Farms reporting., farms reporting., faims reporting.. 3 tractors 5 or mtrr tracurs Wheel tractors farms reporting.. number. , farms repoting.. Garden tractors farms reporting . . number. . Aulomobilos farms reporting . . number . . Autonobiles and/or motortrucks farms roporting . . Telephone farms reporting . . Homo freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms roporting. , Electric milk cooler farms reporting . , Crop drier (for (iraiB, forage, or o(h« crops). . .farms reporting. . Power-operated elevator, oonvejor, or blower farms roptning. Farms by kind o( road on wtiich located: Hard surface farms repeating. &avel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unim(»oved farms reporting . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road. . farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard svface road faima reporting. 1 mile farms reporting . 2 or Smiles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. K* Not avalUble. *Flgtires for 1945 are for all tract(3re. ^Ctstcrete, brick, asphalt, and aacadam. ^Cexicrete or brick and nacadaa. JUphalt «as : ^Includes Band-clay. 'Gravel. 'Distance to all-treather road. See text. 146,570 41,023 2,974 U.OSO ei, $9! 37, SOS 19, 937 i9.S 1,303 169, Ul 10,223 11,233 ii,ose IS, 997 10, 91! It, 137 ii.sa 3t,tU le.Mi 17, 33S 10, ns 10, m ».w 10,017 s.m i.m SI. 133 91, lOi t07, tit ISO, 7H lot, 7tt HO, $39 71. 999 19,919 ne3 lot, 9S0 137, tti 3,03t 3,3Sl t3i, 07S 163, 9S7 117, SIS S7,i33 91, 719 It, S33 St, 7S0 37, tie 19, I3i IS, 96i 9,190 S,039 w.m 66, SOi 61, 7SS iS,66t SS.iOt iS-0 '.OU 247,804 11,526 8,576 110, 706 •7. S97 II. 667 «7, at 16, S37 61, m 16, lit 16, 617 6,666 6,77i 6,9iS 7,007 t,S00 I, Sit SO, 376 S6, it6 lOi, OH 1U.963 100, m I to, 696 16, 6lt 11.76S t.tos too. Ill 119, lOS 1,306 l.iSI 161. 73S IS3, Its 197.106 i6, IS6 6S, SSS 6,V>t 215,956 69,029 3,523 );, 661 \7, 976 66, H6 JS, SI I 16,311 36, S96 iS.S t6, 9S6 268,365 9,431 10,712 97,109 13, 363 13, 773 69, 9S3 li. 637 It, 7tt IS. t6t 1.903 1.937 6.7tS 6.796 NA KA 6t, CM 7S,i)7 60, 766 70, lit 69, 3t6 6S, 713 t,0S7 t,lS9 no. 069 169. 101 169, 969 13. Sit 16. 1st 3,676 SS.SiO 36, 69S H9, 601 10,930 52,297 69,801 65,733 50,125 35,377 46,6 3,149 267,561 16,164 3,687 55,212 9,928 7,184 38,100 10,770 27,330 28,482 31,189 '28,482 31,06t 143,666 152,109 157,912 14,539 218,008 57,428 2,840 14,346 51,587 58, lU 60,318 47,000 31,246 46.1 15,668 247,556 12,906 17,814 69,068 17,251 11,401 40,416 15,891 24, 525 38,964 19,230 203,120 74,247 23,591 15,714 34,942 15,407 19,535 202,835 74,636 2,237 21,128 51,714 63,803 64,058 42,349 26,076 HA 10,580 78,371 33,168 16,488 28,715 14,742 13,973 '22,501 '60,560 175,439 '11,302 '12,240 250,580 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 p based on reports for only a soiiiplt' of f Census of— (For derinilions and explnnaUons. see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES' lis, SSI l!i,7iS,OI)t 71, 77/ 36, tOl, tlS 113,071 17, Sit, Hi Si, 70S SO, 6SS i,91S 1,637 169 3i 10 US, 3U 7i, 676, 966 iS, S6I 3i,ioe IS, SSI 13, 091 S,Si9 I.SiS 1,77 16i 17i, 3S6 iS, 167, OSi 96, m 9, 791, SS9 173, 7ei 1,311,669 NA 3L SSS US, 761 IIA lis, 979 307,611 S.O 160, 960 S3S, 016 lie, S07 63,7i6 SC, S09 S6, 971 76, 796 S,011 3,SS6 3,691 6,637 S,S96 Si.i6I 10, 6 IS «, iS7 3,S10 I6,S66 ... 9, SSS 19,m S,S10 1,7SS 1,031 613 tOi 19, 890 66, 301 37, 63S 1S7, 006 St, 7iS iO, 198 i.oes 63, 96S U,i73 8,791, 686 S,0I9 673 1,067 178, 07S 73, 367. S7S NA NA 138, 393 16, OiO, S30 NA NA NA NA NA NA no, 131, 63. OH, 30i 68, 711 i6, 101 50, 763 11, 6S0 S,16S 616 190 61 /««, 386 39, 7il, 707 NA 131, lU 1, 396, 1,00 69, W, 600 55, 3Si 197, i7S 1, 907, too tSi, 169 6t6, 836 I.S 131, i09 i36, S7S StS, t8i lis, at t08, 989 30, 166 90, 663 t,i63 3,767 3,018 6,731 11,366 31,i86 10,801 17, 38i i.i97 51, 606 7,061, 15. 567 i.tS6 l,60i 787 697 90 56, 660 77, 006 S3, 6i9 SOi, OOi 106, 888 91, 736 6,381 SS, 1,06 It, 069 16, SOS m 1,760 NA NA 181, 906 1,3, 39S, ««6 139, 793 19,iSS,St6 136, 976 It, 690, OSS NA NA NA NA NA NA H8, 013 iS, ISt, SSi 67, SSS 39, 089 15, SSS 6,S9t K t, t80 ISl, 6S1 S6, 339, t09 169,317 10, 63t, 831 NA NA NA NA NA NA t39, i39 iSS, 668 1.8 t36, SS6 379, SSS Stl, H8 100, 371 168, 737 t7,iS9 S3, 773 i,806 6,738 S,3S8 6,013 10,06S t0,076 8,609 16, 976 l,t9S S,S91 SSI 1,681 n,7ie 66, 691 10, SSi t,396 1,166 67t tS9 16. 11,7 t7. 179 i9,0Si til, 980 ItO, 916 77, ;77 13,888 Si,Si6 n, 939 8, 117 1,189 3, sn NA NA 175,542 35,531,223 101, 1,77 13. OSi. 606 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 152,173 41,458,143 96,924 35,393 12,502 5,517 1,837 NA NA 119,719 6, S06, OSi S36, 636 NA iO, 636, 16S i6,690 NA S, 006, 66S 251,954 395,909 1.6 250,783 381,183 244,402 99,754 136,781 8,923 14,726 NA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA 35,453 243,031 146,516 90,418 6,097 7,752 4,513 2,955 284 1,171 NA NA 108,898 7,781,903 NA NA NA NA UA NA NA NA NA NA NA 95,346 14,835,885 NA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA 82,330 3,778,842 HA HA 239,378 947,923 26 528,959 28,684 171,711 804,046 237,382 473,933 2.0 227,627 415,489 NA NA 34,222 58,444 15,152 21,364 '18,409 '32,779 (') (') «2,294 '4,301 (') (') NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 40,894 203,160 NA NA HA 24,467 NA NA NA 9,755 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 293,456 637,899 2.2 287,638 578,578 NA HA NA 39,163 59,321 NA UA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA IIA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7,511 254,293 NA NA NA 33, X5 NA NA NA 5,818 NA NA 121,859 11,115,763 NA NA HA NA ■;a HA HA ilA HA NA NA 88,837 11,673,938 HA HA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 233,467 1,107,763 NA KA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA HA NA HA HA HA NA NA HA HA NA NA HA HA HA HA HA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 107,359 8,674,786 NA NA NA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA 69,551 8,096,123 HA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA HA HA I'A NA NA HA NA NA NA HA HA HA NA NA NA 123,964 dollaia . . . 12,291,850 dollnrs . . . HA dollars... Farms clossiried by amount of expenditure- NA 78,394 dollars . . . Farms classified by amount of expenditure- 10,318,456 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA $20,000 or more farms repoitinR . . . (Jasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil NA NA dollars... HA NA dollara... Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing NA 228,767 Lime and liminp materials farms reporting . . dollars , . , Family and/or hired •mrkers ' farms reportinp . , . Average per farm reporting persons . . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms tepcrting. . . persons . . . Hired workers farms reporting . . . persons . . . Workers hired by mcnth farms reporting... persons... Workrrs hired by week farms reporting. . . Workers hired by day farms reporting .. . persons . . . Regular hired workers (employed persons . . . Farms reporting by number of reguUr hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting . . . NA 48,796,694 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 or 4 hired workers farms repotting. . . 5 tr} 0 hired workers farms reporting... Seasonal hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . Farms by kind of wofkefs duting specified weeli: NA NA NA NA NA NA Family workers only farms.. Operator only farms . . Operator and members of his family farms . . Members of operator's family only farms . . NA NA NA HA NA 0 rator and hired workers farms MA Operator, members of his family, and hired NA Members of operator's family and hired workers farms . . NA NA Regular farm workers only farms . . Seasonal farm workers only . .• farms . . HA HA UK Not available. ^For Censuses of 1959 and 1954, expenditures during Census year; for earlier Censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. Cash payments for farm labor; housework not included. For 1959, 195i, 1950, 19A5, and 1940, the data do not Include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor Included in coat of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board fximlshed was included. ^Census of 1959, week preceding the enumeration; Census of 1954, week of October 24-30. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration: Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January: Census of 1940, 'last week of Mareh. *See text for differences in definition of farm workers. 'Separate data not available by day or week. ^Separate data not available for workers hired by the hour or piece-work basis. Questionnaire called for other hired labor including piecework and contract labor. NORTH CAROLINA 9 State Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS. NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [D«u for numb«f of In t fully comparable for ihe several Censuses. See lexlj (Fcr dermitions and axplaaatioi 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) {Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) CaUJe and calvea fannfl reporting valua. dolJars Cows, including h«if€rs Ihat have caNed . . .farm? rofiorting value, dollan Milk cowB fanns raportinf! number valuo. dollars Heifera and heifer calvea farms rafxMtjng value, dollars Steers and bulla, including steer and bull calvea farms nyportinit value, dcllan Hcniea and/or mulaa farms reporting value, dollars Hcrsea and colts, including ponies farms reporting value, dollars Mules and mule colts farms repeating value, dollars llogs aiid fS)^ farms tspolting value, dollars Bos nince June 1 faims raporting value, dollars Bom before June 1 fansa reporting value, dollars Sheep and lambs fanns rafmrtjng value, dollars Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting number value, dollars .Sheep 1 year old and ovtr farms tsporting numbsr value, dollara Ewaa farms raporting number value, dollars Rama and arethsrs farms reporting value, dollars Cliicksns 4 moaths old and over farms reporting numbsr value, dollars Twiwy bsns kspt fcs breeding farms reporting value, dollars NA Not avalUblo. 92,364 833,864 93,520,314 85,004 419,617 60,005,231 70,848 243,476 37,251,828 51,752 263,190 21,581,580 34,719 151,057 11,933,503 84,517 145,101 17,702,322 131,865 1,660,105 31,713,248 73,908 966,341 11,596,092 115,227 693,764 20,119,136 2,655 53,261 864,447 1,452 10,295 154,425 2,541 42,966 710,022 2,417 39,205 627,280 1,864 3,761 82,742 120,922 12,158,140 11,793,396 1,670 56,083 246,765 156,201 948,341 59,930,313 148,646 519,839 41,067,281 134,805 349,637 HA 77,166 282,686 12,155,498 U,317 145,816 6,707,536 142,737 236,800 21,705,620 42,773 58,070 3,832,620 107,557 178, 7M 17,873,000 184,646 1,419,458 39,438,254 86,396 723,664 12,302,288 161,517 695,794 27,135,966 2,946 45,8U 738,107 1,635 8,961 134,415 2,795 36,850 603,692 2,576 33,327 533,232 1,925 3,523 70,460 202,822 10,679,578 10,679, 578 3,449 35,718 136,255 169,644 697,535 65,955,868 161,756 391,592 50,032,717 153,908 332,967 188,633 352,133 50,750,946 60,712 89,167 8,445,035 143,235 262,966 42,X3,9U 203,407 1,231,121 19,460,526 93,981 604,553 6,158,782 163,161 626,568 U,M1,744 2,318 49,839 808,237 1,901 21,064 297,404 2,217 28,775 510,833 2,136 25,843 466,004 1,362 2,932 44,829 237,162 9,002,189 9,222,773 4,301 21,225 88,321 194,002 721,177 38,174,073 185,434 426,579 28,962,357 372, 3U 76,427,620 58,799 92,036 U,540,950 157,879 280,308 64,886,670 193,743 1,068,598 16,282,651 2,204 30,278 269,809 244,628 10,792,427 12,908,857 186,766 540,015 18,887,073 180,926 356,175 15,025,857 179,816 333,101 14,174,848 203,476 374,468 60,806,311 48,334 75,270 8,696,186 171,939 299,198 52,110,125 191,672 708,608 5,747,918 NA 191,672 NA 708,608 NA 5,747,918 2,633 3,987 41,373 43,950 374,493 224,874 3,987 45,930 224,874 3,345 36,870 186,967 NA 9,080 37,907 245,122 7,313,434 4,144,457 9,084 43,523 82,666 210,537 684,266 U,435,056 202,063 404,275 11,319,700 205,117 362,104 48,172,800 48,505 66,716 6,882,416 174,217 295,388 41,290,384 198,980 947, U3 6,535,287 5,770 77,044 288,913 5,409 59,447 222,926 265,607 8,806,113 4,755,301 18,533 90,708 213,164 161,432 532,631 24,045,922 NA 279,522 17,777,142 150,333 265,808 17,104,242 213,035 381,024 40,926,098 NA 86,716 6,979,339 NA 294,308 33,946,759 174,911 838,994 7,325,446 52,861 319,280 6,268 146,285 1,022,860 84,398 728,085 NA 77,588 677,341 NA 6,810 50,744 241,475 6,384,595 5,160,291 538,780 16,500,837 NA 337,284 12,970,228 143,581 252,387 10,653,058 222,740 410,730 42,934,281 NA 1M,963 10,728,073 NA 279,767 32,206,208 172,134 871,787 9,626,762 5,308 66,557 462,776 245,372 8,55e,U5 7, 184, 101 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 7.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data Tor 1969 for liveaUKk sold alive and dairy products sold are based on reports tot only a sample of Tarms. See text] (For definitions and explai Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including poultry and poultry products dollars . . Any livostnck sold alive (cattle, horses and mules, hogs, and sheep) farms reporting. . value of sales, dollars . . Livestock products other than poult/y and poultry f»oducus value of sales, dollars . . Poultry and poultry products farms reporting.. value of sales, dollars . . LnXSTnCK SOLD ALIVE Cattle and/or calves sold alive fnrTOS reporting . . dollars . . Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting . . number . . Calves farms reporting . . dollars.. Horses and/« mules sold alive farms reporting. . number . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number . . dollars . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . . dollars . . SHEEP SHORN ANDWnOL Sheep and or lambs shorn farms reporting. . number shorn . . pounds of wool . . value, dollars.. Lambs shorn farms repeating. . number shorn . . pounds of wool . . Other sheep shorn farms reporting. . number shorn . . pounds of wool . . LITTERS FARROWED Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November .10, Census year farms reporting . . number of litters . . June 2 to November .TO farms refxirting . . number of litters . . Decemhtv 1 to .June 1 farms reporting . . POULTRY .AND POULTRY PRODITI^ SOLD Chickens sold farms reporting. . number . . dollars.. Broilers sold farms reporting. , dollars. . Other chickens sold farms reporting . . number. . dollars . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dollars. Turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous poultry and their eggs sold farms reporting . dollars. Turkeys raised farms reporting . Ducks sold farms reporting. number. Geese sold farms reporting. number. Guineas sold farms reporting . number. DAIRY PRODUCTS Any whole milk or cream stdd farms reporting . dollars. Average sales per farm reporting .dollars . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting. dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat . Si, 2% J41,472 35,026,553 25,884 133,018 21,723,243 43,168 208,454 13,303,310 4,441 8,075 1,006,856 62,107 1,424,580 42,737,400 2,178 41,648 583,072 2,260 44,608 272,933 128,283 108 1,470 5,161 2,240 43,138 267, 772 15,092 49,676,811 3,292 14,480 956,404,980 49,579,374 1,062 191,861 97,437 127,446,972 60,853 319,932 17,039,015 31,502 128,599 10,816,069 48,916 191,333 6,222,946 4,079 5,760 321,954 59,832 846,425 26,080,896 1,873 28,192 423,168 2,129 36,888 210,236 011,419 22,447 35,952,487 1,602 17,298 724,099,283 35,462,888 5,149 944, 533 489,599 75,881 224,360 15,933,024 30,414 81,345 10,244,698 61,644 143,015 5,693,326 6,732 10,660 1,002,291 70,496 749,814 17,521,087 1,593 19,078 333,879 1,821 24,705 130,416 58,511 59,231 63,313 NA 261,376 222,454 KA 48,535 45,377 NA 132,050 106,218 UA 40,628 45,742 71,063 129,326 116,236 146,299 19,720 26,458 61,721 113,652,636 39,001,968 17,220,058 58,120,305 25,602,057 14,384,050 3,436 2,656 NA 107,182,773 35,463,971 llA 53,591,393 22,237,792 NA 16,721 24,171 NA 6,469,863 3,537,997 NA 4,528,912 3,364,265 NA 30,951 46,502 83,940 90,948,736 40,364,242 27,571,690 34,560,520 17,679,533 12,209,987 1,423 2,763 3,223 6,706,273 4,236,443 2,314,138 2,626 6,319 4,787 1,639,893 974,400 387,415 1,195 MA NA 9,394 HA »A '35,635 '26,227,191 '736 21,371 488,169,746 24,729,334 4,477 1,084,727 556,404 67, 598 233,838 10,689,768 KA KA 45,272 562,851 11,441,684 1,649 20,413 189,811 22,651 425,528,550 ^18,111,290 4,729 1,081,118 ^506, 971 43,018 132,360 3,187,493 22,645 70,960 2,502,139 27,452 61,400 685,354 NA NA NA 37,277 444,584 4,676,698 1,949 23,655 131,290 3,204 39,794 197,268 49,971 98,036 6,441,428 3,540,123 '46,300 '9,534,410 '206 11,521 224,886,293 ^8,075,667 6,871 1,776,160 '376,099 5,376 69,687 327,881 81,970 4,784 72,469 345,149 133,972 122,003 5,028,410 4,398,881 147,485 20,106,567 6,323,191 9,776 170,209,867 6,544,737 60,929 282,889 102,800 NA Not available. 'All dairy products sold. 'Published values for 1945 and 1940 i adjusted to equal the enunwrated value of all dairy products sold. ^Butter sold. the basis of average prices. For this table, these values have been NORTH CAROLINA 11 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 (Fordennitions and exp Census of — anauais. see text) 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1} (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) All falms number... 190,567 267,906 288,508 287,412 278,276 300,967 279,708 283,482 269,763 Cropland harvcBled ..falms reporting... 177,251 245,703 266,953 280,735 271,291 294,404 269,925 NA NA acres . . . 4, 7-^, 364 5,504,2Oi 5,782,407 6,126,001 6,125,386 5,965,547 5,809,741 5,574,921 '5,850,997 Total value of crops harvested. Including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars... 681,910,545 729,852,576 612,191,920 636,421,556 243,838,420 NA NA NA NA Total value of crops sold. Including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars . . . 568,667,482 606,013,673 465,587,071 422,925,684 173,328,532 NA 184,636,594 NA NA Com: Com for all purposes . . . .famis reporting. . . W6,918 207,135 237,480 253,897 254,028 275,396 248,309 254,431 NA acres . . . 1,812,461 2,029,795 2,107,871 2,275,760 2,458,076 2,429,049 l,985,m 2,009,048 NA value, dollars . . . 92,042,647 78,693,918 80,692,819 78,259,671 34,948,916 NA NA NA NA Harvested for grain. ..farms reporting... 142,678 197,001 233,722 251,832 252,589 273,978 241,622 247,244 253,026 acres . . . 1,678,257 1,365,126 2,029,449 2,233,927 2,407,802 2,398,119 1,892,416 1,930,678 2,3U,462 bushels . . . 70,520,411 42,612,526 58,054,020 51,038,U0 50,797,461 41,605,690 35,608,833 30,547,920 40,998,317 Sales ..fams reporting... 58,234 46,452 ^33,316 NA NA NA NA NA 12,193 bushels . . . 31,225,753 12,874,129 5,876,920 NA NA NA NA NA 1,617,099 dollars . . . 35,909,621 21,242,312 '6,924,006 NA NA NA NA NA 3,153,343 Cut for silage ..fams reporting... 4,871 6,081 2,347 NA 1,454 NA 1,152 616 NA acres . . . 64,085 60,956 19,897 NA 15,082 NA 11,839 8,563 NA tons, green weight... 665,094 423,473 1T7,556 NA 118,450 NA 73,792 47,551 NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder ..faSLS reporting... U,486 16,789 U,424 NA 10,441 NA NA NA *60,428 acres... 70,119 103,713 58,525 NA 35,192 NA 80,856 69,807 '493,612 Sotgtiums: Sorghums for all purposes . .fan&s reporting . . . 9,661 '9,846 *72,702 '3,513 '15,080 '6,832 '13,978 21,432 '18,201 NA '4,849 NA NA 92,558 27,957 '15,721 14,939 51,983 ■/alue, dollare... 4,191,612 '2,899,752 '644,165 '449,297 '579,834 602,541 '658,650 NA 1,7a, 536 Harvested for grain or seed . . f amis reporting . . . 6,074 NA 1,403 81 110 197 100 NA NA 73,043 NA 9,253 709 255 315 181 22 45 bushels . . . 2,259,760 NA 229,139 18,235 4,405 4,221 2,839 U3 558 Sales , . ..farms reporting... 2,132 NA '437 NA NA NA NA NA NA btishela... 1,032,972 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 1,136,276 '1,133,631 '90,911 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cut for silage ..fazias reporting... 896 NA 107 NA 107 NA NA NA NA acres . . . 12,002 NA 654 NA 461 NA NA NA NA tons, green weight... 106,455 NA 4,424 NA 3,436 NA NA NA NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hiy. . ..fanas reporting... 1,4U NA 2,046 5,954 6,218 NA NA NA 4,616 acres . . . 5,895 NA 3,980 11,266 9,215 NA NA NA 21, 3U tons cut... 6,556 NA 5,634 18,004 17,437 NA NA NA 12,607 Sales ..fanas reporting... NA NA (') NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 363 NA »* NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars.. . 8,712 .('' a < ' NA NA NA NA NA NA Harvest«d for sirup. ..faims reporting... 1,565 '685 '2,010 NA '16,064 NA 'U,090 NA 45,151 acres . . . 1,618 '885 '1,193 NA '8,270 NA '6,973 7,072 30,624 gallons . . . 101,478 '49,925 ^^706 NA '542,151 NA '494,060 NA 1,397,980 Sales NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA gallODB... 62,047 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars... 173,732 '39,091 '68,365 NA NA NA NA NA NA Small grams harvesled: Wheat ..fazns reporting... 41,450 39,658 39,428 64,470 57,695 76,477 49,070 47,810 89,388 acres... 368,035 292,323 328,737 468,571 387,382 495,806 352,634 336,793 620,659 bushelB . . . 8,609,247 6,U0,401 4,581,881 7,717,861 4,968,759 4,887,381 3,623,003 3,688,190 4,744,528 value, dollars — 15,238,367 12,465,218 9,116,699 12,720,809 4,556,020 5,180,624 5,017,966 6,329,057 11,861,354 Sales ..farms reporting... 24,296 16,272 13,970 NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 6,053,161 3,242,114 1,828,766 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars... 10,7W,100 6,613,915 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA Oats faiBs reporting 29,130 41,309 29,998 25,278 180,239 23,550 16,268 74,769 11,602 13,112 34,647 acres '. '. '. 276,179 379,046 233,715 127,674 49,831 60,009 125,885 bushels . . . 10,055,957 13,466,683 6,821,344 4,973,452 3,038,823 1,363,693 949,082 932,766 1,671,308 value, dollars... 6,737,491 10,638,680 5,329,311 4,919,084 1,400,826 886,400 709,619 781,953 1,838,447 Sales ..fanas reporting... 7,477 10,727 5,443 NA NA NA NA NA 1,060 bushels... 2,927,939 3,878,167 1,249,216 NA NA NA NA NA 78,292 dollars . . . 1,961,716 3,063,751 NA NA NA NA NA NA 86,121 Barley ..fanas reporting... 7,074 7,673 4,853 6,666 2,591 2,455 4,647 1,009 179 acres . . . 60,312 52,916 29,103 42, lU U,951 10,355 18,490 4,339 429 bushels . . . 2,184,197 1,656,676 761,876 1,130,022 286,336 185,005 328,746 76,191 3,510 value, dollars... 2,162,355 1,888,611 872,538 1,623,924 208,334 151,704 419,072 90,794 6,494 Sales ..fanas reporting... 1,768 1,891 677 NA NA NA NA NA 4 bushels . . . 637,660 435,785 111,731 NA NA NA NA NA 60 dollars . . . 631,285 496,799 NA NA NA NA NA NA lU Ry ..fanas reporting... 2,680 3,571 3,022 7,323 11,093 19,931 13,674 13,8U 19,637 acres . . . 18,284 20,905 12,978 31,829 45,438 75,881 53,519 51,879 67,871 bushels . . . 304,621 263,437 148,816 368,161 410,930 546,458 422,296 390,817 390,123 value, dollars... 539,179 553,218 297,121 671,458 383,134 530,064 576,268 607,037 819,263 Sales ..fanas reporting... 787 809 654 NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 170,378 110,017 38,747 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 301,569 231,038 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA Buckwheat ..farms reporting... 18 NA NA NA 1,002 NA 1,561 2,136 1,838 104 NA NA NA 3,573 NA 5,360 6,715 5,539 bushels . . . 1,854 NA NA NA 53,791 NA 69,934 88,942 63,478 value, dollars... 2,318 NA NA NA 42,109 NA 73,954 106,069 101,565 Sales . . fanas reporting . . . 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 899 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars , . . 1,125 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other gralna ..fanas reporting... 4,510 NA NA 4,128 NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 44,243 49,202 32,520 31,555 13,736 5,209 5,051 1 2,026 bushels . . . 1,365,914 1,402,744 791,847 700,697 260,416 74,477 82,152 25 23,622 value, dollars... 1,502,505 1,826,404 834,676 914,217 169,186 66,988 84,736 38 42,315 Sales ..fanas reporting... 663 NA NA NA KA NA NA NA bushels . . . 157,183 228,910 97,019 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 172,906 298,166 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3«e footnotes at «nd of table. 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of— Item (For dennitiors and explwiauons. see text) 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Annual legumes; Soybeans grown for all purposes'' farms reporting... 41,547 48,280 56,353 NA 87,026 63,140 35,638 HA NA acres grown alone... 468,670 373,029 320,495 250,225 311,242 219,757 128,771 HA NA acres grown with other crops... 44,015 55,978 93,736 211,994 440,067 2U,8S4 248,035 NA NA Harvested for beans fanus reporting... 25,665 18,483 16,424 U,953 19,346 22,620 HA NA 9,721 acres grown alone . . . 392,399 258,946 187,519 NA 106,289 NA NA NA 1 47, Oil acres grown with other crops... 8,968 7,265 21,897 NA 81,746 NA NA NA bushels . . . 8,472,872 4,408,903 2,990,624 1,631,666 1,650,314 1,171,513 1,047,201 NA 498,018 value, dollars... 17,623,574 11,683,593 5,824,743 3,456,169 1,489,624 1,382,385 1,568,366 NA 1,743,194 Sales dollars . . . 16,776,239 10,659 10,632,067 21,717 Hi. 27,360 NA 53,922 NA 35,469 NA 103,668 HA 44,216 NA NA NA Cut for hay' farms reporting... 30,376 acres grown alone . . . 39,927 73,875 85,423 [• 229,330 475,676 585,132 269, 010 169,172 121,962 acres grown with other crops... 2,370 3,837 8,570 tons. .. 49,239 69,937 95,530 241,702 416,369 447,549 203,331 NA 99,243 value, dollars... 1,378,692 2,237,984 2,839,656 6,963,472 5,319,701 8,503,431 3,365,522 HA 3,175,776 Sales dollars . . . 110,296 156,661 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting... 8,234 10,882 15,493 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres grown alone... 24,624 25,051 28,647 NA NA HA NA NA HA acres grown with other crops... 29,219 37,807 48,434 NA NA NA NA NA HA value , dollars . . . 1,216,239 1,626,317 1,678,952 NA NA NA NA NA HA manure farms reporting... 2,637 3,777 6,136 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres grown alone . . . 11,720 15,157 18,906 NA NA HA NA NA NA acres grown with other crops . . . 3,458 7,069 14,835 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting . . . 7,016 15,589 '"16,040 NA 68,272 76,029 12,970 NA NA acres grown alone . . . 25,810 43,164 32,055 91,284 138,698 185,844 31,015 HA HA acres grown with other crops . . . 7,436 34,153 33,220 99,124 314,860 204,674 21,886 HA NA Harvested for dry peas farms reporting... 1,847 4,120 4,013 9,221 24,255 29,450 HA HA HA acres grown alone . . . 5,102 8,802 5,180 NA 37,857 NA NA HA HA acres grown with other crops... 1,143 5,874 5,391 NA 70,469 NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 39,471 73,806 37,279 105,798 356,893 322,725 96,510 NA NA 165,778 369,030 161,703 431,183 523,870 506,678 231,112 NA NA Sales dollars . . . 84,471 77,500 MA NA NA NA NA NA NA Cut for hay farms reporting... 2,510 6,746 5,918 ('') (") (") (?!' P) s 8,917 20,709 U,256 ('') i^' Si^J (") acres grown with other crops... 1,282 5,205 9,274 (") C^*) (12) St^' y ) (") tons. . . 8,596 19,595 18,328 (") (Jf> (") (") ^12j tp value, dollars... 240,688 627, 0«) 547,841 (") (") (") (") (12) I") Sales dollars . . . 19,255 43,890 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting . . . 1,061 2,086 1,369 NA HA NA NA HA NA acres grown alone . . . 3,217 3,242 1,680 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres grown with other crops . . . 2,465 8,657 4,520 NA HA NA NA NA NA 124,586 211,974 110,320 NA NA NA NA NA NA Plowed under for green manure farms reporting... 2,0U 3,933 5,285 NA NA HA NA NA NA acres grown alone . . . 8,574 10,411 11,939 NA NA HA NA NA NA acres grown with other crops . . . 2,546 14,417 14,035 NA NA HA NA HA NA purposes farms repor-ting. . . 22,010 26,475 29,714 NA 35,670 34,898 35,563 NA NA acres grown alone . . . 167,042 172,390 231,053 290,428 253,791 248,673 225,153 HA NA acres grown with other crops . . . 570 358 622 2,884 3,781 6,749 41,059 NA NA value, doUare^^. 27,971,340 31,885,407 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. . . 20,975 24,506 26,163 30,350 28,045 29,921 NA HA 21,002 acres grown alone . . . acres grown with other crops... 163,541 330 166,237 85 218,271 43 j- 272,326 r 229,453 [ 126 NA HA NA HA MA NA V 125,766 pounds... 245,496,371 223,729,618 229,600,343 328,055,863 273,734,912 ^*U,985,097 1*9,991,739 NA 1*5, 854,639 27,004,601 29,084,850 25,102,787 28,976,484 9,679,198 10,546,885 6,975,968 NA 13,465,793 Sales dollars . . . 25,777,117 27,921,455 NA NA KA HA HA NA NA Vines or tops saved for B hay or forage farms reporting... 9,881 19,888 18,831 25,706 (^^) '>\ll C ) (") acres grown alone... 63,363 132,144 148,365 NA 0^) (") y^) (,!> acres grown with other crops . . . 24 86 302 NA /12\ 'J! i^} "J ( ] tons.. . 51,542 97,634 83,956 113,937 (^^) ^ J (^*) (") i\,i value, dollars . . . 876,214 2,196,765 1,533,146 2,203,304 (^*) (") (") (") (") Sales dollars . . . 70,098 153,778 NA NA NA HA HA NA NA Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms repoin.lng . . . 26 15 757 NA NA HA 1,550 1,075 329 acres . . . 113 99 2,741 NA NA NA 7,657 4,620 3,153 bushels . . . 290 618 7,755 NA NA HA 12,880 NA NA value, dollars... 319 865 16,280 NA NA HA 20,320 NA KA Sales dollars . . . 177 173 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA Hay craps (see tert): Ijand fran which hay was cut^' acres... 612,034 859,352 "965,599 1 '■932, 452 "603,241 "546,715 ^'384,952 l'454,679 350,459 Alfalfa and alfalfa mirtures cut for hay and for dehydrating.. farms reporting... 11,037 15,608 11,666 1,827 1,754 1,666 1,234 1,U6 949 acres . . . 66,344 69,156 47,569 8,315 7,480 6,997 5,535 4,522 3,240 tons... 140,235 110,375 106,239 16,279 U,450 14,098 U,162 HA 5,769 value, dollars . . . 4,697,873 4,690,938 3,737,515 5U,403 247,773 301,697 238,575 NA 219,222 Sales farms repor-ting. . . 734 455 NA NA HA NA HA NA NA tons... 13,883 3,734 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 465,091 158,694 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . 18,227 17,037 19,897 15,568 12,509 9,568 NA HA NA acres . . . 132,908 99,879 108,592 79,104 59,919 48,672 90,147 118,381 131,704 158,170 101,001 124,750 95,526 58,734 43,544 92,474 NA U3,390 value, dollars... 4,666,015 3,484,534 3,668,566 2,794,092 864,337 818,627 1,731,565 NA 4,298,969 Sales farms reporting... 1,320 407 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA tons... 9,309 4,562 NA HA NA NA HA NA HA dollars . . . 274,631 157,387 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA 13 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of — Hay crops I see teitt>-Continued Lespc<3eza cut for hay fanns reporting value, dollars Sales faisQS reporting dollars Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other Bmall grains cut for hay fams reportljig value, dollars Sales f ajTDS reporting dollars Other hay cut f anus reporting value, dollars Sales farms reportlj]g dollars Qrsss silage made fraa grasses, alfalfa, clover, or mall grains f ams reporting Field seed crops harvested: pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Ladlno clover seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Red clover seed fanns reporting pounds valiie, dollars Sales dollars Crotalarla seed fanss reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Fescue seed fazms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Leepedeza seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Ulllet seed faims reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Orchardgrass seed fanns reporting pounds value , dollars Sales dollars Redtop seed fama reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Ryegrvsa seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Vetch seed fams reporting pounds valiie, dollars Sales dollars Other field seed crc^ acres value, dollars Sales dollars See footnotes at end of table. 35,973 269,828 310,277 8,&;2,895 1,917 16,081 458,329 19,902 88,582 104,210 2,709,460 7,601 41,702 45,402 1,0M,246 12,670 71,533 751,097 6,»;o 1,666 1,0»8 2,500 1,250 1,2J0 2,058 143,318 42,995 36,325 2,462 456,293 82, U3 77,471 8,462 108,018 21,354,260 2,135,426 1,174,488 57,876 432,905 351,696 12,4S5,208 2,071 15,624 554,646 44,906 169,596 175,496 5,791,368 15,874 77,959 70,993 2,271,776 1,007 9,857 36,488 291,901 19,946 3,989 2,393 71,984 33,113 18,212 81,940 9,833 5,899 1,208 218,936 35,030 24,517 9,568 112,237 13,324,246 2,798,092 1,482,989 88,530 532,779 559,535 16,802,530 "198,004 98,400 '5,912,747 20, UO 86,498 89,824 2,598,924 2,009 5,948 47,584 3,082 250,113 100,042 U,429 140,929 36,069,386 3,149,849 3,844 8,677 U,342 884 2,082 4,160 736 1,562 HA 4 4 7 18 57 129 2,460 4,220 10,950 787 2,532 4,380 684 1,772 Ml. 9 16 20 79 164 189 23,669 20,855 122,757 2,130 2,7U 18,414 1,968 1,898 NA 6 7 • 218 306 34,290 39,500 4,458 5,925 4,159 HA 176 20O 784 4,772 7,574 16,169 4,505 4,9U NA 75,902 515,426 535,435 15,965,433 95,616 98,902 2,194,151 13,730 131,526 28,550,538 3,176,506 51,298 293,729 328,729 4,817,094 83,997 90,643 1,050,214 "35 "663 "2,743 "14,352 "584 ^'3,007 "389,400 '•50,8U 13,394 101,901 17,630,260 782,451 "204,687 48,908 811,873 286,359 268,351 ,699,797 ^'162,716 61,709 1,156,558 126,554 132,065 2,045,643 "2,409 "13,040 '3.299,700 "567,878 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued other field crops harvested: Cotton famiB reporting. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Irish potatoes for heme use or for sale faims reporting. bushels. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Popcorn fajms reporting. pounds (ear com) . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than com, sorghums, and annual legumes fanns reporting. value, dollars. Sweetpotatoes for heme use or for sale farms reporting . bushels. value, doUars. Sales dollars . Tobacco farms reporting . pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . fTue-cured tobacco fams reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Burley and other tobacco farms reporting. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Other field crops acres . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars . See footnotes at end of table . Census of — 53,281 375,846 318,638 49,707,528 49,707,528 72,712 22,504 4,570,151 9,048,899 6,352,509 167 993 1,506,866 57,988 9,126 46,873 25,292 3,830,771 8,0«,619 3,064,618 NA 450,085 654,438,670 372,846,433 372,846,433 98,249 440,852 636,078,207 362,564,575 362,564,575 12,892 9,233 18,360,463 10,281,858 10,281,858 U 5,410 5,310 635,850,535 528,495,574 77,296 522,095 366,711 70,CK1,801 70,041,801 132,575 23,413 4,870,918 7,208,959 4,897,164 136 550 751,461 30,058 29,457 14,490 93,4A1 29,472 3,761,809 10,307,357 3,598,707 149,661 670,485 798,988,612 423,260,132 423,260,132 135,689 659,163 778,604,961 412,660,632 412,660,632 13,972 11,322 20,383,651 10,599,500 10,599,500 122 6,280 5,064 105,312 846,039 472,389 74,336,081 NA 120,964 43,773 6,267,813 8,905,906 NA 353,800 24,766 NA 99,435 40,318 4,796,797 10,140,647 KA 150,764 604,909 661,981,561 319,156,019 NA "584,509,273 "440,681,288 106,513 714,177 686,841 35,494,064 NA 148,982 78,934 6,901,489 10,637,566 NA NA 137,917 69,314 7,463,834 14,538,416 NA 150,170 648,196 677,116,970 291,972,324 NA NA 575,471,148 400,796,118 103,248 710,228 458,146 26,279,120 NA 144,170 81,182 8,109,284 5,552,788 NA 53,100 1,934 1,518 21,922 145,353 71,338 8,149,360 5,461,591 NA 144,670 774,598 715,616,397 109,358,911 NA 215,991,310 163,451,078 139,737 969,710 640,799 ^40,088,385 NA 148,486 93,548 10,744,688 6,554,260 NA NA 193,408 95,473 9,905,828 7,627,488 NA 122,552 482,492 398,549,137 113,586,504 NA 151,664 1,640,398 764,328 72,193,330 NA 132,771 61,507 6,072,709 6,992,206 NA 49,000 1,790 NA 130,585 60,352 6,716,596 6,223,560 NA 117,222 685,074 454,222,610 82,296,099 NA 175,737 1,733,244 855,028 ^94,816,392 NA 67,375 44,304 4,492,928 5,208,693 NA NA 89,782 51,063 4,455,480 5,373,085 NA 94,274 407,228 237,436,496 53,149,278 NA NORTH CAROLINA 15 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For definitions and explai Census of — Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for heme use** farms reporting value, dollars Vegetables har-/ested for sale*' farms reporting Sales dollars Asparagus f anns reporting Beans, green "Itma farms reporting Beans, snap (bush and pole types) faims reporting Beeta (table) faims reporting Blaclceyes and other green cowpeos fanns reporting Broccoli farms reporting Cabbage farms reporting. Cantalo^q>e and musknelons f azme reporting . Cauliflower fanas reporting. Celery faims reporting, Collards fauns reporting Com, aweet fams reporting Cucimbers and pickles.. faxmo reporting Eggplant farms reporting Kale farms reporting Lettuce and ronaine.. ..farms reporting Uustard greens farms reporting Qkra farms reporting Cillons, dry farms reporting Qalaui, green farms reporting. Pees, green fams reporting. Peppers, sweet except I^nlentoe f ums reporting . PlmlentoB fanns reporting Punpklnfi fanns reporting . Radishes farms reporting Squash fanns reporting Tcmatoes fanns reporting Turnip greens fanns reporting Turnips fanns reporting Watennelons fanns reporting Ulxed vegetables fams reporting Other vegetables acres Berries and other small fruits harvested lor sale:^^ Blackberries and dewberries farms reporting quarts value, dollars Blueberries (tame) farms reporting quarts value , dollars Raspberries fams reporting qiisrts '/alue, dollars Strawberries fanns reporting quarts value, dollars Other berries and small fruits acres value, dollars See footnotes at end of table. 14,178 63,519 ^-ivSjSog 2,409 A, 645 5,993 8,420 1,895 2,163,110 973,402 109 18 13,639 4,777 2,609 1,416 2,595,975 1,012,432 2 573 22,723 77,325 ;, 837, 032 3,106 6,365 9,832 U,936 '3,778 '5,333 1,234 3,164 2,913 1,121 1,052,365 263,090 58 16 11,254 3,377 1,832 1,164 1,599,975 512,000 5 765 "20,672 72,848 '7,565,081 4,287 7,164 7, US 8,379 '2,910 •3,767 1,660 1,339 3,181 2,046 22 11,106 3,222 2,941 2,810 2,833,775 902,989 10 599 31,805 76,086 ,304,304 467 107 54,873 13,827 4,175 2,493 3,581,292 1,151,290 22,444 65,764 3,650,399 2,984 5,089 3,479 4,721 "2,263 1,010 1,252 2,083,248 177,886 777 162 124,053 19,271 8,266 5,991 10,268,100 1,026,806 8 919 10,731 9,481 12,845,971 1,284,597 26,024 43,901 3,952,401 5,526 5,498 3,453 3,499 3,280 1,701 1,930,986 179,695 719 122 74,700 10,520 12,200 9,187 16,460,037 1,599,487 30 1,198 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Tree fruils, nuts, and grapes:^^ Ijuid In bearlBg and nanbearlng fruit orcharda, grovea, vineyards^ and planted nut trees fairoa reporting. Apples f aims reporting . Trees of all agea number . Trees not of bearing a^e farms reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested f aims reporting . bushels . value, dollars. Cherriea f aims reporting . Trees of all ages nuniber . Trees not of bearing age faims reporting. number. Treea of bearing age f aims reporting . number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds . , value, dollara. Figs faims reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. . Treea of bearing age fanrifl reporting., number.. Quantity harvested faims reporting.. pounds. . value , dollars . . Grapes faims reporting. . Vines of all ages number . . Vines not of bearing age faims reporting . . nuniber.. Vines of bearing age faims reporting. . number. . Quantity harvested faims reporting.. pounda . . value , dollars . . Peaches faims reporting . . Treea of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number . . Trees of bearing age faims reporting. . number . . Quantity harvested faims reporting.. bushels . . value, dollars.. Pears f aans reporting . . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . nuniber. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . value , dollars . . Plums and prunes faims reporting . . Trees of all agea number . . Trees not of bearing age faims reporting. . Trees of bearing age faims reporting.. Quantity harvested faims reporting.. bushels . . value, dollars.. Chestnuts faims reporting . . Treea of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age faims reporting. . number. . Trees of bearing age faima reporting.. number. Quantity harvested faims reporting . value, dollars. See footnotea at end of table. U,155 36,092 10, Ail 833,787 9,039 579,169 ■;,741 1,480,172 2,812,334 2,950 13,727 1,276 101,676 12,203 5,i06 150,966 3,235 880,458 61,634 4,102 759,987 1,8U 917,297 2,247,377 4,059 13,426 1,934 U,945 20,918 15,129 42,238 19,651 1,094,750 17,702 844,561 14,509 1,702,169 3,234,119 5,439 26,762 2,995 327,688 42,598 540 8,613 174,502 5,949 1,532,363 122,587 9,279 845,552 7,064 914,622 2,652,398 7,841 31,096 5,805 54,200 39,428 3,585 2,870 9,647 1,430 6,317 12,634 129 119,996 ''59,790 99,109 2,152,457 80,800 1,651,208 33,409 1,321,717 2,618,924 24,338 107,197 4,429 317,479 40,878 13,142 30,592 6,911 500,977 50,098 47,842 396,686 22,645 3,071,519 241,635 43,150 1,338,803 10,672 718,464 1,947,240 42,933 120,386 32,480 87,736 7,592 41,196 81,950 12,491 40,176 2,109 9,754 14,631 55,563 83,082 133,418 2,730,369 139 1,223 HA NA 2,444,018 6,156,698 55,057 163,683 NA 55,804 92,703 135,209 3,123,587 120,322 2,432,218 93,518 3,395,343 2,035,071 38,062 189,204 20,288 2,010,081 124,613 15,839 42,235 13,085 32,669 9,809 762,497 48,535 59,771 397,227 46,938 10,837,960 390,517 104,748 3,610,385 37,439 2,361,334 59,479 1,401,168 1,664,722 61,820 197,431 52,056 159,627 32,441 256,735 229,437 20,617 79,284 10,687 55,112 44,096 NA NA 61,192 91,820 139,068 3,455, r 87,484 119,664 136,764 4,056,503 2,428,063 NA 2,115,893 2,115,893 56,925 196,973 NA NA NA 2,302,333 2,955,997 74,396 287,863 NA NORTH CAROLINA 17 State Table 8. -FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of — Tfee fruits, nuts, and papes -Continued Pecans, total farms reporting. Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age fanns reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. (iiantlty harvested.. fauns reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Pecans, Iji^jroved farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. Quantity harvested.. farms reporting. pounds. val\^,' dollars. Pecans, wild and seedling faxns reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number. Tteea of bearing age faniis reporting. nund>er. ^lantlty harvested.. f anus reporting.. pounds. value, dollars . . Walnuts, black (planted) farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. Tt^cB not of bearing age farms reporting . number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. value, dollars . . 2,632 33,947 1,734 273,506 87,523 3,205 45,737 2,121 279,971 81,189 4,243 350 16,210 17,337 105,564 10,536 1,497,223 370,770 2,550 9,582 1,370 140,357 28,984 4,652 3,268 20,702 1,113 65,707 2,62^ 18,525 116,121 13,910 1,379,283 203,562 7,317,250 7,317,250 7,U6,552 7,116,552 3,732,060 15,939,097 7,413,609 5,985,973 2,804,7U NA Not available. Z Reported In small fractlcns . ^Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1959, 1954, 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. 'Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that eom cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com -/eoted for grain. *Value of com and other com products sold. *Com cut for forage. 'Sorghums for all purpoeea, except for sirup. * Includes reports for sugarcane for sln^. ''value of oorghvms sold for hay or forage Included in valite of sorghuBS sold for grain or seed. ■The 1944 and 1939 figures do not Include acres plowed under for green manure. 'For 1944, soybeans and conpeas harvested for hay. Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches In 1924. "^Includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas only. ^See soybeans cut for hay. 'Por figures on annual legumes saved for hay. Including cowpeas and peanut vines, see soybeans cut for hay. 'Calculated value of peanuts harvested for nuts, peanuts harvested for hay, and peanuts hogged or grased. *Reported in bushels . 'For all Censuses except 1950, obtained by adding the individual hay crops. * Includes oats cut for feeding unthreshed. ''silage crops other than com and sorgtauns. "Clover seed, except sweetclover. 'clover seed, including sweetclover. ''Includes proeo millet. ^Value of lint cotton only. ^For 1959 and 1954, does not Incliide acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested; for 1949, does not include acreage for faniB with less than 15 bushels harvested. 'includes receipts fron aale of pasture and grazing privileges, and the value of cowpeas harvested for green peas. ^Excludes Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes, except for 1920 Census which included potatoes for hone use only. 'Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes. *Doea not include farms reporting green cowpeas only. ^Does not Include the value of green cowpeas sold. See footnote 23. 'Green lima beans Included with snap beans. ''Plalentoe included with sweet peppers. ^'Hot peppers and pljulentos included with sweet peppers. *For Censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for hone use or for aale. *For 1959 and 1954, does not Include data for farms wltb less than 20 trees and grapevines. See text. ''Does not Include acreage for farms reporting less than l/2 acre. See text. 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 9.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Nursery and greenhouse producis, flower and vegetable seeds and planis, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery' and ereenhouse products, flower and vegeUble seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms reponinE , . . dollars... On farms with sales of $2,000 or more farms reporting . . . dollars... 1,U7 9,137,280 361 8,772,150 NA 5,384,866 HA MA NA 3,734,285 NA NA i960 ^1,950, 571 MA NA 492 1,137,472 NA NA NA NA NA NA 522 958,794 NA MA HA HA NA NA NA 660,222 HA MA Nursery products itiees. shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting . . . 618 2,951 2,836,201 488 411 2,080 1,533,336 415 411 1,704 1,246,362 NA MA NA NA 143 1,433 365,245 NA NA NA NA NA ^408 NA '5U,776 NA HA NA HA HA 62 989 Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding planis farms reporting... NA Grown under glass farms reporting . . . square feet . . . Grown in the open farms reporting . . . 266 2,334,665 299 1,921 193 1,849,190 293 2,035 3,586,291 ^187 '1,209,806 '394 '1,291 '2,178,835 NA NA NA NA NA •'127 *896,580 NA NA '350,925 NA NA NA NA NA '172 NA NA NA HA HA HA HA HA '94 '453,691 NA MA Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds. vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms ..farms reporting.. . 199 158 182 MA NA NA NA NA NA Grown under glass or in house farms reporting . . . Gtxjwn in the open farms reporting. . . Sales dollars . . . 96 170,774 U3 618 394,335 64 99,528 105 419 265,239 77 102,139 114 389 309,088 !1A NA HA ))A NA NA NA '336 '1,345 '421,302 NA -NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA MA HA HA HA HA NA NA HA HA "10,300 Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting . . . 61,336 NA ■lA MA NA NA 190,449 HA 114,970 Sales of any forest products farms reporting . . . dollars... 11,634 15,241,569 12,538 8,125,069 NA 9,874,357 12,129 4,461,082 12,674 2,299,641 '28,363 '2,379,521 30,263 5,532,356 MA NA 32,693 18,711,315 Sales of standing timber farms reporting . . . dollars . . . 8,035 11,328,193 NA NA 9,418 7,265,807 NA NA NA NA NA MA NA NA MA HA HA NA Sales of all other forest products farms reporUng . . . dollars... 5,634 3,913,376 NA NA NA 2,608,550 MA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA MA NA HA posts, sawlogs, and veneer togs farms reporting . . . dollars... 5,392 3,796,485 MA NA 7,584 2,471,327 NA :1A NA MA NA MA NA NA NA MA NA NA Sates of other miscellaneous products farms reporting . . . dollars... 337 116,891 NA NA 713 137,223 MA MA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting... cords (4' x4' US')... 53,473 470,600 89,198 860,888 127,507 1,523,953 NA NA NA NA NA NA 187,519 2,638,271 184,995 2,534,991 NA NA 1,327 19,793 MA NA NA NA MA NA NA MA HA NA HA HA NA NA cords (4' X 4' X 8') . . . HA Pulpwood sold farms reporting . . . cords (4" x4* X 8')... 3,207 148,490 6,452 205,467 4,319 103,271 NA NA NA NA NA MA 4,445 104,083 HA NA HA NA 3,619 610,789 14,849 2,346,894 22,615 2,758,495 NA NA NA NA MA NA 7,752 794,817 NA NA NA MA Sales farms reporting. . . 351 185,676 NA NA MA NA !4A NA NA NA NA HA HA MA NA MA HA HA Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting . . . ttKiusands of board feet . . . 2,424 33,200 '°U,226 l°264,882 12,281 95,775 MA NA NA NA MA NA 12,696 4S5,520 HA NA HA HA Sales farms reporting . . . thousands of board feet . . . 1,100 26,039 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA MA NA NA Not available. ^Data excluded for farms unclassified as to type. Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. ■'Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. *Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) Eind propagated mushrooms. ^Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass; and flowers grown in the open. ^Total sqimre feet under glass . 'Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown In the open. ^Value of vegetables and vegetable plants - 'Not strictly comparable with other years as figures probably Include some reports of firewood used ■ ^^Flgures Include sales of standing timber. NORTH CAROLINA 19 State Table 10.— CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 Item (For dermitions and explanalions, see text) Operators by days of vnxk off place in 1959: No dav^ opeffttors reporting; . 1 to 49 days operators reporting, 50 to 99 day-s operators reporting. 100 to 199 days. operators reporting. 200 or more days operators reporting . Operators not reputing numhw. Operators reporting other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting. Cattle and calves of all ages places reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved places reporting. number. Bogs and pigs places reporting . number. Chickens 4 months old and over places reporting . number. Com harvested far all purposes places reporting . Hay harvested places reporting. Places excluded as farms by change in definition , 1954-1959 . Cropland harvested pl»< Full owners number Part owners and managers number Tenants number Operators by color White number Norwhite number Operabn by year began operation of present place: operators reporting operators r^xirting operators reporting operalfTS reporting 1951-1955 operators reporting r earlier openUors reporting Operators by age: Under 55 years 55 to 64 years 65 or more years. Operators not repoting age . . operators reporting . .opctators reporting . .operators reporting 11,085 16,681 10,024 10,639 State Table 11.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Census of 1959 Census starting date— November 18 Approximate average dal« of Percent of farms enumerated duhng- October 1 to 10 October 11 tol7 October 18 to 24 Octob«25to31 November 1 to 7 November S to 14 Novembw 15 to 31 November 22 to 28 November 29 to December 5 December 6 to 12. December 13 Jo 19 December 20 or later Z Less than 0.5. North Carolina Census of 195<; Census starting date— Novenber 3 Approximate average date of enumeration week of Percent of farms enumerated during- Octobflrlto9 October 10 to 16 October 17 to 23 October 24 to 31 Novenber 1 to 6 Noveiriber 7tol3 Novenber 14 to 20 NovenAer 21 to 27 November 28 to December 4 Doccndrar 5 to 11 December 12 to 18 December 19 to 31 North Carolina Nov. 29-Dec. 5 Percent (Z) (Z) (z) (z) (z) Nov. U-Nov. 20 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON FARMS AND BY QUANTITY OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data for cattlp and calves on hand, cows on hand, milk cows on hand, and animals sold alive are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See l«xt] (For deHnitions and explai Cattle and calves of all ages on hand farms 1 famis reportine • . oto4 farms reportinp . . 5to9 farms reportinp. . 10 to 49 farms reportinp. .. 10 to 19 farms reportinp . . . go to 49 farms reportinp . . SOtoSO farms reportinp . . 100 or more farms reportinp . . 100 to 199 farms reporting . . , 200to49{l f^rms reporting . . 500 or more farms reportinp . . Cows on hand, including heifers that have calved farms reportinp . . 1 farms reportinp . . 2 farms reportinp . . 3 or 4 farms reportinp . . 51o9 farms reportinp . . 10 to 14 farms reportinp.. IS to 19 farms reportinp . . 20to29 farms reportinp . . 30 to 49 turns reporting . . 50 to 74 farms i«portinp . . 75 to 99 fums reportinp.. 100 to 199 farms reporting. . 200 to 499 farms reporting . . 500 or nmr© farms reporting . . Milk COWS on hand farms reporting.. 1 farms refiortinp . . 2 farms reporting. . 3of4 farms reportinp . . 5to9 farms reportinp . . 10 to 14 farms reportinp . . 15 to 19 farms reportinp . . 20 to 29 farms reportinp . . 30 to 49 farms reporting . . 50 to 74 farms reporting . . 75 to 99 farms repoitinp . . 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 to 499 farms reporting. . 500 or more farms reporting . . Cattle sold alive, excluding calves fanr.s reporting . . number. . lto4 farms reporting . . 5to9 fanra reporting . . 10 to 19 fonns reporting . . 20to29 farnis reporting . . 30 to 39 fanr.s reporting.. 40 to 49 farms reporting . . 60 to 99 farms reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 or more farms reporting . . Calves sold alive farms reporting . . numlier.. lto4 farms rennrtinp . . 5to9 fam s reportinp . . 10 to 19 fam.s reportinp . . 20to29 farms reporting . . 30 to 39 farms reporting . . 40 to 49 farms reporting . . 50 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 or more^ farms reportinp. . 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 or more farms reportinp. . Hogs and pigs of all ages on hand farms reporting.. number . . ItoO farms reporting . . 10 to 24 fam.s reporting . . 25 to 49 farms reporting . . 60 to 90 farms reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 to 499 farms reporting . . 50O to 999 fan.is reportine . . 1,000 or more farms reporting.. Utters farrowed, Decenit>er 1, previous year, to November 30, Census year farms reporting.. 1 fsnr.a reportinp . . 2 farms reporting . . 3 farms reporting . . 4 farms reporting, . 5 farms reporting. . 8 farms reporting. . 7 farms reporting . . 3 J fanrts reporting., 9 farms reportinp . . 10 or more farms reportinp . 10 to 19 farms reportinp . 20 to 39 farTi^^s reporting . 40 to 69 farms reporting . 70 to 99 farms reportinp. 100 or more farms reporting. NA Not aVB liable. 94, U3 858,766 26,365 33,760 13,905 17,236 9,670 7,566 2,372 805 642 41,885 17,252 9,781 7,922 3,390 1,900 2,260 1,873 583 208 73,345 247,757 42,496 16,471 7,388 2,539 889 752 25,878 132,887 19,280 3,490 1,837 695 192 21 43,183 208,688 31,245 5,949 3,893 1,324 378 196 131,865 1,660,105 86,362 28,087 11,224 4,461 1,361 320 40 59,231 17,522 13,795 6,532 5,744 2,890 2,844 1,431 1,703 907 5,863 4,222 1,312 155,966 937,227 51,983 62,6M 19,605 19,410 NA NA NA 148,619 511,616 79,631 30,413 16,509 11,146 4,143 2,302 2,437 1,367 135,034 350,085 79,447 29,267 14,040 6,756 1,968 1,220 1,301 32,100 128,578 25,375 10 48,843 190,732 37,687 6,414 3,322 943 237 Hogs and pigs sold alive fam s reponin Sheep and lambs of all ages on hand. . 1,000 t, 2,000 t. 5,000 o Wool shorn (excluding lambs wool) , I'nder 1,000 pounds l.OOOlo 2,499 pounds ... 2,500 to 4,999 pounds ... 5.000 to 9,999 pounds . , . 10,000 to 19,999 pounds , 20,000 to 49,999 pounds , 50,000 or more pounds . . . Chickens 4 months old and over on hand . lOO to 399 . , , 400 to 799 , . , 800 to 1,599, . Broilers (Chickens) sold. 1,000 t. 8,000 to 15.999.. 16,000 to 29,999. 30,000 to 59,999.. 60,000 to 99,999. 100,000 or more. . Chickens (other than brol lers) sold . Under 50 50 to 99 lOO to 399 400 to 799 BOO to 1,599 1,600 to 3,199 3,200 to 6, 399 6,40t^ to 9,999 10,000 or more I'nder 100 dozens 100 to 399 dozens 400 to 709 dozens 800 to 1,599 dozens 1,600 to 1,999 dozens 2,000 to 4,909 dozens 5,000 or more dozens 5,000 to 9,999 dozens . , , 10,000 to 19,999 dozens . 20,000 to 49,999 dozens . 50,000 or more dozens, . . s reporting., s reporting. , s repotting. . 9 reporting.. 3 reporting.. 9 reporting. , 9 reporting.. 9 reportinp. . s repotting., s reporting.. 9 reporting.. number . , a reporting. . 9 reporting,. 9 repcpting. . s reporting.. 9 reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, 'arms reporting, reporting. arms reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting number, reporting, 'arms reporting. 9 reporting, s reporting . 9 reporting . 9 reporting. 9 reporting. s reporting . . number.. 9 reporting. . 9 reporting.. 9 reporting., 9 reporting. , 9 reporting 9 reporting., s reporting., dozens. . 9 reporting . . s reporting.. 3 reporting . . s reporting . . s reporting. . arms reporting . . reporting. . reporting . . refwrting . . number. reporting . reporting. reporting . 'tms repeating., reporting . 62,110 1,425,164 10,623 14,580 17,571 7,328 3,439 2,121 3,937 1,813 698 613 2,655 53,261 2,002 2,240 267,772 2,227 120,922 12,158,140 95,457 14,916 6,578 1,299 1,204 844 624 16,721 6,469,863 6,494 3,503 3,459 1,277 1,123 548 218 43 56 30,951 90,948,736 11,466 8,387 3,230 2,577 354 1,853 3,084 l,li4 2,626 1,639,893 2,386 NORTH CAROLINA 21 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [pau for all crops except com, Irish poUloes, swee(4x>Uloes, apples, peaches, and forest products are based on reports for onl)- a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explai COiOf Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting.. Under S acres fauns reporting.. 5 to 9 acres f axms reporting . . 10 acres farms reporting . . 11 to 15 acres f anas reporting . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 2^ acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting.. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 399 acres fanaa reporting.. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acres farms reporting.. Acres harvested for grain farms reporting.. baahels.. Dnder 5 acres fanns reporting.. 5 to 9 acres fanas reporting.. 10 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. . 25 to 29 acres fanas reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting.. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting.. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acres farms reporting.. Com sold farms reporting.. bushelfl . . Under 100 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 buahel« farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 busbela farms reporting., 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels fanna reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farma reporting., 10,000 or Bore bushels fame reporting., SOROIUUS Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting., acres., Under 3 acres farms reporting., 3 or 4 acres farms reporting., 5 to 10 acres farms reporting., U to 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres fanas reporting., 25 to 49 acres farms reporting., 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting,, 100 to 149 acres farms reporting.. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting., 200 to 299 acres farms reporting., 300 to 399 acres farms reporting., 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting.. Acres harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. bushels.. Under 3 acres farms reporting. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting . . 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. U to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres fanns reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres t farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 or more acres farms reporting. (^lantlty sold farms reporting. bushels. See footnotes at end of table. 46,732 39,711 9,457 18,470 6,239 8,317 4,834 8,609 2,820 142,678 1,678,257 70,520,411 46,467 39,806 9,351 17,757 5,925 7,653 4,319 7,490 2,425 3,424 1,519 2,704 6,299 73,738 2,312,670 1,017 1,201 2,291 66,655 78,876 27,110 8,160 9,060 195,660 1,851,235 42,466,350 66,054 76,304 25,535 7,550 7,925 4,285 5,789 1,415 58,234 46,315 31,225,753 13,060,594 8,<91 12,906 32,237 27,803 10,061 3,693 3,564 815 1,381 276 1,235 402 3,837 1,804 2,493 WHEAT Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting,. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 or more acres farms reporting. . <)iantlty harvested farms reporting.. bushels.. Under 20 bushels farms reporting.. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting.. 200 to 499 bushels fanas reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 or more bushels farma reporting.. Qoantlty sold farms reporting.. bushels. . Under 25 bushels farms report ing. . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 buohclB farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 busheljj farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. OATS Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farma reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farma reporting.. 15 acres farma reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farma reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farma reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acres fanns reporting.. (kuntity harvested farma reporting.. bushels.. Under 20 bushels forma reporting.. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting.. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 buahela farms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 buahels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 buahels farms reporting.. 10,000 or aiore bushels farms reporting.. (^antlty eold forms reporting.. bushels.. Under 25 bushels farma reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels fanns reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farma reporting, 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farma reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 buahels farma reporting. 10,000 or more bushels fanns reporting. 15,380 13,796 6,851 2,129 1,095 1,019 738 9,498 12,402 11,918 1,912 4,369 15,864 1,823 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued fData for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, apples, peaches, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] BARLEY Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting., 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms r-aporting . . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 or more acres farms reporting . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. biishels . . Under 20 bushels farms reporting.. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . . 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting . . 200 to 499 bushels f anns reporting . . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. Quantity sold f anus reporting . , bushels . , Under 25 bushels farms reporting . . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushel s farms reporting . , 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting,, 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 or more bushels farms reporting,, RYE Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 or more acres farms reporting.. ftiantity harvested farms reporting. bushels . Under 20 bushels farms reporting . 20 to 24 bushels , .farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels f anns reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 or more bushels farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 or more bushels farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 1,419 1,680 2,307 1,773 3,922 SOYBEANS HARVESTED FOR BEANS Any soybeans harvested for beans. .. .farms reporting. By acres grown alone farms reporting. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. PEANUTS HARVESTED FOR NUTS Any peanuts picked or threshed fanns reporting. By acres grown alone farms reporting. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting, ^lantity harvested farms reporting. pounds . ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES CUT FOR HAY AND FOR DEHYDRATING Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. Under 20 tone farms reporting, 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting, 50 to 99 tons fanns reporting . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting, 200 to 499 tons farms reporting, 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 or more tons farms reporting, (iiantity sold farms reporting. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 or more tons farms reporting. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, AND MIXTUHES OF CLOVER AND GRASSES CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting, 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting, 30 to 49 acres fanns reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting. (iiantity harvested farms reporting. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons • farms reporting . 100 or more tons farms reporting. 25,907 25,782 379,882 15,933 6,112 2,223 20,926 20,911 163,414 7,417 2,351 1,050 9,955 4,815 2,015 NORTH CAROLINA 23 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, apples, peaches, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text]] LESPEDIZA CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting., Under 5 acres farms reporting,, 5 to 9 acres fanns reporting., 10 to 14 acres farms reporting,, 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporti:ig., 20 to 2A acres farms reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . , 30 to for Kir«l persons working t n reports for only a avnple of farms. See text} 1 hired worVer 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired vmrkers 5 to 9 hired woriters 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed ISO o 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to d hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hire*! workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers SAisonal hired workws and no regular hired wcrlcers . , . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting . . . .rarm.0 reporting. . . . famis reporting . . . . farms reporting . . . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting . . ..fanns reporting. . . .faima reporting. . ..farms reporting. . . .farms reporting . . . . fanns reporting . . ..fums reporting. . ..farms reporting. . ..farms reporting. . . .farms reporting. . ..farms reporting. . ..farms reporting. . . . farms reporting . . . . farms reporting . . . .farms reporting. . Paid on a moftihly basts Avernge hours woiied p«r person p«r tnonth . Average wage rale per person per month.. , . I'nder $50 per rrwnth S50 to SW per month S85 to $109 per month. , $110 to SI29 per month $130 to S169 per month , $170 to $214 per month , $215 to $274 per month $275 to S324 per month , $325 to $374 per month S375 and over per month , Paid on a weekly basis . ..dolla Average hours worked per pmon p«r wee Average wage rate per person per week . Under $12 per week $12 to $24 per week $25 to $29 per week $30 to $39 per week 540 to 549 per week $60 to $59 per week $«0 to $69 per week $70 to $79 per week $80 to 5*9 per week $90 and over per week Paid on a daily basis. Av«ag© hours worked per person par day . . Average wage rate per person per day. . . . . Under $4 per day $4 per day , $5 per day , $A per day $7 per day , $e per day , $9 per day. $10 per day , $11 per day SI 2 and over per day Paid on an hourly basis. ..farms reporting. . .farms reporting. . ..farms reporting. . . .farms reporting. . . . farms reporting . . ..farms reporting. . ..farms reporting. . ..farms reporting. , ..farms reporting.. doHam . . ..farms reporting. . ..farms ropoiting- ■ . .farms reporting. . . . farms reporting . . . .farms reporting. . . . farms reporting . . ..farms reporting. . . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting.. ..farms reporting.. ..farms rifiortjng. . pemons. . dollam.. . . farms reporting . . . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting . . . .farms reporting . . . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting . . . . farms rcftorting . . . . farms repotting . . ..farms reporting.. . . farms reporting . . . . farms reporting . . Average wage rale per p Under $0.45 per hour $0.45 to $0.54 per hour. . . $0.55 to $0.64 per luur. . . $0.65 to $0.74 per hour. . . $0.75 to $0.84 per hour. .. $0.65 to $0.99 per hour... $1.00 to $1.14 per >»ur... $1.16 to S1.29 per hour. .. S1.30 to $1.44 per hour. . . $1.45 and over per hour . . Paid on a piece-work basis. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration . Average earnings per person ..llai , .farms reporting. . ,. farms reporting. . , .farms reporting. . . . farms reporting . . ..farms reftortjng. . . .farma rapoting.. ..farms reporting. . ..farms reporting. . ..fanns reporting.. ..fanns reporting.. Economic class, 1959-Con6nued Commercial farms-Continued 7,232 19,644 3,232 1,715 1,279 722 234 2,215 3,261 1,622 5,691 16,383 2,443 2,955 6,777 0.60 5,143 13,659 2,317 1,115 4,408 12,285 1,903 2,052 4,509 0.61 3,772 7,932 2,046 3,232 6,928 1,724 1,965 3,740 0.74 2,373 5,097 1,249 2,035 4,605 1,0U 1,305 2,644 0.76 28 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM. CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers ant) wage rates are tor hired persons working the week preceding the oiumeration. Data are based on reporta for only a sample of forms. See text] (For definitions and oxplanatioi Total all faims Hired workers farms reporting . 1 hirmj woricer farms reporting. 2 hired workers fams reporting., 3 or 4 hired workers fanns reporting., 6 to 9 hired workers fanna reporting., 10 Of more hired workers farms reporting . , Regular workers (to be employed IfiO or more days) farma reporting. , persons. , 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 1 hiral workers fanns reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed leas than 150 days) farms reportins; . . persons . , 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers fanns reporting. . 8 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired woricers. farms reporting . . Both rei^lor and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a monthly basis fanns refwting.. persons. . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . Average wage rate pet person per month dollars . . Under $50 per month farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting.. $85 to $109 per month farms reptnting. . $110 to 5129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting.. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting.. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. . $275 to $324 per month farms reporting . . $325 to $374 per month farms reporting. . $375 and over per month farms reporting. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. . Average hours worked per person per week hours , . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . . Under $12 p«r week farms reporting.. $12loS24per week farms reporting . . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting.. $30 to S.19 per week farms reporting.. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. . $50 to $59 per week fanns reporting.. $60 to S69 per week fanns reporting . . $70 to $79 per week farms reporting.. $80 to $89 per week farms reporting . . $90 and over per week farms reporting.. Paid on a daily basis fams reporting. . persons. . Average hours worked per person per day hours . . Average wage rat* per person per day dollars . . Under $4 per day farms reporting. . $4 per day farms reporting. . $5 per day farms reporting . . 56 per day farms reporting.. 57 pa* day, farms reporting . . 58 par day. farms reporting. . S& per day. farms reporting . . $10 per day fanns reporting. . $11 per day farms reporting. . $12 and over per day farms reporting. . Paid on an hourly basis fams reporting.. Average wage rate per person per hour dollars . . Under $0.45 per hour farms reporting. . $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting.. $0.55 to $a64 per hour. fanns reporting. . $0.65 to $0.74 per hour. farms reporting.. $0.75 toSO.84 per hour vfarms reporting.. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour. fams reporting . . $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. . $1.15 to $1,29 per hour farms reporting. ., $1.30 to $1.44 per hour. farms reporting. . , $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting, , , Paid on a piece-wofk basts fams reporting. . , persons . . , Per jons working Friday week preceding enumeration fanns reporting .. , persons . , . Average earnings per person dollars . . . NA Not available. 25,971 30,165 75,795 90,563 11,317 12,118 5,834 6,795 4,705 5,794 2,966 4,168 1,149 1,290 9,286 7,064 19,494 13,557 5,810 4,286 1,728 1,604 1,031 787 513 297 204 90 19,890 25,250 56,301 77,006 8,802 9,964 4,311 5,502 3,706 4,896 2,281 3,787 790 1,101 6,081 4,915 3,205 2,149 16,685 23,101 2,011 2,453 3,225 3,757 8,895 11,365 24,451 31,485 8.4 8.7 4.60 4.65 1,528 2,712 3,111 3,715 2,653 2,818 1,016 1,432 10,518 10,801 25,427 27,984 0.63 0.56 923 2,092 4,491 4,957 2,483 2,099 1,163 295 3,160 5,048 2,233 16 8,701 22,961 3,730 1,980 1,791 953 247 2,090 1,070 7,631 4,641 10,440 0.59 NORTH CAROLINA 29 State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ^Figures on number of workers and *-age r B for hired persons working ti )n. Dau are based on reports for only m sut^le of farms. See text] Type of farm-Continued Hired workers fan&s nsporting 1 ^i^ed worker fanns reporting. 2 hired workers farms nponiag. 3 or 4 hjred workers farms reportinfE. 5 (o 9 hired MMkera farms reporting, 10 or more hired MHkers farms reparting, Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired •orkers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired woApts . Seasonal wwkers (to be employed less than 150 dtys), . 1 hired worker 2 hired M^ers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or ftore hired wrirkers . re^xvting. 'arms reporting. reporting. reporting. repealing. rcpcitine. 'arms reporting. 9 reporting. B reporting s reporting, srvporting. B rvporting. s retorting. Paid on a monthly tasJs. rnrm rvponing. Averace hours wttfked per person par nonCh hows . Average wage rale per person pcrmonth .dotlars. t-'nder S50 per month fanns reporting. 5M to $84 pw month. farmB nporting. ■^S to $109 per month fanns reporting . $1 10 lo $12<) per month fanna reporting . $130 to Slftd per month farrM reporting. SI 70 to $214 per month fanna reporting . $215 lo5274 per month fanna raporting. 7275 toS324 per month fanna running . S325 to $374 per month fam* reporting . 5375 and over per month. fama nporting . reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. Both regular and seasona] hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired worhern . Paid on a weddy basis fam* ..dollH I 'nder S12 per week. . S12 to 524 oer week . $25 to S29 p«r week . . S80 to $89 per week . ..farms repcrting. , .farma reporting, , .farma r^nrting. , .fama reporting, , .fanna reporting, ..farms reporting. ..farms raporting. . .farms reporting. , .fanns reporting. , .fanns reporting. Paid on a daily basis Average hours worked per person per dsy hours . Average wage rate per person per day dollars . Under M pv day farms reporting. S4 per day farms raporting. $5 per day. farms reporting. S6 per day farms r^xirting. ST per day fanna rvporting. $8 per day farms reporting. fd per day farma reporting. SlOperday farms reporting . Sll per day farms reporting . ^12 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis fanns reporting. Average wage rate per person per hour dollars . I 'nder $0.45 per hour farms reporting . $0.65 lo 50.74 per hour farma reporting. $0.75 to SO. 84 per hour farma reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to 51.14 per hour farms reporting. 51.15 lo SI.29 per hour. farms rapcsting. $1,30 lo 51.44 per hour. fama retorting, 51.45 and over per hour fanns reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis fanns reporting. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. Average earnings per person dollars . 3,423 14,693 1,104 1,107 3,367 0.55 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired pCTsons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample o! farms. See text] Total all farms Hired workers farms 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers , 5 to 9 hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 o 1 hired woriter 2 hired woilcers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 lo 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). , 3 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers . 5 to 9 hired workers , sonal hired workers.. ;ijlar hired workers .. Paid on a monthly basis farms Average hours worked per person per month Average wage rate per person per month Under $50 per month farms $50 to $84 per month farms $85 to $109 per month farms $110 to $129 per month farms $130 to $169 per month farms $170 lo $214 per month farms $215 to $274 per month farms $275 to $324 per month farms $325 to $374 per month farms reporting, persons. s reporting. 9 reporting. 5 reporting . 9 reporting, s reporting. s reporting. persons . 5 reporting. s reporting. s reporting. 3 reporting. 5 reporting. 5 reporting. persons. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. 5 reporting. B reporting. s reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. reporting . $375 and over per month farms Paid on a weekly basis farms Average hours worked per person per week Under $12 per week farms $12 to $24 per week farms $25 to $29 pet week farms $30 to $39 per week farms $40 to $49 per week farms $50 to $59 per week farms $60 lo $69 per week farms $70 to $79 per week farms $80 to $89 per week farms $90 and over per week farms Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. persons . ..dollar.s. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting . persons , . .dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting . reporting, repru-ting. reporting, reporting. ..dollars, reporting , reporting . reporting, reporting . reporting , reporting, reporting. Average hours svorked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms $4 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day farms 57 per day farms 58 per day farms 59 per day. farms $10 per day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. persons. Average wage rate per person per hour dollars . Under $0.45 per hour farms reporting. SO. 45 to $0. 54 per hour farms reporting . D $0.64 pOT hour farms reporting. o $0.74 per hour farms reporting. a $0.84 per hour farms reporting, 0 $0.99 per hour. farms reporting. t per hour farm^ reporting, farm.s reporting. $0,65 1- $0.75 t- $0.85 ti $1.00 t $1.15 t $1.30 0 $1.45 a .$1.2 perh Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reportin Average earnings per person dollar HA Not available. 25,971 75,795 11,317 5,834 ■1,705 2,966 1,U9 9,286 19,494 5,810 1,728 1,031 513 204 19,890 56,301 8,802 4,311 3,706 2,281 790 6,081 3,205 16,685 4.60 1,528 3,111 2,653 1,016 262 211 10,518 25,427 0.63 30,165 90,563 12,118 6,795 5,794 4,168 1,290 25,250 77,006 9,964 5,502 4,915 2,149 23,101 4.65 2,712 3,715 2,818 1,432 288 249 10,801 27,984 0.56 2,092 4,957 5,741 15,191 2,518 1,292 1,091 704 136 5,037 13,725 2,126 1,120 1,026 2,383 5,401 0.67 2,926 7,742 1,376 2,472 6,873 1,091 3,431 8,530 1,666 2,818 7,235 1,391 1,648 3,337 0.63 NORTH CAROLINA 31 State Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Fieures CTi Dumber of workcfs and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For denniltons and explai Hired workers farms reportm 1 hired worlter farms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting. , 3 or 4 hired *x»icere farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired woriters farms reporting . , 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. , 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or nxjre hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . 1 hired worker farms reporting . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting . Seasonal hired Mixkers and no refiular hired workers farms reporting . Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting . Average hours worked per person per raoalh hours . Average wage rate per person per rronth dollars . . Under S50 per month farms reporting. S50 to S84 per nonlh farms reporting . , S85 to 5109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $139 per month farms repoting. S130 to 5169 per month farms reporting. $170 to S214 per month farms reporting. S215 to S274 per month farms reporting . S275 to S324 per month. farrrB repocUng. $.125 tn S374 per month farms reporting . 5375 and over per mtmlh farms reporting. , Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. , Average hours worked per person per week hours . Average wage rale per person per we«k dollars . Under 512 per week farms reporting . , $12 to S24 per week farms reporting. . 525 to 529 per week fa/ms reportinir . $30 to 539 per week farms reporting. S40to $49p«r we^ farm.-* refwrting. S30 to 559 pw week farms reporting , SCO to 569 per wert farms reporting. S70 to 579 per week farms reporting . 580 to 569 per week farms reporting . SM ud over per week farms reporting. . Paid on a daily basis farms ropoiting. . persons.. Vverage hours worked per person per day hours. \verage wage rate per person per day doUun . Under $4 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farm-^ reporting. 55 per day farms reporting. 56 per day farms reporting . 57 per day farms reporting. $6 per dny farms reporting. 59 per day farms reporting . $10 per day farms reporting. SU per day farms reporting. 512 and over per day farms reporting.. Paid on an hourly basis ram» reporting . Average wage rate per person por hour dollars . Under S0.45 per hour farms reporting. . 50.45 to 50.54 per hour farms reporting . . 50.55 to 50.64 per hour farms reporting.. 50.«5 lo 50.74 per hour farms reportin S0.75 lo 50.84 per hour farm.i roportin 50.85 to 50.99 per hour farms reportin ^1.00 lo 51.14 per hour farms reporting. . $1-15 to $1.29 por hour farms reporting.. 51.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting . $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. . Paid on a piecework basis forms reporting. ponions. . Persons working Friday week pfeceding enumeration farms reporting . persons. Average (Muninxs pot ptx-^nn dollars . 2,433 6,252 1,167 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average size of form acres Value of land and buildings: Average per fami dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporunp 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres. farms reporting 100 to 199 acres .farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Soil-impiovement grasses and legumes farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reprting Ifrigated land in fafms farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour famis reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AQE Operators reporting age number. t'nder 25 years number . 25 to 34 years number . 35 to 44 years number. 45 to 54 years number. 65 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number . Average age years . OFF- FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOKfE Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operatcrs reporting . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . 100 to 199 days operators report! ng , 200 or more days Cfjeralors reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators repotting , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off tlieir farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting With otiier members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number SO to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number lt)0 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number IBO to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See footnotes at end of table. 190,511 100.0 15,886,251 100.0 177,833 i,775,05A 53,153 44,588 30, 114 28,447 15,825 4,345 1,194 147 20 58,370 706,791 74,617 1,003,928 24,955 251,061 61,761 752,867 57,832 1,048,195 121,665 6,651,820 64,976 1,028,255 32,471 467,784 9,010 73,613 3,656 57,632 39,013 1,173,996 189,208 4,224 21,172 44,080 51,992 37,803 29,937 81,086 29,949 11,326 39,811 27,419 27,217 45,717 109,425 21, 514 33,108 17,804 81,107 24,259 22,352 17,616 9,204 5,504 3,297 6,659 2,039 510 160 120,078 63.0 11,982,175 116,997 4,086,019 17,632 28,771 24,762 25,246 14,957 4,280 1,187 146 16 37,962 504,048 45,307 654,311 15,738 170,232 37,535 484,079 34,612 698,864 75,627 4,881,255 37,524 698,679 20,124 354,361 8,427 69,877 2,707 46,916 26,316 898,198 119,212 3,214 15,126 30,379 36,941 26,693 6,859 47.1 36,543 24,067 4,174 8,302 10,169 10,312 8,440 83,535 14,356 13,142 7,302 47,047 15,528 15,166 12,875 7,157 4,303 2,705 5,569 1,814 102 14 412 34,962 427 34,069 190 7,421 335 26,648 360 35,603 874 28,913 176 12,797 1,497 312 37,614 1,495 50,563 1,278 40,814 515 13,298 996 27,516 1,229 59,551 2,529 441,567 1,286 70,269 943 46,683 NORTH CAROLINA 33 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dua are based oa reports fcr only a sample of farms. See lextj (For definitions and explanations, see text) EooDomic class-Continued Commercial fanns-Continued Part-retirement FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Percent distribution percent . . Land in faniis acrw.. Percent disuibution percent. . Average site of farm acres . . Value of land and buildings; Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in fams according to use: cropland harveeted farms repotting . . 1 to 9 acres fams reporting. . 10 to 10 acres fams reporting.. 20 to 29 acres fams reporting . . ao to 49 arree farms reporting. . 50 to 90 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms tepofting.. 200 to 499 acres farms rejxxting.. 50O to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or mere acres farms reporting.. Qoplaad used only for pastjjre farms reporting.. Oopland not harvested aod not fAslnred. farms reporting.. Soil'imfrovement passes aad legtanee farms reporting . . Oti^er cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reprvting . . Woodland pastured. farm reporting. . Woodland not pastured farms reportiag.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . Improved pasture farms repeating , . Irrigated land in (aims fams repotting.. Land use ptactices: Ooplaitd in cover oops farms repotting. . CnplatHl used for pain at row at>pe farmed on the oonloiff fams repotting.. I.and in strip-croppng systems fot soil-etosion control farms reporting. . System of tetracee on crop and pasture land farms repotting . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Opetators rrporting a|B Under 25 years. 2Sli>Myears 35 lo 44 years 45 lo 54 yaers 55 lo«4 years 65 or mote years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fifa opetaton- Wotldng off their farms, tr)ta] opwalors repotting. 1 lo 09 days opetalots repotting. 100 lo 109 days opetalots repotting. 200 or mote days opwalors reporting. With other members of family working off farm operalote reptvting. With inoome from aowcee other than farm operated and off-farm work. opetatots lefnrting. Wilh other income of family exceeding value of apicultural fcoducts sold operators repotting . Operators not wtrlung off their farms or not repctting as to work off their farms operalcrs repotting . . Wilh otjiet members of family working off farm operators repotting.. With inoome from sourc«e othet tilan farm operated . . opOTators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of apicultieal poducts sold operators reporting.. FARkE BY SIZE 500 lo 999 scree See footnolM at end of tsUe. 33,579 17.6 3,422,871 21.5 101.9 984 3,959 8,274 12,525 6,231 1,005 78 U,279 125,490 12,810 175,290 4,505 45,091 10,636 130,199 9,198 181,019 20,869 1,350,964 9,886 160,313 5,693 85,741 3,118 20,342 14,470 7,672 267,390 33,331 575 4,476 9,959 10,927 5,515 1,8T9 46.1 9,589 6,126 1,270 2,193 2,814 2,809 2,059 23,990 4,316 3,353 5,245 4,>56 2,456 1,460 43,311 22.7 3,189,186 20.1 73.6 42,711 1,(K2,254 5,073 14,658 12,065 7,8 2,723 12,547 118,896 16,352 196,535 5,824 52,408 13,618 144,127 U,926 191,552 26,336 1,319,537 12,967 186,003 6,819 87,098 2,452 13,7U 12,440 9,790 247,207 43,011 1,295 5,772 10,567 12,668 8,672 4,037 47.5 15,033 8,191 2,241 4,601 4,480 4,312 5,010 28,278 5,007 5,140 2,245 20,495 5,996 5,296 4,046 2,0U 1,140 635 26,904 14.1 1,441,371 25,806 359,146 10,812 9,287 3,493 1,733 460 20 6,898 69,728 9,601 109,204 2,902 24,291 8,095 84,913 8,042 113,876 16,108 613,833 8,410 105,081 3,488 29,400 586 2,018 3,790 4,399 88,277 26,709 1,165 2,540 4,731 8,289 9,984 48!6 1,500 1,365 19,783 2,841 2,452 13,137 3,071 2,680 1,955 47,255 24.8 2,275,076 14.3 48.1 40,853 435,437 24,750 10,142 3,415 1,970 13,255 126,226 18,528 201,322 5,844 49,528 15,187 151,794 14,815 207,789 29,015 975,217 17,850 198,675 8,162 70,683 407 2,633 6,773 8,404 166,427 46,844 1,010 6,046 U,665 15,030 11,093 46.6 40,936 3,842 6,691 30,403 16,224 14,229 34,805 6,319 3,W3 4,268 8,246 23,992 5,296 4,323 2,675 1,152 621 311 23,068 12.1 1,569,367 10,745 5,665 1,937 1,211 7,109 70,560 10,733 145,406 3,351 30,895 8,996 114,511 8,333 140,400 16,949 768,508 9,555 126,209 4,144 38,684 2,680 4,261 103,270 2,666 2,456 19,482 4,001 15,680 2,241 10,058 3,430 2,863 2,046 885 575 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued £Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xtj FARMS BV COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: All t Cash tenanU Share-cash V Crop-share I number. number. 3 number . Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants number. White farm operators: Full owners number. Palto All t« Part owners number. All tenants number. Croppers number . FARMS BV TITE OF FARM Cash.grain fanns number Tobacco farms number Cotton farms number Other field-ciTjp farms number Vegetable farms number Fruit'and.nut farms number Poultry farms number Dairy farms number Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number General farms number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number SPEOFIED EQWPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF RO.AD Grain combines farms reporting, . number. , Com pickers farms reporting . . number. , Pick-up balers farms reporting . . number. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . TVactors farms reporting. . number. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . 4 tractors farms Wheel tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Garden tractors farms Automobiles farms r Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms Telephone farms flome freezer farms Milking machine farms Electric milk cooler farms Oop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms Power.operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms Farms by kincj of road on which located: Hard surface farms Gravel, shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved farms Less than 1 mile to a hart! surface road farms 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting., reporting., reporting. , reporting.. reporting., number.. reporting., number . , lile. 2 or 3 miles farms 5 or more miles farms FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION reporting., refiorting., reiwrting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting., reporti ng . , reporting . , reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporang., s(employed 150 0 farms reporting 9 days) farms reporting Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers s reporting 3 reporting s reporting s reporting RESIDENCE OF F.\SU OPERATOR 1 farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 92,261 39,905 57,903 2,507 2,110 21,658 978 81,699 33,127 32,667 10,570 10,562 6,778 25,236 15,430 3,509 77,767 4,827 2,506 668 573 6,209 4,487 7,040 10,680 72,245 16,665 17,335 10,175 10,494 9,942 10,087 3,144 3,404 81,133 91,104 107,429 150,724 102,722 140,639 75,999 19,969 4,360 1,463 931 101,960 137,254 3,032 3,385 134,078 153,987 157,618 67,433 91,769 5,266 5,454 967 6,054 95,833 24,874 66,760 37,226 29,534 18,954 9,590 441 549 25,971 75,795 9,266 19,494 5,810 1,728 1,031 170,693 9,516 10,302 40,233 30,100 49,420 1,482 35,787 25,402 27,664 9,150 668 573 6,209 4,487 7,040 10,680 1,812 13,164 13,796 9,272 9,581 8,247 8,369 2,917 3,159 56,661 65,219 75,867 112,014 74,301 107,687 51,205 16,914 3,966 1,339 877 73,914 105,436 2,049 2,251 3,948 4,327 87,356 100,598 102,666 38,412 61,482 4,796 4,989 844 5,579 62,406 12,429 43,318 23,940 19,378 12,378 6,430 256 314 22,199 67,863 8,606 18,490 3,347 922 3,185 2,796 7,232 2,735 6,389 343 2,805 4,018 3,061 2,309 2,442 2,004 8,740 1,543 3,967 NORTH CAROLINA 35 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See t«xl3 {For definiuons and explai Economic class-Cootinued Commercial faims— Contjni FUIMS BY COLOK AND TEMIRE OF OPERATOR All fann operators: Full CTiets number. Part owners number. All tenants number.. Share-cash tenants number . , Crop-share tenants number.. Livestock-share tervants number. . Crrjppers number.. Other and unspeciried tenants number.. White farm operators: Full owners number. , Part owners Dumber. . All tenants number. . Cropriers number. . Nonwhjte farm ofierators: Full owners number, . Part owners number.. All tenants nianber.. Croppers nurabw. . FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number. . Tobacco farms number. . Cotton farms number.. Other field-crop farms number. . VeRetable farms number. , Fruit- and-nut farms number.. Poultry farms number. , Dairy farms nnnber. . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms ,,., niDnber., General farms Dumber.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Dumber. . SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines finns reportinft.. Com pickers (amis reportinft.. Pick-up balers fanna reportini;. . Field fora^ harveslefs farms reporting.. ttotoftrucks farms reporting.. Tractors farms reporting.. number.. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number.. 1 tractor films rqnrting.. 2 tractors farms reporting. . % tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reooitjng.. 9 or more tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors films reporting.. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number.. Garden Iractom Cimis reporting.. number.. Automobiles films reporting.. Automobiles and/or motortnicks /arms reporting. . Telephone films reporting.. Home freezer fume reporting. . Milking machine films reporting.. Electric milk cooler films reporting.. Crop dner (for grain, forago, or other oopii) films reporting.. Powrr-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by hind of roat] on which locatetl: Hard surface firms reporting. . firavpl. HhoU, or shale firms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved firms reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface rosd farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface roarl farms reporting. . 1 mile firms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles films reporting.. t miles films reporting.. 5 or more miles films reporting.. FARM LABOR. WEEK PKECEDmO ENUMERATION Hired wwkers firms reporting.. pemons.. Kegular hired worliern (rmployed 150 or more days) films reporting. . persons.. Faims reporting by number of regulir hired woriters: 1 hired worker films reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers (arms reporting.. 5 to 6 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . RESTOENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Kesiding on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting . . Operators not reporting reaidenoe number.. See footnotes at end of table. 7,403 7,963 10,339 3,370 1,025 6,490 4,050 1,382 1,382 1,133 3,179 3,891 4,003 3,323 3,389 2,314 2,359 689 734 24,790 35,373 24,425 34,290 16,724 6,202 1,054 322 27,356 31,459 30,833 11,253 20,481 1,538 1,608 218 1,509 19,248 2,624 11,238 6,4X 13,851 9,773 19,635 12,341 7,818 9,791 3,415 1,510 1,955 9,845 3,453 3,570 1,788 1,838 2,095 2,096 384 434 26,068 33,160 25,476 31,839 20,363 4,218 675 31,227 34,545 36,960 12,083 20,529 795 907 21,983 4,169 16,468 9,229 7,239 4,649 2,429 105 56 7,232 5,143 9,644 13,659 2,215 987 3,261 1,374 13,480 4,709 8,703 1,533 14,892 2,596 770 10,473 12,335 10,127 11,678 8,759 1,231 106 21 657 14,282 15,430 18,955 5,002 7,936 160 175 10,977 4,265 11,144 5,580 5,564 3,284 2,010 100 170 32,554 7,826 6,868 3,176 1,390 2,745 1,485 22,855 27,990 20,499 23,511 17,977 2,168 258 71 35,833 41,397 40,829 20,699 21,794 296 256 22,666 8,470 15,384 9,022 6,362 4,160 1,922 100 180 19,474 1,979 1,615 8,622 10,414 7,837 9,149 6,786 866 136 10,822 11,390 14,039 8,225 8,440 150 ISO 10,687 3,955 8,042 4,254 3,788 2,411 1,237 85 55 30,440 1,371 1,768 33,584 2,160 2,567 23,941 1,377 1,586 41,816 2,919 2,520 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DbU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilir.er and fertilizinp materials used during the year 173, 7&4 4,300,9*3 1,311,689 173,428 1,249,965 16,087 61,724 116,092 3,686,751 1,153,677 115,881 1,094,748 14,675 58,929 2,817 316,348 93,479 2,787 85,192 731 8,287 Dry materials, . . Liquid materials s reporting. 9 reporting. 34,4^3 447,938 34,269 102,606 20,697 339,750 20,543 76,761 Other pasture (not cropland) . Dr^' materials Liquid materials r^ materials Cotton Dry materials Tobacco Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Lime or liming malafials used duri SPEQFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry t'nder Sloe. SlOO to $999 $1,000 to $1.909 $2,000 (o $4.999 $5,000 or more. Purchase of livestock and poultry Under $1 ,000 $1,000 to $2,499 $2,500 lo *l,999 $5,000 to S9.999 SIO.OOO or more Machine hire Under 5200 $200toS999 .$1,000 or more Hired labor. Under $200 $200toS499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $2,499 S2.500 to $4.999 55,000 to S9.939 .";10.0C0 to $19.999 $20,000 to $49.999 $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under SlOO $100 to S4 99 $500 to $999 $1,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under $100. $100 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $4.999 $5,000 or more See footnotes at end of table. 3 reporting. 3 reporting.. 5 reporting. s reporting. s reporting. 3 reporting.. 3 reporting. s reporting, 3 reporting. . 3 reporting . 3 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting., dollars . . i reporting., 5 reporting., 9 reporting. dollars., s reporting., s reporting , , i reporting., s reporting . 5 reporting. 3 reporting.. 5 reporting. s reporting., s reporting. 9 reporting. 3 reporting. s reporting. 5 reporting. 5 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting . 3 reporting . 14,602 212,872 14,477 48,009 138,916 405,251 14,605 53,335 52,837 365,678 52,762 110,285 441,758 110,150 345,889 237,702 1,778 5,085 34,522 375,733 418,761 188,266 128,931 114,749,002 49,788 63,009 5,685 5,297 5,152 72,771 35,201,273 65,4«5 4,078 1,798 1,007 403 113,071 17,812,514 85,708 25,513 1,850 112,344 74,675,955 43,861 31,406 18,561 13,091 3,549 1,245 477 122 32 95,404 9,791,869 73,580 19,134 1,692 998 174,385 46,167,024 74,127 72,781 18,629 8,658 190 9,153 164,502 9,048 36,258 178 569 100,942 1,534,844 100,195 357,451 13,579 51,330 44,021 326,202 43,951 98,765 90,061 413,440 89,936 323,970 356 802 57,048 909,096 56,335 201,543 1,442 4,588 22,885 298,890 322,246 120,078 81,636 105,215,353 28,352 38,611 4,560 4,980 5,133 42,250 3,678 1,750 1,006 401 82,239 15,187,134 58,018 22,481 1,740 88,529 70,477,338 26,064 26,686 17,647 12,780 3,512 1,221 470 120 29 69,455 8,744,296 49,827 17,104 1,557 967 115,070 40,992,121 31,384 57,197 17,834 8,469 186 79 657 58,734 653 14,716 196 2,756 199 8,562 199 2,718 8 37 346 4,430 346 3,983 2,416 113,375 2,345 26,672 1,609 18,022 1,604 15,071 1,792 99,604 1,745 21,735 1,161 37,989 43,207 3,144 2,807 23,127,262 NORTH CAROLINA 37 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are htaed on rvpofta tor only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitionfl and explanatioos, see text) USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND UME Commercial rarms— Continued Economic class— Continued Part-retirement Dry materials. s reporting, s reporting. , 32,907 1,166,686 378,322 32,857 358,547 6,060 19,775 42,579 929,858 292,852 42,529 283,898 3,977 8,954 25,448 305,173 88,592 25,418 87, OU 915 1,581 38,771 395,006 102,855 38,686 101,233 986 1,622 18,816 200,267 50,202 18,776 49,577 415 625 Dry materials. . . . Liquid materials. s repcrting., 9 reporting., 5,408 79,973 5,367 17,558 6,823 77,315 6,798 17,371 4,058 29,279 4,0« 7,196 9,256 67,544 9,236 16,327 4,443 32,970 4,443 7,883 Other pasture (not cinpland) . Dry materials Litjoid materials Cera Dry materials Liquid materials 9 reporting.. i repHxting., 9 reporting.. . Janaa reporting., 9 reporting., .faiTDs reporting.. CotftoB* /aims reporting.. Dry materials. Liipjid raaterials Tobacco Dry materials. Li(|uid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials Lime cr timing materials uaed dunng I 9 reporting., . . farms reporting, , . Jama repotting., ■ roponing., 9 reporting., .rarms reporting., 9 reporting., .firms reporting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed f • . .. farms t«rorting.. . . . fatms renorting. , . . . farms ivporting. . . . . farms t«TX)rt4n|!. . . . . farms rcfiofting . . . . farms reporting.. number of lilttfs.. . . . farms renorting. . number of liuers.. SPEOFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . . Under 11 acres farms reporting... 11 to 34 acres farns reporting. . . 25 to 49 acres firma reporting... 50 to 74 acres farms reporting, . . 75 to 99 acres farms lepoiting. . . 100 or more acres farms reporting. . . Harvested for grain farms reporting... beshela... Sales farms repotting. . . Sorghums for all ptirposes fazms reporting... Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales f azns reporting. . . btishels . . . Cheat harvested fama reporting. •> acres... bushels.. . Sales f aziDS reporting . . . bushels — Oats harvested for grain fanns reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales fanas reporting. . . bushels . . . Barley harvested fazms reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . tfye harvested farms reporting. . . huahels . . . Sales fama reporting... bushels . . . Soybeans harvested for beans f aims reporting . . . acres grown alone . . . acres grown with other crops... bushels . . . Peanuts hni*veated for nuts farms reporting. . . acres grown al<3ne . . . acres grown with other crops... pounds. . . Hay crops: Land frcra which hay was cut .- sores... Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures trut for for dehydrating. .fanas reporting... tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting.. 15,901 78,070 7,045 6,831 1,553 436 21 15 U,115 38,426 U,708 39,644 31,161 543,789 11,546 12,274 6,367 789 139 46 30,470 508,513 21,666,335 18,198 9,868,085 1,481 17,784 1,031 U,S84 513,042 347 248,734 9,493 91,743 2,225,048 6,681 1,634,021 6,303 58,855 2,193,855 1,678 606,590 1,790 13,815 507,072 469 160,595 24,121 8,047 101,329 1,505 2,123,469 6,381 57,323 40 88,861,492 1,639 11,686 24,259 1,769 18,792 25,271 15,495 57,165 8,381 6,043 12,320 29,181 10,857 27,984 38,446 401,536 25,004 U,128 2,073 202 22 17 37,752 381,012 14,578,228 17,617 5,419,970 1,793 15,465 1,295 13,748 420,060 452 172,965 10,819 82,020 1,829,576 5,831 1,127,024 6,851 49, SU 1,721,257 1,595 452,555 1,794 10,997 395,430 407 94,205 12,455 6,676 56,214 1,500 1,120,473 6,086 37,071 15 49,756,755 2,226 12,295 25,077 2,731 22,425 26,982 6,350 17,530 4,214 1,900 4,859 9,008 4,121 8,522 20,971 132,098 18,106 2,532 11 5 20,435 123,951 4,191,590 5,473 1,020,155 28,267 586,039 2,128 303,136 3,U3 19,159 580,105 236,398 2,745 9,925 1,346 4,749 7,850 3,229 17,933 21,038 10,480 29,951 6,658 3,477 8,499 16,520 5,448 13,441 27,535 137,179 25,156 2,002 11 25,450 127,964 4,394,840 6,519 1,120,020 2,547 13,340 1,561 119,580 7,269 49,334 1,026,760 3,943 631,520 6,099 35,587 1,131,530 1,551 281,015 1,081 5,515 173, U5 265 34,830 285,035 2,015 4,500 3,250 11,795 19,905 6,295 33,407 36,875 4,671 12,790 3,026 15,077 74,154 13,868 1,103 14,561 70,214 2,415,278 3,468 509,225 25,935 4,324 25,154 544,750 2,068 292,672 3,338 18,836 588,855 150,899 1,072 2,172 1,752 6,423 11,176 3,711 22,270 24,218 . for hay fan 6,801 55,062 63,971 9,427 57,727 61,361 4,673 25,597 25,209 7,521 40,326 42,633 4,539 24,196 24,321 3,827 16,921 20,272 5,301 19,675 20,908 2,933 8,869 9,386 3,368 11,405 12,408 2,512 8,713 8,902 Other hay cut farms reporting . tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Grass allege isade frcn grasses, alTalfa, clover, or mall grains farms reporting. tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. 1,032 5,965 7,U1 1,563 8,372 8,709 1,258 4,645 4,829 1,866 8,135 7,805 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Total all farms Economic class Item (For dpfinitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III SPECIHED CROPS HARVESTED-Conti nued 52,862 366,559 311,299 72,796 19,878 4,025,866 46,799 25,359 3,857,243 12,999 9,229 18,372,429 97,800 439,075 634,492,702 14,627 8,801,242 11,851 41,038 44,031 327,040 279,026 47,588 17,603 3,594,915 33,110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 84,269 414,300 605,857,802 10,909 7,821,317 6,252 30,978 199 8,562 7,442 291 9,068 1,955,483 161 1,545 279,075 21 23 44,565 329 4,542 7,395,706 145 2,070,357 124 5,706 972 20,345 17,469 929 2,007 378,794 637 1,926 412,762 72 61 115,707 1,551 18,170 31,240,608 296 959,743 298 5,120 bales.!! Irish potatoes harvested for heme use 53,844 47,903 4,461 bushels . . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for hone use or for sale farms reporting... bushels . . . Barley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting... pounds . . . 2,430 410,345 2,897 5,186 868,700 220 249 506,060 pounds . . . Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting... 72,198 116,265,880 1,121 Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and .ere.... 4,841 ^Includes mill: equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. NORTH CAROLINA 43 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ar* based on reports for only a Sflinple of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explai Commercial fanns-Continued Economic class-Continued SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-ContiDijed Cotton harvested tanas reporting., Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale fanns reporting. bushels . Sweetpotatoes harvested for hone use or for sale fanns reporting. bushels. Bitrley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested fanns reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting. Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-* fanns reporting . 14,936 107,527 93,308 13,822 1,713 350,018 10,121 7,197 1,029,673 27,531 161,207 244,161,221 15,905 100,109 83,767 17,308 1,266 300,489 12,579 4,752 617,880 1,458 1,796 3,810,205 34,191 129,592 175,045,332 7,193 36,653 28,637 10,777 1,119 199,786 6,715 1,811 220,193 3,800 2,734 5,315,800 12,698 28,591 31,749,055 5,875 27,360 22,470 16,031 1,459 264,865 8,098 1,730 216,029 9,471 17,240 20,231,860 2,948 11,811 9,512 9,114 708 144,973 2,37/ 1,380 2,717,061 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 1 of 10. -Cash-grain farms [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lextj FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALINE Farms nunil.er . , Percent (Jisln button poroent. , Land in farms acres . , percent distribution percent. . Average a\ze of taim acres. , Value ot land and buildings: Average |ter arro dollars. , Larid in farms according to use: Cropland harvesteid farms reportinf:., , .Tanns reporting. , ..farms reporting., ..farms reporting. , . .farms reporting. , . .farms reporting, , , .farms reporting . , , .farms reporting. , ..farms reporting.. . .farms reporting. , sou 99 ftc 100 « 199 200 o499 500 «999 Cropland used only Tor paslure fanns reporting , . Cropland not hBrvesI«d and not pastured farms reporting . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. Improved pasture farms reporting. Iffigated land in farms farms reporting. } and pasture land farms reporting. FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age numi»er . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 (o 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number. , Average age years . . OFF-FARM *ORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- working off their farms, total operators repating.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm . . operators reporting. , With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting us to work off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of a^cultural products sold operators reptvting . FARMS BY SIZE 260 to 499 acres 500 lo 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 or more acres See footnotes at end of table. ..number.. ..number., . .number . . , .number. 120,078 11,962,175 U6,9?7 ,086,019 17,632 28,771 24,762 25,2';6 U,957 4,260 1,167 146 16 37,962 504,048 45,307 654,311 15,738 170,232 37,535 484,079 34,612 698,864 75,627 .,881,255 37, 524 698,679 20,124 354,361 2,707 46,916 26,316 898,198 119,212 3,2U 15,126 30,379 36,941 26,693 6,859 47.1 36,543 24,067 4,174 6,302 10,169 10,312 8,440 13,142 3,275 7,302 47,047 15,528 15,166 12,875 7,157 4,303 2,705 5,569 1,814 3,509 100.0 723,158 100.0 206.1 1,218 16,749 1,200 28,762 851 19,298 2,528 280,218 1,019 20,273 549 8,638 18,556 296 18,667 52 2,755 656 45,611 86,357 11.9 680.0 11.6 171,495 23.7 420.3 1,959 2,541 22 88 1,012 5,604 2 36 35 2,199 21 61 977 3,405 31 109 1,030 6,772 96 295 29,306 58,441 38 106 2,947 4,280 24 68 445 2,241 16.0 130,963 18.1 233.4 24.2 138,296 19.1 162.7 2,910 181 2,915 605 53,611 293 5,473 172 2,315 20 270 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 10. -Cash-grain farms 45 (For dermiUans and explai FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Ful I owners nun.bef . . . Fan owners nunibor . . . All tenfuit" numbCT. . . Cash tenants numh«r. .. Share-CB?h tenants nun"ber . . , Oop-aharo tenants number... Livestock- share tenants. number... Croppers number... Other anJ unspeciHed tenunL'' number... White fami operators: Full owners number . . . Part owners number . . . All tenants number . . . Cropper*! number... NoRwhite faim operators: Full owntfs number . . . Part owners - nunr.ber . . . All tenants number . . . Ctorpera number , . . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUTFES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms rcT«rting... number, ,. Com pickers. fanns reportinc... Pick-up bftlers luma renortlng . . . number . . . Field rora^ harvesters farms reporting. . . number... ^totortmctts fanrji repnrtinc--- number... Tractors farms roporting... nun.ber... Traclars other than r»rtlon funm reporUng... 1 Iracta* famy« reporting... 2 tractors famM n^porUng... 3 tractors farms roprvtinj;.,, 4 Iractors farnxs reportinR... 5 or more tractors turn* reportif^. . . Wheel tractors fanr.s rororun;;... number... Crawler tractors fanr-s reporting . . . nun.bn-... Garden Iractors fajr.i!> reporting... Automobiles f«nns rewortinc . . . Automobiles and/or motortruchn farms reporting... Telephone fanns reptrtinj . . . Home freezer farms ropcrtin^ . . . Milking machine farms reporting. . . Electric milk cooler farms reportinR... Crop dncr (fcf ftrain. fora^, or other crops) farms reportinft... Power-opernUvl «l('vat/>r, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . . Fanns by kind of road on wtiich located: Hard surface farms reporting... r>avel, shell, or shale fwma repcrtinft,,. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. ., Less than 1 mile to a hard surface foad farms reporting... 1 or more miles to a hard surface road. farms reporting,.. 1 mile farms reporting , . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting,., 4 miles farms reporting... 5 or more miles farms reporting... FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting... Farms reporting by number of refnilv hired worfcors; 1 hired worker fwms reporting , . , 2 hired workers farms rencrting... 3 or 4 hired wrrker^ farms reporttnt;.. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting, ,. lOor frore hired workers f"nw reporting,.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting . . . Not residing on farm operated operntora reporting,.. Operators not reporting residence number , . . See footnotee at end of table. 40,233 1,505 30,100 1,284 49,420 703 1,482 50 1,860 35 19,353 316 913 61 22,795 195 3,017 46 35,787 1,399 25,402 1,219 27,664 553 9,150 130 4,446 106 4,698 65 21,756 150 13,645 65 13,164 1,597 13,796 1,834 9,272 1,017 9,581 1,131 8,247 352 8,369 359 2,917 76 3,159 87 56,661 2,U4 65,219 2,951 75,867 2,797 112, OU 5,375 74,301 2,779 107,687 5,240 51,205 1,380 16, 9M 786 3,966 384 1,339 140 877 89 73, 9 W 2,767 105,436 5,U8 2,049 110 2,251 122 3,948 122 4,327 135 97,356 2,626 100,598 3,U3 102,666 3,092 38,412 1,581 61,482 1,849 4,796 30 4,989 45 62,406 12,429 43,318 23,940 19,378 12,378 6,430 5,291 1,601 1,004 107,512 5,940 6,626 2,U7 263 1,051 1,112 400 1,106 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 10— Cash-grain farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj r defin.l ns and expUnat USE OF COMMERCIAL FKRXILIZER AND LftfE Comniercml fertilizer and fprtilizine malfriHls used dunn" (he \enr farn.s reportinp. . Dry malenals; farms reporting.. Liquid innliTiBls farms reporting.. Hay and cropinnd pusture farms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting. , Liquid material p farms reporting.. Other pasture (nol cropland) farms reporting., Dry n^at^^nals farms reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com farms reporting. , Dry materials fartus reporting., Liquid materials farm^ reporting.. Cotton farms rep<d cream sold , farms reporting. dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs soJd ..farms reporting, doeens . dollars 741,113,470 6,172 531,088,541 490,829,651 7,821,317 8,603,791 23,833,782 210,024,929 96,604,558 47,687,561 65,732,810 54,759 657, 511 51,093 337,423 42,794 194,643 31, 5U 204,061 22, U9 U6,027 15,117 17,816 6,915 5,804 23,563 18,739 3,974 2,044 1,825 23,952 W,545 1,511 1,142 1,162 298 122 19,346,821 5,513 17,201,189 16,717,135 110,930 52,310 320,814 2,145,632 282,291 46,830 1,816,511 1,770 18,576 1,638 9,230 1,171 2,165 59,3*9 1,277 107,495 2,786 88,744 2,021 1,3«,1U 40,4U 52,138 1,249 801,843 24,232 78,626 1,764 562,272 16,181 1,616 106 40,900 1,678 870 44 7,695 182 1,585 101 33,205 1,496 1,502 100 30,205 1,293 1,220 79 3,000 203 79,367 1,964 10,957,088 U4,786 30,579 903 267,939 6,530 28,094,207 700,908 44,471 i,212 1,212,248 36,398 36,367,440 1,091,940 1,272 65 29,639 490 414,946 6,860 9,543 145 911,646,526 1,345,503 47,687,561 46,830 14,742 404 56,414,201 36,646 20,900 687 92,521,303 635,991 35,158,100 241,681 1,897,804 63,260 1,684,219 1,628,554 9,000 948 3,174,343 24,995 2,953,338 2,793,349 14,800 1,057 144,132 221,005 32,743 385 2,813 48 1,558 5,982,364 14,663 5,308,866 5,194,082 36,450 33,659 44,675 673,498 99,229 21,130 553,139 4,110,002 7,326 3,596,999 3,512,133 38,445 10,096 36,325 513,003 82,474 10,350 420,179 1,098 204 1,188 3,026,889 3,561 2,625,719 2,573,092 8,550 3,712 40,365 401,170 51,330 6,975 342,865 • 1,325 1,228 148,383 110,630 292 363 8,841 7,610 265,230 228,300 689,926 242,500 168,835 21,130 10,350 6,975 59 130 115 8,411 16, 109 6,490 90 160 195 230,255 174,315 116,695 87,498 66,240 44,345 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 10. -Cash-grain farms [Data ore based on reports for only a sample of faima. See text^ LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed Decemlwr 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting number of litters s reporting s reporting 9 r^Mrting 9 reporting s repotting s reportjng 3 reporting •r of litters 10 to 19 lit 20 to 39 lit 40 to 69 Utters 70 or more liuefs June 2 to November 30 . December 1 Co June 1. . . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com (a all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres fanns reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . s reporting . 9 reporting. 9 reporting . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Soi^hume for all purposes farms reporting . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . bushels . . Sales farma reporting,. bushels. . Wheat harvested farms reporting . . bushels. . Seiles f anna reporting . . bushels. . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . bushels.. Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . bushels.. Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. I^e harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. bushels.. Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. . acres grown alone., acres grown with other crops., pounds.. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. , Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fams reporting. . Sales farms reporting. . tons.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for h^ farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting. . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting. . Oats, irtieat, barley, rye, or otlier small grains cut for h^ farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting.. Other hoy cut farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . terns, green weight.. i5,396 1,108 229,498 7,139 21,616 334 17,996 537 i,131 193 1,356 40 179 3 118 1 36,938 9U 112,565 3,399 32,863 884 116,933 3,740 104,475 3,001 1,585,137 120,754 57,367 1,039 29,462 548 13,209 676 2,810 294 745 126 8«2 318 101,871 2,981 1,461,434 117,450 62,457,453 6,669,068 48,778 2,521 28,034,097 5,689,159 6,256 518 74,114 12,979 4,062 442 57,535 12,527 1,849,720 392,960 1,428 349 883,287 309,625 30,924 1,693 305,163 39,599 7,311,285 1,013,874 19,522 1,576 5,354,406 926,552 21,313 1,114 227,675 24,136 8,613,694 968, 195 5,457 723 2,510,055 655,405 5,767 408 53,764 8,173 2,012,292 318,050 1,487 269 624,700 214,985 1,982 96 15,034 1,687 271,997 28,590 644 56 167,128 20,160 22,072 1,939 356,019 110,657 7,586 691 7,615,632 2,552,663 17,826 355 156,239 2,841 85 238,992,847 3,681,663 447,459 15,296 6,696 119 51,990 928 118,450 1,897 365 10 12,618 425 9,120 176 82,895 2,165 107,411 2,465 468 20 3,619 155 24,847 850 205,537 10,523 246,988 11,432 1,275 59 13,044 765 14,290 171 68,254 980 83,041 1,049 378 2,282 4,616 75 27,326 695 31,701 720 1,350 7,025 6,500 1 20 10 600 5,825 2,700 360 471 538 35,012 24,343 15,470 36 260 35 796,530 565, 514 324,485 67 105 106 703 1,045 608 ,048,450 1,334,280 800,825 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 10. -Cash-grain farms [Data are based on repoits for only a samfJe of farms. See lextj 49 F^onomic class SPEanED CROPS IUR\'ESrED-Cootinued Cotton harvested fanns repOFtlng bales bushela, S»eet potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 'bushels. Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting Flue-ciired tobacco harvested f aims reporting. 44,031 327,040 279,026 47,588 17,603 3,594,915 33, 110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 84,269 414,300 605,857,802 Land In bearing and ncmbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyardB, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting... ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. *Doe8 not Include acreage for fanns with leas than 20 buj^els harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with leas than 20 trees and grapevines. 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 2 of 10. -Tobacco farms j^DaU are based on reports for only a aample of fanna. See lexlj (For definit expla. ; U-itt) FARMS. ACREAGE. AND VALITE Farms number . . . Perccni distribution porrent . . . Land in farms acres . . . P^nenl ihe^tribution percent... Value of land and buildings: \verttge per fann dollars, . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvesled farms reporlins... 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting... 20 to 29 acres famis reporting. . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting... 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting... 51X1 to 999 acres farms reporting . . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . Sjil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. ■ ■ Other cropland fidle and crop failure) farms reporting. . , Woodland pastured farms reporting... Woodland nol pastured farms reporting... Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporUng.., Improved pasture farms reporting.., Irrigated land in farms farms reptrting... Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.., Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.., Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Inder ■2,'. vears number . . ■2h to M years number . . 35 to 44 vears number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age ye"^ . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. , 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated and off- farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporUng . . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres ■ • . ■ number. . 220 to 259 acres number . , 260 to 499 acres number . , 500 to 999 acres number . , 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. , 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table. 120,078 11,982,175 99.8 116,997 .,086,019 17,632 23,771 2A,762 25,2A6 U,957 1,187 77,767 100.0 5,'i70,2-t9 100.0 70.3 77,767 2,058,901 12,203 22,014 18,631 16,965 6,899 37,962 21,895 504,048 147,288 45,307 30,486 654,311 332,827 15,733 10,250 170,232 78,034 37,535 25,880 484,079 254,793 34,612 19,178 698,364 237,909 75,627 46,933 881,255 2,264,681 37,524 21,194 698,679 190,374 20,124 10,046 354,361 72,545 8,427 6,853 69,877 48,288 28,960 19,168 385,552 173,738 13,049 7,838 305,051 115,178 2,707 1,389 46,916 15,025 26,316 16,069 898,198 352,034 119,212 77,207 3,214 2,575 15,126 10,796 30,379 20,792 36,941 24,347 26,693 15,165 6,859 3,532 47.1 46.0 36,543 22,278 24,067 15,978 4,174 2,670 8,302 3,630 10,169 6,190 10,312 5,278 8,440 3,738 83,535 55,489 14,356 8,995 13,142 6,637 3,275 1,438 7,302 5,210 47,047 35,286 15,528 10,870 15,166 9,852 12,875 7,750 7,157 3,585 4,303 1,895 2,705 1,075 5,569 1,856 1,314 326 2,184 274 4,153 833,512 15.2 142.9 2,366 21,919 2,542 40,089 856 9,928 2,161 30,161 4,128 347,548 1,846 19,616 1,063 11,315 2,335 1,419 55,035 24,170 31.1 1,934,092 35.4 80.0 3,226 7,166 10,117 3,146 3,428 7,578 7,921 1,795 1,543 165 9,935 3,965 3,815 3,125 1,345 755 32,089 41.3 1,860,948 34.0 58.0 32,089 642,945 4,171 13,066 7,358 8,460 44,553 47,723 9,561 12,717 06,707 132,163 3,237 4,477 25,463 X,313 8,148 10,741 81,244 101,850 5,662 7,837 68,485 87,524 14,394 19,169 772,323 786,371 6,261 8,649 49,178 73,703 3,265 4,067 23,131 26,820 2,698 2,235 17,5a 12,125 6,838 7,006 67,742 47,710 2,475 3,310 42,475 42,835 6,028 2,394 46.5 10,464 6,247 1,576 2,641 3,111 2,541 2,821 3,159 1,045 1,925 16,905 4,635 3,640 2,580 1,155 495 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 10. -Tobacco farms 51 [D« mp!e of fanns. See text] F4RM5 BV COLOR AND TENUItE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Cash share Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Other and unspecified tj White fanr operators: ,.nun-her , -nunnber , .number , .number , .number Cn^pers number. nwhite farm operatrrs: SPEnFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACIUIIES AND KINO OF ROAD firain combines farms rcvxting number Com pickers farms reptftinf; number Pick-up balers famut reporting Field forajie harvesters farms refnrting. numbre Motortrucks farn> niaU?rials farms reporting. . Liquid mal.Tials farms reporting.. Crops on which used- Hay and crophnd pasture farms repwting. . Dt> materials farms reportint; . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reportinfi.. f>y materials farms reportinc . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com Jarms reporting.. Dry matenals farms reportinc.. Liquid materials farms repnrtini:. . Cotton famis rer.irting. . riry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Tobacco farnis roportmti. . Dry matenals fom.s reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other crops. farms reporting., r)r> materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reryjrting. SPEGFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms repcrling. . Feed for livestock and poultry f.im's reporting.. dollars.. llnder .SlOO farms reporting . . $100 to ?939 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $1,999 famis reportinR.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms remrting. . S5,000 or more farms reporting . . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars . . Under $1,000 farms rejxjrting.. 51,000 to $2,499 farn;s reporting.. .S2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to 59,999 famiS reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting, . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . 5200 to .$999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more fanna reporting . . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. llnder S200 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting . . $500 to $999 farms reporting . . 51,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting., $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting., $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. , dollars.. Under $100 *. fan.is repoctinp. $100 to $4 99 farms reporting. $500 to $999 famr.s reporting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms reporting. Under $100 farms reporting . SlOO to .$499 farms reporting. S50O to S!)99 farms reporting. 51,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more fanr.s reporting. U6,092 3,686,751 1,153,677 115,881 l,09portin|;... 5 or mar* Inctors farmi reporting. . . Wheel tractors fantj* fcnorUn^'.., Crawler Iractors fama nTportinf , ,. nun.hw.. Garden tracUirs fajTi.s nrporlinj.. Automobilns farms renortinf,. Automobiles amJAir moUirtntcks fanns reporting, . Telephone farms rvpotin^:.. Home freezer farms reportinr.. Milkinft machine farmH ropcvting. . Flectnc milk ooolw farms reportinR.. Oop dner (fcr fjain, fora|E<», or other crops). farms reportjnic.. Power-operaled elovalor, conveyor, or blower farms repcrtinc. . Fsmis by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting , . . rjravel, ahnll, or shale farms repcrUnfi,. Dirt or unimprovad farms rcponinK.. L«ss than 1 mile to a hard surface road fanns reportini;.. 1 or more milm to a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 mile farms reporting .. 2 or 3 miles farms roportin^.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or mor* milM farms reportinn.. FARM LABOR, WKK PRECEDINQ ENUMERATION Hired workws farms reporting. . Repilar hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting ,, , Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting. . a or 4 hired wrrk«r« farms reportini;.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 nr tT»re hired m)rkeTs farms reporting . . RF-SIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operatwl operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not r<»portjng residence number.. See footnotes at end of table. iO,233 30,100 49,420 1,482 1,860 19,353 35,787 25,402 27,664 9,150 21,756 2,010 13,645 1,140 13,16* 459 13,796 484 9,272 64 9,581 71 8,247 241 8,369 241 2,917 6 3,159 6 56,661 1,315 65,219 1,421 75,867 1,910 112,014 2,889 74,301 1,885 107,687 2,763 51,205 1,300 16,914 422 3,966 100 1,339 31 877 32 73,914 1,870 105,436 2,708 2,049 55 2,251 55 3,948 86 4,327 L26 87,356 2,904 100,598 3,316 102,666 3,360 38,412 979 61,482 1,218 4,796 20 4,989 25 62,406 12,429 43,318 23,940 19,378 12,378 6,430 5,291 1,601 1,004 107,512 5,940 6,626 1,061 1,177 1,226 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 10.— Cotton farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text | USE OF COMMERCIAL FKRTILIZER AND LIME rial fertilizer and fertilizmc farrr.s reporlinp. f„.. ,.^,U.f. '""' reporting. lay and cropland pasture ram)s reporting . Dr> malenals farms reportinR. Liquid materials farms reporlinR. )ther pasture (not cropland) farms reportinR. Dr>' mftli-'rials ■ farms reporlinc Liquid material? farms reporting. I.,qm .-farms reporting. , .farriiS reportinj;. , .fRrm= reportine. Cotton famis repiry malenais farms rortortinc. SPCaFTED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry fiums reporting. dollars. Under S 100 fftrn-.^ reporting . $100 to $999 farms reporting . $1,000 to Sl,999 farms reportinfl . ?;2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. S5,000 or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultrv farms reportint;. dollars. Under ?1,000 farms reporting . Sl.OOO to S2,4!in forms reporting. S2,S0n to*4,999 farms reporting. S5,000 lo $9.999 fam.s reoortinf; . ?10,OflO or more farms reporting. Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Under $200 farms r^porti ng . S200 lo S999 farms renorting. $1,000 or more fanriB reporting. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. llndCT S200 farms reporting. $200 to $409 ftirms reporting. S500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 lo $4,999 farms reporting. S5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. $10,000 lo «.19,999 farms reporting. $20,000 to M9,990 farms reporting. 550,000 or more fanrs roportinp. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. Under $100 fan. is reporting. ■^^lOO to S499 farms reporUnp. ?500 to S999 farrr.s reporti ne . $1,000 or nure farms reporting . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. SlOO to $499 i farms reporting, S500 to $999 farms reportinj!. 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting. 55,000 or more farrr.s reporting. 116,092 4,827 3,686,751 146,783 1,153,677 36,705 115,881 4,822 l,09i,7<8 36,456 U,675 152 58,929 249 20,697 541 339,750 7,045 20,543 536 76,761 1,249 367 16 1,2U 47 9,153 118 16i, 502 1,080 9,048 118 36,258 208 178 569 100,942 3,795 1,534,844 31,748 100,195 3,730 357,451 6,899 13,579 121 51,330 151 44,021 4,827 326,202 71,669 43,951 4,822 98,765 20,464 368 26 426 49 90,061 847 413,440 2,080 89,936 847 323,970 1,721 356 802 57,048 2,049 909,096 33,161 56,335 2,044 201,543 5,915 1,442 5 4,588 2 22,885 444 293,890 6,405 322,246 7,825 120,078 4,827 81,636 2,281 105,215,353 365,165 28,352 1,305 38,611 909 4,560 51 4,980 15 5,133 1 49,085 1,130 32,011,753 170,610 42,250 1,092 3,678 27 1,750 6 1,006 5 401 82,239 4,327 15,1B7,1J4 1,043,350 58,018 3,032 22,481 1,657 1,740 138 88,529 2,392 70,477,333 1,100,465 26,064 1,U6 26,686 691 17,647 340 12,780 188 3,512 31 1,221 18 69,455 1,884 8,744,296 118,289 49,827 1,535 17,104 269 1,557 18 967 12 115,070 4,241 ,0,992,121 702,360 31,384 2,310 57,197 1,618 17,834 220 3,469 90 1,621 55,935 13,721 1,621 13,685 35 36 1,275 11,140 1,275 2,383 1,621 28,278 1,621 7,819 J Footnotes NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 10. -Cotton farms [DKta are based on repofts for only a sample of fannB. See text] 59 (For derinition? and explaj ESTIMATED VALl'E OF PBODIKTTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fann products sold total, d average per farm, d d veget&bles and fruits and nuts, sold. . — d Field crops, ach« \'egetables sold. . Fruits and nut» sold Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold. All livestock and livestock products sold Poultry and poultry {roducts sold. Dairy [Toducts sold Livesl^vk and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and talves farms reporting. number.. Cows, includinf! heifers that have calved farms reporting . , Heifers and heifer calves fam^^ reporting.. Steers and bulls including st«er and bull calves farms reptfting.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Caule and calves- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting . . S to 9 head farms reix»ting.. 10 to 19 head fafm« rrfKrting . . 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head farms refwrting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reptating. . Cows, including haifers tiial have calved- 1 head farms rr^porling . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farmn reportinp . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 40 head farm^ reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms repcrting . . 100 or more head farms reporung . . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporti ng . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reprrtmg.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Hofses and/Of mules farms reporting.. number . . Hogs and pigs farms reputing.. Dom since June 1 faims repming.. Hrm before June 1 farms reporting.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting, , Lambs under 1 year old farms reprMing. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms rwp<»ting . . Ewes farms reporting. , number. . ftams and wetjier« farms reporting . , Chickens 4 months old and ovet farms reputing.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting., number . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. dollars., Sheep and lambs sold alive faims repoitjng., number., dollars. , Milk and cream sold ^ farms repotting.. pounds . dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting, dollars, CThicken eggs sold farms reporting. 741,U3,«TO 5,172 531,088,541 490,829,651 7,821,317 8,603,791 23,833,782 210,024,929 96,604,558 47,687,561 65,732,810 54,759 657, 5U 51,093 337,423 42,794 194,643 31,514 204,061 22, U9 116,027 15,117 17,816 6,915 5,804 5,988 2,341 23,563 18,739 3,974 2,044 1,825 567 204 23,952 14,545 1,5U 1,142 1,162 298 122 dollai 13,811,799 2,861 13,048,393 12,807,754 HA, 250 6,034 120,355 763,406 116,662 105,425 541,119 2,256 10,242 2,090 5,095 1,875 3,242 967 59,349 2,105 107,495 3,763 88,744 3,549 1,364,115 21,686 52,138 1,611 801,843 10,320 78,626 2,958 562,272 U,366 1,616 5 40,900 50 870 5 7,695 15 1,585 5 33,205 35 1,502 5 30,205 35 1,220 3,000 79,367 3,039 10,957,088 106,612 30,579 887 267,939 3,190 28,094,207 245,325 44,471 '886 1,212,248 9,285 36,367,440 278,550 1,272 6 29,639 80 4U,946 1,120 9,543 301 911,646,526 3,019,090 47,687,561 105,425 14,742 277 56,414,201 40,588 20,900 497 92,521,303 194,735 35,158,100 73,999 255,648 51,130 215,146 209,046 6,100 40,502 1,972 1,200 542,354 24,652 514,170 508,612 4,740 28,184 23,699 1,381,905 13,682 1,326,808 1,251,931 2,100 517 72,260 55,097 4,947 1,250 2,947,878 6,116 2,788,327 2,738,116 24,660 3,126 22,425 159,551 24,296 17,975 117,280 5,370,624 3,313 5,074,652 5,008,525 51,625 837 13,665 295,972 33,683 43,520 1,334 1,215 8,475 580 3,855 1,055 4,620 S«e footnocoa at end of labU 60 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 10. -Cotton farms [D« B bssed on raporta for only n asmple ot latms. S«e text] LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed Decemter 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fams reportlrs number of littefs reporting reporting reporting reporting reporUng reporting reporting June 2 to Novemtwr 30 December 1 to June 1 farms reporting number of litters SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting tinder 11 acres 11 lo 24 acres. 25 to 49 acres . 50 [o 74 acres . 75 to 99 acres . 100 or more acr! Harvested for grai n . 3 reporting s reporting 3 reporting s reporting Sales farms reporting Sorghums f tn- all purposes f Eums reporting Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Wheat harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Oats harvested for grain farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Barley harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Rye harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Scybeans harvested for beans farms reporting acres grown alone acres gro«n with other crops bushels Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops potmds Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting Sales farms reporting . cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting Sales farms reporting . . . .farms reporting tons , green weight 45,3% 229,498 21,616 17,996 4,131 1,356 179 118 36,938 112,565 32,863 116,933 104,475 1,585,137 57,367 29,462 13,209 2,810 745 882 101,871 1,461,434 62,457,453 48,778 28,034,097 6,256 74.114 4,062 57,535 1,849,720 1,428 883,287 30,924 305,163 7,311,285 19,522 5,354,406 21,313 227,675 8,613,694 5,457 2,510,055 5,767 53,7&4 2,012,292 1,487 624,700 1,982 15,034 271,997 644 167,128 22,072 356,019 7,586 7,615,632 17,826 156,239 85 6,696 51,990 US, 450 9,120 82,895 107,411 468 3,619 24,847 205,537 246,988 1,275 13,044 14,290 68,254 83,041 4,616 27,326 31,701 1,241 646 1,181 3,996 33,653 3,167 3,931 32,493 887,615 1,197 246,710 379 2,344 1,611 17,296 346,765 1,132 10,627 324,465 1,016 7,237 7,180 3,000 1 2,000 1,355 12,275 1,010 1,340 U,905 319,535 9,090 11,335 15 20 3,400 3,310 261 670 4,553 6,625 91,850 124,930 220 37D 70,170 80,295 196 480 2,615 3,635 90,955 100,310 1,230 1,105,800 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 10. -Cotton farms [Dftia are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj 61 SPECIFIED CROPS H«lVESTEI>-Co«inu«l Cotton harvested farms reportljig . 327,CKO 279,026 4,827 72,122 64,276 1,621 28,46B 25,713 2,596 20,830 17,075 47,588 17,603 3,594,915 bushels.. Bur ley and other tobacco harvested farms repartlng. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reportlJlg. 33,110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 84,269 414,300 605,857,802 Land In bearing and nanbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treea^ f aima reporting. Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includes mlli equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 62 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 4 of 10. -Other field-crop farms [Data are baserting... Farms reporting by number of r«pilar hired workers: 1 hired worker fums reporting... 2 hired workers farms reportinn . . , 3 or 4 hired wrrkers farms reporting... S to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . . . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm op««Kted operators reporting... Not residing on ram operated operators reporting... Operators not reporting residence number . . . See footnotaii at end of table. 40,233 440 X,100 725 49,420 1,341 1,482 40 1,860 35 19,353 450 913 30 22,795 720 3,017 66 35,787 370 25,402 530 27,664 361 9,150 135 4,446 70 4,698 195 21,756 980 13,645 585 13,164 289 13,796 318 9,272 310 9,581 325 8,247 58 8,369 63 2,917 13 3,li9 U 56,661 1,074 65,219 1,447 75,867 1,411 112,014 2,536 74,301 1,381 107,687 2,475 51,205 717 16,914 445 3,966 U2 1,339 43 877 44 73, 9U 1,371 105,436 2,408 2,049 53 2,251 67 3,948 61 4,327 61 87,356 1,546 100,598 1,795 102,666 1,886 38,412 585 61,482 973 4,796 6 62,406 12,429 43,318 23,940 19,378 12,378 6,430 5,291 1,601 1,004 107,512 5,940 6,626 64 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 10. -Other field-crop farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See teittj Icfinil USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME romniercial fertilizor and fcrtilizinc materials used Hunne the ypfir farn.s reportinp . . Dr> materials farms reportinj;. . Liqiii.! inaufiftls farms reporting. . Hay and cropland pasture famis reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . Other pasture (nol cropland) farms reporting.. Dry malenal? farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com farms reporting.. Dry materials farr^s reporting., Liquid materials farn\s reporting., Cottcm. farms roporling.. I>y materials farms reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting.. Tobacco fam.s rrporlmt;. , Dry materials farns repiimn(;. Liquid materials farm-^ reporting.. All other crops farms reporting. , Dry materials farms rcixirtine.. Lime or liming materials used durinr; the year fanns reporting . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultrj' fnms reporting.. dollars.. Under ,^100 fanr.s reporting.. SlOO to f999 farms reporting.. 51,000 to ?il,99fl farms ropoftinR. . S2,000 to J4,999 farms rerwrting . . S5,000or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry forms reportini; . . dollars.. Under ?1,000 farms reportinp.. 51,000 to S2,499 fim.s reporting.. Si;, 500 to <4,999 farms reporting.. M,000 to S9,999 fam.s renorting . . $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farm-- reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms rtfporting . . S200 to .*;999 fnrms renorting. . $1,000 or more fanns reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars. . Under S200 farms reporting.. $200 to $409 farms reporting . . $500 to $ft99. farms reporting.. 51,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. S2,r.00 to $4,999 farms reporting, . 55,000 to«9,909 farms reporting.. $10,000 to 519,099 farms reporting. . 520,000 to ^49,999 farms reporting . . 550,000 or n)ofe farms reporting . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 5100 fanns reporting. . '^100 to 5499 farms reporting.. 5500 to S999 farms reporting. , 51,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fann business farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farm.s reportinc.. SlOO to 5499 farms reporting, . S')00lo$999 farms reporting.. 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 or more fanris reporting. . U6,092 2,471 3,686,751 111,795 1,153,677 41,951 115,881 2,471 1,094, 7/« 40,081 14,675 435 58,929 1,870 20,697 219 339,750 2,875 20,543 219 76,761 747 367 1,214 9,153 80 164,502 515 9,048 80 36,258 167 178 569 100,942 2,165 1,534,844 42,795 100,195 2,154 357,451 11,521 13,579 420 51,330 1,689 4A,021 1,583 326,202 13,445 43,951 1,583 98,765 4,122 368 25 426 74 90,061 351 413,440 981 89,936 351 323,970 783 356 5 802 3 57,048 1,760 909,096 51,184 56,335 1,775 201,543 22,741 1,442 26 4,588 104 22,885 952 298,890 18,788 322,246 U,309 120,078 2,506 81,636 1,273 105,215,353 412,347 28,352 575 38,611 592 4,560 81 4,980 18 5,133 7 49,085 701 32,011,753 178,800 42,250 666 3,678 27 1,750 5 1,006 401 3 82,239 1,896 15,187,134 493,309 58,013 1,092 22,481 722 1,740 82 88, 529 1,836 70,477,338 1,825,770 26,064 760 26,686 436 17,647 210 12,780 278 3,512 90 1,221 39 470 12 120 10 29 1 69,455 1,568 8,744,296 620,805 49,827 915 17,104 411 1,557 141 967 101 115,070 2,191 40,992,121 895,751 31,384 760 57,197 887 17,834 317 8,469 216 186 11 11,855 537 3,180 4,245 460 1,227 See footnotes at end of tAble. NORTH CAROLINA 65 State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 10.— Other field-crop farms [paU are based on reports for only K sample of farma. See text] E?nM*TED VAUIE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All tarn products sold total, dollats. average per farm, dollan . All CTOpe sold dollars. Field ctope, other than vegetables and fhjits and nuta, sold ..dollars. Vegetables sold dollan . F^its and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. Alt livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold. .dollars , Dairy (roducts sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, oth« than poultry and dairy, sold dollars , LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cittle and talves Cows, including heifers that have calved number. Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves Farms reporting by number on hand: Caule and calves- 1 head farms repeating. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting, 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms repot ing. 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head farms refurting, 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms repeating . Cowa, including heifers that have calved- 1 head fanns reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms repining . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms rvpcrting,. 100 or more head farms reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting , 2 to 9 head farms reporting , 10 to 19 head farms roporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting, 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reprrting.. 75 (o 99 head farms reporting , lOO or more head farms reporting. Horses and/Of mules farms reporting. HofS afid pi{S farms reporting. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number . Bern before June 1 farms reporting , number. Sheep and lambs farms reporung . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting , number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. Ewes farms reporting. Rams and wethers farms reporting . numbCT, Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Catxle and calves sold abve farms reporting, dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. Milk and cream sold farms n dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dollai 741,113,470 6,172 531,088,541 490,829,651 7,821,317 8,603,791 23,833,782 210,024,929 96,604,558 47,687,561 65,732,810 54,759 657,511 51,093 337,423 42,794 194,543 31,514 204,061 22, U9 116,027 15,117 17,816 6,915 5,804 5,968 2,341 23,363 18,739 3,974 2,044 1,825 367 204 23,952 U,545 1,311 1,142 1,162 298 122 62 59, X9 107,495 88,74* 1,364,115 52,138 801,843 78,626 362,272 870 7,695 1,585 33,205 1,502 »,203 1,220 3,000 M,379 267,939 28,094,207 44,471 1,212,248 36,367,440 1,272 29,639 414,946 9,543 911,646,526 47,687,561 U,742 56,414,201 20,900 92,521,303 35,158,100 17,323,052 6,913 16,123,668 14,976,151 1,100,754 16,993 29,770 1,199,384 62,377 U3,495 993,512 2,548 488 1,090 1 1,055 1,991 1,807 38,075 1,190 21,250 1,646 16,825 33 4,271,131 59,321 3,966,826 3,112,153 829,879 13,789 11,000 304,305 336 142,000 1,683,307 21,041 1,571,733 1,454,225 117,500 2,495 30 1,315 4,206,354 12,670 3,842,102 3,783,626 49,725 401 8,350 364,252 39,136 5,900 267 4,153 3,853,352 6,621 3,613,421 3,542,042 63,375 1,199 6,805 239,931 9,084 2,424,406 3,619 2,290,824 2,264,154 24,800 790 1,080 See footnotes at end of ti 66 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 10. -Other field-crop farms [DatA are based on reporU Tor only a sample of faims. See text] LI\'ESTOCK AND LIX-ESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Litters fattowed December 1. 1958, lo November 30, 1959. . . .rams repoctme. number of lit reporting. 10 lo 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters.... June 2 to November 30 . December 1 Lo June 1. . . . . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting . . . ..farms reporting.. . ..farms reporting . . . .farms reporting. .. .farms reporting. number of litters. . . . farms reporting . number of litters . SPEOnED CROPS HARVESTED er 11 acres farms reporting. o 24 acres farms reporting. o 49 acres farms reporting . o 74 acres farms reportin o 99 acres farms reporting . farms reporting . bushels Harvested for grain . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. bushels Sales farms reporting. bushels . Wheat harvested farms reporting . bushels Sales fanns reporting. bushels Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels Sales farms reporting . bushels . Barley harvested farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels Rye harvested farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . acres groim alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting . acres grown alone, acres grcswn with other crops . Hay crops ; I^nd from which hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. s, green weight. '15,396 229,498 21,616 17,996 i,131 1,356 179 118 36,938 112,565 32,863 116,933 104,475 1,585,137 57,367 29,462 13,209 2,810 745 882 101,671 1,461,434 62,457,453 48,778 28,034,097 6,256 74, U4 4,062 57,535 1,849,720 1,428 883,287 30,924 305,163 7,311,285 19,522 5,354,406 21,313 227,675 8,613,694 5,457 2,510,055 5,767 53,764 2,012,292 1,487 624,700 1,982 15,034 271,997 644 167,128 22,072 356,019 7,586 7,615,632 17,826 156,239 85 6,696 51,990 118,450 9,120 82,895 107,411 468 3,619 24,847 205,537 246,988 1,275 13,044 14,290 68,254 83,041 2,240 43,918 1,120 15 2,200 40,925 1,930,795 1,191 932, 555 175 442,781 1,964 31,721 2,000 5 1,870 60 2,045 48,550 30 1,640 3,4A8,000 40 402,845 196 152,680 1,850 J 1,200 270 5,205 118,240 261 8,771 18,881,351 287 332 4,303 45 97,790 491 9,826 18,762,695 125 7,685 13,093,770 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of lO.-Other field-crop farms [DaU are based on reports Tor only a sample of farms. See textj 67 SPEaFIED OROPS mBVESTED-roolirued Cotton harvested fBnns reporting . bales. Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting . bushels. Sweetpotatoes harvested for hone use or for sale farms reporting . bushels . Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms repartlng. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . Sales dollars. land in bearing and nanbearlng fnilt, orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-' farms reporting. 4i,031 327,040 279,026 47,586 17,603 3,594,915 33,110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 8^,269 41^,300 605,857,802 1,583 13,460 11,701 Z Reported in small frvctlons. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 'Does not include acreage for farms vlth less than 20 buahels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms Tlth less then 20 trees and grapevines. 68 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 5 of 10.- Vegetable farms [Dau are based on reports for only ft sample of farms. See texlj (For deTinitions and exploi e U?xt) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. . Land In (arms acres . . Percent Hislnbution percent . . Average size of farm acres.. Value ot lant] ant] buildings: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars. . Land in farms according to use: Cropland tiarvested farms reporting . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres fanns reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Ch)pland used only for pasture farms reporting.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting.. Oilier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting. . Woodlanil not pastured farms reporting.. Other pastwe (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . Urigated land in farms farms reporting . . Land use piactices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. Land in stnp-cropping systems for soil-ert>sion control farms reporting. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . , FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 14 years number . 35 to 44 years number . 55 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number . Average age years, OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators repcrting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 to 199 days operators reporting . 200 or more days operalorg reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators repcrting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. I^ilh other members of family working off farm operators reporung. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators repcrting. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number. 10 to 49 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. ISO to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number. See footnotes at end of table. 120,078 11,982,175 99.8 116,997 ,086,019 17,632 28,771 2-1,762 25,246 14,957 4,280 1,187 146 16 37,962 504,048 45,307 654,311 15,738 170,232 37,535 484,079 34, U2 698,864 75,627 .,881,255 37,524 698,679 20,124 354,361 2,707 46,916 26,316 898,198 119,212 3,214 15,126 30,379 36,941 26,693 6,859 47.1 36,543 24,067 4,174 8,302 10,169 10,312 8,440 13,142 3,275 7,302 47,047 15,528 15,166 12,875 7,157 4,303 2,705 5,569 1,814 100.0 66,701 100.0 11,375 17.1 598.7 6,850 10.3 342.5 16.8 16,992 25.5 151.7 21.3 10,344 15.5 72.8 1,708 62 3,682 NORTH CAROLINA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of lO.-Vegetable farms [Data ate based on reports for only a sample of taims. See texlj 69 FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Col' ManU Crop-share t nwhi(« farm operaurs: ..number.. SPFriFIED EQUIPMENT A-ND FAaUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain oofnliines farms reporting.. Corn pickers farm.^ reportinf:. . Picleup balers faniui rerc Field fon^te harvestera farmji roporting., TVaclora , famia reportinf; . number. Tracurs oUior Ulan fiaftjon fiimn roportinf, 1 tracuir famm reporting . 2 tractors farm.s rr^vrting, . 3 tractor;* farms n^vrtinf;. 4 tractorn farms repurtine.. 5 or more traelnra farms reportii^. . Wheel 1 Oa«lei AuUimobilea farnvs repa Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reportin Telephone farms repatjnf;., Home freezer farms reportinj Milking machine. famn repcrting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. eycr. 1 Fafms by kint] o( roatl on which locata]: Hard surface. farms reporting .. . Hravel, shell, or shale farms reporting... Dirt or unimproved. farms raporting... Less than 1 mile to a hard suiface road farms reporting... 1 or more miles to a hard aurfaco road. farms reporting... 1 mile farms reporting . .. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. .. 4 miles farms repotting. .. 5 or more miles farms reporting... FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Regular hired worklffs (employed ISO o Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers'. 1 hired workw 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers .farms reporting., .farms rervvting. .farms reporting. .farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR 40,233 30,100 49,420 1,452 1,860 19,353 35,787 25,402 27,664 9,150 4,446 4,698 21,756 13,645 13,164 13,796 9,272 9,581 8,247 8,369 2,917 3,159 56,661 65,219 75,867 112,014 74,301 107,687 51,205 16,914 3,966 1,339 877 73,914 105,436 2,049 2,251 3,948 4,327 87,356 100,598 102,666 38,412 61,482 4,796 4,989 62,406 12,429 43,318 23,940 19,378 12,378 6,430 Residing on farm operated opermtors repotting.. Not residing on farm opreated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number.. 5,291 1,601 1,004 107,512 5,940 6,626 70 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 10 -Vegetable farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. Sec text ] (l-c •xpU, ■xt) USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME :omn.«r.al fsTCilupr onj f<-niliiinc maliYiRls used dunn? thp \r-nr fam.s rc^K Dn nialenals larms reporting Liquid maliTials farms reporting Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . Dr>' materials farms reporting. Liquid malerials farms reporting. Other pasture (nol cropland) farms reporting . Dr^ materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farm? reporting. Com /arms reporting. Dr> matenals fam.s reporting . Liquid materials farms reporting. Cotton farms repirting. Dr> materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. Tobacco fam.s reporting. Dry materials fam.s reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. All other crops farms reporting. Oty materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. Lime or limine materials used durini; the year farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry f.am $999 farms reporting. $1,000 or more farjis reporting. Hired labcc farms reporting. Under $200 farms reporting. $200 to S499 farms reporUng. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting, 350,000 or more farms reporting. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting, dollars. Under $100 .' fan.is reporting , $100 lo $499 farms reporting, $500 to $999 farms reporting , $1,000 or more farms reporting Ga-soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms reporting Under $100 farms reporting $100 to $499 i farms reporting S500 to $999 farms reporting 51,000 to $4,999 farms reporting $5,000 or more fanris reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 116,092 3,686,751 1,153,677 115,381 1,094,748 14,675 58,929 20,697 339,750 20,543 76,761 367 l,a4 9,153 164,502 9,048 36,258 178 569 100,942 l,534,8i4 100,195 357,451 13,579 51,330 44,021 326,202 43,951 98,765 368 426 90,061 413,440 89,936 323,970 356 802 57,048 909,096 56,335 201,543 1,442 4,588 22,885 298,890 322,246 120,078 81,636 105,215,353 28,352 38,611 4,560 4,980 5,133 49,085 32,011,753 42,250 3,678 1,750 1,006 401 82,239 15,187,134 58,018 22,481 1,740 88,529 70,477,338 26,064 26,686 17,647 12,780 3,512 1,2a 470 120 4,160 443 1,230 69,455 456 8,744,296 189,515 49,827 240 17,104 147 1,557 25 967 44 115,070 588 40,992, la 266,250 31,384 226 57,197 217 17,834 75 8,469 59 3,680 20 1,493 1,366 107 1,X1 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of lO.-Vegetable farms [DatA are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See text] 71 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODOCIS SOLD BY SOURCE All fann products sold idiaI, doiiu average per rarm, doUai Field rrope, other than vefcetables and fruits and nuts, sold. . . . .ddlu ;etable: old.. Fnj.t 9 sold. Forest ptjducls and horticultural specialty products sold dollai All livestock and livestock products sold dollar Poultry and poultry products sold. dollars . Dairy products sold dc Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. UVTSTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including! heifers t Heilers and heifer calvei Steers and bull^ includin s reporting. ^ refiortinf;. numbrr. 9 reporting.. number , Cauie and calves- 1 head farms reportine. 2 to 4 head farms reporting , 5 to 9 head famus rv^Mrting . 10 to 19 head farm.1 reporting. 20 to 4B head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head farm^ n^furting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . 500 or more head farm? rr^wrting . . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 bead farm? reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . iO to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms ri-porting , , 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk CDw«- 1 head farms repotin 3 to 9 head farms reportin 10 to 19 head farms repcrtm 20 to 29 head farms reportin 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or Olules. rarms reporting. . Hogs and pigs rarms repr Bom since June 1 farms reporting. Bporting. .. All other crops f'>rms reporting. . , Dry materials f"™^ reporting.., Liquid materials f«rm» reporUng. .. SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . . Feed for livestock and poultry fam's reporting... dollars... tinder SlOO farms reporUng. .. $100 to 5909 '*^'^ reporting... $1,000 to Sl,999 farms rcporung... .$2,000 to $4.999 '"^"^ reporting... $5,000 M more (arms reporting. . . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting . . . dollars... Under $1.000 farms reporting .. . $1 000 to $2 409 fam^s reporting.. . $" 50O to $4 999 farms reporting... $5,000 to $9.999 fam^s reporting . . . $10,000 or more farms reporting.. . Machine hire farms reporting. ., dollars.. Under $200 '""' reporting . . $200 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more farm, reporting . . Hired labor farms reporting. . Under $200 farms reporung. . $200 to $4 09 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,490 farms reporting... $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting . . $10,000 to $10,999 farms reporting. . $20,000 to $49,900 farms reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reporting. . Seeds bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. Under $100 fan.is reporting.. $100 to $490 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farrris repcrtine . . $1,000 Of more farms reporung. . Ga.soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . Under jlOO farms reporting.. SlOO to $190 i farms reporting . . S500 to $090 'arms reporting. , 51,000 to $4,909 fartiis reporting.. $5,000 or more farTr.s reporting. . U6,092 3,686,751 l,153,6r7 113,831 U,675 58,929 20,697 339,750 20,543 76,761 367 1,21« 9,153 164,502 9,048 36,258 178 569 100,942 1,534,844 100,195 357,451 13,579 51,330 44,021 326,202 43,951 98,765 90,061 413,440 89,936 323,970 356 802 57,048 909,096 56,335 201,543 1,442 4,588 22,885 298,890 322,246 120,078 81,636 105,215,353 28,352 38,611 4,560 4,980 5,133 49,085 32,0U,753 42,250 3,678 1,750 1,006 401 82,239 15,187,134 58,018 22,481 1,740 88,529 70,477,338 26,064 26,686 17,647 12,780 3,512 1,221 470 120 29 69,455 8,744,296 49,827 17,104 1,557 967 115,070 40,992,121 31,384 57,197 17,834 8,469 186 See footiiotes at end of Ubie. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 10--Fruit-and-nut farms 77 [DU 3 based on repona tot only k sunple of fums. See texlj ECTMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOltRCE All fan products sold icui, doiiais aven^ per fann, dollars All crops sold dollars Field rrofB, other than vefgetablee and fruits and nuts, sold. . . . .dollars Ve^etAbles sold dollars Fruits and nuts 9old dollars Forest pnxjucts and horticultural specialty [Voducts sold dollars .All livestock and I ivestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold. dollars Dairy poducts sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUrTS Cattle and calves fanns reporunc Cows, including heifers that have calved farms roportinK Milk cows fams reportinK Heifers and heifer calves i farms reportinj; Steers and bulls including; steer and bull calves farms reporting Farms reportinj; by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting 2 to 4 head farms reportinK 5 to 9 head farms rvportinj; 10 to 19 head farm.! repcrtinn 20 to 49 head farms reportini; 50 to 99 head farms refurtini; 100 lo 499 head farms reportinK 500 (T more head farms reportinK Cows, including heifers that have calvad- 1 head farms reportinK. 2 lo 9 head farms reportinK . 10 lo 19 head farms reportinK. 20 lo 29 head farms reportinK . 30 to 49 head farms reportinK ■ 50 to 74 head farms repotinK. 75 to 99 head farms reportinf;. 100 or more head farms rr^xwtjnK. Milk oowa- 1 head farms reportinK. 2 lo 9 head farms reportinK . 10 lo 19 head farms reportinK . 20 to 29 head farms reporunK . 30 lo 49 head farms reportinK. 50 lo 74 head farms reportinK. 75 to 99 head farms reportinK- 100 or more head farms reportinK. Horses and/or mules farms reportinK . Hogs and pi{S farms reportinK. Bom since June 1 farms repcytinK Brvn before June 1 farms reportinK. Sheep and lambs faims reporting. Lamba under 1 year old farms reportinK. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting: numbw. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rains and wetjiers farm* reporting . Chickens 4 monttts old and over farms reporting. Linstock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farma repoting, dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive farma reporting number dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Milk and (Team nold^ farms reporting dollars Oickens including broilers sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dollars 741,113,470 6,172 531,088,541 490,829,651 7,821,317 8,503,791 23,833,782 aO,024,929 96,604,558 47,687,561 54,759 657,5U 51,093 337,423 42,794 194,643 31,514 204,061 22,149 116,027 15,117 17,816 6,915 5,804 5,988 2,341 765 13 23,563 18,739 3,974 2,oa 1,825 567 204 23,952 U,545 1,511 1,142 1,162 296 122 62 59,349 107,495 88,744 1,364,115 52,138 801,843 78,626 562,272 870 7,693 1,585 33,205 1,502 30,205 1,220 3,000 30,579 267,939 28,094,207 44,471 1,212,248 36,367,440 1,272 29,639 4U,946 9,543 911,646,526 47,687,561 U,742 56,414,201 20,900 92,5a, 303 35,158,100 8,335,083 14,346 7,972,710 563,948 56,300 7,294,910 37,552 362,375 148,553 4,750 2,705,315 108,213 2,613,025 331,346 2,269,509 12,170 92,290 88,000 1,5«1,479 35,943 1,541,529 56,649 4,000 1,470,390 10,490 39,950 1,781,109 17,635 1,646,6U 86,933 6,450 1,533,239 19,989 134,498 48,360 1,461,847 9,3U 1,392,717 34,623 31,330 1,299,234 7,510 69,130 3,147 3,730 60,253 141,489 3,730 10 15 3,710 452 10 26 117,500 12,185 44,650 4,630 632,558 4,651 610,526 26,970 11,200 568,088 4,268 78 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of lO.-Fruit-and-nut farms [lDat« w« btaoA on reports for only a sample or Tanna. See l«xt] LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrawed December 1. 1958, to Nowemlier 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting. . number of lltwrs.. 1 of 2 Iitrws farms reporting., 3 to 9 liu««s fanns reporting . . 10 to 19 liueta farms reporting . . 20 to 39 litters farms reporting . . 40 to 69 liuers farms reporting . 70 or mae litters. farms reporting . , June 2 to November 30 farms reporting . . number of litters . . farms reporting . , number of litters . . December 1 t SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com fcr all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 atres farms reporting . , 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 ar^a farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Sorghumfl for all purposes farms reportijig. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reporting. . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting . . bushels . . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. acres grown alone, acres grown with other crops, pounds. Hay crops: l^nd from which hay was cut acres. Alfalfa end alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating .farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other snBll grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Grass silage made fron grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. 45,395 229,*98 21,616 17,996 4,131 1,356 179 118 36,938 112, 565 32,863 116,933 104,475 1,585,137 57,367 29,462 13,209 2,810 745 882 101,871 1,461.434 62,457,453 48,778 28,034,097 6,256 74,114 4,062 57, 535 1,849,720 1,428 883,287 30,924 305,163 7,311,285 19,522 5,354,406 21,313 227,675 8,613,694 5,457 2,510,055 5,767 53,764 2,012,292 1,487 624,700 1,982 15,034 271,997 644 167,128 22,072 356,019 7,586 7,615,632 17,826 156,239 85 6,696 51,990 118,450 9,120 82,895 107,411 468 3,619 24,847 205,537 246,988 1,275 13,044 14,290 68,254 83,041 4,616 27,326 31,701 tons, green weight. 26,650 6 10,500 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of lO.-Fruit-and-nut farms 79 [D&ta a (For (tprinitions and enplai p lesl) SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED-ConiinueiJ Cotton harvested faras reporting. bushels. . . S»eetpotatoes hsrvested for hone uae or for sale farms reporting. bushels. Burley and other tobacco harvested faras reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale fanas reporting. Sales dollars. Land in bearing and ncxibearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees' farms reporting. Apples' faras reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number.. (Juanti ty harvested farms reporting . bushels. Peaches' farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. , Quantity harvested farms reporting., bushels. . ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for fsras vlth less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms vitb lees than 20 trees and grapevlnaa. 279,026 k: 47,588 17,603 3,594,915 K'. 33,110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 84,269 414,300 605,857,802 10,909 7,821,317 6,252 30,978 550,335 38,550 162,960 8,250 387,353 30,300 394 6 1,979,410 315,000 127 18 603,901 386,336 98,600 88,300 505,301 298,036 112 13 702,550 509,000 96,805 16,255 80,550 27 450,000 23 117,200 117,200 23 105,8X 135, 65C 40,05C 95,600 59,990 3,000 56,990 148,900 56,660 92,240 96,470 34,685 61,735 24,475 5,550 18,925 33,960 7,080 26,880 15,390 1,575 13,315 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 7 of lO.-Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a samfrie of fanns. See t«xtj (For derinilions and expl&i ? text) FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number. . . Percent distnbulion peroenl... Land in farms acres . . . Pcrrenl liislribution percent... Value ot land and buildings: Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested (arms reportinfi... 1 to 9 acres farms reporting ■•• 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . . 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting... 200 to 499 acres farms reporting... 500 to 999 acres fanns reporting. . . 1,000 or more acres fanns reporting... Cropland used only for pasture fanns reporting... Cropland not harvested and not pastured fanns reportjng. , . Soil-impcDvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) ' farms reporting. . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . , Improved pasture farms reporting . . , Irrigated land in farms fanns reporUng... Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops fanns reporting. . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour fanns reporting.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operatots reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to M years number , . 35 lo 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK \SD OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting. . With oliier income of family exceeding value of B^cultural products sold operators reporting.. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number . . 140 to 179 acres number. , 180 to 219 acres number . . 220 to 259 acres number., 260 to 499 acres number., 500 to 999 acres number . , 1,000 to 1.999 acres number. , 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table. 120,070 11,982,175 99.8 U6,997 ,086,019 17,632 28,771 24, 762 25,246 14,957 4,280 1,187 36,543 24,067 4,174 10,312 8,440 13,142 3,275 7,302 47,047 15,528 15,166 12,875 7,157 4,303 2,705 5,569 1,814 6,209 100.0 546,789 100.0 4,626 114,935 1,572 1,121 37,962 1,965 504,048 27,593 45,307 2,509 654,311 39,410 15,738 879 170,232 14,486 37,535 2,010 484,079 24,924 34,612 2,054 698,864 35,272 75,627 4,505 881,255 258,470 37,524 2,503 698,679 43,415 20,124 1,550 354,361 24,638 8,427 147 69,877 832 28,960 765 385,552 9,627 13,049 641 305,051 17,747 2,707 121 46,916 2,050 26,316 1,474 898,198 52,047 119,212 6,179 3,214 42 15,126 746 30,379 1,612 36,941 1,844 26,693 1,413 6,859 522 47.1 48.5 2,803 881 329 1,593 703 1,022 1,731 3,406 761 1,087 85,740 15.7 178.3 15.8 121,271 22.2 123.9 5,940 313 4,062 1,652 26.6 130,797 23.9 79.2 11,313 1,215 57,193 1,382 22.3 106,346 2,465 485 5,650 1,215 19.6 77,755 14.2 64.0 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 10. -Poultry farms [DalA are based on reports Tor only a sample or ratms. See lextj 81 FARXB BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm opefators; Fullo»r>«s nun.i>er., Pano*n«s nunAcr.. All tenMto numlier. , Cast- tenimu numha., Share-ca?h tenants nun'ber . . Crop-9h«ro teninis ntiirb«r.. Livestock- share tenants. number., Croppers number . , Other ami unspeciried tenants. number . , White fann operators: Full owners number., Part owners number . . All tenants number.. Crapfiers number.. Nonwhite fann operators: Full owners number . . Part owners nufr.ber.. All tenants number. . Croppers number . . SPEnnED EQUIPMENT AND FACnJTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms rmortinp,. number.. Com pickers. farms reportjnf:,. Pick-up balers fani« reforting . . Field fonge harveslen tuirui reporting. . Motolnjcks ttnra rt^mrtinf., Trartors farms rvportinf; . . nuR.bor.. Ttactcrs other than fnnJen fanns reportinj.. 1 trmcUr farms rernrtjnj;. . 2 traeujra farrns r u>xl) SPEX^IFIED CROPS HARVE?rEI>-Canunu«d Cotton harvested farms reporting . . . Land in bearing and nonbearlnj fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ f aims reporting . . . i7,566 17,603 3,594,915 2,032 51,277 hushelB. Burley and other tobacco harvested fams reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reporting. . pounds. 33,110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,12* 84,269 414,300 605,857,802 1,057 3,523 5,046,244 ^Includes milk equivalent of cremn and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms Tlth less than 20 trees and grapevines. 86 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 8 of 10. -Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sHmple of farms. See lextj Item Total all (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FafmS number . . , Percenl disUnbution perrenl . . . Land in (afms acres . . . Percent distribution percent. .. Average sue of farm acres. . . Value ot land and buildings: \verage per farm dollars , . . Land in fafms accofding to use: Cropland harvested farms reportinR. . . 1 U» 9 acres farms reporting. . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . . 20 to "29 acres farms reporting . . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 acres farms (^porting , . . 100 lo 199 acres farms reporting . . . 200 lo 499 acres farms reporting. . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . . 1,000 of more acres farms reporting... Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting... Other cropland (idle and clop failure) farms reporting... Woodland pastured farms reporting... Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . , Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . . Improved pasture fafms reporting . . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. Cropland used for ^ain or row crops rarmedon the contour farms reporting.. Land in stfip.cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . FARi^ OPERATORS BY AGE Opefatofs teporling age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to t4 years number . , 55 lo64 years number.. Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working orr their rarms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operates reporting . . 200 or n»fe days operators reporting . . With other members or ramily worlong off farm operators repcfUng . . With income from sources other than farm operated and orr-farm work operators importing. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operalors reporting.. Operators not working ofr their rarms or not reporting as to work orr their rarms operators repoftjng. . With other members of family working orr rarm operates reporting. . With income from sources other than rarm operated operators reporting . . With other income or ramily exceeding value or agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . , 10 W49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number . . 220 to 259 acres number , , 260 to 499 acres numbM . . 500 to 999 acres number.. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or more acres number. . See lootJiotos at end of table. 120,078 11,932,175 99.8 116,997 4,086,019 17,632 28,771 24,762 25,246 14,957 4,280 1,187 146 16 37,962 504,048 45,307 654,311 15,738 170,232 37,535 484,079 34,612 698,864 75,627 4,881,255 37,524 698,679 20,124 354,361 2,707 46,916 26,316 898,198 U9,212 3,214 15,126 30,379 36,941 26,693 6,859 47.1 10,312 8,440 13,142 3,275 7,302 47,047 15,528 15,166 12,875 7,157 4,303 2,705 5,569 1,814 4,487 100.0 930,123 100.0 207.3 182,942 19.7 374.1 1,401 31.2 08,414 33.2 220.1 1,382 30.8 215,631 23.2 156.0 2,440 92,247 1,548 38,634 743 11,615 1,071 27,019 2,608 75,706 3,500 245,237 3,056 144,611 2,259 89,116 214 12,625 2,145 166,002 1,085 1,399 1,002 14,714 16 2,317 52,048 303 28,642 7,066 121 9,512 43 1,785 253 31,065 22,983 1,181 74,107 20,845 1,061 56,793 916 31,590 681 17,810 5,199 420 13,370 135 3,455 720 43,795 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of lO.-Dairy farms 87 [DatA are based on re^iorts for o sample of faims. Sea t FAR»6 BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATtlR All fafm operators: Full owners m Parto«Tiefs m All lenanL" ni Cash Lenants number., Share-ca«h tenants nun-her, Cnp-shaiv tenants ni Livestock-share tenants number . Croppers number . Other anti unspecified tenants. number. White fann operators; Full ou-ners nianber.. Pan owners number.. All tenants number. . Clippers number.. Nonwhite raim operalcrs; Full owners number . . Al! tenants number.. Cloppers number. . SPFriFIED EQUIPMENT AND F^aLlTIES ANT) KIND OF ROAD firain combines larms rervrtinE . . Com pickers farms reportin);.. Pick-up balers fanus renorting . . number.. Field rora^ harvesters farms reporting. . Motortrucks fanr.s re^watini;.. TVactors fanm lepoiting.. nimiber.. Tractors other than frarden farms reporting.. number.. 1 tractcr farms reporting.. 2 tractors forms n^«rting. . 3 traders farms reporting. . 4 tractors farrr.s reporting, . 5 or more tractors farm» reporting.. Wheel trackea fairr^ renorting . . Crawler tractcrs fam4 reporting. . nun.her.. Garden tractors fam.s reporting.. number.. Automobiles fnrm^ reporting.. \utomobiles and/or motortrucks rarms reporting. . Telephone farms reputing . . Home freezer rarms reporting. . Milking machine rarms roptfting. . Electric milk cooler ramis rpporting . . Crop drier (rcr f^ain, rorsge, or other crops] farms reporting,, Power-opavel, shell, or shale farms repeating.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface (pad farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hani surface roMl. farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting ., 2 or 3 miles farms reporting , , 4 miles farms reporting,, 5 or more miles rarms reporting,. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINO ENUMERATION Hired workers. fanns repoting . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting.. Farms reptxting by nuirber or regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers rarms retorting. 3 or 4 hired workers rarms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers rarms reporting . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Operators not reporting residence number.. See rootiiotcfl at end of table. «),233 30,100 49,420 1,4«2 1,860 19,353 35,787 25,402 27,664 9,150 4,446 4,698 21,756 U,645 13,164 13,796 9,272 9,581 8,247 8,369 2,917 3,159 56,661 65,219 75,867 112,014 74,301 107,687 51,205 16,914 3,966 1,339 877 73,914 105,436 2,049 2,251 3,948 4,327 87,356 100,598 102,666 38,412 61,4«2 4,796 4,989 62,406 12,429 43,318 23,940 19,378 12,378 6,430 5,291 1,601 1,004 107,512 5,940 6,626 1,780 1,878 3,631 4,926 4,042 8,662 4,007 8,014 1,555 1,533 566 216 3,680 4,992 4,306 3,391 3,231 3,804 3,824 1,361 3,063 1,351 2,847 1,295 1,723 1,391 1,164 1,180 1,361 1,376 1,307 2,278 1,287 2,043 1,161 1,402 1,342 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 10. -Dairy farms [DaUi are based on refortii for only a 5tample of fanns, Se^ lexl ] (Kor Jotinil ■") tlSE OF COMMERCI/VL FERTILIZER AND LIME 'omniwrial lortilizcr and fortdizinc maltfisis uspd dunni; the \cnr farttiS reporting. . . Dr>' niatenals farms reporting. . . Liquid .nat..fmls f"ms reporting. . . Crops on which used- Hay and iTophnd pnslyre farms reporting. .. Dn materials farms reporting. .. Liquid matenaU farms reporting. .. Other pasture (not rnipland) farms reporting . . . Dry materials farms reporting. . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . . Com farms reporting . . . Dry materials fart-.s reporting.'. . Liquid malennis farms reporting. . . Cotton farms reinirting. . . I>rv materials farms reporting. .. Liquid materials farms reporting... Tobacco fam.s reporlmi^. . . Dt>' materials farn,s reporting. . . Liquid materials farms n-porting... All other crops farms reporting. . . nr> matenals farms reporting... Liquid materials farms re^xjrting. .. Lime or liming materials useij dunne the year farms reporting... SPECIFIED F*RM EXPENDITURES Iny of the following speeified eitpenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry fam's reporting.. dollars.. finder *100 fan^is reporting. . $100 to $999 famis reporting. . $1,000 to $1,999 farms reportinfl. . $2,000 to $4.999 farms remrling. . $5,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. I'nder $1,000 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farnis reporting.. 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to 59,999 fam.s reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting . . Machine hire farms reporUng . . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting . . 5200 to $999 farms reporting. . $1 ,000 or more fanna reporting. . Hired I abor farms reporting . . Under 5200 farms reporting . . $200 to $199 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,900 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. . 520,000 to $49,999 farms reporting.. 550,000 or more farms reporting . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 fan.is reporting. . $100 to $499 farms reporUnp.. $500 to $999 farms reporting . . $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms reporting . . Under $100 farms reporting. . SlOO to $499 farms reporUng . . S500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 or more farms reporting., 116,092 3,686,751 1,153,677 115,881 l,094,7'i8 14,675 58,929 20,697 339,750 20,543 76,761 367 1,214 9,153 164,502 9,048 36,258 178 569 100,942 l,5X,e44 100,195 357,451 13,579 51,330 44,021 326,202 43,951 98,765 90,061 413,440 89,936 323,970 57,048 909,096 56,335 201,543 1,442 4,5 22,885 298,890 322,246 120,078 81,636 105,215,353 28,352 38,611 4,560 4,980 5,133 49,085 32,0U,753 42,250 3,678 1,750 1,006 401 82,239 15,187,134 58,018 22,481 1,740 88,529 70,477,338 26,064 26,686 17,647 12,780 3,512 1,221 470 120 29 69,455 8,744,296 49,827 17,104 1,557 967 U5,07D 40,992,121 31,384 57,197 17,834 8,469 186 4,360 338,004 79,151 4,355 77,314 328 1,837 2,892 103,012 2,872 23,963 1,531 52,988 1,496 11,257 3,649 80,955 3,633 19,057 1,015 2,650 1,015 2,149 2,434 94,280 2,424 19,603 2,359 43,881 63,027 4,487 4,487 U, 812, 359 2,412 3,514,657 1,482 2,342 949 ,737 1,242 1,440 17,510 390 4,416 1,380 124, 2U 28,076 1,380 27,671 135 405 1,153 29,667 1,148 6,928 38,341 888 7,835 1,401 1,401 ,318,500 1,347 69,540 15,387 1,347 15,309 50 78 1,122 17,070 1,122 3,894 18,040 665 3,536 1,382 1,382 2,703,740 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 10. -Dairy farms [1)au ■!« based on r^jons for only k saiiipl« of fwnft. Se« uxtj 89 ESTIMATED VALIIE OF PRCHXKTS SOLD BY SOURCE All tam products sold loui.doiius... aversf^ p«r fuv\, fioiltn,,. All crops sold dolltra... Fiold rrope, oUi«r than v«fE(4able3 and fniits and nuts, sold dollars . . . \>(:rtablp?" wid dollars . . , Fhiils and nuta ^d dollars .. , Formal pDducts and IxAiculuiral specially products sold dollars... All livesux-k and liv«eux-k products add. dollars . . . Poultry and poultry [TodocLs sold. dollifs... Dajry products sold dollifa.., Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and tlaity, sold tlollarB . . LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PKODOCTS Cjttle ind OlwS ramsitiportinj.. Cowfl, includinfl heifers that have calved farms npankng,.. m]k co«s farms repivtinx. . Heifers and heifer calves famw reporunK . . Steers and bulls includinx st«« and bull calves farms rsfxxtjnK. . Farms npaunf by number on hajwl Cattle and calves- !lo4he he«l SOIoahMd 90 lo 49 head 90loT4 havl 7BloMhe«l im« more head Horsn artd,w nules. Hopmdpics — Bom sintM June 1 farms reprvtinR. . farms leportinit.. f«ma reprvtinf; , , farms rr^xvtinf . farms reportinit. , farms refurtinit. farms reporttnit,, farms refKvtinx. farms reportinit.. farms repeating . . farms rapcrtinf* , . films reponinii.. farms reponing., farms reporting., farms mptvtrnf;.. farms rr^nrtinf., farms rvptvtinn. . farms rspoftiait.. firms rspotinit. . firms reportinit . . farms reportinn . . farms repeating. . farms taponjnu.. firms re^ortinf. , firms reptstisn , , firms repcrunn . . firms rapcrtinx,. Bom beftre June I firms reporting,. Sheep and limbs farms reptwtinn.. Lambs undw 1 year old farms reportinit.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reportinit.. Esisa farms rep>«tin|i . . RaoM and wethers farms repcrtinx. . Chlck«ns 4 mnttnold and mer farms rvportian.. LiwstKk and llvestocit products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive fbraia taportinit.. nialaa.. dollars.. HoRS sad pifls sold alive farms reportinit . . dollars.. Sheep Mid lambs sold alivs farms rsportrnx., dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ firms repcstinit,, dollars.. Chicksns inclndinit broilera sold farms reportinit.. dollsrs,. Chicken eggs sold farms reportinit . dollm 741,113,470 6,172 531,088,541 490,829,651 7,821,317 8,603,791 23,833,782 210,024,929 96,604,558 47,687,561 65,732,810 54,759 657,511 51,093 337,423 42,794 194,643 31,514 204,061 22, U9 116,027 15, U7 17,816 6,915 5,804 5,988 2,341 23,563 18,739 3,974 2,aw 1,825 567 204 23,952 M,}45 1,5U 1,U2 1,162 298 122 62 59,349 107,495 88, 7U 1,364,113 52,138 801,843 78,626 562,272 870 7,695 1,585 33,205 1,502 X,205 1,220 3,000 30,579 267,939 28,094,207 44,471 1,212,248 36,367,440 1,272 29,639 414,946 9,543 9U, 646, 526 47,687,561 14,742 56,414,201 20,900 92,521,303 35,158,100 55,293,491 12,323 5,756,534 4,927,415 70,895 41,231 716,993 49,536,957 1,272,984 43,570,239 4,693,734 4,482 204,073 4,467 125,970 4,467 122,174 4,137 68,779 2,773 9,324 1,113 1,082 1,075 1,160 1,062 1,068 60 1,994 3,595 2,770 22,299 1,212 U,649 2,354 10,650 U5 4,336 75,013 4,162,483 4,487 814,096,250 43,570,239 785 464,310 1,205 2,123,030 806,754 9,201,200 63,457 1,052,208 776,107 2,660 730 272,711 8,148,992 268,083 7,076,489 13,355,475 27,312 1,177,469 1,035,969 2,500 3,289 135, 7U 12,178,006 466,807 10,673,489 1,037,710 19,812,862 14,142 1,928,915 1,711,179 5,075 18,430 194,231 17,883,947 332.096 16,068,181 1,483,670 489 1,391 14,809 26,824 901,952 1,391,710 U3 233 4,173 2,919 125,1«0 87,570 1,401 302,915,695 16,068,181 10,087,386 7,299 1,173,000 1,030,369 42,550 6,171 93,910 8,914,386 142,617 7,869,300 902,469 1,396 1,382 72,204 44,137 1,386 1,382 45,009 27,664 1,386 1,382 43,551 26,759 1,371 1,302 24,489 14,246 1,382 156,568,956 7,869,300 2,308,891 3,724 341,572 304,222 8,130 10,500 18,720 1,967,319 49,553 1,587,600 330,166 1,367 605 16,887 5,130 781,663 275,945 212 155 3,787 1,690 113,610 50,700 Sm fooOioCM It nd of u 90 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of lO.-Dairy farms [D« B based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xt] LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-ConUnued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1953. . . .farms reponinR number of litters s reporting 9 reporting 3 reporting s reporting 3 reporting » of litters 10 to 19 litters. . June 2 to November 3 SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms 5 reporting 9 reporting 5 reporting s reporting 9 reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Wheat harvested farms reporting bushele Sales farms reporting bushels Oats harvested for grain fanuB reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Barley harvested farms reporting bushels Sales f anns reporting bushele F^e harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Soybeans harvested for beans f anns reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels Peanuts harvested for nuts f aims reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds Hay crops: Land from irtilch hay was cut acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting Sales farms reporting Sales farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting Sales fanns reporting Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting ....farms reporting tons, green weight 45,J96 729 229,498 3,152 21,616 469 17,996 205 4,131 33 1,356 11 179 6 118 5 36,938 598 112,565 1,636 32,863 505 116,933 1,516 104,475 3,877 1,585,137 88,402 57,367 1,382 29,462 1,305 13,209 829 2,810 224 745 58 882 79 101,871 2,917 1,461,434 40,587 62,457,453 1,800,972 48,778 399 28,034,097 200,025 6,256 1,058 74, U4 16,288 4,062 314 57,535 5,180 1,849,720 156,540 1,428 70 883,287 42,685 30,924 1,524 305,163 20,238 7,311,285 485,708 19,522 1,089 5,354,406 352,036 21,313 2,310 227,675 50,402 8,613,694 2,058,050 5,457 30O 2,510,055 199,750 5,767 964 53,764 11,754 2,012,292 492,170 1,487 109 624,700 34,886 1,982 126 15,034 968 271,997 22,002 644 22 167,128 14,738 22,072 339 356,019 4,197 7,586 170 7,615,632 83,120 17,826 85 156,239 1,138 85 238,992,847 1,441,230 447,459 127,191 6,696 1,843 51,990 25,388 118,450 66,423 365 42 12,618 7,593 9,120 1,284 82,895 18,977 107,411 27,464 468 37 3,619 430 24,847 2,443 205,537 48,869 246,988 71,350 1,275 35 13,044 175 14,290 1,629 68,254 19,312 83, (XI 27,943 13,300 76 2,757 1,407 29,557 184,120 51 19,210 18,810 5 1,000 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continue(i Part 8 of 10. -Dairy farms [DsU ar» based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj 91 SPEaFIED CROPS a-VRVESTED-Conlmued Cotton harvested -. . .farms reporting.. Iirlsh potatoes harvested for heme \ise or for sale farms reportijig . . bushels . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels . . Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting.. pounds. . Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reporting . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars . . I^nd in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting.. Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes mlllc equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. *Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 44,031 327,040 279,026 47,588 17,603 3,594,915 33,110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 84,269 414,300 605,857,802 92 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 9 of lO.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on reports tot only a sample of farms. See t«xtj FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALITE Farms number Percpnl distnbtilion percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average size of farm acres Value ot lani] and buildings: \verage per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms acciKding to u son Co 999 a 1,000 or mor . .farms reporting . .farms reporting ..farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting , . farms reporti ng ..farms reporting ..farms reporting ..farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Other cropland {idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pastnre (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Imfroved pasture farms reporting ttrigated land in farms farms reporting Land in stnp-cropping systems for System of terraces on crop and pasti . .farms reporting ..farms repcrtinp FARM OPF,RATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to ^ years number 35 to 44 years ■ number 45 to 54 year? number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOIHE Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reptyUng. . 1 to 99 days operators refiorti ng . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . , 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators tefiorting. . Operators not wcrking off their fanns or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of a^cultural products sold operators reporting.. FARMS BY SIZE 120,078 U, 982, 175 99.8 116,997 .,086,019 17,632 28,771 2A,762 25,2*6 U,957 4,280 1,187 146 16 37,962 504,048 45,307 654,311 15,738 170,232 37,535 484,079 34,612 693,364 75,627 ,881,255 37,524 698,679 20,124 354,361 2,707 46,916 26,316 898,198 119,212 3,214 15,126 30,379 36,941 26,693 6,859 47.1 36,543 24,067 4,174 8,302 10,169 10,312 3,440 83,535 14,356 13,142 3,275 7,302 47,047 15,528 15,166 12,875 7,157 4,303 2,705 5,569 1,814 7,040 100.0 1,397,153 100.0 198.5 5,924 230,750 1,217 1,166 3,376 117,774 2,546 62,399 1,046 20,329 1,965 42,070 3,741 168,491 5,156 583,597 3,742 190,720 2,415 105,864 216 5,279 1,686 92,119 1,318 1,782 2,755 1,154 1,063 66,485 4.8 658.3 216,110 15.5 403.9 1,003 162 16,518 1,133 16.1 349,398 25.0 308.3 27,335 393 12,779 2,026 28.8 420,121 30.1 207.4 619 1,210 41,537 48,550 914 1,486 .51,230 176,131 521 1,240 46,548 61,610 446 863 28,174 35,184 See footnotes ftt end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of lO.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DatA are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See textj 93 FAR»6 BY COLOR AND TENTHE OF OPERATOR Alt fann opefators: Full owners m PuTothWs ni AIIUKiiuiw m Cash teniuiLs ■ numttcr . Share-ca?)) tenants nu Crap-sharo l«naiits nuirber.. ljivesU)cii>9hare tenants. number., Cmppert number . Other and unspecifiod tenants. ru While faim operators: Full owners number.. Part owners .....numbtf.. All tenants number.. Clofipers number. . Nonwhite farm operalArs: Full owners numhv . . Part owners nunjier .. All tenants number . . Crofpers number.. SPFriFIED EQUIPMEOT AND FACIUTTES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms rt?^nrtin| numbe r materials Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Liquid materials Liquid materials Cotton. ....................•.*•>.•••<••• ./ami4 roptirting reporting Totecco. All other crops Ply materials . . . . Liquid materials . 3 used dunne the year. SFEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES s reporting 9 reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting Jarms reporting IS reporting s reporting s reportinj;, s reporting s reporting s reporting - reporting Under $I(X1 $100 to $909 $1,000 to .";i,999 $2,000 to $4,999 .$5,000 or more Purchase of livestock and poultry . 52,500 to $4,999 . $5,000 to $9,999 . $10,000 or more.. Machine hire Under $200 $200 to $999 $1,000 or more... Hired labor Under S200 $200 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $2,499 . $2,500 to $4,999. $5,000 lo $9,999 . $10,000 to $19,99; $20,000 lo $49,99! $50,000 or more.. Seeds, bulbs, plants Under $100 $100 to S499 5500 to $999 $1,000 or more... Under $100 S100to$499 5500 to $999 51,00010 51,999 $5,000 or more See footnotes at end of table. s reporting . dollars.. s rejortinp. s reporting. 9 reporting. s renorting.. s reporting., dollars.. s reporting. . s reporting., s reporting.. s reporting.. s reporting. . s reporting.. s reporting., doners.. s reporting. , dollars.. s reporting.. 116,092 3,686,751 1,153,677 115,881 1,094,74« 14,675 58,929 20,697 339,750 20,543 76,761 367 1,214 9,153 164,502 9,045 36,258 178 569 100,942 1,534,844 100,195 357,451 13,579 51,330 44,021 326,202 43,951 98,765 90,061 413,440 89,936 323,970 356 802 57,048 909,096 56,335 201,543 1,442 4,588 22,885 298,890 322,246 120,078 81,636 105,215,353 28,352 38,611 4,560 4,980 5,133 49,085 32,011,753 42,250 3,678 1,750 1,006 401 82,239 15,187,134 58,01B 22,481 1,740 88,529 70,477,338 26,064 26,686 17,647 12,780 3,512 1,221 470 120 29 69,455 8,744,296 49,827 17,104 1,557 967 115,070 40,992,121 31,384 57,197 17,834 8,469 186 5,966 257,840 62,309 5,941 59,380 557 2,929 2,460 67,914 2,439 15,314 1,387 46,944 1,372 9,872 4,355 72,510 4,325 17,442 1,257 2,639 1,257 2,457 2,882 64,342 2,848 13,087 2,366 42,106 54,265 7,040 6,320 6,523,757 1,136 3,522 792 638 232 3,700 5,328,337 2,676 3,492 996,828 1,930 1,394 168 4,210 3,469,523 1,602 1,085 6,432 2,305,712 1,984 3,056 15,952 434 3,862 1,062 69,459 16,546 1,062 15,736 151 810 19,238 779 4,766 1,133 1,097 1,493,040 1,852 74,280 IB, 010 1,847 17,416 144 594 1,267 17,245 1,257 4,197 2,026 1,876 1,355,637 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of 10.— Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms {pUA ore based on r^xuis for only s swnple of fanos. See texlj 95 (For d«rinitj(His and expluialions, see text) ESTBIATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLO BY SOURCE All fano products sold ictai, doiiu avev«ge per rum, dollai All crops sold dollu Field croFS, oUier Ulsn vef:et>ducts and horticultunl specially products sold dollaj All livestock and livestock products sold. dollai Poultry and poulliy products sold. dollsi Dairy products sold dollaj Livestock and liveotock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LrVXSTOCK A.VD UVESTOCX PRODUCTS Cattle antf calves Coivs. including heifers that have calved. Heifers and heifer calves. Sieers and bulls includin); steer and bull calves. 9 reportinit, 9 reporting . .fams reporting., .farms reporting. Farms rcfurtjng by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 8 head farms reporting. 10 to Id head farms reprsting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting,, 50 to 99 head famvi rr^furting, 100 to 499 head farms reporting,, SOO or more head farms reporting , Cowa, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporung,, 2 to 9 head fams reporting,, 10 to 19 head farms rnprvung . , 20 to 29 head farms reporting , . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms repoting,. 75 to 99 head farms repcmng,, 100 or more head fanas reporting,, Milkoorva- 1 head firma reporting,. 2 to 9 head farms repoting , . 10 to 19 head farms rvpcsting.. 20 to 29 h«ad farms reporting , . 30 to 49 h«ad farms reporting , . 50 to 74 head fams reptating,. 75 to 99 head fama reporting,. 100 or more head farms reporting,. Horses indoor aules. farms reporting,. Hogs Hd pi{S farms reporting,. Bom since June 1 farms tepcsting. Brvn befve June 1 farms reporting.. Stieep and iamtiS fams reporting.. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting , . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting , . Eaea farms reporting,. Rams and wethers farms reportjlig. Chickens 4 maitM old and over farma reporting,. Linstock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting, dollars. Hogs and ptgs sold alive farms reporting,, dollars.. Sheep and lambs nold alive farms reporting., number, dollars. Milk and cream sold farms reporting, dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting,. dollai 741,U3,i70 6,172 531,038,541 490,829,651 7,821,317 8,603,791 23,833,782 210,024,929 96,604,558 47,687,561 65,732,810 54,759 657,511 51,093 337,423 42,794 194,643 31, 5U 204,061 22,149 116,027 15, U7 17,816 6,915 5,804 5,988 2,341 23,363 1B,739 3,974 2,044 1,825 567 204 23,952 14,545 1,5U 1,142 1,162 298 122 62 59,349 107,495 88,744 1,364,115 52,138 801,343 78,626 562,272 870 7,695 1,585 33,205 1,502 30,205 1,220 3,000 30,579 267,939 28,094,207 44,471 1,212,248 36,367,440 1,272 29,639 4U,94« 9,543 911,646,526 47,687,561 U,742 56,414,201 20,900 92,521,303 35,138,100 30,523,030 4,336 6,124,114 5,266,853 188,245 70,975 598,041 24,398,916 722,455 254,250 23,422,211 65,640 3,365 6,893 4,U9 45,703 3,734 47,232 3,642 9,220 5,430 244,206 3,967 160,132 4,978 84,024 4,875 88,577 12,996,169 ■4,320 336,339 10,090,170 490 167,502 1,515 1,452,486 551,943 3,222,968 71,622 409,139 314,029 29 130 36 24,689 31 22,373 25 2,316 6 692 2,813,061 27,852 475,832 398,311 18,750 10,521 48,250 2,337,229 118,715 7,123,112 13,314 1,536,342 1,419,087 48,755 4,181 64,319 5,586,770 238,037 60,130 5,288,603 28,689 387 U,223 7,741,624 6,833 1,825,037 1,569,917 35,750 14,578 204,792 5,916,587 190,170 55,565 5,670,852 7,058,852 3,484 1,356,009 1,134,890 66,275 18,104 136,740 5,702,843 131,699 86,105 5,485,039 1,683 49,573 1,556 21,&il 1,397 14,568 1,323 13,364 1,093 3,022 1,492 58,421 1,U3 36,053 1,415 22,368 207 1,583 24, 5U 3,065,397 1,254 76,191 2,285,730 185 See rootaotae at end of L 96 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of lO.