r^- t Given By IL S. SUPT. OF DOCUMENTS "3i 3^ UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE rgia COUNTIES i5^l^-^*?^y'^^.r'^y.yv>i>>^.i.■^^^-■>- v"-- ;'.>>^*v y U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS -^ V-. ■ * - ■ ,-• ' *-• fei*^- U.S. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 Final Report— Vol. I— Part 28— Counties FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES G eorgia COUNTIES Boston Public Library Superintendent ot Documents JAN 1 '( 1962 DEPOSITORY Prepared urider the supervision of RAY HURLEY, ChieF Agriculture Division U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Richard M. Scammon, Director (From May J, )96Jj Robert W. Burgess, Director (To March 3, 196?) BUREAU OF THE CENSUS RICHARD M. SCAMMON, Director A. Ross EcKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Lowell T. Galt, Special Assistant Herman P. Miller, Special Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Julius Shiskin, Chief Economic Statistician Joseph F. Dal\', Chief Mathematical Statistician Charles B. Lawrence, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Chief International Statistical Programs Office A. W. VON Struve, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — ^ ^^ Ray Hurley, Clitef /^ A u 1//^,^ Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chiif *— ^ ^ ^•~*'OC Orvin L. WiLHiTE, Assistant Chiif ^ Field Division — ^ -i \ ( Jefferson D. McPike, Chiej _ . Ivan G. Monro, Assistant Chief "2 ) ^ ' \ Machine Tabulation Division — / C. F. Van Aken, Chief • . . Henry A. Bloom, Assistant Chief vd' ' I Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division^CHARLES H. Alexander, Chief Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chief Construction Statistics Division — Samuel J. Dennis, Chief Decennial Operations Division — Glen S. Taylor, Chief Demographic Surveys Division — Robert B. Pearl, Chief Economic Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chief Electronic Systems Division — Robert F. Drury, Chief ^ Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chief (O / ") I tn/\ Geography Division — William T. Fay, Chief I Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chief Housing Division — Wayne F. Daugherty, Chief Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, Chief Personnel Division-JAMES P. Taff, CA,./ BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Population Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chief ^ Statistical Methods Division — Joseph Steinberg, Chief Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D. Goldfield, Chief Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chief Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chief Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Series AC59-1 and AC59-2, Prehminary Reports Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: A60-9482 ^T, Ci^-^i" SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Censu; of Agriculture: 1959. Vol. I, Counties, Part 28 Georgia U.S Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 1961 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce. Price $2.00 PREFACE Volume I, Counties, is one of the five principal reports presenting the results of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. This volume, in 54 parts, presents the compilation of the infor- mation given by farm operators to census enumerators in 1959. The 1959 Census of Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress of August 31, 1954 (amended August 1957), which codified Title 13, United States Code. The collection of the data was carried out by census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Bureau of the Census and working under the direction of Robert B. Voight, then Chief, Field Division. Paul R. Squires, then Special Assistant to the Director, was responsible for the recruitment of the field staff. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief, and Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by M. Vincent Lindquist, Thomas Jabine, Robert S. McCauley, John C. Mackey, Robert Standley, Hilton E. Robison, Helen E. Teir, Carl R. Nyman, Kenneth R. Norell, Gladys L. Eagle, Henry L. DeOraff, Charles H. Boehne, Joseph A. Correll, Margaret G. Wood, Evelyn K. Jett, Simon Yablon, Emma B. Gass, Charlotte J. Messinese, Bennie L. Sharp, Isaac E. Lemon, James M. Lindsey, Samuel S. Murray, William F. KaufJman, Hector Vila, Harry P. Owings, Charles A. Nicholls, Henry A. Tucker, Robert S. Boyle, Helen M. Davenport, Albert W. Graybill, Lois G. Miller, Thomas D. Monroe, Gerald P. Owens, Bernard L. Ross, Marvin M. Thompson, Helen D. Turner, Kurt W. Luethy, Arnold L. BoUenbacher, George W. Coffman, Joseph A. Horak, Samuel J. Hundley, Donald K. Larson, Chester G. Lykins, Wilmer R. Maxham, Virgil L. McClain, Jr., Darrell D. Prochaska, Robert J. Rades, Hubert E. Sites, Duane E. Traylor, Donald H. von Steen, Elmer O. Rea, Frances G. Compton, Lillian W. Bentel, and Neil V. Perkins. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of personnel by the United States Department of Agriculture in the planning, the enumeration, and the com- pilation of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. November 1961 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 FINAL REPORTS Volume I — Counties — A separate part for each State. Statistics on number of farms; farm characteristics; acreage in farms; cropland and other uses of land; land-use practices; irrigation; farm facilities and equipment; farm labor; farm expenditures; use of commercial fertilizer; number and kind of livestock; acres and production of crops; value of farm products; characteristics of commercial farms, farms classified by tenure, by size, type, and economic class; and comparative data from the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Volume I is published in 54 parts as follows: Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States New England States: West North Central — Continued Mountain: 1 Maine. 19 South Dakota. ■ 38 Montana. 2 New Hampshire. 20 Nebraska. 39 Idaho. 3 Vermont. 21 Kansas. 40 Wyoming. 4 Massachusetts. South Atlantic: 41 Colorado. 5 Rhode Island. 22 Delaware. 42 New Mexico. 6 Connecticut. 23 Maryland. 43 Arizona. Middle Atlantic States: 24 Virginia. 44 Utah. 7 New York. 25 West Virginia. 45 Nevada. 8 New Jersey. 26 North Carolina. Pacific: 9 Pennsylvania. 27 South Carolina. 46 Washington. East North Central: 28 Georgia. 47 Oregon. 10 Ohio. 29 Florida. 48 California. 11 Indiana. East South Central: 49 Alaska. 12 Illinois. 30 Kentucky. 50 Hawaii^ 13 Michigan. 31 Tennessee. Other Areas: 14 Wisconsin. 32 Alabama. 51 American Samoa. West North Central: 33 Mississippi. 52 Guam. 15 Minnesota. West South Central: 53 Puerto Rico. 16 Iowa. 34 Arkansas. 54 Virgin Islands. 17 Missouri. 35 Louisiana. 18 North Dakota. 36 37 Oklahoma. Texas. Volume II — General Report. — Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. Summary data and analyses of the data by States, for geographic divisions, and for the United States, by subjects, as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below: Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest Prod- III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. ucts. IV Farm Labor, Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race, and Tenure of Farm Operator. V Size of Farm. XI Economic Class of Farm. VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III — Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Western States (Dry Areas) — Data by States for drainage basins and a summary for the area, including number and types of irrigation organiza- tions, source of water, expenditures for works and equipment since 1950, water used and acres served for irrigation purposes. Volume IV — Drainage of Agricultural Lands. Data by States on land in drainage organizations, number and types of organizations, cost of drainage and drainage works. Volume V — Special Reports, Part 1. — Horticultural Specialties. Statistics by States and a summary for the United States present- ing number and kinds of operations; gross receipts and/or gross sales; sales of nursery products, flower seed, vegetables grown under glass, and propagated mushrooms; number of container- grown plants; inventory products; sale.s of bulb crops; employ- ment; structures and equipment. Titles of additional parts of this volume are not available as this report goes to press. IV CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE Page History of the Census IX Legal basis for the Census IX Pretest of the 1959 Census IX Training program for personnel for enximeration IX Enumeration period IX ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization IX The agriculture questionnaire IX Agricultural operations X Enumeration assignments and enumeration districts X Enumerator 's record book XI Enumeration maps XI Lists of special and large farms XI Landlord- tenant questionnaire XI Township sketch map XI Field review of enumerator 's work XII SAMPLING Use of sampling XII Description of the sample XII Adjustment of the sample XII Estimation of totals for the sample XII Presentation of sample data XII Reliability of estimates XII Differences in data resulting from differences in tabulating procedures XIII PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of enumeration XIII Editing of questionnaires XIII Coding of questionnaires XIII Tabulation of data XIII PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS Statistical content of this report XIV Comparability of data XIV Minor civil divisions XIV DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive summary and references XIV General Fann Information Census definition of a farm XIV Farm operator XV Farms reporting or operators reporting XV Land area XV Land in f anns XV Land in farms according to use XVI Value of land and buildings XVII Age of operator XVII Residence of operator XVII Year began operating present farm XVII Of f -farm work and other Income XVII Equipment and facilities XVII Farms by kind of road XVIII Farm labor XVIII Fertilizer and lime XVIII Specified farm expenditures XIX DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS— Continued Crops Page Crops harvested XIX Com XIX Annual legumes XX Hay crops XX Field seed crops XX Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes XX Berries and other small fruits XX Tree fruits , nuts , and grapes XX Nursery and greenhouse products XXI Forest products XXI Value of crops harvested XXI Value of crops sold XXI Irrigation Definition of irrigated land XXI Enumeration of irrigated land XXI Irrigated farms XXI Land in irrigated farms XXI Land irrigated XXI Farms irrigated by number of acres irrigated XXI Land irrigated by source of water XXI Land-Use Practices Summary information XXII Cropland in cover crops XXII Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour XXII Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control... XXII System of terraces on crop and pasture land XXII Livestock and Poultry Inventories XXII Milk oov/s, cows milked, milk produced, and butter XXII Whole milk and cream sold XXII Sows and gilts farrowing XXII Sheep, lambs, and wool XXII Goats and mohair XXII Bees and honey XXII Value of livestock on farms XXII Sales of live animals XXII Sales of poultry and poultry products XXIII Classification of Farms Scope of classification XXIII Farms by size XXIII Farms by color of operator XXIII Farms by tenure of operator XXIII Farms by economic class XXIII Farms by type XXIV Value of farm products sold XXV (V) VI CONTENTS Chapter A— STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table— Page 1. — Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 3 2 Farms and farm acreage according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 i, 3. — Farms and farm acreage , by color and tenure of operator : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 6 4. — Farm operators by color, age, residence, and off -farm work; and equipment and facilities on farms : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 7 5 Specified farm expenditures and farm labor : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 8 5 Livestock and poultry on farms , number and value : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 9 7. — Livestock and livestock and poultry products sold : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 10 8. — Farms reporting, acreage, quantity harvested, and sales of crops: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 11 9. — Nursery, greenhouse, and forest products: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 19 10. — Characteristics of places not counted as farms because of change in definition of farm: 1959 20 11 Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 20 12. — Farms reporting classified by number of livestock on farms and by quantity of livestock and livestock and poultry products sold : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 21 13. — Farms reporting classified by acres harvested, quantity harvested, and quantity sold for selected crops : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 22 14 Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by economic class of farm. Census of 1959 26 15. — Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by type of farm. Census of 1959 28 16. — Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by size of farm. Census of 1959 30 17. — Farms and farm characteristics by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 32 18. — Farms and farm characteristics of commercial farms by type of farm by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 44 19. — Farms and farm characteristics by type of farm: Census of 1959 98 20. — Farms and farm characteristics by size of farm: Census of 1959 110 21. — Farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator: Census of 1959 122 22. — Cash rent paid by cash tenants and share-cash tenants by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 152 23. — Sampling reliability of estimated totals for county and State by number of farms reporting, by levels 152 24. — Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated county and State totals for specified items 153 Chapter B— STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table— 1. — Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 156 2. — Number of farms, land in farms, and cropland harvested, by size of farm: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 169 3. — Farms and farm acreage by tenure of operator: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 182 4. — Characteristics of commercial farms. Census of 1959 195 5. — Farms reporting by off-farm work; and farms by tenure of operator, type of farm, economic class of farm, and value of farm products sold , by source : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 208 6. — Equipment and facilities on farms and farm labor : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 221 7. — Use of fertilizer and lime on farms and farm expenditures: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 234 8. — Livestock and poultry on farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 247 9. — Livestock and livestock products sold from farms and litters farrowed: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 260 10. — Dairy products and poultry and poultry products sold from farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 273 11. — Farms reporting acreage and quantity of crops harvested : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 280 12. — Nursery and greenhouse products and forest products cut on farms: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 358 APPENDIX The 1959 Census of Agriculture Questi onnaire 372 Enumerator ' s Record Book 376 Index to tables 378 INTRODUCTION (VII) GEORGIA Counties, County Seats, Mountains, and Rivers 85- "~r" 84- — r- 82- 60 MILES 3 y9 STATE CAPITAL 9 COUNTY SEAT MAP NO. G-4 84- _1_ B3- I INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE History of the Census. — The 1959 Census is the 17th nationwide agricultural census. The first agricultural census was taken in 1S40, at the same time as the Sixth Decennial Census of Popu- lation. From 1850 to 1920, an agricultural census was taken every 10 years. With increased application of scientific findings and the growing use of mechanization in agriculture, farming practices were changing so rapidly that facts collected at 10-year intervals were no longer adequate. Aware of the need for more accurate and timely information, the Congress in 1909 (36 stat. 10, sec. 31, provided for a census to be taken in 1915 and every 10 years thereafter which was to be in addition to the census of agriculture to be taken at the time of the decennial census of population. The 1915 census was not taken, however, because of the abnormal conditions created by World War I. Beginning with 1920, a national agricultural census has been taken every 5 years. Legal Basis for the Census. — The 1959 Census of Agriculture was authorized by an Act of Congress, as were all prior censuses of agriculture. "Title 13, United States Code-Census," codified in August 1954, and amended in August 1957 and September 1960, is now the legal basis for censuses of agriculture and other cen- suses, and surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agriculture. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning in the month of October 1959, and in the same month of every fifth year thereafter, take a census of agricultfire. provided that the censuses directed to be taken in October 1959 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken instead in conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relates to the decennial cen- suses of population, unemployment, and housing to be taken as of the first day of April of each decennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title 13, the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties imposed upon him by this title" to the Director of the Bureau of the Census. Pretest of the 1959 Census. — A "pretest" of the field procedures of the 1959 Census of Agriculture was conducted in 17 counties of the United States during the fall of 1958. The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a mea.sure of the effective- ness of the questions and procedures planned for the 1959 nationwide census. Three versions of the agriculture question- naire— the first one for Northern States, the second for Southern States, and the third for Western States — were used in the pre- test. Each version contained questions appropriate to the type of agriculture in the part of the country where it was used. All major aspects of field forms and procedures, from the hiring and training of crew leaders and enumerators to actual interviews with farm operators, were given a "trial run" in each of the 17 counties. Preliminary versions of reporting forms, maps, pay- roll records, training guides, and instruction manuals were sub- jected to actual use under conditions simulating those expected in the nationwide enumeration conducted in the fall of 1959. In making final preparations for the 1959 census, the staff of the Bureau drew heavily on the results of the pretest, as well as on experience gained from previous censuses. Training Program for Personnel for Enumeration. — Every per- son hired to do work in connection with the 1959 Census of Agri- culture received specialized training for his job. Staff mem- 563128 — 60 hers of the Washington and Regional Offices of the Bureau and of the U.S. Department of Agriculture trained approximately 110 agriculture field assistants and 2,100 crew leaders. The crew leaders, in turn, trained and supervised apprt)ximately 30,(XX) enumerators. All training was presented according to procedures contained in various guides and manuals prepared by the Bureau. The training program included filmstrips, map-reading, practice interviewing, and practice filling of questionnaires and other census forms. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas in which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. Enumeration Period. — The actual enumeration in the conter- minous United States (see page XIV) started at dates varying from October 7 to November 18, 1959. In general, starting dates were based upon regional variations in harvesting seasons and on weather conditions. The primary aim was to have the enumeration late enough to follow the harvesting of the bulk of important crops and early enough to precede the advent of winter weather with the attending unfavorable travel conditions. The bulk of the enumeration work was completed within three to four weeks after the starting date. In Hawaii, the enumera- tion was made during the months of December 1959 and January 1960 ; and in Alaska, during April 1960. Enumeration starting dates for the censuses of 1959 and 1954 are given in State table 11, together with figures showing the percentage of farms enumerated in the State during weekly pe- riods. The average enumeration date for the 1959 census for each county is given in county table 6. Data for inventory items — land in farms, machinery and equip- ment, livestock, and poultry — relate to the situation at the actual time of enumeration of each individual farm. Data for acres, production, and sales of crops relate generally to the crops har- vested during the crop year 1959, regardless of whether and when they were sold while data for sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year 1959. Since the enumera- tion was made before the end of 1959, special emphasis was placed upon the inclusion of estimates for crops yet to be sold and for livestock and livestock products expected to be sold in the period from the time of enumeration to the end of the cal- endar year. Instmctions on the questionnaire and the wording of questions were designed to assure that full crop-year or calendar-year data would be reported. For example, "How much of this year's crop was or will be sold?" ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization. — Section 5 of Title 13 of the United States Code authorizes the preparation of forms and questionnaires used In the census. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall prepare schedules, and shall determine the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title." The Agriculture Questionnaire. — The questionnaire for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was prepared by the staff of the Bureau. Selection of the inquiries was based on the results of the 1958 pretest and experience gained in earlier censuses. Careful con- sideration was given to such factors as the current availability X UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 of data from other sources, the possibility of obtaining data by methods other than a census, the adequacy of the data that might be obtained, and the need for and usefulness of the data. Two committees gave advice and counsel to the Bureau. One of these, a Special Advisory Committee, was composed of members desig- nated by the organizations they represented, following an invita- tion from the Director of the Bureau of the Census to name a representative to serve in an advisory capacity. The Special Advisory Committee for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was made up of one representative from each of the following: Agri- cultural Publishers Association, American Association of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Farm Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Farm Equipment Institute, National As- sociation of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agri- culture, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers' Union, National Grange, Rural Sociological Society, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A representative of the Bureau of the Budget was in attendance at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Because of the special interest of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture in censuses of agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Census sought the continuous cooperation of that organiza- tion in developing plans, questionnaires, and procedures for the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Worliing Groups were established in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make recommendations for the following general subjects : Tenure, Land Values, and Mortgage Debt Land Use and Conservation and Production Practices Field Crops Fruits and Vegetables Forest Products Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Income and Expenditure (including Contractual Operations) Farm Labor Equipment and Facilities (including Structures) Each Working Group had the responsibility for ascertaining the U.S. Department of Agriculture's need for data in the field covered by its "terms of reference" and for presenting recom- mendations to a small Joint Committee comprising representa- tives of both the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Joint Committee received written recom- mendations from each Working Group. The Chairman of each Group appeared before the Joint Committee as did any member of the Working Group who was needed to present supplemental information of a specialized nature. Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire, State Agricul- tural Colleges and other major users of census data were invited to suggest inquiries for the enumeration. Each member of the Special Advisory Committee had the opportunity and the respon- sibility for channeling in suggestions from the organization he repre.sented. The number of inquiries submitted from all sources greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census, from the point of view of cost, of the respondent's time and patience, and of practical value to the majority of users of data. The final selection included 316 questions, some of which con- sisted of several parts, for the 48 States comprising the con- terminous United States. Although each of the 316 questions was asked in one or more of the 48 States, considerably less than this total was asked in any one State because of the use of "State" questionnaires. Moreover, about 50 questions out of the total were asked of approximately one-fifth of all farm operators in the State. The number of questions ranged from 159 on the questionnaire for Maine to 194 on the questionnaire for Cali- fornia. In all, 38 versions of the questionnaire — one for each State or combination of adjoining States and two for Texas — were used for the 1959 census in the conterminous United States as compared with 21 versions in 1954 and 41 in 1950. A separate version was used in Alaska and another in Hawaii. Differences in the questionnaires were designed to account for regional and local differences in agriculture. Most, but not all, of the differences related to crops. The use of State ques- tionnaires made possible the inclusion of separate inquiries for all important crops grown within a State and, at the same time, a reduction in the total number of inquiries for a State. Questions that did not apply, to any considerable degree, to a particular State were omitted from the questionnaire used in that State. For example, separate questions about citrus fruits were omitted from all questionnaires except for the few States where citrus fruits are grown. An added advantage of State questionnaires was that production and sales data could be asked in the unit of measure most commonly used by the farmers in each State. Regional variation in the number and type of ques- tions is an important provision of the census for obtaining com- plete coverage of agricultural operations. About 2 weeks before the start of the enumeration, agricul- ture questionnaires were mailed to most households in rural areas. A letter was attached to each questionnaire asking the farm operator to fill the questionnaire and to give it to the enu- merator when he called. The purpose of this procedure was to save time and money in taking the census and to improve the quality of the information given by farm operators. By having the questionnaire ahead of time, the farmer could determine what information would be required and could check his records in advance of the enumerator's visit. It was, however, the respon- sibility of the enumerator to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each place which qualified. If the questionnaire had been filled out by the farm operator, the enumerator was instructed to examine the questionnaire for completeness and accuracy and, if need be, to give the farmer such help as might be necessary. Agricultural Operations. — The training of enumerators stressed the concept that a census of agriculture is a census of agricultural operations rather than a census of farms. This concept was in- tended to assure a complete agricultural census free of any per- sonal judgment by enumerators as to what constitutes a farm. In accordance with clearly defined procedures, an enumerator was required to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each person who had charge of one or more agricultural operations, whether or not he considered himself to be a farm operator. For enu- meration purposes, it was considered that there were agricul- tural operations on a place if, at any time in 1959 — a. Any livestock (hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, or mules) were kept on the place. b. A combined total of 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and ducks were kept on the place. c. Any grain, hay, tobacco, or other field crops were grown on the place. d. A combined total of 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and nut trees were on the place. e. Any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products were grown on the place for sale. As a result of the requirement that all places having agri- cultural operations be enumerated, more questionnaires were obtained than are included in the tabulations for farms. During the ofl3ce processing operations that followed the completion of enumeration, criteria were applied to the questionnaires to sort out for tabulation those that represented farms according to the census definition of a farm (see page XIV). Enumeration Assignments and Enumeration Districts. — To as- .sure a complete enumeration within the time allotted, the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) was divided into 29,374 Enumeration Assignments, or EA's, Each EA comprised an INTRODUCTION XI area that one enumerator could reasonably be expected to canvass within a 3- to 4-week period, as indicated by performance rec- ords from the 1954 census. Each EA was made up of one or more Enumeration Dis- tricts, or "ED's," as the geographic unit for enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, the ED's were classified into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms, as indicated by the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the 1950 Census of Population and Housing, current population esti- mates, and highway maps showing culture which were basic to establishing the boundaries of each assignment. Through the use of different canvassing procedures for each group of ED's, the Bureau was able to reduce the cost of enumeration without running any material risk of missing any farms or other places with agricultural operations. The ED groupings and canvassing procedures are described below. Group I Enumeration Districts. — In general, ED's with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open- country areas and comprise Group I. For each ED of Group I, in his Enumeration Assignment, the enumerator was required to list in his Record Book the name of every head of household living in the ED and also the name of every person not living in the ED who had agricultural operations there. There were approximately 20,751 ED's in Group I for the 1959 Census. Group II Enumeration Districts. — Rural ED's in which the number of dwellings was large in relation to the number of farms were considered to be in Group II. For each ED, in Group II, the enumerator was required to list the head of the household for all dwellings in the ED except for those on less than one acre of ground in built-up residential areas of 50 or more dwellings. He was also required to determine, by obser- vation or local inquiry, whether there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the built-up areas and, if so, to obtain an agriculture questionnaire. There were approximately 7,979 ED's in Group II. Group III Enumeration Districts. — Most incorporated places and unincorporated villages having approximately 150 or more dwellings were designated as separate ED's and are classified as Group III. Also, most ED's in counties around large metro- politan areas vs'ere designated as Group III Ed's. Prior to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, places enumerated in these areas during the 1954 Census of Agriculture were listed In the Enumerator's Record Book. The enumerator was required to visit and enumerate or otherwise account for each place listed in his Record Book. In addition, he was instructed to ask at each of these places if there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the Enumeration District, and, if so, to add them to his list and enumerate them. There were ap- proximately 15,836 Group III ED's in 1959. According to the 1954 Census, these ED's contained 380,575 farms. A few enumeration districts that comprised incorporated places or that were within an incorporated city were classified as Group I or Group II because they had a large number of farms. A few others, comprising extensive rural districts requiring con- siderable travel, were classified as Group III because they had only a small number of farms. Enumerator's Record Book. — Each enumerator received one or more Record Books containing a listing form for use during canvassing. (See appendix for facsimile of one page of list- ing form included in Enumerator's Record Book.) The lines on the listing form were numbered in consecutive order. Ex- cept as otherwise prescribed for Group II and Group III ED's, the enumerator listed in his Record Book the name of each head of household living in his assigned area and also the name of each person not living in his area who had agricultural opera- tions there. As he made his listing, he also asked the questions about agricultural operations that were printed on the listing form. Answers to these questions determined, for the enumerator, whether or not an agriculture questionnaire was required for the person listed and, if so, whether he or some other enumerator was responsible for getting it. Thus, the Record Book served as an important aid to the enumerator in securing complete cov- erage of all agricultural oi)erations within his area. At the same time, it helped to prevent enumeration of the same place by two or more enumerators. Enumeration Maps. — As a second aid to getting complete cover- age, each enumerator received a map or. In a few exceptional cases, a brief written description of the area assigned to him for enumeration. He was required to plan and follow an orderly route of enumeration within the boundaries of his assigned area in accordance with established canvassing procedures. As the enumerator listed a place in his Record Book, he Indicated its location by copying onto his map the number of the line on which he listed it. This numbering system indicated the enumerator's route of travel, and helped both the enumerator and his crew leader to determine the extent of coverage of the enumerator's assignment at any given time. Lists of Special and Large Farms. — Prior to the enumeration, a card list of "special and large farms" was prepared on the basis of records obtained from the 1954 census and from Federal and State agricultural agencies. In general, "special and large farms" fell into one of three categories: (1) farms having unusually large acreages, livestock Inventories, or annual sales as indi- cated by available records; (2) farms known to be specializing in such operations as broiler production, turkey growing, feed lots, nursery or greenhouse production, cranberry bogs, citrus groves, etc.; (3) farms that might easily be overlooked because they had absentee operators or were not locally thought of as farms, such as institutions, Indian reservations, grazing associa- tions, etc. Enumerators were given the cards for the special and large farms within their assignment areas to use as aids to obtaining complete coverage. Generally, the cards provided insurance against the omission of farming units that could have a signifi- cant effect on the totals for a given county or State. The enu- merator was instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each special or large farm in his area or to write an explana- tion on the card as to why an agriculture questionnaire was not required on the basis of 1959 operations. The crew leader had a duplicate set of cards for use in checking enumeration coverage. Landlord-Tenant ftuestionnaire. — As in .several previous cen- suses, a special landlord-tenant questionnaire was used in some parts of the South as a supplement to the agriculture question- naire. Its iHirpose was to help the enumerator get complete and accurate coverage of individually operated tracts of land that were actually part of one operating unit under the control of one landlord. To accomplish this purpose, the enumerator was required to fill a landlord-tenant questionnaire for each landlord who had any land worked on shares. The entries made in this questionnaire included the name of each sharecropper, tenant, or renter ; the amount of land assigned to each ; and the acreage and quantity of crops harvested on shares. By checking these entries against the agriculture questionnaires obtained for the individual operators, the enumerator and the Central Office could verify that each part of the operating unit controlled by the landlord was enumerated and that it was enumerated only once. The landlord- tenant questionnaire was used in 386 counties in the 1959 census as compared with approximately 900 counties in 1954. Township Sketch Map. — In some areas of the Great Plains, a considerable portion of land is farmed by nonresident operators— that is, by persons who do not live on the land they operate or who live on it only during part of the year. Enumerators in these areas used a special mapping form, the Township Sketch, in addition to their enumeration maps as an aid to obtaining com- plete coverage. Each township included on the sketch was identified by township and range number and was divided into 144 small squares. In a standard section of 640 acres, each square represented a quarter section of land, or 160 acres. As the enumerator canvassed his assignment area, he indicated the acreage and location of each farm, ranch, and tract of nonfarm XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 land by drawing its boundaries on the sketch. He also used a simple numbering system as a cross reference between the agri- cultural land identified on the sketch and the questionnaire on which it was reported. The Township Sketch was used in all counties of North Dakota and South Dakota and in selected counties of Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Field Review of Enumerator's Work. — In the 1959 census, greater emphasis was placed on a detailed review of enumerators' work during enumeration than had been the case in previous censuses. The objective was to detect and correct enumeration errors as early as possible in order to achieve and maintain a high quality of individual performance. Starting on the first day of enumeration and continuing throughout the enumeration period, each crew leader was instructed to make regular and frequent visits to his enumerators. At each visit, he was to follow a clearly defined procedure for observing the enumerator's conduct of interviews and for checking his listings, maps, ques- tionnaires, and other forms for accuracy and completeness. As an aid to checking coverage and enumerator eflBciency, the crew leader was given a list containing estimates, based on the 1954 census, of the number of questionnaires required in each enumeration assignment area within his district, and of the mileage and time required to obtain those questionnaires. SAMPLING Use of Sampling.— In the 1959 census, as in several previous censuses, sampling was used in two ways : for enumeration and for tabulation. Sampling in enumeration consisted of the col- lection of information about the items included in sections IX through XV of the questionnaire for only a sample of farms. The "sample" items relate to sales of dairy products and sales of livestock, use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, equipment and facilities, rental agreements, farm values, and farm mortgage debt. The same sample of farms was used for tabulations by type of farm and by economic class of farm and for many of those by size of farm and by color and tenure of operator. Description of the Sample. — The sample used for the 1959 Census of Agriculture consisted of all farms with a total area of 1,000 or more acres or with estimated sales of $100,000 or more in 1959, and approximately 20 percent of all other farms. Farms with 1,000 or more acres were universally included in the sample during enumeration. As the enumerator filled the questionnaire, he determined the number of "acres in this place" (see question 7 of the agriculture questionnaire). If the acreage amounted to 1,000 or more he was required to fill sections IX through XV of the questionnaire. Farms with less than 1,000 acres, with esti- mated sales of $100,000 or more, were included in the sample during the office processing. For these farms the information for sections IX through XV was obtained by mail. The selection of farms of less than 1,000 acres for Inclusion in the sample was made during enumeration, according to the fol- lowing procedure: As the enumerator determined that he was required to obtain a questionnaire, he assigned a number to it, whether or not he was able to obtain the questionnaire on his first visit. He assigned numbers in consecutive order, beginning with "1" for the first questionnaire required in each enumera- tion district within his area. He was instructed to fill sections IX through XV on all questionnaires for which the assigned number ended in "2" or "7" (i.e. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc.). Adjustment of the Sample. — An adjustment in the part of the sample that was comprised of farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000 was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms in the sample by size of farm. The purpose of this adjustment was to improve the reliability of the estimates based on the sample and to reduce the effects of possible biases Introduced by enumerators who de- viated from the prescribed procedure for selecting the sample farms. The adjustment procedure was carried out for "blocks" of counties, each consisting of from one to ten counties In a State. To adjust the sample, separate counts were made for each county, and for the block of counties of all farms and of farms in the sample for each of 10 size-of-farm groups based on the "acres in this place" (question 7). The 10 size-of-farm groups were as follows : under 10 acres, 10 to 49 acres, 50 to 69 acres, 70 to 99 acres, 100 to 139 acres, 140 to 179 acres, 180 to 219 acres, 220 to 259 acres, 260 to 499 acres, and 500 to 999 acres. Farms of less than 1,000 acres, but with value of sales of $1(X),000 or more, were excluded from these counts. For each size-of-farm group, the number of farms in the sample for the block of counties was adjusted to make it equal or approximately equal to the total number of farms divided by five. This was accomplished for each group by the elimination or duplication on a random basis, of farms in those counties where the difference between the actual proportion in the sample and the expected 20 percent was in the same direction as the difference for the block of counties. Estimation of Totals for the Sample. — For the items included in the sample part of the questionnaire (sections IX through XV), estimated totals for all farms were derived from the tabu- lated totals for the farms in the adjusted sample. First, Item-by- item totals, as tabulated for that part of the sample comprising farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000, were multiplied by 5. These estimated item-by- item totals were then added to the corresponding item totals, as tabulated, for all farms of 1,000 acres and over and farms with estimated sales of $100,000 and over. The resulting values represent the estimated totals for all farms. Presentation of Sample Data. — In tables where a small amount of data based on the sample farms is presented together with data for all farms, the data based on the sample are printed in italics. Other tables contain headnotes explaining that most of the data are estimates based on reports for only a sample of farms. Reliability of Estimates. — The estimated totals for all farms of the items enumerated for only the sample farms are subject to sampling errors. The estimated totals obtained by making tabulations for only the farms included in the sample are also subject to sampling errors. State tables 23 and 24 contain ap- proximate measures of the sampling reliability of the estimates for numbers of farms reporting and for item totals. While these measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estimates, they do not completely reflect errors arising from sources other than sampling; for example, errors in the original data rejwrted by farmers. Errors arising from sources other than sampling may, in some Instances, be relatively more important than sampling variation, especially for county totals. The general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals may be determined from the data in State tables 23 and 24. State table 24 contains a list of Items, together with a figure for each item indicating one of the four levels of sampling reliability that are presented in State table 23. For each item the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be de- termined from State table 23, in the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State table 24. To determine the sampling reliability for any item, reference must be made to State table 24 to find out which of the four levels of sampling reliability given in State table 23 should be used, and also the appropriate county or State table to obtain the number of farms reporting the item. INTRODUCTION XIII As explained in State table 23, the level of sampling reliability designated as level 1 should always be used to determine the sampling reliability of estimated numbers of farms or of farms reporting. State table 23 shows percentage limits such that chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference between an estimate based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation of all farms would be no more than the percentage specified for the estimated number of farms reporting that item. The chances are about 99 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 2V2 times the percentage specified. As indicated by the percentages in State table 23, the smaller the number of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error in the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail is presented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, in order to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report. Per- centages and averages that may be derived from the tables will generally have greater relative reliability than the corresponding estimated totals. However, significant patterns of relationships may be observed in the estimated totals even though the indi- vidual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample of farms for the 1954 census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 1959. Therefore, State tables 23 and 24 may also be used to determine the sampling errors for the 1954 data. Differences in Data Resulting From Differences in Tabulating Procedures. — Many of the figures in the detailed State tables rep- resent estimates obtained by tabulating only the sample farms. The totals for these detailed distributions will generally differ somewhat from totals presented in other tables obtained from different distributions which were tabulated on a 100 percent basis. Moreover, although most of the figures presented by coun- ties were obtained from tabulations of all farms, the data in county table 4 for commercial farms, and all of the data in tie county tables on dairy products and livestock sold, fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, facilities and equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each coimty on the basis of data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The State totals in the county tables for these items, though based also on the sample, were obtained in a different series of tabulating runs, and so may differ slightly from totals presented in some State tables. For reasons of economy the sample distributions were not adjusted to the 100 percent totals even when such totals were available, nor were slight discrepan- cies resulting from different runs of the sample data always rec- onciled unless the differences were large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of Enumeration. — As an enumerator completed his assignment, he turned the portfolio containing questionnaires and other census materials over to his crew leader. After making a final review of the enumerator's work, the crew leader mailed the portfolio to the Agriculture Processing OfiBce at Parsons, Kansas. There, each enumerator portfolio was thoroughly checked for completeness of all required forms and for correct application of the sampling procedure. Editing of Questionnaires. — Each agriculture questionnaire was individually edited and coded before the information was trans- ferred to punch cards and tabulated. As the first major step in the editing process, questionnaires that did not represent farms according to the census definition were withdrawn from fur- ther processing. (See p. XIV.) As the second major step, the remaining questionnaires were examined for errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. Among the specific items subjected to con- sistency checks were the following : a. Total acreage compared with its distribution by use. b. Acreage of individual crops harvested compared with total cropland harvested. c. Irrigated acreage compared with total acres in the farm. d. Total acreage of individual crops for all purposes compared with the acreage harvested for specific purposes. e. Quantity of crops harvested in relation to acreage harvested. f. Sales in relation to production and, for livestock, to inven- tories. g. Total livestock compared with the inventory by age and sex. h. Exi>enditures compared with production and inventories. Obvious errors in calculations or in units of measure, and misplaced entries were corrected as they were found. Entries not clearly legible were rewritten. Many omissions or incon- sistencies were disregarded during editing. Those of significant magnitude could be and were handled more efiieiently and eco- nomically during mechanical processing operations. Question- naires containing major inconsistencies and omissions were re- ferred to members of the technical staff for review. Depending on the magnitude of the data involved, the technical staff cor- rected (or supervised the correction of) the questionnaires either on the basis of information reported for other farms of similar type in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived in response to letters directed to the farm operators. Coding of ftuestionnaires. — Most of the numerical information on a questionnaire was self-coding in that the inquiry number was utilized for the item identification on punch cards or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was also neces- sary for such items as irrigated crops for selected States, crops infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for individual items. All farms were coded by size of farm in terms of total acreage, by race, and by tenure of operator. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii were also coded on the basis of irrigated cropland and irrigated pasture. Additional codes were applied to all farms included in the sample to classify them by type of farm and by total value of agricultural products sold. Individual items were coded only where reports were received for crops or poultry not covered by separate inquiries on the questionnaire. This coding was necessary to assure inclusion of the data in the appropriate farm product totals. Tabulation of Data. — After the questionnaires were edited and coded, the information on them was punched on cards. The cards were then mechanically sorted and fed into machines which transferred the data to tabulation sheets. One of the initial and primary steps in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate and list those cards which lacked necessary in- formation, those which contained inconsistent or impossible data, and those on which the data were possible but of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was war- ranted. The listing sheets were examined and, as necessary, the cards were corrected. When the cards for a particular county were considered satisfactory, the data were tabulated. Subject-matter specialists of the Bureau and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture examined all tabulations for reasonableness and consistency. As necessary, they made corrections on the basis of a further review and reappraisal of the original reports and verification of the editing, coding, and punching. XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS statistical Content of This Report. — This report is part of Vol- ume I of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Volume I consists of 54 parts, each part containing information about agriculture for a single State, Commonwealth, or Possession. Each part con- tains county data for that particular State or area. The term "county," as used in this report embraces election districts in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, municipios (municipalities) in Puerto Rico, etc. The statistics for 1959 were obtained from the Census of Agriculture taken in the "conterminous United States" (see following paragraph), Hawaii, and Puerto Rico during the period October 1959 to January 1960 and in Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, and Virgin Islands as of April 1, 1960. Compara- tive data for years prior to 1959 were obtained from earlier censuses. In the planning of the publications for the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing and the 1959 Census of Agriculture, the term "conterminous United States," recommended by the Board of Geographic Names to designate the 48-State area as it ex- isted before Alaska and Hawaii became States, was adopted by the Bureau of the Census. The definitions and explanations in this introduction for vol- ume I generally have application broad enough to include the States of Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the island possessions. However, specific application in many instances may be limited to the conterminous United States ; for example, references to earlier censuses, to the sam- pling methods and procedures, to specific sections or questions on the questionnaires, and to specific table numbers. For each part of volume I (one part for each State or area), a facsimile of the appropriate questionnaire is reproduced in the appendix. The statistics for States and counties are presented according to the same general plan as was followed in the volume I re- ports for the 1954 and the 1950 censuses. State and county totals are given for nearly all items for which information was ob- tained in the 1959 census. However, most of the data by eco- nomic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are given only for States. Comparative data for the States are given for each census year beginning with 1920. Comparative data for counties are given for the years 1959 and 1954. For some items, the data obtained from the 1959 census are the only ones available. For comparative purposes 1950 data are carried in county table 6 for the kind of road on which farms were located. Comparability of Data. — The data obtained from the various censuses of agriculture are not strictly comparable for all items. For example, differences from one census to another in the time of enumeration, the wording of the questions, and the definition of a farm cause some lack of comparability. Differences con- sidered to have a significant effect on the comparability of data are described in the text and/or mentioned in footnotes to the tables. Minor Civil Divisions, — As in. prior censuses, data for most of the items included in the 1959 Census of Agriculture were tabu- lated for minor civil divisions. The term "minor civil division" applies to the primary subdivision of a county into smaller geo- graphic areas such as townships, precincts, districts, wards, beats, municipalities, etc. Figures for these smaller geographic areas are not included in any of the published reports, but they may be supplied upon request and payment of the costs of com- piling and checking the data. Prior to the 1954 Census, an enumeration assignment did not include more than one minor civil division, even in cases where the township, precinct, etc., did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. In 1954, and again in 1959, the aim was to make enumeration assignments large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a 3- to 4-week period. Hence, in some areas, two or more adjoining minor civil divisions were combined into one enumeration assignment. An enumeration assignment never comprised the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another, nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division that included too many farms for one enumerator to cover during the enumeration period was divided into two or more enumeration assignments. In some cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a single minor civil division, even when such totals required a grouping of enumeration assignments. In other cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a combination of two or more adjoining minor civil divisions. The data for each individual minor civil division included in such totals can be tab- ulated separately, however, since each questionnaire obtained in the census contains the designation of the minor civil division in which the farm headquarters was located. An additional charge must be made for a separate tabulation of any small area in- cluded in a total for two or more combined minor civil divisions. Requests for census information for minor civil divisions should be directed to the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive Summary and References. — The definitions and ex- planations that follow relate only to those items that are con- sidered to be inadequately described in the tables where they appear. Although the descriptive terms and explanations refer specifically to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, many of them also apply to earlier censuses. Most of the definitions consist of a r4sum6 of the questionnaire wording, supplemented by excerpts from instructions given to enumerators. For exact wording of the questions and of the instructions included on the question- naire, see the facsimile of the 1959 Agriculture Questionnaire in the appendix of this report. An analysis of the questions asked in the 1959 census, and of the data obtained, is given in Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General Farm Information Census Definition of a Farm. — For the 1959 Census of Agricul- ture, the definition of a farm was based primarily on a combina- tion of "acres in the place" and the estimated value of agricultural products sold. The word "place" was defined to include all land on which agricultural operations were conducted at any time in 1959 under the control or supervision of one person or partnership. (For definition of "agricultural operation.?", see p. X.) C/Ontrol may have been exercised through ownership or management, or through a lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Places of less than 10 acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $2.50. Places of 10 or more acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $50. Places having less than the $50 or $250 minimum estimated sales in 1959 were also counted as farms if they could normally be exi)ected to produce agricultural products in suflScient quantity to meet the requirements of the definition. This additional qualification resulted in the inclusion as farms of some places engaged in farming operations for the first time in 1959 and places affected by crop failure or other unusual conditions. To avoid biases arising from an enumerator's personal judg- ment and opinion, the Bureau did not give enumerators the deflni- INTRODUCTION XV tion of a farm. Instead, enumerators were instructed to obtain questionnaires for all places considered farms by their operators and for all other places that had one or more agricultural opera- tions. (See "Agricultural Operations", p. X.) In 1954, enumer- ators were instructed to till questionnaires on the same basis as in 1959. In 1950, agricultural operations were defined to include every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not the operator con- sidered it a farm, and every place having "specialized operations", regardless of the acreage. "Specialized operations" referred to nurseries and greenhouses and to places having 100 or more poultry, production of 300 or more dozen eggs in 1949, or 3 or more hives of bees. In all of the three last censuses, as a re.sult, questionnaires were filled for a considerable number of places that did not qualify as farms. The determination as to which questionnaires represented farms was made during oflSce process- ing operations and only those questionnaires meeting the criteria for a farm were included in the tabulations. For both the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale but ex- clusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. A few places with very low agricultural production because of unusual circumstances, such as crop failure, were also counted as farms if they normally could have been expected to meet the minimum value or sales criteria. In the censuses from 1925 to 1945, enumerators were given a definition of "farm" and were instructed to obtain reports only for those places which met the criteria. According to this defini- tion, farms included all places of 3 or more acres, regardless of the quantity or value of agricultural production, and places of less than 3 acres if the value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale, amounted to $250 or more. Because of changes in price level, the $250 minimum resulted in the in- clusion of varying numbers of farms of less than 3 acres in the several censuses taken during this period. Generally, the only reports excluded from tabulation were those taken in error and those showing very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more were tabulated only if at least 3 acres were in cropland and/or pasture or If the value of products in 1944 amounted to at least $150. The decrease in the number of farms in 1950 and 1954, as com- pared with earlier censuses, was partly due to the change in farm definition, especially with respect to farms of 3 or more acres in size. Some of the places of 3 or more acres that were not counted as farms in 1950 and 1954 because the value of their agricultural production was less than $150 would have qualified as farms if the criteria had been the same as in earlier censuses. For 1959, the decrease in the number of farms as compared with all prior censuses resulted partly from the change in farm definition. The fact that sales of agricultural products in 1959 was used resulted in the exclusion of some places that would have qualified as farms had the value of agricultural products alone been considered. The increase in the acreage minimum also had an effect. The reduction in the number of farms due to change in definition, 1954 to 1959, is shown for each county In county table 1. Some characteristics of the places not counted as farms in 1959, but which would have been included in 1954, are shown in State table 10. The change in farm definition made in 1950 and again in 1959 had no appreciable effect on the totals for livestock or crops because the places affected by the change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the totals for a given county or State. For the States that comprise the conterminous United States, two figures are published for each county on the number of farms in 1959. One is an actual count of all farms and the other is an estimate based on the number of farms included in the sample. For almost every county there is a difference between the actual number of farms and the estimated number of farms. Because of sampling procedure and sampling variability, the number of farms in the sample seldom agrees exactly with the actual num- ber of farms. For most counties, the actual number of farms in the sample was either more or less than precisely 20 percent of all farms. Similarly, totals estimated on the basis of data for the sample farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the actual totals that would have been obtained had the data been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, the estimated number of farms reporting certain items may, in some instances, be greater than the total number of farms shown in county table 1. However, the estimated number of farms is given in county tables 5 and 6 so that estimates based on the sample farms may be related to the estimated rather than the actual number of farms. Farm Operator. — The term "farm operator" is iised to designate a person who operates a farm, either doing the work himself or directly supervising the work. He may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he is considered as operator only of the land which he retains for his own operation. In the case of a partner- ship, only one partner is counted as an operator. The number of farm operators is considered to be the same as the number of farms. Farms Reporting or Operators Reporting. — Figures for farms re- porting or operators reporting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or operators, for which the speci- fied item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only 1,465 had chickens 4 months old and over on hand at the time of enumeration, the number of farms reporting chickens would be shown as 1,465. The difference be- tween the total number of farms and the number of farms re- porting a particular item represents the number of farms not having that item, provided a correct report was received for all farms. Where applicable, figures may be given for the number of farms or operators not reporting items that were intended to be ob- tained for all farms ; for example, residence of farm operator. State table 4. The number not reporting, as compared with the total number of farms or operators, indicates the extent of incompleteness of the reporting of the data for the item. Land Area. — The approximate total land area of States and counties as reported for 1959 is, in general, the same as that re- ported for all censuses beginning with 1940. Such differences as are shown reflect political changes in boundaries or actual changes in land area caused by changes in the number or size of reser- voirs, lakes, streams, etc. For Alaska, the areas for election districts represent the gross area of land and water. Land in Farms. — Except for managed farms, the land to be in- cluded in each farm was determined from the answers to ques- tions about the number of acres owned, the number of acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the number of acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres owned and the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others were first added together and then the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others were subtracted. The re- sult represented the number of acres in the farm. The number of acres in a managed farm was the difference between the total land managed and that part of the managed land that was rented to others or worked on shares by others. In the 1959, 1954, and 1950 censuses, enumerators were in- structed to record total figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others, including any part of the land that was rented to others. In censuses prior to 1950, enu- XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 merators were instructed to exclude all land rented to others and to record only that portion of the acreage owned, rented from others, or managed for others that was retained by the farm op- erator. Thus, the figures for the individual tenures of land are not entirely comparable for all censuses. However, the land in- cluded in each farm was determined on essentially the same basis for all censuses. The acreage designated in the tables as "land in farms" consists primarily of "agricultural" land— that is, land used for crops and pasture or grazing. It also includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation nor used for pasture or graz- ing. For example, the entire acreage of woodland and wasteland owned or rented by farm operators is included as land in farms, unless it was being held for nonagricultural purposes or unless the acreage was unusually large. For 1959 and 1954, if a place had 1,000 or more acres of woodland not pastured and wasteland, and if less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was used for agricultural purposes, the acreage of woodland not pas- tured and wasteland was reduced to equal the acreage used for agriculture. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of woodland not pastured and wasteland differed slightly from the one used in 1959 and 1954. In 1950, adjustments were made in places of 1,000 or more acres (5,000 or more in the 17 Western States), if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under government permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms provided the place of which it was a part was a farm. Grazing land operated by Grazing Associations was to be reported in the name of the person chiefly responsible for conducting the business of the Association. Land used rent free was to be reported as land rented from others. All land in Indian reservations that was used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be in- cluded. Land in Indian reservations that was not reported by individual Indians and that was not rented to non-Indians was to be reported in the name of the cooperative group that used the land. In some instances, an entire Indian reservation was re- ported as one farm. Land owned. — All land that the operator and/or his wife held under title, purchase contract, homestead law, or as heir or trustee of an undivided estate at the time of enumeration is considered as owned. Land Rented from Others. — This item includes not only land that the operator rented or leased from others but also land he worked on shares for others and land he occupied rent free. Grazing land used under government permit or license is not included. Land Rented to Others. — This item includes all land rented or leased to others, except land leased to the government under the Soil Bank, and all land worked by others on shares or on a rent-free basis. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes land rented for residential or other purposes. The tenant or sharecropper is considered as the operator of land leased, rented, or worked on shares even though his landlord may supervise his opera- tions. The landlord is considered as operator of only that por- tion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land Uanaged. — This item includes all tracts of land man aged for one or more employers by a person hired on a salary basis. A hired manager was considered to be the operator of the land he managed since he was responsible for the agricul- tural operations on that land and frequently supervised others in performing those operations. Managed land was always to be reported on a separate questionnaire whether or not the manager also operated a farm on his own account. Land in Two or More Counties. — An individual farm was al- ways enumerated in only one county, even in cases where the land was located in two or more counties. If the farm operator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county where he lived. If he did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where the farm head- quarters was located. In cases where there was any question as to the location of the headquarters, figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where most of the land was located. Land in Farms According to Use. — Land in farms has been distributed according to the way In which it was used in 1959. The land uses described in the following paragraphs are mutually exclusive; that is, each acre of land is Included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. Cropland Harvested. — This category refers to all land from which any crops were harvested in 1959, whether for home use or for sale. It includes land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut and land in berries and other small fruits, or- chards, vineyards, nurseries, and greenhouses. Matured crops hogged off or grazed were considered to have been "crops har- vested" and were reported here. Land from which two or more crops were harvested in 1959 was to be counted only once in the land-use classification. Land used for other purposes either before or after the crops were harvested was to be re- ported as cropland harvested, without regard to the other uses. The enumerator was instructed to check the figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the individual crops and subtracting the acreages from which two or more crops were harvested. This checking procedure was repeated during the ofiice processing of questionnaires for all farms having 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. Cropland used only for Pasture. — This land-use classification includes rotation pasture and all other land used only for pas- ture or grazing that the operator considered could have been used for crops without additional Improvement. Enumerators were instructed to include land planted to crops that were hogged off, pastured, or grazed before maturity but to exclude land pastured before or after hay or other crops were harvested from it. Permanent open pasture may have been reported either for this item or for "other pasture" depending on whether or not the operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely comparable with those for the last three censuses. For 1945, the figures Include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for 1940, 1935, and 1925 are more nearly comparable with those for 1959, 1954, and 1950, however, because they in- clude land pastured that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not Harvested and not Pastured. — This classification represents a total of three subclasses for the 17 Western States and two subclasses for other States. Cultivated Summer Fallow. — This subclass of land is shown only for the 17 Western States. It refers to cropland that was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for the 1959 harvest in order to control weeds and conserve moisture. Soil Improvement Grasses and Legumes. — For the 1959 cen- sus, land used only for cover crops to control erosion or to be plowed under for green manure is tabulated separately from "other cropland". After the establishment of the Soil Bank, land that would normally have been used for other purposes was frequently planted to soil-improvement crops. In counties where large acreages were placed in the Soil Bank, the total of land used for soil-improvement crops plus "other cropland" may be considerably larger than the "other cropland" shown for previous censuses. Other Cropland. — This subclass includes idle cropland, land in crops intended for harvest after 1959, and cropland not harvested because of complete crop failure, low prices, labor shortage, or other reasons. The 1959 figures for "other cropland" are not entirely comparable with those for previ- ous censuses since they do not include land used only for soil-improvement crops. (See preceding paragraph.) Woodland Pastured. — This classification includes all wood- land where livestock were pastured or grazed in 1959. The instruction on the questionnaire — "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts ; cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been Improved for pasture" — represents a somewhat more precise definition than the corresponding instruction contained on the 1954 ques- tionnaire. No definition of woodland was given in 1950 apart from an instruction to enumerators not to include brush jias- ture as woodland. Some of the changes in woodland acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation as to what constitutes "woodland." Woodland not Pastured. — This classification refers to all woodland not used for pasture or grazing In 19.59, Including land in operated farms that was placed in the Soil Bank and planted to trees. Unusually large tracts of timberland that were reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from INTRODUCTION XVII the tabulation of land in farms when it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. Other Pasture. — This classification refers to all land other than woodland and cropland that was used only for pasture or grazing in 1959. It includes noncrop open or brush pasture and cutover or deforested land that has been improved and used for pasture. The figures for the last three censuses are comparable but those for 19-15 include all nonwoodland pas- ture that had not been plowed during the preceotatoes was to be reported in all cases, even when produc- tion was solely for home use. Therefore, the data on acres for censuses prior to 1950 are not fully comparable with those for the last three censuses, especially in counties or States where production is largely for home use. The unit of measure in which quantity was to be reported varied from one State or region to another to correspond with the units most commonly used in a given area. In 27 States, the questionnaire provided a choice for reporting either bushels or 100-pound bags (hundredweights). The published data for counties and States are in terms of bushels. Berries and Other Small Fruits. — The question for berries and other small fruits related specifically to the acreages and quanti- ties harvested for sale. Only tame or cultivated berries were to be reported except for the New E)ngland States, where wild blue- berries were also to be included. Enumerators were instructed always to report the total quantity of each kind of berry har- vested for sale but to report the area harvested only when it amounted to one-tenth acre or more. Nonbearing areas and areas and quantities harvested for home use were to be excluded. The data for 1959 and 1954 are fully comparable. Tree Fruits, Nuts, and Grapes. — In 1959, as in 1954, fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines were not enumerated for farms having a combined total of less than 20 at the time of enumeration. Both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines were to be included but not any that had been abandoned. For censuses prior to 1954, all fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm were to be enumerated, regardless of the number. Because of this change in enumeration procedure, the data for 1959 and 1954 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change in procedure may have had a considerable effect on the number of farms re- porting without causing any significant changes in the number of trees and vines nor in the quantity harvested. In counties where most of the trees or vines are in small plantings and where production is largely for home-use, however, the change may have caused a significant reduction not only In the number of farms reporting but also in the number of trees and vines and in the quantity harvested. In both 1959 and 1954, the area in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was enumerated when there were 20 or more fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines. In 1950, the corresponding area was enumerated only If it amounted to one-half acre or more. In censuses prior to 1950, the area was to be reported regardless of its size or of the number of trees and vines. Enumerators frequently omitted the fractional acre- ages in small plantings and home orchards, however. In some counties, small plantings or home orchards compri.se a sizeable proportion of the total fruit and nut acreage. For those counties, the change from one census to another In acreage of land in fruits and nuts may not be due to fact but merely to differences in enumeration. In 1959, California was the only State for which the acreage in each individual fruit and nut crop was obtained. In 1954, such acreage was also obtained for Arizona. In all States, the number of bearing and ncabearing trees or vines on the farm at the time of enumeration and the quantity harvested in 1959 were to be reported separately for each fruit and nut crop. ( Ex- ceptions in the harvest period for citrus fruits, avocados, and INTRODUCTION XXI olives are described on p. XIX.) The unit of measure in whicii quantities were to be reported varied from one State to another. Tables in this report show quantities in the unit of measure appearing on the 1959 questionnaire used in the State. Nursery and Greenhouse Products.— The questions about nursery and greenhouse products related only to products grown on the place for sale. Crops bought for resale without additional cul- tivation were to be excluded. The area used for growing and the value of sales were to be reported separately for each of three groups, as follows : a. Nursery products, (trees, shrubs, vines, and ornamentals). b. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be re- ported separately from the area grown under glass. c. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be reported separately from the area grown under glass or in the house. The data obtained for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 and 1950 since the questions asked were essentially the same in the three censuses. Detailed data regarding the pro- duction and sale of nursery, greenhouse, and other horticultural products on farms having sales of $2,000 will be published in volume V, part 1. Forest Products. — The forest products data obtained in the Census of Agriculture relate only to the products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products grown or cut on nonfarm places are excluded. Therefore, the data in this report do not represent the total forestry output or income for a county or State. The questions included on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire are more detailed than those asked in the 1954 Census. Value was obtained for the sale of standing timber or trees and for the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolts, and mine timbers. The quantity cut, whether for home use or sale, and the quantity sold were obtained for individual forestry products such as firewood and fuelwood, fence posts, sawlogs and veneer logs. Data relating to pulpwood, Christmas trees, maple trees, and maple syrup were obtained in States where such products are important commercially. Value of Crops Harvested. — The total value of crops harvested repre.sents the estimated value of all crops harvested during the crop year 1959. It includes the value of quantities consumed on farms as food, feed, seed, etc., as well as quantities sold. Farmers were not asked to report values of crops harvested ; the values were calculated in the Processing Office. For individ- ual crops, the quantity harvested was multiplied by the average price at which the crop was sold in the State. State average prices were furnished to the Bureau of the Census by the Agricul- tural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are based on reports received from a sample of farmers and dealers. Quantities harvested were not obtained for vegetables nor for nursery and greenhouse products. Therefore, for those crops, the value of sales, as obtained in the enumeration, was used in the calculation of total value of crops harvested. Value of Crops Sold. — The questionnaire required value of sales of crops to be reported only for total vegetables, nursery and greenhouse products, and certain forest products. For all other crops, the value of sales was calculated on a county level during processing operations by multiplying the State average prices by either the quantity sold or the quantity harvested. Reports of quantity sold were obtained during the enumeration only for some of the major field crops. Quantity harvested was used in the calculation of value of crops sold for such crops as cotton, tobacco, etc., that are customarily grown for scle. The procedures used for the various crops are described on page XXV. They are similar to the procedures followed in 1954. In 1950, values of crops sold were obtained for each farm during the enumeration. IBBIQATION Definition of Irrigated Land.— Irrigated land is defined as land watered for agricultural purposes by artificial means. These means included subirrigation as well as systems whereby water was applied to the ground surface, either directly or by sprinklers. Land flooded for rice cultivation was considered as irrigated. Land flooded during high-water periods was to be included as irrigated only if water was directed to agricultural use by dams, canals, or other works. The definition of irrigated land specif- ically excluded land where the "water table", or natural level of underground water, was controlled by drainage works with no additional water brought in by canals or pipes. Enumeration of Irrigated Land. — A question on total land irri- gated was asked in all States, with the exception of Alaska. The acreage reported for this question includes not only irrigated cropland but also any other land that was irrigated in 1959. The questionnaires used in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii intluded several additional questions regarding irri- gation. These questions related to the acreage of land irrigated by sprinklers, irrigated land from which crops were harvested, specific crops irrigated, and source of irrigation water. Such additional data, for irrigated farms, are presented in county table la for these States. Statistics on the irrigation enterprises which supplied irriga- tion water were collected in the 1059 Census of Irrigation and are published in Volume III, "Irrigation of Agricultural Lands" This report contains a considerable amotint of data about irri- gation for the 17 Western States and Louisiana. Irrigated Farms.— All farms reporting any land irrigated in 1959 are counted as irrigated farms. Land in Irrigated Farms.— Data for land in irrigated farms ac- cording to use relate to the entire acreage in these farms, in- cluding land that was not irrigated. Land Irrigated. — Data for land irrigated relate only to that part of the land in irrigated farms that was watered by artificial means at any time in 1959. Separate figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers whether or not the land was also irrigated by other means. Additional figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers only. Data on sprinkler irrigation were not obtained in the 1954 census. Irrigated Cropland Harvested. — The data for irrigated crop- land harvested relate to all irrigated land from which crops were harvested in 1959, regardless of the method of irrigation. An instruction on the questionnaire reminded enumerators and respondents to include irrigated land from which hay was cut, irrigated land in both bearing and nonbearing fruit and nut crops, and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested. Each irrigated acre was to be reported only once, regardless of how many crops were harvested from it. Other Irrigated Land. — This classification was obtained by subtraction of the acreage of irrigated cropland harvested from the acreage of total land irrigated. It represents primarily irrigated cropland not harvested and irrigated pasture or grazing land. Farms Irrigated By Number of Acres Irrigated. — All farms on which any land was irrigated in 1959 are classified according to the number of acres irrigated in county table la for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii. This classification is based on total land irrigated. Therefore, it includes not only the irrigated land from which crops were harvested but also all other irrigated land, regardless of use. Land Irrigated By Source of Water. — The agriculture question- naire contained a question as to what proportion of irrigated water used on the farm in 1959 was obtained from ground- water, surface-water, and irrigation-organization sources. Re- spondents were asked to report separately the percentage of XXII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 water obtained from each source. The number of acres that were irrigated by water from each source or combination of sources was calculated during office processing operations by applying the percentages to the total land irrigated. Ground-water sources relate to wells (pumped or flowing) and springs ; surface-water sources relate to streams, lakes, reservoirs, and sewage and drainage ditches. For each of these sources, only water obtained by pumps or other works operated as part of the operator's own farm or as part of another single farm was to be included. Irrigation-organization sources relate to irriga- tion enterprises organized to supply water to a group of farms, regardless of how or where the enterprise obtained the water. The irrigation enterprise may be a legal organization or a group of farmers informally organized to operate a supply ditch or other works to provide water for their own farms. Land-Use Peactioes Summary Information. — The 1959 data for land-use practices are estimates based on reports obtained from only a sample of farms. Comparable data are not presented for 1954 because questions about land-use practices were included on the 1954 questionnaire for only a limited number of States. The various land-use practices relate to methods for reducing soil erosion, either by improving the soil, controlling the run-off of water, or reducing the blowing of topsoil. Cropland in Cover Crops. — The data relate to land on which cover crops were turned under for green manure in 1959 and which was then planted to another crop. The entire acreage of cover crops so used was to be reported even if the following crop failed. Cropland Used for Grain or Row Crops Farmed on the Contour. — This item relates to land on which grain or row crops were planted in level rows around the slope of a hill. Land in Strip-Cropping Systems for Soil-Erosion Control. — Strip- cropping was defined as the practice of alternating close-sown crops with strips or bands of row crops or of alternating either close-sown or row crops with bands of cultivated fallow land. The published data refer to the total acreage of all fields and tracts in which strip-cropping was practiced in 1959. System of Terraces on Crop and Pasture Land. — This item re- lates to the acreage in ridge-type or channel-type terraces con- structed on sloping cropland and pastureland. Livestock and Poultry Inventories. — Data for livestock and poultry on farms relate to the number on hand at the time of enumeration. All live- stock and poultry, including those being kept or fed under con- tract, were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch where they were, regardless of who owned them. Livestock in transit from one grazing area to another or grazing in national forests, graz- ing districts, open range, or on land used under permit were to be reported as being on the place where the person who had control over them had his headquarters. The time of year at which livestock and poultry are enumerated affects the data. Therefore, the date of enumeration needs to be considered when totals for the various censuses are compared. Both the 1959 and the 1954 census data represent fall inven- tories. These censuses came at a time of large-scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feed lot, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of 1920, 1925, 1935, and 1945 were taken as of January 1 and those of 1930, 1940, and 1950, as of April 1. A count made in April varies considerably from one made in Jan- uary. In most areas a large niunber of animals are born between January and April. A considerable number of older animals die or are sold during the same period. In the range States, along with the change in season and grazing condition, sheep and cattle are moved from one locality or county to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, for States, The comparability of data by age has been affected also by changes in the questions from one census to another. Milk Cows, Cows Milked, Milk Produced, and Butter. — Data on the number of milk cows, cows milked, and milked produced relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Data for butter churned were obtained only for 14 States and relate to the calendar week preceding the enumeration. The data for cows milked yesterday and milk produced yesterday are not given in this volume. These figures were obtained primarily to serve the needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in making monthly and annual esti- mates of milk production. The.se figures can be made available, at a small cost, to others who express an interest in them. Whole Milk and Cream Sold. — Data for whole milk and cream sold relate to the entire year 1959 and are estimates based on reports obtained for farms in the sample. All milk and cream sold from the farm (except quantities purchased from some other place and then resold) were to be Included, regardless of who shared the receipts. The questionnaire provided three alternative units of measure for reporting the quantity of milk sold — pounds of milk, gallons of milk, and pounds of butterfat. The respondent was thus permitted to report quantity according to the unit of measure in which payment was received. In the State and county tables, the data for milk are given in the unit of measure most commonly used in the State. Pounds of butter- fat were converted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of milk as shown by data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and Gilts Farrowing. — In the 1959 census, data were ob- tained for the number of litters farrowed between December 1, 1968, and June 1, 1959, and from June 1 to December 1, 1959. In the 1954 census, data were obtained for the sows and gilts that farrowed rather than for the number of litters. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool. — In the 19.59 census, questions about sheep, lambs, and wool were asked in all States. Data on shearings and on amount of wool shorn were obtained for lambs and sheep separately. In the 1954 census, sheep and lamb inven- tories were not obtained for Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Goats and Mohair. — In 1959, questions on goats, kids, and mo- hair appeared on the questionnaires for the following nine States : Arizona, California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Utah. In 1954, corresponding data were ob- tained for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties In Missouri. Bees and Honey. — No questions on bees and honey were in- cluded on the questionnaires for either the 1959 or the 1954 census. In 1959, however, enumerators were instructed to ob- tain agriculture questionnaires for places not having agricultural operations if they were engaged in beekeeping. The number of hives of bees and the amount of honey sold were to be reported in the "Remarks" space of the questionnaire. Data for bees and honey are not included in this report. Value of Livestock on Farms. — To obtain the value of livestock on farms, the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand was multiplied by the State average price for 1959, as furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Comparable data for 1954 were compiled by the same method on the basis of average prices for that year. Sales of Live Animals. — Data for the number and value of ani- mals sold alive in 1959 are estimates based on reports for sample farms only. Corresponding data for 1954 were obtained for all farms. The dollar value of sales was obtained from the farmer INTRODUCTION XXIII for cattle, calves, and horses and mules. Average value per head for other livestock sold was obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the 1959 census, respondents were asked to report separately the number of live animals already sold and the number estimated to be sold between the time of enumeration and the end of the year. This separation of reports for the number sold and to be sold was designed to assure more complete coverage of all livestock sales made during the year. In the 1954 census, only totals for the entire year were obtained though reference was made to animals to be sold between enumeration and the end of the year. Sales of Poultry and Poultry Products. — For both the 1959 and the 1954 Censuses, sales of chickens were obtained for two groups : (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. The enumeration of broiler sales presents prob'ems arising from the varied contractual ar- rangements under which broilers are produced. The question- naire contained an instruction to the effect that all broilers grown for others under contract were to be reported as sold. During office processing operations, the data reported for inventories and sales of chickens four months old and over, chicken eggs sold, and broilers sold were carefully examined. Obvious inconsistencies indicating confusion between broilers and other chickens were corrected on the basis of estimated values and, for sample farms, on the basis of data reported for expenditures for feed, poultry and livestock purchases, hired labor, etc. Questions relating to poultry other than chickens (and broilers) were generally the same In 1959 as In 1954. In the 1959 census, however, only total numbers were obtained for turkeys and turkey fryers raised and for turkey hens kept for breeding whereas the 1954 questionnaire asked for a breakdown between light and heavy breeds. Also, for poultry other than chickens and turkeys, the 1959 census obtained the number sold whereas the 1954 census obtained the number raised. Classification of Fabms Scope of Classification. — Data for land in farms, and for crop- land harvested in farms classified by size, by color of operator and by tenure of operator were tabulated for all farms. However, most of the detailed data by size of farm, by color of operator, by tenure of operator, by economic class, and by type of farm are estimates based on farms in the sample. The farm classifications by size of farm, color of operator, tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made in the processing office on the basis of data reported on each questionnaire. Farms by Size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area established for each farm. The same classifica- tion was used for all States. According to definition, a farm is essentially an oi)erating unit, not an ownership tract. All land operated by one person or partnership represents one farm. In the case of a landlord who has assigned land to croppers or other tenants, the land assigned to each cropper or tenant is considered a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire landholding as one unit in respect to supervision, equipment, rota- tion practice, purchase of supplies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South, a special Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire was used to assure an accurate enumeration of each unit within a multiple-unit operation. A change was made in the size classifica- tion for 1959, as contrasted with several preceding years, by sub- dividing the 1,000-acre-and-over group and by combining two previously recognized groups, viz., 10 to 29 acres and 30 to 49 acres. Farms by Color of Operator. — Farms were classified by color of operator into two groups, "white" and "nonwhite." "Nonwhite" Includes primarily Negro and Indian oi)erators but also some of other racial origin. Enumerators were instructed to report the race on the basis of their own observation whenever possible rather than by asking the respondent Farms by Tenure of Operator. — The classification of farms by tenure of operator was based on data reported for land owned, land rented from others or worked for others on shares, land managed for others, and land rented to others or worked on shares by others. The same basis of classification was used in 1959 as in 1954. For 1959, each questionnaire was coded, during the editing proc- ess, to indicate whether it represented a farm operated by a full owner, part owner, manager, or tenant. The sample question- naires for tenants were given a code to indicate the kind of tenant. The various classifications of tenure, as used for the 1959 census, are defined below : a. Full Owners operate only land they own. I>. Part Owners operate land they own and also land rented from others. c. Managers operate land for others and are paid a wage or salary for their services. Persons acting merely as care- takers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm operator managed land for others and also operated land on his own account, the land operated on his own ac- count was considered as one farm and the land managed for others as a second farm. If, however, he managed land for two or more employers, all the managed land was considered to be one farm. d. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. They are further classified, as de- scribed below, on the basis of rental arrangements In regard to the payment of cash rent, sharing of crops, sharing of livestock or livestock products, and the furnishing of work power by the landlord. (1) Cash Tenants pay cash rent, either on a per-acre basis or for the farm as a whole. (2) Share-Cash Tenants pay part of the rent in cash and part in a share of the crops and/or of the livestock and livestock products. (3) Crop-Share Tenants pay a share of the crops but not of the livestock or livestock products. (4) Livestock-Share Tenants pay a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. (5) Croppers are tenants whose landlords furnished all the work animals or tractor power. They usually work under the close supervision of the landowners or their agents, or other farm operators. Also, the land assigned to them is often merely a part of a multi-unit operation. Croppers may or may not also pay cash rent or a share of crops, livestock, or livestock products. Data for croppers are available for only 16 southern States and Missouri. (6) Other Tenants are those who did not qualify for inclusion in any of the foregoing subclassifications. They may have had the use of land rent-free or in return for a fixed quantity of products, payment of taxes, maintenance of buildings, etc. (7) Unspecified Tenants are those for whom the rental arrange- ment was not repyorted. The definition of each subclass of tenant was essentially the same for earlier censuses as for 1959. In 1945, however, the enumerator was asked to determine the subclass of tenants whereas in other censuses all classifications were made during the processing of questionnaires on the basis of the data reported. The procedure used in 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, especially for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by Economic Class. — The totals for farms by economic class are estimates for all farms made on the basis of data re- ported only for the sample farms. The economic classifications represent groupings of farms that are similar in characteristics and size of operation. The economic classes were established on the basis of one or more of four factors: (1) total value of all farm products sold, (2) number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, (3) the age of the farm operator, and (4) the re- " lationship of income received by the operator and members of his household from nonfarm sources to the value of all farm products sold. Institutional farms, Indian reservations, agricultural ex- periment stations, and grazing associations were always classified as "abnormal." XXIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 The total value of farm products sold was obtained by addi- tion of the reported or estimated values for all products sold from the farm. The value of cattle and calves, horses and mules, dairy products, some poultry products, vegetables, nursery and green- house products, standing timber, and miscellaneous forest prod- ucts was obtained from the farm operator during the enumera- tion. The quantity sold was obtained during enumeration for corn, sorghums, small grains, hay, small fruits, some of the for- est products, chickens and chicken eggs, hogs, sheep, and goats. To obtain the value of sales of these products, the quantity sold was multiplied by State average prices. For each of the other products, the entire production was mul- tiplied by the State average price. If the resulting value amount- ed to $100 or more, the entire quantity produced was considered as sold. This procedure was followed only in establishing the economic class and the type of farm but was not used in estab- lishing the total value of products sold from the farm. (See p. XXV.) Farms were grouped Into two major categories, commercial farms and other farms, mainly on the basis of total value of prod- ucts sold. The 1959 class intervals and some of the criteria for determination of a given class are different from those used in 1954 and in 1950. In general, for 1959, all farms with a value of sales amounting to $2,500 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 were classified as com- mercial if the farm operator was under 65 years of age and (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days during the year and (2) the income received by the operator and members of his family from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 and institutional farms and Indian reservations were included in one of the groups of "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six economic classes on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : Value of Farm Class of Farm Products sold I $40,000 and over II $20,000 to $39,999 III $10,000 to $19,999 IV $5,000 to $9,999 V $2,500 to $4,999 VI* $50 to $2,499 •Provided the farm operator was under 65 years of age, and — (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days, and (2) the In- come that he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of farm products sold. Other farms were divided into three economic classes as follows : a. Class VII, Part-time. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part-time" if the operator was under 65 years of age and he either worked off the farm 100 or more days or the income he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was greater than the total value of farm products sold. b. Class VIIX, Part-retirement. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part- retirement" if the farm operator was 65 years old or over. Many of these are farms on which the Income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others are residential, subsistence, or marginal farms. In previous censuses, the age of the farm operator was not a criterion for grouping farms by economic class. Since the number of elderly people in our population has been steadily increasing during recent years, a separate classification for farms operated on a part-retirement basis was considered important for an adequate analysis of the agricultural structure of a county or State. c. Class IX, Abnormal. — All institutional farms and Indian reservations were classified as "abnormal," regardless of the value of sales. Institutional farms include those operated by hospitals, penitentiaries, schools, grazing associations, government agencies, etc. Farms by Type. — The data for farms by type are estimates based on data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The type represents a description of the major source of income from farm sales. To be classified as a particular type, a farm had to have sales of a particular product or group of products amounting in value to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm prod- ucts sold during the year. The types of farms, together with the products on which type classification is based, are as follows : Type of Farm Cash-grain Tobacco Cotton Other field-crop. Vegetable Fruit-and-nut Poultry . Dairy _ Livestock other than dairy and poultry Livestock Eanches_ General- Miscellaneous. Source of Cash Income (Products with sales value representing 50% or more of total value of all farm products sold) Corn, sorghums, small grains, soybeans for beans, cowpeas for peas, dry field and seed beans and peas. Tobacco. Cotton. Peanuts, potatoes (Irish and sweet), sugarcane for sugar or sirup, sweet sorghums for sirup, broomcorn, pop- corn, sugar beets, mint, hops, and sugar beet seed. Vegetables. Berries, other small fruits, tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Chickens, chicken eggs, turkeys, and other poultry products. Milk and cream. The criterion of 50 percent of total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm hav- ing value of sales of dairy products amounting to less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm, if — (a) Milk and cream sold accounted for more than 30 iiercent of the total value of products sold and — (b) Milk cows represented 50 percent or more of total cows and — (c) The value of milk and cream sold plus the value of cattle and calves sold amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm products sold. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool and mohair except for farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Florida that qualified as livestock ranches. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisi- ana, and Florida were classified as livestock ranches if the sales of live- stock, wool, and mohair represented 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold and if pasture- land or grazing land amounted to 100 or more acres and was 10 or more times the acreage of cropland har- ve.'ited. Field seed crops, hay, silage. A farm was classified as general also if it had cash income from three or more sources and did not meet the criteria for any other type. Nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, mules, horses, colts and ponies. Also all institutional farms and Indian reservations. INTRODUCTION XXV The type classifications were essentially the same for the 1959 as for the 1954 census except that tobacco farms and livestock ranches were not separately classified in 1954. Tobacco was in- cluded as one of the crops used in the classification of "other field crop" farms in 1954. The farms classified as livestock ranches in 1959 would have been classified as "livestock other than dairy and poultry" in 1954 without regard to the acreage in pasture. Value of Farm Products Sold. — Data for the value of farm prod- ucts sold in 1959 were obtained by enumeration for some prod- ucts and by estimation for others. The questionnaire used for the 1959 census provided for farm operators to report value of sales for the following products : Vegetables Miscellaneous poultry products Nursery and greenhouse prod- Milk and cream ucts Cattle Standing timber Calves Miscellaneous forest products Horses, mules, colts, and ponies For all other agricultural products, the value of sales was esti- mated during the office processing. The State average prices used for calculating the value of farm products sold were fur- nished to the Bureau by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One of three following pro- cedures was used. (1) For the products for which data on quantities sold were obtained during enumeration, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the county totals of the quantities reported as sold or the quantities reported as produced for sale. The following prod- ucts were covered by this procedure : Corn for grain Fence posts Sorghums for grain, seed, sirup, Sawlogs and veneer logs or dry forage Christmas trees All small grains Chickens (broilers and others) Hay crops Chicken eggs All berries and small fruits ' Hogs and pigs Firewood and fuelwood Sheep and lambs Pulpwood Goats and kids ^ Adjustment made for cranberries based on Cranberry Payment Program. (2) For most of the agricultural products which are cus- tomarily raised for sale, the entire quantity produced was considered to be sold. The State average prices were, accordingly, multiplied by the county total of production. The following crops were covered by this procedure : Cotton Popcorn Sugar beets for sugar Broomcorn Sugarcane for sugar Tobacco Wool Mohair (3) For all other crops, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the quantities sold as estimated on the basis of crop- disposition data furnished by tlie Agricultural Marketing Service, data reported in questions for "other crops" on the 1959 question- naire, or data obtained from earlier censuses. For all tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, the entire quantity pro- duced was considered as sold, except for apples, apricots, sour and sweet cherries, peaches, plums, prunes, avocados, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit in States where a portion of the crop was not harvested or was subjected to excess cuUage as indicated by data obtained from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The data for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 since essentially the same procedures were used in both censuses for estimating quantities and values of farm products sold. In 1959, as in 1954, data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared the receipts. For tenant-operated farms, the landlord's share of agricultural products was considered as sold provided the products were moved off the tenant farm. All crops, livestock, and poultry raised under a contract arrangement were considered as sold from the farm where they were raised. For institutional farms, all agricultural items produced on land operated by the institu- tion and consumed by the inmates were to be reported as sold. All sales data relate to one year's farm operations. Crop sales are for crops harvested during the crop year, whether the crops were actually sold immediately after harvest or placed in storage for later sale. Sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year, regardless of when the livestock or prod- ucts were raised or produced. All wool and mohair reported as shorn or clipped was considered as sold. Enumerators were instructed to record gross values of quanti- ties sold, with no deductions for feed, seed, fertilizer, water, labor, or marketing costs. For some products, however, net values may have been reported. In the case of milk, particularly, some farm operators may have reported the payments they received as the gross value of sales, even though the buyer had deducted handling and hauling charges before making payment. Adjustments were made in the data reported only in cases of obvious error. o Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE GEORGIA state Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [n nU on value of land and buildinirs for 1959. 1954, and 1050 are based on repofUi for only a sample of fanns. See tcxtj see text) Census of— (For definitions and cxpianBlions 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (Jajiuary 1) Farms 106,350 165,523 198,191 225,897 216,033 250,544 255,598 249,095 310,732 Approximate land area (see text) . . .-, acres . . . 37,235,360 37,429,120 37,429,120 37,451,520 37,451,520 37,584,000 37,584,000 37,584,000 37,584,000 Proportion in fomis percent... 52.7 64.2 68.8 63.2 63.2 67.3 58.7 58.4 67.7 Land in farms acres . . . 19,657,615 24,018,773 25,751,055 23,675,612 23,683,631 25,296,522 22,078,630 21,945,496 25,441,061 Averace size of farm acres 18i.8 145.1 129.9 104.8 109.6 101.0 86.4 88.1 81.9 Value of land and buildings: Averase pvt farm dollars... 16,464 7,905 5,323 2,896 2,223 1,715 2,259 2,359 3,663 A\ efa^P per acre dollars.. . 100.03 61.46 43.25 27.63 20.28 16.99 26.15 26.77 44.74 Land in farms according to use:' Cropland harvested .farms rcportint;... 89,685 140,499 176,610 212,430 210,696 241,992 241,427 HA NA acres . . . 4,917,975 6,117,379 7,098,147 7,824,189 8,802,593 8,645,593 8,337,145 8,127,577 ^10,470,079 I lo 9 acres .farms reportinc. . 20,116 30,943 29,436 31,526 HA NA HA NA NA 10 to 19 acres .farms reporting... 15,972 26,006 32,313 35,555 NA HA -MA NA HA 20 to 20 acres .farms reporting ■ . . 11,121 21,232 32,513 45,437 HA HA NA HA NA 30 to 4n acres .farms reporting.. . 14,259 26,319 41,160 57,362 NA HA NA MA HA 50 to 09 acres .farms reporting . ■ . 16,068 24,048 30,515 33,935 HA MA HA HA -NA .fams reportin2... 7,913 8,377 7,792 6,226 NA HA NA NA NA 200 or more acres .farms reporting... 4,237 3,574 2,881 2,389 MA HA HA HA IIA 200 to 499 acres .farms reporting... 3,521 2,980 2,350 1,922 HA NA HA NA IlA 500 to 999 acres .fam:s reporting... 595 490 429 379 NA HA HA HA MA 1,000 or more acres .farms reporting... 121 104 102 88 NA HA -MA NA NA Cropland used only for pasture' .farms reporting. . . 36,457 43,295 47,457 32,462 75,505 56,351 57,445 50,440 ':a acres . . . 1,303,702 1,407,398 1,273,027 784,245 1,512,913 958,656 980,234 811,562 -:a Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . .farms reporting... 39,836 58,324 84,890 NA NA NA NA NA ;.'A aces... 1,236,798 1,399,296 2,115,701 2,034,991 1,374,719 2,176,347 2,109,452 2,568,240 ::a Soil-improvement grasses and legumes . .farms reporting... 8,469 MA HA HA MA HA NA MA ;iA acres . . . 261,485 MA ilA .NA NA NA NA NA MA Other cropland (idle and crop failure) . . .farms reporting . . . 35,033 HA ::a !:a MA NA .MA MA NA .ores... 975,313 HA MA HA HA HA NA NA NA Woodland pastured .farms reporting... 43,717 66,225 74.224 69,169 ■HA 103,913 78,300 69,225 NA acres... 3,065,538 4,600,542 4,371,298 3,508,135 HA 4,423,210 2,880,358 2,324,250 ?IA Woodland not pastured .farms reporting.. . 61,331 82,406 101,109 114,292 HA 130,101 105,568 94,199 NA acres . - . 7,175,352 8,085,789 8,908,851 7,214,139 NA 7,252,159 5,492,579 4,721,563 HA Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)' .farms reporting . . . 37,214 57,101 52,142 68,751 NA 42,892 40,705 34,261 HA acres . . . 1,384,167 1,850,269 1,184,817 1,610,556 NA 827,759 791,035 713,127 MA Improved pasture .farms reporting 18,995 24,519 MA HA NA MA HA HA NA acres . . . 637,566 803,144 SA HA NA HA MA NA HA Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) .farms reporting... MA 140,244 155,205 197,044 NA 216,848 158,569 NA NA acres . . . 574,083 558,100 799,214 699,357 ,NA 1,012,798 1,4*7,827 2,679,177 NA Cropland, total* .farms reporting... 98,071 153,975 189,266 220,920 215,086 HA MA NA NA acres . . . 7,458,475 8,924,073 10,486,875 10,643.425 11,690,225 11,780,596 11,426,831 11,507,379 NA Land pastured, total .farms reportinft .. , 75,550 108,077 119,324 125,990 NA HA NA NA HA acre,... 5,753,407 7,858,209 6,829,142 5,902,936 NA 6,209,625 4,651,627 3,848,939 HA Woodland, total .farms reporting . . . 78,610 112,791 132,205 141,135 149,159 NA HA NA NA acres... 10,240,890 12,686,331 13,280,149 10,722,274 10,174,775 11,675,369 8,372,937 7,045,813 10,491,848 Irrigated land in farms . .farm^ roportinj.... 2,194 1,268 139 14 26 NA NA NA NA acres . . . 33,700 23,873 3,161 423 158 NA NA NA NA ilA Not available. ^For the Censuses of 1959 and igs-i, in the Census year; for all other Censuses, In the calendar year preceding the Census. Total acreage of crops for rtiich figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. ^Not fully conparable for the various Census years because of differences In definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [DatA for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definilions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Not. ) 1950 (April 1) 1945 ( January 1 ) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) All farms number. Under 10 acres number. I'nder 3 acres number . 1 acre or less number . 3 acres number . 3 to 9 acres ,. .number. 3 acres number . 4 acres number. 5 acres number . fi acres number. 7 acres numlier. 8 acres numiier . 9 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 10 to 29 acres number . 30 to 49 acres numlier . 50 to 69 acres . 70 to 99 acres . 100 to 139 acres nuniber. 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres nuntljer . 220 to 2.50 acres , number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres nuniber, 1,000 or more acres number . 1,000 lo 1,999 acres number, 2,000 or more acres number. Lafid in fatms acres Average size of farm acres I'nder 10 acres acres 10 to 49 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres .SO lo 49 acres acres .50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 aci 220 to 259 aci ■es acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1.000 or more acres. acres 1,000 lo 1,999 acres acres 2,000 or more acres acres Land in farms according to use; ' Croplam] harvested farms Under 10 acres .farms 10 to 49 acres farms 10 lo 29 acres farms 30 lo 49 acres farms 50 to 69 acres farms 70 to 99 acres farms 100 lo 139 acres farms 140 lo 179 acres farms 180 to 219 acres farms 220 to 259 acres farms 260 lo 499 acres farms 500 lo 999 acres farms l.OOO or more acres farms 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms 2,000 or more acres farms reportinp acres reportinc acres reportinc acres reporting acres , reporting. acres, reportinp . reponinp. reporti np . acres . reportinp. reportinp. acres. reportinp. reportinp , acres . reportinp. acres . reportinp . acres reporting , acres. reporting . acres . 106,271 6,S25 2,327 1,4^9 878 4,493 753 666 951 599 507 604 418 27,956 14,843 13,113 11,754 12,095 12,943 8,001 5,697 3,761 9,817 4,917 2,505 1,749 756 19,644,019 184.8 29,247 787,568 677,450 997,757 1,490,240 1,256,650 1,129,806 899,428 3,454,507 3,337,756 5,583,610 2,358,356 3,225,254 90,409 4,984,896 3,209 13,337 23,154 368,652 NA NA NA NA 10,267 256,758 10,728 343,183 11,495 473,913 7,301 382, eu 5,103 325,420 3,407 253,591 8,938 952,234 4,506 783,860 2,301 631,134 1,606 468,908 695 362,226 165,523 14,990 2,500 NA NA 12,490 NA NA 51,958 27,472 24,486 20,596 18,546 18,537 10,543 7,272 4,627 10,655 5,038 2,761 NA 24,018,773 145.1 71,891 1,449,026 518,663 930,363 1,178,479 1,526,003 2,118,530 1,653,886 1,439,408 1,104,590 3,728,251 3,422,652 6,326,057 SA :;a 140,499 6,117,379 8,338 32,970 43,963 797,451 22,696 306,266 21,267 491,185 18,191 537,040 16,455 562,942 16,708 696,274 9,463 472,272 6,549 378,926 4,227 284,230 9,614 862,561 4,542 692,471 2,449 800,242 NA NA NA NA 198,037 11,951 1,326 NA HA 10,625 NA NA NA NA NA 67,043 32,307 34,736 28,080 24,216 23,234 12,124 8,392 4,823 U,000 4,677 2,497 MA 25,783,945 130.2 60,370 1,949,020 634,898 1,314,122 1,610,804 1,983,498 2,644,119 1,897,936 1,660,891 1,U5,444 3,845,358 3,151,450 5,835,055 !;a NA 176,718 7,135,852 7,080 26, 503 59,943 1,196,676 28,095 400,514 31,848 796,162 26,009 814,299 22,510 806,020 21,563 907,680 11,166 548,053 7,752 429,365 4,457 275,869 9,980 849,995 4,135 595,102 2,123 685,785 NA NA NA NA 225,897 15,301 3,439 NA NA U,862 NA NA NA NA 81,121 35,367 35,643 26,309 26,550 12,575 8,506 4,440 9,832 3,857 1,763 NA •lA 23,675,612 104.3 63,408 2,401,181 714,933 1,686,248 2,013,344 2,132,761 2 j 960, 953 1,962,027 1,682,702 1,062,242 3,417,931 2,576,342 212,430 7,824,139 11,947 37,394 76,696 1,674,899 33,370 506,439 43,326 1,163,460 34,200 1,144,140 25,247 943,343 25,388 1,040,436 12,040 563,357 3,080 421,027 4,217 247,173 9,321 704,352 3,642 501,284 1,652 546,234 NA NA NA NA 216,033 7,384 433 7,451 NA NA NA NA NA 72,530 30,322 42,208 34,398 23,669 28,607 13,872 9,390 4,945 10,242 3,535 1,411 NA HA 23,683,631 109.6 43,444 2,181,695 615,922 1,565,773 1,983,947 2,327,558 3,197,064 2,166,429 1,857,783 1,132,658 3,547,562 2,362,356 2,333,135 210,696 8,302,593 6,664 27,105 70,419 1,542,235 29,074 460,674 41,345 1,081,561 34,305 1,154,648 23,233 1,130,156 28,227 1,280,767 13,680 732,151 9,241 568,334 4,391 348,954 10,090 943,404 3,517 586,150 1,379 483,139 NA HA NA NA 250,544 9,873 405 9,463 NA 91,457 41,245 50,212 39,874 31,269 32,251 14,666 10,213 5,232 10,742 3,587 1,330 NA HA 25,296,522 101.0 55,463 2,667,663 827,861 1,839,802 2,253,581 2,534,777 3,536,866 2,283,162 2,021,328 1,262,240 3,726,776 2,352,294 2,546,872 NA NA 241,992 8,645,593 NA 33,376 NA 1,847,306 NA 622,304 NA 1,225,002 1,227,623 NA 1,132,364 1,3U,986 NA 686,630 NA 551,954 NA 315,560 NA 791, 7X NA 438,273 NA 303,232 NA NA NA NA 255,598 8,313 1,041 7,272 NA NA NA NA 11/4,886 NA NA 69,751 50,829 3,130 2,722 917 NA 22,078,630 86,4 45,228 3,335,945 NA NA 4,632,012 7,369,095 2,839,234 1,779,335 2,Cr77,781 NA NA 241,427 8,337,U5 NA 32,299 NA 2,409,047 NA NA NA ^2,472,677 NA NA NA ■'2,316,119 NA NA NA NA NA NA 572,907 NA 317,305 NA 216,791 NA NA NA NA 249,095 8,425 93 NA NA 8,332 NA NA NA 113,564 NA 64,638 49,414 8,820 3,084 1,150 NA NA 21,945,496 88.1 49,400 3,176,631 NA NA 4,237,574 7,184,771 3,071,506 2,011,782 2,213,782 NA NA NA 3,127,577 NA 40,865 NA 2,463,347 NA NA NA NA NA '2,290,747 NA NA NA '2,162,509 HA NA HA NA NA NA NA 603,943 NA 337,665 NA 228,001 NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA state Table Z-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959-Continued [Data fof 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Land in farms accor(]ing to use '-Continued Cnjpland, total ^ farms reporting;... acres . . . Under 10 acres farms reportinc. . . acres . . . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting... 50 to 69 acres farms reporting .. . acres . . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . . , acres . . . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . . acres . . . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. . acres . . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting.. acres . . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting.. acres . . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . acres . . 1,000 or mote acres farms reporting . . acres . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting. . acres . . 2,000 or more acres farms reporting.. acres. . Land pastured, total farms reporting . . acres . . Under 10 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 49 acres farms reporting.. acres . . 50 to 69 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 70 to 99 acres farms repcrting.. acres . , 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 180 to 219 acres farms refwrting . . acres . . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting. . acres . . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . acres . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. acres . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting. acres . 2,000 or more acres farms reporting. acres. Irngated land in farms farms reporting. acres . Under 10 acres farms reporting. acres . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting . acres. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting. acres . 70 U> 99 acres farms reporting, acres. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . acres. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. acres . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting . acres . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting . acres . 280 to 499 acres farms reporting . acres. 500 to 999 acres farms reportinc acres 1,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 2,000 or more acres farms reporting Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Not. ) 98,407 7,535,510 3,729 15,999 25,683 4B1,772 11,164 361, 543 U,649 505,376 12,493 697,834 7,754 571,757 5,510 493,197 3,648 377,053 9,562 1,423,618 4,785 1,223,562 2,430 1,383,799 1,698 752,077 732 631,722 76,888 5,822,751 1,376 4,147 U,779 171,812 8,617 172,9U 9,685 259,084 11,023 417,625 6,975 359,250 5,102 341,402 3,395 273,959 9,000 1,073,708 4,577 1,099,998 2,359 1,648,852 1,638 726,580 721 922,272 2,268 37,963 75 240 272 1,532 155 880 160 820 246 1,731 190 1,425 172 2,710 105 1,240 424 6,215 305 10,024 164 11, U6 109 6,091 55 5,055 1950 (April 1) 153,975 8,924,073 9,927 40,450 48,892 971,601 19,853 691,370 17,958 773,609 17,953 980,998 10,181 684,512 7,013 566,300 4,481 423,031 10,270 1,319,462 4,834 1,094,602 2,613 1,377,638 NA MA Ml NA 108,077 7,858,209 3,860 11,359 24,023 262,538 13,651 261,628 14,393 395,499 15,475 604,241 9,186 493,637 6,422 463,142 4,122 358,965 9,687 1,305,538 4,645 1,300,407 2,613 2,401,255 NA NA NA NA 1,268 23,873 74 193 197 1,065 86 617 112 657 97 1,021 79 859 67 983 67 955 200 3,503 155 5,045 134 8,975 NA NA NA NA 1945 (January 1) 189,636 10,541,834 8,905 35,801 64,708 1,445,522 27,484 1,043,627 23,816 1,092,241 22,742 1,285,104 11,803 810,815 8,149 663,577 4,658 442,006 10,635 1,377,198 4,429 991,899 2,307 1,354,044 NA NA NA NA 120,294 6,885,808 3,314 9,170 27,391 247,960 17,202 279,002 17,958 404,100 18,259 602,659 9,790 458,013 7,016 445,945 3,992 310,077 9,246 1,074,896 3,963 978,544 2,163 2,075,442 NA Hk NA NA 122 3,233 5 15 12 37 10 15 10 55 15 320 10 10 35 26 727 9 479 15 1,405 NA NA NA 1940 (April 1) 220,920 10,643,425 12,841 43,229 30,090 1,875,492 35,331 1,349,109 26,067 1,197,248 26,272 1,423,859 12,419 815,624 3,400 648,493 4,358 377,123 9,652 1,144,927 3,767 816,434 1,723 951,887 NA NA NA NA 125,990 5,902,936 3,552 7,825 29,719 240,662 21,046 299,383 13,740 398,351 20,178 635,337 9,365 439,709 6,803 409,732 3,391 259,577 7,365 918,539 3,229 312,289 1,602 1,481,527 SA NA NA NA 14 423 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1935 (January 1) 215,086 U, 690,225 NA 33,387 NA 1,745,345 NA 1,370,020 NA 1,407,053 NA 1,681,668 NA 1,007,809 NA 820,582 NA 491,366 NA 1,390,892 NA 899,241 NA NA NA NA 26 158 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1930 (April 1) U,780,596 NA 44,355 NA 2,106,336 NA 1,478,630 NA 1,440,615 NA 1,786,075 NA 980,757 NA 830,371 NA 472,623 NA 1,277,540 NA 751,944 NA 611,350 NA NA NA NA NA 6,209,625 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11,426,331 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1925 (January 1) NA 4,651,627 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11,507,379 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1920 (January 1) NA 3,848,939 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. ^For the CenHuses of 1959 and 1954, In the Census year; for all other Censuses, In the calendar year preceding the Census. Total acreage of =^ f°^ rtilch figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of corn harvested for grain, acres 'lOO to 259 acres. %ot fully oonparable for the various Census years because of diiTerenoes in definitions of cropland used only for pasture. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 and 1954 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 195i (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (Jantiary 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) ALL FARM OPERATORS All farm operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number AH tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number All land in farms acres Full owners act Part owners act Managers act All tenants aci Cash tenants aci Share-cash tenants aci Share tenants Croppers aci Other and unspecified tenants aci All cropland harvested acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres ALL WHITE FARM OPERATORS White farm operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Pitiportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspeciTied tenants number Land in farms aci Full owners aci Part owners aci Managers All tenants aci Cash tenants aci Share-cash tenants aci Share tenants acres Croppers aci Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested aci Pull owners aci Part owners acres Managers aci All tenants aci Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants aci Croppers aci Other and unspecified tenants aci ALL NONWHITE FARM OPERATORS Nonwhite farm operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Land in farms aci Full owners acres Part owners aci Managers acres All tenants Cash tenants aci Share-cash tenants aci Share tenants aci Croppers aci Other and unspecified tenants aci Cropland harvested acres Full owners aci Part owners aci Managers aci All tenants Cash tenants Share-cash tenants aci Share tenants. acres Croppers ac Other and unspecified tenants acres 106,271 62,240 17,543 761 25,627 24.1 4,940 586 5,568 10,412 4,m 19,644,019 10,794,706 5,390,586 1,135,997 2,322,730 630,594 108, 857 584,131 633,996 365,152 4,984,896 1,906,414 1,810,533 156, 891 1,111,058 222,179 57,917 323,625 401.222 106,115 86,931 56, 172 15,617 743 14,399 16.6 2,990 486 4,093 4,280 2,550 18,172,050 10,209,643 5,124,193 1,120,259 1,717,955 476,050 100,617 498,896 367,157 275,235 4,354,605 1,759,562 1,699,281 154,252 741,510 161,565 52,482 264, 530 194,813 68,120 19,340 6,068 2,026 18 11,228 58.1 1,950 100 1,475 6,132 1,571 1,471,969 585,063 266,393 15,738 604,775 154,5« 8,240 85,235 266,839 89,917 530,291 146, 852 111,252 2,639 369,548 60,614 5,435 59,095 206,409 37,995 165,465 88,005 19,255 915 57,290 34.5 10,240 705 12,554 27,002 6,779 24,092,943 13,405,171 5,065,983 1,402,934 4,218,855 1,004,680 81,431 1,091,444 1,430,381 610,919 6,097,082 2,348,249 1,526,485 197,303 2,025,045 343,815 42,003 518,876 951,295 159,056 125,933 78,685 16,526 861 29, 851 23.7 5,590 514 8,270 11,275 4,112 21,406,531 12,595,172 4,749,604 1,357,322 2,704,433 640,795 53,482 815,988 763,676 419,492 4,872,747 2,140,784 1,404,243 192,226 1,135,494 205,052 30,759 365,675 430,012 103,996 39,532 9,320 2,729 54 27,429 69.4 4,550 191 4,294 15,727 2,567 2,686,412 809,999 316,379 45,612 1,514,422 363,885 17,949 274,456 666,705 191,427 1,224,335 207,465 122,242 5,077 889,551 138,763 11,244 153,201 521,283 65,060 198,191 95,908 16,519 844 84,820 42.8 14,276 608 19,628 41,194 9,114 25,751,055 14,076,111 3,758,030 1,453,524 6,463,390 1,426,377 79,745 1,609,661 2,490,519 857,088 7,098,147 2,775,827 1,116,200 207,400 2,998,720 485,209 32,011 719,868 1,481,882 279,750 147,834 86, 080 14,099 819 46,836 31.7 8,373 451 13,415 19,226 5,371 22,208,535 13,208,926 3,487,276 1,429,931 4,082,402 915,757 65,262 1,178,152 1,367,882 555,339 5,380,811 2,505,525 1,008,265 204,217 1,662,804 281,886 25,549 463,735 706,708 159,926 50,357 9,828 2,520 25 37,984 75.4 5,903 157 6,213 21,968 3,743 3,542,520 857,165 270,754 23,593 2,380,988 510,610 14,483 431, 509 1, 122, 637 301,749 1,717,336 270,302 107,935 3,183 1,335,916 203,323 6,462 231,133 775,174 119,624 225,897 96,134 7,217 1,008 121,538 53.6 28,434 406 20,179 59,678 12,839 23,675,512 12,350,114 1,395,530 1,136,910 8,793,058 2,661,921 32,919 1,639,057 3,454,503 1,004,658 7,824,189 3,051,231 444,693 280,032 4,048,233 900,256 14,136 655,924 2,078,246 399,671 155,486 84, 931 6,068 964 53,523 40.9 15,778 218 14,714 25,179 7,634 19,017,384 11,446,731 1,274,550 1,116,760 5,179,343 1,524,547 19,156 1,257,721 1,707,287 670, 630 5,469,761 2,742,144 398,794 273,644 2,055,179 468,998 7,566 464,295 883,441 230,878 70,411 11,203 1,149 44 58,015 82.4 12,655 190 5,465 34,499 5,205 4,658,228 903,383 120,960 20,150 3,513,715 1,137,374 13,761 381,336 1,747,216 334,028 2,354,428 309,087 45,899 6,386 1,993,054 431,258 6,570 191,626 1,194,805 168,793 216,033 76, 103 9,078 1,002 129,850 60.1 27,952 430 22,801 60,934 17,733 23,663,631 9,942,31i 1,623,944 1,027,417 11,089,958 2,632,253 51,132 2,043,549 4,220,835 1,942,079 8,802,593 3,126,161 615,610 282,197 4,778,625 1,056,163 19,910 783,532 2,238,572 680,348 155,901 67,499 7,664 966 80,772 51.5 19,837 350 19,537 31,531 9,417 19,252,245 9,232,071 1,489,422 1,010,383 7,520,370 2,123,625 38,783 1,772,603 2,463,054 1,122,305 6,704,187 2,860,603 556,719 275,953 3,010,712 761,951 16,479 663,676 1,191,879 376,727 59,132 8,504 1,414 36 49,076 83.0 8,115 60 3,264 29,303 8,316 4,431,385 710,241 134,522 17,034 3,569,588 706,636 12,349 271,046 1,757,781 819,774 2,098,406 265,358 56,891 6,244 1,767,913 294,212 3,431 119,956 1,046,693 303,521 250,544 75,857 9,340 1,016 164,331 65.6 NA HA NA 80,425 NA 25,296,522 9,601,759 1,337,102 793, Oi9 13,564,612 NA NA HA 5,465,008 NA 8,645,593 2,574,117 470,185 219,562 5,281,706 HA HA HA 2,627,624 HA 177,259 66,952 7,674 984 101,549 57.3 NA NA HA 41,572 NA 19,963,341 6,912,261 1,168,027 781,665 9,081,388 HA HA NA 3,087,299 HA 6,333,310 2,442,195 411, 173 215,949 3,263,993 NA NA NA 1,354,743 NA 73,265 8,905 1,666 32 62,682 85.5 NA NA NA 38,753 HA 5,333,181 689,498 149,075 11,384 4,483,224 NA NA HA 2,377,709 HA 2,312,283 231,922 59,013 3,633 2,017,715 NA NA HA 1,272,881 NA 255,598 70,596 9,206 1,406 174,390 68.2 27,533 HA NA 100,854 HA 22,078,630 8,669,731 1,164,909 931,670 11,292,320 2,438,833 HA NA 5,371,752 HA 8,337,145 2,357,534 413,315 237,861 5,328,415 884,748 NA NA 3,069,746 HA 168,609 61,582 7,139 1,334 96,754 58.5 17,001 HA NA 51,404 NA 16,973,971 7,943,619 1,027,697 908, 107 7,094,546 1,675,374 NA HA 2,991,663 NA 5,624,453 2,104,617 342,295 230, 188 2,947,153 546,704 HA HA 1,519,884 HA 66,789 9,014 2,067 72 75,536 87.1 10,532 NA NA 49,450 HA 5,104,659 726, 112 157,212 23,563 4,197,772 763,459 HA HA 2,380,069 HA 2,712,692 252,717 71,020 7,693 2,361,262 338,044 HA NA 1,549,862 NA 249,095 81,106 7,572 1,407 159,008 63.8 19,018 NA HA 86,755 HA 21,945,496 11,121,240 767,836 799, 591 9,256,829 1,387,573 NA NA 4,290,907 HA 8,127,577 2,776,259 310,077 223,800 4, 817,441 621,794 HA HA 2,712,283 NA 165,018 71,076 5,857 1,263 85,802 52.6 11,296 NA NA 41,142 17,392,337 10,298,115 551, 930 771,069 5,661,223 942,-059 NA HA 2,206,945 NA 5,600,465 2,511,567 253,730 214,409 2,615,759 373,388 NA NA 1,262,700 NA 84,077 10,032 1,715 124 72,206 85.9 7,722 HA HA 47,613 NA 4,553,159 823,125 105,906 28,522 3,595,606 445,514 NA HA 2,083,962 NA 2,527,112 264,692 51,347 9,391 2,201,582 248,406 NA NA 1,449,583 HA NA Not available. ^Total acreage of crops for nhlch figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded ae most of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com harvested for grain. GEORGIA state Table 4.-FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, AGE, RESIDENCE, AND OFF-FARM WORK; AND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Dnta in Italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of— 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 19M (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) FAiai OPERATORS By color: White numljer , , Negro number. . Other nonwhite number.. By aie: Under 25 years operators reporting , , 25 to M years operators reportinc , , 35 to 44 years operators reporting , , 45 to 54 years operators reporting , . 55 to 64 years operators reporting , . 65 or more j-ears operators reporting. , Average age years . , Operators not leporting age number , , By residence: Residing on farm operated operators reporting , , Not residing on fanii operated operators reporting, . Operators not reporting residence number , , By off-farm work: Working off their famis. total. operators reporting , . I to 4ft days operators reporting , . 50 to 99 days operators reporting, , 100 or more days operators reporting , , 100 to 199 days operators reporting , , 200 or more days operators reporting, , Operators not working off their farm or not reporting as to work off their farm number , , By Other income: With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold , - , , . operators reporting, , SPECIFIED EQUPMENT AND FAaLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting , , number, , Com pickers farms reporting,, number , , Pick-up balers farms reporting , , number,. Field forage harvesters farms reporting , , number,, Ktotortrvcks farms reporting, . number,. Tractors farms reporting, , number , , Tractors other than garden farms reporting. , number . , 1 tractor farms reporting , , 2 tractors farms reporting . . 3 tractors farms reporting , , 4 tractors farms reporting, . 5 or more tractors farms reporting , , Wheel tractrxs farms reporting , , number, , Crawler tractors farms reporting , , number,. Garden tractors farms repCTting , . number,. Automobiles farms reporting , , number,. Autnnobiles and/tx motcrtrucks farms reporting,. Telephone farms reporting , Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting , Electric milk cooler farms reporting , Crop drier (for ^ain, forage, or other crops), , , farms reporting , PowerK)perated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kinil of road on wtiich located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road , , farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road, , , , farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting, 5 or more miles farms reporting. 86,178 20,163 9 l.SSt s.ett 30, 70S 13, 370 17, 676 II. 0 l.OiS 93,259 6,148 6,943 SO, sre S.iSS 5,316 36, 7B9 7, MS tS, i7I 9,tS5 10, 31,0 9,110 9,677 6,71,1 6,S7S 1,490 1,661 60, 687 71, 7Si et, 687 93, 089 60, 711 89, 391 1,3,1,36 11, 360 3,537 l,!iS 1,130 60,1,07 87, 719 l,il5 1,673 3,631 3,697 7S, 6i9 88, 313 93, 73i 1,7, n7 66, 668 1,735 1,71,6 830 37, 888 6,169 60, 111 SS, 388 36, 763 16, 173 17, 91,7 I, 016 l.ttl 126,313 39,205 5 3,1,11 !0, i56 1.0, 77" 1.1, 338 30, 891 15, 163 iO.l 3,1,10 153,327 7,756 4,440 79, 316 IS, 696 10, 616 50, 101, 11, 906 38, 198 9,075 10, 065 4,585 4,667 3,860 3,906 1,045 1,08! 67, 916 77,468 67, m 88, tot 65, 187 85, 19t 51, 746 8,619 t,370 7,»f 811 8i, 886 83, 9t9 1,119 1,163 1,903 3,010 96, 731 110, 991 lt8, t04 36, 496 37, 366 3,4ti NA NA 147,834 50,352 5 7,504 31, 103 46, m 39,300 31, t66 -f J, 136 47.1 17, 515 185,058 7,706 5,427 7f. 166 IS, 716 9,901 43,449 9,967 33,481 7,660 8,389 669 6S7 3,7tl 3,796 NA NA SS, see 6t, 866 4!,tS3 60, 169 46,880 68, 470 39, ttt 5,536 t,ltt 41,854 i6, 718 1,569 1,751 1,763 1,799 S9, 137 100,616 Itt, 706 IS, 619 11, 7SS 3,04t HA NA 38, f 97 10, 350 141, 016 NA NA NA NA NA NA 155,486 70,411 9,380 37,633 55,103 52,059 39,166 28,886 46.8 3,670 211,024 10,382 4,491 43,957 10,323 6,343 27,291 7,288 20,003 S,tai 3, 619 NA NA KA NA NA NA 31,250 34,688 20,551 24,648 '20,551 16, 164 '1,964 "717 NA !4, 179 NA 710 86,062 90,100 103,941 13,558 NA 910 NA NA NA NA NA '169,506 '37,021 '29,726 '7,295 156,901 59,127 5 12,026 40,428 45,565 '•'1,521 35,468 24,257 45.8 10,762 196,365 8,392 11,276 48,040 17,414 8,532 22,094 8,655 13,439 NA NA NA NA 19 952 21 693 8 264 9 327 NA NA NA NA 72,140 77,049 NA 8,473 NA NA NA NA 18,574 6,060 182,081 NA NA NA NA NA NA 177,259 73,285 53,381 21,361 10,073 21,947 9,521 12,426 197,163 168,809 86,767 2 25,373 47,129 55,434 59,251 39,478 21,714 NA 7,219 63,146 31,022 11,383 20,741 9,258 11,483 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15,036 15,967 5,349 5,870 NA NA NA NA NA NA 85,276 88,479 NA 14,771 NA NA NA KA ^6,689 *35,240 199,497 NA NA NA 165,018 84,077 3,769 4,145 NA '2,328 '7,034 234,035 NA NA NA NA NA NA 180,545 130,176 11 32,520 68,734 73,472 68,249 40,598 22,685 NA 4,474 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,913 3,145 2,083 2,252 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47,173 49,841 NA 29,861 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. 'Figures for 1945 are for all tractors. ^Concrete, brlcll, asphalt, and icacadatn. ^Concrete or brick and macadam. Asphalt was not included. *Includes sand-clay. 'Gravel. 'Distance to all-ircather road. See text. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Feed for livestock and poultry farnis reporting . . dollars . . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting . . dollars . . Macliine hire farms repotti ng . . dollars . . Farms classified by amount of expenditure- Si to $199 farms reporting . . S200 to$499 farms reporting . . $500 to $999 farms reporting . . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting . . $10,000 or more farms reporting . . Hired labor' farms reporting.. dollars . . Farms classified by amount of expenditure- $1 to $199 farms reporting . . $200 to$499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting . . $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting . . 52,500 to $4,999 fanna reporting . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting . . $10,000 to $19.999 farms reputing . . $20,000 or more farms reporting . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars . . Seeds, bulbs, planta, and trees farms reporting . . dollars . . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials farms reporting . . tons. . dollars . . Lime and liming materials farms reporting . tons. . dollars . . FARM LABOR Farm workers for specifieii week:' Family and/or hired \TOrkerB farms reporting. . persons . . Average per farm reporting persons . - Family workers, including operators farms reporting. . persons . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . . persons . . Hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . Wcrkere hired by month farms reporting . . persons. . Workers hired by week farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by day farms reporting . . persons . , Workers hired by hour farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired on piece-work basis . . farms reporting. . persons . . No report as to basis of payment. . . . farms reporting . . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . , 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 or more hired wofkera farms reporting . . Seasonal hired workers farms reporting . persons . Farms by kind of workers during specified week: No workers reported farms . Family workers only farms . Operator only farms . Operator and members of his family farms . Members of operator's family only farms . Family workers and hired workers farms . Operator and hired workers farms . Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms . Members of operator's family and hired workers farms. Hired workers only farms . Regular farm woriters only farms . Seasonal farm workers only farms . 7j, eos !S6, 9tf, 719 il. H9 sa, tso, eso ss, ser 17, les, H7 H.96I, n, i9i 6,731 I, ill 616 Hi IS' Si, esi S7, lis, sen to, 79i 13, 97S 7,!SS 7,137 3,009 l,iOt SOi 169 98, ISi 31, 6i7, i3B SO, 368 It, OSS, lit 87, 3St 1, 197, SOS NA li, 978 i09, 880 NA 81, 861 17 S, 8 Si t.l SO, SOS 116,710 ?7, 697 ti, 9SS SS, 013 IS, 67i 60, m l,7lt 3,090 i,6il 9,931 10,91t SO, iS9 1,810 i,iOi t,10S It, too 9,700 tS, 7t9 6,310 1,968 I, ill 731 189 It, i67 36, ilS tS,ilO 6i, 187 a, 367 17, US t,37S 16, Stt II, 189 i,696 i37 !,S6t 1,071 9tl 106, i9S I0n,7i7.617 NA NA 79, 981 11,317,138 NA NA NA NA NA NA 81, SSI iS, 316, 3t9 a. Sill 19, 836 9,et7 6,93! l,tS3 l,0i9 SiS ISO 88, 103 17, S!0, 060 NA NA 136, 681 1, tiO, 638 Si, SS8, 816 It, 967 t79, 670 1, 667, 661 133, 96! t6S, 089 !.0 131,863 101,611 lis, too U,O0S 73, iOt 19, «SS es, i78 t,t76 i,ll8. 3,766 7,8tl 1I,SI1 Si,IOi 1,760 i.UI t,SlS IS, I9i 8,S9i to, Si9 i,386 1,797 1,316 666 tso 13, S9t it, 919 31,613 Hi, !97 76, 178 Si, 783 3,336 17, 6S6 II, 657 S,BSI SOS !,099 NA NA lOi, 993 i8, tSt, 083 7i,S91 ti, 900, 617 93, too It, !68, 3t6 86, 509 it, 6tS, 667 63, 360 17, 60i 6,909 6,!91 3, SiS 67, 863 to, iSi, i7i lOi, 768 I3,i70,763 NA 166, on S17, 698 t.O 161, OtS !6S, 313 IS!, 0!0 70, 7SS 111, t93 15, 169 6i, 386 3,777 6,616 i,t96 8,989 16, 60! 39, 9tS 1,993 3,866 1,06 i,l61 i6S 9tS IS, eie 39, 781 8,830 t,9U t,ltO l,tni 6tl It, 137 a, 60S 33, 013 139, 76S 76, S56 Si, tn 8,986 tt, 173 li, 687 6,663 9!S S,096 NA NA 100,961 32,000,530 6), 86i lt,ll7.6i! NA NA 90,605 31,469,656 60,945 17,218 6,323 3,992 2,127 NA SO, 379 6, iie, 817 17!, US NA 31, 198, 686 II, US NA 961, 9SI 192,036 314,143 1.7 190,504 294,486 183,797 76,389 110,689 9,240 19,657 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 33,861 182,796 109,184 67,250 6,362 7,708 4,931 2,432 345 1,532 NA NA 55,874 6,367,679 :iA NA NA NA NA NA NA 78,703 16,505,107 72,609 3,455,679 NA NA 193,643 700,044 18,647,880 2,667 23,894 98,869 200,232 437,347 2.2 188,906 339,193 KA NA NA 43,414 98,154 22,510 37,941 =22,192 '53,967 ''2,384 '6,246 15,801 156,818 32,088 NA 245,205 601,843 2.4 237,561 510,385 NA NA NA 42,701 91,458 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5,339 202, 504 NA NA NA 35,057 NA NA NA 7,644 NA NA 77,050 8,357,699 NA NA NA NA 78,998 13,992,152 216,633 860,602 NA NA NA NA 62,682 6,305,053 60,345 U, 926, 126 NA NA NA NA NA Not available. ^For Censuaea of 1959 and 1954, expenditures during CenauB year; for earlier Onauaes, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. (^eh payments for faiTll labor; housework not included. For 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not Include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included. ■'CenHufl of 1959, week preceding the enumeration; Census of 1954, week of Oct. 24-30. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. *See text for differences In definition of farm workers. 'Separate data not available by day or week. ^Separate data not available for workers hired by the hour or piece-work basis. CJiestionnalre called for other hired labor Including piecework and contract labor. GEORGIA state Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS, NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 9 [Data for number of livestock not fully compurftbi g for the several Censuses. See lextj lUtm (Far derinitions uid explanations see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Not.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Total value of specitied classes ot livestock and poultry dollars... 181,936,793 71,316 134,064,316 117,020 143,680,254 133,026 132,653,863 173,274 81,748,344 166,934 70,196,558 195,412 74,425,000 164,736 71,603,566 NA 154,179,188 CaUle and calves .farms reporting . . . 230,864 number . . . 1,353,291 1,625,881 1,002,771 1,140,416 803,357 1,100,138 783,063 905,679 1,156,738 value, dollars . . . 128,929,765 82,989,767 85,762,957 45,952,520 19,748,376 13,773,878 24,837,903 15,657,721 35,235,147 Cows, including heifers that have catved . .farms reporting... 66,733 112,164 127,133 165,517 160,971 189,988 NA NA HA number . . . 678,790 862,260 531,886 598,796 423,354 567,157 388,152 529,638 604,966 value, dollars.. . 80,097,220 55,184,640 63,802,694 33,025,751 14,426,481 10,208,826 18,309,225 11,748,290 25,661,720 Milk 0OW3 .farms reporting... number... 42,353 195,611 89,348 299,084 115,202 302,748 NA NA 159,144 337,723 NA NA 151,294 302,231 126,181 257,151 195,259 388,448 value, dollars . . . 26,603,096 NA NA NA 12,011,817 NA 15,236,767 7,856,115 19,936,090 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting . . . 52,239 78,270 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA number... 381,996 448,«50 NA NA «A NA NA NA NA value, dollars . . . 28,649,700 16,158,600 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves .farms reporting . . . 44,918 61,939 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA number . . . 292,505 314,771 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars . . . 20,132,845 11,646,527 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Horses and/or mules .farms reporting... 39,024 82,206 129,327 NA 185,725 206,078 219,821 216,466 NA number... 70,509 142,851 253,982 315,449 351,475 358,709 390,958 398,052 506,354 value, dollars .. . 6,345,310 8,256,267 27,970,237 61,353,460 51,789,195 47,340,035 36,932,081 40,468,102 91,420,423 Hcrses and colls, including ponies .farms reporting... m 19,926 27,429 24,531 23,965 20,286 NA NA 76,733 number... NA 28,657 38,994 36,794 35,469 25,180 37,325 54,483 100,503 value, dollars . . . NA 1,518,821 2,974,899 4,177,860 3,710,613 2,338,440 2,529,202 4,274,602 13,434,117 Mules and mule colts ..farms reporting... NA 63,016 113,347 156,675 174, 582 196,361 NA NA 229,207 number... NA 114,194 214,938 278,655 316,006 333,529 353,633 343,569 406,351 value, dollars . . . HA 6,737,446 24,995,338 57,175,600 48,078,582 45,001,595 34,402,879 36,193,500 77,986,306 Hogs and pigs . .farms reporting . . . 73,333 110,786 138,557 161,195 164,933 177,212 164,876 161,313 252,896 number . . . 1,834,655 1,493,263 1,537,122 1,526,613 1,125,337 1,272,763 1,357,400 1,299,711 2,071,051 value, dollars .. . 33,060,989 34,901,690 23,889,357 17,116,241 7,131,333 5,791,072 8,424,323 9,921,224 20,559,953 Bern since June 1 . .farms reporting. . . 49,631 61,130 74,727 NA NA NA 61,986 NA NA number . . . 1,030,006 756,631 738,295 HA NA NA 525,876 NA NA value, dollars . . . U, 330, 066 10,592,834 6,375,579 NA NA NA NA NA NA Bom before June 1 . .farms reporting . . . 66,078 98,626 U9,611 NA 164,933 NA NA NA NA number. .. 804,849 736,632 798,827 NA 1,125,337 NA 831,524 NA NA value, dollars... 21,730,923 24,308,856 17,513,773 NA 7,131,338 NA NA NA NA Sheep and lambs ..farms reporting... 776 fix 551 717 1,081 1,477 1,738 1,738 2,874 number. .. 28,387 NA 9,775 17,657 16,532 33,580 49,690 50,503 72,173 value, dollars .. . 425, 593 ilk 105,063 109,937 68,528 85,629 206,676 161,414 323,615 Lambs under 1 year old ..farms reporting... 461 NA 385 NA NA NA NA Vk 1,445 number... 7,655 NA 3,516 NA NA NA 14,730 9,340 13,889 value, dollars . . . 107,170 NA 33,658 NA NA NA NA NA ■ 43,646 Sheep 1 year old and over ..farms reporting... 720 NA 507 NA 1,081 NA NA NA NA number... 20,732 NA 6,259 NA 16,582 NA 34,960 41,163 58,284 value, dollars . . . 318,423 NA 71,405 NA 68,528 NA 162,420 NA 279,969 Ewes . .farms reporting . . . 617 NA 473 503 783 1,151 NA NA 2,550 number.. . 18,251 NA 5,199 11,136 13,023 21,670 28,160 30,661 45,897 value, dollars... 273,765 NA 60,637 68,215 56,453 54,175 131,774 NA 224,538 Rams and wethers ..farms reprrting... 597 NA 348 NA NA NA NA NA HA number . . . 2,481 NA 1,060 NA 3,559 NA 6,800 10,502 12,387 value, dollars . . . 44,658 NA 10,768 N/L 12,075 NA 30,646 NA 55,431 Chickens 4 months old and over ..farms reporting... 65,714 122,816 163,740 195,282 195,788 222,336 213,818 216,303 273,004 number . . . 11,896,088 7,813,749 5,558,256 7,137,746 5,871,369 6,528,749 5,373,047 7,043,403 7,221,788 value, dollars... 13,035,697 7,813,749 5,831,579 8,126,705 2,962,190 3,068,512 4,024,017 5,395,105 6,397,024 Turkey hens kept for breeding ..farms reporting... 3,316 5,807 5,917 NA 6,196 13,750 NA NA 19,530 number... 20,928 25,931 29,042 NA 28,653 62,469 NA NA 76,892 value, dollars . . . 88,944 102,843 121,061 NA 48,717 137,432 NA NA 243,026 NA Not available. 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 7.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 for livestock sold alive and dairy products sold are based on r^iorts (or only a sample of farms. See text] Census of — Icon (For derinitions and explanations, see text) 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including poultry and poultry products do! tars . . . 326,036,139 189,747,741 119,928,857 72,613,885 24,249,246 NA 30,386,659 NA NA Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and mules, hogs, and sheep) farms reportjng . . . 72,807 '83,448 104,874 NA NA NA NA NA NA value of sales, dollars . . . 1:30,012,467 '63,054,017 50,279,729 \ / NA HA NA KA Livestock products other than poultry f 44,800,398 19,111,138 [ and poultry products value of sales, dollars... 40,213,84a 31,445,630 24,626,935 J ^ HA NA NA NA Poultry and poultry products farms reporting... 23,038 36,326 66,765 77,010 94,700 NA NA HA HA value of sales, dollars . . . 165,809,824 95,248,094 45,022,193 27,813,487 5, 138, 108 NA NA HA NA LrVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting . . . 48,426 54,209 63,651 52,187 38,911 HA HA HA NA number... 602,266 574,016 313, 566 279,630 191, 6U HA NA NA ;!A dollars . . . 69,843,681 31,309,947 23,859,922 11,994,194 4,091,271 HA HA KA NA Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting. .. 27,334 35,499 32,235 NA 28,035 HA KA NA NA number... 296, 137 268,943 155,609 NA U7,666 NA NA NA HA dollars . . . 45,271,676 19,235,399 15,878,037 NA 3,749,042 NA HA NA HA Calves farms reporting.. . 33,261 40,536 44,448 NA 15,299 NA HA HA HA number... 306,129 305,073 157,957 NA 43,948 NA NA NA HA dollars . . . 24,572,005 12,074,548 7,981,885 NA 342,229 NA .NA HA NA Horses and/or mules sold alive farms reporting . . . 2,695 3,677 5,934 NA NA HA HA NA NA number . . . 4,824 5,782 9,551 NA HA NA HA HA HA dollars . . . 618,357 277,093 843,672 NA HA HA NA HA NA Hogs and pips sold alive farms repottine . . - 48,278 56,821 74, 958 51,409 48, 501 NA NA NA NA number... 1,700,437 1,112,641 1,123,955 896, 526 752,913 NA NA NA NA dollars . , . 49,312,673 31,466,977 25,532,219 15,475,386 6,305,760 NA HA NA NA Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. .. 549 NA 249 400 346 HA NA NA NA number . , . 19,813 NA 3,734 5,634 7,596 HA NA NA NA dollars... 237,756 HA 43,916 40,948 22, 3U NA HA NA NA SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL Sheep and/or lambs shorn farms reporting... 566 NA 293 408 614 1,066 1,136 NA 1,964 number shorn. .. 23,156 NA 5,666 NA 13,577 32,248 34,335 41,903 57,000 pounds of wool . . . 150,293 NA 29,917 51,395 57,040 111,325 115,399 141,158 166,720 value, dollars... 66,133 NA 12,562 20,664 13,079 23,378 39,644 44,031 93,363 Lambs shorn farms reporting, . . 56 NA NA NA HA HA HA HA HA number shorn. . . 1,270 NA NA NA NA HA HA HA KA pounds of wool . . . 4,350 NA NA NA HA HA NA NA HA Other sheep shorn farms reporting... 558 NA HA NA NA HA HA NA NA number shorn... 21,886 NA NA NA NA NA MA NA HA pounds of wool . . . U5,948 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA LITTERS F\RROWED Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting . . . 45,742 54,660 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA number of litters. . . 312,477 252,426 KA NA NA HA HA NA NA June 2 to November 30 farm? repcfting... 38,717 39,820 NA NA HA HA HA NA NA number of liUers... 149,143 115,133 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA December 1 to June 1 fanns reporting . . . 35,029 41,805 66,896 76,718 72,964 82,415 58,613 NA 135,311 number of litters.. - 163,334 137,293 190,673 199,162 183,516 167,282 125,652 187, 249 363,729 POl'LTRV AND POI'LTRV PRnDf'CD? SOLD Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 15,345 18,699 34,560 NA 68,230 HA 95,417 NA 70,916 number... 237,420,029 117,957,074 45,794,299 NA 4,279,698 HA 3,753,969 NA 1,957,334 dollars . . . 119,169,660 74,581,779 34,744,453 NA 1,917,468 HA 2,982,006 NA 1,252,220 Broilers sold forms reporting... 8,387 8,134 NA NA HA NA NA NA KA number... 229,759,321 U4, 369, 440 MA NA NA NA NA NA HA dollars... IW, 879, 671 71,297,388 NA NA NA NA NA KA KA Other chickens sold farms reporting . . . 7,456 10,997 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA number... 7,660,708 3,587,634 NA NA NA HA HA HA NA dollars... 4,289,989 3,284,391 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. .. 12,298 23,922 52, 186 NA NA NA 126,236 NA 127, U5 dozens . . - UO, 119, 743 43,729,525 17,449,473 HA NA NA 14,180,785 NA 7,188,539 dollars... 45,U9,093 18,881,911 8,811,332 NA HA NA 4,407,352 NA 2,933,765 Turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous poultry and their eggs sold farms reporting . . . 1,590 2,821 2 777 NA HA NA HA HA HA dollars .. . 1,491,071 1,784,404 l,466i408 HA NA NA NA HA KA Turkeys raised .farms reporting . . . 4,318 373,675 8,589 5,434 3,757 4,228 NA 10,834 85,713 HA NA number... 393,175 240,052 96^517 69,124 NA HA NA Ducks sold farms reporting . - . 806 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA HA number. . . 5,489 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA Geese sold farms reporting. . . 257 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA number... 2,686 NA NA MA NA NA HA NA SlA Guineas sold farms reporting . . . 644 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA KA number . . . 7,517 NA HA NA MA NA HA ■:a DAIRY PRODrCTS Any whole milk or cream sold farms reporting. .. 5,308 9,415 =22,531 =32,035 =37,401 HA =52,380 MA NA dollars . . . 40,147,715 31,445,630 =23,994,U2 =17,762,132 =8,692,312 MA = 10,560,047 ;a =5,435,372 Average sales per farm reporlinc dollars . . . 7,564 3 340 =1,065 8,675 = 554 10,001 =232 6,294 HA =202 7,386 NA NA Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting. . . 5,136 6,485 NA NA 10,636 pounds . . . 735,030,897 563,507,449 376,566,153 313,797,875 195,271,032 NA 154,435,575 97,262,010 63,553,708 dollars. .. 40, 106, 535 31,180,735 22,698,008 '16,085,374 '7,413,461 NA 6,668,254 A 3,053,647 Cream sold farms reporting . . . 313 2,930 4,644 3,473 4,586 NA !!A ; A NA pounds of bulterfat . . . 69,030 509,709 717,251 810,912 1,295,302 '281,580 NA MA :iA NA dollars... 41,180 264,895 385,682 '455,778 HA 1,537,515 lA 256,991 Butt«r, buttermitk. skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting . . . NA KA 12,864 *22,430 '30,438 NA '43, 242 HA '48, 841 dollars... NA NA 910,422 '1,220,980 '997,271 NA •'2,354,278 NA '2,124,734 m Not available. ^Does not Include data for sheep and lambs sold alive, ^All dairy products sold. ^Published values for 1945 and 1940 were conputed on the basis of average prices. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated value of all daiiy products sold. *Butter sold. GEORGIA 11 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 (For definitions and explanations, see U»cO Census of— 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) 106,350 165,523 198,191 225,897 216,033 250,544 255,598 249,095 310,732 89,686 140,499 176,610 212,430 210,696 241,992 241,427 NA HA 4,917,975 6,117,379 7,098,147 7,824,189 8,802,593 8,645,593 8,337,145 8,127,577 ^10, 470,079 362,186,799 342,787,780 350,351,297 377,455,503 156,875,406 NA NA NA NA 281,280,658 258,678,103 255,222,738 229,859,586 98,030,438 NA 166,991,090 NA NA 75,293 121,071 158,370 192,933 202,586 232,038 226, %2 230,770 NA Z,i2i,lM. 2,760,396 2,976,387 3,251,140 4,233,352 4,393,659 3,431,902 3,871,084 NA 74,137,649 54,265,191 57,808,616 63,703,514 28,854,127 NA NA NA NA 71,045 1U,949 153,220 189,359 200,565 231,247 223,783 228,664 294,987 1,951,156 2,113,495 2,527,071 3,059,716 4,033,594 4,356,309 3,309,096 3,793,139 4,269,455 49,755,708 25,250,821 37,337,343 36,722,206 37,603,790 33,036,956 39,492,897 39,776,457 51,492,033 28,413 24,773 '28,069 NA NA NA NA NA 16,502 21,004,375 6,109,482 4,814,745 NA NA NA NA NA 1,854,541 24,155,035 10,080,649 ^5,395,091 NA NA NA NA NA 3,245,447 1,050 1,115 271 NA 333 NA 620 483 NA 32, BBS 28,536 5,699 NA 8,998 NA 7,324 7,269 NA 256,938 133,706 36,224 NA 39,419 NA 32,957 25,649 HA 21,673 29,618 26,950 NA 15,723 NA NA NA *66,659 444,398 618,365 443,617 NA 140,760 NA 115,482 70,676 *728,344 3,646 '3,732 '5,862 '10,808 39,355 HA '10,153 NA NA 51,332 '34,441 '28,859 '38,365 58,141 61,335 33,933 49,105 39,807 2,537,609 '1,136,553 '818,680 '1,106,201 1,168,514 927,638 944,330 NA 2,934,665 1,127 NA 840 333 319 1,098 445 NA 17 23,317 NA 6,811 1,642 741 2,187 334 1,301 30 579,620 NA 128,229 '170 21,133 9,434 29,875 13,895 8,759 197 228 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 120,378 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA 132,421 '465,981 «23,531 NA NA NA NA NA HA 564 NA 124 NA 269 NA NA NA NA 15,052 NA 2,726 NA 3,304 NA NA NA NA 128,676 NA 16,850 NA 19,743 NA NA NA HA 1,301 NA 4,%7 7,915 15,766 NA NA NA U,712 11,681 KA 19,322 26,066 34,796 NA NA NA 52,466 10,354 NA 13,440 28,915 44,405 NA NA NA 33,278 HA NA (') NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,283 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 30,792 (') (') NA NA NA NA NA NA 832 III (') NA 26,754 NA 18,702 NA 47,899 1,282 III III NA 19,300 NA 11,087 18,499 37,311 90,892 (') (') NA 986,615 NA 649,401 NA 1,820,165 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 66,099 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 178,476 (') NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7,494 11,810 10,960 27,559 29,911 38,567 10,064 NA 35,724 94,552 113,170 120,648 131,566 153,536 168,528 48,020 69,003 140,861 2,027,201 2,042,625 1,414,825 2,616,620 1,630,159 1,430,601 409,472 559,532 1,085,972 3,608,418 4,289,512 2,751,053 4,171,671 1,382,212 1,616,579 592,111 968,397 2,323,527 4,211 4,706 3,096 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,582,346 1,345,675 774,074 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,816,576 2,825,918 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9,414 21,159 15,197 17,169 21,391 12,084 7,185 6,946 30,505 232,958 510,795 265,007 238,358 190,280 77,370 58,051 54,209 137,525 7,%7,379 14,816,326 6,762,532 7,578,718 3,664,951 1,428,729 1,165,731 799,217 2,758,851 5,816,187 13,038,367 5,634,663 7,817,159 1,687,097 1,000,110 923,346 696,897 3,172,680 3,205 7,017 4,189 NA NA NA NA NA 893 3,712,831 6,922,689 2,606,297 NA NA NA NA NA 164,303 2,710,366 6,091,967 NA NA NA NA NA NA 183,954 574 683 289 906 250 105 112 66 5 9,687 8,590 2,747 8,904 1,895 519 718 232 21 301,622 219,964 61,777 189,537 3A,075 7,800 10,909 2,270 65 316,703 303,550 90,8% 310,429 28,312 6,630 15,318 3,177 130 163 171 72 NA NA NA NA HA 118,745 53,322 12,790 NA NA NA NA NA 124,686 73,585 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,124 NA 321 1,311 3,521 4,003 1,996 2,320 3,772 23,452 NA 2,262 8,569 22,569 20,557 11,612 14,131 18,041 341,471 NA 13,106 36,656 169,859 117,328 64,431 74,199 100,209 652,210 NA 44,677 170,350 178,775 134,927 105,838 130,462 225,491 645 NA 82 NA NA NA NA NA NA 244,077 NA 4,945 NA NA NA NA NA NA 466,197 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 369 853 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5,113 13,241 7,328 9,538 3,628 2,456 4,352 1,682 5,057 U7, 727 153,422 134,619 172,574 44,844 31,373 66,774 25,694 68,588 129,500 250,078 172,400 224,328 29,494 29,541 66,177 41,115 183,292 59 236 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21,415 50,953 18,087 NA NA NA NA HA| HA 23,559 83,059 NA NA NA NA NA na! NA AJ.1 farms number. Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres . Total value of crops harvested, including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars. Total value of crops sold, including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars . Corn- Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres . , value, dollars.. Harvested for grain .... farms reporting., acres. , tmshels . . Sales farms reporting . , bushels . , dollars., Cut for silage farms reporting.. acres . , tons, green weight., Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry f odder ... farms reporting.. acres.. Sorghums Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . value, dollars.. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. bushels t . dollars.. Cut for silage farms reporting.. acres . . tons, green weight.. Hogged or grazed, or cut for diy forage or hay farms reporting.. acres. . tons cut . . Sales farms reporting.. tons.. dollars , . Harvested for sirup. .. .farms reporting.. acres . . gallons.. Sales farms reporting . . gallons. . dollars. . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . value, dollars . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . dollars . . Oats farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . value, dollars . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . dollars . . Barley farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . value, dollars.. Sales , .farms reporting . . bushels . . dollars . . Rye farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . value, dollars. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . dollars.. Other grains .farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . value, dollEirs.. Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . dollars . . See footnotes at end of table. 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued {For definilion'; and eKplanations. see text) Annual legumes' Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . acres grown altine. acres grown with other crops. Harvested for beans. .. .farins reporting. acres grown alone . acres grown with other crops. bushels. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Cut for hay farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. tons. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. value, dollars. Plowed under for green manure. .farms reporting . acres grown alone, acres grown with other crops. Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting. acres grown alone . acres grown with other crops. Harvested for dry peas f arias reporting . acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Cut for hay f ariDs reporting . . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops . . tc^ns. . value , dollars . . Sales dollars,. Hoggeti or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting . . . acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops . . . value , dollars . . . Plowed under for green manure farms reporting. . . acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops . . . Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting . . . acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops . . . value, dollars^^. Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . . . acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops... pounds . . . value, dollars... Sales dollars... Vines or tops saved for hay or forage^' farms reporting... acres grown alone . . . acres grown with other crops... tons. . . value , dollars . . . Sales dollars . . . Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . . . acres grown alone . . . acres grown with other crops . . . bushels , . . value, dollars... Sales dollars. . . See footnotes at end of table. Census of— 1959 (Oct. -Nov. ) 6,706 87,672 79,396 l,55i 57,072 5,738 1,028,050 2,00i,698 1,860,778 2,004 11,143 1,266 13,146 387,807 34,969 3,102 15,492 66,699 1,025,672 404 3,%5 5,693 8,295 76,935 24,289 3,385 25,537 4,833 205,124 902,546 623,572 1,150 8,286 1,008 7,146 210,807 19,008 3,281 23,131 15,268 707, 595 1,172 19,981 3,180 24,986 488,376 8,890 45,622,550 22,773 464,091 1,241 495,402,642 44,586,238 43,595,432 3,296 34,720 770 20,614 474,122 42,671 4,272 11,825 57,685 57,852 60,745 15,050 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 9,283 87,601 55,597 994 29,049 1,160 157,245 448,148 304,739 5,291 31,949 1,803 23,317 816,095 89,768 2,769 15,148 46,449 767,450 661 11,455 6,185 U,360 114,653 33,226 6,574 50,381 7,116 170,285 800,340 352,142 2,490 20,031 1,500 10, 761 376,635 41,432 4,831 25,904 19,176 674,348 1,595 18,337 5,434 40,025 545,254 35,363 36,955,687 27,801 410,258 516 244,786,425 26,926,507 25,310,907 21, 103 276,144 1,751 163,850 3,932,400 432,569 8,522 15,043 131,328 30,228 42,621 3,528 1950 (April 1) 11,924 57,327 50,671 899 12,201 1,898 135,737 388,393 m 7,201 27,922 2,997 29,239 834,899 NA 3,026 10,069 39,918 633,877 1,084 7,635 5,858 "33,122 124,736 69,640 12,484 38,913 16,943 220,864 863,813 NA 5,827 25,548 3,934 22,488 625,434 NA 8,438 32,323 40,317 1,371,019 3,997 27,952 7,946 60,387 891,088 108,472 NA 47,454 748,948 743 583,512,881 58,685,713 NA 31,441 469,531 2,084 212,503 2,385,524 NA 16,557 24,260 249,310 235,033 286,662 NA 1945 (January 1) NA 48,938 34,368 1,379 NA NA 48,603 184,869 '20,306 '116,722 '95,117 '2,777,144 NA NA 189,810 149,259 24,581 NA NA 435,905 2,005,230 NA (") (") NA NA 1,314,700 187, 533 NA 64,086 1,084,651 734,719,661 59,464,758 NA 56,007 NA 339,361 5,569,838 1940 (April 1) 27,776 101,042 139,332 2,453 7,693 11,660 67,637 143, 582 NA (10) (10) (10) (10) NA 85,383 314,994 623,641 44,073 108,035 274,233 822,028 1,176,873 NA (10) (10) (10) (10) NA 1935 (January 1) 96,537 830,473 615,236 NA 60,280 628,243 4,340 371,673,699 12,581,406 NA 79,652 792,460 377,731 4,463,273 NA 14,846 49,743 32,344 2,681 NA NA 41,256 84, 575 NA (10) (10) (10) (10) NA 74,710 198,975 326,847 46,926 NA NA 696,009 1,057,934 NA (10) (10) (10) (10) NA 88,896 565,495 615,517 NA 56,914 NA NA ^'10,716,655 9,752,156 NA 73,983 686,300 307,914 4,618,710 NA 1933 (April 1) (January 1) 5,374 20,316 19,331 NA NA NA 68,089 179,687 NA (10) (10) (10) NA 22,993 50,571 86,598 NA NA NA 265,780 638, 554 NA (10) (10) (10) (10) NA 63,135 414,205 403,389 NA NA NA NA ^'3, 792, 123 7,960,920 NA 32,451 235,310 127,678 2,406,113 NA 44,895 32,692 615,820 909,712 1,456,269 NA 1920 (January 1) (10) ('°), (") (") NA NA: NA; NA NA NAI NA NA NA 224,379 NA NA NA 52,867 890,716 NA NA NA NA NA NA 590 1,612 12,602 47,272 NA (10) (10) (10) (10) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA (10) (10) (10) (10) NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37,994 201,786 *3, 826, 505 9,566,301 NA 43,761 226,733 189,125 5,862,875 39,792 523,690 NA NA NA GEORGIA 13 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: 'CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Itetn (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (J^uary 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Hay crops (see text): Land from which hay was cut^* acres... 3i3,15i 398,487 1 '463,1% ^'598, 442 l'409,995 "466,031 "332,360 "313,881 233,599 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating, .farms reporting... 2,049 "2,993 1,015 393 625 1,055 842 422 816 acres .. . 20, %8 "38,952 7,262 2,929 3,531 5,737 4,304 1,911 2,725 tons... 42,577 "42,445 13,823 3,956 5,645 9,592 8,138 NA 5,412 value, dollars... 1,447,618 "1,528,020 495,683 121,784 94,687 215,820 179,653 NA 216,480 Sales farms reporting... 231 "127 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 3,847 "1,647 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 130,798 "59,292 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting . . . 3,447 m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA acres... 87,283 m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 170,417 Hk NA NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars... 5,112,510 m NA MA NA NA NA NA NA Sales farms reporting... 531 Hk NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 28,527 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars... 855,810 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting... 6,171 10,852 22,456 16,311 9,523 NA NA NA NA acres. .. 69,627 125,107 202,565 156,619 72,255 NA NA NA NA tons... 77,337 88,853 184,091 112,454 59,051 NA NA NA NA value, dollars... 2,088,099 3,021,002 5,262,748 3,U4,919 779,435 NA NA NA NA Sales farms reporting. . . 522 501 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 6,684 5,894 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 180,468 200,396 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting... 4,848 13,762 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11,023 acres... 59,338 124,034 ^''170,697 1'365,506 '''265,221 "309,428 "244,340 "206,740 56,855 tons... 65,640 103,364 38,451 17,556 18,718 19,985 11,268 NA 42,851 value, dollars... 1,673,820 3,307,648 ^'3,710,904 ^'8, 706, 923 ^'2, 507,342 313, 764 222,110 NA 1,328,381 181 250 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 1,802 1,769 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 45,966 56,608 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other hay cut farms reporting . . . 6,984 8,711 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 104,853 109,410 84,713 73,388 68,637 150,866 83,716 105,230 174,019 tons... 114,330 88,857 79,045 60,521 62,108 108,051 69,598 NA 137,622 value , dollars . . . 2,629,590 2,487,9% 1,960,840 1,226,441 674,310 1,359,105 1,176,347 NA 3,770,090 Sales farms reporting . . . 503 382 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons. .. 10,090 7,366 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars. .. 232,070 206, 24« NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... 22 16 NA NA "U NA NA NA NA acres... 1,085 984 NA NA "351 NA NA NA NA tons, green weight... 8,080 4,785 NA NA "1,682 NA NA NA NA value, dollars... 84,840 43,065 NA NA "10,886 NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Field seed crops harvested: Clover seed: Alslke clover seed farms reportljig.. acres. , pounds . , value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Alyce clover seed farms reporting.. acres . pounds . . value , dollars . , Sales dollars . . Crimson clover seed. .. .farms reporting.. acres . . pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales / dollars . . Red clover seed farms reporting.. acres . . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars.. Crotalaria seed farms reporting . . acres . . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars.. Fescue seed farms reporting . . acres . , povinds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars. . Tall fescue seed farms reporting.. acres . . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Other than tall fescue "seed farms reporting . . acres . . pounds . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Lespedeza seed farms reporting,. acres . . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Lupine seed farUB reporting.. acres . . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Millet seed. farms reporting. . acres. povinds . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Rescuegrass seed farms reporting.. acres . pounds . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Ryegrass seed farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Sudangrass seed farms reporting . acres . pounds . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Vetch seed farms reporting. acres . pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Wheatgrass seed farms reporting. acres . pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Other field seed crops acres. value, dollars. Sales dollars. 1 12 360 90 78 15 1,200 180 14.4 364 9,711 987,307 256,700 167,846 3 56 4,700 1,175 1,100 6 71 12,726 1,782 1,614 340 6,332 1,107,688 177,230 155,076 340 6,332 1,107,688 177,230 155,076 705 8,575 1,523,971 228,596 152,399 247 4,910 3,370,579 134,823 67,411 227 6,058 3,316,646 331,665 327,125 10 202 19,850 3,573 3,213 60 841 196,990 17,729 16,655 43 12,300 492 476 25 600 78 26 2 16 1,400 350 300 16,084 286,562 281,683 1,629 32,447 3,803,940 798,827 479,300 21 1,720 791 395 7,000 340 504 473 7,097 1,234,418 197,507 138,252 39 633 87,594 14,015 9,811 434 6,464 1,146,824 183,492 128, 4A1 550 7,719 898,314 206,612 72,316 795 15,854 9,073,604 362,944 254,061 1,854 365,372 51,922 36,346 34 504 161,161 17, 723 12,410 97 1,177 250,980 32,627 22,839 2 45 12,835 1,155 809 9 330 61,104 9,777 6,844 4,138 50,233 33,231 NA 2 21 1,887 302 NA 1,744 24,655 3,357,270 772,174 NA 33 552 40,584 17,046 NA NA NA NA NA HA 208 1,785 295,055 118,021 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5,137 75,377 15,940,059 2,079,347 NA 1,966 53,309 39,260,335 1,5TO,413 NA 29 584 355,214 24,865 NA NA NA NA NA NA 42 339 70,095 7,009 NA 3 22 3,680 221 NA 12 104 14,800 2,220 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA "628 NA "3,321 NA "602,830 NA =°63,795 NA NA 2,748 37,803 6,380,303 877,34.; NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,605 123,513 NA NA 8 82 23,400 2,147 NA NA NA NA 1,146 10,238 1,497,025 79,518 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21,501 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2126 NA 2161 NA 2110,500 NA 21360 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 223 NA 22167 NA 22117,500 NA 224,095 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA 15 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For dermiliofis and explanalicns, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Other field craps harvested: Cotton farms reporting.. . acres . . . Dales . . . value, dollars . . . Sales dollars . . . Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting... acres . bushels . . . value, dollars . . . Sales dollars... Popcorn farms reporting. . . acres .. . pounds (ear com).., value, dollars... Sales dollars... Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than com, sorghujns, and annual legumes farms reporting... acres . . . value, dollars... Sugarcane for sirup farms reporting... acres .. . gallons . . . value , dollars . . . Sales dollars . . . Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting... acres ^* bushels . . . value , dollars . . . Sales dollars . . . Tobacco farms reporting. . . acres. .. pounds . . . value, dollars . . . Sales dollars,. . Other field crops acres... value , dollars . . . Sales dollars. . . Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars... Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables , dollars . . . See footnotes at end of table. 42,555 639,326 521,374 88,633,580 88,633,580 9,720 994 151,238 313,063 143,676 81 74 59,168 1,318 1,318 6,744 120,111 2,161,998 3,4% 3,268 701,894 982,651 982,651 U,035 14,352 1,779,234 4,448,085 1,387,804 19,559 68,895 98,307,505 58,984,508 58,984,503 32 2,%0 1,260 308,126,361 78,946 1,000,731 598,492 117,304,432 117,304,432 43,005 2,309 427,892 748,311 338,104 47 60 44,921 2,246 1,799 5,561 108,845 1,959,156 '6,100 '6,333 '681,907 '1,084,232 '628,854 36,901 14,410 1,001,455 3,244,714 504,512 28,405 102,035 107,656,460 51,561,644 51,561,644 403 9,449 7,836 302,197,953 110,355 1,556,505 609,967 101,543,437 NA 49,803 4,969 643,233 1,223,467 NA 63 53 47,900 3,353 NA 4,433 38,577 NA '19,333 '14,537 '2,028,153 '2,069,682 NA 68,068 43,540 3,540,888 7,709,580 NA 31,185 91,430 102, 504, 527 43,380,779 NA 331 ^'917,671 ^'306,395,094 120, 595 1,281,499 807,456 104,873,029 NA 50,448 17,842 913,165 1,572,253 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32,929 26,574 4,162,908 4,344,465 NA 99,296 73,649 5,751,163 11,705,683 NA 30,934 92,874 88,190,688 32,832,354 NA NA NA 316,930,686 229,584,643 218,088,276 ^'213,320,263 195,919,991 167,256 1,856,185 905,088 51,512,611 NA 66,023 22,665 1,517,5% 1,089,351 NA 163 122 91,200 3,001 NA 3,312 15,382 131,345 51,852 35,158 4,531,882 2,186,757 NA 133,615 93,797 7,507,000 5,430,381 NA 34,410 117,983 94,408,355 12,522,473 NA NA ^'l,635,6TO NA 130,439,875 84,553,439 199,436 2,157,099 971,463 ^^60,979,046 NA 55,237 16,436 1,228,491 1,191,636 NA NA NA NA NA NA ^'54,272 ^'37,133 NA ^'2,037,259 NA 178,672 127,101 8,961,963 8,334,626 NA 18,116 50,773 31,671,213 6,017,530 NA NA NA NA 206,734 3,406,443 1,344,488 129,619,967 NA 49,682 12,952 879,618 1,219,568 NA 172 143 175,800 6,465 NA 470 1,539 NA 53,064 28,550 4,783,069 3,550,501 NA 116,702 84,855 7,389,447 8,064,572 NA 18,573 90,170 32,363,722 15,297,926 NA 194,194 2,708,151 1,036,741 ^115,322,174 NA 15,204 9,255 741,793 1,224,394 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100, 558 79,195 6,016,916 7,084,904 NA 8,594 35,545 27,807,%7 6,554,229 NA NA NA NA 270,484 4,720,493 1,681,907 356,506,928 NA 32,658 11,195 693,857 1,665,257 NA 17 NA 1,099 NA NA NA NA NA NA 7,052,984 NA NA 181,987 110,033 10,132,016 13,171,629 NA 5,752 25,067 10,584,968 5,292,510 NA NA NA NA 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For deHnitions and explanatiors, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (J^uary 1) 1920 (January 1) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use^ farms reporting. . value , dollars . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. acres . . Sales dollars.. Asparagus farms reporting. . acres . . Beans, green lima farms reporting.. acres . . BeanB, snap (bush and pole types ) farms reporting, . acres . . Beets (table)". farms reportijig. . acres . . Blackeyes and other green cowpeaa farms reporting. . acres . . Cabbage farms reporting. . acres . . Cantaloups and musJaoelons farms reporting . . acres . . Collards farms reporting. . acres . . Com, sweet farms reporting.. acres . . Cucumbers and picltles.. farms reporting.. acres . . Eggplant farms reporting.. acres . . Kale farms reporting. . acres . . Lettuce and romaine, .. .farms reporting,. acres. . Mustard greens farms reporting. . acres , . Okra farms reporting. . acres . . Onions, dry farms reporting.. acres.. Onions, green farms reporting.. acres . . Parsley farms reporting.. acres . . Peas, green farms reporting.. acres.. Peppers, hot farms reporting,. acres . . Peppers, sweet except pimientos farms reporting, . acres , . Pimientos farms reporting. . acres . . Pumpldns farms reporting.. acres. . Spinach farms reporting. . acres . . Squash farms reporting., acres . , Tomatoes farms reporting, . acres , . Turnip greens farms reporting, . acres . . Turnips farms reporting . . acres . . Watermelons farms reporting. . acres . . Mixed vegetables farms reporting.. acres.. Other vegetables acres.. Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale:^^ BlacJcberries and dewberries farms reporting. . acres . . quarts . . value, dollars.. Blueberries (tame) farms reporting.. acres . . quarts . . value , dollars . . Strawberries farms reporting,. acres, . quarts . . value, dollars.. Other berries and small fruits acres.. value, dollars.. 85,804 NA 10,484 91,302 6,784,138 30 2,1A2 4,249 2,170 3,215 27 18 3,661 21,609 853 2,845 1,380 4,273 424 2,495 1,356 3,927 1,484 2,278 18 23 10 228 10 311 138 1,123 1,917 3,259 57 268 100 811 1 23 90 354 33 43 4U 629 1,373 6,316 7 23 12 313 1,455 2,656 2,544 3,854 317 1,490 446 1,616 3,169 22,995 19 16 12 134 78 16,893 3,891 37 51 26,194 11,788 503 178 167,406 58,603 5 542 134,103 NA 23,384 167,317 ,870,902 3 32 2,907 5,839 3,401 6,235 110 38 4,717 28,570 1,483 5,274 2,885 9,716 382 1,360 1,090 3,985 2,963 5,481 34 41 3 76 726 83 324 2,322 4,578 127 613 207 216 2 30 102 602 24 19 3*4,577 3*17,781 (") (") 8 10 15 15 1,808 3,386 5,793 11,242 362 1,096 395 2,097 8,293 57,690 8 16 229 49 40 15,396 3,850 23 93 36,650 9,163 305 144 108,479 32,544 2 208 155,836 NA '°24,427 168,427 3^9,930,114 46 3,729 6,128 5,209 7,534 60 82 8,588 35,887 3,010 8,161 2,917 8,289 1,370 2,921 1,906 5,435 3,054 4,331 46 61 11 92 50 404 89 254 2,897 4,055 182 266 123 132 3 17 752 974 31 46 3*5,092 3*19,173 (3*) (3*) 3 1 25 58 2,243 2,884 6,143 9,578 137 250 1,907 4,188 8,971 47,074 NA NA 106 57 18 7,664 1,685 17 40 9,315 2,793 832 388 231,833 74,553 10 2,409 198,912 19,747,237 32,401 139,636 9,240,817 NA NA NA NA 9,596 14,697 NA NA 4,027 8,001 NA NA NA NA 2,579 4,369 NA HA NA NA NA NA 191,348 8,866,358 27,698 125, 531 3,587,125 156 1,696 4,030 7,172 6,322 10,460 288 156 10 53 2,012 3,800 2,942 8,782 353 813 1,142 3,425 1,728 3,079 42 29 1 (Z) 106 147 36 62 789 1,645 477 307 41 63 5 16 2,875 2,615 5,064 6,212 NA 4 NA 1 NA 3*3,677 NA 3*17,425 NA (34) NA (3*) NA 2 NA 1 NA 167 NA 222 NA 707 NA 1,092 8,093 4,921 9,675 7,119 NA 72 NA 118 NA 811 NA 2,024 NA 11,678 NA 48,732 NA 158 NA 732 NA 148 348 426 139 107 39,394 62,372 5,150 3,883 NA 45 NA 36 NA 16,752 NA 1,336 1,840 2,101 557 830 224,368 640,154 65,496 73,138 76 64 2,761 5,594 199,912 6,829,263 NA 147,574 NA NA NA NA NA 9,077 12,687 NA NA NA NA 3,573 5,338 NA NA NA NA 2,954 5,478 NA NA NA NA NA NA 181,042 8,315,341 26,432 109,921 5,653,016 329 4,139 715 1,182 7,606 6,772 39 25 NA NA 3,622 2,446 1,628 1,829 130 163 2,357 3,432 1,006 775 22 23 NA 189 NA 71 NA NA NA NA NA 341 NA 417 NA 1,226 NA 375 NA 64 NA 25 NA 1 NA 5 NA 3,071 NA 2,922 NA (33) NA (33) NA 331,225 NA 334,646 NA (33) NA (33) NA 2 NA 12 NA 320 NA 275 NA 154 NA 210 4,732 5,070 4,407 3,752 NA NA NA NA NA 557 NA 854 29,306 14,959 83,204 73,436 NA 358 NA 1,491 NA 643 NA 1,732 NA 356 NA 133,682 NA 13,274 NA 101 NA 21 NA 5,970 NA 896 3,100 3,612 1,251 1,233 957,237 1,055,152 105,296 165,299 NA 56 NA 5,400 NA 2,336 2,407 2,191 5,173 NA NA 1,457 2,119 NA NA 223 172 NA NA NA 757 530 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 4,379 6,638 NA NA NA NA 21,786 88,511 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 847 1,015 NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA 17 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued {For derinitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes Ijuid in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting.. acres . . Apples fams reporting, , Trees of all ages number . , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . , number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting., bushels . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . , Cherries farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting . . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Figs farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. . number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars.. Grapes farms reporting.. Vines of all ages number.. Vines not of bearing age farms reporting.. number.. Vines of bearing age farms reporting.. number.. Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Peaches farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number , . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. . number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . value, dollar^.. Sales dollars . . Pears farne reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Plums and prunes farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. . number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . , number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Oranges farms reporting. . Trees of all ages .^ number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting,. number . . Quantity harvested-'^ .. .farms reporting.. pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . See footnotes at end of table. IS, 078 195,329 7,296 170,399 2,797 54,759 5,868 115,640 3,429 201,142 442,512 442,512 1,576 5,275 696 2,387 1,002 2,888 479 17,164 1,719 1,719 5,397 21,475 1,347 4,232 4,447 17,243 3,101 194,287 13,597 13,597 5,670 187,376 1,563 35,277 4,604 152,099 2,949 869,675 60,881 60,881 7,762 4,247,885 2,735 640,107 6,107 3,607,778 3,595 4,221,262 10,131,029 9,708,911 7,603 39,617 1,972 8,503 6,294 31,114 4,079 50,321 70,453 70,453 2,452 22,990 850 6,724 1,768 16,266 694 9,555 21,983 21,988 224 1,191 74 429 177 762 107 23,948 1,677 1,677 17,901 192, 518 10,098 289,024 3,418 74,553 8,484 214,471 6,331 380,528 951,317 951,317 1,855 6,167 726 2,475 1,214 3,692 542 13,396 1,738 1,738 4,942 16,199 1,106 3,148 4,096 13,051 2,329 106,396 10,642 10,642 6,265 259,863 1,292 34,387 5,367 224,976 3,369 1,113,966 89,120 89,L20 10,096 3,653,226 2,989 1,102,006 8,453 2,556,220 5,446 2,480,696 9,550,683 9,550,683 3,297 60,951 2,073 11,329 6,872 49,622 4,014 60,254 75,314 75,314 2,362 13,582 720 2,439 1,792 11,143 829 4,828 9,656 9,656 140 673 32 110 117 563 26 8,624 218 218 89,747 ^'214,154 47,604 708,084 18,882 222,973 35,449 485,111 12,117 269,571 682,127 NA 9,997 29,842 4,521 13,642 5,603 16,200 602 9,992 1,993 NA 31,640 93,645 7,155 24,415 25,420 69,230 12,617 976,740 113,753 NA 30,860 570,068 9,040 158,114 23,133 411,954 3,346 1,508,998 140,526 NA 49,003 5,335,666 17, %4 1,137,255 35,487 4,198,411 6,798 1,299,703 3,817,215 NA 35,670 146,731 10,702 38,305 26,434 108,426 7,000 87,914 36,491 NA 12,063 59,402 4,639 16,921 7,753 42,481 1,154 7,047 10,570 NA 1,265 5,950 562 2,666 804 3,284 313 184,240 8,556 NA 29,547 243,420 61, 973 960,523 NA NA NA NA NA 642,560 1,395,791 NA 13,387 85,515 NA NA NA NA NA 174,956 15,747 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 34,793 435,005 NA NA NA NA NA 3,568,793 294,490 NA 84,331 6,938,237 NA NA NA NA NA 3,821,111 13,204,826 NA 44,105 191,883 NA 398,395 453,913 NA 11,647 80,048 NA NA NA NA NA 31,475 60,496 NA 674 3,432 NA NA 156,464 6,316 56,940 241,923 57,147 1,117,592 19, 755 265,419 48,753 852,173 40,753 1,140,568 952,375 NA 14,694 107,715 6,178 59,332 9,558 48,383 6,612 275,552 13,754 NA 24,133 70,871 4,930 17,332 20,026 53,539 16,103 1,447,133 61,642 NA 28,531 327,369 6,635 138,592 23,325 133,777 18,729 2,796,548 94,247 NA 77,506 3,587,681 21,749 1,916,469 67,917 6,671,212 53,662 4,359,625 6,029,235 NA 40,140 225,460 10,108 55,144 32,654 170,316 24,365 304,189 205,453 NA 14,496 108,975 3,992 25,671 11,255 83,304 7,615 57,269 56,840 NA 571 3,729 234 1,630 377 2,099 258 144,200 3,605 NA I 56,954 274,227 53,178 1,420,543 NA 292,227 NA 1,128,316 NA 1,000,660 950,627 NA 15,713 85,206 NA 38,467 NA 46,739 NA 968,856 34,602 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 28,493 221,716 NA 42,293 NA 179,423 NA 3,223,447 154, 725 NA 75,641 7,524,500 NA 993,924 NA 6,530,576 NA 5,410,127 4,328,102 NA 35,331 210,377 NA 37,382 NA 172,995 NA 374,618 224, 771 NA 10,909 75,361 NA 15,358 NA 60,003 NA 37,415 56,122 NA 896 14,592 NA 5,513 438,424 10,961 NA 46,138 237,199 54,680 1,680,399 NA 432,062 NA 1,193,337 NA 642,783 867,609 NA 12,666 55,568 NA 21,070 NA 34,498 NA 362,992 34,355 NA 20,539 67,563 NA 16,753 NA 50,810 NA 545,606 38,211 NA 21,475 182, 734 NA 138,724 NA 1,442,280 85,133 NA 66,075 9,220,324 NA 1,306,190 NA 7,914,134 NA 3,246,263 4,552,159 NA 30,126 193,397 NA 56,149 NA 142,248 NA 151,712 163,076 NA 12,672 127,344 28,285 NA 99,059 NA 27,849 30,803 NA 165 11,804 NA 10,827 3'785 2,355 NA NA NA 72,538 2,097,280 NA 693,030 NA 1,404,250 NA 1,464,618 1,788,655 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38,230 203,961 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 92,656 14,969,465 NA NA NA NA NA 7,352,520 3,414,333 NA 40,333 246,898 NA NA NA NA NA 16,385 220,246 NA NA NA NA 440 3,412 NA 2,212 NA 1,200 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,322,236 28,944 806,731 65,354 1,515,505 NA 416,902 708,735 NA NA 89,571 6,031 27,156 14,657 62,415 NA 639,576 38,827 NA NA 55,728 5,909 16,505 15,986 39,223 NA 638,509 76,620 NA NA 220,707 8,420 38,588 32,112 182,119 NA 2,865,319 286,542 NA NA 33,273 3,391,851 92,499 8,655,051 NA 4,788,713 3,380,279 NA NA 261,544 12,030 83,474 29,023 178,070 NA 178,131 302,916 NA NA 173,651 5,162 38,198 15,536 135,453 NA 64,053 115,293 NA NA 3,355 315 2,709 132 646 NA "238 630 NA 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of— 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) {Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) 410 219 401 NA 4 NA 6 NA NA 12,672 13,354 7,979 NA 392 NA 95 NA NA 187 119 315 NA 3 NA NA NA NA 4,106 5,937 5,917 NA 192 NA 29 NA NA 266 124 93 NA 1 NA NA NA NA 8,566 12,417 2,062 NA 200 NA 66 NA NA 186 63 27 NA 1 NA NA NA NA 63,627 60,676 1,657 NA 800 NA 1,250 NA NA 13,998 15,165 413 NA 72 NA 100 NA NA 13,998 15,165 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 62,353 48,247 NA 33,362 40,849 NA 1,778,275 1,934,963 2,372,602 2,562,860 2,191,568 NA 2,237,467 2,367,960 1,099,003 NA NA NA NA 11,314 NA NA NA 20,878 145,263 125,641 226,688 NA 205,125 NA 903,633 1,327,590 654,281 NA NA NA NA 41,595 NA NA NA 18,852 1,633,012 1,859,322 2,145,914 NA 1,986,443 NA 1,383,834 1,040,370 444,722 NA NA NA NA 36,942 NA NA NA NA 17,202,668 5,830,093 10,878,388 25,359,669 20,750,782 NA 3,809,177 NA 2,544,377 5,437,075 1,844,086 2,344,589 6,525,198 2,285,954 NA 1,070,517 NA 890, 535 5,437,075 1,844,086 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13,354 15,093 43,797 NA 37,341 NA NA NA NA 1,626,069 1,854,328 2,203,371 NA 2,013,610 NA NA NA NA 2,721 2,720 11,377 NA NA NA NA NA NA 122,566 110,037 204,871 NA 178,298 NA NA NA NA 12,141 13,553 34,938 NA NA NA NA NA MA 1,503,503 1,744,791 1,999,000 NA 1,835,312 NA NA NA NA 10,056 7,984 17, 758 NA NA NA NA NA NA 15,503,458 5,343,823 9,598,852 NA 17,425,733 NA NA NA NA 4,962,700 1,710,019 2,122,752 NA 2,026,202 NA NA NA NA 4,%2,700 1,710,019 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6,514 5,043 16,295 NA 16,993 NA NA NA NA 152,206 130,135 168,731 NA 177,958 NA NA NA NA 1,148 895 3,021 NA NA NA NA NA NA 22,697 15,604 21,817 NA 26,827 NA NA NA NA 5,963 4,547 13,904 NA NA NA NA NA NA 129,509 114, 531 146,914 NA 151,131 NA NA NA NA 4,391 2,331 5,993 NA NA NA NA NA KA 1,694,210 536,270 1,279,536 NA 3,325,049 NA NA NA NA 474,375 134,067 221,837 NA 259,752 NA NA NA NA 474,375 134,067 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 59 454 642 283 101 7 NA NA 27,320 38,758 131,140 180,479 80,360 215,898 3,162 NA NA 10 6 146 NA 124 NA NA NA NA 6,132 384 31,278 NA 50,206 NA 1,645 NA NA 32 54 329 NA 179 NA NA NA NA 21,188 33,374 99,862 NA 30,154 NA 1,517 NA NA 24 34 165 NA 55 NA NA NA NA 272,233 348,650 993, 519 1,324,678 33,025 NA 2,390 NA NA 8,167 10,460 29,806 62,121 561 NA 120 NA NA 8,167 10,460 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 966 503 4,343 NA 4 NA NA NA NA 4,099 2,523 18,529 NA 352 NA NA NA NA IS 5 108 796 NA 2 NA NA NA NA 1,012 490 2,882 NA 250 NA NA NA HA 845 430 3,643 NA 3 NA NA NA NA 3,087 2,038 15,647 NA 102 NA NA NA NA 582 286 1,506 NA 3 NA NA NA HA 70,693 48,747 125,805 NA 13,720 NA NA NA HA 2,825 1,947 3,775 NA 686 NA NA NA NA 2,825 1,947 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 721 1,097 2,685 3,711 NA NA NA NA 721 1,097 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16,231,466 12,607,208 7,323,939 22,097,305 9,797,086 NA NA NA NA 15,859,348 12,607,208 5,270,211 15,259,320 5,717,820 NA NA NA NA Tree fruits, nuts, and orapes^*— Continued Chestnuts farms reporting . Trees of flTl ages number . Trees not of bearing age.. farms reporting. number . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Pecans, total farms reporting. Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number . Trees of ^bearing age farms reporting . number . Quantity harvested. .farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Pecans, improved farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. Quantity harvested. .farms reporting.. pounds . . value, dollars. Sales dollars. Pecans, wild and seedling farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . , number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting,, number . Quantity harvested. .farms reporting., pounds . . value, dollars. , Sales dollars . , Tung -nuts farms reporting., Trees of all ages number. , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting . , number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting., pounds . . value , dollars . , Sales dollars.. Walnuts, black (planted) farms reporting. , Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Other tree fruits and nuts value, dollars. . Sales dollars.. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested. .. .dollars. . Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars.. NA Not available. 2 Reported in small fractions. ^Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1959, igs-ij 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. ■'Value of com and other corn products sold. *Com cut for forage. ^Sorghums for all purposes, except for sirup. ^Value of sorghums sold for hay or forage included in value of sorghums sold for grain or seed. ''Sugarcane or sorghums for sirup not reported separately. ^The 1944 and 1939 figures do not include acres plowed under for green manure. 'Soybeans and cowpeas harvested for hay. *°For figures on annual legumes saved for hay, including soybeans and cowpeas, see peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage. ^Includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas only. ^^See sc^beans cut for hay. ^^Calculated value of peanuts harvested for nuts, peanuts harvested for hay, and peanuts hogged or grazed. ^^Reported in bushels. ^'Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches in 1924. ^*For all Censuses except 1950, obtained by adding the Individual hay crops. ^'includes oats cut for feeding unthreshed. ^^Alfalfa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. ^'Silage crops other than com and sorghums. ^°Clover seed, except sweetclover. ^'■Clover seed, including sweetclover. ^^Includes proso millet. ^^Value of lint cotton only. ^*For 1959 and 1954, does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested; for 1949, does not include acreage for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. ^'Sugarcane for all purposes. Includes receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges and the value of cowpeas harvested for green peas. ^''includes $1,580,261, value of vetches, velvetbeans, and mung and horse beans harvested for seed or beans. ^^Excludes Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes , except for the 1920 Census which included potatoes for hon^ use only. Tlxcludes Irish and sweet potatoes. ^°Does not Include farms reporting green cowpeas only. ^^Does not Include the value of green cowpeas sold. See footnote 26, Green lima beans included with snap beans. ^^Hot peppers and pimlentos Included with sweet peppers. ^*Pimientos Included with sweet peppers, ^'For Censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for home use or for sale. ^*For 1959 and 1954, does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. See text. ^^Does not include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text- ^^For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 1954, harvested in 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953; for 1949, harvested in 1949-50 from the bloom of 1949; for 1945, harvested In 1943-44 from the bloom of 1943; for 1940, harvested in 1939-40 from the bloom of 1939. ^'Boxes, kljid not specified. GEORGIA state Table 9.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 19 Item (For definUions and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Nursety and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nurser.v and preenhouse frtxlucl^, flower and ve^tAble seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms reporting.. dollars . . On farms with sales of S2,000 or mote farms reporting . . dollars . . Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, omamertAls. etc,) farms reporting. . acres . . Sales dollars, , Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting, , Gown under glass farms reporting, , square feet.. Grown in the open farms reporting , . acres . . Sales dollars . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable se€«ls, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting. . Grown under glass or in house farms reporting . . square feet , , Grown in the open farms reporting. . acres. , Sales dollars . , Any forest products cut and/or sold famis reporting . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting . . dollars. . Sales of standing timber farms reporting. . dollars.. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting. . dollars. . Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, sawlogs, and veneer logs farms reporting, .. dollars. . Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting.. dollars. . Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting . . cords (4' X 4' X 8') . . Sales farms reporting.. cords{4' X 4' x8').. Pulpwood sold fanns reporting.. cords (4" X4' x8').. Fence posts cuL farms reporting . . number. . Sales farms reporting. . number . . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting . . thousands of board feet . . Sales farms reporting. . thousands of board feet . . 626 6,714,060 224 6,485,775 316 1,965 2,102,666 298 164 1,114,878 178 338 1,947,880 127 39 49,979 98 8,715 2,663,514 27,846 10,070 22,338,469 7,733 14,014,157 4,663 8,324,312 4,455 ;,025,223 307 299,089 19,700 154,441 703 14,991 3,329 345,869 2,181 478,927 189 134,961 1,063 58,967 690 54,798 NA 4,415,393 296 1,936 1,303,146 242 154 766,457 141 230 1,165,972 170 42 52,170 132 8,564 1,946,275 NA 11,592 14,696,324 HA NA NA NA 42,978 340,380 6,446 697,393 11,290 2,740,417 "7,658 "442,512 NA 4,862,921 NA NA 331 1,731 1,218,371 '179 '854,305 '306 '559 '1,731,077 284 48 35,291 240 7,634 1,913,473 MA 21,839,229 9,728 10,147,125 11,692,104 5,505 3,343,927 8,755 8,348,177 72,507 727,262 3,041 244,657 22,546 4,435,311 5,946 136,232 ^715 ,000,396 11,284 1,439,062 470 1,343,166 NA NA 129 1,631 352,559 'Ul '925,463 NA NA *445,764 NA NA , NA '347 '5,198 '544,843 14,059 2,841,796 NA NA 608 1,244,588 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA '451 NA '749,300 '31,583 '2,405,593 NA '222 NA NA NA '495,288 NA NA NA NA NA 146,678 22,855 4,941,770 144,537 1,737,476 667 13,842 17,816 2,303,301 NA MA 6,311 328,679 151,738 1,807,943 760,805 NA HA 104 1,224 257,491 NA '62 '905,070 NA .NA '496,109 NA . NA '7,205 43,410 11,881,720 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. ^Excludes data for faims unclassified as to type. 'Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. 'Floners and flowering plants grown for sale. *Crtjps grown under glass {flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated mushrcxniis . 'Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass; and flowers grown in the open. 'Total square feet under glass. 'Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. 'Value of flower and vegetable seeds; and vegetables and vegetable plants. 'Not strictly comparable with other years as figures probably include some reports of firewood used on farms, ^^igures include sales of standing timber. 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table lO.-CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 Item (For deHnitions and explan^ions, see text) Places excluded as farms by change in definition , 1954-1959 number. acres in place. Cropland harvested places reporting . acres. Under 10 acres places reporting . 10 or more acres places reporting . Operators by tenure: Full owners number . Part omters and managers number . Tenants number . Operators by color: White number . Nonwhite number . Operators by year began operation of present place: 1959 operators reporting. 1958 operators reporting. 1957 operators reporting. 195(1 operators reporting . 1951-1955 operators reporting . 1950 or earlier operators reporting . Operatwa by age: Under 55 years operators reporting . 55 to 64 years operators repeating . 65 or more years operators reporting . Operators not reporting age number . Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Operators by days of work off place in 1959: No days operatcrs reporting . . 1 to 49 days operators reporting.. 50 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting . . Operators not reporting number. . Operators reporting other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting . , CaUle and calves of all ages places reporting. . number . . Cows, including heifers that have calved places reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs places reporting.. number . . Chickens 4 months old and over places reporting. . number.. Com harvested for all purposes places reporting.. acres . , Hay harvested frfaces reporting., 10,715 357,326 4,570 17,465 4,382 188 7,985 468 2,262 8,469 2,246 667 607 705 628 2,134 5,955 6,013 1,973 2,719 10 3,673 363 325 684 5,619 51 9,460 7,067 11,756 6,263 6,649 5,865 18,289 6,693 166,907 3,506 12,793 370 1,022 State Table 11.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Census of 1959 Census starting date — November 18 Approximate average date of enumeration week of, Percent of farms enumerated during- October 1 to 10 ■ October 11 to 17 October 16 to 24 October 25 to 31 November 1 to 7 November 9 to 14 November 15 to 21 November 22 to 28 November 29 to December 5 December 6 to 1 2, . , December 13 to 19 December 20 or later Georgia Census of 1954 Census starting date — November 3 Approximate average dale of enumeration week of Percent of farms enumerated during— October lto9 October 10 to 16 October 17 to 23 October 24 to 31 November 1 to 6 Novembe r 7 to 13 November 14 to 20 November 21 to 27 November 28 to December 4 December 5 to II December 12 to 18 December 19 to 31. Georgia Nov. 29-Dec. 5 Percent (z) (z) (z) (z) 1 3 5 19 29 23 13 Nov. 14-Nov. 20 Percenl (Z) (Z) (z) 5 21 26 23 13 8 3 (Z) (Z) Z Less than 0.5. GEORGIA 21 state Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON FARMS AND BY QUANTITY OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 fData for caute and calves on hand, cows on hand, milk cows on hand, and animals sold alive are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 2 to 4 5to9 10 to 49 10 to 19 S0to49 50to99 100 or more 100 to 199 . . 200 to 499 . . , 500 or more. Cows on hand, including lieifeis tliat have calved. . Cattle and calves of all ages on hand fannsreporUn.-;.. number. . 'lunis reportinc. . 'arms reportinp.. nrms reponinp. . 'arms reportinp.. 'arms reporting., 'anus reportinp . . 'arms reportinp. . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting. . s reporting. . s reporting. . s reportinp. . number. , arms reporti np . , arms reporting. . farms reporting. . 'arms reportinp.. arms reportinp. , farms reportinp. , arms reporting,, farms reporti ng . . nrms reporting., 'arms reporting. , arms reporting., arms reporting., 'arms reporting.. arms reporting., number., arms reporting.. arms reporting., i reporting, 'arms reportinp. , 'arms reportinp. 'anus reportinp. 'arms reportinp. 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting., 'arms reoorting., 'arms reporting . , i reporting . j reporting. 8or4 5to9 lOtoU 15tol9 20to29 30to49 50 to 74 7Sto99 100 to 199.. 200to499.., 500 or more . Milk COWS on hand.. 3or4 5to9 10 tol4 15tol9 20to29 30to49 50 to 74 75 to 99 100 to 199 . . 200 to 499 . . 50O or more . Cattle sold alive, excluding calves . 1 to 4. 5 to9 10 to 19 20 to29 30 to39 40 to 49 50 to99 100 to 199.. 200 or more . Calves sold alive. . 1 to4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to .59 40 to 49 50 to 99 100 or more 100W199.., 200 or more. Hogs and pigs of all ages on hand . 1 too 10 to24 25 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 199.... 200 to 499 ... . 500 to 999 1,000 or more . Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year, to November 30, Census year 10 or more 10 to 19 20 to39 40 to 69 70to 99 100 or more . 'anr.s reporting., number. . farms reportir,i;. . 'anrs reporting. . 'arms reporting. . amis reporting., arms reporting. , farms reporting . , farms reporting. , farms rerorting.. 'arms reporting. , farms reporting. , arms aimis 'arms 'arms arms 'arms farms 'arms farms renortinp. , reporting. , reportinp. , reporting, reporting., reporting., reporting. , reporting., reporting. , refortin.T. 'arms reporting. . number., farms reporting. . reporting., farms reporting.. reportinp . . 'arms reporting., farms reporting.. arriis reporting.. 'arms reporting. . 'arms reportinp.. 'anr.s reportinp.. 'amis reporting.. 'amis reportinp. . 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting. . farms reporting.. 'arms reporting . . fam.s reporting. . farms reporting,, arms reporting.. 'arms reporting . , anris reportinp . , BimiS reporting . . 'amis reporting., 'amis reporting. , 71,778 1,394,763 8,580 20,010 U,227 22,479 12,246 10,233 4,098 2,384 1,658 622 104 67,160 700,591 18,739 11,740 10,310 9,841 4,744 2,679 3,03« 3,043 1,585 602 627 198 14 43,177 197,223 21,198 11,650 6,438 1,355 187 133 36B 945 533 184 146 39 1 27,321 295,174 16,362 4,899 3,227 1,170 474 294 560 240 95 33,270 306,874 17,952 6,462 4,704 2,006 836 410 668 232 186 46 73,338 1,834,855 33,977 16,612 11,530 7,649 2,861 64^ 49 16 45,742 8,985 7,524 4,449 4,136 2,690 2,935 1,787 2,081 1,192 9,963 7,044 2,324 464 79 52 117,582 1,632,550 20,798 40,834 21,073 27,785 NA NA 4,459 2,633 NA NA NA 112,659 864,259 41,929 20,993 15,535 14,192 6,054 3,258 4,124 3,484 1,543 617 687 226 17 89,803 296,834 44,824 21,856 13,305 5,945 931 425 814 1,046 407 146 104 36,164 284,427 23,365 6,195 3,776 1,196 493 276 553 219 91 41,223 306,581 24,759 8,169 4,900 1,640 656 344 605 150 NA NA 110,786 1,493,263 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 54,660 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA Hogs and pigs sold alive famis reporting. nuriber. Ito4 farms reporting . 5 to 9 farms reporting. 10 to 10 famis reporting. 20 to 29 farms reporting , 30 to 39 farms reporting . 40 to 49 farms reporting. 50 to 99 farms reporting . 100 to 199 farms reporting. 200 or mor« famis reporting. 200 to 499 farms reporting. 500 to 999 farms reporting . 1,000 or more farms reporting. Sheep and lambs of all ages on hand farms reporting. number. Under 25 farms reporting. 25 to 99 farms reporting . lOO to 299 fam.s reporting. 300 to 999 farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,999 farms reporting. 2,000 to 4,999 famis reportinp . 5,000 or more farms reportinp. Wool shorn (excluding lambs wool) farms reporting. pounds . I'nder 1,000 pounds farms reportinp . 1,000 to 2,499 pounds farms renortinp . 2,500 to 4,999 pounds farms reportinp. 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting. 10,000 to 19,999 pounds famis reporting . 20,000 to 49.999 pounds famis reporting . 50,000 or more pounds farms reporting . Chickens 4 months old and over on hand farms reporting . number. Under 50 farms reporting. 50 to 99 farms reporting . 100 to 399 farms reportinp , 400 to 799 farms refxirtinp. 800 to 1,599 famis reporting. 1,600 to 3.199 farms reporting. 3,200 or more farms reporting. 3.200 to 6,399 famis reportinp . 6,400 or more. farms reporting . Broilers (chickens) sold farms reporting. num'ner . Under 2,000 farms reporting. 2,000 to 3,999 famis reporting. 4,000 to 7,999 farais reporting. 8,000 to 15,999 farms reix,rtinp. 16,000 to 29,999 farms reporting . 30,000 to 59,999 farms reportinp . 60,000 to 99,999 fanns reportinp. 100,000 or more farms reportinp. Chickens (other than broilers) sold farms reporting. number. Under 50 famis reportinp. 50 to 99 farms reportinp. 100 to 399 fanns reportinp. 400 to 799 famis reporting. 800 to 1,599 , farms reportinp. 1,600 to 3,199 fanns reporting. 3,200 to 6,399 fnmis reporting . 6,400 to 9,999 famis reporting. 10,000 or more famis reporting . Chicken eggs sold famis reporting . dozens. I'niler 100 dozens , famis reporting. 100 to 309 dozens farms reporting . iW to 799 dozens farms reporting. SOD to 1,599 dozens farms reporting. 1,600 to 1,999 dozens famis reporting. 2.000 to 4,999 dozens farms reporting. 5,000 or more dozens fanris reportinp. 5,000 to 9,999 dozens farms reporting . 10,000 to 19,999 dozens farms reportinp. 20,000 to 49,999 dozens famis reportinp. 50,000 or more dozens famis reporting. Turkeys raised fam.is reporting. number. Under 50 farms reportinp . 50 to .399 farms reporting. 400 to 799 famis reportinp, 80O to 1,599 famis reporting . 1,600 or more farn.s reporting. 1,600 to 3,199 fam,s reporting. 3,200 to 9,999 fanns reporting . 10,000 or more farms reporting. 48,270 1,700,323 5,658 7,165 11,649 6,930 4,369 2,851 5,842 2,798 958 858 74 26 776 28,387 528 182 50 15 1 558 145,948 528 24 6 65,714 11,896,088 54,994 5,800 2,227 495 578 668 952 580 372 8,387 229,759,321 61 291 968 2,134 2,360 1,832 499 242 7,456 7,660,708 2,611 1,158 1,150 600 740 604 360 117 U.6 1^,298 110,119,743 4,683 2,643 981 835 120 659 2,377 516 560 723 578 4,318 373,675 4,168 107 3 40 13 15 12 57,029 1,100,162 U,136 13, U9 15,399 6,960 3,448 2,289 3,428 1,012 238 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 122,816 7,813,749 102,561 12,169 5,120 1,304 945 500 217 NA 8,134 114,369,440 NA NA 10,997 3,587,634 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23,922 43,729,525 9,515 7,237 2,245 1,478 260 1,253 1,884 NA NA NA NA 8,589 393,175 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not aVBllable. 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [^ata for all crops excent com, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, neaches, and forest products are based on reoorts for only a sample of farms. See texlj (For definitions and explanations, see text) (For definitions and explanations, see text) COHN Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting.. acres.. Under 5 acres f artns reporting. . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 69 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . . lOO to 149 acres farms reporting. . 150 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting.. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acres farms reporting.. Acres harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 acres farms reporting . . 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting, . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 149 acres f anns reporting. . 150 to 199 acres farms reporting., 200 to 299 acres farms reporting . . 300 to 399 acres farms reporting . . 4(X3 to 499 acres farms reporting . , 500 or more acres farms reporting. , Com sold farms reporting.. bushels . , Ifeider 100 bushels farms reporting., 100 to 499 bushels farirB reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting., 1,CX)0 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. . 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting., 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting., 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. , WHEAT Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . , 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres , farms reporting . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels . Uniier 20 bushels farms reporting . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . ICX) to 199 bushels farms reporting. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting, 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. (Juantity sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels .....farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1 , 500 to 1, 999 bushels farms reporting . 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting . See footnotes at end of table. 75,293 2,428,442 11,203 13,546 4,843 8,084 2,528 5,304 3,736 10,707 7,180 3,066 2,961 987 767 220 68 93 71,045 1,951,156 49,755,708 11,339 14,335 5,437 8,399 2,636 5,440 3,545 8,931 5,189 2,139 2,058 699 553 167 55 73 28,413 21,004,375 4,480 13,056 4,851 2,346 1,100 1,254 799 397 130 7,574 99,160 2,277 2,093 1,271 605 128 239 217 476 194 62 5 1 7,574 2,139,291 172 169 887 1,513 1,862 1,%1 647 161 97 42 50 7 6 4,405 1,666,363 139 278 586 2,579 492 150 90 39 39 120,815 2,744,901 18,639 34,576 16,792 5,251 9,957 22,444 7,280 2,455 2,083 655 461 125 56 41 102,108 2,100,880 25,267,269 17,945 36,559 17,471 5,346 9,756 5,515 11,801 4,374 1,395 1,201 350 269 68 25 33 24, 559 6,119,276 8,239 13,323 2,074 574 165 no 50 16 12,034 110,053 5,382 3,652 2,202 202 55 12,034 1,979,164 2,360 3,595 4,036 523 107 67 61 25 4,654 1,305,602 515 599 664 2,219 416 92 75 43 25 OAIS Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres. . Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting , 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels . Under 20 bushels farms reporting, 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting . 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting, 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting . bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,(300 or more bushels farms reporting. RTE Acres harvested farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres f arias reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. Under 20 bushels f arire reporting . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 1(X) to 199 bushels farms reporting , 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 5(30 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 or more bushels farms reporting. 10,132 249,608 2,143 2,276 1,392 513 314 687 427 1,025 864 354 63 24 39 11 10,132 8,497,523 150 115 577 1,132 1,612 2,686 1,599 726 415 456 376 203 35 3,459 4,037,472 48 105 231 1,385 656 309 166 222 179 96 62 1,097 22,093 269 205 175 64 24 83 46 121 79 23 4 1 3 1,097 330,652 130 223 180 274 133 30 26 7 5 663 251,155 107 312 120 23 22 GEORGIA 23 State Table 13. -FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, sweetfotatoes, peaches, and forest products are basoti on renoits for only a sample of fams. See texlj (For dennitions and explanations, see text) State total (For definitions nnd explanations, see text) SOTBEANS HARVESTED FOR BEANS Any soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting,. By acres grown alone; farms reporting., acres. . Under 10 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 2A acres farms reporting. , 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . , 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 or more acres farms reporting . , Quantity harvested farms reporting . . hushels . . PEANUTS HARVESTED FOR NUTS Ar^ peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting.. By acres grcjwn alone farms reporting . . acres . . Under 10 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 or more acres farms reporting . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds . . ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES CUT FOR HAI AND FOR DEHYDRATING^ Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres . . Under 3 acres farms reporting . . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting,. 15 acres farms reporting . , 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 or more acres farms reporting . . (Juantity harvested farms reporting. tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting, 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 or more tons farms reporting. COASTAL BERMUDA GRASS CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting , acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting, 5 to 9 acres farms reporting , . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting, 16 to 19 acres , farms reporting, 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting , 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 aCres farms reporting . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting , 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting . 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting, 1, 500 to 1, 999 tons farms reporting . 2,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 or more tons farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 1,765 975 1,615 925 60,895 29,602 544 309 386 242 335 199 179 108 171 67 1,765 975 1,076,461 160,923 22,794 28,009 22,768 27,939 466,747 408,228 10,391 14,138 7,220 9,744 3,056 2,923 1,476 843 625 291 22,794 28,009 499,464,819 242,575,664 2,136 3,023 20,829 36,289 871 1,420 504 717 347 -1 4« 30 565 110 J 53 73 I 130 44 79 6 62 2,136 3,023 43,035 38,773 1,455 165 } 2,697 271 187 186 62 50 8 } 1 2 254 150 3,522 1,902 213 117 25 31 14 2 2 3,729 m. 95,688 NA 624 m. 760 M 620 N& 211 NA 95 m 319 m. 166 NA 458 NA 326 NA 90 NA 23 NA 7 NA 24 NA 4 NA 2 NA 3,729 NA 186,082 NA 1,843 NA 262 NA 635 NA 468 NA 310 NA 172 NA 33 NA 3 NA 1 NA 2 NA 716 NA 29,834 NA 448 NA 107 NA 76 NA 82 NA 3 NA LESPEDEZA CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting,. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . , 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting,, 30 to 49 acres farms reporting , , 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting , . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting., 300 to 499 acres farms reporting., 500 or more acres farms reporting,. Quantity harvested farms reporting . tons . Under 20 tons farms reporting.. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting , 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. tona. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 or more tons farms reporting. OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY, RYE, Cfi OTHER SMALL GRAINS CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres . , Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting,, 10 to 14 acres farms reporting., 15 acres farms reporting , . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . , 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . , 25 to 29 acres farms reporting,, 30 to 49 acres farms reporting., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting., 500 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting . tons., Under 20 tons farms reporting . , 20 to 24 tons farms reporting,, 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . , 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. , 100 to 199 tons farms reporting . , 200 to 499 tons farms reporting,. 500 or more tons farms reporting. , Quantity sold farms reporting., tons. . Under 25 tons farms reportiJig., 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. , 50 to 99 tons farms reporting., 100 or more tons farms reporting . , 6,764 10,740 76,582 127,901 2,618 4,069 1,633 2,975 994 ■^ 308 126 > 2,399 317 J 155 334 1 756 176 451 39 70 10 2 • 11 1 9 1 6,764 10,740 88,522 89,435 5,594 360 > 9,942 448 525 246 204 84 25 ) . 6 2 1 702 446 10,624 5,855 604 374 57 37 22 29 19 6 5,281 65,899 1,%2 1,246 775 176 109 268 180 349 157 44 11 1 2 1 5,281 72,310 4,221 290 512 141 30 36 1 270 2,344 242 21 6 14,126 125,333 7,357 3,296 310 60 10 1 14,126 105,872 485 260 115 3 194 1,750 166 21 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all croos except com, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, peaches, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) StAt« total Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) OTHER HAY CUT Acres harvested farms reporting . . acres . . Under 5 acres farms reparting, . 5 to 9 acres ...farms repctrtiJig. . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. . 15 acres farms report ing . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting . . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 or more acres farms reporting . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. tcEns. . Under 20 tons farms reporting.. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. . 25 to 49 terns farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms report ing . . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting.. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting.. 1,000 or more tons farms reporting.. Quantity sold farms reparting . . tons. . Under 25 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . , 1,000 or more tons farms reporting . . GRASS SILAGE MADE FRCM GRASSES, ALFALFA, CLOVER, OR SMALL GRAINS Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting. . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . . 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres ,. farms reporting . . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 or more acres farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting . . tons, green weight.. Under 20 tons farms reparting . . 20 to 24 tens farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . . 50 to 99 tans • farms reporting.. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting . . 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting., 1, 500 to 1, 999 tans farms reporting . . 2,000 or more tons farms reporting., COTTCW Acres harvested farms reporting. , acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . , 5 to 9 acres farms reporting., 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting . . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting . bales. Under 20 hales farms reporting. 20 to 24 hales ftirms reporting. 25 to 49 bales farms reporting. 50 to 99 bales farms reporting. 100 to 199 bales farms reporting . 200 to 499 bales farms reporting. 500 or more bales farms reporting . See footnotes at end of table. 7,322 9,003 016,781 U5,796 2,570 4,210 1,699 1,842 1,016 1 308 108 1,803 iSl J 169 *12 } 650 338 328 159 123 39 16 I 36 6 7 1 4 7,322 9,003 127,188 94,357 5,709 420 ) 8,117 614 491 327 237 157 92 } 157 2 1 1 ... 610 332 14,621 6,410 511 263 35 33 22 23 41 13 10 668 1 2 1 1 10 5,474 :} 16 984 16 4,785 42,450 78,727 628,614 985,214 7,458 13,857 13,457 28,178 3,615 1 1,459 2,971 29,397 2,871 J 1,624 [ 5,698 1,249 1,196 327 309 61 15 ) 57 18 28 4 6 2 1 42,450 78,727 513,742 586,813 36,194 1,791 ] 76,142 3,209 1,914 876 517 303 69 } 152 IRISH PCrCATCEES Acres harvested for home use or for sale farms Under 1 acre farms : 1.0 to 1,9 acres farms 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms 3.0 to 4.9 acres, farms 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms : 10.0 to 24.9 acres farms : 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms : 50 or more acres farms : SWEETPOCATOES Acres harvested for hone use or for sale farms reporting,, acres ^ , bushels. . Under 1 acre farms reporting., acres . , bushels . , 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting., acres . , bushels ■ I 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms reportiiig,, acres, , bushels . , 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting., acres . bushels. . 5.0 to 9.9 acres..- farms reporting., acres . , bushels . . 10.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting., acres . , bushels , , 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting., acres . , bushels . , 50 or more acres farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . TOBACCO Acres harvested farms reporting. acres , Under 0.5 acre farms reporting. 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting. 1.5 acres farms reporting. 1.6 to 1,9 acres farms reporting. 2.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting. 2,5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting. 20.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting. 25.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting. 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres -■ • .farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds . Under 20 pounds farms reporting. 20 to 24 pounds farms reporting. 25 to 49 poimda farms reporting. 50 to 99 pounds farms reporting . 100 to 199 pounds farms reporting . 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting . 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 povinds farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting. 10,000 or more pounds farms reporting. reporting. . 9,720 acres^ . . 994 bushels. .. 151,238 reporting... 9,439 acres . . . 481 bushels... 102,225 reporting... 209 acres. .. 217 bushels . . . 17,450 reporting . . . 35 acres . . . 71 bushels . . . 7,288 reporting... 22 acres , . . 72 bushels... 6,929 reporting . . . 9 acres. .. 51 bushels . . . 6,650 reporting . . . 5 acres . . . 67 bushels . . . 6,914 reporting. . . 1 acres . . . 35 bushels. .. 3,782 reporting . . . acres, .. bushels . . . 14,035 14,352 1,779,234 10,733 1,762 251,778 1,972 2,086 175,283 482 983 97, 541 344 1,181 132,116 267 1,620 205,109 164 2,379 318,140 30 984 139,850 43 3,357 459,417 19,515 68,661 201 765 2,754 496 1,448 2,887 1,724 5,340 3,250 566 35 23 21 2 3 19,515 97,867,882 25 20 40 342 1,098 1,593 1,816 2,844 4,839 4,845 2,053 GEORGIA 25 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops oxcepl com, Insh potatoes, sweetpotatoes, peaches, and forest products are based on reports for only a snraolo of farms. See text] (For deHnitions and explanations, see text) (For definitions and explanations, see text) VEGETABI£S HARVESTED FOR SALE (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) Value of sales farms reporting . . dollars. . Under $20 farms reporting. . $20 to $2-4 farms reporting . . $25 to $-49 farms reporting.. $50 to $99 farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $1,499 farms reporting.. $1,500 to $1,999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $2,999 fanns reporting., $3,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting,. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. UND IN BEARING AND NONBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED NUT TREES^ Acres in orchards farms reporting . . acres . . Under 0.5 acre farms reporting.. 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting,. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting.. 1.5 acres farms reporting.. 1.6 to 1.9 acres farms reporting.. 2.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting.. 2,5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting . . 5,0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting.. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting.. 20.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting.. 25.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting.. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting., 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting.. PEACHES 5 Any peaches farms reporting , , Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number., Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. niunber., Quantity harvested farms reporting. , bushels . . Farms classified by number of trees of bearing age: No trees of bearing age farms reporting . . Nonbearing trees number. , Less than 20 trees of bearing age farms reporting,, Trees of all ages number. , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number., Trees of bearing age farms reporting., number.. Quantity harvested farms reporting. , bushels . , 20 to 99 trees of bearing age farms reporting,. Trees of all ages number. , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Quantity harvested farms reporting. , bushels. , 100 to 199 trees of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. 10,911 7,232,937 245 146 627 1,345 2,033 3,217 1,805 553 286 308 193 109 44 18,762 194,664 1,221 1,436 4,699 506 104 3,060 161 2,218 2,270 1,390 382 144 455 370 346 7,762 4,247,885 2,735 640,107 6,107 3,607,778 3,595 4,221,262 1,655 152,742 4,737 44,907 825 9,397 4,737 35,510 2,610 20,257 870 30,402 98 3,746 870 26,656 536 15,353 81 12,613 15 3,241 81 9,372 59 4,865 24,320 9,337,132 1,701 2,112 3,891 12,149 2,813 784 291 306 158 73 42 18,097 194,945 560 1,321 8,272 2,262 1,541 429 378 350 10,096 3,658,226 2,989 1,102,006 8,453 2,556,220 5,446 2,480,696 PEACHES'— Continued Farms classified ly number of trees of bearing age — Continued 200 to 499 trees of bearing age farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number . , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . 500 to 999 trees of bearing age farms reporting., Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting,, number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Quantity harvested farms reporting. , bushels . , 1,000 or more trees of bearing age. .farms reporting., Trees of all ages number . , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels . , FOREST PRODUCTS Seiles of standing timber farms reporting.. dollars. , Under $25 farms reporting., C25 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $299 farms reporting.. $300 to $999 farms reporting., $1,000 to .';,1,999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 or more farms reporting.. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting., cords (4'x4'x8')., Under 25 cords farms reporting.. 25 to 49 cords feirms reporting., 50 to 99 cords farms reporting.. 100 to 499 cords farms reporting . . 500 or more cords farms reporting, , Sales farms reporting . . cords (4'x4'x8')., Pulpwood sold farms reporting , cords (4'x4'x8'). Under 25 cords farms reporting. 25 to 49 cords farms reporting. 50 to 99 cords farms reporting. 100 to 199 cords farms reporting. 200 to 499 cords farms reporting. 500 or more cords farms reporting. Fence posts cut farms reporting, number. Under 100 fence posts., farms reporting. 100 to 499 fence posts farms reporting, 500 to 999 fence posts farms reporting. 1,000 to 4,999 fence posts farms reporting, 5,000 or more fence posts farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . number. Sawlogs and veneer logs sold farms reporting. thousands of board feet. Under 1,000 board feet farms reporting. 1,000 to 2,499 board feet farms reporting. 2,500 to 4,999 board feet farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 board feet farms reporting. 10,000 to 19,999 board feet farms reporting, 20,000 to 49,999 board feet farms reporting. 50,000 to 99,999 board feet farms reporting. 100,000 or more board feet farms reporting. 61 lU 32,790 NA 16 NA 8,060 NA 61 m. 2*, 730 m. 46 m 26,138 m. 33 NA 30,724 NA 11 NA 8,139 NA 33 NA 22,585 NA 25 NA 17,962 NA 325 NA 3,943,707 NA 115 NA 454, 782 NA 325 NA 3,488,925 NA 319 NA 4,136,687 NA 7,733 NA 14,014,157 NA 112 NA 794 NA 1,789 NA 2,356 NA 1,050 NA %0 NA 672 NA 19,700 42,978 154,441 340,380 19,056 NA 516 NA 95 NA 31 NA 2 NA 703 NA 14,991 NA 3,329 6,446 345,869 697,393 1,397 NA 562 NA 565 NA 436 NA 244 NA 125 NA 2,181 11,290 478,927 2,740,417 773 NA 1,187 NA 145 NA 69 NA 7 NA 189 NA 134,961 NA 690 NA 54,798 NA 29 NA 62 NA 68 NA 79 NA 113 NA 125 NA 80 NA 134 NA NA Not available. ^For 1954, alfalfa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^3.0 to 9.9 acres. *25 or more acres. 'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of tarms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class, Commercial farms Hired WOfkerS fanns reporting. persons. 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers , Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . reporting, 'ajtris toporting. 'arms reporting, 'aims reporting. reporting. arms reporting, persons . arms reporting. 'arms reporting, ■arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. "arms reporting, persons, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, arms reporting, 'arms reporting. "arms reporting, "arms reporting, iporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. persons. Average hours worked per person per month hours . Average wage rate per person per month dollars . Under $50 per month . . $50 to S84 per month $85 to $109 per month $110 to $129 per month. . . $130 to $169 per month. . . $170 to $214 per month. . . $215 to $274 per month. . . $275 to $324 per month. . . $325 to $374 per month. . . $375 and over per month.. .farms reporting, .farms reporting. .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. persons . Average hours worked per person per week hours. Average wage rate per person per week dollars. Under $12 per week. . $12 to $24 per week . . . $25 to $29 per week . . . $30 to $39 per week . . . $40 to $49 per week . . . $50 to $59 per week . . . $60 to $69 per week . . . $70 to $79 per week . . . $80 to $89 per week . . . $90 and over per week . arms reporting, 'arms i^pjrting. 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. reporting. "arms reporting, 'arms reporting. reporting. reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. persons , Average hours worked per person per day hours . Average wage rate per person per day dollars . Under $4 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms report.ing. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 per day farms reporting. $11 per day farms reporting. $12 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hOUfly basis farms reporting. persons . Average wage rate per person per hour dollars . Under 50.45 par hour farms reporting, S0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to SO. 64 per hour farms reixirting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting, $0.75 lo ,W).84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting, $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. SI. 30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting, $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. persons . Average earnings per person dollars . 18,674 60,144 7,829 4,556 3,269 1,995 1,025 9,700 23,729 5,310 1,953 1,412 731 289 12,467 36,415 5,946 2,915 1,797 1,229 580 6,207 3,493 8,974 1,712 3,090 182 143 121 366 409 110 227 260 91 81 26 21 4,641 9,931 43 30 180 1,665 8U 1,087 523 233 82 38 7 15 10,912 30,459 8.4 3,93 3,317 5,124 1,862 344 48 137 11 40 29 1,810 4,404 0,74 163 437 90 49 376 32 514 77 5 62 2,105 12,260 1,147 6,579 4,16 19,655 63,478 7,972 4,305 3,358 2,428 1,092 8,394 20,549 4,386 1,797 1,316 665 230 13,592 ,42, 929 5,706 2,821 2,596 1,697 772 6,063 2,331 11, 261 2,276 4,118 204 112 211 673 563 249 293 177 69 25 3,765 7,821 47 25 245 1,748 639 697 257 114 37 18 10 11,311 34,104 8.8 3.39 6,649 3,332 919 250 49 34 16 62 1,760 4,141 0,60 313 579 71 43 502 17 143 10 77 2,515 13,294 NA NA NA 15,589 54,153 5,983 3,870 2,876 1,889 971 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,349 1,406 728 282 9,934 31,432 4,446 2,380 1,455 1,121 532 5,655 3,359 6,575 1,509 2,697 186 144 69 315 372 93 200 252 87 79 26 16 4,233 9,404 43 31 125 1,503 769 1,009 492 213 77 33 2 15 9,256 27,628 3,4 3,91 2,783 4,469 1,557 273 33 91 1 30 19 1,234 3,231 0.72 133 325 59 37 263 21 292 52 5 47 1,713 11,143 986 6,037 4.15 1,489 12,985 177 183 380 399 350 1,344 7,931 223 215 372 344 190 796 5,054 245 172 134 116 129 693 651 145 285 877 205 173 1 33 28 17 42 70 40 768 3,238 45 34 11 U3 160 213 125 67 33 7 2 7 753 5,681 8,6 4.06 185 362 135 41 9 17 142 937 0.70 14 30 7 5 34 3 36 11 128 2,252 94 1,3U 3.55 2,695 11,016 683 727 651 414 220 2,239 5,300 372 606 476 232 53 1,333 5,216 571 291 189 168 114 1,362 877 456 383 680 185 143 14 53 97 30 47 79 26 26 6 5 1,112 2,473 44 31 6 369 131 237 153 67 33 14 1,443 5,289 8.5 3.86 339 794 264 28 2 'l 165 510 0.32 13 32 7 6 37 1 48 10 239 2,059 127 1,149 4,46 NA Hot available. GEORGIA 27 State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of wxkers and wage rates ai« for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Datji are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class. 1959— Continued Oxnmercial fanns-Continued Part-retirement Hired workers rams reporting. persons. 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 8 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired wari reporting. "anns reporting. Regular workers (to be employed ISO or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired wrxkers 10 or more hired workers . workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers . . 5 to 9 hited workefs . . 10 or nore hired wotkei Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . Paid on a imxithly basis farms Average hours worked per person per month. Average wage rate per person per month Under S50 per month 550 to $84 per month S85 to $109 per month SllO to $129 per month $130 to $169 per month, $170 to 5214 pet month $215 to $274 per month S275 to 5324 per month $325 to$374pCTmooth 5375 and over per month reporting, persons, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reportin?. reporting, reporting. reporting, persons . . . . hours . . .dollars, reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting. .farms r .farms r .farms r .farms r .farms r ..farms r ..farms n ..farms r . . farms o ..farms n Paid 0(1 a iweekly basis farms reporting. persons . . . . hours . . .doll&rs. 1 reporting. ; reporting. I reporting. I reporting, i reporting, i reporting. I reporting. 1 reporting, i reporting, s reporting. reporting. persons . .. hours . .dollars, reporting, 'eportlng. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Average hours worked pel person per week .Average wage rate per person per week I'nder $12 per week 512 to $24 OCT week $25 to .$29 p» week -MO to $39 per week $40 to $49 per week $50 to $59 per week $60 to S69 per week 570 to 579 per week SfiO to 589 per week 590 and over per week Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day L'nder .54 per day farms 54 per day farms 55 per day farms 56 per day farm 57 per day farms S6 per day farms 59 per day farms 510 per day farms 511 per day farms 512 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Average wage rate per person per hour I'nder $0.45 per hour farms 50.45 to 50.54 per hour farms 50.55 to 50.64 per hour farms $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms 50.75 to $0.84 per hour farms 50.85 to $0.99 per hour farms 51.00 to 51.14 per hour farms 51.15 to 51.29 per hour farms $1.30 to 51.44 per hour farms 51. 45 and over per hour farms reporting, persons. . .dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. Pefsons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting . persons. Average earnings per person...-. dollars. 280 2,823 32 48 52 53 95 206 1,159 39 33 54 52 28 200 1,664 48 34 17 41 60 80 126 74 19 35 146 172 73 251 44 30 23 18 17 3 4 7 1 186 1,408 8.5 3.69 39 125 21 1 43 315 0.63 12 12 1 5 11 1 1 69 814 60 599 4.28 1,867 4,764 938 431 297 129 72 1,152 2,380 690 224 156 48 34 990 2,384 511 272 120 51 36 877 275 715 227 425 208 ISO 1 5 42 7 52 83 15 20 1 1 800 1,666 41 34 45 242 129 205 103 59 17 603 1,277 8.2 4.43 162 248 145 23 6 18 300 592 0.86 10 41 15 16 74 10 116 156 804 98 505 3.05 1,418 3,791 556 421 265 140 36 1,171 2,655 606 252 210 79 24 602 1,136 377 141 49 30 5 816 355 247 288 466 189 150 10 20 82 28 40 69 IS 13 6 2 904 1,964 47 35 17 160 132 315 166 65 27 15 1 6 435 1,039 8.4 4.05 155 152 101 18 1 7 69 135 0.64 6 20 10 5 20 2 5 54 187 41 75 4.72 3,163 8,636 1,371 789 606 302 95 1,880 3,916 1,086 404 251 108 31 1,919 4,720 975 466 288 132 58 1,244 636 1,283 395 661 189 152 26 106 90 16 48 56 20 12 10 11 910 1,707 42 29 34 346 1A2 232 95 45 7 2 1 6 1,785 4,162 8.3 4.07 454 912 316 62 5 20 'ii 341 770 0.69 30 98 17 5 71 6 98 2 '14 277 1,336 167 532 3.81 4,044 14,566 1,440 1,027 683 600 294 2,350 5,901 1,174 488 391 237 60 2,736 8,665 1,219 641 350 367 159 1,308 1,042 1,694 255 449 176 113 13 89 75 18 22 n 9 13 3 2 738 1,715 42 26 23 359 184 104 38 11 10 7 3,133 9,893 8.5 3.85 921 1,586 529 74 163 444 0.60 24 89 2 17 19 5 364 2,065 188 1,U9 4.56 3,696 8,292 2,037 853 516 195 95 1,071 2,362 735 177 75 51 33 2,903 5,930 1,651 626 432 139 55 793 278 2,625 282 554 162 154 53 62 54 23 33 16 16 16 4 5 617 1,211 40 32 55 208 69 127 96 41 11 5 5 1,942 3,640 8.3 4.22 588 760 392 80 22 65 10 15 16 689 1,565 0.32 40 123 33 12 157 12 250 42 26 443 1,322 195 653 4.80 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working Ihe week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on refx»t3 for only a sample of farms. See text] {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres 100 to 139 acres Hired workers farms 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers , Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . reporting, persons . reponi ng . reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting. reporting, persons . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting, persons, reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. Paitl on a monthly basis farms reporting. persons . Average hours worked per person per month hours . Average wage rate per person per month dollars . Under S50 [ler month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. SS5 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to .$274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 to $374 per month farms reporting. $375 and over per month forms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. persons . .Average hours worked per person per week hours . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . Under $12 per week farms reporting . $12 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 fier week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting, $70 to $79 per week farms reporting, S80 to $89 per week farms reporting, $90 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms S4 per day. farms $5 per day farms S6 per day. farms $7 per day farms 58 per day farms 59 per day. farms $10 per day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Average wage rat* per person per hour Voder $0.45 per hour farms $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms $0.75 to S0.84 per hour farms $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms $1.00 to $1. 14 per hour farms $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms $1.45 and over per hour farms Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. persons . Average earnings per person dollars . NA Not available. reporting, persons. . . . hours . ..dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting, persons . . .dollars, reporting, reporting, repotting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . 18,674 60,1^4 7,829 4,556 3,269 1,995 1,025 9,700 23,729 5,310 1,958 1,412 731 289 12,467 36,415 5,946 2,915 1,797 1,229 580 6,207 3,493 8,974 1,712 3,090 182 143 121 366 409 UO 227 260 91 81 26 21 4,641 9,931 43 30 180 1,665 811 1,087 523 233 82 38 7 15 10,912 30,459 8.4 3.93 3,317 5,124 1,862 344 48 137 11 40 29 1,810 4,404 0.74 168 437 90 49 376 32 514 77 5 62 2,105 12,260 1,U7 6,579 4.16 19,655 63,478 7,972 4,305 3,858 2,428 1,092 8,394 20,549 4,386 1,797 1,316 665 230 13,592 42,929 5,706 2,821 2,596 1,697 772 6,063 2,331 11,261 2,276 4,118 204 112 211 673 568 249 298 177 69 25 3,765 7,821 47 25 245 1,748 639 697 257 114 37 18 10 11,311 34,104 8.8 3.39 6,649 3,332 919 250 49 34 16 62 1,760 4,141 0.60 313 579 71 43 502 17 148 10 2,515 13,294 NA NA KA 382 629 246 97 33 5 1 202 358 131 48 17 202 271 151 40 10 1 180 22 180 69 162 134 5 10 141 250 38 34 20 30 10 30 30 21 101 140 8.3 5.11 20 50 15 5 6 83 130 0.86 35 40 25 30 4.50 1,460 3,532 818 239 182 129 42 425 879 274 68 47 24 12 1,112 2,653 606 246 130 100 30 348 77 1,035 62 106 196 167 309 669 38 35 5 115 15 77 71 21 610 1,105 8.2 3.98 235 220 110 20 5 20 270 487 0.83 30 45 5 5 66 6 87 16 10 255 1,165 130 620 3.47 875 2,066 470 211 97 66 31 233 282 195 699 1,784 361 161 90 56 31 176 57 642 48 62 171 141 10 10 5 5 18 115 130 38 30 5 30 25 30 15 5 5 437 808 8.4 4.08 146 190 60 20 6 10 166 371 0.30 15 40 10 10 30 Ul 695 70 255 3.59 1,235 2,576 637 294 198 90 16 363 488 281 53 957 2,088 481 216 165 80 15 278 85 872 55 87 173 162 5 10 15 5 6 2 2 10 207 305 40 29 25 35 51 51 35 5 5 701 1,431 8.3 4.02 221 285 135 45 135 240 0.79 192 513 97 253 4.21 GEORGIA 31 state Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week precedinp the enumeration. Data are based on reports For only a sample of fanns. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of faim— Continued 140 to 179 acres 220 to 259 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 10 1,999 acres 2.000 or more acres Hired IWrkerS farms reporting . persons . farms reporting . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hircNl wcrkers 10 or more hired wr«ker9 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hit«d workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or mote hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired wtjrkers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hit«d workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . arms reporting, farms reporting, aims reporting, fanns reporting. farms reporting, persons. farms reporting . arms reporting. farms reporting, farms reporting. farms reporting. 'arms reporting, persons, farms reporting. farms repotting. farms reporting, farms reporting. arms reporting . arms reporting, farms reporting . farms reporting . Paid on 3 monthly basis farms Average hours *orked per person per month . Average wage rate per person per month .... Under S50 per month S50 to $84 per month $85 to 5109 per month $110 to S129 per month $130 to S169 per nonth $170 to $214 per month $215to$274pernonth $275 to $324 per month S325 to .?374 per month $375 and over per month . .farms ..farms . .farms . .farms . .farms . .farms . .farms . .farms ..farms ..farms Paid on a weekly basis farms Average hours worked per person per week. . Average wage rate per person per week Under $12 per week $12 to $24 per week $25 lo $29 per week $30 to $39 per week $40 to $49 per week 550 to $59 per week $60 to 569 per week $70 to $79 per week $80 to $89 per week $90 and over per week .farms .farms .farms .farms .farms .farms .farms .farms .farms .farms Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day \verage wage rale per person per day Under 54 per day farms 54 per day farms 55 per day farms 56 per day farms 57 per day farms $8 per day farms $9 per day farms $10 per day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Average wage rate per person per hour Under $0.45 per hour farms $0.45 to SW.54 per hour farms $0.55 to 50.64 per hour farms $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms $0.75 to 50.84 per hour farms $0.85 to $0.99 per hour. farms SLOO to $1.14 per hour farms 51.15 to $1.29 per hour farms $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms $1.45 and over per hour farms Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting . persons. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting . persons. Average earnings per person dollars . reporting, persons. . . . hours . . .dollars . reporting, reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting. reporting, persons . ...hours. ..dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting - reporting, persons. . . . hours . . .dollars . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting- reporting. reporting, persons . ..dollars, reporti ng . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting, reporting. 1,491 3,506 750 374 216 100 51 570 817 406 138 10 15 1 1,063 2,689 530 232 170 85 46 428 142 921 111 141 181 113 15 30 26 5 276 381 40 27 25 130 40 56 20 901 1,885 8.3 4.02 270 435 140 40 11 138 387 0.70 20 55 5 17 35 176 712 95 440 3.95 1,251 3,157 575 312 227 100 37 509 901 344 113 30 5 17 911 2,256 419 216 160 95 21 340 169 742 90 142 182 138 5 15 25 15 7 U 6 6 228 494 46 39 5 95 50 35 8 10 15 5 5 788 1,734 8.2 3.76 230 407 115 25 11 130 307 0.67 10 37 10 5 16 10 37 130 480 50 205 3.90 1,110 2,653 552 273 158 102 25 504 864 367 69 41 22 5 773 1,789 407 196 65 95 10 337 167 606 49 53 178 119 5 20 15 2 5 249 405 42 32 5 80 45 76 26 17 746 1,522 8.5 4.08 205 346 155 10 15 15 80 170 0.58 20 30 101 503 56 268 6.21 4,064 11,545 1,629 1,131 763 374 167 2,446 4,253 1,552 489 307 78 20 2,517 7,292 1,128 636 379 243 131 1,547 899 1,618 382 482 170 128 30 95 117 30 37 36 11 10 11 5 1,132 1,786 42 28 35 477 220 254 33 48 5 10 2,518 6,726 8.4 3.87 798 1,234 393 60 6 12 10 285 654 0.84 15 31 25 20 55 10 81 27 21 352 1,897 202 1,057 4.56 3,182 12,308 878 873 714 502 215 2,341 5,819 998 589 475 237 42 1,875 6,489 862 396 257 268 92 1,307 1,034 841 429 783 185 130 25 100 111 15 63 68 28 13 5 1 951 2,266 43 30 10 338 170 230 116 57 15 5 10 1,959 6,232 8.5 3.88 559 925 371 78 26 184 402 0.67 35 47 5 5 60 301 2,625 181 1,455 3.84 1,251 7,094 202 240 321 299 189 1,030 3,863 257 223 284 192 74 658 3,231 201 144 126 100 87 593 437 221 194 434 163 145 12 37 36 16 33 23 16 7 7 7 475 1,430 45 30 9 158 100 108 55 24 9 7 1 4 768 3,559 8.4 3.88 274 318 123 28 69 265 0.65 10 15 6 3 12 3 15 121 1,406 85 977 4.18 633 7,167 80 77 131 152 193 562 4,444 97 80 129 142 114 346 2,723 90 64 69 56 67 287 275 71 168 641 195 178 4 19 24 18 29 26 21 17 2 305 1,424 45 30 1 75 65 103 32 13 13 1 1 347 3,406 8.5 3.99 94 164 74 8 2 2 48 547 0.66 3 17 9 1 5 3 7 2 61 1,149 36 619 3.75 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are Dased on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FatmS number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution ^ percent Averape si ze of fatni acres Value Of lantj and buildings: Average per fam dollars . Average per acre dollars . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres fanns 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 to 499 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 or mor« acres farms Cropland used only for pasture .farms Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms Soil-improvement trasses and legumes farms Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms Improved pasture farms Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporti ng reporting reporting reporting reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres Land use practices: Cropland in covet crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for ^ain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-croppino systems for soil-erosion control. farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and fASture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. . f'nder 25 years number . . 25 to M years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators rerwrting. 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. , With other income of farr.ily exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . Witli income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting . With other Income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres ., number. 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table. 1136,271 100.0 19,644,019 100.0 184.8 16,464 100 .03 90,409 4,984,896 20,292 16,106 11,423 13,971 16,134 8,277 3,478 607 121 38,164 1,340,763 40,189 1,209,851 9,386 273,085 34,831 936,766 44,550 3,092,515 61,958 7,058,719 37,419 1,389,473 19,461 683,087 2,268 37,963 6,959 191,707 14,367 723,971 955 30,633 33,062 2,003,270 105,223 1,552 9,611 22,408 30,706 23,370 17, 576 51.0 50,576 13,817 7,288 29,471 17,805 18,180 33,947 55,695 12,845 20,291 13,679 6,825 27,956 11,754 12,095 12,943 8,001 5,697 3,761 9,817 4,917 1,749 756 61,955 58.3 15,497,901 78.9 250.1 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,414,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14,681 8,158 3,450 6C2 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1 ,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,685 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,120 61,220 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,895 8,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 40,497 8,166 8,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,711 7,743 5,129 4,080 2,801 7,828 4,408 1,613 726 1,769 1.7 2,342,878 11.9 1,324.4 112,113 97.68 1,502 601,834 106 55 29 90 135 185 442 353 107 915 152,382 672 87,277 263 27,563 524 59,714 798 291,243 1,304 962,869 843 175,618 631 112,188 165 13,867 338 37,266 391 92,264 67 9,641 758 191,998 1,738 21 210 582 552 262 111 46.1 559 154 85 320 158 327 232 1,210 2U 383 68 136 28 59 32 93 187 433 341 286 4,279 4.0 2,403,299 12.2 561.6 48,266 100. 6^ 3,628 661,853 387 236 180 229 424 746 1,237 180 9 2,004 178, 802 1,663 107,317 630 32,413 1,300 74,904 2,156 351,591 2,854 851,124 2,120 198,442 1,528 124,974 315 7,444 642 32,244 953 109,173 71 2,355 1,852 268,328 4,213 44 606 1,159 1,355 722 327 46.9 1,290 394 182 714 357 563 553 2,989 580 707 225 385 165 245 235 170 190 185 1,005 880 418 176 GEORGIA 33 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For deftnilions and explanations, see text) Economic class-Continued Commercial farms-Continued Partr retirement FARKB, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. . Percent distribution percent.. Laid in farms acrea . . Percent distribution percent . , Average size of fann acres. . Value of land and buildings: Average per fam dollars . . , Average per acre ^ dollars.. , Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. ., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. ., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. , 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. , 100 to 199 acres farms reporting... 200 to 499 acres ..farms reporting... 500 to 999 acres farms reporting... 1.000 or more acres farms reporting.. , Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . . . acres . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . Soil-impTDveroent grasses and legumes farms reporting. . . acres . . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. , . acres . . . Woodland pastured farms reporting... acres . . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. , . acres . , . Improved pasture farms reporting . . . acres . . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting... acres . . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting... acres . . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . . acres . . . Land in slrip-cropping systems for soil -erosion control farms reporting. . . acres , , . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . . acres . . . F.ARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . . Lnder 25 years number . . . 25 to 34 years number . . . 35 to 44 years number . . . 45 to 54 years number . . . 55 to 64 years number . . . 65 or more years number . . . Average age years . . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . . 200 or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . . With income from sources other than farm operated and off- farm work operators reporti ng . , . With other income of family exceeding value of agncullural products sold operators reporting... Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . . With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . . 10 to 49 acres number . . . 50 to 69 acres numbw . . . 70 to 99 acres number . . . 100 to l-'^g acres number . . . 140 to 179 acres number . . . lf)0 to 219 acrea number . . . 220 to 259 acrea number . . . 260 to 499 acres number . . . 500 to 999 acres number . . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . . . 2,000 or more acres numbw- . . . See footnotes at end of table. U,784 13.9 3,356,735 17.1 227.1 20,317 96.75 13,469 1,034,493 1,191 791 774 1,766 5,212 3,334 386 14 1 6,254 210,800 5,266 166,288 1,378 42,939 4,447 123,349 6,664 523,281 8,893 1,129,485 5,278 209,412 3,347 108,485 660 4,510 1,587 34,704 2,152 130,788 164 4,261 4,954 363,028 i.(A9 17, .466 341 1,609 1,668 3,770 3,780 ';,714 5,517 2,3i2 4,004 1,-433 2,156 *8.4 49. B 5,515 2,271 879 2,365 1,766 1,856 2,484 9,269 2,279 2,167 1,026 676 1,540 1,146 1,701 2,096 1,803 1,316 961 2,217 984 266 78 17,698 16.7 2,731,704 13.9 154.4 13,222 93.10 16,345 795,881 1,160 1,441 2,259 4,816 5,555 1,066 47 1 6,530 187,672 5,844 159,647 1,279 36,565 5,092 123,082 6,919 437,236 9,473 896,975 4,945 171,586 2,695 70,222 366 2,743 1,267 23,447 2,214 93,594 182 4,840 5,523 297,655 7,413 2,955 1,233 3,225 2,462 2,507 3,581 10,285 2,156 2,467 1,474 601 4,137 1,975 2,380 2,873 1,596 1,202 656 1,424 629 181 44 14,067 13.2 1,347,527 6.9 95.8 7,235 82.13 13,131 363,334 2,068 3,315 3,114 2,922 1,592 108 12 3,960 69,282 4,805 99,912 870 16,384 4,293 83, 528 5,068 214,489 7,281 483,117 3,766 75,833 1,446 22,985 50 410 510 5,032 1,912 49 ,767 1,929 4,239 144,920 13,853 315 907 2,142 4,616 5,873 50.7 3,537 3,537 740 592 10,530 1,594 1,370 725 3,330 5,375 11,590 2,061 4,317 1,696 3,678 1,736 3,368 815 1,901 558 1,061 245 600 655 1,178 156 341 36 75 9 17 31,456 29.6 2,667,428 13.6 84.8 9,924 124.13 23,849 388,631 10,207 6,820 3,250 2,518 952 84 18 9,634 201,059 12,709 286,341 2,866 57,228 11,170 229,113 12,242 474, 561 17,544 993,026 11,365 219,026 4,965 75,491 112 1,243 939 9,731 3,553 59,371 186 1,642 8,587 261,233 31,174 496 3,631 8,303 10,917 7,827 46.8 27,095 2,323 4,167 20,605 10,859 9,522 4,361 2,521 2,835 4,361 12,781 12.0 1,375,652 7.0 107.6 10,083 99.25 10,171 166,068 4,308 2,811 1,447 1,090 480 34 1 4,322 96,094 5,506 149,571 1,053 24,539 4,696 125,032 5,742 244,712 8,339 581,653 4,772 89,940 1,913 26,791 31 101 359 5,673 1,413 22,766 70 1,365 3,492 105,001 12,781 12,781 70.8 2,017 1,064 226 727 571 1,518 1,551 10,764 2,151 8,907 820 3,897 1,635 1,706 1,827 966 556 360 790 163 55 79 0.1 103,038 0.5 1,304.3 139,133 122.59 78 15,289 10 15 5 10 21 1 9 5 2 25 6,397 21 1,798 8 456 20 1,342 26 7,167 42 58,093 44 9,509 17 4,961 11 315 17 618 26 4,409 2 420 23 6,916 6 30 53.6 6 5 1 6 73 7 13 20 10 21 5 6 7 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are basetl on reports for only a sample of farma. S«e textj {For definitions anri explanations, see text) Total all fajms Ecnnomic class Commercial farms FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators; Full owners number. Pari owners number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number . Share-cash tenants number. Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants.. number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. White farm operators; Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Croppers number. Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Croppers number. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number. Tobacco farms number. Cotton farms . . . , number. Other field-citjp farms number. Vegetable farms number. Frtiit-and-nut farms number . Poultry farms number. Dairy farms number. Livestock farms other than poull/y and dairy farms number. General farms number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. number. Cora pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms Tractors other than garden farms 1 tractor farms 2 Uactors farms 3 tractors farms 4 tractors farms 5 or more tractors farms Wheel tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Garrlen tractors farms Automobiles farms Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms Telephone farms Home freezer farms Milking machine farms Electric milk cooler farms Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms Gravel, shell, or shele farms Dirt or unimproved farms Less than 1 mile to a hard surface row! farms 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms 1 mile farms 2 or 3 miles farms 4 miles farms 5 or more miles farms FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATTON HireH workers farms Regular hired worltersfemployed 150 or more days) farms reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, refiorting. reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number. reporting, number, reporting, reporting, renorting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Farms refiorting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers ; t or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers reporting, persons . reporting. persons. s reporting, s reporting. s reporting. s reporting, s reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 62,240 17,643 25,627 4,940 586 4,008 1,560 10,412 4,121 56,172 15,617 14,399 4,280 6,068 2,026 11,228 6,132 1,329 7,961 12,476 3,401 456 504 9,923 2,319 9,280 12,648 45,974 9,285 10,340 9,410 9,677 5,742 5,875 1,490 1,651 60,627 72,784 62,587 93,089 60,711 89,392 43,436 11,360 3,537 1,248 1,130 60,407 87,719 1,415 1,673 3,531 3,697 75,649 88,323 93,734 47,247 56,668 2,735 2,746 830 5,712 37,888 6,269 60,151 23,388 36,763 15,173 17,947 2,015 1,628 18,674 60,144 9,700 23,729 5,310 1,958 1,412 731 269 93,748 5,908 6,615 28,931 14,047 18,327 2,723 511 3,088 1,460 8,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,413 2,216 1,415 7,955 4,910 1,329 7,961 12,476 3,401 456 504 9,923 2,319 9,280 12,648 1,658 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42,714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26,284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,480 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,846 8,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 763 704 123 27 9 12 10 40 25 763 693 118 35 32 23 59 87 17 98 646 193 158 350 106 818 1,186 611 695 677 717 249 326 1,603 4,150 1,573 6,456 1,554 6,308 334 234 239 223 524 1,547 6,067 191 241 117 148 1,606 2,690 1,732 1,485 1,354 254 260 176 732 912 171 636 298 338 140 176 11 11 1,489 12,985 1,344 7,931 223 215 372 344 190 1,379 304 2,078 1,508 546 119 43 67 109 117 93 2,068 1,502 533 107 10 6 15 10 53 153 165 195 4 61 1,670 567 333 875 203 1,465 1,717 1,227 1,277 1,129 1,155 414 440 3,768 6,058 3,670 9,101 3,604 8,906 1,120 966 830 362 326 3,601 8,747 145 159 183 195 3,795 5,059 4,223 3,169 3,251 652 635 213 1,077 2,018 224 1,960 828 1,132 502 522 66 42 2,e«5 11,016 2,239 5,600 672 606 476 232 53 3,640 379 260 GEORGIA State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: [Datn or© based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See texlj 35 CENSUS OF 1959-Continued (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Economic class-Continued Commercial farms-Continued Part-retirement FAHMS BY COLOK AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All tam) operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Ctop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. White farm operators; Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Croppers number. Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners , number. AJl tenants number. Croppers number. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain faims number. Tobacco farms number. Cotton farms number. Other field-crop farms number. Vegetable farms number. Fniit-and-fiut farms number. Poultry farms number. Dairy farms number. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy forms number. General farms number . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND PACILITffiS AND KIND OF ROAD Groin combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporti ng . number. Uotortrucks .farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. i tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors forms reoorting. 5or moretroctors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors forms reporting. number. Garden tractors forms reporting. number. Automobiles forms reporting. number. Autrxnobiles and,'or motortncks iarms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer forms reporting. Milking mochine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler forms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, foroge, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operoted elevotor, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hord surface farms reporting. •jravel, shell, or shale forms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hart! surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to o horti surfoce rood farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. i miles forms reporting. 5 or more miles forms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Bired workers forms reporting. persons . Kegulor hired workers (employed 150 or more days) forms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker forms reporting. 2 hired workers forms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers forms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 6,734 3,889 4,033 550 145 806 523 1,653 356 6,568 3,622 2,946 932 166 267 1,087 721 205 2,486 1,765 707 38 55 2,801 388 1,924 4,017 398 1,777 1,901 2,7D1 2,756 956 964 198 208 10,943 12,814 11,610 17,356 11,360 16,810 7,132 3,328 699 135 66 11,353 16,593 202 217 516 546 11,292 13,010 14,083 7,042 9,712 433 450 156 1,389 4,948 798 8,749 3,213 5,536 2,217 2,881 273 165 3,719 9,778 1,718 2,630 1,247 306 127 27 11 13,056 713 1,015 8,311 2,990 6,342 772 106 1,095 340 3,346 683 7,714 2 600 3,279 1,269 597 390 3,063 2,077 319 3,165 4,183 893 70 77 1,768 157 3,011 3,662 393 1,252 1,320 1,498 1,513 603 608 138 148 10,760 11,852 12,021 15,444 11,780 14,923 9,326 1,992 309 100 53 11,723 14,697 194 226 490 521 12,099 13,602 15,992 6,522 9,397 159 195 U7 643 5,589 948 10,777 4,065 6,712 2,643 3,437 346 286 2,857 6,578 988 1,403 749 158 49 32 15,529 950 1,219 6,509 1,701 5,844 1,003 96 857 131 2,861 896 5,097 1,091 2,175 820 1,412 610 3,669 2,041 633 1,306 5,590 1,061 316 117 266 90 2,906 1,562 220 534 539 438 443 274 284 70 75 6,154 6,431 5,962 6,758 5,802 6,533 5,218 468 94 16 6 5,771 6,468 58 65 219 225 7,588 8,025 11,053 2,604 4,553 91 86 20 129 3,509 814 9,428 3,358 6,070 2,255 3,087 413 315 792 1,665 108 161 12,478 568 1,021 22,791 2,932 5,703 1,672 60 710 65 1,723 1,473 20,724 2,501 3,366 746 2,067 431 2,337 977 31,456 997 1,028 434 439 552 552 75 85 15,081 16,135 15,412 17, 505 14,607 16, 110 13,326 1,107 137 31 6 14,485 15,745 303 365 1,374 1,395 24,512 29,043 28,236 15, 314 16, 525 110 95 20 170 12, 537 2,017 16,435 6,827 9,608 4,397 4,266 507 438 2,208 4,106 484 567 401 83 27,754 1,987 1,715 10,518 664 1,597 545 15 210 35 366 426 8,733 484 661 121 1,765 180 936 245 12,781 333 X3 156 156 98 98 16 16 4,377 4,560 4,398 4,975 4,216 4,703 3,800 362 42 7 5 4,171 4,602 91 101 267 272 7,118 7,639 9,195 5,205 4,996 62 41 1 37 4,570 723 7,210 2,901 4,309 1,819 2,013 227 250 836 1,515 161 182 140 21 11,640 394 747 16 34 5 9 15 21 8 16 63 429 63 399 63 388 26 10 5 2 20 58 330 20 58 9 11 36 111 68 72 50 14 13 3 9 57 11 5 41 370 41 259 20 5 6 3 7 40 3 31 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lextj (For definitions and explanations, see text) USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizinp materials used during the year Dry materials. ... Liquid materials. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture . Dry materials. . . . Liquid materials. Other pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Liquid materials Com Pry materials Liquid materials Soybeans Dry materials Liquid matcri als Cottcm Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials. ... Liquid materials . . Lime or liming materials used during the year. . Tnder SlOO SlOO to S999 ?l.CK)0toS1.399.. S2,000lo?4.999., ?5,000 or more. . . , Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under $1,000 $1,000 to ?2,499 . , $2,500 to 54,999., S5,000 to $9,999., $10,(XIO or more. . , rnder.$200 S200 to $999 . . . $1,000 or more. . Under S200 $200 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $2, 499..., $2,500 to $4.999..., $5,000 to $9,999..., $10,000 to $19,999. 520,000 to $49,999., $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . Under $100. ... . $100 to $499... 5500 to S999 . . . $1,000 or more. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business .... amis reporting., on which used.., tons . . 'arms reporting. . tons . . , 'arms reporting.. tons.. 'arms reporting. . acres . . 'arms reporting.., tons.. 'arms reporting.. , tons. ■ 'arms reporting. . acres . . [arms reporting.. tons.. 'arms reporting. . Ions . . Farms reporting . . acres . . arms reporting.. tons.. arms reporting. . Ions.. arms reporting. . acres . . arms reporting., tons . . arms reporting., tons.. arms reporting.. 'arms reporting., tons.. • reporting.. Ions.. 'arms reporting., acres . . 1 reporting. . Ions., arms reporting . . tons.. 'arms reporting.. acres limed., tons.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDnXIRES Any of the following specified expenditures farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Under $100 SlOO to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $4,999. $5,[fi0 or more reporting.. reporting., dollars.. 5 reporting.. 5 reporting. . 5 reporting., 3 reporting., 3 reporting.. 3 reporting . . dollars.. 3 reporting.. 5 reporting . . 3 reporting.. 3 reporting., 3 reporting. , 3 reporting,. dollars.. reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting . , dollars., reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. , reporting., reporting . , reporting., reporting., reporting, dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting.. 'arms reporting . , dollars., arms reporting. . 'arms reporting.. farms reporting. , arms reporting., arms reporting . , 87,332 5,243,840 1,197,593 87,139 1,157,043 5,553 40,550 20,319 728, 824 19,938 148,062 1,476 8,165 10,814 369,323 10,582 ■69,510 767 4,848 70,936 2,350,653 70,723 442,914 3,684 18,760 1,994 43,355 1,979 6,969 27 110 42,186 624,659 42,105 203, 359 1,171 3,696 48,770 1,127,386 48,593 286,229 801 4,971 14,978 414,941 409,880 105,201 75,606 155,928,719 21,535 35,933 4,308 5,399 8,431 41,439 58,260,630 29,948 5,836 3,219 1,679 757 58,267 17,165,247 34,964 20,222 3,031 54,631 57,248,360 20,794 13,978 7,388 7,337 3,009 1,402 504 218 51 50,368 12,035,242 26,970 17,476 3,635 2,287 98,184 31,647,435 45,356 34,501 10,768 7,197 362 Commercial farms 55,461 4,650,613 1,070,490 55,328 1,031,733 4,907 38,757 14,293 637,114 13,972 128,171 1,293 7,701 7,593 324,744 7,396 60,432 663 4,457 46,744 2,061,823 46, 576 390,414 3,382 18,137 1,430 40,036 1,465 6,377 27 110 32,933 563,270 32,877 134,618 1,076 3,564 36,400 1,023,986 36,263 261,721 704 4,788 10,313 352,317 346,065 61,945 45,929 148,563,131 9,102 19,823 3,430 5,113 8,406 27,651 55,339,726 16,741 5,343 3,133 1,675 754 41,298 15,418,262 20,342 17,942 3,014 40,942 54,017,416 U,046 11,224 6,603 6,950 2,960 1,397 50O 215 47 33,629 10,331,082 13,348 14,662 3,383 2,231 59,242 23,222,110 16,591 24,979 10,264 7,053 355 1,431 650,141 163,270 1,425 153,433 336 9,787 778 123,814 758 24,366 130 2,096 439 53,174 414 11,790 73 1,035 1,033 179,030 1,016 33,341 254 3,694 92 10,655 87 1,610 5 25 737 62,517 737 23,416 83 1,113 988 205,951 934 53,960 83 1,324 538 65,001 64,216 1,769 1,624 40,999,760 14 220 125 179 1,086 1,320 19,334,045 175 177 190 318 460 1,024 1,720,351 140 412 472 1,691 17,723,738 24 70 85 190 323 474 305 173 47 1,098 2,065,169 73 263 200 562 1,765 4,500,444 82 259 2X 933 257 3,547 734,745 174,287 3,525 164,452 578 9,825 1,737 137,731 1,685 27, 816 284 2,365 835 65,352 861 12,102 101 1,216 2,756 260,988 2,737 52,706 439 4,173 175 8,840 175 1,447 12 69 1,752 68,139 1,752 23,177 147 606 2,373 193,695 2,357 47,214 118 1,395 1,462 77, 532 74,262 4,279 4,026 39,045,054 149 843 329 408 2,297 3,030 12,474,317 651 547 768 836 168 2,558 2,213,159 658 1,213 687 3,732 11,524,641 253 423 389 1,018 956 566 137 40 2,430 2,053,140 387 727 567 749 4,263 4,872,384 467 987 859 1,878 72 8,044 1,018,392 238,988 8,035 229,816 1,207 9,172 3,169 152,171 3,112 32,099 345 1,705 1,840 83,884 1,779 15,407 238 1,354 6,753 441,245 6,728 83,975 855 4,587 337 7,251 337 1,197 4,402 111,140 4,397 37,807 287 853 5,350 222,701 5,338 54,330 134 572 2,587 87,930 87,890 9,358 8,454 36,334,355 380 2,937 819 1,087 3,231 6,014 12,307,991 2,577 1,389 1,646 307 95 6,063 3,501,409 1,799 3,330 934 7,236 11,112,988 848 1,069 1,388 2,485 1,109 284 51 2 5,401 2,426,696 1,204 2,395 1,202 600 9,290 6,577,807 1,341 2,770 2,623 2,532 24 See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA 37 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DAta are based on reports for only a sample of famia. See text]] (For definilions and explanations, see text) IISE OF COMMERCIAL FERTIUZER AND LIME Commefcial fertilizer and fertilising materials used dunn^ the yest farms refxvtjng . . acres on which used . . tons. . Dry matenals farms reporting . . tons.. Liquid materials , farms reporting,. Ions,, Ctops on which used- Bay and Clopland pastiire farms reporting . . acres . . Dry matenals farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting . . tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . acres . . [ky matenals farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid matenals farms reporting., tons.. Cora farms reporting , . Dry materials farms reporting . . tons.. Liquid matenals farms reporting . . tons.. Soybeans farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials. farms reporting . . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Cottcm farms reporting.. acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons. . Liquid matenals farms reporting . . tons.. All other crops farms reporting . . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting . . tons.. Liquid matenals farms reporting.. tons . . Lime or liming matenals used during the year farms reporting. . acres limed.. tons . . SPEISFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars . . Under $100 farms reporting . . SlOO to S999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to S1,9M farms reporting . . S2,000 to S4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more farms reporting... Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . . dollars... Under $1,000 farms reporting. . . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting,.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting , . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting, . . $10,000 or more farms reporting . , . Machine hire farms reporting . . . dollars . . . Under S200 farms reporting . . . $200 to $999 farms reporting . . . $1,000 or more farms reporting . . , Hired labor. farms reporting . . . dollars. .. Under $200 farms reporting . . . $200 to $499 farms reporting... $500 to $999 farms reporting . , . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting,.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting,.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting . . . $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting . . . $50,000 or more farms repcrting . . . Seeds, tnilbs, plants, and trees farms reporting... dollars . . . Under $100 farms repcxting . . . SlOO to $499 farms reporting . . . $500 to $999 farms reporting . . . $1,000 or more. farms reporting . . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting . . . dollars .. . Under SlOO. farms reporting . . . $100 to $499 farms reporting... $500 to $999 farms reporting... $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting... $5,000 or more. fntms repcrting . . . See footaotes at end of table. Economic class-Continued Commercial farms-Continued 13,300 1,080,074 246,115 13,269 239,847 1,407 6,268 3,703 119,907 3,564 23, 596 316 1,138 2,001 55,459 1,945 11,122 166 524 11,547 562,524 11,501 105,600 991 3,389 389 6,168 384 1,003 5 6 7,899 127,223 7,888 41,253 303 612 9,941 208,793 9,896 57,273 182 599 2,954 67,205 67,154 14,784 12,261 21,849,353 1,595 6,039 1,054 1,842 1,721 7,506 7,282,440 4,631 2,370 358 116 31 10,137 3,742,653 3,757 5,750 620 10,868 8,032,678 2,107 3,305 2,699 2,252 425 73 8,543 2,185,064 2,469 4,389 953 232 14,512 5, 302, 501 2,519 6,621 4,082 1,289 1 16,321 812,467 176, 575 16,281 173,518 979 3,057 3,297 80,436 3,249 16,168 153 373 1,669 41,703 1,543 8,094 55 280 13,757 425,657 13,721 74,299 672 1,836 337 5,517 332 878 5 10 9,957 124,742 9,922 38,479 176 265 10,748 134,777 10,708 35,600 142 293 2,340 42,712 A0,717 17,693 12,249 8,764,819 3,067 6,692 928 1,501 61 6,618 3,399,205 5,602 809 159 48 12,347 3,073,033 6,255 5,821 271 11,555 4,589,815 3,889 4,763 1,850 934 119 9,676 1,546,567 4,624 4,580 390 17,037 4,408,748 4,638 9,994 2,069 335 1 12,818 354,794 71,255 12,793 70,607 250 648 1,609 23,055 1,604 4,126 20 23 759 10,172 754 1,917 30 48 10,898 192,384 10,873 30,492 160 358 150 1,605 150 242 8,186 69,509 8,181 20,486 80 115 7,000 58,069 6,985 13,344 40 104 837 11,937 11,826 14,062 7,315 1,569,790 3,897 3,092 215 101 10 3,163 491,728 3,095 51 17 9,169 1,167,637 7,723 1,416 30 5,810 1,033,556 3,925 1,594 192 71 28 6,481 539,446 4,591 1,808 76 6 12,375 1,560,226 7,544 4,348 397 86 22,505 408,221 89,062 22,460 87,867 478 1,195 4,454 64,535 4,4134 14,208 136 354 2,430 31,426 2,405 6,681 73 197 16,693 195,077 16,663 36,308 225 417 370 2,410 370 425 6,351 43,040 6,331 13,072 70 108 8,617 71,733 8,587 17,173 60 119 3,170 46,108 47,458 30,934 21,374 5,017,178 8,395 12,178 565 226 10 10,284 2,283,334 9,818 391 75 11,770 1,242,072 10,067 1,658 45 9,718 1,891,273 6,649 2,143 616 233 27 12,179 306,348 9,891 2,092 165 31 28,980 2,459,152 21,435 7,093 365 87 Part-retirement 9,288 162, 892 33,341 9,273 32,807 161 5X 1,539 20,540 1,529 4,233 35 62 775 10,395 765 1,971 25 193 7,444 86,157 7,429 14,836 76 201 140 760 140 138 2,898 13,153 2,893 5,615 25 24 3,696 26,887 3,681 6,014 35 54 975 14,181 13, 9X 12,243 8,234 1,6»,327 4,038 3,895 251 45 5 3,473 548,167 3,372 96 5 5,174 492,4W 4,544 610 20 3,973 615,618 3,098 611 169 79 16 4,514 308,209 3,721 701 76 16 9,889 853,974 7,320 2,394 132 43 78 22,114 4,700 78 4,636 7 64 33 6,635 33 1,450 7 48 16 2,763 16 426 1 1 55 7,591 55 1,356 1 5 4 149 4 29 4 196 4 54 57 4,780 57 1,321 2 10 15 2,335 2,423 79 69 689,083 37 12 10 10 31 89,403 17 6 1 4 3 25 12,424 U. 12 2 48 724,053 1 25 6 5 4 3 4 46 89,603 10 21 6 -9 73 112,199 10 35 7 14 7 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reporta for only a sample of farms. See tfixtj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial faims ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars... average per farm, dollars . . . All crops sold dollars... Field crops, other tlian ve^tables and fruits and nats, sold dollars . . Vepetables sold dollars . . . Fruits and nuts sold dollars... Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. .. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars , . . Dairy products sold dollars .. . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves , farms reporting . . . number . . , Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.., number. .. Milk cows farms reporting . . , number... Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting... Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.., number... Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting. . , 2 to 4 head farms reporting... 5to9head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20to49head farms reporting . . .^0 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting, , 2 to 9 head farms reporting,. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head. farms reporting . . 30 lo 49 head fam.s reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head. farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Horses and/or mules farms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number . . Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Sheep arid lambs farms reporting . . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over fanrs reporting . . number . . Ewes farms reporting . . number,. Rams and wethers farms reporting. , number , , Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. , number , , Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . . number., dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . . number. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting.. pounds . . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold forms reporting. . dollars. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dor-ens . . dollars . . See footnotes at end of table. 607,903,993 5,720 283,809,547 229,006,309 7,232,937 16,026,208 31,544,093 324,094,446 163,977,836 40,177,610 119,939,000 71,778 1,394,763 67,160 700,591 43,177 197,223 53,158 390,141 46,135 304,031 8,580 20,010 14,227 12,246 10,233 4,098 2,280 104 18,739 31,891 7,423 3,038 3,043 1,585 602 839 21,198 19,443 320 368 945 533 184 186 39,774 72,846 73,176 1,867,046 49,121 1,040,306 66,474 826,740 848 33,332 547 7,950 783 25,332 698 22,359 658 3,023 66,153 12,003,339 48,428 602,048 69,695,428 48,270 1,700,323 49,309,367 549 19,813 237,756 5,308 736,613,311 40,177,610 15,473 116,739,209 13,137 111,355,325 45,655,694 572,151,761 9,235 266,646,189 215,843,136 6,251,102 14,996,619 29,555,332 305,505,572 161,616,483 39,428,718 104,460,366 42,587 1,163,401 40,693 591,672 25,374 165,205 33,266 318,907 29, 686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,018 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 600 832 11,739 11,581 300 367 940 533 182 132 23,046 47,626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 860,092 41,800 684,245 611 29,632 419 7,031 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,804 29,451 519,857 60,980,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 18,033 216,456 3,782 721,437,957 39,423,718 12,606 115,681,098 8,339 103,271,309 44,391,451 134,372,649 75,960 48,271,253 26,821,971 1,489,169 8,635,083 11,325,025 86,101,396 49,762,625 11,214,856 25,123,915 1,367 224,411 1,294 99,623 623 30,590 1,228 54,653 1,202 70,130 57 45 59 92 218 256 559 a 94 157 99 100 199 174 119 352 144 204 60 48 126 827 4,370 973 109,489 729 65,043 928 44,441 38 2,470 29 733 32 1,737 31 1,592 31 145 811 3,997,541 1,251 135,294 20,345,201 803 141,737 4,110,373 24 2,901 34,812 293 194,022,680 11,214,856 823 27,141,772 464 52,639,970 21,582,381 116,387,665 27,200 42,504,995 33,X6,850 709,069, 2,701,097 5,747,979 73,382,670 44,591,975 12,763,288 16,527,407 3,389 224,582 3,243 117,777 1,911 40,394 2,939 61,419 2,846 45,336 132 300 247 420 711 826 739 14 300 725 505 275 478 514 193 253 618 655 17 16 191 252 113 49 1,830 5,104 2,619 163,846 1,975 95,069 2,423 68,777 108 7,375 77 1,898 97 5,477 97 5,208 79 269 1,927 2,735,117 3,054 100,989 10,997,007 2,059 186,759 5,416,011 30 4,490 53,380 631 233,830,365 12,763,238 1,947 33,899,299 733 25,609,377 10,499,845 131,199,617 14,020 58,455,097 49,216,150 1,138,500 1,790,569 6,309,878 72,744,520 38,558,210 11,881,008 22,305,302 7,512 273,689 7,153 147,222 4,552 45,360 6,320 76,420 5,864 50,047 431 1,063 843 1,324 1,919 1,349 579 1,112 2,291 1,160 670 1,105 439 186 145 1,840 1,750 26 151 551 206 21 7 3,524 7,508 6,792 352,226 5,176 195,139 6,314 157,087 149 6,926 107 1,557 139 5,369 118 4,951 136 413 5,148 1,613,505 6,099 112,521 11,736,369 5,287 360,187 10,445,423 94 3,307 39,684 1,151 219,741,102 11,881,008 3,208 32,201,257 1,313 15,009,567 6,153,928 GEORGIA 39 state Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports For only a sample of faims. See text] (For dprimtions and explanations, see text) Gconomic class— Continued Commercial Tanns-Continued Part-retirement ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm prOtlUCtS sold total, dollars . avera,er acre dollars . . . Land in farms according to use; Cropland harveslexf farms reportinp. . . acres . . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting... 1,000 or more acres farms reporting... Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting... acres . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . fcil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting . . . acres . . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting... acres . . . Wowiland pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . , Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . Other pasture (not cropland and not wtxxlland) farms reporting. . , acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Iffigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices; Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . . acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting.. acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number . . 25 to "M years number. . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number.. Average age years . . OFF-FARM *ORK AND OTHER INI^ME Farm operators- Working orf their farms, loUl operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators repccting.. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms of not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporting., FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to49 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres '. number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footflOlos at end of table. Total all commercial farms 61,955 XXX 15,497,901 XXX 250.1 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,414,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10, 353 14,681 8,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 15,566 575,344 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,685 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,120 61,220 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15, 537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,895 8,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 40,497 8,166 8,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,7U 7,743 5,129 4,080 2,801 7,823 4,403 1,613 726 Foonomic class 1,329 100.0 421,728 100.0 317.3 23,518 86.66 1,329 148,124 170 170 76 167 253 291 159 39 4 467 18,542 589 28,892 135 5,554 475 23,333 430 36,747 940 166, 142 420 12,218 219 6,884 27 924 144 7,071 215 21,926 20 1,400 360 37,716 1,287 30 131 218 450 357 101 49.7 421 270 34 117 163 179 115 908 158 15 270 71 140 141 85 95 100 196 156 43 17 32 2-4 34,696 3.2 1,084.3 91,633 107.84 32 18,205 14 2 21 1,267 13 1,702 7 550 12 1,152 12 2,525 31 10,353 10 285 10 285 13 1,483 14 3,900 75 14 2,865 32 2 17 7 5 1 45.3 53 4.0 60,336 14.3 1,138.4 60,488 82.04 53 24,289 19 1,471 27 2,610 2 255 26 2,355 29 3,238 37 27, 393 14 580 12 140 1 100 23 1,640 7 2,575 60 18 1,957 53 22 10 13 6 2 41.2 87 6.5 56,376 13.4 648.0 47,499 79.61 87 25,221 46 3,680 33 2,319 9 689 25 1,630 27 2,293 61 21,044 23 1,055 22 6 514 19 1,160 18 4,346 31 6,553 205 319 15.4 24.0 90,572 105,179 21.5 24.9 441.8 329.7 27, 818 28,706 68.14 39.01 205 319 30,021 33, 138 5 10 5 31 42 125 126 129 30 19 2 106 103 5,280 4,278 96 143 7,391 7,485 48 38 1,360 1,355 60 121 6,031 6,130 94 111 6,939 9,590 143 242 36,530 40,647 71 101 2,743 4,725 40 54 1,803 2,990 1,755 54 4,610 16 1,130 90 12,871 205 303 10 36 40 50 53 65 64 16 77 38 59 43.4 50.6 79 40 21 18 38 23 13 126 53 43 U 37 958 56 4,605 2 135 97 8,995 141 58 11 72 72 89 33 178 25 49 32 GEORGIA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 9. -Cash-grain farms [^Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See t«xtj 45 (For (lerniiUcns and explannUons, sec toxl) Total all al farms Economic class FARMS BV COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All fann operators: Full own«3 nun/oer . . , Part onuefs nunibor . . . All tenants numlwr. . , Cash tenants number. . , Share-cash tenants nun'ber . . , Crop-share tenants nuinber . . Liveslock-shnre tenants number. . Croppen; number. . Other and unspecified tenants number. . White farm operators: Full o\vners number. . Part o*Tiers number. . All tenants number. . Croppers number. . Nonwhite farm operators; Full owners number. . Part OMners number. . All tenants number . . CTOfaiers number . . SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACIUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms renorting.. number.. Com pickers farms reporting.. number. . Pick-up balers farms reporting. . number . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number.. Motortrucks fanr.s reporting. . number. . Tractors farms reporting. . nunjber. . Tractors other than Eariien farms reporting.. number. . 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors forms reporting.. 3 tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractors farms reporting.. 5 or more tractors farmn reportiT\g.. Wheel tractors farm.s ronorting.. number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . nuniber.. Garden tractors fam,s reporting.. number.. Automobiles farms reportinf; . . number.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler .farms reporting.. (TtDp drier (f« grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting.. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Din or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting, . 1 mile farms reporting , . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . , persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers j farms reporting. , 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting . . Operalors not reporting residence number.. See footnotes at end of table. 28,931 14,047 18,327 2,723 511 3,088 1,460 8,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,413 2,216 1,415 7,955 4,910 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,1D73 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42,714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26,284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,U9 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,4ad 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,846 8,957 11,668 1,281 940 15, 589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 579 402 336 62 25 44 135 70 518 382 231 75 61 20 105 60 384 436 278 286 127 127 23 23 921 1,275 963 1,769 948 1,709 505 268 99 48 28 938 1,659 40 50 60 60 928 1,054 1,189 582 697 32 238 477 127 714 293 421 144 218 28 31 307 1,021 189 4W 1,074 132 123 1 32 84 32 140 32 138 7 20 5 32 137 1 1 2 2 31 37 32 25 29 27 141 27 101 49 67 36 40 13 13 5 5 53 109 53 213 53 211 12 12 12 17 53 202 8 9 2 2 50 198 43 117 87 149 77 197 77 182 10 47 13 3 77 176 2 6 15 15 82 97 87 64 75 5 47 124 107 128 75 75 30 30 1 183 253 195 374 195 364 66 99 23 6 195 358 6 6 10 10 194 231 200 138 124 98 7 100 43 57 15 37 5 79 318 162 23 20 120 124 70 15 5 109 119 50 10 92 63 63 17 17 6 6 239 326 269 445 269 439 149 79 33 7 269 422 12 17 6 6 232 257 299 162 189 2 139 37 137 48 89 26 53 5 84 190 262 31 26 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 9. -Cash-grain farms [Data are based on refwrls for only a sample of fanii^. See text ] (For definilions and explanations, soe text) Total all commercial fanns Economic class USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fenilizinc material? used dunnc the \efir farms reporting. . . acres on which used. .. tens . . . Dr> materials farms reportinR... tons.. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . . tons . , . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... Dt> materials farms rerorting... tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . . tons . . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials farms rejiorting . . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Com farms reporting . . . acres . . . Dry materials farn.s reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . . tons . . . Soybeans ^amts reporting... acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... Cotton farn.s reportini^. . . acres .. . Dry materials forn.s refxirting. .. tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons.., All other crops farms reporting. . . acres. ., Dry materials farms reporting. . , tons . . , Liquid materials farms reeorting. . . Ions... Lime or liming materials used during the year fanns renorting. . .acres limed, , tons ,. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting, , Feed ftjr livestock and poultry farms reporting, . dollars,. Under .^100 farms reporti ng , . $100 to .S999 farms reporting. , $1,000 to Sl,99q farms reportinfi, , $2,000 to $4,093 farms reporting,, 85,000 or more farms reporting, , Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting, . dollars , , Under $1,000 fams reportinp., 51,000 to $2,499 farnis reporting , . .52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting, . $5,000 to $9,999 famis renorting, , $10,000 or more farms reporting, . Machine hire farms reporting , , dol I ars , , Under $200 farms reporting. . $200 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more fanna reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. , $500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to $2,499 farms reporting,. $2,500 to $4,999 , farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting, , $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting,, 550,000 or more farms reporting, , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting, , tloltars,. Under $100 fanns reporting, , $100 to $499 farms reporting,. $500 to $999 fanriS refiorting, . $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting. . Slew to $199 farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting . . 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting,, 55,000 or more fanriS reporting, , 55,461 i, 650, 613 1,070,490 55,328 1,031,733 4,907 38,757 14, 293 637, 114 13,972 128,171 1,298 7,701 7,593 324, 74A 7,396 60,432 668 4,457 46,744 2,061,328 46,576 390,414 3,382 18,137 1,480 40,036 1,465 6,377 27 UO 32,933 563,270 32,877 184,618 1,076 3,564 36,400 1,023,986 36,268 261,721 704 4,788 10,818 352,317 346,065 61,945 45,929 U8, 563, 131 9,102 19,823 3,480 5,118 8,406 27,651 55,339,726 16,741 5,343 3,138 1,675 754 41,298 15,418,262 20,342 17,942 3,014 40,942 54,017,416 11,046 11,224 6,603 6,950 2,960 1,397 500 215 47 33,629 10,831,082 13,348 14,662 3,388 2,231 59,242 28,222,110 16,591 24,979 10,264 7,053 355 1,251 139,058 30, 596 1,245 28,414 186 2,182 234 11,674 213 1,943 41 172 133 2,142 128 562 11 61 1,126 72,330 1,119 13,634 140 1,321 99 5,293 89 834 10 35 321 4,751 321 1,737 30 54 730 42, 868 724 9,704 65 539 265 12,156 11,603 1,329 695 232,525 273 354 43 24 355 207,405 308 32 3 11 660 289, 577 310 276 74 673 934, 185 197 147 89 146 45 31 15 3 709 262,956 260 293 94 62 1,259 768,406 392 437 210 209 11 32 17,640 4,707 32 4,256 17 451 22 520 22 132 5 23 27 8,131 27 1,678 12 158 6 270 1 4 5 25 25 1,226 25 525 5 10 27 7,493 27 1,917 7 235 24 3,556 2,996 32 24 13,175 5 17 1 1 15 52,600 8 5 1 26 27,740 1 12 13 32 265,810 2 10 7 12 1 25 28,027 10 2 13 32 116,210 53 21,904 5,547 52 4,893 28 654 14 1,473 14 320 7 29 52 9,503 51 1,774 28 559 12 2,490 12 435 28 751 28 233 15 26 41 7,687 40 2,131 8 40 25 2,040 2,290 53 37 36,731 29 25,745 21 7 33 48,030 53 202,900 1 2 27 6 13 2 2 46 75,398 2 7 17 20 53 155,661 2 43 86 23,043 4,874 86 4,576 25 298 11 600 6 110 5 10 10 110 5 3 5 6 71 10,463 71 2,208 20 122 11 565 11 71 39 665 39 311 10 18 75 10,640 75 1,873 10 142 30 1,624 1,639 87 64 46,714 17 29 2 16 30 20,287 24 5 1 69 44,311 27 28 U 77 145,340 10 10 20 15 14 7 1 61 44,635 1 18 25 17 87 132,215 15 18 53 1 204 27, 176 5,748 199 5,513 38 235 71 3,661 56 537 18 98 18 462 18 136 1 10 173 14,676 168 2,846 28 109 23 603 23 114 84 904 84 361 153 6,870 153 1,519 10 18 63 1,820 2,225 205 151 55,941 36 103 5 62 27,795 56 5 142 59,156 46 84 12 174 156,824 22 73 20 48 145 44,275 17 103 19 205 156,671 2 59 92 52 313 33,976 7,006 313 6,465 73 541 50 4,180 49 651 6 12 40 1,175 40 334 5 45 286 19,427 285 3,416 52 373 32 1,240 27 172 5 10 85 710 85 195 208 7,244 203 1,697 25 101 62 2,444 1,834 319 158 52,750 34 109 15 72, 838 79 15 164 86,120 40 114 10 201 128,791 75 43 37 38 212 54,766 65 110 31 6 319 130,059 30 188 80 21 See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 9. -Cash-grain farms fDftta are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xlj 47 (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial faims Economic class ESTDH*TED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm prOliuCtS sold total, dollars.. avefa^ per farm, dollars.. All cro[K sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars,. Forest prtxlucts and horticulluial specialty pcoducts sold dollars . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars , . Poultrv' and fDultry products sold dollars . . Daii>- iroducts sold dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars,, LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting., number, , Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting., number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting, , number,. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . SO to 99 head farms rc[x)tting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting. . Oows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. .10 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farnis reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows- 1 head farms rejxirting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/'or mules farms reporting. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . numtier. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June I farms reporting . . number . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting , , number, , Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting,, number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Caule and calves sold abve farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. pounds . . dollars . . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting., dollars . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . dollars.. See tootaalas at end of table. 572,151,761 9,235 266,646,139 215,843,136 6,251,102 L4, 996, 619 29,555,332 305, 505, 572 161,616,488 39,428,718 104,460,366 42,587 1,168,401 40,693 591,672 25,874 165,205 33,266 318,907 29,686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,018 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 600 332 11,789 U,581 300 367 940 533 182 132 23,046 47,626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 860,092 41,800 684, 245 611 29,632 419 7,081 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,804 29,451 519,857 60,930,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 18,038 216,456 3,732 721,437,957 39,428,718 12,606 115,681,098 8,339 108,271,809 44,391,451 7,202,098 5,419 6,375,383 6,103,060 108,769 87,364 76,190 826,715 16,480 12,930 797,305 760 12,920 702 6,041 440 756 521 3,659 467 3,220 167 155 L46 63 139 83 7 248 235 100 63 48 1 2 284 155 449 958 768 18,577 ASO 10,032 694 3,545 3 92 1 2 3 90 3 34 2 6 742 13,352 427 3,735 390,775 437 13,801 400,229 1 40 480 9 314,330 12,930 37 2,761 62 32,703 13,409 1,474,493 46,073 1,370,684 1,326,328 15,100 25,756 3,500 103, 814 103, 314 19 1,050 19 449 7 20 19 233 19 318 3 5 18 1,320 18 677 18 643 1 5 20 423 55,366 24 1,670 48,430 1,536,664 28,994 1,379,215 1,335,793 2,424 13,103 27,895 157,449 12,867 10,300 134,282 35 1,292 24 654 11 70 19 232 34 406 22 62 40 3,019 39 1,950 39 1,069 1 75 1 75 1 73 1 2 17 670 24 432 45,365 40 3,045 88,305 1 40 480 1 232,200 10,300 6 2,156 11 26, 125 10,711 1,103,112 12,679 951,365 909,997 26,725 12,043 2,600 151,747 287 700 150,760 49 1,814 43 826 21 41 43 536 42 452 1 24,000 700 5 123 5 400 164 1,409,460 6,875 1,213,300 1,170,443 7,175 21,872 13,805 191, 160 1,522 1,900 137, 738 140 3,459 140 1,516 57 103 133 1,030 132 913 3- 54 10 1 182 6 3 lU 2,97 > 3,i35 4 3 79 1,53 ! 1,510 5 2 113 1,44( 3 1,925 1 12 1 2 1 10 1 6 1 4 4 L 114 1,23 7 3,130 4. ) 123 63 L 1,078 64,04 ) 120,860 5 95 2,98< > 2,246 86, ( >3 65,134 6 56,880 1,900 6 163 11 3,300 1,354 1,232,108 3,862 1,054,968 994,328 42, 595 9,380 8,665 177,140 459 30 176,651 170 3,949 159 1,843 77 159 151 1,191 144 915 79 233 132 5,433 145 3,466 161 1,967 151 3,845 142 996 89,500 132 2,951 85, 579 1 1,250 30 5 70 10 375 154 446,256 705 400,351 366,166 14,750 5,210 W,725 45,405 1,345 44,060 347 1,356 317 753 267 363 156 387 96 216 160 107 60 5 15 211 91 10 5 211 56 257 373 351 2,398 151 897 311 1,501 411 9,360 75 225 15,635 95 900 26,100 15 244 25 2,503 1,026 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 9. -Cash-grain farms [Dftta Bie baaed on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial fanns Economic class LIV'ESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PBODUCTS-Conlinuod Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fams reporting. number of litters . 1 or 2 litters fanns reporting . 3 to 9 litters farms reporting . 10 to 19 litters farms reporting. 20 to 39 litters farms reporting . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting . 70 or more Utters farms reporting . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting . number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . number of litters . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Om fcF all purposes farms reporting. acres . Under U acres. . . 11 to 24 acres . . . 25 to 49 acres . . . 50 to T4 acres . . . 75 to 99 acres . . . 100 or more acres Harvested for grain . . . arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'aims reporting. I reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, acres . bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Wheat harves'ted farms reporting. . acres. , bushels.. Sales farms reporting. . bushels . , Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres., bushels. . Sales farms reporting. , bushels. , Hye harvested farms repotting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reportit:g. . bushels. . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. . acres grown alone. . acres grown wl^th other crops. . pounds. , H^ crtjps; Land from which h£y was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for h^ and for dehydrating farms reporting. , acres. , ttxis. , Sales farms reporting. , tons., Ctoastal Bermuda grass cut for hey farms reporting. , acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. , Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. , 'tons. , Sales farms reporting. . tc3ns. , Oats, wheat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting.. tons.. Other hay cut , . .farms reporting. , acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons.. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . acres. , tons, green weight. . See footnotes at end of table. 32,086 271,378 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 134 27,266 125,238 26,549 146,140 49, 108 2,124,721 12,161 9,903 12,225 6,809 2,922 5,068 46,849 1,699,078 44,874,641 21,722 19,440,424 5,357 84,744 1,889,204 3,451 1,531,475 7,729 229,304 7,946,047 2,904 3,847,682 570 12,764 395,655 155 171,895 1,003 21, 578 324, 537 625 243,860 19,347 449,364 736 486,912,323 313,075 1,563 17, 162 37,372 U7 2,746 3,222 89,744 178, 332 620 28,763 3,676 56,609 63,220 330 8,401 3,410 54,395 62,964 144 1,643 4,289 94,095 104,807 330 13,011 9 570 4,690 426 2,892 146 157 94 28 1 363 1,549 320 1,343 1,226 75,511 290 136 254 130 109 257 1,216 72,054 2,435,139 1,110 2,045,631 335 11,334 314,468 314 302,571 367 24,137 1,020,480 297 364,017 41 335 21,350 26 18,275 61 2,065 34,212 48 31,129 371 7,847 5,861 15 130 275 51 1,300 2,583 8 225 83 1,077 937 15 220 63 735 640 5 15 120 2,619 3,105 21 1,247 17 128 27 ,141 1 26 27 7,991 376,370 22 349,370 21 2,330 75, 500 21 74,300 21 3,075 163, 550 21 157,050 515 8,050 8,000 28 1,435 6 160 480 33 343 5 11 12 5 33 167 28 176 52 9,553 5 35 52 8,843 315,430 42 281,850 33 1,695 47,524 33 46,975 44 6,295 294,875 39 265,032 1 30 1,400 1,400 2 135 3,202 2 2,800 37 2,508 3,260,536 341 567 2 180 1 172 132 1 132 39 558 5 7 20 6 32 278 33 280 82 10,963 5 15 46 82 10, 936 379,650 77 335,400 44 2,666 75,347 44 72,121 56 5,410 193,925 48 160,825 5 65 950 18 593 11,865 16 11,450 41 1,000 939,146 1 xzo 100 32 1,434 1,843 20 1,115 83 551 11 49 21 2 72 269 175 15,062 10 15 21 31 31 67 170 14,327 498,884 154 407,126 84 2,642 60,295 79 57,523 105 4,602 195,800 78 153, 550 20 565 14,375 13,750 343 7,150 31 1,347 1,212,353 5 65 150 19 602 920 22 437 417 5 120 120 15 135 115 144 937 35 68 36 5 129 544 102 393 303 20,032 30 21 65 58 51 78 298 18,842 582,360 258 463,575 71 1,278 41,647 66 40,357 79 3,692 133,580 74 100,560 10 150 4,125 10 3,125 10 290 2,400 99 1,207 1,320 7 135 551 15 340 320 5 125 20 185 175 21 660 705 GEORGIA 49 state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 9. -Cash-grain farms [DaU are based 0 n reports Tor only a s ample of farms. See textj Item Total all commercial farms Fx»nomic class (For (lennitions and pxidanations, see lext) Total Class 1 Class 11 aossin aassIV Class V Class VI SPECinED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued 33,087 565,885 472,215 5,555 636 91,534 8,780 12,623 1,640,876 17,082 64,737 93,950,371 8,075 6,251,102 11,580 164,839 331 A,769 4,307 105 8 2,070 UO 123 17,140 93 302 357,760 161 108,769 262 1,728 25 1,226 1,570 5 75 12,500 6 47 82,050 11 15,100 14 213 28 754 917 10 2 880 5 1 150 1 9 19,000 12 2,424 25 345 39 665 422 1 5 9,500 16 26,725 26 231 84 904 728 5 3 250 25 104 122,600 20 7,175 74 530 90 715 495 10 (Z) 40 20 10 1,275 40 79 99,750 57 42,595 57 201 65 acres... bales... Irish potatoes harvested for home use 505 175 85 acres' . . bushels... Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use 6 1,150 105 acres^., bushels... 34 2,965 20 acres. . . pounds. . . 58 24,860 45 14,750 orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting... acres... 66 153 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. •'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 50 state Table 18. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 2 of 9.-Tobacco farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . . . Percent distribution percent. . . Land in farms acres . . . Percent distribution percent. .. \verage size of fann acres... Value of lanij anil buildings: Xverage per farm dollars . . . Average per acre dollars . . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested fanns reporting. . . acres . . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting... 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . , 100 to 199 acres farms reporting... 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting... 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . . acres , . , Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . acres . , . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting, . . acres . . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting... acres . . . IVoodland pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . . acres . . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms repcfting., . acres . . . Improved pasture farms reporting. .. acres . . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting... acres . . , Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . , acres . . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres , . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion ctjntrol farms reporting. . acres , . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number. . Lnder 25 years number . . 25 to ii years number . . 35 to 44 years number,. 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK 4ND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their fanns. total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. , With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporting.. FARMS BV SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10to49acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number . . 160 to 219 acres number. , 220 to 259 acres number, 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 to l,99fl acres number. 2,000 or more acres number , See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 61,955 XXX 15,497,901 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,4W,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14,681 3,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,635 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,120 61,220 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,395 8,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 40,497 8,166 8,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,711 7,743 5,129 4,080 2,801 7,828 4,408 1,613 726 E<»nomic class 7,961 100.0 ,129,387 100.0 141.9 15,367 U3.09 7,961 424,4rting.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons., Liquid materials Cotton J' Dry materials fi Liquid materials . . , fai All other crops fni "^ reporting., tons.. s rcportint;. . ■ms reporting. , tons., reporting., ton*!.. irms reporting., acres . . Dry materials farms renorling.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Lime or liming materials used during (he year farms reporting, , acres limed. . tons .. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures. . Feed for livestock and poultry V'nder .■t;iOO $100 to $909 Sl.OOO toSl,999 . S2,000 to 54,999 . SS.OOOor more... Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under $1,000 51,000 toSG.-ian . S2,500 to ■M.SOS . ^.I.OOO to S9.999 . ?10,0n0ormore.. Machine hire.. Under $200 5200 lo SOflO. . . . $1,000 or more.. Under S200 $200 to $499 $500 to 5909 $1,000 to $2,499 ... $2,500 to SI, 999... 55,000 to 59.999 ... $10,000 to $19,939 . 520.000 to 549,999 . 550,000 or more . . . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees.. Under 5100 ==100 to 5499.... 5500 to 5999. . . . -'51,000 or nvore., Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business Under $100 SlOO [0.5^199 S500 to 5099 51,000 to 54,099 . $5,000 or more... See footnotes at end of table. arms reporting. Arn^s reporting. dollars. 'arms reporting. reporting. rcporlinR. 'arms renorling. 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, dol 1 ars . irns reporting. 'irn.s rennrting. IS reporting. 'amis reporting. 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, dollars . 5 reporting. s reporting . 'arms reporting. reporting. dollars. reporting. reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting. 'arms reporting, dollars. 'an. 13 reportinp. 'arms reporting, reportinp. 'arms reporting. farms reporting. dollars, Farms reportinp. amis reporting, reporting. 'ami.^ reporting. 'arrrrs reporting. fanrs 55,461 7,941 4,650,613 429,137 1,070,490 109,618 55,328 7,936 1,031,733 107,030 4,907 688 38,757 2,588 14,293 1,514 637,114 24,046 13,972 1,484 128,171 5,041 1,298 94 7,701 200 7,593 815 324,744 10,792 7,396 794 60,432 2,316 666 56 4,457 102 46,744 7,222 2,061,828 296,612 46,576 7,197 390,414 54,609 3,382 550 18,137 1,990 1,480 142 40,036 1,753 1,465 142 6,377 362 27 110 32,933 4,393 563,270 35,473 32,877 4,383 184,618 11,059 1,076 87 3,564 167 36,400 7,777 1,023,986 60,826 36,268 7,772 261,721 33,643 704 67 4,786 129 10,818 690 352,317 10,917 346,065 8,747 61,945 7,951 45,929 5,572 145,563,131 1,739,777 9,102 1,335 19,823 3,416 3,480 196 5,118 112 8,406 13 27,651 2,787 55,339,726 768, 528 16,741 2,652 5,343 98 3,138 25 1,675 10 754 2 41,293 5,286 15,416,262 1,240,977 20,342 3,316 17,942 1,834 3,014 136 40,942 6,493 54,017,416 4,893,891 11,046 1,664 11,224 2,511 6,603 1,304 6,950 776 2,960 153 1,397 35 500 39 215 5 47 4 33,629 5,280 10,831,082 770,633 13,348 2,754 14,662 2,272 3,368 222 2,231 32 59,242 7,841 26,222,110 3,281,787 16,591 1,347 24,979 4,143 10,264 1,696 7,053 651 355 4 23 7,789 2,482 23 2,261 6 221 15 1,357 15 300 23 4,239 23 780 5 183 1 10 15 308 15 81 23 1,375 23 1,099 1 33 2 184 150 23 23 144,130 19 41,060 10 2 5 15 13,890 6 3 6 23 900,273 5 7 1 1 5 4 21 14,692 1 6 6 23 0,297 153 29,563 7,532 153 7,286 32 246 73 4,233 73 1,017 11 45 37 1,145 37 220 153 17,276 153 3,148 22 180 104 1,981 104 581 6 21 151 4,928 151 2,320 61 1,780 1,170 153 137 106,665 24 17 62 97,775 43 8 1 10 125 90, 160 18 74 33 153 659,770 10 7 15 27 44 28 22 141 65,483 3 77 45 11 153 269,295 11 33 109 823 92,004 24,342 623 23,415 164 927 262 5,473 252 1,156 38 89 205 3,414 194 653 21 61 12,019 122 685 26 276 26 35 576 7,780 576 2,400 26 60 807 14,011 807 7,102 16 32 166 3,690 2,980 828 701 448,407 76 495 63 60 2 432 183,653 385 38 9 674 298, 580 239 378 57 788 1,157,474 6 126 232 326 81 1 16 583 156,385 112 387 81 3 828 748,696 15 166 325 322 2,486 151, 569 39,266 2,486 38,540 251 726 568 8,300 573 1,674 25 40 271 3,013 266 724 25 2,320 103,739 2,310 20,710 206 573 50 500 50 80 1,438 11,864 1,438 3,834 30 57 2,461 19,153 2,461 11, 518 20 26 266 3,723 2,982 2,486 1,935 594, 890 451 1,382 82 20 931 286,925 931 40 10 1,790 432,280 962 793 30 2,175 1,263,725 282 326 727 314 21 5 1,642 264,579 641 941 60 2,476 1,127,434 216 1,203 917 140 3,155 117, 372 29, 168 3,150 28,720 225 448 421 3,083 4U 670 20 26 227 2,620 222 585 10 11 2,833 84,490 2,818 14,650 190 349 55 865 55 181 1,635 10,070 1,630 3,122 25 29 3,129 17,104 3,124 9,512 25 33 145 1,290 1,200 3,160 2,095 367,900 906 1,154 20 15 977 U4,500 967 10 2,061 352,265 1,546 505 10 2,533 774,260 816 1,297 320 100 2,102 219,915 1,321 751 20 10 3,130 851,830 571 2,128 376 55 GEORGIA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 9.— Tobacco farms [Data are baaed an reports for only a sample of farmB. Soo 1«k[] 53 Item (For deHnitions and explfuintions, see text) Total all commercial raims Economic class BSTIMATED VALUE Of PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All Jam products sold total, dollars.. average per farm, dollars . . All crops sold dollars . . Field crops, other than vegetables and Fruits and nuts, sold dollars . . \'egetable9 sold dollars . . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest pioducts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry' and poultry products sold dollars . . Dairy' products sold dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than f»ultry and daily, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting . . number . . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting . . number . . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. . number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting.. '2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . 500 or more head farms reptirting . . Oowa, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . , 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or mules farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Bom before June 1 farms reporting. . number . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. number . . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number . . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting.. number . . dollars. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number., dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . . number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ r farms reporting.. pounds . , dollars . . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting . . dollars. , Chicken e^s sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of tabla 572,151,761 9,235 266,646,189 215,843,136 6, 251, 102 14,996,619 29,555,332 305,505,572 161,616,488 39,428,718 104,460,366 42, 587 1,168,401 40,693 591,672 25,874 165,205 33, 266 318,907 29,686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,018 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 600 832 11,789 11,581 300 367 940 533 182 182 23,046 47,626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 860,092 41,300 684,245 611 29,632 419 7,081 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,804 29,451 519,857 60,980,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 18,038 216,456 3,782 721,437,957 39,428,718 12,606 115,681,098 8,339 108,271,809 44,391,451 48,233,177 6,059 41,784,404 40,780,542 365,015 182,227 456,620 6,44B,773 246,277 41,335 6,161,161 4,913 54,980 4,662 26,641 2,610 4,699 3,955 16,007 3,490 12,332 320 1,461 1,388 1,072 541 95 35 1 1,080 2,883 462 129 67 30 4 7 1,288 1,321 2,427 3,455 6,354 202,284 5,077 110, 528 6,040 91,756 55 1,255 35 310 40 945 35 665 40 280 5,703 173,991 2,806 17,092 1,603,955 5,713 156,347 4,534,063 21 555 6,660 26 804,050 41,335 256 101,730 827 343,100 140,672 1,357,200 59,009 1,032,621 962, 14S 43,050 11,668 15,755 324, 579 139,359 35,000 150, 220 22 1,973 21 1,043 7 164 21 478 22 452 13 119 21 2,176 21 1,304 21 872 18 15,510 22 882 104,925 22 1,545 44,805 1 20 240 1 602,000 35,000 11 77,828 6 150,075 61,531 4,153,036 27,144 3,644,258 3,543,757 55,050 15,101 30,350 508,778 9,279 499,499 131 5,941 126 2,906 57 105 116 1,309 126 1,726 78 278 129 9,290 123 5,758 129 3,532 3,205 131 2,011 231,405 132 9,236 267,844 7 398 7 21,660 8,881 11,006,602 13,293 9,470,849 9,242,435 47,115 32,324 148,975 1,535,753 15,477 5,000 1,515,276 635 12,587 615 6,225 320 546 579 3,824 493 2,538 15 106 96 171 206 38 3 65 318 143 56 21 11 160 160 295 460 726 43,534 672 24,865 697 18,669 20 450 15 205 10 245 10 230 10 15 575 16,994 520 4,406 414,154 690 37,780 1,095,620 10 185 2,220 10 158,600 5,000 22 904 63 34,640 14,203 17,719,690 7,128 15,348,503 15,049,260 132,370 55,168 111,705 2,371,187 61,757 550 2,308,880 1,671 18,313 1,576 8,667 905 1,533 1,380 5,707 1,250 3,939 105 420 466 445 205 24 6 345 997 168 44 16 5 1 486 419 709 876 2,108 77,655 1,803 42,781 2,028 34,874 25 715 10 55 25 660 20 405 25 255 1,846 55,785 1,010 5,368 471,844 2,039 63,005 1,827,145 10 350 4,200 10 24,700 550 101 20,057 296 97,610 40,020 11,776,518 3,721 10,309,079 10,063,676 68,800 59,833 116,770 1,467,439 14,773 1,452,666 1,774 12,961 1,699 6,245 961 1,741 1,384 3,764 1,229 2,952 115 590 621 366 81 440 1,127 116 15 446 515 846 1,131 2,430 56, 594 1,848 29, 150 2,280 27,444 5 45 5 5 5 40 5 30 5 10 2,218 59,777 883 3,855 337,812 2,170 38,236 1,108,344 100 2,347 335 27,795 11,396 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 9.— Tobacco farms [DatA are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] Item (For dennitions ard explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PBODUCTS-Continued Litters farroweii December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. .. .farms number 1 or 2 titters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litiers June 2 to November 30 . farms farms farms number December 1 to June 1 farms number SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED reporting. . 3f tiUers. reporting, reporting . . reporting., reporting . reporting . reporting, reporting, of litters, reporting, of litters . Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres . Under U acres. . . 11 to 24 acres . . . 25 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 74 acres . . . 75 to 99 acres . . . 100 or more acres Harvested for grain . . . amns reporting. . 'anns reporting . . 'amis reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 15 reporting. . i3 reporting . . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . , bushels. . Wheat harvested fanuB report ijig. . acres. . hushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain fanas reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reportlrig. . bushels . . Rye harvested fazms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels . . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. . acres grown alone. . acres grown with other crops. . pounds.. Hay crops: Land frcm which hay was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . acres. . Seles fanDS reporting. . tons. . Coastal Beimuda grass cut for hay fanns reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales fanns reporting. . tons. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. , acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting. . acres, tons. Sales fanns reporting. . tons. Other hay cut fanns reporting . acres. tODS. Sales fanns reporting . tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. acres . tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. 32,086 271,378 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 134 27,266 125,238 26, 549 146,140 49,108 2,124,721 12,181 9,903 12,225 6,809 2,922 5,068 46,849 1,699,078 44,874,641 21,722 19,440,424 5,357 84,744 1,839,204 3,451 1,531,475 7,729 229,304 7,946,047 2,904 3,847,682 1,003 21,578 324,537 625 248, 860 19,847 449,364 736 486,912,323 313,075 1,563 17,162 37,372 147 2,746 3,222 89,744 178,832 620 28,763 3,676 56,609 68,220 330 8,401 3,410 54,895 62,964 144 1,643 4,239 94,095 104, 807 330 13,011 570 4,690 5,595 34,596 1,422 3,047 953 164 3 1 4,608 15,936 4,837 18,660 7,381 303,806 905 1,663 2,590 1,305 404 514 7,073 216,094 5,420,787 3,669 2,052,791 31 320 4,425 26 3,575 149 1,616 33,435 41 13,075 15 189 2,640 2 1,260 1,935 16,425 50 16,095,228 4,093 231 2,603 4,612 46 290 27 175 295 91 1,315 1,310 21 332 6 1 21 157 16 175 23 4,734 22 23 4,241 149,018 14 35,250 100 2,500 5 2,250 6 100 1,300 1 900 127 100,228 15 432 757 128 1,733 6 51 41 25 5 117 863 117 870 153 17,480 6 15 31 27 74 153 14,293 446,450 117 240,800 1 15 300 1 300 11 225 6,150 6 3,400 2 35 460 1 360 80 1,362 1, 597, 200 •••/ 24 280 644 150 120 5 215 225 668 7,378 58 283 218 107 1 1 640 3,490 612 3,888 321 63,731 20 40 152 235 123 251 811 47,783 1,314,450 535 524,220 5 20 500 52 660 12,065 10 2,800 372 5,171 5,372,990 1,186 101 1,076 1,831 16 105 15 110 60 1,913 13,414 245 1,155 497 16 1,648 6,129 1,728 7,285 2,355 110,343 135 331 920 619 213 137 2,273 74,981 1,949,860 1,282 693,696 15 145 1,875 15 1,525 40 410 8,275 15 3,025 5 15 150 665 5,095 20 4,997,575 81 520 1,010 20 155 10 95 215 10 635 765 2,120 9,664 678 1,256 175 10 1 1,652 4,357 1,789 5,307 2,389 85,963 385 796 1,267 375 41 25 2,773 50, 871 1,317,239 1,431 511,975 10 140 1,750 10 1,750 16 111 5 1,600 1 34 680 685 3,955 30 3,537,220 45 205 280 10 30 40 120 50 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 9. -Tobacco farms [Data Bte based on reports For only a sample of farms. See texlj 55 (For ilprinitions uid exftlanations, see tpxt) Total all oxiimercml farms SPEriFlED CROPS mRVT.STED-ronlinijml Cotton harvested farms reportli^. . acres. . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale famis reporting. . acres^ . bushels. . Sweetpotatoes harvested for hane use or for sale farms reporting.. acres^ . biishels. . Tobacco harvested fanns reporting. . acres. . pounds.. Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-' faims reporting. . acres. . 33,087 565,885 472,215 5,555 636 91,534 8,780 12,623 1,640,876 17,082 64,737 93,950,371 8,075 6,251,102 11,580 164,839 4,393 35, 582 26,458 420 16 4,019 1,060 997 91,881 7,961 34,934 53,812,505 784 365,015 15 308 204 1 (Z) 10 6 2 151 23 959 1,435,940 43,050 1,123 5,189 21 268 104 1,981 2,424 17 2 303 19 15 920 153 2,312 4,505,578 27 55,050 56 894 576 7,780 6,011 51 1 506 128 179 23,980 828 6,715 11,811,814 115 47, 115 187 684 1,438 11,928 9,349 131 6 1,520 377 438 35,530 2,486 12,451 20,248,910 270 132,370 363 1,176 1,635 10,080 6,530 150 3 1,215 335 207 18,125 3,165 10,157 13,349,043 270 68,800 366 1,791 625 3,505 1,940 195 156 13,175 1,306 2,340 ,461,220 95 13,630 130 376 Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includes mlli equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 56 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 3 of 9. -Cotton farms [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See t«xtj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tota] all commercial fanns Foonomic class FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . . Percent dislfibulion percent . . LantJ in farms acres . . Percent distribution percent, , Avern^e size of farm acres, . Value of land and buildings: Average per fami dollars, , Average peracre doll ars . , Land in farms according to use: Croplanii harvested farms reporting, , 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. , 10 to 19 acres farms reporting, , 20 to 29 acres farms reporting,, 30 to 49 acres farms reporting,, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting, . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting, , 200 to 499 acres farms reporting, , 500 to 999 acres farms reporting,, 1,000 or nxare acres farms reporting. , Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting., acres , , Cropland not harvested and not pastured. farms reporting, , acres , , Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting, . acres . , Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . Woodland pastured farms reporting, , acres , , i^oodland not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting. , Irrigated land in farms farms reporting,, acres , , Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms reporting . , acres , . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . , acres , , Land in stjip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting, . acres , , System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operatots reporting age number . , Under 25 years number , , 25 to 14 years number,, 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years number. . 55 to 64 years number. . 65 or more years number , , Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCX)ME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting, , 1 to 99 days operators reporting, , 100 to 199 days operators reporting , , 900 or more days operators reporting , , With other members of family working off farm operators reporting, , With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work o[3erators reporting , , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting,. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators repcrting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number. . 220 to 259 acres number . . 260 to 499 acres number . . 500 to 999 acres number . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number.. 2,000 or more acres number . . See ftwtnotes at end of table. 61,955 XXX 15,497,901 XXX 250.1 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,414,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14,681 8,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18, 745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,685 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,120 61,220 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,895 8,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 40,497 3,166 8,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,711 7,743 5,129 2,801 7,828 4,408 1,613 726 12,476 100.0 1,834,255 100.0 147.0 10,104 74.94 12,476 754,132 535 1,985 2,498 3,086 2,729 1,108 448 65 22 2,901 82,164 4,217 133,918 1,052 31,626 3,605 102,292 3,969 180,581 5,546 564,387 3,019 77,873 984 25,875 73 1,981 687 17,288 2,168 116,430 122 3,^2 4,865 275,948 12,286 283 966 2,649 4,437 3,286 665 49.0 4,018 2,912 384 722 1,164 936 724 8,458 1,642 1,143 394 235 4,670 1,525 1,320 1,401 870 575 320 957 403 149 51 59 0.5 150,202 8.2 2,545.8 196,707 80.42 26 21 28 6 187 29 8 470 13 3 184 22 5 286 29 7 480 54 59 563 25 7 121 19 4 819 5,563 70 23 6,593 165 1.3 151,158 8.2 916.1 56,254 69.62 165 59,557 1 6 129 28 1 92 8,987 87 8,733 45 3,793 54 4,940 86 10,052 143 55,573 54 5,496 40 3,127 29 2 561 46 12 099 3 580 84 24 234 158 1 3 46 66 23 19 49.7 43 12 13 18 16 20 7 122 25 714 5.7 337,390 18.4 472.5 34,501 75.73 714 130,790 138 316 249 11 329 18,533 332 23,142 123 4,541 256 13,601 332 35,940 505 108,654 274 14,300 145 6,677 16 90 122 4,130 198 24,797 27 1,057 327 52,577 703 10 46 186 261 134 66 48.9 197 64 27 106 57 91 61 517 89 104 26 45 40 60 35 55 261 161 41 11 1,765 14.1 376,715 20.5 213.4 15,960 74.72 1,765 159,673 10 35 297 829 536 58 530 16,235 579 24,266 226 6,970 426 17,296 594 36,376 902 116,413 438 15,674 225 4,930 21 111 157 3,510 311 23,506 666 50,663 1,733 30 170 418 635 295 185 43.4 603 342 90 171 212 190 164 1,162 311 189 100 195 235 200 215 245 291 110 21 3 4,183 33.5 461,121 25.1 110.2 7,978 77.43 4,183 199,442 250 811 1,607 1,280 235 909 18,294 1,338 38,408 344 8,648 1,155 29,760 1,185 48,242 1,628 127,330 810 17,580 283 4,465 25 1,130 200 2,590 641 27,255 45 1,310 1,659 82,186 4,123 100 296 1,012 1,502 824 389 48.6 1,518 850 251 417 511 422 437 2,665 521 434 265 1,700 450 510 545 270 255 110 255 75 11 2 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 9 .-Cotton farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See textj 57 Ilom (For (Jennitiflns and pKplanntions, sec text) Toldl all ftl farms FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators; Full owners nunTner. Part owners nunil.er . All tenants nnnilier . Cash tenanti; number , , Share-cash tenants nun'her. Crop-share tenants numlier.. Livestcck-share tenants number, Ctt>ppers number. Other and unspecified tennnis number. White fann operators: Full o\N^ers number . . Part owners number , . All tenants number.. Croppers number. Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number , Part owners number. All tenants number.. Croppers number.. SPEnFIED EQUIPMENT AND F.\aLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting.. number, . Com pickers farms reporting, . number,. Pick-up balers farms reporting.. number. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number,. Motortrucks fanr.s reporting. . number. . Tractors farms reporting.. nuniber.. Tractors other than garden farms reporting, . number, . 1 tractor farms reporting,. 2 tractors farms reporting,. 3 tractors farms reporting, , 4 tractors farms reporting, . 5 or more tractors farm.s reporling, . Wheel tractors fanr.s rencrting,, number, , Crawler tractors famis reporting, , nuniher, , Garden tractors fam.s reporting, . number, . Automobiles farms renorting,, number, . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting, . Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting . , Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric mdk cooler farms reporting,. Clop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. , Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting, , Farms by kintj of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting , . tjravel, shell, or shale farms reporting . , Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting,, 1 mile farms reporting ,, 2 or 3 miles farms reporting,, 4 miles farms reporting, , 5 or more miles farms reporting , , FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting , . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons, , Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting, , 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hir^ workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting,. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting,. Operators not reporting residence number,. See footnotes at end of table. 28,931 14,047 18,327 2,723 511 3,088 1,460 6,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,413 2,216 1,415 7,955 4,910 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42,714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26,234 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,480 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,846 8,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 2,950 2,355 7,137 1,010 116 1,113 90 4,118 690 2,160 1,699 2,381 1,061 790 656 4,756 3,057 1,083 1,175 615 643 419 430 77 84 5,525 6,580 5,977 9,053 5,896 8,890 4,097 1,191 384 99 125 5,876 8,815 72 75 141 163 8,154 8,937 10,129 2,724 3,884 23 30 52 289 3,489 703 7,934 2,982 4,952 1,930 2,569 252 201 2,037 10,140 799 2,322 411 162 125 56 10,983 486 1,007 7 9 58 223 59 468 59 465 59 456 8 9 3 3 58 104 59 54 49 2 2 4 26 52 1,335 46 577 31 121 10 9 1 31 121 10 106 123 65 69 13 13 162 332 162 597 162 597 2 26 70 22 42 162 589 155 218 164 144 144 139 1,183 128 443 121 35 9 163 370 163 46 25 25 15 40 12 153 314 133 25 10 56 30 15 238 257 163 168 129 129 616 920 659 1,515 648 1,481 141 285 155 51 16 643 1,468 11 13 17 34 622 749 691 470 456 6 7 11 77 278 61 364 129 235 79 132 20 4 435 2,674 239 643 101 53 55 17 13 619 56 39 337 512 905 141 35 161 20 481 67 307 437 404 135 30 75 501 346 287 297 164 169 81 81 15 20 1,121 1,367 1,308 1,982 1,283 1,946 741 434 96 11 1 1,283 1,926 20 20 36 36 1,381 1,528 1,665 609 887 5 5 10 62 602 145 963 335 628 278 305 20 526 2,389 189 346 118 43 22 1,524 84 157 818 685 2,680 273 25 390 15 1,732 245 628 520 848 426 190 165 1,832 1,306 264 274 145 150 89 94 15 15 1,817 1,952 2,191 2,758 2,171 2,708 1,740 365 41 10 15 2,156 2,693 15 15 45 50 2,855 3,129 3,507 877 1,318 1,190 246 2,626 1,105 1,521 582 853 41 45 644 1,874 177 278 126 31 10 10 3,725 146 312 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 9 .—Cotton farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj {For ilofimtions anil explanations, scp Ipxt) Total all commercial fanns Economic class USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Comniercm! fertilizer and fortilizinc matiTials used durine the \crir fam.s roportinp.. acres on which used . . , Ions . . . Dr\' niaterials -. farms reporting . . Ions.. Liiioi.l innti-rials farms reputing.. tons.. Crops on which used— Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. acres . . On materials farms reporting . . tons.. Liquid niateriaU farms reporting.. tons. . Other pasture (nol rropUnd) farms reporting.. acres., Dri' materials farms reiiorting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting,. tons.. Corn. farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials fnrn.s roportinc., tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons,. Soybeans rami=; repiwting. . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons, . Liquid materials farms reporting,. tons . . Cotton farn.s reporting, , acres . . Dry materials forn.s reporlinc.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting , . tons. . All other crops farms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting , . Ions,, Liquid materials farms renortinc,. Lime or limine materials used durine Ihe year., , .farms reporting., acres limed. , SPECIFIED FARM EXPEIWITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry fam;s reporting., dollars,. Under SlOO farms reporting.. $I0O to $91)9 ..farms reporting.. $1,000 to SI, 999 farm- reporting.. S2,000 to SI, 999 farms reporting. . S5.000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting., dollars , . Vnder 51,000 farms roportinp , . 51,000 loS2,49!) firn.s reporting,. S2,500 10*^,999 farms reporting.. S5,000 to S9,999 fam^s reporting.. SIO.OOO or ntore farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars . . Under $200 farms reporting. , $200 to S999 farms reporting.. Sl.OOn or more feimB reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars. . Under S200 farms reporting., $200 to S499 farms reporting, . S500 to $999 farms reporting.. S1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting.. S2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,. S5,000 to $9.999 farms reporting. . $10,000 to S19,999 farms reportine- . $20,000 to =49,990 farms reporting. . S50,000 or more farms reporting. , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting,. dollars.. Under $100 fani^s reporting.. ^100 to $499 farms repra-tinp, , $500 to $999 ._ farms reporting.. SI, 000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fann business farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting., SlOO to $-199 i farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to Si.onO farms reporting.. $5,000 or more farrr.s reporting,. See footnotes at end of table. 55,461 12,411 i, 650,613 721,729 1,070,490 167,736 55,328 12,396 1,031,733 163, 608 4,907 499 38,757 4,128 14,293 1,262 637,114 33,385 13,972 1,252 128,171 6,180 1,298 47 7,701 264 7,593 575 324,744 16, 199 7,396 560 60,432 2,921 668 44 4,457 166 46,744 10, 516 2,061,828 292,281 46, 576 10, 506 390,414 49,460 3,382 341 18,137 1,490 1,480 222 40,036 7,168 1,465 222 6,377 971 27 6 110 22 32,933 12,401 563,270 268,981 32,877 12,391 184,618 84,487 1,076 300 3,564 1,574 36,400 5,394 1,023,986 103,715 36,268 5,361 261,721 19,589 704 80 4,788 612 10,818 1,027 352,317 29,054 346,065 28,542 61,945 12,476 45,929 5,680 148,563,131 1,664,503 9,102 2,855 19,823 2,506 3,480 193 5,118 83 8,406 43 27,651 2,808 55,339,726 793,371 16,741 2,649 5,343 96 3,138 40 1,675 15 754 8 41,298 12,476 15,418,262 4,368,669 20,342 6,X9 17,942 5,366 3,014 761 40,942 7,350 54,017,416 6,633,751 11,046 2,418 11,224 2,110 6,603 1,133 6,950 1,075 2,960 364 1,397 184 500 50 215 12 47 4 33,629 5,757 10,831,082 991,035 13,348 3,285 14,662 2,097 3,388 219 2,231 156 59,242 11,280 28,222,110 3,166,754 16, 591 5,231 24,979 4,358 10,264 1,021 7,053 637 355 33 59 54,328 15,213 59 13,929 28 1,284 21 2,783 21 480 6 55 15 3,344 10 706 7 40 57 15,197 57 3,186 24 366 9 2,110 9 298 59 17,740 59 6,804 13 532 43 13,154 40 2,455 12 291 24 3,910 3,507 59 47 135,159 1 22 9 6 9 33 157,395 7 6 11 3 6 59 316,226 59 894,349 6 19 18 10 4 45 89,321 9 4 32 59 297,266 165 62,677 15,347 165 14,801 42 546 77 5,834 72 958 14 96 26 2,173 26 498 1 8 156 20,718 156 3,909 31 251 18 960 18 116 6 22 165 19,584 165 6,716 19 139 131 13,406 131 2,604 2 30 79 7,545 6,820 165 141 159,564 12 85 18 20 6 82 113,611 32 43 6 1 165 511, 161 16 149 164 961,461 1 5 25 30 77 24 2 115 113,517 165 335,265 23 131 3 704 126,299 30,182 704 29,230 86 952 162 8,679 162 1,526 6 25 128 4,500 128 608 16 45 640 46,021 635 8,234 60 478 44 1,338 44 199 704 43,580 704 14,281 45 365 453 22,181 453 4,382 16 39 162 4,895 5,317 714 499 483,611 73 307 67 24 28 293 213,043 240 27 18 7 1 714 761,230 37 420 257 659 1,685,152 5 51 71 244 202 78 473 242,044 75 231 107 60 709 673,306 31 124 253 299 2 1,755 153,934 35, 665 1,750 34,788 138 877 253 6,491 248 1,373 11 47 127 2,402 122 335 15 70 1,564 64,991 1,559 11,517 96 237 81 2,250 81 274 1,750 56, 594 1,750 17,494 83 303 972 21,206 952 3,795 35 220 294 6,253 6,702 1,765 980 283,756 292 633 53 2 426 103,925 416 5 1,765 925,621 115 1,449 201 1,416 1,473,607 175 276 323 526 106 10 959 203,223 270 627 47 15 1,735 705,195 271 914 401 149 4,153 187,745 42,317 4,148 42,042 130 275 433 6,843 433 1,237 10 41 163 2,825 158 597 5 3 3,441 80,119 3,441 12,864 80 98 40 265 40 40 4,153 77,749 4,148 23,494 75 124 1,718 19,944 1,713 3,810 10 9 352 5,641 5,486 4,183 1,793 362,638 901 845 31 16 943 147,347 923 15 5 4,183 1,165,476 1,312 2,791 80 2,646 1,246,807 653 1,052 648 273 20 1,881 218,355 1,087 764 25 3,883 719,192 1,487 2,110 279 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 9. -Cotton farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanna. See textj 59 Item (For definitions and explanetions, see text) Total all al fanns Economic class ESTBWTED VALUE OF PBODUCT? SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. average per fami, dollars - All crops sold dollars , Field crofe, other than vegelAbles and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars . FVuits and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specially products sold dollars . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars . Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and daity, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved . Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves. arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. farms repotting. number . farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting . . '2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting,. 50 to 99 head farms roturting . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms rep 69 titters 70 or more litters. . June 2 to November 3 December 1 to June 1 number . . . farms reporting of liUefs reporting reporti ng reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting of litters reporting of litters SPECIFIED CROPS HARVEStED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres . farms reporting . . farms reporting . . farms reporting. , farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting . . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Under 11 acres, . . 11 lo 24 acres . . , 25 to 49 acres . . . 50 lo 74 acres . . . 75 ID 99 acres . . . 100 or more acres Harvested for grai n . . . Wheat harvested. farms reporting . . acres . . btishels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . acres . . bushels , . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bvashels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bughels . . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting . . acres grown alone . . acres grown with other crops . . pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting. . tons . . Lespedesa cut for hay farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Other hay cut .'.farms reporting . . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres . . tons , green weight . . See footnotes at end of table . 32,086 271,378 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 134 27,266 125,238 26,549 146,140 49,108 2,124,721 12,181 9,903 12,225 6,809 2,922 5,068 46,849 1,699,078 44,874,641 21,722 19,440,424 5,357 84,744 1,889,204 3,451 1,531,475 7,729 229,304 7,946,047 2,904 3,847,682 570 12,764 395, 655 155 171,895 1,003 21,578 324,537 625 248,860 19,847 449,364 736 486,912,323 313,075 1,563 17,162 37,372 147 2,746 3,222 89,744 178,832 620 28,763 3,676 56,609 68,220 330 8,401 3,410 54,895 62,964 144 1,643 4,289 94,095 104,807 330 13,011 4,758 21,513 2,455 1,753 388 144 14 4 3,695 10,620 3,379 10,893 11,130 303,681 4,350 3,191 1,989 790 326 484 10,813 263,590 5,043,349 4,423 2,237,418 1,872 22,308 423,688 963 287,438 1,603 34,427 1,017,819 590 551,693 1,395 29,925 31 12,225 98 2,930 38,300 42 29,090 2,986 38,640 75 32,190,020 25,019 165 1,258 2,082 20 265 165 3,404 5,733 939 8,792 7,821 753 7,160 5,572 42 228 423 4,405 3,648 37 405 645 4 6 7 4 2 3 25 328 20 317 57 15,496 48 56 14,967 377,965 45 262,235 19 2,144 46,330 19 43,030 42 8,076 287,258 29 189,513 2 60 1,700 15 1,625 23,270 25 2,278 2,377,720 18 1,479 2,584 4 740 3 245 275 510 520 380 254 104 1,569 7 43 25 22 103 787 93 782 158 21,038 10 6 29 12 15 86 156 19,356 445,705 101 239,600 38 1,387 29,372 27 23,005 76 4,606 109,199 36 57,520 17 275 6,000 2,100 18 475 6,775 82 4,306 4,655,738 8 80 126 26 605 1,388 1 17 26 624 564 5 100 26 466 345 1 7 305 207 397 924 1,650 3,633 5,710 6,021 91 280 877 164 426 688 84 187 55 52 31 30 6 348 743 1,230 1,790 2,615 2,989 324 7OT 1,187 1,843 3,095 3,032 673 1,635 3,652 47,925 66, 502 84,497 53 253 1,262 112 408 1,133 116 464 834 127 273 298 86 106 90 179 131 35 671 1,568 3,512 41, 377 55,326 72,242 870,809 1,167,885 1,293,390 399 924 1,643 422,509 573,635 533,764 221 310 559 4,963 4,909 4,700 100,711 100,435 86,725 180 240 307 82,053 80,225 44,130 231 282 487 7,657 6,353 4,740 237,097 189,450 127,825 122 173 155 142,525 108,995 36,885 15 20 35 590 195 24b 11,900 3,500 6,325 10 5 10 7,750 750 1,625 19 16 20 475 260 80 3,430 3,475 1,050 9 11 1,490 2,595 296 627 1,056 8,140 8,747 10,089 20 25 596,387 7,706,870 7,581,985 44 498 921 10 205 23 522 511 5 50 1,124 1,052 2 104 2,1OT 1,325 5 25 54 1,025 901 11 310 36 175 385 5 10 30 355 425 5 50 117 1,999 1,925 20 270 89 1,030 867 5 50 38 595 565 6 55 6,761 31 115 175 37 253 550 5 120 344 2,963 2,668 35 300 226 1,975 1,735 20 120 146 1,455 1,205 15 120 9 570 4,690 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 9 .-Cotton farms [Data are based on reports Tor only a sample of Tarms. See textj 61 Item (For itefinittons and explanations, see text) Total all commercial fams Economic class SPEaFIED CROPS HARVEffrED-Conlinued Cotton harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for hcane use or for sale farms reporting . . acres ^ . bushels . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres ^ . bxishels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting . . acres . . pounds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms repartlng. . Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nanbearlug fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . acres . . 33,087 12,476 565,885 270,130 472,215 235,465 5,555 1,261 636 94 91,534 14,627 8,780 2,276 12,623 902 1,640,876 80,527 17,082 624 64,737 1,666 93,950,371 1,614,225 8,075 1,807 6,251,102 723,310 11,580 1,012 164,839 6,516 59 17,740 17,590 2 (Z) 20 7 66 6,515 33 44,560 18 51,024 23 751 165 19,617 18,905 9 (Z) 122 19 1,310 9 57 62,100 52 50,081 45 811 714 43,666 40,255 59 8 989 Ul 51 5,272 383 425,750 118 87,130 148 2,680 1,765 56,789 52,231 133 13 1,846 293 180 14,980 181 534 559,650 313 198,940 157 956 4,183 78,469 68,268 462 34 5,717 785 268 25,015 200 459 380,145 556 170,085 302 757 5,590 53,849 38,216 596 39 5,933 1,058 318 27,435 140 200 142,020 750 166,050 337 561 Z Reported in small fractions . ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage far farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . 62 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 4 of 9. -Other field-crop farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fonns. See text] {For derinitions and explanations, see lexl) Total all commercia] farms Foonomic class F4BMS, ACREAGF., AND VALUE Farms number... Percent dislfibution percent. . . Land in farms acres . . . Percent liistri button percent. . . Average size of form acres . . . Value Of land and buildings \veragp per fam dollars . . . Average iH*r acre dollars . . . Land In farms according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting . . . acres — 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting... 30 to 49 acres farms reporting... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . . 100 to 199 acres forms reporting... 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . . rropland used only for pasture farms reporting... acres . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . acres .. . Soil-impnavement grasses and legumes farms reporting... acres . . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . . acres . , . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . . acres . . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . . acres . . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . . acres . . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. . acres . . , Land use practices; Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the rontour farms reporting.. acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age numfier . . Under 2.'i years number. . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years number. . 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 (lays operotors reporting.. 100 to 199 days •. operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operatr^s reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number. . 10to49acre3 number . . 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres '. number . 180 to 219 seres number. 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number. 50O to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of lAble. 61,955 XXX 15,497,901 XXX 250.1 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,414,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14,681 8,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772, 141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,635 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,120 61,220 1,056 5,930 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,395 3,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 40,497 8,166 8,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,711 7,743 5,129 4,080 2,801 7,828 4,408 1,613 726 3,401 100.0 312,494 100.0 238.9 16,484 78.68 3,401 367,646 120 205 255 575 1,113 670 392 69 2 1,115 40,696 1,027 44,144 173 6,672 909 37,472 1,098 91,978 1,513 218, 586 841 31,472 491 19,296 43 1,552 311 11,555 394 33,590 22 1,303 1,083 85,600 3,332 126 437 975 1,031 662 101 45.5 816 552 97 167 276 189 145 2,585 448 35 690 360 365 365 280 291 155 535 195 100 30 87 2.6 102,632 12.6 1,180.3 93,313 84.86 87 43,734 43 3,043 29 5,159 3 1,427 25 3,732 33 6,503 70 33,455 23 3,697 21 2,576 14 28 1,620 29 6,939 50 10,167 195 5.7 159,390 19.6 317.4 56,734 76.94 195 66,004 5 21 140 29 89 10,311 97 6,343 32 1,358 78 4,990 19,860 110 46,334 72 7,325 61 5,293 6 160 50 4,501 27 6,563 5 90 69 12,326 192 6 39 61 45 35 6 43.6 166 25 10 80 35 46 14 458 13.5 196,603 24.2 429.3 30,205 71.15 458 83,066 5 5 45 197 204 1 1 221 9,503 208 11,930 27 964 133 10,966 222 22,249 299 52, 367 193 9,197 119 5,857 13 432 63 2,417 65 6,394 5 485 135 20,368 438 5 59 171 119 61 23 45.1 40 21 6 13 11 9 7 418 78 58 5 10 10 30 51 40 200 707 20.8 155,939 19.2 220.6 17,104 31.41 707 75,121 5 30 321 333 13 270 3,139 241 3,306 55 2,140 196 6,666 292 20,879 311 32,996 201 6,090 124 4,150 10 145 83 1,551 67 5,274 6 284 223 18,035 701 40 76 242 223 94 26 44.3 151 76 30 45 70 56 35 556 113 69 20 20 45 95 110 110 105 45 135 30 11 1 893 26.3 115,335 14.2 129.2 9,952 84.65 893 58,027 35 55 180 527 96 287 6,140 227 7,491 21 528 212 6,963 237 11,066 353 25,944 211 3,698 110 1,110 5 50 61 1,181 126 5,555 316 15,019 863 20 106 280 266 151 45 45.9 351 205 56 90 146 65 91 542 90 70 20 155 145 135 135 85 85 30 60 10 3 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 9.-0ther field-crop farms 63 [Data a ised on reports for only a sample of famis. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations. Total all commercial farms FARMS BY COLOR AND TENIIRK OF OPER^TOl! All farm operators; Full owners nuttmcr . Part owners number . All tenants numlicr . Casb tenants number . Share-cash tenants nunber . Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number . Croppers number , Other and unspecified tenants number. While farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number . All tenants number. Croppers number, Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number , Part owners nunber . All tenants number, Cloppers number, SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting, number, Ccm pickers farms reporting, number. Pick-up balers farms reporting , number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting, number. Motortrucks fanris reporting. number . Tractors farms reporting. number. IVactors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting , 2 tractors farms reporting, 3 tractors farms reporting, 4 tractors farn:s reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors fnrrcs reporting, number. Oawler tractors fam.s reporting. nuniher. Garden tractors fam:s reporting . number. Automobiles farms reporti ng . number, Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting, F.lectric milk cooler ,' , farms reporting , Oop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting , Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting , Faitns by kind of road on which located; Hard surface farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting, 1 mile farms reporting , 2 or .3 miles farms reporting, 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting , persons , Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons . Farms retorting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers , farms reporting. S to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporti ng , Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 28,931 U,047 18,327 2,723 511 3,088 1,460 8,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,413 2,216 1,415 7,955 4,910 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51, 6«) 42,714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26, 284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,480 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,846 8,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 812 969 1,612 218 47 286 75 870 116 682 854 696 275 130 115 916 595 481 565 819 828 114 116 20 20 2,114 2,740 2,211 4,177 2,186 4,106 1,180 543 252 100 111 2,186 4,068 24 38 55 71 2,339 2,582 2,980 1,028 1,695 6 7 53 388 971 240 2,105 784 1,321 504 679 754 2,451 446 1,094 197 112 75 56 2,876 213 312 48 75 47 49 14 16 2 2 86 199 87 412 82 394 6 12 12 13 39 82 389 3 5 12 18 84 106 86 58 56 70 442 65 293 31 105 56 31 105 51 20 103 125 129 136 42 42 12 12 190 347 185 693 185 691 5 26 70 38 185 680 9 11 2 2 185 239 195 135 173 5 5 12 75 63 4 114 39 75 36 32 2 5 147 668 131 404 159 19 17 63 261 133 58 251 118 30 150 179 256 256 16 16 423 641 428 999 423 994 90 163 118 39 13 423 983 6 11 5 5 356 420 443 251 370 6 132 154 46 258 79 179 81 87 247 717 163 295 381 30 47 162 233 311 56 10 65 25 135 142 208 205 60 20 25 106 75 89 217 217 22 22 522 595 562 815 562 810 34B 189 22 562 809 1 1 5 5 546 579 667 253 464 1 1 21 95 164 38 494 177 317 146 141 15 15 128 293 605 36 66 235 201 456 5 280 25 215 166 186 95 20 35 270 185 66 72 125 125 10 10 487 527 568 797 558 761 415 103 25 10 5 558 751 5 10 26 36 598 633 783 245 376 230 85 553 211 342 126 181 30 5 102 226 752 41 100 64 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASSOF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 9.— Other field-crop farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texcj (For Jofinitions and explanations, USE OF COMMERCIAL FKRTILIZEU AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and forlilizinc materials used durinc the year farrt.s rcportinp. .. acres on which used . . . tons . . . Dry nmlerials farms reportinfi . . . tot\s.. . Liquid maUTiftls farms reporting . . . Urns . . . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture famis reporting... Dr> materials farms reporting. . . tons . . , Liquid materials farms reporting . . . tons.. . Other pasture (not crnpland) farms reporting... acres . . . Drj' matcnals farms reportinR... tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . . tons . . . Com farms reportin;^. . . acres . . . Dr>' materials - farn.s rcporlinc. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms repnrtint;. . . tons . . . Soybeans farms repiirling . . . acres . . . Dry materials fimis reporting... tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Cotton faiTi'S reporting. . . acres. .. Dry materials farn.s reporting. . . tons , . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... All other crops farms reporting. . . Dry materials fami^ rcnorlinq. . . Ions . . , Liquid materials farnis rcnortine... tons., , Lime or liminf materials used durimr the year farms reporting. , . acre^ limed. ., SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the followmi! specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farns reporting . . dollars.. Under SlOO farn.s reporting.. $1(X) to ,S999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to 511,999 faiTi^ reporting . . .«2,000 to S4,099 farm-; renorting . . 55,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultrv farms reporting . , dollars.. Under Sl.OOO fams reportinp. . SI, 000 loS2,499 firfi^' reporting.. S'2,50n to «;4,999 farms reporting. . ?5,000 to S9,999 famis renortini; . . ?10,0nO or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farm-- reporting. . dollars. . Under $200 farms reporting.. $200 to S999 fiirms renorting. . Sl,0O0 or more fanna reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars. . Under S200 farms reporting. . S200 to S409 farms reporting . . S500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. , $5,000 to 59,999 farms re^xirting. . $10,000 to Sl!>,999 farms reporting. . $20,000 to S49,999 farms reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollars.. Under 5100 fan.is reporting . . •^100 to 54 99 farms reporting.. 5500 to 5999 ' farms reporting. . 51,000 or more farms reporting., Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting,. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. SlOO to 5499 -. farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting., 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 or more farms reporting.. . See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms Economic class 55, .461 3,316 4,650,613 358,558 1,070,490 79,721 55,328 3,316 1,031,733 76,895 4,907 330 38,757 2,826 14,293 457 637,114 16,511 13,972 444 128,171 3,153 1,298 63 7,701 250 7,593 247 324,744 9,335 7,396 236 60,432 1,834 668 32 4,457 78 46,744 3,055 2,061,828 158,527 46,576 3,037 390,414 30,296 3,382 271 18,137 1,973 1,480 36 40,036 635 1,465 36 6,377 67 27 110 32,933 1,656 563,270 24,386 32,877 1,656 184,618 7,988 1,076 32 3,564 58 36,400 3,046 1,023,986 148,614 36,263 3,046 261,721 33,557 704 31 4,788 467 10,818 591 352,317 24,495 346,065 24,551 61,945 3,401 45,929 1,814 148,563,131 740,241 9,102 570 19,823 1,025 3,480 U6 5,118 82 8,406 1 27,651 775 55,339,726 390, 204 16,741 698 5,343 53 3,138 12 1,675 7 754 5 41,298 2,453 15,418,262 1,018,030 20,342 937 17,942 1,302 3,014 214 40,942 2,069 54,017,416 2,230,938 11,046 698 11,224 561 6,603 263 6,950 297 2,960 158 1,397 67 500 16 215 9 47 33,629 2,184 10,831,082 1,201,630 13,348 400 14,662 1,018 3,388 448 2,231 318 59,242 3,195 28,222,110 2,010,747 16,591 886 24,979 1,082 10,264 628 7,053 576 355 23 87 43,054 10,827 87 10,274 31 553 28 3,100 26 598 8 33 16 1,446 16 322 5 15 81 14,734 75 2,805 25 472 1 20 195 68,230 16,039 195 14,759 67 1,280 75 4,344 74 944 29 142 47 3,874 47 672 1 3 184 27,678 182 5,519 50 700 10 205 10 25 76 124 4,161 3,493 76 124 1,524 1,108 5 7 8 24 76 181 19,593 28,636 76 181 5,021 6,491 6 9 25 411 46 97 4,272 6,733 4,078 6,535 87 195 74 162 55,523 128,516 6 34 44 88 20 17 4 23 41 85 57,330 154,245 27 59 10 8 1 10 1 6 2 2 83 150 132,207 146, 123 13 37 90 46 42 87 195 625, X5 563,962 1 5 34 6 2 68 38 53 21 29 12 4 9 73 157 165,849 232,732 5 8 29 12 43 53 80 87 195 273,648 443,841 6 6 7 32 62 147 12 10 443 692 81,359 74,390 17,919 16,637 443 692 17,509 16,313 60 92 410 324 33 135 3,020 4,275 78 130 483 694 11 15 22 53 66 53 2,400 1,240 61 52 444 250 15 6 32 25 405 651 34,896 34,177 395 651 6,816 6,912 55 71 322 231 5 5 50 40 5 5 5 10 269 346 5,594 4,576 269 346 1,684 1,548 10 5 14 7 400 655 35,399 30,582 400 655 8,077 6,899 6 5 20 8 116 152 6,270 4,315 6,835 4,558 458 707 331 454 228,927 193,060 50 90 183 317 53 31 35 15 1 128 171 79,100 49,609 102 165 24 6 1 1 379 528 176,448 246,765 109 125 219 353 51 50 427 461 609,965 242,265 21 140 63 171 107 90 167 45 57 10 12 5 299 237,265 10 56 110 123 457 527,678 20 51 164 221 1 466 241,811 30 214 165 57 687 386,025 70 233 278 106 868 55,561 11,688 868 U,459 65 229 71 1,322 71 327 55 695 50 123 5 3 798 28,047 798 5,157 55 218 416 3,777 416 1,283 5 5 SOS 21,660 808 4,559 5 3 110 2,035 1,795 893 467 96,685 170 287 215 38,400 210 5 687 224,672 250 412 25 503 135,911 230 213 45 15 548 174,033 100 341 102 5 858 266,260 221 481 126 30 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 9.-0ther field-crop farms l^Data Me based on reports for only a etample of fanns, Soe UixtJ 65 Item (For derinitions and explwialions, see tent) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollar?. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars . Field crope, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . N'ef^lables .sold dollars . Fruits and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultrv and poultry products sold dollars . Dajr%- products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products. otjier tfian poullTy and daily, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and (alves Cows, including heifers that have calved. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calvi arms reporting. number, amis reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. "arms reporting. number, arms reporting. number . Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 99 head faims reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Odws, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head fsnns reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head fanns reporting., 100 or more head fanns reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head fanns reporting . , 10 to 19 head fanns reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head fanns reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or mules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number . , Bom before June 1 forms reporting. . number . . Sheep and iambs farms reporting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. Ewes farms reporting. , number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting . . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over fams reporting.. number . . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Bogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars . . Milk and cream sola farms reporting. . pounds. . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . dollars. , See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 572,151,761 9,235 265,646,189 215,843,136 6,251,102 14,996,619 29,555,332 305,505,572 161,616,483 39,423,718 104,460,366 42,587 1,168,401 40,693 591,672 25,874 165,205 33,266 318,907 29,686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,013 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 600 832 11,789 11,581 300 367 940 533 132 182 23,046 47,626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 860,092 41,800 684, 245 611 29,632 419 7,031 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,304 29,451 519,857 60,980,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 13,038 216,456 3,782 721,437,957 39,428,718 12,606 115,681,098 8,339 108,271,809 44,391,451 24,245,657 7,129 21,194,685 20,620,316 309,150 161,740 103,479 3,050,972 45,696 945 3,004,331 1,869 33,427 1,837 17,921 1,163 2,102 1,311 8,727 1,175 6,779 235 557 323 230 318 88 68 508 828 272 85 71 38 20 15 553 610 933 1,937 2,624 79,255 1,945 44,213 2,485 35,037 1 51 1 5 1 46 1 44 1 2 2,115 51,551 1,165 11,597 1,269,339 1,991 59,526 1,726,254 11 97 1,164 20 37,914 945 73 14,507 239 70,067 28,730 3,626,037 41,679 3,285,320 3,207,215 45,640 9,965 22,500 340,717 657 53 4,496 53 2,424 22 52 48 1,066 43 1,006 32 154 64 5,469 51 2,385 63 2,534 35 769 53 1,792 203,013 65 4,583 132,907 23 3 927 380 5,148,373 26,402 4,347,058 4,264,107 43,520 29,211 10, 220 301,315 618 800,697 151 8,126 150 4,357 74 133 139 1,943 134 1,821 79 234 152 12,015 128 6,370 151 5,645 70 1,792 145 3,470 470,191 157 11,389 330,231 6 53 8 280 115 6,196,447 13,529 5,346,664 5,165,133 89,400 77, 561 14,570 849,783 14,940 313 9,257 313 5,103 155 304 257 2,451 243 1,703 15 52 46 37 103 41 14 100 261 371 19,423 332 11,423 361 8,000 234 5,292 247 3,221 325,604 348 17,516 507,964 15 12,522 17 4,005 1,643 4,688,557 6,632 4,132,455 3,990,567 81,950 24,134 35,304 556,102 3,963 552,139 434 6,109 423 3,065 230 445 344 1,773 312 1,271 35 106 76 121 32 81 241 77 96 134 125 190 559 19,217 448 11,168 522 3,049 408 9,970 303 1,836 160,501 493 13,487 391,123 16 322 46 7,185 2,946 3,162,551 3,541 2,790,788 2,730,407 31,015 15,361 14,005 371,763 19,346 400 352,017 447 3,371 437 1,916 332 583 267 836 252 619 55 185 85 82 40 120 261 51 5 150 132 207 358 697 15,304 525 8,755 657 6,549 1 51 1 5 1 46 1 44 582 16,853 237 818 79,320 557 9,371 271,759 1 37 444 5 23,800 400 20 980 90 44,635 13,301 66 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 9.-0ther field-crop farms [DBla are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODIICTS-Conlin ued Litters farrowed Decemlwr 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 — farms reporting. number of litters. 1 or 2 litters. . . 3 to 9 litters 10 lo 19 litters 20 lo 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters. . . June 2 to November 30 Under U acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres . . . . 75 to 99 acres . . . . 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain arms reporting. . 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting.. arms reporting . . 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting., number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . . number of litters . . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . . acres . . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting.. , .farms reporting. . , .farms reporting.. , .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting. . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Wheat harvested famis reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . btishels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres., btishels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Pye harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops . . pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. , Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Coastal Bemaida grass cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Oats, wheat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . acres . tons. Sales farms reporting . , tons. , Other hay cut fauns reporting . , acres., tons. Sales farms reporting. . tons. , Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres. , ttjns, green weight.. 32,086 271,378 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 134 27,266 125,233 26,549 146,140 49,108 2,124,721 12,181 9,903 12,225 6,309 2,922 5,068 46,849 1,699,078 44,874,641 21,722 19,440,424 5,357 84,744 1,889,204 3,451 1,531,475 7,729 229,304 7,946,047 2,904 3,347,682 570 12,764 395,655 155 171,895 1,003 21,578 324,537 625 248,860 19,847 449,364 736 456,912,323 313,075 1,563 17,162 37,372 147 2,746 3,222 89,744 178,832 620 28,763 3,676 56,609 68,220 330 8,401 3,410 54,895 62,964 144 1,643 4,239 94,095 104,807 330 13,011 9 570 4,690 2,162 15,237 771 850 399 124 16 2 1,743 7,045 1,717 8,192 3,178 167, 1A9 430 627 958 469 253 441 3,122 151,099 4,093,094 2,136 2,112,199 130 2,380 56,457 116 4B,141 241 6,120 212,235 39 102,515 10 260 9,000 32 439 7,313 17 4,866 3,134 137, 532 165 159,435,574 6 55 275 86 1,713 3,618 14 497 23 235 376 34 608 495 69 620 675 55 973 5 9 19 21 54 486 55 487 81 14,733 1 14 64 81 14,258 456,802 69 287,576 15 390 10,820 15 10,680 33 1,902 82,095 24 64,490 7 221 3,320 87 16,151 14 591 1,336 2 125 120 145 2,675 3 34 57 40 10 1 135 1,160 135 1,515 194 28,4«1 5 26 18 19 126 194 26,477 1,006,640 167 597,310 29 813 20,235 27 15,786 58 2,023 49,690 20 15,100 5 120 2,600 16 182 3,145 9 2,280 194 25,420 35 31,116,344 31 663 1,385 5 205 6 195 190 352 4,144 22 156 130 38 6 326 1,897 308 2,247 437 39,413 5 35 72 83 74 168 436 35,626 1,021,450 312 483,432 36 481 9,085 25 7,695 61 1,090 42,125 17 6,425 5 140 6,400 5 15 300 447 34,091 85 41,672,315 UO 197 5 125 15 20 190 310 492 3,657 100 254 113 25 437 1,71B 401 1,939 677 35,922 55 61 198 210 86 67 672 32,872 301,282 535 407,020 34 478 10,457 34 10,080 74 955 33,700 28 16,500 4 21 548 2 470 682 27,945 23 259 520 5 30 17 233 245 10 125 80 567 2,776 196 291 80 450 1,270 477 1,506 823 29,065 85 166 385 117 55 15 788 24,321 537,390 593 252,801 16 21B 5,860 15 3,900 10 25 875 313 21,649 30 21,846,815 5 30 200 10 95 180 50 175 551 1,012 445 106 341 514 341 498 966 19,530 285 360 275 40 5 1 951 17,045 269,530 460 34,010 5 125 3,750 906 12,326 15 10,051,560 15 135 90 25 45 60 See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 9. -Other field-crop farms I Data are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See textj 67 (For ilpHnitions and pxplaimtions, i Total all commercial fanns SPECIFIED CHOPS HARVESTED-Conliaucd Cotton harvested fanns reporting. . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanns reporting. . acres*, bushels . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanns reporting. . acres*, bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting . . acres . . pounds . . Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting. . Sales dollars . . I^nd in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . acres. . 33,087 565,885 "172,215 5,555 636 91,534 8,780 12,623 1,640,876 17,082 64,737 93,950,371 8,075 6, 251, 102 11,580 164,839 1,661 24,451 15,766 255 146 16,308 542 2,926 462,613 195 600 757,633 527 309,150 506 6,696 76 4,161 3,218 23 938 171,950 23 94 166,294 27 45,640 30 1,286 124 3,493 2,593 14 (Z) 138 21 542 80,083 25 134 208,654 36 43,520 51 762 274 346 5,659 4,576 3,849 2,943 30 31 5 1 745 165 52 85 498 335 06,615 38,500 42 40 168 95 65,140 121,820 87 132 89,400 81,950 149 91 2,735 1,070 416 3,777 2,088 50 13 3,350 151 384 48,245 45 83 77,225 130 31,015 120 677 425 2,785 1,075 130 127 11,910 210 229 17,220 20 26 18,500 115 17,625 65 166 Z Reported in smell fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. *Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 68 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 5 of 9.-Fruit-and-nut farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lexlj Item UlM) Total all commercial famts Foonomic class (For definitions and explanations, see Total Class 1 Qass n a ass in a ass IV Class V Class VI FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALITE Farms Percent distribution Land in farms Percenl distribution number... percenl. . . acres . . . percenl... 61,955 XXX 15,497,901 XXX 250.1 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,414,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14, 681 8,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,685 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,120 61,220 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,895 8,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 40,497 8,166 8,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,711 7,743 5,129 4,080 2,801 7,828 4,408 1,613 726 504 100.0 278,253 100.0 552.1 56,509 99.05 504 82,523 82 50 37 46 61 lie 62 39 9 149 17,535 234 15,876 98 6,281 170 9,595 201 24,299 342 114,220 179 17,945 134 11,835 16 1,945 39 2,960 91 12,537 19 735 163 33,604 502 50 58 140 169 85 53.4 170 39 5 126 59 129 100 334 62 147 38 10 75 36 30 66 15 15 10 97 76 45 29 98 19.4 140,483 50.5 1,433.5 133,118 94.15 98 50,672 22 29 38 9 41 10,671 42 5,486 28 2,296 28 3,190 50 13,998 74 46,369 53 10,740 50 7,290 5 1,705 14 1,670 36 8,326 -13 700 46 18,809 97 10 18 39 20 10 49.5 39 10 29 17 28 19 59 6 25 1 "s 17 26 29 21 61 12.1 52,406 18.8 859.1 67,624 85.40 61 11,767 1 1 47 11 1 38 2,759 38 3,164 20 1,475 26 1,689 27 3,010 41 27,702 22 2,665 16 2,335 10 230 24 1,835 6 35 27 2,320 61 '20 '20 9 12 49.6 20 6 14 7 15 8 41 16 22 1 5 35 10 7 4 96 19.0 44,907 16.1 467.8 41,478 104.44 96 12,390 'io 33 32 21 23 2,815 38 3,670 11 585 37 3,085 47 4,754 69 16,809 47 3,475 32 1,920 15 1,080 25 2,355 '53 10,655 96 5 10 13 41 27 57.9 36 5 31 5 21 16 60 25 24 11 "6 5 5 10 35 30 2 3 55 10.9 21,263 7.6 386.6 42,156 85.64 55 3,307 5 15 6 5 11 12 1 6 400 34 1,014 7 368 29 646 21 717 45 14,705 12 685 6 105 5 100 6 21 11 475 55 5 10 21 13 6 50.4 28 11 5 12 5 18 12 27 5 11 5 "5 5 '21 5 5 10 3 1 77 15.3 8,684 3.1 112.8 24,615 243.16 77 1,907 25 15 16 10 11 31 795 31 675 16 380 15 295 21 1,200 57 3,680 15 165 15 125 1 10 10 450 77 io 10 16 11 30 54.2 46 6 40 25 46 45 31 5 25 20 5 20 10 20 15 5 2 117 23.2 10,510 3.8 89.8 Value of land and buildings: dollars... 13,387 129.79 Land In farms according to use: Cropland harvessted farms reporlinR... 117 2,480 52 20 20 to 29 acres .farms reporling. . . 15 20 5 5 . . . .farms reporling. . . 10 Soil-improvemenL grasses and legumes Other cropland (idle and crop Twlure) Woodland pastured acres . . . . . . .farms reporling . . . farms reporting... acres . . . farms reporting... acres . . . farms reporting... 95 51 1,867 16 1,177 35 690 35 620 56 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) acres . . . . . . .farms reporting. . . acres . . . 4,955 30 215 15 Irrigated land in farms Land use practices: acres . . . ....farms reporting... acres .. . 60 5 Cropland used Tor grain or row 110 Land in strip-cropping systems for FARM OPERATORS BY AGE farms reporting... acres 16 895 116 number... number... 10 31 75 55.7 OFF-FARM WORK .AND OTHER INC Farm operators- Working off their farms, total OME operators reporting. . . operalors reporting operators reporting... operators reporting. . . operators reporting . . . operators reporting . . . operators reporting . . . operators reporting. . . operalors reporting. . . operators reporting... operators reporting. . . 1 1 ... With other members of family working off farm With income from sources other than farni 1 With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold Operators not working off their farms or not 116 With other members of family working off farm With income from sources other than farm operated With other income of family exceeding value 5 40 FARMS BY SIZE 5 50 15 10 25 5 number... 5 2 2.000 or more acres number... See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 9.-Fruit-and-nut farms [Data ore based on reports for only a sample of famis. See toxtj 69 {For definiUais and explanations, ?eo tcxl) Total all comTnerciol fanns FARMS BY COLOR AN&TFJJimF. OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners • .nunibcr . i Pan owners number., All lennnc^ numl>er. . Cash tenants ., number. . Share-cash tenants nunber . . Crop-sharo tenants number . , I.ivestock'Shnre tenants number , , Crt)ppefs number , Other and unspecified "tenants number. White faim operators: Full owi^ers number. . Pan ownefs number . . All tenants number. . Ciopfiers number. Nonwhite farm operators; Full owners number. Part ouTiers num.ber. All tenants number , Croppers number , . SPFriFlED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms rcnorting , , number . Com pickers farms reporting., number . , Pick-up balers farms reporting. number., Field forage harvesters farms reporting. , number . , Motortrucks fam>s reporting., number.. Tractors farms reforting . , number,. Tractors other than garden farms reporting., number . , 1 tractor farms reporting,, 2 tractors farms reporting. , 3 tractors farms reporting. , 4 tractors farn:5 refxirting, , 5 or more tractors farms reporting-. Wheel tractors fam'.s reporting . , number.. Crawler tractors famis reporting. , nun, her.. Garden tractors farrris reporting,, numlier,. Automobiles fnrms reporting . , number. , Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms rer>orting . Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler ..farms reporting. Oop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting , Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting,, 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mite farms reporting . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting . 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hir^ workers. farms reporting.. persons . , Regular hired wc^kers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers .' 10 or more hired workers RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR , .farms reporting, , . .farms reporting. , , .farms reporting., , .farms reporting, , .farms reporting . Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. , Operators not reporting residence number . , See footnotes at end of table. 28,931 14,047 18,327 2,723 511 1,460 8,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,413 2,216 1,415 7,955 4,910 7,939 8,935 3,315 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42,714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26,284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,430 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,346 3,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54, 314 3,519 339 108 41 339 108 41 10 140 177 49 51 119 121 16 16 379 709 412 1,165 407 1,148 176 67 62 36 66 407 1,097 41 51 17 17 401 573 452 398 327 12 263 36 199 90 109 29 68 6 280 2,823 206 1,159 371 107 26 48 63 24 26 48 49 9 9 92 294 98 584 98 583 5 7 16 98 549 24 34 93 200 98 91 79 2 2 2 34 97 1,570 89 828 37 41 3 3 21 22 5 5 60 121 61 169 61 164 10 12 29 61 153 11 11 5 5 54 742 54 213 95 193 95 193 37 33 15 5 5 95 193 95 118 96 74 367 70 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS- OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 9.-Fruit-and-nut farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lexl j (For definilions and explanations. Total all commercial farms Economic class USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer anj fenilizinc materials used Hurinc the \ear ram.s reporting. . acres on which used. .. tons . . Dr> materials farms reporting . . tons . . Liquid maUTials farms reporting. . tons . . Crops on which used— Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . tons,. Com farms reporting . . acres . . Dry materials farn.s reporting.. Ions.. Liquid materials farms reporting . . tons . . Soybeans farms rcp dollars. . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting, , 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. , 20 to 29 acres farms reporting , . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. SO to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. . SOO to 999 acres farms reporting . , 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting,. acres , . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres . , Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres . , Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. , acres , . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms repirting . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . , acres. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 14 years number . . 35to44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER IN(X)ME Farm operators- Working orr their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members or ramily working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators re[)ofting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agncullural products sold operators reporting.. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number. . 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 lo 219 acres number.. 220 lo 259 acres number . , 260 to 499 acres number . . 500 to 999 acres number . , 1,000 lo 1,999 acres number., 2,000 or more acres number,, See footnotes at end of table. 61,955 XXX 15,497,901 XXX 250.1 21,130 95.29 56, 3U 4,4U,903 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14,681 8,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,685 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,150 61,220 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,895 8,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 40,497 8,166 8,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,711 7,743 5,129 4,080 2,801 7,828 4,408 1,613 726 9,923 100.0 1,045,640 100.0 105.4 14,720 149.65 6,449 160,994 2,723 1,531 708 670 578 167 64 7 1 2,846 80,896 4,252 93,821 1,094 22,984 3,750 70,837 3,987 134,991 6,195 405,877 5,020 125,317 3,158 68,229 48 373 263 4,902 1,329 37,258 107 1,234 3,048 125,84-4 9,857 116 1,146 2,344 3,094 2,297 860 48.7 4,849 947 734 3,168 1,467 1,800 3,366 5,074 1,356 1,670 1,066 1,657 2,858 1,139 1,229 1,006 585 389 268 530 190 59 13 646 6.5 203,176 19.4 314.5 46,002 162.02 413 35,153 84 45 20 67 97 53 39 7 1 258 19,312 249 15,003 85 5,230 202 9,773 231 22,789 418 81,854 282 19,592 182 13,493 18 233 22 1,132 5,370 2 24 207 19,761 630 11 81 227 226 78 7 44.0 283 55 48 180 138 150 363 75 61 123 28 59 55 35 29 58 91 65 31 11 1,670 16.8 231,707 22.2 138.7 22,384 168.96 1,132 43,251 330 200 146 155 207 75 19 481 16,827 638 19,902 248 6,247 522 13,655 707 34,265 998 75,033 897 34,917 634 21,743 10 60 60 1,070 317 13,913 15 120 587 36,847 1,650 20 255 450 556 294 75 45.8 649 136 106 407 191 234 386 1,021 260 225 72 220 360 145 230 185 120 110 55 180 50 14 1 2,772 2,801 1,768 27.9 28.2 17.8 271,907 211,580 108,712 26.0 20.2 10.4 98.1 75.5 61.5 12,882 10,300 8,606 134.45 140.02 153.54 1,391 1,815 1,033 42,292 26,279 12,564 716 901 582 480 486 280 241 201 90 215 167 61 2m 50 15 24 10 5 6 ... ... 893 732 407 23,165 14,425 6,197 1,266 1,173 801 22,910 22,446 11,600 330 281 125 4,805 5,072 1,545 1,083 1,092 736 18,105 17,374 10,055 1,288 1,040 616 37,337 27,560 11,280 1,746 1,759 1,083 102,781 85,808 50,291 1,477 1,382 366 32,820 24,704 11,720 899 867 515 14,850 12,194 5,270 15 5 70 10 101 50 25 1,850 560 275 400 330 166 10,045 5,640 1,555 50 30 5 755 320 5 922 841 436 32,821 25,075 9,290 2,772 2,776 1,763 25 30 25 255 320 220 774 567 296 897 818 536 604 710 456 217 331 230 48.4 49.9 50.7 1,327 286 230 811 412 535 865 1,445 385 440 235 355 795 366 385 286 195 115 95 137 35 7 1,498 260 215 1,023 440 512 1,178 1,303 451 532 386 586 830 325 350 295 160 90 45 86 30 1,047 165 135 747 326 361 787 721 165 335 305 385 635 250 200 150 60 35 10 31 10 2 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 9. -Poultry farms [Data are biised nn reports for only a sample of famis. Seo toxtj 75 Itom (For Oeriniticrs and explonAltons, spo t^xt) ToUl all commercial faims Economic class FAIttB BY COLOR AND TENUKF. OF OPERATOR All fann operators; Full owners nunioor.. Part owners nunibf?r.. All tenants numlier . . Cash tenants number.. Share~cn5h tenants number.. Crop-share tenants number.. I.ivestock-shnrc tenants number . . Croppers number . . Other and unspeciTied tenants number. . White farm operators: Full o^vners number. . Part owners number . . All tenants number. . Cix>ppers number. . Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number . . Part owners nun.ber . , All tenants number. . Crotxjers number . . SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACTUTIES AND HND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting.. number . . Com piclcar farms rcporlinp. . . acres on which used , . . Uins . . . Dr> materials farms reporting . . . u>ns , , , Liquid materials farms reporting. . . Ions . . . Crops on which used— Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . . . acres . . . Dr>' materials farms reporting . . . tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting... tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons.. . Coin. •■.••••• ..••••.*>>>«f*>«<>«>>>>>«>>> farms reporting. . . acres . . . Dry materials fam>s reporting. . . tons. .. Liquid materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Soybeans. ................................ farms reporting. . . acres . . . Pry materials farms reporting. . . Ions Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . . Cotton fam.s reporting. . . acres . . . Dry materials farn.s reporting. . . Ions... Liquid materials farms reporting. . . tons. ., All other crops farms reporting . . . Dry materials farms reporting. . , Ions . . , Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . . Lime or liming materials used durine the year farms reporting... acres limed, . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and pouluy fam-s reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting . . $100 to S909 farms reporting. . $1,000 to .«il,99fl farms reporting. . $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting . . S.'i.OOO or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars . . Under ?l,00O farms ro[wrtinp. . 51,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to ^,999 farms reporting. . Wi,0O0 loS9,999 fam.s reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting. , Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars. . Under $200 farms reporti ng . . S200 to $999 farms reeorting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars. . Under 5200 farms reporting. . S20O to .$499 farms reporting, . $500 to .'=999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 forms reporting.. $2,500 toS^(,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 , farnis reporting. . $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reporting. . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. , dollars.. Under $100 fan. is reporting. . $100 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farm.a reporting . . $1,000 or nrare farms reporting.. (ja.soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business fanns reporting. . dollars.. Under JlOO farms reporting. . 5100 to .M99 farms reporting. . S500 to S999 farms reporting. 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more fanr.s reporting. . Total all commercial farms 55,461 4,650,613 1,070,490 55,328 1,031,733 4,907 33,757 14,293 637,114 13,972 128,171 1,298 7,701 7,593 324,744 7,396 60,432 668 4,457 46,744 2,061,828 46,576 390,414 3,382 18,137 1,480 40,036 1,465 6,377 27 110 32,933 563,270 32,877 184,618 1,076 3,564 36,400 1,023,936 36,268 261,721 704 4,788 10,313 352,317 346,065 61,945 45,929 148,563,131 9,102 19,823 3,430 5,118 8,406 27,651 55,339,726 16,741 5,343 3,138 1,675 754 41,298 15,418,262 20,342 17,942 3,014 40,942 54,017,416 11,046 11,224 6,603 6,950 2,960 1,397 500 215 47 33,629 10,831,082 13,348 W,662 3,388 2,231 59,242 28,222,110 16,591 24,979 10,264 7,053 355 Economic class 5,792 159,312 35,336 5,787 34,579 95 757 1,476 27,594 1,470 5,947 32 102 913 19,466 393 4,120 30 46 4,398 63,740 4,393 12,456 43 372 105 1,093 105 156 1,135 12,240 1,135 4,347 10 102 2,L47 35,179 2,147 7,553 12 135 1,253 21,801 24,585 9,923 9,918 108,924,857 96 301 446 2,504 6,571 9,519 29,028,301 2,281 3,557 2,162 1,129 390 3,055 616,064 2,313 644 98 4,261 5,689,452 1,579 858 591 677 324 134 63 31 4 2,756 309,323 2,022 592 117 25 9,489 2,338,748 4,241 3,887 889 460 12 352 34,931 8,106 352 7,621 34 485 131 7,458 130 1,471 12 67 96 4,272 96 793 212 11,353 212 2,497 18 193 13 263 13 37 94 2,428 94 955 5 100 176 9,157 176 1,368 7 125 ia2 5,0LL 4,725 646 646 30,590,192 646 646 7,404,977 16 61 80 209 280 217 94,390 30 109 23 569 2,986,697 137 117 89 63 21 4 213 79,000 61 109 29 14 644 589,939 75 203 IX 225 7 1,009 46,880 10,519 1,004 10,306 31 213 341 6,975 336 1,595 15 25 234 6,495 229 1,631 10 20 711 16,716 706 2,987 20 166 16 410 16 49 269 3,690 269 1,192 5 2 450 12,594 450 2,852 311 6,770 7,465 1,670 1,670 30,633,336 1 1,669 1,665 8,292,295 145 179 531 725 85 616 179,740 386 190 40 1,195 1,637,261 21J. 286 224 285 134 45 550 97,550 304 178 62 6 1,655 616,971 430 721 348 156 1,676 38,930 8,636 1,676 3,608 15 28 446 6,973 446 1,596 5 10 262 4,465 257 809 15 18 1,328 16,793 1,328 3,214 46 345 46 60 391 3,668 391 1,355 615 6,686 615 1,574 358 4,655 5,710 2,772 2,772 26,809,384 21 U2 2,639 2,717 7,615,259 311 890 1,341 155 20 935 203,149 707 203 20 1,135 620,769 466 306 161 160 42 867 70,793 661 185 21 2,717 597,763 1,090 1,293 281 43 5 1,613 25,209 5,237 1,613 5,216 10 21 348 4,378 348 940 200 2,655 195 542 5 8 1,236 11,300 1,236 2,193 5 13 10 35 10 4 251 1,779 251 612 561 5,062 561 925 291 3,315 5,015 2,801 2,801 15,500,750 25 45 65 1,109 1,557 2,709 4,142,495 547 1,962 175 20 5 821 108,335 70O 111 10 894 310,765 551 150 100 73 20 711 36,645 626 2,639 366,015 1,425 1,098 91 25 1,001 11,683 2,493 1,001 2,493 165 1,515 165 280 105 1,190 105 273 791 6,763 791 1,420 120 645 120 226 300 1,530 300 238 150 1,415 1,515 1,768 1,768 4,971,315 46 171 270 1,231 50 1,577 1,454,960 1,082 450 25 20 426 28,030 400 26 427 127,085 295 55 45 22 10 355 23,580 315 35 1,628 153,575 1,066 522 35 5 See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 9. -Poultry farms [t)aU ore baaod on reports for only a sample of fanna. See t«xtj 77 (For definilio Item s and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class ESTIMATED VALITE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars . All crops sold dollars , Field crops, other than vegetables and Iruits and nul3, sold dollars. N'egetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars . Poultry and pout try products sold doll ars . Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than pouitzy and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUtTTS Cattle and lalves Cows, including heifers that have calved. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves . [arms reporting. number, ^arnis reporting. number, arms reporting. number . farms reporting. number, arms refKirting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporti ng . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 ro 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . 100 or more head farms reporting . Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms repotting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and/or mules farms reporting. number. Ho^ and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. numlier. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . number . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reFortiog. number. Liirestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms repotting. number. dollars . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars . Milk and cream sold^ farms repotting. pounds. dollars . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting . dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. See fooI3iotes at end of table. 572,151,761 9,235 266, 646, 189 215,843,136 6,251,102 14,996,619 29,555,332 305,505,572 161,616,488 39,428,718 104,460,366 42,587 1,168,401 40,693 591,672 25,87'4 165,205 33,266 318,907 29,686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,018 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 600 832 11,789 11,531 300 367 940 533 182 182 23,046 47,626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 860,092 41,600 684,245 611 29,632 419 7,081 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,804 29,451 519,857 60,980,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 18,038 216,456 3,782 721,437,957 39,428,718 12,606 115,681,098 8,339 108,271,809 44,391,451 166,825,349 16,812 5,605,790 4,141,103 176,935 216,202 1,071,550 161,219,559 154,787,674 804,025 5,627,860 6,743 91,641 6,243 41,051 4,813 10,517 4,728 29,642 3,941 20,948 1,096 1,957 1,181 1,249 938 229 90 3 2,322 2,749 644^ 235 196 61 18 18 2,752 1,972 40 16 31 3,148 5,412 5,766 80,149 3,072 45,803 4,906 34,346 137 5,132 92 1,119 127 4,013 126 3,769 112 244 5,151 9,087,467 3,958 34,441 3,613,034 2,518 66,742 1,935,518 95 3,247 38,964 480 16,290,982 804,025 9,833 112,562,777 2,774 99,412,337 40,759,052 50,558, lU 78,263 1,563,486 1,105,967 28,690 35,304 393,525 48,994,625 47,132,166 470,500 1,391,959 430 20,542 390 3,977 187 1,522 350 5,964 311 5,601 51 33 51 68 117 64 43 3 75 116 53 36 61 16 17 16 213 1,242 330 12,523 132 7,203 314 5,320 1,461 9 418 9 1,043 3 968 9 75 334 3,697,671 326 8,640 1,000,411 176 13,056 378,624 7 645 7,740 40 8,543,288 470,500 629 25,867,578 303 49,339,306 20,229,103 46,490,871 27,839 1,600,824 1,308,829 38,140 92,241 161,614 44,890,047 42,966,789 252,270 1,670,988 1,163 24,402 1,088 11,121 702 2,105 902 7,302 5,479 110 225 166 230 318 85 34 226 470 212 89 66 22 1 2 348 319 15 5 15 490 798 955 21,970 563 12,402 822 9,568 51 2,426 36 476 41 1,950 41 1,887 31 63 782 2,465,961 863 10,448 1,111,555 471 18,095 524,755 36 1,890 22,630 60 5,439,902 252,270 1,670 33,032,431 454 23,644,657 9,694,308 40,354,328 14,561 1,502,097 1,095,029 43,150 52,217 311,701 38,862,231 37,298,434 38,090 1,525,707 2,072 25,280 1,897 11,267 1,536 2,811 1,465 8,695 1,302 5,313 305 525 404 466 292 67 13 665 875 232 55 52 18 833 643 10 962 1,303 1,736 24,096 970 14,051 1,516 10,045 42 705 27 110 42 595 42 519 42 76 1,349 1,338,785 1,259 8,578 892,563 848 21,231 615,699 27 472 5,664 135 1,220,939 38,090 2,751 31,459,970 622 13,780,384 5,649,959 21,763,029 7,770 643,356 449,111 39,375 24,080 Ul,290 21,119,173 20,372,613 21,740 724,320 1,840 14,731 1,700 6,455 1,352 2,383 1,229 5,211 959 3,065 355 607 375 335 155 13 716 836 756 591 372 1,173 1,637 12,795 841 7,577 1,321 5,218 30 505 15 lOO 30 405 30 380 25 25 1,434 904,590 954 4,905 436,665 631 9,561 277,269 25 240 2,880 125 535,733 21,740 2,735 16,954,552 663 8,230,025 3,374,311 7,186,206 4,065 270,017 166,643 22,680 12,094 68,595 6,916,189 6,604,148 15,155 296,886 1,083 6,096 1,023 2,901 896 1,451 707 1,805 501 1,390 235 437 170 145 51 545 407 61 5 5 601 285 10 496 736 938 8,350 461 4,355 848 3,995 1,022 587,740 501 1,685 159,270 362 4,629 134,241 100 386,326 15,155 1,758 4,938,594 582 4,062,180 1,665,494 462,804 1,740 25,510 15,519 4,900 266 4,825 437,294 4U,524 6,270 17,500 U5 590 145 330 140 245 75 165 40 95 40 80 15 5 5 95 45 90 50 115 160 120 415 55 215 85 200 5 35 5 15 5 20 5 15 5 5 160 92,720 55 185 12,570 30 170 4,930 20 164,744 6,270 240 259,652 150 355,785 145,372 78 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 9.-Poultry farms [Dftta are based on raports for only e sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) mTSTOCK AND U\'ESTOCK PRODl'CTS-Continued Litteis fatrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . famis reporting. . umber of litters . . 'arms reporting., arms reporting. . 'arms reporting . . reporting . . farms reporting . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting . . number of litters. December llojunol farms reporting . number of litters . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Ctom for all purposes farms 1 w 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 liuers 40 to 69 htlers 70 or more litters. . . June 2 to November 30 Under 11 ACteB, . . 11 to 24 Bores . . . 25 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 74 acres . . . 75 to 99 acres . . . 100 or more acres Harvested for grain . . . reporting. .. acres . . . farms reporting. .. 'arms reporting. . . arms reporting. . . reporting. . . arms reporting. . , 'arms reporting. . . reporting . . . acres . . . bushels.. . Sales farms reporting . . . Wheat harvested fanns reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . btishels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . acres., bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . btishels . . Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. btishels , . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting.. acres grown alone.. acres grown wi'th other crops.. potinds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mijctures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . Sales faiTDS reporting.. tons.. Coastal Benmida grass cut for hay farms reporting.. acres., tons*. Sales farms reporting . . tons-. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting . . acres. . tons . . Sales farms reporting.. tons.. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. , tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres., tons. , Sales farms reporting . . tons.. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. acres., tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 32,086 271,378 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 134 27,266 125,238 26,549 146,140 49,108 2,124,721 12,181 9,903 12,225 6,809 2,922 5,068 46,849 1,699,078 44,874,641 21,722 19,440,424 5,357 84,744 1,889,204 3,451 1,531,475 7,729 229,304 7,946,047 2,904 3,847,682 570 12,764 395,655 155 171,895 1,003 21,578 324,537 625 248,360 19,847 449,364 736 486,912,323 313,075 1,563 17,162 37,372 147 2,746 3,222 89,744 178,332 620 28,763 3,676 56,609 68,220 330 8,401 3,410 54,895 62,964 1A4 1,643 4,289 94,095 104,807 330 13,011 9 570 4,690 Economic class 2,224 12,943 367 982 276 81 15 3 1,951 6,553 1,551 6,390 5,007 68,752 3,440 914 376 160 39 73 4,824 60,119 1,729,907 955 403,294 982 9,961 205, 537 501 141,813 1,017 14,749 506,715 232 178,981 102 1,141 34,960 21 14,175 62 627 7,243 41 5,135 295 3,426 16 3,332,280 514 3,146 59 490 217 3,781 6,234 34 1,000 819 7,565 8,675 62 670 531 3,639 3,848 35 140 1,144 14,313 17,607 UO 5,710 172 2,210 35 72 32 20 10 3 160 1,062 137 1,1AS 237 12,073 80 44 35 28 13 37 217 9,790 360,705 73 151,424 56 1,773 43,685 51 39,838 104 4,139 155,970 32 74,501 11 516 . 14,800 6 9,240 6 308 3,325 6 3,100 31 1,015 16 1,109,510 35 546 1,426 51 1,523 3,219 4 725 50 1,165 1,845 6 75 46 617 906 5 50 109 4,728 5,992 19 2,775 441 3,499 121 136 88 46 395 1,711 341 1,738 801 17,371 431 146 113 76 5 30 756 14,027 410,290 207 105,850 184 3,203 68,487 119 52,770 222 4,636 170,250 94 69,400 41 230 8,800 15 115 1,300 10 650 83 1,447 8,450 142 1,123 2,301 70 1,055 1,375 15 205 166 1,905 2,230 11 450 118 897 1,102 10 45 272 3,470 5,665 41 2,250 754 4,294 271 353 no 15 5 639 2,213 527 2,081 1,510 17,868 1,017 293 147 46 6 1 1,465 15,950 435,812 300 67,940 277 2,080 38,055 156 21,890 336 3,579 107,155 71 28,560 25 225 7,035 15 4,935 21 99 1,318 15 920 629 695,955 9,367 157 752 1,556 20 120 60 1,020 900 10 60 278 2,655 2,915 20 65 167 1,020 975 10 35 356 3,920 3,630 30 500 550 1,905 270 260 20 460 1,050 345 855 1,452 12,977 1,101 271 60 5 10 5 1,411 12,332 319,325 230 48,520 315 2,010 38,645 115 18,140 230 1,775 56,525 30 5,770 20 140 3,825 15 70 1,140 5 340 55 190 162,420 130 570 920 5 25 16 113 105 5 10 210 1,175 1,110 20 70 135 750 615 10 10 262 2,125 1,730 15 175 292 1,000 165 101 26 242 502 191 498 867 7,593 691 140 21 5 5 5 845 7,135 187,510 135 28,435 125 750 15,215 55 7,925 120 605 16,590 5 750 5 30 500 5 35 160 92,640 50 155 405 20 65 135 100 615 535 5 10 60 305 225 115 475 460 5 10 GEORGIA 79 State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 9.-Poultry farms fDaia are baaed on reports for only a sample of faims. See textj see text) Total all cxwimereia] farms Economic class (For derinilions and explanations Total Class! Class 11 nass III Class IV Class V OassVI SPEanED CROPS HARVESrED-Cominued 33,037 565,885 472,215 5,555 636 91,534 8,730 12,623 1,640,876 17,082 64,737 93,950,371 8,075 6,251,102 11,530 164,839 1,152 12,318 10,690 1,577 106 13,137 1,053 346 40,849 250 874 1,209,545 546 176,935 1,315 4,092 94 2,436 2,157 52 10 792 27 8 1,304 42 223 282,500 32 28,690 134 840 270 3,713 3,115 205 10 2,540 105 209 21,125 70 290 428,200 67 38,140 290 1,297 401 3,698 3,310 465 33 5,445 376 49 8,475 102 293 414,515 172 43,150 362 807 256 1,789 1,523 525 27 5,470 310 60 6,475 36 63 34,330 170 39,375 337 753 121 652 560 270 21 3,300 195 11 2,690 90 22,630 162 374 10 Irish pota"toes harvested for home use acres . . . bales... 30 20 60 Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use acres^ . . bushels . . . 5 590 45 acres^ . . bushels... 9 780 Vegetables harvested for sale Sales acres . . . pounds... ..farms reporting... 15 4,900 Lanri in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 30 acres . . . 21 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 7 of 9.-Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For derinilions and explanations, i^ee text) Total all commercial farms F^sonomic class glass V FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALIIE Fafms number . . . Percent distribution percent . . . Land in farms acres . . . Percent distribution percent.. . Average size of farm acres,. . Value Of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . . Average [ler acre dollars . , . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reportinp . . . acres . . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting... 10 lo IS acres farms reporting . . . 20 [o 29 acres farms reporting... .30 to 49 acres farms reporting... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting... 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting... 1,000 or more acres farms reporting... Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. . acres . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. .. acres . . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting.. . acres . . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . . acres . . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting... acres . . , Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . , acres . . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . . acres . . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting , . . Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms repotting . . . acres . . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. .. acres , . . Land in stri()-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . . acres . . , System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. , , acres . . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number... Under ■2,'i years number . . . 25 to 34 years number ,. . 35 to 44 years number. . . 45 to 54 years number... 55 to 64 years number. , . 65 or more years number. . . Average age years . . . OFF-FARM WORK A.ND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their forms, total operators reporting . . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . , With other members of family working off farm operators reporting,.. With income from sources other than farm operated and off- farm work operators reporting... With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting... Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . . With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting... FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . . 10 to 49 acres number . . . 50 to 69 acres number . . . 70 to 99 acres number . . . 100 to 139 acres number. . . 140 to 179 acres number . . . 180 to 219 acres number... 220 to 259 acres number . , . 260 to 499 acres number . . . 500 to 999 acres number . . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . . . 2,000 or more acres number . . . See footnotes at end of table. 61,955 XXX 15,497,901 XXX 250.1 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,414,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14,681 8,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26, 540 2,366,075 36, 033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,685 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,120 61,220 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,895 8,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 40,497 3,166 8,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,711 7,743 5,129 4,080 2,801 7,828 4,408 1,613 726 2,319 100.0 892,301 100.0 384.8 39,657 110.47 1,986 196,215 146 143 176 301 567 410 221 19 3 1,525 130,414 703 34, 123 321 10,677 506 23,446 1,454 147, 611 1,343 222,998 1,331 135,877 895 68, 122 62 2,079 300 11,291 417 36,327 57 2,462 980 107,572 2,303 16 251 594 845 470 127 47.6 600 203 91 306 185 237 157 1,719 357 380 76 155 236 220 226 221 605 405 109 32 193 8.3 208,255 23.3 1,079.0 136,454 132.10 178 47,634 1 3 5 10 25 39 75 147 25,817 51 5,503 29 971 34 4,532 103 30,755 131 65,040 125 27,054 100 16,906 12 738 47 4,093 53 10, 529 9 935 73 20, 747 187 20 33 76 28 30 49.7 35 15 6 14 13 20 7 158 27 567 24.5 231,739 31.6 497.0 52,478 109.90 500 69,084 10 10 25 40 109 186 118 2 442 46,967 174 11,662 36 4,543 123 7,119 344 41,621 338 66,350 325 38,476 227 18,515 20 801 108 3,678 158 14,698 21 630 268 40,340 562 6 71 142 211 33 44 47.4 148 63 15 70 47 61 36 419 74 97 1 5 5 15 25 40 70 195 170 35 924 39.8 288,220 32.3 311.9 28,425 93.01 313 59,225 65 55 61 140 312 152 28 590 41,645 262 10,300 125 3,683 188 6,617 573 51,076 564 69,004 507 48,797 339 22,616 30 540 105 2,970 136 8,340 12 372 379 31,785 919 5 115 278 347 152 22 45.7 221 85 55 81 75 703 165 150 37 10 5 50 80 95 135 100 300 135 10 4 388 16.7 78,403 22,339 110.30 298 13,335 50 30 50 61 30 27 226 10,535 116 4,498 51 1,000 81 3,498 277 15,837 183 16,427 242 15,915 167 3,580 20 275 40 2,260 5 450 130 8,725 338 5 30 96 136 100 21 43.7 131 25 15 91 25 257 71 157 6.8 26,559 3.0 169.2 16,131 99.10 122 5,367 20 20 40 36 6 4,815 50 1,175 15 350 45 825 112 7,022 62 3,562 87 4,035 47 1,370 10 90 15 360 5 25 80 4,100 157 10 45 55 37 10 49.9 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 9.-Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See texlj 81 (For (JoriniUcns and pxplnnntions, see lexl) Total all commorcia] fanns Ecx)nomic class FARMS BV COLOR AND TENUItF. OF OPERATOR AM fann operators: Full owners nunilier . Part owners number . All tenants numlier . Cash tenants number . Shafe-cnsti tenants ■ nun'hcr. Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number , Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants. number. White farm operators: Full o^vTiers number . Part owners numt)er , All tenants number. Ooppers number. Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners nun.ber , All tenants number , Croppers .,. number , SPFriFIED EtJWPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting , number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting , number , Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farrrts reporting, number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than gairlen farms reporting, number, 1 tractor farms reporting , 2 tractors farms report] ng , 3 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farn:s reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farrr.s reporting, number. Crawler tractors farms reporting, number. Garden tractors famis reporting , numlier. Automobiles farms reporting, number, Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting , Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting , Fanns by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting , . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less titan 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting, 1 or more miles to a hard surface ivad farms reporting, 1 mile farms reporting , 2 or 3 miles farms reporting, 4 miles farms reporting, 5 <}r more miles farms reporting, FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting., persons . , Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons , . Farms reporting by numlier of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting, 2 hired workers farms reporting , 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting, 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting, 10 or more hired workers farms reporting , RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting,. Not residing on farm operated operators repotting,. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 28,931 U,047 18,327 2,723 511 3,086 1,460 8,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,-113 2,216 1,415 7,955 4,910 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42,714 70,210 41,825 68, 191 26,284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41, 693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,480 56,235 26, 656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,846 8,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 1,278 894 103 56 5 1,258 894 103 10 654 681 289 290 1,152 1,167 587 619 2,069 3,083 2,175 4,413 2,160 4,270 873 782 346 82 77 2,155 4,186 68 84 133 143 1,987 2,608 2,282 1,926 1,787 2,121 2,130 78 405 1,186 126 980 379 601 275 255 41 30 1,418 3,791 1,171 2,655 606 252 210 79 24 2,091 129 99 103 123 60 60 155 163 118 139 190 490 167 765 187 737 8 26 56 43 54 187 706 21 31 23 28 168 387 191 191 164 161 181 28 99 106 11 68 35 33 21 11 1 191 1,254 168 955 156 24 13 234 297 27 234 297 27 10 213 225 95 96 360 367 245 251 552 940 560 1,363 560 1,328 96 247 168 26 23 560 1,305 22 23 35 40 546 773 567 547 481 552 542 45 141 318 20 229 85 144 78 46 506 1,335 464 975 197 134 113 19 514 37 16 496 364 51 493 364 248 248 109 109 442 442 199 204 822 1,062 878 1,510 863 1,460 397 347 107 12 863 1,435 20 25 50 50 809 942 914 766 725 479 45 391 163 228 91 107 20 10 426 611 842 47 35 267 101 15 267 101 15 25 25 20 20 135 135 20 20 323 366 368 531 368 511 242 110 15 1 368 5U 20 20 313 335 378 307 271 353 353 5 20 201 35 147 41 106 55 41 127 164 120 26 10 115 26 10 45 45 5 5 50 50 5 5 127 145 142 194 U2 169 95 47 142 169 5 5 106 126 152 87 106 112 127 147 5 5 82 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 9.-Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For (Icflnifions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Comnierrial fertilizer and fertilizinc materials used durinc the year. farms reporting . . acres on which used. . Ions. . Dry materials farms reporting . . tons,. Liquid matiTials farms reporting.. tons . . Crops on which used— [lay and cropland pasture farms repcrting, , Dry materials farms reporting. . Cons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . acres . . Dr> material? - farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Ions, , Com /arms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials fnrnis reporting.. tons, , Liquid materials farms reporting, , tons.. Soybeans farms rcporti ng . . acres , . Dry materials farms reporting. , Ions. . Liquid materials farms reporting., tons,. Cotton famis reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting, . tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. AH other crops farms reporting. . acres . . Dr\ materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms renorting. . tons. , Lime or limine materials used durine the year farms reporting,, acres limed. , tons .. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poullry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under SlOO farms reporting, , SI 00 to S999 farms reportinf, . . 51,000 toSl.999 farms reporlinfl.. S2.000 to S4,999 farms reporting . . S5,000 or more farms reporting . . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting . . dollars.. Under ?1,000 farms reporting. . 51,000 to S3,499 fnrnis reporting, . 52,500 to 54,999 farms reporting.. yii.OOO toS9,999 farms reporting.. 510,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting, . dol 1 ars . . Under 5200 farms reporting . . 5200 to 5999 fnrms reporting., 51,000 or more farmfl reporting,. Hired labor farms reporting.. ikiUars, , Under 5200 farms reporting., 5200 lo 5-199 farms reporting.. S500 to 5999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to S2,499 farms reporting,, $2,000 to 5-1,999 farms reporting,. 55,000 to 59,999 fnrms reporting,, 510,000 to 519,999 farms reporting.. 520,000 lo ^t9.999 farms reporting.. 550,000 or more farms reporting, , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 5100 fanns reporting,, 5100 to .5499 farms reporting.. 5.500 to 5999 ' farm.s refiorting . . 51,000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars. . Under $100 farms reporting.. SlOO to 5199 ; farms rep-Continued Cotton harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for hone use or for sale farms reporting . . acres^ . bushels . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reportijig . . acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres . . pounds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . acres . . 33,037 565,885 i72,215 5,555 636 91,534 8,780 12,623 1,640,876 17,082 64,737 93,950,371 8,075 6,251,102 U,580 164,839 4Cf7 8,566 7,386 177 28 3,517 182 124 8,617 108 431 615,131 90 113,104 520 4,173 46 2,746 2,686 5 7 756 12 14 1,207 20 150 266,951 10 10,584 71 1,311 127 3,354 2,790 39 5 762 40 72 3,120 28 105 157,950 29 82,600 174 1,958 139 1,846 1,420 77 5 784 80 31 3,410 60 176 190,230 25 15,600 175 629 55 370 280 10 5 270 10 3 160 50 141 25 210 175 31 5 725 25 (Z) 255 1,620 35 103 15 40 35 15 1 220 15 4 465 20 2,700 15 31 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . 86 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 8 of 9. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For deHnitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. . . Percent distnbution percent . . , Lanti in farms acres . . . Percent distribution percent... Average size of farm acres . . , Value of land and buildings: Average per fann i dollars. . . Average |>er acre dollars. . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested fanns reporting... acres . . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting... 200 to 499 acres farms reporting,.. 500 lo 999 acres ..farms reporting... 1,000 or more acres farms reporting,.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting... acres . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . acre^ . . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting — acres . . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . , acres . . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting... Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting... acres , . . Improved pasture farms reporting . . . acres . . , Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. . acres . . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms repjrting . . acres . , Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY ACSE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number. . 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER IN(»ME Farm operators- working off their farms, total operators reporting . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators refnrting. . Operalors not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators repcrting.. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres .- number . . 10 to 49 acres number. , 50 to 6ft acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number., 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres ■ number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 61,955 XXX 15,497,901 XXX 250.1 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,414,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14,681 8,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,685 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 1,630,120 61,220^ 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,895 3,133 6,370 F.conomic class 7,139 3,214 40,497 8,166 3,536 3,193 2,675 12,449 5,792 6,711 7,743 5,129 4,080 2,801 7,828 4,403 1,613 726 9,230 100.0 3,846,348 100.0 414.5 32,360 87.10 7,780 673,333 829 846 776 1,293 2,069 1,273 563 106 25 5,141 364,245 3,212 182,199 1,050 53,122 2,545 129,077 5,252 305,269 5,994 1,297,525 3,980 405,855 2,632 224,261 214 4,227 1,187 47,401 1,494 116,998 113 3,867 3,266 334,080 9,164 77 641 1,576 2,747 3,126 997 52.1 3,313 1,287 385 1,641 1,017 1,471 1,691 5,967 1,179 1,324 667 260 855 595 736 1,105 331 693 545 1,639 1,272 502 247 158 1.7 406,688 10.6 2,574.0 190,043 83.03 150 85,349 1 5 1 5 3 18 54 40 23 96 35,080 44 10,680 16 2,605 33 3,075 83 70,556 114 115,894 98 61,689 74 37,279 21 803 41 7,022 29 8,147 550 71 19,073 155 20 42 51 28 14 43.3 12 7 30 11 33 10 109 21 333 3.6 473,659 12.3 1,422.4 112,203 34.23 307 83,620 14 26 79 139 33 1 220 42,577 120 21,725 58 5,720 84 16,005 212 39,684 241 173,407 170 51,326 144 36,204 25 553 118 20,168 333 174 41,140 320 39 70 84 73 54 50.8 106 27 227 46 15 35 136 31 56 948 10.2 733,318 19.1 773.5 62,712 87.90 876 142,815 14 17 25 32 202 340 223 22 1 586 71,335 329 30,649 112 3,026 269 22,623 616 162,137 630 240,398 459 68,271 386 45,430 51 1,143 232 13,178 232 35,2% 19 1,080 457 65,169 945 1 96 162 321 246 119 51.0 340 115 23 197 97 199 185 608 1J24 234 62 10 5 15 20 50 55 35 260 311 133 54 1,924 ■ 20.7 393,073 23.3 466.8 39,196 39.56 1,773 168,051 57 52 112 229 643 553 122 5 1,116 83,093 721 39,537 279 15,649 555 23,388 1,164 190,477 1,313 307,390 891 39,637 612 50,573 54 1,263 313 10,210 374 23,175 30 445 770 90,636 1,896 25 165 400 581 458 267 50.7 773 243 107 413 294 375 431 1,151 296 423 136 55 60 105 140 195 115 205 508 377 120 44 3,011 32.4 888,931 23.1 295.2 24,670 37.66 2,526 132,310 233 284 282 600 871 237 18 1 1,737 96,933 979 46,404 353 14,555 725 31,849 1,699 194,392 1,875 295,261 1,267 95,170 305 40,034 38 310 352 10,328 405 16,830 1,340 967 30,052 2,933 21 215 564 326 819 543 52.3 1,472 312 238 922 507 673 1,021 1,539 364 610 387 195 170 275 492 346 296 215 535 306 111 25 GEORGIA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 9. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are bfised on reports for only a sample of farms. See Loxlj 87 Item (For (lefiniticns ant] exf)lanntions, soc^ (fxt) Toul all commercial fanns Economic class FABkS BY COLOR AND TENVItE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Fullo Parto All tenants. , .nunnKT, , ,nun)bcr. ,.numl>er. Cash tenants number.. Share-cash tenants nun'ber . , Crop-sharo tenants number . , Livestock-share tenants nuniber . . Croppers number . . Other and unspecified tenants numtier. . White farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number . . All tenants number. . Croppers number. . Nonwhite farm operators: Full omiers number.. Part owners number . , All tenants number . . Croppers number . , SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND lOND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting . , number. . Com pickers farms reporting. , number . . Pick-up balers farms reporting . . number. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number.. Kkitorlrucks farms reporting. . number. , Tractors farms reporting.. number., Tractcrs other than jiarden farms reporting. . number. . 1 tractor farms reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporting. . 3 tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractors farn:s reporting. , 5 or more tractors farms reporting. . Wheel tractcrs farm.s reporting.. number.. Crawler tractors fam.s reporting. . nuniber. . Garden tractors fam^^s reporting., numlicr.. .Automobiles fnrms reporting. . number . . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting. , Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler farms reporting . . Cmp drier (fcr grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting , , Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting., Fanns by kind of foail on which locatetl: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface toad farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting., 5 or more miles farms reporting, , FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers RESIDENtX OF FARM OPERATOR , .farms reporting. ..farms reporting. , .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. Residing on farm operated operators reporting . . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number.. See footnotes at end of table. 28,931 14,047 18,327 2,723 511 3,088 1,460 8,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,413 2,216 1,415 7,955 4,910 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42,714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26,284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,480 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,846 8,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 6,155 1,864 1,025 266 26 35 125 280 293 5,907 1,807 844 234 248 57 181 1,901 2,169 1,620 1,675 1,467 1,522 263 302 7,044 9,145 7,476 12,884 7,408 12,543 4,439 1,815 673 267 214 7,383 12,218 281 325 324 341 6,834 8,553 8,700 5,466 6,298 121 136 190 1,198 3,741 536 4,817 1,899 2,918 1,123 1,514 158 123 3,163 8,636 1,830 3,916 1,036 404 251 103 31 7,890 893 497 171 82 102 104 114 35 55 145 438 145 729 145 715 17 11 35 18 64 145 668 33 47 14 14 145 266 157 142 130 6 145 1,427 U2 817 119 35 167 109 21 162 109 21 5 179 234 183 187 191 200 58 71 317 587 324 1,060 324 1,043 44 67 94 61 58 324 1,015 33 33 12 12 279 411 325 267 248 5 32 156 155 19 146 70 76 35 30 289 1,160 250 691 239 68 26 543 284 76 543 284 76 25 427 474 322 333 342 365 38 39 870 1,341 910 2,136 904 2,097 227 354 208 79 36 903 2,020 60 77 33 39 327 1,140 928 713 764 17 16 36 313 414 41 474 160 314 114 176 15 9 705 2,024 549 1,088 282 133 97 30 2 750 160 38 1,154 510 186 1,128 499 176 56 531 590 486 506 403 411 53 58 1,623 2,170 1,778 3,185 1,771 3,099 833 607 UB3 65 33 1,770 3,029 61 70 81 86 1,566 2,023 1,863 1,235 1,469 32 38 44 345 391 114 879 363 516 201 278 25 12 909 1,935 531 735 366 116 43 5 1 1,620 205 99 2,125 579 268 77 15 2,090 564 237 68 463 497 356 356 309 309 54 54 2,367 2,738 2,597 3,731 2,577 3,600 1,817 585 120 33 22 2,570 3,531 67 69 131 131 2,355 2,849 2,871 1,975 2,162 25 40 56 1,323 109 1,511 644 367 355 431 36 45 877 1,665 368 452 301 56 10 1 2,573 281 157 88 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 9. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [^Data are based on reports for only a sample of famift. See lexl j (Tor derinilions and explanations, USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME rommernal fertilizer and fertilizing malerials used rturmiz the \enr farir.s rcportinp., acres on which used, , Ions. . Dry materials farms rcporlinf;.. tons.. Liquid inaU-rinls farms reporting, , cons,. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting,. acres . . Dry materials farms refiorting. . tons,. Liquid materials farms reporting., Ions.. Other pasture {not cropland) farms reporting . . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting . . tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Com , farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials faruis reporting, , tons,. Liquid materials farms' reporting,, tons.. Soybeans .,,,. Larms ropiircing . . acres , , Dry materials farms reporting, , Ions. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Ions,. Cotton. f.arnis reporting. . acres . . Dry materials faruis reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons . . All other crops farms reporting,, acres , , Diy materials farms reporting., tons,. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Lime or liming materials used durinr; the year farms reporting. . acres limed, , tons ,. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting, , Feed for livestock and poultry , farms reporting, . dollars.. Under SlOO fnmis reporting. . $100 t^ $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 toSl,999 farms reporting.. S2,000 to $4,999 farms rereirling . . $5,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting . . dollars . , Under $1,000 farms reporting. . 51,000 to 52,409 farms reporting.. 55,.')00 to 54,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 to 59,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars. . Under $200 farms reporting . , $200 to 5999 farms rerwrting, , $1,000 or more farms reporting, . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars. ,. Under 5200 farms reporting. . 5200 to 5499 farms reporting. . 5500 to .$999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting. . 52,500 to 54,999 farms reporting. . 55,000 to 59,999 farms reporting . . $10,000 to 519.999 farms reporting. . $20,000 to $49.999 farms reporting. . 550,000 or more farms reporting, , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting., dollars.. Under $100 fan.is reporting. . 5100 to .5499 farms reporting. . 5500 to 5999 fanr,s reporting.. $1,000 or more ' farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanil business farms reporting.. dollars,. Under $100 farms reporting, . SlOO to $199 farms reporting, , S500 to $999 farms reporting, , 51,000 to Jl.Ong farms reporting. . $5,000 or more farms reporting, , See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 55,461 4,650,613 1,070,490 55,328 1,031,733 4,907 38,757 14,293 637,114 13,972 128,171 1,298 7,701 7,593 324,744 7,396 60,432 668 4,457 46,744 2,061,823 46,576 390,414 3,382 18,137 1,480 40,036 1,465 6,377 27 110 32,933 563,270 32,877 134,618 1,076 3,564 36,400 1,023,936 36,268 261,721 704 4,783 10,818 352,317 346,065 61,945 45,929 148,563,131 9,102 19,823 3,430 5,118 3,406 27,651 55,339,726 16,741 5,343 3,138 1,675 754 41,298 15,418,262 20,342 17,942 3,014 40,942 54,017,416 11,046 11,224 6,603 6,950 2,960 1,397 500 215 47 33,629 10,831,082 13,348 14,662 3,388 2,231 59,242 28,222,110 16,591 24, 979 10,264 7,053 355 Economic class 7,914 356,682 184,058 7,873 175,256 951 8,802 3,636 231,234 3,552 44,365 369 2,569 2,100 137,873 2,052 24,375 237 2,147 5,953 318,128 5,917 63,570 544 2,989 328 6,621 323 1,137 1 2 1,823 23,378 1,813 8,331 98 223 3,983 139,393 3,943 33,423 140 872 2,500 97,117 93,830 9,280 8,332 12,334,659 1,181 4,698 1,200 365 338 4,326 16,118,463 2,847 586 409 266 218 4,200 1,698,340 1,913 1,965 322 6,120 7,459,347 1,832 1,526 813 1,141 512 200 69 24 3 5,200 1,607,823 1,919 2,415 554 312 8,971 4,617,679 2,111 3,933 1,621 1,184 67 153 109,193 23,054 152 20,947 62 2,107 116 35,552 U5 6,405 36 741 62 23,444 58 3,503 23 ■ 577 102 22,083 102 4,616 35 462 4 600 4 115 62 3,326 62 1,263 14 43 97 24,193 97 5,045 15 284 73 14,137 13,281 153 153 3,453,112 15 27 100 142 9,391,384 4 10 10 22 96 114 191,781 9 54 51 158 1,704,199 11 8 25 50 36 20 3 119 286,256 1 19 23 76 157 581,114 13 13 93 38 330 113,326 25,728 315 24,022 99 1,706 205 32,531 189 5,857 55 472 116 19,813 105 2,933 34 361 238 32,388 233 7,240 57 482 17 670 17 123 1 2 134 3,550 134 1,374 4 49 209 23,874 199 6,445 25 340 175 15,932 14,760 333 332 1,329,333 2 89 50 97 94 244 1,638,878 53 47 34 51 59 201 164,341 61 99 41 326 1,229,059 11 9 17 118 82 61 26 233 207,991 13 83 62 75 333 537,940 36 50 230 17 399 184, 581 42,326 899 40,335 189 1,991 579 52,679 571 10,557 89 636 354 34,151 347 6,738 62 673 669 64,014 669 13,997 102 574 33 2,137 S3 344 271 5,047 271 1,757 19 40 510 26,553 510 6,942 12 63 462 22,912 22,122 948 935 2,126,298 18 299 239 248 131 629 2,221,463 242 117 122 96 52 619 387,643 139 386 94 917 1,804,909 75 101 140 308 220 66 5 2 686 342,002 86 344 173 83 948 986,392 12 130 353 393 10 1,839 212,785 45, 701 1,834 43,360 263 1,841 918 54,096 331 10,423 103 503 530 23,368 520 5,509 59 269 1,415 87,778 1,404 17,349 161 927 76 1,127 76 197 592 6,316 587 2,229 40 56 1,172 34,600 1,162 8,148 46 36 667 22,152 21,277 1,924 1,875 2,052,314 103 1,024 375 321 52 1,069 1,598,511 679 167 128 84 11 1,126 395,989 475 590 61 1,608 1,483,577 298 455 328 380 122 23 2 1,248 362,434 311 693 200 44 1,913 1,091,212 120 915 562 315 1 2,621 167,997 34,025 2,611 33,175 228 850 1,222 44,206 1,205 9,032 66 194 676 25,224 665 4,442 29 21A 1,335 72,427 1,830 13,697 129 338 98 1,437 98 262 433 3,629 483 1,179 16 33 1,149 21,074 1,139 4,563 32 71 770 16,074 16,153 3,011 2,824 1,848,741 194 2,021 441 157 U 1,423 1,071,337 1,077 224 109 13 1,440 402,141 763 612 60 2,142 962,583 830 716 267 288 41 1,690 289, 520 709 872 81 28 2,949 999,286 562 1,790 477 119 1 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 9.— Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on reports fof only a sample of rarms. See textj 89 (For definitions and oxplaniilions, see text) ESTIkHTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold totAi, dollars.. average per fami, dollars.. All crops sold dollars . . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars , . Fruits and nuts sold dollars . , Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars , , Poultry and poultry products sold dollars . . Dairy pcoducts sold dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. , number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved faims reporting , , number. . Milk cows farms reporting,. number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. number.. Staers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting . . number . . Fanns reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head farms reporting. , 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms reporting. , Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 Co 9 head farms reporting , . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farm; reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 tc 74 head farms reporting.. 75to99head farms report! ng . . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or mules farms reporting . . number . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting,. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . . number. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting , . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . . number . . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number . . Ewes farms reporting.. number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number . . Chickens 4 months old and ovet farms reporting.. number . . Liifestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting,. number, . dollars, , Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting., number , , dollars,. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . . number , , dollars,. Milk and cream sold farms reporting., pounds. , dollars,. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens . . dollars. . See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 572,151,761 9,235 266,646,189 215,843,136 6,251,102 14,995,619 29,555,332 305,505,572 161,616,488 39,428,718 104,460,366 42,587 1,168,401 40,693 591,672 25,874 165,205 33,266 318,907 29,686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,018 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 600 832 11,789 11, 581 300 367 940 533 182 182 23,046 47,626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 860,092 41,800 684,245 611 29,632 419 7,081 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,804 29,451 519,857 60,980,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 18,038 216,456 3,782 721,437,957 39,428,718 1J2,606 115,681,098 8,339 108,271,809 44,391,451 Economic cl ass 67,372,839 7,260 14,005,608 10,94/1,996 351,464 1,022,061 1,687,087 53,367,231 904,959 291,407 52,170,865 8,185 431,465 7,757 197,261 3,818 8,990 7,164 105,757 6,882 126,447 246 825 1,080 1,516 2,128 1,328 997 65 745 2,770 1,331 798 905 539 253 366 1,613 2,154 26 11 2 10 2 3,764 10,602 7,098 444,102 5,901 252,538 6,730 191, 564 195 14,661 141 3,170 186 11,491 165 10,324 157 1,167 5,536 287,766 7,482 256,450 36,036,010 6,746 545,799 15,828,171 151 9,253 m,036 222 6,310,852 291,407 617 473,643 1,247 1,016,812 416,897 13,722,917 118,499 2,415,906 1,991,972 32,515 151,221 240,198 16,307,0U 186,518 50,150 16,070,343 158 82,233 140 21,248 52 383 132 14,313 155 46,172 98 938 87 30,074 70 18,918 78 11,156 39 3 165 3 157 3 158 78,431 14, 594, 750 96 46,683 1,353,807 4 1,329 15,948 7 985,000 50,150 16 161,795 14 59,310 24,318 9,114,076 27,370 2,395,119 1,912,522 36,589 143,832 297, 176 6,718,957 171,452 80,730 6,466,775 312 56,045 291 26,501 107 611 294 13,973 308 15,566 3 7 10 21 44 215 12 5 26 26 15 21 63 24 106 192 964 222 36,202 195 21,211 209 14,991 18 1,763 10 245 18 1,518 18 1,464 12 54 134 35,998 328 34,664 4,797,334 230 56,606 1,641,574 14 1,308 15,696 15 2,101,341 80,730 32 58,566 42 275,164 112,813 13,024,013 13,738 3,282,670 2,423,912 92,341 267, 551 498,866 9,741,343 236,142 65,180 9,440,021 331 35,564 833 42,932 337 759 733 21,762 836 20,370 5 30 22 77 167 218 359 3 123 68 156 136 120 106 172 159 515 1,753 726 92,941 653 50,470 637 42,471 35 3,942 27 927 35 3,015 30 2,933 34 82 512 46,602 890 46,385 5,910,282 709 120, 516 3,494,964 22 1,160 13,920 16 1,195,780 65,180 50 165,365 130 165,393 63,017 13,199,869 6,861 3,291,893 2,738,310 84,499 199,387 269,197 9,907,976 136,097 45,947 9,725,932 1,738 90,543 1,630 46,620 751 1,638 1,593 22,473 1,539 21,450 61 36 30 236 518 444 261 2 104 378 319 230 272 188 73 61 320 425 721 2,459 1,497 121,906 1,332 70,954 1,455 50,952 30 2,750 24 330 30 2,370 29 1,959 29 411 1,053 52,144 1,679 45,333 5,123,495 1,499 156,763 4,546,127 35 2,589 31,068 56 1,091,685 45,947 154 63,114 251 170,590 69,942 10,451,994 3,471 1,964,803 1,444,693 72,235 155,143 292,672 3,487,191 115,626 27,740 8,343,325 2,702 89,358 2,574 46,253 1,156 2,469 2,433 24,212 2,393 18,838 45 157 301 561 976 577 35 166 909 524 401 411 131 14 IB 531 615 10 1,133 2,676 2,234 110, 543 1,878 62,698 2,120 47,845 67 5,056 50 1,278 60 3,778 55 3,256 59 522 1,721 70,828 2,572 41,131 4,675,559 2,129 124,685 3,615,865 61 2,342 28,104 72 675,386 27,740 220 16,277 438 232,055 95,144 2,859,970 934 655,217 433,582 33,235 99,422 88,978 2,204,753 59,124 21,660 2,123,969 2,394 27,722 2,239 13,702 1,415 3,130 1,924 3,519 1,651 5,501 135 548 670 581 440 20 427 1,360 383 83 31 521 879 15 1,105 1,757 2,332 52,436 1,773 28,287 2,181 24,149 41 946 26 301 40 645 30 555 20 90 2,060 73,481 1,855 10,006 934,090 2,033 40,546 1,175,334 15 525 6,300 56 761,660 21,660 145 3,026 372 113,800 46,658 90 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 9. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of fatma. See text^ Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all al farms Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Littets (attovved December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting number of litters farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting number of litters farms reporting number of litters 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters June 2 to November 30 . December 1 lo Jul 1. . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com fc» alt purposes farms Under 11 acres 11 In 24 acres . . . . 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . . Wheat harvested. reporting. . acres . . reporting., reporting. , reporting. . reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting . acres . . bushels, reporting. , bushels . .farms reporting. acres. bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. acres . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Barley harvested farms reporting. acres . bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Rye harvested farms reporting . acres, bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels. Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. acres grown alone . acres grown trith other crops. pounds. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . acres . tcans. Sales farms reporting . tons. Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting . acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other snail grains cut for hay farms reporting. acres . tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Other hay cut farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, c^ small grains farms reporting. acres . tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. 32,086 271,373 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 134 27,266 125,238 26,5i9 146,lr . . Part owners number.. All tenants numlior . . Cash tenants number . . Shore-cash tenants nunber.. Crof>-sharc tenants number.. Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number. . White farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number., All tenants number, , Croppers number, . Nonwhite farm operators; Full owners numlier . . Part owners number . . All tenants number . . Croppers number . , SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting , , number. , Com pickers farms reporting, , number.. Pick'Up balers farms reporting . . number. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number,. Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Tractors farms reporting.. nuniber., Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number. . 1 tractor farms reportini; . . 2 tractors farms reporting. . 3 tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractors farn;s reporting.. 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors fanr,s reporting. . number,, Crawler tractors farnis reporting. . Garden tractors farr.,s retiorting . . numlier. , Automobiles farms reporting. , number. , Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting.. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting.. $ or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRE(a:DING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting.. persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons . . Farms reiiorting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers , 10 or more hired workers arms reporting, IS reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporti ng . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting,. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting . . Operators not reporting residence number . . See footnotes at end of table. 28,931 U,0i7 18,327 2,723 511 3,088 1,460 8,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,413 2,216 i,';i5 7,955 4,910 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42.714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26,284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,4B0 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,846 3,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 5,247 3,982 3,342 644 160 585 520 1,138 4,630 3,560 2,260 576 617 422 1,082 562 2,194 2,555 3,401 3,517 914 939 212 250 10,250 13,175 10,623 19,423 10,465 19,091 5,507 3,024 1,111 460 363 10,442 18,846 211 245 295 332 8,962 10,508 11,998 5,495 8,499 97 118 240 1,856 3,350 668 8,424 2,796 5,628 2,141 2,903 359 225 4,044 14, 566 2,350 5,901 1,174 488 391 237 60 11,090 659 899 80 221 19 80 221 19 278 410 234 264 180 183 50 74 349 1,042 349 1,856 348 1,839 6 17 68 75 182 343 1,783 52 56 12 17 335 573 349 313 292 35 40 78 224 191 30 119 48 71 31 36 1 3 337 3,137 307 1,835 49 107 103 40 261 64 25 230 463 166 44 16 40 38 20 230 457 161 15 468 584 485 514 227 235 42 49 862 1,592 358 2,755 857 2,749 35 258 275 174 115 855 2,719 23 30 824 1,133 875 685 791 33 32 86 390 337 41 483 193 290 114 145 18 13 679 3,225 .571 1,537 190 168 130 70 13 702 1,021 445 91 37 105 120 61 31 701 981 399 40 705 90 80 627 697 974 991 244 258 43 45 2,065 2,804 2,117 4,674 2,112 4,643 462 1,033 431 142 44 2,106 4,590 51 53 26 31 1,776 2,157 2,162 1,318 1,843- 18 16 22 548 647 114 ,390 477 913 329 503 44 37 1,134 3,292 720 1,273 454 127 106 31 2 1,877 125 180 1,543 1,294 1,174 152 60 200 251 436 75 1,4S8 1,173 894 276 55 121 280 160 546 578 1,166 1,196 150 150 46 46 3,392 3,900 3,584 5,591 3,533 5,453 2,026 1,185 265 40 17 3,533 5,410 42 43 118 138 3,025 3,408 3,906 1,702 2,960 11 20 43 527 986 201 2,764 903 1,861 717 975 122 47 1,156 3,061 506 850 355 96 37 13 5 3,572 147 298 1,926 718 1,012 1% 15 200 85 425 91 1,660 593 582 175 266 125 430 250 220 231 482 492 88 S8 26 31 2,691 2,916 2,918 3,645 2,843 3,535 2,291 461 57 29 5 2,833 3,472 43 63 105 110 2,296 2,496 3,435 1,215 2,048 11 157 873 197 2,532 355 1,677 665 814 123 75 622 1,700 220 375 146 43 11 20 3,223 188 251 94 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of 9.-General farms [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of fami^. See texlj (I'or ijofinilions and explanations, see texi Total all conunercia] fanns Eootiomjc class USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LI Commercial fertilizer anij fenilizin!: material? used during the \ear Dry materials . . . . Liquid matiTinls . Crops on which used— Hay and cropland pasture, . Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cnspland) . Dry materials . . .. Liquid materials Com Dry materials Liquid materials Soybeans Pry materials Liquid materials CJotton Dry materials . Liquid materials , All other crops Dry materials... , Liquid materials . Lime or liniinp materials used dunnc the year. SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Under ?10O $100 to 5999 51,000 to i^l,999 . S3.000 to S4,99!l . i55,000ormore... Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under ?1,000 . . . . 51.000 to 52,499. S'J.500 to -4.999 . 55,000 to S9.999 . 510,000 or more . , Machine hire. . Under $200 5200 to 5999. . . , 51,000 or more. Under S20O 5200 to S4fl9 S500 to 5999 $1,000 to 52,499... $2,50010 51,999... 55,000 to 59,999 .. . 510,000 to 519,999 . S20.0O0 to 519.999 . 550,000 or more ... . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees. . Und(M-5100 5100 to 5199 5500 10 5999 51,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel nnd oil for the fanii liiisiness 'arn.s reportinp. on which used. tons. , reporting. tons. 'arms reporting. amis reporting, acres . 'arms reporting. tons. :aniis reporting. tons. 'arms reporting, acres . 'arms reporting. tons, 'arms reporting. tons. arms reporting. 1 reporting, tons, "arms reporting, tons. amis rentirting. acres . arms reporting, tons, arms reporting. am.s reportinj;. acres . arn.s reporting. arms reporting, acres . amis rcoorting. IIS reporting . tons. arms reporti ng . Tcs limed. Any of the following specified expenditures Feed far livestock and poultry farn" Under jf lot) SlCKl to 5199 55fltl to S999 51,000 to Jl,9!19 . 5.5,000 or more... reporting. reporti ng . dol 1 ars . 1 reporting, s reporting. J reporting. ^ reporting. 1 reporting. s reporting, dollars . s reporting. ^ reporting, n re(iortinc. ^ renortim;. ^ reporting. - reporting. dollars. s reporting. s reporting. reporting . reporti ng . dollars. reporting. reporting. reporting. reporting. 3 reiwrting. ^ reporting. 5 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. * reporting, dollars. 5 reporting. 5 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. dollars. s reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting, ■i reporting. s reporting. 55,441 4,650,613 1,070,490 55,328 1,031,733 4,907 38,757 14,293 637,114 13,972 123,171 1,298 7,701 7,593 324,744 7,396 60,432 668 4,457 46,744 2,061,828 46,576 390,414 3,382 18,137 1,480 40,036 1,465 6,377 27 110 32,933 563,270 32,877 184,618 1,076 3,564 36,400 1,023,986 36,268 261,721 704 4,788 10,818 352,317 346,065 61,945 45,929 148,563,131 9,102 19,823 3,480 5,118 8,406 27,651 55,339,726 16,741 5,343 3,138 1,675 754 41,298 15,418,262 20,342 17,942 3,014 40,942 54,017,416 11,046 11,224 6,603 6,950 2,960 1,397 500 215 47 33,629 10,831,032 13,343 14,662 3,388 2,231 59,242 28,222,110 16, 591 24,979 10,264 7,053 355 12,591 1,523,705 349,820 12,544 336,451 1,783 13,369 3,433 141,521 3,294 26,932 403 2,173 1,683 64,652 1,634 U,679 187 1,395 11,973 761,056 11,916 145,160 1,34A 7,135 432 12,828 427 2,217 5 6 10,372 177,473 10,341 60,745 481 1,219 11,217 366,160 11,180 89,663 216 1,441 3,037 99,138 91,502 12,648 9,932 7,789,961 1,863 6,313 960 597 244 5,000 3,930,636 4,143 507 181 92 72 10,986 5,056,769 4,297 5,517 1,172 10,297 13,811,519 1,991 2,892 1,986 2,036 788 369 126 53 6 9,029 3,877,483 1,995 4,837 1,368 829 12,444 8,587,299 1,345 5,364 3,204 2,406 125 349 224,347 55,746 344 52,716 126 3,030 207 33,909 194 5,645 54 580 110 15,734 106 2,972 19 ' 133 322 78,178 316 17,214 94 1,354 35 4,255 35 744 293 26,949 293 9,694 31 355 290 65,322 239 16,447 24 607 180 19,916 20,143 350 317 2,214,932 2 53 45 96 la 232 1,165,616 58 47 43 41 43 295 549,508 14 36 195 350 3,728,129 9 14 60 137 33 41 6 299 716,077 6 35 58 200 350 1,353,670 29 2U 102 859 270,378 63,835 868 60,135 266 3,701 400 32,003 332 5,858 77 588 214 16,996 211 2,537 35 701 842 111,739 836 22,362 206 1,677 63 3,430 58 597 731 29,391 731 10,268 74 247 793 76,314 793 17,913 43 338 380 22,321 19,447 875 807 1,363,996 35 396 158 157 60 424 920,198 199 119 60 27 19 786 732,759 74 437 275 372 3,179,745 6 29 44 291 318 144 28 12 655 735,462 22 154 183 296 875 1,535,904 121 579 18 2,130 359,252 35,427 2,174 81,748 526 3,679 306 31,033 784 6,722 89 426 434 16,658 412 3,101 82 475 2,074 179,992 2,064 36,366 435 2,304 91 1,918 91 342 1,908 41,591 1,903 14,988 172 353 1,983 88,050 1,977 20,229 43 121 780 25,555 23,087 2,182 1,910 1,548,506 114 1,323 257 189 27 1,139 323,750 920 150 51 13 2,013 1,324,239 313 1,317 333 2,078 3,319,624 122 210 477 890 287 77 15 1,616 926,041 94 733 544 245 2,182 2,150,957 31 369 815 962 5 4,006 396,460 83,984 4,001 86,814 583 2,170 1,046 26,262 930 5,213 138 384 610 10,754 535 2,062 50 32 3,860 230,826 3,845 42,058 418 1,296 132 1,535 127 306 3,310 44,245 3,304 14,889 139 137 3,588 82,838 3,678 22,286 56 215 931 20,602 18,986 4,017 3,368 1,771,777 527 2,312 364 129 36 1,737 685,793 1,594 120 12 1 10 3,604 1,460,727 1,134 2,227 243 3,550 2,441,198 494 1,222 1,000 732 91 11 2,943 901,786 444 1,985 442 72 4,011 2,175,079 232 1,764 1,555 460 3,655 216,561 45,354 3,535 44,546 252 708 739 14,789 719 2,974 50 95 250 3,675 250 776 1 3,453 127,336 3,438 21,694 166 460 81 1,555 81 205 2,990 27,642 2,970 8,804 55 74 3,161 41,564 3.146 10 ',193 40 75 506 9,379 8,339 3,662 2,655 733,990 719 1,799 U6 21 1,127 332,191 1,046 61 15 5 3,132 759,046 1,791 1,265 76 2,701 1,028,403 839 1,230 446 159 27 2,549 492,212 873 1,544 116 16 3,604 1,143,409 467 2,421 629 37 See footnotes at end of table, GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of 9.-General farms [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] 95 (For derinitions and ^xpliinBticHis, sc« text) Total ail commercial fanns Economic class ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURrE All fann products sold u>iai, dollars. avorafle per fami, dollars.. All cro|» sold dollars . Field ctope, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . N'epelahles sold dollars . Fruits and nuus sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty ptoducts sold dollars . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and foulCry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK AND LIVE.STOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calv* 'arms reporting . number, 'arms reporting. arms reporting., number , . 'arms repMrting.. number . , 'arms reporting. , number . . Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves— 1 head farms repotting. 3 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms reixjrting. IIXI Ix> 499 head fanns reporting. 500 or more head farms reponing. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. '2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting . Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting . HofSeS and/or mules farms reporting. number . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting, number. Botn before June 1 farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . number. Ewes farms repiorting . number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. ChJcketis 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting, number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars , Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting, number . dollars , Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting, pounds. dollars , Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting, dozens. dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 572,151,761 9,235 266, 6<*, 189 215,843,136 6,251,102 U,996,619 29,555,332 305,505,572 161,616,488 39,428,718 104,460,366 42,537 1,168,401 40,693 591,672 25,874 165,205 33,266 318,907 29,686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,018 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 60O 832 11,789 11,581 300 367 940 533 182 182 23,046 47,626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 860,092 41,800 684,245 611 29,632 419 7,081 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,804 29,451 519,857 60,980,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 18,038 216,456 3,782 721,437,957 39,428,718 12,606 115,681,098 8,339 108,271,809 44,391,451 118,681,400 9,383 89,398,778 79,586,422 2,299,495 2,710,188 4,802,673 29,282,622 3,420,007 1,291,059 24,571,556 9,418 240,561 9,149 121,051 5,287 15,173 7,870 66,311 7,327 53,199 484 1,902 1,697 2,162 2,004 742 414 13 1,478 4,501 1,488 614 561 275 76 156 2,256 2,903 42 22 29 29 1 5 5,114 10,795 10,904 534,300 9,288 296,248 10,418 238,052 115 5,186 73 1,570 110 3,616 95 3,109 89 507 8,74S 760,865 7,194 90,255 9,892,498 10,247 500,892 14,525,868 37 3,042 36,504 369 25,815,123 1,291,059 1,030 1,483,925 1,739 4,610,064 1,890,127 21,149,478 60,427 14,352,596 11,864,428 279,921 1,176,595 1,531,652 6,296,882 1,468,793 309,464 4,018,625 303 44,754 296 23,909 118 2,900 288 11,838 291 9,007 6 1 7 33 85 160 11 5 28 1 5 212 1,068 255 40,625 236 23,264 246 17,361 3 289 3 92 3 197 3 188 3 163 154,434 303 19, 574 2,431,669 259 54,354 1,576,266 3 145 1,740 43 16,041,340 809,464 112 788,599 90 1,655,230 678,644 22,458,352 25,667 17,145,188 15,263,785 285,695 704,290 886,413 5,313,164 646,125 265,800 4,401,239 742 53,665 723 25,624 321 1,379 667 14,441 669 13,600 17 37 30 95 183 222 157 1 29 119 141 37 151 112 26 58 145 149 1 11 14 1 473 1,375 711 62,218 637 36,172 681 26,046 18 2,426 12 878 13 1,548 18 1,457 17 91 453 109,341 715 20,773 2,300,277 724 71,714 2,079,706 16 932 11,184 27 4,913,350 265,800 87 325,662 96 776,927 318,540 29,683,602 13,604 22,798,243 20,736,595 609,969 351,418 1,100,261 6,885,359 608,353 97,115 6,179,891 1,759 53,755 1,686 27,725 877 2,000 1,579 14,166 1,501 11,364 51 187 174 445 600 226 75 1 162 641 380 212 190 63 16 22 366 500 1 5 5 869 2,014 1,941 135,334 1,741 73,854 1,855 61,530 22 551 16 110 22 441 17 405 22 36 1,430 156,930 1,541 20,463 2,237,422 1,886 134,245 3,893,105 16 965 11,580 47 1,628,225 97,115 233 241,792 303 870,679 356,979 29,130,380 7,264 22,350,356 20,634,943 638,775 245,416 781,217 6,330,024 499,795 58,550 6,271,679 3,043 53,111 2,983 26,292 1,738 4,172 2,628 15,551 2,494 11,268 91 515 619 835 813 159 11 655 194 114 23 713 995 25 1,293 2,647 3,546 175,436 3,141 93,364 3,431 77,072 37 1,520 22 415 37 1,105 32 304 22 301 2,799 190,043 2,387 18,760 1,333,420 3,407 149,470 4,334,630 32 800 9,600 91 1,551,303 58,550 303 110,698 524 900,950 369,337 13,751,258 3,755 10,363,954 9,413,069 334,820 195,550 415,515 3,387,304 165,875 44,740 3,176,689 2,529 29,661 2,449 14,541 1,447 3,140 1,978 3,750 1,847 6,370 155 685 658 640 330 50 11 440 1,621 256 91 30 6 5 577 854 10 6 1,395 2,227 3,104 97,529 2,553 52,904 2,953 44,625 20 175 10 15 15 160 15 150 10 10 2,666 109,793 1,703 9,210 919,790 2,885 77,299 2,241,671 10 135 1,620 76 1,422,590 44,740 195 12,693 451 354,928 145,522 2,458,330 1,574 1,888,441 1,613,597 150,315 36,919 37,610 569,889 31,066 15,390 523,433 1,042 5,615 1,012 2,960 736 1,532 730 1,565 525 1,090 170 472 215 140 45 430 532 40 10 425 356 5 872 1,464 1,347 23,108 930 11,690 1,252 11,418 15 225 10 60 15 165 10 105 15 60 1,237 40,324 545 1,475 114,920 1,086 13,310 400,490 10 65 780 35 253,315 15,390 100 4,481 275 51,350 21,055 96 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of 9.-General farms QDkU are based on reports for only a aample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms LIV'ESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Contmued Litteis (arrowed December 1, 1958, to Novembet 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting . number of litters. 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 liUers 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters. . June 2 to November 3 December 1 to June 1 . . .farms reporting . , . . .farms reporting . . . . .farms reporting. . . . .farms reporting . . . . .farms reporting . . . .farm.*, reporting. . . . .farms reporting . . number of litters.. . . . farms reporting . . number of litters . . SPEaFIED CHOPS HAHVBSTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 acres. . . . 11 to 24 acres . . . . 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . . 'arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, i reporting. arms reporting, 'arms reporting. , 'arms reporting. acres . bushels. 1 reporting., bushels. Wheat harvested farms repotting . . acres. . bushels . , Sales fanns reporting . . bushels . , Oats harvested for grain farms reporting, . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting, . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. , Rye harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bushels.. Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reportli]g . , acres gro?m alone.. acres groivn with other crops.. pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. acres. . tons . . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting. . acres., tons . . Sales farms repotting . . tons. . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . , Sales farms reporting , . , tons . . , Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.., acres. . , tons . . , Sales , farms reporting, . , tons . . , Other hay cut farms reporting. . , acres. . , tons . . , Sales farms reporting. . . tons . . , Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... acres.. , tons, green weight... See footnotes at end of table. 32,086 271,378 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 I3i 27,266 125,238 26,549 146,140 49,108 2,124,721 12,131 9,903 12,225 6,809 2,922 5,068 46,849 1,699,078 44,874,641 21,722 19,440,424 5,357 84,744 1,839,204 3,451 1,531,475 7,729 229,304 7,946,047 2,904 3,847,682 570 12,764 395,655 155 171,895 1,003 21,578 324,537 625 243,860 19,847 449,364 736 486,912,323 313,075 1,563 17,162 37,372 147 2,746 3,222 39,744 178,832 620 28,763 3,676 56,609 68,220 330 3,401 3,410 54,895 62,964 144 1,643 4,289 94,095 104,307 330 13,011 9,629 97,427 1,573 4,376 2,554 899 183 44 8,500 43,328 8,497 54,099 12,228 771,683 708 1,826 3,789 2,520 1,236 2,149 11,852 636,487 17,975,979 7,640 9,197,843 1,039 23,239 553,270 882 475,036 1,918 67,626 2,425,796 971 1,331,179 108 3,915 150,155 55 100,870 348 7,402 122,338 227 98,337 8,933 201,480 295 225,743,997 54,411 102 1,573 3,063 33 1,306 813 22,907 48,240 223 16,305 374 9,752 15,270 92 5,251 469 3,862 9,916 29 557 423 11,317 12,537 70 3,612 230 8,031 3 37 42 55 67 26 221 3,002 219 5,029 322 79,132 12 17 21 269 315 71,442 2,457,736 217 1,405,132 87 4,544 112,005 83 99,614 252 20,842 776,302 134 453,925 9 787 38,080 4 27,900 62 2,246 36,282 56 29,466 241 27,763 34,271,634 107 235 129 8,033 17,631 32 5,445 15 604 701 1 50 60 3,272 4,118 2 67 41 2,378 2,358 654 12,603 45 151 231 156 58 13 613 5,589 608 7,019 843 111,885 12 28 60 74 110 559 830 100,664 3,193,654 616 1,911,333 197 6,231 160, 534 173 146,632 360 18,205 680,943 201 419,486 22 472 16,965 6 2,920 108 2,885 43,014 74 41,821 677 39,074 1 47,747,527 23 272 539 172 4,909 11,432 54 4,125 40 1,874 3,289 2 404 61 1,431 1,693 6 160 44 2,496 3,744 3 1,030 1,752 23,961 157 553 660 345 32 5 1,644 10,611 1,596 13,350 2,099 132,562 21 63 369 533 379 734 2,053 151,033 4,607,448 1,484 2,345,040 249 6,227 151,544 230 132,183 443 13,019 455,263 225 238,453 32 2,056 83,020 20 63,000 70 1,051 15,942 38 10,270 1,707 49,605 25 60,851,279 274 694 6 474 a3 5,849 11,160 61 3,790 56 1,916 3,307 12 1,512 73 1,431 1,621 1 10 87 3,490 3,636 24 1,445 3,279 31,633 377 1,492 1,109 281 20 2,948 14,629 2,945 17,054 3,903 232,663 138 327 1,312 1,064 550 517 3,303 185,005 4,866,426 2,619 2,305,694 233 3,593 71,272 203 57,387 492 10,658 359,910 265 161,115 20 260 5,500 10 2,900 55 660 9,150 28 6,830 2,910 51,172 229 54,591,137 8,775 31 465 1,000 10 550 137 2,399 6,272 46 2,355 106 3,023 5,623 37 2,225 78 1,190 1,020 15 310 102 1,198 963 15 295 2,708 17,493 536 1,622 487 57 6 2,284 7,802 2,358 9,691 3,569 130,366 210 347 1,571 721 160 60 3,389 100,073 2,344,010 2,038 1,055,679 183 2,054 46,820 138 32,090 265 4,076 123,775 111 50,400 15 295 5,550 15 4,150 43 520 12,300 31 9,950 2,417 25,221 23,539,540 5,894 25 430 570 10 250 87 1,032 1,585 20 520 97 1,795 1,685 25 900 111 1,157 1,138 94 1,480 1,561 10 575 9 57D 4,690 GEORGIA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of 9.-General farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See text] 97 (For ilprinilions and pxptanations, Sep lexl) Tout all commercial fapns SPECIFIED CROPS H*RVESTED-Contmue>i Cotton harvested farms reportljig. . . acres... bales... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting... acres^.. bushels . . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^, bushela., Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres. . pounds. , Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars. . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting.. acres.. 33,087 565,885 472,215 5,555 636 91,534 8,780 12,623 1,640,876 17,082 64,737 93,950,371 8,075 6,251,102 11,580 164,839 10,410 178,589 147,399 958 140 18,370 2,277 5,168 698,460 6,554 a, 941 2,947 2,299,495 3,375 43,386 294 26,976 26,243 14 8 955 46 1,301 225,131 1,190 2,106,397 95 279,921 224 15,042 739 30,033 26,636 34 4 438 120 8?7 130,220 405 2,973 4,879,648 227 285,695 393 9,409 1,909 41,944 36,020 96 10 1,363 318 808 109,230 1,260 5,968 1,975,557 542 609,969 747 7,849 3,322 44,774 35,985 349 81 10,014 614 1,076 122,674 2,454 7,315 10,494,034 795 638,775 983 6,006 2,995 27,677 18,707 285 21 3,290 655 740 73,845 1,951 3,894 4,311,558 801 334,820 762 3,990 1,151 7,185 3,758 180 16 2,305 522 386 37,310 395 601 449,190 487 150,315 266 1,090 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 t^-ees and grapevines. 98 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] [For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. Percent distribution percent. Land in farms acres . , Percent distribution percent.. Average si ze of fam , acres . Value of lanrj anil buildings: Average per farm dollars.. Average per acre doll ars . , Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres,, 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 39 acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 to 499 acres farms refiorting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting, . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Crooland used only for pasture farms reirorting.. acres . , Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. , acres, . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting,. acres.. Ottier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting, , acres , , Woodland pastured farms reporting,. acres , , Woodland not pastured farms reporting, , Other pasture [not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting, , acres.. Improved pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . acres . . Cropland used for grain or tow crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres. . FARM OPERATORS BY ^GE Operators reporting age number. . Under "25 years number . . 25 to .14 years number.. -15 to 44 years number., 45 to 54 years number,, 55 to 64 years , number . , 65 or more years number, , Average age years . . OFF-F\RMWORK \ND OTHER IN'COME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators refiorting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family wording off farm operators reporting. , With income from sources other than farm operat?d and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural oroducts sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . )Vith other members of family worl drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kintl of roatl on which locatetl: Hard surrace farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved , farms reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reoorting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or ^ miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . . persons... Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting... persons... Farms re(x)rting hy number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting... 2 hired workers farms reporting... 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. , 5 tofl hired workers '. farms reporting... 10 or more hired workers farms reporting .. . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . . Not residing on farm operated .operators reporting. .. Operators not reporting residence number... See footnotes at end of table. Total all farms 62,240 17,643 25,627 ■4,940 586 4,008 1,560 10,412 4,121 56,172 15,617 14,399 4,280 6,068 2,026 11,228 6,132 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9,285 10,340 9,410 9,677 5,742 5,875 1,490 1,651 60,627 72,784 62,587 93,089 60,711 89,392 43,436 11,360 3,537 1,248 1,130 60,407 87,719 1,415 1,673 3,531 3,697 75,649 88,323 93,734 47,247 56,668 2,735 2,746 830 5,712 37,888 6,269 60,151 23,388 36,763 15,173 17,947 2,015 1,628 18,674 60,144 9,700 23,729 5,310 1,958 1,412 731 289 93,748 5,908 6,615 Conniercial fanns by type of fann 28,931 14,047 18,327 2,723 511 3,088 1,460 8,323 2,222 26,715 12,632 10,372 3,413 2,216 1,415 7,955 4,910 61,955 1,769 4,279 9,358 14,784 17,698 14,067 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42,714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26,284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,480 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,518 36,501 13,655 22,846 8,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 Cash-gralji fanns 579 402 336 62 25 44 135 70 518 382 231 75 61 20 105 60 1,329 32 53 87 205 319 633 384 436 278 286 127 127 23 23 921 1,275 963 1,769 948 1,709 505 268 99 48 28 938 1,659 40 50 60 60 928 1,054 1,189 582 697 32 238 477 127 714 293 421 144 218 28 31 307 1,021 189 414 94 46 30 17 2 1,074 132 123 I Tobacco fanns 2,646 1,913 3,375 210 92 880 536 1,410 247 2,376 1,808 2,545 865 270 110 830 545 7,961 23 153 828 2,486 3,165 1,306 176 179 1,260 1,281 117 123 108 114 5,136 5,595 6,053 7,997 5,973 7,872 4,499 1,176 206 71 21 5,958 7,825 42 47 U5 125 5,273 5,828 7,341 2,144 5,250 21 16 123 523 1,495 238 6,076 2,066 4,010 1,559 2,052 230 169 1,035 3,311 389 1,388 261 54 28 21 25 7,023 434 504 Cotton fanns 2,950 2,355 7,137 1,010 116 1,113 90 4,118 690 2,160 1,699 2,381 1,061 790 656 4,756 3,057 12,476 59 165 714 1,765 4,183 5,590 1,083 1,175 615 643 419 430 77 84 5,525 6,580 5,977 9,053 5,896 8,890 4,097 1,191 384 99 125 5,876 8,815 72 75 141 163 8,154 8,937 10,129 2,724 3,884 23 30 52 289 3,489 703 7,934 2,982 4,952 1,930 2,569 252 201 2,037 10,140 799 2,322 411 162 125 56 45 10,983 486 1,007 Other field- crop fanns 812 969 1,612 218 47 236 75 870 U6 682 854 696 275 130 115 916 595 3,401 87 195 458 707 893 1,061 481 565 819 828 114 U6 20 20 2,U4 2,740 2,2U 4,177 2,186 4,106 1,180 543 252 100 m 2,186 4,063 24 38 55 71 2,339 2,582 2,930 1,023 1,695 6 7 53 388 971 240 2,105 784 1,321 504 679 88 50 754 2,451 446 1,094 197 U2 75 56 6 2,876 213 312 Vegetable fanns 190 109 156 35 10 15 60 36 GEORGIA 101 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Ccmmercial faimg by type of farm — Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Frult-and-nut faims Pottltry fanna Dairy fanns Livestocit fams other than potiltry and dairy faims (jeneral farms Miscellaneous fanns F\RMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number . All tenants numtier . Cash tenants number . Share-cash tenants number . Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number . Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants number . White farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number . Croppers number . Nonwhite farm operators; Full owners number. Part owners number. .All tenants number. Croppers number . FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number. Class I number . Class 11 number. Class in number. Class IV number. Dass V number. Class VI number. SPEanED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. 3 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. numijer. Crawler tractors farms reporting. numijer. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles fanrs reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telenhone fanrs reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Cion drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reixjrting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which locatet): Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reoorting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. Imile farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired nmkera farms reporting. persons. Regular hired worlters (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms recorting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worlter farms reporting. 2 hired worlcers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting . Not residing on farm operated .operators reporting. Operators not reoorting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 339 108 41 5 5 10 21 339 108 41 10 504 98 61 96 55 77 117 140 177 49 51 119 121 16 16 379 709 412 1,165 407 1,148 176 67 62 36 66 407 1,097 41 51 17 17 401 573 452 398 327 12 2 75 268 36 199 90 109 29 68 6 6 280 2,823 206 1,159 39 33 54 52 28 371 107 26 7,471 1,187 1,107 185 30 125 73 280 414 7,456 1,172 1,092 275 15 15 15 5 9,923 646 1,670 2,772 2,801 1,768 266 665 701 314 325 473 474 67 85 6,230 7,240 5,413 6,724 5,065 6,158 4,205 720 101 16 23 5,034 6,040 116 118 563 566 7,547 8,769 9,255 5,698 5,434 U4 129 16 378 4,770 732 4,277 2,010 2,267 1,017 1,108 87 55 1,867 4,764 1,152 2,380 690 224 156 48 34 9,139 239 545 1,278 6,155 5,247 894 1,864 3,982 103 1,025 3,342 56 266 644 5 26 16C ... 35 585 20 125 520 10 280 1,138 12 293 295 1,253 5,907 4,630 894 1,807 3,560 103 844 2,260 10 234 576 20 248 617 ... 57 422 181 1,082 ... 46 562 2,319 9,280 12,648 193 158 350 567 333 375 924 948 2,182 388 1,924 4,017 157 3,011 3,'662 90 2,906 1,562 654 1,901 2,194 681 2,169 2,555 289 1,620 3,401 290 1,675 3,517 1,152 1,467 914 1,167 1,522 939 587 263 212 619 302 25C 2,069 7,044 10,250 3,083 9,145 13,175 2,175 7,476 10,623 4,413 12,884 19,423 2,160 7,408 10,465 4,270 12,543 19,091 873 4,439 5,507 782 1,815 3,024 346 673 i,m 82 267 460 77 214 363 2,155 7,383 10,442 4,186 12,218 13,846 68 281 211 84 325 245 133 324 295 143 341 332 1,987 6,884 8,962 2,608 8,553 10,508 2,282 8,700 11,998 1,928 5,466 5,495 1,787 6,298 8,499 2,121 121 97 2,130 136 118 78 190 240 405 1,198 1,856 1,186 3,741 3,350 126 536 668 980 4,817 8,424 379 1,899 2,796 601 2,918 5,628 275 1,123 2,141 255 1,514 2,903 41 158 359 30 123 225 1,418 3,163 4,044 3,791 8,636 14,566 1,171 1,880 2,350 2,655 3,916 5,901 606 1,086 1,174 252 404 483 210 251 391 79 108 237 24 31 60 2,091 7,890 11,090 129 893 659 99 497 899 1,264 259 93 32 5 16 12 28 1,219 254 88 12 45 5 5 1,658 106 203 338 398 393 220 235 271 148 155 166 176 17 20 1,168 1,725 1,197 2,206 1,113 2,015 657 262 114 29 51 1,110 1,914 87 101 168 191 1,262 1,780 1,528 1,074 1,062 26 20 15 129 828 87 703 241 462 184 221 22 35 611 2,301 385 1,354 174 68 69 48 26 1,383 202 73 102 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports Tor only a sample of fanns. See («xtj (Forderinitions and explanations, see text) USE OF COMMEBQAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting. acres on which used.. Ions.. Dry mnterials ., farms reporting.. tons.. Litjuid materials farms refiorting.. Ions.. Clops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms repotting. . tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials fajms reoorting. . tons.. Com farms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Soybeans farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting., tons.. Cotton farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons. , .M\ other crcips farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials , farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. . acres limed., tons.. Total all farms SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURE.S Any of the following specified expenditures farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Under SlOO farms SICO to 5899 farnis Sl.OOO lo 51,999 farms S2,000 lo S4,999 farms $5,000 or more farms Purchase of livestock and poultry farms Under $1,000 farms .«1,000 to $2,499 farms S2,500 lo S4,999 farms .?5,000 to 59,999 farms S10,DOO or more farms Machine hire farms Under $200 farms S200toS999 farms $1,000 or more farms Hired latror farms Under 5200 farms $200 to $499 farms $500 to $999 farms $1,000 to $2,499 farms $2,500 lo 54,999 farms 56,000 lo «9,999 farms $10,000 to 519,999 fnmis $20,000 lo $49,999 farms 550,000 or more farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms Under SlOO , farms $100 lo $499 farms 5.500 to «S99 farms $1,000 or more farm! Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farm Under 5100 farms 5100 to $4 99 farms $5(0 to $999 farms $1,000 U) 54,999 farm: 55,000 or more farm: See fooUiotes at end of table. reporting. . reporting., dollars. . reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporting. . reporting., dollars., reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting.. reporting. . dollars,, reporting., reporting . . reporting., renorti ng . . dollars., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting., reporting. . dollars., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting., dul I ars . . reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting.. 87,332 5,243, 3iO 1,197,593 37,139 1,157,043 5,553 40,550 20,319 728,824 19,938 148,062 1,476 8,165 10,814 369,328 10,582 69,510 767 4,848 70,936 2,350,653 70,723 442,914 3,68/1 18,760 1,994 43,355 1,979 6,969 27 110 42,186 624,659 42,105 203,359 1,171 3,696 48,770 1,127,386 48,593 286,229 801 4,971 14,978 414,941 409,830 105,201 75,606 155,923,719 21,535 35,933 4,308 5,399 3,431 41,439 58,260,630 29,948 5,836 3,219 1,679 757 58,267 17,165,247 34,964 20,222 3,081 54,631 57,248,360 20,794 13,973 7,338 7,337 3,009 1,402 504 218 51 50,368 12,035,242 26,970 17,476 3,635 2,287 93,184 31,647,435 45,356 34,501 10,768 7,197 362 Conmercial fanns by type of farm 55,461 4,650,613 1,070,490 55,323 1,031,733 4,907 33,757 14,293 637,114 13,972 123,171 1,293 7,701 7,593 324,744 7,396 60,432 663 4,457 46,744 2,061,823 46,576 390,414 3,332 18,137 1,430 40,036 1,465 6,377 27 110 32,933 563,270 32,377 134,618 1,076 3,564 36,400 1,023,986 36,268 261,721 704 4,783 10,318 352,317 346,065 61,945 45,929 148,563,131 9,102 19,323 3,430 5,U8 8,406 27,651 55,339,726 16,741 5,343 3,133 1,675 754 41,293 15,418,262 20,342 17,942 3,014 40,942 54,017,416 11,046 11,224 6,603 6,950 2,960 1,397 500 215 47 33,629 10,831,082 13,343 14,662 3,388 2,231 59,242 28,222,110 16,591 24,979 10,264 7,053 355 Cash-grain 1,251 139,058 30,596 1,245 23,414 186 2,182 234 11,674 213 1,943 41 172 133 2,142 123 562 11 61 1,126 72,330 1,119 13,634 140 1,321 99 5,293 89 334 10 35 321 4,751 321 1,737 30 54 730 42,868 724 9,704 65 539 265 12,156 11,603 1,329 695 232,525 273 354 43 24 1 355 207,405 303 32 3 11 660 289,577 310 276 74 673 934,185 197 147 69 146 45 31 15 3 709 262,956 260 293 94 62 1,259 768,406 392 437 210 209 11 Tobacco fanns 7,941 429,137 109,613 7,936 107,030 688 2,538 1,514 24,046 1,484 5,041 94 200 315 10,792 794 2,316 56 102 7,222 296,612 7,197 54,609 550 1,990 142 1,753 142 362 4,393 35,473 4,333 11,059 87 167 7,777 60,826 7,772 33,643 67 129 690 10,917 8,747 7,951 5,572 1,739,777 1,335 3,416 196 112 13 2,737 768, 528 2,652 98 25 10 2 5,286 1,240,977 3,316 1,834 136 6,493 4,393,891 1,664 2,511 1,304 778 153 35 39 5 4 5,280 770,633 2,754 2,272 222 32 7,841 3,281,787 1,347 4,143 1,696 651 4 Cotton fanns 12,411 721,729 167,736 12,396 163,608 499 4,128 1,262 33,385 1,252 6,160 47 264 575 16,199 560 2,921 44 166 10,516 292,281 10,506 49,460 341 1,490 222 7,168 222 971 6 22 12,401 268,981 12,391 34,487 300 1,574 5,394 103,715 5,361 19,589 30 612 1,027 29,054 28,542 12,476 5,680 1,664,503 2,855 2,506 193 83 43 2,803 793,371 2,649 96 40 15 12,476 4,368,669 6,349 5,366 761 7,350 6,633,751 2,418 2,U0 1,133 1,075 364 184 50 12 4 5,757 991,035 3,285 2,097 219 156 11,280 3,166,754 5,231 4,358 1,021 637 33 Other field- crop fanns 3,316 358,558 79,721 3,316 76„395 330 2,826 457 16,5U 444 3,153 63 250 247 9,635 236 1,634 32 73 3,055 158,527 3,037 30,296 271 1,973 36 665 36 67 1,656 24,336 1,656 7,988 32 53 3,046 143,614 3,(K6 33,557 31 467 591 24,495 24,551 3,401 1,814 740,241 570 1,025 136 82 1 775 390,204 693 53 12 2,453 1,018,030 937 1,302 214 2,069 2,230,938 698 561 263 297 158 67 16 2,184 1,201,630 400 1,018 448 318 3,195 2,010,747 886 1,082 628 576 23 GEORGIA 103 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xtj (ForHefinitions and explanations, see text) CcmnerGlal fanns by type of faim — Continued FVuit-and-nut fauns Poultry faims Dairy farms Livestock faims other than poultry and dairy faims General farms Miscellaneous fanns USE OF rOWIERnAL FERTILIZER MTO LI Commercial Feitjiizer and fertilizing materials used during the year Ory materials .. . Liquid materials. Crops on which used— tiny and cropland pasture . Dry materials .. Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials Liquid materials Soybeans Dry materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials Lime or liming materials used during tjie year . SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry Under SIOD SlOO to S»99 Sl.OOO to 51,999 .52,000 to M,999 S5,000 or more Purchase of livestock and poultry Under $1,000 51,000 to $2,499 .$2,500 to $4,999 .$5,000 to .$8,999 $10,000 or more Machine hire Under $200 $200 to $999 $1,000 or more Hired labor Under $200 S200to$499 S500to$999 $1,000 to $2,499 $2,500 to $4,999 $5,000 to«9,999 $10,000 to <=19,999 $20,000 to $49,999 $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under $100 $100 to $499 .- $500 to $999 $1,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under $100 SlOO to $4 99 $5(» to $999 $1,000 to $1,999 55,000 or more See footnotes at end of table. arms reporting. , which used. , tons,, 'arms reporting.. tons., arms reporting.. tons.. arms reporting. . acres . . 'arms reporting. . tons. . I reporting., tons. . 'arms reporting., acres . . 'airns reporting. . tons.. atms reoortine.. tons.. 'arms reporting., acres , , arms reporting.. tons. . Farms reporting.. tons.. aims reporting., atres.. farms reporting.. tons. . 'aims reporting.. tons.. s reporting. . acres . . s reporting.. tons.. 5 reporting.. tons.. 'aims reporting . . acres . . 'arms reporting., tons.. 'aims reporting. . Ions.. arms reporting.. acres limed,. tons.. 5 reporting., 'aims reporting., dollars.. ; reporting., 'arms refxjrting.. 'arms reporting . , Farms reporting.. Farms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . dollars.. 5 reporting. . 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting., 'aims reporting. . reporting., dollars., reporting. , reporting. . reporting. , reporting., dollars., reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , dollars., reporting., raporting. , reporting. , reporting., reporting., dollars., reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporti ng . . reporting. . 403 86,893 20,861 403 20,677 23 184 107 15,387 104 3,808 5 38 75 6,249 75 1,143 209 7,803 209 1,860 14 48 6 1,508 6 201 107 3,974 107 1,551 5 48 339 51,972 339 12,114 11 50 126 7,837 8,358 504 295 468,576 39 170 31 29 26 134 215,445 83 22 24 4 1 206 177,592 69 90 47 418 2,753,815 61 73 45 33 62 93 14 28 9 218 166,633 34 93 43 48 473 527, 658 117 121 74 132 29 5,792 159,312 35,336 5,787 34,579 95 757 1,476 27,594 1,470 5,947 32 102 913 19,466 898 4,120 30 46 4,398 63,740 4,393 12,456 43 372 105 1,093 105 156 1,135 12,240 1,135 4,347 10 102 2,147 35,179 2,147 7,553 12 135 1,253 21,801 24,585 9,923 9,918 108,924,857 96 301 446 2,504 6,571 9,519 29,028,801 2,281 3,557 2,162 1,L29 390 3,055 616,064 2,313 644 98 4,261 5,689,452 1,579 858 591 677 324 134 63 31 4 2,756 309,323 2,022 592 117 25 9,489 2,338,748 4,241 3,887 889 460 12 2,097 256,729 61,326 2,092 58,101 282 3,225 1,678 117,989 1,668 26,789 215 1,746 748 39,276 722 7,878 66 378 1,152 52,255 1,147 n,441 98 600 70 1,732 70 237 5 45 407 8,559 407 2,939 17 79 694 36,918 684 8,767 57 377 942 33,056 36,517 2,319 2,319 14,772,430 35 248 184 760 1,092 1,248 3,456,832 495 302 259 137 55 1,193 641,869 389 656 148 1,906 5,374,439 216 252 227 504 403 224 60 16 4 1,377 703,217 254 642 269 212 2,304 1,975,486 146 867 664 597 30 7,914 856,682 184,058 7,873 175,256 951 8,802 3,636 231,284 3,552 44,365 369 2,569 2,100 137,373 2,052 24,375 237 2,147 5,953 318,126 5,917 63,570 544 2,989 328 6,621 328 1,137 1 2 1,823 23,378 1,813 8,381 98 223 3,983 139,398 3,943 33,423 140 872 2,500 97,117 93,830 9,280 8,332 11,334,659 1,131 4,698 1,200 365 383 4,326 16,118,463 2,847 586 409 266 218 4,200 1,698,340 1,913 1,965 322 6,120 7,459,347 1,832 1,526 813 1,141 512 200 69 24 3 5,200 1,607,328 1,919 2,415 554 312 8,971 4,617,679 2,m 3,988 1,621 1,184 67 12,591 1,523,705 349,820 12,544 336,451 1,783 13,369 3,433 141,521 3,294 26,982 408 2,173 1,683 64,662 1,634 11,679 187 1,395 11,978 761,056 11,916 145,160 1,344 7,135 432 12,323 427 2,217 5 6 10,372 177,478 10,341 60,745 481 1,219 11,217 366,160 11,180 89,668 216 1,441 3,037 99,138 91,502 12,643 9,932 7,789,961 1,863 6,318 960 597 244 5,000 3,980,636 4,143 507 181 92 72 10,986 5,056,769 4,297 5,517 1,172 10,297 13,8U,519 1,991 2,892 1,986 2,086 788 369 126 53 6 9,029 3,877,483 1,995 4,837 1,368 829 12,444 8,587,299 1,345 5,364 3,204 2,406 125 1,304 96,740 23,365 1,295 22,753 64 612 421 16,858 416 3,784 18 181 272 17,910 270 3,536 5 84 327 33,526 827 6,781 32 199 29 945 29 102 229 3,090 229 1,025 11 37 678 24,411 672 7,525 19 m 332 12,736 13,540 1,658 1,105 857,437 255 677 86 60 27 590 364,784 472 90 22 4 2 626 274,755 339 253 34 1,135 3,808,289 295 239 131 200 135 58 42 22 13 865 883,434 285 309 53 213 1,585 790,743 565 606 231 163 20 104 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) ESmHTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold ; dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LIVESTOCK ,AVD LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reporting. . number. , Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms repotting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reoorting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. W to 49 head farms reporting. , 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting,. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. .30 to 49 head farms reporting., 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or mules farms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number . . Sheep and lambs famis renorting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting. . number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive fanns reporting. . number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dol I ars . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number., dollars, , Milk and cream sold ^ farms reporting. . pounds. . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reoorting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . dollars. . See footnotes at end of table. Total all farms 607,903,993 5,720 283,809,5"17 229,006,309 7,232,937 16,026,208 31,5M,093 32^,094,446 163,977,836 40,177,610 119,939,000 71,778 1,394,763 67,160 700,591 43,177 197,223 53,158 390,141 46,135 304,031 3,580 20,010 14,227 12,246 10,233 4,098 2,280 104 18,739 31,891 7,423 3,038 3,043 1,585 602 839 21,198 19,443 320 368 945 533 184 186 39,774 72,846 73,176 1,867,046 49,121 1,040,306 66,474 326,740 848 33,332 547 7,950 783 25,332 698 22,359 658 3,023 66,153 12,008,339 48,423 602,048 69,695,428 48,270 1,700,323 49,309,367 549 19,813 237,756 5,308 736,613,311 40,177,610 15,473 116,739,209 13,137 111,355,325 45,655,694 Canmercial faimfl by type of fann 572,151,761 9,235 266,646,189 215,843,136 6,251,102 14,996,619 29,555,332 305,505,572 161,616,483 39,428,718 104,460,366 42,587 1,168,401 40,693 591,672 25,874 165,205 33,266 318,907 29,686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,018 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 600 832 11,789 11,581 300 367 940 533 182 182 23,046 47, 626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 360,092 41,800 684,245 611 29,632 419 7,081 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,304 29,451 519,357 60,930,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 18,038 216,456 3,782 721,437,957 39,428,718 12,606 115,681,098 3,339 108,271,809 44,391,451 Cash-grain fanas 7,202,093 5,419 6,375,383 6,103,060 108,769 87,364 76, 190 826,715 16,480 12,930 797,305 760 12,920 702 6,041 440 756 521 3,659 467 3,220 167 155 146 63 139 83 7 248 235 100 68 48 Tobacco fanns 284 155 449 953 763 18,577 480 10,032 694 8,545 3 92 1 2 3 90 3 34 2 6 742 18,352 427 3,785 390,775 437 13,801 400,229 1 40 480 9 314,330 12,930 37 2,761 62 32,703 13,409 48,233,177 6,059 41,784,404 40,780,542 365,015 182,227 456,620 6,448,773 246,277 41,335 6,161,161 4,913 54,980 4,662 26,641 2,610 4,699 3,955 16,007 3,490 12,332 320 1,461 1,338 1,072 541 95 35 1 1,080 2,883 462 129 67 30 4 7 1,283 1,321 2,427 3,455 6,354 202,284 5,077 U0,528 6,040 91,756 55 1,255 35 310 40 945 35 665 40 280 5,703 173,991 2,806 17,092 1,603,955 5,713 156,347 4,534,063 21 555 6,660 26 804,050 41,335 256 101,730 827 343,100 140,672 Cotton fanas 54,456,613 4,365 49,400,060 47,938,018 723,310 330,211 358,521 5,056,553 435,571 143,714 4,477,168 6,745 62,692 6,430 32,000 4,739 8,597 4,206 17,855 3,217 12,337 1,381 2,759 1,115 731 535 175 47 2 2,844 2,815 396 192 U9 33 13 18 2,693 2,029 13 5,183 9,764 9,367 132,978 5,269 69,973 8,510 63,005 40 326 22 212 40 614 25 455 38 159 3,632 230,518 2,855 19,173 1,970,477 4,043 85,410 2,476,890 29 936 11,232 245 3,352,269 143,714 343 298,157 882 317,903 130,341 1 Other field- crop fanns 24,245,657 7,129 21,194,685 20,620,316 309,150 161,740 103,479 3,050,972 45,696 945 3,004,331 1,869 33,427 1,837 17,921 1,163 2,102 1,311 3,727 1,175 6,779 235 557 323 280 318 83 68 272 85 71 33 20 15 553 610 983 1,937 2,624 79,255 1,945 44,218 2,435 35,037 1 51 1 5 1 46 2,115 51,551 1,165 U,597 1,269,339 1,991 59,526 1,726,254 11 97 1,164 20 37,914 945 78 14,507 239 70,067 28,730 GEORGIA 105 state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued {patR are based on reports for only a sample of Tanns. See text] ;For definitions and explanations, see text) ESTIM \TED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farin products sold ...total, dollars average per faim, dollars All crops sold doll ars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold .. ..dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest otoducts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars .M\ livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calvi farms reporting. number . ^arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting.. number., 'arms repotting.. number., 'anns reporting., number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle end calves- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reoorting.. 20 to 49 head fatms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting., Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. ■30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . HofSes and/or mules tatms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Sheep and lambs farms tenoning.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old fatms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number. . Bams and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Ctiickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. . number . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive fatms reporting.. number.. dollars. . Sheep and Iambs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting. . pounds . . dollars. . Chickens including broilers sold farms reoorting. . dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. Canmerclal farms by type of faim — Continued Fruit-and-nut farms 12,620,919 25,CK2 11,334,284 1,239,126 64,805 9,816,022 164,331 1,286,635 345,746 109,460 831,429 291 17,273 267 9,467 90 508 245 4,762 228 3,044 Poultry farms 164 402 182 5,286 106 3,720 151 1,566 10 40 5 5 5 35 5 25 5 10 168 46,470 229 6,346 690,647 124 -(,785 138,765 17 2,170,165 109,460 72 168,357 71 432,650 177,389 166,825,349 16,812 5,605,790 4,141,103 176,935 216,202 1,071,550 161,219,559 154,787,674 804,025 5,627,860 6,743 91,641 6,243 41,051 4,813 10,517 4,728 29,642 3,941 20,948 1,096 1,957 1,181 1,249 938 229 90 3 2,322 2,749 644 235 196 61 18 18 2,752 1,972 40 16 31 3,148 5,412 5,766 80,149 3,072 45,803 4,906 34,346 137 5,132 92 1,119 127 4,013 126 3,769 112 244 5,151 9,087,467 3,958 34,441 3,613,034 2,518 66,742 1,935,518 95 3,247 38,964 480 16,290,982 804,025 9,833 112,562,777 2,774 99,412,337 40,759,052 Dairy farms 45,938,152 19,809 3,840,804 2,701,821 113,104 232,327 793,552 42,097,348 1,219,252 36,611,948 4,266,148 2,314 179,828 2,314 116,702 2,302 112,100 2,191 54,510 1,925 8,616 5 30 20 80 595 1,100 476 15 80 182 324 834 509 169 201 20 95 173 313 865 486 177 173 916 1,794 989 16,572 497 9,302 850 7,270 37 1,643 34 429 37 1,214 32 1,029 36 185 1,070 204,730 2,293 64,902 3,777,961 389 16,153 468,437 23 601 7,212 2,319 663,409,322 36,611,948 218 485,969 261 1,785,844 732,198 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms 67,372,839 7,260 14,005,608 10,944,996 351,464 1,022,061 1,687,087 53,367,231 904,959 291,407 52,170,865 8,185 431,465 7,757 197,261 3,818 8,990 7,164 105,757 6,882 128,447 246 825 1,080 1,516 2,128 1,328 997 65 745 2,770 1,381 798 905 539 253 366 1,613 2,154 26 11 2 10 2 3,764 10,602 7,098 444,102 5,901 252,538 6,730 191,564 195 14,661 141 3,170 186 11,491 165 10,324 157 1,167 5,536 287,766 7,482 256,450 36,036,010 6,746 545,799 15,828,171 151 9,253 111,036 222 6,810,852 291 ,407 617 473,643 1,247 1,016,812 416,897 General fanns 118,681,400 9,383 89,398,778 79,586,422 2,299,495 2,710,188 4,802,673 29,282,622 3,420,007 1,291,059 24,571,556 9,418 240,561 9,149 121,051 5,287 15,173 7,870 66, 3U 7,327 53,199 484 1,902 1,697 2,162 2,004 742 414 13 1,478 4,501 1,488 614 561 275 76 156 2,256 2,903 42 22 29 29 1 5 5,114 10,795 10,904 534,300 9,288 296,248 10,418 238,052 115 5,186 73 1,570 110 3,616 95 3,109 89 507 8,748 760,865 7,194 90,255 9,892,498 10,247 500,892 14,525,868 87 3,042 36,504 369 25,815,123 1,291,059 1,030 1,483,925 1,739 4,610,064 1,890,127 Miscellaneous fanns 24,284,554 14,647 21,530,835 1,438,295 54,810 225,991 19,811,739 2,753,719 177,492 120,630 2,455,597 1,132 41,578 1,125 22,464 441 1,481 938 11,080 927 8,034 41 154 191 237 303 117 82 7 126 472 196 137 83 55 26 30 193 225 5 5 10 1 2 701 2,192 801 28,435 586 16,525 742 11,910 18 746 15 259 17 487 16 437 11 50 753 43,886 950 15,168 1,674,407 650 24,015 696,435 12 267 3,204 55 2,404,828 120,630 97 87,665 172 214,704 88,029 106 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj [For definitions and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK AM) LnXSTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reponin?. . number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters farms refxjrting.. 3 to 9 litters farms reporting. . 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to 39 litters farms reporting.. 40 to 69 Utters farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting.. June 2 lo November 30 farms reporting.. number of liltefs.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters.. SPECinED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting.. acres.. Under 11 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 or more acres farms retwrting. . Harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres . . bushels.. Sales farms reoorting.. bushels.. Wheat harvest^'' faims reporting. . acres . , bushels . . Sales fanns reporting., bushels . . Oats harvested for grain fanns reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales faims reporting. . bushels . . Barley harvested fanns reporting*. . acres . . btishels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . , Sales fanns reporting.. bushels . . Peanuts harvested for nuts fanns reporting.. acres grown alone . . acres grown with other crops . . pounds . . Hay crops: Land fron which hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting. . tons.. Cc^stal Bermida grass cut for hay .fanns reporting .-. acres . . tons.. Sales fanns reporting. . tons. . Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting. . acres . . tons.. Sales fanns reporting. . tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other frmnn grains cut for hay fanns reporting . . acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting. . tons. . Other hay cut fanns reporting. . acres . . t(3ns. . Sales fanns reporting. . tons. . Grass silage made fron grasses, alfalfa, clover, or Hmnll grains fanns reporting . . acres . . tons, green weight.. See footnotes at end of table. Total all fanns 46,553 322,244 16,442 19,729 7,335 2,474 434 139 38,962 151,743 36,338 170,501 75,395 2,431,487 29,726 15,717 14,501 7,284 3,029 5,138 71,148 1,940,852 49,748,504 28,637 20,713,476 7,574 99,160 2,139,291 4,405 1,666,363 10,132 249,608 8,497,523 3,459 4,037,472 670 13,659 423,775 195 178,335 1,097 22,093 330,652 663 251,155 22,794 466,747 741 499,464,819 376,447 2,136 20,829 43,035 254 3,522 3,729 95,688 186,082 716 29,834 6,764 76,582 83,522 702 10,624 5,281 65,899 72,310 270 2,344 7,322 116,781 127,188 610 14,621 10 668 5,474 Camnerclal faims by type of fann 32,086 271,378 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 134 27,266 125,238 26,549 146,140 49,108 2,124,721 12,181 9,903 12,225 6,809 2,922 5,058 46,849 1,699,078 44,874,641 21,722 19,440,424 5,357 84,744 1,889,204 3,451 1,531,475 7,729 229,304 7,946,047 2,904 3,847,682 570 12,764 395,655 155 171,895 1,003 21,578 324,537 625 248,860 19,847 449,364 736 486,912,323 1,563 17,162 37,372 147 2,746 3,222 89,744 178,832 620 28,763 3,676 56,609 68,220 330 8,401 3,410 54,895 62,964 144 1,643 4,289 94,095 104,807 330 13,011 Cash-grain fanns 9 570 4,690 426 2,892 146 157 94 28 1 363 1,549 320 1,343 1,226 75,511 290 186 254 130 109 257 1,216 72,054 2,435,139 1,110 2,045,631 335 11, 3X 314,468 314 302, 571 367 24,137 1,020,480 297 864,017 41 835 21,850 26 18,275 61 2,065 34,212 48 31,129 371 7,847 15 130 275 51 1,300 2,583 8 225 83 1,077 987 15 220 63 735 640 5 15 120 2,619 3,105 21 1,247 Tobacco fanns 5,595 34,596 1,422 3,047 953 164 8 1 4,608 15,936 4,837 18,660 7,381 303,806 905 1,663 2,590 1,305 404 514 7,073 216,094 5,420,787 3,669 2,052,791 31 320 4,425 26 3,575 149 1,616 33,435 41 13,075 15 189 2,640 2 1,260 1,985 16,425 50 16,095,228 Cotton fanns 4,758 21,513 2,455 1,753 388 144 14 4 3,695 10,620 3,379 10,893 11,130 303,681 4,350 3,191 1,989 790 326 484 10,313 263,590 5,043,349 4,423 2,237,418 1,872 22,303 423,683 963 287,438 1,603 34,427 1,017,819 590 551, 693 99 1,395 29,925 31 12,225 98 2,930 38,300 42 29,090 2,986 38,640 75 32,190,020 Other field- crop fanns 165 6 1,258 55 2,082 275 20 265 ... 281 165 36 2,603 3,404 1,718 4,612 5,733 3,618 46 25 14 290 992 497 939 23 3,792 235 7,821 376 72 775 27 753 34 175 7,160 608 295 5,572 42 228 495 91 423 69 1,315 4,405 620 1,310 3,648 37 405 675 2,162 15,237 771 850 399 124 16 2 1,743 7,045 1,717 8,192 3,173 167,149 430 627 958 469 253 441 3,122 151,099 4,093,094 2,136 2,112,199 130 2,380 56,457 116 48,141 241 6,120 212,235 89 102,515 10 260 9,000 32 439 7,313 17 4,866 3,134 137,582 165 159,435,574 GEORGIA 107 state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of femta. See textj [For definilions and explanations, see text) Comiierclal farms by type of farm — Continued Fruit-and-nut farms Poultry farms Dairy faims Livestock fanns other than poultry and dairy farms General fanns Miscellaneous 1 or 3 litter? 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to .19 litters 40 lo 69 littefa 70 or more litters , , June 2 to November 30 LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-ConUnued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting.. number of litters., 'arms reeorting. . 'aims reporting., 'amis reporting., 'arms reporting., ■arms reporting., 'arms reporting. , 'arms reporting., number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. , number of litters,. SPEaFIED CROPS lURVESTED Com for all purposes faims reporting.. acres . , Under 11 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 7.^ to 99 acres 100 or more acres Harvested for grain arms reporting., 'arms reporting. , 'arms reporting. , 'arms reporting. , 'arms reporting., 'aims reporting. , 'arms reporting., acres, bushels.. Sales farms reoorting. bushels. Wheat harvested fanns reporting. acres . bushels . Sales fanns reporting. bushels . Oats harvested for grain fanns reporting. acres, bushels . Sales fanns reporting. bushels . Barley harvested farms reporting . acres . bushels . Sales fanns reporting. bushels . Rye harvested farms reporting . acres . bushels . Sales fanns reporting . bushels . Peanuts harvested for nuts fanns reporting. acres grown alone . acres grown with other crops . pounds . Hay crops : Land from nhich hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mlatures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting. acres . tons. Seles farms reporting . tons. Coastal Bemnida grass cut for hay farms repoirting . acres . tons. Sales farms reporting . tons. Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting. acres . tons. Sales faims reporting . tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting. acres . tons. Sales fanns reporting. tons. Other hay cut , farms reporting . acres . tons. Sales fanns reporting. tons . Grass silage made fron grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. acres . tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table . 114 720 44 17 71 321 106 399 2U 8,011 59 62 37 25 S 20 194 6,966 201,025 89 122,325 44 1,077 27,910 38 26,490 113 8,260 382,995 81 311,100 1 20 1,000 9 278 3,780 7 2,420 18 579 20 585,650 46 1,827 3,117 7 135 26 880 1,219 1 200 36 1,120 1,859 48 1,113 1,033 1 10 2,224 12,943 867 982 276 81 15 3 1,951 6,553 1,551 6,390 5,007 68,752 3,440 914 376 160 39 78 4,824 60,119 1,729,907 955 403,294 982 9,961 206,537 501 141,813 1,017 14,749 506,715 232 178,981 102 1,141 34,960 21 14,175 62 627 7,243 41 5,135 295 3,426 16 3,332,280 514 3,146 6,608 217 3,781 6,234 34 1,000 819 7,565 8,675 62 670 531 3,639 3,848 35 140 1,144 14,813 17,607 no 5,710 377 2,506 172 143 35 16 11 319 1,211 257 1,295 1,297 58,338 271 247 360 223 69 127 1,001 36,435 1,130,492 166 177,259 235 3,286 69,225 160 56,491 588 18,567 630,388 63 63,640 93 1,879 62,325 16 17,350 96 1,789 28,274 66 20,815 208 4,623 60 4,703,108 415 6,619 15,560 6 87 425 11,656 26,762 42 1,525 455 9,975 12,343 7 194 662 16,884 24,648 11 500 756 24,932 29,145 28 1,385 7 410 3,740 6,089 78,065 916 2,218 1,803 899 175 73 5,415 36,159 5,334 41,906 6,246 327,467 1,222 964 1,653 1,071 413 913 5,632 224,267 6,069,403 1,149 896,379 604 9,720 210,648 412 172,829 1,524 48,566 1,540,104 485 381,331 110 3,269 85,240 6 9,000 250 5,116 71,003 159 51,109 1,709 34,718 23 32,721,663 290 4,108 9,101 28 583 1,027 37,253 71,278 192 7,146 826 15,533 18,491 71 925 747 14,072 13,971 17 193 1,054 29,722 32,177 61 585 160 950 9,629 97,427 1,573 4,376 2,554 899 133 44 8,500 43,328 8,497 54,099 12,228 771,683 708 1,826 3,789 2,520 1,236 2,149 11,852 636,437 17,975,979 7,640 9,197,843 1,039 23,239 553,270 882 475,036 1,918 67,626 2,425,796 971 1,331,179 108 3,915 150,155 55 100,870 34a 7,402 122,338 227 98,337 8,933 201,480 295 225,743,997 102 1,573 3,063 33 1,306 813 22,907 43,240 223 16,305 374 9,752 15,270 92 5,251 469 8,862 9,916 29 557 423 11,317 12,537 70 3,612 605 5,208 128 317 127 27 4 2 524 2,330 495 2,823 881 34,413 326 153 172 110 50 70 799 26,262 658,591 244 154,775 63 995 19,391 32 15,396 168 4,871 162,880 39 39,301 6 50 1,200 27 728 9,294 16 4,699 162 3,474 32 2,834,043 10,605 42 203 324 1 10 97 3,045 6,185 22 533 110 2,665 2,963 10 166 82 1,618 1,698 5 10 130 3,074 3,300 2 57 108 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions nnd explanations, eee text) Total all fanns Commercial fauns by type of fann Cash-grain farms Tobacco f aims Cotton farms Other field - crop faYiUE Vegetable farms SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED— Continued Cotton harvested farms reporting... acres.., bales . . . Irish potatoes harvested for hone use or for sale fanns reporting . . . acres ^ . . bushels . . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for hone use or for sale farms reporting.. acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested fanns reporting. . acres . . pounds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-' farma reporting. . acres . . 42,450 628,614 513,742 33,087 565,885 472,215 10,081 1,036 152,548 5,555 636 91,534 14,682 14,647 1,857,739 8,780 12,623 1,&40,876 19,515 68,661 97,867,882 17,082 64,737 93,950,371 10,911 7,232,937 8,075 6,251,102 18,762 194,664 U,580 164,839 331 4,769 4,307 i,393 35,532 26,458 105 8 2,070 420 16 4,019 140 123 17,140 1,060 997 91,881 93 302 357,760 7,961 34,934 53,812,505 161 108,769 784 365,015 262 1,728 1,123 5,189 12,476 270,130 235,465 1,261 94 14,627 2,276 902 80,527 624 1,666 1,614,225 1,807 723,310 1,012 6,516 1,661 24,451 15,766 255 146 16,308 542 2,926 462,613 195 60O 757,633 527 309,150 506 6,696 89 960 670 81 22 ,155 101 51 4,880 7 22 33,250 456 1,684,245 64 228 ^Includes inlljl equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for fanns with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for fanns with less than 20 trees and grapevines. GEORGIA 109 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sajnple of farrrs. See lexl] (For Hefinilions and explanations, see text) Canmercial fanns by type of farm — Continued Fruit-and-nut fanns Poultry fanns Dairy farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy fanns General fanns Miscellaneous fanns SPECIFIED CROPS HAHVESTED— Continued Cotton harvested fanns reporting . . . acres . . . bales — Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanns reporting . . . acres^. . bushels . . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for hooie tise or for sale farms reporting . Tobacco harvested fanns reporting. acres . pounds . Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting . Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ fanns reporting. . . acres . . . 107 3,977 3,902 22 335 28 250 18,720 7 5,000 45 64,805 499 53,452 1,152 12,318 10,690 1,577 106 18,137 1,058 346 40,849 250 874 1,209,545 546 176,935 1,315 4,092 407 8,566 7,386 177 28 3,517 132 124 8,617 108 431 615,131 90 113,104 520 4,173 1,830 23,435 17,920 582 51 7,265 938 1,219 131,787 1,112 3,358 ,664,123 617 351,464 2,497 34,033 10,410 178,589 147,399 958 140 18,370 2,277 5,168 598,460 6,554 21,941 31,216,384 2,947 2,299,495 3,375 43,386 231 3,108 2,252 117 21 3,731 178 517 85,402 173 602 664,815 95 54,810 407 5,346 no STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data BM b&sed on repurts for only a sample of famis. See (exlj Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fanns 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 189 acres FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. Percent distribution percent. Land in farms acres. Percent distribution percent, Average size of farm - acres. Value Of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars. Average per acre dollars. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting U) to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting ao to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pasttired farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Otlier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woidland not pastured farms reporting, acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) ..farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in farms fanns reporting acres Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops fanned on the contour farms reporting acres Land in 5trir>-cropf>ing systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to 34 years number 35 to 41 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off tlieir farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 800 or more daya operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other thaji farm operated and off-farm work or>erators reporting WiUi other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm f)perators reporting Witb income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators repotting See footnotes at end of table. 106,271 100.0 19,644,019 100.0 184.8 16,464 100.03 90,409 4,984,896 20,292 16,106 11,423 13,971 16,134 8,277 3,478 607 121 38,164 1,340,763 40,189 1,209,851 9,386 273,035 34,831 936,766 44,550 3,092,515 61,958 7,058,719 37,419 1,389,473 19,461 683,037 2,268 37,963 6,959 191,707 14,367 723,971 955 30,633 33,062 ',003,270 105,223 1,552 9,611 22,408 30,706 23,370 17,576 51.0 50,576 13,817 7,288 29,471 17,805 18,180 33,947 55,695 12,845 20,291 13,679 6,825 6.4 29,247 0.1 4.3 6,158 1,363.46 3,209 13,337 3,209 525 1,520 441 1,142 41 87 400 1,055 260 680 455 1,275 736 1,947 230 695 75 240 210 965 440 2,520 6,780 270 1,191 1,432 1,715 1,192 980 47.6 27,956 26.3 787,568 4.0 28.2 6,305 224.74 23,154 368,652 8,134 7,283 4,332 3,405 5,712 49,164 7,674 63,956 1,210 7,435 6,889 56,521 6,739 62,572 10,444 132,066 7,399 60,076 3,163 22,838 272 1,532 555 5,340 2,985 43,495 150 1,670 6,855 125,320 27,613 627 2,391 5,801 7,995 5,910 4,389 50.3 4,599 601 585 3,413 15,527 4,095 2,421 9,011 1,730 5,570 1,421 4,639 3,842 10,935 2,226 560 1,080 12,429 2,700 4,874 4,242 U,754 11.1 677,450 3.4 57.6 3,506 148.33 10,267 256,758 2,637 2,216 1,748 2,040 1,626 3,705 46,308 4,660 58,477 855 7,375 4,150 51,102 4,337 72,530 7,035 158,955 4,143 54,076 1,891 19,528 155 880 405 3,670 1,505 31,695 65 690 3,730 98,740 U,664 150 946 2,423 3,267 2,977 1,901 51.5 6,146 1,686 351 3,609 2,263 2,148 4,295 5,603 1,315 2,U7 1,670 I 12,095 11.4 997,757 5.1 82.5 9,916 120.94 10,728 343,183 2,252 2,033 1,611 2,182 2,650 4,309 67,332 5,568 94,361 1,186 14,298 4,958 80,063 5,610 118,393 7,998 263,912 4,665 72,859 2,274 29,821 160 820 650 7,630 1,820 45,310 95 2,060 4,U6 135,095 11,989 UO 397 2,601 3,499 2,776 2,106 51.3 5,767 1,700 771 3,296 1,933 1,733 3,792 6,323 1,628 2,276 GEORGIA 111 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DfttA are based on reports For only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of feim— Continued 140 to 179 acres leo to 219 acres 220 lo 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2.000 acres and over FAKMS, ACREAOE, AND VALUE Farms number, Petwfflt distribution percent. Land in farms , .acres. Percent distribution percent. Average size of farm acres. Value 0) land and buildings: \vera^ per farm dollars. Average per acre dollars. Land In farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 Co 29 acres farms ret)orting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 lo 99 acres.. farms reporting 100 to 199 acres. farms reporting 900 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms repotting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres (Tmpland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes faims reporting acres Other f3t]f)land (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms [epotting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting, acres Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or low cnops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in siriti-ctotiping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on ctop and pasture land farms reporting acres FAKM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number. Under 25 years number 25 to 34 years number 35 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Woriang off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days Ofierators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income ftxxn sources other than farm operated and off-farm woit operators reporting iVith other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold (}perators reporting Operators not wotlting off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family warking off farm 0|>erators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 8,001 7.5 1,256,650 6.4 157.1 15,124 96.43 7,301 382,814 937 902 810 1,316 2,316 1,020 3,747 96,785 3,794 92,153 875 17,900 3,359 74,258 4,364 179,888 5,888 384,226 3,226 82,577 1,718 35,897 190 1,425 701 12,715 1,256 52,675 80 2,300 2,912 166,915 7,920 65 646 1,672 2,397 1,767 1,373 51.4 3,413 1,121 570 1,722 1,155 1,441 2,121 4,588 1,057 1,589 5,697 5.4 1,129,806 5.8 198.3 18,278 92.37 5,103 325,420 408 537 437 776 1,897 1,022 26 2,832 83,886 2,647 83,891 655 16,660 2,272 67,231 3,260 179,401 4,280 349,521 2,423 78,115 1,370 34,495 172 2,710 500 7,790 926 49,165 46 715 2,149 134,040 5,546 60 437 1,276 1,658 1,262 953 51.5 2,245 691 400 1,154 326 987 1,378 3,452 877 1,085 3,761 3.5 399,428 4.6 239.1 23,116 96.57 3,407 253,591 265 326 340 423 1,113 805 135 1,900 67,992 1,652 55,470 430 18,330 1,347 37,140 2,205 146,622 2,865 291,725 1,586 59,345 983 30,278 105 1,240 431 9,613 561 23,U5 30 1,945 1,412 103,785 3,741 20 340 872 1,108 765 636 50.9 1,414 505 190 719 4% 601 848 2,347 612 817 9,817 9.2 3,454,507 17.6 351.9 31,335 89.58 3,933 952,234 535 614 519 991 2,099 3,050 1,130 5,344 265,325 4,507 206,059 1,418 50,052 3,623 156,007 5,979 563,989 7,614 1,141,653 4,418 239,394 2,725 U4,393 424 6,215 1,319 39,335 1,800 158,416 135 4,170 3,890 396,283 9,719 75 759 2,257 2,853 2,126 1,644 51.4 3,254 1,058 459 1,737 1,047 1,540 1,709 6,563 1,415 2,127 4,917 4.6 3,337,756 17.0 673.8 60,379 89.12 4,506 783,860 191 182 157 353 785 1,247 1,427 164 2,878 254,043 2,256 185,659 841 55,140 1,784 130,519 2,981 535,298 4,052 1,196,264 2,3U 260,657 1,622 136,502 305 10,024 959 47,093 987 140,813 125 7,885 2,021 356,449 4,861 50 384 1,056 1,555 1,059 757 51.0 1,775 502 233 1,040 513 1,004 9U 3,142 685 1,060 1,749 1.6 2,358,356 12.0 1,348.4 102,467 76.87 1,606 468,903 53 56 29 66 215 325 552 285 25 1,039 161,365 885 121,804 332 37,269 703 84,535 1,089 401,822 1,487 987,076 836 163,393 646 101,445 109 6,091 325 24,133 344 65,115 40 3,223 1,709 U 124 371 521 367 315 52.0 558 135 57 366 162 348 272 1,191 170 475 756 0.7 3,225,254 16.4 4,266.2 259,030 63.72 695 362,226 15 17 10 26 62 103 203 158 96 431 137,491 339 132,005 178 28,783 283 103,217 485 569,545 670 1,718,185 429 215,236 315 116,804 55 5,055 156 22,639 157 49,637 28 3,293 304 118,564 730 4 56 161 220 155 134 229 47 26 156 AB 163 117 527 73 208 112 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dtit-T aro Liiisi^il nn rojiorl^ for only a sample of farms, "^eo tpxl^ (For riprmitions and esplanalionp, sop tevt) Total all fanns Under 10 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres r \RMS BY COLOR VND TENURE OF OPERATOR All tatm operators: Full owners number, . Part owners number. , Ml lenanLs number.. Cash tenanus number.. Share-cash tcnanlp number. . Crop-share tenants ■ number. . Livestock-share tenunLs number.. Croppers number. , Other and unspecified tenants number. , White farm operators: Full owners number.. Part owners number . . All tenants number. . Croppers number.. Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number. . All tenants number.. Croppers number.. FARMS BY TYTE OF FARM Cash-grain fanns number . . Tobacco farms '■ number, . Cotton farms number. . Other field-crop farms number.. Vegetable farms number, . Fniit-and-nut farms number, , Poultrj- farms number., Dair>' farms number, , Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number.. General farms number,. Miscellaneous farms number,, SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT WD FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting, , number,. Com pickers farms reporting, , number,, Fick-up balers farms reporting, , number, , Field forage harvesters farms reporting. , number.. Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Tractors - farms reporting. . number. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number. , 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting.. -1 tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 or more tractors farms reporting. . Wheel tractors farms reporting.. number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . number., \utomobiles farms reporting. , number. , Automobiles and/or motortnicks farms reporting. , Telephone farms reporting. , Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting . , Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. , Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which locateil: Hard surface farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale forms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a haitl surface road farms reporting, 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting, 1 mile farms reporting, 2 or Smiles farms reporting, 4 miles farms reporting, 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting, , persons. Regular hired workers (employed ISO or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker fams reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. .lor 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 62,240 17,643 25,627 4,940 586 4,003 1,560 10,412 4,121 56,172 15,617 14,399 4,280 6,068 2,026 11,228 6,132 1,329 7,961 12,476 3,401 456 504 9,923 2,319 9,230 12,643 1,653 9,285 10,340 9,410 9,677 5,742 5,375 1,490 1,651 60,627 72,734 62,537 93,039 60,711 89,392 43,436 11,360 3,537 1,248 1,130 60,407 87,719 1,415 1,673 3,531 3,697 75,649 88,323 93,734 47,247 56,663 2,735 2,746 330 5,712 37,838 6,269 60,151 23,338 36,763 15,173 17,947 2,015 1,628 18,674 60,144 9,700 23,729 5,310 1,958 1,412 731 289 93,748 5,908 6,615 3,499 356 2,927 635 20 185 61 1,025 1,001 3,154 276 1,777 435 345 80 1,150 590 15 285 235 35 45 10 1,657 260 10 123 25 25 35 35 15 15 15 15 2,127 2,275 1,005 1,102 720 731 669 46 700 756 25 25 311 321 4,637 5,144 5,443 2,371 2,579 10 15 3,133 334 3,211 1,525 1,686 730 765 66 125 332 629 202 353 131 43 17 5 5,366 427 532 14,335 2,366 10,633 1,485 130 1,625 205 5,771 1,417 13,060 1,791 4,372 1,830 1,825 575 6,261 3,941 270 1,855 4,670 690 150 75 2,353 55 355 850 121 350 360 350 365 200 210 55 65 10,417 11,070 9,299 10,444 3,608 9,461 7,940 553 80 10 25 3,532 9,285 151 176 978 933 18,478 20,475 22,535 9,555 10,686 110 U5 40 183 10,092 1,749 15,559 6,777 3,782 3,811 4,161 445 365 1,460 3,532 425 879 274 63 47 24 24,627 1,302 2,027 7,573 1,105 3,061 545 60 550 195 1,250 461 6,638 905 1,576 500 885 200 1,485 750 71 1,000 1,525 360 70 36 1,139 55 595 55 275 235 240 240 180 185 20 20 5,348 6,172 6,053 6,367 5,872 6,430 5,425 376 46 10 15 5,837 6,354 71 76 412 437 8,173 9,226 10,239 4,531 5,706 85 70 20 65 3,828 692 7,048 2,736 4,312 1,970 1,965 221 156 875 2,066 233 282 195 27 11 10,597 485 672 7,941 1,501 2,631 471 75 580 250 905 350 7,146 1,281 1,686 475 795 220 945 430 140 1,215 1,320 365 55 30 1,229 155 736 1,380 86 445 465 570 570 200 200 70 70 6,900 7,352 7,587 8,603 7,397 3,268 6,626 686 75 5 5 7,362 8,133 110 135 330 335 8,183 9,213 10,903 4,829 6,153 155 175 10 207 3,790 718 7,325 2,392 4,433 1,845 2,223 205 160 1,235 2,576 363 231 53 23 10,966 434 695 GEORGIA 113 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data arc baspd on reports for only a sample of fanrs. See text] (hor definition? anH edplanations, see text) Size of farm-Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,099 acres 2,000 acrvs anr] F4R»IS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full Li>\Tier? number. Part onTiers number. Ail tenants number. Gash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Crof>-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. While farm operators: Full owners number. Part owrTiers number. All tenants number. Croppers number. Nonwhite farm operators; h^jll owners number. Part owners number. Ail tenants number. Croppers number . FAmiS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain fanns number., Tobacco farms number . . Cotton farms number . . Other field-crop farms number.. Vegetable farms number.. Iruit-and-nut farms number.. Poultry farms number.. Dair\' farms number. . Livestock fanns other than poultry and tiairy faims ..number.. General farms number. . Miscellaneous farms number. . SPEOFTED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES .AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. . number.. Com pickers farms reporting. , number. . Pick-uo balers farms reporting. . number.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number. . \k3tortnjcks farms reporting.. number, , Tractors [arms reporting.. numt>er. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number.. 1 tractor farms reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors farms reporting . . 4 tractors farms reporting.. 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. IVheel tractors forms reporting.. number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting., number.. Garden tractors farms reporting. . number, . \utomobile5 farms reporting. . number,. \utomobile= and. or motortmcks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine.. farms reporting.. Electric milk crxiler farms reporting. . Crop dner (for grain, forM:e, or other crops) farms reporting.. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kinil of roati on which loi:ateil; Hard surface farms reporting, , Gravel, shell, or shale farms repoting.. Dirt or unimproved, farms re(x>rting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . Imile farms rejxjrting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting, . 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting,. FA.RM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. , persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker , farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired wotirers farms refiorting. . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Operators not reporting residence number . . See footnotes at end of table. 5,040 1,706 1,240 330 VS 260 UO 325 U5 4,605 1,511 975 235 435 195 265 90 85 625 870 280 15 15 585 220 331 1,495 108 672 687 790 795 362 362 65 65 5,579 6,210 6,265 8,019 6,150 7,815 4,700 1,270 155 15 10 6,130 7,760 45 55 197 20i, 5,676 6,589 7,346 3,496 5,036 275 270 45 371 2,609 527 4,7U 1,618 3,096 1,281 1,4S5 185 145 1,491 3,506 570 817 406 138 10 15 1 7,203 328 470 3,396 1,397 867 265 45 150 135 160 112 3,071 1,257 651 100 325 140 216 60 95 500 575 291 5 15 389 226 693 1,191 100 642 667 S23 338 401 401 67 72 4,234 4,809 4,514 6,250 4,469 6,034 3,112 1,153 162 35 7 4,459 6,013 71 71 161 166 4,133 4,838 5,376 2,376 3,718 251 256 45 436 1,795 295 3,506 1,342 2,164 850 1,127 96 91 1,251 3,157 509 901 344 113 30 5 17 5,016 373 308 2,222 1,072 450 130 35 75 75 35 50 2,072 972 360 60 150 100 90 25 100 306 320 155 10 10 263 221 545 781 85 570 595 810 825 370 375 95 95 2,399 3,488 3,224 4,893 3,183 4,727 1,925 1,017 211 25 5 3,168 4,632 75 95 161 166 2,829 3,324 3,500 2,015 2,613 231 231 55 413 1,250 233 2,193 700 1,493 615 697 U6 70 1,110 2,653 504 864 367 69 41 22 5 3,304 202 255 5,240 3,352 1,143 376 70 110 170 236 181 5,010 3,127 982 205 230 225 161 31 196 613 957 535 30 97 530 605 1,639 2,281 340 2,308 2,504 2,395 2,440 1,216 1,221 321 326 7,931 10,373 8,713 15, 761 8,618 15,459 3,916 3,137 1,170 318 77 8,593 15,229 205 230 272 302 3,012 9,753 9,334 5,848 7,U5 677 676 160 1,480 3,679 513 5,525 1,3U 3,714 1,438 1,856 225 195 4,064 U,545 2,446 4,253 1,552 489 307 78 20 8,573 710 529 2,560 1,802 402 UO 40 20 71 90 71 2,490 1,762 357 80 70 40 45 10 156 271 403 195 15 76 190 405 1,272 1,155 270 1,396 2,173 1,491 1,536 1,423 1,458 389 454 4,290 7,003 4,467 11,197 4,427 10,939 1,122 1,491 1,048 440 326 4,410 10,622 259 317 233 258 4,348 5,954 4,793 3,618 3,812 477 467 224 1,250 2,234 314 2,270 708 1,562 457 374 130 101 3,132 12,308 2,341 5,319 998 589 475 237 42 4,056 644 217 891 609 113 48 11 6 U 13 24 604 105 9 43 35 149 100 9 45 59 109 502 431 131 373 1,093 624 679 621 642 163 190 1,570 3,214 1,617 5,455 1,607 5,372 284 371 336 253 363 1,601 5,188 141 184 67 83 1,544 2,433 1,706 1,384 1,337 145 141 101 533 941 109 653 218 435 167 206 35 27 1,251 7,094 1,030 3,863 257 223 284 192 74 1,291 352 106 357 240 26 2 2 7 356 239 24 1 1 1 2 1 17 14 51 30 2 29 13 32 247 168 123 471 723 312 369 402 454 120 159 694 2,174 713 3,662 716 3,599 87 U4 107 116 292 711 3,411 156 188 41 63 656 1,265 739 629 587 53 54 75 317 436 38 249 83 166 47 92 11 16 633 7,167 562 4,444 97 80 129 142 U4 524 177 55 114 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued (^D&ta are t)ased on reports For only a sample of fainis. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all faims Under 10 acres 50 to 69 acres 70 to S9 acres USE OF COMMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial lertilizer and fertilizing mptefials used during the year farms reporting. . . acres on which used . . , Ions... Dry materials faims reporting. . . [ens... Liquid materials faims reporting. .. tons . , , Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... acres Dry mateciala fanns reporting... tons. .. Liquid materials Jarms reporting... tons... Other pasture (not ctt)pland) farms reporting... acres , . . Dry materials farms reporting tons.. . Liquid materials farms reporting. .. tons Com farms reporting... Dry materials farms importing... tons , . . Liquid materials farms reporting. .. tons... Soybeans farms reporting. . . acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . . Ions . . . Cotton ,.,... farms reporting acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting... tons. .. Liquid materials farms reporting. . . tons.. . All other crops farms reporting. . . acres... Dry materials farms repotting. . . tons Liquid materials farms reporting.. . tons. .. Lime or liming materials used during the year [aims reporting. . - acres limed... tons . . . SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting... Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. .. dollars. .. Under $100 farms reporting. . . $100 to $999 farms reporting... ?1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting... $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting... $5,000 or more farms reporting Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. .. dollars. .. Under $1,000 farms reporting. . . $1,000 to $2,499 farms renorting... $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting... $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting... $10,000 or more faims reporting... Machine hire farms reporting... dollars... Under $200 farms reporting... $2C0 to $999 farms reporting... $1,000 or more farms reporting, . , Hired labor farms reporting.. . dol I ars . . . Under $200 farms reporting... $200 to $499 farms reporting... $500 to $999 farms reporting... $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. . . $2,.500 to $4,999 farms reporting... $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting... $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting... .$20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting. . . $.50,000 or more farms reporting.. . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. .. dollars.. . Under $100 farms reporting $100 to$499 farms reporting. .. $500 to $999 , (arms reporting... $1,000 or more farms reporting... Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. .. dollars Under $100 farms reporting... $100 to $499 farms reporting... $500 to .$999 farms reporting... $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting... $5,(00 or more farms reporting... See footnotes at end of table. 37,332 5,243,840 1,197,593 37,139 1,157,043 5,553 40,550 20,319 728,824 19,933 148,062 1,476 8,165 10,314 369,328 10,532 69,510 767 4,848 70,936 2,350,653 70,723 442,914 3,684 18,760 1,994 43,355 1,979 6,969 27 110 42,136 624,659 42,105 203,359 1,171 3,6% 48,770 1,127,336 48,593 286,229 801 4,971 14,978 414,941 409,880 105,201 75,606 155,928, 719 21,535 35,933 4,303 5,399 8,431 41,439 58,260,630 29,948 5,336 3,219 1,679 757 58,267 17,165,247 34,964 20,222 3,081 54,631 57,243,360 20,794 13,978 7,383 7,337 3,009 1,402 50i 218 51 50,368 12,035,242 26,970 17,476 3,635 2,287 93,184 31,647,435 45,356 34,501 10,763 7,197 362 2,847 12,476 4,608 2,337 4,544 45 64 85 300 85 125 115 355 110 102 10 7' 1,235 4,160 1,230 1,012 15 855 4,055 350 1,316 5 35 1,312 3,601 1,307 1,983 15 17 125 375 355 6,630 4,823 15,822,250 1,451 1,555 220 590 1,007 2,997 4,191,780 1,761 781 240 177 38 1,471 97,905 1,395 71 5 1,549 977,695 955 290 77 121 86 8 11 1,483 216,663 1,316 85 40 47 5,713 458,997 4,601 959 131 27 21,927 351,504 87,069 21,896 86,418 436 651 2,220 15,560 2,215 3,757 35 27 1,191 8,263 1,185 2,130 11 17,157 164,738 17,137 31,091 295 286 175 740 175 163 10,730 102,570 10,760 30,737 150 193 9,735 59,633 9,760 13,540 60 139 1,505 12,030 12,500 27,546 16,720 29,050,876 7,162 6,305 430 965 1,808 9,347 8,290,439 7,084 1,195 731 272 65 14,006 1,788,465 11,121 2,830 55 9,293 3,234,400 5,776 2,330 657 355 106 35 19 15 10,103 783,117 8,238 1,741 60 64 24,161 2,215,530 17,674 5,%5 400 117 5 9,819 244,677 55,265 9,804 54,723 250 542 1,501 14,158 1,476 3,379 40 53 885 8,710 830 2,022 35 26 3,307 136,215 8,237 24,050 145 342 125 685 125 113 4,580 45,920 4,570 13,991 55 55 5,237 33,989 5,227 U,168 30 66 1,070 9,415 11,005 11,619 7,717 11,437,643 2,396 3,482 210 400 729 4,119 3,234,351 3,230 465 291 116 17 6,447 1,064,785 4,736 1,671 40 4,832 1,453,615 2,795 1,280 482 222 31 22 5,332 466, 696 3,337 1,355 75 15 10,789 1,400,260 6,363 3,984 332 60 10,415 341,183 77,040 10,405 75,955 4U 1,085 2,126 25,657 2,m 5,416 75 171 1,125 14,095 1,121 3,571 46 124 3,378 185,329 8,858 33,161 255 571 130 1,715 175 263 5 10 4,902 51,954 4,892 16,374 90 181 5,991 62,433 5,976 17,170 35 28 1,496 16,675 16,940 11,999 8,378 15,705,320 2,801 3,933 295 430 919 4,621 4,487,930 3,512 575 355 126 53 6,778 1,393,482 4,503 2,135 140 5,824 2,325,080 2,676 1,871 702 453 96 23 2 5,865 635,652 3,813 1,852 165 35 11,333 2,106,203 5,457 4,906 394 121 5 GEORGIA 115 State Table 20- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fData are based on reports for only a sample of fainis. See texlj {For definitions ejid explanations, see text) Size of fann^Continued 140 to 179 acres 500 to 999 acres 2,000 acres and over I'SE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AMD LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres on which used, . tons.. Dry materirds farms reporting. . Ions. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . acres., I>y matecials farms reporting., tons., Liifuid materials farms reporting. , tons,. Other pasture (not croplanrl) farms reporting.. acres. , Dry materials fanns reporting.. tons.. Li(|uid materials farms reporting. . tons.. Com farms reporting.. acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Ions.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Soybeans farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons. . CtTttOQ farms repotting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. All other crops farms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. . acres limed.. tons.. SPEanED FARM EXPENDITURES .Any of the following specified expenditures farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Under $100 farms $100 to $999 fams $1,000 to ,1;i,999 farms $2,000 to $4,999 farms $5,000 or more farms Purchase of livestock and poultry farms Under $1,000 farms $1,000 to $2,499 farms $2,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to S9,999 farms $10,000 or more farms Machine hire farms Under $200 farms $200 to $999 farms $1,000 or more farms Hired labor farms Under $200 farms $200 to $499 farms $500 to $999 [arms $1,000 to $2,499 farms $2,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to $9,999 farms $10,000 to $19,999 farms $20,000 to $49,999 farms $50,000 or more farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms Under $100 farms $100 to $499 farms $S00to»99 farms $1,000 or more farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms Under $100 farms $100 to $499 farms $500loS©99 farms $1,000 to $4,999 farms $5,000 or more farms See footnotes at end of table. reporting. , reporting., dollars., reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , dollars,, reporting, , reporting. , reporting. , reporting., report! ng . . reporli ng . . dollars. . reporting. . reporting., reporting.. reporting. . dollars., reporting. . report] ng . . reporting., reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting.. reporting. . dolkrs. . reporting. . rcfxjrtjng.. reporting., reporting.. reporting. . dollars. . reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . 7,100 390,350 36,085 7,055 S4,532 455 1,553 1,952 39,220 1,927 3,343 80 150 1,042 17,320 1,022 3,835 40 128 6,068 211,725 6,056 38,370 345 1,061 191 2,680 191 438 3,580 45,350 3,580 14,496 110 166 4,221 74,055 4,216 19,050 30 48 1,406 25,960 25,050 7,946 6,169 9,609,771 1,490 3,483 321 375 500 3,251 3,453,593 2,546 350 210 120 25 4,947 1,351,570 2,700 2,061 186 4,954 2,716,292 1,671 1,532 901 752 81 li 5 4,603 330,330 2,082 2,161 325 35 7,676 2,339,553 2,288 3,703 1,322 363 5,016 332,114 72,909 5,006 70,899 386 2,00.0 1,546 34,540 1,506 7,332 105 363 788 15,919 773 2,935 40 217 4,318 178,514 4,313 31,772 275 1,107 146 1,513 146 246 2,563 37,675 2,563 12,083 91 153 3,272 63,953 3,267 16,531 70 170 1,172 22,515 23,025 5,661 4,407 7,993,320 846 2,611 250 310 390 2,258 2,476,861 1,708 275 150 96 29 3,503 1,276,065 1,586 1,641 276 3,882 2,773,937 1,237 1,U5 720 6U 157 26 1 10 2 3,204 701,402 1,197 1,629 320 58 5,535 2,013,012 1,417 2,510 1,243 365 3,389 8,840 4,456 272,368 1,000,142 881,016 61, 973 227,335 207,952 3,374 8,805 4,436 59,597 218,864 198,666 400 1,213 801 2,376 8,471 9,236 1,152 3,573 2,176 37,956 148,605 165,392 1,U7 3,472 2, IOC 7,667 31,070 33,365 130 337 311 661 1,617 1,825 650 1,762 1,211 19,895 59,537 32,160 635 1,697 1,171 3,625 11,235 16,171 90 180 135 431 952 636 2,852 7,307 3,412 133,861 457,466 323,782 2,837 7,272 3,377 25,684 86,537 65,419 255 817 510 1,021 4,342 4,520 115 402 267 2,225 7,697 11,455 115 397 262 425 1,251 1,851 10 10 51 45 1,595 4,518 2,034 26,535 101,176 71,515 1,590 4,513 2,019 8,301 33,854 25,401 55 260 U5 146 726 587 2,213 5,797 2,923 52,261 225, 6U 221,212 2,203 5,752 2,903 13,895 54,907 56,449 30 165 155 117 783 1,573 952 2,740 1,886 24,553 85,963 95,309 25,503 86,924 91,176 3,746 9,787 4,907 3,116 8,258 4,318 7,675,914 17,230,138 14,053,963 561 1,299 332 1,736 4,538 2,132 240 856 600 176 719 591 403 846 663 1,734 4,436 2,435 2,823,820 6,647,216 6,385,875 1,246 3,094 1,302 225 542 470 125 363 336 96 231 177 42 106 150 2,347 6,419 3,064 892,970 3,249,070 2,213,110 985 2,329 733 1,192 3,298 1,671 170 792 660 2,785 7,687 4,266 2,532,557 10,619,455 11,887,335 790 1,441 403 635 1,657 503 537 1,419 607 581 1,879 1,256 173 903 852 61 312 454 8 63 111 U 71 2 4 2,249 5,980 3,227 620,508 2,181,145 2,270,884 762 1,650 440 1,097 2,838 1,254 295 993 828 95 494 705 3,661 9,615 4,876 1,701,657 5,976,833 5,382,024 740 1,536 484 1,540 3,405 1,160 919 2,515 1,100 457 2,149 2,047 5 10 35 1,582 522,147 U6,782 1,579 1U,033 311 5,744 859 112,328 839 21,302 140 1,463 463 55,423 450 9,430 60 555 1,227 172,994 1,222 34,530 207 2,520 101 5,987 101 935 2 4 774 44,456 773 15,705 71 452 996 130,954 992 29,136 63 750 643 49,427 48,313 1,745 1,494 6,534,010 82 680 251 212 269 850 3,452,034 379 161 120 93 97 1,152 1,294,076 219 557 376 1,561 7,562,187 102 141 156 352 326 295 139 40 10 1,179 1,339,041 US 407 215 439 1,727 3,024,061 117 361 255 884 110 701 418,370 94,505 697 87,756 150 6,749 416 93,172 402 17,694 73 1,584 239 65, 535 231 9,980 35 1,535 531 114,313 528 22,987 99 1,767 47 5,550 47 809 326 31,950 326 11,543 34 779 ^^/|/^ 108,350 441 24,733 43 1,083 344 50,379 47,203 755 579 6,233,803 21 241 115 135 167 387 . 3,029,853 138 57 47 43 92 467 842,774 87 169 211 712 7,838,243 17 36 34 125 137 144 122 58 29 519 949,032 40 145 89 245 751 2,222,485 35 92 106 377 141 116 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample or faniis. See lext] Item (For definitiona and explanations, see text) Total all fanns Under 10 acres 70 to 99 acres ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars . All crops sold .dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . Vegetables sold dollars . Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LtVESTOCK PRODUfTTS Cattle and calves Cows, inclurling heifers that have calved Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves . , .farms reporting. number. . .farms reporting. number. . .farms reporting. number. . .farms reporting. number. . .farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head 2 to 4 head 5 to 9 head 10 to 19 head 20 to 49 head 50 to 99 head 100 to 499 head . . 500 or more head . , .farms reporting. . , .farms reporting. . , .farms reporting.. , .farms reporting.. . .farms reporting., .farms reporting. . , .farms reporting.. .farms reporting. . Cows including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. , 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting., 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms refwrting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head Calms reporting. . Horses antl/or mutes farms reporting.. number, . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1, farms reporting.. number.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. . number. . dol I ars . . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. (iol 1 ars . , Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms renorting. . pounds. , dollars., Chickens including broilers sold -. farms reporting., dollars,. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. , dozens. . doll ars . , See footnotes at end of table. 607,903,993 5,720 283,809,547 229,006,309 7,232,937 16,026,^03 31,544,093 324,094,446 163,977,836 40,177,610 119,939,000 71,773 1,394,763 67,160 700,591 43,177 197,223 53,158 390,141 46,135 304,031 8,580 20,010 14,227 12,24« 10,233 4,093 2,230 104 13,739 31,891 7,423 3,038 3,(K3 1,585 602 839 21,198 19,443 320 368 945 533 134 186 39,774 72,846 73,176 1,867,046 49,121 1,040,306 66,474 826,740 84S 33,332 547 7,950 783 25,382 698 22,359 658 3,023 66,153 12,003,339 48,428 602,048 69,695,428 48,270 1,700,323 49,309,367 549 19,813 237,756 5,308 736, 613, 8U 40,177,610 15,473 116,739,209 13,137 lU, 355, 325 45,655,694 25,776,803 3,777 3,428,910 1,893,041 91,945 79,105 1,364,819 22,347,893 21,040,641 19,710 1,287,542 2,197 9,279 1,752 3,623 1,227 1,333 1,331 3,451 970 2,205 571 906 490 190 40 941 781 30 301 426 935 1,635 3,654 37,154 2,333 22,007 3,212 15,147 20 70 10 10 20 60 20 60 3,430 1,164,955 1,120 4,045 384,385 2,206 30,053 871,682 120 367,374 19,710 2,157 16,454,027 993 11,163,470 4,577,024 74,170,197 2,653 29,290,715 25,674,296 729,790 433,753 2,452,876 44,879,482 38,906,024 443,950 5,529,503 14,337 64,625 12,801 23,324 9,499 15,404 8,435 21,445 6,335 14,356 3,470 6,374 2,930 1,2CE 340 20 1 6,783 5,738 220 40 15 5 6,159 3,305 10 10 15 9,111 12,901 17,606 153,144 9,770 84,540 15,215 68,60i 75 735 35 145 60 590 55 510 55 80 17,053 2,300,921 7,384 23,733 2,357,767 7,729 105,950 3,072,550 40 660 7,920 755 7,977,747 443,950 4,021 28,281,429 2,835 25,629,037 10,507,935 33,322,597 2,835 14,941,522 13,421,445 360,455 337,262 822,360 18,381,075 13,698,699 357,080 4,325,296 7,659 48,661 7,U9 22,327 5,080 9,600 5,091 15,942 4,017 10,392 1,291 3,002 1,782 1,154 390 40 2,904 3,769 356 65 20 2,865 2,165 20 20 10 4,668 6,909 8,081 114,047 5,079 63,321 7,301 50,726 80 1,970 40 560 75 1,410 50 1,165 65 245 7,609 674,815 4,322 17, 521 1,633,100 4,886 83,948 2,579,492 50 775 9,300 425 7,245,916 357,080 1,604 11,607,072 1,257 5,085,436 2,035,027 46,203,541 3,820 19,991,673 18,366,753 p41,990 274,774 708,161 26,211,863 18,512,494 1,296,215 6,403,154 3,794 68,208 8,228 32,971 5,841 14,343 6,158 20,905 5,073 14,332 1,251 2,996 2,305 1,430 707 50 5 2,766 4,715 526 151 65 5 3,015 2,671 55 50 45 5 4,882 7,898 8,876 161,100 5,635 34,986 3,a;9 76, U4 55 665 30 235 45 430 40 400 30 30 8,308 1,034,632 5,262 24,915 2,446,935 5,649 133,921 3,383,709 25 565 6,730 515 24,675,740 1,296,215 1,789 14,588,413 1,581 9,419,865 3,862,146 53,949,614 4,168 25,721,5U 22,840,692 576,695 554,111 1,740,013 28,228,103 16,504,681 2,231,585 9,441,837 9,838 103,626 9,341 50,970 6,119 13,507 7,503 30,638 6,433 22,013 911 2,606 2,565 2,363 1,221 151 21 2,153 5,764 1,008 243 142 20 10 1 2,647 3,250 60 56 85 15 5 1 5,066 7,539 9,667 224,854 6,612 124,985 3,972 99,869 101 2,341 76 776 85 2,065 75 1,825 70 240 8,792 1,260,913 6,487 39, 7X 3,828,091 6,902 191,393 5,550,397 65 1,050 12,600 703 42,715,603 2,231,585 1,621 11,526,952 1,758 11,335,510 4,852,559 GEORGIA 117 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ape baaed on reports for only a sample of famia. See texlj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Sise of faim-Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 2fiO lo 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farni protliicts SOllJ total, dollara. average per farm, dollara. All Clops sold dollars. Field cTt}ps, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, aold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fniits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty prt>ducts sold dollars . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. number. &)W3, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms repjrting. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattje and calves- 1 head 2 to 4 head 5 to 9 head ID to 19 head 20 to 49 head 50 to 99 head 100 to 499 head 500 or more head 'arms reporting., arms reporting, . 'arms reporting, 'arms reoorting. . i reporting. , arms reporting., arms reporting., arms reporting.. Covs including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms repotting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting, 10 to 19 head Jarms reoorting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. lOu or more head farms reporting. Vfilk cows- 1 head farms reporting. . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. .. 30 to 49 hetul farms reporting, .. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . . 75 to 99 head farms re[»rting. , . 100 or more head farms reporting... Horses and/or mules farms reporting... Hogs and pigs farms reporting... number. . . Bom since June 1 farms reporting. ,, number,., Bom before June 1 farms reporting. , , number,., Sheep and lambs Lambs under 1 year old Sheep 1 year old and over Ewes Rams and wethers Chickens 4 months old and over . 'arms reporting. , number., 'arms reporting. . number. . 'arms reporting. . number. , 'arms reporting., number. , arms reporting.. number,, "arms reporting., number. , Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. , number. , dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive forms reporting.. number. , dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. , dollars, , Milk and cream sold 1 farms reporting. . pounds . . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . dollars,. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens., dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. "M3,238,399 5,029 18,984,985 17,215,749 /a3,785 376,234 969,217 21,253,414 10,178,901 2,522,395 8,552,U8 6,318 85,773 6,003 44,350 3,835 15,890 4,863 24,990 4,458 16,433 420 1,605 1,467 1,442 1,118 241 25 1,190 3,424 852 277 190 50 15 5 1,565 2,015 55 40 120 25 10 5 3,046 4,760 5,969 182,842 4,433 103,336 5,529 79,506 45 870 45 180 45 690 45 645 35 45 5,354 733,U3 4,437 36,089 3,697,890 4,658 165,694 4,805,126 35 490 5,880 465 44,336,800 2,522,395 1,0«) 7,473,189 1,172 6,401,515 2,624,622 33,934,062 5,956 17,248,522 14,941,950 424,545 462,055 1,419,972 16,685,540 7,124,854 2,941,685 6,619,001 4,687 30,631 4,542 42,521 2,631 14,243 3,894 23,927 3,495 14,183 230 862 941 1,223 1,094 306 31 737 2,383 348 267 236 40 25 6 1,109 1,286 20 55 105 25 25 6 2,133 3,760 4,326 140,735 3,273 78,099 4,079 62,636 35 1,460 25 320 25 1,140 25 1,030 25 110 3,693 676,977 3,449 31,472 3,078,582 3,420 121,313 3,518,077 35 630 7,560 336 53,410,740 2,941,635 709 5,4U,551 702 3,666,090 1,503,098 30,737,308 8,186 13,543,086 11,750,835 246,645 453,721 1,086,835 17,244,222 7,333,771 3,590,420 6,315,031 3,101 63,203 2,971 35,74-4 1,734 13,239 2,563 20,157 2,335 12,307 146 505 457 785 841 336 31 396 1,372 630 251 196 120 1 5 717 736 21 25 95 85 1,567 2,827 2,816 109,933 2,179 64,972 2,615 44,961 45 1,945 30 310 45 1,635 45 1,520 45 U5 2,446 651,760 2,469 29,512 3,046,975 2,301 110,804 3,213,316 50 1,170 14,040 346 67,376,801 3,590,420 573 4,545,468 555 6,787,531 2,782,838 96,671,337 9,347 51,946,460 43,293,373 1,237,275 3,074,765 4,335,547 44,724,877 14,240,125 9,830,175 20,654,577 3,289 254,200 7,999 134,599 4,440 39,044 7,313 70,903 6,921 48,698 201 374 957 1,853 2,783 1,267 348 1 612 3,010 1,932 946 950 120 41 1,396 2,354 50 75 325 180 40 20 4,216 3,437 7,184 339,254 5,743 191,046 6,736 148,208 195 6,931 111 1,180 195 5,751 169 4,868 169 383 5,935 1,272,758 7,258 106,937 11,037,315 6,126 327,306 9,491,874 101 5,200 62,400 900 132,544,565 9,830,175 1,153 9,019,387 1,408 11,830,105 4,850,343 80,735,871 16,420 41,471,637 30,863,041 1,467,890 3,136,657 5,999,049 39,264,234 9,024,U8 9,958,835 20,281,281 4,321 273,578 4,226 145,477 1,993 33,963 3,917 73,729 3,927 54,372 75 211 257 437 1,290 1,177 367 7 205 717 785 585 375 597 233 229 715 301 20 30 130 160 70 67 2,477 3,151 3,404 241,663 2,716 135,276 3,227 106,387 112 7,331 81 1,685 107 6,146 97 5,291 96 355 2,517 878,231 4,070 114,124 13,006,527 2,936 244,206 7,081,974 81 3,295 39,540 533 182,095,294 9,958,835 537 4,490,247 641 9,746,U9 3,995,906 46,678,750 26,689 25,836,819 17,247,733 530,233 3,362,956 4,695,897 20,791,931 4,694,886 4,662,664 11,434,381 1,546 163,504 1,503 84,245 558 14,109 1,445 43,682 1,413 35,577 10 49 64 92 330 332 605 14 39 174 196 170 273 242 127 232 156 263 5 7 13 31 23 55 1,039 3,881 1,131 96,254 943 52,904 1,061 43,350 • 53 4,360 42 1,601 50 3,259 48 3,068 41 191 773 592,397 1,490 69,703 8,450,735 1,034 100,112 2,903,248 43 3,450 41,400 150 82,775,417 4,662,664 201 1,636,395 216 7,356,281 3,016,076 45,435,514 60,100 21,353,702 11,486,351 451,689 3,465,815 5,949,347 24,031,812 2,713,642 2,272,396 19,095,274 691 174,470 675 74,940 220 6,998 640 40,372 658 59,158 4 20 12 20 79 128 346 82 13 44 40 43 81 U3 71 270 53 116 4 2 7 11 27 534 4,U8 462 66,066 400 34,834 428 31,232 32 3,154 22 948 31 2,206 29 1,977 27 229 243 216,837 630 104,263 16,677,076 423 80,618 2,337,922 24 2,528 30,336 60 41,091,814 2,272,396 68 1,701,079 69 2,434,316 998,070 118 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See textj Total all farms Size of farm Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres TO to 99 acres 100 to 139 acnn LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed Decembet 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 , . , .farms reporting. . . number of litters... lor 2 liaers farms reporting... 46,553 322,244 16,442 19,729 7,335 2,474 434 139 38,962 151,743 36,338 170,501 75,395 2,431,487 29,726 15,717 14,501 7,234 3,029 5,138 71,148 1,940,852 49,748,504 28,637 20,713,476 7,574 99,160 2,139,291 4,405 1,666,363 10,132 249,608 3,497,523 3,459 4,037,472 670 13,659 423,775 195 178,335 1,097 22,093 330,652 663 251,155 22,794 466,747 741 499,464,819 376,447 2,136 20,329 43,035 254 3,522 3,729 95,638 186,082 716 29,834 6,764 76,582 83,522 702 10,624 5,231 65,899 72,310 270 2,344 7,322 116,781 127,188 610 14,621 10 668 5,474 2,026 5,687 1,321 635 55 15 1,671 3,071 1,216 2,616 1,432 4,428 1,432 1,302 3,943 103,360 305 32,690 35 115 2,650 15 1,675 45 150 5,105 20 3,780 10 10 250 10 100 145 560 641,755 275 IS 30 80 10 40 25 15 50 45 5 15 15 20 20 55 135 120 5 10 7,916 23,327 5,033 2,566 261 56 6,204 12,309 5,211 11,513 18,701 173,314 12,850 4,776 1,075 17,664 157,370 3,393,445 6,670 1,347,410 1,120 5,585 99,800 380 45,005 901 4,230 111,215 176 33,060 30 130 4,050 20 2,000 50 275 2,825 20 1,615 3,545 26,895 70 25,528,975 13,015 220 640 1,125 35 135 116 655 630 30 135 950 3,975 3,735 95 315 641 2,245 1,840 40 U5 1,230 5,500 5,000 130 530 4,367 18,716 2,301 2,200 331 30 5 3,947 9,423 3,501 9,293 8,939 143,051 4,117 2,552 2,100 170 8,564 118,331 2,496,965 3,235 960,120 736 5,016 89,290 371 48,260 721 4,033 114,050 136 34,670 50 360 3,710 5 1,820 10 85 1,500 5 880 2,245 19,720 70 18,600,925 12,135 220 875 1,840 30 250 70 945 1,225 15 255 695 3,700 3,860 80 685 565 2,035 1,955 35 125 740 4,580 4,385 70 420 5,414 26,989 1,957 2,821 540 80 16 4,274 12,663 4,242 14,326 9,333 191,474 3,642 2,435 2,471 740 45 8,813 153,670 3,503,120 3,426 1,407,790 1,021 6,932 127,220 440 64,555 1,000 3,390 249,700 250 93,965 60 585 20,650 15 5,820 45 145 1,635 5 130 2,635 29,935 15 29,258,815 16,506 290 1,405 2,065 35 200 175 1,585 2,365 40 855 845 4,930 4,740 100 450 535 3,010 2,800 30 130 851 5,576 6,047 50 175 6,647 39,131 2,054 3,367 1,051 30 to 39 litters farms reporting... 