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [piU an bkaed on rapoita fbr only B (umpl« of fuma. See text] UVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCIS-Cominged Litters lanowed Deconber 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .rums reponi r of 111 1 or 2 litters. . 10 to 19 litters. . 40 to 69 litters TO or more litters. . . June 3 to November 30 reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting number of litters December 1 to June 1 farms reporting SPfXnFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com fcr all purposes Tarms reporting Under 11 acres 11 lo 24 aires 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 7S to 99 acres 100 or more ec Harvested for grain s reporting s reporting 9 reporting 3 reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting Sorghinns for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grBin or seed fanns reporting btishels Sales farms reporting bushels Wheat harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Oats harvested for grain farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Barley harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels I^e harvested farms reporting bushels Sales fauns reporting bushels Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels Peanuts harvested for nuts Cams reporting acres grown alone acres gr^jwn with other crops pounds Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting Sales farms reporting Lespedeza ctit for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other smnll grains cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Other hay cut. Sales farms reporting tons, green weight 45,396 229,498 21,616 17,996 4,131 1,356 179 U3 36,938 112,565 32,863 U6,933 104,475 1,585,137 57,367 29,462 13,209 2,810 745 882 101,871 1,461,434 62,457,453 44,778 28,034,097 6,256 74,114 4,062 57,535 1,849,720 1,428 883,287 30,924 305,163 7,311,285 19,522 5,354,406 21,313 227,675 8,613,694 5,457 2,510,055 5,767 53,764 2,012,292 1,487 624,700 1,982 15,034 271,997 644 167,128 22,072 356,019 7,586 7,615,632 17,826 156,239 85 6,696 51,990 113,450 9,120 82,895 107,411 468 3,619 24,847 205,537 246,988 1,275 13,044 14,290 68,254 83,041 4,616 27,326 31,701 3,426 22,290 3,092 23,235 4,703 77,322 2,717 1,074 4,353 66,339 2,969,770 14,549 1,667 19,465 460,445 1,124 345,675 1,566 19,970 729,341 317,285 258 2,263 1,671 22,611 28,706 1,746 22,491 26,763 4,213 4,801 410 82,445 93,762 47 51 446 644 792,875 1,132,925 1,032 5,521 1,038 5,833 1,280 16,318 746,105 1,124 1,925 1,613 37,500 68,619 53 ,310 31 10 10,074 3,500 200 328 599 3,557 4,786 6,691 96,247 115,018 146,185 186 255 424 85,258 90,709 105,329 207 321 542 3,335 4,793 6,135 37,036 1B3,345 214,582 38 61 76 21,450 32,250 15,815 107 1B5 265 2,016 1,962 2,711 78,857 74,847 100,135 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of 10. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DftU if© based on reports for only & sampi© of fanrs. Se© text] 97 Item Toul ill P«™„,cc,„, (For ilt-nnilions and Mplanauoos. sw u?xll ToUl OmsI ciMsn citwm OissH' CI.SS V ClcusVl SPEaFIEO CTTOPS HARVESTED-Conlimied 44,031 327, (XO 279,026 570 3,5U 3,136 12 240 249 16 L20 105 110 786 755 957 389 211 1,023 863 tales... 385 275 Irish potatoes harvested for heme use 47,588 17,603 3,594,915 2,416 419 74,535 5 "so 27 244 143 68 U,665 356 U7 20,442 626 98 15,873 bushels... 136 23,261 Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use 33, UO 2i,4l7 3,428,283 1,174 454 53,138 11 (Z) 67 93 156 13,456 212 138 18,570 241 63 8,336 bushels . . . 97 12,709 Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting... pounds. .. 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 648 460 957,752 5 2 5,500 29 62 128,110 112 97 193,732 297 220 429,950 205 99 200,460 Flue-cured tobacco harvested fanae reporting... 84,269 4U,300 605,857,802 617 2,234 2,946,254 8 65 92,812 37 266 413,292 167 724 1,054,365 225 748 982,425 130 358 325,630 50 73 77,730 10,909 7,821,317 6,252 30,978 462 188,245 666 1,657 6 25 10 18,750 5 158 63 48,755 55 129 67 35,750 150 362 162 66,275 243 7U 160 Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 207 272 Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includea ailk equivalent of cream and butterfat aold. ^Does not Include acreage for fanae vith less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not Include data for farms vitb less than 20 trees and grapevines. 98 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 10 of lO.-General farms [DatA are based on report3 for only a sample of turns. See textj F^snomic class F*RMS, ACREAGE, AND VALIIE . percent . percent , .farms reporting .jBrms reporting . . Farms reporti ng , .farms reporting ..farms reporting . .farms reporting ..farms reporting . .farms reporting, ..farms reporting ..farms reporting Value of land and buildings: Avornge per farm Average (*r acre Land in faims acciHding to use: Cropland h I t 30 to 49 acri 50 to 99 acn 100 to 199 a 200 to 499 a 500 to 999 a 1,000 or mor Cropland used only for pasture. farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not ctnpland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Land use practices; (Cropland in cover Land in stnp-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reportir System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reportin FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. Under 25 years number . 25 to 14 years number . 35 to 44 years number . 55 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number . Average age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Opel irlting iifr their farms, ujlal operators I to 99 days operators 100 to 199 days operators 200 or more days operators Viith other members of family working off farm operators With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators With other income of family exceeding of agncultural products sold operators s not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators With other members of family working off farm operators With income from sources other than farm operated operators With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold ofieralors FARMS BY SIZE TO to 99 acri 100 to 139 a 140 to 179 a 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . reporting. . reporting., reporting.. reporting, repcrtjng. 120,078 11,932,175 99.8 116,997 4,086,019 17,632 28,771 24,762 25,246 14,957 4,280 1,187 146 16 37,962 504,048 45,307 654,311 15,738 170,232 37, 535 484,079 34,612 698,864 75,627 4,881,255 37,524 698,679 20,124 354,361 2,707 46,916 26,316 898,198 119,212 3,214 15,126 30,379 36,941 26,693 6,859 47.1 36,543 24,067 4,174 8,302 10,169 10,312 8,440 13,142 3,275 7,302 47,047 15,528 15,166 12,875 7,157 4,303 2,705 5,569 1,814 10,680 100.0 1,724,971 100.0 161.5 360 1,200 1,831 2,938 2,865 1,055 4,513 63,299 3,439 65,221 1,268 18,227 2,669 46,994 3,617 89,483 7,549 738,235 3,421 67,157 2,120 36,409 566 5,545 1,983 97,013 1,35? 2,596 3,260 2,518 40 2,715 1,445 1,536 1,395 1,061 610 169,703 9.8 1,315.5 1,004 50 4,018 11,556 15 1,033 256,361 14.9 562.2 1,439 3,179 3,462 13.5 29.8 32.4 366,518 433,064 345,420 21.2 25.1 20.0 254.7 136.2 99.8 37,800 21,043 14,106 168.71 164.46 153.34 1,439 3,164 3,457 148,938 132,883 133,732 10 45 15 60 390 30 330 931 210 1,139 1,274 558 1,364 768 11,887 1,143 157,760 1,289 14,230 1,004 15,179 1,014 23,955 2,162 170,262 948 14,825 586 7,935 1,308 11,875 1,014 14,102 9,308 1,154 20,590 2,277 136,530 1,075 17,512 689 8,762 1,055 638 28,215 NORTH CAROLINA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 10 of lO.-General farms ^Datft are based on reports for only a sample of rarms. See text | 99 (For Jerinitiois and explw F4RXE BY COLOR AND TEMTIE OF OPER^TOI! All fann operatofs: CasKlniiu Crop-shurt t»iiErs number . Crofivri number, Nonwhite farm operatont: , .number. ..number. ..number. SPFXIFIED EQITPWENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF HOAO Grain combino^ famu re*x)rtin(;. nianfaer. Com pir-ker^ iumt repntinf;. number. Pick-up bal em fanm refnrunc . Field forve Karvealem farma reporting. Motortrucks tuirj* reprvtini;. TTaclora famia reportinf;. 2 iraclora farma reporting. 3 Iraclora faftn^ rv|irrtinj;. 4 l/actora twtnjk repurtrni;. 5 or mcae traclora farm.. n*fDrtii^. Whoel tractavol, shell, or shale farma reportinft.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting., Less than I mile lo a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 or more miles lo a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms raportinit .. 3 or 3 miles farms reporting., 4 miles farms reportinit., 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WKF.K PRECEDING ENUMERATION Refiular hired workers (employed IM} a r of reculai Farms reportinf by nun 1 hired worker 2 hired workers , , , , 5 (o 9 hired workers ,rarms reportini;,. ,farmn roixatinf ,, ,farms reporting,, .farms roportinc, . .farms reporting , . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm oprratnl oparators reporting.. Not residing on farm ofierated operalors reporting . , Operatora not reportinlt residence number.. See fooliiolas at end of (able. 40,233 »,100 49,420 1,482 1,860 19,353 35,787 25,402 27,664 9,150 4,696 21,756 13,645 U,164 13,796 9,272 9,581 3,247 8,369 2,917 3,159 56,661 65,219 75,867 112,014 74,301 107,687 51,205 16,914 3,966 1,339 877 73,914 105,436 2,049 2,251 3,948 4,327 87,356 1TO,598 102,666 38,412 61,482 4,796 4,989 62,406 12,429 43,318 23,940 19,378 12,378 6,4X 5,291 1,601 1,004 107,512 5,940 6,626 3,436 3,633 3,542 3,021 2,897 1,557 2,342 2,464 1,636 1,686 7,919 14,083 7,817 13,7U 4,247 2,255 786 306 7,925 9,219 9,406 5,779 1,025 3,743 1,310 1,651 1,418 2,516 2,866 2,878 1,127 1,037 1,291 1,256 1,922 1,689 1,616 2,157 1,810 1,374 2,489 2,366 2,991 4,244 3,247 1,359 2,469 2,341 2,935 4,149 3,162 425 1,287 1,659 2,448 2,651 2,956 100 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 10 of 10. -General farms [DaU are based on reports fi nple of raims. Se« veml] USE OF COKMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME rommerrial fertilizor and frrtiltzinc mat»Tiah useO durinc Ihe \cftr. lantis rcportinp . . Dn,' materials farms rcportinR. . LiqunI mntiTinls farms reporting. . May nnij crnplnnd pasture farms repcrtin);.. Dr> materials farms reportinf;. . Liquid materials farms repartinji . . Other pasture (not cnoplaml) farms reporting . . Or>' mftlenals farms reportinc. . Liquid materials farms reportinR. . Com. ...........<>.■•*....•••. .farms reporun™.. Dtt,' matenals fari.s reportinf;.. Liquid materials farms repnrtinK . . Cotton farms reinrting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reprrting.. Tobacco. famis repertini^. . Dry materials farns reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other crops farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Lime or liminp materials used durinc the year farms re^xirling.. SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting . . Feed for livestock and poultry fam-s reporting.. dollars.. Under SlOO fam.s rtTiorting.. JlOO to $999 fami.^ reporting. . $1,000 to.'^l,99« famis reporting.. «2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting . . .«5,000or more farms rc^mrting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. ikllars.. Undw $1,000 farms retorting. . 51,000 to S2,499 fam.s reporting. . $2,500 to M,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to 59,999 fam.s reporting . . $10,000 or more farms reporting . . Machine hire farms reporUnp . . Under $200 farms repotting . . S200tD«999 farms reimrting.. $1,000 or nxxe fmBB reporting.. Hired labor farms reporti ng . . Under $200 farms reporung.. $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reportinir.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,. $5,000 to $9,909 farms reporting . . $10,000 to $19,990 farms reporting. . $20,000 to $40,999 farms reporting.. 550,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. l'nti«r$100 fan.is reporting.. $100 to 5400 farms reporting. . $500 to $999. fariTiS reporting . . $1 ,000 or more farms reporting , . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms reporting., dollars.. Under f 100 farms reporting. , SlOO to $199 farms reporung . , S500 to $999 farms repcrtinp . 51,000 to $1,999 farms reporting,, $5,000 or more farms reporting. , 116,092 3,686,751 1,153,677 115,881 1,09«,748 14,675 58,929 20,697 399,750 20,543 76,761 367 1,214 9,153 154,502 9,048 36,258 178 569 100,942 1,534,844 100,195 317,451 13,579 51,330 44,021 326,202 43,951 98,765 90,061 413,440 89,936 323,970 356 802 57,043 909,096 56,335 201,543 1,442 4,588 22,385 298,890 322,246 120,078 81,636 105,215,353 28,352 38,611 4,560 4,980 5,U3 42,250 3,678 1,750 1,006 401 32,239 15,187,134 58,018 22,481 1,740 88,529 70,477,338 26,064 26,686 17,647 12,780 3,512 1,221 470 120 10,569 554,888 155,972 10,549 147,589 1,753 8,383 2,073 40,412 2,061 8,741 1,038 15,037 1,018 3,750 22 34 9,776 210,628 9,684 51,221 1,642 7,343 7,159 71,485 7,149 22,130 6,838 26,068 6,833 21,153 7,397 191,258 7,345 40,594 3,633 59,127 49,731 10,680 7,931 6,839,276 1,890 4,206 860 695 9,149 2,426,809 5,202 3,544 403 8,546 8,578,017 2,476 2,346 69,455 7,392 8,744,296 1,259,953 49,827 4,100 17,104 2,801 1,557 294 967 197 115,070 10,325 40,992,121 5,147,404 31,384 1,847 57,197 5,197 17,834 1,966 8,469 1,265 17,847 U4 5,153 27,836 435 7,108 9,802 331 3,196 3,189 345 2,628 1,439 125,468 35,782 1,434 33,532 407 2,250 1,398 49,385 1,377 11,928 1,029 15,170 1,029 4,627 1,077 6,726 1,077 5,299 1,088 43,420 1,077 9,268 1,439 1,286 1,975,788 3,153 154,272 43,158 3,148 41,278 638 1,880 3,001 62,118 2,971 14,844 2,325 21,369 2,325 6,633 2,289 8,294 2,289 6,647 2,227 50,587 2,212 10,351 1,113 15,235 13,897 3,179 2 337 1,947,652 1,603 506,574 1,490 2,865 793,850 1,348 1,431 2,327 334,460 1,147 1,098 3,442 113,443 29,206 3,442 28,338 376 868 3,142 39,903 3,117 9,260 2,403 16,496 2,403 5,056 2,125 4,986 2,120 3,937 2,392 41,568 2,387 7,767 1,064 11,806 11,093 3,442 2,435 985,399 1,305 246,135 1,259 2,995 523,096 2,090 2,709 902,148 1,110 1,003 2,338 198,944 1,583 See footnotes 1 of table, NORTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 10 of 10.— General farms [t>aU are twsed on nports Tor only a aunple of fwrns. See textj 101 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PBODUCIS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold uxai, dollars average per Tann, dojtars \I1 crops sold dollars Field crops, other Ukan vegetables and fnjits and nuts, sold. . . , .dollars \ eeetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest pnxlucts and hcvticultuisl specialty ]aDducts sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold. dollars Poultry and poultry F*oducls sold. dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves.. Cows, includinfz h Heifers and heifer calvi Steers and bulls includi arms reportinf; reporting 'arms repi]rtin|; s reporting numbs Farms reptxtin^ by number on hand: Caule and calves- 1 heed farms rvptstinit 2 to 4 head farms rvfnntnft. 5 to 9 head farms rcfKrtini' 10 to 19 heed faims repivtinit 20 to 49 heed farms ri>pDrti 50 to 99 head farms ri.fwrtin|t. 100 lr> 499 head farms reportinic. 500 tx more head farms repurli Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 he«d farms reportinf: 2 to 9 head farms ri>p(Stin|! 10 to 19 heed farms reportinjr 20 to 29 head farms reportinit 30 to 49 head farms repMtinft 50 to 74 head farms ropoatini* 75 to 99 head farms nd not pastjired farms reporting. Soil •improvement trasses and legumas farms reriorting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms rqiorting Woodland r^astored farms raporting WooHland not pastured faims reporting. Other (jasture (not cropland and not wi»d1aAd) farms reporting. Improved paslare farms reporting IrngaletJ land in farms fwms reporting Land use (jractices: CropI and in cover crops farms reixMting Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed 00 the contour farms reporting Lai>d in strip-cropping systems for soil-eresion conlrol farms reporting. System of Lsrracee on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BV AOI! Avnrageage years,. OFFF«N»DRK A-iD OTHER INCOME farm opeiatofs- Worlting off their farma, total operators reporting,, 1 to 99 days operalora reporting,, 100 to 199 days operators reporting,, 3)0 or more days operalom reporting,, With othrr merrhrtrs of ramily tvortling off farm operators reriorting, . ft'ilh income from sources nther than farm 'jperatsd and off-farm *ori operators reporting, , With other income of family exceeding value of ar^cullura] nroducu sold operators refiorting,. Operators not vmrtiing off their farms or not retiarting as to "ori off their farms operators reporting, , With other memtjers of family wortcing off farm operators reporting, , With income from sources other than farm operated. , .operators reporting. . With othar income of fsmily exceeding value of agncullural products sold operstors reporting. . FAnS BY 9ZE Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 49 acres sumbar , , 90 to 99 acres nsmfaar.. 70 to 99 acres numbar , . 100 to n9 acres mimb«,. 140 to 179 acres nmbar, U0to2l9 acms number,. 220 to a-W acrea number.. 2N)to 499 acres nambar.. mo to 999 acrea numbar. 1,000 to 1.999 acres number, 2,000 or imre acre* number . See footnotes at end of laMa. 2,M2 2AS 12,097 106 2,^30 198 9,667 159 2,820 457 55,656 200 il,626 11A,935 1,572 1,121 1,965 27,593 2,509 39,il0 879 U,486 2,010 24,92il 2,0M 35,272 il,505 258,470 2,503 *3,415 1,550 24,638 U7 832 2,050 1,474 52,CH7 1,612 1,844 1,4U 2,803 881 329 1,593 703 1,022 1,731 3,406 761 1,087 336 2,440 92,247 1,348 38,634 743 11,615 1,071 27,019 2,606 75,706 3,500 245,237 3,05* 144, 6U 2,259 89,U6 2U 4,200 12,625 2,U5 166,002 1,085 1,399 1,002 1,397,153 11.7 198.5 5,924 230,750 1,217 1,166 13 1 3,376 117,774 2,546 62,399 1,046 20,329 1,965 42,Cf70 3,741 168,491 5,156 583,597 3,742 190,720 2,415 105,864 216 2,760 5,279 1,686 92,119 1,318 1,782 2,755 1,033 682 1,154 1,063 4,660 926 1,499 344 1,724,971 U.4 161.5 360 1,200 1,831 2,938 2,865 1,055 365 37 4 4,513 53,299 3,439 65,221 1,268 18,227 2,569 45,994 3,617 89,483 7,549 738,235 3,421 67,157 2,120 36,409 566 5,824 5,545 1,983 97,013 1,357 2,596 3,2*0 2,518 7,413 1,363 1,356 40 2,715 1,445 1,536 1,395 1,061 610 390 106 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text] FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: .numl)er . number . number While farm operators FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms numtjer s IV number s V number s VI number SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD reporting. Grain combin Com pickers Pick-up balei Field forage Motortrucks . s reporting. number. 5 reporting. Tractors Tractors other than gaitler Wheel t Crawl e( Garden in Automobiles Automobiles and/or n Tel enhone Home freezer Milking machine Electric milk cooler. Cmnd tier (for grain, forage, or other crops) . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road . . Imile 2 or 3 miles 9 reporting. numt)er. s reporting. s reporting. s reporting, s reporting. 5 reporting . 3 reporting.. 5 reporting. . s reporting., srenorting.. s reporting., s reporting.. s reporting. . s reporting. . 9 reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . Regular hired worlters (employed 150 o Farms repoiting by number of regulai 1 hired worlter 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired worirtjnfi.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard «urfaro farms reportinn* • Gravel, shell, or shale famiR reporting.. Dirt or unimproved fanns reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 mile fams reporting., 2 or 1 miles fanrs reporting,. i miles fanns reporting.. 5 or more miles fams r*f>ort)ng.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRBCEDCNO ENUMERATION Hired wnrkern farnis reporting. Regular hired woricern (employed 150 or nnre days) farms reporting, persons. Farms rerorting by number of regular hirod workers: 1 hired *orkCT 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hirod workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers 9 reporting Ft reporting 9 rcfxirting n reporting s reporting RESn)ENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm oporat«d operators reporting,, Not residi ng on farm operated ^operators reporti ng , , Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 1»6S2 1,382 l.ZLS *,187 5,9A7 3,834 5,U7 2,815 821 1A9 78* 830 4,823 5,539 5,767 3,925 3,948 167 U7 1,401 1,382 620 604 612 2,343 2,364 1,780 1,878 3,631 4,926 4,042 8,662 4,007 8,014 1,555 1,533 566 216 628 648 3,680 4,992 4,306 3,391 3,231 3,804 3,824 185 2,359 897 1,158 1,852 4,474 1,336 2,772 452 496 5,004 6,115 6,190 3,869 4,226 124 105 3,917 1,210 1,847 1,028 3,436 3,633 3,542 3,021 2,897 1,557 1,133 3,179 2,026 3,462 3,200 2,015 1,325 2,342 1,360 2,464 735 1,636 750 1,686 1,2,;6 960 1,283 984 282 225 306 271 i,HS 6,321 5,501 7,571 ,1,867 7,919 8,3U U,083 4,741 7,817 7,818 13,711 2,eu, 4,247 1,269 2,255 350 786 150 306 128 223 4,715 7,802 7,583 13,473 346 372 7,925 9,219 9,406 3,755 5,849 288 360 5,779 1,025 3,743 1,984 1,759 1,151 572 10 1,717 3,423 3,923 14,693 750 1,381 1,418 3,972 108 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fa: CooBierclal fanns iiy type of farm Tobacco farms USE OF COMMERQAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting... acres on which used... Pry mat«rial5 faims reporting.. . Liquid materials farms reporting.., Oops or which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... Dry materials farms reporting.., Liquid materials farms reporting.. , Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.., rVv materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reoortine.. Com farms reporting. . Dry materials fanns reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton farms reporting. . fry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials fams reporting.. Tobacco farms reoorting.. Dry mateh al s farms reporti ng . . Liquid matenals farms reporting.. \ll other crops farms reporting.. r>ry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reportini;. . SPEOnED FARM F^XPENDTTURES ,\ny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under SIOO f»nns reporting.. SlOO toSB99 f"ms reporting.. Sl.OOO to ?1.999 fams reporting.. ?i2,000 to W,999 fwns reoorting.. 55,000 or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under '?1,000 fam? reporting.. .'1,000 to ?2,499 f"T!is reporting.. ?2,500 to J4.999 farms reporting.. .?5,000 to !E9,999 fanns reporting. . SIO.OOO or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting.. S200 to $899 'arms reporting.. $1,000 or owre farms reporting.. Hired labor farms rerwrting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting . . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to "^,999 far^s reoorting. . $10,000 to *19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 lo $49,999 farms reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reoorting . . Seeds, bulbs, pi ants, and t/ees farms reporting . . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 fams reporting . . $1,000 or more farms reporting . Qasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. , dollars., Under $100 farms reporting . $100 to $4 99 fafws reporting . $500 to $999 farms reporting. SI, 000 to $*,999 farms reporting . $5,000 or more farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 173,764 116,092 <;, 300,943 3,686,751 1,311,689 1,153,677 173,428 115,881 l,2i9,965 1,094,748 16,087 14,675 61,724 58,929 34,443 20,697 447,938 339,750 34,269 20,543 102,606 76,761 435 367 1,368 1,214 U,602 9,153 212,872 164,502 U,477 9,048 48,009 36,258 228 178 621 569 139,789 100,942 1,740,412 1,534,844 U8,916 100,195 405,251 357,451 U,605 U,579 53,335 51,330 52,837 44,021 365,678 326,202 52,762 43,951 U0,508 98,765 408 368 460 426 110,285 90,061 441,758 413,440 110,150 89,936 345,889 323,970 411 356 855 802 81,878 57,04S 1,093,368 909,096 80,980 56,335 237,702 201,543 1,778 1,442 5,085 4,588 34,522 22,885 375,733 298,890 418,761 322,246 188,266 120,078 128,931 81,636 14,749,002 105,215,353 49,788 28,352 63,009 38,611 5,685 4,560 5,297 4,930 5,152 5,133 72,771 49,085 35,201,273 32,011,753 65,485 42,250 4,078 3,678 1,798 1,750 1,007 1,006 403 401 113,071 82,239 17,812,514 15,187,134 85,708 58,018 25,513 22,481 1,850 1,740 112,344 88,529 74,675,955 70,477,338 43,861 26,064 31,406 26,686 18,561 17,647 13,091 12,780 3,549 3,512 1,245 1,221 477 470 122 120 32 29 95,404 69,455 9,791,869 8,744,296 73,580 49,827 19,134 17,104 1,692 1,557 998 967 174,385 115,070 46,167,024 40,992, la 74,127 31,384 72,781 57,197 18,629 17,834 8,658 8,469 3,345 77,707 253,895 1,834,828 57,446 667,277 3,280 77,652 49,296 633,056 734 10,355 8,150 X,221 565 10,123 U,011 76,342 549 10,058 2,793 17,416 22 100 60 168 228 3,988 4,210 30,928 228 3,953 827 7,612 40 50 2,827 69,620 114,361 932,575 2,710 69,190 24,148 215,193 693 9,760 6,673 31,637 446 28,407 3,371 153,437 446 28,352 1,139 46,551 5 225 2 181 366 77,596 1,575 372,463 366 77,486 1,244 290,592 315 735 2,156 34,217 116,670 269,083 2,071 33,727 19,U5 55,692 14« 836 1,415 1,450 913 10,213 34,086 73,132 38,580 68,596 3,509 77,767 1,977 49,319 918,520 11,639,250 545 21,859 1,192 25,432 124 1,294 88 600 28 134 1,155 28,2*0 3U,739 3,661,983 1,090 27,696 54,135 7,667,313 41,920 11,701 514 60,656 36,935,832 16,704 19,832 13,543 8,405 1,666 419 81 45,852 3,207,737 36,479 3,343 75,336 1,814,524 24,243,561 727 20,039 1,482 39,185 585 11,768 532 4,320 4,827 146,783 36,705 4,822 36,456 152 249 3,795 31,748 3,780 6,899 4,827 71,669 4,822 20,464 2,049 33,161 2,044 5,915 4,827 2,281 365,165 1,305 1,130 170,610 1,092 4,827 1,043,350 3,032 1,657 138 2,392 1,100,465 1,116 1,884 118,289 1,585 4,241 702,360 2,310 1,618 2,471 111,795 41,951 2,471 40,081 435 1,870 2,165 42,795 2,154 11,521 1,583 U,445 1,583 4,122 1,780 51,184 1,775 22,7a 2,506 1,273 412,347 1,896 493,309 1,092 NORTH CAROLINA 109 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Deu ve based on reports Tor only a sample of ftums. See cest] (Fof definitions and e CooBierclal fame ^ type of fam — Continued Poultry faras Livestock tajnaa other than poultry and dairy fanis General farms I'SE OF roMMEROAL FERTILIZER tNI) LIME Commercial fertjlizef and fertilizing materials used during Ihe year farms reporting... acres on which used... Dry materials farms refiottjng . . . Liquid maierials farms reporting... Craps ofl which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... Dry malerials farms reporting... Lirpiid materials farms reporting. . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . , Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid mauriais farms renortine. . , Com farms rcimrting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton farms reporting.. Dry materials farms refwrting.. Liquid materials ftma reporting.. Tobacco farms nvorljng. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid material a farms reporting. . \ll other erors faitns reporting.. Dry materials fajms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting,. SPEHFIED F*RM EXPE.V0(T|1RF.« rlollars.. Under ?I0O farms reporting.. SlOO to *BM farms rrittrting.. «1,000 to ^1.999 farms reporting.. ^2,000 to M,999 farms renorting.. $S,0OO or more farms nworting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under M,000 farms reporting.. ^1,000 to ' and poultry products sold dtlllai Dairy products sold dotlars. Livestock and livestock products, other ihan poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fanns re^iorting. . number.. Cows, includinj; heifers that have calved farms reportinf;. number. Milk cows farms reporting., nunbs.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. number . . Steers and bulls iDcluding steer and bull calves farms reporting,, Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting,. 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 10 head farms reooning.. 20 lo 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . 109 lo 499 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms retiorting. . Cows, including heifers that have cajver^ 1 head farms reporting., 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 lo 29 head farms reporting.. W to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 lo 74 head farms reporting. . 75 (o 99 head faims reporting. . lOOor noro head farms reporting.. I«lk anm- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 heed faima reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. SO to 29 head farms reporting.. 80 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. , 100 or more head farms repotting. . Horses and/or mules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. numbrc,. Rom sinrie June I farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . . number.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. number,. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number.. 9ieep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewee farms reporting.. number. . Rama and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . Livestxk and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number., dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting., number., dollars.. Sheep and lamba nold alive farms reporting. , number., dollars.. Milk and cream nold^ farms reporting.. dollars., Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. 8,335,085 U,5A6 7,972,710 563,948 56,300 7,294,910 57,552 362,375 148,553 4,750 209,072 1,082 229 1,171 97,757,335 15,744 5,657,662 4,818,127 90,680 181,716 567, U9 92,099,673 88,178,036 655,338 3,266,249 3,613 37,125 3,343 17,y75 2,795 7,036 2,416 12,141 1,813 7,409 dollai 1,808 3,293 3,762 56,228 2,088 33,306 3,170 22,922 132 2,167 U6 1,968 2,308 U,969 1,592,840 1,754 54,004 1,620,120 105 595 16,020,750 655,338 6,013 54,190,384 3,580 76,422,640 29,QW),598 55,293,491 12,323 5,756,534 4,927,415 70,895 41,231 716,993 49,536,957 1,272,984 43,570,239 4,693,734 4,4fi2 204,073 4,467 125,970 4,467 122,174 4,137 68,779 2,773 9,324 1,115 1,082 1,075 635 1,160 1,062 1,068 60 1,994 3,595 2,770 22,299 1,212 U,649 2,354 10,650 115 1,858 110 1,737 4,336 75,013 4,162,4«3 464,310 1,205 2,123,030 806,754 30,523,030 4,336 6,124,11A 5,266,853 188,245 70,975 598,Oa 24,398,916 722,455 254,250 23,422,211 5,387 158,575 4,935 65,640 3,365 6,893 4,119 45,703 3,734 47,232 3,642 9,220 5,430 244,206 3,967 160,182 4,978 84,024 522 19,196 286 3,679 522 15,517 492 U,314 4,875 88,577 12,996,169 4,320 336,339 10,090,170 490 167,502 1,515 1,452,486 551,943 75,877,529 7,105 59,632,569 54,366,388 1,873,931 458,007 2,934,243 16,244,960 3,422,878 1,367,204 U,454,878 5,334 72,578 4,982 35,379 4,012 11,972 3,620 21,796 2,841 15,403 5,6a 13,153 8,899 256, 596 6,348 153,385 8,169 103,211 254 3,696 30,367 3,475,723 6,633 261,842 7,855,260 185 3,764 52,696 1,132 32,498,451 1,367,204 1,929 767,359 2,874 6,842,836 2,600,280 See foo(not«a at end of labia 112 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baserf on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] ;For definitions and explai Total all farms Ccanerclal fa Tobacco farms Cotton farms LU'ESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters fatrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting.. number of IiU«rs.. s reoorting. . s reporting. . s reporting. , s reporting., s reporting., number of litters.. , . .farms reporting. , June 2 to November 30 . December 1 to Jur SPEOFIED CROPS IUBVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting s reporting, s reporting, s reporting, s reporting, s reporting, s reporting. 50 to 74 acres . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Wheat harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bus he la Gate harvested for grain farms reporting bxiahela Sales farms reporting bushels Barley harveated farms reporting bushels. Sales farms reporting bushels Rye harvested farms importing bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Scybeans harvested for beans farms reporting acres grown alone bushels Peanuts harvested for i farms reporting acres grown alone : grown with other crops pounds Hay crops: Land f rem which hay was cut Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating Sales farms report Ing Sales fai¥is reporting, Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Sales farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting Sales farms reporting See footnotes at end of table. 60,609 45,396 274,491 229,498 31,3U 21,616 23,032 17,996 4,543 4,131 1,4U 1,356 185 179 124 U8 49,239 36,938 136,849 U2,565 42,338 32,863 137,642 116,933 147,168 104,475 1,801,471 1,585,137 96,427 57,367 32,578 29,462 13,672 13,209 2,842 2,810 756 745 893 882 1A2,952 101,871 1,663,617 1,461,434 69,484,826 62,457,453 58,780 48,778 29,725,387 28,034,097 9,939 6,256 93,552 74,114 6,299 4,062 73,738 57,535 2,312,870 1,849,720 2,126 1,428 1,037,702 883,287 42,542 30,924 380,131 305,163 8,892,655 7,311,285 25,551 19,522 6,286,410 5,354,406 30,783 21,313 285,923 227,675 10,440,790 8,513,694 7,862 5,457 2,977,854 2,510,055 7,454 5,767 63,007 53,764 2,310,282 2,012,292 1,884 1,487 689,290 624,700 2,716 1,982 18,193 15,034 321,532 271,997 870 644 186,268 167,128 25,907 22,072 379,882 356,019 8,481 7,586 8,056,262 7,615,632 20,926 17,826 163,414 156,239 100 85 246,959,977 238,992,847 U,738 71,426 153,339 900 15,533 19,154 139,154 169,512 1,569 10,784 37,033 271,365 316,007 2,257 17,651 20,292 88,827 105,171 7,694 41,736 45,912 6,696 51,990 U8,450 9,120 82,895 107,4U 468 3,619 24,847 205,537 245,988 1,275 13,044 14,290 58,254 83,041 4,616 27,326 31,701 1,108 29,014 7,139 105,530 334 15,674 537 11,389 193 1,651 40 273 3 22 1 5 9U 23,085 3,399 53,060 884 20,162 3,740 52,470 3,001 71,397 120,754 953,180 1,039 40,228 548 21,006 676 8,334 294 1,413 126 286 318 130 2,981 70,571 U7,450 912,408 6,859,068 36,512,510 2,521 36,652 5,689,159 16,005,425 518 1,510 12,979 4,957 442 894 12,527 3,866 392,960 92,038 349 185 309,625 22,025 1,693 18,688 39,599 134,626 1,013,874 3,242,758 1,576 10,864 926,552 2,096,056 1,114 10,579 24,136 62,795 958,195 2,254,226 723 2,589 555,405 715,755 408 1,977 8,173 10,125 318,050 323,820 259 459 214,985 97,165 96 1,034 1,687 4,051 28,590 68,610 56 238 20,150 26,940 1,939 12,324 110,657 104,249 691 3,480 2,552,663 2,067,721 355 9,854 2,841 51,703 3,701 19,112 22,509 U,785 75,419 79,181 9,128 27,825 28,485 2,598 9,469 9,370 1,241 546 1,181 3,996 33,553 3,167 3,931 32,493 887,615 1,197 246,710 379 1,611 17,296 345,765 1,132 10,627 324,455 5,372 270 101,208 1,016 7,237 7,180 2,687 842 3,U0 2,240 43,918 1,120 15 54 2,200 40,925 1,930,795 1,191 932,555 175 17,980 13 6,050 2,600 5 1,870 NORTH CAROLINA 113 State Table 19.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued D»ta are based on repoitf for oaly a sample of farms. See ti clal fame by type of farm— Continued ;For derinitions and evplai Livestock Caiwe otber than poultry i daily fan General farms Ulacellaneous LUTSTOCK WD LINTSroCK PROK'CTS-Coounoed number of liUers.. 1 or 3 liuecs farms renorting.. ^ to 9 liuers farms reporting.. ID to 19 liners farms reporting. . 30 to ^9 litters farms reporting.. 40 IA^9 litters farms reporting.. 7f1 ornore litters farms reporting,. )une 2 to November 30 farms reporting. . nnmber of titters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of liuers.. SPECIFIED CHOPS lUBVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . .farms feportjng.. .farms reporting, , .farms reporting., . farms reporting, , .farms reporting,, , farms reporting.. 75 to 9< acres loo or more acres Karveeted for (yain Sales SoTsfiuaB for all puzpoaes fa Harvested for grain or seed fa Sales fa. inieat barrested fa biLshels,, .farms remrting, , bushela,. ■B reporting. ■B reporting. busliels. ■B reporting, bushels. bushels, reporting. Oats tiarvested for gr^iji fans reporting.. acres. . bushels. . Sales farss reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested fane reporting.. bushels.. Sales fans importing , , bushels.. I^e harvested faraa reporting.. busbsls.. Sales faras reporting.. bushels. . Scgrbeans harvested for beans fams reporting.. aciYS grown with otber crops., bushels. , Peanuts harvested for nuts f ariDe reporting. . acres grown alcns.. acres grown with other crops,, pounds,. Hay crops: Land frca which hay was cut acres.. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for bsy and f tjr dehydrating farms reporting. . tens. . Sales farms reporting. . tens, , Sales farms reporting, Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting , acres. tens. Sales farms reporting. Oats, whest, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. 13,760 7,770 6,950 10 3,515 1,360 5,050 \,21A 4,90r7 3,336 33,501 2,300 3,254 31,220 1,326,070 1,392 14,399 324,385 1,362 15,195 577,651 1,311 11,178 13,876 1,636 505 1,516 3,877 88,402 1,382 1,305 2,917 40,587 1,800,972 42,685 1,524 20,238 485,708 1,089 352,036 2,310 50,402 2,058,050 Sales . . Other hay < .farms reporting, .farms repor>tlng. 1,843 25,388 66,423 1,284 18,977 27,464 2,443 48,869 71,350 1,629 19,312 27,943 3,426 22,290 3,092 23,235 4,703 77,322 2,717 1,074 4,353 66,339 2,969,770 14,549 1,667 19,465 460,445 1,124 345,675 1,566 19,970 729,341 15,967 560 317,285 1,671 22,611 28,706 1,746 22,491 26,763 6,395 47,134 2,073 2,775 1,074 388 60 25 5,358 21,936 5,038 25,198 10,105 216,486 4,029 3,323 1,860 503 176 214 9,950 204,548 9,493,065 5,092 4,124,735 307,785 3,587 52,234 1,264,618 2,684 1,046,286 2,796 39,896 1,524,571 4,534 87,022 1,730 1,895,991 2,131 24,977 31,889 Sales See footnotes at end of table. 114 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For Hefiniticins and explai Ccanmercial farms by type of farm Tobacco farms Cotton farms SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Conlinued Hay crops— Continued Grass ellage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or snail grains farms reporting tons, green weight Cottoc harvested farms reportlrog Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting bushels Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels. Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested fanns reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees ...faims reporting. 1,028 12,901 80,089 52,862 366,539 311,299 72,796 19,878 4,025,366 46,799 25,359 3,857,243 97,800 439,075 634,492,702 I and butterfat sold. ^Includes mlli equivalent of i . ^„. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 1 ■'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 ' 44,031 327,040 279,026 47,588 17,603 3,594,915 33,110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 84,269 414,300 605,857,802 446 3,453 2,923 28,412 153,513 126,081 716 833 Ul,204 33,990 2,215 496,725 466 3U 37,523 23,600 11,047 1,576,429 6 6 9,525 3,961 3,911 7,949,760 369 1,831 ,961,961 73,811 373,185 550,531,436 215 110,930 5,768 1,245,950 203 669 2,787 4,120 4,827 72,122 64,276 1,583 13,460 11,701 NORTH CAROLINA 115 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM; CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of rarms. See textj Ccanerclal farms by type of farm — Continued (For rferinilions and exptaj Poultry fanne Livestock farms other than poultry i dairy f arsis General farms Miscellaneous SPEnriED CROPS H^RVESTED-ContinuwJ H^ crops — Contlirued Crass silage made fron grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Caras reporting. . tcDS, green weight.. Cotton harvested fams reporting. . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . bushels. . Sweetpotatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting. bushels. . Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested fame reporting. . pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars . Land in bearing and ncnbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. 2,032 23A 51,277 1,057 3,523 5,0^,244 1,237 118 20,967 2,416 419 74,535 1,174 454 53,138 7,159 71,572 62,479 3,796 2,308 372,455 3,433 6,092 957,755 6,341 26,436 36,166,095 116 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average size of faim Seres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars. Average per acre dollars , Lantl in farms according to use: Oopland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting SO to 49 acres farms renorting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 50O to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or mote acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting, Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. Soil-improvwnent grasses and legumes farms reporting Other crtjpland (idle and crop failure) farms reportjng Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woi'dland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in (arms farms reporting Land use piactices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in 3trir>-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to :14 years number 35 ton years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF- FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- IVoriting off their farms, total operators reportrng t to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 900 or more days operators reporting With other members of family wotldng off farm operators reporting mih income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reprxting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not woridng off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting IVith other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated , . operators reporting Vrtth other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table- 15,386,251 100.0 83. A 177,833 4,775,054 53,153 44,588 30,114 28,447 15,825 4,345 1,194 147 20 58,370 706,791 74,617 1,003,928 24,955 251,061 61,761 752,867 57,832 1,048,195 121,665 6,651,820 64,976 1,028,255 32,471 467,784 3,656 y?,632 39,013 1,173,996 189,208 4,224 21,172 44,080 51,992 37,803 29,937 81,086 29,949 11,326 39 811 27,419 27,217 45,717 109,425 21,514 33,108 17,804 9.3 84,239 13,658 52,068 13,658 1,146 2,633 1,220 2,740 1,236 1,671 4,192 17,652 1,605 3,337 4,139 3,632 2,521 2,418 44.9 10,646 2,657 1,511 6,473 3,672 3,212 7,493 7,158 1,226 2,500 2,229,222 14.0 27.5 76,204 1,132,466 27,156 26,976 14,197 7,875 18,233 91,215 24,801 U9,920 6,076 27,072 20,880 112,348 16,910 104,058 41,364 482,062 21,477 133,187 8,716 43,553 4,835 12,450 174,305 30,484 1,870 9,832 19,594 21,883 15,477 11,828 49.1 37,327 13,415 5,320 18,592 12,857 11,553 21,919 43,780 8,073 12,366 1,413,087 3.9 53.3 23,164 532,322 5,021 6,257 3,787 62,205 11,526 103,995 3,315 23,490 9,611 30,505 9,177 89,604 19,087 462,018 9,679 92,047 4,622 31,537 4,020 5,351 110,429 24,104 215 2,131 5,503 6,952 5,108 4,195 51.2 9,604 3,991 1,190 4,423 1,843,249 11.6 82.5 21,535 603,215 3,517 4,996 4,646 5,262 3,U4 9,155 81,493 11,806 140,317 33,426 9,639 106,891 9,247 114,249 18,942 697,002 10,023 120,105 5,003 45,550 6,145 5,315 153,001 22,261 231 2,076 4,894 6,474 4,787 3,799 51.1 8,586 3,471 1,122 3,993 2,896 3,012 4,508 13,766 2,894 4,204 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D*t« ue based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See Lexij 117 (For definitions uid explanations, see text) See of fann-Continued FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number , Percent distribution percent. Land in tanrs acres. Percent diatnbutioB percent. Kv^tge 91 le of faim acres , Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollara, Land in farms according to use: Oopland harvested farms reporting. 1 to 9 acres fauns reporting, 10 to 19 acres raima rcportinj;. 3) to 29 acres farms repotting 30 to 49 acres faima repotting, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting, 100 to 199 acres fatms reporting, 200 to 499 aplan(t not harvested and not pastured farm» reporting. Soil-impiDvenient grassee and legumes farms reporting, Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. Other pasture (not cropland and not «K>odland> farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting. Irrigated land in (arms farms raporting Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms reportiag CroptaxKJ used For grain or row crops famed on lh« contour farms repotting Land in atrip-cropping systems for soii>erDBion oontiol farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms repotting, F4AM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporting age number Under 25 yeare number 25 to ^4 years number 45 to 54 yeert jiienbar 55 to 64 years n»nb« «5 or more yeara nombar Average ace years OFF- FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Wotlting off their farms, total operalors reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to IM days oparalors raporting 900 or mors days operators raporting With other members of family wxking off farm operators repotting With inoome from sources other than fatm operated and ofT-fatm work opcraloni reporting With other income of family exceeding value of ■f^cultural ptoducts sold operators reporting Operators not worlcing off their farms or not reporting as to wori off their farms operators reporting With other memftera of family mxking off f«m operators reporting With income fmm itnurcen other than farm operated , . operators reporting With other inonme of Family exceeding value of a^icultura] products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 1,442,681 9.1 156.7 1,376 1,272 2,238 2,M8 4,197 63,697 5,295 92,467 2,174 25,508 4,333 66,959 4,469 94,135 8,308 643,688 4,497 91,643 2,634 42,537 6,700 2,872 119,028 2,177 2,780 1,954 1,421 1,037,628 6.8 197.6 2,677 46,834 3,222 70,955 1,268 17,513 2,610 53,442 2,715 71,653 4,980 509,790 2,918 67, UO 1,812 32,780 3,370 1,769 83,565 1,279 1,477 1,308 3,120 1,326 1,249 1,645 706 225 714 1,058 531 1,353 742 1,*53 738 6,084 1,335 1,855 3,859 810 1,311 783,001 4.9 237.5 1,683 36,798 1,858 54,768 19,867 1,433 34,901 1,649 53,807 2,930 358,805 1,652 52,735 1,106 28,565 5,265 1,126 65,020 2,275,792 14.3 341.3 1,168 1,853 1,371 465 3,406 109,377 3,649 128,257 1,759 37,569 2,916 90,688 3,337 150,692 6,145 1,150,353 3,363 151,731 2,270 79,096 10,280 2,363 183,141 1,332 2,004 1,428 1,203 4,569 962 1,569 1,364,339 8.6 669.1 1,076 56,024 1,154 69,838 14,550 957 55,288 1,075 104,187 1,911 722,177 38,525 373 24,374 112 2,480 659 75,440 672,887 4.2 1,319.4 65,251 470 362,915 269 46,y?6 132 25,647 2,121 152 30,916 118 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Diila are basiil on reports for only a sample of f.irms. See text] Total all farms Si,e„ffam, (For (lofinitinns ia\(\ exfilan^ionp. spp loxt) Under in acres 10 to 40 acres W lo liO acres 70 to 99 acres ™. no acres F 4KMS nV rOLOK V\D TESl'RE OF OPEK \TOR All farm operators: 92,261 39,905 57,903 2,507 2,110 21,658 978 26,000 4,650 81,699 33,127 32,667 10,570 10,562 6,778 25,236 15,430 3,509 77,767 4,827 2,506 668 573 6,209 4,487 7,040 10,680 1,812 16,665 17,335 10,175 10,494 9,942 10,087 3,144 3,404 81,133 91,104 107,429 150,724 102,722 140,639 75,999 19,969 4,360 1,463 931 101,960 137,254 3,032 3,385 9,603 10,085 134,078 153,937 157,618 67,433 91,769 5,266 5,454 967 6,054 95,833 24,874 66,760 37,226 29,534 18,954 9,590 441 549 25,971 75,795 9,286 19,494 5,810 1,728 1,031 513 204 170,693 9,516 10,302 6,906 2,165 8,706 560 130 1,650 30 4,990 1,346 5,411 1,585 4,761 2,260 1,495 580 3,945 2,730 35 5,210 270 140 45 10 936 20 405 40 191 141 141 96 101 105 105 15 20 3,917 4,217 3,320 3,842 2,535 2,891 2,268 206 40 15 6 2,470 2,780 106 111 911 951 10,956 11,813 12,347 4,987 5,490 25 20 5 42 9,281 2,132 6,036 3,590 2,446 1,625 751 15 55 493 1,064 173 325 112 27 23 10 1 14,718 1,904 1,182 37,618 1^,676 30,791 890 860 10,560 300 16,230 1,951 32,108 9,296 14,385 5,505 5,510 3,380 16,406 10,725 720 35,286 2,705 1,040 285 130 1,986 386 1,450 2,715 344 1,977 1,997 1,510 1,530 1,005 1,010 221 251 24,396 25,470 34,475 40,132 32,081 36,113 28,709 2,937 280 105 50 31,761 35,218 840 895 3,909 4,019 53,588 58,764 62,764 21,755 32,797 391 371 100 497 39,676 10,379 29,661 17,441 12,220 8,140 3,640 200 240 5,741 15,191 910 1,466 657 142 61 49 1 73,007 3,488 4,612 12,996 5,336 5,912 245 270 2,955 105 1,925 412 11,666 4,436 3,957 960 1,330 900 1,955 965 340 10,870 570 280 90 90 741 265 660 1,445 177 1,520 1,540 1,080 1,110 695 695 145 145 10,752 11,240 16,005 19,152 15,494 13,040 13,198 2,096 165 30 5 15,374 17,715 300 325 1,087 1,112 17,332 19,447 20,883 7,982 12,184 375 380 35 345 11,515 3,347 9,031 4,991 4,040 2,440 1,465 70 65 2,926 7,742 581 869 448 101 16 11 5 22,196 853 1,210 12,304 5,423 4,619 231 250 2,465 155 1,205 313 11,199 4,663 3,304 705 1,105 760 1,315 50O 480 9,852 525 280 85 75 736 560 840 1,536 197 2,000 2,025 1,221 1,246 1,025 1,025 220 245 11,403 12,085 16,073 20,984 15,657 19,773 12,086 3,151 350 50 20 15,576 19,455 303 318 1,126 1,211 16,546 18,997 19,894 9,082 12,060 650 700 95 460 10,687 3,095 8,243 4,553 3,685 2,385 1,215 25 60 3,431 8,530 860 1,295 636 145 61 12 6 20,212 870 1,270 9,194 3,566 195 275 Crop-sharn len.intp number... 1,910 115 rroop«>rs numbor. . . 810 261 \Miitc fjUTit opermors- 8,569 4,277 2,796 Croppefs number. . . Nonwhite fftrni operalorF: 565 625 530 770 Croppers number... FARMS BY IITE OK FUOl 245 450 7,750 245 25C 81 75 69; 765 952 1,395 21< 2,670 number... 2,710 1,625 number... 1,655 1,415 number. . . 1,425 400 number. . . 405 10,300 number. . . 11,268 13,949 number... Tractors other than (jarden farms reporlinp . . . 19,665 13,659 18,776 9,473 3,435 616 110 25 13,609 18,400 331 number... 376 873 number... 889 13,450 number... Automobiles and/or motorlnjcks farms reporting. . . 15,677 15,991 7,657 10,577 93C 960 Clop drier (for ernin, forage, or other (Tops) farms reportine. . . Power-operatei) elevator, ennveyor, nr hlo*er farms reportine. . . 75 796 8,926 2,428 6,00C 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . . 2,920 3,080 1,940 2 or ^ mites f.imis reporting 1,030 50 6C FARM LADOR. WEEK PRECEDIvn EWMERATION Hired workers _ farms reporting. . . persons... Regular hired workers (employed 1511 nr more days) farms reporting. . . Famis reporting bv number of regular hired workers. 1 hired worker farms reporting. . . •2 hired workers farms reporting. . . :^ or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 3,483 9,178 1,221 1,950 931 167 82 33 in or more hired workers farms reporting... Residing on farm oiierated operators reporting.. 8 16,054 720 842 NORTH CAROLINA 119 State Table 20- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data arc t>as«(j on reports for only a sample of fanns. See tent] (for.fef.nil,nns (inHe»plru Size of farm-Continued r*IttlS BY COLOR *M) TEVXHK OF OPERATOR All fann oi)efalors: Pan o.ners numbet. . All tenants number.. Share-cash tenants number. . , Oop-share tenants number. . , Livestock-sharp tenants number. . , Crorr>er5 number. . , lithei and unspectried tenants number... White farm t}peralors; Full owners number.. Part owners number.. All tenants number.. Croppers number.. Nonwhite farm ot>eTa(ors: hull owners number,. Part owners number. . All tenants number. . Croppers number. . FAIBIS BY TYPE OF FAKM Cash-^ain fsims number.. Tobacco fams numbef . . Couon farms Btimbar . , , Other rield.cit» firms number. . , Vegetable farms number.., 1- ryit-anrt-nul farms niBnber. . Poultry faf^s ntanber.. r)ajr> farms number.. Livestock farms other than poultfy and liairy faims number.. General farms numbar. . Miscellaneous fmna number.. SPEaFIED EQWPVfENT A.VD FACILITIES VKD KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reportjnjt.. Com pickers farms rcportinit.. Pick.un balers farms reportinft.. number,. Field forage harvesters farms lefioninft. . Motortnjrls farms reporting.. number,, Tractcs farms reponJnK,. numbrr . . Tractors other than Harden farms reportini;., 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporttntt.. 3 tractors farms reportinc, 4 tractors firms reporting , . 5 or more tractors farms r»portinn,, IVTieel tractors . Urms report! nR,, Crawler uactors farms rvfnrtinit. , numbff .. Garden tractors farms ttportinn.. number.. Xutomobiles fanni reporting.. number,, \utomobiles and/or molorl/ucks farms reportinK,, Telephone faims reportinfl,. Home frpeier farms reporting, . Milking machine farms reportinfi.. Elerlnr milk cooler farms reportinK.. Crop drier (for Krain, fora^, or other crofts) farms reportinc, Power-opersted elevator, conveyor, or blower farms repartinn.. Faims by kind ol toai) on wlilcli located: Hard surface farms report! ng,, Oavei, shell, or shale , farms repiTtinf;.. Dirt or unimproved farms reportinjt. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface toad farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hani surface rood farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting,. 5 or more miles farms reporting., FARM L4B0R, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting., Reftular hinyl workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting, . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired woriter farms reporting , , 2 hired workers farms reporting,. 8 or 4 hired worltere farms reporting,. 5 to 8 hired workers farms reporting . , 10 or more hired woricars farms reporting , . RESTOENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting,. Not residing on farm operated Ofierators reporting,. Operators not reporting residence number. , See footiwtee at end of table. 4,249 2,700 1,320 2,178 2,24a 1,138 1,153 1,172 1,177 405 420 6,141 6,916 1,iV! 11,904 U,393 4,196 2,596 515 90 5U 7,319 6,638 S,544 4,654 5,821 720 780 110 732 4,908 1,193 3,016 1,506 1,510 925 560 2,483 6,252 1,022 1,496 275 275 4,010 4,795 4,749 8,157 4,679 7,804 2,387 1,672 488 353 4,352 5,480 5,113 3,015 3,703 525 565 280 290 2,526 3,068 2,891 5,477 2,871 5,266 1,261 1,077 342 145 211 2,666 3,489 3,147 1,976 2,285 385 390 2,344 2,474 1,296 1,382 1,767 1,817 752 842 5,303 7,361 S,902 13,006 5,842 12,470 1,995 2,092 1,081 457 217 5,592 7,800 6,323 2,888 9,753 1,796 3,733 1,873 5,591 1,858 5,375 216 1,734 2,790 1,969 1,497 1,508 253 248 1,868 479 1,808 120 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D&lA tre based on reports fof only a sample of famia. See texlj USE OF COMMERaAL FERTIUZEK AND LIME Diy nuterials . . Liquid materials Dry mateciala . . Liquid materials 9 reporting.. 9 reporting.. 9 repoTtj ng . 9 reporting.. 9 reporting. . 173,764 4,300,943 1,311,689 173,428 1,249,965 16,087 61,724 34,443 447,938 34,269 102,606 13,425 50,918 23,850 13,415 23,615 190 235 73,993 1,016,680 348,653 73,863 336,469 6,065 12,184 10,396 51,985 10,371 12,823 22,564 468,915 150,241 22,554 143,292 2,225 6,949 4,805 31,960 4,795 7,686 21,103 524,866 162,187 21,078 154,406 2,280 7,781 5,152 44,824 5,132 11,140 Other pasture (not cropland) . Diy materials Liquid materials Dry materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials Tobacco Dry materials Liquid materials 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting.. 9 reporting. , 9 reporting.. 9 reporting. . 9 teporting. . 9 reporting. 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. 9 repotting.. 9 reportini W,602 a2,872 14,477 48,009 228 621 139,789 1,740,412 138,916 405,251 14,605 53,335 52,837 365,678 52,762 110,508 408 460 110,285 441,758 110,150 345,889 5,595 15,570 5,595 4,325 2,145 6,855 2,145 2,214 9,620 19,110 9,610 13,991 3,730 18,855 3,715 5,031 20 18 60,436 468,661 60,106 111,359 5,665 11,159 25,383 146,261 25,363 43,176 160 137 48,964 163,270 48,904 125,896 1,842 13,407 1,822 3,076 25 29 19,401 219,851 19,361 50,549 1,995 6,437 7,342 46,350 7,327 14,062 45 30 14,696 60,322 14,681 47,219 2,075 18,335 2,065 4,340 25 15 18,007 232,655 17,892 53,665 2,050 6,902 6,382 43,914 6,382 13,199 60 54 13,270 60,151 13,255 All other crops . Dry materials Liquid materia neor limjng maten SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of Uie following speciTied expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry Under $100 ,«00 1o$999 $1,000 lo Sl,9»» 12,000 lo $4,»M $5,000 or more Purchase of livestock and poultry Under $1,000 $1,000 lo $2, «9 $2,500 lo $4,99» $5,CO0 lo $9,999 $10,tC0 or more Machine hire Under $300 $a»lo$999 $1,0)0 or more Hired labor Under $200 $200toi«9» $500 to $999 $1,000 to $2,499 $2,500 lo $4,999 $5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 to $19.999 $20,000 to $49.999 $S0.0OO or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, aod l/ees Under $100 $1C0 to$499 $500 to $999 $1,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for tie farm business Under $100 $100 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $4,999 $5,000 or nmre See footnotes at end of table. 9 reporting. 9 reporting, s reporting. dollars., s reporting., s reporting. . 9 reporting. , s reporting. . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. . dollars . . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. , 9 reporting.. dollars.. 9 reporting. . 9 reporting.. 9 reporting., dollars.. 9 reporting. , 9 reporting. . 9 reporttng.. 9 retorting. . 5 reporting. . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting.. 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. , 9 reporting. . s reporting.. 9 reporting.. 9 reporting.. dollai 9 reporting.. 9 reporting., 9 reporting,, 9 reporting., B reporting.. 237.702 1,778 5,085 34.522 375,733 418,761 188,266 128,931 114,749,002 49,788 63,009 5,685 5,297 5,152 72,771 35,201,273 65.485 4,078 1,798 1,007 403 113,071 17,812.514 85,708 25,513 1,850 112.344 74,675,955 43,861 31,406 18,561 13.091 3,549 1,245 477 122 32 95,404 9,791,869 73.580 19,134 1,692 998 174,385 46,167.024 74.127 72.781 18,629 8,658 190 2,954 7,422 2.939 2,410 17,259 9,252 9,923,900 5,231 2.700,665 4,620 5,001 249,465 4,841 5,837 1,758,690 4,041 1,190 14.858 991,568 12,182 30,712 167,648 30.497 38.184 10,491 55.188 52,977 80.061 50,775 26,746.278 25,268 22.510 981 860 27.091 7,716,755 25,690 47.375 4,537,970 41.448 5.827 100 43,618 14,496,575 20.050 14.410 6,661 2,176 231 62 37,523 2,099,590 34,220 2,965 72,374 10,355,659 38,930 29.689 3,397 343 15 11,475 97,025 11,335 20,700 24,010 17,339 11,582,691 6,860 9,003 525 445 9,481 3.150,700 8,840 15,736 2,079,740 12,331 3,335 70 15,282 7.180,220 5,696 4,515 3,020 1.821 191 31 13,041 834,405 10,815 2,105 22,589 5,235,940 8,286 11,351 124,987 11,151 24,482 4,839 40,298 42,646 22,167 16.241 11.322.985 5,252 9,073 760 660 9,399 3,331,815 8,643 14,920 2,475,597 10,407 4.393 120 14,501 8,686.665 5,146 3,836 2,836 2,217 351 71 12,490 1,067.414 9,430 2,897 21,141 6,023.144 6.593 10,368 3,243 932 NORTH CAROLINA 121 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fDalA Kre based on repcxts for only h sample of funis. See text] [For definiuans and explaj Size of fann— Continued 260 to 409 acres USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Conntercial fflitilizer ud fettilitiag raaleriais used during the yev Dry materials . . Liquid malvials B reporting. . a reporting.. 8,724 356, J70 99,938 8,704 95,345 1,071 4,593 5,250 248,953 69,520 5,215 65,627 626 3,893 3,125 184,322 47,943 3,110 45,894 350 2,049 6,343 475,546 130,028 6,318 122,020 983 8,008 1,952 262,883 75,085 1,926 69,504 351 5,581 Drymatehals .. Liquid materials s renting.. B tvporting.. I reporting. . 2,552 41,095 2,532 8,994 1,664 31,165 1,644 7,417 1,184 29,688 1,174 6,475 2,363 77,210 2,338 16,962 Other pe0tafe(not cropland) Drymalerials Liquid mtferiala Dry materials Liquid materials CottOD DrymKerials Liquid malerials Tobaeoo Dry malerials Liquid maUrial B All other (nope Drymalerials Liquid materials Lime or liming matenaln used during u a-EDFlED FMW EXPENDITirRES \ay of the following specified expenditurvs Feed for livestock and poullry Under 5100 $100 to SBM SLOOO to 5I.>9< 12,000 to S4.9H 15,000 or more Purchase of liveetoci and poultry linder 11,000 $1,000 to ?5,«9 <2,500loM,«M »,000 to $B,«g« $10,000 or more Machine hire Under $200 $aooio$»» $1,000 or more Hired labor Under SSOO $SDOto$»M .B00to$»M $1,000 to SI 4M S!,V)0loM,9M $5,000 to $»,>»» $10,000 to S19,9«g $20,000 to $49,999 $«OJX» or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under $100 «iaOto»4»« SSOOIomt $1,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under $100 $100 to $499 $5COto$»99 $1,000 to $4,999 $5,000 or more See footnotrifl at end of table. B reporting.. srsporting.. s reporting.. Ions. B reporting. B repotting. . Ions,, B ruporting,. s leporting., sr^MBting., B reporting.. B reporting., B reporting. B rsDortJBg,. B reporting. , Bieporting.. B reporting, dollars. 'aima reporting, 'aims reptyting. 'nrms reporting. 'arms reporting. . dollsrs., rsporting., 'simn reporting. . n reporting. n reporting. dollars. s reporting. 'arms reporting. fsimn retttrting. 'srms refsxting. . 'ems reporting., farms reporting, . dollVB.. reporting.. 1,251 19,090 1,241 4,754 7,582 138,927 7,532 31,663 926 3,972 2,352 21,726 2,342 6,481 40 31 5,029 28,302 5,019 22,640 5,159 107,230 5,073 20,813 2,718 33,786 36,497 9,169 7,283 8,736,820 1,822 3,861 660 527 6,153 1,518,360 3,527 2,396 230 6,726 5,778,765 1,871 1,702 1,301 1,326 425 76 5,559 793,365 3,031 2,311 8,894 3,982,150 1,791 12,610 771 2,849 4,472 96,095 4,432 22,503 536 3,262 1,330 11,671 1,350 3,455 2,818 17,326 2,803 13,899 3,103 79,886 3,073 15,504 1,740 23,043 28,293 5,474 4,369 6,757,700 2,727 1,880,310 2,320 3,997 ,402,136 1,086 3,413 349,991 1,751 1,473 2,642 59,174 2,602 14,032 1,601 10,800 1,396 8,39« 1,920 63,483 1,890 12,034 1,181 23,007 27,872 3,277 2,582 4,126,180 1,651 1,497,120 1,291 1,297 39,235 1,272 8,790 5,352 160,337 5,292 37,040 1,678 22,989 1,673 7,319 3,068 21,352 3,063 17,865 154,653 3,984 34,044 2,497 61,587 76, 6M 6,644 5,425 13,222,517 3,306 ,269,892 2,401 1,643,302 1,909 2,287 5,463 9,733,448 1,131 1,083 1,305,235 1,605 2,185 1,620 78,002 1,590 18,571 1,244 94,143 1,223 25,796 2,039 1,622 5,466,420 1,655 161 1,470 2,301 1,618 1,837 122 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fDatA are based on reports for only B sample of famis. See text] ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm pioductS sold total, dollai average per faim, dollar All crops sold dolla/ Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollar Vegetables sold dollar Fruits and nuts sold dollar Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollar All livestock and livestock products sold dollar Poultry and poultry products sold dollar Dairy products sold dollar Livestock and livestock products, oUier than poultry and dairy, sold ttellar LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved . Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calvi Farms reporting by number on hand: CaUle and calves- 1 head 5 to 9 head 10 to 19 head 20to« head 50 to 99 head 100 to 499 head 500 or more head s reporting. . number., s reporting. . number. . 8 reporting. . number. . s reporting.. number. . s reporting.. number . . 3 reporting., s reporting. , 9 reporting. , s reporting., 3 reporting., 3 reporting. , 797,i67,301 A, 186 568,089,197 52<1,079,573 8,801,242 9,252,788 25,955,594 229,378,107 100,119,343 49,685,231 79,573,533 94,443 858,766 87,236 433,245 73,345 247,777 53,231 270,580 36,158 154,941 26,365 33,760 13,905 9,670 7,566 2,372 789 16 33,408,540 1,876 19,069,402 16,847,821 219,118 84,472 1,917,991 14,339,138 12,271,442 123,900 1,938,796 4,102 11,795 3,486 5,587 2,991 4,062 1,666 3,547 921 2,661 224,866,198 2,772 183,875,346 177,009,290 1,887,330 1,145,197 3,833,529 40,990,852 26,634,816 1,970,054 12,385,982 32,398 105,960 29,387 54,877 25,547 40,347 14,788 33,303 8,302 17,780 12,510 13,605 4,317 1,595 90,702,699 3,739 70,691,990 67,733,258 758,990 647,148 1,552,594 20,010,709 11,171,764 1,593,085 7,245,860 13,262 64,162 12,377 31,405 10,726 21,571 7,182 20,002 4,345 12,755 3,800 5,536 2,195 1,205 94,842,289 4,243 72,492,809 68,475,380 846,640 1,263,503 1,907,286 22,349 480 9,353,121 3,817,870 9,178,489 13,391 88,064 12,456 44,267 10,729 28,154 7,868 27,712 5,403 16,085 3,112 5,160 2,316 1,732 20 to 29 head . . . . 30 to 49 head 50 to 74 head .... 75 to 99 head 100 or more head . s reporting. ., 3 reporting. .. 9 reporting. . . 5 reporting. .. s reporting... s reporting... a renorting... 41,885 34,955 5,290 2,260 1,873 583 208 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. ItO or more head farms reporting.. Horses and/OI tnules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number , . Bom since June 1 farms reporting., number . , Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. number Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. 'number... Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting... number.. Ewes farms reporting. , . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number.. 42,496 26,398 1,641 1,142 1,175 304 126 63 86,091 147,981 133,246 1,695,534 74,365 987,245 U6,614 708,289 2,911 60,155 1,639 11,496 2,785 48,659 2,652 44,424 2,024 4,235 2,882 4,232 9,198 69,335 4,881 40,350 7,773 28,985 31,935 45,623 55,578 437,288 28,710 242,839 47,698 194,449 686 12,7U 19,628 18,218 202,642 10,082 113,085 16,073 89,557 296 11,950 18,500 16,914 232,923 9,825 138,785 15,062 94,138 381 Hogs and pigs sold aliv i lambs sold ali\ . .farms reporting. , dollars.. Milk and c «>ldl. dollai ting.. pounds. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. 54,304 341,575 35,081,795 62,110 1,425,154 42,754,920 2,178 41,648 583,072 15,092 961,001,379 49,685,231 20,837 57,216,269 33,087 99,511,726 37,814,467 1,906 5,086 483,470 3,773 46,812 1,404,360 40 310 4,340 466 2,798,039 128,900 1,861 7,917,375 1,983 11,396,820 4,330,792 15,732 39,739 3,433,863 21,133 290,187 8,705,610 436 4,892 68,488 3,861 44,861,357 1,970,054 6,155 17,131,374 11,044 23,595,060 8,966,127 6,826 25,258 2,350,825 8,801 157,460 4,723, f" 196 4,245 59,430 1,975 36,159,368 1,593,085 2,659 7,123,089 4,542 9,306,180 3,536,350 7,875 35,712 3,364,253 3,754 187,839 5,635,170 266 3,660 51,240 2,170 78,088,143 3,817,870 3,009 5,692,305 4,721 See for NORTH CAROLINA 123 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued (For definitions and explai [Data an based oo reports fcr only a sample of fams. See text J B of fann-CoDtinued ESTIMATED VALUE OF PBODOCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fara products sold total, dollars.. avera^ per fan], dollar All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fhiits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural spec)Blt>- products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold doltars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold tlollars. Livestock and livestock products, tither than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS 9 reportiD|{., .firms reporting. . 9 reporting., s reporting.. .farms reporting. . .farms reporting., .farms reporting. . .farms reporting., .farms reptirtiDg. . .farms raporting. , .fiima reporting.. Cattle am) alves Co«8, including heifers that have calved . Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves . Forms reporting by number on band: C^aie and calves- 1 head 2to4bead Stotheal 10 to 19 head aO to 49 head 50 to 99 head 100 to 419 bearl 900 or more haul Cows including heifers that hanre calved- 1 heed farms reporting... 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . . 10 to 19 heed Jaima reporting... 20 to 29 head farms reporting... 80 to 40 he«l firms reporting... 50 to 74 head firms reporting... 75 to 99 head faima reporting... lOuor more head fama reporting... tSlkeon- 1 heed fitns reporting, ., 2 to 9 heed farms reporting... 10 to 19 head faima leporting... 20 to 29 head farms reporting... 80 to 49 head farms reporting... 50 to 74 head farms ratnrting... 75 to 99 head farms leporting... 100 or morn head faims leporting... Horses and/or mules farms lepoiting... Hop and pigs farms leporting... Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . . Bom before June 1 farma reporting. . . Sheep and lamtis Lambs under 1 yeer oli Sheep 1 year old and o Rams and wethers .farms reporting. . .farms reinTting. . B reporting.. a reporting.. 58,326,661 6,337 39,049,080 35,687,013 506,490 473,614 2,381,963 19,277,581 6,579,327 5,540,765 7,177,489 6,347 78,543 5,966 39 ,679 4,933 23,518 4,159 25,298 3,275 13,566 5,418 10,196 6,900 140,336 4,354 83,987 6,239 56,349 290 40,701,112 7,395 25,766,303 22,654,170 308,385 880,838 1,922,910 14,934,809 4,760,604 4,881,660 5,292,545 3,866 59,583 3,664 30,806 2,942 18,282 2,326 19,028 2,152 9,749 3,204 7,023 4,176 92,750 2,636 56,416 3,751 36,344 151 29,009,534 8,799 18,119,775 15,779,815 1,062,085 295,269 982,606 10,889,859 3,104,206 3,781,095 4,004,558 2,520 49,698 2,354 25,6U 1,845 14,150 1,839 15,629 1,490 8,456 1,877 4,594 2,399 61,642 1,526 37,954 2,189 23,678 155 3,500 150 3,185 74,830,349 11,237 41,005,041 34,882,213 949,480 881,163 4,292,185 33,825,308 9,037,646 14,156,003 10,631,659 4,973 145,287 4,737 74,237 3,508 43,111 3,829 46,324 3,316 24,726 16 4,075 11,163 4,868 138,915 3,121 83,102 4,448 55,814 35,312,756 17,319 19,669,769 15,345,131 633,479 1,612,141 2,079,018 15,642,987 3,686,055 5,044,039 6,912,893 1,602 84,223 1,511 41,713 951 14,285 1,369 25,532 1,271 16,878 22 1,258 5,777 1,359 78,233 1,001 46,703 1,227 31,530 142 12,791, 552 25,081 7,700,981 5,695,779 450,442 553,115 1,001,645 5,090,571 891,663 1,329,854 2,869,054 Chickens 4 months old and over . Hogs and pigs sold alive Sheep and Iambs sold aliv ..farms reporting. . nianbar.. dollars.. , .farms reporting. . dollars.. . .farms leporting. , dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 4,309 31,427 2,990,316 4,009 134,648 4,039,440 230 4,470 62,580 1,415 106,800,492 5,540,755 1,487 3,572,285 2,354 6,469,370 2,458,362 2,732 24,416 2,386,760 2,435 94,855 2,845,650 116 1,608,633 1,514 7,044,685 2,575,981 1,895 19,626 1,967,700 1,518 61,771 1,853,130 120 3,864 56,475 6,060,795 3,211 140,943 4,228,290 272 7,077 99,078 1,253 263,399,350 14,156,003 1,259 3,852,936 1,644 U, 574,605 4,398,350 1,423 35,655 4,405,844 1,000 80,554 2,416,620 121 124 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continue(l [D«l« are based on reports fof only a sample of famis. See textj LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Contirued Utters fallowed Oecembei 1, 1958, to Novemliei 30, 1959 . . . .fams reporting. number of liners. 1 or 2 liUeca fanns reoortjng. 3 to 9 litters faims reporting. 10 to 19 litters fanns reporting. 20 to 39 litters farms reporting. 40 to 69 litters farms reporting. 70 or more litters farms reporting. June 2 to November 30 fanns reporting. number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. number of litters. spEanED CROPS harvested Com for all purposes farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres.. 50 to 74 acres . . 75 to 99 acres . . 100 or more acre Harvested for ^ain B reporting. .. s reporting. .. 3 reporting.. . bushels. . , Sales farms reporting... bushels. . . Sor^hvuns for all purposes fanns reporting . . . Harvested for grain or seed farms repelling... btishels. . . Sales fanns reporting. .. bvishels. , , Wheat harvested farms reporting. . . bushels. . , Sales farms reporting. . . bushels. . , Oats harvested for grain farms reporting , . . bushels. . , Sales fanns reporting. .. bushels, . , Barley harvested fanns reporting... bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . , bushels. , , Rjre harvested farms reporting... bushels. . . Sales farms reporting. . . bushels. . . Soybeans harvested for beans fanns reporting... acres grown alone. . . acres grown with other crops... bushels. . . Peaimts harvested for nuts fanns reporting . . . acres grown alone... acres groan with other crops... Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres... Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehytirating farms reporting . . . Sales farms reporting . Clover, tinotiy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Oata, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales fanns reporting. Other hay cut farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . 60,609 274,491 31,311 23,032 4,543 1,414 185 124 49,239 136,849 42,338 137,642 147,168 1,301,471 %,427 32,578 13,672 2,842 756 893 142,952 1,663,617 69,484,826 58,780 29,725,387 9,939 93,552 6,299 73,738 2,312,870 2,126 1,037,702 42,542 380,131 8,892,655 25,551 6,286,410 30,783 285,923 10,440,790 7,862 2,977,854 7,464 63,007 2,310,282 1,884 689,290 2,716 18,193 321,532 870 186,258 25,907 379,882 8,481 8,056,262 20,926 163,414 100 11,738 71,426 153, 339 900 15,533 19,154 139,154 169,512 1,569 10,784 37,033 271,365 316,007 2,257 17,651 20,292 88,827 105,171 y73 3,002 7,694 41,736 45,912 tons, green weight. 1,028 12,901 80,069 3,500 9,175 2,390 1,035 2,890 5,060 2,110 4,115 6,200 16,695 6,200 16,210 585,890 1,370 158,315 11,715 65 3,380 22,041 61,049 14,727 6,552 17,205 31,891 14,091 29,158 64,259 486,877 49,957 12,517 1,785 62,889 469,497 18,173,185 26,810 7,440,525 2,175 7,521 1,205 6,110 172,315 380 68,370 11,355 57,240 1,293,010 5,700 734,195 7,295 29,395 963,620 1,600 241,550 1,120 4,445 145,035 185 25,920 7,425 7,425 39,655 1,485 853,850 9,890 51,570 20 8,460 32,415 4,470 3,400 6,675 16,210 5,870 16,205 20,343 226,867 12,627 5,331 2,280 105 19,823 214,797 3,552,125 3,351 3,558,655 51,695 5,911 36,761 837,413 3,116 500,018 4,255 22,950 743,750 1,040 194,065 775 7,865 3,820 30,420 1,000 626,515 2,816 19,606 8,328 37,970 3,671 3,881 6,883 19,363 6,118 18,607 18,718 239,746 11,069 4,717 2,462 445 25 18,213 224,790 9,106,075 7,398 3,815,290 7,251 54,249 1,227, 796,575 5,0?7 32,293 1,082,991 1,175 265,735 1,060 6,005 224,975 285 57,055 300,570 2,280 17,745 2,397 1,590 1,770 8,400 5,495 6,935 14,366 9,870 13,735 310 100 135 1,570 395 1,455 6,952 2,606 2,782 26,539 13,635 18,765 29,446 15,126 22,828 720 170 210 3,225 740 1,975 9,910 5,331 5,162 35,625 25,270 34,196 37,250 26,861 36,815 675 315 356 2,135 1,610 1,677 6,210 3,030 3,235 15,420 8,880 11,225 15,875 9,030 12,075 225 75 70 705 195 275 2,511 1,141 1,106 7,833 4,170 4,975 7,513 4,368 4,962 See footnotea at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA 125 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dftta ar« bftsed on repons fcr only a sample of famis. Se« textj (For defiaitions ud expluuions, see text) See of rum-Continued LIVESTOCK AND LIYESTOCK PROIXICTS-Coolinued Litters farrowetl Decembet 1, 1958, to Novetnber 30, 1959 . . . .taims reporting, nnrnber of litters. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting. 3 to 9 litters farms i«poiting. U) to IS litters farms reporting. 20 ID 39 litters farms reporting. 40 to 89 litters farms leporting. 70 or more litlers farms reporting. June 2 to Novembw 30 farms reporting. number of litters, December 1 to June I farms reporting. number of litters. SPEartED CROPS HARVESTED Com f« all polposee farms leporting. Under U una farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. SO to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 arses farms reporting, 100 or more acrea farms rrfiorting, Hnivested for grain farms reixirtiag. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Sorghuna for all puipoaes faxwB reporting . . acrea.. Harvested ftir grain or seed fanw reporting., btisbelA. . Sales fiuvs reporting. , bushels . . Wheat harvested fame repoi-tlng. , btishels. , Sales farae reporting. . txishels . , Oats harvested for grain faros reporting., btishela. , Sales farBB reporting.. BBrle7 harveated faros reporting.. bushels . , Sales fanas reporting. , bushels, , R^e harvested faras reporting,, bushels. . Sales farvs i.eporting., bushels. , Sog^beans harvested for beans fams reporting., acres grown alone. . acres grown with other crops., btishels, . Peanuts harvested for imts fanas reporting.. acres grown alone., seizes grown with other cropa.. Hay crops: Land frtia which hay was cut aerea.. Alfalfa and alfalfa slrtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanu reporting.. acres. . toos. . Sales fazVB reporting. . ttns., Clover, tijDthy, and laixttireB of olover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. , Sales fams repotting., Lespedeza cut for hay faras i*eporting.. tons. , Sales faras reporting., Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay faras reporting.. Sales faros repoi.tlng.. Other hsy cut f arns reporting. . Sales faras t.eporting . . Orass silage imde from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or soell grains faras reporting. . eight. 3,778 24,415 1,260 1,726 3,248 12,198 2,928 12,217 7,815 141,688 3,559 2,280 1,395 451 100 30 7,550 129,488 5,632,850 3.221 2,374,755 96,345 3,737 40,714 944,230 2,617 703,945 2,827 30,942 1,127,700 1,006 7,925 16,240 1,226 11,883 13,854 71 1,014 3,237 29,387 1,581 8,049 8,605 2,006 7,663 1,745 4,625 98,420 2,011 1,236 105 95 4,390 87,033 3,884,678 1,761 1,718,973 651 123,840 2,247 28,400 653,520 1,607 493,110 1,747 22,440 838,301 9,700 6,910 2,U2 1,285 39,805 26,930 730 475 820,215 595,770 986 655 12,287 8,870 20,202,U5 14,426,255 1,985 20,225 23,900 1,171 5,554 1,056 5,915 2,729 62,110 1,027 70 55 2,594 53,019 2,467,640 1,085 1,030,565 415 6,616 98,905 1,480 22,595 565,205 1,100 460,045 1,122 17,450 646,925 16,380 50 9,295 1,170 17,000 20,645 5,490 164,184 1,678 1,396 1,353 597 190 276 5,144 138,259 6,571,640 2,U1 3,114,895 831 216,820 2,891 48,210 1,171,091 2,199 923,866 2,481 48,975 1,897,755 1,039 17,832 25,595 2,445 40,981 56,713 1,368 13,563 18,969 1,571 72,575 3,585,938 45,139 1,535 985,005 li,759 86 411,810 See footnotes at end of table 126 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fData are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See (extj SPEanED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Cotton harvested farms reporting. 52,862 366,559 311,299 2,145 6,885 6,120 25,383 146, 61i 122,936 7,342 46,471 40,304 6,391 44,080 36,874 4,670 34,410 29,410 72,796 19,878 4,025,866 31,134 2,321 497,720 10,330 1,561 286,522 9,335 1,176 255,828 7,467 1,394 259,750 bushels . Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting, pounds . Flue-cured tobacco harvested forms reporting. . pounds. . 46,799 25,359 3,857,243 12,999 9,229 18,372,429 97,800 439,075 634,492,702 1,915 1,275 2,496,520 7,915 18,030 24,242,350 20,639 7,320 1,017,356 5,642 3,489 6,819,684 43,500 162,819 232,0U,360 6,557 3,531 510,471 1,585 1,112 2,250,340 13,135 60,038 87,313,824 6,081 3,222 553,360 1,570 1,188 2,426,845 11,727 59,598 87,325,950 4,655 3,168 500,315 9,312 52,065 76,218,085 Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ f anns reporting. . ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevlneB. NORTH CAROLINA 127 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dsla an based on repocts for only a sample of fam^s. See text] See of rwm-ContiQued (For defimdoas and (> 1,000 to 1,999 >cio3 2,000 ■ S'EOFTED CROPS BABVE?n3>-Coo(ii)tted Cotton harvested fanas reporttng. . Irish potatoes harvested for home uae or for sale fams reporting. . bushels. . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale faras reportljig.. buahels. . Hurley and other tobacco harvested faiBe reporting.. pamia. , Flue-cured tobacco harvested faras reporting.. pounds.. Vegetables harvested for sale fanae reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fnilt orcharda , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees^ farms reportli^.. 2,352 21,734 18,716 3,678 1,017 180,708 2,195 1,773 284,795 4,614 28,290 41,098,244 1,351 11,606 10,246 1,326 1,078 144,090 2,527 17,472 25,001,410 1,160 1,679 346,265 1,481 10,988 16,945,505 1,678 22,999 20,023 2,171 3,362 792,027 1,432 2,036 358,961 2,738 21, U5 31,686,185 128 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [DftU are based on repofta for only a sample of farnis. See text] FARMS, ACBEAOE, AND VALUE Farms jiumbet.. Percent distribution petx:ent. . Lan(] in farms acres.. Percent distribution percent.. Average sire of faim acres.. Value of lantf and btitlilings; Average per farm dollars.. Average per acre dollars. . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested famia reporting.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. U) to 19 acres rarms reporting. . 20 to 29 acres fanns reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 600 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and lei^mes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting.. Woodland not pastured farms reporlrng.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . Improved pasture farms reporting.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. Land use practices: Cropland in cover (Tops faims reporting. . Cropland used for grain or tow crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BV \GE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number. . 25 to 34 years number. . 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Worsting off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family wording off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm vrork operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not *oria5«d on reports fix only a sample of fanns. See text] [For definitions and explai CaBnerclal farms by tenure of operator — Continued Ca^b tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms jiumber, . Pfltcenl disljibaliofl percent.. Land in farms arres.. Percent distribution petcent.. Averajte sire of famfi arses.. Value of land and buildings; Averafte per farm dollars.. Averar^e per acre tbllirs.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested famia le^nrting.. 1 tr) g acres farms reporting. . 10 to IS acres fsmia repixting. . 20 to2B acree farms reporting.. 80 to 49 acres farms repoctiRg. . SO to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to U9 acres .farms reporting. . aOO to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acree farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acree famis reporting.. Qopland used only for pasture farms reporting.. Craotand not harvester} and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-improvemerit (passes and legumes firms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and cit>p fajlure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting.. Woodland not pastured farms remrting. . Other pasture [not cropland and not «r>od]and) farms reporting. . bnproved pasture farms reporting.. inisated land in farms faims repotting. . Land use practices: Oopland in cover CTOr>" feme reportii^.. Oopland used for frain or tow craps farmed on the oonlr>ur farms repotting.. LarM] in etrip.tsopping iyslsms tot soil-«t>sion control /arms reporting.. System of terraces on crop and pasture land /arms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporting a|« jnwilrsr.. Under 25 years Jionbar.. 25 10 M jeers jnmker.. 35 to 44 yeara nun^ber.. 45 to 54 years «si*er.. 55 to 64 yeers Jiisnbir.. 65 or more yeere jHpnber., Averageage ysera.. OFFFARM WORK AND OTHER [NOCME Farm operatofs- WorVinjt off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 90 days operators reporting., 100 to 199 days opefstoTB reporting.. aoO or more days operators reporting. , tnth other members of family worlring off farm operators reporting., With income horn sources other than farm operated and off-farm worlr operators reporting. , With other income of family exceeding vajue of a^cultural products sold operators reporting,, OfMrators not Korldng off their farms or not reporting as to worii off their farms operators reporting. . n'lth other members of family »arl(ing off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources oOier than farm of>erated. , . operatore retiorting,. With other ina>me of family exceeding value of a^cultural products sold 0(>eratora reporting, , See footnotes at end of table. 151,672 1.3 102.3 4,670 323 5,671 854 54,753 368 7,506 152 3,645 68 725 490 3,745 690 8,005 230 2,130 575 5,875 4» 5,570 900 52,235 505 5,265 250 2,580 170 1,285 19,353 631,522 1,645 4,226 5,080 5,391 2,586 4,350 21,552 6,399 71,149 1,610 11,878 5,748 59,271 3,464 36,205 9,228 481,873 3,988 26,600 1,352 7,497 2,130 3,381 83,037 3,310 5,643 5,707 2,852 1,505 1,095 4,171 248 2,963 4,265 496 42,207 22,795 529,475 4,175 6,905 5,615 4,590 1,360 2,515 15,655 3,475 27,140 710 4,865 3,075 22,275 1,830 22,040 5,040 203,995 2,445 18,565 710 6,285 1,345 3,920 63,960 22,600 1,600 4,610 6,585 6,025 3,180 600 16,545 2,060 1,020 130 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on refioTts for only a sample of fams. See text] Connnerclal farms by tenure of operator SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fams reporting. . . Com pickers farnis reporting... number. .. Pick-up balers fanns reporting... number... Field forage harvesters farms reporting . . number.. Motortrticks farms reporting.. Tractors farms reporti ng . . number. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting.. 1 tractor farms reoorting.. 2 tractors farms reporting. . % tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting.. ft or more tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors farms reporting.. Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number.. Garden tractors fanns reporting.. number . . Automobiles farms reporting. . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reoorting.. Electric milk cooler faims reporting.. Oop dner (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-onerated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hai^ surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting. . 2 or -3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. F,ARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker .farms reporting.. 2 hired wotiters farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired woiicers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired worlters farms reporting.. 10 Of more hired workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence iiumber. . USE OF (XMMEROAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year operators reporting. . acres on which used. . t>y materials farms repotting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not crtjpland) farms reporting. . Dry materials faims reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Com farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. 16,665 17,335 10,175 10,494 9,942 10,087 3,144. 3,404 81,133 91,104 107,429 150,724 102,722 140,639 75,999 19,969 4,360 1,463 931 101,960 137,254 3,032 3,385 9,603 10,085 134,078 153,987 157,618 67,433 91,769 5,266 5,454 95,833 24,874 66,760 37,226 29,534 18,954 9,590 441 549 25,971 75,795 9,286 19,494 5,810 1,728 1,031 170,693 9,516 10,302 173,764 4,300,943 1,311,689 173,428 1,249,965 16,087 61,724 34,443 447,938 34,269 102,606 14,602 212,872 14,477 48,009 228 621 139,789 1,740,412 138,916 405,251 14,605 53,335 13, IM 13,796 9,272 9,581 8,247 8,369 2,917 3,159 56,661 65,219 75,867 112,014 74,301 107,687 51,205 16,914 3,966 1,339 877 73,914 105,436 2,049 2,251 3,948 4,327 87,356 100,598 102,666 38,412 61,482 4,796 62,406 12,429 43,318 23,940 19,378 12,378 6,430 256 22,199 67,863 8,606 18,490 5,291 1,601 1,004 107, 512 5,940 6,626 116,092 3,686,751 1,153,677 115,881 1,094,748 14,675 58,929 20,697 339,750 20,543 76,761 9,153 164,502 9,048 36,258 178 569 100,942 1,534,844 100,195 357,451 13,579 51,330 4,295 4,485 2,741 2,812 3,076 3,105 1,034 1,104 22,295 25,270 27,857 40,454 27,000 38,126 19,292 5,708 1,311 399 290 28,647 33,660 35,303 17,491 22,902 1,908 1,985 20,482 5,729 13,496 6,985 6,511 3,987 2,248 115 161 7,400 19,895 3,233 6,624 36,580 1,636 2,017 36,933 1,014,740 301,440 36,853 288,654 3,397 12,786 9,636 151,058 9,583 34,469 4,491 76,205 4,446 17,166 71 303 30,812 393,099 30,591 95,003 3,100 10,979 6,266 6,596 3,731 1,482 1,580 19,647 23,577 24,525 39,879 24,241 38,641 14,566 23,769 28,508 28,048 13, 5U 19,030 2,518 2,633 16,110 3,244 10,321 5,671 4,650 2,981 1,561 51 57 8,431 27,581 3,639 27,464 1,341 1,295 29,815 1,338,732 398,075 29,720 377,598 3,821 20,477 7,349 137,413 7,299 3,617 66,579 3,582 14,914 63 129 26,54.4 511,854 26,364 118,589 3,388 17,241 13,190 218 3,490 NORTH CAROLINA 131 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explai cial farms ty teinire of operator — Continued LI ves t ocls -share Other and unspecified tenants SPECIFTED EQUIPMENT ASD FACIUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reportjug.. Corn pid<»s farms reporting.. number.. Pidi-up balers farms reporting.. Field forage harveslars farms reporting.. Kfctortrxjcks farms reporting.. number.. Tractors fwtns reporting.. Tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number.. 1 tnctor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting.. 5or nmre tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors 'ams reporting.. Crawl(« tractors Sanaa reporting.. Garden tractors tams repordng.. Automobiles farms reporting.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting.. Teleptene fwms reporting. . Home freeier farms reporting.. Milking machine iarms reporting. . Electric milk cooler fanns raporting.. Crop drier (for p«in, forage, or other crops) /aims reporting.. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or Mower /arms reporting. . Farms by kind of foad on which located: Hard surface tatms raporting. . Gravel. sMI, or shale faims ftporting.. Dirt or unimproved '«ws reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surf ace read firms reporting.. 1 or nnremilee to a hard Burfac«read faima reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or Smiles fairaa reporting.. 4iRilM .farms reporting.. 5 or mor« oIIm '"»• reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINO ENUMERATION Hired wjffcara farms rapofling.. Regular hired «ork«rs (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . Faims reporting by number of regular hired workws: i hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporUng.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farma rvporting.. REaOENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on f arm op«rat«d operators rapoctiag.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number. . USE OF COhftfERCAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertiliter and fartilitjng materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres on which used . . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Crops on which used- Ray and cropland pasture Jarms reporting.. Dry materials farma reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry matenals /arms reporting.. Liquid materials .farms reporting.. Com fanna reporting.. Dry materials farma reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Sm footnotM at and of tdble^ 1,020 1,507 1,000 1,477 1,104 1,287 1,311 1,427 48,915 15,352 1,427 14,123 236 1,229 1,289 20,498 1,279 4,675 1,400 1,580 1,625 1,855 66,590 21,129 1,855 20,086 255 1,043 1,760 27,195 1,755 6,259 1,039 1,085 1,376 1,412 885 7,219 980 7,632 1,3X) 13,127 2,005 16,371 1,310 12,952 1,950 16,121 815 10,388 385 2,128 U,i86 15,779 16,732 9,998 1,230 7,710 4,327 3,383 2,296 1,007 40 40 16,862 1,141 1,350 19,333 557,737 193,115 19,318 181,742 2,837 11,373 1,712 11,181 1,692 2,545 15 17,873 286,488 17,747 63,894 2,687 10,578 13,596 205 1,077 5,710 7,835 5,570 7,600 4,065 1,150 225 100 U,920 16,090 16,200 11,965 1,365 9,155 5,425 3,730 2,390 1,255 50 35 20,195 1,180 1,420 22,736 4',9,455 171,674 22,726 152,355 3,665 9,319 19 19,540 234,200 19,380 54,020 3,520 8,736 132 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dau are based on rafnrta for only a sample of Taims. See text] Commercial farms by tenure of operator USE OF COMMERa \L FERTILIZER AND LIME-Continued Commefciftl fertilizer and fertiliiinE malenals used dunnf! the year-Continued Crops on which used— Continued Cotton '«r™» rerxxtini!. , Dry matenals farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reportinR.. Tobacco farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reportinc.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other crops farms reporting. , Dry materials , farms reporting. Liquid malenals farms reporting. Lime or timing matenals used during the year farms reporting. SPEnnED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and pouluy farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 f«nns reporting. . SlOO to $B99 fanns reporting.. $1,000 to ^1,999 'arrns reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $.1,000 or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $1,IM0 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 'ams reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 'arms reporting. . J5,0O0 lo $9,999 'arms reporting. . $10,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting.. Under $200 farms refrirtint . . $20) to $999 'arms reportinn. . $1,000 or more farms reporting.. ilired labor fam-s reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 .fanns reporting.. MOO to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,199 fat^'9 reporting.. $2,.'i00 to $4,999 farms reporting. . 55,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 to $19,999 farms renortine. . $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reportin:: . , $100 to $499 farms report i ng . , $500 to $999 farms reporting. , $1,000 or more farms reporung. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. $100 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more farms reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fniils and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock ptoducts sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dolla/s. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 52,837 365,678 52,762 U0,5O8 U0,285 441,758 110,150 345,889 411 355 81,878 1,093,368 80,980 237,702 1,778 5,085 34,522 375,733 418,761 188,266 128,931 114,749,002 49,788 63,009 5,685 5,297 5,152 72,771 35,201,273 65,485 4,078 1,798 1,007 403 113,071 17,812,514 85,708 25,513 1,850 112,344 74,675,955 43,861 31,406 18,561 13,091 32 95,404 9,791,8 73,580 19,134 1,692 998 174, 385 46,167,024 74,127 72,781 18,629 8,658 190 797,467,304 4,186 568,089,197 524,079,573 8,801,242 9,252,788 25,955,594 229,378,107 100,119,343 49,685,231 44,021 326,202 43,951 98,765 90,061 413,440 89,936 323,970 57,048 909,096 56,335 201,543 1,442 4,588 22,885 298,890 322,246 120,078 81,636 105,215,353 28,352 38,611 4,560 4,980 5,133 49,085 32,011,753 42,250 3,678 1,750 1,006 401 82,239 15,187,134 58,018 22,481 1,740 88,529 70,477,338 26,064 26,686 17,647 12,760 3,512 1,221 470 120 29 69,455 8,744,296 49,827 17,104 1,557 967 115,070 40,992,121 31,384 57,197 17, 8X 8,469 531,088,541 490,829,651 7,821,317 8,603,791 23,833,782 210,024,929 96,604,558 47,687,561 9,152 52,529 9,122 17,112 24,753 81,374 24,713 65,018 18,909 261,208 18,752 59,886 9,350 111,511 134,935 40,233 31,350 58,917,709 8,608 14,998 1,988 2,611 3,145 19,325 18,044,268 15,248 2,124 1,108 625 220 24,937 4,435,366 17,916 6,521 27,351 21,309,654 9,471 23,633 3,214,023 17,153 5,a54 37,853 12,562,382 11,052 18,909 5,421 2,418 53 120,189,707 99,313,511 2,291,402 5,530,878 13,053,916 108,146,945 63,612,470 16,364,673 9,867 89,676 9,847 27,262 21,755 116,489 21,720 91,629 17,125 417,071 16,888 93,797 8,117 122,051 136,335 30,100 23,903 33,609,444 6,091 12,386 1,932 1,916 1,578 14,354 10,116,208 12,190 1,240 881 24,939 26,320,933 5,790 6,586 5,097 5,027 1,629 19,901 3,472,155 11,689 6,989 29,430 15,385,639 4,299 14,209 6,699 4,180 93 162,260,672 148,623,750 3,307,272 2,104,094 7,725,556 75,523,036 24,583,506 25,675,988 4,851,526 2,475,370 39,143 512,580 1,824,433 7,522,345 3,212,120 2,416,301 NORTH CAROLINA 133 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dtu m bfts«d OS rafnfts for only ft sample of funs. See text] USE OF COMVIERaAL FERTILIZER VMl LIME-fonunued Convnerci^ fflrtiliE«r and fertilizing maunals used dunng the year— Continued Oops on which used-Continued Gotten fsi™> reporting. , D»y malerials farms reporting.. Liquid matenajs farms reporting. . Tobacco farms reporting.. Dry Bnauvials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other ODos farms reporting,, Dry malerials farms reporting. . Liquid malerials farms reporting. . Lime or liming materials gsed during the year farms repor SPECIFIED FARM EXPEVDITIIRES sioo to an .... tl.OOO to !I.gM . 52,000 to M,tW . »,OOOormore .. Under SI ,000... . $l,00n to S?, im S2,!00 to <4,99» »,000 to »,»> . $10,000 or more . Under«S0O !2I0 la MM SOO to !mt Sl,000toS2,4««... S2,!00 to «,»«».. . SS,000 to X.Mi . . . $10,000 to !I«,tM . 121,000 to »a,»9 . HO.OOOormore ... Under $100 .. <100 to im . SSOOtoStt. •1,000 or mora Under !100 $100 to $4» .... .•900 to !«m . . S1,000 to it,D»> . SS,OOOormore .. (fall! s reporting. B reporting, .farms reporting. B reporting. B reporting. s reporting. , B reporting., .farms reporting.. 9 reporting.. .faims reporting. « reporting. B reporting.. B reporting. . .farms reporting .farms reporting dollars. s reoorting. B reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS 90LD BY SOURCE All crops sold dollal Field crops, other than vegetables and fhiits am) nuts, aold dollars. Vegelablea sold dollara.. Fruits and nuts sold A Forest products and horticultural anecialty products atild dollars., All livestocl. and livestock products add dollal Poultry and poultry products sold dollar*.. Dairy products sold dollal Livestock and livestock prtiducts, oUier than poultry and Hairy, sold doliai See footnotes al end of t«b)e. clal farms by '.enure of operator — Continued 5,201 722 1,440 1,1A8 5,062 1,148 3,956 13,998 704 3,157 1,482 1,019 1,137,013 9,186,020 6,198 6,750,9^8 6,155,555 245,255 10,629 339,539 2,435,042 814,208 812,650 1,670 9,275 1,670 7,352 1,030 15,985 1,005 2,992 1,860 1,345 753,970 10,867,469 10,556,761 239,880 25,503 45,325 1,766,677 341,317 781,190 10,234 76,945 10,229 22,599 17,546 94,507 17, 521 75,067 86,961 8,488 17,275 19,353 12,109 2,862,980 5,656 6,062 210 IM 6,899 815,545 6,764 15,319 2,426,900 11,205 3,983 131 15,611 9,461,170 3,905 4,936 3,828 2,479 386 11,177 792,959 9,032 1,989 18,783 6,182,550 3,901 10,804 3,182 881 15 104,936,631 103,936,624 530,670 95,712 373,625 5,925,419 1,184,627 430,230 5,925,092 5,847,028 39,045 3,094 35,925 2,312,751 679,408 631,925 11,431 76,395 11,416 22,963 20,125 91,580 20,110 68,630 8,785 66,400 8,710 14,518 2,465 23,285 14,805 22,795 9,475 1,884,445 6,250 2,930 160 85 5,745 601,605 5,625 14,860 1,846,000 12,025 2,765 70 15,020 6,127,645 5,630 5,400 2,835 965 10,470 587,075 8,995 1,375 21,695 3,886,710 10,145 9,855 1,375 320 103,169,272 102,343,629 5U,705 108,848 172,090 3,711,894 758,804 181,770 134 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] see text) Total all farms Conmiercial farms by tenure of operator Item (For definitions and expIanaUons, Total full owners Managers All tenants LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms renorUng. . . number... Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting... Milk cows farms reportinj;,.. number... 94,443 858,766 87,236 433,245 73,345 247,757 53,231 270,580 36,158 154,941 26,365 33,760 13,905 9,670 7,566 2,372 789 16 41,885 34,955 5,290 2,260 1,373 583 208 182 42,496 26,398 1,641 1,142 1,175 304 126 63 86,091 147,981 133,246 1,695,534 74,365 987,245 U6,614 708,289 2,911 60,155 1,639 11,496 2,785 48,659 2,652 44,424 2,024 4,235 122,225 12,811,580 54,304 341,575 35,081,795 62, UO 1,425,164 42,754,920 2,178 41,648 583,072 15,092 961,001,379 49,685,231 20,837 57,216,269 33,087 99,511,726 37,814,467 60,609 274,491 31,311 23,032 4,543 1,414 185 124 49,239 136,849 42,338 137,642 54,759 657, 5U 51,093 337,423 42,794 194,643 31,514 204,061 22,149 - 116,027 15,117 17,816 6,915 5,804 5,938 2,341 765 13 23,563 13,739 3,974 2,044 1,825 567 204 177 23,952 14,545 1,511 1,142 1,162 298 122 62 59,349 107,495 88,744 1,364,115 52,138 301,843 78,626 562,272 1,616 40,900 870 7,695 1,585 33,205 1,502 30,205 1,220 3,000 79,367 10,957,088 30,579 267,939 28,094,207 44,471 1,212,248 36,367,440 1,272 29,639 414,946 9,543 911,646,526 47, 687, 561 14,742 56,414,201 20,900 92,521,303 35,158,100 45,396 229,498 21,616 17,996 4,131 1,356 179 118 36,933 112,565 32,863 U6,933 23,596 300,339 22,095 149,841 18,193 74,322 14,332 92,336 10,691 58,162 4,972 7,408 3,546 3,335 3,034 998 301 2 8,424 9,548 2,118 925 673 256 72 79 9,136 7,406 708 462 320 114 32 15 22,329 39,701 28,735 481,915 16,698 239,395 25,567 192,520 954 20,700 477 3,»5 943 17,395 892 16,059 702 1,336 ^ /, 53,! 6,199_,147 14,824 125,727 13,795,351 14,965 456,374 13,691,220 774 15,285 213,990 4,600 324,860,772 16,364,673 8,196 39,623,113 10,262 58,013,132 22,044,991 14,148 80,564 5,759 6,219 1,621 429 67 53 11,741 39,262 10,757 41,302 17,622 266,197 16,565 139,904 14,062 93,062 11,308 84,505 8,226 41,783 3,609 5,610 2,505 1,969 2,511 1,101 312 5 6,398 6,324 1,505 963 971 264 89 51 6,735 4,982 723 615 757 176 53 21 16,833 30,374 24,072 480,913 15,435 291,516 21,521 189,397 493 16,195 281 3,494 433 12,701 451 U,338 385 1,363 2U,144 3.094,126 10,930 108,753 10,640,372 14,246 471,865 14,155,950 356 11,630 162,820 4,049 488,870,090 25,675,988 4,468 12,868,826 6,641 25,066,131 9,525,131 13,844 37,611 5,182 6,155 1,721 650 90 46 11,611 42,828 10,541 44,783 246 30,574 228 14,847 142 5,903 223 9,627 216 6,100 16 5 2 3 42 77 95 6 14 10 15 38 56 30 23 42 33 48 5 14 3 17 22 175 1,577 163 10,233 117 6,683 146 3,550 27 702 16 146 27 556 27 488 26 68 177 422,007 240 11,598 1,529,436 131 11,683 350,490 20 449 6,286 63 37,719,603 2,416,301 90 897,175 84 4,778,205 1,315,718 96 1,699 31 22 21 6 7 9 85 625 77 1,074 13,295 60,401 12,205 32,831 10,397 21,351 5,101 Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves . Farms reporting bv number on hand; CatUe and calves- farms reoorting... number... 17,593 3,016 9,977 6,520 4,793 862 10 to 10 head 20 to49 head farms reporting. . . farms reportinR... 497 401 100 to 49? head farms reporting... 57 Cows, includini; heifers thai have calved- 1 head 8,727 2,857 336 118 125 17 20 5 Milk cows- 8,048 2 to 9 head 2,109 SO 60 TO to 49 head farTTis rerxirting... 71 5 75 to99 head 100 or more head farms reporting... farms reporting... 20 4 20,012 Hogs and pigs ikim since June 1 ^oTn before June 1 Sheep and lambs Lambs under 1 year old Sheeo 1 year old and over farms reporting... number... farms renortin";... number... farms reporting. .. number. . . fams reoorting... number... farms reporting... number... farms reporting... number... 35,343 35,774 391,054 19,888 214,249 31,392 176,805 142 3,303 96 750 132 2,553 132 Rams and wethers farms reporting... 2,320 107 233 31, 514 Livestock and livestock products sold: number. . . 1,241,803 4,585 Hogs and nigs sold alive number. . . dollars... farms reporting. . . number... dollars... 21,861 2,129,048 15,129 272,326 8,169,780 122 Milk and cream soldi Chickens including broilers sold Chicken eggs sold Litters fattowed December 1, 1958, to NovemlKr 30, 1959 lor2liUers ato9litlers 10 to 19 litters 20 to-^g litters « to 69 litters 70 or more litters dollars... farms ref>orti ng . . . pounds... dollars... farms reporting . . . dollars... farms reporting... dozens... dollars... farms reporting... farms reporting... farms renorting... turns reporting.. . farms reportirm... farms reporting. . . farms rerortjng... 2,275 31,850 331 60,196,061 3,230,594 1,988 3,025,087 3,913 4,663,835 1,772,260 17,303 59,624 10,644 5,600 768 271 15 10 13,501 number of litters farms rei»rtjng... 29,850 11,488 29,774 NORTH CAROLINA 135 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanna. See ten] cial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Other and unspecified tensints UVESroCK AND UVBSTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle ard calves fams reporting, Cows, including heifera titat have calved rarms reporting. Twimbet. Witk cows fams reporting. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. Steers and bulls inclutfing steer and bull cajves fanns reporting. Farms reporting by number on hand: CatUe and calve»- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head fajmn reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 (o 19 h^ad farms reporting. 2D to 49 head farms reporting, SO to 99 head farms reporting, 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, induding heifers thai have calved* 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting !30 lo 29 head farms reporting. 110(0 49 head farm<( reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 bead farms reporting. 100 or more head fams reporting. Milk cow»- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head fams ivporiing. 10 to U head farms reporting. 30 to 29 head farms reporting % to 49 head farms reporting, V) to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farm* reporting, 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and or mules farms reporting. Hogs and pigs tMm» reporting. Bom since June t farms reporting Bom before June 1 farms reporting Sheep and lambs fame reoorting. Lambs under 1 yevold farms reporting. Sheep 1 year old and over faims reporti ng Ewes farms rvportinn number Rams and ««t>iers farm« repnrtinc numbOT Chickens 4 months old and OVef farms reporting Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farm* reporting number dollars llogs and pigs sold alive farms rrporting number, dollarB Sheeo and lambs sold alive farms reporting, dollars Milk and cream sold* farms reporting. dollars Chickens including broilere sold farm* reporting Chicken eggs sold farms reporting cMlars Litters farrowed December 1, 19S8, lO November 30, 1959 fenns reporting. number of litters. 1 or 2 liUers farms reporting. S lo 9 liUcra farms reporting. 10 to 19 litiera farms reporting. 20 lo % litters farms reporting. 40 to 69 litiera farms reporting. 70 or more litters farnis renorting. June 2 to November 10 farms reporting, number of litters. December 1 to June I farms rcfiorting. number of liUors. See footnoips at end of table. 5,673 3,356 12,150 1,325 9,160 6,206 19,109 5,646 10,769 4,907 7,572 2,371 5,282 1,311 3,038 W,9*0 174,761 8,773 96,914 13,235 77,847 60 1,994 5,839 568,712 7,256 123,023 3,690,690 45 4X 807,949 1,926 980,930 372,753 8,033 27,323 4,723 2,904 640 6,367 1,420 13,794 580 5,550 1,695 13,529 4,475 15,950 4,145 8,505 3,520 4,580 1,415 3,975 770 3,470 15,400 126,410 7,670 64,275 13,405 62,135 30 2,276 511 2,759 1,345 5,365 590,600 4,960 72,240 2,167,200 20 205 497,966 1,075 676,970 257,248 6,330 17,545 4,590 1,465 4,740 9,000 3,825 8,545 136 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj cial farms by tenure of operator spEanF.D CROPS harvested Com for all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 acres farms reporting . 11 to 2'!* acres farms reporting . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to lA acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 or more acres farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reporting . bushelB . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Sorghums for ail purposes farms reporting . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Barley harvested , farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Rye harvested farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . acres grown alone . acres grown with other crops . bushels . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting . acres grown alone . acres grown with other crops . pounds. Hay crops: Land f rem which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Leapedeza cut for hay farms reporting . . Sales farms reporting . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . Sales farms reporting . . Other hay cut farms reporting . . Sales farms reporting . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. tons , green weight . . See footnotes at end of table . 96,427 32,578 13,672 2,842 756 893 142,952 1,663,617 69,484,826 6,299 73,738 2,312,870 42,542 380,131 8,392,655 25,551 6,286,410 30,783 285,923 10,440,790 7,862 2,977,854 7,464 63,007 2,310,282 2,716 18,193 321,532 25,907 379,832 8,481 8,056,262 U,738 71,426 153,339 19,154 139,154 169,512 1,569 10,784 37,033 271,365 316,007 2,257 17,651 20,292 88,827 105,171 7,694 41,736 45,912 57,367 29,462 13,209 2,810 101,871 1,461,434 62,457,453 4,062 57,535 1,849,720 30,924 305,153 7,311,235 19,522 5,354,406 21,313 227,675 8,613,694 5,457 2,510,055 5,767 53,764 2,012,292 1,487 624,700 1,932 15,0X 271,997 22,072 356,019 7,585 7,615,632 6,696 51,990 118,450 3,619 24,847 205,537 246,988 1,275 13,044 14,290 68,254 83,041 4,616 27,326 31,701 32,147 401,610 20,664 7,715 2,825 543 30,837 358,957 15,438,754 1,417 14,784 495,363 187,615 10,122 84,474 2,023,133 5,785 1,392,471 3,150 74,054 2,685,211 1,668 666,770 1,934 15,546 588,322 6,033 90,917 2,576 1,952,413 3,536 23,305 47,150 5,466 48,751 62,977 9,654 72,732 83,383 5,752 27,283 33,846 26,469 472,596 21,163,278 1,860 34,498 1,115,938 589,333 11,258 146,026 3,493,737 7,729 2,716,749 8,367 114,482 4,513,711 2,236 1,393,375 2,862 28,917 1,096,295 7,349 161,393 3,370 3,413,082 2,553 23,015 57,487 2,809 27,973 36,600 4,601 26,429 33,820 1,436 3,3U. 9,558 19,289 6 5,274 10,403 16 7,520 93 6,212 145,977 32 1,603 2,529,662 NORTH CAROLINA 137 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on refiorts Tor only a sanple of Taims. See texij SPEaFTCD CROPS ft-VRVESTED Cam for all piirpoees farms reportliig. . Under 11 acres farms reporting . . 11 to 2^ acres f aniB reporttng . . 25 to ^9 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 7-4 acres farms reporting . . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 or more acres farms reporting . . Harvested Car grain farms reporting.. bushels .. Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. SorghufflB for all purposes farms reporting . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. bushels . . Salea f an» reporting . . bushels . . Wheat harvested farms reporting.. bushels .. Sales f ams reporting . . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain far«B rvportlng . bushels. Salss f am reporting . bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting . bushels. Sales farms reporting • bushels . Rye harvested fanas reporting . acres. buahels. Sales farms reporting- bushels. ScQTbeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres grown alone . acres grown with other crops . bushela . Peanuts harvested for i farms reporting . . acres grown alone . , acres grown with other crops . . pounds., Hay crops: I^nd from which hay was cut acres . . JUfalTa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating famts reporting.. Sales farms reporting . Clover, tliDothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut far hay fanos reporting. Salea farms reporting . Lfrspedeza cut for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. tCDS. Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Qrass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table . of operator — Continued Cash tenants 1,278 20,685 867,785 8,997 350 171,295 3,380 3,991,230 1,750 25,240 989,785 4,700 10 2,750 465 7,230 110 134,805 260 3,310 .,603,550 515 1,335 650 1,32S 10 20 UO 75 A50 3,238 2,6X1 15,888 2,610 15,650 18,223 293,778 8,507 6,012 2,960 575 121 18,113 287,282 U, 392, 305 iO,U5 4,915 36,4619 867,540 3,180 606,751 2,518 15,023 503,520 9,835 SO *,170 2,266 6,478 5,974 20,799 240 6,810 50 151,065 280 4,215 6,856,860 20,060 239,825 12,190 5,705 1,900 225 25 19,940 236,030 9,865,395 11,045 2,710 16,940 410,960 1,540 240,740 935 1,645 8,480 8,590 138 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms by tenure of operator SPEaFIED CROPS HAKVESTED-Corlinued Cotton harvested farms reporting . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels . Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting . pounds . Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . 52,862 366,559 311,299 72,796 19,878 4,025,866 46,799 25,359 3,857,243 12,999 9,229 18,372,429 97,800 439,075 634,492,702 44,031 327,040 279,026 47, 588 17,603 3,594,915 33,110 22,417 3,428,283 6,055 5,399 10,910,124 84,269 414,300 605,857,802 9,152 52,565 46, 102 15,481 5,827 1,117,046 9,930 5,589 814,114 3,810 2,899 5,951,912 21,049 79,856 120,541,314 9,872 90,091 77, 565 11,603 9,860 2,030,156 8,477 9,112 1,479,999 1,4X 1,646 3,254,185 20,412 116,640 170,365,586 24,916 180,099 152,015 20,430 1,873 443,157 14,663 7,581 1,094,498 42,719 216,876 313,639,112 'Includes mili equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms Tjlth less than 20 trees and grapevines . NORTH CAROLINA 139 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are OKsed on r«po4l3 for only K sample of fanns. See textj (For definitions and exniaj SPEaFIED CROPS iUB\'ESrED-ConUn»ed Cotton harvested farms reporting . Irish potatoes harvested for hooe use or for sale f anns reporting . bushels. Sweetpotatoes harvested for hone use or for sale f ama reporting . bushels. . Bur ley and other tobacco harvested f amis reporting . pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale f araa reporting . Sales dollars . land in bearing and ncxibearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. Cash tenants 1,U2 5,154 7,032,363 of operator — Continued 1,635 9,493 13,508,770 10,234 77,164 64,909 5,507 3,140 417, 593 17,247 95,319 U8,069,160 Livestock -share 11,435 76, 533 55,388 9,925 442 131,050 7,106 3,234 526,130 19,813 92,435 133,871,540 Other and unspecified tenants 1,199 7,864 6,650 2,190 10,259 14,738,650 140 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [D&ta are baaed on repoita for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all farms of white operators Commercial farms ty tenure of white operator FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms jiumbac.. Percent distribution percent.. Land in farms acres.. Percent distribution percent. . Average site of fann acres . . Value of land and buildings: Average per fanii dollars.. Average per acre dol lars . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested fanns refiortinp. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 29 acres fanns reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. , Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms reporting . Otiier pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. Improved pasture farms reporting. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reportin Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . Land in stnp-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporlinf System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. , FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators refwrting age number. . Under 25 years number.. 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years number., 45 to 54 years number. , 55 to (t4 years number . . 65 or more years number. . Average age years. . OFFFARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opetators- Woriring off their farms, total operatrws reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . loo to 199 days operators reporti ng . . 200 or more days operators reporting. , With other members of family working off farm operators reportjng. , With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm worlr operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operatrxs reporting. . Operators not worlring off their farms or not reporting as to irork off their farms operators reporting.. With other members of family wortong off farm operators reporting. , With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. , With oUier income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operatore reporting. , See footnotes at end of table. U,050,i52 95.0 136,506 3,906,872 42,222 32,018 21,529 21,607 13,728 4,053 1,132 K7 20 51,027 675,231 62,618 892,264 22, 658 234,457 50,723 657,807 52,181 998,093 102,273 5,996,136 58,952 994,865 30,498 457,151 3,416 55,832 33,702 1,090,921 146,920 2,944 15,892 33,237 40,668 30,007 24,172 50.2 65,674 21,283 8,711 35,680 22,114 23,657 39,476 82,224 17,244 27,831 10,504,777 100.0 117.8 86,215 3,318,847 13,151 19,176 16,997 18,681 12,880 3,993 1,175 146 16 32,540 481,328 37,404 578,982 14,141 158,153 30,293 420,829 30,567 661,532 62,826 4,394,437 33,195 673,949 18,621 345,383 2,512 45,416 22,150 829,633 2,144 10,876 21,781 27,832 20,468 5,444 28,371 17,021 3,634 7,716 7,764 9,202 7,729 60,785 11,401 11,196 ,470,142 42.6 124.9 33,296 1,009,419 7,222 8,730 6,549 5,967 3,672 15,397 241,542 16,907 282,940 6,898 85,266 13,384 197,674 15,183 356,416 29,855 2,061,202 15,888 X2,018 9,088 163,788 1,175 19,505 8,522 310,955 35,554 235 1,965 6,386 11,541 11,833 3,544 52.1 10,817 5,745 1,092 3,930 2,850 4,152 3,833 24,970 4,357 6,489 1,640 3,743,005 35.6 147.4 25,179 1,359,453 2,127 4,256 4,156 6,006 10,730 172,008 11,915 185,275 4,872 52,229 9,398 133,046 10,222 210,271 20,503 1,452,289 11,070 233,996 6,989 131,455 358,957 3.4 1,184.7 20,908 7,976 359,136 3,207 7,470 8,639 9,011 5,303 1,359 2,349 2,770 3,139 2,382 16,655 150 26,182 248 187,750 167 35,745 135 2,4218 10,153 61 6,404 NORTH CAROLINA 141 State Table 21a. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued DUM are based on rapofts for only • sample of fums. See lexij Cash tenants Conmerclel farms ly tenure of white operatoi^-Continued FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms jiumber. , Percent di sthUjUon percent. , Land in farms acres., Percent distiibulion percent.. Average si le of farm acres. , Value of lant] and buildings: Avera^ per ranti dollars., Averai^ pw acre dollars. , Land in farms accofding to use: Cropland harvested farms repor 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. , 10 to 19 acres farms refxMting., 20 to S acres farms reporting. , do to 49 acres farms reoorting.. 90 lo 99 ao«e farms reporting.. 100 lo 199 acres farms reporting,. 200 lo 499 acres fanns reoorting.. 500 lo 999 acres , farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Ch}pland used only for pasture farms reporting.. CioplBitd not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. Soil.ifflpfovement passes and legumes farms reporting. Other cropland {idle and crop failure) farms reporting. Woodlaitd pastured farms refcrting.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. Otlter pasture (not cropland and not aoodland) farms repotting. fcnproved pasture firms reporting. , Irrigated land in larms famM reporiiBg. , Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on tjie contour farms reporting.. Land in slrip.cnipping aystama for aoii.erosion ormlroi Jarms reporting.. System of tMTaces on crop and pasture land /arms reporting. , FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators repofting age jiumbar . . Under ^ y( are jiumber. . 25 to .34 years jtumW.. %i lo 44 years number 45 lo 54 yeara number 55 to 64 yeara number 65 or more years number Average age years.. OFF-FARM «ORX Atn) OTHER INCOME Farm operators- WortiinK off their farms, total ... oparators reporting., I lo 99 days operators reporting.. lOO lo 199 days operators reporting.. SOOor more days operators reporting.. Wth other members of family worlting off firm operators reporting. , With income from sources other than farm opersted and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not worlting off their farms or not rsporting as to work off their farms openuors reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators refiorting. . With income from sourcesother than farm oporated . . . operators reporting. . With other income of family excelling value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. See footnotes al end of table. 132,577 1.3 115.5 5,506 699 56,023 6,875 205 1,785 470 5,090 395 5,400 730 45,815 460 5,040 230 2,525 UO 1,170 13,308 452,822 1,210 2,766 3,330 3,661 1,961 3,285 17,447 4,889 54,614 1,300 9,708 4,358 44,906 2,699 29,525 6,918 375,723 3,218 22,885 1,207 6,912 2,023 2,736 71,692 2,405 3,968 3,867 1,892 5,720 180 3,570 9,150 232,350 1,970 2,325 2,005 1,915 810 1,490 11,615 1,790 14,795 435 3,015 1,540 11,780 1,060 16,120 2,650 124,335 1,390 13,105 455 4,595 2,035 2,310 2,385 1,335 142 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DfttA are based on reports for only a sample of farma. See text] Total all farms of uhlte operators Commercial armfi by tenure of white operator Item {For definitions and ©xplanauons, se© text) Total Full omerB Part owners Managers All tenants SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAatlTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combmea turns reporting... numbef... Com pickers farms reporting... number. . . 15,625 16,250 9,598 9,907 9,J34 9,i7i 3,073 3,328 72,357 82,025 94,682 135,798 90,295 126, 169 65, 2K 18,591 4,192 1,393 905 89,658 123,135 2,701 3,034 9,192 9,629 107,896 126,552 128,111 62,947 78,734 5,181 5,359 931 5,896 76,079 22,256 47,394 26,626 20,768 13,428 6,610 321 409 22,269 62.778 8,829 18,587 5,565 1,618 959 483 204 132,637 7,834 7,427 132,807 3,545,023 1,068,156 132,496 1,014,558 12,686 53,598 31,607 431,799 31,433 99,430 435 1,368 14,005 209,314 13,880 47,201 228 621 104,300 1,386,571 103,592 327,048 11,334 45,697 12,260 12,347 8,735 9,034 7,705 7,822 2,861 3,098 50,066 58,346 65,631 99,865 64,305 95,879 42,680 15,672 3,823 1,274 856 63,998 93,889 1,808 1,990 3,652 3,986 67,445 79,699 80,365 35,807 51,483 4,746 4,929 823 5,436 47,568 10,666 29,692 16,540 13,152 8,452 4,310 171 219 19,042 56,261 8,199 17,658 5,076 1,506 937 480 200 79,876 4,829 4,451 85,325 3,018,181 934,963 85,134 883,875 11,524 51,088 18,521 328,096 18,367 74,565 367 1,214 8,706 161,444 8,601 35,607 178 569 73,273 1,222,183 72,676 288 , 103 10,528 43,930 4,169 4,359 2,726 2,797 2,986 3,015 1,019 1,089 20,884 23,832 25,736 38,131 24,934 35,863 17,402 5,543 1,310 389 290 24,760 35,011 779 852 2,081 2,268 25,846 30,709 31,902 16,715 20,982 1,893 1,960 321 1,906 18,561 5,489 11,296 5,995 5,301 3,262 1,818 95 126 6,950 18,440 3,158 6,494 1,975 602 383 146 52 32,450 1,570 1,767 32,567 946,255 280,332 32,492 267,839 3,252 12,493 9,096 148,518 9,043 33,946 120 441 4,331 75,740 4,286 17,011 71 303 26,792 357,439 26,576 87,216 2,955 10,693 6,024 6,349 3,605 3,772 3,735 3,796 1,471 1,569 17,779 21,633 21,957 36,776 21,693 35,574 12,451 6,467 1,730 641 404 21,642 34,877 613 697 1,103 1,202 20,536 25,088 24,205 12,882 16,857 2,498 2,618 349 2,662 14,108 2,998 7,976 4,491 3,485 2,311 1,096 31 47 7,555 24,337 3,493 7,532 2,152 652 388 200 101 23,231 1,171 1,000 25,117 1,216,309 361,636 25,032 342,636 3,475 19,000 6,819 134,518 6,769 30,895 158 460 3,446 65,521 3,411 14,691 63 129 22,102 455,015 21,942 106,594 3,077 15,844 115 141 72 77 155 162 86 109 263 642 288 1,023 278 949 53 64 48 35 73 276 386 53 63 56 74 245 489 289 223 187 60 61 41 102 218 38 44 21 23 19 4 246 1,687 220 1,214 48 53 26 62 31 222 65 16 266 66,478 17,104 265 15,925 47 1,179 126 18,166 125 4,003 14 110 82 11,550 82 2,059 4 46 201 12,793 201 3,405 41 607 1,952 1,998 2,332 2,388 329 Field foraj»e harvesters farms reporting. . . number... \totortmclcs farms reporting... Tractors farms reporting. .. number... Tractors oUier than garden farms renorting . . . number... 849 285 331 11,140 12,239 17,650 23,935 17,400 23,493 12,769 2tfacIor9 farms reporting... 1 tractors farms reporting... 4 tractors farms reporting... 3,593 735 209 89 17,320 number... Crawler Iractnrs famis reporting. . . 23,115 363 373 412 number... 442 20,318 number... \utomobiles and^'or molortnicks farms reporting... Telephone farms reporting. . . Home freerer farms reporting... Milking machine farms renorting. . . Electric milk cooler farms reporting... Crop drier {for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . . Power-nnerateii elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting... Farms by kind of road on which located: 23,413 23,969 5,987 13,457 295 290 112 766 14,681 2,141 Dirt or unimpmved farms reporting... Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . . 1 or more miles lo a hard surface road farms reporting. . . 10,376 6,033 4,343 2,860 1,392 45 5 or more miles farms reporting... FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENIIMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . . Regular hired workers [employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . . 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired wor)(ers farms reporting. . . 3 or 4 hired worirers farms reporting. . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR 46 4,291 11,797 1,328 2,418 901 199 140 72 16 23,973 hfot residing on farm operated operators reporting... 2,023 1,668 Commercial fertiliser and fertilizing matenals used during the year operators reporting .. . acreson which used... Liquid mat4srial5 farms reporting. .. Crops on which used- 27,375 789,139 275,891 27,345 257,475 4,750 18,416 2,480 Dry materials farms reporting . . . (Xher pasture f not cropland) farms reporting... Dry materials farms reporting... 26,394 2,430 5,721 75 203 847 3,633 822 1,846 Com farms reporting. . . 91 24,178 396,936 90,388 16,786 NORTH CAROLINA 143 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D»t» are b&9«d on reports tot only a sample or taims. See text] (For definitions and explai ' of white operator — Continued Cash tenants Lives toe It- share Other and unspecified SPEXIFTED EQnp\fENT \ND F^OLmES AND KISD OF ROAD &ajn combines farms refnrting. . Com pickers faims reporting.. number.. Pidc-up balers fanns reporting.. Tield forage harvesters farms reporting. . Sfctortnicks farms reporting.. Tractors farms reporting.. Tractors other Iha/i garden farms reporting.. 1 tractor farms reporting" 3 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting. , 5 Of more tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors farms reporting.. Crawl (w tractors farms reporting.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. AuIofi»biles farms reporting.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farw.t reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting.. Elecliic milk cooler farms rffxirting.. Proo drier (for f^ain, forage, or other enpt) farms reporting.. Poweroperaled elevator, conveyor, or Mower farm* reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Qrmvel, shHl, or shale faima reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reforting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface (oad farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or a mil«« farms reporting. . 4 miles ^arma reporting.. 5 or more milee farms reporting.. FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDINO EfOMERATTON Hired «*r)rfc*rs farms reporting.. R«Kular hir*^ workers (employed 150 or more days) farms rsporting,. Famifl reporting bv number of regular hired workers 1 hired worker farms reporting. , 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers. farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on fam operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not foporti ng residence number . . USE OF COhWEROAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commcrciai fertilizer and fertilizing materials used dunng the year farms reporting. . acres on which used. . Dry maleri al s farms reporti ng . . Liquid materials famw reporting.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pastore Jatms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of teble. 1,092 42,330 13,319 1,092 12,108 226 1,211 745 5,829 835 6,207 1,U5 10,577 1,755 13,526 1,130 10,457 1,725 U,3*6 670 8,U3 360 1,918 1,130 1,300 1,310 1,-110 51,620 16,776 1,410 15,797 215 979 1,340 21,330 1,335 4,983 10,281 11,444 11,957 4,995 2,887 2,108 1,471 13,293 400,347 143,088 13,283 133,249 2,372 9,839 1,167 8,4U 1,147 1,965 15 12,208 213,503 12,087 48,512 2,232 9,170 1,125 627 1,074 17,592 663 4,296 3,425 4,795 3,365 4,695 2,390 715 190 6,560 7,285 7,395 3,550 2,060 1,490 9,111 210,130 76,559 9,101 71,492 1,615 5,067 19 7,665 107,855 7,605 24,759 1,520 4,696 144 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [^Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See lext] (For definitions and explu Total all farms of white operators ial farms by tenure of white operator USE OF COMMERa \L FERTILIZER AND LIME-Oontinued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials uaed dunng the year— Continued Crops on which used-Continued Cotton SPEHFIED FAIJM EXPENDITURES Under $100 SlOO to S939 . . . . $1,000 to »1,999 . $2,000 to $4.999 . $5,000 or more .. jstock and noullry . Under $1,000 .... $1,000 to $2,499 . $2,500 to $4,999 . SS.OOO to $9,999 . $10,000 or more . Machine hire Under S200 .. $2(D to ra99 . $1,000 or more Under $200 $200 to $499 . . . . Slim to $999 ... . $1,000 to $2,499 . $2,500 Id $4,999 . $5,000 to $9,999 . $10,000 to $19,991 $20,000 to $49,99! $50,000 or more . Under $1C0 . . . $100 lo $499 . $500 lo $999 . Gasoline and other petitilei fort Under $100 SlOO to $499 ... . $500 to $999 .... $1,000 to Sl,999 . 1.5,000 or more .. s leportinp s reporting dollars s reporting 9 reporting i reporting s reporting ; reporting dollars 5 reporting s reporting 5 reporting s reporting 5 renorling 5 reporting s reporting., dollars.. 5 reporting., s reporting. , ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farm pnaducts sold total, dollar average per farm, dollar \I1 crops sold .dollar Field crops, other thart vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollar Vegetables sold dollar Fruits and nuts sold dollar Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollar All livestock and livestock products sold dollar Poultry and poultry products sold dollar Dairy products sold dollar Livestock and livestock products, otlier than poultry and dairy, sold dollar See footnotes at end of tabi e. 28,707 204,186 28,667 64,737 78,656 330,246 78,541 262,239 306 723 64,984 983,990 64,136 213,903 1,678 4,961 29,641 336,925 393,789 146,128 106,667 111,748,997 35,122 55,698 5,519 5,222 5,106 61,103 34,430,741 53,888 4,038 1,773 1,007 397 83,379 14,761,437 60,250 21,364 1,765 87,363 67,767,954 30,726 23,260 15,806 12,280 32 74,132 8,763,389 54,784 16,834 1,541 973 136,558 40,378,479 54,872 56,408 16,763 8,335 180 437,738,754 395,532,854 7,741,502 9,081,518 25,382,880 222,876,269 98,567,615 49,387,376 24,306 183,830 24,266 58,322 63,867 310,673 63,762 246,584 271 686 43,979 813,033 43,316 180,694 1,352 4,470 18,889 264,072 301,134 89,156 66,197 102,888,468 18,151 33,630 4,419 4,910 5,087 40,457 31,369,131 33,683 3,648 1,725 1,006 395 59,032 12,516,722 38,750 18,622 1,660 68,233 64,207,777 16,624 19,395 15,012 11,974 29 53,258 7,842,451 35,956 14,939 1,421 942 86,009 35,838,216 18,734 42,920 16,023 8,156 176 409,950,522 371,168,965 6,928,932 8,456,142 23,396,483 204,967,720 95,268,932 47,550,851 6,616 41,341 6,591 13,843 21,103 72,069 21,063 58,029 16,883 251,381 16,731 57,794 8,745 108,551 132,575 35,787 28,445 53,223,364 6,833 13,383 1,963 2,591 3,125 17,310 17,863,883 13,753 2,119 1,098 625 215 21,546 4,184,456 14,751 6,305 490 24,385 20,468,639 7,706 7,256 4,459 3,302 1,055 20,323 3,080,593 14,603 5,469 33,752 11,335,252 9,382 16,749 5,190 2,378 53 216,991,374 6,063 110,345,968 89,911,462 2,141,967 5,510,303 12,782,236 106,645,906 62,909,805 16,325,768 6,994 67,118 6,984 21,192 17,874 101,101 17,844 80,478 14,749 393,386 14,532 25,402 20,615 32,889,269 4,300 10,976 1,881 1,896 1,562 12,597 9,931,411 10,454 1,230 18,115 4,853,554 10,413 6,836 866 a, 311 24,766,252 4,320 5,360 4,522 4,727 1,573 16,916 3,264,980 9,404 6,314 25,012 14,151,789 3,004 11,832 6,059 4,029 144,139,315 130,901,690 3,592,307 2,029,736 7,615,532 74,030,576 24,148,367 25,596,418 24,235,791 4,800,318 2,429,462 39,143 512,580 1,819,133 7,472,167 3,212,120 2,416,301 NORTH CAROLINA 145 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [psu we baaed oo rapocta for only ft simple of ttraia. See text] ConsnerciBl fe ■ of white operator — Continued USE OF COMVCERaAL reRTILIZER AJ(D LIME-Condnued Contnercit] fertilizer end fertilizing m&lenels used during the yeer-Continued Crope on wtiich used-Continued Cotton farms reporting Dry nwlerials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting Tobacco 'ama reporting Dry materials rarms reporting Liquid matenals farms reporting All other ooos farms reporting Dry materials farms reporting Liquid matenals farms rerorung Lime or liming materials used during the yeer farms reporting SPEaFIED FARM F.XPF.ND(TIRES Any of the following specified exprmditures farms reporting.. Feed for liveslodc and poeltry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under <\W farms reporting. . SlOO to 999 farms reporting.. tl.mO to ;i.nt farms reptrtng.. S2,000lo<4,m farms reporting.. 55,000 or more farms refortiiy.. PurtJiase of livealr>cl( and poultry farms reponing.. dollars.. Under Sl.OOC farma reporting.. Sl.OOf* lo ??, 199 farms reporting.. 52,500 to 54,999 farms reporting. . 5S,000 to 20,999 farms reporting.. 510,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farma reportiag. . tbilars.. Under 5300 farma retxMting.. 5300 to5BM farms reporting.. 51,000 or norv farms reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting,. dollars.. Under *300 farms reporting.. »a00 10$4M farma reporting., «00loSggg farms reporting.. 51,000 to 52,409 farms reporting.. 52,500 to 54,999 f aims reporting. , 55,000 to 99,999 farms reporting . . 510,000 to 519.999 farms reporting. . 590,000 to 549,999 farms reporting . . 550,000 or more farma reporting.. Seede, bulbs, plants, and Ireae farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 5100 .farms reporting. . 5100 to 5499 farms reporting. . 5500 to 999 farms reporting.. *1,000 or more faims reporting.. Gasoline and other petrolem) tvM and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 5100 farms rrrorting.. $100 to 5499 farms reporting.. 550O to 5999 farms reporting. 51,000 to 54,999 farms reoorting. . 55,000 or more farms reporting . ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE ^11 firm products sold iotal, dollar average per farm, dollar All crops sold dollar Field crops, other than vagatahlfn and fttrits and nata, sold dollar Vegetables sold dollai FftiiLs and nuta sold dollai Forest producta and horticultural snecialty producu sold dollai All livestocit and livestock producta sold dollar Poultry and poultr> producta sold dollai Dairy products sold dollars,. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold di See footnotes at end nf table. 5,782,158 5,2u,ero 224,555 10,629 335,17* 2,387,568 8U,729 812,650 1,280 7,760 1,280 6,091 1,410 1,075 707,930 8,611,264 8,330,426 213,490 25,503 41,845 1,695,355 340,875 768,690 12,356 71,882 12,336 57,565 1,1*2 11,226 8,1U 13,308 8,819 2,519,920 3,461 4,997 190 125 5,054 738,120 4,959 10,289 1,731,535 7,205 2,988 96 11,416 8,175,240 2,100 3,361 3,233 2,269 376 940 8,042 109,745 641,919 630 6,262 275 1,639 13,028 5,063,125 1,821 7,544 2,817 836 10 83,097,826 6,244 77,866,734 77,121,383 346,270 47,951 351,130 5,231,092 1,119,725 426,160 5,033,530 4,970,741 23,770 3,094 35,925 2,209,624 678,839 631,925 3,006 18,935 3,006 6,002 8,320 42,560 8,310 32,143 3,580 33,010 3,525 6,346 9,150 4,565 1,498,730 2,405 1,895 140 80 2,690 465,805 2,580 5,440 827,405 4,090 1,300 50 6,835 4,042,055 1,695 2,290 1,835 845 4,270 271,860 3,590 8,855 2,132,630 3,405 4,255 45,501,720 44,947,564 293,255 104,156 156,745 146 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a aample of ranns. See text] Total all far of white operators Commercial farms ty of ifhlte operate: LIVESTOCK AND UVEETTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fams reoortine Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting Milk co*5 farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves farms r^noning Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reoorting Cattle and calvcs- 1 head farms reporting 2 Ui 4 head farms renorting 5 ui 3 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head farms reporting ■20 to 49 head farms reporting W to 99 head farms reporting 100 to t9f head farms reporting 500 or more head farms reporting Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms renorting IC to 19 head farms reporting 'JO to '29 head farms reporti ng to lo 49 head farms reporting W to 74 head farms reporting 75 to 99 head fanns reporting 100 or more head farms reporting Milk cows- 1 head farms renorting 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 21 to '29 head farms reporting. to In 49 heart farm.s renorting. 50 to 74 head farms renorting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. lOO or more head farms reporting. Horses and or mules farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. rVm before June 1 farms reporting:. number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under I year old farms reporting. number. Sheeo I year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and ovet farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. dollars. Ilogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number . dollars. Milk and cream sold farms renorting. pounds. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dollars. Litters farrowed December 1, 19S8, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting. number of I 1 or 2 litters farms reporting. S to9 litt«rs farms renortinj 10 to 19 litters farms reportinf 30 to ^9 litters farms reportini 40 to 69 litters farms reportinf 70 or more litters farms reporti nj June 2 to November 30 fanns reporting. number of lit December 1 to June I farms reporting. number of lit See footJiotes at end of table. 82,A69 830,390 76,013 il5,i23 63,832 23i,831 49,188 263,326 3*, 096 151,641 20,060 28,943 13,390 9,435 7,490 2,351 33,198 32,530 5,220 2,240 1,862 573 208 34,909 24,507 1,611 1,142 1,170 304 126 100,415 1,432,056 56, 513 852,701 87,698 579, 355 2,826 59,265 1,614 11,356 2,700 47,909 2,587 43,779 1,969 4,130 51,051 334,714 34,522,605 49,556 1,290,395 38,711,850 2,138 41,238 577,332 14, 567 954,004,839 49,387,376 19,721 56,211,971 29,937 98,499,826 37,429,942 44,964 237,507 19,792 19,172 37.506 117,638 32,710 46,131 636,812 42,991 324,307 35,872 185,423 28,597 198 , 958 20,552 113,547 10,647 14,280 6,550 5,639 5,917 2,320 765 13 17,277 17,019 3,914 2,024 1,814 562 204 18,411 13,189 1,486 1,142 1,162 298 122 64,578 1,158,847 39,066 698,204 57,240 460,643 850 7,595 1,530 32,845 1,457 29,925 1,185 2,920 28,517 263,204 27,693,677 35,457 1,107,199 33,215,970 1,252 29,484 412,776 9,258 908,330,109 47,550,851 14,001 55,482,450 18,845 91,859,083 34,906,455 33,626 200,809 13,127 14,956 3,950 1,301 174 118 28,280 97,999 25,455 102,810 21,821 296,014 20,440 147,191 16,783 72,242 14,172 91,121 10,321 57,702 4,187 6,618 3,406 3,275 3,034 7,224 9,098 2,113 25,000 445,935 14,523 271,130 22,227 174,805 924 17,195 872 15,894 14,329 124,732 13,720,371 13,130 433,834 13,015,020 764 4,500 323,745,372 16,325,768 7,991 38,950,654 9,637 57,937,697 22,016,325 12,048 75,179 4,324 5,594 1,586 424 67 53 10, 216 36,562 9,342 38,617 15,620 260,453 14,669 136,518 12,391 90,436 10,522 82,974 7,735 40,961 2,350 1,909 2,480 1,101 5,132 5,724 1,480 19,854 430,410 12,833 265,537 17,723 164,823 483 10,284 107,208 10,523,547 12,108 443,543 13,306,290 356 3,929 487,075,931 25,596,418 4,262 12,719,425 6,006 24,706,901 9,388,623 11,326 79,549 3,715 5,210 1,635 635 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- 147 ■Continued [Dmla ve based on raports for only a sample of farms. See text] ial farms by tenure of white operator— Ccmtlnued Lives toe k- share LrvEsrocK vro livestock prowcts Cattle and calves . farms reporung.. number.. Cows, including heifers thai have calved farms reporUng.. number., yjlk oows farms reporting.. Heifers and hafer calves farms reporting. . number.. Steers and bulls tncludine Bt«er and bull calves farms reporting.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattie and caives- 1 head farms reporting., 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 3) to 49 head famis reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporting., lOO to 499 head farms reporting,. 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifera that hav« calvet^ 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . W to 49 head farmt reporting.. SO to 74 head farms reporting, . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head fanns reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head fams reporting.. So to 49 head farms reporting.. W to74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and/or mutes forms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. Bom since June I farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. . Sheep and lambs farm* reporting.. Lambs under 1 year old fanns reporting., number.. Sheep I year old and over farms reporting.. Ewes fanns reporti ng . . ntnnber. . Rams and wethers farms reporting. , number.. Chickens i months old and over farms reporting.. number,. Livestock artd livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. , dollars.. Sheer and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting.. pounds. , dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold fanns reporting. . dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Litters farrowed Decemlwr 1. 19S8, to November 30. 1959 fanns refwting.. number of I iuers . , 1 or 2 lm*TS farms reporting. ., 3 to 9 litters farms reporting.. 10 to 19 liUera fams reporting.. 20 to 39 liuera farms reporting.. 40 to 69 Utters faims r«porting.., 70 or more litiers farms reoorting.. , Juno 2 to November 30 farms reporting . . , number of litters... December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. , 404 5,503 374 3,231 318 2,347 224 1,782 168 13,837,755 812,650 f of lit 1,426 358 1,318 5,225 15,189 635 3,726 2,800 8,094 530 3,282 2,175 5,617 325 1,721 1,750 4,432 9,895 U2,611 5,943 75,544 8,735 57,067 55 1,604 5,184 508,907 5,386 104,458 3,133,740 45 430 798,557 1,596 836, 100 317,718 5,458 21,778 2,788 2,284 4,452 10,979 3,970 10,799 14,468 571 8,916 1,991 411 2,369 2,255 11,290 2,070 5,380 1,755 2,535 825 2,930 5,955 67,030 3,215 35,680 5,145 31,350 935 4,400 499,965 2,485 47,825 1,434,750 20 205 So* fool/iol4>> 2,560 10,025 1,485 2,020 5,045 1,690 4,980 t1 or uble. 148 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a samole of farms- See text] Total all far of sMte operators Commercial farms ly tenure of white operator SPEOFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . . . Under 11 acres farms reporting — 11 to 24 acres farms reporting... 25 to -19 acres farms reporting . . . 50 to 1^ acres farms reporting. . . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . . . 100 or more acres farms reporting. . . Hervested for grain farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting. . . bushels . , . Sorghums for ell purposes farms reporting. . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Wheat harvested farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Oats harvested for grain fanns reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Barley harvested farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Rye harvested fanns reporting... bushels . . . Seles farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . . acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops... bushels . . . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting — acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops... pounds. . . Hay crops; Land from which hay was cut acres. . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . . Sales farms reporting . . . Clover, tijnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . Sales fanns reporting. . . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . . Sales farms reporting. . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . . Sales f anos reporting . . . Other hay cut farms reporting . . . Sales farms reporting. . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . . 70,511 24,208 11, X3 2,607 106,491 1,308,606 56,664,551 6,034 72,698 2,285,855 35,838 348,420 8,213,150 23,238 6,004,140 27,950 274,403 10,103,830 7,441 2,900,349 7,074 61,547 2,268,097 1,849 680,040 2,576 17,473 309,892 20,838 337, 248 8,016 7,195,434 11,437 70,282 150,699 18,514 137, 339 167,457 1,534 10,689 31,656 250,636 296,374 2,111 17,201 16,357 79,217 96,601 6,678 39,166 43,612 39,256 21,612 10,945 2,575 3,872 56,835 1,830,1 25,680 279,147 6,747,915 17,614 5,107,051 19,130 218,205 8,331,084 5,086 2,435,920 5,462 52,624 1,978,237 1,452 615,450 1,392 14,479 263,072 17,738 317,370 7,146 6,325,904 6,490 51,471 117,735 8,710 81,700 106,076 443 3,569 20,340 189,268 231,335 1,169 12,714 11,190 60,519 76,071 3,935 25,431 29,996 17,634 6,825 2,660 26,892 324,692 14,376,384 1,357 14,649 491,088 187,140 9,051 80,148 1,940,603 5,554 1,366,351 7,674 72,367 2,640,341 1,637 662,645 1,834 15,316 580,422 5,557 87,859 2,486 1,897,343 3,441 23,055 46,870 5,346 48,441 62,652 3,654 69,237 80,638 4,972 25,508 32,341 2,123 14,335 17,063 9,965 6,716 4,203 1,117 21,936 415,319 19,179,158 1,315 34,193 1,111,173 588,333 10,027 139,081 3,348,432 7,294 2,652,684 7,946 111,777 4,435,241 2,176 1,371,365 2,732 28,452 1,084,545 6,137 147,047 3,275 3,155,019 2,533 22,980 57,437 2,669 27,603 36,210 7,960 90,677 117,907 3,941 24,914 32,385 1,251 7,721 9,048 1,603 2,529,662 ight. See footnotes at end of table NORTH CAROLINA 149 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dftla ve based on rafxxts for only k sample of fanns. See texlj ; wk) explwaUons, SPBOFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purjxjses fai«s reporting- • ■ Under 11 acres fanas reporting — 11 to 24 acres faras reporting — 25 to 49 acres fams reporting... 50 to 74 acres faras reporting — 75 to 99 acres fanns reporting... 100 or nore acres farms reporting . . . Harvested for grain faraw reporting... bushels . . . Sales farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting... Harvested for grain or seed fanns reporting. .. acres. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting. .. bushels. .. Wheat harvested faras reporting... acres. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting... bushels . . . Oats harvested for gnln faras reporting... bushels Sales fazvs reporting. . . bushels Barley harvested farms reporting . . . acres . . . bushels . . . Sales faras reporting.. . bushels. . . Bye harvested fazss reporting... bushels . . . Sales farms reporting.. . bushels . . . Soybeans harvestei) for beans farms reporting... acres gro«n with other crops... bushels.. . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting — acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops... pounds. . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acr«a... Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanv reporting... acres.. . Sales faTBB reporting. . . Clover, tiaothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanaa reporting. .. acres . . . Sales farms reporting. . . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting . . . Oats, wheat, barlqr, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanoe reporting... Sales farms reporting. . . Other hay cut farms reporting. . . Sales farms reporting. . . Grass silage made frcn grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . . tons, green weight... See footnotes at end of table. Comneicial fanns by tenure of white operator — Continued Cash tenants 8,462 290 160,960 221 2,435 2,972,405 1,330 19,655 802,795 4,450 10 2,750 395 6,260 UO 112,465 155 1,905 2,782,650 5,282 4,207 2,250 12,318 213,032 1,827,610 39,145 3,575 29,794 721,390 2,625 537,781 1,808 12,133 415,350 9,335 50 4,170 LI ves toe k- share 2,263 11,833 12,365 1,236 3,883 3,639 5,905 50 134,410 230 3,265 5,146,405 4,255 2,355 1,080 7,820 108,395 4,686,910 1,440 10,715 270,140 18,850 50 5,225 Other and unspecified tenants 150 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See textj Total all far of white operators Ccmnercisl fauna ty tenure of white operator SPECmEO CHOPS BARVESTEtt-Coadnued Cotton harvested farms reporting. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. bushels . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels. Burley and other tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, end planted nut trees' farms reporting. . 28,717 2(X,762 179,720 57,278 19,095 3,827,536 31,720 19,9*6 3,107,576 12,889 9,162 18,274,789 66,188 325,826 'i31,103,252 24, 311 184,398 162,147 35,140 16,911 3,422,270 21,551 17,982 2,806,196 6,045 5,383 10,890,124 58,052 309,819 461,9Cr7,327 6,616 41,347 37,643 13,830 5,733 1,247,401 3,800 2,883 5,931,912 17,394 70,221 108,314,109 6,999 67,393 59,765 9,822 9,555 1,821,800 6,436 7,911 1,320,665 1,434 1,646 3,254,185 16,526 100,928 150,323,776 10,610 70,933 61,425 6,932 5,151 726,728 24,050 137,763 201,988,952 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream »nd butterfat sold. 'Cces not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. NORTH CAROLINA 151 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports Tor only a sample of fanns. See text ] SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-CootiDiied Cotton harvested farms reporting. Irish potatoes harvested for hone use or for sale famB reportijig. bushels . Sweetpotatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting. hushels . Burley end other tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees' farms reporting. Canmercial farms by tenure of white operator — Continued 1,245 7,920 11,329,265 5,839 38,58* 33,409 3,357 2,595 346,183 12,052 72,469 106,507,045 3,006 18,989 16,488 2,300 1,623 266,640 8,006 42,768 62,768,395 1,328 6,610 9,661,165 152 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [DbU are based on rflf»rts for only a sample ot fafma. See t«xlj (For descriptions and explai Total all farms of nonwhite operators Canaoerclal faims by tenure of nonwhlte operator FARMS, ACKEAOE, AND VALUE FannS Jiumber., Percent distribution percent. Land in farms acres . Percent distribution percent. Average si £e of farm acres . Value of land and btiildings; Average per fann dollars . Average per acre dollars . , Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to U acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres faims reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. , 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for paatiire farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes fanns reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporUng. Woodland pastured farms reporting . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. , Improved pasture farms reporting. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. Land use practices: Crtipland in cover crops farms reporting. , Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the oonlour farms reporting. , Land in slnp-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators leporting age number. , Under 25 years number. , 25 to 34 years number., 35 to 44 years number . 45 to 54 years number . 55 to A4 years number . 65 or nKKe years number . , Average age years . OFF.FARH WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operatofs- Wotfcing off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 to 199 days operators report] ng. 200 or more days operators reporti ng . With otjier members of family worlting off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to w)rk off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 1,835,799 «.l 41,327 868,182 10,931 12,570 8,585 6,S40 2,097 7,343 31,560 11,999 111,664 2,297 16,604 11,038 95,060 5,651 50,102 19,392 655,684 6,024 33,390 1,973 10,633 1,800 5,311 83,075 42,288 1,280 5,280 10,843 11,324 7,796 5,765 4«.3 15,412 8,666 2,615 4,131 5,305 3,560 6,241 27,201 4,270 5,277 1,477,398 100.0 47.8 30,782 767,172 4,4«1 9,595 7,765 6,565 2,077 5,422 22,720 7,903 75,329 1,597 12,079 7,242 63,250 4,045 37,332 12,301 486,818 4,329 24,730 1,503 8,978 1,500 4,166 68,565 30,667 1,070 4,250 8,598 9,109 6,225 1,415 45.9 2,405 1,U0 22,750 2,955 1,946 279,254 18.9 62.8 4,381 82,905 1,070 1,640 1,630 6,505 2,136 20,535 506 4,050 1,951 16,485 1,155 10,880 3,866 138,824 1,145 5,785 520 1,995 333,996 22.6 71.1 1,386 6,U0 2,057 20,654 426 3,069 1,881 17,585 1,157 10,036 3,518 128,732 1,107 6,858 497 2,458 1,262 1,601 1,265 NORTH CAROLINA 153 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued \jHLa are based on reports br only a samite of farms. See texl] Camnerclal faims ty tenure of ntnirtilte operator — Continued Cash tenants Other and unspecified tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FatntS number Percent di stii bnUon percent Und in fanns aoes Percent distribution percent. Aven^ size of fann Bcras. Value of land and buildings: Average per faim dollars . Avera^ per acre dollars, Land in farms according to use: CiDpland harvested farnis reporting. I to ft acres films reporting. 10 to Ifl acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres faraa reoorting. SO to 99 acres fanns reporting, 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres fums leoorting. 500 to 999 acres fame reporting, 1,000 or more acres fsima reporting. Cropland used only for pasture faims reporting, Cmpland not harvested and not pastured fums reporting, SoiMmprovement fTssses and legumes faims reporting •am Other cropland (idle and crap fulure) fains raporliBg. Woodland pastured faims reporting Woodland not pastured faims reporting. Other pasture [not cropland and not vwxDand) farms reporting brproved pasture firms refxirling Irhgated land in farms farms reporting. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops fanns reporting. Cropland used for grain or ntw crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion oonlrol Jvma reporting. Syslem of lerrac«s on crop and pasture land /aims reporting, FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Opefators reporting age jiombsr, Under 25 years jiumlMr, 25 to 34 years camber. AS to 44 years nimber, 45 to 54 years nimber . 55 to $4 years jiumber. •5 or more yews number, Average age years. OFP.PARM HORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operator s- WrKlfifij; off iheir farms, total operatnrs reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 to 199 days operators reporting, 200 or more days openOom reporti ng With other members of family worfcing off fann operators reporting. With income from sources oth« than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agnoiltural products sold operators reporting. Operators not worirting. With inoome from aourcesolher than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of a^cultural products sold operators reporting, 9-9» footnotes at end of table. 19,095 1.3 57.0 329,175 22.3 54.5 1,460 1,750 1,730 65 1,065 300 4,105 110 1,510 1,130 16,535 25 310 3*5 2,170 105 1,390 785 U,365 35 765 170 6,680 170 2,310 6,420 106,150 13,410 0.9 81.3 423,175 28.6 31.0 13,645 297,125 2,205 4,580 3,610 2,675 550 1,025 4,040 1,685 12,345 275 1,850 1,535 10,495 770 5,920 2,390 79,660 1,055 5,460 255 1,690 2,115 30,500 2,575 4,275 3,640 1,845 154 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DatA Bra based on refjorta for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explai Total all farm of nonwhlte operators Cormnfrcial fa by tenure of nanwMte qperato: SPECIFIED EaUIPMENT AND FAClLmES AND KIND OF ROAD reporting. Oain combines Com pickers Pick-up balers Field forage harvesters Motortrucks 9 repotting. Tractors farms TVactors other than garden farms reporting. reoorting. reporting, reporting., reporting. tVheel tractors Crawler tractors Garden uactors Automobiles farms Automobiles and/'or motortrucks farms Telephone farms Rome freezer farms Milking machine farms Electric milk cooler farms 5 reporting. 3 reporti ng . number. reporting., reporting,, reporting., repotting.. 12,747 14,926 12,427 U,470 10,785 1,378 168 70 26,182 27,435 29,507 10,236 12,U9 9,996 11,808 8,525 1,242 143 65 19,911 20,899 22,301 2,323 2,066 2,263 1,390 2,801 2,951 3,401 3,103 2,543 3,067 2,115 3,233 3,420 3,843 Fatms by kind of load on which located: Haiti surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road . . s reporting., s reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENDMER.ATION Hired workers farms Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms Farms reporting by number of regular hired wt)rkers: 1 hired wt>rker farms 2 hired workers farms 3 or 4 hired workers farms 5 to 9 hired workers farms 10 or more hired workers farms RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators Not residing on farm operated operators Operators not rqjorting residence USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME reporting., persons., reporting. , reporting., . iiumber. , 19,754 2,618 19,366 10,600 8,766 5,526 2,980 120 140 38,056 1,682 2,875 U,838 1,763 13,626 7,400 6,226 3,926 2,120 85 95 27,636 1,111 2,175 2,200 990 1,210 2,345 1,180 1,165 Dry materials farms reoorting. , Liquid materials farms repotting.. 40,957 755,920 243,533 40,932 235,407 3,401 8,U6 30,767 668,570 218,714 30,747 210,873 3,151 7,341 68,485 21,108 4,361 20,815 4,698 122,423 36,439 4,683 34,962 346 1,477 Dry materials farms reporting . , Liquid materials farms reporti n| 2,836 16,139 2,836 3,176 2,176 11,654 2,176 2,196 Other pasture (not cttjpland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com , , ,. farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 35,439 353,841 35,324 73,203 3,271 7,638 27,669 312,661 27, 519 69,348 3,051 7,400 4,020 35,660 4,015 7,787 4,442 56,839 4,422 11,995 NORTH CAROLINA 155 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continueci [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] of nonwMte operator— Continued Lives toe it- share SPEHFIED EQUIPWENT WD FACTLmES ANT) KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pid(«9 faims reporting. number, Pick-up balers fanns reporting. number, Field Torage harvesters farms reporting, number. Motortrucks farms reporting, number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting, number, 1 tractor farms reporting, 2 tractors farms reporting, 3 tfsctors farms reporting, 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawlflf tractors fama reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting, number, Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting, Croo drier (for grain, forage, or other erope) Jarnw reporting. Power-operated elevator, conve)^, or Mower farms reporting. Farms by hind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, flholt, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surf ac« road farms reporting, 1 or more miles to a hard surfaearoad farms reporting, 1 mile farms rerorting, 2 or Smiles farms reporting, 4 miles farms reporting, 5 or r«xe miles farms reporting, FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDCNG ENUMERATION Hirmd workvrn fanns reporting. Regular hireH workers [employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. Farms reporting by number of rvgular Mrvd workers: 1 hired worker farms reporti ng . 2 hired workers farms reporti ng , 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting, 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESDCNCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operatMi operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operatorducts sold dollsi Livestock and livestock producte. other than poultry and dairy, sold dollai See footnotes at end of lAble. Cconercial faims cf nanwhlte operator — Continued 968,82a 943,755 20,700 4,365 47,474 2,327,527 5,172 2,256,205 2,226,335 26,390 3,480 71,322 12,500 58,380 4,395 38,565 4,395 10,902 5,190 22,625 5,185 17,502 2,630 20,370 2,625 4,101 6,045 3,290 343,060 2,195 1,065 20 5,030 695,365 4,000 4,195 1,285,930 1,805 1,575 3,135 151,040 2,770 5,755 1,119,425 2,080 3,260 27,764,22* 4,593 27,069,897 26,815,241 134,400 47,761 22,495 694,327 64,902 4,070 891,562 876,287 15,275 8,425 57,460 8,410 16,961 11,805 49,020 11,800 36,487 5,205 33,390 5,185 7,672 1,655 15,225 9,115 13,645 4,910 385,715 3,845 1,035 20 3,055 135,800 3,045 9,420 1,018,595 7,935 1,465 20 8,185 2,085,590 3,935 3,U0 1,000 120 6,200 315,215 5,405 12,840 1,754,080 6,740 5,600 57,667,552 57,396,055 251,450 4,692 15,345 908,059 81,067 1,660 Other and ijnspectfied tenants 158 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUtT^ Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved Hei fers and hei fer cal ves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves Cattle and calvi .and: S to 9 head 10 to 19 head 20 to 49 head .... SO to 99 head ion to 499 head . . 5D0 or more head . Cows, including heifers that h 10 to 19 head !20 to 29 head 10 to 49 head .SO to 74 head 7.S to 99 head 100 or more head J reporting. 3 reoorling. s roportinR. s reporting, s reportinit. s reporting. s reporting. v'ilk c 10 to 19 head .... 3) to 29 head ... . :10 to 49 head 50 to 74 head 75 to 99 head . . . . 100 or more head . Hotses antJ/or mules farms p Hogs anil pigs. farms r Sheep and lambs Lambs under 1 year old. Sheep 1 year old and ove Chickens 4 months old and o llogs ImdiPies sold aliv Sheep and lambs sold a Milk and cream sold ^. .farms Chickens including broilers sold farms r Chicken eggs sold farms ri Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting. number of litters. S to 9 litters farms renortmg. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting . 20 to 19 litters farms reporting. 40 to ti9 litters farms reporting. 70 or more litters farms rerorUng. June 2 to November 10 farms reporting. number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. Total tai farms of nonwhlte operators 11,974 28,376 U,223 17,822 9,513 12,926 <.,(K3 7,2M 2,062 3,300 3,687 2,i25 32,831 263,478 17,852 134,544 28,916 128,934 85 29,116 781,681 3,253 6,861 559,190 12,554 134,769 4,043,070 40 410 525 6,996,540 297,855 1,116 1,004,298 3,100 1,011,900 384,525 15,645 36,934 11,519 3,860 cial farms by ■ of nonwhlte operate 8,628 20,699 3,102 13,116 6,922 9,220 2,917 5,103 1,597 24,166 205,268 13,072 103,639 21,386 101,629 55 2,062 4,735 400,530 9,014 105,049 3,151,470 20 155 931,751 2,055 662,220 251,645 11,770 23,689 8,4«9 3,040 11,733 3,658 19,211 14,566 9,628 7,378 17,773 14,123 1,775 4,325 1,655 2,650 1,410 2,080 710 1,215 3,735 35,980 2,175 18,265 3,340 17,715 30 3,530 105,175 74,980 1,835 22,540 676,200 2,100 5,385 1,435 1,525 2,700 1,415 2,685 2,002 5,744 1,396 3,386 1,671 2,626 786 1,531 4,218 50,503 2,602 25,929 3,798 24,574 3,683 129,067 646 1,545 116,825 2,138 28,322 849,660 2,518 8,062 1,467 1,832 3,935 1,752 4,077 NORTH CAROLINA 159 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See Lext] ■ of ncnwblte operator— Continued Cash tenants LI\'ESrOCK AND LIVEffTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves (trms reporting number Cows, including heifers (hat have calved fanns reporting number Vlilk cows fanns reporting number Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting Steers and bulls including 9t««r and bull calves farms reporting FaiTTifl reporting b>' number on hand: CaUie and calves- 1 head farms reporting 2 to 4 head farms reporting 5 to9 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head farms reporting SO to 49 head farms reporting 50 to 99 head farms reporting 100 to 499 head farms reporting 500 or more head farms reporting Cows, including heifers that have calvec^ 1 head farms reporting, 2 to 9 head farms reporting, 10 to 19 head farms reporting, 20 to 29 head farms reporting, 30 to 49 head farms reporung, 50 to 74 head farms reporting, 75 to 99 head farms reporting, 100 or more head farms repocting. Milk cDws- 1 head farms reporting, 2 to 9 head farms reporting, 10 to 19 bead farms reporting, 30 to 29 head farms reporting, SO to 49 head rarm« reporting, 50 to 74 head farms reporting, 75 to 99 head faimf reporUng, lOOormore head ftnns reporting. Horses and Of mules farms reporting, number, Hogs and pigs farms reporting, Bom since June I farm.a reporting Bom before June 1 farms reporting, number. Sheep and lambs rarm* reoocting Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting number Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting Ewes farms reporting number Ramii and wethers farmn reportine Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold olive farmn roportinn number dollar •* Hngi and pigs sold al ive famtfl reporting numhrr Sheet) and lambs sold alive ffcrms reporting, number, dollars. Milk and cream sold* farms reporting Chickens including broilers sold (arms reporting dollars Chicken egg-i sold farms reporting dollars Litters farrowed Decemtwr 1, 19S8, to November 30, 1959 fums reporting number of tiiter?i. , I or 2 Imer* farmn reportini 3 to 9 litters farms reportin) 10 to 19 litters farms reportini 20 to -19 liUers farms reportinj 40 to 69 litters farms reportinj 70 or more litters farms rooorting. June 2 to November W fwms reportin number of littei December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. 370 295 2,380 165 1,055 255 1,325 3«) 4,295 625 7,275 a.0 5,045 4,065 42,150 270 2,830 2,260 21,370 340 4,500 1,805 20,780 2,055 3,920 1,920 2,695 1,625 1,955 650 850 59,805 1,870 18,565 556,950 300,000 73,008 12,500 4,070 5 175 63 9,392 35 330 735 U4,830 279 55,035 215 2,575 510 5,545 155 1,935 1,915 2,815 1,580 2,730 2,220 4,660 2,075 3,125 1,765 1,995 590 1,045 9,445 59,380 4,455 28,595 8,260 30,785 90,635 2,475 24,415 732,450 3,770 7,520 3,105 2,720 3,955 2,U5 3,565 160 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dala Bre based on reports for only a samnle of faims. See laxt ] SPEanED CROPS HARVESTED for all puiposes f anos reporting . Under 11 i 11 to 24 I 25 to 49 I 50 to 74 I 75 to 99 . 100 or mo: -fanns reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting. • farms reporting, .farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting . . bushels . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. bushels . . Wheat harvested fanns reporting. bushels. Sales fame reporting. . busheln . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushela.. Sales fermB reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . bXiShelB. Sales fanns reporting . . bushels. Rye harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting . . bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . . acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops.. bushelB. . Peanuts harvested for i farms reporting. acres grown alone... grown with other crops pounds. Sales farms reporting. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. Total all farms of nonwhite operators 25,916 8,370 2,329 36,461 355,011 12,820,275 7,300 6,704 31,711 679,505 2,313 232,270 2,833 11,520 336,910 5,377 20,729 19,633 18,111 7,850 2,264 28,306 314,831 11,645,260 4,925 5,244 26,016 563,370 1,906 247,355 2,183 9,470 282,610 4,007 16,269 15,653 Tlial fanns by tenure of nonwhite operate 3,995 34,265 1,112,370 1,071 4,326 87,530 8,400 5 2,500 3,058 90 55,070 4,533 56,777 1,984,120 1,241 6,945 145,355 1,020 4,135 4,215 Sales farms reporting. Other hay cut farms reporting . Sales farms reporting. 3,935 9,610 8,570 1,016 2,570 2,300 3,100 7,735 6,970 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA 161 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fD&u are DKs«d on reports for only k sanple of farms. See textj (For derinitions and explai CcoMrclal fauns by temire of nanwhlte c5perator — Ccmtlnued Cash tenants SPECIFIED CnOPS R\R\'ESTED Com for "1 1 purposes farms reporting Dbder 11 i 11 to 2^ 1 25 to 49 I 50 to 74 I 75 to 99 1 100 or mo: .faias reporting, .fanns reporting, .farms reporting, .fanns reporting, -fanos reporting .farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting bushels. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain < reporting bushels Wheat harvested farms reporting Sales farms reporting bushels Oata harvested for grain f aims reporting bushels Sales faims reporting bushels Barley harvested farms reporting bushels Sales fanas reporting bushels Rye harvested farms reporting acres bushelJ Sales farms reporting bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres gram alcne. acres gro«n with other crops. bushels Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting acres groan alcne acres grown with other crops. pounds. reporting Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting Other hay cut farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 70 75 1,340 305 520 6,675 7,645 U,350 146,150 30 25 555 4,860 7,090 68,970 25 100 710 SO 400 2,890 1,825 12,925 88,170 1,405 1,820,900 5,795 74,250 2,564,695 8,855 20 4,100 1,030 2,595 2,335 12,120 127,635 5,178,485 1,270 6,225 140,820 162 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] Total all fann of nonwhlte operators of nonwhlte operator All tenants SPECIFIED CROPS HARVEfTEIVContinued Cotton harvested farms reporting.. 2<1,145 161,797 Ul,579 19,720 142,642 116,879 2,536 10,718 8,459 2,873 22,698 17,800 14,306 109,166 90,590 bushels. Burley and other tobacco harvested f aims reporting. 15,079 5,413 749,667 11,559 4,435 622,087 1,786 804 94,981 2,041 1,201 159,334 7,731 2,430 367,770 Flue-ciired tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. . 31,612 113,249 153,389,450 26,217 104,481 143,950,475 3,655 9,635 12,227,205 3,886 15,712 20,041,810 18,669 79,113 111,650,160 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treea^ farms reporting. . .i 2 Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ■'Does not Include data for fanns with less than 20 trees and grapevines. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- fDala are b&sed on reports for only a sample of fanns. See t«xtj 163 Continued CaDmercial farms ' of ncnwhlte operator — Continued SPEOFIED CROPS HARVESTED-OsnUnoed Cotton harvested farms reporting. busbels. Burley and other tobacco harvested fanas reporting. pounds. Flue-cured tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Land In bearing and ncnbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ f anus reporting. . 4,395 3B,5SO 31,500 2,420 103 27,4«0 2,150 545 71,410 5,195 22,850 31,562,U5 8,429 57,544 48,900 4,806 1,611 259,490 11,807 49,667 71,103,145 164 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 22.-CASH RENT PAID BY CASH TENANTS AND SHARE-CASH TENANTS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM- CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a aampte of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, sea text) Total Commercial farms Other farms Item (For definiuons and explanations, see text) Total Commercial farms Other farms CASH TENANTS 2,507 90 8,060 2,507 204,216 278 19,52-; 192,752 76.9 14,784 212.89 82.2 2,187 65,002 1,926 76.8 U6,461 70.9 15,112 213.29 630 8.89 4.17 1,482 45 3,880 1,482 160,571 188 12,779 151,672 102.3 19,659 207.79 83.1 1,452 57,342 1,136 76.7 110,306 97.1 20,178 207.81 8% 9.23 1,025 45 4,180 1,025 43,645 90 6,745 41,080 40.1 7,547 235.24 81.0 735 7,660 790 77.1 26,155 33.1 7,826 236.39 247 7.46 3.15 SHARE-CASH TENANTS 2,110 20 695 2,110 176,140 140 4,665 172, ITO 81.6 16,400 212.65 79.4 2,110 81,165 1,435 68.0 U4,365 79.7 16,099 201.97 622 7.80 3.86 1,860 20 695 1,860 162,640 125 4,505 158,830 85.4 17,772 218.42 79.6 1,860 77,435 1,255 57.5 105,865 84.4 17,533 207.85 671 7.96 3.83 Land owned operators reporting. . . Land r«nt«d from others operators reporting. . . Land rented toothers operators reporting... Land owned operators reporting . . . Land rented from others operators reporting. . . Land rented toothers operators reporting... 250 13,500 15 160 Value oF land and buildings: Average per farm dollars... .\verage per acre dol 1 ars Proportion of cash tenants reporting value r>ercent... Cropland harvested farms reporting. . . acres... Cash tenants teporting liotli value ol land and Value of land and buildings: \verage per farm dollars... Average per acre dollars .. . Pmponion of share-cash tenants reporting value percent . . . Cropland harvested larms reporting... Shaie-cash tenants fepotting t)oth value ol land and 5,993 133.33 78.0 250 3,730 Proportion of all cash tenants percent... Proportion of all share-cash lenants percent... 72.0 8,520 Value of land and buildings; \veraee oer operator dollars .. . \verageper acre dollars... Cash rent paid: \verage per operator dol 1 ars . . . Vverage per acre dollars. . . \verage per ?100 of value of land and buildings dollars .. . 47.3 Value of land and buildings; Average per operator dollars 6,103 128.93 Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars. . . Average per acre dollars.. . Average per SlOO of value of land and buildings dollars . . . 278 5.88 4.56 State Table 23.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estimated nuniber of fanafl reporting la— Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ frcm the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — If the estimated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than— Level l' Level 2 Level 3 Level Level 1' Level 2 Level 3 Level 25 Percent 40 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 Percent 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 Percent 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 Percent 96 68 48 30 21 15 Percent 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 Percertt 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 Percent 5.0 3-5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 Percent 4.8 3.0 2.1 100,000 1.5 1.0 9.6 ^Lsvel 1 should be used in determining the sampliiig reliability of estixaated number of farms and farms reporting. The level for all other items stwuld be obtained from State Table 24. If the estixaated number of farms or farms reporting constitutes more than 75 percent of all farms In the universe, a better approximation to the saaiplliig reliability may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the table as follows: 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.30. 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.20. NORTH CAROLINA 165 State Table 24.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To d«C«TTnine the sampling reliability for a P Sl»le Table -23, i Toiure^f Tm^ Ni..of-fann group op«fMorOT>u Roonomic-clas Mf-f.™ group T>pe-or-f«TYi f loup Itm 1 g 1 .* 1 Is (For definitions uid emtuiaiioos. see t«xt] s ■s s * ^ s 1 ■f i ^ 1 . i 1 s I 5 S a e 1 g ^ 1 1 ill 3 f2 s J_ 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 3 f 3 3 D s 0 5 3 0 i 1 8 1 f i •S ft J 89 Farms and farm character islics: Land in firtis 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 Value of land and buildings per faim dollars 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 Cropland harvested 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 Tola] cropland acres 1 1 1 \ 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Total pasuireiand acres 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 Imcatad land m farnis acres ^ 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 1 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Commercial (ertilizer: 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 Farm labor Repjlar hired workers employed 150 or mora days P**"" 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 Specttied farm expenditures: Feed for ltveau>«k and poultry dollwi i i 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 4 1 2 3 3 Purchase of livestock and poulu> dollara J. t. 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 3 4 2 2 4 Machinehire dollam 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 Hired labor dollars i 2 4 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 S«Kl9. bulbs, planw, and trees dollars 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 Gasoline and other petraleum fuel and oil for the farm buainess cUlars 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 Livestock and livestock products: Calde and calves on hand number 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 Cows, including heifers that have calvecrt*n.i(> in faniLB (tue to chancr in fnmi Jpriniliiw IflW to 1059 numbw . AprroximAlo land area. acrps 1950 . Proiwlion in f!uni5! percent 1950 . I^imJ in fftmip acres 1050 . \verairp ^ize of fami. 19.')4 . I 1959 . Avero'jf per acre dolUvs 1959 . ]95U. Praponion nf farms reporting value percerd } 059 . 50 to 99 ncr 100 to 199 b 200 to 499 B 500 to 999 B 1,000 or ma Cropland uaed only for pasture fanna reporting 1969 . 1954 -. acres 1959 . . 1954 . - Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954 . . Soil- improvement grasses and lecumes farms reportinp 1959 . , acres 1959 . . Other CTopIana (idle and crop failire) fnrms reporting 1959 , . acres 1959 . . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959.. 1054 . . acres nSO . . ttoodland not nastgred f^mis reporting 1059.. 1954 . . acres 1059 . . 1954 . . Other -^sturc (not croplam! and not woodlnnd). . .fanns reporting 1959.. acres 1059.. 105(.. Improveil nasture (see lest) fanns reporting 1959 . . 1054.. 1954 . . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959.. 1954 . . CroplaoJ. UiUl farms reportinc 1959 . . Uno pa-ilurrtl. Intnl farms rrpnrtinc 1059 . . 1054 . . Woodland, total farms reportinr 1059 . . 1054 . . Irrigated land in farms farms reportinc 1959 . . 1054 . . •teres 1059 . . 1954.. Land-use pocttces: Cropland in cover cropi farms reporttng t^t. acres nSO . froph,^.' usr.' for yr^.M or rao- crops tanxf'f on C-'-e coiiIomt farms reporting 1 059 . acres 1959. Land in sttip-ctoppin'j systems for sotl-erosioft conSrol /arms reporting 1059. acres 1959. System of terraces on crop and pasture land forma reportiruj 1959 . acres 1959. 16,671 31,^02,880 50.6 15,887,724 18,260,346 83. 4 68.2 14,685 8,059 193.44 128.10 fom^s reporting 1050 , . , 195^ . . . 177,251 245,703 «ct»s 19.10 . . . 4,746,364 1054... 5,504,204 fajTOS reporting 1050 .. . 105< . . . 53,460 77,423 farms reportinp 1059 .. . 1954... 44,716 67,558 fiums rep(Trtin^ 1059 . . . 1054 , . . 29,949 45,838 fArwis reprttine 1050 .. . 1054... 27,733 35,529 farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 15,647 15,013 fanns reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 4,356 3,360 farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,218 872 farms reporting 1059 . . . 1954. . 152 82 farms reporting 1959 .. . 20 55,481 68,703 673,613 702,345 73,623 84,097 995,806 847,721 23,203 233,843 61,656 761,963 56,489 82,269 1,024,441 1,506,096 120,617 154,452 6,725,336 7,732,788 64,726 88,264 1,040,167 1,283,583 31,481 35,834 463,992 391,966 182,762 256,157 118,533 158,186 135,287 179,435 8,537 2,704 65,743 25,423 3,641 57,632 38,997 1,173,786 132 277,760 57.5 159,801 201,595 90.9 73.3 14,387 7,234 178.10 106. 31 1,563 2,399 43,657 56,144 1,192 W,006 16,214 380 4,183 722 13,823 541 1,050 8,308 17,034 1,248 1,795 55,218 70,950 686 1,197 13,017 18,130 1,665 2,558 1,304 1,950 1,348 2,058 203 30 163,200 62.0 101,237 112,700 10,090 6,080 117.01 88.61 1,108 1,416 20,662 26,830 531 600 5,499 3,392 1,029 1,186 46,982 43,996 106 147,200 75.7 111,390 120,659 93.0 83.4 12,694 7,045 141.92 88.56 1,110 1,303 17,539 18,878 10,220 40,667 8,430 36,759 436 489 348 235 5,593 13,428 3,007 5,468 4,701 3,580 5,147 3,102 1,189 1,140 1,477 1,374 1,075 1,161 1,243 1,353 1,100 1,062 1,327 1,197 168 341,120 55.4 188,819 214, 291 135.0 95.8 11,359 5,184 93.03 60.74 1,261 2,034 49,145 67,614 1,181 87,274 93,539 219,688 231,569 72.3 61.7 9,702 6,835 147.10 119.90 2,842 3,501 27,546 33,257 1,844 2,263 667 871 530 1,290 450 1,699 13,098 33,611 7,316 42,980 574 350 563 ■ 366 12,416 3,344 8,222 3,946 173 149 3,074 1,057 467 224 9,342 2,287 1,701 2,145 30,376 40,979 1,674 1,515 50,827 35,004 2,055 2,220 65,238 67,007 2,924 3,631 2,875 3,429 2,689 3,073 17 127 212 158,080 35.9 56,822 84,432 69.0 56.0 9,938 4,761 153.98 96.55 1,383 8,003 12,318 122 531,840 46.2 245,766 262,570 104.2 82.2 17,022 9,499 183.12 122.39 2,166 2,947 110,546 103,339 1,030 7,714 8,122 1,639 593 5,704 219 422 3,509 8,698 1,552 1,856 99,424 109,346 2,229 3,011 1,179 1,523 1,601 1,962 87 NORTH CAROLINA 169 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Bladen Brunswick Buncoobe Bijrke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Cbatbam Cberolcee Chowan Clay Cleveland ColunibuB 2,681 1,605 3,059 1,085 1,188 1,109 320 471 2,284 1,672 1,731 825 644 629 3,084 4,819 3,633 1,976 4,303 1,922 1,882 2,165 434 640 2,899 2,713 2,344 1,638 895 864 4,672 6,051 ■> 18i 127 670 370 201 435 32 44 111 309 2U 425 20 164 243 200 3 562,560 558,720 412,800 323,840 230,400 304,640 152,960 340,480 278,400 259,840 452,480 290,560 115,200 136,320 298,240 600,960 1 43.8 20.7 44.2 27.0 62.9 31.0 33.8 13.8 79.9 55.7 47.8 27.4 59.0 31.5 69.1 50.6 5 246,423 115,384 182,653 87,462 144,822 94,337 51,712 47,008 222,438 144,630 216,391 79,693 67,945 43,005 206,087 304,035 230,331 143,782 203,910 114,209 171,560 133,113 58,089 76,205 246,734 179,041 277,853 116,487 72,311 48,313 254,654 305,149 7 91.9 71.9 59.7 80.6 121.9 85.1 161.6 99.8 97.4 86.5 125.0 96.6 105.5 68.4 66.8 53.1 77.2 72.8 47.4 59.4 91.2 61.5 133.8 119.1 85.1 65.9 97.7 71.1 80.8 55.9 54.5 50.4 9 11,395 8,833 12,441 12,488 15,204 11,749 15,541 18,029 8,914 15,312 15,810 6,823 19,550 9,273 12,631 14,797 10 5,978 5,775 7,521 6,704 8,866 3,342 13,731 10,247 6,428 8,333 5,739 4,522 8,165 3,672 7,013 7,093 11 133.90 130.51 282.59 151.23 122.56 153.13 156.78 193.74 97.63 187.24 118.05 74.20 195.29 132.27 191.41 244.06 12 79.59 86.34 174.47 114.29 102.08 137.22 98.30 90.65 83.57 127.57 62.38 61.26 U1.15 69.59 139.76 154.96 1.1 77 76 74 93 73 74 91 76 76 84 74 82 69 33 77 82 It 89 77 81 86 86 91 56 95 83 77 76 88 87 67 68 75 15 2,476 1,510 2,774 967 1,026 985 247 394 2,211 1,509 1,456 765 576 577 2,851 4,546 16 3,365 1,851 3,789 1,461 1,610 1,664 346 550 2,779 2,294 2,322 1,440 763 810 4,278 5,786 17 60,859 26,817 25,980 17,441 43,649 13,929 31,831 10,984 41,185 49,501 36,695 9,662 31,360 7,368 76,967 98,621 18 70,542 29,945 30,292 20,215 54,335 20,561 32,479 12,475 50,473 61,720 48,797 12,914 32,204 8,941 106,694 108,880 19 663 634 2,029 487 212 539 30 135 703 463 401 494 87 332 638 1,234 20 912 779 2,861 875 437 1,031 46 215 834 822 755 1,062 163 511 879 1,515 21 708 476 458 250 224 238 17 97 724 351 422 161 103 150 856 1,441 24 1,045 590 605 307 352 340 26 131 955 488 699 245 132 192 1,328 2,110 23 449 190 135 103 151 92 17 48 408 223 260 49 74 47 493 836 24 711 265 177 137 221 133 24 77 569 343 392 72 121 59 883 1,224 25 390 119 95 71 167 59 34 58 267 207 203 34 113 30 458 693 26 506 156 88 82 276 93 50 79 315 308 298 37 148 28 775 752 27 217 71 44 42 165 40 47 36 95 157 131 16 U7 12 256 236 28 164 45 47 43 224 58 88 35 94 228 144 19 121 17 344 159 M 42 17 11 9 78 7 48 16 14 84 34 9 65 6 86 43 TO 22 12 10 16 84 8 71 10 12 85 31 4 65 3 58 23 11 6 3 1 4 28 44 4 21 4 2 14 14 12 32 4 1 "i 3 I 1 1 ' i 1 15 I I "i 39 10 2 3 20 3 2 1 1 1 12 3 1 10 "i 2 1 1 .13 H 13 36 567 520 943 361 369 519 100 153 624 432 326 242 290 216 878 1,683 .-,. 732 543 1,303 504 469 455 60 258 890 1,034 343 525 208 193 1,365 1,674 30 3,993 3,239 17,153 4,U7 9,514 5,464 1,056 2,798 7,662 6,963 5,299 3,285 2,822 2,420 14,636 7,728 40 5,781 2,817 18,034 4,199 8,569 3,593 1,597 3,760 8,867 10,429 10,196 5,038 2,109 2,285 17,361 7,611 41 1,059 736 791 566 604 539 7 2U 1,379 909 864 279 111 226 1,336 2,045 42 1,023 848 1,121 1,038 766 892 31 257 1,572 1,334 1,253 603 105 239 1,581 1,814 13 11,519 6,215 6,605 6,820 15,579 6,305 51 3,077 30,852 13,904 11,170 2,499 1,661 1,841 28,146 17,875 41 8,166 6,028 10,145 11,078 14,291 6,947 445 2,173 23,677 15,280 13,082 3,448 560 1,487 17,803 10,506 45 286 115 378 293 174 89 1 35 597 277 190 70 33 66 494 435 <6 3,118 718 2,076 2,638 3,133 534 4 316 5,775 3,437 1,772 608 463 499 9,979 3,601 47 899 677 484 358 521 489 6 187 1,256 747 768 224 80 172 1,080 1,801 16 8,401 5,497 4,529 4,182 12,396 5,771 47 2,761 25,077 10,467 9,398 1,891 1,193 1,342 18,167 14,274 19 454 214 1,403 471 528 415 35 68 767 662 762 332 146 240 974 303 M) 797 336 1,942 686 786 856 90 111 1,100 1,174 1,187 513 151 349 1,736 964 51 20,489 2,953 36,029 6,026 11,898 7,516 1,673 4,794 10,649 9,486 15,308 10,382 3,624 3,497 15,296 7,775 .'.2 35,981 6,966 50,404 9,932 14,334 16,329 7,508 19,720 14,462 14,684 25,987 13,386 3,434 8,137 25,681 10,418 51 1,862 1,255 1,379 866 345 892 168 305 1,533 1,231 1,377 679 430 475 1,531 3,384 H 2,334 1,384 1,443 1,362 1,188 1,507 196 426 1,995 1,886 2,070 1,227 515 570 2,084 3,669 H 135, 104 70,950 49,729 43,322 39,161 51,271 13,418 17,875 108,769 41,139 117,093 47,228 26,469 21,690 44,139 153,674 .'.6 145,608 88,583 40,268 55,072 49,336 68,421 13,868 31,589 123, 2U 54,108 148,553 71,097 29,663 20,675 56, 378 148,380 57 604 195 1,776 595 638 420 28 114 960 949 1,034 453 39 375 997 1,203 58 730 408 2,186 791 1,058 1,280 115 74 1,167 1,212 1,187 679 251 550 1,348 1,108 59 7,550 1,487 37,084 6,136 16,710 6,464 312 2,766 9,616 15,616 23,498 4,668 420 4,123 14,364 7,903 60 3,159 5,170 46, 9U 8,423 20,363 12,195 1,043 2,287 11,437 14,105 23,275 7,937 2,449 5,048 16,614 10,321 61 279 125 546 264 340 163 11 42 462 610 561 301 19 166 503 650 62 343 213 276 157 463 429 17 44 627 505 645 230 200 181 666 583 63 4,278 830 7,759 2,378 9,580 2,706 99 2,043 4,889 9,927 11,451 3,040 192 1,673 7,974 5,080 64 3,202 1,133 3,914 1,398 7,030 4,070 86 588 4,869 5,358 12,019 2,289 1,239 1,759 7,533 3,536 66 6,909 3,723 10,073 3,570 3,311 3,388 1,371 4,714 13,705 8,021 7,328 1,969 1,589 2,066 12,039 10,459 66 6,094 4,273 7,653 5,290 10,332 5,067 1,U9 4,201 M,607 8,715 7,963 2,667 1,892 1,739 14,123 8,533 67 2,556 1,556 2,915 1,021 1,092 1,067 262 422 2,241 1,581 1,575 803 597 603 2,989 4,670 68 3,479 1,924 4,086 1,739 1,727 1,917 355 606 2,841 2,574 2,552 1,542 787 829 4,513 5,386 69 1,197 776 2,562 870 986 910 U5 260 1,471 1,350 1,355 706 355 553 1,826 2,817 70 1,605 959 3,497 1,353 1,401 1,717 208 346 1,831 2,109 1,963 1,315 481 747 2,723 2,826 71 1,955 1,293 2,208 951 988 984 184 331 1,601 1,387 1,493 745 453 546 1,842 3,493 72 2,522 1,453 2,882 1,544 1,398 1,766 266 454 2,112 2,174 2,214 1,405 558 698 2,709 3,864 73 36 9 50 8 11 1 14 420 5 44 1 22 6 10 78 71 21 8 57 6 3 4 1 5 76 5 22 6 1 30 17 75 174 59 113 64 34 68 698 2,193 49 277 4 692 57 107 520 7» 143 80 348 215 51 71 2 259 574 98 144 189 12 394 108 77 495 227 687 76 180 80 26 35 531 237 121 21 315 20 297 1,226 78 5,120 1,656 2,825 465 3,090 610 740 340 3,995 3,763 1,590 99 9,025 170 6,780 13,705 79 16 86 152 155 95 6 460 509 110 40 15 140 984 120 fcO 375 369 2,500 5,130 1,600 40 3,415 14,400 1,075 220 1,200 895 32,639 2,080 81 65 27 30 46 5 71 155 15 35 55 82 650 730 955 563 80 970 5,870 120 355 735 81 31 16 231 464 300 997 1,039 303 20 30 2,124 45 84 1,925 215 3,315 24,045 6,495 27,460 46,433 8,545 70 515 93,215 965 85 170 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for ilpms shown in ilalics are based on Cumberland Currltucll FARMS. ACREAGE. A.ND VALIE Api«ximftte Irtnd area acres 19S1 . Proporlion in farms percent 195!) . I.anJ in farms acres IMI. Value ot land and buildings: .dullarsiaBi. .dcllsrs 1359. ;ste(J farniS reporting lOr,!) Kit. acres IflSf) , 50 to 99 acr ino to 199 a 2(X1 to 499 a 500 to 999 a 1.000 a ma s reporting 1959 . s reporting 1959 . s reporting 1959 . s reponinc 1959 . 195<. s reporting 1959. 1954. s tenortinp 1959 . 195' Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1954- acres 1959 . Cropland not harvested and not pastured fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. 1954 . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms repotting 19.59 . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . «no 642 784 628 631 256 642 694 770 1,126 1,088 162 269 630 281 133 843 3!) 5,693 6,658 7,650 2,877 2,635 8,871 2,093 12,426 U,276 3,637 7,700 7,138 2,054 2,453 3,867 12,464 40 5,869 5,620 9,567 3,668 2,067 6,322 2,364 8,453 14,135 6,282 2,487 2,857 3,549 2,666 1,251 12,276 41 1,222 1,406 608 135 205 1,547 391 1,694 817 1,329 280 484 310 361 37 1,418 42 1,512 1,395 915 173 292 1,531 261 2,077 1,176 1,248 176 673 359 505 67 1,681 13 17,974 16,445 12,108 1,138 1,061 19,071 2,544 23,504 9,327 15,523 2,363 5,200 2,619 7,867 2,257 24,004 41 15,631 11,606 13,172 947 1,338 13,700 1,486 23,284 10,077 9,749 1,821 5,219 1,741 8,102 827 24,362 43 450 341 158 24 55 579 92 608 201 288 136 151 50 136 10 656 16 3,338 2,581 2,482 200 149 4,100 525 5,413 2,223 2,447 1,026 1,244 361 2,063 505 9,492 17 1,037 1,286 532 120 169 1,343 326 1,434 699 1,200 163 399 279 300 27 1,035 IS 14,636 13,864 9,626 938 912 14,971 2,019 18,091 7,104 13,076 1,337 3,956 2,258 5,804 1,752 14,512 10 745 633 513 195 208 1,124 191 1,U7 559 531 1,065 419 286 88 20 1,194 30 1,095 969 857 290 328 1,299 225 1,941 729 846 1,322 674 272 153 58 1,920 31 10,326 10,651 10,220 3,003 3,259 18,188 1,891 17,094 15,504 6,843 38,472 12,507 4,453 1,475 1,194 21,926 52 12,516 18,148 15,876 5,320 5,235 19,974 3,635 27,759 19,916 11,733 45,952 18,415 3,131 3,269 4,338 31,943 53 1,362 1,804 711 650 459 1,884 978 2,078 1,562 2,125 515 798 662 469 233 1,803 34 1,963 2,199 1,115 794 519 2,581 1,170 2,783 2,163 2,716 675 1,106 1,030 674 306 2,441 35 40,316 113,406 31,524 50,906 17,975 145,878 44,630 83,427 156,214 108,360 20,567 31,644 54,957 52,030 29,705 68,447 r.e 57,543 119,964 41,537 62,611 19,820 151,736 52,355 99,937 171,826 124,568 21,614 45,632 73,646 61,004 24,890 83,385 57 771 803 422 150 134 1,336 307 1,459 620 623 1,321 589 300 69 75 1,635 58 1,241 991 639 106 348 1,751 307 2,158 412 673 2,031 1,263 150 131 104 2,100 59 11,959 7,646 8,013 1,369 1,125 16,390 1,258 23,295 9,770 6,696 50,221 8,6U 2,224 1,024 1,032 36,633 60 U,217 10,143 8,712 3,412 2,763 18,308 1,815 31,989 10,897 8,649 58,017 16,454 1,771 2,408 2,108 35,058 61 540 340 134 91 17 602 75 636 296 273 547 273 129 30 55 1,096 62 577 455 299 78 217 699 53 853 221 224 412 514 73 32 51 1,082 63 8,682 3,428 3,404 609 102 9,063 385 9,774 6,389 4,374 11,973 3,776 1,078 738 517 23,443 61 6,044 4,266 4,407 426 1,287 6,720 217 11,961 4,318 2,081 4,64S 7,353 633 751 689 17,041 66 8,223 10,389 5,762 1,815 894 12,126 5,266 15,922 9,596 11,994 8,595 5,959 3,098 3,521 5,002 11,833 66 8,135 10,623 5,878 2,327 1,327 11,220 4,739 19,575 8,721 10,658 7,435 4,590 3,106 3,611 5,211 12,890 67 1,957 2,907 995 844 580 2,891 1,983 2,922 3,087 3,143 1,822 1,292 1,256 974 381 2,490 68 2,771 3,975 1,646 1,072 741 3,501 2,864 4,258 4,086 4,553 2,510 1,864 1,658 1,524 438 3,480 69 1,308 1,423 810 604 459 1,892 839 2,157 1,289 1,428 1,629 989 648 279 166 2,077 70 1,9U 1,868 1,289 728 610 2,299 1,038 3,038 1,624 1,981 2,292 1,574 824 415 238 2,791 71 1,567 1,855 873 674 503 1,992 1,034 2,322 1,659 2,229 1,356 934 745 481 241 2,118 72 2,194 2,373 1,407 823 620 2,742 1,262 3,306 2,295 2,938 1,697 1,437 1,074 703 339 2,896 73 46 334 7 2 2 236 134 198 24 521 28 19 33 74 1 12 71 29 178 14 27 47 57 11 157 18 45 4 13 3 14 75 468 2,149 298 io "2 1,517 1,075 1,483 2U 3,809 166 572 309 577 105 46 76 858 1,015 272 252 327 619 218 1,055 94 901 33 75 31 257 77 536 452 130 161 170 657 541 905 836 448 670 227 478 138 10 332 78 3,845 3,700 2,210 3,555 495 5,820 7,005 7,060 19,078 5,575 3,983 4,095 12,035 3,630 250 5,200 71 4,408 342 382 5 20 218 40 420 92 410 196 165 16 25 5 719 ^0 7,721 5,065 11,725 250 60 3,370 410 8,590 1,635 9,040 935 3,120 253 690 1,090 26,500 81 156 36 27 5 18 15 126 34 50 50 75 1 11 136 82 2,970 310 423 500 345 130 1,760 672 1,190 525 365 33 410 3,695 83 715 1,066 656 758 65 1,419 389 786 22 216 21 62 1,669 84 18,746 24, 670 41,324 13,401 595 40,905 9,726 23,001 321 3,855 350 1,426 87,010 65 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in ji FARMS. ArUF\GE. AND VALUE s numljep IflSD . 1054. Dpctmso in famis due to chanco in fnrnulpfmilion 1<>5J to 1M9 number. Apncoiiiimto land area acrps 1953 . Propcrtion in tnm\s porcenl 195!) . , Land in fdmis acres 1951 . . 1954. Uoracp site or fftmi acres 1959. , 1954 . , Value of land and buildings: AKerofir pcrfnrm dollars 1959 . . J95J,.. Mera-jr per acre dolUirs 1959 . 19.U . Proportion of farms reporting vatw percent 1959 . !95i.. Land In farms according to use: Cropland hnrvesleH farn.s reporting 15)5' 195^ 195- I to 9 acres farms reporting 195! 10 lo 19 acres farms reportinp 195t 195^ 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959, 1954. W to 49 acres fnmis reporting 1059 . 1054. 50 to 99 acres farms repiMting 1959. 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporlinp 1959 . 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reportinp 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959. 1954. Cropland used only for pasture farms reportinf; 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . , Soil-improvement grasses and ieciumes farms reportinj? 1959 . . acres 1959., Other cropland (idle and crop failire) farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 , , 1954.. acres 195?.. 1951.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1059 . . 1954 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not «co chance in fnrni Jorinllion 1!)54 U) 1850 nun Apnroximntc land area acres 1 Propcrtion in fams percent 1 t.nnJ in fnnus acres 1 1 THL-e size of rami acres 1 . .dollars . .dollars 1 to 0 acres famis reporting 1959 . . 1954.. in to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 20 to 29 acres farms repcrting 1959. . 1954 . . .10 to 49 acres famis reporting 1959 . . .■iO In 99 acres farms reporting 1959., 1954.. ino to 199 acres farms reportinp 1959., 1954 . , 200 to 499 acres farms reportinR 1959 . , 1954 . 500 to 999 acres farms reportinp 1959 . , 1954., 1,000 or more acres farms repotting 1959 . , 1954 , Cropland used only for pasture fflrms repotting 1959 . 1954, acres 1959 , 1954. Cropland not harvested and not pastured famis reporting 1959 . ?.s and legumes J crop failure) . 1954. . famis reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . . farms reporting 19,59 , Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . lured farms reporting 1959 . 1 and not wooilliind). . , farms reporting 1959 . , farms reporting 1959. Other J (hoi lads. 1954, 1 19.59.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Land pastured, total farms reportinp 1959 . 1954 . Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . 1954. IiTigat*d land in farms farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Und-use practices: Cropland tn cover crops (■roptaiul iiaed for yraiii or rnt.p Laivi in slrtp-CToppat'j sr/stfms for System of terraces on crop and pasture land. reporting JKt , repoHituj Ifl'iO . 123 149,760 34.9 52,299 70,589 104.2 70.6 16,041 7,010 142.95 119 .49 301 512,640 52.0 266,546 321,853 101.0 90.0 11,631 6,691 129.14 74.64 2,409 3,059 59,195 65,658 1,084 13,301 12,446 1,504 7,050 1,119 15,553 1,184 1,743 18,930 28,436 2,203 2,816 126,448 164,737 1,082 1,494 15,114 17,026 10,801 2,535 3,381 2,093 2,662 2,371 3,097 30 11 109,414 143,072 117.6 91.0 10,034 6,331 113.97 1,443 25,452 39,325 1,070 3,082 3,976 1,026 70 1,490 46 1,060 259 7,474 191 604,160 64.2 387,700 415,966 64.8 51.8 14,758 6,976 281.47 155.81 5,710 7,789 139,436 212,762 675 993 1,357 2,169 1,387 2,204 1,425 1,842 1,819 1,553 11,244 10,992 1,594 1,032 18,333 7,872 332 3,698 1,376 14,635 642 710 7,227 10,331 3,215 3,811 138,305 153,047 560 5,816 7,879 2,474 2,353 3,361 4,025 256 48 160 366,080 73.2 267,867 286,259 63.8 13,041 7,735 171.34 122.12 3,103 3,982 54,444 67,187 1,128 1,461 1,0U 1,369 523 636 628 958 6,283 9,120 1,923 2,070 27,579 22,738 751 4,970 1,746 22,609 1,090 1,393 13,473 16,679 2,139 2,832 134,631 132,308 1,492 1,920 16,498 21,342 2,003 2,695 2,216 3,014 399 330,880 56.9 188,436 219,005 97.7 75.2 16,294 9,858 162.33 128.10 1,718 2,504 64,717 77,018 552 585 10,239 8,165 1,019 1,334 18,245 17,798 416 6,083 933 1,129 16,435 16,769 1,377 1,855 46,555 62,935 1,122 1,587 23,331 26,651 2,698 1,533 2,096 1,624 2,154 8 12 6,859 5,216 601 261 8,615 7,414 181 60 1,485 1,410 1,383 626 8,660 26,835 303 362,240 40.0 14A,890 208,788 85.8 69.1 8,026 5,562 98.36 85.41 1,515 2,594 30,835 47,719 1,701 15,405 19,711 669 1,307 18,340 17,800 1,163 2,012 56,760 90,376 1,517 U,601 16,566 1,620 2,901 1,309 2,268 1,395 2,369 26 197 616,320 61.6 379,732 434,920 76.2 63.8 4,631 6,434 U4,741 170,123 817 1,184 1,042 1,539 964 1,532 1,076 1,530 1,384 1,353 8,103 6,411 1,569 1,277 14,879 7,433 315 2,662 1,373 12,217 837 1,151 13,306 16,836 3,245 4,057 179,376 213,946 1,462 6,889 9,751 4,796 6,567 2,500 3,045 3,386 4,297 214 75 46 202,880 44.5 90,200 124,712 111.4 10O.5 11,940 6,312 133.03 1,185 38,931 55,265 NORTH CAROLINA 175 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sanple of rarms. See text^ stokes Surry Swain Transyl- vania TyrreU Union Vance Wake Warren WaaMng- Watauga Wayne Wiltes Wilson TadMn Yancey 3,137 3,397 493 533 374 3,087 1,727 3,743 1,963 671 1,940 3,518 2,730 2,715 2,566 1,818 1 3,809 4,297 758 968 499 4,415 2,106 5,770 2,866 773 2,427 4,588 4,088 3,919 3,148 2,153 123 314 Ul 193 37 242 47 211 123 29 197 128 703 29 124 212 3 293,760 343,680 339,200 242,560 255,360 4U,520 159,360 552,960 283,520 215,040 204,800 355,200 489,600 238,720 214,400 199,040 76.0 70.4 11.6 15.1 14.7 68.5 73.4 52.9 62.8 50.2 60.1 72.9 45.2 79.9 77.2 51.4 5 223,321 241,973 39,267 36,728 37,641 281,819 116,993 292,418 178,105 107,938 123,001 258,955 221,212 190,678 165,528 102,217 n 250,409 263,726 46,368 53,962 40,709 338,377 125,940 355,926 227,296 71,766 142,269 272,209 268,047 193,762 176,270 119,570 7 71.2 71.2 79.6 68.9 100.6 91.3 67.7 78.1 90.7 160.9 63.4 73.6 81.0 70.2 64.5 56.2 s 65.7 61.4 61.2 55.7 81.6 76.6 59.8 61.7 79.3 92.8 58.6 59.3 65.6 49.4 56.0 55.5 9 9,938 11,349 5,479 10,903 9,355 12,149 10,668 17,265 9,402 23,262 10,020 20,750 9,941 23,750 10,840 7,590 10 6,505 7,359 4,449 9,4S5 5,225 7,322 7,485 9,792 6,396 10,015 6,780 10,372 5,074 14,236 8,360 5,225 u 145. i9 163.59 84.38 184.31 119.39 139.14 198.63 254.23 121.27 113.77 168.20 303.41 125.17 406.02 194.22 151.50 12 107.15 125.71 81.91 159.76 67.21 99.18 127.11 180.07 94.80 112.17 113.91 216.58 80.33 306.76 148.70 96.22 1,1 85 78 91 98 65 76 81 77 84 70 94 78 84 83 82 76 14 80 80 89 37 64 79 93 72 83 76 81 62 88 78 80 79 15 3,098 3,268 476 475 302 2,771 1,690 3,482 1,912 598 1,859 3,298 2,396 2,657 2,484 1,730 16 3,670 4,136 716 844 390 3,955 2,047 5,296 2,741 695 2,279 4,276 3,649 3,820 2,974 2,033 17 41,389 48,038 2,988 6,093 15,590 96,915 31,470 75,396 38,734 31,980 16,120 127,601 32,224 86,786 46,805 13,386 18 49,822 58,130 3,830 9,327 16,064 118,463 35,654 99,981 49,897 30,990 19,197 U3,069 39,492 96,415 53,104 15,213 19 1,304 1,384 405 301 58 592 521 947 552 94 1,289 353 1,359 198 954 1,273 ■20 1,4X 1,657 632 592 73 839 545 1,431 827 117 1,578 435 2,324 346 1,093 1,504 21 1,175 1,165 51 97 59 675 601 1,155 712 U6 396 512 555 556 741 327 23 1,508 1,596 65 152 99 970 854 1,940 1,031 139 517 872 774 1,250 925 382 2.1 404 428 U 32 34 489 300 632 316 97 106 723 238 700 359 74 24 492 573 14 37 59 830 404 1,142 486 125 120 1,201 296 1,153 505 109 25 178 198 6 24 55 461 185 500 233 107 52 957 139 807 274 48 26 200 242 4 28 71 716 181 583 281 136 49 1,200 168 831 299 34 27 35 81 2 17 62 383 67 201 71 116 15 6U 78 336 123 8 28 33 55 27 54 451 54 164 89 120 15 495 74 218 128 29 1 9 ' i 4 21 133 U 37 23 39 1 121 14 54 29 TO 3 9 1 6 24 120 9 23 25 33 67 U 20 20 11 1 3 U 38 2 10 4 23 16 3 6 4 32 "2 9 2 1 27 2 13 1 22 6 3 5 1 2 1 "i 3 1 ra 431 525 129 223 171 1,368 200 865 430 243 767 1 1,093 752 964 287 808 1,157 1,028 97 391 241 955 492 1,186 1,042 232 561 1,318 841 1,197 938 619 39 3,160 5,908 1,946 2,199 1,501 23,761 2,058 10,174 5,705 6,164 14,152 7,158 7,804 3,949 2,576 12,089 «0 9,265 8,908 614 3,731 1,719 11,178 3,519 10,777 9,629 1,941 8,053 7,400 8,026 4,141 7,179 7,501 41 2,017 1,843 135 161 41 1,200 749 1,698 685 125 286 929 1,183 890 1,452 469 <2 2,223 2,058 308 212 40 1,142 734 1,97D 1,079 126 280 742 1,677 679 1,498 666 13 30,281 19,869 833 1,711 549 19,064 7,892 27,387 11, OU 8,128 2,867 7,820 10,786 5,946 18,254 4,520 11 26,429 17,471 1,579 1,839 210 11,332 5,930 18,709 8,259 1,518 2,399 5,756 13,118 2,626 14,458 5,019 45 1,313 1,204 34 41 8 344 157 449 226 16 122 163 378 136 609 260 16 13,182 8,248 114 256 138 5,672 1,009 4,368 1,573 305 571 1,096 2,456 734 5,036 1,921 47 1,531 1,247 113 131 33 976 683 1,520 790 115 179 622 986 608 1,180 282 18 17,099 11,621 719 1,455 4U 13,392 6,883 23,019 9,440 7,823 2,296 6,724 8,330 5,212 13,218 2,599 10 1,406 1,484 280 126 65 1,419 513 820 551 115 902 566 1,220 392 881 1,069 50 1,573 1,731 51A 305 53 2,352 694 1,353 850 165 1,144 671 2,107 599 989 1,186 51 13,599 U,982 8,671 2,098 1,465 22,812 7,529 15,232 17,540 4,538 16,405 6,659 17,449 2,810 7,419 25,581 .'.2 U,569 21,954 14,994 5,997 1,782 35,373 9,637 25,265 24,540 3,920 19,715 9,934 29,278 5,664 6,924 26,215 51 2,191 2,463 378 369 294 2,284 984 2,338 1,239 415 1,113 1,921 2,201 1,687 1,727 638 54 2,619 2,840 494 597 376 2,994 1,215 3,235 1,842 454 1,328 1,989 3,061 2,184 2,056 1,005 55 106,240 U8,216 22,039 19,660 16,695 92,744 56,529 135,314 88,922 48,810 38,107 94,210 124,523 81,332 63,033 24,667 56 122,465 123,041 19,910 28,690 18,228 116,625 59,928 163,465 U9,825 27,437 43,748 101,137 143,937 74,147 68,938 38,421 57 1,765 2,122 235 283 80 1,315 688 914 606 204 1,275 594 1,618 365 1,516 847 58 1,692 2,147 468 294 101 2,695 577 1,536 501 212 1,871 649 2,415 530 1,352 1,354 50 15,248 23,525 1,563 3,515 481 17,193 5,621 14,997 9,628 4,908 31,292 4,590 19,339 1,882 17,404 16,934 60 14,408 22,088 3,963 3,053 1,186 34, U4 4,742 19,507 8,073 3,747 44,261 6,537 24,491 3,145 15,052 22,877 61 931 1,247 159 164 63 582 306 415 295 63 516 238 776 66 1,021 201 62 838 995 107 141 64 1,071 320 643 267 84 440 253 852 160 734 203 63 6,626 13,650 918 1,784 395 8,985 2,721 9,400 5,643 2,601 9,662 2,057 8,420 415 11,608 2,139 64 5,117 8,697 676 1,399 758 14,482 2,433 7,989 3,272 5W 6,374 1,655 7,853 612 7,434 1,869 65 13,404 14,435 1,227 1,452 1,360 9,330 5,894 13,918 6,563 3,410 4,056 10,917 9,087 7,973 10,037 5,040 66 13,451 12,134 1,476 1,325 1,520 U,292 6,530 18,222 7,073 2,213 4,896 8,376 9,705 7,422 8,615 4,324 67 3,117 3,316 484 502 329 2,970 1,708 3,613 1,926 619 1,898 3,363 2,561 2,677 2,529 1,767 68 3,762 4,218 741 917 430 4,142 2,066 5,549 2,810 716 2,315 4,387 3,884 3,846 3,084 2,093 69 2,105 2,447 409 454 252 2,473 938 1,835 1,022 446 1,831 1,750 2,252 1,408 1,707 1,556 70 2,625 2,977 653 740 335 3,508 1,165 2,758 1,524 467 2,229 2,050 3,339 1,860 2,146 1,823 71 2,295 2,589 454 425 307 2,575 1,043 2,483 1,321 461 1,687 2,062 2,416 1,943 1,815 1,450 72 2,777 3,036 676 707 401 3,477 1,342 3,518 1,975 5U 1,994 2,188 3,522 2,337 2,213 1,677 71 132 143 5 2 8 254 593 56 3 9 U8 8 203 209 74 21 36 3 10 4 19 234 13 1 9 40 W 57 12 18 75 632 812 35 3 86 1,624 5,062 503 912 101 887 484 1,619 950 76 175 252 10 130 20 U4 2,122 U8 1 55 369 378 548 91 ^^ 1,017 686 70 35 33 166 3U 548 297 167 311 721 200 465 597 706 78 6,015 3,855 235 80 530 3,717 3,745 5,564 3,316 2,957 900 8,130 865 5,705 2,985 1,424 79 558 481 5 35 5 366 611 354 200 5 U6 255 205 325 746 115 80 4,837 6,269 10 225 80 12,039 10,625 6,091 2,400 150 740 7,030 1,765 3,580 9,565 365 81 65 131 10 30 31 52 46 5 60 60 35 135 50 82 320 1,055 35 1,130 235 771 500 200 400 535 265 1,740 285 83 847 1,560 5 35 916 943 1,309 635 10 131 509 566 1,188 84 U,530 24,594 60 150 33,844 22,565 39,595 23,891 45 1,690 8,834 12,110 22,015 85 176 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND ? and explanations, see text) Mi fanns number 1 Jer 10 acres number 1 to 49 acres number 1 u» 69 acres number 1 to 99 acres number 1 to 179 acres number 1 I to 219 acres number 1 to 259 acres number 1 260 to 499 D 500 to 999 a 1,000 to 1,999 acres Land in farms: All land in farms . 10 to 49 a 50 to 69 a 70 to 99 a 100 to 13! Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reportin 190,567 267,906 17,806 34,479 81,112 126,001 24,261 31,778 22,351 27,612 17,611 20,168 9,212 9,826 5,502 5,702 3,337 3,282 6,663 6,458 2,041 1,905 15,887,724 18,260,346 83,813 173,945 2,209,820 3,321,164 1,411,858 1,840,921 1,846,591 2,279,503 2,041,968 2,323,972 1,444,826 1,541,926 1,087,717 1,124,667 793,745 781,361 2,284,278 2,199,775 1,365,890 1,280,203 1,317,218 1,392,909 672,887 177,251 245,703 4,746,364 5,504,204 13,629 26,516 52,924 99,591 76,034 117,572 1,134,419 1,815,565 23,165 30,127 530,907 684,114 21,364 26,206 598,035 697,676 16,820 19,166 584, 248 621,384 8,828 9,293 388,242 372,505 5,236 5,402 277,522 254,155 3,209 3,072 197,542 166,477 6,370 6,016 524,179 423,169 1,917 1,722 268,953 199,589 629 611 632 2,066 15,850 24,449 12,824 20,764 20,352 29,870 25,351 36,322 19,820 24,378 14,7% 15,770 11,782 U,897 27,352 25,768 6,372 7,466 4,670 1,563 2,399 43,657 56,144 338 488 13,529 16, 916 12,482 14, 528 17,274 22,369 14,447 18,116 9,130 11,100 7,274 6,790 4,468 4,324 11,389 11,762 5,146 5,252 5,760 1,055 3,570 1,108 1,416 20,662 26,830 198 823 12,9% 13,674 9,550 11,538 15,761 16,123 17,765 19,806 10,863 11,159 7,934 8,538 6,607 6,920 19,907 20,418 7,310 10,163 2,499 1,497 2,499 1,110 1,303 17,539 18,878 462 908 14,126 27,278 8,540 13,570 13,938 17,439 15,701 19,547 11,357 15,297 8,644 12,362 6,040 10,070 33,101 34,208 37,000 31,411 39,910 32,201 22, 6U 1,261 2,034 49,145 67,614 1,021 8,543 18,581 219,688 231,569 1,021 2,641 40,560 47,625 26,415 29, %4 31,1B2 36,184 28,357 31,7% 21,231 19, 276 15,178 14,818 9,856 8,937 21,550 25,485 19,824 12,456 4,514 2,387 4,51>; 2,842 3,501 27,546 33,257 194 430 470 1,271 1,263 1,551 6,775 9,027 442 4% 218 1,322 11,410 20,120 6,693 10,246 7,096 10,609 6,339 7,941 4,073 4,068 3,974 3,942 1,932 3,075 7,249 9,168 3,739 7,038 4,099 6,903 4,099 773 1,383 8,003 12,318 827 1,910 25,041 38,786 18,799 19,865 22,112 27,882 26,016 26,064 21,003 22,655 16,162 12,720 11,365 12,766 40,307 32,520 24,621 21,438 39,513 45, %4 15,016 2,166 2,947 110,546 103,389 748 1,4U 2,234 14,805 4,394 24,649 m 303 168 327 1,113 9,306 1,826 9,043 87 255 119 311 1,169 9,890 1,629 12,112 51 207 68 217 901 10,676 993 10,389 23 126 23 138 532 9,035 516 8,905 20 80 20 60 613 6,130 518 4,564 8 47 13 51 269 4,833 457 4,297 19 109 25 88 615 19,324 737 12,342 4 35 11 30 163 9,613 499 4,738 3 17 3 17 307 16,384 297 11,049 NORTH CAROLINA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 177 Bladen Brimswlcll Buncombe BuTle Cabarrus CaldweU Camrien Carteret Caswell Catawba Cbatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Colujnbue 2,681 1,605 3,059 1,085 1,188 1,109 320 471 2,284 1,672 1,731 825 644 629 3,084 4,819 1 3,633 1,976 4,303 1,922 1,882 2,165 434 640 2,899 2,718 2,844 1,638 895 864 4,672 6,051 2 27i 192 516 67 65 69 54 53 323 85 121 34 67 43 297 519 3 465 295 1,128 378 255 398 88 107 391 411 412 236 156 138 480 785 4 l,22i 789 1,573 506 320 483 71 183 672 705 446 323 223 312 1,479 2,371 5 l,8il 981 2,026 872 612 983 100 263 978 1,154 815 685 346 415 2,479 3,456 6 302 175 321 155 139 159 27 61 192 217 232 113 78 82 3% 613 7 366 201 401 205 202 251 31 70 257 319 331 203 90 100 624 654 8 267 144 240 132 174 128 33 64 271 214 227 122 69 71 333 502 9 299 174 2% 192 245 184 49 64 360 297 379 173 98 80 450 454 10 226 117 152 89 169 95 30 32 272 170 260 99 69 63 226 342 U zia 118 131 116 202 127 49 56 359 232 325 164 75 75 304 302 12 109 51 88 41 85 55 22 20 189 97 155 40 37 20 118 160 13 118 51 87 51 123 84 34 27 190 123 236 69 43 17 130 132 14 78 35 43 27 74 33 14 17 112 63 % 36 29 11 83 109 15 79 32 52 32 75 38 16 14 123 61 111 35 18 11 84 91 16 39 29 33 19 33 20 7 16 76 38 52 16 19 7 56 61 17 41 33 24 21 46 27 U 8 78 40 70 19 18 9 39 55 18 97 51 68 35 94 44 37 12 153 66 104 29 34 14 77 m 19 113 59 76 40 94 52 34 19 144 65 121 34 36 14 67 103 20 53 15 21 10 31 12 20 8 22 13 28 10 U 5 14 27 21 a 22 27 10 25 15 14 5 16 12 33 16 U 4 13 15 22 12 7 4 4 4 6 5 5 2 4 10 3 5 1 5 4 23 21 10 5 5 3 6 6 7 3 4 11 4 4 1 2 4 24 9 6 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 3 7 1 4 1 5 * 2S 246,423 115,384 182,653 87,462 144,322 94,337 51,712 47,008 222,438 144,630 216,391 79,693 67,945 43,005 206,087 304,035 26 280,331 143,782 203,910 11A,209 171,560 133,113 58,089 76,205 246,734 179,041 277,853 116,487 72,311 48,313 254,654 305,149 27 1,423 969 2,468 372 265 334 U6 250 1,500 388 553 171 299 200 1,634 2,554 28 2,397 1,591 5,761 2,009 1,282 2,138 333 550 2,033 2,170 1,636 1,255 744 716 2,752 4,178 29 31,233 19,835 40,282 13,544 8,794 13,016 1,970 4,597 1J,550 19,447 12,366 8,968 6,241 8,653 37,683 61,646 30 47,194 24,425 49,391 21,815 16,178 24,693 2,858 6,444 22,506 30,637 21,517 18,570 9,076 U,107 63,874 85,897 31 17,735 10,092 18,613 9,085 8,251 9,128 1,571 3,448 U,1B1 12,783 13,620 6,562 4,589 4,731 23,189 35,6% 32 21,108 U,616 23,225 11,726 U,930 14,482 1,853 4,066 14,867 18,667 19,040 11,507 5,183 5,871 36,279 37,730 33 21,861 U,931 19,617 10,862 15,374 10,387 2,740 5,240 22,707 17,721 18,932 10,132 5,559 5,762 27,390 41,056 34 24,671 14,323 24,297 15,842 20,459 15,042 4,122 5,397 30,149 24,606 31,594 14,101 8,017 6,704 37,013 37,095 35 26,371 13,446 17,682 10,144 19,585 10,951 3,469 3,662 31,746 19,848 30,482 11,442 8,105 7,244 26,317 39,314 36 29,338 13,616 20,997 13,136 22,995 U,473 5,719 6,481 41,353 26,778 37,885 18,285 8,729 8,705 34,933 34,743 37 17,048 7,890 13,984 6,434 13,532 8,458 3,435 3,077 29,738 15,151 24,343 6,202 5,832 3,155 18,840 25,043 3B 18,808 8,075 13,762 8,004 19,612 13,201 5,410 4,199 29,689 19,365 37,186 10,640 6,925 2,708 20,389 20,669 3(1 15,430 6,917 8,486 5,419 14,519 6,416 2,830 3,414 22,224 12,502 18,917 7,174 5,641 2,192 16,538 21,624 40 15,555 6,294 10,256 6,336 14,872 7,440 3,175 2,750 24,311 11,910 21, 7U 6,989 3,501 2,183 16,643 17,925 11 9,317 6,956 7,764 4,459 7,937 4,787 1,660 3,802 18,112 9,106 12,398 3,880 4,580 1,616 13,485 14,499 42 9,603 7,858 5,754 4,873 10,928 6,508 3,134 1,893 18,673 9,594 16,651 4,514 4,246 2,115 9,343 13,101 43 34,180 17,870 23,288 12,112 31,176 U,678 12,946 4,171 52,748 23,313 35,584 9,912 U,594 4,804 25,611 38,612 44 38,867 20,6% 25,720 13,269 31,341 18,212 U,793 6,153 48,943 22,182 40,659 11,448 12,778 4,836 22,467 34,811 1! 38,344 9,406 U,462 6,164 20,421 8,397 13,737 5,160 U,504 8,346 17,727 7,078 8,527 3,648 8,938 18,593 46 29,223 14,921 17,692 6,475 17,865 10,074 10,267 2,721 10,953 7,460 20,687 9,987 7,639 2,368 3,830 10,143 47 33,481 10,072 16,007 8,867 4,968 7,785 7,208 10,187 2,428 6,025 31,469 8,172 6,978 1,000 6,462 5,398 48 43,567 20,367 7,055 10,724 4,096 6,850 9,425 35,551 3,257 5,672 29,254 9,191 5,473 1,000 2,131 8,857 49 12,025 6,503 2,889 3,586 4,968 5,785 4,808 4,931 2,428 3,692 9,248 1,200 4,773 1,000 6,462 5,396 50 2,476 1,510 2,774 %7 1,026 985 247 394 2,211 1,509 1,456 765 576 577 2,851 4,546 51 3,365 1,851 3,789 1,461 1,610 1,664 346 550 2,779 2,294 2,322 1,440 763 810 4,278 5,786 52 60,859 26,817 25,980 17,441 43,649 13,929 31,831 10,984 41,185 49,501 36,695 9,662 31,360 7,368 76, %7 93,621 53 70,542 29,945 30,292 20,215 54,335 20,561 32,479 12,475 50,473 61,720 48,797 12,914 32,204 8,941 106,694 103,380 54 225 167 397 34 18 35 11 32 288 39 62 26 43 22 226 423 55 395 272 868 193 136 207 29 75 342 240 182 160 94 m 351 717 56 907 599 964 102 89 82 46 118 1,070 M5 241 65 222 77 1,248 1,728 57 1,534 1,105 2,130 497 539 538 % 283 1,331 713 713 440 465 360 1,830 3,146 58 1,155 749 1,457 450 265 432 53 157 656 628 350 295 193 291 1,397 2,273 59 1,744 921 1,830 665 523 737 79 232 947 958 667 606 306 392 2,2% 3,349 60 17,897 8,240 8,017 3,643 3,167 3,038 %2 1,873 8,494 6,740 3,871 1,919 3,519 2,388 22,003 33,639 61 28,351 10,994 10,165 5,124 6,527 5,369 1,673 3,005 12,259 10,668 7,391 3,459 5,673 2,869 39,141 53,597 62 287 170 298 144 120 150 25 56 190 206 200 m 75 79 373 597 63 351 192 381 183 180 229 29 67 252 297 298 189 76 99 592 627 64 7,498 3,126 2,858 1,749 2,430 1,784 937 1,170 2,795 3,983 3,204 927 2,555 902 9,510 14,402 65 9,060 3,755 3,918 2,597 3,936 3,056 1,228 1,5% 4,063 6,427 4,473 1,451 2,599 1,183 15,673 15,479 66 250 131 229 123 157 123 28 53 269 201 199 114 64 69 310 480 67 283 166 277 167 222 173 48 57 346 277 346 166 91 79 433 438 68 7,688 2,846 2,745 2,573 4,020 2,221 1,764 1,601 4,944 5,665 3,691 1,103 2,815 1,082 9,835 14,157 69 8,102 3,009 3,392 2,940 6,3% 2,707 2,993 1,662 6,861 8,334 6,412 1,627 4,223 1,179 14,768 11,569 70 209 112 146 87 161 84 27 30 267 164 235 93 68 62 209 323 71 233 111 172 107 193 U7 48 53 352 222 292 154 72 74 288 237 72 7,755 2,842 2,340 1,911 6,069 1,864 2,394 968 5,797 6,437 5,777 1,468 4,263 1,U5 8,047 10, 518 73 7,029 2,6% 2,780 2,146 7,417 2,450 4,226 1,715 7,978 8,602 7,412 1,795 4,513 1,619 12,108 8,%2 74 101 47 84 38 79 53 21 18 186 94 U7 39 37 19 113 150 75 104 46 87 48 U7 78 34 23 184 122 217 65 41 16 124 125 76 4,027 1,526 2,059 1,269 4,107 1,334 2,247 953 4,754 5,668 5,184 817 2,635 356 6,936 5,503 77 3,297 1,164 1,706 1,419 6,219 1,855 4,011 776 5,065 7,937 6,5% 1,126 3,110 278 6,879 4,102 78 70 35 40 27 71 31 U 12 110 60 91 35 23 11 79 106 79 71 30 51 28 74 34 16 U 122 60 107 28 18 11 80 89 80 3,116 983 979 833 4,783 810 2,132 730 3,192 4,735 3,770 886 3,000 601 4,626 4,413 81 2,635 1,065 1,189 1,249 4,826 873 2,506 364 3,911 4,439 3,943 481 1,484 433 4,583 3,303 82 35 29 32 18 32 19 7 15 74 35 48 15 17 7 52 60 83 37 30 21 20 46 25 12 5 75 39 64 19 15 9 38 47 84 1,718 1,193 1,106 506 2,935 799 1,250 1,234 2,415 2,%4 2,085 597 1,908 266 4,4% 3,225 85 1,760 1,092 549 614 3,749 792 1,848 359 2,599 3,691 2,750 506 1,633 283 2,666 1,940 86 86 50 66 33 90 41 37 10 148 65 93 26 33 13 74 106 67 99 56 73 36 91 45 33 18 141 63 113 33 36 14 62 92 88 4,5U 3,051 2,582 1,569 10,156 1,300 9,557 998 6,126 8,987 5,744 795 5,092 454 6,920 7,307 89 4,794 2,562 2,708 1,444 8,954 1,880 7,182 1,572 5,426 8,434 5,417 915 5,020 616 6,548 4,658 90 48 13 21 9 29 12 20 7 21 13 24 8 13 3 13 24 91 33 20 24 9 25 13 13 5 15 12 30 16 11 4 12 U 92 4,033 1,510 1,388 1,257 4,818 383 8,974 881 1,308 2,746 1,895 583 2,862 254 2,145 2,244 93 2,306 1,365 1,287 707 4,676 630 4,9U 193 762 1,556 2,247 552 2,507 47 2,319 1,230 94 10 7 4 4 4 5 4 4 2 4 7 3 5 1 5 4 95 15 7 5 5 3 6 5 4 3 4 6 4 3 1 2 3 96 1,706 901 942 2,029 1,075 314 1,568 458 290 1,431 1,233 502 2,489 43 1,151 1,480 97 1,674 1,138 468 1,478 1,0% 411 1,802 950 218 919 1,443 562 972 69 179 889 08 7 6 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 5 1 4 1 5 4 99 807 476 175 829 1,075 289 1,444 158 290 1,111 333 35 1,668 43 1,151 1,480 100 178 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For derinilions and explai etext) Farms: Ml rarms number 1P5» . 1954 . I'nder 10 acres number 1059. 1954 . 10 to 49 acres number lfl59 . , 1954.. 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . 1954. 70 u> 99 acres number 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres number 1959. 1954. 140 to 1 79 acres number 1959 . 1954. 180 to '219 acres number 1959 . 1954. 220 Lo 259 acres number 1959 . 1954 . 260 lo 499 acres number 1959 . 1954 . , 500 to 909 acres number 1959 . 1954 . 1.000 or more acres number 195n . 1954 . 1.000 to 1,999 acres number 1959. Land in farms: Under 10 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 10 lo 49 acres acres 1959. 50 lo SO acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 u. l.-in icres acres 1959 . 1954. 140 to 1 79 acres acres 1959 . 1954. ISO to 21!) acres acres 1959. 2fiO lo 499 acres acres 1954. .^lOCl to 999 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 1 .000 or more acres acres 1959 . l.OOO to 1,999 acres acres 1959 . Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting 1 ] acres ] 1 I'niler 10 acres farms reporting 1 1954. acres 1959 . 10 lo 49 acres farms reporting 1954. acres 1959 . 1 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1"" acres 19.^0. 1954 . 70 to 99 acres farm? reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 to 1^9 acres farms reporting 140 to 179 acres farms repcrling 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . 2fi0 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 1959 . 1954., 500 to 999 acres farms reportinE 1959 . 1954 . . acres 1959. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1 1 1.000 to 1.999 acres farms reporting 1 acres 1959 . K2,559 196,617 173,510 225,319 623 1,003 1,133 1,888 20,715 23,956 31,337 38,881 12,107 13,924 17,045 20,352 15,118 15,646 17,688 21,508 16,7-46 19,530 18,194 21,618 11,685 14,884 15,242 19,206 6,958 13,446 9,418 13,327 5,090 13,455 8,069 13,705 24,143 37,167 22,834 35,718 11,947 28,743 10,397 22,411 17,422 14,313 21,953 16,705 8,438 12,729 1,521 1,393 2,222 2,749 46,860 65,314 52,079 82,460 103 149 1,162 12,336 20,908 1,361 13,676 25,082 6,173 10,255 174 160 342 2,574 4,263 1,563 2,206 2,567 3,773 5,497 8,132 3,341 5,096 2,877 5,332 2,358 3,335 14,727 15,264 17,058 15,279 13,820 17, 602 11,220 32,973 33,083 1,14-4 1,953 2,678 23,749 40,054 19, 858 26,733 23,799 33,522 29,170 32,155 18,799 19, 714 13,483 18,720 9,721 12,414 28,045 21,799 12,131 11,991 6,723 6,957 2,750 2,176 3,071 52,009 60,721 1,268 9,398 12,879 393 1,169 9,563 13,590 8,656 10,612 12,669 16,162 16,690 21,022 14,624 13,443 8,926 8,833 7,198 7,049 25,583 19,256 8,661 3,009 11,387 6,830 3,577 1,040 1,344 31,664 34,947 324,329 364,875 2,020 3,017 55,542 79,087 30,455 35,920 37,488 42,875 40,901 42,175 23,531 28,423 20,859 21,709 15,424 15,350 43,395 37,281 31,201 32,599 13,963 26,439 6,404 5,377 117,531 124,991 321 507 1,343 2,248 1,959 2,936 34,242 53,564 509 605 573 1,628 10,009 15,718 7,264 10,582 10,457 13,657 12,304 14,950 4,954 8,409 4,506 4,754 11,667 10,138 8,023 8,422 12,432 13,569 2,892 1,400 17,115 23,578 NORTH CAROLINA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 179 Forsyth Franklin Gaaton Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 2,031 2,950 1,089 912 587 2,938 2,042 3,020 3,207 3,244 1,914 1,368 1,311 1,011 442 2,603 1 2,927 4,050 1,762 1,".66 757 3,578 2,945 4,518 4,244 4,684 2,818 1,998 1,751 1,560 570 3,699 2 271 298 107 51 87 489 76 325 316 309 370 160 68 85 37 171 3 572 540 257 106 147 521 177 714 437 530 853 423 121 119 51 422 4 863 1,353 382 278 296 879 1,135 1,147 1,588 1,503 783 744 565 500 131 860 5 1,215 2,089 695 398 351 1,183 1,983 1,883 2,179 2,482 1,079 964 787 899 191 1,313 6 252 307 149 122 73 275 300 420 370 440 199 139 178 105 41 349 r 381 395 225 138 101 437 328 520 521 522 233 193 259 130 71 439 6 285 313 162 131 54 367 205 384 251 374 172 101 161 91 49 381 9 347 376 195 179 55 472 217 532 355 406 241 158 211 128 56 507 10 168 254 105 109 39 342 163 337 192 249 147 86 131 63 42 337 11 198 285 165 134 42 441 122 432 243 277 154 92 151 96 65 4X 12 70 145 65 80 17 208 77 164 113 128 58 30 70 38 32 164 13 97 122 82 79 24 214 43 163 134 1A5 80 62 S2 53 38 221 14 54 96 39 48 7 134 39 75 79 92 47 26 47 32 18 107 15 54 92 47 39 13 121 26 95 84 70 57 23 49 29 23 120 16 21 52 19 23 4 90 19 48 51 35 21 26 21 12 21 68 17 19 36 27 15 5 50 U 53 48 43 29 18 31 17 13 79 18 36 93 43 57 7 117 22 95 135 89 72 32 49 46 44 137 19 31 76 47 63 7 113 25 102 141 81 63 39 36 52 32 135 20 6 29 12 11 3 26 4 17 73 20 26 15 15 27 22 21 21 9 29 17 10 2 19 7 18 72 20 23 19 20 26 12 23 22 5 10 5 2 11 1 8 33 4 9 9 5 11 5 8 23 4 10 4 5 7 3 6 30 8 5 7 4 11 8 6 24 5 9 5 1 7 1 6 20 7 8 5 6 3 8 25 130,077 227,496 102,984 •98,401 30,388 274,929 122,323 239,638 326,847 235,178 144,728 97,314 113,803 110,403 79,530 250,786 26 159,464 245,264 130,998 115,743 37,211 284,056 136,355 290,335 361,969 273,695 157,287 123,565 133,7ffl 132,584 70,756 301,311 27 1,213 1,482 414 202 410 1,844 316 1,582 1,457 1,582 1,705 759 320 394 151 817 28 2,897 2,512 1,286 470 669 2,406 813 3,571 2,001 2,701 4,035 2,288 496 643 272 2,173 29 23,613 33,666 10,376 7,702 7,783 21,305 32,916 31,683 44,424 41,098 19,560 18,977 16,899 13,769 3,520 24,006 30 31,578 49,528 18,132 11,735 9,262 28,621 53,283 49,541 60,164 65,398 25,809 23,920 22,441 24,502 4,910 35,323 31 U,741 18,080 8,617 7,134 4,154 15,888 17,250 24,762 21,544 25,500 11,708 8,065 10,396 6,015 2,404 20,473 32 22,287 23, U5 13,057 8,054 5,711 24,958 18,915 30,497 30,005 35,776 13,547 U,269 14,976 7,588 4,110 25,847 33 23,537 26,159 13,318 10,781 4,467 30,394 17,020 31,715 20,598 30,863 14,381 8,345 13,253 7,414 4,053 32,030 34 28,606 31,176 15,989 14,822 5,325 39,584 17,706 44,054 29,330 33,210 20,084 12,982 17,356 10,593 4,684 42,006 35 19,658 29,734 12,3U 12,717 4,322 39,832 18,639 39,554 22,312 28,794 17,041 9,873 15,226 7,287 4,730 39,459 38 22,894 32,683 19,169 15,600 4,710 50,157 14,357 49,892 27,717 31,793 17,711 10,489 18,594 11,254 7,439 50,286 37 10,799 22,562 10,153 12,587 2,584 32,778 11,849 25,913 18,394 20,086 10,740 4,657 10,967 6,062 5,158 25,739 38 15,074 19,009 12,858 12,510 3,747 33,452 6,701 25,752 20,966 22,843 12,605 9,800 12,585 8,516 5,959 34,884 39 10,588 18,856 7,604 9,422 1,483 26,415 7,792 14,872 15,535 18,017 9,251 5,041 9,304 6,313 3,672 21,040 40 10,651 18,169 9,191 7,743 2,572 23,775 5,039 18,595 15,697 13,797 U,227 4,461 9,554 5,729 4,555 23,508 41 4,921 12,441 4,495 5,380 970 21,507 4,501 U,426 12,322 8,656 5,035 6,131 5,027 2,779 4,985 16,123 42 4,521 8,558 5,450 3,461 1,179 11,998 3,371 12,560 U,488 10,249 7,072 4,384 7,417 4,091 3,074 18,712 43 11,276 31,558 14,449 20,119 2,451 38,824 7,942 32,321 4'A421 44,988 30,471 24,346 11,163 16,589 16,438 15,396 46,992 44 10,250 26,722 15,745 22,517 2,538 37,668 8,555 33,737 27,090 21,555 13,588 12,455 18,357 10,944 441673 4S 3,570 18,647 7,672 7,336 1,644 17,293 2,917 11,142 50,635 14,112 15,453 10,094 9,494 18,008 14,251 14,178 46 5,454 18,852 U,788 6,823 1,498 12,360 4,114 10,472 50,652 13,166 15,457 13,327 13,059 16,602 7,394 14,789 47 6,161 U,211 13,575 5,021 28,848 1,181 14,568 72,105 15,999 14,408 14,199 6,228 25,923 21,200 9,929 48 5,242 U,940 7,332 12,008 19,057 3,486 11,554 53,951 17,672 5,985 17,058 4,840 24,587 17,4U 8,110 40 6,161 11,649 6,474 1,227 9,353 1,181 9,078 27,185 9,524 U,0S4 6,228 8,840 4,021 9,929 50 1,878 2,874 881 793 565 2,842 1,970 2,811 3,029 3,095 1,774 1,246 1,223 958 354 2,376 51 2,622 3,902 1,389 1,006 733 3,460 2,816 3,997 3,979 4,482 2,473 1,730 1,520 1,490 455 3,259 52 35,586 62,301 27,707 37,293 3,439 54,405 64,641 63,970 115,160 82,125 15,810 25,252 44,398 42,033 35,473 75,479 53 46,553 59,160 36,256 37,458 4,661 62,796 69,961 79,338 126,397 102,056 19,961 30,399 46,839 51,524 32,081 95,392 54 216 272 33 27 80 453 51 275 247 248 309 119 48 58 12 117 55 425 494 125 59 133 473 153 500 333 452 664 315 74 100 23 281 56 746 1,221 143 127 191 1,410 229 969 1,057 1,123 813 358 220 280 71 513 57 1,297 2,016 417 239 297 1,616 613 1,823 1,383 1,933 1,752 827 305 468 95 1,106 58 799 1,331 307 234 286 858 1,110 1,048 1,531 1,U6 728 583 547 484 105 771 59 1,103 2,041 531 346 345 1,150 1,946 1,576 2,114 2,409 965 842 763 872 143 1,128 80 7,957 21,066 3,415 4,268 1,420 li,381 25,279 12,226 34,064 24,490 4,196 6,128 13,282 11,042 1,872 9,0CH 81 11,273 31,093 6,043 7,021 1,854 14,657 42,8U 19,429 45,801 43,275 5,809 7,559 16,560 19,731 2,788 14, 167 82 239 299 125 106 71 271 295 402 355 434 189 133 172 103 33 325 63 361 378 200 125 100 423 316 493 499 603 222 174 249 124 58 403 64 4,006 5,940 2,370 3,507 492 4,345 10,654 7,529 U,700 12,003 1,595 2,407 6,547 3,636 1,201 6,286 65 7,002 7,116 3,917 4,493 712 7,218 11,124 9,269 15,139 15,698 1,802 2,983 8,025 4,324 2,137 8,484 66 278 308 148 119 53 355 202 370 243 370 156 97 145 90 44 351 67 338 363 179 161 53 463 199 497 337 398 231 148 203 123 49 475 68 6,014 7,627 3,651 5,042 473 7,234 8,830 8,683 9,120 12,169 1,773 2,501 5,950 3,593 2,453 9,501 89 8,124 7,842 4,518 5,890 570 9,742 7,128 12,014 11,383 12, U9 2,695 3,414 7,148 4,561 2,370 13,600 70 160 252 91 95 38 331 155 320 184 242 U2 84 124 61 34 326 71 190 277 147 120 42 435 110 4W 226 271 148 88 149 93 59 419 72 4,726 5,972 3,495 6,000 355 7,897 7,600 9,834 8,191 9,809 1,888 2,785 5,945 2,725 2,274 11,510 73 6,037 6,830 5,701 5,739 471 10,555 4,483 12,745 8,857 9,551 1,866 3,086 5,859 4,272 4,490 17,577 74 68 138 63 78 16 206 73 158 112 121 67 27 64 36 32 159 75 91 115 76 77 23 210 39 154 126 139 76 61 74 49 37 211 76 3,U7 4,634 3,504 5,023 U2 5,664 4,398 6,545 5,777 6,074 1,224 1,055 3,618 2,047 3,620 8,318 77 3,969 3,096 3,847 4,118 245 6,161 1,669 6,040 5,546 5,553 1,276 2,245 3,083 3,152 3,951 10,831 78 51 93 38 48 7 131 39 73 75 90 47 25 44 32 18 102 79 53 90 44 37 13 118 19 91 82 69 53 23 41 27 23 117 80 2,466 3,194 2,053 4,394 81 4,121 2,961 3,534 4,548 4,849 930 1,544 2,845 2,211 2,292 6,391 SI 2,583 2,983 2,444 2,263 179 3,585 823 4,608 4,315 3,055 1,123 963 1,638 1,697 2,859 7,849 82 21 52 18 21 4 88 18 46 50 35 21 26 21 12 21 65 83 18 35 24 13 5 50 9 51 44 40 27 18 28 16 13 75 84 1,345 1,751 1,833 1,754 61 3,Cf75 1,359 3,485 3,409 2,218 530 2,118 1,089 1,269 3,522 4,820 85 1,042 1,162 1,822 1,245 85 1,763 404 2,548 2,829 2,263 663 972 1,395 1,413 2,056 5,711 86 35 92 42 53 7 115 22 93 129 85 70 30 42 44 40 132 87 30 73 43 58 7 lU 19 97 128 77 60 37 25 50 32 133 88 3,320 5,328 4,632 5,415 158 5,424 2,091 7,095 11,317 5,838 2,332 3,154 3,250 5,356 9,122 13,562 89 2,374 3,480 4,112 4,230 162 4,698 704 6,916 9,240 5,024 1,722 3,862 1,258 4,279 5,317 11,705 80 6 28 11 9 3 23 4 17 70 20 26 13 12 27 21 20 01 9 27 17 8 2 19 18 54 17 21 17 11 26 10 22 92 707 2,758 1,366 1,367 75 1,165 187 2,683 9,976 2,481 1,033 1,954 778 5,654 8,626 3,466 03 1,375 2,199 2,576 888 86 1,043 170 2,294 7,241 1,295 1,045 1,493 1,177 4,378 3,941 3,926 04 5 9 5 2 10 1 8 33 4 9 8 4 11 4 8 05 4 9 3 2 7 2 6 26 7 6 7 3 10 8 5 96 1,152 1,810 1,235 296 2,688 53 1,286 15,991 l,cr71 496 2,237 864 4,220 1,320 2,108 97 1,477 1,343 859 331 1,748 32 1,552 14,653 1,279 208 2,895 391 3,249 2,077 1,436 08 5 8 5 1 6 1 6 20 7 7 4 6 2 8 09 1,152 1,607 1,235 55 807 53 1,090 5,886 422 527 854 2,056 599 2,108 100 180 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND I farm? number 1 1(1 acres number 1 9 acres number 1 9 acres number 1 9 acres number 1 139 atres number 1 179 acres number 1 219 acres number 1 259 acres number 1 499 acres number 1 999 acres number 1 0 U) 1 ,999 acres number 1 100 to 139 1 140 to 179 a 374 1,412 15,639 24,447 9,340 13,583 10,373 14,273 11,649 13,747 6,092 6,073 4,931 6,498 2,049 2,125 10,035 6,574 7,720 4,710 3,317 55,063 1,118 388,977 4a,737 1,671 2,686 77,552 125,754 52,911 64,923 62,012 65,313 57,176 50,771 35,562 26,100 22,312 17,443 12,383 9,248 34,576 24,720 13,727 16,902 19,095 17,872 8,743 345 562 12,262 20,256 7,553 8,740 10,144 13,352 12,807 13,317 9,554 9,717 8,982 10,109 6,360 5,450 19,089 25,973 8,057 7,241 9,961 15,708 9,961 459 902 11,110 17, ao 9,139 11,406 12,558 14,020 12,261 15,557 6,885 9,826 6,068 7,527 6,804 4,271 12,987 14,434 5,192 7,262 4,578 5,996 4,578 706 1,128 30,276 54,111 19,377 22,755 22,769 26,339 23,007 25,979 21,593 16,598 12,998 11,086 7,875 8,842 31,380 23,415 13,311 15,342 18,888 11,311 12,096 685 1,500 17,175 26,147 12,344 13,579 16,481 23,541 17,477 24,049 13,062 14,308 9,333 12,933 8,332 7,390 20,625 18,785 7,351 183 1,290 9,248 14,103 5,897 8,823 7,425 9,453 8,361 8,638 6,299 7,877 5,908 6,214 3,287 3,768 9,357 12,319 5,719 5,923 3,346 13,970 3,346 317 1,318 16,076 25,058 10,140 14,518 11,157 15,882 13,131 16,534 8,550 10,058 5,536 5,789 3,140 4,581 9,735 12,344 5,678 5,713 3,800 3,205 3,800 1,060 1,726 8,597 17,153 5,409 7,507 151,566 175,427 262 433 1,154 1,831 2,514 4,385 46,575 84,419 895 1,094 25,074 29,918 1,419 36,539 43,422 1,390 19,894 24,040 2,310 3,385 85,548 94,620 1,068 2,006 23,479 43,090 1,420 2,093 45,328 55,231 1,050 9,799 12,322 1,129 1,775 11,984 15,371 1,070 1,902 NORTH CAROLINA HARVESTED. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 181 Martin Ueclclen- Ml tc tell Mantgonery Uoore Nash New Hanover North- ampton QqsIov Orange Paalloo Paaquotank Pender Perqiilnans Person Pitt 2,2i3 1,427 1,127 843 1,934 4,014 209 2,118 1,451 1,418 466 579 1,601 686 2,330 3,926 2,888 2,787 1,763 995 2,328 5,461 376 2,879 2,064 1,939 738 791 2,266 888 3,591 5,583 2 199 132 144 87 196 318 42 151 U9 143 49 52 168 50 417 200 225 447 362 151 278 523 122 203 217 245 116 131 420 90 948 363 4 958 538 609 314 726 2,235 105 813 590 433 152 156 739 164 681 1,991 1,404 1,176 926 374 965 3,422 165 1,368 987 690 300 223 1,022 271 1,171 3,567 g 311 186 110 85 255 405 17 294 220 128 53 60 165 78 184 496 7 382 288 183 85 255 561 21 396 227 190 67 92 234 109 314 604 8 261 177 94 90 241 384 8 267 156 196 57 75 164 106 247 436 9 313 308 112 92 265 404 15 313 227 235 73 103 164 131 315 419 10 181 132 82 90 196 254 11 a7 141 194 35 69 126 81 300 337 11 259 198 76 91 235 254 21 229 156 a3 62 89 149 106 344 281 12 U2 70 32 50 114 161 6 115 87 113 23 41 64 64 161 155 13 126 107 41 47 113 99 6 112 82 137 30 50 80 60 172 133 1< 55 45 18 37 58 63 2 63 46 60 26 33 41 44 106 84 15 56 86 15 39 70 55 2 65 49 79 22 35 49 45 122 65 16 55 36 11 22 38 35 6 36 a 47 13 25 24 25 72 60 17 36 47 12 35 33 30 5 54 23 44 15 19 26 17 71 38 IS 70 82 19 47 66 103 5 93 46 80 38 54 69 56 128 126 19 68 110 25 47 74 66 12 70 50 87 32 38 80 47 117 83 20 30 24 6 14 35 42 4 47 9 19 13 9 35 14 27 22 21 9 17 8 13 27 35 3 45 20 16 15 7 29 8 16 24 22 U 5 2 7 8 14 3 a 5 5 7 5 5 4 7 18 23 10 3 3 U 13 12 4 24 6 2 5 3 13 4 1 6 24 10 2 2 6 6 12 2 13 5 2 5 4 4 4 6 14 25 190,287 141,165 64,438 87,006 176,703 277,426 17,912 245,106 U8,907 145,968 61,781 71,196 138,542 87,511 217,198 304,500 26 197,558 199,688 82,162 99,634 201,748 234,368 25,177 270,035 148,545 165,902 68,547 73,515 174,395 88,211 232,733 293,312 27 883 653 719 394 961 1,481 206 545 572 590 227 203 870 189 1,857 993 28 1,055 2,361 1,890 834 1,484 2,577 583 849 1,106 1,257 560 593 2,259 379 3,925 1,836 29 27,051 14,534 15,995 7,947 19,723 58,101 2,587 24,553 16,973 10,937 4,037 4,322 18,551 4,525 15,080 56,908 30 38,043 29,495 23,703 9,377 25,307 86,096 3,845 40,228 26,401 17,093 7,494 6,293 25,753 7,329 26,114 92,958 31 17,989 10,673 6,373 4,971 14,844 23,656 975 17,173 12,806 7,496 3,150 3,550 9,657 4,558 10,762 28,748 32 21,825 16,536 10,457 4,907 14,752 32,553 1,181 23,072 13,1U U,129 3,883 5,428 13,714 6,388 18,173 34,546 33 21,511 U,694 7,636 7,491 19,978 31,920 666 22,054 13,831 16,337 4,732 6,265 13,452 8,736 20,497 35,833 34 25,570 25,446 9,038 7,622 21,979 33,466 1,232 25,606 18.649 19,941 6,100 8,337 13,397 10,769 26,060 34,049 35 21,179 15,226 9,368 10,513 22,928 29,594 i,a5 25,486 16,137 22,380 4,032 8,205 14,992 9,671 34,336 38,936 36 29,783 23,099 8,574 10,569 27,192 29,103 2,422 26,238 19,131 24,454 7,278 10,477 17,391 12,473 39,328 32,785 37 17,443 10,984 4,944 7,771 17,749 25,236 943 18,2a 13,719 17,636 3,574 5,395 10,083 9,994 25,276 24,103 38 19,539 16,833 6,416 7,422 17,700 15,445 943 17,663 12,860 a, 575 4,900 7,759 12,534 9,411 26,755 a, 008 39 11,016 8,933 3,551 7,343 U,4«7 12,511 401 12,408 8,975 U,628 5,057 5,5a 8,097 8,745 a, 003 15,515 40 U,059 17,044 3,002 7,574 13,940 10,808 390 12,909 9,609 15,656 4,362 7, 111 9,729 8,993 24,063 12,726 41 13,145 8,424 2,613 5,237 9,012 8,185 1,468 8,430 5,043 11,274 3,084 5,966 5,685 5,938 17,174 14,204 42 8,506 11,270 2,856 8,270 7,830 7,174 1,174 12,822 5,568 10,445 3,563 4,585 5,202 4,048 17,U5 9,126 43 24,438 28,578 6,341 16,067 23,017 35,675 1,669 32,590 16,188 27,477 13,437 17,704 23,581 20,377 42,549 43,392 44 22,065 39,530 8,075 16,222 26,181 23,950 4,114 23,559 20,342 29,495 11,447 12,318 27,937 16,943 38,481 27,662 45 19,061 15,634 3,993 9,4a 22,627 27,942 2,680 32,114 5,472 12,028 8,441 5,551 22,451 9,687 17,757 14,972 46 5,749 10,562 5,032 9,010 17,458 23,441 2,U0 30,690 13,004 10,712 11,070 4,615 20,034 5,ao 11,407 16,805 47 16,571 12,832 2,905 9,751 14,377 23,125 5,100 51,382 8,191 7,985 U,010 6,412 U,013 5,191 10,307 29,796 48 14,364 7,512 3,119 17,827 27,925 19,755 7,183 56,399 8,762 4,134 7,890 5,989 25,335 6,268 1,310 9,711 49 13,876 2,495 2,905 7,383 8,456 15,664 2, IX 18,785 5,531 2,279 8,810 4,355 5,843 5,191 8,307 18,416 50 2,059 1,17D 1,062 761 1,718 3,881 183 1,952 1,366 1,257 410 486 1,473 595 2,257 3,795 51 2,7D6 2,259 1,626 909 2,124 5,257 284 2,619 1,932 1,613 510 610 2,116 761 3,406 5,375 52 68,307 37,741 8,855 17,786 31,932 103,488 5,186 93,402 38,856 32,463 23,699 46,926 35,075 45,374 41,953 138,685 53 71,559 59,547 13,474 23,295 41,069 U3,193 7,031 96,074 45,183 36,391 25,393 43,236 41,715 45,239 50,408 143,455 54 138 71 128 50 121 260 28 83 89 112 25 19 135 a 383 156 55 161 246 287 131 202 458 69 U8 183 153 67 50 352 41 875 303 56 634 310 285 182 513 1,138 70 357 391 390 144 87 530 83 1,435 815 57 742 799 676 543 865 2,027 207 497 776 598 239 161 1,325 157 3,258 1,433 59 904 422 571 292 647 2,186 96 773 561 377 135 115 680 126 655 1,947 59 1,357 962 876 342 888 3,357 132 1,294 936 564 248 159 974 225 1,122 3,505 60 20,209 5,141 3,005 2,896 7,653 42,894 1,071 18,283 9,870 4,787 1,751 1,960 8,245 2,091 8,625 45,334 61 27,696 11,941 5,462 4,402 10,474 63,382 1,462 31,101 16,658 7,268 3,540 3,198 12,920 4,179 14,386 76,053 62 299 160 105 80 242 397 17 283 as U6 49 53 155 69 180 485 63 371 251 180 82 240 541 18 377 a6 164 61 79 226 101 301 588 64 9,781 2,660 1,044 1,166 3,949 10,434 534 U,273 5,851 1,844 1,328 2,120 3,374 2,663 2,987 18,293 10,490 4,750 1,922 1,434 4,037 13,270 455 14,717 5,833 2,537 1,757 3,294 4,627 3,970 4,800 20,425 66 245 160 91 87 230 374 8 256 150 170 55 71 153 102 243 432 67 301 278 107 87 251 394 14 296 a6 207 64 93 155 122 302 397 68 9,342 3,425 952 1,542 4,179 U,570 197 12,949 5,758 3,500 2,098 4,349 4,872 5,095 4,569 19,720 69 9,834 7,126 1,425 1,852 5,139 10,910 499 13,363 6,578 3,965 2,573 5,741 4,295 6,713 5,104 15,309 70 166 U6 81 84 179 252 9 ao 132 180 32 65 120 76 295 326 71 241 180 75 87 222 233 20 ao 157 191 57 86 137 100 335 263 72 6,682 3,105 1,376 2,001 4,194 9,314 299 12,464 4,843 4,709 1,587 5,6U 4,353 6,130 6,908 17,364 73 8,559 6,594 1,329 2,473 5,133 7,147 6a 10,871 5,015 5,077 2,857 7,533 4,004 7,290 7,386 10,947 74 108 61 31 46 111 160 6 101 86 103 23 41 61 59 150 155 75 119 100 40 41 Ul 94 6 99 79 124 28 47 77 55 162 121 76 5, XI 3,254 563 1,202 2,682 7,648 416 7,232 4,157 3,325 1,545 4,919 2,633 5,912 4,692 9,096 77 4,610 4,734 733 1,190 2,9U 3,515 419 5,920 3,oa 4,134 2,288 5,693 2,949 5,297 4,075 5,470 78 49 40 18 36 50 60 2 60 45 53 26 33 40 44 105 83 79 52 78 15 38 68 52 2 58 48 72 a 33 46 44 112 63 80 3,135 2,218 475 1,179 1,549 3,226 195 5,575 2,766 2,327 2,314 4,588 1,8a 5,140 2,957 5,929 81 2,499 4,927 365 1,473 2,128 2,259 137 3,957 2,299 3,017 1,483 4,455 1,745 4,608 3,187 3,069 82 51 32 11 21 33 35 5 35 20 47 11 25 24 24 69 57 83 31 43 12 34 32 29 5 47 a 41 14 19 22 17 68 35 84 3,154 1,645 309 797 1,248 1,776 381 3,072 1,191 2,554 753 4,623 1,10« 3,251 2,057 4,333 85 1,420 2,704 301 1,487 985 1,309 325 3,076 766 2,369 1,370 3,303 820 2,057 1,885 1,756 8< 61 80 18 44 65 102 5 87 44 77 35 51 67 56 125 120 87 58 102 25 44 72 60 12 57 52 79 31 35 79 43 115 72 88 5,008 9,443 456 2,912 2,878 8,380 332 9,550 2,866 5,524 5,283 12,054 4,902 10,599 5,041 10,793 89 3,591 10,957 879 3,042 3,925 4,155 1,U0 4,9a 2,472 5,152 5,100 5,520 ■4,162 8,080 4,353 4,491 90 29 23 6 U 32 42 4 43 8 17 12 8 33 14 25 13 91 7 16 7 12 26 28 2 39 19 16 14 6 26 8 14 22 92 3,802 5,060 284 1,727 1,237 4,631 447 5,970 591 1,919 3,711 3,537 2,299 4,458 1,670 2,264 93 718 3,302 277 1,060 2,169 3,076 196 3,535 1,073 1,833 2,752 1,999 1,704 1,554 954 2,994 94 9 5 2 7 8 13 3 21 5 5 7 5 5 4 7 16 95 8 3 2 11 12 11 4 22 3 2 5 3 12 4 6 96 1,219 1,470 106 2,182 1,850 2,477 1,244 6,677 574 1,384 3,185 2,958 940 852 1,017 4,744 97 1,400 1,713 105 4,339 3,303 2,142 1,600 6,116 592 441 2,424 1,238 3,163 1,324 1,507 98 8 2 2 6 6 11 2 13 5 2 6 4 4 4 6 12 99 845 467 106 1,679 1,221 1,922 739 3,204 519 682 3,010 2,598 903 852 752 2,857 100 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definitions and exploi Polk Randolph Richmond Robeaon Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly All farms llnder 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres 140 to 179 acres ISO to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres Land in farms: All land in farms Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 1-39 icres 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres Cropland harvesterJ: Any cropland harvested . . number 1959 . 1954. . number 1959 . . . farms repotting 1959 . 1954. 1954 . . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . , . farms reportiRg 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. . . farms reporting 1959 . . farms reporting 1959 . , . farms reportinf: 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. . . farms reporting 1959 . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . . farms re|xxting 1959 . . . farms reporting 1 959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1954 . , farms reporting 1959 . . farms reporting 1 5,009 11,917 5,474 8,025 4,888 9,021 6,076 9,561 4,618 5,131 3,144 2,552 3,758 2,606 8,893 9,821 4,773 5,954 5,559 5,337 5,559 640 2,042 23,156 30,490 21,166 25,883 32,303 42,560 43,340 54,695 33,663 37,659 23,917 31,100 17,443 19,489 47,040 50,807 18,416 16,925 5,462 10,203 5,462 2,409 3,059 59,195 65,658 1,190 9,465 17,966 4,993 9,076 7,545 11,452 9,897 11,662 6,036 8,570 5,105 9,269 6,633 6,518 11,434 16,630 16,901 15,577 30,812 35,162 13,703 845 1,443 25,452 39,325 387,700 415,966 1,998 3,277 90,256 145,319 46,034 49,249 45,703 45,001 46,313 35,576 24,917 15,480 18,624 15,256 16,104 8,077 39,166 35,153 36,105 23,776 22,480 39,802 11,477 5,710 7,789 189,436 212,762 330 529 1,368 2,324 3,182 5,233 67,609 U3,775 783 848 267,867 286,259 2,369 3,209 25,935 39,988 20,257 28,198 34,345 44,440 32,099 29,477 21,963 21,420 16,5a 15,324 36,408 32,481 19,035 16,040 15,767 5,100 5,186 3,103 3,982 54,444 67,187 459 552 1,845 2,141 1,002 1,542 12,159 18,446 341 474 577 2,569 17,929 28,272 13,699 16,738 23,358 27,318 26,486 31,381 17,954 23,643 15,551 17,147 14,961 12,909 32,537 36,575 21,850 16,327 3,534 6,126 3,534 1,718 2,504 64,717 77,018 380 1,578 20,156 38,405 15,073 24,509 18,483 28,268 18,079 28,180 13,784 17,747 9,377 1A,633 9,003 9,234 20,706 25,559 14,327 16,800 5,522 3,875 5,522 1,515 2,594 30,885 47,719 1,188 7,034 13,995 379,782 434,920 1,883 3,766 63,645 95,091 36,005 49,924 51,794 56,129 52,118 55,627 38,803 32,972 24,448 25,664 18,141 16,188 49,131 46,984 24,174 27,549 19,640 25,026 7,924 4,681 6,434 144,741 170,128 298 635 1,358 2,805 2,157 3,318 40,855 66,779 584 843 311 336 11,722 18,359 4,613 8,453 4,990 7,813 5,478 8,980 4,735 5,956 2,356 5,902 2,666 2,634 11,294 20,328 17,802 17,523 24,233 28,428 6,619 756 1,185 38,931 55,265 NORTH CAROLINA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 183 stokes Surry Snln Transyl- vanla ■Tyrrell Union Vance Walse Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wllies Wllaon TaiiHn Yancey 3,137 3,397 493 533 374 3,087 1,727 3,743 1,963 671 1,940 3,518 2,730 2,715 2,568 1,818 1 3,809 4,297 758 968 499 4,415 2,106 5,770 2,866 773 2,427 4,588 4,088 3,919 3,148 2,153 2 lei 443 28 51 31 155 279 408 237 61 140 238 237 115 410 243 3 603 652 108 251 55 386 292 750 365 81 337 292 572 203 555 401 1 983 1,317 234 289 142 1,153 738 1,6U 839 240 967 1,500 1,106 i,a9 1,016 935 5 1,361 1,791 344 441 213 1,709 952 2,878 1,335 294 1,170 2,596 1,782 2,408 1,320 1,063 6 U.9 497 67 47 46 431 186 448 ao 90 300 582 357 465 350 224 7 522 630 108 71 67 515 272 648 304 96 303 640 530 585 466 255 8 483 476 55 44 46 451 159 415 192 94 203 457 378 384 307 169 9 577 516 78 61 42 667 236 596 266 113 267 451 478 387 346 190 10 365 298 35 39 31 381 145 349 179 67 152 331 245 277 236 121 11 386 365 54 52 38 468 171 375 224 67 168 266 295 131 229 122 13 156 169 28 21 22 173 72 176 97 37 82 161 132 114 105 47 13 162 160 26 36 26 205 80 191 135 47 69 123 175 66 107 50 14 96 77 19 19 13 U8 56 109 51 25 33 80 89 49 59 28 15 85 70 12 22 17 133 38 98 65 19 38 77 89 34 39 16 16 36 33 3 6 15 69 3C 55 39 9 19 58 52 33 18 14 17 33 36 6 4 U 84 18 60 35 12 18 49 42 16 30 15 IS 76 67 16 11 13 U6 45 123 76 27 34 93 85 43 52 27 19 55 58 16 15 24 117 36 124 85 28 44 75 90 27 45 30 20 10 15 7 4 7 32 14 39 28 15 7 14 36 14 12 7 21 21 15 5 11 5 25 9 38 32 9 8 14 29 9 8 5 22 2 5 1 2 3 8 3 10 15 5 3 4 3 2 3 3 23 i 4 1 4 1 6 a 12 19 7 5 5 6 3 3 6 24 2 3 1 2 3 6 3 7 9 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 25 223,3a 241,973 39,267 36,728 37,641 281,819 116,993 292,418 178,105 107,938 123,001 258,955 2a, a2 190,678 165,528 102,217 26 250,409 263,726 46,368 53,962 40,709 338,377 125,940 355,925 227,296 71,766 W2,269 272,209 268,047 193,762 176,270 119,570 27 2,426 2,264 139 264 105 773 1,324 1,9U 1,299 258 748 955 1,075 497 1,991 1,076 28 3,265 3,651 6U 1,283 235 2,097 1,536 3,755 1,970 409 1,740 1,355 3,060 983 2,892 1,954 29 26,203 35,256 6,393 7,239 3,887 33,814 17,919 42,137 20,964 6,802 25,627 44,942 30,736 37,797 28,024 24,478 30 36,127 45,841 9,257 10,624 5,743 48,283 22,594 72,790 32,384 8,4U 31,382 73,758 49,182 55,895 35,908 28,423 31 26,303 29,037 3,892 2,726 2,664 25,163 10,764 25,058 12,140 5,274 17,399 33,747 a, 210 26,833 20,502 12,936 32 30,563 36,958 6,159 4,034 3,802 35,723 15,723 37,228 17,474 5,543 17,6a 36,928 30,654 33,514 27,334 14,737 33 39,974 39,027 4,421 3,612 3,764 37,701 13,217 34,363 15,876 7,850 15,556 37,320 31,090 31,557 25,538 13,910 34 47,668 42,505 6,235 4,946 3,600 55,349 19,561 49,208 21,958 9,348 22,000 37,049 38,981 31,764 28,425 15,378 35 41,800 34,579 3,884 4,535 3,602 43,617 16,921 40,150 20,702 7,691 17,504 38,441 28,145 31,538 27,178 14,004 36 44,159 42,627 6,074 5,962 4,322 53,674 19,535 42,529 25,480 7,699 19,410 30,727 33,608 20,619 26,577 U,670 37 24,376 26,326 4,374 3,248 3,509 27,384 11,459 27,413 15,075 5,818 12,749 25,422 20,804 17,861 16,510 7,255 38 25,331 25,016 4,032 5,632 4,039 31,971 12,562 29,813 a, 249 7,498 10,875 19,a5 27,433 10,297 15,731 7,957 39 18,376 15,354 3,726 3,699 3,565 23,401 U,194 21,583 10,100 4,895 6,601 15,915 17,455 9,505 11,747 5,607 40 16,580 13,626 2,324 4,269 3,392 26,135 7,447 19,434 12,995 3,767 7,416 15,285 17,633 5,790 7,554 3,184 41 8,474 7,731 739 1,471 3,646 15,314 7,»2 13,144 9,339 2,127 4,608 13,524 12,422 7,746 4,303 3,370 4! 7,799 8,660 1,438 965 2,591 19,973 4,362 14,280 8,618 2,813 4,302 11,598 9,853 3,760 7,091 3,633 43 26,172 22,516 5,537 3,810 4,273 40,005 15,382 41,859 25,399 8,758 U,498 31,715 30,068 14,515 17,848 8,853 44 18,398 20,045 5,467 4,828 7,818 39,105 U,855 41,860 29,577 9,750 14,875 25,583 29,968 9,379 14,764 10,541 45 6,533 10,335 5,0U 3,U9 4,520 21,992 7,843 26,715 18,803 10,357 5,102 8,849 23,905 9,283 7,806 4,434 46 13,138 10,766 3,271 6,916 3,867 16,954 6,402 25,851 a,825 6,271 5,710 9,109 19,272 6,173 5,236 3,341 47 2,184 19,548 1,151 3,005 4,105 U,655 3,568 17,075 27,407 48,098 3,499 8,025 4,300 3,445 3,931 6,294 46 7,381 14,031 1,498 4,503 1,300 9,U3 4,263 19,078 33,764 10,247 5,938 11,591 8,393 3,587 3,657 16,702 49 2,184 3,573 1,151 3,005 4,106 6,965 3,566 9,499 12,900 5,516 3,499 4,778 2,300 3,445 3,931 2,296 50 3,098 3,268 476 475 302 2,771 1,690 3,482 1,912 596 1,859 3,298 2,396 2,657 2,484 1,730 51 3,670 4,136 716 844 390 3,955 2,047 5,296 2,741 695 2,279 4,276 3,649 3,320 2,974 2,033 52 41,389 48,038 2,988 5,093 15,590 95,915 31,470 75,396 38,734 31,980 15,120 127,601 32,224 86,786 46,805 13,336 S3 49,822 58,130 3,830 9,327 16,064 U8,463 35,654 99,981 49,897 30,990 19,197 133,059 39,492 96,415 53,104 15,213 54 471 398 27 30 7 96 266 328 220 38 117 154 134 38 389 203 55 564 6U 92 188 20 247 270 616 327 62 284 a8 405 162 486 366 56 1,958 1,718 77 87 21 464 1,080 1,392 1,016 149 245 640 348 321 1,453 509 57 2,552 2,815 242 459 70 1,012 1,188 2,493 1,397 265 628 977 1,128 734 1,990 970 58 971 1,268 228 262 109 1,003 727 1,524 825 211 924 1,4X 965 1,201 930 903 59 1,323 1,732 330 396 164 1,510 933 2,688 1,292 269 1,095 2,487 1,601 2,383 1,251 997 60 11,019 13,252 1,026 1,777 1,566 W,177 10,528 22,572 11,254 3,743 4,7a 32,929 5,808 25,866 U,926 4,669 61 15,162 18,953 1,396 2,752 2,401 22,655 13,023 42,010 17,611 5,419 6,259 58,038 10,787 48,189 15,711 5,991 62 446 486 6« 46 40 402 183 429 203 85 299 558 339 463 343 217 63 508 610 103 67 59 571 256 602 294 91 294 605 496 576 445 250 64 5,650 6,861 367 515 993 9,483 3,509 8,638 3,397 2,677 2,601 20,631 3,807 14,786 6,501 2,047 65 7,352 9,001 559 758 1,540 13,704 5,107 12,102 5,220 2,959 2,868 22,554 5,141 17,708 8,810 2,235 66 478 465 52 43 38 419 157 397 190 85 199 447 352 379 305 166 67 563 506 75 56 37 517 232 567 260 96 251 430 457 379 333 184 68 7,647 7,980 320 346 1,588 12,568 3,543 9,238 4,072 4,354 2,255 20,032 5,238 14,537 5,921 1,335 69 9,365 8,932 464 1,038 1,661 18,526 5,337 12,679 5,582 4,175 2,927 18,216 5,720 13,727 7,532 2,142 70 359 292 33 37 30 362 140 330 174 65 148 317 231 275 228 116 71 370 357 52 50 33 458 167 353 a5 53 155 247 279 177 227 119 72 6,314 5,874 316 1,049 1,790 15,530 3,888 9,276 4,671 3,618 2,245 17,333 4,464 12,368 7,235 1,762 73 6,908 7,553 369 1,132 1,907 18,739 4,114 9,630 5,256 2,975 2,485 12,048 4,828 7,168 7,409 1,653 74 155 167 27 21 22 163 72 159 97 37 78 150 121 112 102 46 75 155 148 26 34 24 198 78 182 126 43 58 106 163 63 102 48 76 3,404 3,867 224 7U 1,454 9,682 2,259 5,286 2,861 3,240 1,395 10,267 2,376 5,413 3,718 1,002 77 3,290 3,638 217 1,024 1,664 10,680 2,347 5,572 3,839 3,281 1,128 5,110 3,270 2,381 3,909 779 78 96 76 18 19 18 UO 54 101 50 25 33 75 86 49 55 28 79 83 69 12 20 14 130 36 88 55 17 38 56 87 30 37 15 80 2,060 2,0U 94 332 1,597 8,174 1,923 4,064 1,734 2,019 682 5,787 2,490 3,565 2,531 423 81 2,212 1,859 143 528 1,523 8,575 1,178 3,208 1,997 1,571 766 4,671 2,226 1,518 1,591 270 82 36 32 3 5 15 68 29 51 39 8 18 57 51 32 18 14 83 30 32 5 4 U 81 18 54 35 11 18 44 41 15 23 15 84 693 1,318 9 281 1,683 5,852 1,019 2,570 1,552 983 362 4,550 1,235 2,515 945 241 85 843 1,177 41 UO 700 6,557 566 2,610 1,471 1,142 500 2,739 1,310 848 1,169 201 86 75 65 14 7 13 112 45 109 73 25 34 89 81 42 49 27 87 50 53 15 14 22 U3 36 106 78 27 43 50 85 24 44 28 88 2,081 3,371 286 252 1,542 12,854 2,150 6,807 3,845 4,005 1,125 9,887 3,001 4,324 3,529 599 89 1,365 2,533 167 490 2,883 11,896 1,886 5,514 4,052 4,008 1,1U 4,931 3,009 1,863 3,433 696 90 9 14 7 4 7 29 14 37 27 14 6 12 33 14 12 7 91 20 14 5 11 5 25 9 29 29 9 7 11 29 8 8 5 92 336 1,314 154 190 1,497 6,452 1,222 2,678 2,193 4,556 323 1,608 2,177 1,499 1,308 253 93 602 1,001 212 616 1,315 4,044 664 2,333 1,465 2,777 252 789 1,608 1,197 810 96 94 2 5 1 1 3 7 3 7 14 5 3 4 3 2 3 3 95 4 4 1 4 1 5 2 11 16 7 5 2 6 3 3 6 96 227 439 115 50 1,839 1,559 349 1,775 2,139 2,536 155 3,937 230 492 738 46 97 171 668 20 410 400 1,855 244 1,830 2,007 2,418 60 1,996 455 482 740 130 ilft 2 3 1 1 3 6 3 5 8 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 99 227 395 U5 50 1,839 1,399 X9 1,216 635 2,186 155 2,162 245 492 738 38 100 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (Fotdenni p u? days number . With othor income of family exceeding value of af^'iculturnl products sold number . By wrure: Full owners number . Part owners nunibcf . Manngora number . Ml tonnnt? number. Specified equipment and facilities: Grain cTonliines faims reporting. number. Com pickers fanns reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reportin;: . number. Motortrucks farms reporting . . number.. Tractors other than gnnlcn fanns reporting. . number . , Autonwbiles farms repoitinc . . Telephone farms reporting . , ITome freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting . . Flectric milk cooler farrns reporting . . Faifns by kind of toad on whicli located: Hard surface » farms repotting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms refwrting. . Dirt or unimfioved farms reporting . . Farm latnr. weelt precedine enumeration: Family and or hired workers farms reporting . . Family workers, including Oftcralor farms reporting.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . t'npaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . . persons . . Regular hired workers (emplo\«j 150 or niore days). . farms repotting. . Livestocit and poultry on tarms: Cattle and calves farms rt^porting . . Milk cows farms reporting . . Horses and 'or mules farms reporting . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number . . Chickens . 4 monlbs old and over farms reporting. . number.. Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive. farms reporting . . number.. Calves sold alive farms refxirtinc . . number.. Hogs and pigs sold alive rarn.s reporting. , Sheep and Iambs sold alive farms reporting. . number . . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting . . number.. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . Milk and cream sold farms ref»iting . , dollars.. ^Ifool , farms reporting . . Specified taim expenditures: \t>\ specified farii expenditures farms reporting.. dollars.. Feed for li%estock and [xiultry dollars.. Purchase of liveslrxrk and poultry dollars . . Machine hire tlollars Hired labor dollars . . Gasoline and other pelwleum fuel and oil for the farm husiness kiUars.. .''eeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars . . Crops tiarvested: Com for all purposes farms reporting . . Wheat farms reporting . . bushels . . Soybeans for lieans farms reporting . . acres growi alone.. acres grown with other crops., bushels , . Cotton farms reporting. . Flue-cured tobacco farms reporting,, pounds, , Land from which hay was cut acres , , 120,068 11,931,255 99.3 17,705 196,99 116,997 4,M7,623 49,420 13,164 13,799 9,272 9,581 8,247 3,369 56,636 65,158 74,296 107,680 87,352 100,580 33,409 61,431 4,800 4,989 62,403 12,432 43,293 101,543 100,104 97,337 38,650 65,267 8,615 18,501 54,742 657,636 42,780 194,489 59,336 107,571 33,727 1,365,738 79,324 10,955,911 15,876 108,052 24,462 159,762 44,472 1,213,466 1,272 29,639 14,722 110,063,637 20,352 92,301,993 9,548 47,680,316 1,432 220,318 120,030 272,591,300 105,211,083 32,011,448 15,169,239 70,465,763 104,411 1,584,139 30,924 304,803 7,303,173 22,019 356,019 7,586 7,620,632 44,003 326,922 273,927 34,263 414,502 605,872,045 445,769 1,014 104,745 103,3 15,593 167,16 978 36,101 1,234,325 26 1,722 1,009 1,992,614 935,405 275,955 53,374 382,935 61,649 115.2 13,764 120,75 535 1,874,097 1,179,340 346,240 47,360 153,770 67,214 152,1 16,956 131.38 437 926,165 423,955 281,805 23,000 101,445 127,697 133,6 16,723 92,l>; 7,455 313 1,186 1,815,870 52 220,790 677 2,209,204 1,044,240 355,605 172,335 376,725 283,330 4,175 1,114 108,124 97,1 11,159 121 .43 1,084 14,369 1,054 1,047 1,032 22,710 1,114 1,305,935 412,897 494,079 50,117 210,013 22,524 110.4 17,737 166.63 1,656 26 57,889 36 95,305 25 6,025 204 369,750 32,545 55,505 11,340 133,455 1,813 215,607 118,9 20,060 185.08 1,728 96,712 539 53 922 1,126 1,451 2,406 1,254 1,428 551 734 1,403 1,390 1,355 1,204 25,960 1,209 131,759 82 1,313 4,447,591 992,868 225,495 328,496 1,626,345 708,800 323 1,440 1,207 1,505 8,063 10,406,914 1,449 NORTH CAROLINA 193 FARMS. CENSUS OF 1959 % Miipl* (/ farms. See lexlj Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldrell Camden Carteret Casiell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 1,742 856 952 173 459 240 156 285 1,797 425 958 226 465 262 1,590 3,489 1 186,035 85,950 38,352 24,400 98,240 29,352 26,005 33,977 193,593 70,412 158,115 33,286 66,238 22,832 144,169 245,353 i 106.8 100.4 93.3 141.0 214.0 124.4 166.7 119.2 107.7 165.7 165.0 147.3 142.4 87.1 90.7 70.5 3 13,911 11,535 18,614 23,211 22,572 19,792 22,299 23,255 3,999 28,560 20,397 12,053 24,036 13,430 15,228 17,506 4 139.94 132.44 253.03 154.35 107.92 153.79 146.57 170.02 94.64 181.03 116.65 100.63 199.68 137.93 176.57 258.77 5 1,7U 841 906 158 433 213 146 275 1,772 400 360 206 . 450 246 1,520 3,444 6 5i,906 20,555 13,928 7,416 34,613 7,359 15,951 10,021 36,465 30,499 23,624 7,055 30,769 3,713 60,231 89,930 7 713 311 307 41 147 95 71 123 415 132 347 77 121 116 571 1,006 8 206 96 112 26 91 70 36 57 150 36 177 36 15 56 266 346 9 107 126 141 32 U5 70 20 66 155 106 206 67 30 61 321 230 10 579 508 523 111 236 163 62 U9 491 186 453 153 178 217 633 1,617 11 718 287 317 7 46 1 175 3 61 1 54 131 340 1 171 12 349 1 62 1 161 1 40 331 6 970 2 12 15 445 61 105 15 45 15 40 35 965 56 155 10 125 5 520 900 14 145 48 5 56 242 62 69 43 132 229 233 7 52 313 142 15 147 48 5 56 273 67 76 43 132 230 243 8 52 324 142 16 103 22 15 66 42 60 21 62 40 148 21 Ul 5 26 123 IT 103 22 15 66 42 63 21 62 40 153 22 116 5 26 123 18 54 28 146 41 182 63 1 6 111 134 129 37 5 20 234 73 19 56 23 U7 41 192 68 1 6 111 134 130 37 5 20 234 73 20 660 529 530 143 354 184 91 170 652 265 607 151 280 177 705 1,714 il 677 569 646 175 501 248 123 210 725 346 695 186 339 187 801 1,825 n 1,022 581 420 133 408 180 136 230 932 340 722 120 415 106 929 2,154 9> 1,395 720 518 196 922 268 241 356 1,209 541 1,037 160 834 131 1,523 2,749 !4 1,229 414 540 112 368 164 131 180 1,262 340 632 105 380 81 1,159 2,327 is 1,415 439 647 125 425 215 137 213 1,624 409 789 137 430 96 1,367 2,534 M 330 219 479 97 324 165 60 135 482 244 445 65 180 60 830 368 27 1,128 581 355 77 308 123 34 154 682 284 616 79 193 110 608 2,437 a 22 5 147 20 101 56 1 45 101 66 27 20 157 36 S9 22 5 157 20 111 51 1 60 116 67 27 20 163 35 30 970 421 373 56 309 102 99 204 356 235 367 77 313 126 739 1,793 31 5 5 387 47 60 63 10 105 25 113 123 105 131 20 32 717 430 157 60 90 70 50 71 816 165 478 20 152 31 690 1,601 33 1,477 665 857 153 449 229 141 240 1,432 399 853 191 410 262 1,285 2,704 34 1,467 664 830 143 427 222 139 235 1,467 393 843 181 375 256 1,244 2,654 35 1,432 649 795 148 417 217 134 229 1,442 393 833 181 360 246 1,219 2,579 3« 567 197 332 88 270 100 16 72 580 196 267 66 85 130 746 800 37 957 323 492 14* 410 190 22 107 1,085 346 399 113 140 185 1,528 1,250 38 48 6 U5 16 64 23 26 43 72 64 82 23 104 31 144 249 39 113 11 308 33 U8 26 56 76 101 108 144 32 342 31 282 595 40 700 254 793 122 414 219 61 53 1,161 330 624 194 U7 246 1,059 1,064 „ 6,024 2,201 13,868 2,190 12,081 3,555 513 1,830 5,470 7,792 10,769 3,978 2,087 2,495 15,816 8,207 42 501 123 723 105 323 209 21 26 1,006 323 528 i57 66 216 923 622 43 1,908 356 5,290 855 4,068 1,486 48 534 2,209 3,335 2,626 666 98 352 6,143 1,832 44 1,103 454 544 46 178 96 39 99 1,077 152 455 118 250 111 458 2,045 43 1,462 586 782 91 321 132 73 156 2,244 340 1,335 175 331 187 1,285 3,042 48 1,428 710 499 117 323 168 106 168 1,421 324 753 103 375 207 1,063 2,757 47 29,507 12,186 2,225 1,332 4,624 3,220 2,972 4,637 7,459 4,395 12,753 1,981 21,100 1,285 7,326 48,279 48 1,237 54A 523 U5 322 178 73 106 1,251 323 458 163 193 192 933 2,598 49 74,392 29,215 162,870 77,150 1TO,695 58,357 4,447 20,951 59,110 178,497 219,178 317,390 U,500 286,835 627,045 152,457 50 123 107 264 52 193 87 18 28 126 163 247 72 52 96 333 209 51 871 294 2,037 390 1,421 545 97 255 395 974 1,932 676 418 240 2,240 1,624 52 199 79 453 71 272 158 28 18 385 223 319 134 47 150 434 306 53 1,176 348 3,337 660 3,271 872 79 293 1,070 1,903 3,180 821 493 620 4,064 1,475 54 994 590 67 50 175 82 92 148 241 133 453 57 350 55 227 2,102 55 22,699 15,634 1,802 1,460 3,300 2,483 3,893 4,373 3,902 4,515 20,408 1,813 21,907 741 7,365 45,530 58 6 6 U 15 5 16 20 10 6 10 57 1,693 129 125 275 250 240 320 290 60 175 58 112 55 229 55 146 97 11 25 85 106 441 119 37 156 343 155 59 24,050 7,375 3,941,445 35,400 439,845 720,666 2,U5 U,800 316,520 1,856,385 U,749,210 192,295 2,665 1,431,310 919,470 57,110 SO 266 216 203 70 170 107 16 45 225 176 212 132 72 146 398 420 81 510,570 177,740 1,069,905 693,655 972,340 535,430 43,450 350,750 222,170 777,190 1,679,310 2,179,460 44,805 1,689,475 7,586,525 650,465 82 33 5 202 45 181 106 1 30 187 87 32 10 40 403 46 88 327,771 115,000 1,516,670 257,645 1,079,095 392,537 242,000 325,635 866,285 606,440 116,684 430 180,735 1,469,539 344,200 84 11 10 7 17 15 5 16 15 5 5 11 85 12,312 U5 i,4ao 850 1,165 1,500 3,235 2,075 550 320 750 88 1,742 856 952 173 459 235 156 285 1,797 425 958 226 465 262 1,539 3,489 87 2,607,310 993,755 4,143,495 766,135 1,818,930 353,321 420,185 1,048,198 1,247,506 2,367,265 8,013,889 1,553,544 1,533,643 1,979,715 5,672,719 5,759,723 88 556,665 240,215 2,417,465 455,390 961,715 540,972 30,415 2%, 225 323,795 1,452,715 5,515,785 1,112,394 258,390 1,553,190 3,379,130 956,325 89 151,656 33,295 669,435 126,810 222,370 113,990 5,745 47,675 88,030 423,260 1,66^,475 227,270 101,528 296,200 689,745 506,740 70 163,709 40,710 53,060 6,205 75,800 19,100 50,970 12,555 121,305 54,885 69,624 19,325 146,717 11,700 325,936 270,630 71 1,088,910 304,620 647,700 85,770 317,175 106,627 136,650 462,960 291,695 221,705 442,820 134,040 672,692 74,580 765,415 2,427,565 72 531,117 280,065 166,486 57,110 199,140 61,332 84,505 149,448 365,192 189,515 279,010 55,140 256,341 35,860 394,400 1,412,140 78 115,253 44,850 189,349 34,850 42,230 16,300 61,900 79,335 52,489 25,185 43,175 9,375 97,875 8,185 U7,093 176,328 74 1,619 785 709 107 331 203 146 197 1,477 335 746 164 435 206 924 3,273 75 28,425 11,032 3,789 2,836 5,260 2,990 7,280 2,615 10,202 6,oei 7,893 2,756 11,121' 1,336 7,545 47,610 76 156 63 41 81 232 36 63 30 967 314 416 30 323 222 77 1,088 412 375 867 4,331 578 1,323 225 7,013 7,962 3,754 210 11,555 848 78 23,175 8,276 U,760 15,230 iai,360 12,975 35,400 6,025 156,150 190,375 89,005 5,125 225,025 20,410 79 475 173 5 50 20 31 146 132 58 30 16 239 5 51 597 80 6,395 1,396 10 1,065 150 475 6,340 2,787 570 155 343 3,784 10 351 4,455 81 275 75 50 675 30 65 30 480 82 136,010 23,540 ioo 15,800 3,600 7,200 136,290 55,870 15,988 2,850 8,400 99,605 125 5,940 115,375 83 628 60 150 42 85 35 364 1,131 460 84 2,407 140 1,665 218 655 120 2,450 17,130 1,750 85 1,931 140 1,540 330 580 105 2,463 17,434 1,560 36 1,595 760 75 185 1,707 10 402 169 3,262 37 5,931 2,290 192 1,336 8,358 15 1,919 619 14,398 88 9,036,245 3,526,480 353,110 1,718,040 10,893,107 16,000 2,417,725 834,490 26,501,415 89 1,614 321 7,972 1,510 10,336 2,676 112 629 7,813 3,271 8,003 3,549 2,270 11,357 3,530 90 194 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4. -CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Cumberland Currituck Farms, acreage, and value: All commerciBl fanns . . . . Land in famis Cropland hflrv« Farm operators: With other income of family exceeding value of atricultural products sold . . . By l.nure: Com pickers Pick-up balers Motortnicks Tractors other than garden Automobiles Telephone Honie freezer Milking machine FlecU-ic milk cooler Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Ditto mpovt Farm latnr, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers Family workers, including operator Operators working 1 or more hours . . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours Regular hired workers (employe*) 150 or r Milk cows Horses and/or mules Hogs u)d pigs Chickens , 4 monUis old and over . . . Livestock and poultry sold: CatUe, not counting calves, sold al Calves sold alive , Hogs and pigs sold alive Sheep and lambs sold alive Chickens including broilers sold . . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures ■ Machine htro . . Hired labor fiasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fann business iverage per farm, dollai faims reporting . . number. number . number. farms reportin number , , farms reporting. . number . , farms reporting . . farms reporting . . number, . farms reporting. . farms reportin farms reportin farms reportin farms reporting . farms reporting . . farms repcrii ng , farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting . , farms reporting farms reporting . persons . . days) . . farms reprtmc farms reporting . , number . , . farms reporting. , . farms reportin nun.bt . farms reportin . .farTTiS reporting. , farms reporti ng , . farms reporting, . farms reportin dozens . . farms reporting. Soybeans for be a: ..farms reporting. ..farms reporting. bushels . ..farms reporting. acres grown alone. , with other crops. bushels . ..farms reporting. Flue-cured tobacco farms : 90 Land from which hay ' 1,197 1,274 27,367 157,875 106.4 123.9 16,685 IB, 168 197.06 188.38 1,177 1,264 45,499 59,283 254,400 31 168,630 5 180 1,197 2,653,767 530,490 50,630 136,535 1,091,010 1,094 6,986 9,452,470 1,077 1,050 1,025 927,355 60 816,140 1,274 3,039,131 1,023,152 224,695 210,724 915,295 200,585 884 8,967 7,007 1,049 4,546 6,320,422 2,266 3,858 142 61,724 209 1,102,812 240,602 48,565 49,201 450,085 108,018 lis. 3 22,227 172.81 531,370 181 1,227,380 913 2,134,503 915,425 1%,145 36,053 566,025 1,753 2,255,330 11,936 89,082 196.6 24,790 147.32 111,245 193 1,514,477 453 1,469,672 601,870 303,415 100,345 220,019 3,554 302,023 85.0 15,824 219.00 3,459 117,149 1,139 1,958 88 1,463 3,023 3,012 2,952 8,507 530 1,461 1,411 1,965 2,783 60,468 2,262 315,916 305 1,658 2,326 57,465 1,854,405 30 322,830 5 6,700 3,554 11,378,932 5,333,305 1,330,475 447,4 2,358,495 789,095 8,334 151,350 569 3,701 3,220 3,290 14,872 23,785,278 1,444 66,297 114.3 18,490 193.59 580 1,261,633 505,785 147,920 55,237 332,565 3,170 3,763,981 4,173 NORTH CAROLINA 195 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued B aair^le of farms. See text] Forsyth tV.nVHn Oaaton Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifai Harriett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 1,001 2,326 336 683 21 0 2,416 1,846 1,835 2,328 2,415 663 597 1,094 711 237 1,148 1 86,058 175,243 68,511 33,448 13,92 5 232,290 109,966 199,141 235,460 203,140 82,678 78,621 104,794 90,913 73,412 161,808 : 86.0 75.3 177.5 122.2 66. 3 96.1 59.6 108.5 122.6 34.1 124.7 131.7 95.8 127.9 309.8 140.9 3 32,547 13,088 29,584 16,394 3,92 0 10,239 22,294 23,466 15,503 20,372 25,180 30,023 16,398 13,789 23,376 24,262 4 384.62 134.83 173.72 147.65 135.2 1 125.68 434.37 226.01 138.14 246.44 223.46 260.49 190.95 125.72 82.45 168.57 5 936 2,320 339 643 21 0 2,390 1,831 1,815 2,282 2,350 642 546 1,084 701 236 1,078 6 28,880 54,747 23,390 35,996 1,49 5 49,133 57,698 60,822 101,391 77,031 10,663 27,610 44,444 39,460 36,261 56,964 7 353 708 133 192 8 5 510 330 626 531 907 265 194 371 232 119 476 B 168 178 77 72 2 0 99 110 221 126 305 128 94 70 106 51 196 9 227 147 113 82 2 5 83 60 345 86 315 123 88 41 82 33 191 10 467 486 207 227 13 5 476 275 598 344 712 367 365 162 128 48 447 11 356 545 150 256 .; 5 337 145 716 458 672 180 185 266 164 137 518 12 7 5 3 2 11 15 1 5 19 2 2 13 171 1,290 26 200 3 0 1,601 1,426 510 1,511 1,030 lU 47 666 400 50 131 14 224 85 217 85 69 50 468 166 223 5 60 57 83 160 445 15 224 101 222 90 70 50 478 172 233 5 60 57 90 208 451 U 77 22 31 202 63 336 123 129 116 62 174 55 134 57 17 82 23 31 207 63 341 123 U5 U6 62 174 65 140 62 IB 203 78 149 16 2 0 U6 25 301 51 63 84 m 63 46 251 19 203 78 149 16 2 0 117 25 307 57 65 84 m 69 47 251 20 621 860 245 358 13 0 859 806 1,089 877 1,165 368 505 409 336 146 683 21 731 937 321 420 14 5 950 883 1,282 1,036 1,326 461 735 5U 407 222 767 22 726 1,141 335 513 5 5 1,095 1,146 1,469 992 1,784 295 452 699 341 202 907 33 1,026 1,490 606 914 7 0 1,408 1,519 2,266 1,612 2,516 385 890 1,113 639 450 1,420 24 814 1,779 351 503 8 5 1,884 1,586 1,477 1,508 1,889 362 432 804 484 197 382 25 1,034 1,996 461 570 10 5 2,162 1,808 1,864 1,700 2,199 439 517 888 603 251 1,112 29 606 360 320 233 1 5 577 441 995 414 928 402 491 191 176 114 733 27 568 913 264 363 8 5 843 1,186 1,025 680 1,630 235 377 407 384 105 556 28 86 10 113 40 120 11 10 75 121 1 367 29 96 10 114 50 155 22 5 75 121 1 377 30 524 1,286 220 433 7 5 921 1,356 948 1,308 1,264 200 294 628 401 131 544 31 U6 182 25 25 U 3 386 20 432 143 110 298 250 40 45 5 87 32 315 838 140 225 2 5 1,092 415 440 846 991 145 52 395 235 51 502 33 866 1,983 355 608 IS 3 2,075 1,406 1,585 2,071 2,065 607 560 964 496 175 1,067 34 866 1,972 349 608 m 3 2,064 1,395 1,672 2,037 2,038 596 539 953 489 169 1,057 35 850 1,937 349 598 18 3 2,024 1,360 1,647 1,997 1,973 586 519 943 484 168 1,037 SB 351 640 186 150 5 5 732 435 775 869 820 267 267 325 185 26 572 37 496 1,245 306 210 5 5 1,282 825 1,325 2,096 1,310 413 369 665 420 36 953 38 54 80 83 67 181 91 133 258 148 69 125 U9 64 53 115 39 183 153 128 87 264 117 278 1,111 319 116 420 241 130 109 181 « 730 921 339 206 17 5 1,329 316 1,357 654 740 596 428 207 222 104 973 41 9,393 4,028 8,367 1,780 89 5 11,358 1,179 18,022 10,530 4,797 15,712 10,242 1,2U 1,832 1,929 21,571 42 602 771 279 150 161 3 1,108 195 1,142 466 522 498 343 120 152 77 869 43 3,619 1,217 3,527 250 26 5 2,998 255 5,878 1,179 702 3,266 4,401 145 172 191 10,669 44 607 1,434 168 263 11 5 1,594 821 1,171 1,228 960 406 180 738 339 47 399 45 1,210 2,558 265 368 13 5 3,402 1,648 1,813 4,036 1,381 609 308 1,287 627 % 576 48 677 1,761 276 577 10 5 1,861 1,216 1,343 1,848 1,728 379 293 893 525 125 757 47 4,109 15,441 4,209 26,370 491 3 14,868 18,302 11,263 34,297 35,912 1,123 2,268 23,647 8,345 4,208 7,119 48 682 1,588 324 450 141 3 1,639 1,271 1,265 1,701 1,612 478 302 721 506 142 661 49 224, 520 104,851 170,610 64,900 13,721 3 184,452 79,230 m,884 70,517 125,045 41,975 124,885 31,135 26,152 33,070 224,627 50 225 144 138 76 5( ) 278 TO 379 123 169 336 178 20 54 34 556 51 1,394 423 1,277 485 21 5 1,295 180 1,706 1,152 563 3,599 1,684 215 450 198 2,421 52 354 319 244 95 9( ] 586 40 727 302 184 419 171 86 27 62 701 53 2,572 996 2,403 430 40( ) 2,854 95 5,012 2,652 796 3,696 2,241 267 292 280 5,332 54 132 642 95 533 2 S 473 756 368 966 797 50 82 632 225 98 255 55 3,158 11,940 2,490 25,093 27( 3 12,445 24,390 9,351 27,559 31,110 525 1,722 18,425 6,532 5,687 8,442 56 16 6 5 10 27 10 4 37 6 5 20 22 57 545 40 200 225 639 305 140 663 800 40 105 1,370 58 218 111 134 100 3 S 185 'as 320 68 230 66 120 46 57 51 232 59 635,535 30,280 75,010 554,895 5,32 S 356,285 117,105 1,469,245 24,835 54,055 795,900 422,365 4,905 216,085 5,600 1,615,370 ao 347 286 199 160 5( 3 315 165 510 167 325 130 126 166 68 97 263 «1 1,827,390 596,110 1,832,150 506,205 104,041 ) 1,491,305 275,080 852,605 56,100 1,129,540 275,520 1,353,825 113,865 148,390 297,390 2,241,215 «2 177 40 158 1 5 80 10 210 31 60 110 162 5 6 602 6S 1,081,629 117,425 1,059,467 16,98 3 595,260 515 1,846,295 175,025 5,230 870,745 1,613,895 25 14,350 3,109,910 «4 26 6 5 15 26 30 3 37 7 5 5 20 37 85 6,630 584 1,075 2,400 3,497 3,335 1,870 5,260 6,160 315 840 1,435 15,200 88 1,001 2,326 386 683 21 2,416 1,846 1,835 2,328 2,410 663 597 1,094 711 237 1,148 87 2,553,296 2,339,036 1,588,225 1,634,355 105,78 2,925,488 2,918,430 3,940,546 3,443,863 4,995,716 1,330,739 3,421,719 1,674,977 1,578,302 903,740 3,689,246 83 1,350,045 449,334 825,605 632,890 66,15( 1,098,565 566,205 1,537,960 395,357 942,657 302,608 1,097,514 320,065 329,565 171,545 1,910,120 89 231,084 121,405 273,015 198,105 16,92 343,431 128,475 332,050 189,647 544,175 326,266 460,995 62,335 122,860 115,080 566,995 70 81,045 175,100 60,340 135,520 1,35( 183,052 228,185 167,985 477,342 413,033 38,755 120,565 192,968 217,500 U5,500 202,700 71 541,461 908,271 253,405 345,155 8.25C 724,943 1,240,455 1,111,650 1,402,141 1,972,565 518,590 1,212,290 616,865 621,079 257,055 551,931 72 283,105 582,226 148,905 246,670 11,22 480,797 655,765 619,002 771,181 996,171 U4,160 293,780 402,022 248,453 153,550 383,790 73 66,556 102,700 26,955 76,015 1,S8( 94,680 99,345 171,899 208,195 127, U5 30,360 236,575 80,722 38,845 91,010 73,710 74 786 2,112 302 618 19( 2,146 1,771 1,516 2,184 2,165 535 390 1,064 614 195 384 75 7,225 18,113 5,385 18,430 64C 18,097 39,285 13,336 32,757 23,558 3,658 4,869 17,445 8,040 W,249 12,269 76 517 752 235 135 768 135 1,139 196 1,041 25 63 268 60 767 77 4,509 5,586 4,200 1,265 4,422 1,440 10,472 1,815 9,336 100 542 3,427 1,785 10,661 78 105,673 132,495 91,270 27,720 105,865 42,170 255,890 40,193 242,928 2,650 20,365 35,915 46,975 244,541 79 37 335 15 381 67 111 105 819 696 10 407 179 209 81 30 401 1,918 100 5,790 310 330 565 725 13,735 8,375 210 60 3,892 120 7,435 20,151 627 100 81 82 6,920 32,145 2,000 114,800 5,170 11,280 13,975 318,150 174,305 420 80,050 166,481 493,430 12,940 83 15 1,638 115 437 81 890 5 2,074 1,407 318 582 25 522 84 50 7,878 1,130 2,095 221 3,580 5 18,001 U,734 4,312 11,306 205 3,296 85 50 6,409 1,065 1,964 176 2,800 5 16,506 9,027 3,656 8,868 195 3,316 86 730 2,159 65 2,269 1,770 1,447 1,803 2,138 819 549 245 87 2,849 10,957 291 11,635 10,802 7,559 5,217 12,791 2,726 2,247 699 88 3,850,665 15,019,380 448,670 16,128,909 16,333,680 10,628,440 8,081,825 18,501,209 3,974,069 2,955,205 961,640 89 9,376 5,035 6,950 95 58C 10,487 595 13,545 2,054 3,427 4,599 4,977 145 1,556 51 17, 306 90 196 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data ore based on reports fof only {For definitions and explai a text) Lincoln UcDovell Farms, acreage, and value; All rammercinl faniis number . Land in fami.s acres . Average size of fann - acres . Value of land and building avero^ per Tann, dollars , average per acre, dollars . Cropland harvested farms reporting . Farm operators; orkinn off their farms, total , number. 10(1 or more day's number , ith other income of family exceeding alup of agricultural products sold number. y tenure: Full owners number . Part owners number. Ml tenants number . Specified equipment and facilities; Grain combines .farms reporti ng . number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting . number . Tractors other than garden farms reporting . Xutoniobiles farms reporlinc . Telephone farms reporting . Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Fleciric milk cooler farms reporting. Farms t)y kind of road on whicti located; Hard surface ^ farms t«parting . Gravel , shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimrroved fanns reporting. Farm labor, week preceding enumeration; Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. Family workers, including operalor farms reporting. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . Unpaid members of of«rator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. persons . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) . . farms refoitinp . Livestock and poultry on farms; Cattle and calves farms reporting . number. Milk cows farms reporting . number. Horses and or mules farms reixirting . number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting . number. Chickens, 4 months old and over farms reporting. Livestock and poultry sold; Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. Calves sold alive farms reporting. Hogs and pigs sold alive fam,s refxjrtine . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. Chickens including broilers sold farms reixxting. Livestock and poultry products sold; Chicken eggs sold farms repating . Milk and cream sold farms reporting . dollars. IVool farms reporting. Specified farm expenditures; Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting . dollars. Feed for livestock and poultry dollars . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars . Machine hire dollars . Hired labor dollars . Gasoline and other rielroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars. Seeds, hulba, plants, and trees dollars. Crops harvested; Com for all purposes faims reporting . , Wheat farms reporting. . bushels . . Soybeanfl for beans farms reporting. . acres grown alone . . acres grown wltli other crops . . bushels . . Cotton farms reporting. , Flue-Citred tobacco farms reporting.. Land fran which hay was cut acres.. 23,907 130.2 11,472 100.23 222 279,385 8-1,165 79,510 6,830 63,970 334,632 72.1 17,138 251 .30 1,708 1,855 3,467 4,468 3,763 4,194 1,113 3,233 861 1,594 1,615 2,455 3,870 77,013 3,297 317,825 274 1,280 2,811 73,181 2,021,530 110 272,015 4,644 7,665,796 2,129,605 497,365 604,565 2,490,915 4,405 67,443 1,136 8,775 234,405 148,820 3,418 18,841 16,635 15,906 572 20,585 810 1,496,353 279,790 66,965 53,320 592,416 68,936 104.3 19,311 185.61 4,106 448 138,815 1,435,215 40 25,150 661 1,623,365 685,910 U9,910 63,085 484,940 2,146 179,888 83.8 26,265 370.74 2,126 77,700 535 1,351 2,082 1,736 1,980 1,616 1,575 1,530 380 785 1,678 1,453 21,768 1,496 61,255 100 2,146 4,106,657 506,451 167,675 243,415 1,899,065 46,365 543 2,320 1,924 2,048 13,012 21,661,056 1,320 78,332 125.7 16,824 142.76 623 1,802,940 1,069,540 279,795 100,805 146,100 17,094 176.2 29,877 160.33 151,960 15 54,680 97 200,267 94,945 8,690 6,425 55,886 42,915 142.1 20,011 153 .85 400,415 76 645,950 302 896, 505 399,070 253,610 37,550 126,945 NORTH CAROLINA 197 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued A BsiTfile at fsnns. See text] Kartln Mecklen- burg lUtcbell UcDtgonery Uoore Hash New Hanover North- Ckislov Onnse Pa«Uco Pasquotanlc Pender Penjuimans Person Pitt l,8i7 549 35 312 1,115 3,464 85 1,554 1,U7 850 294 371 893 408 1,964 3,488 1 184,560 93,913 26,62. 40,238 U0,141 236,744 16,630 215,659 105,372 112,337 57, 0« 56,059 100,677 59,136 187,556 282,745 2 99.9 171.1 74. 129.0 98.8 68.3 195.6 138.8 94.3 132.2 194.0 151.1 112.7 159.5 95.5 81.1 3 23,362 56,492 10,46^ 13,443 13,103 15,659 36,592 17,529 15,514 16,597 22,568 30,982 14,766 24,001 10,408 32,247 258.29 354.59 133.4 119.83 134.55 272.77 322.68 164.79 180.94 137.31 U0.62 217.17 152.29 149.30 130.20 455.22 5 1,815 513 35 292 999 3,439 85 1,524 1,102 784 278 356 . 847 398 1,932 3,446 69,569 28,067 4,83] U,695 22,220 97,005 4,858 86,010 36,454 25,404 25,590 40,230 27,747 40,615 40,082 138,279 7 44A 196 12 ) 144 572 1,012 26 289 357 195 115 90 343 126 496 1,025 8 118 95 2 86 291 257 10 96 U2 81 50 20 112 46 132 237 > 72 78 2 107 336 230 12 102 107 85 40 20 96 32 97 192 10 502 250 24 157 530 701 38 254 470 347 % 130 348 136 398 716 11 267 153 7 95 342 536 31 478 342 247 167 171 385 157 338 380 12 5 16 10 3 14 1 2 6 1 2 6 IS 1,073 130 4 50 240 2,210 15 820 305 250 30 70 160 115 1,226 2,386 H 161 114 61 110 201 7 184 66 158 117 151 51 143 168 264 IS 163 U6 61 112 206 7 189 66 168 130 179 51 153 168 271 U 270 27 28 25 145 11 168 126 92 122 170 62 167 86 486 17 275 27 28 25 147 11 169 136 92 128 187 62 182 86 497 18 57 134 a 17 54 179 5 69 U 157 13 22 5 155 101 i» 58 184 21 17 54 179 5 71 16 157 13 22 5 155 102 SO 854 328 171 201 665 1,363 75 662 520 489 184 231 440 278 758 1,708 21 966 458 20] 245 714 1,487 135 766 536 605 278 322 544 359 845 2,002 29 1,225 376 51 227 784 1,733 69 923 826 604 239 325 632 368 1,044 2,282 33 1,858 731 52 336 964 2,452 144 1,501 1,091 1,049 425 671 892 692 1,408 3,448 24 1,454 459 12( 246 817 2,573 73 1,097 845 669 205 306 592 333 1,286 2,917 25 1,587 633 13< 308 916 2,929 91 1,271 962 951 254 363 664 406 1,502 3,416 2« 432 402 6C 125 364 560 73 346 255 385 131 174 319 143 501 1,003 27 928 284 IX 189 577 1,651 46 674 774 540 164 200 5U 262 596 1,750 28 11 155 2C 5 5 5 10 7 25 97 5 45 5 45 25 29 6 160 2C 10 5 5 5 2 20 102 5 40 5 65 26 30 998 425 IOC 195 658 2,193 67 958 632 308 183 275 538 272 600 2,154 31 126 93 16< 26 86 21 5 102 30 146 33 12 51 371 72 32 703 30 83 91 371 1,205 10 489 435 376 77 91 328 80 988 1,195 33 1,537 502 31f 287 864 3,(»2 64 1,374 927 775 249 306 807 378 1,739 2,816 34 1,505 480 31< 281 862 3,060 56 1,360 916 770 241 301 781 378 1,734 2,712 35 1,485 475 311 280 851 3,015 56 1,330 901 750 235 296 721 377 1,729 2,652 3< 427 270 12C 84 407 1,310 20 7U 321 310 91 36 287 91 504 798 37 797 445 18! U7 542 2,485 20 1,666 641 490 L21 57 378 121 895 1,457 38 252 112 15 30 32 234 34 183 46 104 43 105 81 63 86 437 39 559 221 2i 148 52 554 206 453 U5 161 99 184 341 96 157 753 40 425 419 31) 134 498 792 16 506 290 625 125 W5 254 207 1,137 641 41 5,191 12,790 2,80: 1,036 2,018 7,775 1,079 6,281 3,371 11,559 4,140 1,733 5,610 2,269 5,190 7,944 42 156 326 27C 123 431 546 5 378 141 535 55 93 186 135 1,016 319 43 605 4,535 79: 382 576 848 300 532 784 4,203 250 185 1,377 605 2,438 1,497 1,045 238 20C L26 376 1,682 23 680 434 467 51 88 375 232 1,063 1,984 4S 2,656 749 35C 225 519 4,812 65 1,446 553 944 82 128 442 238 2,215 4,441 46 1,446 287 29C 232 756 2,723 17 1,221 924 663 187 233 694 332 1,455 2,265 47 43,503 7,070 1,15C 4,323 10,266 37,785 795 29,057 24,971 5,778 5,929 7,358 23,870 16,103 9,777 45,083 48 1,218 332 26( 198 705 2,490 36 1,185 658 593 147 203 525 277 1,225 2,373 49 85,114 71,140 5,02C 21,226 79,342 138,357 20,845 58,254 53,390 250,122 52,900 42,016 160,065 21,030 57,494 139,557 50 93 193 91 31 92 181 11 130 123 249 49 49 82 51 224 145 91 845 2,222 25' 105 432 1,149 245 1,242 1,203 2,038 800 192 1,625 291 816 1,467 52 170 258 21< 50 126 259 6 177 102 354 42 113 98 142 425 213 53 1,091 3,466 88C 150 680 1,991 55 1,563 602 3,154 538 416 1,443 686 1,661 1,691 54 1,236 112 2! 145 333 1,303 22 742 724 310 157 2U 549 312 350 1,519 55 41,523 4,895 5a 4,046 8,921 33,788 1,096 23,OW 21,892 8,285 6,502 8,536 22,967 17,510 6,505 39,316 56 2 4C 15 18 6 U 5 32 32 U 10 57 56 1,18C ... 180 784 13 255 75 252 245 141 305 58 81 106 3C 146 462 252 10 158 126 197 65 66 170 111 139 221 59 17,495 314,065 1,394,13! 3,519,740 13,468,675 321,460 105,000 20,050 753,089 744,800 23,355 17,665 958,555 4,786 3,123,565 52,155 60 256 156 4C 75 122 517 5 244 242 257 76 121 251 156 198 455 61 175,035 1,065,160 2,58: 121,095 851,440 1,037,575 350,000 327,287 282,376 3,248,660 396,530 241,860 1,661,150 96,425 701,105 996,315 62 6 186 3C 35 20 70 5 1 36 127 10 60 20 108 25 63 198,222 1,383,835 138,03: 92,250 36,840 79,490 125,000 19,618 224,395 1,644,250 71,265 501,695 181,625 399,820 443,500 64 2 1 3C 5 10 29 U 5 11 5 37 32 16 15 69 1,840 28 5,515 150 760 4,359 335 95 3,200 500 2,474 2,010 2,340 4,115 66 1,847 549 35< 312 1,115 3,464 85 1,554 1,117 850 294 371 893 408 1,964 3,488 67 3,792,088 2,167,516 721,93. 2,131,825 8,168,941 5,125,U9 1,021,815 2,556,937 2,399,684 2,857,144 1,275,092 1,375,045 3,704,145 1,119,118 3,052,453 7,530,534 68 779,091 881,240 484,69 1,277,505 5,370,685 1,058,557 125,705 387,275 785,471 1,574,735 428,176 287,631 1,439,580 325,895 1,449,785 1,139,152 69 225,439 368,550 U5,66C 354,670 1,838,074 401,899 21,350 196,710 257,640 339,510 74,795 66,399 475,505 Ul,605 421,790 428,920 70 360,100 81,699 6,57t 25,195 90,100 357,935 13,020 335,472 97,475 83,675 53,151 145,288 109,785 152,408 142,150 543,797 71 1,410,795 499,425 87,79< 343,090 528,385 2,002,625 578,375 955,149 704,386 447,109 398,350 393,771 1,230,100 229,195 471,405 3,527,249 72 801,063 215,570 20,42, 110,765 308,738 1,109,560 64,970 532,487 464,510 352,925 237,605 277, eu 323,430 218,815 501,980 1,763,287 73 215,600 121,032 6,79 20,600 32,959 194,543 218,395 149,844 80,202 59,190 83,015 204, U5 125,645 30,200 65,343 228,229 74 1,749 364 28t 234 833 3,160 48 1,438 1,036 659 257 335 782. 388 1,685 3,314 75 32,172 5,350 88 2,257 6,177 41,583 1,540 23,967 23,952 6,185 10,665 17,910 14,595 18,845 13,476 76,045 75 17 142 126 524 906 11 224 55 411 41 139 52 105 991 265 77 132 2,915 933 3,730 8,308 215 1,948 1,080 3,127 1,027 2,143 517 1,579 7,260 2,452 78 2,717 55,650 20,435 76,990 202,334 7,200 45,187 21,175 78,140 31,385 60,178 12,250 44,255 161,235 59,845 79 857 10 10 21 567 22 955 321 31 196 321 158 373 5 1,110 80 7,774 35 70 90 4,108 965 12,501 4,975 230 9,420 15,794 2,775 16,645 15 10,642 81 50 15 460 220 420 30 60 35 70 82 202,370 425 1,375 2,735 79,435 17,350 313,843 102,505 4,565 229,025 316,369 59,515 358,990 300 229,480 83 662 191 77 179 2,450 1,370 25 21 25 35 137 1,609 84 3,110 2,783 943 1,679 12,466 15,759 90 75 65 105 540 7,765 85 2,658 2,341 729 1,117 10,621 13,844 55 79 60 75 592 5,302 86 1,644 1 153 641 3,247 20 89 968 540 172 589 1 1,869 3,298 87 7,867 8 680 3,812 16,930 134 374 5,296 2,487 1,036 2,859 7 8,645 24,333 88 U, 705, 930 9,600 803,255 4,903,056 24,780,856 182,210 634,060 7,267,570 3,422,560 1,208,590 3,847,923 10,000 12,322,235 34,598,789 89 20 11,992 2,91 988 1,896 6,130 35 638 140 10,439 513 181 508 200 7,802 3,856 90 198 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL PolJ£ Randolph Richmond Ro'beaoD Rocldnghani Rowan Rutherford Saii^si Scotland Stanly Land in fami* acres., Avprajie size of fann acres. Value of Innd and buildings average per farm, dollars . everase per acre, dollars . rropUnd harvested farms reporting. With other income of family exceeding viilue of ap-icullural pcoducts sold number, . Bylonure: Full owners number. , Part owners number.. Manacers number . . fanns reporting . . number . . Com pickers farms reporting. Pick-up Italcrs farms reportin;.- . Motortrucks farms reporting. Tractors other than carden farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting . Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Fteclric milk cooler farms reporting . Farms by kind of road on which located; Hani surface farms repotting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimfToved farms reporting. Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired w>rkers farms reporting. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . Regular hired woricers (employi 150 c reporting . . number . . . farms reporting . . . farms reporting. . number . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number . . . farms reporting. . Horses n Chickens, 4 months old and o iling calves, sold alive farms reporting. . number.. Calves sold alive farms reporting. , number . . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . . number . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. Chickens including httiilers sold . . Livestock and poultry products sold: Specified farm expenditures: my specified farm expendit . farms reportir . farms repoting. . farms reporting. . farms re^nrti ng . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars. Purchase of livestock and [xiuHjy dollars. Machine hire dollars . Hired labor dollars . Ctasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for ds. hulbs, plai Crops harvested: Com for all ptirposes f aims reporting. Wheat farms r«portln£. bushels. Soybeans for beauB farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels. Cotton farms reporting. Land frdn which bay i 29,i50 203.1 23,395 108.18 U5 728,895 474,&M) 59,490 21,485 120,150 1,128 164,090 145.5 16,084 131.26 1,022 36,226 443 1,063 1,047 1,032 16,972 678 89,210 2,100 1,128 6,118,478 3,927,792 1,219,832 100,223 447,600 80,365 164.3 13,465 116.51 489 3,029,925 1,766,U1 475,160 68,594 489,645 5,105 341,832 67.0 16,071 281.51 5,018 177,786 1,167 1,425 2,108 42,059 5,105 7,272,267 1,711,287 942,630 638,445 2,291,960 4,788 75,274 1,344 7,909 186,305 819 211,530 4,179 38,296 31,157 4,751 19,098 31,929,667 7,645 2,321 226,957 97.3 14,676 164.35 2,296 48,296 743 1,833 1,126 1,941 1,221 2,575 1,541 3,137 2,045 3,565 1,696 3,839 2,108 1,018 1,U5 3,449 1,075 3,775 2,006 574 3,689 1,989 569 3,564 1,959 549 1,501 783 303 2,581 1,551 519 229 94 103 505 170 157 1,571 1,395 547 9,979 8,744 15,791 1,049 1,147 427 1,858 2,957 5,193 3,546 1,304 231 5,452 2,044 420 4,095 1,559 412 56,622 8,U0 5,319 3,371 1,563 387 202,129 132,770 68,140 200 2,321 2,839,773 1,015,589 354,845 171,810 672,080 1,769 10,457 1,419 11,226 279,005 26 150 2,158 10,921 14,915,325 645 2,188,205 977,290 442,985 92,595 331,020 72,982 121.6 10,980 90.66 385,680 160 508,200 600 907,160 506,125 65,410 98,395 130,610 20,000 14,595 14,978 210.66 3,839 135,525 1,168 1 1,627 62 62 1,397 1,532 2,714 3,572 3,063 3,418 937 2,669 3,124 3,083 2,938 761 2,086 1,284 1,719 3,103 58,127 2,399 232,830 230 1,625 2,117 50,353 1,200 3,334 7,980,541 2,343,600 640,330 795,012 2,365,040 1,542 18,152 1,045 337,485 2,717 21,381 17,016 3,473 13,648 20,591,521 2,465 81,933 131.9 13,291 132.01 621 1,427,168 437,366 221,817 143,754 393,330 NORTH CAROLINA 199 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued m Mnf>le of funis. S«e leitt] Stotes Surry Swall Transyl- vania TyrreU Union Vance lalce Warren Washln^cn Watauga Wayne WlUes WilncD Yadlttn Yancey 2,307 2,418 112 8- 148 1,293 1,443 2,750 1,354 440 72 2,994 1,139 2,522 1,808 7 7 1 182, 39i 185,180 14, >60 12,33 22,861 169,829 97,993 233,296 U8,747 102,568 56,75 235,191 113,151 178,540 122,676 52, a 0 8 79.1 76.6 13 ).0 Ul. 154.5 131.3 67.9 84.8 102.5 233.1 77. 78.6 99.3 70.8 67.9 67 8 S 10,518 12,228 5, 57 17,99 12,453 16,690 U,321 17,528 10,511 30,670 10,72 22,422 12,172 24,853 11,524 7,6 9 143.91 164.92 63 80 1A2.9 107.95 130.12 209.99 232.32 122.90 112.98 140. 4J 305.40 125.55 409.29 185.22 140. ■7 i 2,287 2,383 L12 a 138 1,221 1,438 2,697 1,344 434 ru 2,928 .1,060 2,517 1,793 7 7 6 35,694 40,725 1, 74 1,73( 9,974 67,933 29,704 69,237 34,744 28,980 8,53< 116,267 19,994 35,762 38,053 7,5 30 7 671 601 46 4 55 556 301 792 367 116 28 776 579 580 575 2 1 e 216 191 15 3 20 286 61 297 63 80 6( 240 318 160 150 6 » 170 212 20 3< 10 285 52 222 62 81 3. 215 238 56 186 6 10 801 960 95 5< 76 592 295 722 252 229 64< 681 745 521 662 5 .2 11 640 765 3 U 2« 67 411 5 273 593 10 378 2 95 1 5 487 1 275 18 231 5 620 1. 1 5 12 13 866 690 6 "'5 285 875 1,425 722 U5 3 1,825 101 1,765 525 1 0 14 90 98 1 63 358 56 129 116 90 203 97 167 136 15 100 98 1 66 368 56 135 124 91 205 97 183 191 U 25 27 1 IC 48 51 66 12 53 482 57 216 31 17 25 37 1 IC 51 51 66 14 53 494 57 216 31 IS 116 159 6 2 117 'si 134 119 22 M 63 160 60 171 0 19 116 161 6 2 117 81 135 120 22 3 69 160 65 171 LO SO 1,U7 1,096 47 51 98 755 478 1,278 604 245 38- 1,339 708 967 833 2 J6 21 1,187 1,246 60 73 103 922 501 1,425 695 299 42. 1,485 784 1,074 974 2 n 22 1,412 1,447 27 U 103 887 523 1,762 593 330 Ut 2,064 636 1,697 1,223 >6 33 1,597 1,686 31 6] 176 1,386 692 2,443 847 524 16^ 2,873 790 2,390 1,549 »6 24 1,612 1,743 52 71 83 978 1,046 2,303 879 309 3a 2,514 752 2,076 1,317 2 7 29 1,763 1,880 69 7< 85 1,168 1,152 2,586 945 339 32< 2,824 356 2,372 1,564 3 !7 2« 807 788 21 51 68 693 382 1,390 260 125 IT 883 441 562 603 6 2T 861 839 37 5C 73 682 517 1,629 462 215 13 1,947 414 1,476 717 1 r? 28 25 100 1 2C 157 30 72 22 3 40 46 5 140 35 2« 25 116 1 2C 152 30 72 22 3 40 56 5 140 5 30 911 760 11 U 62 654 873 1,533 617 247 19 2,004 344 1,612 611 2 36 31 300 598 56 3] 15 132 40 92 165 35 39 170 468 30 211 3 31 32 1,086 1,025 45 IC 71 471 520 1,100 567 158 IM 785 306 810 971 1 )5 33 1,937 2,091 96 8; 138 1,213 1,3U 2,163 1,217 345 64 2,394 993 2,092 1,468 6 J 34 1,936 2,074 96 8i 138 1,205 1,308 2,105 1,202 340 bU 2,348 973 2,040 1,463 6 56 35 1,896 2,019 96 Si 138 1,180 1,293 2,050 1,182 340 m 2,282 947 1,990 1,453 6 56 3« 815 890 30 23 40 582 610 631 530 71 26, 917 400 700 490 3 30 37 1,240 1,330 30 3( 45 962 1,115 1,042 1,U0 126 40' 1,418 510 1,180 650 4( jO 38 21 56 5 IC 18 92 87 236 75 55 1 168 95 166 51 0 39 26 U6 5 IC 27 145 178 382 U9 162 1 282 132 255 61 L5 40 1,576 1,677 02 6' 93 1,006 698 1,052 796 190 6r 702 937 371 1,277 6 57 41 5,590 U,132 < >85 1,34. 804 16,442 3,124 U,029 6,732 4,112 7,10( 5,656 10,307 3,399 11,680 4,8 M 42 1,456 1,561 96 61 81 787 558 757 7U UO 60 421 802 170 1,096 5 37 43 2,170 3,712 00 38^ U7 5,305 1,440 3,942 2,099 140 1,61 1,496 2,290 565 4,782 1,6( K 44 1,502 1,351 67 3( 71 538 933 1,560 894 151 46 820 430 1,031 1,007 4 56 45 2,1U 1,798 83 6' 76 904 2,043 2,651 1,874 196 71. 1,300 595 2,025 1,387 7 2 4< 1,856 1,753 95 33 123 964 967 1,951 1,105 352 50< 2,291 771 1,762 1,306 5 32 47 8,018 3,831 > 70 l,09i 6,059 21,371 6,534 20,630 6,990 U,477 1,85( 36,880 5,179 24,402 7,603 1,7 8 48 1,596 1,398 86 5< 103 699 946 1,473 1,009 241 33< 2,051 632 1,731 1,031 5 ?0 49 130,460 179,U5 8, !90 32,6a 11,935 530,390 41,798 449,965 44,084 12,325 9,67 162,040 378,391 35,885 112,535 24,5 0 50 241 3U 47 33 16 387 U7 230 122 58 28 152 379 91 372 2 6 SI 965 1,393 16 71 UO 2,203 346 1,762 587 4i;6 1,54 1,328 1,689 516 1,027 7 32 52 557 635 52 5« 33 588 2a 318 328 102 49 241 515 81 536 2 31 53 1,371 2,598 L46 46 U7 5,192 908 2,781 1,840 865 2,05 1,370 1,878 797 2,401 9 .7 54 281 252 20 23 U3 687 228 643 258 303 9 1,451 209 917 276 0 56 3,966 3,986 15 1,0* 7,849 24,436 3,779 11,697 3,943 15,360 1,21, 29,841 4,793 18,291 4,631 5 5 56 10 11 6 35 7 1 21 LW 11 10 5 0 57 70 180 100 860 63 130 262 2,13< 511 185 10 1 =0 S8 U5 173 25 "x 35 373 iio 317 97 80 10( 190 591 201 135 5 59 194,365 2,521,845 22, 50 17,99 4,075 2,560,555 14,400 1,716,785 10,240 2,880 1,217,64 679,700 10,856,460 25,485 159,505 9,1 5 60 305 172 40 3 82 347 205 4U 177 U6 U 480 225 376 220 1 30 61 1,003,705 1,595,700 182,' 45 155,37C 88,625 5,540,380 194,840 4,505,980 203,260 33,125 42,60 1,334,000 4,033,470 352,790 623,345 93,6 70 62 170 256 11 3 237 55 112 47 5 15- 55 232 10 310 55 63 78,460 565,384 11, L35 U5,89C 1,143,490 301,580 1,445,570 400,222 260 158,1>I 365,350 307,105 151,905 1,181,345 205,6 55 64 10 11 6 31 6 1 26 15f 16 5 5 5 66 960 1,040 775 5,275 1,230 400 2,017 14,76 3,486 590 120 2,6) 0 66 2,307 2,418 LL2 r 148 1,293 1,443 2,750 1,354 440 72< 2,994 1,139 2,512 1,308 7 57 67 1,891,577 3,697,765 69, 65 297,33C 402,176 5,882,012 1,336,050 6,286,303 1,352,530 1,068,479 1,100,45 6,051,410 7,890,725 4,561,594 2,174,655 334, 6( 35 68 673,945 1,652,388 34, L45 138,58 U2,476 3,519,835 203,010 2,351,435 285,515 208,763 668,41 1,448,800 5,505,500 644,720 826,750 158,9 0 69 143,110 483,330 7, 60 88,20 42,380 1,008,680 54,285 50(,406 106,993 49,859 262,86( 336,090 1,653,540 201,805 159,750 71,2 5 70 181,402 184,055 1,' 10 8,10 16,555 307,238 73,320 317,537 U5,275 U9,675 22,67 451,110 63,290 341,114 207,020 16,7 5 71 358,265 715,742 15, i45 38,51 101,170 608,155 545,925 2,018,424 457,875 354,403 68,30 2,186,135 474,324 2,270,050 470,930 74,5 0 72 464,865 520,675 7, 15 19,30( 76,U0 378,169 400,955 990,ia 325,248 242,533 56,30 1,421,435 168,796 995,355 438,750 47,3 ?0 73 69,990 Ul,575 3, 90 4,62 53,485 59,935 58,555 104,340 61,624 63,2*1 21,89 207,840 25,275 108,550 71,455 15, > 5 74 1,947 2,029 91 53 138 985 1,173 2,351 1,132 409 45< 2,833 719 2,427 1,312 6. 75 10,360 U,157 52 85 4,490 10,267 7,778 23,369 7,961 12,750 1,50 75,029 5,119 46,515 3,690 1,8 5 76 662 545 33 535 598 1,028 661 46 2( 347 251 662 376 77 3,993 3,785 334 7,990 3,569 8,045 4,300 662 2 3,321 1,396 5,561 6,583 78 93,495 94,720 7,830 183,650 88,185 201,575 97,669 21,050 52 97,925 41,523 190,692 148,050 79 10 30 107 21 90 326 111 339 842 187 417 130 80 65 150 3,973 327 755 2,375 20 1,363 9,735 9,346 990 1,248 2,535 125 595 81 82 1,250 2,550 83,401 2,690 12,480 44,395 26,000 249,185 196,655 20,568 54,430 10,100 83 30 802 771 872 1,118 UO 1,903 1,692 84 125 8,143 2,679 3,778 5,393 530 10,585 3,200 85 30 7,823 2,513 3,446 5,045 465 9,464 6,933 86 2,201 2,204 1,371 2,342 1,139 180 2,786 345 2,436 1,562 87 9,590 8,956 7,405 15,917 5,227 815 13,968 960 15,918 6,204 88 13,306,275 U, 332, 630 9,924,425 22,043,930 6,684,592 1,000,435 22,146,920 1,413,960 25,073,360 9,139,990 89 8,806 11,857 !36 61 105 7,042 4,489 7,699 6,711 395 4,64 1,340 7,913 1,870 11,325 3,»i 3 _90 200 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 188,974 i,475 21,323 44,207 51,532 37,148 30,289 49.7 Otf-tarm work and other inconre: Fartit operators— Horkinc off their fnniis or»nilors rernrting 19S9 , 1054. ino or more Jay? operfttors reporting lflS9 . 79,573 110,866 50,647 67,397 1,475 588 1,185 1,578 1,935 1,069 1,180 Farms by tenure of operator: o*Tiers rumber 1959. 1954 . owTiers number 1959 . 1954. Managers nutnbec 1959 . 92,256 128,243 39,920 40,331 442 512 57,898 98,820 2,507 3,882 2,105 1,688 Livestock-share tenants number 1959. 1954. Cropiwrs number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 26,010 49,722 4,640 6,337 rieid-ciop farms other than vegetable and fruil-and-nut . , number 19.59 . Cash. grain. number 1959 . TAacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Frtiit-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultiy farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . I.ivestcck farms other than poultry and dairy farms numbs 1959 . Liveslocl* ranches numbe* 1959 . General fanns numb« 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassiHed farms number 1959 . 88,599 3,509 77,731 Cla- r 1959. Class II number 1959. Class 111 number 1959 . , Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . , Class VI number 1959. Hher farms number 1959 . rart-liiiic numbtr 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959 . 120,068 1,085 3,143 12,030 33,554 43,357 26,899 70,448 47,270 23,068 797,213,555 733,460,645 4,184 2,737 568,667,482 606,013,673 6,239,490 5,622,305 3,557 2,032 3,344,563 3,463,947 4,030,222 2,855,874 3,186 1,961 1,213,477 1,811,679 2,402,677 1,443,519 1,950 4,763,884 3,826,768 3,379 1,763 2,526,010 2,534,611 4,623,103 3,167,253 1,528 1,286,475 1,052,728 1,571 13,608,405 14,%2,934 5,821 teuiblcs sold dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Its and nuts sold dollars 1959.. 1954.. 1 1959.. 1954.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Dairy iroducts sold dollars 1959 1954. dollars 1959 . 8,475,809 8,837,132 7,317,250 7,116,552 24,378,849 13,509,935 228,546,073 127,446,972 99,387,098 47,518,033 49,676,811 35,952,487 14,695 14,180 10,302 18,719 136,980 138,616 2,894,927 2,158,358 1,042,649 696.767 1,291,845 1,111,465 3,215 2,304 115,382 191,354 157,316 87,923 2,816,745 1,044,195 1,689,358 543,1 17,407 39,914 8,931 20,840 32,408 16,866 2,048,445 1,141,187 65,293 50,381 969,525 624,364 17,629 8,685 206,648 80,239 340,349 119,733 2,237,874 1,292,157 1,412,1 760,982 234,645 200,161 404,707 629,003 36,201 48,475 163,861 82,375 2,549,237 1,308,938 415,633 44,470 493,855 443,615 92,915 243,735 158,477 60,421 381,419 171,880 407,236 316,229 17,049 47,513 103,975 31,357 67,181 75,522 4,806 9,388 458,234 229,985 1,573,469 1,158,844 474,529 125,788 66,760 178,495 NORTH CAROLINA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954 201 f 15,320 34,270 41,169 U,399 16,290 15,211 52,261 314,169 8,017 10,595 5,722 418 346,664 4,747 29,259 66 34,445 45,229 53,127 4,446 5,439 14,021 66,913 233,381 4,982 7,315 5,122 804 426,517 202 16,011 70 333,945 31,330 35,945 9,860 9,047 16,078 1,866 76,380 4,657 13,391 7,955 4,831 3,455 2,924 74,223 71 14,291 23,558 112,198 17,881 7,725 34,353 1,023 9,205 32,596 35,223 10,497 26,419 2,119 9,010 72,931 72 2X1,928 135,476 580,822 312,910 168,929 123,083 79,736 64,362 203,736 265,133 657,558 102,622 35,795 45,682 676,8% 73 117,346 126,566 222,736 150,049 83,446 129,084 5,813 18,250 101,782 102,325 398,370 49,591 24,508 19,771 368,464 74 1,692,548 986,412 4,940,675 1,199,222 2,559,813 1,907,842 229,731 657,202 329,063 2,672,253 8,278,357 1,388,043 1,029,365 1,518,665 5,086,539 76 1,027,474 538,912 3,391,147 794,209 1,839,128 913,963 345,125 487,013 520,904 2,038,570 6,163,739 762,363 849,537 968,640 2,684,575 78 280,522 183,775 2,614,228 440,664 779,012 1,078,694 54,399 133,075 206,562 1,176,700 6,150,4U 939,331 165,495 1,170,207 2,632,993 n 84,771 70,600 1,619,879 366,159 806,341 482,028 45,960 107,136 85,601 638,771 4,618,594 419,619 198,216 685,511 1,204,831 78 328,021 115,300 1,532,830 347,565 1,094,360 444,177 2,920 242,000 330,760 935,185 612,550 132,769 1,060 180,770 1,526,169 7» 127,348 63,767 1,348,296 266,229 726,070 278,814 1,948 130,640 279,290 1,109,630 979,605 173,258 583 190,572 1,024,601 80 1,084,005 687,337 793,617 410,993 686,441 384,971 172,412 232,127 291,746 560,368 1,515,394 315,393 862,810 167,688 927,377 ■1 815,355 404,545 422,972 161,821 306,717 153,121 297,217 249,237 156,013 290,169 565,540 164,436 650,738 92,557 455,143 a: 202 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most da J lor 1959 are b sed on reports (l-w Jerin.tions rj.,1 .-xpliinMi. ns. see text) Columbufi Craven CuBiberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe 'oliniiitcJ number of femis 13^3 ■ ■ ■ ' 4,869 b,au 1,623 2,350 2,066 3,001 385 588 20 40 2,489 3,554 1,128 1,525 4,370 5,650 1,055 1,611 2,723 3,725 2 1951... Fattn operators by age: number 1959 .. . 4,799 1,614 2,053 359 21 2,402 1,123 4,314 1,007 2,710 ■ ^n H ^^ number 1959... 163 662 1,262 1,396 767 549 47.2 39 207 397 475 313 183 48.2 54 210 425 547 453 364 50.6 3 31 62 89 97 77 53.1 1 2 5 9 59.0 17 206 548 610 510 511 52.2 10 99 242 282 248 242 52.1 123 586 1,095 1,186 782 542 47.9 12 55 199 302 227 212 53.0 89 407 755 794 445 220 46.1 ., , ' ; ' number 1959 . . . us to J 4 veais nunihw 1959.. . 1 45loS4venr5 number 1959 .. . . 5ri to lij vpftrs number 1059 .. . 1 numlier 1959 .. . in . _ ' Off-farm work and other income: 11 Fmtii opwnlors- Workinc off their fnnu^ operators reporting 1959. . . 1,864 579 881 224 15 1,382 602 1,620 413 874 12 1954. .. 2,265 857 1,316 398 1,872 796 2,057 755 766 100 or mwe Jnys operators reporting 1959. . . 1,078 326 603 116 13 1,154 449 815 293 309 14 1954 . . . 925 426 876 255 1,517 611 545 565 163 With other incomu of family exceeding value of fomi pKxiucts sold operators reporting 19.59 . . . 1,096 473 739 174 16 1,457 550 771 417 323 16 1954... 940 460 895 276 15 1,446 547 613 466 176 17 Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959... 2,687 3,098 776 991 852 1,267 151 358 20 36 1,531 2,405 651 925 1,888 2,063 542 748 456 569 1954 . . . Part ottTiors 1,085 874 416 408 553 648 172 117 738 782 375 365 1,256 1,236 215 221 298 193 ■20 1954... (^ number 1959... 12 3 1 1 7 6 2 5 2 11 5 4 3 9 17 17 h 1954 . . . ot numb« 1959... 1,085 2,076 431 958 660 1,080 56 67 3 165 372 91 232 1,226 2,347 295 644 1,952 2,946 24 1954 . . . 35 Cash tenants number 1959... 50 24 40 43 45 72 25 8 5 13 10 9 35 74 20 44 50 51 2fi 1954... 27 share-cash tenants number 1959... 40 15 10 10 50 -1 ■■4 5 2 10 3 70 40 15 4 20 9 28 1954... on hare tensnts number 1959... 490 9(34 125 232 320 509 16 37 1 40 144 55 97 660 963 140 237 356 391 30 rop-s are 1954 .. . L vestock-shnre tenants number 1959... 45 22 6 11 1 5 3 "5 15 23 3 25 23 32 1954... Croprers number 1959 . . . 350 205 190 100 365 100 1,290 34 1954 .. . 993 643 318 6 1 137 86 1,133 331 2,404 Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 .. , no 118 51 24 55 129 15 11 1 10 73 16 32 81 114 20 25 211 68 36 Farms by type of farm: 37 Pield-crop farms other than vepetjible and fruit-and-nut . . number 10.^9 . . 3,207 1,085 949 175 460 170 2,359 501 1,852 3S number 1959 ■ ■ ■ 31 3,136 40 23 1,042 10 10 48 776 115 10 133 "5 37 50 400 10 20 150 35 2,809 10 5 5 491 5 31 1,711 25 85 39 Tctacco , number 1959 .. . p . number 1959... 41 (^her field-crop 42 number 1959 .. . 10 10 15 10 15 11 30 1 6 10 67 '2(i 30 36 232 5 '20 5 10 Ft d t f rrns ' 44 Poultry farms number 1959 .. . 45 number 1959. 21 106 16 41 40 61 ii 106 145 153 48 15 131 2 25 29 107 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 .. . 17 Livestock ranches number 1959 .. . General famis number 1959 . . . 90 1,410 3,489 35 436 1,197 jis 802 1,274 16 176 209 '20 95 1,606 9U 52 635 453 230 837 3,554 26 476 580 460 260 2,478 49 M scellaneous and unclnssified farms number 1959. .. 50 Farms by economic ctass: Comn.crcial farms number 1959, ., 51 Class I 26 73 5 27 20 38 20 27 2 21 7 16 61 147 8 6 27 90 52 Class II number 1959 .. , Class III number 1959 . . . 275 1,120 146 402 138 323 77 50 65 135 58 92 398 1,092 50 145 284 1,061 54 Class IV number 1959... 55 Class V number 1959 .. . 1,270 725 1,380 447 170 426 455 XO 792 25 10 176 20 415 275 1,576 170 110 675 1,291 565 816 246 125 475 726 290 245 56 CIhss VI number 1959... 57 number 1959,., 930 440 306 120 531 261 130 45 20 1,110 466 510 165 531 285 270 205 160 80 59 Part-retiretnent number 1959... 60 10 1 5 Value of products sold by source: fil All f.inn prinlucLs sold total, dollars 1959... 21,384,110 8,107,553 8,618,312 3,771,846 25,806 6,168,934 3,725,855 26,765,917 3,261,388 18,504,120 n" 1954, .. 18,585,059 9,511,187 8,538,077 3,454,078 7,156 5,450,729 2,495,810 19,949,509 3,210,006 19,930,820 63 ave ^Ee per farm, dollars 1959. , . 4,392 4,995 4,171 9,797 1,290 2,478 3,X3 6,125 3,091 6,795 3,075 4,047 2,845 5,874 179 1,534 1,637 3,531 1,993 5,351 fiS All crops sold ..,,.. dollatTj 1959 ,, . 18,493,043 17,299,700 7,134,143 8,669,064 6,328,278 7,168,706 2,902,329 2,923,233 14,717 2,303 2,828,424 2,978,157 1,141,861 1,192,254 17,285,633 17,721,935 2,417,035 2,474,413 15,877,463 13,598,751 fi7 Field crops, other than veceubles and fruits and nuts, sold ddlars 1959 . . . 13,014,186 6,998,366 6,011,809 2,530,333 204 2,527,979 1,028,297 15,944,724 2,237,802 15,470,408 6S 1954... 16,998,432 8,533,127 6,785,184 2,552,490 886 2,865,533 1,109,234 16,893,629 2,296,039 18,522,125 60 N'ecct.-ililcs sold dollars 1959 ,, , 17,575 18,364 101,851 344,001 765 37,569 3,032 477,159 3,291 16,329 70 1954,., 21,725 22,639 144,626 318,759 550 49,469 2,052 490,559 5,880 15,335 7! Fruits ami nuts sold dollars 1959,.. 189,100 1,547 70,234 11,430 266 8,968 2,144 384,306 3,598 3,176 1954 , . , 153,351 10,255 144,998 26,195 842 19,233 6,351 180,733 12,609 8,853 73 Forest products and horticultural specially prnlucLs sold dollars 1959... 272,182 115,866 144,384 16,565 U,482 253,908 108,338 479,444 167,344 387,550 71 126,192 103,043 93,898 30,789 25 43,922 74,617 157,064 159,385 52,438 All livestock and livestock products sold . . dollars 1959.,, 2,891,067 973,410 2,290,034 869,517 11,089 3,340,510 2,583,994 9,480,284 844,353 2,626,657 7f 1954 , , , 1,285,359 842,123 1,369,371 525,845 4,853 2,472,572 1,303,556 2,227,524 735,593 1,332,069 77 Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959,,, 453,478 200,280 487,822 558,136 3,289 986,154 334,980 6,825,461 330,470 194,685 201,721 212,548 320,243 269,392 753 847,576 165,170 611,273 269,458 75,887 7' Dairy rroducts sold dollars 1959 . . . 344,785 168,715 818,960 1,252,870 1,533,597 322,830 215,195 776,090 80 1954 . . . 156,223 292,397 503,895 X,937 1,045,797 933,050 122,136 271,074 318,488 Rl Livesldck and livestock f»oducts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959... 2,092,804 604,415 983,252 311,381 7,800 1,101,486 715,417 2,331,993 298,688 1,655,882 ^ 1954 . . . 927,415 337, 178 545,233 221,516 4,100 579,199 205,336 1,494,115 195,061 937,694 NORTH CAROLINA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. 203 ta only a surple of fwms. See »«] Forsyth FrsnkHn Gaatan Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford HallCai Hamett Hajwood Henderson Hertford Holre Hyde 2,0?7 2,896 1,077 939 575 2,912 1,976 3,140 3,084 3,220 1,976 1,383 1,290 987 442 1 2,974 4,050 1,754 1,205 705 3,577 2,943 4,541 4,195 4,663 2,826 2,017 1,804 1,576 563 2 1,993 2,940 1,079 907 585 2,924 2,035 2,990 3,192 3,204 1,895 1,340 1,304 1,005 441 , 36 101 5 20 5 151 95 50 113 97 29 11 36 18 9 4 140 355 67 114 45 453 365 243 417 440 176 106 169 128 54 5 422 725 199 170 122 707 635 585 816 785 381 250 351 263 92 C 533 854 287 232 165 792 552 800 794 891 475 367 362 249 106 T 469 575 256 196 lAl 513 270 707 621 569 424 280 232 168 90 393 330 265 175 107 »S 118 605 431 422 410 326 154 179 90 () 52.2 47.9 54.1 50.9 52.0 46.4 43.8 52.2 48.0 48.0 52.3 53.4 47.7 49.3 51.0 10 1,085 1,011 624 313 295 828 384 1,419 1,105 1,462 1,034 655 420 395 229 11 1,665 1,118 1,132 471 420 892 745 2,041 1,134 1,290 1,574 1,117 396 538 196 12 839 450 543 188 218 317 105 1,044 542 736 875 566 135 216 134 i.n 1,215 358 992 231 245 397 100 1,665 557 670 1,311 836 216 316 65 14 1,061 528 727 253 327 324 132 1,419 635 857 1,140 864 148 248 177 15 1,311 445 1,027 266 285 386 121 1,666 629 690 1,031 1,157 351 205 110 18 1,167 851 747 433 440 731 355 1,508 699 1,262 1,474 1,030 268 279 158 17 1,745 1,171 1,255 ' 547 609 918 546 2,617 1,134 1,843 2,017 1,492 438 442 277 18 566 605 245 276 90 407 150 1,001 593 812 281 260 321 219 182 634 535 249 256 85 349 116 837 S73 617 332 340 146 228 170 20 8 5 9 3 16 21 1 5 1 19 2 21 12 2 7 i 12 3 17 8 6 7 18 '2 9 22 286 1,435 76 230 45 1,771 1,471 615 1,771 1,1A5 216 92 701 470 100 23 536 2,342 251 362 63 2,299 2,280 1,047 2,529 2,218 412 148 1,175 881 123 24 40 60 36 10 35 10 30 245 40 U 26 36 10 10 25 22 93 53 24 ij 18 7 44 243 61 25 27 50 17 26 20 35 10 20 5 10 65 75 5 10 10 70 27 7 19 1 9 67 6 12 39 61 8 2 8 42 28 90 500 10 80 25 640 491 220 190 695 25 10 150 200 65 29 209 698 66 105 15 902 495 350 383 1,489 115 29 269 516 56 30 5 10 5 10 15 10 35 10 25 5 31 10 "9 36 8 7 18 14 20 4 4 21 2 32 100 795 25 100 'is 945 875 295 1,155 235 135 5 460 170 20 33 230 1,448 90 168 1,200 1,7U 505 1,727 417 178 7 757 272 35 34 31 45 5 10 5 126 80 45 116 65 40 31 20 15 35 58 75 41 20 27 104 51 118 123 170 32 79 70 32 15 3« 660 2,180 85 195 150 2,173 1,736 1,402 889 2,036 310 16 645 549 194 37 27 25 25 10 5 45 46 14 40 5 5 17 183 38 655 "5 5 2,093 55 5 55 5 10 25 5 140 140 2,163 5 1,691 1,356 15 575 125 175 5 1,921 75 1 sio 5 'ii 70 430 2i6 241 286 5 3> 40 41 42 1 16 216 43 92 '21 61 15 io 50 io '55 is 65 26 60 5 20 10 44 96 10 98 15 40 no 21 75 111 45 96 53 61 91 30 UO 65 95 88 83 196 43 '25 16 16 46 16 36 60 357 5 22 '36 ios 1,285 205 30 '26 404 115 47 1,061 596 702 281 365 517 135 1,358 731 830 1,318 347 211 287 210 49 1,001 2,326 386 683 210 2,416 1,846 1,835 2,328 2,415 663 597 1,094 711 237 50 17 3 5 6 28 23 7 12 31 3 10 51 15 12 11 12 42 26 46 38 61 10 47 '41 38 22 52 57 121 91 80 142 210 122 224 340 57 110 92 78 61 53 231 761 50 185 10 613 960 506 787 762 92 173 426 161 37 54 436 957 161 221 X 982 551 772 835 865 167 146 380 311 77 55 245 475 70 IBO 170 631 105 361 421 380 325 90 155 120 30 58 1,026 570 691 256 365 496 L30 1,305 756 805 1,313 786 196 276 205 57 755 380 445 95 265 290 90 840 495 500 961 546 110 160 135 58 270 1 190 240 6 161 100 205 1 40 460 5 255 6 305 352 240 86 116 70 59 80 5,907,718 11,913,962 2,953,311 3,881,214 553,986 U,065,127 13,427,082 11,121,604 16,155,697 15,466,890 4,321,540 6,365,035 7,024,968 4,738,550 2,422,250 61 5,496,139 10,321,070 2,288,331 3,916,284 5U,247 10,103,002 15,218,908 10,155,433 15,334,852 17,316,294 3,433,688 3,954,613 7,422,486 5,311,976 1,838,424 82 2,915 4,114 2,742 4,133 963 4,487 6,795 3,542 5,239 4,803 2,187 4,602 5,446 4,801 5,480 63 1,348 2,548 1,305 3,250 772 2,824 5,171 2,236 3,656 3,7K 1,215 1,961 4,114 3,371 3,265 64 3,375,233 10,792,896 691,234 2,595,322 389,578 10,405,460 12,517,602 7,219,912 13,946,531 13,696,011 1,526,991 3,479,028 6,226,878 4,063,034 2,039,271 65 3,809,027 9,800,403 713,819 2,654,043 427,468 9,076,433 14,784,967 7,710,861 U,044,026 16,571,257 2,040,999 2,141,496 6,902,805 4,955,110 1,541,997 66 3,085,505 10,416,609 502,818 2,386,224 364,185 10,131,491 12,433,173 6,396,563 13,454,145 13,491,344 1,049,435 446,016 6,031,964 3,970,755 1,880,615 87 3,427,734 9,599,966 550,032 2,547,359 405,189 8,883,432 14,74«,886 7,054,388 13,825,418 16,378,356 1,444,935 354,941 6,872,600 4,861,981 1,482,568 68 17,437 43,113 15,296 65,528 850 8,546 2,590 47,617 74,902 60,620 55,611 749,758 25,674 45,104 120,013 89 36,312 26,081 11,517 36,512 96 7,929 11,181 U,488 47,505 45,055 33,401 570,999 3,719 40,512 42,978 70 28,534 4,361 10,683 6,297 7,719 6,211 3,542 29,423 6,748 10,064 313,725 1,463,865 1,107 3,310 9,347 71 163,869 26,343 24,545 13,997 9,173 15,499 4,932 47,061 18,890 14,082 486,594 951,840 1,066 8,134 2,608 72 243,757 328,813 162,437 137,273 16,824 259,212 78,297 746,309 410,736 133,983 108,220 819,369 168,133 43,865 29,296 73 181,112 148,013 127,725 56,175 13,010 169, 573 21,968 564,924 152,213 133,764 76,069 263,716 25,420 44,433 13,843 74 2,532,485 1,121,066 2,262,077 1,285,892 164,408 2,659,667 909,480 3,901,692 2,209,166 1,770,879 2,794,549 2,886,007 798,090 675,516 382,979 75 1,687,112 520,667 1,574,512 1,262,241 116,779 1,026,569 433,941 2,444,572 1,290,826 745,037 1,392,689 1,813,117 519,681 356,866 296,427 78 763,666 417,457 698,548 3U,172 39,363 1,132,375 106,701 797,287 249,801 574,144 665,202 676,830 108,740 350,447 112,521 77 581,518 182,718 515,022 161,314 56,751 292,351 42,046 650,815 52,913 248,015 364,033 490,590 28,205 194,719 30,258 78 1,093,OU U7,675 1,088,497 21,505 667,783 515 1,946,420 189,025 10,455 880,991 1,650,905 25 U,375 79 763,438 56,523 859,023 1,168 5,716 430,050 15,900 1,210,539 147,041 44,242 459,632 894, 165 18,283 50,196 31,008 80 675,775 585,934 475,032 974,720 103,540 859,509 802,264 1,157,985 1,770,340 1,186,280 1,248,356 558,272 689,325 325,069 256,083 81 342,156 281,426 200,467 1,099,759 54,312 304,168 375,995 583,218 1,090,872 452,780 569,024 428,362 473,193 111,951 235,161 82 204 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 ft for 19551 are b«3ed on reports F.slinmtod number of famis 1950 . 1051. Farm operators by age; 0|wrBU]rs reporting ngo nunihw 1050. Under 2.'i yenra number 1950 . ^5 to 34 years number 1050 . 35 to 44 years number 1959. 45 to 54 vesrs number 1950 . 55 to f!4 venrs number 1959 . f.5 c Average age . ler 1959 . ifsl959. leir fani.< operator:* reporting 1959 . 1054. ' ilnys operators reporting 1059 . 1054. Farms by tenure of operator: number 1050 . . Pan owners number 1050. 1054 . Mana|;ers number 1959 . 1954 . Croppers Other and unspecified t Farms by type of farm; Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fhiil-and-nut . . number 1050 . . I>3h-grain number 1059 . . Tobacco number 1059 . . Colton numb« 1959 . . Other field-crop number 1959 . . Vegetable farms number 1959 . . Fniil-and-nut farms number 1959. . Poultry farms numbef 1959 . . Dairy farms numbef 1959 . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. . slock n iclossified farms number 1959. . numbef 19; . number 1959 . . number 1959. Part-retirement. . . numbef 1959. . number 19: . number 1959 . e per farm, dollars 1959. I cfop^, other than vcRetable- laky r»o t suipi or rams. S« ««] Martla ktecklen- burg Mitchell MuntgoDery Moore Nash Sew Hanover Noith- ajapton OQSlOW Orange PnmUco Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Persczi Pitt 2,202 1,394 1,162 838 1,982 4,040 215 2,046 1,427 1,405 469 551 1,593 650 2,319 3,898 1 2,885 2,843 1,853 977 2,359 5,462 359 2,884 1,976 2,017 730 818 2,293 919 3,556 5,586 2 2,230 1,415 1,113 843 1,914 3,982 197 2,103 1,429 1,405 463 574 1,583 685 2,318 3,904 , 96 10 17 7 38 128 2 33 34 42 3 4 25 7 134 137 4 329 99 107 74 234 562 19 228 180 150 46 55 155 72 376 584 .'I 594 267 209 174 412 1,101 37 550 345 303 72 131 337 154 584 1,067 r, 628 374 282 247 504 1,106 55 580 451 347 124 159 434 176 581 1,143 7 365 339 239 166 403 678 42 391 261 294 130 120 348 155 386 671 8 218 326 259 175 323 407 42 321 158 269 88 105 284 120 257 302 3 46.4 53.6 52.8 52.0 50.2 46.8 52.4 49.3 48.0 50.7 52.8 51.3 51.1 50.9 46.1 46.0 666 808 614 492 1,094 1,378 100 551 609 555 as 222 814 276 514 1,195 11 929 1,617 1,U1 531 1,067 1,357 231 739 848 840 306 350 1,106 337 925 1,255 12 282 633 398 382 779 565 83 355 371 401 139 130 510 134 300 380 n 239 1,386 351 356 731 496 175 326 448 660 191 200 639 166 405 270 14 250 818 674 557 907 591 122 366 381 534 169 178 687 223 352 371 IS 221 1,506 1,121 310 856 393 245 314 333 800 250 190 786 137 430 205 16 722 915 887 522 1,231 1,065 133 529 695 752 241 285 843 293 598 926 17 855 1,686 1,563 568 1,401 1,243 257 748 960 1,0*4 423 395 1,184 370 877 1,150 le 287 228 165 176 4«2 621 56 589 392 342 187 196 535 202 403 395 10 211 5 427 26 97 188 10 424 4 463 14 71 1 499 3 416 376 6 248 1 205 700 257 384 2 314 5 20 21 7 13 "i 3 6 14 1 8 "2 6 1 1 6 2 9 22 1,188 225 110 130 285 2,340 25 925 340 295 40 80 a5 155 1,316 2,571 2.1 1,815 661 98 236 497 3,741 47 1,624 686 513 66 190 376 261 2,328 4,110 24 25 40 5 15 35 105 10 45 30 10 5 20 25 20 10 35 25 48 124 12 23 27 161 U 77 26 17 6 16 34 19 3 67 26 5 15 5 20 10 60 40 10 15 5 15 15 20 35 27 6 11 2 3 7 24 30 3 6 8 9 6 4 13 28 226 30 30 35 125 385 5 420 145 85 5 30 50 80 436 636 20 268 129 30 36 175 1,008 5 713 189 188 18 100 136 124 840 812 30 85 5 5 15 li 15 15 10 10 25 30 31 45 "4 27 36 5 3 12 7 8 6 22 32 780 120 45 35 90 1,685 320 U5 135 '25 90 10 750 1,585 33 1,409 341 41 150 208 2,427 17 621 425 251 28 '22 131 85 1,385 3,099 31 67 20 20 25 20 90 10 85 25 35 20 25 5 100 200 3S 39 52 U 24 80 94 12 147 38 38 14 32 59 19 90 97 36 1,482 157 230 121 583 3,183 25 1,004 927 500 194 245 575 226 1,799 3,263 ar 20 10 11 10 57 13 25 54 189 5 226 10 61 3t 1,397 1 141 215 95 15 553 20 3,106 20 '20 25 150 897 5 500 130 5J5 5 1,789 3,167 15 '65 5 15 15 15 ... 15 5 6 "i 7 10 816 5 'io 5 ■57 20 5 30 6 30 10 20 5 41 42 43 '56 20 106 431 '41 10 35 '26 ioi "7 5 80 67 '36 44 6 145 20 10 10 5 25 102 5 40 5 35 16 4S 82 102 56 10 36 96 ^' 58 103 82 31 '26 71 45 22 61 46 252 21 15 37 33 126 435 '25 '35 '52 "75 '73 111 '26 103 47 48 380 904 806 537 878 594 147 514 327 580 175 190 718 253 376 420 49 1,847 549 356 312 1,115 3,464 85 1,554 1,117 850 294 371 893 408 1,964 3,488 60 15 9 10 24 34 7 14 16 6 22 19 35 18 5 24 25 SI 63 26 6 96 39 15 35 16 36 18 35 55 10 31 121 52 213 107 25 51 237 275 16 199 Ul 101 60 70 117 71 86 632 53 702 101 16 75 301 1,362 10 438 318 225 82 100 176 131 391 1,449 S4 543 125 60 105 »2 1,385 15 591 346 266 75 55 326 125 817 971 59 311 181 245 51 145 396 15 275 290 200 40 75 200 55 515 290 56 355 845 806 526 867 576 130 492 310 555 175 190 700 242 355 410 57 225 555 555 341 517 360 85 345 as 375 135 100 510 150 200 270 58 130 280 10 251 185 350 216 45 146 1 95 180 40 90 190 82 155 140 50 60 13,198,851 5,158,085 1,629,550 4,613,723 K)>78,156 21,543,617 1,554,506 10,910/17 6,513,497 6,802,810 2,765,055 5,143,095 7,812,674 4,060,388 9,938,445 27,J^,934 61 16,169,572 4,843,513 1,234,660 3,231,313 7,117,185 20,582,979 2,197,633 9,680,848 7,002,915 4,393,395 3,0U,641 4,148,256 5,505,156 3,335,099 8,220,805 31,343,562 62 5,994 3,700 1,402 5,506 5,539 5,333 7,230 5,333 4,564 4,842 5,895 9,166 4,904 6,247 4,286 7,022 63 5,605 1,704 666 3,307 3,017 3,768 6,122 3,357 3,544 2,178 4,128 5,071 2,401 3,630 2,312 561 64 10,986,759 1,957,008 738,905 1,779,897 4,273,638 19,314,518 1,147,374 9,505,840 5,120,291 2,926,701 1,845,247 4,556,506 4,567,151 2,988,105 7,782,279 24,793,199 65 14,906,535 2,451,119 715,681 2,126,561 4,332,392 19,689,285 1,879,217 8,480,995 6,178,578 2,368,817 2,348,726 3,494,592 4,216,443 2,598,125 7,415,896 »,277,285 66 10,645,105 839,722 633,585 885,976 3,719,941 18,730,321 153,773 9,141,568 4,895,381 2,721,344 1,750,049 3,584,345 2,962,218 2,738,245 7,577,372 24/157,608 67 14,743,443 1,462,860 528,238 1,087,685 3,973,337 19,396,290 223, 5U 8,347,383 6,073,923 2,254,257 2,290,504 2,854,591 3,508,385 2,573,454 7,260,515 30,09/Affl 68 27,154 40,928 4,980 7,321 52,198 48,175 173,625 27,262 4,502 12,079 37,827 921,922 288,519 79,254 4,139 86,550 69 16,630 62,438 4,594 40,033 31,739 59,767 695,406 11,040 15,975 7,8U 41,545 515,053 227,655 79,802 2,403 108,3a 7(1 4,751 12,416 74,639 742,436 132,645 U,736 41,683 1,434 2,153 3,301 1,237 5,877 552,383 8,420 4,621 2,861 71 3,813 18,657 66,386 923,031 159,318 17,646 14,611 8,690 5,407 14,278 899 4,468 294,326 1,345 15,900 5,492 72 309,739 1,063,942 25,701 144,164 368,854 524,286 778,293 335,576 217,155 189,977 56,134 44,352 854,031 162,186 195,147 246,130 73 U2,649 907,164 116,463 75,812 167,998 215,582 945,656 113,882 82,273 92,471 15,777 10,470 186,075 43,525 137,078 56,285 74 2,212,092 3,201,077 890,645 2,833,826 6,704,518 2,229,099 407,132 1,404,577 1,393,206 3,876,109 919,819 586,589 3,U5,523 1,072,283 2,156,156 2,578,735 75 1,263,037 2,392,394 518,979 1,104,752 2,784,793 893,694 318,416 1,199,853 824,337 2,024,578 664,915 653,664 1,289,713 637,973 804,910 1,065,276 76 368,020 718,255 513,867 2,490,731 6,179,517 682,735 168,827 234,166 223,002 1,366,285 446,003 214,292 1,508,247 195,470 1,311,247 430,303 77 58,406 559,523 222,131 928,399 2,457,178 207,900 67,206 225,258 U2,126 827,969 356,993 53,126 250,261 78,920 512,347 104,574 78 198,222 1,456,560 U3,260 94,100 38,515 84,665 127,105 19,688 224,395 1,644,770 71,255 1,075 502,945 181,625 402,505 443,560 79 53,974 1,300,305 151,170 78,688 175,326 108,762 112,872 97,409 83,700 867,132 50,592 55,458 327,210 7,069 115,825 159,462 80 1,645,850 1,026,262 233,518 248,995 486,486 1,461,699 1U,200 1,150,723 945,809 865,054 402,551 371,222 1,134,331 695,188 442,414 1,704,872 81 1,150,657 532,566 W5,678 97,665 152,289 577,032 138,338 877,186 628,511 329,477 257,330 545,080 712,242 551,984 175,738 802,240 82 206 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data for 1959 are based on reports Randolph Rocldnghaj Samps O] Off-farm work and other income: Fami operntors- IVorkitiR off their rnrinH .... /aim- of farm produt Farms by tenure of operator L'of family exceeding .ofienitors rermrting 19ri9. .Ofjeralors reporting 1959. Managers number 1959 . . numtier 1959. 1954 . . . number 1959 . 195«. . number 1959. 1954 . . number 1959. 1954 Farms by type of farm; eld-crop fnrms other than vepetable and fryit-and-nut . . number 1959 . Caih-grain number 1959 . Tcbacco number 1959 , Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . , Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . t.ivestcx^k farms other than poultry and dairy fanns number 1959 . l^ivestock ranches number 1959 . General fams number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959 . Farms by economic class: Comn.crcial farms number 1959 . Class 1 number 1959. Class II number 1959 . Class III number 1959. Class IV number 1959 . Other farms number 1959 . Part-liiiic number 1959 . Part-retirement number 1959. ....lol«l, dollars 1959. 1954. 1 per farm, dollars 1959. , other than vegetables and nuu, sold dollars 1959. ■, sold dollars 1 i solil djllars 1959 . . All Iivest^xk and liveatock producta sold . Poultry and poultry products sold Dairy [xoducts sold 1,153,992 1,040,479 2,379 14,155 12,350 173,467 1S7,4X 61,688 25,184 724,103 581,023 314,193 223,519 256,370 249,627 1,406 2,102 1,102 1,477 9,764,409 7,622,734 3,707 2,129 2,880,174 3,000,260 7,963 10,490 11,733 19,411 582,963 427,267 6,884,235 4,622,474 4,062,939 2,913,756 1,552,000 1,239,612 5,490,655 4,064,348 6,054 2,590 2,880,072 3,149,722 31,189 33,767 650,981 540,873 96,798 92,323 2,610,583 914,626 2,385,829 745,796 5,882 51,748 31,143,472 30,236,027 5,204 3,760 27,113,349 29,265,451 243,917 126,315 9,685 11,318 243,167 71,048 4,030,123 970, 576 1,220,591 124,585 241,500 184,883 11,591,495 10,769,580 3,626 2,556 10,093,208 9,953,030 7,949 19,230 25,137 45,466 239,337 132,478 1,498,287 316,550 298,975 194,563 620,660 372,182 5,420,771 3,872,868 2,815 1,304 1,777,915 1, 353, 567 105,773 51,205 17,290 26,991 260,985 39,141 3,642,856 2,019,301 996,064 339,112 1,606,675 1,293,361 2,509 1,263 1,261 2,964,219 23,450,271 2,734,913 22,388,470 1,317 4,757 3,237 19,170,929 20,290,504 17,897,939 1,289,097 19,058,459 77,774 73,227 133,186 123,247 154,449 148,738 1,452,239 1,100,609 485, 574 434,710 544,045 454,950 832,683 1,024,066 111,183 55,247 329,124 152,732 4,279,342 2,097,966 1,577,301 614,183 462,625 218,564 4,164,599 4,518,714 5,042 3,723 3,120,630 4,095,019 115,806 138,551 22,549 8,776 103,906 56,491 1,043,969 423,695 528,773 123,332 39,350 132,577 NORTH CAROLINA 207 TYPE OF FARM. ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. fcv onl> a sunple of farms. See lextj 1,735 2,484 1,794 1,517 2,333 1,179 1,832 2,331 35 2,256 9,909,657 10,425,384 3,099 2,741 8,989,655 9,747,884 UA37,907 11,463,185 3,816 2,663 5,632,279 lCil55,401 819,844 863,828 1,541 1,276,876 1,413,068 3,6(9 2,908 857,837 912,907 U,263,557 6,591,265 3,677 2,000 3,279,084 4,101,045 7,341,391 6,191,225 4,324 2,952 6,674,648 5,925,232 15^351,760 1749:^800 5,149 2,978 15,153,635 1A,9I9,441 6,294,315 6,322,294 3,147 2,181 5,403,750 5,519,081 3,441,341 3,087,552 5,327 4,161 2,715,267 2,664,241 3,309,397 21^94,033 20,108,2U) 6,082 4,400 18,231,287 13,619,405 1,625 1,840,426 1,878,928 19,095,795 20/154,017 6,939 5,185 17,915,187 1^1543, 512 8,601,386 6,899,951 3,218 2,213 6,446,190 5,547,739 1,406 3,625 20,456 42,255 212,106 107,805 920,002 677,500 446,230 434,584 87,735 89,722 3,929 9,932 79,579 200,950 197,483 213,179 3,505,628 1,307,784 2,263,202 642,147 587,874 346,743 2,379 4,653 8,000 17,618 52,400 59,033 286,219 148,505 146,017 88,656 21,820 17,913 3,525 41,349 10,335 16,225 102,515 54,024 598,177 646,302 107,434 244,451 165,170 178,352 17,948 18,909 4,542 2,247 46,758 8,208 419,039 500,151 72,751 63,455 250 1,169 24,543 35,413 7,400 18,514 250,919 140,522 7,984,473 4,490,220 4,777,343 2,541,279 1,195,970 1,037,172 39,353 31,757 3,886 12,396 81,398 41,643 656,743 255,993 122,483 59,339 301,580 121,284 45,847 80,309 21,881 52,613 884,622 412,973 4,198,125 2,274,359 1,699,403 864,103 1,456,355 779,874 88,799 153,193 3,4U 19,076 229,385 319,455 890,565 703,213 110,299 68,205 400,742 390,619 30,377 44,141 8,359 24,372 313,007 U,620 726,074 423,3U 41,972 33,546 390 18,291 257,006 263,677 69,064 87,620 91,502 72,628 1,801,030 798, 517 782,727 180,870 298,314 198,525 255,474 179, 827 42,487 U,331 197, 379 155,753 2,952,746 1,488,835 1,075,917 217,739 509,842 405,212 13,502 6,072 250,543 434,995 252,233 259,292 10,260,577 4,755,079 9,078,438 4,107,825 350,205 292,389 19,218 10,097 3,037 10,785 523,100 135,824 1,180,508 510,505 257,301 72,186 151,905 63,322 7,753 22,214 35,550 29,005 128,684 89,285 2,155,195 1,252,212 459,288 302,435 1,188,535 700,712 1,375,987 831,934 864,884 354,865 I 208 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are based Estimated number of rnrms. . SPECIFIED EOtUPMENT AND FAHLITIES ; Grain combines farms reporting Com pickers farms rc|nrting k-up balers farn.s reportin I Motortrucks farms reportinj: number . Tractors farms reporting rnrm reporting number rami reporting fami reporting farm reporting number obiles farms reporting number Telephone farms reportinp Home freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting Electric milk cooler farms reporting Crop drier (for i^rain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting ~ r-operated elevator, conveyor, of blower farms reporting Farms by kind of roat] on which liKated; Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt c» unimproved farms reporting Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 5 or more mi les farms reporting DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average dale of enumeration IflSO . . FAKM LABOR, *EEK PRECEDING ENIIMERATION' Family workers, including operators farms repcrting 1959 . . persons 1959 . . 1954 . . OperattTS working 1 or mere hours persons 1059. . 1954.. 1 to 14 hours fiersons 1959 . . 15 or more hours persons 1959 . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1059 . . persons 1059 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1950 . . 1054 , . 1954 . , Regular workers (employed 150 or more ilays) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . 1954 . Farms reporting by number of t«gulaf hired workers: 1 hired worker forms reporting 1959 . '2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators repcrting 1959. 1954. Not residing on farm opecatfid .operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 'For 1954, data relate to week of Oiitober 24-30. 16,665 15,1L2 17,338 15,552 10,175 6,655 10,494 6,774 9,942 6,943 10,087 7,007 3,144 1,801 3,405 1,852 81,093 107,425 104,089 150,737 125,985 102,732 140,647 75,999 26,733 101,962 100,116 137,262 119,185 3,037 1,306 3,385 1,487 9,613 5,191 10,090 5,313 134,084 162,863 153,994 183,268 67,437 45,155 91,785 58,873 5,270 5,402 5,449 934 6,053 95,829 38,661 24,882 35,428 66,725 149,576 37, 192 29,533 28,935 548 150,960 232,554 232,016 435,523 146,207 226,423 46,247 99,960 75,708 90,600 9,306 7,040 19,538 13,548 169,111 247,804 10,223 11,526 1,023 1,173 1,417 1,594 1,724 1,143 1,519 385 258 1,138 1,302 1,489 1,574 1,383 2,052 1,574 2,396 11/29-12/5 1,513 2,522 2,274 4,667 1,453 2,477 540 913 1,059 1,270 1,931 1,890 1,281 1,371 1,307 1,137 1,153 1,327 1,082 1,719 1,780 2,348 1,006 1,659 343 663 1,164 1,206 1,218 1,234 1,445 1,351 1,596 1,547 1,148 1,491 i,4ai 2,647 3,057 3,834 4,444 2,517 2,967 1,010 1,507 1,052 1,152 1,256 1,319 1,702 1,883 2,708 2,551 1,681 2,666 1,055 626 1,675 1,873 2,624 2,491 1,544 1,969 1,738 2,261 11/29-12/5 1,670 2,735 2,266 NORTH CAROLINA 209 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 oanincu for nly B sample o f farms. See w «J Blades Brunswick Bimccsmbe Burlte Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Casirell Catawba Cbatbam Cberolcee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 2,706 1,653 3,077 1,025 1,190 1,198 292 487 2,292 1,685 1,735 802 660 617 3,141 4,869 I 3,626 2,022 4,290 1,965 1,878 2,196 441 667 2,818 2,640 2,841 1,599 964 811 4,662 6,044 ! 161 49 5 113 412 157 79 53 152 394 338 7 62 433 172 111 65 10 38 322 146 175 28 127 355 336 11 47 331 137 163 49 5 114 443 162 86 53 152 395 343 8 62 444 172 112 67 10 39 338 146 176 28 132 357 336 11 47 331 152 103 22 52 81 52 65 26 62 60 173 21 121 5 26 123 32 15 7 57 21 110 16 26 36 201 11 71 5 40 103 22 53 81 52 68 26 62 60 178 22 126 5 26 123 33 15 7 57 21 115 16 26 36 211 11 71 5 40 54 28 i76 83 227 118 1 6 136 219 1A4 42 10 '25 339 88 28 7 59 48 172 77 1 3 82 114 178 16 30 10 201 42 56 28 177 85 237 118 1 6 136 219 145 42 10 25 339 88 28 7 59 50 172 82 1 4 82 U4 178 16 X 10 201 42 29 11 87 32 72 36 6 3 45 51 51 6 10 5 93 41 11 5 36 26 37 45 1 3 10 49 45 1 15 20 20 32 13 96 49 72 36 11 7 45 52 51 6 io 5 98 41 11 5 39 27 37 45 1 6 10 49 45 1 15 20 30 892 770 1,250 595 7ro 696 116 265 837 740 944 372 335 292 1,106 2,039 792 758 1,229 520 622 876 215 289 752 770 1,091 464 326 260 1,021 1,784 9i5 820 1,421 661 864 782 148 320 920 876 1,032 417 459 312 1,232 2,160 835 810 1,279 567 708 961 251 333 760 808 1,169 483 382 265 1,061 1.851 22 1,370 908 1,256 700 919 838 177 345 1,192 1,175 1,174 251 495 206 1,695 2,649 23 1,187 780 850 520 908 816 280 3M 1,188 1,235 1,285 233 428 115 1,692 2,234 24 1,827 1,079 1,629 1,005 1,665 1,123 297 481 1,509 1,636 1,642 306 924 246 2,616 3,354 25 1,393 906 930 617 1,309 959 451 409 1,331 1,503 1,540 258 669 130 1,980 2,506 2« 1,320 893 860 575 914 703 172 310 1,167 1,085 1,139 236 485 171 1,625 2,589 27 1,766 1,054 968 704 1,525 836 287 441 1,454 1,351 1,569 281 91/4 196 2,374 3,274 28 967 783 768 495 560 585 116 225 955 880 810 200 250 151 1,101 2,055 29 353 110 92 80 354 118 56 85 212 205 329 36 235 20 524 534 30 1,310 893 830 555 909 693 172 310 1,167 1,075 1,119 231 485 171 1,625 2,564 31 1,162 695 615 440 893 741 280 315 1,153 1,155 1,250 183 423 110 1,612 2,209 32 1,717 1,048 926 658 1,476 809 281 434 1,411 1,326 1,5U 269 908 196 2,317 3,192 33 1,350 787 659 482 1,226 819 441 378 1,269 1,337 1,446 196 654 125 1,849 2,464 M 48 6 51 32 49 26 6 2 37 25 51 11 6 52 77 35 25 12 11 27 38 6 5 12 16 41 26 11 5 20 11 36 49 6 62 46 49 27 6 7 43 25 56 12 6 57 82 37 28 12 11 34 53 8 5 15 17 46 36 12 5 20 12 3H 61 20 611 297 135 282 10 40 45 275 73 25 10 50 231 75 30 20 91 250 101 X 132 5 16 45 120 58 50 10 5 111 30 40 61 25 641 301 WO 287 10 40 55 285 73 25 10 50 242 80 41 20 107 260 101 X U2 5 16 45 120 58 50 10 5 111 30 42 1,827 891 1,915 677 983 810 232 296 1,637 1,325 1,204 381 490 261 2,375 3,172 43 1,827 859 2,228 «43 1,438 1,441 246 416 1,678 1,855 1,903 453 668 160 2,777 3,316 44 2,098 942 2,242 765 1,150 982 238 339 2,039 1,604 1,383 443 605 296 2,763 3,459 45 1,944 901 2,430 930 1,735 1,658 298 484 1,990 2,113 2,199 505 743 205 3,109 3,530 4< 557 420 1,594 499 850 751 81 197 717 1,004 752 176 230 135 1,896 1,313 47 123 53 1,098 603 738 720 149 57 210 1,112 388 106 192 70 1,502 231 4« 1,706 1,028 1,155 529 758 533 69 260 877 924 1,008 255 258 245 1,209 3,342 49 960 609 727 287 593 368 79 203 442 772 737 183 185 50 657 1,997 50 27 5 152 22 106 61 1 50 116 66 32 20 167 36 51 15 15 122 26 117 102 2 60 138 176 56 "5 55 175 25 52 22 5 162 22 126 56 1 65 121 67 32 20 173 36 53 1 12 6 7 10 I 5 1 1 10 1 16 16 54 63 17 57 27 107 21 6 16 26 77 106 13 30 '5 69 57 55 1,408 807 1,223 393 780 438 170 311 1,136 865 724 243 453 256 1,515 2,428 5« 1,3U 774 1,273 412 469 512 175 316 1,195 786 526 567 454 220 1,340 1,712 57 15 25 1,167 212 135 385 10 30 130 60 188 448 245 291 20 96 76 15 2,031 301 140 556 16 20 205 90 276 920 60 495 335 80 59 1,213 815 592 380 265 345 100 146 1,006 760 823 110 207 106 1,275 2,346 «0 2,090 1,251 765 1,175 1,155 1,217 232 241 1,570 2,156 1,965 490 237 180 3,711 4,082 <1 667 438 361 195 190 195 70 116 415 400 418 55 87 50 870 1,245 «2 546 377 231 185 75 130 X> X 591 360 405 55 120 56 405 1,101 63 541 5 372 5 211 20 185 75 150 30 X 581 10 355 5 400 5 55 115 5 56 405 1,076 25 M 65 12/6-12/li 11^69-1^5 U/t-U/U 11/29^ i;^5 n/29-12fi 11^9-14* Ufi-U/U Ufi9-12/! ufi9--i:^ 11/29-12/S ■afis-u/i 11/29-12,* \lfi9-i2fi 11/29-11* 11/29-1^5 11^9-1^ « 2,159 1,231 2,555 843 1,038 965 270 396 1,807 1,508 1,478 482 515 561 2,309 3,374 67 3,010 1,621 3,U3 1,563 1,687 1,724 306 602 2,643 2,115 2,500 1,309 858 751 3,632 5,U4 68 3,301 1,824 3,562 1,272 1,763 1,433 297 507 2,977 2,359 2,092 755 665 841 4,472 4,699 69 5,257 2,627 4,819 2,110 2,717 2,667 438 973 6,241 2,920 3,782 1,851 1,096 1,054 6,237 8,571 70 2,074 1,186 2,440 818 1,018 919 265 370 1,767 1,473 1,448 452 495 511 2,199 3,229 71 2,957 1,590 3,328 1,507 1,662 1,619 291 577 2,548 2,055 2,420 1,154 858 691 3,541 5,009 72 878 562 i,m 440 322 437 141 141 535 590 464 227 165 240 710 980 7> 1,196 624 1,329 378 696 482 124 229 1,232 883 984 225 330 271 1,489 2,249 74 767 417 872 343 530 377 26 102 660 616 467 176 110 235 1,181 980 76 1,227 638 1,122 454 745 514 32 137 1,210 886 644 303 170 330 2,273 1,470 76 319 133 266 52 195 84 31 104 182 144 183 59 179 56 514 834 n 466 175 225 43 168 58 89 99 146 130 213 93 262 60 371 1,038 78 949 348 599 W6 640 112 70 213 353 259 300 133 838 66 1,478 2,145 79 1,544 389 391 86 324 163 236 487 343 274 353 179 1,053 90 726 4,159 80 58 6 135 22 65 29 26 53 87 69 82 28 104 36 174 264 81 44 17 78 7 42 27 58 19 •41 40 106 17 132 20 96 101 89 123 U 333 74 119 32 56 81 121 118 144 37 342 36 322 620 89 73 62 Ul 42 97 85 177 45 64 71 165 46 347 25 111 146 64 38 5 75 15 46 26 15 46 65 42 59 20 40 36 110 171 89 20 1 60 7 19 3 11 7 22 27 23 8 64 64 93 86 2,304 1,393 2,701 990 1,059 1,013 270 406 2,053 1,557 1,502 766 496 597 2,678 4,315 87 3,366 1,818 4,121 1,862 1,772 2,105 389 580 2,703 2,534 2,698 1,539 816 828 4,129 5,494 aa 163 117 110 46 63 28 28 37 89 40 58 18 51 16 165 264 n 183 137 138 39 81 37 36 44 97 96 82 37 47 26 278 303 90 210 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQU1PMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are baaed SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ines famis reporting 1959. .farms rpjiirting 1950. ■up balers fwn^s reporting 1059 . 19.54 . number 1950 . . farms reporting 1959. Tractors farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1951. Tractors other than carilen farms reporting 1050 . number 1059 . 1 traclxir farms reporting 1959 . ■2 of more tractors farms reporting 1959 . Wheel tractors farms repxting 1950 . •porting 1959. 1954. numlier 1959 . obiles farms reporting 1950 , , 1954. number 1959. 1954. Telephone farms reporting 1050 . 1954 . Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . 1054. Electric milk cooler farms reporting 1959 . Crop drier (for grain, fcrage, or other crops) farms reporting 1059 . -operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1059 . ell, or shale farms reporting 1959 . 1950 . mproved farms reporting 1959 . 1950 . m 1 mile to a hard surface road forms reporting 1959 . e miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1950 . miles farms reporting 1059. lore miles farms reporting 1059 . DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average date of enumeration 1059 . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' Family workers, including operators farms refxrting 1050 . . 1054 . . persons 1059 . . 1954.. Operators working 1 or nxTe hours persons 1059 . . 1054 . . 1 to 14 hours persons 1950 . . 15 or nx»e hours persons 1959 . . Unpaid members of operattr's family working 15 or more hows farms reporting 1950 . . persons 1050 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1950 . . 1054 . . persons 1050 . . 19.54.. Regular workers (employed 150 or more -lays) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. persons 1059 . . 1054 . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1950 . 1954 . Not residing on farm r)perated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 802 1,157 1,355 1,758 1,646 1,132 1,708 773 359 1,208 1,599 1,368 1,761 11/29-12/5 1,162 2,097 1,546 3,593 1,122 2,047 412 710 771 1,095 1,289 1,722 1,532 1,060 lj647 716 344 1,055 1,239 1,622 1,467 1,410 1,859 1,544 2,061 11/29-12/5 1,507 2,538 2,138 12/13-12/19 1,379 1,313 1,537 1,379 1,919 1,849 2,514 2,154 1,819 2,334 1,436 383 1,684 2,297 1,943 195 1,909 2,524 2,221 2,825 1,448 1,222 1,423 999 125 2,119 2,808 3,082 4,243 2,064 2,71a 846 1,218 1,099 1,061 1,253 1,349 1,234 2,286 1,725 1,538 1,967 1,664 2,854 2,524 3,915 2,909 2,804 3,839 2,01A 790 2,794 2,519 3,803 2,878 76 25 3,118 3,414 3,533 3,625 1,086 414 5,006 8,033 3,372 4,763 1,056 1,031 1,223 11/29-12/5 1,464 1,381 2,969 ^For 1954, data relate to week of October 24-30. NORTH CAROLINA 211 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued n nports for only a sample of farms. See L Forsyth Frunklln Gaaton Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 2,027 2,896 1,077 939 575 2,912 1,976 3,140 3,084 3,220 1,976 1,383 1,290 987 442 2,620 1 2,97i 4,050 1,754 1,205 705 3,577 2,943 4,541 4,195 4,663 2,826 2,017 1,804 1,576 563 3,696 2 285 100 307 86 85 55 553 187 223 5 65 57 98 195 567 3 2tK 85 253 71 53 60 392 146 130 5 36 52 53 162 474 4 286 116 317 91 87 55 563 196 238 5 65 57 105 243 573 5 211 85 268 71 55 60 397 152 180 5 36 52 59 174 474 e 88 22 32 203 69 351 143 135 U6 77 175 55 154 67 7 52 17 15 201 25 230 82 124 71 16 77 20 115 65 8 93 23 32 208 69 356 143 144 116 77 175 65 160 72 9 53 17 15 201 25 230 82 UO 71 16 77 21 115 65 10 284 98 185 16 '26 132 25 351 67 68 114 122 68 51 323 11 118 59 178 20 60 41 204 71 39 20 33 26 21 15 245 12 284 103 191 16 '26 134 25 357 75 70 U4 122 74 52 328 13 120 59 178 20 61 41 204 77 39 20 33 26 21 15 245 14 57 6 54 5 5 22 20 92 15 U 76 73 5 11 164 IS 21 5 12 21 Ifl 68 18 17 31 26 6 16 87 16 67 6 56 5 5 30 20 97 25 11 76 73 5 11 164 17 25 5 12 22 10 78 22 17 31 26 7 16 87 18 1,037 1,060 491 404 245 990 856 1,539 1,083 1,330 971 936 465 392 176 1,160 19 1,059 1,069 604 323 205 731 991 1,445 1,035 1,102 974 926 372 415 107 1,029 20 1,180 1,152 571 466 270 1,093 933 1,332 1,259 1,541 1,096 1,206 567 468 252 1,266 21 1,145 1,139 682 331 210 791 1,0U 1,556 1,258 1,192 1,015 1,035 334 477 129 1,169 22 1,412 1,371 826 609 90 1,286 1,226 2,404 1,183 2,110 843 923 775 462 267 1,865 23 1,404 1,340 894 727 30 1,207 1,442 2,125 1,083 2,233 559 691 877 451 267 1,945 24 1,913 1,800 1,262 1,020 120 1,640 1,624 3,512 1,877 2,902 1,073 1,559 1,237 795 530 2,714 25 1,658 1,557 1,116 970 X 1,350 1,638 2,618 1,496 2,617 6X 901 1,030 593 421 2,443 26 1,312 1,346 771 604 65 1,231 1,196 2,334 1,168 2,099 653 783 770 447 267 1,779 27 1,702 1,755 1,102 1,010 85 1,575 1,584 3,316 1,342 2,871 753 1,256 1,222 760 525 2,414 28 1,015 984 552 286 45 974 920 1,588 782 1,530 579 507 500 236 132 1,307 29 297 362 219 318 20 257 276 746 386 569 74 281 270 161 135 472 30 1,302 1,341 771 604 55 1,196 1,186 2,324 1,167 2,080 638 763 770 447 267 1,754 31 1,314 1,325 854 717 25 1,177 1,422 2,040 1,072 2,178 454 606 852 431 257 1,830 32 1,662 1,744 1,081 1,000 60 1,507 1,564 3,213 1,820 2,816 723 1,201 1,202 748 507 2,314 33 1,472 1,526 1,046 954 25 1,304 1,613 2,433 1,465 2,500 484 756 1,000 571 392 2,271 34 33 U 16 10 25 65 20 83 22 43 30 55 20 11 13 90 35 18 1 1 5 24 39 12 27 15 2 5 1 18 11 36 40 11 21 10 25 68 20 103 22 55 30 55 20 12 18 100 37 19 1 1 5 26 45 19 42 15 3 5 1 19 11 3fi 206 40 155 10 35 60 '35 191 35 31 322 288 10 30 5 267 3!) 166 30 70 15 15 25 135 12 70 135 132 25 21 10 161 40 2U 45 160 10 35 65 40 196 35 31 325 303 15 35 5 300 41 167 30 70 15 20 25 140 12 75 135 142 25 21 10 161 42 1,659 2,189 856 638 295 2,255 1,706 2,507 1,979 2,454 1,U5 997 890 655 307 1,943 43 2,182 2,505 1,259 749 280 2,486 2,168 2,980 2,237 3,167 1,244 1,151 1,193 900 282 2,535 44 2,074 2,446 1,056 715 350 2,588 1,933 3,204 2,211 2,844 1,282 1,162 984 304 361 2,319 45 2,496 2,671 1,538 796 300 3,011 2,399 3,529 2,557 3,435 1,356 1,288 1,244 1,018 317 2,868 4C 1,306 505 751 273 40 718 5U 1,870 585 1,238 1,290 1,041 262 252 169 1,575 47 1,074 292 899 274 25 387 251 2,016 328 544 1,355 779 241 134 66 1,248 48 1,053 1,188 604 449 180 1,004 1,271 1,790 870 2,065 798 797 498 494 130 1,133 49 693 752 479 408 125 668 971 1,274 484 1,809 438 453 452 326 41 659 50 97 10 U9 41 130 11 10 80 126 1 438 51 77 21 117 '16 51 15 135 25 60 75 37 25 16 15 343 52 112 10 115 56 175 22 5 75 131 1 448 53 11 1 7 6 5 31 33 10 5 15 22 1 20 15 54 85 18 94 ■^ 28 116 139 102 51 77 91 72 39 51 215 55 1,110 1,616 601 543 195 1,K7 1,456 1,613 1,649 1,734 710 579 774 561 346 1,241 5« 1,260 1,444 789 568 250 1,037 761 1,961 1,423 1,363 538 678 593 505 157 1,071 S7 221 212 45 40 330 456 20 727 198 150 325 585 45 65 20 217 58 465 476 285 20 340 160 U5 615 340 590 1,121 1,096 20 77 65 281 59 660 1,048 395 356 50 1,292 440 770 1,186 1,271 411 198 435 315 76 1,137 eo 1,455 1,912 1,265 577 190 1,967 1,821 1,975 2,485 3,022 926 562 993 1,016 430 2,626 61 455 376 260 170 30 330 340 510 633 795 246 90 240 260 45 686 62 205 672 135 186 20 962 100 260 503 476 165 108 195 55 31 451 83 205 1 1 667 5 135 186 20 932 30 100 260 493 10 476 160 5 108 195 55 26 5 446 5 64 65 l2jM2fl2 13,49-13/5 11/S-1V5 11/29-12/5 12/6- I2A2 11/29-12/5 iy29J2/5 Il/29-l?'5 12/6-1:^12 11,49-1^5 11/^9-1^5 IV^S-ll^ U/29J^5 II/S9-J** U/b^li/12 l]/29.)^5 66 1,612 2,307 880 783 440 2,395 1,440 2,707 2,537 2,553 1,514 1,160 1,069 609 249 2,244 67 2,593 3,709 1,399 1,013 660 3,332 2,627 4,015 3,664 3,867 2,311 1,792 1,624 1,214 348 3,305 68 2,307 3,612 1,44« 1,008 520 3,702 2,230 4,362 4,778 4,008 2,087 1,809 1,739 1,044 289 3,847 61 4,003 7,981 2,016 1,4«2 1,175 7,996 5,172 7,061 9,355 7,908 3,018 2,457 3,204 3,305 480 5,290 70 1,571 2,257 855 773 435 2,345 1,405 2,637 2,472 2,468 1,444 1,115 1,059 599 248 2,154 71 2,548 3,614 1,369 993 610 3,277 2,592 3,926 3,589 3,752 2,245 1,697 1,604 1,158 348 3,165 78 622 731 325 242 225 659 335 787 527 741 557 250 191 127 65 645 7S 949 1,526 530 531 210 1,686 1,070 1,350 1,945 1,727 887 365 868 472 183 1,509 74 536 725 371 175 80 797 435 1,100 994 980 477 537 335 210 31 1,097 75 736 1,355 591 235 85 1,357 825 1,725 2,306 1,540 643 694 680 445 41 1,693 76 175 442 150 212 15 322 306 309 762 489 203 265 344 186 124 298 n 179 441 183 186 55 561 351 331 872 635 78 196 397 214 121 229 78 494 1,560 318 745 20 573 717 715 3,965 1,250 447 728 1,762 668 337 645 79 397 1,401 342 786 75 1,020 1,022 703 3,624 1,741 W9 563 1,897 1 ,169 256 576 80 65 85 84 72 187 91 153 283 168 31 135 124 64 58 147 81 78 85 78 20 215 66 69 189 139 33 91 37 36 46 79 82 202 158 131 92 315 117 323 1,166 344 134 430 246 130 109 220 83 145 202 152 25 369 91 151 754 219 71 240 53 101 98 130 84 41 56 61 57 116 65 85 106 101 42 64 71 37 30 106 85 24 29 23 15 71 26 73 182 67 39 71 53 27 23 41 86 1,663 2,677 999 815 552 2,629 1,381 2,639 2,905 2,735 1,707 1,165 1,121 913 396 2,324 87 2,734 3,659 1,678 1,080 721 3,362 2,730 4,091 3,900 4,308 2,673 1,865 1,518 1,414 471 3,456 M 132 155 44 43 17 133 69 166 170 227 90 57 137 77 44 128 81 84 204 58 48 22 111 83 228 175 267 60 65 85 68 66 168 90 212 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are baaed llem (For definitions wid explanations, see text) JacksoD Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln IfcDoirell Macon Madison Estimated number of fnnns 1130 1,U2 1,871 5,676 7,820 1,002 1,513 1,021 1,484 2,413 3,581 1,583 2,401 749 1,326 1,213 1,902 2,634 3,477 2 1054!!. SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaLITIES 3 >ain combines ramis reporting 1959 .. . 283 64 74 82 407 57 20 1054... "i 207 94 52 104 4a 68 25 20 5 number 1059... 294 64 74 85 413 57 20 1954 .. . 1 208 94 52 105 426 58 25 20 7 Com pickers farms rcpnrting 1950 . . . 302 168 20 331 57 27 15 1954... 1 168 160 25 238 30 38 9 number 1959 . . . 312 169 20 346 57 27 15 10 1954... 1 168 160 25 238 30 38 11 Pick-up balers farms rerorting 1959 .. . 36 69 22 47 36 217 17 77 102 12 1954 . . . 20 43 17 46 71 166 29 6 15 13 number 1959 .. . 36 70 22 47 37 217 17 77 102 U 1954 . . . 20 48 18 46 76 166 29 6 15 15 Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1950 .. . 15 26 1 12 95 16 15 56 16 1954... a 10 a 35 12 25 17 number 1959 .. . 15 31 1 12 100 16 16 '55 18 1954 . . . 21 10 21 35 12 25 19 Motortrucks. farms reportinc 1959 . . . 561 724 1,964 1,792 406 468 436 419 998 1,001 682 766 408 4a 532 682 907 800 SO 1054... 21 number 1950 .. . 586 2,111 459 503 1,128 748 442 613 923 1954 . . . 832 2,045 508 452 1,121 846 437 708 850 23 rtactors farms reprjrting 1959 .. . 312 3,900 721 695 1,513 1,062 428 427 433 24 1954... 222 4,209 932 674 1,581 1,201 320 191 257 55 number 1959... 407 4,982 933 874 2,289 1,579 575 594 576 36 1054... 2U. 4,736 1,203 804 2,021 1,508 339 216 262 27 Tractors otiier than canjen farms reporting 1050... 212 3,839 691 685 1,483 1,027 363 307 433 28 number 1059... 247 4,896 903 854 2,244 1,424 405 334 480 29 1 tractor farms reporting 1959... 182 2,907 496 541 1,005 725 331 266 396 30 2 or more tractors farms reporting 1959 .. . 30 932 195 144 478 302 32 41 37 31 Wheel IractCTS farms reporting 1950 .. . 207 3,834 691 684 1,478 1,027 363 302 413 32 1954 . . . 157 4,159 922 659 1,581 1,156 270 161 221 S3 number 1059... 227 4,835 903 848 2,169 1,393 385 374 440 3< 1954... 158 4,657 1,177 749 2,005 1,422 271 171 221 35 Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 .. . 20 61 6 48 26 15 10 40 1054 , . . 1 17 16 15 6 21 2 5 16 37 numte 1059... 20 61 6 75 31 20 10 40 38 1 19 16 25 11 a 2 5 16 39 Garden tractors farms refwting 1059... 160 82 30 20 35 155 170 205 96 40 1954 . . . 85 55 10 30 5 60 66 40 25 41 number 1959 .. . 160 86 30 20 45 155 170 210 96 42 1954 . . . 85 60 10 30 5 65 66 40 25 43 Automobiles farms reporting 1959, ., 577 714 4,509 5,684 812 1,033 799 994 1,918 2,516 1,236 1,7a 472 585 536 656 1,118 1,187 44 1954 .. . 45 number 1959 .. . 652 5,045 858 949 2,197 1,452 507 596 1,200 46 1,023 6,206 1,310 1,125 2,787 1,916 598 696 1,273 47 Telephone farms reportinp 1950 . . . 296 1,444 232 605 726 868 168 251 262 48 1954 .. . 243 825 63 458 359 811 130 155 167 49 flome freezer farms reporting 1959 . . . 396 292 3,880 2,800 637 454 587 438 1,585 1,076 736 531 306 214 416 181 458 212 50 1954 .. . 51 Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . . . 10 25 5 20 5 155 15 56 61 52 1954... 30 20 10 15 35 181 10 45 55 53 F.lectric milk cooler farms reporting 1959 .. . 10 25 15 5 155 15 55 71 54 10 18 1 2 11 10 30 5 55 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower fnrms reporting 1959 . . . Farnis by kind ol toad on which located: 129 48 8 62 106 5 25 11 5« Hand surface farms reporting 1959 .. . 251 2,930 709 664 1,578 807 367 311 667 57 1950... 400 1,833 793 497 1,595 690 401 501 505 58 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 . . . 536 340 30 41 75 211 677 961 59 1950... 1,139 110 100 125 150 445 895 1,290 60 Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . . . 355 2,301 253 306 825 676 156 ao 341 61 701 5,848 632 888 1,935 1,521 641 655 1,505 62 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 .. . 160 1,585 96 236 575 390 75 100 345 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad farms reporting 1959 . . . 195 716 157 70 250 286 81 110 496 65 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1059 . . . 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . . DATE OF ENUMERATION 165 30 716 157 70 250 286 81 105 5 440 56 66 Approximate average liate of enumeration 1959 . . FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING EN1MER-*TI0N ' 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 67 Family workers, including nperalors farms reporting 1959 , . . 972 4,626 820 836 1,752 1,143 572 1,058 2,026 1,631 7,219 1,358 1,268 3,039 2,116 1,078 1,747 2,951 69 1,287 7,014 1,031 1,438 2,575 1,972 842 1,488 3,511 70 2,254 16,044 2,690 2,375 5,429 3,751 1,454 2,462 4,551 71 892 4,500 795 791 1,702 1,112 532 1,008 1,901 72 1,591 7 054 1,333 1,257 2,979 2,051 987 1,582 2,906 73 1 to 14 hours persons 1950 . . . 370 951 166 271 310 325 290 421 551 74 522 3,549 629 520 1,392 787 242 587 1,350 75 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1059 .. . 350 1,602 181 387 492 497 220 355 990 76 persons 1050... 395 2,514 236 547 873 860 310 480 1,610 77 Hired wcrkors farms reporting 1050 . . . 70 705 163 115 538 141 78 106 141 78 1054 .. . 77 1,049 186 76 765 145 50 85 211 175 1,529 277 440 1,213 259 Ul 178 301 80 146 2,653 768 131 2,058 175 65 MO 307 81 Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . - farms reporting 1950 .. . 20 198 48 34 177 25 28 46 10 62 1954... 26 189 25 16 238 40 18 20 u 83 persons 1059... 20 256 64 75 387 29 39 57 10 B4 1054... Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 30 269 35 26 434 40 20 20 26 85 1 hired worker farm-i reporting 1959 . . . 20 136 41 26 114 25 17 40 10 86 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 .. . 62 7 8 63 1 11 6 87 Residing on form operated operators reporting 1959 . . . 1,083 5,022 947 986 2,194 1,413 723 1,115 2,286 68 1954 .. . 1,721 7,342 1,385 1,375 3,232 2,124 1,275 1,808 3,136 89 Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 .. . 30 252 51 51 142 66 25 25 157 go 1954 . . . 43 271 79 49 145 119 32 65 214 'For 1954, data relate to »eek of October 24-30. NORTH CAROLINA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 213 CM) npons Edt only a sanple o fr«ma. Seeu «] Martin Mecklen. burg Mitchell Mootgcoenr Moore Nash Ne> Hanover North- afl^itcn Onslow Orange Pomlico Pasquotank Pender Perquljnans Person Pitt 2,202 1,394 1,162 838 1,982 4,040 215 2,046 1,427 1,405 469 561 1,593 650 2,319 3,898 1 2,885 2,843 1,353 977 2,359 5,462 359 2,884 1,976 2,017 7X 818 2,293 919 3,556 5,586 : 166 184 102 155 216 12 189 71 193 137 166 51 153 178 279 235 218 113 149 225 U U7 33 132 175 177 92 173 150 195 4 168 186 102 162 221 12 194 71 193 150 184 51 163 178 286 246 226 118 150 226 11 124 33 132 188 182 92 186 150 196 Q 280 37 39 40 150 16 173 126 102 132 175 62 177 91 496 7 229 17 33 57 79 6 89 72 52 122 177 27 217 15 247 8 285 37 39 40 152 16 174 136 102 138 192 62 192 91 507 9 229 la 33 57 81 6 91 72 52 128 133 27 227 15 257 10 72 229 31 43 70 194 5 79 11 1B7 13 22 5 165 106 11 177 167 35 34 144 5 61 15 132 9 18 10 IX 205 12 73 229 31 43 75 194 5 81 16 187 13 22 5 165 107 13 183 168 35 X 144 5 61 15 132 9 18 10 IX 205 1< 18 83 5 6 5 50 10 16 30 43 5 20 5 22 36 IS il 31 35 U 13 1 U 5 36 5 16 16 10 41 16 18 83 "5 6 5 70 10 22 35 43 5 25 "5 22 38 17 41 32 40 11 13 I 13 5 36 5 16 16 10 41 16 969 688 327 427 966 1,596 153 774 620 719 229 306 615 329 898 1,843 19 1,064 842 616 434 756 1,537 139 705 514 662 360 303 792 293 906 1,451 X 1,086 903 362 491 1,026 1,737 213 884 636 833 328 397 724 415 985 2,157 n 1,093 1,005 636 503 861 1,647 202 782 547 713 440 329 917 326 948 1,548 SI 1,440 911 156 518 1,271 2,023 174 1,049 1,022 940 344 416 857 490 1,239 2,492 23 1,458 1,153 65 417 1,068 2,007 199 1,121 1,120 867 405 433 958 543 1,281 2,271 24 2,U3 1,537 187 687 1,551 2,836 264 1,701 1,X2 1,471 546 776 1,179 829 1,648 3,723 25 1,728 1,577 75 558 1,246 2,352 288 1,594 1,342 1,085 533 618 1,186 834 1,493 2,858 26 1,400 871 96 508 1,235 2,004 169 1,034 1,X1 919 339 391 832 475 1,219 2,472 27 2,083 1,336 102 639 1,500 2,773 244 1,634 1,271 1,399 535 751 1,117 809 1,623 3,693 28 910 585 90 421 1,053 1,463 131 650 786 591 217 180 623 267 881 1,628 29 490 286 6 37 182 541 38 334 215 328 122 211 209 208 338 844 SO 1,385 871 96 508 1,205 1,999 169 1,029 1,001 919 339 391 827 475 1,219 2,472 31 1,428 978 45 392 1,031 1,992 169 1,106 1,100 832 400 4U 952 543 1,226 2,226 32 2,028 1,281 102 637 1,437 2,717 244 1,586 1,261 1,364 528 744 1,091 788 1,615 3,656 33 1,685 1,320 50 522 1,156 2,319 232 1,535 1,306 1,013 328 596 1,153 8X 1,418 2,797 34 45 52 1 53 36 48 10 X 7 7 21 21 12 36 3: 11 16 "5 1 45 21 6 18 6 13 2 17 1 6 36 55 55 2 63 56 48 10 35 '7 7 26 21 13 37 37 16 16 io 1 51 21 6 18 6 20 2 18 4 6 38 40 1B6 85 43 51 58 15 62 31 71 11 25 56 20 20 25 39 27 236 U 32 38 11 X 41 30 30 5 20 15 75 45 40 50 201 85 48 51 63 20 67 31 72 U 25 62 20 20 X <1 27 241 U 35 39 12 30 41 30 30 5 20 15 75 55 42 1,684 1,089 501 577 1,384 3,009 178 1,422 1,030 1,094 315 436 1,047 499 1,526 3,217 43 2,147 2,133 627 481 1,608 3,492 239 1,654 1,200 1,347 364 558 1,351 608 2,201 3,529 44 1,822 1,433 541 675 1,546 3,400 226 1,631 1,192 1,466 379 503 1,204 577 1,772 3,751 46 2,486 2,795 642 578 1,765 3,788 347 1,846 1,379 1,368 433 645 1,478 671 2,557 4,017 46 527 1,084 205 230 655 791 183 497 343 695 186 259 534 203 641 1,138 47 390 1,527 101 156 300 426 184 344 IX 396 115 238 148 123 290 402 48 1,078 829 360 410 968 1,987 91 833 1,004 813 234 290 883 337 731 1,940 4> 759 696 275 220 486 1,040 124 615 477 456 178 208 619 247 555 1,097 90 11 175 20 11 10 5 10 7 25 102 10 50 5 45 26 51 31 171 35 25 21 5 13 3 13 116 10 '5 65 5 40 30 52 6 180 20 11 5 5 5 2 20 102 10 45 5 65 26 53 22 21 5 1 5 7 6 « 5 11 1 13 5 5 35 54 157 108 7 8 81 11 104 32 69 40 48 41 65 46 159 5! 1,208 1,040 350 506 1,084 2,588 172 1,220 842 578 273 400 988 404 765 2,444 56 821 1,471 330 393 541 2,051 359 1,439 470 527 361 407 854 464 678 2,022 57 146 233 536 126 161 26 5 122 X 226 33 5 12 86 446 82 56 180 765 1,035 151 311 133 20 254 160 271 45 15 75 61 245 80 59 828 110 261 206 737 1,350 25 699 335 381 162 151 568 155 1,098 1,295 60 1,707 666 455 543 1,548 3,207 35 1,983 1,358 1,172 297 306 1,168 400 1,666 3,535 61 435 95 105 146 467 1,060 20 420 3X 201 61 91 372 105 396 735 62 393 15 156 60 270 290 5 279 203 380 101 60 196 50 702 560 63 378 15 121 60 265 290 5 279 205 375 96 60 186 45 697 560 64 13 35 3 5 5 10 5 5 69 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 U/29-12/3 U/29.12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/3 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 U/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 66 1,670 1,125 922 737 1,363 3,400 146 1,717 1,121 1,195 371 426 1,291 575 2,004 2,947 67 2,708 2,222 1,172 881 2,051 3,081 339 2,534 1,655 1,777 597 728 1,852 803 3,260 4,369 6t 2,477 1,755 1,298 998 2,069 5,945 191 3,633 1,827 1,780 512 508 1,694 710 2,999 4,429 69 4,996 3,331 1,642 1,442 3,469 12,686 464 6,522 2,647 3,552 X3 1,092 3,097 1,143 7,470 10,694 70 1,635 1,095 902 731 1,337 3,340 146 1,667 1,096 1,165 356 421 1,206 559 1,984 2,882 71 2,667 2,122 1,102 835 2,006 5,011 324 2,469 1,640 1,727 592 723 1,812 793 3,205 4,744 7« 371 391 480 351 490 561 50 232 306 407 101 106 516 173 516 675 7« 1,264 704 422 380 847 2,779 96 1,435 790 758 255 315 690 386 1,468 2,207 74 457 425 286 194 552 1,415 40 856 376 400 126 66 387 121 684 853 76 842 660 396 267 732 2,605 45 1,966 731 615 156 87 488 151 1,015 1,547 76 453 227 75 86 129 882 39 603 201 169 123 161 307 128 186 1,014 n 568 292 55 122 212 791 29 613 213 181 213 193 350 148 205 1,225 7« 1,716 629 135 282 421 3,156 438 2,696 489 323 248 585 1,118 394 428 2,581 n 2,333 729 75 466 913 1,951 229 2,953 6X 273 1,660 431 1,190 697 340 3,686 80 267 132 15 30 43 249 44 183 46 104 43 105 91 63 91 457 61 84 87 25 25 28 129 24 127 46 96 79 68 74 82 70 234 63 574 251 25 148 63 574 216 453 115 161 99 184 356 96 162 783 es 117 183 25 84 103 177 107 268 97 123 215 101 164 142 90 363 64 142 97 10 6 36 132 10 78 27 85 15 75 43 46 57 297 89 125 35 5 24 7 117 34 105 19 19 28 30 48 17 >1 160 86 1,930 1,305 943 807 1,730 3,555 171 1,384 1,284 1,291 415 533 1,347 646 2,053 3,435 et 2,553 2,637 1,684 897 2,196 5,169 336 2,630 1,907 1,868 697 665 2,084 845 3,335 4,990 6) 191 99 55 29 92 253 33 151 101 71 45 33 86 29 148 247 6* 177 113 66 68 73 137 36 W8 87 48 34 90 141 22 129 232 M 214 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data excepl residencs of operator are baaed Item Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rocklnghani Roiran Rutherford Ssmpeon Scotland Stanly (For delinlllons wid explanalion , sec text) ^ 1!>,"(9. .. 485 1,054 2,634 3,581 907 1,569 5,985 8,042 3,197 4,214 1,926 2,969 1,631 3,038 4,930 6,312 326 1,212 1,663 2,235 2 1054... SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES | 3 3r.in conibmes .famis reporting 1959. . 37 493 74 349 261 604 122 280 83 665 1054.. 17 548 37 160 196 638 111 177 108 639 5 number 1959 .. . 33 494 83 357 272 625 133 301 99 678 1954... 17 548 40 167 196 660 111 132 115 656 7 Seen pickers . farms reporting 1959 .. , n 281 16 130 38 107 27 242 21 121 B 1954 , . , 5 217 36 45 16 95 130 15 31 9 number 1959 .. . 11 291 17 141 38 107 '32 257 22 126 10 1954 . . . 5 217 36 47 16 95 130 15 81 11 Pick-up balers , farms reporting 19.59 . . . 38 293 42 174 181 233 '91 67 52 164 12 19.54 . . , 22 194 26 101 107 211 60 35 42 U8 13 number 1959 . . . 39 298 42 174 181 238 91 67 52 179 14 1954 . . . 22 194 26 102 107 211 60 35 45 113 15 F Id r harvesters crape . farms reporting 1950 . . . 27 71 11 46 31 98 46 35 11 57 16 1954 .. . 10 58 5 15 30 50 5 10 1 31 17 number 1959 .. . 27 76 11 51 31 98 51 60 16 57 IB 1954... 10 58 5 20 30 50 5 10 1 31 19 lotcftnicks . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 240 429 1,447 1,436 396 487 2,048 2,415 1,457 1,X2 980 947 662 922 1,568 1,423 305 335 913 870 20 21 number 195!) . . . 290 1,595 457 2,161 1,563 1,138 729 1,718 386 1,024 22 1954 . . . 480 1,502 576 2,487 1,403 1,075 1,012 1,526 366 934 23 Ttaclors , farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . , , 265 259 2,042 2,091 492 424 2,880 2,489 1,942 1,884 1,459 1,704 935 1,038 3,120 3,024 285 337 1,313 1,370 24 25 number 1959 . , . 380 2,651 711 3,482 2,570 2,311 1,205 4,083 541 2,064 26 1954,,, 327 2,432 590 2,799 2,141 2,202 1,186 3,450 553 1,736 27 Tractors other than parden , fnrms teporting 1959 , , . 240 1,977 471 2,790 1,902 1,389 880 3,050 276 1,268 28 number 1959 .. . 325 2,481 685 3,372 2,494 1,976 1,073 3,938 520 1,855 29 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 182 1,559 353 2,331 1,436 1,001 737 2,352 155 811 30 2 or more tractors . farms reporting 1959 .. . 58 418 118 459 466 388 143 698 121 457 31 Wheel tractors . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 240 254 1,977 1,951 471 409 2,750 2,474 1,897 1,829 1,389 1,624 865 1,008 3,025 2,969 276 332 1,263 1,344 32 33 number 1959... 312 2,438 684 3,296 2,448 1,959 1,037 3,878 520 1,829 34 1954 .. . 295 2,220 562 2,782 2,055 2,057 1,130 3,362 541 1,600 35 Crawler Iraclots . farms reporting 1959. . . 12 41 1 76 46 17 36 105 26 36 1954 . . . 2 24 7 7 36 10 12 11 23 37 number 1959... 13 43 1 76 46 17 36 110 26 3B 1954... 2 32 8 7 36 15 12 ii 24 39 Garten tractors . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 55 170 21 95 76 335 132 95 16 203 40 1954 ., , X 180 20 10 50 135 41 71 1 112 41 number 1959 .. , 55 170 26 110 76 335 132 95 21 209 42 1954 . . . 30 180 20 10 50 145 41 76 1 U2 43 A loniob les . , famis reporting 1959 , , , 289 644 1,963 2,375 621 882 4,130 4,666 2,282 2,709 1,675 2,329 1,015 1,823 3,754 4,696 513 561 1,322 1,690 44 1954,.. 45 number 1959 .. . 348 2,267 689 4,429 2,785 2,037 1,143 4,176 594 1,572 46 1954... 702 2,629 1,039 5,004 3,223 2,712 2,028 5,081 677 1,952 47 Telephone . . farms reporting 1950 ,, . 204 58 1,157 603 387 291 1,278 656 1,601 1,434 1,351 1,549 889 1,067 1,183 350 229 220 968 349 48 1954... 49 Home freezer . , farms reporting 1959 .. . 208 147 1,427 910 417 193 3,949 2,626 1,391 642 1,164 1,004 555 347 3,272 2,071 338 159 967 665 50 1954... 51 Milking machine , , farms repotting 1959 ,. , 37 47 165 148 "5 25 50 76 110 192 130 50 55 20 20 5 10 135 105 52 1054... 53 Electric milk cooler , , farms reporting 1959 . . . 37 191 20 86 212 50 20 5 135 54 Crop drier (for qrain. forage, or other crops) . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 26 6 7 11 11 26 23 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower , . . . fnrms tepcrting 1959 .. . 11 192 14 33 36 172 30 97 21 191 Faims by kind o( load on wliich located: 56 Hard surface . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 223 1,170 647 3,563 1,500 1,230 709 2,317 479 786 57 1950... 330 306 638 2,778 1,556 1,013 840 1,984 478 802 58 Gravel, shell, or shale . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 80 560 40 136 951 101 146 56 10 197 S9 1950 . . . 150 197 10 230 952 140 270 240 90 170 60 Dirt cr unimproved . . farms reporting 1959 ,, , 162 877 210 2,020 710 560 746 2,432 316 680 61 1950,.. 628 2,383 834 5,027 1,741 1,769 2,297 4,722 959 1,387 62 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road . . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 86 377 155 1,275 430 345 430 1,131 276 460 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad , , farms reporting 1959 , , . 76 500 55 745 280 215 316 1,X1 40 220 64 1 tol miles . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 76 50O 55 745 275 210 316 1,291 40 220 65 5 or more miles DATE OF ENUMERATION . . farms n^porting 1959 . . . 5 5 10 66 A veraee dale of enumeration 19.50... 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/02 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION ' 67 Family workers, includinc operators . . farms reporting 1059 . . . 405 2,352 674 4,104 2,535 1,649 1,135 3,648 599 1,432 68 1954 .. . 723 3,094 1,354 7,274 3,849 2,614 2,558 5,619 1,056 1,999 69 persons 1959 .. . 472 3,462 1,003 6,660 4,216 2,458 1,731 5,200 1,059 2,136 70 19.54 . . . 1,228 4,726 3,061 17,445 8,234 4,205 4,078 10,290 2,707 3,250 71 Operatcrs working 1 or mere hours persons 1059. .. 395 2,282 662 3,959 2,499 1,574 1,070 3,463 564 1,392 72 1954 .- . 663 3,019 1,302 7,159 3,774 2,584 2,397 5,558 1,025 1,963 73 llo H hours persons 1959 . . . 190 791 333 1,027 600 695 396 970 266 591 74 15 or mere hours persons 1959 .. . 205 1,491 329 2,932 1,899 879 674 2,493 293 801 75 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 r» more hours . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 77 920 241 1,601 924 558 431 1,131 220 507 76 persons 1959 .. . 77 1,130 346 2,701 1,717 884 661 1,737 495 794 77 Hired workers . . farms toporting 1950 . . . 49 146 93 796 235 200 119 836 161 147 78 1054 . . . 49 184 157 850 252 232 185 810 224 S8 79 persons 1050 .. . 128 349 373 2,301 496 480 431 2,197 906 334 80 1054 . . . 106 408 584 3,182 661 484 515 3,340 1,067 la 81 P.ei^lar workers {employed I."i0 or more days) . , fnrms reprrting 1959 .. . 24 81 31 244 95 113 11 218 74 37 82 1954 . . . 24 59 51 155 62 97 35 129 54 43 83 persons 1959. . . 52 163 245 525 173 172 31 387 205 92 84 Farms reporting by number of regular hire 1954 . . , 76 103 145 331 137 158 40 165 113 100 85 1 hired worker . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 6 58 19 152 61 71 6 148 21 22 B6 2 or more hired workers . . farms reporting 1059 .. . 18 23 12 92 34 42 5 70 53 15 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 87 Residing on farm operated Dperatcrs reporting 1950 .. . 433 2,387 831 5,311 2,956 1,690 1,416 4,302 715 1,531 88 1954 . . . 948 3,355 1,407 7,625 3,783 2,710 2,845 6,203 1,121 2,132 89 aperatora reporting 1959 ,. . 15 94 54 206 204 122 55 X7 68 68 90 31 122 68 231 244 124 116 362 59 64 elate to week of October 24-30. NORTH CAROLINA 215 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued n r^xKls for only a sample of fwms. See b stokes Surry Siain TranByl- vanla Terrell Italon Vance WaJse Warr«n Waahington Watauga Wayne Wilies Wilson Yadkin Yancey 3,198 3,«3 463 532 348 3,063 1,698 3,758 2,000 646 1,911 3,485 2,819 2,752 2,673 1,799 1 3,804 4,304 771 960 486 4,296 2,097 5,773 2,899 742 2,430 4,570 4,082 3,868 3,118 2,096 i 105 123 1 68 513 61 140 131 106 1 214 107 177 206 3 65 72 5 71 644 72 187 118 122 10 307 76 81 257 « 115 123 "i 71 523 61 146 139 102 1 222 107 193 211 5 65 72 5 72 6W 72 194 135 131 10 312 76 87 257 e 25 42 1 20 58 81 66 12 59 488 67 216 31 7 20 26 30 36 85 38 11 66 306 25 76 46 8 25 52 1 20 61 81 66 14 59 501 67 216 31 9 20 26 30 36 85 38 11 67 306 25 76 46 10 131 204 11 5 2 122 86 170 129 23 51 m 215 60 196 io 11 122 144 10 22 6 97 47 124 97 13 10 76 87 67 126 5 12 131 206 11 5 2 122 86 171 130 23 51 72 215 65 196 10 13 122 159 10 22 6 97 47 127 97 U 10 76 87 67 126 5 14 11 48 1 5 5 83 5 48 23 7 11 36 15 5 31 10 15 5 37 6 26 22 5 6 12 10 5 15 15 25 10 16 12 48 1 5 5 93 5 54 28 "s 16 37 15 5 31 10 n 5 37 6 26 22 5 8 12 10 5 15 15 25 10 18 l,i53 1,546 172 261 153 1,335 543 1,510 769 286 747 1,495 1,363 1,042 1,238 572 19 1,233 1,544 131 339 96 1,329 447 1,706 791 237 852 1,267 1,276 928 1,118 599 20 1,518 1,706 185 286 158 1,532 566 1,700 905 X3 808 1,675 1,469 1,154 1,339 607 21 1,279 1,675 137 356 96 1,441 453 1,812 873 266 922 1,324 1,362 990 1,161 619 2S 1,818 1,942 137 232 178 1,982 598 2,185 729 436 259 2,275 1,427 1,817 1,763 182 23 1,508 1,599 61 230 151 1,994 502 2,216 702 427 96 2,432 950 1,718 1,568 89 24 2,063 2,277 167 322 261 2,884 787 3,034 1,034 670 341 3,155 1,873 2,590 2,169 218 25 1,589 1,821 67 292 169 2,592 561 2,658 870 »4 101 2,818 1,056 2,042 1,760 115 2e 1,808 1,907 82 191 178 1,892 598 2,134 724 426 224 2,240 1,181 1,787 1,743 147 27 2,W8 2,216 91 216 261 2,601 777 2,928 1,019 655 275 3,095 1,370 2,520 2,094 152 2« 1,610 1,676 75 166 115 1,303 450 1,522 545 285 173 1,595 1,012 1,245 1,480 142 2i 198 231 7 25 63 589 148 612 179 141 51 645 169 542 263 5 30 1,808 1,902 S2 191 178 1,847 598 2,133 714 421 209 2,2X 1,141 1,782 1,733 122 31 1,487 1,499 51 195 151 1,944 477 2,125 702 427 86 2,402 865 1,663 1,528 54 32 2,004 2,170 85 216 255 2,490 772 2,864 982 618 230 3,041 1,289 2,475 2,042 122 33 1,543 1,659 52 211 169 2,467 529 2,521 854 586 91 2,778 961 1,972 1,709 59 34 36 36 6 6 111 5 62 22 23 45 51 81 45 46 30 3S 25 52 20 20 6 21 6 6 5 5 10 55 6 21 36 44 46 "6 6 111 5 64 37 37 45 54 81 45 52 30 37 30 57 20 25 6 27 6 7 5 5 10 55 6 21 ^ 15 56 ■71 106 278 5 92 15 15 61 55 499 55 75 51 39 16 105 15 61 100 26 UO 10 1 5 35 85 15 40 35 40 15 61 76 106 2«3 10 106 15 15 66 60 503 70 75 66 41 16 105 15 61 100 26 UO 10 1 5 35 85 15 45 35 42 2,218 2,398 207 391 213 2,298 1,211 3,079 1,280 425 939 2,840 1,787 2,241 1,957 733 43 2,529 2,529 181 500 176 3,185 1,172 3,891 1,344 366 895 3,322 2,011 2,793 1,933 629 44 2,454 2,650 224 436 220 2,723 1,352 3,487 1,361 466 1,026 3,195 2,051 2,572 2,319 818 45 2,807 2,847 202 610 182 3,582 1,265 4,425 1,505 395 935 3,637 2,277 3,085 2,194 709 4« 1,167 1,203 92 166 118 1,653 457 2,008 375 161 510 1,104 1,031 667 1,053 81 47 257 388 40 101 46 i,oa 227 1,771 321 49 278 873 353 357 175 60 48 1,206 1,179 157 235 158 1,522 647 2,175 »2 286 354 2,208 869 1,596 1,062 418 4> 362 383 71 179 111 932 417 1,600 320 186 216 1,445 480 1,077 427 217 SO 25 100 1 20 182 X 63 22 37 41 66 5 140 35 31 20 65 5 11 177 40 52 32 45 66 50 15 151 30 52 25 121 1 20 182 30 83 22 31 41 71 5 140 35 53 27 5 1 20 24 1 "5 1 21 10 54 48 1 10 21 202 is 79 47 19 15 160 '23 91 86 5 55 1,366 1,125 102 226 147 1,624 1,058 2,084 877 343 568 2,325 874 1,772 1,026 673 it 1,050 1,337 262 366 130 1,146 1,005 2,081 1,074 215 806 1,926 1,067 1,752 716 643 57 376 943 171 251 35 262 45 137 260 55 968 195 1,153 80 301 696 58 350 571 375 537 96 726 95 512 221 5 1,055 5 1,470 175 281 1,261 5» 1,426 1,310 190 55 166 1,111 585 1,502 848 238 365 925 746 880 1,316 415 <0 2,086 2,036 175 215 306 2,891 1,222 3,404 1,738 611 691 2,836 2,301 2,191 2,065 W5 11 635 580 145 30 86 775 310 936 355 167 140 705 281 665 705 240 62 791 730 45 25 80 336 275 566 493 71 225 220 465 215 6U 175 63 776 730 40 25 eo 336 275 566 483 71 200 220 425 215 606 170 64 1 15 5 10 25 40 5 5 6S H®.12/5 1^12/12 IL/29J2/5 U/29-12/5 n;«9.12/5 1^59-12/5 ll/S-12/5 1^69-12/5 1V29-12/5 1VS9-12/5 1V29.12/5 U/S-1.2/5 ll,»-12/5 11/29-12/5 H^-12/5 11/49-12/5 68 2,536 2,844 361 482 308 2,635 1,513 2,792 1,662 451 1,530 2,624 2,238 2,140 1,973 1,398 67 3,614 3,833 616 779 361 3,778 2,022 5,045 2,665 697 2,085 4,104 3,415 3,647 2,872 1,824 68 3,901 4,294 496 683 458 4,087 2,673 3,929 3,052 602 2,352 4,041 3,052 3,310 2,723 2,223 6> 7,874 7,143 866 1,040 426 5,921 4,527 10,930 6,876 1,106 3,148 8,394 5,594 9,632 5,809 2,644 70 2,486 2,754 346 482 298 2,570 1,498 2,726 1,617 451 1,480 2,538 2,177 2,080 1,933 1,378 71 3,559 3,758 586 749 356 3,613 2,017 4,950 2,568 687 1,970 4,004 3,170 3,622 2,812 1,794 72 665 871 180 226 170 970 217 895 487 105 533 610 986 385 801 505 78 1,821 1,883 166 256 128 1,600 1,281 1,831 1,130 346 947 1,928 1,191 1,695 3,132 873 74 933 1,060 120 126 120 967 660 767 725 91 542 997 690 725 600 570 7S 1,415 1,540 1» 201 160 1,517 1,175 1,203 1,435 151 872 1,503 875 1,2X 790 845 76 191 161 16 55 53 380 242 619 273 126 158 709 255 552 117 96 n 130 289 55 59 81 364 211 978 344 166 101 738 173 741 148 87 78 351 301 17 90 88 1,401 05 1,535 890 363 339 1,388 487 1,429 199 151 71 175 990 75 86 2U 806 380 2,438 899 a7 162 2,220 340 1,713 276 111 80 31 61 5 25 23 102 87 267 95 56 26 174 100 166 51 11 81 20 63 10 27 6 94 61 288 69 36 15 122 48 156 38 26 81 36 121 5 25 32 155 178 U6 164 171 37 321 137 255 61 16 83 20 217 15 29 7 120 121 529 84 65 15 188 78 263 53 27 84 26 46 5 25 20 81 71 180 57 25 20 120 86 115 46 6 88 5 15 3 21 16 87 38 31 6 54 14 51 5 5 88 2,817 3,028 442 503 333 2,826 1,558 3,348 1,855 568 1,661 3,151 2,505 2,455 2,233 1,605 87 3,543 3,930 731 929 441 4,220 1,977 5,357 2,664 646 2,240 4,273 3,917 3,614 2,932 2,047 88 152 201 16 24 18 108 104 202 90 97 170 167 93 123 195 87 88 95 214 21 34 40 118 80 256 106 92 111 169 129 V.2 120 68 M 216 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [DatA are bs^ed on ropofts for only nit oxplanations. see text) Alexander Alleghany USE OP rOMMF.Rn^l, FFRTILIZER AND LIME :m[ (endiier and fcrtiliiinp . farms reporting 1 Dn niaUTials 1 iqii.d malerials Crops on which used— 1ia\ and cropland pasture Cry materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Dry materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials Dry materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid matenals ^ime or liming materials used during the year . s reporting 1 9 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 s repotting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 3 repotting 1 s repotting 1 3 repotting 1 s reporting 1 3 reporting 1 s reporting 1 9 refwrting 1 3 reporting 1 ores lin SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting 1 Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1 dollar Krchase of livestock and poultry farms reportin dollar Machine hire farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Under ^200 farms reporting 1 S200toS999 farms reportin SI .000 or more farms reporting 1 Hired labor farms reportin dollar Under SI. 000 farms reportin $1,000 toS2,499 farms repefting 1 S2.S00 or more farms re^Kirting 1 S2.500 to $4,999 farms reportin S5.000 or mere farms reporting 1 Gasoline and other peUDleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reportin dollar Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms repcrttng 1 173,856 236,194 4,302,923 4,879,922 1,3L2,188 1,397,770 173,370 1,250,384 16,099 61,804 34,513 46,914 447,783 527,450 34,339 102,645 434 1,358 14,673 14,634 212,887 196,815 14,553 48,013 223 615 U9,932 196,088 1,740,779 1,970,492 139,063 405,321 14, 6U 53,421 53,421 NA 366,103 418 474 U0,441 142,472 441,657 655,480 110,307 346,101 406 853 81,733 1,093,714 80,835 237,702 1,778 5,083 34,529 28,300 375,858 3U,977 418,726 297,341 187,998 128,931 178,262 114,743,987 73,468,481 72,776 35,200,348 113,050 138,418 17,792,829 15,041,800 85,704 25,507 1,839 112,344 149,135 74,664,735 62,977,704 93,838 134,572 13,096 11,501 5,410 3,062 3,544 1,866 174,380 166,440 46,167,494 39,741,186 1,502 2,252 39,616 51,263 9,754 11,170 1,502 9,668 21 86 1,166 1,702 10,370 15,182 1,166 2,123 15 28 1,180 3,870 5,450 1,729 1,079 1,987 1,081,865 823,190 674 309,665 1,086 83,129 113,650 1,639 1,517 317,260 332,690 1,083 1,251 25,138 19,733 5,290 4,127 1,083 5,290 3,163 1,382 4,601 1,548 1,140 1,016 177,680 131,495 1,170 15,850 10,965 2,585 697 2,509 5,199 5,830 7,514 8,200 1,202 1,062 1,321 564,155 408,340 427 342,430 1,213 2,710 2,009 3,247 39,874 19,425 61,352 23,422 9,714 7,041 14,262 6,132 1,207 2,710 9,586 7,041 1,703 8,767 14,509 3,847 2,301 5,637 2,845 1,129 1,096,395 712,985 1,697 210,725 195,878 dollar 7,472 6,964 1,083 2,343 1,617 2,411 4,165 7,049 1,617 1,341 1,818 1,125 1,218 l,a5 1,818 1,181 6,061 7,389 8,907 10,316 2,955 2,539 3,277 654,662 466,975 984 614,794 1,616 81,407 95,000 1,339 1,842 266,248 342,755 1,306 1,775 30 56 2,105 1,006 139,553 83,560 1,383 69,636 632 2,063 1,223 2,906 6,087 73,840 6,729 88,419 1,707 20,887 2,801 25,170 632 2,043 1,707 19,063 1,829 2,010 2,755 2,100 1,243 145,850 187,240 1,910 2,590 42,382 38,215 1,860 8,803 640 1,767 10 5 1,665 2,371 8,256 12,902 1,665 5,779 17,868 10,710 18,040 10,423 2,313 1,495 1,989 1,070,923 448,100 785 233,915 1,486 1,824 350,101 415,979 1,783 2,652 1,658,335 2,116,015 1,311 2,076 372 435 2,188 2,523 1,058,754 1,095,770 NA Not available. NORTH CAROLINA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 « sunpJe of rums. See text] 217 Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caswell CatOTba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 2,489 1,512 2,705 748 994 960 191 415 2,207 1,525 1,425 701 570 541 2,966 4,594 3,289 1,908 3,370 1,380 1,413 1,505 310 574 2,678 2,070 2,335 1,374 723 736 4,082 5,504 58,224 24,434 25,291 13,799 39,247 15,159 10,370 10,795 37,266 48,614 33, 575 9,415 28,915 5,238 77,111 92,995 58,154 27,117 22,159 16,559 50,873 22,367 23,057 14,480 42,952 52,385 50,386 9,944 26,471 7,468 105,233 89,179 17,994 7,946 6,723 3,511 6,696 3,448 3,381 4,452 U,439 10,368 8,031 1,877 9,515 1,265 a, 340 36,490 18,002 8,784 5,164 2,810 7,720 4,051 6,346 6,833 12,856 9,756 10,832 1,993 6,776 1,435 27,159 31,698 2,489 1,512 2,705 748 984 960 191 415 2,207 1,525 1,420 701 570 541 2,886 4,594 17,830 7,946 6,723 3,511 6,671 3,448 3,018 4,204 11,439 10,269 7,939 1,877 9,053 1,265 a, 016 35,617 66 25 76 106 60 35 68 87 2a 164 25 363 248 99 92 462 324 873 296 258 1,133 457 357 4£3 16 72 386 692 279 255 87 296 713 578 328 393 1,108 754 437 733 43 137 402 1,090 441 273 56 311 966 725 2,631 1,883 10,555 4,995 8,835 5,169 150 1,795 5,359 12,218 5,009 3,668 1,830 2,205 15,085 4,290 3,077 3,304 6,882 6,485 13,045 7,642 672 2,375 4,512 14,258 5,588 1,960 1,225 3,038 14,588 4,175 291 258 1,133 457 357 468 16 72 386 687 279 255 87 296 708 578 625 5 5 481 2,795 1,391 1,685 1,078 49 385 1,331 2,955 10 7 1,107 10 23 753 500 527 3,673 36 134 1,073 141 36 481 iii Lii 137 5 'si 146 292 U6 126 '20 '76 177 313 189 141 362 98 165 122 10 32 181 274 131 77 30 40 300 a2 20 2,810 192 6,925 1,550 3,355 1,676 25 360 1,550 3,950 2,440 1,100 290 445 2,796 4,625 21 1,507 818 4,267 925 3,345 1,795 25 545 1,735 3,238 6,731 928 IX 260 4,890 1,700 Z! Wl 36 481 Ml lAl 137 5 51 146 287 Ul 126 20 70 177 308 23 700 56 1,202 343 634 348 5 87 399 649 10 8 597 5 U 248 138 102 760 10 53 1,395 10 13 24 25 » 2,306 1,356 1,299 488 727 740 176 277 1,742 1,025 1,169 594 535 446 1,604 4,158 27 3,008 1,650 2,054 944 1,012 1,034 290 423 2,223 1,454 1,839 1,159 608 676 2,766 5,007 28 32,845 14,287 4,769 3,691 6,990 4,756 7,500 2,845 11,507 9,123 10,311 4,496 U,835 2,356 10,722 52,600 29 33,574 12,283 7,965 4,964 9,232 5,840 12,675 4,200 15,268 10,227 16,313 6,129 13,022 3,970 18,910 49,646 30 2,301 1,356 1,299 488 717 740 176 272 1,742 1,025 1,164 594 530 446 1,599 4,153 31 8,387 3,693 1,073 965 1,208 1,083 1,804 675 2,092 1,863 2,309 8U 3,574 543 2,954 14,8a 32 56 15 66 96 10 30 68 15 181 33 121 8 349 170 7 32 447 15 588 34 833 105 5 231 5 52 no 55 409 1,996 540 Si NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3« 2,872 270 » 2,367 5 218 1,165 175 2,600 23,290 1,925 37 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 833 105 5 231 5 52 210 55 409 1,991 540 3> 864 5 92 8 517 5 4 50 306 52 876 6 8,220 15 586 5 40 41 3 2 12 38 3 42 2,071 1,185 1,953 166 210 2,027 "> 532 M 189 io6 25 3,957 43 2,679 1,459 1,673 225 5 3U 2,427 10 748 46 133 20 25 5,007 44 6,452 2,754 1,413 295 1,360 8,897 5 2,070 66 599 81 25 14,967 45 10,716 4,816 1,548 675 io 2,010 12,908 35 3,435 67 552 20 40 21,045 46 2,071 1,185 1,953 166 210 2,027 5 532 91 189 106 25 3,957 47 5,006 2,204 1,253 233 1,013 5,8» 5 1,318 43 404 49 17 13,808 48 10 10 19 9 8 SO 1,204 814 534 302 563 431 75 283 1,192 989 868 55 420 106 1,460 2,102 31 10,6W 5,(K8 1,629 3,533 17,700 3,258 2,477 4,435 9,953 22,153 13,570 85 11,761 151 25,193 14,588 52 1,204 SU 534 302 563 431 60 278 1,192 984 863 55 420 106 1,445 2,087 53 2,248 1,421 400 804 2,627 702 1,110 2,0U 1,787 4,491 2,556 22 3,561 44 5,392 3,934 54 10 5 13 15 45 10 5 36 66 55 26 15 14 70 77 26 3 84 269 5« 5J7 160 839 351 283 248 27 71 275 627 219 239 207 isi 393 793 57 626 239 496 202 227 183 91 108 211 598 237 187 200 121 361 792 58 3,733 1,245 4,335 2,245 6,180 2,253 589 1,283 1,930 7,445 2,834 1,560 2,922 1,050 6,623 4,710 59 4,496 1,882 3,215 2,120 3,555 2,365 2,042 1,920 1,760 7,596 3,256 1,444 2,175 2,510 5,991 4,930 80 3,875 1,000 5,6«4 3,295 7,1M 2,819 734 1,020 2,845 9,795 3,988 2,177 1,468 1,425 13,036 4,515 61 3,718 1,259 3,940 2,275 3,570 1,827 1,726 1,440 1,355 9,202 3,184 1,601 1,535 1,425 5,091 3,170 6"! 2,690 1,628 3,007 1,000 1,180 1,173 287 486 2,277 1,645 1,710 762 655 597 3,130 4,824 u 1,858 1,201 2,206 758 970 932 208 326 1,231 1,265 1,488 571 490 452 1,825 3,299 64 2,640 1,215 3,340 1,518 1,388 1,834 279 481 1,828 1,890 2,377 1,249 732 671 2,562 3,692 65 643,385 320,490 2,677,590 702,670 1,094,630 672,212 113,145 349,900 365,595 1,643,565 5,696,270 1,195,004 292,890 1,634,930 3,530,687 1,113,080 66 521,394 243,605 2,496,525 466,475 756,165 1,093,880 171,735 248,925 269,830 738,671 4,055,450 710,620 543,465 520,405 1,683,465 663,740 67 1,041 533 999 506 625 4t7 81 158 786 808 981 254 269 281 1,178 2,058 68 175,981 98,405 775,720 185,280 284,320 U9,0M 8,225 65,500 109,470 474,140 1,716,135 239,355 11/4,623 305,865 771,615 565,140 69 1,778 597 1,383 401 597 438 135 166 1,226 893 729 216 524 211 2,464 2,508 70 2,436 932 2,343 877 786 713 156 280 1,743 1,608 1,337 7a 582 410 3,151 3,047 71 199,739 53,335 101,535 39,250 1U,790 36,920 51,610 18,465 158,535 U9,585 100,809 27,940 155,232 17,960 461,523 307,545 72 277,415 81,605 125,575 72,975 100,535 42,848 59,635 23,735 169,246 1A2,395 122,278 31,800 132,390 11,040 370,977 298,730 73 1,488 527 1,281 355 415 397 60 126 1,045 715 601 175 305 191 1,606 2,060 74 289 65 102 46 171 36 51 40 151 167 121 36 182 20 832 427 75 1 5 11 5 24 30 U 7 5 37 26 a 76 2,148 1,051 942 194 445 357 106 305 1,172 550 768 215 450 197 1,460 3,824 77 2,875 1,487 1,440 259 583 351 220 424 1,248 590 1,035 378 428 221 1,752 5,049 78 1,175,725 354,620 695,995 204,»5 X7,025 135,602 136,755 481,420 326,490 249,395 461,635 M4,395 680,282 82,795 874,760 2,601,925 79 964,850 428,120 524,615 133,500 201,642 273,510 318,830 586,975 241,915 220,413 335,295 122,359 359,890 76,090 441,010 2,143,435 80 1,942 963 823 175 385 328 80 183 1,095 465 680 176 296 171 1,271 3,150 81 2,687 1,373 1,353 246 541 314 172 »5 1,216 521 959 356 321 196 1,665 4,566 82 14t 62 71 6 36 26 15 70 70 66 48 27 75 21 130 505 83 164 106 61 U 25 11 20 71 21 45 52 11 60 10 57 4a 84 60 6 48 13 24 3 U 52 7 19 40 12 79 5 59 169 85 24 8 26 2 17 26 28 48 U 24 24 U 47 15 30 62 86 33 20 5 17 1 6 30 6 17 32 10 30 5 40 85 87 27 6 28 8 7 2 5 22 1 2 8 2 49 19 84 88 2,485 1,538 2,602 920 1,155 1,073 252 461 2,182 1,545 1,620 607 635 497 2,801 4,619 89 2,754 1,429 1,180 685 1,223 779 280 461 1,843 1,459 1,566 348 588 155 2,292 5,038 90 617,457 345,835 247,666 122,645 268,645 112,162 90,455 172,563 418,992 295,340 344,035 70,625 274,076 44,745 521,012 1,555,270 n 655,052 332,765 153,392 76,045 297,910 U2,865 154,525 158,840 361,275 213,607 287,861 36,300 205,735 33,425 390,a5 1,307,945 9! 1,848 1,086 1,079 228 5M 492 U9 297 1,097 557 673 166 480 296 l,a8 2,869 9) U5,958 59,905 2U,749 40,185 54,695 33,700 63,125 84,970 63,044 43, UO 53,820 12,275 103,725 12,365 141,913 200,473 94 218 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Oau are based on ronorts for only Cumberland Currituck Durham Edgecon±ie IISF OF rOMMFUnil. FFRTILIZER AND LIME . fums reporting 1 Dry nialCTials 1 muid mnleiials >ops on which used- Iby and cropland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Dry materials Cottc3n Dry materials Liquid materials Tobacco Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials. ne or liming materials usni during the year . 3 reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 9 reporting 1 5 reporting 1 s reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting I a reporting 1 5 reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITDRES Any of the following specified eKpenditures farms reportin Feed for livestock and poultry farms reportin I'urchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars 1 Machine hire farms reporting 1 Under S200 farms reporting 1 S200 to 5999 farms reporting 1 51,000 or more farms reporting I Hired labor farms reportin dollars 1 Under 51.000 farms reporting 1 51,000 to 52,499 farms reporting 1 S2..W0 or more farms reporting 1 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting 1 55,000 or more farms reporting 1 Gasoline and other pet/oletan fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1 1,502 2,043 43,281 42,751 14,535 15,017 1,497 13,032 439 1,503 1,377 1,892 24,426 24,521 1,357 5,207 389 1,286 1,294 1,780 7,441 10,944 1,284 5,762 71 117 1,220 1,576 1,0U 1,558 1,623 1,058 1,349 589,975 458,620 419 59,960 1,169 148,270 164,036 1,272 1,847 1,132,655 1,113,136 1,563 1,860 797,830 628,420 1,849 2,711 57,028 66,634 17,121 19,102 1,834 16,963 23 158 45 1,536 2,268 22,266 27,435 1,531 5,507 23 43 1,380 1,854 5,077 6,833 1,380 4,007 15,752 797 3,201 3,735 1,925 4,087 1,745 2,040 1,406 2,037 1,115,582 924,970 769 238,035 1,432 1,435 246,399 174,460 1,075 325 32 1,325 1,938 976,075 1,068,099 1,038 1,697 182 177 1,859 1,850 600,920 539,200 28,144 34,252 12,923 11,039 284 10,761 95 2,167 1,927 2,072 1,871 2,320 2,194 3,033 45,257 53,325 9,268 11,000 2,194 9,263 1,797 2,173 12,560 13,785 1,797 2,346 1,U0 2,080 3,630 1,492 20,857 1,492 3,491 7,450 5,985 10,650 6,665 2,444 1,684 2,259 1,115,825 955,125 873 252,846 1,078 1,371 129,208 159,380 1,243 603,060 380,355 2,359 1,788 453,825 348,695 1,041 4,185 1,225 5,369 37, U4 114,839 29,809 124,779 7,605 38,622 4,864 41,380 1,041 4,185 7,466 35,147 3,080 7,268 3,560 1,174 693,035 362,675 80,259 82,490 3,895 17,937 14,998 22,489 3,695 11,969 1,291 11,686 1,280 3,035 4,345 3,333 3,969 5,427,445 1,671,490 1,726 1,397,461 2,535 2,847 474,524 438,352 1,814 629 92 3,459 4,837 2,459,770 2,204,635 2,754 4,288 498 472 920 1,361 16,726 17,922 5,438 5,140 920 5,433 1,046 5,875 6,739 1,051 1,222 1,238 1,075 1,033 574,475 501,850 dollar NA Not available. NORTH CAROLINA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 219 sample of famia. See t Forsyth Fran Win Gaston Oat«s ^ Granvine Greene Guilford Hallfai Hamett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 1,301 2,820 870 793 550 2,815 1,921 2,905 2,892 3,035 1,555 1,075 1,189 937 33 2,305 1 2,429 3,800 1,389 1,013 660 3,397 2,787 3,630 3,810 4,453 2,421 1,532 1,548 1,495 43 3,135 2 35,408 52,525 33,798 32,342 2,690 45,554 53,503 70,959 95,364 78,721 19,400 35,565 34,665 39,973 27,57 79,350 3 41,998 60,673 38,013 36,475 2,905 51,496 66,877 71,579 109,656 92,950 18,416 28,580 39,787 49,137 23,03 88,550 4 8,916 18,300 6,625 8,619 914 17,980 21,410 19,165 27,770 30,114 4,734 14,279 11,095 10,338 5,02 16,659 S 10,046 20,408 3,008 10,165 930 18,261 23,962 17,550 30,74« 31,296 4,063 9,052 11,435 12,940 4,47 16,810 g 1,801 2,770 870 788 550 2,816 1,921 2,890 2,392 3,030 1,555 1,070 1,179 937 32{ 2,270 7 8,916 18,600 6,625 8,398 914 17,933 19,015 18,954 25,522 29,718 4,734 14,209 10,740 10,198 5,34/ 16,109 8 86 45 30 540 55 518 205 30 101 22 8 172 • 200 221 47 2,395 211 2,248 395 70 355 140 58 550 10 521 329 315 126 155 340 115 970 151 266 799 545 92 92 2, 683 11 674 641 403 85 95 329 130 959 265 1,015 687 589 32 272 4 953 12 8,101 2,736 3,324 1,685 765 6,524 1,300 18,254 5,544 2,505 6,753 8,635 1,710 1,997 17 15,690 13 10,176 7,010 8,030 750 475 3,467 700 16,541 5,068 5,803 4,881 5,248 395 3,944 54 17,551 14 521 314 315 126 155 335 U5 970 151 251 799 545 92 91 2 556 15 1,879 527 25 20 1,710 581 156 1,534 10 10 272 3,900 5 15 1,131 U 55 481 20 34 1,577 2,063 397 378 7 18 4( 3,193 62 176 le 17 IS 238 154 108 '55 15 174 55 327 95 148 443 196 35 22 IJ 473 19 206 68 192 47 45 165 30 365 89 87 306 164 45 7 5 437 20 3,270 1,071 1,995 450 120 2,785 180 5,050 1,674 3,271 5,569 3,050 175 227 24 10,142 21 2,535 975 3,162 257 170 2,181 105 5,405 2,953 1,705 4,791 2,058 455 435 39( 8,922 22 238 154 108 55 15 169 55 327 95 143 443 196 35 22 U 453 23 720 256 5 3 315 130 27 745 5 15 45 1,256 269 1 1 918 10 18 1,083 605 42 51 4 2,124 41 56 24 25 1,205 2,436 623 743 435 2,346 1,811 2,151 2,549 2,610 917 635 1,124 770 30i 1,581 27 1,704 3,093 1,053 947 560 2,940 2,671 3,630 3,489 3,937 1,674 1,251 1,458 1,182 39 2,060 28 8,329 19,868 7,010 19,045 1,140 18,969 40,410 15,346 34,541 25,545 4,693 5,834 17,190 9,719 15,45 15,158 2> 10,700 24,017 9,554 23,616 1,655 23,274 43,532 18,439 43,953 39,553 6,199 5,903 20,328 11,738 11,59 16,110 SO 1,205 2,416 623 743 435 2,336 1,811 2,135 2,524 2,590 917 535 1,119 770 29^ 1,581 31 1,600 4,735 1,569 5,094 346 5,022 8,529 3,642 7,987 7,514 1,070 1,780 5,200 2,207 3,61 3,020 32 35 40 10 525 40 5U 120 25 96 15 8 51 33 68 211 20 2,368 52 2,074 198 54 297 34 30- 109 34 '26 1,853 216 512 146 945 5 2,447 1,595 883 717 3 987 31 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HI NA 3t 50 8,498 1,670 2,235 341 4,100 5 19,336 12,896 4,457 12,776 22. 5,181 87 lU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NJ NA 38 20 1,853 210 512 145 945 5 2,447 1,696 878 717 3 987 39 19 2,359 10 563 676 112 1,238 1 5,768 35 4,250 1,246 10 3,746 5 1,193 10 40 41 13 31 58 2 42 1,160 2,399 65 490 2,559 1,845 1,917 1,990 2,527 1,074 70 859 650 325 43 1,465 3,319 80 275 3,173 2,701 2,531 2,768 3,657 1,344 25 1,U1 1,053 555 44 3,720 11,101 290 360 12,562 10,855 8,310 5,385 13,581 1,110 50 2,715 2,288 755 43 5,650 15,736 '45 265 330 17,953 17,499 U,448 8,474 20,810 1,258 26 4,290 4,480 1,430 43 1,160 2,399 65 490 2,559 1,845 1,907 1,990 2,527 1,074 70 859 650 325 47 2,294 9,042 223 274 9,104 5 8,499 5,147 35 4,445 12,300 515 31 1,755 1,754 509 4fi la 938 1,390 587 471 255 2 875 331 64 1,754 1,898 1,678 327 585 588 417 it: 1,467 90 91 11,938 9,251 U,299 8,637 305 5,3«3 1,658 23,984 28,884 20,922 1,275 17,997 8,418 12,966 U,56< 31,424 92 938 1,359 587 466 255 875 316 1,744 1,888 1,618 327 580 588 411 16' 1,442 93 2,40; 1,671 2,468 1,694 111 1,416 332 5,008 5,921 4,255 289 9,730 2,099 2,052 1,59 6,070 94 41 5 25 25 23 95 5 11 90 95 96 10 27 70 87 U6 6 88 37' 207 96 489 148 210 335 166 218 145 608 1,163 106 584 293 458 88 7. 785 97 313 U5 293 193 80 219 140 301 395 87 437 305 155 33 12/ 709 68 3,035 1,115 4,467 3,980 445 2,545 1,220 5,975 17,297 983 5,610 3,415 6,490 2,225 2,81C U,734 96 3,379 1,701 3,303 2,912 330 2,163 1,070 3,522 5,952 803 5,027 3,033 2,555 535 2,65. 11,920 60 4,542 1,365 4,860 1,895 525 3,787 1,340 8,715 11,113 1,021 4,575 4,415 3,188 1,605 4,52C 17,876 61 3,634 1,725 3,820 1,937 445 2,6U 585 3,837 4,076 1,109 3,374 4,535 675 381 2,588 12,080 6" 2,007 2,881 1,062 929 530 2,872 1,976 3,125 3,079 3,210 1,876 1,363 1,280 967 40- 2,585 63 1,411 1,766 846 794 285 1,834 1,201 2,127 1,727 2,175 1,371 951 734 509 28= 1,825 64 2,139 2,342 1,369 929 625 2,566 1,551 3,140 1,723 2,958 2,255 1,597 977 855 37= 2,398 69 1,489,815 494,109 928,780 670,825 90,675 1,224,345 580,055 1,714,185 553,297 1,042,057 978,893 1,211,5U 350,550 344,370 186, 20c 2,123,505 66 786,895 423,940 571,215 478,422 101,450 528,000 282,675 1,361,085 486,225 834,960 525,832 501,327 244,391 124,265 118, OL 1,064,580 67 783 1,064 569 441 135 1,393 681 1,355 975 1,377 519 598 453 262 15. 989 68 276,454 U5,100 304,995 210,380 23,340 360,461 129,865 400,705 293,312 569,450 427,755 545,270 68,183 132,750 121,62! 508,035 66 9U 2,295 479 667 165 1,302 1,545 1,689 2,709 2,523 546 453 1,053 832 28 1,555 70 1,682 2,168 836 672 295 1,478 1,226 2,382 2,739 3,009 1,389 973 1,U1 1,083 21. 2,134 71 119,295 208,455 87,495 144,785 6,405 195,557 232,550 220, 110 510,922 448,838 62,680 U2,0O5 203,338 237,980 126,91C 271,585 72 165,770 185,080 80,985 119,375 9,500 120,310 152,535 252,238 390,438 351,854 74,440 68,349 154,350 105,772 47,63. 265,487 73 725 2,063 343 406 160 1,065 1,120 1,325 1,831 1,886 556 326 750 512 lU. 1,211 74 183 220 121 231 5 214 425 351 839 595 90 107 261 271 9. 410 7S 5 12 15 30 22 13 39 42 20 42 49 2e 35 76 1,082 2,U0 382 617 105 1,531 1,725 1,834 2,162 2,535 710 626 1,040 661 25. 1,035 77 1,214 2,754 469 543 180 2,076 2,548 1,986 2,555 3,897 1,216 727 1,U3 1,051 23' 1,250 78 604,146 958,986 297,425 350,115 13,555 852,933 1,254,745 1,248,655 1,479,096 2,051,585 574,475 1,242,055 542,450 652,854 264,38: 628,146 7» 393,075 742,565 279,289 187,235 19,565 749,544 1,212,140 577,105 1,374,516 2,169,232 137,421 511,952 303,025 497,925 142, 96C 334,519 80 1,002 1,832 303 515 105 1,325 1,405 1,596 1,838 1,996 646 410 855 495 18: 887 61 1,130 2,606 391 487 180 1,956 2,298 1,921 2,401 3,286 1,185 619 1,105 915 20: 1,156 62 40 227 50 36 134 236 145 173 395 31 81 125 97 4. 92 83 60 134 50 46 101 210 31 156 506 21 30 25 U7 2. 75 84 40 51 29 16 71 85 93 151 144 33 135 58 69 2' 55 89 24 U 28 10 19 40 34 99 105 10 28 11 19 1; 9 86 20 41 21 1 57 65 44 101 87 U 75 41 33 1( 37 87 20 10 8 15 14 20 49 50 57 22 50 17 35 11 19 88 1,937 2,776 1,002 814 430 2,716 1,955 3,050 2,798 3,070 1,621 1,232 1,170 892 372 2,375 86 1,839 2,905 949 823 125 2,227 2,723 2,951 2,303 3,522 1,011 1,036 1,203 821 298 2,355 M 374,290 640,346 201,330 255,910 23,180 526,002 659,990 765,037 848,791 1,064,131 158,550 339,930 417,082 272,328 162,52: 488,792 n 311,450 600,047 228,614 220,235 7,950 344,900 801,350 545,865 707,455 1,024,870 74,230 204,U0 224,070 244,200 149, 69C 475,970 K 751 1,549 360 691 120 1,591 1,101 1,515 1,982 1,814 790 589 833 397 296 937 n 77,781 111,835 32,554 81,650 2,435 112,155 104,500 192,519 233,785 139,430 45,525 248,050 84,417 43,540 95,51C 90,006 64 220 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on reports for only lumi (For definilion? finil o^planalions. s ee text) Jacllscil Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln KfcDowell Macon MailUon I'SE OF cnuMFnn*!, ffhtilizer and lime | 1 Conimcrcml fprliliier and rprtilizinp malonais used dunni: the year arms reporting 1959 . . . 952 5,403 939 950 2,278 1,422 593 1,098 2,568 n 1954 . . . 1,276 7,463 1,393 1,334 3,461 2,101 1,015 1,592 3,092 H acres on which used 1959... 7,190 136,899 30,926 17,545 79,026 45,201 8,158 18,250 18,382 1954... 9,430 160,280 41,091 20,230 94,767 55,503 10,941 13,392 16,766 1^ tons 1959. .. 1,797 49,808 10,495 6,545 28,805 9,523 1,538 4,910 6,957 6 1954 .. . 2,406 56,320 13,200 6,572 32,075 10,703 1,806 3,099 5,491 7 arms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... 952 1,797 5,403 47,302 939 8,711 950 6,496 2,278 25,023 1,417 9,497 593 1,538 1,098 4,910 2,568 6,957 R g Liquid niateriala arms reporting 1959... 971 434 40 1,021 25 10 Oops on which used- tons 1959... 2,506 1,784 49 3,782 .26 arms reporting 1959 . . . 477 356 55 197 210 492 166 697 15 459 1,102 153 177 283 540 344 702 591 13 acres 1959 .. . 2,540 2,555 425 1,375 2,517 10,405 1,420 8,849 6,860 H 1954... 3,419 5,860 2,611 1,128 2,899 8,075 2,882 5,412 4,360 15 Dn malefials arms reporting 1959 .. . 477 356 55 197 210 492 166 697 902 16 tons 1959 .. . 575 632 100 308 529 2,047 333 2,302 2,059 IT Liquid materiRls aims reporting 1959... 5 IS tons 1959 . . . 6 19 Other pasture (not cropland) arms reporting 1959. . . 172 161 36 21 '85 iii 116 201 302 5(1 1954 .. . 136 278 92 91 122 175 111 180 181 21 acres 1959... 1,320 1,355 265 310 500 1,840 1,005 3,930 2,633 25 1954... 820 1,795 865 1,535 1,102 3,010 1,010 1,565 1,235 23 Dry maleriala arms reporting 1959 .. . 172 156 36 21 85 115 116 201 302 24 tons 1959.., 254 412 66 64 157 307 246 999 649 35 arms reporting 1959 , . . 5 26 tons 1959 .. . 2 27 aims reporting 1959. .. 732 4,925 864 813 2,182 997 457 893 1 793 58 980 6,989 1,327 1,114 3,245 1,521 729 1,320 2^137 20 acres 1959... 2,380 70,085 22,663 5,893 55,835 8,231 3,773 4,768 5,670 30 1954... 3,630 85,962 26,888 7,047 64,552 10,581 4,288 5,285 7,041 91 Diy materials arms reporting 1959... 732 4,885 864 808 2,177 992 457 893 1,793 32 tons 1959 . . . 495 17,728 4,284 1,714 11,976 1,806 IM 1,242 1,742 33 Liquid tnaterials arms reporting 1959 .. . 850 434 5 1,016 10 34 tons 1959... 2,017 1,784 5 3,725 4 35 36 arms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 3,683 60 256 578 660 NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37 acres 1959... 19,721 250 1,062 2,465 5,795 38 1954 . . . NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... 3,673 60 256 578 660 40 6,207 57 400 820 1,636 41 faimg reporting 1959 .. . 20 45 tons 1959... 13 43 44 farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 135 4,548 841 787 2,088 10 30 125 2,361 116 6,578 1,260 1,100 3,222 20 85 2,381 45 acres 1959... 50 20,970 4,933 4,090 13,016 25 15 55 2,694 46 1954... 140 32,230 8,163 5,205 20,488 45 100 3,080 47 Dry materials farms reptirting 1959... 135 4,548 841 787 2,088 10 30 125 2,361 48 tais 1959... 69 17,319 3,816 3,117 10,717 17 8 79 2,3» 49 farms reporting 1959. . . 30 SO tons 1959... 21 arms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... 325 2,559 167 562 428 861 240 331 345 52 900 22,213 2,390 4,815 4,693 18,905 1,945 648 525 53 Dry matwials farms reporting 1959 .. . 325 2,439 167 547 408 851 240 331 345 54 Ions 1959... 404 5,004 388 893 824 3,684 307 288 177 arms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959 . . . 201 35 25 20 56 474 38 36 22 57 Litne or liming materials used during the year farms reporting 1959 .. . 441 333 60 52 145 331 191 357 738 58 1954... 205 284 209 111 166 4U 1J7 356 416 59 acres limed 1959 .. . 1,930 2,310 360 400 1,285 4,990 1,390 3,482 3,913 60 1954. .. 1,916 2,520 2,440 801 1,694 5,146 2,070 1,913 2,565 61 tons 1959... 3,640 2,490 315 320 880 6,125 2,250 4,584 5,559 65 1954... 1,429 2,405 1,997 815 1,322 7,226 2,089 1,691 3,480 SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDlTl'REb 63 Any of the following specified expenditures "aims reporting 1959. . . 1,117 5,676 985 1,016 2,398 1,54« 739 1,167 2,474 64 Feed for livestock and poultry - . 'arms reporting 1959. . . 886 4,399 687 738 1,690 1,061 549 952 1,502 65 1954 .. . 1.447 6,084 906 1,108 1,961 1,556 1,105 1,621 2,906 66 dollars 1959 . . . 172,610 2,303,750 313,685 741,885 563,126 1,208,960 193,780 487,390 409,230 1954. .. 266,245 1,650,390 265,660 612,300 769,921 515,885 224,080 486,260 511,655 68 Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959 .. . 501 2,226 323 443 992 796 185 476 586 69 dollars 1959... 146, 575 532,700 73,225 136,215 186,810 325,325 26,210 300,960 333,920 70 arms reporting 1959. . . 486 4,728 433 684 1,499 1,025 210 466 566 71 1954... 633 4,925 520 927 1,477 1,235 631 901 1,066 72 dollars 1959 . . . 28,935 650,090 56,945 75,175 251,963 148,725 15,930 59,675 38,160 73 1954... 38,932 513,821 107,560 78,795 181,626 118,975 43,735 55,440 45,275 74 I'nder S200 farms reporting 1959 .. . farms reporting 1959 .. . 471 15 3,543 1,047 336 92 571 112 1,057 428 765 255 185 25 426 30 540 26 75 S200toM99 76 Sl.OOOocmore farms reporting 1959. . . 38 5 1 14 5 10 77 Hired labor farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 447 353 4,239 6,683 807 1,228 756 1,044 1,958 3,171 532 705 158 225 432 527 798 1,006 76 79 dollars 1959... 99,135 2,567,595 606,391 523,210 1,936,400 170,180 69,291 154,425 137,735 80 1954 .. . 55,395 2,939,000 855,455 341,345 2,182,483 U6,245 43,780 108,840 114,045 81 I'nder ?1.(XX) farms reporting 1959. . . 422 3,509 578 591 1,386 486 130 386 782 82 1954... 337 5,959 960 993 2,527 695 212 497 995 81 Sl.OOO to S2,499 farms reporting 1959. . . 20 586 198 142 388 35 17 30 11 84 1954. . . 15 655 226 41 536 10 10 30 11 65 farms reporting 1959... 5 144 31 23 184 11 11 16 5 86 1954... 1 69 42 10 108 3 87 S2.500 to $4,999 farms reporting 1959 . , , 5 115 X 15 U8 6 11 15 S5,000 or more farms reporting 1959 ., . 29 1 8 46 5 1 5 99 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farni business farms reporting 1959 .. . 887 5,526 982 976 2,368 1,463 674 872 1,768 90 1954 ... 561 6,794 1,273 1,053 3,206 1,561 365 457 1,187 91 dollars 1959. . . 81,605 1,786,540 471,076 287,455 1,199,218 267,480 52,430 101,360 132,510 92 1954... 29,165 1,869,465 469,865 180,180 1,038,250 240,595 50,762 30,796 72,390 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1959. . . 591 3,516 681 489 1,686 336 236 452 992 94 dollars 1959... 21,510 273,446 63,151 30,145 133,933 31,500 14,456 16,505 57,895 NA Not available. NORTH CAROLINA 221 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued ft sample of fanna. See textj Martin Mecilen- burg Kite he 11 Mantgcneiy Moore NMh New Hanover NortJi- pwptnn Onalow Orange Pamlico Paaquotanlt Pender Perqulnanfl Person Pitt 2,086 1,132 1,036 717 1,681 3,894 178 1,890 1,366 1,234 382 471 1,401 544 2,252 3,782 2,707 2,013 1,541 842 2,079 5,182 248 2,471 1,894 1,537 585 523 2,043 684 3,340 5,345 62,259 36,328 6,181 16,535 26,191 93,383 5,785 73,548 36,166 31,878 19,593 31,440 30,051 32,992 39,397 129,968 58,130 56,203 8,740 20,698 34,297 105,943 6,577 79,446 41,316 33,866 24,721 27,029 40,693 42,867 43,730 127,650 24,029 7,445 1,766 4,261 8,323 34,077 2,119 20,210 12,699 8,203 6,310 10,897 9,790 8,381 U,301 47,101 23,371 10,908 2,336 5,302 9,535 37,496 2,949 20,164 13,220 7,628 7,720 9,834 14,060 9,102 13,806 47,384 2,081 1,132 1,036 717 1,681 3,879 178 1,890 1,366 1,229 377 461 1,401 484 2,247 3,752 21,882 7,445 1,766 4,261 8,292 32,560 2,U9 19,510 11,586 8,058 5,456 9,403 9,553 5,336 13,242 43,456 629 10 545 170 207 42 178 192 57 182 35 1,195 2,147 31 1,517 700 1,113 U5 854 1,492 237 3,043 59 3,545 10 175 353 410 90 206 663 15 98 140 302 64 31 249 45 265 313 11 160 782 416 277 418 1,431 31 188 283 190 68 26 335 66 330 500 IS 2,152 8,955 2,900 890 1,140 6,241 760 1,780 1,060 7,346 2,292 261 2,682 1,000 2,913 3,192 IS 825 17,131 2,720 5,925 3,135 10,426 322 4,262 2,130 3,215 1,752 665 3,606 650 4,620 4,330 14 175 353 410 90 206 648 13 98 140 297 64 31 249 30 255 308 15 596 1,782 669 203 289 1,480 25 77 121 310 229 1,770 10 58 523 93 790 110 20 133 571 742 15 12 le 17 18 176 132 iio '27 60 160 "16 34 61 203 10 '25 68 15 152 154 19 231 171 160 48 62 101 26 53 136 201 76 35 240 31 180 140 30 1,570 2,680 985 190 640 2,326 50 440 830 4,460 25 135 530 475 2,200 3,259 21 1,516 4,685 1,735 670 620 2,371 780 1,120 874 4,365 765 275 2,965 141 3,255 1,450 Z? 176 132 130 27 60 150 10 34 61 203 10 25 68 10 162 149 9S VA 692 201 43 155 490 10 18 10 80 207 1,041 1 2 7 40 134 15 5 90 532 542 5 5 S4 95 1,924 729 510 603 1,384 3,409 107 1,684 1,226 959 327 431 1,196 518 1,890 3,443 •7 2,480 1,368 1,020 642 1,739 4,6X 181 2,167 1,713 1,307 524 493 1,732 653 2,460 5,025 28 33,117 7,400 1,370 4,305 9,086 42,358 1,313 25,832 24,947 8,075 U,lflO 19,095 16,625 19,315 14,971 76,724 29 29,596 U,015 2,665 5,145 12,277 46,463 1,405 31,221 26,187 10,703 10,361 15,414 18,634 20,940 18,160 70,620 30 1,914 729 510 603 1,384 3,374 107 1,674 1,216 933 322 421 1,196 433 1,890 3,403 SI 9,970 1,496 356 942 2,317 10,946 337 7,172 6,273 1,663 2,620 4,921 4,132 3,520 3,081 16,585 32 619 5 478 169 202 22 178 177 57 172 10 1,145 S3 2,124 3 1,257 636 1,041 57 854 1,354 237 2,178 33 3,325 34 697 362 132 280 2,584 1,656 40 26 55 51 188 1,695 99 lU lU lU NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 3,215 3,758 1,298 1,809 12,952 17,013 133 80 125 121 728 7,999 97 lU NA N* NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 98 697 362 132 280 2,584 1,656 40 26 55 51 188 1,681 39 1,007 1,032 518 641 3,968 5,336 58 21 36 38 201 2,239 40 5 5 5 5 35 41 3 3 10 5 34 42 1,740 1 800 198 861 3,452 25 107 i,ii4 715 206 995 "i 2,069 3,431 43 2,377 555 284 1,182 4,753 45 144 1,698 910 337 1,4U 3,100 5,070 44 7,910 "a 585 720 4,195 17,369 150 401 5,384 2,725 1,106 3,297 '7 9,057 23,911 45 12,261 605 1,104 5,615 25,132 225 639 8,527 4,3» 1,511 5,131 13,540 36,540 U 1,735 "i 800 198 861 3,452 25 107 1,109 713 206 995 "i 2,069 3,411 47 6,U0 4 424 488 3,1M 13,032 78 261 3,931 1,773 742 2,462 5 6,903 19,935 48 10 5 10 45 19 M 13 72 109 SO 1,402 556 236 525 920 1,537 iii 1,3J7 4K 702 168 290 505 383 1,193 1,744 51 14,295 U,527 XI 9,132 9,321 12,137 3,510 28,082 3,770 9,272 4,910 U,824 6,796 11,467 10,256 14,883 S2 1,402 556 236 525 915 1,497 112 1,357 434 702 168 283 305 323 1,183 1,709 53 3,623 2,439 116 2,067 1,726 2,624 1,573 6,351 886 1,807 1,343 4,313 1,997 1,385 2,055 3,413 54 6 10 71 11 10 26 70 25 70 5S 6 28 L49 34 28 133 644 26 160 5< 806 218 iio 63 68 401 45 884 136 284 134 168 309 171 301 447 67 566 221 2» 94 126 276 73 338 356 193 177 123 497 136 210 410 H 11,402 2,520 2,065 460 425 2,302 483 13,408 1,300 3,333 3,577 3,822 1,789 2,925 1,733 4,458 59 4,476 2,625 1,375 1,432 765 2,958 1,600 4,679 2,323 1,950 3,295 3,440 4,306 2,300 1,530 2,045 90 6,452 3,440 2,940 625 635 2,486 995 8,8U 1,103 5,613 5,010 3,255 1,599 1,909 2,271 3,802 tl 2,581 2,605 1,965 1,660 675 1,864 389 2,193 2,235 1,985 2,335 2,245 3,7X 1,283 1,705 1,360 «f! 2,187 1,384 1,022 833 1,977 4,035 213 2,041 1,427 1,393 464 556 1,588 545 2,319 3,878 6S 1,435 968 762 655 1,357 2,690 142 1,134 1,105 1,169 316 435 1,W4 519 1,132 2,311 64 1,783 2,038 1,626 751 1,603 3,038 272 1,832 1,289 1,675 594 687 1,511 757 2,205 2,264 85 840,271 1,101,825 534,990 1,332,080 5,456,200 1,144,127 159,675 440,195 825,741 1,671,010 447,031 315,171 1,529,010 362,740 1,470,420 1,178,262 69 687,938 808,617 373,535 701,495 2,682,019 573,445 225,080 427,675 378,945 1,208,920 456,630 298,553 683,689 362,745 470,320 496,725 67 706 498 300 389 995 1,790 40 708 649 746 127 2U 606 337 846 1,389 68 238,969 412,550 139,715 390, UO 1,859,999 420,424 36,250 213,333 281,170 363,595 76,090 68,509 501,695 116,940 433,605 448,155 69 1,710 767 250 429 999 2,635 52 1,566 685 692 215 350 746 464 1,155 2,921 70 2,164 1,352 360 416 1,206 3,144 188 2,230 1,073 950 263 346 1,049 532 1,585 2,545 71 379,885 129,239 13,345 41,870 111,390 383,185 16,600 367,177 Ul,685 107,585 60,676 151,628 130,265 154,713 173,750 559,957 72 338,484 166,905 13,470 57,990 98,125 270,760 15,321 364,105 141,537 78,020 49,020 79,545 U2,229 140,855 127,095 359,491 73 1,062 591 225 376 886 1,986 25 928 488 531 122 140 593 206 911 1,981 74 610 156 25 51 101 631 25 596 186 Ul 82 163 137 213 244 852 75 38 20 2 12 18 2 42 11 20 11 47 16 43 10 78 76 1,775 503 270 342 1,056 3,294 115 1,355 1,151 684 329 346 1,107 374 1,227 3,4L2 77 2,533 1,122 420 431 1,223 4,309 164 1,815 1,675 641 500 328 1,692 454 1,115 4,791 78 1,441,120 566,280 102,740 362,030 584,335 2,070,740 591,135 978,569 731,876 478,109 407,490 396,981 1,282,660 238,855 499,275 3,574,039 79 1,236,709 425,595 57,800 424,690 521,760 1,597,560 399,659 653,610 361,944 216,555 592,219 243,700 934,536 347,805 267,510 2,798,115 80 1,443 386 250 281 906 2,765 60 1,118 970 365 225 245 908 281 1,130 2,285 81 2,245 995 405 367 1,121 3,961 110 1,682 1,451 583 355 250 1,493 346 1,065 3,931 82 207 72 10 41 112 401 10 162 133 95 67 75 117 71 65 778 83 221 90 15 32 78 287 35 89 212 40 76 50 130 80 20 742 84 125 45 10 20 38 128 45 75 28 24 37 26 82 22 31 349 85 67 37 32 24 61 19 44 12 16 69 28 69 38 30 118 89 79 31 5 1 27 95 16 46 11 7 21 13 52 21 13 253 87 46 14 5 19 11 33 29 29 17 17 16 13 30 1 18 96 88 2,092 1,274 692 733 1,892 3,985 210 1,776 1,422 1,350 429 526 1,403 600 2,299 3,818 89 2,382 1,328 452 506 1,656 4,057 189 1,466 1,691 1,232 500 508 1,538 613 2,570 4,276 90 830,903 278,720 38,235 137,770 378,918 1,181,270 74,065 562,422 494,733 395,760 253,045 289,041 370,2M 231,225 553,130 1,805,687 91 680,157 303,975 25,745 199,035 352,762 1,002,680 80,468 420,126 444,487 282,210 209,880 172,695 438,063 266,310 367,230 1,335,285 9! 