155 20 70 or more litters farms reporting. .. June 2 to November 30 farms reporting... number of litters... 5,60i 18,345 5,233 number of litters... SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes fanns reporting. . . 20,786 10,118 acres... 274,252 3,247 2,104 2,997 1,295 360 115 9,516 bushels... bushels... 209,511 5,031,210 3,700 1,957,075 932 bushels . . . 8,070 153,810 506 acres . . . bushels . . . 93,635 1,145 U,850 353,635 310 bushels . . . 93,030 60 acres . . . bushels . . . 450 8,675 5 bushels . . . 1,600 62 acres . . . bushels . . . 609 7,380 36 bushels . . . 5,380 3,187 acres gromi with otlier crops . . . 40,678 60 41,741,145 24,280 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for acres . . . tons . . . 245 1,635 2,325 35 tons. . . 345 320 acres . . . tons . . . 3,370 5,935 65 tons . , . 1,070 1,133 acres. . . tons . . . 8,458 9,183 105 tons . . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small acres . . . tons.. . 455 715 4,795 5,150 50 tons. . . 355 807 acres . . . tons . . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons . . . Grass silflge made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or snail grains farms reporting... tons , green weight .. . 6,022 5,698 41 270 See footnotes at end of table. GEORGIA 119 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reporti; for only a ^anijil • of famis. Stw loxl | Item (For definiUons and explanations, see l«xtl Size of fann— Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres J20 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 50O to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters fairowed Decemlier 1, 1958, to Novcmbei 30, 1959 . . .farms reporting., number of litters.. 'arms reporting.. aims reporting.. amis reporting.. ■amis reporting, . 'aims reporti ng . . 'arms reporting. . 'aims reporting. . number of litters,. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters. . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes famis reporting.. acres . , 1 or 2 litters . .. . 3 to 9 litters 10 to 15 litters .. 30 to 39 litters . . 40 to 69 litters .. 70 or more litters June 2 to November Under 11 acres . . 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 74 acres . . . 75 to 99 acres... 100 or more acres Harvested for grai n . . 'arms reporting., 'aims reporting. , 'aims reporting., 'aims reporting., 'arms reporti ng . 'aims reporting., 'arms reporti ng . acres . , bushels.. Sales farms reporting., bushels.. Wheat harvested farms reporting., acres . hoshels . , Sales f alius reporting., hushel£ . , Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . , btLshels, , Sales farms reporting., bttshelB. . Barley harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . , Sales farms reporting. , bitshels . . Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres . . hvishela. , Sales farms reporting. . bushelB . , Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. . acres gromi alone . . acres growit with other crops . . pounds.. Hay crops: land from ^lich hay was cut acres. , Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting , . acres . , tons. , Sales faims reporting . , tons. , Coastal Benmida grass cut for hay farms reporting . , acres . , tons. , Sales farms reporting . , tons.. Lespedeza ctit for hay farms reporting. . acres . , tons. , Sales farms reporting.. tons.. Oats, idieat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . , acres . . tc]ns. , Sales farms reporting. . tons . , Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting . , tons. , Grass silage nBde from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or Email grains farms reporting., acres . , tons , green weight . . See footntrtes at end of table. 4,412 32,272 1,055 2,212 835 235 20 5 3,797 15,415 3,687 16,857 6,418 220,485 1,656 1,247 1,680 1,165 445 225 6,047 167,721 4,161,685 2,480 1,667,410 741 8,495 177,775 451 135,055 751 U,353 34^,275 245 184,735 60 545 14,975 25 9,825 40 220 2,495 20 1,460 2,185 35,815 30 36,796,400 18,532 121 1,053 2,191 5 5 180 2,000 3,540 10 45 643 5,522 5,558 36 630 486 3,817 3,383 20 140 643 6,140 6,515 46 300 3,258 24,941 798 1,458 802 195 5 2,767 U,566 2,744 13,375 4,480 133,406 863 742 1,218 981 391 285 4,228 140,706 3,398,050 1,812 1,360,360 475 5,410 122,605 325 94,630 691 11,560 385,380 291 191,485 50 535 U,750 10 1,500 45 460 10,250 20 8,975 1,742 29,519 25 32,131,760 20,571 165 1,340 3,070 30 185 231 2,760 4,735 35 950 482 5,431 6,761 45 850 391 4,625 5,144 16 96 495 6,365 7,635 30 2,100 2,204 19,396 446 992 551 195 20 1,883 8,417 1,954 10,979 2,973 136,461 561 480 630 656 296 300 2,782 103,242 2,695,650 1,316 1,201,470 310 4,490 107,970 215 87,475 536 10,290 367,435 . 230 186,430 55 1,670 61,000 25 42,275 35 290 3,200 15 1,700 1,220 25,490 115 27,109,910 121 1,275 3,035 15 300 221 2,795 6,925 56 1,300 295 3,670 4,035 10 425 276 3,540 3,660 15 65 367 6,040 6,773 15 540 5,766 60, 4U 990 2,315 1,638 663 75 35 5,149 27,990 4,916 32,421 7,587 469,599 955 964 1,540 1,522 942 1,664 7,151 371,053 9,998,045 3,370 4,294,880 1,058 20,910 471,975 803 402, 190 1,891 49,917 1,651,735 772 339,025 127 3,321 35,135 50 31,935 250 3,63 5 56,145 145 40,960 3,360 105,365 120 119,545,590 74,171 363 4,317 8,680 45 1,185 859 15,769 29,578 1% 5,940 965 17,197 13,930 90 2,030 818 14,530 16,676 25 325 955 22,230 24,930 101 4,710 6 128 1,100 2,724 43,279 353 300 812 563 150 46 2,468 19,638 2,419 23,641 3,552 333,623 231 317 520 537 402 1,495 3,328 263,192 7,696,390 1,532 3,395,360 660 17,247 377,180 560 327,395 1,493 63,100 2,260,085 643 1,151,350 121 3,770 120,450 30 45,900 257 4,972 74,727 156 56,105 1,664 75,939 156 35,907,843 86,326 253 4,759 10,553 11 260 353 25,117 50,349 161 3,245 497 12,130 17,029 65 3,350 553 15,295 17,545 30 720 766 29,025 30,940 95 3,130 936 16,925 99 271 258 200 82 26 346 7,930 319 3,995 1,305 176,392 91 81 170 160 105 693 1,226 147,245 4,275,438 565 1,954,357 249 8,096 194,074 210 174, 532 621 39,173 1,389,379 267 694,722 36 1,230 40,320 7 7,960 179 5,190 75,965 129 55,947 609 49,566 61 54,627,619 76 2,024 4,267 9 340 406 17,973 34,559 64 6,255 161 6,631 8,602 14 352 187 6,997 8,162 7 215 260 13,670 17,134 18 2,103 383 10,670 35 92 101 87 41 27 355 4,976 346 5,694 557 119,502 31 19 50 58 43 356 527 99,818 2,934,646 226 1,134,054 137 8,794 209,942 124 191,956 332 35,562 1,261,479 119 526,220 21 1,063 45,060 3 27,700 114 6,222 94,280 102 77,903 257 27,215 19 27,574,077 1 98 734 45,923 42 1,476 3,254 4 317 238 22,679 46, U6 44 4,784 73 4,333 6,044 7 567 99 4,990 5,475 2 23 148 11,493 12,0U 9 223 3 442 3,590 120 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [paiA are based on reports for only a sample of tamis. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) ToUl all fanns Under 10 acres 100 to 139 acres SPEaFIED CHOPS BARVESTED-Continued Cotton harvested farms Irish potatoes harvested for bane use or for sale f aims Sweetpotatoes harvested for hone use or for sale fanns Tobacco harvested farms Vegetahles harvested for sale farms Sales land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vlneyarda, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . acres . bales . reporting . acres^ bushels. reporting . . acres^ . bushels . . reporting . . acres.. pounds. . reporting . . . . . dollars . . reporting . acres . 42,450 628,614 513,742 10,081 1,036 152,548 14,682 14,647 1,857,739 19,515 68,661 97,867,882 10,911 7,232,937 18,762 194,664 875 4,195 3,540 445 33 5,935 580 161 17,380 545 1,397 1,926,215 356 91,945 470 1,067 10,891 103,840 34,042 2,902 240 36,230 3,906 1,728 187,980 3,506 3,722 U,765,150 2,246 729,790 2,787 9,750 4,650 46,280 35,450 1,270 123 19,285 1,830 818 35,590 2,105 5,258 7,145,350 1,220 360,455 1,562 5,575 4,917 52,239 41,227 1,435 174 22,925 1,976 1,276 150,265 2,646 7,675 10,936,515 1,496 541,990 1,903 5,840 5,689 61,593 47,762 1,312 143 19,640 1,741 1,089 U3,600 3,038 9,463 13,524,395 1,473 576,695 2,388 9,341 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. GEORGIA 121 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on repoits for only a sample of tamts. See (exlj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of fani>-Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 21d acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over SPEXIFTED CROPS HABVESTED-Condniied Cotton hai^ested farms reportljig. . acres . . bales . . Irish potattjes hm^.'ested ftn" home use or for sale farms reporttrtg.. acres^. bushels. . Sireetpotatoes harvested for home use or ftar sale farms reporting. . acres^ . bushels.. Tobacco harvested famts reporting . . acsres . . pounds.. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reportljig. . Sales dollars . . land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nat trees^ farms reporting.. acres . . 3,535 46,020 36,645 845 65 10,540 1,215 931 119,005 1,870 6,078 8,431,310 875 423,785 1,580 6,009 2,568 37,724 29,769 475 45 8,290 793 665 65,192 1,428 5,855 7,923,390 720 424,545 1,303 6,368 1,600 26,790 21,370 4,518 101,386 85,648 330 45 6,310 723 72 U,105 445 278 37,935 977 4,169 ,841,935 1,376 3,488 450,528 2,187 11,101 16,773,802 386 246,645 1,271 1,237,275 925 5,393 2,808 34,469 2,044 71,555 61,301 239 27 4,640 571 2,123 314,215 867 5,854 9,L27,815 563 1,467,390 1,905 37,709 787 44,976 38,558 73 27 2,745 183 1,029 146,614 216 1,310 2,657,172 231 580,233 763 39,845 326 32,016 27,930 27 42 4,903 61 1,061 169,435 80 1,279 1,814,833 69 451,639 368 32,798 122 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text] (For descriptions and explanations, Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fafms jiumber.. Percent distribution percent.. Land in fafms acres.. Percent distribution percent. . Average si ze of farm acres . . Value Of land and buildings; Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres fatms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres. farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 to 499 acres farnis reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . acres.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting.. acres . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. acres.. Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) famis reporting.. acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting.. Itrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices; Ojpland in cover crops fanns reporting.. acres.. CnDpland used for grain or row crops fanned on the contour farms reporting. . acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Opefators fepofting age number.. Under 25 years .number. . 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number. . 65 or more years .number.. Average age years.. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 lo 99 days operators reporting.. too to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. See footnotes at end of [Able. 106,271 XXX 19,644,019 XXX 184.8 16,464 100.03 90,409 4,984,896 20,292 16,106 11,423 13,971 16,134 8,277 3,478 607 121 38,164 1,340,763 40,189 1,209,851 9,386 273,085 34,831 936,766 44,550 3,092,515 61,958 7,058,719 37,419 1,389,473 19,461 683,087 2,258 37,963 6,959 191,707 14,367 723,971 955 30,633 33,062 2,003,270 105,223 1,552 9,611 22,408 30,706 23,370 17,576 51.0 50,576 13,817 7,288 29,471 17,805 18,180 33,947 61,955 100.0 15,497,901 100.0 250.1 21,130 95.29 56,311 4,414,908 5,767 6,460 6,721 10,353 14,681 8,158 3,450 602 119 24,183 1,037,213 21,953 772,141 5,459 190,862 18,745 581,279 26,540 2,366,075 36,033 5,425,947 21,238 1,070,998 12,566 575,844 2,114 36,304 5,644 175,685 9,375 637,425 697 27,206 20,960 ,630,120 61,220 1,056 5,980 14,101 19,781 15,537 4,765 49.0 21,458 10,430 2,895 3,133 6,370 7,139 8,214 55,695 12,845 20,291 40,497 8,166 8,536 28,931 46.7 7,525,252 48.6 260.1 21,648 96.51 24,379 1,531,300 4,109 3,370 2,777 4,311 5,962 2,607 1,025 187 31 13,371 553,618 12,393 415,239 3,224 106,650 10,571 308,579 15,045 1,281,599 20,611 2,958,216 12,135 573,054 7,404 315,448 734 12,052 2,684 75,415 4,366 237,554 355 3,858 10,119 721,795 28,671 144 1,904 5,152 8,805 9,259 3,407 52.2 10,480 3,634 1,424 5,422 3,065 4,240 5,493 18,451 3,715 5,485 14,047 22.7 5,009,707 32.3 356.6 32,448 93.36 13,758 1,737,330 457 786 1,005 1,760 3,984 3,558 1,803 338 55 7,130 333,566 5,664 218,495 1,594 58,023 4,658 160,473 7,619 729,852 10,277 1,536,828 5,976 340,806 3,775 178,865 708 16,665 2,194 74,385 2,791 279,539 217 13,509 5,345 617,573 13,971 113 1,411 3,921 4,893 2,818 815 47.8 4,951 2,594 678 1,689 1,6U 1,757 1,493 650 1.0 1,018,107 6.5 1,566.3 127,841 97.75 531 140,671 31 10 10 51 109 93 156 46 25 281 62,278 253 50,165 103 8,244 195 41,921 309 183,679 441 464,374 313 75,920 212 41,672 4S 107 9,911 97 14,872 8 973 230 49,537 638 22 94 188 155 94 85 9,086 2,134 1,821 557 97 90 2,108 GEORGIA 123 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued {DaiA are baaed on reports for only a sample of fanna. See t«xlj (For definilions and explanations, see texl) Ccmmerclal farms by tenure of operator^Contlnued CoEh tenants Shaje-cash tenants Crop- share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms. » .number Percent disthhution percent Landin farms acres Percent distribution percent Average si re of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre <]oIlar5 Land In farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reoorting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil.improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other CTT^Iand (idle and cnop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres nbodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting, seres Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in 3lrir>.crDpping systems for soil. erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land iarms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporting age jiumber Under 25 years jiumber 25 to 34 years jiumber. .35 to 44 years number, 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years .number. Average age years OFF-FARM TORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Worlring off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting, 100 to 199 days operators reporting, 200 or more days operators reporting With other members of family worVing off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off.farm wort( operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultnral products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to wor4( off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators rerwrting. With income from sourcesother than farm operated . . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultiiral pnxhicts sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 2,723 *81,055 3.1 176.7 13,666 81.70 2,548 190,454 130 245 366 569 687 418 116 14 3 864 28,236 893 22,813 142 4,036 815 18,777 930 53,770 1,193 149,747 656 23,671 275 12,979 77 1,587 161 5,006 403 27,074 2 11 766 46,583 2,688 97 300 640 1,005 569 77 46.6 949 610 86 253 247 277 293 1,774 374 272 511 0.8 102,727 0.7 201.0 16,012 78.53 491 56,267 16 35 45 70 136 110 74 3 2 146 4,179 145 2,722 31 670 124 2,052 137 9,167 225 24,542 120 3,871 59 2,881 10 60 22 560 65 5,180 5 75 181 14,475 511 15 82 130 192 82 10 163 97 31 35 348 73 83 3,088 5.0 275,041 1.8 89.1 9,284 100.68 3,088 175,149 155 340 426 8a 910 331 62 2 1 498 6,195 665 12,754 93 1,645 597 11,109 662 20,636 846 44,960 542 8,810 171 2,852 105 645 62 865 293 13,674 10 425 821 35,765 3,023 105 451 839 967 586 75 45.2 1,098 791 136 171 306 171 196 1,990 332 173 1,460 2.4 254,400 1.6 174.2 19,482 116.01 1,384 129,176 15 40 90 215 562 382 74 5 1 572 15,742 373 8,242 63 1,683 331 6,559 493 28,219 584 58,480 361 9,861 265 6,351 111 852 92 1,744 201 12,485 5 100 406 33,050 1,455 45 231 429 488 222 40 44.9 435 319 60 56 U5 97 85 1,025 227 66 8,323 13.4 565,627 3.6 68.0 6,480 96.27 8,323 365,188 615 1,345 1,685 2,080 1,983 538 72 5 829 17,952 1,056 21,847 147 6,618 970 15,229 864 36,682 1,132 91,954 742 19,440 271 7,840 290 1,380 238 6,019 978 36,751 75 2,495 2,146 83,725 8,193 420 1,202 2,268 2,670 1,467 166 44.4 2,594 1,995 367 232 761 5,729 947 371 2,222 3.6 265,985 1.7 119.7 9,929 90.68 1,809 89,373 239 289 316 436 348 m 68 2 492 15,347 5U 19,863 62 3,283 434 16,580 481 22,471 724 96,846 393 14,565 133 6,955 31 175 84 1,280 181 10,246 20 760 445 27,617 2,070 95 305 534 606 440 90 45.7 685 367 100 218 182 177 238 1,537 267 175 124 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU ars based on reports for only a sample of faima. See text] Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLmES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines Com pickers Pick-up balers Field forage harvesters , Motortrucks arms report] ng . . number. . arms reporting. . number. . i reporting.. number. . arms reporting.. number.. < reporting. . number.. Tractors farms reporting. . number. . Tractors other than garden farms renorting. , number.. 1 tractor farms reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporting.. ^ tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. tVbeel Iractors farms reporting. . number , . Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number. , Garden tractors famis reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting,. Rome freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reportini;. . Power-onerated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimpnDved Less than 1 mile to a hard surface roar) . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road , . 1 mile 2 or 3 miles ■1 miles 5 or more miles . .farms reporting. ., , .farms reporting, , . . .farms reporting. . . . .farms reporting. , . . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting.,, . .farms reporting. . . , .farms reporting... , .farms reporting,,. FARM LABOR, IVEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . . persons,,. Regular hired workers [employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . . persons . . , Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers arms reporting.. J reporting., ■arms reporting, , arms reporting., 'arms reporting. , RESIDENCE OF FASM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting,,. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting Operators not reporting residence number USE OF COMMERCTAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year operators reporting... acres on whi ch used . . . tons. ., Dry materials farms reporting... tons . , . Liquid materials farms reporting. .. tons... Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . . acres... Dry materials farms reporting... tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons , . . Otlier pasture (not cropland) farms reporting, , , acres , . , Dry materials farms reporting... , tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting tons... Com farms reporting, ., acres... Dry materials farms reporting,., tons,,. Liquid materials farms reporting,,, tons . , . See footnotes at end of table. 9,285 10,340 9,410 9,677 5,742 5,875 1,490 1,651 60,627 72,784 62,587 93,089 60,711 89,392 43,436 11,360 3,537 1,248 1,130 60,407 87,719 1,415 1,673 3,531 3,697 75,649 88,323 93,734 47,247 56,668 2,735 2,746 830 5,712 37,888 6,269 60,151 23,388 36,763 15,173 17,947 2,015 1,628 18,674 60,144 9,700 23,729 5,310 1,958 1,412 731 289 93,748 5,908 6,615 87,332 5,243,840 1,197,593 87,139 1,157,043 5,553 40,550 20,319 728,824 19,938 148,062 1,476 8,165 10,814 369,323 10,582 69,510 767 4,84« 70,936 2,350,653 70,723 442,914 3,684 18,760 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,073 5,077 5,204 1,391 1,534 41,101 51,660 42,714 70,210 41,825 68,191 26,284 9,881 3,353 1,208 1,099 41,693 67,042 995 1,149 1,881 2,019 43,983 51,480 56,235 26,656 35,097 2,549 2,597 806 5,496 20,724 3,513 36,501 13,655 22,846 8,957 11,668 1,281 940 15,589 54,153 9,014 22,721 4,749 1,849 1,406 728 282 54,314 3,519 4,122 55,461 4,650,613 1,070,490 55,328 1,031,733 4,907 38,757 14,293 637,114 13,972 128,171 1,298 7,701 7,593 324,744 7,396 60,432 668 4,457 46,744 2,061,828 46, 576 390,414 3,382 18,137 3,391 3,722 3,185 3,285 2,395 2,454 609 688 20, 4U 24,533 20,991 31,696 20,370 30,413 1A,110 4,252 1,180 449 379 20,304 29,812 539 601 1,229 1,283 21,418 25,345 27,131 15,373 18,135 1,320 1,359 316 2,165 10,915 1,629 15,923 6,043 9,880 3,929 5,007 500 444 7,265 20,943 4,144 9,341 2,377 852 559 267 89 25,740 1,612 1,579 23,916 1,702,631 386,160 23,851 371,574 1,931 14,586 7,728 315,546 7,556 65,324 623 3,618 4,285 168, 606 4,159 31,068 373 2,577 19,495 728,485 19,419 138,945 1,167 5,543 3,352 3,843 3,724 3,832 1,993 2,020 587 622 12,175 16,987 12,742 24,682 12,644 24,254 6,253 3,629 1,679 560 523 12,601 23,389 304 365 369 428 10,927 13,146 13,674 7,762 10,189 1,006 1,009 377 2,401 4,894 750 8,178 3,034 5,144 2,121 2,560 290 173 5,739 22,578 3,635 9,349 1,786 749 644 348 108 12, 523 766 756 13,752 1,811,660 423,731 13,706 406, 561 1,822 17,170 4,784 232,389 4,673 46,941 532 2,907 2,547 111,217 2,478 20,841 220 1,433 12,092 783,957 12,034 151, 636 1,295 9,008 239 311 175 194 267 298 82 100 519 1,076 528 1,695 528 1,656 135 160 66 68 99 527 1,573 64 83 35 39 497 896 600 496 395 60 65 36 217 287 55 280 93 187 56 112 6 13 442 2,988 381 2,206 533 93 24 503 164,714 36,554 502 34,474 93 2,080 285 44,276 274 7,824 46 683 165 27,483 164 5,045 13 252 342 44,862 339 8,994 59 621 GEORGIA 125 state Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a aample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of operator— Continued Cash tenants Stiare-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Llvestocli-share tenants Croppers Cither and unspecified SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. . number.. Com piclian poultry and dairy, sold dollars. . See footnotes at end of table. 1,994 «,355 1,979 6,969 27 110 «,186 624,659 42,105 203,359 1,171 3,696 4«,770 1,127,386 48,593 286,229 301 4,971 14,978 4U,941 409,880 105,201 75, 606 155,928,719 21,535 35,933 4,308 5,399 8,431 41,439 58,260,630 29,948 5,836 3,219 1,679 757 58,267 17,165,247 34,964 20,222 3,081 54,681 57,248,360 20,794 13,978 7,388 7,337 3,009 1,402 504 218 51 50,368 12,035,242 26,970 17,476 3,635 2,287 98,184 31,647,435 45,356 34,501 10,768 7,197 362 607,903,993 5,720 283,809,547 229,006,309 7,232,937 16,026,208 31,544,(393 324,094,446 163,977,836 40,177,610 119,939,000 1,480 40,036 1,465 6,377 27 110 32,933 563,270 32,877 184,618 1,076 3,564 36,400 1,023,986 36,268 261,721 704 4,788 10,818 352,317 346,065 61,945 45,929 148,563,131 9,102 19,823 3,480 5,U8 8,406 27,651 55,339,726 16,741 5,343 3,138 1,675 754 41,298 15,418,262 20,342 17,942 3,014 40,942 54,017,416 11,046 11,224 6,603 6,950 2,960 1,397 500 215 47 33,629 10,831,082 13,348 14,662 3,388 2,231 59,242 28,222,110 16,591 24,979 10,264 7,053 355 572,151,761 9,235 266,646,189 215,843,136 6,251,102 14,996,619 29,555,332 305,505,572 161,616,488 39,428,718 104,460,366 692 14,789 687 2,342 n 53 10,813 136,262 10,792 46,503 309 829 14,502 339,308 U,430 37,392 329 1,966 5,539 163,477 165,083 28,926 24,502 97,898,721 3,723 9,869 1,881 3,211 5,813 15, 519 32,449,021 8,347 3,598 2,075 1,102 397 16,015 5,133,951 8,731 6,339 945 17,992 20, 7a, 751 5,406 4,919 2,800 2,919 1,228 467 165 71 17 14,879 3,961,255 6,497 6,504 1,186 692 27,976 11,283,346 8,268 12,542 4,540 2,528 98 267,164,992 9,235 82,441,593 55,484,166 2,459,556 6,274,616 18,223,255 184,723,399 115,542,804 18,340,804 595 20,087 590 3,246 11 47 8,541 215,260 8,531 73,831 387 1,746 10,049 448,750 10,021 110,066 266 2,029 3,669 134,078 132,301 14,047 11,799 29,351,948 1,719 6,033 1,122 1,307 1,563 7,097 14,595,665 4,723 1,129 730 318 197 10,683 5,999,081 4,046 5,210 1,427 11,837 22,093,685 1,952 2,753 2,053 2,740 1,314 690 220 97 18 9,576 4,519,554 2,542 4,411 1,477 1,146 13,933 11,322,197 1,298 5,460 3,571 3,408 196 130,803,896 12,871 103,321,083 87,224,746 2,673,245 6,318,230 7,104,862 77,482,813 22,925,359 17,918,648 36,638,806 22 1,430 22 292 126 8,094 126 2,348 U 201 265 33,569 265 9,971 23 323 190 22,393 19,818 650 567 7,584,708 13 166 60 76 247 395 3,366,165 110 51 61 59 114 258 247,689 37 137 84 523 4,625,022 20 25 46 75 104 123 79 39 12 353 461,461 47 114 94 98 629 940,832 60 159 113 254 43 24,251,435 37,310 8,341,844 3,581,390 71,384 1,721,111 2,967,959 15,909,591 8,113,635 1,212,299 6,578,657 171 3,730 166 497 5 10 13,453 203,654 13,428 61,936 366 788 11,584 197,359 11,552 54,292 86 470 1,420 32,369 28,863 18,322 9,061 13,727,754 3,537 3,705 417 524 778 4,540 4,928,875 3,561 565 272 196 46 14,342 3,987,541 7,528 6,256 558 10,590 6,556,958 3,668 3,527 1,704 1,216 314 117 36 8,821 1,888,712 4,262 3,633 631 295 16,704 4,675,735 6,965 6,318 2,040 863 18 99,931,438 5,453 72,541,669 69,552,834 1,046,917 682,662 1,259,256 27,389,769 15,029,690 1,456,967 10,903,112 GEORGIA 127 State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DalA are based OD refnrta for only a sample of fanns. See text^ Item (Fop definitions and explanations, «rclal farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants USE OF CXJHMERQAL FERTILIZER AND LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the yeaf-ConUnued Crops on which used— Continued Sc^beans farms reporting. acres. Dry materials . . . Liquid materials . Cotton Dry materials . . . Liquid materials . All other crops .... Dry materials Liquid matenals . Lime or liming matenals used during the year . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES \ny of the following specified expenditures . Feed for livestoctt and poultry Under 5100 SlOO to S999 . . . . $1,000 to $1,999. $2,000 to 54,999 . S5,0OO of more . . Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under Sl.OOC $1,000 to $0. 199 . $2,500 to .$4,999 . $5,000 to $9,999 . $10,000 or more . Under $200 . . . . $200 to SS99 . . . $1,000 or more . Under $200 Saoo to $499 S500 to $999 .... $1,000 to 52,499 . $2,500 to $4.999 . . . $5,000 to $0,999 . . . $10,000 to $19,999. $20,000 to $49,999 . $50,000 or more . . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . Under $100 .... SIOO to $499 . . . S500 lo $999 . . . $1,000 or more . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business . . . . Under $100 $100 to $199 .... $500 to $899 .... S1,DOO to $4,999 . $5,000 or more . . arms reporting. tons, farms reporting. tons. farms reporting, acres, 'arms reporting. tons, farms reporting. tons. ; reporting, acres. 'arms reporting, tons, 'arms reporting, tons. farms reporting. acres limed, tons. arms reportrng., arms reporti ng . , dollars., 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting. . arms reporting., arms reporting. , 'arms reporting., arms reporting., dollars., arms reporting. , arms report! ng . . farms reporting. . farms reporting. , 'arms reporting.. farms reporting., dollars., arms reporting., 'arms reporting., farms reporti ng ; . arms reporti ng . . dollars., 'arms reporti ng . . 'arms report] ng . , arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . farms reporting., farms reporting., farms reporti ng . . farms reporti ng . . arms report] ng . . arms reporting., dollars., arms reporting., arms reporting., 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . arms reporting., dollars . . arms reporti ng . . arms reporting., aims reporting. , 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting.. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE \ll farm products sold .total, dollars average per farm, dollars All t3Dps sold dollars Field oops, other than vegetables and friiits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural snecialty products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars See footnotes at end of table. 31 1,185 31 155 2,009 34,712 2,009 10,823 49 190 1,801 44,889 1,800 10,209 U 118 317 8,202 7,884 2,723 1,730 2,330,612 619 706 123 146 136 915 1,386,303 703 lU 55 32 14 2,085 723,517 1,124 796 165 1,692 1,608,082 568 454 263 235 82 62 17 1 1,596 441,104 694 678 126 2,541 1,038,088 816 1,020 466 231 16,211,518 5,954 10,602,823 9,727,832 271,472 143,790 459,729 5,608,695 1,887,938 807,334 333 9,243 333 2,810 16 21 416 13,556 411 3,197 7 51 83 1,895 1,555 511 360 328,585 86 194 48 15 17 201 98,815 188 5 7 401 177,196 147 199 55 390 545,545 55 86 95 103 31 12 7 1 351 147,667 97 177 37 40 481 314,176 71 165 140 102 3 4,754,935 9,305 3,959,372 3,868,081 51,005 31,781 8,505 795,563 190,407 76, 580 30 695 30 81 2,315 34,173 2,310 10,329 70 141 2,225 32,199 2,219 9,560 12 48 177 2,762 2,474 3,088 1,464 1,169, UO 731 603 15 45 70 832 371,550 732 60 30 10 2,491 693,882 1,281 1,097 113 2,031 1,091,510 710 741 320 194 45 15 5 1 1,500 242,125 846 557 70 27 2,868 836,998 955 1,397 401 115 16,302,843 5,279 13,926,337 13,647,082 154,855 46,115 78,285 2,376,506 1,319,828 71,920 984,758 35 475 35 65 992 13,425 987 4,175 30 27 1,266 26,913 1,266 9,030 6 29 230 5,553 4,303 1,455 1,224 1,711,593 302 700 80 53 89 549 636,691 415 60 40 26 1,156 430,624 438 651 67 1,218 884,110 221 412 285 248 38 13 1 774 269,674 222 353 152 47 1,4U 755,145 90 749 443 161 1 13,628,699 9,335 9,687,916 9,296,588 99,435 89,246 202,647 3,940,783 1,409,623 134,465 2,396,695 60 715 55 106 5 10 6,619 95,593 6,614 28,722 165 207 4,845 65,279 4,840 18,607 25 60 528 10,206 9,049 8,323 3,033 4,324,864 1,501 1,129 86 97 220 1,452 1,333,443 1,126 171 75 65 15 6,926 1,637,935 3,770 3,045 111 4,271 1,809,965 1,706 1,577 605 301 72 5 5 3,684 633,791 1,886 1,541 190 67 7,398 1,337,820 4,055 2,685 477 176 5 36,615,615 4,399 28,916,670 28,115,529 373,965 257,896 169,280 7,698,945 4,745,515 216,555 2,736,875 15 660 15 90 1,185 16,508 1,175 5,077 36 202 1,031 U,523 1,016 3,689 25 164 85 3,751 3,598 2,222 1,250 3,362,960 398 373 65 168 246 691 1,102,073 397 158 65 63 1,283 324,387 768 468 47 617,746 408 247 136 135 46 15 1 916 154,351 517 327 56 16 1,972 393,508 978 802 113 78 1 12,417,828 5,589 5,448,551 4,897,722 96,185 113,834 340,810 6,969,277 5,476,379 150,113 128 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms CoDnnercial farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners All tenants LIVESTOCK AND UVFSTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. Milk cows farms reporting.. number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms renorting. . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves .farms renorting. . number. . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and cnlves- 1 head farms renorting. . 2 to 4 head farms renorting.. .^ to !) head famis reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 19 head farms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 199 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers thai have calved— 1 head farms renorting. ■2 to 9 head farms reporting. IC to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 10 to 49 head farms reporting. .50 to 71 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head .farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farms renorting. . 2 to 9 head farms renorting. . 10 to 19 head , farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farm.s reporting.. 50 to 71 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head , farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and/or mules farms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. , number. . i3om since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporti ng. . number. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting. . number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Hogs and nigs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars. . Milk and cream sold farms reporting., pounds.. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporung. . dozens.. doi 1 ars . . Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting.. number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters a to 9 liUers 10 to 19 litters . 20 to 19 litters 40 to R9 litters . 70 or more I i tiers . . June 2 to November 10 ; reporting.. Farms renorting. . Farms refiorting.. 'arms reporting. . arms reporting,, arms reporting. . i reporting.. number of litters., Eiecember 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 71,778 1,39^,763 67,160 700,591 ■43,177 197,223 53,158 390,U1 46,135 304,031 8,580 20,010 14,227 12,246 10,233 4,098 2,280 104 18,739 31,891 7,423 3,038 3,043 1,585 602 839 21,198 19,443 320 368 945 533 184 186 39,774 72,846 73,176 1,867,046 49,121 1,040,306 66,474 826,740 848 33,332 547 7,950 783 25,382 698 22,359 658 3.023 66,153 12,008,339 48,428 602,048 69,695,428 48,270 1,700,323 49,309,367 549 19,813 237,756 5,308 736,613,811 40,177,610 15,473 116,739,209 13,187 111,355,325 45,655,694 46,553 322,244 16,442 19,729 7,335 2,474 434 139 38,962 151,743 36,338 170, 501 42,587 1,168,401 40,693 591,672 25,874 165,205 33,266 313,907 29,686 257,822 4,032 9,910 7,220 7,457 7,575 4,018 2,274 101 9,490 17,490 5,191 2,593 2,923 1,574 600 832 11,789 11,581 300 367 940 533 132 182 23,046 47,626 45,162 1,544,337 32,363 860,092 41,800 684,245 611 29,632 419 7,081 566 22,551 503 19,941 491 2,610 38,905 10,915,804 29,451 519,857 60,980,654 32,956 1,474,675 42,765,575 430 18,038 216,456 3,782 721,437,957 39,428,718 12,606 U5, 681, 098 8,339 108,271,809 44,391,451 32,086 271,378 8,570 13,912 6,651 2,391 428 134 27,266 125,238 26, 549 146,140 22,460 603,994 21,437 309,366 13,154 81,907 17,970 167,439 16,213 126,689 1,750 4,617 4,118 4,365 4,240 2,225 1,108 37 4,287 9,655 3,040 1,454 1,573 775 231 422 5,793 6,079 173 203 503 219 76 93 11,578 22,790 20,315 636,154 14,390 379,705 18,722 306,449 328 14,360 237 3,457 315 11,403 298 10,048 270 1,355 17,555 7,383,071 16,318 269,753 30,382,908 15,165 674,710 19,566,590 244 7,616 91,392 2,060 348,100,275 18,840,804 3,364 82,540,081 5,066 78,087,278 32,015,790 14,151 119,281 3,292 6,601 3,026 1,022 161 49 12,084 54,964 11,833 64,317 11,391 390,119 10,944 197,074 6,995 65,221 9,630 104,355 8,807 88,690 563 1,971 1,912 2,195 2,544 1,343 836 27 1,580 4,777 1,595 886 1,019 580 231 276 2,597 3,359 83 157 375 261 77 81 6,104 12,916 11,415 543,208 9,164 303,492 10,311 234,716 197 12,747 128 3,162 177 9,585 152 8,617 143 968 8,941 1,517,701 8,788 175,311 21,173,132 9,706 525,348 15,235,092 148 9,696 U6,352 1,309 326,246,528 17,918,648 2,103 17,088,120 1,970 12,924,295 5,298,961 9,211 99,175 1,481 4,038 2,438 988 193 73 3,131 45,213 8,070 53,962 476 77,511 457 35,879 241 3,923 436 20,693 429 20,934 23 U 17 7 45 123 218 29 27 27 19 37 90 90 65 102 97 92 2 1 11 12 24 2 361 2,596 365 34,166 261 19,429 344 14,737 13 308 12 130 11 178 11 162 10 16 329 1,068,733 445 38,655 5, 542 ,367 253 34,899 1,012,071 10 110 1,320 65 19,353,992 1,212,299 197 3,995,269 122 10,053,787 4,122,053 252 5,301 39 77 53 47 29 7 221 2,525 220 2,776 GEORGIA 129 State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [^Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] [tent (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants LrvEsrocK and livestock products Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. Stilk cows farms reporting. . number. . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. number . . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 50O or more head farms reforting.. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head fatms reporting. . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 lo 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms report! ng . . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. % to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. , Horses and/Of mules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number . . Bom since June I farms reporting. . number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. . number. , Sheep and lambs farms reoorting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number. . Sheep 1 year old and over faims reporting. . number. . Ewes farms reporting.. number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars., reporting.. number.. dollars. . reporting.. number. . dollars.. reporting.. pounds. . dollars., reporti ng . . dollars. . reporting.. dozens. . dollars. . Litters farrowed December 1. 1958. to Novemlier 30, 1959 farms reporting.. number of litters.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms Sheeo and lambs sold alive farms Milk and cream sold farms Chickens including broilers sold farms Chicken eggs sold farms 1 or 9 litters 3 to 9 liuers 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 liUers 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters , . . June 2 to Nov ember 30 arms reporting. . 'aims reporting.. 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporti ng . . 'aims reporting.. 'arms renorting.. 'arms reporti ng . . number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,713 29,734 1,604 14,174 1,129 4,900 1,215 8,438 1,002 7,122 205 727 308 140 164 119 43 7 602 690 106 50 87 48 6 15 523 538 7 30 30 1,294 2,307 2,146 54,378 1,480 30,628 2,018 23,750 22 934 11 139 22 795 U 636 22 159 1,925 150,176 876 11,356 1,287,571 1,560 55, 488 1,609,152 7 373 4,476 120 15,146,796 807,334 245 1,344,051 220 1,316,259 539,667 1,601 9,887 592 673 247 71 18 1,278 4,751 1,295 5,136 324 4,687 303 2,408 199 484 234 1,265 212 994 45 105 55 53 42 21 3 120 112 31 5 33 125 69 167 728 403 14,874 297 8,531 353 6,343 328 13,410 213 1,584 170,925 315 12,294 356,526 15 1,355,151 76,580 41 168,514 32 52,055 21,343 298 2,592 56 133 72 27 242 1,178 253 1,414 1,540 8,135 1,445 3,818 1,144 1,812 870 2,593 663 1,724 435 693 205 147 40 15 5 815 573 35 5 15 776 363 1,057 1,752 2,290 38,974 1,544 20,327 2,075 18,647 20 245 20 65 10 180 10 165 10 15 2,064 93,306 580 2,172 196,401 1,390 25,932 781,028 10 55 550 50 1,234,029 71,920 215 1,175,045 215 352,420 144,493 1,478 6,020 780 547 131 20 1,187 2,889 1,U8 3,131 952 17,792 922 9,276 566 1,800 712 4,198 672 4,318 125 210 156 206 171 66 18 236 421 143 27 62 20 5 8 298 243 10 10 5 409 564 1,309 60,551 1,112 32,290 1,253 28,271 5 175 5 55 5 120 5 UO 5 10 1,063 81,091 632 6,885 724,471 1,242 57,553 1,669,037 5 30 360 35 3,031,285 134,465 125 1,151,732 150 622,880 255,381 1,151 10,658 177 505 380 78 11 1,020 4,735 980 5,923 2,536 24,201 2,501 13,093 1,754 3,325 1,535 6,530 1,154 4,423 645 1,161 281 226 221 73 29 1,355 813 151 101 31 33 12 5 ,210 529 5 1,319 2,582 5,383 83,196 3,145 44,223 4,845 33,973 21 318 6 73 21 245 16 203 21 42 5,426 203,058 1,120 9,543 968,395 2,494 59,694 1,731,126 6 158 1,896 55 4,023,368 215,555 365 4,445,412 325 725,325 297,383 3,019 13,562 1,681 1,011 216 96 10 5 2,347 5,365 2,103 7,197 1,095 12,228 1,030 6,079 592 1,833 653 3,221 534 2,923 241 412 168 118 108 33 14 1 467 422 70 28 13 27 365 309 10 1 1 6 757 1,391 1,536 23,826 970 15,457 1,364 12,359 5 45 5 45 5 45 1,274 400,248 479 4,593 534,483 831 27,757 804,953 73 2,946,533 150,113 451 3,772,774 239 4,137,510 1,595,380 925 4,902 462 327 88 42 6 756 2,618 572 2,284 130 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms ercial farms ly tenure of operator Full owners Part ovmers Managers All tenants SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes fanns reporting. acres . . Under 11 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 2A acres fanns reporting. . 25 to "19 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 7^ acres farms reporting. . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. lOO or mor« acres farms reporting.. Harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres., bushels. Sales farms reporting.. bushels . , Wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres., bushels. . Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres,, bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . btiahels. . I^e harvested fanns reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. pounds. . Hay crops; Land from which hay was cut acres, . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for delydrating fanns reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting, . tons. . Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting . . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting.. tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting . . acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting. . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting. . teas. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres . . tone, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bales. . Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting.. acres ^. bushels. , Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting.. acres^. bushels. . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres., pounds. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees^ farms reportljlg. . acres.. 75,395 2,431,487 29,726 15,717 14,501 7,284 3,029 5,133 71,148 1,940,852 49,748,504 28,637 20,713,476 7,574 99,160 2,139,291 4,405 1,666,363 10,132 249,608 8,497,523 3,459 4,037,472 670 13,659 423,775 195 178,335 1,097 22,093 330,652 663 251,155 22,794 466,747 741 499.464,819 376,447 2,U6 20,829 43,035 254 3,522 3,729 95,648 186,082 716 29,834 6,764 76,532 33,522 702 10,624 5,281 65,899 72,310 270 2,344 7,322 116,781 127,188 610 U,621 10 668 5,474 42,450 628,614 513,742 10,081 1,036 152,548 14,682 U,647 1,857,739 19,515 68,661 97,867,882 10,911 7,232,937 18,762 194,664 49,108 2,124,721 12,181 9,903 12,225 6,309 2,922 5,063 46,849 1,699,078 44,874,641 21,722 19,440,424 5,357 84,744 1,389,204 3,451 1,531,475 7,729 229,304 7,946,047 2,904 3,347,682 570 12,764 395,655 155 171,895 1,003 21,578 324,537 625 248,860 19,847 449,364 736 486,912,323 313,075 1,563 17,162 37,372 147 2,746 3,222 89,744 173,832 620 28,763 3,676 56,609 68,220 330 8,401 3,410 54,395 62,964 144 1,643 4,239 94,095 104,307 330 13,011 570 4,690 33,087 565,885 472,215 5,555 636 91,534 8,780 12,623 1,640,876 17,082 64,737 93,950,371 8,075 6,251,102 n,580 164,839 20,499 743,747 6,312 3,968 5,181 2,551 1,038 1,449 19,168 553,780 14,525,124 6,418 4,768, U7 2,346 27,929 592,607 1,317 441,548 3,642 39,730 3,003,817 1,133 1,239,434 226 4,823 U5,650 54 66,125 388 6,926 98,779 223 71,021 6,592 108,492 110 114,010,204 157,173 901 8,431 17,735 74 1,440 1,592 43,525 83,898 289 15,312 1,965 28,914 33,554 172 4,003 1,754 26,314 30,158 54 723 2,480 49,669 53,634 163 4,889 2 320 2,840 10,855 136,420 113,129 2,846 302 49,347 3,735 3,730 453,559 6,405 18,786 26,826,564 3,108 2,459,556 6,621 76,562 12,508 803,240 1,696 1,829 2,877 2,409 1,224 2,473 12,026 652,211 18,065,330 6,113 8,261,472 1,996 44,470 1,025,332 1,546 882,571 3,040 106,679 3,797,683 1,340 2,058,078 266 5,857 190,395 75 86,875 512 11,947 185,632 324 148,772 5,775 194,968 357 217,240,942 112,033 515 6,356 14,518 72 1,136 1,204 28,672 58,955 234 7,579 1,235 21,442 27,646 121 4,043 1,179 22,387 26,578 39 658 1,377 33,176 37,787 119 5,220 8,575 216,045 184,139 1,274 119 19,017 2,447 6,755 940,913 4,712 22,897 33,442,034 2,655 2,673,245 3,645 59,288 368 47,100 26 24 38 73 39 168 337 40,246 1,160,412 169 477,112 69 2,130 52,750 54 48,728 166 13,633 533,638 61 189,203 24 970 30,240 50 1,714 26,371 45 19,048 130 8,714 38 ,873,533 25, 500 56 1,350 3,217 1 120 171 13,927 29,333 42 4,900 76 2,374 3,218 2 80 81 2,445 2,569 1 7 106 5,404 8,064 12 2,490 127 8,U5 6,386 35 12 1,351 48 63 6,740 42 521 868,000 46 71,384 226 19,184 15,733 530,634 4,147 4,082 4,129 1,776 621 978 15,318 452,841 11,123,775 9,022 5,933,593 946 10,215 213,515 524 158,623 881 19,257 610,909 370 360,967 54 1,114 29,370 26 13,895 53 991 13,755 33 10,019 7,350 137,190 231 146,782,644 18,369 91 1,025 1,902 255 3,620 6,596 55 972 400 3,879 3,802 35 275 395 3,749 3,659 50 255 326 5,846 5,322 36 a2 7 250 1,850 13,530 205,305 168,561 1,400 203 21,819 2,550 2,075 239,664 5,923 22,433 32,813,773 2,266 1,046,917 1,088 9,805 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold, than 20 trees and grapevines. Does not Include acreage for fanns with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Doea not include data for fanns with less J GEORGIA 131 state Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are leased on reports For only a sanple o( farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-casli tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants SPECTFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres. Under 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres fanns reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Wheat harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushein, . I^e harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Peanuts harvested for nuts fanns reporting. . acres grown alone. . acres grown with other crops.. pounds.. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for del^drating fanns reporting., acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting, . tons. . Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting . acres. Sales farms reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for he^ farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales. farms reporting. tons. Other hay cut fanns reporting, acres, tons. Sales. , .farms reporting. tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting. acres, tons, green weight. Cotton harvested fanns reporting, acres, bales. Irleh potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. acres^ bushels. Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale , fanns reporting, acres^ bushels. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres, pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars. Land In bearing and ncnbearlng fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. acres. 2,431 93,988 484 674 638 361 92 182 2,345 79,472 1,873,250 1,126 932,600 206 3,311 74,520 119 63,990 278 7,187 263,576 88 166,557 23 830 21,300 16 17,420 17 480 5,490 9 4,174 1,181 22,692 20 23,433,020 6,113 19 310 536 65 1,325 1,371 7 42 88 325 1,022 118 1,062 989 5 25 87 2,341 2,151 1 132 7 250 1,850 2,010 34,840 26,841 269 74 6,986 577 438 56,622 532 1,702 2,464,195 536 271,472 475 28,885 70 96 115 60 26 103 465 25,640 636,712 308 418,195 68 768 13,445 46 10,338 80 1,814 51,135 42 28,400 5 25 750 5 750 1 34 680 229 9,472 10,764,491 853 5 5 10 275 2,907 12 365 1,288 25 305 295 5 100 15 95 95 5 50 6 83 53 5 20 333 9,243 8,195 46 4 642 77 57 6,137 138 984 1,588,300 122 51,005 75 834 2,863 97,210 610 786 843 355 95 174 2,808 86,740 2,U3,760 1,747 1,178,730 245 2,686 59,585 169 39,015 185 3,060 97,880 110 70,485 10 45 875 6 49 730 5 340 1,2U 23,630 2,314 20 135 320 36 350 765 20 490 107 896 701 10 20 91 710 810 20 60 51 223 360 10 20 2,336 34,558 27,712 276 72 4,315 445 386 45,660 1,370 5,780 ,231,070 345 154,355 U2 667 1,379 80,131 60 170 462 337 131 219 1,339 60,314 1,699,340 820 795,284 36 383 6,800 21 4,850 67 1,810 50,325 26 23,200 5 125 3,750 U 90 2,050 6 1,800 745 17,943 41 20,568,255 1,741 5 225 520 37 592 ,135 15 70 16 U5 61 26 430 470 22 379 255 10 170 992 13,430 12,100 67 3 495 150 165 10,410 1,008 4,680 7,389,033 166 99,435 206 1,664 6,958 184,208 2,341 1,985 1,634 554 226 218 6,796 159,579 3,778,395 4,264 2,107,300 273 1,783 33,755 112 23,585 164 2,243 46,648 65 20,325 5 20 800 5 725 3,295 53,108 125 55,264,010 4,226 37 330 496 60 655 1,500 10 265 100 1,040 1,120 10 20 89 1,021 793 15 80 112 1,180 1,205 10 70 6,654 96,511 80,913 581 40 7,416 943 665 70,640 2,401 7,974 11,353,535 843 373,965 244 2,501 1,627 46,162 582 371 437 109 51 77 1,565 41,096 942,318 757 501,584 118 1,279 25,410 57 16,850 107 3,143 101,345 39 51,500 6 69 1,395 18 333 4,755 U 3,705 687 10,340 45 10,045,707 3,122 5 20 20 45 333 537 2 45 603 10 135 57 431 502 5 40 48 1,640 1,298 1,205 16,723 12,800 161 10 1,965 353 364 50,195 424 1,313 1,782,640 254 96,185 U6 1,232 132 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See WxtJ rt«m (For descriptions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of wblte operators Ccmmercial farms ly materials farms reporting... tons Litpiid materials farms reporting. . . tons... Com farms reporting... acres.., I>y malerieis farms reporting. . . tons... Liquid materials faniTS reporting. . . tons... See footnotes at end of table. 287 299 315 92 92 23 24 1,196 1,*67 1,241 2,046 1,226 1,999 695 413 62 34 22 1,226 1,971 23 28 42 47 1,140 1,274 1,587 599 907 66 66 12 142 628 112 973 408 565 203 293 48 469 2,438 263 717 146 56 34 12 15 1,403 184 141 1,570 144,821 33,731 1,570 32,784 145 947 348 11,961 342 2,195 12 24 140 4,248 140 751 11 55 1,416 68,798 1,416 13,348 127 560 81 98 143 148 23 28 5 15 340 449 375 628 375 623 206 107 52 6 4 370 618 5 5 5 5 278 295 401 163 248 5 5 146 25 245 80 165 67 83 10 5 136 446 76 163 312 78 36 406 50,631 12,248 406 11,988 44 260 45 1,861 45 274 8 33 39 2,265 38 544 11 66 380 26,046 380 5,714 23 89 84 96 335 335 66 66 10 10 1,262 1,415 1,643 2,097 1,603 2,032 1,276 262 52 6 7 1,598 2,027 5 5 60 65 1,267 1,379 1,887 369 1,025 5 10 5 142 490 111 1,432 511 921 326 500 65 30 244 657 1,726 157 195 2,048 121,582 28,812 2,047 27,967 137 845 211 2,335 211 457 5 3 71 705 71 149 5 2 1,843 72,015 1,842 13,124 127 697 91 92 309 309 44 44 12 12 988 1,089 1,178 1,792 1,153 1,762 704 328 92 21 8 1,153 1,751 6 11 30 30 830 884 1,279 378 959 30 25 10 129 270 60 1,025 352 673 267 354 30 22 248 520 98 159 1,218 50 87 1,279 127,486 29,624 1,279 28,870 172 754 286 10, 525 271 1,881 40 114 138 3,193 138 643 15 32 1,254 75, 575 1,239 13,894 147 552 239 264 351 356 103 108 41 41 1,631 1,848 1,517 2,409 1,482 2,359 927 378 102 40 35 1,477 2,329 30 X 50 50 2,140 2,420 2,903 603 1,395 25 25 15 141 923 221 2,204 762 1,442 591 741 70 40 390 1,379 142 284 2,907 176 330 3,238 175,042 39, 174 3,238 38,452 186 722 299 9,260 299 1,511 16 272 132 3,560 132 777 15 32 2,783 95,999 2,778 16,885 151 361 89 109 109 57 57 12 12 719 829 691 972 676 950 494 124 32 19 7 674 939 9 11 16 22 841 926 1,175 567 573 22 22 10 66 440 209 668 271 397 146 204 26 21 234 756 115 196 64 30 20 1 1,044 85 243 964 54,168 12,599 959 11,892 67 707 169 7,166 163 1,461 16 47 39 2,632 39 483 5 8 756 26,964 751 4,918 51 327 136 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data a£e based on reports for only a aample of farms. See text] [For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all famie of white operators Commercial farms by tenure of white operator Full owners Part owners Managers USE OF COMMERaU, FERTILIZER AND LIME-Continued Commercia! fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year— Continued Crops on which used— Continued Soyl)ean8 farms reoortinp. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Cotton farms reporting. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. tons,. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons.. All other crops farms reporting.. Dry materials , farms reporting. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Ions.. Lime or liming mat^nals used during the year farms reporting.. acres limed., tons.. SPEOnED FARM EXPEMDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporti ng . . .?100 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to Sl,999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting,. $5,000 or more , farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $1,000 faims reporting, . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting,. $10,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars.. Under 5200 farms renortino.. $200 to $999 farms renorline.. $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. Under S200 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. . $2,."i00 to $4,999 farms reporting,. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting,. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. . $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reporting, . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. , dpi I ars . , Under $100 farms reporting.. SlOO to $499 fatms reporting. , $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more fanns reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting. , SlOO to $499 fanns reporting., $500 to $999 fanns reporting. . $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more farms reporting. . ESnMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fann products sold total, dollars.. average per farm, dollars,, .All crops sold dollars. . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars . , Fruits and nuts sold , dollars , , Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars, . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold ,' , dollars.. Daily products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultjy and dairy, sold dollars. . See footnotes at end of table. 1,888 1,873 6,799 27 no 27,775 452,637 27,714 153,009 931 3,338 38,982 1,022,833 38,830 262,003 756 4,796 14, 283 405,926 400,957 86, 176 67,025 154,112,533 15,880 33,196 4,193 5,352 8,404 38,459 57,849,189 27,025 5,805 3,204 1,679 746 43,730 14,712,727 24,704 16,078 2,948 46,907 55,238,708 16,213 11,775 6,730 7,069 2,974 1,379 498 218 51 41,577 U, 018, 514 21,244 14,763 3,358 2,212 82,066 29,510,720 34,925 29,748 10,005 7,026 362 564,671,251 6,496 245,785,566 192,645,129 6,349,577 15,804,457 30,986,403 318,885,685 162,933,488 39,979,576 115,972,621 1,409 39,366 1,394 6,237 27 110 22,889 422,204 22,84S 142,909 886 3,288 29,434 934,307 29,322 240,898 674 4,679 10,249 344,583 338,978 50, 341 41,476 147,152,300 6,299 18,337 3,385 5,076 8,379 25,947 54,987,805 15,094 5,312 3,123 1,675 743 31,274 13,312,882 14,255 14,133 35,334 52,251,269 8,245 9,342 5,995 6,697 2,925 1,374 494 215 47 27,866 9,975,407 10,250 12,309 3,141 2,166 48,994 26,4S2,225 11,003 21,203 9,531 6,902 355 534,949,692 10,624 233,620,922 184,108,829 5,562,107 14,820,999 29,128,987 301,328,770 160,613,548 39,253,999 101,461,223 657 U,389 652 2,248 11 53 9,056 119,540 9,035 41, 531 289 798 13,059 323,133 12,987 84,023 324 1,946 5,429 162,052 163,553 26,710 23,203 97,4B8,770 3,051 9,303 1,855 3,196 5,798 15,138 32,378,443 7,986 3,583 2,070 1,102 397 14,293 4,915,606 7,409 5,959 925 16,830 20,438,011 4,781 4,523 2,690 2,894 1,228 462 164 71 17 13,551 3,799,957 5,717 5,997 1,151 686 25,960 10,888,701 7,352 11,635 4,379 2,496 98 261,823,073 9,801 78,416,114 51,999,629 2,302,266 6,155,179 17,959,040 183,406,959 115,377,190 18,741,949 49,287,820 575 19,872 570 3,208 11 47 7,253 192,667 7,243 67, 189 367 1,734 9,065 429, 837 9,042 106,354 261 2,014 3,538 132,418 130,671 12,632 10,999 28,982,073 1,304 5,754 1,077 1,301 1,563 6,729 14,442,010 4,381 1,114 725 318 191 9,469 5,664,601 3,311 4,778 1,330 10,873 21,630,025 1,582 2,438 1,907 2,640 1,297 684 215 97 18 8,727 4,331,184 2,207 3,991 1,415 1,114 12, 593 10,899,897 898 4,799 3,355 3,345 196 174,008,373 13,775 97,772,155 81,950,820 2,537,025 6,287,498 6,996,812 76,236,218 22,476,257 17,867,368 21 1,405 21 289 126 8,094 126 2,348 14 201 262 38,318 262 9,910 23 323 184 22,333 19,758 632 555 7,512,698 18 164 53 75 245 338 3,342,365 109 50 56 59 114 258 247,689 37 137 84 506 4,602,290 19 20 40 74 102 121 12 353 461,461 47 114 94 98 611 931,042 55 149 113 251 43 24,031,387 38,024 8,327,226 3,578,224 71,384 1,714,459 2,963,159 15,704,161 3,103,445 1,212,299 GEORGIA 137 state Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a aample of fanns. See text] (For defirjitions and explanations, see text) erclal farms by tenure of white operator— Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop- share tenants Livestock-share tenants Other and unspecified USE OF COMMERQAL FERTILIZER AND LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing matenois used during the year-Contjnued Clops on which used— Continued Soybeans f^^s reporting.., acres... Dry materials farms reporting.., tons... Liquid materials farnis reporting.., tons... Cotton farms reporting. . , acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons . . Litjuid materials farms reporting. . tons.. All other croos Farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres limed.. Ions.. SPEariED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms rerxjrting. . dollars.. Under ^lO) farms reporting.. $100 to S999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms [^porting. . $5,000 or more farms reporting.. Puitiase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $1,OOC farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2, 199 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $8,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting.. $200 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Hired labor farms reoorting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . S3D0 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. 31,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 to 549,999 farms reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting. . $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to 5999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars. . Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to £499 farms reporting., $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999 farms reoorting. . $5,000 or more farms reporting.. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm prt)ducts sold Jotal, dollars.. average per farm, dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars . . Fniits and nuts sold dollars . . Forest products and horticultural snecialty products sold dollars. . All livestock and livestock pnoducts sold dollars.. Poulny and poultry prrxlucts sold dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. See f(x)tnotes at end of table. 31 1,185 31 155 1,095 23,300 1,095 7,331 49 190 1,089 35,329 1,088 8,504 11 118 286 7,867 7,681 1,728 1,280 2,276,497 309 573 116 146 136 735 1,374,503 523 m 55 32 14 1,246 570,107 556 540 150 1,225 1,460,697 293 329 237 209 82 57 17 1 983 353,434 367 423 101 92 1,647 877,083 369 669 381 220 8 13,810,980 7,992 8,486,800 7,699,875 189,127 140,649 457,149 5,324,180 1,883,578 793,630 2,646,972 258 7,798 258 2,475 16 21 351 12,661 346 2,981 7 51 78 1,835 1,495 426 310 310,800 61 174 48 10 17 191 98,735 178 5 7 326 151,151 107 174 45 335 492,805 30 76 85 98 31 311 135,992 77 162 37 35 406 301,206 26 150 125 102 3 4,428,912 10,397 3,672,239 3,586,473 45,480 31,781 8,505 756,673 190,407 76, 580 489,686 25 685 25 78 1,415 20,648 1,415 6,406 45 108 1,610 25,194 1,609 7,753 7 35 152 2,497 2,289 2,078 1,154 1,146,905 491 533 15 45 70 692 367,850 592 60 30 10 1,601 489,872 836 662 103 1,541 971,625 430 601 270 174 45 15 5 1 1,035 182,150 556 402 50 27 2,023 686,083 500 1,092 326 105 12,994,231 6,253 10,750,998 10, 507, 211 120,480 45,442 77,865 2,243,233 1, 316, 100 71,920 855,213 35 475 35 65 892 12,975 387 3,707 30 27 1,191 25,743 1,191 8,680 6 29 215 5,258 4,008 1,350 1,154 1,702,993 267 665 80 53 89 534 635,076 4O0 60 40 26 1,056 408,589 388 601 67 1,143 854, 290 196 382 275 238 38 13 1 709 254,759 197 328 137 47 1,339 725,305 60 694 428 156 1 13,043,907 9,626 9,137,032 8,752,805 94,935 86,645 202,647 3,906,875 1,409,530 134,465 50 695 45 104 5 10 2,319 31,149 2,319 9,139 45 37 2,231 34,379 2,231 10,036 15 10 287 6,622 5,975 3,413 1,386 3,904,509 625 883 76 37 215 944 1,252,775 623 171 75 65 10 2,442 648,355 1,333 1,024 85 2,188 1,253,730 681 3U 330 250 56 5 5 1,661 346,114 795 700 110 56 3,193 363,020 1,240 1,448 351 149 5 20,477,095 6,000 13,565,822 13,011,535 140,090 246,937 167,260 6,911,273 4,398,536 208,555 15 660 15 90 475 7,033 470 2,283 31 172 576 9,713 566 2,657 20 153 80 3,701 3,548 1,372 935 3,827,055 173 238 65 163 246 596 1,095,548 302 158 65 63 533 216,412 273 253 47 688 547,796 233 162 m 120 46 15 1 536 110,356 237 192 46 11 1,222 309,833 503 567 73 78 1 10,331,734 7,530 3,492,536 3,022,257 61,320 112,409 296, 550 6,839,198 5,458, 505 147,233 1,233,460 138 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text] (For definitions and exfilanations, see text) Total all faims of white operators Commercial faims by tenure of white operator Full owners Part owners Manager All tenants LlVESrOCK AND LIVESTOCK PtWDUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifera that have calved Milk cows Heifers ajid heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and hull calves aims renorting. number, anns reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number, 'arms renorting. number, 'arms renorting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves— 1 head farms renorting. 5 to 4 head farms renorting. S to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 90 to t9 head farms reporting. SO to 99 head fanns reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms renorting 2 to 9 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head farms reporting CO It) 39 head farms reporunf TO to 49 head farms reporting, SO to 74 head farms reporting 75 to 99 head farms reporting 100 or more head farms reporting Milk cow*- 1 head farms renorting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 09 head .' farms reporting. ^10 to 49 head fam-is renorting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and/or mules farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms Bom since June 1 farms tkim before June 1 farms Sheep and lambs .fams Lambs under 1 year old farms Sheep 1 year old and over fanrs Ewes farms Rams and wethers farms Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number. renorting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporti ng . number, reporting. number. reporting, number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms Ibgs and nigs sold alive farms Sheep and lambs sold alive farms Milk and cream sold ^ , farms Chickens including broilers sold farms Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. number. dollars, reporti ng . number. dollars, renorting. number. dollars. renorting. pounds. dollars, rejiorling. dollars, reporting. dozens. dollars. Litters farrowed Oecetnbet 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms number 1 or 2 litters .1 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters ...'... 20 to 19 litters 40 to fi9 litters 70 or more litters June 2 to November .tO . farms farms farms '. farms farms farms farms number December 1 to June 1 farms number reporti ng . of litters, reporti ng . renorli ng . reporting, reporting, reporti ng . reporting, reporting, of tillers. rerxjrUng. of liu«rs. 62,687 1,347,976 58, 585 676,021 36,791 185,202 47,673 377,291 42,376 294,664 6,590 15, 531 12,588 11,577 9,972 4,061 2,266 102 14,681 27,723 7,211 2,943 3,027 1,566 600 834 17,820 16,477 283 363 945 528 184 186 30,357 58,243 58,088 1,705,328 40,221 961,781 52,724 743, 547 822 33,144 547 7,950 757 25,194 687 22,297 637 2,897 51,371 11,644,015 45,057 588,660 68,393,729 41,161 1,609,203 46,666,887 524 19,663 235,956 5,008 731,959,156 39,979,576 15,091 115,844,513 12,123 111,051,891 45,531,285 37,627 297,045 10,608 17,001 7,012 2,438 429 139 32,384 139,700 30,325 157,345 37,361 ,136,595 35,708 575,033 22,192 157,904 30,100 310,493 27,392 251,069 2,992 7,317 6,317 7,040 7,355 3,981 2,260 99 7,138 15,151 5,019 2,513 2,907 1,555 598 827 9,848 9,882 268 362 9<0 528 182 182 18,060 39,189 36,210 1,430,273 26,924 804,669 33, 576 625,604 591 29,457 419 7,081 546 22,376 498 19,891 471 2,485 30,209 10,634,670 27,649 509,853 59,984,214 28,470 1,406,008 40,774,232 410 17,898 214,776 3,624 717,390,441 39,253,999 12,424 114,790,445 7,765 108,043,620 44,299,942 26,441 253,019 5,206 11,975 6,348 2,355 423 134 23,113 116,706 22,514 136,313 20,951 593,827 20,018 304,497 12,063 79,257 16,936 164,476 15,409 124,854 1,595 3,937 3,722 4,175 4,162 2,220 1,103 37 3,847 8,719 2,977 1,429 1,573 770 231 422 5,353 5,443 168 208 503 214 76 93 10,033 20,431 13,326 650,975 13,041 363,000 16,839 287,975 323 14, 830 237 3,457 310 11,373 298 10,048 265 1,325 15,681 7,335,407 15,690 266,313 30,035,298 13,852 650,435 18,864.065 239 7,591 91,092 2,005 345,976,479 13,741,949 8,799 82,387,064 4,380 78,062,353 32,005,571 12,648 113,928 2,527 5,949 2,950 1,012 161 49 10,986 52,432 10,660 61,446 10,316 381,913 9,909 192,754 6,236 63,469 8,371 102,079 8,257 87,080 438 1,476 1,686 2,054 2,463 1,338 335 26 1,205 4,236 1,513 851 1,019 579 231 275 2,277 2,940 73 152 375 261 77 81 5,197 11,503 10,081 517,013 8,170 294,482 9,547 222,531 187 12,627 128 3,162 167 9,465 147 6,567 138 898 7,702 1,448,973 8,333 173,023 20,950,342 8,777 507,470 14,716,630 138 9,586 115,032 1,253 324,964,308 17,367,368 2,053 16,653,824 1,829 12,907,550 5,292,095 8,183 94,300 1,101 3,531 2,312 973 193 73 7,293 42,939 7,283 51,361 453 74,414 445 34,904 235 3,916 419 20,127 411 19, 383 23 14 17 7 40 118 211 23 92 91 2 1 n 12 24 2 350 2,545 356 33,936 258 19,377 335 14, 559 13 308 12 130 11 178 11 162 10 16 316 1,065,075 427 36,379 5,356,622 250 34 744 1,007)576 10 110 1,320 65 19,353,992 1,212,299 196 3,994,429 121 10,013,787 4,107,703 250 5,283 38 77 52 47 29 7 219 2,513 219 2,770 See footnotes al end of (able. GEORGIA 139 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data af« bused on reports for oaly a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Canmercial fanDS by tenure of white operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop- share tenants Livestock-share tenants Crtjppers Other and unspecified tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle anti calves fanns reporting. . number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reportjng. . number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporung.. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. . number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 heed farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calverW 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head ..farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . TO to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows— 1 head farms reiwrting.. 2 to 9 head farms reportjng.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head faims reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or mules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number, . Sheep and lambs farms renorting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old . . ., farms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number. . Ewes farms reporting.. number . . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number. . Chickens i months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestoch products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. pounds.. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . dollars. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens., dollars., Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting. . number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting.. 3 to 9 litters farms reporting., 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to 39 litters farms reporting., 40 to 69 litters farms reporting. , 70 or more litters farms renorting.. June 2 to November 30 farms reporting. . number of litters. , December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. , number of litters. , See footnotes at end of table. 1,0*3 27,223 984 12,868 650 3,988 788 7,751 752 6,604 330 193 119 153 119 42 7 265 415 99 50 87 47 6 15 287 297 5 30 30 529 945 1,281 42,117 941 25,059 1,193 17,058 17 909 11 139 17 770 11 636 17 134 1,060 131,787 682 10,798 1,236,946 1,012 48,126 1,395,654 7 373 4,476 98 14,762,246 793,630 234 1,343,939 169 1,313,520 538, 544 942 7,808 195 456 207 66 18 820 3,785 783 4,023 284 4,177 268 2,083 184 469 214 1,140 182 954 95 112 31 5 23 1 110 69 117 643 328 13,974 257 8,141 293 5,833 268 12,285 203 1,339 143,925 275 11,884 344,636 15 ,355 151 76 580 41 163,614 32 52 055 21 343 253 2 432 36 128 62 27 217 1 113 228 1 319 1,110 7,010 1,060 3,193 839 1,412 675 2,288 513 1,529 270 473 180 127 40 15 5 566 438 36 5 15 561 273 532 817 1,440 31,034 1,024 16,757 1,305 14,277 20 245 20 65 10 130 10 165 10 15 1,334 78,101 470 1,972 183,831 1,020 22,922 664,738 5 50 600 50 1,234,029 71,920 200 1,174,835 180 344,535 141,260 938 .,345 360 437 121 20 802 2,339 778 2,506 907 17,662 882 9,206 536 1,765 697 4,163 652 4,293 105 190 156 201 171 66 18 206 411 143 27 62 20 5 8 273 233 10 10 5 354 484 1,219 58,901 1,052 31,320 1,183 27,531 5 175 5 55 5 120 5 110 5 10 978 79,041 607 6,835 719,301 1,192 56,548 1,639,392 5 30 360 35 3,031,285 134,465 125 1,151,732 140 622,800 255,348 1,091 10,418 152 475 375 78 11 970 4,620 935 5,798 1,552 19,236 1,452 10,049 982 2,225 1,017 5,533 802 3,654 315 585 185 201 la 56 29 645 526 131 SI 30 22 12 5 645 327 5 576 1,160 2,318 59,712 1,596 32,921 2,122 26,791 21 318 6 73 21 245 16 203 21 42 2,201 149,718 853 3,306 835,221 1,576 49,402 1,432,658 6 158 1,896 45 3,837,368 208,555 335 4,145,014 200 615,835 252,492 1,601 10,013 625 685 191 90 5 5 1,335 4,772 1,216 5,241 740 11,133 690 5,479 467 1,403 483 2,936 414 2,718 136 222 123 103 lOS 33 14 1 232 267 70 28 13 27 245 204 10 1 1 6 367 661 361 22,611 585 13,612 759 8,999 5 45 5 45 5 45 669 384,283 379 4,388 521,723 516 24,427 708,383 53 2,875,583 147,233 441 3,765,994 214 4,111,185 1,685,586 535 3,992 172 237 78 42 6 471 2,143 412 1,849 140 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a samnle of famis. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see t*xt) Total all farms of white operstorB Ccramerclal famiB by tenure of white operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants SPEaFIKD CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. • acres. . Under 11 acres farms reporting. . 11 to 2^ acres farms reporting. . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 74 acres farms repotting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting. . Harvested for grain faniis reporting. . acres., bushels. . Sales farms reporting, . bushels. . Wheat harvested fanns reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. , Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested fanns reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. . acres grown alone. . acres grown with other crops . . pounds. . Hay crops; Land from which hay was cut acres . . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . acres. . . toils. ■ . Sales farms reporting. . . tons. . . Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres. . . Sales farms reporting — tons — Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting. . . acres — tons. . . Sales fanns reporting. . . tons . . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tons. . . Other hay cut farms repotting. . . acres . . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tons. . . Grass silage made fron grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons, green weight. . . Cotton harvested farms reporting. . . acres. . . bales. . . Irish potatoes harvested for hcsne use or for sale farms reporting. . . acres^. . bushels. . . Sweetpotatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting. . . acres^ . . bushels. . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . . acres. . . pounds . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . Sales dollars... Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, wn,l planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . . acres. . . 59,329 2,121,707 22,396 11,180 11, 591 6,5U 2,707 4,941 55,592 1,665,768 44,581,654 22,251 18,208,456 6,566 93,497 2,055,451 4,144 1,639,828 9,427 243,591 8,355,555 3,339 3,998,462 660 13,594 422,235 195 178,335 1,091 22,013 329,902 657 250, 575 16,273 389,668 666 431,211,469 355,455 2,115 20,744 42,969 249 3,517 3,073 81,341 161,950 617 27,779 6,323 74,870 87,095 687 10, 569 4,597 63,343 70,512 239 2,173 6,807 114,489 125,394 605 14,601 10 668 5,474 27,928 455,251 387,576 8,623 948 138,687 9,816 12,225 1,624,214 16,367 61,199 38,759,802 8,146 6,349,577 17,344 138,861 33,833 1,873,784 3,765 6,816 9,706 6,075 2,600 4,871 36, 804 1,475,737 40,464,046 16, 572 17,138,799 4,716 80,450 1,824,599 3,266 1,508,900 7,230 224,763 7,831,514 2,799 3,809,967 560 12,699 394, 115 155 171,895 1,002 21,518 323,912 624 243,355 14,601 379,975 661 423,613,983 295,365 1,547 17,092 37,316 147 2,746 2,601 75,537 154,880 521 26,703 3,480 55,817 67,613 330 3,401 3,032 53,419 61,960 134 1,573 4,055 92,930 103,334 325 12,991 9 570 4,690 22,992 423,953 364,907 4,638 578 32,236 6,115 10,930 1,472,051 14,700 58,346 85,878,836 6,125 5,562,107 10, 803 160,432 18,456 691, 535 5,647 3,473 4,595 2,375 938 1,428 17,195 511,418 13,808,634 5,775 4,519,037 2,176 27,059 579,202 1,277 436,393 3,442 87,550 2,94/i,337 1,098 1,219,819 221 4,818 145,610 54 66,125 388 6,926 98,779 223 71,021 5,575 98,824 110 106,939,279 149,981 396 8,391 17,725 74 1,440 1,277 37,453 73,225 238 13,947 1,900 28,689 33, 394 172 4,003 1,614 25,339 29,343 49 713 2,355 49, 289 53, 189 163 4,389 2 320 2,840 9,093 119,685 102,377 2,661 292 47,877 3,019 3,231 393,904 5,843 17, 886 25,840,899 2,591 2,302,266 6,274 74,775 11,153 753,710 1,381 1,549 2,477 2,218 1,133 2,395 10,706 610, 111 17,180,000 5,439 7,324,537 1,831 43,105 1,005,342 1,491 373,851 2,908 105,509 3,769,768 1,320 2,048,828 261 5,797 188,895 75 86, 875 511 11,837 185,007 323 148,267 5,062 181,439 352 202,394,477 107,377 510 6,346 14,493 72 1,136 938 25,146 52,508 208 7,194 1,185 21, 172 27,471 ■ 121 4,043 1,119 21,967 26,348 39 658 1,337 32,746 37,527 119 5,220 7,286 193,319 163,099 1,123 107 17, 592 1,919 6,460 912,523 4,372 21,887 32,267,734 2,274 2,537,025 3,371 57,439 366 46,825 26 24 37 73 39 167 335 40,171 ,158,372 169 477,112 63 2,126 52,730 64 48,728 165 13,598 532,638 61 189,203 24 970 30,240 50 1,714 26,371 45 19,04a 129 8,695 38 ,871,533 21,622 56 1,350 3,217 1 120 132 10,144 23,353 31 4,745 76 2,374 3,213 2 80 2,425 2,563 1 7 104 5,329 8,017 12 2,490 127 8,115 6,386 35 12 1,351 48 63 6,740 42 621 868,000 46 71,384 218 18,789 3,858 381,714 1,711 1,770 2,597 1,409 490 881 8,568 314,037 8,317,040 5,139 4,318,113 641 3,160 187,325 434 149,928 715 18,106 534,771 320 352,117 54 1,114 29, 370 26 18,895 53 991 13,755 33 10,019 3,835 91,017 161 104,908,694 16,385 85 1,005 1,881 204 2,794 5,794 44 322 319 3,532 3,530 35 275 269 3,188 3,206 45 195 259 5,566 5,101 31 392 ■7 250 1,850 6,486 102,339 88,045 819 167 15,416 1,129 1,226 153,334 4,443 17,952 26,902,153 1,214 651,432 940 9,429 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold, not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. GEORGIA 141 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports Tor only a sanple of faims. See textj (For definitions ajid explanations, see text) Ccaimercial farms by tenure of ^*lte operator— Continued Casli tenants Share-cash tenants Crop- share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes '. fanns reporting. . acres. . Under 11 acres fanns reporting.. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 or more acres fanns reporting. . Harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. ■ Wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. - Oats harvested for grain fanns reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested fanns reporting. . acres., bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels. . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting.. acres grown alone. . acres grown with other crops. . pounds. . Hay crops: Land from which hey was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales fanns reporting. . tons. . Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay fanns reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting. . acres. . tons. ■ Sales fanns reporting. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. ■ Other hay cut fanns reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or "mni 1 grains farms reporting. . acres. . tons, green weight. . Cotton harvested fanns reporting. acres, bales . Irish potatoes harvested for hczoe use or for sale fanns reporting. acres^ bushels. Sweetpotatoee harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting. acres^ bushels. Tobacco harvested fanns reporting. acres, pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting. Sales dollars. Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orcharda, groves, vineyards, wni^ planted nut treea^ fanns reporting . acres. 1,471 71,543 238 287 412 290 82 162 1,410 59,063 1,538,880 761 794,835 141 2,966 69,970 104 61,990 238 6,937 261,201 88 166, 557 23 830 21,300 16 17,420 17 5,490 9 4,174 655 16,774 5,275 19 310 536 51 704 895 7 42 67 773 990 78 927 914 5 25 76 2,311 2,135 1 132 250 1,850 1,096 23,378 19,290 113 65 5,583 214 265 43,897 432 1,469 296 189,127 234 2,779 390 26,310 45 66 100 60 16 103 380 23,440 652,812 258 403,620 768 13,445 46 10,333 75 1,739 49,635 42 28,400 5 25 750 5 750 1 34 680 184 8,762 10,181,691 853 12 365 1,288 1 60 25 305 295 5 100 258 7,798 7,165 46 4 642 57 6,122 168 919 1,524,800 102 45,480 1,908 74,080 340 461 588 290 70 159 1,878 65,110 1,736,830 1,252 952,330 175 2,201 51,535 149 36,940 155 2,825 92,855 90 67,235 10 45 875 6 49 780 5 340 74S 16,900 75 834 20 135 320 21 250 520 15 370 87 771 591 10 20 66 620 760 20 60 41 203 345 10 20 1,421 20,866 17,637 201 70 3,800 255 280 36,760 1,130 4,942 , 192, 190 225 120,480 U2 590 1,274 76,341 40 140 432 327 126 209 1,234 57,054 1,597,875 750 721,304 36 388 6,300 21 4,850 62 1,785 49,825 26 23,200 5 125 3,750 11 90 2,050 6 1,800 690 16,933 41 5 225 520 37 592 1,135 15 70 16 115 61 26 430 470 22 379 255 10 170 392 11,980 10,745 62 (Z) 395 120 131 9,160 958 4,526 7,180,228 161 94,935 2,928 101,918 776 655 798 368 155 176 2,821 81,864 2,086,435 1,716 1,059,520 143 1,003 26, 545 72 20,010 103 1,372 34,410 35 15,175 5 20 300 5 725 1,246 25,308 75 23,423,180 196 1,629 3,700 31 310 475 50 610 1,470 5 250 75 955 1,010 10 20 52 795 540 10 20 81 1,030 1,075 5 50 2,334 31, 592 27,223 301 23 3,621 325 232 22,350 1,471 5,176 7,519,725 236 140,090 197 2,396 387 31,522 272 161 267 74 41 72 845 27,506 704,208 452 386,004 73 834 19,030 42 15,800 77 2,948 96,845 39 51,500 6 69 1,895 18 338 4,755 13 3,705 312 6,340 45 6,947,357 2,837 5 20 20 33 273 486 1 30 49 663 583 10 135 32 321 427 5 40 33 1,560 1,238 485 7,223 5,935 91 5 1,375 143 261 40,595 284 920 1,293,690 144 61,320 126 1,201 142 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For descriptions and explanations, see text) FABMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE FannS jiumber.. Percent distribution pereent. . Land in farms acres . . Percent distribution percent. . Average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars. . Average per acre dollars.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms repotting.. acres . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. lOO lo 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres.. Soil-impn3Vement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . acres.. Woodland pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Irrigateij land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting.. acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number. . Under 25 years number. . 25 to M years number.. 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number.. 55 tofi4 years number.. 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. , 100 to 199 days operators reporting., 200 or more days operators reporting., With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting- With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as lo w>rk off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural prrxlucts sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. Total all farms of nonwhite operators 19,340 XXX 1,471,969 XXX 76.1 5,671 75.69 18,365 630,291 3,147 3,996 3,463 3,909 2,951 306 85 7 1 3,712 57,024 5,759 113,608 520 9,864 5,468 103,744 5,185 182,330 7,384 399,533 2,910 46,471 621 7,321 201 981 522 8,459 2,257 68,454 60 2,080 4,836 150,473 19,158 400 1,571 3,919 5,688 4,221 3,359 51.2 8,050 3,713 1,713 2,624 2,864 1,815 3,971 11,290 2,015 2,997 Commercial farms try tentire of nonwhite operator 11,601 100.0 1,014,801 100.0 87.5 6,559 76.55 11,459 515,820 690 1,745 2,312 3,094 2,729 796 85 7 2,048 34,940 2,926 58,747 373 7,782 2,720 50,965 2,310 105,097 3,894 248,883 1,491 26,340 439 6,160 176 956 382 6,474 1,332 51,359 55 2,055 3,109 113,153 11,467 295 1,106 2,763 3,860 2,990 453 47.9 3,436 2,803 337 296 1,022 493 327 8,168 1,139 735 Fttll owners 2,216 19.1 298,625 29.4 134.8 9,230 72.27 2,133 94,096 190 395 360 485 521 171 6 5 373 14,412 1,114 24,595 116 1,883 1,063 22,712 1,188 43,130 1,649 102,700 568 11,597 160 2,U0 6 196 151 2,772 260 10,725 5 200 652 26,532 2,204 10 90 295 647 965 197 53.8 612 491 41 80 151 132 51 1,604 260 261 Part owners 1,415 12.2 232,370 22.9 164.2 13,209 77.82 1,415 100,357 50 145 200 220 491 251 564 9,920 703 13,128 127 1,364 613 11,264 709 28,486 1,028 68,042 360 6,373 167 2,170 90 1,465 186 11,630 5 10 470 25,310 1,405 60 270 527 468 80 447 335 26 86 963 132 125 18 0.2 15,738 1.6 374.3 49,615 82.17 16 2,639 1,885 5 350 5 350 17 7,544 3 1,500 10 1,380 4 440 11 1,146 All tenants GEORGIA 143 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on refiorts for only a sample of farms. See t«xlj (For definiLions and explanations, see t«xt) Coomerclal farms Ijy tenure of nonidilte operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number.. Percent dtsthbution , percent. , Laid in farms acres.. Percent dislhbution percent.. Average site of fann act«s.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acr« dollars.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms r«porting. . acres., 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to S acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 lo 199 acr«s farms reporting.. 900 to 499 acres farms r^oorting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. acres.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres.*. Otjier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . acres.. Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres. . Other pasture [not cropland and not noodland) farms reporting. . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting.. acres.. Inigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres.. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. at:res.. Cropland used for grain or naw crops farmed on the conlour farms reporting. . acres.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control Sexms reporting.. acres.. System of terraces on crop and pasture land /arms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age jiumber.. Under 25 years jiumber. . 25 lo 34 years xumber.. 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years number. . 55 to 64 years number. . 65 or more years number.. Average a^ years.. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family worlting off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not woriring off their farms or not repotting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reiiorting.. With income from sources other than farm operated . , . operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators refwrting. . See footnotes at end of table. 995 3.6 94,979 9.i 95.5 5,779 61.16 990 44,954 45 110 226 23S 245 66 10 194 2,618 312 7,275 40 705 292 6,570 268 7,610 344 29,457 146 890 26 180 5 15 26 242 145 5,635 181 4,250 980 20 65 196 390 269 40 311 281 15 15 75 40 45 684 105 83 35 0.7 7,380 0.7 86.3 6,133 73.78 80 4,975 10 15 30 10 15 25 950 10 165 10 165 20 645 25 330 10 145 5 250 30 1,270 1,010 8.7 64,845 6.4 64.2 5,309 80.15 1,010 46,220 40 130 135 385 240 80 85 1,275 185 2,950 15 690 180 2,260 155 4,055 210 8,125 100 1,310 30 390 20 70 65 2,380 255 7,605 990 15 105 270 340 225 350 315 20 15 115 40 20 105 0.9 7,725 0, " 73.6 12,767 161.33 105 6,630 10 20 15 40 20 30 270 10 100 10 100 10 150 15 290 10 30 10 30 25 1,750 30 1,235 660 85 50 4,910 42.3 236,279 23.3 48.1 4,145 84.36 4,910 184,859 315 800 1,180 1,435 996 177 7 158 2,055 392 6,219 55 1,505 367 4,714 273 9,312 390 25,119 182 3,040 32 775 145 675 85 1,545 576 15,974 35 1,195 1,290 38,260 4,860 235 671 1,450 1,598 826 80 44.2 1,335 1,105 200 80 485 165 145 3,525 466 175 350 7.3 56,860 5.6 66.9 4,528 71.73 300 31,040 50 145 175 230 130 15 5 115 1,555 195 3,965 25 1,135 180 2,830 170 3,665 230 13,320 105 1,070 10 65 25 360 70 2,965 10 650 190 7,545 820 15 100 250 275 170 10 270 220 30 20 60 40 10 580 75 25 144 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only ft sample of farms. So© textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of noniAite operators Comnercial fame by tenure of rtoriTiiite operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants SPBaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting.. number.. Com pickers farms reporting.. number.. Pidt-up balers farms reporting.. number . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number.. MotortrMcks farms reporting. . number.. Tractors farms reporting.. number.. Tractors other than garden farms rerwrting.. number.. 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting. . S tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 or more (^actors farms reporting. . IVheel IracCors farms reporting.. number.. Oawler t/actors farms reporting. . number.. Garden t/actors farms reporting. . number.. Automobiles farnis reporting.. number.. Automobiles and/or motortnicks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms renorting.. Electric milk cooler farms reforting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-ooerated elevator, conveyor, or blower farrr.s reporting. . Farms by kind of road on itfhich located; Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms retorting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting. . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. i miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, *EEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Regular hired workers [employed ISO or more days) farms reporting. . persons.. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired *orid from others operators reporting acres Land rented to others operators reporting acres Land in farms of cash tenants acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre Hoi I ars Proportion of cash t«nants reporting value percent Cropland harvested farms reporting acres Cash tenants reporting both value of lantj and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number Proptinion of all cash tenants percent All land rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: Average per operator doll ars Average per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars Average per acre doll ars Average per *100 of value of land and buildings dollars 4, 9*0 48 7,726 646,349 361 23,481 630, 594 127.7 10,224 82.72 31.5 4,330 3,812 77.2 489,301 123.4 10,564 82.30 457 3.56 2,723 28 4,391 2,723 490,534 195 13,870 431,055 176.7 13,666 81.70 83.4 2,548 190,454 2,167 79.6 377,966 174.4 14,116 30.93 645 3.70 2,217 20 3,335 2,217 155,815 166 9,611 149,539 67.5 5,769 36.03 79.2 1,782 31,725 1,645 74.2 111,335 67.7 5,883 36.93 210 3.10 SHARE-CASH TENANTS All shafe-cash tenants number Land owned operators reporting acres Land rented from others operators reporting acres Land rented to others operators reporting acres Land in farms of share-cash tenants acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings; \verage per farm doll ars \verage per acre dollars PiO[x>rtion of share-cash tenants reporting value percent Cropland harvested /anns reporting acres Stiare-cash tenants reporting both value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number. Proportion of all char^rash tenants percent Al 1 1 and rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: \v6rage per operator dollars \verage per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Average per ?100 of value of land and buildings dollars 586 511 5 5 520 520 586 511 111,635 105,345 55 50 3,298 3,138 108,857 102,727 185.8 201.0 14,620 16,012 78.90 78.58 78.2 75.9 566 491 57,917 56,267 402 332 68.6 65.0 78,775 72,810 196.0 219.3 15,718 17,545 80.21 30.00 590 672 3.01 3.06 75 6,290 5 160 6,130 81.7 6,906 83.28 93.3 75 1,650 70 93.3 5,965 85.2 7,055 82.79 203 2.38 State Table 23.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estimated number of farms reporting Is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total v/ould differ frcan the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all fanns by less than — Level li Level 2 Level 3 If the estitnated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 iji 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — Level ll Level 2 Level 3 25..., 50..., 100.., 250... 500. . . 1,000. 2,500. 40 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 96 68 43 30 21 15 9.6 5,000.. 10,000. 25,000. 50,000. 100,000 250,000 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 6.8 4.3 3.0 2.1 1.5 1.0 ^Level 1 should be used in determining the sampling reliability of estimated number of farms and farms reporting. The level for all other items should be obtained from State Table 24. If the estimated ntiraber of farms or farms reporting constitutes more than 75 percent of all farms iji the lonlverse, a better approximation to the sampling reliability may be obtained Ijy multiplying the percent given in the table as follows : 1. When the numl}er of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.30. 3. When the numt)er of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.20. GEORGIA 153 State Table 24.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To delemiine the somDling reliability for an item, use this table to determine which of tJi© 4 levels of sampling reliability to use in Slate Table 2,1. To u to obtain the number of farms renottinE for the itemj B Slat© Table 23, it is necessary to refer also to county or Slate (able (For definitions and explanations, see text) Siz^of-faim gioup Tenurp-of-fapTi- op orator group Fconomic-class-of-fafm gn>u(> Type-of-fami group U-2 2 a S all Farms and farm characteristics: Land in fnnis Value of land and buildings per farm Cropland harvested Total cropland Total pasture! and Imgaled land m fa/ms Commercial fertilizer: Land on which commercial fertilizer was used Farm latwr: Regular hired wT>rkers employed 150 or more days Specified farm expenditures: Feed for NvestoclL and poulUy Purchase of tivestoclv and poultry Machine hire Hired labor Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fann business Livestock and livestock products: Cattle and calves on hand Cows, including heifers that have calved, on hand Hogs and pigs on hand Sheep and lambs on hand Chickens, 4 monUis old and over, on hand Calves sold alive CatUe, not counbng calves, sold alive Hogs and pigs sold alive Sheep and lambs sold alive , . . . . Horses sold Broilers sold Other chickens sold Chicken eggs sold Value of milk and cream sold Specified crops harvested: Com for all purposes Harvested for grain acres dollars acres acres acres persons dollars . dollars dollars . dollars dollars dollars number number . number number number number number number Dumber number number dozens dollars . . .acres. ...acres, bushels . Peanuts for all purposes , .acres . grown alone, acres. grown with other crops, acres. Harvested for nuts acres . pounds. Oats harvested acres. bushels. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay acres. tons. Coastal Bemnida grass cut for hay acres. tons. Lespedeza cut for hay acres. tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay acres. tans. Other h^ cut acres . tons. Cotton harvested acres. bales. Value of vegetables harvested for sale dollars . Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (155) 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on (I'or definitions and explanations, see text) Applijlg FARMS, \n!F,4GE, AND VALUE lis number IflfiO. ior.4 . Decri'nso in farms due tti chance in fnrm .Icfinitinn in5f to I!>59 number . AprfOxiiiiatc land area acres 1950 . Proportion in farms percent lO.'ifl . Land in famis acres msi , 1954. Xveraire size of fanii acres 1959 . 1954. Value of land and buildings: Aveta-ic i>eT larm . .dollars 1959 . 1954. Averri'ic per acre . . dollars 1959 . I9.5i . PrnjiiiHion nf jarms reporhiu/ vntue percejU 1959 . 195i. Land in farms accoiding to use: Cropland h.irvesled farn.s reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1054 . . I to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reportinc 1959 . . 1954.. 20 to 29 acres.. . farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. :10 to 1 9 acres forms reporting 1959 . . 1054.. 50 to 90 acres farms reporting 1059 . , 1954.. 100 to 109 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 200 1^ 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954., 500 to 009 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1054 . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 , 1954 . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 .', 1954.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . acres 1059 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . ' 1954 . acres 1950.. 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954,. acres 1959 . 1954 . Other nasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting 1959. , 195.', , acres 1959 . 1954, Improveil fiaslure (see text) farms reporting 1959, , 1054. acres 1059 . 1954. Other land (house lot.s, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1950 . 1954. Cropland, liital farms reporting 1959 , 1954. Land pastured, total farms reportinc 10,59 . 1054. Woodland, loul , farnus reporting 1959 . 1954, Irrigalod land in farms farms reporting 1959 , 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Land-use practices: Croplaivt in cover crops farms rr porting 19.59. acrts 1959. Vroplaiul iiscil for yrain or roi" crops farnteil on tlie coriimtr forms reportirvj 1 959 . acres 1959. Larvl in strip- croppinij st/stems for soil-erosion control farms reportiryj 1 059 . acres 1959 . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reportin/j 1950 . acres 1950. 106,350 165,523 10,715 37,295,360 52.7 19,657,615 2^,018,773 184.8 145.1 16,465 7,909 100.01 61.36 77 80 89,686 140,499 4,917,975 6,117,379 20,116 30,943 15,972 26,006 11,121 21,232 14,259 26,319 16,068 24,048 7,913 8,377 3,521 2,980 595 490 121 104 36,457 43,295 1,303,702 1,407,398 39,836 58,324 1,236,798 1,399,296 8,469 261,485 35,033 975,313 43,717 66,225 3,065,538 4,600,542 61,331 82,406 7,175,352 8,085,789 37,214 57,101 1,384,167 1,850,269 18,995 24,519 687,566 803,144 574,083 558,100 98,071 153,975 75,550 108,077 78,610 112,791 2,194 1,268 33,700 23,873 6,960 191,867 14,449 724,381 940 30,633 33,066 1,003,295 1,403 38 328,960 52.4 172,302 208,032 158.2 148.3 15,994 6,778 106.97 60.87 59 72 980 1,289 43,629 47,849 149 177 125 173 143 252 234 350 250 288 70 506 347 6,512 3,916 365 207 4,387 2,102 34 324 346 4,063 336 115 20,543 14,761 765 982 88,985 130,520 309 350 5,055 5,988 185 99 2,582 2,216 3,191 2,896 1,031 1,324 788 659 822 1,017 21 9 116 90 86 1,182 360 75 2,171 413 584 11 203,520 56.4 114,760 128,796 277.9 220.5 24,133 14,898 91.00 90.09 73 81 389 541 19,340 20,830 64 71 39 34 52 102 69 137 123 115 212 297 3,685 5,394 145 113 3,102 1,681 24 242 132 2,860 188 167 23,775 25,983 239 330 57,714 67,559 99 87 2,364 5,994 75 52 1,549 1,656 4,780 1,355 402 561 301 371 303 380 12 7 99 32 788 986 15 187,520 66.3 124,403 131,294 157.9 133.2 18,961 8,859 128.07 73.49 78 79 719 895 31,726 32,511 52 90 96 126 110 199 210 273 211 186 38 20 2 1 250 254 3,443 3,019 130 157 2,602 1,828 11 424 123 2,178 178 258 8,975 33,923 558 455 63,772 51,708 370 286 5,355 6,632 314 181 5,037 3,413 3,030 1,673 741 909 571 570 599 687 35 2 163 56 501 751 18 227,200 74.7 169,670 179,213 338.7 238.6 14,833 11,382 52.05 49.84 66 55 422 683 42,980 47,326 17 40 50 37 25 89 92 196 130 228 69 67 27 18 22 260 62 773 20 480 20 375 163 261 7,303 18,908 107 169 7,395 20,539 12 400 100 7,495 179 227 19,251 29,735 210 197 81,008 56,125 61 51 6,183 4,531 33 18 4,597 650 5,050 2,049 463 720 255 379 239 353 26 1,135 324 464 31 164,430 49.8 81,850 99,994 252.6 215.5 20,215 7,100 104.26 46.55 74 74 258 391 13,349 20,650 95 94 64 92 29 64 29 65 25 43 9 21 5 10 1 231 188 14,211 11,679 90 189 2,463 7,232 25 391 70 1,577 221 245 20,918 25,722 156 166 22,163 23,805 72 151 7,369 9,434 24 29 2,697 3,282 1,372 1,412 310 435 285 338 274 332 17 455 63 3,320 67 3,030 631 981 99 147,840 50.7 74,998 98,970 113.9 100.9 7,726 4,669 77.80 51.62 87 76 551 828 11,464 16,691 159 245 190 253 94 167 71 113 30 43 5 6 2 1 107 71 2,283 1,827 383 546 7,902 11,158 107 1,463 336 6,439 352 366 9,670 11,622 478 628 33,095 40,372 339 643 3,586 14,455 160 293 2,331 4,569 1,998 2,845 599 922 531 779 541 736 3 2 20 40 15 125 266 7,505 30 265 353 14,295 748 1,138 75 109,440 60.9 66,689 85,309 39.2 75.4 12,087 5,723 131.03 82.40 77 89 615 946 14,801 24,735 172 177 188 276 109 230 85 170 308 274 9,163 5,225 371 527 9,652 9,425. 100 1,781 331 7,871 413 539 11,983 12,446 391 549 11,659 15,568 345 661 7,461 15,411 92 284 1,709 7,895 1,970 2,999 686 1,054 584 879 547 731 3 1 3 14 35 420 216 5,595 31 1,045 446 19,330 GEORGIA 157 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 reports for only a sample of farma. See text] Ben HIU Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bryan Bvaiooh Burke Butte Callioun Camden Candler Carroll Catooaa Charlton 535 1,134 391 485 489 1,180 210 1,981 1,176 417 385 114 697 1,753 561 164 1 654 1,445 779 712 671 1,703 404 2,490 1,654 720 690 278 908 3,155 833 192 2 34 31 73 35 38 44 42 45 65 25 20 45 18 269 98 24 3 163,200 298,240 160,640 140,160 286,080 314,880 280,960 437,760 532,480 118,400 184,960 419,840 160,640 316,800 106,880 511,360 4 75.1 74.8 40.6 71.5 27.6 78.9 15.2 75.0 63.3 60.7 76.2 20.5 71.5 53.2 47.6 7.7 a 122,582 222,995 65,155 100,278 78,922 248,523 42,753 328,124 337,251 71,836 140,884 85,947 114,882 168,536 50,888 39,533 r, U5,5A5 226,127 94,342 124,459 99,982 279,597 73,097 341,864 419,551 89,353 149,797 103,713 128,427 229,340 64,247 43,397 7 229.1 196.6 166.6 205.8 161.4 210.5 203.6 165.6 286.8 172.3 365.9 753.9 164.8 96.1 90.7 241.1 8 222.5 156.5 121.1 174.8 149.0 154.2 180.9 137.3 253.7 124.1 217.1 373.1 W1.4 72.7 77.1 226.0 9 19,735 17,843 27,737 1/4,302 17,158 17,244 16,534 13,801 15,537 12,536 18,819 56,284 17,082 9,890 13,043 21,912 10 10,764 9,730 9,964 9,312 7,829 9,637 7,011 9,220 7,588 4,443 8,756 14,501 9,178 5,446 7,398 6,041 11 108.79 108.07 172.71 75.45 110.23 85.68 76.75 108.00 60.50 94.54 56.65 79.01 96.93 95.56 141.11 98.17 12 54.60 83.59 88.90 56.82 56.94 53.94 54.99 72.92 33.90 39.58 52.74 40.14 66.93 78.20 118.89 28.20 13 73 68 83 81 76 83 60 57 86 77 85 91 61 88 96 93 14 71 74 91 80 71 75 85 77 81 85 70 84 68 75 87 61 15 485 1,031 273 425 428 1,110 160 1,776 1,121 362 351 52 554 1,397 412 111 IS 584 1,330 480 659 526 1,579 282 2,298 1,577 629 639 133 859 2,605 600 144 17 29,957 58,076 13,711 35,391 8,869 81,821 5,745 130,125 133,278 11,329 46,229 1,281 43,076 27,562 9,679 2,130 18 30,632 61,429 21,770 49,329 9,995 97,146 7,069 U3,232 161,758 21,210 48,224 1,343 45,259 55,528 U,883 2,765 19 90 123 113 31 123 119 42 143 101 79 15 31 41 502 155 42 SO 73 114 194 48 157 140 121 212 101 106 29 118 56 598 212 52 21 47 107 47 27 136 124 40 154 145 94 29 12 62 431 126 30 22 76 169 89 53 160 150 55 205 209 179 42 9 68 794 155 45 23 55 123 21 39 73 151 15 188 168 73 32 3 59 214 44 21 24 77 203 39 58 112 251 35 259 232 138 101 3 115 549 83 25 25 76 225 24 95 69 205 29 358 242 61 63 1 142 149 35 7 26 133 417 43 129 73 320 39 549 368 114 201 226 377 93 11 27 121 318 35 133 23 268 23 541 197 33 91 2 228 74 34 9 28 164 327 59 222 22 457 21 750 338 55 180 303 152 42 9 20 74 113 18 70 4 167 9 293 112 19 50 1 87 23 15 2 30 47 83 37 105 2 185 7 275 155 28 42 1 81 31 10 2 31 22 21 13 25 66 2 89 92 3 54 2 23 4 2 32 14 16 16 29 3 50 9 4 45 9 110 49 9 33 14 1 10 2 4 5 33 .14 1 2 4 5 1 46 9 1 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 17 2 2 36 37 156 360 153 311 336 523 112 846 373 180 73 41 207 487 137 75 38 236 406 308 312 184 638 120 661 487 100 150 37 247 750 217 96 39 2,809 5,553 7,328 9,951 4,697 19,528 2,988 12,957 24,558 8,047 5,158 3,123 3,957 15,402 4,107 1,245 40 4,502 6,968 13,486 7,423 2,135 20,231 2,282 10,011 37,859 3,353 15,790 1,034 5,512 17,194 4,681 2,197 41 205 364 143 139 269 506 55 393 419 165 101 13 152 885 173 115 42 236 159 220 184 266 346 105 289 625 214 169 100 139 1,313 455 58 43 5,790 6,534 5,245 5,550 3,832 13,588 957 8,655 27,853 6,943 11,031 655 5,588 19,288 4,074 1,891 44 4,818 2,852 8,043 4,050 2,796 11,287 2,843 3,445 40,334 4,322 5,712 1,671 2,341 23,148 7,917 1,465 45 12 32 20 32 46 54 14 97 80 84 12 3 23 145 49 7 46 177 713 972 2,815 500 2,062 262 1,458 5,718 4,305 633 26 454 1,917 931 49 47 197 350 134 117 245 481 44 329 375 111 97 10 133 822 143 113 18 5,613 5,821 4,273 3,735 3,332 U,525 695 7,207 22,135 2,638 10,398 629 5,234 17,371 3,143 1,842 49 292 477 136 203 155 373 56 512 257 209 85 50 265 827 204 81 50 362 588 288 347 96 487 89 802 359 344 142 80 230 1,438 302 31 51 31,340 46,558 10,325 8,445 15,225 25,383 4,974 30,557 22,490 12,760 14,861 54,539 15,486 21,798 5,279 14,663 52 50,971 56,304 21,818 15,240 25,029 40,718 12,024 71,160 38,276 19,002 17,792 50,569 15,461 27,010 5,054 7,163 53 274 670 196 310 357 721 lA 1,142 592 196 154 70 436 1,086 354 89 Si 297 604 2A5 345 489 806 216 1,066 745 297 259 165 505 1,986 525 132 55 45,298 91,098 21,192 35,331 41,832 90,737 23,494 127,642 118,602 23,515 45,147 21,498 39,214 51,074 14,089 16,854 56 46,546 79,520 15,773 37,113 54,774 91,755 43,481 105,910 115,184 23,301 48,787 41,711 50,538 59,100 18,830 26,766 57 138 390 76 63 35 219 15 236 54 152 136 10 177 885 351 72 58 70 381 182 176 113 214 57 546 86 379 123 22 194 1,764 429 16 59 3,494 8,905 5,575 2,855 1,183 7,693 1,019 11,273 4,788 6,843 15,423 751 3,876 28,132 11,114 1,546 60 6,251 16,633 9,287 9,267 2,975 12,728 3,095 11,062 20,292 15,105 11,367 4,009 4,425 28,259 10,199 2,783 61 98 285 30 28 30 158 6 112 44 67 72 7 122 424 155 53 62 W 191 135 89 56 112 35 481 32 157 52 12 143 474 202 8 63 2,669 6,779 2,018 1,820 681 5,550 548 4,198 3,046 2,345 10,010 283 2,381 13,688 4,210 1,112 64 142 3,785 6,489 5,939 919 6,421 1,112 9,378 3,510 5,217 8,219 379 2,370 9,382 5,093 401 65 3,894 5,261 1,779 1,754 3,283 8,773 3,576 6,805 5,682 2,299 3,025 4,100 2,585 5,280 2,545 1,203 66 1,825 2,421 3,165 2,047 1,278 5,731 2,303 5,043 5,948 3,060 2,125 3,256 2,890 8,101 2,683 258 67 501 1,058 343 470 458 1,153 190 1,880 1,147 401 352 74 664 1,601 474 143 68 621 1,357 683 685 598 1,539 328 2,355 1.515 479 670 555 202 875 2,978 764 179 69 364 784 248 400 375 747 141 1,150 290 202 73 425 1,433 485 124 70 445 880 535 539 304 945 192 1,335 530 448 290 103 479 2,471 641 125 71 397 844 287 392 399 871 163 1,289 558 282 185 100 505 1,343 446 131 72 464 881 479 535 526 1,087 256 1,574 872 439 321 225 530 2,330 624 152 73 14 48 5 11 21 138 3 1 3 95 5 1 74 2 lA 9 "i 3 26 92 3 1 4 38 2 4 75 124 366 118 181 384 945 47 3 293 704 56 4 76 6 248 184 'ii 10 668 505 34 35 510 259 39 39 77 62 59 28 16 40 78 18 113 95 11 18 7 87 45 30 78 1,178 1,620 1,741 280 245 1,765 290 2,762 5,862 50 1,855 172 1,380 520 320 79 42 45 53 36 223 5 190 152 121 26 37 535 30 60 2,210 1,255 4,197 4,706 22,089 50 15,613 12,345 2,929 1,415 4,117 10,950 295 81 15 22 5 14 6 19 5 45 35 5 82 245 862 40 700 275 1,092 120 1,020 490 30 83 149 72 68 144 519 217 75 219 '40 195 1,100 45 84 7,576 2,020 4,455 14,128 46,209 21,358 6,257 10,609 2,3a 15,835 42,770 685 85 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for it«ins shown in italics are based on (Tor definitions nnd explanations, see text) Chatham Chattahoochee caiattooga Cherokee Clay Cla^on FARMS, ArHE.4CE. AND VALUE I'nniis number 19.'i9 . (154. Decronso in famis due to chance in farm dcrinition lf)54 to lfl59 number . Apnroximalc land area. act«s Tropcrtion in farm? percent I .nnd in fnmis acres Avernce sue of fami, acres Value Of lanti and buildings: Anfrof/r per fnriri dollars Avera'jp fier ncrt dollars Proportion of jarins reporting value ptrcent Land in farms accoiding to use: Cropland harvested farn£ reporting 1 lo 9 acres farms reporting ]0 to 19 acres farms reportinp 20 to 29 acres farms reporting :10 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reportinp 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 act^s farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only For pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-improvement jjasses and legumes farms reportinp acres Other cropland (idle and crop Failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured Farms reporting acres Woodland no! pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reportinp acres Improved pasture {see text) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres Cropland, total farms reporting Land paslureil, totnl farms reportinp Woodland, total farms reporting Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Land-use practices: Croplanti in cover crops farms reporting acres Croplanil used fur 'jrain or row crops famieil on t/ie roiiiour /arms reporting Land in strip-creppimj systems for soil-erosion central farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reportiruj 1 051). 1059. 1050. 1059. 1050. 1050. 1059. 238 ■496 96 282,2/iO 21-8 61,409 92,406 258-0 186.3 31,833 15,681 309.57 161.11 77 83 1J.0 192 3,244 5,907 66 139 10 11 9 13 9 9 105 118 4,334 4,662 52 132 1,530 1,969 11 724 46 806 61 76 21,503 23,333 85 199 8,653 21,185 44 35 3,888 27,796 20 12 3,040 1,887 18,257 7,554 185 331 160 185 135 248 6 4 23 101 161,920 11-7 18,989 18,914 431.6 363.7 14,697 7,849 41.52 25.81 70 80 37 45 1,283 1,506 11 5 7 9 6 U 7 16 18 33 2,987 2,360 10 37 1,778 1,575 5 977 6 801 24 37 7,141 4,779 4 37 5,337 8,375 3 1 238 6 2 220 313 700 1,098 69 202,880 49.4 100,315 131,503 143-3 119.8 10,471 5,571 75.37 58.60 89 75 566 893 16,737 25,701 144 200 130 228 92 175 94 165 89 96 14 22 3 6 225 110 6,294 4,787 405 580 13,592 13,206 136 3,287 350 10,305 215 378 6,779 14,223 461 581 42,120 54,460 339 559 U,797 15,291 157 220 5,923 5,857 2,996 3,835 657 1,017 538 757 521 722 1 96 2,435 115 2,325 192 6,575 1,220 1,646 146 264,960 36.7 97,341 126,374 79.8 76-8 11,298 5,769 141.44 77.38 92 72 667 1,057 7,282 13,339 416 552 166 336 37 95 29 49 286 408 7,341 8,246 480 673 6,432 9,178 89 731 432 5,701 491 534 10,746 14,610 818 1,068 46,643 63,619 675 715 14,741 13,584 426 217 9,198 3,581 4,156 3,798 384 1,345 949 1,230 944 1,255 1 155 U6 2,485 230 6,725 279 495 31 80,000 50.4 40,333 54,892 144.6 110.9 24,626 12,726 162.22 112.80 82 81 213 385 7,205 12,551 79 122 51 105 23 42 23 47 56 142 3,520 4,643 122 190 4,683 4,507 40 1,336 108 2,847 101 174 4,594 10,502 135 175 11,900 12,135 144 153 6,747 8,551 56 83 3,614 6,151 1,684 2,003 243 448 190 321 138 293 5 8 66 134 5 125 81 3,310 95 52 5,875 389 567 34 143,360 66.4 95,151 118,152 244.6 208.4 13,037 7,546 59.02 40.04 90 37 343 521 27,863 32,409 39 29 44 56 40 79 77 153 74 135 27 41 38 25 4 3 79 137 4,383 3,366 102 139 7,698 7,008 18 1,048 84 6,650 153 183 20,761 24,802 143 207 22,507 36,847 149 130 10,174 6,700 70 78 5,908 3,686 1,765 2,020 359 544 219 251 207 278 1 19 1,036 24 2,503 118 9,554 301 804 80 95,360 26-7 25,418 59,388 84.4 73.9 27,351 9,928 356.40 148.55 67 90 184 503 4,547 U,603 78 207 46 140 17 50 23 138 125 5,564 5,303 m 368 2,435 7,166 26 401 95 2,034 109 300 3,847 10,779 112 267 4,908 10,623 73 378 2,326 11,115 21 170 821 4,709 1,791 2,799 262 673 221 561 188 451 1 9 25 198 16 260 35 ,785 120 4,395 124 209 16 509,440 10.9 55,730 U4,223 449.4 546.5 42,249 16,649 71.30 35.26 68 105 179 2,427 3,525 29 47 27 61 23 37 17 26 48 96 1,091 942 30 41 417 551 4 52 27 365 39 50 30,038 39,292 35 133 20,352 66,780 36 31 585 2,865 17 8 3U 949 820 273 107 138 75 123 93 146 1 6 105 5 225 GEORGIA 159 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued npoiis for only a sample of fanrs. See text] Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coreta Crawford CrlBp Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early 1,-171 1,787 425 814 766 339 560 441 327 1,049 375 1,040 730 410 515 1,034 1 1,979 2,678 736 1,137 1,501 568 917 606 605 1,306 1,048 1,533 1,256 534 890 1,638 3 29 51 104 25 121 42 13 64 61 76 109 34 30 62 122 53 3 392,320 360,320 185,600 1U,640 233,520 200,320 189,440 107,520 133,760 375,040 172,160 319,360 252,160 208,640 128,640 336,640 1 79.2 79.7 54.8 84.9 49.4 46.1 86.1 55.8 23.5 68.8 20.0 65.4 77.7 81.8 40.5 82.1 5 310,625 287,351 101,800 122,748 140,108 92,435 163,165 60,038 31,396 258,187 34,439 208,757 196,003 170,635 52,090 276,377 0 308,330 318,402 122,194 122,948 210,143 U4,864 182,518 60,034 81,679 273,756 54,055 245,679 218,216 187,795 73,737 303,164 7 211.2 160.8 239.5 150.8 182.9 272.7 291.4 136.1 96.0 246.1 91.8 200.7 263.5 416.2 101.1 267.3 8 155.8 118.9 166.0 108.1 140.0 202.2 199.0 99.1 135.0 209.6 51.6 160.3 173.7 351.7 82.9 185.1 9 20,338 21,627 18,393 16,400 16,733 18,384 27,895 14,524 5,945 24,342 47,745 17,168 26,672 46,644 12,412 16,091 10 11,379 9,483 6,901 8,836 6,500 7,425 13,424 6,156 5,261 7,980 14,957 6,309 9,924 17,959 4,810 7,825 11 105.01 133.40 90.20 121.90 96.20 68.27 104.86 103.53 67.32 101.13 518.76 83.59 102.77 147.90 126.51 34.38 12 88.81 38.36 46.29 91.00 49.95 40.73 69.07 58.44 39.32 47.34 287.09 44.69 59.24 67.80 55.55 53.04 13 77 67 81 62 70 93 66 81 82 74 93 74 59 89 90 74 14 81 71 86 81 39 78 67 83 83 83 91 34 83 88 71 82 15 1,355 1,594 342 733 584 292 493 345 235 912 208 891 668 334 360 898 16 1,839 2,404 538 1,069 1,292 467 330 464 430 1,128 521 1,309 1,174 471 709 1,492 17 78,314 113,650 10,370 43,984 21,235 17,802 70,740 7,050 2,532 79,754 5,411 57,986 92,403 43,736 5,754 105,270 18 73,961 129,555 15,994 45,459 36,522 21,170 80,041 7,982 5,610 30,506 8,084 75,086 104.651 48,495 12,572 110,363 19 116 179 105 89 181 92 33 149 136 132 106 85 23 71 133 71 20 212 238 189 120 304 147 83 221 215 145 312 U7 76 99 287 84 21 142 133 89 75 168 63 31 95 62 U9 49 104 48 47 102 64 22 242 218 172 136 405 109 52 U4 136 136 103 130 76 69 208 93 23 170 157 54 83 88 48 28 42 19 71 20 107 42 35 25 69 24 304 314 84 186 231 75 50 67 44 106 38 173 92 52 111 146 25 281 274 33 153 64 31 71 34 17 144 13 183 74 46 30 168 26 485 618 66 310 203 49 164 39 27 200 32 332 249 85 58 416 27 456 533 23 209 46 18 132 20 200 7 263 185 44 12 237 28 472 751 52 259 100 43 282 16 300 19 388 381 67 38 510 29 159 236 23 100 18 17 96 144 9 100 152 28 8 156 30 115 223 14 49 32 21 126 176 9 135 188 40 5 159 31 31 75 5 15 15 13 77 39 2 44 115 37 lOi 32 9 39 11 8 16 18 46 57 3 28 98 36 2 69 33 5 4 3 9 27 12 2 5 19 20 24 34 2 1 4 24 7 5 12 16 U 35 2 1 1 3 1 5 6 5 36 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 7 4 37 575 708 124 250 283 128 248 140 133 355 204 565 251 109 170 326 38 633 770 243 479 315 130 246 53 18 378 453 585 391 142 273 520 39 8,539 18,707 5,500 4,172 17,537 4,936 9,247 3,479 2,023 U,697 7,329 17,909 7,310 17,606 2,932 13,007 40 9,728 14,364 13,635 5,744 11,452 10,326 3,614 970 306 11,765 10,124 18,730 9,756 19,123 4,564 21,882 41 352 401 124 247 279 133 199 207 144 233 125 339 234 138 218 295 42 292 420 289 106 &44 329 208 268 347 258 413 490 416 125 458 314 43 5,719 9,215 3,501 5,776 11,498 3,636 5,360 3,553 2,332 7,214 4,392 11,734 10,270 14,599 4,230 8,576 ■14 4,642 4,906 3,229 1,113 15,059 8,647 4,980 3,341 5,260 6,142 6,340 12,988 8,518 22,953 8,176 7,763 45 34 59 35 27 74 22 31 46 15 40 25 68 61 17 73 37 46 489 1,428 1,137 1,343 2,372 504 933 610 113 2,447 890 3,300 4,266 1,338 1,041 2,811 47 330 358 lOO 233 234 120 173 180 135 212 109 292 198 130 182 269 IS 5,230 7,787 2,364 4,428 9,126 3,182 4,422 2,943 2,219 4,767 3,502 8,484 6,004 13,261 3,189 5,765 4? 615 1,033 290 336 333 178 275 194 91 451 139 534 266 102 223 359 50 707 1,384 468 392 736 306 385 313 335 707 312 354 379 U3 400 566 51 61,296 66,895 35,360 17,883 17,628 17,235 21,263 7,861 1,269 58,475 4,104 40,442 15,694 12,631 6,832 29,730 52 79,262 100,941 38,333 19,357 39,320 25,811 35,439 9,679 3,576 79,092 6,641 67,921 24,569 16,920 10,499 49,565 53 774 823 212 457 430 137 313 3U 251 501 186 552 514 129 371 556 '4 817 763 236 594 738 280 425 403 487 551 447 674 734 153 585 643 55 138,594 61,701 33,075 44,008 49,581 42,541 48,230 28,304 20,170 30,667 6,238 72,475 55,129 67,608 22,533 91,319 56 119,830 46,944 32,626 46,288 70,476 39,285 43,037 25,908 54,822 75,678 13,586 55,855 54,377 61, 507 28,186 89,873 57 547 348 172 221 251 82 62 163 145 310 97 114 203 70 284 415 58 490 607 206 133 657 177 170 410 443 406 276 324 302 94 378 365 59 10,1U 8,207 11,442 4,048 16,936 4,602 3,518 7,035 1,814 14,426 3,775 3,6U 10,914 8,963 7,743 21,721 60 11,253 14,662 9,513 2,491 32,896 6,567 7,247 10,867 3,831 16,383 6,055 9,327 12,287 15,553 7,588 19,659 61 373 237 87 137 83 33 39 128 127 132 59 50 115 42 161 270 62 267 373 88 101 252 76 66 191 337 249 59 144 220 58 183 220 63 7,280 5,732 4,462 2,350 6,685 1,863 2,183 5,174 1,245 10,216 2,195 1,513 7,409 4,390 3,509 17,047 64 5,727 3,256 4,301 1,972 14,404 2,805 3,689 4,275 2,970 9)710 i;266 5; 390 10,035 9,458 3,894 13,102 65 3,050 3,976 2,552 2,872 5,693 1,533 4,807 2,756 1,251 5,954 3,140 4,550 4,283 5,492 2,066 6,754 66 4,654 6,530 3,264 2,496 4,418 3,058 3,160 1,287 8,274 4,190 3,225 5,772 4,058 3,239 2,152 4,054 67 1,405 1,668 331 754 682 320 523 390 284 957 313 978 694 391 433 945 66 1,385 2,504 670 1,093 1,413 528 864 547 523 1,194 869 1,450 1,218 505 841 1,556 69 1,043 1,316 336 520 578 234 356 326 260 696 289 324 467 185 406 683 70 1,140 1,694 551 699 1,072 390 526 437 500 917 734 1,090 709 217 704 931 71 1,046 1,379 371 602 562 283 407 378 263 757 257 839 584 181 435 695 72 1,175 1,671 548 787 1,062 411 595 511 512 956 667 1,173 349 224 726 906 73 240 155 1 27 1 2 5 34 U 11 2 10 1 74 58 90 46 5 2 1 "6 "i 26 3 3 1 3 3 '19 75 1,604 1,457 "9 450 12 12 430 1,323 274 335 103 453 4 76 459 1,162 526 202 8 7 139 '3 633 206 54 200 93 13 842 77 139 38 40 89 33 15 163 31 1 113 32 89 169 52 64 78 1,373 2,254 368 2,040 1,525 745 7,059 370 15 3,014 2,755 2,360 6,870 3,859 2,454 79 38 285 23 100 118 87 72 36 6 45 75 242 122 30 85 33 .SO 1,702 21,107 1,156 3,850 6,566 2,230 10,885 340 90 3,305 1,620 17,830 10,516 6,488 830 4,076 81 5 11 5 1 20 2 17 1 12 5 1 4 82 300 138 100 300 730 45 534 U5 560 250 500 150 83 185 534 137 57 224 147 236 111 '20 142 146 545 177 15 295 199 84 5,305 38,148 5,343 2,335 17,552 8,875 25,488 1,935 430 14,903 9,695 52,870 21,174 1,159 9,545 18,543 85 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for it«m3 shown in italics are based on Item (Tor definitions and explanations, see text) Efftngham Fayette Floyd FARMS, \niE4GE, A,VD VALUE Knniis number l<».'iO - 1054 . Dpcrp.ise in farms due (o chance in fnrm definition lf)54 to lliSO number . Approximnlo irrnd area acres 1950. Proportion in fanns percent 1950 . I-.inJ in fnniis acres 1959 . 1954. Vvpraije size of fami acres 1959 . 1951. Value Of land and buildings; .lufroi/c /icr jnrm dollars 1959 . 1951, . Ai'ertt'/r pe' acre dollara 1959 . 1951. PrcpoTtioti nf lariiia repnrljng Vfilue percent 1959, 195i. Land in farms according to use: Croplnrd hnrvested farn.s reporting in.')9 . 1954. acres 195D . 1954. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reportinc 1959 . 1954. 20 to 39 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. :10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . ino to 199 acres farms repoctinfr 1959 . 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms repotting 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres farms repotting 1959 . 1954 . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1959. 1964. acres 1959 . 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not w oodland). . . farms reporting 1959 . 1951 . acres 1959 . 1954. Improved riasture (see text) farms reporting 1959., 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland, trital, farms reporting 1959. 1954. Land pa'tturnd, totnl farms reportinc 1959 . 1954. Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Imgalcd land in farms farms reportinc 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Land-use practices; Craptarvi in ctmer crops farms reporting 1959 , acres 1959. f'roptmu/ userl for yrain or rw CTiyps farmed on 11, e contour farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. Larui in strip-croppin'j systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. SysCe"! of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reportintj 1959. acres 1969. 145 209 13 272,000 17.1 46,625 63,845 321.6 305.5 14,670 9,528 49.19 30.15 80 97 m 152 4,931 6,102 23 26 17 27 19 20 20 30 20 42 10 59 307,200 45.3 139,303 162,295 236.9 201.4 23,5% 8,571 93.67 41.91 80 73 530 704 24,256 27,305 110 147 125 157 71 102 79 126 87 118 39 43 18 U 1 37 340 48 271 765 6,514 1,099 5,134 62 194 94 229 1,613 4,260 2,622 3,907 6 25 75 326 60 177 1,538 3,934 35 202 50 93 13,158 20,188 20,394 17,855 98 454 102 577 23,427 78,957 29,687 102,490 74 93 75 53 2,178 2,090 2,443 3,504 69 45 59 34 1,919 1,050 1,263 1,650 553 3,043 1,493 2,100 126 565 180 759 100 443 116 323 115 497 140 600 4 2 2 40 15 11 65 1,183 28 770 19 537 1,023 1,525 107 229,760 51.2 117,749 150,935 115.1 99.0 7,779 4,626 91.31 60.00 56 76 903 1,372 24,518 36,6^3 233 309 274 408 154 298 134 214 70 92 25 41 7 10 1 245 389 6,246 11,444 513 680 12,156 12,071 218 3,934 402 8,222 579 363 26,032 27,971 569 805 32,509 40,497 392 336 12,731 17,564 128 156 3,779 4,148 3,557 4,705 975 1,466 702 1,106 764 1,098 2 7 7 23 51 1,017 157 5,010 16 333 448 21,009 1,167 1,601 68 439,040 60.8 266,936 300,610 228.7 137.8 12, 553 7,633 63.33 36.69 61 60 1,092 1,469 77,341 88,375 103 U6 106 139 Ul 232 199 327 328 431 163 179 56 42 6 2 512 612 14,914 23,692 394 491 15,495 12,456 72 3,415 345 L2,080 451 522 30,322 74,208 726 556 117,698 89,502 214 69 5,547 7,643 117 12 2,859 498 5,619 4,734 1,130 1,540 748 859 855 936 22 7 239 45 24 271 5,136 202 14,633 461 609 15 119,040 67.7 80,545 33,320 174.7 136.8 22,382 6,054 124.97 54.48 50 74 413 542 26,522 27,384 46 89 43 55 51 68 79 U4 133 157 44 49 U 9 3 1 162 129 3,790 2,301 126 50 1,673 920 16 325 115 1,353 112 119 12,379 8,408 272 355 32,141 39,193 m 174 2,574 3,110 23 139 661 2,456 1,461 1,499 431 551 280 291 309 396 73 33 817 638 43 1,060 27 3,425 16 1,335 133 5,805 754 1,068 167 253,440 27.4 69,516 81,376 92.2 76.7 5,404 4,161 63.86 56.82 82 90 696 967 7,352 8,727 445 677 171 197 34 50 27 28 16 15 3 87 327 897 2,517 381 485 3,917 4,182 73 425 333 3,492 197 233 3,457 3,166 663 919 45,694 56,411 534 556 5,641 4,624 299 195 2,777 1,432 2,553 2,249 727 1,027 673 906 693 945 40 300 541 850 71 127,360 66.9 85,225 97,615 157.5 1^4.3 16,766 4,503 142.03 45.00 77 82 432 729 11,979 20,662 113 1A8 149 195 74 182 39 132 27 51 19 15 6 4 240 352 15,214 15,225 245 373 10,196 10,134 70 2,035 217 8,111 281 346 13,399 14,628 231 422 22,996 27,290 176 131 9,352 5,995 101 43 5,440 2,938 2,089 3,681 502 812 399 537 411 571 6 10 181 190 35 205 25 265 11 318 89 3,042 185 6,285 910 1,558 128 328,960 53.6 176,161 211,527 194.0 135.8 21,786 8,107 109.32 81.67 91 34 7U 1,147 26,693 36,969 206 341 152 253 1D2 200 106 184 83 U2 46 45 X4 7 2 3 537 13,790 18,322 490 626 14,638 19,424 121 3,987 436 10,651 402 532 17,355 22,348 574 820 76,760 86,344 472 625 19,199 20,329 152 202 7,496 9,292 7,726 7,791 811 1,374 715 1,209 703 1,036 11 11 291 145 79 1,623 2,205 10 70 292 9,700 GEORGIA 161 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See bext3 Franklin Fulton GlUner Glascock Glynn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard 1,149 1,086 695 286 149 1,222 1,248 558 1,345 728 1,489 643 659 507 1,201 455 1 1,713 2,127 968 425 223 1,579 1,648 947 2,659 1,207 2,277 1,130 1,129 837 1,857 911 2 167 170 1^1 26 56 136 43 35 341 201 210 54 89 140 128 87 3 172,160 334,720 280, %0 90,880 270,720 229,120 298,880 257,920 279,040 181,120 250,880 305,920 132,400 297,600 164,480 192,640 t 67.8 33.9 31.7 63.7 10.8 60.0 76.4 50.4 42.5 35.8 45.1 41.9 37.9 39.1 63.0 33.5 5 116,670 113,343 89,148 57,873 29,129 137,459 228,291 129,951 11B,695 64,890 113,056 128,108 69,160 116,359 103,563 64,622 r. l.i8,161 163,400 112,604 70,751 88,820 148,855 244,059 156,473 186,052 95,691 174,058 197,729 106,506 143,717 137,376 114,544 7 101.5 104.4 128.3 202.4 195.5 112.5 182.9 232.9 88.2 89.1 75.9 199.2 104.9 229.5 86.2 142.0 B 86.5 76.8 116.3 166.5 398.3 94.3 148.1 165.2 70.0 79.3 76.4 175.0 94.3 171.7 74.0 125.7 9 11,428 30,325 7,273 7,898 17,190 9,149 13,014 17,320 12,798 11,031 12,221 8,522 8,709 16,683 9,472 8,094 10 4,950 10,460 4,735 4,803 24,338 5,729 9,345 6,4% 6,927 7,199 6,797 3,642 4,645 8,477 5,443 3,678 11 1U.81 295.78 60.38 49.51 100.33 107.67 107.00 73.58 159.39 135.73 166.85 47.56 85.54 74.63 109.89 63.73 12 59.83 157.09 42.05 31.15 57.32 70.08 71.97 43.59 105.37 101.23 85.59 26.27 50.17 49.00 77.99 30.22 13 87 82 81 66 96 87 77 37 89 92 83 73 84 74 80 78 H 92 85 87 82 93 79 71 30 36 84 83 76 91 39 79 82 15 1,005 721 606 258 64 1,027 1,161 453 1,042 510 866 565 529 331 1,081 364 16 1,498 1,465 906 404 161 1,325 1,468 768 1,940 873 1,672 1,012 913 659 1,723 780 17 25,578 13,932 6,389 14,201 958 27,994 78,113 13,125 17,183 7,163 9,260 19,208 9,127 9,452 34,775 8,047 IB 37,093 26,765 8,441 20,026 1,091 34,329 79,607 18,472 32,400 10,605 21,046 32,373 17,606 14,599 56,032 18,699 19 236 376 402 20 45 287 125 123 482 307 540 113 228 134 222 122 20 333 692 605 23 134 303 183 259 853 503 895 180 308 281 233 203 21 321 152 127 17 7 285 138 141 278 121 212 141 161 33 265 110 22 411 370 220 44 15 371 153 213 538 248 446 235 276 173 433 224 23 184 76 38 34 3 163 131 54 137 35 53 113 69 41 207 60 24 330 183 49 60 6 268 133 120 291 64 184 228 166 89 381 173 25 152 59 25 36 5 162 204 66 73 22 41 97 42 30 215 41 26 281 116 25 127 4 237 350 99 177 35 102 203 114 49 398 119 27 84 37 12 70 3 91 331 41 55 20 IB 72 21 16 120 23 28 109 74 4 118 1 113 419 49 65 11 39 126 40 43 211 45 29 26 15 1 25 31 175 16 12 2 2 13 8 13 38 6 30 26 17 2 28 1 29 139 16 13 5 6 30 7 12 55 11 31 2 5 1 6 1 8 54 6 3 U 9 13 2 32 3 13 1 1 3 3 40 2 5 1 1 2 9 "2 6 11 1 5 33 34 "i ;:: 1 1 1 2 "2 ::: ::: "i 1 1 ... 35 36 37 263 350 74 116 63 182 457 116 393 191 561 181 79 258 296 215 39 491 282 100 154 50 77 580 349 645 65 178 192 57 154 375 341 39 6,446 14,756 497 3,563 2,031 5,006 9,192 6,465 11,082 4,003 14, 521 10,309 1,957 11,248 6,752 8,836 40 7,192 7,998 906 3,885 863 2,189 9,602 U,156 10,327 536 2,901 11,735 1,199 9,634 5,909 10,907 41 618 442 241 159 38 710 276 137 743 347 579 222 395 147 575 127 42 939 936 488 186 72 934 363 330 1,461 716 1,007 385 633 240 644 363 43 13,670 11,149 2,465 8,183 1,518 18,736 8,594 3,980 15,030 4,723 U,324 8,033 6,490 4,908 15,250 3,160 41 16,434 15,525 3,956 6,6U 600 24,451 6,487 5,507 29,029 11,797 15,998 3,692 11,302 4,579 10,812 8,171 45 219 126 32 20 8 145 54 35 184 54 97 24 39 37 241 40 46 2,674 1,617 222 633 742 1,893 2,113 1,098 2,281 688 1,285 738 798 1,118 6,738 1,041 47 513 372 221 148 31 655 240 162 658 318 521 209 374 127 438 105 16 10,996 9,532 2,243 7,500 776 16,838 6,481 2,382 12,799 4,035 10,039 7,300 5,692 3,790 8,512 2,119 49 635 436 275 135 42 390 515 330 754 257 572 349 379 313 454 238 50 1,047 946 414 188 96 306 728 598 1,374 501 995 547 705 491 858 501 51 1A,757 17,718 5,006 7,320 7,449 9,002 25,031 33,268 14,771 4,444 12,691 32,827 8,504 27,919 9,827 17,861 52 18,637 25,232 8,193 13,096 51,859 9,726 41,431 50,268 25,040 9,674 17,712 60,542 17,973 37,616 15,338 27,825 53 730 620 627 177 62 731 832 265 851 531 932 250 512 216 664 219 54 1,092 1,202 795 215 109 963 919 350 1,573 822 1,470 437 809 301 1,058 416 55 35,013 35,745 66,213 21,651 10,982 49,320 94,759 43,233 42,564 34,891 44,693 44,502 31,364 47,004 21,471 13,459 56 41,862 57,147 82,116 23,696 20,244 53,253 94,3% 44,024 58,276 46,868 75,192 63,155 44,043 54,454 30,135 39^038 57 697 505 539 39 17 813 310 295 697 446 594 177 497 141 535 131 58 1,190 1,113 682 53 50 1,103 390 484 1,205 901 1,636 322 702 278 861 241 59 16,451 15,411 6,388 1,735 2,048 21,617 7,526 20,819 12,716 7,767 14,736 3,649 9,873 12,618 10,915 4,939 60 21,994 24,479 6,832 2,547 3,m 21,501 7,791 23,592 20,677 13,412 32,552 18,048 U,590 19,539 13,830 5,956 61 299 188 421 13 11 322 187 106 302 324 364 43 189 61 168 31 62 470 504 355 17 34 285 259 140 410 495 931 110 236 146 243 31 63 7,046 7,440 5,136 816 857 8,972 4,553 7,948 5,552 5,977 9,015 3,641 4,753 4,126 3,161 540 64 8,288 12,019 4,161 229 1,376 5,917 4,820 8,582 3,068 7,125 14,915 4,882 5,037 9,951 3,731 1,854 65 4,755 4,632 2,190 1,170 4,143 5,784 5,076 4,061 5,299 1,894 5,781 4,575 1,345 3,210 4,573 3,320 66 4,949 6,254 2,160 837 11,052 3,401 4,745 3,454 10,303 2,799 3,657 3,184 2,788 3,246 5,320 3,948 67 1,033 909 634 277 112 1,138 1,194 495 1,228 626 1,185 611 590 434 1,152 418 66 1,633 1,787 933 424 187 1,494 1,560 376 2,372 1,031 1,935 1,075 1,068 739 1,786 887 69 918 831 613 182 82 938 869 427 1,137 622 1,156 443 562 435 820 382 70 1,403 1,553 832 233 135 1,191 1,059 758 2,140 992 1,929 712 892 627 1,335 704 71 913 805 649 203 92 342 1,004 452 1,115 5% 1,116 433 568 413 822 356 79 1,341 1,573 839 264 172 1,091 1,247 712 2,104 980 1,752 734 916 645 1,334 695 73 1 7 3 2 58 4 7 1 2 2 2 2 74 6 42 "5 6 1 60 8 6 7 4 7 4 10 2 75 4 95 22 126 694 71 177 350 14 9 9 53 76 30 408 '21 137 50 675 576 141 329 93 67 60 305 81 77 50 60 11 11 35 120 26 50 25 36 20 27 96 6 78 410 725 145 235 ... 355 2,595 1,400 310 150 770 655 895 2,255 252 79 423 124 15 11 35 323 42 XI U6 171 79 312 104 361 47 SO 10,292 2,824 135 710 490 19,235 1,232 4,848 701 1,470 3,222 5,661 3,149 13,303 1,300 81 45 1 10 11 25 35 82 670 2 975 279 185 1,520 83 923 523 6 113 146 705 173 807 274 530 217 426 213 756 193 84 40,965 21,634 35 7,615 2,620 49,223 13,837 25,323 5,660 12,520 3,785 9,835 12,975 36,836 8,270 85 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: (Data for items shown in italics are based on ■ . 4 5 1 5 1 36 1 6 2 3 37 65 152 152 673 197 119 194 98 349 35 219 32 200 233 104 192 38 160 88 198 1,074 173 142 233 24 437 20 245 48 233 280 205 177 39 5,119 6,185 2,013 19,127 21,059 3,376 10,279 1,381 10,082 774 16, 559 934 U,953 5,305 4,705 8,857 40 9,416 3,953 3,366 31,700 U,275 1,962 5,855 203 3,377 325 13,943 1,042 19,401 5,262 3,020 6,048 41 68 195 137 445 146 63 139 120 441 310 171 42 193 488 182 354 42 96 287 114 726 292 255 346 46 372 456 349 80 245 717 271 560 13 1,746 6,U5 2,254 17,151 14,023 5,668 4,370 2,353 9,416 3,047 8,697 3,073 9,585 11,326 10,559 11,067 41 3,257 8,043 1,330 19,995 U,943 2,507 6,562 569 6,426 4,074 10,965 TT. 9,998 13,360 13,250 16,002 45 8 56 4 78 22 7 28 36 31 20 31 6 43 189 18 61 16 160 1,928 27 4,461 1,678 176 833 333 831 102 1,471 584 2,663 4,799 1,518 1,845 47 62 158 134 389 133 57 119 97 419 306 152 38 163 366 171 323 18 1,586 4,217 2,227 12,690 12,345 5,492 3,537 2,020 8,585 2,945 7,226 2,489 6,922 7,027 9,041 9,222 49 232 236 122 765 139 75 172 31 302 268 152 32 192 555 171 433 50 329 332 161 1,171 228 260 433 33 587 377 288 34 366 840 321 637 51 33,025 11,579 8,223 52,336 20,861 33,477 15,688 1,831 13,864 3,936 23,539 12,896 22,313 U,084 13,470 35,565 52 37,^^61 17,628 10,682 88,030 25,926 57,448 19,797 9,063 49,149 4,874 33,203 lltWn 34,290 13,819 32,132 45,760 53 90 211 197 974 184 147 211 137 665 438 199 40 343 652 224 491 54 159 313 249 941 312 176 404 243 850 733 371 74 383 969 365 697 55 12,3U 18,887 25,938 139,757 51,928 32,422 22,233 26,160 77,357 34,225 28,957 13,790 62,048 37,594 44,200 63,100 56 25,253 20,823 50,755 97,278 55,647 13,235 31,500 28,758 112,485 49,191 45,438 10,107 53,569 49,540 71,724 66,152 57 208 166 74 310 23 28 105 29 264 429 46 17 173 471 118 361 58 23^ 320 50 312 92 107 356 74 365 651 170 16 169 966 169 672 59 17,716 10,793 790 10,566 4,279 2,938 5,269 592 7,456 4,987 2,905 19,012 15,816 9,429 9,118 25,899 60 20,470 U,598 1,787 13,032 13,787 4,175 10,129 1,130 12,399 5,947 13,874 5,532 U,316 16,475 11,632 33,955 61 no 112 29 107 15 20 ir 16 168 226 19 U 94 142 53 150 62 70 170 41 132 78 55 U9 64 279 437 37 9 92 203 65 156 63 10,392 7,997 311 4,343 2,629 858 1,443 359 4,495 2,266 908 539 12,233 3,250 1,499 10,933 6^ 4,880 7,214 870 6,079 12,507 2,544 3,765 691 7,424 4,108 1,721 418 4,364 3,997 6,0U 9,983 65 1,812 1,510 5,093 5,220 5,700 3,315 1,212 614 U,573 1,250 3,580 6,347 5,581 3,273 1,818 3,595 66 2,260 2, as 1,182 6,525 3,283 17,664 2,323 1,021 4,890 1,8« 1,880 1,271 2,094 4,050 3,051 5,903 67 232 399 309 1,565 368 187 362 212 1,035 506 453 71 639 984 331 349 68 413 591 464 2,4U 567 554 643 287 1,446 825 793 128 950 1,461 617 1,494 69 279 315 214 1,164 232 147 235 131 646 479 278 55 382 763 240 624 70 408 461 278 1,600 304 362 519 109 830 697 436 75 510 1,177 445 966 71 277 321 225 1,256 234 175 289 194 788 513 239 55 412 313 264 650 72 390 471 292 1,594 390 iOi. 566 253 1,043 759 526 103 555 1,178 474 986 73 3 2 7 8 1 3 29 2 2 5 7 2 7 71 2 "i 13 6 7 1 82 5 5 1 3 3 6 75 38 8 97 400 12 52 853 5 22 510 169 36 505 76 17 '60 127 310 294 3 884 10 252 1 68 101 210 77 26 23 17 139 66 1 20 1 52 53 1 71 76 53 26 78 470 908 367 2,4U 4,762 15 UO 6 1,118 1,091 20 4,260 1,344 750 390 79 22 Ul U 185 22 6 112 32 20 27 2 59 160 199 262 SO 400 5,652 6 67 212 16, 559 1,450 2 101 165 2,219 5 325 1,680 21 300 215 4,849 22 8,491 5,595 20 245 13,336 7 284 9,793 10 125 81 82 83 36 222 'ii 660 31 269 168 55 '39 204 678 148 451 84 2,730 17,084 379 61,746 2,221 10,480 10,910 665 6,481 17,976 29,755 15,455 17,957 85 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Dala for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE l-'nrnis numlier iq.lO . 11)54 . Decrpnse in famis due to chance in fnmi derinition 1954 to 1959 number . Apnroximato land area acres 1959 . rroporlion in farms percent 1959 . Land in f.amis acres 195*1 . . 1954 . . Xveraiie size of farm acres 1959 . . 1951.. Value of land and buildings: .liicfflyr /jcr fftrm dollars 1959. , imi, . . Avera'jr fier acre dollars 1959 . . ;.95i . . Proportion of fanits rrportrng value percent 1959 . . 19Si.. Land in farms according to use; Cropland hnrvesled farn,s reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954 . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 , . 10 to 19 acres farms reportinp 1959 . . 1954 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . .10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 500 to 999 acres farms reportinp 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or mere acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reportinp 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . IVoodland not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting 1959 . . 195 ! . . acres 1959.. 1954.. Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954 . . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . Woodland, total fame reporting 1959 . . . 1954... Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1959 . . 1954... Land-use practices: Cropland in cauer crops (arms reporliruj 195^ .. acres 1959.. ''Toplotu! used for ijrain or too) crops farmed on tlie cotilow farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959... Land in strip-croppin'j systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959.. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959 . . oaes 1959 . . 743 1,118 19 163,680 81.2 W9,057 158,017 200.6 W1.3 17,524 8,939 93.66 71.07 63 82 631 1,034 67,964 71,268 30 93 47 73 39 105 87 180 192 369 142 177 84 33 9 221 372 6,044 8,588 159 154 2,649 2,373 16 400 144 2,249 367 522 36,179 35,527 287 329 19, 503 26,481 268 262 13,587 9,490 197 148 11,265 6,984 3,131 4,290 665 1,066 539 723 498 681 2 1 39 4 97 3,235 42 1,970 1,127 1,777 34 327, (KO 83.7 273,878 297,462 243.0 167.4 21,217 9,830 102.77 66.86 77 82 1,056 1,686 109,683 125,368 81 121 91 160 79 189 170 373 295 512 209 232 108 81 17 14 6 345 615 16,752 30,363 297 394 11,712 10,339 42 2,000 270 9,712 506 767 43,307 75,361 479 460 61,344 34,132 340 258 18,081 16, 175 244 155 14,157 9,981 12,999 5,724 1,082 1,735 750 982 790 994 86 15 1,719 261 117 4,487 96 8,215 266 25,119 387 702 50 255,360 57.5 146,842 178,080 379.4 253.7 22,447 9,799 82.68 37.04 90 250 525 7,303 14,634 102 195 42 123 33 74 27 54 28 44 16 32 118 251 12,685 17,343 78 203 3,030 4,367 25 760 59 2,270 289 461 37,562 58,976 136 249 67,670 59,659 210 244 16,635 20,513 109 115 9,024 11, 106 1,957 2,588 291 612 337 537 336 572 7 225 19 1,130 86 ,727 104 149 13,448 Montgomery 545 745 21 150,400 68.3 102,760 117,853 188.6 158.2 16,696 8,439 95.11 73.68 70 79 472 673 28,256 34,924 50 76 60 69 46 107 107 162 141 186 52 55 15 17 1 267 260 6,656 5,786 166 183 5,665 2,601 12 339 160 5,276 162 223 13,016 27,733 299 318 43,846 40,611 54 100 2,761 4,172 28 72 1,196 2,789 2,560 2,026 516 704 355 392 384 446 5 4 52 42 11 925 40 2,485 308 21,146 Morgan 662 1,104 51 228,480 67.9 155,243 185,221 234.5 167.8 18,908 8,865 91.32 54.52 69 86 581 984 30,259 43,020 125 183 109 207 82 194 109 187 94 143 36 33 21 31 4 5 1 360 336 25,021 18,813 207 301 8,964 8,113 84 3,252 160 5,712 319 591 27,649 35,963 275 494 44,837 50,353 116 349 14,400 25,360 40 96 4,028 7,995 3,113 3,599 641 1,041 454 693 442 599 2 3 24 205 18 490 91 4,871 2 133 283 27,145 Murray 705 1,023 112 218,880 38.4 83,962 98,949 119.1 96.7 10,542 4,234 92.30 54.54 89 54 550 842 15,242 20,810 171 243 129 231 92 135 77 126 58 92 17 12 6 3 151 180 3,055 2,154 424 577 10,215 10,959 134 1,957 373 8,258 170 312 3,559 6,568 479 617 41,182 48,861 405 509 7,457 6,782 219 142 3,737 2,335 3,251 2,805 627 948 533 723 518 690 41 705 47 1,205 MoBcogee 122 350 27 U0,800 17.6 24,815 47,457 203.4 135.6 44,911 17,063 229.20 144.30 81 78 54 196 2,260 5,375 21 111 9 34 4 15 S 14 6 n 2 6 4 3 68 106 5,631 4,433 15 136 588 3,797 2 32 13 555 56 118 6,371 12,110 49 125 6,676 16,703 18 47 1,745 3,338 10 26 1,345 2,152 1,543 1,701 94 289 87 192 86 215 1 2 40 85 5 225 18 3,355 511 984 41 174,720 55.8 97,564 130,791 190.9 132.9 21,775 6,861 125.53 56.24 88 429 831 19,063 30,523 112 166 94 197 68 179 60 152 48 89 29 33 17 11 1 4 194 283 16,594 12,385 212 395 7,785 8,932 45 1,065 191 6,720 211 367 12,069 21,016 262 477 28,021 38,152 204 254 10,927 15,265 55 74 4,447 8,088 3,105 3,517 479 936 354 578 357 612 5 10 270 298 42 1,185 151 6,865 21 775 263 19,230 GEORGIA 165 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only ft sample of raims. See text] Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Plcliezis Pierce Pike Poli Pulaakl Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmtand Rockdale Schley Screven 697 612 255 un 333 515 691 490 323 193 370 651 228 323 278 1,131 I 1,201 1,149 316 765 1,287 875 1,253 634 535 249 628 1,016 478 636 401 1,687 i 51 104 42 141 33 50 122 17 54 14 147 51 43 78 11 72 3 276,4«0 203,520 96,640 144,000 213,880 147,200 199,680 162,560 218,240 108,800 236,160 279,040 208,000 81,920 103,680 416,640 K 45.0 30.1 77.5 44.7 65.3 66.6 43.7 74.8 44.1 51.2 13.4 62.4 19.8 47.4 67.9 73.0 5 124,392 6a, 183 74,882 64,347 142,982 98,024 87,215 121,600 96,227 55,725 31, 6« 173,989 41,222 38,793 70,426 304,009 n 177,121 108,192 83,099 73,869 165,290 119,108 118,524 133,500 110,693 77,329 40,523 215,644 73,600 65,043 95,882 315,932 7 178.5 100.0 293.7 134.9 170.6 190.3 126.2 248.2 297.9 233.7 85.4 267.3 130.8 120.1 253.3 263.8 8 147.5 94.2 278.8 96.6 128.4 136.1 94.6 195.2 206.9 310.6 64.5 212.2 154.0 102.3 239.1 187.3 9 10,661 9,024 38,448 3,308 23,545 14,463 10,318 22,104 21,613 17,505 11,351 14,729 22,487 12,046 14,125 18,232 10 6,136 5,072 25,533 4,537 9,055 6,076 4,976 3,739 8,899 9,155 5,534 7,991 11,723 8,387 7,475 5,255 11 66.17 96.05 130.22 67.03 142.12 73.78 77.82 92.25 89.25 53.64 139.97 61.68 153.42 119.26 46.43 84.33 12 44.64 60.26 73.13 43.52 86.31 43.12 53.67 51.79 41.38 32.04 92.21 48.61 104.77 93.19 31.23 37.53 13 79 81 95 84 31 69 78 72 85 79 71 57 75 84 62 71 H 86 82 36 73 70 89 84 95 46 77 60 79 34 33 74 70 15 631 481 230 320 793 434 570 450 180 163 344 565 154 260 252 1,024 16 1,109 890 278 496 1,163 759 931 621 39i 221 571 912 270 500 371 1,555 17 23,944 9,105 37,129 2,815 40,337 19,817 17,322 38,290 6,050 n,272 5,076 49,075 10,347 6,329 17,376 92,350 18 39,099 18,331 38,537 4,936 43,551 30,776 25,521 46,974 9,966 12,718 6,491 62,634 17,335 13,242 24,793 99,305 19 136 203 43 227 106 84 138 43 65 17 182 62 50 30 31 93 20 232 310 33 334 231 139 267 45 125 17 371 74 31 117 28 130 21 170 158 15 65 105 79 122 40 42 20 93 55 16 86 25 150 22 288 257 33 119 131 149 224 31 114 25 109 94 51 147 33 211 23 93 50 13 15 101 90 65 42 26 20 29 50 22 37 34 127 24 209 159 24 21 161 155 160 65 64 31 50 108 20 97 45 264 25 126 38 23 6 181 32 98 101 15 45 27 135 21 27 43 183 26 190 108 41 14 289 168 140 175 52 70 32 234 33 96 84 339 27 54 24 52 6 2U 56 67 111 20 41 9 118 20 22 63 217 28 118 40 49 4 307 89 lU 193 21 48 4 245 36 30 111 376 29 33 5 28 1 81 27 24 64 8 13 3 81 12 5 38 137 30 56 13 41 4 43 38 22 65 13 21 4 103 25 7 53 157 31 18 2 29 8 14 6 40 3 n 1 54 10 3 17 96 32 15 2 33 1 19 7 41 5 3 1 47 21 5 15 67 33 1 1 17 2 2 2 1 1 10 3 1 18 34 1 16 5 2 5 2 1 6 3 1 2 10 3 35 36 1 3 1 1 1 37 209 115 97 42 511 179 149 171 143 62 192 196 109 110 77 419 38 389 84 87 27 452 291 239 193 92 39 48 216 208 81 169 643 39 11,120 2,606 4,631 1,075 3,212 13,192 5,114 7,233 13,523 3,646 2,232 9,947 5,802 6,132 3,041 20,532 40 12,602 2,451 7,172 614 6,271 16,737 6,922 8,184 6,619 1,607 344 14,410 6,266 2,616 6,703 27,387 41 302 358 78 156 280 229 438 208, 32 54 119 218 98 144 97 403 42 509 702 93 303 184 283 702 230 154 79 208 319 225 272 151 522 43 10,441 6,835 5,148 2,315 3,731 9,266 12,305 12,298 1,401 1,723 1,367 14,272 4,647 3,751 4,206 15,507 41 9,532 13,727 3,320 4,502 2,080 8,506 17,229 10,567 5,797 4,145 1,589 19,535 9,468 6,724 6,281 15,878 45 99 54 31 26 32 53 113 65 13 6 42 33 31 22 21 49 46 3,905 640 2,662 302 391 2,305 2,299 5,731 345 186 293 2,516 1,422 336 843 1,607 47 229 332 55 140 260 197 333 169 21 48 89 201 77 136 87 374 46 6,536 6,195 2,436 1,513 3,340 6,961 10,506 6,567 1,056 1,537 1,074 11,756 3,225 3,415 3,363 13,900 19 316 322 66 137 243 224 237 163 226 86 114 244 73 163 120 381 50 567 649 110 194 382 274 421 247 305 113 211 326 124 200 203 653 51 22,511 9,045 3,864 4,105 13,653 14,054 7,365 U,187 30,431 19,001 1,991 28,152 4,062 6,495 12,147 33,632 52 34,029 13,764 9,836 3,602 31,582 17,751 9,504 20,573 38,113 31,283 5,023 38,344 7,366 8,348 20,280 62,257 53 386 440 162 366 579 224 451 262 93 76 287 281 102 133 134 620 54 669 801 165 550 524 321 700 355 173 77 437 336 222 351 210 637 55 43,613 23,194 19,182 44,610 70,973 27,073 27,942 40,823 23,262 13,182 17,009 55,289 12,344 9,441 27,176 113,726 56 60,753 43,974 23,371 49,398 75,688 27,469 42,276 35,633 30,503 23,157 21, lU 59,376 26,235 19,336 28,975 94, 6U 57 212 320 84 339 156 187 447 109 134 17 139 219 32 114 110 262 56 451 820 84 519 256 249 623 173 215 45 476 258 49 325 150 291 39 9,903 7,147 3,750 6,650 2,499 12,409 13,315 8,708 14,241 899 2,530 13,703 2,569 4,356 5,673 12,149 60 18,366 12,275 3,790 7,450 4,197 13,763 12,505 9,353 17,344 3,001 4,870 18,292 5,345 11,345 7,244 10,906 61 37 154 35 249 126 81 155 27 34 7 77 151 7 44 60 170 62 116 268 23 162 221 126 121 85 96 26 195 80 10 63 73 139 63 2,751 2,768 1,923 5,299 1,740 6,273 5,238 2,005 2,479 345 1,573 9,771 652 2,321 2,944 8,321 64 6,384 3,996 1,792 2,897 3,079 9,242 3,335 5,711 6,683 1,170 2,098 4,538 746 2,596 2,694 5,797 65 2,860 3,251 1,178 2,777 3,572 2,213 2,852 3,061 2,319 1,002 1,399 3,551 1,451 2,289 807 6,063 66 2,735 3,670 2,073 3,367 1,921 4,056 4,567 2,211 2,351 1,413 1,100 3,053 1,535 3,437 1,606 5,588 67 679 555 241 370 816 485 645 472 246 181 362 611 209 297 267 1,077 66 1,165 1,069 294 530 1,202 837 1,151 659 459 235 599 964 426 588 392 1,636 69 435 505 157 389 623 338 556 284 277 107 323 377 144 243 173 664 70 815 944 176 606 767 501 373 363 385 132 523 491 287 439 281 943 71 478 514 191 386 646 336 521 327 270 118 318 386 144 244 177 782 72 833 922 211 536 815 483 873 463 410 136 500 515 305 429 294 978 73 1 1 93 4 1 2 3 6 2 5 71 6 "i 9 3 4 3 4 "i 1 75 160 "i 599 215 5 2 295 150 33 397 76 216 225 137 131 129 34 142 '50 50 77 37 38 75 16 20 107 26 19 26 24 32 25 22 38 78 530 2,505 1,155 550 125 5,033 455 745 272 595 445 395 295 765 79 112 150 34 50 45 206 166 76 21 113 131 58 23 42 86 193 BO 4,438 3,210 5,713 370 1,820 11,399 2,280 10 60 5,321 736 6,312 5 25 355 55 355 7,442 555 6 115 951 1 75 2,840 20,021 11 120 81 82 83 283 421 56 82 10 211 277 171 '32 88 112 235 25 63 91 208 84 18,529 11,445 9,025 1,695 155 17,039 8,685 16,945 1,415 8,692 1,495 19,490 305 4,238 7,020 20,738 85 166 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on (For (jerinitions anil explanations, see text) FARMS, AOnEAGE, AND VALUE Knrnis numljer l^.'iO . . 