1,310 423 360 322 940 2,748 89 1,027 936 715 228 406 1,014 483 1,276 2,357 9> 220,610 137,717 U,050 24,100 48,239 208,258 220,270 165,589 85,302 65,590 85,555 209,195 138,280 87,460 71,513 239,689 94 222 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND I^Dats sre baaed on reports for only Item (For dermilions and fxplnnMlon 3, see text) Poli Randolph Rlctunund Robeson RocMngham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly ISE OF CX)MMF.RaAI, FKRTTLIZER AND LIME | 1 roninterciRl fertilizer and fertilizinp matennls used durinp the year . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 390 2,342 794 5,706 3,067 1,629 1,459 4,709 786 1,512 2 19.^4 839 2,991 1,384 7,524 3,828 2,453 2,548 6,396 1,122 1,954 3 res on which used 1959... 11,209 48,698 22,499 164,573 46,683 63,903 32,902 132,780 36,574 60,140 1 1954. 14,059 56,484 34,366 190,269 53,750 75,496 45,082 155,779 45,687 60,880 tons 1959. .. 2,553 10,707 5,789 50,926 16,033 11,974 6,823 44,463 7,911 11,475 g 1954 .. . 3,U6 10,685 8,748 59,371 15,952 12,980 10,199 48,104 11,176 11,780 7 Dn' materials . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 390 2,553 2,342 10,692 794 5,789 5,706 50,725 3,057 15,872 1,619 11,846 1,459 6,311 4,699 41,805 786 7,620 1,507 11,292 B tons 1959... S Liquid materials . . farms repotting 1959. . . 15 116 66 71 11 713 65 57 10 Citjps or which used- tons 1959 .. . 15 201 161 128 12 2,658 291 183 II llay and cropland pasture . . farms reporting 1959 .. . U9 594 70 672 600 448 372 394 89 292 12 1954 .. . 219 601 160 2,161 783 770 973 968 165 303 13 acres 1959 .. . 2,394 7,837 1,334 5,775 5,610 10,553 4,170 3,034 2,027 5,235 14 1954 . . . 1,897 8,004 3,645 18,330 7,865 16,105 7,335 5,797 3,405 4,484 15 Cry materials .. farms reporting 1959... 149 594 70 672 600 443 372 394 89 292 16 tons 1959... 621 1,428 220 1,132 1,384 2,022 845 846 341 935 17 Liquid materials . . farms reporting 1959. . . 10 5 2 15 18 tons 1959 . . . 11 1 29 24 19 Other pasture (not cropland) . . farms reporting 1959. . . 67 190 '40 171 202 316 107 260 24 186 20 1954 . . . 82 185 43 91 220 327 170 366 7 193 21 acres 1959 .. . 1,370 3,110 587 1,605 2,670 9,640 2,820 1,535 1,146 3,850 22 1954 . . . 2,840 1,855 675 755 3,655 7,124 3,165 1,668 500 4,640 23 Drv materials . . farms reporting 1 959 . . . 67 273 190 781 40 140 171 347 197 551 296 1,838 107 539 260 439 24 228 186 633 24 tons 1959 .. . 35 Liquid materials . . farms reporting 1959 .. . '. ,, 1 10 40 2 10 26 tons 1959 . . . 4 6 53 17 23 27 jj^ ..farms reporting 1959... 2S7 663 2,021 2,505 637 1,192 5,158 6,913 2,099 3,048 1,177 1,718 1,114 2,022 4,307 5,701 644 884 937 1,497 28 1954 .. . 29 acres 1959... 2,464 17,705 5,957 75,660 11,577 10,405 8,377 65,866 8,692 6,925 30 1954 .. . 5,551 20,247 11,769 83,092 16,480 13,503 14,036 79,903 11,134 10,120 . . farms reporting 1 959 . . . 287 604 2,021 3,629 637 1,142 5,148 16,816 2,093 2,427 1,172 2,119 1,114 1,880 4,272 15,412 634 1,470 977 1,612 32 tons 1959 .. . 33 Liquid materials . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 110 21 16 11 693 53 10 34 tons 1959... 183 9 32 12 2,485 152 18 35 fjj^+^ ...farms reporting 1959... 'n KA "5 NA 379 HA 4,599 HA NA 382 NA 642 NA 2,982 NA 624 NA 130 NA 36 1954... 37 acres 1959... 787 15 4,644 39,801 2,791 6,062 20,841 12,783 1,300 38 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 71 258 5 3 379 1,286 4,599 10,751 382 651 642 1,555 2,972 6,932 624 3,255 175 274 40 tons 1959... 41 Liquid materials . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 30 30 12 5 42 tons 1959... 14 35 35 25 . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 5 782 970 472 753 5,122 6,843 2,764 3,330 11 21 35 40 3,958 5,264 341 494 10 44 1954... 45 acres 1959... 2,198 1,664 18,709 12,402 18 25 14,512 900 25 46 1954... "5 3,075 2,911 29,018 15,995 94 45 21,994 1,708 47 Dry materials . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 782 472 5,122 2,749 U 35 3,948 341 10 48 ttrs 1959... , . . farms reporting 1959 ,. . 1,474 1,X5 17,471 8,457 20 14 19 11,777 15 669 10 50 '"'"' "" "°^ tons 1959... 83 43 All other crops .. . faims reporting 1959. . . 217 3,694 1,396 17,833 ill 8,313 2,376 23,023 1,759 14,424 1,183 30,501 908 11,448 2,998 26,992 392 U,026 1,251 42,305 55 acres 1959... 53 Dry materials . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 217 1,391 246 2,370 1,739 1,183 908 2,983 332 1,246 54 tons 1959... 797 3,376 1,656 4,208 3,053 5,202 1,973 6,399 1,657 7,723 55 Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 15 50 25 45 11 27 56 tons 1959... 15 52 42 95 58 93 57 Lime or liming materials used dunng the year . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . '98 480 '49 523 367 498 242 382 69 355 se 1954. .. 113 386 42 457 18b 552 220 603 37 482 59 acres limed 1959... 1,420 5,700 1,437 4,770 2,275 9,040 2,355 3,091 2,540 5,704 GO 1954... 2,175 5,189 632 5,917 1,575 10,377 2,480 4,259 555 9,585 61 tons 1959... 1,910 8,912 603 4,030 3,248 14,580 2,975 2,253 1,977 8,416 62 1954... 1,225 4,810 440 5,067 2,070 10,807 2,950 3,190 290 7,815 SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITORES 63 Any of the following speciTied expenditures. . . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 470 2,624 877 5,965 3,192 1,916 1,531 4,900 321 1,643 64 Feed for livestock and poultry ... farms reporting 1959... 365 2,017 608 3,756 1,881 1,439 1,057 3,602 375 1,258 65 1954 . . . 723 2,554 944 3,889 2,398 1,911 2,211 4,601 563 1,669 66 dollars 1959... 530,210 4,181,342 1,819,568 1,793,477 1,073,314 1,178,250 616,405 2,485,045 453,391 1,956,153 67 1954 .. . 483,180 3,164,298 800,I6'5 467,037 767,560 814,280 775,740 1,460,465 176,113 1,109,530 68 Purchase of livestock and poultry . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 197 1,246 439 2,047 1,313 869 391 2,007 218 703 69 dollars 1959 . . . 84,065 1,276,947 484,444 963,075 398,345 530,925 85,525 666,095 223,297 433,342 70 . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 203 451 1,026 1,672 493 595 5,151 4,860 1,783 2,002 927 1,502 928 1,545 4,044 4,285 634 546 677 1,145 71 1954... 72 dollars 1959 .. . 27,330 134,498 83,125 695,475 205,090 133,015 155,130 846,532 154,234 99,345 73 1964... 22,990 166,140 75,766 428,730 182,090 154,555 132,785 542,924 109,835 U8,345 74 Under S200 ... farms reporting 1959. .. 171 27 5 149 289 822 193 6 877 1,014 418 61 14 499 393 4,190 908 53 4,655 6,154 1,421 356 6 2,047 2,079 686 236 5 631 674 711 192 25 455 1,046 2,616 1,315 113 3,950 5,372 437 226 21 476 806 516 151 10 463 520 $200 to ?999 . , . farms reporting 1959 .. . 7( $1 ,000 or more . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 77 Hired labor . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 78 1954... 79 dollars 1959... 135,080 475,305 518,055 2,367,360 726,580 419,360 171,125 2,463,450 410,915 363,393 80 1954... 102,755 319,165 375,540 1,970,742 586,805 345,220 168,320 2,162,000 395,030 178,650 g] Under $1.000 . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 116 271 802 946 448 850 3,996 5,835 1,902 1,936 531 596 423 1,005 3,262 4,860 375 702 406 471 82 1954... 8.' $1,000 to $2,499 . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 21 6 41 45 22 17 512 272 122 60 56 42 16 36 528 431 62 71 42 41 84 1954 .. . 85 . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 12 34 29 147 23 44 16 160 39 20 86 1954 . . , 12 23 26 47 33 36 5 81 33 8 8i $2,500 to $4,999 . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 21 18 108 17 26 11 109 26 88 $5!C00 or more . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . "ii 13 U 39 6 18 5 51 13 20 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 425 2,549 802 5,640 3,067 1,821 1,366 4,615 746 1,613 90 1954... 399 2,451 899 6,335 2,634 2,014 1,308 5,160 552 1,519 dollars 1959. . . 63,245 466,209 220,941 1,553,815 614,839 393,615 144,605 1,575,349 200,226 350,790 9! 1954 . . . 60,930 386,497 206,290 1,339,666 458,499 477,410 161,570 1,323,750 177,342 769,755 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . . . farms reporUng 1959 . . 113 908 428 3,171 1,464 658 521 3,130 448 669 94 dollars 19^9... 8,645 90,592 51,888 231,535 92,590 68,985 23,335 391,845 38,220 52,932 NA Not available. NORTH CAROLINA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 228 sample of ftrms. See ti Stoies Surry Swain Tranayl- vanla Tyrrcl. 1 Onion Vance Wate Warren Wa^Mn^ton Watauga Wayne Wllkea Wilson Yadkin Yancey 3,108 3,252 397 426 24 3 2,663 1,638 3,415 1,919 591 1,731 3,238 2,198 2,697 2,578 1,703 1 3,637 4,039 561 785 3. 1 3,785 2,012 5,097 2,686 652 2,080 4,257 3,076 3,718 2,753 1,829 2 36,393 45,756 2,320 5,649 9,9£ 19 84,633 26,823 73,463 36,673 26,677 15,022 116,944 28,783 79,741 45,810 8,673 3 42,5i3 57,408 2,113 10,530 a,3< A 120,944 31,245 93,810 45,435 20,730 16,771 126,456 30,346 84,418 51,949 7,974 4 13,2i8 15,940 485 1,235 3,2C 1 18,939 10,219 28,734 11,153 6,277 4,541 40,368 5,530 30,537 12,803 3,223 5 14,529 17,703 350 2,273 2,6. 7 22,850 12,427 34,132 13,028 5,833 4,565 39,472 6,760 31,553 13,033 2,193 e 3,108 3,252 397 426 24 3 2,563 1,638 3,410 1,919 591 1,731 3,233 2,198 2,697 2,578 1,703 7 13,2<8 15,940 485 1,236 3,ie J 4 1 18,939 3 ■0 10,219 23,028 248 706 U,103 31 50 6,155 37 122 4,541 35,201 1,127 5,167 6,630 27,006 1,081 3,531 12,684 25 119 3,223 8 9 10 646 1,045 151 231 18 422 227 490 283 30 592 192 914 336 601 483 11 756 893 141 253 5 451 442 1,186 443 73 624 502 1,065 943 818 387 IS 4,246 8,U0 782 2,074 5! 3 6,833 1,957 7,296 3,963 4,068 5,730 2,355 7,446 2,343 6,250 2,738 IS 4,605 13,873 653 3,302 2. 10 8,440 4,571 15,578 6,452 1,942 4,410 4,522 8,719 5,480 10,019 1,446 1< 646 1,045 151 231 18 422 227 475 277 30 592 192 914 320 601 483 15 932 2,149 149 428 2C 10 1,664 420 1,700 35 78 eiA U 25 527 1 9 1,192 688 1 50 2,090 534 26 56 1,496 5 3 828 16 17 18 210 503 51 160 1 5 154 55 193 136 71 392 106 291 50 365 136 19 190 338 25 126 1 0 252 112 203 106 49 533 115 290 100 272 105 SO 1,495 4,655 363 1,375 5 1,948 270 8,074 3,450 435 3,441 1,503 5,290 345 4,085 785 21 1,940 4,137 30 665 0 6,016 822 3,565 1,678 399 4,504 1,105 1,515 450 3,515 485 22 210 503 51 160 J 154 55 188 136 71 392 101 291 50 360 136 !S 346 1,203 78 311 A 535 76 1,641 11 39 887 155 736 414 991 40 831 214 24 25 28 40 » 2,443 2,574 276 336 2i 3 1,874 1,318 2,736 1,563 554 917 3,075 1,520 2,512 1,727 915 27 3,035 3,372 395 675 3. 1 2,873 1,751 4,217 2,303 606 1,464 3,971 2,135 3,491 1,888 1,268 28 11,995 16,102 818 1,985 5,X ,0 14,798 8,423 24,527 9,656 13,562 2,405 77,464 8,604 44,635 10,355 2,825 29 15,170 19,507 1,175 5,178 4,5< 5 20,331 9,975 32,301 U,467 9,729 3,577 73,435 U,204 42,770 U,353 3,765 30 2,443 2,574 276 330 7i 3 1,874 1,318 2,7U 1,563 564 917 3,067 1,520 2,455 1,727 915 .11 2,347 3,688 144 444 XM >8 3,643 LS .0 2,247 6,719 137 266 2,142 15 17 3,238 36 113 711 16,559 1,122 4,968 1,483 9,243 1,016 3,168 1,891 20 53 869 32 33 34 ( )0 1,453 866 997 1,573 150 2,017 '36 1,737 is lU NA NA NA t lA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na 38 If 5 11,233 2,744 4,586 7,478 505 ll.OU 55 8,225 37 NA HA NA NA K U NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 < rf) 1,453 866 997 1,573 150 2,017 30 1,737 SB ( >9 3,591 880 1,477 10 5 2,041 151 3,728 25 23 13 2,569 15 16 40 41 42 2,741 2,589 iji "is 1,535 2,567 1,445 200 1,303 2,915 585 2,546 2,032 1,566 43 3,366 3,271 25 60 1,8U 4,180 2,045 256 1,041 3,880 576 3,490 2,213 1,046 44 10,745 9,564 67 15 7,773 16,677 5,695 780 606 13,840 825 15,949 7,445 1,150 45 15,313 13,666 25 55 10,571 25,792 8,528 1,252 731 20,555 1,512 22,285 9,312 1,147 46 2,741 2,589 Ul 15 1,535 2,652 1,445 200 1,303 2,915 585 2,536 2,032 1,500 47 7,953 7,259 53 10 5,619 13,974 20 50 3,857 5 3 517 523 11,477 20 24 815 13,057 25 52 4,995 1,013 48 10 SO 1,717 1,195 160 '46 L 3 1,907 832 1,323 96* 436 869 902 838 837 1,537 260 51 7,912 7,325 290 200 3,fl« 15 49,821 5,555 12,203 6,431 7,227 2,839 10,671 6,563 8,139 17,674 1,175 52 1,717 1,195 150 40 1 3 1,907 832 1,235 961 435 869 897 838 791 1,537 250 53 1,670 1,641 51 43 1,2' » 9,506 977 2,517 123 253 1,352 10 5 1,567 1,279 2,235 30 74 1,238 1,558 121 219 3,471 15 23 299 54 55 58 712 623 91 136 3 507 82 218 148 218 507 226 728 151 652 618 57 330 473 71 312 16 417 101 185 2U 352 522 210 480 95 411 471 58 3,773 4,703 250 910 9 0 7,942 535 3,114 1,497 4,616 2,483 2,365 4,765 1,043 4,765 3,164 59 2,270 6,008 416 3,558 S< .0 6,055 454 1,250 2,488 4,859 2,741 1,700 4,132 610 3,530 1,745 60 5,534 5,135 347 1,015 r 5 12,414 985 3,738 1,610 3,586 3,757 2,421 5,928 723 6,945 3,338 61 2,165 5,781 275 4,488 5 0 5,195 596 1,130 2,505 3,596 3,781 1,235 5,914 480 4,385 2,174 3,178 3,423 433 527 y ,8 2,998 1,693 3,703 1,970 546 1,830 3,475 2,779 2,702 2,653 1,579 88 2,323 2,112 342 435 3 8 2,177 893 2,273 1,004 474 1,450 2,489 2,289 1,717 1,717 1,319 64 2,395 2,553 585 884 4( 31 2,925 1,172 3,906 1,846 470 2,039 2,992 2,966 2,138 2,008 1,300 66 747,260 1,722,323 83,505 205,450 162,6 Jl 3,777,040 224,715 2,570,130 322,295 242,103 839,095 1,590,335 5,832,085 671,810 911,440 235,390 66 576,935 733,015 95,395 259,745 156,4 5 2,892,330 209,735 2,276,660 301,457 167,381 401,500 1,010,726 3,818,535 395, UO 579,205 192,545 67 1,626 1,104 151 245 1 }2 1,140 637 1,355 523 261 542 1,318 1,452 1,047 871 381 68 180,130 528,365 19,255 127,900 45,5 0 1,078,595 53,465 569,725 UO,053 57,454 336,520 357,307 1,778,530 206, U5 191,850 104,425 69 2,007 1,888 210 231 1 n 2,259 1,147 2,255 1,701 462 520 2,343 1,253 2,327 1,798 432 70 1,786 2,081 230 457 1 75 3,054 595 2,664 1,375 564 512 2,105 1,345 1,977 1,982 728 71 226,407 249,570 7,360 18,565 ZZ,T K) 427,543 79,775 358,676 135,300 150,155 37,495 473,210 U5,690 350,024 258,575 25,375 72 183,795 199,955 5,565 25,550 44,6 0 4U,630 43,170 334,075 74,796 97,450 24,240 236,745 102,690 183,547 217,550 28,135 73 1,651 1,525 210 195 L J5 1,607 1,075 1,702 1,581 225 458 1,491 1,102 1,741 1,335 395 74 350 347 ... 36 95 604 72 542 115 202 52 820 146 571 457 37 75 6 15 1 48 21 5 35 32 5 15 6 76 2,038 2,177 142 196 1 58 1,233 988 2,426 1,077 421 729 2,920 1,057 2,472 1,713 482 77 1,908 2,089 165 255 2( Jl 1,681 1,115 4,226 1,735 466 719 3,568 911 3,473 1,563 774 78 412,705 756,542 20,155 56,545 108, T LO 571,725 556,750 2,103,429 494,105 380,585 154,940 2,370,300 524,159 2,298,815 523,435 95,165 79 259,930 751,935 12,545 98,605 67,1 5 444,915 285,805 1,961,045 505,298 345,205 83,410 2,100,010 237,455 1,921,485 317,300 79,625 60 1,997 2,055 140 175 1. L5 1,087 332 1,750 940 310 707 2,185 942 1,810 1,631 466 81 1,883 1,996 165 227 1 J5 1,557 1,055 3,742 1,592 350 703 3,165 853 2,991 1,610 763 82 41 86 20 J5 104 116 485 97 85 11 630 85 495 55 11 83 25 60 11 L5 96 46 401 124 92 16 445 37 406 30 1 84 26 "2 3 42 40 191 40 25 U 105 30 167 27 5 85 33 '17 1 28 15 83 19 24 57 U 76 23 10 68 17 2 6 15 30 163 32 15 "6 86 21 105 22 5 87 9 2 25 10 28 8 10 5 19 9 61 5 68 2,978 3,282 327 477 2 93 2,348 1,653 3,572 1,900 561 1,395 3,395 2,469 2,702 2,608 1,128 69 1,992 2,748 111 380 1 81 2,480 1,687 4,263 1,443 517 799 3,812 1,506 3,108 2,228 604 90 554,295 628,560 17,150 42,390 90,9 25 517,619 425,655 1,064,331 372,803 263,942 96,790 1,434,241 244,021 1,024,810 529,120 72,713 91 308,005 534,070 6,970 57,885 49,0 70 530,060 297,410 1,127,879 250,972 199,247 43,585 1,309,130 182,448 786,880 430,980 29,620 92 2,017 1,869 248 216 2 03 1,272 937 1,545 322 459 809 2,248 954 1,766 1,243 621 96 83,460 161,585 5,965 10,330 61,2 75 79,455 62,460 113,730 66,439 71,881 32,985 226,280 43,405 115,295 90,050 24,045 94 224 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON — Item The State Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie (For definitions and explanations , see test) 1 Cattle and calves forms repeating 1959. .. 92,364 1,255 1,038 1,129 858 2,779 556 535 435 .1 1954... 156,201 2,119 1,324 1,435 1,504 3,449 1,452 982 816 ^ number 1959 . . . 833, 86i 13,358 7,808 17,270 10,649 25,953 4,983 6,526 4,719 f 1954. . 948,341 15,995 7,632 17,611 11,570 25,311 5,256 3,933 6,427 5 Cows, including heifers that have cnlved .farms reporting 1959. . , 85,004 1,187 975 1,100 808 2,703 634 464 400 6 1954. -. 148,646 2,033 1,286 1,422 1,466 3,402 1,419 399 771 7 number 1959 , . , 419,617 7,406 4,068 9,484 5,711 12,648 2,583 3,141 2,504 8 1954 . . . 519,839 8,945 4,323 10,267 5,510 14,264 3,517 4,777 3,341 n Milk cows .farms reporting 1959 . . . 70,S48 968 885 1,008 658 2,509 554 315 204 10 1954 - . . 134,805 1,891 1,198 1,353 1,333 3,295 1,349 698 484 u number 1959 . . 243,476 4,997 3,150 5,870 2,026 8,175 1,120 959 401 12 1954 . . . 349,637 6,734 3,587 7,255 3,119 11,259 2,659 1,531 741 in Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 51,752 679 657 815 483 1,809 367 635 340 517 248 455 14 1954 . 77,166 1,068 743 903 750 1,973 15 number 1959. . 263,190 4,392 2,646 5,198 3,270 7,306 1,372 2,104 1,273 16 1954 . 282,686 5,164 2,385 5,039 3,396 6,373 1,681 2,365 1,335 17 Steers and bulls, including steer an-l Imll calves. .farms reporting 1959. , 34,719 436 349 544 328 1,117 243 270 195 18 1954 . . 44,317 583 352 515 452 1,055 322 458 310 19 number 1959,, . 151,057 1,560 1,094 2,538 1,668 5,999 1,028 1,281 937 OO Farms reporting bv numlier on hand: CaUle and cnlves- 1954... 145,816 1,886 924 2,305 1,564 4,174 958 1,841 1,250 21 1 .farms reriwting 1959. . . 26,381 357 226 83 286 366 147 127 121 2 to 4 .fnrnis reporting 1959 . , .farms reporting 1959 , . . 32,302 13,894 9,350 405 149 141 389 192 130 251 254 274 251 95 85 913 668 496 264 106 83 224 72 45 158 60 35 OQ 5 (o 9 04 ICtolO .farms repcrting 1959 .. . 20 lo 49 .fam.s repeating 1959. . . 7,351 146 84 209 93 278 56 37 39 26 50U>99 .farms reporting 1959, . . 2,318 47 13 46 30 49 3 17 14 27 100 or mote .farms importing 1959. . . 768 10 4 12 17 7 2 13 7 Cows, including heifers that have calveH- 1 rsrms rennrtinp 1959 . 41 347 503 622 1,769 231 54 22 5 241 320 52 12 7 2 252 147 23 12 17 189 153 25 14 10 20 33,636 475 428 520 199 52 265 53 31 10 to 19 .fanr,s reporting 1959 . . . ni 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959. . . 2,348 48 21 32 .30 to 49 , farms reporting 1959, . . 1,760 44 18 33 501O74 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 586 9 2 9 13 34 75 10 99 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 178 3 1 4 4 35 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 . . . 182 3 1 4 5 4 36 Milk cows- 1.. .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 41,153 25,308 552 292 446 367 229 621 418 205 730 1,673 279 270 217 84 135 67 37 2to9 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . , 1,592 44 39 100 15 31 1 2 39 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 . . 1,235 1,063 36 32 19 14 30 22 6 11 20 5 3 1 5 4 1 40 301O49 50 or more .farms reporUng 1959 .. . 497 12 6 3 3 1 42 Horses and or mules . .farms reporting 1959 . . 84,517 745 561 404 730 1,305 327 669 1,275 1954 . , . 142,737 1,351 801 628 1,161 1,635 515 1,530 2,095 44 number 1959 . . . 145,101 1,200 735 710 1,330 1,953 501 1,158 2,323 45 1954 . . . 236,800 2,251 1,089 1,046 2,315 2,421 860 2,601 3,960 46 Hoes and pics . .forms reporUng 19.19, , . 131,865 1,233 904 616 1,024 1,900 448 1,558 1,971 47 1954... 184,646 1,869 1,098 892 1,615 2,511 1,007 2,082 2,519 48 number 1959 . . . 1,660,105 9,811 4,847 2,126 10,450 6,540 1,310 29,723 42,347 4P 1954 . . . 1,419,458 8,524 3,092 2,496 8,188 6,811 2,274 25,887 46,670 50 Bom since June 1 . .fam-,s reixirlins 1959. - 73,908 595 348 240 548 522 167 1,111 1,358 51 1954 , - . 86,396 575 488 366 621 982 383 1,370 1,687 52 number 1959 . . . 966,341 5,266 2,560 1,004 6,209 2,866 561 17,936 21,584 53 1954... 723,654 3,701 1,326 1,161 4,035 2,907 897 14,931 22,830 54 Bom before June 1 . .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 115,227 1,013 787 519 884 1,702 365 1,397 1,343 1954 .. . 161,517 1,587 918 705 1,404 2,183 832 1,869 2,454 56 number 19,59 . . . 693,764 4,545 2,287 1,122 4,241 3,674 749 11,792 21,163 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pigs— 1954... 695,794 4,823 1,766 1,335 4,153 3,904 1,377 11,906 23,840 58 Inder 10 farms reporting 1959 . . 86,362 977 784 569 754 1,781 426 709 724 511 10 to 24 farms repcrting 1959 . . . 23,087 15,685 1,731 174 76 6 90 26 4 40 7 162 97 11 89 29 1 17 5 500 313 36 702 489 56 60 25 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . . , 61 lOO or more farms reporting 1959, . . 62 Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1959 , , , 2,655 32 13 192 4 226 53 16 5 63 1954 . . . 2,946 32 16 198 12 221 86 43 15 number 1959. . . 53,261 588 104 3,585 41 5,471 1,914 169 130 65 1954 . . . 45,811 606 340 3,375 376 4,333 1,672 415 150 66 1 ambs under 1 vcar old . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,452 13 7 109 1 138 43 7 3 195 1 . . . 1,635 21 12 107 8 130 64 20 7 6S number 1959, , . 10,295 61 12 616 1 895 433 38 11 8,961 111 81 593 102 553 415 53 15 70 Sheep 1 yenr old and over , , forms reporting 1959 , . . 2,541 31 11 136 4 223 65 16 5 71 1954 2,795 32 16 194 11 213 34 42 13 72 number 1959. ., 42,966 527 92 2,969 40 4,576 1,481 131 119 73 1954.. 36,850 495 259 2,778 274 3,320 1,257 347 134 74 Ewes . .farms reporting 1959 , . 2,417 27 11 183 4 218 65 15 5 75 1954... 2,576 32 15 193 9 217 84 40 13 76 number 1959 , . . 39,205 456 83 2,303 37 4,342 1,397 116 114 77 1954 , . . 33,327 466 238 2,512 259 3,603 1,189 295 122 78 Hamv nnd welher. , ,fnnns reporting 1959 . . . 1,864 28 6 124 3 160 48 9 3 70 1954 , . . 1,925 20 11 138 10 151 53 37 8 80 number 1959... 3,761 71 9 166 3 234 84 15 5 81 Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs 19,54 , . . 3,523 29 21 165 15 217 68 51 12 82 Under 2.-1 , , farms reporting 19,59 . . , 2,002 23 13 148 4 156 40 15 2 83 , .farms reporting 1959. . , 648 9 69 28 1 3 64 300 or i.Kiro , , farms reporting 1959 . . , 5 1 85 Chickens 4 months old and over . .farms reporting 19,59 , , . 120,922 1,110 754 771 792 1,995 465 1,441 1,681 86 1951... 202,822 2,108 1,149 1,200 1,535 3,125 1,203 2,320 2,545 87 number 1959.,, 12,158,140 125,954 120,075 29,807 184,396 49,704 13,857 116,635 77,322. 88 Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 mont hs old and over- 10,679,578 130,325 61,840 37,154 117,999 78,897 34,903 112,000 85,783 88 Indi-r 50 , .farms reporting 1959 .. . 95,457 786 646 721 537 1,893 422 951 1,351 90 50 to 399 . .farms reporting 1959. . . 21,494 1,299 275 18 87 9 39 2 161 22 90 4 41 1 433 29 305 3 91 400 to 799 . .farms reporting 19,59 . . 92 800 10 1,599..... . .farms reporting 1959 . . 1,204 16 7 9 37 3 1 18 13 93 l.eoito 3,199 . .farms reprjung 1959. . . 844 10 5 24 9 3 94 3,200 cc more . .farms repoting 1959. 624 5 9 11 1 1 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding ..farms reporting 1959. 1,670 7 6 12 5 27 13 10 41 96 1954 . . . 3,449 X 13 29 7 54 11 23 80 97 number 1959 . . 56,083 16 612 71 3,038 88 51 30 86 98 1954... 35,718 143 347 121 1,173 239 64 95 157 NORTH CAROLINA 225 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Bladen Bmiswlek Bunconbe Burke Cabarrus Caldieli Camden Carteret CaaweU Catauba Chattaan Ctaeroke« Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 955 347 2,342 819 931 842 142 151 1,359 1,284 1,165 667 114 559 1,309 1,309 1 1,720 666 3,516 1,460 1,484 2,013 270 224 2,143 2,248 2,211 1,407 240 788 3,193 2,237 2 7,371 2,444 23,404 5,965 14,930 6,233 1,390 3,074 6,553 15,702 15,245 5,224 1,315 3,866 13,424 8,596 3 9,289 3,617 22,788 6,210 15,310 8,593 2,501 3,596 7,690 16,870 17,866 6,618 2,225 4,483 19,710 10,117 4 849 307 2,138 734 860 795 135 140 1,308 1,173 1,094 649 108 540 1,670 1,115 5 1,631 634 3,351 1,362 1,377 1,921 260 195 2,095 2,121 2,129 1,368 228 769 3,032 2,047 6 3,696 1,202 10,772 2,620 7,TO1 3,034 633 1,465 3,826 8,017 8,130 2,604 651 2,064 9,018 4,070 7 4,723 2,000 11,960 3,338 8,169 4,666 1,395 1,974 4,933 9,208 10,047 3,664 1,085 2,504 10,320 5,258 8 634 188 1,841 639 681 727 78 61 1,148 1,037 905 592 55 522 1,496 793 9 1,401 481 3,134 1,291 1,230 1,830 162 141 2,015 2,011 1,977 1,3U 156 760 2,363 1,521 10 1,914 537 7,666 1,716 4,540 2,149 129 633 2,555 5,735 4,504 1,536 98 1,656 6,550 1,795 2,661 982 9,505 2,603 5,y70 3,693 238 679 3,982 7,409 6,657 2,894 292 2,238 8,269 2,736 12 557 208 1,564 447 677 532 78 104 484 823 715 399 67 332 975 786 U 917 374 1,941 683 944 931 160 164 774 1,242 1,173 681 139 444 1,596 1,125 14 2,324 699 8,978 1,782 4,787 2,016 252 957 1,980 5,065 5,154 1,637 388 1,322 5,702 2,827 IS 2,739 974 7,275 2,068 4,716 2,646 622 338 2,093 5,524 5,539 2,154 704 1,533 5,831 2,743 16 426 171 956 440 495 350 73 97 231 600 487 237 49 163 634 563 17 621 231 1,036 376 614 507 95 139 298 632 734 293 93 192 922 331 IS 1,351 543 3,654 1,563 2,242 1,183 505 652 747 2,620 1,961 983 276 480 3,704 1,699 19 1,827 643 3,553 804 2,425 1,281 484 784 664 2,138 2,230 800 436 446 3,059 2,116 20 269 76 491 183 114 169 35 18 703 241 274 153 34 149 506 339 21 412 159 776 347 262 352 44 42 429 426 376 260 30 227 607 573 52 129 60 474 152 217 151 25 36 79 259 170 119 14 71 289 199 25 79 24 309 72 128 96 23 26 62 155 126 77 14 59 174 lU 24 38 19 221 55 126 62 11 21 66 129 159 42 15 47 148 61 25 17 7 57 7 66 10 1 3 16 58 49 12 6 5 63 21 26 11 2 14 3 18 2 2 5 16 11 4 1 1 22 5 27 473 158 952 384 239 324 44 42 906 459 439 247 44 235 814 631 28 315 122 933 299 415 397 72 70 312 518 457 347 43 247 641 401 29 27 18 121 22 82 44 13 10 48 73 71 28 10 41 87 44 30 11 2 71 21 46 21 3 9 24 57 62 17 6 10 49 19 31 10 4 38 5 51 7 3 5 14 47 45 6 5 6 53 13 32 7 2 16 1 19 2 2 2 12 U 3 1 19 5 33 3 1 4 1 3 1 4 3 1 5 1 34 3 3 1 5 1 "2 3 4 2 1 35 411 Ul 997 387 281 344 45 38 868 476 459 285 32 246 821 547 3« 202 50 705 225 298 340 33 20 2a 438 341 288 23 237 546 226 37 1 2 38 9 31 20 U 33 24 6 26 39 7 38 5 52 12 26 18 2 12 41 40 8 8 33 3 39 7 '3 31 4 30 4 9 32 31 3 5 40 5 40 8 2 18 2 15 1 "i 4 17 10 2 17 5 41 1,522 713 1,263 341 495 392 '75 128 1,315 568 755 353 248 264 980 2,551 42 2,470 1,162 1,770 667 879 810 207 313 1,878 1,110 1,429 751 437 434 1,728 3,924 43 2,004 838 1,774 491 927 509 119 230 2,486 818 1,285 450 310 349 1,749 3,586 44 3,341 1,432 2,365 880 1,452 1,017 290 474 3,487 1,643 2,215 955 657 576 2,968 5,649 45 2,062 1,281 1,344 768 789 744 215 266 1,765 1,138 1,277 461 468 439 1,908 3,789 46 2,660 1,449 2,060 1,255 1,288 1,615 294 396 2,259 1,922 2,085 1,043 724 707 2,817 4,321 47 34,201 18,755 4,983 6,290 8,928 5,993 6,772 5,669 9,106 9,209 16,750 3,731 20,358 2,483 12,771 60,506 48 27,366 15,876 5,361 4,551 7,156 5,408 6,722 6,897 8,075 6,275 11,406 3,539 21,278 2,583 10,873 42,906 49 1,427 887 502 412 470 358 161 194 745 527 661 280 359 228 648 2,731 50 1,549 963 616 369 548 665 218 274 712 639 827 592 504 318 856 2,614 51 19,952 10,948 2,269 3,734 5,427 3,295 4,063 3,542 4,276 5,483 10,006 2,411 11,530 1,445 6,343 36,592 52 15,020 8,826 2,123 2,2«7 3,476 2,556 4,158 3,864 2,879 2,762 5,608 1,921 11,012 1,239 4,814 22,567 53 1,858 1,098 1,037 616 646 651 202 232 1,544 966 1,171 345 429 367 1,658 3,327 54 2,380 1,225 1,738 1,075 1,193 1,342 281 355 2,101 1,632 1,877 704 658 598 2,414 3,818 55 14,249 7,807 2,714 2,556 3,501 2,698 2,509 2,127 4,830 3,726 6,744 1,320 8,828 1,038 6,423 23,914 56 12,346 7,050 3,238 2,264 3,680 2,852 2,564 3,033 5,196 3,5U 5,798 1,618 10,266 1,344 6,059 20,239 57 1,072 624 1,259 642 533 598 67 97 1,543 898 813 368 93 357 1,618 1,765 56 555 469 61 88 167 104 74 99 176 167 299 71 144 70 200 1,315 59 401 174 20 35 78 35 59 63 45 60 192 19 180 12 73 553 60 34 14 4 3 11 7 15 7 1 13 13 3 51 17 46 61 9 6 45 7 34 11 29 3 9 14 40 7 14 12 9 62 5 1 33 3 28 17 47 4. 10 8 39 18 24 15 40 105 22 834 59 612 215 324 32 82 187 735 140 420 69 117 252 12 1 443 14 223 277 570 92 97 151 864 207 482 44 161 226 2 1 25 5 29 6 15 2 5 7 21 7 8 3 6 21 2 17 11 26 3 7 5 23 13 17 8 17 22 "i 160 16 189 27 51 U 9 34 L34 37 67 19 35 28 93 5 61 27 146 18 37 15 185 66 79 19 32 65 "9 "5 38 6 29 11 29 3 8 12 38 6 14 U 9 5 1 29 3 24 16 44 4 9 8 37 15 a 14 34 83 21 674 43 423 188 273 19 73 153 601 103 353 50 82 224 12 1 350 9 162 250 424 74 60 136 679 141 403 25 129 151 5 2 36 6 27 10 29 3 7 10 38 6 14 10 9 2 1 28 3 23 16 44 4 8 8 33 14 20 14 21 52 4 631 41 374 162 248 18 43 131 526 89 328 43 71 212 6 1 327 9 147 229 385 66 52 117 602 129 377 24 118 127 8 4 26 2 18 8 25 1 5 9 36 5 U 9 7 4 18 14 10 34 3 6 5 26 7 18 8 23 31 17 43 2 49 26 25 1 30 22 75 14 25 11 12 80 6 23 15 a 39 8 8 19 77 12 26 11 34 81 8 6 37 6 25 7 26 3 7 12 30 6 9 12 3 62 1 8 1 9 4 3 2 2 10 1 5 6 83 84 1,787 990 1,716 729 803 743 188 221 1,625 1,168 866 534 290 418 1,564 3,518 65 3,018 1,511 2,935 1,380 1,624 1,819 312 411 2,253 2,060 2,032 1,294 641 654 2,970 4,918 86 74,936 44,021 221,090 88,899 146,342 72,822 17,832 27,087 67,842 195,342 233,968 260,443 21,526 301,416 533,945 191,048 87 101,796 60,386 132,843 111,100 136,726 138,993 23,519 29,503 66,645 139,278 203,405 144,144 44,042 160,809 320,544 187,221 88 1,482 805 1,427 527 497 578 109 143 1,354 899 560 342 189 233 1,089 2,886 89 292 172 240 174 246 139 69 57 251 222 175 95 91 66 288 588 90 7 6 13 5 36 9 8 12 11 22 56 30 6 31 28 14 91 2 5 13 12 9 7 1 5 6 5 39 28 4 35 59 11 92 2 2 ID 8 5 7 1 4 3 7 19 26 25 52 12 93 2 13 3 10 3 13 17 13 23 48 7 94 25 15 25 6 10 7 4 1 35 20 13 12 4 17 10 39 95 61 55 40 12 27 16 21 2 69 18 19 15 13 20 17 95 96 124 33 85 19 46 16 10 40 97 62 38 39 9 77 51 125 97 209 229 216 53 94 51 66 12 258 90 99 41 51 73 58 436 98 226 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON (For definitions and explai ? lexl) Cattle and calves form? reporting loss , . 1954., 1 number 1353 . . 1954 . , Cots. incluJing heifers that have cnlved farms reforting 1359. . 1954 . number 1359 . . 1954.. Milk cows farms reportini; 1953 . . number 1959 . 1954 . . Heifers and heifer calves famis reporting 1959 . 1954 . . number 1959. 1954. Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calve;. . .farms reportinR 1959. 1954. Fanns reporting b\ number on band; Cattle and cnlves- 1 farms reporting 1959 . 2 to 4 farms repcrting 1959 . 5to9 farms reporting 1959 . 10 U) 13 farms reporting 1959 . i>0 io 43 farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 farms reporting 1959. 100 or more fam:s reporting 1959 . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 farms reporting 1959. 2 to 9 farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 19 fanT.s reporting 1959 . 20 to 29 farms teprting 1959 SO to 49 farms reporting 1959 . 50 to 74 farms reptrting 1953 . 75 to 99 famis reporting 1953 . 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . Milli co»s- 1 farms reporting 1959 . 2to9 farms reporting 1959. 10 to 19 farms reporting 1959 . 20 to 29 fanr.s repcrtinp 1959 . 30 to 43 farms reporting 1959 . 50 or more farms reporting 1959. Hofses and or mules farms reporting 19.59 . 1954 . number 1959 . 1951. Iocs and pips forms reporting 1359. 1954 . number 1959. 1954. Bom since June 1 farms rc|mrting 1959. 1954. number 1959 . 1354. Born before June 1 farms reporting 1959 . Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- I'nder 10 fanns reporting 1359. 10 to 24 farms reporting 1953. .farms reporting 191 .farms reporting 1953. Sheep and lambs farms reportin . farms reporting 1959 . .farms reporting 1959 . Ewes farms reportin Hams .snil wethers farms reporting 1353. number 1959 . 19.54 . Farms reporting by nuinlior of sheep and lambs— Under K . .' farms reporting 1353 . 25 to 293 farms reporting 1959. HOO or MKjre farms reporting 1959. Chickens I months old and over farms reporting 1953 1951. 1954. "arms reporting by number of chickens 4 months old and over— 1 'nder 50 farms reporting 1 50 to 399 farms reporting 1 400 to 799 farms reporting 1 SOO to 1,599 farms reporting 1 l.eai to 3,199 farms repcrting 1 3.20O or more farms reporting 1 Turkey hens kept for breeding farms reporting 1 1,298 779 1,960 1,075 1,500 16,059 16,112 782 887 1,325 5,878 7,538 1,013 1,835 &i,54,i 1,173 6,020 7,547 523 1,061 3,226 3,868 15 789 1,544 1,119 2,237 1,454 1,998 22,592 20,260 914 1,074 13,358 11,269 1,267 1,766 9,234 8,991 828 1,287 2,287 112,680 101,429 1,514 2,546 15,763 16,892 1,373 2,420 7,774 9,531 1,154 2,235 4,884 6,549 881 1,116 5,260 4,957 18 7 1,090 1,682 1,943 2,451 1,761 2,534 19,075 14,843 817 1,003 10,378 7,697 1,572 2,149 8,697 7,146 1,242 1,385 2,559 149,016 190,896 1,255 13,569 11,316 1,152 5,212 5,643 1,712 7,687 10,615 862 1,614 3,480 5,093 524 1,145 1,285 2,404 606 1,031 2,232 3,066 516 1,471 720 3,209 735 1,962 1,019 4,556 797 3,247 1,113 3,917 4,454 70,915 3,192 54,675 299 2,452 369 2,558 2,311 44,240 1,089 30,636 694 2,869 979 3,574 2,143 26,675 2,103 24,039 705 1,288 66 1,089 2,524 4,463 259,451 188,008 1,011 4,997 5,342 NORTH CAROLINA FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 227 Forsyth PrnnVHn Gas too Gates Graham Granville Greene GuiLfort Halifax Harnett Ha^ood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde IredeU 1,173 1,097 765 215 373 1,540 308 1,964 873 935 1,605 976 224 279 203 2, 302 126 1,190 245 501 488 U5 66 652 532 813 393 82 399 916 307 SO 1,343 461 5,292 1,525 4,272 1,421 129 416 1,190 2,573 3,770 1,441 528 945 5,313 1,770 31 1,038 439 5,051 991 2,425 1,577 423 579 1,517 2,481 4,108 1,662 407 1,076 3,756 1,493 32 83,638 26,583 260,395 90,215 265,990 75,453 9,695 21,955 55,845 104,495 252,610 87,025 67,405 53,660 256,305 125,395 33 29,815 16,299 132,612 28,275 71,064 49,007 20,151 25,529 41,270 54,808 112,062 50,818 20,412 30,578 101,703 54,505 34 66 30 50 10 21 46 10 75 50 75 15 5 20 46 116 35 44 24 54 28 21 35 4 18 64 46 33 29 14 13 148 36 38 106 30 75 25 22 51 10 90 75 845 65 5 30 67 255 37 51 31 67 49 27 47 6 32 73 59 37 42 17 19 215 43 38 11,150 2,155 9,125 1,625 2,525 3,610 625 7,075 5,460 183,040 3,500 160 3,925 5,550 31,250 39 3,439 2,743 3,915 3,707 1,257 1,866 1,215 1,715 3,759 1,944 1,775 2,965 840 995 3,389 2,635 « 1,431 1,047 182 292 405 273 168 218 306 403 733 168 480 161 447 2,727 41 1,411 866 289 169 336 309 216 303 332 335 680 212 509 229 564 2,276 42 27,549 20,609 3,282 4,595 5,705 4,499 4,719 4,998 4,767 6,900 24,638 2,889 23,807 1,591 9,370 53,795 43 19,631 11,346 2,698 2,545 4,632 2,487 5,402 4,767 2,857 3,663 11,979 1,826 16,183 1,539 7,200 24,085 44 826,470 618,270 98,460 137,850 171,150 134,970 Ul,570 149,940 K3,010 207,000 739,140 86,670 714,210 47,730 296,100 1.613,350 49 658,306 337,9a 53,084 67,504 116,871 46,547 189,014 170,391 51,653 75,704 191,971 35,942 587,751 26,536 148,783 774,178 46 5 36 16 15 26 15 10 31 20 10 11 10 47 1 21 "i 9 10 19 "2 6 3 30 10 17 3 7 5 48 iis 2,083 1S4 485 245 275 310 355 320 290 110 175 49 25 220 8 90 137 253 27 34 137 510 189 288 7 94 46 SO 1,750 29,162 2,576 6,790 3,430 3,850 4,340 4,970 4,480 4,060 1,540 2,450 SI XHD 3,301 iio 1,335 2,225 3,388 357 502 1,450 7,649 2,690 4,319 83 1,373 646 S2 ,, 2 33 5 23 10 29 2 5 10 36 7 U 4 8 8 53 1 19 1 15 15 28 2 5 6 31 12 19 3 10 7 54 70 11 953 48 431 181 295 19 67 U3 607 129 466 41 87 200 55 4 315 1 140 242 348 44 34 155 764 178 402 19 127 110 56 432 52 4,682 379 3,203 1,409 1,984 140 533 1,071 3,753 617 2,852 251 579 1,033 57 40 1,885 3 330 1,009 10 940 2 19 64 1,678 1,495 148 ... 181 966 1 1 4,581 4 28 87 1,028 2 8 31 3,043 95 1 5 20 527 2 9 43 571 58 59 60 61 4 "2 33 "5 23 io 29 2 "5 9 35 7 'ii 4 8 8 62 70 11 623 48 412 181 295 19 67 142 579 121 466 36 78 200 63 432 52 3,673 379 3,139 1,409 1,984 140 533 1,067 3,666 586 2,852 231 536 1,033 64 1,377 956 145 194 326 232 184 179 296 310 576 113 375 148 353 2,539 69 1,524 930 193 131 306 214 229 299 264 249 577 177 516 U6 438 2,471 68 5,758 3,117 582 987 1,305 904 1,311 751 801 1,312 3,183 510 3,433 362 1,807 9,103 67 4,331 3,076 8U 715 827 783 1,222 1,239 761 1,142 2,026 572 3,306 299 1,893 6,481 88 728 570 97 109 192 130 59 81 204 175 236 67 110 106 195 1,412 80 508 344 35 75 105 87 90 82 80 104 241 36 160 41 118 986 70 116 31 9 5 20 5 20 10 10 21 73 7 53 1 27 108 71 21 9 3 3 7 9 10 6 2 9 23 2 33 8 26 72 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 3 1 5 4 2 3 5 2 73 74 1,118 764 119 159 289 209 155 142 261 263 468 98 304 L28 295 2,132 79 1,098 653 134 88 232 156 194 240 183 187 387 141 361 93 322 1,773 78 2,826 1,618 321 503 748 494 597 388 523 715 1,495 275 1,535 202 935 4,633 77 2,170 1,407 323 334 454 374 641 619 298 399 863 272 1,492 145 698 3,336 78 979 673 79 109 207 141 165 129 138 187 456 70 307 88 223 1,694 79 1,078 762 152 104 184 139 138 222 166 173 463 112 394 96 322 1,793 80 2,932 1,499 261 484 557 410 7M 363 278 597 1,688 235 1,798 160 372 4,420 81 2,161 1,669 491 381 373 409 581 620 463 743 1,163 300 1,814 154 1,195 3,145 82 234 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most data hr 1959 are based on reports Cumberland Curri tuc k Id ftlivp (cnlile, horses . and '^heep) famis reporting 1959 . .■ and poultry products farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . value of sales, dollars 1959. LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE rattle and/or calves sold alive famis reporting 1959 . , 1954., number 195 9,, 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954.. Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting 1959 . , 1954 . , number 1959 . . 1954 . , dollars 1959.. 1954., Farms reporting by number of cattle sold— lto4 farms reporting 1959. . f) to 19 farms reporting 1959 . , 20 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . , 100 or more (urns reporting 1959., Calves farms reporting 1959 . , 1954- number 1959 . 1954 . dollars 1959 . 19S4 . Horses and or mules sold a Sheep and lambs sold aliv farms reporting 1959.. 1964 . . number 1959.. 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959.. 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954.. farms repcrling 1959 . , 1954 . . number 1959. . 1954 . . dollars 1959 .. 1954 . . SHEEP SHORM AKD WOOL Sheep and/Of lambs shorn farms repcrtmg 1959 . . 1954.. number shorn 1959. . 1954 . . pounds of wool 1959.. 1954 . . Lambs shorn farms reporting 1959 , . number shorn 1959, . pounds of wool 1959. . Other sheep shorn farms reporlinE 1959. , number shorn 1959. , pounds of wool 1959 . , UTTERS FARROWED Litters farrowed. December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting 1959. f of lit ^ 1959 . 1954. Farms reportine by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1956, to November 30, 1959— I or 2 litters farms reporting 1059 . ■I lo 9 litters . - farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 19 liuers farms repating 1959 . -0 to ■'19 litters farms reportinj; 1959 , 40 to 69 litters farms reporting 1959 . 70 or more litters farms reporting 1959 . June 2 to Novembef .10 farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number of litters 1959 . 1954. December 1 to .lune 1 fams reporting 1959. 1954. number of litters 1959. 1954. 973,410 2,290,034 869,517 842,123 1,369,371 525,845 843 1,028 222 845 1,011 218 604,340 983,120 310,653 337,152 545,207 220,734 266 408 150 444 572 363 200,280 487,822 558,136 212,548 320,243 269,392 168,790 819,092 728 292,413 503,921 35,719 1,555 1,757 150,540 91,171 15,048 8,398 451,440 244,610 2,785 2,079 380,485 107,201 1,817 1,229 148,395 20,022 13,184 600,660 436,100 5,944 4,552 178,320 161,602 1,324 1,261 1,097,005 576,163 641 1,104 986,154 847, 576 5,761 5,757 548,740 322,317 2,015 2,284 338,105 236,793 3,746 3,473 210,635 85,519 17,633 8,797 528,990 242,031 6,407 4,201 631, 585 173,861 1,977 1,284 386,550 120,816 4,430 2,917 245,035 53,045 2,388 1,331 71,640 25,948 2,841 2,759 2,331,302 1,493,784 916 1,269 6,825,461 611,273 3,587 3,549 459,077 205,330 1,824 1,722 320,352 126,396 1,763 1,827 138,725 78,934 115 111 8,125 4,640 2,707 2,566 61,740 38,226 1,852,200 1,283,664 2,495 2,751 13,019 9,012 2,080 1,978 6,150 4,481 1,907 2,049 6,869 4,531 1,866 2,021 203,124 150,265 1,130 1,193 92,220 52,111 2,686 2,029 80,580 42,340 NORTH CAROLINA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 235 for only a auiple of fmns. See t Forsytli FranJtlin Graham Granville Greene QuUford Hallfajc Kamett Haywood Henderson 3,986 487,706 255,015 1,609 1,579 317,129 166,630 3,262 2,407 170,577 88,382 5,003 3,664 150,090 78,675 1,051 1,029 585,699 281,208 1,789 2,689 170,689 150,677 1,186 83,132 85,054 1,251 1,503 87,557 65,623 3,596 356,345 136,155 1,422 1,292 241,620 89,032 2,918 2,304 114,725 47,123 3,775 2,481 113,250 59,085 1,056 Ul,455 104,031 26,918 25,310 807,540 990,965 1,115 1,041 857,518 302,790 4,679 3,684 424,534 1,555 1,231 243,279 121,134 3,124 2,453 181,255 80,597 13,905 4,868 417,150 95,099 4,237 2,600 1,016 802,245 375,897 24,960 9,915 748,800 313,476 1,145 3,068 2,855 1,598 1,518 1,156,126 582,009 749 1,103 797,287 650,815 1,263 1,238 8,153 7,727 774,251 415,788 549 582 2,306 2,384 416,969 248,195 23 1,027 1,069 5,847 5,343 357,282 167,593 70 11,866 7,322 355,980 153, 591 3,955 2,282 1,417 1,411 1,767,958 1,089,739 4,811 5,156 708,033 375,757 1,952 2,785 410,379 275,541 2,859 2,371 297,654 100,216 9,055 4,488 1,242 1,198 X,952 21,336 1,048,560 705,756 5,068 2,138 1,553 1,608 7,577 6,033 1,195 1,120 1,185,653 452,187 1,«9 1,697 182,433 112,727 1,037 78,763 57,853 4,370 3,501 1,007 935 33,295 10,939 998,850 333,459 1,125 1,225 3,937 1,228 884 1,133 861 3,772 2,043 2,892 1,839 966 689 1,063 817 3,805 1,894 3,141 2,035 1,408 1,503 1,243,035 565,558 1,353 1,451 10,696 9,830 1,187,215 523,578 783 743 4,797 3,803 752,255 301,513 67 1 1,111 1,261 5,899 6,027 434,950 222,055 40 1,570 25,740 23,476 1,420 1,032 19,880 14,778 1,991 1,291 11,321 5,540 4,960 5,037 443,295 357,818 2,014 2,822 326,540 298,830 2,946 2,215 116,755 58,988 2,987 2,872 89,610 59,952 19,930 12,662 597,900 422,491 7,062 2,603 211,860 69,802 6,437 4,803 193,110 171,390 236 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most data for 1959 ar e based on reports Itom Jackson Johnston Jcmes Lee Lenoir Lincoln McDoweU Macon Madison (For derinilions and explnnotion . see text) I Value o( sales o( livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959... 788,892 3,805,643 658,681 923,470 1,195,628 3,031,665 485 , 709 1 658 716 2 1954 .. . 433,757 2,272,584 551,969 449,268 1,242,650 1,540,037 402,603 '9I6I938 '919,'o20 3 Any livpstork sold Rlivp (entile, hor^ips nnd niule9, ho|:s, nnd sheep) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 822 3,455 656 393 1,202 798 468 933 1,549 4 1954 .. . 837 3,747 860 335 1,288 903 450 1,121 2,005 5 value of snies, dollars 1959... 538,655 2,703,815 471,307 204,745 879,869 495,465 227,120 732,640 760,220 6 1954... 201,815 1,727,847 495,725 84,725 680,455 219,329 113,605 251,751 433,552 7 Poultn and poultry producU* . farms reporting 1959. .. 295 1,102 310 215 44.6 456 199 296 408 S 1954... 390 1,300 296 413 578 602 316 511 905 9 value of aales. dollars 1959 . . . 181,030 828,678 186,460 692,986 273,987 1,393,485 198,868 273,797 555,416 10 11 Livestock products other than poultry 1954 . . . 154,789 418,438 39,418 303,329 185,652 397,524 176,553 401,236 255,501 69,207 273,150 914 25,739 41,772 1,142,715 59,721 652,279 299,486 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 1954... 77,153 126,249 16,826 61,214 376,543 923,184 112,445 260,951 229,967 13 CaUle and/or calves sold alive. . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 717 609 95 188 244 648 323 80S 1,504 14 1954... 751 882 205 226 320 740 373 993 1,933 15 number 1959... 3,584 2,342 578 763 1,723 4,070 754 5,516 6,632 16 1954... 3,382 3,587 1,386 1,033 1,998 3,970 1,412 3,919 7,441 n dollars 1959 .. . 478,065 243,955 62,482 73,565 279,664 325,585 63,590 620,920 716,425 18 1954... 169,095 194,269 85,409 52,265 124,138 161,039 77,873 174,948 397,543 1(1 Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 397 309 52 73 122 327 102 331 674 20 1954... 369 466 100 115 190 391 207 451 868 21 number 1959... 2,084 902 272 275 971 1,279 223 2,361 2,771 22 1954 . . . 1,156 1,525 663 483 866 1,339 767 1,441 2,826 23 dollars 1959 . . . 368,390 138,790 36,440 38,635 198,695 194,900 27,540 406,340 444,490 24 Farms reporting by numtier of cattle sold- 1954... 78,453 103,590 48,833 34,647 79,957 104,627 54,271 103,606 229,726 25 I lo4 farms reporting 1959 . . . 320 241 40 60 65 251 95 260 510 26 5fo 19 farms reporting 1959 . . . 67 67 6 12 47 60 6 51 147 27 28 20 to 99 100 or more .,. farms reporting 1959. . . farms reporting 1959.'. . 5 5 1 6 1 10 16 1 15 5 17 29 Calves farms reporting 1959 .. . 590 441 69 147 153 522 278 728 1,208 30 1954- ■ ■ 622 613 148 171 222 536 256 873 1,701 31 number 1959 . . . 1,500 1,440 306 488 752 2,791 531 3,155 3,861 32 1954 . . . 2,226 2,062 723 550 1,132 2,631 645 2,478 4,615 33 dollars 1959 .. . ice, 675 105,165 26,042 34,930 80,969 U0,685 36,050 214,580 271,935 34 1954 .. . 90,642 90,679 36,576 17,618 44,181 56,412 23,602 71,342 167,817 35 Horses and or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 50 121 10 20 16 10 21 20 71 36 1954 .. . 35 188 14 12 56 37 24 37 74 37 number 1959... 55 299 10 35 29 15 22 20 96 38 1954 .. . 51 255 24 15 95 73 30 56 91 39 dollars 1959... 6,750 27,400 1,125 3,500 2,145 2,000 2,150 1,850 10,025 40 1954 . . . 3,428 12,727 1,545 893 4,457 3,422 1,812 2,197 5,418 41 . .farms reporting 1959. . . 190 3,298 624 248 1,140 357 221 261 105 42 1954... 207 3,443 821 150 1,172 321 138 429 164 43 number 1959... 1,580 80,991 13,590 4,256 19,912 5,526 5,335 2,911 1,065 44 1954... 1,631 43,770 12,030 1,696 16,469 2,460 1,664 3,465 1,122 45 dollars 1959... 47,400 2,429,730 407,700 127,680 597,360 165,780 160,050 87,330 31,950 46 1954... 25,511 1,518,751 408,596 30,936 551,735 54,208 33,439 68,171 23,244 47 Sheep and lamhs sold alive . farms repcrting 1959. . . 35 U 1 5 5 67 12 48 1964 .. . 17 8 2 3 1 5 8 29 34 49 number 1959 .. . 460 195 50 150 95 1,610 130 50 1954... 297 165 15 41 10 39 45 448 481 51 dollars 1959... 6,440 2,730 700 2,100 1,330 22,540 1,820 52 SHEEP SHORN \m WOOL 1954 .. . 3,781 2,100 175 631 125 660 481 6,435 7,347 53 Sheep and/or lambs stiorn farms reporting 1959... 25 16 1 6 2 12 9 50 30 54 1954... 18 11 4 3 6 5 33 34 55 number shorn 1959... 497 236 2 60 28 215 232 868 672 56 1954 . . . 263 181 50 59 81 77 557 657 57 pounds of wool 1959... 2,759 1,595 30 456 195 1,720 1,725 4,943 4,152 58 1954 . . . 1,495 1,125 340 5U 672 573 3,564 3,326 59 Lambs shorn . farms repcfting 1959. . . 7 60 number shorn 1959. .. 40 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 146 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 25 16 1 6 2 12 "9 50 30 63 number shorn 1959 . . . 497 236 2 60 28 215 232 828 672 64 pounds of wool 1959... 2,759 1,595 30 456 195 1,720 1,725 4,797 4,152 LITTERS FARROWED 65 Litters farrowed. Decemlier 1, previous . farms reporting 1959. . . 135 3,124 706 199 1,229 242 144 200 89 66 1954 . . . 153 3,680 917 147 1,418 201 105 281 98 67 number of litters 1959... 394 14,054 3,362 739 5,391 918 729 573 190 68 1954 .. . 510 11,284 3,263 533 4,494 675 477 824 317 Farms reforlinB by number of 1 liters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 69 1 or 2 litters . farms rcrorting 1959 . . . 100 1,463 272 126 634 135 71 132 68 70 3 to 9 litters . farms reporting 1959... 31 1,363 352 62 481 89 60 62 20 71 10 to 19 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 227 73 8 85 13 8 4 1 72 20(0.19 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 61 8 2 23 5 3 2 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 1 3 2 74 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 4 "i 3 75 .lune 2 to November 30 - . farms repeating 1959 . . . 115 2,563 608 150 996 206 128 162 79 76 1954 . . . 110 2,591 618 102 946 147 78 218 66 77 number of litters 1959... 221 7,021 1,703 398 2,685 489 363 282 118 78 1954 . . . 242 5,974 1,454 215 2,050 319 245 470 125 79 December 1 to .lune 1 . farms reporting 1959. . . 81 2,382 537 U7 886 151 95 141 46 80 1954... 92 2,683 780 116 1,067 143 198 75 81 number of litters 1959... 173 7,033 1,659 341 2,706 429 366 291 72 82 1954... 268 5,310 1,809 318 2,444 356 232 354 192 NORTH CAROLINA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 237 far only • samp: • oftma. S««te«] Martin Mecklen- burg Mitchell tfcntgaociy Moore Nash New Hanover North- anpton One low Orange Pamlico F^quotank Pender Person Pitt 2,212,092 3,201,077 890,645 2,833,826 6,704,518 2,229,099 407,13 2 1,404,577 1,393,205 3,376,109 919,819 586,589 3,145,523 1,072,233 2,156,166 2,578,735 , 1,263,037 2,392,394 518,979 1,104,752 2,784,793 393,694 318,41 6 1,199,853 824,337 2,024,578 664,915 653,664 1,289,7U 637,973 804,910 1,065,275 2 1,472 834 602 503 745 1,664 9 7 1,002 930 839 230 395 931 493 346 1,822 9 1,438 1,097 837 260 580 1,346 11 9 1,249 1,213 938 337 549 1,129 580 1,000 1,766 4 1,644,985 1,025, a4 230,225 248,831 486,305 1,458,977 111,201 3 1,149,804 945,687 861,959 402,368 369,608 1,134,251 692,905 440,739 1,703,795 5 1,150,397 529,164 142,947 97,534 151,721 576,376 138,331 B 876,392 523,425 328,191 256,568 542,998 712,051 549,395 175,581 801,537 e 342 341 164 278 661 516 3 3 481 293 390 151 211 410 292 335 586 7 602 639 271 342 616 888 8 7 633 480 644 256 354 532 435 643 809 s 368,020 718,255 513,867 2,490,731 6,179,517 682,735 168,82 7 234,166 223,0CE 1,366,285 445,003 214,292 1,508,247 195,470 1,311,247 430,303 9 58,406 559,522 222,131 928,399 2,457,178 207,900 67,201 6 225,258 112,126 827,969 356,993 53,126 250,251 78,920 512,347 104,574 10 199,087 1,457,608 U6,553 94,254 38,696 87,387 127,10- 5 20,607 224,517 1,547,865 71,448 2,689 503,025 183,908 404,180 444,637 u 54,234 1,303,708 153,901 78,819 175,394 109,418 112,87 2 98,203 83,735 868,418 51,254 57,540 327,401 9,158 U6,8e2 160,165 12 255 704 542 248 327 414 3 L 284 225 634 90 164 173 177 540 337 13 254 856 784 156 316 449 y 371 317 747 125 298 324 187 785 307 14 2,066 7,338 2,043 627 1,432 3,331 331 3 2,885 1,860 5,307 1,348 663 3,193 1,017 2,757 3,308 15 1,225 6,845 2,644 837 1,256 2,211 39 5 2,732 1,370 4,171 1,262 2,140 1,844 834 2,181 2,034 16 289,386 680,789 182,585 65,117 U9,050 355,371 49,22 D 393,352 234,902 560,084 133,908 65,965 314,966 98,050 222,115 430,730 17 76,372 338,366 117,679 38,972 76,961 137,949 20,53 L 157,370 84,928 180,585 82,141 189,609 97,387 40,316 100,911 U6,171 18 106 363 192 131 152 as 2. I 135 148 359 54 54 102 61 279 180 19 127 499 374 106 147 203 2 3 160 170 352 77 105 200 75 280 184 20 875 2,782 458 300 522 1,239 261 3 1,252 1,233 2,228 805 202 1,670 311 901 1,582 21 469 2,7L2 962 410 690 878 21 3 1,581 509 1,199 555 1,156 349 235 645 804 22 152,616 460,414 65,000 44,800 79,175 191,513 43,62 3 223,099 183,477 337,120 125,308 29,883 238,977 45,815 122,290 302,670 23 36,904 232,643 65,099 25,520 57,972 74,115 15,51 5 116,457 48,334 104,511 53,536 149,550 65,397 16,852 48,517 54,530 24 67 220 172 U5 130 163 1 3 77 91 230 25 52 55 51 235 112 25 34 100 20 15 17 34 L 33 40 107 16 16 5 36 54 26 7 42 1 1 5 19 1 } 18 2 17 22 U 2 "2 11 10 5 7 11 3 27 28 185 528 476 172 241 366 "i b 227 122 519 47 148 123 157 525 228 29 186 635 671 110 228 347 2] L 287 a4 662 90 257 216 174 673 236 30 1,191 4,556 1,585 327 910 2,092 •n ) 1,633 627 3,579 543 451 1,523 706 1,866 1,725 31 756 4,133 1,682 427 566 1,333 18 > 1,151 761 2,972 707 974 995 599 1,536 1,230 32 136,770 220,375 117,585 20,317 69,875 163,753 5,50( 3 170,253 51,425 222,964 57,600 36,082 75,939 52,235 99,825 128, UO 33 39,468 105,723 52,580 13,452 18,989 63,334 5,01. 50,913 36,094 76,074 28,605 40,059 31,990 23,454 52,394 51,541 34 21 70 20 26 35 99 37 30 30 5 10 10 25 50 59 39 23 44 34 9 47 76 39 32 34 9 4 34 5 28 23 3« U7 290 25 56 40 184 2( J 47 30 55 5 15 10 25 90 124 37 27 82 41 18 74 130 1 1 48 37 46 20 6 35 7 38 43 38 16,875 103,225 2,750 6,520 3,675 10,930 4,50( ) 3,300 1,675 3,475 300 1,375 825 1,625 12,350 8,865 39 1,753 4,7U 3,065 717 4,823 7,009 2,68 ) 1,882 1,830 1,889 1,050 300 1,595 593 2,479 2,710 40 1,431 292 81 357 584 1,494 r 912 884 465 237 318 899 452 400 1,689 41 1,403 433 Ul 174 351 1,126 lo: 142 1,151 415 258 430 1,022 545 412 1,674 42 44,598 8,005 836 5,906 11,026 35,995 1,91 ) 25,099 23,537 9,655 7,237 9,916 27,282 19,660 6,810 41,996 43 28,036 5,927 900 2,465 3,333 14,070 3,00« a, 195 15,625 5,430 4,554 10,576 18,090 15,045 3,864 22,054 44 1,337,940 240,150 25,080 177,180 330,780 1,079,380 57,48 ) 752,970 709,110 289,650 a7,uo 297,480 818,460 589,800 204,300 1,259,880 45 1,071,222 160,606 U,848 57,550 69,027 429,919 115,12 1 705,147 541,487 MO, 916 171,142 347,448 612,454 503,318 68,042 680,594 " 2 10 55 1 20 28 6 26 5 47 32 11 10 „ 2 21 42 4 10 11 U 1 19 15 62 2 44 12 6 48 56 75 1,415 1 200 914 13 625 75 342 245 141 305 49 68 1,321 730 29 94 115 127 12 306 215 434 58 508 275 109 50 784 1,050 19,810 14 2,800 12,796 132 8,750 1,050 4,788 3,430 1,974 4,270 51 1,050 25,478 10,355 295 910 1,499 1,993 180 4,801 2,335 5,641 615 5,563 4,249 2,062 52 2 14 61 6 6 31 16 3 23 2 70 3 61 26 g 53 2 27 45 4 12 12 18 2 20 17 30 4 65 15 7 54 355 282 1,422 56 79 731 247 32 330 63 512 21 742 557 348 55 74 i,oeo 1,091 50 174 205 275 25 355 217 7U 72 728 329 195 56 1,840 2,230 7,006 350 386 5,792 1,955 259 6,584 390 3,435 170 4,856 3,553 2,293 57 490 6,418 5,152 4 53 228 248 1 1 3 1,072 1,233 1 3 5 1,498 162 2,427 2 7 27 1,249 3,929 351 3,942 2 5 25 1,994 1,326 4 37 105 58 59 60 61 "2 14 60 6 6 31 16 3 28 2 70 3 60 26 9 62 355 282 1,369 55 79 728 247 32 823 63 612 a 737 557 311 63 1,840 2,230 6,778 347 386 5,737 1,956 259 5,557 390 3,435 170 4,831 3,563 2,188 64 1,453 235 78 296 498 1,503 5? 1,005 864 333 217 276 874 439 414 1,827 65 1,747 403 112 156 294 1,462 It. 1,383 1,209 383 232 431 1,007 515 353 2,033 66 8,068 948 206 1,485 2,084 5,434 25- 4,559 4,339 1,542 1,109 1,790 4,513 3,394 1,546 9,140 67 7,714 1,705 204 648 1,057 4,471 4r 5,201 4,340 1,603 1,039 2,553 4,006 3,179 \,W> 6,294 68 565 145 51 146 251 880 3 532 359 165 105 93 395 126 254 918 69 666 66 26 114 202 468 2^ 374 405 133 81 116 368 199 124 712 70 166 18 1 26 33 105 67 76 27 22 52 70 80 25 131 71 46 4 7 9 43 25 20 5 6 U 37 25 9 45 72 7 3 1 1 2 1 3 4 2 6 1 4 2 3 2 2 2 8 1 1 14 7 73 74 1,238 204 69 262 430 1,158 3C 786 736 272 175 239 752 379 330 1,405 76 1,316 291 81 113 232 1,028 H 961 936 285 188 321 • 774 398 265 1,420 76 3,980 536 112 793 1,096 3,116 11! 2,291 2,112 772 548 857 2,317 1,589 857 4,058 77 3,519 776 106 329 509 2,162 26< 2,665 2,179 626 502 1,073 1,980 1,506 530 3,026 78 1,111 121 50 186 337 1,004 41 658 545 226 145 226 638 329 252 1,409 79 1,466 248 57 UO 205 1,008 4] 883 879 291 191 331 702 425 218 1,507 80 4,088 412 94 692 988 3,313 Ui 2,268 2,227 770 561 923 2,196 1,705 689 5,082 81 4,195 929 98 319 543 2,309 23 2,536 2,161 977 587 1,480 2,025 1,673 569 3,268 89 238 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS {Most data for 1959 are based on reports Hem Poli Randolph Rlchmontl Rdbesoa Rocldiigham Rcjwan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly (For defini lions and explanation , see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products; dollars 1959... 724,103 6,384,235 2,610,583 4,030,123 1,498,237 3,542,856 1,452,239 4,279,342 1,043,969 4,479,833 o 1954 . . . 531,023 4,622,474 914,626 970,576 816,550 2,019,301 1,100,609 2,097,966 423,695 2,015,687 3 Any livestock sold alive (cnttle, horses and mules, hoes, and sheep) . farms teportjng 1959 . . . 255 1,571 312 2,675 1,047 1,233 736 2,755 298 1,198 4 1954... 337 1,554 273 1,742 894 1,093 1,014 2,884 295 1,137 5 valu of sales, dollars 1959... 153,381 1,268,026 213,099 2,567,940 578,465 1,033,292 422,205 2,239,195 475,415 925,095 6 1954... 102,754 467,612 117,082 661,044 248,454 384,694 210,806 1,265,124 167,138 517,710 7 Poultiy and poultry products . farms reporlinp, 1959. . . 129 899 250 611 437 607 379 899 108 566 H 1954... 25i 1,180 275 740 694 907 751 1,410 167 905 9 valu of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 314,193 4,062,939 2,385,829 1,220,591 298,975 996,064 435,574 1,577,301 528,773 2,461,578 10 1954 .. . 223,519 2,913,756 745,796 124,585 194, 553 339,112 434,710 614,183 123,832 958,458 11 Livestock products other than poultry of sales, dollars 1059 .. . 1954... 256,529 249,750 1,553,270 1,241,106 6,655 51,748 241,592 184,947 620,847 373,533 1,608,500 1,295,495 544,460 455,093 462,346 218,659 39,731 132,725 1,093,160 539,519 12 l.rVESTOCK SOLD ALfVE 13 Caule nnd/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 220 1,086 140 404 736 1,028 566 562 77 857 1954... 259 1,214 130 372 744 865 801 761 115 737 15 number 1959... 1,156 6,820 981 6,245 3,799 7,996 3,033 4,230 1,219 5,735 16 1954... 1,611 6,385 1,173 3,009 3,435 6,195 3,349 3,293 911 3,586 IT dollars 1959 .. . 105,241 500,741 33,415 1,165,965 375,255 739,677 241,945 518,175 140,575 447,030 18 1954... 77,780 281,934 57,161 202,808 190,465 303,417 148,698 177,364 61,142 209,011 Ifl Cattle, not countinc calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 100 523 75 182 254 583 197 266 15 399 ■30 19.54 144 595 93 201 340 453 436 471 59 452 ?1 number 1959 .. . 404 1,945 439 4,650 1,412 3,364 818 2,435 687 1,564 1954... 501 2,251 555 1,595 1,582 2,351 1,373 1,671 388 1,760 2» dollars 1959 .. . 57,319 271,502 45,165 1,060,045 244,025 551,695 115,735 421,580 95,550 225,050 34 Fanns reporting by number of cattle sold— 1954... 41,108 199,338 37,679 146,664 136,700 201,082 95,185 119,250 38,060 148,094 . farnis reporting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 71 24 386 126 58 U 136 33 200 40 385 162 156 31 201 50 5 1 300 82 26 5tol9 2T 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959. . . 5 10 6 6 14 35 10 8 8 17 28 100 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 1 7 1 7 1 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 174 930 114 285 614 782 466 431 74 697 30 1954 ■ - ■ 196 982 101 272 605 668 583 498 80 521 31 number 1959 .. . 752 4,375 542 1,595 2,387 4,632 2,215 1,795 532 4,171 32 1954 . . . 1,110 4,134 613 1,414 1,353 3,644 1,976 1,622 523 1,826 33 dollars 1959... 47,922 229,239 43,250 105,920 131,230 237,982 126,210 96,595 45,025 221,980 34 36,672 32,596 19,432 56,144 53,765 102,335 53,513 58,114 23,082 60,917 35 Horses and or mules sold alive . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 11 80 15 185 60 40 51 151 26 55 36 1954 .. . 26 69 32 69 41 51 87 96 24 50 37 number 1959... 21 90 20 390 105 50 56 392 56 60 38 1954 .. . 32 89 48 81 64 63 115 126 33 63 39 dollars 1959... 3,300 7,445 1,900 30,855 9,250 6,225 4,630 55,530 7,750 7,225 40 1954 .. . 1,369 8,507 2,383 5,354 6,000 2,550 5,172 6,427 1,582 3,002 il Hoes and pies sold alive . .farms reporting 1959. .. 62 U4 858 710 212 167 2,463 1,548 373 239 437 423 246 299 2,587 2,632 254 220 719 716 1954 .. . 43 number 1959... 1,490 25,251 4,217 45,669 6,435 7,893 5,352 55,493 10,882 15,648 44 1954... 1,218 7,676 2,119 15,832 2,758 4,351 3,043 32,789 3,199 10,027 dollars 1959... 44,700 757,530 126,510 1,370,070 193,050 236,790 175,560 1,664,790 326,460 469,440 46 1954 .. . 23,360 172,835 57,526 452,714 43,666 73,535 56,114 1,081,173 103,814 303,182 4T Sheep and lambs sold alive . . farms reporting 1959. .. 5 20 3 10 10 25 5 5 1 15 4« 1954... 2 25 1 3 6 23 6 4 1 7 number 1959 .. . 10 165 91 75 65 400 5 50 45 100 50 1954 .. . 19 347 1 14 193 386 49 14 50 178 51 dollars 1959... 140 2,310 1,274 1,050 910 5,600 70 700 630 1,400 52 1954 .. . 245 4,336 12 168 3,323 5,142 822 160 600 2,515 SHEEP SHORN HMD «00L 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . . farms reporting 1959. .. 3 29 11 2 6 25 8 5 3 9 54 19.54... 3 31 3 7 32 5 4 1 6 55 number shorn 1959... 52 413 222 31 63 516 161 51 123 192 5« 1954 . . . 30 519 15 333 471 43 29 36 175 57 pounds of »t»l 1959 .. . 338 2,702 1,645 195 397 3,883 882 470 916 1,127 1954 .. . 233 2,819 120 2,549 3,083 270 180 280 1,093 59 Lambs shorn . . farms reportine 1959. . . 2 2 2 60 number shorn 1959... 17 21 30 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 52 70 140 62 Other sheep shorn . . farms repcrting 1959. . . "i 23 10 2 6 23 "b "5 "3 9 63 number shwn 1959 .. . 52 396 201 31 63 486 161 51 123 192 64 LriTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959... 333 2,650 1,575 195 397 3,743 882 470 916 1,127 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 40 732 209 2,640 303 378 183 2,631 343 535 66 1954... 81 613 187 2,165 203 391 209 2,701 298 579 67 number of litters 1959... 157 3,638 920 3,775 965 1,432 948 11,533 1,305 2,442 66 Farms reportine liy number of litters faiTOwed 1954... 388 1,924 703 5,675 899 1,603 712 7,745 953 2,118 69 . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 25 358 122 1,671 191 206 93 1,312 245 258 70 3 to 9 liuers . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 12 341 62 861 95 145 68 1,056 77 222 71 10 to 19 litters . . farms reprrting 1959 .. . 1 60 13 77 L4 19 17 205 18 37 72 20 to 39 litters . . farms repotting 1959 . . . 2 21 6 28 2 8 2 46 5 16 73 40 to 69 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 2 1 2 8 1 2 74 70 oe more litters .. farms repating 1959... 1 1 1 '■ 2 75 June 2 to Novembd 30 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 36 698 180 2,167 251 329 153 2,143 267 460 76 1954 .. . 60 413 137 1,408 145 278 146 1,943 171 462 number of litters 1959 . . . 96 1,962 444 4,556 540 752 525 5,721 689 1,295 7S 1954 .. . 175 822 358 2,501 352 625 382 4,007 409 1,133 79 December 1 to .lune 1 .. farms reporting 1959... 24 544 U7 1,779 161 259 106 1,921 180 353 80 1954... 58 450 101 1,516 151 285 143 1,979 193 399 SI number of litters 1959... 61 1,676 476 4,219 425 630 423 5,862 616 1,147 82 1954... 213 1,102 345 3,174 547 978 330 3,738 544 985 NORTH CAROLINA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 239 for only • sainp' 8 of fauna. See le«] Stokea Surry Swain Transyl- vania l^rreLL union Vance WalK Warren Watauga Wayne Wilies Wilson Yadkin Yancey 920,002 3,505,628 286,219 598,177 419,039 7,984,473 566,743 4,198,125 890,565 726,074 1,801,030 2,962,746 10,250,577 1,180,508 2,155,196 722,325 1 677,500 1,307,784 148,505 646,302 500,161 4,490,220 265,993 2,274,359 703,213 423,311 798,517 1,488,335 4,755,079 510,505 1,252,212 673,355 2 1,199 1,397 302 436 298 2,145 543 1,362 768 456 1,405 1,818 1,799 1,057 1,148 393 S l,OiO 1,473 191 435 359 2,474 387 1,255 1,034 455 1,733 1,699 1,312 930 1,146 1,212 4 385,423 653,437 11.7,869 325,550 344,829 2,009,018 242,310 1,040,832 379,155 632,945 768,462 1,376,578 830,550 771,160 506,317 250,565 5 152,942 318,339 41,936 223,270 433,368 909,690 35,234 529,273 244,000 370,558 406,199 864,744 354,259 374,891 248,930 136,658 « 434 379 144 137 188 509 233 562 257 182 334 681 994 430 318 219 7 713 666 104 273 300 1,382 190 887 410 243 540 755 1,094 555 630 297 8 446,230 2,263,202 146,017 107,434 72,751 4,777,343 122,483 1,599,403 110,299 41,972 722,727 1,075,917 9,078,438 257,301 459,233 251,999 9 434,584 642,147 88,656 244,451 63,455 2,541,279 59,339 854,103 68,205 33,545 130,870 217,739 4,107,825 72,166 302,436 203,529 10 88,349 588,989 22,333 165,193 1,459 1,198,112 301,950 1,457,390 401,111 1,157 309,841 510,251 351,539 152,127 1,189,091 209,761 11 89,974 347,298 17,913 178,581 3,338 1,039,251 121,370 730,933 391,006 19,207 211,448 405,352 292,935 63,428 700,846 280,963 12 928 1,182 267 391 88 1,560 342 647 555 141 1,325 358 1,538 151 928 313 IS 881 1,253 153 338 152 1,801 305 669 852 118 1,650 418 1,541 140 965 1,141 14 2,778 5,046 852 2,005 322 10,670 1,449 5,288 2,797 1,404 6,009 2,955 6,152 1,346 3,935 2,624 IS 2,423 4,584 730 2,322 763 9,406 1,266 4,803 3,820 795 5,756 2,639 5,939 656 3,897 3,710 M 234,553 494,365 93,769 264,380 39,129 978,498 115,520 579,915 231,323 154,811 534,133 339,508 524,291 201,810 321,247 225,060 IT 121,104 251,349 35,274 145,299 32,992 41>4,1S2 50,514 349,354 150,026 58,935 310,159 191,895 283,486 55,344 173,831 152,344 18 316 479 117 151 26 742 U7 320 167 69 573 173 739 101 458 377 19 425 528 70 181 53 1,073 101 376 259 41 771 222 756 87 540 513 20 1,080 1,658 466 1,000 150 3,013 486 2,U2 657 502 2,370 1,475 2,554 526 1,193 1,066 21 927 1,813 313 1,021 247 3,913 392 1,985 1,133 440 2,262 1,120 2,225 410 1,323 1,471 2! 139,825 273,845 70,129 176,750 29,375 454,089 64,565 351,930 95,286 78,385 365,918 248,508 330,481 114,900 155, UO 129,335 23 70,826 147,247 21,380 94,971 14,238 267,941 27,437 232,141 79,777 42,335 182,241 134,301 154,633 34,912 110,908 101,066 24 275 370 90 100 15 577 111 195 138 50 435 105 531 71 401 316 25 30 101 21 31 10 137 35 112 22 16 127 45 142 25 56 56 26 11 S 6 20 1 28 1 12t 1 7 2 1 U 22 15 5 1 5 27 28 768 975 227 3oi '■78 1,258 251 454 483 118 1,159 277 1,240 '86 737 612 29 697 981 130 286 139 1,382 269 526 771 90 1,436 307 1,408 95 755 953 30 1,698 3,388 386 1,005 172 7,657 963 3,156 2,U0 902 3,539 1,439 3,598 822 2,742 1,558 31 1,496 2,771 417 1,301 516 5,493 874 2,818 2,687 355 3,504 1,519 3,764 458 2,559 2,239 32 94,733 220,520 23,640 87,630 9,754 524,409 50,955 227,985 136,037 76,425 267,265 91,000 243,310 86,910 155,137 95,725 33 50,278 104,102 13,894 50,328 18,754 146,241 23,077 117,213 30,249 15,649 127,918 57,594 118,853 21,432 52,923 61,778 34 111 91 40 20 65 35 77 51 10 116 70 35 35 55 40 3S 71 78 9 21 6 100 9 61 42 3 71 84 55 31 56 53 3< 176 103 40 25 125 40 122 56 10 131 80 110 50 125 55 37 87 88 9 26 6 144 15 87 53 8 153 128 81 47 52 86 38 12,925 9,172 3,850 2,100 10,590 1,890 18,495 5,672 500 17,315 5,750 13,525 3,350 19,800 5,525 39 4,806 4,280 310 1,402 325 8,013 1,185 5,025 2,406 624 7,627 7,137 4,569 2,654 2,899 5,452 40 341 362 70 U6 273 1,367 253 864 353 439 174 1,587 499 977 395 80 41 201 404 54 2U 331 1,447 140 774 409 437 260 1,534 428 903 371 144 42 4,451 4,866 675 1,969 10,134 33,391 4,154 U,613 4,578 17,431 2,104 34,351 6,158 18,781 5,521 665 43 1,395 2,882 363 2,780 11,290 16,450 1,490 9,674 3,551 9,919 2,114 19,733 3,251 10,161 2,865 935 44 133,530 U5,980 20,250 59,070 304,020 1,001,730 124,620 438,390 140,340 522,930 63,120 1,030,830 184,740 563,430 155,630 19,950 4S 26,346 61,071 6,307 75,714 392,147 481,711 33,085 272,805 79,306 307,342 25,744 555,322 64,623 315,432 71,810 15,107 46 25 16 U 60 5 17 1 27 263 5 21 10 5 75 47 6 5 "i 5 32 24 2 7 3 13 303 2 9 4 4 38 48 315 280 120 1,300 20 288 130 336 3,846 35 571 185 10 645 49 47 104 "3 '62 585 407 30 136 112 198 4,017 20 98 43 28 434 50 4,410 3,920 1,680 18,200 280 4,032 1,820 4,704 53,844 490 7,994 2,590 140 9,030 51 686 1,639 '45 855 7,904 5,779 500 2,069 1,760 3,107 62,669 340 1,586 461 390 5,455 52 13 13 3 3 27 37 8 13 3 13 281 9 28 5 12 58 S3 10 6 6 34 36 2 13 4 20 324 6 12 2 3 39 54 192 318 153 12 388 835 154 488 132 250 4,590 159 441 51 203 1,129 55 81 160 103 694 606 32 3U 129 270 4,580 35 145 36 43 713 56 1,306 2,373 1,092 48 2,573 4,557 787 3,245 785 1,531 24,525 870 2,944 472 1,162 5,735 57 476 1,048 414 4,092 3,922 163 2,092 734 1,728 24,195 265 1,125 200 252 3,358 58 2 3 2 2 4 1 2 1 3 1 S9 15 15 11 36 U9 5 9 2 28 1 60 66 32 53 112 462 12 45 8 70 61 13 11 '3 "3 27 37 "s 13 "3 'ii 281 9 28 5 12 58 62 177 303 153 12 377 799 164 359 132 250 4,590 153 432 59 175 1,128 63 1,240 2,341 1,092 48 2,520 4,445 787 2,784 785 1,531 24,525 858 2,899 464 1,112 5,780 64 225 329 49 95 256 917 283 792 417 452 155 1,843 378 1,174 288 81 65 136 222 110 127 314 1,079 162 840 415 450 225 1,750 296 1,239 253 117 66 802 1,205 150 399 2,U5 4,936 766 3,552 1,126 3,159 342 7,567 1,281 4,246 1,033 253 67 728 897 150 390 2,319 3,222 792 2,898 1,082 2,553 632 5,754 959 3,055 778 301 66 135 182 34 55 73 400 196 424 297 181 110 983 220 712 153 62 69 74 123 12 31 109 389 76 297 105 176 43 694 135 371 110 16 70 U 20 2 5 54 35 9 54 U 57 2 126 21 70 15 2 71 3 '• 1 ' 16 2 33 8 2 12 2 2 2 22 33 5 2 16 5 5 1 72 73 187 289 36 77 213 818 228 664 331 387 135 1,475 330 863 259 73 76 123 157 64 90 264 833 123 597 303 321 175 1,194 228 862 180 84 76 450 714 85 210 1,049 2,751 391 1,853 668 1,513 222 3,752 671 1,988 596 141 77 398 319 72 216 1,095 1,766 312 1,244 503 1,190 332 2,703 435 1,543 505 160 78 U7 184 30 57 216 554 187 520 209 233 77 1,230 255 838 152 40 79 108 160 62 76 293 659 137 632 229 350 133 1,407 220 840 150 88 W) 352 491 65 189 1,096 2,185 375 1,699 458 1,541 120 3,315 610 2,258 437 112 61 330 578 78 174 1,224 1,456 480 1,654 579 1,353 300 3,061 523 1,512 272 141 82 240 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS LData for dairy products sold for 1959 are based Item (For definitions and explai 6 text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk of Cfeam sold fanns reporting dollars Avera^ sales per farm reportinf: dollars Milk sdd as whole milk farms repcrtinp Cream sold fanns reporting pounds of butterfat POl'LTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting dollars Chickens sold farms repotting Broilers sold farms reptrtinp Other chickens sold farms reporting Chicken eggs sold farms reporting Turkeys and turkey fryers raised fams reportm Farms reporting by number oftirkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under 50 farms reporting 50 to 399 farms reporting 40(1 or more farms reporting 15,092 22,447 49,676,811 35,952,437 3,292 14,480 17,293 956,404,980 724,099,283 1,062 5,149 191,861 944,533 37,961 57,668 99,387,098 47,518,033 19,720 26,458 113,652,636 39,001,968 3,436 2,656 107,132,773 35,463,971 16,721 24,171 6,469,863 3,537,997 30,951 46,502 90,943,736 40,364,242 1,423 2,763 6,706,273 4,236,443 2,626 6,319 1,639,893 974,400 1,291,845 1,111,465 7,974 652,715 369,464 1,682 969,525 624,364 1,763 234,645 200,161 2,006 1,275 1,405 493,855 443,615 387 1,275 1,339 14,425,433 14,268,441 103,975 81,857 1,368 1,374 46,366 9,791 18,927 100 493 228 722 37,700 921,033 71,203 291,506 8 34 4 31 561 92,060 133 1,425 2,386 Item (For definitions and explanations. etext) DAIRY PRODlfCTS Any milk or cream sold farms reptrtinp 1959. , 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 . . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Cream sold farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . pounds of butterfat 1959 - . 1954.. POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporUng 1959.. 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954., Chickens sold farms reporting 195f . . number 1959 . 1954. Broilers sold farms repcrling 1959. 1954- number 1959. 1954. Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . ^ 1954 . number 1959. 1954. Chicken eggs scdd fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. dozens 1959. 1954. Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959. 1954, Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms wporiing 1059 . Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryera raised— Undo- 50 farms repcrtjng 1959 . 50 to 399 farms repcrting 1959 . 400 or mor« farms reporting 1959 . 168,715 813,960 292,397 503,895 4,687 10,919 16 75 28 72 3,050,000 13 824,454 5,351,410 9 308, U5 20 5 9 37 1,130 1,500 2,224 5,415 1,252,870 1,045,797 3,952 1, 533, 597 933,050 6,532 322,830 122,136 10,761 215,195 271,074 6,521 200,280 487,822 553,136 212,543 320,243 269,392 101 225 77 U4 260 166 117,909 207,597 36,393 9,746 3 101,492 1 112,975 1 100,000 1 150,000 1 2,200 80,000 90,000 93 224 77 114 259 165 17,909 57,597 36,393 7,546 21,492 22,975 243 357 139 387 497 345 254,860 974,736 1,395,379 115,652 340,279 468,098 10 17 26 32 26 37 40,397 2,104 2,417 153,623 U0,278 5,893 15 35 2 104 85 14 16,024 314 77 34,736 27,271 987 1,104 986,154 347, 576 1,269 6,325,461 611,273 1,096 1,520,790 X6,718 NORTH CAROLINA SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 241 on refiorts for only a sample of fams. See lexl 3 Bladen Brunswick Buneonbe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 38 n 312 167 266 311 5 1 90 372 137 92 15 45 613 51 1 90 24 527 261 353 387 18 16 218 619 279 181 10 122 986 39 328,021 115,300 1,532,830 347,565 1,094,360 444,177 2,920 242,000 330,760 935,185 612, 550 132,769 1,060 180,770 1,526,169 344,785 3 127,348 63,767 1,348,296 266,229 726, OTO 278,814 1,948 130,640 279,290 1,109,630 979,605 178,258 583 190,572 1,024,601 156,223 4 8,632 10,483 4,913 2,081 4,U4 1,428 584 242,000 3,675 2,514 4,471 1,443 71 4,017 2,490 6,760 5 38 la 312 167 256 301 5 1 90 342 137 92 15 45 518 51 6 58 18 393 210 284 313 7 13 120 516 187 143 7 114 745 29 7 7,038,613 2,002,924 33,02^376 6,048,218 22,517,890 8,219,222 31,390 3,537,120 6,102,854 18,902,559 11,973,946 2,494,556 14,620 3,821,555 28,185,882 6,140,235 8 2,302,323 1,099,906 Z3,98:iU6 4,792,763 5 15,1A6,406 15 5,142,232 20 20,614 2,290,318 5,559,565 5 23,948,816 45 17,839,943 3,483,215 15 9,443 5 4,964,995 21,386,256 105 2,813,619 10 32 6 134 51 125 69 2,7TO 74 2,475 11 3 98 250 103 8,665 "92 38 1,850 3 75 "8 241 25,585 10 U 12 2,263 572 26,403 9,673 34,164 12,773 1,326 155 12,036 18,857 15,884 3,248 127 1,336 42,807 843 13 373 360 ra2 308 351 301 101 104 372 5U 679 241 145 267 610 593 j^ 679 474 944 391 553 422 183 190 547 667 1,058 444 250 449 1,247 810 15 280,522 183,775 2,614,228 440,664 779,012 1,078,694 54,399 183,075 206,562 1,176,700 6,150,413 939,381 165,495 1,170,207 2,632,993 453,478 16 84,771 70,600 1,619,879 366,159 806,341 482,028 45,960 107,136 85,601 638,771 4,618,595 419,619 198, a6 685,511 1,204,831 201,721 17 155 102 363 161 233 180 49 53 137 247 5TO 193 68 223 405 239 IS 243 127 4U 237 233 197 61 81 177 274 817 260 82 369 771 307 19 348,151 222,507 4,089,926 420,059 403,655 1,685,196 11,369 U,856 198,194 1,241,745 10,631,652 384,589 13,823 700,384 1,152,756 335,212 20 45,096 12,553 1,987,117 192,187 TO6,258 297,341 6,459 19,139 51,318 372,815 6,206,528 74,387 9,342 194,256 442,228 137,569 21 9 4 128 7 12 33 7 27 299 10 1 20 25 10 22 2 1 96 13 16 23 1 4 lA 454 1 4 28 6 23 326,500 210,000 3,930,626 373,000 324,900 1,637,0U 184,200 1,078,600 10/175,813 215,066 6,500 512,900 800,361 275,994 24 27,800 1,500 1,944,049 W9,840 665,599 259,100 8,500 42,100 318,100 5,999,949 1,500 56,750 278,200 115,000 25 147 98 245 158 227 153 49 53 131 231 306 185 68 207 391 230 26 242 126 324 227 219 176 61 81 175 261 431 260 81 365 754 304 27 21,651 12,507 159,300 47,059 78,755 48,185 11,369 11,856 13,994 163,145 155,839 169, 589 7,323 187,484 352,395 59,218 28 17,296 11,053 43,068 42,347 40,659 38,241 6,459 10,639 9, as 54,715 206,579 74,387 7,842 137,506 164,028 22,569 20 313 342 491 278 319 239 85 93 318 441 380 212 121 234 559 503 30 585 437 682 315 494 325 ITO 174 465 597 605 378 209 414 974 695 31 266,265 180,406 1,405,680 581,930 1,465,477 594,885 120,305 252,713 272,531 1,374,521 1,953,812 1,876,562 127,865 2,058,238 5,138,836 718,966 32 138,568 127,561 568,042 540,432 652,209 536,395 84,600 175,707 93,830 771,731 1,145,373 714,361 164,700 929,073 1,846,909 225,255 33 8 9 30 4 12 8 17 10 16 10 14 4 15 7 9 23 34 33 30 32 U 19 20 33 12 32 15 30 16 51 8 17 48 35 935 1,466 3,247 90 4,552 402 725 78,745 1,104 880 60,9TO 75 108,530 388 33,377 821 36 3,265 4,831 64,723 442 2,323 1,289 3,541 7,205 2,042 1,457 49,356 780 129,229 268 98,527 3,624 37 27 19 42 7 30 15 9 5 53 33 20 U 17 17 17 53 38 76 TO 89 35 60 42 37 U 84 56 48 38 58 25 45 112 M 269 351 890 49 1,045 116 86 16,683 472 323 12,975 68 20,544 147 8,890 363 40 787 1,539 19,385 196 996 425 559 1,264 887 568 13,771 344 24,605 184 30,701 1,419 41 26 1 17 2 41 1 7 26 3 1 15 9 3 2 50 3 31 2 15 1 4 11 11 2 4 17 15 "2 ■*' 42 48 Forsyth FrankUn Gaston Gates Grahaa GranTllls Greene OulU-onJ Rallfu Hamett Hajwood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 232 45 204 45 96 10 265 36 90 201 227 5 11 928 1 517 77 350 20 33 144 19 381 59 94 292 225 10 27 29 1,306 2 1,093,044 117,675 1,088,497 21,505 667,783 515 1,946,420 189,025 10,455 880,991 1,650,905 25 14,375 3,291,345 3 763,438 56,523 859,023 1,168 5,716 430,050 15,900 1,210,539 147,041 44,242 459,632 894,165 18,283 50,196 31,008 1,968,885 4 4,711 2,615 5,336 478 6,956 52 7,345 5,251 U6 4,383 7,273 5 1,307 3,547 5 212 35 204 45 86 5 260 36 80 201 227 5 6 928 « 272 27 282 4 24 98 6 236 J4 51 243 174 4 iA 13 1,213 7 19,297,492 2,125,472 18,481,521 425,750 11,891,905 250 34/19,239 3,158,937 193,680 15,961,999 31,450,367 645 268,162 69,990,412 B 14,571,522 1,038,639 15,325,0U 7,198 84,504 8,479,1TO 313, 573 22,472,522 3,022,401 773,432 8,492,835 15,934,329 336,905 1,186,920 590,347 M, 565,458 0 30 10 20 5 10 5 10 15 5 10 245 50 63 16 9 46 13 Hi 25 43 49 51 6 13 16 93 11 13,060 750 4,475 705 2,^5 75 700 300 50 12 47,148 6,756 16,584 1,138 1,123 6,079 1,U7 38,173 4,271 4,305 6,875 10,584 704 2,675 903 26,899 13 519 380 341 298 102 435 190 749 355 419 304 242 237 140 176 552 14 941 427 603 413 169 499 502 1,103 354 606 495 459 227 168 319 983 15 763,666 417,457 698,548 311,172 39,363 1,132,375 106,TO1 797,287 249,801 574,144 665,202 676,830 108,740 350,447 112,521 1,066,537 16 581,518 182,718 515,022 161,314 56,751 292,351 42,046 650,815 52,913 248,015 364,033 490,590 28,205 194,719 30,258 747,497 17 300 143 201 131 48 196 90 390 116 218 118 123 68 74 83 286 IS 537 168 254 173 77 182 366 532 in 240 219 2X1 56 47 71 437 H 467,033 253, 598 381,395 304,010 8,103 1,358,795 97,187 850,704 80,628 264,132 898,963 379,121 96,382 268,047 27,577 807,879 20 147,632 114,272 184,834 131,917 13,018 269,413 15,703 428,923 7,314 154,208 279,680 285,578 9,992 235,919 2,859 782,748 21 7 4 6 3 34 4 21 2 6 16 11 1 13 25 22 24 2 6 2 1 22 26 1 9 11 21 1 9 24 23 359,683 ai,2oo 320,000 288,000 1,292, 6TO 85,666 786,446 49,500 169,200 869,342 323,200 90,000 243,001 680,252 24 73,455 97,500 162,000 118,000 3,000 254,050 369,130 1,000 127,400 253,000 239,800 7,000 232,500 741,850 25 296 139 197 130 48 171 86 381 115 212 106 113 68 64 83 267 26 534 166 248 171 76 162 366 517 110 232 208 198 56 38 71 416 27 107,350 42,398 61,395 16,010 8,103 66,125 12,187 64,258 31,128 94,932 29,621 55,921 6,382 25,046 27,577 127,627 28 74,177 16,772 22,834 13,917 10,018 15,363 15,703 59,793 6,314 26,808 26,680 45,778 2,992 3,419 2,859 40,898 29 460 326 319 284 95 367 162 662 280 337 262 204 199 98 168 472 30 781 359 521 361 140 420 191 920 307 485 382 362 197 136 302 796 .11 1,308,507 740,636 1,193,359 406,890 88,502 1,155,650 144,815 916,234 530,787 1,110,197 551,667 1,156,100 155,540 384,829 244,752 1,668,044 32 865,170 224,610 501,338 165,266 76,347 261,839 74,841 639,078 104,621 272,850 264,089 573,353 43,456 73,180 89,018 559,109 33 16 25 7 7 2 17 14 22 31 12 7 15 10 7 9 20 34 41 28 21 27 5 22 45 50 35 19 14 19 9 13 8 39 35 11,446 736 42,095 1,347 60 605 640 10, 9U 1,562 1,217 163 36,767 168 65,179 211 3,215 3« 5,J42 13,607 137,387 13,520 579 1,269 2,081 44,781 3,010 30,999 1,343 1,622 2,277 767 499 13,103 37 30 55 18 2 8 43 51 32 TO 49 15 25 15 17 11 28 38 73 69 60 25 12 40 153 108 133 69 50 49 17 37 12 93 39 3,923 409 11,577 209 61 315 375 2,386 557 487 123 8,320 56 17,120 97 814 40 1,467 2,818 35,922 2,549 204 422 1,223 7,439 1,081 10,612 642 502 417 360 152 3,753 41 25 55 14 1 8 43 51 29 69 47 15 23 15 16 11 24 42 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 43 44 242 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [DbU for dairy products sold for 1959 are based Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold — fomiK reporting dollars Average sales per Farm reporting; dollars Milk sold as whole milk famis reporting Cream sold farms repcrting pounds of butterfat POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODl'CI^ Poultry and poultry products sold rarms repottme dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms repcrting Other chickens sold farms reporting Chicken eggs sold farms reporting Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reportm Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised— Under 50 farms reportin 50 to 399 farms reportin 400 or more farms reportin (For defini md explai e text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms repo-ting ift59 . . 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 . . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Cream sold farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . pounds of hutterfat 1959 , . 1954,. POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCT? Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. dollars 1959.. Chickens sold farms reporting 1959 , . number 1959. , 1954 . . Broilers sold farms repcrting 1959, . 1954.. number 1959 , , 1954.. Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . . " 1954.. number 1959 . . 1954 . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. dozens 1959.. 1954 . . Turfaeya, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954.. Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms repotting 1959 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Und« 50 farms reporting 1959 . . 50 to 399 farms reporting 1959 . . 400 or more farms reporting 1959 . . 67,910 272,400 76,361 125,653 453 2,270 150 120 42 96 ,121,390 4,180,548 ,143,465 2,183,033 25 22 142 2,325 12,878 12,973 41,680 376,543 1,985 1, 141, 907 922,828 3,349 1,547 1,655,002 669,195 256,370 249,627 2,947 1,552,000 1,239,612 4,073 241,500 134,883 2,776 620,660 372,182 3,013 1,606,675 1,293,861 3,948 544,045 454,950 1,674 485,574 434,710 466,035 392, 569 649,955 259,062 4,166 1,410 1,577,301 6Li,183 39,350 U2,577 1,574 NORTH CAROLINA 243 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on report? for onU a sample of farr^s. '^^ lexl , Martin Meciaen- burg Mitchell MOTltgomery Moore Hash Net) Hanover North- ampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Person Pitt 6 231 75 60 45 85 15 6 36 142 10 10 65 20 118 31 1 26 342 131 101 106 102 26 74 28 247 27 23 SO 35 197 39 198,222 1,456,560 143,260 94,100 38,515 84,665 127,105 19,668 224,395 1,644,770 71,265 1,075 502,945 181,625 402,505 443,560 3 53, 97-; 1,300,305 151,170 78,686 175,326 108,762 112,872 97,409 83,700 867,132 50,592 55,458 327,210 7,069 115,825 159,462 4 33,037 6,305 1,910 1,568 856 996 8,474 3,281 6,233 11,583 7,127 108 7,738 9,081 3,411 14,308 5 6 231 75 60 40 75 15 6 36 127 10 10 55 15 98 26 6 19 319 122 62 56 47 25 30 25 154 16 14 73 8 94 25 7 2,863,038 26,816,740 2,492,734 1,650,471 567,094 1,582,110 2,392,305 315,104 4,573,099 28,784,387 1,021,035 8,944 8,344,160 3,204,530 7,566,090 7,278,200 8 903,473 24,631,390 2,842,842 1,445,U0 3,006,637 1,853,816 1,878,231 1,835,790 1,626,466 17,309,762 900,558 980,151 6,408,514 92,957 2,260,854 2,838,009 9 5 5 10 15 20 5 5 15 10 30 5 10 7 23 9 39 50 55 1 44 3 93 11 9 7 27 103 14 11 325 260 1,650 3,750 805 20 440 1,655 2,750 8,625 120 12 279 4,198 1,491 5,266 7,476 4,671 "7 5,359 214 15,924 2,765 1,659 649 4,514 11,848 1,654 13 3i2 341 164 278 661 616 33 481 293 390 151 211 410 292 336 586 j^ 602 639 271 342 616 888 87 633 480 644 266 354 532 435 643 809 15 368,020 718,255 513,867 2,490,731 6,179,517 682,735 168,827 234,166 223,002 1,366,285 446,003 a4,292 1,508,247 195,470 1,311,247 430,303 16 58,406 559,522 222,131 928,399 2,457,178 207,900 67,206 225,258 112,126 827,969 356,993 53,126 250,261 78,920 512,347 104,574 17 124 220 68 194 564 283 25 262 U7 267 75 104 210 142 152 270 18 178 305 102 249 470 345 37 201 197 355 100 123 212 152 395 323 19 486,143 539,492 1,010,682 4,635,409 11,866,132 554,173 113,499 170,745 260,735 621,751 152,548 20,668 1,385,604 19,074 1,924,889 199,562 20 8,388 362,161 279,996 1,369,393 4,144,713 26,910 5,411 51,806 7,647 310,528 8,898 10,122 26,940 10,857 685,352 18,075 21 ID 18 15 17 6 127 69 450 343 12 5 2 1 * 18 23 2 1 34 2 1 33 21 2 1 22 23 458,000 477,200 1,008,300 4,612,396 11,831,151 470,400 100,666 140,000 240,666 483,162 140,666 1,276,929 4,200 1,879,800 124,500 24 318,100 272,000 1,350,550 4,124,882 34,500 245,533 1,000 9,288 670,800 1,800 25 115 206 51 73 149 279 26 260 113 253 73 104 185 141 123 268 26 178 295 96 197 165 345 37 200 197 336 100 123 211 152 376 322 27 28,143 62,292 2,382 23,013 34,981 83,773 13,499 30,745 20,735 U8,589 12,548 20,668 108,675 14,874 45,089 75,062 28 8,388 44,061 7,996 18,843 19,831 26,910 5,411 17,306 7,647 64,995 8,898 9,122 17,652 10,867 14,552 16,275 2!) 284 288 117 143 235 543 21 334 269 345 136 189 349 271 279 492 30 517 552 205 186 254 735 72 554 408 540 237 320 454 381 401 584 31 313,113 1,139,364 20,358 442,043 408,193 968,146 287,451 373,201 231,529 2,680,235 189,575 521,514 1,608,219 450,691 893,255 825,232 32 106,358 691,131 69,501 189,123 145,169 388,679 128, 165 489,291 120,076 1,505,658 104,873 103,485 334,725 150,420 104,858 160, 822 33 14 16 10 10 13 19 2 24 4 17 7 27 12 24 11 26 34 42 38 12 13 25 77 7 28 17 25 18 35 22 68 13 69 3S 337 3,093 314 448 84,341 20,999 147 828 506 9,203 295,180 1,649 182,586 11,695 348 1,922 36 3,857 3,999 1,106 1,141 139,028 9,212 613 2,243 53,590 21,595 306,926 2,062 90,883 8,461 5,852 7,415 37 34 19 17 16 27 65 6 32 5 35 7 12 17 19 35 102 38 84 93 19 18 46 224 18 60 27 63 24 40 58 46 38 234 39 192 778 126 199 28,134 5,828 81 248 57 2,058 56,008 158 55,573 2,337 272 844 40 919 1,176 284 212 34,148 2,363 234 688 14,620 4,598 71,135 572 10,208 1,858 1,349 2,302 41 34 16 3 17 16 22 3 2 63 "2 6 32 4 1 31 2 2 3 4 11 1 14 "3 16 2 1 36 101 1 4S 43 44 Stokes Surry Swaiii Trsneyl- vanla Tyrrell Union Vance Wain Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey 230 336 61 105 5 367 55 138 52 10 357 61 537 10 350 71 1 362 424 33 179 20 729 84 212 97 10 443 127 669 39 525 150 2 87,735 587,874 21,820 165,170 250 1,195,970 301,580 1,456,365 400,742 390 298, 3U 509,842 350,205 151,905 1,188,535 207,042 1 89,722 346,743 17,913 178,362 1,169 1,037,172 121,284 779,874 390,619 18,291 198,625 406,212 292,389 63,322 700,712 279, 188 4 381 1,750 358 1,573 50 3,259 5,483 10,553 7,707 39 836 8,358 652 15,191 3,396 2,916 5 205 326 51 105 5 362 50 128 47 10 357 61 537 10 350 65 6 164 346 21 U7 3 643 47 108 68 8 413 67 563 16 449 120 7 1,953,198 11,153,478 373,410 2,846,565 4,650 23,251,439 5,275,636 23,701,530 7,753,707 5,977 8,507,983 8,075,189 7,625,704 2,635,235 24,653,736 3,780,840 8 2,184,280 7,962,473 171,630 2,834,302 9,632 84,250,624 2,385,047 13,571,402 7,315,839 335,460 5,819,775 7,306,646 5,876,707 1,082,267 15,658,579 5,012,218 9 35 35 10 10 5 5 25 10 5 5 15 10 198 78 12 42 17 86 37 104 29 2 30 60 106 23 76 '36 11 5,105 5,145 350 475 600 500 3,530 2,650 100 1,200 1,330 12 22,135 12,162 1,008 5,083 1,743 17,869 5,257 13,407 5,994 92 7,107 8,786 22,547 2,655 12,971 3,041 13 434 379 U4 137 188 609 233 562 257 182 334 681 994 430 318 219 14 713 666 104 273 300 1,382 190 887 410 243 540 766 1,094 556 630 297 IS 446,230 2,263,202 146,017 107,434 72,751 4,777,343 122,483 1,699,403 110,299 41,972 722,727 1,075,917 9,078,438 257,301 459,288 251,999 1« 434,584 642, U7 88,656 244,451 63,455 2,541,279 59,339 864,103 68,205 33,546 180,870 217,739 4,107,825 72,185 302,436 203,529 17 205 250 68 62 103 484 99 320 96 75 126 280 856 191 154 74 18 358 355 64 144 91 875 45 508 lU 50 165 296 910 242 409 101 W 155,726 2,705,533 27,720 22,147 9,539 3,012,880 78,818 1,034,066 15,673 5,545 1,244,326 760,111 14,248,978 78,336 457,609 152,518 20 278,454 449,184 17,649 64,345 9,869 1,208,209 5,161 503,073 U,399 2,806 183,657 45,514 4,972,353 13,751 97,315 41,502 21 5 85 97 2 26 1 63 10 609 1 13 2 22 28 51 "1 2 67 40 1 22 2 532 1 7 3 23 71,800 2,496,025 2,745,600 64,800 820,300 2,000 1,221,900 673,600 13,872,285 20,000 405,800 134,000 24 215,975 382,175 3,000 38,500 979, U6 423,450 1,000 171,300 13,200 4,765,752 1,000 44,100 9,000 25 202 177 68 62 103 408 98 298 96 75 66 273 ] 296 191 145 72 26 339 316 63 142 91 813 45 474 113 50 W7 296 417 242 403 98 27 83,926 209,508 27,720 22,147 9,539 267,280 14,018 213,766 13,673 5,545 22,426 86, 511 376,693 58,336 51,809 28,518 28 62,479 67,009 U,649 25,845 9,869 229,063 6,161 79,623 13,399 2,806 12,357 32,314 206,601 12,751 53,215 32,602 29 379 264 112 119 181 462 195 496 233 161 257 581 373 366 273 190 30 565 465 76 223 272 1,111 169 650 358 2U 458 660 451 481 396 241 31 923,725 2,284,349 332,589 240,857 173,506 4,663,415 209,543 2,977,937 260,513 99,860 251,528 1,032,579 4,941,014 541,326 577,843 432,981 32 424,072 640,609 M2,491 287,633 167,345 2,490,470 130,864 969,312 130,767 74,645 130,240 404,879 1,805,117 137,631 445,270 305,224 33 8 12 5 7 4 43 15 14 21 9 7 33 14 28 10 11 34 14 20 3 19 27 91 11 43 26 26 20 64 23 37 13 17 35 566 480 229 405 142 1,445,349 644 8,001 733 143 498 286, 179 1,025 762 542 503 36 950 1,986 435 2,827 2,182 842,167 498 67,192 1,438 3,571 1,349 14,347 1,382 2,249 7,503 593 37 22 18 5 15 10 52 47 31 79 2 10 53 27 52 23 19 38 46 66 7 43 25 U5 49 122 129 21 29 140 49 165 33 34 39 142 117 33 148 61 342,185 271 2,073 461 7 131 44,698 357 379 234 158 40 533 7U 45 1,018 384 199,554 378 9,393 915 823 501 4,263 532 1,257 1,586 294 41 22 18 5 15 10 16 47 29 79 2 10 46 4 3 26 51 22 19 48 35 1 44 244 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (Fof deriniLiona and ?xp[a[ Com: Com for all purposes. Harvested for grain. Cut for silage. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. .farms report ijTg 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. . . . .farms reportijig tons, green weight ut for ....farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reportijig 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959. Sorgtiunis: Sorghums for all purposes. .. .farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales farms reporting 1959. bushels 1959. Cut for silage.... farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons, green weight 1959. Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959. acres 1959., tons cut 1959., Sales tons 1959. Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959., acres 1959. gallons 1959., Sales gallons 1959. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959. 1954., acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959., 1954., Sales bushels 1959., 1954., Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959., 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959., Oats farms reporting 1959. , 1954., acres 1959., 1954. , bushels 1959., 1954. Sales bushels 1959. , 1954. , Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959., 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959., 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959., 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959., Barley farms reporting 1959. , 1954. acres 1959., 1954., bushels 1959. , 1954. , Sales bushels 1959. . 1954., 146,918 207,135 1,812,4«1 2,029,795 142,678 197,001 1,678,257 1,865,126 70,520,411 42,612,526 58,234 46,452 31,225,753 12,874,129 4,871 60,956 665,094 423,473 11,486 16,789 70,119 103,713 95,900 24,709 21,760 2,820 6,074 73,043 2,259,760 2,132 1,032,972 1,414 5,395 6,556 1,565 1,613 101,478 62,047 41,450 39,658 368,035 292,323 8,609,247 6,110,401 6,053,161 3,242,114 28,563 10,665 1,728 422 72 29,130 41,309 276,179 379,046 10,055,957 13,466,683 2,927,939 3,378,167 20,735 6,034 1,739 500 122 7,074 7,673 60,312 52,916 2,184,197 1,656,676 637,660 435,785 1,297 1,897 11,604 16,243 1,268 1,783 10,111 14,420 383,333 305,232 346 392 1,318 1,321 13,289 9,223 823 934 7,615 7,564 177,006 175,229 104,039 91,291 762 1,000 7,483 9,931 305,153 419,980 63,529 98,543 1,170 5,494 6,460 352 1,048 4,773 5,385 161,494 90,847 197 48 421 561 2,597 3,337 54,240 50,529 25,632 11,179 102,482 139,203 17,026 16,997 16,249 U,653 3,992 2,769 1,198 12,328 11,583 4,013 4,850 1,226 1,721 9,934 15,305 974 1,640 9,072 13,868 248,324 147,863 292 205 4,646 5,331 99,294 99,178 80,463 71,374 194 8,719 290 14,096 6,395 264,804 7,575 440,938 150 77,499 40 145,492 56,904 25,469 23,092 1,757 2,613 4,541 7,481 1,690 2,487 3,907 6,568 213,036 238,119 95 191 1,801 36,605 62,276 2,037 2,654 47,223 39,534 1,959 2,610 45,351 38,991 2,394,655 1,561,825 1,378 1,371 1,622,781 775,375 17 53,467 13,908 48,578 11,130 212 280 4,903 6,371 216,533 254,517 147,567 206,269 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 245 Part 1 of 6 Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus CaldireU Cajnden Carteret CasweU Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 2,278 1,328 1,717 708 784 758 233 266 1,762 1,126 1,232 640 538 511 1,635 4,257 1 3,060 1,6U 2,530 1,091 1,278 1,283 324 412 2,343 1,683 1,924 1,269 688 744 2,873 5,342 2 32,357 U,367 6,992 5,347 7,730 4,804 15,622 2,691 U,457 9,528 10,918 4,221 12,003 3,534 U,365 53,942 3 33,826 11,939 9,780 6,126 10,592 6,103 15,265 3,655 15,412 11,072 14,953 6,567 13,676 3,972 18,474 52,262 " 2,229 1,190 1,498 690 693 736 233 229 1,731 1,082 1,210 629 507 506 1,556 4,164 5 2,960 1,388 2,216 1,009 1,236 1,206 324 385 2,293 1,462 1,863 1,189 625 738 1,993 4,993 6 29,171 U,259 4,458 4,945 5,630 4,293 15,609 2,233 10,915 7,838 10,044 3,978 10,635 3,246 9,493 48,093 7 30,500 10,005 6,719 5,389 9,566 5,380 15,261 3,015 14,548 8,097 14,002 6,010 10,850 3,755 12,045 46,094 8 1,031,907 337,612 194,179 181,754 162,201 174,567 995,997 93,326 285,572 282,254 386,551 168,636 559,424 140,519 289,498 2,036,399 9 iSiiiV. 226,319 227,822 112,288 201,497 106,059 739,253 73,608 231,860 152,013 268,688 160,711 327,014 139,148 125,873 1,039,341 10 985 261 187 244 184 157 200 49 364 244 250 110 267 112 508 2,116 11 6TO 188 122 133 124 62 261 31 365 201 307 64 128 65 311 1,110 12 316,059 63,636 28,329 61,528 41,082 44,393 815,704 19, U7 50,293 69,854 77,504 47,358 254,068 27,670 86,896 691,001 13 106,230 34,621 23,942 19,284 19, U3 8,896 517,328 7,988 21,070 28,002 45,240 7,795 63,217 8,415 24,422 219,921 14 20 23 244 23 72 56 1 4 34 119 51 16 1 24 100 27 15 12 8 329 48 61 88 6 49 244 64 37 4 29 207 32 16 582 438 2,297 373 1,432 474 "3 14 427 1,571 759 195 10 261 1,603 315 17 369 97 2,670 466 818 568 155 474 2,731 683 338 29 217 2,181 322 18 4,617 4,280 28,699 4,226 13,599 5,211 '75 UO 4,241 12,854 7,511 2,301 200 2,526 14,260 2,680 19 2,027 665 24,979 3,218 4,775 3,664 1,232 2,564 12,488 4,098 2,597 275 2,025 7,601 1,348 20 353 392 73 10 82 13 3 66 27 24 20 10 178 3 56 1,097 21 333 345 162 66 27 59 1 83 189 93 59 58 209 831 898 22 2,60« 2,670 237 29 668 37 10 444 115 U9 115 48 1,358 27 269 5,534 23 2,957 1,837 391 271 208 155 4 485 390 274 268 219 2,797 4,248 5,846 24 1,196 906 1,620 619 587 664 41 191 1,561 909 906 565 234 435 1,400 2,393 25 537 243 56 50 96 46 31 38 148 101 222 37 105 43 148 1,063 26 479 154 34 32 87 39 59 32 53 92 96 29 138 26 77 732 27 49 14 3 1 9 8 31 4 21 5 6 40 2 8 46 28 7 6 1 2 19 1 1 3 2 8 3 2 12 29 10 5 3 ' 6 3 ' i 52 2 1 13 2 11 30 39 21 264 41 374 62 24 2 142 155 190 17 10 21 330 119 31 241 369 655 189 5,408 215 695 36 528 1,209 1,864 16 103 29 2,219 714 32 17 16 9 U 318 17 23 2 131 69 148 9 72 71 33 164 272 U20 106 4,726 122 655 36 445 635 1,188 87 537 424 34 5,684 6,310 3,940 2,838 134,022 5,007 20,235 900 12,964 19,809 34,720 3,545 14,882 12,823 35 1 4 2 124 1 14 1 20 26 52 1 20 18 36 225 3,900 1,200 64,354 1,800 16,620 875 2,722 9,251 13,542 105 4,393 3,279 37 1 1 n 3 32 3 2 2 36 27 84 11 38 29 10 274 46 510 32 40 55 492 531 1,076 165 39 200 60 3,144 638 4,681 318 360 570 3,650 5,096 6,829 1,595 40 10 4 166 4 26 6 5 24 11 2 2 2 140 32 41 41 85 232 7 169 9 15 49 138 2 16 5 499 117 42 38 37 575 16 8 178 42 6 2 19 50 98 46 24 3 1 1,025 8 53 2 43 U 2 40 22 5 39 6 29 8 15 19 47 10 45 7 2 29 28 3 52 13 33 7 14 24 107 8 46 346 55 1,543 1,255 153 1,673 329 1,178 473 1,035 1,975 4,709 784 47 105 30 570 845 67 912 130 220 215 590 1,473 3,399 415 48 168 59 68 287 507 193 76 45 1,171 9U 636 1 20 1 1,239 225 49 219 45 113 391 684 369 5 23 1,200 1,157 8U 13 6 22 1,616 209 50 976 454 412 1,820 6,589 1,009 1,770 412 8,052 12,192 4,740 10 201 4 13,782 976 51 1,145 343 556 2,365 7,523 1,908 75 200 6,853 11,463 5,624 79 70 99 12,724 833 52 19,216 10,853 9,711 33,950 128,563 20,994 49,852 9,740 186,996 281,810 106,337 200 4,714 80 277,198 24,630 53 30,179 7,328 13,032 43,174 118,275 33,076 2,165 4,305 160,944 215,205 U9,855 1,332 1,470 1,749 249,028 19,447 54 10,500 6,287 6,004 16,522 90,232 9,994 49,047 6,046 86,198 215,755 62,271 180 4,199 202,528 12,499 55 17,823 4,510 5,774 14,351 58,949 9,189 2,095 2,803 58,723 124,948 61,182 589 1,134 266 133,993 7,617 56 136 47 57 248 252 173 8 29 908 506 470 10 1 677 201 57 31 9 10 30 189 19 41 U 249 293 146 1 9 458 23 58 2 1 6 53 1 21 2 13 75 19 1 83 1 59 ' i 1 2 1 13 5 1 1 35 5 1 20 1 60 61 284 186 64 284 564 176 18 22 527 805 583 5 10 3 923 824 62 388 264 59 311 883 325 27 43 no 1,206 948 12 14 13 1,431 1,040 63 2,749 1,500 345 1,696 7,641 1,069 328 117 2,595 9,280 6,146 22 224 45 9,652 6,424 64 3,869 2,083 278 1,999 12,407 1,821 397 299 2,158 11,368 8,677 162 193 65 13,388 6,005 65 92,502 50,040 13,083 58,926 225,910 33,939 14,018 4,830 95,064 333,559 247,426 485 9,720 1,205 354,221 234,472 66 Ul,863 70,364 9,029 61,564 373,180 56,503 17,714 7,765 75,638 374,682 373,197 5,985 4,015 1,381 470,862 206,498 67 17,699 18,054 1,009 12,063 48,119 3,308 8,450 2,155 U,836 75,960 45,920 6,345 122,293 91,375 68 25,177 22,988 620 11,481 65,850 10,195 7,111 3,040 10,443 87,381 114,308 '75 559 400 146,240 37,424 69 212 135 58 247 291 144 7 IS 472 509 364 4 2 1 594 648 70 50 42 3 33 190 27 8 4 49 212 169 1 4 1 239 127 71 16 3 7 1 2 1 2 62 18 5 2 6 62 15 39 9 3 1 1 69 20 37 9 72 73 3 1 2 3 "i 7 2 1 3 74 48 60 36 46 167 44 1 4 142 344 110 . 8 279 45 75 24 28 82 68 146 86 8 285 469 87 "2 548 17 76 346 426 260 436 1,723 215 '35 15 530 2,936 762 '74 2,477 313 77 132 185 370 258 1,338 377 73 1,056 3,253 490 '40 4,109 112 78 10,751 13,507 7,994 18,444 51,125 7,786 700 275 17,219 115,748 29,532 1,960 94,646 10,936 79 4,4U 5,642 10,719 8,286 38,451 11,160 1,270 30,157 100,695 16,242 1,250 124,598 3,310 80 680 5,513 435 1,850 11,800 1,602 700 2,3U 24, 9U 7,405 630 41,671 2,495 81 500 2,400 1,330 754 7,325 1,265 625 4,872 35,630 2,791 46,701 1,000 82 Stub Items continued 246 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Craven Cumberland Currituck Daj-e IXirhani Edgecombe .farms reporting 1^59. 1954. acres 1959. 195i. Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959. 195i. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959 . 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959.. 1954. ■t for 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres .. .farms reporting 1959. Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes. .. .farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales farms reporting 1959. bushels 1959. Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons, green weight 1959. Hogged or grazed, or cut for diy forage or hay farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons cut 1959. Sales tons 1959, Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959. acres 1959., gallons 1959. Sales gallons 1959 . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954 . bushels 1959 . 1954. Sales bushels 1959, 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Oats farms reporting 1959.. 1954., acres 1959. 1954.. bushels 1959. 1954. . Sales bushels 1959. . 1954.. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. Barley farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959. . 1954. . Sales bushels 1959. . 1954.. 1,424 1,590 258 2,019 2,383 390 24,539 21,600 15,038 26,500 29,267 14,703 1,402 1,54S 257 1,984 2,237 386 23,384 19,806 14,987 25,194 26,260 14, 554 851,456 633,770 1,028,596 553,577 311,573 790,059 858 609 219 697 508 280 444,701 222,321 917,204 171,858 89,445 641,161 379 4,348 40,135 104,699 7,329 90,421 37,376 90,306 6,031 65,234 1,133 3,746 710 5,169 38,127 127,984 18,157 172,001 26,632 46,087 6,045 53,597 68,102 21,097 19,918 5,700 47,957 1,233 47,914 7,203 11,087 3,283 1,796 2,376 13,151 14,234 1,739 2,314 10,744 12,875 388,614 316,032 332 513 2,058 1,146 37,050 9,089 862 1,272 6,245 9,329 231,196 365,766 35,033 75,337 1,009 8,510 7,760 6,496 5,407 233,430 96,728 1,907 1,376 20,650 10,437 447 596 4,351 7,271 163, 44B 264,411 24,214 47,619 1,533 977 1,252 971 60,364 46,214 42,055 36,026 9,317 6,732 9,414 10,133 3,770 4,876 74,252 73,558 3,249,344 1,232,413 2,523 1,342 1,583,144 314,351 26 1,074 451 274 1,210 489 154 8,232 3,910 2,390 8,163 3,809 1,300 191,623 92,691 70,573 165,546 79,765 32,640 111,979 58,142 61,950 77,397 40,198 24,282 37,715 39,115 14,767 11,999 2,140 1,300 1,210 1,132 5,354 7,268 704 1,083 5,004 6,685 180,937 127,366 183 125 129 212 1,341 1,704 54,293 59,453 19,080 U,723 20,578 16,108 10,487 3,901 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 247 Part 1 of 6 Forsyth IVanVHT, Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford HaliTax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 1,355 2,458 682 749 463 2,430 1,927 2,104 2,719 2,704 1,201 834 1,159 815 307 1,TO9 1 1,886 3,310 1,087 977 633 2,947 2,684 3,059 3,626 4,040 1,912 1,336 1,562 1,220 408 2,308 2 9,090 19,958 6,655 19,483 1,188 19,361 44,290 14,980 37,017 26,968 5,277 6,365 17,707 9,674 13,883 16,351 3 11,209 23,884 8,645 22,983 1,944 23,U9 43,326 20,152 43,872 39,763 7,679 8,165 20,312 11,563 12,639 18,091 1,333 2,445 644 707 457 2,417 1,921 2,052 2,689 2,651 855 722 1,134 810 298 1,634 5 l,8i5 3,086 713 955 627 2,905 2,673 2,888 3,306 3,948 1,725 1,2S1 1,531 1,204 403 2,116 6 8,030 19,714 4,879 17,590 1,139 18,675 43,760 U,339 35,463 25,058 2,453 4,341 16,271 9,423 13,153 13,029 7 10,190 22,141 4,701 19,236 1,852 22,275 43,046 17,757 39,291 38,127 5,417 6,685 19,411 11,273 12,229 14,364 8 274,616 678,427 165,119 859,010 51,542 579,425 2,116,028 473,484 1,522,479 917,340 118,070 208,876 775,319 293,356 827,218 472,132 9 267,365 269,194 49,247 577,540 53,897 427,806 1,068,828 417,864 871,254 837,608 236,077 209,266 499,283 137,777 522,262 302,271 10 33i 731 181 340 16 576 1,812 484 1,154 1,027 75 114 623 242 249 469 n (MS 350 52 176 4 949 1,801 723 797 953 251 117 390 123 273 491 12 58,766 184,153 43,201 287,427 2,285 109,426 1,339,167 98,397 544,733 313,375 11,547 32,444 308,273 113,833 653,337 140,361 13 82,335 44,247 3,801 100,602 255 84,166 507,861 103,882 207,988 223,697 34,214 27,193 110,454 35,223 333,909 81,145 14 61 7 90 4 10 33 3 88 24 11 367 98 9 3 14 307 15 75 15 155 7 18 43 4 107 30 5 422 131 3 8 3 362 16 1,022 72 1,612 23 43 620 120 1,504 603 230 2,372 1,630 128 92 330 3,723 17 868 142 2,321 57 78 481 72 1,579 603 38 2,130 1,232 52 150 25 3,465 13 12,386 633 12,152 185 419 6,561 1,675 12,913 4,583 2,183 33,869 17,305 1,012 361 3,180 38,590 19 7,851 801 8,279 690 685 3,015 478 11,557 4,142 267 27,509 11,812 360 1,049 236 26,262 20 17 44 28 188 3 23 74 32 115 327 165 100 137 24 40 22 21 21 251 326 438 3 187 61 145 395 222 57 40 112 22 26 59 22 38 172 164 1,870 6 66 410 137 951 1,680 447 394 1,308 159 395 94 23 151 1,601 1,623 3,690 14 363 208 816 3,978 1,598 132 248 849 140 385 262 24 1,170 1,990 519 229 458 1,948 346 1,790 1,819 1,882 1,125 710 547 558 73 1,237 25 106 351 81 126 5 363 571 194 455 523 48 52 325 143 53 245 26 67 110 66 286 110 880 lU 352 278 25 57 256 90 82 193 27 7 2 12 75 7 97 2 43 14 2 8 21 15 42 23 28 1 2 24 1 25 4 19 6 1 2 4 3 22 8 29 '• "5 2 9 1 8 3 31 1 5 6 6 35 3 30 64 30 60 32 9 60 3 160 84 44 110 43 35 7 176 31 533 252 455 237 8 254 51 1,072 1,891 235 162 273 275 48 1,409 32 49 14 12 26 18 1 96 75 35 1 7 26 2 71 33 366 97 75 200 84 7 563 1,220 196 1 50 224 21 574 34 10,594 2,390 2,235 5,714 2,084 140 17,101 44,200 5,136 30 2,088 6,755 530 14,621 35 U 1 4 3 4 1 22 23 7 8 20 36 5,067 60 680 881 630 140 4,406 7,391 1,290 3,610 4,998 37 4 5 16 1 2 30 6 2 48 U 2 66 38 99 141 202 10 44 435 613 16 85 168 26 750 39 1,299 1,062 1,127 80 336 4,576 4,990 154 946 1,707 81 7,460 40 6 4 29 4 2 18 8 8 3 44 9 4 13 41 62 9 170 36 4 135 39 58 14 58 20 46 50 42 80 9 200 12 124 6 106 19 34 2 132 1 23 48 26 43 44 6 9 4 2 7 23 30 6 18 16 7 3 35 45 6 5 8 1 4 25 35 9 IS 35 5 1 35 46 400 216 203 100 354 1,U7 1,702 192 1,253 1,878 371 77 1,377 47 338 20 130 12 509 845 53 620 841 220 18 1,193 48 697 909 419 126 927 176 1,381 294 1,197 4 32 60 333 48 1,299 49 677 514 588 20 1 597 34 1,662 173 774 21 69 8 371 6 1,582 50 5,213 7,054 4,8» 1,260 4,989 2,123 11,044 2,735 10,164 20 155 590 3,383 980 14,174 51 4,375 3,148 5,680 184 5 2,973 303 10,706 1,798 4,382 89 271 101 2,695 63 14,939 52 122,800 162,146 100,921 30,385 115,169 64,334 272, U4 63,606 264,976 585 3,441 14,655 78,633 25,172 307,670 53 96,955 71,308 110,925 4,100 '24 68,873 7,693 257,187 44,086 105,342 1,954 5,910 1,970 62,143 2,066 275,608 54 76,401 109,670 71,763 24,196 52,852 62,599 155,802 50,727 204,695 332 1,450 10,815 64,573 24,896 221,343 55 46,456 40,672 64,149 2,U0 22,617 6,166 122,198 33,605 54,061 281 2,818 1,385 39,469 1,688 149,188 56 514 687 246 62 818 74 984 2U 807 ^ 28 33 229 12 749 57 164 183 132 60 104 89 352 57 342 4 23 73 26 445 58 17 25 31 4 5 12 38 19 44 4 18 6 87 59 2 13 1 8 2 1 7 5 2 3 1 11 2 3 1 14 60 61 636 222 411 27 1 263 44 1,086 88 578 10 40 14 207 17 1,205 62 932 228 585 16 4 206 25 1,508 134 731 46 51 3 520 58 1,686 63 4,536 1,710 5,046 156 1 1,550 450 7,966 2,210 3,474 62 417 112 2,179 455 13,946 64 7,223 1,570 6,534 125 4 1,304 183 9,167 2,205 4,739 183 512 58 5,664 866 18,182 65 163,416 61,469 174,446 5,456 50 51,525 23,110 296,723 81,193 133,388 2,742 13,947 4,448 76,275 17,118 537,923 66 278,473 53,0U 221,719 5,158 127 48,701 7,032 372,202 97,488 178,353 5,628 23,882 2,332 167,903 31,095 615,286 67 35,920 20,167 36,859 1,323 4,445 16,281 62,230 18,684 38,566 100 1,500 1,564 34,888 16, ue 118,652 68 72,579 15,170 37,489 1,450 4,937 1,933 59,961 28,461 54,887 1,250 3,500 246 75,323 22,414 113,260 69 497 181 249 21 1 232 28 851 43 481 8 23 7 141 2 678 70 113 27 109 6 24 13 189 29 75 2 L2 6 42 9 398 71 22 9 37 4 2 36 9 20 1 17 i. 103 72 4 4 1 13 3 2 1 "i 9 1 4 3 2 6 1 2 24 2 73 74 86 99 103 8 93 203 64 249 12 6 78 1 393 75 119 53 179 2 45 261 55 86 17 21 2 72 1 613 76 532 600 1,172 U5 650 998 843 1,609 129 20 972 35 3,674 77 627 297 1,553 24 443 1,243 715 463 53 91 22 647 6 5,563 78 21,363 20,262 41,784 3,380 20,463 40,461 27,343 52,320 5,379 635 34,103 1,700 142,887 79 21,152 8,743 52,817 760 12,597 39,383 25,104 13,725 1,442 2,945 514 22,447 120 167,263 80 6,026 4,124 6,771 1,340 2,034 7,513 4,363 14,331 400 225 18,077 1,700 32,572 81 4,498 2,360 5,035 500 556 7,683 4,914 1,302 254 235 9,586 44,855 82 Stub IteoB continued 248 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Com for all purposes . Harvested for graij .farms reportljlg 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954., acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954., .farms reporting 1959. 1954. bushels 1959., 1954. , Cut for s Ilage farms reporting tons, green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres, . .farms reporting 1959. Sorgliums: Sorghums for all purposes .... farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959., Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959., bushels 1959., Sales farms reporting 1959.. bushels 1959.. Cut for silage farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. tana, green weight 1959.. Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. tons cut 1959.. Sales tons 1959. . Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. gallons 1959. . Sales gallons 1959. . Small grains harvested; Wheat farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Sales bushels 1959. . 1954. . Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. . Oats farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954. . bushels 1959.. 1954.. Sales bushels 1959. . 1954. . Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. Barley farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Sales bushels 1959. . 1954. . Z Reported In small fractions. 845 1,456 2,532 6,186 102,231 1%,006 91 154 5,048 7,053 73,107 86,075 4,863 6,785 64,143 75,557 2,506,385 1,297,837 2,659 1,120 991,557 217,974 32 1,450 1,490 8,541 10,191 2,356 1,484 1,105 1,309 780 9,565 3,847 243,140 92,391 188,865 47,313 1,002 529 639 3,934 3,636 153,743 146,314 56, US 46,749 428 34,105 18,498 9,961 3,009 1,354 24,768 27, 177 853 1,334 21,924 26,210 874,321 532,066 650 498 10,793 2,828 9,499 2,146 7,451 U,864 3,965 2,725 1,187 5,581 7,461 835 1,174 5,527 7,357 203,755 145,875 296 295 447 370 3,542 2,053 82,334 50,557 54,215 22,295 345 513 1,845 2,911 69,286 107, 547 16,859 29,246 310 21,203 11,934 3,171 3,230 2,206 3,165 60,049 60,821 2,197 3,130 58,652 59,014 2,621,325 1,193,830 1,893 1,600 1,460,331 473,318 15 61,950 24, 543 58,455 21,395 107 111 1,443 1,286 50,180 51,546 20,258 21,582 981 1,116 7,127 6,395 243,627 79,958 257 132 1,637 3,086 14,473 11,201 803 1,119 9,624 11,154 217,196 223,644 162,122 143,540 708 1,068 7,917 10,057 299,092 343,637 71,734 80,934 126 3,272 217 3,572 4,645 127, 598 5,685 109,724 2,260 41,026 1,400 37,151 3,666 4,023 144,626 107,372 6,559 13,753 3,976 7,956 2,870 2,972 1,475 1,547 4,251 6,270 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 249 Part 1 of 6 Itortln Ifecklen- burg UltnliBll Moatgomery Xloore Nash New Hanover North- ampton Onslow Orange PamUco Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Person Pitt 1,949 782 673 599 1,429 3,486 no 1,780 1,256 976 369 443 1,317 572 1,858 3,596 1 2,542 1,469 1,139 699 1,842 4,767 188 2,452 1,765 1,334 545 565 1,377 709 2,634 5,065 2 32, U3 7,313 1,756 4,499 9,803 43,597 1,426 25,145 24,915 9,071 9,802 21,085 18,462 21,898 13,967 75,384 3 »,443 U,307 2,855 5,327 12,936 47,201 1,676 33,796 27,643 10,852 10,277 13,303 19,219 19,973 17,856 70,939 4 1,934 664 658 589 1,379 3,432 93 1,754 1,203 943 357 442 1,255 554 1,842 3,581 5 2,445 1,205 1,174 687 1,804 4,726 150 2,365 1,676 1,249 537 564 1,741 633 2,611 5,042 6 31,205 5,528 1,544 4,183 9,341 42,366 1,054 24,054 21,524 7,912 9,192 20,959 15,072 21,316 13,553 74,922 7 27,968 8,524 2,677 5,158 12,290 46,199 923 31,150 23,331 9,337 10,156 17,966 15,092 18,853 17, 539 69,425 8 1,603,051 171,686 81,594 139,250 292,702 1,656,513 37,073 988,735 857,099 297,577 435,512 1,357,052 660,737 1,394,707 401,818 3,279,368 9 1,190,042 149,494 90,310 83,931 211,892 373,131 19,293 760,337 552,434 156,750 331,131 784,932 347,787 522,822 326,621 2,012,939 10 1,029 139 69 143 299 2,218 24 660 534 266 207 368 417 436 716 2,963 11 1,410 216 24 80 214 897 12 985 399 190 215 3TO 240 300 514 2,993 12 533,432 39,108 7,517 28,132 55,328 855,019 13,462 376,041 337,553 66,612 282,392 1,148,194 178,530 961,132 104,964 1,845,341 13 352,729 22,654 1,173 12,958 39,914 242,399 2,053 274,523 125,550 15,514 188,325 535,786 50,117 245,850 49,336 847,336 14 S 71 28 21 8 17 4 12 15 63 9 4 47 6 24 21 15 8 98 44 10 20 20 10 15 20 101 1 6 44 14 20 16 74 1,242 210 254 158 423 135 195 336 1,105 147 54 697 96 273 430 17 77 1,507 175 135 279 412 440 297 255 1,387 12 154 552 117 323 18 669 9,368 2,784 2,395 1,450 3,669 2,000 2,428 2,815 9,842 1,430 700 8,185 1,120 2,559 3,309 19 289 9,007 1,782 743 1,742 1,716 2,292 1,367 2,033 7,699 64 1,549 3,360 447 2,709 20 229 107 2 12 57 155 22 137 408 12 33 U 269 97 21 153 21 488 238 1 9 53 132 40 282 556 41 25 37 393 157 67 237 22 903 543 2 62 304 806 177 896 3,055 54 463 72 1,693 486 141 1,032 23 2,398 1,276 3 34 367 590 313 2,349 4,052 128 109 183 2,575 1,115 200 1,191 24 788 612 662 491 1,222 1,993 81 1,033 461 731 153 95 764 123 1,539 1,053 25 605 96 12 63 154 948 12 394 302 U9 78 54 231 90 245 1,035 26 491 61 4 42 49 482 11 284 409 86 74 143 275 211 58 1,250 27 43 4 1 2 42 2 45 60 6 28 67 31 85 4 171 23 11 4 2 1 15 1 11 15 3 10 35 9 25 2 36 29 11 5 1 6 3 13 9 1 16 49 7 37 41 30 15 132 25 ■JO 48 36 2 153 6 83 ,, 89 29 29 82 25 31 173 1,332 13 598 256 439 3 1,773 40 986 151 1,954 311 235 257 245 32 11 80 53 20 25 U4 1 49 3 80 14 22 66 13 33 81 970 564 102 272 1,574 1 359 K7 1,911 170 227 203 128 34 1,260 22,777 13,961 3,439 7,213 47,584 15 10,055 4,635 87,332 4,921 7,353 6,151 4,457 35 5 19 21 2 6 22 13 2 65 4 13 7 9 36 5?D 7,018 4,631 1,020 2,035 13,234 3,092 4,035 79,151 1,310 3,495 1,635 2,370 37 2 23 1 3 6 4 2 28 4 11 3 3 38 60 199 21 88 122 104 22 538 49 133 28 73 39 270 1,530 150 852 1,000 1,712 115 4,489 750 1,478 200 670 40 2 22 1 5 6 2 17 2 4 1 3 5 4 41 31 132 54 44 3 79 15 85 4 7 8 44 42 21 160 6 1 1 21 1 57 2 63 6 20 98 2 10 24 23 43 2 16 24 13 a 1 23 2 4 7 1 7 11 45 1 31 U 13 12 1 16 2 3 4 1 8 13 46 73 1,146 900 TOO 904 60 1,053 160 240 324 25 432 316 47 828 323 528 63« 791 25 100 201 270 48 14 288 223 734 918 20 229 55 533 47 137 122 109 1,099 249 49 L2 472 'l 268 707 501 13 133 27 549 27 12 100 21 1,010 84 50 139 4,604 1,611 4,824 8,363 ISO 1,833 6U 4,333 855 2,512 1,008 1,523 3,241 2,417 51 163 5,276 "2 1,884 4,441 2,801 82 837 259 4,072 342 194 718 191 5,637 587 52 3,444 103,009 33,148 97,087 220,083 4,529 42,799 12,232 99,772 22,802 TO,815 20,982 42,544 186,693 63,257 53 5,225 95,495 '56 36,349 85,845 80,342 2,182 17,530 4,699 95,056 9,925 5,792 16,422 4,217 131,791 15,U5 54 2,873 88,609 16,398 47,582 I8J,180 3,220 27,U9 8,733 56,648 21,641 69,320 13,569 40,379 105,841 54,251 55 4,810 65,834 1A,6U 35,454 49,917 817 9,288 3,003 44,782 8,288 4,577 8,054 2,755 52,111 10,240 56 6 134 172 598 598 U 168 27 388 17 34 81 42 322 142 57 8 103 43 125 277 8 51 24 132 13 68 37 54 252 94 58 31 8 9 37 1 8 3 17 9 29 3 3 22 10 59 16 2 4 2 1 1 3 6 1 5 3 3 60 4 2 61 U 375 14 190 372 318 13 73 20 429 52 42 152 41 440 251 62 U 676 37 306 6TO 376 25 123 36 589 109 49 188 27 371 278 63 190 5,935 30 1,950 1,882 2,877 163 944 U2 4,288 1,305 761 1,462 535 2,330 2,350 64 245 10,426 102 2,585 4,755 2,717 340 1,141 233 5,501 2,419 501 1,555 346 1,552 2,738 55 7,875 197,460 513 63,167 54,955 131,943 5,175 45,071 2,542 179, 567 50,406 27,585 56,187 25,900 84,252 87,575 56 7,801 313,843 2,330 82,655 141,472 128,259 8,579 38,892 6,065 237,354 90,021 21,215 53,329 12,711 58,209 90,299 67 2,140 50,560 U,806 7,990 44,172 1,450 17,410 772 27,881 43,915 13,153 23,239 13,425 19,500 34,379 68 3,213 70,647 170 17,255 28,572 46,081 2,904 4,541 1,800 30,544 54,819 12,180 17,730 7,485 9,957 29,234 69 8 185 14 138 324 243 8 52 18 232 24 22 94 25 390 175 70 3 118 28 44 45 3 16 2 114 20 10 46 6 44 53 71 3 49 19 3 21 1 1 20 10 5 11 8 2 16 72 18 5 4 1 1 8 1 1 3 1 13 7 1 4 1 1 2 3 1 6 73 74 2 113 33 116 126 7 49 1 94 2 2 33 2 87 8 75 1 157 "i 35 93 37 1 49 4 113 3 5 2 109 5 76 10 1,480 215 607 943 234 547 3 1,254 7 16 481 29 422 57 77 2 1,320 "i 276 469 242 2 424 19 1,014 75 32 13 387 15 78 175 57,896 7,917 16,722 33,570 4,514 16,371 60 51,417 230 625 15,412 1,850 13,445 1,980 79 LJO 41,761 12 7,803 12,567 9,151 80 11,238 425 37,701 1,220 835 320 12,514 523 80 18,023 1,749 3,510 14,957 3,204 3,655 9,943 52 10,439 100 4,239 360 81 6,347 2,010 3,934 1,400 3,140 106 5,610 1,220 1,155 200 82 Stub items oontlnued 250 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Hem (For definitions and expl anfttions. see U-xt) Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockinghajii Rowan Rutherford Sajnpson Scotland Stanly Corn- 1 Com for all purposes .farms reporting 1959... 343 2,065 709 5,373 2,222 1,289 1,183 4,324 615 968 2 1954... 672 2,565 1,223 7,266 3,131 1,849 2,076 5,339 1,012 1,536 3 acres 1959... 2,674 19,048 6,696 79,640 12,248 11,709 3,513 67,492 8,654 6,659 i. 1954... 5,317 20,355 10,486 85,163 17,448 12,928 15,013 81,400 12,548 10,550 5 Harvested for grain .farms reporting 1959... 319 2,022 693 5,334 2,136 1,250 1,148 4,225 603 938 6 1954... 531 2,516 1,161 7,203 3,054 1,742 1,684 5,703 977 1,495 7 acres 1959... 2,330 16,430 6,331 76,603 11,083 9,387 7,816 63,543 8,166 5,473 8 1954... 4,087 18,688 9,985 83,703 16,560 10,601 11,857 76,838 11,980 9,829 9 bushels 1959... 69,085 608,083 167,460 2,420,357 329,503 380,225 224,008 2,739,375 230,378 192,094 10 1954... 51,879 460,201 118,344 1,297,113 335,318 239,111 152,563 1,096,799 114,058 193,336 n Sales .farms reporting 1959... UO 532 162 2,539 344 263 344 2,454 196 199 12 1954... 48 754 239 1,637 392 355 262 1,263 124 281 13 bushels 1959... 19,577 134,708 38,505 928,959 56,473 71,487 65,573 1,182,505 99,822 40,624 U 1954... 5,767 118,545 32,250 363,215 77,703 54,366 32,324 273,405 27,679 54, 759 15 Cut for silage .farms reporting 1959... 12 132 2 31 85 177 30 43 9 62 16 1954... 41 115 7 18 62 196 94 27 8 51 17 acres 1959... 163 2,455 8 512 947 2,231 390 864 205 1,151 18 1954. . . 552 1,525 63 270 658 2,092 781 339 126 517 19 t Dns, green weight 1959... 1,129 23,178 53 4,131 8,764 25,250 3,717 10,418 1,556 14,201 20 1954... 2,296 9,775 229 1,430 4,254 15,975 3,441 3,704 637 4,504 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder .... .farms reporting 1959... 25 26 34 362 60 U 47 571 32 12 22 1954. . . 143 30 71 132 67 53 470 554 37 41 23 acres 1959... 181 163 307 2,525 218 91 312 3,035 283 35 24 1954... 678 142 438 1,195 230 235 2,375 4,173 442 204 Farms reporting by ac -es of com harvested for all purposes: 25 Under 11 acres .farms reporting 1959... 276 1,541 546 2,636 2,044 998 976 1,993 421 803 26 11 to 19 acres .farms reporting 1959... 46 319 106 1,399 131 157 146 1,161 87 104 27 20 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... 17 174 45 1,196 41 m 59 1,024 74 51 28 50 to 74 acres .farms reporting 1959. . . 4 21 5 99 3 15 1 104 14 9 29 75 to 99 acres .... .farms reporting 1959... 6 4 23 2 4 1 26 7 1 30 100 or more acres. .farms reporting 1959... 4 3 20 1 4 16 12 Sofgtiums 31 Sorghums for all purposes . . .farms reporting 1959... 96 253 33 22 83 428 374 35 3 878 32 acres 1959. . . 362 2,466 677 172 374 3,771 1,444 782 14 15,555 33 Harvested for grain or seed .farms reporting 1959... 9 203 28 11 49 376 55 TO 1 863 34 acres 1959... 77 2,073 636 73 195 3,174 359 551 8 15,356 35 bushels 1959... 1,920 63,652 12,765 1,750 4,324 88,776 8,379 14,274 100 480, 542 36 Sales .farms reporting 1959... 1 69 20 4 3 97 11 14 498 37 bushels 1959... 15 27,026 7,189 660 240 23,176 3,255 4,815 269,713 38 Cut for silage .farms reporting 1959... 5 25 3 15 47 36 7 9 39 acres 1959... 64 345 34 144 542 290 174 99 40 t jns, green weight 1959... 456 3,009 320 1,302 5,849 2,376 2,889 1,207 41 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay .farms reporting 1959... 52 3 4 4 8 12 191 5 1 9 42 acres 1959... 158 21 39 60 18 47 559 47 5 91 43 tons cut 1959... 233 29 43 89 10 60 942 4 109 44 Sales tons 1959... 4 15 2 10 31 45 Harvested for sirup ..farms reporting 1959... 37 26 3 4 14 7 123 7 1 8 46 acres 1959... 63 27 2 5 17 8 236 10 1 9 47 gallons 1959... 4,203 1,109 135 322 962 396 23,377 586 12 222 48 Sales gallons 1959... 2,828 474 50 250 735 79 19,632 485 104 Small grains harvested: 49 ..farms reporting 1959... 117 126 1,196 1,385 186 236 1,383 905 1,609 1,426 1,063 1,287 4^9 619 365 520 166 203 347 1,273 50 1954. . . 51 acres 1959... 1,1B8 9,455 2,575 3,118 11,755 14,208 4,391 7,229 1,523 11,716 52 1954... 714 9,731 3,119 4,650 7,932 14,170 4,433 3,101 1,450 15,171 53 bushels 1959... 23,856 209,463 45,340 194,109 285,480 352,164 84,100 168,754 35,825 229,304 54 1954... 14,604 198,459 50,771 106,609 192,174 280,835 81,638 73,054 30,313 262,836 55 Sales bushels 1959... 17,131 123,981 32,777 131,613 147,729 277,332 57,697 140,664 29,271 180,708 56 Farms reporting by acres 1954... harvested: 7,880 82,533 35,298 56,514 78,721 181,217 43,395 43,725 19,782 157,657 57 Under 10 acres ..farms reporting 1959... 75 853 114 1,161 1,243 545 239 575 126 407 53 10 to 24 acres ..farms reporting 1959... 36 295 46 180 341 378 139 244 24 340 59 25 to 49 acres ..farms reporting 1959... 3 37 18 28 20 100 13 39 9 75 60 50 to 99 acres ..farms reporting 1959... 2 6 5 9 3 33 4 7 6 19 61 100 or more acres ..farms reporting 1959... 1 3 5 2 2 ' 1 6 62 Oats ..farms reporting 1959... 76 998 145 1,479 542 1,054 313 511 138 733 63 1954. . . 117 1,343 333 2,060 666 1,415 530 603 434 1,203 64 acres 1959... 559 8,837 1,825 11,640 2,733 12,855 2,359 4,005 3,242 9,589 65 1954... 831 10,694 3,917 13,553 2,830 16,108 3,539 4,449 6,269 14,256 66 bushels 1959... 17,833 333,064 50,902 338,706 97,897 497,708 78,510 153,520 102,097 305,597 67 1954... 27,151 421,567 111,758 444,940 94,212 573,032 107,914 171,892 175,600 491,256 63 Sales bushels 1959... 4,458 64,346 13,093 159,035 17,197 105,220 25,294 51,658 49,939 123,251 69 Farms reporting by acres 1954... harvested: 6,161 %,201 50,897 147, 504 15,249 151,117 29,037 68,486 81,835 167,723 70 Under 10 acres ..farms reporting 1959... 57 712 91 1,219 478 626 248 336 104 431 71 10 to 24 acres ..farms reporting 1959... 14 219 35 164 55 284 43 95 49 211 72 25 to 49 acres ..farms reporting 1959... 5 53 13 56 7 116 13 23 18 70 73 50 to 99 acres 14 4 25 1 26 4 6 11 16 74 100 or more acres... ..farms reporting 1959... 2 15 1 2 1 6 5 75 Barley ..farms reporting 1959... U 181 45 154 99 34i 79 116 61 133 76 1954. . . 11 122 33 82 124 483 130 117 66 147 77 acres 1959... 123 1,237 556 1,%6 489 3,234 475 737 1,332 2,438 78 1954... 90 637 226 732 534 3,627 716 659 744 1,142 79 bushels 1959... 5,705 45,666 18,093 53,653 19,584 125,613 14,020 26,145 46,789 91,839 80 1954... 2,405 19,636 7,010 25,784 16,268 119,792 18,095 18,630 19,961 41,063 81 Sales bushels 1959... 380 11,912 8,785 28,637 1,028 38,866 3,390 8,U9 27,749 37,648 82 1954... 201 3,807 1,255 13,786 2,000 35,954 5,220 3,732 7,826 13,723 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 251 Part 1 of 6 stokes Surry Swain Trnnnyl- vania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren WSiflhington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey 2,456 2,613 358 390 282 2,078 1,392 2,868 1,567 551 1,105 3,146 1,687 2,500 1,703 1,236 1 3,044 3,438 589 726 367 3,034 1,743 4,392 2,337 649 1,577 4,042 2,726 3,602 2,151 1,556 2 12,484 16,369 970 3,145 7,018 16,358 8,364 24,502 9,492 13,931 2,827 81,314 9,166 46,298 11,244 3,545 3 15,333 18,626 1,805 5,078 6,727 20,589 10,128 33,839 13,283 11,079 4,033 78,052 12,837 45,918 12,285 4,869 4 2,447 2,590 356 387 279 2,039 1,376 2,689 1,546 546 1,075 3,119 1,663 2,489 1,664 1,208 5 3,035 3,390 581 716 362 2,853 1,628 4,088 2,no 634 1,497 3,990 2,493 3,538 2,030 1,514 6 12,231 15,429 873 2,855 6,740 14,394 8,050 21,832 8,731 13,537 2,441 78,826 8,447 45,443 9,894 3,132 7 15,053 17,800 1,687 4,704 6,230 18,129 9,330 31,039 11,669 10,733 3,516 75,811 U,320 44,973 10,834 4,513 3 368,527 580,658 32,630 145,865 361,646 466,748 247,303 791,330 235,603 782,517 142,242 3,358,394 309,982 2,242,318 344,926 155,439 9 411,017 531,831 45,088 187,800 307,774 244,174 139,514 643,889 140,507 455,202 160,997 1,408,957 238,708 907,639 250,239 160,690 10 498 707 35 126 127 470 344 859 106 326 41 2,661 362 2,147 276 114 11 552 499 41 66 153 463 43 842 99 217 103 1,751 164 1,337 361 104 12 49,450 112,589 2,393 49,787 124,759 102,463 49,327 240,987 16,905 474,656 8,346 2,110,718 74,078 1,327,374 73,309 12,370 13 63,547 92,301 2,492 36,408 109,197 46,352 7,568 156,903 14,336 180,247 U,072 530,276 28,414 293,577 55,195 16,960 14 23 77 8 25 2 87 15 48 20 8 99 40 65 9 104 57 15 36 82 16 37 158 8 29 43 4 127 26 63 19 130 82 16 212 831 97 289 60 1,634 239 1,080 666 107 366 633 540 159 1,277 408 17 167 688 105 355 1,825 104 563 596 31 421 445 505 213 1,083 329 18 2,056 8,851 752 2,714 500 13,754 2,236 10,001 5,758 1,024 5,721 5,207 5,968 1,637 13,884 5,023 19 1,182 5,798 1,394 2,983 11,111 617 3,846 3,727 285 5,872 3,278 3,798 1,155 7,654 3,944 20 15 X9 1 31 42 17 230 22 48 4 337 26 135 17 2 21 97 36 7 4 89 160 163 358 275 41 47 211 231 97 75 13 22 41 109 1 218 330 75 1,590 95 287 20 1,355 179 696 73 5 23 113 138 13 19 497 635 694 2,237 1,018 310 96 1,796 1,062 732 318 27 24 2,340 2,351 350 328 97 1,695 1,274 2,241 1,416 216 1,078 644 1,543 736 1,467 1,212 25 97 ISO 7 27 7D 241 86 410 100 131 14 761 79 868 138 21 26 18 70 23 87 116 29 196 44 142 11 1,4U 53 804 90 3 27 1 9 7 15 18 3 U 3 29 2 236 9 61 6 28 1 "i 2 6 6 4 3 10 45 2 19 1 29 2 3 7 ^ 4 1 23 49 1 12 1 30 98 76 17 13 4 1,315 31 40 48 5 59 48 123 22 158 25 31 257 232 15 17 51 20,166 115 510 340 43 32 517 196 159 772 43 32 49 47 1 4 1,251 8 19 20 3 26 16 17 143 1 33 210 170 2 51 18,983 39 143 200 29 204 130 141 719 1 34 6,081 5,380 30 1,650 625,279 1,240 4,784 6,779 1,410 3,614 3,994 3,316 21,602 20 35 U 3 1 553 1 5 4 1 5 5 5 20 36 2,292 472 1,000 299,858 430 885 721 1,000 279 2,279 921 4,395 37 2 2 1 31 9 11 1 2 12 1 1 6 6 38 7 31 1 339 54 253 25 u 287 1 1 38 33 39 26 158 7 2,549 416 2,848 300 128 2,754 5 12 363 300 40 9 3 2 2 82 8 7 15 6 1 i ,4 1 41 13 U 2 5 822 16 109 108 22 1 17 10 1 42 20 26 3 U 226 12 66 59 U 1 6 5 5 43 1 2 20 12 5 3 44 40 25 14 10 22 6 6 12 59 7 105 6 17 45 27 20 U u 22 6 5 7 32 4 64 5 8 46 1,391 1,275 701 665 1,497 UO 271 269 3,174 245 4,635 279 618 47 500 885 332 522 1,120 20 95 61 2,025 16 1,944 178 191 48 704 674 2 40 983 642 1,114 785 57 19 366 482 719 1,123 1 49 463 474 7 40 1,104 353 848 847 35 69 268 458 365 927 3 50 3,997 4,408 21 462 11,675 4,364 3,418 4,443 689 29 3,971 3,442 5,321 8,146 2 51 2,373 2,603 40 388 9,622 1,772 5,536 4,215 488 122 2,185 3,009 1,621 5,527 15 52 89,266 113,084 360 10,482 273,878 107,846 208,748 97,880 20,257 641 107,450 75,557 186,852 137,359 40 53 48,355 62,145 996 8,433 203,610 43,650 140,164 89,684 10,350 2,868 53,902 59,941 44,948 107,870 203 54 31,517 57,756 250 6,816 229,207 70,690 137,663 45,906 17,128 98,376 34,800 174,294 112,163 55 12,314 21,234 477 3,811 138,939 18,160 83,643 36,817 8,572 'ii 42,643 20,318 27,526 37,588 1 56 614 544 21 555 511 347 667 32 19 207 373 504 849 1 57 87 120 15 333 112 224 105 IS 132 97 193 251 58 3 10 4 70 20 5 15 4 36 5 2 9 4 5 2 23 3 1 12 21 1 20 3 59 60 61 281 225 1 6 1,277 150 524 198 19 107 222 159 312 733 58 62 361 281 1 13 2,222 128 632 254 32 202 406 221 440 902 37 63 1,062 948 2 41 17,633 838 3,785 1,567 254 229 1,998 772 2,641 4,331 129 64 1,396 1,277 3 41 129 34,507 548 4,618 1,962 532 500 3,832 944 2,338 5,647 92 65 36,284 35,483 80 75 1,610 582,883 31,359 138,590 53,312 10,920 6,934 86,139 28,545 152,664 185,397 3,336 66 44,528 47,159 60 1,075 3,989 1,305,646 17,829 135,316 66,970 22,001 15,210 166,057 30,875 130,345 195,014 1,617 67 4,487 5,0U 375 210,337 7,721 43,610 9,734 7,285 268 34,122 2,870 88,190 36,912 68 4,647 3,293 450 1,375 525,579 3,618 56,101 7,795 16,255 41 84,386 1,306 56,890 33,584 '26 69 267 209 1 4 661 125 420 154 10 105 170 142 235 592 57 70 14 15 "i 2 415 154 39 3 20 5 69 29 5 1 32 7 5 6 1 2 2 40 10 1 1 17 56 15 5 1 120 18 3 1 71 72 73 74 30 48 177 106 166 149 1 6 8 28 21 74 5 75 18 25 "i 1 101 57 124 128 3 10 11 42 24 74 12 76 88 181 1,632 578 1,356 933 5 8 58 150 121 394 30 77 74 97 6 7 601 224 322 784 60 13 64 231 103 432 16 73 3,320 7,108 63,968 19,793 52,514 28,633 250 237 2,136 4,854 4,795 15,761 899 79 2,422 3,003 225 400 22,011 7,060 27,798 24,334 1,710 487 1,710 8,261 3,525 16,229 316 80 779 626 18,916 3,237 14,039 4,756 1,776 776 1,%0 2,424 81 120 12 6,817 942 4,486 5,281 '26 1,275 15 1,162 1,378 82 Stub Items continued 252 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Aahe Avery Beaufort Bertie Small gtalns harvesled-Continued 1 Pye farms reporting 1959, , . 2,680 3,571 17 42 67 108 19 48 30 36 27 34 14 75 9 5 7 15 2 1954... 3 acres 1959... 18,284 68 250 93 325 90 50 174 167 * 1954... 20,905 157 581 236 261 210 215 32 103 5 busheli! 1959... 304,621 1,129 3,298 1,733 5,081 1,616 974 2,700 2,421 6 1954... 263,437 2,333 4,384 3,088 2,668 4,037 2,923 319 1,449 7 Sales bushels 1959... 170,373 110,017 288 643 584 1,566 577 694 3,854 1,325 360 400 569 1,004 1,389 30 8 1954. . . 9 Other grains farms reporting 1959. . . 4,528 50 15 4 99 9 7 10 acres 1959... 44,347 392 190 36 1,639 15 53 11 bushels 1959... 1,367,768 13,851 5,778 340 46,292 233 1,220 12 Sales bushels 1959. . . 158,082 746 925 150 4,074 96 400 Annual legumes: 13 Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . . 41,547 197 213 6 28 1 1,447 876 14 48,280 316 236 14 60 "5 5 1,867 1,258 15 acres grown alone 1959... 468,670 1,593 1,115 12 556 23 33,784 5,963 16 1954... 373,029 1,876 1,311 54 595 5 32 33,560 6,318 17 acres grown with other crops 1959... 44,015 123 13 12 39 617 345 13 1954... 55,978 8 25 11 10 "3 38 938 19 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 25,665 94 97 22 1 1,292 583 20 1954... 18,483 79 73 1 29 2 2 1,377 777 21 acres grown alone 1959... 392,399 855 565 539 23 37,371 5,156 22 1954... 258,946 606 209 3 323 4 19 30,815 5,160 23 acres grown with other crops 1959 . . . 8,968 25 4 14 57 22 24 1954... 7,265 69 24 25 8,472,872 17,309 9,799 10,648 529 856,297 122,733 26 1954... 4,408,903 6,482 1,931 60 3,843 80 200 599,223 97,222 27 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 10,659 111 142 4 3 217 4 28 1954... 21,717 254 257 10 21 "3 3 686 9 29 acres grown alone 1959 . . . 39,927 506 456 9 15 526 13 30 1954... 73,875 1,142 966 42 186 "i "e 1,369 14 31 acres grown with other crops 1959 2,370 36 4 4 10 12 32 1954... 3,837 8 25 6 "3 "i 33 tons 1959... 49,239 850 436 8 37 546 15 34 1954. . . 69,937 1,270 717 46 132 "9 "7 1,882 15 35 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 8,234 20 9 2 3 78 318 36 1954... 10,882 7 5 2 4 143 526 37 acres grown alone 1959... 24,624 202 46 3 2 243 772 38 1954... 25,051 51 20 6 34 569 1,108 39 acres grown with other crops 1959... 29,219 61 5 8 15 523 247 40 1954... 37,807 5 5 19 782 41 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 2,637 8 9 33 20 42 3,777 16 15 1 9 1 73 29 43 acres grown alone 1959... U,720 30 48 144 22 44 1954... 15,157 77 116 3 52 5 307 36 45 acres grown with other crops 1959... 3,458 1 25 76 46 1954. . . Farms classified by acres grown alone harvested for beans; 7,069 5 131 47 Under 10 acres fanns reporting 1959... 15,637 61 82 6 602 401 4« 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 6,122 30 12 9 1 359 145 49 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 2,239 3 3 3 142 28 50 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 1,094 4 109 8 51 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 573 80 1 52 Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing fanas reporting 1959. . . 7,016 12 3 103 1 10 4 53 1954... 15,589 27 38 102 50 9 54 acres grown alone 1959... 25,810 18 9 955 12 18 6 55 1954. . . 43,164 56 73 900 149 10 56 acres grown with other crops 1959 7,436 1 141 57 1954. . . 34,153 1 lU "4 6 58 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1959... 1,8A7 3 4 63 4 1 59 1954... 4,120 9 11 21 16 3 60 acres grown alone 1959... 5,102 5 4 631 11 1 61 1954. . . 8,802 15 11 237 49 4 52 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 1,143 56 63 1954. . . 5,374 20 54 bushels 1959. . . 39,471 'so 27 3,155 66 15 65 1954... 73,306 69 63 1,942 516 56 66 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 2,510 2 24 1 3 67 1954... 6,746 10 17 53 21 68 acres grown alone 1959... 3,917 4 118 12 4 69 1954... 20,709 22 36 341 40 70 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1,282 71 1954... 5,205 1 12 72 tons 1959... 8,596 5 90 '36 "4 73 1954... 19,595 22 29 184 37 74 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage fame reporting 1959... 1,061 3 1 9 1 3 75 1954. . . 2,086 3 1 6 4 5 76 acres grown alone 1959... 3,217 2 1 46 1 5 77 1954... 3,242 7 1 27 13 6 78 acres grown with other crops 1959... 2,465 1 60 79 1954... 3,657 4 1 80 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959... 2,044 4 3 14 2 81 1954... 3,933 7 10 22 13 1 82 acres grown alone 1959... 3,574 7 4 160 2 83 10,411 12 25 295 47 84 acres grown with other crops 1959... 2,546 25 85 1954... 14,417 75 •* M NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 253 Part 2 of 6 Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burie Cabamjs Caldwell Canden Carteret CaCTeU Catawba Chat^a. Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Coluuibua 15 3 9 44 10 32 2 19 15 13 2 15 4 1 18 1 57 107 8 61 38 45 U 19 1 9 16 6 2 67 8 20 185 63 176 "s 80 59 24 2 15 77 25 3 9S 12 229 405 19 227 98 146 33 129 '7 41 85 24 4 781 ao 407 2,536 1,344 1,368 160 903 1,037 431 52 123 1,160 540 5 964 150 3,336 4,263 346 2,536 1,228 2,578 529 1,391 216 317 1,056 775 6 296 51 868 658 405 300 279 26 374 250 7 272 578 889 50 715 136 818 248 487 196 100 252 384 8 6 4 3 6 149 2 31 96 119 4 1 72 6 9 60 14 13 43 2,381 10 103 1,051 1,256 51 8 629 34 10 2,780 325 335 1,120 63,703 280 2,914 35,038 49,334 1,255 300 19,919 1,800 U 275 150 6,404 10 345 5,561 1,080 1,585 300 12 1,052 752 136 355 73 270 213 211 90 211 223 32 354 35 133 2,156 13 1,347 397 244 528 126 528 287 242 70 351 229 46 402 78 91 2,315 14 7,209 3,463 461 2,672 479 1,408 12,193 3,554 394 1,339 1,611 605 5,300 140 1,057 9,311 15 5,612 3,551 702 2,740 953 2,747 13,365 2,168 200 1,833 1,071 231 4,760 233 442 6,951 16 2,970 1,710 315 135 35 89 1,501 10 74 446 375 74 1,461 19 233 5,026 17 4,398 1,767 194 39 ICO 50 332 70 35 73 U9 92 2,820 24 18 4,938 18 538 237 11 230 26 156 as 165 6 144 61 23 284 12 51 636 19 350 149 10 128 45 164 285 144 1 66 37 10 272 13 9 313 20 5,321 1,571 44 1,905 167 929 12,138 3,156 17 857 403 508 4,994 68 373 5,063 21 3,063 923 23 955 372 1,360 13,343 1,697 2 395 204 129 4,516 97 38 1,954 22 180 25 5 89 13 24 1,501 9 150 17 131 13 18 373 23 260 132 3 16 31 309 1 37 426 6 199 24 105,«5 28,805 751 28,958 2,490 15,967 279,657 53,916 285 19,048 9,826 10,563 126,717 1,275 4,842 123,800 25 48,236 16,297 455 10,555 2,968 15,482 265,013 30,823 10 3,694 2,006 1,258 95,759 372 317 27,953 26 164 2U 80 137 36 109 2 12 71 63 156 6 17 54 500 27 362 421 209 397 68 364 14 56 63 280 174 28 1 67 58 850 23 537 563 210 417 189 295 4 53 250 220 912 68 42 344 1,473 29 1,016 1,244 550 1,269 421 1,195 22 133 182 1,228 697 74 ' i 172 275 2,193 30 54 78 32 5 5 8 4 81 203 32 143 31 105 164 130 8 31 34 4 13 36 43 "3 23 3 394 32 558 647 365 617 225 371 "4 64 329 694 1,641 88 57 596 1,610 33 1,079 1,293 823 989 452 1,046 17 142 173 1,362 748 88 1 289 160 2,731 34 471 419 34 14 7 11 4 44 8 31 30 2 107 2 34 1,183 35 689 424 13 10 4 7 1 79 3 9 21 2 147 4 4 1,332 36 1,064 1,183 166 121 42 45 29 197 U9 208 186 1 204 13 232 2,471 37 1,305 1,006 53 42 33 20 262 a U 82 5 164 6 14 2,519 33 2,504 1,539 261 41 12 3 1 68 210 172 22 1,230 3 213 4,015 39 3,542 1,157 47 15 23 3 '23 58 22 59 1 2,168 7 4,027 40 34 37 16 49 U 45 4 15 5 9 13 4 17 4 15 138 41 U6 120 24 80 26 56 23 4 25 17 13 17 3 23 120 42 287 146 41 229 81 139 '22 148 8 M UO 28 102 17 103 304 43 228 378 76 474 127 172 76 8 166 88 23 79 8 115 230 44 232 68 17 3 54 2 5 35 100 3 25 485 45 491 314 U 15 13 7 17 83 226 1 2 313 46 354 187 U 186 21 130 22 73 6 124 49 11 147 9 38 549 47 112 35 32 4 19 56 49 14 11 6 76 3 12 110 48 47 U 9 1 7 44 30 6 1 3 36 15 49 15 1 1 51 8 2 20 1 10 50 10 2 40 5 1 5 2 51 412 lis 5 32 34 16 13 31 43 37 6 7 9 99 597 52 1,039 404 14 53 98 29 4 49 45 83 97 10 20 10 105 1,891 53 736 301 4 47 70 22 87 63 73 94 12 16 13 257 1,017 54 1,768 637 26 79 345 49 205 154 138 212 184 9 31 17 264 3,871 55 831 108 2 1 13 1 4 18 9 4 2 1 12 1,121 56 3,241 989 6 33 3 18 21 5 9 11 7 26 4,058 57 124 28 3 24 20 9 3 3 28 7 3 3 7 49 102 53 287 106 2 32 62 10 "3 2 3 36 42 2 17 4 56 381 59 139 46 3 31 33 8 4 4 44 7 5 4 9 104 116 60 270 133 2 42 229 15 204 2 7 65 49 1 23 2 96 438 61 159 12 1 6 1 14 I 1 4 177 62 775 173 6 8 5 "i 2 2 6 857 63 1,581 848 19 237 217 41 '34 '25 478 42 12 55 35 647 1,115 64 4,079 1,153 40 188 1,334 96 3,526 40 17 371 390 4 111 8 486 5,383 65 79 16 1 4 3 1 15 8 7 13 249 66 343 88 "7 7 8 10 ' i 9 32 30 39 "2 1 23 1,077 67 187 32 4 15 8 4 26 12 10 32 572 68 836 216 16 15 27 16 1 24 64 87 73 "3 "2 78 2,547 69 7 5 4 2 2 la 70 72 91 "3 3 "5 "4 6 688 71 180 83 "4 '34 6 6 25 19 U 30 607 72 854 247 13 10 16 15 1 31 42 100 59 4 "3 38 2,991 73 91 53 2 1 6 6 5 6 1 6 153 74 340 68 "2 5 11 3 1 1 "2 1 14 373 75 122 147 1 2 42 17 11 24 1 15 187 76 328 105 2 U 15 13 2 15 "7 1 38 394 77 253 46 "2 2 1 2 424 78 1,453 177 '5 "4 4 1,596 79 149 26 8 9 4 4 7 4 18 2 4 3 36 136 80 229 166 "5 12 26 12 31 13 23 20 6 1 4 22 273 81 288 76 12 20 6 37 16 6 53 6 12 <; 106 142 82 334 183 "s 20 78 18 113 54 58 47 5 1 12 52 492 33 4U 45 7 8 3 2 4 399 34 941 548 25 10 12 4 9 5 10 917 35 Stub Iteoe ccntliiued 254 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table U.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY llem {For definitions and explanations, see text) Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe Small rains harvested-Conlimicd 1 I^ farms reporting 1959. . . 5 83 3 63 35 28 5 23 2 1954. . . 11 101 2 78 37 20 14 15 3 acres 1959... 17 723 70 243 178 168 22 245 4 1954. . . 53 904 40 167 118 158 54 194 5 bushels 1959... 350 11,449 1,100 5,750 2,810 2,910 268 4,394 6 1954. . . 281 11,356 900 2,061 1,299 2,428 491 2,463 7 Sales bushels 1959. . . 240 6,666 800 2,726 1,073 1,151 3,035 3 1954... 5,095 750 255 339 955 104 404 9 Other grains farms reporting 1959 .. . 8 2 568 122 5 3 12 10 acres 1959... 117 44 5,019 1,538 39 12 283 U bushels 1959. . . 3,195 1,300 147,028 53,925 650 245 8,745 12 Sales bushels 1959. . . Annual legumes 150 1,300 11,937 5,386 600 13 Soybeans grown for all 776 820 221 2 129 153 1,282 34 720 U 1954. . . 1,146 921 311 6 111 54 1,494 127 309 15 acres grown alone 1959... 9,381 15,683 13,681 3 853 1,238 8,910 321 13,029 16 1954... 8,139 10,340 14,186 42 545 366 5,303 395 9,683 17 acres grown with other crops 1959... 150 960 10 19 30 2,870 2 295 18 1954. . . 185 802 6 1 17 4,762 11 526 19 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... £27 692 217 68 51 656 530 20 1954... 633 563 300 3 34 11 269 1 513 21 acres grown alone 1959... 8,388 14,535 13,644 349 271 6,864 12,324 22 1954... 5,591 7,619 14,002 'l3 145 70 2,423 4 7,932 23 acres grown with other crops 1959... 84 538 10 1 167 34 24 38 370 1 9 144 48 25 bushels 1959... 160,537 246,955 308,747 7,345 3,933 148,181 268,751 26 1954. . . 76,308 74,099 265,403 120 1,256 684 30,327 20 143,443 27 Cut for hay fanas reporting 1959. . . 160 lU 6 2 59 107 158 63 73 28 1954... 565 343 33 3 71 41 482 117 154 29 493 555 20 3 362 715 419 236 273 30 1954. . . 1,785 1,715 122 29 320 210 1,198 370 642 31 acres grown with other crops 1959... 12 129 1 1 59 23 32 1954... 78 65 8 36 5 27 33 tons 1959... 497 774 21 3 769 1,404 456 269 293 34 1954. . . 1,638 1,097 173 25 301 266 1,472 430 610 35 for silage farms reporting 1959... 95 69 5 9 13 551 4 94 36 1954... 167 101 8 8 1 337 4 137 37 acres grown alone 1959... 384 245 17 36 145 1,377 25 336 38 1954... 508 573 62 36 3 1,300 9 858 39 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 54 222 17 29 2,324 219 40 1954... 42 236 6 4,191 6 295 41 Plowed under for green manure famis reporting 1959. . . 22 42 19 16 63 18 15 42 1954. . . 74 75 10 9 102 5 42 43 acres grown alone 1959... 111 348 111 107 250 60 96 44 1954. . . 305 433 44 33 377 12 201 45 acres grown with other crops 1959... 21 320 2 19 46 1954... Farms classified by acres grown alone harvested for beans : 27 131 341 156 47 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 351 303 27 61 44 420 280 48 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 138 206 41 7 6 167 169 49 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 61 107 38 1 53 67 50 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 23 57 69 13 40 51 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959... 4 19 42 3 24 52 Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959. . . 26 127 1 42 28 180 37 39 53 1954... 130 377 4 67 38 896 58 52 54 acres grown alone 1959 . . . 89 4S4 8 100 65 577 130 53 55 1954... 458 1,303 14 18 206 115 1,374 U7 166 56 acres grown with other crops 1959... 2 136 2 312 6 58 57 1954... 46 552 13 1 4,557 31 85 58 Harvested for dry peas .... farms reporting 1959... 9 23 19 11 30 3 7 59 1954... 33 202 4 30 20 123 9 9 60 acres grown alone 1959 26 30 23 11 63 27 13 61 1954... 70 461 14 61 35 163 11 6 62 acres grown with other crops 1959... 25 1 33 63 1954... 6 202 1 341 15 64 bushels 1959... 191 1,144 165 80 432 285 118 65 1954... 512 3,357 230 403 131 2,049 55 105 66 4 55 5 3 51 17 6 67 1954... 51 99 6 9 231 33 23 68 acres grown alone 1959... 8 193 U 13 124 52 16 69 1954... 114 346 40 48 623 60 68 70 acres grown with other crops 1959... 20 1 24 6 71 1954... 5 62 2 62 20 12 72 tons 1959... 8 183 9 25 UO 43 10 73 1954... 91 219 40 33 634 36 60 74 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 5 19 4 4 61 3 10 75 1954... 10 28 2 2 276 3 11 76 acres grown alone 1959... 7 39 13 22 226 7 15 77 1954. . . 32 101 "io 5 4 201 13 52 78 acres grown with other crops 1959... 22 192 3 79 1954. . . 13 147 10 1,841 20 80 Plowed under for green irwnure farms reporting 1959. . . 8 31 1 16 10 45 14 17 81 1954... 39 73 34 10 313 12 11 82 48 117 8 53 19 164 44 19 83 1954... 242 395 100 23 387 28 40 34 acres grown with other crops 1959... 2 69 63 55 85 1954... 22 141 1 2,313 'ii 38 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 255 Part 2 of 6 Forsyth Franlilln Gaston Gates ^^ Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Hayvood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 62 9 3 3 1 19 ^ 182 34 39 6 71 7 55 1 30 1 54 11 13 2 1 37 6 174 54 67 23 144 7 73 139 2 182 29 37 80 1 159 20 493 424 223 29 794 68 1,619 "7 335 3 145 45 43 6 2 291 37 487 374 443 85 1,256 49 1,824 737 4 3,903 371 1,247 2,041 30 2,890 413 8,606 7,075 3,282 420 12,934 1,268 26,200 140 5,341 5 2,108 550 531 80 5 4,527 535 6,960 4,919 4,513 1,187 19,651 648 22,479 8,470 6 1,920 1,155 1,496 1,868 125 2,224 4,024 835 125 8,233 909 22,737 2,018 7 290 80 3,198 80 719 372 1,211 183 10,508 355 17,506 2,656 8 84 15 23 1 10 261 11 20 3 1 2 46 9 437 88 290 68 34 1,351 74 138 24 2 20 435 10 13,659 2,487 9,895 238 840 59,315 2,010 4,670 610 30 940 13,323 11 1,834 1,105 540 5,297 300 50 390 900 300 12 164 851 47 524 3 610 221 317 1,034 1,189 35 96 506 215 313 196 13 165 760 59 534 6 542 319 323 938 1,232 39 211 507 136 377 189 14 957 5,360 400 6,254 7 2,957 1,219 1,794 16,084 9,699 156 481 3,652 6,294 20,861 1,207 15 766 3,347 317 4,012 9 2,035 1,097 1,596 10,438 6,016 33 647 2,436 1,939 16,559 1,245 16 76 226 52 3,063 1 63 93 249 30 1,145 23 2a 579 31 15 571 17 29 112 56 3,018 2 62 39 78 246 734 17 77 761 56 23 13 64 392 15 394 66 U9 112 895 741 12 398 132 308 76 19 27 44 6 385 "2 13 34 54 538 238 8 315 64 375 57 20 368 2,551 105 5,727 289 851 324 15,139 7,182 56 3,263 5,343 20,516 565 21 192 365 31 3,582 "i 66 393 403 8,235 1,830 43 1,921 1,197 16,397 437 22 4 37 251 1 "2 1 24 '94 397 53 110 27 15 20 2 23 24 6,742 46,464 1,570 122,659 4,197 18,571 15,481 370,074 142,844 1,714 73,400 U2,635 498,874 10,101 25 1,748 3,369 190 60,912 10 767 5,787 4,199 U3,503 21,151 499 29,361 7,423 309,195 2,633 26 87 544 23 1 1 530 71 136 48 318 26 43 33 82 27 U9 631 34 7 3 512 187 264 106 795 33 189 25 56 "6 106 28 379 2,409 124 1 2,421 236 695 231 1,212 113 126 236 414 29 455 2,620 149 19 7 1,344 576 986 763 2,991 64 533 57 474 12 573 30 45 25 50 1 52 2 78 26 99 3 28 11 43 31 29 96 16 44 2 55 5 87 U 24 2 32 524 2,436 193 '46 "i 3,043 232 913 276 1,267 154 193 225 844 33 574 1,625 69 11 9 1,457 459 1,323 1,0«0 2,307 123 1,112 53 262 14 431 34 12 55 6 190 1 17 42 31 U3 233 6 26 123 21 6 52 35 2 61 8 210 13 55 13 292 262 4 10 182 7 4 15 36 82 173 136 433 "i 86 95 149 309 780 33 226 348 177 49 199 37 3 175 43 382 56 90 137 906 724 15 53 394 23 137 100 38 20 148 52 2,745 10 61 147 35 527 25 159 424 17 508 39 16 2,999 13 35 22 66 414 43 694 15 19 40 31 62 5 18 1 34 14 34 41 106 3 18 15 6 9 3 41 26 53 W 6 1 17 12 13 123 123 3 9 17 22 3 28 42 128 227 35 94 5 161 37 126 405 525 5 73 36 38 296 29 43 116 187 94 29 1 69 33 70 529 471 4 18 64 245 13 135 44 7 16 37 6 24 19 122 54 42 3 45 '40 18 2 1 81 230 "i 5 39 41 46 55 321 9 190 59 93 91 463 511 10 270 62 36 56 47 8 55 6 142 6 24 17 263 166 2 106 47 85 18 48 1 13 41 1 1 2 97 44 13 30 65 1 49 3 18 3 1 2 45 17 13 2 4 26 17 56 66 1 50 51 50 88 56 4 47 20 57 113 251 3 7 179 69 52 75 101 95 12 37 53 82 143 340 6 7 17 268 121 53 103 295 187 7 161 111 Ul 323 1,239 6 15 1,508 199 54 173 231 231 24 103 223 247 352 970 11 15 31 2,3U 318 55 15 5 4 11 5 8 42 222 150 8 56 3 66 47 54 12 28 335 4 15 83 109 57 21 36 30 4 7 18 65 61 3 2 37 36 58 23 44 47 9 3 1 23 72 87 3 2 2 72 79 59 27 80 54 7 3 36 116 233 6 2 416 60 60 37 79 70 U 12 4 53 124 173 5 4 11 459 144 61 11 5 2 19 15 U 3 62 3 8 13 3 3 27 3 55 100 63 235 618 545 68 '54 281 970 1,351 '55 '25 2,193 346 64 186 362 316 99 69 283 1,198 1,059 25 16 300 1,599 1,038 65 3 20 13 17 8 9 U 40 U6 8 66 15 31 8 1 23 37 31 11 137 "2 4 1 164 15 67 6 87 70 49 38 15 31 120 542 22 68 36 80 13 1 "4 80 136 61 50 371 7 5 9 1 1,186 39 39 69 70 3 3 '9 "2 26 4 2 71 4 125 '75 '38 35 15 31 122 398 30 72 47 54 5 "2 52 93 64 U 253 "a 11 2 666 32 73 3 4 5 9 3 9 15 66 4 2 6 74 4 9 12 4 2 4 14 a 33 11 8 6 75 8 15 22 20 5 26 63 278 11 12 21 76 5 15 47 8 5 6 34 48 78 18 47 7 77 3 23 14 5 31 2 2 3 149 51 12 4 1 73 79 25 35 10 2 16 10 23 32 98 1 49 21 80 35 25 x> "i 4 14 19 51 109 1 1 3 52 31 81 62 U3 41 3 34 68 64 U3 553 2 538 96 82 95 1 57 32 101 3 20 "i "2 11 11 77 20 99 4 130 21 15 348 51 231 1 1 2 1 3 619 100 24 128 1 6 83 84 85 Stu^ Items continued 256 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jackson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madison Small grains harvested-Continued 1 Rye fanns reporting 1959 2 24 44 31 2 2 35 19 14 12 9 13 34 85 9 31 3 31 2 1954... 3 acres 1959... 19 197 25 112 82 43 162 61 2 1954... 58 133 28 105 89 47 468 145 67 5 bushels 1959... 224 4,371 300 1,875 1,475 595 1,885 595 54 6 1954... 711 1,422 750 2,156 1,564 481 5,655 1,239 1,043 7 Sales bushels 1959 . . . 119 55 2,493 185 200 650 348 1,428 100 1,121 220 175 1,081 2,112 336 472 100 8 1954... 9 Other grains farms reporting 1959. . . 1 26 5 68 6 1 10 acres 1959... 2 177 19 573 35 14 11 bushels 1959... 50 4,702 695 19,750 500 350 12 Sales bushels 1959... 53 2,340 110 Annual legumes- 13 Soybeans groim for all 19 57 2,547 3,366 379 615 2U 154 421 595 95 85 303 482 27 82 27 44 14 1954... 15 acres gromi alone 1959 . . . 35 13,443 4,722 1,230 3,192 622 1,830 140 66 16 1954... 337 10,297 5,121 472 2,708 443 2,591 233 102 17 acres grcrnn with other crops 1959... 6 4,622 69 85 233 170 150 25 18 18 1954... 6 7,772 588 18 480 14 2 50 22 19 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1,494 259 69 214 56 169 3 1 20 1954... 3 742 262 10 184 12 168 7 21 acres grown alone 1959. . . 9,715 4,118 478 2,353 343 1,240 54 1 22 1954... 5 2,745 3,473 28 1,294 98 1,247 23 23 acres grown with other crops 1959... 703 5 79 13 24 710 "7 1 231 ' 3 2 3 25 bushels 1959... 188,837 84,530 7,783 49,985 5,910 19,128 840 15 26 1954... 15 26,827 62,899 149 19,083 632 14,518 202 27 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 10 567 47 97 73 26 32 16 13 28 1954... 46 2,023 235 134 224 74 241 74 41 29 15 1,687 131 394 365 134 219 49 24 30 1954... 315 5,420 1,033 394 761 284 718 180 31 31 acres grown with other crops 1959... 5 29 2 12 37 12 33 25 12 32 1954... 5 186 93 7 38 9 39 22 33 tons 1959... 26 1,615 172 441 312 109 410 84 71 34 1954... 394 4,077 915 308 707 182 672 310 165 35 for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 2 835 103 11 123 15 19 4 3 36 1954... 1,065 229 6 222 6 4 5 2 37 acres grown alone 1959... 1,504 407 39 347 111 125 17 19 38 1954... 10 1,419 421 2 533 33 18 10 4 39 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 3,675 53 16 112 156 9 6 40 1954... 5,883 468 10 194 "s 41 Plowed under for green 179 18 75 40 7 88 6 5 42 1954... 310 23 12 31 6 153 11 4 43 acres grown alone 1959... 15 537 66 319 122 34 246 20 22 44 1954... 713 194 38 115 23 608 20 17 45 acres grown with other crops 1959 215 14 52 5 2 95 46 1954... Farms classified by acres grown alone harvested for beans: 993 20 17 2 47 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,219 128 55 155 43 125 1 1 48 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959.. . 220 76 11 42 13 36 49 25 to 49 acres forms reporting 1959... 40 40 3 12 7 "2 50 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 10 13 3 1 51 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959... 5 2 2 52 Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959... 5 109 13 135 69 34 10 7 4 53 1954... 9 530 75 99 229 27 16 12 2 54 acres grown alone 1959... 2 323 39 496 309 116 13 6 14 55 1954... 8 531 215 266 901 49 25 15 3 56 acres grown with other crops 1959... 4 342 12 18 32 3 1 57 1954... 18 2,050 57 7 227 1 3 58 Harvested for dry peas fanns reporting 1959... 1 43 3 16 8 18 4 7 2 59 1954... 4 76 17 25 19 19 7 3 1 60 acres grown alone 1959... 116 15 40 12 54 4 5 3 61 1954... 2 86 39 56 35 22 4 7 1 62 acres grown with other crops 1959... 87 4 11 1 63 1954... 6 108 1 1 17 2 64 bushels 1959. . . 1 1,492 131 438 193 241 18 51 '9 65 1954... 18 744 220 320 257 74 25 35 10 66 1 6 4 24 31 S 1 2 67 1954... 72 35 66 154 7 2 2 68 acres grown alone 1959 .. . 1 18 12 66 176 25 3 11 69 1954 .. . 160 87 148 573 12 2 3 70 acres grown with other crops 1959... 3 71 1954... 55 6 46 1 72 tons 1959... 1 17 15 78 155 26 3 30 73 1954... 138 146 291 487 3 2 "2 74 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 1 38 3 ,, 14 2 75 1954... 1 115 19 1 16 3 1 2 1 76 acres grown alone 1959... 1 60 5 7 37 3 77 1954... 122 62 5 43 5 3 "2 78 acres grown with other crops 1959... 127 2 11 79 1954... 'ii 448 23 52 6 80 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 2 25 3 101 17 7 5 1 81 1954 .. . 4 267 11 12 49 3 9 5 82 129 7 383 84 34 6 1 83 1954... 6 163 27 57 250 10 16 5 84 acres grown with other crops 1959... 4 128 8 16 7 3 85 1954... 1,439 33 112 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 257 Part 2 of 6 Martin Ifecklen- burg Mitchell IfcDtgomery Moore ttesh New Hanover North- anptan Ooalan Orange Pamlico I^quotank Pender Iferqulnanfi Person Pitt 27 1 12 110 22 3 16 17 ^ 1 1 4 16 1 9 5 "e 12 89 7 5 23 2 6 1 1 1 1 13 2 322 5 365 1,552 91 11 173 68 10 2 6 13 142 3 156 12 10 229 1,601 50 37 169 3 12 2 14 4 1 126 4 7,510 100 7,331 22,736 1,593 270 4,261 1,911 200 20 150 245 2,490 5 1,883 280 223 2,716 19,416 1,049 286 2,159 43 122 35 228 60 25 1,573 6 5,13i 6,100 17,276 358 2,U5 316 180 '30 1,994 7 700 180 18 2,312 15,013 130 100 228 731 8 21 82 68 4 13 1 59 1 1 14 3 9 294 660 358 27 168 3 509 12 3 35 25 10 9,881 16,951 9,093 635 3,663 60 13,007 480 64 835 360 U 325 1,2A5 50 340 1,850 38 12 1,087 75 1 40 129 982 55 1,085 654 146 293 412 670 516 32 1,573 13 1,460 102 4 68 156 896 109 1,012 829 165 364 516 1,016 638 29 1,699 14 8,224 796 4 205 817 6,520 1,136 15,431 6,079 1,294 8,919 18,026 5,257 13,226 151 13,613 15 7,338 915 7 363 859 3,873 1,796 7,395 3,895 840 8,546 191498 6,276 18,314 66 9,635 16 353 172 6 15 612 52 475 1,167 247 19 153 820 344 1 252 17 217 23 "3 4 5 439 307 2,125 2,665 38 5 44 1,748 1,031 3 291 18 918 20 15 38 567 25 1,000 396 43 273 407 255 500 9 1,183 19 1,110 20 16 15 252 49 629 212 32 304 513 250 606 792 20 7,528 337 93 443 4,557 834 14,875 4,978 337 8,728 17,918 3,626 18,040 25 11,313 21 5,979 333 103 106 1,603 1,003 5,261 2,001 240 8,175 19,424 3,993 18, U6 5,298 22 54 3 156 5 Ul 222 6 131 58 159 56 23 75 34 329 316 31 51 324 119 24 181,684 5,314 1,280 6,620 96,814 14,765 366,198 99,118 6,558 199,153 369,257 69,508 433,762 388 289,592 25 131,729 3,351 1,140 631 17,242 20,922 49,557 32,998 2,496 152,273 . 377,843 70,079 408,203 71,003 26 12 43 20 75 284 15 24 97 106 22 5 265 3 21 357 27 79 64 "2 41 U7 424 40 124 245 128 92 10 516 7 21 771 23 38 325 79 291 1,131 140 69 299 703 48 13 703 12 97 1,187 29 225 440 "(, 157 555 1,525 153 504 836 554 240 22 1,357 13 56 2,913 30 3 51 5 6 62 35 1 26 1 8 31 4 14 4 5 25 "2 19 9 23 30 2 44 32 49 525 90 351 1,208 126 76 369 1,180 56 io 783 24 106 1,256 33 190 377 "a 202 491 1,301 153 490 1,232 438 246 18 1,187 15 43 2,875 34 226 7 1 1 5 136 19 125 261 20 15 6 207 54 3 222 35 423 6 3 7 156 23 270 498 6 23 13 398 35 2 320 36 591 54 "4 1 20 335 130 400 726 207 79 39 592 130 12 342 37 1,057 41 22 30 303 146 908 923 17 U5 50 627 102 4 930 33 228 118 1 I 127 45 322 898 193 13 22 687 135 144 39 109 8 204 148 1,371 2,263 10 5 13 1,498 650 87 40 28 16 6 21 U8 2 31 22 U 6 2 60 6 3 58 41 33 18 "2 12 26 138 47 151 44 7 6 1 80 7 7 109 42 67 80 32 63 497 32 87 76 47 64 56 336 44 17 276 43 77 101 "i S6 168 442 494 722 135 29 16 2 299 83 6 489 44 68 3 267 2 42 12 53 49 44 45 29 1 "3 176 157 406 77 5 169 55 "3 41 46 690 11 11 26 419 12 518 226 30 99 60 137 94 3 794 47 179 7 4 7 121 5 321 lU U 74 109 34 146 1 313 43 39 1 3 U 3 111 39 2 52 U9 25 146 52 49 8 2 ' 10 1 35 15 28 32 6 73 19 50 2 1 3 4 15 2 20 37 3 36 5 51 3 48 36 194 126 28 66 61 11 4 1 109 1 16 48 52 9 103 54 286 ao 68 U6 232 31 7 1 276 3 24 112 53 12 109 114 79« 361 178 147 135 34 8 1 358 1 49 227 54 23 243 266 1,479 375 621 295 357 62 20 2 413 6 55 447 55 35 31 182 3 122 1 330 14 32 56 216 50 365 '99 77 897 831 1 34 57 1 23 8 50 44 26 19 3 1 32 2 8 58 1 58 31 69 68 "9 66 65 11 1 1 134 3 5 15 59 1 50 28 206 90 83 25 5 1 63 2 38 60 1 134 14 69 289 U 136 47 '26 121 3 57 51 15 "2 2 166 58 6 7 50 1 61 52 68 5 60 4 34 199 312 11 53 12 3S0 '74 1,141 1,044 813 311 55 'io 533 'ii 397 64 10 1,033 362 1,249 1,010 202 830 519 53 16 20 2,260 51 54 196 65 1 10 9 75 9 5 2 2 1 12 1 ^1 66 1 28 14 153 41 7 10 23 11 '3 31 11 63 67 10 15 23 243 15 15 13 2 J.O 12 99 68 6 53 1 3 38 602 4 27 36 16 27 20 48 7 "5 70 22 9 25 254 "3 69 70 71 20 13 24 227 13 11 13 3 2 37 9 120 72 10 55 23 494 77 14 24 40 16 4 59 25 236 73 2 1 9 18 U 7 25 2 2 32 4 6 74 6 11 7 18 9 24 93 2 60 16 75 4 3 40 53 53 15 44 is 3 118 '22 33 76 15 U 4 133 59 3 20 12 43 37 46 55 21 137 53 433 3 1 47 210 280 14 31 15 10 77 73 79 1 17 20 80 60 13 32 20 5 2 38 1 6 14 80 1 20 16 79 91 49 27 63 10 1 69 9 22 81 1 40 60 307 203 UO 36 66 12 5 161 1 13 57 32 1 45 159 529 133 537 99 U5 28 10 130 23 112 33 16 13 123 14 40 16 84 12 18 246 49 '22 258 280 "i 10 85 Stub Itans continued 258 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table U.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY — Hem Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly (For definition? and pxpla] ations, see lextl Small grains haivested-Conlinued 1 I^e .farms reporting 1959... 6 10 43 55 35 67 39 46 113 157 13 16 30 43 38 19 33 73 10 4 2 1954... 3 acres 1959... 26 145 1,316 667 3C8 110 125 237 461 94 1954... 39 183 1,131 464 503 63 174 128 730 8 5 bushels 1959... 370 2,238 13,363 8,725 5,262 1,931 1,419 4,410 7,202 1,880 6 1954... 229 2,015 10,491 5,690 7,364 831 1,490 1,387 7,146 157 Sales bushels 1959. . . 35 20 497 210 12,723 7,130 5,937 2,719 1,058 1,687 1,206 290 220 301 2,583 260 4,735 3,069 536 5 8 1954... 9 Other grains .farms reporting 1959 1 382 19 7 246 93 7 J 450 10 acres 1959... 2 3,234 323 31 1,652 316 34 58 6,377 11 bushels 1959... 25 103,477 6,293 2,570 55,634 26,446 743 1,125 184,449 12 Sales bushels 1959... 14,583 2,313 3,598 1,021 165 35,534 Annual legumes: 13 Soybeans gromi for all .fairas reporting 1959... 1954... 54 74 230 233 22 26 1,580 373 202 215 103 121 274 320 2,117 2,414 166 149 41 57 14 15 icres grown alone 1959... 226 1,250 241 16,095 777 825 1,564 20,916 6,749 321 16 1954... 259 1,262 397 4,037 760 937 1,444 11,965 3,448 502 17 acres grown with other crops 1959... 11 171 5 2,126 205 80 100 2,376 293 37 18 1954... 21 16 6 2,327 62 22 56 5,163 337 19 Harvested for beans .farms reporting 1959... 9 97 9 946 44 55 109 1,662 136 14 20 1954... 6 56 13 80 2 52 65 1,083 85 27 21 icres grown alone 1959... 90 609 182 13,149 237 409 319 13,324 6,437 134 22 1954... 9 430 309 1,334 17 434 349 7,559 2,393 313 23 acres grown with other crops 1959... 8 393 73 7 1,424 181 24 1954... 5 166 9 1,696 156 25 bushels 1959... 1,151 13,285 2,755 244,737 4,745 7,253 U,331 339,429 114,567 2,995 26 1954... 41 4,797 2,179 9,920 210 3,141 3,525 86,154 12,843 2,933 27 Cut for hay .farms reporting 1959... 40 124 11 451 141 51 163 402 39 14 23 1954... 62 171 17 548 192 65 263 1,173 67 17 29 icres grown alone 1959... 122 487 48 1,566 435 219 546 1,271 203 U2 30 1954... 210 731 71 1,791 653 365 954 3,002 623 57 31 acres grown with other crops 1959... 5 62 171 50 7 19 72 69 1 32 1954... 16 16 6 467 30 12 42 434 85 33 tons 1959... 190 313 70 2,023 615 297 592 1,240 233 236 3i 1954... 149 638 51 1,556 703 404 846 3,584 525 54 35 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage .farms reporting 1959... 2 21 4 302 17 13 19 318 8 5 36 1954... 3 8 2 186 10 10 3 461 9 6 37 icres grown alone 1959... 3 104 11 975 68 155 63 930 59 21 38 1954... 26 63 17 416 32 54 25 887 75 28 39 acres grown with other crops 1959... 3 99 5 1,253 140 74 770 13 36 40 1954... 997 30 10 2,165 56 41 Plowed under for green .fanns reporting 1959... 5 12 36 14 10 35 55 4 3 42 1954... 3 7 125 17 17 26 170 16 12 43 icres grown alone 1959... 11 50 405 37 42 136 391 50 54 44 1954... 14 33 496 58 134 116 517 357 99 45 acres grown with other crops 1933 . . . 3 2 309 15 110 35 46 FanuB classified hy a har-^ested for beans; 1954... res grown alone 697 2 5 863 40 47 Under 10 acres .farms reporting 1959... 5 79 3 612 41 41 80 1,025 33 9 48 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 3 15 3 199 1 11 26 433 38 4 49 25 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... 1 3 2 78 1 3 3 163 22 1 50 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959... 1 41 1 33 20 51 100 or more acres. .farms reporting 1959... 16 3 23 52 Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh marlcet, o - for canning, freezing, or other processing .farms reporting 1959... 15 27 182 1,190 106 76 85 199 201 25 53 1954... 29 46 379 2,587 104 133 108 724 356 89 54 icres grown alone 1959... 24 54 1,282 4,652 316 310 203 784 1,231 87 55 1954... 53 100 2,225 7,081 368 378 197 919 2,853 273 56 acres grown with other crops 1959... 40 1,236 39 6 10 446 532 2 57 1954. . . 11 '10 210 6,850 36 26 15 4,765 619 12 58 Harvested for dry peas.. .farms reporting 1959... 9 14 59 89 14 44 56 44 19 18 59 1954... 16 16 177 287 20 68 62 153 32 62 60 cres grown alone 1959... 10 17 412 294 19 194 111 105 107 42 61 1954... 36 20 723 535 19 141 113 196 589 189 62 acres grown with other crops 1959... 19 179 2 9 37 6 63 1954... 7 153 1,237 12 4 387 173 3 64 bushels 1959... '95 128 2,673 3,949 92 1,374 842 1,574 751 239 65 1954... 113 120 3,573 9,092 245 749 446 5,211 2,582 314 66 ""^ ^— hay .farms reporting 1959... 2 2 104 964 24 10 14 45 132 3 67 68 1954... 4 14 133 2,147 34 35 26 130 263 5 icres g,o„. .i„. 10^9... 4 3 551 3,449 54 45 52 115 949 8 69 1954... s 41 933 5,789 85 107 40 449 1,998 25 70 acres grown with other crops 1959... 9 374 5 4 1 35 560 71 1954... 29 3,333 8 U 60 407 72 tons 1959... 4 3 415 3,362 '53 33 54 109 919 7 73 1954... 29 499 6,253 77 70 38 364 1,876 22 74 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage .farms reporting 1959... 2 3 14 94 15 2 7 64 5 2 75 1954... 4 7 25 110 7 4 99 2 16 76 cres grown alone 1959... 4 9 46 379 33 10 10 161 27 29 77 1954... 4 13 111 141 33 19 6 104 6 31 73 acres grown with other crops 1959... 12 372 12 193 7 79 1954... 5 16 655 18 820 9 30 Plowed under for green .fanns reporting 1959... 2 5 9 11 35 46 124 324 81 1954... 60 56 24 39 13 20 53 359 3 40 3 10 32 cres grown alone 1959... 6 25 273 530 210 61 30 403 148 3 33 1954... 3 26 403 616 226 lU 38 170 265 33 84 acres grown with other crops 1959... 311 22 181 9 2 35 1954... 6 "3 "7 1,575 18 6 3,498 39 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 259 Part 2 of 6 Stokee Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrrell Union Vance Waie Warren Washing i»n Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson YadMn Yancey 157 66 3 15 17 9 22 20 3 20 35 89 2 208 3 1 138 87 3 15 3 6 26 19 6 149 49 77 5 133 26 2 399 260 21 193 192 38 112 34 209 61 380 447 3 725 5 3 402 233 19 267 17 27 106 63 74 233 539 390 5 496 68 4 5,493 5,241 540 3,033 6,265 515 2,507 1,635 4, 331 1,013 7,255 6,351 60 11,348 127 5 4,876 3,526 143 3,260 67 3C» 1,506 373 1, OM) 5,109 8,403 5,371 71 6,362 710 6 832 2,336 278 2,065 4,764 1,396 338 3, S40 15 5,728 2,065 2,706 7 681 406 3 2,256 40 125 255 34 645 364 4,373 1,968 921 lis 3 47 52 473 3 U 5 15 5 43 1 4C8 9 222 297 6,545 35 73 29 39 13 234 5 2,703 10 7,046 U,011 209,597 1,275 2,485 454 339 431 7,944 100 39,171 11 477 920 33,942 45 223 151 767 100 5,142 12 62 146 17 10 227 69 450 1,025 304 ws 1 1,224 423 706 273 7 13 63 128 46 23 330 101 422 1,298 339 568 2 1,264 584 344 165 15 14 189 669 43 26 6,567 684 2,354 6,206 2,175 11, 757 10 11,571 2,176 3,788 1,769 11 15 165 442 66 96 7,411 479 1,473 5,591 1,660 12, 276 2 7,151 2,344 3,040 862 29 16 10 11 2 27 301 95 41 274 14 20 756 32 239 132 40 17 15 30 23 4 279 165 1 224 89 U3 1,013 64 174 17 18 10 44 2 1 217 31 115 330 U3 Ul 945 225 430 136 2 19 2 U 1 2 310 21 10 72 33 533 607 85 239 24 20 40 238 5 5 6,406 268 834 2,493 1,269 U, U>5 10 10,057 1,283 2,633 870 "2 21 8 63 1 18 7,270 139 63 393 341 U, 977 4,193 444 1,055 119 22 5 6 2 34 21 13 13 LU 560 488 7 11 •n. 46 "2 23 24 772 4,153 210 ioo 130,025 3,317 U,642 49,507 24,081 279, 300 150 233,305 19,653 55,703 14,997 '25 25 31 1,107 6 200 124,848 2,496 359 3,721 4,293 234, 396 45,197 5,104 13,527 1,232 26 53 80 12 4 7 21 348 595 197 29 230 153 217 140 3 27 55 103 40 26 26 42 348 1,071 300 50 655 469 491 135 13 28 135 276 23 4 26 140 1,333 2,699 733 ao 712 512 677 582 7 29 136 342 51 57 63 153 1,142 4,389 1,078 LIO 2 2,033 1,591 1,430 544 25 30 3 3 1 33 18 19 6 10 8 31 10 31 15 30 '20 4 59 34 1 54 58 io '.'.'. 78 53 43 12 32 184 413 50 6 20 266 1,393 2,711 688 L13 692 614 797 923 15 33 153 429 75 U3 120 76 812 3,803 744 L21 1,609 1,663 1,542 686 26 34 2 7 2 25 18 15 98 20 41 U9 23 72 19 1 35 2 "2 21 28 49 34 32 48 159 8 78 5 36 4 17 79 228 67 475 113 L68 532 101 17? 143 37 6 4 70 151 185 300 120 L28 547 40 152 37 38 2 2 U 253 62 8 161 8 20 176 9 41 130 'so 39 "2 43 103 87 20 19 213 42 40 2 3D 3 3 5 5 32 117 14 4 53 76 70 42 1 41 3 10 4 5 15 13 25 127 37 7 68 78 U7 18 2 42 9 133 10 17 56 48 120 534 55 U 270 275 296 174 2 43 21 31 10 21 8 36 88 509 121 61 373 269 403 62 3 44 "i 15 9 151 28 15 31 70 U 10 239 3 95 43 2 3 45 46 3 39 2 1 86 22 36 304 75 64 614 193 348 117 2 47 2 4 59 8 22 62 26 L35 237 27 65 13 48 1 34 23 15 1 7 9 2 3 3 2 2 64 32 26 63 21 5 5 16 1 6 49 50 51 36 24 u 2 50 40 130 106 1 U9 52 90 86 1 52 29 24 5 5 128 34 231 U7 1 308 33 190 127 53 53 55 u 2 226 89 467 232 1 1,281 272 430 245 "2 54 79 46 7 17 366 77 754 241 1 1,249 153 530 309 55 5 5 110 2 71 28 273 7 152 I 55 4 1 "a 43 265 46 1,407 6 233 57 7 1 1 29 6 46 66 21 23 20 18 53 5 10 3 4 69 4 66 54 89 51 49 53 59 10 I 73 8 27 113 33 33 45 45 60 17 13 3 1 12 123 2 4 113 1 83 18 333 5 79 3 38 16 130 61 62 2 1 3 a 23 41 258 4 22 63 73 12 6 10 460 '33 257 574 290 203 285 204 64 40 77 33 30 379 12 513 577 3,616 473 641 483 65 2 4 3 4 16 24 20 24 4 9 4 66 14 2 18 13 144 32 91 13 43 22 67 2 9 "5 11 26 61 35 74 204 35 7 68 25 1 6 "4 49 "7 44 2 432 3 53 83 288 17 22 lU 7 56 69 70 71 2 13 'u 3 23 60 32 59 '94 52 "3 72 22 7 43 33 363 33 271 11 124 48 73 7 4 1 1 10 3 23 3 I 20 3 11 6 74 5 1 1 U 4 13 9 1 26 7 10 9 75 10 3 1 1 110 7 90 8 i 166 3 79 25 76 6 2 39 12 25 18 1 213 8 42 20 77 5 "2 33 19 143 1 41 78 3 1 1 33 163 2 4 79 21 13 1 9 16 73 13 62 18 54 60 1 80 9 12 1 1 34 3 72 25 116 22 98 44 81 36 32 5 32 48 239 75 1,003 32 271 168 '2 32 31 22 1 2 "5 155 75 14 17 184 43 151 52 10 5 410 125 964 49 3 286 33 207 103 1 83 84 85 Stub Items continued 260 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Ilem (Fof definitions and explanations, see text) The State Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson ABhe Avery Beaufort Bertie Annual legumes-Continued 1 Peanuts grown for all purposes fauns reporting 1959. , . 22,010 11 38 9 356 2,035 2 1954... 26,475 7 8 1 266 2,588 3 acres grown alone 1959... 167,042 11 20 6 853 22,085 ^ 1954... 172,390 8 3 1 734 22,126 5 acres grown with other crops 1959... 570 20 8 6 1954... 358 5 5 7 Harvested for picking and threshing fanns reporting 1959... 20,975 9 38 8 325 2,025 8 1954... 24,506 7 8 246 2,584 9 acres grown alone 1959... 163,541 9 20 5 803 21,985 10 1954... 166,237 8 2 696 22,091 11 acres grown with other crops 1959... 330 20 8 12 1954... 85 5 5 13 pounds 1959 . . . 245,496,371 3,108 8,725 3,131 889,999 31,719,258 V. 1954... 223,729,618 3,105 1,100 757,226 35,465,604 15 Vines or tops saved for hay or forage f aims reporting 1959 .. . 9,881 1 81 577 16 1954 . . . 19,888 "2 77 2,396 17 63,363 "i 188 3,509 18 1954 . . . 132, 144 "2 190 20,196 19 acres grown with other crops 1959... 24 20 1954 . . . 66 5 21 tone 1959... 51,542 i 155 2,424 22 1954 . . . 97,634 1 157 12,487 Hay crops: 23 Land from which hny was cut acres 1959 . . . 612,034 859,352 11,618 16,396 6,547 6,417 13,911 13,19. 7,623 12,768 19,015 18,738 4,963 6,459 1,936 3,847 211 304 24 1954... 25 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 11,037 62 207 46 9 543 31 4 1 26 1954... 15,608 180 263 26' 23 344 34 3 1 27 acres 1959... 66,344 703 803 3,93. 70 2,716 146 29 3 28 1954 . . . 69,156 757 732 1,49' 158 1,253 106 11 1 29 tons 1959... 140,235 1,678 1,477 7,09' 110 5,551 230 24 6 30 1954... 110,375 1,466 894 2,45] 251 1,862 149 22 2 31 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 734 4 10 3C ... 22 1 2 32 1954... 455 2 1 4 2 1 33 tons 1959... 13,883 44 31 53« 150 20 6 34 1954... 3,734 55 2 24 22 3 35 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting 1959... 18,227 127 71 72= 20 1,804 543 5 3 36 1954 .. . 17,037 124 19 53£ 9 1,685 737 11 5 37 acres 1959... 132,908 1,633 544 7,39 190 12,098 4,256 19 7 38 1954 . . . 99,879 1,302 149 4,284 122 9,888 4,384 71 115 39 tons 1959... 158,170 1,986 528 7,08. 185 U,463 4,608 29 11 40 1954... 101,001 1,090 106 3,26< 88 8,957 3,991 106 59 41 Sales fanns reporting 1959... 1,320 4 4 4C 3 90 38 1 42 1954... 407 3 ] 42 13 43 9,309 26 "a 19: '19 500 272 "2 44 1954... 4,562 18 147 119 45 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 35,973 882 467 14 463 16 8 179 7 46 1954 . . . 57,876 1,225 608 1' 688 14 20 429 5 47 acres 1959... 269,828 7,888 3,419 10; 4,485 80 69 1,580 124 48 1954... 432,905 11,772 4,148 lOJ 8,035 58 140 3,070 57 49 tons 1959... 310,277 10,165 3,021 6' 5,210 74 74 2,162 222 50 1954 . . . 351,696 9,576 2,364 55 7,467 57 124 3,877 39 51 Sales fanns reporting 1959 .. . 1,917 35 29 ; 16 10 52 1954 . . . 2,071 35 18 23 "i "i 19 53 tons 1959... 16,081 294 131 176 29 54 1954 . . . Fanns reporting by acres cut for hay; 15,624 227 38 227 4 "7 204 55 Under 10 acres fanns reporting 1959... 28,159 597 363 11 328 13 6 139 3 56 10 to 24 acres fanns reporting 1959... 5,971 231 82 2 98 3 1 26 2 57 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 1,379 44 19 1 22 1 6 1 58 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 369 9 3 11 6 1 59 100 or more acres fanns reporting 1959. . . 95 1 4 2 60 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other ■■^ftll gTBlns cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 19,902 124 298 156 281 682 140 44 10 61 1954... 44,906 352 275 315 529 958 273 162 39 62 acres 1959... 88,582 592 1,307 498 2,404 1,559 315 209 36 63 1954... 169,596 1,516 1,206 1,129 4,188 2,472 687 517 129 64 tons 1959... 104,210 803 1,178 606 2,708 1,955 337 223 39 65 1954... 175,496 1,677 981 1,095 4,612 2,808 661 521 81 66 Sales fanns reporting 1959. . . 515 2 7 3 6 10 1 2 1 67 1954... 774 3 5 1 7 39 4 3 1 68 tons 1959... 2,584 10 25 14 27 36 1 12 24 69 1954... 3,990 16 33 2 67 69 10 4 2 70 Other hay cut fanns reporting 1959 .. . 7 601 51 118 70 47 212 578 25 18 397 887 22 36 3 71 1954 . . . 15^874 191 47 1 72 acres 1959... 41,702 376 454 1,971 319 2,516 163 82 U 73 1954... 77,959 666 171 6,098 184 5,028 1,142 142 2 74 tons 1959... 45,402 423 294 1,737 421 2,820 224 85 9 75 1954... 70,993 549 Ul 4,991 165 4,300 1,056 154 1 76 11 2 13 15 77 375 2 1 7 2 78 tons 1959... 1,777 1 11 65 62 1 79 1954 . . . 2,071 11 2 23 32 40 3 80 Grass silage made fran grasses, alfalfa. clover, or small grains fanns reporting 1959 . . . 962 25 4 4 6 12 1 2 1 81 1954 . . . 1,007 19 2 7 5 U 4 82 acres 1959... 12,670 426 20 13 155 46 14 17 '36 83 1954 . . . 9,857 383 11 84 81 39 36 84 tons, green weight 1959... 71,533 2,927 150 69 840 243 100 160 300 85 1954 . . . 36,488 1,091 85 348 247 70 104 ... NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 261 Part 3 of 6 Bladen Brunswick Bunccmbe Burke Cabarrufl Caldwell Cainden Carteret Casirell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbua 1,383 271 36 31 12 23 75 3 194 7 1 505 102 1,123 1 1,765 632 21 59 14 15 174 31 15 642 22 1,167 2 4,376 596 24 26 9 64 253 "s 101 4 5,989 58 2,271 3 5,020 1,663 27 40 9 69 549 45 4 5,963 16 2,403 4 17 '17 i 15 10 17 '17 7 12 55 13 5 6 1,351 58 35 31 9 23 2 3 192 6 1 504 100 1,017 7 1,729 43 21 59 14 15 1 31 15 640 21 1,091 8 4,284 73 20 26 1 64 3 4 99 3 5,965 53 2,085 9 4,958 126 1 25 35 1 8 69 1 40 184 4 5,950 6 2 2,248 21 7 10 11 12 5,207,995 29,896 6,621 11,595 946 85,683 4,066 2,115 59,353 1,850 66 9,664,801 306 22,684 2,399,415 13 5,865,739 57,065 5,356 16,523 1,477 76, 7U 200 22,284 5,252 11,942,319 2,735 2,752,807 14 836 115 1 1 22 16 1 1 1 131 543 15 1,605 502 1 2 1 5 111 1 1 469 1 744 16 2,813 256 1 1 60 51 4 1 1 1,3U 1,256 17 4,658 1,298 2 2 1 7 363 1 1 4,418 1 1,576 4 8 18 19 20 ..! 16 "2 2,067 224 "i "i 58 45 "2 1 1 810 1,866 21 4,017 929 1 3 1 10 238 1 1 2,576 1 1,324 22 2,241 1,024 14,498 4,944 14,409 4,390 277 823 9,641 15,525 10,246 4,319 68 3,343 13,955 3,557 23 4,356 1,905 13,554 6,011 19,605 6,328 370 1,070 12,341 21,569 16,154 4,973 74 4,209 20,470 6,3U 24 1 1,125 292 53 164 1 285 402 39 37 68 370 2 25 5 "2 867 359 170 197 1 "i 482 804 108 45 "i 58 751 5 26 4 6,700 1,256 444 787 6 1,237 2,980 203 230 460 2,438 4 27 18 '14 3,840 1,383 1,071 652 3 22 1,236 3,859 481 127 "5 242 2,984 17 28 5 13,909 2,588 896 1,339 5 2,363 6,636 469 537 811 5,228 3 29 17 12 6,514 1,761 1,863 746 5 '22 1,881 5,120 1,044 194 15 454 3,103 36 30 122 26 4 17 12 36 2 2 4 33 31 33 22 5 6 U 31 1 "i 2 13 32 1,079 114 34 160 38 694 7 7 19 689 33 302 41 25 16 lA 231 10 "7 3 95 34 8 7 936 102 73 124 3 108 116 114 426 2 369 25 16 35 9 15 820 63 77 89 "2 7 202 64 69 246 3 470 19 22 36 42 17 5,235 789 865 899 52 574 1,051 1,805 3,376 51 2,444 208 75 37 39 43 3,901 381 936 466 "3 18 552 572 434 1,870 7 3,341 105 116 38 29 14 6,740 1,048 1,080 1,061 97 699 1,098 2,215 4,565 52 3,174 243 93 39 63 38 4,020 363 1,132 493 14 17 535 408 468 2,568 5 4,087 97 99 40 109 8 3 20 11 6 40 1 40 1 41 "i 21 6 4 1 2 2 14 31 42 800 U7 21 110 41 66 405 16 288 1 43 16 185 17 258 4 16 11 102 456 44 301 132 81 309 625 241 27 46 932 776 759 24 24 3U 315 45 492 228 290 361 970 508 42 70 1,239 1,259 1,269 80 4 50 957 471 46 1,292 563 404 1,394 10,135 1,187 255 413 6,158 9,368 5,587 120 91 7,532 1,053 47 2,U7 885 1,366 2,231 14,012 2,506 356 387 8,593 14,716 9,279 404 'k 176 9,337 1,451 48 1,604 801 445 1,331 11,803 1,182 327 735 6,252 10,494 6,867 152 75 3,910 1,455 49 2,200 795 1,345 1,570 12,379 1,831 550 576 6,395 8,160 8,056 453 15 191 6,639 1,575 50 7 3 5 23 50 12 2 5 21 54 24 2 1 51 8 51 20 U 9 19 38 25 1 4 17 63 29 2 5 36 5 52 47 4 38 85 767 44 37 34 85 451 232 40 1 459 50 53 127 147 38 92 317 79 10 143 95 374 131 12 15 164 16 54 273 118 72 288 321 212 15 34. 749 504 578 19 22 547 297 55 24 12 8 17 181 27 9 6 162 172 141 5 2 216 15 56 1 1 4 83 2 3 6 18 65 37 39 3 57 2 I 1 "i 30 10 3 30 5 2 1 9 2 58 59 160 75 257 200 163 152 5 309 216 246 22 35 438 544 60 712 217 631 417 237 434 i 29 688 4a 657 52 4 88 1,149 1,362 61 541 238 894 808 1,864 616 12 1,136 1,265 1,719 77 112 3,139 1,615 62 1,738 571 2,230 1,485 1,322 1,433 1 94 1,972 1,741 3,527 176 39 314 7,516 3,557 63 638 2W 1,242 880 2,494 634 12 1,339 1,906 2,245 69 154 4,200 1,505 64 1,582 526 2,918 1,535 1,678 1,381 1 160 1,886 1,907 4,808 228 14 363 8,436 3,531 55 8 1 7 13 11 4 2 4 2 2 17 5 66 31 7 7 26 3 10 1 1 5 8 2 6 21 3 67 22 2 24 38 104 9 4 56 4 7 164 8 68 51 9 46 57 10 31 "2 1 9 23 4 18 155 19 69 79 28 139 75 U7 139 3 4 37 51 60 92 1 32 33 281 70 120 65 488 93 218 212 2 10 122 56 150 462 1 35 76 548 71 274 144 790 492 843 720 16 7 326 411 479 493 17 213 252 722 72 3«8 290 1,780 333 1,518 1,078 7 117 382 333 2,096 2,291 9 136 378 1,520 73 434 205 829 427 973 775 U 6 236 483 584 644 17 253 342 540 74 275 275 1,787 263 1,453 965 7 134 375 325 1,447 2,868 5 118 318 1,427 75 2 11 1 7 12 2 1 3 4 3 3 4 76 "i U 8 2 12 4 3 2 27 1 1 5 77 3 75 9 28 37 5 2 46 25 17 '13 7 78 "i 102 12 6 40 * 6 7 149 2 15 10 79 7 5 38 15 21 44 2 U 42 29 4 2 28 7 80 31 12 49 12 26 19 4 13 39 27 37 15 1 81 88 62 475 205 258 181 334 160 450 453 23 '23 336 33 82 76 102 437 148 246 93 432 106 348 337 105 100 40 33 688 342 4,379 782 1,593 556 1,100 878 2,002 2,923 143 103 1,762 397 84 179 388 1,822 717 639 215 582 440 1,164 2,030 136 465 240 85 Sttib Items continued 262 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY IMI (Fitf definitions ftnd pxplftnfttions. spe text) Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe Annual legumes-Conlinued 1 Peanuts grown for all pmwjoes f aims reporting 1959 . . ■ 49 172 34 1 43 18 109 2 1,813 2 1954 . . . 68 201 28 64 1 166 5 2,247 3 acres grorni alone 1959... 122 489 134 "i 36 14 163 1 16,044 4 5 1954... acres groim with other crops 1959... 176 1 552 228 17 1 296 2 2 15,821 41 6 1954... 4 i 21 7 Harvested for picking and threshing .fauns reporting 1959 .. . 37 164 33 1 43 17 48 2 1,308 8 1954... 37 193 28 iA 1 36 5 2,229 9 acres grown alone 1959... 86 472 182 "i 36 13 59 1 15,954 10 1954... U7 523 227 17 1 50 2 15,679 11 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1 1 41 12 1954 . . . 1 13 pounds 1959... 77,050 578,386 a4,S60 200 18,714 6,600 53,460 1,080 22,150,673 W 1954 . . . 61,672 488,599 318,855 10,378 600 18,640 280 19,700,516 15 Vines or tops saved for hay or forage faims reporting 1959 . . . 11 104 3 1 2 23 1,125 16 36 144 1 1 94 1,283 17 acres grown alone 1959... 33 302 30 2 2 43 9,224 18 1954 . . . 80 375 1 2 186 9,199 19 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1 20 1954... "4 10 21 tons 1959... 29 180 13 "l "2 32 7,596 22 1954... Hay crops; 70 349 1 2 136 3,831 23 Land frtm which hay was cut acres 1959... 1,350 3,103 99 1 16,533 U,039 1,149 4,356 2,235 24 1954 . . . 1,586 6,094 141 20 19,980 13,212 2,745 7,600 3,896 25 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting 1959... 2 2 2 130 51 3 14 8 26 4 13 2 257 142 10 39 11 27 acres 1959... 9 13 29 2,818 674 10 263 269 28 1954 . . . 7 121 21 1,761 1,257 25 323 165 29 tons 1959... 7 28 58 7,999 1,795 12 740 547 30 1954... 3 318 41 2,828 1,803 25 564 259 31 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1 5 3 1 32 1954... 5 33 tons 1959... 20 6,024 'so 4 y. 1954... 24 35 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay faims reporting 1959... 4 9 167 238 15 53 13 36 1954... 16 13 1 "2 100 127 17 67 33 37 acres 1959... 14 38 1,679 2,720 77 825 136 38 1954... 60 125 1 "e 689 1,187 50 895 325 39 tons 1959... 12 55 1,904 3,144 138 993 133 ■10 1954 . . . 149 112 1 6 606 1,028 62 736 347 71 7,823 6,887 244 4,743 329 36,893 24 217 31 133 6 65 2 247 6 9 349 198 2 2. 279 25 466 77 281 1 5 187 4 495 13 49 306 137 20 "i 666 26 1,625 130 1,306 19 278 7 1,591 51 46 1,812 1,141 "7 3 2,036 27 2,<25 261 1,716 1 15 681 6 2,380 106 L13 1,315 1,089 111 "i 4,367 28 3,488 231 2,832 35 541 9 3,856 83 73 3,825 2,363 '18 2 5,312 29 4,387 502 2,K3 ' 1 27 1,148 8 4,691 222 62 2,871 1,568 226 "i 6,664 30 19 5 13 1 1 22 25 17 14 31 51 4 6 1 14 1 8 4 "i 31 32 104 51 228 2 4 282 119 203 181 33 177 194 40 65 1 52 60 '16 566 34 134 35 45 2 269 242 2 240 34 7 774 340 1 2 344 35 98 157 25 3 29 669 1 127 137 6 540 246 5 2 2 179 36 1,013 91 555 6 1,191 1,338 9 2,247 183 30 4,993 2,938 6 5 3,799 37 590 585 181 41 428 2,128 1 872 553 58 2,534 1,824 10 10 '23 1,730 38 1,237 92 584 9 1,606 1,746 18 3,063 266 23 6,589 4,031 10 6 4,318 39 571 531 172 55 148 2,131 1 1,113 499 71 3,118 2,173 11 4 65 1,412 40 14 3 5 1 1 15 1 1 51 34 22 41 9 "i 1 6 2 10 18 10 42 91 '25 '20 2 16 98 6 'i 311 604 329 43 69 "5 26 12 60 202 35 44 866 757 375 6 6 1,200 Ul 1,391 162 50 31 99 6 175 20 1,207 45 1,379 919 489 4 6 1,367 268 2,082 296 67 112 173 16 315 63 1,895 46 6,802 4,064 4,311 15 15 7,889 497 U,121 2,043 2, )98 158 705 79 1,597 183 13,684 47 li,234 4,667 5,176 13 29 7,838 9«e 17,759 2,452 2,' ^7 448 978 124 3,423 263 26,348 48 6,990 4,025 4,837 19 18 7,821 627 13,047 2,zr'. 2, >78 158 695 82 2,538 218 15,737 49 9,353 2,729 2,913 12 21 5,850 955 15,314 2,267 2, >98 588 828 115 1,773 313 23,557 50 85 29 29 24 4 142 5 11 8 15 5 93 51 215 8 14 26 2 69 1 18 "5 14 9 6 84 52 464 231 502 394 19 643 U 49 66 171 24 752 53 983 23 138 83 4 386 4 L50 '47 83 124 19 673 54 655 665 230 6 6 989 121 1,044 125 12 26 73 3 141 10 722 55 16; 69 106 174 9 284 23 26 5 22 2 26 10 363 56 39 16 29 28 1 43 5 8 3 1 5 95 57 7 6 1 8 2 7 2 17 3 4 5 2 2 1 1 2 23 4 58 59 270 541 193 4 2 442 40 394 145 )94 206 65 3 137 1 433 60 409 1,165 421 15 13 727 U2 6U 285 1, 73 477 165 33 269 6 559 61 1,692 2,184 1,369 16 21 1,700 151 2,212 495 1, 55 722 360 23 475 8 2,716 62 1,930 4,303 3,073 66 49 2,317 377 3,U8 1,116 4, i86 1,763 681 86 1,142 37 2,992 63 2,002 2,234 1,797 14 21 2,006 U3 2,824 538 1, 10 1,107 464 17 414 5 4,001 54 2,280 3,465 2,966 100 49 2,272 331 4,034 1,048 4, 318 2,299 901 103 774 44 3,332 65 U 7 7 2 21 1 4 4 4 1 2 7 66 25 5 7 1 7 "6 U 3 8 9 2 2 9 67 57 26 114 4 72 1 5 16 33 14 8 39 68 100 8 39 3 10 a 74 6 12 43 19 26 27 69 202 49 44 1 58 57 42 187 13 44 83 53 2 16 2 132 70 233 72 82 7 340 106 32 364 21 116 421 299 1 15 1 167 71 1,037 207 303 3 339 541 188 1,097 145 L41 452 531 18 65 7 1,094 72 1,158 306 407 9 1,489 583 92 2,133 213 J13 1,731 1,797 4 57 5 1,005 73 1,152 196 469 1 330 540 218 1,058 202 114 466 1,021 20 80 12 1,416 74 940 225 257 10 1,841 518 107 2,101 171 J38 1,700 1,904 4 32 10 985 75 16 2 1 5 1 7 11 3 1 6 76 U 1 9 8 1 5 15 1 5 77 103 '47 8 17 1 39 31 116 1 76 78 33 5 35 31 4 36 182 3 61 79 9 7 12 7 50 2 14 31 2 70 80 5 1 18 7 18 6 2 4 30 2 47 81 69 Ul 240 128 581 22 389 622 17 804 82 41 12 134 55 378 27 14 '32 518 20 451 83 474 579 846 772 3,124 75 312 3,446 iio 5,543 84 153 35 456 248 1,707 148 42 160 2,609 '60 2,362 85 Stub Items continued 264 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Lincoln McDowell Annual legumes-Continued Peanuts grown for all purposes fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. Harvested for picking and threshing fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954 . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating .... fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. tons 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. .farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay. .fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .fanns reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Ffenna reporting hy acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Oats, wheat, harley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954 . Sales fanns reporting 1959. , 1954., tons 1959. 1954. Other hay cut. fanns reporting 1959... 58 1954 . . . 342 acres 1959... 333 1954 . . . 2,894 tons 1959... 408 1954 .. . 3,258 fanns reporting 1959... 11 1954 . . . 6 tons 1959... 63 1954 . . . 35 Grass silage made fron grasses, alfalfa, clover, or """Tt grains ... -fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. 3,602 2,040 4,473 2,338 368 1,287 1,333 3,939 1,398 3,355 19 44 1,878 705 4,124 1,293 2,027 1,281 1,7M 1,444 2,239 2,010 2,588 2,327 2,500 4,903 2,567 6,288 10,923 7,137 5,021 1,329 1,065 1,334 1,171 4,516 1,561 3,686 1,515 5,304 1,580 4,535 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 265 Part 3 of 6 Uartln Ifecklen- ^^^ Durg 11 Uant- ganery Ikxire Nash New Hanover North- ajnpton Qnalow Orange Pamlico I^quotanJc Pende IteiTiiilmnnR Person Pitt 1,343 16 8 29 624 38 1,753 20; 3 10 2 47 388 1,394 1 2,355 14 4 29 680 61 2,356 497 4 14 4 12 422 "2 1,598 2 15,123 10 3 124 3,240 269 28,012 695 2 90 1,3 40 3,485 6,916 3 15,143 17 4 138 3,257 5 450 28,454 1,577 a 15 84 1,9 54 5 3,423 1 6,694 306 4 5 lA 3 11 17 2 13 6 1,832 15 8 26 616 26 1,748 40 3 10 1 71 388 1,349 7 2,352 13 4 24 671 52 2,350 41 2 13 3 12 422 1 1,522 8 14,821 9 3 110 3,21A US 27,888 216 2 90 9 94 3,468 6,813 9 15,090 15 4 132 3,176 11 3 355 28,284 "2 200 3 U 78 1,5 72 3,403 "i 6,397 3 7 10 11 12 20,814,423 22/<44,859 3,085 2,510 120,391 4,402,728 67,608 47,820,828 165,683 20c 600 146,059 809,8 56 4,778,122 8,754,496 13 4,175 875 63,889 2,785,058 182,540 32,917,232 193,720 38C 12,050 139,150 1,482, C 172 6,902,045 160 6,790,841 14 1,375 1 12 310 8 474 53 8 64 130 964 15 2,323 3 1 8 504 37 1,584 291 "2 12 1 13 402 1,219 16 10,556 1 42 1,378 34 4,376 137 67 1 72 1,119 5,297 17 U,748 2 1 82 2,575 282 17,406 804 2 4 81 4 71 4 3,335 5,092 5 18 19 12 "2 "9 4 7 20 7,760 1 27 1,020 26 3,531 91 '52 1 4« 692 4,812 21 U,456 3 1 26 2,885 130 U,882 434 "2 54 2 54 2,051 3,974 22 57 16,U9 5, 77 2,345 2,594 7,970 161 755 287 11,64< 472 317 1,: 05 206 8,354 3,380 23 254 26,599 8, 25 3,435 5,015 12,383 156 2,096 938 13,28 682 501 2,1 9t 284 U,032 5,410 24 166 L89 13 30 61 1 T I 1 1 58 3 25 ' i 528 99 57 93 165 ' 1 6 "i 12. 2 "2 159 12 26 1,610 89 90 192 2U 12 82" 7 10 "2 200 10 27 15 3,838 J.7 232 331 590 ' 3 15 "2 77 b 10 '15 387 49 28 3,375 1, )35 186 464 291 3 2,3T L 40 4 383 14 29 45 6,640 1, 90 335 632 806 "3 25 "2 1,56 7 22 60 737 59 30 18 14 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 31 22 10 6 1 2 5 32 192 L04 10 1 2 "2 29- 7 1 7 33 174 67 28 18 3 2 34 1 68 515 7 29 40 6 1 14 } 1 ... 85 10 35 6 75 ?39 8 23 SO "3 31 6 15- 6 1 2 3 72 6 36 1 733 4, L52 62 114 266 99 1 1,82 S 50 9 ... 460 29 37 15 689 4, 704 96 94 534 16 188 26 1,45 3 64 "2 a 15 343 23 38 1 933 4, 13 87 123 296 68 2 2,48 D 100 5 ... 720 30 39 18 748 5, »7 86 82 642 "e 166 18 1,41. 2 64 "5 L2 26 386 15 40 6 74 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 41 6 21 1 J "i 1 42 129 J65 "2 14 '51 "3 291 3 2, 18 43 16 D3 3 L J "5 15 44 4 503 17 280 345 584 7 61 43 59 2 42 55 L4 26 867 452 45 30 890 51 301 462 890 154 162 75- 76 86 ©■ 34 1,126 759 46 11 9,451 77 1,784 1,326 3,U1 39 477 179 6,19- 7 305 295 75i 189 5,572 2,047 47 U8 14,952 178 2,444 2,019 3,867 1,24* 524 7,80 3 474 352 1, 8 199 7,871 3,341 4« 33 10,725 88 2,313 1,379 3,449 i« 528 201 8,21 5 404 307 1, K 294 6,426 2,751 49 Ul U,620 L52 2,3M 1,882 2,856 1,165 516 5,14 S 653 447 1, 5 398 6,242 3,517 50 47 24 19 19 "i 4 4 3 4 9 1 4 19 33 51 1 54 22 8 4 1 "i 1 i 2 4 1 4 17 14 52 1,097 138 89 82 ' 4 15 48' 7 47 50 9 54 226 168 53 "i 670 431 351 17 2 '16 18 3 57 26 4 145 190 120 54 4 243 16 231 325 509 6 45 37 38 5 31 46 a 20 707 404 55 146 38 18 58 U 6 16 2 9 8 2 5 140 36 56 77 "i U 1 10 "i 2 3 3 1 1 1 15 11 57 25 1 7 } 1 4 1 58 12 "i 3 1 59 U 252 L42 67 201 838 8 61 20 X9 9 14 5 5 2 366 236 60 47 617 403 105 552 1,647 23 245 105 40 3 20 3 4 19 672 530 61 42 3,119 322 289 783 4,042 67 135 87 92 I 83 22 6( 15 1,536 1,028 62 97 5,263 947 530 2,178 6,952 90 J85 308 1,79 2 58 12 71 44 1,981 1,823 63 42 3,444 418 369 781 4,399 43 183 93 1,17 I 72 22 6 13 1,602 1,321 64 109 5,238 1, 096 4«4 2,176 6,682 72 628 273 l,9ff 1 82 9 54 62 2,375 1,843 65 13 7 1 6 17 2 3 7 12 66 3 18 7 7 2 "i 2 '.'.'. 4 4 67 127 18 "2 26 328 "3 1. 2 1 » 13 '•I 68 "i 218 22 22 22 "i 5 ... 9 7 69 3 95 38 11 40 58 1 13 11 10 2 6 2 ... 128 25 70 3 203 399 20 44 123 12 17 22 14 5 18 1 L3 11 142 38 71 3 1,006 220 86 143 292 4 27 20 1,26 1 24 4 ... 551 76 72 9 1,559 2, 231 133 312 440 47 62 52 90 3 46 2 9 26 433 174 73 4 995 228 64 110 273 2 25 17 1,23 3 41 9 ... 653 72 74 7 1,097 1, 7 8 31 28 19 33 896 2 9 15 31 2 1 83 3 287 1 1 2 6 3 13 419 2 52 6 58 1 41 e 6L 6 3 3 3 50 5 1 5 2 1 2 1 m 20 7 ... ... 347 1 2 15 2 4 3 173 2 1 4 I 2 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 230 17 34 36 '45 51 "5 61 5 4< 35 190 82 298 48 81 26 55 8 30 lie 2 3 ... 17 83 1,206 62 170 129 275 318 60 3,46 6 w ... 130 1,200 84 803 165 208 M 2,19 4 75 350 5 ) 60 85 Stub Items continued 266 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinilions and explanations, see text) Poli Randolph Richmond Robeson RocMnghajn Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly Annual legumes-Continued 1 Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . . 7 52 29 704 9 98 62 525 13 25 2 1954... 7 5 52 357 84 76 398 6 47 3 acres grown alone 1959... 7 23 135 1,000 9 44 47 928 36 3 5 1954 . . . acres grown with other crops 1959... 7 6 15 351 7 676 15 4 47 53 5 880 5 35 8 6 1954 .. . 2 6 '41 17 4 7 Harvested for picking and threshing f aims reporting 1959 . . . 7 51 27 684 8 97 59 507 13 25 8 1954 .. . 7 4 43 341 84 75 387 5 47 9 acres grown alone 1959 .. . 7 17 174 968 5 43 45 896 36 3 10 1954 . . . 5 5 301 633 43 51 849 34 7 11 acres grown with other crops 1959 . . . 7 6 5 12 1954... 2 6 4 17 4 13 pounds 1959... 3,156 11,747 170,292 1,164,135 632 37,173 20,990 968,082 35,820 3,509 14 1954... 1,760 2,900 157,175 772,954 21,551 16,802 659,709 28,796 5,294 15 Vines or tops saved for hay ... 11 264 2 210 1 16 1954 . . . 32 158 3 "s 242 2 17 acres grown alone 1959... 131 420 2 438 1 18 1954 . . . 248 314 2 9 416 5 19 acres grown with other crops 1959 . . . 2 5 20 1954 . . . 21 tons 1959... 59 380 '3 301 1 22 1954... Hay crops: 177 269 3 8 384 3 23 Land frcHn which hay was cut acres 1959 . . . 2,437 15,919 1,999 9,649 12,027 21,200 4,732 2,566 1,864 7,636 7A 1954... 2,407 18,455 4,017 20,061 17,847 27,679 8,323 7,183 3, US 11,111 25 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for 99 135 4 2 321 146 330 7 29 26 1954... 77 260 15 16 604 296 586 15 3 155 27 acres 1959... 635 1,092 46 14 1,371 1,442 1,309 16 168 28 1954 . . . 336 1,493 84 66 2,123 1,615 1,730 35 18 682 29 tons 1959... 956 2,588 120 23 2,480 3,689 2,350 25 391 30 1954... 416 2,681 122 60 3,450 3,172 2,013 92 25 1,179 31 Sales fanns reporting 1959... 14 4 1 19 3 17 2 32 1954 . . . 3 11 3 21 14 11 4 33 tons 1959... 94 99 70 80 25 64 16 34 1954 . . . 13 107 46 534 107 26 14 35 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting 1959... 12 249 1 13 196 397 26 11 1 66 36 1954 . . . 7 183 3 14 92 272 28 11 1 53 37 acres 1959... 83 1,999 4 92 1,260 4,727 167 56 15 672 38 1954 . . . 33 1,591 30 64 571 2,772 158 39 28 394 39 tons 1959... S3 2,426 4 95 1,479 4,997 164 57 42 849 40 1954 .. . 27 1,247 39 116 546 2,087 175 4.4 28 464 41 1 10 1 14 14 1 2 1 3 42 1954... 8 15 1 « tons 1959... 15 76 10 176 72 4 8 42 30 44 1954... 28 214 965 1 45 Lespedeza cut for haj fanns reporting 1959... 103 1,354 88 826 1,037 951 293 317 74 828 46 1954 .. . 57 1,686 142 2,022 1,435 1,454 272 817 119 1,305 47 acres 1959... 790 10,579 1,116 5,300 6,865 11,695 1,590 1,343 1,181 5,165 48 1954 .. . 380 12,605 2,486 12,118 10, 566 18,424 1,485 2,863 2,069 8,769 49 tons 1959 .. . 716 12,569 1,028 5,912 7,194 14,210 1,599 1,792 1,767 7,106 50 1954... 241 8,964 1,922 9,243 8,440 13,924 1,099 3,014 1,145 9,019 51 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 10 53 15 45 60 50 16 13 10 38 52 1954 . . . 2 73 16 84 80 107 9 29 7 41 53 tons 1959... 94 397 102 766 272 926 75 65 806 785 54 1954 . . . Fanns reporting by acres cut for hay: 3 287 214 581 647 730 26 151 102 675 55 Under 10 acres fanns reporting 1959... 77 1,030 58 713 839 563 245 285 44 691 56 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 19 242 19 75 166 255 45 28 21 109 57 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 7 67 5 22 23 102 3 3 4 21 58 50 to 99 acres fanns reporting 1959... 12 4 12 9 26 1 3 5 59 100 or more acres farms repcnrtlng 1959... 3 2 4 5 2 2 60 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 92 229 147 1,225 446 207 314 216 106 119 61 1954 . . . 241 398 261 2,346 810 405 895 1,088 132 114 62 acres 1959... 513 1,316 771 3,364 1,599 1,598 1,481 513 545 978 63 1954... 1,314 1,978 1,182 6,995 2,836 2,230 4,408 2,133 760 700 64 tons 1959... 538 1,796 568 3,014 2,543 2,492 1,660 469 428 1,308 65 1954... 1,588 2,124 925 5,844 2,993 2,542 4,433 1,943 585 871 66 Sales farms reporting 1959... 5 5 1 27 10 8 7 7 1 2 67 1954... 13 10 7 60 25 16 36 16 3 3 68 tons 1959... 34 21 1 75 18 83 11 13 72 6 69 1954... 60 56 18 130 67 83 110 25 76 87 70 Other hay out fanns re ortlng 1959 36 96 12 222 190 191 36 205 3 37 71 1954!;! 24 146 25 176 278 344 156 791 12 58 72 acres 1959... 416 472 57 767 713 1,189 121 638 123 379 73 1954... 236 673 133 672 1,387 2,129 535 2,073 179 434 74 tons 1959... 483 401 40 780 714 1,122 131 1,333 168 477 75 244 553 UO 422 1,260 1,790 511 1,750 82 425 76 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1 3 2 4 7 2 9 1 1 77 1954... 7 2 10 5 9 1 78 tons 1959... 3 13 2 12 61 4 24 32 2 79 1954... " 3 147 82 47 7 80 Grass silage made fron grasses, alfalfa. clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 26 1 8 31 38 U 24 81 1954 . . . 10 14 13 27 23 54 2 2 15 14 82 acres 1959... 461 5 U2 219 549 64 274 83 1954... 108 115 102 146 3&i 509 7 40 64 132 84 tons, green weight 1959... 1,972 25 655 1,195 3,286 328 1,924 85 1954 . . . 147 206 133 343 1,352 1,724 18 XO 167 627 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Contir.ued 267 Part 3 of 6 StolffiB Surry Swain Transyl- 5U Union Vane = Waie Warren Washington Watauga Wa^e Wllies Wilson YadMn Yancey u 47 10 2 8 41 404 35 11 66 5 2 1 1 62 1 1 20 86 468 36 2 47 23 2 3 .28 3 2 6 142 3,069 41 3 185 2 1 3 1 47 1 1 36 258 3,386 56 7 199 4 4 1 4 "i "i 1 5 6 U 46 10 2 5 40 403 28 11 61 5 2 7 57 1 1 18 75 459 31 42 23 6 "i .21 3 2 4 126 3,085 28 3 172 2 1 9 J2 1 1 21 243 3,242 36 173 4 10 11 12 "i 1,940 '.'.'. 230, ii 1,303 06 2,375 103,285 4,765,363 33,774 l,i84 200,963 1,415 350 13 399,^ 72 15 42 68 78 310 00 10,630 1 1 112,725 1 72 7 232 4,940,755 99 314 740 1,469 33,010 12 17 18 31 115,077 14 14 36 50 1,611 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4 "i 41 4 4% 14 30 21 '.'.'. ] .22 "2 145 1,189 30 37 22 10,749 14,669 1,404 2,279 1 81 10,814 5,] ^ 9,381 7,618 340 9,943 2,275 12,390 2,772 12,603 7,297 23 U,713 18,192 1,094 3,171 : 14 24,515 6,< 16 17,847 11,440 386 9,518 4,371 14,584 7,837 15,935 7,515 24 292 405 72 6 24 58 66 44 1 129 4 275 13 285 383 25 410 276 64 18 127 ] 76 289 130 1 82 9 222 55 330 207 26 894 1,541 256 21 218 1 73 781 289 1 364 116 1,333 123 1,480 1,754 27 824 954 242 104 546 : >41 1,719 620 1 229 51 873 176 1,232 702 23 1,495 3,102 403 44 469 : 03 1,715 429 1 747 135 2,574 225 3,717 2,842 29 1,332 1,766 339 155 805 I 64 3,142 962 1 422 132 1,396 286 1,794 1,355 30 11 18 8 1 1 5 1 3 12 18 12 31 8 4 1 "2 5 1 13 1 2 1 10 6 32 28 66 38 3 2 795 20 '36 60 86 70 33 12 10 2 "s 82 8 137 1 26 ' 4 27 23 34 167 665 221 274 2 43 83 29 205 1 1,273 8 992 16 235 579 35 82 386 109 338 1 61 3 09 114 526 2 1,285 10 506 17 126 868 36 811 4,519 965 1,962 4 651 2 82 625 1,061 1 8,214 113 6,849 112 1,896 3,231 37 339 2,112 375 2,293 2 870 « 05 523 1,827 12 6,786 225 3,155 64 730 4,537 38 1,170 5,739 993 2,302 3 1,012 3 29 631 1,182 1 9,840 141 8,317 128 2,171 3,686 39 331 2,124 472 2,888 4 1,038 ■> 54 541 1,779 7 7,a9 196 3,344 45 717 3,916 40 9 55 6 25 24 25 2 4 3 1 2 5 66 21 114 14 13 3 38 21 41 42 26 296 107 281 "7 '7 91 52 476 469 102 209 43 20 381 8 65 1J7 153 27 124 44 1,049 1,093 14 13 26 1,027 5 75 776 727 43 5 165 394 423 993 54 45 1,473 1,595 30 50 42 2,160 6 pOO 1,668 1,030 48 14 499 818 1,177 1,538 96 46 4,985 5,445 51 131 1 44 6,437 2,9 75 4,893 4,889 306 18 1,530 2,031 1,525 6,666 227 47 7,405 9,215 89 444 1 96 16,975 3,1 02 9,040 7,075 3U 47 2,610 4,566 3,921 11,867 453 48 4,782 5,681 60 157 3 52 8,733 2,9 29 4,917 5,088 547 21 1,478 2,288 1,904 7,322 205 49 6,189 7,041 96 489 1 S4 17,654 2,1 47 8,245 4,520 496 51 2,473 3,368 3,057 9,545 302 50 67 54 1 35 32 32 14 4 7 22 16 36 1 51 42 25 1 "7 3 146 1 49 5 2 "i 19 19 5 43 1 52 221 157 10 363 84 277 125 30 23 90 41 209 3 53 153 84 1 '39 ii 1,469 50 475 25 5 '14 130 136 39 131 1 54 943 974 13 7 22 834 5 14 659 601 31 4 148 349 398 799 48 55 102 110 1 4 3 158 42 86 88 9 1 10 43 21 168 6 56 4 8 1 2 1 29 5 1 15 3 1 20 9 2 31 5 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 22 4 57 58 59 889 693 17 9 300 3 70 519 233 6 386 61 196 294 341 174 60 1,365 1,308 36 35 4 765 5 50 1,651 501 15 587 271 531 1,129 381 451 61 2,9U 2,619 55 39 2,566 1,4 70 2,093 986 23 750 209 802 952 1,583 410 62 4,787 4,680 108 180 ii 4,916 1,8 26 5,554 1,512 46 1,414 741 1,852 3,341 1,710 1,102 63 3,108 3,245 56 46 3,461 1,4 98 2,160 940 28 886 247 919 993 2,089 399 64 5,069 5,167 130 191 ii 5,780 1,6 05 4,994 1,287 39 1,597 609 1,893 2,797 1,999 1,125 65 33 28 8 17 12 4 1 5 5 4 9 9 1 66 33 17 2 3 16 3 18 4 5 6 12 2 14 5 67 60 61 47 39 32 16 3 14 8 24 30 38 1 68 66 37 15 16 165 39 38 5 10 9 33 8 39 14 69 304 131 20 U 6 70 55 57 68 2 131 62 233 27 103 352 70 420 281 91 26 2 121 50 88 133 5 266 182 752 132 97 162 71 1,119 487 73 73 33 569 1 73 313 247 6 597 277 1,334 60 553 1,635 72 1,358 1,U9 280 122 5 669 1 38 502 396 16 1,042 563 4,138 305 361 721 73 1,106 490 93 89 37 708 1 68 327 226 10 741 260 1,303 81 627 1,763 74 1,275 978 304 160 5 714 96 466 299 14 959 414 3,738 265 280 638 75 17 5 3 2 2 19 2 6 76 9 1 5 3 "5 "i 1 "6 2 35 4 5 77 35 15 7 4 3 128 9 22 78 28 2 17 13 is i "2 '■ii 3 305 12 13 79 4 5 1 5 22 4 22 9 1 5 7 16 6 80 25 5 54 1 40 1 43 2 6 81 27 58 4 53 373 51 676 146 3 30 41 425 40 82 112 28 539 4 504 10 181 ... 30 35 83 95 328 16 310 2,149 4 24 4,053 993 12 135 231 2,451 151 84 396 113 3,405 30 1,463 75 366 140 220 85 Stub Itons continued 268 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and expl m.t,<,ns, see l*xt) The State Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie 1 Field seed crops harvested: .fam reporting 1959... 8,462 252 93 1 354 2 141 2 1954... 9,568 306 53 167 2 175 3 acres 1959. . . 108,018 2,371 6% 3 6,234 62 4,259 4 1954. . . 112,237 3,182 389 2,911 3 4,941 5 pounds 1959. . . 21,354,260 446,582 127,239 1,600 1,236,619 30,600 991,259 6 1954. . . 13,324,246 473,112 44,145 177,540 125 1,328,323 7 Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 72,712 132,575 126 1,602 374 527 539 901 379 351 2,162 3,034 577 1,360 281 973 296 1,843 8 9 acres 1959^.. 22,504 8 17 79 7 504 413 1,657 25 10 1954'.. 23,413 27 13 118 3 433 896 1,506 37 U bushels 1959... 4,570,151 1,660 4,335 12,505 3,370 144,562 57,400 375,940 4,435 12 1954. . . 4,370,918 12,849 4,957 15,643 6,229 90,842 109,295 330,515 19,871 13 Sweetpotatoes for tiome use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 46,873 93,441 94 1,088 225 256 120 197 352 697 367 26 57 379 1,090 404 1,728 li 15 acres 1959'.. 25,292 36 20 1 51 3 5 660 366 16 1954I.. 29,472 68 7 CZ) 40 (z) (Z) 833 408 17 bushels 1959... 3,830,771 6,606 3,971 574 8,357 2,102 1,015 84,106 53,168 18 1954... 3,761,809 12,794 1,723 560 5,997 2,465 237 142,971 77,285 19 Tobacco acres 1959... 450,085 670,485 3,747 5,864 833 1,634 208 264 352 534 1,062 1,165 139 126 9,039 13,357 5,475 8,230 20 1954... 21 pounds 1959. . . 654,438,670 4,836,376 1,284,761 422,643 337,175 2,184,643 272,597 11,998,209 7,537,175 22 1954. . . 798,988,612 5,201,536 2,563,946 398,528 455,185 1,372,926 225,565 17,342,721 11,512,648 23 Flue-cured tobacco .farms reporting 1959... 98,249 868 423 113 1,725 1,600 24 1954... 135,689 1,233 674 181 2,366 2,155 25 acres 1959... 440,852 3,747 883 352 9,039 5,475 26 1954. . . 659,163 5,864 1,634 534 13,357 8,230 27 pounds 1959... 636,078,207 4,836,376 1,284,761 337,175 11,998,209 7,537,175 2S 1954... 778,604,961 5,201,536 2,568,946 455,185 17,842,721 11,512,648 29 Farms reporting by ac Under 1 acre res harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 3,447 15 37 7 53 59 30 1.0 to 2.4 acres.. .farms reporting 1959. . . 20,998 205 251 61 256 425 31 2.5 to 4.9 acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 39,192 357 la 32 622 823 32 5.0 to 9.9 acres.. .farms reporting 1959. . . 28,920 258 14 9 636 271 33 10 or more acres. .farms reporting 1959. . . 5,692 33 ' 153 17 3"; Bur ley and other tobacco .farms reporting 1959. . . 12,892 339 1,369 214 35 1954. . . 13,972 366 1,904 202 36 acres 1959... 9,233 208 1,062 139 37 1954. . . 11,322 264 1,165 126 38 pounds 1959. . . 18,360,463 422,643 2,184,643 272,597 39 1954... 20,383,651 398,523 1,872,926 225,565 <;o Farms reporting by ac Under 1 acre res harvested; .farms reporting 1959... 10,089 345 1,609 197 41 1.0 to 2.4 acres. .farms reporting 1959... 2,610 42 251 13 42 2.5 to 4.9 acres. . farms reporting 1959. . . 165 2 6 1 A3 5.0 to 9.9 acres. .farms reporting 1959... 25 3 2 U. 10 or more acres. .farms reporting 1959... 3 1 45 Cotton .farms reporting 1959... 53,281 7 131 799 355 1,357 46 1954... 77,296 37 313 1,527 347 1,680 47 acres 1959. . . 375,846 14 357 9,596 1,252 6,140 48 1954... 522,095 90 323 16,894 1,399 7,439 49 bales 1959... 318,638 11 353 8,185 1,071 4,970 50 1954... 366,711 65 499 8,462 1,185 6,747 51 Farms reporting by acre Under 10 acres harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 42,680 7 129 439 341 1,261 52 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 9,046 2 294 12 87 53 25 to 49 acres .fams reporting 1959... 1,259 47 1 8 54 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959... 237 16 1 55 100 or more acres... .farms reporting 1959... 59 3 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 269 Part 4 of 6 Bladen BruDBwlck Bunccanbe Burke Cabarrus Caldnell Camden Carteret Cas.ell Cata.ba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 7 3 2 15 363 25 8 67 356 243 1 159 1 8 9 4 47 420 70 2 3 40 547 320 1 118 2 2 205 94 7 89 4,996 106 137 361 3,707 2,212 1 1,620 3 26 93 7 205 5,692 638 22 16 177 6,298 2,478 4 971 5 4 44,350 26,200 1,230 23,950 836,893 20,080 33,800 106,280 641,350 464,530 150 363,750 5 5,450 18,100 790 25,695 619,890 41,553 8,100 2,100 17,740 659,410 301,711 400 94,729 900 6 612 186 1,197 450 288 475 45 160 941 435 488 610 33 553 631 949 7 1,598 354 1,847 1,167 765 1,516 39 265 2,123 1,178 1,238 1,158 88 741 1,141 1,638 8 21 66 114 60 17 87 2,465 723 37 20 11 106 16 48 25 92 9 32 57 121 126 29 110 2,028 656 53 20 15 157 22 42 27 186 10 5,176 9,158 22,271 17,342 3,463 12,596 563,473 136,945 10,027 4,356 4,201 15,797 2,168 10,890 5,748 U,687 11 11,791 9,096 45,072 21,072 7,313 21,667 465,663 136,206 18,235 11,465 11,744 23,193 2,394 11,240 7,908 26,282 12 700 690 405 258 201 229 14 164 627 350 315 197 U4 204 501 1,811 13 1,841 1,010 862 554 586 728 35 244 1,252 827 890 433 172 311 960 3,017 14 196 768 4 62 17 26 a 328 66 238 57 5 459 2 91 2,749 15 405 1,361 5 50 27 32 25 353 49 499 84 10 162 2 139 3,900 16 31,939 92,283 2,844 8,168 3,926 4,204 2,158 47,246 13,137 29,687 10,109 1,940 73,366 1,740 14,092 410,180 17 53,632 115,738 3,625 7,775 5,4U 5,561 2,009 70,246 10,486 28,290 13,315 2,914 38,284 2,042 12,004 356,091 18 6,7St 3,038 1,417 4 2 298 1,282 8,781 10 2,208 42 530 72 17 15,529 19 10,452 4,739 1,668 9 586 3 1,948 13,052 U 3,737 53 817 75 25 22,880 20 10,019,176 4,574,557 2,646,558 4,603 706 494,683 1,701,906 11,568,897 14,285 2,659, 5U 76,662 752,268 131,152 11,965 28,081,609 21 12,179,137 5,433,146 2,800,902 7,313 574,864 5,700 2,332,825 12A53,359 7,283 3,381,985 44,432 1,175,808 123,353 18,306 28,714,815 22 2,047 1,177 139 192 2,044 7 552 141 3,956 23 2,84« 1,465 212 299 2,547 4 876 174 8 5,222 24 6,756 3,038 296 1,282 8,779 10 2,208 530 15,529 25 10,452 4,739 576 1,948 13,052 U 3,737 817 11 22,880 26 10,019,176 4,574,557 494,683 1,701,906 11,568,277 14,285 2,659, 5U 752,268 28,081,609 27 12,179,137 5,433,146 564,761 5,700 2,332,825 12,153,359 7,283 3,381,985 1,175,808 9,196 28,714,815 28 226 219 14 5 40 2 16 11 237 29 658 485 80 24 395 4 176 47 1,037 30 753 335 40 71 911 1 197 47 1,621 31 361 125 5 54 639 140 28 907 32 49 ... 13 1,932 2,U7 1,417 1,668 2,646,558 2,800,902 1,487 423 17 4 1 8 10 4 9 4,603 7,3U 6 2 2 2 706 2 12 10 10,103 38 59 2 620 23 82 102 42 53 76,662 94,432 77 5 8 137 146 72 75 131,152 123,353 124 13 16 11 17 14 11,965 9,110 6 8 2 154 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 782 91 3 242 I 50 9 202 60 371 2,000 584 45 1,309 145 19 570 13 91 16 531 252 482 3,230 977 46 2,751 195 7 2,639 1 269 35 1,084 188 2,248 25,485 2,026 47 4,496 300 66 5,096 34 464 64 2,586 719 2,658 39,654 2,876 48 2,170 176 6 2,222 1 297 28 1,104 213 2,247 24,417 1,703 49 3,372 230 44 3,542 25 422 47 1,701 473 2,462 20,980 2,488 50 749 91 3 151 1 45 8 173 59 309 931 565 51 31 1 71 15 1 29 1 48 13 878 162 18 1 52 53 1 5 1 27 2 54 55 Stub items continued 270 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe 1 Field seed crops harvested: . farms reporting 1959. . . 10 57 1 438 91 6 8 18 2 1954. . . 17 65 772 203 5 6 24 3 acres 1959... 181 653 40 3,612 596 84 130 271 4 1954. . . 170 775 6,264 1,832 39 88 367 5 pounds 1959... 42,400 U0,500 10,000 542,551 124,300 17,400 22,534 50,550 6 1954. . . 34, 527 138,171 945,198 234,665 10,610 12,300 67,193 7 Olher fielil crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 403 1,107 348 650 75 101 1 7 870 1,641 165 770 943 1,766 275 823 1,135 1,555 8 1954... 9 acres 19591.. 34 48 2,490 1 61 5 193 16 63 10 I954I.. 67 66 2,130 2 88 9 377 16 95 11 bushels 1959... 6,304 11,248 498,068 40 14,599 1,719 26,877 3,056 14,829 12 1954. . . 15,269 11,167 483,602 110 21,312 6,368 58,368 5,689 24,177 13 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale . farms reporting 1959... 313 375 52 3 610 107 871 213 808 M 1954. . . 953 772 80 6 1,108 455 2,232 635 1,237 15 acres 1959^.. 339 249 265 2 331 12 649 56 267 16 I954I.. 551 304 413 2 650 33 1,072 99 628 17 bushels 1959... 52,576 38,717 29,163 150 55,582 2,648 32,209 8,503 39,586 18 1954... 75,631 30,092 45,514 429 65,072 5,032 109,433 11,404 115,272 19 Tobacco acres 1959... 7,885 12,064 4,748 7,397 2,468 3,911 932 1,397 14,751 22,196 3,132 4,701 11,298 16,825 20 1954... 21 pcjunds 1959. . . 10,489,410 6,165,270 3,187,743 1,134,587 23,028,094 3,629,858 17,025,481 22 1954... 14,860,188 7,766,869 3,959,426 1,264,078 28,998,298 4,114,912 23,352,779 23 Flue-cured tobacco .farms reporting 1959... 1,367 1,344 895 400 3,566 631 2,202 24 1954... 1,940 1,987 1,233 523 4,768 946 3,160 25 acres 1959... 7,885 4,748 2,468 932 14,751 3,132 11,298 26 1954... 12,064 7,397 3,900 1,397 22,196 4,701 16,825 27 pounds 1959... 10,489,410 6,165,270 3,187,743 1,134,587 23,028,094 3,629,858 17,025,481 28 1954... 14,860,188 7,766,869 3,947,126 1,264,078 28,998,298 4,114,912 23,352,779 29 Farms reporting by ac Under 1 acre res harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 54 141 76 62 197 6 9 30 1.0 to 2.4 acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 203 472 368 196 781 114 260 31 2.5 to 4.9 acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 386 425 363 107 1,515 249 996 32 5.0 to 9.9 acres.. -farms reporting 1959... 551 257 33 32 918 213 791 33 10 or more acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 173 49 155 49 146 34 Burley and other tobacco .faritts reporting 1959... 35 1954... 36 acres 1959... 37 1954... 11 38 pounds 1959... 39 1954... 12,300 40 Farms reporting by ac Under 1 acre res harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 41 1.0 to 2.4 acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 42 2.5 to 4.9 acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 43 5.0 to 9.9 acres.. 10 or more acres.. .farms reporting 1959... •farms reporting 1959... 45 Cotton .farms reporting 1959... 148 1,103 34 118 278 605 22 1,628 46 1954. . . 192 1,730 67 326 600 926 33 2,157 47 acres 1959... 365 10,599 220 416 1,012 3,398 93 11,201 48 1954. . . 478 15,588 353 922 1,721 4,731 120 14,083 49 bales 1959... 261 8,982 210 383 911 3,005 93 3,367 50 1954... 321 10,469 323 631 1,111 3,620 90 12,269 51 Farms reporting t^ acres Onder 10 acres harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 148 702 29 112 263 504 21 1,389 52 10 to 24 acres . farms reporting 1959. . . 334 4 5 13 93 1 200 53 25 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... .farms reporting 1959... 61 6 1 1 1 1 6 2 31 6 54 50 to 99 acres 55 100 or more acres.... .farms reporting 1959... 2 not Include acreage for farms with lees than 20 bushels harvested. NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 271 Part 4 of 6 Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Hayrcod Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 144 14 142 1 10 301 20 14 1 46 33 461 1 228 11 87 1 1 5 292 37 7 4 34 S3 675 2 878 119 1,360 3 69 2,168 409 120 4 1,258 533 4,247 3 1,474 75 853 21 4 28 2,175 1,142 94 21 526 1,538 7,066 4 179,561 23,250 328,846 700 13,640 445,245 114,501 30,300 500 267,225 121,755 1,115,554 5 239,269 15,500 64,200 6,300 400 9,850 256,286 282,150 17,200 3,200 49,230 333,919 799,151 5 845 1,621 156 207 509 1,572 1,172 1,160 1,418 594 1,182 494 420 421 47 431 7 1,794 2,204 607 319 627 2,209 2,029 1,783 2,012 2,171 1,813 913 503 670 101 1,054 8 71 31 6 U 84 44 37 77 30 41 136 2,118 17 11 203 20 9 90 31 23 12 62 40 63 lU 105 32 189 1,576 19 13 251 27 10 12,348 13,477 1,401 2,664 16,479 14,632 15,501 16,349 U,305 7,719 34,914 233,215 4,611 3,934 36,764 5,110 11 22,331 16,302 5,097 4,651 14,660 19,465 27,687 27,779 23,648 17,139 30,157 172,066 6,690 5,443 61,156 10,271 12 462 877 163 191 168 1,065 697 760 1,187 556 337 131 411 456 29 352 13 1,130 1,488 446 339 226 1,309 1,514 1,221 1,646 1,333 552 309 458 526 66 693 14 50 241 39 148 3 91 61 91 ao 696 3 27 U9 105 5 40 15 86 166 40 144 4 91 185 153 396 666 2 66 93 57 8 22 16 9,400 47,742 5,979 23,943 1,694 20,224 13,505 20,325 38,476 107,981 2,305 3,567 20,709 21,733 667 7,992 17 U,765 27,704 4,313 22,332 1,983 17,460 36,947 21,942 51,253 95,243 2,419 4,511 21,102 8,836 2,251 5,077 18 3,844 11,231 210 302 12,689 11,631 7,828 5,546 13,283 954 29 3,079 2,479 1 944 19 5,692 16,073 11 369 340 18,288 17,251 11,811 8,739 20,387 1,334 34 4,714 4,451 4 1,502 20 4,821,899 15,259,393 304,134 600,551 17,196,628 17,868,578 10,182,613 8,565,719 19,123,421 1,754,254 47,861 4,252,772 3,331,623 1,900 1,249,673 21 5,695,464 15,818,037 8,728 499,228 754,429 16,286,801 24,568,885 12,210,638 10,701,428 24,423,309 2,612,630 54,307 6,U8,585 4,525,126 3,900 1,416,587 22 1,153 2,456 67 2,603 1,905 1,379 2,055 2,512 888 540 1 391 23 1,507 3,448 4 93 3,198 2,695 2,630 2,373 3,726 1,170 1,071 1 540 24 3,844 U,231 210 12,689 11,531 7,628 5,546 13,283 3,079 2,479 1 944 25 5,692 16,078 11 369 18,288 17,251 11,311 8,739 20,387 4,714 4,451 4 1,498 25 4,821,899 15,259,393 304,134 17,196,628 17,868,778 10,182,613 8,565,719 19,123,421 4,262,772 3,331,523 1,900 1,249,678 27 5,695,464 15,818,037 8,728 499,228 16,286,801 24,568,885 12,210,633 10,701,428 24,423,309 ... 6,138,585 4,525,126 3,900 1,413,187 28 52 35 4 35 8 62 123 97 20 37 23 29 362 448 26 511 30 471 941 446 237 222 219 30 545 1,028 ... 29 910 583 818 789 829 479 227 123 31 182 833 974 1,027 454 178 354 140 113 23 32 12 112 501 503 302 340 600,551 754,429 430 66 5 178 207 74 24 ... ... ... 286 1,258 1,551 954 1,334 1,754,254 2,612,630 939 295 20 4 62 65 29 34 47,861 54,807 61 1 12 41 ... ... 3 2 4 3,400 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 14 1,902 197 490 103 947 10 2,488 1,734 905 720 42 1,055 45 54 2,303 470 559 141 1,285 33 3,299 2,379 1,102 1,133 50 1,796 46 48 8,986 1,598 2,267 268 3,978 24 20,122 12,490 4,357 12,576 194 5,744 47 107 10,063 3,546 1,944 350 5,368 70 25,6?? 15,796 4,663 18,090 180 10,383 48 46 7,216 1,485 2,150 225 3,106 23 17,580 9,201 3,666 9,447 153 5,562 49 94 5,292 1,793 1,591 224 4,184 60 18,427 14,319 3,809 11,430 158 5,447 50 12 1,776 148 448 101 919 10 1,812 1,351 321 219 37 915 51 2 124 2 42 6 1 40 2 2 27 1 628 33 8 2 332 43 3 79 5 360 106 28 7 4 1 ... 130 3 2 52 53 54 55 Stub Items continued 272 Part 4 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Itetn (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Jackson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln MoDoweU K^con Uadlson 1 Field seed crops harvested: Lespedeza seed ..farms reporting 1959... 1 10 19 6 252 2 1 2 2 1954... 3 3 23 7 7 338 29 1 3 acres 1959... 58 145 121 98 2,674 6 3 5 4 1954... 12 4 290 39 132 2,766 269 1 5 pounds 1959. . . 9,280 30,500 22,900 33,901 600,598 1,350 800 600 & 1954. . . 240 1,525 45,150 1,281 12,200 246,364 53,758 lOO 7 Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for heme use or for sale ..farms reporting 1959... 898 1,057 560 389 1,532 124 436 949 1,220 S 1954. . . 1,088 5,462 758 671 2,043 360 1,037 1,467 2,097 9 acres 1959i.. 312 83 32 11 83 12 84 213 2U 10 1954'.. 438 153 49 16 132 15 90 282 191 11 bushels 1959... 33,032 14,665 3,783 4,121 26,664 1,893 9,733 30,578 33,186 12 1954... 51,798 57,630 12,974 5,785 41,233 3,716 15,125 33,495 36,4U U Sneetpotatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 280 1,469 314 291 669 138 189 369 334 14 1954... 335 4,375 488 495 1,318 311 416 576 1,336 15 acres 1959'.. 6 4,510 97 74 580 96 20 7 4 16 1954^.. 69 2,565 227 66 770 111 18 8 11 17 bushels 1959... 2,407 628,874 15,739 12,272 118,466 11,583 3,416 3,524 2,837 13 1954... 5,983 296,180 27,451 10,848 114,136 6,878 3,001 4,190 7,913 19 Tobacco acres 1959... 78 128 21,776 32,950 5,125 7,937 3,721 5,405 13,665 20,211 10 10 16 20 43 74 2,441 3.115 20 1954... 21 pounds 1959... 133,918 29,810,393 7,507,819 5,224,143 21,835,028 8,227 23,508 36,486 5,009,725 22 1954... 229,566 39,101,581 10,638,382 6,018,411 28,597,241 6,853 27,325 122,737 5,965,962 23 Flue-cured tobacco .farms reporting 1959... 4,680 894 783 2,126 2 24 1954... 6,660 1,304 1,098 3,091 25 acres 1959... 21,776 5,125 3,721 U,665 4 26 1954... 32,950 7,937 5,405 20,211 27 pounds 1959... 29,810,393 7,507,819 5,224,143 21,835,028 3,500 28 1954... 39,101,581 10,638,382 6,013,411 28,597,241 29 Farms reporting by ac Under 1 acre res harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 65 16 37 12 30 1.0 to 2.4 acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 665 78 176 155 1 31 2.5 to 4.9 acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 2,196 322 277 705 1 32 5.0 to 9.9 acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 1,554 379 230 945 33 10 or more acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 200 99 63 309 34 Burley and other tobacco .farms reporting 1959... 169 3 36 141 2,302 35 1954... 194 9 45 160 2,708 36 acres 1959... 78 6 16 48 2,441 37 1954... 128 10 20 74 3,115 3S pounds 1959... 133,918 4,727 23,508 86,436 5,009,725 39 1954... 229,566 6,853 27,325 122 ,787 5,965,962 40 Farms reporting by ac Under 1 acre res harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 162 2 34 137 1,242 41 1.0 to 2.4 acres.. . farms reporting 1959. . . 6 2 4 965 42 2.5 to 4.9 acres.. .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 90 43 5.0 to 9.9 acres. . .farms reporting 1959... 1 5 44 10 or more acres.. . farms reporting 1959. . . 45 Cotton .farms reporting 1959... 3,737 60 277 536 604 46 1954... 4,753 120 346 737 1,169 47 acres 1959. . . 20,831 157 953 2,486 5,5% 48 1954. . . 24,569 350 1,173 2,766 9,608 49 bales 1959... 17,678 125 856 1,750 6,004 50 1954. . . 19,831 276 948 2,236 5,649 51 Farms reporting by acres Under 10 acres harvested: . farms reporting 1959. . . 3,321 59 267 518 399 52 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959. . . 396 1 9 7 175 53 25 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... 16 1 10 24 54 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959... 3 5 55 100 or more acres .farms reporting 1959... 1 1 1 ■ Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested . NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 273 Part 4 of 6 Martin ifecilen- burg mtclieU Mont- gomery Moore Nash New Hanover North- as^ton Onslow Orange PQjnllco Pas- quotanjf Pender Per- quijiflns Person Pitt 1 96 92 84 6 3 3 66 49 11 2 13 72 20 1 2 Wl 56 49 3 6 4 48 85 12 10 15 19 2 20 1,200 ... 1,037 580 50 72 14 521 1,393 95 55 219 328 296 3 7 1,424 630 355 8 1 59 16 339 1,927 141 157 70 161 4 4,000 324,822 205,767 130,129 8,800 22,402 2,900 121,443 266,150 30,800 7,600 82,760 66,890 63,497 5 300 167,923 55,064 35,589 1,800 6,330 4,400 51,470 525,170 37,100 19,150 9,400 58,156 6 1,249 62 899 433 765 1,743 21 831 416 406 40 150 199 70 1,644 1,899 7 1,392 462 1,525 387 1,166 3,492 100 1,594 965 1,258 119 239 682 176 2,112 2,548 8 65 6 312 17 21 48 11 -0 18 18 682 3,747 37 103 57 161 9 138 8 420 10 33 la 27 62 56 20 603 3,159 47 25 39 566 10 19,687 739 49,568 5,566 7,732 17,403 1,603 13,218 5,199 4,548 131,649 909,416 5,425 20, U7 18,310 37,051 11 26,879 2,919 47,980 4,345 13,958 37,376 2,977 17,659 12,542 9,201 149,849 704,370 8,471 U,615 18,808 97,659 12 976 102 273 296 568 1,158 32 732 X3 277 96 32 308 81 845 1,303 13 1,655 5» 560 275 876 2,659 87 1,357 827 761 262 81 937 205 1,174 2,471 14 767 30 1 72 120 367 44 277 188 26 439 44 222 64 44 920 15 1,661 29 2 20 110 578 56 308 350 39 1,154 38 439 55 42 1,298 16 102,719 3,313 1,362 13,157 22,651 67,422 4,109 52,954 25,519 6,009 69,599 7,615 26,157 8,388 16,773 127,242 17 242,322 5,406 2,275 4,406 18,278 87,145 4,463 41,586 46,244 7,429 147,061 5,010 43,298 14,938 10,416 186,131 18 8,213 8 473 758 4,410 17,715 121 396 5,673 3,065 992 3,083 15 9,168 24,653 19 12,417 543 1,242 6,285 26,078 262 621 8,854 4,338 1,636 4,724 13,765 36,254 20 12,267,168 9,600 962,423 981,567 5,700,901 26,090,358 150,856 586,931 7,423,589 4,276,188 1,193,181 4,262,199 18,500 12,628,523 34,545,086 21 19,111,585 910,562 1,266,024 6,475,955 30^714,920 252,943 764,y74 10,621,558 3,896,767 1,938,430 5,524,753 13,307,766 48,957,435 22 1,779 1 212 927 3,403 35 124 1,148 726 219 962 3 2,076 3,468 23 2,423 317 1,230 4,807 62 169 1,720 897 322 1,352 3,194 5,063 24 8,213 8 758 4,410 17,715 121 388 5,673 3,065 992 3,083 15 9,168 24,653 25 12,417 1,242 6,285 26,078 262 621 8,854 4,338 1,636 4,724 13,765 36,254 26 12,267,168 9,600 981,567 5,700,901 26,090,358 150,856 575,081 7,423,589 4,276,188 1,193,181 4,262,199 18,500 12,628,523 34,545,086 27 19,111,585 1,266,024 6,475,955 30,714,920 252,943 764,574 10,621,558 3,896,767 1,938,430 '5,524,753 13,307,766 48,957,435 28 23 15 44 26 1 2 49 15 10 129 32 8 29 241 76 221 321 15 56 209 196 54 344 428 169 30 856 76 »2 1,484 11 47 431 266 78 303 2 915 810 31 572 1 36 282 1,350 6 17 367 217 56 153 1 617 1,841 32 87 726 800 473 543 962,423 910,562 614 105 5 2 9 78 222 2 2 6 8 11,850 6 92 32 21 33 84 540 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 662 358 ... 127 277 2,y70 1 1,657 39 4 43 54 60 220 1 1,695 45 833 902 206 328 3,035 2 2,289 88 35 60 102 187 374 2,226 46 2,743 3,817 1,604 2,023 13,036 1 18,264 141 20 144 178 133 995 2 7,606 47 3,125 8,897 2,636 2,349 14,592 6 21,983 510 158 211 292 387 1,603 9,127 48 2,291 3,138 1,255 1,347 11,178 1 15,862 113 18 146 137 UO 864 2 5,465 49 2,898 5,972 1,612 1,573 11,021 2 16,624 369 68 190 210 268 1,400 7,083 50 636 208 85 227 2,377 1 917 38 3 41 54 60 198 1 1,607 51 19 126 28 35 185 624 1 1 2 21 83 52 7 22 1 1 9 3 2 13 1 1 7 1 97 17 2 1 3 1 1 53 54 55 274 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY It«m (For dennilions and explanations, see text) Poll! Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sanqjson Scotland Stanly 1 Field seed crops harvested: Lespedeza seed ..farms reporting 1959... ^ 487 33 33 66 472 18 9 24 825 2 1954. . . 3 526 13 29 25 780 9 13 10 1,079 3 acres 1959... 28 4,506 749 702 352 5,787 103 34 1,275 13,915 4 1954. . . 29 5,053 323 579 139 9,044 54 60 96 17,585 5 pounds 1959. . . 4,700 949,365 172,740 137,145 77.557 968,232 21,570 9,835 363,487 1,938,409 6 1954. . . 2,100 595,399 48,810 134,700 30,735 1,131,514 5,900 15,790 7,280 1,291,257 7 Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale ..fanns reporting 1959... 44 800 225 1,522 1,420 384 331 1,232 368 831 3 1954... 231 1,747 481 3,199 2,047 1,229 885 2,774 435 1,417 9 acres 1959^.. 13 28 10 112 40 26 32 130 6 19 10 1954'.. 15 59 21 95 55 54 56 401 17 23 11 bushels 1959... 1,144 8,763 2,630 22,219 13,770 5,199 5,419 22,994 2,400 7,985 12 1954. . . 2,487 17,337 5,096 38,386 20,192 12,120 9,363 74,695 3,453 12,639 13 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale ..farms reporting 1959... 69 442 233 1,335 921 262 354 1,166 438 535 14 1954... 179 930 603 2,950 1,340 841 668 2,505 460 879 15 acres 1959'.. 54 25 72 548 65 104 293 1,332 92 10 16 1954».. 106 34 201 572 76 155 285 1,449 161 9 17 bushels 1959... 4,487 6,196 15,043 80,783 14,277 23,487 35,444 233,333 15,376 5,047 18 1954... 3,649 9,494 20,894 74,133 14,435 19,407 15,782 153,335 13,469 4,939 19 ^^^^^^ acres 1959... 1 2 2,333 3,737 1,792 2,859 19,617 30,157 12,254 17,445 23 52 21 35 14,512 21,928 %2 1,717 13 2 20 1954. . . 21 pounds 1959. . . 300 2,945,131 2,198,362 33,329,797 16,510,772 27,727 22,976 21,675,523 1,262,619 10,733 22 1954... 1,795 3,695,947 2,479,018 37,779,356 17,684,743 49,361 38,422 26,409,937 1,635,479 1,369 23 Flue-cured tobacco ..farms reporting 1959... 823 475 5,171 2,729 14 3,896 325 8 24 1954... 1,117 785 7,042 3,439 22 4 5,409 523 1 25 acres 1959... 2,333 1,792 19,617 12,254 23 14,512 962 13 26 1954... 3,737 2,859 30,157 17,445 49 3 21,928 1,717 2 27 pounds 1959... 2,945,131 2,198,362 33,329,797 16,510,772 27,727 21,675,523 1,262,619 10,733 28 1954... 3,695,947 2,479,018 37,779,356 17,634,743 48,468 1,240 26,409,937 1,685,479 1,869 29 Farms reporting by ac Under 1 acre res harvested: -.farms reporting 1959... 44 53 204 46 1 167 41 2 30 1.0 to 2.4 acres.. ..farms reporting 1959... 401 148 1,323 470 11 1,113 154 31 2.5 to 4.9 acres.. ..farms reporting 1959... 283 155 2,357 1,228 2 1,671 87 2 32 5.0 to 9.9 acres.. ..farms reporting 1959... 83 94 1,157 862 326 31 33 10 or more acres.. ..farms reporting 1959... 7 25 130 123 119 12 34 Barley and other tobacco ..farms reporting 1959... 3 37 35 1954... 5 2 46 36 acres 1959... 21 37 1954... 3 32 38 pounds 1959... 800 22,976 39 1954... 1,795 1,393 37,182 40 Farms reporting by ac Under 1 acre res harvested: 32 41 1.0 to 2.4 acres. . . farms reporting 1959. . . 5 42 2.5 to 4.9 acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 43 5.0 to 9.9 acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 44 10 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 45 Cotton ..farms reporting 1959... 121 7 405 4,523 366 615 2,974 615 181 46 1954... 317 16 770 6,229 1 863 1,342 4,036 1,027 424 47 acres 1959... 757 17 4,282 42,231 3,003 5,607 23,252 13,708 1,133 48 1954... 1,693 37 8,575 52,920 1 6,284 10,297 29,711 21,456 2,466 49 bales 1959... 640 12 4,066 34,712 3,163 5,156 18,441 10,415 1,041 50 1954... 1,000 23 4,795 41,602 1 3,939 5,488 20,439 14,497 1,854 51 Farma reporting by acres Under 10 acres harvested; ..farms reporting 1959... 100 7 268 2,993 268 428 2,213 148 153 52 10 to 24 acres ..fanns reporting 1959... 18 Ul 1,309 83 151 681 305 24 53 25 to 49 acres . . farms reporting 1959. . . 2 20 184 14 29 74 117 3 54 50 to 99 acres ..farms reporting 1959... 1 2 31 7 5 32 I 55 100 or more acres ..farms reporting 1959... ^ 6 1 1 13 than 20 bushels harveeted. NORTH CAROLINA 275 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 4 of 6 stokes Surry Siraln Transyl- vania TyrreU ^cn Vance Wake Warren Wash- ington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey 12 32 1 3 1,467 5 5 8 3 15 40 7 163 1 1 U 39 3 1 2 970 2 16 24 7 27 32 6 224 2 227 134 3 12 25,571 24 80 54 126 132 247 95 942 5 3 30 306 8 4 6 14,689 5 209 159 416 240 167 19 1,550 4 31,170 33,185 150 3,100 5,294,432 6,700 18,700 14,650 19,300 22,800 50,778 19,900 178,542 600 5 5,520 53,250 1,825 1,500 1,400 650,757 2,200 36,600 21,400 186,400 40,920 26,700 3,070 257,117 5 2,449 2,295 432 357 59 586 805 747 1,090 40 1,234 1,504 1,966 1,924 1,360 1,214 7 2,787 2,830 670 553 102 2,096 1,266 2,021 1,800 156 1,752 1,822 3,219 3,098 2,018 1,505 8 56 80 66 45 1,141 14 24 38 21 32 660 421 151 82 67 321 9 ?7 lU 98 61 906 29 37 41 49 33 972 758 170 129 43 leo 10 25,088 28,590 11,203 5,889 209,690 5,663 8,032 7,289 9,778 5,062 132, la 68,385 29,623 24,694 17,332 35,510 11 28,575 34,922 13,229 8,206 190,268 15,063 12,418 16,277 16,520 6,686 144,335 121,067 43,679 41,233 21,053 25,188 12 1,479 1,385 207 99 68 373 408 633 769 86 74 897 930 1,251 705 273 13 1,918 1,673 264 169 129 1,291 606 1,731 1,036 175 244 1,428 1,712 2,369 1,155 801 14 iA 30 7 2 594 a 68 606 129 152 1 665 31 482 16 (Z) 15 17 20 12 2 177 19 50 538 102 128 3 552 16 302 9 3 15 23,213 11,992 2,272 680 47,685 4,742 13,769 97,575 18,513 19,291 391 130,423 9,444 92,605 6,458 1,344 17 12,174 10,059 2,046 844 20,497 6,858 10,225 79,606 15,320 19,552 1,628 61,531 10,426 52,121 6,254 3,514 18 10,786 9,932 61 26 7,724 17,081 5,651 873 726 14,174 1,274 15,951 7,352 1,058 19 15,280 34,607 44 29 3 5 10,743 25,442 8,585 1,354 860 20,673 1,833 24,073 10,215 1,210 20 15,027,118 15,837,681 84,463 44,712 10,314,777 22,525,521 6,916,315 1,073,767 1,545,335 22,489,219 1,810,826 24,738,340 10,215,297 2,249,956 21 17,822,981 17,942,295 83,902 37,489 4,500 5,470 10,097,175 24,652,067 7,552,306 1,707,565 1,583,795 27,903,958 1,910,811 32^84,487 9,850,498 2,255,091 22 2,755 2,581 3 1,522 2,778 1,484 207 2,943 516 2,460 2,027 23 3,377 3,328 1 1,854 4,248 2,087 258 3,911 679 3,588 2,473 24 10,786 9,932 2 7,724 17,061 5,651 873 14,174 1,266 15,951 7,348 25 15,251 14,550 3 10,743 25,442 8,585 1,354 20,673 1,788 24,073 10,202 26 15,027,118 15,837,681 3,355 10,314,777 22,525,521 6,916,315 1,073,767 22,489,219 1,801,462 24,738^40 10,197,537 27 17,795,091 17,881,939 4,500 5,470 10,097,175 24,652,067 7,552,306 1,707,565 27,903,958 1,869,206 32,384,487 9,840A98 28 32 60 2 28 30 104 2 46 52 8 54 29 530 625 1 240 352 427 56 353 253 128 542 30 1,499 1,218 551 630 565 82 1,313 160 785 984 31 658 628 588 1,147 327 54 1,084 49 1,208 419 32 36 50 122 37 115 419 60 13 1,351 147 2 10 28 4 1,473 33 34 9 20 109 61 48 24 1,265 726 39 8 6 14 1,490 1,058 35 36 29 57 44 84,463 29 41,357 860 1,545,335 45 9,354 14 18,750 1,210 2,249,956 37 38 27,890 60,356 83,902 118 2 1 1 37,489 35 2 1,583,795 1,261 88 1 1 41,605 6 10,300 1 2 1 2,255,091 1,161 300 10 2 39 40 41 42 43 50 1,493 918 1,009 1,501 165 1,994 30 1,738 7 45 89 2,551 1,053 1,433 2,022 181 2,524 33 2,379 30 46 202 11,685 2,934 4,230 7,122 557 11,395 55 8,694 9 47 267 19,599 3,107 5,466 8,909 783 14,174 87 10,965 58 48 129 10,302 2,694 3,575 5,955 540 10,326 57 7,220 8 49 249 13,885 2,233 3,646 5,110 592 11,030 52 8,588 50 50 46 1,207 897 954 1,392 159 1,775 30 1,619 7 51 4 248 24 7 7 20 1 51 107 1 1 5 1 203 13 3 117 1 1 52 53 54 55 Stub Items continued 276 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY lUsm (For derinilions and expU nations, see texl) The State Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie 1 Vegetables tor home use and tor sale (other Itian Irish and sweet potatoes); Vegetables harvested for hone use .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 167,019 231,201 1,590 2,485 1,125 899 1,082 1,367 1,280 1,956 2,770 3,491 743 1,329 1,972 2,793 2,063 2,793 2 3 Vegetables harvested for sale .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 14,178 22,723 98 72 40 25 15 97 66 33 583 1,447 159 509 174 192 103 52 i. 5 acres 1959. . . 63,519 238 34 69 243 1,456 440 612 456 6 1954. . . 77,325 128 34 217 142 3,351 1,654 489 127 7 Sales dollars 1959... 8,475,809 14,695 3,215 17,407 17,629 404,707 92,915 67,131 41,425 8 1954... 8,837,132 14,180 2,304 39,914 8,685 629,003 243,735 75,522 16,125 9 Tomatoes .farms reporting 1959... 2,655 89 22 10 9 14 9 32 3 10 1954... 3,164 40 14 2 6 12 8 18 10 U acres 1959... 2,838 45 7 2 5 12 1 100 2 12 1954... 2,915 15 11 1 6 14 2 16 6 13 Sweet corn .farms reporting 1959... 2,409 52 16 9 11 20 12 16 13 1.4 1954... 3,108 35 5 2 5 8 16 16 8 15 acres 1959... 4,645 50 7 2 15 3 10 7 49 16 1954... 6,365 54 8 (Z) 4 26 16 50 17 17 Cucumbers and picltles... .farms reporting 1959... 5,993 23 10 5 39 4 2 77 38 18 1954... 9,832 12 4 2 98 42 19 acres 1959... 8,420 7 1 1 50 CZ) 4 115 26 20 1954... 11,936 3 3 1 93 31 a Snap beans (bush and pole types ) -farms reporting 1959... 3,625 77 28 15 5 568 68 25 11 22 1954... 6,482 26 8 72 2 1,400 357 24 15 23 acres 1959... 11,554 34 5 22 2 1,150 103 85 60 21. 1954... 16,548 9 2 140 1 2,873 761 132 25 25 Watermelons .farms reporting 1959. . . 3,156 36 13 24 1 13 59 26 1954. . . 4,172 27 8 19 2 27 12 27 acres 1959. . . 10,777 41 3 143 3 25 268 28 1954... 11,782 19 7 90 1 24 42 29 Cabbage .farms reporting 1959... 2,017 24 7 10 3 93 130 21 5 30 1954... 3,366 10 2 25 1 196 335 23 7 31 acres 1959... 8,024 5 1 39 1 288 315 82 37 32 1954... 10,047 3 (z) 66 1 429 843 62 1 33 Sweet peppers (except pimientos ) .farms reporting 1959... 2,488 4 2 2 1 1 76 2 y. acres 1959... 4,796 (2) (z) (Z) (Z) (z) 159 1 35 Cantaloups and muslnaelons .farms reporting 1959... 1,669 23 10 1 3 6 3 36 1954... 1,358 11 1 2 37 acres 1959... 3,048 27 4 (Z) 1 2 7 38 1954... 2,849 6 1 1 39 Blackeyes and other green cowpeas .farms reporting 1959... 1,469 43 14 2 12 1 6 1 40 acres 1959... 1,790 9 5 (Z) 13 (Z) '• (z) 41 Green lima beans .fanns reporting 1959... 1,419 37 3 2 9 2 21 2 42 1954... 2,127 26 3 8 6 2 21 20 7 43 acres 1959... 1,167 6 (Z) (Z) 8 (Z) 3 2 44 1954... 1,305 5 1 4 4 2 29 4 4 45 Squash .farms reporting 1959... 1,046 24 2 4 2 2 10 46 1954... 836 5 1 3 1 2 3 47 acres 1959... 961 3 1 (Z) 1 (z) (Z) 2 48 1954... 1,234 1 (Z) 3 1 2 4 49 Oira ..farms reporting 1959... 928 25 2 7 1 11 50 acres 1959... 623 3 1 2 (z) 1 51 Dry onions ..farms reporting 1959... 509 23 2 7 3 7 52 acres 1959. . . 323 4 (Z) 2 (Z) (Z) 1 Z Reported In email fractions. NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 277 Part 5 of 6 Bladen BnjDswlck Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Canden Carteret Caswell Catawba ChsthBn Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 2,427 1,379 2,622 9S8 1,032 999 259 370 2,110 1,494 1,526 761 375 593 2,631 4,301 1 3,331 1,736 3,682 1,595 1,720 1,999 239 471 2,724 2,309 2,591 1,354 476 806 3,675 4,985 2 165 86 110 28 26 66 14 152 39 58 32 5 378 24 70 91 3 341 191 124 37 50 105 33 204 49 39 48 a 375 6 101 182 4 210 259 208 134 91 164 218 1,536 U7 135 44 3 4,573 57 227 161 5 367 427 275 58 81 224 593 1,542 87 100 54 8 3,584 2 261 245 6 15,320 34,270 41,169 13,399 16,290 15,211 52,261 314,169 8,017 10,595 5,722 418 346,664 4,747 29,259 17,575 7 34,445 45,229 53,127 4,446 5,489 U,021 66,913 233,381 4,982 7,315 5,122 804 425,517 202 16,011 21,725 8 4 20 52 16 24 31 2 55 22 32 12 1 22 32 9 9 8 54 68 27 33 25 3 88 a 26 14 12 36 3 30 7 10 6 19 25 7 19 8 2 97 5 13 2 1 46 15 6 11 8 83 44 9 19 5 1 158 6 9 2 2 25 (Z) 26 4 12 7 18 39 17 12 34 1 39 26 22 13 120 2 33 6 13 9 23 33 15 18 22 6 36 27 21 13 i 149 1 19 10 14 5 16 42 44 14 32 (Z) 44 65 17 6 693 10 30 12 15 6 29 61 7 14 22 71 32 45 32 6 1 674 (Z) 23 12 16 136 9 13 8 9 9 5 22 4 24 7 49 9 50 17 289 31 5 8 9 7 3 26 7 10 2 80 7 162 18 143 3 2 3 2 1 5 5 1 4 1 153 1 51 19 290 35 5 1 2 1 4 3a 5 2 (z) 53 2 133 20 3 48 59 15 13 32 2 52 27 22 11 4 126 2 23 7 a 1 67 44 25 10 28 22 75 20 21 9 14 194 3 22 3 22 (Z) 69 78 13 9 17 9 155 9 12 2 1 507 1 8 5 23 (Z) 86 106 18 2 10 U7 246 3 15 2 4 521 (Z) 21 1 24 20 30 2 U 8 33 I 77 15 36 12 339 23 9 25 a 36 19 24 58 1 123 10 24 11 314 1 35 11 26 38 91 1 28 16 53 1 307 12 45 7 1,951 26 14 27 31 112 15 28 134 1 378 9 32 8 1,529 2 64 20 28 1 9 20 5 6 7 8 67 13 11 9 1 18 13 13 29 3 8 18 8 4 12 20 78 16 12 5 4 39 10 3 30 (2) 4 21 3 2 2 199 798 3 3 3 (Z) 65 3 35 31 1 2 23 2 (Z) 8 392 548 5 2 1 1 47 5 1 32 2 2 30 2 2 5 19 1 9 4 1 10 24 i 33 5 (Z) 18 (Z) (Z) 3 (Z) 15 (Z) 5 1 1 15 46 6 34 4 7 1 9 10 24 41 9 22 6 201 24 1 35 3 2 2 14 29 33 1 3 4 191 9 36 2 7 1 10 7 37 47 4 15 2 573 37 (Z) 37 1 1 2 9 42 36 3 4 2 426 12 38 9 16 5 12 10 12 25 22 16 12 41 23 4 39 5 13 2 U 7 5 15 8 7 10 60 13 3 40 5 29 4 5 8 6 45 19 6 10 141 ... 9 6 41 8 1 60 20 2 1 9 1 10 2 2 1 35 12 21 5 11 1 24 4 155 368 9 I 7 42 43 3 38 (Z) 2 2 (Z) (z) 24 6 2 8 233 4 4 44 6 14 4 6 6 7 22 2 8 3 10 1 8 2 33 41 17 1 4 45 46 1 5 4 10 1 1 (2) 3 (Z) 2 (Z) 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 39 40 32 3 2 47 48 2 14 11 5 10 6 23 3 15 9 ■ 9 17 3 49 (Z) 7 2 1 3 1 4 1 4 2 10 4 1 50 2 5 8 2 6 6 8 8 5 2 3 10 2 51 2 1 2 (Z) 2 1 2 1 1 1 (Z) 3 2 5 52 Stub Items continued 278 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinit.ons mi expl analions, see text) Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie DupUn Durham Edgecombe 1 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweel potaloes); Vegetables harvested for .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1,471 2,071 1,699 2,535 329 423 9 10 2,132 3,105 972 1,361 3,642 4,499 912 1,485 2,157 3,091 2 3 Vegetables harvested for sale .farms reporting 1959... 52 221 76 3 125 19 713 51 90 4 1954. . . 144 492 124 2 243 15 1,711 42 108 5 acres 1959... 135 986 2,534 1 334 34 3,678 102 169 6 1954... 343 1,817 2,902 1 511 39 5,284 52 138 . 7 Sales dollars 1959. .. 18,364 22, 639 101,851 144, 626 344,001 313,759 765 550 37, 569 49,469 3,032 2,052 477,159 490, 559 8,291 5,330 16,329 15,335 8 1954. . . 9 Tomatoes .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 3 11 29 55 90 3 1 82 113 13 4 12 7 34 27 16 64 10 11 acres 1959. . . 10 12 233 (Z) 23 2 7 6 5 12 1954. . . 15 24 253 (Z) 42 1 9 4 11 13 Sweet com .farms reporting 1959. . . 8 31 24 1 71 13 106 34 20 1* 1954. . . 22 48 46 1 93 3 424 19 51 15 acres 1959... 12 36 44 (z) 73 14 291 28 27 16 1954... 23 38 63 1 130 12 925 8 20 17 (SicuinberB and pickles.. .farms reporting 1959... 29 118 8 41 6 261 13 64 18 1954... 101 282 27 1 39 3 365 11 42 19 acres 1959... 30 144 10 8 1 372 4 76 20 1954. . . 109 347 70 (Z) 10 (Z) 960 4 18 21 Snap beans (bush and pole types) .farms reporting 1959... 8 23 44 1 62 12 283 33 12 22 1954... 19 27 85 1 70 5 597 29 68 23 acres 1959... 9 57 1,416 (Z) 16 3 1,042 6 6 2"; 1954 . . . 35 58 1,388 (z) 18 1 1,314 5 10 25 Watermelons .farms reporting 1959... 8 64 44 2 66 6 98 24 12 26 1954... 20 196 85 1 123 9 167 15 54 27 acres 1959... 27 289 257 1 49 2 464 12 13 28 1954... 49 729 221 (Z) 154 24 614 7 38 29 Cabbage .farms reporting 1959... 5 5 23 1 21 4 12 14 16 30 1954... 16 31 62 1 21 1 11 14 63 31 acres 1959... 66 7 132 (z) 3 1 21 2 9 32 1954... 60 16 780 (z) 5 (Z) 42 2 10 33 Sweet peppers (except plmlentos ) .farms reporting 1959... 3 21 8 1 19 1 337 3 6 34 acres 1959. . . ■1 39 73 (Z) 6 1 567 1 1 35 Cantaloups and .farms reporting 1959... 1 18 13 2 38 4 15 19 7 36 1954... 2 20 39 1 32 3 1 2 37 acres 1959... 2 15 13 (z) 20 3 17 5 3 38 1954... 2 24 39 (Z) a 1 1 2 39 Blaclce^s and other green cowpeas .farms reporting 1959... 2 34 6 1 53 8 10 30 14 40 acres 1959... (Z) 72 9 (z) 42 5 7 15 '8 41 Green lljna beans .farms reporting 1959... 3 38 13 2 36 5 32 27 14 42 1954... 11 64 X 1 72 4 21 27 65 43 acres 1959... 2 63 7 (z) 8 1 49 5 5 44 1954... 15 53 74 (z) 21 (Z) 36 6 11 45 Squash .farms reporting 1959... 1 12 9 33 3 31 21 10 46 1954. . . 4 2 1 7 1 111 3 1 47 acres 1959... (Z) 48 6 11 (Z) 37 4 2 iS 1954... 24 2 (Z) 6 (z) 113 (z) (z) 49 Okra .farms reporting 1959. . . 2 17 8 41 5 14 22 9 50 acres 1959... (z) 10 253 14 1 14 5 2 51 Dry onions .farms reporting 1959... 2 2 10 2 3 13 8 52 acres 1959... (Z) 1 2 (Z) 1 2 2 Z Reported In small fracticaiB NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 279 Part 5 of 6 Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifajt Hamett HayiKjod Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 1,769 2,707 929 812 536 2,637 1,859 2,646 2,811 2,914 1,645 1,083 936 918 312 2,245 1 2,665 3,596 1,346 973 727 3,201 2,591 3,903 3,615 4,061 2,582 1,744 1,263 1,397 239 3,a5 2 104 321 52 128 5 64 25 198 310 207 80 225 41 107 16 43 3 148 248 65 88 2 75 78 254 224 305 55 522 20 97 30 64 4 348 399 138 597 " 127 34 461 1,014 787 165 5,414 313 792 637 191 5 279 256 134 331 1 34 99 484 514 597 224 6,436 38 668 326 95 6 17,437 43,113 15,296 65,528 850 3,546 2,590 47,617 74,902 60,620 55, 6U 749,758 25,674 45,104 120,013 20,327 7 36,312 26,081 11,517 36,512 96 7,929 11,181 44,488 47,505 45,055 33,401 570,999 3,719 40,512 42,978 7,251 8 63 15 36 2 5 13 137 15 22 40 51 12 1 21 9 54 9 39 2 ^ 6 2 133 21 25 6 73 3 3 11 29 10 14 3 29 (z) 6 44 105 13 32 58 15 1 14 U 27 3 33 1 (Z) 2 1 54 46 12 2 66 2 7 16 20 12 64 13 20 14 9 116 14 27 25 39 12 1 23 13 70 12 12 4 6 2 104 16 34 9 126 5 9 3 16 14 92 12 64 24 7 111 91 31 45 219 17 300 46 15 76 9 23 1 2 (Z) 99 19 38 12 612 4 12 44 13 16 33 295 U 4 60 24 48 258 72 7 29 6 27 13 11 17 18 227 7 7 64 70 44 182 151 1 122 12 14 10 8 18 7 316 2 4 (Z) 54 27 7 302 94 1 225 5 43 116 5 19 3 a8 2 9 60 64 « 234 178 (Z) 247 17 16 15 3 20 52 14 20 13 10 100 38 19 38 153 7 15 a 43 4 18 7 9 87 a 29 43 301 3 7 2 19 22 22 3 9 33 7 22 201 10 42 3,946 3 8 23 23 2 10 9 (Z) 6 21 87 14 191 4,378 2 5 1 11 24 50 25 27 U3 7 112 21 50 3 3 32 68 20 25 56 12 32 77 4 102 26 76 4 7 70 5 26 26 30 20 25 471 9 72 32 310 (Z) 6 310 598 14 27 68 9 69 285 6 10 68 30 la 2 12 563 4 30 28 36 15 7 4 6 59 14 10 8 66 3 5 12 29 17 4 10 5 6 a 19 22 2 201 2 5 8 10 30 11 5 1 15 (Z) 3 14 9 10 9 485 2 83 7 31 6 2 5 2 2 16 14 8 I 764 (Z) 2 187 6 32 12 10 5 3 15 2 69 5 39 1 3 6 33 2 13 1 (Z) 1 4 5 176 2 109 1 3 1 34 35 15 23 12 5 79 9 11 1 2 2 31 13 35 17 1 20 3 1 22 3 6 22 7 36 20 4 29 24 3 28 6 7 (Z) 3 2 80 3 37 27 (Z) 31 6 1 15 1 4 47 6 33 38 15 13 6 12 94 a 40 1 9 1 11 17 39 15 7 6 5 12 50 72 50 (Z) 27 (Z) 14 21 40 28 13 4 14 1 11 78 29 26 2 15 2 15 10 41 22 10 6 9 7 109 33 36 3 21 2 5 10 42 5 3 1 16 fz) 7 16 62 16 (Z) 67 (Z) 10 2 43 8 2 2 8 2 25 23 25 4 50 (z) 2 3 44 29 8 9 3 3 3 51 10 12 4 52 3 7 45 9 1 3 1 8 3 6 58 2 1 46 3 1 3 1 (Z) 2 14 6 14 3 129 1 6 47 11 1 5 (Z) 6 10 U 82 1 1 48 25 4 22 1 2 2 56 11 13 4 4 8 7 49 3 1 8 3 (Z) 2 13 15 6 2 1 4 1 50 21 5 4 1 3 24 6 4 3 2 7 51 3 2 1 (Z) (Z) 3 1 1 (Z) (Z) 3 52 Stub Items continued 280 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Itm (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jacltson Johnston Jones Ue Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madiscn 1 Vegetables (or home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. . , 1,050 5,202 998 966 2,251 1,385 682 1,119 2,285 2 1954... 1,589 7,298 1,137 1,286 3,184 1,873 1,117 1,835 3,084 3 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959... 145 261 12 26 51 66 22 100 45 A 1954... 226 451 36 28 160 71 27 203 145 5 acres 1959... 525 863 15 76 169 241 21 347 92 6 1954... 904 781 66 42 402 221 40 583 151 7 Sales dollars 1959. . . 220,324 76,948 1,113 7,455 21,258 34,597 2,134 60,398 17,632 8 1954. . . 105,876 91,925 6,189 4,569 77,471 19,396 4,417 84,290 29,489 9 Tomatoes farms reporting 1959... 19 74 16 14 53 10 33 21 10 1954... 20 72 3 14 13 50 14 20 8 11 acres 1959. . . 6 74 6 5 81 3 8 14 12 1954... 8 50 1 2 18 75 " 6 2 13 Sweet com farms reporting 1959. . . 27 64 2 9 12 16 7 34 16 14 1954. . . 42 55 5 9 22 10 12 27 4 15 acres 1959... 10 52 2 9 18 13 7 17 10 16 1954... 18 65 12 6 32 6 19 23 3 17 Cucumbers and plciles. .. .farms reporting 1959 — 10 53 8 7 19 10 3 14 2 18 1954... 29 168 33 2 76 7 1 17 1 19 acres 1959... 2 77 10 7 14 2 (Z) 25 (Z) 20 1954... 12 161 38 1 93 8 1 15 (Z) a Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959... 54 31 1 13 12 19 17 60 24 22 1954. . . 85 34 3 12 21 11 12 110 124 23 acres 1959... 65 15 (z) 2 6 13 8 166 18 24 106 22 '■ 2 20 14 11 319 106 25 Watermelons farms reporting 1959... 2 118 2 15 11 18 1 2 26 1954. . . 136 17 20 13 3 27 acres 1959... 1 292 1 31 14 13 (z) 1 28 1954... 238 * 14 43 16 2 29 Cabbage farms reporting 1959. . . 117 31 2 5 8 15 2 41 10 30 1954... 199 38 2 12 13 17 5 126 13 31 acres 1959... 430 19 (z) 1 6 16 1 100 37 32 1954... 563 23 2 3 12 32 1 215 37 33 Sweet peppers (except pimlentos) farms reporting 1959... 2 28 1 26 9 2 11 34 acres 1959... 1 58 (Z) 53 7 (Z) 4 35 mislODelons farms reporting 1959... 22 9 4 23 1 36 1954... 20 1 2 4 12 1 37 acres 1959... 84 4 1 40 (Z) 38 1954... 42 (z) 1 5 18 (Z) 39 Blackeyee and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959. . . 1 70 1 U 10 10 1 3 2 40 acres 1959... (z) 84 (Z) 5 7 3 1 (z) (Z) 41 Green lima beans farms reporting 1959... 1 47 1 14 10 6 4 1 42 1954... 32 62 2 11 23 2 2 5 6 43 acres 1959... (Z) 24 (Z) 5 6 1 (z) (Z) 44 1954... 6 37 2 2 12 1 1 2 3 45 Squash famfi reporting 1959... 8 14 5 8 11 2 10 2 46 1954... 1 5 1 4 6 1 2 47 acres 1959... 1 5 1 2 19 (Z) 2 (Z) 48 1954. . . (Z) 2 (Z) 2 8 (Z) 1 49 Okra farms reporting 1959... 6 10 12 9 19 3 10 1 50 acres 1959... 1 6 3 3 5 (Z) 1 (z) 51 Dry onions f arna reporting 1959 8 10 5 5 5 3 5 10 52 acres 1959... 7 7 1 3 3 (Z) 1 ■^ Z Reported in email fractlone. NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 281 Part 5 of 6 Martin Mecklen- txirg Mitchell Ifcnt- gomery Moore Nash Hew Hanover North- ampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pas- quotank Pender Per- Person Pitt 1,974 1,166 1,057 766 1,624 3,504 146 1,802 1,319 1,259 354 385 1,420 531 2,100 3,390 1 2,500 2,265 1,677 827 2,004 4,910 251 2,495 1,876 1,755 614 345 1,907 647 2,959 4,429 2 155 78 46 41 102 315 42 76 30 55 27 170 120 131 26 512 3 lU 159 56 103 136 354 74 89 77 48 58 227 494 201 27 525 4 229 316 33 151 634 559 1,562 332 56 232 161 3,851 1,580 1,051 45 860 5 160 538 44 583 662 405 2,592 143 207 76 a4 4,468 3,196 829 36 700 6 27,154 40,928 4,980 7,321 52,198 48,175 173,625 27,262 4,602 12,079 37,827 921,922 238,519 79,254 4,139 36,550 7 16,630 62,438 4,594 40,033 31,739 59,767 695,406 11,040 15,975 7,811 41,546 615,063 227,655 79,802 2,403 108,321 8 i 60 17 lA 18 14 17 13 5 34 4 17 8 14 3 9 12 100 8 33 10 18 20 12 9 23 4 21 7 25 8 10 1 36 4 10 7 3 15 2 2 9 1 49 307 9 (Z) 11 5 75 1 69 23 7 21 11 16 6 3 12 7 9 4 12 7 42 16 15 26 31 12 7 9 45 27 14 39 9 27 13 10 55 3 27 13 20 16 3 3 20 48 34 27 24 14 14 4 43 7 18 25 154 16 6 7 62 283 22 186 3 25 15 12 106 1 85 22 16 82 5 29 45 (Z) 742 114 190 11 19 16 144 25 2 3 10 278 23 37 4 11 9 57 29 4 469 17 89 20 1 13 13 332 37 69 42 6 17 9 359 32 7 479 18 163 4 (Z) (Z) 4 319 499 42 2 2 12 16 204 42 4 729 19 88 5 (Z) 18 16 336 551 86 46 1 15 107 653 102 1 544 20 7 43 24 10 18 16 14 23 8 35 4 48 13 11 6 21 U 50 42 17 7 13 17 7 13 34 165 16 23 12 22 2 34 16 1 6 5 46 148 1 9 (z) 10 306 19 3 4 23 3 35 28 5 4 2 124 10 6 316 649 41 5 6 24 14 34 29 86 28 7 31 12 10 4 41 99 8 13 25 16 58 1 75 115 26 19 24 22 7 4 56 118 10 13 26 14 28 76 505 24 13 117 19 2 60 94 333 6 25 27 18 47 (Z) 312 540 27 32 19 71 4 9 129 329 2 13 28 6 15 10 3 14 13 17 11 3 14 157 15 5 2 2 29 7 22 8 14 5 " 18 10 3 7 26 193 21 10 12 11 30 7 2 5 (Z) 7 3 60 (Z) 3 106 3,354 129 28 1 (Z) 31 1 5 8 3 5 3 130 2 2 146 3,083 27 43 2 8 32 2 10 1 4 I 4 9 5 3 15 4 1 36 33 8 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 5 12 101 11 36 * (Z) 54 34 5 36 15 30 11 9 11 2 9 1 3 10 47 3 2 35 27 29 U 6 3 2 6 26 1 36 2 22 U 41 5 7 1 5 4 17 97 3 1 37 26 56 22 4 2 1 10 55 1 38 5 33 7 16 20 10 3 33 1 4 22 14 10 6 39 2 23 11 22 18 29 2 14 (Z) 2 31 11 6 9 40 6 38 1 6 9 22 21 14 6 29 2 5 29 14 6 8 41 10 64 2 14 10 M 18 12 2 25 4 5 41 14 22 12 42 2 21 (Z) 1 4 5 30 4 1 1 31 6 2 1 43 1 33 1 3 5 4 17 1 3 1 66 12 4 4 44 3 23 7 9 7 16 3 12 1 14 6 4 1 45 I 13 2 4 1 25 1 2 40 4 1 46 1 12 16 2 1 48 (Z) 1 67 4 1 (Z) 47 (Z) 24 3 8 (z) 109 (Z) 8 101 9 1 48 2 43 5 11 6 10 4 13 1 3 ■ 14 6 1 2 49 (Z) 22 1 2 1 14 1 (Z) 9 6 5 (z) (z) 50 2 7 4 3 4 2 1 6 2 4 1 51 (z) 4 (Z) (Z) 1 (Z) 1 2 2 1 (z) 52 Stub Items continued 282 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For detinitions and expla jialions. see text) PoUc Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly 1 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 399 843 2,323 3,117 837 1,293 4,974 7,134 2,921 3,668 1,675 2,617 1,378 2,373 4,310 5,709 696 1,051 1,495 2,056 2 3 Vegetables harvested for sale .farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 37 83 62 66 97 136 808 542 50 116 36 120 227 386 1,892 3,360 253 400 12 30 4 5 acres 1959... 182 119 532 2,403 90 385 990 6,101 2,106 27 6 1954... 270 111 723 1,551 196 360 1,392 3,200 2,632 36 7 Sales dollars 1959. . . 14,155 12,350 7,963 10,490 31,189 33,767 243,917 126,315 7,949 19,280 105,773 51,205 77,774 73,227 832,683 1,024,066 115,806 138,551 1,081 6,320 8 1954. . . 9 Tomatoes .farms reporting 1959... 12 52 19 361 30 57 65 44 77 9 10 1954... 12 36 21 273 90 67 175 85 124 20 11 acres 1959... 10 11 6 647 13 68 51 21 152 3 12 1954... 15 14 37 540 35 50 96 39 292 8 13 Sweet corri .farms reporting 1959... 25 44 21 95 23 50 95 93 10 7 14 1954... 43 26 16 18 85 49 175 226 10 12 15 acres 1959... 115 29 14 31 11 93 244 94 26 9 16 1954... 129 26 17 21 51 108 271 295 12 25 17 Cucujnbeps and pickles... .farms reporting 1959... 1 30 13 442 7 20 21 1,104 16 6 18 1954... 12 5 213 47 16 27 2,499 29 6 19 acres 1959. . . 1 6 18 621 2 4 8 1,750 19 1 20 1954... 1 2 267 12 5 16 3,061 44 2 21 Snap beans (bush and pole types ) -farms reporting 1959. , . 11 47 11 69 24 33 86 136 3 9 22 1954. . . 12 26 10 13 84 26 99 206 7 14 23 acres 1959... 7 14 7 10 7 11 127 401 299 3 24 1954... 41 7 10 10 27 24 111 309 8 9 25 Watermelons .farms reporting 1959... 14 13 67 131 29 42 30 102 153 1 26 1954... 13 25 101 71 61 49 193 200 198 5 27 acres 1959... 19 8 316 313 22 66 135 323 311 (Z) 28 1954... 30 21 522 379 30 47 445 431 1,217 5 29 Cabbage .farms reporting 1959... 4 18 9 49 3 20 34 45 1 3 30 1954... 6 17 8 18 53 13 96 90 2 12 31 acres 1959... 5 4 6 49 2 4 10 53 (Z) (Z) 32 1954... 11 9 5 35 10 2 23 74 5 7 33 Sweet peppers (except plmlentos) .farms reporting 1959... 3 14 3 30 3 12 29 1,311 2 3 34 acres 1959... 2 3 1 33 (Z) 6 43 2,913 12 (Z) 35 Cantaloups and musloQelona .farms reporting 1959... 3 20 28 141 10 44 61 3 186 36 1954... 5 4 12 58 9 43 90 10 267 5 37 acres 1959... 10 6 37 436 4 60 103 10 679 38 1954... 10 3 14 210 3 62 227 13 891 10 3« Blackeyes and other green cowpeas .farms reporting 1959. . . 10 40 28 33 23 25 44 84 11 5 40 acres 1959... 5 19 69 10 14 30 45 119 29 10 41 Green lima beans .farms reporting 1959... 1 27 29 49 14 24 19 40 14 5 42 1954... 1 24 34 19 58 26 65 97 9 10 43 acres 1959... (z) 4 43 23 3 9 3 33 13 1 44 1954... 1 8 31 12 8 12 IS 53 7 3 45 Squash .farms reporting 1959... 2 19 9 18 10 22 44 152 3 46 1954... 1 3 1 5 1 15 348 3 47 acres 1959... 1 4 3 13 1 7 34 218 (Z) 48 1954. . . (z) 1 7 1 1 17 468 '• 49 Okra .farms reporting 1959... 6 26 17 38 2 21 61 24 7 3 50 acres 1959... 3 6 5 14 (Z) 9 X 14 6 (z) 51 Dry onions .farms reporting 1959... 2 13 5 59 11 11 15 11 1 52 acres 1959... (Z) 2 3 183 2 3 2 12 (Z) Z Repoi^d In small fractions. NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 283 Part 5 of 6 Stoltes Surry SwBln Transyl- vania TyrreU Union Vance Waie Warren Wash- ington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey 2,938 3,054 465 429 298 2,651 1,530 3,196 1,807 532 1,736 3,082 2,456 2,493 2,296 1,689 1 3,491 3,825 727 743 361 4,005 1,948 5,053 2,557 539 2,254 3,439 3,621 3,418 2,904 2,037 2 14 22 28 14 33 71 314 165 554 53 428 260 56 63 13 49 3 16 56 16 25 41 138 259 381 1,150 93 928 608 65 51 25 54 4 22 58 16 36 358 429 420 629 919 279 839 993 120 269 63 49 5 12 85 18 287 134 561 353 714 1,742 392 1,692 1,677 63 82 140 56 6 1,406 3,929 2,379 3,525 17,948 24,543 39,353 46,847 88,799 30,377 267,006 255,474 13,502 19,218 7,753 12,409 7 3,625 9,932 4,653 41,349 18,909 36,413 31,757 80,309 153,193 44,141 263,877 179,827 6,072 10,097 22,214 6,746 8 14 22 14 6 2 48 8 32 10 2 17 12 19 8 7 24 9 9 16 4 6 5 69 1 71 76 13 15 32 43 5 10 11 10 3 5 2 3 (Z) 42 3 17 9 1 5 19 4 3 2 8 11 2 7 1 1 7 59 3 28 18 55 2 24 12 1 5 5 12 14 14 14 10 2 8 6 26 7 8 16 24 14 14 7 19 13 7 8 11 2 16 fil 73 10 18 35 33 6 12 1 14 7 7 30 2 9 3 31 9 19 7 37 9 13 10 5 15 2 7 32 1 17 72 23 34 33 62 9 4 56 1 16 7 15 2 1 15 300 42 533 5 5 la 8 24 6 7 17 2 5 1 7 15 255 165 1,078 18 5 365 " 23 3 13 1 2 (Z) (Z) 13 396 43 694 38 2 147 2 31 8 1 19 (Z) 1 (Z) 10 5 347 123 1,362 19 1 382 2 18 15 20 14 22 17 6 1 15 4 29 5 6 183 76 44 8 8 32 21 9 18 12 13 35 1 71 78 15 678 149 49 6 5 14 22 2 4 2 1 8 1 14 3 5 181 207 86 3 2 23 23 2 10 232 28 25 (Z) 29 9 62 724 292 16 3 1 10 24 12 9 29 2 7 60 9 45 1 86 8 30 3 1 25 6 9 1 10 10 118 60 38 224 12 15 2 1 26 4 16 334 4 3 110 7 197 1 267 7 44 1 1 27 4 8 (Z) 29 4 173 16 155 690 11 26 2 1 28 5 19 3 2 4 2 16 9 5 325 14 8 10 4 19 29 4 36 3 5 19 2 44 75 3 527 26 31 5 3 15 30 1 11 1 6 4 (Z) 8 10 3 639 63 1 8 1 7 31 2 42 6 1 39 11 I 20 17 2 916 40 10 2 4 12 32 2 7 3 5 4 5 6 3 60 7 5 1 5 33 (Z) 1 (Z) 13 6 4 2 12 3 85 1 2 1 1 34 5 5 1 2 7 38 58 8 17 2 4 2 1 35 1 3 6 67 104 3 6 1 36 1 1 2 3 3 38 170 8 41 1 1 (Z) (Z) 37 (Z) 6 3 78 283 2 14 (Z) 38 9 9 1 25 5 31 2 4 20 11 17 3 1 39 3 1 (Z) 232 1 237 (Z) 1 30 6 11 ' (Z) 40 1 5 18 6 35 3 3 1 19 4 9 2 41 1 1 1 2 80 4 102 80 18 28 13 10 1 42 (Z) 1 (Z) 26 2 30 1 1 (Z) 18 1 1 (z) 43 (Z) (Z) (Z) 2 71 1 45 12 14 18 2 2 (Z) 44 3 7 2 2 12 2 27 3 1 13 3 5 6 5 45 2 6 3 14 1 10 1 6 1 3 3 46 (z) 1 1 (Z) (Z) 18 2 26 25 (Z) 1 19 10 1 (Z) (Z) 4 1 9 1 (Z) 1 33 55 1 47 48 1 5 1 3 2 13 2 26 1 1 10 2 6 1 3 49 (Z) 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) 12 (Z) 17 (Z) (Z) 8 (Z) 5 (Z) (Z) 50 4 3 3 1 1 13 1 4 4 3 5 3 12 51 (Z) 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) 10 (Z) 1 7 (z) 1 (Z) 2 52 Stub Items continued 284 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Alexander Berries and other small fririts harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 quarts 1959 1954 Blueberries (tame) fanns reporting 1959 acres 1959 quarts 1959 Tree fruits, nuts, and papes:' Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959, 1954, acres 1959, 1954, Apples fanns reporting 1959, 1954, Trees of all ages 1959, 1954, Trees not of bearing age 1959, 1954, Trees of bearing age 1959, 1954, Quantity harvested bushels 1959, 1954, Peaches farms reporting 1959, 1954. Trees of all ages 1959, 1954, Trees not of bearing age 1959, 1954, Trees of bearing age 1959, 1954, Quantity harvested bushels 1959, 1954, Pears farms reporting 1959, 1954, Trees of all ages 1959, 1954, Trees not of bearing age 1959, 1954, Trees of bearing age 1959, 1954. (iiantity harvested bushels 1959, 1954, Grapes farms reporting 1959, 1954, Vines of all ages 1959, 1954, Vines not of bearing age 1959, 1954, Vines of bearing age 1959, 1954. ftiantity harvested pounds 1959, 1954, Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959, 1954, Trees of all ages 1959, 1954, Trees not of bearing age 1959, 1954, Trees of bearing age 1959, 1954, Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Cherries farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954, Trees not of bearing age 1959 , 1954, Trees of bearing age 1959, 1954, liaantlty harvested pounds 1959, 1954, Improved pecans farms reporting 1959, Trees of all ages 1959, Trees not of bearing age 1959, Trees of bearing age 1959 Quantity harvested pounds 1959 Wild and seedling pecans fanas reporting 1959 Trees of all ages 1959 Trees not of bearing age 1959 Trees of bearing age 1959 Ciiantlty harvested pounds 1959 2,609 1,832 1,416 1,164 2,595,975 1,599,975 102 11,155 15,129 36,092 42,238 10,441 19,651 833,787 1,094,750 254,618 250,189 579,169 844,561 1,480,172 1,702,169 5,259 10,357 1,037,683 1,104,764 277,696 259,212 759,987 845,552 917,297 914,622 4,999 9,222 19,554 38,329 6,128 7,233 13,426 31,096 11,945 54,200 6,203 9,871 199,434 206,918 48,468 32,416 150,966 174 , 502 880,458 1,532,363 2,020 3,624 8,290 13,232 2,974 3,585 5,316 9,647 2,494 6,317 3,765 6,801 18,898 34,609 5,171 7,847 U,727 26,762 101,676 327,688 3,362 45,140 11,193 33,947 273,506 712 10,553 1,717 8,836 24,456 1,344 1,372 3,047 4,271 22,636 42,448 54,897 54,312 96,906 75 10,695 3,430 14,459 9,109 1,577 862 773 668 9,118 2,568 13,686 8,441 2,592 2,176 8,163 15,811 63 48 53 46 402 46,204 442 60,182 136 1,649 4a 31,750 266 44,555 394 28,432 27 80,065 461 16,274 1,516 5,160 9,477 13,252 42,490 28,943 24,652 2,315 8,296 2,035 2,265 10,937 34,194 26,908 22,387 7,213 82,665 14,564 27,414 1,553 11,972 32,172 1,749 1,609 20,574 2,136 491 5,752 1,196 180 31 423 75 1,956 460 5,329 1,121 27,095 3,880 93,390 21,369 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 285 Part 6 of 6 Bladen BruDswle]! B^c-. Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Cajodec Carteret Cabell Catawba Cbatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland ColumbUfl 13 11 59 28 23 35 3 20 12 47 37 10 4 5 58 199 1 18 13 66 12 29 24 2 5 8 58 14 2 4 4 17 186 2 22 6 16 5 4 12 1 21 3 14 5 2 3 (Z) 14 256 3 3 5 19 3 6 7 1 4 2 16 2 1 2 (Z) 9 261 4 39,885 11,425 15,341 4,068 6,742 11,199 2,160 78,970 4,066 13,336 8,445 3,977 5,850 396 15,392 433,243 5 933 1,753 28,180 1,173 2,885 8,545 450 4,695 1,927 10,881 1,213 480 550 334 5,982 443,671 6 13 5 3 2 1 3 7 412 77 1 108 (2) 37 8 690,386 57,760 225 98,000 8 32,080 9 51 31 309 109 85 140 4 31 116 127 66 73 17 84 199 97 10 63 38 452 190 66 249 5 11 264 140 108 170 8 72 217 40 11 79 U2 510 179 130 254 10 54 111 174 59 102 23 67 510 456 12 114 156 989 296 US 431 152 13 292 340 149 218 12 118 459 239 13 32 21 3U 106 77 145 1 25 124 118 65 76 12 86 189 45 14 81 37 759 243 124 248 3 15 330 188 140 279 14 123 397 17 15 387 279 17,822 4,657 1,479 6,930 100 295 2,403 4,767 1,067 1,996 102 2,789 10,104 336 16 878 299 39,005 6,551 2,541 13,781 60 399 6,131 11,310 5,003 7,455 127 4,312 12,856 204 17 169 123 5,694 1,659 431 1,888 48 833 801 302 891 38 621 3,559 116 16 327 130 7,399 982 687 2,890 "ii 177 1,145 4,188 609 1,515 42 1,245 3,302 Ul 19 213 156 12,128 2,998 1,048 5,042 100 247 1,570 3,966 765 1,105 64 2,168 6,545 222 20 551 169 31,606 5,569 1,854 10,891 45 222 4,986 7,122 4,394 5,940 85 3,067 9,554 93 21 140 133 13,727 3,653 354 4,854 120 1,037 5,550 9U 1,352 7 1,074 8,096 86 22 1,038 88 47,544 6,196 1,504 12,740 '25 132 8,679 6,629 2,918 12,821 40 4,367 13,916 207 23 24 16 58 42 54 63 1 17 89 81 85 21 15 21 140 28 24 73 26 156 117 104 87 3 13 284 U7 m 45 15 22 338 U 25 593 153 548 860 1,961 800 75 475 1,097 1,918 1,458 194 1,697 112 12,673 526 26 1,199 377 1,399 2,231 3,196 2,050 1,920 161 4,777 5,985 1,538 308 434 483 14,591 188 27 334 69 78 306 413 155 136 318 455 200 113 1,624 38 3,ru 221 28 447 259 219 563 881 194 710 54 711 1,265 215 81 247 380 4,771 56 29 259 84 470 554 1,548 645 75 339 779 1,463 1,258 81 73 74 9,559 305 30 752 118 1,180 1,668 2,317 1,856 1,210 107 4,066 4,720 1,323 227 187 103 9,820 132 31 92 72 337 134 1,370 425 150 3U 131 715 298 43 19 25 19,957 516 32 400 92 1,547 824 587 1,737 115 60 3,326 6,048 762 3U 327 100 U,353 19 33 26 16 83 51 63 70 24 89 69 72 18 12 19 109 41 34 65 31 228 128 85 103 2 10 263 97 102 31 12 15 230 20 35 69 72 260 263 293 217 lis 374 242 254 127 35 45 327 112 36 224 5,347 632 498 348 279 '12 42 1,024 475 327 168 36 37 651 107 37 37 15 75 141 64 58 36 UO 73 46 78 U 23 90 34 38 74 27 162 157 67 87 "5 4 193 168 58 129 20 13 111 32 39 32 57 185 122 229 159 82 264 169 208 49 21 22 237 78 40 150 5,320 470 341 281 192 "7 38 831 307 269 39 16 24 540 75 41 99 190 101 44 U5 118 131 200 161 187 26 2 55 165 247 42 458 813 1,075 460 352 514 '» 67 2,429 330 667 192 35 U 770 236 43 31 21 180 65 58 104 1 18 72 80 73 28 12 51 114 59 44 76 35 416 161 90 136 1 11 174 100 81 70 12 30 218 28 45 837 99 2,962 2,063 531 1,554 300 73 366 1,116 712 194 1,266 339 3,146 2,443 46 1,203 467 6,599 7,974 1,293 1,640 300 61 930 1,722 315 499 42 245 1,723 1,462 47 93 44 515 821 48 389 29 129 120 322 51 3 59 515 1,550 46 460 330 1,467 257 125 336 3 222 816 45 97 7 U4 960 113 49 744 55 2,447 1,242 483 1,165 300 44 237 996 390 U3 1,263 280 2,631 893 50 743 137 5,132 7,717 1,168 1,304 300 58 708 906 270 402 35 131 763 1,349 51 3,097 693 20,699 10,395 5,989 7,179 8,000 1,371 1,545 5,131 3,122 1,112 U,737 2,886 16,346 10,295 52 15,193 2,604 43,799 27,035 11,291 8,836 5,100 1,186 6,383 7,W9 5,688 4,313 3,850 2,099 7,705 53,165 53 13 5 45 26 29 24 5 33 24 26 8 2 U 44 19 54 26 13 125 42 47 28 4 89 31 31 25 3 11 95 10 55 51 15 160 220 U4 88 41 78 72 91 31 4 48 121 78 56 100 49 398 U3 201 59 23 313 95 119 105 10 29 282 27 57 33 9 41 120 20 30 21 9 39 16 U 5 32 25 56 47 21 123 31 76 17 86 34 40 29 "9 3 52 9 59 18 6 119 100 124 58 20 69 33 75 17 4 43 69 53 60 53 28 275 112 125 42 23 227 61 79 76 1 26 230 18 61 9 19 10 17 43 1 32 9 229 1 1 1 32 29 62 41 23 U9 49 28 16 1 173 " 61 51 2 13 65 '■ 63 1 1 111 49 45 61 2 46 64 52 16 20 94 7 64 13 5 301 90 54 76 2 139 74 45 32 "2 21 179 2 65 2 3 648 367 245 315 4 157 303 228 67 57 474 13 66 48 12 1,829 524 272 444 2 412 372 143 180 9 104 736 4 67 1 3 144 246 80 100 66 106 62 32 21 167 6 66 32 10 594 161 115 134 134 156 46 85 9 17 210 3 69 1 504 121 165 215 ^ 91 197 166 35 36 307 7 70 16 "2 1,235 363 157 310 2 278 216 97 95 87 526 1 71 15 3,054 472 310 1,200 200 1,988 849 295 2U 1,707 72 30 "5 17,027 2,163 323 4,796 '29 3,187 1,356 603 823 483 2,255 "2 73 35 14 5 23 50 23 27 37 38 46 I 11 1 90 91 74 657 202 12 48 392 64 25 244 154 175 413 1 64 5 462 4,598 75 199 50 12 30 89 24 45 54 68 258 1 4. 5 52 564 76 458 152 18 303 40 '25 199 100 107 155 60 410 4,0U 77 3,062 83 57 4,463 360 300 64 616 707 1,795 588 6,150 8,096 76 9 U 2 4 12 9 6 6 15 4 1 4 11 24 79 109 5,523 6 20 59 24 61 10 61 13 2 8 46 132 60 6 304 2 17 37 8 8 4 17 5 2 17 18 81 103 5,219 4 3 22 16 53 6 44 8 "2 6 29 114 82 675 100 129 164 67 20 681 260 100 362 190 83 286 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Berries and other small fruits tiarvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959, 195i, acres 1959. 19 5i. quarts 1959. 195-;. Blueberries (tame) farms reporting 1959, acres 1959. quarts 1959.. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ Land in bearing and ncmbearing fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 1954., acres 1959., 1954. , Apples farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . , 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954 . , Trees of bearing age 1959 . , 1954., Quantity harvested bushela 1959., 1954. , Peaches farms reporting 1959,, 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959 . , 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959., 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954.. Qjantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Grapes f anus reporting 1959 . , 1954. Vines of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954.. Pliims and prunes farms reporting 1959., 1954k , Trees of all ages 1959., 1954. , Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959,, 1954,, Cherries farms reporting 1959 . , 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954. , Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954., (iiantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Improved pecans farms reporting 1959, Trees of all ages 1959. Trees net of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959. Quantity harvested pounds 1959, Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. Trees of all ages 1959. Trees not of bearing age 1959, Trees of bearing age 1959, Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 8,79« 8,608 42,181 7,403 246 1,150 3,1,4^ 2,415 8,548 7,458 39,037 4,988 12,036 4,128 35,641 8,4U 1,209 7,311 10,325 1,606 294 1,842 4,991 2,180 2,462 1,242 1,377 1,955 3,166 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 287 Part 6 of 6 Forsyth Franklin GMton Gates ^ Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 97 14 30 3 S 23 3 185 18 17 56 29 3 2 1 28 1 6S 11 27 1 a 4 2 75 12 9 31 33 2 5 21 2 22 4 11 (Z) 1 3 3 52 3 7 10 12 1 1 (z) 5 3 21 2 8 (Z) 1 1 3 IS 2 2 5 10 (z) 4 5 19,620 2,024 8,316 77 2,090 5,107 6,150 60,160 3,709 10,390 17,968 10,272 2,360 150 420 3,389 5 la.LK 761 4,365 200 474 325 11,800 11,074 980 1,085 4,407 15,701 80 1,495 1,937 6 7 8 9 134 122 116 13 60 142 19 192 177 105 275 637 10 42 20 192 10 209 169 201 10 40 128 7 290 154 90 447 723 3 36 23 246 11 175 170 215 37 136 143 32 224 207 140 1,149 6,406 L2 179 119 263 12 474 232 327 54 86 155 4 378 172 146 1,638 5,800 3 149 226 326 13 130 121 105 7 61 140 13 190 176 83 275 632 5 25 14 191 14 295 224 261 7 107 183 14 501 208 123 554 723 9 38 19 403 15 2,816 2,269 4,033 82 1,995 2,066 163 3,186 2,257 1,163 64,988 257,964 63 397 132 5,980 16 6,714 5,384 5,129 2U 3,955 3,977 154 9,780 2,693 1,677 89,422 229,891 111 561 224 10,032 17 1,001 614 1,474 18 296 343 61 894 611 533 19,522 104,997 23 ISO 24 1,282 18 1,237 1,006 927 115 639 1,112 37 1,679 673 739 24,368 76,037 56 229 43 1,870 19 1,815 1,655 2,559 64 1,697 1,723 102 2,292 1,646 530 45,466 152,967 40 217 106 4,698 20 5,477 4,378 4,202 99 3,316 2,865 117 8,101 2,020 938 65,054 153,854 55 332 181 8,212 21 1,270 602 965 48 3,508 903 48 1,077 505 332 160,539 765,645 25 124 181 5,569 22 7,859 9,292 5,243 40 4,544 3,924 97 13,593 2,709 1,279 251,635 494,912 57 1,027 167 7,576 23 94 97 72 12 9 112 12 122 155 78 26 25 8 22 7 134 24 232 183 237 9 15 168 18 381 195 U6 56 42 9 28 11 347 25 9,542 1,223 2,832 1,756 57 1,423 130 3,323 2,280 2,772 104 1,448 801 458 42 2,576 26 20,542 2,725 7,067 7,066 171 3,121 209 5,742 3,142 4,793 183 727 258 3,257 123 5,985 27 1,350 434 1,062 459 17 315 53 2,482 737 1,267 32 1,037 579 356 13 712 28 872 700 1,443 2,382 94 945 70 1,238 793 1,469 30 25 127 96 21 1,334 29 8,192 789 1,770 1,297 40 1,108 77 841 1,543 1,505 72 411 222 112 29 1,864 30 19,770 2,025 5,624 4,684 77 2,175 139 4,504 2,349 3,324 153 702 131 3,161 102 4,601 31 6,809 95 1,286 874 32 522 51 218 365 304 34 903 9 30 17 1,829 32 47,511 1,686 3,157 4,351 41 1,509 128 3,393 2,383 2,296 265 1,250 305 1,617 108 2,485 33 88 86 76 7 5 114 U U3 Ul 61 31 29 4 26 11 121 34 199 161 178 7 11 137 13 358 140 90 114 49 2 27 9 251 35 395 289 510 42 12 354 50 599 397 199 66 69 7 90 28 400 36 765 520 659 28 22 462 31 1,567 490 320 279 143 10 81 21 793 37 no 82 197 6 1 74 5 160 74 51 10 18 3 32 4 93 33 158 93 59 13 8 79 10 231 135 124 54 33 7 39 2 222 39 285 207 313 36 11 280 45 439 323 138 56 51 4 58 24 307 40 607 427 600 15 14 383 21 1,336 355 195 225 110 3 42 19 576 41 199 167 91 16 17 282 74 441 265 U3 97 71 5 48 58 285 42 1,663 1,055 743 45 34 1,295 38 2,917 561 274 751 180 25 102 27 765 43 88 77 84 10 15 88 12 134 140 75 83 92 6 23 8 113 44 176 113 196 6 22 100 11 294 U5 74 177 108 5 34 15 221 45 817 327 3,453 1,220 91 494 128 1,714 795 676 526 5,225 17 176 126 871 46 1,530 314 4,745 3,027 120 483 90 4,075 349 931 1,315 2,670 14 262 199 3,434 47 166 46 259 3 6 160 9 320 117 128 50 878 11 40 10 192 48 195 68 783 1,500 37 115 36 333 87 449 192 268 5 46 123 309 49 651 281 3,194 1,217 85 334 119 1,394 679 548 476 5,348 6 136 116 679 50 1,335 246 3,962 1,527 83 367 54 3,742 262 482 1,123 2,402 9 216 71 3,125 51 2,450 4,052 13,634 54,146 1,085 3,417 3,495 6,429 9,799 4,065 6,530 21,388 90 995 766 7,209 52 22,947 4,020 22,767 U,040 1,219 5,943 925 18,161 5,045 5,520 21,814 20,239 78 5,345 505 12,140 53 27 39 31 2 49 1 57 61 22 20 16 1 10 5 50 54 72 48 89 1 "5 54 3 138 60 35 76 25 1 9 2 106 55 95 104 107 5 118 5 206 171 47 56 39 1 36 U 194 56 219 123 301 10 '21 146 4 533 197 73 251 74 8 33 7 325 57 37 26 33 U 2 92 41 19 32 16 28 2 94 53 60 28 56 'lO 48 90 48 34 63 13 4 11 79 59 58 78 74 6 104 "3 116 130 28 24 23 1 8 "12 100 60 159 95 245 '21 98 4 443 149 39 188 61 4 22 7 246 61 13 60 4 "i 34 103 52 15 4 15 3 5 15 62 87 94 U9 U 54 "3 223 104 46 241 28 35 82 63 62 56 47 2 56 2 103 71 25 67 35 1 5 1 93 64 142 72 103 "i U 69 2 240 73 38 193 43 1 8 2 177 65 340 195 194 6 174 5 398 202 57 317 161 1 11 5 411 66 532 203 424 "'2 109 213 3 881 233 84 1,125 230 2 22 7 722 67 88 46 65 63 4 150 88 43 61 54 4 (Z) 163 63 173 69 176 "e 70 2 220 97 40 186 131 i 15 207 69 252 U9 129 6 111 2 248 U4 U 256 107 1 7 5 248 70 359 134 248 "2 101 143 1 661 136 44 939 99 1 7 7 515 71 1,419 390 329 5 535 2,236 239 53 2,658 3,712 1 10 1,618 72 2,473 1,059 586 "e 450 1,165 4,018 751 221 19,644 236 7 10 15 1,892 73 31 79 53 e 1 48 16 81 119 73 1 3 4 36 20 50 74 114 533 480 133 4 210 204 422 936 670 1 10 10 905 1,316 756 75 29 75 131 50 60 27 171 153 162 9 5 182 84 126 76 85 458 349 83 4 150 177 251 783 508 "i 1 5 723 1,232 630 77 1,211 4,3U 3,750 660 821 1,677 2,848 5,352 8,U5 5 155 7,045 23,730 2,191 78 3 ^ 15 7 2 13 16 13 1 2 6 12 12 79 7 15 73 30 401 60 84 49 1 33 157 278 66 30 3 15 13 6 200 39 3 11 20 55 8 4 81 4 60 24 201 21 76 38 1 13 102 270 62 32 50 205 75 160 491 282 20 200 2,000 3,245 220 83 288 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explai Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959. 195^. acres 1959. 195'i. quarts 1959. 195i, Blueberrie (tame). .fanns reporting 1959. acres 1959. quarts 1959. T'ree fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 195A.. acres 1959.. 195A. . Apples farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954. . Peaches fanns reporting 1959., 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959., 1954. , Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959. . 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954., (iiantity harvested bushels 1959,. 1954., Grapes farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959., 1954., Vines not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Vines of bearing age 1959., 1954., ^lantlty harvested pounds 1959., 1954., Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954. , Oiantlty harvested bushels 1959. , 1954., Cherries fanns reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954. , Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954., Quantity harvested pounds 1959,, 1954., Improved pecans farms reporting 1959. Trees of all ages 1959. Trees not of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. Trees of all ages 1959 . Trees not of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959. (iiantlty harvested pounds 1959. 9,380 1,451 U,196 2,917 3,272 520 2,403 664 6,108 931 n,793 2,253 2,816 422 27,195 2,775 44 99 66 190 369 8,378 496 8,900 152 3,904 99 2,008 217 4,474 397 6,892 90 1,069 11,093 10,543 16,933 11,490 7,108 3,U2 139 8,34« 6,969 5,105 7,777 251 9,894 8,827 3,576 2,274 6,318 6,553 8,244 4,611 56 1,646 1,834 4,043 16,875 13,221 8,569 13,981 4,001 5,809 2,490 3,369 12,874 7,412 6,079 10,612 10,569 12,748 U,778 20,285 12,664 7,U1 16,774 12,064 2,794 124 71 2,314 9,870 7,017 16,703 9,750 49,567 54,036 287,718 U.0,050 NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 289 Part 6 of 6 Martin Ueciaea- burg Mitchell Uontgomery Moore Nash New Hanover North- CDslow Orange Pajnlico FaaquotanJc Pender Perquimans Perscai Pitt 13 25 9 3 16 11 3 6 7 20 6 7 86 12 10 7 1 1 28 10 1 12 4 5 5 1 12 5 5 184 5 3 1 2 2 7 3 (Z) 14 2 (Z) 2 1 6 2 2 218 6 2 1 3 (Z) 8 2 (Z) 5 (Z) 4 1 (2) 4 2 2 249 6 (Z) (Z) 2,447 6,787 5,110 no 8,168 2,250 175 332 1,094 2,765 2,336 3,600 496,467 19,917 2,032 525 5 10 5,746 2,507 30 4,409 278 1 (Z) 75 5,600 4 83 92,000 340 30 2,055 1,430 6,800 460,508 32 664 794,446 1,683 202 26 6 7 8 9 26 129 136 114 139 104 10 34 32 106 11 10 36 13 143 46 10 16 269 381 102 93 73 13 61 29 161 19 10 30 3 159 31 11 70 221 515 3,329 1,095 159 23 25 45 109 20 39 65 32 153 54 12 li 456 603 3,766 919 147 36 84 44 184 30 44 44 11 205 46 13 20 117 139 54 110 95 5 33 27 103 10 7 26 9 144 33 14 25 284 379 43 118 104 11 90 46 202 18 8 33 6 245 39 15 U9 1,786 22,333 2,447 2,179 1,947 34 324 274 1,974 148 543 1,002 1,198 2,672 279 16 192 5,858 25,102 2,895 5,343 2,278 74 1,152 631 3,553 187 754 635 102 4,933 369 17 71 527 11,045 412 610 876 27 51 105 605 30 46 849 1,054 360 100 18 56 1,074 5,009 207 604 447 71 250 276 676 90 231 395 12 767 89 19 iS 1,259 U,288 2,035 1,569 1,071 7 273 169 1,369 118 497 153 144 1,312 179 20 136 4,784 20,093 2,688 4,739 1,831 3 902 355 2,877 97 523 240 90 4,166 280 21 IB 423 37,607 584 886 2,0M 1 96 101 569 44 2,072 24 160 987 74 22 Ul 2,477 30,756 1,084 2,674 3,276 1,573 121 3,643 48 479 229 132 4,383 506 23 17 90 13 97 65 69 3 31 IS 74 3 4 16 3 116 33 24 26 239 36 94 75 85 14 90 41 164 15 5 26 5 222 41 25 ■196 2,992 87 324,968 80,793 2,895 18 523 161 1,031 10 117 220 433 2,074 379 26 417 7,701 364 346,443 90,509 2,048 179 1,494 796 2,279 268 1,016 4,520 276 3,703 640 27 81 1,550 25 74,135 31,158 1,414 12 130 83 306 2 61 138 298 611 133 28 128 1,004 16 115,676 17,158 580 162 258 321 604 45 51 1,244 237 446 148 29 415 1,442 62 250,833 49,635 1,481 6 393 78 725 8 56 82 135 1,463 196 30 289 6,697 348 230,767 73,351 1,468 17 1,236 477 1,675 223 965 3,276 39 3,257 492 31 370 1,164 13 301,612 42,028 1,603 53 48 79 14 14 20 200 47 32 616 2,627 360 317,051 49,658 2,977 "2 1,393 298 1,109 '29 55 1,086 39 1,617 656 33 21 89 42 25 61 60 5 25 23 72 3 5 13 5 120 25 34 22 205 129 13 60 60 13 58 38 158 U 5 18 4 197 27 35 59 538 111 79 206 138 27 70 68 280 10 21 39 35 481 81 36 132 972 325 37 201 204 61 198 152 613 79 29 74 15 659 85 37 28 108 U 19 75 40 12 12 26 75 1 6 15 32 151 39 38 13 197 21 3 59 61 41 35 58 96 22 14 39 3 97 23 39 31 430 97 60 131 96 15 58 42 205 9 15 24 3 330 42 40 119 775 304 34 142 143 20 163 94 517 57 15 35 12 562 62 41 22 344 296 58 122 118 25 33 30 75 10 8 27 247 20 42 200 813 1,930 45 236 324 3 245 m 1,169 21 60 104 "is 1,169 160 43 18 94 70 41 104 70 6 26 25 74 5 6 26 5 90 30 44 24 192 194 26 76 68 21 63 43 144 12 4 34 4 130 25 45 120 7,551 317 2,919 24,294 265 213 100 3,239 395 20 27 966 69 431 490 46 94 2,327 887 1,687 7,598 781 381 170 2,787 776 52 17 3,596 31 541 966 47 22 3,553 26 783 377 34 104 16 612 67 9 16 254 34 153 37 48 a 445 43 112 119 521 90 45 174 157 23 5 1,149 55 421 49 98 3,998 291 2,136 23,917 231 109 84 2,627 328 U 11 712 35 278 453 50 50 1,882 844 1,575 7,479 260 291 125 2,613 619 29 12 2,447 31 486 545 51 820 42,517 3,076 23,071 94,163 3,681 1,910 1,428 13,491 3,616 50 206 13,673 999 3,235 3,482 52 2,120 13,662 10,410 15,322 25,066 5,492 2,330 3,900 54,235 10,567 876 3,250 21,766 1,005 3,184 4,477 53 9 49 4 15 27 18 3 7 10 32 3 2 9 3 41 11 54 6 119 25 5 29 17 7 21 18 65 6 2 14 2 63 9 55 26 292 17 56 101 37 5 17 28 103 7 42 183 217 43 56 14 492 82 18 87 30 28 47 61 212 29 51 42 150 24 57 7 113 4 26 49 10 4 3 2 27 2 31 62 97 14 58 4 133 8 9 27 8 20 13 30 38 9 14 2 21 7 59 19 179 13 30 52 27 1 U 26 76 5 11 126 120 29 60 10 359 74 9 60 22 8 34 31 174 20 37 40 129 17 61 28 5 7 80 10 2 10 9 1 8 15 U 2 62 4 110 32 20 43 47 "i 35 16 61 2 18 20 62 12 63 7 57 52 n 29 49 19 3 55 2 1 3 77 9 54 6 120 144 3 25 34 "i 30 3 93 '2 2 5 1 125 2 65 11 282 284 27 99 174 53 3 291 4 2 29 279 16 66 16 461 1,035 10 75 81 "2 75 5 417 7 5 14 2 359 6 67 5 78 46 6 58 78 20 100 ... 2 2 27 124 6 68 6 165 50 2 42 21 "2 28 "5 111 5 5 10 2 79 1 69 6 204 238 21 41 96 33 3 191 2 2 155 10 70 10 296 985 8 33 60 47 306 5 4 280 5 71 17 505 2,519 69 160 368 48 63 422 1,091 10 72 31 520 15,158 1 U5 456 869 2,168 2,086 ' 73 25 79 25 71 80 6 23 24 45 8 7 25 6 56 40 74 985 804 105 1,233 928 U3 108 179 199 100 247 427 60 294 566 75 87 177 14 123 177 54 8 23 67 13 12 99 29 100 133 76 898 627 91 1,110 751 89 100 156 132 87 235 328 31 194 423 77 8,515 6,509 1,295 9,179 7,232 101 1,824 1,125 1,304 662 615 306 454 1,258 5,987 78 9 16 12 9 14 3 5 6 8 2 2 2 2 5 14 79 71 171 58 42 145 43 14 38 12 U 60 21 8 15 135 80 13 91 22 16 11 34 1 10 2 2 2 4 2 77 81 58 80 36 26 134 9 13 28 10 12 58 21 4 13 58 82 150 545 456 503 670 10 60 35 91 20 1,000 120 150 231 631 83 290 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY PoLk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockinghajii Rowan Rutherford Sajnpson Scotland Stanly Berries and other small fruits harvested tor sale: strawberries faims reporting 1959. 195^;. acres 1959. 1954. quarts 1959... 1954... 11 2 ,473 ,469 erries (tai m) .fanns reporting quarts 1959... 1959... 1959... Tree fruits Land orch nuls, and grapes: in bearing and Lards, groves, planted nut ti nonbeari vineyards ng fru. .farms t reporting 1959... 1954... 1959... 1954... 124 845 881 Apples farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. (^lantlty harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Peaches farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of aU ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954.. Pears fanns reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959,. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. (Jjantlty harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. Grapes farms reporting 1959., 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954. . Vines of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. (iiantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954, , (iiantlty harvested bushels 1959, , 1954, , Cherries farms reporting 1959, , 1954, , Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. , Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954,, Ciiantity harvested pounds 1959,, 1954,. Improved pecans fanns reporting 1959.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959,. Trees of all ages 1959,. Trees not of bearing age 1959,. Trees of bearing age 1959,. Quantity harvested pounds 1959,, 4,329 5,206 8,489 9,628 13,167 25,239 40 54 52,033 47,061 11,937 4,099 40,096 42,962 57,217 46,736 52 62 13,039 23,314 1,268 5,922 11,771 17,392 43,427 35,670 1,259 1,897 4,443 3,570 4,035 1,954 6,527 278 4,048 38 65 249,818 178,583 82,733 11,852 167,085 166,731 263,396 182,320 24 1,687 2,763 11,555 2,482 2,442 2,018 2,929 340 641 6,052 12,792 1,039 2,001 5,013 10,791 1,822 12,073 256 550 6,737 8,448 3,148 2,316 3,589 6,132 1,847 4,614 256 1,241 1,573 6,873 11,562 2,958 5,150 6,410 U,207 694 3,373 1,881 2,785 2,254 1,777 4,529 8,422 1,965 333 5,437 7,416 110 97 248 260 3,740 68,423 5,963 52,425 959 12,902 1,054 12,113 2,781 55,521 4,909 40,312 2,197 50,295 3,653 35,240 1,052 5,024 11,448 1,300 2,542 7,103 16,340 10 23 12,198 2,986 2,037 2,087 10,161 899 8,508 1 with less than 20 ■ NORTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 291 Part 6 of 6 StoteB Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilies Wilson Yadkin Yancey 54 29 17 13 3 39 17 21 7 2 10 26 39 6 24 14 1 U 14 2 11 2 13 2 9 6 1 1 14 23 2 22 6 2 8 7 2 2 4 8 4 5 1 (Z) 3 34 6 1 10 3 3 3 2 (Z) 3 1 5 CZ) 2 2 (Z) (z) 16 7 (z) 6 1 4 3,927 5,370 1,947 1,758 8,600 9,887 5,305 4,885 1,933 100 5,446 96,545 5,558 570 9,629 3,856 5 2,031 710 200 1 5,075 3,350 2,197 65 1,633 1 1,987 2 75 200 11,349 2,402 74 8,090 500 6 7 g (Z) (2) (Z) 39 200 55 9 234 208 99 114 13 117 116 120 104 23 271 85 363 49 86 219 10 285 361 107 141 5 241 122 239 122 W 381 67 446 40 146 394 11 274 342 120 174 8 117 108 467 118 194 647 181 1,919 59 237 462 12 357 823 169 214 8 263 140 710 129 196 686 141 2,393 66 283 681 13 247 216 99 113 7 116 U9 105 107 16 282 60 363 41 86 217 14 474 513 131 207 6 411 126 262 204 8 476 90 580 80 259 453 15 10,870 11,656 3,459 4,540 58 2,222 1,968 4,873 2,001 739 27,837 1,143 74,650 445 7,058 15,392 16 19,572 30,839 5,974 6,952 53 6,521 2,080 8,533 3,295 155 26,093 1,674 95,935 1,236 10,266 23,738 17 3,093 1,473 665 741 17 1,140 441 1,907 671 530 8,819 560 11,508 192 1,860 3,491 18 7,243 2,376 732 1,027 16 1,042 335 979 679 15 5,443 1,021 14,366 342 1,258 4,582 19 7,777 10,183 2,794 3,799 41 1,082 1,527 2,966 1,330 109 19,018 533 63,142 253 5,198 11,901 20 12,329 28,463 5,242 5,925 37 5,479 1,745 7,554 2,616 140 20,650 653 31,569 894 9,008 19,156 21 8,426 6,358 3,120 4,204 46 351 225 2,716 427 146 33,801 133 125,923 215 15,259 39,303 22 15,151 62,022 7,999 6,589 47 5,737 3,100 8,332 4,157 387 40,930 400 216,471 1,115 7,225 22,918 23 171 118 28 23 4 73 84 75 89 17 16 59 137 43 60 22 24 357 310 39 60 5 346 99 197 1B3 13 38 93 211 82 2U 36 25 1,690 23,402 163 715 115 1,319 722 11,857 2,093 3,267 104 4,742 3,493 1,278 3,592 93 26 5,190 14,791 395 314 179 8,412 1,133 10,815 4,120 5,330 415 8,397 5,452 2,573 4,261 247 27 569 1,034 33 120 60 631 1B6 6,896 740 844 30 931 ■ 769 490 160 28 28 1,249 1,270 21 40 3 781 236 1,219 1,050 1,420 69 4,298 1,181 460 756 92 29 1,121 22,368 130 595 55 688 536 4,961 1,353 2,423 74 3,811 2,724 783 3,432 65 30 3,941 13,521 374 274 176 7,631 897 9,596 3,070 3,910 346 4,099 4,271 2,118 3,505 155 31 517 25,423 52 363 157 325 62 2,941 106 1,778 U 936 2,721 275 891 20 32 2,982 27,160 516 369 205 1,178 1,267 9,085 2,103 3,906 252 2,134 5,914 1,979 3,334 142 33 U5 94 22 23 5 69 90 68 85 12 61 43 33 28 47 49 34 286 217 15 61 6 236 99 1S2 150 4 84 74 129 40 162 86 35 471 364 64 61 10 194 395 243 486 108 131 259 284 83 208 153 36 858 626 34 U6 28 600 510 609 495 26 206 257 342 121 765 200 37 U5 103 20 10 3 90 91 99 169 9 22 32 90 22 25 18 38 116 85 3 23 3 103 71 108 104 2 53 71 93 35 199 41 39 356 261 44 51 7 104 304 144 317 99 109 227 194 61 183 135 40 742 541 31 93 25 497 439 501 391 24 153 186 249 86 566 159 41 420 280 55 55 U 113 158 147 129 26 137 26 134 37 43 193 42 1,7U 1,620 67 224 37 553 917 892 1,059 151 750 154 586 152 1,213 936 43 132 121 68 51 7 74 76 86 73 12 115 55 U9 32 56 99 44 2U 161 37 lis 5 227 50 177 106 8 186 67 161 57 114 106 45 608 1,031 654 526 635 1,504 192 3,881 389 55,313 754 652 1,620 159 391 763 46 876 651 525 1,625 63 1,538 122 16,866 337 13,764 751 1,472 1,957 208 693 463 47 182 112 90 46 4 529 10 130 144 24,088 125 389 206 66 59 95 48 176 105 23 159 26 177 17 239 75 3,020 104 304 165 35 86 54 49 426 919 564 480 631 975 182 3,751 245 31,227 629 263 1,414 93 332 668 50 700 546 502 1,466 37 1,361 105 16,627 262 10,744 647 1,168 1,792 123 607 409 51 2,827 12,098 8,807 4,844 2,910 8,416 3,483 40,521 2,493 23,922 6,659 1,772 10,377 2,082 2,153 5,267 52 5,427 7,297 2,946 4,710 1,450 8,488 5,254 19,118 4,088 U7,646 22,309 1,534 20,047 3,970 7,181 5,220 53 41 23 22 12 37 35 26 42 4 19 21 37 14 16 4 54 89 46 IB 52 "2 U3 30 59 64 2 39 23 51 17 39 17 55 165 103 101 31 195 110 124 389 10 126 185 135 53 42 9 56 724 123 63 176 4 532 95 250 165 3 124 305 225 60 125 59 57 38 13 24 5 102 26 44 183 65 125 38 8 9 58 541 27 6 17 U9 13 19 24 14 81 35 13 35 'io 59 127 90 77 26 93 84 80 206 'io 61 60 97 45 33 9 60 183 96 57 159 4 393 82 231 L41 3 110 224 190 47 90 49 61 97 52 50 6 9 97 42 78 51 28 40 58 2 6 62 168 103 72 67 "2 117 83 92 205 82 12 196 28 73 '26 63 92 78 34 17 42 43 32 46 2 156 23 86 13 38 52 64 170 143 33 49 "i 126 45 66 78 1 231 36 89 31 106 90 65 328 346 182 44 144 121 135 U5 3 1,350 68 625 56 176 367 66 536 567 1B9 158 "2 362 163 213 210 2 2,381 109 526 104 586 632 67 UO 78 75 17 83 26 70 44 1 121 11 157 25 64 66 68 113 168 34 45 U6 57 60 84 441 44 208 39 265 50 69 21B 268 107 27 56 95 65 101 "2 1,229 57 468 31 112 301 70 423 399 155 113 "2 246 106 153 126 2 1,940 65 318 65 321 562 71 2,375 2,667 385 253 96 1,192 398 155 20 10,771 46 4,059 102 569 410 72 3,363 2,807 1,678 679 449 720 575 834 44,176 70 2,124 280 1,381 12,274 73 26 10 7 3 10 65 40 76 55 21 1 73 32 41 11 1 74 56 26 12 4 113 554 192 1,301 328 262 1 1,124 106 529 29 1 75 24 18 5 4 16 202 53 239 92 92 220 55 89 5 1 76 32 8 7 97 352 139 1,062 236 170 "l 904 51 440 24 77 225 32 5 1,090 3,648 880 12,237 562 5,438 5,748 593 4,466 100 78 2 3 1 10 U 20 6 7 18 5 9 3 2 79 4 10 20 40 162 123 22 15 101 11 39 3 17 80 2 3 10 2 28 5 3 3 6 8 1 12 31 2 7 20 30 160 95 17 12 98 5 31 2 5 82 100 50 200 162 45 777 40 141 468 210 83 292 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown tor sale: . farnis rpportinp 1059 , ilollors 10S9, On fanns wil s of *0,0 shpuhs vines, omamenUds. ptc.) farms reportinp 1050 . 105^, acres used for gro>vinj; 1050, 1954, Sales dollars 1059 , 1054, Grown under glass fan^s rorxjrtinE 1059. square feet 1959 . 1054 . . farms rerxirting 1950. Sales dollars 1959. Grown under class ot in house farms repcxting 1950 . 1954. square feet 1959 . 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1054. acres used for isnwing 1959 . 1954 . Sales dollars 1959 . 1054. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1950 . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1950 . dollars 1959. 1954. Sales of standing timber farms reprMting 1950 . dollars 1959., Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959 . Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, and aawlogs farms repcrting 1050 . dollars 1050. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959. dollars 1950 . , Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1959. 1954 . cccds(4'xl'x«')19.'.0. Sales fanr,s reporting 1950 . cords (I'x 4- xS') 1959. Pulpwood sold farms reporting 1050 . 1054. cords (1'x 4'x 8') IWO. 1051 . ^"nce riosts cut farms reporting 1959 . 1954. numher 1959. 1054 . Snips famis reporting 1050 . number 1954 . Saw loj's .ind veneer logs cut farms reporting 1950 . 10.54^ thousands of lumnl feet 1959^ , 1054' Sales farms riTyirting 1050 thousands of Ixiurd fret 10:.0 1,U7 9,137,280 5,384,866 2,951 2,080 2,836,201 1,533,336 1,921 2,035 5,906,7« 3,586,291 61,336 11,634 15,241,569 8,125,069 8,035 U,328,193 5,634 3,913,376 116,891 53,473 89,198 470,600 860,888 1,327 19,793 3,207 6,452 148,490 205,467 3,619 U,849 610,789 2,346,894 351 185,676 2,424 13,226 33,200 264,882 1,100 26,039 1,283 5,200 14,824 (Z) 2,730 20,717 26 8,861 (Z) 3,700 1,391 9,289 16,031 1,013 3,205 6,497 D Data not shoim to avoid disclosure of Individual operatlcns. Z Reported In amall fractlcsia. ^Includes Bales of standing timber. NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 293 Bladen Brunswlclc ^o^ Burke CabamiB Caldwell Camlen Carteret Caswell Catnba Chatham Cberokee Chowan Clay Clev«land Columbus 1 3 35 21 12 25 3 U 2 22 5 4 3 1 13 9 1 (D) 37,220 385,087 178,291 81,798 28,296 4,300 12,922 (D) 136,908 288,625 6,225 1,610 (D) 564,632 50,165 600 90,800 129,439 94,400 31,700 7,748 2,000 4,900 5,800 28,350 132,480 26 500 50 262,365 40,200 3 3 H, 6 5 6 2 2 1 10 2 2 4 3 37,220 375,098 169,550 75,350 20,554 4,500 10,187 w Ul,045 287,000 5,800 561,470 46,565 5 1 2 15 14 6 22 3 3 1 13 4 4 2 1 3 5 6 2 5 12 6 3 14 2 1 2 4 6 1 3 2 7 (Z) IS 66 273 26 68 6 3 (Z) 73 17 7 * 6 (z) 3 16 8 1 52 84 U5 10 65 6 4 4 10 32 1 5 7 9 (D) 34,220 54,444 172,640 16,898 22,842 4,800 7,837 (D) 52,243 13,225 6,225 816 (B) 2,085 46,665 10 300 52,500 36,385 93,450 1,700 6,778 2,000 5,000 9,000 4,700 13,705 26 550 30,500 11 21 4 5 2 1 7 2 5 5 12 2 17 1 5 4 1 2 5 "i 6 3 13 16 3 4 1 I 7 3 2 14 "l 12 5 2 1 2 2 "i 3 15 194,648 4,189 48,2M 4,000 1,160 1,656 57,330 317,500 22,860 16 MS U,700 122,949 26,600 1,100 300 21,400 TOO 500 225,150 17 9 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 3 18 2 U 1 3 1 1 3 4 3 19 U (z) "2 (Z) 2 1 21 5 6 JO 34 6 (Z) 1 1 1 62 6 9 21 324,285 4,416 64,200 4,154 3,965 (D) 82,609 275,400 560,000 3,500 22 300 38,000 91,644 500 25,500 775 1,900 600 16,900 167,479 '50 261,690 9,550 23 1 8 3 2 1 9 1 5 24 1 6 7 2 4,839 1,U5 3 3 2 1,250 1,176 1 2 1,206 3 7 1 1 90 35,000 '3 1 "i 406 2 3 2 3,040 380 1 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 1 1 4 I 2 30 1 5 "i 1 3 6 '3 "i 31 40 1 (Z) 3 17 "i i 32 6 4 (zj 1 (z) 29 '26 "i 33 3,000 6,358 1,235 700 1,300 1,166 2,060 366 2,547 34 300 1,410 450 4,500 199 7,190 1,300 500 125 150 35 706 347 22 344 447 399 46 70 1,5U 938 844 428 160 305 577 1,222 36 ISO U3 15 117 83 101 42 35 122 lU 186 160 50 78 130 242 37 2U,828 98,256 195,735 134,619 87,131 94,787 74,936 51,940 200,419 128,230 368,933 96,397 84,185 45,482 112,264 222,017 38 U6,74« 35,766 93,297 55,649 51,746 121,336 3,813 U,350 95,982 74,475 216,390 49,565 24,008 19,721 106,099 85,992 39 133 76 8 S3 46 58 35 26 »2 63 US 89 40 64 81 153 40 89,501 57,764 36,990 72,793 60,243 61,491 68,677 46,831 165,027 109,372 249,107 36,455 61,926 16,540 72,902 168,823 41 111 88 U 87 43 52 13 42 «« »9 139 21 63 73 U6 42 122,327 40,492 158,745 61,826 26,888 33,296 6,299 5,109 35,392 22,858 U9,a26 99,942 22,299 28,942 39,362 53,194 43 M 83 U S6 42 49 U 40 66 97 138 17 63 72 114 44 118,006 38,675 158,745 61,810 26,188 32,746 5,799 4,509 34,732 22,118 119,448 59,800 13,362 28,932 35,044 52,162 45 17 6 1 2 3 2 4 4 4 2 5 1 2 4 46 *,321 1,817 U 700 990 900 600 660 740 378 U2 8,397 10 4,318 1,032 47 600 244 10 265 369 348 a 1,482 473 742 373 119 231 480 1,039 48 1,109 31* 1,128 626 571 628 16 61 1,915 465 1,050 539 200 378 1,166 1,780 49 4,522 1,241 606 1,756 2,588 2,393 37 358 21,964 3,035 5,299 3,609 783 2,489 3,497 5,703 50 7,596 1,636 9,U3 4,077 4,883 4,078 93 387 32,496 3,674 9,288 5,897 1,4U 3,321 10,029 11,276 51 10 3 3 11 10 6 3 8 11 10 6 1 17 U 31 52 161 16 417 U6 57 61 52 624 90 91 64 7 336 64 213 S3 S3 74 9 73 19 40 8 15 40 73 123 7 49 46 81 54 139 128 290 87 34 88 29 70 48 200 157 5 36 37 139 55 4,y75 2,296 8,345 3,376 1,194 1,592 250 259 1,108 6U 2,727 2,746 490 1,258 1,453 2,902 56 U,587 3,165 9,934 1,857 1,075 2,874 2,920 1,377 794 4,893 3,152 153 682 1,590 3,456 57 12 16 4 10 73 12 60 29 56 3 16 17 45 28 58 168 51 219 31 204 75 'ii 358 95 158 40 128 37 193 90 59 2,585 5,956 6,600 1,065 27,519 1,206 100 6,048 1,961 18,025 1,124 2,825 6,269 10,716 2,166 60 27,727 9,930 48,874 3,314 35,609 8,406 1,082 1,225 32,858 8,435 30,104 12,794 24,930 17,310 21, m U,148 61 2 6 3 4 10 4 S 12 1 1 5 4 62 1,200 3,675 5,550 980 13,225 951 375 U,171 1,000 30 5,400 3,220 63 21 7 9 13 28 9 79* 18 21 38 8 12 37 41 6< 152 93 175 SI 116 130 29 372 119 134 96 21 71 215 276 65 989 89 J9S 303 129 190 41 441 295 1,542 a7 131 IM 382 291 66 3,091 875 1,360 2,382 1,491 4,601 120 219 3,925 3,135 7,996 1,355 857 821 3,864 3,058 67 16 6 7 8 5 7 3 14 10 12 32 8 9 19 8 68 9a 60 549 196 74 166 41 211 240 1,500 358 131 90 235 124 69 294 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nurscrj' and greenhouse pralucls. flo seeds and plants, (lowers, and buUi? On farms «ith sales of •^2.000 c . farms reporting 1059. dollars 1059. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reportinp 1959 , 1954. acres used for prowini: 1950. Cut Rowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959 . Grown under glass farms reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 1959 . 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959.. acres used for growing Sales dollars Vegetables grown under glass, flower seedn, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1<)59 . 1954. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 1959. 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for pmwing 1959. 19.51 . Sales dollars 1950 . 1954. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 10.59 . . Sales of any forest products forms reporting 1059 , dollars 19,59. 1954. Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts. and sawlogs farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1950 . dollars 1950. Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1050. , lK>i . . cords (4" X 1' X S')in50., 1954 . , Sales farms tvportinc 1959., Pulpwood sold farm? reporting 1950 . , 1054 , . ..-ord^ir \ I'x^') 10.50. 1051. "■-•nee posts cut farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporti ng 19 59 . number 1954 . Sawlor'i and venoor togs rut farms reporting 1959 . 1954^ thousands of board feet 1959. 10.54^ Sales farms reporting 10.^9 . thousands of Ixiard feet lO.^O . D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. Z Reported In -TniBn fractions . Includes sales of standing timber. 1,10; 5,017 7,455 50,708 47 12,376 1,390 4,922 10,327 98,256 40 26,649 NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 295 Forsyth IiV<.nH ft, GastcQ Gates G^ Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 19 3 18 1 5 44 7 8 6 53 3 14 1 155,203 2,030 (D) (D) 8,050 540,454 3,410 6,038 15,990 655,227 2,550 35,083 63,900 5,294 52,950 50O 404,899 36 10,191 13,200 217,182 650 47,240 3 6 5 1 17 1 2 18 6 Ua,798 (B) 6,000 526,648 3,000 15,000 637,047 31,427 5 7 1 7 1 1 12 4 2 4 31 6 J 6 2 6 7 4 3 12 3 7 151 2 49 "i "i 155 '36 9 9 47 17 8 110 3 33 286 12 6 15 14 80,075 1,800 (I» (D) 850 198,161 1,950 4,100 U,650 29,091 11,130 10 36,600 5,080 41,850 144,943 6,979 5,700 7,432 650 9,600 1* 1 9 3 30 4 4 2 27 2 8 12 3 1 13 1 29 1 2 2 12 7 13 10 9 1 17 1 1 9 7 14 6 1 9 1 20 ' 1 1 4 5 15 35,293 i4,4i>; 500 U6,378 240 2,500 62,739 18,825 16 11,34« 750 10,310 500 184,350 2,400 3,000 7,386 8,220 17 8 1 3 19 "4 4 2 21 "2 1 16 4 ' 6 16 1 2 1 9 2 19 4 (Z) 5 29 2 2 2 532 "5 1 20 7 4 22 (Z) 6 1 289 4 21 73,228 150 (D) 6,800 338,389 610 1,038 4,040 596,165 1,850 17,833 22 19,600 200 8,450 200 257,431 36 3,000 9,500 209,500 37,165 23 5 1 e 3 7 2 2 1 6 2 4 24 4 1 3 1 5 3 1 3 25 4 1 6 2 1 "i 1 1 26 4 1 4 2 2 27 850 200 2,826 1,100 3,600 514 1,200 1,440 3,000 28 U,400 25 1,820 840 3,063 23 1 3 3 7 2 1 5 3 30 1 "i 2 1 1 1 1 1 31 (Z) (Z) 1 3 "2 2 24 1 32 1 (z) 2 (Z) (Z) (Z) 6 (Z) 33 1,900 80 (D) 400 3,904 850 900 300 29,971 700 6,120 34 7,700 U 2,650 300 2,523 212 200 475 35 743 1,387 174 338 260 1,584 288 989 1,277 789 503 300 397 233 59 851 36 110 137 83 96 40 151 62 193 210 143 120 86 71 29 39 219 37 88,554 326,783 104,880 136,273 16,824 251,162 78,297 205,835 407,326 127,945 92,230 164,162 168,133 43,865 26,746 265,369 36 117,212 U2,719 74,775 56,175 U,010 169,073 21,968 160,023 132,177 123,573 60,869 46,534 24,770 44,433 U,843 187,006 39 75 110 68 75 19 98 47 123 136 110 82 57 55 23 24 151 40 64,705 232,803 55,042 100,127 4,984 191,506 55,755 175,148 306,356 107,762 40,783 32,737 159,013 40,421 16,425 223,075 41 53 56 39 29 37 69 23 95 110 38 83 65 18 10 23 88 42 23,849 93,980 49,838 36,146 U,840 59,656 22,542 30,707 100,970 20,183 51,447 131,425 9,118 3,444 10,321 42,294 43 48 56 37 24 36 68 23 92 108 54 82 61 17 10 22 85 41 21,919 93,930 49,778 32,243 11,740 59,236 22,542 30,262 98,936 20,023 50,997 129,977 9,098 3,444 10,243 42,180 45 7 1 2 7 1 3 5 4 4 3 11 1 1 4 46 1,930 50 60 3,903 100 420 445 2,034 160 450 1,44« 20 78 114 " 679 1,322 108 268 242 1,539 222 872 1,143 680 413 245 337 210 34 7U 48 1,263 1,410 472 133 285 2,358 676 2,076 1,500 1,409 712 589 706 154 70 1,443 49 6,422 13,493 820 1,391 2,396 29,928 1,366 9,277 10,442 4,929 3,093 2,713 2,690 1,596 318 5,436 50 13,995 16,524 4,085 920 1,435 41,466 4,225 26,237 14,595 11,154 6,568 4,876 4,784 1,256 561 12,239 51 17 10 5 6 6 17 4 48 27 14 6 9 4 1 n 16 52 213 269 48 85 192 895 316 417 419 144 54 1,002 80 10 138 130 53 18 42 27 15 25 45 16 23 67 28 60 53 10 6 7 55 54 14 70 55 12 32 102 7 45 80 69 U7 123 12 20 7 164 55 587 4,351 3,159 1,232 404 1,752 1,103 1,185 5,079 452 1,980 5,085 287 113 379 1,597 56 217 5,075 2,015 434 351 3,920 666 2,879 4,046 1,541 4,368 5,027 336 855 146 4,306 57 14 38 21 22 7 114 21 66 129 16 62 15 59 3 1 45 58 137 124 150 78 31 228 139 273 330 U9 178 48 154 4 19 306 59 1,839 2,700 2,682 2,705 2,285 16,067 1,219 6,669 34,270 1,276 18,743 2,535 12,235 400 200 5,697 60 18,449 13, OM 18,495 U,961 8,316 26,299 10,994 31,558 105,039 16,152 35,921 8,797 26,473 1,625 2,802 42,272 61 3 1 3 1 2 4 9 12 10 5 1 1 1 8 62 239 20 175 500 1,123 3,330 1,585 6,647 9,050 909 200 40 200 1,487 83 32 16 13 3 9 72 5 60 26 31 32 17 4 3 7 44 64 237 181 162 34 56 176 34 310 108 219 90 95 32 20 26 278 95 279 552 96 280 64 653 49 278 1,091 309 404 872 104 35 79 462 66 4,394 4,283 2,405 1,725 707 4,271 636 4,665 2,4«9 4,606 1,351 1,124 584 1,043 434 7,907 97 16 6 8 4 8 10 3 25 16 16 23 9 2 2 5 17 68 214 519 36 257 62 433 45 143 321 235 366 845 77 33 58 331 69 296 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: On famp * iih sales of -^^.fim or niorp farms reportme Nursery proOucLs (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals. pU:.) farms reportinp 1 acres used for grow ins 1 Sales do Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms refxirting 1 &Dwn under glass fanrs njportinp 1 square feet 1 Grown in the open farms reporting 1 Sales dollars 1 Vegetables powTi under glass, flower seeds. ve|^table seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1 Gro*-n under glass cr in house farms reporting 1 square feet 1 Grciwn in the open farms reporting 1 acres used for pt>wing 1 Sales dollars 1 Any forest products cut and/of sold farms refxwtin Sales of any forest products forms reporting 1 dollars 1 Sales of standing timber fam^s reporting 1 dollars 1 Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1 dollar Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posLs, and sawlogs farms reportin dollar Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Firewood and fuelwood cut fanns reportin cords (r X r X R Sales farms ropnrlin ccHs(rx4'xS Pulpwood sold farms reportin cords (4* X 4' X 6 ""nee posts cut farms reportin number 1 Sales farms reportin number 1 Saw lo£^s and veneer logs cut farms repc thousands of hoartl feet 1 Sales farms reportin Ihcmisands of tmard fc** 1 D Data not shown to avoid dlscloaure of Individual i Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includes sales of standing timber. 32,245 55,360 350,533 67 19,095 1,686 3,508 9,386 22,95i 160,378 30 16,234 (Z) 3,540 3,825 NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 297 Martin burg ItttcheU Ifaatgamexy Itoore Huh New Hanover North- ampton OlBlOW Orange Pamlico Pafiquotanlt Pender Perqulmnnn Person Pitt 3 44 10 5 13 10 25 1 1 16 2 18 1 4 5 1 36,140 944,533 2,705 41,305 93,595 37,882 760,903 (D) (E) 6,070 D) 715,815 (D) 230 4,550 2 51,«» 8U,620 70,170 25,135 4,564 1,200 943,567 100 35,000 11,060 250 124,732 375 35,050 3 1 31 1 5 2 17 1 1 16 1 1 4 36,000 934,718 40,000 89,358 33,892 758,803 (D) (D) 714, 865 (D) 2,500 5 1 17 9 3 9 2 13 1 6 1 4 2 6 3 12 3 2 4 1 15 1 1 4 3 1 7 30 239 6 49 44 3 58 2 3 "3 98 2 8 29 166 3 20 9 1 51 "i 4 6 34 1 9 36,000 338,166 2,675 41,250 40,412 5,890 99,235 (D) 1,978 (D) 124,000 3,606 10 39,400 240,350 170 25,070 4,100 25 37,950 106 5,000 10,350 52,000 166 11 2 26 1 2 5 7 15 1 13 2 14 1 2 12 2 29 1 1 2 3 34 1 4 1 12 2 2 13 1 21 1 3 3 8 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 18 1 1 9 1 1 2 1 IS 180 268,370 50 ... 32,280 21,570 216,900 29,600 2,474 806 820 300 900 16 31,000 447,839 X,000 300 166,962 7,200 192 840 15 17 1 10 "i 2 6 13 1 10 1 '13 1 1 18 1 17 i 1 2 2 X 4 1 12 1 1 19 (Z) 21 (Z) 1 5 299 "i 3 (Z) 440 (Z) (z) 20 12 41 "e 1 (Z) 2 632 2 1 137 1 142 21 UO 583,402 M 55 50,158 31,792 6»,568 !D) 2,942 (D) 569,115 100 600 22 12,000 566,655 66,000 25 252 475 881,667 25,000 435 250 64,932 250 35,050 23 6 2 1 6 1 5 3 1 3 2 24 11 "i 1 3 2 7 "i 2 2 1 25 5 1 2 4 "i 26 8 1 "i 2 "i 27 16,612 1,200 1,100 5,550 3,000 28 19,510 30 1,560 292 '48 29 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 30 7 1 "i 1 3 1 2 1 7 87 "i 1 (Z) 2 22 10 "2 "i 31 2 4 3 (Z) 1 29 1 12 33 22,965 3,025 200 31,100 CD) 1,150 22,700 (D) 130 950 34 4,615 4,66d 40 212 700 23,950 5,666 275 7,800 25 35 953 260 168 277 468 1,300 6 672 377 768 103 94 231 181 1,399 935 36 154 70 55 71 149 158 6 106 108 179 60 35 127 100 190 131 37 273,599 U9,409 22,996 102,859 275,259 486,404 17,390 334,576 71,905 163,907 56,134 39,387 148,216 158,186 195,917 241,630 38 91,249 95,544 46,293 50,677 163,434 214,382 2,089 113,782 47,273 81,411 15,777 10,220 61,344 43,525 136,703 31,235 39 102 52 41 55 115 132 5 69 74 116 48 30 98 70 117 110 40 251,529 100,836 13,452 90,847 261,764 402,887 12,318 321,985 43,900 142,108 39,181 26,412 86,140 130,572 149,328 188,356 41 61 26 25 32 55 58 2 45 53 103 18 13 51 37 105 31 42 22,070 18,573 9,544 12,012 U,495 83,517 5,072 12, »1 28,005 41,799 16,953 12,975 62,076 27,614 46,589 53,274 43 54 23 23 31 54 57 1 U 50 97 14 11 44 33 101 28 44 19,041 17,861 8,976 U,037 12,812 83,225 72 12,431 27,754 39,922 15,232 12,275 55,951 25,361 45,769 51,974 45 7 4 3 1 3 2 1 2 3 6 5 2 8 5 5 3 46 3,029 712 568 975 683 292 5,000 160 251 1,877 1,721 700 6,125 2,253 820 1,300 47 845 192 122 236 364 1,188 1 J91 300 695 51 64 122 93 1,341 786 48 1,193 577 310 184 708 1,862 25 829 266 917 60 39 327 136 1,689 1,322 49 6,681 1,543 700 1,422 2,859 10,641 10 5,150 1,540 6,248 215 399 852 574 20,617 4,657 50 9,742 5,541 2,103 1,452 4,094 19,066 108 7,705 1,248 10,824 296 214 1,981 881 32,170 9,240 SI U 6 2 14 20 11 1 27 16 15 2 3 10 26 19 9 52 293 57 12 126 178 210 6 257 74 200 3 32 251 175 870 209 53 9 14 5 18 33 X 11 28 66 7 1 29 2 56 13 54 9 23 56 40 110 48 19 38 33 140 9 4 65 2 60 14 SS 545 1,085 78 537 637 2,148 371 847 1,583 412 12 3,170 35 1,601 1,145 56 S43 4,076 364 698 1,554 3,508 397 4,311 1,280 2,272 399 746 2,309 150 2,243 467 57 24 44 22 21 8 69 70 15 46 5 7 4 4 112 91 58 438 256 82 18 74 170 n 221 62 233 16 21 52 60 241 366 59 3,447 7,676 2,297 2,744 1,795 12,034 14,159 1,117 8,780 785 610 490 1,000 9,531 14,403 60 78,473 41,846 2 9,620 6 l,9ff7 9,993 2 23,178 2 3,145 36,778 2 8,985 41,889 4 2,287 2,017 13,752 3 9,794 28,228 6 57,710 61 82 1,700 1,040 1,450 4,000 1,500 4,110 160 474 63 15 12 14 3 5 59 11 16 46 7 11 12 12 117 16 64 155 145 108 46 81 192 "3 66 98 183 29 25 67 37 265 102 65 193 37 169 54 23 1,128 111 370 385 189 269 127 502 472 776 66 2,959 2,902 1,812 2,224 3,117 4,354 65 2,446 2,303 2,841 685 194 2,027 834 4,784 1,253 67 1 1 13 1 2 22 5 9 21 5 9 6 7 27 7 68 150 8 150 30 14 965 68 289 256 184 239 109 464 228 659 60 298 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (For derinitions and pxplai Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Vurserj and greenhouse prmiiicts, flower and vepetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bullis sold faniis reportir dollars 1 On fanns w sales of <2.n . farms reportir dollar Nursery products {tie* vines, orramentals, etc.) farms reportmp 1 acres used for gro\vi Sales dolls Cut flowefs, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1 Grown under glass fanrs reportir square feet 1 Grovoi i n the open fanns reporti n acres used for growing 1 Sales dollars 1 Vegetables gro*-n under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushroofns farms reporting 1 GrowTi under glass or in house farms reporting 1 square feet 1 Grown in the open farms reporting 1 acres used for g^winp 1 Sales dollai Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reportin Sales of any forest products farms reporting I dollars 1 Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Sales of all other forest pratucts farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Sales of firewood, pulpuood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reportin dollar Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Firewood and fuelwood cul farms reporting 1 cords (4* X V Sales farms reportinn 1 cords (T X 4' X 8') 1 Pulpwood sold farms reportin cords ((• X 4' X fi') 1 1,057 1,633 6,996 10,766 135,463 96 37,412 1,360 2,417 8,034 16, U6 1,824 2,783 26,984 44,173 1,491 4,317 8,459 Fence posts cut farms reportin numU Sales farms reportir number 1 Sa« lops and veneer logs cul farms reportin thousands of board f« Sales farms reportin thousands of board feet : D Data not ehonn to avoid dlsclomire of Individual i Z Reported In small rractions. ^Includes sales of standing timber. NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 299 stokes Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrrell Union Vance Walie Warren Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson YadJdn Yancey 3 12 61 5 7 5 22 3 12 13 7 15 7 20 I 4,530 78,465 20,L25 26,810 135,954 13,200 352,851 3,700 21,803 55,900 49,892 104,530 6,725 15,372 2 11,420 6,970 32,748 18,760 11,505 174,220 5,000 5,000 105,635 9,300 89,656 3,400 20,928 3 "2 3 1 1 4 3 9 1 4 4 3 7 1 < 4,500 72,378 2,560 25,600 134,514 12,000 348,736 3,000 17,357 49,045 48,500 100,075 5,250 5 1 4 60 4 2 4 10 2 11 6 4 6 1 20 e 7 17 2 5 2 5 2 7 5 2 4 2 15 7 (Z) 12 31 6 3 10 61 4 15 19 7 27 1 45 s 18 7 1 7 7 26 4 30 67 6 14 3 25 9 2,606 ;4,618 20,120 1,210 3,040 12,200 137,961 3,500 21,773 39,975 5,992 42,150 750 15,372 10 10,420 5,720 643 2,475 10,000 16,500 5,000 4,800 95,000 3,500 34,050 1,050 20,928 u 2 7 1 4 1 17 1 7 3 7 5 12 1 4 6 2 11 2 5 1 6 3 18 "2 6 1 3 3 "2 U 8 1 3 3 1 6 3 4 1 U IS 315 1 U,380 10,000 3 26 1 42,100 9,160 1 2,925 1 116,400 104,500 10 2,666 21,250 6 30,300 1,800 28,606 13,930 2 4,970 369 2 1« 17 18 1 4 4 4 "2 5 "i A 2 19 (Z) 1 1 18 32 (Z) 2 "3 9 2 (z) 7 U 1 (Z) 1 3 1 20 21 2,200 13,159 22,600 131,914 1,666 214,490 30 15,625 43,900 60,480 5,555 22 1,000 1,250 26,905 15,735 1,500 157,250 200 4,500 5,750 55,156 925 23 2 4 1 2 1 2 i 1 4 2 5 1 6 2 3 3 24 25 "2 3 "i "i "3 1 1 1 3 1 2 26 27 69 620 1 32 1 2 3 10 150 1 1 (Z) 1 a 466 1 1 1 (z) 300 3,600 1 4 1 9 166 6,815 500 3 1 (Z) 1,466 1 3 (Z) 2 28 29 30 31 S3 330 50,688 3,000 1,000 400 266 300 1,900 420 34 5,200 550 "5 470 6,U5 '56 450 1,425 35 2,200 1,575 197 228 100 845 755 897 896 129 553 782 1,065 634 769 265 36 IBS 204 77 59 32 136 48 173 184 43 111 122 268 119 130 83 37 207,576 119,018 32,275 75,705 46,768 ru,965 68,198 531,771 225,686 313,007 69,699 141,479 202,341 418,570 121,959 66,668 38 107,805 201,759 52,063 21,276 8,208 121,762 X,138 238,753 314,466 11,620 67,628 50,128 249,992 46,168 85,885 46,239 39 U3 119 36 44 28 78 32 113 125 37 83 90 164 103 93 63 40 191, U5 98,046 12,294 24,731 40,4«0 76,484 55,188 485,358 98,146 290,726 50,698 93,697 U3,568 338,562 96,328 36,478 41 58 104 51 50 5 86 22 87 135 10 41 49 126 39 54 53 42 16,460 20,972 19,981 50,974 6,308 38,4«1 13,010 46,413 127,540 22,281 19,001 47,782 58,773 80,008 25,131 30,190 43 55 102 51 49 3 85 22 85 134 10 36 45 123 39 52 50 44 16,191 20,372 19,981 50,702 4,608 36,881 13,010 46,213 125,287 22,281 17,495 47,507 57,863 80,008 24,991 27,937 45 5 2 3 2 2 3 2 7 4 4 2 4 M 269 600 272 1,700 1,600 200 2,253 1,506 275 910 140 2,253 47 2,121 1,479 155 202 76 754 732 765 820 87 472 664 915 523 682 184 48 2,781 2,418 260 319 57 1,888 1,101 1,892 1,332 151 539 768 1,539 946 1,X7 811 49 24,539 U,385 1,613 1,210 409 4,887 7,216 6,520 9,091 541 6,164 4,349 8,194 3,786 4,450 1,125 50 36,846 27,442 4,179 2,137 311 12,892 12,740 23, lU 16,897 988 6,031 6,287 12,697 8,993 11,740 4,599 SI ID 36 6 6 2 21 02 25 8 5 7 6 23 4 8 4 52 121 369 53 26 9 293 231 214 703 73 138 379 356 210 50 79 53 22 66 38 42 1 53 7 55 106 5 1 28 77 20 31 7 54 20 221 62 29 126 29 137 188 9 2 35 132 23 48 91 55 522 1,017 436 2,364 366 1,364 235 1,955 6,057 1,417 8 1,365 1,004 J, 134 1,111 103 56 454 3,623 1,564 1,067 3,415 1,396 7,780 10,084 883 11 1,904 2,043 1,630 1,162 1,088 57 93 23 16 U 4 33 49 32 45 26 83 75 34 27 22 33 58 233 232 53 46 11 337 126 198 Ul 82 133 166 92 148 134 221 59 12,251 2,710 16,440 1,463 300 7,183 5,500 4,367 4,125 4,499 12,422 7,846 5,062 2,903 2,250 5,256 60 30,365 26,018 41,391 9,219 1,230 40,027 16,528 20,750 17,886 16,565 18,990 18,502 14,840 14,028 19,059 32,119 61 U 1 10 2 5 3 3 1 13 2 7 3 62 2,451 500 14,590 930 5,450 530 250 500 3,885 2,100 1,199 600 1,350 63 148 16 21 U 3 17 31 24 39 5 27 27 56 29 27 47 64 295 337 68 62 16 278 60 239 170 20 152 126 299 91 210 136 65 526 48 193 312 22 292 288 401 580 20 302 504 925 659 194 566 66 5,084 7,835 756 1,201 165 4,711 1,290 8,639 9,362 311 2,366 1,053 10,233 800 3,515 1,665 67 14 5 12 11 7 5 12 35 21 12 38 18 16 41 68 126 11 172 299 230 137 289 529 297 446 779 622 154 511 69 APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (301) 302 THE QUESTIONNAIRE ulhoriied by Art of Congress. Iniled StBt«8 Code, Tide 13, Seclions 5. 9, 142, 221 wered completely i ly. US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE~Bt NORTH CADOUNA Al CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 IN CHAKGE (Fir norar) tMldd •■Inlllal) SIRUP: [111 Were any aorghuma harvested for i.y purpose thf year? No Q V. ( // -So." mark X and »kip to qutittorx [13] ) 12. Sorghums for all purpoaes? (Include Horghum^ for gram, silaRe. forage, pasture, (a) Sorthums for grain or seed? (b) Sorghums fur silage? (CI Sorghums lmh for dry forage or hay, or hogged or grazed? Id) Sorghuma for sirup? (The SOVBKANS, COWPKAS, AND PEANUTS If » own for 14. Soybeans for all purposes? (a) Soybeans for beans? . . (b) Soybeans for hay? ... ; equal the s >wn for (a) Cowpeas for dry peas? (b) Cowpeas for hay? (Tl.c t.-lal of the acre: and (d) must equal th PEANUTS: [17J Were any peanuts grown for any purpose fhia year? ar question 16.) No D Yes a (•) Peanuts for picking or threshing? (b) Feanut vines or lops wlneli wer.' or HBved for hay or forage? . . - (Iiichide lops or Miies saved aftei ■ pla. SMALL GRAINS: (Include the lai grain crops thi» year— ;en from this plact r their <]'» [21] Wheat? 26. Oats fur grain? °{*- of thiB be aold? HAY AND GRASS SILAGE CROPS (If tion of all cuttioKs. Include the lundlurd's Alfalfa and alfalfa mlilur hay and for dehydrating? Clover, timothy, and mill olal produc- hare as sold jns, ./'■>■«■'] 43. Lespedeza for hay? 4S. Oats, wheat, barley, rye. or o small grains cut for hay? nearly ripe for fet-ding untnres 47. Any other hay? ... (Inelude hromegra.ss. millet, ( 48. Graaa silage made from « harvested this year? No D Ves D 52. Leapedeta seed? □ □ 78. Otbar field seeds? [ D ! D or to be harvested? harvested harvested? NORTH CAROLINA 303 POTATOES, TOBACCO, AND COTTON: {AnsuKT tfute questiona, 1/ "Km.")— [79] Irish potatoes for home u (IflessthanSOba-helsorl were harvested, do not 1 80. Sweelpolstoes for home ue< (If less tbsD 20 busheb < do not report acres.) 82. Piue-cored tobuco? . . . 83. Burler tobseco? 89. Cotton? How much will be VEGETABLES fnlt Hi'Mf IS 105. Were any veseiables. Bwe< harvested thiw u^or for home use 106. Were any vegetables, swei : AND FOR SALE: , processors? No D Yea D '/ -So" for quftlion 106. mark X and ittp lo quetlton £1431.) 107. Tomatoes? . Cucumbers and pickles? .... . Snap beans (buah and pole types)? . Watermelons? . Cabbage? . Sweet peppers, except plmlentMT Canlaleupa and muskraetons? . . , Blaeheres and oth«rr green cowpeka7 Green lima beans? , Squash? , Okra? , Dry onlonaT Olkerr (See list below.) ""plInTS and BUlIs""^'^^^ products, flower and VEGETABLE SEEDS AND [1981 Wpre any nursery or greenhouse products, flower or ▼egelable seeds or plants, flowers, or bulbs Rrowi. for sale fftis jiear? No D Vea (// So." mark X and skip to guestwn [202].) and sweet potatoes.) lUKItlKH AND OTHER SMALL KHLIT [143] W.r<- any berries or Other small frulls hnrve^tr-d Ihla year for sale? . l/fSo.-mafkX 199. Nursery products Elanta. florist greens, and edding pisnts for sale? } («) In open?. . . Ij (b) Under glaaa? . 201. Vegetables grown |i under glass, flower seeds. f[ <■) Iw open? vegetable seeds, vegetable l' plants, bulbs, mushrooms? (b) lender gl V or In hou house? . i D G I ^ / /-x / /-x other CROPS: [202] Are there any other crops that t Velvetbeans? L^uAj Are mere anv other crops that were or will be harveate this plar^- Popcorn? " Root and grain crops hogged or crated? antwtr for ., I Section IV.— LAND I'SE THIS YEAR, 1959, B of land were in fieldn and 1 THIS SHADED SECTION |H TO HR Pii i »p gy CENSUS ENUMERATOR 'fk inS*c IID s of land were two crops aOS. How many acrrs of cropland wrr used only for pasture (or RraiinR) thU year? 207. How many arret, of cropland wen- UM-d only for solMraprovemeni graaaes and legumes not hnrvented ai None D None a VOODI.AND: (Includ.- as woodland all wood lota and timber tractB. cut land which has value for wood product* and has not been Improved for'pasl 209. How many acrrn of woodland were , pastured (or grated) tM» ytarf J- How many acrra of woodlsnd wrro )THeh land 211. Ml many acres were in other pasture? N (Not cropland paAtnre and not woodland psalure.) (// "Sone." mark X and »kip to qufilton [212].) or this other pastui sldrr to be Imp (Improved by .MitmB, utii irriftating, draining, and < do you consider to be ImproTed paalureT (Improved by liming, '— " - 21J. and 212) and nn 304 THE QUESTIONNAIRE V^L^RACE, AGE, RESIDENCE, OFF FARM WORK, AND OTHER INCOME , wkito D Nw. D 219. How old wer« you on your lut birthdayT . 220. Do you live on this place? No D Yee OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME: 222. How many days IhiB year did you work off your farm? Include work at a nonfarm job, I Include dayf) you expect to work olT your farm between ru {Mark 0 r 3t. 19S9. (Do r exchange work.) I ytarT No Q Yea Q f8l7 Dividends? Profits from i family? " .' . . No D Ye (// "None" for quettton 222 and "No" for both qut»tion* 223 and 224. iktp to que»Uon [2261) JJ. Will the income which vou and vour familv rooeivc from work off the farm and . other nnurci-" (listed m questiorif. 2*3 and 224i h<^ Ki-.-ater than the tola! value of all MillMralpro'i,.otBSotdortobeaoldfromyourpUccf/i/< uear7 No Q Ve Section Vir.— FOREST PRODl'CTS THIS YEAR^ 1959' L..LM — ■■■iwnffl-ii^jtfrftitm-riiii' ■ I 1.1 .1.111 — ^^ — : :_-< nd Chrialmas t (Do not ir pulpwood, fence poets, >ived thl» year from nber sold for pulpwood ) ived thia year from oils, mine timber*. thete guettiont, i/'-K' iroducta aold 0 not report below any p] ) stump. Products sold 3uld be included in question 226. eanr of the followtng foreat producia cut Ihia 228. Firewood and fnelwoodT 229. Pulpwood? .... 230. Fence poala? 291. Sawlofa and reneer lofa? D D D 'D thia pla. ned by ) POULTRY; 236. Are there any chicken*, larkera, or other poultry c 237. If "No," were there any on ilf "No" for both qu. 238. How many chlckena (hens, pulleta, i nths old and c and other chlc>*ni 241. How man} his pla. None D Number Q Number □ Dosena _ 244. How many dncke. geeee, nd other poultry (not counting ere aold thIa yealV. sived thl» year _ «, and poultry, and their efga? ..... >oid □ Value of sales t^ SHEEP AND LAMBS C246) How thin place? . .' Hf"None." m Ilia total, I ... (b) Ewce 1 year old and ic." mark X and $kip to quettion [2471 ) 1 year old? Nutn stions (a), (b). and (c) Tiber for question 246 ) MULES AND HORSES; 1247] How many muiea. horaea. coKa, and LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR, 1959 ny aheep or iamba shorn thit year? No Q Ye; [// "No." mark X and »kip to qMtatton [254] ) r thttt qutttioni, if "Ytt 252. Wer< 253. Wer< I Iamba shorn in I9S97 I aheep shorn tn 1959T mark X and sktp to qutafton [2SSj.) ((a) Since June I. thia (b) Before June 1. thl hit year? Number . SOWS AND [255] How thle year or will farrow before December I? 2S6. How many IKtera were farrowed betwf December I, la»t year, and June I. thia ye, CATTLE AND CALVES: (Include all < on this place ) 257. How many cattle and caUea of a Uf"Noner ) Cowa? Of thte total. Number . (c) Balla, bull calvi 259. Ho ny milk c place yeaterdauf . (Include dry milk cowe and milk neifera that have calved.) 260. How many gallona of milk were produced yeaterdoyT 261. How many poanda of butter were churned laat week? None D Number . None D Number _ None Q Gallons _ None n Pounds _ Thma quest! Include dairy proda< . 1959? [ ar>d*;ti whether made by you i No D Yes D Report dairy producia aold for your 2M. How much whole milk waa r win be aold In 19S9? (Report in pounds c r pounds of butterfat.) Hold >>y the Kallon antitv 1 of a&iea tn I9i9? B of butterfat ) SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 1959 whether made by by others. Report all anlm Were any rollowing [266] Calvea? . . . 266. Cattle, not cotintinK calvca? 267. Muiea. horsea. 268. Hogaand piga?. 269. Sheep and •^ - How been (1) manv have •old Ihli How (2) (3) How much waa value or aalM In itstr N* Ym •nd Dec. SIT D D D D D a a a a □ n a > m D a t .1111 n D s /no n n □ □ - :.}'■ NORTH CAROLINA 305 -FERTILIZER Include BlI ferl rertlllzlnf mslerUla used / None n Acres _ cropland) ? («) Com? TebaccoT How much wfts used — [272] How many acres « None D Aere«_ 1 Ume Qf liming niBlerUls was u RXPENDITCRES Incrnde landlord for this ^ae< t^*J Feed ^d. or to be f^6 br December it. IfSf. bj j d poultryT hay. mill fee rouKha^ea. aUo. baby chicks.) 27C. Machine hire? None Q (Includ (Include custom work such as t linB, cotton plckin«. nning, stio flllinf, com pickinff. balins, plowing, fruit pickinft, spraying 277. Hired labor? ^cropping aralems I plac thl§ yrarr f land c NoDC D Acraa _ None a Acraa _ XllI— FARM LABOR 2SS. How r 2M. How I y other merabef* of f y hired peroon* did i I caah »t(M? , None Q Pcraons {If-Nofitr mark X t heaehtred ,(,) iwday. c •oaawerklflg Josf u>e«lc, I \(h) U Kraoaa working laat ufttk, iw manr "^r* rmplorcd on this pli r dunng thit tfmar? -Et^llPMESl AND FACILmE>; N6V155;"TflBTf:ACE'''^Jt C29I] Grain comb 292. Corn pickers ( r-ahellera and c Moi Yes D icka (include pick-ups)? 29S. Wheel traelora other than garden? 297. Garden tractors? 298. Crawler tractors (trackiaying)? 299. Anionoblloa? 300. Telephone? 301. Home frooser (for guickfreeiing and atoring food)? No Q Ves □ 202. Milking machine? No D Yes Q 205. Electric milk cooler? No O Yea D 305. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops)? No D Yas O S0«. Power -operated elcTalor, cenTeyor. or bl«w«r? No O Yes D Seclktn XV—RENTAL AGREE.MENT, FARM VALIES, AND MORTGAGE DEBT ion 308(1 the work . No D ... No a l.on [3IO ) (h) Do you work any land (If -So- for both flu*. (// -VV.- /»-■«( *^r< 3M. Do«« the landlord fumlah (as a part of his share of t 310. I>o you pay to your landlord any cash as rent? No O Ym (a) If "Yea." how much for the year? % 311. l>o you pay to your landlord any share of the crops (tuoh u |, i, |)? No G Yei 312. Do you pay to your landlord any share of the livestock o upkeep of land and ouUdinip, payment of keep of landlord, rent free, etc.)? No D Yea Q E314] About ow much would Ihe Land and bulldlnga owned br rou? (Cojiv »cr.-(. from <|ii.-i.li..n 3 I Land and buildings rented from othera? Land and buildings managed for others? ' any aiorlgage debt ( No D Yes a No land o 31t. On what date did you fill this questloi jy^^gj|ENjgjggATogs R^ bf ^H faj^fp;^»-5i'aaaf''^j|| wUrof^psraMr'slkisUr D ,aa« Q Pin, g ( 306 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK A2 LISTING 1 I PART 1 -LIST Oh PLACh5 IN hD PART II -AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS PART III -HLLIM. Al 1 1 A Um ihc held of every hou»ehold living in i ED. AND ALSO B Li« every pcribn. not living in fhii ED. *ho ha» agricultural operaiioni in thii ED Don pcrwn mtmber of hi> hold op«ntr a farm ranch)' <)l Did ihif peraon or any nMmb*f of hii houa«hold D.«. (91 Don ih.i .iriculiunl HOI *hecp' goau' i' nirkcyt? duck>> CI Any crop.? (corn? tobacco' fi«ld cropa'l (61 fhiii »rap*- Any .»«■ ctabin for »lc> or grnn. houie producri? (•1 No ; Yej No : Yei No 1 Ye» No : Y« No 1 Yo No 1 Yn No lYn No ; Yn 1 \ \ : i i i 1 r No| Y«j ^4o; Yes No : Y«a No :ycs No 1 Y« No 1 Yn No : Yn No ; Ifi i 1 No ■ Yo No ! Yct No I Yea No ! Yn No i Ycl No 1 Yn No! Yn No : Yn No I Yn No: ^^x No ; Yn No ; Yd No ; Yes No ; Yn No| Yn No 1 Yn ft) (21 (>) 14) CI (6) I'l (»l ^ (91 (101 \-.«««M •<„lum-..-«^l.N,. „,,-/,..,„„.,. -l.p 4„mn,6. ., V, • ( .,l„-,n .,^ 1,^ S.. ,,n,..l„.„ >„ , .1,.., ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK 307 NuM.hcr 111) PART IV -RhCORI«>|- (.l)l^)'LI-T)ON OF ENI.MI-RATION 1 < Doc> linj un ihjrrs? Clllbftck rc^^uirrd Tutnrd ovtr lo R.„. plrictJ RcmirKjcr. Daw Crt-w lU) Al N.. Dj.> Diif ^ i 1 Al No Daic Djic 6 • 1 1 Al No C>>|; "■"■ 12 U f Al No D^.c l)*i. .. 111) 111) ll>) (.4) 1)') 116) * '"'"."^ ".,*i';."" *'A"""'A,'„i'"Ar~.'"ii',T".' * '"'".'" iii." 'i",."" o.l."n'"'''i;',''A'r'„*^" * "^7lV!.t,,,^^,",t'.^^'■'.'iJ'^,'^■"m^l^.'■'"".■X'.' 308 INDEX TO TABLES Abnormal farms Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay Alfa Lf a seed Almonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes, specified Apples Apricots Area , approximate land Asparagus , Automobi les Austrian winter peas Average size of farm Avocados Beets (table) , Berries , specified , Blackberries , Blackeyes and other green cowpeas , Blueberries (tame or wild) , Boysenberries , Broccoli Broilers sold , Broomcom , Buckwheat Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold. Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane , sugar , Cantaloups and muskmelons, etc Carrots , Cash-grain farms Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive , Cauliflower , Change In definition of farms Cherries , Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Christmas trees sold Citrus fruits, specified Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover sind grasses cut for hay Collards Color of operator Commercial farms Comjnercial fertilizer, expenditures for Cononercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial ryegrass seed Conservation of land Com Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop drier Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation ^ tenure of operator By use Cropland in cover crops Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants Crop fertilized, specified , Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested, specified , Crops sold . - Cucumbers and pickles , Cultivated suraner fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale , Dairy farms , Dairy products Dairy products sold , Date of enumeration Dates Days worked off farm , Definition of farms, change in , Dry field and seed beans , Dry field and seed peas , Dry onions Ducks sold , Ifurum wheat , Economic class of farm , Eggplant Eggs sold , Electric milk cooler , Elevators, power-operated, conveyor or blower. Einner and spelt English or Persian walnuts , Equipment and facilities, specified Escarole, endive, and chickory 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17, IS, 19,20, 21 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20,21,22 5,U,15,16 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 3 14,17,18,19,21 4.5 5 17,18,19,20,21 7 8 U 1,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 8,15 11 15,17,18,19,20 5 8 U 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8 7,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 6 1,2,3 1,1a, 2, 3 ,2,3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,4 3,17,18,19,20 3 1.2 la 3,17,18,19,20,21 3 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 17,18,19,20,21 1 17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 ,13,17,18,19,20,21 ,13,17,18,19,20,21 8 1,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 7 7,17,18,19,20,21 11 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 ,17,18,19,20,21 la, 11a 4,11 5,11 Expenditures, farm. See Farm expenditures. Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures , spec if led Fann labor Farm operators : By age By color By residence By tenure By off-farm work and other income Farm products, value of Farm property , value of Farms , number By color of operator By economic class By kind of road on which located By kind of workers During specified week By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold., Farms with all harvested crops Irrigated Feed for livestock Eind poultry, expenditures for Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for Fertilizer, commercial, uses for Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frult-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts , sold Field forage harvesters Field seeds Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Frult-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified Fruits and nuts sold Pull owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese sold General farms Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Goats and kids sold alive Grain ccmblnes Grains Grapefruit Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas sold Hairy vetch seed Harvesters , field forage Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Honeydews Horses and colts. Including ponies Horses and/or mules Horses and/or mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pec ans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated farms, number Irrigated land in farms By use Kale Kind of road Kumquats ladino seed Land and buildings, value of land area, approximate Land from which hay was cut land In farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 6,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 ,4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 ,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 17,18,19 4,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5 1,17,18,19,20,21 2,16,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 1 5,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 9,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 5,17,18,19,20,21 7 15,17,18,19,20 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 7 9,17,18,19,20,21 1,2 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,: 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 INDEX TO TABLES 309 lAnd in Irrigated fanns 3y use land in strip-cropping systems for soil erosion control land Irrigated by source of water Land pastured Legumes, specified annual Lemons Lespedeza cut for hay Lespedeza seed Lettuce and romaine Lima beans Lime and liming material, expenditures for..., Lime and liming material used during the year. Utters f arroned Livestock and ll'vestock products sold Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy and livestock ranches Uvestock ranches livestock -share tenants Uvestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries Machine hire, expenditures for Managed land Managers Mandarins ( included with Tangerines } Mangoes Maple sirup made Buckets hung Maple sugar made Milk cooler, electric Bulk-type Milk sold Milk cows Milking machine , Mint for oil Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Mixed grains , Iitohalr clipped Motortrucka Mules and nule colts Navel oranges Nectarines , Nonwhite farm operators Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs Nursery and nursery products (trees, shrube, vines, ornamentals, etc.) Nuts, specified Oats , Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other saall grains cut for hay , Of f -farm work and other Income Okra , Olives , Onions Operators, farm. See Farm operators. Co-anges , Oranges, Including tangerines and mandarins... Other and unspecified tenants , Other field-crop farms , Owned land , Part owners Part -retirement Part-time farms Pasture Peanuts Peas Pecans Peppers. See Sweet peppers and plmlentos. Pick-up balers Plmlentos pj.ums Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power -ope rated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Products, farm, value of Proso millet Prunes Pulpwood sold Pumpkins Purchase of livestock and poultry Quinces Radishes Rams and wethers Raspberries Red clover seed Redtop seed 17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 15,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 ,17,18,19,20,21 3 3,21 4,17,1B,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 12,17,18,19,20,21 : 4,17,18,19,20,21 i 8 15,17,18,19,20 8 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 1 4,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 ,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 Residence of operator 4,17,18,19,20,21 Rice , Root and grain crops hogged or grazed Rye Ryegrass seed, conmon and perennial Sampling, reLiablllty of Sawlogs and veneer logs cut , Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, expenditures for.. 5,17,18,19,20,21 Seeds, field. ShaUots Share-cash - Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive 7,17,18,19,20,21 Silage Size of fann 16,17,18,19,20 Small fruits Small grains Snap beans (bush and pole types) Sorghums Soybeans Specified equipment and facilities Specified farm expenditures Spina c h Spring wheat Squash , Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves.. 6,17,18,19,20,21 Strawberries Su^ar beets for sugar Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar Sugarcane or sorghum for sirup. Sumaer fallow, cultivated 1,17,18,19,20,21 Sweetclover seed Sweet com Sweet pep[>er3 and plmlentos Sweetpotatoes System of terraces on crop and' pasture land Tangelos Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Tenants Tea9)le oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Tloothy seed Tobacco Tobacco farms ToDBtoea Tractors Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes Tung nuts Turkeys Turnips Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of ccmnerclal fertilizer Uses of land Valancla oranges Value: Crops Pam products sold Farms (land and buildings) Livestock Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms.... •>getable farms 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale. Vegetables sold 17,18,19,20,21 Velvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains, cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes Wage rates Walnuts Watermelons Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat White farm operators 3,4,17,18,19,20 Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland In farm, ty v^e Wool shorn Wool sold Workers : Family 5,17,18,19,20,21 Hired 5,17,18,19,20,21 ReguUr 5,17,18,19,20,21 Seasonal Specified week. Work off farm Young berries 3,17,18,19,20,21 9 8 8 15,17,18,19,20 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 6,7,12,17,18,19,20,21 6 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 1959 South Carolina COUNTIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS U.S. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 Final Rcporl — Vol. |— Part 27— Counties FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES South Carolina COUNTIES Prepared under the supervision of RAY HURLEY, Chief Agriculture Division U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Richard M. Scammon, Director (From May I, )96Ij Robert W. Burgess, Director (To March 3, 196)} BUREAU OF THE CENSUS RICHARD M. SCAMMON, Director A. Ross ECKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Lowell T. Galt, Special Assistant Herman P. Miller, Special Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Julius Shiskin, Chief Economic Statistician Joseph F. Daly, Chief Mathematical Statistician Charles B. Lawrence, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Chief International Statistical Programs Office A. W. VON Struve, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — Ray Hurley, Chief Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Chief Field Division — Jefferson D. McPike, Chief Ivan G. Munro, Assistant Chief Machine Tabulation Division — C. F. Van Aken, Chief Henry A. Bloom, Assistant Chief Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chief Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chief Construction Statistics Division — Samuel J. Dennis, Chief Decennial Operations Division — Glen S. Taylor, Chief Demographic Surveys Division — Robert B. Pearl, Chief Economic Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chief Electronic Systems Division — Robert F. Drury, Chief Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chief Geography Division — William T. Fay, Chief Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chief Housing Division — Wayne F. Daugherty, Chief Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, Chief Personnel Division — James P. Taff, Chief Population Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chief Statistical Methods Division — Joseph Steinberg, Chief Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D. Goldfield, Chief Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chief Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chief Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Series AC59-1 and AC59-2, Preliminary Reports Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: A60-9482 SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Agriculture: 1959. Vol. I, Counties, Part 27 South Carolina U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1961 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C , or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce. Price $1.25 PREFACE Volume I, Counties, is one of the five principal reports presenting the results of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. This volume, in 54 parts, presents the compilation of the infor- mation given by farm operators to census enumerators in 1959. The 1959 Census of Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress of August 31, 1954 (amended August 1957), which codified Title 13, United States Code. The collection of the data was carried out by census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Bureau of the Census and working under the direction of Robert B. V'oight, then Chief, Field Division. Paul R. Squires, then Special Assistant to the Director, was responsible for the recruitment of the field staff. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief, and Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by M. Vincent Lindquist, Thomas Jabine, Robert S. McCauley, John C. Mackey, Robert Standley, Hilton E. Robison, Helen E. Teir, Carl R. Nyman, Kenneth R. Norell, Gladys L. Eagle, Henry L. DeGraff, Charles H. Boehne, Joseph A. Correll, Margaret G. Wood, Evelyn K. Jett, Simon Yablon, Emma B. Gass, Charlotte J. Messinese, Bennie L. Sharp, Isaac K. Lemon, James M. Lindsey, Samuel S. Murray, William F. Kauffman, Hector Vila, Harry P. Owings, Charles A. NichoUs, Henry A. Tucker, Robert S. Boyle, Helen M. Davenport, Albert W. Graybill, Lois G. Miller, Thomas D. Monroe, Gerald P. Owens, Bernard L. Ross, Marvin M. Thompson, Helen D. Turner, Kurt W. Luethy, Arnold L. BoUenbacher, George W. Coffman, Joseph A. Horak, Samuel J. Hundley, Donald K. Larson, Chester G. Lykins, Wilmer R. Maxham, Virgil L. McClain, Jr., Darrell D. Prochaska, Robert J. Rades, Hubert E. Sites, Duane E. Traylor, Donald H. von Steen, Elmer O. Rea, Frances G. Compton, Lillian W. Bentcl, and Neil V. Perkins. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of personnel by the United States Department of Agriculture in the planning, the enumeration, and the com- pilation of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. October 1961 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 FINAL REPORTS Volume I — Counties — A separate part for each State. Statistics on number of farms; farm characteristics; acreage in farms; cropland and other uses of land; land-use practices; irrigation; farm facilities and equipment; farm labor; farm expenditures; use of commercial fertilizer; number and kind of livestock; acres and production of crops; value of farm products; characteristics of commercial farms, farms classified by tenure, by size, type, and economic class; and comparative data from the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Volume I is published in 54 parts as follows: Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States New England States: West North Central — Continued Mountain: 1 Maine. 19 South Dakota. 38 Montana. 2 New Hampshire. 20 Nebraska. 39 Idaho. 3 Vermont. 21 Kansas. 40 Wyoming. 4 Massachusetts. South Atlantic: 41 Colorado. 5 Rhode Island. 22 Delaware. 42 New Mexico. 6 Connecticut. 23 Maryland. 43 Arizona. Middle Atlantic States: 24 Virginia. 44 Utah. 7 New York. 25 West Virginia. 45 Nevada. 8 New Jersey. 26 North Caroli.na. Pacific: 9 Pennsylvania. 27 South Carolina. 46 Washington. East North Central: 28 Georgia. 47 Oregon. 10 Ohio. 29 Florida. 48 California. 11 Indiana. East South Central: 49 Alaska. 12 Illinois. 30 Kentucky. 50 Hawaii 13 Michigan. 31 Tennessee. Other Areas: 14 Wisconsin. 32 Alabama. 51 American Samoa. West North Central: 33 Mississippi. 52 Guam. 15 Minnesota. West South Central: 53 Puerto Rico. 16 Iowa. 34 Arkansas. 54 Virgin Islands. 17 Missouri. 35 Louisiana. 18 North Dakota. 36 37 Oklahoma. Texas. Volume II — General Report. — Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. Summary data and analyses of the data by States, for geographic divisions, and for the United States, by subjects, as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below: Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest Prod- III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. ucts. IV Farm Labor, Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race, and Tenure of Farm Operator. V Size of Farm. XI Economic Class of Farm. VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III — Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Western States (Dry Areas) — Data by States for drainage basins and a summary for the area, including number and types of irrigation organiza- tions, source of water, expenditures for works and equipment since 1950, water used and acres served for irrigation purposes. Volume IV — Drainage of Agricultural Lands. Data by States on land in drainage organizations, number and types of organizations, cost of drainage and drainage works. Volume V — Special Reports, Part 1. — Horticultural Specialties. Statistics by States and a summary for the United States present- ing number and kinds of operations; gross receipts and/or gross sales; sales of nursery products, flower seed, vegetables grown under glass, and propagated mushrooms; number of container- grown plants; inventory products; sales of bulb crops; employ- ment; structures and equipment. Titles of additional parts of this volume are not available as this report goes to press. SOUTH CAROLINA CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE History of the Census Legal basis for the Census Pretest of the 1959 Census Training program for personnel for enumeration. Enumeration period ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization The agriculture questionnaire Agricul vUi-al operations Enuneration assignments and enumeration districts. Enumerator's record book Enumeration maps Lists of special and large farms Landlord- tenant questionnaire Tovmshlp sketch map Page Field revieu of enumerator's work XII SAMPLING Use of sampling XII Description of the sample XII Adjustment of the sample XII Estimation of totals for the sample XII Presentation of sample data XII Reliability of estimates XII Differences in data resulting from differences in tabulating procedures XIII PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of enumeration XIII Editing of questionnaires XIII Coding of questionnaires XIII Tabulation of data XIII PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS Statistical content of this report. Comparability of data Minor civil divisions XIV XB' XIV DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive summary and references General Farm Information ensus definition of a farm XTV Farm operator XV arms reporting or operators reporting XV Land area XV Land in farms X'/ Land In f anns according to use XVI /alue of land and buildings XVII Age of operator XVII ^esidence of operator XVII fear began operating present farm XVII iff -farm work and other income X'/II •Equipment and facilities XVII 'arms by kind of road XVIII ■arm labor XVIII "ertilizer and lime XVIII ipecif led farm expenditures XIX DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS— Continued Crops Page Crops harvested XIX Com XIX Annual legumes XX Hay crops xX Field seed crops xX Irish potatoes and sv;eetpotatoes XX Berries and other small fruits XX Tree fruits , nuts , and grapes XX Nursery and greenhouse produc ts XXI Forest products XXI Value of crops harvested XXI Value of crops sold XXI Irrigation Definition of irrigated land XXI Enumeration of irrigated land XXI Irrigated farms XXI Land in irrigated farms XXI Land irrigated XXI Farms irrigated by number of acres irrigated XXI Land irrigated by source of water XXI land-Use Practices Summary information XXII Cropland in cover crops XXII Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour XXII Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control... XXII System of terraces on crop and pasture land XXII Livestock and Poultry Inventories XXII Milk cov/s, cows milked, milk produced, and butter XXII Whole milk and cream sold XXII Sows and gilts farrowing XXII Sheep, lambs, and wool XXII Goats and mohair XXII Bees and honey XXII Value of livestock on farms ' XXII Sales of live animals XXII Sales of poultry and poultry products XXIII Classification of Farms Scope of classification XXIII Farms by size XXIII Farms by color of operator XXIII Farms by tenure of operator XXIII Farms by economic class XXIII Fanns by type XXIV Value of farm products sold XXV (V) VI CONTENTS Chapter A— STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table— 1 Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 2.— Farms and farm acreage according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 3.— Farms and farm acreage, by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 I, Farm operators by color, age, residence, and off -farm work; and equipment and facilities on f apns : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 5 Specified farm expenditures and farm labor : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 6. — Livestock and poultry on farms , number and value : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 7 livestock and livestock and poultry products sold: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 8.— Farms reporting, acreage, quantity harvested, and sales of crops: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 9. — Nursery, greenhouse, and forest products : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 10. —Characteristics of places not counted as farms because of change in definition of farm: 1959 11. —Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1959 and 195 census was not taken, however, because of the abnormal conditions created by World War I. Beginning with 1920, a national agricultural census has been taken every ~> years. legal Basis for the Census. — The ]9u9 Census of Agriculture was aulhorized by an Act of Congress, ns were all prior censuses of agriciiltine. "Title 13, United States Code-Census," codified in August 19.")4, and amended in August 19.'»7 and Sejjtember 1900, is now the legal basis for censuses of agriculture and other cen- suses, and surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agricultin-e. It rends as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning in the month of October 19.")9, and in the same month of every flflh year tbereaflcr. take a census of .'igricullure. provided that the censuses directed to be taken in October 1!(.j9 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken instead in conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relales to the decennial cen- sn.^es of po[)ulation. uneinploymeni, and housing to be taken as of the first day of .\pril of each decennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title 13, the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties imjiosed upon him by this title" to the Director of the Bureau of the Census, Pretest of the 1959 Census. — \ "pretest" of the field procedures of the 19,";i Census of .\;:riculture was conducted in 17 counties of the United States during the fall of lO.jS, The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a measure of the effective- ness of the questions and procedures planned for the 19;'J9 nationwide census. Three versions of the agriculture question- naire— the first one for Northern States, the second for Southern States, and the third for Western States — were used in the pre- test. Each version contained questions appropriate to the type of agriculture in the part of the country where it was used. All major aspects of field forms and procedures, from the hiring and training of crew leaders and enumerators to actual interviews with farm operators, were given a "trial run" in each of the 17 counties. Preliminary versions of rei)ortlng forms, maps, pay- roll records, training guides, and instruction manuals were sub- jected to actual use under conditions simulating those expected in the nationwide enumeration conducted in the fall of 19.^9. In nuiking final preparations for the ]9")9 census, the staff of the Bureau drew heavily on the results of the pretest, as well as on exi)erience gained from previous censuses. Training Program for Personnel for Enumeration. — Every i>er- son hired to do work in connection with the 19ij9 Census of Agri- culture received specialized training for his job. Staff mem- 563128—60 hers of the Washington and Regional Ofiices of the Bureau and of the U.S. Department of Agriculture trained appro.ximately 110 agriculture field assistants and 2,100 crew leaders. The crew leaders, in turn, trained and superviseil approximately 30,000 enumerators. All training was presented according to procedures contained in various guides and manuals prepared by the Bureau. The training program includeil filmstrips, map-reading, practice interviewing, and practice filling of questionnaires and other census forms. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas in which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. Enumeration Period. — The actual enumeration in the conter- minous United States (see page XIV) started at dates varying from October 7 to November IS, 10u9. In general, starting dates were based upon regional variations in harvesting seasons and on weather conditions. The primary aim was to have the enumeration late enough to follow the harvesting of the bulk of important crops and early enough to precede the advent of winter weather with the attending unfavorable travel conditions. The bulk of the enumeration work was completed within three to four weeks after the starting date. In Hawaii, the enumera- tion was made during the months of December 1959 and .January 19G0; and in Alaska, during April 19G0. Enumeration starting dates for the censuses of 19.")9 and 1954 are given in State table 11, together with figures showing the percentage of farms enumerated in the State during weekly pe- riod,-:. The average entnueratuui date for the 1959 census for each county is given in county table G. Data for inventory items — land in farms, machinery and equip- ment, livestock, and poultr.v — relate to the situation at the actual time of enumeration of each individual farm. Data for acres, production, and sales of crops relate generally to the crops har- vested during the crop year 19.".9, regardless of whether and when they were sold while data for sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year 1959. Since the enumera- tion was made before the end of 1959, special emphasis was placed upon the Inclusion of estimates for crops yet to be sold and for livestock and livestock products expected to be sold in the ixTiod from the time of enmneration to the end of the cal- endar year. Instructions on the questionnaire and the wording of questions were designed to assure that full croinycar or calendar-year data would be reported. For example, -"How much of this year's crop was or will be sold?" ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization.— Section 5 of Title 13 of the United States Code authorizes the preparation of forms and questionnaires used In the census. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall prepare schedules, and shall determine the incpilries, and the numl)er, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title," The Agriculture Questionnaire. — The que.stionnaire for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was prepared by the staff of the Bureau. Selection of the Inquiries was ba.sed on the results of the 19.58 pretest and experience gained in earlier censuses. Careful con- sideration was given to such factors as the current availability UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 of data from otber sources, the possibility of obtaining data by nietbods other than a census, the adequacy of the data that might be obtained, and the need for and usefulness of the data. Two committees gave advice and counsel to the Bureau. One of these, a Special Advisory Committee, was composed of members desig- nated by the organizations they represented, following an invita- tion from the Director of the Bureau of the Census to name a representative to serve in an advisory capacity. The Special Advisory Committee for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was made up of one representative from each of the following: Agri- cultural Publishers Association, American As.^ociation of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Fann Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Farm Equipment Institute. National As- sociation of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agri- culture, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers' Union, National Grange, Rural Sociological Society, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A representative of the Bureau of the Budget was in attendance at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Because of the special Interest of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture in censuses of agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Census sought the continuous cooperation of that organiza- tion in developing plans, questionnaires, and procedures for the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Working Groups were established in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make recommendations for the following general subjects : Tenure, Land Values, and Mortgage Debt Land Use and Conservation and Production Practices Field Crops Fruits and Vegetables Forest Products Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Income and Exiienditure (including Contractual Operations) Farm Labor Equipment and Facilities (including Structures) Each Working Group had the responsibility for ascertaining the U.S. Department of Agriculture's need for data in the field covered by its "terms of reference" and for presenting recom- mendations to a small Joint Committee comprising representa- tives of both the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Joint Committee received written recom- mendations from each Working Group. The Chairman of each Group appeared before the Joint Committee as did any member of the Working Group who was needed to present supplemental information of a specialized nature. Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire, State Agricul- tural Colleges and other major users of census data were invited to suggest inquiries for the enumeration. Each member of the Special Advisory Committee had the opportunity and the respon- sibility for channeling in suggestions from the organization he represented. The number of inquiries submitted from all sources greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census, from the point of view of cost, of the resiwndent's time and patience, and of practical value to the majority of users of data. The final selection included 31G questions, some of which con- sisted of several parts, for the 48 States comprising the con- terminous United States. Although each of the 316 questions was asked in one or more of the 48 States, considerably less than this total was asked in any one State because of the u.se of "State" questionnaires. Moreover, about 50 questions out of the total were asked of approximately one-fifth of all farm operators in the State. The number of questions ranged from 159 on the questionnaire for Maine to 194 on the questionnaire for Cali- fornia. In all, 38 versions of the questionnaire — one for each State or combination of adjoining States and two for Texas — were used for the 1959 census in the conterminous United States as compared with 21 versions in 1954 and 41 in 19.50. A separate version was used in Alaska and another in Hawaii. Differences in the questionnaires were designed to account for regional and local differences in agriculture. Most, but not all, of the differences related to crops. The use of State ques- tionnaires made possible the inclusion of separate inquiries for all important crops grown within a State and, at the same time, a reduction in the total number of inquiries for a State. Questions that did not apply, to any considerable degree, to a particular State were omitted from the questionnaire used in that State. For example, separate questions about citrus fruits were omitted from all questionnaires except for the few States where citrus fruits are grown. An added advantage of State questionnaires was that production and sales data could be asked in the unit of measure most commonly used by the farmers in each State. Regional variation in the number and type of ques- tions is an important provision of the census for obtaining com- plete coverage of agricultural operations. About 2 weeks before the start of the enumeration, agricul- ture questionnaires were mailed to most households in rural areas. A letter was attached to each questionnaire asking the farm operator to fill the questionnaire and to give it to the enu- merator when he called. The purpose of this procedure was to save time and money In taking the census and to improve the quality of the information given by farm operators. By having the questionnaire ahead of time, the farmer could determine what information would be required and could check his records in advance of the enumerator's visit. It was, however, the respon- sibility of the enumerator to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each place which qualified. If the questionnaire had been filled out by the farm operator, the enumerator was instructed to examine the questionnaire for completeness and accuracy and, if need be, to give the farmer such help as might be necessary. Agricultural Operations. — The training of enumerators stressed the concept that a census of agriculture Is a census of agricultural operations rather than a census of farms. This concept was in- tended to assure a complete agricultural census free of any per- sonal judgment by enumerators as to what constitutes a farm. In accordance with clearly defined procedures, an enumerator was required to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each person who had charge of one or more agricultural operations, whether or not he considered himself to be a farm operator. For enu- meration purposes, it was considered that there were agricul- tural operations on a place if, at any time in 1959 — a. Any livestock (hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, or mules) were kept on the place. b. A combined total of 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and ducks were kept on the place. c. Any grain, hay, tobacco, or other field crops were grown on the place. d. A combined total of 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and nut trees were on the place. e. Any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products were grown on the place for sale. As a result of the requirement that all places having agri- cultural operations be enumerated, more questionnaires were obtained than are included in the tabulations for farms. During the office processing operations that followed the completion of enumeration, criteria were applied to the questionnaires to sort out for tabulation those that represented farms according to the census definition of a farm (see page XIV) Enumeration Assignments and Enumeration Districts. — To as- sure a complete enumeration within the time allotted, the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) was divided into 29,374 Enumeration Assignments, or EA's. Each EA comprised an INTRODUCTION XI area that one enumerator could reasonably be expected to canvass within a 3- to 4-week period, as indicated by performance rec- ords from the 1054 census. Each EA was made up of one or more Enumeration Dis- tricts, or "ED'S," as the geographic unit for enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, the ED's were classified into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms, as indicated by the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the 1050 Census of Population and Housing, current population esti- mates, and highway maps showing culture which were basic to establishing the boundaries of each assignment. Through the use of different canvassing procedures for each group of ED's, the Bureau was able to reduce the cost of enumeration without ninning any material risk of missing any farms or other places with agricultural operations. The ED groupings and canvassing proced\ires are described below. Group I Enumeration Districts. — In general, ED's with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open- country areas and compri.se Group I. For each ED of Group I, in his Enumeration Assignment, the enumerator was required to list in his Record Book the name of every head of household living in the ED and also the name of every person not living in the ED who had agricultural operations there. There were appri)ximately 20, T.")! KD's in Group I for the 1959 Census. Group II Enumeration Districts. — Rural ED's In which the number of dwellings was large in relation to the number of farms were considered to be in Group II. For each ED, in Group II, the enumerator was required to list the head of the household for all dwellings in the ED except for those on less than one acre of ground In built-up residential areas of 50 or more dwellings. He was also required to determine, by ob-ser- vation or local inquiry, whether there were any farms or other places with agricultural ojierations in the built-up areas and, if so, to obtain an agriculture questionnaire. There were approximately 7,079 ED's in Group II. Group III Enumeration Districts. — Most incorporated places and unincorporated villages having approximately 150 or more dwellings were designated as separate ED's and are classified as Group III. Also, most ED's in counties around large metro- riolitan areas were designated as Group III Ed's. Prior to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, places enumerated in these areas during the 1954 Census of Agriculture were listed In the Enumerator's Record Book. The enumerator was required to visit and ennnieiate ni- utherwi.se aclement to the agriculture question- naire. Its purpose was to help the enumerator get complete and accurate coverage of individually operated tracts of land that were actually part of one operating unit under the control of one landlord. To accomplish this purpose, the enumerator was required to fill a landlord-tenant questionnaire for each landlord who had any land worked on shares. The entries made in this questionnaire included the name of each sharecropper, tenant, or renter ; the amount of land assigned to each ; and the acreage and quantity of crops harvested on shares. By checking ttiese entries against the agriculture questionnaires obtained for the individual operators, the enumerator and the Central Office could verify that each part of the operating unit controlled by the landlord was enumerated and that it was enumerated only once. The landlord- tenant questionnaire was used in 386 counties In the 1959 censu.s as compared with approximately 900 counties in 1954. Township Sketch Map. — In some areas of the Great Plains, a considerable portion of land is farmed by nonresident operators — that is, by persons who do not live on the land they oi>erate or who live on it only during part of the year. Enumerators in these areas used a special maiijiing form, the Township Sketch, In addition to their enumeration maps as an aid to obtaining com- plete coverage. Each township Included on the sketch was identified by township and range number and was divided into 144 small squares. In a standard section of 640 acres, each square represented a quarter section of land, or 160 acres. As the enumerator canvassed his assignment area, he indicated the acreage and location of each farm, ranch, and tract of nonfarm XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 land by drawing its boundaries on the sketch. He also used a simple numbering system as a cross reference between the agri- cultural land identified on the sketch and the questionnaire on which it was reported. The Township Sketch was used in all counties of North Dakota and South Dakota and In selected counties of Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Field Review of Enumerator's Work.— In the IS.nO census, greater emphasis was placed on a detailed review of enumerators' work during enumeration than had been the case in previous censuses. The objective was to detect and correct enumeration errors as early as possible in order to achieve and maintain a high quality of individual performance. Starting on the first day of enumeration and continuing throughout the enumeration period, each crew leader was instructed to make regular and frequent visits to his enumerators. At each visit, he was to follow a clearly defined procedure for observing the enumerator's conduct of interviews and for checking his listings, maps, ques- tionnaires, and other forms for accuracy and completeness. As an aid to checking coverage and enumerator eflSciency, the crew leader was given a list containing estimates, based on the 1954 census, of the number of questionnaires required in each enumeration assignment area within his district, and of the mileage and time required to obtain those questionnaires. SAMPLING Use of Sampling.— In the 1959 census, as in several previous censuses, sampling was used in two ways : for enumeration and for tabulation. Sampling in enumeration consisted of the col- lection of information about the items included in sections IX through XV of the questionnaire for only a sample of farms. The "sample" items relate to sales of dairy products and sales of livestock, use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, equipment and facilities, rental agreements, farm values, and farm mortgage debt. The same sample of farms was used for tabulations by type of farm and by economic class of farm and for many of those by size of farm and by color and tenure of oi^rator. Description of the Sample.— The sample used for the 1959 Census of Agriculture consisted of all farms with a total area of 1,000 or more acres or with estimated sales of $100,000 or more in 1959, and approximately 20 percent of all other farms. Farms with 1,000 or more acres were universally included in the sample during enumeration. As the enumerator filled the questionnaire, he determined the number of "acres in this place" (see question 7 of the agriculture questionnaire). If the acreage amounted to 1,000 or more he was required to fill sections IX through XV of the questionnaire. Farms with less than 1,000 acres, with esti- mated sales of .$100,000 or more, were included in the sample during the ofl3ce processing. For these farms the information for sections IX through XV was obtained by mail. The selection of farms of less than 1,000 acres for inclusion in the sample was made during enumeration, according to the fol- lowing procedure : As the enumerator determined that he was required to obtain a questionnaire, he assigned a number to It, whether or not he was able to obtain the questionnaire on his first visit. He assigned numbers in consecutive order, beginning with "1" for the first questionnaire required in each enumera- tion district within his area. He was instructed to fill sections IX through XV on all questionnaires for which the assigned number ended in "2" or "7" (i.e. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc.). Adjustment of the Sample. — An adjustment in the part of the sample that was comprised of farms of less than 1,000 acres .'tnd with estimated sales of less than $100,000 was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms in the sample by size of farm. The purpose of this adjustment was to Improve the reliability of the estimates based on the sample and to reduce the effects of possible biases introduced by enumerators who de- viated from the prescribed procedure for selecting the sample farms. The adjustment procedure was carried out for "blocks" of counties, each consisting of from one to ten counties In a State. To adjust the sample, separate counts were made for each county, and for the block of counties of all farms and of farms In the sample for each of 10 size-of-farm groups based on the "acres in this place" (question 7). The 10 size-of-farm groups were as follows : under 10 acres, 10 to 49 acres, 50 to 69 acres, 70 to 99 acres, 100 to 139 acres, 140 to 179 acres, ISO to 219 acres. 220 to 259 acres, 260 to 499 acre.s, and 500 to 999 acres. Farms of less than 1,000 acres, but with value of sales of $100,000 or more, were excluded from these counts. For each size-of-farm group, the number of farms in the sample for the block of counties was adjusted to make it equal or approximately equal to the total number of farms divided by five. This was accomplished for each group by the elimination or duplication on a random basis, of farms in those counties where the difference between the actual proportion in the sample and the expected 20 percent was in the same direction as the difference for the block of counties. Estimation of Totals for the Sample. — For the items Included in the sample part of the questionnaire (sections IX through XV), estimated totals for all farms were derived from the tabu- lated totals for the farms in the adjusted sample. First, Item-by- item totals, as tabulated for that part of the sample comprising farms of less than 1,(K)0 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000, were multiplied by 5. These estimated item-by- item totals were then added to the corresponding item totals, as tabulated, for all farms of 1,000 acres and over and farms with estimated sales of $100,000 and over. The resulting values represent the estimated totals for all farms. Presentation of Sample Data. — In tables where a small amount of data based on the sample farms is presented together with data for all farms, the data based on the sample are printed in italics. Other tables contain headnotes explaining that most of the data are estimates based on reports for only a sample of farms. Reliability of Estimates. — The estimated totals for all farms of the items enumerated for only the sample farms are subject to sampling errors. The estimated totals obtained by making tabulations for only the farms included in the sample are also subject to sampling errors. State tables 23 and 24 contain ap- proximate measures of the sampling reliability of the estimates for numbers of farms reporting and for item totals. While these measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estimates, they do not completely reflect errors arising from sources other than sampling ; for example, errors in the original data reported by farmers. Errors arising from sources other than sampling may, in some instances, be relatively more Important than sampling variation, especially for county totals. The general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals may be determined from the data in State tables 23 and 24. State table 24 contains a list of items, together with a figure for each item indicating one of the four levels of sampling reliability that are presented in State table 23. For each item the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be de- termined from State table 23, in the column for the level of sampling reliability designated In State table 24. To determine the sampling reliability for any Item, reference must be made to State table 24 to find out which of the four levels of sampling reliability given in State table 23 should be used, and also the appropriate county or State table to obtain the number of farms rei)ortlng the item. INTRODUCTION XIII As explained in State table 23, the level of .'dimpling reliability designated as level 1 should always be used to determine the sampling reliability of estimated numbers of farms or of farms reporting. State table 23 shows percentage limits such that chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference between an estimate based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation of all farms would be no more than the percentage specified for the estimateti number of farms reporting that item. The chances are about 99 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 2'^ times the percentage specified. As indicated by the percentages in State table 2.'{, the smaller the number of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error in the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail is i)resented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, in order to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report. Per- centages and averages that may be (ierive4 data. Differences in Data Resulting From Differences in Tabulating Procedures. — >lany of the liguies in the ervise in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived in resi)onse to letters directed to the farm operators. Coding of Questionnaires.— Most of the numerical information ■ '11 a questionnaire was self-coding in that the inquiry number was utilized for the item identification on punch cards or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was al.so neces- sary for such items as irrigated crops for selected States, crops infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for individual items. All farms were coded by size of farm in terms of total acreage, by race, and by tenure of o[>i^rator. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii were also cole. residence of fai'ni operator. State table 4. The number not reportin.:;. as compared with the total number of farms or operators, indiialcs the extent of inconjplcteiiess of the reporting of the data for the item. Land Area. — The approximate total land area of States and counties as reported for 1959 is, in general, the same as that re- IKjrted for all censu.ses beginning with 1040. Such differences as are shown reflect political changes in boundaries or actual changes in land area caused by changes in the number or size of reser- voirs, lakes, streams, etc. For Alaska, the areas for election districts represent the gross area of land and water. Land in Farms. — Except for managed farms, the land to bo in- cluded in each farm was determined from the answers to ques- tions about the number of acres owned, the number of acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the number of acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres owned and the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others were first added together and then the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others were subtracted. The re- sult represented the number of acres in the farm. The number of acres in a managed farm was the difference between the total land managed and that part of the managed land that was rented to others or worked on shares by others. In the 1959, 1954, and 1950 censu.ses, enumerators were In- structed to record total figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others, including any part of the land that was rented to others. In censuses prior to 1950, enu- XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 merators were instructed to exclude all land rented to others and to record only that portion of the acreage owned, rented from others, or managed for others that was retained by the farm op- erator. Thus, thu figures for the individual tenures of land are not entirely comparable for all censuses. However, the land in- cluded in each farm was determined on essentially the same basis for all censuses. The acreage designated in the tables as "land in farms" consists primarily of "agricultural" land— that is, land used for crops and pasture or grazing. It also includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation nor used for pasture or graz- ing. For example, the entire acreage of woodland and wasteland owned or rented by farm operators is included as land in farms, unless it was being held for nonagricultural purposes or unless the acreage was unusually large. For 1959 and 1954, if a place had 1.000 or more acres of woodland not pastured and wasteland, and if less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was used for agricultural purposes, the acreage of woodland not pas- tured and wasteland was reduced to equal the acreage used for agriculture. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of woodland not pastured and wasteland differed slightly from the one used in 1959 and 19.54. In 1950. adjustments were made in places of 1,000 or more acres (5,000 or more in the 17 Western States), if less thanlO percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under government permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms provided the place of which it was a part was a farm. Grazing land operated by Grazing Associations was to be reported in the name of the person chiefly responsible for conducting the business of the Association. Land used rent free was to be reported as land rented from others. All land in Indian reservations that was used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be in- cluded. Land in Indian reservations that was not reported hy individual Indians and that was not rented to non-Indians was to be reported in the name of the cooiwrative group that used the land. In some instances, an entire Indian reservation was re- ported as one farm. land owned. — All land that the operator and/or his wife held under title, purchase contract, homestead law, or as heir or trustee of an undivided estate at the time of enumeration is considered as owned. Land Rented from Others. — This item includes not only land that the operator rented or leased from others but also land he worked on shares for others and land he occupied rent free. Grazing land used under government permit or license is not included. Land Rented to Others. — This item includes all land rented or leased to others, except land leased to the government under the Soil Bank, and all land worked by others on shares or on a rent-free basis. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes land rented for residential or other purposes. The tenant or sharecropper is considered as the operator of land leased, rented, or worked on shares even though his landlord may supervise his opera- tions. The landlord is considered as operator of only that por- tion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land Managed. — This item includes all tracts of land man aged for one or more employers by a per.son hired on a salary basis. A hired manager was considered to be the operator of the land he managed since he was responsible for the agricul- tural operations on that land and frequently supervised others in performing those operations. Managed land was always to be reported on a separate questionnaire whether or not the manager also operated a farm on his own account. Land in Two or More Counties. — An individual farm was al- ways enumerated in only one county, even in cases where the land was located in two or more counties. If the farm operator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county where he lived. If he did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where the farm head- quarters was located. In cases where there was any question as to the location of the headquarters, figures for the farm were tabulated for the couuty where most of the land was located. Land in Farms According to TTse. — Land in farms has been distributed according to the way in which it was used in 1959. The land uses described in the following paragraphs are mutually exclusive; that is, each acre of land is included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. Cropland Harvested. — This category refers to all land from which any crops were harvested in 1959, whether for home use or for sale. It includes land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut and land in berries and other small fruits, or- chards, vineyards, nurseries, and greenhouses. Matured crops hogged off or grazed were considered to have been "crops har- vested" and were reported here. Land from which two or more crops were harvested in 1959 was to be counted only once in the land-use classification. Land used for other purposes either before or after the crops were harvested was to be re- ported as cropland harvested, without regard to the other uses. The enumerator w as instructed to check tlie figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the individual crops and subtracting the acreages from which two or more crops were harvested. This checking procedure was repeated during the office processing of questionnaires for all farms having 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. Cropland used only for Pasture. — This land-use classification includes rotation pasture and all other land used only for pas- ture or grazing that the operator considered could have been used for cro|]S without additional improvement. Enumerators were instructed to include land planted to crops that were hogged off, pastured, or grazed before maturity but to exclude land iiastured before or after hay or other crops were harvested f'om it. Permanent open pasture may have been reported either for this item or for "other pasture" depending on whether or not the operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely comparable witli those for the last three censuses. For 1945, the figures include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 tliat had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for 1940, 1935, and 1925 are more nearly comparable with those for 1959, 1954, and 19.50, however, because they in- clude land pastured that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not Harvested and not Pastured. — This classification represents a total of three subclasses for the 17 Western States and two subclasses for other States. Cultivated Summer Fallow. — This subclass of land is shown only for the 17 Western States. It refers to cropland that was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for the 1959 harvest in order to control weeds and conserve moisture. Soil Improvement Grasses and Legumes. — For the 19.59 cen- sus, land used only for cover crops to i-ontrol erosion or to l)e i)lowed under for green manure is tabulated .separately from "other <'roi>laiur'. .\fter the establi.shiiient of the Soil Bank, hind that would normally have been used for cjther purposes was freciueutly planted to soil-improvement crops. In counties where large acreages were ])laced in the Soil Bank, the total of land used for soil-improvement crops plus "other cropland" may be cniisiderably larger than the "other cropland" shown for previous censuses. Other Cropland. — This subclass includes idle cropland, land in crops intended for harvest after 1959, and cropland not harvested bccau.se of complete crop failure, low prices, labor shortage, or other reasons. The 1959 figures for "other cropland" are not entirely comparable with those for previ- ous censuses since they do not include land used only for soil-improvement crops. (See preceding paragraph.) Woodland Pastured. — This cla.ssification includes all wood- land where livestock were pastured or grazed in 19.59. The instruction on the questionnaire — "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts; cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture" — represents a somewhat more precise deflnitiou than the corresponding instruction contained on the 19.54 ques- tionnaire. No definition of woodland was given in 19.50 apart from an instruction to enumerators not to include brush pas- ture as woodland. Some of the changes in woodland acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretatiim as to what constitutes "woodland." Woodland not Pastured. — This classification refers to all woodland not used for pasture or grazing in 1959. including land in operated farms that was placed in the Soil Bank and planted to trees. Unusually large tracts of timberland that were reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from INTRODUCTION XVII the tabulation of land in farms when it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. Other Pasture. — This classification refers to all land other than woodland and cropland that was used only for pasture or grazing in 1059. It includes noncrop open or brush pasture and cutover or deforested land that has been improved and used for pasture. The figures for the last three censuses are comparable but those for 1945 include all nonwoodland pas- ture that had not been plowed during the preeeiling seven years. For the 1940 census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for the last three censuses. However, the cla-ssification may be somewhat less inclusive because land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classi- fied as plowable pasture and included with "cropland used only for pasture". Improved Pasture. — This subclass refers to that jwrtion of "other pasture" on which one or more of the following prac- tices had been u.sed : liming, fertilizing, seeding, irrigating, draining, or the clearing of weed or brush growth. The fig- ures are comparable with those for 1954, when the question on improved pasture was asiced for the first time. Other Land. — This classification refers to all land not in- cluded in the preceding land-use classifications, such as house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, land area of ponds, and wasteland. This figure for 19.59 was obtained from the ma- chine tabulations by subtracting the total of all other uses from the total land in all farms reported for a given county or classification. Hence, there is no figure given to represent the farms reiKjrting this item. Value of Land and Buildings. — Only average values of land and buildings per farm and per acre are presenteect to receive for the land and buildings if he were to sell them on the day of enumeration. More problems and difficulties arise In the enumeration of farra- real-estate values than in the enumeration of most other agri- cultural items. Most of the items enumerated require the re- •spondent to make a statement of fact. For example, information about the numtx-r and value of farm animals sold alive during the year Is based on actual transactions. Similarly, information about livestock inventories relates to the situation existing on a spe- cific place at a Kpeeing operated. Similarly, a farm operator who did not live on the land being cultivated or grazed but who had some agricultural operations (other than a home garden) at his dwelling was considered as living on the farm operated. Since some farm operators live on their farms only during a part of the year, comparability of the figures for various cen- suses may be affected by the date of enumeration. In a few cases, the enumerator failed to report the residence of the farm operator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm oi)erators classified by residence indicate the extent of under-reporting. Year Began Operating Present Farm. — Enumerators were in- structed to report the year during which a farm operator began to operate his present farm and, if the year was 1958 or later, also to report the month. The year was intended to refer to the first year of the period during which the operator had been in continuous charge of his pre.sent farm or of any part of it. The time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began oi)erating their farms, as shown by a monthly breakdown of the reports for farmers who began operating their present farms during 1958 and 1959. Off-Farm Work and Other Income. — To obtain a measure of the extent to which farm operators rely on nonfarm sources for part of their income, four questions were asked of all farm operators. The first question asked for the number of days the operator worked off his farm in 1959. The other three questions, to be answered "Yes" or "No," asked (1) whether other members of the <>I>erator's household did any work off the farm ; (2) whether any income was received from sources other than the sale of agri- cultural products from the farm operated; and (3) whether the combined income of all members of the household from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of agri- cultural products sold from the farm operated. Off-farm work was defined to include work on someone else's farm for pay as well as all ty])es of nonfarm jobs, businesses, and professions, whether the work was done on the farm premises or elsewhere. Exchange work was not included. The questions asked in the 1959 Census are closely comparable with those asked in 1954. The data for 19,59 are actual totals of all operators reporting off-farm work and other income whereas those for 1954 are estimated totals based on the sample. Equipment and Facilities. — In 1959 as in several 'earlier cen- suses, data about si)ecifled equipment and facilities were obtained for only a sample of farms. Farm oi)erators were asked to report equipment and facilities that were on the farm at the time of enu- meration, regardless of ownership. They were to include items that were temporarily out of order but not any that were worn out. Data in terms of actual numi)er were obtained for the follow- ing items of farm equipment in 19.59: (1) grain combines, (2) corn pickers, (3) pick-up balers, (4) field forage harvesters, (5) mo- tortrucks, (6) wheel tractors, (7) garden tractors, (8) crawler tractors, and (9) automobiles. Definitions given enumerators in- cluded the following specifications, among others : Corn pickera related to all types of machines used for picking corn, whether used in separate or in combined picking-shelling operations. Pick-up balers were to include both hand-tie and automatic baler.i but not stationary ones. Motortrucks were to include pick-up trucks and truck-trailer combinations ; Jeeps and station wagons XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 were also to be Included if they were used primarily as trucks, but school buses were specifically excluded. Wheel tractors spe- cifically excluded garden tractors, implements with built-in power units, such as self-propelled combines or powered buck rakes, and the power unit of a truck-trailer combination. Automobiles were to include jeeps and station wagons if they were used primarily as passenger cars. Questions to be answered "Yes" or "No" provided information as to the presence or absence of the following items: (1) tele- phone, (2) home freezer, (3) milking machine, (4) electric milk cooler, (5) bulk-type milk cooler (In six States only— Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), (6) crop drier and (7) power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Comparable data from one census to another are not available for all items. The questions asked about equipment during a given census reflect changes in farm mechanization and in the facilities available to farm families. Questions about some items of equipment were asked in 1959 for the first time (electric milk cooler, crop drier, bulk-type milk cooler, etc.). Similarly, some questions that were asked in earlier censuses were omitted in 1959. For example, the use of electricity is now so widespread that there is no longer any need for obtaining a count of the farms having it. Farms by Kind of Road.— The classification of farms by the kind of road on which they are located is based on only a sample of farms. The enumerator was instructed to report, on the basis of his own observation, the kind of road on which the most frequently used entrance to the farm was located. For farms consisting of two or more tracts, he was to limit his report to the tract on which the farm operator had his dwelling or other headquarters. Farm Labor. — The questions about farm labor were asked only for the sample farms and related to persons working during the calendar week preceding the week of enumeration. Since the enumeration starting dates varied by geographic areas, and the enumeration within each area lasted over a period of several weeks, the calendar weeks to which the data apply also vary. Thus, the data for an individual farm may relate to any one week during the months of October, November, or December, or even, in a few instances, to weeks during September 1959 or January 1960. Farm labor was defined to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the agricultural oi)erations of the farm ; and to ex- clude housework, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by per- sons employed specifically for such work. The farm labor in- formation contained in this report represents estimates based on answers to questions relating to the farm work or chores done during the week by (1) operator, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family, and (3) hired persons. An oper.itor was considered as working if he worked one or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours ; and hired persons, if they worked at all during the week. Data are not fully comparable from one census to another, primarily because of differences in the period to which they relate. In 1954, the data were purposely related to either one of two calendar weeks, depending in part on the starting date set for the enumeration and in part on which week represented a period of peak employment within a given State. For the majority of States, the period specified was the week of September 26-October 2 ; for other States, the week of October 24-30. In 1950, as in 1959, the data related to the week preceding the actual enumeration. Unlike 1959, however, enumeration starting dates were identical for all States in 1950 (April 1) but since several weeks were required to complete the enumeration, the calendar week preceding the enumeration was not identical for all farms. In 1945 and 1935, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January and, in 1940, to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equiv- alent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, an additional specification limited the workers to those 14 years old and over. Experience gained from earlier censuses indicates that farm labor data are often unsatisfactorily reported unless the week specified is the week immediately preceding the actual enumer- ation. When a farm oi)erator was asked to report the number of persons employed during a si)ecified week that was several weeks prior to enumeration, he often reported the highest number of persons employed during the year. Obviously incorrect reports were adjusted to make the data reflect more nearly the situation known to exist during the specified week. The farm labor data for 1954 relates to a specified week which, in some cases, was sev- eral weeks prior to enumeration. Few adjustments were made in those data, however, even though there were indications of incorrect reporting. Regular and Seasonal Workers.- — Hired persons working on the farm during the week concerned were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year. They were classed as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. In cases where the period of employment was not reported for an individual farm, it was estimated from data for such items as basis of payment, wage rates, expendi- tures for labor in 1959, and type of farming operations. Hired Workers by Basis of Payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to whether they were paid on a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis, or by piecework. In cases of Incomplete reporting, the basis of payment for hired workers was supplied during the oflBce processing operations. Wage Rates and Hours Worked. — The agreed cash rate of pay was asked for each class of hired worker except those em- ployed on a piecework basis. (The number and the earnings of persons paid on a piecework basis were required for those who worked on Friday of the week preceding the enumeration.) The number of hours that workers were expected to work to earn their pay was asked for each class except those employed on an hourly or piecework basis. For 1959 and 1954, the data include office estimates for farms subnntting incomplete reports of wage rates and hours worked. The estimates were consistent with the size and type of operations for the individual farm as compared with similar farms in the area for wiiieh complete reports were received. The corresponding data for 1950 apply only to farms that reported both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and Lime. — The questions about fertilizer and lime, asked only for the sample farms, relate to the acreage on which fertilizer and lime were used and to the quantity used. Farm operators were asked to report total quantities used in 1959 on the farms they operated regardless of when or by whom the ferti- lizer and lime were purchased. In the South, some landlords who operated farms themselves included the fertilizer and lime they had purchased for use on their tenant-operated land. Such fertilizer and lime may also have been reported by the tenants. When double reporting was detected during the editing process, the data on the questionnaires concerned were adjusted to elim- inate duplication in the totals. The 1959 data for fertilizer and lime are entirely comparable with those for 1954. A breakdown between dry and liquid fer- tilizing materials was not obtained in 1954 and data on cost of either fertilizer or lime were not obtained in 1959. Fertilizer. — The report for fertilizer was to refer only to com- mercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials, including rock phosphate. The acres fertilized and the tons of fertilizer ap- plied to those acres were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by region so that it was possible to obtain detailed data for the crops most commonly fertilized in each region. In cases where the same land was u.sed for more than one crop, the acres fertilized were to be reported separately for each crop. If the same crop was fertilized more than once, however, the acres in that crop were to be reported only once. In all cases, the total quantity of fer- INTRODUCTION XIX tilizer used in 1959 was to be reported, including quantities used on land occupied by crops planted in 1958 or by crops to be harvested in 1900. Reports for quantity of fertilizer and fertilizing materials used were required for both dry and liquid materials. The terms "dry" and "liquid" referred to the form in which the fertilizers and fertilizing materials were purchased and not to the way in which they were applied. Thus, dry fertilizers were those purchased in dry or solid form, as powders, dusts, granules, pellets, etc. ; liquid fertilizers were those purchased in fluid form, as solutions or as liquefied gases. Lime. — The data for lime relate to the total acreage limed in 1959 and the total tonnage of lime and liming materials used on those acres for purposes of conditioning the soil. Instruc- tions on the questionnaire stated that ground limestone, hy- drated and burnt lime, marl, and oyster shells were to be Included but that lime used for spraying or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agriculture Con- servation Program or the Conservation Reserve Program of the Soil Bank. Differences may be due either to sampling error or to under-reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences are minimized or eliminated entirely in the data presented on a State or regional basis. Specified Farm Expenditures. — The data for farm expenditures are estimates based on reports obtained from the sample farms. The 1959 questionnaire contained questions for six items of farm expenditure: (1) purchase of feed for livestock and poultry, (2) purchase of livestock and poultry, (3) machine hire, (4) hired labor, (5) seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, and (6) gaso- line and other petroleum fuel and oil. With the exception of items (2) and (5), exactly the same questions were asked in 1954. For each Item specified, the total expenditures made for the farm in 1959 were to be reported, whether made by the farm operator, his landlord, or both. A farm operator who rented part of his land to others was to report only the ex- penditures for the land he operated himself. Enumerators were instructed to ask respondents who had difficulty estimating their expenses for the period between enumeration and the end of the year to estimate them on the basis of current costs. Feed. — The report on feed purchased for livestock and poultry was to Include expenditures for grain, hay, millfeeds, pasture, salt, condiments, concentrates, and mineral supplements as well as for the grinding and mixing of feed. The estimated cost of items furnl.'ihem a sami>le of farmers and dealers. Quantities barvestt>d were not obtained for vegetables nor for nursery and greenhouse products. Therefore, for those crops, the value of sales, as obtained in the enumeration, was used In the calculation of total value of crops harvested. Value of Crops Sold. — The questionnaire required value of .sales of crops to be reported only for total vegetables, nur-sery and greenhouse products, and certain forest products. For all other crops, the value of sales was calculated on a county level during processing operations by multiplying the State average prices by either the quantity sold or the quantity harvested. Reports of quantity sold were obtained during the enumeration only for some of the major field crops. Quantity harvested was used in the calculation of value of crops sold for such crops as cotton, tobacco, etc., that are customarily grown for sale. The procedures used for the various crops are described on page XXV. They are similar to the procedures followed in 1954. In 1950, values of crops sold were obtained for each farm during the enumeration. IBBIQATION Definition of Irrigated Land. — Irrigated land is defined as land watered for agricultural purposes by artificial means. These means included subirrigation as well as systems whereby water was applied to the ground surface, either directly or by sprinklers. Land flooded for rice cultivation was considered as irrigated. Land flooded during high-water periods was to be included as irrigated only if water was directed to agricultural use by dams, canals, or other works. The definition of irrigated land specif- ically excluded land where the "water table", or natural level of underground water, was controlled by drainage works with no additional water brought in by canals or pipes. Enumeration of Irrigated Land. — A question on total land irri- gated was asked in all States, with the exception of Alaska. The acreage reported for this question includes not only irrigated cropland but also any other land that was irrigated in 1959. The questionnaires used in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii included several additional questions regarding irri- gation. These questions related to the acreage of land irrigated by sprinklers, irrigated land from which crops were harvested, .specific crops irrigated, and source of irrigation water. Such additional data, for irrigate;mall grains Chickens (broilers and others) Hay crops Chi Adjustment made for cranberries based on Cranberir Payment Program. (2) For most of the agricultural products which are cus- tomarily raised for sale, the entire quantity produced was considered to be sold. The State average prices were, accordingly, multiplied by the county total of production. The following crops were covered by this procedure : Cotton Sugarcane for sugar Popcorn Tobacco Sugar beets for sugar Wool Broomcorn Mohair (3) For all other crops, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the quantities sold as estimated on the basis of crop- disposition data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service, data reported in questions for "other crops" on the 1959 question- naire, or data obtained from earlier censuses. For all tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, the entire quantity pro- duced was considered a.-; sold, except for apples, apricots, sour and sweet cherries, peaches, plums, prunes, avocados, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit in States where a portion of the crop was not harvested or was subjected to excess cuUage as indicated by data obtained from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The data for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 since essentially the same procedures were used in both censuses for estimating quantities and values of farm products sold. In 19.59, as in 1954, data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared the receipts. For tenant-operated farms, the landlord's share of agricultural I)roducts was considered as .>iold provided the products were moved off the tenant farm. All crops, livestock, and poultry raised under a contract arrangement were considered as sold from the farm where they were raised. For institutional farms, all agricultural items produced on land operated by the institu- tion and consumed by the inmates were to be reported as sold. All sales data relate to one year's farm operations. Crop sales are for crops harvested during tlie crop year, whether the crops were actually sold immediately after harvest or placed in storage for later sale. Sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year, regardless of when the livestock or prod- ucts were raised or produced. All wool and mohair reported as shorn or clipped was considereiee texlj lu™ „.^., Census of — (For deriniUons and explanation 1959 (Oct. -Not.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Farms nunber 78,172 124,203 139,364 147,745 137,558 155,5(>i 157,931 172,757 192,693 Approximate land area (see lexi) "^ 19,374,080 19,395,200 19,395,200 19,580,160 19,580,160 19,516,300 19,516,800 19,516,800 19,516,300 Proportion in farms i^"' 47.2 57.1 61.2 56.3 57.4 63.2 53.3 54.5 63.7 Land in farms "C^s 9,149,492 U,069,348 11,878,793 ll,Qa,623 U,233,697 12,329,958 10,393,113 10,638,900 12,426,675 \verace size of farm acTPS 117.0 89.1 85.2 74.5 81.7 74.5 65.8 61.6 64.5 Value of land and buildings: dollirs 14,461 6,764 5,614 2,982 2,451 1,725 2,401 2,649 4,222 Average per acre dollars 138.79 88.24 69.61 39.93 30.12 23.16 35.48 43.01 65.46 Land in farms according lo use: ' Cropland harvest«l . .ftnns rcfxxtjnc 71,602 112,930 129,967 144,116 135,629 162,291 150,851 NA Hi •c. 2,694,196 3,393,002 3,959,822 4,149,321 4,321,962 4,177,851 4,136,309 4,3U,136 ^5,396,930 Ito9acte9 , .fams rcpoTtint; 16,840 28,851 24,593 25,237 NA NA NA NA NA 10 to 19 acres . .fanrs reporting 19,524 32,212 36,564 38,605 NA NA NA HA NA 20 to 29 acres . .fanns reporting la.TlO 21,312 28,381 34,603 NA HA NA NA NA 30 to 40 acres . .farms reportinf; 10,950 17,225 23,906 28,705 riA NA NA NA NA 50 to 99 acres . .farms reportinc 6,686 8,678 U,544 12,012 !U NA NA NA NA 100 to 199 acres . .farms rvportinf 2,909 2,979 3,016 2,737 NA NA NA NA NA 200 or more aciwi . .farms repocun- 1,983 1,673 1,463 1,217 NA HA NA NA IIA 200to499 acres , .farms n^torUnp, 1,622 1,340 1,193 1,037 NA NA NA NA NA 500to9»9acrcfl . .fanrs reportinf? 300 275 217 156 NA NA NA NA NA 1.000 or more aow . .farms reportiiiK 51 58 48 24 NA NA NA NA NA Cropland used only for pwture* . .farmn reportim; 23,949 30,616 25,802 12, U8 35,884 26,638 22,507 21,567 ;:a «x™ 641,063 688,149 494,385 237,713 504,350 355,922 350,839 310,556 :a Cropland not harvp.iiPd and not paatuffwl. ..farmn repDrtinfc 30,396 40,623 46,612 ::a NA NA NA NA ::a -^ 699,898 706,627 931,783 799,850 603,521 1,103,383 900,189 724,820 .'A Soil-improvement ijtanv* and lof^mos . .farms reportinfE 5,949 KA NA NA 'lA NA NA NA .lA ««, 148,700 NA ;IA NA NA NA NA NA MA Other cropland (idle and crop failure) . . .farms roportinK 27,199 NA .'lA ':a HA NA NA NA NA acres 551,198 lU !» !1A NA NA NA NA NA Woodland pastured 20,159 34,085 35,429 31,366 NA 48,524 33,665 33,513 NA •™ 927,075 1,447,747 1,207,072 935,431 NA 1,355,653 1,051,851 1,008,359 tlA Woodland not paalured ..farmn reporting 43,781 60,951 68,777 71,616 NA 89,326 70,895 59,391 NA ^^ 3,431,928 3,915,959 4,354,782 3,823,130 NA 4,335,220 2,850,634 2,562,006 NA Other p&aUffo (not cropland and not wijodland)* . .firm* reporting 14,825 21,874 25,183 32,730 NA 24,296 21,447 16,243 !1A acres 446,659 580,971 489,181 628,543 HA 403,291 390,307 318,505 NA Im vod lure farms renortinit 5,251 7,142 188,987 NA NA flA NA NA NA HA acres 176,268 NA NA NA •lA HA NA NA Other land (house loU. roads, wasteland, etc.) . .farms reporUnc NA 102,046 103,013 115,345 NA 141,238 115,938 NA NA «T.. 308,673 336,893 441,758 392,630 NA 537,523 712,434 1,403,507' NA Cropland, tot»l' . .farms roponinir 75,213 120,502 135,453 146,627 137,321 NA NA HA NA acres 4,035,157 4,787,773 5,385,990 5,135,389 5,529,833 5,643,171 5,337,837 5,346,522 NA Land pastured, total . .farms rcportinfr 40,200 2,0U,797 57,601 61,197 59,163 NA NA NA NA NA 2,716,867 2,190,538 1,851,592 NA 2,120,866 1,792,997 1,637,431 NA Woodland, toUl . .farms reportmR 50,688 73,560 30,243 81, U7 85,579 NA NA HA HA .cp. 4,359,003 5,363,706 5,561,354 4,813,551 4,862,909 5,590,373 3,902,535 3,570,355 5,302,575 Imf;BU a sample of faxms. See textj F\IBIOPEIMTORS BycolM: ftliite number . . Negro ituraber . . Other nonwhito number . . By age: L'nder 25 years opcntcr? repcrtine 25 to M years ofcnuys reoortin^ U to 44 year5 ofierators refxzti n^ 45 to 54 years operslrrs reportjnc 55 to 64 years operatrrs repoftjRg 65 or more years operatfirs refwftinp Average ace years Operators not re|KVtin(* aj^ number By residence: Residing on farm ofieiated ofieratcrs ro(K«tin|;. Not re-^idinc on farm operated Ofierators repcvtinf;. Operators not repcxtine residence number. By off-farm wwft: Worlting off their farms, total operalrrs reportinc 1 to 4!) days tiperators repoltjne SO to 90 days nfxrators reportini; IfXi or rrore days operators reportinf; 100 to 190 days on«valors reporting 200 or more dayTj operators reportinf; By other income: With other ineome ,S9t U, Ttt t.ttl tO,9I7 7. too !,S9S l.ttS 1,771 *.