1954 . . Decronsp in fnmis due to chance in rnmi .Icfinilion 1054 to 19S9 number . . Apnroximnlc land area acres 1950 . . rroiwtion in fnims percent 1950 . . l.nnd in farms acres 1059 . . 1954 . . Xiorace size of fami acres 1050 . . 1054 . . Value of land and buildings; ■U>era'ir per fnm doUars J969.. IK/,. AverO'jr per acre dolUas 1959 . I95i. Proportion of (arms reportiruf value percent 1959 . I95i. Land in farms according to use: Cropland hnrvest«l farn.s reporting 1959 . . 1954 . acres 1050 . . 1054 . 1 to 0 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1054. 10 to 10 acres farms repoftinp 1959 . 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1059 . 1954. M to49 acres fnrms reporting 1959. 1954 . 50 to 09 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . ino U) 199 acres farms reportinp 1959 . . 1954 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reportinp 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . , 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reportinp 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Woodland not nastured farms reporting 1059 . . 19.54 . . acres 1050 . . 1954 . . Other nasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting 1059 . . 1954 . . acres 1059 . . 1054.. Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954 . . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland, u>tal farms reporting 1959. 1954 . Land pastured, totnl farms reportinp 1059 . 1054. Woodland, total farms reporting 1050 . 1054. IiTigatcd land in farms farms reportinp 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Land-use practices: Croplarvl in cover crops /<»""« reporlm^ 1959 . acres 1959. Croplaiul useil lor 'jrain or roiii crops lanteil on tlie cotUour farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Land in slrip-croppimj systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Si/slem of terraces on crop and pastvre land farms reportinij 1959 . acres 1959. 473 687 17 162,560 78.1 126,9-15 127,403 268.4 185.5 2A,291 8,817 102.08 65.37 61 83 438 626 57,096 52,154 28 58 35 44 33 56 58 118 93 184 107 121 70 39 12 4 2 2 135 149 6,598 3,838 66 109 1,772 2,420 13 385 54 1,387 246 290 29,942 36,949 106 142 15,870 12,317 128 269 13,503 16,907 92 184 11,540 12,928 2,164 2,823 446 647 342 429 307 380 1 1 30 15 49 2,032 33 3,770 3,720 154 17,844 Spalding 374 748 73 128,640 56.7 72,907 92,74-i 194.9 124.0 23,948 9,825 123.65 92.16 83 79 274 543 13,261 23,597 85 156 52 114 32 100 30 60 36 51 195 136 14., 219 5,423 140 322 6,807 8,336 39 2,885 122 3,922 183 299 8,963 13,853 193 358 17,525 21,127 106 328 8,996 18,005 34 145 3,495 10,222 3,136 2,403 341 673 284 459 303 494 7 38 1,566 82 5,578 100 10,575 Stephens 496 835 134 115,200 36.7 42,323 59,049 85.3 70.7 9,466 6,951 149.23 106.99 91 81 392 635 5,844 8,745 180 312 118 181 46 84 34 45 11 10 3 2 112 122 1,964 2,205 249 441 3,775 7,459 56 530 230 3,245 287 446 6,027 7,435 341 535 17,763 24,475 276 471 5,167 6,533 170 231 2,944 2,637 1,783 2,197 428 741 410 644 421 649 4 4 68 18 30 600 251 5,540 445 707 33 296,320 39.2 116,163 159,608 261.0 225.8 12,070 5,770 69.26 33.33 70 75 385 659 23,269 32,842 39 60 46 66 67 119 104 240 81 118 25 36 20 14 3 6 103 147 7,439 5,9U 125 203 9,311 8,104 27 1,880 103 7,431 127 250 13,040 41,000 190 209 49,817 49,634 111 133 11,124 19,050 70 38 5,131 6,825 2,163 3,014 416 638 225 336 247 329 44 1,994 173 10,779 780 1,235 61 310,400 77.0 238,957 277,276 306.4 224.5 25,120 12,203 99.70 60.88 67 83 689 1,114 71,379 94,635 71 100 73 106 62 103 101 267 170 276 113 U7 81 97 16 17 2 1 388 486 26,627 28,695 281 321 24,333 9,938 106 11,204 213 13,634 296 510 26,425 48,703 393 500 63,021 60,557 180 308 21,492 30,055 91 175 7,896 21,347 5,175 4,693 730 1,173 509 741 509 776 10 4 304 65 110 5,022 116 7,460 11 84 279 27,562 365 623 58 249,600 39.0 97,267 146,155 266.5 234.6 11,850 4,786 49.51 24.91 93 87 269 495 6,062 12,015 110 168 79 165 37 73 18 43 15 29 8 10 1 6 1 1 52 108 3,334 9,356 113 229 2,825 10,410 17 557 99 2,268 219 337 37,277 46,472 132 219 32,932 53,463 168 136 13,215 12,003 84 76 6,994 7,544 1,122 1,936 293 555 274 435 276 435 Taliaferro Tattnall T^lor 255 448 51 18 1,430 41 2,915 124,300 38.6 48,124 77,223 188.7 172.4 9,905 4,964 57.27 29.62 81 91 195 375 3,304 8,262 76 126 63 122 32 60 16 40 4 14 47 29 2,513 846 132 62 3,979 1,260 7 336 128 3,593 173 352 14,183 34,164 148 162 15,219 15,517 121 321 8,149 16,474 16 93 1,228 5,522 777 700 227 384 218 407 217 382 15 465 1,094 1,578 20 315,520 63.7 201,055 214,166 183.8 135.7 14,517 7,490 93.47 64.23 76 83 1,025 1,392 58,111 65,102 100 159 104 169 131 211 230 358 333 410 108 71 17 13 1 1 1 557 264 3,371 4,397 260 138 3,946 1,630 50 787 217 3,159 429 286 45,235 39,350 686 377 73,451 93,752 191 345 7,119 6,007 112 261 3,492 3,543 4,822 3,428 1,048 1,421 774 679 832 1,010 194 45 1,506 883 124 1,739 125 10,509 1 350 300 17,787 GEORGIA 167 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of farnis. See toxt] Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Toims Treutlen Troup Turner Tirligs Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren 801 705 1,242 916 796 499 451 742 610 406 861 425 1,014 1,137 651 574 1 1,061 1,226 1,655 1,287 1,220 658 613 1,337 870 630 1,004 812 1,710 1,834 972 833 49 33 89 31 28 96 24 154 14 44 117 101 185 91 57 21 3 281,600 210,560 345,600 170,240 236,160 106, 240 124,160 286,080 187,520 233,600 204,160 213,120 284,800 211,200 583,680 181,760 4 55.7 83.4 89.5 93.1 56.3 31.7 74.4 40.9 83.9 33.5 36.2 37.7 50.7 66.1 23.1 71.1 5 156,855 175,708 309,237 153,537 133,003 33,634 92,416 117,026 157,306 78,368 73,973 30,420 144,339 139,695 134,969 129,307 0 185,449 204,368 316,826 166,532 161,172 40,818 103,716 162,656 156,512 107,654 76,022 108,359 173,180 132,611 155,193 157, 217 7 195.8 249.2 249.0 173.1 167.1 67.4 204.9 157.7 257.9 193.0 85.9 189.2 142.4 122.9 207.3 225.3 B 174.8 166.7 191.4 129.4 132.1 62.0 169.2 121.7 179.9 170.9 75.7 133.4 101.3 99.6 159.7 178.0 9 12,868 13,018 23,673 22,579 13,572 8,040 10,666 12,006 20,745 13,916 6,586 15,724 15,719 11,415 20,105 9,543 10 7,090 7,366 17,650 11,256 7,798 4,961 15,584 7,056 8,317 7,775 4,322 7,762 6,982 4,783 10,396 4,347 11 78.69 72.26 110.58 147.16 94.75 131.34 95.64 87.06 103.89 34.25 77.66 78.91 124.00 108.65 104.05 48.60 12 53.50 43.93 91.21 101.51 60.10 91.97 86.65 60.60 75.62 49.79 60.05 58.59 72.30 55.09 74.56 26.89 13 62 67 33 67 74 81 64 89 77 62 80 87 82 80 34 87 H 73 73 80 85 79 66 55 83 77 52 75 96 83 77 84 83 15 642 64J 1,139 336 724 466 411 467 550 356 780 319 825 1,029 578 535 16 924 1,146 1,481 1,161 1,105 583 536 920 809 562 923 604 1,343 1,633 860 823 17 37,755 69,290 35,801 62,692 48,594 4,690 20,817 10,731 59,269 16,512 9,785 10,493 22,933 34,415 13,776 28,648 18 51,167 77,505 91,222 61,022 52,839 5,615 25,302 17,151 63,321 22,971 11,035 17,715 31,357 55,537 21,066 38,649 19 57 44 174 70 50 298 46 203 32 67 447 140 299 160 119 72 20 103 82 139 132 121 375 56 406 43 92 520 215 543 211 265 89 21 89 34 163 62 81 119 54 116 35 72 211 77 220 231 127 88 02 127 75 202 117 149 151 72 243 57 119 269 171 313 355 203 132 23 95 62 125 96 93 33 74 45 35 54 53 31 97 230 111 35 24 122 155 192 178 162 39 111 111 60 116 75 31 176 379 164 168 25 131 Ul 189 157 145 9 99 53 58 67 39 26 83 228 115 116 26 197 302 334 297 265 10 129 88 155 112 36 59 161 446 130 219 27 169 167 238 277 2W 5 103 29 201 57 21 23 94 130 72 113 28 263 337 330 333 317 7 121 52 319 75 18 45 109 196 80 151 29 78 113 155 138 110 2 26 10 124 29 4 9 23 42 32 40 30 82 137 166 79 77 1 38 16 131 36 5 18 31 37 15 44 31 21 77 80 27 29 6 5 55 8 12 7 8 2 19 32 27 50 58 21 13 7 4 37 11 13 9 12 3 18 33 2 U 13 7 2 2 1 10 2 1 1 1 34 3 8 1 9 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 35 36 37 321 180 372 332 353 160 202 144 198 111 245 245 241 479 289 207 38 215 252 636 403 389 159 251 157 241 97 33 415 426 504 339 331 39 9,004 10,368 10,211 7,324 8,620 1,349 4,337 9,991 5,541 4,409 2,395 17,484 9,715 21,013 4,701 15,009 40 5,641 14,756 19,229 6,555 7,797 1,383 7,131 7,763 5,393 4,900 247 17,482 10,265 18,176 5,349 22,979 41 155 240 474 276 172 223 218 161 229 109 326 136 537 530 215 228 42 323 355 382 442 380 242 157 410 166 238 443 250 898 647 285 313 13 4,382 15,333 19,155 5,981 3,432 1,418 8,008 4,30^ 4,804 3,394 3,502 6,054 14, 541 18,065 3,131 11,913 44 7,004 19,617 12,641 7,506 6,706 2,419 4,824 13,130 2,236 3,799 3,179 6,012 16,900 13,373 2,878 14,897 45 38 34 56 20 22 60 14 30 16 15 64 25 212 254 36 16 46 882 2,942 1,892 671 303 351 483 1,105 367 603 385 1,109 3,313 7,809 482 593 47 132 227 436 266 154 191 207 143 221 99 283 120 419 377 191 221 16 3,500 12,391 17,263 5,310 3,129 1,067 7,520 3,203 4,437 7,791 3,117 4,945 11,228 10,256 2,699 11,320 49 362 138 520 481 247 150 162 416 346 155 166 242 364 500 157 199 50 466 269 666 721 390 204 166 702 475 267 141 503 559 863 224 317 51 27,982 11,814 49,417 28,782 17,930 2,290 11,001 31,590 39,135 U,795 2,537 16,558 14,487 18,857 17,393 19,575 52 49,638 16,278 63,493 47,227 35,073 3,259 19,006 43,752 41,988 19,078 2,343 29,341 16,279 32,068 22,347 30,921 53 448 330 668 433 493 404 257 265 247 182 746 174 672 582 412 307 54 389 441 639 434 522 461 231 485 263 371 845 254 1,102 847 477 379 55 67,283 47,173 127,945 45,245 46,860 19,664 44,241 31,506 39,756 29,595 48,145 23,589 54,154 32,418 36,465 40,529 56 57,972 52,356 116,118 35,783 48,001 21,691 42,783 43,266 35,536 46,274 49,185 24,174 65,560 42,447 96,957 43,979 57 201 211 287 204 151 297 25 432 115 95 495 30 679 336 159 • 226 58 304 293 146 229 220 401 18 740 109 64 862 191 916 723 143 70 39 5,654 16,210 10,267 4,361 3,471 2,928 2,134 25,349 4,395 5,624 5,631 4,253 23,942 9,192 2,326 10,313 60 11,546 18,055 6,737 5,262 6,934 4,504 2,743 33,406 5,522 3,918 7,963 10,914 27,358 15,951 3,308 3,508 61 U8 85 174 142 105 158 7 186 87 18 317 37 351 110 129 48 62 193 115 70 201 146 166 5 280 87 16 442 99 188 196 109 14 63 3,048 5,800 6,668 2,883 1,966 1,430 1,542 9,344 3,623 811 2,771 2,258 14,306 4,796 1,610 2,524 64 7,441 3,838 3,142 4,563 3,702 1,712 1,696 13,059 3,526 924 3,150 5,269 8,523 4,915 2,597 863 65 4,795 5,515 6,441 4,152 4,101 1,295 1,278 3,551 4,406 2,039 1,978 1,989 4,617 5,730 2,127 3,320 66 2,481 5,801 7,336 3,172 3,822 1,947 1,877 4,188 2,516 1,714 2,070 2,721 5,461 5,059 3,283 2,284 67 703 663 1,139 870 760 487 438 562 572 373 811 394 910 1,104 612 563 68 973 1,196 1,574 1,204 1,164 618 589 1,095 826 597 962 758 1,572 1,743 919 874 60 562 358 739 654 532 431 259 626 415 246 736 350 862 736 442 361 70 607 517 970 859 675 552 323 1,017 538 332 892 621 1,305 1,329 526 446 71 620 380 950 664 598 426 322 546 427 278 772 347 813 751 457 382 72 758 542 1,091 848 790 540 342 964 566 484 877 620 1,323 1,133 616 482 73 5 4 25 189 58 5 2 29 3 1 2 4 10 2 74 2 2 13 44 49 2 1 5 1 1 2 11 4 5 75 36 88 831 4,569 549 93 290 995 109 100 25 236 56 221 76 140 11 330 1,233 394 3 60 102 20 1 57 344 97 23 77 78 77 117 107 61 30 32 21 158 37 15 16 77 61 22 35 78 1,598 3,527 2,255 2,752 1,225 70 310 400 4,227 1,591 185 355 1,040 875 455 1,455 7fl 133 90 135 202 185 45 68 82 179 78 15 28 80 207 20 115 80 8,912 10,242 13,073 21,351 12,285 190 3,848 1,740 12,804 11,604 160 1,840 805 6,322 625 6,790 81 U a 6 6 1 10 20 5 82 1,185 1,345 350 253 25 160 510 25 83 224 164 554 384 380 41 221 176 474 'ot 40 73 240 691 '21 332 84 11,827 18,054 44,134 24,260 24,755 615 15,374 9,205 56,266 9,113 260 7,960 4,230 42,579 410 27,347 85 168 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for it^ms shown in italics are based on reports for only a samnle of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Wayne FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fnmis number 1959 . 1954,. Decrease in farms due to change in farm definition 1954 to 1959 number . . Approximate land area acres 1959 . . Proportion in farms percent 1959 . . Land in farms acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Average size of farm ;. acres 1959 . , 1954 . . Value of land and buildings; Average per farrr) .dollars 1959 . 195/,. Average per acre dollars 1959 . 195i.. Proportion of farms reporting value perceni 1959 . 195i . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farn^ reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 50 to 99 acres farms repotting 1959 . . 1954 . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . ?00 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954. 500 to 999 acres fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 oc more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Woodland pastured. . Woodland not pastured. . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . . farms reporting 1059 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954 . . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, elc.) acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Oopland, total farms repcrting 1959 . . 1954.. Land pastured, total farms repotting 1959 . . 1954.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Land-use practices: Croplarui in cover cropa forma reporting 1969 . . acres 1959.. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on Che coviour farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1959 . acres 1969 . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. 1,016 1,540 431,360 62.0 267,281 336,344 263.1 205.1 17,527 6,596 69.42 39.11 74 72 959 1,534 71,964 97,511 116 200 134 197 115 246 196 320 193 345 131 150 63 65 10 7 1 4 307 493 10,553 17,505 438 596 18,688 21,654 75 3,470 396 15,218 385 584 25,989 51,874 645 764 125,523 119,139 273 479 9,782 22,901 126 107 5,718 5,055 4,782 5,760 990 1,598 620 906 733 945 3 7 750 953 61 2,070 63 8,146 12 280 259 16,098 708 949 42 413,440 29.0 119,955 167,087 169.4 176.1 22,936 9,298 123.37 71.46 70 70 631 806 32,381 32,863 76 139 98 131 89 130 134 174 158 181 58 41 16 9 2 1 311 432 5,728 7,415 197 217 3,742 11,743 10 92 193 3,650 140 132 14,161 21,200 520 528 56,443 83,929 261 263 5,567 4,734 166 213 3,104 3,495 1,933 5,153 538 611 569 614 14 1 108 3 62 985 31 969 12 365 322 476 18 124,300 67.1 83,726 136,362 260.0 286.5 10,322 9,316 50.26 31.57 81 92 282 434 21,047 26,642 25 27 30 39 25 54 65 127 79 132 33 37 22 16 3 2 112 53 3,960 2,405 131 211 8,455 12,462 27 1,426 117 7,029 94 177 6,956 15,242 160 221 38,078 69,244 42 198 4,088 8,713 11 38 2,089 3,609 1,U2 1,654 301 454 157 259 178 285 1 1 20 125 58 4,366 168 13,939 516 719 14 195,840 54.5 106,802 137,127 207.0 190.7 16,786 10,708 35.62 55.34 76 86 476 644 27,842 39,542 56 61 72 85 71 95 70 116 126 174 63 87 17 25 1 1 294 316 7,364 10,107 175 183 4,582 4,417 29 1,034 152 3,548 235 206 23,254 21,204 316 402 35,378 56,084 39 1,593 3,756 45 30 1,024 1,198 1,789 2,017 507 682 379 407 433 516 5 4 51 236 49 1,069 95 5,800 6 115 319 20,974 615 839 UO 155,520 37.2 57,794 72,063 94.0 85.9 11,945 5,494 125.54 51.44 74 31 439 567 5,424 7,109 30O 381 127 202 34 57 14 21 13 3 3 1 71 127 1,174 1,845 250 453 3,531 6,019 35 291 235 3,240 213 285 4,691 4,330 453 646 34,277 41,379 4U 558 5,509 6,332 299 336 4,115 3,046 2,088 4,049 548 761 518 704 511 704 30 215 130 2,955 1,017 1,534 180 179,840 54.7 98,364 128,291 95.7 83.5 15,901 7,289 181.86 90.84 35 84 708 1,132 16,173 21,884 233 483 188 276 85 163 73 103 57 77 19 18 3 2 165 255 4,149 4,547 515 346 12,304 16,087 143 1,916 455 10,388 353 409 5,751 8,411 641 900 37,233 56,513 645 356 14,933 16,584 355 313 8,131 6,449 6,811 4,265 833 1,341 798 1,137 754 1,057 2 5 30 38 35 360 65 940 161 3,035 599 1,035 23 245,120 59.0 144,658 195,746 241.5 189.1 19,085 7,460 35.70 44.67 73 74 521 948 49,594 60,934 33 72 48 89 46 127 93 216 142 300 99 106 51 35 9 3 236 273 8,078 7,746 257 421 7,414 10,572 40 1,389 225 5,025 339 632 29,254 53,293 408 496 44,135 53,986 134 137 3,701 5,370 64 74 1,478 2,680 2,482 3,745 565 994 457 691 501 760 6 3 283 43 114 3,258 103 12,315 221 21,455 711 1,140 61 300,800 53.8 191,809 241,646 269.8 .212.0 21,000 3,605 76.73 46.25 76 34 571 960 13,299 26,202 146 207 177 314 83 200 72 138 48 53 35 25 10 7 252 380 13,702 25,851 197 417 6,295 9,480 52 2,206 157 4,089 434 703 61,759 93,410 292 566 53,263 56,559 368 511 35,366 26,597 117 115 9,577 8,434 3,125 3,547 638 1,079 565 378 555 900 "2 '78 45 1,203 111 1,718 179 6,945 361 601 56 293,120 32.8 96,057 152,351 266.1 253.5 14,328 6,613 65.12 34.10 56 35 295 513 15,227 24,655 50 78 55 US 52 78 41 96 57 89 28 44 12 18 154 239 5,635 12,145 157 307 12,069 13,451 13 423 152 11,646 163 356 20,234 34,772 203 335 37,536 61,888 72 77 3,023 2,535 17 51 591 1,367 2,233 2,905 339 573 262 466 267 479 11 250 IS 1,213 5 375 93 7,095 GEORGIA 169 County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Appling Farms: All fanns number IWS . 1954. I'nder 10 acres number 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres number 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . 1954 . 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . 1954 . 100 to 139 acres number 1959. 1954 . 140 to 179 acres number 1959. 1954. 180 to 219 acres number 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . . 1964 . . 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres number 1959 . , 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres number 1959 . . 1954., 1.000 to 1,999 acres number 1959 . . Land in (arms: All land in larms acres 1959 . . 1954 . . L'nder 10 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . . 1954.. 100 to 1.39 Hcres acres 19.59 . . 1954 . . 140 to 179 acies acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 160 to 219 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 220 to 259 acres acres 1959.. 1954 . . 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres , , . .. acres 1959. . 1954.. 1.000 lo 1.999 acres acres 1959 . . Cropland harvested: \ny cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . I'nder 10 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 100 to 139 acres farms repcrting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 140 to 179 acres farms reptrting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. 180 lo 219 acres farms reporting 1959.. 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 280 lo 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. 500 lo 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 ormore acres , farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1.000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 106,350 165, 523 6,867 U,990 27,930 51,958 11,773 20,596 12,091 18,546 12,95^ 18,537 7,993 10,543 5,725 7,272 3,761 4,627 9,834 10,655 4,917 5,038 2,505 2,761 1,749 19,657,615 24,018,773 28,718 71,891 781,128 1,449,026 677,627 1,178,479 999,010 1,526,003 1,489,504 2,118,530 1,256,772 1,653,886 1,134,117 1,439,408 897,530 1,104,590 3,461,246 3,728,251 3,348,353 3,422,652 5,583,610 6,326,057 2,358,356 89,686 140,499 4,917,975 6,117,379 3,043 8,338 12,595 32,970 23,061 43,963 373,829 797,451 10,207 18,191 263,114 537,040 10,596 16,455 341,677 562,942 11,428 16,708 470,595 6%, 274 7,130 9,463 371,027 472,272 5,119 6,549 319,755 378,926 3,397 4,227 252,820 284,230 8,931 9,614 922,319 862,561 4,473 4,542 759,110 692,471 2,301 2,449 831,134 800,242 1,606 468,908 1,089 1,403 55 88 236 373 137 181 U3 172 149 207 97 U4 82 70 48 51 98 99 31 26 13 22 9 172,302 208,032 210 409 7,052 10,175 8,022 10,414 11,937 14,165 17,274 23,734 15,306 17,687 16,136 13,734 11,549 12,183 33,717 34,341 21,197 18,059 29,902 52,531 13,461 1,289 43,629 47,849 35 68 137 267 213 347 4,380 7,326 126 168 4,050 5,543 130 162 4,715 6,028 141 194 6,718 8,097 93 105 5,134 5,353 72 63 4,609 3,298 44 46 2,460 2,404 85 93 6,116 5,449 29 26 2,786 2,373 12 17 2,524 1,711 8 1,013 413 584 41 56 67 144 37 61 28 57 44 55 37 45 27 28 25 32 54 60 35 23 18 23 12 114,760 128,796 194 250 1,751 4,133 2,192 3,519 2,318 4,644 5,235 6,412 5,788 7,008 5,357 5,521 6,019 7,711 19,490 22,534 22,939 16,486 43,477 50,578 15,669 389 541 19,340 20,830 33 47 126 160 64 135 1,149 3,038 37 57 1,382 1,941 27 55 1,032 2,256 39 53 1,987 2,063 36 43 1,911 1,719 25 28 1,373 1,163 25 30 1,245 1,275 50 53 3,665 3,591 35 22 3,014 1,846 18 18 2,456 1,778 12 1,390 37 62 155 269 91 129 114 121 121 137 68 85 51 47 36 35 81 70 27 24 7 7 6 124,403 131,294 169 249 4,890 7,735 5,275 7,377 9,538 9,948 14,033 15,287 10,660 13,350 10,129 9,331 8,566 8,433 29,302 24,869 19,573 17,748 12,268 16,967 8,426 719 895 31,726 32,511 24 50 122 181 142 245 3,353 5,664 83 122 2,880 4,049 105 109 4,162 4,284 113 130 5,188 5,192 62 75 2,952 3,292 48 43 2,855 2,219 36 32 2,179 1,574 73 62 5,068 3,520 26 21 2,114 1,629 853 907 6 794 501 751 17 27 133 227 69 130 51 93 47 67 32 46 22 32 21 27 55 60 31 20 23 22 15 169,670 179,213 43 100 4,010 7,032 3,986 7,470 4,204 7,619 5,448 7,803 5,037 7,218 4,405 6,139 5,145 6,498 20,025 21,619 20,642 14,284 96,725 93,431 21,546 422 683 42,980 47,326 5 12 26 58 114 212 2,966 5,952 63 123 3,134 6,085 43 85 2,538 4,944 44 62 2,967 4,112 25 41 2,226 3,374 20 28 1,597 2,565 19 25 2,131 2,305 41 52 6,299 5,013 26 21 6,108 3,302 22 22 12,988 9,616 14 7,575 324 464 10 39 71 114 22 35 35 43 38 56 40 37 31 28 16 24 36 51 16 23 9 lA 3 81,850 99,994 48 217 1,895 3,084 1,199 1,908 2,837 3,602 4,355 6,421 6,207 5,803 6,219 5,605 3,828 5,730 13,368 17,365 10,252 14,964 31,642 35,295 4,275 258 391 13,349 20,660 7 27 34 122 57 96 602 1,633 20 33 275 609 28 38 394 832 27 46 508 1,263 33 30 1,075 1,124 23 23 583 956 13 21 435 1,272 27 46 1,136 2,322 15 19 1,279 2,522 8 12 7,028 8,005 3 996 631 981 27 80 160 298 97 134 94 145 98 132 60 60 31 38 12 21 32 54 18 16 2 3 1 74,998 98,970 135 409 4,426 8,081 5,607 7,785 7,652 11,988 11,339 15,130 9,402 9,408 6,152 7,475 2,820 5,011 11,640 19,125 12,735 10,463 3,090 4,095 1,040 551 828 11,464 16,691 12 45 54 200 139 242 1,888 3,353 87 117 1,363 1,846 83 129 1,514 2,293 92 123 1,676 2,725 56 55 1,193 1,311 22 32 570 981 12 21 391 573 30 48 1,207 2,415 16 13 1,282 746 2 3 321 248 1 56 748 1,138 50 75 273 477 120 183 102 162 88 112 34 44 27 33 10 10 31 31 12 10 1 1 1 66,689 85,809 1% 356 7,684 13,364 7,095 10,702 8,402 13,453 10,078 12,971 5,331 6,961 5,328 6,452 2,377 2,446 10,881 11,072 7,405 6,651 1,912 1,381 1,912 615 946 14,801 24,735 23 34 79 137 226 393 3,381 6,771 99 158 1,771 3,371 90 144 1,777 3,721 78 100 1,999 3,314 30 41 963 1,386 24 30 1,087 1,256 9 8 648 796 27 28 1,737 2,381 8 9 1,029 1,217 1 1 330 385 1 330 995 1,519 77 184 323 554 83 113 105 161 100 127 83 120 40 45 25 43 89 104 55 50 15 18 12 165,720 202,648 314 894 8,673 14,294 4,826 6,435 8,598 13,262 11,688 14,599 13,115 18,897 7,981 8,846 5,935 10,408 31,190 36,646 37,311 34,612 36,089 43,755 16,721 820 1,237 37,930 49,192 25 92 123 444 272 489 4,621 3,694 68 99 2,021 2,733 93 139 2,303 4,525 84 117 2,233 4,307 79 109 3,440 5,041 35 43 2,132 2,142 21 41 1,097 2,707 79 97 7,751 9,005 50 48 8,096 6,276 14 13 4,108 3,263 11 3,057 170 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND Il«n (For definitions and explanations, see text) Ben HIU Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bryan Bulloch Burlte Farms: 1 All rams number 1959 . . . 535 65i 1,134 1,445 391 779 485 712 489 671 1,180 1,703 210 404 1,981 2,490 1,176 1,654 2 1954 . . . 3 I'nder 10 acres number 1959 . . , 3* 50 73 86 58 166 11 30 29 67 49 103 21 108 85 123 75 lOO i 1954 . . . 5 10 to 49 acres , , , number 1959 120 173 203 399 101 233 71 119 120 207 267 502 65 134 445 655 388 581 6 1954 . . . 50 to 69 acres number 1959 5i. 75 118 183 37 70 52 100 64 97 125 174 24 25 228 299 88 206 6 1954 . . . 9 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . . . 63 95 130 172 43 60 57 74 67 75 117 209 23 36 261 351 87 130 10 1954 . . . u 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . . . 60 85 178 201 31 84 83 138 74 77 144 184 19 26 253 335 87 U7 12 1954 . . . 13 140 to 179 acres number 1959 . . . i2 46 106 117 19 36 45 70 38 40 110 134 12 17 208 224 76 93 14 1954 . . . 15 180 to 219 acres number 1959 . - . 36 2i 78 78 19 26 41 55 18 22 68 83 6 10 llA 131 56 47 16 1954... 17 220 tx> 259 acres ........•,, number 1959 23 2i 49 48 12 18 24 28 14 17 54 72 5 5 71 96 29 38 18 1954 . . . 19 260 to 199 acres number 1959 . . . 61 53 135 102 44 55 71 63 32 43 150 154 10 17 217 184 120 150 20 1954 . . . 21 500 to 999 acres numtier 1959 .. . 26 20 43 38 19 20 22 25 24 17 64 56 16 13 66 56 90 95 22 1954 . . . 23 1,000 or more acres number 1959 . . . 16 9 21 21 8 11 8 10 9 9 32 32 9 13 33 36 80 97 24 1954... 25 1.000 lo 1,999 acres ... number 1059 .. . 11 11 ■6 7 6 19 5 29 49 Land in farms: 26 All land in farms acres 1959 .. . 122,582 222,995 65,155 100,273 78,922 248,523 42,753 328,124 337,251 27 1954 . . . U5,5i5 226,127 94,342 124,469 99,982 279,597 73,097 341,864 419,661 28 Under 10 acres acres 1959 . . . 124 213 303 340 247 772 50 87 122 306 227 533 71 419 409 539 325 464 29 1954... 30 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 .. . 3,209 4,658 5,707 12,303 2,483 5,542 2,148 3,557 3,401 5,921 7,675 14,362 1,596 3,304 13,109 19,029 10,445 15,741 31 1954 . . . 32 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . . . 3,105 4,323 6,912 10,369 2,095 3,888 2,895 5,581 3,627 5,503 7,274 10,226 1,495 1,387 13,245 17,228 4,980 11,996 33 1954 . . . 34 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . . . 5,282 7,868 10,645 14,036 3,619 5,167 4,763 6,193 5,492 6,213 9,563 17,079 1,847 2,987 21,461 28,935 7,170 10,615 35 1954... 36 100 to 139 icres acres 1959 .. . 6,939 9,625 20,659 23,382 3,624 9,413 9,198 15,285 8,469 3,809 16,655 21,227 2,215 2,984 29,728 38,798 10,117 13,519 37 1954... 38 140 lo 179 acres acres 1959... 6,690 16,821 2,948 6,978 6,087 17,265 21,290 1,933 32,661 11,952 39 1954 . . . 7,356 13,394 5,687 11,019 6,301 2,777 34,923 14,710 40 180 lo 219 acres acres 1959 .. . 7,179 15,686 3,763 8,168 3,627 13,506 1,168 22,709 11,025 41 1954 .. . 4,665 15,442 5,136 10,904 4,433 16,618 2,006 25,989 9,341 42 220 to 259 acres acres 1959. . . 5,545 11,646 2,864 5,732 3,433 12,834 1,192 16,976 6,971 43 1954 .. . 5,773 11,423 4,290 6,649 4,063 17,127 1,133 22,822 8,933 44 260 lo 499 acres acres 1959... 20,880 47,178 15,308 24,900 11,403 52,135 3,257 76,140 43,406 45 1954 . . . 19,017 35,563 18,707 21,343 15,196 54,058 5,879 62,834 54,204 46 500 U) 999 acres acres 1959 . . . 17,874 29,236 12,526 15,126 17,034 45,371 10,220 44,460 61,062 47 1954 . . . 14,334 25,924 13,009 16,255 11,369 38,014 9,093 37,465 63,821 48 1 ,000 or mors acres acres 1959 .. . 45,755 58,202 15,673 22,731 20 320 16 227 66 018 17 759 57 226 169,798 216,312 49 1964... 67,513 58,951 27^596 31^868 69^063 41 1 078 53^252 50 :.unU to 1.999 acres acres 1959 .. . 15,474 12,093 6,778 3,753 3,974 23,316 6,068 40,593 70,317 Cropland harvested: 51 Any cropland harvested . , fartns reporting 1959 .. . 485 1,031 273 426 428 1,110 160 1,776 1,121 52 1954 .. . 584 1,330 480 659 526 1,579 282 2,298 1,577 53 acres 1959 .. . 29,957 58,076 13,711 35,391 3,369 81,821 5,745 130,125 133,278 54 1954... 30,632 61,429 21,770 49,329 9,995 97,146 7,069 133,232 161,768 55 I'nder 10 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 25 51 28 4 13 35 6 59 54 56 1954 . . . 23 64 62 12 28 76 48 96 67 57 acres 1959... 77 211 74 28 43 161 21 265 243 58 1954 . . . 70 255 153 48 96 392 139 428 393 59 10 to 49 acres fanns reporting 1959 .. . 102 171 67 54 104 245 47 383 380 60 1954 .. . 148 378 134 108 165 466 106 594 571 61 acres 1959... 1,749 3,257 489 1,214 1,272 5,157 550 9,269 9,041 62 1954... 2,842 9,589 1,377 2,337 2,374 10,954 1,246 14,553 13,839 63 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 50 110 25 46 61 118 22 205 86 64 1954 .. . 71 174 48 92 82 157 21 271 203 65 acres 1959 .. . 1,725 4,038 344 1,513 1,184 3,703 614 7,902 3,473 66 1954 . . . 2,483 6,717 844 3,418 1,682 6,154 523 U,578 9,005 1.. 70 lo 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 58 127 32 51 61 109 19 240 85 ., 1954... 92 158 40 69 63 196 28 336 125 69 acres 1959 . . . 2,414 5,548 721 2,475 1,340 4,546 570 12,653 4,271 70 1954... 4,261 7,339 1,136 3,202 1,169 10,539 740 18,610 6,402 71 100 lo i:i9 acres farms re[xxting 1959 . . . 55 165 22 74 70 140 13 229 86 7G 1954... 81 190 56 133 69 175 21 319 110 73 acres 1959... 3,283 8,790 647 3,925 1,538 7,360 764 15,778 4,817 74 1954... 4,294 9,592 2,090 7,764 1,645 10,302 854 20,273 6,369 75 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 41 97 16 44 34 107 10 187 74 76 1954 .. . 44 107 29 67 37 128 14 205 38 77 acres 1959 .. . 2,917 5,911 558 2,949 898 7,386 233 15,713 5,061 79 1954... 2,646 6,093 1,266 5,191 964 9,500 552 14,864 6,599 79 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 33 73 15 37 17 66 5 111 54 80 1954 .. . 23 71 24 55 13 78 7 126 45 81 acres 1959 .. . 2,813 4,675 642 3,014 436 5,241 127 9,935 4,202 82 1954... 1,609 3,680 1,444 4,541 346 6,255 238 11,318 3,730 63 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 ., . 23 47 9 23 12 50 4 69 26 84 1954 . . . 21 44 12 27 12 69 5 92 36 85 acres 1959 .. . 2,552 3,975 307 2,631 276 5,216 348 7,698 2,640 86 1954... 1,646 2,815 989 2,824 272 6,366 142 8,227 3,119 87 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959... 58 132 37 67 27 147 8 203 113 88 1954... 52 95 48 63 34 149 12 173 146 89 acres 1959 .. . 7,563 12,019 3,540 9,037 733 18,694 476 27,362 U,930 90 1954... 5,390 7,629 5,591 8,535 953 18,377 405 17,397 20,928 91 500 to 999 acres ■ farms reporting 1959 .. . 26 38 17 20 22 63 14 61 85 92 1954... 20 34 17 23 13 54 9 52 92 93 acres 1959... 2,748 5,192 2,918 4,767 633 13,751 1,120 U,284 24,570 94 1954 .. . 3,501 3,835 3,059 5,493 292 9,344 800 8,947 21,592 95 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 14 20 5 6 7 30 7 29 78 96 1954 .. . 9 15 10 10 5 31 11 34 94 97 acres 1959... 2,116 4,460 3,471 3,738 516 10,606 922 9,266 61,030 98 1954 . . . 1,890 3,885 3,771 5,976 202 8,963 1,430 7,037 69,292 99 l.OOflto 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 10 11 3 5 4 18 3 27 48 100 acres 1959... 1,523 1,770 851 2,423 226 4,850 297 3,770 28,792 GEORGIA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 171 BMttS Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chatta- hoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb 417 385 114 697 1,753 561 164 233 44 700 1,220 279 389 301 124 869 1 720 690 278 908 3,155 833 192 495 52 1,093 1,646 495 567 304 209 1,987 2 20 21 12 26 77 33 20 85 4 41 199 34 28 29 12 77 3 48 33 63 38 207 U9 9 244 114 283 63 20 139 28 358 4 128 99 IB 151 560 227 37 74 "5 185 436 92 117 138 32 394 5 291 259 99 214 1,269 299 47 156 9 365 629 194 211 346 56 878 e 41 54 8 81 314 73 16 12 3 74 159 35 49 31 7 96 7 65 115 19 115 578 97 20 12 2 102 209 60 75 99 14 249 B 41 37 12 86 269 54 12 8 99 153 27 36 25 6 100 9 89 65 17 126 417 100 14 9 3 131 197 39 46 61 11 201 10 59 28 9 103 232 54 17 11 5 75 100 17 20 32 9 94 11 67 49 10 155 328 89 26 15 6 116 128 39 45 61 10 141 12 32 18 6 39 100 39 13 2 1 78 55 17 25 16 8 40 13 40 32 13 66 148 58 13 5 3 96 73 21 20 33 20 58 H 22 12 5 55 55 18 10 7 2 29 33 5 15 10 7 22 15 26 21 5 44 89 23 7 8 2 39 41 18 23 21 9 33 16 10 15 2 33 44 16 3 6 3 25 19 9 10 3 6 11 n 17 19 5 35 35 15 5 5 3 31 16 11 16 9 12 17 16 36 41 14 83 69 28 20 15 12 64 38 25 36 12 24 21 19 40 43 12 75 54 26 30 13 15 76 45 29 45 24 22 32 20 21 28 12 32 26 9 9 10 5 25 15 12 30 3 8 12 21 29 21 11 32 26 6 10 13 5 17 15 15 41 5 11 9 22 7 32 16 8 7 7 8 4 4 3 5 23 2 5 2 23 8 33 24 8 4 "i 11 15 4 11 5 6 25 5 16 1 24 3 16 8 6 7 5 5 2 2 1 4 18 2 3 2 25 71,836 140,884 85,947 U4,882 168,536 50,888 39,533 61,409 18,939 100,315 97,341 40,333 95,151 25,418 55,730 56,499 26 89,353 149,797 103,713 128,427 229,340 64,247 43,397 92,406 18,914 131,503 126,374 54,892 118,152 59,388 114,228 112,170 27 106 62 48 127 355 154 51 365 15 179 740 156 96 113 34 370 28 273 124 324 166 1,051 558 41 1,027 555 1,148 316 81 583 94 1,747 29 3,236 2,978 349 4,423 16,735 5,475 1,063 1,593 132 5,028 12,525 2,514 3,342 3,574 759 11,080 30 7,555 8,273 2,068 5,516 37,155 7,460 1,191 3,368 225 9,393 17,936 4,829 6,603 8,852 1,409 23,702 31 2,326 3,133 466 4,678 17,579 4,224 902 701 160 4,292 9,145 2,001 2,733 1,732 375 5,535 32 3,676 6,604 1,076 6,604 32,257 5,587 1,152 677 100 5,372 12,009 3,440 4,309 5,540 807 14,428 33 3,545 3,020 986 7,023 22,155 5,351 977 694 8,165 12,829 2,146 3,050 2,072 477 8,030 34 7,426 5,414 1,388 10,357 34,370 8,177 1,138 788 243 10,510 16,007 3,186 3,747 4,938 831 16,451 35 6,688 3,217 1,004 11,964 25,990 6,250 1,969 1,239 571 8,773 11,514 1,906 2,288 3,685 1,065 10,685 36 7,652 5,663 1,122 17,979 37,036 10,360 2,842 1,758 690 13,463 14,461 4,384 5,297 6,901 1,208 16,027 37 5,031 2,863 920 6,241 15,663 5,987 2,115 335 140 12,233 3,603 2,720 4,012 2,564 1,256 6,203 38 6,238 5,100 2,004 10,222 23,280 9,119 2,084 809 452 15,048 11,287 3,338 3,205 5,225 3,150 10,694 39 4,289 2,396 933 10,946 10,825 3,513 2,015 1,359 400 5,782 7,415 1,226 2,965 1,960 1,405 4,364 40 5,108 4,196 1,018 8,736 17,494 4,516 1,386 1,621 390 7,727 8,129 3,533 4,533 4,169 1,806 6,595 41 2,354 3,604 500 7,941 10,398 3,739 723 1,419 724 6,046 4,579 2,199 2,440 687 1,414 2,537 42 4,095 4,555 1,223 8,363 8,279 3,532 1,186 1,149 728 7,403 3,846 2,537 3,839 2,115 2,839 4,075 43 12,972 14,554 5,023 28,788 23,499 9,140 7,053 5,605 4,656 22,200 13,666 8,942 12,354 4,170 8,833 6,966 44 13,432 15,399 4,155 25,348 17,606 8,508 10,486 4,757 5,490 26,572 15,574 10,260 15,881 8,052 8,818 10,663 45 15,100 19,208 7,630 21,085 16,798 6,044 6,047 6,768 3,363 17,985 10,270 8,750 21,029 2,411 5,585 7,329 46 18,409 12,906 7,239 21,485 15,982 3,785 6,301 9,421 3,411 11,176 9,882 10,026 29,942 4,405 7,823 6,286 47 16,189 85,849 68,038 11,666 8,539 15,618 41,330 8,827 9,577 6,050 7,753 40,342 2,450 34,525 2,300 48 15,489 81,563 82,096 12,651 4,830 2,645 15,590 67,021 7,175 23,674 16,095 8,943 40,714 3,497 35,333 1,500 49 4,101 22,817 9,607 7,493 8,539 5,350 6,580 2,902 2,393 1,000 5,249 25,551 2,450 3,525 2,800 50 362 351 52 654 1,397 412 lU 110 37 555 557 213 343 184 105 548 51 629 639 133 859 2,605 600 144 192 45 893 1,057 385 521 503 179 1,328 52 11,329 46,229 1,281 43,076 27,562 9,679 2,130 3,244 1,288 16,737 7,282 7,205 27,853 4,547 2,427 8,204 53 21,210 48,224 1,343 46,259 56,528 13,883 2,755 5,907 1,506 25,701 13,339 12,551 32,409 11,603 3,525 16,977 54 16 6 4 18 31 11 6 29 2 12 24 18 13 8 4 17 SS 32 12 27 27 112 38 6 69 60 97 34 10 52 13 133 56 70 41 6 93 152 35 14 59 4 55 SO 73 58 27 20 45 57 149 69 63 123 486 132 20 153 251 332 136 49 189 41 355 58 121 93 9 141 450 154 24 33 "5 152 232 71 110 82 28 238 59 272 248 61 203 1,039 199 37 55 9 294 396 151 202 217 55 594 60 2,264 2,519 23 3,278 5,965 1,375 256 145 89 2,232 1,526 758 2,796 783 351 1,636 61 5,494 7,248 194 4,989 16,278 1,967 424 360 154 4,895 3,599 1,916 5,803 2,548 837 4,718 62 35 52 3 75 259 56 13 6 2 53 108 23 43 22 7 67 63 55 no 13 122 490 75 17 7 2 91 158 45 72 60 13 197 64 798 2,563 17 3,224 3,788 738 198 139 9 1,128 834 531 1,889 293 112 . 748 65 1,164 5,264 43 4,788 9,102 1,248 241 101 49 2,155 1,845 325 3,483 954 363 2,685 66 36 35 6 84 219 53 8 5 83 109 24 34 13 6 73 67 74 64 8 122 359 87 10 6 1 116 158 32 42 42 11 154 68 760 2,213 70 4,467 3,802 893 126 66 1,817 1,049 602 1,851 308 116 949 69 2,103 3,720 39 5,953 7,931 1,757 252 67 '48 2,763 2,034 804 2,400 742 227 2,153 70 44 25 4 98 188 44 13 4 5 63 54 15 19 21 9 69 71 57 44 3 150 297 79 23 9 4 94 102 31 42 51 8 115 72 1,104 1,839 42 5,791 3,936 1,044 273 124 83 1,875 758 389 1,133 501 280 1,212 73 1,837 2,760 31 8,880 8,290 2,570 404 166 132 2,743 1,544 1,102 2,485 1,267 119 2,322 74 30 15 2 35 78 32 10 2 1 64 43 13 17 12 7 29 75 39 31 5 63 133 54 8 2 2 84 56 21 17 28 19 57 76 1,494 1,235 26 2,516 2,140 838 153 21 17 2,155 682 472 1,040 404 145 626 77 1,357 2,206 26 3,658 4,340 1,658 121 50 59 2,547 892 756 1,325 975 455 1,273 78 17 11 2 52 49 17 7 5 2 26 32 5 14 7 7 17 79 23 21 1 41 71 21 6 4 2 37 31 15 22 17 9 26 SO 554 985 u 4,117 1,408 958 107 243 15 1,081 509 212 1,370 258 171 555 81 1,269 1,215 4 2,908 3,033 612 105 188 40 1,545 515 677 1,117 516 198 781 82 7 15 33 34 14 2 2 1 23 15 9 8 2 5 7 S3 15 18 1 34 29 14 4 2 3 29 9 9 16 6 10 13 84 341 2,290 3,148 1,114 911 27 147 5 1,225 414 521 546 139 112 252 85 1,162 1,531 1 3,248 1,484 640 83 53 55 1,472 233 698 1,577 314 209 534 86 30 40 7 81 61 24 18 10 10 54 29 22 34 12 22 U 87 29 39 4 72 48 25 25 7 U 53 33 27 42 19 20 29 88 1,529 7,523 125 9,479 2,715 2,315 457 505 616 2,884 708 1,740 3,917 1,223 627 709 69 1,618 5,220 55 7,255 2,527 2,314 766 394 333 3,419 393 2,593 4,065 1,480 406 1,201 90 19 27 6 29 23 7 5 6 5 23 9 10 23 3 7 10 91 25 19 5 29 24 6 5 10 5 15 13 14 35 6 8 9 92 1,453 7,776 368 5,347 2,103 557 407 853 213 1,551 364 1,312 4,893 311 386 978 93 3,416 3,372 316 3,729 2,862 741 286 1,148 184 1,309 809 1,553 4,706 764 238 822 94 7 32 9 8 5 5 7 4 3 2 3 23 2 3 2 95 8 33 5 6 3 1 3 11 3 10 4 6 21 5 13 1 9« 962 17,245 593 1,616 439 107 931 237 723 208 595 8,370 300 107 494 97 1,641 15,619 571 728 195 244 63 3,227 441 2,399 636 1,491 5,397 1,754 421 132 96 3 16 4 6 5 4 4 2 1 3 18 2 3 2 99 442 5,048 122 1,581 439 97 558 U 108 595 6,293 300 107 494 100 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definitions and explanations, see text) Colquitt Crlep Farms: Ml farms number 19S9 . 1954. I'nder 10 acres number 1959 , 1954. 10 to 49 acres number 1959. 1954. 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres number 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres number 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . 1964. 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . 19.M. 500 to 999 acres number 1959 . 1954. 1,000 or more acres number 1959 . 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 1959. Land in farms: All land in farms acres 1959 . 1954. Under 10 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 icres acres 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 or more acres acres 1959 , 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959 . Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . 1954. BC[«S 1959 . 1954. I'nder 10 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres farms reportini* 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres farms repwrting 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres .' farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 1,471 1,979 76 158 303 570 UO 227 149 201 198 215 115 152 88 103 89 92 188 138 91 85 34 28 23 310,625 308,330 338 683 8,439 16,068 8,172 12,881 12,379 16,470 22,936 24,856 18,151 23,805 17,296 22,426 21,276 22,041 65,415 50,033 61,712 57,414 74,511 61,653 31,053 1,355 1,839 78,314 78,961 49 129 225 508 271 542 6,054 12,762 132 216 4,915 8,401 142 190 6,715 8,159 188 201 10,016 9,736 109 143 6,880 8,292 84 99 5,667 5,515 85 89 5,815 5,893 174 126 15,641 9,370 89 81 10,877 7,365 32 23 5,509 2,960 21 3,256 1,787 2,678 79 192 335 734 201 375 261 355 250 346 175 224 115 132 89 88 189 149 72 63 21 20 19 287,351 318,402 316 902 9,459 21,507 11,777 21,735 21,782 29,524 29,235 39,815 27,407 35,050 22,765 26,076 21,341 20,955 64, 9U 52,404 49,734 42,056 28,621 28,378 24,303 1,594 2,4CK 113,650 129,555 44 126 164 557 260 658 4,928 16, 172 174 343 6,379 14, W8 240 320 11,734 16,322 238 329 13,996 20, 160 170 209 11,339 14,635 111 125 10,056 9,389 83 87 7,787 7,894 187 134 24,659 M,970 69 57 14,618 11,287 18 16 7,490 4,021 16 5,645 425 736 17 85 113 253 40 80 36 58 51 71 36 42 18 30 19 24 52 45 25 29 18 J9 11 101,800 122,194 71 395 3,164 6,709 2,268 4,462 3,009 4,811 5,772 8,041 5,670 6,601 3,529 5,999 4,615 5,740 17,313 15,441 18,965 20,71A 37,424 43,281 12,690 342 588 10,370 15,994 3 40 31 126 97 214 1,198 2,873 32 65 530 1,190 29 53 541 1,299 40 56 578 1,146 29 33 781 1,013 17 25 611 689 14 22 539 832 39 41 1,916 2,499 19 23 1,919 2,311 18 16 1,726 2,016 11 1,101 814 ,137 54 85 173 337 101 173 112 142 105 134 78 86 47 55 34 38 69 59 30 24 11 122,748 122,948 220 363 4,853 9,559 5,959 9,776 9,344 11,717 11,900 15,265 12,241 13,460 9,367 10,898 7,995 9,077 25,991 20,606 19,483 15,762 15,395 6,465 13,295 733 1,069 43,984 45,459 31 66 123 269 154 313 2,880 6,671 90 169 3,230 5,870 103 138 4,942 6,119 99 131 5,716 6,325 76 86 5,381 4,888 45 51 3,740 3,488 31 37 2,696 2,733 67 53 8,10l 4,796 27 21 4,367 2,312 10 4 2,805 1,983 9 2,115 766 1,501 60 112 213 480 76 164 71 145 104 202 50 95 44 90 32 41 60 98 34 50 22 24 18 140,103 210, 1A3 317 631 5,395 12,396 4,317 9,175 6,161 11,990 11,805 22,355 7,772 14,752 8,848 17,849 7,649 9,737 20,576 33,793 23,763 33,501 43,505 43,964 23,943 534 1,292 21,235 36,522 32 75 150 342 168 421 2,254 6,443 56 147 981 2,366 52 118 985 2,742 78 181 1,604 4,152 41 84 875 2,747 38 81 1,150 2,904 27 36 838 1,376 49 83 2,244 3,863 25 43 3,153 4,413 18 23 6,996 4,669 14 4,218 339 568 10 63 92 147 28 52 25 33 35 76 26 28 26 43 10 17 46 58 19 21 22 20 17 92,435 UA,S64 43 350 2,376 3,546 1,575 2,942 2,041 2,757 3,881 8,361 4,121 4,513 5,201 9,603 2,335 4,094 16,231 20,222 12,393 14,540 42,233 43,936 22,572 292 467 17, 802 21,170 7 49 28 209 79 124 1,118 1,742 23 39 320 766 22 28 353 556 32 56 740 1,581 21 24 646 792 21 42 532 1,399 9 13 329 785 42 55 2,872 4,367 17 19 3,160 2,200 19 18 7,699 6,773 14 6,070 560 917 21 48 102 181 43 140 52 98 66 136 42 66 48 69 21 28 84 77 50 45 31 29 24 163,165 182,518 35 211 2,786 5,659 2,505 7,952 4,333 3,143 7,174 15,156 6,598 10,336 9,514 13,712 5,026 6,790 29,626 26,657 36,196 31,531 59,322 56,371 31,361 498 330 70,740 80, OH 3 26 48 100 77 149 1,326 3,706 37 133 1,801 5,921 48 90 2,468 4,984 60 129 3,569 3,125 40 63 3,647 5,271 46 66 4,306 5,937 20 23 2,470 2,679 82 72 14,120 10,305 49 45 16,233 14,134 31 29 20,252 13,879 24 15,006 441 606 20 69 192 291 61 58 46 61 24 36 33 26 13 12 10 14 23 22 10 11 9 6 7 60,038 60,034 82 346 5,136 8,008 3,467 3,321 3,795 5,037 2,697 4,147 5,U0 4,119 2,535 2,373 2,402 3,350 3,533 7,252 6,784 7,617 19,417 14,459 7,627 345 464 7,050 7,982 10 36 30 119 145 214 1,293 2,120 46 52 689 742 34 50 635 877 22 30 564 642 29 24 607 467 12 10 335 177 9 12 278 306 20 21 829 881 9 10 465 490 9 5 1,325 1,161 7 383 GEORGIA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 173 Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth 1,049 375 1,040 730 410 515 1,034 145 588 1,023 1,167 461 754 541 910 1,197 1 1,306 1,048 1,533 1,256 534 890 1,638 209 806 1,525 1,601 609 1,063 350 1,553 1,735 2 77 52 47 26 62 36 58 14 32 71 50 28 32 22 57 219 3 95 237 74 59 97 81 82 28 31 119 72 52 119 56 189 235 4 245 152 134 95 127 192 230 27 110 340 204 112 272 154 250 454 5 320 4ao 273 262 180 353 463 38 215 557 400 163 383 316 531 695 6 98 61 138 57 25 79 104 8 54 127 101 56 109 63 82 172 7 147 124 230 155 36 UO 289 10 71 209 201 80 125 123 130 271 8 104 24 113 63 32 54 103 8 64 130 125 56 111 71 115 155 9 139 67 187 127 38 97 190 22 73 196 180 69 160 96 199 235 10 122 28 210 102 27 63 141 15 88 116 165 63 86 36 102 93 11 148 60 291 206 37 108 183 20 87 163 226 79 121 96 137 151 12 81 13 96 63 21 28 66 15 36 73 112 27 59 37 76 41 13 90 32 122 94 12 42 111 18 64 90 126 44 70 44 110 63 14 55 8 92 63 7 13 52 3 40 41 77 30 33 16 50 16 15 71 11 124 97 13 22 59 11 40 53 81 23 38 30 66 22 16 45 7 33 46 11 13 47 9 25 28 75 20 13 14 35 16 17 61 11 56 46 17 6 57 9 23 36 65 26 14 21 45 23 16 108 16 101 132 25 24 112 22 69 63 152 39 29 36 89 22 19 129 20 108 141 35 30 102 26 72 62 149 49 29 37 95 28 20 74 12 55 58 33 8 76 11 42 26 75 23 3 28 43 7 21 71 5 50 50 22 6 59 13 41 32 59 15 9 23 45 9 22 40 2 18 25 40 5 45 8 28 8 31 7 2 9 11 2 23 35 1 18 19 47 5 43 U 34 8 42 9 . • • 8 11 3 24 29 2 11 17 24 5 29 4 21 3 23 5 2 6 8 1 25 258,187 34,439 208,757 196,008 170,635 52,090 276,377 46,625 139,303 117,749 266,936 30,545 69,516 85,225 176, 161 79,664 26 273,756 54,055 245,679 218,216 187,795 73,737 303,164 63,845 162,295 150,935 300,610 83,320 81,876 97,615 211,527 115,923 27 330 217 153 84 290 147 169 33 112 377 201 109 140 75 257 392 28 405 1,156 301 263 419 428 314 92 422 736 329 223 628 290 928 899 29 6,768 3,925 3,802 2,764 2,843 5,737 7,006 329 3,036 9,152 5,331 3,148 7,548 4,110 6,996 13,762 30 9,254 12,307 8,025 8,134 4,705 10,053 14,777 987 5,610 14,971 12,030 4,657 10,033 8,832 14,144 20,986 31 5,758 3,488 7,632 3,170 1,361 4,415 5,987 456 3,121 7,594 5,321 3,193 6,203 3,771 4,735 10,039 32 8,429 6,964 12,961 8,836 2,060 7,956 16,466 557 4,181 12,252 11,472 4,609 7,045 6,952 7,563 15,794 33 8,522 1,962 9,297 5,197 2,528 4,360 8,443 643 5,316 10,959 10,544 4,671 9,167 5,887 9,330 12,609 34 11,237 5,437 15,664 10,441 3,118 8,003 15,578 1,803 6,528 16,287 14,927 5,673 12,993 8,033 16,128 19,120 35 14,224 3,1A6 23,209 11,387 3,119 7,085 16,614 1,633 10,164 13,455 13,941 7,303 9,900 9,626 11,823 10,553 36 17,072 6,791 32,461 23,220 4,086 12,151 21,485 2,244 10,049 18,775 25,629 9,041 13,729 10,854 15,668 17,158 37 12,653 1,962 15,162 9,987 3,245 4,396 10,513 2,350 5,700 11,593 17,694 4,262 9,308 5,803 U,974 6,379 38 1A,196 4,903 19,149 14,885 1,861 6,533 17,380 2,728 10,092 14,131 20,001 6,972 10,815 6,913 17,253 9,819 39 10,870 1,617 18,309 12,498 1,423 2,542 10,326 1,589 7,912 8,069 15,461 5,920 6,452 3,175 9,769 3,183 40 13,924 2,139 24,672 19,176 2,582 4,356 11,808 2,135 7,823 10,486 16,180 4,612 7,448 5,939 12,985 4,374 41 10,826 1,696 7,877 Kl,946 2,644 3,091 11,111 2,142 5,903 6,604 17,934 4,833 3,164 3,321 8,279 3,729 42 U,599 2,634 13,354 10,883 4,107 1,441 13,679 2,155 5,426 8,533 15,398 6,188 3,359 5,035 10,720 5,482 43 39,393 5,825 36,914 47, 678 8,460 8,162 39,338 7,855 24,031 21,406 53,682 13,966 9,227 11,983 31,743 7,264 44 46,227 7,089 38,105 50,443 11,983 10,283 36,095 9,308 24,552 22,186 51,743 16,792 9,906 11,905 33,055 9,346 45 51,599 8,033 35,967 39,054 22,031 5,755 51,386. 7,242 30,124 17,791 49,790 U,982 5,306 19,493 29,665 4,692 46 50,477 3,393 32,869 33,700 15,614 4,154 40,192 7,970 27,928 21,338 39,458 9,066 5,920 15,357 30,316 6,060 47 97,244 2,568 50yi35 53,243 122,691 6,400 114,984 21,803 43,389 10,744 71,037 18,153 3,101 17,981 51,530 6,512 48 87,936 1,242 48,118 38,195 137,260 8,379 115,390 33,861 59,684 11,140 93,443 15,437 17,005 52,767 6,890 49 38,106 2,568 15,959 23,551 33,801 6,400 41,481 6,333 26,333 10,744 30,230 6,586 3,101 8,173 10,480 1,192 50 912 208 891 668 334 360 898 111 530 903 1,092 413 696 432 711 759 51 1,128 521 1,309 1,174 471 709 1,492 152 704 1,372 1,469 542 967 729 1,147 1,304 52 79,754 5,411 57,986 92,403 43,736 5,754 105,270 4,931 24,256 24,513 77,341 26,522 7,352 11,979 26,693 9,393 53 80,506 8,084 75,086 io;,65i 48,495 12,572 110,363 6,102 27,305 36,633 88,375 27,884 8,727 20,662 36,969 19,981 54 40 15 17 6 34 9 15 2 15 43 31 20 20 10 18 47 55 43 67 27 38 64 57 38 12 45 90 52 34 89 36 59 68 56 155 42 69 35 139 19 62 11 55 247 128 72 53 45 81 187 57 167 147 108 191 238 136 163 51 167 448 206 146 269 177 200 229 58 209 85 109 74 93 127 196 23 90 306 194 98 242 132 171 316 59 273 237 226 232 168 283 420 30 187 494 363 146 341 271 380 527 60 3,744 621 2,004 1,651 1,607 1,132 4,687 324 1,103 4,638 4,151 1,994 1,470 1,937 2,235 2,905 61 4,825 1,751 5,246 5,912 3,609 3,430 11,357 473 3,069 7,931 8,972 3,132 1,876 5,108 5,272 5,862 62 84 39 118 54 24 60 91 7 50 111 98 49 1« 53 65 131 63 133 72 202 U9 35 114 279 7 63 189 137 77 VLB 1(K 100 231 64 3,030 526 3,892 1,941 806 661 3,775 243 944 2,035 3,380 2,094 773 801 925 -1,549 65 5,241 743 7,193 6,400 1,448 1,584 13,237 335 1,441 3,893 7,421 2,933 922 1,396 1,898 3,446 66 99 14 94 58 31 45 93 6 59 119 115 49 106 59 95 123 67 123 43 162 123 36 75 131 21 70 177 172 65 150 85 165 215 68 4,339 208 3,984 3,065 1,200 560 4,953 161 1,44^ 2,567 5,578 2,416 1,131 1,090 2,027 1,922 69 6,095 585 6,873 6,692 1,929 1,430 10,584 979 1,836 3,974 8,687 3,405 1,410 1,833 3,702 4,025 70 111 14 192 98 22 45 131 12 84 105 160 61 84 65 38 68 71 135 42 261 200 34 86 176 16 33 158 213 74 115 87 113 130 72 6,277 200 8,946 6,717 1,008 300 8,812 470 2,197 2,313 8,507 3,820 915 1,179 2,112 1,171 73 8,089 982 12,545 13,121 1,876 2,137 12,072 569 2,987 4,634 12,207 4,126 1,343 2,309 2,799 2,485 74 72 7 86 60 19 23 59 11 35 69 104 25 58 29 70 31 75 86 24 110 90 11 34 105 14 55 86 115 40 67 37 93 55 76 5,632 142 5,002 5,012 1,289 585 5,184 347 1,331 2,371 7,187 1,670 759 604 2,003 355 77 6,354 815 6,909 7,650 690 925 8,371 4% 2,250 2,880 8,627 2,733 853 1,157 3,085 1,073 78 51 5 85 62 6 11 50 8 38 33 75 28 31 15 43 10 79 66 5 112 93 12 16 52 11 38 49 75 19 36 27 57 20 80 4,573 182 5,858 6,172 427 252 5,473 529 1,845 1,210 5,781 2,102 649 425 1,863 329 81 5,777 124 8,240 9,492 1,341 542 5,024 657 1,654 1,711 5,821 1,248 468 362 2,118 470 82 38 6 32 46 10 9 44 9 24 23 71 17 12 3 30 11 83 56 10 50 44 14 6 53 7 23 33 63 24 14 20 38 22 84 4,138 427 2,331 6,468 986 292 5,247 654 1,383 797 6,595 1,229 232 360 1,243 447 85 6,223 590 3,974 5,340 1,220 383 5,096 315 1,255 1,290 6,332 2,116 429 576 1,722 628 86 101 14 91 129 24 20 107 21 67 57 146 37 29 25 83 16 87 120 16 99 136 31 28 96 16 68 59 138 41 29 33 86 27 88 16,232 8U 11,615 26,503 3,346 413 19,920 1,434 4,108 3,756 16,417 4,693 1,000 1,301 6,013 517 89 14,907 1,371 10,633 24,291 4,413 927 13,555 992 5,001 4,909 14,160 3,793 334 2,109 5,774 1,138 90 70 7 50 57 31 8 73 7 40 24 69 22 8 27 38 4 91 61 4 45 50 21 5 56 10 39 29 55 14 3 21 40 7 92 19,122 1,567 9,137 18,496 10,565 635 20,879 252 5,186 2,415 11,691 4,241 265 2,649 5,766 222 93 12,614 584 8,121 14,374 6,123 387 12,989 547 3,792 2,970 8,754 2,152 313 2,361 4,986 258 94 37 2 17 24 40 3 39 5 28 8 29 7 2 9 10 2 95 32 1 15 19 45 5 36 8 33 8 31 8 3 U 2 96 12,512 685 5,U8 16,348 22,363 405 26,268 506 4,650 1,654 7,926 2,191 ioo 1,588 2,420 289 97 10,214 392 5,244 11,188 25,608 586 17,415 683 3,353 2,038 7,188 2,095 2,274 5,413 367 98 26 2 10 16 24 3 26 4 21 8 22 5 2 6 7 1 99 7,954 685 3,062 7,986 10,279 405 15,842 176 2,939 1,664 5,761 714 100 1,154 1,338 139 100 174 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS. AND CROPLAND (For definitions and explanations, see text) Glyim Grady Farms: All fanns number Under 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 or more acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number Lanil in farms: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acc«s 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 1-39 icres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 1601O219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 or more acres acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres Croplanij harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting acres Under 10 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 49 acres farms reporting acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 70 to 99 acres Farms reporting acres 100 to 139 acres farms reportinj; acres 140 to 179 acres farms reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 500 to 999 acres .- farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms repctting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959 . 1964 . 1959 . 1954. 1959. 19.54. 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959, 1954, 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1,U9 1,713 67 130 341 555 167 269 192 269 150 218 82 109 « 60 28 32 60 52 15 16 2 3 2 116,670 148,161 280 653 10,054 15,953 9,589 15,650 16,021 22,423 17,344 25,056 12,762 17,107 8,877 11,879 6,613 7,634 20,390 17,206 10,923 10,017 3,817 A, 583 3,817 1,005 1,498 25,578 37,093 22 67 99 307 297 487 4,168 7,194 156 2*4 2,497 4,954 173 240 3,747 5,413 144 206 4,024 6,195 74 99 2,879 3,755 44 55 2,077 2,275 23 32 1,U0 1,833 56 49 3,492 3,556 U 16 1,284 1,253 2 3 201 358 2 201 1,086 2,127 134 360 439 907 132 251 94 199 92 151 51 77 31 44 20 30 50 66 31 30 12 12 113,343 163,400 558 1,755 11,801 23,864 7,591 14,325 7,669 16,372 10,597 17,190 3,077 12,100 6,U9 8,707 4,791 7,206 17,585 22,980 20,476 21,, 201 18,049 17,700 11,795 721 1,465 13,932 26,765 Ai 154 150 472 285 625 2,529 5,996 105 191 1,333 3,062 64 156 1,014 2,887 65 125 1,591 2,536 38 62 817 1,908 24 37 703 1,441 13 23 419 916 38 56 1,222 3,106 29 26 1,843 2,760 12 10 2,311 1,681 9 2,163 695 968 29 106 189 266 79 97 35 117 38 119 33 95 45 65 33 23 46 58 14 17 4 5 '3 39,1A8 112,604 133 534 5,113 7,rL4 4,529 5,545 6,959 9,720 10,129 13,580 12,887 U,766 8,770 12,723 7,807 5,493 16,530 19,096 8,885 10,328 7,401 13,655 3,901 606 906 6,389 8,441 14 88 48 343 157 251 888 1,459 69 93 545 633 75 112 605 894 84 112 904 1,188 73 91 712 1,085 42 62 531 754 33 23 465 332 *3 54 889 963 12 16 302 496 4 4 500 289 3 318 236 425 10 6 47 106 33 65 30 40 34 47 33 35 16 24 19 20 39 57 21 21 4 4 3 57,873 70,751 30 36 1,496 3,610 1,874 3,705 2,578 3,305 3,882 5,376 5,207 5,439 3,192 4,744 4,523 4,918 13,453 18,617 14,516 14,772 7,122 6,229 3,624 258 404 14,201 20,026 3 6 11 24 43 102 1,273 3,084 31 63 1,181 2,957 30 38 1,149 1,591 30 44 1,514 1,938 27 35 1,545 1,792 16 18 958 924 19 19 1,424 1,008 35 56 2,515 4,054 20 19 2,115 1,339 4 4 516 815 3 263 149 223 45 68 50 84 11 16 5 9 6 7 2 5 2 2 1 1 10 6 8 9 9 16 7 29,129 88,320 170 339 1,185 1,783 621 903 392 711 682 783 322 768 415 362 235 233 3,571 2,245 5,354 5,383 15,682 75,300 7,882 64 161 953 1,091 12 45 33 99 26 67 129 263 5 9 30 55 2 7 7 59 3 4 69 21 2 5 34 73 4 3 102 22 5 6 149 105 4 12 350 331 4 350 1,222 1,579 82 107 409 560 137 187 187 261 126 156 95 LL6 44 54 34 46 72 63 30 25 6 4 4 137,459 148,855 375 566 11,084 15,695 7,851 10,879 15,474 21,320 14,669 17,662 U,925 18,064 8,533 10, 528 7,930 10,330 25,074 22,030 20,455 16,273 11,034 5,008 5,233 1,027 1,325 27,994 34,329 33 67 168 287 343 461 5,351 7,623 115 159 2,131 3,431 161 232 3,236 5,413 120 133 3,534 4,123 86 102 2,503 3,617 38 48 1,669 2,029 33 44 1,581 1,953 62 56 3,892 3,084 25 20 2,764 2,025 6 3 1,165 739 4 556 1,248 1,648 56 117 235 333 153 236 1A\ 196 186 223 131 158 89 88 66 56 120 117 37 53 29 21 23 228,291 244,059 189 483 6,945 11,282 9,157 13,696 11,687 16,023 22,136 26,129 20,688 25,298 17,563 17,234 15,919 13,357 41,439 40,583 23,578 34,394 58,990 45,530 31,395 1,161 1,463 78,113 79,607 37 64 97 259 203 326 3,841 6,908 148 216 4,607 7,382 129 179 5,332 7,281 180 212 9,983 11,092 126 152 9,214 10,406 87 83 8,000 6,126 65 55 6,801 4,188 117 lU 15,755 12,323 36 51 6,137 9,012 28 19 8,346 4,630 22 5,704 558 947 33 118 133 269 46 79 54 93 82 135 55 66 36 51 12 20 48 52 31 39 28 25 22 129,951 156,473 172 584 3,082 6,840 2,723 4,567 4,601 7,819 9,470 15,732 8,719 10,408 7,068 10,113 2,925 4,740 16, lU 18,497 20,756 26,483 54,321 50,690 30,473 453 768 13,125 18,472 20 72 89 249 110 228 1,320 2,884 33 62 586 968 43 74 805 1,353 66 115 1,269 2,505 46 51 1,007 1,357 26 43 819 1,241 10 16 358 387 42 50 2,064 1,826 23 33 1,646 2,318 24 24 3,162 3,384 20 2,668 GEORGIA HARVESTED. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 175 Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard Henry Houston Iniln Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson 728 1,489 643 659 507 1,201 455 917 451 962 1,052 315 703 871 576 663 1 1,207 2,277 1,130 1,129 837 1,857 9U 1,507 625 1,308 1,676 571 941 1,230 9U 957 2 83 203 32 35 23 69 10 50 35 20 76 13 51 35 33 13 3 175 316 87 69 100 109 55 93 46 52 152 46 46 58 36 42 4 292 573 196 191 152 481 U9 288 95 155 300 53 163 168 106 143 5 51* 836 353 377 259 766 263 605 136 317 535 160 286 268 254 203 e 99 177 50 106 39 190 73 100 30 93 153 18 83 91 54 59 7 U9 309 U7 178 74 305 U7 205 57 193 247 42 116 153 113 128 S 72 192 66 90 50 150 55 118 29 114 141 22 87 80 42 67 9 113 280 109 166 73 242 109 176 50 191 214 33 120 137 85 115 10 65 143 92 100 64 123 61 116 45 153 129 17 82 92 60 94 11 104 243 135 137 95 199 Ul U3 78 188 192 46 132 141 87 115 12 35 56 46 41 40 66 42 59 37 110 71 30 69 82 56 63 13 50 104 68 77 55 99 67 67 38 118 103 51 74 114 69 84 1< 16 42 29 32 32 32 24 42 32 60 50 26 41 51 43 48 15 25 73 55 43 47 46 39 55 42 58 80 30 35 65 56 73 16 15 37 23 18 11 18 17 29 17 45 30 17 28 45 26 26 17 17 21 36 26 21 25 24 33 26 46 40 32 35 54 37 43 18 37 54 54 31 52 57 32 70 61 133 61 62 62 109 91 85 19 38 67 91 40 61 59 58 87 73 95 63 66 56 115 96 99 20 11 10 31 13 28 14 14 35 38 44 28 34 20 71 39 39 21 16 22 42 10 37 6 27 34 41 34 36 32 19 83 44 38 22 3 2 24 2 16 1 8 10 32 15 13 21 17 47 26 24 23 6 6 37 6 15 1 11 9 36 16 12 33 20 42 35 17 24 3 1 17 2 10 1 8 6 24 11 U 9 12 32 18 21 25 64,890 113,056 128,108 69,160 116,359 103,563 64,622 128,371 139,705 184,894 133,709 116,599 122,876 245,361 146,712 151,799 26 95,691 174,058 197,729 106,506 143,717 137,376 114,544 157,828 169,452 189,734 177, 541 149, 681 144, 974 265,689 136,666 173, 521 27 381 851 169 145 104 372 44 223 104 100 357 58 192 151 115 41 28 940 1,446 490 385 513 568 301 500 167 219 791 211 204 300 164 203 29 8,108 15,294 5,196 5,673 4,367 14,007 3,543 8,357 2,450 4,468 8,800 1,255 4,873 4,996 3,225 3.959 30 13,859 23,238 9,786 10,772 6,541 22,033 7,616 16,845 4,176 10,047 15,163 4,043 8,646 7,974 7,801 5,621 31 5,704 10,182 2,903 5,936 2,232 11,099 4,129 5,737 1,650 5,452 8,973 1,060 4,786 5,331 3,111 3,357 32 8,517 17,493 6,528 9,992 4,169 17,425 8,278 11, 6U 3,136 11,184 14,407 2,345 6,834 8,930 6,368 7,283 33 5,942 15,676 5,464 7,300 4,063 12,493 4,400 9,718 2,454 9,385 11,676 1,827 7,145 6,615 3,450 5,587 34 9,300 23,041 8,807 13,717 6,100 19,603 8,876 14,695 4,058 15,797 17,783 2,675 9,691 11,278 6,921 9,439 35 7,539 16,458 10,543 11,381 7,186 14,479 6,618 13,136 5,139 17,866 14,860 1,928 9,544 10,758 6,957 10,921 36 li,097 27,597 15,230 15,423 10,616 23,028 12,591 16,240 8,647 21,604 22,016 5,035 15,227 16,316 10,286 13,370 37 5,549 8,855 7,243 6,392 6,234 10,346 6,564 9,396 5,750 17,300 11, 172 4,712 10,636 12,982 8,799 9,874 38 7,844 16,276 10,748 U,9S7 8,470 15,566 10,449 10,402 5,869 18,618 15,874 8,139 11,560 16,092 10,789 13,262 39 3,147 8,224 5,736 6,230 6,333 6,371 4,834 8,357 6,354 16,012 9,803 5,507 6,083 10,122 8,590 9,413 40 4,896 14,354 11,002 8,391 9,396 9,082 7,766 10,884 8,377 11,694 15,629 6,014 6,909 12,772 11,103 14,458 41 3,709 8,848 5,483 4,184 2,667 4,352 4,093 6,866 4,022 10,655 7,030 4,041 6,784 10,607 6,170 6,780 42 4,199 5,032 8,628 6,184 4,942 5,817 5,780 7,687 6,645 11,016 9,487 7,643 6,485 12,917 8,784 10,384 43 13,547 18,400 19,176 10,207 18,243 19,747 10,450 24, 549 22, 201 47,233 21,105 21,758 21,439 39,680 31,851 26,696 44 13,248 22,994 31,332 13,044 21,245 19,652 19,829 29,939 25,645 33,046 22,090 23,841 19,306 40,753 33,255 33,863 45 7,031 6,657 20,641 8,787 18,222 8,861 9,182 22,764 27,089 30,026 18,742 24,269 13,534 48,228 27, 538 27, 232 46 11,262 U,812 27,696 6,836 26,513 3,582 16,771 22,239 27,361 22,162 25,470 21,773 14,266 59,058 30,826 26,096 47 4,233 3,611 45,554 2,925 46,708 1,436 10,765 19,266 62,492 26,397 21, 191 50,184 35,660 95,691 48,906 45,737 4R 9,529 7,775 67,482 9,775 45,212 1,020 16,287 16, 586 75,371 34,347 16,631 67,962 43,646 77,297 62,371 39,342 49 4,233 1,600 24,065 2,925 12,746 1,436 10,765 8,262 32,857 15,655 13,891 13,073 17,558 40,908 25,882 29,533 50 510 866 565 529 331 1,081 364 769 414 916 841 255 608 782 535 610 51 873 1,672 1,012 913 659 1,723 780 1,341 538 1,200 1,399 467 846 1,158 828 909 52 7,163 9,260 19,208 9,127 9,452 34,775 8,047 26,892 54,992 70,919 23,443 13,450 24,735 79,696 49,374 46,980 53 10,605 21,046 32,373 17,606 14, 599 56,032 18,699 47,478 68,528 66,867 39,767 22,725 26,667 103,152 67,217 67,511 54 23 45 21 14 U 46 3 30 13 14 31 7 28 15 11 3 55 86 139 66 35 61 74 38 63 14 35 76 19 34 36 25 34 56 88 140 112 53 48 256 12 137 56 62 156 22 126 67 55 17 57 325 386 344 175 183 343 172 3U 46 145 358 63 138 162 132 166 56 192 330 187 150 92 439 100 253 91 145 242 45 145 153 101 128 59 374 591 337 309 206 714 226 559 112 287 459 146 271 246 239 192 60 1,277 2,241 3,603 1,560 934 7,487 1,457 4,719 1,618 3,538 3,294 623 2,951 3,970 2,227 3,009 61 2,927 4,969 6,720 4,410 2,3U 12,944 3,740 U,854 2,826 7,667 7,377 2,944 6,355 6,313 6,554 4,373 62 82 123 45 95 24 180 60 87 29 88 122 16 76 83 54 56 63 U9 257 108 146 59 289 131 180 52 181 211 32 106 147 104 125 64 710 1,105 1,207 1,272 242 4,129 815 1,562 1,000 3,923 1,812 452 2,307 3,605 1,730 1,782 65 1,220 2,991 3,281 2,061 929 7,494 2,337 4,866 1,826 8,297 3,886 781 3,600 6,490 4,545 4,728 66 58 141 58 81 34 135 45 89 29 UO 118 18 78 76 36 63 67 1 99 241 99 139 63 227 96 149 45 184 192 28 104 132 76 109 68 693 1,383 1,825 976 485 4,535 773 1,936 1,287 5,846 2,227 256 2,992 3,346 1,340 2,618 69 1,254 3,452 3,018 2,744 955 7,967 1,888 3,645 2,165 9,261 4,853 676 3,534 7,050 3,377 4,922 70 57 93 79 72 50 UO 49 100 41 146 109 15 79 85 57 84 71 83 202 121 117 75 190 95 127 68 178 171 35 119 137 81 109 72 716 1,328 2,203 1,202 801 4,326 721 2,267 2,026 10,744 2,642 265 3,144 4,113 2,842 4,379 73 1,158 3,165 3,658 2,434 1,533 8,807 2,037 4,389 4,100 11,320 4,736 701 4,289 7,919 4,380 5,864 74 27 34 39 36 25 59 35 45 37 107 64 25 61 73 52 60 75 42 86 57 63 45 95 61 57 38 110 85 40 68 109 60 78 76 461 491 1,149 815 560 2,758 396 1,686 2,759 8,544 2,016 591 2,954 4,938 3,130 3,888 77 780 1,467 1,844 1,656 893 5,605 1,963 2,722 2,833 6,779 3,279 1,173 3,245 6,759 4,135 5,185 78 13 27 27 28 21 28 16 37 32 79 40 19 35 47 43 48 79 16 58 49 38 41 45 30 52 38 54 67 23 34 64 48 72 80 298 492 867 743 610 1,770 425 1,754 2,725 7,100 1,619 628 1,603 3,582 3,215 3,893 81 603 1,090 2,006 921 1,107 3,309 927 2,890 3,634 3,608 2,873 684 1,446 4,926 3,470 5,612 82 U 25 16 16 8 18 13 25 16 43 26 13 22 41 26 27 83 u 18 34 23 12 25 21 30 25 43 36 29 32 52 33 41 84 376 578 693 356 326 1,609 521 1,587 1,599 4,526 1,077 450 1,298 3,655 1,957 2,438 85 309 421 1,498 575 255 2,500 623 1,972 3,190 3,452 1,676 804 1,322 5,059 3,059 3,8U 86 31 39 42 26 35 51 24 63 57 127 54 48 51 98 89 82 87 26 57 75 28 52 57 51 82 72 67 57 61 46 111 86 95 88 1,201 1,223 1,857 1,132 1,579 5,091 812 4,484 10,069 16,004 4,132 2,416 3,667 12,402 11,456 9,369 89 786 2,000 3,815 1,357 2,077 5,498 2,098 7,497 12,794 9,056 4,677 3,703 2,168 14,762 11,315 11,434 90 10 9 29 10 19 13 13 30 37 43 22 29 17 66 38 36 91 10 17 36 9 33 6 21 33 39 28 33 29 15 82 42 37 92 628 279 2,Z32 851 1,581 2,179 1,328 4,439 12,170 6,592 2,464 3,024 1,726 12,691 8,864 7,446 93 849 837 2,797 753 2,157 1,045 1,581 4,628 13,194 4,157 4,534 3,963 1,329 18,114 11,083 7,670 94 3 22 1 12 1 6 10 32 14 13 20 16 45 26 23 95 4 6 30 6 12 1 10 9 35 13 12 25 15 40 32 17 96 715 3,460 167 2,286 635 287 2,319 19,683 4,038 2,004 4,723 1,967 27,307 12,553 10, 141 97 394 268 3,392 520 2,199 500 1,333 2,701 21,920 2.905 1,518 7,031 1,241 25,596 15,167 13,713 9S 3 15 1 7 1 6 6 24 10 11 9 11 30 18 20 99 715 2,423 167 1,209 635 287 1,442 13,087 2,302 1,460 1,763 1,218 12,096 6,725 6,722 100 176 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definitions and explanations, see text) iler Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long 322 1,606 396 202 383 216 490 2,472 537 607 684 331 26 46 38 19 17 8 54 100 35 236 47 55 80 247 81 91 96 4a 155 594 129 240 171 93 31 175 32 11 46 30 56 358 70 31 90 35 27 182 28 20 40 33 iS 296 53 20 100 38 45 279 32 11 69 24 53 370 68 15 •115 27 30 138 29 8 31 10 30 200 30 9 60 19 10 123 19 4 19 10 16 159 29 3 22 14 17 73 9 3 11 9 16 84 19 5 10 S 32 211 42 12 28 25 27 186 54 16 47 25 16 90 40 9 IB 15 22 82 51 14 15 11 8 42 46 14 8 4 13 43 49 13 7 6 '7 23 23 7 7 4 58,004 377,349 174,939 38,424 66,380 33,385 34,987 423,697 134,067 101,029 38,906 47,221 103 198 99 84 78 50 246 445 Ul 1,009 247 196 2,203 7,203 2,572 2,154 2,309 1,516 4,419 17,735 3,735 5,682 4,774 2,425 1,786 9,944 1,332 611 2,746 1,708 3,253 20,730 3,923 1,713 5,344 2,009 2,253 15,134 2,336 1,654 3,343 2,703 3,985 24,417 4,257 1,540 8,384 3,033 5,086 31,930 3,747 1,306 7,963 2,792 5,938 41,352 7,560 1,692 13,166 3,074 4,768 21,722 4,500 1,293 4,392 1,602 4,647 31,001 4,699 1,435 9,535 2,949 2,020 24,495 3,819 730 3,769 1,974 3,089 31,672 5,797 587 4,303 2,805 4,037 17,276 2,156 711 2,639 2,115 3,809 20,109 4,606 1,220 2,349 1,894 11,270 72,521 14,750 3,853 9,822 9,037 9,346 66,003 19,551 5,532 15,490 8,707 10,614 61,323 28,456 6,674 12,384 10,577 14,296 55,660 36,648 9,940 10,038 7,782 13,864 115,053 110,622 69,304 16,935 4,806 31,959 114,573 93,150 70,679 15,226 12,297 10,164 35,741 31,444 8,972 9,235 4,806 301 1,524 349 167 313 201 447 2,330 551 488 549 279 13,693 133,192 57,089 2,223 7,829 5,954 15,885 167,137 56,206 4,038 12,740 6,472 18 25 9 11 9 6 45 69 18 180 32 29 67 101 42 24 44 31 206 295 65 431 128 94 71 237 77 82 80 45 147 553 121 206 146 86 1,185 5,376 2,112 498 1,175 627 3,113 13,712 3,032 1,311 2,250 1,028 30 164 29 9 37 30 55 339 69 27 75 31 958 6,173 1,339 112 598 549 1,951 U,445 3,127 267 1,342 331 27 177 26 17 33 30 44 283 51 20 72 33 1,020 8,667 1,433 284 592 849 1,667 14,130 2,745 303 1,360 838 44 271 29 10 57 21 46 359 67 12 89 25 1,726 16,503 2,075 192 928 740 1,824 21,554 3,670 213 1,816 835 29 131 27 6 29 10 23 191 29 8 51 16 1,346 10,259 2,183 134 572 348 1,104 U,470 1,997 137 1,156 433 10 118 19 4 14 9 14 155 23 1 20 11 434 10,266 1,411 89 347 299 821 12,756 2,177 4 617 508 16 70 8 3 10 8 15 83 18 4 7 7 1,487 6,956 762 75 253 369 1,051 8,531 1,617 93 131 216 32 205 40 10 21 23 23 179 52 11 40 25 2,385 28,767 5,292 251 887 1,301 1,379 23,491 4,975 378 1,287 731 16 34 39 5 16 15 21 77 50 11 11 11 1,695 18,379 10,143 258 928 711 2,125 13,341 11,317 173 873 374 8 42 46 10 7 4 9 42 48 8 6 5 890 21,745 30,237 311 1,505 130 644 25,362 21,434 728 1,780 534 7 23 23 6 6 4 609 10,935 10,983 154 1,232 130 Farms: All fanns number I'nder 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 50 lo 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number HO to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 or more acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number Land in farms: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 1.19 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 or more acres acres 1.000 lo 1,999 acres.. acres Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting I'nder 10 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 49 acres farms reportinf: acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres farms reportinp acres 100 to n9 atres farms repcrtinc acres 140 lo 179 acres farms reporting acres 180 lo 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 500 to 909 acres ', farms reporting acres 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1,(KX} to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 316 483 25 47 57 102 27 40 22 30 33 51 26 42 31 45 15 23 43 60 28 25 9 18 4 79,536 108,278 "lii 230 1,423 2,464 1,555 2,293 1,334 2,508 3,840 5,928 4,130 6,617 6,231 8,993 3,585 5,524 15,660 21,443 19,417 16,238 21,745 36,040 6,539 197 337 7,805 10,161 5 26 14 95 32 69 200 715 15 29 149 241 12 15 103 206 18 35 252 547 12 28 169 584 23 36 458 865 13 19 191 536 36 46 2,141 1,717 23 17 1,553 839 8 17 2,564 3,766 3 230 423 639 14 40 100 191 53 56 41 69 59 90 47 48 30 45 16 24 43 54 9 17 11 5 10 63,635 85,000 42 211 2,561 5,074 3,072 3,202 3,466 5,749 6,588 10,207 7,496 7,682 5,927 8,956 3,772 5,727 14,516 18,430 6,448 11,790 14,747 7,972 11,702 362 536 13,536 17,737 4 25 16 95 90 160 1,287 2,676 45 47 801 386 33 53 782 1,215 50 78 1,U9 2,175 40 42 1,506 1,240 24 40 971 1,393 15 21 322 613 41 48 2,654 2,939 9 17 833 2,763 11 5 3,215 1,137 10 2,778 GEORGIA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 177 Luii5)kljl MoDuffle Mcintosh Maccm Madison Marlon Meriwether Miller ttltohell Jfanroe Mantgomery Morgan Murray »*iscogee Neirton Oconee 575 473 81 660 1,042 357 909 743 1,127 387 545 662 705 122 511 478 1 893 826 186 991 1,545 650 1,573 1,118 1,777 702 745 1,104 1,023 350 984 818 2 63 29 12 26 78 24 51 28 34 18 32 57 77 20 47 18 3 127 50 83 69 91 36 127 64 80 56 46 99 115 101 91 60 4 213 143 26 144 301 52 257 129 201 61 122 185 222 30 136 120 5 325 281 65 287 501 110 599 249 453 165 223 388 396 105 350 275 6 71 45 8 59 165 26 99 64 93 24 62 36 68 13 50 52 7 UA 100 6 88 236 68 157 155 260 61 101 62 114 27 108 83 8 79 55 3 64 165 17 88 102 125 30 70 41 94 10 46 65 9 114 101 6 90 262 54 123 173 227 57 87 87 137 21 97 114 10 48 58 3 62 124 46 113 133 166 53 70 70 78 6 65 66 U 79 84 5 96 194 82 168 181 225 77 102 115 84 25 117 91 12 25 26 4 51 74 26 46 68 96 38 50 51 48 8 34 37 13 42 53 6 67 84 41 90 92 113 57 47 77 61 8 58 48 14 27 22 3 42 38 41 64 40 66 34 31 33 30 5 21 24 15 22 32 2 60 51 57 70 54 S3 45 33 58 29 17 27 46 16 16 17 2 23 16 11 26 35 59 10 23 32 20 S 21 19 17 30 25 1 29 27 32 45 39 70 27 20 44 19 t 26 22 18 22 37 5 96 57 64 83 83 165 61 49 89 48 9 46 37 19 28 51 4 104 70 92 106 66 143 78 45 102 51 22 60 48 20 7 26 1 57 20 28 55 46 73 42 25 43 12 9 33 33 21 9 29 2 59 22 48 58 33 72 57 26 44 12 12 36 26 22 4 15 14 36 4 22 27 15 49 16 11 25 8 7 12 7 23 3 20 6 42 7 30 30 12 41 22 15 28 5 8 U 5 24 4 8 5 27 2 17 21 12 41 10 5 15 7 7 3 5 25 51,819 101,432 56,564 195, U9 110,742 108,677 180,293 149,057 273,878 146,842 102,760 155,243 83,962 24,315 97,564 81,590 26 72,661 145,572 37,193 216,033 152,833 169,568 225,332 158,017 297,462 178,080 117,353 185,221 98,949 Vt.'^'il U0,791 97,387 27 281 123 55 m 315 81 195 97 163 79 134 310 346 73 222 102 28 593 221 332 348 464 169 675 312 412 281 178 546 562 461 523 324 29 6,350 3,905 608 4,273 8,803 1,506 6,499 3,486 5,561 1,427 3,622 4,848 6,211 852 3,554 3,378 30 9,272 8,132 1,503 8,489 14,894 3,244 15,633 7,491 13,271 4,184 6,625 9,554 10,535 2,473 9,488 7,553 31 4,124 2,550 435 3,262 9,535 1,444 5,540 3,751 5,422 1,297 3,581 2,115 3,921 759 2,363 3,098 32 6,554 5,632 355 5,024 13,730 3,804 8,743 8,903 15,028 3,414 5,756 3,608 6,625 1,565 6,073 4,915 33 6,382 4,489 219 5,285 13,707 1,395 7,474 8,494 10,258 2,434 5,823 3,434 7,733 875 3,825 5,359 34 9,349 8,285 491 7,438 21,885 4,467 10,322 14,333 18,608 4,681 7,127 7,202 11,162 1,735 8,196 9,516 35 5,458 6,629 345 7,1A6 U,268 5,209 12,773 15,516 19,486 5,796 7,824 8,307 3,337 682 7,377 7,480 36 9,109 9,657 589 10,913 22,542 9,1U 18,942 20,948 26,396 8,551 11,453 13,296 9,618 2,885 13,410 10,302 37 3,888 4,099 652 3,135 11,466 3,984 7,115 10,662 15,020 5,917 7,938 8,116 7,600 1,253 5,312 5,825 38 6,540 8,371 939 10,576 13,110 6,453 13,998 14,419 17,549 9,012 7,443 12,072 9,672 1,290 9,073 7,471 39 5,340 4,338 585 8,252 7,605 8,154 12,613 7,690 13,000 6,751 6,217 6,654 5,342 992 4,116 4,747 40 4,382 6,228 409 ia,084 10,165 U,345 13,793 10,708 16,508 8,938 6,662 11,305 5,673 3,401 5,374 9,221 41 3,888 4,058 445 5,461 3,834 2,650 6,287 8,437 14,278 2,375 5,493 7,624 4,741 1,190 5,033 4,423 42 7,253 6,043 229 6,998 6,401 7,731 10,763 9,271 16,770 6,378 4,671 10,447 4,549 973 6,150 5,222 43 7,615 13,201 1,728 34,328 19,729 22,322 29,527 28,575 64,009 21,569 17,615 31,215 16,837 3,214 17,054 13,141 44 9,773 18,294 1,478 37,161 24,442 33,427 38,053 22,057 53,023 27,990 16,367 35,705 17,802 7.679 20,294 16,677 45 4,241 17,725 616 40,407 13,375 19,466 37,984 29,753 49,044 26,325 17,974 30,163 7,912 6,365 22,689 22,663 46 5,832 20,281 1,458 40,639 13,706 32,209 39,655 21,449 50,401 33,355 18,493 30,364 8,422 7,908 23,300 17,262 47 4,252 40,315 50,876 78,459 8,105 42,466 54,286 32,596 77,637 72,372 26,539 52,457 13,882 8,560 25,519 U,374 46 4,004 54,428 29,410 76,363 U,494 57,605 54,755 28,116 69,496 65,746 33,073 51,122 14,324 17,087 28,410 8,924 49 4,252 10,557 6,745 36,765 3,365 20,741 30,743 15,367 53,393 12,991 6,691 20,206 8,982 8,560 10,795 6,719 50 435 396 47 615 908 314 793 631 1,056 250 472 581 550 54 429 422 51 752 702 64 906 1,385 551 1,404 1,034 1,686 525 673 984 842 196 831 750 52 3,600 17,195 512 67,823 29,226 19,807 32,210 67,964 109,683 7,303 28,256 30,259 15,242 2,260 19,063 19,564 S3 6,406 26,269 490 80,365 45,327 29,759 51,512 71,268 125,368 U,634 34,924 43,020 20,810 5,375 30,523 32,073 54 27 13 5 18 36 8 21 9 20 12 14 44 26 4 24 15 55 84 27 21 40 48 21 85 38 66 31 31 74 65 39 61 48 56 93 54 9 75 168 25 m 40 114 45 51 241 114 10 113 a 57 256 110 44 204 272 69 343 109 341 107 109 360 239 121 322 198 58 163 124 18 135 264 47 238 89 182 32 97 171 172 11 118 107 59 271 256 24 267 454 94 551 222 436 133 206 367 329 57 301 248 60 921 2,451 74 3,451 4,453 1,026 4,261 1,935 4,070 403 2,046 3,325 2,171 102 1,839 1,796 61 1,933 5,650 94 7,403 3,477 2,290 10,764 5,160 11,339 1,893 4,388 6,994 5,359 446 5,856 4,763 62 57 42 4 56 151 24 88 57 89 18 55 30 58 3 45 43 63 97 84 2 85 216 60 143 147 245 47 92 51 107 18 91 77 64 415 1,4U 18 2,586 3,245 569 1,772 2,154 3,228 237 1,945 880 1,040 27 875 1,259 65 749 2,390 9 3,673 5,425 2,416 3,000 6,901 11,136 630 3,901 1,422 2,328 266 2,150 •2,172 66 67 51 3 62 154 16 73 83 118 17 63 35 78 6 40 54 67 108 88 5 86 240 47 111 168 217 39 80 77 U9 14 32 101 68 579 1^645 23 2,882 4,118 494 1,630 4,781 6,104 221 3,067 692 1,704 111 851 1,319 69 939 2,968 22 4,510 7,077 2,1A2 3,041 9,429 11,379 619 3,836 2,184 2,957 252 2,041 3,341 70 38 49 3 58 118 41 104 123 162 27 66 55 72 4 48 57 71 73 72 1 89 183 67 151 177 221 47 94 95 70 15 102 37 T5 363 1,541 15 3,072 4,114 1,240 2,204 9,968 10,582 299 3,750 1,764 2,244 149 1,010 2,183 73 791 2,279 8 5,016 6,584 2,153 4,138 13,289 14,432 554 5,410 3,225 2,007 203 3,079 3,793 74 22 22 4 48 63 26 40 62 92 23 45 44 41 4 29 36 75 39 45 5 60 80 36 73 89 102 45 43 71 51 7 50 47 76 194 743 78 3,782 2,691 1,459 1,013 6,017 7,256 345 3,211 1,334 1,361 31 861 1,613 77 354 1,762 132 4,036 3,726 1,636 2,268 8,217 3,921 1,170 2,858 2,854 1,916 121 1,745 2,565 78 20 18 1 37 35 38 60 33 61 21 31 29 25 3 17 18 79 19 29 1 54 48 47 65 54 76 35 31 51 26 11 25 45 80 285 690 4 3.007 1,737 1,709 1,972 4,024 6,007 409 2,168 1,181 925 59 655 1,041 81 245 1,094 20 4,432 2,232 2,007 2,573 5,696 7,171 948 2,599 2,126 940 407 1,132 3,094 82 U 14 1 20 13 11 25 33 54 8 19 27 17 2 20 16 83 25 19 28 25 25 42 36 70 23 18 40 17 4 22 21 84 249 734 "x 1,626 922 612 949 4,217 6,137 146 1,535 1,500 554 26 879 1,090 85 343 1,236 1,983 1,543 1,742 1,516 4,044 6,336 578 1,496 2,190 765 305 1,134 1,390 86 18 30 1 91 52 53 71 80 161 44 44 80 44 7 45 34 87 25 40 2 97 66 84 94 63 143 61 42 91 44 16 52 45 88 317 2,175 4 12,990 4,213 4,219 4,912 16,529 25,666 1,917 4,220 5,452 2,773 245 3,301 3,565 89 352 2,635 16 12,305 5,513 5,086 5,725 9,200 20,285 2,568 4,605 6,471 2,633 707 4,228 5,233 90 6 19 1 54 18 24 48 43 69 33 23 41 9 5 31 31 91 8 27 58 20 42 55 28 71 44 24 39 10 10 31 26 92 137 1,675 '93 13,122 2,283 3,599 6,649 10,312 18,045 1,950 3,886 4,748 1,092 731 4,774 3,965 93 151 3,440 14,719 3,000 3,632 3,323 4,472 15,195 3,522 2,710 5,497 955 1,101 3,373 4,429 94 3 14 6 36 4 21 25 14 48 15 10 25 3 5 12 6 95 3 15 3 42 5 28 29 12 39 20 12 28 4 5 U 5 96 47 4,074 154 21,230 1,282 4,855 6,737 7,987 22,474 1,331 2,377 8,642 1,259 719 3,905 1,652 97 293 2,705 U5 22,079 1,478 6,586 9,271 4,751 18,833 2,040 2,510 9,697 711 1,441 5,463 1,090 98 3 8 3 27 2 16 19 11 40 10 4 15 7 5 3 4 99 47 2,024 71 10,775 521 3,308 3,725 5,956 15,468 893 921 3,435 949 719 1 1,913 445 100 178 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND iLem Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam {For definitions and explanations see toxt) Farms: 1 All farms number 1959 . . . 697 1,201 612 1,M9 255 316 477 765 333 1,237 515 375 691 1,253 490 634 323 535 2 1954 .. . 3 I'nder 10 acres ....•■■•■•■... number 1959 . . . 38 87 39 100 19 32 60 149 52 166 18 75 32 129 16 22 14 50 4 1954 . . . 5 1 0 to 4 9 acres , number 1959... 201 368 185 375 38 65 163 233 149 327 164 323 215 481 105 139 47 126 6 1954 . . . 7 50 to 69 acres number 1959 .. . 75 139 80 156 27 27 48 82 102 175 51 104 70 127 70 127 IB 40 8 1954 . . . 9 70 to 99 acres number 1959... 68 119 110 190 17 15 68 98 106 152 49 79 101 152 47 96 29 41 10 1954 . . . 11 100 Lo 139 acres number 1959 .. . 83 153 74 125 32 47 45 73 118 149 63 91 70 137 69 90 47 50 12 1964 .. . 13 140 to 179 acres nutnber 1959... 50 86 49 79 20 20 35 49 72 35 29 42 66 64 23 36 26 34 14 1954 . . . 15 180 to 219 acres number 1959 . . . 33 66 28 35 19 16 16 19 45 58 33 41 39 51 24 39 26 41 18 1954 . . . 17 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . . . 27 34 3 19 7 11 5 12 33 33 11 23 23 40 lA 23 K 2B 18 1954 . . . 19 260 lo 499 acres number 1959 . . . 64 81 26 45 31 32 22 35 111 93 43 55 49 45 60 53 61 86 20 1954 .. . 21 500 to 999 acres number 1959... 37 48 12 20 33 35 8 10 41 34 34 32 22 22 41 36 30 35 22 1954 . . . 23 1,000 or more acres number 1959... 16 20 1 5 12 16 7 5 9 15 10 10 4 5 21 23 11 lA 24 1954 . . . 25 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 1959 .. . 13 1 .7 4 7 6 4 12 6 Land in farms: 26 All land in farms , acres 1959... 124,392 177,121 61,183 108,192 74,882 88,099 64,347 73,869 142,982 165,290 98,024 119,108 87,215 lis, 524 121,600 133,500 96,227 no,698 27 1954... 28 Under 10 acres acres 1959... 207 466 153 4% 64 142 199 661 220 771 80 392 145 618 54 no 57 254 29 1954 . . . 30 1 0 to 4 9 acres acres 1959 . . . 4,939 9,405 5,460 11,063 1,061 1,643 4,499 5,974 4,114 9,344 4,521 8,823 6,312 13,304 3,443 4,574 1,116 2,997 31 1954 . . . 32 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . . . 4,401 8,092 4,710 9,024 1,498 1,514 2,746 4,663 5,908 10,142 2,976 5,852 4,080 7,450 4,026 7,183 1,033 2,219 33 1954 . . . 34 70 to 99 acres acres 1959... 5,647 9,873 9,171 15,704 1,495 1,274 5,566 8,015 8,774 12,363 4,063 6,528 8,375 12,286 3,930 7,734 2,424 3,417 35 1954 .. . 36 100 lo 139 ncres acres 1959 . . . 10,443 17,823 3,412 14,486 3,574 5,325 5,291 8,322 U,019 17,257 7,714 10,413 8,257 15,919 7,349 9,937 5,246 5,791 37 1954... 38 140 to 179 acres acres 1959... 7,927 7,652 3,105 5,592 11,320 4,494 10,389 3,575 4,195 39 1954 . . . 13,636 12,204 3,091 7,643 13,337 6,544 9,360 5,705 5,395 40 180 lo 219 acres acres 1959 .. . 6,534 13,015 5,498 6,779 3,779 3,204 3,075 3,750 8,896 11,361 6,606 8,095 7,615 9,931 4,733 7,653 5,204 8,132 41 1954 . . . 42 220 lo 259 acres acres 1959... 6,358 3,023 1,907 4,4% 1,673 2,664 1,217 2,837 7,779 7,779 2,541 5,644 5,607 9,497 3,315 5,483 3,364 4,331 43 1954 . . . 44 260 to 499 acres acres 1959... 22,077 28,708 8,971 15,491 10,945 11,346 7,373 U,4S6 38,726 32,759 17,036 19,390 16,033 14,933 20,338 18,870 21,734 30,466 45 1954 . . . 46 500 lo 999 acres acres 1959 . . . 24,617 33,630 7,944 12,6U 24,493 25,896 5,321 7,036 28,195 21,878 23,348 21,441 15,109 15,586 27,513 24,405 19,695 23,322 47 1954... 46 1,000 or more acres acres 1959... 31,242 34,450 1,300 5,830 23,195 32,000 23,468 13,432 15,031 28,249 24,645 25,486 5,243 3,590 42,324 41,841 32,159 23,874 49 1954 . . . 50 1.000 to 1.999 acres acres 1959 . . . 18,005 1,300 3,985 4,652 10,232 9,103 5,243 15,772 7,510 Cropland harvested: 51 Any cropland harvested . farms reporting 1959 .. . 631 481 230 320 798 434 570 450 180 52 1954... 1,109 890 278 496 1,163 759 931 621 394 53 acres 1959... 23,944 9,105 37,129 2,815 40,337 19,817 17,322 33,290 6,050 54 1954... 39,099 13,331 38,537 4,936 43,551 30,776 25,521 46,974 9,966 55 Under 10 acres . farms reporting 1959... 1954 .. . 31 71 12 54 11 15 7 41 35 146 10 55 13 52 8 15 6 37 56 57 acres 1959... 170 43 29 33 124 48 52 31 15 58 1954... 330 224 85 148 592 227 245 73 166 59 10 to 49 acres . farms reporting 1959 . . . 187 148 33 121 143 148 169 97 38 60 1954 .. . 342 282 57 160 297 290 355 123 108 61 acres 1959 . . . 3,422 1,503 570 728 2,345 3,151 1,953 2,346 476 62 1954 .. . 6,160 3,958 1,032 1,133 6,151 6,509 5,101 3,434 1,510 63 50 to 69 acres . farms reporting 1959 . . . 70 69 24 34 96 33 54 67 7 64 ' 1954 . . . 130 118 26 60 161 37 90 118 30 65 acres 1959 . . . 1,190 886 763 194 3,122 850 1,123 2,508 135 66 1954 . . . 2,880 1,813 829 546 6,546 2,166 2,244 5,035 525 fiv' 70 lo 99 acres . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 65 no 81 159 16 12 48 76 105 147 43 70 39 116 45 84 17 31 "ft 69 acres 1959 .. . 1,375 985 623 344 4,038 1,448 1,876 1,963 246 70 1954 . . . 2,623 2,629 530 625 6,470 2,286 2,587 4,178 386 71 100 U) 139 acres . farms reporting 19.59 . . . 75 60 26 36 116 55 63 62 24 72 1954... 143 102 43 53 139 77 119 37 35 73 acres 1959... 2,115 1,179 1,541 261 5,349 1,631 1,808 3,324 X6 74 1954 .. . 3,640 2,399 2,407 606 6,876 2,276 3,515 5,594 635 75 140 u> 171 acres . farms reporting 1959 .. . 47 42 19 29 70 24 58 22 6 76 1954 .. . 78 69 19 41 79 35 55 32 21 77 acres 1959 .. . 1,431 1,014 1,123 329 4,151 721 1,683 1,667 71 78 1954 . . . 2,971 1,867 1,523 449 4,053 1,589 1,753 2,152 405 79 180 to 219 acres . farms reporting 1959 .. . 29 27 19 13 43 24 34 22 U 80 1954 . . . 58 30 15 17 53 32 42 37 27 61 acres 1959 .. . 1,224 600 1,743 201 2,552 1,105 1,373 2,008 190 82 1954... 2,466 1,013 1,629 164 2,877 1,711 2,352 2,804 641 63 220 lo 259 acres . farms reporting 1959 . . . 20 7 7 5 33 9 22 14 6 84 1954 . . . 34 17 11 11 27 21 36 21 15 85 acres 1959... 1,117 166 761 62 2,548 309 1,279 1,451 141 86 1954 . . . 2,125 638 1,189 161 1,704 1,286 1,307 1,682 467 87 260 to 499 acres . farms reporting 1959 . . . 59 23 31 15 109 40 45 56 37 68 1954 . . . 76 38 30 25 83 51 42 49 57 89 acres 1959... 4,251 1,187 5,643 170 9,669 2,313 2,998 7,568 1,175 90 1954 .. . 5,240 1,856 5,562 324 5,933 4,691 3,331 6,348 2,113 91 SOO to 999 acres . farms reporting 1959 . . . 32 n 32 7 40 34 19 36 18 92 1954... 47 17 35 8 23 32 19 34 22 93 acres 1959... 3,585 1,422 12,387 185 4,228 5,089 2,604 6,955 1,375 94 1954... 5,660 1,646 12,807 297 1,785 4,916 1,861 7,699 2,009 95 1,000 or more acres . farms reporting 1959 . . . 16 1 12 5 8 9 4 21 10 96 1964... 20 4 15 4 8 9 5 21 U 97 acres 1959 .. . 4,064 120 11,941 308 2,211 2,652 573 7,969 1,920 98 1954 . . . 4,799 238 10,944 483 564 3,119 725 7,975 1,109 99 1.000 to 1,999 acres . farms reporting 1959 .. . 13 1 7 4 6 6 4 12 5 100 acres 1959 .. . 2,751 120 4,341 186 1,492 1,322 573 2,743 785 GEORGIA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 179 Quitman Rabun Randolph Rli-timnnd Rocltdale Schley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor 193 370 651 228 323 278 1,131 473 374 4% 445 730 365 255 1,094 457 1 Wi 628 1,016 478 636 401 1,687 687 748 835 707 1,235 623 448 1,578 818 2 10 14 55 31 23 17 62 13 21 52 30 57 39 8 49 21 3 19 96 66 103 35 20 68 42 80 130 25 78 59 27 142 67 4 49 160 15? 67 96 51 276 94 76 184 141 140 82 55 223 79 5 73 284 297 155 243 54 561 170 258 329 262 307 135 103 448 189 8 IS 48 59 17 59 27 93 46 46 75 24 58 21 44 129 42 7 28 74 125 41 94 41 206 92 35 108 92 125 41 64 207 69 S 19 47 37 24 37 13 115 40 28 57 27 45 26 23 164 32 9 15 53 77 30 81 21 160 72 61 93 44 83 39 52 206 62 10 10 38 49 29 37 23 121 55 53 43 36 76 41 32 169 63 a K 48 90 38 70 54 168 99 74 73 41 150 62 56 211 93 12 10 31 U 15 22 17 76 34 25 32 24 55 20 19 114 28 13 15 30 52 20 36 31 107 57 33 41 32 89 33 31 124 52 14 16 9 47 8 12 23 63 36 28 14 37 51 23 17 60 42 15 10 3 53 20 16 43 82 24 29 16 36 69 49 24 65 75 16 5 6 30 5 7 12 51 33 3 11 22 36 10 7 43 24 17 13 9 36 7 U 17 61 26 29 15 31 45 16 17 36 37 IS 26 10 37 W 19 48 141 64 51 21 47 121 55 27 93 62 19 29 23 no 31 28 71 154 61 61 19 76 -UA 66 37 91 93 20 19 5 58 7 7 32 74 36 31 6 38 94 26 18 32 41 21 15 2 66 20 13 40 77 28 25 10 40 95 41 29 23 51 22 11 2 33 11 4 5 54 22 7 1 19 47 22 5 18 23 23 IS 1 44 13 4 9 43 16 8 1 28 46 32 8 20 29 24 6 2 20 ' 3 4 39 12 7 1 11 37 U 4 9 16 25 55,725 31,604 173,989 41,222 38,793 70,426 304,009 126,945 72,907 42,323 116,163 238,957 97,267 48,124 201,055 153,890 26 77,329 40,528 215,644 73,600 65,048 95,382 315,932 127,408 92,744 59,049 159,608 277,276 146,155 77,223 214,166 195, 506 2T 29 80 201 115 107 90 207 69 57 235 112 150 130 33 185 65 28 72 521 313 493 205 89 369 192 414 693 122 367 307 142 625 295 29 1,419 3,933 4,638 1,770 2,838 1,422 7,951 2,691 1,994 5,395 4,204 3,846 1,886 1,414 7,016 2,212 30 2,216 7,147 9,030 3,820 6,884 1,624 16,165 4,678 6,159 8,612 8,009 9,229 4,107 2,717 12,800 5,211 31 995 2,702 3,365 1,006 3,367 1,495 5,659 2,647 2,618 4,309 1,373 3,406 1,189 2,535 7,509 2,409 32 1,602 4,274 7,093 2,280 5,398 2,271 11,316 5,260 4,319 6,191 5,059 7,138 2,220 3,583 11,936 3,861 33 1,579 3,802 3,107 2,005 2,965 1,480 9,387 3,384 2,305 4,787 2,202 3,715 2,177 1,936 13,542 2,579 34 1,237 4,298 6,277 2,436 6,629 1,734 13,209 5,983 5,114 7,586 3,695 6,962 3,243 4,321 16,921 5,252 35 1,118 4,388 5,838 3,352 4,258 3,136 13,949 6,292 6,039 4,332 3,970 3,524 4,504 3,738 19,641 7,U3 36 1,569 5,551 10,260 4,290 7,927 5,763 19,152 11,702 3,449 3,320 4,712 16,953 6,836 6,394 23,952 10,466 37 1,583 4,841 6,849 2,404 3,412 2,671 11,986 5,483 3,932 4,910 3,790 8,609 3,161 2,995 17,997 4,435 38 2,403 4,666 8,149 3,143 5,707 4,816 16,985 3,955 5,979 6,292 4,973 14,072 5,216 4,831 19,477 8,362 39 3,129 1,806 9,355 1,562 2,360 4,539 12,612 7,112 5,623 2,803 7,451 10, U7 4,507 3,398 11,923 8,310 40 1,963 1,557 10,473 4,044 3,176 3,611 16,117 4,795 5,725 3,212 7,153 13,601 9,6% 4,789 12,739 15,211 41 1,104 1,380 7,140 1,134 1,664 2,825 12,143 7,940 1,386 2,600 5,269 8,587 2,461 1,676 10,136 5,770 42 3,052 2,181 8,493 1,680 2,669 4,065 14,607 6,307 6,%2 3,534 7,446 10,613 3,850 4,009 8,561 8,885 43 9,617 3,497 31,307 5,226 6,587 17,490 52,011 21,669 17,925 7,049 16,630 43,405 19,775 9,029 34,010 22,426 44 10,226 7,935 38,471 10,826 9,483 25,222 54,027 20,753 21,133 6,599 27,673 53,735 23,765 12,554 31,910 33,613 45 13,881 3,169 40,130 4,927 4,797 22,023 49,568 23,374 20,299 4,223 26,418 63,390 17,622 13,038 21,015 23,458 46 10,190 1,392 45,133 13,583 11,211 26,494 52,872 19,561 17,279 6,510 27,432 66,738 28,129 21,373 18,596 34,330 47 21,271 2,006 62,009 17,671 6,438 13,255 128,536 45,784 10,179 1,180 44,694 85,178 39,805 3,282 58,031 70,033 48 42,799 1,006 71,952 27,000 5,759 15, U3 100,613 39,217 10,706 1,500 63,334 77,858 58,786 12,510 56,649 69,965 49 8,393 2,006 27,907 13,306 4,238 6,524 53,276 17,240, 10,179 1,130 16,729 47,133 17,901 6,282 12,507 22,467 50 168 344 565 154 260 252 1,024 438 274 392 385 689 269 195 1,025 415 51 221 571 912 270 500 371 1,555 626 543 635 659 1,114 495 375 1,392 673 52 11,272 5,076 49,075 10,347 6,329 17,376 92,350 57,096 13,261 5,844 23,269 71,379 6,062 3,304 58,111 35,264 53 12,718 6,491 62,634 17,385 13,242 24,793 99,305 52,154 23,597 8,745 32,842 94,635 12,015 8,262 65,102 41,852 54 2 11 26 10 10 10 23 6 7 20 14 17 21 5 35 7 55 9 76 42 17 18 11 43 25 46 60 20 45 39 20 98 32 56 10 40 125 24 35 61 97 34 14 72 67 73 120 16 118 29 57 43 264 182 56 88 34 222 115 191 209 95 205 173 72 438 156 58 49 149 U3 43 76 49 253 30 54 143 136 130 73 44 210 75 59 70 265 282 83 202 52 527 U5 178 252 257 277 164 39 401 163 60 1,250 1,174 4,062 563 1,055 1,133 5,535 1,785 535 1,337 3,669 2,777 804 451 4,460 1,595 61 1,903 1,966 7,970 921 3,677 1,307 12,361 3,411 2,697 2,395 7,350 7,351 2,062 1,104 9,074 4,034 62 15 42 55 10 53 25 92 42 33 67 23 54 18 36 122 39 63 27 67 119 26 77 38 195 65 56 94 89 113 33 49 189 56 64 579 491 2,505 319 962 972 3,218 1,734 448 8U 966 2,159 195 421 4,485 1,356 65 1,290 843 5,847 602 1,654 1,457 3,049 3,572 846 1,142 3,838 4,551 664 632 3,115 '2,099 66 17 45 31 17 28 14 103 39 16 50 24 41 24 19 160 29 67 13 51 67 19 67 17 147 65 45 80 42 76 30 48 191 48 68 1,078 900 1,585 357 566 519 4,293 2,200 305 371 1,334 1,916 313 345 7,515 1,135 69 576 761 3,899 502 1,342 962 6,716 3,324 1,222 1,286 1,862 3,339 482 729 8,936 2,188 70 8 38 39 23 31 27 113 52 34 36 29 70 24 24 159 56 71 12 47 84 27 52 51 153 98 55 61 39 139 50 47 191 30 72 521 678 2,009 761 503 1,417 5,718 3,596 690 450 1,375 3,867 312 352 8,632 2,252 73 394 830 4,945 1,073 1,427 2,374 8,368 7,60i 1,343 1,124 1,546 8,098 856 803 10,590 3,122 74 9 31 41 13 18 16 72 34 19 26 a 52 U 12 109 27 75 13 30 45 16 27 30 98 56 30 34 27 81 21 26 114 41 76 298 553 2,855 865 548 1,076 4,273 3,787 684 425 1,290 2,908 239 190 7,719 1,505 77 661 531 2,772 892 821 1,737 5,959 5,277 1,695 720 843 5,629 355 601 7,119 2,132 78 12 8 43 7 9 22 55 33 26 U 35 45 17 12 57 39 79 10 7 46 19 14 40 76 24 24 15 33 63 38 21 53 66 80 299 165 3,323 392 453 1,273 4,616 3,996 865 355 1,876 3,531 282 232 4,053 2,282 81 331 78 2,991 1,548 482 2,111 5,765 2,764 1,028 345 1,305 4,380 743 497 4,073 3,550 82 5 6 26 4 7 11 50 30 5 10 19 34 7 6 39 22 83 11 7 31 7 8 17 57 26 25 12 28 45 10 12 29 32 84 405 181 1,919 370 129 1,026 5,124 4,360 126 245 735 3,818 101 120 3,317 1,791 65 498 184 2,078 386 283 1,405 4,797 3,539 1,519 287 1,312 4,042 133 219 2,038 2,534 86 22 7 75 10 17 43 133 64 46 19 39 113 36 21 89 59 87 26 18 93 26 19 67 146 60 55 17 64 138 49 32 79 81 8S 1,741 351 8,979 1,365 733 4,473 18,929 12,166 4,197 800 3,513 14,822 1,020 316 9,353 7,644 89 1,847 724 10,306 3,353 1,199 6,051 16,544 9,062 6,324 647 4,125 18,190 1,505 1,157 6,988 8,644 90 IB 5 57 7 7 30 71 36 27 6 29 33 18 14 29 39 91 U 2 60 18 12 40 71 26 22 10 33 91 34 23 25 49 92 1,792 412 11,630 1,676 357 4,220 16,850 10,419 2,531 393 3,491 19,032 675 813 5,181 7,737 93 1,264 225 9,526 3,902 1,318 5,295 13,766 6,164 3,740 590 3,429 20,536 1,887 1,555 2,3U 8,114 94 11 2 29 10 4 5 54 22 7 1 16 45 17 2 16 23 95 16 1 38 12 4 8 42 16 7 27 46 27 8 17 25 96 3,299 131 10,078 3,655 933 1,206 23,697 13,019 2,866 'as 4,953 16,476 2,001 48 3,223 7,938 97 3,911 85 12,118 4,145 951 2,060 16,753 6,818 2,992 • •• 7,137 18,264 3,155 893 4,917 5,279 98 6 2 17 9 3 4 39 12 7 1 8 36 11 2 3 16 99 2,015 131 4,648 3,225 778 978 13,254 7,281 2,366 85 1,834 11,188 783 48 713 4,462 100 180 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND Item {For defiiiitions and explanations, aee text) Troup Farms: AH fanns number ISSQ . 1954. I'nder 10 acres number 1959 , 1954. 10 to 49 acres number 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 act«s number 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . 1954 . 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres number 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres number 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . 1954. 50O to 999 acres number 1959 . 1954 . 1,000 or more acres number 1959 . 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 1950 . Land in farms: All land in farms acres 1959 . 1954. Under 10 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 icres acres 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres acres 1959. 1954. 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 or more acres acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959. Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 50 [o 69 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1059 , 1954 . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 19.59 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 180 lo 219 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 220 lo 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1054. 50O to 099 acres , farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 19S9 . 1954. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 , 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1,000 lo 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 801 1,061 55 60 154 270 86 123 89 119 110 138 59 67 77 96 35 33 80 85 37 44 19 26 12 156,855 185,449 204 238 4,226 7,338 4,796 7,074 7,313 9,730 12,463 15,635 9,313 10,442 15,384 19,234 8,329 7,894 28,432 29,903 26,153 27,589 40,242 49,872 16,520 642 924 37,755 51,167 U 30 44 IJJ 120 223 2,102 4,738 65 112 1,877 4,186 76 UO 3,136 4,900 96 124 5,201 6,201 52 60 3,330 3,535 66 87 4,186 5,5« 33 33 2,237 2,266 73 80 8,161 7,647 33 43 5,577 7,560 15 22 1,904 4,517 9 812 705 1,226 38 70 169 408 72 176 68 98 67 117 42 69 33 55 30 37 93 106 59 58 34 32 22 175,708 204,368 109 336 5,186 12,771 4,144 9,908 5,619 7,963 7,596 13,114 6,530 10,747 6,638 10,918 7,167 8,929 33,250 37,992 39,870 38,798 59,549 52,892 27,925 643 1,146 69,290 77,505 14 48 56 234 157 389 4,302 11,259 71 171 3,281 8,341 64 91 3,955 6,038 62 108 4,173 6,887 37 65 3,090 4,746 32 53 3,420 4,022 30 35 3,733 3,239 92 99 14,738 12,478 56 56 13,528 10,905 28 31 15,014 9,356 19 8,331 1,242 1,655 53 123 296 477 139 223 128 183 161 200 109 99 70 66 53 63 128 123 67 66 38 32 18 309,237 316,826 207 576 7,833 13,591 8,041 12,988 10,630 U,969 18,316 22,983 16,948 15,369 13,952 13,069 12,488 15,083 44,289 43,534 45,060 46,789 131,473 117,875 24,793 1,139 1,481 85,801 91,222 30 83 128 367 261 419 4,235 8,7U 125 197 3,883 7,133 122 166 5,155 7,679 154 192 7,408 10,512 105 93 7,357 6,U5 67 64 5,886 5,210 53 57 5,329 5,520 122 116 18,261 14,903 65 64 U,142 14,769 35 30 14,017 10,300 16 4,072 916 1,287 33 101 178 336 92 168 148 198 150 173 81 101 69 62 41 33 77 68 28 31 19 16 13 158,537 166, 532 183 493 5,002 9,753 5,473 9,854 12,212 16,224 17,609 20,123 12,567 15,858 13,693 12,357 9,680 7,893 26,866 23,037 19,047 20,157 36,205 30,783 17,376 836 1,161 62,692 61,022 18 64 93 288 U3 298 3,076 6,530 79 158 2,965 5,928 UO 188 7,203 8,454 145 167 8,620 8,996 80 92 6,377 5,587 69 57 6,804 4,741 40 31 3,686 2,460 77 65 9,415 7,867 27 27 5,109 3,800 18 14 9,344 6,371 13 5,522 796 1,220 34 75 146 332 81 166 98 135 125 170 83 108 57 57 31 37 92 96 43 33 6 11 6 133,008 161,172 113 337 4,456 9,501 4,599 9,408 7,917 11,251 14,654 19,633 13,111 16,873 11,358 11,205 7,355 8,836 32,430 32,718 28,459 21,011 8,556 20,399 8,556 724 1,105 48,594 52,839 15 47 49 196 130 297 2,736 6,333 76 155 2,715 5,540 92 130 4,247 6,244 117 156 6,705 8,600 77 102 5,297 6,286 56 57 4,543 3,874 30 35 2,758 2,578 86 87 11,224 7,808 41 30 6,729 3,581 4 9 1,591 1,799 4 1,591 499 658 41 97 234 281 69 91 61 78 45 51 IB 24 14 15 3 5 10 9 3 6 33,634 40,818 223 511 6,389 7,192 3,926 5,152 4,971 6,374 5,037 5,836 2,809 3,740 2,792 2,936 740 1,152 3,547 3,030 1,977 3,672 1,223 1,223 1,223 466 583 4,690 5,615 35 72 119 238 217 249 1,600 1,621 68 88 680 879 59 70 596 792 517 692 IS 24 288 312 14 15 301 236 3 5 243 181 3 5 168 437 1 1 98 01 1 98 451 613 19 35 118 219 56 77 53 71 76 74 36 36 21 27 1A 3 35 40 13 13 3 13 5 92,416 103,716 86 156 3,607 6,403 3,280 4,490 4,541 5,795 8,813 8,499 5,646 5,593 4,254 5,333 3,328 1,871 12,267 13,391 9,391 8,563 37,203 43,622 7,316 411 536 20,817 25,302 11 22 61 94 110 192 2,386 4,509 47 71 1,552 2,750 53 63 2,161 2,518 74 71 3,586 4,039 35 32 2,077 1,856 19 25 i,a3 1,911 13 6 837 461 30 33 2,491 2,754 11 9 1,127 1,264 3 12 3,271 3,M6 5 1,134 742 1,337 55 190 206 401 76 152 35 122 91 155 64 73 33 70 28 36 51 34 31 36 17 IB U 117,026 162,656 231 981 5,239 10.630 4,268 8,583 7,040 10,276 10,468 17,697 10,104 11,474 7,437 13,723 6,688 8,538 17,300 28,265 20,369 24,751 27,332 23,333 17,693 467 920 10,731 17,151 20 84 69 284 134 239 1,468 3,171 48 109 594 1,197 55 90 602 1,366 48 114 647 2,168 48 53 1,078 1,263 20 49 407 1,244 19 29 746 1,192 40 64 1,455 2,364 25 24 2,265 1,291 10 15 1,400 1,611 8 690 610 370 29 37 78 160 42 135 84 UO 86 1A2 61 76 49 67 25 29 99 68 35 31 22 15 17 157,306 156,512 82 155 2,114 4,551 2,474 7,888 7,145 9,1/3 9,915 16,281 9,659 11,967 9,755 13,378 6,053 6,761 34,594 24,341 24,105 20,912 51,410 41,135 25,222 550 809 59,269 63,321 8 22 40 m 62 148 1,334 3,695 37 124 1,546 5,778 82 104 4,403 6,331 80 138 6,050 10,007 60 75 4,969 6,425 46 63 4,431 6,279 25 26 2,755 2,829 95 65 15,332 9,465 34 27 9,679 7,091 a 15 8,730 5,310 16 7,089 GEORGIA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 181 Union Upscm Walier Walton Ware Warren Washington Waorne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 861 425 1,014 1,137 651 574 1,016 708 322 516 615 1,017 599 711 361 1,406 1 1,004 812 1,710 1,834 972 883 1,640 949 476 719 339 1,534 1,035 1,140 601 2,153 2 i6 19 75 42 67 17 44 35 24 15 68 134 21 38 28 75 3 9A 73 225 154 151 45 U2 95 21 37 94 251 42 30 36 120 4 310 111 283 402 188 U3 229 U5 71 103 213 345 75 157 71 301 S 376 265 599 641 335 319 514 229 121 173 290 585 207 277 104 604 6 126 55 116 134 63 56 67 72 32 48 80 m 60 70 29 U9 7 U5 106 194 248 103 93 U4 124 55 80 137 154 144 120 54 351 8 136 51 159 U9 53 48 81 94 33 51 75 122 52 39 23 176 9 157 80 221 244 60 59 141 111 43 76 100 131 117 UO 40 291 10 108 47 125 150 71 72 122 104 21 39 69 108 88 81 29 175 11 114 95 160 248 80 95 U5 123 45 lU 92 137 144 139 86 253 12 55 30 76 78 48 38 75 68 21 40 32 60 55 47 37 121 13 57 45 112 96 56 60 113 76 33 55 46 77 78 95 H 130 14 29 22 52 44 24 38 70 50 22 49 21 40 41 34 18 87 15 20 39 51 63 32 40 81 50 31 45 22 50 85 65 48 100 16 13 U 19 27 22 27 45 37 U 22 20 27 30 28 18 62 17 16 19 26 27 U 31 64 31 20 32 19 37 34 39 27 65 18 26 45 69 77 64 71 145 60 40 54 24 54 115 79 60 161 19 28 53 80 74 78 78 168 63 46 56 23 45 115 104 88 150 20 10 18 29 35 33 43 96 30 20 31 11 L4 44 55 30 76 21 5 21 30 32 38 4A 105 28 39 34 14 13 45 61 50 60 22 2 13 11 9 18 21 42 13 22 14 2 2 18 33 18 33 23 2 16 12 7 25 19 53 19 17 20 2 4 24 30 24 29 24 2 8 6 5 14 16 32 9 19 11 1 16 22 16 30 25 73,973 80,420 144,389 139,695 134,969 129,307 267,281 119,955 33,726 106,802 57,794 93,364 144,658 191,809 96,057 263,928 26 76,022 108,359 173,180 182,611 155,193 157,217 336,344 167,087 136,362 137,127 72,063 123,291 195,746 241,546 152,351 335,311 27 239 72 365 200 263 66 210 139 72 80 331 463 72 197 97 310 28 520 370 1,181 748 735 238 585 440 79 187 449 1,146 180 433 174 562 29 8,568 2,995 7,703 11,100 4,962 4,102 6,376 4,4S6 2,102 2,902 5,654 9,031 2,332 3,736 1,855 8,562 30 10,404 6,850 15,647 17,929 8,344 8,830 M,257 6,394 3,784 4,341 7,789 14,791 5,922 7,150 2,685 18,640 31 7,315 2,983 6,722 7,646 3,660 3,156 3,924 4,205 1,836 2,720 4,663 6,346 3,391 3,991 1,617 8,072 32 7,687 5,946 11,182 14,126 5,870 5,311 8,409 7,101 3,203 4,455 7,924 8,854 8,085 6,949 3,007 20,141 33 11,226 4,315 12,984 11,525 4,383 3,972 6,708 7,854 3,121 4,217 6,114 9,997 4,333 7,402 1,883 U,462 34 12,694 6,674 18,126 19,872 5,027 4,927 11,481 9,093 3,918 6,205 8,090 14,325 9,644 10,706 3,287 23,503 35 11,950 5,469 14,571 17,197 8,312 8,373 13,922 12,158 2,290 10,074 7,817 12,442 10,086 9,253 3,196 20,348 36 12,882 10,944 18,773 28,409 9,136 11,230 17,013 13,961 5,043 12,517 10,432 15,358 16,019 15,860 9,568 28,934 37 8,513 4,635 11,832 12,U6 7,623 6,065 11,801 10,573 3,293 6,366 4,992 9,386 3,732 7,470 5,885 19,110 38 8,952 7,048 17,572 15,313 8,862 9,562 17,715 11,774 5,108 3,396 7,218 12,241 12,193 14,861 6,383 20,548 39 5,686 4,392 10,125 8,7U 4,749 7,480 13,939 9,952 4,378 9,841 4,169 7,900 8,053 6,679 3,513 17,170 40 3,908 7,614 9,970 12,424 6,367 7,878 15,839 9,817 6,233 8,958 4,373 9,947 16,864 12,706 9,501 19,916 ■11 3,025 3,352 4,439 6,503 5,282 6,400 10,706 8,814 2,595 5,186 4,855 6,415 7,173 6,693 4,308 U,809 42 3,705 4,54A 6,130 6,466 3,336 7,508 15,352 7,290 4,731 7,594 4,565 3,792 8,168 9,392 6,466 15,426 43 8,975 15,310 23,105 26,988 23,678 24,918 51,210 20,456 14,612 19,406 8,151 18,895 40,328 27,855 21,474 55,847 44 9,933 18,171 27,621 26,717 28,531 27,469 57,930 23,227 16,883 20,499 7,705 15,068 40,005 35,734 30,584 53,013 45 6,076 12,587 20,074 22,632 21,3U 28,556 67,823 20,696 13,358 20,881 6,998 9,949 30,819 39,750 19,696 49,550 46 2,892 13,511 21,166 21,276 25,004 29,702 73,226 20,880 28,242 24,305 9,418 8,690 30,0U 41,897 32,438 40,915 47 2,400 24,310 32,469 15,044 50,746 36,219 80,662 20,617 36,069 25,129 4,050 7,540 29,289 78,773 32,533 55,638 48 2,445 26,687 25,812 19,331 53,981 44,562 104,537 57,110 59,138 39,170 4,100 18,079 48,655 85,953 47,758 93,713 49 2,400 9,740 8,713 6,3a 19,887 19,981 46,608 11,157 26,496 13,454 1,250 24,297 30,141 19,733 42,334 50 780 319 825 1,029 578 535 959 631 282 476 489 708 521 571 295 1,259 51 923 604 1,343 1,638 860 823 1,534 806 434 644 667 1,132 948 960 518 1,973 52 9,785 10,493 22,933 34,415 18,776 28,648 71,964 32,331 21,047 27,842 5,424 16,173 49,594 18,299 15,227 109,076 53 11,035 17,715 31,357 55,537 21,066 38,649 97,511 32,863 26,642 39,542 7,1m 21,384 60,934 26,202 24,655 118,121 54 25 5 19 21 34 12 30 16 7 11 26 16 2 25 12 49 55 70 30 112 79 116 33 90 60 10 25 42 92 24 58 21 84 56 80 18 73 132 140 34 145 49 40 57 71 68 14 131 47 239 57 228 115 359 332 443 163 421 204 40 110 132 291 93 318 33 430 58 270 84 218 376 172 140 2a 126 69 93 179 234 63 131 64 260 59 345 195 449 590 297 303 498 179 115 153 239 430 186 237 84 553 60 1,793 770 2,017 7,713 2,681 3,234 4,937 2,179 1,935 1,693 1,162 2,160 1,347 1,899 1,108 6,001 61 2,624 2,439 4,4U 11,987 4,274 7,487 11,853 3,201 3,353 3,297 1,909 4,475 4,312 3,594 1,294 14,615 62 122 35 106 124 60 55 63 64 31 44 66 90 50 58 26 128 63 127 77 167 221 98 90 133 106 51 70 lCf7 133 136 101 52 337 64 1,303 431 1,334 3,686 1,356 2,035 2,285 1,804 1,478 1,227 672 1,187 1,816 832 778 4,991 65 1,264 1,181 2,668 6,070 2,328 3,851 5,413 2,956 2,531 2,195 1,128 1,915 5,445 1,896 1,269 15,557 66 132 39 134 124 48 47 81 88 35 47 59 99 47 69 19 159 67 1 149 57 184 231 52 55 123 104 45 67 84 M9 103 105 36 277 68 1,524 564 2,391 2,863 1,210 1,590 3,116 3,338 2,068 1,704 610 1,758 1,907 1,029 476 8,231 69 1,863 912 3,452 7,270 1,566 2,120 5,945 4,130 2,304 3,293 963 2,731 4,830 1,357 1,106 14,815 70 100 35 109 135 69 62 lU 97 19 83 65 94 78 62 22 161 71 108 76 144 235 75 90 136 117 43 104 82 120 137 118 78 240 72 1,484 481 2,346 4,130 2,424 2,045 5,044 5,078 981 3,823 788 1,948 4,028 1,255 542 11,661 73 2,097 1,716 3,851 8,634 2,400 3,557 6,625 5,439 2,269 5,641 980 2,853 7,132 2,311 2,454 14,701 74 55 23 70 69 41 35 68 65 18 38 30 51 50 39 30 111 75 56 38 99 88 54 58 107 70 26 50 42 72 71 78 34 118 76 329 450 2,047 2,542 1,636 1,799 3,845 3,915 1,019 2,286 376 1,513 3,771 893 1,536 9,760 77 954 929 3,089 3,630 1,919 2,398 6,887 3,820 1,268 3,7U 533 2,202 4,181 2,266 1,357 9,173 78 25 15 48 41 23 35 68 48 19 46 15 36 38 27 15 81 79 19 33 48 60 30 36 76 47 29 43 21 47 84 56 48 92 80 669 361 1,979 1,962 1,107 1,545 4,951 2,760 1,393 3,254 212 1,398 2,723 736 954 8,069 81 331 1,006 2,281 3,830 1,331 1,697 4,926 2,814 1,696 3,132 341 2,063 6,088 1,616 2,267 7,699 82 13 13 17 26 22 24 43 35 9 22 13 25 27 23 13 57 83 15 17 25 26 13 29 62 29 19 32 17 35 32 36 24 62 84 450 450 804 1,579 1,087 1,196 3,452 2,939 643 1,384 360 1,093 2,755 667 399 6,650 85 239 602 1,440 1,521 574 1,597 4,726 1,804 841 2,852 178 1,533 2,983 976 951 5,338 86 26 41 66 73 61 66 Ml 55 36 51 20 48 107 64 51 152 87 27 47 75 72 70 72 162 54 42 48 19 41 112 94 74 132 88 1,006 1,921 4,388 4,937 3,534 5,174 15,450 4,563 3,485 5,433 793 3,433 14,258 3,553 4,243 21,791 89 1,034 3,095 5,128 5,025 3,018 5,473 U,512 3,748 3,447 5,348 385 2,401 12,841 3,790 5,093 16,572 90 10 17 27 32 32 40 92 26 18 27 10 13 41 46 25 70 91 5 18 28 29 33 40 99 24 37 32 12 10 41 50 46 51 92 435 2,103 2,289 2,960 2,088 5,133 14,958 3,683 1,980 4,374 305 1,360 9,476 4,110 3,276 13,947 93 294 2,049 2,476 4,393 1,643 4,608 16,735 2,230 5,255 5,134 422 1,055 6,730 3,125 5,211 10,236 94 2 12 U 6 16 19 38 11 21 14 1 2 13 27 13 31 95 2 16 12 7 22 17 48 16 17 20 2 3 22 27 21 27 % 162 2,944 3,265 1,911 1,5X3 4,863 13,781 2,073 6,025 2,607 75 250 7,499 3,094 1,363 12,736 97 107 3,671 2,199 2,845 1,570 5,698 19,468 2,467 3,638 4,821 133 365 6,244 4,453 3,570 8,935 98 2 7 6 4 13 14 28 8 18 11 16 18 12 23 99 162 1,472 942 927 1,047 2,186 8,813 1,881 4,736 1,914 6,607 2,133 1,038 11,117 100 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explanations, see text) Appling Farms: All fann operators number 1059. 1051. Full owners nunllier 1059 . 195-1. Part owners number 1959 - 1954 . Manapers number 1050 . 10.54 . All tenants number 1059. 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 10.50 . 1054 . Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners ac[«s 1959 . 1954. Managers acres 19.50 . 1954. All tenants acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland harvested: All farm operators fam.s reporting 1059 . 1954. acres 1059 . 1954. Full owners farms repotting 1959 . 1954 . nctt*s 1950 . 1954. Part owners farms reporting 1950 . 19.54-. acres 1959. 1954. Managers famis reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1950 . 1054. All tenants farms reporting 1059 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Farms by color and tenure of operator: tVbit* farm operators, total number 1959. 19.54 . Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954. Nonwliite farm operators, total number 1959 . Full o'vners number 1059. Part owners number 1059 . Managers number 1959 . \\\ tenants number 1050 . Proportion of tonancy percent 1959 . l-and in farms by color and tenure of operator: While fanr, uperat«-s. total. acres 1950 . 1954. Full owners acres 1059 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959 . 1954. Managers acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants acres 1959. 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total acres 1959 . Full owners acres 1959 . Part owners acres 1959 . Managers acres 1059 . Ml K-nants acres 1959 . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : White farm operators, total farms reporting 1059 . 1954. acres 1950 . 1054. Full ow ncrs fnmis reporting 1950 . 1054. acres 1059. 19.54. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1054 . acres 1059. 1054. Ml tenants farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Full owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1950. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. All tenants farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 1(D6,350 165,523 61,717 87,705 16,913 18,685 776 912 26,9*4 58,221 25.3 35.2 19,657,515 24,018,773 10,802,401 13,353,310 5,275,868 4,952,917 1,130,952 1,375,278 2,448,394 4,337,268 89,686 140,499 4,917,975 6,117,379 47,350 66,537 1,852,243 2,352,665 16,385 18,148 1,740,697 1,487,244 618 794 154,455 191,753 24,833 55,020 1,170,580 2,085,717 86,178 126,313 55,766 78,676 14,934 16,093 740 365 14,738 30,679 17.1 24.3 20,172 5,951 1,979 36 12,206 60.5 18,159,735 21,382,545 10,248,319 12,579^92 5,025,425 4,657,200 1,1U,140 1,331,753 1,774,851 2,814,100 1,497,880 554,082 250,443 19,812 673,543 70,705 103,126 4,261,713 4,897,090 42,522 58,731 1,718,034 2,153,546 14,432 15,579 1,635,685 1,368,633 13,161 28,065 757,227 1,187,333 18,981 656,262 5,328 134,209 1,953 105,012 11,672 413,353 1,089 1,403 562 799 217 134 2 1 308 469 28.3 33.4 172,302 208,032 108,717 152,502 40,220 26,129 6,437 1,292 16,928 28,109 1,289 43,629 47,849 475 699 17,979 25,760 212 133 13,151 6,985 2 1 954 234 291 456 11,545 14,870 989 1,271 515 721 200 126 272 423 27.5 33.3 100 47 17 36 36.0 166,707 201,554 105,627 148,060 38,679 25,770 6,437 1,292 15,964 26,432 5,595 3,090 1,541 964 883 1,163 42,105 45,529 429 625 17,428 24,649 195 125 12,811 6,733 257 412 10,912 13,863 97 1,524 46 551 17 340 34 633 413 584 202 294 104 53 1 107 236 25.9 40.4 114,760 128,796 74,252 101,528 33,506 11,705 122 7,002 15,441 389 541 19,340 20,830 180 254 3,853 11,124 104 52 7,202 2,613 42 105 234 3,285 7,046 393 552 193 291 104 53 96 207 24.4 37.5 20 55.0 113,321 127,699 73,599 101,192 33,506 11,705 122 6,215 14,680 1,439 653 370 509 18,744 20,200 172 251 8,654 U,055 104 52 7,202 2,618 94 205 2,888 6,485 19 595 8 199 11 397 788 986 456 572 133 67 2 1 197 346 25.0 35.1 124,403 131,294 87,483 98,684 23,531 10,847 1,878 223 11,461 21,540 719 395 31,726 32, 511 401 489 16,238 18,295 132 54 3,304 3,067 2 1 118 70 184 341 7,066 U,079 758 947 452 563 133 67 ISl 316 23.6 33.4 20 4 16 80.0 123,362 129,756 87,137 98,167 23,531 10 ,847 1,873 223 10,766 20,519 1,041 346 700 859 31,061 31,723 397 482 16,159 13,148 132 64 8,304 3,057 169 312 6,470 10,438 19 565 4 69 15 596 501 751 206 207 75 7 212 449 42.3 59.8 169,670 179,213 50,636 54,770 38,295 25,209 60,823 62,250 19,916 36,984 422 683 42,980 47,325 143 152 9,820 10,463 72 87 15,141 8,822 7 7 3,553 4,426 200 437 14,461 23,615 256 340 137 147 56 52 7 7 55 134 21.9 39.4 245 69 19 1 156 63.7 145,027 146,579 40,866 46,199 34,010 19,058 59,045 62,250 11,106 19,072 24,643 9,770 4,285 1,778 8,810 193 280 29,404 27,913 84 % 7,523 8,077 53 51 12,784 6,060 50 126 7,039 9,350 229 13,576 59 2,297 19 2,357 150 7,422 324 464 220 291 33 33 5 2 66 133 20.4 28.7 81,850 99,994 49,225 65,859 7,239 10,866 16,721 12,378 3,614 10,391 258 391 13,349 20,560 165 227 4,1U 8,878 30 37 1,024 2,170 4 2 5,494 5,941 58 125 1,720 3,671 194 265 152 199 20 31 5 2 17 33 130 68 13 49 37.7 68,588 82,944 41,799 55,487 5,628 9,998 16,721 12,378 4,440 5,031 13,262 7,427 1,661 4,174 140 202 11,272 16,041 108 141 3,174 6,960 17 30 774 1,353 11 29 830 1,277 113 2,077 58 937 13 250 47 890 631 931 411 566 82 97 3 3 135 315 21.4 32.1 74,993 93,970 48,438 60,490 15,075 13,879 1,053 1,647 10,432 22,954 551 828 11,464 16,691 344 440 5,564 7,395 30 97 2,393 2,950 2 2 220 226 125 289 2,787 6,120 609 943 408 559 79 94 3 3 119 287 19.5 30.4 22 3 3 73,912 96,224 48,175 50,137 14,823 13,507 1,053 1,647 9,861 20,933 1,085 263 252 571 529 791 10, %9 15,829 341 434 5,499 7,309 77 94 2,826 2,835 109 251 2,424 5,459 22 495 3 65 3 67 748 1,138 491 663 % 125 3 7 153 342 20.5 30.1 66,689 85,809 43,341 49,008 14,257 17,304 1,330 2,537 7,761 16,960 615 946 14,801 24,735 384 499 7,770 10,795 91 122 3,819 5,544 4 4 234 297 136 321 2,928 8,099 649 972 477 620 89 118 8 6 95 223 14.6 23.5 99 34 7 53 58.6 61,627 77,757 40,801 45,900 13,489 16,732 1,330 2,263 6,007 12,857 5,062 2,540 768 1,754 520 782 12,783 20,682 352 4?7 7,103 9,711 34 114 3,606 5,275 80 208 1,790 5,444 95 2,018 32 667 7 213 56 1,138 GEORGIA 183 OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 - Ben HIU Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bryan Bullooh Burke Butts Callioun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton 535 1,134 391 485 489 1,180 210 1,981 1,176 417 385 114 697 1,753 561 164 1 654 1,445 779 712 671 1,703 404 2,490 1,654 720 690 278 908 3,155 833 192 2 228 542 280 282 311 553 127 909 369 222 95 104 296 1,246 473 133 3 305 652 569 330 479 699 242 1,044 432 291 152 256 338 1,938 643 169 t 121 184 65 81 111 266 41 331 224 56 69 5 100 213 52 13 5 95 140 87 96 69 296 52 274 192 91 67 13 72 321 90 7 6 3 2 8 1 10 1 5 6 4 10 2 1 5 7 1 7 6 4 15 "3 3 16 1 4 10 2 7 2 2 8 7 2 8 133 406 38 122 66 351 41 736 577 U5 211 3 300 289 29 12 9 2AS 649 108 283 120 692 109 1,168 1,020 336 464 7 496 888 93 14 10 34.2 35.3 9.7 25.2 13.5 29.7 19.5 37.2 49.1 32.4 54.8 2.6 43.0 16.5 5.2 7.3 u 37.9 44.9 13.9 39.7 17.9 40.6 27.0 46.9 61.7 46.7 67.2 2.5 54.6 28.1 11.2 7.3 12 122,582 222,995 65,155 100,278 78,922 248,523 42,753 323,124 337,251 71,336 140,884 85,947 114,882 168,536 50,888 39,533 13 145,545 226,127 94,342 124,469 99,982 279,597 73,097 341,864 419,661 39,353 149,797 103,713 128,427 229,340 64,247 43,397 11 58,939 127,600 37,186 63,014 55,669 111,439 26,839 161,146 102,421 40,058 49,743 64,222 56,603 116,646 38,262 28,175 15 76,678 145,297 51,060 58,604 66,792 131,773 51,713 189,971 145,356 41,191 66,703 74,364 66,232 149,706 44,300 38,849 16 30,924 50,732 21,823 22,927 13,790 81,177 12,693 101,196 163,069 19,838 42,849 3,771 28,359 34,369 7,633 10,801 17 21,699 27,410 18,038 34,082 27,622 67,809 14,330 65,157 165,101 23,558 36,502 9,548 16,397 36,809 11,097 1,180 16 7,144 6,402 1,851 3 23,880 1,360 8,734 8,893 5,333 28,393 17,700 160 2,163 2,684 292 19 22,465 7,329 14,960 6,638 415 27,266 2,239 677 17,438 3,753 14,425 18,579 1,455 2,348 3,198 2,004 20 25,575 38,261 4,295 14,337 4,460 32.027 1,856 57,048 62,863 6,102 19,899 254 29,760 15,358 2,309 265 21 24,703 46,091 10,234 25,145 5,153 52,749 4,310 86,059 91,766 15,851 32,167 1,222 44,343 40,477 5,152 1,364 22 485 1,031 273 426 428 1,110 160 1,776 1,121 362 351 52 654 1,397 412 111 23 584 1,330 480 659 526 1,579 282 2,293 1,577 629 639 133 359 2,605 600 144 24 29,957 58,076 13,711 35,391 8,869 81,321 5,745 130,125 133,278 11,329 46,229 1,281 43,076 27,562 9,679 2,130 25 30,632 61,429 21,770 49,329 9,995 97,146 7,069 133,232 161,768 21,210 48,224 1,343 46,259 56,528 13,833 2,765 26 188 454 133 228 259 497 86 737 332 173 78 46 262 921 333 88 27 249 557 320 285 352 533 154 872 382 212 119 116 302 1,448 430 124 26 6,530 22,451 4,781 16,939 4,241 30,277 2,811 44, OU 27,083 4,251 10,804 1,211 15,715 13,793 6,193 1,527 20 9,979 25,626 8,370 20,206 5,610 36,999 2,770 49,709 42,596 6,068 12,443 700 17,282 23,942 8,317 2,182 30 LL7 182 58 80 109 262 39 319 224 53 67 4 97 202 50 14 31 93 136 81 93 66 291 47 266 191 87 66 11 70 317 89 6 32 10,971 15,903 7,333 10,497 3,128 32,302 1,763 42,661 63,372 3,831 12,593 45 10,795 7,495 2,431 306 33 7,223 8,978 7,458 12,932 2,016 26,876 2,185 24,485 64,599 6,873 11,188 596 5,410 12,720 3,190 226 34 1 2 7 1 10 1 4 6 4 10 1 1 3 5 1 35 5 3 12 3 3 15 1 4 10 2 7 1 2 4 7 38 334 145 225 2 2,040 75 673 2,644 240 8,331 22 13 290 606 ioi 37 1,217 629 3,271 1,219 41 2,014 314 262 4,002 472 3,011 20 188 193 776 3S 179 393 25 118 59 341 34 716 559 132 1% 1 294 271 24 "s 39 237 634 67 278 105 690 30 1,156 994 328 447 5 485 836 74 14 40 12,122 19, yr? 1,372 7,955 1,498 17,202 1,091 42,730 35,179 3,007 14,501 3 16,553 5,984 444 196 41 12,213 26,196 2,171 14,922 2,328 31,257 1,800 58,776 50,571 7,797 21,582 27 23,379 19,673 1,600 357 42 446 1,088 346 428 481 792 161 1,452 431 278 207 97 505 1,529 552 157 43 509 1,386 644 533 647 1,073 274 1,762 504 402 272 143 634 2,652 819 131 44 205 534 251 274 303 440 99 806 202 200 32 89 266 1,174 465 127 45 260 638 490 321 458 557 172 942 233 264 123 134 306 1,832 637 158 46 113 176 58 76 111 206 29 235 145 51 53 3 98 197 52 18 47 86 132 74 89 68 226 32 232 139 32 50 5 66 300 88 7 48 3 2 8 1 10 1 4 5 4 10 2 1 3 7 1 49 6 4 14 "3 3 15 1 4 10 2 7 2 2 7 7 2 50 125 376 29 73 66 136 32 357 79 23 62 3 140 155 28 11 51 157 612 66 170 118 275 69 584 122 54 92 2 260 513 87 14 52 28.0 34.6 8.4 18.2 13.7 17.2 19.9 24.6 18.3 8.3 30.0 3.1 27.7 10.1 5.1 7.0 53 30.8 44.2 10.2 29.2 18.2 25.6 25.2 33.1 24.2 13.4 33.8 1.4 41.0 19.3 10.6 7.7 54 89 46 45 57 8 383 49 529 745 139 178 17 192 224 9 7 55 23 8 29 8 8 113 23 103 167 22 13 15 30 72 8 6 56 8 3 7 5 60 12 46 1 79 1 5 16 2 2 16 2 57 56 58 30 9 44 215 9 379 493 112 149 160 134 "i 1 59 65.2 65.2 20.0 77.2 55.4 18.4 71.6 66.8 80.6 83.7 83.3 59.8 11.1 14.3 eo 116,466 221,143 62,347 95,898 73,591 221,287 40,229 294,994 276,214 65,506 129,835 85,177 100,910 156,564 50,640 39,031 61 132,566 222,574 84,648 113,834 99,043 230,965 67,906 296,702 330,840 75,600 126,006 99,814 110,002 204,805 63,434 42,929 62 57,281 127,105 34,668 62,396 55,338 102,130 24,354 153,052 31,864 33, 126 48,333 63,586 53,330 111,174 38,024 27,674 63 73,554 144,625 46,203 56,961 66,167 120,952 49,428 179,818 115,858 39,217 64,530 71,045 63,620 142,480 44,349 33,381 64 29,695 50,221 21,625 22,212 18,790 73,575 12,341 95,375 149,681 19,544 40,013 3,637 28,141 33,102 7,633 10,801 65 18,969 26,420 17,439 32,675 27,561 60,348 13,547 59,616 152,980 27,369 33,781 9,138 15,383 35,111 10,905 1,180 66 7,144 6,402 1,351 3 23,880 1,360 8,584 8,877 5,333 28,393 17,700 160 1,675 2,684 292 67 22,465 7,329 12,560 6,638 415 19,396 2,239 677 17,438 3,753 14,425 13,579 1,455 2,148 3,193 2,004 6S 22,346 37,415 4,203 U,290 4,460 21,652 1,674 37,933 35,792 1,998 13,146 254 18,779 10,613 2,299 264 69 17,578 44,200 8,441 17,560 4,900 30,269 2,692 56,591 44,564 5,261 13,270 1,052 29,044 25,066 4,982 1,364 70 6,116 1,352 2,803 4,330 331 27,236 2,524 33,130 61,037 6,330 10,999 770 13,972 11,972 243 502 71 1,658 495 2,518 618 331 9,259 1,985 8,094 20,557 1,932 1,410 636 2,773 5,472 233 501 72 1,229 5U 198 715 7,602 357 5,821 150 13,388 16 294 2,836 134 218 1,267 488 73 74 3,229 346 '92 3,047 10,375 182 19,065 27,076 4,104 6,753 10,981 4,745 'io "i 75 398 987 237 369 422 734 121 1,263 384 227 137 44 463 1,180 403 106 76 448 1,274 387 532 519 968 175 1,579 457 319 236 47 537 2,119 589 133 77 26,930 57,154 13,340 32,372 3,322 67,269 5,213 108,466 102,145 8,234 37,941 1,234 34,671 22,936 9,535 2,040 78 25,254 59,716 20,512 43,122 9,947 74,373 5,873 102,353 113,393 13,970 31,213 1,093 35,199 44,834 13,718 2,635 79 165 447 159 220 253 390 66 642 166 154 68 40 232 853 325 83 80 206 545 269 277 347 458 98 777 192 189 96 43 270 1,352 426 113 81 6,089 22,367 4,538 16,600 4,194 27,235 2,505 40,937 20, 530 3,843 10,294 1,180 14,788 12,671 6,113 1,437 82 9,173 25,409 8,277 19,573 5,586 32,712 2,347 45,950 32,556 5,571 11,692 507 16,217 22,171 3,285 2,102 83 109 174 51 75 109 203 27 274 145 48 51 2 95 186 50 14 84 85 129 69 36 65 221 28 224 138 78 49 3 64 296 37 6 85 10,599 15,535 7,238 10,109 3,128 28,501 1,632 39,836 62,605 3,748 10,968 29 10,697 7,033 2,431 306 86 6,644 8,620 7,316 12,350 1,997 23,361 1,915 21,392 58,964 6,530 9,588 566 5,132 11,931 3,135 226 87 123 364 20 74 59 131 27 348 63 21 53 1 135 139 23 8 86 152 597 38 166 104 274 48 574 117 50 84 251 468 69 14 89 9,908 19,057 1,339 5,663 1,498 9,493 1,001 27,020 16,381 403 8,348 3 % 173 3,027 435 1% 90 8,220 25,058 1,663 9,980 2,323 16,286 1,297 34,749 17,871 1,397 6,927 13,612 10,546 1,522 357 91 37 44 36 57 6 376 39 508 737 135 164 3 191 217 9 5 92 3,027 922 371 3,019 47 14,552 532 21,659 31,133 3,095 8,288 47 8,405 4,576 94 90 93 23 7 24 8 6 107 20 95 166 19 10 6 30 68 8 5 94 441 84 243 339 47 3,042 X6 3,074 6,553 408 510 31 927 1.122 85 90 95 8 8 7 5 59 12 45 79 5 16 2 2 16 96 372 318 95 388 3,801 U6 2,825 5,767 33 1,625 16 98 462 97 56 29 5 44 210 7 368 491 111 138 159 132 "i 98 2,214 520 33 2,292 7,709 90 15,760 18,798 2,604 6,153 7,380 2,957 9 99 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definilions and explanations, see text) Chattahoochee Clayton Farms: All fami operators number 1059 . 1351. Full owners number 1059 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954 . All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954 . Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959 . 1954. Managers acres 19.59. 1954. All tenants acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland harvested: All farm operators fanTiS reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Full owTiers farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 19.59 . 1954. Part ov\ners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Managers famis reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants farms reporting 19.59 , 19.54. acres 1959 . 1954. Farms by color and tenure of operator: white farm operators, total number 19,59 . 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of lonancy percent 1959 , 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1959 , Full owners number 1959 . Part owners number 1959 . Managers , number 1959 . .All tenants number 1959 . Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White fanr, operators, lotJil acres 1959 . 19,54 , Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959 . 1954. ■"7 I Manatiers acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants acres 1959. 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total acres 1959 . Full owners acres 1959 . Part owners acres 1959. Managers acres 1959 . Ml tenants acres 1959 , Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : IVhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 19.59 . 1954. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954 All tenants farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 1954 Nonwhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 Full owners farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 Part owners farms repcxting 1959 acres 1959 All tenants farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 238 496 131 «8 20 20 3 2 34 i6 U.3 9.3 61,A09 92,406 22,899 40,594 4,830 45,283 30,814 3,500 2,866 3,029 110 192 3,244 5,907 76 155 1,799 2,302 17 18 1,126 3,370 3 2 130 37 14 17 189 193 196 399 150 347 16 17 3 2 27 33 13.3 8.3 42 31 4 7 16.7 60,506 90,815 22,133 39,559 4,776 44,997 30,814 3,500 2,733 2,759 903 766 54 83 84 146 2,997 5,537 56 122 1,590 2,162 13 15 1,100 3,225 12 7 177 113 26 247 20 209 4 26 2 12 10 24 22.7 46.2 18,989 18,914 10,298 11,499 5,159 2,60i 300 3,232 4,311 37 45 1,233 1,506 22 14 527 673 5 7 247 274 9 24 214 559 22 20 16 15 1 3 4.5 15.0 22 12 13,894 11,738 8,146 9,969 5,048 1,295 300 400 474 5,095 2,152 lU 2,832 17 14 371 717 11 9 332 557 4 2 227 35 1 3 12 75 20 417 11 195 1 20 700 1,098 438 625 93 146 4 5 165 322 23.6 29.3 100,315 131,503 66,079 30,533 17,241 22,448 2,138 5,367 U,857 23,105 566 893 16,737 25,701 324 436 7,889 10,239 91 144 4,061 6,077 2 4 257 589 149 309 4,530 3,796 625 963 415 593 34 137 4 5 122 223 19.5 23.7 75 23 43 57.3 94,806 122,918 63,135 77,076 16,631 21,552 2,138 5,367 12,902 13,923 5,509 2,944 610 1,955 498 770 14,935 22,388 306 414 7,462 9,759 82 135 3,872 5,710 108 217 3,34^ 6,330 68 1,802 18 427 9 189 41 1,186 1,220 1,646 987 1,246 73 129 10 6 145 265 11.9 16.1 97,341 126,374 73,589 33,387 12,951 23,186 1,557 6,132 9,244 13,119 667 1,057 7,282 13,339 533 738 4,341 7,396 66 125 1,746 3,178 4 3 156 137 64 191 1,039 2,628 1,214 1,641 933 1,243 78 129 10 6 143 263 11.8 16.0 6 4 2 33.3 97,157 125,957 73,419 83,503 12,951 23,186 1,557 6,182 9,230 13,036 134 170 663 1,053 7,258 13,298 531 736 4,329 7,387 66 125 1,746. 3,178 62 189 1,027 2,596 4 24 2 12 279 495 130 301 51 66 4 8 44 120 15.8 24.2 40,333 54,892 24,596 33,598 9,441 12,699 3,167 2,857 3,129 5,733 218 385 7,205 12,551 130 211 3,197 6,051 49 61 2,761 3,462 2 7 274 729 37 106 973 2,309 211 354 156 254 35 46 4 3 16 46 7.6 13.0 68 24 16 28 41.2 36,633 49,024 23,175 31,402 8,661 11,393 3,167 2,357 1,680 3,367 3,650 1,421 780 1,449 155 259 5,812 10,262 111 175 2,954 5,470 33 42 2,334 3,020 9 35 250 1,043 63 1,393 19 243 16 427 28 723 389 567 121 141 75 39 2 193 335 49.6 59.1 95,151 118,152 19,973 39,713 57,204 41,733 4,197 17,974 32,509 343 521 27,863 32,409 37 107 3,390 5,091 74 86 14,159 10,346 382 182 326 10,314 16,590 171 228 71 37 61 61 39 79 22.8 34.6 218 50 14 154 70.6 79,572 88,532 13,623 32,190 54,957 38,244 3,090 10,992 15,058 15,579 6,350 2,247 6,982 145 183 20,020 19,071 48 56 1,966 3,358 60 53 13,474 9,000 37 73 4,530 6,360 198 7,343 39 1,424 14 685 145 5,734 301 804 230 550 29 73 5 42 171 14.0 2J.3 25,418 59,388 17,148 37,855 5,532 9,668 3,330 2,738 3,535 184 503 4,547 11,603 127 290 2,037 5,825 28 74 1,566 2,879 531 29 134 394 2,368 268 681 219 522 27 67 22 87 8.2 12.8 33 11 2 20 60.6 23,676 54,492 16,372 36,631 5,423 9,295 3,330 1,331 5,236 1,742 276 109 1,357 157 394 4,030 9,712 120 270 2,025 5,519 26 63 1,499 2,720 11 56 556 942 27 467 7 62 2 67 18 338 124 209 84 128 18 20 1 1 21 60 16.9 28.7 55,730 114,228 17,950 63,139 7,712 16,963 28,000 9,522 2,068 24,604 105 179 2,427 3,525 69 103 1,254 1,547 16 20 643 594 124 20 55 525 1,260 124 196 34 118 13 20 1 1 21 57 16.9 29.1 55,730 113,257 17,950 62,193 7,712 16,963 28,000 9,522 2,063 24,579 105 166 2,427 3,429 69 93 1,254 1,474 16 20 648 594 20 52 525 1,237 GEORGIA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 185 Ooffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Daweon Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglaa Early 1 1,471 1,787 425 814 766 339 560 441 327 1,049 375 1,040 730 410 515 1,034 1 1,979 2,673 736 1,137 1,501 568 917 606 605 1,306 1,048 1,533 1,256 534 390 1,638 2 694 343 239 387 500 208 216 322 256 536 331 692 348 269 400 333 3 965 1,157 387 507 749 298 369 457 403 747 863 875 477 304 635 523 4 304 344 63 163 65 54 165 69 11 235 15 138 201 39 30 266 5 150 292 61 107 143 71 155 80 37 229 53 156 213 31 68 239 6 2 11 7 1 7 3 3 4 1 3 3 4 7 27 2 5 7 2 11 7 3 18 3 5 3 2 7 8 6 13 27 6 R 471 589 116 263 194 74 176 46 59 220 26 206 174 75 83 380 9 862 i,a8 231 520 591 196 388 66 158 323 124 496 543 172 187 870 10 3J.0 33.0 27.3 32.3 25.3 21.8 31.4 10.4 18.0 21.0 6.9 19.3 23.3 18.3 16.1 36.8 11 43.6 45.5 38.2 45.7 39.4 34.5 42.3 10.9 26.1 24.7 11.8 32.4 43.6 32.2 21.0 53.1 12 310,525 287,351 101,800 122,748 140,108 92,435 163,165 60,038 31, 396 258,187 34,439 203,757 196,008 170,635 52,090 276,377 13 303,330 313,402 122,194 122,948 210,143 114,364 182,518 60,034 81,679 273,756 54,055 245,679 213,216 187,795 73,737 303,164 H 176,279 125,423 62,010 53,955 81,376 53,313 53,938 35,799 23,019 136,569 26,374 136,490 70,432 46,754 33,643 94,429 15 222,815 159,400 82,860 65,867 105,325 71,453 72,337 44,994 65,326 147,478 39,920 152,427 77,734 90,923 53,552 121,303 16 92,436 38,103 24,339 33,301 28,042 24,948 89,532 16,939 527 73,244 2,814 37,979 82,687 23,259 4,860 124,438 17 37,438 61,448 13,525 15,672 37,293 24,680 64,072 10,233 2,739 73,248 4,938 39,034 65,597 13,941 3,477 90,660 18 4,121 5,644 3,885 173 10,920 2,320 519 3,135 300 20,399 2,469 13,455 13,202 91,726 190 9,790 19 3,663 5,805 6,536 1,076 18,512 4,340 10,264 1,025 330 16,139 2,822 5,098 17,061 68,323 14,901 20 37,789 68,176 11,016 25,319 19,270 6,349 19,176 4,115 2,550 27,475 2,232 20,833 24,687 3,896 8,397 47,720 21 44,414 91,749 19,273 40,333 49,013 13,391 35,345 3,732 13,234 36,391 6,375 49,120 57,774 14,603 11,703 75,300 1,355 1,594 342 733 534 292 493 345 235 912 208 391 668 334 360 898 23 1,339 2,404 588 1,069 1,292 467 330 464 430 1,123 521 1,309 1,174 471 709 1,492 24 73, 3W U3,650 10,370 43,934 21,235 17,802 70,740 7,050 2,532 79,754 5,4U 57,986 92,408 43,736 5,754 105,270 25 78,961 129,555 15,994 45,459 36,522 21,170 80,041 7,982 5,610 80,506 3,034 75,085 104,651 43,495 12,572 110,363 26 599 672 181 320 353 167 166 234 133 468 175 557 297 205 270 291 27 833 923 266 446 569 221 293 323 279 588 392 673 411 257 473 410 26 32,513 35,910 5,190 14,553 9,231 6,532 13,709 3,243 1,907 23,552 3,320 29,374 26,241 17,585 3,631 21,761 29 39,575 46,901 3,179 18, 3U 14,181 9,369 25, 333 4,633 3,365 34,424 4,645 35,403 31,330 24,160 6,645 27,297 30 301 340 57 160 60 51 163 66 9 234 14 135 201 36 30 258 31 150 231 57 105 138 67 152 78 37 228 46 154 216 31 68 236 32 24,645 33,968 3,243 16,049 6,326 3,270 38,743 2,329 95 34,979 518 14,938 45,640 8,908 318 50,970 33 9,338 24, U6 2,546 6,564 6,873 6,053 26,003 2,012 667 24,194 1,116 14,173 32,514 5,810 2,194 31,990 34 1 10 6 1 7 3 2 4 8 3 4 6 26 2 4 35 2 7 7 2 16 3 5 3 i 7 7 5 11 25 5 36 6 1,011 457 37 1,657 282 123 231 1,896 1,328 1,156 3,643 12,893 '54 1,676 37 245 669 594 35 2,U1 2,183 3,897 140 "3 3,000 1,057 644 3,853 10,929 2,103 36 454 572 98 252 164 71 167 a 43 202 16 195 164 67 58 345 39 849 1,193 258 516 569 176 375 55 U3 305 76 477 536 158 163 341 40 21,150 37,761 1,480 13,345 4,021 2,663 13,160 742 530 14,327 245 12,468 16,884 4,350 1,251 30,363 41 29,803 57,869 4,675 20,499 13,357 3,555 24,803 1,197 1,575 18,888 1,266 24,366 36,949 7,596 3,733 43,973 42 1,324 1,639 283 729 564 225 460 438 327 773 360 349 552 300 478 616 43 1,703 2,403 416 976 963 328 701 596 605 929 995 1,139 793 337 732 853 44 659 834 202 359 438 166 204 321 256 447 323 596 280 213 381 271 45 916 1,129 297 467 658 234 348 454 408 563 838 740 336 251 597 332 46 296 340 47 156 54 40 162 68 11 187 15 117 176 31 25 203 47 145 284 44 90 114 52 U8 78 37 161 49 131 138 22 66 179 48 2 11 3 1 7 2 3 4, 1 8 3 4 7 25 1 5 49 2 11 5 3 17 3 5 3 2 6 6 5 12 24 6 50 367 504 31 213 65 17 91 45 59 131 19 132 89 26 '71 137 51 645 979 70 416 174 39 200 61 158 199 102 313 207 40 119 286 52 27.7 29.8 11.0 29.2 11.5 7.6 19.8 10.3 18.0 16.9 5.3 15.5 16.1 8.7 14.9 22.2 53 37.8 40.7 16.3 42.6 13.1 11.9 23.5 10.2 26.1 21.4 10.3 26.3 26.1 11.9 15.2 33.5 54 147 98 142 85 202 114 100 3 276 15 191 173 110 37 418 55 35 9 37 23 62 42 12 1 139 3 96 63 51 19 112 56 8 4 16 4 7 11 U 1 3 1 48 21 25 8 2 5 1 63 57 58 104 'ss 85 50 129 57 85 1 89 7 74 85 49 12 243 59 70.7 86.7 59.9 53.3 63.9 50.0 35.0 33.3 32.2 46.7 38.7 47.8 44.5 32.4 58.1 60 301,350 282,285 83,488 113,628 126,391 81,725 157,891 59,918 31,396 239,408 33,941 192,292 179,265 161,441 49,401 242,626 61 295,380 305,093 103,255 115,594 168,916 94,872 167,381 59,760 31,679 246,872 52,444 219,115 181,208 173,111 67,146 250,642 62 172,420 124,425 58,364 56,870 77,455 52,948 53,116 35,739 28,019 128,518 26,570 127,396 64,145 43,039 37,320 84,764 63 217,324 156,671 76,954 63,210 93,222 63,992 70,213 44,909 65,326 135,346 39,232 139,711 69,034 86,974 51,111 108,128 64 91,442 87,757 23,343 38,052 27,635 23,744 33,815 16,937 527 66,364 2,814 35,367 78,905 22,165 4,689 115,255 65 37,010 60,751 12,012 15,364 35,377 22,490 62,603 10,209 2,789 66,435 4,904 36,933 60,237 12,872 3,349 33,181 66 4,121 5,644 1,645 173 10,920 2,520 519 3,135 300 20,399 2,469 13,455 18,202 89,826 130 9,790 67 3,663 5,305 5,602 1,076 17,957 4,340 10,264 1,025 330 15,239 2,620 4,608 16,536 65,397 14,901 68 33,367 64,459 4,636 23,533 10,331 2,513 15,441 4,107 2,550 23,627 2,033 16,074 13,013 6,411 7,262 32,317 69 37,383 81,866 8,687 35,944 16,360 3,550 24,301 3,617 13,234 29,352 5,638 37,863 35,401 7,368 7,686 44,432 70 9,275 5,066 13,312 4,120 13,217 10,710 5,274 120 18,779 498 16,465 16,743 9,194 2,639 33,751 71 3,359 998 3,646 2,085 4,421 5,370 322 60 8,051 304 9,094 6,287 3,715 1,323 9,665 72 994 351 1,046 2,240 249 357 1,204 300 717 52 6,880 2,612 3,732 1,094 1,900 171 60 9,183 73 74 4,422 3,717 6,380 1,786 3,439 3,336 3,735 8 3,848 194 4,759 6,674 2,435 1,135 14,903 75 1,211 1,499 212 652 405 137 409 343 235 657 199 706 506 237 324 512 76 1,573 2,133 304 909 767 252 617 455 430 731 482 980 724 281 607 733 77 73,307 110,038 8,003 41,933 13,161 15,796 66,636 7,033 2,532 70,062 5,330 50,321 82,465 40,013 5,231 85,336 78 70,928 119,603 10,771 41,540 25,219 17,458 68,593 7,333 5,610 66,464 7,637 61,583 31,569 41,339 10,256 74,740 79 566 664 145 293 298 130 160 234 133 346 168 465 233 161 251 190 80 791 897 197 406 436 168 277 326 279 429 375 551 330 206 440 273 81 31,411 35,623 4,574 14,028 8,576 5,960 18,375 3,248 1,907 25, 387 3,254 26,234 23,471 16,066 3,479 18,063 62 37,918 45,997 6,968 17,557 12,932 8,495 24,515 4,616 3,365 29,711 4,506 31,003 27,420 22,726 6,135 21,155 83 293 337 42 154 50 39 160 65 9 186 14 114 176 30 25 195 84 145 273 41 88 109 49 145 76 37 160 42 129 136 22 66 176 85 24,296 33,789 2,909 15,925 6,169 7,909 38,441 2,818 95 31,164 513 13,892 43,578 8,450 722 45,835 86 9,076 23,758 2,103 6,303 6,377 5,646 25,348 1,990 667 20,580 1,091 12,933 30,195 5,216 2,107 27,494 87 351 488 22 204 50 16 37 40 43 117 14 123 86 22 47 123 88 635 956 61 413 157 32 190 50 113 186 60 296 198 31 101 274 89 17,594 34,615 228 11,948 1,759 1,680 9,692 736 530 11,115 230 9,039 11,773 2,694 1,050 19,762 90 23,639 49,179 1,134 17,595 3,892 1,129 14,338 1,092 1,575 13,739 1,081 17,083 20,402 2,809 2,014 23,988 91 144 95 130 81 179 105 89 2 255 9 185 162 97 36 336 92 5,007 3,612 2,362 2,046 3,074 2,006 4,104 17 9,692 81 7,665 9,943 3,718 473 19,934 93 33 3 36 27 55 37 6 122 7 92 59 44 19 101 94 1,102 287 616 525 655 622 334 2,665 66 3,140 2,770 1,519 152 3,698 95 3 3 15 6 10 12 3 1 48 21 25 6 5 63 96 349 179 334 124 157 361 302 11 3,815 1,096 2,062 453 96 5,135 97 103 84 76 48 U4 55 30 1 85 "2 72 73 45 11 222 98 3,556 3,146 1,252 1,397 2,262 983 3,463 6 3,212 15 3,429 5,111 1,656 201 U,101 09 186 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For dermilions and explanations, see text) Effingham Floyd Farms: Alt Tarm operntors number Ful I owners nunilief Part owners number f lanajiers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Land in farms: All farm operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cropland harvested: All farm operators fanr.s reporting acres Full owners farffls reporting acres Part owners farms reporting 1959. 1954 . 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954 . 1959 . 1954 . 19.59 . 1954 . 1959 . 1954 . 1959. 1954 . 1959 . 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959 . 1954 . 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954 . . 1959 . 1954.. 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . , Managers farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . , acres 1359 . 1954 . , All tenants farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . , acres 1959.. 1954 . . Farms by color and tenure of operator: IVhite farm operators, tcial number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Nonwhite farm operators, total number Full o'vners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total acres Full owTiers acres Part owners acres I Managers acres ^11 tenants acres Nonwhite farm oporalcrs, Iota] acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers. acres \ll tenants acres Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : Wliite farm operators, total farms repotting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959 . 1959 . 19.59 . 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 19.54 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 . acres 19,59 . Full owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Part owners farms reporting 19.59 . acres 1959 . .