«/« t,3U I.UI 1.313 3t, 170 39,099 )i.9l7 SI. m 33, 7«7 U,t37 H,9I7 S,7t9 1,131 IS, tot ei, uo 13, M« 17,191 36, 631 il, 999 I, ill 3t, t7l 17, WJ n, 166 1,731 6,600 ntjt Included. 3,IOi le, 667 31, «7S 19, 6U tl, 939 lt,6U U.3 t,tt7 U3,718 6,328 4,157 69,337 It,7i0 S.iSi 31, 133 9,160 tl,U3 36, 3>e 3i.lll U,«3I 17,931 *,t6e 1.119 70. Its tl. 960 II. 7t3 ti.eot tl. lit 1,711 6.76S 13. sot 31. 636 t7,6S9 tl.SOi IS, 916 it. 6 II, 710 130,131 5,603 3,630 61,617 II. OU 7,704 3t. 7IS 7,191 16.077 13. Hi 30. tSt It. 109 19. lU 19. 913 S1.U9 II, 139 II, 196 9,176 1,366 61,617 1,361 7i,Ht 78,609 69,136 6,708 24,039 35, 178 35,827 26,467 17,869 46.6 1,657 136,520 9,424 1,801 32,527 5,884 5,5U 21,132 6,342 14,790 10,366 12,447 '10,366 It, 661 73,515 77,576 6,306 '33,228 '3,U6 7,831 23,596 28,671 31,530 23,342 15,268 46.1 7,320 123,533 6,650 32,065 8,077 5,821 18,167 7,216 10,951 88,967 76,537 55,965 49,484 25,863 21,224 10,326 10,560 19,776 17,700 9,041 9,484 10,735 8,216 14,253 27,688 37,849 36,418 23,664 13,046 NA 4,813 ^7,171 '31,096 112,353 82,186 90,581 '1,559 '4,316 164,285 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 reports for only ft sajnplo or farms. See text] U. -J" tt, m It,71S,0S0 66, ;w 10, 661, 736 iJ, ISi 9,11,3 t,!tt i,iet IS, Hi 10, 130 6,390 i,379 i,eto I, on 19, t6t, 966 36, 1$3 i, eu, 316 65, 161 n, est 66, 968 691 1,171 t,93t 7,306 7,i91 tt, 663 1,706 6.!li 1,963 11,306 3,016 1,198 l.Olt IS, 383 U,691 31, tes IS, 66i J, 77* 37, 836 16,306 6,!6t 3,6tS 1,3 It 6t0 199 NA lOS, t7i 776. 7i6 36, 067, 690 6,6i6 lti,690 683, 199 99, U6 171, 877 96, 881 837 I,it6 t,i30 6,019 7,m 13, tlO i,eit i,S66 !,6it St, S7i 66, Oil 17, 187, 013 iS,t3S 9, 119, 606 «6, t67 6, ite, SiO NA iO, 096 It, 7i7 i,676 3, no iS,t61 lt,6ei,ill 68, 911 6, t6t, 930 "19,980 8,900,299 33, 81,3 i, Stt, 816 43,049 12,886 4,626 2,881 NA 126,508 587,341 15,145,150 3,836 39,286 141,200 Hi, 916 198, 0t7 106, 60t 1 6, ill i6,te8 1,810 t,890 3,678 7,886 9,39i 16, 379 133,735 207, 395 131,042 SPEOnED FARM EXPENDITURES' Feed for livestock &n<] poult/y lums reporting . . Purchase of livestock uid poultry fanns reporting . . dollars . . Machine hire farms reporting . . dollars . . Farms classified by amount of expenditure— SI to $199 - farms reporting . . S20O to$49D farms reporting . . $500 to $999 farms reporting . , $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting . . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 ormore farms reporting.. Hired labor' farms reporting . . dollars . . Farms classiHed by amount of expenditure- Si to $199 farms reporting . . $200 toS499 farms reporting . . $500 to $999 farms reporting . . SI, OOO to $2,499 farms importing.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms repoiting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting . . $20,000 or more farms reporting . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting . . dollars . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms repotting. . dollars . . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials farms reporting. . dollars . . Lime and liming materials farms reporting . . doUars.. F«JM LABOR Farm workers tor specifietJ week;* Family and/or hired workers farms reporting . . Average per farm repotting persons , . Family workers, including operators farms reporting. . persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . . Hired workers farms reporting . . Wcrkers hired by mtxith farms reporting . . Wcrkers hired by week farms reporting . . Workers hired by day farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by hour farms reporting . . persons . . Wc»k«r8 hired on piece-work basis . . farms reporting. , persons . . No report as to basis of payment, . . . farms reporting . . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed ISO or more days) farms reporting . . persons . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting, 3 cr 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 or mere hired workers farms reporting . Seasonal hired workers farms reporting persons. Farms by kintj of workefs during specified week: No workers repcrtod farms . Family workers only farms. Operator only farms . Operator and members of his family farms . Members of operator's family only farms. Family workers and hired workers farms . Operator and hired workers farms . Operator, members of his family, and hit»d Members of operatrr's family and hired wcrkers . . . .farms . Hired workers only farms . Regular farm workers only farms . Seasonal farm workers only farms . NA Not available. ^For Censuaes of 1959 and 1954, expenditures during Census year; for earlier Censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. ^Caah payments for farm labor; housework not Included, For 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expenditurea for contract construction irork, machine hire, and labor Included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board rumlshed traa included. ^Census of 1959, week preceding the enumeration: Cenaua of 1954, week of October 24-30. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. *See text for differences in definition of farm workers. 'Separate data not available by day or week. ^Separate data not available for workers hired hy the hoiir or piece-work basis. Questlonnair called for other hired labor including piecework and contract labor. NA 27, 552 70,553 10,937 20,802 16,666 41,438 NA NA t3, 131 86, 616 60, 7t3 3S,7iO 3,061 6,973 t,ti3 1,316 11,911 100, 873 61, 636 il, 693 7,6U 12,807 127,793 75,411 49,911 2,471 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS, NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [DaU for number of livestodc not fully ODinparable for the saveral Censusiea. See text] Ileal saetaxt) Cens\l6 of — (Fcr dofinitions unl etplualions 1959 (Oot.-Noir.) 1954 (Oct.-Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Tobl value of specified classes of livestock Ml) poulliy dollers . . . 77,363,569 64,445,580 72,268,009 71,156,765 43,075,752 39,231,516 38,860,656 42,030,238 91,040,0U CuUe lad 389 "74,040 '"5,198 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For derinitions and explai Field seed cfops harvested-Continued Leapedeza seed fanns reporting pounds value , dollars Sales dollars Lupine seed farms reporting pounds value , dollars Sales dollars Millet seed fanns reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Hescuegrass seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Ryegrass seed fanns reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Wild winter peas farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Other field seed crops acres value, dollars Sales dollars Other field crops harvested: Cotton fanns reporting value, dollars Sales dollars Irish potatoes for hone use or for sale fanns reporting bushels value , dollars SaleB dollars Pqpcom fanns reporting pounds (ear com) value, dollars Sales dollars Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than com, sorghums, and annual legumes fanns reporting... value, dollars... Sugarcane for sirup fanns reporting. gallons. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Sweetpotatoea for heme use or for sale fanas reporting. bushels . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Tobacco fanns reporting. pounds . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Other field crops acres . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars . 1,496 19,&41 4,077,878 570,903 326,232 70 1,871 1,382,960 55,318 24,892 475,585 47,559 38,tK7 57,150 10,287 6,858 186,888 16,820 15,527 45,437 544,195 411,120 67,834,800 67,834,800 5,461 4,190 704,804 1,458,944 1,155,879 23 1,462 24,140 434,520 24,594 34,432 17,217 14,736 11,573 1,243,502 2,735,704 572,009 23,982 78,208 128,975,743 81,254,720 81,254,720 224,378,662 180,767,456 9,163 856,1X8 196,891 68,911 2,114 1, 047,900 41,916 25,150 45,780 2,289 1,602 31,310 3,444 2,411 1,300 221,452 28,789 20,156 76,094 809,525 488,418 94,753,092 94,753,092 26,834 6,402 1,211,692 1,660,018 1,365,915 14 1,446 24,716 543,752 '1,771 '1,136 '42,754 '96,219 '13,467 38,882 16,638 1,400,635 3,963,797 1,085,090 34,537 120,821 126,800,090 62,132,045 62,132,045 222,569,750 5,384 66,643 15,136,078 1,706,146 3,825 2,067,057 129,527 93,326 1,197,845 543,936 88,651,440 32,178 9,430 1,326,342 2,566,185 41,500 2,792 '5,24j '2,642 '162,205 '235,982 53,012 36,530 3,605,521 7,232,085 33,876 105,802 125,080,028 61,263,001 '232,631,256 3,080 40,182 6,913,867 837,099 102,538 1,024,084 845,944 108,732,102 44,813 26,079 1,355,626 2,089,676 6,164 2,323 274,301 342,880 85,915 63,915 6,272,392 11,256,147 31,081 106,758 114,258,125 49,411,711 248,361,656 2,163 20,619 3,157,674 154,199 111,618 1,176,990 849,982 49,676,896 38,962 22,338 2,301,868 1,758,153 28,300 1,0U 13,846 5,084 490,544 307,032 82,841 53,556 4,937,908 3,184,125 29,464 126,815 118,962,944 17,250,649 132,734 1,281,826 680,880 '43,392,482 29,542 19,347 2,396,380 2,012,959 117,484 68,362 5,057,144 3,590,572 22,459 71,662 55,900,223 12,074,443 131,426 1,973,228 835,963 79,841,879 32,422 20,323 2,580,248 3,202,698 35,100 1,449 15,721 4,590 539,406 461,770 78,092 46,776 5,011,099 4,307,912 22,519 112,852 83,302,706 12,933,344 155,642 2,023,926 844,224 ^94,093,915 8,241 20,660 2,398,280 3,710,523 56,659 34,467 2,355,681 2,697,207 19,281 78,459 38,497,602 6,655,897 See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA 15 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For deTinitions and exptanations, 3&^ leti) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for banc uae^* farms reporting. value, dollars. Vegetables harvested for sale^'' faims reporting. Sales dollars . Asparagus fazna reporting. Beans, green liina fazms reporting. Beans, snap (bush b^"^ pole types) fame reporting. Beets (table) fams reporting. Blaclceyes and other green coapeas farms reporting. Broccoli farms reporting. Cabbage fazms reporting. CantalO(q>s and Buskmelons farms reporting. Carrots farms reporting. Collards faims reporting. acres. Com, sweet fazma reporting. acres. CucuDbers and pickles. .forms reporting. Eggplant farms reporting . Kale farms reporting. Lettuce and ronaine. ...fazms repox-tlng. 6,013 63,363 ;,wa,35i 1,054 1,036 1,472 11,125 86,948 7,822,359 *«15,081 100,407 '7,630,218 24,068 90,092 8,266,888 15,917 72,776 3,358,509 6,075 2,981 4,436 16,688 51,326 ,255,178 l&istard greens farms reporting. acrea. Okra fazas reporting. Ckilons, dry farms reporting. Onions, green faztts reporting. Peas, green fazms reporting. Peppers, hot fazms reporting. Peppers, sveet except plmlentoe fams reporting. Plmlentos fazma reporting. Radishes fazms reporting . Spinach farms reporting. Squash farms r«poz>ting. Tcnatoes fazms repoz^lzig. Turnip greens farms repoi>ting. Tuz^ps farms t^poi^lng . Water creso fazms reporting. fctezneloos fazms reporting . lUzed vegetables fazms reporting . Other vegetables a( Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale:^^ Blackbezrles aztd dewberries farms repoz>tlng. value, dollars. BluebezTles (tame) fazms z'eportlng. quaz^. value, dollars. StrawbezTles farms importing . quai"t«. value, dollars. Other berries and amall fruits acrea. value, dollars. See footnotes at end of table . 1,212 1,723 5,891 1,484 2,356 5,948 "283 "197 (") ») 1,132 1,499 3,079 4,036 703 430 256,916 86,725 (Z) 105 "381 (' 2,260 1,122 1,101,794 99,161 2,454 3,507 C") 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Tree fruils, nuts, and grapes; Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting. . Apples farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Apricots farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age faims reporting . . number . . Trees of bearing age fanns reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting . . pounds . . value, dollars . . Sales dollars . . Cherries fanns reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting . . pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Figs fanns reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. . number . . Trees of bearing age fanns reporting . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Grapes farms reporting . . Vines of all ages number. . Vines not of bearing age fanns reporting . . Vines of bearing age fanns reporting . . number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds . value , dollars . Sales dollars . Peaches fanns reporting . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age fanns reporting . number . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. Quantity harvested fanns reporting. bushels . value , dollars . Sales dollars . Pears f anne reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number . Trees of bearing age fanns reporting. number. Quantity harvested fanns reporting. bushels . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Plums and prunes farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age fanns reporting . number. Trees of bearing age fanns reporting . number. Quantity harvested fanns reporting . bushels . value, dollars. Sales dollars . See footnotes at end of table . 5,794 70,148 2,552 117,252 1,970 81,203 1,117 37,535 2,630 2,630 175,902 1,746 320,034 1,304 2,362,781 189,019 189,019 3,635 5,129,832 2,857 3,786,341 2,237 5,713,277 14,854,520 14,397,454 16,157 1,693 8,498 1,104 12,425 20,504 20,504 904 13,971 7,437 17,850 17,850 5,200 48,571 3,531 121,215 2,827 95,596 2,031 87,015 217,537 217,537 35 49,269 4,925 4,925 40,716 1,649 193,802 1,165 1,588,881 127,110 127,110 4,637 3,425,178 3,846 2,794,403 2,717 3,250,779 9,264,719 9,264,719 3,223 1,797 15,131 1,080 14,914 21,623 21,623 991 10,582 37,726 ^'64,630 19,4A7 277,963 14, UO 189,460 6,473 132,859 324,667 NA 245 17,314 56,682 27,200 319,630 8,536 20,945 5,165 370,610 47,842 ^A 10,653 186,690 5,816 1,363,326 122,146 NA 15,327 3,970,806 4,637 1,476,292 4,317,439 NA 9,458 30,600 3,204 25,345 38,646 NA 15,655 48,927 27,197 364,158 22,433 248,296 19,242 363,113 308,970 NA 117 22,188 34,582 29,290 397,334 23,784 27,604 33,269 443,620 20,050 3,618 191,251 13,548 8,742 20,392 7,474 597,739 44,676 NA 13,130 112,858 11,323 2,408,914 84,315 NA 33,420 2,220,539 29,169 2,043,651 2,177,434 NA 15,458 53,967 12,972 131,404 102,462 NA 6,510 31,229 5,149 25, UO 20,086 NA SOUTH CAROLINA 17 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of — Tree fruits, nuts, and orapes^* -Continued Qiestnuta farma reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age faims reporting. Trees of bearing age fams reporting. Quantity harvested fanaa reporting. value , dollars . Sales dollars . Pecans, total faxns reporting. Trees of all ages mmber. Trees not of bearing age fajias reporting. number. Tr^ee of bearing age fazms reporting. nmber. (^lantlty harvested, .f anas reporting. value, dollars. Sales dollars . IVcans* loproved fams reporting. Trees of all ages runber . Trees not of bearing age famis reporting. rassbtr. Trees of bearing age f ariDB reporting . C^iantlty harvested.. farms reporting. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Pecans, wild and seedling farms reporting . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age fanu reporting . Trt^a of bearing age fuRM reporting. number. ^juantlty harvested, .farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . ■alnuts, black (planted) fazms reporting. Trees of all ages number . Tftes not of bearing age farms reporting. mober. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. nunber. CkMntlty harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars. Other tree fruits and nuts value, dollars . Sales doU&rs . Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested. .. .dollars. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars. 139,619 NA 29,2i8 1,427,305 447,635 447,635 2,762 93,552 2,147 1,199,783 383,929 383,929 227,522 63,706 63,706 15,810,474 15,353,406 832,862 251,655 251,655 18,415 2,631 101,580 1,964 751, 175 232,866 232,666 81,687 18,789 18,789 9,943,891 9,943,891 11,901 159,342 7,048 1,696,293 373,786 Ml 3,850 2,479 19,343 1,302 182,553 30,045 fU 3,637,742 9,814,349 6,142,854 12,243 168,322 10,976 2,203,432 300,391 NA 3,155,075 1,771,467 NA Not available. Z Reported in amall fractions. ^Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1959, 1954, 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. 'Total acreage of cropa for which figures are available, except tliat com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com harvested for grain. ^alue of com and other com products sold. *Com cut for forage. 'SorghimiB for all purposes except for sln^). Value of aorghims sold for hay or forage Included In value of 8orah\anB sold for grain or seed. 'Sugarcane or sorghians for sirup not reported separately. The 1944 and 1939 figures do not Include acres plowed under for green manure. 'For 1944, soybeans and cowpeos harvested for hay. Prior to 1944, annual legumes aaved for hay, but excluding vetches In "'includes farms reporting cowpeaa harvested for green peas only. ^^See soybeans cut for hay. ^'Por figures on annual legumes aaved for ha^. Including cowpeas Calculated value of peanuts harvested for nuts, peanuts harvested for hay, and peanuts hogged or grazed. ^*Reported In bushels. "includes oats cut for feeding unthreshed. ^^AlfaUa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. 'Silage cropa other than com and sorghums. *'Clover seed, except sweetclover. '°Clover seed, including sweetelover. ^^Includeo proso millet. Value of lint eottOT only. ^'Por 1959 and 1954, does not Include acreage for farms with >esfl than 20 bushels harvested; for 1949, does not Include acreage for fannfl with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. **Sugarcane for aU purpoaes . ^'includea receipts fron sale of pasture and grazing privileges and the value of cowpeas harvested_^for green peas. '*Excludes Irtsh potatoes and sweetpotatoes, except for 1920 Census which Included potatoes for htme use only. ^''Excludes Irleh and sweet potatoes. Doea^not include fanno reporting green cowpeas only. ''Does not Include the value of green cowpeas sold. See footnote 25. "Green lima beans Included with snap beans. Hot peppers and plmlentoo included with sweet peppera . ''Plmlentos included with sweet peppers. '^Por Censuses prior to 1950, amall fruits harvested for hone use or for sale. **Por 1959 and 1954, does not include daU for farms with lesa than 20 trees and grapevines. See text. "Does i See text. , ' soybeans cut for hay. -- , ^*Por all Censuses except 1950, obtained by addine the Individual hay crops. **1j than com and sorghums. '^'Clover seed, except sweetclover. include acreage for farms reporting less than l/2 i 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 9.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 s and explanations , ■ Census of — Nursery products (tr Sales. . farms reportine. dollars. . .farms reporting. dollars . .farms reporting. , .dollai Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants .farms reporting. Grown under glass farms reporting. square feet. Grown in the open farms reporting. Sale: ..dollai Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting, Grown under glass or in house fanns reporting . square feet , Grown in the open farms reporting, Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting. Sales of any forest products farms reporting . dollars. Sales of standing timber farms reporting , dollars. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting , 2,380,798 130 2,273,745 30,342 21,573 15,513 ^°4,197 ^°125,969 KA 585, U8 ^616.058 ^279 ^106 % '489 '868,557 iS,316 69 58 113,555 5,429 253,735 NA 5,030,2';6 NA NA 4,193 3,523,792 •JA NA NA 1,506,454 m NA 2,928 1,367,969 NA MA Not available. ^Data excluded for farms unclassified as to type. ^Trees, plants, vines, etc., In nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. ■'Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated musliroanis . 'Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass; and flowers grown In the open. *Total squEire feet under glass. ''Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. ^Value of vegetables and vegetable plants. 'Not strictly ccmqjarable with other years as figures probably Include seme reports of firewood used < ^^Figures include sales of standing timber. *45 *354,790 '123 '374 '76,615 '8,887 '653,461 =3,177 57,278 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 10.— CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 19 Iteni (Far definiUons &nd explarelions, see t«n) Places excluded as fanis by change in definition , 19S4-19S9 nwnber ures in place Oopbnd harvested places reportinf; I'oder 10 acres places reporting 10 tr more acres places repcfting Operabrs by tenure: Full owners antnber Part owners and managers ovabm . T«snts nvnbar OpenUrs by co1 14. NovMnbw IS to 21 NovarlMr 22 to 28 D^mim « (o 12. . Btcmlm 13 U> 12. Z L«fl0 tbui 0.9. South CaroUjiA Cettmu of 1954 Cancua atartlAg date— Novober 3 \fpKniimt» Rvvnit* iatt of MiaMnlioB P«o«Bt of fanns ■nuHraUd dsring- OelclMr 1 to 9 OcubaclOloie Odobs 17 lo 28 Ocld>«24lo>l I lot ■7 to IS 14 to 20 Nov««*<» 21 to 27 NovonlMr 28 to DMmb«r 4 5 to 11 12 to 18 DocontMr 19 to 31 South Carolina Dao. 6-Ilao. 12 Pafcmt (Z) (Z) (Z) Nov. U-Nov. 20 Percent 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON FARMS AND BY QUANTITY OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data for cattle and calves on hand, cows on hand, milk cow9 on hand, and animals sold alive are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See l*xt] Cattle and calves of all ages on hand farms reportm!: . . . I farms reportine . . . 5lo4 farms reporting. .. 5lo9 farms reporting . . , 10 to 49 farms reportinp . . , 10 to 19 farms reporting . . . 20 to 49 fanns reportinp . , . 50 to 90 farms reporting . . , 100 or more farms reporting . . . 100 to 199 farms reporting . . . 200 to 499 fonns peix)rting . . . SOOor more farms reporting.. . Cows on hand, including heifers that have calved farms reportinp . . 1 farms reporting . . 2 farms reporting.. 3or4 farms reporting . . 5to9 farms reporting . . 10 to 14 farms reporting.. . 15 to 19 farms reportine . . 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 74 farms reporting . . 75 to 99 f*n"s reporting.. 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 to 499 farms reporting . . 500 or more farms reporting . . Milk COWS on hand farms reporting.. 1 farms reporting . . 2 farms reporting . . 3or4 farms reporting . . 5to9 farms reporting . . 10 to 14 farms reporting . . 15 to 19 farms reporting . . 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 49 farms reportir?.. 50 to 74 farms reporting . . 75 to 99 farms reporting . , 100 to 199 farms reportinp . . 200 to 499 farms reporting.. 500 OP more farms reporting.. Cattle sold alive, excluding calves fam.s reporting . . number.. llo4 farms reportin,'! . . 10 to 19 farms reportinp . , 20to29 farms reporting . . 30 to 39 f«nr.s reporting . . 40 to 49 farms reportinj; . . 50 to 99 farms reportins . . 100 to 109 farms reporting.. 200 or more fvms reporting . . Calves sold alive farms reporting . . niin.lxtr.. 1 to 4 farms reoorting . . 5to9 fam s reporting . . 10 to 19 farw.s reportine . . 20to29 farms reporting . . 30 to 39 farms reporting . . 40 to 49 farms refxjrting . . 50 to 99 farms reporting . . 100 or more- farms reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reportinp . . 200 or more farms reporting , . Hogs and pigs of all ages on hand farms reporting.. number . . ItoO farms reporting . . 10 to 24 farn.s reporting . . 25 to 49 farms reporting . . 50 to 99 farms reporting . . 100 to 109 farms reoorting . . 200 to 499 forms reporting . . 500 to 990 fan.is reporting . . 1,000 or more fiim;s reporting. . Litters farrowed, December 1. previous year, to November 30, Census year farms reportine . . 1 farm.s reporting . . •2 farms reporting . . 3 fanr.s reporting . . 4 farms reporting . . 5 .- farms reporti ng . . g farms reporting . . 7 farms reporting. , g famis reporting . , g farms reporting , , 10 or more farms reporting . , 10 to 19 farms reporting . 20 to 39 fam.s reportinp . 40 to 89 f"^3 reporting. 70 to 99 farms reporting. 100 or more fam-s reporting . NA Not available. 39,680 499,368 9,780 U,263 5,723 7,633 A, 219 3,^4 1,U4 837 602 206 29 36,271 259,111 16,525 6,371 3,978 3,660 1,592 88A 58 25,658 104,069 15,415 5,332 2,539 820 178 14 53,776 672,803 35,501 11,530 4,171 1,811 569 172 26,503 10,819 5,928 2,527 1,912 1,0U 927 463 70,546 607,594 19,955 30,308 8,348 8,985 NA NA HA 66,210 325,756 35,234 12,807 6,891 4,560 1,920 1,091 1,418 1,322 527 162 219 53 54,400 141,261 33,383 U,625 5,328 2,283 490 264 10,006 13,379 87,846 89,068 6,491 9,377 1,485 1,902 1,LU 1,152 16,074 17,381 25,469 110,804 9,863 11,566 2,600 2,780 2,003 1,857 Hogs and pigs sold alive lOtolO 20 to 29 :to to 39 40 to 49 50to99 100 to 199 200 or more 200to499 500 to 999 1,000 or more Sheep and lambs of all ages on hand i:nder 25 25 to 99 100 to 299 300to999 l.OOOtol.999 2,0O0to4.999 5,000 or more Wool shorn (excluding lambs wool) Under 1,000 pounds 1,000 to 2,490 pounds 2,500 to 4,999 pounds 5.000 to 9,990 pounds 10,000 to 19.990 pounds 20,000 to 49.909 pounds SO.OOCr or more oounds Chickens 4 months old and over on hand Under 50 50to99 100to399 400 to 799 600 to 1,599 l,S00to3,199 .•(.200 or iw>re 3,200to6,399 6,400 or more Broilers (chickens) sold 2.000 to 3.999 4,000 to 7.999 8.000tol5,999 16.000 to 29.999 30.000 to 50,999 60,000 to 99,999 100,000 or more Chickens (other than broilers) sold Under 50 50to99 100to399 400 to T99 1.600to3.J99 .1,200 to 6..199 6.400to9.999 10.000 or more Chicken eggs sold I 'nder 100 dozens 100 to :10^ dozens 400 to 790 dozens ttOO to 1.509 dozens 1,600 to 1.099 dozens 2,000 to 4.009 dozens 5.000 to 9,999 dozens 10.000 to 19.999 dozens 20,000 to 49.999 dozens 50.000 or more dozens Turkeys raised Under 50 50 to 399 400 to 790 800tol.599 1.600 or more 3.200 to0,990 10.000 or more 3 reporting . ? reporting. s reporting. s reporting. 3 reporting , 5 reporting. s reporting. s reporting. s reporting, ''arms reporting . ns reporting. ns reporting. ns reporting. ns reporting. ns reporting. ns reporting. ns reporting. ns reporting - r,s reporting. ns reporting. ns reporting. PS reporting . . ns reporting.. ns reporting. , ns reporting. ns reportinp. ns reporting. ns reporting., lis reporting., ns reporting.. number ^arms reptrting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting arms reporting . , number. . s reporting . . s reporting . . s reporting . . s reporting. 5 reporting. s reporting , , s reporting. P reporting, number . . s reporting . s reporting. , srepcrt.nq. 24,594 538,994 4,648 6,362 6,916 2,465 1,178 849 1,250 53,822 4,511,895 4^,861 5,505 2,159 384 375 5,009 2,U2,125 1,952 1,051 34,590,365 3,160 2,327 1,005 1,998 792,799 1,870 SOUTH CAROLINA 21 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [D«U for all crops except ooni, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, apples, pe&ches, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farnis. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) CORN Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting. Under 5 acres fauns reporting. 5 to 9 acres fanas reporting. 10 acres fanas reporting. U to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres fanas reporting. 20 to 2^ acres fanas reporting. 25 to 29 acres fanas reporting. 30 to 49 acres fanas reporting. 50 to 74 acres fanas reporting. 75 to 99 acres fanns reporting.. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting.. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres fanas reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres fanns reporting. 500 or more acres , fanas reporting. Acres harvested for grain fanas reporting.. bushels.. Under 5 acres fanas reporting.. 5 to 9 acres fams reporting. 10 acres fanas reporting. U to 15 acres fanns reporting. 16 to 19 acres fanns reporting. 20 to 24 acres fanas reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres fams reporting. 50 to 74 acres fama reporting. 75 to 99 acres fanas reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting.. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres fanas reporting. 300 to 399 acres fanas reporting, 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres faias reporting. Com sold farms rvportlng. bushels. Under 100 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 buBhels fans reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels fans reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels fanns reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. SOROflAIS Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting. Under 3 acres farms reporting. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres fanas reporting. 16 to 19 acres fanas reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. SO to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres faros reporting. 200 or more acres farms reporting. Acres harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. bushels. Under 3 acres farms reporting. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres fanns reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to K9 acres farms reporting. 150 or more acres farms reporting. ^antlty sold farcos reporting. bushels. See footnotes at end of table. 15, m 17,514 l 5,110 / 7,538 1,803 3,165 55,187 634,262 17,52i,709 85,182 909,390 9,080,438 U,927 17,«7 5,009 24,072 f 36,801 7,179 1,673 2,895 1,550 2,668 11,216 2,675 3,709 1,955 3,090 3,824 9,376 1,510 26,631 39,855 12,016 2,774 3,982 WHEAT Acres harvested fanns reporting.. Under 5 acres fanos reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres fanns reporting . . 20 to 24 acres fanns reporting,. 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting, 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels.. Under 20 bushels farms reporting. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farne reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. (kiantity sold farms reporting. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels fanna reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting, 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farmu reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting, 5,000 or more bushels farms reporting, OATS Acres harvested fanas reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting, 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres fanas reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres fanns reporting. 3O0 to 499 acres fanns reporting. 5O0 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. (kiantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. Under 20 bushels farms reporting, 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels fanas reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or acre bushels fanas reporting. C^iontity sold faram reporting. bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels fanns reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. 6,774 3,571 2,046 1,255 2,730 3,458 3,216 3,215 5,870 4,368 2,397 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, apples, peaches, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] BARLEY Acres harvested farms reporting,, Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting,, 10 to 14 acres farms reporting., 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporting,. 20 to 2i acres fauns reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to '+9 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 2-i9 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 or more acres farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting, . bushels . . Under 20 bushels farms reporting.. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting . . 200 to 499 bushels faime reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels faniE reporting. , Quantity sold farms reporting.. bushels . . Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. SOYBEANS HARVESTED FOR BEANS Any soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting.. By acres grown alone farms reporting.. Under 10 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 24 acres fanns reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 or more acres fGLrms reporting.. Qjantity harvested farms reporting . . PEANUTS HARVESTED FOR NUTS Any peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting.. 5y acres grown alone farms reporting.. Under 10 acres.. farms reporting.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds, . ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES CUT FOR HAY AND FOR DEHYDRATING Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting., 10 to 14 acres farms reporting., 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporting,, 20 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . , 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 or more acres farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting.. Under 20 tons farms reporting . , 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting, 100 to 199 tons farms reporting, 200 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 or more tons farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. ..n 7,827 7,742 387,504 2,512 1,800 1,316 936 1,178 2,895 2,865 11,330 2,631 2,222 19,343 1,061 2,934 2,810 144,258 3,394 3,349 9,698 3,145 COASTAL BERMUHA GRASS CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting, 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres faims reporting, 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting, 200 to 249 acres farms reporting, 250 to 299 acres fanns reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. (Juantity harvested farms reporting. Under 20 tons farms reporting, 20 to 24 xons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons fanns reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tone farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting, 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold fanns reporting. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tone farms reporting. 50 to 99 tone fanns reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 or more tons farms reporting. LESPEDIZA CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 13 acres farms reporting, 16 to 19 acres farms reporting, 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. (>iantlty harvested farms reporting. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 or more tons fanns reporting. ftiantity sold farms reporting . Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons fanns reporting. 100 or more tons farms reporting. SOUTH CAROLINA 23 State Table 13. -FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued £Dals foe all oops except oorn, Irish potatoes, sneetpotatoes, apples, peaches, and forest ptoducts are based on reports fcr only a sample of farms. See textl (For definitions and explai OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY, RICE, OR OTHER SIALL GRAINS CUT FOR HAI Acres harvested f&nna reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 1^ Bcres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 2A acres famis reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to iS acres farms reporting., 50 to 99 acres f anDS reporting. , 100 to 199 acres fanas reporting., 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. , 250 to 299 acres farms reporting., 300 or more acres farms reporting.. ^lantity harvested farms reporting.. Under 20 tons farms reporting.. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons fazms reporting., 50 to 99 tons faiss reporting.. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting.. 200 or more tons fazms reporting . , (^lantity sold fame reix)rting. Under 25 tons faims reporting. 25 to 49 tons fanas reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 or more tons farms reporting. OTHER HAY CVT Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres faimo reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres fains reporting. 16 to 19 acres fazms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farma reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres fazvs reporting. 200 to 249 acres fazms reporting. 250 to 299 acres faz^ reporting, 300 to 499 acres fama reporting. 500 to 999 acrea farms reporting. 1 ,000 or more acres fazms reporting . (^arrtlty harvested farow repoi^ing. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting, 25 to 49 tons farms reporting, 50 to 99 tons f anno reporting . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons fanns reporting. 1,000 or more tons fanoo reporting. (kiantity sold fazms reporting. Under 25 tons fauna reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 or more tons farms reporting. GRASS SILAGE UADE FROU GRASSES, ALFALFA, CLOVER, OR aULL GRAINS Acrea harvested fanns reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farma reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting, 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 or more acrea farms reporting. (^lantlty harvested farms reporting. tons, green weight. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 toTW farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tono farma reporting. 500 or more tons fazms reporting. See footnotea at end of table. 7,886 3,100 1,045 1) COTTON Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 ac res farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting , 30 to 49 acres farms reporting, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting, 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting, (^antity harvested farms reporting , Under 20 bales farms reporting, 20 to 24 bales fanos reporting, 25 to 49 bales fanns reporting. 50 to 99 bales farms reporting , 100 to 199 bales farms reporting. 2X bo 499 bales farms reporting. 500 or more bales farms reporting, IRISH POTATQES Acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting, bushels. Under 1 acre farms reporting bushels . 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting bushels 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms reporting bushels, 3.0 to 4.9 acrea farms reporting, bushels 5.0 to 9.9 acres fauna reporting bushels 10,0 to 24.9 acres fanns reporting bushels 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting bushels 50 or more acres farms reporting bushels SWEETPOTATOES Acres haznrested for heme use or for Bale fams Under 1 acre farms 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms 3.0 to 4.9 acres faras 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms 10.0 to 24.9 acres farms 25.0 to 49.9 acres farma 50 or more acres farms reporting bushels reporting bushels reporting bushels reporting bushels reporting buflhela reporting bushels reporting bushels reporting buahela reporting bushels 7,844 1,548 2,470 2,092 41,346 1,144 1,730 14,736 11,573 1,243,502 10,551 2,298 309,652 2,630 2,780 245,097 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [DaU for all cropa except com. Irish potatoes, swoelpoCAtoes, apples, peaches, and forest products i n reports for only a sample of farma. See l^xtj (For defimlic TOBACCO Acres harvested fence reporting. Under 0.5 acre fanne reporting. 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting. 1.5 acres farms reporting. 1.6 to 1.9 acres farms reporting. 2.0 to 2.i acres farms reporting. 2.5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. 10.0 to 19.9 acres fauna reporting. 20.0 to 24,9 acres farms reporting. 25.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting. 50 or more acres farms reporting. ^antity harvested farms reporting. pounds . Under 20 pounds farms reporting. 20 to 24 pounds farms reporting. 25 to 49 pounds farms reporting, 50 to 99 pounds fauns reporting. 100 to 199 pounds farms reporting. 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting. 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 pounds farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 pcainds farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting, 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting. 10,000 or more pounds farms reporting. VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (Other than Irish and sweet potatoes) Value of sales farms reporting. dollars. Under $20 farms reporting, $20 to $24 farms reporting. $25 to $49 farms reporting. $50 to $99 farms reporting, $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $1,499 farms reporting. $1,500 to $1,999 farms reporting. $2,000 to $2,999 farms reporting. $3,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. $10,000 or more farms reporting. LAND IN BEARING AND NONBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLAWTED HUT TREES* Acres in orchards farms reporting. Under 0.5 acre farms reporting. 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting. 1.5 acres farms reporting. 1.6 to 1,9 acres farms reporting. 2.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting. 2,5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting. 3.0 to 4.9 acres... farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 acres..' fanas reporting. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting, 20.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting. 25.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. 30.0 to 49,9 acres farms reporting. 50,0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres faims reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 23,798 77,404 1,878 2,864 1,836 7,462 3,658 23,798 j::7,415,681 34,372 118,454 15,233 6,563 34,372 125,224,434 1,752 2,877 1,721 3,024 1,631 2,862 2,507 5,839 4,988 9,896 7,2i5 7,122 3,043 1,256 6,601 11,479 497,113 7,244,697 180 91 L 1,096 516 1,381 897 2,186 1,398 1,718 I 4,934 855 1,005 6,355 75,949 5,244 46,558 APPLES* Any apples farms reporting,. Trees of all ages number., Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested fanns reporting.. bushels. . Farms classified by number of trees of bearing age: No trees of bearing age farms reporting., Nonbearing trees number.. Less than 20 trees of bearing age... farms reporting., Trees of all ages number. , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting. , bushels . , 20 to 99 trees of bearing age farms reporting., Trees of all ages number. , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting,, number.. Trees of bearing age fcirms reporting.. nximber., (iiantlty harvested fanas reporting., bushels., 100 to 199 trees of bearing age farms reporting,. Trees of fTi ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number.. Quantity harvested farms reporting, . bushels. 200 to 499 trees of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age fams reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number., Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels.. 500 to 999 trees of bearing age farms reporting.. Trees of all ages, number., Trees not of bearing age farms reporting,. number. , Trees of bearing age fanna reporting.. number. , Quantity hai-vested farms reporting.. bushels.. 1,000 or more trees of bearing age.. farms reporting,. Trees of all ages number., Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels . 2,552 117,252 1,066 36,049 1,970 81,203 1,117 1,609 13,300 401 2,775 1,609 10,525 1,587 38 4,940 5,670 38 9,800 11,505 16 41,158 7 3,408 16 37,750 13 48,275 SOUTH CAROLINA 25 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for dl crops except can, Irish poiMioes, sweetpoUtoes, apples, pe«cbes, and forest prodacts are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textl PEACHES* Any peaches farms reporting. Trees of all ages farma reporting. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of beeiring age farms reporting. number. (^lantlty hanreffted fams reporting. bushela. Farms classified by number of trees of bearing age: Ho trees of bearing age farae reporting. Nosibearing trees.. number. Lesa than 20 trees of bearing age faxas reporting. Trees of all ages nunber. Trees not of bearing age faras reporting. number. Trees of bearing age fame reporting. number. (^lantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. 20 to 99 trees of bearing age faras reporting. Trees of all ages irumber. Trees not of bearing age. ..,.. ..fame reporting. nunber. Trees of bearing age faiss reporting. ^antity harvested farme reporting. bushels. 100 to 199 trees of bearing age faros reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of bearing age faras reporting. number. (^lantlty harvested faras reporting. bushels. 200 to ^99 trees of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age faros reporting. Trees of bearing age faras reporting. (kiantlty harvested faroe reporting. bushels. XO to 999 trees of bearing age farvs reporting. Trees of all ages nunber. Trees not of bearing age faros reporting. Trees of bearing age fame reporting. number. (^lantlty harvested farms reporting. buohela. 1,000 or Bore trees of bearing age.... faras reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age faros reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. Qoantlty harvested faras reporting. bushels. 3,635 4 637 5,129,332 3,425 178 1,720 1 532 l,3i3,491 630 775 2,857 3 S46 3,786,3il 2,794 403 2,237 2 717 5,713,277 3,250 779 778 lU 275,537 NA 1,175 HA 14,862 NA 289 NA 5,819 KA 1,175 NA 9,043 KA 731 HA 6,550 HA 379 NA 16,904 HA 75 NA 4,331 NA 379 HA 12,573 HA 5,060 73 8,891 FOREST PRODDCTS Sales of standing timber fanns reporting., dollars., Under $25 farms reporting. . $25 to $99 farms reporting., $100 to $299 fanas reporting., $300 to $999 fanns reporting., $1,000 to $1,999 fams reporting. , $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 or more farms reporting.. Firewood and fuelvood cut farms reporting., cords (i'x^'xS'). Under 25 cords farms reporting., 25 to 49 cords fanns reporting. 50 to 99 cords fanns reporting., 100 to 499 cords fanns reporting . 500 or aore cords farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. cords U'x^'xS'),. Pulpvood sold fanas reporting., cords (-i'xA'xS').- Under 25 cords farms reporting., 25 to 49 cords farms reporting.. 50 to 99 cords farms reporting.. 100 to 199 cords faros reporting . 200 to 499 cords fanns reporting. SOO or more cords farms reporting.. Fence posts cut farms reporting. number.. Under 100 fence posts farms reporting. 100 to 499 fence poets farma reporting. 500 to 999 fence posts fanns reporting. 1,000 to 4,999 fence posts faras reporting. 5,000 or oore fence po«ta farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. number. Savlogs and veneer logs sold faras reporting. thousands of board feet. Under 1,000 board feet fanns reporting. 1,000 to 2,499 board feet fanns reporting. 2,500 to 4,999 board feet fanns reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 board feet fanns reporting. 10,000 to 19,999 board feet farms reporting. 20,000 to 49,999 board feet faros reporting. 50,000 to 99,999 board feet fanns reporting. 100,000 or more board feet fanns reporting. NA Not available. ^Does not Include acreage for farms wl '3.0 to 9.9. less than 20 bushels harvested. *Does not include data for farms vlth less than 20 trees and grapevines. 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of w e for hired persons working the week preceding tl 1 reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all farms Economic class, 1959 Commercial farms Hired workers farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed I L hired worker 2 hired workers i or 4 hired workers . S to 9 hired workers . LO or more hired worki Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both re^Iar and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . s reporting. s reporting. 9 repcuting. a reporting. s reporting. s reporting. persons, 3 reporting . 9 reporting . 3 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. 9 reporting. persons. s reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting . 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 3 reporting . 3 reporting. Paid on a monthly basis fanna reportir person Average hours worked per person per month Average wage rate per person per month Under $50 per month $50 to $84 per month $85 to $109 per month $110 to $129 per month $130 to $169 per month $170 to $214 per month $215 to $274 per month $275 to $324 per month $325 to $374 per month $375 and over per month ...dollars. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 3 reporting . s reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 3 reporting. 9 reporting. Paid on a weekly basis fams reporting . persons. ..dollars, reporting. Average hours worked per person per week. . Average wa^o rate per person per week Under $12 per we^ $12 to $24 per week $25 to $29 per week $40 Q $39 per w 3 $49 per week , 3 $59 per week . 3 $69 per week . 3 ^79 per week . 3 $H9 per week . nd over per weel 9 reporting, s reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. s reporting. g reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. persons. Average hours worked per person per day hours . \verage wage rate per person per day dollars. Under $4 per day farms reporting . $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting . $6 per day farms reporting . S7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting . S9 per day farms reporting. SIC per day farms reporting , $11 per day farms reporting. $12 and over per day farms reporting . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. persons . Average wage rate per person per hour Under $0.45 per hour .farms 1 per hour farms $1.00 ■ $1,15 1 $i.:io ■ $1.45 o SO. 64 per hour farm^ D $0,74 per hour farms o$0.84 per hour farms o $0.99 per hour farms o $1,14 per hour farms o $1.29 per hour farms D $L 44 per hour farms ind over per hour farms ..dollars. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration ..farms reporting. persons . Average earnings per person dollars . 13,139 45,667 4,531 3,152 2,674 1,889 893 6,203 17,142 3,016 1,298 1,012 633 239 9,317 31,525 3,630 2,226 1,789 1,116 556 3,872 2,331 6,986 3.52 4,847 1,783 1,705 5,214 0.56 1,000 6,813 3.86 14,432 57,885 4,967 3,148 2,910 2,164 1,243 4,724 12,790 2,154 1,137 748 520 165 11,317 45,095 4,050 2,363 2,215 1,665 1,024 3,115 1,609 9,708 837 3.22 5,327 1,458 1,612 4,856 0.46 10,365 42,332 3,207 2,358 2,264 1,701 835 5,554 16,247 2,478 1,202 1,011 627 236 7,002 26,085 2,557 1,605 1,396 944 500 3,363 2,191 4,811 3.54 3,963 1,446 SOUTH CAROLINA 27 State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954- AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on Dumber of *ort€rs and wi^ r Bl«9 are for hired persons working the we«k srecoding the enumera Hon. DaU are baiwd or reports for onlj a sample of farms. See text] Economic class. 1959-Conlin ued It«ni (For definiuOBS and exptaaalions. 9«e l«xt) Comff.ercial farms-Continued Other aims OassIV aaiuV OassVl Toud Part-time Part-retirement Abnormal Hired worlcefs. m»ti 2,778 2,259 902 2 824 8S8 1,950 22 199 persons 9,295 5,894 2,323 6^335 4ll86 1 hired worker fauns reporung 1,007 953 411 1,374 333 481 5 2l>ired>or<»n faraui reporting 707 600 159 794 573 219 2 3 or 4 hired wxlcers farms reporting 554 377 205 410 302 107 1 5 lo 9 hired wAm farms reporting 331 253 100 188 121 56 11 10 or tnore hired workers ferns r^oning 169 66 26 53 30 25 3 Regular workers (u> be enployed 150 a me deys) farms reporting 1,276 TU 178 649 430 197 22 pvsons 2,135 1,030 231 895 492 229 174 1 hirtri woricer fanns repcstiog 816 492 143 538 368 165 5 2 hired woriirrs farms nportjag 269 143 22 96 62 32 2 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporung U7 79 13 1 1 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 35 U 11 10 or more hired workers 9 3 3 Seuonal workers (to be eizfiloyed lass liiaji 150 days) farms reporung 1,983 1,753 772 2,315 1,576 738 1 parsons 7,160 4,864 2,092 5,440 3,694 1,721 25 1 hired worker farms rsporung 740 705 326 1,073 673 400 S hired workers fanr3 raoorung iy fam. reporung U 6 5 7 6 1 »r«'i>y farms r^xirung 5 5 $10 per day farm, reporung 5 $11 per day faima reporung $1 2 and over per day farm, reporung 7 Paid on an hourly basis 258 277 96 486 352 130 4 parKna 825 540 200 903 644 245 14 Average wage rale p« person par hw dollare 0.55 0.54 0.55 o.a 0.63 0.54 0.88 Under $0.45 per hour farm, reporung 96 85 41 115 65 50 $0.45 lo $0.54 pet hour fame r^iorting 87 U7 22 165 120 45 $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farmn reprsung 9 16 1 35 30 5 $0.65 to $0.74 p« ho« farms reporung 20 15 5 $0.75 to $0.84 per teur faimnnpirung 32 26 'is 64 56 5 3 $0.85 to J0.J9 per hour farm, reporung 2 10 5 5 5 $1.00 lo$L 14 per hour farma repnung 12 13 12 47 31 15 1 $1.15 to $1.2» per hour farm, reporung 10 5 25 25 $1.80 to $1.44 per hour farm, reporung 5 5 $1.45 and over per hour farm, reporung 5 16 5 5 Paid on a plece-wofk basis ..farmareporUng... 342 343 251 562 401 161 persons... 2,523 1,547 823 2,027 1,391 636 farms reporUng 188 152 131 256 165 91 persons... 1,101 831 478 896 635 261 dollare... 3.41 4.U 4.30 4.34 4.17 4.77 28 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM. CENSUS OF 1959 [Fipjres on number of workers and wage rates are tor hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farnis. See Uxt] Total all farms Hired WOrkefS, , farms reporting. . persons. , 1 hired worker farms reporting. , 2 hired workers farms reporting. , 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. lOor nxire hired workers farms reporting.. Regular workers (U> be «nployed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers faima reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. , Seasonal workers (to be employed leas than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 lo 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers forms reporting. . Both regular and seasonal hired woricers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms repcrting.. Paid on a monthly basts farms re^wting. . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . Average wage rate per person per month dollars.. Under $50 per month farms reporting , . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting.. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting . . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting.. $215 lo $274 per month ; farms reporting. . $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. . $325 to $374 per month farms reporting. . $375 and over per month farms reporting . . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. . persons. . Average hours worked per person per week tours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . . Under 512 per week fums reporting.. S12 to$24 per week farms reporting . . $25 lo $29 per week farms reporting.., $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. . , $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. . , $60 to $69 per week farms reporting.., $70 lo $79 per week faims reporting.., $80 to $89 per week fama reporting. . . $90 and over per week farms reporting... Paid on a daily basis farms reporting . . . persons . . . Average hours worked per person per day hours . . , Average wage rate oer person per day dollars . . . Under $4 per day farms r^iorting . . . *4 pw day fams reporting. . . $5 per day farms reporting. .. S6 per day farna reporting. . . $7 per day fanna reporting. . . $8 per day farms reporting.. . S9 per day farms reporting . . . $10 per day farms reporting. . . $11 per day farms reporting. .. S12 and over per day farms reporting. . . Paid on an hourly basis fama reporting. . . persons . . . Average wage rate per person per hour dollars Under $0.45 per hour farms reporting. . . $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. . . $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. . . $0.65 to $0.74 per hour. farms reporting. . . $0.75 to $0.84 per hour. farms reporting. . . $0.85 to $0.99 per hour. farms reporting. .. $1.00 to $1. 14 per hour. famg reporting. . . $1. 15 lo $1.29 per hour farms twporting. . . $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. . . $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting . . . Paid on 3 piece-work basis farms reporting .. . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting persons , . , Average earnings per person dollars. .. 13,189 14,432 48,667 57,885 4,581 4,967 3,152 3,148 2,674 2,910 1,S89 2,164 893 1,243 6,203 4,724 17,142 12,790 3,016 2,154 1,298 1,137 1,012 748 638 520 239 165 9,317 11,317 31,525 45,095 3,630 4,050 2,226 2,363 1,789 2,215 1,116 1,665 556 1,024 3,872 3,115 2,331 1,609 6,986 9,708 ^u 3.52 4,847 1,783 1,705 5,214 0.56 3.22 5,327 1,458 1,612 4,856 0.46 )U Not available. SOUTH CAROLINA 29 State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on Bumber of Mjrkers «nd wi^ r Ues are for hired perso ns working the week preceding the enumerat on. DsU are based c n reports for only « ample of farms. See text] Type of fam-Continued Item Livestock farms (For definitions ird expltnttioas. see text) Livestock oUier than poultry Miscellaneous Fiuit-and-nut PoulU>- Dairy and dairy farms General and ranches and livestock unclassiried ranches Hired workers ..fanas reporting... *78 551 954 1,215 2,005 3,112 peraons 2,*58 1,718 3,473 3,898 9,616 7,840 1 hired worker faims reparun« 95 210 331 449 471 1,465 2 hired •wkwa rams reportJDg SL 165 179 317 454 834 8 or 4 hired wockere ramw reporunK 96 97 229 234 454 473 5 to 9 hired »«1(«»B fanns repotUng 153 46 176 150 410 238 10 or more hired worfcera fanns reportiitf! 53 33 39 65 216 102 Regultr workers (to be employed 150 or more dkys) farms raporUDf; 341 X9 775 722 1,240 854 persons 1,196 784 2,089 1,614 4,122 1,795 1 hired wofker farms reporUng 121 177 315 373 469 605 2 hired wDrkers rants tepocting ao 90 165 189 267 127 8 or 4 hired workers farms reportinp 47 61 183 101 233 54 S to 9 hired workers farms repvfang S3 U 95 41 197 42 10 or more hired wotkrrs fannn repnctinc 10 7 17 18 74 26 Seuonal workers (to be employed less t>>ui ISO days) farms refxwtinc 284 3U 448 784 1,338 2,481 persons 1,262 934 1,384 2,284 5,494 6,045 1 hired iwckcr fanui reporting 65 142 233 371 455 1,133 S hired wwkrn fanoa reporUBK 79 » 115 171 308 655 3or4hiredwwken» , 48 62 59 124 256 435 5 lo « hired workers fanns reporting 57 26 28 82 211 184 10 or ft h«n 8.8 8.5 8.4 8.2 8.3 8.0 Xvera^ wa|^ rate per pemon per day doIlM 3.78 3.82 3.67 3.46 3.31 3.64 I'ndar M per day finna reporung 72 78 170 401 925 942 ^pwday farms reportinic 48 68 95 138 351 360 55 p« day farms reporting IS 37 23 60 86 174 «P«day fanns r^MTting 15 1 12 23 12 64 JTpwday fanRB reportinit 1 15 5 SH par day. farma reporting "6 7 "i 9 »P«air farms, total operators rsportiag, , 1 to 90 days oparalora reporting . . 100 to 199 days operatrra reporting . . 300 or mora daya oparaicra reporting . . With other iiieinberB of family worlting off farm oparalora reporting. . With income from aotfoea other than farm operaled and off.farm work. opaimtors referring. . With othar incnma of family exceeding value of B^cultural (voducts Hold oparalora fepomng . . Operators not wcrkinft off their farms or not reperting aa to worli off their farms c^jaratora reporting. . With other members of family eoHcing off farm oparaicra reporting . . With income From sources other than farm operated . . operators tepvtjng. . With other income of family exceeding value of ai^cultural producu sold opafaicra reporting. . FARkE BY SIZE 500 to 999 acree EooDomic class-Continued Coounercial farms-Coatiniied 9,34i 12.0 1,358,359 K.9 145.4 1,174 2,035 2,655 2,018 3,480 88,014 3,473 78,121 800 20,923 3,031 57,198 2,206 123,471 5,311 490,762 1,844 59,218 837 28,494 480 3,658 2,106 1,320 1U,S68 2,793 3,067 1,629 1,221 978 1,027 1,094 6,157 934 885 13,164 16.8 1,311,156 14.3 99,6 3,553 3,013 2,942 2,044 3,846 86,180 4,174 78,951 812 15,931 3,712 63,020 2,719 123,806 6,915 493,908 1,964 55,889 776 25,472 2,235 2,063 118,897 13,022 327 1,550 3,308 3,877 2,612 1,348 47,9 8,353 1,481 1,380 6,505 1,370 1,330 1,107 13,591 17.4 776,360 13,117 261,459 2,902 4,911 2,932 1,787 530 55 2,878 35,940 4,393 71,775 596 11,490 4,111 60,285 2,378 81,573 6,441 262,753 1,693 33,322 422 5,131 1,095 2,601 72,755 1,191 2,743 4,248 4,949 1,555 7,726 1,405 1,040 1,577,796 17.3 62.3 21,473 316,896 9,301 6,891 2,862 1,761 7,703 137,109 10,956 195,908 2,211 39,050 9,847 156,858 7,229 199,733 14,047 569,324 5,460 86,645 1,953 31,720 2,435 7,032 200,984 2,736 7,599 8,724 5,430 21,691 2,055 3,148 16,488 9,378 7,215 3,651 2,232 2,075 3,630 11,916 2,941 2,506 1,800 995 516 Part^retirement 9,226 155,693 3,431 3,084 1,357 902 422 3,356 53,018 5,027 110,385 910 19,416 4,519 90,969 3,188 93,794 6,903 357,203 2,272 42,212 707 11,471 1,193 1,224 8,743 1,859 6,720 4,406 1,272 1,285 1,020 See footnolea at end of table. 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. Se« text] Toul all farms Economi c class lu-m (For definidons and evplanalions, see t*xt) Commercial farms Total OassI Oassll Class m FARMS BY COLOR AND TENIIHE OF OPERATOR All fam operators: 38,974 14,743 24,109 2,992 813 6,488 236 10,775 2,805 29,691 9,808 7,682 2,105 9,283 4,935 16,427 8,670 1,328 16,274 12,081 159 343 956 1,461 1,463 3,394 4,096 36,608 7,800 8,595 1,688 1,771 4,212 4,325 1,246 1,313 32,670 39,099 34,987 51,474 33,767 48,637 24,987 5,769 1,631 706 674 33,597 47,651 811 986 2,637 2,337 55,802 65,560 63,904 27,595 35,538 1,729 1,634 464 1,923 41,999 2,428 32,278 17,423 14,655 8,736 5,500 321 298 13,189 48,667 6,203 17,142 3,016 1,298 1,012 638 239 68,950 4,424 4,789 14,939 9,640 17,491 1,497 688 5,283 196 8,435 1,392 11,764 7,010 5,379 1,590 3,175 2,630 12,112 6,845 1,328 16,274 12,081 159 343 956 1,461 1,463 3,394 4,096 778 5,939 6,645 1,535 1,618 3,486 3,593 1,128 1,193 19,933 25,404 20,779 34,660 20,335 33,368 13,095 4,396 1,521 670 653 20,251 32,695 545 673 1,127 1,292 30,053 35,381 35,167 13,887 20,882 1,505 1,460 221 1,818 21,849 1,234 18,423 9,649 8,774 5,223 3,268 150 133 10,365 42,332 5,554 16,247 2,478 1,202 1,011 627 236 37,284 2,392 2,657 295 430 23 17 1 1 4 290 421 23 5 9 57 14 46 8 21 83 168 131 67 165 48 538 783 181 227 420 459 218 257 764 2,325 762 3,697 749 3,578 76 89 98 151 335 749 3,450 88 128 70 119 750 1,627 801 724 645 151 152 55 353 600 36 165 82 83 50 31 1 1 725 7,874 679 5,185 67 69 142 240 161 684 96 28 636 783 124 40 20 35 1 15 13 636 763 99 10 20 25 5 ICH 179 155 20 30 138 216 284 128 293 56 946 1,109 279 289 576 581 293 302 1,542 2,814 1,518 4,540 1,513 4,365 285 371 433 242 182 1,512 4,295 60 70 137 175 1,472 2,266 1,593 1,362 1,269 350 338 54 510 1,230 41 307 175 132 79 48 2 3 1,351 7,649 1,162 4,027 227 298 357 242 38 1,328 218 57 1,319 1,636 118 375 121 92 White fann operators: 1,304 1,601 678 71 Nonwhita farm operators: 15 35 131 Croppers number. . . 50 166 1,294 337 5 21 203 363 494 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy rarms number. . . 284 556 100 SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD 1,454 1,563 410 number. . . 416 873 895 331 338 3,066 4,301 3,351 6,457 3,281 number... 6,231 1,409 1,17] 46] 156 5 or more tractors farms reporting... number... 84 3,280 6,]A7 72 number... 84 190 226 3,462 4,520 3,753 2,630 3,011 496 481 Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . . Farms by kinit of roart on which located: 46 495 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting... Legs than I mile to a haitl surface road farms reporting... 73 1,152 614 5 or more miles farms reporUng... 6 2,35C persons.. Regular hir«l worl(ers(employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 9,29^ 1,545 3,535 732 401 273 5 to9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired worlters farms reporting. . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR nc 2t 3,331 312 18C SOUTH CAROLINA 35 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on refxxts for only a sample of faims. See text] Commercial faims-Continued Economic class-Continued FAIIMS BY COLOK AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm opefators; Full ownecs number. , Part owners number.. Alltenarls number., Cash tenants number., Shar^cash tenants nianber. , Crop-share tenants number., Livestock-!>hare tenants ntmber. , Crop(»ers Dumber.. OtJier and unspecified tenants number.. White fa/m opcralors: Full owners number . , Part owners number. . All tenants number.. Croppers number. . Nonwhite farm opentors: Full ownws number. . Part owners ntmber.. All tenants nvnber.. Cmppen , .number.. PARU5 BY TYPE OF FARU Casb-^ain farms Dumber. . Tobacco farms oumbar.. Cotton farms Dmbcr. . OtAer field-crop farms Dumber.. Veeetable farms number. . Frtiit-and-nut farms mmber.. Poultry farms number.. Dairy farms numbar.. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy fafma ntmber. . General farms Dumber.. Miscellaneous arw] unclansified farms number.. SPEaFTED EQUIPMENT AND FACIUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms r«portiD|[.. Com pickers lama reforting.. Pick-up balers fanDB rapotting.. Field forai^ harvestan fanna rapottinit.. mmber.. Motonrucka .' (arms raperting. . Tractors fania raportjng.. Tractors otiicr than garden fanna rapotting.. 1 Iractor „ fafma tUfiartiDii.. 2 Iraecora fanna repcrtjDK.. Stndora fanna rffUfttDH.. 4 Iractcra firma ranortinji., 5 or tnoralraetora fanna rapcrtjDfl.. Wheel traclAra farma mportJDR.. Crawler tractora fanna raportiDg.. Garden tractors (annfl raportlDg. . Autofflooilen farnia raiMrtiDjt. , Automobiles and,^or imjUatrmAa iarma reporting.. Telephone bnna raporting.. Rome freezer farma raportlag.. Milking machine farms raponiag. . Electnc milk cooler farms raporting.. Cr^p drier (for graJD. forage, or olAer cnpa) fama raportiag.. Power-operated elevalor, conveyor, or bltmer farma reporting. . Famis by kind of fud on ofilcli loolad: Hard surface farms refxxting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved fama reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hartl surface road farma raporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road (aima raporting. , 1 mile faima reporting., 2 or 3 milaa farma raporting.. i milaa faima raporting.. S or mora milaa fafma raporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PKECEDINO ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting., kegular hired workers (employed l&O or more days) farma raporting. , Farms reporting by nitmber of regular hirw) wsrltera: 1 hired worlter farma reporting., 2 hired workers farma reporting., Sor 4 hired woriiers (arms reporting., S to 0 hired workers farma reporting,, 10 or more hired workers farma reporting., RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR KesidinRon farm operated operalora rapoiting.. Not residinfE on farm operated operators reporting., Operators not reporting residence number. . .See footnot«n at end of table. 2,834 2,299 4,155 2,629 1,978 1,710 1,387 1,437 5,677 8,2M 5,592 7,961 3,777 1,398 317 69 231 243 7,032 8,089 8,399 3,531 6,083 341 332 3,955 2,214 1,741 1,065 2,778 9,295 1,276 2,135 3,945 1,488 1,748 638 670 800 4,496 2,655 89 93 5,502 5,973 6,040 7,780 5,915 7,485 4,642 1,055 162 35 285 295 9,477 10,636 U,U8 3,656 6,641 92 102 6,543 373 6,011 3,140 2,871 1,749 1,032 50 40 5,240 2,204 6,136 2,960 759 1,121 2,280 1,445 5,015 2,730 3,431 3,982 3,285 3,748 2,906 312 50 2M 234 7,860 8,243 9,483 1,984 3,233 75 55 6,022 405 6,833 3,424 3,409 1,950 1,337 55 67 16,128 4,018 5,168 12,577 2,403 1,953 3,551 1,615 3,215 1,480 7,907 1,085 1,450 1,326 1,401 10,852 12,799 10,262 11,539 9,155 997 70 19,509 23,324 21,547 9,901 11,163 155 105 14,605 830 9,417 5,354 4,063 2,277 1,550 121 115 3,323 3,872 3,137 3,591 2,722 376 39 281 6,215 5,781 7,157 3,772 3,469 4,432 2,415 2,017 1,236 22,208 1,645 1,489 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] Commercial farms USE OF CX)MMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LWE Commercial fertilizer and fertilizinp materials used during the year farms reporting. , Dry matenals i farms reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting. . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture {not cropland) farms reporting.. Dfy materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting . . Com farms reporting . . Pry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Soybeans farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . Cotton farms reporting. . Dry maLenals farms reporting.. Liquid matenals farms reporting.. \ll other crops farms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. . SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITirRES Any of the following specined expenditures farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms T'nder 5100 farms SlOO to $999 farms ?1,000 to 51,999 farms 52,000 to $4,999 farms $5,000 or more. farms Purchase of livestock and poultry farms Under $1,000 farms 51,000 to $2,499 farms S2,500 to $4.909 farms S5.000 to 59.999 farms $10,000 or more farms Machine hire farms Under $200 farms $200 to $899 farms 51,000 or more farms Hired labor farms Under 5200 farms $200 to 5499 farms $500 to $999 farms 51,000 to 52,499 farms $2,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to $9,999 farms '10,000 to $19.999 farms 520,000 to $49,999 farms $50,000 or more farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms Under 5100. i farms 5100 to 5499 farms $500 to 5999 farms $1 ,000 or more. farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms Under 5100 farms 5100 to $499 farms 5500 to $999 farms $1,000 to 54,999 farms 55,000 or more farms See footnotes at end of table. repcfting . reporting . dollars,, reporting., reporting, reporting, repcfting. reporting., dollars . reporting., reporting . , reporting . reporting . , reporting.. reporting., reporting., dollars.. reporting,, reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting., reporting, , reporting., reporting., dollars., reporting., reporting. , reporting., reporting, , dollars . . reporting. , reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporting.. 70,690 40,903 2,668,261 2,200,250 689,275 5a, 897 70,563 40,851 673,474 569,544 2,201 1,758 15,801 14,353 12,512 7,801 356,757 290,277 12,312 7,656 71,736 59,530 611 504 4,356 3,829 4,296 2,478 L35,694 109,151 4,173 2,390 25,281 19,502 204 163 1,389 1,292 54,690 33,423 748,231 581,121 54,533 33,321 162,955 129,271 1,228 1,000 5,123 4,635 4,852 3,971 216,933 206,928 4,845 3,964 33,956 32,186 32 32 323 323 44,941 30,305 540,717 450,540 44,886 30,260 173,326 145,882 398 341 1,134 1,068 44,181 30,127 675,357 567,661 44,007 30,003 206,220 183,173 661 514 3,466 3,206 4,246 2,851 134,956 112,018 128,667 108,143 77,406 42,333 44,377 23,247 34,974,439 30,860,093 19,570 8,777 19,941 10,126 1,505 1,149 1,774 1,528 1,587 1,567 22,409 12,537 12,719,090 11,212,557 19,919 10,312 1,355 1,139 56,146 35,270 10,651,735 3,875,400 43,234 24,295 11,365 9,506 1,547 1,459 41,403 28,924 36,425,002 33,863,717 18,244 9,357 10,230 7,696 5,390 4,665 4,379 4,073 1,620 1,608 1,014 1,013 36,183 4,644,326 27,447 6,983 21,930 3,991,944 14,748 5,530 89,661 129 3,890 312 511 47,112 507 11,832 61 1,036 243 63,991 242 10,159 460 48,239 460 18,020 34,152 57 990 270 30,291 30,131 354,519 95,763 1,503 92,158 59,727 720 13,586 1,100 59,627 1,083 13,850 459 K,488 458 8,260 1,182 105,714 1,166 32,804 1,603 1,245 6,548,259 70,268 39,976 19,252,955 16,513,574 36,336 14,253 24,154 16,573 4,995 4,040 3,904 soul rH CAROL INA 37 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DbU we based on reports for only a sample of fama. See text] Economic ct.s»-ConUnued (For deTioitiona and enpianatioas, see text) Cotiiiiwrci.1 finns-CoDtjnuw Other farms GustV a.ssv ataaW P«rt-tim« PMt-reurenent Vb™™.! USE OF CO^ftfEBCIAL FERTIUZER AM) LIME Commercial fertilizer and Tertilizing 9,166 458,081 125,677 9,151 123,409 446 2,258 12,841 419,881 111,800 12,820 U0,184 460 1,616 13,025 237,763 56,918 13,020 56,623 160 295 21,086 320,495 72,500 21,026 71,516 366 984 8,668 136,989 29,765 8,653 29,549 75 216 33 10,527 3,113 acres on which used... tons... teas... 2,865 2 248 tons... Crcps on 'hich used- 2,037 55,339 1,974 10,037 127 639 2,046 36,009 2,031 7,606 62 229 1,207 11,850 1,207 2,163 3,421 46,064 3,376 8,714 85 364 1,254 16,845 1,254 2,514 20 61 26 3.571 26 978 2 112 .««... tons... tons... 663 19,847 647 3,959 39 172 646 19,759 635 3,395 17 123 261 4,158 256 733 5 5 1,427 21,010 1,392 4,649 40 85 389 5,301 389 1,064 2 232 2 66 1 12 tons... Cora JwmnfKMXiag... 7,900 146,491 7,884 33,782 268 864 10,617 145,503 10,577 30,803 287 694 10,405 90,394 10,395 17,175 115 192 14,592 111,370 14,552 22,455 181 327 6,649 52,752 6,634 10,305 45 101 25 2,988 26 924 2 60 UJOB... 1,161 28,072 1,161 4,ce2 9U 16,247 909 2,444 20 59 450 5,065 450 846 576 7,230 576 1,252 301 2,646 301 492 4 129 4 26 lou... Ions... • 6,541 93,870 6,536 29,784 101 176 9,643 111,102 9,618 33,909 95 142 10,355 85,113 10,350 24,932 50 44 10,042 62,555 10,032 19,345 45 35 4,590 27,381 4,590 8,019 10 11 4 241 4 80 2 20 lOM... 8,096 114,462 8,071 41,82} 102 417 10,399 91,261 10,339 32,027 142 369 6,953 41,183 6,948 10,774 40 54 9,574 72,266 9,529 15,101 110 173 4,448 32,064 4,443 7,155 35 43 32 3,365 32 791 2 44 lOM... 590 U,601 U,728 616 10,455 9,838 324 4,330 3,735 1,059 17,341 15,440 327 4,935 4,465 9 652 619 •cmlimd... SPECIFIED FARM EXPF-VDTTVRES Any of ti)« followinjt specified eifciMlituree farmii reparunit do) Ian Under SIOO. famw refurunff SIOO to S»»9 fariM reporUnR S2.000 lo $4 999 farms repotinn «,00O or mm farma repoctinf 9,344 5,615 4,250,010 1,705 2,908 334 465 203 13,164 6,844 2,623,362 2,905 3,250 320 352 17 13,591 5,937 814,375 3,707 2,132 63 35 24,922 15,183 2,921,338 7,357 7,446 260 120 10,118 5,916 890,473 3,436 2,359 96 25 33 31 302,535 10 1 20 Ptrchase of livmtork and poultry farms rapcrbnf dollars Under SI 000 farms repoftinc Sl,000toS2 4»» faniM rrporunc Sa.500 to SI 999 farms nptKUng Sft.OOO lo S9 »99 farms raparunff 3,280 1,591,568 2,869 272 78 58 3 3,443 852,838 3,214 180 42 7 2,587 227,062 2,562 25 7,221 1,155,224 7,010 171 40 2,630 274,410 2,590 40 21 76,899 7 5 1 5 2 Machine hire farms repatjn|[ dollar* S200 (o S999 ferma reportintt SI.OOO cr mere farma f^nrUniE 7,786 1,924,574 4,831 2,720 235 11,195 1,857,623 7,756 3,351 88 11,392 1,100,661 10,201 1,169 22 14,471 1,236,487 13,076 1,350 45 5,390 532,759 5,856 503 31 15 7,089 7 6 2 Hired iabtf farms reportinji dollars Under Saoa farms report! n|t SQOO (o M99 farms roportinn S500 to 5999 farms rapartjn|t 7,667 5,648,229 1,405 2,231 2,078 1,618 271 57 7 9,252 3,672,900 3,347 3,532 1,620 638 108 7 6,075 1,012,715 4,330 1,463 213 56 13 8,549 1,554,175 5,972 1,836 535 206 3,908 656,540 2,915 698 190 100 5 22 350, 570 "7 1 11 2 1 Seeds, bultn plants and trees farms reporting doilara Under SIOO. farms reportinu S&OO to S999 farms reporting $l,000ormofe f amis reporting 5,445 714,236 3,277 1,946 161 61 6,762 548,852 5,313 1,351 61 37 5,751 266,445 5,219 494 26 12 10,198 452,668 9,080 1,049 57 12 4,028 172,553 3,613 398 12 5 27 27,161 6 6 6 9 Gasoline and other peuoleum fuel 9,178 3,801,041 1,507 4,802 2,100 763 12,737 2,862,316 4,283 7,046 1,101 306 11,865 1,157,199 8,225 3,333 262 45 22,407 1,921,153 16,397 5,597 343 70 7,852 749,354 5,676 1,983 145 48 dollars... 68,874 See footBolee si end of table. 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Economic class ESTIMATED VALIIE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . Vegetables sold dollars . Fnjits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars . Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves. Heifers and heifer calves . . Steers and bulls including s s reporting., s reporting.. number.. = reporting.. 3 reporting,. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head. farms reporting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 50O or more head. farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting , . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head. farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows- 1 head fantis reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head. farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head. farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Horses antj/or mules farms reporting,. Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. Ewes farms reporting.. Rams and wethers farms reporting . , number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . . Livestock and livestock products sold; Caule and calves sold alive farms reporting . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . , number., dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting., dollars., Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting, dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 3Cf7,377,059 3,933 217,723,978 180,626,783 8,497,113 16,273,794 12,326,288 89,653,081 27,817,357 22,651,539 39,184,185 39,680 499,368 36,271 259,111 25,658 101,069 23,649 149, 536 18,1'« 90,721 9,780 W,263 5,723 4,219 3,414 1,444 29 16,525 14,009 2,476 1,174 1,082 522 195 92 38,793 68,019 53,841 675,372 30,592 373,969 47,871 301,403 382 20,983 213,315 22,626,970 24,594 538,994 16,169,820 247 3,868 408,346,932 22,651,539 5,907 8,741,476 9,657 38,395,611 15,358,245 279,992,774 6,614 199,739,352 165,110,368 7,933,490 15,501,755 11,193,739 80,253,422 26,442,316 21,693,416 32,117,690 20,132 382,385 18,524 200,839 13,261 81,998 12,352 112,369 9,912 69,177 4,363 6,514 2,239 2,019 2,236 1,403 801 27 8,037 6,091 1,440 90 22,464 44,033 30,484 489,196 18,093 273,561 27,334 215,635 230 10,623 173,064 19,053,799 14,571 426, 380 12,791,400 161 2,479 387,255,789 21,693,416 3,485 8,378,776 5,075 35,925,572 14,370,229 57,970,368 71,746 31,958,575 16,947,490 4,329,430 6,539,002 4,142,653 26,0U,793 11,961,251 6,622,278 7,428,264 20,355 341 W,760 1,606 164 111,048,164 6,622,278 251 3,765,396 206 13,268,755 5,307,501 43,190,448 26,944 25,339,853 18,604,736 1,182,003 3,601,392 1,951,722 17,850,595 5,591,968 6,593,311 5,665,316 1,141 71,697 1,058 37,997 652 18,50; 969 21,550 3,213 961 55,644 SOUTH CAROLINA 39 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DbU ar« bSMd on repcxts for only a sample ot rums. See text] Convnerdal rsnn»-Conti nued E«>nomic class-Continued ESTBIATED VALlf; OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All fann |Xoduct$ sold toui, doiiivs.. average per falm, dollars . . All ciops sold dollars.. Field cTOfis, other than vegetables aad frvita and nuts, sold ,,,, dollar^,. Vef:elables sold dollars , . Fruits and nuts sold. dollars.. Forest i^roducts and hoTticulloral specialty products sold. dollara.. \1I livestock ani livestock TToducLs sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry rroducts sold dollars.. Dairy product^s sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other thaa poultry and dairy, sold dollars,. LIVESrOCK A.ND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reptrtnn,. Cows, including heifers LSat have calved. farms repcrtjnK., Milk co*3 farms reiveung . , Heifers and heifer calves famts reportins,. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves. farms repvtini;,. Farms reporting by nurriber on hand: Cattle and calv^ 1 he«l farms rsfntting . . 2 to 4 head. fams reporting., 5 to 9 head, faims rr^nrting,, 10 lo 19 head, farms refuting, . Soto 19 head farms rrfiorting,. 50 to 99 head farms repottinK.. 10010 499 head. farms reptxting,, 500 or more head. fauna refcitiAg,, Cows including heifera that have calved- 1 head, farms reporting,, 2 lo 9 head, farms reprating. , 10 lo 19 head. farms rvporting.. 20lo29 head. farms reporting.. 30 to 49 haad. farms repvting,. 50 lo 74 head farms r«(ixtjng . . 75 I0 99 head. farms rapottiog.. 100 IV more head farms raportinft,. Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting,. 3 to 9 head, farms reporting,, 10 lo 19 head fama reporting., ao lo 29 head, farms reporting.. SO to 49 head, farms repoting,, 50 lo74 head, firms reporting,, 75 lo99 head. farms reptsting.. 100 astal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting Sales , farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting Sales farms reporting Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting tons, green weight See footnotes at end of table. 26,899 101,733 17,115 7,678 l,i22 502 127 55 20,547 51,771 17,419 49,962 57,753 774,313 37,842 12,556 5,006 1,278 457 614 55,212 679,228 17,371,715 15,935 5,281,024 64,595 15,664 157,372 3,138,621 8,391 2,402,778 17,931 346,189 10,816,465 5,141 4,980,467 2,363 35,177 1,024,147 1,127 ■ 18,307 274,254 7,827 387,504 7,228 6,823,185 1,467 28,845 62,463 133 5,639 9,315 93,437 97,257 696 7,107 13,750 101,983 lot, 358 3,242 37,915 39,843 16,789 76,075 9,913 5,043 1,197 462 121 53 12,834 37,886 11,348 38,189 35,033 601,063 19,045 9,636 4,147 1,173 426 606 33,730 525,536 14,254,135 11,953 4,676,369 52,815 9,829 119,794 2,494,126 5,567 2,014,323 11,806 297,756 9,552,126 3,613 4,640,902 1,764 31,186 932,762 6,386 370,210 6,478 6,563,880 1,146 26,186 57,766 108 5,394 5,024 63,778 71,326 375 5,577 8,797 76, 118 83,308 1,741 27,717 31,438 464 40,747 1,377,910 101,275 415 2,019,917 1,056 50,182 1,683,107 1,039 63,334 2,133,523 94,778 1,250 1,701,907 SOUTH CAROLINA 41 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ' DaU ve based on reports for only & sample of farms. See text] s utd pvplanalions, sp* text) Ek»nomic class-ConttnueH Commercia] faims— Conlinuerf UVEsmrK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-CooUnued number of 1JtI«rs 1x2 Httcn farms rmortinc S lo 9 litters farms reroninf;. 10 lo 19 litiers famvs renortini; 30 (o ^ litters farms renorting. 40 (o 89 litters farms rerartinc 70 Of more litters farms rroorting June 2 to November V) farms r«fx9rtine number of litters fVccmber I to June 1 farms renortine. aombcr of litters SPEaPTED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms ftrottine., Under 11 acres farms renortinj:., 11 to 24 acres fa/ms rerartinx. . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting., SO to 71 acres farms reponinc., 75 to 99 acres farms remftinK- ■ 100 Of more acres farms reporting . , Ilwasierl for fnxn farms rerortinit., bushels Sales farms renortinK. , bushels SorghuM for all purpoeea Harvested far grain or aeed. Vheat harveated Sales Oats harveated for grain . Salea Barley harveated Salea ' reporting. fajTVfl reporting. buahels. reporting. buahela. bualiela. bushela. Rye harveated. Soybeana harvested for beans. buahela. eportlng- buahela. buahela. repcrtlng. bushels. buahels. reporting. bushela. ....fama reporting. acres grom alone.. acres grown with other cropa. bushela. Hay crops: Land frcn «hlcb hay waa cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farma reporting. Salea fame reporting- Coastal Beraida grass cut for hay farma reporting. Salea farma reporting - Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting . acres. tens. Salea farms reporting. tons. Oats, sheet, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. tons. Sales f an&s reporting ■ Other hay cut fama reporting- tonB- Salea farms reporting- Grass silage made fron grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanna reporting- tons, green weight - See footnotes at end of table. A,505 5,281 20,502 17,543 2,4A0 3,267 1,488 1,707 3,553 9,867 3,170 10,635 8,209 151,984 3,222 3,154 1,355 299 86 93 7,972 134,507 3,794,275 3,846 1,294,495 362 21,075 2,318 24,784 476,826 1,265 ' 364,569 I 2,959 46,350 1,329,580 1,734 54,742 2,078 898,160 1,193 12,046 13,760 4,049 9,048 3,584 8,495 U,098 148,955 6,419 3,244 1,115 220 57 43 10,781 134,422 3,336,307 3,972 957, 510 337 13,300 2,776 22,910 433,411 1,453 299, ice 3^153 34,658 896,230 1,482 30,843 1,435 448,869 1,415 12,095 12,034 2,569 15,588 14,734 4,229 8,573 3,392 2,870 4,356 2,462 4,217 11,027 94,732 8,520 2,039 406 56 10,602 86,202 1,674,400 2,271 334,630 360 2,413 13,212 215,265 2,129 15,340 371,031 6,535 25 2,550 1,261 7,935 7,490 2,832 10,868 9,096 7,348 18,371 5,206 1,964 5,681 10,147 4,270 8,224 15,558 115,109 12,987 1,927 26 14,577 100,521 2,019,935 2,732 402,540 9,740 3,813 24,582 420,790 1,853 250,191 3,893 28,701 723,595 11,165 520 161,080 2,843 18,916 16,433 2,%5 15,808 12,936 2,732 6,628 1,991 2,007 3,385 1,776 3,243 7,136 55,153 5,809 6,880 51,011 1,005,535 1,243 193,865 414 2,010 12,455 210,430 2,2U 18,193 472,300 1,446 10,633 9,398 1,974 9,259 7,489 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all Economic class Iteoi {For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial fams Total Class I Class II Class III SPEaFIED CROPS HABVESTED-ConUnued 45,123 543,852 411,234 5,484 4,569 720,984 15,173 11,9(X 1,265,438 23,798 77,401 127,415,681 6,601 8,497,113 6,355 75,949 30,397 453,245 351,991 3,432 4,323 687,224 9,362 9,510 1,046,288 20,227 73,535 122,735,196 4,104 7,933,490 3,562 64,713 468 48,626 42,222 27 1,466 268,143 93 953 123,138 150 2,088 3,524,843 130 4,329,430 257 19,038 1,010 53,301 42,891 98 2,280 329,766 240 636 73,340 469 4,616 7,800,810 233 1,182,003 446 14,555 2,306 bales . . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use 59,985 49,905 339 biishels . . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting . . . pounds . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . . Sales dollars . . . Land In bearing and nonbeartng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 287 43,364 711 1,684 203,518 1,693 12,205 22,964,806 457 736,235 12,695 Z Less than 0.05 percent. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and tmtterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ■'Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 treea and grapevines. SOUTH CAROLINA 43 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dftia «e based on reports for only n sample of farms. See text] Cofnmeraa] faims— Continued Economic class— Continued SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-ContiDued Cotton harvested farms reportijig . . Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting . . bushels.. Sveetpotatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting . pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale fams reporting. Sales dollars ■ Land In bearing and ncnbearlng fruit orchards J groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . 6,561 94,205 73,537 2,108 2,499 282,612 6,438 28,105 49,317,282 2,852 2,112 219,200 7,812 21,488 33,065,155 10,390 85,648 58,051 3,358 1,626 144,480 3,665 5,033 6,062,300 10,112 62,715 41,167 3,688 1,402 127,225 2,335 2,421 3,031,420 1,236 1,448 1,649,065 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 1 of 8.-Cash-grain farms [Dau axe based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See texlj (For derinilions and explanations, see lest) FARMS. ACRE*GF„ AND VALUE Farms number , . Percent distribution percent. . Latitl in farms acres . . Percent disl/ibution percent . . Value ol land and buildings: \v.?rage per tium dollars. . Average per acre dollars . . Land in larnis according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting;.. 1 Uj 9 acres forms reporling. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more ocres farms reporting. . Crofiland used only for pasture farms repeating.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting . , Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . Woodland pastured forms reporting.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . Other pasture (not ciopland and not woodland) farms reporting . . Improved pasture forms reporting . . Irrigated land in farms forms reporting.. Land use practices: Ooplond in cover crops farms reporting.. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour forms reporting.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . FARM OPERATOR.S BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number.. 35 to ^ years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . Average oge years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INOOME Farm operators- working off their forms, total operators reprxting . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operotors reporting . . 2t)0 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operotors refXTtrng. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off- farm wtxk tjperotors reporting.. With otber income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . Witli other members of family working off form operators reporting. . farm operated c^>eraIors reporting . . With other inctxne of family exceeding volue of agricultural products sold operators repdling. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 lo49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number. . 100 to 139 acres number., 140 to 179 ocres number., 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 ocres number. 260 to 499 ocres number . 1,000 to 1.999 acres number . 2,000 or more ocres number . .Se« footnotes al end of table. i2,333 6,669,427 157.5 41,042 2,245,568 4,071 9,764 8,300 8,161 5,871 2,804 1,701 310 60 13,773 453,743 14,794 388,234 3,198 103,668 13,005 284,566 9,553 606,963 23,560 2,464,594 7,333 314, 390 3,159 144,020 22,227 7,742 592, 729 41,842 863 4,404 10,579 13,146 10,313 2,537 48.0 13,608 8,315 1,410 3,883 4,361 3,706 3,561 4,326 1,311 2,176 18,147 4,140 3,653 3,593 2,225 1,492 1,137 3,107 1,694 1,328 100.0 505,904 100.0 381.0 5,717 417 18,465 20,542 1,042 201, 659 101,471 20.1 1,780.2 92,715 18.3 891.5 4,338 97 32,560 12.5 87,510 17.3 527.2 2,225 136 29,844 2,150 31 7,670 16.8 85,261 16.9 382.3 20.9 70, 140 13.9 252.3 4,415 208 30,406 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 8.-Cash-grain farms 45 lD«U •re based on reports for only k sample of fanns. .'** t#xlj (For tJeriniuais and expjai FARUE BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All fann operators: Fullo»ner5 numner., Parto-ne.!. nun.bcr.. All t«nanl* number . . Cash tenants numttcr. , Share-cash tenants nun-ber . . Crop-share tenants nisnber.. I.ivestock-share tenants number . . Creepers , number . . Other and unspecified tenants , number.. Wliite farm operators: Full owmcrs nmber Part nmers numbCT All tAianls number Nonwhite farm operators Full owners number Part owners , nun brr All tenants number Or)n>ers numjtcr SPF/1FIED EQWPMENT AND FAaiJTlES, ANT) KIND OF BOAD Grain combines Cotn pickeia Piclc.up balers fannn rcnoetjng films refKVtjnf; firrai rvnrunc Field fcraffe harvesters fame reporting.. Uolormcks farms reprvtinf. . Traders farma rsportinp.. Tractcrs other than larden farma npontng. . numfao*.. 1 trader famn reporting.. 3 tractors farms reportjnj;.. Straclos farms rep^vunc.. 4 tivcters fams reportine,. 5 or more tractors farm* rrporttr^. . Wheel meters fams rcraetin;.. OawlOT tracteas fam.s rernrtinp . . nunhrv.. fianjen tractors farT..i> reporting.. Automobiles farms rcponinf;., Automobiles and/or motortrucks fanns reporting.. Telephone farms repretinii.. Ilome freeier farms rnportinr . . MilliinK machine farms rep materials farms reporting. . Lniuid mat.-rinls farms reporting.. Hay and croplnnd pn.>^ture farms reporting.. D^^ materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Com /arms reporting.. Dry materials fart..s reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting, . Soybeans /arms reixrting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton /am.s reporting. . Dry materials farn.^ reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . All other crops farms reporting. , r>Ty materials farms rerwirting.. Liquid materials farms reecrting. . Lime or liming materials used durine the year farms renorting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURE.S iny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestnck and poultry fam-s reporting.. Under $100 farms reporting.. SlOO to ii;909 farms reporting.. 51,000 to ?:i,99» farms repcrtinfl. . .«2,000 to 54,999 farms renorting. . SS.OOO or more farms reporting . . Purchase of livestock and poultry fanns reporting.. dollars.. Under ?1,000 farms re[iorting. . 51,000 to ,^0,490 fam.s reporting. . 52,500 to M,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 to 59,999 farais renortini; . . 510,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting. , dollars. . Under $200 farms reporting.. 5200 to S999 farms renorting. . 51,000 or more farms reporting , . Hired labor farms reporting.. ibllars.. Under 5200 farms reporting. . $200 to 5499 farms reporting.. S500 to 5999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to 52,499 farms reporting . . $2,500 to 54,999 farms reporting. . 55,000 to 59,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 to 519,999 farms reporting. , $20,000 to M9,999 farms reporting. . 550,000 or more farms reporting. , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollars . . Under 5100 fan, is reporting. . 5100 to 54 99 farms reporting . . 5500 to 5999 fam,s reporline . . 51,000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms reporting., dollars.. Under ^100 farms reporting. , SlOO to 5.199 farms reporting., S500 10 $999 farms reporting . 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting. , 55.000 or nore fam,s reporting. , 40,903 2,200,250 583, 897 40,851 569,544 1,758 14,353 7,801 290,277 7,656 59, 530 504 3,829 2,478 109,151 2,390 19, 502 163 1,292 33,423 581,121 33,321 129,271 1,000 4,635 3,971 206,928 3,964 32, 186 30,305 450,540 30,260 145,882 30,127 567, 661 30,003 183,173 2,851 112,018 108,143 42,333 23,247 30,860,093 8,777 10,126 1,149 1,628 1,567 12,537 11,212,557 10,312 1,139 21,930 3, 991, 944 14,748 5,530 39,976 16, 513, 574 14,263 16, 573 4,995 3,904 241 1,288 204,124 45, 719 1,288 44, U7 120 1,602 9,467 260 1,9U 18, 920 573 7,389 70,334 899 14,977 35,270 883 8,875,400 495,320 24,295 367 9,506 371 1,469 145 28,924 948 33,863,717 1,810,781 9,357 207 7,696 137 4,665 174 4,073 233 1,608 90 1,013 73 6,421 52 2,283 16, 017 133 3,409 10,592 178 1,918 7,940 221 1,530 See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 8.— Cash-grain farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample o( latma. See texl] 47 ESTttHTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All tann products sold loui, doiivs iyenfie per ruin, dollKre All (Tops sold dollus Field cTopB, other ihsn vefieubles and tniits and nvLs, sold. . . . .dc4lars Vepe<*ble9 sold dollars Fniils and nuts sold dollars Foresl poducts and horticultural specialty prodncts sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold. dollars Poultry and poultry [roducts sold. dollars Dairy fvoducts sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, othrr than poultry and daity, sold dollars UVTSTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fams reportiajt Cows, includinf; heifers that have calved farms reportinjt Milk coars fanns reportinf; number Heifers and heifer calves farms rr^jortinit Steers and bulls including sterr and bull calves farms rr^xatin); Fanna reporting by number on hand! CaltJe and calves- 1 head farms reportine 3 to 4 head farms reporting; 5 to 9 head farms repivtinc 10 to 19 head farmx repiatinit 20 to 49 head farms reporting 50 to 99 head farms rifurtinj; 100 t« 499 head farms reporting 500 or more head farms refwrtinc Cowa, indndiag heifara tliat have calvaii- 1 head farms reporting ■ 2 to 9 head farms repartinK. 10 lo 19 head farms rr^iortinr. 20 lo 29 head farms repurtinjt. 30 to 49 h««l farms reportinfC 50IO 74 head farms repotinc. 75 lo 99 head faiiRS repotinf;. 100 or more head farms repoftins. Milk covvs- 1 head farms refotins 2 to 9 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head farms rvfiollinK. 20 to 29 head farms reportinf: 30 lo 49 head farms reporting 50 to 74 head farms repnrtinK 75 to 99 heed farms nfnrtini;. 100 or more head farms rsportinK Horses and^or nules farms fwpaimii Hogs and pigs farms reportinj; Bofn since June I faima reportinjt Bom befcro June 1 farma refnrtinjt ShOep and lambs farmn reportinx Lamba und« 1 year old farms reportinn Sheep 1 year oJd and over farms re|)ortinf Ewee farms repoatinji Rams and srathera farma reporting Chtckerts 4 nranths old and over farms reportinx LinslKk and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farma reporting dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting dollars Sheep and lamha sold alive farms reporting dollars Milk and cream soldi farms ropcrting dollars Chickens including hroileni sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs add farms reporting dollai 279,992,774 6,6a4 199,739,352 165, UO, 368 7,933,490 15,501,755 11,193,739 80,253,422 26,442,316 21,693,416 32,U7,690 20,132 382,385 18,524 200,839 13,261 81,998 12,352 112,369 9,912 69,177 4,863 6,SU. 2,239 2,(X9 2,23« 1,403 8,(D7 6,091 1,440 90 22,464 44,033 30,484 489,196 18,093 273,561 27,334 215,635 230 4,122 131 1,108 10,623 173,064 19,053,799 14,571 426, 380 12,791,400 161 2,479 387,255,789 21,693,416 3,485 8,378,776 5,075 35,925,572 14,370,229 11,727,051 8,831 10,901,070 10,605,672 148,895 36,141 110,362 825,961 159,227 3,890 662,864 8,083 558 3,972 2,315 296 1,796 3,588,887 62,963 3,336,428 3,252,949 67,100 2,579 U,800 252,459 102,850 1,996 21 1,104 2,454 24 1,895 2,791,166 26,838 2,645,707 2, 587, 991 32,200 11,623 13,893 145,459 22,565 47 142 66 2,565 52 1,168 60 1,397 2,393,915 14,421 2,234,620 2,165,206 30,470 9,190 29,754 159,295 10, 595 3,967 68 3,U4 1,582,072 7,094 1,466,049 1,435,634 1,100 3,383 25, 932 U6,023 5,981 2,400 107,642 980, 796 3,528 8M.,X8 815,615 16,975 6,825 21,933 U9,448 12,887 750 JO, 000 23,225 2,400 750 6 36 371 2,984 U 53 4,025 24,757 5,610 9,903 Sm footmlM al and of labia. 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 8. -Cash-grain farms {palA *re twsed on reports tot only ft aftmpld of fanna. See text] LfVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Contmuod Litters farrowed December 1. 1958. to November 30. 1959. . . .farms reportmp s reporting s reporting s reporting 9 reporting number of litters T of ll SPEanED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes fanns reporting 3 reporting s reporting 3 reporting 3 reporting s reporting 3 reporting bushels Sales farms repwti ng bushels SorghuiDB for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain or seed f ama reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Wheat harvested farms reporting bushels Sales f anae reporting bushels Oats harvested for grain farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Barley harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels I^e harvested farms reporting bushels Seles farms reporting bushels Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting acres grown alone acres with other crops bushels Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reportlng- Sales farms reporting. Leapedeza cut for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting. Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales f arme reporting . Grass silege made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . tons, green weight. 16,789 389 76,075 2,889 9,913 150 5,043 132 1,197 83 '462 21 121 1 53 2 12,834 338 37, 836 1,349 11,348 291 38,189 1,540 35,033 1,016 601,063 41,374 19,045 337 9,636 231 4,147 214 1,173 76 426 56 606 102 33,730 980 525, 536 37,800 14,254,135 1,142,977 U,953 694 4, 676, 369 839,658 1,935 62 33,481 706 553 41 9,185 541 205,898 15,295 90 24 52,815 11,045 9,829 776 U9,794 21,062 2,494,126 471,244 5,567 705 2,014,323 442,945 11,806 800 297,756 59,395 9,552,126 2,086,239 3,613 659 4, 640, 902 1,775,552 1,764 190 31,186 5,450 932,762 165, 640 6,386 370,210 6,478 6,563,880 1,146 26, 186 57,766 5,024 63,778 71,326 8,797 76,118 83,308 1,741 27,717 31,438 U4,053 1,005 2,247,227 12,850 9,800 10 881 15, 920 9 14,640 57 30, 996 688,774 16, 565 12 14,920 103 28,987 568,841 17,300 1,005 316,377 See footnotea at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 8.— Cash-grain farms fD»u are based on reports for only a sample of (wns. See lextj 49 ToUl III Economic class {For (IcTinilions >nd t>«iiJuialKns, s^ ml) ToUl OassI Class n Class m OassIV CI us V n.ssvi SPEXIFIED CHOPS H*IIVESTEO-ronlinu.Of>-hane farma rapcrtiMi . . Home ttmtm funs reportinir . . Milkmn machine farms reporting.. Flectnc milk cooler fanna reparting.. C>op i^** ('" lir»". f<«ftK*< oroOMr crops). farms reparting.. Power-operated ntevaior, conveyor, or blower fama rsportini;.. Farms by ttind of road oit which located: Hard nurfacei. farms repocUnn . . . Gravel, shell, or ahale farms rsponinx.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard aurface nnd farms reportinn. . 1 or more mile* to a hard surface road. farms repcrtinit.. 1 mile farms reportinit . . 2 or 3 mites farms reporting.. 4 miles farms rsportinit.. 5 or more mtlen farms reporting.. FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEOtNG ENUMERATION Hired workers. fwms repartisx . . Reffulv hired workers (emfttoyed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . Farms reportinfc by number of repilar hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms repcruni; . . 3 or 4 hired wcrk«»9 farms reportjnc.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reportine.. 10 or rwre hired workers farma r^xrUnn . . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm ofnralod operators reportinf;.. Not residinKon tiam operated operators reportinf;,. Opnators not reptrtinjt residenct* nombw.. See roDlnotes at end of tJibla. 14,939 9,640 17,491 2,478 1,202 1,011 37,284 2,392 2,657 4,742 2,566 8,965 8,435 1,392 4,060 530 11,764 7,010 5,379 1,590 3,472 1,666 3,314 850 3,175 2,630 U,U2 6,S45 1,270 900 5,651 3,210 5,939 6,645 1,535 1,618 3,486 3,593 459 494 233 238 410 410 1,128 1,193 19,933 25,404 91 96 6,146 6,4m 20,779 34,660 20,335 33,368 13,095 6,707 3,026 6,547 7,820 5,523 20,231 6,492 32,695 7,664 545 126 673 136 1,127 191 1,292 206 30,053 10,994 35,381 U,340 35,167 13,194 13,887 3,226 20,882 9,322 1,505 5 1,460 10 21,849 1,234 18,423 9,649 7,119 380 8,425 4,059 8,774 5,223 3,268 4,366 2,591 1,665 14,495 664 1,115 1,124 1,260 1,274 1,966 785 3,835 883 2,580 1,976 929 2,652 2,036 1,034 2,711 2,296 1,341 3,190 2,566 1,014 2,651 2,231 1,316 3,109 2,485 760 2,252 2,011 4,421 4,713 5,266 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 8. -Tobacco farms [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text | t Jefin ■,pl.™i USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Comnierrial ferdlizer ami fortilizinc maliTials useO ilunn? (he M'ar fam.s report] np... Dr\ materials farms re^rtinR Linuiil irnl.Tinls farms reporting. . . Crops on «hioh usml- Hay anil crf>plnnil pasture farms reporting... Dr> materi al s fams reporting . . . Liqui.l materials farms reporting... Other paslure (nol eroplami) farms reporting . . . Dn materials farms reporting... Liquid materials farms reporting... Com farms repoetins... Dr> materials farii.s reporting. . Liquid malenals farms reporting. . Soybeans farms reporting . . Drv materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton fam.s rep*irtini;. . Dry materials fam.s reporting.. Liquid materials fnmis reporting.. All other crops farms reporting. . rtry materials famis reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting . . Lime or liming materials used durim: the year fanns repotting. . acres limed.. SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified etponditurcs farms repwting. . Feed fof livestock and poultry fam-s reporting.. dollars... Under .SlOO famis reporting.. $100 to 5909 famis reporti ng . . Sl.OOO to .Sl,999 famis reporting. . 52,000 to S4,999 farms reporting . . .«5,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under 51,000 farms reporting. . 51,000 l« 52,499 fam.s reporting. . 52,500 to 54,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 to 59,999 fam.s reporting.. 510,0{X) or more farms reporting . . Machine hire farms reporting . . Under $200 farms reporting . . S200 to 5999 farms t^norting. . .51,000 or more faims reporting . . Hired labor farms reporting. . Under S200 farms reporting. . S200 to :W99 farms reporting. . $500 to 5999 farms reporting.. 51,000 to $2,499 farms reporting . . ^,500 to 51,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 to 59,999 farms reporting., 510,000 to 519,999 farms reporting. . $20,000 to ^9,999 farms reporting. . 550,000 or more . ; farms reporting . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 5100 fan.is reporting . . 5100 to 5499 farms reporting.. .5500 to 5999. fanr.s reporting . . 51,000 or more farms reporting . . Ga.soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanu business farms reporting.. dollars.. llndcr $100 farms reporting . . SlOO to 5199 farms reporting . . S500 to S999 farms reporting . . 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 or more fanr.s reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. 40,903 2,200,250 583,897 40,851 569,544 1,758 14,353 7,801 290,277 7,656 59,530 504 3,829 2,478 109,151 2,390 19,502 163 1,292 33,423 581,121 33,321 129,271 1,000 4,635 3,971 206,928 3,964 32,186 30,305 450,540 30,260 145,882 30,127 567,661 30,003 183,173 514 3,206 2,851 112,018 103,143 42,333 23,247 30,860,093 8,777 10,126 1,149 1,628 1,567 12,537 11,212,557 10,312 1,139 21,930 3,991,944 14,748 5,530 39,976 16,513,574 14,263 16,573 4,995 3,904 241 16,234 416, 243 148,823 16,214 2,073 15,Oi2 2,007 3,216 14,758 184,765 14,718 46,521 1,178 14,291 1,178 2,436 12,250 103,954 12,220 32,571 16,189 95,397 16,169 61,886 16,274 8,286 1,502,740 4,101 3,978 145 42 4,109 503,860 4,038 35,270 14,154 8,875,400 1,705,781 24,295 11,891 9,506 2,160 1,469 103 28,924 12,708 3,863,717 6,714,894 9,357 4,055 7,696 4,421 4,665 2,446 4,073 1,429 1,608 270 1,013 83 9,698 733,104 7,656 1,912 15,669 4,784,018 4,400 8,382 2,019 1,294 66,124 25,206 1,294 24,892 80 314 1,258 28,949 1,253 5,571 165,030 59,528 5,556 58,995 182 533 5,226 74,932 5,206 18,885 958 4,309 4,941 14,252 41,278 34,293 953 4,304 4,926 4,414 12,993 10,794 10 35 40 20 34 24 1,294 5,556 6,561 16,173 37,736 28,327 1,294 5,546 6,556 U,335 24,945 18,655 1,626 184,145 1,611 4,956 653,625 3,953 3,396 281,772 2,486 6,581 128,271 45,556 6,581 45,275 170 281 5,856 58,511 5,846 14,380 1,390 705 1,310 1,095 5,596 6,586 2,958 3,135 608,315 424,030 1,251 1,780 1,627 1,300 1,331 113,565 1,321 5,741 545,225 5,150 5,010 1,637,715 1,850 2,165 3,736 194,890 3,230 6,391 1,384,570 2,000 3,825 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 8. -Tobacco farms [DmU are bftsed on reports for only a sample o( Tanns. See texlj 53 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fann products sold tMai, dollars.'; average per Tann, dollars . . All crops sold dollars . . Field crops, other ihui vefseuUes and fruits and nuts, sold. dollars . . Ve^e(Able9 w>Id dollars . . Fruits and nuu sold dollars . , Forest products and Korticullural specially ptodocts sold dollars.. Ml livestock and livestock products wrfd. dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. dollars.. Dairy px)duct« sold dollars., Livestock and livestock prodgcts, other Ihsn poultry and dairy, sold dollars., UVESTOCX AND UVE^rOCX PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting., Cows, includinft heifi>rs that have calved fanns reporting.. Milk cows farms reportinf; . . Heifers and heifer calves farms reportinft.. Steers and bulls including steM- and bull calves farms reportinit.. Farms Teportin)r by number on hand: Cattle arul calves- 1 head farms rvportmic, . 2 to 4 head farms reportinit.. 5 lo 9 head farms rr^aytini;.. 10 to 19 head farm- reptrtmic.. 20lo49 head farm^ ra^ortjnK.. SO to 99 head farm* fi , . 100 to 499 head farm* reportiitK. . 500 or more head farms rcpaitnt.. Cowa, induding heifers that have calvad- 1 head farms reporuni;.. 2 to 9 head farms reponinjc., 10 to 19 head farms repcvtinr.. 30 to 29 head farm* rcfortinic.. 30 to 49 head farmo reporunjc . . 50 to 74 head farms reponine.. 75 to 99 head farms n-portini;.. 100 or more head farms rt-portinc.. Milk oows- 1 head farms repatinjt., 2 to 9 bead farms reportinic . . 10 to 19 head farm* repoMmft.. 20 to 29 head farm* reprrttnc.. 30 to 49 head farm* reportjni;.. 50 to 74 head farm* reportmit.. 75 to 99 head farrm report^ni;.. too or more head farms reportinR . . Horses and, or mules fvm-!>hare bmanls .nianljcv , . Livestock-share tenanta. number . , Cnfpm number. . Other aiM] unsnecined tenants. PUffllier.. White farm nfwralors Noftwhit^ fann opcralor^ SPCnnEO EQUIFMEKT AND FAaUTlFS AND KIND OF ROAD f>un combiner fanns rennrtdni Ccn pickers. Pick'Uf balers famn rr^iertinf; . niasber. falRdi fvnvtinf. Tracuw TVact^rs other than rartjon. . , ,fan« refwrtin;; . . . 4 Incloni fanr-s 5 or mora traclora farm- Whe«l Iractffs fanrj* Crawl«r traders fani.a Garden tfmctora fafr..s fi^wruni;,. refotinc, reT">'^'*8*' Autemobiles faims raoortjiv:.! \i>tomobiles tnd/oi moteruvrka farms reportinf . , Telephote fanna rafwrtjiHt . . Home frevxrr farm* r«partjv>< Milkinit machine. fafiM repcatji^., FJecmc milk oooler fanui rifDrtjnA., farms reportiiir.. fatme repcrtjnK. fanns npaning,, fanns raportinc,, farms rep»tinj|.. farms refortinit . farms reporting . fanns reporting, fan^s repomnx. 1 mile to a hani surface road oilat to a hard surface road. FARM LABOR OIEK PRECEOmO ENUMERATION lired sr>rk«rs fanns reportinlt . Farms reportinf by nuirber of re^lar hired workers: 1 hired «rork« farms npalUng, 2 hired isorkers fanns reparun^. ;tor 4 hired wrekcrs fanna raportini;. 5 to 9 hired leorkcrs fanns repnruiti; . 10 or more hired workers fanns reportinn, RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators refiortini;.. Not residinf on farm operated operators reportinn., f^perators not repotjntt residence number . , Sae footnotes at ami of table. U,939 9,60) 17,491 1,497 688 5,283 U,764 7,010 J, 379 1,590 3,175 2,630 12,112 6,845 5,939 6,645 1,535 1,61B 3,486 3,593 1,128 1,193 19,933 25,404 20,779 34,660 20,335 33,368 13,095 4,396 1,521 670 653 30,053 35,381 35,167 13,887 20,882 1,305 1,460 21,849 1,234 18,423 9,649 8,774 5,223 3,268 2,478 1,202 1,011 37,284 2,392 2,657 2,624 2,361 7,067 1,374 1,U1 1,137 1,250 1,220 5,930 3,385 3,317 5,063 2,277 7,604 8,304 8,865 2,227 2,380 2,579 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 8.-Cotton farms (T-or .Irfinil * If xt) USE OF COMMERCI/VL FERTILIZER *ND LIME Comniprrial fertilizer anil forlillzinc matifiBl= used ctunn? the \enr farn.s reportinp Dn nmtcnal? furms reporting Litiunl innl.Tials rarms reporting Crop5 on whith use*!— May anil croplnnii pluilure famis repcrting. Dn niatefialu farms reporting. Liquid nialcriali^ farms reporting. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. Dr^' matx'riale farms reporting, Liquid materials farms reporting. Com Jarms reporting. Dry materials fnnus reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. Soybeans farms rermrting. Pry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms repr^ting. Cotton famis repcrtin^. Dr> materials furn.s reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. All other crops farms reporting. Dry materials famis reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. Lime or liming materials used durini: the year farms reporting. acres limed. SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITDHES Any of the following spociHed expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under .SlOO famis reporting. $100 to S999 farms rx-porting. $1,000 to.«;i,999 farms rcportinR. .«2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. S5,000 or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms rxiporting. dollars. I'nder ?1,000 farpis reporting. 51,000 t« $2,499 fam;s reporting. S2,,')00 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,n00 to S9,999 fam.s reporting. $10,000 or nore farms reporting. Machine hire farms reporting . Under $200 farms reporting. $200 to $999 farms renorting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Hired labor farms reporting. Under S200 farms reporting. $200 lo $499 farms reporting. S50O to .$999 farms reporting. S1,000 to $2,499 farms reportim?. 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. .$5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting , $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. $20,000 to M9,999 farms reporting, 550,000 or more farms reporting , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting, dollars Under $100 fan.is reportine $100 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 fam.s reportine $1,000 or nore farms reporting Gasoline and other peUoleum fuel and oil for the farm husiness farms reporting dollars Under $100 farms reporting S100toM99 : farms reporting S500 lo S999 farms reportin.e 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting $5,000 or irrore fanr.s reporting *0,903 2,200,250 583,897 40,851 569,544 1,758 14,353 7,801 290,277 7,656 59,530 504 3,829 2,478 109,151 2,390 19,502 163 1,292 33,423 581,121 33,321 129,271 1,000 4,635 3,971 206,928 3,964 32,186 30,305 450,540 30,260 U5,882 30,127 567,661 30,003 183,173 514 3,206 2,851 112,018 108,143 42,333 23,247 30,860,093 8,777 10,126 1,149 1,628 1,567 1J2,537 11,212,557 10,312 1,139 39,976 16,513,574 14,263 16,573 12,071 441,387 109,370 12,061 108,051 192 1,319 9,436 111,029 9,416 20,255 12,051 213,377 12,041 64,877 5,250 69,998 5,225 L4,904 831,211 2,902 1,635 2,306 307,398 2,260 35,270 12,081 8,875,400 3,113,190 24,295 7,824 9,506 3,814 1,469 443 28,924 5,883 3,863,717 3,933,182 9,357 2,895 7,696 1,536 4,665 570 4,073 497 1,608 212 1,013 131 21,930 4,682 991,944 393,125 14,748 3,933 5,530 599 10,836 2,087,500 6,910 3,023 3,115 119,476 28,941 3,110 23,651 60 290 2,386 33,687 2,376 5,915 3,110 61,338 3,105 17,911 1,631 18,279 1,611 3,825 3,120 1,199 215,445 3,120 852,885 1,062 2,023 2,970 452,309 1,505 1,282 See footnote SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 8.-Cotton farms [Data are baMd on raporu for oaly a sample of faima. See mi] 59 ; uid «(p]uiatians, sec UrA) ESHMATED VALIT: OF PBODtKTS SOLD BY SOURCE Al! farai products sold toui. * Field rmpB, other than vefielable! \>l*pUb]eii Mild. Fluil. >9old. Forest pRxiuctA uid hcrticuluirmi specialty products sold dollars \ll livesuick and livestock products sold. dollars Poultry and [vultry products sold. .dollars [>air> FToducIs sold dollars Livestock and livestock product.s, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK *ND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves . Cows, includinft ' Heifers and heifer calves Sieers and bulls including staar and bull calvi n reTDrtinjE » repctftinit Farms reporting by nunlMr em hand: Caixle and calves- 1 heed farms refwrtinc 2 to 4 head farms reporting S 10 9 head farms rr^vatmi; 10 to 19 head farm- refxatmit 20 lo 19 head farm^ riyotunt M) to 99 head farm* Tfpjnittg too to 499 head farms refDrtinK UJOa more head farms rt^wrtinf Cows, indnding heifer* that have calvad~ 1 head faims repnrtmic 2 to 9 heed farms repeating 10 lo 19 head farms rt^xstinr 20 lo 29 heed farms reportinit 30 lo 49 head farm* reporttnic 50 lo 74 head farms reportinc 75 lo 99 head farms reportini; 100 or more head farms rrfnrtinf Uilkcows- 1 h«ad farms reportinir 2 to 9 head .■ farms rnportinx 10 to 19 head farms repcrtinit 20 lo 29 head farms repiAinf: 30 lo 49 head farms feportinx SO lo 74 head farms reportinK 79 (o 99 heed farms refnrtinj; 100 or more head farms reportinf H 49 acres farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . . 100 lo 199 acres farms reporting . . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting... 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . . Cropland used only for pasture farms repccting . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting... Woodland pastured farms reporting. . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . . Other pasture {not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting... Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . . Cropland used for grain of row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . . Land in SUip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . , Under 25 years number . . . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 to 44 .years number.. 45 lo54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF- FARM WORK AND OTHER BiCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators re^icrting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 lo 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. WiOi income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reprxling.. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number. . 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 lo 259 acres number . . 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number.. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. , 2,000 or more acres number.. See footnotes at end of table. 42 , 333 6,669,427 157.5 9,764 3,300 S,161 5,871 13,773 453,743 14,794 388,234 3,193 103,668 13,005 284,566 9,553 606,963 23,560 2,464,594 7,333 314,390 3,159 144,020 100.0 223, 462 100.0 223.7 58,602 26.2 706.0 58,101 26.0 421.0 21.2 49,690 22.2 244.8 26.2 27,860 12.5 111.4 22,227 7,742 592,729 41,842 863 4,404 10,579 13,146 10,313 2,537 48.0 13,608 8,315 1,410 3,883 4,361 3,706 3,561 2,176 18,147 4,140 3,653 3,593 2,225 1,492 1,137 3,107 1,694 5,990 269 18,537 27 3,303 613 58,113 55 1,968 73 5,411 42 2,451 56 2,960 48 2,260 1,250 150 2,930 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 8.-Fruit-and-nut farms 63 FAIR6 BY Onum AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farai operators: Cish teniial5 . Oop-sSiire COT Liv(>stocl.-shitte ICfiKnla. OOyer uvi unineciricd tr*ianL-. . nwhil* laim optsnujn: i.nuinbvr.. SPranEO EQUIPMEKT AND FAaUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grim caTiljin«3 rarm n*I)Ctjn£. Com pickers. ranm rvptrtinf;, Pick-Br> balers lurttg rvfortjnc. Field tanft harvesters ftmii rrTorung. rrsrttfs raivna r«fartin|;.< TrscbTs otiwr than onlcn ranrw n-rnung., niimliCT., 2 Iractors rarrrM rpfonjnj(.. S tractcrs ranns rr^vnjnf;., 4 Uaclors rarrrji rvforune.. 5 or more tracrcr* rarm^ rtpatiiig.. mieel Incurs Crawlflr Irscux Garrlan tractors . ..fanrj. rtrorun;;., ..farsrt rcfurtjnf ., U,939 9,6«l 17,491 1,497 688 5,283 U,764 7,010 5,379 1,590 3,175 2,630 12,112 6,845 5,939 6,645 1,535 1,618 3,486 3,593 1,128 1,193 19,933 25,404 20,779 34,660 20,335 33,368 U,095 4,396 1,521 670 653 Aulomobitas rsiw* rfrornnf .. Automobiles and/or motorVucks faimn rrportjng. . Ti>l«f>hone farms rcfwrunit.. Home freezer farms rernrtinit.. Milkinit machine. farms reptvting., Electric milk cooler faima repoctiivi.. 30,053 35,381 35,167 13,887 20,882 1,505 1,460 Fins by i(if)d of toad on trtiich located; Hard surface. farms ceportini;.. r>avel, shell, or shale farms refwrtinir. Dirt or unimfvoved. farms reporting. L«ss than 1 mile to a hard svface toad farms refiortinit,, 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad. farma refjorting. 1 mile farms reftMtjnft , 2 or 3 miles farms rapotin^.. 4 miles farms reporting,. 5 or nnre milee farms reportjriit. . FARM LABOR, WDX PRECEDINO ENUMERATION 21,849 1,234 18,423 9,649 8,774 5,223 3,268 Reirulir hired wvkers (employed 190 o Farms reporting by nuirber of repjiar hired workers: 1 hired wtsker farms repottinf;.. 2 hired workers farms repisunil. 3 or 4 hired wcekers faima reportjnf;. S to 9 hired workers farms reportinj;. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residin£ on farm oprratnl operators reporting.. Not residing on farm opwated operators reporting.. Operators Rot reptstjng residence number.. Sae footootae at end of table. 2,478 1,202 1,011 37,284 2,392 2,657 64 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continue(i Part 4 of 8.-Fruit-and-nut farms (Data are based on reiiorts for only a sample of fam'i. See le«l | (Kor JefinU .«I,I,| USE OF COMMERCIAL FFRTILIZEU AND LIME >mmerri«l frrliliiCT nn.l (fniLiinc laliTinl? iispil dunnc [he Npnr fantiS rcfxjrtinp. .. Dr, nialefials fanns reporting . . . LitluiiH maliTiBls farms reporting... Cnapson uhiri. iised- llav nnd crophml pnsture farms reporting... Dr\ materials farms reporting... Liquul nialerials farms reporting. . . Other pasture {not cmplamt) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting... Com farms reporting . . , Dry matenals fnrn.s reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Stjybeans • • . • farms repi^ting . . Drv materials farms re-porting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton 'ims repdtini;. . Dry mntenals fams reporlmj . , Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other crops farms reporting. . flry materials fimiis reporting . . ime or liming materials used durine the year farms repofting.. SPECIFIED FARKt EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry fam's reporting.. dollars.. Under $!(» farms reporting . . $100 to $909 fnmis reporting. . Sl.OOO to .«;i,999 farms reporlinR. . .«2,000 to S4,999 farms renortinp. . $5,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poullrv farms reporlini:. . (tellars.. I'nder $1,000 farms reiwrting. . $1,000 to $2,499 fvn.s reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 fam.s reporting . . $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting. . Under S20O farms reporting.. $200 to $999 fnrms reporting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting . . Hired labor forms reporting. . Under S200 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. . 5500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $1,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting . . $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. . $20,000 to M9,999 farms reporting. . $50,000 or more fanrs reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 fan.is report] np . . ^100 to $499 farms reportinp. . $500 10 $999 fanT.s reporting . . $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil tot the fann business farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting . . SICO to $199 farms reporting. . S500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting.. $5,0fK) or more faniis reporting. . 40,903 2,200,250 583,897 «),851 569, 54i 1,758 U,353 7,801 290,277 7,656 59,530 504 3,829 2,';78 109,151 1,292 33,-123 581,121 33,321 129,271 1,000 A, 635 3,971 206,928 3,964 32,186 30,305 450,540 30,260 145,882 30,127 567,561 30,003 183,173 2,851 112,018 108,143 42.333 23,247 30,860,093 8,777 10,126 1,149 1,628 1,567 12,537 11,212,557 10,312 1,139 540 374 172 35,270 8,875,400 24,295 9,506 1,469 28,924 33,863,717 9,357 7,696 4,665 4,073 21', 930 3,991,944 14,748 5,530 39,976 16,513,574 14,263 16,573 3,980 59 1,059 See footnotes i of table. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 8.-Fruit-and-nut farms [D&u «r« based on reports for only « sanvtie o( rums. See text] 65 d esplanatioos, see t ESTIMATED V*UJE OF PRODUCTS SOLO BY SOURCE All fan priKkKts sold uiui.doiiin avon|>e ppt turn, dollan Ali crofM ao4d dollars Field rropB, aOi«r Lhftn vefjetablas ind fhiila utd nuts, sold. , , , .ddlani \>g«4«hl»s sold dollsrs Fruits Slid nuts sold dollars Forest poducts and horticattjiral specialty fsodocts sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold. dollars PoulUy and poultry (Voducts sold. dollars Dairy [roducts sold dollars Livestock and livesIAck products, othv than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCX PRODUCTS Cattle and C3lv« Cows, including heifers t>ial kave calved. Heirecs and heifer calves Steers and bulls includinx steie and bull calves . s reportinf s nifuftinx srepounjt srefnttnK srefxvtinK Farms repomnf by nwnber on hand: CalUe aad calves- 1 head tanvi reportinic, 2 to 4 head famw repafUnit. S to a head farms rt^icatjnit, 10 to II head faim^ n^Mtinff. 2010 49 head famui rrjnjrunt.. SOto W head fann^ rrfurtini;.. 100 to 499 heed fafuw rrportinit., 500 or more head farsM r«ptftia(.. Cows, Indedinn heifers thai have calved 2to9he>d.,. iota 19 head. SO to 29 head. aO to 49 head. 90 to 74 he«l, 75 to 99 head. 100 or more hei . .fams repoflin^. . , .faims repcrtinji . , , .fannn ia|KVtinit , , , .farms lept»tjn|t , , , .fains fefnrltne., . .fauM repsuni;., . .faniw refurtjBit., 2lo9hesd 10 to 19 head 20 to 29 head 30 to 49 heed JOlo 71 heed 75 to 99 head 100 or more head. fame refiortinii.. farms repofUnit., fanae reportinR., .farms ra|nrun|> . , fame (eportinit, , fame laponjnK, . farms tuportjnjt , , Horses and/or Wles. farms rapoti nit., Ho{S and pi|S farms ra|Brtin|t. . Bora nine* June 1 ferms repotinjt, Btn before June 1 fanna repnftin|t . , Sheep and lambs fama tapartinf, , Lambs under 1 year old farms rafnrtjn||., Sheep 1 yeer old and c ..farms reportinft.. ..farms reporting.. Chickens 4 onnths oldandoiw fMme raponinit,. Roits aad piitB aold alive. Sheep and lambe aold alii dollars.. I reportinit, . dollars.. ■ raportinx.. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms n Chickan e|g|s sold farms n See foolJiotae al «id of tabla 279,992,774 6,614 199,739,352 165,110,368 7,933,490 15,501,755 11,193,739 80,253,422 26,442,316 21,693,416 32,117,690 20,132 382,385 18,524 200,839 13,261 81,998 12,352 112,3«9 9,912 69,177 4,863 6,514 2,239 2,049 2,236 1,403 801 27 8,037 6,091 1,440 90 22,464 44,033 30,484 489,196 18,093 273,561 27,334 215,635 230 16,106,187 16,847 15,321,343 1,473,288 113,770 13,596,295 137,990 784,844 90,324 111,360 583,160 29,485 403 3,886,40-/ 42,787 10,623 322 173,064 4,065 19,053,799 495,615 14,571 139 426,380 2,831 12,791,400 84,930 161 10 3,479 60 38,269 660 2,479 40 387,255,789 2,414,414 21,593,416 Ul,360 3,485 53 8,378,776 19,802 5,075 99 35,925,572 174,930 14,370,229 69,972 6,883,530 82,934 6,642,761 609,583 4,755 6,013,888 14,535 240,769 46,069 3,971,000 28,775 3,700,021 389,878 26,790 3,229,118 54,235 270,979 24,999 102,485 143,495 1,2?? 1,066 173,925 120,985 16 37 684 727 20,520 21,810 15 2,182,976 102,485 8 15 3,477 3,349 3 20 105,980 54,125 42,392 21,650 2,826,676 13,925 2,667,761 215,905 34,375 2,381,881 35,600 158,915 12,920 60 1,683,976 6,736 1,607,557 178,315 33,150 1,366,842 29,250 76,419 2,199 8,405 65,815 667, 672 3,257 630,030 77,781 12,775 535,199 4,275 37,642 221,462 8,944 8,405 410 10 15 234 242 30 25 4,475 9,000 1,790 3,600 66 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 8.-Fruit-and-nut farms [Data are based on reports tot only a sample of fams. See text] LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conti nuod Litters farrowed December 1. 1958, to Novemlwr 30, 1959. . . .fams n-portinp June 2 U> November 30. s reporting. s reporting 9 reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting ir of litters SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting Under 11 : U to 24 a 2Slo49fl 50 to 74 a 75 to 99 B 100 or moi Harvested for grain . 3 reporting 3 reporting 9 reporting bush^ s Sales farms reporting bushels Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Wheat harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Oats harvested for grain farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Barley harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushelB Rye harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Scybeana harvested for beans farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels Hay cropa: Land from which hay was cut acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mirtures cut for hay and for dehydrating I'ama reporting Sales farms reporting Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting Sales farms reporting Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting tons, green weight See footnotes at end of table. 16,789 76,075 9,913 5 043 1,197 462 121 53 12,834 37,886 11,348 38,189 35,033 601,063 19,045 9,636 -i,147 1,173 426 606 33,730 525,536 14,254,135 11,953 4,676,369 52,815 9,829 119,794 2,494,126 5,567 2,014,323 11,806 297,756 9,552,126 3,613 4,640,902 1,764 31,186 932,762 6,386 370,210 6,478 ,563,880 1,146 55 26,186 1,060 57,766 1,690 108 11 5,394 545 5,024 146 63,778 1,740 71,326 1,938 375 5 5,577 10 8,797 142 76,118 2,367 83,308 2,098 244 2,243 1,741 21 27,717 172 31,438 128 5,195 10 3,760 3,184 48,240 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 8.-Fruit-and-nut farms [DaU are bfts«d on reports for only a samplo of farms. See textj 67 SPECIFIED CROPS mRVESrED-Tonlinired Cottca harvested ...fams reporting. Irish potatoes harvested for boae use or for sale famis reportiag.. bushels.. Sveetpotatoes harvested for bcoe use or for sale fams reporting . , bushels.. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . Vegetables harvested for sale fans reporting.. Sales dollara. , Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treea^ fai«s reporting.. Peaches' faros reporting . . Trees of all ages nuaber.. Trees not of bearing age number.. Trees of bearing age number.. (^lantity harvested faivs reporting.. 30,397 453,245 351,991 3,432 4,323 687,224 9,362 9,510 1,046,288 20,227 73,535 122,735,196 4,222,890 874,720 3,348,170 1,462,190 314,215 1,147,975 963,000 180,300 782,700 774,425 190,625 583,800 697,000 106,480 590,520 276,660 62,500 214,160 49,615 20,600 29,015 Z Reported In small fractlonm. ^Includes mllJi equivalent of crcaa asd butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for tvwB with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms alth leas than 20 trees and grapevines. 68 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 5 of 8. -Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See teict] (For deHnil FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fanns number. . Percenl distnbulion perrent.. Land in farms acres . . Percent dist/ibulion ^ percenl . . Value of land and buildings: \verage per farm dollars. . Average per acre dollars. . Land in farms accofding to use: Cropland harvested farms reportinp.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms repccting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Copland not iiarvested and not pastured farms reporting.. Soil'improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting.. Otlier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . i#oodlftnd not pastured farms reporting . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . Improved pasture fanns reporting. . Irrigated land in farms fams reporting.. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. Cropland used Tor frain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . . Land in stn(>-cropping systems for soil-ertjsion control farms reporung. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . VMW OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number . . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number.. Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators repcrting . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or rmre days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators repcrting . . With income rrom sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working ofr their farms or not reporting as to work orr their rarms operators repcrting. . With other members of family working off farm operatcrs reporting.. With income from sourees other than fann operated operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operatrM-a repealing. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 49 acres number. . 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres numbw.. 100 to 139 acres number . . 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number . . 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number.. 2,000 or more acres number . . See footiKttes at end of table. i2,333 6,669,427 157.5 41,042 2,245,568 4,071 9,754 8,300 8,161 5,871 2,804 1,701 310 60 13,773 453,743 14,794 388,234 3,198 103,668 13,005 284,566 9,553 606,963 23,560 2,4*4,594 7,333 314,390 3,159 144,020 22,227 7,742 592,729 41,842 863 4,404 10,579 13,146 10,313 2,537 48.0 13,608 8,315 1,410 3,883 4,361 3,706 3,561 4,326 1,311 2,176 13,147 4,140 3,653 3,593 2,225 1,492 1,137 3,107 1,694 1,461 100.0 213,974 100.0 146.5 11.5 57,786 27.0 344.0 14.8 31,315 14.6 145.0 24.8 55,032 25.7 151.6 2,135 6,795 156 263 LI, 940 19,877 71 147 2,440 3,655 20.9 36,025 16.8 117.7 1,195 155 3,155 19.6 21,495 10.0 75,2 SOUTH CAROLINA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 8. -Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See text] 69 FARUE BY COLOR AND TElflJnE OF OPERATOR Alt tim operators: Share-ca?>i t^ninu ni Crap-^hafo teninls ni l.ivestccL-sKnre («nan(5. ni Croppers numbev. OthfT hiu] unspeciHcH t«nwit& pumbcr. White ftm optraion: CropfnT^ nwhite fariTi ofierftUV^: SPFX7FIED EQUIPMEKT AND FAnUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grun combintfs fvTna rr^njrtit Ccm pickers fafmn N^xvur Pick-up bsl«rs farrM roronjfif. Firld fora^ harvrstMs . Motortrucks rvportjng.. rvprvtiiti;. Trscurs funis r Trscttf s othtr Lhtji innjon fsrins r 1 trscu* rvmi f 2 Irsctors lurtw r 3 Irsctors rirms i or moro trkctors rtrtn-. Wheel lrscl4vs twnj> r Crswit* tractors. rsm.s r GsiTJcn (jsctcrs fwr.ji r rcp»»t*nc. reportjni;. repvtirig. , 1*,939 9,640 17,491 1,497 688 5,283 U,764 7,010 5,379 1,590 3,175 2,630 12, U2 6,345 5,939 6,645 1,535 1,618 3,486 3,593 1,128 1,193 19,933 25,404 20,779 34,660 20,335 33,368 13,095 4,396 1,K!1 670 653 Aitlombilss fwnv* nvorunf,.. Aulomobilvs snd/or motortrucks farms reportinft. Tctcf>honc fsnns rflfKXtilut . Home freerer fsnns reportjiv ■ MilkinR machine farms r«p(«tjng, Flectric milk cooler farnw reporting. 30,053 35,381 35,167 13,887 20,882 1,505 1,460 1,272 1,583 1,405 farms reportins.. >avel, shell, or shale fame reportjnK,. )in iM unimprtTved fama rafiortjAg., Less than 1 nule to a hard surface road farma rapovtjn^. . 1 ce more miles to a hard surface road. fanna reportjnx.. 1 mile fairns reportidf; , , 2 or 3 miles fanns reporting, , 4 miles fsnns reporting.. 5 or more miles farms (eportinx,. FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECF.DINO ENUMERATION 21,849 1,234 18,423 9,649 8,774 5,223 3,268 R«Kulsr hired esykerv (eefiloyfd 150 or more days) farms repoftinjt.. Farms reporting by number of repilar hirad woritvs: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired eorkera farms reportini;.. 3 or 4 hired wtvkrrs farms reportrni;. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms repitftine. 10 or more hired workers farms reportjnx . RFSIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. T4ot residing on fsrmoperalad operators reporting.. Operators not repoting residence number . . See footiiotes at end of table. 2,478 1,202 1,011 37,284 2,392 2,657 70 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 8.-Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text J USE OF COMMERCIAL FF.RTILIZEII AND LIME Other pftstur Liqu. , .farms reporting . .rantis repcrting . .famis reporting , .farms reporting ..farms reporting . .farms reporting ..farms reporting Com farms reporting [>ry materials fanns reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Soybeans. ..farms reporting , .farms reporting Cotton fam.s reportinj^. Dry materials fnm.s reporting Liquid materials fnmi^ reporting All other crops farms reporting [>> materials farms reporting Liquid materials f SPEHFIED F*RM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry f.im's reporting dollars Under .«100 farms reporting $100 to .S909 farms reporting 51,000 to Sl,999 farms reporting .«2,000 to S4,99porting dollars Under $100 farms reporting 5100 10 5.199 farms reporting S500 to $099 farms reporting 51,000 to 51,999 (.ms reporting 55,000 or more fanr.s renortinc 40,903 2,200,250 583,897 40,851 569,544 1,753 14,353 7,801 290,277 7,656 59,530 504 3,829 2,478 109,151 2,390 19,502 163 1,292 33,423 581, Ul 33,321 129,271 1,000 4,635 3,971 206,928 3,964 32,136 30,305 450,540 30,260 145,882 30,127 567,661 30,003 183,173 2,851 112,018 108,143 42,333 23,247 30,860,093 8,777 10,126 1,149 1,628 1,567 12,537 U, 212, 557 10,312 1,139 21,930 3,991,944 14,748 5,530 39,976 16,513,574 14,263 16,573 9,843 370 1,734 10,001 529 2,357 2,848 250 1,146 1,461 1,461 15,786,977 35,270 589 8,875,400 124,171 24,295 377 9,506 196 1,469 16 28,924 935 33,863,717 1,519,162 9,357 226 7,696 171 4,665 141 4,073 231 1,608 101 1,013 39 See Tootnoles at end of table, SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 8. -Poultry farms [DaU are b«sed on roporta for only k »unple of fima. See text] 71 ESTIHATEO VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All (am products sold mui, doiian sverai^ p«r turn, dollars All CTopn !>old dtAlm Field cropB, otlwr than v«if>auUflS and tnita and nuts. nald. . . . .dollars \>fxubln!oM di>llars FhiitaandnutAsold dollars Forest products and horuculcwml specialty pradtKls sold dollars All livoslodt and livestock products sold. dollars Poaltry and poultry products sold. dollars Dairy [Voducts sold dollars L[vestoH( and livestock products, other than poulny and dairy, aold .dollars UVESmCK AND UVESrOCX PRODUCTS Cittle wid calm Cows, including heifers U nponinf HeiTers and heifer calves Steers and balls including steer and bull cajvi Farms repoftjnf by numbiY on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 heed farms reptstins 2 to 4 head farms rvfnrtinit 5 to • head fama frfirtini: 10 lo 19 head fann« reputinjE 20 to 49 h«ad farm* rvxanittg 50 lo n head fafm^ refurtini: 100 to 499 head farms reportinn 500 a more head farms mpottinK Cbwa, indoding haifara thai have ealva^ 1 heax() FARMS. ACREAOE. AND VALUE Farms number . . Percent dislnhution [jerrent . . Land in tatms a^es . . Percent iil« turn opcraurs: Full cfKT^en nmiber . . Pirtowi.«rs noiber.. All letunts number. . CiUfqiM • number. . Nonwhitc fifm opanlan: Full ownen number . . Pert (Tamvs nier.ber.. All l«nents nmb« . . Croniere nmber . . SPECIFTEO EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF BQAD Grein combinM ferns re^ortjnf.. Cent pickers. rerma refKStinf; . . Pick .up balers ferrtei rvfortinc . . Fiold Tarsitc hervesl«rn rermn refnrtjng. . Motortrucks rsnr« ropretjne. . Trsctrvs fern ruporun^.. Trscttfsotber Uisn itsrtien fsims mporung .. 1 Irscta feinui rernrting,. 2 Irsctors fsnTie fc^vrtini^.. 3 trsdcn rerme rtpntin^. . 4 tractors fenr-s refortinit. . 5 or mm trsctors ferm^ refnrting.. WhMl (rK4cre Itntji rararuns.. Oewler Iraclos ren^ rrTnrting. , nun.her.. Genlen Irecton femji raporung.. niaiber.. Automobilse fenM revorunn,. \utomobilee end/or motortrucks fems ruporung,. Tnlephone fems repcrtinf . . Home frseser renma faportjnft.. Milkinft machine rertna raportji^. , F.lactnc milk oooler rarma ruportinff.. Oop dner (f' tiAterials.. LiquUi mfiUTinl May And croplnnd pasture. . . . Or> materials Liquid materials Other pnslure (not cropland) . Dr>r Liquid materials Dry diBterials... Liquid materials fty n Cotton Jam.s rcfxirtini^ Dry materials ms reporting ms reporting ms reporting ms reporting ms reporting ms reporting ms reporting reporting repfxting reporting SPEaFlED FARM EXPENDITURES Under SlOO $100Io?999 $1,000 to Sl,999 S2.000 to $4.999 S5,000ormore Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under ?1,000 51,000 to 52,499 . 52,500 to S4,999 . 55,000 to 59,999 . 510,000 or more.. Machine hire. . . . Under S200... S200 to 5990. . 51,000 or more Hired labor Under S200 $200 to 5499 5500 to $999 $1,000 to 52,499 . . . 52,500 to 54, 999... 55,000 to 59.999 .. . 510,000 to 519,999 . $20,000 to 549,999 . 550,000 or more Under 5100... 5100 to 5499. . 5500 to 5999. . 51,000 or mors Under $100 S100 1O5499 S500to$999 51,000 to 54,999 . n.s renorting, ms reporting, ms reporting, ms ronorting ms tef>ortin.e ms reporting. s reportms s reporting s reporting dollars s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting dollars 5 reporting s reporting B reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting, s reporting s reporting dollars s reporting 5 reporting s reporting 1 reportinp s reporting. 40,903 2,200,250 583,897 40,851 569,544 1,758 14,353 7,801 290,277 7,656 59,530 504 3,829 2,478 109,151 2,390 19,502 163 1,292 33,423 531,121 33,321 129,271 1,000 4,635 3,971 206,928 3,964 32,186 30,305 450,540 30,260 145,882 30,127 567,661 30,003 133,173 514 3,206 2,851 112,018 108 , 143 42,333 23,247 30,860,093 8,777 10,126 1,149 1,628 1,567 12,537 11,212,557 10,312 1,139 540 374 172 35,270 8,875,400 24,295 9,506 1,469 28,924 33,863,717 9,357 7,696 4,665 4,073 1,608 1,013 357 133 21,930 3,991,944 14,748 5,530 1,415 207,106 47,146 1,415 43,897 232 3,249 1,039 79,758 1,023 16,631 1,463 1,463 6,176,972 39,976 1,453 16,513,574 1,521,517 14,263 106 16,573 418 4,995 374 3,904 531 14,222 68 1,143 27,238 379 5,003 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 8. -Dairy farms 77 IpUM ire t»s«d on rapona for only ft Minple of rnnnfl. See uwt] ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BT SOURCE All fam products sold loul, doiim. average per fvm, dollars . All crops sold dollars. Field crope. oilier than ve|ee4ables and fruits and nuLs, sold. . dollars . Vejretables sold dollars . Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest rmducts and horucnltival specially products sold dollars. .All llvestocV and livestock products sold. dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold. dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars., LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms rr^nrtinx . . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reponinx.. Milk cows farms reptxtinj;,, Heifers and heifer calves I farms reporting.. Steers and bulls includin); sLeer and bull calves fams repeating., Farms reporting by number at hand: Caule and calves- 1 head farms reporting, , 2 to 4 heerl farms reporting, , 5 to 9 head farms reporting,, 10 to 19 head farms rr^wrting, , 20 to 49 head faima reporting.. 50 to 99 head faims re|urting.. 100 to 499 head faims reporung. . 500 cr more head farms rr^iaeting.. Cowa, indudiBg heifers that have calved- 1 head farms rvporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reptvting.. 20 to 29 head fauns reporting.. 30 to 49 head firms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. lOOormve head farms reporting.. l«Ua>w>. 1 head fams repeating.. 2 to 9 head farms repcning . . 10 to 19 head farms repeating.. 20 to 29 head farms reprvting . . 30 to 49 head farmn reporting , . 50 to 74 head farms reporting., 75 to 99 head farm reporting,, 100 or more head farms reporting, , HtXSeS and. 'or mutes. farms repoKing.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . Bon since June 1 farms reporting.. fkm before June 1 fafma reporting.. Sheep and laabs farms lepoting.. Laoiha undar 1 year old farms reporung.. Sheep 1 y«ar old and over farms reporting.. numbv . . F.wes farms reporting . . Rams and weriiers farms reporting . . numbs.. Chickens 4 nonttlS Old and over farma reporting.. Livestock and livestKk products sold; Catlle and calves sold abve farms reporting.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alivn farms reporting. . dollars.. Sheep and lambe sold alive farms reporting.. dollars.. Milk and rream sold ^ farms reporting.. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dollai 279,992,774 6,614 199,739,352 165,110,368 7,933,490 15,501,755 U,193,739 80,253,422 26,442,316 21,693,416 32,117,690 20,132 382,385 18,524 200,839 13,261 81,998 12,352 112,369 9,912 69,177 4,863 6,514 2,239 2,049 2,236 1,403 8,037 6,091 1,440 90 22,464 U,033 30,484 489,196 18,093 273,561 27,334 215,635 230 10,623 173,064 19,053,799 14,571 426,380 12,791,400 161 2,479 387,255,789 21,693,416 3,485 8,378,776 5,075 35,925,572 14,370,229 25,962,531 17,746 3,214,955 2,549,294 70,247 197,712 397,702 22,747,576 369,743 20,023,594 2,354,239 1,457 96,445 1,457 60,986 1,447 58,252 1,354 30,793 1,109 4,666 1,427 33,747 2,051,1% 1,463 353,394,723 20,023,594 8,199,712 62,593 1,273,391 1,067,572 36,997 40,465 128,357 6,926,321 35,026 5,988,279 903,016 8,637 108 1,242 7,306,962 27,489 1,018,377 808,034 19,875 93,283 97,185 6,788,605 156,721 6,027,712 604,172 7,053,357 14,278 689,514 498,563 8,425 49,801 132,725 6,363,843 127,314 5,697,095 539,434 8,796 368 1,022 2,283,632 7,553 141,716 96,010 4,475 13,151 28,080 2,146,916 34,256 1,917,053 195,602 471,872 3,347 71,700 61, 9U 475 1,004 8,310 400,172 13,602 297,825 88,745 U,312 Saa footnotae at and of tabl« 78 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continuecl Part 6 of 8. -Dairy farms {pttm tn iMsad Oft npotts tor only ■ sample of fuma. S«« text] LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continuai Litten lanowed DMembei 1, l9Sa. to Novetnbet 30. 19S9. . » of liners 9 reporting s reporting srepoctinR 3 reporting s reporting < of liUers SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting Under 11 acres 11 lo 24 I Silo On s reporting 3 reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting s reporting bushels . .farms reporting Sorgbujas for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for graijn or seed farms reportiJig bushels Sales farms reporting busbels Wheat harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Oats harvested for grain farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Barley harvested farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Rye harvested f araa reporting busbels Sales farms reporting busbels Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels Hay crops: Land from vfaich hay was cut acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting Sales farms reporting Coastal Benmida grass cut for hay farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay fanw reporting Sales f ai«s reporting Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting tons, green weight 16,789 76,075 9,913 5,043 1,197 462 121 35,033 601,063 19,045 9,636 4,147 1,173 426 606 33,730 525, 536 14,254,135 U,953 4,676,369 52,815 9,829 119,794 2,494,126 5,567 2,014,323 U,806 297,756 9,552,126 3,613 4,640,902 6,386 370,210 6,478 6,563,880 1,146 26,186 57,766 5,024 63,778 71,326 8,797 76,118 83,308 2,243 1,741 27,717 1,077 29,810 2,853 76,270 11,885 35 8,545 20,600 10 1,000 9,850 20 5,720 See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 8. -Dairy farms TDmU wc bfts«d on reports for onh k umple of fsmis. See taxtj 79 SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Cotton harvested * famB reporting... .fans repartlng.. bushels. . report liig.. bushels. ; reporting. Tobacco barreated. Vegetables harvested for sale.. fa reporting. Sales dollars . Land In bearing and nanbearlng fruit orcharda, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treea^ ^ farao reporting. Z Reported In snail fractlcns. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and Iwtterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for faras vlth less than 20 bushels harveet«d. 'Does not Include data for fanas with less than 20 trees and grapevlrtes. 30,397 -153,2^5 351,991 3,432 4,323 687,224 9,362 9,510 1,046,288 20,227 73,535 122,735,196 135,474 14 19,875 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 7 of 8.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are baaed on reporta for only a sample of fanns. See textj (Fof denniuons and explai •-croppmg systems for soil-erosion control farms reporlmE . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reportinp . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number.. 25 to M years number . . 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years number. . 55 [o 64 years number.. Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm ofierators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporung . . 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators repotting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators repcrting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . farm operated operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reptrting. . FARMS BY SIZE tinder 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres v number.. 100 to 139 acres number. . 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number . , 220 to 259 acres number., 260 to 499 acres number., 500 to 999 acres number . , 1,000 lo 1,999 acres number, 2,000 or more acres number . . See foo(Aot«8 at end of table. 42,333 6,669,427 157.5 41,042 2,245,568 4,071 9,764 8,300 8,161 5,871 2,804 1,701 310 60 13,773 453,743 14,794 388,234 3,198 103,668 13,005 284,566 9,553 606,963 23,560 2,464,594 7,333 3U,390 3,159 144,020 22,227 7,742 592,729 U,608 8,315 1,410 3,883 4,361 3,706 3,561 4,326 1,3U 2,176 18,147 4,140 3,653 3,593 2,225 1,492 1,137 3,107 1,694 3,394 100.0 1,220,030 100.0 359.5 2,201 161,596 1,320 64,683 479 24,269 1,033 40,414 1,648 212,885 2,431 437,494 1,005 98,843 543 50,659 3,764 1,040 109,894 4,404 218 10,579 621 U,U6 1,085 10,313 1,110 2,537 319 145,445 11.9 2,170.8 56,731 29 17,699 3,820 15 5,288 122,723 10.1 958.8 64 17,410 95 46,061 38 9,297 30 6,474 19 371 2,001 39 U,145 208,499 17.1 734.2 11,770 52 5,559 14.9 247,150 20.3 489.4 1,017 30.0 330,376 27.1 324.9 46,435 327 17,396 4,734 6,713 119 234 5,869 10,683 273 585 44,777 60,763 365 734 80,950 121,755 137 369 20,649 30,053 86 238 10,435 16,681 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 8.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DatA ar« base>d on reports for only & sample of fums. See («xlj 81 (For (l«riniLiais uid explu FAme BY COLOR AND TENXHE OF OPERATOR All tarn operalors; Fullowneni non,^... Put owners number . . . All Imuif nimber . . . CasI' Leniuit^ number . , . S>iire-C»*h tnwits nurrhrr . . . CnfvifltBrp tenajiLs number . . . LivestocL-ahtfe tenwiu. numbw . . . Cmppert number . . . Other wkI un-ifieciricd t«nanta number,, . W)ut« ferm cperelore: Full owners number. , . Pert owners number . , . AllUnuits numbrr.,. Oofipen number,,. NonwhilA fafm operstcrs: Full owners nmber, .. Pert owners nar-ber,,. All tenejits nwnber,,. Ctaniers nimbw,.. SPECTFIED EQUIPMEXr A.KD FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Qrsin combines ferms rrvcrtinf . . . Com pickers. ferms repcet*nR. .. Pick-up bders ferms r»rortinc... Field rtnit* hervesters ferras repwting. . tlotortrvcks f*nTM n^ntine . . Trsctcrs feiWB refortinc . . naiiber.. TtBctm other then itinjen ferm* rvfxatinf .. 1 factor 'er^' reTWting.. 2 (rscton fsnns rt^iortinf;.. 3 Irsctces fafms irYmrtinc,. 4 tractors tun^ rofioTtine. . 5 or flwre irsctors rsmv. rernrtii^.. Whssltraclm fsnt* rerortins.. Omvler tractors. rBftT.s rerortinp.. nunher.. G«tlen tfsctors f*jT..s rvpnrting.. Aulomobilws turn* noorunr.'- Autofflobilse and/or motonmcks ferms rsfortinf . . Telephone fersio fepatinn . . Honiehmar (anna r»[«tin».. Ml Ikinx machine. farma repeating . . Electric milk ooolv fanna raportine.. Cntp dner (fcr KTSin, forai^, or other crops). fenaa rsfrating.. Power.aperaI«d olevauir, ccnve>fr, or blower fenaa laptwlini;. . Farm by kimt ol luil on utilch locjteil: Hard nurfaco 'ejma fwportlnp. . Oravel, shell, or shale farms reptrung.. Dirt or unimproved fanna r^xrtinit.. Lass than 1 mils to a hard aurfaca mad farmi reportinc . . 1 or morsmilafl to a hard surface raed. iMmi^ reporting.. Imils 'anns reporting . . Sor 3milaa farms reporting. . 4 milas farms reporting., 5arn»remila8 farms rapcating.. FARM LABOR, KEEK PRECEDINa ENUMERATION lilted oorkers faims reperting . . Reguler hired workers (employed 190 or mors days) fsmsr^airling.. Farms reporting by number of regulsr hired workers: 1 hired worker fanns rapcrting. 2 hired workera farms reperting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms repeating. 5 tofl hirrrj workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workera farms repCTting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm ofaeated operatora reporting. Not residing on farm ofieraled operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence numbsr. Sse footnolos at and of table. 14,939 9,640 17,491 1,497 688 5,283 11,764 7,010 5,379 1,590 3,175 2,630 12,112 6,845 5,939 6,645 1,535 1,618 3,486 3,593 1,128 1,193 19,933 25,404 20,779 34,660 20,335 33,368 U,095 4,396 1,521 670 653 »,053 35,381 35,167 13,887 20,882 1,505 1,460 21,849 1,234 18,423 9,649 8,774 5,223 3,268 2,478 1,202 1,011 37,284 2,392 2,657 2,506 4,336 2,460 4,163 1,440 650 208 2,686 3,534 3,121 1,316 839 1,274 82 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 8.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DatA ire based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See lexlj (For clofinil •vplan.l ■XI) USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial rertilizer and frrtilizinc materials used dunnc the >ear lam.s reporting,. acres on which used. .. Dr> materials 'arms reporting. . Liquid mat.-rials farms reporting.. Crops on which used- Hay and CTophnd pasture farms reporting.. Drk materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dr>' matenals farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com farms reporting.. Dry matenals fam.s reporting. . Liquid matenals farms reporting.. Soybeans farms rxjporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton famis reporting. . Dr> matenals fam.s reporting.. Liquid materials fnnus n'porting.. All other crops f.Trms reporting. . f>y matenals farmi^ reporting. . Liquid materials farms recorting.. Lime or limmp materials used durini! the year fanns repcrting.. SPEOFIED FARM E.\PEND1TURES Any of the following specified evpcnditures farms reptrting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting . . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting . . SlOO to $909 fnnus reporting. . $1,000 to 51,999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to S4,999 fanns remrting. . $5,000 or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $1,000 farms reporting.. 51,000 to $S.WD fam;s rcpertinp . . 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting . . $5,IX)0 to S9,999 fanie per fann, dolivs . . . All crops sold dollatfs... Field crops, otiwr thaii ve^ieubles and fniits and nnta. sold. . . . .dollars . . . \>f;r<«bles sold dollars .. . Fhiils and ntiu sold dollars . . . Forest products and horticultural specialty plodgcts sold dollars . . . ^11 livestock and livestock products sold. dollars . , . PoullT) and poultry products sold. dollars . . . Dairy jroducla sold dollars .. . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry aivd daily, sold .dollars... LIVESTOCK AM) UVESTOOC PKOOUCTS Cattle and calv«S fams repottinx... Cows, includiBK heifws tiiat have calved farms npauag... Milk cows rarms rcfxvtinx . . . Heifers and heifer cajves fams nooning... Steers and bulls including steer and bull cmlves farms npanatg... sambo... Farms nporunf by number on hand: Cauje and calves- 1 head farms raptvunjt... 2 to 4 head farms leportii^... 5 to 9 head farms rapoitinit... to to 19 head fame repcrtinit... 20 to 49 head farms reporunx... SO to 99 head farms refvrtin);... too to 499 head farms reportjnit. . . SOOcr more head faims reyratJBii... Cowa, Indudlng heifers that have calved- 1 head farms n^aung... 2 to 9 head farms repcrtinx.., to lo 19 head faims r«pdrtta|[... 20 to 29 head fims reporting .. . 301O 49 head farms reporting... Mto 74 head farma reporting... 75 lo99 head fanns repoitjnf;... too or mar* head farms rrfntting . . . Hilkoows- t heed farms raporting . . . 2 lo9 head fanaa refortiag... 10 lo 19 head farsM reptfUng . . . 20lo29hea 49 head fanns reporting. . . SO to 74 heed faims rapoting... 7Slo99liead fana rapoatiag. . . 100 V Bure heed fame reportiag. .. HonfS and/or aules. farms reportinx .. . HOfSandplp farms reporung... Bom aince June 1 farma lepoting... BoTi befcre Janet farme reportjng . , . Sheep and laaibs fanm repnrtjng... Lambs under 1 year old farms repoftjng... numfaar... Sheep t yaer oJd and o«« fams repating... Eeee fams reporting... number... * Raoe and wetliare farma renting... Cliidtani 4 1 sold a Hogs and rsga aold aliv BrefortiBg. i and cream eold ^ Chickena including broilers aold farms repaying.. dollars.. Chicken eggs aold farms reporting.. dollvs... See footnotee at and of teblab 279,992,774 199,739,352 165,U0,3«8 7,933,490 15,501,755 U, 193,739 80,253,422 26,442,316 21,693,416 32,U7,690 20,132 382,385 18,524 200,839 13,261 81,996 12,352 112,369 9,912 69,177 4,863 6,SU 2,Z39 2,IK9 2,236 1,403 801 27 8,037 6,091 1,440 90 22,464 U,033 K,484 489,196 18,093 273,561 27,334 215,635 230 4,122 131 1,106 213 3,0W 166 2,655 181 359 10,623 173,064 19,053,799 U,571 426,380 12,791,400 161 2,479 387,255,789 21,593,416 3,485 8,378,776 5,075 35,925,572 U, 370, 229 20,062,617 5,911 4,465,108 3,166,881 162, 7X 490,328 645,169 15,597,509 204,186 217,366 15,175,957 2,838 121,720 2,625 58,393 1,296 3,191 2,273 32,770 2,127 30,557 1,877 4,741 2,490 112,719 1,922 68,233 2,277 U,486 64 2,523 79,819 10,641,317 2,132 U9,025 4,470,750 66 4,595,293 68,586 715,795 545,104 18,720 16,482 135,489 3,879,498 9,657 128,046 3,741,795 5,839 58 5,459 3,535,581 27,522 932,729 748,792 15,498 66,008 102,431 2,602,852 50,843 9,097 2,542,912 18,736 81 12,648 3,696,626 13,016 844,254 598,371 29,125 14,560 102,198 2,852,372 47,639 300 3,723,138 7,373 1,104,980 530,302 44,157 373,519 157,002 2,618,158 45,805 31,060 2,541,293 3,528,583 3,470 655,493 464,208 37,740 15,591 137,954 2,873,090 29,373 38,208 477 1,264 718 25,998 586 16,872 542 10,126 5,150 561,774 925,207 300 31,060 38,208 36 51 97 7,151 16,764 5,394 57 102 128 101,171 72,602 58,908 40,468 29,041 23,563 84 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 8.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DstA we based on raporta for only a sample of fanns. See Iml} LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters lanowed December 1. 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fanns reportmB number of litters s reporting s reporting ^ reporting 3 reporting reporting reporting June 2 to November 3 f of li SPEanED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting Under 11 acres farms reporting, 11 to 24 acres faims reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 74 acres farms reporting, 75 to 99 acres farms reporting, 100 or more acres farms reporting Harvested for grain farms reporting Sales farms reporting, bushels , Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Wheat harvested farms reporting . bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels . Oata harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Rye harvested farms reporting. bushe Is . Sales fanns reporting. bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels. Hay crops: Land from rtilch hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms repor Sales farms reporting. Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting. for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Sales farms reporting. Other hay cut farms reporting\ . Sales farms reporting . 16,789 1,778 76,075 18,878 9,913 539 5,043 662 1,197 309 462 167 121 72 53 29 12,834 1,584 37,886 9,201 11,348 1,351 38,189 9,677 35,033 2,137 601,063 65,921 19,045 795 9,636 436 4,147 479 1,173 227 426 71 606 129 33,730 1,972 525,536 48,333 14,254,135 1,438,000 U,953 225 4,676,369 114,688 1,935 265 33,481 4,810 553 101 9,185 1,516 205,898 37,397 90 1 52,815 1,200 9,829 817 U9,794 10,574 2,494,126 214,551 5,567 502 2,014,323 166,145 11,806 1,215 297,756 30,236 9,552,126 903,805 3,613 208 4,640,902 151,250 1,764 271 31,186 5,558 932,762 165,670 532 48 336,222 24,435 942 177 16,988 2,508 258,358 36,138 480 92 189,084 22,814 6,386 583 370,210 22,925 6,478 375 6,563,880 34A,879 199,217 45,388 1,146 26,186 57,766 5,024 63,778 71,326 1,741 27,717 31,438 1,980 W7 2,191 5,101 72,618 1,791 214 2,016 tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 8.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms I DUA are based on reports for only a samfde of faims, See leslj i and M(pl«naUons, s SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Conii n ued Cotton harvested farms reporting. . . buAheld. Tobacco harrested f arae reporting. . Land In bearing and nanbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vlnejrards, and planted nut trees' fams reporting.. Z Reported In small frectlocis. ^Includes alUc equivalent of creus and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farae vlth leas than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not Include dats for farss with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 30,397 453,265 351,991 3,432 4,323 687,224 9,362 9,510 1,046,288 20,227 73,535 122,735,196 85 *2,750 96 17,490 86 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 8 of S.-General farms [Dua are based on reports for only a simple of tmms. See l«xtj (Forderini e text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . . PercenI distribution perrent . . Land itt farms acres . . Percent distribution percent.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . Land in farms accoriling to use: CropI and harvested farms report! nc . . 1 t^ 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 lo 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms repeating. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 cr nwre acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. , Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). farms repwting. . Improved pasture farms reporting.. Itiigated land infanns farms repeating.. Land use (Haclices: Oopland in cover crops farms reporting. . Cropland used for ^ain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting- . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators lefwrting age number . . Under 25 years numlier . . 25 to ■« years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opetatws- Working off their farms, total operators reputing.. 1 to 99 days operators roporti ng . . 100 to 199 days operators reporung . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporung . . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators repotting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operalrvs repirting. . )Vitli other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reptzting.. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10to49 acres number. SO to 69 acres number . TO to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes al end of table. 42,333 6,669,4Z7 157.5 41,042 2,245,568 4,071 9,764 8,300 8,161 5,871 2,804 1,701 310 60 13,773 453,743 14,794 388,234 3,193 103,668 13,005 284,566 9,553 606,963 23,560 2,464,594 7,333 314, 390 3,159 144,020 22,227 7,742 592,729 2,176 18,147 4,140 3,653 3,593 2,225 1,492 1,137 3,107 1,694 4,096 100.0 1,328,816 100.0 2,321 78,749 1,800 61,523 581 19,065 1,472 42,458 1,582 115,448 3,305 490,682 4,483 933 99,662 4,404 393 10,579 821 13,146 1,325 10,313 1,143 2,537 329 48.0 49.7 13,608 1,381 8,315 721 1,410 164 3,883 496 4,361 423 3,706 563 3,561 429 28,725 2,715 5,020 593 271, Ul 20.4 1,643.1 11,2* 49 5,715 54 5,497 223,894 16.8 764.1 7,107 46 5,544 13.6 265,338 20.0 477.2 21,030 488 93,820 14,284 420 9,755 7,180 404 16,355 789 98,446 218 10,930 123 5,360 52 411 1,229 30.0 220,318 16.6 179.3 2,648 468 8,930 88,243 284 7,945 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 8.-General farms [D»U are based on reports for only t sample of fums, ?*« test 1 87 FAIttS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farn operators: Full owner? nun.iwr.. P«no*Ti«s nwibcr.. Share-CA.«>> lensnts nurrber . . Cnp-sharc tenants niantier . . Liveslock'shftre tenants. jiuoibcr.. Ooppero nonber.. Other saJ tmsoeciried lenaata. pumbcr. . White farm operuor^: Full o»men nvnbvr.. Part o-Miera number . . All tMiuit.^ nwnber. , Cn^jpfw nmber. , NonwhiLe (am opermlon: CmjwKT^ nivnbcr,. SPFXIFIED EQl/lPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grmin contbine* fwms rrrortjnp.. Com pickers. fHiM npoRinj; . . Pick-up balers runs rvrartiac . . Field fpnrtjnj{.. 8 tractors Iann% rcpntini;. . 4 tractors fartrji rtjuiUftft. . 5 or mora tractors rarm^ rvportif^. . WhMllracUn fanrj. rmwbns.. Oawltf tractoni famis reporting, . Garden tractoni farr,^ reporting.. AutofliDbilas rninw rvmrtinfT,. \uUm>bilan and/or fnotortncks Tarms reportmi;.. Telephone fanns rapcrtinjt , . HoRte freezer farms reportinfF . ■ Hilkinit machina fanna rapcrting.. FJactric milk cooler rams raportinit.. Crop dn«w (Tor (train, foraxv, or other cropn), farms rafortinit.. PowOT-operaLfld «iirtv»tnf, rwiveyw, of blower farms rvpcvtini;.. Finn by kim] of ro»d on «tiich looted: Ftard nurf ace farms reporting . . nravel, shell, or shale fama rsportinjt.. Dirt or unimproved farms raporting.. Loss than 1 mile to a hard surfaca mad farms raportinit-- 1 or more mjlaa to a hard surfaca road. farms raportjnjt.. 1 mile farma reportinft , . 2 or 3 miles farms raportin^.. 4 milen farms reportjn^. , 5 or mere miles farm^i reportinft. • FAftM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDtNO CNUMERATK}N Hired w>rktrs farms rapoftini; . . Rffjrular hired wvkers (amployed 190 or more dajrs) farms repoilinit... Fwm.^ reportini! by nutrbnr of refiular hired workers; 1 hired wtrkev farms r«portJnj{,, 2 hired workers farms rapivtin^.. 3 or 1 hired wrrkAs farms raportini*.. 5 U> 9 hired workers farms repnrtini;. . in nr more hired workers farms reporting,. RFSIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Renidinf; on farm opersiMl opcralors reportinf;. . Not re^tiilinp on rarm car farrrs reportinp... Dry nifttefials farms reponinR... Liriuid maUTials farms reporting... Crops on which iised- lUv and cropland pasture farms reporting... Dr> materials farms repoftme. . . Liquid matcfials farms reportinc... Other pasture (not cmplaml) farms reportinp . . . [>> materials farms reportinc... Liquid materials farms reporting. . . Com farms repcrting... Dp. matenals fani.s reportinc. . . Liquid matenals farms reportinc. .. Soybeiilis farms rep 19 head fsrm« rr^rtinjt. 20 to 19 head farms rernrtinK. ' 50 to 99 head farms refurtinfi. 100 to 499 head farnks reportinic.. SOOor more head farms repurtini.. Cowa, including heifers that have calvad- 1 head farms reportinf.. 2 to 9 head farms repotinf . . 10 to 19 head fams n^fWXinf.. 20 to 29 head famis re^nrtinit . . 30 to 49 head farms reportinn . . 50 to 74 head farms repolinj:.. 75 to 99 head farms repcstini;., 100 or more head farms rr^xMtinx . , Milk oo»s- 1 head farms rr^nrtinje., 2 to 9 head fanw nftwunn . , 10 to 19 head farvM r«|»ninf ., 20 lo 29 head fams rvpttunf., 30 u> 49 head farms reportinit., 50 to 74 head farms nponing.. 75 U> 99 head farms reportinj;., 100 or more head farms rvportinjt,. Horses and/or nules. farms reportinn., NO(Sindpi|S farms repurtini!.. Bom since June i farms repcrtinn.. Been before June 1 farms fepnrtinft.. Sheep and lambs farms repotjnit.. number . , Lambs undrv 1 year old farms repcrtinit. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms rnfMrtinn.. Fwes farms rvportinft.. Rams and waAhers farms rsfnrtinjt.. CttiChens 4 months old and net farma reportrnjt.. Linstock and livestock pioducts sold: Cattle and calves aold alive farms reportinx.. dollars.. HoKB and fsKs sold alive farms repcrtinii.. number . . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reportini;.. number.. dollars . . Milk and cream sold^ farms roportinjE.. dollars.. Chickens includin|t Iroilers sold farms reportinn.. Chickan ems sold farms reportini^.. dollar 279,992,774 6,6K 199,739,352 165, UO, 368 7,933,490 15,501,755 U, 193,739 80,253,422 26,442,316 21,693,416 32,117,690 20,132 382,385 18,524 200,839 13,261 81,998 12,352 112,369 9,912 69,177 4,863 6,514 2,239 2,049 2,236 1,403 8,037 6,091 1,440 90 22,464 44,033 30,484 489, 196 18,093 273,561 27,334 215,635 230 10,623 173,064 19,053,799 14,571 426, 380 12,791,400 161 2,479 387,255,789 21,693,416 3,485 8,378,776 5,075 35,925,572 14,370,229 39,134,254 9,554 30,227,978 25,930,799 1,569,402 852,082 1,875,695 8,906,276 1,464,959 928,768 6,512,549 2,805 63,341 2,578 31,286 1,753 6,060 1,982 19,190 1,800 12,865 2,652 6,318 3,439 119,036 2,637 67,164 3,236 51,872 25 1,986 26,041 2,851,868 2,860 118,923 3,567,690 17 875 U, 100, 317 67,275 8,603,950 7,025,745 638,457 425,344 514,404 2,496,367 615,724 376,654 1,503,989 8,288,094 28,287 6,386,070 5,602,873 227,835 151,826 403,536 1,902,024 266,216 397,755 1,238,053 15,639 211 8,978 7,538,828 13,559 5,999,508 5,189,439 288,165 107,740 414,164 1,539,320 165,149 5,174 1,366,997 6,534,203 6,607 4,981,492 4,334,597 201,285 130,655 314,955 1,552,711 194,831 43,965 1,313,915 456 4,129 420,855 4,370,935 3,556 3,272,010 2,893,713 156,790 26,572 194,935 1,098,925 180, 140 68,375 850,410 4,971 578 1,400 1,496 1,076 22,092 769 12,093 1,015 9,999 See footnotes at cash teoanta nomber. , Crap-Bhare lentrte number. . Livestock- share Unanta number . . Ooopers BU'nber. . Other and unspecified tenanta nomber., Hhite farm opermtors: Full owners number., Part owners number.. All tenants number., Ctoppve number. . Noawlut* ferm Ofwrators: Pull owners number., Pift owners number., AJl tenant* aanber., Oopoers nomber . , FARUS BY BCONDMIC CLASS Commerrial faims SPFXIRED EQUIPMENT AND PACtLrTTES AND KIND OF ROAD Orain combines fams npalUn% number.. Com pidcers farma feporting.. Pick-up balers farma feportjng.. Held Formge harvesters fanna reporting.. (Artortnicks farms rerorting.. Tractors farms reporting.. Tractors ot>ier t>ian gMdM feme reporting.. 1 tractor fauna reporting.. 2 tractors farma retorting.. a trsciora fams reporting.. 4 tnctorn fame reporting.. 5 or more tractors ferns rerorting.. Wheel tractors fsims reporting. . Oawler trsctori faima reporting.. Garden tractors.. farms reporting.. Automobiles fanrs reporting. . Autonobilea and^'or molortrveka fams reporting. . Telwihone ^ ferrra reporting.. Horn* freeeer fams reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting.. F.l«rlric milk cooler fams renorting.. Trap drier (for grain. fora««. or other crops) fams reporting.. Power- operalM) *levau%r, «)nv*tyT)r, or blower farms reporting. ■ Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard flurfare fama reporting. . OmvH, nhell, or ahale fams reporting.. Dirt or unimproved fams reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard nrfec* road fams reporting. . I or more miles to a hard awfae* mad farms reporting. . 1 mile. farms reporting.. 2 or 1 milea ferrra reporting.. 4 miles farma reporting. , 5 or more miles farms r^wrtjng. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRBCEDINO ENUUERATtON Iflred worliers fams reporting.. Regular hired workers (employed ISO or more daya) fams reporting.. Farma reoorting by number of regular hired worfcera: 1 hired worker fama reporting. . 2 hired workers fama reporting.. 8 or 4 hired workers fsma reporting. , S to 9 hired workers fams reporting. , 10 or more hired workers fanns reporti ng . , RESTOENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on fam operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated joperators reporting., Operators not reporting residence number. See foot/iotes at end of tabla. 2,458 1,196 1,272 1,583 1,405 1,059 1,343 3,164 1,333 3,051 110 lU 1,303 1,886 1,447 1,254 1,091 1,249 1,250 27 2,566 4,336 2,460 4,163 1,440 650 208 146 173 2,686 3,534 3,121 2,005 2,177 76 61 3,152 6,312 3,137 6,189 1,617 810 338 101 123 3,330 4,434 3,886 2,143 2,713 91 62 2,005 9,616 1,2A0 A, 122 96 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dau are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For rteFinitions and explanatioi Total all farms Comnerclal farms by type of farm Cotton farms USE OF COMMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME CommerciaJ fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting.. Prv materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. Dry materials fanns reporting.. Liriuid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reoorting. . Com farms reporting. . Dry matenals farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Soybeans .' farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton farms reoorting. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other crops farms reporting.. riry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. , SPEnnED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms rejiorting. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms re(x)rting.. dollars.. Under SlOO farms reporting.. SltM to S999 farms reporting. . S1,000 to ?1.999 farms reporting.. ^^2,000 to M, 999 farms reporting , . $5,000 or more farms reporting . . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $1,000 farms reporting . . ?^1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting . . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting . . Machine hire farms renorting. . dollars.. Under S200 farms reporting. . $200 to S899 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more fanns reporting. . Hired labor farms reriorting.. dollars.. Under $200 fame reporting . . $200 to $499 famis reporting . . $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to .$4,999 farms reoorting.. $5,000 to *9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reoorting . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 famis repcrting . . $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting . . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $4 99 farms reporting., $5(XI to $999 farms reporting. , $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 or more farms reporting. , See fooljiotes at end of table. 70,690 2,668,261 639,275 70,563 673, and poultry (woducts sold dollars.. Dajry piwlucts sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock prodocLs, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LIMli^rOCK VVD LtVESnrOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. Cows, inclu I ysw old Slid ova rams rapofting. , Ewss rsnna raporting.. Rsms Mjd wsOisrs rsfms rsporting. . Chickens 4 months old and ovw rsms reporting. . numlier.. Livestock and livestock ptoducts sold: rsUJs snd cslvss «>l(i sliv. rsflns rspoftisg.. dollas.. llogn snd pigti sold slivs rams npofling . . dollsfs.. ^Mf snd Isfnbs sold slivs rsims raportisg. . dollas.. Milk snd CT*«n sotd^ rsrms raporting.. dollirs . . Chieksns including broilsni sold rsims taiortiBg.. dollas.. C1)idisn sggs sold rams rsporting. . dollsi 16,106,187 16,847 15,321,3*3 1,473,288 113,770 13,596,295 137,990 784, 8« 90,324 111,360 583,160 3,171 2«A 1,833 3,071 329 2,120 26,647,218 18,239 1,549,805 1,115,253 71,655 83,465 279,432 25,097,413 23,845,380 100,030 1,152,003 4,928 547 3,575 82 2,337,580 100,030 1,357 8,015,642 1,121 30, y75,672 12,230,269 25,962,531 17.746 3,214,955 2,549,294 70,247 197,712 397,702 22,747,576 369,743 20,023,594 2,354,239 1,437 96,445 1,457 60,986 1,447 58,252 1,354 30,793 1,109 4,666 1,427 33,747 2,051,196 1,463 353,394,723 20,023,594 20,062,617 5,911 4,465,108 3,166,881 162,730 490,328 645,169 15,597,509 204,186 217,366 15,175,957 2,838 121,720 2,625 58,393 1,296 3,191 2,273 32,770 2,127 30,557 1,877 2,652 4,741 6,318 2,490 3,439 112,719 119,036 1,922 2,637 68,233 67,164 2,277 3,236 44,486 51,872 39,134,254 9,554 30,227,978 25,930,799 1,569,402 852,082 1,875,695 8,906,276 1,464,959 928,768 6,512,549 2,805 63,341 2,578 31,286 1,753 6,060 1,982 19,190 1,800 12,865 2,029 2,972 101,865 381,171 2,523 1,986 79,819 26,041 10,641,317 2,851,868 2,132 2,860 149,025 118,923 4,470,750 3,567,690 66 17 1,669 875 18,359 9,625 U6 333 4,159,124 17,958,024 217,366 928,768 283 672 36,708 214,692 524 975 414,367 2,940,U5 165,747 1,176,053 Sea footnotea at end of table. 100 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data u-a based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lexlj Total all farms Connerclal farms hy type of farm Tobacco farms Cotton farms LlVTiTOCK AKD LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Littefs farrowed December I, 1958, to November 30, 1959 famis r«iportinc.. number of litters.. 3 to 9 liUers farnis reporting. , 10 (o 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to S9 litters farms reporting.. 40 to R9 litters farms reporting., 70 or more litters farms reporting. . June 2 to November 30 tiinis reporting. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters, , SPECIHED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting, . Under 11 acres farms reporting.. 11 to '24 acres farms reporting, . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres .farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting. . Harvested for grain farms reporting,, bushels.. Sales farms reoorting. . bushels.. Sorghums for all piirposes farms reporting.. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Vnieat harvested farma reporting.. bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels, . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporlUng. . biishels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . I^e harvested farms reporting . . bushe Is , . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . , Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . , acres grown alone.., acres -grown with other crops.., bushels.., Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . , Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.., Sales farms reporting . . . Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting... Sales f anus reporting . . , Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting . . OatSf wheat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. , Sales farms reporting. . . Other hay cut farms reporting... Sales farms reporting . . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farme reporting.. . tons, green weight... See footnotes at end of table. 26,899 116,789 101,733 76,075 17,115 9,913 7,678 5,043 1,422 1,197 502 462 127 121 55 53 20,547 12,834 51,771 37,886 17,419 11,348 49,962 38,189 57,753 35,033 774,313 601,063 37,842 19,045 12,556 9,636 5,006 4,147 1,278 1,173 457 426 614 506 55,212 33,730 679,228 525,536 17,371,715 14,254,135 15,935 11,953 5,281,024 4,676,369 3,269 1,935 38,078 33,481 815 553 10,934 9,185 242,148 205,898 135 90 64,595 52,815 15,664 9,829 157,372 119,794 3,138,621 2,494,126 8,391 5,567 2,402,778 2,014,323 17,931 U,806 346,189 297,756 10,816,465 9,552,126 5,141 3,613 4,980,467 4,640,902 2,363 1,764 35,177 31,186 1,024,147 932,762 673 532 359,812 336,222 1,127 942 18,307 16,988 274,254 258,358 547 480 198,760 189,084 7,827 6,386 387,504 370,210 7,228 6,478 6,823,185 6,563,880 1,467 28,845 62,463 133 5,639 9,315 93,437 13,750 101,983 104,358 3,242 37,915 39,843 1,146 26,186 57,766 108 5,394 5,024 63,778 71,326 375 5,577 8,797 76,118 83,308 1,741 27,717 31,438 980 37,800 1,142,977 15,295 24 11,045 114,053 1,005 2,247,227 7,744 3,274 19,975 9,023 5,509 2,384 1,998 753 5,647 10,260 4,976 9,715 15,179 189,429 8,511 5,079 1,375 174 20 20 14,864 176,742 5,114,205 6,569 1,692,465 85 2,284 8,602 185,205 3,262 22,886 667,970 1,391 18,058 1,788 325,650 1,247 5,220 5,652 3,159 12,284 9,440 412 1,280 1,240 10,207 116,246 7,067 2,185 36 40 9,841 107,372 2,086,535 2,460 552,145 318 2,919 28,603 529,809 1,534 379,687 2,350 39,393 1,019,822 1,296 59,179 1,083 948,630 2,170 11,953 9,872 1,770 2 1,275 23 1,305 18,975 SOUTH CAROLINA 101 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued I^D&La are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t Conaerclal farms by type of farm— Continued ;For dennitioos ind expluiauons, s«« t«n) Frult-and-nut farna Poultry farms Dairy farms Livestock faras other than poultry and dairy farms General farms ylscellaneous farms Lr\T.'iTOOC \KD Ln-ESTOCK PRODt'CTS-Cootiniied LiHHS (anowed 0«CTib« 1, 1951. to November 30, 1959 '*™s n^xnUiu;. . . Dvnberoriiucni... 133 673 58 64 5 6 107 360 96 3U 462 6,418 293 90 42 27 9 1 451 5,968 148,878 102 36,555 48 694 U 220 2,650 1 1,000 297 3,906 81,605 195 60,670 297 6,702 226,800 97 90,835 75 1,608 49,320 26 21,600 47 865 10,645 21 7,660 106 6,234 145 88,165 5,570 36 231 383 55 1,060 1,690 11 545 146 1,740 1,938 5 10 142 2,367 2,098 21 172 128 272 1,884 95 116 39 22 232 966 172 918 yro 10,166 297 148 79 27 11 8 543 9,384 261,146 122 61,568 91 1,001 54 795 20,OTO 15 5,420 271 3,899 93,700 210 81,035 423 8,950 310,975 160 133,960 84 ex 31,995 26 13,710 27 425 5,850 17 4,675 102 4,700 290 81,625 7,860 46 275 670 15 75 80 522 940 10 50 177 2,483 3,778 25 335 180 1,755 2,800 10 75 U6 2,825 2,520 11 150 272 1,245 149 98 14 8 3 209 596 168 649 974 35,594 243 238 239 135 60 59 777 21,279 688,475 119 Ul,105 642 17,590 88 1,883 38,676 442 7,375 162,803 301 137,044 859 38,800 1,386,190 134 277,190 190 3,200 105,125 24 18,215 117 2,561 29,530 50 17,379 211 14,582 375 271,545 48,070 177 2,236 6,486 1 97 236 5,188 15,242 10 545 630 13,460 18,199 17 805 822 19,640 29,105 5 5 246 6,593 8,677 1 128 18 953 5,365 1,778 18,878 539 662 309 167 72 29 1,584 9,201 1,351 9,677 2,137 65,921 795 436 479 227 71 129 1,972 48,333 1,438,000 225 114,688 265 4,810 101 1,516 37,397 1 1,200 817 10,574 214,551 502 166,145 i,a5 30,236 903,805 208 151,250 271 5,558 165,670 48 24,435 177 2,508 36,138 92 22,814 583 22,925 375 344,879 45,388 78 967 2,525 11 150 314 8,679 16,714 20 508 723 12,?75 14,465 38 470 857 13,523 15,707 25 275 346 9,544 11,345 12 970 1 100 500 2,635 19,570 900 1,108 406 174 31 16 2,168 9,554 2,050 10,016 3,780 122,335 1,115 1,071 903 308 146 237 3,621 106,793 3,067,241 1,510 1,176,470 320 5,159 147 2,935 65,945 48 32,650 1,816 33,689 713,819 1,448 630,027 2,311 86,848 2,819,590 952 1,501,157 470 9,148 265,050 162 89,145 255 4,857 75,970 146 57,760 1,754 124,866 1,417 2,172,335 34,674 32 273 763 7 206 242 5,201 12,187 29 1,821 803 14,875 14,895 134 2,612 1,078 10,754 11,190 54 837 222 3,571 3,494 30 401 162 1,249 13 5 2 nnmberof Iiu«r3... 540 number of litWfs... SPEaFIED CROPS UARVESTED 709 374 •cr«9... L'iKlecllKms firms rei«»(!... SOtoTIMTM fiiwaf^wrtinR... 1iU)Wen» fums rcfortin^... 100 or nwre tcTM films mwrtinK... fisrvesuri for iriin fsfros r«pDnin« . . . bushels... 7,374 190 101 48 25 2 8 360 6,408 160,381 68 bushels... Sorghuaa for all purposea fan»> reportim... Harvealed for grain or seed farvB reporting... buahela... 42,065 83 1,185 42 510 11,575 biuhcla. . . acr«B... buohel.... 156 1,734 34,590 97 28,975 189 3,485 99,160 63 buahela... 24,964 20 acr«a... bualKla... 635 27,262 14 buahela... 3,187 biutiela... 106 1,685 8 buahela... Soybeana harvested for beana rama reporting... acres grown alone. . . acreo groan with other cropa... buahela... Hay cropa: 661 73 2,463 34,349 8,589 MTalfa and alfalfa slxturea out for hay and for dehydrstli« faras raporting... tona... 1 30 50 tana... Coaatal Beraida graaa cut for hay faraa reporting... tona... 30 2,392 5,796 7 tons... Leapedeza cut for hay faraa reporting... ta... 199 2,978 3,160 23 Oata, aheat, barley, rjt, or other aaali gralna cut for hay faras reporting . . . tona... 166 1,368 1,355 3 76 2,385 8 tona — (jr«aa allage aade fns graaaea, alTalfa, tona, green weight... 5 50 300 S«e footnotes at end of table 102 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data a/e based on reports for only a sample of fanna. See t«Kt] Connerclal farms by type of farm (For Hefinilions and expla Total all farms Tobacco farms Cotton farms Vegetable farms 7EX3FIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continiied Cotton harvested farms reporting . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . 45,123 543,852 411,234 15,173 11,904 1,265,438 23,798 77,404 127,415,681 30,397 453,245 351,991 9,362 9,510 1,046,; 20,227 73,535 122,735,196 12,253 104,134 75,147 4,207 3,731 400,275 16,274 62,230 107,558,932 12,081 214,326 171,626 2,776 1,554 146,945 1,712 3,487 .,002,298 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and ftranevines. SOUTH CAROLINA 103 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports foe only a sample of fams. See text] Commercial CarsDB by type of farm — Cantinued i and explanations, see texl) Poultry farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms General farms SPBOHED CROPS HARVE^TED-CoctiDued Cotton harvested farae reporting... 3,545 83,867 65,372 buahels. . Tobacco harvested fams reporting.. 1,288 2,%7 337,903 1,834 6,590 9,370,378 .faras reporting... 104 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 \JMa are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See lextj (For definitions and explai FARMS, ACREAOE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent dislribution percent Average si ze or rami acres Value of land and buildings: Average per rann dollars Average per acre dollars. Land In farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting ■10 to 49 acres farms renorting 50 to 99 acres raims reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms repotting 1,000 or mote acres .farms reporting Oopland used only for pasture farms reporting, Citipland not harvested and not pastured fanns reporting Soil-imprDVanent grasses and legumes farms reporting, Ot>ier cropland (idle and crop failure) Jarms refiorting Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land In farms farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting Cropland used for grain or tow crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil>erosion control farms reptirting System of terraces on crop and pasture 1 and farms reporti ng FARM OPERATORS BV AOE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to 14 years number 35 to 4-1 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INI»ME Fanii operators- Worldng off t^eir farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators repotting 900 or more days operators reporting With oth« members of ramily wotidng off farm operators reporting With income from sources otjier tTian farm operated and off-farm wotlt operators reportiag Wilb otJier income of family exceeding value of agricultural products aold operators reporting Operators not woridng off their farms or not reporting as to worit off their farms operators reporting iVith other members of family woriting off farm operalore reporting With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural (voducts sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 9,W1,992 100.0 U7.0 71,776 2,729,291 16,810 19,739 12,519 10,82A 6,9W 2,886 1,711 312 61 2/1,857 646,887 30,804 697,112 6,328 163,134 27,392 533,978 19,982 902,731 44,543 3,416,369 15,069 444,998 5,822 187,878 26,155 17,401 893,078 77,277 1,335 7,140 18,188 21,874 15,745 12,995 50.4 37,019 11,257 4,845 20,917 M,218 12,117 23,759 41,U4 9,111 13,123 5,136 24,614 5,U6 1,030 1,6U 1,656 893,186 9.8 25.9 32,230 529,290 7,901 13,757 7,051 3,521 5,991 36,826 10,417 70,951 1,036 5,673 9,831 65,278 35,870 13,790 142,564 4,097 25,905 1,150 7,635 1,420 5,601 101,955 33,987 650 3,562 8,942 9,563 6,373 4,897 49.0 4,257 1,020 630 2,607 16,658 6,U0 2,151 8,327 1,545 6,491 1,311 4,513 3,162 10,118 2,475 535 825 17,812 3,321 4,687 7,771 190,079 1,382 2,127 1,717 1,745 800 6,138 3,773 43,681 2,497 30,725 6,076 138,385 1,798 2,531 1,860 1,463 505 2,421 1,605 1,161 2,651 4,382 1,052 1,498 619,117 6,8 83.2 1,605 1,510 1,727 1,121 3,391 41,506 3,967 63,925 U,878 3,447 52,047 2,795 53,050 5,992 208,195 1,025 2,200 78,595 1,495 2,U6 1,616 1,560 3,467 815 500 2,152 1,4«0 1,291 2,457 3,977 960 1,430 1,055 SOUTH CAROLINA 105 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DftU «e twsed on rafots for only a s*Riple of funis. See text] (For defiajtioDS and exf^anatjooa, see text) Size of faim-Continuetl 220to259 acres 960 l,00O to 1,999 acres 2,000 FABUS, ACHEAOE, AND VALUE Farms nomber. . PerY«nt distri bution p«cent. . Land in taras ".aeies.. Percent distribution pefr:«Bt,. A wage size of fam acres.. Value ol lani) and buMdincs: Avera^ per fmi dollars . . Average (Mr acre dollars.. Land in farms acoxding to use: Ctnplaad harvested farms reportiiig.. 1 to 9 *cn« faims repotting.. 10 to 19 acres faiws reporting. . 20 to 9 aoee faimB raporting,. ao to 49 acres faims imparting. . 50 to 99 aa«s farms leporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 900 to 409 Boes fams reporting.. SOO to 999 acne farms repotting.. 1,000 or nure aoea farms renorting.. OopJaad need only brpMloie farms reporting. . Ooplandiol harvested and not pastured fams reporting.. Soil-irnprovoBent passes and legumes farms imparting. . Ot>ier cropland (idle and cnip failure) farms raportiBg. . Woodland (>astiBed farms reporting.. Woodland not pastored farms reporting. . Other oastiire (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. ImtvDved pasture farms rqiorting.. Irrigated land m farms farms reporting.. Land use practices: Cropland in oovar crops farms reporting. , Cnplaod used for train or ityw crops fsrmed on the contow fnrms nixirtiBg.. Lsftd is strip-crtipptng aystsms Cor soil.srosioe oonttol fsrms repotting.. Syatam of tarracea on crop and pasture Isnd farms reporting. , FAmi OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporling age Undar 2Syaan 25 to Myaara erator9: Full owners number.. Part owners number.. All tenants number. , CTopfiers number., Koewhile faim ofterators: hull o«fleTS number.. Pan owners number. . All tenants nianbcr. , Cropoers ninnber. . FARMS BV TYPE OF PAKM Caslvarain farms number. . Tobacco faims number.. Cotton faims number. , Other field-cTtM) farms number. , Veeelable fairns number.. l-ruiuand-nul farms number., PouIiT} farms number., DairN farms nwnber.. Livestock farms other Ulan pouluy and dairy fanns number. , General fams number. . Miscellaneous fainis number.. SPEOFIED E<]UIPMEfT USB FACILmES A.SD KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fanns refiortinit.. Com pickers faims feportinfl. . Pick.uo balers farms rauorting., nun\ber,. Field forace harvesters farms reportinft,, ^^otortnJck• fl/m* rv^Mrtinit,, Tractors foms rapcrtinE.. Tractors other than Karden fanrs rr^wrtini;. , 1 tractor fanna trfiortinc. . 2 tractors fanas refortins., % tractors faiTOS refortine,, I tractors ^ fanns refiorliiiit. , 5 or more tractors fanna refxMtinx., n^oel tractors (inns refmtinjc, . Crawler tractors fanna refjortinii,, number,. Garden tractors .farmn reportinji, , number., Xuiomobiles fami ruixKtinft., Automobiles and/or motortrucks fanna nportinff. . Telephone fanna rafnrting.. Home freerer fanns refiortini;.. vlilltinit machine fanns iSfiortinj(., Elwnnc milk cooler fanns refsrtinf .. Crop drier [for iirain, foraxe, or other cRjfs) fanns refortinit, , Power^operated elevator, conveyor, or bltvner farms npoiiiag.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard .surface farms leportitift. . Gravel, shell, or shale fanna rapirttnit.. Dirt or unimproved fanns reportinit,. Less than I mile to a hard surface road farms re|iortjnfi,. I or more miles to a hard surface rofld farms reporting,, 1 mile farms rsfiortinf!,. 2tx :t miles farms reoortinK., 4 miles farms reporting,. 5 or more miles farms reportmi;,. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reportinft.. persons . . Regular hired workrrs (employed ISO or more days) , farms RTortinft. . Farms repoitinff by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired awker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farma reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to ft hired irarkers farms reporting. to or more hired wtvrkers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm ofverated operators reporting, Oparalors not rspoitjng renideoce number. See footiutea at and of lehlev 2,875 3,822 2,825 3,682 2,069 680 51 2,820 3,646 UO 2,960 3,567 3,470 2,029 2,323 185 175 1,833 2,754 1,823 2,649 1,182 496 130 105 1,837 2,233 2,183 1,338 1,567 185 190 1,272 2,074 1,247 1,989 1,312 1,683 1,487 3,565 7,141 3,525 6,869 1,464 1,222 527 232 272 3,550 4,809 3,885 2,866 2,986 401 396 2,763 102 1,157 2,266 8,977 1,519 3,754 1,815 4,983 1,795 4,812 171 1,782 2,794 1,945 1,608 1,480 282 267 1,427 7,822 1,127 4,027 4,817 514 2,912 108 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text] USE OF COMMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertiliiing mpleriaJa used during the year faims reporting. . acres on which used . . Dry mausnals farms reporting.. Liquid matarials (urns reporting.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farma reporting.. Dry materials fai™s reporting. . Liquid materials Sams reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry material s farms reporting. . Liquid molerials farms reporting. . Com farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Soybeans farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Cotton farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other crops ....farms importing.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farma reporting. , Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. 70,690 2,668,261 689,275 70,563 673,474 2,201 15,801 12,512 356,757 12,312 71,736 135,694 4,173 25,281 204 1,389 54,690 748,231 54,533 162,955 1,228 5,123 4,852 216,933 4,845 33,956 44,181 675,357 44,007 206,220 5,080 24,400 8,972 5,080 8,922 45 50 2,460 6,720 2,460 1,593 3,160 12,460 3,160 4,154 31,761 497,971 146,700 31,741 145,944 425 756 2,826 15,160 2,821 3,030 25,716 186,636 25,666 41,162 23,036 197,075 23,011 58,533 19, US 89,165 19,088 41,015 7,626 176,718 46,245 7,601 45,929 135 316 1,285 12,565 1,270 2,155 6,242 70,435 6,227 U,937 4,468 44,001 4,468 13,137 5,089 40,952 5,084 13,940 6,763 185,669 47,363 6,738 1,471 16,470 1,431 3,085 5,547 71,178 5,527 14,862 7,815 590 1,222 3,815 38,535 3,805 U,703 4,482 46,388 4,447 14,638 SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDUURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting. . $100 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. S5,000 or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Unrler $1,000 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farma reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farma reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . $200 to $999 farma reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 faims reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 to $49,999 farma reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, tnilbs, plants, and trees farms reporting . . dollars.. Under $100 . . ." farms reporting. . $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to 9999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farma reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 faima reporting. . $100 to $499 farms reporting. , $500 to $099 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999 farma reporting.. $5,000 or more farms reporting., See footnotes at end of table. 77,406 44,377 34,974,439 19,570 19,941 1,505 1,774 1,587 22,409 12,719,090 19,919 1,355 174 56,146 10,651,735 43,234 U,365 1,547 41,403 36,425,002 18,244 10,230 5,390 4,379 36,183 4,644,326 27,447 6,983 70,268 19,252,955 36,336 24,164 5,484 4,040 244 6,591 3,096 1,701,315 1,705 1,150 80 90 1,366 504,555 1,285 3,620 172,690 3,565 1,791 328,220 1,395 2,215 130,245 2,105 5,126 255,310 4,561 34,044 16,984 5,890,992 10,141 6,246 185 195 217 7,888 1,505,646 7,572 26,423 2,633,045 22,308 3,580 35 15,573 3,995,648 9,092 4,560 1,436 391 65 14,559 644,416 13,460 1,056 29,374 3,035,140 20,064 9,058 3,303 5,031 2,240,881 2,251 2,507 85 100 88 2,575 655,080 2,412 5,823 787,520 4,547 1,211 1,663,365 2,052 1,277 7,761 1,259,095 3,982 3,227 7,404 4,666 2,552,305 2,030 2,286 145 125 SO 2,4S1 776,270 2,316 5,277 789,485 4,170 1,031 4,239 2,102,410 1,950 1,170 3,637 323,275 2,915 7,059 1,469,155 3,025 SOUTH CAROLINA 109 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Date are besed on reports for only a SR jnple of farms. See tertj Si re of faim-CoDtinued (For definitiona and explanalions, see text in to 179 acree 180 to 219 acres 220 10 299 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over lia; OF OOMMERCWL FEimUZER AND UME Coagaerciwl fertiliser aad fettjliniig amsteportine... onudiichused... 3,^2 2,163 1,421 3 808 1,804 369,240 682 238,703 293 168,447 J^ 158,1*4 131,662 94,780 412|365 tons... 39,904 31,895 22,498 99,999 89,058 60,308 43,826 Dry materials arms teportiog... tons... 3,397 2,153 1,416 3,803 97,0}} 1,789 85,892 682 }7,74} 291 41,420 39,010 31,147 21,759 Lii)iiid malerials arms reportitig 200 166 lAO 301 2,944 251 3,166 106 2,563 42 2,406 toes... 89* 748 739 Oops OB wfiich ased- H«y and croplaad pasture , Sims reporting... 1,001 811 521 1,600 74,806 905 66,419 366 45,076 18} 41,722 20,273 23,929 17,395 Dry materials sras reporting... 971 811 506 1,}80 875 356 9,169 180 8,836 toos... 4,273 5,230 3,002 15,347 12,660 Liquid materials alius reporting... 4: 60 40 105 121 55 25 192 223 223 910 909 702 727 Other pasture (not atiflaild) siins lepottiwi 410 280 180 686 277 US 19,368 63 13,605 arms!!! 9,0» 7,600 4,810 29,7U 26,232 Dry materials nnns reporting... 395 265 175 651 267 Ul 57 tons... 2,320 1,369 9M 5,432 4,192 3,037 2,287 Litioid materials 25 20 5 70 25 18 li too.;!; 53 38 10 252 459 243 272 Cortl arm. reporting... 2,622 1,628 1,025 2,819 1,280 489 211 aaee... 51,624 38,767 25,760 94,522 61,817 38,383 29,044 Dryiitatenals aims reporting... Ions... 2,602 1,618 1,020 5,111 2,809 20,739 1,270 483 210 10,784 8,278 13,566 8,853 7,532 Liquid malsrials amsteporting... WO 76 70 1}} 100 53 24 Ions... 508 299 285 804 1,001 611 586 Soybeans ...........>....>................. arms reporting... 396 X3 235 744 503 185 91 10,285 9,091 7,530 42,441 57,678 36,942 25,795 Dry msterials sima reporting... tons... 396 1,547 298 1,320 235 1,125 744 6.674 503 8,311 184 6,329 90 4,303 Liquid msterisls arms refiorting... 10 5 5 5 2 35 8 50 78 136 Cotton arms reporting... 1,841 27,891 1,137 18,435 740 13,360 1,938 52,002 1,034 48,}08 386 31,196 156 19,569 Dry materials arms reporting... 1,836 8,684 1,132 740 1,938 18,252 1,029 386 156 loos... 6,04} 4,348 17,929 11,356 7,498 Liquid materials amis reporting... toos... 35 52 20 35 25 80 50 179 20 86 23 227 10 223 All other otips ams reporting... 2,282 1,385 96} 2,481 1,301 463 179 acres... 39,041 33,840 2},92} U8,883 109,736 69,786 40,942 Drymal«ial anns reporting... 2,272 1,370 960 2,466 1,266 459 179 tons... U,<02 8,905 7,243 30,511 29,234 19,001 10,964 Liquid mtferiala 25 45 3} m 100 40 15 tana... 89 118 133 799 661 702 462 Lime or limjnf materials used daring the year aimsraoorting... 380 315 16} 704 481 216 93 acres limed... 7,385 6,850 4,390 25,465 31,133 22,026 16,351 tons... 6,88} 6,510 3,960 24,805 30,183 19,}95 17,008 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITVRES Any of the followiiif specified expenditures Sims reporting... 3,725 2,328 1,}67 4,077 1,975 723 306 Feed for livsetodt aiw} poultry aims repirting. . . 2,473 1,608 1,097 3,012 1,458 }}4 2}1 dollara... 3,009,180 1,893,262 1,472,600 5,756,8a 3,344,439 2,676,496 1,160,193 u»d«ni» arms reporting... 701 460 300 472 120 27 8 suntoSM anne reporting... 1,385 863 »i 1,613 728 239 102 $1.IX» to Sl.tM amis reporting... 95 60 60 241 171 104 39 $2,000 to S4,»»» aime reporting... 135 135 100 415 213 77 44 S5,0(IO or more arms reporting. . . 157 90 52 271 226 107 }8 Purchase of livesttjcfc and poultry aims rqwrting... 1,369 971 597 1,655 877 309 12} lUlsie... 924,39} 674,305 653,09} 2,233,390 1,592,038 1,}47,094 82}, 777 loderSl.mO aims rsporting. . . 1,167 820 46} 1,205 526 136 44 S1,000 to SS,4M ansstepolting... UO 65 90 241 162 }3 28 ra,soo to H.»M aims rsporting... 50 66 20 100 80 44 20 »,000 to »,«»» 26 10 15 76 81 37 8 $10,000 or mn. annsieporting... 16 10 7 33 28 39 25 Uachinehire aims reporting... 2,583 1,693 1,120 2,815 1,4U }20 21/4 iMIsn... 595,441 495,095 360,565 1,532,546 1,228,271 7}2,}34 407,768 Under saw Sims reporting... 1,575 1,021 610 1,048 386 93 24 $aotosgM ems reporting... 933 607 460 1,419 634 220 75 Sl,OOOornior» nims reporting... 75 65 50 348 391 207 U} Hired lator Krat reporung. . . 2,460 1,668 1,172 3,357 1,780 679 29} dollare... 1,844,160 1,478,675 1,341, }40 6,222,534 6,715,7U 4,891,109 3,421,490 I'nderSaOO arms reporung... 765 466 270 }}1 160 28 4 srms reporting. . . 541 380 240 496 206 46 13 SSOOloSBM arms reporting... S40 305 261 621 150 }1 16 tl,000 to »2,4«» Sims reporting. . . 506 377 22} 886 408 140 38 $2,500 to «,»»» Sims reporting... 80 95 M} 461 343 132 53 »,000to»,M« Sims reporting... 17 35 25 273 363 Ul 67 no,ooo to $U,»M aims reporting. . . U 10 5 63 108 97 56 RJ),000 to ««,«M iims reporting. . . 1 3 40 3} 41 »0.000ormore arms reporting... 3 2 9 7 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and tiMS arms lefiorting. . . 1,912 1,308 855 2,518 1,222 4}6 200 dollars... 224,320 245,211 160,940 905,980 692,564 474,838 265,131 Under $100 aims rsporting,. , 1,U1 671 405 820 212 51 13 $lMto$«» aims reporting. . , 70O 557 365 1,203 627 1}} 54 ssooiosgg aims reporting... 51 55 (0 332 185 119 47 $1,000 or more arms rsporting. . . 20 25 25 163 198 131 86 Oasoline and other petralen fuel and oil for the fam business .' arms reporting... 3,560 2,268 1,512 3,996 1,960 720 305 dollam... 1,206,230 1,036,290 7}1,240 3,203,329 2,626,960 1,6}2,587 1,048,309 InderSlOO ams reporting... 1,020 491 300 566 210 34 8 $100lot4M arms reporting... 1,686 980 646 1,324 4U 98 32 SiOOIoaM arms reporting... 588 517 360 886 372 114 28 arms reporting... 261 280 206 1,196 917 385 173 $5,000 or more aims rsporting... 5 24 50 89 64 See footAoUs al Md of uU*. no STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fDat& are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See textj ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fam products sold total, dol average per fann, dol All crops sold dol Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold . . Vegetables sold dol Pniita and nuts sold Forest products and horticultural specialty pnxlucts sold dol Ail livestock and livestock products sold Poultry and poultry products sold dol Dairy products sold Livestock and livestock products, other tJian poultry and dairy, sold dollai LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves. Cows, including I Heifers and heifer calves . . Steers and bulla including s 5 reporting. , numlier, . s reporting., numiier.. s reporting.. 5 reporting.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Caale and calves- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting., 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. , 20 to 29 head farms reporting. , 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . SO to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or mules .farms reporting. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting. , Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number. Stieep and lambs farms reporting. . number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number. , Ewes farms report! ng . . Rams and wethers farms reporting. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms report] n| dollar, Hogs and piga sold alive farms reportini dollar Sheep and Iambs sold alive farms reporlinj dollarL . Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. pounds dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dollars.. See fnoOiotes at end of table. 307,377,059 3,933 217,723,976 180,626,783 8,A97,113 16,273,794 12,326,288 89,653,081 27,817,357 22,651,539 39,184,185 39,680 499,368 36,271 259,111 25,658 104,069 23,649 U9,536 18,173 90,721 9,780 14,263 5,723 4,219 3,4U 1,444 29 16,525 U,009 2,476 1,174 1,082 522 195 92 38,793 68,019 53,841 675,372 30,592 373,969 47,871 301,403 382 20,983 213,315 22,626,970 24,594 538,994 16,169,820 247 4,479 49,269 3,868 408,346,932 22,651,539 5,907 8,741,476 9,657 38,395,611 15,358,245 I 7,728,347 1,148 4,734,594 4,449,529 50,985 74,485 159,595 2,993,753 2,190,193 24,725 778,835 1,536 4,296 1,3U 2,116 951 1,251 665 1,310 1,741 2,061 3,921 29,741 2,306 16,435 3,481 13,306 10 1,865 190,395 1,776 74,452,932 2,160 65,397,197 62,830,367 662,815 977,169 926,846 9,055,735 5,237,771 232,795 3,585,169 U,308 37,614 11,877 19, 663 9,026 12,444 5,758 U,264 3,822 6,667 5,365 5,990 1,407 16,398 22,709 24,477 154,070 12,390 80,330 a, 430 73,740 65 4,857 12,286 1,049,460 7,734 2,805 TOO 5,222,452 232,795 1,601 1,406,427 2,857 8,293,695 3,317,478 I 21,363,058 2,558 16,660,771 15,122,681 399,210 610,873 528,007 4,702,287 2,348,423 392,190 1,961,674 4,784 21,632 4,324 10,474 3,233 5,829 2,693 7,160 1,777 3,998 4,594 7,215 6,099 62,781 3,437 33,755 5,464 29,026 35 2,155 7,750 684,220 3,082 41,590 1,247,700 15 435 829,923 1,189 3,785,100 1,514,040 22,428,981 3,013 17,198,017 14,109,774 365,315 1,310,413 1,412,515 5,230,964 2,477,712 609,025 2,144,227 4,742 28,848 4,372 14, X6 3,316 7,471 2,991 9,450 2,171 5,052 4,242 6,857 5,306 60,475 3,U6 32,620 4,746 27,855 25 2,451 10,426 909,275 2,741 40,436 1,213,080 15 185 1,022,128 1,175 3,034,685 1,213,874 885,140 1,135 3,418,210 1,367,284 SOUTH CAROLINA 111 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DbU ire bssed on repofts Tor only a sample of turns. See text] Size of fum-Contjnued [For definitions and explanadoos, see text) 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and o ESnMATED VU-UE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fara pilKtaCiS soil) total, dollars. . , avera^ per farm, dtiilus. . All CTope sold dollars.. Field oops, other thaa vegeCafales aad (nilA and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fr^ts and nute sold dollars.. Forest oroduct^ and horticultural specialty products st>ld iloltars.. All livestock and liveslodt pnoducts sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollara . . I.ive^Modi and livestock products, other Chan poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LIVEStDCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves 'arms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved famis reporting.. Milk cows farms reporting. . Heifers and heifer calves famts reporting. . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. . Farms reporting by number on hand: Caule and calves- 1 head rarmsraportiiig.. 2 to 4 heed farms reporting.. S lo9 heed fanes reporting.. 10 to 19 heed farms reoorting. . SD to 49 heed .farms refuting.. 50 to 99 head farms repirting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . SOO or more head farms reporting. . Cows including heifers thai have trelved- 1 heart farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. , 10 to 19 head Jarms reporting. . 20 to 29 heed feme repotting.. 80 to 40 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head terms reporting.. 75 trv99 heed farms reporting.. lOu or more head farms reporting.. Wlkcooe. 1 he«t farms raporting. . 2lo 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 hevt farms reporting.. 20toS9 head farms remrting.. SO to 49 heed farms reporting., 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting., 100 or more heed farms reporting.. Hoi ses anil/« mules farms reporting,. Hop and pigs farms reporting,. Rom since June 1 farms reporting.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. Sheep and lamtK fsmis reporting.. I.amhs under 1 year old farms remrting.. number.. .Sheep I year old and over farms reporting., Rwee farms reporting.. Rams and wethers farms reporting,. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. , Livestock and liveslKk products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive terms reporting.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting,. number.. dollars,. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting,. dollars,. Milk and cream nold^ farms reporting,. dollars,. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars. Chicken eggs sold fsrms reporting.. 17,973,275 4,812 11,223,535 9,M6,728 271,283 791,729 473,795 6,749,740 2,929,147 1,521,585 2,299,008 2,682 32,402 2,522 16,8U 1,801 7,381 1,821 10,121 1,556 5,470 2,098 4,335 2,576 48,010 1,676 27,710 2,346 20,300 35 1,700 12,825 1,182,790 1,582 36,570 1,097,100 15 215 12,984,673 5,566 7,965,504 6,464,507 171,545 752,167 577,285 5,019,169 962,963 2,143,825 1,912,381 1,701 27,225 1,586 15,108 1,035 8,215 1,276 8,346 1,021 3,771 1,351 2,517 1,667 I 35,019 1,057 I 19,697 I 1,5271 15,322 20 1,117 10,434 867,750 1,067 34,265 1,027,950 20 95 9,836,159 6,277 6,038,084 4,152,919 568,945 859,575 456,645 3,798,075 1,072,524 1,138,505 1,587,046 1,185 22,635 1,130 U,760 7,015 815 3,860 850 1,955 995 26,155 705 14,095 915 12,060 20 920 41,528,926 10,136 24,747,703 17,950,079 1,476,646 3,417,278 1,903,700 16,781,223 3,546,324 5,518,845 7,716,054 3,016 92,065 2,831 49,268 1,677 19,665 2,530 27,079 2,274 15,718 11 2,281 5,663 2,610 88,215 1,858 53,496 2,345 34,719 50 2,539 43,386 4,962,090 1,880 90,770 2,723,100 35 385 36,089,928 18,181 22,254,365 16,110,177 1,130,355 3,283,730 1,730,103 13,835,563 2,052,273 5,969,782 5,813,508 1,558 82,404 1,471 43,858 749 17,070 1,356 25,310 1,236 13,236 1,104 4,209 1,139 53,366 812 30,424 1,052 22,942 1,437 37,884 3,975,075 104,854,840 5,969,782 23,757,346 32,859 14,891,663 9,871,549 1,551,610 1,973,122 1,495,382 8,865,683 1,903,306 2,386,338 4,576,039 16,995 521 13,075 32 474 2,609 409 29,823 303 16,107 378 13,716 dollai See footnotes at end of L 112 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data Me basod on reports for only a sample of famis. SeeWxlJ (For definitions and explai LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-ConUnued June 2 to November 3 SPEOFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for a]l purposes. Harvested for ^ain 9 t«porting.. s reporting.. s reporting. s reporting.. 9 reporting., 5 reporting.. s reporting.. 9 reporting.. bushels.. Sales f"ms reporting. . bushels.. Sor^ums for all purposes farms reporting. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Wheat harvested farms reporting . . buahels . . Sales famvs reporting. . bushels. . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . btishels. . Barley harvested farms reporting . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Rye harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres groim alone.. acres grown with other crops.. bushels . . Ray crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtxires cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . Sales farms reporting. , Coastal Benmida grass out for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting . , Oata, wheatf barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay f anas reporting. . Sales farms reporting. tons. Other hay cut farms reporting. , Sales farms reporting. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. tons, green weight* See footnotes at end of table. 26,899 101,733 17,115 7,678 1,422 502 127 55 20,547 51,771 17,419 49,962 57,753 774,313 37,842 12,556 5,006 1,278 457 614 55,212 679,228 17,371,715 15,935 5,281,024 64,595 15,664 157,372 3,138,621 8,391 2,402,778 17,931 346,189 10,816,465 5,141 4,980,467 2,363 35,177 1,024, U7 1,127 18,307 274,254 7,827 387,504 7,228 6,823,185 1,467 28,345 62,463 9,315 93,437 97,257 13,750 101,983 104,358 3,242 37,915 39,843 1,971 3,782 1,625 1,561 2,215 1,061 1,567 2,745 7,135 2,745 2,590 6,745 154,670 10,484 20,062 8,621 1,767 7,418 10,804 6,018 9,258 27,332 196,628 22,666 26,321 185,601 4,329,695 7,476 1,244,970 705 16,200 20 5,050 18,485 321,375 1,630 147,270 4,311 19,308 492,630 2,061 8,405 7,980 5,026 14,640 U,715 3,052 9,107 1,975 6,608 73,109 3,972 2,131 6,303 66,296 1,548,915 1,826 438,425 320 2,021 11,265 202,950 2,107 13,843 374,160 1,270 6,910 6,130 1,722 6,981 6,565 2,876 9,447 1,715 1,040 2,206 4,820 1,961 4,627 5,712 72,513 3,156 1,876 10 5,512 63,953 1,552,790 1,566 438,075 410 21,320 30 10,700 2,086 14,268 263,710 1,000 166,500 2,295 18,000 469,700 1,285 7,135 6,895 1,637 8,660 6,887 SOUTH CAROLINA 113 State Table 20- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D«U ftre based on reports for only B sample of farms. Se« texlj [For definidoos naA explai Ste of f aim— Continued LATSTOCK KSD IJ\TST0CK PRODl'dS-CoDtiBDed Litters farrowed Decefflterl, 1958, to Novemt)er 30, 1959 ....Iwma reporting.. number of liUcrs,. 1 or 21ill«r3 taras reporting.. S to 9 tiU«r9 films reporting.. 10 to U Utters ftms reporting.. 2D to 39 litters firms reporting.. «io«» litters faima reporting.. 70 or more Iitt«rs farms reporting.. June 2 to November 30 fwrns reporting.. nomber of liturs.. SPECIFIED CROPS BARVESTED Cora for aJl purposes fimw raporting.. Vnim U to** fims reporting., U to 34 acTM finna reportiBg.. 25 to 10 Mcnm lams reporting.. 50 lo 74 icrea titms feportiog.. 75 to 99 Bcree furna reporting., '■mw reporting., '•»"» reporting. , Harvested for grain 1,196 3,827 1,001 3,*63 2,647 46, U9 1,170,040 1,577 33,272 870,610 1,020 21,805 541,675 1,419 7,084 1,348 8,039 2,778 78,063 2,207,327 1,222 53,987 1,625,210 SorghuiB for kU purpoees Haznrest«d for craln or se«d. reporting. reporting. buBhela. reporting. Wheat harrested fanw reporting. buabelB. Sales farvfl reporting. buahelB. OatB harvested for grain faraa repor buflhelA. Sales faras reporting. Barl«7 haznreated. Tty« harvested fa bushels. reporting. bushels. bushels. Sales faras reporting. bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans faras reporting . acres grown alone. acres grcnm vlth other crops. bushels. 1,087 12,144 219,695 1,466 20,455 527,130 10,490 43 6,475 5,550 25 2,810 1,500 1,493 28,130 592,295 1,203 510,595 1,959 71, UO 2,240,720 1,326 91,605 1,130 1,581,645 1,142 71,333 2,495,555 62,966 330 1,179,440 Hajr crops: Land froB vhlch bay was cut acres. JOfalfa and alfalfa odxtures cut for bay axul for dehydrating faras reporting. Sales faras reporting. Coastal Bemida grass cut for bay farva reporting. Sales faras reporting. Lespedeea out for hay farms reporting. Salea faras reporting. Date, wheat, barley, lye, or other saall grains out for hay farns reporting. Salea faras reporting . Other hay cut faras reporting. Sales farms reporting. Orass silage aade from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or saall grains farms reporting. tens, green wel^t.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,102 18,125 20, Wl 114 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DalA are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See text] SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Cotton harvested farms reporting. . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting.. Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. bushels. . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. 45,123 543,852 411,234 5,484 4,569 720,984 15,173 11,904 1,265,438 23,798 77,404 127,415,681 3,200 12,555 9,655 1,900 2,811 ,403,035 23,093 197,726 147,523 7,422 3,987 395,480 12,540 34,470 56,914,200 4,494 44,061 32,770 1,761 1,346 131,535 2,547 8,173 13,465,815 3,825 38,635 26,640 2,085 7,698 12,915,465 3,245 37,785 27,205 1,705 6,904 11,607,900 ^Includes mlli equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. SOUTH CAROLINA 115 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are bas«d on reports for only b sample of farnks. See lextj (For definitJons and explanations, see textl Sice of fann— Continued S^ECIFTED CBOPS OARVTSTtD-Coatiimed Cotton harveated f anas reporting. bales. Irlah potatoes harvested for hooe use or for sale farms reporting. bushels. SweetpoUtoes harvested for home use or for sale faras reporting. bushels. Tobacco harvested fame reportljig. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars. Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees' farae reporting. l,ft« 28,044 20,029 1,145 18,^^63 U,045 1,938 52,002 41,010 1,039 49,755 40,940 1,485,448 102 1,551,610 116 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are baaed on reports for only a eample of famis. See toxtj cial farms by (For descriptions and explai All tenants FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms jiumber. . Percent distribution percent.. Land in farms acres.. Percent distribution percent.. Average size of fann acres.. Value of lanrj and buildings; Average per fann dollars.. Average per acre dollars.. Land in farms according to use; Cropland harvesled farms reporting.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . If) to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 (o 29 acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. , 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reportini 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cmpland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms rtjporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting.. Woodland not pastured fams repotting.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. Improved pasture farms reporting. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. . Land use practices; Cropland in cover crops farms toporting. . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-etosion control farms reporting. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. . Under 25 years jiumber. . 25 to 14 years ; number. . 35 lo 44 years number.. 45 (o 54 years number . . 55 to fi4 years number. . 65 or more years numt>er. . Average age years.. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Worlting off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days OF^erators reporting. . With other members of family worlting off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm worlt operators reporting. . IVith other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold Ofrarators reporting . . Operators not WDrle contour fama isporting.. Land in s(Jip-at)pping sysMM (or aoil-WDKion ooniro) .farms raporting.. SysMn of tsrraces on crop and pasture land , /amn reporting., FARM OPERATORS BY AOE 0|>eratofs reporting age jiwnbar. . t'ndsr 2S years iinnbar. , 2S to 94 years jiombar., SS to 44 years itnnbar. , 4} to 54 years jrambar., 99 to 84 years .Bonbsr., 85 or more years jimibar. , Average age yaam., OFF-FARM DORK AND OTHER [NOME Farm operators- WorVinKoffthsir farms, toUl opermlors reporting.. 1 to 99 days oparators reportiag.. 100 (o 199 days operslors reporting.. aw or more days opsralors reporting.. Witii other members of family worfcing off fann opsrmlora reporting.. With inoome tnm sources other than fann operated and off-farm work operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricttllural prwJucts sold opsrstore reporting.. Operators not worldnft off their farms or not reporting as to '•oric off their farms operators reporting.. With other members of family worfcing off farm operators reporting. . With income from nources other than farm operated . . . operators reporting.. With other inn^me of family eiceeding value of agnmllural products sold operators reporting.. See botAotee at end of tsbt^ Ccomerclal farms by tenure of pperatop — Continued 155,343 2.3 103.8 10,008 68 3,287 64,266 1.0 93.4 231,833 3.5 0.9 1,590 1,475 1,390 3,215 1,146 9,495 5,508 1,473 51,944 8,435 187,604 1,195 3,015 2,355 1,466 355 1,302 2,780 2,392 1,176 Other and unspecified tenants 118 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dsta are baoed on reporta for only a sample of farms. See text] (For dennitions and « Commercial fanns by tenure of operator Fxill owners SPECIFIED EQUIPHENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. , nomher. , Com pickers farms reporting.. Picl(-up balers farms reporting. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. Motortrucks farms reporting.. Tractors farms reporting.. numi)er. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number.. 1 Iractor farms reoorti ng . . 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors farms reporting.. number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Garden tractors farms reporting.. \ulomobiles farms reporting.. number.. \utomobiles and^or motortrticks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop dner (for grain, forage, or other ciops) farms reporting. . Power.oiierated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms refxjrting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale .fanns rerorting. . Dirt or unimpnsved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile lo a hard surface road faims reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or Smiles farms reporting.. i miles farms reporting. . 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting.. Regular hired workers (employed I.W or more days) farms reporting. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting... 2 hired workers farms reporting... 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . . 10 or more hired woikers farms reporting... RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on faim operated operators re^jorting... hfot residing on farm operated operators reporting. . . Operators not reporting residence jiumber. .. USE OF (XIMMEROAL FERTDjIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year operators reporting. . . acres on which used . . . Dry matenals farms refwrting Liquid materials farms repotting. . . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . . Dty malenala farms reporting... Lii]uid materials farms reporting. .. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting, .. Dry materials farms reporting . . . Liquid materials farms re(»rting, , , Com farms reporting, , , Dry materials farms reporting, ,, Liquid materials fatms reporting,,. See footnotes at end of table. 8,595 1,6 1,771 4,212 4,325 l,2i6 1,313 32,670 39,099 34,987 51,474 33,767 48,637 24,987 5,769 1,631 706 674 55,802 65,560 63,904 27,595 35,538 1,729 1,634 41,999 2,428 32,278 17,423 14,855 8,736 5,500 321 298 13,189 48,667 6,203 17,142 3,016 1,298 1,012 70,690 2,668,261 689,275 70,563 673,474 2,201 15,801 12,512 356, 757 12,312 71,736 4,296 135,694 4,173 25,281 204 1,389 54,690 748,231 54,533 162,955 1,228 5,123 5,939 6,645 1,535 1,618 3,486 3,593 1,128 1,193 19,933 25,404 20,779 34,660 20,335 33,368 13,095 4,396 1,521 30,053 35,381 35,167 13,887 20,882 1,505 1,460 21,849 1,234 18,423 9,649 8,774 5,223 3,268 150 133 10,365 42,332 5,554 16,247 2,478 1,202 1,011 37,284 2,392 2,657 40,903 2,200,250 583,897 40,851 569,544 1,758 14,353 7,801 290,277 7,656 59,530 2,478 109,151 2,390 19,502 163 1,292 33,423 581,121 33,321 129,271 1,000 4,635 9,434 14,U3 9,173 13,761 6,425 1,774 572 217 11,219 13,584 13,231 5,899 2,951 2,948 4,202 13,835 2,247 5,552 13,765 699,817 180,618 13,734 175,626 681 4,992 3,749 124,004 3,655 25,295 1,187 45,709 1,164 8,791 10,995 183,167 10,963 40,879 907 1,672 1,719 9,766 7,196 14,197 7,100 13,797 3,627 1,956 761 374 7,644 9,716 8,941 3,819 1,978 1,841 1,073 4,430 20,341 2,630 8,546 9,560 953,655 243,095 9,550 235,448 715 7,647 2,855 131,158 2,808 27, 528 235 1,923 1,060 52,846 1,001 8,952 106 823 8,206 232,990 8,172 51,560 12,057 176 2,845 SOUTH CAROLINA 119 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 9 based on reports for only a avnple of farms. See text] SPECIFTED EQUIPMEKT AND FACTLTnES AND KIND OF ROAD Oain asmbines farms reportiDg.. Cora pidiers faims reporting.. Pidc-np b«l«r9 farms reporting.. F\tM forage harvesters farms reporting.. Motortnidcs farms reporting.. nombv.. Tractors farms reporting.. Tractors other Uian garden farms reporting.. 1 tractor farms reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors roims reporting.. 4 tractors fanns reporting. . 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. W>ieel tractors farms reporting.. outrber.. Crawler Uactore farms reporting.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. number.. Automobiles farms reporting.. Automobiles and/or moloftneks firms reporting.. Tetephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking madvine Jwma reportJBf;., Electnr milk cooler farni* reporting.. Crop dner (for 0^n, fcrage, Of other oope) iarms reporting. . Power-operatMJ elevator, conveyor, or btowar Jaims reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shaJe faims reporting.. Dirt or unimproved faime reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting., 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting., ! mile farms reporting.. 2 or Smiles farms reporting.. 4 miles /arms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDCNG ENUMERATION Hired •ofkwn farms reporting. . Regular hired woriera (employed ISO or mora days) /arms reporting.. Films reporting by number of regular hired wolcers: 1 hired ««ricer farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. Sor 4 hired workers farms reporting.. S to9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 or more hired workem farms reporting.. REaDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operaLod operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number.. USE OF COfcWERaAL FERTILIZER AND LWE Commercial rertiliter and fertilir.ing materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres on which used , . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Cjops on which u»Bd— Hay and cropland pasture iarms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Litpiid materials farms reporting., Other pa.-"« reporting . . $1,000 or mote 'arms renorti ng . . Hired labor '"m» reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 f"ms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $.'iOO to $999 f^^^ reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 fft^s reporUng . . $2,SO0 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 ■ fatms reporting. . $10,000 to $19,999 ■. 'a™s reporting . . $20,000 to $49,999 fa™s reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reporting. . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 '"ms reporting. . $100 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 faims reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting . , $500 to $999 farms reporting . $1,000 to 3^,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more farms reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars. .\]I crops sold .dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nufs sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold .dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold , dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock pnaducts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 4,852 216,933 4,845 33,956 44,941 540,717 44,386 173,326 44,131 675,357 44,007 206,220 4,246 134,956 128,667 77,406 44,377 34,974,439 19,570 19,941 1,505 1,774 1,587 22,409 12,719,090 19,919 1,355 174 56,146 10,651,735 43,234 11,365 1,547 41,403 36,425,002 18,244 10,230 5,390 4,379 36,183 4,644,326 27,447 6,983 70,268 19,252,955 36,336 24,154 5,484 4,o;o 244 307,377,059 3,933 217,723,973 180,626,783 8,497,113 16,273,794 12,326,233 89,653,081 27,817,357 22,651,539 3,971 206,928 3,964 32,186 30,305 450, 540 30,260 145, 882 30,127 567,661 30,003 183,173 2,851 112,018 108,143 42,333 23,247 30,360,093 8,777 10,126 1,U9 1,628 1,567 12,537 11,212,557 10,312 1,139 172 35,270 8,875,400 24,295 9,506 1,469 28,924 33,863,717 9,357 7,696 4,665 4,073 21,930 3,991,944 14,748 5,530 39,976 16,513,574 14,263 16, 573 4,995 3,904 241 199,739,352 165,U0,368 7,933,490 15,501,755 11,193,739 80,253,422 26,442,316 21,693,416 1,556 61,054 1,551 10,061 3,162 99,896 8,142 33,477 10,259 187,621 10,197 57,123 1,200 37,843 37,770 14,939 9,922 17,554,223 2,941 5,458 5,191,962 4,294 602 10,354 2,751,774 7,667 2,737 450 10,602 12,203,850 3,414 2,686 1,757 1,632 594 8,229 1,485,383 5,479 2,222 98,014,130 6,561 58,193,664 41,106,338 1,788,570 3,484,907 6,813,849 39,820,466 19,072,823 6,823,652 1,630 120,408 1,628 18,263 6,736 152,078 6,731 51,680 7,283 267, %9 7,241 77,465 1,229 58,123 54,715 9,640 6,859 10,955,302 1,839 3,230 503 749 3,797 4,817,262 2,870 8,148 3,269,236 4,428 2,959 1,606 1,475 1,738 5,215 1,832,840 3,152 2,107 9,310 7,185,774 1,523 3,558 2,078 1,999 142 100,304,631 10,457 57,059,139 53,497,353 4,557,044 5,851,754 3,152,978 33,745,492 6,488,153 13,122,164 5,151,076 3,105,146 515,045 587,579 942,305 2,777,677 49,939 750,960 SOUTH CAROLINA 121 State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued LD«* •« bMed on r«porta fix only t »unple of finns. Se« lext] USE OF COMKfERCIAL FERnUZER AND LWE^Contiitoad Ctwmercid fertilizer uid f«rtjliting tnaicnkls osod dunng lit* yav-Continoed Oops OB which vsed-CoBtinafld Scybeane Jarms reportjng. . Dry matehtls turns reporting.. Licpud matehalfl fwms reporting,. Cotton lums reoorting.. tty flMtcntls farms reporting;.. Liquid matcriils fums refurtiBK. . All other aooa f«rms reporting.. Oy RiALehkIs fanrs reporting.. Liquid mBtcriftlB turns rerwrtinji,. Linwor liminn mMLehtin uMd during the ye«f fwnu reporting.. cial farms by tenure of operator — Continued SPEOFTED FARM EXPE-VaTURES UndwMQO S100to»M %\JX» to S1.9M $2,000 to «4,99B $5,000 or mor* PurchftM of livmtock aod povltiy UmIot $1,000 Sl,O0r> to 5^ 199 $2,900 lo «4,»»g $9,000 to SB 9M $10,000 or mm Under «200 faD0U>«499 «00lo^9 SI, 000 499 $2,500 to <4 999 S5,000 to 99 999 $10,000 lo $19,999 $90,000 to 549.999 $90,000 or more r $100 to 5499 to ^99 ..fume rvpcvting,. . Jtima ratiorting. , dollnn.. farms reporting. , tarriM reporting. . farms rerxirting . , faima reporting. . farms reporting.. farms reportjag. . •Ulan.. farms reporting., farms reporting., farms rtporting. . farms reporting, . farms reporting., fsms reporting,. dollar*.. farms reporting. . farms rsporting. . farms reporting. . farms raporting. , farms reporting. . farms reporting, , farms raporung. , farms reporting. , farms reporting., fanns reporting, , farms reporting,, firms reporting.. farms reporting., dollars.. fanns reporting. , farms repotting., farms reporting, . farms reporting,. farms reporting.. dollar<<.. I.'nder $100 farm^* rpTwrting. . $100 lo M99 fam« reporting. . SSOOIo.999 farms rt^pnrtjng.. 51,000 lo $4,999 farms r^kmrting. . 59,000 or more farms rt^xting. . ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODl'CTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold iouU, doll are.. average per farm, dollsra.. All oops sold dollars.. Field cropn, other than veffst«bles and fhrita and nuts, sold dollsn.. VegetaMea sold dollars.. Frwits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest products and horticultural 4r>ecia]ty produets sold dollars . . All Iivosioch and livestock products said dollan . . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars,, I>airy products sold dollars.. LivMtoHt a/id livestock products, othsr than poultry and daiiy, sold dollars. . See faotAot«>B al md of tAbln. 1,188 603 4,617 15,803 10,422 50,603 1,183 603 4,617 5,015 3,237 15,531 25 20 10 58 21 18 1,015 612 4,403 21,755 6,565 28,886 1,005 612 4,398 6,936 2,737 16,160 7,283,751 4,866 5,800,326' 4,930,051 708,221 122,744 39,310 1,483,425 431,028 457,320 4,109,060 5,972 3,760,576 3,726,743 28,430 203 5,200 348,484 3,719 36,070 5,283 2,530 303,790 1,590 920 5 10 1,217 102,397 1,207 4,968 148 7,809 668,385 22 ,785 1,222,427 3,881 106 5,846 1,062 41 1,903 25 1 60 3,683 136 3,869 1,484,795 102 545 995,865 1,376 45 1,%5 1,376 21 1,406 2,392 130,235 2,046 4,903 1,054,085 1,955 2,447 25,503,537 4,827 24,857,488 24,570,W1 78,700 158,627 50,020 646,049 18,709 148,485 478,855 1,114,569 5,687 938,946 907,486 7,622 94,728 7,617 28,330 5,362 25,569 5,362 14,885 8,435 1,898 312, 140 1,480 1,157 73,672 1,141 2,988 136,180 2,637 7,910 804,940 5,095 2,683 29,747,638 3,527 29,138,298 28,824,445 216, 595 77,703 19,555 609,340 218,467 91,390 122 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] LfVESTOCK AND UVTSTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, inciudin? heifers that have calved Milk cowy Kellers anil heifcr calves Steers ajiH bulls mclutlinp steer anil bull calves Fanns reporting b> nu Cattle and calvti,- 1 head farms reporting., 2 to 4 head farms renortinR.. ."i to 0 head farms reporting. 10 lo 19 head farms reporting., 20 to 49 head farms reporting. , .10 to 99 head Farms reporting., 100 to 490 head farms reporting., 500 or more head Farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms renorting., 2 to 9 head farms renorting., 10 to 19 head farms retvortjng. , 20 to 29 head farms reporting., to to 49 head farms reporting., .10 to 71 head farms reporting. , 75 to 99 head farns reporting. 100 or more head farms renorting. Milk cows- 1 head farms r 2 to 9 head farms f 10 to 19 head farms refiorting., 20 to 29 head farms reporting. to to 49 head farms renorting., 50 to 74 head farms 75 to 99 head ...farms reporting., 100 or more hetid farms reporting. Horses and 01 mules farms n number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. Bom since June 1 farms r Bom before June I farms reporting.. number. Sheep and lambs farms rerxtrtin numb* Lambs under I year old farms reportin number, Sheeo 1 year old and over farms reporting Rams and wethers farms reporting number. Goats and kids farms renorting. , number, , Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. , number. Livestock and livestock pioducts sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. , dollar: Ilogs and rvigs sold alive farms reportini number. , dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms renorting. , number. , dollars,. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting, dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens, dollars. Litters farroiwed December 1. 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting.. number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters farms retxxting. . t to 9 litters faims renorting. . 10 to 19 litters farms reporting. . 20 to 19 litters , farms reporting,, 40 to ti9 litters farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting. . June 2 to November to farms reporting. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 39,6 499,368 36,271 259,111 25,658 104,069 23,649 U9,536 18,173 90,721 9,780 14,263 5,723 4,219 3,414 1,444 29 16,525 14,009 2,476 1,174 1,082 522 195 53,841 675,372 30,592 373,969 47,871 301,403 382 1,817 360 5,145 20,983 213,315 22,626,970 24,594 538,994 16,169,820 247 3,8 408,346,932 22,651,539 5,907 8,741,476 9,657 38,395,611 15,358,245 26,899 101,733 17,115 20,547 51,771 17,419 49,962 20,132 382,385 18,524 200,839 13,261 81,998 12,352 112,369 9,912 69,177 4,863 6,514 2,239 2,049 2,236 1,403 27 8,037 6,091 1,440 30,484 489, 196 18,093 273,561 27,334 215,635 230 1,108 213 3,014 10,623 173,064 19,053,799 14, 571 426,380 12,791,400 161 2,479 387,255,789 21,693,416 3,485 8,378,776 5,075 35,925,572 14,370,229 16,789 76,075 9,913 5,043 1,197 462 121 166,215 8,122 86,133 5,559 29,042 5,987 48,692 4,785 31,390 1,490 2,683 1,319 1,179 1,165 647 308 10,225 180,164 6,569 100,496 9,172 79,668 122 5,308 82,515 9,053,728 6,047 157,267 4,718,010 82 1,142 124,209,907 6,823,652 2,130 6,443,380 2,882 25,350,257 10,140,102 6,151 28,070 3,249 2,245 6,201 170,417 5,750 90,238 4,052 43,857 4,376 51,400 3,797 28,779 7,707 2Cf7,334 5,197 121,399 7,077 85,935 71 3,878 72,519 7,841,048 4,952 207,201 6,216,030 48 1, 232,433,095 13,122,164 1,003 1,821,185 1,570 8,807,798 3,523,120 5,153 33,982 2,338 1,828 4,152 16,936 3,798 17,046 1,545 162 7,580 112 4,060 U8 3,520 11 525 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- 123 ■Continued 3 raports for only a saiople of farms. See text] clal famis by of operator — Continued Other and unspecified tenants UVESrOCK WD LtVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have cajved ViJlk 00*8 1 Heifers and heifer calves I Steers and bulls inclatfiRf- steer and bull calves i 9 reporting, 9 reporting, Farmn reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 heed fanrm reporting.. 2 U> 4 head fams reporting., 5 to 9 h^ad farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head fanns reporting.. aO to *9 head farms repotting.. 50 to 99 head fama reporting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farm* reporting.. Cows, incloding heifers that have calved^ 1 he«d faim.* reporting.. 2 to9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 30 to 29 head faima reporting.. no to 49 head farm* reporting.. 90 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head faima reporting.. 100 or more head farms repotting.. Uilkc 1 heed .... 2 to 9 head 10 to 19 head 30 to 29 head 10 to 4S head V) to 71 head 75 to 99 head 100 or more head Horses and/or mules . faim^ raporung. farmq reporting, fanre reporting, faimt reporting, faima reporting, farms reporting, fann^ reporting, farms reporting. fams reporting. Hogs and pi£S farms reporting, Bom since June 1 faims reporting, Bom before June 1 fama reporting. Sheep and lambs farms reoorting, l.tntw under 1 year old farms repurting, number, Sh«^ 1 year old and over farms reporting, Ewes farmn reporting, Rant and iMHhers farms reporting. Chickens 4 months old and over fams reporting, number, Livestock and livestock products sold: Cauje and calves sold alive farm^ reportini;, numbm dollars Hog9 and pigs sold alive farmo rtfiorting numb«T dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms ri^torting number ■ reporting r of litten s reporting, s reporting s retxHting In, Ito gliiur. f ID o W hU«» r Jun. D.c«»nb«r i In June 1 rot hi 2,793 527 2,0U 8,536 1,082 7,398 1,803 3,971 1,603 2,368 1,298 1,983 693 501 3,7«« 910 6,288 612 4,178 1,817 29,926 341 2,422 6,550 15,965 567 3,638 5,267 13,961 43,475 1,437 14,256 427,680 2,127 3,776 1,776 1,537 2,108 1,186 1,668 1,610 3,697 1,465 2,317 1,187 1,699 413 945 5,263 23,385 2,083 9,796 4,636 13,589 1,586 2,906 1,390 S.. footnou?^ At «|H of t.bl.. 124 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a samole of farms. See taxtj Commercial farms by tenure of operator SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. Under 11 acres farms reporting . 11 to 24 acres - farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reporting . t)ushels . Sales farms reporting . liushels . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Wheat harvested farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Barley harvested farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels. Rye harvested farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms report ing . bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops . bushels . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating .....farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. , Coastal Bermuda grass out for hay farms report ing . Sales farms reporting. Lcspedeza cut for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Grass silage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table . 37,842 12,556 5,006 1,278 55,212 679,228 17,371,715 15,664 157,372 3,138,621 17,931 346,189 10,816,465 2,363 35,177 1,024,147 1,127 18,307 274,254 7,827 387,504 7,228 5,823,185 1,467 28,845 62,463 9,315 93,437 97,257 13,750 101,983 104,358 3,242 37,915 39,843 19,045 9,636 4,147 1,173 33,730 525,536 14,254,135 9,829 119,794 2,494,126 11,806 297,756 9,552,126 1,764 31,186 932,762 6,386 370,210 6,478 6,563,880 1,146 26, 186 57,766 5,024 63,778 71,326 8,797 76,118 83,308 1,741 27,717 31,438 5,950 3,318 1,468 10,839 160,440 4,268,432 3,449 35,852 785,018 2,274 93,118 1,805 1,766,540 2,353 26,428 29,289 3,444 30,129 32,661 3,033 2,394 1,704 8,018 201,175 5,698,925 3,357 63,039 1,290,782 4,302 155,866 5,146,473 2,856 223,292 3,725 3,804,023 1,686 28,565 33,661 2,770 32,185 36,630 11,253 7 9,395 91 16,189 20 344,277 SOUTH CAROLINA 125 State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are Dased on refxxts br only a sample of fanna. See tertj Conroercial farms by ■ of operator — Continued Other and unspecified tenants S'EXIFIED CROPS BARVE^TED Com for all purposes fanas reporting... Under 11 acrea fanos reporting... U to 24. acres teras r^Kirtlng... 25 to ^9 acres f ams repartlug • . . 50 to 74 acres f aras reporting • . . 75 to 99 acres f aras reporting . . . 100 or nore acres fanas reporting. .. Harvested for grain fanas .eportlng... bushels . . . Sales fanas reporting — bushels . . . Sor^uiaB for all purpoees farns reporting. Harvested for grain or seed f anoe reporting . . . buabela. Sales faras reporting. tuflbelA. ■heat banreeted faras reporting . bushels. Sales fanas reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain faras reporting. acrea. bushels. Sales .faras repartlng • bushels . . . Barley harvested faras reporting. bushels. Sales faras reporting. bushels . . . Rye harvested faras reporting. bushels. Sales faras reporting. bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans f anDS reporting ■ . . acrea grom alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels. Hay crops: Land froB which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farw reporting. tons. Sales faras reporting . tons... Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting. Sales faras reporting . . . tons. .. Lespedeza cut for hay farns reporting. .. Sales fanns reporting. . tons. Oats, idieat, barley, rye, or other snail grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales fanns reporting. .. toia. .. Other hay cut faras reporting . . . Sales farms reporting • . . Grass silage made frca grasses, alfalfa, clover, CO* sdaII grains farms reporting... tens, green weight ••• See footnotes at end of table. 1,291 18,884 456,577 7,485 50 105,805 4,899 54,907 1,481,915 1,252 6,957 192,035 1,130 4,610 4,030 1,155 17,460 6,569 55,720 1,428, 500 1,028 4,745 87,020 3, WO 200 57, 680 126 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on rerxjrts for only a sample of farms. See text] Cdmnerclftl fajma by tenure of operator (For definitions and explaj All tenants SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Contjnued Cotton harvested farms reporting . <5,123 543,852 411,234 30,397 453,245 351,991 8,192 100,646 78,130 6,762 153,058 120,325 15,325 188,14A 145,629 5,484 4,569 720,984 3,432 4,323 687, 22A 1,150 1,699 227,197 1,341 878 155,925 bushels. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds . 15,173 11,904 1,265,438 23,798 77,404 127,415,681 9,362 9,510 1,046,288 20,227 73,535 122,735,196 3,201 3,257 356,465 5,870 18,566 31,569,054 2,487 3,509 396,410 3,965 17,652 28,447,827 3,646 2,696 289,965 10,346 36,738 61,773,540 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. SOUTH CAROLINA 127 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continueci [Data are Oased on reports for only a sanple of farms. See text j SPBCtFTED CROPS BARVESTED-CoatiDiied Cotton harvested f anas reporting - Irish potatoes harvested for hooe use or for sale farms reporting - huflhela. Sweetpotatoes harvested for heme use or for sale faros reporting . bushels. Tobacco harvested farms reporting . pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale f ar:ac reporting • Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nopbearlng fmlt orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees' f arma reporting . of operator — Continued i,625 50,852 38,542 1,246 958 95,390 3,793 15,5A3 27,230,885 Livestock- share 1,435 1,010 118,975 4,686 14,673 24,068,610 Other and unspecified tenants 1,132 13,880 10,411 128 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data Are baaed on repofts Tor only a sainple of Fanna. See texl] (For descriptions and explai Total all farms of iihlte operators Cannercial farms by tenure of white operato: FADMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FamS JJUmber.. Percent diatnbutjon percent.. Land tnfarms.... acres . . Percent disthbution percent.. Average ai ze of faim acres . . Value Of land and buildings: Average per fanr .dollars . . Average per acre dollars.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting,. Ifl to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms repotting. . 30 to 49 acr«s farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms importing. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting.. Other cropland {idle and crop failure) farms reporting. Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. Other fiasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reportjng. Improved pasture farms reportjng.. Irrigated land in farms farms reportjng. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms refiorti n| Land in strip-cropping systems For soil-erosion control Farms reportjng.. System of tetracea on crrjp and pasture land farms reportjng. FARM OPEIUTORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number. . Under 25 years number. . 25 to 34 years ^ numtier. . 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number.. Average age years.. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INI^ME Farm operators- Wotlting off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators repotting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members oF Family worlting oFF farm operators reporting. . With income From sources other than farm operated and oFF-farm work operators reporting. . With other income oF Family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operatrjrs reporting.. Operatrxs not woilting oFF their Farms or not reporting as to worHt oFF their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off Farm operators repotting. . With income /torn sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting., With other income oF Family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators T«p(Xting. . See fooljiol«s at end of t^le. 7,942,508 167.2 41,915 2,U6,4U 8,713 9,838 6,544 6,613 5,453 2,711 1,682 300 61 20,465 611,678 22,325 605,653 5,748 156,289 19,193 449,364 16,266 833,046 32,818 3,099,593 12,8t38 423,048 5,501 183,938 24,612 U,099 814,838 47,086 639 4,190 10,760 13,518 10,007 7,972 50.9 23,7a 4,930 2,555 16,276 23,746 6,094 8,997 5,928,033 100.0 242.9 23,244 1,787,632 1,726 3,969 3,645 4,655 4,585 2,634 1,672 298 60 11,427 436, 8U 10,871 351,309 2,908 101,198 9,242 250,111 7,894 ?78,818 17,603 2,297,510 6,157 304,625 2,973 141,695 21,634 6,045 547,884 24,K4 373 2,409 5,716 7,580 6,190 1,876 49.0 8,256 3,563 1,060 3,633 2,586 2,965 3,271 16,154 3,328 3,456 2,619,163 44.2 222.6 K),707 613,755 1,062 2,169 1,793 2,360 1,942 10 6,133 218,370 5,909 192,903 1,503 51,904 5,101 U0,999 4,249 280,401 9,654 1,092,006 3,231 144,354 1,476 60,789 2,382,109 40.2 339.8 9,717 3,216 248,906 2,139 3,579 3,824 1,344 472 2,079 1,295 1,569 1,952 7,819 1,525 2,119 43 4,093 168,504 3,301 111,942 1,123 37,307 2,629 74,635 2,843 216,268 5,732 835,852 2,133 107,095 1,204 61,506 424 9,062 2,072 246,626 1,908 2,361 1,513 31,589 131 21,277 41,822 64 15,170 2,025 69 14,994 SOUTH CAROLINA 129 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D«Ls are b&3«d on reports for only a sample of famis. See lexl} (For definitions and explanations, see text) CoBBiercial faras ty tenure of white operator— Continued Other and xinspeclf led tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Land in farms PflrcoRl d) sui bution . . Avera^ 91 te of fann . Value ol land and buildings: Avenge per farm Average per acre . .fama reporting. . .fams reporting. ..fama reporting. , .fanna reoorting. 30 to 49 acres 50 toM acres fama reporting. too to 199 aoea farnis raporting 1300 (o 4te acres farais r«ortiBg 500 to 999 icf»« farms raporting. 1,000 or nmre acres fama reportiag Cropland used only Eorpastiv* CmtA and not harveelad and not paalarad . SoiUimpfovement upases and legumes. ..fanns report! ag. ..fanna raporting. . .rams raporting ODier cropland (idle and crop failore) fvna reporting. Woodland pasuired farms refxirting ttoodland M>t peatured fama reporting, Ot>ier pasture [not cropland and not wwdlaad) fama reporting, Impmved paalura fama reporting. Irrigated land m farms fama reporting Cropland used for ipwtn or fow crops Syatam of tarrscea on crop and r>asUire land . R raporting.. FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporling i|b . Under 25 yearn 2SloM yearn OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- WorionKoff their fams, total operators reporting., 1 (o 99 days oparalom reporting.. 100 (o 199 daya operators reporting.. 200 or iTore dayn operatom reporting.. With other members oT family Mirfcingoff fam operators reporting.. With incxMiw from Hources other than fam operated and off-fann work operators reporting.. With olhM- income of family exceeding value of aghmitural produciN sold operators reporting.. Operat^>rs not wnrtiinjt off their faims or r»t raportjnft »it to work off their ramr^ operators reporting. , Mlth other memb«ri« of family worVinf; off farm operators r*er . , USE OF COMMEROAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used dunng the year operators reporting. , I>y materials farms rejiorting. Liquid materials farms reporting. , Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting., Dty materials farms reporting., Li<)uid materials farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting, Dty materials farms reporting. Li(]uid materials farms reportinf Com farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting., 7,204 7,983 1,622 1,705 3,918 4,016 1,169 1,236 26,187 32,354 30,250 46,a41 29,296 43,704 20,896 5,441 1,601 690 37,545 46,524 43,029 25,099 28,848 1,703 1,608 30,269 1,527 14,949 8,548 6,401 3,974 2,243 106 78 11,410 41,978 5,764 16,354 41,095 2,105,603 537,261 40,983 521,866 1,950 15,395 10,551 342,470 10,352 69,435 4,111 134,644 3,988 25,079 204 1,389 30,558 542,906 30,422 122,488 1,052 4,891 5,493 6,183 1,479 1,562 3,262 3,354 1,066 1,131 16,025 21,329 17,792 31,237 17,48/4 30,100 10,589 4,098 1,491 659 647 18,988 23,892 22,494 12,837 16,562 1,489 1,444 14,770 679 8,560 4,619 3,941 2,372 1,471 9,161 36,933 5,220 15,609 21,358 1,771 1,231 23,130 1,776,411 464,349 23,083 450,329 1,562 14,020 6,520 279,990 6,376 57,930 2,368 103,606 2,230 19,390 18,506 433,291 18,420 99,274 8,564 13,518 3,378 12,911 5,680 1,729 567 217 9,364 11,669 10,931 3,834 2,071 1,763 1,143 3,917 12,990 2,167 5,447 10,655 633,907 164,214 10,624 159,272 676 4,942 3,319 120,514 3,225 24,784 1,152 45,469 1,129 8,725 8,095 154,352 3,063 35,311 6,356 13,182 6,286 12,317 2,942 1,344 756 368 5,955 7,933 6,841 4,081 19,032 2,496 8,328 6,940 366,614 222,520 6,930 214,913 674 7,607 2,505 127,928 2,459 26,918 5,726 200,297 5,693 45,458 20,923 113 4,020 7,586 46 1,192 See footnotes a f table. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- 131 •Continued [DkU are based od rcfxirta for only • sample of farms. See lexl] (For definitions and explai of white operator — Continued Livestock- share Other and ui\specified tenants SPEaFIED EQUIPMEST AND FACTLmES AM) KIND OF ROAD Oain combines fams reporting. Com pickers farms reporting. Pick*iip balers farms reporting. Firtd forage barvestora farms reporting, number. Motortrucks farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor rarms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. 3 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms repotting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. *i>iee1 trarctors farms reporting. Crawliw tractors farms reporting. Gardeo tractors farms reporting. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone faims reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine .farms reporting. Electric raiik cooler farms reporting. OtTxi dner (for (piun, forage, or other crop*) farms reporting. Power-operaLed (>l«%'Btor, conveyor, or blower fafms reporting. Farms by hind of road on which located: (lard surface farms reporting, Oavel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved fanna reporting. Leas than 1 mile to a harrl surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surfac* toad farms reporting, 1 mile farms reporting, 2 or 3 miles farms reporting, Iffljtea .farms reporting, K or more miles farms reporting, FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDtKCi EVUMERATION Hjmd <«orkar8 farm* reporting. R»vu\u hirod •orkern [employed 150 or more days) farrw reporting. Farms reporting by number of regnli 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hir«d workers 5 to 9 hired markers to or more hired wiorki lar hired workers farms reporting. . farms reporti ng . . farms reporting. . farms reporting. , farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OP FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operst«d openuors reporting,, VSR OF COMMERaAL FERHLIZER AND LIME Dry maLenals farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Dry msLenalH Other pasture (not cropland) , Dry maMrials Liquid matarials Com Dry materials Liquid matarials See footiioteii at end of table. a reporting 8 reporting a reporting s reporting s reporting s reporting, a reporting s reporting. 1,CM7 1,U3 1,300 1,113 1,250 1,007 90 1,103 1,230 1,496 1,596 1,923 2,178 62,802 21,755 2,178 21,576 55 179 267 2,013 5,385 27,385 262 2,003 1,219 6,632 115 1,569 6,157 38,712 1,557 12, Ul 115 1,569 1,557 12,070 1,214 12,905 1,2U 2,958 132 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are hhsed on reports for only k sample of famis. See text] (For definitions and explai USE OF COMMEBa \L FERTILIZER 4ND LIME-Continued rommercial fertilizer and fettiliztng malenals usad during the year-Continued Crops on which used-Continued Soybeans farms reDortine. E*y materials farms reporting. Liquid materials , farms renortine. Cotton farms renortin". Dr>' materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. All other crops farms reporting. Dry materi al s farms renortj ng . Liquid matenals farms reporting. >ime or liming matenals used dunng the year farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. SlOO to S999 farms reporting. 51,000 to ^1.999 farms reporting. $2,00n to S4,999 farms reporting. W.OOO or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under 51,000 farms reporting., $1,000 to $2,499 fanns reporting. , $2,500 In $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. , $10,000 or more farms reporting. , Machine hire farms reporting., dollars.. Under S200 farms remrtin», , $2tn to f999 farms reoorting . . $1,000 or more farms renorting.. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting.. $2(10 to $499 farms reporting.. $.500 to $999 farms renorting. . $1,000 to $2,199 farms reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms renorting. . $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporUng. . $50,000 or more farms reporting. . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms rerxirting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reportin;. . $100 to $499 fams reporting. . $500 to $999 farms renorting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. 5100 to $499 farms reporting.. 5500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. . £5,000 or more farms reporting. . ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. . average per farm, dollars.. \ll crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold , , . . .dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy producLs sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . See footnotes at end of tabi e. Total all farms of white operators 4,051 205,393 4,044 32,560 18,653 296,476 18,618 100,678 26,870 589,147 26,711 171,626 3,831 130,526 124,552 47,065 31,163 33,777,874 9,944 16,401 1,484 1,758 1,576 17,302 12,414,750 14,839 1,334 169 29,237 7,837,995 20,146 7,613 1,478 27,600 33,483,247 9,319 6,604 4,489 4,086 22,693 4,090,U1 15,136 5,856 44,953 16,747,180 18,844 16,878 5,056 3,937 238 242,947,438 5,U4 156,329,747 120,996,856 7,484,578 16,179,565 11,668,748 86,617,691 27,627,378 22,385,071 clal farms by tenure of white operato: All tenants 3,345 196,593 3,338 30,957 13,629 254,417 13,594 90,276 17,882 498,942 17,763 153,002 2,586 108,778 105,058 24,410 16,489 30,201,468 3,816 8,367 1,133 1,612 1,561 9,615 10,990,747 7,407 1,128 167 13,308 6,695,735 10,699 6,199 1,410 19,316 31,467,662 3,852 4,720 3,854 3,810 13,760 3,586,139 7,582 4,568 10, 567 4,612 3,811 U6,898,787 113,723,881 7,086,300 15,424,592 10,664,014 78,386,693 26,300,459 21,507,758 1,411 59,509 1,406 5,352 79,976 5,332 27,662 7,929 175,721 7,867 52,955 1,150 37,553 37,515 11,764 8,192 17,372,263 1,706 4,272 531 780 7,994 2,513,6(» 5,032 2,522 440 8,712 11,818,870 2,164 2,201 1,652 1,597 579 6,314 1,406,083 3,739 2,052 U,453 5,568,864 2,693 5,364 1,926 1,392 78 52,453,850 36,055,579 1,597,180 8,461,507 6,339,584 39,233,991 19,045,773 6,769,952 1,434 114,a3 1,432 17,607 4,292 124,218 4,287 43,732 5,340 251,046 5,298 72,264 1,199 57,173 54,030 7,010 5,444 10,740,332 3,220 4,718,707 2,300 5,644 2,956,136 2,377 2,513 1,131 1,260 1,651 4,638 1,741,610 1,827 1,881 2,483 1,937 1,941 59,948,282 46,867,816 4,U1,524 5,839,534 3,109,353 33,019,354 6,335,714 13,100,166 17,011 172 4,084 4,984,032 2,938,102 516,045 587,579 942,306 2,776,487 49,939 750,960 SOUTH CAROLINA I33 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continue(l [Dm MiB bued on reporta for only % sample of firms. See text] USE OF CCMVJERCIAL FERTILIZER \SD LWI^ConUnued Convnerciil fertiliter and feniliEing maunals used during the year-ConUnued Oops on which nsed-Continued Scytoeans farms n^neang.. I>y materials ^ farms reporting. . Liquid matenals fanns reporting.. CottCD • .fanns retKXti ng . . fty materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . All other CTODS fanns reporting.. Dry materials fanns reporting.. Liquid materials fanrs rtrorting. . Lime or liming materials used during the year faims reportine,. SPEaFIF,D FARM EXPEVDCTURES Any of the following speciTied expenditure* fanra reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms renorting., ' dotlan.. L'nder <100 farms reporting.. SIOO to SB99 faims reponinc. «1.000 to 5I.9W farms reT»orting. . $2,000 toM,990 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more farms rvfxirting, . PuriJiase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. (bllan.. L'nder $1,00C farms rfporting.. $l,O0n lo f?. J99 farms reportins., $2,500 to $4. W9 farms rvportjnit . . $5,000 to $0,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reportine . dollars.. Under $200 fanns rwortinn., $200 to $999 farms reportinit.. $1,000 or more farms reportine.. Ifired labor j ... farms reoorting.. dollar!!.. Under *200 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 faims reporting.. SOO to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to M,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to 99,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 fanns reporting.. $30,000 to $49,999 fanns reporting.. MO.OOOornwre fanns reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trM* farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to 5499 farms reporting.. 5300 to 999 farms reporting.. *l,000or more farms reporting,. Gasoline and other pettoiMm hid aitdoil for the farm buain**! farms reporung.. dollan-.. Under $100 farms repr)rtinR.. $100 to 5499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. 51,000 to $4,999 .farms remrting. . 55,000 or more farms reporti ng . . ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODLTTS SOLD BY SOURCE *ll farm proHuM-'" v>M iotal, dollars.. average per farm, dol I are . , All cTOpH iv>M dollars, . Fietd croprling.. Cows, including heifers thai have calved- 1 head farms t«norting.. 2 to 9 head farms ri IC to 19 head fams CO to -29 head farms reporlinr. TO to 49 head farms reponing. ."iO to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Milk cow»- 1 head farms r^iorting. 2 to9 head farms reponing. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 31 to 39 head farms reponing. 30 to 49 head farrtis renorting. 50 to 74 head fams renoning. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reponing. Horses and or n Hogs and pigs. jles. Rom before lune 1 . .farms retxirting.. number. . Sheep and lambs fams reoorUng. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. Sheeo 1 year old and over farms rerwrting.. number.. Sheep and lamt , , farms reporting., number., dollars., , .farms reporting. , dollars including broilers sold fams reporting dollars.. Litters fairowed December 1, 1958, to November 30. 1959 fams reponing., number of litters., 1 or 2 litters farms reporting, , -1tD9 llUefs famsreoorung.. 10 to 19 liu«rs fams reporting.. 20 to 19 litters fams reporting . , 40 tofi9 litters fams reporting., 70 or more litters fams reporting. . June 2 to November 10 farms reporting. , number of litters. . number of litters,. See footnotes at end of table. 27,837 ■467,720 25,293 240,243 17,209 91,790 18,993 141,330 15,233 86,147 4,635 8,711 4,938 3,968 3,330 1,423 29 8,773 10,919 2,415 1,122 1,059 522 195 30,093 527,394 18,596 302,950 26,643 224,444 332 17,897 206,534 22,128,569 17,443 470,201 14,106,030 237 3,482 402,899,314 22,385,071 5,380 8,729,807 8,345 38,153,886 15,261,555 16,029 81,491 8,025 6,000 1,345 492 112 55 12,983 41,007 11, U5 40,484 U,716 365,217 12,603 190,693 8,644 75,296 9,94S 107,946 8,382 66,578 1,913 3,559 1,929 1,918 2,187 1,387 3,732 4,566 1,404 16,634 399,981 11,314 231,668 U,904 168,313 205 9,072 169,478 18,772,143 10,752 384,793 11,543,790 161 2,278 333,653,152 21,507,758 3,223 8,373,042 ,418 10,335 63,594 4,54a 4,026 1,U5 4?? 106 53 8,456 31,345 7,530 32,249 7,075 159,625 6,487 82,623 4,274 27,007 5,207 46,832 4,230 30,170 1,838 1,179 1,104 1,135 7,515 156,404 4,969 89,036 6,647 67,368 122 4,773 81,105 8,933,278 4,872 144,577 4,337,310 82 1,052 122,933,258 6,769,952 2,020 6,441,547 2,652 25,296,677 10,U8,670 24,605 1,979 1,880 3,620 11,694 3,337 12,911 4,786 165,885 4,460 87,622 3,070 42,390 3,723 50,192 3,403 28,071 5,249 182,444 3,844 108,759 4,804 73,685 61 3,095 14,787 2,806 15,077 180 28,079 176 14,073 85 1,872 148 7,628 152 6,378 4,462 138 826,237 U,047 3,518 164 71,410 12,089 7,737,907 1,720,915 3,934 112 190,666 8,028 5,719,980 240,840 48 14 1,129 611 12,419 6,721 1,052 24 232,081,830 12,438,676 13,100,166 750,960 921 27 1,818,725 2,785 1,343 33 8,736,888 116,207 3,494,756 46,483 3,625 105 29,864 1,354 1,208 23 1,477 51 SOUTH CAROLINA 135 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued I^Data an based on reports for only a sEunple ol Tanns. See textj (For definitions and explai LIVESTOCK KSO LWTSTOCX PRODUCTS Cattle ard calves , rarms refiorting.. number.. Cows, inclndinj! heifen that have cajved (araa reporting. . Milk cows farms reportiBg.. number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. Fanns reporting by namber on hand: CaUle and calvU- 1 hoad farnxs refortjng... 2 to 4 head faims reporting... 5 to 9 head farms reporting... XO to 19 head farms reporting... 20 to O bead farms reporting... 50 to 99 head fanns reporting... 100 to 199 head farmn reporting... 500 or more head farms refnrting... Cows, including heifers that Kav* ealw^ 1 h««d farms reporting... 2 to 9 head farms reporting, . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting... 30 to 29 heart farms reporting... W to 49 head farms reporting... SO to 74 head faimn reporting... 75 to 99 heart farms reporting... 100 or more head fanni reporting... MilkcDw»- 1 head faims rvfiorting... 2 to 9 head fannn reporting... 10 to 19 head faimn reporting... 20 to 29 head faimii reporting... 10 to 49 head faimi* reporting... 50 to 71 head fams reporting... 75 to 99 head faim* reporting... 100 or more head farms reporting... Horses and or mules farms reporting . . . HojS and pigs f«inii reporting... Rom since June 1 fafm* reporting... Bom before June 1 farms reporting... Sficep and lambs » farms reporting... Lambs under I year old farms repurting... Sheep I year old and over faima reporting... Ewes farms reporting. . . Chickens 4 months old and over . Hog^ and pi Sheeo and 1 Chickens including broileni sold farms reporting. it Chicken eggs vild farms rept number of lit t or 2 liUiTrs farms reporting.. 3 to fl tittOTs farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farma reporting.. 20 to ;10 liUers farms reporting. 40 to 69 litters farms reporting., 70 or more litters farms renorling.. farms reporting., Juno 2 to November TO December 1 to June 1 farms reporting See footnotes at end of tabte^ cial farms by - of irtiite operator — Continued 3,794 239 2,238 7*8 402 U,094 291 6,201 382 4,893 5 125 3,62^ 2,066 563 1,088 1,713 17,261 1,167 10,120 1,483 7,141 Lives toe k-share Other and unspecified tenants 136 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t^xl ] Total all farms of white operators Caramercial farms by tenure of white operator SPEOnED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes fanus reporting. Under 11 U to ii 25 to 49 50 to 74 75 to 99 100 or mo .fanna reporting... .fanns reporting... .fanas reporting... .fanus reporting... .farms reporting... .farms reporting... Harvested for grain farms reporting, ., bushels... Sorghums for nil purposes . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . bushels. . Wheat harvested. farms reporting. bushels . harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting. . I^e harvested farms reporting. . Soybeans harvested for bea farms reporting... acres grown alone. . . grown with other crops... bushels. . . Sales farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting Oats, wheat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting Seles farms reporting tana, green weight... 30,397 475,259 13,118,205 11,042 137,052 2,804,831 U,570 325,165 10,352,815 2,217 34,322 1,006,202 1,031 17,557 263,644 6,367 365,204 6,368 6,451,958 1,370 28,360 61,043 7,678 85,918 90,959 7,857 81,611 88,629 2,367 35,350 38,033 7,905 5,873 3,416 1,106 18,392 377,619 10,924,580 6,642 105,034 2,240,291 9,505 281,537 9,179,731 1,653 30,541 919,082 5,281 350,760 5,668 6,224,968 1,U4 Zb,Ql,b 57,611 4,043 59,153 67,421 4,836 61,970 72,052 1,401 26,707 30,708 3,365 2,573 1,328 7,964 132,695 3,6S9,e22 2,809 33,302 742,143 4,133 96,500 3,025,760 1,189 1,387,539 676 1,979 89,818 1,715 1,718,420 1,993 24,678 27,969 2,343 26,294 29,604 1,523 1,653 1,483 5,583 170,385 5,064,670 2,741 58,369 1,210,927 3,798 151,221 5,038,573 1,458 2,486,695 812 2,537 213,127 3,420 3,614,931 1,515 27,820 33,086 1,761 28,792 34,071 125,585 41 1,353 9,395 86 15,189 20 329,277 12,212 13 See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA I37 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ^D&U ftr« based on reports for only & sanple of farms. See (. s and explwiations. iTEnFIED CROPS RXRVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. Utoder 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 2<1 acres fams reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to V-i acres farms reportijig. 75 to 99 acres f aims reporting. 100 or BKire acres farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. \niabelB. Wheat harvested fa Oats harvested for grain fa Barley harvested fa: Rye harvested fa Sojrbeans harvested for beans ^..fa: reporting. acres. bushels. acres grown alone, grown with other crop*, bus be La. Sale* farms reportlx^. Lespedeze cut for hay farms reporting. Sales fanns reporting* .farms reporting. tCBiB, green weight. 1,880 206 15,483 160 281,835 2,462 CcoBDerclal farms by teniire of white operator — Continued 7,310 40 103,715 2,059 27,517 811,680 162 3,085 73 52,165 2,733 1,304 13,365 368,035 100 1,945 55 31,995 X,182 See footnotes at end of table. 138 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See WxtJ (For definiUons and explai SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTEIVContinued Cotton harvested farms reporting. Irish potatoes harvested for hcsne use or for sale farms reporting. bushels. Sweetpotatoea harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. bushels. Tobacco harvested f anns reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-' farms reporting. Z Reported in small f ractioriE . ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. Total all farms of white operators 18,778 293,994 237,043 3,159 4,338 688,334 6,401 7,049 815, 8U 11,501 43,597 83,330,031 tenure of whit« operator 13,694 266,720 214,555 1,867 4,ai 670,889 4,031 6,070 714,768 10,371 47,117 81,420,806 5,377 80,661 65,140 1,900 2,406 279,180 4,160 15,754 27, 544,274 4,318 125,075 101,724 1,212 2,569 310,040 2,510 14,359 23,995,902 3,887 51,100 40,592 3,655 16,425 28,935,855 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- [Dau are Based on reports for only a sanple of fams. See textj 139 ■Continued (For de5mtions and explanations, see text) 3*ECIFIED CROPS BARVESTED-Cbatinued Gotten harvested farms reporting. . . Tobacco harvested. bushels.. reporting. pounds. Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orohards, groves, vineyards, end planted nut trees^ faraB reporting. Ccnn»rcial farms by tenure of irtiite operator — Continued 1,625 15,962 12,-;77 1,853 9,064 16,497,960 Lives toe k-s hare l,2i2 15,973 13,140 Other and unspecified tenants 140 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sanple of faims. See text] (For descriptions and explaj Total all farms of nonwhlte operators of nonwhite operator FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE FanilS number. . Pefcert distribution percent.. Lafid in fafms acres.. Percent distribution percent. . Average siie of farm acres . . Value of lani] and buildings: Average per farm .dol 1 ars . . Average per acre dollars. . Land in farms accoiding to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. , Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Otlier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting., Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. Other fwature (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. , Improved pasture farms reporti ng . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting Cropland used for grain or row crops fanned on the contour farms reporting.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. , FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. . Under 25 years number. . 25 to 34 years number. . 35 to 44 years number . , 45 to 54 years number., 55 to tl4 years number. . 65 or more years number.. Average age years . . OFF- FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Worldng off their farms; totfd operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting . , With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their faims or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators repr^ng. . With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. See footnotes at end* of table. 1,199,484 39.1 29,861 612,880 8,097 9,901 5,975 4,211 181,575 24.5 69.0 1,461 4,392 35,209 8,479 91,459 580 6,345 8,199 84,614 3,716 69,685 11,725 316,776 2,261 21,950 321 3,940 1,543 3,302 78,240 30,191 696 2,950 7,428 8,356 5,738 5,023 49.6 13,258 6,327 2,290 4,641 4,770 3,137 6,556 17,393 3,017 4,126 17,798 457,936 2,345 5,795 4,655 3,506 1,286 2,346 16,932 3,923 36,925 290 2,470 3,753 34,455 1,659 28,145 5,957 157,034 1,175 9,765 136 2,325 1,995 4,853 5,566 4,123 6,750 1,455 15,355 13,225 2,380 73,210 6,425 1,115 10,695 8,215 1,354 52,871 SOUTH CAROLINA 141 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] tCTl) Comiiercial farms \ij tenure of nonwhlte operator — Continued (For definitjons and explanaxton?, s«e Ciish tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUI Fams P«rc«ntdisI/ibuUon jiumber... percent... 820 4.6 410 2.3 3,100 17.3 71 0.4 6,845 38.2 866 4.8 Laid In tarns Percent distnbatton Average sue of fam percent... 38,285 5.2 i6.7 17,785 2.4 43.4 106,930 14.4 34.5 5,574 0.8 78.5 164,640 22.2 24.1 27,200 3.7 31.4 Value Of land and tuildines Avera^ per farm Av«.(i. per acre Ulars... dollars... 6,130 129.37 8,123 188.11 7,777 226.95 12,773 146.97 5,236 218.54 4,932 164.41 Land In farms accofding to use Qoplaod harvnud I lo9 acm 10 lo U) acree 20lo.»acfn 30 to 49 acres iaraisivpatling... farms reporting... fanasrspcrUag... fsnns repotting... faimstvpoftiBg... 810 24,525 55 220 225 185 410 13,045 15 90 135 125 3,100 82,310 185 980 890 825 71 2,672 5 25 25 6,845 144,590 980 2,505 1,930 1,195 831 18,290 160 285 215 125 »to99act«a in u> 199 arm 300 to 499 acrea »0lo<99 aeiM 1,000 or nore acraa farms reporting... faimsrepanii^... fams reoorting. . . fannsfepactiag... fams reporting... U5 10 30 15 210 10 16 230 5 40 5 1 Cmpland not harvested and not paataretl fsmaraptxting... ramsi«poitiii|... U5 955 240 2,090 15 130 240 1,960 30 80 75 730 5 110 75 620 280 1,070 525 3,135 25 115 505 3,020 15 80 16 225 5 20 16 205 245 1,060 360 2,115 35 320 335 1,795 45 400 136 1,125 5 40 131 1,085 fsms rsfotting 100 1,300 350 7,525 70 530 10 35 30 140 95 3,335 5 5 150 2,985 565 12,440 240 1,445 20 35 10 325 21 2,035 90 745 485 9,760 115 1,385 20 710 70 WoodJand not pAattired Other pantwe (not cropland and not noodand) bnprovnd paatjira fsmsivoorting... fams reporting... farms repotting... 1,085 201 4,813 40 660 10 540 Irrigated land in farms fslM reporting... 5 10 65 290 230 1,105 10 45 Land use practices; 40 485 45 1,745 5 125 65 2,030 10 340 20 810 75 480 100 3,435 5 150 255 7,770 5 5 70 815 380 8,920 15 260 895 19,305 0>pland uned for pajn of row cnpa Land in auip-ooppinK syatema for aoll-aronton oonlnj Syatem of l«rBC«s on crop and paauir* land ....ismst.poitlng... ..../amsrspoiting... 70 5 10 30 1,410 FARM OPERATORS BY AOE 820 20 65 210 235 250 40 48.6 410 55 UO 180 60 5 45.9 3,085 40 385 955 970 620 115 46.2 71 16 20 25 11 5 46.5 6,710 370 1,085 2,255 1,955 900 145 42.6 jnimker... amber... 55 to 64 yeara Jiamber... 191 OFF-FARM WORK ASD OTHER INCOME Farm operatots- Workiru off their fams, total llo99day> 100 to l«9daya aOO or more days . operators repotting. . . .operalors reporting... . operators repotting. . . 250 225 10 15 120 U5 "5 880 790 55 35 20 15 '5 2,120 1,880 190 50 250 220 10 20 With other members of family wodting off faim nith income from iiourcns other than faim operated and off-faim *oH( With other income of family exceeding value of Bgneiilioral product* sold . operalors repotting. . . . operalors reporting... .operators reporting... 70 25 10 50 10 275 155 30 15 5 825 225 100 90 20 10 Operators not woriting off their farms or not . openilorn reporting. . . operalotJ reporting... .operators reporting... 570 100 55 290 35 5 2,220 245 115 25 51 5 10 4,725 515 140 25 616 With other memhers of family wortiing off faim .... Wth inrome from sourcesolher than ram operated , With other innjmn of rsmily exceeding value 70 15 5 S»« TooUtoM^ Ml md of l«bla. 142 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DatA are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and expla SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND HND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting.. Pick-up balers, farms reporting.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number.. Motor1rucl(s farms reporting.. number.. TVaclors f"*^" reporting. . Tractors other than garden farms renortjng. . farms reporti ng . . , .farms reporting., .farms reporting.. ..farms reporting. . ..farms reporting.. Automobiles '«ms reporting. . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Faims by kind of road on which located; Hard surface farms reporting.. (Jravel, shell, or shale farms rerorting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hart! surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile .farms reporting. . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired worlrers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers [employed LW or more days) farms reporting. . persons.. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms i 2 hired workers farms reporti RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on faim operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reforting. Operators not reporting residence jiumber. USE OF COMMEROAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Totel all farms of nonwhite operators n which used.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid matenals farms reporting.. OUier pasture (not cropland) .farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Com farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. 18,257 19,036 20,875 11,730 901 17,329 8,875 8,454 4,762 3,257 215 220 27,234 1,221 2,201 29,595 562,653 152,014 29,580 151,608 24,132 205,325 24,111 40,467 Commerciel farms tiy tenure of nonwhite operate 2,987 3,423 2,851 3,268 2,506 298 30 11,065 11,489 12,673 7,079 555 9,863 5,030 4,833 2,851 1,797 90 95 15,926 621 1,376 17,773 423,839 119,048 17,768 113,715 1,961 1,281 14,287 10,287 1,960 1,280 2,301 1,600 14,917 147,830 14,901 29,997 1,855 1,915 2,300 3,U0 65,910 16,404 3,110 16,354 5 50 2,900 28,815 2,900 5,568 1,689 1,783 2,100 2,620 87,041 20,575 2,620 20,535 41 40 2,480 32,693 2,479 6,102 All tenants SOUTH CAROLINA 143 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DsU are based on reports for only % sampte of farms. See text] 9 and expIanodoDS, see text) SPEHFTED EWIPMEST WD FACILmES AND KTVD OF ROAD Oain combines farms reporting. . Com pidcers fam^ reporting.. number., Pick-op balers farms reporting., number., Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number., Motortradui farms reporting.. number.. Tractors farms reporting., nomber., Tndcn other than garden fanns reporting., nomber., 1 tractor farms reporting., SmctorB farms reporting., 3 mdors farms reporting.. i tractors fams reporting., 5 or more tneton farms reportiiig., VhttA tractors farms reporting., Crawlnr tractors .farms reporting.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. farms reporting. , farms reporting. , Anlomobiles and/or intoftndis Telephone farms reporting, , Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machiM farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. . Oop drier (for 0«tn, forage, or other crape) Jams reporting. . Power-operated devaXor, conveyor, or Nower /aims reporting.. Farais by kind ol road on whii^ located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, eK'll, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimpfDved farms reporting.. Less than I mile lo a hard aurfaca road farms reporting.. I or more miles to a hard surf ace road farms reporting.. Imils farms reporting.. S or S nilsa farms reporting . . 4siilM Jams reporting.. 5 or mor« miles farms reporting., FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting., Rei^l ar hirerl «orkera (amptoyed l&O or more days) farms reporting. , Fanns reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. , 2 hired workers farms reporting. , 3 or 4 hired workers fanns reporting., 5 to 0 hired workers farms reporting. , 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. , REaDENCE OF PARU OPERATOR Reairting. . Lime or liming matenals used dunne the year farms reporting. SPEnFIED FARM EXPETOITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestoclt and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 '""= reporting . . S100toS909 farms reporting.. $1,000 to ^1.999 f^™s reporting.. ?2,000 to M.999 farms reporting. . M 000 or more .farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and noult/y farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $1,000 '"^s reporting. . $1,000 to 12,499 '«™s reporting.. $2, MO to $4,999 fatms reporting. . $5,000 [o $9,099 fat^s reporting. . $10,000 or more f«™s reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 5200 '•"= remrtino. . $2CD to S999 ^"ms reporting . . $1,000 or more farms reporting.. ilired labor '""■s lefiorting. . dollars.. Under S200 farms report ng . . $200 to $499 fanfs reporting.. $.^C0 to $999 fa™s renorting. . $1,000 to $2,499 f"^s reporting. . $2, WO to $4,999 fartns reporting. , $5,000 to $9,999 fa™s reporting. .^10,000 to $19,999 farms renorting. $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting. $50,000 or more farms reporting. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. dollars. Under $1C0 f«ms reporting. SlOO to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting, S1,000 or more .farms reporting . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farrn? reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. $100 to $499 fanns reporting. $500 to $999 fanns reporting. $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more farms reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm producu sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than r«ultry and dairy, sold dollars See footnotes at end of tabl e. Total all farms of nonwhite operators 11, 540 801 1,396 26,288 244,241 26,268 72,548 17,311 86,210 17,296 34,594 30,341 13,214 1,196,565 9,626 3,540 21 16 5,107 304,340 5,080 26,909 2,813,740 23,088 3,752 13,803 2,941,755 8,925 3,626 13,490 554,185 12,311 1,127 25,315 2,505,775 17,492 7,286 64,429,621 2,102 61,394,231 59,629,927 1,012,535 94,229 657,540 3,035,390 189,979 266,468 Connnercial fanns of nonwhite operator 16,676 186,123 16,666 55,606 12,245 68,719 12,240 30,171 17,923 6,758 658,625 4,961 1,759 16 16 2,922 221,810 2,905 16,962 2,179,665 13,596 3,307 9,«)8 2,396,055 5,505 2,976 8,170 405,805 7,166 16,088 1,975,085 9,600 6,006 52,840,565 51,386,4S7 847, 190 77,163 529,725 1,866,729 141,857 185,658 2,810 19,920 2,810 5,815 2,330 11,900 2,330 3,175 1,730 181,960 1,235 1,915 79,300 1,740 2,710 2,340 9,165 465,740 1,510 1,055 1,120 1,085 6,326,289 1,993 5,739,814 5,050,759 191,390 23,400 474,265 586,475 27,050 53,700 2,44i 27,860 2,444 7,948 1,943 16,923 1,943 5,201 2,630 1,415 224,920 2,860 2,504 238,165 313,100 2,635 2,051 215 446 10 7 1,890 1,750 384,980 557,110 1,250 955 1,578 91,230 1,335 7,110,857 6,629,537 425,520 12,180 43,620 SOUTH CAROLINA 145 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D«ta ■(« based OQ reports for only s sample of Turns. See text] of noniihite operator — Continued Livestock-share USE OF COMVIERnU, FERTILIZEB Vad farms reportinq.. 500 or more head fif^" reportine.. Cows, including heifers thai haie calved- 1 head fanTi-> renortini;.. 3 to 9 head farms ror»ortinp.. IC to 19 head f«rns reporting.. 20 to 29 head fdnns reportin?.. "Vl to 49 head farms reporting.. SO to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head fanns rcporline.. 100 or more head farms renortinc.- Vlilk cows- 1 head farms renortin?.. 2 lo 9 head farms rerwrting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 09 head farms reporting.. :iO to 19 head farms reoorting.. 50 to 71 head fams renortinc. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reportine.. HoiSes and'Ot mules farms renortin;:.. number. . Hogs and pigs famis rennrtins.. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reportJniT.. number, . Bom before June 1 farms reportin™.. number. , Sheep and lambs farms reporting,. number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting,. number. . Sheeo 1 year old and over .fanns reporting.. number.. Rams and wethers... .farms reporting.. number., Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold aJive .....,.., farms reportinR. , dollars., Hogs and nigs sold alive farms reporting,, dollars,. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting., dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting., dollars., Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting., dollars. , Chicken eggs sold .farms reporting. , dollars., Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting., 10 to 19 litters farms reporting., 20 to ?9 litters farms reporting., 10 to R9 I i tl«rs farms reporli ng . , 70 or more liUers farms reporting. June 2 to November 30 farms reporti ng . , number of litters,, December 1 to June 1 farms reporting, , number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 11, s« 6,416 31,6iS 17,168 10,978 5,921 18,868 10,146 8,«9 4,617 12,279 6,702 ^,656 2,404 8,206 4,423 2,940 1,530 4,574 2,599 5,145 2,950 5,552 2,955 23,748 147,978 11,996 71,019 21,228 76,959 50 3,086 6,781 498,401 7,151 68,793 2,063,790 10 55 11,669 1,312 241,725 96,690 10,870 20,242 9,090 1,678 7,564 10,764 6,274 9,478 Commercial farms ty of nonwhlte operator 13,800 89,215 6,779 41,893 12,430 47,322 25 1,551 3,586 281,656 3,819 41, 587 1,247,610 6,454 12,481 5,365 1,017 4,378 6,541 3,818 5,940 1,725 6,590 1,635 3,510 1,285 2,035 780 2,710 23,760 1,600 11,460 2,525 12,300 535 1,410 120,450 1,175 12,690 380,700 1,655 3,465 1,270 1,170 1,755 1,055 1,710 1,415 4,532 1,290 2,616 2,458 24,890 1,353 12,640 2,273 12,250 10 360 1,109 103,141 1,018 16,535 496,050 1,528 4,118 1,130 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- 147 Continued [Data Bra b&sed on reports for only k sample of fanns. See text] UVESroCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Costs, including heifers that have calved Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer ard bull calves numbe 3 reporting. , 9 reporting.. number . , 3 reporting.. a reporting.. number.. Farms reporting b\' numb«r on hand: CalUe and calves- I head farms reporting.. £lo 4 head fanns reporting. . 5 to 8 head famvs re^xxtjng.. 10 to 19 head fanns reporting.. 3) to 49 head farms reporting.. SO to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 lo *99 head farms reporting.. 500 Of more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers thai have calvec^ 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head fanns reporting. . 10 lo 19 head farms reporting.. 30 lo 3 head farms reporting. , W to 49 head farms reporting.. SO to 74 head farms reporting. . 7S lo 99 bead farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk oow»- 1 head fanns reporting.. 2 lo 9 hWKJ firms reporting. . 10 to IS head fannB reporting.. 30 lo 29 h«ad fanns reporting.. .10 lo 49 head fanns riporting.. 50 to 71 head fanns reporting.. 7S to99 head fantw reporting.. 100 or more head faims rvporting.. Horses and ot mules tamm reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs tmaa reporting,, Bom since June I fum." reportina., Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Sheep and lambs ,' fams reporting.. number,. Lambs under 1 year old fwms reporting.. number , . Sheep 1 year old and over ftnnji reporting.. F,*es faimn reporting.. Ran)* and wetJiers fanns reporting. , Chickens 4 months old and ovtf farms reporung.. Livestock and livestock products sold: rattle and calves sold alive farms rcportini dollars.. ling'' and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number . , dollars.. Sheeo and lambs sold alive farms rerxirting.. number. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ fumn reporting.. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. , dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting., doEer dollai Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 fenns reporting., number of litt of nonwhite operator — Continued 1,130 755 4,840 400 2,335 700 2,505 10 15 1,135 1,905 1,020 2,465 12,665 1,255 5,845 2,155 6,820 1,235 2,050 1,135 1,410 4,330 16,330 1,665 6,620 3,785 9,710 1,250 1,775 1,150 148 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued I Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] SPECTHED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. Under 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 2i* acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting , Harvested for grain farms reporting, bushels , Sales farms reportiJig. bushels Sorghums for ell purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. bushels , Sales farms reporting. bushels , Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting , bushels . Barley harvested farms reporting, bushels, Sales farms reporting, bushels , Rye harvested farms reporting. bushels . Seles farms reporting. bushels . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels . Hay crops: Lend from which hay was cut acres . AlfalTa and alfelfe mixtures cut for hay and for del^ydrating farms reporting Sales f enns reporting Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting Sales farms reporting . Grass silage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting, tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of teble. 24,815 203,969 4,253,510 4,622 20,320 333,790 3,361 21,024 463,650 1,637 7,519 6,298 5,893 20,372 15,729 ial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator 15,338 147,917 3,329,555 3,187 14,760 253,835 2,301 16,219 372,395 3,961 14,148 11,256 2,875 27,745 578,610 1,101 3,835 3,057 2,435 30,790 634,255 1,009 3,393 2,559 1,000 15,000 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- [Dau are Based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 149 ■Continued SPECTFTED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. 25 to ^9 I 50 to 7-4 I 75 to 99 I .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, -farms reporting, .farms reporting. Harvested for grain farma reporting. bushels. SorghuBB for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. acres. bushels. Wheat harvested Taxmo reporting. bu;3hels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. BBrle? harvested farms reporting. acres. bushels . I harvested faims reportinc. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reportlxkg. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels. which hay was cut. ■farms reporting. LespedezB cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Other hsy cut farms reporting. . . Sales farms reporting. tons, green weight... Cash tenants 1,980 40 28, U5 Comnercial ferns by tenure of nonwhlte operator — Continued 2,840 27,390 670,235 Livestock-share 5,265 42,355 1,060,465 1,195 145 25,685 Other and unspecified tenants See footnotes at end of table. 150 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DflU are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See lextj Total all farms of non white operators Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator All tenants SPEOFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Cotton harvested farms reporting. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. bushels . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. bushels . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale f anus reporting. Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees'' farms reporting. 26,3A5 24/1,858 174, 191 12, 297 28,807 44,085,650 16,703 186,525 137,436 5,331 3,440 331,520 9,856 26,418 41,314,390 2,315 19,985 12,990 1,301 851 77,285 1,710 2,812 4,024,780 360 2,444 27,983 18,601 1,275 940 86,370 1,455 3,293 4,451,925 11,438 137,044 105,037 2,750 1,644 167,465 6,691 20,313 32,837,685 Z Less than 0.05 percent; or reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for fanas with less than 20 bushels harvested. ■'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. SOUTH CAROLINA 151 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are Dased on reports for only a sanple of fams. Se« tertj (For de(inition3 and explanations, SPEaFIED CROPS RXRVESTED- Conunued Cotton harvested farms reporting. Irish potatoes harvested for hone use or for sale f anus reporting. bushels. Sveetpotatoea harvested for hone use or for sale farms reporting. bushels. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars. Land In bearing and nonbearliig fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees ' farms reporting . Commercial farms ly tenure of noniihite operator — Continued 3,000 34,890 26,065 850 456 42,225 1,940 6,479 10,732,925 185 6,396 73,925 62,660 1,210 828 92,450 3,750 11,214 18,241,170 1,555,135 75 9,810 152 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 22.-CASH RENT PAID BY CASH TENANTS AND SHARE-CASH TENANTS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [D&ta are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xtj fFor dermitions and explai CASH TENANTS All cash lenafllS number. Land owned operators reporting. Land rented from others operators reporting. Land rented to others operators reporting . Lantl in farms of cash tenants acres. Average si ze of farm acres . Value of land and buildings: \verage per farm dol I ars . P(«portion of cash tenants repotting value percent. Cropland harvested farms reporting. Cash tenants teporting tnth value of lantJ antJ buildings anJ amount of cash rent paid .number. Proportion of all cash tenants percent. ^}\ land rented from others acres. Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: \verage per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Average per SlOO of value of land and buildings .dollars 1,645 2,992 228,847 79.2 2,751 99,425 2,249 75.2 148,709 65.1 6.02 4.72 75.9 1,461 78,030 72.7 100, U4 92.0 6.52 5.02 1,535 1,495 67,505 82.6 1,290 21,395 1,160 77.6 48,575 41.9 4.99 4.07 (For definitions and explai SHARE-CASH TENANTS All share-cash tenants number Land owned operators report, ng Land rented from others operators reporting Land rented toothers operators reporting Land in farms of share-cash tenants acres \verage size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: \verage per farm dollars \verage per acre dollars Proportion of share-cash tenants reporting value percent Cropland harvested /arms repotting Share-cash tenants reporting both value of land antJ buildings and amount of cash rent paid number. Proportion of all share-cash tenants percent Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: \verflge oer operator dollars \verftge per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Average per ?100 of value of land and buildings dollars 66.1 52,476 97.7 2.23 1.45 73.7 688 35,869 67.9 49,591 106.2 60.0 125 1,880 56.0 2,885 41.2 State Table 23.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. BY LEVELS Then the chances are about 2 In 3 that the estljnateti total wotild differ frcm the results of a cotuplete tabtilatlon of the items for all farms by less than — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estltnated total wovild differ frcoi the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — 25 50 100... 250... 500... 1,000. 2,500. 5.3 7.1 9.6 5,000... 10,000.. 25,000.. 50,000.. 100,000. 250,000. ^ Level 1 should be used in determining the sajipliiig reliability of estijnated number of fartus and farms reporting. The lev Table 24. If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting constitutes more than 75 percent of all farms in the universe, may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the table as follows: 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all fartus, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the ntunber of farms or farms reporting is 90 percent of all farms, tnultipl^ the percent error by 0.30. 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, itiultlply the percent error by 0.20. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 24.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ECTIMATED COUNTY AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To rtewmine tie somDl.rK reli^licy for u, ,1,-^. o,,. U,i, KM. to detemin. .h.ch of the 4 le%els of simHinc rchab.luy lo «,e ,n Sue Table 2i To M, SlUM TM, 23. it U n»r«,.^ |„ ™f„ .!„ ,„ county or SUito ub[„ 153 Siio-o .,^, ■toup Tenuri>of-fMm- Economio-class-of-fam group TypcMif.fiim •roup £ r 1 11 Item (Foe definiUons knd ©xnlM»lJon5, sm lext) 1 1 g 1 -6 -4 3 1 15 I i i 1 1 1 J S 9 9 C > 1 , o 1 1 jjj 1 1 1 1 1 1 i a. 3 1 3 E a c 9 C i c i 1 6 8 1 (2 > t- 1 38! Farms and farm characteristics: LuiiJ in r«nis acres 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 X Vtloc or land snd bgildings p«r fum (Wlars 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 X 2 2 2 Chip) and hwveaud acres 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 X 2 2 2 2 Tml oopland acr«s 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 X 2 2 3 2 Total pasUireland acres 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 3 3 3 2 4 X 2 3 2 Imcatad land m faims acr«s 3 i 4 i 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 3 4 3 Commercial terlilizer: Lafld on which commwtial fwiilixw was oaed acres 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 X 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 Farm labor: Rejrulv hired woiV^r €»nploy«d 130 or man day? persons 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 X a 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 Specified farm expenditures: F««d for livniodi and poultry dollars i i. i, < 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 3 Purchase of hvMtock and poultry (follars i. i. i i 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 2 2 2 Machine hir« (Mlars i 2 2 2 4 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 X 2 4 2 4 2 Hirvdlafaor doltars 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 1 X 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 Se«l«, bulbs, planu, and trM« (Ulars i 2 4 2 3 2 3 4 2 1 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 3 Gaaolin» and othfr p«(rol«um fuat andoit rorlh* farm business dollars 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 4 1 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 Livestock and livestock products: CaUJe and calv^•. on hand number 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 Cows, includinfE heifer* thai have calved, on hand number.. 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 X 3 3 Hoffl and pigs on hand nwnber 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 ShMp and lambs on hand number 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cludiflfia, 1 month! old and ov«, on hand numiMT i 4 2 4 4 1 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 CalvM told alive nivrbw 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 X 2 2 2 2 2 2 X 3 2 Caul*, not counbnic calvM, scdd alive nwnber . 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 1 X 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 HogB and pigs sold alive ntvnber ^ 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 2 2 3 2 4 2 3 4 4 i 3 StMpaiMJ lambs mid alive oumber 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 HonM0 wld number 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 X X X X X X X Broilan aold number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Other chidtens sold J, 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 ^ 4 3 2 2 4 Chicfcw agfc* "ol"* dotens i A 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 X 4 Valueofmilk and cream nid (tollars 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 Specified ciops harvested: Com for all purpoees 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Harvested for fraln aerea . . . 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 bushels . . . 3 S^btauB for all purposes 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 grom alcne, acres... 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 X 2 2 2 2 2 2 grown with other crops, ftcreo ... 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Harvested for beans acres - . . 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 X 2 2 2 2 2 2 bushels . . . 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Oats harvested acres. .. 2 2 2 2 X 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 bushels . . . 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 X X 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay acres . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 tens. . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Coastal Bemuda grass cut far hay acres. ,. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 tons... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 LespedezA cut for hay acres. .. 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 X 2 2 2 2 2 2 X 2 2 tcrs... 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 X 2 3 3 3 2 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other snail grains cut for hay 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 tons... 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 Other hay cut acres.. . ^ 2 2 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 tons. .. i 2 3 4 4 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cotton harvested 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 X X 2 2 2 2 X X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 bales . . . 2 Value of vegetables harvested for sale. i. ' 2 2 4 ' 3 4 2 4 4 2 3 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (155) 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [DaU for it«m9 shown in italics are based on Allendale Anderson FARMS. 4CnE4GE, AND VALUE s number 11IS9 DpiTonso in famiei (Jue ui chanijp in fnrni ilrfinilton lfi54 to Ii)50 number ApnfoxiumlP land area acres 1950 rropdrtion in faims percent 105!) .nnj in famis, acres IflSI 1954 \vprai:e size of farm acres 1050 Value Of land and buildings: .-li'f ra';c pit fmm dollars 1959 19W, Avertt'/r pgr ncrf dollars 1959 1951, Projiorlioii (if farms reporting value prttevi 1959 l9Si Land in farms according to use: Cropland hnrve.sled farn.s reporting 1050 1054 acres 1050 . 1054. 1 to 0 acres farms rejiorting 1059 . 1054. 10 to 10 acres farms reportinp 1950 . 1954. 00 to '20 icres farms re[)arttng 1O50. 1954. .10 lo 40 acres faniis reportinfi 1959. 1054. 50 to 00 acres farms reixiiting 1050 . 1954. 100 lo 199 acres farms reportinp 1959 . 1954. 200 to 490 acres farms reporting 1950 . 19S4. 500 to 090 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1059 . 1054. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Oopland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms repealing 1059 acres 1050 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) fnrms reporting 1959 acres 1959 Woodland pastured farms reflating 1959 1054 acres 1050 1954 Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1050 1954 acres 1059 1054 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodlnnd). . . farms reporting 1959 Improved pasture (sec tent) . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1 1 Cropland, total farms reporting 1 1 Land pasturml, lotnl farms reportine 1 1 Wmdiand, total farms reporting 1 1 Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1 Land-use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reportini; 1 rroptaiy/ MSee conlgiir farms reporting 1 Land in strtp-cropfrinij systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1 System of terraces an crap and pasture [and farms reportiruj 1 8,567 19,374,080 47.2 9,149,492 11,069,348 117.0 89.1 14,463 6,764 138.85 88.26 71,602 112,930 2,694,196 3,393,002 16,840 28,851 19,524 32,212 12,710 21,312 10,950 17,225 6,686 8,678 2,909 2,979 1,622 1,340 300 275 23,949 30,616 641,063 688,149 30,396 40,628 699,398 706,627 5,949 148,700 27,199 551,198 20,159 34,025 927,075 1,447,747 43,781 60,951 3,431,928 3,915,959 14,825 21,874 446,659 580,971 5,251 7,142 176,268 188,987 75,213 120,502 40,200 57,601 50,688 73,560 1,398 748 133 324,480 41.3 134,038 203,324 128.4 114.6 10,462 5,505 94.03 49.89 1,517 25,583 39,738 2,425 369 9,161 1,008 1,732 761 1,219 778 1,263 14 5 219 127 702,080 39.6 277,785 369,143 164.2 138.9 13,903 9,512 95.80 77.37 1,571 2,292 79,475 100,786 22 267,520 56.5 151,170 182,366 338.2 265.5 319 496,000 60.1 297,974 391,622 92.9 77.7 13,274 7,434 168.68 109.01 2,857 4,296 96,884 131,307 583 147 1,009 677 166 1,391 18,069 5,442 35,902 16,959 5,644 40,104 764 118 1,442 1,377 266 2,141 25,753 7,761 39,295 35,345 11,726 44,306 160 22 392 4,451 1,802 9,141 691 102 1,226 21,302 5,959 30,154 294 67 1,296 444 166 1,957 18,658 7,173 34,434 25,647 11,086 45,191 1,070 261 1,476 1,639 340 2,305 120,215 54,917 46,528 166,819 66,226 75,809 194 39 1,115 287 162 1,807 7,766 3,133 32,457 14,109 8,121 42,487 74 12 256 108 64 511 3,843 929 10,531 3,157 1,995 13,840 7,849 3,183 12,474 9,478 6,551 12,418 1,640 403 3,077 2,578 671 4,855 774 195 2,219 987 319 3,229 1,158 276 2,057 1,743 385 3,133 61 252,800 62.1 157,003 177,505 174.8 143.3 16,437 5,087 99.18 46.64 1,168 62,381 77,783 82 353,920 42.9 151,838 162,758 187.0 120.3 14,590 6,805 77.33 68.64 1,293 60,240 74,807 323 376,320 28.0 105,230 132,763 181.7 110.5 24,351 7,470 136.75 93.92 1,110 16,263 19,135 1,468 345 8,554 3,111 4,195 6,687 9,476 10 13 64 48 407 2,007 2,160 5,461 7,296 8,150 3,898 13,429 26,155 17,381 893,088 1,144 405 28,069 3,685 2,065 120,644 SOUTH CAROLINA 157 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 rapofta for only > sarafrfe ot ttnas. See textj CallMun Charleston Cherokee Cluster Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlin^on Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 832 641 1,329 1,322 2,007 2,584 1,868 2,547 2,219 1,360 1,076 839 4,583 1,081 1,403 1,841 2,357 2,036 3,240 3,813 2,751 3,887 3,001 1,908 1,688 1,441 6,891 1,593 67 338 194 ISO 153 87 286 84 69 138 121 149 133 212 , 2il,280 604,800 252,160 374,400 507,520 382,720 670,720 348,800 260,480 364,160 307,840 447,360 515,200 520,320 4 67.5 19.2 56.1 55.6 50.5 60.8 48.7 72.9 72.7 35.2 56.0 39.1 68.8 17.2 162,943 116,385 141,495 208,017 256,464 232,705 326,447 254,113 189,432 128,167 172, 5U 174,898 354,668 89,465 112,564 i; 186,114 157,533 203,885 246,220 298,790 248,374 385,385 268,974 188,057 170,844 176,679 232,550 385,218 7 195.8 181.6 106.5 157.4 127.8 90.1 174.8 99.6 85.4 94.2 160.3 203.6 77.4 32.8 8 132.7 85.6 86.5 120.9 92.2 65.1 140.1 69.2 62.7 89.5 104.7 161.4 55.9 70.7 ' 22,049 41,786 11,701 10,290 11,777 9,232 15,228 13,649 16,479 10,232 15,491 16,859 13,554 11,299 10 8,216 10,529 6,406 5,434 5,424 5,439 5,583 7,560 8,656 4,437 6,528 6,816 6,872 4,984 109.01 257.00 115.85 76.24 101.27 U6.74 89.59 171.81 224.73 141.43 104.67 86.08 2U.58 171.96 12 67.07 163.42 81.35 51.32 66.02 98.53 56.98 120.24 188.68 66.04 71.42 48.02 147.61 62.13 13 83 87 80 82 71 68 81 73 TO 66 63 73 70 31 I< 70 90 82 81 79 85 80 89 79 64 76 81 78 86 15 770 536 1,186 1,191 1,914 2,475 1,686 2,486 2,105 1,286 968 703 4,404 1,013 16 1,X9 1,561 1,880 1,719 3,019 3,742 2,592 3,738 2,926 1,805 1,535 1,165 6,633 1,494 17 71,590 23,351 33,478 33,241 74,514 103,718 56,344 112,872 77,473 39,882 40,707 15,225 130,825 17,160 18 79,994 31,805 47,304 45,951 109,186 114,355 75,328 119,471 82,103 46,319 51,640 24,596 148,598 23,460 19 121 302 297 349 345 345 546 294 302 405 223 275 632 499 20 270 1,170 483 406 522 662 937 510 394 560 316 442 1,245 750 ?I US 53 350 411 466 690 443 611 544 345 305 252 1,347 274 02 2U 165 555 592 719 1,047 617 1,095 974 496 505 391 2,400 383 D3 92 33 217 169 402 519 228 498 516 164 166 72 1,064 102 24 215 31 352 340 632 826 391 921 757 284 284 171 1,605 190 M 107 42 166 138 389 460 201 561 417 168 107 50 841 77 26 216 52 315 188 652 735 332 746 544 230 214 97 1,046 110 27 128 36 105 59 196 276 151 311 208 126 76 34 333 47 28 197 64 131 128 367 353 196 321 181 173 128 32 269 45 29 96 39 41 42 74 UO 77 122 74 58 50 10 103 12 30 U2 43 33 44 83 76 77 93 46 53 56 22 48 12 31 90 26 9 22 31 61 35 78 37 20 37 9 29 2 32 71 32 10 21 27 36 34 46 26 9 26 7 19 3 33 17 4 1 1 10 14 4 n 7 4 1 4 34 U 1 3 1 1 16 1 1 7 6 1 2 5 "i ^ 6 2 1 1 1 1 35 290 209 535 617 685 692 654 671 451 406 253 297 1,193 232 38 373 421 536 508 759 688 850 707 404 499 278 321 1,566 249 39 10,451 U,096 19,202 29,641 12,717 8,692 12,932 9,213 6,460 6,781 12, 6U 19,759 11,563 4,490 40 U,981 12,202 12,128 19,444 11,296 7,703 21,542 10,001 6,142 7,128 8,890 27,437 12, U7 3,684 41 254 279 695 434 1,122 827 885 741 345 495 294 216 1,503 465 42 405 693 1,237 743 1,303 589 988 1,095 282 404 470 351 1,362 333 43 7,160 6,487 18,458 12,783 34,109 10,224 17,753 13,365 7,822 6,328 7,867 4,433 19,015 6,169 44 7,903 9,696 22,496 17,234 25,287 6,383 16,313 U,698 3,389 4,258 9,066 6,339 14,820 4,801 45 38 22 218 137 313 70 92 162 132 31 55 67 174 24 46 1,867 769 4,068 4,305 6,813 1,445 2,577 3,200 2,835 677 1,445 1,557 2,971 314 47 223 264 604 351 1,007 790 840 659 230 476 255 161 1,414 451 16 5,293 5,718 W,370 8,478 27,294 8,779 13,176 12,165 4,987 5,651 6,422 2,876 16,044 5,855 49 166 136 544 684 579 UA 531 238 186 342 3U 416 714 200 50 325 241 1,108 939 729 644 873 370 303 602 442 725 963 363 51 12,202 24,240 21,4U 45,711 U,823 U,724 72,238 5,540 2,659 16,779 22,513 44,268 12,429 U,642 52 18,578 33,155 40,405 67,394 21,995 13,005 121,442 12,553 6,137 43,281 28,514 73,471 19,732 17,167 53 507 274 764 615 1,329 1,489 1,158 1,235 896 824 465 500 2,672 540 54 662 615 1,331 771 1,828 2,063 1,408 1,615 1,065 967 697 583 3,660 755 55 56,492 28,743 35,938 61,500 107,663 89,097 133,3U 99,406 85,053 53,344 71,510 71,179 164,757 40,905 56 59,9U 51,543 56,005 64,848 111,218 92,869 125,528 97,095 79,151 61,069 58,497 76,764 174,534 50,490 57 42 54 304 347 239 96 232 208 199 69 287 287 594 156 S8 llA 41 766 598 508 233 138 364 274 100 468 328 505 163 59 1,735 7,672 6,941 17,083 7,248 4,240 23,430 3,272 3,531 1,840 13,406 15,228 4,645 3,U6 60 4,074 5,371 18,397 23,152 13,233 5,689 11,560 7,873 5,075 2,889 15,235 18,138 5,355 5,750 61 12 13 128 95 108 30 35 57 53 12 112 94 168 55 62 28 9 373 213 134 80 68 110 89 45 160 72 219 73 63 425 1,978 3,248 6,460 3,487 874 3,579 1,464 1,270 612 7,616 5,481 2,090 767 64 1,110 672 9,762 6,659 5,226 1,285 3,737 1,302 1,495 1,448 7,494 5,402 1,712 1,405 65 3,313 14,796 6,067 8,058 5,390 5,010 10,437 8,445 6,434 3,013 3,894 4,806 U,429 5,933 66 3,670 13,761 7,150 8,197 5,575 8,370 13,672 7,283 6,034 5,900 4,837 3,605 9,962 6,212 793 607 1,288 1,279 1,983 2,507 1,796 2,508 2,121 1,323 1,022 768 4,485 1,043 6S 1,370 1,762 2,260 1,931 3,154 3,768 2,692 3,805 2,957 1,859 1,630 1,338 6,760 1,561 69 360 283 847 867 1,002 890 1,030 929 676 616 536 614 1,928 420 70 518 573 1,488 1,190 1,380 1,133 1,286 1,099 738 806 788 965 2,325 599 71 557 357 926 897 1,435 1,561 1,419 1,285 940 940 602 672 2,798 690 72 761 787 1,726 1,220 2,034 2,2U 1,826 1,731 1,155 1,214 882 1,013 3,908 955 73 1 8 19 3 29 19 5 56 125 7 44 2 69 8 74 6 13 20 8 10 19 9 51 19 9 3 5 29 5 75 20 373 1,026 8 637 291 27 583 342 124 2,926 3 611 109 76 U5 1,161 830 91 408 225 586 610 93 158 60 94 342 223 77 36 40 61 114 119 59 58 114 93 15 67 29 132 22 78 l,UA 2,565 1,020 2,320 3,400 1,215 1,434 1,255 1,800 190 3,405 1,300 2,920 347 79 168 10 428 134 387 77 99 72 13 5 194 143 30 3 hO 22,180 1,200 11,182 15 85 5,331 61 1,450 12,470 33 1,570 2,902 5,272 2,963 790 125 8,943 11 285 3,520 8 210 730 80 32 83 85 167 15,984 810 34,340 621 32,818 962 41,812 "i 20 77 2,759 'ie 855 505 29,078 230 14,542 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in i (rorHefinil •xpl.i i text) Ijancaster laurens F4RMS, 4rRE4GE, AND VALUE ^ number 1150 10S4 necronsp in fnmis due to chance in farm .lefinil.iin 1!154 to 1(150 number Apriroxiinnle land area acres 1050 Proivirtion in farms percent 1050 Land in farms acres 1050 1954 [•raiie sue of fami acres 1050 1054 Value of land and buildings: rrojr fCt fmrn dellar) 1S5S mi era'/f per acre dollars 1059 I95i tf)ortion of /arms repmUng value percent J.159 Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farn.s reporting 1050 1054 acres 1950 1054 1 to 0 acres farms reporting 1959 1954 10 to 10 acres farms reportinp 1959 1954 90 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 .10 lo 49 acres farms reporting 1959 1954 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 1954 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 1954 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 1954 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 1954 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 1954 Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Soil-lmprovemenl ;^asses and lecumes farms reporting 1959 acres 1050 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1950. 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1059. 1954. acres 1059. 1954. Improved pasture (sec text) . woodland). , . farms reporting 1959. . . farms reporting 1959. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . 1 Cropland, total farms reporting 1959. 1954. Lnnti pastumi, tolnl farms rcportine 1959 . 1954. Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . Irrigated land in farms farms reportinp 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Land-use pfactices: CropUtrui [n cover crops farms reporting Croploju.' use./ for yrarn or row crops fanieil on (Ae conlovr farms reporting Land in stnp-croppimj systems far sail-erosion control farms reportiry/ 105S . acres 1959. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reportiruj 1959 . acres 1959. 504,960 35.6 179,697 260,521 l,8ei 3,682 45,8«l 72,098 1,103 16,004 19,680 1,201 2,271 27,054 32,718 394 862 1,637 16,590 25,585 1,332 2,482 46,015 77,058 1,005 1,694 19,635 22,966 2,128 4,246 1,693 2,986 1,703 3,127 36 46 156 236,080 60.5 173,113 197,657 206.6 128.3 18,701 8,492 115.41 71.53 1,174 22,977 32,610 1,210 193 6,442 118 359,630 55.3 199,067 242,649 240.7 161.7 14,810 5,623 74.62 39.26 1,428 62,185 73,259 737,280 49.0 361,341 391,260 18,740 8,141 316.26 162.00 4,740 6,660 101,146 121,000 1,062 1,500 1,633 2,831 1,060 1,548 724 635 1,546 1,812 8,953 8,251 2,627 2,193 27,309 14,498 279 2,449 2,520 24,860 752 1,499 7,705 14,157 3,478 4,085 195,124 208,406 4,842 6,790 2,474 3,222 3,631 4,435 150 168 423,680 26.8 113,682 130,515 199.4 134.4 21,191 7,931 94.08 67.28 503,040 40.9 205,548 277,903 9,083 5,a46 72.29 45.65 1,077 2,020 43,574 66,834 5,835 15,015 6,000 16,138 228 561 358 1,023 7,606 24,966 7,280 22,326 1,176 77,957 122,899 206 322,560 44.5 143,4^5 192,671 116.3 90.9 13,227 5,418 113.55 66.29 1,006 1,768 20,213 38,059 1,002 23,233 29,979 651 1,162 50,129 72,600 180 4^8,640 52.3 234,650 293,722 150.0 106.7 12,650 5,387 97.32 68.65 1,365 2,440 52,841 80,803 1,005 28,903 37,058 685 1,148 22,580 22,804 1,135 29,692 46,868 830 1,265 72,798 80,394 1,690 1,057 1,737 2,050 126 7,454 3,630 1,312 63,630 SOUTH CAROLINA 159 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued ref)ort« for only a samfJe of farms. Soe t*xt] Lexijlgton UcConnick Itericn Uarlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Rlchlana Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union WllUans- burg York ' 1,800 398 2,071 1,246 1,400 1,507 3,415 1,378 1,167 1,278 3,108 2,259 846 4,292 1,795 1 2,526 821 2,820 2,207 2,223 2,799 5,237 2,601 2,043 1,964 5,547 3,441 1,323 5,875 3,109 232 84 61 71 215 394 204 276 279 133 473 152 159 155 255 3 453,120 236,800 307,200 308,480 407,040 428,800 707,200 320,540 478,720 282,880 531,200 425,600 329,600 595,840 438,400 4 45.0 25.1 49.9 56.7 47.5 42.1 54.5 39.5 31.1 60.0 49.5 57.1 33.4 64.1 50.9 203,743 59,445 153,298 174,814 193,406 180,520 455,670 126,775 148,669 169,853 263,120 242,834 126,475 331,966 223,130 c 246,525 77, 9U 161,004 221,609 232,359 230,780 515,049 187,090 209,156 204,233 358,782 274,214 156,413 404,091 310,798 7 113.2 U9.4 74.0 140.3 138.1 112.4 133.7 92.0 127.4 132.9 84.7 107.5 149.5 39.0 124.2 B 97.6 94.9 57.1 10O.4 104.5 82.5 98.3 71.9 102.4 104.0 54.7 79.7 117.8 68.3 100.0 9 14,182 9,069 U,638 14,950 17,473 10,342 15,120 13,550 22,958 13,776 13,526 14,494 10,968 9,581 14,325 10 6,989 4,025 7,860 5,455 6,797 4,569 7,354 6,829 8,390 6,199 6,925 5,031 5,634 5,163 5,539 11 128.79 66.81 321.32 110.93 138.46 96.86 123.11 152.79 180.19 120.15 173.38 158.12 80.80 139.68 133.54 12 78.01 48.84 165.04 82.69 54.19 67.22 86.98 94.80 97.03 62.49 121.19 90.57 49.19 102.69 78.51 13 89 70 90 50 74 97 75 92 91 77 85 73 82 72 83 U 82 90 61 79 89 85 80 84 84 75 81 77 88 76 74 15 1,603 337 2,001 1,176 1,234 1,365 3,236 1,170 981 1,128 2,774 2,161 706 4,167 1,547 10 2,322 692 2,763 2,112 1,992 2,353 4,955 2,230 1,690 1,754 4,856 3,307 1,098 5,704 2,574 IT 57,778 7,205 54,459 80,342 44,876 29,385 204,105 21,277 38,271 39,805 86,498 116,451 15,344 121,069 44,830 IS 71,622 13,749 57,190 103,742 57,753 46,788 226,606 37,741 61,837 53,035 128,163 130,697 27,045 136,904 72,820 19 387 128 395 114 282 506 525 504 376 249 780 312 232 732 434 20 538 230 546 230 517 884 925 864 512 324 1,371 513 312 1,084 606 21 406 103 579 277 329 418 681 360 255 307 783 570 202 1,239 455 22 589 214 1,016 551 595 681 1,020 699 497 524 1,391 805 309 1,915 803 23 248 49 416 267 205 198 472 164 114 194 421 415 140 929 275 2« 428 134 703 489 344 387 835 398 217 356 827 697 193 1,345 512 25 251 31 377 229 192 129 521 82 89 151 393 403 84 732 183 26 402 80 385 445 254 273 972 191 lU 307 765 669 179 962 375 27 188 18 182 133 147 81 483 41 54 138 245 249 31 352 115 28 269 22 94 219 193 103 721 60 108 182 345 321 72 311 177 29 92 5 45 66 49 25 322 8 34 57 97 95 11 101 57 30 72 7 15 100 57 28 324 12 45 49 109 116 13 65 74 31 29 2 6 62 27 7 192 11 29 21 49 89 6 28 21 32 20 5 3 58 19 5 142 5 33 10 43 62 10 18 22 33 2 1 1 21 3 1 36 8 1 6 19 4 1 34 12 7 8 3 2 23 4 3 9 2 5 1 1 5 12 8 7 4 1 1 35 37 629 100 433 268 658 369 1,055 510 406 545 721 577 359 1,146 677 38 1,173 194 529 329 752 728 1,534 182 575 719 971 640 532 1,074 343 39 8,177 4,155 4,189 9,503 21,989 8,152 28,732 10,537 14,298 16,476 19,351 14,154 20,389 11,512 28,486 W 14,0U 7,841 8,103 13,271 17,220 9,844 37,025 3,255 15,555 19,169 21,643 18,402 18,563 11,195 24,747 41 993 144 518 324 521 768 856 842 489 518 1,573 619 402 1,107 700 42 1,073 308 462 519 734 1,360 955 1,518 812 525 2,548 618 588 763 1,224 13 20,284 4,148 5,741 14,047 11,351 13,769 19,015 19,337 11,848 9,600 42,095 12,813 12,899 13,212 28,526 44 17,371 5,040 4,679 11,969 10,419 21,023 14,559 22,090 12,929 8,102 42,211 9,651 14,631 6,755 29,241 45 195 19 66 57 110 203 156 185 79 81 447 76 119 99 231 46 3,288 739 858 9,442 1,964 2,701 5,581 3,644 1,749 1,683 11,684 2,442 3,656 1,721 9,016 47 897 138 475 286 453 553 765 759 440 470 1,467 568 343 1,054 565 48 16,996 3,409 4,883 8,605 9,387 U,068 13,434 15,593 10,099 7,917 30,411 10,371 9,243 11,491 19,610 49 461 198 256 125 614 841 705 493 318 499 1,023 325 427 738 745 50 735 315 477 190 964 1,448 922 1,108 476 989 2,056 365 652 1,055 1,361 51 11,967 10,016 8,903 10,895 31,552 23,158 25,489 9,722 22,184 20,940 22,254 11,810 31,009 31,939 34,444 52 18,712 15,318 15,209 11,119 39,710 31,925 32,977 14,542 26,523 34,567 38,547 12,995 36,506 42,158 55,428 53 1,446 207 927 437 885 1,071 2,028 912 731 888 1,622 1,196 423 2,205 856 54 1,758 284 1,558 644 1,259 1,781 2,474 1,690 1,109 1,130 2,417 1,466 721 2,325 1,384 53 91,964 26,202 70,053 49,156 64,397 79,052 160,147 50,085 52,187 62,587 55,075 74,824 35,511 137,413 61,809 56 111,288 25,895 68,783 74,414 87,085 91,136 180,682 78,112 70,488 67,744 71,007 91,205 45,962 131,895 35,135 57 386 153 305 69 452 902 271 512 149 428 1,307 143 195 482 426 58 215 174 155 135 791 1,197 368 1,777 309 573 2,221 130 218 307 819 59 6,628 5,667 5,195 7,294 3,322 13,465 22,226 7,448 10,870 5,163 16,247 25,749 4,361 8,078 • 7,022 15,307 GO 5,781 6,383 3,026 14,775 25,390 11,814 24,785 14,430 15,802 39,440 4,594 7,029 16,085 31,094 fil 162 71 150 17 113 518 97 238 58 214 395 40 72 148 199 62 62 67 83 23 223 418 125 504 136 181 782 13 86 124 314 63 2,395 2,938 1,806 1,521 4,134 13,253 3,813 5,185 3,355 9,951 10,300 1,544 3,279 3,103 7,311 64 793 2,829 1,359 1,174 5,566 7,622 3,372 8,221 7,767 5,500 W,952 226 2,222 1,235 12,830 65 6,945 2,052 4,747 3,477 5,676 4,878 11,734 4,946 4,718 4,098 12,098 8,411 3,245 9,799 8,123 66 7,738 2,685 4,014 3,772 5,387 4,574 11,385 5,455 7,294 4,813 17,771 6,670 5,577 9,098 11,333 67 1,726 369 2,035 1,205 1,337 1,498 3,313 1,312 1,082 1,213 2,979 2,201 802 4,210 1,703 68 2,478 780 2,788 2,154 2,125 2,555 5,115 2,461 1,926 1,904 5,314 3,387 1,277 5,793 2,974 69 1,006 275 784 350 1,022 1,311 1,450 1,119 582 915 2,104 737 574 1,686 1,123 70 1,457 474 873 486 1,415 2,099 2,008 2,031 937 1,281 3,466 377 329 1,697 1,796 71 1,538 268 1,015 485 1,080 1,325 2,205 1,094 818 1,020 2,107 1,322 517 2,372 1,127 72 1,970 25 472 2 1,574 211 717 29 1,534 14 2,188 3 2,754 21 2,046 11 1,295 8 1,376 17 3,396 113 1,584 13 971 3 2,587 197 1,870 20 28 928 73 74 30 679 1 26 45 1,331 19 198 17 800 8 23 19 789 11 70 19 347 15 426 80 4,833 19 794 5 55 24 1,198 75 76 880 30 1,261 286 633 105 989 304 957 417 3,492 594 24 223 1,059 77 151 3,250 12 250 106 881 40 2,370 159 2,333 U7 1,044 380 12,366 91 310 77 3,635 91 1,550 124 3,043 113 5,295 57 655 74 1,318 101 2,337 78 79 256 43 6 21 403 560 218 213 86 287 710 63 152 21 188 80 8,380 1,000 105 2,585 15,470 10,954 16,370 3,045 2,025 7,475 25,027 3,203 3,554 455 6,097 81 45 1,225 779 29,580 2 75 103 6,219 'l 12 7 318 40 2,795 597 54,089 45 870 1,048 32,677 52 5,030 407 29,001 43 730 814 24,995 16 298 145 7,563 560 28,556 31 1,970 2,077 94,304 19 1,057 34 1,395 522 22,320 'is 210 22 615 700 51,043 82 83 84 85 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS. LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND = Item The State Mibevllle Miren Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beatifort Berkeley (For deTiniti jns and explanations, see text) Farms: J \\\ famis. number 1959 . . . 78,172 124,203 1,044 1,774 1,692 2,657 447 687 3,209 5,043 898 1,239 812 1,353 579 1,201 1,918 2,965 2 1954... 3 I'nder in acres number 1959 .. . 6,714 15,792 58 149 100 256 51 61 202 468 58 97 50 M3 61 433 363 838 4 1954 . . . 5 10 to 49 acres number 1959... 34,483 60,483 330 615 554 902 117 224 1,413 2,363 271 438 224 492 401 616 1,102 1,569 1954 . . . 7 50 to 69 acres number 1959... 8,349 12,365 130 201 193 292 35 78 405 612 39 143 100 191 15 24 129 153 g 1954 .. . g 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . . . 7,449 10,331 122 204 173 272 56 77 360 547 39 117 98 136 10 21 99 122 10 1954 . . . 11 100 to 139 acres number 1959 .. . 6,412 125 184 34 287 99 36 9 64 12 1954 . . . 8,537 197 278 57 412 124 US 16 71 13 140 to 179 acres number 1959 .. . 3,739 81 102 30 157 63 58 7 38 1954... 4,686 118 154 31 218 71 69 3 32 15 180 to 219 acres number 1959 .. . 2,341 2,720 50 34 75 99 10 19 103 120 32 42 35 42 6 6 29 29 16 1954... 17 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . . . 1,565 1,806 31 44 52 61 16 66 81 19 31 24 30 6 8 12 21 16 1954 . . . 19 260 to 499 acres number 1959... 4,105 87 Ul 31 150 113 63 20 39 20 1954 . . . 4,342 115 196 42 157 107 71 16 30 •21 500 to 999 acres number 1959 .. . 1,986 23 83 24 53 42 43 16 22 1954 . . . 2,011 32 105 34 50 49 38 20 21 23 l.OOO or mote acres number 1959 .. . 1,029 7 35 45 13 23 26 23 21 24 1954... 1,080 15 42 48 15 20 23 33 29 25 1,000 10 1,999 acres... number 1959 . .■. 723 5 21 25 11 13 22 13 13 Land in farms: 26 .Allland in farms .... acres 1?59... 9,U9,492 134,038 277,785 151,170 297,974 157,003 151,838 105,230 160,735 27 1954 . . . 11,069,348 203,324 369,143 182,366 391,622 177,505 162,758 132,763 204,974 28 Under 10 acres acres 1959 . . . 34,144 84,442 273 800 475 1,399 131 284 1,056 2,666 222 474 154 653 370 2,519 2,259 4,976 29 30 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 .. . 886,952 1,525,502 3,757 16,243 15,403 24,376 3,263 6,150 38,527 64,939 7,460 12,443 6,5a 13,396 8,008 11,196 23,869 33,381 31 32 50 to 69 acres acres 1959... 483,096 713,140 7,570 U,657 11,139 16,736 2,059 4,489 23,394 35,532 5,195 8,393 5,694 11,053 839 1,337 7,521 8,730 33 1954 . . . 34 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . . . a6,501 859,078 10,318 17,067 14,313 22,689 4,581 6,436 29,573 45,441 7,435 9,723 8,041 11,356 787 1,644 8,126 9,951 35 1954 . . . 36 100 to 1.39 acres acres 1959 .. . 741,908 982,372 14,446 22,639 21,545 32,102 3,347 6,632 33,322 47,727 11,586 14,215 9,779 13,420 1,041 1,855 7,368 8,231 37 1954 .. . 36 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 .. . 587,900 739,824 12,594 18,313 16,024 24,318 4,673 4,865 24,947 34,624 10,008 11,135 9,074 10,834 1,144 1,240 6,013 5,098 39 1954... 40 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . . . 463,628 536,3a 9,930 16,553 14,376 19,347 1,955 3,830 20,410 23,594 6,337 8,268 6,918 8,244 1,228 1,211 5,852 5,713 41 1954 . . . 42 220 to 259 acres acres 1959... 372,658 428,792 7,425 10,661 12,533 14,408 3,333 3,770 15,816 19,126 4,541 7,377 5,613 7,020 1,497 1,901 2,875 4,954 43 1954 . . . 44 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 .. . 1,442,559 1,522,968 29,523 39,552 48, 8U 67,471 11,351 14,218 52,761 55,449 40,608 38,473 23,120 25,087 7,123 5,636 13,492 9,918 45 1954 . . . 46 500 to 999 acres acres 1959... 1,350,725 16,571 56,487 17,218 36,823 28,680 29,866 10,328 15,008 47 1954 .. . 1,369,682 22,243 72,126 24,496 34,617 34,011 25,019 13,201 14,4U 48 1,000 or mere acres acres 1959 .. . 2,169,421 16,631 66,176 98,759 a, 345 34,931 47,018 72,865 68,347 49 1954 .. . 2,307,167 27,546 74,121 107,196 27,907 32,993 36,176 91,023 99,603 50 1,000 Ui 1,999 acres. . . acres 1959... 979,924 7,138 26,959 34,757 15,305 22,258 29,636 15,759 16,715 CroplantJ harvestetj: 51 Any rrnpland harvested farms retxxtine 1959 .. . 71,602 925 1,571 391 2,857 830 736 496 1,823 1954 , . . 112,930 1,517 2,292 656 4,296 1,168 1,293 1,110 2,743 53 acres 1959... 2,694,196 25,583 79,475 69,561 96,834 62,331 60,240 16,263 33,386 54 1954 . . . 3,393,002 39,738 100,786 73,012 131,307 77,783 74,307 19,135 38,387 55 I'nder 10 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 4,961 38 66 11 136 25 14 45 320 56 1954 . . . 12,812 105 177 47 327 69 109 399 817 57 acres 1959 .. . 24,073 176 292 53 742 138 81 196 1,659 58 1954 . . . 54,366 445 827 217 1,576 315 415 1,370 3,402 59 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 32,385 301 524 no 1,279 258 214 350 1,073 60 1954 . . . 56,125 532 778 216 2,011 422 478 576 1,470 61 acres 1959 . . . 534, U3 4,435 10,398 2,471 20,417 5,234 4,359 2,759 11,884 62 1954... 968, 04S 8,667 15,579 4,954 35,869 10,114 11,007 4,127 17,343 63 50 to 69 acres ramia reporting 1959 . . . 7,739 115 132 32 374 85 91 14 124 64 1954 . . . 11,288 163 259 77 543 Ul 139 20 136 65 acres 1059 .. . 139,938 2,048 5,143 1,270 3,568 2,920 3,335 299 2,340 66 1954 . . . 295,627 3,034 8,310 3,498 13,605 5,259 7,962 248 2,949 h7 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 6,397 112 162 54 321 36 95 6 94 E8 1954... 9,464 177 240 75 468 110 132 17 110 acres 1959 .. . 201,068 2,197 5,252 2,530 9,053 3,337 4,525 100 2,429 70 1954 . . . 285,674 3,781 8,999 3,271 M,673 4,508 6,430 325 2,813 71 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 5,926 116 173 33 259 93 80 9 60 72 1954 .. . 7,839 177 251 57 370 119 117 16 67 73 acres 1959... 216,315 2,606 6,700 2,059 10,257 4,498 4,596 555 2,291 74 1954 . . . 283,150 4,208 10,518 3,529 14,784 6,600 6,647 469 1,999 75 140 to 179 acres farms reprrtiitg 1959 .. . 3,429 67 96 30 134 57 55 5 36 76 1954 . . . 4,294 100 135 30 193 67 67 3 29 77 acres 1959... 163,508 2,198 4,967 2,302 6,953 3,448 3,677 290 1,293 78 1954 . . . 198,458 3,127 6,735 2,135 10,696 4,675 4,698 313 1,009 79 180 to 219 BcreJ farms reporting 1959.. . 2,164 45 72 9 90 31 33 3 26 60 1954 .. . 2,509 77 93 19 109 40 42 5 26 SI acres 1959 .. . 128,469 2,122 4,283 920 5,920 2,155 2,658 114 1,193 82 1954 . . . 134,488 2,751 5,582 1,798 6,568 2,769 3,384 87 930 83 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,435 25 50 12 61 18 22 6 12 84 1954 . . . 1,673 39 54 15 73 28 29 5 19 85 acres 1959 .. . 102,366 1,301 3,854 1,544 5,003 1,934 2,035 715 527 86 1954 . . . 111,710 1,633 3,249 1,472 6,761 3,689 3,111 271 1,044 87 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 3,823 30 133 31 142 112 66 16 37 88 1954... 4,005 105 173 41 143 105 69 16 26 89 acres 1959 .. . 399,573 4,925 12,793 6,042 16,633 15,621 9,6U 1,546 3,683 90 1954.. . 369,237 6,267 15,515 6,103 15,112 15,251 8,363 1,946 1,667 91 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,853 20 73 24 43 42 41 16 21 92 1954... 1,860 29 94 32 45 48 38 17 19 93 acres 1959 . . . 353,153 2,520 15,127 10,872 8,661 11,817 12,038 2,310 2,565 94 1954 . . . 319,273 3,167 14,391 11,943 7,546 U,031 10,692 1,655 1,924 95 1.000 Of more acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 990 6 35 45 13 23 25 26 20 96 1954. .. 1,012 13 38 47 14 19 23 31 24 97 acres 1959... 331,585 1,055 10,656 39,498 4,672 11,229 12,822 7,379 3,522 98 1954 . . . 367,471 2,658 10,581 34,092 4,112 10,572 11,093 3,319 3,307 99 1,000 to 1,999 acres . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 692 4 21 25 11 18 21 11 12 100 acres 1959 ., . 232,117 425 5,312 16,125 2,878 7,456 10,089 2,854 2,004 SOUTH CAROLINA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 161 Calhoun CbarlestoD Clieroliee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 832 ■ 641 1,329 1,322 2,007 2,584 1,868 2,547 2,219 1,360 1,076 859 4,583 1,081 1 1,«)3 1,841 2,357 2,036 3,240 3,813 2,751 3,887 3,001 1,908 1,688 1,441 6,891 1,593 2 87 126 79 121 80 231 181 177 258 182 108 a 346 203 3 202 828 198 228 270 441 478 365 288 345 175 193 650 476 4 7tA 269 556 420 839 1,332 727 1,271 1,229 623 446 260 2,361 523 : 520 700 1,086 791 1,457 2,1?? 1,158 2,302 1,970 689 794 528 4,157 717 6 57 37 168 96 247 275 198 255 158 126 80 72 548 85 7 L23 49 316 U8 386 376 237 349 239 1A8 139 130 716 116 8 69 19 170 110 256 205 175 252 K3 105 85 74 421 72 9 LU 32 267 171 384 268 227 284 150 U7 139 llA 550 84 10 73 36 114 164 186 164 175 185 131 78 89 98 349 61 11 112 43 1S4 202 267 199 198 210 113 104 U7 110 348 64 12 59 12 79 93 105 90 104 92 69 70 49 49 200 33 13 67 19 103 125 134 130 120 99 56 63 76 67 175 ■ 39 H 50 16 45 68 67 69 59 76 28 28 35 45 103 22 15 tA 21 55 92 104 62 74 64 28 40 52 64 89 19 16 30 10 27 47 43 47 41 33 40 33 27 35 54 15 17 •U 9 37 55 48 36 44 47 27 33 31 39 54 18 le 78 48 47 126 108 95 118 134 95 73 82 87 133 32 19 IOC 61 63 132 126 95 101 108 66 89 98 109 101 33 20 59 41 31 49 41 52 52 47 52 31 48 47 40 22 21 57 52 34 67 37 33 57 37 50 35 47 46 32 16 22 26 27 13 28 35 24 38 25 16 11 27 31 28 8 23 20 27 U 25 27 16 ?7 22 14 15 20 41 19 11 2« 20 21 10 24 26 19 16 16 13 9 19 24 22 3 25 162,9«3 U6,385 141,495 208,017 256,464 232,705 326,447 254,113 189,432 128,167 172,511 174,898 354,668 89,465 26 186,LU 157,533 203,885 246,220 298,790 248,374 385,385 268,974 188,057 170,844 176,679 232,550 385,218 112,564 27 i,760 2,035 69 26 104 146 179 159 162 183 129 75 74 83 339 55 71 105 34 158 180 277 196 192 202 106 102 104 93 337 58 72 4,039 838 3,332 2,576 6,294 7,481 5,385 9,297 5,889 3,050 2,372 1,373 13,567 1,509 1,541 31 73 6,008 55 1,471 8 5,127 68 3,875 83 10,958 102 9,261 88 6,867 96 9,174 91 4,674 65 4,035 68 3,284 40 1,730 39 11,392 196 74 75 62 15 85 102 126 127 116 97 54 a 65 54 167 31 76 4,581 4,255 45 42 4,645 3,974 29 533 1,025 14 19 869 1,243 9 2,892 2,980 40 52 2,438 2,818 23 2,202 3,11a 60 87 1,686 2,995 42 4,210 6,441 64 94 3,646 5,167 41 5,376 7,865 67 61 5,629 4,231 44 4,023 4,705 57 74 2,667 3,417 38 6,134 5,361 75 60 6,560 3,865 33 3,639 2,493 28 24 1,952 1,247 38 3,447 3,395 27 37 1,694 2,250 33 1,696 2,713 31 46 1,950 2,174 24 644 1,112 36 58 606 1,389 25 9,802 6,731 100 85 5,568 31832 52 955 1,021 22 18 547 667 15 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 43 3,663 4,948 8 735 1,020 33 1,210 1,757 44 1,537 1,556 46 2,397 2,938 36 4,490 2,94A 43 2,720 2,665 45 2,933 3,602 23 2,603 1,480 32 2,481 1,888 30 1,374 1,317 31 617 809 49 3,639 2,402 17 920 655 84 85 86 77 94 u,oei U,498 y? 55 18,841 U,129 26 20 12,676 12,487 20 9,506 43 58 5,534 6,388 38 47 6,022 7,827 25 27 5,405 4,674 20 4,877 42 53 3,a9 4,oa 29 30 3,367 3,262 12 U 1,892 1,088 9 1,553 U9 125 6,500 7,287 46 60 5,035 6,512 27 a 4,776 3,736 23 4,541 101 U5 9,U5 10,454 36 36 6,557 7,448 35 27 13,125 U,236 26 9,222 94 94 12,948 11,384 52 31 U,200 7,061 23 15 11,355 4,853 18 3,485 110 96 10,110 9,636 45 52 6,060 6,271 34 53 9,170 13,546 14 2,189 130 105 19,492 12,185 47 37 12,431 7,827 25 21 10,982 7,710 16 6,395 93 62 U,258 5,110 52 49 7,686 7,289 15 13 7,5U 4,267 12 5,440 68 84 6,716 6,074 29 32 5,051 3,061 11 U 2,292 2,101 9 1,947 72 90 7,695 7,321 43 42 6,669 7,485 25 19 8,050 6,354 17 4,493 68 87 2,061 2,497 37 41 1,405 2,300 30 37 4,531 6,009 23 3,363 126 94 11,520 6,630 39 25 5,097 3,502 26 17 8,674 4,085 21 5,277 31 31 1,262 1,717 18 13 1,080 901 8 U 1,306 2,086 3 664 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS. AND CROPLAND lOO to 130 B 140 U> 17r) a l.ono to 1,090 acres Land in farms: All land in farms. Under 10 acres 10 lo 40 acres 50 lo 60 acres 70 lo 90 acres 220 to 250 aci 260 U> 490 aci 500 lo 000 aci 1,000 Of m(»e 1,000 lo l.f . . farms reporting 1 , , farms reponing 1 . . farms reportin . farms repMtinf; 1959 . . fanns reporting 1959. . farms reporting 1 760 3,234 31,485 61,887 18,164 31,399 19,736 33,733 21,406 30,116 12,675 19,534 8,923 14,964 7,936 9,968 26,854 27,661 20,849 14,610 10,809 13,365 8,693 1,884 3,682 45,840 72,098 1,393 935 1,937 11,248 24,523 5,055 9,128 263 1,084 5,928 14,232 5,617 9,456 7,956 11,827 9,970 14,456 9,104 11,760 6,146 9,656 6,684 8,848 27,684 32,119 27,151 24,589 66,610 59,630 18,836 1,174 22,977 32,610 353 1,331 6,947 13,647 3,552 5,568 6,119 7,655 7,173 13,858 8,305 12,216 6,912 9,347 5,961 7,642 23,933 28,012 23, 4U 31,337 101,346 111,936 30,737 1,428 62,185 73,259 361,341 391,260 2,069 4,201 62,647 97,257 37,935 45,405 45,725 45,576 49,757 46,454 34,929 27,647 24,496 19,040 13,486 12,849 42,413 34,706 21,256 17,106 26,628 41,019 2,056 4,740 6,660 101,146 121,000 354 683 1,395 3,237 2,253 3,352 34,312 60,763 642 767 303 1,321 6,752 10,592 1,934 3,136 3,966 4,801 2,546 3,968 3,624 3,410 2,551 3,210 2,669 4,484 8,692 8,674 12,642 9,029 67,998 77,890 9,450 405 1,118 12,268 24,379 6,232 13,639 9,536 17,015 11,145 22,628 10,713 18,316 9,443 13,732 6,377 10,962 27,041 35,947 30,606 45,973 31,182 73,644 22,154 1,077 2,020 43,574 66,834 2,954 7,428 5,457 15,860 31 100 48 219 691 2,417 1,161 5,224 46 103 56 191 1,253 2,623 1,525 5,429 22 36 30 184 742 2,255 1,003 5,924 21 62 21 112 620 2,552 909 4,563 12 45 15 66 507 1,852 755 2,770 10 27 19 42 804 1,250 1,352 2,352 22 71 23 39 1,507 5,404 1,660 6,260 17 46 U 63 3,214 7,327 1,673 9,662 13 26 20 23 4,114 10,166 4,549 8,131 536 1,296 12,201 22,052 7,434 14,119 10,150 17,910 15,368 23,603 U,017 17,948 9,379 10,323 9,307 7,330 23,116 33,682 22,353 24,495 17,069 19,413 11,422 1,006 1,768 20,213 38,059 520 1,365 14,540 31,253 9,782 15,253 14,282 21,540 18,038 28,434 15,037 20,364 11,542 16,874 9,763 13,525 44,019 54,230 44,633 47,923 52,494 42,451 23,554 1,365 2,440 52,841 30,803 732 1,118 4,714 8,492 9,497 18,389 107 136 203 234 1,478 2,822 3,552 4,933 95 138 132 223 1,439 2,848 3,913 5,179 111 136 184 230 2,179 3,739 4,919 7,175 54 87 102 122 1,197 2,793 3,410 4,859 43 49 48 79 1,397 2,275 1,505 3,631 34 36 33 55 1,100 2,000 1,433 3,575 64 109 30 137 2,355 9,052 4,129 11,039 30 53 33 63 2,175 10,712 3,352 11,540 11 28 9 24 1,354 7,745 1,664 9,321 SOUTH CAROLINA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 163 Lexlnfftoc UcCoindck Uaricn IbrlboTO Newberry . Oconee Orangeburg Pickens SlcUsnil Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union mmans- burg York r 1,800 398 2,071 1,246 1,400 i,507 3,415 1,378 1,167 1,278 3,108 2,259 346 4,292 1,796 2,526 821 2,820 2,207 2,223 2,799 5,237 2,601 2,043 1,964 5,547 3,441 1,323 5,875 3,109 2 76 30 231 94 101 68 364 49 156 66 234 187 55 418 184 188 UA 261 174 279 279 781 231 330 143 713 492 127 754 347 4 565 162 1,166 690 405 658 1,305 576 461 358 1,440 1,163 271 2,379 657 5 902 385 1,875 1,382 768 1,202 2,266 1,213 884 732 2,804 1,855 499 3,576 1,350 6 275 38 175 no 163 252 351 251 124 148 399 253 % 361 140 368 58 237 142 246 424 502 402 135 237 645 349 139 406 264 S 262 45 131 58 175 203 290 177 106 198 337 183 97 288 192 339 72 132 120 255 3U 423 281 197 231 512 234 143 265 323 10 22A 29 U6 54 159 152 275 121 100 169 250 152 108 264 184 294 56 116 90 221 243 388 220 150 230 343 169 151 334 264 12 U6 23 67 48 103 93 161 70 51 95 142 65 52 159 125 13 224 30 52 60 132 136 228 89 69 132 172 91 78 156 163 U 59 12 47 22 80 49 130 35 37 52 79 38 37 109 61 15 1 21 32 34 91 57 146 48 58 69 90 56 51 92 84 16 48 13 25 19 45 27 91 25 24 37 45 32 31 52 49 17 4a 21 21 26 47 35 92 20 29 43 64 39 35 48 73 18 128 22 72 58 95 62 259 50 50 100 121 91 55 158 131 19 U9 34 56 97 109 74 237 61 70 93 142 70 52 136 154 20 39 14 33 50 48 32 131 14 36 42 47 U 28 63 51 21 27 22 26 49 58 20 U7 21 40 43 49 52 36 74 62 22 8 10 8 33 20 U 53 10 22 13 14 34 16 36 22 23 16 8 12 33 17 15 57 10 31 U 13 34 17 34 25 24 7 8 6 21 16 7 45 8 13 12 12 25 10 26 17 25 203,743 59,445 153,298 174,814 193,406 180,620 456,670 126,775 143,669 169,853 263,120 242,834 126,475 381,965 223,130 26 246,525 77, 9U 161,004 221,609 232,359 230,780 515,049 187,090 209,166 204,233 358,782 274,214 156,413 404,091 310,798 27 352 157 1,257 395 529 357 1,313 250 661 349 1,213 927 251 2,441 992 28 1,005 585 1,478 901 1,503 1,537 3,730 1,290 1,751 750 3,985 2,460 666 4,123 1,826 29 16,356 3,731 23,924 17,165 10,536 13,961 32,791 16,343 11,401 9,861 39,099 29,769 6,990 58,067 15,665 30 25,598 9,229 44,966 34,809 18,931 33,239 57,617 34,273 20,646 19,343 74,052 47,666 12,847 86,226 34,036 31 16,029 2,214 10,295 6,339 9,436 14,523 20,274 14,515 7,177 8,547 23,351 14,407 5,564 20,730 8,149 32 21,457 3,246 13,648 8,050 U,251 24,536 29,124 23,380 10,602 13,854 37,330 20,020 7,929 23,576 15,339 33 21,624 3,698 10,997 5,556 14,572 16,665 24,191 14,568 8,779 16,332 27,507 14,395 8,143 23,956 15,037 34 27,947 5,866 U,032 9,715 21,279 26,286 35,204 23,195 16,244 19,216 42,191 19,343 11,972 21,737 26,984 35 26,157 3,229 13,387 6,188 18,61; 17,551 32,228 13,812 11,622 19,210 23,835 17,435 12,737 30,633 21,622 36 34,036 6,284 13,292 10,721 25,515 23,015 45,080 25,224 17,241 26,190 39,520 19,405 17,596 36,772 30,704 37 18,259 3,662 10,531 7,399 16,975 14,782 25,353 10,975 7,915 15,042 22,385 10,300 8,261 24,876 19,599 38 38,682 4,672 8,262 9,364 20,780 21,4U 36,090 13,721 10,796 20,701 27,092 14,241 12,142 24,579 25,509 39 11,679 2,407 9,266 4,360 15,823 9,683 25,597 6,890 7,359 10,254 15,517 7,433 7,292 21,672 12,172 40 200 4,061 6,390 6,761 17,925 11,133 28,976 9,379 U,471 13,523 17,637 U,002 10,009 18,188 16,680 41 U,450 3,055 5,900 4,574 10,730 6,331 21,495 5,986 5,693 3,757 10,820 7,616 7,279 12,468 11,640 42 11,385 4,949 5,055 5,230 U,104 8,341 21,633 4,762 6,978 10,122 15,058 9,375 8,372 11,423 17,380 43 44,327 7,880 25,069 21,422 33,206 21,272 92,694 17,636 17,526 35,074 43,355 32,284 18,638 54,702 46,474 44 40,261 11,719 19,380 34,539 39,320 26,063 34,047 20,852 24,303 32,343 50,093 24,153 17,631 47,868 55,566 45 25,256 9,713 23,694 35,199 32,529 21,897 88,673 9,799 25,233 23,110 29,064 40,318 20,721 49,381 33,352 46 16,501 15,057 19,019 34,851 39,274 14,392 76,596 15,085 25,880 30,521 31,401 34,804 25,010 51,657 40,565 47 12,254 19 699 13,978 66,217 30,305 38,343 91,456 15,495 45,302 18,317 21,474 67,450 30,599 82,990 37,428 48 29,453 12,243 18,482 65,668 22,427 35,827 96,897 15,929 62,749 17,665 20,373 71,745 31,239 77,942 46,209 49 9,554 11,589 9,200 27,491 21,501 10,259 60,386 10,321 18,349 15,268 16,417 34,392 14,480 36,097 22,232 50 1,503 337 2,001 1,176 1,234 1,365 3,235 1,170 981 1,128 2,774 2,161 706 4,167 1,547 51 2,322 592 2,763 2,112 1,992 2,363 4,965 2,230 1,690 1,754 4,856 3,307 1,098 5,704 2,574 52 57,778 7,205 54,459 80,342 44,376 29,385 204,105 21,277 38,271 39,805 86,493 116,451 15,344 121,069 44,830 53 71,622 13,749 57,190 133,742 57,763 46,788 226,606 37,741 61,337 53,036 123,163 130,697 27,045 136,904 72,820 54 39 22 209 57 65 39 276 26 31 45 152 143 32 391 129 55 141 92 253 141 203 189 681 150 215 100 513 447 81 719 225 56 169 112 984 309 320 138 1,412 117 330 267 693 718 147 2,aw 713 57 537 389 1,102 708 913 754 2,952 592 864 508 2,299 1,924 322 3,444 1,093 58 479 152 1,149 681 365 539 1,260 478 4U 312 1,301 1,128 234 2,323 596 59 328 333 1,853 1,342 703 995 2,181 1,046 772 661 2,492 1,804 403 3,524 1,169 60 6,264 1,927 22,310 14,813 5,170 5,021 23,040 4,475 4,381 4,580 17,950 21,431 3,501 43,708 8,935 61 12,553 5,078 33,172 30,258 10,406 12,470 45,054 12,343 10,336 11,255 38,591 37,660 6,457 68,743 20,034 62 253 33 166 102 145 225 336 224 UO 128 367 247 77 354 126 63 342 45 231 139 220 377 479 361 167 215 583 340 122 383 202 64 5,423 454 5,541 3,343 2,740 3,427 11,352 3,104 1,965 2,043 8,580 8,122 1,052 10,400 2,181 65 8,438 1,0U> 6,559 5,605 4,032 6,475 17,668 5,952 3,053 4,607 14,934 12,322 2,421 11,845 4,033 66 243 33 129 63 152 173 280 159 97 179 311 180 84 277 164 67 320 65 125 116 234 234 403 253 151 198 461 225 113 254 256 68 6,559 464 4,817 2,774 3,893 3,259 U,924 2,897 1,863 4,181 9,030 7,647 1,299 9,342 3,125 69 9,750 1,111 3,681 5,387 5,438 6,101 17,908 5,452 4,273 4,803 14,193 9,933 2,437 8,223 5,850 70 213 23 111 52 139 137 270 104 92 152 230 150 94 257 153 71 281 42 112 83 211 220 375 192 120 221 314 162 139 316 226 72 7,526 428 4,855 4,060 2,860 4,150 3,414 15,045 2,218 3,224 4,657 8,742 8,215 1,330 9,968 3,853 73 9,521 803 4,767 6,310 5,487 21,655 4,294 3,989 7,457 12,218 8,651 3,146 10,743 6,191 74 108 17 63 47 97 83 156 61 43 87 129 52 49 156 107 75 212 26 51 57 122 125 214 84 55 121 160 33 68 147 138 76 5,346 424 3,105 3,625 3,821 2,671 12,400 1,425 1,658 3,533 6,629 5,100 961 6,375 3,992 77 10,293 620 1,890 3,765 5,042 3,3U 15,630 2,288 2,550 4,530 8,351 6,633 1,679 6,378 4,705 78 56 8 44 22 73 44 126 29 33 44 72 36 34 107 50 79 1 19 31 32 85 51 140 38 45 63 80 52 43 84 78 80 3,548 226 2,185 2,233 3,572 1,922 11, 5U 764 2,078 2,407 4,643 3,336 872 6,246 2,379 81 200 577 1,360 2,681 3,988 1,546 11,650 1,298 2,226 3,050 5,037 4,974 1,457 3,765 2,916 82 45 8 23 18 39 26 90 23 20 34 44 31 22 50 43 83 44 2,764 17 268 21 1,854 26 2,421 45 2,445 31 757 90 10,507 19 950 24 1,192 33 1,854 60 3,339 33 3,751 34 438 46 3,717 66 2,081 84 85 3,4U 464 896 2,786 2,503 1,539 8,542 656 2,005 2,015 3,860 3,853 1,411 2,696 3,697 86 123 113 13,132 9,586 36 25 4,888 2,402 8 15 2,059 4,928 7 1,887 18 29 846 1,312 13 18 544 1,439 10 6 1,512 916 8 1,446 69 51 5,216 2,330 31 25 2,106 1,045 7 10 1,476 1,095 5 1,114 54 97 10,520 U,598 48 47 15,102 12;017 32 32 21,837 21,070 20 13,100 85 99 6,451 7,283 46 53 7,391 8,255 18 17 4,913 3,593 14 3,936 57 62 3,416 3,593 28 19 2,245 2,115 9 10 2,064 2,844 5 946 254 232 40,947 32,789 IX 115 35,862 28,955 58 55 30,105 23,752 45 21,719 44 56 2,565 2,560 13 17 1,562 1,479 9 9 1,199 827 3 1,169 44 65 4,418 6,942 30 35 7,295 7|283 20 29 9,367 18,311 12 4,831 95 88 7,523 6,608 39 38 5,742 4,557 13 11 3,003 3,546 12 2,031 114 133 13,320 13,547 40 47 7,036 9,667 14 13 5,981 5,316 12 4,502 91 63 16,707 9,800 60 50 17,163 12,893 33 33 24,151 22,049 24 15,077 42 45 1,722 2,243 25 33 1,773 2,306 13 17 1,744 2,661 7 682 152 130 11,198 8,088 65 69 8,191 6,397 35 32 9,380 6,582 25 5,827 112 133 7,217 9,913 45 57 4,730 6,085 22 24 5,624 8,298 17 3,058 87 88 89 91 92 93 94 9S 96 97 98 99 100 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For derinilions and expla] .XI) Farms: All f«mt operators nu Full owniTS nu Pnrt owners number 1 Mana,.!ers number 1 All tenants number 1 Piuportion of tenancy percent 1 Und in farms: All farm operators t Pull owners ( Partovmera i Managers f All tenants I Croplanij hanresteil: All farm operators fanr.s reporting 1 Full owners farms reforting 1 Pan owners farms reporting 1 Managers fam.s reporting 1 \ll tenants fantis reporting 1 Full owners number 1 Part owners number 1 Managers number 1 All tenants number I Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1 Part owners numl«r 1 Managers number 1 All tenants number 1 Proportinn of tenancy percent 1 Lani] in farms by color anij tenure of operator: 61 White fanr. operatws, totiil a Full owners a Pan owners a Nnnwhite farm operators. Croplanij tiarvestei] by color and tenure of operator : ite rarm of^^ators, total {ttrms reportin Nonwhite rami operators, total fanns reporting 1 Full owners farms reportin Part owners farms reportin All tenants farms reponing 1 78,172 12/4,203 38,908 56,388 14,129 17,408 308 395 24,827 50,012 31.8 40.3 9,149,492 11,069,346 4,681,918 5,861,317 2,860,093 2,645,321 512,907 640,753 1,094,574 1,921,957 71,602 112,930 2,694,196 3,393,002 33,519 46,666 973,929 1,253,439 13,877 17,065 1,041,554 945,648 293 369 67,025 76,310 23,913 48,830 611,688 1,U7,555 47,177 69,7er Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Nonwhite farm operators, total number Fullo-vners number Part owners numlier Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, totnl acres Full owners acres Part owners acres All tenants acres Nonwhite farm operators, total acres Full owners acres Part ownws acres *ll tenants acres Cropland fiarvested by color and tenure of operator : HTule fann operators, total farms reporting Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Nonwhite farm operauys, Uital farms reportinq Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporti ng All tenants farms repotting 1954. i 1959 . 1954. 2,322 4,520 1,636 3,008 1,033 15.1 22.9 179,697 260,521 113,997 161,644 47, 517 49,914 1,827 3,542 16,356 45,421 1,884 3,632 45,840 72,098 1,248 2,250 20,661 33,351 320 463 1,962 3,752 1,491 2,791 166,434 233,352 107,466 152,776 45,419 46,719 1,827 3,542 11,722 30,315 13,263 6,531 2,098 4,634 1,547 2,956 39,879 58,034 1,120 2,061 18,830 30,547 283 398 30.6 173, lU 197,657 104,866 125,808 31,907 25,575 27,857 25,281 8,483 20,993 656 1,174 22,977 32,610 162,138 178,218 98,334 lis, 574 31,133 23,672 27,857 24,881 4,814 11,091 10,975 6,532 774 36.2 199,067 242,649 100,618 li0,160 71,297 66,477 19,212 37,387 7,940 18,625 771 1,428 62,185 73,259 187, 598 219,667 94,613 112,155 68,371 61,540 18,452 36,257 5,662 9,715 11,469 6,005 2,426 760 2,278 1,604 3,064 32.2 44.3 361,341 391,260 200,817 234,172 83,334 44,150 274 20,825 71,916 92,113 4,740 6,660 101,146 121,000 2,372 2,352 45,607 50,398 816 754 202 1,524 1,551 3,051 31,357 52,033 4,028 5,313 2,145 2,627 1,2U 2,156 30.1 40.6 333,951 354,046 189,060 221,947 32,972 37,605 274 20,825 61,645 73,669 27,390 11,757 5,362 10,271 469 3,814 636 5,075 56,550 38,906 61,248 99,984 235 1,980 392 2,403 17,456 41,913 25,280 46,023 132 660 154 522 34,780 21,439 23,394 13,486 47 1,173 131 2,147 2,992 25,352 5,492 33,951 23.2 113,682 130,515 36,917 35,027 20,424 18,914 52,382 63,591 3,959 12,983 530 100,693 103,996 30,308 27,075 16,428 11,016 51,805 61,726 2,157 9,179 12,934 6,609 3,996 577 1,802 205,543 277,903 121,709 153,557 63,282 69,195 6,000 18,577 14,557 36,574 1,077 2,020 43,574 66,834 179,646 222,208 107,984 128,618 57,507 57,822 6,000 18,577 8,155 17,191 25,902 13,725 5,775 6,402 143,485 192,671 98,028 117, 533 32,014 42,970 2,590 1,417 10,353 30,751 1,006 1,768 20,213 33,059 128,301 160,681 90,400 105,859 29,917 39,613 2,590 1,417 5,394 13,792 15,184 7,523 2,097 5,459 1,165 15,412 27,274 1,936 3,694 74 156 1,541 2,541 103 378 1,721 6,005 2,070 218 4,751 234,650 293,722 133,212 176,029 69,465 65, %5 8,249 11,993 18,724 39,735 1,365 2,440 52,341 30,303 682 1,196 23,814 36,172 210,843 251,816 128,339 163,221 67,005 63,612 3,199 11,993 7,305 12,990 23,802 9,373 2,460 50 11,419 1,503 42,559 60,220 578 1,048 21,591 33,025 SOUTH CAROLINA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 167 Lexington UcComick Uaricm Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union Williams- burg York ~ 1,800 398 2,071 1,246 1,400 1,607 3,415 1,378 1,167 1,278 3,108 2,259 346 4,292 5,375 1,796 2,526 821 2,820 2,207 2,223 2,799 5,237 2,601 2,043 1,964 5,547 3,441 1,323 3,109 ., 1,211 194 630 325 938 1,069 1,460 1,072 830 809 2,009 389 572 1,401 976 r 1,TO2 322 684 424 1,284 1,734 1,888 1,646 1,261 1,080 2,944 1,155 782 1,736 1,527 . 376 58 314 162 209 226 956 128 205 226 452 455 32 848 210 5 378 71 315 234 257 315 1,116 270 374 246 771 470 110 363 284 6 5 3 3 4 4 10 8 2 10 18 14 9 14 15 7 5 2 3 9 14 3 13 6 17 30 19 12 9 17 208 143 1,124 755 249 302 991 176 122 243 629 901 133 2,029 595 „ 441 426 1,81B 1,540 668 746 2,220 679 391 638 1,802 1,797 424 3,267 1,281 10 11.6 35.9 54.3 60.6 17.8 18.8 29.0 12.8 10.5 19.0 20.2 39.9 21.6 47.3 33.1 u 17.5 51.9 64.5 69.8 30.0 26.7 42.4 26.1 19.1 32.5 32.5 52.2 31.9 55.6 41.2 12 203,743 59,445 153,298 174,814 193,406 180,620 456,670 126,775 148,669 169,853 263,120 242,834 126,475 381, %6 223,130 13 246,525 77,911 161,004 221,609 232,359 230,780 515,049 187,090 209,166 204,233 358,782 274,214 156,413 404,091 310,793 14 121,891 29,216 69,677 62,252 U9,675 97,403 196,640 92,595 86,499 106,764 162,426 100,241 81,261 172, 539 128,705 15 165,416 44,901 74,944 81,641 147,785 139,103 226,070 121,124 139,643 122,551 203,384 118,776 93,467 204,349 173,742 16 61,854 16,070 42,076 71,096 53,764 42,672 214,767 19,621 43,385 52,282 62,895 85,561 30,739 130,704 53,313 17 57,464 14,524 30,409 71,839 44,611 41,995 190,939 24,456 41,067 57,465 72,993 77,409 31,416 85,109 60,359 18 4,589 8,826 2,671 6,081 3,154 23,542 8,360 917 8,882 6,041 21,508 8,275 10,071 17,537 19 3,915 1,840 1,738 5,556 8,202 12,044 16,451 3,237 13,021 14,058 22,510 12,893 23,453 20,657 20 15,409 5,333 38,874 35,385 16,813 17,003 36,903 13,642 9,903 10,807 31,758 35, 524 6,200 68,602 23,575 21 19,730 16,646 53,913 62,573 31,761 37,638 81,589 38,273 15,435 24,217 68,347 55,519 18,637 91,175 51,040 22 1,603 337 2,001 1,176 1,234 1,365 3,236 1,170 981 1,128 2,774 2,161 706 4,167 1,547 23 2,322 692 2,763 2,112 1,992 2,363 4,965 2,230 1,690 1,754 4,856 3,307 1,093 5,704 2,574 24 57,778 7,205 54,459 80,342 44,676 29,385 204,105 21,277 38,271 39,805 86,498 116,451 15,344 121,069 44,330 25 71,622 13,749 57,190 103,742 57,763 46,788 226,606 37,741 61,837 53,036 128,163 130,697 27,045 136,904 72,820 26 1,037 U7 576 288 788 863 1,346 880 675 675 1,716 814 444 1,312 770 2T 1,519 215 635 360 1,080 1,352 1,658 1,332 944 895 2,336 1,039 580 1,594 1,057 28 23,881 2,294 U,994 17,015 22,072 13,199 70,015 12,946 16, 4U 19,727 43,158 35,428 7,750 38,617 20,143 29 38,213 4,179 13,558 23,490 28,440 21,000 78,103 18,912 30,488 24,0S2 55,834 42,205 11,570 43,053 29,223 30 371 50 312 159 203 217 951 124 201 223 438 449 79 339 193 31 372 64 310 230 251 308 1,105 265 368 241 757 465 103 844 276 32 26,681 2,273 13,520 35,9U 16,410 9,414 105,960 4,754 17,760 15,162 27,251 46,145 2,999 35,158 12,034 33 21,385 2,392 8,177 31,443 15,168 10,789 85,713 6,803 19,705 15,791 31,427 36,979 5,250 26,297 16,394 34 4 3 3 3 4 9 8 2 10 18 14 8 14 12 35 5 2 2 8 11 3 13 6 15 29 19 11 9 17 36 930 458 271 1,599 715 1,382 1,866 525 1,673 2,349 9,343 869 2,259 2,488 37 591 244 240 2,423 1,817 1,228 3,378 484 4,911 4,341 7,2TO 1,352 1,269 2,586 3B 191 137 1,110 726 239 278 931 164 95 230 602 884 175 2,002 567 39 426 411 1,816 1,514 650 700 2,139 627 363 618 1,734 1,784 404 3,257 1,224 40 6,286 2,180 26,674 25,815 5,679 5,390 26,264 3,052 2,427 4,916 13,740 25,535 3,726 45,035 10,165 41 11,433 6,934 35,215 46,386 12,338 13,771 59,412 U,542 6,733 13,163 36,561 44,243 8,873 66,285 24,612 42 1,641 UO 1,010 614 1,072 1,460 1,660 1,333 647 1,002 2,586 692 531 1,395 1,158 43 2,186 322 1,259 930 1,539 2,541 2,160 2,448 1,058 1,325 4,371 883 782 1,303 1,371 44 1,152 133 380 242 833 1,012 900 1,058 500 717 1,836 379 443 706 859 45 1,606 225 470 312 1,U9 1,656 1,226 1,616 813 939 2,723 536 615 941 1,367 46 348 30 180 134 179 2U 567 125 99 207 408 187 50 360 178 47 348 42 131 176 2U 294 566 262 141 219 661 168 69 231 226 48 5 3 3 4 4 9 6 I 9 18 12 9 14 14 49 5 1 3 8 12 3 11 6 16 29 16 U 7 16 50 136 U 447 234 56 225 187 149 39 'tb 324 114 29 315 107 51 227 54 655 434 164 588 357 564 38 167 958 168 37 574 262 52 8.3 7.8 44.3 38.1 5.2 15.4 U.3 11.2 6.0 7.8 12.5 16.5 5.5 22.6 9.2 53 10.4 16.8 52.0 46.7 10.7 23.1 16.5 23.0 8.3 12.6 21.9 18.9 11.1 31.8 14.0 54 159 218 1,061 632 328 147 1,755 45 520 276 522 1,567 315 2,397 638 55 59 61 250 83 105 57 560 14 330 92 173 510 129 695 117 56 28 28 134 28 30 12 1 389 2 3 1 106 1 19 44 263 2 32 483 32 1 57 58 72 L29 677 521 193 77 804 27 83 165 305 787 154 1,714 488 59 45.3 59.2 63.8 82.4 58.8 52.4 45.8 60.0 16.0 59.8 58.4 50.2 48.9 59.2 76.5 60 194,973 48,372 118,276 153,323 180,396 174,305 383,967 124,684 128,569 157,298 243,242 173,925 105,472 280,786 198,200 61 232,683 56,156 114,038 179,198 206,975 217,709 403,184 180,721 176,042 177,700 318,020 181,126 122,981 280,242 263,387 62 118,596 25,128 58,193 57,160 U3,292 94,571 167,939 91,816 74,020 99,707 154,874 73,175 68,227 140,601 U9,136 63 160,277 39,137 63,378 76,234 139,915 135,352 193,918 119,909 122,336 112,643 195,043 86,102 76,878 166,544 167,902 64 59,437 13,153 34,789 68,444 52,369 42,065 191, 516 19,413 37,855 51,083 60,761 68,726 27,172 107,423 50,906 65 55,908 U,372 21,531 67,346 42,088 40,931 162,825 24,124 33,611 54,338 68,159 60,580 27, 594 61,775 55,622 66 4,589 8,826 2,671 6,081 3,154 23,540 8,009 717 8,732 6,041 31.407 3,275 10,071 16,337 67 3,915 1,240 1,738 5,153 7,268 12,044 16,334 3,237 12,880 13,523 22,014 11,533 23,142 20,349 68 12,351 1,265 22,623 21,638 11,581 14,129 16,503 12,738 7,962 6,508 21,566 U,617 1,793 22,666 11,821 69 12,583 4,407 27,391 30,465 17,704 29,382 30,107 33,451 7,215 10,719 41,295 12,430 6,976 28,781 20,014 70 8,770 11,073 35,022 21,491 13,010 6,315 72,703 2,091 20,100 12,555 19,378 68,909 21,003 101,180 24,930 71 3,295 4,088 11,484 5,092 6,383 2,832 28,701 779 12,479 7,057 7,552 27,066 13,034 31,988 9,569 72 2,417 2,917 7,287 2,652 1,395 607 2 23,251 351 208 200 5,530 150 1,199 2,134 16,835 1,101 3,567 23,276 2,407 1,200 73 74 3,058 4,068 16,251 13,747 5,232 2,874 20,400 904 1,941 4,299 10,192 23,907 4,402 45,916 11,754 75 1,456 133 953 564 919 1,229 1,536 1,126 507 858 2,269 626 403 1,300 931 76 1,988 221 1,208 864 1,333 2,124 1,948 2,090 779 1,135 3,732 780 585 1,674 1,384 77 53,748 3,939 34,420 64,024 39,827 27,109 161,767 20,638 29,890 34,945 77,752 75,947 9,882 63,008 34,083 78 63,821 6,063 29,781 71,108 46,837 41,853 153,542 35,140 47,246 39,609 106,427 69,158 15,843 57,397 49,004 70 988 93 331 211 691 810 802 866 378 587 1,552 321 323 633 664 80 1,427 134 425 261 959 1,289 1,039 1,308 559 767 2,151 439 438 835 926 81 23,126 1,561 10,375 15,372 20,582 12,604 58,409 12,796 12,315 18,156 40,745 23,232 6,016 27,489 18,038 82 36,838 3,165 10,503 21,636 26,538 20,121 64.919 18,735 25,100 21,430 53,030 28,032 8,831 29,680 26,797 83 343 23 178 131 173 205 564 121 98 204 394 182 47 354 166 84 342 35 127 172 208 287 556 257 137 214 649 164 63 265 218 85 25,351 1,535 10,356 34,272 15,833 9,216 92,267 4,718 14,622 14,650 26,216 36,482 2,394 23,878 11,381 86 20,555 1,535 4,362 29,134 14,367 10,335 68,381 6,664 15,005 14,565 29,046 26,649 4,142 13,058 14,605 87 121 14 441 219 51 205 164 138 22 67 305 111 25 299 90 88 214 51 1 654 424 156 545 342 519 69 154 903 161 74 567 224 89 4,341 385 1 13,418 12,781 2,697 3,907 9,425 2,638 1,320 2,139 8,442 7,686 603 9,332 2,224 90 5,837 1,144 ! 14,676 18,090 4,197 10,169 16,895 9,257 2,302 3,614 20,010 7,596 1,660 13,552 5,030 91 U7 4,030 49 755 28 1,330 TO 1,945 204 3,266 54 733 27 738 123 1,795 J 1 1,048 20,039 1 245 3,619 1 134 3,164 ; 669 ' 13,256 J 612 16, 3U 77 1,643 28 1,641 507 13,034 315 5,049 97 1,490 30 577 188 2,982 136 2,276 53 595 12 198 71 1,483 1,700 42,338 544 11,606 387 13,693 767 16,839 639 14 150 3 36 26 414 474 8,381 297 4,096 103 3,138 73 1,107 270 4,860 88 1,571 19 512 163 2,777 505 8,746 164 2,413 44 1,035 297 5,298 1,535 40,504 493 12,196 267 9,663 773 17,849 X3 5,462 121 1,734 32 605 150 3,123 2,867 58,061 679 11,123 485 11,230 1,TO3 35,653 616 10,747 106 2,105 32 653 477 7,941 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 168 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL Allendale Anderson laed on reports for only Average size of rarm Value of land and buildinps average per fann, dollars . ftvera^e pet acre, dollai Cropland harvested farms reporting . . Farm operators: Worlunc off their famis, toUl number. . 100 or more days number . yVilh other income of family exceeding value of apricultura! products sold number. By U-nure: Full owners number . , Part owners number . Managers number . Ml tenants - number . Specifiet] equipment and facilities: Gram con^^hines farms reporting. number . , Com pickers farms reportir Pick-up balers farms reporting . number . ktotortnicks farms reporlin Tractors other than garden farms reportin Automobiles farms reportin Telephone farms reportin Home freezer farms reportin Milking machine farms reporting, Electric milk cooler farms reporting. . Farms by kintj pf rpad on wtiich Ipcated: Hard surface i farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting, , Dm or unimfToved farms reportin Farm latMr, week preceding enumeratipn: Family and/or hired workers , , farms reporting , Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours , ■ farms reporting persons Regular hired wukers (employed 150 or more days), , farms reforting Livestpck and poultry on larms: Cattle and calves farms reporting , number , Milk cows farms reportin Horses and, or mules farms reportin number. Hogs and pigs farms reportin number . Chickens, 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting . number. Calves sold alive farms reporting. number . Hogs and pigs sold alive fanris t«fiortin number. Sheep and lambs sold alive fanns reporting. , number. Chickens including broilers sold farms repcrtin number. Livestock and poultry prpducts sptd: Chicken egj;s sold farms repcxtinc , , er 1959 . . Cash tenants number 1959 . . 195*. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1 1 Livestocl^-share tenants number I Other and unspecified t n vepplable and fniit-and-nut . . number 1959 . . Cash.grain number 1959 . . Tobacco number 1959. . Cotton number 1959 . . Other field-crop - . numbw 1959 . . Vegetable farms number 1959 . . Fnjil-and-nut farms number 1959. . Poultry farms number 1959 . . Dairy farms number 1959 . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959.. Livestock ranches number 1959 . . General farms number 1959 . . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms numbw 1959. . Farms by economic class: Commercinl farms number 1959 . . Class I number 1959.. Class U number 1959 . Class lU number 1959 . , Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . Class VI number 1959 . Other farms number 1959 . rart-tirnc number 1959. Part.retirement number 1959. Abnormal number 1959 . All crops sold Field crops, other 0 and fruits and nuts average per farm, dollars 1959. . dollani 1959 . 1954. . dollars 1959. .All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 191 19; Poultry and pouluy products sold dollars 19; Dairy ixoducts sold dollars 19! 19! nd livestock [Toducts, other dollars 19! 77,035 1,372 7,345 ia,122 21,585 15,760 12,901 50.3 37,110 59,327 25,987 38,133 56,388 li,743 17,408 24,109 50,012 2,992 6,711 10,795 23,031 2,805 4,412 29,834 1,333 16,255 12,087 1,461 1,458 3,399 42,333 808 1,609 3,817 9,339 13,164 13,596 35,830 25,357 10,438 302,923,609 251,711,191 3,876 2,027 215,638,778 197,791,354 8,148,351 7,822,359 15,353,408 .9,943,891 11,369,563 5,850,012 87,284,831 53,919,837 25,443,252 16,288,930 22,652,049 15,447,855 1,764,343 1,844,403 1,700 966 1,085,388 1,238,268 4,816 6,607 109,565 37,753 83,044 100,890 678,955 606,135 118,858 191,882 15,940 131,364 544,157 6,172,652 5,684,281 5,676 2,139 2,908,067 3,686,088 232,743 110,326 3,264,585 1,998,193 1,741,150 1,210,380 235,920 236,469 4,156,074 2,726,212 10,112 3,824 3,440,323 2,329,784 286,311 256,303 108,058 38,072 74,690 38,201 715,751 396,428 83,521 30,197 112,400 28,655 1,597 2,548 1,278 1,871 8,893,139 7,464,452 2,705 1,503 4,037,953 4,350,811 70,614 43,484 71,935 70,687 192,745 106,616 4,805,186 3,113,641 398,459 905,889 2,100,893 1,437,352 4,413,159 3,165,096 4,855 2,336 2,192,498 2,011,770 171,150 257,715 25,039 41,179 90,509 14,145 2,220,661 1,153,326 160,302 78,037 956,241 560,570 3,824,511 2,919,547 4,653 2,088 3,127,297 2,419,686 582,733 628,377 320,072 64,732 56,185 27,892 697,214 499,659 35,666 64,568 1,150 51,672 3,251,899 3,612,303 5,859 2,990 2,463,370 2,770,694 2,179,961 2,499,902 11,539 12,536 130,868 82,972 788,529 841,609 113,856 126,216 4,200 276,387 SOUTH CAROLINA TYPE OF FARM. ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD. BY SOURCE: AND 1954 173 for only « sMnpIe or rams. See text] — Charleston Cberokee Chester Chester- field Clarendoc Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 816 640 1,295 1,303 2,041 2,555 1,869 2,770 2,261 1,309 1,054 878 4,532 1,114 1,365 1,842 2,349 2,000 3,217 3,646 2,717 3,887 3,005 1,855 1,690 1,375 6,899 1,643 2 821 638 1,311 1,313 1,990 2,512 1,860 2,542 2,196 1,348 1,049 851 4,515 1,072 ^ 19 6 19 16 28 63 18 76 75 27 12 5 133 24 i 63 33 110 105 180 296 129 312 310 121 92 44 626 115 5 176 129 282 263 484 637 373 650 624 317 246 150 1,197 288 S 2«) 187 358 377 554 663 526 746 585 376 310 203 1,304 304 lei 169 298 278 398 497 414 435 366 285 210 195 758 189 8 142 114 244 274 346 356 400 323 236 222 179 254 498 152 9 51.0 52.6 51.7 52.3 50.6 48.9 52.7 47.9 46.6 50.2 50.6 55.5 47.1 48.8 10 376 379 807 691 987 782 1,065 723 599 782 523 481 1,432 553 11 501 1,191 1,393 1,165 1,546 1,082 1,269 1,301 677 905 834 809 2,160 1,056 12 2H 323 576 533 723 415 791 490 340 607 382 365 515 468 U 266 975 1,062 752 844 446 846 640 225 778 514 602 803 721 U 320 477 845 667 873 460 1,226 495 311 707 465 451 647 597 15 283 1,122 1,212 869 907 540 1,118 644 167 614 634 735 822 881 le 378 364 809 704 1,042 843 1,101 847 610 592 469 531 1,569 557 17 456 1,296 1,310 949 1,424 960 1,634 1,068 502 847 647 811 2,125 948 18 239 203 158 193 515 466 516 437 216 430 173 131 639 272 19 300 375 265 242 498 546 773 461 200 587 154 151 552 300 20 1 15 3 1 1 1 10 35 5 2 5 5 5 21 3 13 8 4 1 7 16 3 1 4 5 12 13 22 198 58 325 405 483 1,245 242 1,251 1,430 287 410 210 2,319 170 23 Ui 157 774 841 1,317 2,300 528 2,350 2,199 473 883 474 4,202 332 24 31 42 5 40 35 360 70 135 61 50 45 50 156 25 63 72 61 107 132 677 166 164 58 106 111 115 227 '4i 26 6 X6 80 20 30 45 10 90 15 27 18 "3 ii "4 12 74 11 50 68 8 2 10 57 3 2S 25 90 50 130 275 20 280 485 55 65 40 932 30 29 215 4 240 91 435 611 109 793 775 105 279 100 1,737 92 30 5 1 10 6 1 5 45 5 31 8 "3 "3 8 12 ii "8 54 2 1 2 18 1 32 90 200 260 251 340 50 726 665 100 220 70 940 80 33 246 '4 399 533 617 808 112 1,277 1,183 158 418 155 2,003 135 34 a 16 30 55 50 180 82 80 168 81 65 50 155 40 35 74 74 60 103 113 118 119 78 60 94 72 92 150 59 36 293 41 255 301 683 1,555 221 1,603 1,729 337 337 110 3,406 411 37 102 5 20 5 9 30 30 99 52 25 26 10 24 5 38 80 787 71 1,350 1,526 70 3,377 401 39 191 36 64 235 291 5 594 25 738 120 1 144 10 146 5 237 5 5 311 166 25 11 5 40 41 42 'io 26 20 ... 105 "5 43 10 26 42 "5 32 "5 16 '30 "5 16 25 5 'si "6 44 21 1 31 100 5 11 5 20 5 13 38 42 15 45 58 70 62 39 103 61 255 53 57 87 54 63 90 'is 46 'n 'ii 45 '48 102 302 ioi 327 '89 iio '22 '12 135 31 47 46 353 427 834 810 1,071 621 1,270 537 375 747 473 541 843 648 49 475 238 471 519 1,003 1,939 622 2,035 1,885 778 596 271 3,707 469 50 30 18 15 8 15 15 8 43 12 7 46 5 20 8 51 60 43 15 13 35 76 9 99 48 15 24 20 45 1 52 77 23 32 56 68 135 53 165 227 30 61 27 251 6 53 71 n 72 49 136 337 59 560 727 56 68 56 1,122 128 54 82 47 112 102 409 565 162 812 555 225 122 58 1,532 151 55 155 50 225 291 340 8U 331 356 216 245 275 105 637 175 56 341 402 824 784 1,038 616 1,247 535 376 731 458 507 825 545 5T 240 297 615 544 712 325 892 370 211 531 305 352 495 485 58 101 105 209 240 326 291 355 165 165 200 153 5 250 330 160 59 60 5,746,889 4,6ia,107 4,845,183 2,851,488 7,154,040 10,739,751 4,036,407 13,840,830 12,166,522 3,423,045 5,554,454 2,060,941 21,809,192 2,868,657 61 4,397,198 3,610,505 3,277,083 2,677,204 6,299,951 8,985,119 3,676,767 10,390,110 10,467,733 3,263,623 3,619,624 1,726,581 16,788,729 2,201,513 62 7,043 7,216 3,741 2,188 3,505 4,203 2,160 5,386 5,381 2,515 5,270 2,347 4,812 2,575 63 3,221 1,960 1,387 1,339 1,958 2,464 1,353 2,673 3,483 1,759 2,142 1,255 2,434 1,340 64 3,573,430 3,710,785 2,539,239 1,310,156 5,001,841 9,723,079 2,110,567 12,078,506 11,375,273 2,052,304 4,178,464 768,095 20,073,992 2,252,215 65 3,378,827 3,017,951 2,036,558 1,475,921 5,031,999 8,134,266 2,597,107 9,693,059 9,899,127 2,076,914 2,935,352 854,585 15,970,952 1,757,244 66 3,360,708 1,220,575 1,307,122 1,006,297 4,069,399 9,594,452 1,393,067 11,650,606 U,224,284 1,758,918 1,600,123 352,319 19,630,638 2,009,241 67 3,269,241 1,438,807 1,416,805 1,319,306 4,362,633 8,045,438 2,167,925 9,494,833 9,850,572 1,850,529 2,001,328 625,553 15,729,938 1,667,717 68 17,893 2,165,007 13,449 6,500 336,884 14,935 121,677 108,496 9,780 24,109 16,870 2,658 55,209 3,505 69 21,284 1,282,977 4,308 2,627 285,400 26,988 187,021 90,639 5,475 86,949 19,493 3,502 102,745 26,900 70 71,191 4,443 1,136,418 32,376 4U,301 10,607 6,986 13,441 4,485 6,208 2,379,699 5,706 12,713 725 71 13,888 21,138 486,953 20,566 252,380 11,337 4,027 7,335 4,640 4,034 853,356 4,978 14,052 1,431 72 123,638 320,760 82,250 264,983 184,257 103,085 588,857 305,963 136,724 253,069 181,772 397,402 375,432 238,644 73 74,414 275,049 128,492 133,422 131,586 50,503 238,134 100,252 38,440 135,402 62,175 230,652 124,217 61,196 74 2,173,459 907,322 2,305,944 1,541,332 2,152,199 1,016,672 1,925,840 1,762,324 791,249 1,370,741 1,375,990 1,292,846 1,735,200 616,442 75 1,018,371 592,554 1,220,525 1,201,283 1,267,952 850,853 1,079,660 697,071 568,606 1,186,709 683,272 851,896 817,777 444,259 76 469,239 327,378 1,374,625 108,168 1,203,246 164,393 357,062 506,265 58,251 250,311 240,468 149,553 299,265 279,040 77 185,023 124,578 628,153 116,793 825,6U 227,490 106,055 143,291 59,801 87,249 91,025 168,565 152,980 173,083 78 608,085 26,000 276,745 898,238 136,755 127,280 16,525 415,027 51,950 309,410 368,975 469,557 202,990 25,465 79 162,673 92,038 262,064 881,768 75,639 45,058 117,896 139,506 87,855 359,503 300,911 2%,445 147,870 25,709 80 1,096,135 553,944 654,974 534,926 812,198 724,999 1,552,253 841,032 661,048 811,020 766,547 673,725 1,232,945 311,937 81 670,675 375,938 330,308 202,722 366,702 578,305 855,709 414,254 420,949 739,977 291,335 3%,785 516,927 245,477 82 174 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 CMost dau fof 1959 are based on reports Greenville Greenwood . numhor 1959. . number 1959 , .number 1959. . number 1959 . . number 1959 . . number 1959 . . nunilxT 19.-.9 . ivcra(;e nye year? 1959 Off-tatm work and other income: Fftmi opernuirs— Workinc off their f.lrii.^ operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 or more days operators reporting 1959 . , operntors reportm i- of farm proiiucts sold. . . Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959.. 1951 . Pan owners. number 1959 . 1954 . Managers nuniljer 1959 . 1954 . number 1959 . 1954 . number 1959 . 1954 . ts number 1959 . 1954. All 1 Crop-share tenants numl)er 1959 . . Liveslock-share tenants number 1959 . . Croppers number 1959 . . 1954 . . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959.. 1954 . . Farms by type of farm: rield-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nul . . number 1959 , . Cash-gram number 19.',9 . . Tcbacco number 1959 . . Cotton number 1959 . . Other field-crop number 1959 , . Vegetable farms number 1959 . . fruit-and-nut farms number 1959. . Poultry farms number 1959 . . nair>' farms number 1959 . . Livestock farms rther than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. . livestock ranches number 1959 . . General farms number 1959 . . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. . Farms by economic class: Comn.ercial farms number 1959 . . Cla-s I number 1959 . . Class 11 number 1959 . . Class III number 1959.. Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . . lass VI number 1959.. Other fat Value Of products sold by source: . number 1959.. . number 1959., . number 1959., . number 1959. ....lotAl, dollars 1959. 1954 . e per farm, dollars 1959 . 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. 1,380 2,850 1,165 2,275 6,979,822 4,449,904 2,927 2,690,960 1,697,972 3,223 1,140 946,593 718,554 3,9U,078 3,177,317 4,735 1,995 2,758,819 2,321,840 25,538,544 20,615,161 5,249 2,981 23,737,977 19,568,444 1,333,1U 1,219,885 2,478 1,244 728,505 682,793 3,302,430 3,752,145 2,877 1,735 2,617,409 3,305,080 2,232,406 2,366,977 1,957 1,124 1,013,528 1,447,583 1,538 661 1,051 4,794,243 4,681,156 3,071 1,706 2,393,691 2,911,147 7,607,160 7,094,355 4,327 3,041 6,623,260 6,623,665 Fruit ^ and horticultural .dfllai . dollars 1959 . specialty products sold 1954 . . All hvestwk and livestock products sold dollars 1959 . , Poultry and poultry prtKlucts sold dollars 1959 . . Dairy iioducts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. . . dollars 1959 . 130,819 157,813 438,000 470,113 358,750 209,014 4,802,216 1,356,999 960,897 434,312 2,756,640 942,177 8,991 12,182 39,221 19,373 485,986 185,569 1,744,367 979,418 213,023 201,709 540,835 377,171 244,685 252,743 121,272 11,260 237,359 94,382 1,152,259 855,477 239,894 78,332 100,000 64,424 93,297 108,903 34,096 13,220 379,456 85,912 1,800,567 1,046,717 283,732 77,349 36,560 24,769 5,255 267,319 196,979 604,609 537,092 109,972 240,593 35,004 72,706 39,348 71,418 13,909 3,359 433,356 366,152 685,021 447,065 155,958 126,675 94,486 73,272 35,207 43,762 17,840 28,320 166,361 152,816 1,268,378 919,389 608,345 553,334 10;,475 87,759 23,229 21,515 175,356 128,318 229,335 188,622 2,400,552 1,770,009 631,728 511,132 801,047 720,852 41,872 12,264 9,979 11,787 171,490 37,817 933,900 471,190 U.8,925 115, 521 176,830 75,294 SOUTH CAROLINA 175 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD. BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a svrfile of (arms. See lextj 1,664 719 1,297 1,609 2,279 1,637 757 1,387 1,291 550 1,090 1,977 3,373 1,499 2,456 1,628 2,U4 1,371 1,888 1,045 1,116 601,748 597,706 1,649 2,845 1,870 2,999 3,551 105, 3U 33,389 232, U6 173,305 95,389 57,748 U,575 16,029 10,302,229 7,549,4U 5,053 2,689 9,730,715 7,046,425 3,187 85,204 58,630 571,514 502,989 64,751 35,233 33,142 8,479,948 8,713,457 6,762 4,001 7,400,616 8,016,487 58,746 47,319 53,497 9,949 192,786 53,059 1,079,332 696,970 184,234 86,996 274,150 233,259 5,403,281 3,337,610 3,760 1,523 1,227,394 1,289,559 2,725 2,135 11,790 20,556 290,126 159,430 4,175,887 2,048,051 1,749,772 708,724 1,641,8- 895,486 3,139,078 2,365,123 1,925 24,870 31,687 76,840 93,587 283,696 78,929 1,945,169 1,028,518 728,732 293,084 690,132 487,379 16,403,286 13,477,990 4,768 2,596 9,844,470 9,264,280 436,323 447,574 263,635 56,155 549,785 233,959 6,558,816 4,213,710 533,525 669,406 3,022,007 1,661,922 2,041,793 2,073,794 1,436 38,364 71,291 35,392 29,472 307,164 189,113 1,166,535 886,158 659,389 380,692 159,386 294,323 4,366,142 3,602,124 3,608 1,690 1,983,841 1,858,138 51,227 35,401 30,574 30,176 431,982 379,456 2,382,301 1,743,986 724,564 492,205 765,636 600,676 4,853,247 4,153,431 3,625 2,118 1,834,065 2,169,680 951,029 1,514,918 13,673 6,866 640,208 526,586 229,155 121,310 3,019,182 1,983,751 1,269,441 963,630 934,665 572,792 12,689,015 11,535,847 3,946 2,088 9,218,488 9,089,400 10,362,196 9,519,486 4,680 2,768 7,756,264 7,946,903 77,631 120,814 6,988,865 5,609,099 323,252 137,760 3,470,527 2,496,447 1,453,900 1,000,535 902,420 820,281 75,505 72,503 131,998 31,164 222,857 93,713 2,605,932 1,572,583 1,185,471 491, 512 547,525 438,344 1,627,726 1,361,993 1,869 1,058 609,378 821,204 15,602,029 13,976,167 3,660 2,377 U, 177,023 13,104,067 8,937 2,436 38,771 52,707 95,089 91,853 1,018,348 540,789 371,222 124,758 286,035 220,305 65,952 85,483 10,354 3,932 299,482 102,055 1,425,006 872,100 191,935 43,968 42,075 141,396 176 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND £A1I data except residence of operator are based (For defmitions and explaj Estimated number of farms. . SPECIFIED EQl'IPMENT AND FAOLITIES Gram combines farms reporting number Com pickers farms reporting number Pick-up balers fnmis reporting Field forape harvesters farms reporting number Molortrucks farms reporting number Tractors farms reporting Tractors other than canlen farms reporting . fafnis reporting number . farms reportirg number . farms reporting number Automobiles farms reporting Telephone farms reportinp Home freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting iilk cooler farms reporting Crop drier (for jrain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting Power-operaled elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting Farms by kind of road on iwhich located; Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Less than 1 mile to a hard surface roaj farms reporting 1 or more miles lo a hard surface road farms reporting 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 5 or more miles farms reporting DATE OF ENUMERATION Bofe 959. ApproximaK' average d FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' Family workers, including operators farms reporting 1D59 . . 1954 . . persons 1959 . . 1954 . . OperatcTs working 1 or mere hours persons 1959 . . 1954 . . 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . . 15 or more hours persons 19.59 . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959 . . persons 19.59.. Hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . [icrsons 1959 . . 19,54 . . Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. persons 1959 . . 1954.. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. r 1954, data relate to week of October 2*^-30. 7,055 8,595 7,56i i,212 2,929 4,325 2,990 32,626 35,076 39,102 40,274 34,981 35,386 51,473 46,461 33,767 48,636 24,987 8,780 33,597 34,082 47,650 43,906 2,637 1,774 2,837 1,830 55,813 76,130 65,571 88,955 27,580 21,606 35,594 26,177 1,724 1,718 1,629 316 1,923 41,890 51,518 2,428 6,352 32,282 74,972 17,423 14,359 14,561 298 12/6-12/12 58,158 99,461 87,682 173,917 55,958 95,891 19,603 36,355 13,189 14,437 48,682 57,850 5,230 4,721 17,236 12,785 67,973 113,718 4,782 6,328 11/29-12/5 1,345 1,821 1,535 2,269 12/6-12/12 2,774 1,271 1,861 1,495 1,514 1,788 1,716 1,883 1,841 2,741 2,411 1,803 2,541 1,282 521 1,803 1,811 2,503 2,362 2,632 3,685 3,262 4,254 1,646 1,446 1,233 2,336 3,810 3,699 5,745 2,246 3,665 711 1,535 1,180 1,118 1,897 11/29-12/5 SOUTH CAROLINA 177 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 11/29-12/5 2,088 1,505 l,i57 1,135 1,710 1,792 1,6*5 3,041 1,063 1,072 1,220 11/29-12/5 1,494 1,550 2,267 1,125 1,109 1,270 1,414 1,810 1,615 2,083 12/6-12/12 1,428 2,330 2,306 4,277 1,357 2,285 436 921 1,602 2,063 1,711 2,273 2,033 3,228 2,968 6,584 1,952 3,078 551 1,401 1,016 452 1,245 1,304 1,427 1,493 1,417 2,167 1,981 2,981 1,317 2,120 664 653 1,084 1,376 1,208 1,190 1,186 1,969 1,578 1,165 1,918 698 467 1,145 1,151 1,837 1,495 1,985 2,756 2,369 3,232 12/6-12/12 1,743 3,245 2,982 7,797 1,687 3,125 303 1,630 1,935 1,796 2,110 ,??0 1,084 ,166 709 186 76 118 15 ,158 1,001 ,683 2,410 12/6-12/12 1,4^6 2,741 2,193 6,832 1,436 2,691 382 11/29-12/5 1,462 1,142 2,372 11/29-12/5 1,394 1,189 2,207 1,772 1,669 1,934 1, 1,. 1,834 2,428 2,195 1,755 2,345 1,358 397 1,730 1,819 2,263 2,168 3,174 5^541 4,990 10,272 3,049 5,370 812 2,237 178 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [\11 data except residence of operator are based Item (For derinitions and eKpUnations. spo u-xt) Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw liinc aster Laurens l£e 1 F,l,m.ted™mberoff,mT„ 10-,n 2,385 835 1,490 326 1,593 4,365 6,915 538 981 1,148 2,163 1,166 2,106 1,561 2,744 1,758 2,333 1904 4,662 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES 3 Grain combines fwnis reporting 1959 321 144 137 76 20 49 91 139 293 1954 290 38 155 51 17 87 110 314 236 5 minihrr 1959 373 150 177 76 21 87 91 193 329 6 1954 296 94 173 52 18 92 110 338 254 7 Com pickers farms reiierting 1959 21 7 53 21 15 10 6 14 33 1954 30 28 11 6 5 3 16 9 number 1959 26 7 64 22 15 13 6 14 33 10 1954 30 29 11 7 5 3 17 11 Pick-up balers farms reportine 1959 218 U4 25 63 18 22 61 97 39 V2 1954 155 70 18 66 6 38 32 90 72 13 number 1950 219 116 26 64 19 23 61 100 91 14 1954 160 71 18 72 6 39 32 100 74 15 Field forajre harvesters farms reporting 1959 122 20 12 5 11 6 5 42 21 16 1954 53 17 8 25 5 1 15 24 5 n number 1959 132 21 12 5 12 9 5 44 21 1954 53 17 9 25 5 1 15 27 5 19 Motortrucks farms reportinK 1959 1,298 317 383 2,038 242 431 435 575 552 1954 1,«5 353 475 2,008 275 630 623 803 503 51 number 1959 1,570 384 516 2,104 274 531 527 730 715 1954 1,703 375 592 2,069 322 729 661 971 615 C3 Tractors farms reporting 1959 1,454 479 419 2,658 153 408 424 700 568 1954 1,4W 408 487 2,344 225 471 573 919 543 55 niimhef 1959 2,048 707 654 2,945 240 544 633 1,083 1,149 »6 1954 1,739 548 733 2,481 304 635 717 1,257 961 27 Tractors other than carden farms reporting 1950 1,384 454 409 2,623 153 378 384 675 563 number 1959 1,872 636 643 2,895 238 503 558 1,021 1,124 29 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 1,076 328 308 2,400 117 312 271 450 300 30 2 or more Iractixs farms reporting 1959 308 126 101 223 36 66 113 225 263 31 Wheel tractors famis reporting 1959 1,374 454 409 2,618 152 373 379 670 563 32 1954 1,269 383 477 2,299 210 470 533 389 523 33 number 19.59 1,845 617 637 2,387 220 495 522 990 1,116 34 1954 1,533 493 7IX 2,429 271 617 651 1,174 924 35 Crawler Iractors farms renortirg 1959 27 19 4 7 16 7 21 27 7 36 1954 71 12 3 11 13 8 11 21 2 37 number 1959 27 19 6 3 18 3 36 31 3 38 76 12 3 12 15 3 16 33 2 39 Garden tractors farms renorting 1959 156 69 11 50 2 41 75 57 15 40 1054 130 38 26 40 18 9 45 50 20 41 number 1959 176 71 11 50 2 41 75 67 25 42 1954 130 38 26 40 18 10 50 50 35 43 Automobiles famis reporting 1050 1,999 694 494 3,133 339 711 825 1,326 1,552 44 1954 3,372 949 738 3,468 466 1,273 1,485 2,103 1,503 45 number 1959 2,745 912 570 3,384 406 331 1,045 1,590 1,829 46 19.54 3,930 1,157 383 3,631 552 1,559 1,700 2,538 1,959 47 Telephone farms reportinp 1959 1,520 559 236 1,249 155 317 447 682 449 48 1954 1,998 570 153 152 125 190 415 809 132 49 Home freezer farms reporting 1959 973 370 331 3,678 320 376 403 575 660 50 1954 905 332 356 2,983 200 376 439 496 340 51 Milking machine farms reporting 1959 132 40 10 5 2 1 15 53 6 52 1054 113 40 22 20 3 5 35 33 1 53 Electric milk cooler farms reportinc 1959 122 40 5 5 2 1 20 48 6 54 5 11 5 7 1 5 16 55 Pott er-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959 Farms by kinij of road on which located: 68 33 36 26 16 4 16 26 46 56 Hani surface farms reporting 1059 2,019 661 293 1,806 232 575 771 1,205 367 57 1950 3,674 391 240 2,130 252 693 1,183 1,590 354 58 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 115 23 16 66 52 35 41 140 59 1950 1,031 101 5 75 'is 41 35 365 101 60 Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 230 125 501 2,348 236 490 360 290 716 61 9U 573 990 4,634 302 1,862 1,000 990 1,490 62 200 100 181 1,266 103 263 203 225 405 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 30 25 320 1,582 183 227 152 65 311 64 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 30 25 320 1,567 167 217 152 65 311 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 DATE OF ENUMERATION 15 16 10 66 Approximate average date of enumeration 1950 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDTOG ENUMERATION' 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-L2/12 67 Family workers, includinc operators farms reporting 1050 1,987 618 663 3,X7 370 639 941 1,115 1,229 68 1954 3,751 1,171 1,440 5,378 779 1,683 1,718 1,955 2,064 persons 1959 2,931 384 893 4,669 503 922 1,189 1,645 2,326 70 1954 4,843 1,589 2,160 10,024 1,420 3,241 2,420 2,715 5,823 71 1,902 3,626 578 1,120 623 1,405 3,236 5,713 340 734 619 1,648 926 1,652 1,084 1,915 1,134 2,003 72 1054 73 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 811 313 244 1,075 197 253 531 373 252 74 Unpaid members of operator's family 1,091 260 334 2,161 143 361 395 711 932 working 15 c* more hours farms reporting 1059 628 194 173 907 147 172 162 323 495 76 persons 1050 1,029 306 265 1,433 163 303 263 561 1,142 77 Hired workers farms reporting 1950 373 123 233 873 65 140 110 290 322 78 1054 253 123 247 767 94 194 164 272 495 79 persons 1050 1,365 384 883 1,930 211 546 412 941 2,021 80 1054 617 274 825 2,004 323 739 571 356 4,022 81 180 101 123 183 32 69 53 150 226 82 1954 131 50 182 106 41 40 13 132 123 83 persons 1959 383 239 447 249 99 177 99 368 869 84 1954 Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 310 121 441 137 156 141 24 373 442 95 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 103 41 50 156 15 44 27 77 67 86 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1059 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 72 60 73 32 17 25 26 73 159 87 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 2,028 706 740 4,422 515 789 1,067 1,349 1,506 88 1954 4,233 1,444 1,316 6,312 390 2,124 1,995 2,574 2,031 8« 108 53 73 237 32 50 68 103 84 90 1954 144 75 125 341 54 87 64 131 83 ^For 1954, data relate to week of October 24-30. SOUTH CAROLINA 179 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on reports fw only a sajtiple of rBims. See Lexl] lexington UcConilck UarioD Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union WllUams- burg York 1,790 365 2,039 1,254 1,437 1,631 3,440 1,422 1,210 1,339 3,216 2,214 871 4,263 1,773 1 2,531 818 2,808 2,178 2,191 2,330 5,192 2,570 2,131 1,961 5,549 3,439 1,287 5,879 3,205 2 282 42 58 205 350 167 589 75 138 211 293 198 46 85 265 3 264 10 38 178 303 163 412 36 187 237 347 166 56 77 272 4 292 47 58 239 361 175 553 75 221 218 300 274 47 96 275 S 265 10 33 243 312 177 434 86 2« 245 366 195 57 82 282 6 54 1 7 20 37 19 238 7 43 11 15 50 68 13 7 25 13 5 3 no 6 23 7 15 51 1 24 5 B 54 1 7 21 37 19 249 7 45 11 15 56 68 14 9 25 13 5 10 UO 6 28 8 15 55 1 24 5 10 56 41 65 102 181 114 193 52 94 114 194 99 51 111 253 11 35 15 30 U7 107 30 127 33 73 66 122 85 37 59 142 12 56 56 65 lo; 181 117 196 52 100 115 199 U3 51 Ul 269 13 35 15 30 120 107 30 128 33 77 66 122 92 37 59 142 14 16 2 1 23 47 24 132 8 28 21 72 16 11 28 62 15 17 2 6 8 27 13 46 7 29 12 48 37 2 20 16 16 2 1 24 52 25 135 10 35 29 73 19 U 29 64 17 17 2 6 9 27 15 48 7 33 12 48 43 3 20 18 970 143 639 435 581 776 1,508 666 572 574 1,620 684 365 1,483 757 19 914 178 7U 507 579 827 1,671 322 750 581 1,909 614 369 1,296 899 20 1,22A 189 685 599 736 878 1,958 754 724 675 2,041 815 400 1,591 968 21 1,094 184 756 705 663 942 1,912 885 880 593 2,255 713 334 1,398 1,1U 22 1,299 135 703 439 935 8U 1,613 665 516 749 1,775 715 306 1,202 967 23 1,270 152 686 603 940 710 1,627 313 688 860 2,019 690 271 872 1,171 24 1,712 188 835 979 1,488 1,017 2,825 326 967 1,020 2,6a 1,213 387 1,570 1,490 25 1,54« 193 787 1,274 1,154 851 2,332 397 970 1,085 2,535 1,071 325 1,033 1,563 26 1,254 130 693 439 905 785 1,578 621 545 729 1,720 700 276 1,157 912 27 1,589 166 820 978 1,347 941 2,729 741 827 980 2,480 1,130 340 1,504 1,367 2fl 983 106 603 207 607 682 945 518 397 550 1,295 516 227 950 624 29 271 24 90 232 298 103 633 103 148 179 425 -84 49 207 288 30 1,253 130 688 439 904 785 1,578 6U 545 724 1,715 700 271 1,142 911 31 1,174 152 551 598 925 664 1,572 768 638 850 1,964 685 271 367 1,126 32 1,570 164 809 970 1,331 918 2,7U 708 825 955 2,398 1,165 333 1,471 1,332 33 1,392 171 634 1,257 1,114 751 2,213 348 885 1,043 2,429 1,054 314 1,022 1,413 34 19 2 11 7 6 21 13 28 2 23 60 10 7 33 32 35 13 5 12 6 13 34 19 3 7 5 35 7 11 6 41 36 19 2 11 8 16 23 15 33 2 24 82 15 7 33 35 37 13 5 13 6 14 38 27 3 8 3 46 12 11 6 58 3H 118 22 15 1 141 71 92 85 139 40 156 32 47 66 122 3D 128 17 UO U 26 62 92 46 77 35 Ul 5 5 92 40 123 22 15 1 141 76 97 35 140 40 161 33 47 66 123 41 143 17 140 11 26 62 92 45 77 35 111 5 5 92 42 1,590 238 1,407 851 1,210 1,089 2,427 1,162 921 1,133 2,464 1,587 591 2,419 1,419 43 1,979 447 1,652 1,491 1,696 1,642 3,183 1,819 1,417 1,336 3,809 2,242 716 2,736 2,104 44 2,026 267 1,506 1,002 1,506 1,231 2,925 1,385 1,194 1,411 3,006 1,813 686 2,639 1,687 45 2,319 466 1,988 1,714 2,169 1,816 3,864 2,094 1,670 1,696 4,416 2,616 836 3,023 2,487 46 895 79 553 373 804 840 1,115 672 6U 657 1,496 406 317 668 341 47 795 20 360 291 758 626 672 543 522 334 1,701 242 162 271 924 48 1,094 96 1,148 512 734 624 1,475 518 683 510 1,222 753 277 1,588 687 49 745 107 679 351 609 ica 1,112 475 373 423 829 452 161 917 527 50 10 1 18 135 73 139 33 18 111 72 15 20 1 110 51 36 6 5 25 100 77 117 26 35 86 101 51 26 12 33 52 10 1 18 131 73 133 13 19 101 72 14 15 1 120 53 6 6 2 12 1 17 4 1 6 54 35 1 2 34 98 30 282 13 71 36 48 38 40 80 55 640 163 882 732 346 1,041 1,599 1,150 634 600 2,536 1,013 508 2,064 1,044 56 1,071 318 368 949 931 1,179 2,099 1,925 970 652 3,452 1,064 909 2,113 1,077 57 91 5 20 41 65 155 58 26 70 16 54 30 25 48 105 58 65 59 20 52 196 275 132 236 25 21 360 5 213 65 391 59 1,043 187 1,122 481 486 430 1,758 230 495 673 571 1,076 288 2,081 609 60 1,901 630 2,065 1,533 1,403 1,699 3,436 812 1,347 1,625 2,745 1,954 519 3,832 1,813 61 626 157 692 364 236 340 968 190 247 392 396 472 208 859 403 62 417 30 430 117 200 90 790 40 249 231 175 504 80 1,222 206 63 407 X) 425 U6 200 90 780 40 249 271 175 539 80 1,217 201 64 10 5 1 10 10 15 5 5 65 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 Uj^9-12/5 12/6-12/12 Ll/29-12/5 6< 1,427 306 1,754 1,108 1,164 1,298 2,673 1,083 959 1,018 2,267 1,696 540 3,182 1,380 67 2,247 642 2,391 1,849 1,888 1,784 4,358 2,137 1,526 1,689 3,846 3,094 922 4,830 2,281 68 2,305 391 2,522 2,000 1,788 1,884 4,142 1,468 1,371 1,496 3,299 2,888 685 5,084 2,412 69 4,047 802 5,131 5,678 2,906 2,628 7,433 2,980 2,134 2,497 5,529 6,838 1,320 9,627 3,546 70 1,367 291 1,703 1,087 1,134 1,238 2,603 1,038 924 983 2,147 1,636 515 3,072 1,345 71 2,247 611 2,326 1,764 1,838 1,713 4,187 2,107 1,464 1,679 3,646 2,965 327 4,705 2,166 72 487 167 470 131 397 556 699 529 395 407 833 391 281 757 417 73 880 124 1,233 956 737 682 1,909 509 529 576 1,314 1,245 234 2,315 928 74 633 70 518 453 434 426 855 270 337 292 747 679 134 1,161 630 75 938 100 819 913 654 646 1,534 430 447 513 1,152 1,252 170 2,012 1,067 76 343 44 224 297 270 173 946 98 172 223 480 390 138 609 317 n 194 33 330 537 221 171 917 37 254 201 628 521 50 766 321 78 920 113 649 1,672 674 461 3,557 280 610 304 1,955 2,U3 323 2,503 1,218 79 683 109 49 12 1,338 62 3,631 172 439 127 465 71 3,982 595 311 41 753 136 764 94 1,329 234 3,330 183 93 45 3,145 227 848 156 80 81 18 15 118 73 40 434 23 151 56 185 200 35 109 132 82 224 32 131 622 310 157 1,715 90 410 221 534 867 81 575 565 83 193 29 31 430 127 133 1,125 63 350 204 412 690 60 272 332 84 76 33 3 9 33 29 52 120 62 65 50 21 233 362 32 9 64 72 51 43 115 119 50 133 20 25 114 113 81 75 85 86 1,677 2,370 64 118 363 765 11 44 1,788 2,550 221 177 1,041 1,940 87 177 1,206 2,039 69 86 1,491 2,625 73 148 2,833 4,730 318 298 1,261 2,441 35 83 1,093 1,351 60 34 1,120 1,305 72 108 2,828 5,084 213 294 1,904 3,083 127 201 760 1,273 58 43 3,578 5,263 236 356 1,513 2,829 88 167 87 88 89 90 180 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND The State Abbeville Allendale Anderson Barnwell Beaufort Berlleley I'SF. OF rOMHERn VI. ITRTIUZER AND LIHE Dry ninloti«ls Cry matorials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Liquid nialerials Dry materials Liquid materials Soybeans Dr> materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials \ll other crops Dry materials Liquid materials ne or liminE materials used durinf; the year , s rcportirs 1 5 reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 3 reporting 1 s reportinp, 1 s reporting 1 3 reporting 1 ores lime SPF.CIFIED FARM EXPENDITITO;* Iny of the lollosMng specified expenditures farms repjrting 1 Feerl for livestock and fnultry farms reporting 1 1 urchase of livestock and poultry farms repo do Machine hire farms repo I'nder S-200 farms reporting ! S200to'^999 farms reporting 1 SI ,n00 or more farms reporting 1 Hired lahc* farms reporting 1 dollar I'nder SI, 000 farms reportin 51,000 to $2,499 farms repcrtin SL'.WO or more farms reportin .S2,500 to 54,999 farms reportin 55,000 or more farms refortin Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business , farms reportin dollar Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1 dollar TO, 766 103,308 2,669,416 3,257,337 690,029 777,105 70,629 674,128 2,245 15,901 12,610 20,691 357,072 458,376 12,420 71,871 600 4,349 4,383 3,750 135,299 25,442 226 1,431 54,808 39,185 749,889 1,020,392 54,650 163,272 1,249 5,173 4,878 NA 216,596 27 315 45,030 73,036 540,605 786,151 44,975 173,626 398 1,132 44,164 675,839 43,989 206,020 660 3,451 4,260 5,531 134,666 143,070 128,447 124,485 77,211 44,395 66,364 34,975,119 23,620,010 22,358 12,697,620 55,953 65,501 10,630,580 6,444,316 43,154 11,269 1,530 41,408 64,034 36,460,152 28,950,899 33,870 58,299 4,362 3,517 3,176 2,213 1,621 1,555 70,292 65,094 19,253,539 15,974,797 36,187 4,650,307 817 1,478 26,176 41,568 5,510 7,983 817 5,450 1,120 3,898 8,435 2,055 2,540 2,135 2,487 1,491 2,161 75,168 85,672 16,550 17,069 1,481 16,138 61 362 1,474 13,888 22,161 1,725 1,317 1,420 1,400 1,664 1,097 1,472 1,705,929 1,037,908 554 569,972 1,125 1,482 249,350 184,310 1,123 658,639 454,270 1,579 1,201 432,074 367,178 636 4,081 1,264 66,855 110,649 64,871 64,377 136,204 71,941 14,171 23,282 14,435 13,213 26,400 15,686 366 2,822 829 13,488 22,900 13,088 1,285 339 1,799 567 30,435 18,623 35,811 17,941 1,270 339 5,615 3,483 2,650 2,628 2,257 2,289 10 80 1,575 2,849 11,370 23, 511 1,555 2,472 20 14 1,621 2,501 17,482 29,064 1,616 5,750 1,688 42,105 1,678 7,263 9,385 9,720 8,990 8,070 3,253 1,881 2,507 1,822,587 1,176,777 998 627,255 2,322 2,891 389,275 271,968 1,627 659 36 1,416 1,589 829,250 640,138 1,170 1,424 162 97 3,148 2,705 603,875 518,394 1,112 24,454 30,624 2,050 4,793 1,780 1,172 985 54,650 18,399 65,803 20,184 12,223 6,315 15,580 10,320 2,972 2,640 2,433 1,865 3,385 2,826 2,340 2,533 NA Not available. SOUTH CAROLINA 181 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 a sample of fams. See tent] Calhour. Charleston Cherokee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown " 766 559 1,158 1,127 1,915 2,449 1,663 2,510 2,136 1,213 933 760 4,319 1,028 1 1,120 1,284 1,797 1,670 2,917 3,524 2,358 3,746 2,808 1,725 1,494 1,063 6,467 1,488 75, M5 26,037 34,828 34,217 59,939 85,945 55,608 107,781 64,916 34,702 42,799 19,799 124,387 14,909 3 74,199 25,232 52,716 40,221 98,028 99,581 69,510 120,969 73,405 49,213 50,390 25,412 142,858 20,133 4 13,iS0 16,559 8,376 6,932 17,523 24,160 12,204 28,335 19,286 8,621 10,226 4,354 40, U5 4,741 17,172 10,698 11,131 8,024 23,815 24,762 16,732 30,620 22,140 12,935 11,057 4,400 43,556 5,540 6 766 554 1,158 1,127 1,915 2,444 1,653 2,510 2,136 1,213 933 760 4,314 1,028 7 18,316 16,431 8,331 5,952 17,513 23,797 11,884 28,183 19,140 8,507 10,177 4,354 39,644 4,701 25 33 6 6 5 51 132 70 U 27 6 137 16 9 164 128 45 30 10 363 320 197 146 114 49 471 40 10 138 31 243 311 216 214 204 388 184 86 169 231 624 91 „ 175 116 339 364 318 699 313 865 496 227 292 285 1,435 127 12 6,908 1,586 6,666 12,722 8,674 2,609 7,258 5,607 2,815 1,745 7,008 7,538 7,224 1,090 1.1 6,647 9,580 10,985 9,838 5,980 10,288 9,022 13,197 3,740 5,995 5,397 7,445 13,0U 2,474 14 137 31 243 311 215 213 204 388 183 86 169 231 619 80 ir, 1,4U 394 1,084 2,162 1,850 526 1,794 1,138 507 407 1,049 1,531 1,617 217 113 U 1 5 9 10 1 1 6 10 11 17 99 37 10 55 31 5 10 45 19 24 IS 46 14 150 86 ioi 63 37 '37 78 14 91 79 144 32 W 24 6 101 66 35 28 50 78 73 20 60 65 205 28 10 1,296 860 3,388 4,140 2,171 766 849 580 1,635 402 4,293 3,057 2,159 471 21 909 140 4,110 3,368 1,941 455 2,361 1,707 1,290 490 3,779 2,845 2,431 1,029 0-2 46 14 150 85 101 63 37 37 77 14 91 79 144 32 23 209 185 556 662 480 197 177 237 241 1 43 98 919 677 480 102 24 10 4 21 25 2« 587 413 693 730 1,534 2,215 1,491 2,010 1,712 1,007 651 498 3,813 395 27 831 1,014 1,283 1,076 2,429 3,105 2,206 3,057 2,419 1,494 1,317 805 5,533 1,366 29 12,344 5,339 4,135 5,792 15,754 30,816 31,912 26,497 19,780 19,356 6,964 3,444 55,355 8,212 29 17,686 5,927 10,745 8,387 25,879 41,251 39,630 31,514 24,070 27,663 14,213 6,001 59,043 9,745 30 587 408 593 730 1,534 2,210 1,481 2,005 1,712 1,007 651 498 3,801 895 31 2,457 1,478 939 1,189 3,332 6,678 6,093 6,121 4,636 4,534 1,623 645 13,076 2,148 32 7 12 21 114 66 27 92 6 33 13 88 81 253 193 79 311 16 34 162 35 20 6 "a7 261 170 387 192 141 46 11 249 42 S5 N* NA KA HA HA HA NA NA HA NA HA HA NA KA 36 18,4'« 870 40 130 3,300 10,325 6,128 18,335 6,003 3,434 2,725 105 4,299 270 37 KA NA HA HA HA NA NA KA HA NA NA NA NA NA 38 162 35 20 6 87 251 170 387 192 141 46 11 249 42 39 3,429 177 U 45 437 1,452 5 945 2,155 342 545 521 16 699 60 40 tl 568 105 558 737 1,347 50 2,298 859 1,906 1,532 820 656 437 3,433 457 42 43 890 361 1,135 1,123 2,370 3,259 1,549 2,946 2,268 1,267 1,068 708 5,089 802 " 12,602 200 6,754 7,479 20,219 28,204 4,800 27,121 20,295 6,240 8,112 3,100 27,017 1,829 45 16,061 1,295 13,145 10,299 35,759 32,705 10,184 33,328 24,345 9,045 10,081 4,443 34,848 2,729 IG 568 105 658 737 1,347 2,293 859 1,906 1,532 820 656 437 3,428 457 47 4,5S8 55 2,134 2,089 6,512 8,900 1,537 8,943 5,533 1,761 3,186 934 8,496 492 4S 1 5 6 20 20 5 20 to 4 8 34 IS 4 15 50 50 362 351 595 307 1,185 1,901 606 2,257 1,9% 544 429 180 4,172 834 51 24,330 17,1«2 13,845 3,954 19,811 13,225 4,551 28,640 14,388 3,525 13,697 2,555 23,833 3,037 52 362 351 595 307 1,185 1,895 506 2,257 1,991 544 429 180 4,167 834 53 6,249 14,142 3,607 805 4,802 5,944 1,338 9,594 7,381 1,162 2,879 501 15,276 1,682 54 9 23 5 5 23 17 5 6 1 30 55 48 40 10 10 129 18 83 25 4 70 56 93 25 158 89 119 13 49 62 73 12 67 49 104 '29 57 69 50 116 108 194 103 62 54 125 37 45 94 296 28 58 3,922 1,756 3,267 2,875 3,595 994 2,175 2,330 1,520 305 2,183 1,225 2,865 525 50 3,685 1,290 2,345 3,950 5,254 1,087 1,361 1,339 1,935 530 2,215 2,529 2,909 435 60 3,805 1,562 3,292 2,865 3,135 994 2,195 2,065 1,779 255 1,958 1,640 2,964 560 61 3,849 1,085 2,459 3,470 4,553 1,032 1,223 1,087 1,482 598 1,625 2,323 1,980 476 6" 806 625 1,290 1,283 1,995 2,535 1,859 2,570 2,251 1,284 1,044 838 4,512 1,084 63 432 415 757 769 1,251 1,304 1,337 1,2U 1,093 756 493 627 2,290 714 64 509 960 1,259 1,140 1,141 1,475 1,373 1,576 1,381 1,199 927 1,135 2,654 996 65 451,280 308,083 853,580 471,277 934,239 326,615 648,241 738,170 255,458 386,049 501,501 469,626 921,991 482,617 66 417,066 261,057 508,066 421,983 553,782 209,260 284,297 337,725 295,514 291,935 147,490 328,228 533,204 195,665 67 252 120 522 392 535 406 482 549 701 375 2% 306 971 277 68 270,227 169,496 347,922 120,516 207,748 89,315 195,592 417,638 288,000 109,964 318,890 125,322 403,552 77,263 69 619 222 964 931 1,634 2,389 1,108 2,212 1,829 942 731 561 3,956 699 70 969 416 1,185 1,255 2,101 2,594 1,397 2,681 1,542 946 598 409 4,060 598 71 187,042 104,445 215,374 116,627 341,943 467,323 117,434 653,290 329,223 106,740 250,528 66,591 520,651 34,573 72 188,815 22,160 U2,645 115,648 207,014 197,468 105,450 298,592 202,645 76,782 62,735 30,055 360,745 29,335 73 365 187 707 793 1,105 1,808 968 1,526 1,401 791 498 507 3,230 681 74 225 12 229 131 489 503 126 560 383 139 194 46 674 17 75 29 23 28 7 40 78 14 125 45 12 39 8 52 1 76 475 273 613 602 1,155 1,513 821 1,980 1,705 644 472 389 3,106 614 77 860 439 791 773 1,332 2,123 1,U7 2,892 2,429 1,149 618 592 5,099 942 78 788,363 1,539,821 721,465 342,140 818, OU 1,153,355 558,724 1,497,232 1,128,739 597,662 1,035,516 196,402 1,723,404 345,139 79 664,439 624,916 332,059 295,912 655,373 694,547 572,530 1,197,699 950,355 453,815 511,681 183,522 1,354,539 256,573 80 293 111 526 506 975 1,275 707 1,597 1,422 555 286 335 2,699 527 81 696 293 718 707 1,224 1,949 1,031 2,570 2,245 1,009 554 550 4,891 902 92 81 41 47 66 116 236 58 239 180 40 99 32 287 67 93 92 60 48 39 54 131 40 120 112 118 38 26 139 34 94 101 121 40 30 64 102 56 144 103 48 87 22 120 20 95 72 86 25 27 54 43 46 102 72 22 26 16 69 6 86 49 37 17 20 25 65 35 76 79 18 23 19 64 15 87 52 84 23 10 39 37 21 68 24 30 64 3 56 5 99 756 480 1,220 1,148 1,800 2,148 1,483 2,445 2,126 994 %9 668 4,382 939 89 830 464 1,014 713 1,502 2,280 944 2,705 2,124 587 534 392 5,739 676 90 436,155 322,826 272,601 249,854 400,316 552,094 322,523 884,466 540,312 207,677 390,621 109,219 1,375,160 210,752 91 363,374 223,333 175,520 138,288 368,755 538,005 265,106 620,899 553,470 201,272 196,551 67, 272 1,193,242 110,785 92 302 337 441 557 934 1,479 1,128 1,471 1,035 678 389 319 2,472 838 93 67,710 430,082 40,070 53,405 77,465 144,860 80,046 190,073 115,014 90,351 45,606 40,361 340,054 44,121 94 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on reports for only lira. Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw lancaster Laurens Lee {For definitions nn.l explanation s, see text) IISE OF CXlMMKRnil. FFRTTLIZER AND LIME 1 ronuii.Toial fertilizer nnd fertilizini: . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,953 3,496 633 1,018 746 1,343 4,654 6, WO 462 854 1,063 1,845 855 1,579 1,300 2,229 1,716 2,188 „ ma erin Mise urinir 1954 . . . " res on which used 1959... 62,537 30,564 68,836 96,059 13,249 35,581 21,037 54,518 94,936 , 1954... 75,696 31,183 84,281 110,943 20,800 57,150 37,011 78,621 90,980 . tons 1959... 15, Ul 6,041 15,679 40,748 3,032 7,853 4,750 11,022 27,152 ■ 1954 .. . 16,348 4,780 18,836 43,586 4,495 12,973 8,444 16,948 23,605 ^ Dt nmtenals . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,933 14,438 628 5,896 745 14,453 4,644 40,122 457 2,900 1,053 7,554 666 4,677 1,300 10,912 1,718 26,760 tons 1959... I cl t^rials . . farms reporting 1959 92 673 36 145 42 1,226 235 625 20 132 6 299 10 73 17 110 40 392 10 "*"' tons 1959... 11 Crops on which used- Ilav and cropland pasture . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 561 207 32 550 58 107 252 319 273 1954... 715 225 104 1,551 108 225 407 363 200 " acres 1959 .. . 18,405 11,208 1,587 3,905 2,697 3,024 6,346 17,049 4,337 ' 1954 .. . 15,114 10,284 7,894 10,510 4,651 5,158 6,201 18,048 5,158 p^ , . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 555 3,975 197 2,462 30 255 505 817 57 754 107 574 247 941 319 3,155 273 879 16 tons 1959... LiQuid materials . . farms reporting 1959. . . 31 190 31 70 10 197 45 89 10 70 10 70 7 50 5 85 tons 1959 . . . 19 fhher pasture (not cropland) . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 355 85 5 285 27 27 115 71 36 1954 . . . 202 80 26 175 3 27 160 107 35 " acres 1959... 13,235 6,256 76 2,335 525 2,995 2,870 6,041 720 .M 1954 . . . 4,090 3,195 1,600 825 665 1,803 3,077 5,610 1,664 " nrv ter 1 - . farms reporting 1959. . . 340 2,684 75 928 5 10 275 553 17 60 27 431 no 662 71 1,096 35 201 ;;■ •:5 Liquid niatefi&Is . . farms reporting 1959. . . 25 15 1 10 10 5 6 1 tons 1959 .. . 302 50 11 15 13 3 35 27 27 Com 1,194 2,622 361 732 692 1,183 4,238 5,078 416 819 740 1,570 567 1,276 752 1,495 1,362 1,935 1954... ^ acres 1959... 10,100 2,547 23,421 51,827 7,037 9,104 4,385 6,921 15,429 '■ 19,830 6,204 29,615 51,290 10,560 15,235 9,032 13,363 20,753 11 Drv aterials . . farms reporti ng 1 959 . . . 1,189 2,478 361 523 692 4,790 4,213 14,957 416 1,413 740 1,830 567 902 752 1,436 1,361 3,603 K - ^ Ions 1959 . . . 