^11 tenants farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Full owners fnmis reporting acres Part owners farms reptxting All tenants. farms reporting acres 145 209 85 117 -41 36 2 19 54 13.1 25.8 46,625 63,845 34,136 50,663 10,137 7,888 3,300 2,352 X,994 m 152 4,931 6,102 56 73 1,519 2,926 41 35 2,808 1,942 S3 14 38 604 1,151 U3 198 84 114 40 33 2 19 49 13.3 24.7 2 1 1 46,351 63,415 33,873 50,384 10,126 7,779 3,300 2,352 1,952 274 263 11 109 143 4,913 5,958 55 75 1,502 2,854 40 32 2,807 1,878 14 35 €M 1,143 2 18 1 17 1 1 588 806 387 523 132 129 68 154 11.6 19.1 139,308 162,295 87,891 108,509 44,078 37,056 2,000 5,339 16,730 530 704 24,256 27,305 344 439 11,451 14,257 132 123 10,552 8,230 83 53 142 2,170 4,818 520 649 361 470 109 96 1 49 83 9.4 12.8 68 26 23 19 27.9 134,593 155,053 86,655 106,560 41,442 34,594 2,000 4,496 13,899 4,715 1,236 2,636 843 464 559 22,644 24,024 318 395 11,205 13,771 109 91 9,653 7,271 36 73 1,703 2,982 66 1,612 26 246 23 899 17 467 1,023 1,525 560 762 143 173 2 318 590 31.1 38.7 117,749 150,935 74,031 89,354 25,660 31,948 377 17,681 29,633 903 1,372 24,518 36,683 449 631 10,064 15,452 142 171 7,840 9,201 61 311 570 6,553 12,030 720 1,041 501 672 128 151 89 218 12.4 20.9 303 59 15 229 75.6 100,286 125,793 68,063 81,576 23,702 29,835 377 8,144 14,382 17,463 5,968 1,958 9,537 607 902 18,647 27,278 394 553 9,139 14,197 127 149 7,259 8,556 85 200 2,188 4,525 296 5,871 55 925 15 581 226 4,365 1,167 1,601 573 767 203 140 7 391 687 33.5 42.9 266, 936 300,610 129,685 201,615 73,757 43,836 3,540 63,494 51,619 1,092 1,469 77,341 88,375 512 661 28,635 38,090 203 136 26,286 15,069 1,065 377 665 22,420 34,151 934 1,217 512 680 186 130 7 236 400 25.3 32.9 233 61 17 155 66.5 250,485 277,503 124,927 193,345 69,539 42,306 3,540 56,019 37,812 16,451 4,758 4,213 7,475 369 1,100 68,712 73,738 460 584 27,314 35,435 186 126 24,674 14,576 223 383 16,724 22,662 223 8,629 52 1,321 17 1,612 154 5,696 461 609 222 267 91 83 2 5 146 254 31.7 41.7 80,545 83,320 36,051 44,243 31,294 16,459 2,112 4,713 11,088 17,905 413 542 26,522 27,884 180 214 8,101 8,846 91 82 10,739 6,383 654 889 140 242 7,028 11,266 354 434 184 217 74 56 2 5 94 156 26.6 35.9 107 38 17 52 43.6 73,710 74,233 34,333 42,100 29,712 14,609 2,112 4,713 7,553 12,811 6,335 1,718 1,582 3,535 313 330 22,975 22,792 147 171 7,482 8,274 74 55 9,855 5,827 90 150 4,984 7,802 100 3,547 33 619 17 884 50 2,044 754 1,063 618 922 95 80 1 1 40 65 5.3 6.1 69,516 81,876 56,320 72,931 10,509 6,004 500 80 2,187 2,8U 696 967 7,352 8,727 565 830 5,029 7,042 93 76 1,91A 1,074 1 1 47 29 37 60 362 582 754 1,067 613 921 95 80 1 1 40 65 5.3 6.1 69,516 81,873 56,320 72,978 10,509 6,004 500 80 2,137 2,811 696 966 7,352 8,725 565 829 5,029 7,040 93 76 1,914 1,074 37 60 362 582 541 350 313 410 74 97 6 4 143 339 26.4 39.9 35,225 97,615 44,258 45,484 26,156 25,241 6,480 6,450 8,331 20,440 432 729 11,979 20,662 230 314 4,500 7,508 66 90 4,711 4,767 5 3 328 829 131 322 2,440 7,558 432 645 301 390 70 33 6 3 55 164 12.7 25.4 109 17 4 79,875 85,459 42,837 43,396 25,888 21,425 6,430 6,290 4,670 13,848 5,350 1,421 268 3,661 327 525 9,971 15,968 214 295 4,231 7,172 62 81 4,611 4,248 46 147 301 3,727 105 2,008 16 269 4 100 85 1,639 910 1,558 612 1,038 119 124 14 10 165 386 13.1 24.8 176,161 211,527 81,440 116,632 34,398 27,138 41,371 37,970 18,952 29,787 711 1,1A7 26,693 36,969 437 680 10,750 18,279 114 U7 7,809 6,239 11 8 2,578 2,328 149 342 5,556 10,123 860 1,444 539 936 116 120 14 10 141 323 16.4 22.7 50 23 3 24 48.0 173,643 205,190 79,661 112,905 34,093 27,030 41,371 37,970 18,518 27,285 2,518 1,779 305 434 671 1,056 26,213 35,348 421 650 10,626 17,989 111 113 7,739 6,175 128 285 5,275 3,856 40 475 16 124 3 70 21 281 GEORGIA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 187 Franilln Pultcm Gilmer Glascock Glynn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard 1,U9 1,086 695 286 149 1,222 1,248 558 1,345 728 1,489 543 659 507 1,201 455 1 1,713 2,127 968 425 223 1,579 1,648 947 2,659 1,207 2,277 1,130 1,129 837 1,857 911 740 Sli 550 148 126 705 703 351 967 572 1,191 273 525 369 652 360 3 946 1,470 732 165 200 850 880 533 1,912 958 1,628 335 781 501 871 551 4 158 118 65; 41 6 173 289 104 146 71 85 81 60 43 135 41 5 217 211 76 49 10 161 303 104 153 108 145 U4 106 93 206 90 6 2 15 9 4 16 5 12 25 27 1 4 1 7 3 21 "i 3 4 5 9 4 6 2 14 2 1 7 3 1 8 249 141 80 97 8 340 240 98 220 60 136 288 74 91 364 53 9 547 425 159 208 9 563 456 306 588 139 490 629 241 236 777 269 10 21.7 13.0 11.5 33.9 5.4 27.8 19.2 17.6 16.4 8.2 12.5 44.3 11.2 17.9 30.3 11.6 U 31.9 20.0 16.4 48.9 4.0 35.7 27.7 32.3 22.1 11.5 21.5 55.7 21.3 28.2 41.3 29.5 12 116,670 113,343 89,148 57,873 29,129 137,459 228,291 129,951 U8,695 64,390 113,056 123,103 69,160 116,359 103,563 64,622 13 14a, 161 163,400 112,604 70,751 88,820 148,855 244,059 156,473 136,052 95,691 174,058 197,729 106,506 143,717 137,376 U4,544 14 76,953 73,857 71,540 33,841 18,688 88,025 109,888 82,469 84,131 51,389 88,437 69,412 55,680 89,404 56,279 51,016 15 86,457 102,287 93,450 34,869 39,398 85,544 123,320 96,063 136,380 78,945 123,867 100,253 78,744 87,916 59,458 75,604 16 22,758 25,284 11,465 14,828 1,309 23,357 67,485 34,218 21,531 8,618 10,139 27,464 3,790 16,712 23,384 8,722 IT 26,363 27,116 9,433 16,898 1,601 20,749 59,742 32,717 12,239 9,617 15,907 41,925 12,804 16,816 25,771 21,234 IB 297 4,812 3,975 2,655 27,255 3,542 1,545 2,336 5,132 1,650 1,214 1,600 19 348 8,309 363 1,127 46,196 2,272 18,659 4,733 1,676 2,082 3,344 1,335 1,970 23,501 394 397 20 16,662 9,390 6,143 9,204 5,157 23,422 23,663 9,722 11,488 2,547 9,348 29,532 4,690 9,029 13,900 3,284 21 34,493 25,688 9,358 17,857 1,625 40,290 42,338 22,905 35,757 5,047 25,940 53,711 12,988 15,484 41,753 17,309 22 1,005 721 606 258 64 1,027 1,161 453 1,042 510 866 565 529 331 1,031 364 23 1,498 1,465 906 404 161 1,325 1,468 763 1,940 373 1,672 1,012 913 659 1,723 780 24 25,578 13,932 6,389 14,201 958 27,994 78,113 13,125 17,183 7,163 9,260 19,208 9,127 9,452 34,775 8,047 25 37,093 26,765 8,441 20,026 1,091 34,329 79,607 18,472 32,400 10,605 21,046 32,373 17,606 14,599 56,032 18,699 26 619 495 472 124 48 539 632 263 715 392 665 212 403 214 545 278 27 767 909 680 146 144 628 725 388 1,311 659 1,149 301 585 349 758 433 28 13,000 6,740 4,446 5,816 710 10,759 30,762 6,040 3,318 4,779 6,451 5,436 5,622 5,342 13,224 5,029 29 16,387 12,062 6,127 7,221 911 13,278 33,350 8,238 19,137 7,283 12,332 8,393 9,150 6,328 23,365 3,735 30 158 103 62 41 5 169 285 96 136 67 73 79 59 40 180 36 31 211 202 75 49 8 160 296 102 148 103 140 103 105 89 205 87 32 7,003 4,454 1,358 3,326 31 7,399 30,765 4,776 4,747 1,520 1,230 5,109 2,205 2,697 11,294 1,344 33 8,495 6,597 1,207 3,178 72 6,213 23,454 4,667 4,133 2,002 3,293 6,503 3,524 3,078 11,372 4,138 34 1 12 6 4 16 5 5 10 10 1 4 35 1 17 3 2 3 9 4 4 1 9 2 1 7 1 1 36 30 615 201 754 3,241 620 252 406 165 25 139 37 23 1,515 221 48 350 1,696 912 70 10 296 148 164 1,537 U6 45 38 227 111 72 93 5 315 228 39 186 41 118 273 67 73 356 50 39 519 337 151 206 7 534 438 274 477 110 374 601 222 214 759 259 40 5,545 2,123 585 5,059 16 9,082 13,345 1,689 3,366 458 1,364 8,638 1,300 1,274 10,257 1,174 41 12,188 6,591 1,107 9,406 60 U,488 21,107 4,655 9,060 1,305 5,125 17,329 4,768 3,656 21,179 5,681 42 1,081 1,043 695 239 118 1,179 1,032 352 1,304 725 1,467 243 635 345 964 408 43 1,575 1,974 968 328 164 1,521 1,393 503 2,549 1,201 2,216 395 1,075 475 1,454 752 44 729 803 550 147 99 695 644 254 955 570 1,179 161 507 290 619 338 45 927 1,436 732 161 143 837 801 375 1,872 954 1,606 239 749 376 808 511 46 154 110 65 41 4 169 271 71 141 70 85 46 59 29 160 37 47 211 197 76 48 8 157 269 66 147 108 138 60 102 53 181 80 48 2 15 9 4 16 5, 10 25 27 2 49 3 20 1 3 4 5 9 4 6 2 14 1 1 7 3 1 50 196 115 80 51 6 311 151 22 193 60 176 36 69 24 185 33 51 434 321 159 116 9 522 314 58 524 137 453 95 223 39 472 160 52 18.1 11.0 11.5 21.3 5.1 26.4 14.0 6.3 15.2 8.3 12.0 14.8 10.9 7.0 19.2 3.1 53 27.6 16.3 16.4 35.4 5.5 34.3 22.5 11.5 20.6 11.4 20.7 24.1 20.7 8.2 32.2 21.3 54 68 43 47 31 43 166 206 41 3 22 400 24 162 237 47 55 11 9 ... 1 27 10 59 97 12 2 12 112 18 79 33 22 56 4 8 ::: ;:; 2 4 18 33 5 2 1 35 1 1 14 2 25 4 1 57 56 53 26 ... 46 2 '29 89 76 22 'io 252 5 67 179 20 59 77.9 60.5 97.9 6.5 67.4 53.6 36.9 53.7 45.5 63.0 20.8 41.4 75.5 42.6 60 113,195 108,963 89,148 55,254 27,485 135,668 216,031 115,842 115,637 64,850 111,830 90,951 67,589 103,118 93,063 57,790 61 141,455 154,888 112,604 65,480 86,322 145,997 223,229 127,643 130,038 95,549 170,806 136,694 103,752 114,352 119,623 100,655 62 76,132 73,332 71,540 33,751 17,161 87,229 102,188 74,110 82,495 51,367 37,412 57,297 54,256 82,264 54,563 48,298 63 85,214 100,567 93,450 34,533 36,947 84,505 n7,174 33,731 133,371 73,388 126,916 33,262 76,645 72,793 65,603 70,837 64 22,420 22,665 11,465 14,828 1,221 23,068 65,979 32,203 21,287 8,600 10,139 23,393 8,783 15,850 26,641 8,334 65 26,239 25,564 9,433 16,639 1,554 20,512 56,194 30,014 11,884 9,617 15,586 35,172 12,575 13,146 23,918 20,310 66 297 4,812 3,975 2,655 27,255 3,542 1,285 2,336 5,132 689 67 348 8,279 363 1,127 46,196 2,272 18,659 4,783 1,676 2,032 3,344 1,450 1,970 23,501 394 397 68 14,346 8,154 6,143 6,675 5,128 22,716 20,609 5,937 10,570 2,547 9,147 10,256 4,550 4,315 11,359 1,108 69 29,654 20,478 9,358 13,181 1,625 38,703 36,202 9,060 33,107 4,962 24,960 16,310 12,562 4,912 29,708 9,111 70 3,475 4,380 2,619 1,644 1,791 12,260 14,109 3,058 40 1,226 37,157 1,571 13,241 10,500 6,332 71 821 525 90 1,527 796 7,700 3,359 1,636 22 1,025 12,115 1,424 7,140 1,716 2,713 72 338 2,619 88 289 1,506 2,015 244 260 18 4,066 1,650 7 862 525 1,743 333 1,600 73 74 2,316 1,236 2,529 29 706 3,054 3,735 918 201 19,326 140 4,714 7,041 2,176 75 939 682 606 211 49 986 1,009 256 1,005 503 349 186 503 192 351 321 76 1,362 1,325 906 307 111 1,269 1,234 366 1,840 867 1,620 306 366 321 1,336 632 77 24,057 13,266 6,389 12,084 914 27,289 73,358 9,853 16,451 7,159 8,993 9,577 3,818 7,386 23,930 7,080 78 34,315 24,277 8,441 16,077 891 33,228 71,393 11,514 30,640 10,525 20,254 13,544 16,819 9,616 46,611 14,927 79 609 489 472 123 36 530 581 171 704 390 656 103 388 150 517 257 80 749 882 680 142 96 617 661 255 1,279 655 1,134 168 559 234 699 40O 81 12,844 6,709 4,446 5,801 679 10,685 29,207 4,578 8,666 4,775 6,371 3,497 5,427 4,560 12,800 4,638 82 16,072 11,615 6,127 7,077 726 13,148 31,573 5,806 18,677 7,271 12,163 5,623 3,796 5,052 21,974 7,926 8.1 154 95 62 41 4 165 267 64 131 67 73 45 53 26 155 32 84 205 188 75 48 6 156 262 64 142 103 133 54 101 52 180 77 8S 6,864 4,316 1,358 3,326 26 7,286 30,054 4,121 4,605 1,520 1,280 4,058 2,200 2,444 10,438 1,688 86 8,293 6,410 1,207 3,111 57 6,115 21,930 3,868 4,022 2,002 3,170 4,443 3,426 2,406 10,365 3,741 87 175 86 72 47 3 287 145 16 166 41 110 33 62 14 179 32 88 407 239 151 114 7 493 302 43 415 103 344 83 205 23 456 154 89 4,319 1,626 585 2,957 8 8,564 10,856 539 2,934 458 1,177 2,022 1,191 334 5,692 704 90 9,927 4,748 1,107 5,668 60 13,615 16,694 928 7,871 1,242 4,625 3,354 4,433 621 14,156 3,215 91 66 39 47 15 41 152 197 37 2 17 379 21 139 230 43 92 1,521 666 2,117 44 705 4,755 3,267 732 4 267 9,631 309 2,066 5,845 967 93 10 6 1 12 9 51 92 U 2 9 104 15 64 23 21 94 156 31 15 31 74 1,555 1,462 152 4 80 1,939 195 732 424 341 95 4 8 1 4 13 32 5 34 1 14 25 4 96 139 138 5 113 711 655 142 1,051 5 253 856 156 97 52 25 46 2 28 83 73 20 "a 240 5 59 177 18 98 1,226 497 2,102 8 518 2,489 1,150 432 187 6,616 109 940 4,565 470 09 188 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and enpianations. see text) Heniy Farms: All farm operators number 1959 . 1954 . Full owners numlier 1359 . 1954. Part owners nuinber 1959 . 1951. Managers number 1959 . 1954 . All tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954 . Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1950 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959 . 1954. Managers acres 1959 . 1954 . All tenants acres 1959 , 1954. CroplantJ harvested: All farm operators fam.s reporting 1959 . ' 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954 . Full owners farms reporting 1959 , 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Part ow nets farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Managers fnm.s reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 1959 . 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 19.54. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers numt)er 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1959 . Full o'vners number 1959 . Part owners numl)er 1959 . Manajrers number 1959 . All tenants number 1959. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White fanr. operators, total acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959. 1954. Part owners acres 1959 , 1954. Managers acres 1959 , 1954. Ml tenants acres 1959. 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total acres 1959 . Full owners acres 1959 . Part owners acres 1959 . ManaL'ers acres 1959 . Ml ten.ints acres 1959 . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : Wliite farm operntor*, total farms rerxxting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959, 1954. Part owners farms reporting 19-59 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. All tenants farms reporting 19.59 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 . acres 19.59. Full owners farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . Part owners farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. All tenants farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 917 1,507 553 649 122 168 7 3 235 687 25.6 45.6 128,371 157,828 78,409 72,828 30,516 45,253 5,982 1,775 13,464 37,972 769 1,341 26,892 47,478 427 506 11,238 13,951 114 163 8,832 13,793 6 3 923 392 222 669 5,899 19,342 679 900 500 570 108 146 6 3 65 181 9.6 20.1 238 53 14 1 170 71.4 116,819 128,183 74, 147 67,817 29,646 43,185 5,482 1,775 7,544 15,406 11,552 4,262 870 500 5,920 539 746 21,529 31,135 378 436 10,491 12,690 100 141 8,543 12,994 56 166 1,667 5,059 230 5,363 49 747 14 289 166 4,232 451 625 227 300 106 107 8 13 110 205 24.4 32.8 139,705 169,452 52,073 69,550 54,376 57,033 18,470 19,547 14,786 23,322 414 538 54,992 68,528 195 229 17,657 24,305 105 107 25,831 25,958 8 12 3,478 4,583 106 190 8,026 13,682 282 381 165 230 80 82 6 13 31 56 11.0 14.7 169 62 26 2 79 46.7 123,597 149,192 47,085 62,665 49,239 52,453 17,685 19,547 9,588 14,527 16,108 4,988 5,137 785 5,198 261 311 47,071 57,010 L46 167 16,150 21,547 79 82 23,128 23,199 30 50 4,900 7,681 153 7,921 49 1,507 26 2,703 76 3,126 962 1,308 385 502 192 136 383 670 39.8 51.2 164,894 189,734 90,271 107,350 53,891 30,594 2,133 38,599 51,790 918 1,206 70,919 66,867 345 404 22,344 21,931 190 133 23,227 11,255 344 381 663 25,004 33,681 805 998 365 474 186 128 2 252 396 31.3 39.7 157 20 6 131 33.4 172,722 170,238 37,573 104,419 53,118 29,575 2,133 29,898 36,244 12,172 2,698 773 8,701 1,052 1,676 688 910 114 178 33 17 217 571 20.6 34.1 U3,709 177,541 76,223 93,902 21,937 31,753 19,098 10,863 16,401 41,023 841 1,399 23,443 39,767 514 674 11,158 15,357 106 173 5,359 8,849 18 11 2,343 1,297 203 541 4,533 13,764 971 1,519 667 882 107 168 33 17 164 452 16.9 29.8 81 21 53 65.4 129,949 167,817 74,856 91,301 21,486 31,064 19,098 10,863 14,509 34,589 3,760 1,367 501 1,892 763 762 897 1,244 62,963 22,058 53,644 36,021 326 495 379 648 21,653 10,910 21,037 15,365 184 99 125 163 22,773 5,208 10,821 8,590 251 150 393 422 18,193 3,597 21,786 10,769 155 79 7,956 1,385 19 19 691 248 6 7 454 151 130 53 6,811 986 315 571 182 258 58 76 6 5 69 232 21.9 40.6 116,599 149,681 70,524 78,070 28,897 44,896 11,980 11,033 5,198 15,682 255 467 13,450 22,725 136 178 6,417 5,877 54 74 4,902 9,550 5 5 746 1,715 60 210 1,385 5,583 224 326 148 211 53 65 6 5 17 45 7.6 13.3 91 34 52 57.1 110,343 134,476 67,397 73,867 28,257 43,242 U,980 11,033 2,709 6,334 6,256 3,127 640 2,489 172 243 11,750 17,124 107 140 5,896 5,051 49 63 4,757 9,037 11 35 351 1,321 83 1,700 29 521 1,034 703 941 319 458 136 109 247 374 35.1 39.7 122,376 144,974 76, 122 93,761 29,202 23,296 2 17,550 22,917 608 846 24,735 28,667 240 375 8,880 12,428 131 103 7,596 4,402 237 368 3,259 U,837 637 842 286 414 120 91 1 230 337 36.1 40.0 66 33 16 117,960 138,280 73,511 95,367 27,326 21,975 2 16,621 20,938 4,916 2,6U 1,376 929 547 756 23,396 26,604 212 340 8,309 11,697 115 35 7,235 3,909 220 331 7,852 10,993 61 1,339 28 571 16 361 17 407 371 1,230 401 516 163 169 5 10 302 535 34.7 4J.5 245,361 265,689 114,346 116,036 94,216 84,587 2,684 11,797 34,115 53,269 782 1,158 79,696 103,152 336 455 26,441 36,418 162 168 35,482 34,821 4 10 533 2,347 280 525 17,240 29,566 539 703 317 402 128 133 5 10 89 158 16.5 22.5 332 34 35 213 64.2 217,115 219,024 105,988 103, 506 87,812 77,114 2,684 11,797 20,631 26,607 28,246 3,353 6,404 13,484 470 641 65,896 78,308 259 348 23,806 32,276 128 132 33,366 31,4X 79 151 3,191 12,251 312 13,800 77 2,635 34 2,116 201 9,049 578 914 313 409 95 106 6 170 393 29.4 43.0 148,712 IBS, 668 87,131 102,545 48,074 54,954 6,449 13,507 24,720 535 828 49,374 67,217 292 333 24,036 27,003 95 106 18,340 21,316 1,825 148 383 6,998 17,073 405 556 267 343 80 94 6 58 113 14.3 20.3 173 46 15 112 64.7 134,071 158,175 30,504 88,533 45,207 51,605 6,449 8,360 11,588 W,641 6,627 2,867 5,147 375 479 42,895 51,504 248 274 22, 213 23,556 80 94 17,229 19,975 47 105 3,453 6,148 160 6,479 44 1,823 15 1,111 101 3,545 GEORGIA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 189 Jonea Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes Lumpkin McDuffle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marion Merinether 316 423 322 1,606 396 202 383 216 1,071 575 473 31 660 1,042 357 909 1 4S3 639 490 2,472 587 607 684 331 1,521 893 826 136 991 1,545 650 1,573 2 235 269 124 890 149 173 247 163 547 419 262 63 311 573 191 444 3 335 378 236 1,144 211 550 279 225 718 635 382 170 389 689 237 634 4 y. 65 63 286 68 21 41 36 233 53 42 15 119 177 47 126 5 51 70 5l 238 60 33 90 44 194 83 75 7 110 218 73 183 6 1 3 1 7 18 3 3 6 3 1 15 4 5 4 7 4 5 2 18 26 3 8 3 2 3 5 2 11 8 36 86 134 423 161 5 95 12 283 97 166 2 215 238 114 335 fl 93 136 201 1,072 290 21 315 62 601 172 367 9 484 633 238 745 10 11.4 20.3 41.6 26.3 40.7 2.5 24.3 5.6 26.4 16.9 35.1 2.5 32.6 27.6 31.9 36.9 U 19.3 29.1 41.0 43.4 49.4 3.5 46.1 18.7 39.5 19.3 44.4 4.3 48.3 41.0 44.3 47.4 12 79,536 68,635 58,004 377,349 174,939 88,424 66,830 38,885 184,236 51,819 101,432 56,564 195,119 110,742 108,677 180,293 13 108,278 85,000 84,987 423,697 184,067 101,029 88,906 47,221 249,977 72,661 145,572 37,193 216,033 152,333 169,568 225, 332 14 48,948 37,671 24,614 231,940 80,795 65,117 39,337 31,105 99,401 39,544 61,094 21,255 92,138 62,266 65,113 97,397 15 69,019 52,987 57,815 236,161 73,963 66,703 42,091 39,129 129,117 57,712 73,519 15,116 114,066 67,436 94,779 119,582 16 26,732 18,685 13,939 84,952 42,270 12,661 22,290 7,118 61,419 4,634 27,371 25,277 54,765 27,482 20,240 54,006 n 29,113 15,438 9,595 77,340 31,255 21,236 21,679 6,104 36,972 4,664 41,320 11,943 48,884 36,968 30,294 47,950 18 500 3,187 1,193 21,396 32,104 10,340 866 1,886 1,495 10,000 26,359 1,102 5,535 3,191 19 2,131 4,179 5,815 24,691 42,534 12,600 45, 9X 1,684 6,274 9,334 3,948 4,294 13,994 20 3,356 9,092 18,258 39,061 19,770 306 5,203 662 22,550 5,755 11,472 '32 21,807 19,892 17,789 25,699 21 8,015 12,396 11,762 85,005 31,315 485 25,136 1,988 37,954 8,601 24,459 10,134 43,749 44,481 40,201 43,806 22 197 362 301 1,524 349 167 313 201 993 435 396 47 615 908 314 793 23 337 536 447 2,330 551 488 549 279 1,397 752 702 64 906 1,385 551 1,404 24 7,805 13,536 13,693 133,192 57,039 2,228 7,829 5,954 49,488 3,600 17,195 512 67,823 29,226 19,807 32, 210 25 10,161 17,737 15,835 167,137 56,206 4,038 12,740 6,472 55,751 6,406 26,269 490 80,365 45,327 29,759 51,512 26 134 220 111 826 123 140 188 154 485 317 204 36 274 461 162 356 27 213 294 201 1,023 189 438 200 190 603 516 280 56 325 556 213 497 28 3,153 6,523 4,033 64,069 27,281 1,578 4,174 3,515 19, 235 2,416 7,826 323 25,215 11,525 9,148 11,614 29 5,410 8,938 6,768 72,063 21,584 3,032 4,575 3,599 24,527 4,176 8,882 357 34,972 14,501 U,233 18,864 30 40 61 62 283 68 19 37 36 236 50 39 11 117 174 44 122 31 44 65 50 235 60 31 82 43 190 81 69 3 109 215 70 175 32 4,009 3,981 3,940 41,595 11,908 400 1,931 1,852 19,159 684 4,334 189 22,344 10,141 5,034 12,112 33 3,144 4,541 2,946 32,798 10,204 624 2,960 1,741 11,695 799 5,597 26 19,253 12,849 6,070 12,699 34 1 3 1 7 16 3 3 2 2 13 4 4 3 35 3 3 1 17 25 1 7 3 2 8 5 2 11 36 274 844 62 3,486 7,287 153 557 16 105 7,689 203 896 434 37 526 553 215 7,404 9,009 39 1,221 32 94 1,932 334 610 2,567 38 22 78 127 408 137 5 88 11 269 66 151 211 269 104 312 39 77 174 195 1,055 277 18 267 46 592 152 351 5 464 609 266 721 40 369 2,188 5,653 24,042 10,613 97 1,724 537 10,537 484 4,930 12,575 7,357 4,729 3,050 41 1,081 3,705 5,956 54,872 15,409 343 5,205 1,132 18,303 1,399 11,696 107 24,208 17,643 11,346 17,382 4; 255 296 282 1,192 188 120 274 164 752 572 321 56 378 893 220 462 43 339 413 421 1,686 212 209 392 235 995 889 520 114 491 1,322 368 734 44 200 218 113 753 103 96 225 129 422 413 235 40 230 538 150 322 45 264 310 212 971 116 175 250 158 546 634 342 102 302 662 227 493 46 37 49 57 244 39 18 34 26 169 53 37 13 94 157 38 93 47 42 53 49 199 38 15 78 28 125 83 70 6 85 203 56 124 48 1 3 1 7 17 3 3 6 3 1 14 3 4 3 49 4 5 2 13 22 1 3 3 2 6 5 2 10 50 17 26 111 183 29 3 'Is 9 158 95 46 "2 40 195 28 44 51 29 45 158 498 36 18 64 49 316 169 106 6 98 452 83 157 52 6.7 8.8 39.4 15.8 15.4 2.5 5.5 5.5 21.0 16.6 14.3 3.6 10.6 21.8 12.7 9.5 53 8.6 10.9 37.5 29.5 17.0 8.6 16.3 20.9 31.8 19.0 20.4 5.3 20.0 34.2 22.6 20.0 54 61 127 40 414 208 82 109 52 319 3 152 25 282 149 137 447 55 35 51 11 137 46 77 22 39 125 1 27 23 81 35 41 122 56 7 16 6 42 29 1 3 7 10 69 5 2 25 1 20 1 9 1 33 1 57 58 19 60 23 235 132 "2 'so "3 125 2 120 175 93 86 291 59 31.1 47.2 57.5 56.8 63.5 2.4 73.4 5.8 39.2 66.7 78.9 62.1 62.4 62.8 65.1 60 75,828 59,479 55,475 338,948 155,052 85,724 60,505 35,203 161,066 51,706 92,883 55,608 173,209 102,048 86,802 145,720 61 98,667 69,032 81,656 366,730 146,737 84,313 66,212 42,636 218,152 72,520 127,976 35,711 182,133 139,222 125,746 175,513 62 46,457 33,992 23,803 215,506 74,569 62,586 37,479 28,684 89,970 39,446 59, 565 20,327 83,336 59,178 59,003 36,032 63 63,590 47,343 56,106 217,419 63,492 60,237 39,727 35,452 115,644 57,614 70,329 13,653 105,801 65,059 80, 519 107,774 64 26,390 16,334 13,215 78,163 38,056 12,561 21,397 5,992 54,034 4,634 27,192 25,249 51,043 26,107 18,203 50,166 65 28,169 13,579 9,568 71,786 26,870 20,926 20,609 5,599 30,733 4,664 41,002 11,936 45,853 35,546 26,497 44,212 66 500 3,187 1,193 21,396 31,804 10,340 866 1,386 1,495 10,000 26,133 1,042 5,175 2,161 67 2,131 4,179 5,815 24,691 40,503 2,700 45,934 1,684 6,274 8,729 3,943 4,294 11,567 68 2,481 5,966 17,264 23,883 10,623 237 1,629 527 16,196 5,740 4,631 "32 12,197 15,721 4,421 7,361 69 4,777 3,931 10,167 52,834 10,872 450 5,876 1,585 25,841 3,553 10,371 10,122 21,750 34,669 14,436 11,960 70 3,708 9,156 2,529 38,401 19,887 2,700 6,375 3,682 23,170 113 8,549 956 21,910 8,694 21,875 34, 573 71 2,491 3,679 811 16,434 6,226 2,531 1,908 2,421 9,431 98 1,529 928 8,352 3,038 6,110 11,365 72 342 2,351 724 6,789 4,214 300 100 393 1,126 7,385 179 28 3,722 226 1,375 60 2,037 360 3,840 1,030 73 74 875 3,126 994 15,178 9,147 69 3,574 135 6,354 15 6,841 9,610 4,171 13,368 18,338 75 151 246 262 1,119 170 91 207 149 687 432 255 28 341 760 186 373 76 213 315 382 1,555 194 161 292 191 886 743 406 34 420 1,163 277 629 77 7,441 10,847 12,763 111,846 46,615 1,793 5,876 5,097 41,003 3,580 13,114 445 55,337 25,645 13,653 22,460 76 8,705 12,486 14,399 131,877 38,784 2,710 7,473 5,405 42,094 6,363 17,294 408 59,621 39, 252 17,712 33,217 79 108 175 101 691 88 69 167 115 366 316 130 19 198 426 125 242 60 156 230 180 859 103 132 175 129 447 515 246 27 244 529 153 365 Bl 2,978 5,687 3,753 57,315 25,039 1,223 3,339 2,993 16,789 2,411 7,271 261 22,387 10,933 7,900 9,751 82 4,893 7,412 6,369 64,933 18,148 1,871 4,117 2,930 20,520 4,166 8,104 277 31,751 13,873 3,968 16,059 S3 33 46 56 242 39 16 30 26 168 50 34 9 92 154 35 89 84 35 48 48 196 38 13 70 27 122 81 64 3 84 200 53 116 65 3,943 3,328 3,789 37,730 9,744 330 1,722 1,642 16,550 684 4,274 184 20,466 9,515 4,229 10,992 86 2,971 3,820 2,925 29,819 8,210 433 2,629 1,490 9,277 799 5,409 26 17,653 12,382 5,132 11,281 87 9 22 104 179 27 3 10 8 150 64 39 38 177 23 39 SS 19 34 153 483 32 15 47 35 310 149 94 4 36 429 64 138 89 246 988 5,154 12,815 4,545 42 315 462 7,107 469 1,464 4,795 5,017 778 1,283 90 315 701 4,890 29,721 3,953 317 727 985 11,076 1,366 3,687 105 8,350 12,663 3,002 3,337 91 46 116 39 405 179 76 106 52 306 3 141 19 274 148 123 420 92 364 2,689 930 21,346 10,474 430 1,953 857 8,485 20 4,081 67 12,486 3,581 6,154 9,750 93 26 45 10 135 40 71 21 39 119 1 24 17 76 35 37 114 94 175 836 275 6,254 2,242 355 335 522 2,446 5 555 62 2,828 592 1,248 1,863 95 7 15 6 41 29 3 7 10 68 5 2 25 20 9 33 96 66 653 151 3,865 2,164 20 209 210 2,609 60 5 1,878 626 305 1,120 97 13 56 23 229 110 2 78 3 119 "2 112 173 92 81 273 98 123 1,200 504 11,227 6,068 55 1,409 125 3,430 15 3,466 7,730 2,340 3,951 6,767 99 190 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE Item (For definicions and explanations. stext) Mcsntgomeiy Morgaii Muzray Muscogee Farms: All farm operators number 1959 . 1951. Full owners nunilier 1959. 1954. Part owners numlH?r 1959 . 1954. Kfana;;ers number 1959 , 19.54 . All tenants number 1959. 1954.. Proportion of tenancy percent 19.59 . , 195 1 . Und in farms: All farm operators acres 19.59. , 1954 . Full owners acres 1959 . , 1954.. Part owners acres 1959 . . 1954.. Managers acres 1959 . . 19.54.. All tenant? acres 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland harvested: All farm operators fam.s reporting 1959 , . 1954 . . acres 1950 . . 1954.. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acivs 1959 . . 1954.. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . . 19.54.. actes 1959.. 1954 . . Managers farr.s reportinc 1959 . . " 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Ml tenant; farms re[txting 1959. . 19.54.. acres 19.59 . . 1954 . . Farms by color and tenure of operator: IVhite farm operators, total number 1959 . . 19.54.. Full owners number 1959 . . 19.54.. Part owners number 1959 . . 1954.. Manajiers number 1959 . . 1954 . . All tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . . 1954.. Nonwhite farm orieralors, total number Full owners number Part owners number Wanacers number All tenants number Proportion or tenancy percent Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm, ojieratc^, total acres Full owners acres Part owners acres "7 I Manacers acres \ll tenants acres Nonwhite I'arm operators, total acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres \li tenants acres Cropland fiarvested by color and tenure of operator : t\hite farm o|teralors, total farms reporting 1959 . 1959. 1959 . 1959. 1959.. 1959 . 1959.. 1954 . . 1959.. 1954 . , 1959 . . 1954.. 1959 . . 1954 . , 1959 . , 1954 . , 1959.. 1959 . . 1959.. 1959 . . 1959.. 1959. 1954 . acres 1959. 1954 . Full owner-= fjimis reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954 . 1959. 195t. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . Nonwhite farm operators, U)Ut\ farms repotting 1959 . acres 1959., Full owners farms reporting 1959. , acres 1 959 . . Part owners farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . All tenants farms reporting 1959 . , acres 1959 , Part owners f.arms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 Ml tenants farms reporting 1 7« 1,118 380 460 156 170 2 2 205 486 27.6 43.5 1A9,057 158,017 70,703 71,091 46,367 35,963 8,505 11,698 23,477 39,265 631 1,034 67,964 71, 268 276 393 23,495 22,596 152 165 24,988 17,306 2 2 283 603 201 474 19,193 30,563 636 881 341 410 149 156 2 2 144 313 22.6 35.5 107 39 7 61 57.0 141,227 143,229 66,928 67,273 45,303 34,131 8,505 11,698 20,486 30,127 7,830 3,780 1,059 2,991 531 809 63,020 60,225 241 352 21,858 21,001 145 151 24,439 16,285 143 304 16,435 22,136 100 4,944 35 1,637 7 549 58 2,758 1,127 1,777 488 708 234 204 14 5 391 360 34.7 48.4 273,878 297,462 119,007 153,904 98,848 70,554 9,606 4,234 46,417 63,720 1,056 1,686 109,683 125,368 428 630 35,262 49, 621 232 198 41,184 26,836 13 4 4,586 1,791 383 854 28,651 47,120 837 1,137 420 592 218 184 14 5 185 356 22.1 31.3 290 63 16 206 71.0 252,575 257,356 112,454 141,595 96,516 68,876 9,606 4,284 33,999 42,601 21,303 6,553 2,332 12,418 773 1,052 96,368 97,061 365 519 32,457 44,598 216 178 40, 105 25,823 179 351 19,220 24,849 283 13,315 63 2,805 16 1,079 204 9,431 387 702 265 393 45 103 5 7 72 199 18.6 23.3 146,842 178,030 115,212 84,978 20, 108 72,598 1,964 4,682 9,558 15,822 250 525 7,303 14,634 157 254 3,641 6,266 39 90 1,926 4,247 3 7 273 575 51 174 1,463 3,546 276 431 205 301 41 76 5 5 25 49 9.1 11.4 m 60 4 '47 42.3 136,682 156,054 107,907 76,873 19,865 69,685 1,964 3,307 6,946 6,189 10,160 7,305 243 2,612 168 289 5,997 9,970 116 187 3,067 5,291 36 64 1,870 3,521 13 33 787 808 82 1,306 41 574 3 56 38 676 545 745 260 338 84 33 1 200 324 36.7 43.5 102,760 117,853 58,872 70,607 24,046 20,706 3,312 16,530 26,540 472 673 28,256 34,924 209 279 10,224 13,298 82 79 8,363 92 180 315 9,577 13,746 419 518 224 296 72 70 1 122 152 29.1 29.3 126 36 12 78 61.9 93,729 105,335 56, 016 66,929 22,374 19,050 3,312 12,027 19,356 9,031 2,856 1,672 4,503 356 451 23,827 26,678 177 240 9,263 12,050 70 66 7,486 6,931 103 145 6,986 7,697 116 4,429 32 961 12 877 72 2,591 662 1,104 320 471 136 139 1 12 205 482 31.0 43.7 155,243 185,221 80,740 97,401 60,646 51,133 60O 7,093 13,257 29,539 531 934 30,259 43, 020 257 374 10,971 15,552 134 136 14,020 14,080 1 11 8 1,697 189 463 5,260 11,691 431 639 266 393 109 110 1 10 55 126 12.8 19.7 231 54 27 150 64.9 141,922 159,115 75,480 39,236 57,952 43,603 60O 5,750 7,890 15,476 13,321 5,260 2,694 5,367 360 523 24,620 31,815 209 300 9,894 13,301 107 107 12,942 13,147 43 107 1,776 3,504 221 5,639 48 1,077 27 1,078 146 3,484 705 1,023 461 548 82 142 4 2 158 331 22.4 32.4 83,962 98,949 51,370 65,941 15,012 17,474 5,369 330 12,211 15,204 550 842 15,242 20,310 333 387 7,297 7,864 79 139 3,418 4,703 2 2 435 56 136 314 4,092 8,187 702 1,019 461 548 32 142 4 2 155 327 22.1 32.1 83,589 98,761 51,370 65,941 15,012 17,474 5,369 330 11,838 15,016 373 547 833 15,203 20,641 333 387 7,297 7,864 79 139 3,418 4,703 133 310 4,058 3,018 122 350 91 229 6 23 3 10 22 88 18.0 25.1 24,815 47,457 13,061 31,256 1,738 2,749 2,060 9,868 2,956 3,584 54 196 2,260 5,375 37 116 1,570 2,676 3 17 93 325 421 1,510 11 55 176 864 106 249 85 197 5 17 3 8 13 27 12.3 10.3 16 6 9 56.3 23,734 43,714 17,713 30,329 1,428 2,373 2,060 9,544 2,583 1,468 1,031 343 310 373 511 984 292 475 87 105 4 132 400 25.8 40.7 97,564 130,791 53,664 62, 161 36,398 33,559 5,409 7,502 24,662 429 831 19,063 30,523 222 349 7,940 9,824 85 99 8,239 9,935 122 379 2,834 10,076 390 669 258 422 30 90 4 52 153 13.3 22.9 121 34 7 'so 66.1 89,926 113,958 49,595 57,040 35,642 36,309 5,409 4,689 15,200 7,638 4,069 756 2,813 47 312 130 527 2,156 16,767 4,516 23,287 34 191 103 302 1,524 7,487 2,609 8,779 2 78 11 84 63 8,011 130 9,417 3 43 10 137 148 1,269 332 4,403 7 117 104 2,296 3 31 46 453 1 7 30 228 3 79 28 1,615 GEORGIA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 191 Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Piclcens Pierce Pike Poli Pulaski Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven 697 612 255 477 838 515 691 490 323 193 370 651 228 323 278 1,131 1 1,201 1,149 316 765 1,287 875 1,253 684 535 249 628 1,016 478 636 401 1,637 2 327 427 144 332 471 252 463 241 213 70 253 254 161 222 117 601 3 506 778 157 566 628 351 800 270 263 85 446 325 339 406 165 718 4 132 64 68 32 185 99 121 82 44 31 69 137 30 25 53 218 S ISO 97 67 42 167 142 136 89 60 33 75 150 54 44 51 226 6 5 2 2 1 3 1 10 5 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 9 7 11 2 9 2 1 9 4 4 2 1 1 9 3 7 2 9 8 233 119 41 62 179 163 92 162 65 90 45 257 35 74 106 303 9 504 272 83 155 491 373 313 321 210 130 106 532 82 179 183 734 10 33.4 19.4 16.1 13.0 21.4 31.7 13.3 33.1 20.1 46.6 12.2 39.5 15.4 22.9 38.1 26.3 11 i2.0 23.7 26.3 20.3 33.2 42.6 25.0 46.9 39.3 52.2 16.9 52.4 17.2 28.1 45.6 43.5 12 124,392 61,183 74,382 64,347 142,982 93,024 37,215 121,600 96,227 55,725 31,604 173,989 41,222 38,793 70,426 304,009 13 177,121 108,192 88,099 73,869 165,290 119,108 118,524 133,500 110,698 77,329 40,528 215,644 73,600 65,048 95,882 315,932 H 67,503 45,764 32,997 56,666 84,326 53,533 54,533 59,044 55,142 29,131 21,125 73,967 24,868 27,264 33,666 155,631 15 83,121 79,7% 36,597 62,127 112,603 47,434 75,886 64,390 63,543 29, 167 30,870 88,729 45,711 42,652 44,599 156,793 16 37,686 7,629 31,759 3,360 40,377 36,607 19,431 32,388 18,559 17,008 5,473 70,674 3,226 3,933 22,725 94, 997 17 44,989 11,424 33,642 3,720 23,622 33,112 17,372 31,434 25,200 30,406 4,711 63,854 16,019 6,569 19,244 33,553 18 7,175 301 4,538 160 546 440 3,529 11,229 14,710 1,515 1,961 3,248 1,835 1,706 1,920 31,394 19 10,792 330 9,292 900 100 13,432 2,730 2,099 468 5,537 1,006 11,912 630 4,256 1,959 26,905 20 12,028 7,489 5,588 3,661 17,733 7,444 9,622 18,939 7,816 8,071 3,045 26,100 6,293 5,890 12,115 21,487 21 38,219 16,642 8,568 7,122 28,960 20,130 22,536 35,577 16,482 12,219 3,941 51,149 11,240 11,571 30,080 48,676 22 631 481 230 320 798 434 570 450 180 168 344 565 154 260 252 1,024 23 1,109 890 278 496 1,163 759 931 621 394 221 571 912 270 500 371 1,555 24 23,94i 9,105 37,129 2,815 40,337 19,317 17,322 33,290 6,050 11,272 5,076 49,075 10,347 6,329 17,376 92,350 25 39,099 18,331 38,537 4,936 43,551 30,776 25,521 46,974 9,966 12,718 6,491 62,634 17,385 13,242 24,793 99,305 26 269 321 122 255 437 188 356 209 99 54 234 188 99 168 100 513 27 433 553 126 354 525 255 511 213 159 63 395 237 157 236 141 602 28 8,123 5,172 12,661 2,039 19,117 6,296 7,633 13,324 3,091 3,209 2,595 11,180 4,332 3,337 5,058 37,143 29 13,079 9,339 10,728 3,265 18,950 6,813 10,845 15,988 4,860 3,299 3,882 14,370 8,687 5,917 8,844 36,560 30 128 57 68 27 135 92 119 79 30 30 66 131 26 25 50 214 31 174 96 66 40 163 135 135 86 46 32 75 143 47 43 50 226 32 8,694 1,949 18,282 399 12,209 8,914 5,736 11,974 1,533 4,052 1,594 23,641 2,949 1,028 6,026 34,822 33 10,966 3,606 18,606 593 7,891 10,926 5,491 10,354 1,690 4,529 1,263 20,801 5,100 2,108 5,560 26,215 34 5 1 2 3 1 9 5 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 9 35 11 2 9 "i 1 9 4 4 2 1 1 9 2 4 2 9 36 1,648 50 1,911 192 7 584 1,009 593 445 149 428 435 197 305 5,115 .17 2,330 33 4,317 91 50 3,028 314 959 83 275 85 1,092 383 642 216 5,664 38 229 102 38 38 173 153 86 157 50 83 42 243 27 65 100 288 39 491 239 77 100 474 360 281 318 137 125 100 523 64 167 178 718 40 5,479 1,934 4,275 377 8,819 4,600 3,369 11,983 333 3,566 738 13,826 2,631 1,717 5,987 15,270 41 12,7ai 5,353 4,886 987 16,660 10,009 8,871 19, 173 3,333 4,615 1,261 25,871 3,215 4,575 10,173 30,866 42 450 572 199 476 762 349 633 314 233 81 368 379 190 269 167 755 43 771 1,060 228 764 1,124 552 1,122 373 310 109 623 505 386 490 222 933 44 282 412 119 382 433 230 435 195 178 47 252 203 147 210 99 481 45 432 741 136 566 576 313 739 212 218 56 441 270 305 377 137 578 46 108 61 55 31 167 88 114 70 36 20 68 116 25 21 44 174 47 U6 92 54 42 148 125 122 72 46 28 75 124 47 39 41 169 46 5 2 2 1 3 1 9 5' 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 9 49 11 2 9 2 1 9 4 4 2 1 1 3 2 6 2 9 50 55 97 23 62 159 30 75 44 18 12 45 57 16 36 22 91 51 182 225 29 154 399 100 257 85 44 24 106 103 32 68 42 177 52 12.2 17.0 11.6 13.0 20.9 8.6 11.3 14.0 7.7 14.8 12.2 15.0 8.4 13.4 13.2 12.1 53 23.6 21.2 12.7 20.2 35.5 13.1 22.9 22.8 14.2 22.0 17.0 20.4 3.3 13.9 18.9 19.0 54 2i7 iO 56 76 166 56 176 90 112 2 272 38 54 111 376 55 45 15 25 38 22 33 46 35 23 1 51 14 12 18 120 56 24 3 13 18 11 7 1 17 12 8 11 1 21 5 4 9 44 57 178 22 'is 20 133 lis 47 78 200 19 38 34 212 58 59 72.1 55.0 32.1 26.3 80.1 29.3 67.0 52.2 69.6 73.5 50.0 70.4 75.7 56.4 60 110,441 58, 192 70,023 64,346 139,730 90,279 82,849 108,760 87,643 43,891 31,550 155,289 36,922 36,023 56,716 276,494 61 148,579 102,181 82,733 73,863 159,763 105,478 111,420 108,602 94,032 63,141 40,457 174,613 66,641 56,363 69,404 267, 546 62 63, 816 44,517 30,539 56,666 82,596 51,730 51,630 55,133 51,220 26,163 21,106 69,702 24,036 26,550 31,218 144,702 6.9 76,425 76,861 35,122 62,127 110,340 44,577 71,305 59,584 63, 170 24,751 30,799 32,711 44,386 40,364 40,723 143,912 64 34,150 7,491 30,482 3,859 39,564 35,936 19,067 31,169 17,654 14,310 5,438 67,710 7,939 3,818 19,912 83,335 65 40,392 11, 117 32,666 3,720 22,562 37,194 16,501 28,934 23,586 23,407 4,711 61,191 15,141 6,139 16,823 75,672 66 7,175 301 4,538 160 546 440 3,419 11,229 14,710 1,515 1,961 3,243 1,335 1,706 1,920 31,394 67 10,792 330 9,292 900 100 13,432 2,730 2,099 468 5,537 1,006 11,037 140 4,206 1,959 26,905 68 5,300 5,883 4,469 3,661 17,024 2,173 8,733 11,229 4,059 1,903 3,045 14,629 3,112 3,954 3,666 11,063 69 20,970 13,873 5,653 7,116 26,761 10,275 20,884 17,985 6,808 4,446 3,941 19,679 6,974 5,604 9,394 21,057 70 13,951 2,991 4,854 1 3,252 7,745 4,366 12,840 3,584 11,334 54 18,700 4,300 2,765 13,710 27,515 71 3,687 1,247 2,453 1,730 1,803 2,953 3,911 3,922 2,968 19 4,265 832 714 2,448 10,929 72 3,536 138 1,277 "i 813 671 414 110 889 1,219 905 2,698 35 2,964 237 115 2,313 6,162 73 74 75 6,728 1,606 1,119 709 5,271 7,710 3,757 6,168 11,471 3,181 1,936 8,449 10,424 387 443 178 320 724 274 513 280 106 66 342 315 129 203 146 659 76 638 811 199 495 1,008 438 818 316 183 88 566 412 193 363 195 815 77 18,948 8,292 34,738 2,315 39,072 15,290 16,347 29,899 5,037 6,946 5,064 38,774 8,546 5,129 11,456 77,411 78 30,073 16,516 36,204 4,932 40,556 22,092 23,359 31,003 6,710 7,667 6,469 42,934 15,042 9,749 15,939 71,057 79 225 307 100 255 399 168 324 166 78 36 233 149 93 157 34 397 80 361 524 109 354 477 224 465 160 119 38 390 190 133 263 115 471 81 7,521 4,980 11,772 2,039 18,658 5,796 7,176 11,701 2,804 2,729 2,593 10,326 4,138 3,286 4,492 33,722 62 11,939 8,888 10,274 3,265 18,248 6,142 10,182 13,952 4,320 2,263 3,860 13,875 8,385 5,615 8,000 32,890 8.1 105 54 55 27 167 81 112 67 22 19 65 112 22 21 41 171 84 1A3 91 53 40 144 118 121 69 33 27 75 117 40 38 40 169 85 8,027 1,897 17,573 399 11,824 8,630 5,582 11,347 1,409 3,154 1,584 22,391 2,748 935 4,956 31,672 66 10,084 3,483 18,042 593 7,376 10,481 5,170 9,515 1,424 4,140 1,263 20,013 4,726 1,981 4,573 22,584 87 52 31 21 38 155 24 69 42 5 10 42 51 12 28 19 32 86 173 194 28 99 386 87 228 83 29 22 100 97 19 59 33 166 89 1,752 1,365 3,482 377 8,393 857 3,010 5,842 231 618 738 5,629 1,225 661 1,703 6,902 90 5,720 4,112 3,571 983 14,882 2,441 7,693 6,577 883 989 1,261 8,110 1,871 1,548 3,150 9,919 91 244 38 52 74 160 57 170 74 102 2 250 25 52 106 365 92 4,996 813 2,391 1,265 4,527 975 8,391 1,013 4,326 12 10,301 1,801 1,200 5,920 14,939 93 44 14 22 38 20 32 43 21 18 1 39 6 11 16 116 94 602 192 389 459 500 457 1,623 287 480 2 854 194 101 566 3,421 95 23 3 13 13 11 7 12 8 11 1 19 4 4 9 43 96 667 52 709 385 284 154 627 124 898 10 1,250 201 43 1,070 3,150 97 177 21 17 18 129 17 115 45 73 192 15 37 81 206 96 3,727 569 793 421 3,743 359 6,141 602 2,948 8,197 1,406 1,056 4,284 8,368 99 192 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explanations, see text) Spalding Stephens Farms: All farm operators number I!)59 . . 1951.. Full owners nunilier 1059 . . 1954 . . Part owners number 1959 . . 1954 . . Managers number 1959 . . 19.54 . . All tenants number 1959. . 1954 . . Proportion of tenancy percent 19.59 . . 19.54 . . Land in farms; All farm operators - . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Full owners acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Part owners acres 1959 , . 1954 . . Managers acres 19.59 . . 1954 . . All tenants acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland harvested: .All farm operators fant.s reportinf 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Full owners farms refxjrting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Part ow ners farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Managers fam.s reportinp 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . , 1954 . . \ll tenants farms reforting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 19.59 . . 1954 . . Full owners number 1959 . . 1954 . . Part owners number 1959 . . 1954 . . Managers number 1959 . . 1954 . . All tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . . 1954 . . Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1959 . . Full owners number 1959 . . Part owners numlier 1959 . . Managers number 1959 . . All tenants number 1959 . . Proportion of ton.incy percent 1959 . . Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm, operators, toUl acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Full owners acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Part owners acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Managers acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Ml tenants acres 1959 , , 1954,, Nonwhite farm operators, total acres 1959 . . Full owners acres 1959 . . Part owners acres 19,59 . , Manaizers acres 1959 . , Ml tenants acres 1959 , , Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : ^\liile farm operators, total farms reporting; 1959 , , 1954 , , acres 1959, , 1954,, Full owners farms reporting 1959 , , 1954,, acres 1959., 1954 . , Part owners farms reporting 1959 , , 1954,, acres 1959 , 1954 , . All tenants , farms rep(5rting 1959 , 1954 , acres 1959 , 1954 , Nonwhite farm operators, total fanna reporting 1959 . acres 1959 , Full owners farms reporting 1959 , acres 19,59 , Part owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 , All tenants farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . 473 687 236 2% 129 12.4 3 105 263 22.2 38.3 126, 945 127,408 64,360 TO, 448 45,089 29,757 5,931 4,886 11,565 22,317 438 626 57,096 52,154 203 252 24,202 21,199 123 122 23,773 14,782 3 4 757 5ia 104 248 8,364 15,655 366 490 196 245 113 95 3 4 54 146 14.8 29.8 107 40 16 51 47.7 120,423 116,460 61,855 66,853 43,746 27,733 5,931 4,886 3,891 16,983 6,522 2,505 1,343 2,674 331 433 52,471 44,143 163 204 22,882 19,554 112 93 22,841 13,357 53 132 5,991 10,714 107 4,625 40 1,320 16 932 51 2,373 374 748 273 438 47 96 10 10 39 204 10.4 27.3 72,907 92,744 47,391 49,956 16,053 24,369 5,905 7,146 3,553 10,773 274 543 13,261 23,597 187 257 6,190 8,313 45 90 4,097 8,327 10 9 2,146 2,722 32 187 828 4,235 330 569 254 407 46 88 9 9 21 65 6.4 U.4 44 24 1 1 13 40.9 69,388 84,807 45,447 47,311 15,973 24,003 5,205 7,046 2,763 5,942 3,519 1,944 80 700 795 234 370 12,602 19,847 165 231 5,823 7,816 44 32 4,066 3,020 16 49 577 1,329 40 659 22 367 1 31 16 251 496 835 382 592 49 96 2 1 63 146 12.7 17.5 42,323 59,049 32,799 39,104 4,172 10,850 1,280 1,500 4,072 7,595 392 635 5,844 8,745 288 412 3,330 4,516 46 96 1,076 2,068 86 56 127 852 2,161 467 783 371 577 46 91 2 1 48 114 10.3 14.6 29 11 3 15 51.7 40,141 56,407 32,061 33,213 4,011 10,646 1,230 1,500 2,789 6,043 2,182 733 161 1,283 445 707 165 197 60 53 7 13 213 439 47.9 62.1 116,163 159,603 47,457 64,345 32,257 31,269 19,559 26,939 16,890 36,555 385 659 23,269 32,842 126 155 4,996 7,413 54 56 6,451 4,283 7 12 2,987 4,287 193 436 8,835 16,854 185 231 109 139 42 36 7 U 27 45 14.6 19.5 260 186 71,5 93,048 119,534 38,001 54,073 28,395 27,119 19,559 25,312 7,093 13,130 23,115 9,456 3,862 9,797 730 1,235 386 532 168 200 11 30 215 473 27.6 38.3 238,957 277,276 119,111 130,970 85,496 81,168 14,864 28,257 19,486 36,881 689 1,114 71,379 94,635 322 435 27,337 32, 555 166 195 29,732 31,672 11 29 2,972 8,424 190 455 11,338 21,984 556 742 337 440 133 166 11 29 75 107 13.5 14.4 224 49 35 140 62.5 218,358 240,571 113,425 120,356 77,002 75,163 14,864 27,773 13,067 16,774 20,599 5,636 8,494 6,419 364 140 482 585 138 636 5,337 13,517 60,219 7,971 15,704 72,569 273 76 275 399 101 350 3,721 3,191 25,329 4,392 5,717 28,820 43 36 131 91 34 162 1,030 5,056 25,842 1,996 3,057 28,489 41 21 65 95 43 96 550 2,233 6,076 1,533 2,912 6,983 28 245 207 457 9,752 11,160 10 50 47 109 1,805 2,008 3 18 35 46 1,395 3,890 15 177 125 302 6,552 5,262 365 623 211 295 67 83 2 3 85 242 23.3 33.3 97,267 146,155 57,417 79,280 33,545 39,145 476 6,388 5,829 20,842 269 495 6,062 12,015 141 194 2,463 3,TO2 54 76 2,455 3,743 1 2 20 463 73 223 1,119 4,107 193 284 138 197 44 53 2 3 9 31 4.7 10.9 172 73 23 76 44.2 83,549 116,067 50,444 67,962 30,425 36,201 476 6,888 2,204 5,016 13,713 6,973 3,120 3,625 112 136 3,958 7,244 75 113 1,696 2,621 31 47 2,057 3,233 185 877 157 2,104 66 772 23 393 63 934 255 448 168 233 21 51 2 66 162 25.9 36.2 48,124 77,223 33,006 43,065 3,249 14,511 2,453 6,369 17,194 195 375 3,304 8,262 124 181 1,799 4,099 19 48 320 1,495 528 52 144 635 2,140 122 209 96 138 14 32 "2 12 37 9.8 17.7 133 72 7 54 40.6 36,422 55,713 25,477 32,911 7,826 12,902 2,453 3,119 7,452 11,702 7,529 423 3,7513 1,094 1,578 570 783 214 173 2 3 308 619 28.2 39.2 201,055 214,166 113,559 138,020 40,481 22,825 19,657 18,132 27,353 35,139 1,025 1,392 53, m 65,102 510 617 24,063 28,148 212 169 17,179 10,426 2 3 1,837 3,167 301 603 U,977 23,361 947 1,313 533 722 185 142 2 3 227 446 24.0 34.0 U7 37 29 'si 55.1 190,006 199,761 109,048 132,577 37,692 20,032 19,657 13,132 23,609 29,020 11,049 4,5U 2,789 3,749 151 1,136 1,590 52,454 4,613 57,072 58 477 92 562 368 22,917 2,543 26,655 12 133 29 138 633 15,639 1,192 9,088 5 223 28 433 34 11,961 355 13,162 120 140 1,714 5,657 66 33 931 1,151 7 29 132 1,490 47 78 651 3,016 GEORGIA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 193 TeKalr Terrell Thomas Tli-t Toombs Towns Treutlen Troup Turner Twiggs Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren 801 705 1,242 916 796 499 451 742 610 406 861 425 1,014 1,137 651 574 1 1,061 1,226 1,655 1,287 1,220 658 613 1,337 870 630 1,004 812 1,710 1,834 972 883 2 546 246 662 463 423 368 245 546 236 198 674 315 786 509 425 265 3 615 327 760 543 570 471 265 898 309 226 785 538 1,234 822 628 319 4 106 126 245 153 168 82 62 73 145 72 123 56 144 178 no 77 5 152 143 250' 162 164 101 42 136 128 84 138 76 248 149 99 89 e 1 10 18 4 1 2 1 2 1 8 9 9 3 2 3 7 5 13 27 3 7 2 1 5 1 1 2 14 15 9 4 2 8 14« 323 317 296 204 47 143 121 229 135 56 45 75 447 114 229 9 239 743 613 579 479 84 305 298 432 319 79 184 213 854 241 473 10 18.5 45.8 25.5 32.3 25.6 9.4 31.7 16.3 37.5 33.3 6.5 10.6 7.4 39.3 17.5 39.9 u 27.2 60.6 37.3 45.0 39.3 12.8 49.8 22.3 49.7 50.6 7.9 22.7 12.5 46.6 24.8 53.6 12 156,855 175,708 309,237 158,537 133,008 33,634 92,416 117,026 157,306 78,368 73,973 30,420 144,389 139,695 134,969 129,307 13 185, 4i9 204,368 316,826 166,532 161,172 40,818 103,716 162,656 156,512 107,654 76,022 108,359 173,180 182,611 155,193 157,217 14 111,508 70,191 132,177 75,311 74,365 25,852 72,234 91,411 73,636 49,557 56,386 43,079 38,870 65,873 88,683 76,968 15 124,632 80,890 110,653 30,366 91,909 29,453 70,260 107,506 82,392 58,769 60,634 62,878 116,048 88,338 120,820 81,730 16 32,386 69,827 68,450 50,881 42,689 4,844 11,477 14,347 54,257 16,518 11,917 15,800 34,024 42,858 37, 187 31,655 17 35,929 59,961 59,637 40,522 30,400 5,247 14,653 26,383 34,912 21,000 11,496 16,904 30,582 28,440 20,115 43,529 18 1,950 5,452 57,733 6,450 200 1,243 900 1,933 525 2,233 13,775 8,196 1,615 2,751 283 19 6,143 8,665 95,420 6,030 6,399 1,963 891 5,602 140 1,597 699 14,140 11,485 13,906 1,959 842 20 11,011 30,238 50,877 25,895 15,754 1,695 7,805 8,335 29,413 11, 768 3,437 7,766 13,299 29,349 6,343 20,401 21 18,695 54,852 51,111 39,614 32,464 4,155 17,91J2 22,665 38,568 26,238 3,193 14,437 15,065 51,927 12,299 31,066 22 642 643 1,139 836 724 466 411 467 550 356 780 319 825 1,029 578 535 23 924 1,146 1,481 1,161 1,105 533 536 920 809 562 923 604 1,343 1,638 360 823 24 37,755 69,290 85,801 62,692 48,594 4,690 20,817 10,731 59,269 16,512 9,785 10,493 22,933 34,415 18,776 28,648 25 51,167 77,505 91,222 61,022 52,839 5,615 25,302 17,151 63,321 22,971 11,035 17,715 31,357 55,537 21,066 38,649 26 420 208 576 391 369 342 210 298 194 164 606 219 613 426 363 231 27 494 274 613 434 480 406 209 538 256 132 703 352 890 670 532 264 28 20,368 18,135 28,422 24,202 19,433 3,094 10,707 6,126 17,339 6,964 6,452 4,291 12,355 11,572 10,636 10,091 2D 24,622 20,367 30,381 20,163 21,575 3,526 10,577 9,050 18,447 8,180 7,284 7,474 16,702 21,990 U,193 11,114 30 102 125 244 153 164 80 62 63 144 71 118 52 142 171 109 76 .11 150 140 247 155 160 98 41 121 126 83 138 72 244 145 96 87 32 10,552 28,474 31,803 19,389 18,314 1,123 4,639 2,594 24,478 5,812 2,445 3,252 7,636 9,935 5,435 9,136 33 13,425 19,689 24,036 15,614 11,239 1,208 3,259 3,437 17,617 5,709 2,621 3,766 8,338 8,548 4,490 10,337 34 1 10 18 4 1 1 1 2 1 5 9 7 2 1 3 35 5 12 24 3 6 2 3 1 1 2 14 14 9 1 1 36 30 1,231 4,475 1,059 188 98 4 385 38 304 2,204 986 429 12 105 37 915 2,300 7,877 1,243 385 175 334 92 350 197 2,934 1,882 1,464 41 31 38 119 300 301 238 190 43 138 104 212 120 51 39 63 430 105 225 39 275 720 597 569 459 77 286 253 426 2% 75 166 195 814 231 471 40 6,805 21,450 21,101 13,042 10,659 3TO 5,467 1,626 17,452 3,698 584 746 1,956 12,479 2,693 9,316 41 12,205 35,149 23,928 24,002 19,590 706 11,466 4,330 27,165 8,732 933 3,541 4,435 23,535 5,342 17,067 42 669 373 970 835 708 499 379 579 537 225 361 359 966 872 638 302 43 859 500 1,176 1,102 1,027 658 505 1,010 722 289 1,004 604 1,625 1,377 932 384 44 453 192 564 452 401 368 227 481 226 140 674 278 749 489 417 203 45 507 257 632 530 530 471 238 784 298 151 785 455 1,186 760 611 245 46 100 108 213 145 160 82 51 62 143 47 123 50 135 165 107 56 47 134 113 203 153 154 101 37 109 125 52 133 64 227 141 96 62 48 1 8 18 4 1 2 1 2 1 8 8 9 3 2 3 49 5 13 27 3 6 2 1 4 "i 1 2 13 15 9 4 2 50 115 65 175 234 146 47 100 34 168 37 56 23 73 215 112 40 51 213 117 314 416 337 84 229 113 298 85 79 72 197 467 221 75 52 17.2 17.4 18.0 28.0 20.6 9.4 26.4 5.9 31.3 16.4 6.5 6.4 7.6 24.7 17.6 13.2 53 24.8 23.4 26.7 37.7 32.8 12.8 45.3 11.2 41.3 29.4 7.9 11.9 12.1 33.9 23.7 19.5 54 132 332 272 81 88 . . . 72 163 73 181 66 48 265 13 272 55 93 54 93 11 22 ... 13 65 10 58 37 37 20 3 62 S6 6 IS 2 32 8 8 11 11 2 25 ... 6 1 9 13 3 21 57 58 33 258 142 62 'm ... 43 '87 61 '98 22 "2 232 2 189 59 25.0 77.7 52.2 76.5 65.9 59.7 53.4 83.6 54.1 33.3 4.2 87.5 15.4 69.5 60 145,122 145,041 239,330 154,047 127,110 33,634 38,335 106,056 152,354 65,628 73,973 70,383 142,065 127,122 133,560 105, 522 61 173,697 159,659 289,685 158,374 149,743 40,818 98,361 139,982 147,074 82,067 76,022 91,501 168,503 157,285 152,851 123,068 62 104,751 59,132 124,257 74,437 72,135 25,852 71,184 85,449 72,864 44,690 56,386 38,619 86,905 64,152 87,470 69,302 63 118,150 72,275 101,253 79,547 88,775 29,453 68,297 97,355 82,163 52,070 60,634 54,538 113,628 83,644 119,106 73,926 64 31,613 65,163 64,879 49, %4 41,522 4,344 10,277 14,171 54,053 14,426 11,917 15,273 33,690 41,351 37,014 28,486 65 33,981 56,700 55,459 39,503 29,259 5,247 14,351 25,264 34,627 18,349 11,496 14,713 29,352 27,399 19,809 38,625 66 1,950 5,057 57,733 6,450 200 1,243 900 1,933 525 2,233 12,775 8,196 1,615 2,751 283 67 6,143 3,665 95,420 6,030 6,199 1,963 891 5,177 140 1,597 699 13,140 11,485 13,906 1,959 842 68 9,803 15,689 42, 5U 23,146 13,253 1,695 5,974 4,503 25,437 5,987 3,437 4,216 13,274 20,004 6,325 7,451 69 15,423 22,019 37, 553 33,294 25,510 4,155 14,822 11,686 30,144 10,051 3,193 9,060 14,038 32,336 11,977 9,675 70 8,733 30,667 19,857 4,490 5,898 4,081 10,970 4,952 12,740 9,537 2,324 12,573 1,409 23,785 71 6,757 11,059 7,920 824 2,230 1,050 5,962 772 4,867 4,460 1,965 1,721 1,218 7,666 72 773 4,664 395 3,571 917 1,167 ... 1,200 676 204 2,092 527 1,000 334 1,507 173 3,169 73 74 1,203 14, 549 8,366 2,749 2,501 ... 1,331 4,332 3,976 5,781 3,550 25 9,345 'is 12,956 75 521 336 880 757 638 466 341 316 486 195 780 258 734 766 566 265 76 736 431 1,022 981 919 583 432 628 666 238 923 409 1,269 1,194 821 332 77 34,339 51,545 76,244 59,695 45,303 4,690 18,575 8,610 55,864 12,489 9,785 9,307 22,435 26,975 18,486 18,374 78 45,981 46,438 75,089 55,742 46,307 5,615 22,072 12,571 55,836 14,501 U,035 14,283 30,265 42,609 20,411 21,225 79 336 163 486 381 343 342 194 241 186 114 606 136 583 406 356 170 80 397 208 500 423 445 406 184 450 248 114 TO8 281 853 617 515 198 81 18,375 15,856 26,052 23,943 18,706 3,094 10,438 5,410 17,133 5,872 6,452 3,807 12,022 11,198 10,424 8,417 82 22,848 17,252 26,827 19,370 20,765 3,526 9,906 7,794 18,249 6,669 7,284 6,352 16,345 20,452 10,879 8,995 83 96 107 212 145 156 80 51 52 142 46 118 46 133 158 106 55 84 132 111 200 146 150 98 36 94 123 51 138 60 223 137 93 60 85 10,201 26,058 29,824 19,054 17,814 1,128 4,133 2,422 24,327 5,087 2,445 3,151 7,4% 9,359 5,374 8,197 86 12,721 18,089 21,671 15,180 10,837 1,208 3,090 2,942 17,363 4,860 2,621 3,616 7,888 8,135 4,397 8,732 87 83 58 164 227 133 43 95 21 158 34 51 18 61 200 103 37 88 202 100 298 409 319 77 212 81 294 72 75 55 179 431 212 73 89 5,733 8,553 15,893 15,639 8,595 370 4,000 393 14,404 1,492 534 305 1,931 5,989 2,676 2,155 90 9,497 8,797 18,714 19,449 14,388 706 9,076 1,501 20,132 2,622 933 1,546 4,150 12,558 5,094 3,417 91 121 307 259 79 86 70 151 64 161 61 41 263 12 270 92 3,416 17,745 9,557 2,997 3,291 2,242 2,121 3,405 4,023 1,186 498 7,440 290 9,774 93 84 45 90 10 21 16 57 8 50 33 30 20 7 61 94 1,993 2,279 2,370 259 727 269 716 206 1,092 484 333 374 212 1,674 95 6 18 32 8 8 11 11 2 25 6 9 13 3 21 96 351 2,416 1,979 335 500 506 172 151 725 101 140 576 61 939 97 31 242 137 61 57 43 83 54 66 21 2 230 2 188 98 1,072 12,397 5,203 2,403 2,064 1,467 1,233 3,048 2,206 441 25 6,490 17 7,161 99 194 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Item (Foe definitions and explanations, see text) Farms: All faim operators number 1959 . 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954 . All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954. Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959 . 19,54 . Managers acres 1959 . 1954. .411 tenants acres 19S9 . 1954. Cropland harvested: All farm operators fanns reportinj: 1959 . ' 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners farms reportinp 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. ^'anage^s farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. .All tenants farms reporting 1959. 19.54 . acres 19.59 . 1954 . Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 1959 . 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 19.54 . Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants .number 1959. 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total numlK.T 1959 . Full owners number 1959 . Part owners numtjer 1959 . *lanapers number 1959 . All tenants number 1959 . Proportion ol tenancy percent 1959 . Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, loUl acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959. 1954. Part owners acres 1959 . 1954. Managers acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants acres 1959 . 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, lotal acres 1959 . Full owners acres 1959 . Part owners acres 1959 . Managers acres 1959 . All tenants acres 1959 . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : White farm operators, lotal farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. l!! tenants farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, lotAi farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . Full owners farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . Pan owners farms reporting 19.59. acres 1959. All tenants farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Washington Wayne 1,016 1,640 461 555 182 233 6 S 367 844 36.1 51.5 267,281 336,344 132,870 154,378 80,211 91,815 9,985 9,014 44,215 81,137 959 1,5X 71,964 97,511 419 474 24,189 31,355 179 226 27,130 29,257 6 7 3,570 2,609 355 827 17,075 34,290 657 926 381 465 164 199 6 7 106 255 16.1 27.5 359 261 72.7 232,041 282,572 121,994 143,339 76,961 86,043 9,985 8,714 23,101 44,476 35,240 10,876 3,250 21,114 614 829 58,624 72,921 345 392 21,826 28,507 161 192 25,903 27,757 102 239 7,325 14,054 345 13,340 74 2,363 18 1,227 253 9,750 708 949 427 608 136 90 3 3 142 248 20.1 26.1 119,955 167,087 79,443 132,603 25,096 13,479 2,370 1,108 13,046 19,897 631 806 32,381 32,863 356 484 14, 528 17,^3 136 87 9,637 4,855 2 3 678 111 137 232 7,538 10,004 691 905 420 594 135 89 3 3 133 219 19.2 24.2 17 7 1 9 52.9 119,406 165, 537 79,291 132,198 25,079 13,458 2,370 1,108 12,666 18,773 549 152 17 380 616 766 32,047 31,964 350 471 14,488 17,799 135 86 9,632 4,835 129 206 7,249 9,219 15 3X 6 40 1 5 322 476 122 159 54 65 141 243 43.8 52.1 83,726 136,362 37,320 73,752 28,210 35,720 6,460 4,146 11,736 22,744 282 434 21,047 26,642 93 126 5,047 6,758 54 62 7,997 7,283 5 4 859 999 130 242 7,144 11,602 162 233 85 108 40 48 4 4 33 73 20.4 31.3 160 37 14 1 108 67.5 68,298 112,855 32,006 66,192 24,810 32,811 6,256 4,146 5,226 9,706 15,428 5,314 3,400 204 6,510 134 202 13,855 16,670 62 81 4,028 5,064 40 46 6,952 6,536 28 71 2,155 4,071 148 7,192 31 1,019 14 1,045 102 4,989 516 719 298 353 97 105 117 253 22.7 35.2 615 839 471 609 77 77 11 3 17.9 106,802 137,127 60,807 72,406 28,544 27,508 5,199 19,170 12,252 18,043 476 644 27,842 39,542 265 293 13,425 16,223 96 103 8,726 10,715 877 1,366 112 240 4,814 11,238 423 566 259 2% 77 84 176 19.9 31.1 93 39 20 1 33 35.5 97,490 128,220 57,609 68,331 26,645 25,883 2,719 19,170 10,517 14,836 9,312 3,198 1,899 2,480 1,735 385 498 24,740 34,665 228 242 12,532 14,856 76 84 7,915 9,828 79 164 3,685 8,615 91 3,102 37 893 20 811 33 1,129 57,794 72,063 42,305 54,421 6,227 4,607 5,115 3,806 4,147 9,229 489 667 5,424 7,109 370 468 3,536 4,603 75 75 1,372 1,038 6 2 176 136 38 122 340 1,282 610 829 469 601 75 77 11 3 55 148 9.0 17.9 5 2 2 20.0 57,458 71,788 4i,039 54,158 6,163 4,607 5,115 3,806 4,141 9,217 336 266 64 484 659 5,345 7,059 368 462 3,520 4,560 73 75 1,313 1,088 37 120 336 1,275 5 79 2 16 2 59 1,017 1,534 742 1,082 136 191 11 7 128 254 12.6 16.6 98,364 128,291 71,834 79,539 15,328 19,503 3,041 12,636 7,661 16,613 708 1,132 16,173 21,884 492 722 8,948 10,896 126 187 4,492 5,360 9 5 829 566 81 218 1,904 4,562 1,010 1,522 740 1,076 132 186 11 7 127 253 12.6 16.6 1 14.3 97,671 127,306 71,544 79,175 15,500 18,887 3,041 12,636 7,586 16,608 693 290 328 75 702 1,124 16,078 21,705 490 719 8,921 10,881 123 182 4,440 5,696 30 213 1,388 4,562 6 95 2 27 3 52 599 1,035 310 449 139 168 4 150 414 25.0 40.0 144,658 195,746 61,301 93,067 58,706 48, 6U 13,600 24,651 40,435 521 948 49, 594 60,934 246 376 16,849 22,978 133 164 21,214 16,249 689 142 404 11,531 21,018 510 781 273 402 130 145 4 107 230 21.0 29.4 89 37 9 43 48.3 136,391 176,242 57,607 88,082 57,133 45,283 13,600 21,651 29,277 8,267 3,694 1,573 3,000 435 700 45,989 50,630 210 332 15,782 21,506 124 141 20,657 14,992 101 223 9,550 13,443 86 3,605 36 1,067 9 557 41 1,981 71i 1,140 440 584 92 130 4 5 175 421 24.6 36.9 191,809 241,646 U6,404 139,708 56,004 60,003 1,671 3,483 17,730 38,452 571 960 13,299 26,202 320 427 10,370 12,901 90 127 4,712 5,150 2 4 123 81 159 402 3,094 8,070 467 670 350 471 78 97 2 3 37 99 7.9 14.8 244 90 14 2 138 56.6 177,164 202,457 109,552 128,828 54,973 56,613 976 2,462 11,663 14,554 14,645 6,352 1,031 695 6,067 340 505 14,603 17,666 238 327 9,369 11,137 76 94 4,457 4,472 26 82 777 1,937 231 3,696 82 1,001 14 255 133 2,317 361 601 223 321- 55 76 4 3 79 201 21.9 33.4 96,057 152,351 62,008 85,879 14,048 28,607 10,917 10,374 9,084 27,491 295 518 15,227 24,655 163 253 7,300 10,686 52 75 3,905 7,163 2 526 519 76 183 2,996 6,287 275 412 201 286 43 56 4 3 27 67 9.8 16.3 86 22 12 52 60.5 89,812 132,136 59,680 82,327 13,221 26,424 10,917 10,374 5,994 13,011 6,245 2,328 827 3,090 215 339 12,875 19,882 145 226 7,449 10,093 40 55 3,634 6,784 26 56 1,266 2,436 80 2,352 18 351 12 271 50 1,730 GEORGIA 195 County Table ^-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959 [Dnta are Das«d on reports for only a sample of Tanns. See text] It«(n (For definitions and explanations, see text) Applitlg Farms, acreage, and value: AH commercial fanns number . . . Land in faims acres . . . Average size of fami acres, . , Value of land and buildings average per fnrm, dollars . . . average per acre, dollars , , . Cropland harvested farms reporting , . , acres . , , Farm operators: Working off their farms, total number. . . 100 or more days number . . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number , , . 3y tenure: Full owners number , . . Part owners number . . . Managers number . . . All tenants number . . . Specified equipment and facilities: Grain oombines farms reporting. . . number . . . Com pickers farms reporting. . . number. . . Pick-up balers farms reporting. . . number. . . Moloitmcks farms reporting . . . number. . . Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . . number . . . Automobiles farms reporting . . . number . . . Telephone farms reporting. , , Home freezer farms reporting. . . Milking machine farms reporting . . . Flectnc milk cooler farms reporting. .. Farms by kind of road on ivhich located: Hard surface farms reporting . . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting, , , Dirt or unimproved farms reporting . . . Farm labor, iweek preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired wijrkers farms reporting, , , Family workers , including operator farms reporting , , . Operators working 1 or more hours persons , , , Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . . . persons . . . Pegular hir«d workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms refurting. . . persons . . . Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms reporting . . . number . . . Milk (xjws farms reporting . . . number. . . Horses and/or mules farms reporting . . . number.. . Hogs and pigs farms repotting . . . number . - . Chickens. 4 months old and over farms reporting.. . number.. . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. . . number . . . Calves sold alive farms reporting. . . number. , . Hogs and pigs sold alive .farms reporting, . . number. . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting , . . number... Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . . number . . . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms repcrting . . . dozens . . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting . . . dollars. . . Wool farms reporting . , . pounds . . . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting . . dollars . . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars . . Putrhase of livestock and poultry dollars.. Machine hire dollars . , Hired labor dollars . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars. . Crops ftarvested: Com for all purposes fanns reportlBg . . acres. . Oats f arma reporting . . acres. . bushels. , Peanuts harvested for nuts f artos reporting. . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. pounds. . Cotton farms reporting. . acres. . bales. , Land f rem which hay was cut acres , . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes ] reporting, dollars . 61,955 15,497,104 250.1 21,127 95,35 56,305 4,413,261 21,455 11,028 11,527 28,931 14,047 650 18,327 7,939 8,935 8,815 9,098 5,077 5,204 41,097 51,661 41,825 68,195 43,982 51,475 26,615 35,157 2,548 2,597 20,724 3,517 36,491 52,321 50,654 49,330 17,228 27,565 9,029 22,745 42,605 1,169,856 25,888 165,238 23,058 47,744 45,180 1,546,729 38,907 10,901,729 17,859 262,837 20,459 257,068 32,957 1,474,562 429 18,031 12,784 230,509,724 8,347 108,275,569 3,781 39,332,643 501 157,128 61,954 312,277,614 148,578,133 55,320,161 15,401,272 53,960,726 28,178,885 10,838,437 49,035 2,125,372 7,731 229,090 7,952,247 19,783 449,323 736 486,974,828 33,047 565,577 471,742 313,665 8,054 6,251,U2 732 131,427 179.5 17,216 105.28 712 37,426 235 124 304 198 125 125 15 16 541 599 601 747 441 460 362 627 21 21 84 16 632 674 673 646 280 533 34 53 531 8,447 313 1,284 215 258 647 25,302 575 45,727 292 2,163 190 1,086 626 23,592 61 97,565 91 641,480 26 U2,650 5 300 732 1,346,299 450,278 188,111 76,333 266,658 310,336 54,583 680 28, 521 31 200 54 96,325 363 2,806 1,938 621 46 10,640 333 108,332 325.3 29,181 88.94 333 20,701 128 62 142 135 14 83 89 22 27 282 320 282 412 209 237 96 256 5 6 275 267 246 99 124 21 26 233 5,358 55 245 146 227 277 13,082 222 55,151 110 939 116 1,035 256 13,815 1 20 38 899,285 38 310,540 5 101,060 1 60 333 1,094,160 538,220 139,075 37,662 187,730 168,905 22,568 296 16,789 14 321 8,700 54 327 406,570 115 952 463 235 10 1,500 579 110,547 190.9 21,928 127.30 564 30,414 214 79 297 141 1 140 12 12 139 139 23 23 377 420 464 624 366 403 60 437 5 5 89 5 474 I 503 501 486 186 276 33 50 459 8,958 256 652 207 297 512 24,141 408 55,170 204 1,312 145 1,432 472 19,406 55 1,564,050 105 193,650 5 65,000 579 1,745,323 832,925 225,085 69,718 322,213 242,430 52,952 553 25,247 10 65 800 10 55 26,000 330 2,206 2,190 697 5 500 353 151,855 430.2 18,847 47.94 337 39,493 95 49 103 63 11 176 63 67 81 86 14 18 200 276 192 386 215 241 107 54 182 322 302 292 78 189 73 175 190 6,802 51 74 194 447 288 8,466 229 6,029 59 2,003 95 1,315 218 7,189 16 482,137 5 2,500 353 1,186,431 330,690 183,642 75,384 274,017 216,002 106,696 329 19,322 17 836 27,600 295 11,825 11,365,711 184 2,447 1,407 3,275 15 1,275 83 41,722 502.7 49,961 103.14 77 6,881 33 22 27 27 63 80 58 104 78 93 51 50 55 2 21 72 66 61 15 20 28 78 73 4,626 17 600 41 88 54 2,078 53 2,115 57 858 65 1,284 43 1,713 25 6 1,240 5 180,000 83 302,057 140,090 34,020 23,421 68,807 31,091 4,628 53 2,540 13 270 11,900 39 817 680 2,321 U 4,725 292 43,528 U9.1 7,703 70.84 257 8,745 140 70 146 71 5 70 31 31 6 6 32 32 137 147 142 200 236 263 102 107 145 5 142 167 160 150 75 140 22 35 242 3,056 216 413 157 265 251 2,806 182 6,275 52 148 107 837 91 2,072 5 80 237 3,387,585 42 20,015 30 23,620 292 1,788,645 1,248,732 363,505 35,243 81,499 49,946 9,720 206 2,100 76 895 25,875 15 10 5 5,345 155 2,230 1,545 1,340 377 46,957 124.6 U,377 122.65 312 10,745 126 66 211 76 15 75 71 71 242 259 236 327 292 333 222 207 45 45 241 11 125 297 292 287 95 120 57 75 307 7,263 216 1,470 186 322 226 2,404 220 198,870 105 1,645 126 1,479 76 2,775 10 420 186 3,590,945 70 1,937,175 51 351,410 10 2,325 377 3,009,840 2,073,110 579,060 53,295 209,525 88,385 6,465 246 2,625 80 770 25,725 20 5,025 201 3,105 2,670 3,135 10 950 585 117,939 201.6 18,003 117.48 534 29,683 249 124 237 99 55 57 73 73 390 507 464 766 459 575 281 273 42 42 198 125 257 437 426 411 195 254 52 103 397 8,796 297 2,109 128 398 329 8,398 318 122,165 124 1,251 196 2,092 188 7,348 1 40 196 2,689,520 100 1,520,604 43 643,655 6 675 585 3,157,363 1,709,800 384,130 232,745 567,060 220,183 43,445 358 8,282 61 1,585 50,580 378 11,190 11,974 4,214 22 16,975 196 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on repocts for only It«m (For deHnitions and explanations, see text) Bleckley Brantley Farms, acreage, and value; AH commcreinl fnnns number , . Land in famis acres. . Average size of farm acres . . Value of Innd and buildings average per farm, dollars . . average per acre, dollars . . Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres, , Farm operators: Workinc off their farms, total number. . 1(10 or more days number . , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number. . By tenure: Full owners number , . Pert owners number . . Managers number . . All tenants number . . Specified equipment and facilities; Gram oorr.hincs farms reporting. . number , . Ccfn pickers farms reporting . . number . . Pick-up balers farms reporting . . number. . Motortrucks farms report! ng . . number . . Tractors other than garden farms reporting . , number. . .Automobiles farms reportinc . . number . . Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting . . Flectric milk cooler farms reporting . . Farms by kind of road on iwtijch located: Hard surface ^ farms reporting . , Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting, , Dirt or unimjToved farms reporting. . Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired \\T3rkers farms reporting. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. , Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . [lersons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days), , farms refBrtinr. . persons . . Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Milk cows farms reporting . . number . , Horses and/or mules farms reporting , , number . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number . , Chickens, i months old and over farms reporting. . number.. Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. , Calves sold alive .,, farms reporting . . number . . Hogs and pigs sold alive fam,s reporting , , Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting, . number , . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting , . dollars . . Wool farms reporting . , pounds. , Specified farm expenditures; Any sfiecified farm expenditures farms reporting. . dollars. . Feed for liveslock and poultry dollars. . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars . . Machine hire dollars , . Hired labor dollars . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm liusiness dollars. . Seeds, hulbs, plants, and trees dollars.. Crops harvested: Com for all purposes farms reporting . . acres . . Oats farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Peanuts harvested for mits farms reporting.. acres grown alone . . acres grown wltli other crops.. pounds . . Cotton farms reporting . . acres . . bales . . Land frcm ^lich hay was tnit acres,. Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting.. dollars . . 376 94,635 251.7 2i,355 110.72 349 25,171 135 121 90 2 163 38 43 70 72 263 308 259 428 273 307 68 215 334 322 316 132 36 43 248 4,400 145 694 116 177 252 7,643 259 93,707 126 607 128 1,098 258 6,525 37 54,000 63 1,005,290 15 155,415 1 18 376 1,103,378 423,386 76,822 114,550 260,226 159,362 69,032 324 13,103 13 285 11,200 278 5,734 18 5,643,961 238 3,345 2,363 20 10,900 902 198,177 219.7 19,778 109.43 886 60,166 313 104 357 167 2 376 50 61 223 230 28 28 666 732 771 1,175 580 632 116 666 1 181 1 720 841 823 822 270 371 43 73 582 9,578 280 587 232 372 743 37,787 641 21,424 203 1,794 233 2,076 759 35,160 6 200 76 642,206 101 59,544 11 40,187 11 2,138 902 2,128,563 609,406 255,007 160,146 526,760 476,318 100,926 834 44,374 37 473 11,040 299 2,796 85 3,113,430 4.47 3,237 2,823 659 178 48,995 275.3 44,939 171.83 111 13,842 74 53 128 33 2 10 147 39,305 13 13 24 24 152 248 126 299 162 212 178 128 32 32 109 63 158 132 132 51 66 77 211 111 6,759 53 2,427 29 55 70 2,340 86 20,480 69 1,745 48 1,260 49 1,745 5 200 51 528,940 30 221,575 32 307,120 5 700 178 1,409,776 525,800 107,425 39,842 507,023 104,216 125,470 69 2,578 72 3,020 120,415 23 1,146 1,321 3,514 27 23,775 322 74,663 231.9 16,657 74.21 321 29,543 103 58 180 57 16 20 50 50 9 9 226 255 222 348 217 245 117 217 115 16 181 261 259 254 86 126 55 114 217 5,090 103 188 126 236 280 19,296 242 15,356 91 1,435 140 747 265 18,420 45 7,345 51 84,560 322 662,333 144,236 34,565 57,092 239,190 108,753 28,992 311 17,944 54 2,150 76,300 193 1,545 1,279,436 252 3,248 2,712 274 67,032 244.8 23,768 109.49 267 7,396 150 148 36 4 4 233 261 228 276 129 139 107 249 5 5 34 5 220 258 253 233 98 140 21 22 244 5,013 186 693 107 146 257 6,790 222 6,369 111 896 134 1,307 247 6,427 1 30 23 329,250 54 5,245 5 102,200 1 319 274 581,499 271,605 70,060 13,640 111,045 97,244 17,905 244 ,551 360 31 25,725 16 313 895 227,510 254.2 20,330 84.47 389 79,748 243 108 342 290 12 251 109 116 264 276 70 82 637 763 734 .,153 572 665 238 385 » 309 20 545 712 685 670 168 245 138 227 487 14,848 292 1,582 322 623 658 37,629 550 13,507 192 2,764 235 3,293 649 41,850 1 275 22 370 84 8,790 11 359,825 1 2,000 895 2,407,065 521,480 296,734 223,665 684,075 517,700 163,411 801 46,051 79 1,732 44,075 432 4,089 60 4,546,585 584 6,572 5,243 5,615 311 336,985 97 37,504 386.6 30,419 64.03 84 5,173 55 38 39 37 1 20 7 7 14 14 5 5 62 66 77 113 59 62 43 60 25 30 14 30 64 2,762 37 79 34 47 78 4,199 57 11,359 33 661 29 455 73 4,359 5 25 5 1,000 16 100,325 5 585 97 279,446 130,429 17,502 13,740 64,929 40,501 12,345 84 3,743 1 17 17,680 15 115 90 472 1,394 252,100 180.8 14,876 102.29 1,345 106,361 432 154 517 297 3 577 103 109 167 167 32 32 855 966 966 1,459 1,018 1,132 533 962 7 7 208 76 1,059 1,105 1,050 1,010 359 504 139 249 874 17,242 364 1,246 435 573 1,118 57,518 887 38,531 362 3,844 315 2,739 1,022 48,357 6 65 54 405,335 141 143,222 2 205,526 7 370 1,394 2,847,880 639,560 322,405 394,931 603,394 602,413 229,677 1,271 66,609 125 3,472 143,730 936 10,039 11,597,600 937 11,232 10,379 1,587 67 35,305 Z Reported in small fractions. GEORGIA 197 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a SBinple of fanns. See textj Butts Calhoun Canden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chatta- hoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb 173 317 49 519 766 230 46 80 21 354 746 76 269 37 69 267 1 36,202 136,954 72,478 99,559 97,727 32,575 26,634 52,465 10,907 78,367 58,543 25,677 66,147 14,520 45,045 28,065 2 209.3 432.0 1,479.1 191.8 127.6 141.6 580.1 656.1 519.4 221.4 73.5 340.5 320.2 166.9 652.8 105.1 16,556 21,880 106,977 18,921 12,831 16,076 48,976 72,806 16,923 14,264 12,605 42,797 17,959 33,411 73,184 43,945 98.41 56.38 85.91 95.81 96.53 129.19 103.42 254.23 33.84 73.27 161.61 116.46 61.11 245.18 74.91 425.50 173 292 24 484 633 175 38 40 16 313 396 65 264 57 63 172 7,757 48,545 3,967 36,356 17,994 5,760 1,276 2,310 574 15,733 4,866 5,929 27,337 3,415 1,857 4,624 87 42 17 167 339 95 27 37 9 150 354 37 75 26 25 111 8 21 27 16 50 182 70 12 31 7 90 289 27 6 16 10 96 9 25 16 16 20 263 75 18 34 6 91 331 26 6 31 11 121 10 54 55 46 201 493 175 3C 52 18 156 535 34 43 52 43 156 11 43 73 82 152 40 16 6 2 92 46 35 74 10 20 35 12 1 8 "2 1 7 1 15 1 1 21 IS 75 181 1 236 120 15 15 1 105 150 6 152 '25 5 55 14 70 52 1 45 83 15 10 46 31 26 33 26 27 19 78 66 1 56 93 15 15 53 31 26 39 26 27 16 77 53 20 11 72 1 37 '20 5 17 78 55 20 11 72 1 37 25 5 IS 40 25 5 7 88 45 IC 10 "i 73 26 31 29 '16 5 42 19 41 27 5 7 94 45 IC 10 1 73 26 31 29 16 5 42 20 U6 161 40 297 414 165 39 65 15 224 374 59 133 47 53 177 21 146 235 112 352 467 205 4; 93 18 271 456 90 183 61 67 219 22 117 172 32 353 371 140 3: 49 4 269 271 65 163 57 39 147 23 169 554 137 557 451 205 U 84 6 379 327 115 325 87 54 213 24 126 199 41 366 539 165 2C 59 4 269 534 54 164 77 49 212 25 162 231 63 423 675 190 2: 97 4 313 676 71 211 96 53 278 26 Sb 89 14 229 447 120 c 66 2 87 456 56 60 62 37 227 27 75 142 37 324 401 160 41 51 13 173 313 37 119 61 64 152 28 11 1 45 40 11 35 15 15 5 5 25 29 11 2 45 40 11 35 15 20 5 5 20 30 78 101 7 95 295 60 12 53 12 184 367 53 118 65 2 191 31 5 17 16 46 60 2 35 41 1 1 15 32 85 182 '42 366 410 90 34 23 9 135 333 '16 149 10 62 61 33 163 282 31 346 651 210 39 80 3 329 651 66 256 52 64 257 34 155 270 27 324 651 210 39 77 3 318 644 56 256 47 63 247 35 155 260 27 319 616 200 39 71 3 318 599 56 256 47 63 247 36 92 39 12 105 208 95 16 31 133 311 10 98 20 26 85 37 167 104 17 U5 324 135 28 32 189 421 15 150 25 36 115 38 14 64 23 92 55 25 1 33 2 47 19 34 37 16 2 47 39 19 290 65 129 124 40 1 152 2 69 65 61 96 42 2 201 40 133 179 39 324 600 185 36 52 16 279 450 60 162 47 39 182 41 2,956 13,142 1,935 5,914 13,434 5,075 1,37; 4,519 466 6,644 6,799 2,969 5,495 2,310 1,043 4,542 42 98 90 1 76 371 120 12 28 2 219 315 42 153 25 10 101 4.1 617 182 2 160 1,846 1,685 12 1,933 2 1,580 1,395 955 576 325 10 538 44 101 97 16 155 360 60 2C 31 2 134 230 38 64 30 43 102 45 234 277 106 203 929 U5 39 82 6 310 290 71 165 190 53 209 46 121 237 18 413 471 80 4: 33 16 204 330 55 216 41 58 122 47 796 7,914 575 22,176 6,176 770 578 3,616 389 6,040 5,060 1,626 4,942 742 1,708 1,610 48 96 171 29 360 392 95 26 51 14 263 304 49 224 35 61 110 49 4,725 3,146 543 88,803 106,550 18,855 80; 21,640 323 300,635 344,160 105,720 10,060 4,555 5,745 91,300 50 42 57 34 120 292 75 le 36 9 133 123 45 41 27 19 92 51 287 2,133 547 547 2,634 625 152 1,042 131 857 903 859 362 751 162 1,256 52 83 67 12 161 294 100 24 36 10 169 185 40 132 20 13 82 53 1,148 2,495 426 1,624 3,586 880 30« 752 105 1,899 1,430 630 1,941 305 116 1,305 54 40 187 7 342 216 25 39 33 16 147 120 23 150 16 53 52 55 165 7,451 1 381 468 20,368 7,898 5 55 500 5 650 63: 4,854 391 1 10 6,250 3,805 5 50 2,192 4,852 5 25 715 1,720 1,862 5 30 56 57 58 20 1 60 305 150 1 21 136 670 23 7 '30 '25 135 59 181,050 500,000 808,875 6,308,770 4,911,930 35,00c 10,125 467,255 14,418,010 558,500 391,520 61,305 106,390 3,124,050 60 30 2 5 77 91 30 t 31 132 134 13 25 30 30 40 61 10,485 562 500 926,358 1,280,355 180,500 32; 283,550 3,442,863 2,819,940 1,366,000 101,300 567,135 42,550 1,656,095 62 11 3 5 55 40 21 40 45 15 5 5 40 63 229,260 630 50 572,605 5 490 522,500 5 8,000 757,600 1 100 501,330 333,305 5 310 245,515 5 325 125,000 1 20 130,200 156,405 5 550 64 65 66 173 317 49 519 766 230 it 80 21 354 746 76 269 67 69 267 67 447,304 1,563,528 360,382 1,469,541 4,876,646 2,681,490 70,194 959,999 30,709 1,846,115 8,604,353 1,005,926 866,615 430,605 124,067 2,734,402 68 163,600 379,452 16,340 676,695 3,368,867 1,362,545 23,13. 362,878 10,204 1,141,150 6,424,632 563,600 133,711 212,870 69,350 1,634,925 69 61,975 192,627 14,611 179,660 1,053,719 546,700 18,13C 94,765 8,929 293,770 1,831,572 126,425 81,330 39,330 13,345 605,920 70 45,860 102,249 750 135,594 69,040 12,190 2,55C 910 934 62,655 37,440 15,275 76,330 14,025 1,425 12,635 71 89,734 506,774 251,400 214,317 226,860 140,605 14,9a 363,944 3,668 207,539 221,314 235,755 206,051 121,675 16,435 448,762 72 60,215 282,071 61,231 190,020 112,470 69,580 8,63C 36,892 5,443 118,171 79,395 42,931 188,695 23,850' 16,298 57,040 73 25,920 100,355 16,050 73,255 25,690 29,670 2,59= 80,610 1,506 22,630 9,950 19,940 130,298 18,855 5,214 24,870 74 137 269 2 466 530 95 3] 24 14 243 311 43 247 31 52 115 75 1,550 16,032 68 23,236 7,637 925 62 1,169 245 6,675 2,705 565 10,402 1,040 1,408 1,005 76 68 35 23 101 15 2 32 11 31 19 21 11 77 2,285 1,135 562 975 355 138 684 160 1,795 320 340 30 73 80,975 33,775 20,150 35,750 16,375 2,100 12,115 7,550 90,000 12,650 16,000 2,300 79 261 1 132 5 5 6 15 5 237 5 80 17,091 93 1,246 (z) 5 53 (Z) 10 12,067 5 81 82 83 '.'.'. 20,076,341 108,000 926,260 150 900 30,150 1,125 4,800 11,691,657 1,635 118 145 330 300 10 7 180 30 31 169 '36 15 20 84 1,579 3,869 3,715 3,305 90 31 2,975 185 459 2,928 450 60 205 85 1,508 2,842 3,379 2,690 85 6 2,970 210 425 2,136 365 45 190 66 1,767 1,838 348 204 4,115 4,300 21 695 45 4,063 1,506 1,631 507 325 80 2,423 67 81 13 11 15 65 40 1: 20 35 5 10 10 35 88 39,900 765 720,000 12,500 40,435 53,200 2,90C 1,250 7,775 175 7,500 5,075 41,050 69 198 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Dsla are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Colquitt Crisp Farms, acreage, and value: All coniniorcial farms number . . Land in farms acres . . Average size of fann acres . . Value of land and buildinfzs average per farm, dollars . . average per acre, dol I ars . . Cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres . . Farm operators: Working off their farms, total , number. . 100 or more days number , . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number . . By tenure: Full owners number . . Part owners number . . Managers number . . Ml tenants number . . Specifteti equipment anti facilities: Gram combines farms reporting. . number . . Com piclmhines farms reporting. number . Com pickers farms reporting . number. Pick-up balers farms reporting:. number . Motortrucks farms reporting . number . Tractors other than iiarden farms reporting . number . .Automobiles farms reportinc , number. Telephone farms reixjrtinp . Home freezer farms reporting. Milkinp machine farms reporting. Fleciric milk cooler farms reporting. Farms by kind of foad on wfiich located: Hard surface » farms reporti ng . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimfroved farms reporting . Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired wt>rkers farms reporting. Family workers, including operator farms repotting. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . I'npaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) . , farms reportinr^ . persons. Livestock and poultry on farms: CaUle and calves farms repeating . number . Milk cows farms reporting . number . Horses and/or mules farms reporting . number . Hogs and pigs farms reportine , number . Chickens , 4 months old and over farms reporting, number . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. number. Calves sold alive farms reportiniz . number. Hogs and pigs sold alive fanr.s reportinc. number . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting, number . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. number. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms repcrtine . dozens . Milk and cream sold farms refxirting . dollars . Wool farms reporting , fiounds . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting . dollars . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars . Machine hire dollars . Hired labor dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars. .^eds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars. Crops barvestetl: Cora for all pitrposes f anns reporting . . acres . . Oats farms reporting . . acres . , bushels. . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting . . acres grown alone , . acres grown with other crops . , pounds , . Cotton farms reporting . . acres , , bales . . Land from which hay was cut acres . . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes] farms reporting.. dollars . . 431 95,555 221.7 11,796 63.16 421 21,086 135 38 138 110 107 123 39 39 254 346 251 402 326 425 133 179 16 21 131 20 269 326 324 313 123 196 37 102 290 7,681 209 1,396 168 281 312 2,611 246 44,730 83 1,952 148 1,768 86 1,404 77 2,192,660 33 560,027 33 212,991 431 1,979,756 1,089,027 400,632 73,125 268,198 129,038 19,736 321 3,702 172 3,545 117,965 241 33, 520 139.1 12,728 94,08 181 7,420 101 76 5 40 5 5 5 5 30 30 176 221 161 187 166 191 135 125 35 35 101 5 135 217 211 206 90 145 16 21 171 3,230 125 1,370 86 151 150 1,120 116 3,780 51 265 65 555 40 900 130 ,113,375 20 10,150 241 2,224,525 1,619,430 491,865 14,710 56,025 40,535 1,960 146 2,675 338 5,145 3,968 21 8,525 1,500 71 575 560 3,245 35 28,000 128 60,130 469.8 59,188 117.01 128 32,301 57 37 59 79 42 50 27 27 113 215 118 363 116 145 102 71 7 7 63 5 55 118 109 109 16 32 57 423 91 4,451 32 350 41 76 71 4,365 83 2,585 74 1,356 23 538 46 3,967 7 192,175 16 3,645 6 165, 000 128 1,470,714 163, 651 114,140 52,364 850,697 203,813 86,044 99 6,193 64 7,270 332,150 27 442 613,500 45 810 880 1,695 11 16,500 295 52,418 177.7 8,605 56.50 188 1,832 163 133 240 15 13 14 6 6 12 12 175 178 130 140 165 185 no 95 135 105 50 249 243 238 116 127 8 14 230 3,093 205 310 92 103 171 890 177 99,880 69 291 127 844 66 775 247 3,738,110 46 839,660 5 1,400 295 2,443,864 1,812,705 540,060 16,420 28, 570 43,220 2,889 176 1,185 1 2 60 1,500 30 195 190 310 660 127, 575 193.3 26,149 137.72 644 39,229 252 121 325 159 5 171 16 16 115 116 21 21 490 533 549 717 392 419 271 484 10 5 134 5 521 568 562 531 193 263 15 23 505 9,190 230 603 195 254 549 21,517 460 20,870 201 1,043 250 2,545 519 21, 530 6 108 76 1,782,650 77 99,250 5 70,000 6 1,560 660 2,191,835 808,280 500,860 90,610 337,830 346,680 57, 575 609 29,955 2 160 1,675 5 625 235 1,837 1,575 10 6,000 320 88,245 275.8 39,446 75.31 304 21,187 159 73 102 130 6 6 43 44 145 235 185 378 249 312 185 127 6 5 254 238 233 57 118 63 249 195 7,742 97 330 159 483 198 1,567 127 28,405 85 1,093 102 1,430 41 1,207 30 517,825 21 255,802 10 70,150 320 1,436,100 469,138 282,163 83,752 396,311 153,688 50,548 252 6,289 76 1,657 42,695 10 (Z) 765 220 5,976 4,339 1,660 148 153,820 268 48,058 179.3 14,872 76.37 238 10,800 96 66 133 90 5 40 42 42 16 16 42 42 198 216 198 269 203 216 148 116 37 32 102 10 156 243 238 223 95 165 27 42 218 3,485 163 1,367 93 169 192 2,458 211 187,675 97 590 87 995 92 2,015 5 40 75 498, 575 55 715,800 67 320,895 5 775 268 1,030,911 515,320 242,320 81,640 126,740 53,046 11,845 203 3,770 42 860 27,630 10 10 5,500 161 3,315 3,695 1,905 25 8,525 306 114,559 374.4 27,609 82.70 291 36,974 127 85 54 60 60 61 17 17 219 280 226 436 224 275 131 217 151 10 138 267 255 250 66 96 57 117 220 6,103 78 209 137 308 247 11,250 181 9,869 82 1,073 99 1,566 181 10,050 6 95 21 51,460 26 68,300 5 500 11 1,225 306 1,226,517 206,031 152,707 134,031 376,205 226,682 130,361 272 15,692 49 1,462 43,375 211 6,239 1 6,691,375 211 5,421 4,697 477 101 30,175 Z Reported in small fractions . GEORGIA 205 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a sample of farms. See text] QuituBn Rabun Randolph RlchiDond Rockdale Schley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tatt.TWll Taylor 86 142 399 91 124 170 698 347 136 158 272 540 93 34 806 350 1 ^,116 18,716 139,222 22,906 21,188 60,690 266,731 121,844 47,423 13,761 88,116 222,008 58,599 29,977 166,007 151,649 ! 3 4 559.5 131.8 348.9 251.7 170.9 357.0 362.1 351.1 348.7 87.1 324.0 411.1 630.1 356.9 206.0 433.3 31,772 17,545 19,105 26,462 19,576 16,320 26,085 27,551 37,376 10,395 14,410 32,330 25,540 17,492 17,148 24,791 59.15 133.80 64.63 107.04 124.12 41.91 31.15 101.09 100.56 158.18 68.22 96.24 44.22 57.83 92.95 65.95 5 81 142 387 70 124 160 678 347 121 131 265 508 64 67 781 335 6 9,0M 3,645 46,156 5,893 5,378 15,081 35,706 59,299 11,623 2,475 19,133 65,308 4,027 1,903 50,291 37,778 7 32 56 100 17 42 45 219 120 57 72 54 154 42 26 238 141 8 18 31 33 1 22 40 120 35 47 57 22 96 16 11 87 64 » 22 51 25 1 26 35 105 23 46 50 37 127 25 7 76 52 10 30 111 83 52 58 22 350 130 78 126 54 251 45 68 424 161 11 25 16 112 18 16 61 180 115 42 10 65 164 32 5 175 102 12 1 2 5 5 6 12 7 6 1 5 3 1 1 1 13 30 15 202 16 45 81 156 95 10 21 148 122 15 11 206 86 14 24 5 136 10 12 35 96 89 72 25 23 171 9 6 26 85 15 24 5 198 12 12 35 103 114 93 25 26 206 9 6 26 93 16 5 25 98 31 149 142 10 23 130 127 49 17 5 25 98 31 155 151 10 23 133 128 49 IS 2 26 40 15 17 2 71 35 54 5 15 92 11 5 7 36 19 2 31 40 15 17 2 73 35 54 5 15 94 11 5 8 36 20 51 121 206 81 83 124 417 261 120 92 137 419 64 32 579 272 21 71 143 319 98 109 161 585 351 193 95 160 670 87 44 614 381 22 56 66 243 60 53 120 442 242 101 91 130 448 65 38 685 274 23 137 86 547 104 100 192 820 502 240 99 209 1,026 102 59 902 500 24 56 87 291 60 94 110 534 231 124 122 169 471 77 78 518 250 25 80 109 325 62 121 134 627 258 177 147 197 557 87 89 573 285 26 34 47 109 65 74 49 333 83 126 67 52 347 43 34 408 181 27 39 82 152 64 59 104 363 238 35 72 63 314 49 59 616 192 28 3 10 11 16 1 10 6 39 2 40 11 29 3 15 6 18 1 10 6 38 1 45 11 30 38 71 168 55 49 92 202 92 69 93 76 283 50 49 146 112 31 35 5 8 1 17 36 5 15 7 26 31 32 48 36 225 27 75 75 458 206 62 60 184 229 36 '36 622 206 33 61 142 302 81 114 155 589 296 136 133 250 517 85 67 662 305 34 56 131 289 75 114 140 567 232 125 132 250 498 83 62 651 296 35 51 131 284 70 114 135 562 270 125 132 244 487 78 62 640 287 36 18 50 37 16 30 46 131 91 11 61 62 162 26 11 201 77 37 26 95 78 41 35 101 236 176 18 94 139 316 33 11 323 107 38 19 22 92 25 29 29 149 64 70 2 34 177 19 10 79 108 39 66 77 XO 54 44 46 394 128 195 4 86 555 71 20 141 274 40 64 131 232 65 74 110 491 256 101 126 191 378 75 79 576 206 41 3,180 1,454 10,193 1,519 2,374 2,872 20,244 13,934 5,126 1,048 5,923 28,916 4,198 3,048 7,460 4,902 42 20 130 150 41 36 72 259 191 35 106 138 179 43 61 312 126 43 52 295 481 387 605 195 1,531 389 460 345 386 3,609 195 1,546 579 652 44 43 96 114 40 47 79 306 114 66 75 131 183 35 65 120 94 45 127 137 407 61 403 143 814 223 135 95 416 506 56 30 155 170 46 60 112 282 72 77 114 502 306 72 133 260 324 54 71 f»2 271 47 4,100 850 9,932 1,665 2,454 5,891 34,984 15,974 1,610 816 8,218 15,201 4,676 310 30,135 10,575 48 52 110 240 53 66 128 485 217 67 101 231 336 57 61 553 163 49 1,076 19,030 9,071 42,180 9,255 6,325 95,859 11,034 81,742 42,660 6,135 183,447 4,995 12,933 43,734 75,521 50 35 56 61 26 34 32 282 116 59 31 72 239 43 52 194 103 51 269 261 1,487 230 771 195 6,223 3,707 2,448 156 809 26,126 304 195 1,544 1,040 52 33 90 159 37 33 69 134 95 54 56 73 218 63 43 175 134 53 1,202 435 3,719 380 737 901 2,317 2,117 926 305 1,632 5,348 1,553 560 368 1,055 54 54 66 213 37 37 98 448 301 60 42 155 300 35 11 696 224 55 2,628 1,149 26 427 9,038 1,448 2,199 5,220 39,460 6 212 16,169 6 685 2,040 5 145 412 6,778 17,617 1 U9 3,601 160 30,250 9,500 56 57 58 6 80 11 '25 26 30 38 21 31 87 12 72 19 "5 '55 '50 59 60 1,337,920 895 13,090 361,450 1,001,775 73,750 7,440 107,755 1,719,330 621,230 130,625 235,865 5,500 258,210 794,460 60 6 70 33 40 11 15 56 41 26 26 22 68 25 5 122 60 61 1,685 213,325 67,181 268,655 62,220 31,675 903,285 84,795 463,055 505,115 13,300 1,527,213 53,238 7,830 405,805 1,137,425 62 2 19 15 11 5 23 1 10 6 16 51 1 45 22 63 7,030 40,115 91,815 227,500 5,000 295,885 20,000 191,000 »,704 6,630 1,158,091 22,000 364,670 129,395 64 26 11 6 5 2 "5 65 5,950 1,920 6,949 1,675 965 335 66 86 W2 399 91 124 170 698 347 136 158 272 540 93 84 306 350 67 315,593 1,009,152 1,246,063 319,204 580,035 850,360 3,008,925 1,846,767 1,103,038 1,031,352 701,663 6,215,056 570,341 269,325 1,933,900 1,936,582 68 65,120 651,740 142,933 105,231 300,559 465,345 809,050 593,405 445,418 783,132 322,715 2,360,493 222,838 192,415 479,115 702,320 69 36,810 178,925 174,972 65,600 120,388 146,475 587,050 246,570 204,775 215,700 103,032 3,390,736 95,213 9,225 245,426 203, 533 70 28,171 10,505 149,117 6,412 20,970 60,380 211,450 175,814 17,585 4,950 31,899 251,663 10,743 6,775 249,647 149,264 71 73,902 136,050 331,944 101,201 76,740 33,205 337,074 432, 567 311,360 11,525 131,391 923,446 166,407 28,600 456,508 616,270 72 61,110 25,212 288,754 34,653 42,774 65,470 412,677 271,663 94,415 12,400 78,880 439,211 70,172 29,900' 367,026 193,625 73 50,480 6,720 156,343 6,057 18,604 26,985 151,624 126,546 34,435 3,645 33,746 274,507 4,963 2,910 136,178 71,550 74 71 132 365 63 92 150 616 322 33 106 243 437 46 55 747 301 75 3,759 1,817 15,702 2,085 1,575 8,060 49,514 28,844 2,091 1,225 9,488 26,604 1,074 425 37,791 13,276 76 3 46 16 16 26 140 81 57 45 14 156 6 20 30 60 77 156 1,961 293 72 1,085 5,265 3,603 2,045 240 499 3,738 124 190 815 2,185 78 6,150 81,700 7,905 2,000 50,350 167,684 126,910 60,500 4,425 18,590 350,541 3,575 7,105 30,675 55,200 79 78 338 5 137 284 321 5 233 349 5 5 lU 184 80 2,718 17,978 70 1,906 3,273 13,120 5 5,698 U,027 95 5 725 10 2,273 61 82 2,069,659 1^589,355 10,500 1,803,990 3,173,070 12,X)3,889 7,000 .,957,595 12,677,734 100,000 1,925 878,000 1,944,262 83 52 186 32 66 98 445 246 56 50 158 291 33 45 437 264 84 939 4,006 7X 1,461 2,035 9,996 4,613 1,087 300 1,502 6,020 338 375 3,618 6,431 85 567 3,668 484 1,310 1,665 9,092 2,362 953 251 813 5,274 268 270 3,106 6,898 86 60 1,037 2,350 503 1,253 503 4,242 2,372 1,243 380 400 4,917 1,076 620 416 534 67 1 40 20 16 30 74 33 31 8 51 91 67 88 360 19,875 2,050 4,645 17,400 38,335 41,195 19,875 971 15,800 78,325 145,300 69 206 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Telfair Terrell Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial farms number. Land in fami.= acres . Averape size of farm acres , Value of Innd and buildinf>s average per form, dollars . average per acre, dollars. Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. Farm operators: Horkine off tbeir farms, total : number, 100 or nirTc days number . With other income of family exceeding value of acricultural products sold number . By tenure: Full owners number , Part owners number . Managers number , W] tenanis number . Specified equipment and facilities: Gram coi^hines farms reporting, number . Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms refxjrting. number . Ktelortrucks farms reporting , number . Tractors other than garden farms reporting , number. Automobiles farms reriorting, number. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on wtiicti located: Hard surface farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimfToved farms reporting . , Farm latjor, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. . Family workers, including orwraLor farms re(x3rling.. Operators working 1 c* more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . , persons , , Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days), , farms reprting, . persons . . Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farm.s reporting . . number . . Milk cows farms rerwrting . . number . . Horses and/or mules farms reporting . . number , , Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number . , Chickens , 4 months old and over farms refcrting, , number, . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting, , nuniber , , Calves sold alive farms rerortine, . number, , Hogs and pigs sold alive ram,s reporting. . number . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number . . Chickens including broilers .sold farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms repeating . . dozens . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting. . dollars . . Wool farms reprxting . . pounds . . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reportiag . . dollars . . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars. . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars. . Machine hire dollars . . Hired labor dollars . . fiasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm liusinoss ilollars. . Seeds, hulbs, plants, and l/ees dollars , , Crops harvested: Com for all purpoaee farms reporting. . , acres. . . Oats farms report ijig... acres . . . bushels . . . Peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting... acres grown alone . . . acres groim with other crops... pounds . . . Cotton... farms reporting . . . acres . . . bales. . . Land from which hay was cut acres . . . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting,, . dollars , , . AAA 121,072 272.7 18,084 74.29 426 33,391 116 25 235 103 1 105 53 64 56 56 28 28 355 418 352 509 222 230 90 327 142 11 275 390 372 372 91 126 37 49 347 7,160 165 628 150 215 390 20,640 303 8,972 130 1,493 149 1,465 364 15,133 5 40 47 96,460 43 8,915 16 30,510 5 715 591,332 155,423 29,097 66,252 136,495 155,195 48,870 400 22,342 45 515 11,740 271 2,749 2,561,750 265 2,775 1,734 506 40 22,875 550 162,051 294.6 13,950 66.06 539 66,970 127 35 129 120 2 299 84 96 136 136 29 29 313 427 374 801 399 422 203 199 11 10 188 81 275 409 398 387 77 144 93 275 266 9,689 126 440 137 311 383 12,904 394 49, 549 105 2,072 US 2,910 294 13,120 29 172,950 43 410,175 5 91,000 550 1,867,025 350,256 374,042 230,538 395,732 305,495 210,962 498 28,039 62 1,783 63,580 489 19,253 20 21,754,002 366 8,884 8,186 1,667 16 3,485 895 297,602 332.5 28,640 103.12 372 92,085 261 180 388 272 13 222 90 111 316 320 102 109 727 937 722 1,337 641 827 432 521 27 27 313 72 485 71£ 671 646 293 414 199 515 595 21,505 290 1,736 372 719 638 34, 721 511 44,108 332 4,890 331 4,220 615 33,882 5 50 58 308,360 143 469,305 39 412,920 6 600 395 3,238,292 779,926 298,479 253,638 1,117,829 592,920 195,500 784 55,340 115 2,405 71,299 426 5,076 4,589,612 459 5,530 4,098 3,866 360 559,253 713 139,088 195.1 24,737 144.30 696 61,044 249 91 332 171 210 97 112 99 100 21 21 593 805 612 1,125 563 651 516 490 5 5 201 5 467 544 493 492 107 201 62 252 507 8,326 302 674 213 390 563 26,254 407 131,325 195 1,559 253 1,800 549 26,646 56 310,800 96 1,040,685 15 60,650 5 175 712 3,380,530 752,055 303,845 331,195 1,273,400 496,035 224,000 652 29,312 120 1,350 58,500 597 10,319 13,894,557 433 5,733 4,403 765 69 29,560 571 103,941 132,0 15,253 92.45 555 41,074 L42 51 258 167 1 145 22 22 106 116 7 7 440 517 436 666 351 330 231 411 1 1 93 71 407 496 436 471 107 183 64 82 373 5,022 196 490 95 120 506 20,880 472 11,790 167 1,160 118 843 446 18,270 22 100,080 56 9,835 11 104,690 571 1,061,178 172,970 63,495 128,031 336,592 287,960 67,080 554 29,195 32 542 20,175 190 1,670 1,703,745 439 5,785 4,487 175 50 11,725 167 12,918 77.4 9,530 173.74 147 1,494 70 10 111 35 6 92 99 62 64 41 42 22 71 1 1 77 20 65 167 167 157 85 100 2 9 142 816 136 290 102 124 127 1,004 146 133,455 41 95 175 106 424,045 101 1,649,076 11 6,315 1 471 167 726,629 569,433 114, 520 3,783 23,855 14,212 821 126 775 5 20 200 1 370 315 73,608 233.7 12,312 110.01 305 18,731 123 58 119 61 6 7 32 34 8 3 195 220 160 211 184 198 99 153 10 10 109 22 169 265 263 253 108 150 12 33 200 4,190 93 567 154 279 260 3,021 251 10,298 63 722 75 922 205 8,533 1 33 27 406,750 27 43,650 15 160,395 1 236 315 711,108 284,594 120,150 33,035 151,193 101,210 20,371 294 12,044 38 559 17,555 1 3 500 239 2,567 1,935 697 6 1,650 196 66,832 341.0 21,700 74.90 115 6,153 78 73 135 35 6 20 32 37 1 1 45 50 127 146 125 206 153 200 157 117 32 32 139 175 169 53 54 49 30 170 7,063 33 1,239 87 642 77 913 U4 41,172 93 1,446 111 1,638 41 1,992 40 260,590 35 602,500 31 290,500 196 809,798 399,398 176,811 22,550 130,646 62,258 18,135 77 1,767 22 315 37,915 27 257 137 3,117 11 1,930 573 163,535 283.0 22,222 102.89 562 63,596 151 67 IBl 191 117 125 UO 110 10 10 493 631 497 869 413 460 245 390 10 15 117 27 429 516 505 495 113 178 96 163 404 11,231 20O 699 Ul 208 446 20,080 304 14,407 207 2,083 193 2,122 417 19,966 6 54 24 460,700 54 156,760 10 46,650 6 473 578 2,066,471 405,813 231,386 285,063 395,625 395,650 352,934 508 24,390 56 1,066 39,040 501 20,831 26,394,373 384 6,887 5,681 105 268 207,922 GEORGIA 207 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued K sample o( terma. See text] Union Upson Walier Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Wetster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 43 5 U5 393 666 334 298 519 397 237 351 388 517 488 364 160 1,063 1 39,60 2 52,930 96,629 93,135 113,146 83,738 193,448 87,335 68,034 101,442 43,917 60,775 139,834 148,303 56,755 236,328 : 91. 0 460.3 242.3 139.8 333.3 281.0 382.4 220.0 287.1 289.0 113.2 U7.6 286.5 407.4 367.2 222.3 3 7,94 3 31,466 28,639 12,727 26,812 11,590 25,304 31,803 11,590 21,390 12,674 21,129 22,000 32,691 17,005 20,941 4 83.3 6 61.65 127.60 102.71 33.81 46.28 72.76 131.66 43.86 83.02 125.15 139.31 86.06 75.11 53.53 %.41 5 38 9 93 347 625 322 291 517 380 236 334 317 345 473 323 139 1,026 6 6,58 0 7,388 17, 130 28,303 12,398 19,838 58,885 26,696 19,465 26,012 5,449 10,684 52,039 13,218 11,235 106,926 T 17 4 45 150 277 155 83 234 133 92 110 137 263 113 115 56 237 8 5 8 23 100 112 54 13 131 72 27 29 102 208 48 56 40 106 9 9 7 29 119 136 78 26 30 44 32 32 131 223 57 51 15 43 10 29 9 63 260 180 168 101 165 155 48 208 312 342 206 187 107 345 11 9 0 30 100 144 105 51 132 156 65 105 30 70 131 89 41 220 12 1 10 7 1 1 9 6 3 2 16 5 1 7 13 4 5 12 31 341 60 146 213 80 121 36 30 100 151 'ss 11 491 14 1 39 72 98 12 44 163 3 19 74 5 38 72 70 13 152 15 1 42 88 100 12 50 176 4 22 79 5 38 80 72 13 167 16 3 1 15 53 6 61 6 56 93 12 58 15 26 75 1 18 259 17 3 1 15 53 6 61 6 59 99 12 63 15 26 75 1 18 261 18 1 38 U9 77 8 21 53 27 7 25 30 58 9 72 8 53 19 1 39 120 78 8 21 54 27 3 25 30 58 9 72 8 53 20 29 4 94 277 324 252 121 335 342 127 246 197 235 381 178 108 742 21 34 4 155 415 434 308 162 469 375 176 315 217 323 506 211 U5 964 22 22 9 79 300 383 258 127 333 356 146 261 166 317 368 204 83 752 23 23 6 158 514 649 357 204 687 460 274 362 186 407 585 301 109 1,408 24 18 4 87 303 556 242 200 363 245 175 2TO 247 416 283 281 109 760 25 20 1 117 373 670 237 225 446 286 200 298 263 477 321 329 137 353 26 5 3 92 168 235 111 104 258 205 62 152 106 135 133 199 21 493 27 12 3 56 205 258 230 113 287 255 32 253 1% 318 351 167 107 602 28 26 55 33 10 7 38 11 5 25 6 97 9 29 •• 26 55 32 10 7 38 11 5 30 6 93 9 30 14 J 58 213 256 99 144 99 170 101 116 191 193 137 157 26 212 31 5 ! 17 27 66 5 1 16 11 6 39 35 28 10 30 27 67 32 24< ) 35 145 338 219 153 404 201 125 196 151 291 331 165 107 773 33 32 5 94 353 515 290 261 408 350 201 305 307 480 363 301 136 850 34 32. '. 88 346 492 290 255 384 341 190 305 302 474 352 235 136 819 35 32. >. 88 341 462 290 245 362 331 177 295 282 439 347 268 131 809 36 7 21 142 191 75 142 119 127 60 86 165 167 121 98 28 109 37 11 21 242 397 131 212 229 157 90 % 240 277 226 145 40 222 38 3. 56 61 98 17 5 147 35 37 38 36 49 TO 58 18 147 39 9< 95 206 236 21 44 388 55 64 80 46 70 133 104 80 382 40 35. 86 333 390 229 176 302 314 164 296 328 374 330 290 126 580 41 1,33< 6,508 14,501 11,355 3,702 5,240 9,692 8,486 3,420 5,563 2,544 7,406 6,367 14,633 1,354 15,802 42 31. L 49 220 213 112 114 195 156 108 138 268 230 209 172 71 304 43 46 955 2,318 1,873 332 518 1,976 638 215 410 605 1,655 686 3,079 228 1,230 44 19( 35 220 191 190 141 246 172 91 123 197 116 157 180 81 242 45 24. L 87 461 382 691 391 517 283 204 197 243 171 796 337 170 4.45 46 29 ) 40 209 435 274 207 456 337 206 297 267 311 416 217 131 767 47 3,78 > 321 4,606 3,901 7,918 4,507 13,418 13,411 5,770 18,319 3,069 5,760 14,099 1,549 5,669 34,307 48 28. > 71 2TO 333 259 198 348 306 173 182 1% 268 320 216 93 671 49 383,73 ) 15,868 281,615 122,131 8,353 15,457 83,642 24,3U 21,481 4,946 112,330 247,090 13,353 55,413 130,330 21,331 50 10< > 49 117 136 128 73 150 196 48 129 82 135 215 164 34 247 51 33 i 812 2,215 1,464 1,283 1,356 1,624 2,552 363 1,196 321 1,431 1,268 2,216 133 4,243 52 15( ) 76 243 152 72 58 131 138 79 140 126 148 173 225 56 250 53 41( ) 2,443 3,569 2,330 499 1,261 1,972 1,102 301 1,101 550 1,176 1,403 4,996 278 2,647 54 ]8( ) 14 129 134 278 88 290 336 147 278 115 166 376 37 126 683 55 3,95 ) 178 5,567 2,492 11,967 3,590 10,433 20,446 4,817 19,909 2,545 6,030 13,718 1,130 4,649 36,446 56 1 3 6 5 5 5 ... 10 10 1 2 57 5 412 108 5 90 1,250 ... 325 485 37 33 .. • 58 22! ! 41 109 52 11 10 24 21 22 5 361 4U 33 30 35 "36 59 1,987,73 ) 313,900 1,870,110 1,399,290 600,500 8,750 36,845 12,770 158,425 300 9,883,665 12,087,780 5,450 202,565 823,625 11,455 60 IB ! 35 114 66 17 20 62 37 27 31 55 97 47 60 23 88 61 3,840,70 ) 137,050 2,724,950 1,643,665 16,605 152,300 1,056,060 265,125 202,750 1,695 1,125,550 2,787,620 165,375 563,420 1,523,785 124,360 62 2( ) 21 75 47 10 12 42 16 5 5 45 25 6 104 15 13 63 58 J 217,350 752,450 591,233 43,000 97,150 493,067 75,345 400 50 59,770 327,500 65,000 332,207 300 238,450 64 1 3 6 ... 5 5 5 . . . 10 15 6 6 ... 65 56 4,320 725 ... 340 150 3,750 ... 9,000 1,620 330 1,065 6» 43 115 393 666 334 298 519 397 237 351 388 517 488 364 160 1,063 67 2,723,12 774,447 2,759,150 2,420,137 794,955 608,078 2,010,995 1,110,208 474, 146 755,633 4,923,080 6,292,146 1,480,822 1,252,064 993,263 3,7U,245 68 2,015,74C 355,984 1,409,655 1,173,950 330,665 136,680 553,413 295,635 142,643 174,298 3,454,125 4,583,225 226,200 631,359 685,645 496,724 69 402,47 160,348 579, U5 303,285 95,725 113,345 192,940 309,000 45,706 69,928 1,269,925 1,257,305 74,097 262,915 135,960 522,558 70 U,06C 13,523 73,539 197,439 29,677 74,525 230,734 50,620 30,754 77,211 14,100 59,735 297,559 55,780 12,022 496,742 71 212,16 169,8U 470,843 501,938 195,891 130,872 678,501 236,237 109,007 186,735 111,435 225,445 353,870 175,653 101,415 1,240,771 72 59,53C 56,425 128,733 204,660 114,860 80,500 270,173 164,656 104,956 203,819 65,310 152,751 289,479 99,158 52,425 610,351 73 19,15 17,854 97,255 41,815 28,137 22,156 85,234 54,060 41,030 43,642 8,185 13,685 239,617 26,699 5,796 344,099 74 35. 42 272 494 2% 240 472 333 208 294 261 267 462 206 138 949 75 4,06 1,110 4,027 6,122 9,092 6,557 19,437 19,083 7,820 17,464 2,532 3,341 23,081 1,856 7,433 49,169 76 40 60 145 16 27 182 6 7 33 10 32 33 63 13 74 77 1,070 1,352 1,950 146 1,767 8,947 185 219 1,030 110 263 836 1,304 374 1,387 78 24,350 52,330 58,200 3,200 46,085 336,231 7,700 6,710 19,075 2,200 9,345 24,850 32,875 11,795 35,375 79 5 10 5 80 222 91 428 5 40 941 30 60 10 10 751 8,683 611 ... 10,740 5 475 5 27,479 110 81 82 30,000 6,500 23,000 413,975 7,255,745 583,955 ... 12,133,295 1,500 376,520 32,643,569 83 17 117 536 36 225 389 153 64 170 15 55 382 150 62 883 84 157 855 12,535 485 5,693 11,925 1,414 607 1,721 415 755 7,939 1,569 1,020 17,415 85 L20 772 11,965 398 4,532 9,077 1,327 267 1,285 395 735 6,853 1,U9 586 12,592 86 1,42 7 2,323 8,734 5,000 459 2,797 2,779 1,036 529 664 2,065 4,535 1,150 5,739 100 1,923 87 13( 7 50 40 11 147 74 2 53 15 85 16 186 38 55,17 ) 4,885 20,560 8,680 1,050 63,869 84,515 2,100 75,130 6,125 41,815 8,000 95,865 89 208 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data foe 1959 are baaed on reports (For definitions anti explanations. Appltng Estimated number of farms 19S9 . 19.i(. Farm operators by age: Operators reportmc arc number 1959 , Under 25 years niinibef 1959 . 25 to 34 years number 1959 . .15 to 44 years number 1959. 45 to 54 years number 1959 . 55 to (54 yenrs number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . Average afle years 1959 . Off-farm work and other income: Farm operators- Working off their famis operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 or more days operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . With other income of family exceeding value of fami products sold operators reportinR 1959. " 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full osvners number 1959 . 1954. Part owTiers number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Cash t«nants number 1959. 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Citjp-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Croppers number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-ctop farms other than veRCtable and fhiil-and-nul . . number 1959. Cash-grain number 1959 . Tcfcacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruit-and-nul farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 , Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock ranches number 1959. General farms number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959. Class ! number 1959 . Class II number 1959 . Class III number 1959 . Class IV number 1959. Class V number 1959 . Class VI number 1959 . Other farms number 1959. Part-time number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959. Abnormal ntimber 1959. Value of products sold by source: All farm protlucLs sold total, dollars 1959. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959. 1954. All crops sold dollars 1959. 1954. Fielii crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Vcgoubles sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Fruits and nuLs sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Forest r>roducts and horticultural Sfwcially products sold dollars 1959. 1954 . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Dairy [Toducts sold dollars 1 959 . 1954. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. 106, 261 165,-185 105,094 1,654 9,547 23,152 30,798 22,607 17,336 50.3 50, 263 79,331 36,425 50,114 47,425 60,313 62,225 87,705 17,648 18,685 761 912 25,627 58,221 4,935 10,333 586 745 4,008 11,065 1,560 1,740 10,417 27,683 4,121 6,650 25,193 1,339 7,966 12,466 3,422 461 505 9,907 2,319 9,284 12,623 45,969 61,955 1,774 4,294 9,333 14,779 17,712 14,063 44,306 31,446 12,781 79 607,316,797 448,425,344 5,715 2,710 281,280,653 258,678,103 229,584,643 218,083,276 6,784,138 8,870,902 15,859,348 12,607,203 29,052,529 19,111,717 326,036,139 189,747,741 165,809,824 95,248,094 40,147,715 31,445,630 120,078,600 63,054,017 1,049 1,357 1,049 34 109 242 315 201 148 49.1 441 451 258 245 298 234 555 799 208 134 1 1 285 469 15 51 10 10 70 117 40 33 90 225 60 33 362 15 342 15 16 123 193 340 732 5 13 65 207 322 120 317 191 125 1 4,459,199 3,102,197 4,251 2,286 2,691,766 2,336,405 2,339,759 2,249,918 14,831 23,357 12,371 7,422 274,805 105,708 1,767,433 715,792 333,306 30,993 161,975 63,934 1,271,652 620,865 433 580 404 10 44 106 126 68 50 43.4 161 242 73 30 121 91 ■207 294 155 53 71 236 10 10 15 84 5 11 40 111 182 15 167 39 123 333 7 23 56 95 U2 40 100 65 35 3,054,470 1,939,799 7,054 3,344 1,715,744 1,483,058 1,374,512 1,346,227 1,620 13,127 14,254 11,814 325,358 111,890 1,333,726 456,741 621,382 64,016 101,060 24,456 615,784 368,269 734 912 779 10 102 185 250 136 96 48.4 353 391 216 130 213 31 472 572 151 67 1 160 346 5 7 55 61 25 11 65 223 10 37 362 5 357 5 21 5 75 81 235 579 5 17 101 191 205 60 205 150 55 4,253,741 2,786,679 5,432 3,056 2,634,189 2,186,368 2,373,347 2,041,137 2,350 9,242 7,137 2,917 250,355 133,072 1,624,552 600, 311 566,469 130,975 65,000 7,657 993,083 461,679 543 742 492 11 49 104 151 96 81 50.3 157 289 100 103 104 122 238 207 73 83 11 7 221 449 15 85 5 13 36 99 6 75 214 40 32 199 7 10 182 34 193 353 7 15 45 50 71 165 190 90 100 2,556,624 1,870,335 4,708 2,521 1,737,766 1,361,491 1,653,320 1,241,219 6,175 18,478 3,565 4,402 74,706 97,392 813,858 508,844 153,910 31,361 400 664,948 477,033 289 468 312 13 49 83 84 83 55.8 173 260 132 154 205 225 204 291 21 38 3 2 61 133 35 51 33 6 1 10 20 31 15 206 140 65 1 2,790,881 1,057,497 9,657 2,260 569,118 544,614 185,750 228,037 296,192 228,747 20,287 5,193 66,839 82,637 2,221,763 512,833 362,795 47,048 340,910 292,284 1,518,053 173,551 593 978 630 3 48 145 181 147 106 51.6 327 486 240 311 367 432 367 566 111 97 5 3 no 315 25 47 5 15 100 5 4 40 127 20 29 196 6 30 311 15 86 71 60 60 301 201 100 2,732,907 2,236,579 4,609 2,287 423,334 572,358 326,616 482,685 5,372 8,456 18,297 20,860 78,549 60,357 2,304,073 1,664,221 2,091,011 1,535,458 26,380 16,939 186,682 111,824 702 1,076 745 7 60 175 212 174 117 51.0 369 505 284 315 410 405 456 663 101 126 15 7 130 342 35 41 30 81 24 60 172 5 20 131 5 146 40 45 15 325 377 n 46 85 65 75 95 325 230 95 4,380,348 3,401,332 6,240 3,162 655,848 848,659 586,736 307,318 3,108 2,187 11,093 7,360 49,861 31,794 3,724,500 2,553,173 2,331,208 2,064,661 361,520 293,023 531,772 195,489 GEORGIA 209 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954 ftM onl> B sBn^le of fsnns. Soe text^ Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Broolis Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton 513 1,152 369 483 474 1,157 138 1,929 1,181 388 372 114 699 1,791 540 179 1 669 1,446 811 720 664 1,642 453 2,526 1,642 668 743 324 923 3,239 832 201 2 517 1,124 388 479 489 1,163 208 1,958 1,152 403 381 113 539 1,736 554 164 :i 8 37 1 14 9 14 3 41 21 2 11 14 26 1 4 5-1 152 33 46 45 98 11 189 110 28 47 9 72 119 '45 16 r, 110 249 90 109 113 246 43 453 296 82 101 26 148 369 147 32 f. U2 330 110 148 157 365 56 596 324 113 107 27 225 514 160 58 7 121 218 80 91 lU 245 56 390 252 104 83 25 141 408 122 30 e 82 138 74 71 54 195 39 289 149 74 32 26 89 300 80 27 a 50.8 48.2 51.6 49.5 49.5 51.3 53.0 49.8 49.6 52.6 47.2 53.4 49.5 51.8 50.7 51.1 10 23i 500 240 201 304 370 129 740 369 246 31 66 239 1,013 359 99 11 270 505 518 322 370 471 244 1,230 418 405 206 197 408 1,901 505 98 12 124 244 205 165 226 194 101 437 240 160 63 62 114 783 318 84 1.1 122 131 492 217 258 173 183 505 138 194 85 187 131 1,341 435 73 14 157 306 279 236 249 280 117 414 270 229 61 69 94 1,132 376 131 15 111 108 551 166 220 123 244 512 145 339 97 275 111 1,736 515 118 16 202 542 264 296 278 513 95 937 305 214 85 109 326 1,353 455 142 17 305 652 569 330 479 699 242 1,044 432 291 152 256 338 1,938 643 159 18 100 177 63 62 96 321 57 312 219 58 73 2 117 242 50 27 19 95 140 87 96 69 296 52 274 192 91 67 13 72 321 90 7 20 2 2 12 12 1 3 4 1 8 2 1 21 6 4 15 "3 3 16 1 4 10 2 7 2 2 8 7 2 22 209 431 30 125 100 311 35 677 653 115 206 1 256 195 35 10 23 248 649 108 283 120 692 109 1,168 1,020 336 464 7 496 888 93 14 24 30 20 5 35 20 75 5 51 255 20 36 20 15 15 25 38 14 60 88 9 98 31 61 212 50 38 35 160 13 "2 26 10 5 5 15 5 11 5 15 27 5 7 1 7 2 15 2 12 20 3 3 5 2 3 28 35 140 5 40 25 105 75 5 10 30 35 29 50 227 2 18 50 33 "9 222 255 18 38 1 71 210 17 5 30 7 96 5 16 135 10 50 5 31 11 66 2 10 4 15 "3 215 6 i 38 7 4 32 107 155 75 5 170 15 290 245 65 135 110 120 10 33 123 281 '18 123 22 415 33 608 423 238 303 "i 324 445 41 1 34 20 20 25 5 25 10 15 91 57 25 20 1 31 20 10 10 35 21 54 25 37 33 61 31 50 99 27 31 5 23 64 15 6 36 148 579 31 110 202 239 35 463 540 91 215 245 225 10 20 37 1 5 5 22 5 31 27 5 15 5 38 85 554 202 207 30 287 220 '20 39 35 5 1 ioo 50 130 603 '86 22 20 226 10 40 27 15 25 10 10 15 10 178 5 41 5 16 5 5 u 5 20 20 42 10 1 1 5 5 6 43 '17 16 40 '16 5 5 6 5 "i 25 280 145 44 10 1 31 5 11 2 30 11 35 35 45 53 124 46 iio 30 130 43 210 75 20 36 31 109 169 20 12 46 137 158 '16 96 16 439 11 671 160 28 55 124 21 47 48 148 254 204 161 211 272 94 568 265 222 55 72 191 1,041 310 147 49 376 902 178 322 274 895 97 1,394 922 173 317 49 519 766 230 46 50 11 5 20 2 17 17 57 1 23 14 12 8 10 51 23 24 21 3 "5 26 "2 47 51 14 32 2 20 57 40 .1 52 69 140 31 10 33 123 19 150 59 6 55 4 45 132 95 53 68 314 51 76 61 261 23 413 129 22 36 5 170 157 30 17 54 139 264 50 155 124 318 33 527 331 55 61 7 186 202 25 13 55 61 155 5 76 51 150 20 240 295 75 110 17 36 210 30 15 56 137 250 191 161 200 262 91 535 259 215 55 65 180 1,025 310 133 57 97 180 126 115 155 156 66 365 177 145 45 52 95 805 260 107 58 40 70 55 10 46 45 106 25 170 31 1 70 10 13 85 220 50 26 5S 60 3,152,557 6,607,036 2,737,020 2,033,735 1,944,796 7,023,197 682,517 Ll,215,106 3,376,353 1,381,615 3,876,507 537,964 3,879,790 6,853,742 3,089,621 355,011 61 1,770,013 5,515,201 2,190,190 2,175,437 1,154,928 6,550,648 546,206 7,390,821 6,537,312 1,043,598 2,907,584 525,371 2,531,396 4,128,400 2,929,382 345,155 6; 6,145 5,735 7,417 4,211 4,103 6,070 3,630 5,814 7,515 3,561 10,421 4,719 5,550 3,830 5,722 1,983 6? 2,646 3,814 2,701 3,022 1,739 3,989 1,206 2,926 3,981 1,552 3,913 1,622 2,743 1,255 3,521 1,717 64 2,166,245 4,624,354 1,285,999 1,036,352 1,029,129 4,635,180 301, 285 8,311,237 6,283,188 750,754 2,684,664 367,112 2,743,712 1,293,435 256,214 183,993 6S 1,392,639 4,612,316 885,281 1,422,431 939,133 5,009,297 357,348 4,868,742 5,403,852 691,789 2,176,923 360,296 2,006,617 1,573,589 324,589 201,083 66 2,035,349 3,941,717 430,531 905,991 899,636 3,950,720 224,330 7,981,990 5,934,088 435,256 2,584,400 15,973 2,569,120 897,305 174,095 102,902 61 1,250,446 4,307,925 300,600 1,243,940 371,258 4,009,867 220,663 4,457,702 5,194,068 605,455 2,078, 254 5,273 1,907,721 1,420,187 244,033 105,709 6( 8,145 54,686 26,121 20,607 1,530 358,787 2,583 32,599 117,403 55,201 3,055 90,169 12,974 60,701 58,145 1,855 6C 18,896 134,722 16,202 19,956 2,825 656,463 51,899 47,472 122,463 16,320 22,632 240,180 23,819 45,678 47,238 1,085 7t 28,552 72,754 401,050 68,564 16,725 140,625 855 58,630 144,184 84,058 45,363 2,382 13,335 14,190 1,944 670 7 11,703 27,331 407,449 130,120 10,599 47,332 543 58,775 20,384 21,867 38,345 791 9,553 40,154 10,146 2,965 7f: 94,199 555,197 428,297 41,190 111,238 185,048 73,517 238,018 92,508 176,239 51,346 258,588 147,783 321,239 32,029 78,556 7; 111,594 142,338 161,030 28,415 54,451 295,635 84,243 304,793 66,937 48,147 37,692 114,047 65,509 67,670 23,172 91,324 74 986,312 1,982,682 1,451,021 997,383 915,667 2,388,017 381,232 2,903,869 2,588,165 630,861 1,191,843 170,852 1,136,078 5,565,307 2,823,407 171,013 7. 377,374 902,885 1,304,909 753,056 215,795 1,541,351 188,858 2,522,079 1,133,460 351,809 730,661 165,075 524,779 2,554,711 2,504,793 144,082 76 425,892 460,187 222,179 37,990 349,925 80,157 105,067 218,437 524,119 209,021 305,270 5,097 253,176 3,696,650 2,030,325 65,823 71 50,539 69,938 198,802 65,305 38,697 51,742 18,824 124,911 88,099 59,973 67,176 82,637 45,517 1,845,347 1,819,127 47,429 76 155,790 40,187 312,880 102,875 359,825 205,526 611,462 230,760 630 50 577, 220 522,950 7! 53,594 39,704 856,277 82,854 18,456 159,708 17,520 159,832 319, 113 153,625 52,525 6,100 23,159 275,472 606,653 4,000 8C 404,630 1,452,308 415,962 959,393 462,867 1,948,035 276,165 2,479,906 1,452,584 191,080 885,943 165,755 872,852 1,291,437 270,131 105,195 8 273,241 793,243 249,830 604,897 158,642 1,299,901 152,514 2,237,336 726,243 133,211 610,960 76,338 451,103 433,392 179,003 92,653 8; 210 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data Tor 1959 are based on reports ryplanations. see W"(t) Chattahoochee Clayton Fafm operators by age: Operators reporlinp npc - niimher 1950. . Under 2iS years number 1959. . "25 to 31 years number 1959 . . 35 to 14 years number 1959. . 45 to 54 years ■ number 1959 . . 55 to f>l years number 1959 . . 65 or more years number 1959 . . Avera^'e ace years 1959 . . Off-farm work and other Income; Fami operators— Hortinc off their fam.s operators reporting 1959.. 1954.. 1(1P or more davs operators reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . With other income of family exceedine value of fami products sold operators reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959.. 1954 . . Part owners number 1959 . . 1954.. Managers number 1959 . 1954 . . All tenants number 1959.. 1954 . Cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959. 1954. Livestock-share tenants numljer 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954 . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954 . Croppers . Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fniit-and-nut . . number 1959. . Cash-grain number 1959 . . TAacco number 1959.. Cotton number 1959 . . Other field-crop number 1959.- Vegetabie farms number 1959 . . Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959. . Poultry farms number 1959 . . Dairy farms ■ number 1959 . . Livestock farms ciher than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . . Livestock ranches number 1959.. General farms ■ - number 1959 . . Miscellaneous and unclnssiFied farms number 1959. . Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . . Class i number 1959 . . Class If number 1959.. Class til number 1959 . . Class tV number 1959. . Qla^ig V number 1959. . Class VI number 1959 . . Other farms number 1959 . . Part-time numbrr 1959. . Pait-reCireinent number 1959 . . Abnormal number 1959 . . Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold toUl, dollars 1959.. 1954.. average per farm, Hollars 1059. . 1954.. All crops sold dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Field crops, other Uian vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold ddlars 1959.. 1954.. Vogctables sold dollars 1950 . . 1954.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Forest products and horticultural specialty produces sold dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959.. 1954.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Dairy iToducts sold dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Livestock and livestock ffoducta. other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954 . 238 16 44 73 62 43 52.6 153 337 139 326 166 279 188 428 21 20 1/4 7 10 22 22 5 166 126 40 1,875,746 1,775,784 7,625 3,852 535,550 511,509 22,192 35,773 46,534 91,932 10,115 7,560 456,709 376,244 1,340,196 1,264,275 184,033 310, 524 757,800 739,704 398, 363 2U,047 13 9 6 15 55.7 133, OU 87,252 2,830 1,479 60,172 56, 175 11,833 32,169 60 300 2,109 856 46,170 22,850 72,842 31,077 10,087 25 215 62,755 30,837 709 1,091 699 13 57 141 194 U6 \IA 52.0 389 670 297 439 431 608 416 625 U2 146 1 150 322 15 20 10 6 35 106 2 70 157 20 31 106 35 62 25 356 55 151 45 355 270 85 3,629,848 1,612,468 5,120 1,478 734,183 873,617 659,617 744,742 6,517 7,976 18,368 41,890 49,681 79,009 2,895,665 738, 851 1,800, 6U 429,090 509,035 102,619 586,016 207,142 1,147 1,665 1,214 20 119 270 346 258 201 50.5 659 846 560 721 659 621 881 1,246 61 129 15 6 190 265 30 57 655 15 51 746 30 70 225 220 171 30 401 280 121 10,662,878 8,474,360 9,296 5,090 250,327 248,547 104,903 172,290 10,597 14,039 7,199 17,414 127,628 44,804 10,412,551 8,225,813 9,653,957 7,769,%5 333,490 235,704 425,104 220,144 288 521 276 3 13 51 96 59 54 52.9 179 308 149 232 196 312 200 301 55 66 7 26 120 6 27 10 212 76 3 16 20 5 12 20 212 151 60 1 2,042,162 1,816,389 7,091 3,486 302,622 458,013 212,494 363,125 4,909 11,591 13,926 15,387 71, 293 67,910 1,739,540 1,358,376 1,182,265 939,665 245,555 203, 324 311,720 215,387 439 570 389 10 40 88 119 78 54 49.3 183 175 107 88 121 104 113 Wl 89 89 232 335 61 68 6 7 18 5 5 135 213 25 24 31 111 82 176 269 6 33 19 61 70 170 135 35 2,332,336 1,367,591 5,313 2,399 1,551,966 1,043,601 1,492,660 %9,141 350 401 10,931 1,374 48,025 72,685 780, 370 323,990 246,871 18,827 125,000 18,904 408,499 286,259 322 915 299 2 17 62 73 70 75 53.4 190 645 164 580 199 645 217 550 30 78 75 171 30 74 5 245 7 25 10 20 25 235 150 85 809,443 902,335 2,5U 986 227,014 247,650 72, 999 135,081 10,432 17, 727 110,185 19,008 33,398 75,834 582,429 654,685 230,354 229,227 131,545 262,242 220,530 163,216 131 176 121 1 6 26 44 25 19 51.7 64 102 49 71 63 59 88 128 26 20 1 1 16 60 6 16 441,502 538,098 3,370 3,057 267,745 413,967 129,629 249, 568 1,165 2,600 4,347 4,470 132,604 157,329 173,757 124,131 78,123 20,636 4,454 95,634 99,041 GEORGIA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for onl> ft sample of rBTms. See text^ 211 Coffee Colquitt ColimMa Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early 1,543 1,833 413 837 809 342 551 414 312 1,077 409 1,039 757 397 483 990 1 1,963 2,765 774 1,154 1,394 540 889 646 561 1,280 1,066 1,558 1,204 577 900 1,633 2 1,442 1,777 413 802 762 338 545 438 325 1,047 371 1,028 715 406 511 1,004 .1 38 55 2 20 7 2 25 10 A 22 2 10 12 4 6 10 4 187 219 32 77 51 24 57 51 42 139 U 87 73 47 33 107 r. 351 415 78 191 1A9 60 125 100 65 239 73 236 161 U9 102 225 r, 439 498 113 249 224 100 157 105 101 250 104 312 210 117 130 308 7 265 343 102 154 166 76 114 94 66 216 95 239 157 66 133 216 § 161 247 86 111 165 76 67 68 47 181 83 144 102 53 107 138 9 47.8 48.8 53.0 49.6 52.8 53.5 48.8 49.7 50.1 49.8 54.1 50.6 49.9 48.8 53.4 50.1 10 572 574 240 263 418 191 178 323 U6 475 219 450 224 246 342 348 11 802 978 411 310 775 313 256 453 328 646 765 686 393 232 557 587 12 240 332 193 U6 344 144 106 270 108 334 202 329 151 211 308 159 in 248 368 285 UO 543 217 161 343 281 399 705 3U W7 190 412 174 u 250 338 279 158 381 220 121 345 150 440 265 402 129 242 417 233 15 265 327 425 60 604 249 183 332 382 381 720 443 246 197 472 201 16 768 852 240 351 530 192 256 3U 205 630 378 683 344 290 391 384 IT 965 1,157 387 507 749 298 369 457 408 747 863 875 477 304 635 523 18 293 352 56 225 61 58 US 68 15 247 10 164 182 32 21 237 19 150 292 61 107 143 71 155 80 37 229 53 156 218 31 68 239 20 2 7 2 10 6 2 1 20 1 2 11 19 4 21 2 U 7 3 18 3 '5 3 2 7 8 6 13 27 6 -- 480 622 115 261 208 86 U7 30 91 180 20 190 220 56 71 365 2:1 862 1,218 281 520 591 196 388 66 158 323 124 496 548 172 137 870 24 5 80 70 20 50 45 21 10 26 40 50 41 30 29 25 30 80 108 26 y,3 89 74 "4 43 68 '67 86 126 75 43 147 26 15 20 1 5 10 12 5 5 10 11 27 1 18 "4 8 4 1 9 1 3 2 4 9 "3 '3 13 28 115 120 15 75 30 1 15 6 20 20 5 5 10 70 20 164 274 56 113 38 16 38 19 37 49 '12 66 60 18 34 107 30 35 156 SO 11 5 10 40 31 21 93 "2 69 '3 1 11 "i 13 13 2 "i 17 32 245 210 10 75 85 25 65 5 15 86 5 115 80 6 140 33 593 667 39 281 284 46 237 23 36 132 13 274 307 35 85 523 34 65 36 20 10 38 15 36 25 60 25 10 5 65 10 25 75 35 53 86 72 23 122 44 27 20 40 60 29 53 33 39 21 63 36 657 573 40 433 Ul 46 185 50 6 254 278 224 50 1 357 S7 21 5 5 5 1 31 10 6 16 1 10 1 12 •18 630 517 393 34 20 39 6 51 35 35 131 45 '66 '25 252 174 '15 1 110 K 5 5 88 15 204 5 40 34 235 41 1 1 6 5 1 30 5 4! 5 7 20 2 17 43 124 15 21 6 20 "5 196 36 81 '17 10 '53 6 44 21 6 18 5 18 6 1 3 11 10 1 2 4S 141 179 41 87 86 38 61 41 15 78 35 179 '57 87 25 76 4C 290 665 "7 119 22 17 181 6 221 "5 233 272 '28 'i 302 47 4f 304 394 286 181 535 210 101 312 95 435 276 322 157 221 401 244 4S 1,267 1,456 141 666 297 135 456 102 217 596 148 729 600 137 87 750 5( 33 24 11 4 12 9 48 1 1 17 12 10 23 18 5 20 .5 91 91 4 42 15 3 56 1 10 27 11 25 55 28 5 58 5' 183 311 22 115 26 17 65 5 50 107 40 59 155 23 15 - 81 5 379 553 28 247 47 22 92 19 80 153 45 141 156 53 21 179 5^ 418 377 16 187 76 23 115 31 45 156 25 239 86 40 26 222 5 163 100 60 71 121 61 80 45 31 131 15 255 125 25 15 190 5 276 377 272 171 512 207 95 312 95 481 261 310 157 210 396 240 5 146 205 206 95 360 166 75 251 90 290 195 235 111 170 301 145 5 130 172 66 76 152 41 20 61 5 186 5 65 1 75 46 40 95 95 5 6( 11,489,519 13,171,625 1,410,438 6,242,420 2,280,275 1,881,477 6,423,878 531,228 2,464,090 5,784,181 1,586,200 4,535,331 7,270,039 4,994,886 2,280,539 7,299,222 6 6,172,564 11,887,722 1,145,688 4,367,562 2,298,855 1,456,760 4,326,513 441,366 2,328,886 5,889,192 1,825,958 3,051,475 5,426,123 2,196,119 866,718 6,337,776 6 7,446 7,186 3,415 7,458 2,819 5,501 11,659 1,283 7,898 5,371 3,878 4,365 9,604 12,582 4,722 7,373 6 3,144 4,299 1,480 3,785 1,649 2,698 4,867 683 4,151 4,601 1,713 1,959 4,507 3,806 963 3,881 &■ 6,311,189 10,404, 864 289,909 4,761,277 1,009,015 1,552,459 4,914,069 224,505 36,014 3,983,442 246,265 2,310,326 5,974,743 1,667,143 186,923 5,577,607 6 4,859,419 9,788,398 335,783 3,644,398 1,423,262 1,139,432 3,557,777 216,284 116,237 4,654,169 183,397 2,027,051 4,560,741 1,180,959 263,383 4,780,453 6( 5,575,229 9,500,148 150,792 4,263,933 538,743 357,306 4,104,910 136,770 17,434 3,376,696 31,413 2,000,809 4,937,514 897,309 83,956 5,361,042 6 4,339,617 8,886,965 239,132 3,264,058 965,939 331,396 3,220,531 89,949 67,393 4,337,381 60,923 1,753,564 4,217,123 647, 171 161,682 4,646,895 6 75,320 196,752 6,641 92,206 19,862 31,620 305,764 15, 191 1,620 123,119 32,640 33,660 249,279 7,474 33,056 34,015 C 53,792 450,034 5,084 223,934 21,437 24,611 214,527 11,870 3,841 82,053 46,985 44,312 189, 762 7,898 63,273 47,527 7 27,934 88,111 5,926 32,903 187,838 1,073,038 285,892 13,668 1,976 25,306 22,084 38,407 603,938 206,360 4,317 12,226 7 10,072 29,426 2,106 9,410 308,577 741,893 49,302 27,229 5,866 24,740 10,635 4,368 106,694 248,003 12,065 10,889 7 632,706 619, 853 126,550 372,235 262,572 90,495 217, 503 58,876 1A,984 458,321 160,138 237,450 134,012 555,500 65, 599 170,324 7 455,938 421,973 89,461 146,996 127,309 41, 532 73,417 87,236 39,137 209,995 64,854 224,807 47, 162 277,887 26,363 75,142 7 5,178,330 2,766,761 1,120,529 1,481,143 1, 271, 260 329,018 1, 509, 809 306,723 2,428,076 1,800,739 1,339,935 2,225,005 1,295,346 3,327,743 2,093,611 1,721,615 7 1,313,145 2,099,324 809,905 723,164 875,593 317,323 768,736 225,082 2,212,649 1,235,023 1,642,561 1,024,424 865,382 1,015,160 603,335 1,557,323 7 2,715,440 250,007 386,109 396,702 171,635 43,488 228,093 47,048 2,339,384 365,653 719,782 733,225 136,935 179, 542 1,769,726 95,381 7 156,896 153,509 2U,455 130,225 197,512 69,521 111,164 55,734 2, 163, 637 173,301 466,823 234,243 210,021 107,987 364,106 171,680 7 344,130 114,915 396,420 61,965 363,156 53,900 49,050 625 2,500 173,634 311,480 176,305 51,430 165,945 154,870 545 7 158,362 331,835 426,057 31,995 254,431 93,275 75,662 31,719 1,500 194,576 739,225 107,383 82,726 81,927 126,032 U,893 « 2,118,760 2,401,839 338,000 1,022,476 736,469 231,630 1,232,666 259,050 86, 192 1,261,452 308,673 1,315,475 1,106,981 2,932,256 169,015 1,625,689 8 997,887 1,613,980 172,393 560,944 423,650 154,532 581,910 137,629 47,512 867,146 436,513 682,798 572,635 825,246 113,197 1,370,750 8 212 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data for 1959 are based on reports (For derinilions and rxplnnations. «ee text) Effingham Floyd Estimated number of famis 1959 . 1951. Farm operators by age: Operators reportirc apo niinihor 1959. Under 2.'i years number 1959. i-S to 34 years number 1959 . :15 to 44 years nuniher 1959. 45 to 54 years .* number 1959 . 55 to r.4 years number 1959 . 65 or nore years number 1959 . Avera^-e aj;e years 1959. Oft-farm work aniJ other income: Farm operators— Workinc off their farn.s operators reporting 1959. 1954. IPC or more days operators reporting 1059. 1954 . With other income of family exceedinp value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owTiers number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants. number 1959 . 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Croppers number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 , 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-cp3p farms Other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut . . number 1959 . Cash-grain number 1959 . Tobacco number 1959. Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegeuble farms number 1959 . Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Liveslcrk farms other than poultry and dairy rarms number 1959. fjivestock ranches number 1959 . General famis number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . Class ! number 1959 . Class II number 1959 . Class in number 1959. Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 , Class VI number 1959. Other farms number 1959. Part-lifito number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 . Ahnonnal number 1950 . Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold total , dollars 1959 . 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959. 1954 . All crops sold dollars 1959. 19.54 . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. VcgeUbles sold dollars 19.59 . 1954. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Forest products and horticultural specialty prcducLs sold dollars 1959. 1954 . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Poullr-V and poultry products sold dollars 1959. 1954 . Dairy products sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. 151 209 143 4 10 33 38 33 25 51.2 110 55 84 72 63 95 117 50 36 673,230 441,329 4,458 2,112 520,283 331,169 372,347 263,900 1,915 6,936 2,601 1,055 143,420 59,278 152,947 110,160 12,907 4,074 9,192 140,040 96,894 568 769 580 11 37 132 174 120 106 51.5 375 397 301 308 395 407 387 523 110 129 70 154 30 29 5 31 "2 5 45 30 52 389 200 7 4 24 73 67 25 368 301 67 1,911,956 1,299,493 3,366 1,690 755,354 733,251 453,038 560,111 45,984 47,138 6,199 5,523 250,133 120,474 1,156,602 566,242 211,613 126 , 761 191,415 33,861 753,574 405,620 1,023 1,558 1,014 20 95 217 321 138 173 50.3 553 871 361 545 532 734 591 762 201 173 231 590 15 72 10 40 140 1 140 325 26 48 266 10 22 485 548 5 21 97 97 153 175 475 340 135 3,594,989 2,317,094 3,514 1,487 1,240,228 1,571,920 1,135,142 1,498,459 20,899 5,847 3,513 4,829 75,674 62,785 2,354,761 745,174 1,654,905 370, 518 277,888 194,136 421,963 180,520 1,139 1,592 1,155 15 102 280 359 223 171 50.1 424 536 300 287 370 443 604 767 185 140 350 687 72 146 20 40 65 11 13 155 372 52 84 334 6 87 286 249 400 758 1 35 56 237 258 171 331 238 143 5,593,867 3,902,169 4,912 2,451 3,821,539 3,009,122 3,500,763 2,779,524 9,880 8,233 60,724 10,459 250,172 210,901 1,772,323 393,047 521,667 90,942 96,015 96,485 1,154,646 705,620 457 599 452 14 33 99 123 106 77 51.0 205 233 120 127 lU 129 199 267 97 33 1 5 160 254 5 13 25 62 35 55 75 102 20 145 5 140 152 106 362 17 6 26 123 145 45 95 65 30 3,018,645 1,760,634 6,605 2,939 2,044,596 1,265,519 1,823,296 1,056,883 22,867 25,837 14,084 5,570 184,349 177,229 974,049 495,115 190,764 20,280 126,050 45,717 657,235 429,113 742 1,070 752 9 63 159 185 190 146 52.4 450 635 374 430 547 475 602 922 115 80 5 576 5 25 40 31 85 556 411 145 1,293,924 625,383 1,751 584 177,869 183,589 55,385 66,900 15,818 28,000 57,993 69,386 48,673 23,803 1,121,055 436,794 827,488 227,943 101,650 127,761 191,917 81,090 496 783 532 3 40 103 153 130 320 342 239 227 340 341 340 410 50 97 1 95 339 20 63 184 10 42 22 351 14 12 21 67 45 335 245 90 1,401,751 1,318,598 2,826 1,684 575,148 782,322 429,452 659,202 48,395 36,002 9,305 1,487 87,996 85,631 826,603 536,276 337,094 327,724 3,910 41,587 485,599 166,965 941 1,651 905 9 67 185 301 187 156 51.6 545 985 465 334 564 722 610 1,038 168 124 3 10 155 386 35 83 5 3 5 97 5 8 70 150 35 45 157 5 72 36 129 15 532 430 17 33 52 132 m 85 511 405 105 1 4,985,034 3,135,695 5,298 1,899 1,423,057 1,426,705 1,092,767 1,138,312 15,028 12,158 17,903 55,095 297,359 221,140 3,561,977 1,708,990 1,347,451 671,462 832,375 626,621 1,382,151 410,907 GEORGIA 213 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. fcr onl> a samp e of ttms. See text] BVanVHTl Fulton OUmer Glascock Glyrm Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Hall Hancoclc Haralson Harris Hart Heard 1,152 1,183 648 259 160 1,183 1,237 569 1,339 692 1,495 629 673 543 1,212 453 1 1,713 1,972 890 444 216 1,549 1,656 970 2,789 1,291 2,268 1,152 1,041 830 1,806 956 2 l,li7 1,067 694 283 146 1,219 1,229 555 1,338 727 1,482 639 653 499 1,175 451 .1 16 6 7 7 22 29 1 15 6 11 6 1 31 1 i 118 81 63 27 6 115 99 41 99 70 156 38 69 17 112 27 r. 270 227 153 66 32 272 246 109 298 155 319 147 129 76 287 97 n 303 289 137 82 49 372 361 143 362 207 432 178 193 135 345 122 ? 243 238 146 73 25 238 296 135 315 155 315 143 149 124 245 104 6 197 226 138 28 34 200 198 126 249 134 249 127 113 146 155 100 0 50.7 52.6 51.8 49.2 53.4 50.2 51.1 53.3 51.8 51.6 50.9 52.4 51.5 55.9 49.3 53.2 10 566 697 349 108 105 662 382 305 873 429 785 309 401 293 616 233 11 878 1,366 481 146 133 716 549 533 1,852 729 1,258 595 570 473 731 513 1» 412 593 237 91 92 502 253 229 691 345 663 196 314 230 439 184 u 513 1,131 331 61 128 520 237 408 1,597 554 952 314 369 370 315 341 14 629 816 470 99 120 637 327 352 996 465 804 243 468 359 593 324 15 792 1,370 426 107 134 525 291 515 1,811 639 1,156 470 538 497 475 282 16 749 929 490 123 151 676 735 347 986 519 1,250 265 518 392 725 336 IT 946 1,470 732 165 200 850 880 533 1,912 958 1,628 385 731 501 871 551 18 147 146 98 36 1 166 297 104 136 72 72 82 70 54 192 70 19 217 2U 76 49 10 161 303 104 153 103 145 114 106 93 206 90 M 6 13 • • * 2 1 24 12 12 21 17 1 ... 1 1 21 3 21 1 "3 4 5 9 4 6 2 14 2 1 7 "3 1 22 250 95 60 100 6 340 181 106 205 80 156 281 85 % 295 46 23 547 425 159 208 9 563 456 306 588 139 490 629 241 236 777 269 24 20 15 15 20 6 20 51 46 65 20 35 79 5 30 10 6 25 58 151 50 26 1 33 74 100 201 30 115 119 28 99 65 34 26 5 20 . . . 10 5 5 5 27 5 7 "3 3 9 7 4 "9 2 7 2 4 6 11 3 28 95 5 10 65 40 10 25 5 10 25 15 10 125 10 20 209 '43 39 24 227 76 29 111 41 98 87 75 27 323 46 30 5 5 5 15 5 5 5 5 5 31 8 13 4 "i 1 9 1 24 7 33 7 1 "7 32 75 30 15 "55 240 55 15 90 25 45 35 40 20 120 '25 33 229 156 32 153 245 233 70 157 32 135 169 104 43 325 129 34 50 25 25 15 20 30 20 30 56 87 20 31 35 5 35 38 55 31 2 7 48 57 102 86 27 102 245 30 55 46 57 36 170 21 20 100 356 238 75 110 5 35 278 76 55 390 96 37 10 ... 15 5 15 23 135 5 10 ... 15 20 ... 30 10 38 39 160 '21 5 '95 ... 341 5 75 '65 5 ioo "5 '26 273 '51 5 '55 360 '86 40 41 10 20 26 1 5 5 5 20 6 ' 7 5 5 35 7 5 'io 5 42 43 346 181 130 6 163 47 '51 259 224 763 7 86 27 111 41 44 25 12 12 12 10 58 10 15 20 16 15 8 40 15 45 65 60 31 '25 9 54 182 37 57 16 31 36 35 49 30 13 46 11 '21 1 '22 'io 379 '12 '25 15 17 'io '22 'bi io 47 48 535 878 353 111 128 590 355 336 873 425 626 270 416 370 570 273 49 617 392 291 154 34 603 897 253 487 277 385 369 263 182 647 201 50 40 28 5 6 24 18 4 15 40 28 2 16 6 16 10 .51 46 67 25 5 2 28 66 29 20 51 140 16 21 7 56 21 52 140 63 88 1 71 126 40 110 70 201 29 31 23 65 • 27 53 136 116 57 17 "7 120 221 30 111 76 231 37 35 35 85 15 54 95 68 36 51 13 210 290 64 101 15 ISO 61 55 35 160 37 55 160 50 80 80 6 150 176 91 130 25 105 224 105 76 265 91 56 535 791 357 105 126 580 340 311 852 415 610 260 410 361 565 252 57 350 591 256 80 80 455 215 223 601 265 460 155 325 236 405 192 58 185 200 101 25 46 125 125 88 251 150 150 105 85 125 160 60 59 60 7,393,845 5,559,332 2,850,122 699,499 693,755 6,205,467 7,984,190 2,046,716 5,648,991 5,937,003 13,243,330 1,790,739 2,136,539 1,833,005 *'!SI'°^t 1,625,375 61 4,574,607 4,534,503 1,656,149 730,710 657,417 3,768,326 6,634,809 1,491,482 4,634,651 2,704,242 10,466,424 1,539,573 1,147,160 1,0%, 506 3,629,747 1,024,363 62 6,413 4,699 4,398 2,701 4,367 5,246 6,454 3,597 4,219 8,652 8,859 2,847 3,249 3,376 3,958 3,588 63 2,671 2,299 1,861 1,646 3,044 2,433 4,007 1,538 1,662 2,095 4,615 1,336 1,102 1,321 2,010 1,072 64 934,750 1,139,937 315,797 538,006 92,553 1,833,766 4,714,653 489,603 561,199 350,506 303,425 1,026,842 315,936 457,450 1,795,232 335,649 65 1,120,999 1,049,047 503,142 617,235 193,510 2,095,351 4,762,781 484,727 920,781 367,403 526,449 1,094,869 536,567 365,700 2,209,845 489,512 66 825,388 213,681 61,578 491,561 2,155 1,759,708 3,659,388 195,333 366,735 59,743 163,420 855,967 182,099 1A2,122 1,628,979 224,519 67 1,034,415 462,576 90,366 602,966 1,003 2,043,598 3,905,940 319,390 730,365 88,342 376,891 949,917 418,653 240,313 2,115,653 413,376 68 15,819 42,946 34,574 12,518 2,093 3,997 373,667 4,326 33,135 32,376 5,199 3,600 57,419 31,160 53,297 22,599 09 23,067 77,879 66,234 1,475 560 3,275 545,100 3,437 31,421 15,177 7,540 6,398 43,479 22,431 27,904 26,615 70 19,859 10,780 130,535 20,077 1,914 9,577 79,086 12,142 9,958 157,317 13,731 22,260 3,398 64,876 27,407 4,169 71 16,496 42,364 257,126 3,634 1,573 19,302 94,082 3,719 53,886 226,849 11,785 10,573 32,121 21,865 25,730 5,168 72 73,684 872,530 89,110 13,850 86,391 110,484 602,512 277,802 151,371 101,070 121,075 145,015 63,070 219,292 85,599 134,362 73 47,021 466,228 89,41£ 9,160 190,374 29,176 217,659 158,181 105,109 36,535 130,233 127,981 37,314 30,591 40,553 44,353 74 6,459,095 4,419,395 2,534,325 161,493 606,202 4,321,701 3,269,537 1,557,113 5,087,792 5,636,502 12,940,405 763,947 1,870,603 1,375,555 3,001,779 1,239,726 75 3,453,608 3,485,456 1,153,007 113,475 463,907 1,673,475 1,872,028 1,006,755 3,713,870 2,336,839 9,939,975 444,704 610, 593 730,806 1,419,902 534,351 76 5,611,046 3,186,374 2,210,885 8,023 162,243 3,710,186 747,851 457,499 4,447,930 5,272,882 12,151,030 123,422 1,264,791 654,294 2,039,308 637,543 77 3,012,189 2,509,859 1,003,381 9,534 205,056 1,197,438 542,481 199,786 3,152,561 2,100,959 9,284,873 56,101 320,345 170,066 947,737 307,841 78 280,135 534,000 126,800 100 346,230 5,995 68,325 630,830 154,690 132,580 433,145 219,000 360,910 272,081 542,215 391,230 79 251,415 536,665 48,630 5,435 175,399 235,649 72,965 648,125 278,510 81,001 433,464 208,533 142,378 296,407 331,517 112,916 80 567,914 699,021 196,640 153,370 97,724 605,520 2,453,361 468,734 485,172 231,040 356,230 421,525 244,902 449,130 369,756 210,953 81 190,004 438,932 100,796 98,456 83,452 240,388 1,256,582 158,844 232,799 154,879 221,638 130,070 U7,370 264,333 140,648 114,094 82 214 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data for 1959 are based on reports (For definitions anil explanations, see text) Henry Jasper Jeff Davla Jefferson Estimated number of farms 1959 , 195t. Fafm operators by age: Operators reportmp nsc number 1959 . Under 2.') years number 1959 . 