3.1 Liquid materials . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 25 38 190 1 6 13 ions 1959... 25 611 384 27 88 55 35 Soybeans . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 11 195 420 35 50 5 'ii 241 1954 .. . m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37 acres 1959... 22 23,919 2,250 608 1,896 50 160 15,185 38 1954 . . . NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 Dr, materials .. farms reporting 1959... 11 10 195 3,890 420 552 36 87 50 288 5 10 11 40 241 3,124 10 tons 1959... Liquid materials . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 1 5 42 tons 1959... 9 61 15 Potton . . farms reporting 1959. . . 566 293 462 1,571 244 856 482 866 1,545 14 1954 .. . 1,677 485 872 2,477 582 1,473 1,024 1,516 1,936 45 6,400 3,248 5,281 7,054 1,185 12,305 4,354 11, 558 35,207 46 1954... 16,564 3,625 9,642 10,959 2,396 19,834 10,269 19,626 41,584 47 Drv materials . . . farms reporting 1959. .. 566 1,934 293 833 462 1,797 1,556 2,124 244 351 858 3,355 482 1,599 666 3,275 1,545 12,570 ■ tais 1959... 49 Liquid materials . .. farms reporting 1959... 10 15 20 1 21 50 Ions 1959... 45 97 27 52 35 51 All other crops . . . farms reporting 1959. .. 900 265 344 4,509 89 376 223 460 1,075 52 acres 1959... 14,425 7,305 14,552 28,678 1,196 6,357 3,030 12,789 24,058 53 . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 890 3,357 255 1,144 X3 3,710 4,499 21,119 89 235 376 1,076 223 563 460 1,908 1,074 6,363 54 tons 1959... Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 31 10 19 50 5 1 10 8 56 tons 1959... 111 25 301 111 22 98 15 174 57 Lime or liming materials used during the year . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 204 82 45 235 22 20 64 95 189 58 1954... 440 133 51 291 21 62 77 280 66 59 acres limed 1959 . . . 7,690 3,011 2,780 1,295 1,958 677 1,070 4,182 6,510 1954... 8,122 7,194 3,205 1,875 435 1,118 885 9,180 1,660 Bl tons 1959... 6,275 2,558 2,750 1,095 1,988 492 1,385 3,792 8,220 1954... 6,087 3,618 4,330 1,237 480 1,075 827 8,545 1,165 63 Any of the following speciHed expenditures. . . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,349 815 751 4,818 533 1,113 1,156 1,556 1,753 64 Feed for livestock and poultry . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,342 570 485 3,398 371 459 612 784 667 65 1954 . . . 3,044 1,149 1,118 4,044 748 1,158 1,407 1,208 973 66 (Miliars 1959 . . . 1,658,216 483,278 329,914 840,915 254,729 231,611 851,045 961,313 385,800 67 1954... 868,540 310,699 311,180 551,420 272,642 265,518 560,125 476,919 157,350 an I urchase of livestock and poultry . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 799 301 243 1,885 124 252 311 445 337 69 dollars 1959 .. . 780,083 374,481 113,171 256,130 103,260 130, UO 244,565 273,158 114,250 70 Machine hire . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,079 409 523 3,048 261 844 719 1,133 1,632 7j 1954 . . . 1,710 412 479 3,476 317 1,049 960 1,354 1,205 72 dollars 1959... 180,814 68,247 133,544 299,920 21,029 135,465 70,631 211,179 555,608 73 1954... 116,455 39,543 97,168 333,995 16,277 97, 529 85,525 129,557 177,436 74 Vndet.lSOO . . . farms repcrting 1959 .. . 822 306 351 2,648 238 624 536 797 911 75 S200to5999 ... farms reporting 1 959... 246 98 140 370 22 211 83 310 530 76 Sl.OOOormore . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 11 5 32 30 1 9 26 91 77 Hired labor . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 939 264 501 3,940 256 389 386 548 866 78 1954 . . . 1,513 372 717 5,940 550 930 919 1,268 1,346 79 dollars 1959... 1,011,750 422,736 622,082 2,478,959 184,380 329,835 265,404 516,085 1,064,180 80 1954 . . . 760,500 175,757 699,349 2,114,745 251,721 300,976 186, 533 600,394 770,009 Under 51,000 , . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 728 173 383 3,222 230 331 325 545 521 82 1954... 1,452 340 546 5,547 503 851 884 1,148 1,154 83 $1,000 to S2,499 . . . farms repcfting 1959 . . . 87 78 44 23 41 88 600 356 6 25 39 58 29 23 49 55 101 113 84 1954 .. . 85 52,500 or more . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 124 83 47 9 77 83 118 37 20 22 19 21 32 12 54 65 146 81 86 1954 .. . 87 52,500 to $4,999 . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 67 18 38 86 11 11 20 27 63 88 $6,000 or'more . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 57 29 39 32 9 8 12 27 63 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fann business . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,244 795 596 4,600 478 948 970 1,451 1,753 90 1954... 1,558 592 677 5,925 318 652 684 1,274 1,043 dollars 1959... 438,477 157,514 332,987 1,879,246 57,983 195,511 138,119 258,005 607,950 92 1954... 267,203 107,131 334,410 1,594,569 82,848 193,891 159,175 280,097 396,295 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and t/ees . . . farms reporting 1959. . 765 213 352 3,294 250 282 366 425 705 94 dollars 1959.. 158,768 31,694 106,933 243,280 13,730 32,089 20,448 55,919 129,288 NA Not available. SOUTH CAROLINA 183 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued ft sample of farms. See textj Lexin^on McCormick Marlon Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union Williams- burg York 1,581 319 1,974 1,159 1,300 1,390 3,232 1,118 995 1,187 2,821 2,139 684 4,132 1,518 2,272 671 2,426 2,052 1,926 2,351 4,865 2,190 1,688 1,686 4,709 3,236 977 5,468 2,588 t, 56,722 6,811 44,652 65,879 53,596 36,221 199,320 22,070 48,556 42,556 87,869 100,826 19,082 114,345 51,959 3 67,885 10,938 52,326 100,359 59,504 47,840 215,179 40,164 67,472 50,988 132,434 126,199 26,145 125,704 79,111 13,573 1,516 17,183 15,697 11,161 7,622 50,797 4,852 11,330 10,816 20,365 25,584 3,557 33,245 10,867 5 13,3i6 2,092 15,823 22,798 10,471 8,888 49,226 8,421 13,534 9,871 27,782 29,756 4,645 35,434 4,127 15,581 6 1,581 319 1,974 1,159 1,285 1,390 3,222 1,U8 995 1,177 2,821 2,139 684 1,508 7 13,*26 1,516 16,932 15,301 10,419 7,451 47,455 4,852 11,330 10,385 20,357 25,146 3,557 32,540 10,785 8 25 42 15 108 13 290 72 1 40 184 21 9 147 251 396 742 171 3,342 431 8 436 705 82 10 308 62 314 91 458 352 707 295 199 337 575 307 194 581 362 11 533 64 963 288 412 405 1,090 269 397 405 1,402 570 248 943 560 12 4,187 1,427 2,582 4,732 17,731 8,558 27,287 4,637 7,445 10,037 16,266 7,825 6,144 7,103 13,949 13 8,383 1,435 8,695 13,763 11,050 4,963 29,330 4,359 12,939 9,965 29,541 16,848 7,617 14,434 18,892 14 308 62 309 90 438 351 692 295 199 332 575 302 194 576 357 15 971 320 494 990 3,329 1,600 6,217 685 1,547 2,446 3,113 1,654 1,093 1,377 2,852 16 10 11 8 46 2 104 36 1 14 32 10 17 65 55 92 312 40 1,195 186 5 66 99 18 122 43 44 26 163 266 94 155 74 182 324 44 'ii 135 169 19 68 18 39 19 117 149 133 165 114 127 377 25 19 51 167 20 1,445 1,104 613 864 4,736 6,862 2,318 4,146 2,677 5,287 7,119 2,788 2,658 1,986 6,385 51 687 860 697 502 3,992 4,096 4,325 4,490 4,615 2,400 9,485 445 1,155 1,430 9,760 122 43 44 26 148 266 76 155 74 177 324 39 31 135 158 23 243 187 111 161 '712 1,341 552 744 592 1,171 1,500 533 348 403 1,095 24 1 1 20 2 31 15 1 13 1 16 25 20 10 185 37 180 25 3 101 30 60 2fi 1,267 205 1,728 555 993 1,008 2,612 846 763 853 1,613 1,752 488 3,649 918 27 1,949 529 2,181 1,507 1,507 1,936 3,885 1,882 1,376 1,393 3,401 2,808 777 4,832 2,001 28 20,460 1,405 18,392 6,186 10,839 8,665 57,028 6,306 10,029 8,435 10,633 21,213 3,510 53,199 7,968 29 28,406 3,691 19,639 18,012 15,170 14,548 74,611 14,734 14,287 14,668 26,345 33,735 6,300 55,529 15,119 30 1,267 205 1,728 554 983 1,008 2,591 846 763 847 1,613 1,747 488 3,648 918 31 4,381 259 5,349 1,188 2,387 1,909 U,516 1,444 2,107 2,043 2,141 4,144 583 11,247 1,587 32 32 3 18 1 141 12 24 152 33 126 25 49 40 878 69 120 517 34 U3 "i 125 94 71 27 514 17 99 31 31 319 15 142 6 35 NA NA NA NA KA NA NA KA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 36 1,830 35 1,869 9,260 575 127 23,055 162 11,496 895 243 14,207 175 2,755 45 37 NA KA KA NA KA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 U3 1 125 94 71 27 509 17 99 31 31 319 15 142 6 39 314 6 400 1,269 69 26 3,196 6 31 60 2,243 154 63 1,681 30 516 11 40 3 42 641 230 1,523 1,033 561 526 2,681 291 568 570 1,221 1,947 383 3,523 848 43 1,148 525 1,879 1,871 987 1,058 4,105 923 920 909 2,656 2,808 562 4,552 1,715 14 8,251 2,127 9,702 32,829 5,225 3,580 43,709 2,167 5,582 5,430 11,772 35,528 3,785 30,654 10,979 45 12,753 4,015 11,804 46,391 7,626 7,860 60,970 6,556 8,467 7,505 23,038 44,456 6,142 35,382 18,708 IC 641 230 1,523 1,028 556 526 2,671 291 568 570 1,221 1,947 383 3,518 848 47 2,895 593 3,537 8,760 1,541 1,091 16,082 658 1,733 2,029 3,353 U,322 1,012 9,237 2,937 48 5 7 13 6 91 11 13 57 in 5 134 35 15 199 24 115 30 50 971 90 1,865 529 576 621 1,370 506 388 572 1,832 1,338 328 3,771 597 51 20,549 713 11,494 12,008 14,490 8,429 45,923 4,652 16,658 12,472 41,836 19,265 2,810 18,648 12,633 52 971 90 1,865 528 551 621 1,319 506 388 567 1,832 1,338 328 3,766 592 53 4,622 151 7,041 2,933 2,381 1,484 9,890 1,261 3,108 2,542 10,187 5,814 491 9,760 2,303 54 15 16 3 38 2 124 21 7 35 5 55 82 45 135 161 39 859 127 31 29 4 56 59 4 7 87 120 213 188 69 26 166 302 120 97 66 101 57 48 53 31 56 179 291 221 123 83 233 182 233 22 115 125 58 1,918 65 165 4,590 3,538 4,670 7,765 2,262 975 3,163 7,790 3,040 2,144 1,440 3,483 51) 1,915 1,370 960 3,831 4,305 6,619 8,310 2,023 2,640 4,420 4,682 4,837 390 2,167 4,418 60 1,513 65 165 4,095 3,8U 4,049 7,569 2,107 670 3,100 8,075 1,850 2,039 1,103 3,140 61 1,895 1,340 870 3,526 3,910 5,878 7,6M 2,058 3,224 3,650 4,568 3,222 340 1,685 3,980 6n 1,780 365 2,039 1,249 1,407 1,611 3,435 1,407 1,184 1,314 3,151 2,214 861 4,225 1,758 63 1,419 225 1,098 661 1,041 1,075 2,142 865 857 842 1,579 985 479 1,744 959 64 1,725 622 1,204 969 1,722 2,147 2,500 1,732 1,583 1,234 2,715 1,591 907 2,653 2,002 66 2,147,904 63,500 176,790 498,415 1,959,504 995,508 1,692,093 703,299 1,016,251 950,906 1,614,607 1,068,494 352,450 590,457 2,057,495 86 944,690 75,770 134,922 234,876 795,735 599,015 1,522,666 396,421 1,297,985 1,070,139 1,203,143 770,850 185,495 286,698 1,756,884 67 975 128 559 309 578 562 978 520 409 511 1,061 345 312 727 590 68 581,921 15,985 127,060 168,507 352,250 295,477 857,397 192,753 356,519 299,383 816,378 130,707 113,847 221,835 463,300 69 1,005 239 1,740 1,087 853 836 3,043 647 716 733 1,985 2,043 548 3,813 1,193 70 1,224 433 1,596 eii 1,103 1,607 2,957 1,550 835 1,022 3,084 2,211 648 3,361 1,326 71 182,814 18,890 164,054 946,984 144,387 85,254 775,021 47,510 99,692 187,505 394,518 396,353 57,179 419,108 - 164,499 72 156,855 22,610 116,437 181,970 85,740 88,960 386,833 78,386 75,579 72,290 277,220 296,039 58,530 318,066 119,455 73 793 221 1,538 360 644 736 1,984 616 619 567 1,549 1,602 456 3,346 951 74 182 16 196 539 194 92 895 31 84 139 382 365 89 436 232 75 30 2 6 188 15 8 164 13 27 54 76 3 31 10 76 754 175 1,594 604 635 525 2,008 330 394 487 1,460 1,317 350 2,717 638 77 1,068 361 2,355 1,636 750 801 2,834 639 788 781 2,829 2,059 339 3,756 1,344 78 707,933 67,790 807,130 1,023,677 506,500 323,740 2,530,830 205,410 712,223 404,305 1,697,449 1,312,757 154,833 1,060,137 672,891 79 520,595 57,940 592,935 1,046,100 227,754 262,913 1,850,481 182,450 629,367 380,445 1,535,154 1,406,745 87,260 908,559 513,535 80 603 156 1,458 389 526 472 1,493 294 287 377 1,120 1,115 311 2,514 506 81 964 352 2,266 1,393 693 749 2,426 604 636 720 2,495 1,809 313 3,626 1,240 82 99 15 102 97 57 26 214 20 53 59 197 105 25 154 55 83 72 5 80 147 34 33 •213 17 91 40 206 135 18 90 73 84 52 4 34 118 52 27 301 16 54 51 143 97 14 49 77 85 32 4 9 96 23 19 195 18 61 21 128 115 8 40 31 86 21 1 12 69 30 16 125 7 12 48 63 29 12 33 38 87 31 3 22 49 22 11 176 9 42 3 80 68 2 16 39 88 1,720 360 1,954 1,184 1,316 1,426 2,979 1,322 1,044 1,243 2,976 1,884 761 3,782 1,653 89 1,644 322 2,162 1,148 1,241 1,023 2,435 1,194 909 1,271 3,129 1,468 532 4,128 1,478 90 397,019 35,722 428,610 529,105 283,856 149,306 1,190,266 101,344 232,558 259,359 673,721 610,041 101,275 849,649 380,361 91 316,858 21,165 285,365 535,764 201,774 126,430 895,701 132,860 295,294 207,577 596,325 543,390 69,245 749,337 338,732 92 1,080 249 1,048 416 647 668 1,935 479 549 348 972 1,024 340 2,299 559 93 93,958 17,270 62,328 80,203 94,133 34,004 411,575 39,845 86,412 43,618 101,682 132,078 25,820 193,667 44,802 94 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON — Item The State Abbeville Ailleil Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley (For derinilions and explanation . see tout) 1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1959 38,907 74A 758 226 2,025 483 438 329 927 1954 70,258 1,253 1,374 426 3,331 692 652 802 1,701 ^ number 1959 496,728 10,394 9,614 5,772 29,357 9,389 5,801 7,463 7,356 , 1954 614,857 13,404 12,144 6,279 33,701 9,979 6,320 9,438 12,347 ^ Co\\s mciujinr hoifors thai hive ca!v»J .farms reporting 1959 35,579 713 687 206 1,319 426 394 308 846 Q 1954 66,137 1,217 1,293 399 3,154 649 627 676 1,472 ■J number 1959 255,864 5,826 4,701 2,822 14,117 4,975 2,537 3,838 3,850 g 1954 330,826 7,239 5,773 3,219 13,063 5,194 3,544 5,184 6,357 ^ Milk cows .farms reporting 1959 1954 24,743 54,490 388 933 525 1,125 132 299 1,376 2,724 309 493 301 501 132 508 508 922 10 11 number 1959 99,584 976 1,587 419 7,235 2,792 714 532 1,245 12 1954 147,170 2,224 2,855 530 10,060 2,934 948 1,563 1,997 Heifers and heifer calves • farms reporting 19.59 22,951 47D 396 138 1,290 323 249 130 552 14 1954 38,133 758 601 263 1,982 460 3L2 408 333 15 number 1959 147,459 3,082 2,715 1,717 9,553 2,657 1,622 2,099 2,077 16 1954 172,299 3,871 2,932 1,551 10,132 3,146 1,782 2,339 2,938 17 Steers and bulls. incUiing steer ami hull calves. . farms reprting 1959 17,552 340 319 104 1,033 301 207 135 410 16 1954 26,946 576 468 186 1,231 369 252 429 334 number 1959 93,405 1,486 2,198 1,233 5,682 1,757 1,592 1,526 1,429 20 Fanns reporting bv nunihcr on band: CalUe and calve— 111,732 2,294 2,439 1,509 5,451 1,639 994 1,915 3,052 21 1 .farms reporting 1959 9,599 126 248 59 427 31 113 80 215 .farms reporting 1959 13,966 211 244 87 564 172 173 144 447 23 5 to 9 .fanns reporting 1959 5,565 124 39 24 379 76 44 36 121 94 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 4,003 137 69 12 265 53 40 17 76 ?li 20 to 49 .famis reporting 1959 3,478 103 58 15 239 48 30 19 50 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959 1,454 35 27 11 105 31 21 14 13 27 100 or n:ore .farms reporting 1959 842 3 23 13 46 22 12 19 5 Cows, includinp heifers ihai have calved- 28 1 .farms reporting 1959 16,221 184 363 102 665 172 216 133 414 29 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 13,711 357 229 64 807 166 122 121 360 30 10 to 19 .fariTiS reporting 1959 2,3% 98 26 11 139 26 22 17 41 11 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 1,143 30 25 3 76 15 13 10 13 32 30 1O4!) .farms reporting 1959 1,101 33 22 6 76 20 9 9 U 33 50 to 74 .farms repcrting 1959 523 9 11 3 35 14 7 4 3 34 75 lo 99 .fam.s reporting 1959 200 7 4 13 2 2 2 1 35 100 or n«ire Milk cows- .fnrms reporting 1959 284 "2 4 8 8 11 3 12 3 .16 1 .farms reporting 1959 14,796 227 346 87 663 165 204 65 323 37 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 8,535 151 154 40 571 109 93 60 176 38 10tol9 .farms reporung 19.59 273 3 4 1 31 4 1 1 39 20 to 29 .farms repwting 1959 294 1 3 1 34 3 2 2 40 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 447 4 8 2 49 11 "i 2 3 41 50 or more .farms rejwrting 1959 398 2 5 1 26 17 3 2 3 42 Horses and or mules .farms reporting 1959 38,649 459 630 219 1,136 434 455 333 1,233 43 1951 63,260 883 1,193 435 2,078 639 762 363 2,043 44 number 1959 68,407 793 1,103 428 2,117 743 1,032 777 1,527 45 195J 116,283 1,498 2,082 740 3,642 1,200 1,653 1,152 2,580 46 Hoes and pies .faims reporling 1959 53,776 621 1,241 358 1,733 678 661 437 1,558 47 1951 79,692 1,112 1,706 547 2,781 828 852 904 2,130 48 number 1959 672,803 3,646 20,174 9,124 11,853 17,094 14,538 4,711 22,634 4!) 1954 571,290 3,708 16,608 3,224 10,2U 14,888 11,061 4,684 16,399 50 Dom since June 1 .fanr.s rcii'riin:; 19.59 30,475 203 813 271 624 497 433 256 930 51 1954 37,131 377 369 322 993 531 507 521 940 52 number 1959 370,478 1,625 11,634 5,405 5,902 10,010 7,754 2,386 11,865 53 1954 236,604 1,623 8,416 3,777 4,448 3,754 5,991 2,564 7,410 Born before June 1 .farms reporung 19.59 47,755 556 1,076 350 1,517 631 618 347 1,458 55 1954 69,392 979 1,537 516 2,395 748 762 645 1,916 56 number 19.59 302,325 2,021 8,490 3,719 5,951 7,084 6,784 2,325 10,769 57 Farms reponina bv number of hogs and pies- 1954 284,686 2,085 8,192 4,447 5,763 6,134 5,070 2,120 8,939 56 fnder 10 .farms reporling 1959 35,501 544 731 139 1,481 261 273 348 931 50 10 to 24 .farms reportins 1959 11, 530 52 301 133 165 203 220 57 387 60 25 to 99 -farms reporting 1959 5,932 20 173 70 69 181 146 21 2U 61 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 763 5 31 16 18 33 22 11 29 62 Sheep and lambs .farms reporting 1959 373 4 3 16 1 5 12 63 1954 NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA number 1959 10,654 110 39 761 6 128 213 65 1954 NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA 66 I .ambs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1959 204 3 2 8 1 9 67 1951 )U NA NA NA NA 'na 'na NA NA number 19.59 2,588 14 11 194 20 51 6n 1954 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 70 Sheep 1 yeir old and over .farms reporting 1059 350 4 2 15 1 5 12 71 1954 NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA number 1959 8,066 96 23 567 6 103 162 73 1954 NA NA IJA NA NA 'liii NA NA NA 74 Ewes .farms reporting 1959 282 4 2 11 1 4 10 75 1954 NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA 76 number 1959 7,238 89 24 531 5 93 150 77 1954 NA NA NA NA NA 'lii NA NA NA 78 Hams and wethers .farms repcrting 1959 291 4 2 13 1 4 10 7!) 1954 KA NA NA HA NA 'na KA NA NA 80 mimlm 1959 828 7 i 36 1 15 12 81 Farms reporling by nunilier of sheep and lambs 19.54 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 82 Under 2'. . .farms reporting 19.59 279 3 3 11 1 3 10 83 25 to 299 ..farms reporting 1959 91 1 4 2 2 84 .100orni,»(. . .farms reporting 1959 3 1 85 Chickens 1 months old and over . .farms repcrting 19.59 53,822 719 1,074 300 2,141 654 610 424 1,511 86 1951 95,478 1,398 2,038 515 3,723 962 1,020 364 2,464 87 number 1959 4,511,895 30,817 83,158 33,194 241, 585 38,457 23,715 25,575 69,246 88 Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 mom 1954 s old and over- 3,787,991 63,100 77,316 19,701 220,402 34,254 33,060 23,704 69,217 69 Under 50 . .farms reporting 19.59 44,861 600 905 247 1,657 552 507 334 1,346 90 50 to 399 ..farms reporting 1959 7,664 111 146 43 412 89 100 35 137 91 400 to 799 ..farms reporting 19.59 384 4 7 2 20 6 3 15 92 800 to 1,599 . .farms reporting 1959 375 2 8 5 24 4 1 7 93 1,600 to 3,199 . .farms reptrtinp 1959 239 2 2 1 14 2 4 94 3,200 or more . .farms reporting 1959 249 6 2 14 "3 "2 2 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 1959 1,549 10 61 10 35 17 18 35 48 96 1954 3,285 41 129 37 62 5 30 78 143 97 number 1959 33,863 26 196 28 235 48 73 99 918 98 1954 41,801 172 467 171 1,961 14 154 153 427 SOUTH CAROLINA 185 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 .^ Charleston CberolEee ClKster Chester- field ClBTendon Colleton Darlington WUon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetom 356 286 834 961 8S8 1,165 1,049 738 573 652 581 663 1,634 412 1 bib 913 1,560 1,512 1,769 2,079 1,570 1,390 975 1,008 1,077 1,152 3,168 323 2 6,522 7,956 9,480 15,241 9,144 7,548 13,725 7,889 5,039 7,772 9,778 U,581 9,955 2,742 9,023 U,084 12,510 16,656 11,824 10,557 18,246 8,532 6,722 10,477 12,045 15,441 13,398 4,745 4 315 263 770 923 837 1,091 982 654 448 574 551 641 1,448 370 5 612 839 1,481 1,452 1,690 1,950 1,499 1,291 863 934 1,013 1,121 3,001 771 « 3,142 4,572 4,151 8,829 4,786 4,025 7,725 4,123 2,556 4,273 5,501 6,793 5,007 1,557 7 4,561 6,342 6,352 9,475 6,741 5,624 10,666 4,348 3,168 5,872 6,907 3,971 7,115 2,209 IBl 106 635 737 649 791 465 406 351 220 372 407 1,105 280 9 422 528 1,378 1,254 1,464 1,770 862 1,097 735 591 892 924 2,525 629 10 1,U0 347 1,870 5,006 1,024 1,495 1,447 1,558 888 1,915 1,907 1,673 2,565 502 11 1,217 1,132 3,164 6,312 2,420 2,793 2,180 1,939 1,420 2,317 2,880 3,239 4,325 1,077 12 228 178 459 629 416 601 703 370 311 408 315 449 339 206 13 401 438 817 978 697 1,166 1,058 672 421 629 560 765 1,626 471 11 1,706 1,991 2,727 5,065 2,621 2,116 3,598 2,161 1,522 2,202 2,318 2,894 2,749 633 15 2,365 3,198 3,550 5,799 3,414 2,873 4,640 2,345 1,732 2,747 3,365 4,030 3,694 1,358 16 1B3 153 343 381 276 427 474 285 248 354 208 335 618 174 17 326 287 493 512 390 830 693 468 442 516 325 560 1,069 374 18 1,674 1,393 2,602 1,347 1,737 1,407 2,402 1,605 961 1,297 1,459 1,894 2,199 552 19 2,097 1,544 2,608 1,382 1,669 2,060 2,940 1,989 1,822 1,858 1,773 2,440 2,589 1,178 20 78 67 226 156 351 385 169 252 185 127 149 101 535 131 21 133 84 295 299 295 531 394 259 238 248 176 213 745 197 22 35 28 115 164 84 105 202 63 62 100 76 117 149 44 23 29 27 97 133 67 63 143 67 39 75 53 33 88 19 24 U 36 63 131 54 44 78 55 28 67 90 76 14 25 17 25 22 53 18 24 36 24 15 21 38 41 31 2 26 20 19 16 25 19 13 27 18 6 14 15 18 10 5 27 145 90 363 226 487 683 314 391 293 227 200 181 938 226 28 98 87 313 460 254 324 518 167 108 239 229 303 404 121 29 23 26 48 100 40 33 74 35 21 51 36 67 49 14 30 13 17 13 56 21 21 20 20 10 23 32 29 21 3 31 U 17 13 46 13 17 23 20 11 19 26 30 21 1 32 10 10 9 19 12 9 13 13 2 5 20 17 3 2 33 4 4 2 8 3 3 11 6 4 3 4 7 1 34 4 12 4 a 7 1 9 2 "3 6 5 10 2 35 124 66 380 252 482 563 255 303 262 124 183 205 827 188 36 44 38 228 379 162 217 201 74 75 71 157 172 243 90 37 I 12 35 2 2 5 1 3 9 7 1 38 1 6 24 2 3 7 7 5 9 3 5 39 4 28 1 3 2 10 5 7 12 9 9 40 ii 2 5 19 3 7 7 1 13 8 4 9 1 41 318 296 495 638 1,007 1,657 997 1,3U 1,086 707 436 509 2,402 600 42 606 1,075 969 1,017 1,780 2,550 1,638 2,158 1,785 1,207 337 339 4,256 968 43 858 665 848 1,282 1,715 2,880 1,423 2,747 2,431 1,059 821 763 4,a7 786 44 1,320 1,341 1,638 2,000 2,860 4,482 2,348 4,392 3,731 1,870 1,565 1,292 7,385 1,310 45 612 381 752 796 1,499 2,041 1,510 1,656 1,734 1,079 603 521 3,137 803 46 888 1,077 1,321 1,233 2,172 2,801 1,925 2,395 2,170 1,352 1,128 901 4,036 979 47 14,473 8,021 4,883 4,003 13,401 26,782 33,507 17,875 20,987 23,276 3,852 2,466 36,847 9,961 48 13,749 8,408 4,388 3,497 U,096 24,379 26,772 14,531 16,112 16,809 4,661 2,604 25,921 7,216 49 422 240 290 294 636 1,314 1,104 920 1,093 787 258 191 1,810 523 50 495 609 397 356 849 1,448 1,334 1,030 1,225 858 342 283 1,638 516 51 8,413 3,851 2,751 1,9M 7,075 14,882 19,151 9,571 11,727 13,843 1,900 1,199 20,140 5,595 52 7,373 4,299 1,919 1,228 4,9U 12,232 15,778 6,477 8,608 9,817 1,913 939 11,534 3,851 53 564 339 650 689 1,349 1,909 1,407 1,459 1,503 977 499 465 2,773 714 54 806 865 1,138 1,081 1,923 2,561 1,658 2,097 1,741 1,215 1,023 735 3,604 834 55 6,060 4,170 2,132 2,073 6,326 U,900 14,356 8,304 9,260 9,433 1,952 1,267 16,707 4,366 56 6,376 4,109 2,469 2,269 6,182 12,147 10,994 8,054 7,504 6,992 2,743 1,665 14,387 3,365 57 299 215 634 701 1,172 1,253 678 1,128 1,088 462 499 463 2,019 508 58 167 95 81 66 219 501 462 355 426 XI 81 41 766 203 59 IM 57 33 28 93 271 319 157 199 246 20 15 326 85 60 32 14 4 1 15 16 51 16 21 30 3 2 26 7 61 1 10 8 13 6 U 5 6 3 5 12 5 11 2 62 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 63 30 170 66 484 156 127 81 181 97 55 326 100 2,622 22 64 lU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 65 1 7 3 8 2 3 4 3 2 2 8 2 8 1 66 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA 67 U 26 9 44 42 33 U 72 15 16 83 15 561 5 68 NA NA NA HA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 1 9 8 13 6 10 3 5 3 5 10 5 11 2 70 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 71 18 144 57 440 114 94 67 109 82 39 243 85 2,061 17 72 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA 73 1 8 U 3 6 3 5 3 3 10 5 9 2 74 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 75 13 128 50 401 105 79 56 lOO 75 28 232 73 1,964 15 76 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA KA NA 77 1 8 6 8 6 8 3 4 3 5 8 5 10 1 78 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 79 5 16 7 39 9 15 U 9 7 11 11 12 97 2 80 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA 81 9 7 7 4 10 3 5 4 7 4 4 2 82 1 1 1 6 2 1 2 1 "3 1 5 1 6 1 83 84 575 360 896 954 1,418 1,937 1,349 1,494 1,519 914 563 602 3,253 780 85 901 1,343 1,909 1,635 2,418 3,173 2,107 2,759 2,432 1,332 1,283 1,100 5,092 1,370 86 108,763 61,438 160,119 43,126 138,328 67,129 50,358 U9,219 64,0U 71,949 62,233 31,915 156,123 66,402 87 55,488 45,254 85,459 54,933 76,081 80,647 74,510 81,764 80,025 44,266 38,642 41,265 165,844 34,210 88 489 296 727 806 1,229 1,733 1,161 1,271 1,220 782 506 516 2,836 688 69 57 44 129 131 159 194 170 182 289 100 43 75 380 82 90 5 9 6 7 3 3 12 8 3 13 3 4 14 5 91 8 2 5 5 11 4 4 17 3 10 2 5 6 1 92 5 4 15 5 6 2 1 9 4 6 4 11 2 93 11 5 14 10 1 1 7 3 5 2 6 2 94 7 12 8 60 19 79 38 84 38 26 16 29 85 31 95 34 59 17 101 45 118 58 207 112 44 38 70 187 61 96 14 46 13 180 3,896 263 2,199 294 130 67 34 63 256 83 97 174 244 85 357 2,036 341 153 814 511 109 90 932 616 237 96 186 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item (For derinilions and explanation . see text) Greenville Greenwood Hoinpton Horry Jasper Kershaw lancaster Laurens Lee 1 Cattle and calves . .farms reporting 1959. . . 1,456 602 435 1,247 334 607 302 952 595 o 1954 . . . 3,062 1,071 825 2,210 659 1,424 1,541 1,723 1,036 3 number 1959 . . . 17,674 17,228 6,162 7,695 5,784 7,237 10,146 19,744 4,845 4 1954... 19,223 17,413 11,429 9,369 6,099 10, 510 11,316 22,091 7,514 5 Cw*?, irclu>lin£ hoifcrs that have ralved . .farms refwrtinp 1959 .. . 1,270 569 396 1,050 309 565 752 893 550 r, 1954 .. . 2,841 1,028 757 1,995 603 1,368 1,504 1,615 976 7 number 1959 . . . 8,350 7,763 2,375 3,310 2,788 3,681 5,034 9,831 2,547 h 1954... 10,176 9,731 5,189 4,334 3,453 5,326 6,179 11,700 4,169 !1 M.Ik cms .farms reporlinc 1959 . . . 929 343 204 637 141 428 439 522 385 10 1954... 2,499 752 470 1,538 369 1,200 1,325 1,276 777 11 number 1959 .. . 4,566 1,976 4U 1,092 436 1,052 957 3,472 831 12 1954 . . . 6,524 2,333 1,043 2,403 382 2,162 2,612 4,597 l,a7 13 Heifer? and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 928 430 273 775 212 302 536 641 264 14 1954 . . . 1,489 642 460 1,134 375 707 801 1,018 475 15 number 1959. . . 6,136 5,453 2,123 2,474 1,603 2,089 3,186 6,439 1,401 16 1954 . . , 5,925 4,825 3,165 2,346 1,636 2,934 3,437 6,874 1,926 17 Steers and bulls, inclu-ling steer ami bull caives. .fatms reforting 1959. . , 725 369 195 535 174 222 404 553 176 18 1954... 910 465 438 870 313 425 497 741 349 19 number 1959... 3,188 4,012 1,164 1,911 1,393 1,467 1,376 3,474 897 2(1 1954... 3,122 2,807 3,075 2,639 1,005 2,250 1,700 3,517 1,419 Farms rejiorting bv namlier on band: Cattle and calves- 21 1 .farms reporting 1959... 310 70 91 306 51 225 149 153 268 22 o to4 .fnrnis reptrting 1959 . . . 487 153 168 572 159 189 230 274 184 23 5 to 9 .faniis reporting 1959 .. . 264 lU 82 204 54 64 140 145 40 24 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959. . . 182 86 37 93 34 55 136 143 41 2.1 20 to 49 .farn.s reporting 1959. . . 129 98 34 57 17 50 104 136 36 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959, . . 53 46 14 U 14 15 34 59 19 27 100 or more .farms rejxTtine 1959... 31 38 9 4 5 9 9 42 7 Cows, includin;^ heifers Ihat have ralved— 28 1 • farms reporting 1959. . . 552 126 171 625 122 313 242 292 361 29 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 533 274 174 372 151 135 363 368 128 30 10 to 19 .fanr.s reporting 1959 . . . 72 58 22 42 U 29 78 106 23 31 20 to 29 .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 31 39 9 7 6 19 34 44 15 32 .30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . 48 34 10 10 9 8 25 37 14 33 50 to 74 • farms reprrting 1959. , , 19 20 4 2 1 4 6 17 7 34 75 to 99 .fanr.s reporting 1959 . . . 10 5 2 3 1 3 12 2 35 100 or more Milk co»s- .fnrms reporting 1950 . . , 5 13 4 "2 3 6 1 17 36 1 • farms reporting 1959 .. . 541 149 132 449 33 312 259 279 298 37 2 to 9 . farms reporting 1959 • , . 320 160 70 183 55 UO 171 199 80 36 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959. . . 6 3 3 4 39 20 to 20 • farms repfrting 19^59 • • • 7 U 1 1 4 5 40 30 to 49 • farms reporting 1959 •• • 33 12 "i 3 "i 3 1 13 "4 41 50 or mote • farms rcfwrtinp 1959^ . . 22 8 1 1 2 2 1 22 3 42 Horses and or mules .farms reporting 1959 . . . 981 406 393 2,775 366 599 514 644 920 43 1954 • • . 1,996 759 867 4,581 636 1,293 993 1,316 1,352 44 number 1959. •• 1,864 737 531 3,948 540 988 934 1,252 1,976 45 1954 • . . 3,110 1,288 1,187 6,857 869 2,(B5 1,547 2,447 2,959 46 Hous and pics • fnrms reporting 1'I59. . . 1,214 452 699 3,895 465 343 684 317 1,178 47 1954 . . . 2,536 834 1,136 4,784 764 1,548 1,318 1,545 1,537 48 number 1959... 9,487 3,881 13,981 56,907 6,973 6,926 5,248 5,823 11,746 49 1954 . , . 9,845 3,314 13,157 45,623 6,363 7,256 5,390 7,480 11,612 50 Bom since .lune 1 .farrn-s rc|t>rlin:; 1959. , . 587 219 514 2,794 284 430 400 318 644 51 1054... 1,030 343 762 2,728 403 537 537 534 826 52 numbc 19.59... 5,280 2,280 10,959 32,628 3,635 3,661 2,873 2,767 6,337 53 1954... 4,956 1,835 9,875 23,344 3,1U 3,114 2,661 3,272 6,U3 51 Born before June 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,013 399 655 3,427 430 676 523 713 1,039 55 1954 . . . 2,017 761 1,041 4,333 667 1,360 1,073 1,333 1,276 56 number 1959 . . . 4,207 1,601 8,022 24,279 3,343 3,265 2,375 3,056 5,409 57 Farms ropi.rtin<; bv number of hops and pies- 1954... 4,889 1,979 8,232 22,279 3,252 4,142 2,729 4,203 5,499 5k Indcr 10 .farms reporting 1059 . . . 956 352 272 1,795 274 671 535 691 858 59 10 to 24 .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 176 66 219 1,479 U3 114 108 73 214 60 25 to 99 • farms reporting 1959 • • • 74 31 170 595 69 50 37 42 92 61 100 or more • farms leporting 1959 .• • 8 3 38 26 9 8 4 6 14 62 Sheep and lambs • farms reporting 1959 • . . 15 U 4 23 3 8 5 3 9 63 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6t number 1959... 241 189 45 434 163 221 35 223 328 65 1954 . . . Hi. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 66 I ambs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1959 . . . 7 7 1 6 2 5 2 3 6 67 1951... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA f^h number 19.59 . . . 45 50 1 139 75 65 5 53 89 69 1954 m NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA Sheep 1 year old and over 13 11 4 23 8 8 5 2 8 71 °1954... Kt. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 72 number 1959. .. 196 139 44 295 88 156 30 170 239 73 1954 . . . MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 74 Ewes .farms reporting 1959 . . . 10 10 4 12 3 6 4 2 6 75 1954... m. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 76 number 1959 .. • 157 125 39 239 8 148 23 166 209 77 1954 . . . M. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 78 Hams and wether. .farms reporting 1959... 10 10 2 22 7 6 5 2 7 79 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA 80 number 1959 .. . 39 14 5 56 30 3 7 4 30 81 Farms reporting by number of sheep and Iambs- 1954 . . . NA MA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA 82 Undo- 25 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 12 9 4 18 7 6 5 2 4 e.% 25 to 299 300 or ii.iro .farms reporting 1959. .. .farms reporting 1959 .. . 3 2 5 1 2 1 5 85 Chicliens I months old and over .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 1,435 507 531 3,948 439 806 777 1,016 1,100 86 1951 . . . 3,462 1,171 1,137 5,849 760 1,875 1,629 2,064 1,689 87 number 1959 .. . 208,295 40,615 71,263 171,726 23,908 42,309 104,310 147,925 45,055 88 Farms reporlinp by numbw of chickens 4 month 1954 .. . s old and over- 174,673 59,953 33,192 207,548 26,504 51,981 64,340 91,259 46,359 1,057 296 23 31 15 385 3,206 717 3 10 8 827 1,000 90 50 to 399 farms repealing 1959 100 12 73 31 80 9 1 1 121 92 400 to 799. .farms reporting 1959 , . . g g 2 92 800 to 1.599 .farms reporting 1959 5 6 1 9 14 15 11 1.600 to 3,199 5 "2 94 3,200 or more "farms reoortinp 1059 13 6 4 2 2 7 10 4 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding .farms reporting 1959 .. . 40 13 7 66 16 28 9 34 31 96 1954 . . . 74 29 3b 217 39 85 27 53 48 97 number 1969 .. , 164 273 48 216 51 U3 30 168 1,491 98 1954 . . , 362 100 291 831 3,003 363 498 303 701 NA Not available • SOUTH CAROLINA FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 187 Lexineton UcCoraloit liaricm Marlboro Newbeny Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union mUliains- burg York i,au 293 536 347 1,033 1,209 1,537 1,020 675 956 1,736 1,003 604 1,837 1,250 1 1,597 610 1,038 772 1,584 2,193 2,581 1,975 1,359 1,415 3,538 1,395 994 2,934 2,194 7,837 3,461 5,086 7,839 16,949 12,136 29,065 8,332 10,940 17,202 20,331 13,228 7,997 11,045 18,697 3 9,491 5,375 6,812 9,214 19,195 13,352 36,481 10,605 16,176 17,959 25,655 16,519 8,743 16,244 22,499 4 913 236 590 325 977 1,U9 1,374 950 618 912 1,549 881 569 1,722 1,164 5 1,525 592 975 672 1,532 2,103 2,513 1,335 1,259 1,381 3,377 1,769 961 2,738 2,093 3,921 1,858 2,659 4,415 9,700 5,969 15,549 4,167 5,545 9,942 9,912 6,428 4,370 5,555 9,839 7 4,758 2,974 3,232 4,574 10,757 7,292 19,809 5,775 3,114 10,368 14,123 3,470 4,931 3,770 12,538 8 7« 210 456 185 759 909 897 739 439 545 1,207 6(>i 446 1,308 793 1,314 491 848 525 1,375 1,999 1,356 1,743 1,007 1,221 2,963 1,395 862 2,224 1,825 10 1,723 416 775 1,200 5,829 2,992 3,3U 2,216 2,852 4,697 4,149 2,781 1,457 2,446 3,570 2,691 1,076 1,273 1,503 6,325 5,055 9,1U 3,775 3,440 4,727 7,242 3,728 2,155 4,328 5,131 12 557 172 382 191 693 689 931 612 412 640 1,005 529 363 929 760 13 793 300 546 415 1,CE1 1,126 1,623 1,039 750 357 1,729 1,013 525 1,656 1,273 14 2,254 1,0B4 1,426 2,108 4,845 3,757 8,654 2,702 2,886 4,756 6,530 4,055 2,419 2,871 5,918 15 2,472 1,464 2,U9 2,633 5,516 4,279 10,079 3,353 3,675 4,989 7,059 4,100 2,617 4,125 6,330 16 470 U4 248 147 591 584 830 433 347 467 727 332 267 761 513 17 651 195 466 260 773 736 1,290 570 604 604 1,096 680 333 1,268 727 1» 1,712 579 1,001 1,316 2,404 2,410 4,852 1,463 2,509 2,494 4,389 2,745 1,208 2,519 2,390 19 2,261 937 1,461 2,002 2,922 2,281 6,593 1,473 4,387 2,502 4,463 3,949 1,195 3,349 3,081 20 249 78 171 109 146 237 320 254 129 153 491 354 138 570 261 21 391 33 273 95 3U 425 524 364 259 252 593 408 205 347 361 22 175 42 59 24 177 227 242 199 112 174 231 75 % 183 203 23 UO 40 66 31 173 128 142 106 59 128 161 41 73 105 171 24 63 27 54 38 U9 UO 156 72 56 146 156 61 57 94 162 25 20 11 6. 32 59 21 79 18 25 84 70 37 23 25 55 26 6 7 7 18 23 U 74 7 25 19 29 27 12 13 32 27 4A3 108 341 156 276 510 513 475 244 243 800 564 216 1,032 332 28 331 IM 179 79 447 476 476 382 277 406 517 203 258 571 530 29 49 20 45 25 UO 59 99 55 37 103 33 36 45 63 115 50 15 13 12 13 59 36 33 14 13 52 60 23 14 29 54 31 17 10 6 28 45 26 53 15 13 65 51 25 17 18 51 32 5 3 3 15 23 5 42 4 13 25 18 15 11 6 15 33 2 2 2 1 6 4 18 2 4 7 9 5 1 2 5 34 1 2 8 U 3 30 2 12 6 5 10 7 1 10 35 443 127 325 125 298 520 521 453 226 247 797 438 239 387 354 3« 284 . 80 126 37 333 345 270 260 188 304 344 135 138 407 374 37 6 1 1 1 36 8 2 13 2 20 5 2 6 -1 27 38 2 1 3 35 18 8 2 1 23 22 5 3 2 11 39 4 "2 3 U 34 13 28 5 7 33 26 11 7 17 40 3 8 23 5 68 5 15 13 13 12 3 4 10 41 516 240 1,263 444 593 787 1,575 715 518 531 1,156 1,393 441 2,696 722 42 1,075 496 1,900 936 1,081 1,429 2,703 1,485 1,065 1,027 2,438 2,235 303 3,755 1,442 43 734 411 2,264 980 887 1,157 3,134 l,U6 990 359 1,843 2,574 796 4,994 1,653 44 1,478 851 3,278 2,276 1,543 2,266 5,470 2,254 1,485 1,703 3,937 4,243 1,285 6,653 3,016 45 1,247 261 1,567 925 1,003 1,069 2,532 876 324 803 1,507 1,753 500 3,151 1,095 46 1,725 568 1,852 1,447 1,596 1,787 3,562 1,662 1,281 1,235 2,963 2,450 891 3,572 1,761 47 16,546 1,408 18,717 8,709 10,092 6,227 52,552 5,489 12,466 7,770 9,481 19,793 3,157 41,787 8,524 48 12,403 1,802 12,904 9,709 8,887 5,338 47,042 5,239 10,126 7,6U 9,917 19,444 2,649 29,697 7,053 49 757 123 987 347 488 479 1,821 365 496 434 564 1,007 194 1,833 431 50 921 204 1,013 541 642 700 2,189 525 564 573 1,027 1,219 300 1,760 603 51 9,747 685 10,711 3,931 5,475 3,506 30,149 2,960 5,733 4,711 4,899 10,357 1,660 22,381 4,494 52 6,778 713 5,929 4,528 4,091 2,399 26,651 2,274 4,053 3,519 4,396 9,538 1,137 14,186 3,001 53 1,061 212 1,415 882 906 907 2,304 755 708 587 1,294 1,582 437 2,924 951 54 1,4U 488 1,529 1,320 1,467 1,475 3,1U 1,405 1,101 1,117 2,478 2,200 806 3,271 1,517 55 5,799 723 8,006 4,773 4,617 2,721 22,403 2,529 5,733 3,059 4,582 9,436 1,497 19,406 4,030 56 5,525 1,089 5,975 5,181 4,796 2,939 20,391 2,955 6,063 3,995 5,521 9,755 1,512 15, 5U 4,052 57 757 227 993 724 755 919 1,203 746 584 581 1,273 1,177 435 1,975 921 5R 296 27 379 135 170 U6 695 93 158 147 149 380 46 742 106 59 181 5 183 55 64 29 556 33 66 75 78 177 15 392 53 fiO 13 2 12 10 U 5 77 4 15 4 7 19 4 42 15 61 ^ ^ U 6 1 11 12 9 10 7 22 13 3 15 20 62 NA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 63 19 51 3(» 102 7 724 190 152 137 99 530 61 62 222 336 64 NA NA NA HA HA HA NA KA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA 65 1 4 4 3 1 8 6 7 5 5 12 5 1 12 12 66 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA HA HA NA NA HA 67 1 17 105 40 2 241 42 55 48 15 104 21 5 59 73 68 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA 69 4 2 11 5 1 10 12 9 10 7 20 10 3 15 18 70 NA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA 71 18 34 204 62 5 483 148 97 89 83 426 40 57 163 263 72 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA HA 73 3 2 8 4 1 10 8 9 3 7 13 7 1 14 16 74 NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA NA 75 15 32 187 55 3 455 131 83 74 77 370 32 55 135 204 76 NA 3 NA 2 HA 10 NA 5 NA 1 NA 3 NA 9 NA 5 NA 3 HA 5 NA 15 NA 7 NA 2 NA 13 HA 15 77 78 NA 3 NA 2 NA 17 NA 7 NA 2 NA 28 NA 17 NA 9 NA 15 NA 5 NA 55 NA 8 NA 2 HA 28 NA 59 79 80 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA HA 81 ..* 4 6 5 3 3 1 7 3 1 9 3 7 2 3 2 7 16 5 13 2 1 13 2 15 5 82 83 84 1,313 1,992 192,746 166, U5 236 573 23,548 25,803 1,537 2,372 54,806 72,559 820 1,535 35,079 44,069 970 1,828 2U,809 102,403 1,173 2,293 108,722 105,387 2,105 3,844 125,553 144,165 931 2,065 118,462 121,857 819 1,555 158,807 120,445 806 1,333 163,176 87,017 1,875 3,867 257,779 169, 569 1,591 2,553 93,948 81,550 652 1,145 53,317 44,049 3,156 4,535 119,518 110,509 1,067 2,309 179,354 131,037 85 86 87 88 946 295 29 24 10 9 262 20 1 "i 2 1,304 226 1 2 4 741 68 8 1 2 7U 134 13 20 22 17 950 205 7 5 7 1,803 253 9 17 9 4 653 234 20 13 9 2 618 163 13 5 5 10 614 140 12 17 11 12 1,523 256 17 27 19 18 1,479 192 9 4 5 2 525 121 6 1 5 4 2,806 323 5 13 7 2 814 194 13 17 15 14 89 90 91 92 93 94 20 44 60 895 28 33 59 71 42 75 125 269 19 75 75 193 21 55 5,945 8,812 17 41 252 179 47 102 113 335 22 45 549 117 51 100 213 333 4 20 10 86 35 35 123 360 77 78 7,761 3,213 31 59 105 132 105 157 234 435 15 21 5,463 9,531 95 96 97 98 188 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most dau for 1959 ar e based on reports Itcin (For definilions and explanBtion . see text) The State Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley 1 Value ol sales of livestock and/ot livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959... 87,284,831 678,955 3,264,585 715,751 4,305,186 2,220,661 697,214 788,529 1,415,193 2 1954... 53,919,837 606,135 1,998,193 396,428 3,113,641 1,153,326 499,859 341,609 699,091 3 An> hv.-srwl sold nlivo Icallle. horsos and mules. hoi.*P. and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 38,513 527 951 272 1,617 648 569 266 1,114 4 1954... 40,031 640 937 372 1,552 644 503 348 1,048 5 Mill of snies. dollars 1959. .. 39,158,764 543,938 1,287,515 514,726 1,802,965 1,104,113 660,375 670,239 933,550 6 1954... 22,183,052 282,889 551,344 337,576 769,900 514,719 383,619 433,506 502,955 7 Poultly and poultry prcxjucus . farms reportint: 1959. . . 10,973 124 391 51 546 137 91 75 201 « 1954 . . . 13,186 347 600 135 911 176 209 96 259 9 valu€ of sales, dollars 1959... 25,443,252 118,858 1,741,150 38,521 393,459 160,302 35,666 113,856 282,960 10 16,288,930 191,882 1,210,380 30,197 905,889 78,037 64,568 126,216 115,554 11 Livestock products other than poullrj and poultry products valu of sales, dollars 1959 ., . 22,682,815 15,447,855 16,159 131,364 235,920 236,469 112,504 23,655 2,103,762 1,437,852 956,241 560,570 1,173 51,672 4,434 276,387 148,683 80,582 12 LrVESTOf^K SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 . . . 20,977 487 541 103 1,367 380 240 148 462 U 1 954 . . . 22,383 562 475 150 1,277 310 237 211 445 15 number 1959 .. . 213,640 4,372 5,019 1,740 15,625 5,U9 2,357 2,944 3,024 IS 1 954 . . . 203,549 4,448 4,090 2,145 11,727 3,478 2,601 3,836 4,328 17 dollars 1959... 22,629,419 505,763 681,865 262,346 1,449,285 641,338 243,305 529,885 226,294 18 1954... 11,911,546 254,712 284,844 168,889 649,917 171, U5 154,799 365,219 209,263 l!l Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 10,010 150 307 36 745 181 114 66 230 20 1954... 13,120 328 271 83 853 167 156 129 242 21 number 1959... 88,201 1,255 3,206 1,211 6,701 2,568 1,195 1,770 1,258 1954... 89,382 1,558 2,145 1,094 5,322 1,275 1,612 2,209 1,529 23 dollars 1959 . . . 13,606,863 196,371 542,673 214,371 1,035,735 432,645 141,160 449,168 1U,256 24 Farms reporting by number of caule sold- 1954... 7,363,111 122,291 195,628 118,702 418,506 97,325 113,762 279,728 90,306 25 1 to) . farnifl reporting 1959 . . . 6,491 96 147 17 466 96 81 41 189 26 5 to 19 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,598 40 126 4 232 57 17 9 28 27 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 778 12 26 12 30 22 14 11 13 28 100 or more . farms reporting 1959 .. . U3 2 8 3 17 6 2 5 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959... 16,064 447 331 74 1,094 296 172 UO 282 30 1954- ■ - 17,328 487 341 107 1,058 251 171 136 346 31 number 1959... 125,439 3,117 1,313 529 8,924 2,551 1,162 1,174 1,766 32 1954 . . . 114,167 2,890 1,945 1,051 6,405 2,203 989 1,677 2,799 33 dollars 1959... 9,022,556 309,392 139,192 47,475 413,550 208,693 102,145 80,717 112,038 34 1954 . . . 4,548,435 132,421 89,216 50,187 231,411 73,790 41,037 85,491 108,957 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,553 12 36 10 96 16 10 40 36 1954 . . . 1,583 22 24 5 94 6 9 15 16 37 number 1959... 2,613 23 37 10 240 18 22 50 38 1954... 2,507 36 34 3 161 14 16 19 38 39 dollars 1959... 3U,336 2,850 2,300 450 27,550 1,450 6,239 5,875 40 1954... 144,522 4,138 1,548 445 6,347 955 1,078 1,275 4,041 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 24,588 105 709 239 424 520 492 164 935 42 1954 .. . 26,066 166 726 334 501 566 433 198 863 43 number 1959... 538,958 1,150 20,095 8,394 10,783 15,426 13,854 4,454 25,042 44 1954... 366,576 1,421 10,808 6,704 5,321 12,522 9,090 2,633 11,913 45 dollaiTll959... 16,168,740 34,500 602,850 251,820 323,490 462,780 415,620 133,620 751,260 46 1954... 10,126,984 24,039 264,952 168,242 113,636 342,649 227,742 72,012 289,651 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms repcrting 1959. . . 247 5 1 5 2 1 48 1954 . . . MA NA 'na NA NA 'na 'na NA NA 49 number 1959 .. . 4,479 75 10 240 ... 45 11 50 19.14 . . . HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 51 dollars 1959... 49,269 825 110 2,640 495 121 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 53 Sheep and/ot lambs shorn , farms reporting 1959 .. . 235 4 2 9 1 4 7 54 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 55 number shorn 1959... 9,099 87 38 557 6 114 351 56 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 57 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 68,352 486 230 6,363 50 520 2,717 58 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 Lambs shorn . farms repcrting 1959 .. . 22 1 1 2 1 60 number shorn 1959... 408 4 10 8 20 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 1,472 9 15 28 20 62 Other sheep shorn . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 233 4 2 3 "i 4 "■7 63 number shcm 1959... 8,691 83 28 549 6 94 351 64 UTFERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959. . . 66,880 477 215 6,335 50 500 2,717 65 Litters tarro*ed, December 1. previous year to November 30. Censfs year . . farms reporting 1959. . . 26,503 97 643 297 334 502 474 219 1,073 66 1954 .. . 28,834 132 723 397 466 590 449 267 1,103 number of litters 1959... 99,584 418 3,097 1,556 1,403 3,262 2,404 622 3,620 66 Farms reporting by number of litters fatroweil December I, 1958, In November 30, 1959- 1954... 86,392 427 2,496 1,383 1,294 3,001 1,953 698 2,618 69 1 or2 1iUBrs .. farms reportine 1959 . . . 16,747 58 353 160 219 200 226 171 709 70 3 to 9 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 7,665 31 217 109 85 198 184 30 304 71 10 to 19 litters . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,467 4 50 21 12 74 47 14 39 72 20 to 39 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 461 3 15 3 14 25 11 4 13 73 40 to 69 litters . . farms repxting 1959 . . . U9 1 5 2 4 2 5 7 74 70 or more liUors . . farms reporting 1959 . . 44 3 2 3 1 1 75 June 2 lo November 30 . . farms repcrting 1959 . . . 20,391 84 465 238 272 432 351 155 779 76 1954 . . . 20,145 130 544 249 315 458 330 169 652 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 50,850 225 1,393 772 778 1,535 1,220 346 1,772 7« 1954... 42,839 219 1,233 579 656 1,390 952 387 1,121 79 December 1 to June 1 .. farms reporting 1959. . . 16,982 60 460 232 177 396 364 111 711 80 1954 . . . 17,583 108 395 294 262 484 295 142 677 81 number of liu«s 1959... 48,734 193 1,704 784 630 1,727 1,184 276 1,848 82 1954 . . . 43,553 208 1,258 804 638 1,611 1,001 3U 1,497 SOUTH CAROLINA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 189 bi»l;.B«|>l. otlMBO. Seet«s ] r.alhmm Charleston Cherokee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 2,173,459 907,322 2,305,944 1,541,332 2,152,199 1,016,672 1,925,840 1,762,324 791,249 1,370,741 1,375,990 1,292,845 1,735,200 616,442 1 1,018,371 592,554 1,220,525 1,201,283 1,267,952 850,853 1,079,660 697,051 568,606 1,186,709 683,272 861,896 817,777 444,269 S 478 319 593 738 776 1,132 1,210 814 890 771 510 516 1,710 508 s 585 357 633 655 636 1,288 1,206 864 791 947 495 657 1,669 444 4 1,096,094 553,565 654,380 533,254 810,928 724,738 1,552,005 840,609 660,730 810,954 765,844 673,560 1,224,U7 311,879 5 670,675 375,938 330,303 202,722 366,702 578,305 855,709 4U,254 420,949 739,957 291,335 396,785 515,927 245,477 > 120 76 253 195 295 206 345 226 175 142 122 145 334 118 7 177 144 429 265 307 306 378 419 221 264 265 212 659 156 8 469,239 327,378 1,374,625 106,168 1,203,246 164,393 357,062 506,265 68,251 250,3U 240,468 149,563 299,265 279,040 9 185,023 124,578 628,153 U6,793 825,611 227,490 106,055 U3,291 59,801 87,249 91,026 163,666 152,980 173,083 10 608,126 26,379 276,939 899,910 138,025 127,541 16,773 415,450 62,268 309,476 369,678 469,723 211,788 25,523 11 162,673 92,038 262,064 881,768 75,639 45,058 117,896 139,506 87,356 359,503 300,911 296,445 U7,870 25,709 12 193 152 492 672 400 423 613 265 150 295 373 476 493 166 13 270 176 479 582 375 41A 565 358 ISO 404 334 588 610 195 14 3,037 3,836 4,970 6,066 4,794 1,865 6,731 3,672 2,104 2,570 4,897 6,057 4,017 657 IS 3,380 4,008 4,398 4,477 3,853 2,699 6,133 3,020 2,078 3,606 3,924 6,812 3,202 1,303 16 3U,639 361,982 585,200 464,650 506,744 153,376 782,105 422,484 225,870 221,039 655,609 637,990 443,042 88,304 IT 221,387 230,397 254,416 181,523 224,442 134,906 307,330 2t»,019 U5,037 165,978 251,118 370,426 137,955 103,857 18 116 69 256 212 175 163 302 133 74 121 198 205 253 85 19 162 111 297 326 206 197 3U 218 108 188 207 296 327 127 20 1,492 1,437 3,086 1,233 1,655 519 3,571 1,758 611 440 2,164 1,922 2,429 295 21 1,937 1,930 2,187 1,527 1,543 776 1,663 1,489 961 971 1,711 2,391 1,539 846 22 227,493 159,551 444,925 169,725 247,899 62,135 490,233 263,316 100,900 51,923 422,147 304,064 313,115 60,114 23 152,402 144,441 168,607 105,294 129,630 55,613 U6,547 133,657 89,391 63,009 174,785 177,831 123,513 83,912 24 17 21 155 133 103 142 139 66 40 87 117 U9 164 75 25 80 35 68 64 45 13 66 44 27 33 56 40 64 8 2< 18 10 27 15 25 3 33 17 7 1 19 12 28 1 27 1 3 6 2 9 6 6 5 7 1 28 113 128 375 611 343 319 446 196 114 248 310 431 309 113 29 191 137 377 438 299 3U 503 249 120 360 303 508 419 119 30 1,545 2,399 1,884 4,833 3,139 1,346 3,160 1,9L4 1,493 2,130 2,733 4,135 1,588 362 31 1,443 2,078 2,211 2,950 2,310 1,923 4,465 1,531 1,117 2,635 2,213 4,421 1,563 457 32 87,146 202,431 140,275 294,925 258,845 91,191 291,867 154,163 124,970 169,166 233,462 333,926 129,927 28,190 33 68,985 85,956 85,809 76,229 94,812 79,293 190,783 75,362 55,646 102,969 76,333 192,595 64,442 19,945 34 10 1 50 32 46 37 24 31 15 7 31 33 lU 6 35 U 4 66 13 31 21 23 48 19 16 11 22 68 23 38 36 63 90 44 57 50 32 41 20 7 31 33 156 8 37 26 6 86 23 40 34 44 60 42 25 21 47 95 25 38 53,745 3,400 10,400 8,790 2,585 4,835 2,200 2,385 1,100 600 3,700 2,300 14,575 1,040 39 21, U3 365 3,225 917 1,986 2,670 2,485 3,800 3,113 1,745 688 2,381 5,510 1,450 ♦0 407 207 173 146 510 966 960 664 822 669 219 105 1,458 414 41 499 250 218 159 394 1,157 998 655 710 835 216 154 1,357 351 42 24,257 6,246 1,941 1,908 9,786 18,790 25,579 13,858 14,455 19,622 3,465 1,109 25,551 7,405 43 U,548 5,302 2,990 1,213 6,132 15,532 19,609 7,324 8,313 17,509 2,013 1,150 12,208 5,530 44 727,710 1B7,380 58,230 57,240 293,580 563,700 767,370 415,740 433,650 588,660 103,950 33,270 766,530 222,150 45 428,145 U5,176 72,667 20,232 140,274 440,729 545,894 201,435 272,799 572,234 39,529 23,978 323,362 140,160 46 11 5 U 7 12 5 1 6 11 5 47 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA 48 73 50 234 729 257 30 10 55 235 35 49 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 50 803 550 2,574 8,019 2,827 330 110 605 2,585 385 51 KA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 52 1 7 5 U ^ 2 5 3 _j 9 4 9 2 53 NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 54 IS 1J9 51 508 357 100 65 310 87 37 281 88 2,245 28 55 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 56 90 843 431 3,716 2,822 578 550 941 705 146 1,552 368 19,550 128 57 NA HA NA NA NA NA 1 12 HA HA HA 1 HA NA NA NA 3 NA 58 59 5 178 60 48 30 684 61 1 7 5 11 "4 3 "2 5 3 "4 9 4 9 "2 62 IB 139 51 508 357 33 65 310 82 37 281 83 2,067 28 63 90 843 431 3,716 2,822 530 550 941 675 146 1,562 368 18,866 128 64 355 208 159 154 444 1,363 1,097 700 924 746 177 Ul 1,705 493 65 506 2,411 2,482 359 899 1,243 169 635 674 133 567 432 386 1,796 1,574 1,630 4,154 3,853 1,048 5,116 4,221 825 2,221 1,994 925 2,806 2,287 771 3,132 2,779 213 550 635 171 289 347 1,523 5,180 3,478 468 1,682 1,195 66 67 68 138 104 29 24 142 43 14 6 105 42 9 1 97 43 12 1 291 117 22 9 931 356 59 15 615 365 75 29 471 183 35 10 633 241 36 11 434 250 41 U 123 43 9 1 85 20 5 1 1,177 447 59 16 336 124 28 4 69 70 71 72 7 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 10 3 1 2 1 6 1 1 3 1 74 290 343 1,167 1,084 164 264 427 627 139 129 373 282 113 110 274 131 345 286 926 717 994 1,121 2,U5 1,969 899 820 2,523 2,329 548 556 1,261 957 741 634 1,550 1,261 571 577 1,559 1,427 136 138 300 295 86 107 171 142 1,242 948 2,660 1,701 369 291 835 599 75 76 77 78 231 349 1,244 1,398 110 171 472 616 80 92 252 392 83 Ul 293 251 262 251 870 857 913 975 2,009 1,884 684 607 2,593 1,892 379 473 960 1,037 522 534 1,256 1,026 515 537 1,573 1,352 102 125 250 340 62 99 113 205 1,030 934 2,520 1,777 313 251 847 596 79 m 81 82 190 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Moat daU for 1959 are based on reports (For (lefiiiitions and explnnation . see text) Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw l£incaster laurens Lee 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959.,. •1,802,216 1,744,367 1,152,259 1,800,567 604,609 685,021 1,268,878 2,400,552 983,900 471,190 5 1954 .. . 1,856,999 979,418 855,477 1,046,717 537,092 447,065 919,389 1,770,009 3 Any livpslock sold nlivp (cnllle, horses and mules, hoiis, and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,323 579 472 2,680 395 366 670 755 519 A 1954 .. . 1,233 567 648 2,716 374 542 796 795 521 5 valu of sales, dollars 1959 .. . l,0ai,U3 990,140 812,245 1,479,357 409,442 434,089 556,020 967,059 687,351 6 1954... 480, 510 400,538 712,721 944,599 223,793 247,118 278,296 538,025 280,375 7 Poultn and poultry producLs . farms reporting 1959. . . 517 171 118 630 71 118 160 207 114 R 1954... 861 303 272 867 111 311 381 361 134 9 valu of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 960,897 213,023 239,894 283,732 109,972 155,958 608,345 631,728 U8,925 10 1354. .. ■434,312 201,709 78,332 77,349 240, 593 126,675 553,334 511,132 115,521 11 Livestock products other than poultry of sales, dollars 1959... 2,757,176 942,177 541,204 377,171 100,120 64,424 37,478 24, 769 85,195 72, 706 94,974 73,272 104,513 87,759 801,765 720,852 177,624 75,294 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 987 483 160 353 183 205 530 680 223 14 1954... 883 482 283 485 175 350 632 547 193 15 number 1959... 9,683 6,541 2,174 1,571 2,231 2,934 4,277 8,174 3,393 1« 1954... 6,449 5,575 3,955 2,697 2,194 2,897 4,122 7,027 2,193 IT dollars 1959... 838,068 890,331 307,825 167, 362 246, 867 331,099 427, 580 824,543 360,786 IB 1954... 352,282 360,243 227,838 175,830 91,113 186, 311 210,787. 438,477 132,160 1(1 Cattle, not countinp calves . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 515 172 86 223 91 46 233 252 U7 20 1954 . . . 571 305 152 301 102 202 350 390 133 21 number 1959... 3,448 2,783 1,269 964 1,402 1,237 1,251 2,357 1,265 22 1954... 3,0U 2,671 2,050 1,653 740 1,474 1,906 2,998 382 23 dollars 1959 .. . 529,963 509,222 207,498 128,767 182,073 213,518 171, 610 339,604 164,045 24 Fanns reporting by number of cattle sold- 1954 . . . 251,841 222,831 134,257 131,517 41,431 119,477 131,564 269,447 79,914 2S 1 to) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 331 92 56 136 72 27 157 142 62 26 5 to 19 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 147 50 24 36 8 9 53 80 32 27 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 37 26 4 8 3 13 28 22 28 lOOorniore . farms reporting 1959. . . 4 2 1 3 2 2 1 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 725 410 88 196 136 187 438 582 156 30 1954 665 398 201 292 135 271 510 515 159 31 number 1959 . . , 6,235 3,758 905 607 829 1,697 3,026 5,317 2,128 32 1951 . . . 3,436 2,904 1,905 1,044 1,454 1,423 2,216 4,029 1,3U 33 dollars 1959... 308, 105 381,109 100,327 38, 595 64,789 117, 581 255,970 484,939 195,741 34 1954 . . . 100,441 137,412 93,581 44,313 49,682 66,834 79,223 169,030 52,246 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive . farms importing 1959. . . 97 20 95 12 27 30 17 25 36 1954... 87 21 14 105 3 37 50 33 6 37 number 1959... 139 20 U5 16 34 60 24 25 3B 1954... 169 25 25 192 5 47 56 54 9 39 dollars 1959... 15,625 1,695 8,950 1,475 1,610 4,500 2,850 1,475 40 19S4 . . . 8,351 1,144 1,820 10,269 425 2,311 2,200 2,549 585 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 483 192 438 2,574 296 234 193 181 403 42 1954 .. . 499 178 590 2,546 291 286 330 273 431 43 number 1959... 7,678 3,247 16, 814 43,422 5,370 3,306 4,102 4,624 10,796 44 1954... 5,220 1,765 14,694 24,615 4,608 3,138 2,859 3,561 5,446 45 dollars 1959... 230,340 97,410 504,420 1,302,660 161,100 99,130 123,060 138,720 323,880 46 1954... 119,877 39,151 483,063 758, 500 132,255 58,496 65,309 96,999 147,630 47 Sheep and lamhs sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 5 2 5 10 5 1 6 48 1954 .. . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49 number 1959... 10 64 35 200 80 86 UO 50 1954 .. . NA NA NA KA NA KA NA KA NA 51 dollars 1959 .. . UO 704 385 2,200 880 946 1,210 52 SHEEP SHORN *ND BOOL 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 53 Stieep and/or lambs shorn . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 8 9 2 9 3 5 1 2 5 54 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 55 number shorn 1959... 195 130 30 320 69 U7 20 197 240 56 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 57 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 1,192 820 266 2,039 424 1,084 85 1,596 1,764 58 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 Lambs shorn . faitns repcrtine 1959 . . . 1 3 60 number shorn 1959... 5 65 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 25 210 62 Other sheep shorn . . farms repcrling 1959. . . 8 9 2 9 "3 5 1 2 5 63 number shtm 1959.., 190 UO 30 255 69 U7 20 197 240 64 LITTERS FARROft-ED pounds of wool 1959... 1,167 820 266 1,829 424 1,084 85 1,596 1,754 65 year to November 30, Census year . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 357 158 506 2,738 331 253 209 163 522 66 1954 .. . 403 175 649 3,002 430 268 273 302 562 67 number of liUers 1959... 1,104 549 2,744 8,330 1,192 939 699 679 1,516 68 Farms reportine by number of litters farrowed December I, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1954... 1,375 454 3,065 6,422 1,040 951 753 1,026 1,593 69 lor2 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 231 114 271 1,681 216 162 147 99 372 70 . . farms reforting 1959 .. . 103 34 166 945 36 69 49 48 117 71 10 10 19 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 21 6 49 96 23 17 3 11 26 72 ■:;n to ,19 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . , 2 3 10 12 3 3 4 6 73 40 to 69 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 74 70 or more litters . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 4 2 75 June 2 to November 30 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 306 129 410 2,068 229 201 175 136 392 76 1954 . . . 291 136 485 2,062 280 186 178 220 412 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 671 301 1,447 4,148 568 522 409 375 841 78 1954 . . . 732 266 1,468 3,428 496 461 391 496 903 79 December 1 to ,lune 1 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 200 79 328 1,861 234 133 105 30 284 80 1954... 232 86 480 1,891 232 153 185 188 294 81 number of litters 1 959 . . . 433 248 1,297 4,182 624 417 290 304 675 82 1954... 643 188 1,597 2,994 544 490 362 530 685 NA Not available. SOUTH CAROLINA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 191 br oaly K samp: tollmra. Soe uxt] lazlngton IfcCorDlck liarlon Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union WllUams- burg York 3,500,328 232,146 571,514 1,079,332 4,175,887 1,945,169 6,558,816 1,166,535 2,382,301 3,019,182 3,470,527 2,605,932 1,018,348 1,425,006 3,137,805 1 1, 558, 945 173,305 502,989 696, 970 2,048,051 1,028,518 4,213,710 886,158 1,743,986 1,983,751 2,496,447 1,572,583 540,789 872,100 2,919,119 2 1,099 196 793 340 920 956 2,029 774 622 874 1,253 926 471 1,535 987 3 1,020 266 822 537 980 864 2,166 867 697 877 1,518 1,046 379 1,547 982 4 738,437 125,070 506,000 620,845 784,201 524,455 3,002,924 347,463 891,742 314,827 1,112,727 872,837 360,350 1,190,362 1,066,065 5 383,476 99,528 434,614 376,715 443,841 248,055 1,882,382 211,143 651,105 447,329 675,631 642,727 195,726 686,736 510, 518 e 597 58 151 69 401 290 450 334 273 276 494 267 196 346 297 7 946 114 253 191 659 528 847 519 423 506 1,056 414 241 410 443 8 2,656,905 95,389 64,751 184,234 1,749,772 728,732 533,525 659,389 724,554 1,269,441 1,453,900 1,135,471 371,222 191,935 1, 014, 502 9 1, 020, 985 57,748 35,233 86,996 708,724 293,084 669,406 380, 692 492,205 963, 630 1,000,535 491,512 124,758 43,968 1,767,975 10 104,986 11,6«7 763 274,253 1,641,914 691,982 3,022,367 159,683 765, 995 934, 914 903,900 547,624 286,276 42, 709 1,057,238 11 154,484 16,029 33,142 233,259 895,486 487,379 1,661,922 294,323 600,676 572,792 820,231 438,344 220,305 141,396 640, 626 12 552 161 152 139 749 801 978 629 384 764 923 317 375 506 847 13 593 221 248 234 777 688 1,070 545 485 702 1,154 428 325 622 813 14 2,670 1,038 2,050 3,019 6,657 4,848 13,703 2,555 5,161 7,417 8,322 4,296 2,978 3,977 8,393 15 3,218 1,615 2,206 3,002 5,635 4,010 :^,236 3,230 6,812 5,714 9,174 4,355 3,220 4,144 7,773 16 271,962 107,025 206,395 371,905 559,001 400,830 1,472,694 240,258 646,212 585, 537 940,402 535,990 303,230 387,427 795, 375 17 186,771 83,699 172,295 212,397 3U,184 196,739 710,217 152,378 486,357 306,216 545,632 348,305 178,540 209,406 384,720 18 264 47 71 87 351 434 536 343 206 362 439 154 217 203 359 1» 342 117 139 162 458 431 638 387 314 376 633 271 183 338 507 20 776 275 1,279 1,922 1,673 1,953 5,628 1,298 2,751 1,907 3,838 2,223 901 1,595 2,430 21 1,434 626 1,172. 1,662 2,117 1,948 5,621 1,U3 4,498 1,874 3,606 2,431 1,152 1,666 2,835 22 96,135 35,340 139,905 289,410 247,875 255,195 1,060,465 160,790 457, 655 257,498 590,360 359,828 152, 510 204,140 383,468 23 113,770 40,544 124,975 161,545 172,693 W6,089 460,272 77,983 402,209 155,315 323,234 223,670 86,374 110,983 226,196 24 226 35 58 27 259 315 254 277 132 273 276 111 192 139 196 25 32 U 10 29 72 103 232 55 48 61 124 12 18 51 129 26 6 1 2 24 20 15 44 10 20 21 33 25 6 10 34 27 1 7 1 5 6 2 6 6 1 3 28 392 140 124 80 659 580 734 396 316 630 662 202 248 383 738 29 413 199 188 172 607 519 809 502 340 573 836 317 271 430 675 30 1,894 763 771 1,097 4,984 2,895 8,075 1,357 2,410 5,510 4,484 2,073 2,077 2,332 5,968 31 1,784 989 1,034 1,340 3,518 2,062 5,615 2,097 2,314 3,840 5,553 2,424 2,068 2,478 4,938 32 175,827 71,685 68,490 82,495 3U,126 145,535 392,229 79,468 188,547 328,089 349,542 176,162 155,720 183,287 412,407 33 73,001 43,155 47,320 50,752 141,491 52,550 249,945 74,395 84,148 150,901 222,393 124, 635 92,266 98,423 158,524 34 36 6 35 4 45 43 59 46 35 U 101 37 36 43 27 35 30 6 25 34 26 93 50 88 23 27 148 17 18 25 43 36 68 17 55 22 50 77 U5 86 40 129 129 84 64 56 90 37 36 6 34 68 27 153 65 U7 126 31 211 21 18 30 71 3S 7,125 1,425 4,275 1,785 4,090 8,235 7,790 10,700 3,285 13,150 21,575 6,607 6,810 4,950 12,435 39 1,450 230 1,732 2,953 1,208 7,178 3,165 4,527 2,252 1,230 8,804 1,630 709 1,917 4,418 40 785 67 70O 265 41A 315 1,703 291 362 315 376 803 135 1,403 297 41 712 101 712 398 5U 293 1,824 352 368 470 508 863 112 1,324 334 42 15,308 554 9,642 8,2U 7,363 3,707 50,748 3,215 8,062 7,181 4,970 10,975 1,527 26, 572 8,394 43 8,263 925 8,625 5,571 4,940 2,528 38,985 2,872 6,194 4,997 5,255 10,916 812 16,080 4,757 44 459,240 16,620 289,260 246,330 220,890 in, 210 1,522,440 96,450 241,860 215,430 149, 100 329,250 45,810 797,160 251,320 45 195,255 15,599 260,587 161,365 128,449 42,138 1,169,000 54,238 162,496 U9,833 121,195 292,792 16,377 475,413 121, 380 46 5 20 5 5 16 1 6 5 21 10 5 26 47 N« NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 48 10 370 75 20 380 5 35 60 150 90 75 535 49 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 50 110 4,070 825 220 4,180 55 385 660 1,650 990 825 5,385 51 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 52 1 3 3 4 1 8 6 6 6 6 19 3 2 9 12 S3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 54 12 41 229 58 5 607 Ul 82 84 90 460 35 91 182 207 55 NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 56 40 248 1,695 229 75 4,U0 801 659 798 553 3,289 221 535 1,409 1,624 57 NA NA HA NA NA HA 3 67 255 NA NA NA NA NA 2 11 41 NA NA NA 3 23 107 NA 56 59 60 61 1 3 3 4 1 8 6 6 6 6 19 3 2 9 12 62 12 41 229 58 5 540 131 82 84 90 449 35 91 159 207 63 40 248 1,695 229 75 3,855 801 659 793 553 3,248 221 535 1,302 1,624 64 578 61 1,021 274 375 249 1,673 196 409 317 334 1,005 104 2,158 237 65 645 108 849 428 470 222 1,831 236 354 400 385 1,156 125 1,918 279 86 2,457 154 3,105 1,017 1,389 918 9,214 721 1,328 1,228 1,212 3,320 397 6,498 1,049 67 68 1,886 265 1,953 1,398 1,260 744 7,909 755 1,594 1,157 1,366 2,798 317 4,173 1,074 291 50 698 185 228 175 848 125 300 177 207 689 72 1,530 155 69 232 8 264 68 124 58 558 59 87 111 97 260 26 507 53 70 43 2 49 12 13 8 175 9 LJ 23 23 38 2 91 16 Tl U 1 1 10 7 2 6 4 4 3 1 75 12 5 1 1 1 7 2 1 6 7 14 2 2 3 1 20 8 2 12 1 72 73 74 498 50 777 195 297 210 1,387 173 307 253 279 751 90 1,453 202 75 510 80 615 286 336 153 1,365 191 236 309 288 742 104 1,309 200 76 77 78 1,315 78 1,547 526 732 509 4,717 386 692 664 672 1,660 228 3,035 595 993 127 1,028 666 604 373 3,923 311 591 536 528 1,439 168 2,125 568 360 29 758 159 244 135 1,120 116 225 196 136 694 49 1,488 122 79 80 81 82 398 46 498 246 274 155 1,185 133 221 254 244 680 54 1,110 138 1,142 76 1, 558 491 657 409 4,497 335 636 564 540 1,660 169 3,463 454 893 133 925 732 656 371 3,986 444 1,003 621 738 1,359 149 2,048 506 192 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [pala for dairy products sold for 1959 are based — Ilem Tlie State Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderstm Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley (For definitions and explanations, see t*xt) DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 Any milk of Cfeam sold farms reporting 1959.. . 3,863 25 82 12 528 53 10 2 12 2 1951... 6,244 83 110 7 739 49 12 20 27 dollars 1959. . . 22,652,049 15,940 235,920 112,400 2,100,898 956,241 1,150 4,200 147,460 ^ 1954... 15,447,855 131,364 236,469 28,655 1,437,852 560,570 51,672 275,887 30,582 5 Average sales per farm repcitinc dollars 1959. . . 5,864 638 2,877 9,367 3,979 18,042 115 2,100 12,288 6 Milk sold as whole milk farms reoortinp 1959 . . . 3,658 25 72 12 523 53 10 2 12 7 1954 . . . 4,616 42 53 4 556 45 7 20 21 S pounds 1959... 406,962,009 354,664 4,269,246 1,774,870 39,891,927 15,471,645 26,660 81,390 1,829,011 9 1954... 287,1/W,857 2,179,541 3,856,997 423,765 29,145,529 9,313,709 980,373 5,095,947 1,490,835 10 Cream sold farms reptrting 1959 . - . 320 5 15 30 5 11 1954... 1,628 41 57 "3 83 4 5 6 12 pounds of butterfat 1959 . . . 55,425 1,985 930 2,180 45 13 1954 . . . 307,636 6,842 7,894 424 17,380 538 1,758 879 P01:LTRV and POl'LTRY PRODl'CTS 14 10,973 124 391 51 546 137 91 75 201 1954... IB, 186 347 600 135 911 176 209 96 259 16 dollars 1959 . . . 25,443,252 118,858 1,741,150 83,521 898,459 150,302 35,655 113,856 282,960 17 1954 .. . 16,288,930 191,882 1,210,380 30,197 905,889 78,037 64,568 125,215 U5,554 IS Chickens sold farms reporting 1959... 5,303 62 211 27 280 46 33 26 95 19 1954 .. - 6,120 112 240 22 293 34 60 20 34 20 number 1959 . . 15,761,103 89,576 2,550,897 15,659 329,583 9,951 10,860 10,520 18,482 21 1954... 7,308,976 66,335 1,570,710 8,967 320,297 3,507 32,739 9,352 13,222 22 BroilcTS sold farms reptrting 1959. .. 371 4 54 1 9 1 23 1954... 383 5 47 1 13 1 24 number 1959 . - . 13,628,978 79,000 2,486,689 6,000 186,500 7,500 25 1954... 6,403,879 47,100 1,550,247 5,000 234,900 30,000 26 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959... 5,009 58 161 26 274 46 33 26 95 27 1954,. 5,792 107 195 21 283 34 59 20 64 28 number 1959 2,132,125 10,576 64,208 9,659 143,083 9,951 3,360 10,520 18,462 29 1954 .. . 905,097 19,235 20,463 3,967 85,397 3,507 2,739 9,352 13,222 30 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 . 8,882 106 272 38 457 U6 75 39 152 31 1954 . - . 14,995 308 424 114 782 155 150 65 203 32 dozens 1959 . . . 34,590,365 181,601 385,869 193,550 1,748,729 186,402 73,328 257,511 496,032 1954 . . . 12,945,257 229,276 243,565 47,022 1,074,865 75,419 61,100 127,354 184,509 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 820 6 39 8 33 8 5 12 26 35 1954 . . . 1,948 IS 84 23 60 8 17 35 35 36 dollars 1959... 3,577,301 690 106,858 2,595 24,160 80,069 670 856 74,012 37 1954 . . . 5,843, W5 30,973 123,508 1,994 204,329 44,942 17,423 53,399 32,598 38 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959... 1,998 16 103 11 39 22 18 37 34 39 1954 . . . 5,023 44 162 40 120 25 42 103 192 40 number 1959 . . . 792,799 192 27,887 201 5,315 15,119 161 319 22,610 1954 . . . Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- 1,353,799 5,984 41,820 481 39,104 9,137 3,914 10,289 8,767 42 I'nder 50 farms reporting 1959... 1,870 15 99 10 31 21 18 35 31 43 50 to 399 farms repoftjng 1959... 48 1 2 1 6 1 1 44 400 or more farms refcrtinp 1959... 60 2 2 1 2 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Greenville (^reenrood Haniptcm Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster lAuxens Lee D.yRV PnODlTTS I 246 46 5 15 2 18 25 62 11 2 1954 .. . 394 90 15 25 10 43 125 124 23 3 dollars 1959... 2,756,640 540,835 100,000 36,560 85,004 94,486 104,475 801,047 176,330 4 1954... 942,177 377,171 64,424 24,769 72,706 73,272 87,759 720,852 75,294 5 Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 . . . 11,206 U,757 20,000 2,437 42,502 5,249 4,179 12,920 16,075 6 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 .. . 246 36 5 15 2 18 25 62 6 7 1954... 276 56 10 16 6 35 78 92 15 8 pounds 1959 . . . 47,084,696 9,348,349 1,460,000 606,235 1,392,000 1,645,632 1,824,844 13,983,144 2,420,000 9 17,713,213 6,731,237 1,163,907 432,365 1,235,235 1,341,884 1,665,485 12,526,967 1,289,561 10 Cream sold farms reporUng 1959 .. . 10 10 5 11 1954 .. . 118 34 "5 9 4 8 '47 "32 6 pounds of buti«rfat 1959 . . . 2,875 4,180 1,560 13 1954... POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 22,913 8,822 687 556 1,706 2,315 6,236 5,937 1,105 14 Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 517 171 113 630 71 118 160 207 114 15 861 303 272 867 lU 311 381 351 134 16 dollars 1959... 960,897 213,023 239,894 283,732 109,972 155,958 508,345 631,728 118,925 17 434,312 201,709 78,332 77,349 240,593 126,675 553,334 511,132 115,521 18 Chickens sold farms reportjnp 1959... 311 80 58 216 18 51 95 125 33 19 1954... 310 96 54 211 43 78 168 153 42 20 number 1959... 561,192 138,058 28,110 53,205 11,341 47,348 166,923 399,594 12,295 21 1954... 158,415 124, 541 49,495 6,442 9,516 22,956 110,762 562,419 21,023 22 Broilers sold farms repcrting 1959 .. . U 4 2 2 2 10 23 8 6 "2 1 5 20 2 24 number 1959 . . . 384,352 122,000 19,300 33,000 107,500 294,809 25 1954 . . . U0,000 107,765 48,666 18,000 90,200 536,700 15,266 26 Oth« chickens sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 299 78 58 215 'is 50 94 118 33 27 ^ 1954 . . . 303 92 52 211 43 77 163 141 40 28 number 1959. .. 176,840 16,058 28, no 33,405 11,341 14,348 59,423 104,785 12,295 29 1954 . . . 48,415 16,776 1,495 6,442 9,516 4,956 20,562 25,719 5,623 30 Chicken eggs sold farms repcrting 1959 . . . 441 144 111 482 46 92 140 162 65 31 1954... 746 253 246 687 89 237 303 265 114 82 dozens 1959 .. . 1,563,822 342,463 556,777 626,655 256,967 231,327 1,055,146 1,059,380 260,270 33 639,376 276,726 51,262 160,867 151,226 72,621 218,656 340,426 78,079 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 36 10 8 57 U 18 9 16 10 35 1954... 47 10 26 148 13 72 35 42 15 3C dollars 1959... 2,393 5,885 1,160 4,129 721 38,749 98,556 644 7,809 37 1954 .. . 3,757 1,393 20,271 8,249 172,528 77,719 359,248 7,596 69,054 38 Turkeys and turkey Iryers laised farms reporting 1959 .. . 70 20 10 90 20 42 18 43 32 30 1954... 126 40 57 321 48 137 65 92 63 40 number 1959 .. . 658 944 193 390 135 8,781 24,246 306 2,560 41 1954 . . . Farms reporting by numbee of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- 1,284 499 5,104 3,153 28,910 23,750 88,051 1,762 10,991 42 Undrr 50 farms repcrting 1959 . . . 69 19 9 83 20 41 14 43 31 48 50 to 399 farms repcrting 1959 .. . 1 1 2 1 4i 400 or mere farms reporting 1959 .. . "i 1 3 1 SOUTH CAROLINA 193 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 or reports for only k sample of fanis. See text] Calhoun Charleston Cheroliee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown r 32 6 136 377 60 22 26 46 20 IS 59 89 2e 18 11 279 433 67 26 31 65 30 39 109 102 83 16 25,465 2 608,065 26,000 276,745 898,238 136,755 127,280 16,525 415,027 61,950 309,410 368,975 469,557 202,990 162,673 92,038 262,064 881,768 75,639 45,058 U7,896 139,506 87,856 359,503 300,911 296,445 147,870 7,807 25,709 4 19,003 4,333 2,035 2,383 2,279 5,785 636 9,022 3,098 17,189 5,254 5,276 2,315 27 6 131 377 60 17 26 31 20 18 54 89 26 11 J U 11 205 424 44 14 22 30 21 34 52 81 7 9,996,722 509,000 5,709,167 16,571,263 2,375,282 2,325,020 286,435 7, 139,165 1,404,460 5 639,000 7 ,292,400 8 ,671,401 3,359,790 494,453 B 2,964,497 10 1,590,957 4,905,354 10 17,659,601 1,314,828 761,848 5 2,021,740 2, 259,418 15 1,825,720 5 6 845,419 6 ,024,954 5 5 ,825,434 2,545,962 431,264 5 9 10 5 74 9 '23 12 9 35 9 5 57 '21 42 8 1,525 11,685 40 1,150 250 1,125 1,050 12 592 14,772 5,614 2,646 639 2,265 4,305 1,061 714 10,289 4,839 3,309 571 13 120 76 253 195 295 206 345 226 175 142 122 U5 334 118 ,, 177 144 429 265 307 306 378 419 221 254 265 212 659 156 15 469,239 327,378 1,374,625 108,168 1,203,246 164,393 357,062 506,265 68,251 250,3U 240,468 149,553 299,265 279,040 16 185,023 124,578 628,153 U6,793 825,6U 227,490 106,055 143,291 59,801 87,249 91,025 168,665 152,980 173,083 17 60 47 U3 72 127 80 107 113 79 66 34 50 155 39 60 39 ISO 74 116 99 104 U7 76 52 63 71 163 33 19 53,773 31,026 1,209,485 14,049 325,280 9,541 318,461 284,617 12,416 69,138 26,408 88,075 57,908 21,840 20 29,094 "i 22,522 "i 195,808 30 15 8,894 33,190 4 3 13,532 1 1 !0,804 1 2 92,581 7 5 5,341 i 53,512 1 2 53,719 2 5 18,131 1 3 22,062 1 4,U3 1 21 22 23 1,135,100 269,000 i,a«) 300,000 202,000 36,400 8,600 75,000 24 8,400 9,000 174,496 17,200 1,000 8,600 82,916 1,666 47,000 48,200 8,535 2,806 1,266 60 47 U6 '72 125 80 107 109 79 67 32 59 155 39 96 59 38 167 74 113 98 102 142 75 60 58 69 163 33 87 28 53,773 31,026 74,385 14,049 56,280 8,501 L8,461 82,517 12,416 32,738 17,808 13,076 57,908 21,840 20,694 L3,522 21,312 8,894 15,990 12,532 12,204 9,665 4,341 5,512 5,519 9,595 19,252 2,943 » 108 60 200 144 202 162 284 186 141 125 114 116 283 87 30 150 109 338 202 207 256 329 325 173 240 230 172 539 124 31 1,096,459 772,796 1,453,856 246,865 1,162,U9 245,967 242,583 392,403 151,090 533,208 554,250 234,125 632,172 664,828 32 399,991 150,922 273,841 178,129 162,464 158,031 222,732 145,398 105,608 104,324 121,841 U4,993 324,331 33,591 33 1 U 10 20 34 17 U 19 10 8 4 19 27 11 34 22 29 26 60 55 32 26 83 33 18 21 33 102 36 35 4 575 183,134 1,4U 571,806 60,640 99,506 1,212 738 167 317 10,950 13,388 660 36 2,270 37,391 370,591 36,855 74i;794 U4,514 8,447 5,636 12,549 2,184 1,501 96,084 5,285 152,587 37 8 16 16 97 51 66 41 85 42 27 23 37 102 34 36 56 124 50 162 115 136 86 254 143 46 47 118 257 69 39 54 152 44,672 658 124,474 20,471 L5,861 673 319 157 178 2,233 3,944 244 40 827 9,015 79,388 7,254 161,170 23,014 2,002 2,522 6,225 727 519 19,077 2,378 22,831 41 8 15 1 U 1 4 96 1 32 3 16 65 "i 37 2 2 84 1 42 27 23 35 1 1 100 2 34 42 43 44 Lexinct<» UeCoi&lck Ikrlon IkTltxlro Newtarry Ooonee Qrangeturg Ptckens Richland Saluda Spartan - burg Sumter Union Sillians- burg York 126 16 23 322 203 178 U9 50 183 207 14 56 6 248 I 165 35 'is 36 424 354 171 340 120 252 523 51 128 42 378 2 104,968 U,575 274,150 1, 641,880 690,132 3,022,007 159 ,386 765,636 934,565 902,420 547,525 286,035 42,075 1,055,507 3 154,484 16,029 33,142 233,259 895,486 487,379 1,661,922 294 ,323 600,676 572,792 820,281 438,344 220,305 141,396 640,626 4 833 723 11,920 5,099 3,400 16,978 1 ,070 15,313 5,107 4,350 39,109 5,108 7,013 4,250 5 76 11 23 292 196 158 149 45 168 207 14 56 1 243 6 63 8 7 33 322 297 138 237 69 184 339 39 55 25 353 7 1,852,893 277,300 5 ,168,225 31, 671,381 12,911,059 54,479,919 2,744 ,805 12,080,727 18,513,530 15,744,731 9,427,210 4,603,350 840,000 21,298,888 e 2,186,791 55 236,285 5 541,327 4 ,327,744 16, 869,442 30 9,498,674 10 29,826,881 40 5,503 ,226 10,438,431 10 12,206,823 15 14,207,320 5 7,731,090 3,883,725 5 2,381,684 5 13,045,366 5 9 10 102 27 "i "3 102 57 33 io3 51 68 184 12 63 17 25 11 7,875 70 3,430 3,120 7,010 540 2,075 200 150 125 250 15 14,158 4,367 767 332 29,061 14,010 5,722 24 ,369 7,033 9,898 30,460 1,678 12,323 1,187 14,563 13 5^ 58 151 69 401 290 450 334 273 275 494 267 196 346 297 14 946 lU 253 191 659 528 847 619 423 505 1,056 414 241 410 443 15 2,656,905 95,389 64,751 184,234 1, 749,772 728,732 533,525 659 ,389 724,564 1,259,441 1,453,900 1,185,471 371,222 191,935 1,014,502 16 17 18 1,020,985 373 57,748 19 35,233 54 86,996 43 706,724 240 293,084 168 669,406 156 380 ,692 191 492,205 145 963,530 157 1,000,535 298 491,512 102 124,758 90 43,968 145 1,757,975 163 414 33 66 74 300 192 222 235 169 216 399 126 73 125 164 19 3,786,734 5,496 9,405 109,988 503,827 646,040 1A8,099 354 ,501 313,568 1,377,530 775,296 22,779 438,310 31,359 252,559 30 879,117 9,189 3,919 7,724 292,286 87,719 103,950 161 ,323 148,728 946,352 459,673 13,612 97,450 6,871 417,022 21 81 4 14 23 2 5 13 37 25 8 9 22 56 19 11 3 4 6 83 31 5 13 23 3,691,291 100,000 366,275 593,695 112,076 284 ,250 231,469 1,309,000 624,732 414,000 147,700 24 804,215 255,700 58,162 81,790 120 ,136 101,466 900,922 425,028 87,000 366,000 25 300 19 54 39 232 150 134 188 U3 133 280 102 82 145 159 26 358 33 66 74 281 184 219 232 166 154 374 126 70 125 154 27 95,443 5,496 9,405 9,988 137,552 52,145 36,023 70 ,251 82,099 68,530 150,564 22,779 24,310 31,359 114,859 28 29 30 74,902 481 9,189 45 3,919 103 7,724 44 36,586 342 29,557 240 22,160 389 41 ,187 293 47,262 224 45,440 219 44,645 422 13,512 199 10,450 160 6,871 289 51,022 260 811 1,843,233 107 230,053 215 U7,202 141 145,431 2 583 492,637 451 986,457 744 980,435 1,059 548 ,690 355 1,399,671 409 1,380,757 870 2,407,275 355 451,243 189 319,318 330 431,694 84,538 341 1,335,688 627,779 31 32 33 1,017,368 106,750 54,169 82,386 549,949 423,879 468,949 628 ,682 950,583 409,923 562,606 207,203 107,738 32 73 19,563 65,623 47 112 4,689 14,718 10 7 235 298 27 46 175 307 18 42 509 9,612 38 107 241 2,460 8 25 70,369 47,872 33 123 14,201 11,146 24 56 491,174 300,151 47 130 107,527 69,879 16 26 7,478 3,564 39 84 1,647 1,237 33 89 64,780 415,307 72 158 17,711 81,396 53 1 16 23 ,345 ,184 32 73 622 513 26 64 2,165 6,731 60 151 774 2,133 13 28 23,576 130,644 17 42 4,427 28,808 17 73 92,803 379,491 50 188 23,515 107,385 22 34 991,990 384,278 81 104 189,521 69,728 17 33 22,638 1,892 35 90 5,726 780 27 51 1,382 2,249 112 162 770 1,468 24 58 340,507 1,242,517 26 113 96,545 341,882 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 1 27 38 32 1 34 2 11 35 3 1 65 2 5 29 3 59 1 U 1 3 56 4 77 1 3 34 "i 110 2 15 2 11 42 43 44 194 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Com for all purposes. Harvested for grain. Cut for silage. .farms reporting 1959., 1954. acres 1959. 1954., .farms reporting 1959., 1954. acres 1959. 1954. , bushels 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959., 1954. , bushels 1959., 1954. , .farms reporting 1959., 1954.. acres 1959., 1954. , tons, green weight 1959., 1954. , Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959., 1954., Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes : Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959., 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959., 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959., 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959., 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959., Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting 1959., acres 1959., Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959 . , acres 1959., bushels 1959., Sales farms reporting 1959., bushels 1959., Cut for silage farms reporting 1959., acres 1959., tons, green weight 1959., Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959. acres 1959., tons cut 1959., Sales tens 1959 . , Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. gallons 1959., Sales gallons 1959. Small grains harvested: wheat farms reporting 1959., 1954. acres 1959., 1954., bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. , 1954. Oats farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres har/ested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Barley farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Rye '. forms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959. Other grains farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959 . Z Reported in small fractions. 57,604 92,995 776,621 1,051,252 55,137 84,962 634,262 923,189 17,524,709 9,259, 319 15,741 9,516 5,354,523 1,577,531 332 1,242 19,599 25,364 161,072 121,858 6,436 10,874 72,760 102,699 37,735 9,341 3,147 1,308 1,265 9,731 9,191 15,537 20,612 158,276 139,761 3,116,662 2,597,734 2,355,699 1,483,414 17,236 23,364 336,092 496,676 10,375,067 14,076,966 4,627,363 5,437,044 9,894 4,086 1,702 887 667 2,310 2,211 34,189 20,705 971,266 524,243 341,596 161,269 1,069 17,848 274,230 196,214 5,438 146,003 15,443 1,138 4,027 7,833 592 1,051 3,723 7,158 37,4a2 66,592 135 294 601 4,108 4,529 32,701 72,076 56,654 39,985 334 619 3,967 7,599 120,426 203,370 37,108 60,247 193 18,998 U,222 4,650 3,995 1,376 1,989 32,521 41,955 1,300 1,938 27,278 39,085 480,095 377,958 461 485 488 480 6,500 4,364 105,053 79,916 80,398 59,655 350 528 6,396 10,293 152,400 248,372 63,541 119,931 174 8,453 2,140 2,075 1,198 15,485 9,747 17,860 16,373 457,414 155,527 101 3,464 2,297 77,851 49,542 73,799 43,479 101 263 12,790 17,032 471,293 450,627 396,904 336,968 21 1,662 2,937 11,716 22,973 1,594 2,511 10,128 18,802 215,431 211,874 383 503 1,183 1,843 8,131 6,813 1,592 2,321 17,960 18,473 370,317 330,196 273,337 179,888 1,193 2,091 20,438 36,479 662,419 1,035,339 270,226 345,984 648 354 456 5,016 3,752 150,143 88,767 65,123 35,235 U 1,028 22,985 31,459 18,870 24,323 453,071 229,193 1,586 4,173 9,145 1,083 320 26,558 7,975 25 2 11,443 1,475 72 22 1,254 568 6,930 4,192 129 154 2,181 1,414 35,851 24,401 30,931 17,231 210 293 7,166 10,330 210,693 271,807 66,530 82,188 62 3,365 1,383 4,305 1,086 14,615 7,338 1,133 22,041 27,915 667 1,108 20,441 25,802 511,646 225,820 324 182 138 100 2,508 1,096 45,180 17,179 39, 594 U,549 161 243 3,995 5,233 124,661 147,312 59,709 55,739 1,004 3,918 5,169 3,182 4,407 83,331 42,227 18,545 15,845 3,218 SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 195 Part 1 of 5 Calhoun Charleston Cterokee Cluster Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 587 418 732 749 1,532 2,246 1,542 2,073 1,852 1,094 638 527 3,973 900 1 983 1,326 1,352 1,201 2,479 3,311 2,437 2,906 2,566 1,574 1,317 899 5,437 1,391 2 11,660 5,689 4,393 5,440 15,093 33,328 33,602 26,073 21,557 21,592 7,334 3,234 55,508 9,257 3 18,799 9,096 9,361 9,203 24,638 44,401 43,280 29,591 25,007 25,988 13,613 6,176 57,246 10,375 4 472 376 716 720 1,523 2,219 1,410 2,059 1,834 1,021 681 508 3,936 368 5 879 1,182 976 919 2,263 3,266 2,284 2,777 2,493 1,526 1,250 700 5,296 1,155 6 7,9U 4,551 4,5U 4,725 14,754 31,411 25,934 25,315 20,639 17,330 7,102 3,103 53,753 8,508 7 15,325 7,684 6,662 6,591 22,248 42,751 36,123 27,876 23,762 21,841 12,922 4,786 55,507 9,025 8 167,929 U6,169 94,032 97,0U 324,901 779,792 616,650 768,852 621,579 484,107 153,673 61,579 1,578,507 203,575 9 165,899 111,380 48,697 54,443 205,513 360,530 449,023 249,933 256,155 269,557 123,418 43,132 410,625 109,135 10 100 67 140 93 335 539 330 1,131 513 169 198 32 1,328 221 11 192 42 163 102 342 260 182 375 196 104 161 44 415 199 12 44,894 34,990 17,531 U,754 68,700 237,273 158,687 359,189 177,062 97,261 40,124 4,170 578,421 57,702 13 46,966 26,013 6,528 7,195 30,500 44,769 75,167 49,130 35,773 31,150 30,385 3,933 46,390 20,255 14 14 4 12 19 4 U 12 14 8 27 3 8 16 15 10 7 49 42 16 5 16 9 3 32 7 7 7 "6 16 353 120 269 601 162 253 330 283 193 530 77 89 192 17 331 214 464 915 246 148 281 163 65 711 170 123 117 '34 18 3,254 950 1,547 5,381 785 2,780 3,845 2,830 1,098 5,734 690 836 1,929 19 2,340 1,275 1,894 3,389 1,664 410 1,889 1,185 501 3,687 797 444 577 204 20 171 78 17 25 18 155 511 48 79 249 16 16 160 93 21 158 163 493 289 221 161 441 153 92 215 72 224 177 272 22 3,396 1,018 113 114 177 1,659 7,338 470 725 3,232 155 42 1,563 749 23 3,U3 1,198 2,735 1,697 2,144 1,502 6,876 1,552 1,180 3,436 521 1,262 1,622 1,316 24 267 295 641 656 1,(»1 1,296 760 1,320 1,209 560 495 479 2,173 635 25 m 25 61 51 291 453 293 402 349 193 100 30 959 146 26 155 71 26 35 133 403 313 292 253 233 74 14 740 98 27 33 16 3 4 10 58 81 34 23 58 12 3 66 15 23 12 4 2 4 14 49 14 6 23 6 12 2 29 9 7 1 1 3 22 46 11 7 22 1 "i 23 4 30 23 13 U9 128 89 17 37 17 18 20 37 46 17 9 31 620 613 744 1,851 850 241 560 226 199 417 531 335 310 165 32 4 3 21 13 57 7 U 6 10 3 7 8 8 4 33 53 120 250 237 627 154 224 76 160 57 256 107 168 105 34 770 2,900 1 6,485 6 6,090 2 15,564 18 2,265 4,350 1 2,153 4,217 1 1,120 1,906 1 2,306 5,311 1 3,900 2 35 36 1,500 1,288 850 5,651 250 700 1,000 300 500 37 11 4 15 57 4 4 7 4 1 9 9 5 3 38 429 150 283 1,332 152 51 188 96 7 176 230 82 64 39 3,100 1,000 1,958 9,324 1,662 400 1,776 881 70 1,248 3,350 510 570 40 8 8 48 42 7 6 17 4 4 3 7 25 5 2 41 136 341 157 263 50 35 147 51 30 183 37 142 77 59 42 132 221 88 164 11 366 8 78 U 23 183 33 36 234 18 90 2 10 43 44 6 1 38 23 23 1 3 3 3 1 16 10 4 4 45 2 2 54 19 21 1 1 3 2 1 8 4 1 1 46 170 75 2,134 587 1,032 19 115 420 220 3 413 134 79 20 47 585 585 50 390 120 125 15 43 303 8 479 U9 266 309 23 993 355 23 299 130 682 49 49 303 3 657 288 323 251 32 1,321 327 21 438 161 727 11 50 7,390 237 5,860 1,416 2,577 2,583 295 6,651 1,945 166 2,752 699 2,596 289 51 5,683 48 5,099 1,662 2,781 1,172 380 6,206 1,422 181 2,705 752 2,535 75 52 U5,282 6,520 108,126 29,008 59,504 51,542 3,533 140,519 52,522 2,624 53,308 13,787 56,283 5,626 53 130,627 1,150 38,044 30,863 47,565 23,240 8,024 118,382 29,825 4,224 49,137 10,106 49,038 1,586 54 136,038 5,716 77,917 22,786 45,345 49,055 2,025 98,918 32,720 1,213 38,088 8,153 31,347 4,102 55 U5,893 1,070 45,733 18,147 32,190 15,360 6,738 68,238 13,593 2,403 29,861 4,423 22,913 932 56 291 23 315 201 474 514 121 839 727 155 271 67 921 92 57 441 45 551 410 928 649 406 1,276 862 129 506 169 1,486 79 58 19,154 332 3,720 3,881 6,412 11,932 2,959 16,749 9,416 2,717 5,700 1,179 9,706 369 59 24,691 751 6,340 7,112 16,912 9,157 5,873 20,963 10,742 1,547 9,800 2,367 12,579 1,209 60 572,365 6,880 109,702 140,138 203,343 336,211 61,623 563,593 310,169 69,914 168,315 33,856 296,151 18,285 61 739,606 16,741 202,515 225,139 482,238 229,896 112,153 682,354 333,590 42,715 293,258 69,631 312,105 37,291 62 372,083 4,000 34,690 39,430 30,406 185,272 12,261 325,429 104,045 7,425 65,918 7,509 103,536 2,705 63 454,323 7,000 76,967 67,180 193,003 79,412 23,168 369,756 95,893 11,130 110,133 15,478 86,528 2,647 64 71 11 189 105 325 320 57 462 479 78 120 37 660 72 65 59 8 91 45 91 91 32 223 154 33 77 20 170 13 66 40 3 24 28 31 48 15 77 58 23 42 6 58 3 67 46 1 9 16 16 23 10 42 25 14 21 23 2 68 75 2 7 11 32 7 35 11 2 11 "4 10 2 69 83 3 101 46 93 29 9 24 109 3 49 12 26 5 70 39 3 77 30 66 5 2 6 24 2 40 9 2 71 2,336 42 1,081 765 1,010 429 133 411 1,335 23 1,172 184 380 13 72 839 23 522 426 892 57 22 X 156 4 443 67 11 73 57,921 1,495 31,209 22,292 28,452 10,364 2,960 11,530 40,618 315 31,995 5,350 14,408 510 74 20,704 623 14,243 13,403 19,313 1,630 300 1,029 4,392 110 11, 625 1,336 220 75 31,911 9,319 5,470 12,366 4,025 850 11,547 15,560 118 1,660 76 4,921 400 4,224 2,420 7,685 700 200 240 90 5,405 324 77 24 3 2 2 38 12 17 65 13 3 33 7 25 78 513 34 3 5 3,264 149 335 706 56 112 446 90 435 79 8,603 505 105 120 53,702 1,975 3,667 9,471 1,295 1,295 5,171 1,059 3,944 30 5,431 270 48,424 1,070 2,138 5,637 630 430 3,319 460 5,840 31 17 963 29,960 4 180 3,550 12 75 1,3U 5 37 763 15 139 5,300 1 22 440 7 272 4,600 4 88 4,235 10 231 9,635 3 20 260 2 13 325 6 77 2,100 760 32 83 34 35 5,230 1,100 312 290 2,000 150 150 Stub Items caatlnued 196 Pait 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster I^urens Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959. 195i. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954.. Cut for silage farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959., 1954. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reportljlg 1959., 1954., acres 1959., 1954., Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes : Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959., 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959., 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres ... farms reporting 1959.. Sorgtiums: Sorghums for all purposes. .. .farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959.. bushels 1959 . . Sales farms reporting 1959. . bushels 1959.. Cut for silAge farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. tons, green weight 1959., Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay fanus reporting 1959. . acres 1959.. tons cut 1959.. Sales tons 1959. . Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. gallons 1959.. Sales gallana 1959.. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bu^els 1959.. 1954.. Sales bushels 1959. . 1954.. Oats harvested farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954. . Sales bushels 1959. . 1954.. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . 25 to 49 acres farms reportljng 1959.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. Barley farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954. . bushels 1959.. 1954.. Sales bushels 1959.. 1954.. Rye farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959.. bushels 1959.. Sales bushels 1959 . . Other grains farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959.. buBhels 1959. . Sales bushels 1959.. Z Reported in small fractions. 1,240 2,332 9,205 20,331 1,105 2,100 7,300 14,173 185,074 154,724 240 202 1,188 2,166 9,353 8,293 705 1,179 5,347 6,578 102,103 110,469 56,843 44,060 641 1,145 7,760 12,071 253,445 353,790 77,235 96,123 416 2,536 4,889 53,319 50,870 227 327 1,968 2,143 41,401 37,100 31,223 22,100 207 364 3,430 6,039 113,707 155,667 19,623 18,234 104 1,317 25,202 27,848 670 1,237 21,719 23,122 666,417 282,337 198 103 67 70 1,690 1,644 36,566 35,783 35,042 32,980 U4 295 5,U1 11,187 153,477 239,174 113,375 203,956 26 1,151 839 27 1,034 558 50 32,429 31,028 500 24,151 14,213 1,493 11,469 2,400 270 4,310 356 318 19 6 33 177 135 1,086 2,580 1,975 20,234 1,080 1,610 16,893 4 3 50 62 690 2,805 100 1,200 4,436 6,051 53,622 52,195 4,238 5,738 45,422 47,934 1,449,462 708,075 1,508 505 1,346 772 8,021 30,709 17,972 15,782 6,832 785 1,102 4,827 6,0U 159,604 172,781 50,491 34,997 661 7,327 9,683 162,630 104,195 59 680 1,449 14,601 42,471 4,084 15,538 26 1,748 11,293 18,440 384 1,697 10,337 17,805 215,818 177,128 135 169 145 248 1,783 1,772 34,013 31,249 26,563 21,098 174 485 4,775 6,912 144,785 163,431 66,570 58,167 93 1,354 4,908 9,304 724 1,279 4,695 8,653 110,076 35,602 164 182 7,612 6 3,420 212 945 1,425 18,989 24,934 13,487 14,606 212 541 2,643 6,489 79,322 184,957 24,024 70,701 131 1,798 7,620 14,338 324 1,523 6,607 11,917 142,132 128,629 151 137 542 312 6,644 7,019 141,418 173,064 110,437 80,502 372 353 8,030 16,156 255,700 471,430 90,403 147,072 179 114 1,671 97 2,904 2,492 47,087 1,971 70,803 180 24,050 556 23,387 SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 197 Part 1 of 5 Lexlnfton UcConnlok Ibrion Uarlbom Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Hlchland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union Williams- burg York 1,297 246 1,797 786 942 1,068 2,619 949 760 829 1,621 1,360 500 3,315 967 1 1,955 531 2,302 1,504 1,565 1,953 4,149 1,907 1,350 1,502 3,497 2,3&4 847 5,102 1,908 2 18,771 1,628 21,657 7,542 9,564 9,306 54,335 7,332 9,332 8,552 U,261 23,001 3,406 57,807 53,876 7,704 3 28,615 3,678 20,238 16,722 15,324 14,947 30,285 U,895 13,462 15,538 27,600 33,003 6,621 14,978 4 1,211 230 1,763 740 343 1,023 2,355 933 738 809 1,482 1,824 438 3,734 5,010 915 5 1,819 431 2,229 1,434 1,519 1,683 3,903 1,801 1,178 1,473 2,727 2,641 758 1,544 6 15,671 1,472 20,015 6,601 7,666 3,354 41,116 6,919 7,816 8,056 9,953 a, 194 3,300 55,182 6,511 7 25,«9 3,006 19,371 15,020 U,499 12,610 67,461 13,565 10,970 14,796 20,716 29,430 5,968 57,416 1,565,736 11,457 8 299,196 23,903 588,433 162,173 173,681 217,162 885,122 172,225 209,561 193,243 223,936 536,925 67,425 140,054 9 197,080 21,232 146,125 141,139 140,171 145,051 581,859 165,433 100,565 192,206 199,803 348,162 50,529 603,475 108,236 10 397 21 700 123 119 3C» 434 258 150 238 343 419 69 1,410 70 11 164 60 166 151 143 363 406 231 62 192 580 217 46 477 98 12 91,027 3,415 195,901 40,330 25,843 64,004 132,937 47,377 59,867 45,390 49,739 146,993 9,892 424,609 14, %0 13 30,793 2,029 18,100 34,083 20,581 34,435 89,299 23,766 17,428 41,199 34,458 65,823 4,454 97,464 10,429 14 11 4 4 18 43 32 94 U 15 23 34 35 4 13 38 15 17 2 1 14 46 30 107 31 15 55 97 23 2 9 50 16 213 54 70 454 957 723 3,300 325 755 411 616 1,133 36 176 571 17 220 19 6 452 1,035 815 3,664 365 1,025 646 1,587 688 86 93 983 18 1,158 379 647 2,881 6,490 5,729 26,361 2,841 7,723 3,298 4,795 11,717 138 1,996 4,574 19 779 61 80 1,490 4,486 5,149 17,570 1,233 5,400 2,868 6,620 3,827 500 634 3,955 20 195 22 214 58 100 41 589 16 35 23 134 84 14 2C» 49 21 200 109 U6 81 53 309 495 177 178 14 834 237 95 145 374 22 2,887 loe 1,572 487 9U 229 9,919 88 761 185 692 674 70 2,449 522 23 2,966 653 361 1,250 790 1,522 9,160 965 1,467 96 5,297 2,835 567 1,367 2,538 24 762 217 1,099 636 695 897 1,245 815 592 579 1,401 1,238 431 2,173 808 25 229 21 371 70 142 80 458 30 88 143 132 293 50 772 87 26 246 6 290 59 81 73 660 42 51 96 80 214 19 690 53 27 a. 1 27 12 17 9 U3 6 8 3 6 35 101 5 28 12 1 7 4 4 4 50 4 4 2 12 40 1 29 7 3 5 3 5 63 2 17 "i 18 39 3 30 77 41 12 8 163 2U UO 123 36 158 254 32 127 47 121 31 558 lOS 137 264 2,831 904 2,743 3U 568 1,933 2,007 631 650 258 1,265 32 *5 3 5 1 73 15 25 25 7 64 40 3 7 13 37 33 419 10 93 90 1,380 161 464 274 U7 791 366 54 45 118 436 34 6,931 130 1,730 1,800 24,963 3,763 U,852 5,834 3,300 13,763 7,529 910 1,095 2,633 10,555 35 6 1 8 3 6 12 5 1 4 36 1,570 40 100 3,627 870 1,320 2,640 1,401 800 1,000 37 4 1 6 39 13 59 6 13 46 43 14 U 1 28 38 40 1 164 808 170 1,279 231 289 890 853 327 156 20 542 39 392 10 1,093 4,691 1,263 10,806 1,311 2,810 6,936 5,364 3,795 1,305 185 5,006 40 16 u 1 42 146 39 73 7 36 147 12 89 12 33 41 82 80 43 10 620 326 1,X3 288 153 233 740 248 424 113 147 42 92 59 59 383 496 585 334 81 179 710 518 510 269 196 43 43 7 22 25 59 15 39 100 11 7 47 44 15 23 22 39 2 25 15 23 32 4 34 21 24 45 17 17 23 47 2 21 9 19 48 2 25 7 40 46 610 635 213 948 2,710 55 1,1U 665 841 1,770 85 1,239 469 1,919 47 441 100 202 550 1,282 10 157 281 270 960 404 30 1,434 48 396 70 285 152 433 499 677 373 178 412 1,058 631 168 207 272 49 413 UO 321 170 676 752 559 740 272 591 1,790 345 298 134 535 50 4,184 442 890 2,284 3,679 4,738 U,795 2,972 3,058 3,007 U,266 5,583 1,176 1,243 2,622 51 2,334 372 6U 1,703 3,838 4,605 4,758 3,596 2,901 2,930 13,243 4,550 1,586 660 3,614 52 62,248 7,171 20,326 52,632 31,684 90,532 197,695 55,092 69,616 58,701 191,485 112,050 23,469 24,587 55,437 53 37,551 9,135 12,761 32,566 73,460 77,218 87,922 61,441 51,802 51,569 226,635 92, 385 23,352 13,528 63,552 54 47,806 3,146 9,949 45,226 56,771 56,230 172,185 32,970 65,794 38,822 126,164 93,712 14,369 15,966 39,599 55 14,336 4,043 1,394 24,405 36,488 33,130 59,632 19,661 40,152 20,020 121,062 61,908 7,991 5,423 31,156 56 605 57 603 237 632 405 1,069 294 282 511 667 635 84 353 347 57 1,000 98 392 402 1,029 724 1,516 511 495 977 1,221 1,301 256 323 597 58 8,001 539 5,730 3,026 11,932 4,755 38,420 2,049 U,859 7,938 7,356 U,117 794 4,799 5,5U 59 12,607 1,319 3,216 18,587 17,103 7,908 36,232 3,321 17,972 14,326 13,904 21,540 2,642 3,794 12,541 60 221,464 U,249 193,334 227,198 374,675 146,730 1,037,468 a, 170 456,037 244,136 224,044 444,222 21,792 144,554 175,751 51 333,464 29,861 125,401 561,063 481,689 213,833 1,001,473 91,638 619,809 413,121 397,932 606,432 61,725 109,557 353,819 52 74,570 2,162 58,890 109,920 83,346 33,435 U3,932 16,169 305,755 67,569 70,501 242,399 4,147 41,893 . 31,180 63 95,610 8,991 30,425 240,308 103,618 60,642 303,497 18,286 391,910 83,294 134,142 248,742 12,410 18,198 121,051 54 358 41 466 88 274 259 396 249 150 270 456 390 60 210 191 65 175 U 92 56 213 97 280 32 60 148 U6 127 12 91 90 66 46 3 27 46 98 32 169 9 21 58 43 48 12 37 43 67 18 13 22 32 15 132 1 21 25 19 35 11 13 68 3 1 5 25 15 2 92 3 30 10 3 35 4 5 59 34 5 48 108 77 33 133 59 36 50 124 33 26 13 61 70 20 7 1 68 144 79 45 118 23 40 159 6 51 2 108 71 352 41 445 3,142 948 331 2,591 315 1,447 534 1,123 447 241 92 395 72 73 46 2 1,251 1,033 444 744 504 383 238 1,190 174 435 15 1,442 73 6,772 1,215 U,525 91,791 30,889 8,539 57,729 9,065 45,093 14,795 31,297 11,966 6,245 2,320 37,970 74 2,578 1,895 60 38,354 27,459 10,358 17,303 U,740 14,641 5,679 30,966 4,330 9,131 330 40,533 75 2,Ce5 1,500 41,826 6,a9 3,590 U,U5 515 33,543 3,225 9,766 2,420 1,526 310 2,437 76 25 1,500 9,425 4,282 4,871 4,013 925 10,518 600 10,312 2,259 U,531 77 67 2 U 39 10 7 142 8 29 13 10 31 1 7 9 73 745 6 91 776 67 30 2,048 31 345 149 33 672 10 34 29 79 9,539 83 2,299 13,323 1,383 317 24,740 332 5,048 2,690 414 U,331 300 505 505 80 6,735 1,157 11,230 1,111 100 13,563 29 1,858 2,105 10 3,926 300 224 81 12 4 11 2 27 6 2 13 1 5 16 32 101 81 119 9 1,137 27 13 119 4 34 234 83 1,342 676 2,149 300 41,300 750 150 1,975 52 465 5,795 34 85 100 620 140 500 100 580 Stub Items cantlnued 198 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY lUrni (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Annual legumes; 1 Soybeans grown for all putposes faxms reporting 1959. . , 14,852 14 281 177 31 285 112 50 484 2 ' ^ 1954... 11,281 13 271 122 40 143 92 66 320 3 acres grown alone 1959... 421,263 127 7,257 28,642 282 12,376 4,314 1,878 3,755 1954... 199,313 TO 6,368 15,485 276 2,764 2,547 1,457 1,234 5 acres grown with other crops 1959... 82,219 53 1,355 277 56 2,373 330 416 5,590 6 1954. . . 77, %5 43 1,669 877 30 3,259 955 1,097 2,929 7 Harvested for beajis farms reporting 1959... 7,759 187 173 7 223 78 22 38 B 1954. . . 2,966 168 104 9 49 32 12 39 9 acres grown alone 1959... 376,328 5,587 28,463 123 10,84^ 3,862 TO9 2,615 10 1954... 146,372 5,351 15,007 32 1,853 1,885 862 459 11 acres grown with other crops 1959... 7,451 38 100 106 13 123 12 1954... 1,863 10 133 31 5 U bushels 1959... 6,598,313 86,325 498,247 1,300 171,496 65,063 9,790 43,260 u 1954... 937,140 30,603 U4,005 301 11,349 10,551 6,220 2,539 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 2,646 11 42 2 15 12 5 7 56 16 1954... 3,498 63 9 13 7 16 18 63 17 acres grown alone 1959... 15,247 86 530 3 114 127 105 30 263 13 1954. . . 25,469 22 813 71 108 239 317 193 336 19 acres grown with other crops 1959... 4,598 15 82 100 6 80 2 131 20 1954... 5,505 50 117 17 4 227 43 21 tons 1959... 18,517 92 656 312 120 161 104 72 298 22 1954... 18,591 33 515 71 61 139 135 446 199 23 IWEed craazed, or cut fcr silage ..farms reporting 1959... 5,463 4 81 7 5 103 34 16 360 24 ^^ 1954... 5,032 5 66 15 8 76 44 45 212 25 acres grown alone 1959... 21,560 40 913 120 31 1,268 111 282 850 26 1954... 16,027 15 413 120 85 169 266 296 309 27 acres grown with other crops 1959... 61,326 43 1,093 62 47 1,534 471 281 5,172 28 1954... 59,537 43 1,451 522 30 2,699 618 673 2,562 29 Plowed under for green manure . . .farms reporting 1959. . . 1,123 19 4 4 40 23 15 15 30 1954... 1,162 5 21 3 7 29 8 10 35 31 acres grown alone 1959... 8,128 227 56 14 137 236 807 27 32 1954... U,445 32 281 237 51 503 79 106 130 33 acres grown with other crops 1959... 3,344 142 15 3 759 303 120 164 3i 1954... 11,010 153 50 543 302 197 319 Farms. classified hy acres grown alone harvested for beans: 35 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 2,542 1 34 n 2 40 26 6 25 36 10 to 24 acres farnts reporting 1959... 1,896 77 35 4 61 21 4 29 37 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 1,243 38 36 51 7 6 19 38 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 992 27 13 1 42 10 5 8 39 100 or n»re acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 1,081 11 78 29 14 1 7 iO Cowpeaa grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing. or other processing farms reporting 1959... 14,240 53 517 131 216 369 306 176 475 41 1954... 28,376 98 803 408 167 383 419 464 908 42 95,359 302 7,677 2,623 2,079 5,536 4,374 4,136 1,275 43 1954... 161,157 320 7,932 9,335 898 5,679 5,399 3,571 2,032 44 acres grown with other crops 1959... 31,128 1 1,457 195 198 2,071 3,219 151 331 45 1954... 71,899 88 2,607 2,135 204 1,486 3,150 555 2,280 46 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1959... 3,330 28 257 106 94 117 153 86 37 47 1954... 8,313 57 469 312 63 127 253 265 457 4« acres grown alone 1959... 24,382 78 3,690 2,299 524 1,320 1,793 133 203 49 1954... 42,615 115 4,226 6,777 328 1,844 2,589 383 652 50 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 5,667 444 159 26 402 1,201 22 53 51 1954... 23,396 6 2,000 1,392 18 361 1,552 153 1,202 52 bushels 1959... 178,428 788 19,775 12,612 3,628 10,339 U,966 750 1,684 53 1954... 193,545 428 24,157 24,807 1,229 7,073 10,986 1,860 4,367 54 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 8,481 14 153 27 64 136 80 18 307 55 1954. . . 13,640 27 314 124 72 220 184 111 413 56 acres grown alone 1959... 39,070 78 941 204 401 1,112 657 77 707 57 1954... 91,363 103 2,375 1,125 340 2,717 2,172 280 1,136 58 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 11,811 1 121 31 108 413 355 2 458 59 1954... 26,035 20 105 162 71 506 567 91 540 60 tons 1959... 37,039 89 1,150 165 375 1,246 633 53 722 61 1954... 64,093 43 1,193 628 268 1,209 1,104 263 1,015 62 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1,907 2,965 6 15 115 55 10 34 15 14 91 45 70 50 11 79 91 104 63 1954... 64 acres grown alone 1959. . . 11,501 60 1,693 66 237 1,174 681 92 321 65 1954... U,332 26 621 491 33 238 304 224 194 66 acres grown with other crops 1959... 8,008 586 5 20 680 848 14 265 67 1954... 13,554 2 304 200 13 403 660 128 473 68 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959... 2,072 7 91 4 59 114 94 72 20 69 1954... 2,325 6 66 21 29 65 30 95 26 70 acres grown alone 1959... 20,906 86 1,353 54 917 1,930 1,243 3,834 44 71 1954... 15,842 76 710 942 197 880 334 2,684 50 72 acres grown with other crops 1959... 5,642 306 44 576 815 113 55 73 1954... 8,914 60 193 Ml 102 211 371 183 65 74 75 3,028 3,530 21 45 63 102 42 50 20 95 33 66 1954!!! 73 31 37 145 29 74 76 acres grown alone 1959... 11,762 22 715 456 37 57 875 55 68 77 1954... 11,225 38 826 654 33 140 1,072 28 60 73 acres grown with other crops 1959... 214 13 16 2 4 2 9 79 1954... 490 37 7 1 9 80 Harvested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959. . . 2,750 21 46 39 45 17 92 32 57 81 1954... 3,264 45 89 65 30 23 141 29 73 82 acres grown alone 1959... 10,572 22 427 429 32 49 837 54 53 83 1954... 9,390 37 740 626 34 61 1,061 19 53 84 acres grown with other crops 1959,. , 103 14 2 4 2 3 35 1954... 99 22 1 1 7 36 pounds 1959... 3,519,620 10,258 148,500 279,670 17,906 26,790 456,569 21,029 26,312 87 1954... 5,494,646 5,670 217,384 283,015 8,515 22,631 477,740 6,699 12,896 83 Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959. . . 419 1 20 13 6 1 35 1 7 89 1954... 928 2 56 22 4 17 20 5 3 90 acres grown alone 1959 . . . 2,626 1 284 132 6 1 300 1 7 91 1954... 4,930 2 575 229 3 75 242 7 3 92 acres grown with other crops 1959... 93 2 2 1 93 1954... 247 15 6 94 tons 1959. . . 1,499 1 95 48 "'5 1 112 1 4 95 1954. . . 3,642 2 373 104 2 43 205 9 3 SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 199 Part 2 of 5 CalhouB Charleston Cherokee Chester Chester- rielA Clarendon Colleton Darlington DlUon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown UO 96 31 68 121 622 745 716 517 314 148 22 890 1B5 1 471 69 49 62 58 280 635 204 229 236 194 36 752 122 2 38,598 3,778 254 948 5,613 20,855 8,614 24,559 11,626 5,746 5,772 UB 9,423 1,090 3 31,823 1,228 329 500 1,861 5,693 5,520 4,833 1,737 935 5,086 461 1,429 503 4 694 461 122 669 45 2,141 14,919 1,183 1,588 3,144 143 99 5,760 1,226 5 978 343 2 109 81 1,554 10,832 756 2,173 3,714 555 12 5,680 795 6 419 32 7 12 97 456 233 612 360 134 131 1 358 36 7 372 U 6 28 82 114 65 23 21 155 1 32 9 8 37,818 3,101 25 84 5,325 19,611 7,086 23,191 10,306 4,994 5,480 1 6,983 333 9 30,182 488 67 1,205 3,413 3,502 2,282 637 555 4,529 6 353 46 10 73 25 80 n 446 1,551 333 321 238 482 103 11 63 3 32 210 UO 22 27 254 26 28 12 627,413 52,770 326 1,607 121,337 333,959 115,953 539,450 212,615 89,004 71,783 'io 141,354 5,252 13 137,099 6,988 306 9,769 23,713 28,437 17,643 5,691 7,142 22,443 70 3,169 396 14 11 14 13 30 17 80 15 140 89 22 13 14 187 22 15 56 20 31 32 17 78 26 107 65 33 37 18 314 62 16 63 217 40 529 65 444 41 842 513 149 113 84 966 152 17 448 171 197 245 385 779 250 1,342 574 152 441 287 796 264 18 29 20 89 23 80 59 214 402 214 58 12 433 54 19 48 10 2 21 16 160 29 207 122 121 154 1,069 196 20 104 196 72 716 68 461 97 925 777 176 133 121 1,186 207 21 228 152 108 268 286 712 206 736 344 126 361 123 1,015 420 22 45 46 5 27 12 79 570 i8 101 142 6 8 331 129 23 71 34 ID 21 13 115 492 37 104 137 9 16 451 50 24 711 313 81 246 60 581 1,221 375 579 572 112 23 1,292 542 25 874 308 95 137 169 919 1,679 156 217 203 45 101 195 113 26 580 390 90, 500 U 722 12,560 565 756 2,462 85 37 4,055 %5 27 827 213 88 33 988 9,532 304 1,386 3,403 88 12 4,328 510 28 2 9 9 7 6 83 43 16 30 11 3 2 82 14 29 26 8 9 8 2 41 59 34 60 10 11 3 38 8 30 6 147 108 89 163 219 266 151 228 31 67 10 182 58 31 319 261 37 51 102 582 89 1,053 259 20 71 67 85 80 32 12 46 12 893 749 21 109 230 790 104 33 40 117 196 1,271 U5 543 158 59 257 61 34 97 3 7 7 27 147 84 211 165 57 13 1 177 25 35 65 4 5 29 116 62 161 34 51 39 110 8 36 58 4 12 82 36 102 51 43 39 39 2 37 73 9 U 54 33 69 32 24 19 20 1 38 126 12 18 57 18 69 28 9 16 12 39 140 102 59 54 377 1,006 1B2 645 446 165 93 109 910 235 40 223 282 63 105 636 1,990 701 1,254 908 567 217 182 1,784 757 41 1,003 1,213 198 373 3,299 5,950 893 4,975 1,291 817 995 335 4,451 631 42 1,590 1,226 152 311 5,197 9,359 2,606 10,629 1,727 2,200 1,783 492 5,572 2,344 43 21 146 42 64 236 2,279 199 2,213 2,0U 191 25 147 1,648 472 44 304 440 2 21 770 6,265 1,271 4,027 5,361 998 557 236 6,583 2,083 45 47 23 32 17 128 127 41 74 30 26 39 67 35 74 46 80 129 34 45 163 530 259 279 100 71 109 30 169 247 47 317 512 77 42 1,1U 593 103 515 95 161 464 89 560 141 48 482 359 61 99 1,397 955 888 1,198 137 157 638 93 387 172 49 9 2 3 15 87 501 24 90 53 56 10 91 231 160 50 49 166 7 205 2,775 233 1,229 424 175 260 178 715 1,179 51 2,022 3,168 349 363 6,444 5,088 981 3,774 996 1,378 3,523 680 7,124 1,239 52 1,172 2,134 128 200 4,068 6,660 5,872 5,720 1,296 719 3,263 5U 1,724 2,578 53 79 13 12 20 200 852 81 547 367 99 44 18 645 100 54 105 79 U 21 354 1,751 329 960 677 448 75 57 1,422 547 55 506 72 33 134 1,221 4,590 403 3,522 965 450 296 52 2,675 320 56 556 358 45 51 2,478 7,562 1,139 7,664 1,127 1,693 745 133 4,640 1,964 57 5 37 781 21 1,604 1,416 41 15 9 544 38 58 168 61 142 2,430 381 1,517 3,560 339 50 40 3,737 653 59 322 67 '25 148 1,164 3,T)D 286 2,992 1,853 329 336 58 2,493 289 60 6*7 319 16 35 1,802 5,422 938 4,260 2,201 1,644 580 110 3,897 1,473 61 20 37 5 U 39 62 51 52 24 38 6 16 134 44 62 43 50 7 31 91 73 152 66 63 101 42 38 254 53 63 128 362 U 132 333 403 161 410 47 173 56 68 469 97 64 433 260 12 105 503 375 468 638 69 281 210 84 323 83 65 12 76 10 42 55 357 135 433 213 92 IS 513 148 66 30 23 2 14 392 539 552 396 372 467 143 53 1,736 134 67 8 30 17 9 52 140 21 48 54 8 13 15 Ul 21 63 10 42 13 13 71 138 40 166 144 16 21 27 70 54 69 52 267 74 65 631 364 226 528 184 33 179 126 747 73 70 U9 249 34 56 819 467 111 1,129 394 69 190 127 222 125 71 68 29 2 57 640 19 86 329 2 29 360 76 72 57 190 31 521 105 885 1,005 17 104 15 395 117 73 22 48 18 40 15 22 70 12 101 46 13 62 277 19 74 IB 56 14 19 10 31 123 11 40 48 36 32 334 10 75 31 56 14 39 10 83 147 24 155 55 10 26 1,096 23 76 20 "i 55 1 15 25 33 9 "'3 62 209 1 31 20 79 2 45 "i 26 8 4 23 1,035 14 9 77 78 79 21 41 IB 33 U 19 62 12 96 32 6 61 251 18 30 12 51 12 16 6 29 89 11 35 47 36 29 323 10 81 30 49 14 32 5 68 107 20 151 40 9 10 1,017 22 82 14 47 1 12 16 6 55 144 1 20 74 39 25 25 1,015 9 83 84 i 16,627 20,858 4,072 2 8,624 6,190 50,155 38,565 20,066 135,968 1 3,731 "i 3,104 3,248 872,572 6,282 85 86 87 4,600 13,865 1,864 2,330 2,480 37,146 38,912 11,931 44,356 9,333 6,478 3,480 780,481 2,434 2 1 , 8 7 5 1 2 86 1 83 "3 8 1 4 1 3 2 3 1 6 12 24 20 4 5 u 1 5 6 3 5 199 428 "i 39 90 3 10 5 3 3 1 29 12 48 9 17 6 3 2 16 1 4 9 8 5 2 3 653 1 14 276 1 91 92 93 94 3 6 2 3 3 20 48 4 3 1 5 2 471 95 Stub Items continued 200 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinilions and explanations, see text) Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lee Annual legumes: 1 Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . . . 116 22 280 2,347 156 125 28 51 508 2 1954... 108 25 298 2,098 266 102 30 35 229 3 acres grown alone 1959... 978 465 21,239 7,132 2,823 5,659 190 1,566 31,744 1954... 529 498 19,744 3,643 1,233 2,298 207 425 9,302 5 acres grown with other crops 1959... 139 10 2,687 13,166 1,175 363 78 Ul 478 6 1954... 198 10 1,944 7,687 4,215 243 5 116 724 7 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 26 5 212 345 32 71 11 19 448 8 1954. . . 3 1 213 74 29 28 5 6 104 9 acres grown alone 1959... 192 57 20,602 2,691 1,350 4,874 81 775 30,155 10 1954. . . 12 8 18,795 326 1,025 757 33 131 5,788 11 acres grown with other crops 1959... 4 274 170 102 3 1 lis 12 1954... 47 78 5 13 •bushels 1959... 2,715 955 356,442 50,161 22,541 89,717 1,305 14,237 583,766 li 1954. . . 140 100 165,147 4,329 10,377 2,854 194 332 46,574 15 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 65 12 9 465 14 30 14 24 96 16 1954. . . 89 17 21 671 23 48 4 20 ni 17 acres grown alone 1959... 325 145 73 1,395 34 265 82 392 765 18 1954... 438 389 215 1,451 40 868 23 182 2,388 19 acres grown with other crops 1959... 26 65 369 38 21 3 66 65 20 1954. . . 197 'lO 13 639 65 49 5 7 21 tons 1959... 333 157 120 1,752 46 239 '68 612 562 22 1954... 421 247 160 1,531 80 551 7 98 1,247 23 Hogged or ^azed, or art fcr sila^ .. farms reporting 1959... 18 5 89 1,736 53 36 3 20 36 24 1954... 11 4 85 1,377 197 37 12 U 35 25 acres grown alone 1959 .. . 326 39 476 2,519 539 467 17 323 492 26 1954... 39 77 463 1,344 105 441 64 108 684 27 acres grown with other crops 1959... 104 10 2,215 11,511 544 309 75 74 295 28 1954... 1 1,436 6,U4 2,953 169 5 111 527 29 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 16 5 10 200 64 5 2 5 18 30 1954... 8 4 23 183 39 4 U 1 21 31 acres grown alone 1959... 135 224 88 527 900 53 10 76 332 32 1954... 40 24 271 522 63 232 37 4 442 33 acres grown with other crops 1959... 5 133 1,116 491 30 3i 1954. . . Farms classified by acres grown alone harvested for beans: 495 837 1,119 20 190 35 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 19 1 32 270 12 17 7 7 108 36 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 6 4 45 55 1 20 4 7 103 37 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 1 30 14 8 11 2 65 38 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 40 3 7 14 1 79 39 100 or more acres ... farms reporting 1959... 65 3 4 9 2 93 40 Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh maricet. or for canning, freezing. or other processing farms reporting 1959... 150 66 149 893 147 258 58 93 322 41 1954... 194 91 430 2,493 370 704 227 159 657 42 1,062 258 975 2,324 599 2,138 239 762 2,237 43 1954... 636 447 3,153 5,976 995 5,505 1,265 805 7,290 44 acres grown with other crops 1959... 99 29 145 1,450 100 526 109 21 106 45 1954... 113 16 534 5,233 1,571 372 223 103 1,549 46 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1959... 51 36 53 95 52 108 27 31 41 47 1954... 63 36 233 351 182 331 108 66 158 48 acres grown alone 1959. . . 295 83 489 145 126 614 68 156 244 49 1954... 196 130 1,873 432 328 1,786 533 279 2,236 50 acres grown with other crops 1959... 4 28 15 162 34 165 89 1 15 51 1954... U 10 58 888 127 646 73 5 554 52 bushels 1959... 1,709 520 4,223 1,440 907 4,411 495 782 3,633 53 1954. . . 950 374 10,770 4,077 1,544 4,594 1,840 1,579 9,990 54 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 49 16 51 474 41 119 18 28 258 55 1954... 101 43 181 1,737 147 409 54 39 493 56 acres grown alone 1959... 206 83 165 1,524 135 716 94 137 1,646 57 1954... 310 168 664 4,657 293 3,164 181 220 4,443 58 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 45 30 166 17 133 4 12 76 59 1954... 98 ' 6 174 1,718 154 142 45 20 903 60 tons 1959... 200 77 149 1,462 123 619 69 126 1,200 61 1954... 179 82 449 7,023 304 1,227 144 110 1,850 62 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 12 4 39 239 22 33 8 17 20 63 1954. . . 17 6 74 393 UO 23 40 27 30 64 acres grown alone 1959... 102 18 257 299 87 318 32 184 164 65 1954... 67 36 442 422 190 301 336 119 399 66 acres grown with other crops 1959... 8 1 11 717 9 187 7 10 67 1954... 4 78 1,549 813 64 80 "5 34 68 Plowed under for green manure f arne reporting 1959. . . 51 12 12 157 39 34 10 25 29 69 1954. . . 20 13 16 293 24 18 46 34 28 7D acres grown alone 1959. . . 459 74 64 356 251 490 45 285 183 71 1954... 63 113 174 465 184 254 215 187 212 72 acres grown with other crops 1959... 42 89 405 40 41 9 3 5 73 1954... 224 1,078 477 20 25 73 58 74 Peanuts for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . . 38 43 77 311 25 25 15 182 75 1954... 33 31 149 347 75 22 120 41 148 76 acres grown alone 1959. . . 29 32 1,020 449 27 no 3 3 1,626 77 1954... 29 41 1,040 616 33 85 42 31 1,018 78 acres grcwm with other crops 1959... 2 1 3 67 3 2 22 79 1954... 6 147 26 29 17 12 80 Harvested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959... 37 42 65 262 20 22 25 15 173 81 1954... 32 29 118 283 75 19 117 40 145 82 acres grown alone 1959... 29 32 871 366 20 94 8 8 1,580 83 1954... 27 25 %7 491 24 72 30 25 998 84 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1 8 2 1 2 22 85 1954... 29 86 pounds 1959... 12,550 8,491 695,675 310,161 7,391 56,105 8,547 3,017 1,492,009 87 1954... 5,756 5,726 437,156 330,749 9,350 46,025 11,849 5,076 676,203 83 Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959. . . 1 1 24 43 3 2 38 89 1954,. . 1 4 71 144 1 14 3 4 60 90 acres grown alone 1959... 4 1 247 77 5 16 387 91 1954... 1 8 383 303 1 77 12 3 497 92 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 41 2 22 93 1954... 140 26 5 12 94 tons 1959... 2 1 123 82 ^ "s 191 95 1954... 1 8 271 254 1 49 '12 "5 416 SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 201 Part 2 of 5 Vrlneton McConnlck Uarlon Uarltoro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickeas Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Itoion WllUaina- burg York 330 2 391 328 210 129 1,345 82 197 U9 118 701 23 339 36 1 329 4 221 190 132 U6 1,067 36 175 149 139 338 26 604 50 2 7,i51 10 3,258 22,915 2,086 490 63,657 363 14,179 2,752 1,043 30,507 316 4,404 406 3 2,508 23 671 6,959 1,062 458 29,099 275 10,325 2,720 1,109 11,078 163 1,915 430 4 1,553 35 2,235 758 290 152 5,920 55 117 34 367 1,109 49 7,995 114 5 1,939 1,0U 523 526 67 12,577 96 999 302 99 1,248 30 4,868 95 6 IBS 105 284 55 10 1,203 15 149 84 31 610 135 7 7 76 1 11 70 8 11 634 11 75 63 U 160 1 33 5 8 6,441 2,202 21,090 644 118 60,862 138 13,595 2,045 364 29,035 2,380 90 9 1,088 4 74 3,116 25 69 24,683 44 7,283 1,585 201 7,796 10 703 51 10 258 136 584 1,132 15 16 110 435 11 69 10 41 "37 6 353 45 114 41 8 12 83,835 42,065 337,086 7,656 1,715 921,819 1,517 235,434 34,659 5,937 517,984 45,938 1,460 13 5,042 15 675 13,911 172 798 157,487 326 36,454 6,183 712 38,994 50 7,312 420 14 69 1 107 44 103 113 63 63 25 56 80 103 14 227 22 15 135 2 91 103 72 90 185 67 53 33 92 135 13 253 17 16 267 10 428 1,116 845 331 325 210 155 434 496 447 145 807 229 17 605 U 342 2,546 550 335 2,010 198 396 902 610 1,551 119 743 119 18 20 290 41 22 147 52 55 1 9 86 289 14 807 9 19 52 136 324 28 29 166 60 12 52 73 133 691 51 20 236 10 606 773 363 393 725 257 120 424 960 607 184 1,153 263 21 424 10 251 1,401 372 199 1,368 181 255 632 502 964 97 792 67 22 38 1 199 36 55 5 246 4 13 4 13 84 5 489 11 23 116 1 112 14 50 9 375 3 44 11 14 71 5 335 22 24 479 467 475 361 12 1,947 10 339 40 114 542 67 1,103 33 25 416 5 228 190 353 41 1,696 4 934 123 91 1,102 27 370 228 26 1,139 35 1,382 U3 227 2 4,168 33 10 258 535 35 6,041 105 27 1,632 660 130 449 32 9,748 35 616 8 10 826 30 3,742 38 28 39 53 10 37 8 44 2 19 19 17 32 6 74 1 29 45 22 43 U 7 119 3 27 15 22 21 2 53 26 30 264 161 234 236 29 523 5 90 233 74 483 104 114 4 31 399 27 1,107 134 13 710 29 1,712 110 207 629 7 99 32 32 136 427 41 3 568 13 15 7 175 712 33 186 155 28 12 2,310 "i 326 123 16 198 427 6 34 49 56 48 36 6 323 12 44 29 16 200 75 4 35 46 25 68 14 3 269 2 33 28 12 157 28 1 36 48 13 57 3 231 20 11 2 82 23 2 37 25 7 41 2 1 194 "i 20 13 1 36 6 38 17 4 7D 186 32 3 85 3 39 513 47 734 174 127 52 694 102 166 95 153 638 40 1,694 59 40 798 80 1,271 405 227 115 1,260 194 526 193 231 1,353 35 2,383 106 41 5,873 210 3,383 1,619 810 137 5,971 482 896 377 558 3,686 114 5,812 411 42 4,871 186 5,695 5,876 1,048 318 7,068 548 3,253 1,034 720 10,739 270 12,392 663 43 537 12 1,730 65 99 55 1,349 151 126 9 70 753 21 5,737 7 44 1,247 61 1,767 190 143 49 3,388 285 748 48 166 2,118 22 9,895 85 45 221 17 34 38 39 27 251 26 55 23 51 m 20 143 32 46 317 37 51 57 97 42 470 41 216 77 72 291 48 621 50 47 2,644 31 87 334 UA 50 2,337 53 242 402 92 675 42 167 69 43 2,024 66 98 836 408 158 2,268 93 743 449 119 2,526 135 776 136 49 210 85 5 17 20 312 20 99 8 732 7 50 604 35 249 2 32 1,332 "45 388 12 10 537 11 3,468 20 51 12,547 103 884 2,520 858 568 25,897 445 1,832 2,518 917 4,999 259 6,835 405 52 7,824 267 655 1,877 940 687 U,379 505 2,252 1,572 424 12,418 364 7,560 648 53 175 22 647 122 37 24 323 68 62 34 59 574 13 1,378 13 54 445 35 1,225 304 111 45 748 145 231 100 112 1,042 31 2,522 36 55 872 91 2,875 967 163 43 1,635 255 265 155 185 2,538 40 4,793 71 56 1,976 95 5,477 3,894 447 109 3,7U 385 1,235 413 386 7,232 102 11,129 216 57 62 1,140 50 42 30 196 108 51 45 556 11 2,937 53 317 5 1,367 89 16 20 1,047 206 125 '26 98 785 3,494 '40 59 571 66 3,244 776 183 51 1,419 265 179 125 190 2,050 42 5,204 84 60 1,145 55 3,593 1,389 239 76 2,377 329 730 324 267 4,969 70 7,926 149 61 42 9 45 8 21 3 125 5 22 8 12 46 1 211 7 62 85 4 15 24 27 13 108 8 84 16 20 77 6 231 12 63 256 73 179 91 162 6 1,099 65 64 34 56 253 2 486 37 64 374 9 54 143 88 13 650 36 505 53 32 526 12 329 166 65 98 2 269 5 20 5 625 40 52 9 5 74 1,332 66 211 58 1 55 11 543 30 169 3 14 424 'ii 2,348 8 67 168 2 53 20 43 7 88 11 37 41 38 36 9 133 9 63 80 U 23 60 27 18 79 8 61 23 45 96 9 110 19 69 2,101 15 242 227 371 38 900 109 325 286 225 220 30 366 234 70 497 16 66 953 105 33 436 34 770 114 133 505 21 158 145 71 167 10 236 5 20 216 3 23 29 2 686 72 115 21 93 98 40 'is 466 4 66 "7 '44 372 585 17 73 163 35 U 1 73 14 Wl 45 33 35 39 391 'm 19 25 74 2U 19 13 4 100 44 185 104 42 22 31 439 47 17 18 75 271 5 15 7 42 13 231 42 36 31 39 3,551 52 46 13 76 150 1 U 13 1 50 1 33 145 1 242 1 33 17 23 3 2,033 21 35 6 29 17 10 77 78 11 "i 35 6 15 '30 3 9 79 159 35 10 1 71 14 161 44 32 34 33 372 54 16 23 80 210 16 10 99 42 174 71 41 22 30 408 45 13 15 81 254 5 14 7 40 U 196 41 31 31 30 3,326 33 40 16 32 146 4 5 14 1 47 1 30 125 1 30 1 33 15 13 3 2,572 19 29 6 20 14 83 34 85 86 87 11 172,334 77,428 3,175 2,126 1 7,667 1J,154 4,000 525 9 24,843 16,567 3,147 8,166 96,325 40,722 16,951 17,517 12,805 6,943 10,756 6,107 11,179 6,396 3,275,078 1,754,880 16,719 10,740 27,469 6,369 6,125 3,816 11 16 20 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 4 4 5 7 17 17 6 34 11 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 66 129 531 2 5 2 3 28 1 3 1 33 89 90 23 1 4 4 "4 13 201 2 4 6 1,451 9 5 3 3 91 92 4 5 U 10 U 2 "2 423 3 2 'ii "2 93 94 13 1 "3 4 "3 26 108 1 2 4 1,133 6 2 2 95 Stu'b Items ccntlnued 202 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 3 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinitions and expla nations, see text) The State AbbevlUe Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg BamweLL Beaufort Berkeley Annual legumes-Continued 1 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes .farms reporting 1959... 619 41 1 12 28 10 59 2 1954... 1,492 1 93 30 53 76 23 85 3 cres grown alone 1959... 2,284 165 2 79 26 26 114 i 1954... 4,333 1 382 279 53 386 3 128 5 acres grown vdth other crops 1959 . . . 3,725 300 99 260 158 301 6 1954 . . . 11,472 1,532 311 637 606 346 468 7 bushels 1959... 17,125 1,521 10 1,231 1,167 56 1,838 8 Hay crops: 1954... 10,699 ^ 600 973 463 658 30 485 9 Land from which hay was cut acres 1959... 266,104 5,457 4,986 2,083 17,678 3,859 2,546 2,302 2,293 10 1954... 414,255 9,741 7,712 2,439 23,198 3,524 4,447 2,407 2,897 u AlfaKa and alfaKa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating . . . .farms reporting 1959... 559 10 4 86 1 4 12 acres 1959 .. . 5,101 108 72 1,057 100 18 13 tons 1959... 12,232 167 62 3,010 400 10 U Sales .farms reporting 1959... 58 1 1 11 1 15 tons 1959... 1,827 2 50 824 100 16 Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay .farms reporting 1959... 1,366 23 78 26 31 56 40 31 16 17 acres 1959... 30,586 126 1,629 1,600 333 1,665 1,243 1,624 458 18 tons 1959... 63,060 211 3,475 3,209 758 4,100 3,134 3,351 778 19 Sales .farms reporting 1959... 134 17 2 3 4 5 5 5 20 tons 1959... 5,538 562 150 9 200 4» 375 155 21 Lespedesa cut for hay .farms reporting 1959... 9,144 221 62 6 783 19 6 1 46 22 1954... 13,988 359 107 50 1,152 32 29 17 55 23 acres 1959... 93,084 2,095 740 95 9,628 179 58 75 133 2i 1954 . . . 154,737 4,334 1,513 503 14,570 669 718 244 543 25 tons 1959... 96,405 1,888 723 99 8,570 258 71 40 147 26 1954... 103,628 2,840 1,127 432 8,523 359 459 300 294 27 Sales .farms reporting 1959... 642 10 7 67 3 28 1954 . . . 475 32 8 2 97 3 3 29 tons 1959... 7,132 58 116 675 8 30 1954 .. . 4,210 203 67 "a 717 '58 31 31 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay . . .farms reporting 1959... 13,548 200 229 49 482 159 129 20 191 32 1954 . . . 31,050 423 569 112 873 243 309 46 284 33 acres 1959... 101,114 1,954 1,798 267 5,198 1,572 1,150 342 585 M 1954... 209,394 3,924 4,904 896 7,142 2,317 3,263 636 1,222 35 tons 1959... 100,486 2,272 1,253 213 6,100 1,448 1,376 378 607 36 1954... 169,241 3,090 3,344 481 6,056 1,632 2,111 555 923 37 Sales .farms reporting 1959... 431 7 6 19 2 1 10 3S 1954... 588 23 16 3 43 2 2 2 39 tons 1959... 3,941 66 14 539 23 24 16 iO Farms reporting by acres 1954... cut for hay: 3,311 115 137 17 248 22 4 3 il Under 10 acres .farms reporting 1959 .. . 10,735 127 164 42 314 115 93 3 178 i2 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 2,017 55 53 6 117 31 22 4 11 43 25 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... 545 14 10 1 35 7 4 8 2 •W 50 to 99 acres .farms r^ortlng 1959 195 4 2 14 4 4 45 100 or more acres .... .farms reporting 1959... 56 2 2 1 i6 Other hay cut .farms reporting 1959... 3,210 93 '30 4 114 14 21 '21 120 47 acres 1959 . . . 35,659 1,174 747 121 1,448 343 95 161 1,099 48 tons 1959... 38,383 1,547 938 57 1,829 375 67 265 1,748 49 Sales .farms reporting 1959... 149 6 7 2 11 2 1 2 50 tons 1959... 2,318 53 349 44 293 9 1 5 51 Grass silage made from grass clover, or small grains... es, alfaKa, .farms reporting 1959... 13 1 1 52 1954... 18 1 53 acres 1959... 560 14 ioo 54 1954... 665 '96 55 tons, green weight 1959... 3,305 40 600 56 Field seed crops harvested; 1954... 2,om 400 57 Lespedeza seed .farms report ing 1959 .. . 1,496 33 39 343 2 1 58 1954... 637 21 13 "3 54 1 6 2 59 acres 1959... 19,641 324 556 4,784 25 8 60 1954... 9,163 103 233 48 756 20 70 6 61 pounds 1959... 4,077,878 70,100 100,195 1,004,221 3,000 3,000 62 1954... 856,048 10,340 25,050 13,200 62,798 2,000 6,830 1,080 63 Crimson clover seed .farms reporting 1959... 162 26 32 1 2 64 1954... 371 42 31 1 65 acres 19S9... 1,758 238 471 15 'ii 66 1954 . . . 3,922 253 371 10 67 pounds 1959... 179,994 20,705 55,999 300 1,160 68 1954... 551,220 34,440 37,560 6,600 69 Tall fescue seed .farms reporting 1959... 435 16 94 70 acres 1959... 7,918 76 1,631 71 pounds 1959... 1,365,179 12,800 284,000 72 Lupine seed .farms reporting 1959... 70 2 9 10 73 1954... 66 4 15 1 74 acres 1959... 1,871 22 450 113 299 75 1954... 2,114 26 750 100 507 "4 76 pounds 1959 1,382,960 19,000 392,000 61,400 271,600 77 Other field crops harvested: 1954... 1,047,900 24,100 538,700 25,500 194,000 3,000 78 Irish potatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 5,*61 167 33 2 169 70 10 16 147 79 1954... 26,834 485 174 101 715 263 149 78 243 80 acres 19591.. 4,190 6 2 1 8 4 3 104 13 81 1954^ . . 6,402 10 (Z) 10 25 12 4 170 16 82 bushels 1959 . . . 704,804 1,701 322 80 1,727 715 173 10,758 1,421 83 1954... 1,212,692 3,484 718 1,181 4,910 2,082 1,221 25,311 2,463 84 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 14,736 209 259 55 380 178 223 161 696 85 1954... 36,882 512 825 208 953 303 370 463 1,096 36 acres 1959'.. 11,573 35 337 64 135 66 790 105 347 87 1954'.. 16, 638 26 370 uo 136 88 478 137 316 88 bushels 1959... 1,243,K)2 5,131 30,405 5,944 14,224 6,318 96,017 7,744 27,282 89 1954... 1,400,635 4,50c 32,121 6,313 11,149 7,608 33,574 6,485 25,654 SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 203 Part 3 of 5 CaliiC5un Charleston Cherokee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown " 10 18 1 4 29 U 72 n 7 23 2 5 6 18 1 18 34 2 34 31 196 24 22 31 2 17 14 15 2 108 U2 1 21 233 13 240 120 29 36 15 4 21 15 3 69 268 6 123 84 518 52 36 59 19 68 8 31 4 279 50 16 140 17 336 77 112 127 27 42 2 34 5 216 193 232 110 1,549 65 574 352 128 47 20 6 323 216 15 126 1,401 226 2,m 190 363 21 25 55 306 104 7 30 428 10 214 133 1,435 333 372 20 93 40 37 8 2,154 1,488 5,843 11,367 5,905 4,547 3,172 5,351 5,084 1,401 4,666 6,815 8,293 1,316 9 3,575 1,897 8,536 14,975 10,899 8,803 4,451 11,494 11,271 2,760 6,066 8,271 12,606 2,479 10 2 1 70 U 4 2 5 4 6 1 465 155 17 12 30 24 12 4 2 1,1AS 6 289 531 1 ICO 26 9 29 39 1 1 13 14 15 31 23 6 19 23 21 61 37 15 17 46 15 22 11 16 839 688 37 211 450 230 1,867 404 245 165 927 204 527 223 17 1,238 1,519 36 373 800 437 3,381 717 410 582 1,787 286 453 281 18 3 2 1 5 1 1 7 1 1 1 19 55 285 no 315 10 50 296 20 4 20 20 10 11 316 394 300 68 58 174 256 35 42 145 479 39 21 26 20 245 409 532 144 165 343 483 125 151 170 885 73 22 125 186 2,748 5,123 2,984 414 438 1,486 3,074 324 414 1,631 3,162 397 23 500 320 2,529 5,414 6,293 866 1,702 3,390 5,790 7» 1,833 2,326 4,720 813 24 166 197 3,226 5,347 3,442 420 431 1,594 3,494 310 363 1,557 3,379 388 25 339 344 1,788 3,074 3,842 745 1,287 2,015 3,594 410 1,402 1,074 3,657 822 26 1 30 17 33 2 2 9 11 4 10 31 3 27 2 13 4 15 5 2 10 2 1 1 3 16 3 28 20 285 397 332 7 9 54 214 51 m 128 27 29 53 123 23 132 19 3 205 53 "7 2 3 38 5 30 140 22 220 296 290 751 77 473 288 86 168 242 891 117 31 X7 64 635 657 663 1,582 249 1,122 720 407 327 515 1,834 278 32 1,060 332 1,753 4,021 1,819 3,547 636 3,2U 1,693 760 2,617 2,362 4,215 493 33 2,611 746 4,701 7,024 3,997 7,116 1,871 7,443 4,322 1,803 3,262 4,652 7,583 1,327 34 1,008 393 2,074 4,664 1,888 2,961 511 2,138 1,432 993 2,558 2,418 3,414 303 35 1,604 827 4,U8 6,033 3,003 4,704 1,386 5,054 3,181 1,419 2,775 3,384 5,728 991 36 8 1 5 8 8 14 1 12 5 2 12 9 31 3 37 5 2 30 7 9 18 2 22 6 9 7 8 18 9 38 M 5 126 62 130 51 2 29 18 3 89 88 85 3 39 29 13 207 56 23 65 6 48 8 25 85 40 131 21 40 105 12 173 177 253 677 54 382 247 63 88 172 805 104 41 28 8 39 TO 26 65 19 72 30 15 43 41 75 11 42 3 4 38 8 6 2 13 6 6 24 22 7 2 43 3 1 2 7 3 2 5 5 2 11 5 2 44 1 1 2 4 "s 1 2 2 2 45 15 15 51 136 36 47 '35 25 'l8 19 63 174 52 '70 46 12* 281 840 1,857 652 339 231 238 72 152 708 2,588 365 203 47 110 218 685 2,544 784 280 271 166 75 92 539 2,561 364 214 48 1 I 5 U 3 2 1 1 4 9 2 4 49 1 5 14 "i 90 266 447 6 158 716 28 33 6 2 32 232 1 '70 300 14 22 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 4 39 29 136 1 4 41 35 1 5 2 15 57 3 2 10 20 63 3 5 51 10 3 1 7 58 32 448 325 2,391 4 61 594 331 25 75 9 128 59 22 13 53 167 1,016 20 82 1,244 120 53 3 58 60 4,800 132,461 84,120 538,277 200 13,600 93,800 82,200 4,000 16,450 1,600 24,800 61 767 1 3,810 i 8,600 1 1 18,544 U 30 lli,325 "2 1,500 "i 7,500 "2 67,770 I 17,250 1 4,350 1 2 300 8 13 8,200 1 62 63 64 15 10 71 20 '36 15 138 1 65 12 1 305 32 "6 '10 44 9 181 66 1,500 1,500 8,970 1,150 1,300 750 14,070 150 67 "i 1,440 180 18 35,700 19 4,080 7 600 1 780 1,380 2 600 25,980 1 "3 2 63 69 4 277 333 194 8 12 55 2 24 21 70 600 47,325 63,668 48,150 2,200 2,080 6,200 500 2,200 2,600 71 1 "3 1 1 1 72 73 "i 27 6 5 25 74 75 2,666 9,000 3,000 610 25,000 76 77 40 90 46 47 121 197 11 235 244 38 63 62 407 60 78 45 287 578 316 665 994 155 1,446 1,170 405 499 126 2,310 471 79 2 3,528 5 5 W 16 48 11 27 20 3 4 20 8 80 5 4,805 12 9 48 9 40 18 38 75 13 2 51 5 31 509 613,369 607 705 1,449 2,985 4,176 2,354 4,604 2,309 654 555 5,015 717 82 831 917,132 3,387 2,587 10,927 4,986 4,101 8,450 10,255 U,458 3,765 667 17,323 2,354 83 142 106 104 133 202 624 233 521 371 170 136 208 560 281 84 156 566 492 377 723 1,679 682 1,627 1,123 633 548 398 2,274 795 85 66 194 32 47 124 361 250 507 234 188 85 61 280 124 36 226 291 31 40 201 434 762 289 287 313 80 41 425 160 87 6,671 12,369 3,542 5,582 19,302 45,663 19,250 84,458 34,417 18,004 10,339 6,616 37,355 10,757 88 15,700 22,967 3,974 4,191 32,129 47,594 46,192 40,318 33,813 25,466 7,647 5,011 53,025 16,051 89 Stub Items continued 204 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 3 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinilions and explanations, see text) Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster laurens Lee Annual legumes-Continued 1 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 .. . 4 23 23 17 66 5 1 5 2 1954... 62 2 102 67 55 107 16 4 15 3 acres grown alone 1959 . . . 5 87 75 88 285 5 1 19 I, 1954... 155 88 207 14 343 45 13 62 5 acres grown with other crops 1959 . . . 140 33 338 321 6 2 6 1954... 1 7 1,345 76 526 332 64 34 7 bushels 1959 . . . 55 1,315 500 950 300 65 20 41 8 1954... 141 242 94 1,241 105 33 48 Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959 .. . 10,258 9,545 1,613 3,354 2,233 3,3U 5,035 10,462 4, 20 10 1954 . . . 13,968 12,293 2,444 6,809 1,933 6,738 9,407 17,531 7, 39 U Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959 .. . 37 7 1 4 4 10 19 5 12 acres 1959... 258 48 1 15 59 39 340 22 13 tons 1959... 688 139 1 29 59 49 779 42 U Sales farms reporting 1959 .. . 7 1 1 15 125 1 97 16 Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting 1959 .. . 21 26 26 23 26 27 3 14 11 17 acres 1959... 239 378 1,091 151 1,906 522 36 128 I 01 13 tons 1959... 628 827 2,355 155 4,841 1,123 39 195 J 79 19 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 7 1 8 2 1 1 20 tons 1959-.. . 129 339 3 150 37 5 75 21 Lespedeaa cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 518 167 5 145 2 91 287 299 ] J.7 22 1954... 708 263 17 301 25 202 444 536 ] 54 23 acres 1959... 5,163 2,500 112 467 2 1,032 2,689 4,799 1,C 66 24 1954 . . . 6,743 4,739 614 689 923 2,521 4,572 9,352 1, m 25 tons 1959... 6,217 2,460 197 510 5 883 3,041 4,778 1,C 35 26 1954... 3,892 2,801 569 743 909 1,547 3,150 5,754 1,: 83 27 Sales farms reporting 1959 .. . 59 12 6 4 28 31 3 28 1954... 19 17 1 3 7 17 21 2 29 tons 1959 . . . 877 123 15 12 394 432 92 30 1954... 100 130 '36 40 39 177 190 3 31 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 336 214 36 593 39 121 221 266 < 18 32 1954... 916 358 146 1,850 153 448 570 578 < 55 33 acres 1959... 2,994 3,160 328 1,866 274 1,003 1,548 4,007 2,5 05 3* 1954... 5,394 5,032 970 4,930 661 3,353 3,947 6,229 4,4 18 35 tons 1959... 3,474 3,472 304 1,730 359 662 1,580 4,593 2,1 94 36 1954... 5,974 5,856 1,164 4,332 405 2,282 3,130 5,278 2,. 11 37 Sales farms reporting 1959 .. . 19 9 3 27 6 3 8 10 10 38 1954... 22 13 3 5 3 9 18 3 19 39 tons 1959... 494 71 3 64 245 5 40 119 2 11 40 1954... Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: 242 31 9 15 5 151 109 7 58 41 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 265 52 114 59 30 3 561 27 35 2 86 26 174 37 144 70 143 50 42 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 43 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 7 26 1 4 6 8 34 16 44 10 U 1 1 "\ 3 1 12 2 45 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 4 1 1 1 6 2 46 Other hay cut farms report Ing 1959 .. . 107 129 20 257 23 18 88 37 28 47 acres 1959... 1,546 3,459 31 855 51 695 723 1,133 2 06 48 tons 1959... 1,575 4,577 72 724 36 681 632 1,605 1 28 49 Sales farms reporting 1959 .. . 13 6 1 5 1 1 4 5 50 157 115 3 8 1 2 26 33 51 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small graljis farms reportljig 1959... 2 ... 1 1 52 1954... 2 2 53 acres 1959... 58 50 20 54 1954 . . . 24 60 55 240 500 2 CO 56 1954... Field seed crops harvested: m 260 57 Lespedeza seed farms reporting 1959... 114 9 6 17 31 61 17 58 1954... 13 7 "3 2 7 27 26 8 59 acres 1959... 1,580 131 32 203 414 1,032 05 60 1954... 78 73 122 4 133 205 340 84 61 pounds 1959... 307,255 11,150 5,410 33,533 102,984 134,801 79, 50 62 1954... 3,522 6,340 10,700 700 10,100 33,850 31,049 27, 20 63 Crimson clover seed farms reporting 1959... 9 27 10 42 3 2 "i 1 3 5 22 52 64 1954... 65 acres 1959... 192 53 6 2 10 203 66 1954... 243 492 58 22 '59 549 67 pounds 1959... 10,530 6,550 600 200 600 19,730 68 1954 .. . 52,140 77,580 4,500 7,140 3,300 103,380 69 32 20 "3 1 IS 41 70 acres 1959... 699 549 19 25 369 994 71 pounds 1959... 92,050 59,753 4,730 2,500 60,201 132,515 72 Lupine seed farms reporting 1959... '23 3 1 73 1954... 1 28 74 acres 1959... 845 42 '35 75 1954... 1 677 76 pounds 1959... 585,900 16,900 7,000 77 1954... 200 220,700 Other field crops harvested: 78 Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959 .. . 153 36 7 369 24 44 106 29 34 79 1954... 545 215 200 1,814 118 400 762 491 47 80 acres 1959^.. 7 4 8 82 4 15 5 5 2 81 1954' . . 16 8 241 249 34 8 10 16 3 82 bushels 1959 . . . 1,375 354 1,624 8,644 379 1,025 1,131 432 E B4 83 1954... 4,562 i,ao 24,236 27,270 3,193 2,492 4,613 3,853 l," ■77 84 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959 . . . 314 149 149 1,759 222 305 105 95 3 36 85 1954... 713 391 511 3,523 383 678 741 607 07 86 acres 1959'.. 134 52 140 2,650 U3 233 19 57 2 55 87 124 60 204 4,766 120 117 32 84 1 93 83 bushels 1959.. 16,031 4,230 10,688 281,928 8,330 22,720 3,324 5,794 27,4 32 89 1954.. 11,016 6,050 14,303 402,464 9,983 11,732 6,425 3,374 15,3 kil SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continuecl 205 Part 3 of 5 Lexington UcCoisick Uarloi Uarltoro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter union WllUams- burg York ~ 15 1 1 3 25 10 2 2 6 37 2 37 IC 18 7 16 73 2 10 8 3 17 58 2 2 36 1 5 6 143 48 19 4 8 41 8 3 87 4 177 106 27 195 3 47 33 6 77 17 23 4 115 44 145 17 8 179 5 229 4' 224 13 4 546 20 10 95 498 15 6 37* 31C ... 5 35 1,123 421 10 26 39 81 7 227 47 25 270 1,381 10 22 15 348 87 8 4,385 1,772 3,] il 4,786 11,011 5,021 U,8ro 3,413 5,4«2 9,660 13,069 6,872 4,804 8,017 14,070 19,482 9 7,027 3,562 7,2 6C 10,311 14,237 10,254 16,852 6,027 13,451 9,074 24,439 10,039 8,002 U,623 10 I. 1 ] 3 34 11 1 14 4 U3 3 19 57 11 19 15 1. 36 354 89 3 82 71 734 12 239 585 12 10 30 !< 45 778 215 12 197 58 1,809 15 455 1,373 13 1 2 2 1 15 2 4 14 6 5 13 2 129 5 78 15 60 9 2] 17 17 12 189 13 31 54 20 36 16 20 19 16 848 88 ] Ti 362 173 203 4,591 121 787 870 343 1,066 137 472 107 17 1,356 110 : 2i 876 377 260 11,161 208 1,742 1,365 507 1,945 248 863 155 18 12 2 1 18 4 4 1 2 1 19 177 155 5 1,168 62 58 5 85 10 20 230 48 ] 5] 70 503 347 146 261 144 302 545 192 224 348 531 21 351 86 1 4' 192 686 552 421 340 205 488 796 252 240 502 508 22 1,670 508 31 2,016 5,329 2,531 1,177 1,701 1,595 3,U4 5,281 1,383 2,249 2,772 7,883 23 2,957 960 S 14 5,164 7,617 5,578 4,364 2,199 4,555 4,236 7,917 2,420 2,640 2,901 7,683 24 1,788 »3 ( 144 2,438 5,928 2,376 1,254 1,830 1,441 3,469 4,901 1,544 2,249 2,594 7,970 25 2,U6 540 5< 3,681 5,536 4,175 2,909 1,478 3,858 2,8a 5,340 2,010 1,599 2,198 5,176 26 22 3 4 39 30 2 19 10 12 58 7 13 11 26 27 12 4 12 19 17 9 10 9 9 33 6 3 6 12 28 138 10 5 272 577 132 7 125 57 L25 357 41 100 403 342 29 W7 25 7] 292 138 108 109 49 119 35 173 194 14 24 248 30 238 62 i ^ 102 327 277 753 170 198 347 554 644 169 1,144 312 31 637 194 1,. r75 347 571 684 1,453 701 658 462 1,833 1,084 426 2,099 784 32 1,337 690 2,2 u 1,603 3,720 1,546 5,178 971 1,836 4,050 5,410 3,785 1,554 4,141 3,512 33 3,666 1,411 6,2 ^ 4,574 5,007 4,113 U,405 2,991 4,977 3,943 13,836 7,332 4,750 8,510 8,463 34 1,029 607 1,9 6< 1,357 4,055 1,757 5,167 1,234 1,990 4,441 5,469 3,195 1,909 3,553 3,932 35 2,528 1,078 5,( >« 3,422 4,347 3,363 8,307 2,441 4,251 3,746 12,042 5,622 4,084 6,528 8,457 36 11 3 U 2 13 10 12 5 8 U 30 29 6 13 8 37 5 8 IC 7 5 36 24 7 15 3 86 12 5 13 14 38 37 34 4S 334 90 74 41 90 103 45 122 123 45 43 56 39 30 29 4C 96 U 177 105 14 182 18 314 50 53 77 173 40 204 43 i u. 66 207 234 586 146 151 208 412 568 115 1,063 176 41 28 13 i. 20 76 36 131 16 32 92 86 58 40 72 108 42 5 3 9 3« 5 26 6 10 37 35 11 9 5 21 43 1 2 ' 5 6 2 9 2 4 9 18 6 4 3 6 44 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 45 65 65 2. 23 121 65 160 82 101 140 98 32 36 117 153 46 511 461 8. 769 1,435 652 940 445 1,128 1,596 1,181 , 626 525 632 1,983 47 362 397 6 700 1,548 605 797 483 1,047 1,595 1,201 529 594 557 1,944 48 3 3 1 2 7 3 2 1 2 5 1 3 3 2 49 19 33 1 'io 60 10 "l 'so 680 8 '1 15 '56 45 1 '36 126 47 7 1 "93 465 2 2 1 65 8 400 32 25 1 '36 166 114 2 1 120 40 700 200 1 15 53 4 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 1.2 1 24 83 27 14 22 20 50 150 6 5 6 58 57 v. 1 16 49 27 23 14 17 22 27 13 7 5 28 58 231 40 X 650 656 236 79 181 122 527 1,628 116 48 55 1,204 59 88 10 < 575 707 233 337 90 194 153 536 383 85 28 457 60 51,890 4,000 12, xx 126,100 160,360 50,085 20,275 32,250 33,400 88,075 383,489 17,400 6,600 9,820 225,522 61 12,125 2,000 BC 39,700 48,760 20,145 42,550 7,310 26,416 11,696 58,260 39,611 7,720 7,100 30,490 62 2 2 1 8 4 1 2 1 5 1 2 2 53 2 5 36 2 3 1 10 'ii 8 2 3 28 64 3 15 '26 77 24 10 22 3 56 5 8 8 65 62 24 304 19 25 6 278 96 82 '14 22 333 56 450 2,700 2,666 7,780 2,750 500 4,250 600 9,650 1,200 1,400 900 67 20,700 6,060 36,720 780 3,600 600 19,020 16,020 6,600 2,166 3,540 38,100 68 2 2 4 17 19 13 1 26 36 9 23 59 67 58 94 299 287 204 5 399 720 85 358 70 11,950 U.IOO U,300 57,486 71,220 "6 3 24 18 16,850 13,700 32,485 800 78,549 140,738 1 "2 300 14,440 57,989 1 4 400 71 72 73 74 75 75 77 88 70 a 22 57 191 131 102 59 91 207 2 91 613 56 78 573 247 1,< ■9 615 563 1,095 566 758 204 439 747 728 322 1,682 435 79 2 2 15 8 3 18 87 7 5 7 16 1 4 17 10 80 6 3 2 14 5 37 238 25 14 15 20 U 4 14 9 81 660 632 5, 55 612 589 2,847 8,707 1,352 754 993 2,647 80 841 4,825 1,183 82 3,731 1,537 12,C 2C 3,902 2,940 9,635 29, 8U 5,470 2,786 4,027 5,358 3,715 2,142 8,340 2,879 83 288 U6 < 8 75 150 215 729 180 209 142 382 624 269 1,146 139 84 955 256 1, 301 5 714 789 872 1,507 799 593 441 927 1,204 450 2,622 591 85 290 29 31 5 39 49 44 1,380 64 132 46 174 335 121 385 85 86 IA\ 15 3S 4 101 34 33 2,739 116 221 30 270 614 58 535 136 87 29,251 3,585 39, 14 5 4,733 4,607 6,920 107,245 6,429 13,098 5,072 20,491 44,643 11,498 50,350 8,518 88 89 39,935 2,399 36, 33 6 10,824 7,235 6,197 148,301 11, U5 17,158 5,492 17,781 54,105 6,564 60,272 9,751 Stu'b Items contlimed 206 Part 4 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY The State Abtevllle Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Other field crops harvested-Continued Tobacco farms reporting 1959 . 19M. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 195i. Cotton farms reporting 1959, 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bales 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Sugarcane for sirup farms reporting 1959. 1954' acres 1959. I954I gallons 1959. I954I Root and grain crops hogged or grazed f aims reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Vegetables tor home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweel potatoes); Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1S59. 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet com farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Watermelons . Sweet peppers {except plmientos ] farms Pimientos farms Cantaloups and muslODelons farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1959... 1954... reporting 1959 .. . acres 1959... reporting 1959 ., . acres 1959... reporting 1959 .. . 1954... acres 1959... 1954... reporting 1959 .. . Green lima beans farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Squash' farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Okra farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Other vegetables acres 1959. 23,982 34,537 73,208 120,821 128,975,743 126,800,090 45,437 76,094 544,195 809,525 411,120 488,418 27,183 14,355 2,722 1,136 24,594 42,764 1,462 1,446 24,140 24,716 6,013 11,125 63,363 86,948 8,148,351 7,822,359 1,725 2,356 5,891 5,948 1,036 866 5,472 1,973 3,093 7,710 10,032 2,829 5,011 23,373 37,922 494 1,537 2,131 4,645 5,472 1,436 1,849 1,924 2,137 5,612 8,559 4,164 4,671 1,035 1,597 14,873 23,053 10,253 13,903 514 1,550 1,928 87,417 94,267 7,526 11, U5 7,143 6,011 3,436 5,429 286,311 256,303 16,856 49,709 14,299 73,289 1,628 592 2,647 897 20,984 9,260 31,095 14,600 16,323 7,255 16,730 7,385 1,061 70,614 43,4*4 3,068 5,353 171,150 257,715 10,170 16, U3 8,982 7,206 7,822 10,577 582,733 628,377 6,052 7,739 2,179,961 2,499,902 SOUTH CAROLINA 207 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 4 of 5 Calhoun Oiarlestcn CheTokee Chester Qiester- field Clarendon Colleton DaTllugton Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fklrfleld Plorence Geoigetoim ' 3 14 346 1,689 391 2,036 1,776 411 3,984 777 1 5 9 601 2,440 577 3,066 2,559 627 4 5,923 1,013 2 13 9 677 4,685 622 6,722 7,141 701 14,390 1,885 3 lA 6 1,261 6,959 1,086 10, uo 10,325 1,128 8 22,777 2,364 4 5,500 6,063 868,501 7,138,394 675,782 10,434,646 12,014,929 898,389 24,302,869 2,772,142 5 11,600 2,312 969,038 6,841,220 919,347 9,538,614 12,481,990 1,047,513 6,500 22,494,225 2,647,804 6 592 93 684 760 1,363 2,303 819 1 952 1,617 823 690 429 3,604 462 7 1,032 409 1,164 1,188 2,419 3,440 1,712 2,986 2,300 1,319 1,165 755 5,286 789 8 12,851 254 7,948 7,487 21,981 30,146 5,072 25,492 19,726 6,393 8,708 2,754 27,619 1,816 9 18,474 1,050 U,654 11,258 35,892 36,653 10,352 33,911 24,932 9,736 11,850 4,834 35,327 2,776 10 9,399 170 6,431 5,201 17,058 23,640 3,039 18,966 17,153 5,385 7,541 1,891 18,561 964 11 11,400 6U 6,283 6,135 17,890 22,689 7,282 21,539 18,071 6,248 9,191 2,597 22,551 1,629 12 201 91 330 453 562 1,257 716 925 876 619 346 362 2,795 437 13 245 2 300 273 599 840 86 853 636 180 279 61 723 23 14 81 49 26 156 133 12 127 74 19 44 5 72 2 15 46 5 8 34 51 3 39 16 3 17 1 11 16 19 12 22 2 8 15 2 4 3 17 12 3 16 53 121 44 3 27 8 18 1 7 38 49 41 75 135 '32 8 73 87 13 23 3 19 3 2 10 13 43 15 3 6 4 20 (i) 3 45 '52 40 U 43 3 3 18 34 9 10 1 21 266 113 401 955 3,417 1,328 130 512 466 22 10 60 1,223 1,032 990 757 3,468 358 101 1,525 1,647 146 546 71 23 31 11 17 24 7 29 49 48 10 51 21 6 31 21 24 42 38 16 9 15 16 46 27 16 40 9 10 15 18 25 774 370 260 575 263 407 664 626 61 676 447 235 365 62 26 868 1,083 127 65 193 482 576 396 231 232 107 196 87 136 27 679 388 1,085 1,033 1,821 2,191 1,377 2,331 1,905 908 773 649 3,936 901 28 1,U9 1,345 1,761 1,558 2,565 3,366 2,247 3,282 2,565 1,570 1,317 1,037 5,966 1,436 29 88 220 63 28 423 52 64 186 36 73 41 23 166 22 30 106 438 64 32 709 110 282 320 23 265 74 14 558 28 31 329 10,257 207 73 5,027 152 656 1,196 161 498 163 43 619 57 32 460 9,904 145 43 8,215 276 1,761 1,278 82 1,325 362 56 1,374 226 33 17,893 2,165,007 13,449 6,500 336,884 U,935 121,657 108,496 9,780 24,109 16,870 2,668 55,209 3,605 34 21,284 1,282,957 4,308 2,627 285,400 26,988 187,021 90,639 5,475 86,949 19,493 3,502 102,745 26,900 35 12 71 26 18 65 25 29 21 20 12 18 11 27 7 36 10 174 14 15 U7 36 43 19 12 19 15 11 11 10 37 6 2,118 31 10 83 27 IS 52 29 16 86 3 79 3 38 12 1,282 6 U5 39 65 31 15 24 13 3 3 14 39 19 58 21 10 20 10 16 13 8 36 14 5 23 6 40 15 32 9 55 3 9 12 1 129 9 5 10 8 41 49 201 12 15 32 6 12 14 5 180 12 2 26 4 42 35 187 7 52 1 28 8 1 572 15 4 8 8 43 1 79 8 18 13 19 59 6 7 2 4 72 5 44 3 Ul 4 14 34 170 87 2 71 1 1 207 7 45 (z) 2,407 2 16 17 321 102 3 9 (Z) 1 78 2 46 7 1,336 1 (Z) 38 505 102 6 94 1 (z) 205 19 47 18 132 14 u 12 25 27 7 10 52 6 14 93 6 48 18 327 u 4 59 46 30 13 4 113 8 7 323 15 49 22 2,136 13 3 167 47 82 5 3 233 3 7 216 2 50 26 2,930 7 3 11 155 46 5 2 484 4 24 500 18 51 U 64 40 U 338 12 29 63 13 9 10 9 24 8 52 21 98 44 15 609 15 107 97 9 32 41 6 31 15 53 23 230 60 10 3,802 39 115 695 75 12 11 9 47 29 54 42 465 79 17 7,107 16 656. 718 31 50 254 5 122 49 55 68 6 5 12 3 5 10 4 2 3 4 10 3 56 3 103 5 6 27 4 4 9 2 1 4 3 7 2 57 1,785 2 1 3 1 2 10 1 1 1 1 4 1 58 4 1,833 4 1 7 1 24 4 1 1 3 1 3 2 59 23 6 3 4 2 7 9 1 1 1 18 1 60 93 2 3 13 (z) 3 11 3 1 (z) (Z) 1 18 3 2 (Z) "i (z) 1 (z) 30 1 (Z) (Z) 61 62 63 4 35 32 7 224 6 9 15 3 3 1 6 15 2 64 4 37 26 5 252 3 9 9 3 1 5 7 7 65 5 53 36 6 782 3 3 56 4 3 (Z) 2 12 3 66 4 32 24 3 646 3 10 7 12 1 2 3 12 67 18 43 16 10 22 7 20 15 7 4 11 U 19 6 68 25 35 6 2 4S ^ 12 22 4 9 15 3 8 3 69 21 292 15 5 67 4 41 25 5 4 7 6 12 8 70 60 23 2 1 lU 1 28 16 5 26 7 2 7 * 71 65 76 9 8 24 10 29 22 8 8 21 12 29 6 72 64 152 5 5 77 10 23 33 3 25 27 5 37 18 73 158 100 4 2 20 3 26 18 3 4 16 5 32 2 74 160 108 2 1 65 5 25 27 2 16 21 6 47 15 75 11 39 9 5 U 7 10 6 4 7 5 7 28 3 76 8 56 3 2 18 4 4 10 1 15 11 3 109 e 77 12 90 2 1 20 2 20 3 16 23 1 2 32 (2) 78 17 110 1 1 38 2 4 1 10 26 10 2 38 22 79 16 83 26 12 32 5 16 13 3 9 2 10 20 8 80 81 32 83 19 29 43 102 92 102 13 10 7 8 4 5 71 25 47 4 1 4 10 5 28 17 5 8 2 1 1 6 7 12 9 1 3 6 2 1 6 4 2 3 4 660 5 7 2 10 191 16 6 24 3 45 1 84 Stub Items continued 208 Part 4 of 5 other field crops harwesled-Continuea Tobacco .famifi reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Cotton farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954.., bales 1959.. 1954.. F^nns reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 10 to 24 acres fame reporting 1959.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. Sugarcane for sirup farms reporting 1959.. 1954'. acres 1959.. 1954'. gallons 1959.. 1954'. Root and grain crops hogged or grazed farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes)- Vegetables harvested for home use fanns reporting 1959. . 1954.. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Sweet com farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. CJucumbers and pickles . Watermelons . .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. .fanns reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Cabbage farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Sweet peppers (except pimientos ) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959.. Pijnientos farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. Cantaloups and nniskmelons farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Green lima beans. Other vegetables. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959., 1954., .farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959., 1954., .farms reporting 1959. 1954., acres 1959. 1954. aores 1959, STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Greenville Oreenirood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens 666 1,682 6,678 15,361 5,504 7,711 409 1,472 2,057 130,819 157,813 2,660 4,142 1,798 2,090 4,825 9,121 4,623 5,635 2,573 3,887 244,685 252,743 4,383 6,164 18,653 29,255 34,268,063 34,932,059 1,507 2,546 6,977 9,877 4,985 7,570 1,382 1,720 93,297 108,903 1,511 2,428 1,262 1,7U 860 1,644 13,164 20,972 9,299 12,582 413 1,577 39,348 71,418 2,156 1,000 1,000 516 882 1,035 1,536 5,053 11,819 9,502 20,316 4,088 9,376 5,558 11,173 SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continuecl 209 Part 4 of 5 Lexington McConidck Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda 632 1,135 e,0i8 12,238 5,102 7,075 378 2,193 3,823 1,425 1,853 1,772 2,488 7,097 10,210 12,347,265 10,897,754 1,557 2,118 10,695 13,429 8,737 7,941 1,265 1,409 2,178 1,924,375 '.,250,403 1,020 1,837 32,342 45,917 29,854 33,041 150 529 1,020 4,751 7,882 3,888 4,504 353 2,650 4,294 43,828 64,448 34,465 37,3U 1,224 324 1,036 2,448 6,811 2,028 4,039 249 4,609 6,756 2,789 4,198 541 1,002 5,183 8,763 3,996 6,585 361 150 1,168 2,811 11,019 25,121 8,319 14,099 756 848 1,124 2,026 2,859 3,190,124 2,710,633 1,957 2,957 34,711 3,638 4,901 9,604 14,789 ' 887 114,961,149 , 15, 534. Ml 337 625 3,260 6,693 2,454 3,225 3,514 4,740 30,533 36,532 22,005 25.915 3,822 2,600 253,512 193,840 658 1,176 4,939 6,278 436,323 447,574 159 1,605 38,364 71,291 1,106 2,341 77,631 120,814 1,327 65,952 85,483 Stub Items continued 210 Part 5 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derini ? U-xt) Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale; strawberries f arms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. quarts 1959.. 1954.. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes; Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Apples farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Qjantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Peaches farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. (Jjantlty harvested bushels 1959. . 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. aiantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Grapes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. (iiantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954 . . Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of tjearing age 1959.. 1954.. ^antlty harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. Cherries farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. ^antlty harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Figs fanas reporting 1959. . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. ^antity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Improved pecans farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . (iiantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959 . , 1954.. ttiantity harvested pounds 1959 . , 1954., 5,794 5,200 70,148 48,571 2,552 3,531 117,252 121,215 36,049 25,619 81,203 95,596 98,444 87,015 3,635 4,637 5,129,832 3,425,178 1,343,491 630,775 3,786,341 2,794,403 5,713,277 3,250,779 2,185 2,326 24,655 18,354 16,157 3,223 8,498 15,131 12,425 14,914 2,251 2,037 495,936 234,518 175,902 40,716 320,034 193,802 2,362,781 1,588,881 904 991 13,971 10,582 6,852 1,656 7,119 8,926 7,437 4,828 721 763 2,648 2,818 1,222 1,107 1,426 1,711 8,445 5,962 1,484 1,575 4,995 4,494 1,402 1,086 3,593 3,408 37,535 49,269 3,327 3,188 115,197 119,995 21,645 18,415 93,552 101,580 1,199,783 751,175 1,035 785 24,422 15,735 7,603 4,458 16,819 11,277 227,522 81,687 171 1,918 7,795 7,019 36,163 9,170 34 81 121 1,133 2,904 2,973 49,921 18,076 18 39 1,302 91 102 85,342 37,513 26,420 11,571 58,922 25,942 67,741 55,952 47 36 1,073 1,000 2,941 1,271 17,131 11,638 19 7 96,037 6,857 25,962 2,093 70,075 4,764 6,502 3,357 1,572 143 4,930 3,214 28,815 15,785 240 287 3,817 6,046 1,330 2,032 2,487 4,014 669 232 286 34,821 33,051 11,483 6,870 23,338 26,181 17,498 21,674 173 149 2,543 2,816 1,014 176 1,529 2,640 12,244 10,339 3,301 343 1,523 10 189 55 155 33 3,000 2,834 2,744 2,4A0 667 200 451 146 2,333 2,634 2,293 2,294 55,895 43,148 6,060 25,834 7,118 106,971 4,334 7,361 2,578 42,026 314 610 4,540 64,945 4,020 6,751 1,695 121,943 11,439 20,066 3,616 6,053 3,069 4,110 380 3,182 1,056 309 3,236 2,871 2,013 3,801 18,307 32,205 19,938 33,167 SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 211 Part 5 of 5 Calhoun Charleston Cherolifie Chester Chester- field' Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 1 14 7 7 4 4 14 3 3 4 6 6 1 "i 2 3 5 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 5 5 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 3 tz) 1 1 1 1 (Z) 1 (Z) 1 1 (z) 1 4 6,500 3,801 2,495 3,425 635 140 3,900 4,450 180 6,450 930 955 5 ioo 530 221 682 400 20 400 189 675 125 120 177 6 98 56 173 127 142 105 76 90 53 42 152 62 120 24 7 81 43 166 90 95 58 22 87 23 15 128 82 90 21 8 1,403 540 3,332 434 2,688 221 181 397 190 191 5,973 127 497 56 9 491 550 2,478 366 1,796 244 60 375 100 108 2,894 131 346 57 10 U 20 97 94 75 37 19 35 18 10 23 51 44 13 11 13 13 192 76 67 24 16 60 14 3 35 104 64 13 12 6: 95 4,227 1,229 2,011 202 76 297 132 25 1,290 451 230 98 13 5* U7 4,483 1,290 9,987 157 73 417 99 7 1,978 769 418 97 14 22 43 1,261 477 929 112 41 88 66 13 102 171 126 29 15 2S 30 593 166 1,059 41 29 166 41 5 560 133 175 51 16 43 52 2,966 752 1,082 90 35 209 66 12 1,188 280 104 69 17 29 87 3,890 1,124 8,928 116 44 251 58 2 1,413 636 243 46 18 80 32 2,552 265 677 134 34 192 41 6 493 145 87 16 19 34 32 1,457 S63 5,906 107 40 162 32 3 437 641 238 23 20 45 13 122 76 80 45 52 32 20 21 112 48 48 10 21 36 12 204 74 80 21 30 56 12 7 93 109 57 13 22 36,776 165 313,772 17,173 175,960 624 1,905 3,084 733 2,072 524,855 786 1,112 76 23 1,338 1,507 205,921 ■ 18,209 107,997 175 809 712 319 73 253,810 2,202 639 Ul 24 16,672 115 67,229 236 45,398 218 479 352 168 84 99,760 222 496 40 25 65 25 32,568 6,476 27,948 82 635 323 93 55 78,584 336 246 32 26 20,104 50 246,543 16,937 130,562 406 1,426 2,732 565 1,983 425,095 564 616 36 27 1,273 1,482 173,253 U,733 80,049 93 174 389 221 13 175,226 1,866 393 79 28 8,782 11 445,123 6,993 147,005 155 356 1,081 256 1,295 923,943 360 556 2 29 487 1,418 167,834 5,491 41,095 88 112 41 325 13 298,112 639 179 17 30 28 31 68 81 48 48 39 33 17 21 16 41 54 14 31 13 32 129 51 43 26 19 48 15 8 18 86 65 20 32 70 271 225 389 162 162 222 131 82 97 70 140 358 95 33 41 529 457 167 314 72 98 255 70 55 183 278 399 79 34 21 58 51 67 58 64 29 45 15 49 6 41 152 26 35 5 179 138 30 77 17 26 53 29 46 33 43 121 22 36 49 213 174 322 104 98 193 86 67 48 64 99 206 69 37 36 350 319 137 237 55 72 202 41 9 150 235 278 57 38 111 371 155 349 85 358 392 90 55 290 133 137 420 43 39 82 383 241 163 51 175 101 141 46 18 124 246 420 234 40 12 22 79 69 66 56 27 44 23 20 8 29 59 17 41 11 15 102 33 51 32 17 50 11 7 5 52 75 22 42 1,447 103 15,762 16,393 40,097 5,323 1,173 9,862 2,049 54 222 3,905 8,395 1,693 43 33 116 724 162 U2,616 95 46 184 153 10 21 150 368 320 44 11 32 9,792 8,388 946 5,225 15 3,441 914 35 200 3,841 1,400 70 45 16 33 111 13 330 11 27 53 23 3 10 40 52 12 46 1,436 71 5,970 8,005 39,151 98 1,158 6,421 1,135 19 22 64 6,995 1,623 47 17 83 613 U9 132,286 84 19 126 130 7 11 110 316 308 48 7,384 129 66,535 89,567 325,157 3,142 1,065 43,774 5,750 240 65 556 64,363 2,480 49 355 1,572 2,759 915 1,268,385 2,001 515 1,692 4,135 450 37 750 4,037 3,123 50 3 13 41 X 18 10 15 16 7 7 6 17 16 9 51 4 U 76 26 U 8 6 19 5 2 4 47 18 11 52 5 49 563 130 203 824 106 54 52 50 145 64 60 47 53 19 252 3,401 122 34 22 22 38 21 6 13 151 62 107 54 3 11 38 33 25 8U 41 13 43 17 1 30 29 8 55 13 47 69 10 22 1 9 20 9 5 4 22 23 26 56 2 38 525 97 178 13 65 41 9 33 144 34 31 39 57 6 205 3,332 112 12 21 13 18 12 1 14 129 39 81 58 3 98 34 46 34 51 28 2 4 310 22 59 13 59 "i 88 1,714 36 6 8 3 6 2 1 7 44 13 38 60 1 2 43 31 22 2 6 1 1 1 11 9 61 3 69 24 16 1 8 1 1 3 26 4 3 62 "i 2 169 113 84 "i 13 1 3 3 34 13 63 44 1 287 91 118 29 49 56 "i "2 13 6 2 2 27 66 22 7 5 ' 64 65 3 105 35 20 12 "i "2 14 20 6 "4 66 1 1 78 84 28 "i 7 1 3 3 12 8 67 41 182 83 29 "2 1 1 13 46 1 2 68 X5 143 340 9 170 3 10 150 69 ioo 583 263 10 '25 50 20 59 70 24 22 53 50 38 36 16 24 10 '12 9 37 32 11 71 7 12 85 40 25 18 12 41 10 5 9 66 47 13 72 62 78 124 134 96 83 50 51 25 37 22 141 94 66 73 19 94 186 88 59 38 53 144 34 16 24 213 107 33 74 22 20 41 38 27 18 17 27 3 13 7 32 29 42 75 2 33 51 14 25 7 18 49 15 5 10 15 31 8 76 40 58 83 96 69 65 33 24 22 24 15 109 65 24 77 17 61 135 74 34 31 35 95 19 11 14 198 76 25 78 689 390 840 654 679 1,084 67 431 332 202 161 678 1,268 70 79 465 730 2,837 1,200 209 169 171 1,389 590 109 146 2,649 1,078 61 80 72 47 74 93 86 94 53 70 45 34 77 49 108 17 81 89 49 87 57 65 69 40 95 29 20 63 74 134 27 82 4,882 4,879 657 1,511 2,305 2,148 1,539 3,917 1,748 989 5,129 592 5,119 234 83 5,126 7,594 695 1,200 3,129 2,706 1,147 4,126 969 1,127 4,547 735 5,754 778 84 840 174 76 155 625 323 557 673 401 254 251 172 1,136 30 35 334 491 314 27 720 371 289 233 461 96 337 74 765 144 86 4,042 4,705 581 1,356 1,680 1,825 982 3,244 1,347 735 4,878 420 3,933 204 87 4,792 7,103 381 1,173 2,409 2,335 858 3,893 508 1,031 4,160 661 4,989 634 88 70,287 5,415 6,565 16,669 19,885 26,050 15,473 14,109 5,347 5,500 152,826 6,529 14,641 282 89 34,293 44 47,720 12 1,427 25 6,073 22 14,587 24 32,797 26 9,906 14 18,166 24 6,220 13 11,300 22 7,464 13 1,839 17 35,723 33 1,502 5 90 91 33 12 14 13 23 7 13 22 11 9 13 19 33 2 92 6,630 179 88 93 365 312 131 1,738 254 507 87 54 450 214 93 1,115 386 85 138 581 64 117 500 274 159 517 86 749 33 94 2,760 44 25 22 186 169 8 491 5 54 2 2 252 2 95 241 3,870 46 135 4 63 6 76 23 179 24 143 19 123 52 1,247 71 249 57 453 25 85 2 52 250 198 30 212 96 97 874 340 81 132 558 40 93 448 203 102 492 84 499 3 93 91,365 583 829 1,770 1,400 584 2,783 75 2,325 1,460 255 300 99 100 6,380 4,545 107 505 1,905 695 870 2,589 4,510 1,621 505 110 3,205 212 Part 5 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY {For definitions and explai eU-xt) Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959 . . 195-1.. acres 1959.. 1954.. quarts 1959.. 1954.. Tree fruits, nuts, antJ grapes: Tjmd In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vlneyarda, and planted nut trees fanilfl reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Apples farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. (^antity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. Peaches f anus reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. (^entity harvested buBhele 1959. . 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. (iiantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Grapes farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. (iaantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. aiantlty harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. Cherries farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954 . . Qjantlty harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Figs farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954., (iaantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954., Improved pecans farms reporting 1959. , 1954 . , Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. (iiantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages ...1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. (iiantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. 136 209 14,542 9,152 5,577 1,598 8,965 7,554 11,590 7,892 170 264 148,299 143,661 41,381 18,615 106,916 125,046 156,356 155,731 96 133 38,878 10,864 12,739 4,098 26,089 6,766 182,194 26,926 5,959 3,577 6,498 5,155 2,514 2,060 34,608 6,822 4,916 5,054 45,814 33,224 8,865 410 7,070 1,161 1,136 5,169 5,076 1,499 6,045 15,407 127 9,024 25,214 625 836 7,606 53 3,579 2,535 59 51 6,701 74 5,445 22,679 566 785 905 1,982 47,256 200,493 3,314 7,181 10,167 1,371 3,452 3,758 21,361 189 227 1,762 1,050 1,182 3,225 1,996 20,311 1,368 4,654 544 6,990 116 89,488 49,728 20,761 9,916 68,727 39,812 60,825 43,225 64 65 less than 20 SOUTH CAROLINA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 213 Part 5 of 5 Lexington UcComlck Marlon Ifcrlto ro Newberry Oconee Qrangelurg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter ^^ WlUiams- burg York 27 1 26 19 5 39 7 5 45 1 11 11 1 14 12 7 6 33 2 39 8 1 13 2 6 (Z) (Z) 11 4 1 13 1 2 29 (Z) 4 2 4 3 1, 3 2 3 12 (Z) 46 17 (z) 2 4 5,619 100 4 10,059 2,362 490 U,260 240 350 20,947 25 2,047 1,300 1,797 5 2,218 975 1,354 2,027 7,562 335 19,287 15,987 6 1,807 6 322 31 33 23 131 193 316 122 93 93 1,000 64 91 61 190 7 259 22 19 36 124 332 173 201 95 94 1,053 74 53 31 156 8 3,450 81 74 >94 265 593 2,608 329 586 2,340 27,780 722 363 389 2,581 9 2,272 34 57 54 213 827 1,166 417 606 1,716 20,050 657 361 156 2,047 10 100 21 14 11 UO 168 62 in 46 X 237 18 64 20 103 11 103 41 13 10 146 409 50 224 83 67 253 38 58 10 150 12 5,669 192 125 L59 3,192 19,271 348 7,227 1,101 1,350 37,941 98 647 135 6,019 13 3,138 '.14 93 L47 2,948 21,171 253 8,700 887 4,453 27,142 238 690 481 6,053 14 1,620 52 40 84 1,475 9,375 204 1,926 790 87 7,124 51 162 51 509 15 1,036 135 42 03 243 4,127 122 3,050 311 2,292 3,852 151 186 261 771 16 4,049 140 85 75 1,717 9,896 144 5,301 311 1,263 30,817 47 485 84 5,510 17 2,102 279 51 44 2,705 17,044 131 5,650 576 2,161 23,290 87 504 220 5,282 18 3,415 227 71 53 600 25,941 112 3,681 246 376 43,106 10 289 41 1,101 19 1,547 316 57 1 3,654 25,083 66 6,349 312 3,445 16,489 113 479 110 4,230 20 230 25 8 15 90 126 118 87 53 58 862 27 54 19 129 21 229 37 5 22 133 335 94 193 99 87 983 46 64 12 156 22 286,396 780 50 19, )82 1,204 5,494 101,432 6,948 32,877 188,556 2,458,418 25,267 18,243 23,363 200,879 23 186,079 959 38 31, >96 2,852 15,294 14,162 8,917 16,707 128,721 1,908,992 16,330 26,005 330 150,498 24 46,636 445 21 f t04 212 958 33,167 1,162 27,124 45,433 714,658 3,125 2,490 303 50,495 25 62,522 88 29 3,( 50 460 2,000 5,498 1,332 6,115 24,998 275,255 10,969 2,817 265 30,273 26 239,760 335 29 18, >78 992 4,536 68,265 5,786 5,753 143,123 1,743,760 22,142 15,753 23,060 150,384 27 123,557 871 9 28,( >46 2,392 13,294 8,664 7,585 10,592 103,723 1,633,737 5,361 23,188 65 120,225 28 257,266 295 26 21,( )69 245 5,939 78,736 8,763 7,274 242,165 2,720,431 45,445 9,485 3,064 218,954 29 114,283 518 8 3,C 13 909 9,628 7,651 3,254 8,336 180,272 1,944,085 1,657 16,168 19 102,287 30 89 18 U U 87 73 98 65 43 24 141 IS 50 27 78 31 77 37 9 11 92 147 75 113 72 33 108 41 41 xl 90 32 640 68 37 67 337 394 419 280 250 150 13,050 66 388 179 1,026 33 521 143 45 04 271 651 348 381 383 120 7,628 134 124 66 386 34 23 11 9 46 63 97 97 168 131 27 12,790 32 217 23 89 35 63 31 2 6 50 139 74 167 85 47 236 78 20 10 96 36 617 57 28 21 274 297 322 112 U9 123 250 34 171 156 937 37 458 112 43 98 221 512 274 214 298 73 7,392 56 104 56 290 38 749 157 60 67 229 360 994 86 159 100 316 21 156 198 481 39 405 81 86 31 143 159 371 248 204 122 6,378 149 61 51 430 40 109 9 16 11 76 112 69 78 29 29 173 14 64 38 86 41 54 18 12 12 72 173 52 134 44 16 154 35 36 9 75 42 52,976 6,861 1,054 68 500 20,210 17,810 4,402 1,793 25,796 64,388 75 14,079 10,130 43,607 43 2,860 564 66 5, K6 295 6,788 183 1,778 772 201 50,989 192 1,141 33 2,152 44 23,004 1,012 1,019 48 137 12,978 2,258 2,596 181 13,995 13,731 20 5,181 8,216 24,198 45 540 13 16 71 230 52 383 120 31 23,910 107 1,018 1 1,587 46 29,972 5,849 35 20 363 7,232 15,552 1,806 1,612 11,801 50,657 55 8,898 1,914 19,4ro 47 2,320 551 50 5, K6 224 6,558 Ul 1,395 652 170 27,079 85 123 32 565 48 291,346 3,057 401 15 1,445 51,465 129,638 17,248 6,704 120,455 293,716 1,064 145,792 3,391 82,056 49 22,847 6,715 1,563 14, 00 2,194 16,438 691 U,596 5,074 1,244 123,326 2,658 429 630 2,950 50 60 4 4 5 38 32 20 31 17 7 67 9 32 7 56 51 36 12 2 34 55 21 49 37 7 75 10 18 5 60 52 3,888 16 15 7 123 232 166 95 228 28 3,840 30 215 38 579 53 1,436 47 4 148 323 135 223 292 199 1,266 29 72 9 338 54 1,288 2 6 24 14 52 35 138 6 2,872 8 90 5 158 55 179 4 1 39 72 54 75 88 7 172 28 1 6 174 56 2,600 16 U i 99 218 114 60 90 23 968 22 125 33 421 57 1,257 43 3 109 251 81 148 204 192 1,094 1 71 3 164 58 2,138 7 1 4 10 219 18 39 99 20 2,316 10 77 60 173 59 1,176 16 5 35 U9 17 50 71 23 392 2 32 49 60 22 3 3 19 43 6 47 14 6 90 4 27 "i 50 61 8 8 2 22 91 6 66 18 6 79 16 46 62 55 14 5 49 203 8 219 32 48 287 "8 77 2 226 63 46 40 2 52 266 16 227 64 13 293 64 210 64 10 3 i 6 47 5 142 21 44 125 4 22 1 85 65 10 8 1 23 88 9 105 17 11 95 22 117 66 45 11 4 43 156 3 77 11 4 162 4 55 1 141 67 36 32 1 29 178 7 122 47 2 198 42 93 68 286 52 32 62 346 3 380 91 1,663 '16 247 549 69 15 405 "io 30 990 53 655 25 10 409 115 224 70 59 7 3 3 64 47 70 40 31 15 113 '13 42 "17 52 71 44 16 6 4 63 103 62 67 49 21 85 31 27 4 67 72 135 13 17 13 204 109 238 102 116 35 489 50 187 46 330 73 147 43 10 6 U5 206 177 161 153 61 407 71 58 9 192 74 36 6 8 7 37 12 46 51 43 3 44 24 62 12 167 75 32 15 1 26 24 56 59 39 25 39 41 12 1 49 76 99 7 9 6 167 97 192 51 73 32 445 26 125 X 163 77 U5 28 9 6 119 182 121 102 114 36 368 30 46 8 143 78 1,117 160 22 36 1,726 379 4,875 195 442 516 1,816 130 2,524 255 457 79 3,719 453 262 1,073 2,354 1,299 1,156 1,445 469 4,544 161 576 160 2,854 80 152 24 27 16 105 63 253 56 68 50 235 60 49 49 85 81 116 32 23 29 lOO 101 224 109 92 36 105 92 41 31 85 82 2,873 309 907 J20 1,549 431 11,345 293 2,680 1,910 2,282 4,815 271 2,023 1,686 83 3,263 492 882 1, 379 1,230 530 12,795 561 4,998 1,547 1,267 6,026 306 1,522 1,714 84 403 68 322 L69 189 103 2,393 149 177 116 479 1,205 81 741 264 85 597 67 77 !62 136 255 2,211 223 547 597 338 1,448 86 345 156 86 2,470 241 585 51 1,360 328 8,952 144 2,503 1,794 1,803 3,610 190 1,282 1,422 87 2,666 425 805 1, L17 1,094 275 10,584 338 4,451 950 929 4,578 220 1,177 1,558 88 30,085 3,706 912 .60 17,644 6,085 142,828 1,946 32,171 53,335 26, 106 50,134 3,180 3,704 22,581 89 8,549 1,395 7,740 .80 24,603 2,109 96,404 1,244 14,668 11,461 2,859 78,807 967 10,041 14,123 90 51 4 i 7 28 17 119 8 15 21 36 8 14 9 24 91 31 8 4 11 48 22 85 13 20 17 18 15 7 4 8 92 486 32 36 550 258 132 3,588 18 312 261 144 421 65 126 181 93 156 122 27 201 349 120 1,908 52 351 259 122 1,920 17 537 33 94 32 12 8 427 13 29 1,710 8 9 23 36 6 20 20 69 95 17 65 74 65 15 260 23 167 110 46 1,757 3 27 2 96 454 20 28 123 245 103 1,878 10 303 238 108 415 45 106 112 97 139 57 27 127 284 105 1,648 29 184 149 76 163 14 510 31 98 8,349 130 25 1 2,192 1,448 23,860 103 1,040 7,000 1,264 4,370 860 742 735 99 100 1,025 300 375 165 1,471 284 12,637 265 352 751 200 5,360 62 1,500 355 214 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursery and greenhouse products, llowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: NurseT>' nnd greenhouse (irwiucls. riower ami vecelable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms reporting 1 dollars 1 On farms with sales of ^2,0(10 o . farms reportina dollars Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, em.) farms reporting 1053 . . 1054 . . acres used for growint; 1059. . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1050 . . 1054 . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist Ueens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1050 . . 1054.. Grown under glass farms roportine 1059 . . 1054.. sfjuare feet 19.59 . . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres used for growing 1959. . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959.. 1954.. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. square feet 1 959 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres used for growing 1959. . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1054 . . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1959 . . Sales of any forest products forms reporting 1959 ' dollars 1959.. 1954 . , Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959.. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959 ' dollars 19.59.. Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, and SBWiogs farms repcrting 1959 . . dollars 1959., Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959 ' . dollars 1959.. Firewood and fuelwood cut fanns reporting 1959. 1954 . COrtls (4' x 4' « 8') 19.59 . 1954 . Sales farms reporting 1959 . codsfl' «4'x6')1959. Pulpwood sold farms reporting 1959. 1954 . ^ence posts cut farms reporting 1959 . . 1954. number 1959. 1954. Sales fatms reporting 1959 . number 1954 . ^awlogs nnd veneer logs cut farms reporting 1959 . 19.54' thousands of board feet 1959. 1954 ' Sales farms reporting 1959. thousands of l».ird feet 1959 . D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operatla Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includes sales of standlrtg tijnber. 21,573 5,485 8,988,765 4,253,735 4,107 5,811,621 2,685 3,177,144 17,409 36,307 142,990 281,252 1,923 3,406 144,446 200,924 1,191 5,440 221,582 957,955 4,197 18, 595 125,969 (Z) 1,132 tz) 2,350 49,058 23 20,371 22 19,371 2 1,000 SOUTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 215 CaUlDUD Charleston Cberokee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edeefleld Fairfield Florence Georgetown — 1 29 6 7 5 1 8 1 2 2 8 5 1 (Dl 273,338 21,675 5,160 4,900 (D) 26,750 2,575 (D) 193,000 350 160,000 48,050 2 2,982 251,240 2,135 170 4,675 200 30,100 10,898 200 79,705 4,450 3,394 13,770 9 14 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 266,098 21,225 2,000 2,000 25,000 (D) 193,000 156,100 46,250 1 21 2 3 3 2 6 1 2 1 8 5 , 3 17 1 1 2 5 1 7 3 5 7 2 199 1 2 6 26 9 2 70 1 84 47 8 8 323 1 1 11 6 1 64 12 6 12 S (D) 264, 523 90 3,700 2,700 26,000 1,975 (Dl 193,000 250 110,000 47, 850 10 2,982 215,025 150 75 30,100 9,973 200 74,425 2,700 3,379 12, 950 11 5 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 2 12 14 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 13 1 3 1 1 1 H 10 2 1 1 1 1 3 15 960 10,350 720 2,500 1,800 500 16 23,270 4,050 10 1,200 2,808 1,500 3,650 17 5 2 3 1 1 4 1 2 19 6 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 IS 4 1 1 1 (Z) 2 (Z) 2 20 15 2 1 1 8 6 (z) (z) 21 7,115 21,525 1,225 200 (i)) 500 600 (D) 100 49,500 100 22 34,780 5 575 1 145 3 1 925 5,200 1,750 15 1 820 2 23 24 i 5 4 1 2 1 500 1 1 300 25 26 27 28 300 5 3 964 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 29 30 31 U (Z) (2) 3 (Z) 32 15 1 (Z) 15 (z) (z) 38 1,700 60 235 2,000 250 500 100 34 1,435 1,410 25 4,600 200 'so 35 179 67 363 549 776 1,012 542 477 328 156 244 383 1,530 317 36 82 38 U4 180 129 85 233 110 65 111 75 188 153 78 37 123, *38 47,422 60,575 259,823 179,357 103,025 562,107 303,388 133,224 60,069 181,422 397,402 215,432 190, 594 38 71,432 23,809 126,357 133,252 126, 9U 50,303 208,034 89,354 38,2A0 55,697 57,725 230,652 120,823 47,426 39 63 28 78 140 106 55 190 93 50 54 63 162 U8 52 40 112,265 27,427 37,754 87,261 149,963 71,831 387,205 223,805 98,887 41,358 146,342 195,984 192,545 99,609 ^^ 27 16 56 98 48 43 91 37 31 65 34 130 47 41 12 43 U,173 19,995 22,821 172,562 29,394 31,194 174,902 79,583 34,337 18,711 35,080 201,418 22,887 90,985 27 15 53 95 45 38 87 36 29 55 34 127 47 41 44 10,873 19,695 22,456 172,062 27,776 28,554 172,227 79,383 31,170 11,439 35,080 192,718 22,887 90,685 45 1 1 4 4 4 5 6 1 U U 6 1 46 300 300 365 500 1,618 2,640 2,675 200 3,167 7,272 8,700 300 47 118 30 267 404 704 940 354 385 263 60 198 254 1,421 258 48 219 224 755 637 893 1,397 346 1,360 798 408 598 519 2,808 451 49 731 239 2,469 5,214 5,074 7,534 1,755 2,595 1,599 282 1,367 2,455 10,191 4,219 50 1,600 1,086 7,054 9,109 6,218 9,459 1,831 U,072 4,651 2,302 5,150 3,972 20,535 2,434 51 « 6 7 U U 4 3 1 23 5 9 7 10 52 V. 63 251 233 62 16 49 3 U7 90 320 37 1,955 53 21 U 41 83 37 20 77 34 22 28 27 112 26 35 54 U 19 135 140 76 51 65 45 27 55 74 185 51 99 55 621 1,283 1,206 10,435 1,052 762 5,215 5,253 1,051 618 1,590 10,112 1,335 4,116 56 1,253 1,195 4,300 12,003 4,704 2,866 5,900 4,280 1,123 1,353 3,176 18,383 2,0U 4,755 57 9 2 64 101 18 14 51 2 12 16 2 38 36 10 58 i5 45 189 337 102 143 97 149 69 129 36 115 177 20 59 2,270 250 8,717 19,679 18,892 1,577 8,979 270 2,507 4,130 90 3,694 4,048 4,745 60 7,455 1 9,366 20,054 5 87,544 7 17,158 1 20,851 1 19,150 2 20,215 11,315 3 17,982 1 5,855 28,988 4 30,771 U 5,463 2 61 62 1,000 1,200 1,250 16,000 100 1,200 1,730 50 325 725 2,050 63 2 3 24 22 7 10 25 5 11 7 4 14 33 14 64 31 13 138 126 81 85 74 121 94 59 28 82 260 33 67 19 59 200 287 160 412 1,923 21 329 34 220 919 207 150 2,013 624 3,007 2,062 3,878 1,143 5,476 2,814 1,462 1,366 2,191 9,391 4,490 9 995 3 2 2 9 12 2 9 12 7 4 4 7 17 9 65 243 85 327 1,859 297 15 203 742 44 95 69 216 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES county Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST trnrfiofinit ■xplfl, Nursery and greenhouse products, (towers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery and greenhouse praiiicts. flower and vepeuble seeds and plants, flowers, and bullis sold fanns reporlinp W59 dollars 1P59 1954 On farnis with sales of '^■^,000 or more farms reporting 1050 dollars 1050 Nursery products (trees, shruhs, vines, ornamentals, etc,) farms reportinp 1959 1354 .icres used for ptwvins 1959 1954 Sales dollars 1959 Cut flowers, potted planus, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1950 1934 Grown under glass farms roportinc 1959 1054 square feet 1959 1954 firown in the open farms reporting' 1959 1054 acres used for erowinf; 1959 1954 Sales ■ dollars 1959 1954 Vegetables growTi under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 1954 Gro^A-n under glass or in house farms reporting 1959 1954 square feel 1959 1954 Grc>wn in the open farms reporting 1959 1954 acres used fcr growing 1959 1954 Sales dollars 1959 1954 Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reportinc Sales of any forest producLi farms reporting 1059 dollars 1959 1954 Sales of standing timber famis reporting 1950 dollars 1059 Sale? of all other forest products farms reporting 1059 dollars laSO Sales of firewood, pulpwood. fence posts, and sawloga farms reporting 1950 dollars 1050 Sales of other miscellaneous firoducLs farms reporting 1959, dollars 1959 Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reportinc 1959 1954 cords (4* X 4' X 8') 1050 1054 Sales farms reportinc 1950 cords(r x4'x&')1^50 Pulpwood sold farms reporting 1950 1054, a)nJs(4' X 4' X 6') 1050 1054 V-nce posts cut farms reporting 1959 1954 numlwr 1959 1954 Sales farms reportinc 1050 number 1954 Sawlops nnd vencor lon^i I'ut farms reporting lOTiO^ 1054- thousands of board feet 1959_ 1954* Sales farms reporting 1959 thousands of t»anl feet 1059 120,957 443, 8<« 80,979 159,589 9i 91 90,645 262,826 67 62 30,312 181,022 D Data not shown to avoid Z Reported In small fract ^Includes sales of standing timber. losure of individual operations. 85,602 7 15,810 268,663 36 51,894 2,489 9,400 13,997 4,444 2 (D) 116,406 28 141,413 SOUTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 217 Lexington SfcCormlc]! Marlon Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickers Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union Williams- burg Vori 22 1 3 8 9 14 15 19 7 20 6 1 2 13 1 88,339 (D) 16,900 37,946 9,610 73,036 217,531 188,904 2,826 152,683 14,760 (D) (D) 13,353 2 35,012 50 20,400 200 17,225 4,237 33,292 115,784 332,650 160 28,775 18,550 1,000 12,900 18,555 3 9 1 1 3 1 4 6 5 7 3 2 4 4 85,019 (D) 16,000 37,000 5,000 67, 525 212,263 178,479 143,625 13,350 (D) 13,563 S 8 1 3 7 8 8 11 2 8 5 5 6 9 1 2 3 3 9 3 9 5 2 2 5 7 49 3 9 IB 39 127 15 "2 57 11 15 B a (z) 3 7 6 35 45 18 6 15 1 10 9 58,719 (D) 7,500 8,750 67,746 67,434 15,780 1,166 119,765 14,070 4,100 10 24,374 50 5,400 6,515 2,152 26,290 39,004 24,600 6,855 17,250 900 8,700 11 U 1 2 4 2 3 8 9 2 10 2 1 2 7 12 U 1 1 5 7 12 17 9 2 18 2 1 1 4 13 5 1 1 2 1 4 4 6 4 1 1 2 5 U 2 1 1 1 3 6 7 6 1 1 4 IS 17,100 800 12,000 15,090 500 4,225 103,070 90,300 11,890 140 600 14,800 U,460 IS 8,130 1,850 5,200 576 5,200 72,080 146,233 5,215 1,000 4,500 3,741 17 10 i 3 1 7 4 5 2 7 "i 2 18 9 1 4 6 10 14 4 2 13 2 3 19 39 (z) 1 (2) 5 9 3 (Z) 12 (z) 1 20 3 1 4 4 9 14 6 1 21 2 6 21 29,370 (D) 16,400 30,235 760 3,730 149,600 172,409 514 32,130 690 (D) (D) 13,283 22 6,638 15,000 200 10,710 1,690 5,777 75,075 308,050 160 13,910 300 1,000 12,000 5,350 23 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 4 4 4 2» 1 "i 216 3 1 1 300 1 3 4 1,860 5 1 2 638 1,360 "2 326 5 2 2 1,485 2,255 1 9 3 6 2,500 13,174 25 26 27 28 29 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 1 30 1 2 1 4 4 1 4 31 1 I (Z) 11 1 3 1 (z) 32 25 i 1 U 5 "i 1 33 250 500 211 lOO 1,560 497 715 1,212 788 970 34 4,000 395 1,225 1,705 8,010 1,666 4,505 35 703 188 342 135 491 747 974 240 486 431 494 720 220 1,415 484 36 131 57 42 38 U3 159 279 99 152 164 193 116 112 121 167 37 158,965 105,3U 73,629 175,886 252,180 274,086 476,749 89,633 243,078 226,329 170,569 208,097 94,889 274,482 240,766 38 82,665 33,339 38,230 52,859 142,205 74,692 200,667 73,329 46,306 121,150 108,985 75,163 90,853 89,155 W7,542 39 115 34 31 33 133 105 219 70 98 125 140 66 100 104 131 40 120,220 41,533 63,240 163,311 174,437 126,812 367,863 68,232 U7,77D 144,973 122,481 100,535 42,933 189,289 105,366 41 59 45 18 10 102 116 110 55 99 74 96 77 59 44 112 42 38,745 63,781 10,389 12,575 77,743 147,274 108,386 21,401 95,308 31,356 48,088 107,562 51,956 85,193 135,400 43 57 44 18 10 101 116 103 53 96 73 91 76 56 41 102 44 38,530 63,757 10,389 12,575 77,143 146,938 107,672 20,751 94,913 80,756 44,973 107,362 51,765 77,057 134,788 45 4 1 1 4 8 3 4 1 5 1 4 5 3 46 215 24 600 336 1,2U 650 395 600 3,U5 200 191 8,136 612 47 613 162 322 104 364 674 762 169 330 331 312 635 128 1,321 339 48 1,036 307 1,005 183 719 1,421 1,589 767 496 338 762 1,351 527 2,510 800 49 3,619 1,183 2,662 688 2,932 4,066 5,057 1,045 2,890 2,628 2,143 3,046 1,029 8,896 3,241 50 6,454 2,131 6,140 1,538 6,U5 8,763 10,616 4,761 4,341 5,748 6,855 13,199 5,371 19,107 8,855 51 15 6 3 16 20 15 10 44 10 4 32 2 8 16 52 201 96 57 186 182 91 82 514 93 37 2,444 35 1,011 186 53 38 36 15 8 80 75 64 38 45 61 73 45 48 27 81 54 35 47 24 18 146 163 102 59 69 45 162 34 106 52 182 55 1,144 3,255 647 645 4,194 5,752 4,041 976 5,296 4,558 2,540 4,662 2,706 3,195 7,215 56 1,628 2,022 1,255 2,253 6,669 4,466 5,680 1,747 2,854 2,574 7,557 1,409 5,979 1,901 14,074 57 38 9 6 45 37 59 10 18 21 55 7 24 43 50 58 129 38 37 15 151 222 254 85 80 79 153 217 73 183 284 59 5,778 2,500 1,060 5,472 5,089 9,582 815 8,330 7,860 5,627 2,357 5,625 6,089 9,635 60 14,206 8,367 7,770 2,010 27,953 28,997 51,448 9,990 19,506 10,404 22,577 26,294 IB , 151 29,486 63,484 61 62 1 3 5 8 8 3 7 2 3 2 3 3 25 1,100 6TD 1,413 2,551 90 6,015 5,400 264 2,012 850 1,603 63 23 4 5 5 13 42 54 9 13 8 35 10 13 27 36 64 157 20 51 U. 144 130 147 154 59 77 164 51 68 182 157 65 406 269 32 80 267 1,180 1,094 162 174 195 334 202 220 434 610 66 3,045 1,190 754 2,336 4,716 2,660 5,349 3,654 1,026 3,935 2,790 1,867 2,707 2,556 3,926 67 7 3 10 39 30 6 12 7 16 2 12 11 22 68 379 269 58 236 1,161 904 102 150 193 127 150 210 340 477 69 APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (219) 220 THE QUESTIONNAIRE Thlsc of CongrcBB. UnlUd Slates Code. Tllle 13. B furnished be accorded confldentiil Irealu SOUTH CAROLINA ANO GEORGIA m 1 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE f QCO '** OUESTIONNAIRE: *«'•»•' Section I— PERSON NOW ■ or the rkmiir < ! for the p*f»on In charge. Section II.— OWNERSHIP ornc! m omr I and wasteland. leparale unite: also cropland, pastureland. < own? { // no land t 1 Ihf ■ for I.ANP RENTKl) OR LI-. J-:i) FROM OTHERS: Include all land and i _ _^ ^ gardless of where located. Include any separate fle oodland, and wasteland. Hcr.-., do you rent from others? Include acre? worked on share*. :ie nsme and address of each landlord and the number of acrt 1 on tihares for each? t office and Stnto) (ToHi office and State) LAND MANAGKl) FOR OTHERS; <' for otl^ir^ a-s n hired manager? SOYBEANS. COWPEAS. PEANUTS, ANl)yE_LVETBEANS;^(lfj ■ of mixture aa grown with other crops; if grown aloiie, report ^creage i SOYBEANS: ri3] Were any aoybeana grown for v, n v i ,y purpose r/ifs Bear? , ■ ■ .^° P,Kt\ ' (// -No.- mark X and >ktp to quntion ri8| ) U. Soybeans for all purposes? (a) Soybeans for beans? (b) Soybeans for hay? (c) Soybeans hogged or grated, or cut for silage? (d) Soybeans plowed under for green manure, n graied or otherwise harvested? IV purpose f/iis j(«or? No D (// "No.- mark X and sktp to gueeUon 18. Cowpeas for all purposes? (Include blackeyes, orowdcrs, whipp* purple hulls, etc Report nder queetii I 118.) I, freexcra. t (a) Cowpeaa for dry peas? (b) Cowpeas for bay? grated, or cut for slUgeT (The total of the acres ft (d) must equal the acre PEANUTS: [17 J Were any peanuts grown for any purpose (/i(s year? - ■ No □ (// ".Vo," mark X and »k\p la ^b«(ioi 18. Peanuts for all purposes? 1191) (a) Peanuts for picking or threshing? (b) Peanut rtnes or lops which were or will be for bay or forage? (Include topii or vinea saved after picking may also b<- included in the acres re] VELVETBEAN8: [It] Were any Tclvelbeana grown for any purpose thii yearf {If -No.- mark X and •*•? ■ 20. Velvelbeans for all purposes? No n Yea Q .((on MI.— CROPS HAHVE.STED THIS YEAR. 19 'ork land for others on shares Include landlord's share. landlord's share ■ from these (read answer for question 7l CORN AND SORGHUMS: (Includi as sold if taken from this place ) CORN: [«] Waj< any corn harv.-ated for any 10. Corn (or all purposes? popcorn.) 56 lb sliillcd corn=l i Corn lor silage? Corn hogged or grazed. I (a), (b), and (e) (Includi' jforghiim.-* for grain, and Hirup) Sorghums for grain or seed? . I Sorghums for silage? . . . Sorghums cut for dry forage oi to qnf»Uon [ISJ.) ailage, forage, pasture r hogged or grazed? ions (al, (b), (c), and (d) r • j /lO ACM Bb. Aa- Acna %M, T.— *°~ ; cik.™ """^ S.MALL GRAINS: (Include t andlord's this plac. [21] Wheal? . . . 29. Oala for ffraln? . 29. Barley? . . HAY CROPS: once but givt landlord's sh en from this pie Include the \f ■ i>o- — 41. CoastsI Bermuda pai 43. Lespedeta for bay? (Include oats cut w 47. Any other hay? (Include bromegras! Johnson grans, milU % unthreshed.) threshed? ) SEEDS: 'n [79 J.) 52. Uspedeta 5S. Crimson c S9. Tall resent >*er seed? seed? . . 75. Lupine seed? 78. Other Held seeds? . . Crot*lftna7 Millet? Resouesrasn? Ryegra«? How r rvested? SOUTH CAROLINA 221 POTATOES, TOBACCO, COTTON. SUGARCANE, ANIJ ROOT AND GRAIN CROPS: lA fuwer Out ^unttons. if " Ye m- harvi'Hli*d ur huy 1 (hfa year; ncrr^t in noribcRriiiit and lirarhiR plHntcd , Kiid |irn|K-n; and m THia BHADED SECTION IB TO H niUP ^^ CKW8UB ENUMERATOR a for (6) from (a) a/ut enter : iiHod only iir) f/i/a year? None Q nly for t leiumea not harv tM» yenrT K of cropland havi (Irtchidi' idle cropland and cropland c lich nil crop- frtlh-d ) OTHER LAND: 211. Ho (Not cropland prtntnn- iiml not wooitliitnl imnti (// ••Sonf," mnrk X and tkip to gucKdon Icr to be ImproTod paalure? (hnprovcilhy lhnii>K. f.-rlilixinK. wcHii.K. Irriniitinn, drnlniiiK, «nd .onlroUinn «ccd« Hon- 204. 20.'t. 207. 208. 209. 210. .,.„r ■lion v.— IRRIGATION rrx urn- Irrigated thl» year? . 222 THE QUESTIONNAIRE W' Section VI.-RACE. AGE. RESIDENCE. OFF-FARM WORK. AND OTHER INCOME 218. WhRtisyoi 219. How old w 220. Do you livi I did v 1 this place? . 221. Wh I January I. I95S. OFF-FAHM WORK AND OTHER INCOME: 222. How mniiy drtv!" thit year did you work off your farm ofi's^^ion, or on 'lotncoiio clsr'n farm Include d. December 31. 1959. (Do not include exchange 1(2) 1(3) .D lQ_ * J»T« D I WP or w 223. Did aiiv other member of your family living with yoi isiiiess, profession, or work on someone else'a farm thIt year? 224. HBve you any income tM» year from any of the following products from land rented oi have a nonfarm job, tM» year from i It? Ca.th rent? iioaraertr socmi ai PensionM' Veterans' tillowRnces? Unemployment compeii vidends? Profita from nonfarm business? FinanciHl help from Dividends? Profita from nonfarm business? i-nianciHl help rrom memocrs oi your family? No □ \ei Will Ihe income which vou and your family receive from ,ther -.oiirccs (listed in questions 223 and 221) he greater thi liiirul products sold or to be aold from your place thi» year? 223 and e total value of a SHF.KP AN!) LAMBS SHORN THIS YKAR, I95»: 261. Were any aheep or lambs shorn f/i/a year? (if "No," mark X and ikip lo que 252. Were any lambs sh 253. Were any sheep ^h< r?^ HOGS AND PIGS: 125*1 How many md pl|s <.f all re on this plat (If •■None.- [(■) Siur'- June 1. thit year? |(b) Hefure June 1. thia year? SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: [255] How many litters were farrowed 8in< (Ma year or will farrow before December I? 256. How many litters were farrowed betwe December I, latt year and June 1. thit yea Section VIL— FOREST PRODUCTS THIS YEAR. 1959 )ther cattle and c [226] How much was or will be ro I'' sale of standing timber or trees? (Include standing t icluded i lold for pulpwood) iroducl-'t lion 226.) . . None sold D *- ■8? None sold D »- both dairy and beef, le Q Number 228. Firewood and fuelwood? 229. Pulpwood? 230. Fence pools? 231. Sawlogs and veneer :o|s? "vT (1) How much be cut In If Sit (2) How much was or will be sold In itstr Na Vm n n ^ n n ■ 1 Cvte n n N.mlMr """*" D D BgafdrM. ■artU 257. How many cattle and calves of all ages are on this place? . (// ••None," mark X and aktp to question [262].) f (a) Cowar Number (Include heifera that have calved.) (b) Heifers and heifer calvear Number (Do noi Bulla, bull calTi t calves? Number (The total for questions (a), (b), and (c] equal the number for question 257.) COWS MILKED AND BUTTER CHURNED: 258. How many cows and heifers were milked yetterday? None D Number 269. How many milk cows »ere on this place i/eiterddur . Noih' D Numlter 260. How many gallona of mil 261. How many pounds of bu ? produced yeeterday? . ere churned faaf week? n Gallons n Pounds ENUMERATOR (a) Doas Al number ond in J or TT No Q Yoa Q (6) Are acraa in queatlon T. 1.000 or mow?. No □ Yoa □ .Section IX.— DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1959 Y chickens, lurkers, or other poultry on this plai e there any on thin place any time thl§ year? ( // ••No" for both queiliont 23S and 237, mar* X and tktp to quettion [246].) 238. How many chlckena (hens, pol No a Ye-i D r on this place? None Q Nunr e sold thte year? . None D Nuir . pullets, cockerels. sold f/ifs irearf None Q Number I eggs No D Ves D ip ro question [266] ) u or by others. Report dairy prodm I will sell by December it. thit ye Quantity sold c be sold in I9& will be the value of aalca in 1969? led thtt year? (In kera and turkey fryers from poults hatched, poulta 2«8. How much whole milk w >r will be sold in I9S9?. . . (Report in pounds of r bought, and those raised for othen under c 243. How many (urkcy hens notr on hand a keeping for breeding next year? 244. How many ducks, fleese, and other poultry 'ere sold thit year? None Q 245. How much wa.t or will he receiver i«ar from the sale of turkeys, ducks, gee niscelLaneous poultry, and their eggs? Gi\ SHEEP AND LAMBS: [246] How many ewe HfNone Lambs under 1 y n Number .on [247].) inds of butterfat.) ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THLS YEAR. 1959 How many hi been solo th how many are - . t*" Ewes 1 year old and over? Number . (c) Rams and welhero 1 year old and over? Number . (Th<' total for questions (a), (b). and (c) mu.st equal the number for question 246.) MULES AND HORSES; [247] How many mules, horses, colts, and ponies are on thin place? None Q Nu will any b« sold thit year SOUTH CAROLINA 223 Xr.— FERTILIZER AND LIME Include sll ferllllzer snd lime asrd oi purrh&8«d hj you or by jour lindlord. 271. Oil fn)W tnnnv ncn-. were commercial fertilizer nnd (erllllilni malerlkJs iiHrd /n 19597 (// "A'onr," wort Z o«d »ktp to queUton C272|.) F during 1959. >ITriti:S Include eipeoMi paid landlord for this place. [274] Peed for liv.-^tock and poiiltryT (Include cy. mill fc conn-nlrali--, and roiiRhaffn'; nho, amouiiln paid for ftrirtdiiiR and miiinft feed.) 275. The pgrebaae of Uveatock and poallryf . . be paid b} Decembtr 31, tfSf, b/ ] lfc«l». find laby < • hire? 1 «rork Nuch an tractor I: ■■Inicllun work. Include caah r'S. Seeda. bnlba. plam I.AM) rsi: »'HACTlCl-*i. 280. How many acre* of land wrrr ti-rd to fffow cover cropa thit gear and then planted to anotlii-r ci 2«l. How' mnxy acm of cropland >im' ■ a IVr^.M ii-if work loaf Friday? 300. Telephone? No Q 301. Home freeter (for quick rn-ninK mid Moni.R r.l)'' 302. Milking machine? 303. Eleclrlc milk cooler? 305. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or ollii- 306. Power-operaled elevator, conveyor, i lonnKf.K-lf No Q V.-s Q No D v.-s n No D Vl-9 D cropi.)? No n Vi-9 D r blower? No Q Yv>. O (1) Hard surface? , . (2) Gravel, shell, or shnleT (a) Dirt or unimproved? . D r*-IIow many mile, to a (-, hard Mirffiee r,...,r»l,on> 308(a) and 308(b). » r landlord any ' I. J. *)? No a Ye , ki^-p of landlord. fSU] Aboui ow much would the land and Ibr bulldlnga sell fer- la) Land and buildings owned by you? (Coiiy nrr<- from q tion 3 ) bi Land and buildings rented from others? It Land and buildings managed for others? lCo|>V iirrr- rrm.i r|ii.-slioii S I (d) Land and buildings rented lo others? ■n froi (Copy nny norlgage debt No„c. (1) Acrps (21 Toltli VHlll (liolUir.) n t. lim D S /IHI D I ^m □ k I land Hnd No D Vi's D No land t S«llon XVI,— ENtMEBATOR'S RECORD— To b« HIW br Crnaua Enum ^^•^l> /nmnAfrf I*. irtfDrmalton J J m (An rtp&rtf [Mark one.) 1 ...>«.t»-ml«.a-ll> D f)nlc (iiioni* iin./ . [TlulC (::iOn(» nnrf , 224 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK A2 LISTING 1 < PART 1 -LIST OK PLAttS IN tO PART II -AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS PART,„-.LU..A,| 1 i A Uu etr houMhold liv»t •« ihii ED AND AUO R. LiM ^rry p«fibn. not living in thit ED, who hat •grirultural oprraliOnt in ihii ED (21 Don Ihii POKMI member of hii houU' hold op«ntc a farm ranch)' (3) Doe. ih.. (r;;',n (») Does ihl. agricultural lives' ■lock? horaet^ .h«p' Joan- ne 1 (4) 20 or chickena' duck.? Any cropa? (corn? lobaccoF olher held cropa?» (61 20 oc frjit' sees? »r»P berries? house producii? (•) 10 12 l> 14 No 1 Ytj i ^ No 1 Yn No I Yn No ;Yes No 1 Yes No 1 Yes No |Yes No 1 Yes i No|Y» No 1 Yo No I Yn No I Yes No I Yes No : Yes No Yes No 1 Yes i i No! Y« No ! Yes No ! Yea No : Yes No ; Yts No : Yes No! Yes No ! Yes i 1 i i \ 1 1 : 1 i 1 i No I Yn No: Y« No ; Yes No: Yes No 1 Yes No 1 Yes Noj Yes No ; Yes 1 j 1 i (1) (2) (» (4) <») («) (') (•) (») (101 ' ""'"" ■'■'^"'"■' ^'■■'^"''■'''"™'" ^' ' " '" •^'?i!:S/?r.'' JrriII:S^ ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK 225 Numtwr (Ml PART IV -RhCORI) tIF (OMPLI^TKIN OF ENl.'MhRATlON J Don ihii penofi work any UnJ on ■ham? (121 CUIIbxk rrquind TumeJ .i.tr to creo IciJn — Ulle pleted (161 IUm.i>dUei> .n.l.jli 1141 Al N.. D..i> FHie ' 1 j Al No No : Yr^ D>te Due 6 9 f Al No Due l>jit 1> ^ Al No D.IC D«K>An>n|| •.Ih I r.K iKr fcru Al ym wr Ui «■> wh^K itw turn* ■« ihti (wthvi tf^Atx n .1 i««|u.itJ 226 INDEX TO TABLES Abnormal farms Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay , Alfalfa seed Almonds Angora goats and kids ■ Anijnals sold alive, specified Annual legumes , specified Apples Apricots Area, approximate land Asparagus Automobiles Austrian winter peas Average size of farm Avocados Barley Beets (table ) Berries , specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries (tame or wild) Boysenberries Broccoli Broilers sold Broomcom Buckwheat Butter, truttermili, skim milk, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves, See Cattle and calves. Cane , sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons , etc Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cauliflower Celery Change in definition of farms Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Christmas trees sold Citrus fruits, specified Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, Eind mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Collards Color of operator Commercial farms Commercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial ryegrass seed Conservation of land Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop drier Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland in cover crops Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants Crop fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested, specified Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeration Days worked off farm Definition of farms, change in Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions < Ducks sold Durum wheat ■ Economic class of farm Eggplant Eggs sold Electric milk cooler Elevators, power-operated, conveyor or blower. Emmer and spelt English or Persian walnuts Equipment and facilities, specified Escarole, endive, and chickory 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20,21,22 5, U, 15, 16 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 3 U, 17, 18, 19,21 4,5 17,13,19,20,21 7 8 11 1,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 8,15 11 15,17,13,19,20 5 8 U 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8 7,17,13,19,20,21 4,10 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 6 1,2,3 l,la,2,3 1,2,3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,4 3,17,18,19,20 3 1,2 la 3,17,18,19,20,21 3 1,2, 17, IB, 19,20, 21 1,1a 17,18,19,20,21 1 17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 ,13,17,18,19,20,21 ,13,17,18,19,20,21 8 1,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 7 7,17,18,19,20,21 la, 11a 4,11 5,11 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 Expenditures, farm. See Farm expenditures. Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures , specified Farm labor Farm operators : By age By color By residence By tenure By off-farm work and other income Farm products , value of Farm property, value of Farms , number By color of operator ^ economic class By kind of road on which located By kind of workers During specified week By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold Farms with all harvested crops Irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for. Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for Fertilizer, commercial, uses for Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas , dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and^nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts , sold Field forage harvesters Field iJeeds Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Fruit-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditxires for Geese sold General farms Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Goats and kids sold alive Grain combines Grains Grapefruit Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas sold Hairy vetch seed Harvesters , field forage Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Honeydews Hops Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and/or mules Horses and/or mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated farms, number Irrigated land in farms By use Kale Kind of road Kumquats Ladino seed Land and buildings , value of land area , approximate land from which hay was cut land in farms By color of operator ^ size of farm By tenure of operator By use land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 6,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 ,4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 ,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 17,18,19 4,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5 1,17,18,19,20,21 2,16,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 1 5,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,19,20 9,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 5,17,18,19,20,21 7 15,17,18,19,20 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 7 9,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 1 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 INDEX TO TABLES 227 land in irrigated Tanas 3y use laxii in strip -cropping systems for soil erosion control Lajid irrigated by source of water land pastured ■ Legunes , spec if led annual ■ Lespedeza cut for hay Lespedeza seed ■ lettuce and rosnaine Uj^ja beans lime and liming material, expenditures for..... Lime and liming material used during the year. Litters farroned Livestock and livestock products sold Livestock fanns other than poultry and dairy and livestock ranches , Livestock ranches Livestock -share tenants Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries Lupine seed Uachine hire, expenditures for Managed land , iifanagers Mandarins ( included vith Tangerines ) J-^angoes , Uaple simp oade , 3uckets hung , Maple sugar made , Milk cooler, electric Bulk-type Milk sold , Milk cows , Milking machine , , Mint for oil <.Liscellaneous and unclassified farms Mixed grains , Itohair clipped , Motortrucks Uiles and nule colts Navel oranges Nectarine:: Nomrhlte farm operators Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs Nursery and nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, omamentals^ etc.) Nuts, specified Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other small grains cut for hay Of f -farm vork and other Inccoe Okra OUves Ordons Operators, farm. See Farm operators. Changes Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins... Other and unspecified tenants Other field-crop farms Owned land Part owners Part-retirement Part-time fanao Pasture Peaches Peanuts Peas Pecans Peppers. See Sweet peppers and plmlentos. Pick-up balers Plmlentos Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power -ope rated elevator, conveyor, or blower. . Products, farm, value of Proso nlllet Pulpwood sold Pumpkins Purchase of livestock and poultry Quinces Radishes Rams and irethers Raspberries Red clover seed Redtop seed 17,1B, 19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 expenditures for., 15,17,18,19,20 15,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20,211 5 ■ 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8,9 I 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 U,5,9,10a 1 11 U 5,17,18,19,20,21 4,7 | 4,17,18,19,20,21 A 7,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21' 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 , 15,17,18,19,20 ; 8 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 4, 17, Ifl, 19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 Residence of operator Rice Root and grain crops hogged or graze* Rye Ryegrass seed, cctaxai and perennial. Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs cut Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, bulbs, plants, and Seeds , field Shallots Share-cash tenants Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of farm Small fruits Small grains Snap beans (bush and pole types) Sorghums Soybeans Specified equipment and facilities Specified farm expenditures Spinach i ', Spring wheat ' \ Squash I Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves. ' Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar . Sugarcane for seed ' Sugarcane for sugar Sugarcane or sorghum for sirup ; I SuBner fallow, cultivated I Sweetclover seed Sweet com j Sweet peppers and plmlentos I ! Sweetpotatoes %..,. I System of terraces on crop and pasture land I Tangelos Tangerines and mandarins ' Telephcme I Tenants Temple oranges i Tenure of farm operator Timber Tirtothy seed I Tobacco I Tobacco farms I I Tomatoes I Tractors I Tt%e fruits , nuts , and grapes I Tung nuts I Turkeys , TUmlps Type of taxm I Unclassified farms Uses of cQBnerclal fertilizer Uses of land Valencia oranges Value: Crops Farm products sold Farms (land and buildings) Livestock I Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms Vegetable farms Vegetables for hone use [ Vegetables harvested for sale , Vegetables sold I Vclvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains , cut for hay , Vetch seed j Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and gropes, I Wage rates j Walnuts Watermelons Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat White farm operators Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland in f aim, by use Wool shorn Wool sold Workers : Family Hired Regular Seasonal Specified week Work off f aim Young berries ,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 e 16,17,18,19,20 6,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 9 8 8 15,17,18,19,20 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 6,7,12,17,18,19,20,21 e 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 8 8 17,18,19,20,21 3,4,17,18,19,20 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 I i t