25 to 34 years number 1959 . 55 to 44 years number 1959. 45 to 54 years -. number 1959 . 55 to R4 years number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . Averaiie ace years 1959 . Off-farm work and otlier income: FaiTii opernlors— ttorliinE off their fomis operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 1(10 or more days operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959. 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959. 1954. Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 , 1954. Croppers number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 . 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut . . number 1959 . Cash-grain number 1959 ■ Tobacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy Inrma number 1959 . I^ivestock ranches number 1959 . General farms number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . Class I number 1959. Class li number 1959 . Class III number 1959. Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959. Clas-s VI number 1959 . Other farms number 1959. Part-lime number 1959. Pait^retiroraent number 1959. Ahnomial number 1959 . Value of products sold by source: Alt farm products sold total, dollars 1959. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959. 1954. All crops sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Field crofis, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollar.s 1959 . 1954. Vegetables sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold ^ dollars 1959. 19M . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959 , 1954. Dairy (Toducts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Livestock and livestock products, other than poullry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. 895 1,509 909 10 82 181 257 207 172 52.0 531 796 461 595 566 620 649 128 168 1 3 146 687 20 85 5 3 10 84 1 100 473 11 41 155 15 27 577 335 7 22 42 48 131 85 560 410 150 2,732,506 2,726,028 3,109 1,807 1,435,141 1,786,085 874, 598 1,425,764 121,135 83,613 293,986 192,605 145,422 84,103 1,347,365 939,943 309,705 256,834 565,525 447,671 472,135 235,438 472 606 47 113 120 93 64 49.4 225 213 205 163 149 179 253 300 120 107 90 205 57 97 1 6 11 31 1 2 15 47 5 22 112 47 55 10 5 9 10 25 77 177 302 45 33 59 40 60 170 140 30 4,863,277 3,452,849 10,304 5,698 2,994,649 2,655,461 2,115,417 1,760,951 59,054 55,758 651,243 792,344 168,935 46,408 1,868,628 797, 388 175,817 92,736 773,604 205,314 919,207 499,338 928 1,266 952 23 114 226 298 169 122 48.6 262 304 125 129 113 169 445 502 185 136 6 292 670 18 10 7 45 166 46 28 165 420 26 31 160 10 50 20 5 115 486 145 786 15 50 178 247 206 90 142 87 50 5 8,310,953 4,134,875 8,956 3,266 6,118,042 3,388,968 5,654,073 3,097,577 56,100 152,286 80,079 9,299 327,790 129,806 2,192,9U 745,907 500,663 48,123 256,500 40,924 1,435,748 656,860 1,042 1,667 1,042 12 84 222 304 243 177 51.5 553 878 428 527 581 762 624 910 162 178 26 17 230 571 35 72 10 4 55 95 5 9 no 313 15 78 206 12 10 5 292 11 31 16 471 576 11 58 158 107 117 125 466 341 125 7,596,523 5,448,073 7,290 3,268 1,304,677 1,727,318 938,871 1,302,848 31,172 17,813 253,873 330,682 80,761 75,975 6,291,846 3,720,755 5,762,669 3,345,752 126,050 153,010 403,127 221,993 296 558 313 1 18 62 98 74 60 52.9 158 309 110 172 149 183 162 253 45 232 15 46 1 136 173 12 29 38 39 35 20 123 62 56 5 2,521,790 1,882,708 8,520 3,374 822,389 905,817 309,778 548,095 2,259 9,563 309,424 170,042 200,928 178, 117 1,699,401 976,891 318,069 130,915 1,017,939 602,818 363,393 243,158 702 935 689 13 76 174 217 116 93 48.9 310 383 162 136 222 203 328 458 124 109 250 374 70 131 40 24 100 173 35 27 302 302 49 255 480 1 5 44 126 214 90 222 140 82 2,576,658 2,586,099 3,670 2,766 1,711,336 2,176,321 1,483,052 2,036,631 2,610 16,194 4,558 8,551 221,166 115,445 365,272 409,278 153,851 49,796 12,733 711,421 346,749 809 1,231 357 13 71 174 233 '224 137 51.4 364 565 241 341 254 404 374 516 145 169 7 10 283 535 57 87 1 121 318 40 36 367 24 75 246 570 15 36 39 113 132 135 239 167 67 5 5,476,653 3,804,055 6,770 3,090 3,630,711 3,128,932 3,199,982 3,007,974 71,347 22,707 100,409 21,387 258,973 76,364 1,845,947 675,123 301,624 59,006 268, 535 71,032 1,275,738 545,035 537 875 574 14 48 134 164 111 103 50.3 174 199 119 98 134 163 263 409 88 106 131 393 45 100 5 4 5 61 5 75 197 46 31 215 17 193 5 51 151 392 9 32 47 87 127 90 3,934,166 2,969,356 7,326 3,394 1,311,562 1,685,340 1,703,591 1,574,229 12,961 12,153 36,026 4,114 58,984 94,844 2,122,604 1,284,016 406,220 111,311 1,102,337 689,165 6U,997 483,540 GEORGIA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for onl> a sample or lams. See text] 215 Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes LuiiQ>]£in IfcDuffle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marian Meriwether 319 447 318 1,603 387 230 423 227 1,097 585 480 72 647 1,0U 324 392 1 503 715 473 2,478 594 603 656 351 1,515 983 815 181 1,052 1,492 635 1,760 2 315 421 321 1,571 390 199 330 214 1,063 574 467 81 649 1,038 355 903 .1 3 3 7 22 3 1 3 2 20 12 7 8 13 3 11 1 2A 29 48 139 54 14 24 7 103 67 37 4 75 108 23 55 ■I 63 77 62 387 85 37 74 42 231 135 88 11 149 268 72 194 r, 30 105 107 494 112 52 93 64 314 149 163 21 178 319 119 257 7 8i 109 53 320 78 48 109 53 216 L25 99 19 141 197 75 205 8 61 98 44 209 58 47 77 46 174 86 73 26 98 133 63 181 Q 52.7 54.0 48.8 49.7 49.6 54.2 53.3 53.4 50.4 49.7 51.0 56.9 49.9 49.3 52.0 52.3 10 190 237 159 683 144 128 218 105 509 258 223 44 214 565 137 428 11 333 373 187 993 246 454 452 222 720 347 406 112 310 709 271 840 12 172 179 82 549 103 104 172 75 320 212 135 40 153 393 100 272 13 261 273 76 536 90 398 286 145 424 192 233 102 210 334 135 455 » 228 264 101 618 141 161 231 111 385 349 207 64 165 564 148 399 15 217 362 25 663 97 498 408 156 374 236 384 128 229 613 219 647 16 234 274 137 894 172 131 265 152 617 417 250 52 314 610 178 407 17 335 378 236 1,144 2U 550 279 225 718 635 382 170 389 689 287 634 18 25 69 57 266 69 38 48 60 185 70 45 19 124 160 46 131 19 51 70 51 238 60 33 90 44 194 33 75 7 110 218 73 183 X 3 1 13 14 6 5 1 5 1 12 13 2 21 i 5 2 18 26 3 8 3 2 8 5 2 11 22 60 101 123 430 132 5 110 15 290 97 180 197 241 87 352 2.1 93 186 201 1,072 290 21 315 62 601 172 367 9 484 633 288 745 2J 40 31 5 100 41 5 25 50 42 65 51 32 25 52 74 17 5 280 10 58 2 57 15 79 20 20 35 5 66 90 10 62 5 122 5 26 27 2 "i 1 13 "e "2 1 9 4 4 2 15 4 5 28 5 5 25 45 15 15 10 50 5 20 20 55 10 45 20 4 5 90 15 113 15 42 1 69 3 132 40 38 5 125 2 50 229 29 193 30 31 2 9 15 2 2 1 28 17 3 5 4 32 35 52 170 40 5 55 5 110 15 '75 125 85 6 205 33 9 82 75 567 96 10 85 18 314 57 163 2 331 243 128 259 34 15 30 21 90 36 35 45 72 30 10 26 15 65 3.i 24 24 9 84 86 "6 102 19 39 36 40 5 35 53 60 162 36 5 75 166 528 121 30 96 46 508 15 127 217 277 55 282 37 1 20 16 5 7 15 5 18 21 15 38 165 25 30 46 495 39 "s '■70 5 5 478 5 5 'io 95 5 91 6 117 5 193 6 5 256 '50 5 267 15 m n 42 2 8 15 1 18 49 43 11 11 15 1 1 n 5 356 5 217 67 10 41 11 16 13 6 6 10 "i 17 11 6 30 25 5 20 45 19 43 40 217 41 25 17 37 91 'ii 59 22 62 30 32 33 46 10 12 16 271 92 11 15 107 5 9 113 31 53 30 47 48 261 277 96 554 121 168 273 128 354 197 273 44 197 431 115 448 49 79 181 222 1,051 267 72 173 105 762 388 218 32 461 590 224 461 50 9 3 8 23 3 3 1 10 11 2 6 33 17 6 25 51 12 13 6 34 32 1 11 29 20 13 32 41 44 . 30 52 7 27 26 90 38 13 12 6 87 85 20 53 75 34 41 53 21 13 53 253 42 7 22 30 212 90 21 5 103 106 26 38 54 10 35 87 366 32 23 5 33 239 146 57 5 130 180 23 117 55 20 90 50 300 50 25 120 30 135 36 105 16 110 171 91 210 56 240 266 96 552 120 158 250 122 335 197 262 40 136 421 100 431 57 200 210 65 432 80 122 190 71 240 125 197 24 111 291 50 296 58 40 56 31 120 40 36 60 51 95 72 65 16 75 130 45 5 135 59 60 1,852,100 1,523,199 1,484,638 6,863,362 4,389,092 845,181 1,556,857 629,452 5,935,089 4,204,815 1,480,247 369,442 6,927,500 5,496,524 2,625,890 3,769,352 61 1,478,366 1,151,080 1,833,323 6,373,871 2,965,826 272,619 565,498 486,547 5,618,885 5,361,401 1,429,261 186,165 4,103,234 3,413,109 1,230,299 4,034,224 62 5,806 3,408 4,669 4,282 U,341 3,675 3,681 2,773 5,410 7,188 3,084 5,131 10,707 5,437 8,105 4,226 63 2,939 1,610 3,877 2,572 4,993 452 862 1,386 3,709 5,454 1,754 1,029 3,900 2,288 1,937 2,292 64 469,613 653,299 996,280 4,343,533 2,445,725 223,932 382,417 385,985 4,076,345 119,531 749,465 29,787 4,046,217 1,495,601 688,724 2,491,585 65 443,332 632,323 1,554,098 4,633,740 1,938,990 138,653 306,691 353,178 4,462,298 190,993 856, 348 91,561 3,424,191 1,644,775 856,808 3,151,894 66 37,501 249,506 936,300 3,834,995 2,179,510 33,771 179,992 314,438 3,503,478 25,106 594,138 1,767 2,532,627 1,346,226 491,719 1,215,009 67 66,086 336,735 1,435,214 4,190,124 1,755,041 79,888 235,793 269,224 3,812,070 76,024 716,434 4,417 2,665,828 1,553,853 781,032 1,841,904 68 4,137 13,754 2,171 30,782 47,437 2,008 10,650 762 37,361 23,310 11,267 433 160,684 42,427 10,643 161,927 CO 11,001 24,670 16,232 36,801 36,949 4,806 1,977 10,993 142,741 49,418 8,840 110 154,363 14, 593 11,035 130,699 70 191,649 310,433 9,363 75,343 70,465 2,285 10,302 389 49,046 2,035 27,934 235 1,192,349 10,970 58,161 942,422 71 279,427 223,375 6,606 11,920 12,441 520 3,639 552 32,207 29,379 15,674 538,338 6,288 7,285 883,125 72 236,326 79,606 48,446 352,408 148,313 135,868 181,473 70,396 436,460 69,130 116,076 27,302 160,557 95,978 128,201 172,227 73 91,818 47, 543 96,046 394,895 134,559 53,439 65,282 72,409 475,280 36,172 115,400 37,034 65,157 70,036 57,406 246, 166 74 1,382,487 869,900 488,358 2,519,829 1,943,367 621, 249 1,174,440 243,467 1,358,744 4,085,234 730,782 339,655 2,881,283 4,000,923 1,937,166 1,278,267 75 1,030,034 518,757 279,725 1,740,131 1,026,836 133,966 258,807 133,369 1,156,587 5,170,408 572,913 94,604 679,043 1,768,334 373,491 382,330 76 576,907 116,540 1^7,675 167,907 143,534 353,720 795,193 8,902 165,300 3,356,352 164,127 2,310 425,687 3,550,242 1,392,721 259,607 77 247,019 155,050 15,181 90,238 175,351 7,430 124,025 3,175 78,622 5,065,326 194,782 23,096 75,927 1,554,051 145,994 100,217 78 346,895 400,015 189, 585 158,450 109,900 83,300 26,000 475,374 109,070 200,399 237,920 513,750 162,035 70,000 510, 195 79 557,818 195,696 340 207,345 41,433 26,600 25,518 100 392,730 20,376 165,453 7,325 73,898 31,997 59,855 497,317 80 458,685 353,345 360,683 2,162,337 1,641,383 157,629 295,947 203,565 1,213,070 119,812 366, 256 99,425 1,941,346 288,646 474,445 508,465 81 225,197 168,011 264,204 1,442,543 810,052 99,936 109,264 125,094 685,235 84,206 212,678 64,183 529,218 132,236 167,642 284,796 82 216 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most dau for 1959 are based on reports (For definitions nnil explanalidns, ?ee text) Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Estimated number of famis 1059 . 1051. Farm operators by age: Operators report) nc are number 1950, Under 2.". years number 1950 . 25 to 31 years number 1059. .15 to 11 years nimtber 1959. 45 to 54 years -. number 1959 . 55 to lil years number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . Average ace years 1959 . Off-farm worit antf other income: Farm operators— IVorliinc off their f.arms operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 1(10 or more days operators reporting 1959. 1954 . With other income of family exceedinc value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959 . 1054 . Part owners number 1950 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Oop-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Croppers number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1950. 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and [ruit-and-nut . . number 1959. Cash-grain number 1959 . Tobacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock ranches number 1959 . General farms number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . Class I number 1959 . Class n number 1959 . Class in number 1959 . Class IV number 1959. Class V number 1959. Class VI number 1959 . Other farms number 1959 . Part-time number 1959 . Part'retirement number 1959. Abnormal number 1959 . Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold total, dollars 1959. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1059. 1954. All crops sold dollars 1959. 1954. Field crorw, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1059. 1954. Vegetables sold dollars 1959 . 1954. FruiLs and nuts sold dollars 1959. 1954. Forest products and horticultural specially products sold dollars 1959. 1954. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959 . 1954 . Dairy jroducta sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1054. 755 1,157 739 15 80 181 206 153 104 49.4 249 488 142 192 159 185 363 460 180 ITO 206 486 5 36 79 40 23 105 297 5 41 35 222 191 195 560 13 21 96 190 170 70 195 145 4,770,088 3,336,668 6,318 2,884 3,130,499 2,371,694 3,066,577 2,272,816 37,377 43,870 7,908 4,432 18,637 50,576 1,639,589 964,974 100,283 107,495 4,080 20,418 1,535,226 837,061 1,140 1,721 1,104 25 108 261 331 221 158 49.7 387 623 265 276 269 295 515 708 251 204 16 5 358 860 78 90 30 79 20 26 185 609 40 47 219 10 115 5 89 516 270 879 38 60 147 202 322 110 261 181 80 9,946,020 6,940,307 8,725 4,033 6,348,818 5,183,675 5,783,836 4,664,861 113,622 237,455 220,238 124,477 231,072 156,882 3,597,202 1,756,632 497,052 78,608 407,601 273,791 2,692,549 1,404,233 382 605 334 5 23 73 104 87 92 53.8 199 324 159 217 246 345 242 393 44 103 11 85 199 25 70 11 233 28 49 21 21 30 226 131 2,337,076 1,924,999 6,118 3,182 260,615 392,117 92,986 172,613 4,765 4,506 47, 528 29,097 115,336 185,901 2,076,461 1,532,832 233,151 82,657 1,285,757 1,202,792 557,553 247,433 577 725 538 16 41 103 180 111 87 51.1 198 399 127 152 155 235 289 338 87 83 1 200 324 40 53 20 11 40 50 5 31 80 139 15 35 141 15 101 25 156 198 386 2 13 11 93 137 130 191 125 66 1,998,074 1,586,959 3,463 2,189 1,296,005 1,095,145 1,088,297 978,372 3,349 2,970 31,545 2,703 172,314 1U,100 702,069 491,814 50,630 55,516 1,000 27,187 650,439 409,111 610 1,068 652 14 55 155 172 146 110 50.5 294 408 205 239 245 322 328 471 92 139 190 432 40 36 35 55 2 90 294 25 95 199 10 15 104 56 385 12 35 80 42 116 100 225 125 100 4,572,172 4,463,902 7,495 4,180 1,806,318 2,256,185 1,465,645 1,951,394 1,750 2,361 227,929 210,185 110,994 92,245 2,765,854 2,207,717 309,634 192,153 1,891,870 1,660,952 564,350 354,612 703 975 699 18 73 147 214 148 94 49.5 403 486 239 311 394 366 464 548 85 L42 1 2 153 331 15 15 5 5 66 172 1 2 51 98 15 39 162 7 41 30 373 335 1 22 57 91 87 77 368 293 75 3,901,023 2,374,362 5,549 2,435 541,633 914,640 492,226 764,795 3,376 34,322 3,412 18,966 42,619 96, 557 3,359,390 1,459,722 2,956,523 1,283,366 96,755 49,313 306,112 121,543 1J.7 363 114 1 6 19 34 32 22 53.5 71 244 68 218 86 264 100 229 10 23 1 10 546,571 758,479 4,672 2,089 77,127 276,495 13,200 26,571 5,830 13,338 10,997 4,391 47,100 232,195 469,444 481,984 159,266 80,584 132,625 221,182 177,553 180,218 563 939 506 3 34 93 177 115 84 52.2 313 429 260 373 304 498 302 475 106 105 155 400 40 59 20 80 2 50 216 45 36 123 5 20 266 312 13 53 50 61 95 40 251 226 25 3,541,532 2,285,058 6,290 2,434 804, 522 1,135,254 637,399 1,033,537 5,231 13,594 25,013 8,267 136,379 79,356 2,737,010 1,149,804 1,000,435 205,299 964,804 584,925 771,771 359, 580 GEORGIA 217 TYPE OF FARM. ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. fcr onl> & sample of fanns. See text] Paulding Qultmaii Randolph Schley 732 641 ,180 1,155 685 612 8 1 67 50 135 134 207 180 167 141 101 106 51.0 51.8 323 362 596 695 196 304 310 540 282 393 ■475 728 313 471 506 778 146 50 180 97 8 5 11 2 265 115 504 272 80 30 91 65 5 13 2 35 10 105 60 5 4 1 100 40 219 111 45 30 72 33 307 46 20 10 962,770 1,224,301 12,710 6_,784 12,981 10,516 174,474 122,754 2,761,349 862,371 1,786,013 495,392 213,726 85,543 761,610 281,436 51 125 n 30 30 10 21 10 307 405 431 241 13 17 55 34 71 31 30 % 35 240 50 301 400 2U 300 90 100 3 924,284 2,810 ,292 2 226,726 1,882 ,535 5,361 4,384 1,887 1 ,630 1 162,935 35C ,008 1 364,355 583 ,744 233,200 452,136 29,182 58,857 4,416 17,266 78,210 55,485 2,460,284 1,298,791 2,004,412 971,109 332,440 226,832 123,432 100,850 233 251 246 3 13 47 79 55 49 52.9 104 102 33 45 130 75 139 157 61 67 2 33 1 5 11 38 105 128 26 20 16 31 30 5 3,912,256 3,474,713 16,791 13,843 3,172,981 3,134,083 1,092,065 816,274 7,668 15,647 1,996,636 2,264,575 76,612 37,587 739,275 340,635 152,458 36,492 165,000 53,072 421,817 251,071 492 740 475 10 36 91 146 106 86 52.0 286 418 245 383 352 414 412 566 30 42 50 155 20 40 246 29 295 11 16 40 102 80 46 197 147 50 2,371,650 2,533,632 4,820 3,424 86,898 146,155 54,601 66,416 280 365 1,629 5,739 30,388 73,635 2,284,752 2,387,477 2,095,800 2,291,944 3,455 36,622 185,497 53,911 835 1,205 835 13 87 200 245 175 115 49.6 359 597 203 261 162 205 465 628 169 167 5 1 196 491 5 40 150 80 93 46 207 25 22 486 4S6 57 181 660 17 18 106 172 242 105 175 105 70 5,485,673 4,226,058 6,570 3,507 3,749,733 3,368,239 3,497,634 3,172,049 11,920 12,835 26,372 16,603 213,807 166,752 1,735,940 357,319 609,092 244,475 70,000 40,508 1,056,348 572,836 515 310 513 8 43 116 147 108 91 51.1 270 399 167 252 270 334 233 351 122 142 160 373 25 46 115 255 15 38 192 15 22 201 320 7 18 33 61 76 125 195 120 75 2,141,738 2,282,053 4,159 2,817 1,277,672 1,575,452 803,547 1,178,016 117,303 122,504 115,713 182,236 241,109 92,696 864,066 706,601 321,835 363,263 70,150 97,372 472,081 245,966 679 1,260 687 6 58 146 219 155 103 51.2 413 752 339 586 430 791 469 300 145 136 5 4 60 313 15 37 15 122 5 10 25 102 135 10 15 411 268 5 11 45 72 55 80 411 331 80 2,720,229 1,772,109 4,006 1,406 945,364 981,789 891,316 932,436 4,133 13,030 4,552 14,450 45,303 21,873 1,774,865 790,320 1,078,915 240,990 331,510 347,347 364,440 I 201,983 476 703 481 4 44 106 151 101 75 50.4 172 321 134 171 192 208 262 270 100 89 8 4 106 321 25 72 10 9 36 1 3 55 136 15 15 133 11 112 10 115 173 45 53 120 51 170 120 50 2,724,639 2,425,729 5,724 3,451 2,008,084 1,947,716 1,806,033 1,370,202 36,410 31,514 50,373 17,218 115,263 28,782 716,555 478,013 119,274 109,229 500 19,397 596,781 349,337 236 554 317 3 16 64 103 58 73 53.1 141 316 108 219 139 266 173 263 57 60 1 2 55 210 25 89 16 122 21 205 11 30 62 31 51 20 81 50 30 1 2,716,915 2,085,367 9,500 3,764 211,397 326,439 91,136 176,408 163 2,535 8,265 1,323 111,783 145,673 2,505,518 1,758,923 107,717 134, 564 2,039,024 1,507,668 358,777 116,696 196 213 183 5 17 43 59 31 33 49.8 85 85 35 33 1 1 75 130 35 43 28 117 25 6 30 20 110 75 35 844,573 756,211 4,309 3,550 601,113 644,211 437,158 603,400 1,972 673 7,590 3,144 154,393 36,989 243,460 112,000 1,571 3,334 935 907 240,954 102,759 333 571 370 1 13 74 108 82 87 54.1 218 360 153 255 245 300 281 446 71 75 1 1 35 106 5 18 5 2 10 45 2 5 11 10 15 253 142 5 10 15 22 45 45 246 145 100 1 814,431 606,498 2,099 1,062 160,774 281,225 49,600 68,101 21,682 43,143 63,416 155,924 26, 14, 653, 325 452 177 41 59 160, 633 964 646 12 47 148 163 153 118 51.6 218 299 142 154 190 144 241 325 123 150 2 9 267 532 57 123 10 3 20 19 5 2 160 358 15 27 254 1 56 197 TO 241 399 11 42 66 77 106 97 234 131 103 3,375,188 3,185,548 6,122 3,305 2,714,073 2,551,481 2,545,016 2,488,417 5,066 6,627 74,668 23,869 39,328 32,563 1,161,110 634,067 170,480 73,355 47,635 53,694 942,995 507,018 228 453 226 1 15 35 75 59 41 53.1 129 264 120 211 141 288 148 339 33 54 6 3 41 32 5 38 91 1 3 7 17 23 40 137 126 10 1 916,465 1,032,131 4,020 2,278 473, 568 558,363 242,723 302,185 14,372 6,016 6,753 2,004 209,715 248,158 442,897 473,768 208,408 116,297 91,815 172,948 142,674 184, 523 334 614 319 1 21 56 99 SO 62 53.1 178 317 159 262 200 231 238 406 36 44 5 7 55 179 10 31 124 2 15 12 10 35 50 210 150 60 926,535 812,118 2,774 1,323 266,143 476,724 207,916 445,029 9,231 5,835 17,612 20,780 31,384 5,030 660,392 335,394 149, 702 142,193 227,500 93,109 283,190 100,087 265 1,159 439 1,753 266 1,U7 6 17 26 78 55 259 81 328 49 210 49 225 51.1 51.5 95 452 100 792 74 332 70 350 90 372 70 464 82 701 165 718 71 205 51 226 6 12 2 9 106 241 133 734 35 56 35 102 11 5 6 61 111 5 18 35 100 170 5 11 7 46 71 30 95 50 45 1,167,447 1,042,324 4,405 2,374 712,773 803,065 637,823 747,902 9,070 15,943 37,496 13,421 28,334 25,799 454,674 239,259 167, 547 24,326 5,000 48,381 232,127 166,552 30 109 5 13 95 374 55 132 332 40 10 17 194 116 485 698 20 -42 75 166 210 185 461 311 150 6,524,853 4,177,399 5,630 2,383 3,504,749 2,708,292 3,009,009 2,394,533 55,100 47,401 41,363 13,912 399,277 247,446 3,020,104 1,469,107 305,270 109, 542 298,885 249,3% 2,415,949 1,110,169 218 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most dau for 1959 are based on rernts (For definitions nni! pxplanations. see text) Estimated number of famis 1059 . 11>51. Farm operators by age; Operators reriortinc ace niimbor 1959 . Under 2.i yenrs number 1959 . ■25 to 3^ years number 1959 . :15 lo ^^ years ,. number 1959. 45 to 54 years number 1959 . 55 to (i1 yonrs number 1959 . 65 or nore years number 1959 . Avera^te ace years 1959 . Olf-farm worit and other incotne: Fami operators— Woriiinc off their farnis operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 or more days operators reporting 1959. 1054. With other income of family exceedine vnlue of farm products sold operators repotting 1959. 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1 959 . 1954. Part oMTters number 1959 . 1954. Managers numl)er 1959 . 1954. A I] tenants number 1959. 1954. Cash tenants numlier 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Livestocl<-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Cro()pers number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than yepetable and (hiit-and-nut . . number 1959 . Cash-grain number 1959 . Tobacco number 1959. Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms numtier 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock ranches number 1959 . General farms .- . number 1950 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . Class I number 1959. Class 11 number 1959. ClB-Ssin number 1059. Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959. Class VI number 1959 . Other farms number 1959 . Part-time number 1959 . Part-retirement number 1959 . Ahnomial number 1959 . Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold total, dollars 1959. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1059. 1954. All crops .sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1950. 1954. Vegetables sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959. 1954. Forest products and hnrticultural specialty prcxIucLs sold r dollars 1959 . 1954. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1050. 1954. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1059. 1054. Dairy [Toducts sold dollars 1059. 1954. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. ie2 686 456 10 51 104 133 84 74 49.7 174 257 104 121 235 296 120 124 7 100 263 10 29 10 63 20 21 35 127 25 16 113 6 153 116 14 59 105 65 115 85 30 3,909,933 3,185,593 8,463 4,644 2,236,701 2,145,947 2,019,974 2,072,919 44,829 36,877 4,066 3,516 167,832 32,635 1,673,232 1,039,646 263,007 94,189 20,000 51, 197 1,390,225 894,260 Spalding 362 748 373 3 29 68 107 78 88 53.4 218 445 187 355 269 356 283 438 47 96 7 10 25 204 10 39 2 5 128 10 20 Stephens Stewart 30 236 136 3 20 36 37 30 10 226 150 1,690,995 2,007,285 4,671 2,684 727,032 1,118,054 255,390 567,440 25,881 20,819 314,859 457,073 130,902 72,722 963,963 389,231 125,340 269,232 198, 860 314, 582 639,763 305,417 463 856 492 5 30 126 133 105 93 51.9 297 565 261 505 329 540 356 592 30 96 1 1 76 146 25 41 158 3 5 15 30 40 60 305 225 1,688,939 1,081,527 3,648 1,263 U7,416 150,757 85,628 129,404 2,245 535 2,195 3,142 27,348 17,676 1,571,573 930,770 1,403,592 758,756 65,539 109,772 102,442 62,242 424 718 439 3 45 84 128 105 74 51.3 151 182 145 113 120 197 71 58 5 13 228 439 73 146 10 23 5 ioo 243 40 27 25 147 47 153 7 15 37 77 130 152 121 31 1,549,200 1,851,448 3,654 2,579 806, 884 1,319,632 682, 563 1,211,157 1,461 2,011 46,216 12,800 76,644 93,664 742,316 531,816 162,244 39,613 7,235 118,116 572,787 374,037 821 1,236 755 12 73 154 204 165 147 51.7 345 453 238 273 307 328 446 532 189 200 4 30 132 473 10 73 20 156 5 8 100 177 46 45 158 32 16 17 38 149 150 293 540 33 67 83 135 132 85 281 195 85 1 12,044,954 5,563,423 14,671 4,501 3,778,747 3,648,036 3,239,460 3,419,368 25,171 44,946 261,962 48,652 252,154 135,070 8,266,207 1,915,337 787,977 273, 812 1,159,291 417,010 6,318,939 1, 224, 565 Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall 360 672 361 1 20 56 121 34 231 452 188 344 276 436 196 295 63 33 1 3 100 242 60 161 1 17 22 22 22 267 175 92 1,223,174 1,001,405 3,398 1,490 562,321 441,631 87,527 197,756 4,305 3,295 226,249 159,826 244,740 80,754 660,353 559,774 121,397 79,779 22,080 123,319 516,876 I 356,676 240 433 252 3 9 46 66 63 65 54.6 139 256 115 141 155 187 184 233 15 51 41 162 15 97 20 11 13 35 156 116 40 692, 574 557, 520 2,886 1,288 122,608 196,289 79,569 165,871 237 90 3,984 2,334 38,818 27,994 569,966 361,231 30,246 31,296 386,620 232, 111 103,100 97,324 1,086 1,535 1,036 27 119 246 326 225 143 49.2 385 551 203 236 202 217 627 783 201 173 2 3 256 619 25 35 10 11 65 158 45 89 85 271 26 55 551 30 501 20 105 300 23 96 286 259 142 280 192 87 5,989,377 4,424,003 5,515 2,832 4,352,051 3,256,564 3,974,346 2,660,273 113,573 385,916 51,134 17,933 212,998 192,442 1,637,326 1,167,444 133,279 133,026 75,012 58,297 1,379,035 976,121 GEORGIA TYPE OF FARM. ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for onl> B sample of farms. Se6 textj 219 Tell-alr Terrell Thomas Tift Toomlis Townfl Treutlen Troup Turner TwlggB Union Upson WaUter Walton Ware Warren 797 690 1,288 890 787 517 455 743 663 408 865 435 1,078 1,107 649 567 1 1,016 1,247 1,762 1,331 1,251 711 623 1,248 875 656 957 841 1,663 1,907 1,020 844 2 793 692 1,237 905 788 497 442 734 604 406 851 415 1,007 1,120 641 568 .1 U 31 15 28 14 5 8 5 11 2 11 2 2 24 10 9 A 55 82 98 108 72 43 30 32 83 34 85 22 84 97 68 64 :, 167 171 250 207 184 115 87 129 166 89 185 66 224 259 158 115 n 233 192 357 277 226 141 157 223 172 118 220 129 262 360 194 174 7 172 130 271 181 178 102 93 177 109 88 196 119 234 249 117 115 B 152 86 246 104 114 91 67 168 63 75 154 77 201 131 94 91 !> 51.9 47.7 52.3 48.4 50.0 51.4 51.2 54.1 47.6 51.4 51.2 53.9 52.3 49.5 49.6 50.2 10 330 250 514 372 279 273 194 423 192 221 445 267 602 580 352 231 11 463 368 661 649 529 371 291 819 221 337 445 507 939 721 613 300 12 200 135 349 185 169 194 126 385 105 148 275 236 509 383 266 136 13 243 134 390 202 233 226 148 681 68 225 250 417 729 501 441 153 14 328 161 489 219 261 305 183 558 124 210 HI 313 693 560 313 132 15 360 173 368 379 367 336 218 882 95 256 336 588 786 536 474 230 16 513 194 701 478 399 371 189 541 236 200 649 318 815 4S6 423 300 17 615 327 760 543 570 471 265 898 309 226 785 538 1,234 822 628 319 18 118 120 292 171 192 80 76 75 196 62 150 50 155 184 125 61 19 152 143 250 162 164 101 42 136 128 84 133 76 24S 149 99 89 20 1 2 23 1 1 1 7 1 15 12 6 1 5 21 5 13 27 3 7 2 1 5 1 1 2 14 15 9 4 2 22 165 374 272 240 195 65 190 120 231 146 65 52 96 431 100 201 2.1 289 743 618 579 479 84 305 298 432 319 79 184 213 854 241 473 24 45 72 61 15 45 15 55 70 56 105 5 35 20 66 10 26 25 57 94 10 133 15 50 87 10 9 46 132 77 225 8 5 85 35 61 5 29 52 26 27 "s 2 11 4 7 1 "s 2 11 2 1 2 13 2 1 28 15 20 65 105 25 25 30 10 35 20 35 45 30 10 29 41 42 90 214 74 40 72 41 106 20 27 19 55 178 42 60 30 20 31 30 10 5 35 5 10 5 5 31 7 5 24 24 29 6 5 1 13 1 "i 2 2 11 32 60 190 70 60 60 10 70 10 70 5 11 25 230 40 140 33 146 553 277 277 240 10 154 33 210 29 18 53 81 518 133 338 34 25 82 30 30 45 15 30 30 35 41 30 6 11 25 15 20 35 30 47 83 10 42 18 20 39 15 43 24 24 27 93 25 23 36 107 323 201 208 231 35 176 25 309 75 115 16 80 531 252 210 37 5 10 51 5 25 10 55 5 5 10 38 36 100 170 190 5 in 5 252 39 36 141 20 11 31 65 25 55 60 11 70 521 200 40 30 172 30 27 5 5 ... 254 5 55 10 5 41 10 25 6 5 42 5 10 5 5 8 5 5 43 6 1 25 41 6 36 15 35 ii 183 17 88 53 5 44 6 5 26 5 6 6 10 26 10 3 21 60 37 5 6 45 106 44 193 57 95 35 50 95 64 33 'so 36 137 25 26 48 46 173 166 403 385 218 63 1 ISO 32 46 16 16 5 15 17 47 48 384 151 405 189 231 350 141 561 89 260 435 321 692 456 341 281 49 444 550 895 713 571 167 315 196 578 153 435 115 398 666 334 298 50 2 22 23 26 8 1 2 2 20 3 8 5 24 14 8 1 51 18 45 87 35 31 5 11 16 33 2 30 9 32 37 12 8 52 48 115 119 156 55 20 18 23 97 24 25 12 47 68 38 28 53 62 118 227 290 156 30 47 56 202 27 51 28 74 91 93 47 54 148 145 283 176 195 21 106 59 161 27 120 26 76 280 143 78 55 166 105 156 30 126 90 131 40 65 70 201 35 145 176 40 136 56 353 140 393 177 216 350 140 547 85 255 430 320 680 441 315 269 57 227 95 251 120 166 275 115 362 60 182 310 275 510 341 235 177 58 126 45 137 5 56 1 50 75 25 185 25 73 120 40 5 165 5 100 80 37 5 59 60 2,833,191 5,738,865 7,808,390 8,435,037 4,054,378 1,395,676 1,825,545 1,787,470 5,250,600 1,003,509 3,357,103 1,893,232 4,525,582 4,836,234 3,412,326 2,036,439 61 1,860,871 4,770,360 6,259,774 4,750,268 3,161,847 520,006 1,416,579 1,409,324 2,932,286 745,925 1,317,795 1,126,187 2,639,830 4,328,333 2,502,942 1,860,473 62 3,555 8,317 6,062 9,478 5,152 2,700 4,012 2,406 7,919 2,460 3,831 4,352 4,198 4,369 5,258 3,592 63 1,832 3,825 3,553 3,569 2,527 731 2,274 1,130 3,351 1,137 1,377 1,339 1,587 2,270 2,454 2,204 64 1,456,502 4,334,126 4,907,577 6,506,247 2,898,275 98,841 1,087,193 486,440 3,713,439 563, 852 363,370 658,4«1 629,486 2,460,040 2,260,731 1,331,282 65 1,124,522 4,178,699 4,520,090 3,732,277 2,367,936 100,960 1,103,688 473,970 2,273,155 511,172 302,653 620,364 713,180 2,898,398 1,994,031 1,468,813 66 989,534 4,068,997 3,804,161 4,735,817 2,670,140 62,406 917,711 136,968 3,235,085 406,355 213,522 85,768 308,880 2,310,135 1,781,639 1,190,546 67 926,900 4,107,761 3,460,631 2,635,729 2,192,192 81,536 864,879 258,324 1,947,464 439,542 166,224 182,601 411,987 2,767,722 1,631,609 1,413,592 68 20,840 8,240 428,901 85,085 46,869 3,958 2,255 5,595 227,790 20,730 80,504 9,485 17,454 24,461 9,215 11,125 69 44,939 9,255 667,163 78, 114 58,479 2,050 217 5,281 231,721 47,094 85,177 19,728 26,650 7,165 14,881 30 70 50,263 131,478 178,246 87,580 16,096 6,715 10,299 44,742 43, 572 8,457 5,552 391,283 19,990 32,671 37,723 35,071 71 21,545 8,645 144,440 20,022 8,616 13,329 3,064 17,048 9,836 749 12,395 368,702 38,376 23,919 65,771 10, 886 72 395,865 125,411 496,269 1,597,765 165,170 25,762 156,928 299,135 206,992 128,310 63,792 171,945 283,162 92,773 432, 154 94,540 73 131,138 53,038 247,856 998,412 108,649 4,045 235,528 193,317 34,134 23,787 33,857 49,333 235,667 99, 592 281,770 44,305 74 1,376,689 1,404,739 2,900,813 1,928,790 1,156,103 1,296,835 738, 352 1,301,030 1, 537, 161 439,657 2,993,733 1,234,751 3,896,096 2,376,194 1,151,595 705,207 75 736,349 591,661 1,739,684 1,017,991 793,911 419,046 312,891 935,354 659,131 234,753 1,015,142 505,823 1,926,650 1,430,435 508,911 391,660 76 455,614 253,164 319,476 524,699 227,780 1,164,337 117,324 332,840 323,663 3,862 2,714,534 568,493 1,974,077 1,172,223 490, 233 122,433 77 102,668 32,343 283,510 70,319 45,471 323,729 31,454 104,411 36,401 5,934 887,719 102, 826 879,922 515,235 112,435 57,400 7S 64,410 91,055 420,395 60,650 104,690 10,890 160,395 293,900 73,300 115,857 4,205 217,950 754,005 591,283 43,000 97,150 79 55,001 61,694 218,232 87,828 115,770 29,957 29,707 469,473 26,886 52,233 21,276 175,103 502,294 591, 513 42,438 120,361 80 856,665 1,060,520 2,160,942 1,343,441 823,633 121,608 460,633 674,290 1, 140, 198 319,938 274,994 448,303 1,168,014 612,688 618,362 485,569 81 578,680 497,624 1,237,942 859,844 632,670 65,360 251,730 361,970 595,344 176, 586 106,147 227,894 544,434 323,687 354,038 213,899 82 220 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Con. [Klo3t data for 1959 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations. Washington Wa^e Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wiliinson Estiiiial«d number of farms 1959. 1954. Farm operators by age: Operators reporting age number 1959 . I'nder 25 years number 1959. 25 to 34 years number 1959. 35 to 44 years number 1959. 45 to 54 years number 1959 . 55 to 64 years number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . Average age years 1959.. Off-farm work antl otfier income; Farm operators— Worlong off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 or more days operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . With father income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators repotting 1959 . , 1954., Farms by tenure of operator; Full owners number 1959.. 1954 . , Part owners number 1959 . , 1954.. Managers number 1959 . 1954 . . \n tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Share-cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Crop-share tenants number 1959 . . 1954.. Livestock-share tenants number 1959. . 1954., Croppers number 1959 . . 1954 . . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. . 1954 . . Farms by type of farm; Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fniit-and-nut . . number 1959. . Cash-grain number 1959 . . Tobacco number 1959 . , Cotton number 1959 . , Other field-crop number 1959 . . Vegetable farms number 1959 . . Fryit-and-nut farms number 1959. . Poultry farms number 1959 . . Dairy farms number 1959 . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . . Livestock ranches number 1959 . . General farms number 1959 . . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959 . , Farms by economic class; Commercial farms number 1959., Class I number 1959 . Class n number 1959 . Class in number 1959 . Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . , Class VI number 1959 . , Other farms number 1959 . . Part-time number 1959 . Part-retirement number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959 . Value of protJucts sold by source; All farm products sold total, dollars 1959. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959. 1954. All crops sold dollars 1959. 1954 . Field cror>s, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Vegetables sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959. 1954 . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold ; dollars 1959. 1954. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959 . 1954, Dairy froducts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Livestock and livestock froducts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. 969 l,6i3 1,007 17 97 220 297 219 157 50.5 579 852 410 529 510 598 449 555 172 233 9 339 844 91 207 85 1 10 161 458 51 81 309 25 S3 474 519 11 48 69 87 158 146 450 324 126 4,847,899 4,151,342 5,003 2,527 3,142,017 3,149,798 2,304,342 2,558,986 134,741 99,783 431,283 170,802 271,651 320,227 1,705,882 1,001,544 378,564 76,863 493,367 220,437 833,951 704,244 685 954 694 18 63 143 207 158 105 50.2 313 408 243 296 288 375 393 608 181 90 6 3 105 248 20 21 5 2 25 48 15 42 30 95 10 40 146 141 6 6 114 117 296 397 3 11 46 167 133 37 288 193 95 3,244,478 2,195,527 4,736 2,301 1,865,520 1,440,778 1,629,129 1,252,478 55,712 76,707 12,426 11,269 168,253 100,324 1,378,958 754,749 140,622 78,228 75,345 78,219 1,162,991 598,302 312 467 320 17 41 64 85 59 54 49.3 137 192 58 81 107 133 103 159 70 65 3 4 136 248 15 47 144 15 37 237 1 10 22 22 97 85 75 35 40 1,371,285 1,310,966 4,395 2,807 882,746 1,031,089 809,258 806,698 2,735 3,830 27,748 8,254 43,005 212,307 488,539 279,877 211,149 52,578 400 23,730 276,990 203,569 566 705 507 7 47 101 150 109 93 51.8 224 305 118 119 198 170 368 353 120 105 2 76 253 30 54 10 23 12 31 134 5 26 93 247 2 57 89 87 116 215 125 90 2,022,311 1,625,237 3,573 2,305 993,261 965,087 780,010 833,353 37,972 48,228 23,226 3,070 152,053 80,436 1,029,050 660,150 116,109 17,166 50 413 912,891 642, 571 613 1,027 862 1,559 608 1,009 6 18 56 87 154 228 162 299 123 217 107 160 51.1 50.7 316 630 437 1,016 255 527 332 791 320 692 431 1,047 502 747 609 1,082 45 140 77 191 16 5 3 7 50 135 150 254 5 15 35 44 6 6 25 37 84 10 9 7 65 33 70 45 20 30 43 341 27 388 20 85 90 98 225 145 5,060,547 3,298,558 8,255 3,827 137,166 157,705 72,815 123,092 3,926 5,006 1,032 7,925 59,393 21,682 4,923,381 3,140,853 4,655,641 3,022,513 62,070 21,984 205,670 96,356 416 20 41 10 510 517 21 111 115 150 510 400 110 8,009,218 5,557,512 7,799 3,565 349,018 518,622 258,569 385,796 10,081 8,156 6,197 11,970 74,171 112,700 7,660,200 5,038,890 6,712,195 4,554,748 341,970 281,054 606,035 203,088 644 1,019 596 3 62 131 177 122 96 50.4 205 402 129 149 187 244 352 449 131 168 161 414 25 74 21 64 15 15 70 240 30 16 149 1 5 98 45 269 181 488 5 56 60 146 141 156 101 55 3,953,376 2,992,360 6,139 2,937 3,096,526 2,389,698 2,693,834 2,114,858 77,732 91,874 38,869 17,203 286,091 165,763 856,850 602,662 63,883 90,213 65,000 83,974 727,967 428,475 730 1,160 705 7 35 111 202 187 163 54.4 350 638 237 375 339 530 457 584 120 130 153 421 41 78 3 46 125 36 144 137 5 2 393 364 6 19 90 35 64 150 366 216 150 3,065,977 1,873,955 4,200 1,615 718,781 722,636 324,393 499,819 4,670 1,532 9,863 5,003 379,855 216,282 2,347,196 1,151,319 496,303 144,702 906,137 625,335 944,756 381,282 378 584 357 4 25 77 105 92 54 51.6 196 343 167 264 133 322 218 321 92 76 6 3 62 201 11 113 11 230 160 7 10 14 20 31 78 218 156 57 5 1,355,239 862,140 3,585 1,476 286, 596 329,914 207,380 249,496 7,743 24,064 8,507 3,035 62,966 53,319 1,068,643 532,226 793,096 301,052 1,625 27,741 273,922 203,433 GEORGIA 221 County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [.Ml data except residence of operator are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For derinitions ux) expluislions, see text) The State Appling Atlcinson Bacon Baker Baldirln Banks Barrow Bartow 1 Estimated number of rams 1959 . . . 106,261 1,049 433 784 543 289 593 702 971 2 1954 . . . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITTES 165,485 1,357 580 912 742 468 978 1,075 1,478 3 Oain combines Tanns reporting 1959 .. , 9,285 8 14 12 63 15 41 61 63 « 1954 . . . 9,085 13 8 18 50 30 21 61 no 5 number 1959 . . . 10,340 11 14 12 67 19 41 61 85 6 1954 . . . 10,065 14 8 18 51 43 21 61 119 7 Com pickers famis repnrtinp 1959 . . . 9,410 131 88 144 81 11 55 8 1954 . . . 4,585 36 40 47 19 3 10 "5 43 9 number 1959 . . . 9,702 132 94 144 86 11 57 10 1954 . . . 4,657 36 42 47 19 "3 10 "5 44 11 Piclt-up balers fanns reporting 1959 , . , 5,742 16 27 23 14 33 37 76 88 12 1954 . . . 3,870 12 14 7 18 19 22 26 70 13 number 1959 . . . .5,875 17 32 23 18 35 37 •s 83 H 3,922 12 14 7 19 19 22 26 70 15 Field forage harvesters fanns repotting; 1959 .. . 1,489 11 21 10 2 5 10 7 16 1954... 1,050 5 6 "2 11 5 5 13 17 number 1959 . . . 1,651 11 26 10 2 5 10 7 IS 1954 . . . 1,093 5 6 2 11 5 5 18 19 Mot«tmclr only a sample of fanna. See text] Butts Calliouji Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chfltta- hoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb 388 372 114 699 1,791 540 179 246 47 709 1,147 288 439 322 131 877 1 668 743 324 923 3,289 832 201 461 59 1,091 1,665 521 57D 915 176 1,986 2 105 52 1 50 98 15 10 53 31 31 43 46 42 8 67 66 17 56 16 20 66 18 59 35 54 31 4 113 66 1 61 108 15 15 58 31 31 44 56 42 S 7i 81 17 56 16 21 68 18 60 37 60 31 e 82 68 20 . . . 11 92 11 1 47 '25 5 7 34 60 10 15 48 2 2 22 "i 12 5 8 83 70 20 ii 92 11 1 47 30 5 9 34 60 10 '15 48 2 2 22 "i 12 5 10 40 25 "5 7 108 50 'io '16 1 83 26 36 34 36 52 11 21 27 6 32 35 20 66 18 25 11 33 36 12 41 27 5 7 U4 50 '16 10 1 83 26 36 34 36 52 13 21 27 6 37 35 22 67 18 25 11 34 36 14 6 4 1 5 15 5 7 5 31 6 15 7 1 10 15 6 1 20 15 7 8 25 1 2 7 10 IS 6 6 i 5 15 5 7 5 32 6 15 7 1 10 17 6 1 20 16 7 8 25 1 2 7 10 IS 256 191 'to 407 969 370 114 151 '30 369 525 175 208 157 84 457 19 228 328 112 351 873 427 110 225 14 339 535 174 212 340 U4 776 20 301 265 143 462 1,032 415 130 189 33 421 654 223 273 176 108 519 21 258 403 129 373 949 469 116 265 18 395 594 201 283 382 134 876 22 222 202 79 468 782 335 95 159 14 484 412 162 208 202 90 477 23 263 243 65 581 668 331 79 171 3 515 390 201 215 320 U5 706 24 284 595 195 702 922 420 111 215 18 654 488 232 390 247 120 589 25 290 538 84 683 760 367 81 246 5 638 420 252 379 412 128 828 28 207 197 79 468 761 320 95 144 9 479 377 147 208 182 85 432 27 259 584 186 702 876 390 106 184 13 629 438 202 390 227 115 513 28 171 50 56 302 652 275 84 116 6 371 331 105 115 145 67 380 29 36 147 23 166 109 45 11 28 3 108 46 42 93 37 18 52 30 207 197 79 458 761 320 95 139 9 479 377 147 208 182 79 427 31 258 243 63 581 638 316 69 UO 3 490 365 191 215 310 U4 601 32 257 572 162 681 855 380 106 178 12 629 432 202 390 225 93 432 33 279 429 67 678 719 347 71 165 4 586 382 227 373 390 126 663 34 2 12 21 21 21 10 . . . 6 1 6 2 n 21 35 6 5 5 11 ... 6 1 '12 13 12 2 15 36 2 12 24 21 21 10 6 1 6 2 22 31 37 11 6 7 11 6 1 '12 13 12 2 15 38 25 11 9 46 '36 5 31 5 25 50 25 20 5 76 39 3 10 5 30 20 10 72 40 25 25 "i 10 145 40 25 11 9 46 30 5 31 5 25 50 30 20 5 76 41 3 10 5 30 20 10 75 40 25 25 "i 10 150 42 281 234 89 498 1,254 420 102 200 14 539 910 240 254 267 75 762 43 483 335 161 632 2,173 587 57 329 18 655 995 381 293 703 111 1,516 44 342 266 131 553 1,515 500 104 253 14 623 1,032 302 296 358 89 973 45 517 409 180 756 2,300 706 65 377 18 735 1,040 471 355 830 125 1,901 4« 226 109 31 344 1,112 245 35 199 7 147 661 192 95 242 69 757 47 2U 107 36 220 1,090 180 28 252 7 112 457 270 79 464 35 1,165 48 190 162 95 439 896 380 158 141 23 348 479 122 169 206 UO 437 49 100 157 99 314 461 166 91 228 4 223 244 128 152 293 98 566 50 11 1 ... 45 45 11 35 15 15 5 5 30 51 11 6 5 35 56 11 15 41 21 1 21 60 52 11 2 5 ... 45 40 11 1 35 5 15 1 20 1 5 1 5 25 5 53 54 'i? 48 "2 '42 15 '20 8 "i 56 16 16 43 "5 15 15 55 188 131 33 150 770 185 33 143 27 359 558 239 163 200 23 561 58 128 125 13 78 611 150 42 205 23 438 383 341 247 206 43 875 57 10 27 1 16 91 80 5 8 90 71 1 6 1 100 58 11 49 1 5 100 421 5 5 412 215 26 15 105 59 185 192 80 488 905 265 141 93 19 260 513 36 264 UO 103 2U 60 757 736 215 1,022 2,980 286 218 158 40 371 1,402 286 482 718 169 1,051 61 100 65 33 140 441 105 69 35 1 75 280 20 37 75 56 ■ 171 62 85 127 47 348 464 160 72 58 18 135 233 16 177 35 47 40 63 85 122 41 318 464 150 57 58 17 185 223 16 172 35 47 40 64 5 6 30 10 15 1 10 5 65 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 l?/6-12/12 U/29-12/5 U/29-12/5 12^-12/12 U/29/12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 U/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/59-12/5 11/69-12/5 11/29-12/5 66 325 300 74 419 1,426 475 147 228 3 573 955 181 421 227 84 732 67 573 566 2% 725 2,314 707 143 360 49 714 1,349 395 492 675 149 1,626 68 587 409 108 544 1,980 660 208 274 3 847 1,396 221 666 317 121 947 69 843 903 477 1,212 3,345 912 242 406 81 1,265 1,636 566 933 807 176 1,976 70 320 290 69 409 1,346 460 137 217 3 568 885 166 416 217 84 722 71 543 561 291 715 2,239 697 131 359 44 638 1,314 385 491 665 138 1,606 72 80 71 26 135 438 235 43 126 1 235 367 121 111 no 36 370 73 240 219 43 274 908 225 94 91 2 333 518 45 305 107 4a 352 74 172 49 29 125 U3 155 49 56 203 391 45 183 55 27 180 75 267 119 39 135 634 200 71 57 279 511 55 250 100 37 225 76 72 no 31 137 205 50 7 90 2 103 39 47 73 56 13 107 77 70 117 17 263 142 56 5 59 3 113 85 95 112 65 5 96 78 158 467 100 212 511 100 7 261 4 273 90 123 224 142 13 291 79 123 602 42 797 524 79 5 243 14 261 238 218 600 109 9 131 80 14 94 24 97 65 25 1 53 2 52 19 40 42 26 2 57 81 23 71 5 71 20 26 5 59 2 36 39 60 54 40 4 56 82 19 300 67 139 139 40 1 137 2 74 65 90 101 52 2 2U 83 25 335 18 101 35 34 5 238 2 50 64 131 142 67 8 71 84 11 29 8 64 33 15 1 22 2 40 5 25 21 15 2 36 85 3 65 16 33 32 10 31 12 14 15 21 U 21 88 374 302 104 624 1,560 524 155 205 39 646 1,167 233 353 275 99 774 87 671 605 240 805 2,996 780 167 459 49 1,021 1,544 428 506 772 193 1,897 as 26 40 9 26 60 15 6 27 3 30 24 29 9 15 15 45 89 33 40 22 26 91 25 20 31 3 53 51 45 26 22 U 62 •0 224 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are based Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson 1 Estimated number of fnrms , 1959 . . . 1,543 1,963 1,833 2,765 413 774 837 1,154 809 1,394 342 540 551 889 4U 646 312 561 2 1954 . . . SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES 3 Grain combines farms reporting 1959 . . . 42 101 21 31 66 43 140 15 11 4 1954... i5 94 19 7 75 41 107 9 16 5 number 1059... 42 110 23 32 75 45 157 17 U 6 1954... 46 101 20 8 83 43 122 11 16 7 Com pickers - farms repnrting 1959 . . . 254 491 165 8 20 1S6 13 6 1954 . . . 123 275 1 128 3 2 61 2 11 9 number 1959 . . . 255 503 165 9 20 193 13 10 1954 . . . 123 275 "i 128 3 2 71 2 11 11 Pick-up balers farms reporlinE 1059 . . . 42 59 21 34 76 21 34 U 12 1954 . . . 13 37 43 12 66 23 11 8 13 number 1959... 42 60 21 34 81 21 34 15 14 1954 . . . 13 37 43 12 66 23 11 9 15 Field forape harvesters fanns reporting 1959 . . . 31 22 11 14 1 2 2 ... 16 1954... 6 16 10 6 11 4 1 ... 17 number 1959... 36 22 16 16 1 2 2 ... 18 1954 . . . 6 16 12 6 11 4 1 ... 19 Motortrucks farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,025 1,371 212 470 364 139 405 187 157 20 1954... 1,151 1,520 204 604 402 157 493 250 264 21 number 1959... 1,110 1,633 231 538 446 280 573 204 188 00 1954 . . . 1,226 1,693 232 639 438 216 608 304 270 23 Tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,211 1,450 169 641 394 185 415 213 2A7 24 1954... 1,111 1,854 211 734 519 147 439 180 173 25 number 1959... 1,672 2,323 207 960 608 328 953 255 168 26 195<... 1,347 2,432 252 875 710 257 772 228 198 27 Tractors other than carden farms reporting 1059... 1,201 1,420 169 631 384 185 414 198 137 28 number 1959. . . 1,641 2,284 202 940 588 328 930 225 U8 29 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 . . . 868 862 141 422 271 122 190 183 126 30 2 or mere tractors farms reporting 1959... 333 558 28 209 113 63 224 15 11 31 Wheel tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,200 1,420 169 631 383 185 414 193 132 32 1954... 1,105 1,843 190 734 494 142 419 180 173 33 number 1959 . . . 1,631 2,277 202 937 550 318 930 212 143 34 1954... 1,313 2,400 213 869 632 248 752 205 198 35 Crawler Iractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 10 7 3 31 10 13 5 36 1954 . . . 12 19 "b 6 28 2 13 ... 37 number 1959 . . . 10 7 3 38 10 13 5 38 1954 . . . 24 20 8 6 33 4 13 39 Garden tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 26 36 5 15 U is 30 '26 40 1954 . . . 10 11 31 40 "5 20 10 ... 41 number 1959... 31 39 5 20 20 23 30 20 42 1954 . . . 10 12 31 45 "5 20 10 43 \utomobiles farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,155 1,377 306 636 616 284 455 247 232 44 1954 . . . 918 1,723 532 624 830 339 557 326 320 45 number 1959... 1,276 1,523 339 761 710 353 547 257 277 46 1954 . . . 1,036 1,948 661 677 958 405 790 373 336 47 Telephone farms reporting 1959 . . . 402 673 189 355 513 133 380 236 121 48 1954 . . . 178 295 201 88 481 70 289 53 62 49 Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,148 1,384 214 575 380 164 355 185 96 50 1954 . . . 808 884 195 293 292 89 289 121 52 51 Milking machine farms reporting 1959. . . 47 22 44 11 17 17 1 52 1954 . . . 26 46 49 10 23 12 22 53 Electric milk cooler farms reporting 1959... 42 17 33 6 17 12 1 ... 54 Crop drier (for ^rain, forage, ot other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . . 12 32 5 11 8 14 55 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower . farms reporting 1959 . . . Farms by kind of road on which located: 119 219 7 58 22 20 98 "i 5 5fi Hard surface farms reporting 1959 . . . 313 515 167 139 457 126 214 177 171 57 1950 . . . 207 498 171 77 655 160 219 244 302 58 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 .. . 73 100 15 20 21 5 16 60 11 59 1950 . . . 37 130 5 5 28 10 6 217 75 60 Dirt or unimproved. farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,141 1,207 230 657 273 206 296 172 130 61 1950 . . . 1,922 1,875 615 1,106 1,068 461 828 212 236 62 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . . 380 303 100 186 195 60 95 70 50 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . . 761 904 130 471 78 146 201 102 80 64 1 to 4 miles farms reporttne 1959 . . . 709 893 125 460 78 141 196 102 80 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . . DATE OF ENUMERATION 52 U 5 11 5 5 66 Anrw/^viiTiBlA ai'^mop rlnt^ nf pniirT\^rnr inn .l959 . . . 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 n^nw^j^tiitai^ uvCT a^fr uaLV' \jt "rnuiftd atiuji....... ..... ..... . .... . A.-rvf ■ . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' 67 Family workers, includinc operators farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,298 1,534 280 678 565 238 409 334 266 68 1954 .. . 1,553 2,044 614 954 1,050 467 792 621 490 69 persons 1959 .. . 1,971 1,939 415 1,035 736 411 567 450 408 70 1954 . . . 2,410 2,855 1,077 1,096 1,486 832 1,322 793 769 71 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1959 . . . 1,277 1,498 249 663 539 276 408 308 261 72 1954... 1,533 2,014 553 954 1,025 457 792 611 485 73 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . . . 305 333 128 250 259 133 56 189 140 74 972 1,165 121 413 280 143 352 119 121 75 Unpaid memhers of operntcr's family working 15 or more hoiirs farms reporting 1959 .. . 461 239 116 271 137 72 102 122 U6 76 persons 1959... 694 4.41 166 372 197 135 159 142 147 77 Hired workers farms reporting 1959 .. . 322 307 79 121 161 56 184 16 15 78 1954 .. . 224 375 79 69 172 63 160 20 108 79 persons 1959 . . . 673 737 123 296 850 221 865 33 35 80 1954 . . . 545 756 159 160 390 223 1,024 38 278 81 Recuiar workers (employed 150 or more (lavs) . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 99 146 48 71 62 40 157 4 82 1954 . . . 70 173 48 18 82 38 114 10 1 83 persons 1959 .. . 139 262 70 110 195 137 401 U 84 1954... Farms reporting hy number of regular hired workers: 139 266 96 48 130 100 373 28 6 85 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 , . . 78 108 33 52 27 18 57 2 86 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . . 21 38 15 19 35 22 100 2 87 Residing on farm operated operates reporting 1959 .. . 1,297 1,537 389 640 660 300 469 409 309 88 1954... 1,805 2,421 694 1,025 1,378 537 776 583 578 S9 Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 .. . 97 97 21 60 50 25 35 13 1 90 1954 .. . 97 153 26 61 77 20 96 14 15 ^For 1954, data relate to week of October 24-30. GEORGIA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on npoiis tor only a sample of farms. See taxtj 225 Decatur De Kalb Dod^e Doolj Dougherty Douglas Early Echolfl Emngham Elbert Emanuel Evans Faimln Fayette Floyd Forsyth 1,077 409 1,039 757 397 483 990 151 563 1,023 1,139 457 742 496 941 1,237 ^ 1,280 1,066 1,558 1,204 577 900 1,633 209 769 1,558 1,592 599 1,070 783 1,651 1,713 2 Hi 51 64 212 59 11 60 1 IS 155 64 12 10 36 103 46 3 5i 20 39 193 60 16 102 2 11 138 59 2 20 77 59 51 4 127 51 63 237 80 U 82 1 19 166 70 17 10 39 114 47 5 &4 20 41 228 71 17 119 2 11 145 61 4 20 32 67 52 6 329 20 89 179 34 163 12 83 5 101 89 25 10 72 5 7 109 32 81 30 "5 103 2 32 46 13 5 10 43 "5 8 334 20 119 1B5 36 169 12 85 'io 107 99 25 10 75 5 9 120 32 82 31 6 107 2 32 46 13 5 10 44 5 10 27 61 15 50 31 24 23 1 19 '90 35 8 16 26 130 26 11 25 21 27 12 29 27 33 7 36 31 2 5 9 69 16 12 27 62 15 50 33 29 27 "i 19 90 35 9 16 27 132 26 13 26 21 27 12 29 27 33 7 36 31 2 5 9 78 16 14 17 11 5 21 8 7 7 6 11 18 1 10 5 11 11 15 1 6 1 11 9 1 2 5 1 5 1 5 18 le 18 13 5 21 10 7 8 6 11 13 1 10 6 12 'ii 17 1 7 1 11 9 1 3 5 1 5 1 5 19 18 W- 214 694 505 221 278 584 78 389 437 614 272 331 276 463 686 19 637 335 666 592 227 353 759 137 392 462 752 287 225 253 541 737 20 1,069 288 787 675 306 315 681 92 430 504 665 322 352 323 557 740 21 803 444 759 700 340 372 850 139 450 510 825 338 240 234 607 773 22 651 309 659 546 226 237 544 95 382 537 684 276 301 231 635 485 23 609 381 606 509 198 290 718 92 360 538 841 323 245 268 725 507 24 1,163 440 966 1,080 452 314 956 115 511 726 912 U5 327 389 954 558 25 911 455 739 1,018 404 339 1,110 102 405 635 1,000 401 270 351 972 541 26 646 274 634 536 221 192 544 95 332 507 679 261 276 260 616 475 27 1,153 352 925 1,055 438 229 956 110 494 681 896 415 302 346 886 518 28 397 226 468 233 130 163 347 81 309 361 534 163 250 205 452 436 29 249 48 166 303 91 29 197 14 73 146 145 98 26 55 164 39 30 635 274 529 536 221 187 539 95 382 507 669 261 271 255 616 475 31 609 236 586 609 173 240 70S 92 339 533 336 317 230 263 666 497 32 1,114 343 913 1,049 430 214 927 109 475 670 866 413 282 334 874 516 33 903 284 705 1,017 366 258 1,094 101 372 603 995 335 230 335 878 525 34 22 7 7 6 7 10 27 1 14 11 30 1 20 11 11 2 35 6 21 21 1 1 1 5 1 6 12 2 15 6 20 1 36 39 9 12 6 8 15 29 1 19 11 '30 2 20 12 12 2 37 7 26 26 1 1 1 6 1 6 12 5 15 6 22 1 38 7 86 41 20 14 82 5 17 40 16 30 25 43 63 40 39 1 145 7 32 80 10 27 15 5 11 25 10 72 15 40 10 88 41 25 14 85 "5 17 45 16 30 25 43 68 40 41 1 145 8 37 80 16 27 15 5 11 25 10 72 15 42 721 371 647 515 307 344 605 120 447 833 696 317 427 385 761 899 43 637 706 802 679 428 434 304 107 429 1,153 827 228 365 412 1,226 972 44 920 544 705 590 416 401 649 122 536 987 787 378 473 466 983 986 45 881 965 891 902 592 485 879 125 490 1,204 940 234 400 467 1,503 1,089 4e 565 379 412 221 310 337 286 59 298 523 471 227 86 238 553 332 47 110 831 242 159 265 288 101 23 209 230 418 166 140 222 539 492 48 662 288 631 518 251 220 540 U2 433 459 649 332 262 253 550 580 49 304 411 438 319 146 193 325 83 223 251 531 171 125 131 368 192 50 4 17 16 6 2 2 10 43 10 15 47 5 51 8 51 15 11 11 7 'ii 21 2 1 15 5 63 15 52 4 17 17 6 2 2 5 43 11 15 47 5 53 7 8 16 16 7 1 io 2 54 177 "7 '46 87 39 5 61 6 45 '21 43 31 4 23 7 55 354 263 229 245 181 195 280 43 214 466 207 154 155 219 620 530 56 163 616 184 271 194 201 249 37 70 288 430 31 325 154 896 416 57 83 15 50 25 51 61 23 20 407 10 31 31 58 67 145 16 'io 3 126 10 "32 60 15 6 620 11 325 165 59 608 120 734 487 159 282 654 102 353 490 845 273 175 256 280 626 60 1,371 370 1,668 1,185 300 586 1,314 167 733 1,408 1,652 547 610 849 373 1,355 61 258 85 187 195 89 120 232 16 124 240 270 90 75 154 195 . 325 62 350 35 547 292 70 162 422 86 229 250 575 138 100 102 85 301 63 335 30 542 292 59 162 388 81 214 235 550 188 100 102 85 301 64 15 I 5 5 1 34 5 15 15 25 65 LL/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 U/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 Ll/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 ll/2au/28 66 788 287 797 537 290 426 703 139 478 791 701 354 582 342 809 1,113 67 1,129 1,006 1,290 1,079 512 585 1,421 124 634 1,247 1,414 419 905 591 1,339 1,342 68 1,045 397 1,230 785 330 776 836 149 707 1,225 1,063 480 312 497 1,267 1,713 69 1,389 1,271 1,921 1,789 639 1,031 2,200 237 864 2,048 2,132 594 1,350 1,021 2,214 2,337 70 768 Z77 777 526 289 411 691 139 468 731 680 349 572 332 784 1,038 71 1,114 981 1,265 1,059 502 565 1,386 103 619 1,207 1,378 409 850 566 1,304 1,227 72 173 95 185 137 84 111 221 82 211 237 134 160 261 165 257 350 73 595 182 592 389 205 300 470 57 257 544 496 189 311 165 527 688 74 165 95 262 159 35 203 115 10 190 293 231 106 195 30 278 540 75 277 120 453 259 41 365 145 10 239 444 383 131 240 165 483 580 76 236 89 271 251 104 41 240 17 134 174 186 53 6 58 215 91 77 147 116 174 288 98 97 296 39 101 112 241 65 35 62 139 101 78 1,147 214 735 776 321 U6 810 39 259 614 482 211 12 201 1,194 175 7» 1,078 263 721 848 435 219 1,719 64 185 271 607 128 80 153 588 236 80 154 54 126 170 89 10 133 2 53 64 102 38 1 19 103 56 81 87 66 83 213 80 12 171 2 48 53 108 23 15 14 72 16 82 808 129 218 374 238 50 440 9 97 97 165 111 2 22 265 86 83 718 133 195 459 247 24 501 6 52 108 188 65 45 31 178 16 84 74 25 78 81 53 5 73 1 40 47 65 15 17 53 31 85 80 29 iS 89 36 5 60 1 18 17 36 23 1 2 45 25 B« 887 325 893 590 354 487 827 132 533 928 357 357 724 471 335 1,155 87 1,209 1,021 1,434 1,120 477 84S 1,500 201 753 1,436 1,411 553 1,025 777 1,476 1,700 88 66 25 66 72 45 15 54 10 40 39 99 34 17 32 52 18 89 83 21 77 86 43 20 95 4 36 72 82 40 19 39 44 22 90 226 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of opo^lof we based — Item Fraiiklln Fulton Gilmer Glascock Glyim Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 Estimated number of fnnns .1959 . . . 1,152 1,183 648 259 160 1,183 1,237 569 1,339 2 1954 . . . SPEaFED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUTIES 1,713 1,972 890 444 216 1,549 1,656 970 2,789 3 3nin combines fftmis reporting 1959 .. . 133 87 9 12 43 69 41 98 4 1054... 158 72 6 12 31 38 30 84 5 number 1950 . . . U3 98 9 12 43 70 41 109 6 1954... 164 75 6 12 31 39 33 84 7 ? 61 34 55 34 35 86 23 54 39 52 53 34 58 115 43 53 W 228 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are based — Item Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lljlcoljl Ltjng Loimdea (For definilions and explanations, see text) 1 Estimated number of farms 1959 . . , 319 447 318 1,603 387 230 423 227 1,097 2 1954 . . . SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUTIES 503 715 473 2,473 594 603 656 351 1,515 3 arain combines farms reporting 1959 . . . 23 63 22 147 94 1 29 69 4 1954... 54 99 23 111 102 3 20 "i 25 5 number 1959 . . . 2A 68 22 175 111 1 29 75 6 1954 . . . 53 100 28 U9 120 3 20 1 28 7 Com pickers farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 53 161 72 1 35 165 8 1954 . . . 23 59 65 77 9 number 1959 . . . "i 58 168 75 "i 35 171 10 1954 . . . 23 59 65 ... 77 11 Pick-up balers farms reportine 1959 .. . 36 33 6 71 36 13 12 72 12 1954 . . . 51 18 20 76 23 10 3 1 27 13 number 1959 . . . 36 33 6 77 36 L3 12 ... 72 14 1954 . . . 51 18 20 77 28 10 8 1 27 15 Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1959 . . . 7 17 5 22 17 2 12 16 1954 . . . 9 10 25 11 'ii 3 ' 1 1 17 number 1959 . . . 8 18 5 29 20 2 12 18 1954 . . . 9 10 26 11 12 3^ 1 1 19 Motortrucks farms reporting 1959 . . . 184 175 181 981 277 104 168 156 738 20 1954 . . . 236 183 173 1,065 224 138 186 221 766 21 number 1959 .. . 207 199 191 1,123 370 115 197 167 829 1954 .. . 294 213 187 1,133 283 225 225 224 832 23 179 206 216 230 213 204 1,101 1,110 262 264 95 87 203 170 163 150 822 887 24 19.54 . . . 25 number 1959... 263 322 290 1,571 604 114 256 194 1,157 26 1954... 279 297 272 1,303 481 103 201 158 1,052 27 Tractors other tfian parden farms reporting 1959.. . 159 211 213 1,061 262 85 203 163 802 28 numlier 1959 .. . 223 296 280 1,521 595 99 256 194 1,122 29 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 . . . 117 42 150 61 162 51 765 296 127 135 75 10 176 32 132 31 598 204 30 2 or mere tractors farms reporting 1959 .. . 31 Wlieol iracters farms reporting 1959 . . . 159 206 213 1,050 262 80 203 163 802 32 1954 . . . 196 215 203 1,110 254 82 165 140 872 33 number 1959 .. . 222 284 279 1,500 577 90 250 194 1,105 34 1954 . . . 254 275 263 1,292 466 90 193 147 1,028 35 Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 12 1 15 12 3 6 17 36 1954 . . . 9 2 7 5 4 6 8 "i 7 37 number 1959 . . . 1 12 1 21 18 9 6 17 38 9 2 9 6 4 7 3 1 9 39 Garden tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 40 26 10 45 9 15 35 40 1954... 16 20 5 11 6 'lO 15 41 number 1959 .. . 40 26 10 50 9 15 35 42 1954 . . . 16 20 5 11 6 10 15 43 \utoniobiles farms reporting 1959 .. . 249 363 329 570 247 272 1,113 1,522 290 386 144 196 328 415 125 140 878 976 44 1954... 45 number 1959 .. . 298 421 268 1,251 355 156 374 130 1,069 46 1954 . . . 442 668 300 1,600 476 205 434 148 1,103 47 Telephone farms reporting 1959 .. . 233 203 257 315 50 25 632 281 144 96 76 37 207 64 81 25 515 422 48 1954 . . . 49 Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . . . 134 180 154 144 142 45 889 435 171 81 149 124 242 139 150 155 636 323 50 1954 . . . 51 Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . . . U 16 18 6 7 6 1 22 52 1954... 61 30 10 48 15 2 5 45 53 Electric milk cooler farms reporting 19.59... U 16 13 6 7 6 1 22 54 Crop drier (for izrain, forage, Cff other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . . 10 19 5 87 55 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959 .. . is 7 12 63 67 1 3 5 Farms by kinii of road on which located: Sfi Hard surface farms reporting 1959 .. . 137 97 142 131 65 72 322 380 154 36 115 169 228 91 48 56 251 239 57 1950 .. . 58 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 . . . 20 25 5 147 3 5 7 42 59 1950 . . . 46 5 25 6 25 1 121 60 Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . . . 152 275 243 1,113 223 110 183 172 793 61 1950 .. . 472 596 443 2,719 613 361 608 206 1,180 62 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 .. . 47 104 148 274 51 35 106 41 221 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface road. farms reporting 1959 .. . 105 171 95 839 177 75 77 131 577 64 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 . . . 90 15 171 95 810 29 167 10 74 1 76 1 126 5 492 85 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . . DATE OF ENUMERATION 66 Approximate average dale of enumeration 1959 . . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' 12/6-12/12 U/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/13-12/19 U/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 67 68 69 Family workers, including operatcrs farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 273 422 261 514 197 285 1,238 2,174 280 535 172 469 368 526 158 241 847 1,154 414 315 272 2,108 363 247 525 303 1,156 70 1954 . . . 690 674 350 3,402 830 572 905 312 1,582 71 Operala-S working 1 or mtre hours persons 19.59... 268 256 197 1,262 269 151 358 153 817 72 1954 . . , 417 499 285 2,118 519 444 456 231 1,139 73 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . . . 170 98 90 166 55 142 274 938 124 145 101 50 123 230 16 U2 344 473 74 75 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959 ., . 106 54 45 537 61 90 117 85 228 76 persons 1959.. , 146 59 75 346 94 96 167 150 339 77 Hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . . 68 38 90 98 50 29 369 304 112 121 42 25 75 39 11 48 205 181 76 1954 , . . 79 persons 1959 .. . 170 349 124 980 435 117 151 33 423 80 1954... 221 171 38 927 454 48 68 95 423 81 82 83 Regular workers (eir.ployed 1.50 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954. .. 48 60 39 78 19 12 204 U7 81 70 19 11 34 13 6 36 84 79 persons 1959 .. . 123 100 38 462 254 31 48 B 157 84 1954... Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 115 121 12 284 201 27 31 76 154 85 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . . . 27 17 10 109 27 10 30 5 54 86 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . . 21 22 9 95 54 9 4 1 30 87 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 .. . 304 376 293 1,270 347 192 345 199 967 68 1954 . . . 462 597 446 2,273 507 580 663 310 1,371 89 90 Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 8 19 34 36 23 23 103 138 30 61 9 11 26 7 13 15 32 106 ^For 1954., data relate to week of October 24-30. GEORGIA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 229 on raporta for only a sample of farms. See text] Lumpkin McDuffle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marlon Meriwether Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee 585 480 72 647 1,011 324 892 755 1,140 382 577 610 703 117 563 503 1 983 815 181 1,052 1,492 635 1,760 1,157 1,721 605 725 1,063 975 363 939 865 2 40 5 122 181 23 51 113 101 30 30 74 63 4 80 140 3 15 42 157 170 20 69 121 104 39 14 76 43 10 86 113 4 46 5 148 197 31 55 129 104 32 30 79 63 4 85 147 5 15 48 238 181 23 91 127 103 46 14 87 43 15 91 115 6 6 "2 62 6 25 16 223 267 93 1 45 1 23 17 7 1 1 55 3 74 115 2 13 7 23 5 3 8 6 2 63 6 25 16 229 279 93 1 45 1 23 17 9 1 1 56 3 76 116 2 13 7 23 5 3 10 5 43 6 69 '31 18 66 20 61 57 11 67 40 18 99 58 11 12 23 1 12 25 10 53 36 39 31 8 69 11 14 46 27 12 5 48 6 69 31 20 68 20 61 57 11 69 40 18 101 59 13 12 23 1 12 25 12 64 37 39 31 3 71 11 14 47 28 14 5 7 5 18 5 1 17 6 24 22 5 17 11 22 6 15 5 11 20 8 14 20 19 12 11 1 10 10 10 16 5 "s 'io 21 5 3 13 6 26 22 5 21 11 22 6 17 5 11 20 9 19 20 20 12 12 1 10 10 10 18 363 232 '54 390 559 199 328 510 773 220 291 377 330 87 333 293 19 558 245 84 439 419 231 484 582 723 247 326 437 349 191 319 270 20 403 302 67 556 631 226 415 635 1,010 304 326 496 353 112 403 340 21 612 261 86 594 436 276 600 643 875 319 350 544 351 223 401 311 22 253 241 43 370 554 158 311 510 798 216 304 353 468 65 451 377 23 253 271 24 442 500 193 392 647 825 263 248 467 469 151 409 435 24 278 333 64 726 739 222 509 788 1,407 372 396 629 544 113 590 514 25 270 349 36 782 583 253 517 910 1,271 337 305 716 522 247 522 554 26 237 236 43 365 544 158 306 505 793 201 304 353 437 50 356 372 27 257 323 62 694 719 220 493 782 1,397 342 396 614 494 86 580 504 28 222 181 35 217 406 112 210 340 460 128 233 210 390 30 205 284 29 15 55 8 148 138 46 96 165 333 73 71 143 47 20 151 88 30 232 236 42 365 544 153 306 505 793 201 304 353 432 50 356 367 31 243 266 24 437 480 173 372 637 820 258 248 467 469 126 404 430 32 2« 304 57 637 713 203 478 766 1,364 326 391 599 473 76 565 488 33 250 326 28 759 553 225 482 884 1,256 332 305 692 516 180 512 523 34 15 14 2 6 6 7 15 11 17 11 5 13 11 10 13 16 35 5 8 1 1 2 20 16 10 15 1 17 3 6 36 15 19 5 7 6 12 15 16 33 16 5 15 16 10 15 16 37 5 8 2 1 2 20 16 10 18 1 17 5 16 38 21 10 2 32 '20 1 16 6 10 25 15 50 27 10 10 39 15 15 6 22 25 21 15 10 5 5 6 5 40 5 15 40 21 10 2 32 20 2 16 6 10 30 15 50 27 10 10 41 15 15 6 22 30 26 15 10 5 5 6 5 50 5 15 42 348 295 32 442 365 200 521 524 303 275 367 434 485 105 447 423 43 422 555 78 584 1,036 323 782 592 1,006 449 344 735 433 278 643 595 44 378 343 34 515 964 235 596 569 945 348 387 537 554 146 569 563 45 478 708 94 767 1,146 353 908 637 1,218 554 372 901 522 407 301 676 46 126 217 12 238 445 91 319 415 599 234 174 308 109 106 342 343 47 56 289 8 200 254 92 483 186 307 248 115 293 39 230 333 202 48 253 221 39 317 504 157 308 534 564 235 283 257 274 75 295 336 49 205 147 64 227 226 160 173 330 287 201 117 208 108 156 162 215 50 5 6 6 25 5 5 36 22 39 105 12 10 60 30 51 35 16 15 2 29 15 15 121 116 1 26 33 21 52 5 11 6 25 20 5 36 22 33 105 12 10 51 45 53 6 10 5 13 18 5 1 1 54 "5 "i 6 71 6 "2 16 124 138 '27 16 13 3 1 'is 38 55 288 178 18 208 414 113 302 120 292 235 147 335 208 100 236 214 56 140 106 57 312 481 48 313 226 239 195 176 196 246 221 302 368 57 15 5 31 45 14 26 72 105 7 141 36 41 7 7 41 58 25 5 6 5 16 31 55 5 101 15 12 17 122 10 25 45 59 277 291 54 387 537 197 554 548 736 140 279 234 444 320 247 60 606 713 153 838 1,303 653 1,362 1,020 1,723 615 806 1,043 907 135 301 617 61 112 162 28 159 230 46 221 178 182 56 127 122 181 173 •126 62 165 129 26 228 307 151 333 370 554 34 152 112 263 147 121 63 165 129 25 218 301 136 323 334 533 74 152 107 252 147 116 64 1 1 10 6 15 10 36 21 10 5 11 5 65 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 U^2Jl/23 U/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 66 509 257 42 487 769 229 680 562 886 320 375 390 613 90 454 381 67 768 476 101 801 1,172 536 1,324 1,004 1,393 520 535 931 795 290 798 705 6S 720 376 64 674 1,095 325 1,246 719 1,133 418 555 653 1,021 105 735 580 69 1,249 724 112 1,531 1,693 1,028 1,839 1,463 2,046 306 899 1,451 1,406 445 1,357 1,049 70 499 252 27 481 754 203 655 537 865 290 360 380 577 35 429 361 71 743 470 96 796 1,157 515 1,284 989 1,373 488 515 931 730 270 788 680 72 216 U6 13 89 355 43 205 161 256 97 91 76 257 20 140 131 73 283 136 14 392 399 165 450 376 609 193 269 304 320 65 289 230 74 161 73 27 156 216 103 292 153 153 106 115 141 294 20 151 148 75 221 124 37 193 341 117 591 182 268 123 195 273 444 20 306 219 76 47 71 12 160 122 69 171 190 324 U6 105 132 45 35 142 114 77 36 113 17 257 95 67 292 202 227 94 87 174 87 96 103 72 78 59 222 38 791 256 176 1,098 566 931 240 171 547 95 82 434 538 79 80 393 32 1,119 239 339 1,177 575 695 215 243 853 404 317 383 160 80 22 34 6 113 42 43 102 90 232 31 29 76 9 34 75 43 81 11 35 1 143 13 37 137 72 159 71 31 87 12 75 68 30 82 29 113 7 377 73 115 404 180 528 135 44 271 16 54 163 84 83 20 36 2 457 30 74 404 176 405 160 44 333 23 198 190 70 84 15 13 5 50 31 25 29 55 90 45 25 32 6 17 40 26 85 7 21 1 63 11 23 73 35 142 36 4 44 3 17 35 17 86 487 419 73 575 937 338 829 650 964 347 380 592 663 113 455 384 87 845 732 174 836 1,465 602 1,387 1,052 1,562 677 652 1,027 967 306 893 747 88 8 34 8 68 28 11 40 28 93 13 73 36 29 6 26 45 89 26 80 7 126 43 27 76 38 162 22 83 48 33 30 50 41 90 230 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence or operator are based (For definitions and explanations, sec text) Oglethorpe Patildtug Estimated number of fnrms I!lj9 . 1054. SPEHFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES Qrajn combines farms reporting 1959 . 1(154. number 1959 . 1951 . Com pickers farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . number 1959 . 1954. Pick-up balers farms reportinE 19.59. 1954. number 1959. 1954 . Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. TYnctors farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Tractors other than garden farms reporting 1959 . number 1959 . 1 tractor faims reporting 1959 . 2 or more tractors farms reporting 1959 . Wheel tractors farms reprting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959. 1954. Garden tract(*s farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . number 19.59 . 1954. Automobi les farms reporting 1 959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Telephone farms reporting 1959. 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . 1954. F.lectric milk cooler fnnns reporting 1959 . Crop drier (for gram, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . Po" er-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 19.59 . Farms by kind of roaij on wFiich located: Hard surface farms reporting 19.59 . 1950. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 . 1950. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . 1950. I^ess than 1 mile to a hard surface road . . farms reporting 1959 . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 . 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . DATE OF ENUMERATION ApptY^ximatc average date of enumeration ' 1959 . FAKM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' Family workers, including operators farms reporting 1959 . 1954. persons 1959 . 1954. Operators working 1 or mt»e hours persons 1959 . 19.54. 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . 15 or more hours persons 1959 . Unpaid members of operatn's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959 . persons 1 959 . Hired workers farms reporting 1959 . 1954. persons 1959 . 1954 . Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . persons 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . •2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . FARM OPERATOR RE.SIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 732 1,180 122 142 138 157 21 8 379 381 481 445 392 450 566 557 387 555 286 101 387 445 552 547 3 4 3 4 11 6 11 6 562 765 697 878 244 140 259 138 16 22 21 206 74 46 35 469 1,417 107 362 322 40 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 11/29-12/5 465 944 715 1,628 454 929 137 317 178 261 104 194 243 543 37 76 102 127 574 1,124 40 44 641 1,155 10 326 469 386 536 286 278 317 305 271 302 250 21 266 243 292 265 10 461 650 541 717 305 271 295 176 35 45 35 261 284 5 20 375 ,176 230 145 145 11/29-12/5 491 937 676 1,227 476 917 230 246 130 200 37 77 54 126 26 31 31 31 21 5 567 1,119 12 17 233 251 74 91 94 115 47 37 55 39 32 28 32 28 153 155 255 233 188 165 444 425 188 433 96 92 188 165 430 423 3 2 3 2 11 211 156 255 274 167 90 131 81 7 49 5 140 361 81 11/29-12/5 159 191 216 327 159 186 40 119 26 57 98 79 1,238 529 62 54 428 361 11 221 278 29 37 492 740 266 194 269 218 196 120 212 131 181 197 163 13 176 109 192 119 5 1 5 1 15 11 15 11 297 430 348 453 172 154 147 93 192 395 210 121 80 400 55 25 25 11/29-12/5 384 529 536 786 344 474 155 1B9 171 192 24 33 35 63 8 12 14 22 2 6 439 734 10 835 1,205 115 62 116 62 21 5 21 5 31 5 31 5 560 626 603 654 644 751 822 816 644 812 531 113 644 746 791 301 6 5 21 5 10 10 10 10 507 626 549 676 366 196 559 355 10 5 5 16 49 199 116 5 631 1,242 287 344 334 10 11/29-12/5 662 890 919 1,203 631 865 2U 420 2L3 288 101 125 203 189 15 48 23 54 11 4 743 1,130 63 98 515 310 83 108 129 6 6 220 290 310 338 265 330 488 494 265 463 165 100 265 325 463 476 4 8 5 8 15 10 20 10 374 510 462 627 285 238 167 168 11 6 10 10 18 212 410 'so 231 530 115 166 166 il/29-12/5 368 690 516 1,230 363 680 132 231 82 153 119 132 1,059 450 63 51 249 156 15 48 471 815 33 42 679 1,260 68 70 68 70 21 2 21 2 52 22 52 22 1 6 1 6 424 470 452 516 449 505 546 595 429 515 361 63 409 465 490 535 25 30 25 30 31 30 31 30 529 799 577 859 394 483 276 173 42 67 37 233 324 15 30 331 ,206 206 175 165 10 11/29-12/5 523 920 733 1,510 498 395 246 252 165 240 97 123 213 464 27 28 42 33 16 11 643 1,157 27 59 476 703 54 33 60 44 60 36 61 36 17 21 17 21 13 5 18 5 264 283 335 346 301 343 522 487 296 511 178 113 296 338 509 572 2 4 2 4 11 11 11 U 364 522 425 649 136 96 307 228 221 131 20 109 218 532 lOO U8 118 12/6-12/12 365 642 481 1,055 355 642 56 299 96 126 134 118 362 696 57 38 117 107 32 25 427 638 34 41 'For 1954, data relate to week of October 24-30. GEORGIA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 231 on rapofts for only a sample of farms. See t«xlj Quitman Rabrni Randolph Richmond Rocblale Sohley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor 196 388 633 228 334 265 1,159 462 362 463 424 821 360 240 1,086 481 1 213 571 964 453 614 439 1,753 686 748 856 718 1,236 672 433 1,535 809 2 21, 6 137 26 22 35 102 94 98 45 29 182 9 6 27 86 a 22 1 129 47 18 57 103 80 92 30 29 261 18 23 11 56 < 24 6 199 28 22 35 109 119 124 45 32 217 9 6 28 94 5 24 1 140 58 18 58 108 117 121 30 30 318 18 23 13 58 6 5 25 99 1 31 159 142 11 5 23 131 127 49 7 2 6 32 1 "i 30 69 74 1 5 11 99 73 19 e 5 25 99 1 31 165 151 11 5 23 134 128 49 9 2 6 32 1 "i 30 70 74 1 5 11 105 73 19 10 2 27 40 16 27 2 71 35 65 15 20 103 ii 5 8 36 11 11 38 10 7 8 30 23 35 15 5 66 10 20 14 27 12 2 32 40 16 27 2 73 35 65 15 20 105 11 5 10 36 13 11 38 10 7 8 30 23 35 15 5 66 10 20 15 27 14 U 6 6 6 1 16 6 6 1 2 41 5 U 6 15 1 1 1 9 12 11 7 22 ii 1 5 7 16 11 6 6 7 1 19 11 6 1 2 46 5 14 6 17 1 1 1 9 12 11 7 22 11 1 5 3 IS 106 257 288 152 163 164 603 316 241 227 179 550 171 77 694 348 19 96 301 409 195 143 267 573 411 283 271 231 630 227 90 882 369 20 126 286 402 176 199 201 773 406 391 230 202 808 199 94 763 462 21 108 360 543 233 182 304 659 460 361 282 322 881 255 96 938 420 22 101 142 312 118 163 160 658 272 232 201 177 569 112 69 849 335 23 91 136 337 170 179 303 665 330 328 211 222 676 171 77 912 296 21 189 186 635 196 230 237 1,047 532 446 239 257 1,187 155 91 1,099 577 25 147 145 625 225 212 385 911 470 515 227 317 1,242 216 95 1,071 411 26 96 127 307 102 163 160 653 272 232 196 167 564 102 69 839 330 27 177 156 614 172 210 237 1,036 532 441 204 247 1,160 144 91 1,089 562 28 56 101 159 61 140 90 448 125 151 190 118 267 74 57 657 189 29 40 26 148 41 23 70 205 147 81 6 49 297 28 12 182 141 30 95 127 307 102 163 160 653 272 232 186 167 564 97 47 839 330 31 91 121 337 165 159 288 665 300 313 186 212 671 161 62 897 291 32 176 146 614 167 203 237 1,019 522 436 192 246 1,145 136 69 1,078 561 33 147 130 616 218 189 359 891 425 474 197 302 1,216 183 74 1,055 405 34 1 10 1 6 15 6 2 U 1 14 3 22 11 1 35 1 1 12 1 19 7 5 5 3 33 10 6 1 36 i "io 5 7 17 10 5 12 1 15 8 22 11 1 37 3 1 12 1 20 9 5 5 3 33 10 6 1 3fi 6 30 16 24 20 11 5 35 10 27 11 10 15 39 15 6 6 11 20 30 31 25 10 16 11 10 5 40 12 30 21 24 20 11 5 35 10 27 U 10 15 41 15 6 6 11 '25 '45 32 25 10 23 ii 10 5 42 121 208 418 176 264 190 815 281 304 362 271 677 249 219 710 331 43 96 225 475 314 354 233 850 365 556 541 320 862 342 231 696 397 44 145 263 467 184 341 219 958 308 427 417 309 820 264 237 780 376 45 113 270 572 390 437 286 1,015 434 697 561 366 1,239 355 236 801 457 4« 54 128 187 157 239 89 519 113 322 222 99 508 130 65 346 222 47 35 66 166 293 249 103 378 104 473 86 62 514 124 39 191 60 48 79 183 268 141 154 149 624 313 216 222 134 425 99 110 315 257 49 29 71 175 189 107 125 376 260 250 190 97 334 94 54 658 122 50 1 3 10 11 18 1 11 16 44 2 45 1 11 51 26 7 31 6 21 11 32 31 5 29 14 23 6 17 52 1 3 15 6 18 1 11 11 43 1 45 1 11 53 17 1 18 15 1 3 24 1 15 1 54 5 11 52 3 2 '24 104 32 18 "i 21 112 1 5 62 45 55 93 167 268 142 119 147 337 122 170 298 132 424 195 175 208 158 56 49 232 140 289 118 91 202 72 238 251 111 199 259 65 285 157 57 115 5 8 5 1 27 36 10 15 20 13 61 41 58 5 280 20 15 5 85 136 15 20 36 5 35 59 103 106 359 77 205 110 769 281 177 150 275 364 152 60 799 271 60 290 210 1,245 352 632 379 1,869 602 524 530 739 1,088 440 393 1,378 763 61 45 50 125 15 105 65 151 134 117 100 105 187 58 15 327 108 «2 58 56 234 62 100 45 613 147 60 50 170 177 94 45 472 163 63 57 56 217 62 95 45 553 142 60 50 144 177 89 45 472 153 64 1 1 17 5 65 5 26 5 10 65 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29.12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 l%to-12A9 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 66 101 347 381 176 264 170 887 332 290 372 391 678 225 152 772 394 67 212 491 877 376 452 377 1,569 624 540 791 668 1,060 574 261 1,279 654 68 142 512 469 232 304 266 1,158 501 348 506 539 1,033 298 188 1,114 525 69 268 746 1,169 553 592 641 3,291 1,005 632 1,261 1,554 1,677 917 383 1,382 999 70 96 317 371 166 264 150 377 315 290 362 380 667 199 152 761 333 71 212 456 872 361 427 372 1,533 624 535 781 648 1,039 559 240 1,244 644 72 38 130 127 65 66 20 224 15 137 180 118 133 78 25 172 90 73 58 187 244 101 198 130 653 300 153 182 262 534 121 127 589 293 74 23 135 52 41 35 61 161 96 46 106 82 182 64 21 226 102 75 46 195 98 66 40 116 281 186 58 144 159 366 99 36 353 142 76 24 53 152 51 39 64 260 116 132 17 82 302 38 15 196 178 77 73 31 149 122 38 95 563 94 113 46 142 332 46 35 171 131 78 147 140 516 140 94 177 966 393 616 20 258 1,243 116 25 403 732 79 400 63 471 371 291 337 2,425 249 304 58 510 933 112 37 361 333 80 19 28 93 31 34 29 154 64 96 7 34 192 19 10 81 U3 81 19 21 72 97 27 30 210 61 81 26 53 203 39 30 30 74 82 66 93 301 74 49 46 399 128 240 9 86 580 71 20 165 279 83 89 39 169 326 49 61 457 123 239 32 105 452 74 32 141 152 84 2 7 29 22 27 20 76 38 42 5 13 57 2 43 47 85 17 21 64 9 7 9 78 26 54 2 21 135 17 10 33 66 8« 169 360 537 194 295 233 973 365 336 473 393 643 340 232 962 398 87 223 593 900 448 590 375 1,548 651 722 810 641 1,128 532 418 1,431 749 88 18 6 86 18 21 9 88 37 26 17 16 58 19 14 95 46 89 18 32 80 21 28 15 77 29 16 14 45 85 35 16 120 42 to 232 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [Al! data except residence of operator are based — Item Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Troup Turner Twiggs (For definilions ftnd explanations, seo text) 1 Estimated number of farms I!1."i9 . . . 797 1,016 690 1,247 1,288 1,762 890 1,331 787 1,251 517 711 455 623 743 1,248 663 875 408 656 2 1954... SPECIFIED EQlilPMENT AND FACILITIES 3 Grain combines farms reporting 19.'>9 . . . 59 89 90 103 23 6 38 117 21 4 1054... 59 130 86 50 33 5 7 41 92 U 5 number 1959 .. . 70 101 111 120 23 7 43 125 32 6 1954 . . . 60 149 91 54 34 5 8 41 95 13 7 Com pickers, farms reporting 1959 .. . 61 141 326 104 112 42 6 110 23 8 1954 . . . 8 26 206 62 28 'io 10 14 2 9 number 1959 . . . 61 141 330 105 122 44 6 110 23 10 1954 . , . 8 26 208 63 28 io 10 14 2 11 Pick-up balers farms reporting 1959 ,. . 28 29 112 26 7 16 8 45 10 22 12 1954... 19 35 36 39 37 10 1 58 10 U 13 number 1959 . . . 28 29 119 26 7 16 8 50 10 22 14 1954 . . . 19 35 41 39 37 10 1 58 10 11 15 Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1959 . . . 20 15 3 21 1 f- 6 12 3 16 1954... 15 2 2 8 5 2 15 2 2 17 number 1959 . . . 30 20 5 21 1 7 6 17 3 18 1954 . . . 15 2 2 9 5 3 20 2 2 19 \totCTtnicks farms reporting 1959 . . . 493 373 897 680 540 242 260 339 553 195 20 1954 . . . 482 389 920 719 644 276 213 468 575 243 21 number 1959 .. . 557 492 1,162 953 617 254 290 373 736 220 22 1954 . . . 545 461 1,093 903 692 293 250 521 665 256 23 Tractors - f.irms reporting 1959 . . . 465 455 429 479 919 922 684 731 512 541 162 111 215 207 311 447 547 560 179 180 24 1954 . . . 25 number 1959 . . . 627 872 1,588 1,244 742 194 267 415 939 242 26 1951... 557 839 1,356 1,203 784 112 255 506 869 214 27 Tractors other than £:arilen farms reporting 1959 . . 460 419 908 684 512 152 205 271 542 173 28 number 1959 . . . 622 856 1,558 1,237 742 154 256 362 934, 235 29 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 . . . 337 192 559 381 368 150 185 213 315 138 30 2 or more tractors farms reporting 1959 .. . 123 227 349 303 144 2 20 58 227 35 31 Wheel tractors farms reporting 1959 . , . 460 414 908 684 512 147 205 271 542 173 32 19.54 . . . 450 479 922 755 641 91 207 371 559 170 33 number 1959 .. . 622 846 1,540 1,234 737 149 252 357 933 235 34 1954... 552 826 1,336 1,163 776 92 251 397 861 204 35 Crawler tractors farms rettortir.g 1959 . . . 8 17 2 5 5 3 4 1 36 1954 . . . 1 3 17 6 5 3 29 6 37 10 18 3 5 5 4 5 1 ... 38 1954 . . . 3 3 18 7 5 4 29 6 39 Garden tractors farms reporting 1959 .. . "5 16 23 7 40 11 53 5 7 40 1954 .. . 5 10 17 18 1 15 75 2 10 41 number 1959 . . . 5 16 30 7 40 11 53 5 7 42 1954 . . . 5 10 17 22 1 15 80 2 10 43 Automobiles farms reporting 1959 .. . 445 479 389 675 517 211 279 565 468 251 44 1954... 469 770 980 717 624 275 353 804 490 309 45 number 19.59 . . . 466 512 1,092 732 561 237 303 667 525 268 46 1954 . . . 550 866 1,474 814 688 280 391 981 525 372 47 Telephone - ■ farms reporting 1959 . . . 147 253 665 648 357 112 149 484 280 67 48 1954... 163 228 409 483 319 56 84 569 92 84 49 Home freezer farms reporting 1959 .. . 540 217 259 195 698 333 587 315 557 359 201 125 193 93 303 427 435 298 169 120 50 1954... 51 Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 11 27 6 1 1 10 42 10 3 52 1954 . . . 21 15 32 7 20 6 5 73 2 53 6 10 27 6 1 1 10 32 '15 3 54 Crop drier (for crain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . . 11 66 5 10 5 5 55 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959 . . . Farms by kind of road on which locatetl; 22 70 197 49 66 1 'ii 10 56 56 (lartl surface farms reporting 1959 . . . 245 202 248 188 494 553 248 176 138 369 222 196 144 145 466 466 132 214 72 110 57 1950 .. . 58 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959... 21 81 87 5 76 45 52 1 32 54 59 1950 . . . 20 1 110 5 95 140 51 41 6 60 Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 .. . 505 355 681 582 563 245 244 276 489 252 61 921 1,209 1,260 1,158 996 465 542 908 889 630 62 Less than 1 mile to a fiard surface road farms reporting 19.59 . . . 106 179 318 223 256 70 137 173 178 106 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 19.59 . . . 399 176 363 359 307 175 107 103 311 146 64 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 . . . 394 5 170 6 353 10 359 307 145 30 107 103 3U 136 10 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . . DATE OF ENUMERATION 66 Annrnvimaljk 4variiff& flnfj> r\f (iniimprAf inn . , . . .IfloO . . - 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING E^fUMERATION ' 67 Family workers, includinc operatixs farms rnporting IflSO . . . 583 483 913 574 597 487 353 597 550 252 68 1054 . . . 328 1,052 1,406 873 943 541 399 949 757 406 69 persons 1059... 854 636 1,347 779 785 717 503 758 728 366 70 1954... 1,070 1,609 1,890 1,051 1,413 766 812 1,215 1,043 492 71 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1059 . . . 578 477 883 573 582 462 338 576 540 252 72 1954 . . . 785 1,051 1,380 862 928 501 379 924 757 406 73 121 457 82 395 231 652 173 395 107 475 171 291 146 192 293 283 129 411 77 175 74 15 or more hours persons 1959 . . . 75 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours rarms reporting 1959 .. . 141 92 333 112 122 200 123 155 118 48 76 persons 1959... 276 159 464 206 203 255 170 182 188 lU 77 Hired workers farms reporting 1959 .. . 121 130 350 164 151 37 53 122 161 102 78 1954... 108 190 327 123 170 36 52 213 119 92 79 persons 1959... 257 489 1,294 572 316 71 111 210 321 264 80 1954... 244 697 992 483 454 99 110 394 315 238 91 Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 43 98 220 63 65 2 17 55 106 58 82 1954... 38 117 147 60 79 6 47 100 47 49 83 persons 1959... 60 280 536 336 83 9 43 86 173 114 84 1954 . . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 64 266 291 257 127 9 88 159 153 92 85 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 .. , 30 33 115 32 53 7 X 67 32 86 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . . F4I1M OPERATOR RESIDENCE 13 65 105 31 12 2 10 21 39 26 87 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 .. . 690 626 1,087 715 696 454 357 649 477 312 88 1954 , . . 954 1,096 1,493 1,181 1,102 630 539 1,222 302 587 89 Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . . . 58 48 125 57 46 7 33 55 35 13 90 1954... 80 78 78 66 60 19 36 93 52 15 ^For 1954, data relate to week of October 24-30. GEORGIA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 233 on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 865 435 1,078 1,107 649 567 969 685 312 566 613 1,027 W, 730 378 1,423 1 957 841 1,663 1,907 1,020 844 1,643 954 467 705 362 1,559 1,019 1,160 584 2,210 2 6 69 87 123 12 61 194 3 24 74 5 48 82 86 20 152 3 32 70 122 85 6 50 155 13 26 75 11 76 37 63 13 150 4 6 72 103 125 12 67 217 4 27 79 5 48 90 88 20 167 5 32 78 125 91 6 53 171 13 29 82 11 81 89 66 13 153 e 41 15 58 6 76 6 66 98 17 63 15 31 75 1 18 269 7 15 6 24 23 10 37 2 28 16 20 9 1 2 94 8 41 15 58 "6 76 "6 69 104 17 68 15 31 75 1 18 271 9 15 6 29 23 10 37 2 28 17 20 9 1 2 94 10 16 43 159 '■78 8 31 53 27 7 25 30 63 9 83 9 53 11 6 32 108 44 2 6 27 1 29 5 15 50 7 31 5 16 12 16 44 160 79 8 31 54 27 3 25 30 63 9 83 9 53 13 6 32 108 45 2 6 27 1 29 5 15 50 7 32 5 16 14 13 17 18 1 12 14 12 1 10 5 13 3 12 15 16 27 7 11 11 10 1 2 2 9 16 13 18 18 1 17 15 12 1 'io 5 W 3 17 17 16 27 7 11 U 10 1 2 "2 10 18 469 239 562 500 377 232 556 475 157 361 267 510 457 334 223 872 19 407 314 731 427 541 162 534 593 160 354 342 551 590 335 293 1,038 20 534 310 715 615 458 274 727 508 206 430 297 563 587 333 230 1,094 21 468 363 819 480 624 214 617 661 135 390 397 587 653 463 346 1,213 22 374 219 635 604 433 265 577 528 161 391 241 652 459 370 204 902 23 272 294 786 652 538 217 567 495 187 385 181 623 527 397 213 993 34 386 354 900 903 547 357 995 662 295 507 271 770 708 514 238 1,538 25 303 371 977 780 596 302 835 571 308 502 207 691 713 508 258 1,457 26 359 204 600 599 408 250 577 518 161 331 221 592 434 360 194 377 27 371 313 344 887 522 342 979 637 294 492 246 707 661 493 227 1,543 28 347 131 445 410 338 137 334 434 95 298 196 494 281 243 161 538 29 12 73 155 189 70 63 243 84 66 83 25 98 153 112 33 339 30 359 204 600 599 403 245 577 518 161 381 211 592 434 360 194 872 31 272 279 736 636 507 212 567 488 187 385 161 533 522 372 213 988 32 371 302 826 875 5U 335 963 626 294 486 246 682 653 485 226 1,537 33 303 340 878 756 562 296 820 557 297 497 186 625 692 476 250 1,446 34 10 12 12 9 7 10 11 6 25 8 7 1 6 35 13 16 4 13 1 9 8 1 5 20 5 7 1 1 36 11 18 12 9 7 16 11 6 25 8 3 1 6 37 16 16 4 14 1 9 3 1 5 20 5 7 1 1 38 15 41 56 16 25 15 16 25 1 15 25 63 42 21 11 30 39 15 81 20 20 5 6 6 5 21 46 21 25 7 10 40 15 41 56 16 25 15 16 25 1 15 25 63 47 21 11 45 41 15 83 20 20 5 6 6 10 21 46 21 25 7 10 42 394 357 828 922 497 417 696 457 215 420 402 841 379 522 270 930 43 312 543 1,035 1,401 639 514 876 427 267 283 372 1,092 462 650 286 1,137 44 441 442 993 1,091 587 454 822 510 250 468 453 1,002 432 616 324 1,093 45 332 557 1,207 1,509 720 634 1,107 462 295 312 423 1,219 512 723 295 1,391 46 113 292 453 441 301 200 492 348 112 257 171 310 179 390 77 628 47 31 177 317 301 332 148 420 128 80 56 25 206 99 413 33 414 48 318 231 540 494 455 265 511 420 117 363 286 633 427 318 233 747 49 142 167 319 230 338 111 404 263 64 167 66 382 413 198 188 384 50 26 55 33 10 7 38 11 5 30 6 107 9 51 6 4« 100 47 15 22 19 15 70 11 22 6 52 26 55 32 10 7 38 11 5 35 6 93 9 53 5 1 16 1 26 1 11 1 "2 5 6 7 10 54 10 13 52 13 52 13 90 56 4 23 11 54 17 2 72 55 318 138 533 437 194 250 242 260 116 181 296 373 163 293 123 322 56 180 185 505 570 282 63 304 99 125 161 296 345 128 474 160 390 57 97 42 137 81 5 7 46 12 6 54 75 53 10 50 52 67 58 295 5 557 5 16 26 2 15 16 65 595 32 10 20 65 59 440 240 385 583 429 300 681 397 185 326 226 581 446 360 203 1,018 60 785 694 956 1,713 797 839 1,730 914 407 533 571 729 1,145 742 631 1,907 61 70 127 235 331 203 96 104 119 71 130 125 226 132 133 72 334 62 370 113 150 252 226 204 577 278 114 196 101 355 314 222 131 684 63 350 113 150 247 216 174 535 262 113 195 101 345 294 212 119 643 64 20 1 5 10 30 42 16 1 1 10 20 10 12 41 65 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 U/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 Ll/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/13-12/19 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 66 607 293 896 757 505 427 658 508 215 435 472 879 433 550 2ii >> >■**•«■<-■-«««■-• farms reporting 1959. . . 50 tons 1959... 51 All other crops farms reporting 1959. . . 38 100 7 170 146 81 76 3,175 311 14,315 101 730 '82 258 120 780 52 acres 1959... 1,584 405 53 Dp,' materials farms reporting 1959... tons 1959... 38 54 7 23 146 331 81 69 71 609 311 3,214 101 134 77 168 120 179 54 55 Ijiquid materials. farms reporting 1959. . . 5 5 1 5 56 tons 1959... 4 8 10 13 57 Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting 1959 .. . 18 1 127 97 31 20 61 26 lie 58 1954... 23 178 101 99 45 112 22 95 59 acres limed 1959 . . . 495 55 3,555 1,440 2,060 1,038 1,345 300 1,815 60 1954... 1,470 2,871 1,752 1,865 1,769 2,415 417 1,565 61 tons 19.59... 535 iio 5,695 1,436 2,060 924 1,430 218 1,890 65 1954 . . . 1,153 3,899 1,762 1,706 912 2,008 352 1,135 SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 63 Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting 1959 . . . 246 47 699 1,147 288 429 317 126 867 64 Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959. .. 213 22 539 1,016 141 242 192 106 651 65 1954... 396 34 733 1,385 266 196 684 144 1,561 66 dollars 1959 . . . 451, 583 19,904 1,208,345 6,602,437 679,360 194,966 237,415 75,175 1,754,055 67 1954 .. . 405,956 7,023 647,920 5,768,365 564, 592 76,456 395,720 36,392 2,275,825 68 Purchase of livestock and poultry . farms reporting 1959 , . . 99 8 378 930 114 84 131 39 416 69 dollars 1959... 102,615 8,929 315,900 1,949,067 175,310 85, 205 59,155 23,545 675,165 70 . farms reporting 1959. . . 25 5 368 255 117 264 96 32 205 71 1954 .. . 40 38 329 375 281 409 251 72 405 72 dollars 1959 . . . 5,385 934 72,865 44,205 19,910 82,470 23,500 1,562 23,630 73 1954... 12,600 2,435 39,271 29,525 29,805 63,062 14, 870 9,733 40,415 74 Under S200 . farms repcrting 1959. . . 20 4 246 210 90 154 55 32 175 75 $200to$9S9 . farms reporting 1959. . . 5 1 112 40 27 97 35 25 76 51,000 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 10 5 13 6 5 77 Hired labor . farms reporting 1959... 120 4 329 205 107 249 97 54 222 78 1954... 68 19 434 270 236 271 255 82 431 79 dollars 1959... 425,634 3,688 219,264 224,034 266,370 210,751 136,560 20,330 474,552 80 1954... 304, 542 5,568 137,555 101,791 197,315 158,730 112,970 37,395 156,755 81 Under 51,000 . farms reporting 1959. , . 71 2 261 180 62 193 70 52 165 85 1954 . . . 34 16 408 241 176 234 226 76 385 83 SI, OCX) U) ?2.499 . farms reporting 1959. .. 17 7 2 3 46 14 10 21 20 41 29 17 10 16 1 5 17 21 84 1954 . . . 85 S2 .^00 or more . farms reporting 1959. , . 32 22 22 15 8 25 19 27 20 17 13 1 1 40 25 86 1954 . . . 27 87 .$2,500 to S4,999 . farms reporting 1959. . . 11 21 1 15 19 6 1 15 88 S0,000 or more . farms reportinp 1959 .. . 21 1 14 10 8 11 25 89 Gasoline and other pelxoleum fuel and oil for the farm business . farms reporting 1959 .. . 226 39 664 1,031 267 364 302 110 822 90 1954 .. . 199 4 570 639 191 266 350 140 906 91 dollars 1959... 54,192 7,348 140,481 95,190 56,076 201,290 43,110 19,796 86,160 92 1954... 53,946 3,795 96,375 97,535 54,984 138,640 78, 535 31,470 109,355 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . farms reporting 1959. . 114 5 358 232 97 381 101 45 222 94 dollars 1959... 88,725 1,506 28,740 12,692 21,670 140,108 24,710 5,459 34,795 NA Not available. GEORGIA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 237 a sample of farms. See text] Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalt Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early 1,457 1,615 331 736 598 280 456 253 116 934 202 873 673 276 279 839 1 1,776 2,507 593 1,079 1,153 390 779 430 383 1,082 436 1,305 1,124 425 705 1,508 2 87,784 127,685 8,571 47,144 27,431 21,419 70,057 4,297 1,610 89,510 8,760 67,369 91,640 41, 549 5,070 103,764 3 87,001 142,912 13,903 46,452 33,501 21,110 74,062 6,151 5,246 83,290 7,432 78,027 95,916 48,170 14,022 128,353 4 21,346 34,352 1,743 12,751 6,262 4,300 18,778 333 321 20, 543 2,327 13,449 23,048 9,585 1,061 22,269 5 20,132 35,346 2,003 12,290 7,108 4,426 17,522 1,153 865 15,449 2,200 12,265 20,864 8,904 2,361 25,043 6 1,457 1,615 331 786 593 230 456 253 116 934 202 873 673 275 279 339 7 21,263 33,582 1,743 12,015 5,484 4,300 17,234 883 321 19,604 2,327 13,002 21,939 9,141 993 21,492 8 40 175 210 59 127 130 49 110 34 1 148 9 83 770 736 778 1,544 939 447 1,109 444 63 777 10 414 365 85 165 148 52 150 35 36 140 111 148 100 99 66 163 11 270 396 144 178 268 55 48 104 52 72 176 143 103 81 123 242 12 7,367 10,222 2,628 3,103 8,641 2,347 5,271 665 465 6,046 4,119 6,110 6,050 12,489 1,050 10,008 13 4,292 12,704 3,492 2,780 9,300 3,545 3,970 1,183 327 2,732 3,165 6,530 5,744 9,995 2,105 15,511 14 414 334 85 154 136 52 145 35 36 140 111 148 100 94 66 148 15 1,761 1,972 540 642 1,432 410 1,062 140 100 1,070 1,051 1,124 1,194 2,476 186 1,779 16 30 37 28 31 29 7 15 11 11 36 17 59 99 37 290 122 22 90 14 274 150 IS 233 183 '40 90 72 '26 22 37 10 130 50 44 82 60 77 141 19 348 217 28 77 80 22 70 38 56 146 25 107 95 45 58 139 20 5,088 2,381 1,631 1,830 4,708 970 1,177 755 360 4,751 2,090 1,535 3,105 4,524 1,870 7,972 21 9,005 7,568 954 1,970 4,762 601 3,768 640 905 5,977 670 7,618 4,875 7,525 2,076 9,416 22 233 168 40 75 72 20 22 37 10 120 50 43 32 60 77 126 23 1,224 723 316 407 773 125 203 112 70 1,150 550 397 695 850 311 1,400 24 25 35 10 6 32 1 10 12 1 22 25 34 45 33 16 154 6 23 64 45 63 2(i 1,290 1,449 233 704 457 213 406 185 96 822 96 811 613 192 192 761 27 1,564 2,199 440 949 1,004 340 733 370 343 1,015 251 1,183 1,005 287 573 1,358 28 58,338 70,454 1,368 30,988 7,259 7,635 27,271 1,907 730 52,443 1,760 36,392 34,049 10,505 1,153 44,361 29 54,259 67, 550 4,659 27,360 12,763 7,964 30,966 3,263 3,338 48,444 2,013 38,778 36,671 11,354 5,390 48,718 30 1,290 1,444 238 700 452 213 401 185 96 822 96 805 613 191 192 756 31 11,182 14,834 338 5,865 1,692 1,369 5,516 387 141 9,530 464 5,712 6,490 2,426 271 8,569 32 5 164 182 17 31 119 33 73 15 105 33 3 561 592 129 325 717 252 366 45 472 34 12 5 5 11 10 27 11 5 16 1 1 io S5 HA KA NA m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 154 40 5 31 125 495 42 40 365 80 75 165 S7 HA NA MA 'JlA NA NA NA NA 'm 'ilA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 12 5 5 11 10 27 11 5 16 1 1 10 39 22 3 1 6 33 71 11 10 52 10 11 20 40 41 743 1,232 124 467 276 89 339 52 332 15 634 506 113 21 539 42 4S 962 1,917 321 687 752 191 582 97 '30 460 35 972 877 237 166 1,155 44 5,932 20,300 1,070 4,117 4,556 974 8,503 328 3,800 340 11,458 15, 547 1,536 177 9,491 45 7,626 25,258 2,512 4,710 6,363 1,650 13,087 385 140 4,832 225 14,291 21,651 2,522 1,414 16,341 46 743 1,232 124 467 271 89 339 52 332 15 634 506 113 21 539 47 1,871 6,926 306 1,370 1,260 361 3,544 102 1,202 85 3,710 6,202 558 48 2,936 46 41 20 23 34 3 16 53 20 19 19 45 30 173 69 8 49 445 29 30 50 1,282 1,437 120 704 96 152 395 92 15 736 37 617 575 177 81 703 51 10,905 23,788 1,369 7,106 2,236 9,363 27,340 600 55 22,470 411 U,509 32,809 12,420 655 31,932 52 1,282 1,437 120 704 81 152 395 92 15 736 37 617 575 177 81 703 53 5,203 9,124 242 3,731 321 2,002 6,833 131 10 6,602 167 2,007 7,348 2,820 157 6,803 54 5 15 2 23 37 6 5 31 3 1 10 55 21 31 32 103 512 38 50 261 32 23 62 56 189 283 65 103 116 17 181 43 41 205 36 193 205 90 62 179 57 93 334 54 53 156 64 164 74 31 147 36 103 92 71 83 252 58 3,716 3,743 1,250 2,175 5,721 462 7,667 455 397 7,061 3,375 4,783 9,858 7,356 1,397 6,792 59 1,562 5,315 1,020 1,087 3,968 2,623 3,876 509 325 6,417 1,790 2,455 3,881 2,933 1,805 3,562 60 2,247 3,212 942 1,843 4,994 534 7,403 610 509 6,123 3,190 4,420 9,034 6,792 1,337 6,723 61 1,072 2,977 670 902 2,738 2,209 3,103 1,176 320 4,246 1,350 1,387 3,531 2,806 767 6,193 62 1,543 1,833 413 837 799 342 551 399 307 1,047 404 1,019 747 332 478 ^80 63 1,235 1,420 370 668 406 282 338 258 251 795 323 847 515 252 423 626 64 1,393 1,789 561 809 747 390 505 480 500 945 761 1,036 610 275 538 737 65 2,348,745 846,257 483,584 553,340 227,569 103,320 299,951 120,389 1,610,970 770,415 1,238,280 524, 133 331,889 603,368 1,124,745 449,140 66 486,196 652,007 467,712 241,195 263,189 288,504 264,286 143,697 1,473,015 413, 505 1,108,540 460,407 390,418 302,210 212,400 417,856 67 767 609 209 265 214 124 178 139 216 328 223 255 243 160 327 236 68 932,850 518, 160 33,640 131,905 133,476 52,624 468,453 50,595 401,065 233, 590 452,255 200,601 314,742 1,592,167 294, 24« 260, 105 69 834 1,430 190 633 372 165 445 116 25 552 90 635 536 207 102 754 70 826 2,111 286 704 541 136 537 211 232 827 245 936 1,003 301 286 1,155 71 239,681 627,335 19,646 220,401 87,050 31,565 259,910 10,509 1,590 168,365 18,635 294,089 376,368 67,447 11,315 375,484 72 141,293 478,172 34,336 122,605 43,285 22,624 166,336 17,170 16,030 167,995 19,255 152,605 290,219 69,553 17,390 257,217 73 523 601 167 347 269 128 176 105 25 253 60 301 156 96 86 292 74 316 690 22 248 96 33 218 11 269 30 275 273 100 15 385 75 45 139 1 38 7 4 51 30 59 107 11 1 77 76 1,244 1,356 176 711 299 175 366 86 21 533 154 643 515 177 117 610 77 1,597 2,333 251 1,049 599 197 598 136 144 704 211 911 763 260 227 919 78 715,010 1,583,238 100,565 634,185 346,791 346,223 900,391 59,702 5,750 1,462,776 286,295 564,443 1,012,961 572,609 214,742 765,114 79 601,737 1,669,176 146,390 508,065 293,512 327,150 879,162 53,604 20,600 395,689 274,065 457,363 1,103,620 532,964 67,085 749,202 80 1,021 911 135 568 219 140 192 81 21 391 80 482 262 68 107 455 81 1,444 1,907 234 920 535 155 458 126 143 599 145 303 516 156 215 759 82 167 299 23 97 29 12 75 2 71 50 93 139 57 5 74 83 128 288 7 115 31 22 86 7 57 35 74 128 49 10 104 84 56 146 13 46 51 23 99 3 71 24 68 114 52 5 81 85 25 138 10 14 33 20 54 3 48 31 34 124 55 2 56 86 51 39 13 27 36 9 45 1 36 10 52 69 13 46 87 5 57 19 15 14 54 2 35 14 16 45 34 5 35 88 1,533 1,818 368 817 759 317 526 354 237 957 399 979 667 352 378 840 89 1,520 2,333 362 986 643 183 613 304 164 682 286 892 698 244 395 727 90 666,190 979,483 59,444 415,014 166,603 112,907 434,559 27,317 25,600 483,468 94,000 279,328 518,977 179,148 42,680 544,578 91 517,457 979,394 56,355 327,056 143,631 87,800 332,731 33,905 30,990 372,143 84,150 235,205 439,413 174,451 36,265 507,079 92 1,020 1,154 193 530 145 210 405 164 25 738 172 455 473 191 245 680 93 144,079 328,241 14,949 103,087 21,785 38,947 288,093 9,773 735 312,710 30,000 102,906 330,603 102,113 15,702 346,398 94 238 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [DaLa are based on rcworls for only Item (For definitionp ami explanations, see text) Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Flqyd Forsyth I'SK OF mM\(EnnM. rmxiuzER and lime 1 roninwTcinl fertilizer and fertilizinp nialcTials usvti dunnr the year arms reporting 1959 . . . 118 485 862 1,042 402 652 375 711 803 „ 1954 152 618 1,268 1,336 573 825 668 1,186 1,237 .1 acres on which used 1959 . . . i,946 24,489 27,557 74,806 28,140 5,509 14, 699 35,970 14,074 4 1954... 6,133 25,659 39,240 83,831 27,352 7,100 20,228 40,137 19,915 5 tons 1959 . . . 1,097 5,710 6,894 15,832 6,571 1,350 3,008 7,067 2,497 6 1954 . . . 1,068 5,514 8,194 14,306 6,082 1,272 4,362 7,514 3,130 7 Drv materials ......'...... arms reportins 1959 .. . tons 1959... 118 1,097 484 5,460 862 6,894 1,037 15,747 402 6,239 652 1,350 375 2,762 711 7,067 803 2,472 fl g I'lfiuid materials. . ..i.«....-...i....4..i*.. arms reporting 1959- . . tons 1959... 34 250 13 135 41 332 21 •246 5 25 10 Crops on which used- Hay and cropland ptisture u farms reporting 1959. . . 11 153 214 205 89 150 84 282 131 12 1954 . . . 9 171 185 120 99 190 85 333 205 13 acres 1959... 213 3,889 6,099 5,534 2,870 980 5,000 10,144 1,782 14 1954... 350 2,831 5,922 5,580 1,628 1,560 3,816 11,433 2,970 15 Drv materials arms reporting 1959. .. tons 1959 .. . 11 61 152 874 214 1,354 205 1,028 83 642 150 246 83 738 282 1,609 131 392 16 17 Liquid materials farms reporting 1959. . . 4 5 11 11 5 IP tons 1959 . . . 15 10 52 65 25 19 Other pasture (not cropland) arms reporting 1959. . . 38 39 '93 85 61 130 64 iii 107 20 1954... 2i 37 91 43 33 30 27 106 91 21 acres 1959... 520 625 1,455 3,663 610 1,135 3,840 7,910 4,405 1954 . . . 361 595 5/045 2,653 1,652 710 1,195 5,850 1,245 23 Dry materials farms reporting 1959 .. . 38 37 93 85 61 130 59 111 107 24 tons 1959... 105 142 280 956 169 222 644 1,140 606 25 Liquid materials farms reporting 1959. .. 3 10 11 26 tons 1959... 9 3 168 27 Com farms reporting 1959 .. . 19.54... 115 445 497 909 340 577 242 479 666 28 133 606 943 1,237 503 755 576 889 1,066 20 acres 1959... 3,824 14,891 3,712 44,673 18,015 3,043 2,147 9,427 5,447 TO 1954 .. . 4,205 17,164 6,501 48,322 17,321 4,035 7,057 12,162 10,225 31 Dry materials farms reporting 1959. . . 115 445 497 909 330 577 242 479 666 32 tons 1959... 649 3,064 697 7,376 3,391 793 444 1,956 895 3-3 LtQuid materials. .«■... ...... ............ farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... 24 7 25 34 175 75 277 ... 35 Soybeans farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 67 29 37 5 7 20 5 36 NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA 37 acres 1959 .. . 1,553 629 307 15 110 205 20 38 1954 .. . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 Dry materials arms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... 67 29 37 5 7 20 5 40 252 82 60 3 14 35 5 41 Liquid materials farms reporting 1959 . . . tons 1959... 42 43 Cotton farms reporting 1959. . . 21 99 612 732 280 139 317 110 44 1954... 6 243 898 1,095 353 470 590 340 45 acres 1959... 83 849 7,271 11,823 2,562 2,117 4,728 605 46 1954 . . . 15 1,794 10,371 18,591 3,172 5,893 7,920 2,045 47 Dry materials farms reporting 1959. . . 21 99 612 726 280 139 317 110 48 ttns 1959... 29 279 2,886 3,715 706 639 1,451 154 i9 Liquid materials 'arms reporting 1959 .. . 11 5 50 tons 1959... 50 13 51 AH other crops ■arms reporting 1959. .. 53 173 303 586 279 211 114 194 236 52 acres 1959... 306 2,682 9,020 8,479 3,776 336 1,485 3,556 1,815 53 Dry materials farms reporting 1959 .. . 53 173 303 586 279 211 114 194 236 54 tons 1959... 253 849 1,677 2,590 1,271 86 283 876 420 55 Linuid materials farms reporting 1959... tons 1959... 10 56 51 57 Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting 1959 .. . 12 58 109 129 '47 140 36 183 89 58 1954 . . . 24 35 103 99 32 100 73 165 56 59 acres limed 1959 .. . 95 956 1,860 4,421 2,550 845 760 3,346 1,315 60 1954... 210 620 2,050 1,971 554 1,200 2,230 2,960 752 Rl tons 1959 .. . 90 976 1,931 3,916 2,300 1,280 780 6,045 1,644 62 SPEHFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 1954 . . . 193 370 1,745 1,060 375 1,545 1,225 2,400 715 63 Any of the following specified expenditures 'arms reporting 1959 . . . 151 568 1,008 1,099 447 732 431 931 1,232 64 Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959. . . 136 516 677 667 334 566 305 775 1,147 R5 1954 . . . 179 642 897 926 429 780 309 1,303 1,432 66 dollars 1959 . . . 39,344 384,172 1,635,175 545,999 386,250 645,345 184,015 1,614,556 8,185,745 C7 1954 . . . 47,014 191,524 459,670 172,173 131,705 268,765 481,019 377,917 5,201,225 68 Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959 . . . 78 256 459 277 222 305 136 423 1,026 69 dollBTS 1959 . . . 9,578 U0,385 499,355 189,336 239, UO 149,335 214,615 868,320 2,320,975 70 farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 82 57 214 296 717 791 741 630 304 201 190 295 201 237 456 404 432 721 71 72 dollars 1959... 9,855 36,307 138,832 206,470 81,965 10,240 41,503 143,260 44,870 73 1954... 16,074 41,547 68,595 106,876 32,355 19,625 19,910 47,580 37,560 74 Under S200 farms reporting 1959 .. . 60 157 498 336 150 175 128 256 365 75 S200 to 5999 farms reporting 1959. . . farms reporting 1959. . . 22 52 207 329 148 15 71 162 62 76 SI .000 or more 5 12 26 6 2 38 5 77 Hired labor farms reporting 1959... 83 283 536 673 237 171 191 461 317 78 1954 .. . 126 363 648 1,012 383 230 403 451 327 79 dollars 1959 . . . 39,815 179,603 298,478 554,420 318,410 30,990 126,481 675,873 251,890 60 1954... 57,890 124,764 213,555 469,102 173,959 64,755 89,365 396,311 50,490 81 I'nder $1,000 farms reporting 1959. .. 72 221 446 507 189 160 159 328 251 62 1954 .. . 117 323 367 901 354 210 392 388 321 83 51,000 to $2.499 farms reporting 1959. .. 16 48 62 113 31 11 23 73 35 64 1954... 7 39 63 86 27 10 7 42 6 85 $2,500 or more farms reporting 1959. . . 19 28 53 17 9 60 31 86 1954... "2 1 13 25 2 '16 9 21 87 $2,500 to 54,999 farms reporting 1959 .. . farms reporting 1959 .. . 14 28 41 5 2 41 '21 88 $5,000 or more 5 12 12 7 19 10 89 Gasoline and olher petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting 1059 .. . 151 533 933 1,009 407 627 441 881 1,122 90 1954... 168 390 658 1,027 403 390 288 730 697 91 dollars 19.59... 36,261 110,008 183,771 337,303 203,802 50,850 64,605 228,029 195,655 92 1954... 40,013 80,167 108,380 272,506 133,952 28,965 76,842 184,838 80,915 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1959.. . 113 327 276 709 261 401 138 406 307 94 dollars 1959 .. . 7,447 41,133 26,017 153,151 43,820 11,145 19,659 76,067 17,165 NA Not available. GEORGIA 239 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued a aampie of farms. See t«xt] Franklin Fulton Gilmer Glascock Olomn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard 994 828 557 219 92 1,037 1,087 433 944 474 760 551 538 377 1,072 336 1 1,468 1,365 818 419 112 1,253 1,460 798 1,838 1,004 1,450 973 636 588 1,641 824 2 26,596 18,409 6,880 11,953 1,251 25,315 79,528 13,455 17,181 6,665 7,870 23,274 11,690 11,546 36,027 9,282 3 37,088 23,464 9,099 20,632 1,477 28,759 89,706 15,329 35,188 13,583 20,620 32,269 18,603 18,372 50,169 21,598 4 6,2« 4,306 1,568 2,301 208 5,452 20,289 2,260 3,831 1,550 1,461 4,752 2,477 1,970 3,305 2,224 5 7,529 5,029 1,793 3,928 366 5,477 13,807 3,174 6,422 2,618 3,690 5,172 4,171 3,482 10,482 3,824 e 994 818 557 219 92 1,037 1,077 433 944 474 760 551 538 377 1,072 336 7 6,243 4,101 17 205 1,568 2,301 208 5,452 18,740 236 1,549 2,260 3,831 1,550 1,461 4,707 2 45 2,477 1,970 8,305 2,224 8 9 10 346 170 80 21 34 209 287 103 231 116 155 72 61 82 160 83 11 226 328 71 31 25 206 229 148 428 231 170 124 224 92 36 347 12 4,015 5,914 910 120 857 2,892 7,141 6,958 2,268 1,250 1,495 4,173 1,395 3,767 3,490 3,478 13 2,180 5,639 555 760 591 2,195 7,680 3,492 6,190 1,973 1,945 3,147 2,029 4,785 1,705 5,869 14 346 170 80 21 34 209 276 103 231 116 155 72 61 82 160 83 15 1,024 1,258 6 75 163 29 149 551 1,806 44 152 1,070 620 343 313 973 314 576 728 741 16 17 18 125 159 89 11 3 89 114 32 157 116 60 11 50 39 156 33 19 162 207 161 15 16 105 194 69 182 154 197 71 79 99 31 16 20 2,440 4,260 1,578 70 174 2,416 2,767 1,711 3,245 1,570 370 1,617 1,620 2,530 1,790 365 21 3,700 3,880 2,210 120 463 1,515 4,754 2,087 3,797 2,476 5,260 3,413 1,921 5,890 2,580 460 22 125 159 89 11 3 89 114 32 157 116 60 11 50 39 156 33 23 526 936 309 16 23 348 583 16 40 343 830 442 64 217 1 25 322 314 406 61 24 26 26 673 495 470 203 25 826 997 291 755 351 635 469 466 261 537 228 27 1,271 979 761 389 63 1,108 1,316 512 1,537 857 1,118 808 795 404 1,266 770 28 5,211 3,996 3,777 7,262 115 11,355 51,588 2,388 6,770 2,832 4,410 9,132 5,980 3,105 3,859 3,223 29 10,655 8,498 5,433 10,870 312 14,060 51,448 4,566 13,760 6,951 9,055 14,399 8,362 3,680 9,368 9,817 30 673 490 470 203 25 826 972 291 755 351 635 469 466 261 537 228 31 1,039 931 5 8 946 1,174 16 2,113 10,860 180 1,150 371 1,226 534 748 1,234 1 18 1,115 471 706 631 32 33 34 "5 38 1 25 10 45 1 '26 12 '55 35 NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 15 402 20 120 255 435 3 75 200 220 37 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 5 38 1 25 10 45 1 20 12 55 39 5 75 2 27 60 71 1 10 37 32 40 41 536 103 183 599 425 236 256 26 125 441 192 133 767 183 42 43 1,096 268 379 922 486 476 612 80 337 781 417 193 1,341 501 44 4,860 920 3,049 7,730 3,339 1,604 1,888 95 730 6,775 1,290 1,245 8,820 1,416 45 8,521 2,169 6,630 10,419 4,315 3,609 5,549 500 2,172 9,161 2,719 1,690 13,726 3,830 46 536 98 183 599 420 236 256 26 125 441 192 138 767 183 47 1,740 308 10 31 877 2,254 1,202 31 93 358 570 21 193 1,964 1 2 377 453 3,335 547 48 19 50 659 290 190 '61 45 112 801 144 437 51 150 119 225 90 677 '75 51 10,055 2,917 615 1,432 105 802 14,338 794 2,575 910 790 1,322 1,185 849 18,068 800 52 659 280 190 61 45 112 791 144 437 51 150 119 225 90 677 75 53 1,909 593 11 91 150 203 20 159 4,229 37 114 118 514 209 123 277 317 156 3,130 244 54 55 56 210 191 83 31 17 210 202 38 218 116 107 46 '77 59 131 58 57 133 129 78 6 14 90 168 118 168 183 121 31 61 92 61 82 58 2,240 5,011 615 1,015 530 2,112 3,476 574 2,487 1,795 933 2,010 1,045 745 5,260 1,170 59 2,163 2,818 2,035 68 238 1,020 3,350 2,059 4,877 1,611 2,455 1,169 1,650 1,693 1,210 1,920 60 2,380 5,741 1,294 1,035 415 3,357 2,881 564 3,031 1,735 1,143 1,343 1,125 705 5,190 2,370 61 2,001 1,635 2,300 66 259 1,350 2,384 2,020 3,751 1,913 2,040 1,151 985 1,230 1,250 1,160 e" 1,142 1.168 643 259 155 1,173 1,227 568 1,334 662 1,475 619 668 528 1,202 453 63 881 846 522 198 129 353 934 454 1,037 542 1,235 421 463 387 637 293 64 1,047 1,425 729 262 204 716 1,155 816 1,979 1,005 1,731 767 731 541 586 -600 65 5,061,820 3,020,840 1,803,746 59,612 293,321 2,720,332 1,140,744 1,174,148 3,032,120 4,216,398 7,756,720 195,313 1,053,175 553,396 1,378,300 622,335 66 2,090,375 2,452,025 624,935 55,645 218,170 872,060 932,300 508,745 2,043,680 1,304,897 7,204.315 223,271 444,490 265,708 450,875 171,070 67 756 533 278 98 54 541 500 231 766 411 1,075 162 302 132 422 166 68 1,055,350 694,198 551,745 8,417 63,490 750,765 911,253 466,672 969,045 1,292,725 2,191,795 94,687 312,670 126,532 564,230 224,690 69 728 381 166 198 15 744 613 308 555 217 342 461 287 186 857 238 70 1,145 673 237 297 64 543 894 538 953 627 747 653 418 274 851 439 71 109,375 88,041 10,735 49,144 670 142,395 136,730 32, 502 58,630 13,243 51,750 104,986 25,330 27,925 158,895 52,450 72 95,980 49,115 7,120 39,170 8,380 52,145 170,077 40,633 90,935 43,340 61,330 55,444 24,460 23,695 63,495 42,752 73 571 305 145 140 15 511 329 277 490 197 235 347 256 148 590 166 74 147 58 20 47 223 261 24 65 20 41 93 30 31 252 62 75 10 18 1 11 10 28 7 16 21 1 7 15 10 76 542 435 166 144 61 543 739 310 342 127 369 372 197 210 562 206 77 667 467 184 313 36 533 1,199 390 604 298 666 573 310 324 706 391 78 284,995 706,455 67,510 45,805 79,175 272,072 1,254,363 359,371 126,715 135,445 302,855 152,291 141,520 226,963 287,085 204,710 79 147,375 434,715 52,215 86,615 62,680 137,925 793,732 96,663 193,080 98,975 198,470 145,083 77,215 192,016 171,620 72,019 80 461 270 147 131 51 471 541 246 310 95 305 329 171 167 490 174 81 637 366 161 291 25 572 1,026 369 536 265 612 532 296 273 675 372 82 51 84 18 7 2 71 120 48 21 21 35 32 10 17 55 11 83 15 41 21 20 1 11 118 17 48 31 32 32 11 28 25 13 84 30 31 1 6 8 6 78 16 11 11 29 11 16 26 17 21 85 15 60 2 2 10 55 4 20 2 22 9 3 23 6 6 86 28 52 1 6 1 1 23 10 8 10 10 10 10 15 11 10 87 2 29 7 5 50 6 3 1 19 1 6 11 6 11 66 1,077 1,117 578 244 135 1,058 1,146 562 1,184 602 1,395 574 633 422 1,102 423 89 878 706 222 224 83 688 1,130 404 1,029 513 936 355 401 295 806 213 90 173,315 245,634 52,405 43,983 33,210 161, 170 517,448 92,459 103,830 72,311 188,293 88,146 101,830 63,645 223,910 53,975 M 137,065 120,368 23,051 62,595 16, 159 121,025 424,810 69,345 116,795 47,607 154,330 133,403 54,039 86,821 152,310 34,705 92 525 363 127 103 52 514 778 302 512 136 187 101 328 184 427 149 93 57,555 137,960 4,521 7,239 15,720 32,216 214,667 33,979 29,305 3,947 13,253 14,825 33,115 13,375 61,275 38,185 94 240 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on reports for only (For definition? nnil explanations, see text) Henry Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson I'SE OF COMMFRnAI. FFRTILIZER AND LIKIE Coniniercinl fertilizer and fertilizing materials used durini: the year farms reporting acres on which used tons 'arms reporting tons arms reporting tons 'arms importing arms reporting tons farms reporting tons farms reporting acres farms reporting tons farms reporting tons arms reporting acres arms reporting Ions farms reporting tons farms reporting farms reporting tons "arms reporting tons 'arms reporting acres arms reporting tens arms reporting tons farms reporting acres arms reporting tons farms reporting tons 'arms reporting acres limed tons SPECIFIED FARM EXFENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting dollars Under S200 farms reporting S200 to 5999 farms reporting 51,000 or more farms reporting Hired labor farms reporting dollars Under S1,0M) farms reporting Sl.OtX) to 52.499 farms reporting 52,500 or more faims reporting 52,500 to 54,999 farms reporting 55,000 or more farms reporting Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting dollars I>y materials 1 iquid materials Crops on which used- Day and CTt)pland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials. Com Dry materials Liquid materials Soybeans Dry materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials ime or liming materials used during the year 959. -959 . 954 . i959 . 1959 . 959.. .954. .959.. 954. ,959. 959. 959. 959. 954. 959. 954 . 775 1,289 31,550 ^9,956 7,225 9,633 765 7,020 37 205 266 264 S,2A5 11,703 260 1,715 16 51 U6 92 4,719 4,120 106 674 21 140 563 962 6,600 10,361 563 1,521 1 2 25 NA 645 NA 25 118 315 897 4,277 11,727 315 1,369 1 1 361 7,064 360 1,623 6 147 U9 4,767 4,897 5,312 1,640 895 538 703 503,920 533,060 319 216,115 542 767 123,139 91,900 365 174 3 484 623 324,795 248,096 396 556 53 51 35 16 23 L2 624 189,160 135,615 423 90,740 442 540 63,259 67,300 16,333 13,144 437 W,702 79 1,631 106 33 7,442 2,705 105 1,689 31 245 69 60 3,760 8,093 64 805 17 105 388 485 19,552 20,718 383 4,683 52 678 32 NA 1,840 NA 27 397 5 25 190 332 3,260 5,121 190 1,204 24 125 336 27,405 336 5,924 27 453 84 95 5,337 3,640 5,477 3,312 472 307 342 596,454 329,650 142 350,765 311 320 151,904 45,727 170 91 50 287 410 773,462 632,473 140 285 36 74 111 51 55 56 457 375 331,306 377,739 333 180,560 863 1,075 72,813 59,384 17,057 13,273 843 16,034 227 1,023 126 135 3,440 3,555 110 845 44 175 151 87 5,942 2,392 131 1,230 54 228 742 963 36,465 28,436 737 6,918 158 490 20 NA 610 NA 20 65 525 759 7,384 3,652 525 2,166 67 75 731 18,972 726 4,310 25 55 107 103 2,470 2,210 2,355 1,931 923 672 711 573,350 203,915 344 271,965 790 372 320,574 154,695 295 444 51 708 890 615,651 378,913 543 813 124 53 41 24 21 20 896 935 470,683 309,543 522 201,779 827 1,312 23,989 37,725 5,515 8,164 827 5,515 190 132 2,970 2,650 190 634 31 92 1,505 3,025 81 218 549 1,004 5,253 9,434 549 942 532 899 7,339 10,332 532 2,792 339 6,384 339 923 120 174 2,030 3,571 2,030 2,707 1,042 744 1,047 3,919,123 2,492,040 534 1,027,307 672 973 153,057 93,415 497 153 22 447 665 299,312 247,555 388 593 39 54 20 18 6 14 997 795 149,596 182,135 391 31,788 236 436 17,930 22,488 3,950 5,021 236 3,935 2 15 106 117 10,137 5,331 106 2,277 1 10 40 43 2,518 2,334 40 520 142 331 1,808 3,795 142 336 37 237 1,512 5,194 37 418 51 1,925 51 380 1 5 64 67 3,431 3,367 3,425 3,128 296 213 392 772,430 442,808 99 131,750 U3 216 42,235 36,904 83 50 10 186 222 458,809 350,305 108 170 24 19 54 33 26 28 291 284 146,127 U9,241 131 29,190 631 823 28,999 27,393 7,899 7,604 631 7,646 76 253 132 95 4,111 1,305 167 843 23 70 31 101 578 1,690 21 83 15 23 510 743 18,820 18,526 510 3,618 39 142 26 NA 370 NA 26 66 323 478 2,091 2,693 323 690 567 3,029 567 2,341 10 10 64 65 412 1,027 360 559 702 539 679 223,245 120,469 231 70,057 294 393 40,470 35,010 244 43 7 485 680 225,240 216,436 423 627 47 52 15 1 13 2 687 660 244,658 172,798 304 23,590 737 1,149 77,831 102,249 19,053 19,743 732 18,006 . 81 1,047 140 289 6,274 12,493 lAO 1,568 19 104 97 108 2,933 3,267 95 753 15 71 625 999 25,664 34,072 625 5,241 40 262 47 NA 1,195 NA 47 165 537 903 15,049 21,382 537 5,663 21 97 434 26,711 424 4,616 44 513 160 118 6,898 2,841 6,318 2,326 804 488 640 418,355 174,664 296 383,224 678 528 355,166 92,274 333 263 82 498 715 760,685 612,351 362 595 74 59 62 61 29 33 749 703 358,149 340,204 331 119,466 507 722 49,391 60,846 10,514 11,168 507 10,442 9 72 96 154 6,492 7,677 96 1,795 58 50 1,585 3,754 58 428 475 672 24,567 29,704 475 4,201 8 45 6 NA 145 NA 6 20 341 612 8,751 12,574 341 2,420 271 7,851 271 1,578 2 13 51 67 2,621 2,941 2,371 2,479 532 320 567 476,132 372,670 126 180,553 404 556 128,999 88,355 226 155 23 332 612 563,014 494,845 207 512 71 53 54 47 25 29 512 540 259,924 253,380 330 73,933 NA Not available. GEORGIA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 241 B sample of fanns. See text] Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes Lumpkin IfcDulTle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marion Meriwether 214 370 263 1,512 321 178 363 210 1,001 423 370 45 537 876 292 731 1 331 555 449 2,342 550 496 521 296 1,388 778 631 58 902 1,310 507 1,537 2 10,235 14,973 13,957 131,046 51, Ul 3,620 11,655 8,497 51,431 4,251 17,743 1,725 66,816 30,133 22,705 41,309 3 12,378 24,128 17,544 163,203 54,835 5,248 14,636 7,765 59,501 6,303 29,733 870 77,954 40,029 31,367 57,634 1 2,068 3,160 3,549 23,482 12,522 689 2,195 1,759 13,189 818 3,500 600 15,806 6,523 4,173 9,580 5 2,260 4,374 4,584 23,082 10,739 1,290 1,924 1,740 13,923 1,382 5,125 134 14,700 8,257 4,807 13,302 6 214 370 263 1,507 320 178 363 210 1,001 423 370 45 587 876 292 776 r 2,068 3,093 7 62 3,349 41 200 23,074 69 408 U,854 60 668 689 2,195 1,759 12,857 64 332 818 3,500 600 15,498 39 303 6,523 4,173 9,412 6 163 8 9 10 85 118 64 264 84 33 106 52 145 30 71 16 134 188 53 160 11 58 96 64 358 44 63 146 52 136 50 201 12 145 123 50 327 12 3,580 3,567 1,280 9,677 9,754 1,434 4,822 704 5,355 55 4,031 587 9,056 4,952 1,701 10,027 13 1,925 4,240 2,555 13,383 3,813 938 3,723 475 5,442 305 7,615 525 10,842 2,749 2,920 3,144 H 85 117 59 259 78 33 106 52 IM 30 71 16 134 188 53 155 15 791 855 6 10 224 11 13 1,768 23 93 2,141 19 201 161 867 134 1,123 14 52 17 611 190 2,539 15 60 1,127 328 1,793 6 85 16 17 18 "si 53 42 57 22 9 6 '26 94 '72 16 9 76 75 29 97 19 63 124 56 121 44 44 74 59 186 51 51 6 79 86 43 93 20 4,895 2,705 315 2,263 2,056 260 240 407 2,567 1,5U 405 797 5,502 1,070 3,473 5,624 21 4,405 6,936 731 6,915 6,853 1,205 2,224 809 5,222 1,390 2,512 70 7,527 2,370 4,404 4,725 22 85 53 42 57 21 9 6 26 94 72 16 9 75 75 29 97 33 902 493 38 404 7 28 525 2 22 63 43 74 663 1 15 203 91 280 829 7 35 197 759 905 1 20 24 25 26 'si 265 243 1,389 293 U9 301 203 353 382 267 '26 505 587 244 627 27 179 371 373 2,027 504 374 439 270 1,102 648 468 37 776 1,053 467 1,340 28 690 3,475 9.568 78,556 IB, 185 1,356 3,322 5,994 31,115 2,252 5,897 125 23,020 4,637 11,082 10,217 29 1,915 5,080 10,339 87,312 17,710 2,213 3,995 4,398 32,991 4,133 9,650 245 27,896 8,455 13,437 18,393 30 81 265 243 1,334 293 149 301 203 853 382 267 26 505 587 244 622 31 123 677 2 15 1,928 26 179 U,503 53 215 4,045 45 349 275 582 1,106 6,314 57 229 488 906 40 4,631 32 140 842 1,727 1,933 5 63 32 33 34 "i 5 10 47 1 "5 'io 2 1 7 ... "i 10 35 m HA NA. NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 36 25 20 130 1,050 190 25 UO 240 14 970 8 15 37 m HA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA 38 5 5 10 47 1 5 10 2 1 7 1 10 39 5 4 27 151 1 40 ... 5 13 34 2 240 ... 1 3 10 41 32 161 '87 2 1,139 166 30 194 55 406 248 ... 378 553 167 480 42 43 67 311 137 1,839 329 50 325 121 668 20 405 606 987 331 1,150 44 160 1,277 389 19,949 2,273 65 1,889 375 3,161 4,607 7,149 7,026 1,966 7,668 45 413 2,780 730 32,645 3,357 155 2,535 900 3,390 '85 7,670 12,823 U,025 4,448 15,275 46 32 161 82 1,139 166 30 194 55 406 243 378 553 167 430 47 32 357 117 10 6 5,850 27 55 756 8 20 21 451 123 1,116 1,283 2,745 12 38 2,368 572 2,472 4S 19 SO 33 213 231 907 252 99 125 152 882 90 108 '26 401 548 192 356 5: 835 3,929 2,275 19,551 18,678 505 1,357 907 8,993 430 2,789 216 21,119 12,448 4,470 8,258 52 33 213 231 907 251 99 125 152 882 90 108 20 396 548 192 356 53 215 707 2 37 1,015 5 2 3,393 1 10 4,347 5 76 169 247 304 3,607 n 36 no 607 90 4,464 10 35 1,939 786 2,301 54 55 56 'so 81 17 202 76 'ii "50 "21 126 '62 'ei 4 117 142 '29 iji 57 63 138 44 95 86 55 32 21 36 46 42 1 109 35 55 121 56 1,460 2,098 120 3,123 6,968 545 828 235 3,314 465 2,293 44 4,890 2,352 495 4,196 K 1,715 2,600 970 3,745 4,721 655 372 105 1,724 276 1,680 200 3,213 560 1,673 2,745 60 1,447 2,033 155 6,799 6,403 425 625 200 3,754 412 2,373 54 4,236 2,737 485 5,218 6] 1,670 2,351 925 1,140 4,077 595 347 150 1,023 355 1,341 290 2,539 325 1,416 2,295 6!* 3U 447 313 1,593 377 230 423 227 1,087 560 465 71 642 1,001 309 877 63 264 294 228 i,oa 253 208 237 136 776 494 300 57 397 635 241 512 64 376 448 295 1,670 337 505 539 241 1,029 803 494 120 486 677 344 . 832 65 438,000 429,915 33,166 594,358 389,856 153,160 490,727 40,855 659,080 2,431,100 176,678 69,390 622,756 2,728,403 1,502,396 396,005 66 1,069,389 435,535 80,171 516,027 220,482 104,043 147,420 45,500 753,774 4,950,447 345,730 15,917 206,314 1,272,215 225,325 468,015 67 136 152 110 443 103 47 114 48 367 311 155 22 216 463 152 250 66 137,855 152,235 14,150 217,792 623,281 76,241 123,465 21,824 192,973 589,850 54,450 30,340 1,229,744 713,321 394,153 169,675 69 90 266 141 1,163 238 51 265 61 581 116 265 24 441 638 170 478 70 114 322 137 1,091 418 200 318 88 631 457 248 16 464 807 368 1,102 71 23,514 28,625 26,065 368,742 125,846 3,075 29,084 9,025 117,163 8,325 79,013 22,319 267,014 124,728 38,053 93,415 72 15,345 ^,525 22,915 122,635 99,292 18,264 21,645 12,315 92,207 30,213 35,187 2,450 100,499 71,855 79,094 125,575 73 56 231 108 530 86 46 246 40 401 105 167 11 151 422 111 333 74 29 34 31 573 124 5 17 21 174 11 87 6 242 211 56 133 75 5 1 2 55 28 2 ... 6 ... 11 7 43 5 3 12 76 114 237 243 961 221 104 213 102 8*2 152 188 15 370 476 164 529 77 216 305 379 1,501 407 167 261 176 1,133 343 452 13 659 670 293 953 78 257,492 148,290 132,156 826,260 485,699 72,639 71,150 34,870 630,655 97,285 234,246 46,025 849,329 201,867 169,952 599,199 79 164,575 129,010 193,118 651,610 418,232 47,641 43,500 65,960 721,220 89,001 172,105 17,750 624,121 139,270 107,720 531,223 80 71 212 209 727 133 33 181 96 715 125 137 9 236 428 120 421 81 157 260 313 1,384 303 157 251 157 953 332 404 17 560 656 257 302 82 22 12 27 161 45 13 27 5 86 20 30 ... 63 36 22 42 83 46 32 50 77 49 5 8 16 141 5 31 ... 39 12 30 94 84 21 13 7 73 43 8 5 1 41 7 21 6 71 12 22 66 85 13 13 11 40 55 5 2 3 39 6 17 1 60 2 6 57 86 3 8 6 40 20 7 4 28 2 11 1 44 10 19 25 87 13 5 1 33 23 1 1 1 13 5 10 5 27 2 3 41 88 289 382 308 1,473 362 195 378 227 1,072 514 379 55 632 946 244 657 89 292 224 383 1,310 313 107 266 181 1,230 479 342 103 531 690 247 601 90 30,919 76,733 108,388 593,328 312,384 24,180 55,360 52,835 437,353 66,345 125, 3U 15,702 324,217 135,870 111,664 196,358 91 93,067 75,400 129,602 410,998 236,U5 36,448 26,934 51,650 422,691 57,767 79,379 10,695 315,295 110,485 73,590 137,623 92 137 294 203 865 289 117 U9 178 761 227 135 27 424 317 186 389 93 68,625 31,535 21,467 131,398 215,269 10,544 20,685 11,610 88,594 9,520 23,230 3,333 110,324 35,128 44,114 63,856 94 242 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on reports for only lu?fn (For definitions nnii explanations see text) Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgoniery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee 1 I'SE OF IDKIMFRnil. FF.RTILIZER Al roninuTcinl fertilizer nnd fertilizinp •DLIKIE . farms reporting 1959 . . . im4... s on which used 195fl. . . 1954... tons 1959 .. . 1954 .. . . farms reporting 1959 . . . tons 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... , farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 .. . acres 1959... 1954 . . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959... tons 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . acres 1959 .. . 1954 .. . . farms reporting 1 959 . . . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959 . . . 630 1,102 76,328 85,551 15,137 13,988 630 14,856 74 281 103 67 3,931 2,310 97 678 17 67 99 109 7,653 8,252 98 872 12 26 553 1,006 36,672 40,681 553 6,682 54 162 'm NA 415 728 5,357 7,574 415 1,744 11 9 539 22,715 539 4,380 16 17 146 152 4,955 7,117 6,413 3,902 755 610 807 605,437 297,081 234 279,510 553 823 236,781 159,410 170 354 29 465 737 379,403 325,282 370 682 62 26 33 29 21 12 705 702 331,131 250,771 446 207,962 1,062 1,555 121,695 123,003 28,856 24,492 1,062 27,420 286 1,436 171 220 12,426 12,567 164 2,075 40 175 195 121 11,797 7,536 185 2,527 37 213 903 1,346 57,903 55,868 903 11,529 217 921 1 NA 53 NA 1 12 598 1,148 9,525 15,572 593 2,980 92 103 907 29,986 907 8,297 10 19 201 268 6,510 9,147 5,860 6,387 1,130 780 729 874,112 381,504 354 537,456 367 1,241 390,478 309,736 333 426 108 335 1,240 991,690 945,573 590 993 129 169 116 78 71 45 1,095 1,035 569,460 513,954 857 451,726 292 422 13,163 18,421 3,121 3,143 292 2,985 14 136 120 128 6,307 6,512 120 1,502 8 23 84 64 3,190 4,463 83 671 6 45 156 272 2,000 3,398 156 4A2 1 8 NA NA 58 178 468 1,431 58 121 '79 1,198 79 249 6 60 81 103 1,694 4,151 1,638 1,998 357 332 505 954,905 853,060 208 203,800 136 163 19,010 19,475 118 12 6 161 225 249,430 192,507 89 159 28 41 44 25 33 11 306 288 77,844 96,529 121 41,512 518 643 30,060 33,983 5,499 5,784 518 5,379 21 120 73 43 3,660 1,730 68 560 10 70 8 34 133 1,391 8 31 463 575 18,783 22,040 463 2,993 11 45 30 NA 560 NA 30 73 312 431 3,265 4,930 312 321 377 3,604 377 901 5 5 36 39 236 611 276 410 577 441 555 180,093 103,494 103 71,865 315 355 47,203 39,195 232 82 1 341 508 165,750 208,415 308 445 29 46 4 17 1 3 497 434 130,778 120,067 371 49,755 535 943 28,961 47,227 7,943 12,357 530 7,450 43 493 140 159 6,902 11,155 138 1,435 10 186 85 110 3,950 3,700 80 831 16 73 332 577 4,772 7,946 332 1,147 7 38 1 NA 40 NA 1 5 347 687 7,859 15,755 347 3,008 3 58 172 5,438 165 1,024 18 138 70 133 3,165 5,325 3,330 4,020 605 390 679 1,111,746 1,008,978 256 195,365 444 463 110,805 75,882 262 175 7 320 698 587,076 587,035 213 591 59 45 48 62 17 31 580 592 201,025 238,988 313 72,321 536 828 12,777 17,812 2,100 2,633 536 2,100 67 90 733 1,350 67 107 57 37 980 577 57 137 5U 718 7,044 9,852 511 1,108 46 NA 404 NA 46 61 206 491 1,806 4,078 206 401 '93 1,810 93 286 '82 111 845 1,098 1,635 1,718 688 526 343 1,759,496 424,185 382 480,040 346 403 56,648 36,365 265 74 7 239 297 78,842 74,170 225 290 12 5 2 2 2 623 599 112,273 63,110 237 15,636 60 176 3,845 7,779 903 1,598 60 903 33 76 2,840 4,232 33 681 6 27 435 1,285 6 75 '27 108 350 1,376 27 90 'iJA NA 11 30 115 230 11 33 ' 8 105 8 24 16 22 330 505 385 390 117 105 302 225,450 343,495 36 36,550 22 76 3,425 17,365 11 11 50 137 104,250 287,180 22 66 10 42 18 29 12 6 112 202 28,641 69,345 33 10,905 457 739 24,724 33,339 6,645 6,748 457 6,402 32 243 174 185 8,771 7,548 174 1,958 16 105 64 47 3,424 7,261 58 594 16 43 322 549 6,478 6,960 322 1,326 10 40 KA NA 228 529 4,840 8,593 228 1,661 5 50 105 1,211 105 363 1 5 127 100 5,290 3,334 4,775 2,332 563 402 579 1,173,303 299,180 229 431,925 309 340 97,417 32,333 177 106 26 313 388 380,163 267,362 207 326 70 46 36 16 18 18 528 619 161,637 137,456 152 56,293 441 750 21,955 31,373 4,768 6,664 441 4,740 10 28 103 162 3,180 4,035 103 635 '60 71 1,905 2,825 60 244 314 489 3,845 7,107 314 691 NA NA 295 543 5,658 8,904 295 1,867 175 7,357 170 1,303 10 28 82 77 3,010 1,525 2,900 1,550 503 326 455 471,825 510,336 194 143,785 350 573 160,105 ■74,010 225 98 27 302 404 238,142 189,865 227 356 53 32 22 16 15 7 473 625 123,075 113,531 159 37,450 .1 4 5 6 ncre 0 10 I iquid materials Crops on which used- 15 13 14 16 Ig 19 20 21 Other pasture (nd cropland). 24 26 27 28 ■20 30 1954 .. . acres 1959 .. . 1954 .. . . farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... , farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... 32 33 34 Liquid materials 36 37 38 39 40 Dr> malerials 1954... acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . tons 1959 .. . . farms reporlinp 1959 . . . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . acres 1959... 1954 . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . tens 1959... . farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... . farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959.,. . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... acres limed 1959 . . . 19,54 . . . tons 1959... 1954-,. ES . farms reporting 1959 ,, . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . dollars 1959 . . . 1954 .. . . farms reporting 1959 . . . dollars 1959 .. . .farms reporting 1959... 19.54 . . . dollars 1959 .. . 1954... . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . , farms reporting 1959. . - . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... dollars 1959... 1954... . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... . farms reporting 1959. ,. 1954 . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... . . farms reporting 1959. . . . , farms reporting 1959. . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... dollars 1959. . . 1954... . . farms Importing 1959 . . . dollars 1959... 42 43 44 45 46 48 50 52 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Lime or litiiing materials used during tlie year . . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITUR Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry Purchase of livestoclt and poultry Machine hire 75 S200 to ^999 7B 79 80 81 82 L'nder 51,000 84 86 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 90 91 92 93 94 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and t/ees HA Not avallatile. GEORGIA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 243 ft sample of (arms. See text] Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Plie Poli Pulaski Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven 666 461 187 295 779 419 488 420 176 161 348 555 158 254 209 1,033 1 1,094 824 201 414 1,082 693 339 627 390 161 501 860 265 453 402 1,582 2 2i,A16 9,890 35,250 3,947 45,390 29,096 16,905 43,099 8,504 11,147 6,140 53,573 9,135 7,441 15,595 98,347 3 42,759 17,574 39,239 5,293 38,286 40,109 25,009 43,223 U,427 11,328 6,714 57,382 16,523 15,361 26,895 116,710 4 5,503 1,594 7,536 695 11,500 7,822 3,576 9,700 1,958 2,013 1,283 11,476 1,760 1,799 3,235 22,832 S 7,295 3,838 8,566 906 9,865 3,322 4,597 8,524 1,914 1,898 1,476 10,459 2,018 2,450 4,928 19,634 s 666 461 187 295 779 419 488 415 176 161 348 555 158 254 209 1,032 7 5,503 1,594 7,420 16 116 695 11,497 10 3 7,461 33 361 3,576 9,337 56 363 1,895 2 63 2,013 1,233 11,436 7 40 1,760 1,799 3,235 20,149 242 2,683 8 9 10 132 75 57 61 162 82 127 133 104 14 208 104 64 59 32 235 11 181 206 30 53 135 183 169 28 78 3 186 100 109 116 47 329 12 5,758 3,310 5,790 910 4,130 5,012 3,565 8,053 5,013 716 2,025 5,611 3,432 1,208 310 13,045 13 7,281 3,725 3,590 575 2,450 7,363 5,610 2,770 2,118 250 1,355 5,672 5,179 5,390 1,210 16,577 14 132 75 57 61 162 77 127 133 104 14 208 104 64 59 32 246 15 1,180 417 987 10 60 170 703 1,190 16 148 546 1,346 19 145 1,169 2 53 141 370 1,055 681 299 181 2,377 94 794 16 17 18 35 35 35 73 165 63 82 22 16 14 ■76 lio 13 56 35 117 19 82 32 12 62 166 94 75 53 71 6 161 52 19 20 20 160 20 1,455 560 2,000 1,090 2,470 4,265 2,335 620 535 550 1,068 5,065 380 1,468 630 6,996 21 3,486 993 720 1,235 2,566 7,520 3,500 4,303 4,219 130 2,060 3,672 1,173 860 355 8,410 22 35 35 30 73 165 63 82 22 16 14 76 110 13 56 35 UO 23 266 105 489 5 20 165 546 692 491 173 5 5 116 142 141 915 68 369 113 1,214 42 717 24 25 28 454 371 119 227 708 317 338 356 '73 121 313 483 119 177 189 832 27 871 734 179 387 893 561 674 559 230 155 441 698 167 362 382 1,466 28 4,517 4,355 6,173 1,620 30,336 6,849 4,805 16,997 1,336 4,525 2,759 17,023 2,625 1,900 9,045 54,838 29 9,211 7,772 10,445 2,805 23,909 8,099 8,495 20,046 2,526 4,654 2,945 19,052 4,590 4,325 14,765 61,539 30 454 371 114 227 708 317 388 351 73 121 313 433 119 177 189 877 31 832 673 1,143 11 36 294 5,655 1,459 11 91 967 3,537 33 103 233 639 653 3,309 6 35 427 347 1,714 10,215 145 925 32 33 34 10 26 15 50 5 2 'io 2 "3 '16 "5 42 35 NA MA NA NA HA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 38 40 3,040 40 325 50 65 20 65 110 195 75 1,449 37 lU MA HA KA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA 38 10 26 15 50 5 2 10 2 3 16 5 42 39 11 610 6 181 10 7 6 9 19 36 12 201 40 41 513 ioi 'io '40 250 265 261 276 63 '72 237 39 'si 127 568 42 43 812 361 112 45 446 473 501 525 197 93 463 91 272 269 1,218 44 6,363 720 855 230 1,937 6,436 3,905 5,668 964 1,054 4,317 797 1,596 2,235 11,148 45 8,633 3,352 2,347 405 2,239 7,706 5,576 9,847 1,615 1,659 6,123 1,623 3,316 5,206 20,438 48 513 101 60 40 250 265 261 266 63 72 237 39 81 127 568 47 2,037 226 290 53 741 2,277 16 122 1,163 1,945 20 73 237 412 1,453 199 449 780 3,733 47 62 48 13 50 251 185 105 21 693 235 111 291 16 138 76 433 '72 61 144 379 51 6,323 905 17,392 57 5,692 6,534 2,245 11,696 656 4,302 268 21,492 1,791 1,074 2,800 10,871 52 251 185 105 21 693 235 111 286 16 133 76 433 72 61 144 369 53 1,188 162 3,901 7 3,671 10 3 1,843 399 2,329 12 37 140 1 10 679 108 4,690 1 5 366 299 435 2,409 23 135 54 55 58 45 '60 44 103 50 '92 91 96 61 '25 85 99 39 43 65 198 57 122 50 24 32 46 136 130 54 141 10 86 59 29 26 51 145 58 1,951 890 1,550 2,005 460 3,469 2,365 4,904 1,826 290 930 4,424 1,220 787 1,864 8,195 59 5,234 970 645 425 730 3,205 2,510 1,934 3,959 619 1,045 2,835 320 835 1,052 3,052 60 1,941 990 1,961 2,769 220 3,752 2,640 4,638 1,402 373 1,005 3,192 1,012 1,073 1,964 6,756 61 3,416 960 615 610 785 2,983 3,875 1,756 2,138 470 680 2,078 1,020 690 719 2,429 6» 732 611 233 437 335 490 679 476 281 196 383 628 228 329 265 1,139 63 365 446 174 461 593 290 564 293 236 105 271 356 181 194 129 856 64 622 773 155 690 731 439 903 355 483 118 361 493 308 424 180 1,100 65 1,106,282 1,650,745 188,871 1,868,065 823,530 495,948 583,355 217,066 1,185,690 70,715 678,705 170,323 146,176 330,304 475,035 ^60,995 66 375,549 935,545 80,014 2,245,100 164,154 166,878 257,040 156,165 972,507 28,630 332,995 203,728 164,215 272,015 57,630 361,639 67 231 240 87 337 300 180 308 152 124 56 162 132 77 73 88 356 68 410,252 510,505 115,825 562,485 503,935 305,178 266,778 158,607 250,337 38,910 211,155 177,027 77,601 133,113 147,025 614,010 69 564 191 135 141 370 300 357 310 80 122 137 394 45 132 158 738 70 832 391 140 129 613 329 383 539 130 116 325 649 105 301 236 901 71 95,505 19,240 58,299 21,415 94,545 88,947 39,975 144,541 28,655 34,756 19,215 156,522 6,812 26,510 65,940 238,755 72 71,608 23,165 24,113 11,075 74,342 49,980 38,260 129,084 16,520 24,639 16,910 121,950 12,370 37,395 26,875 142,228 73 440 170 56 121 251 176 256 132 41 76 146 216 34 101 75 337 74 U7 16 63 15 113 98 36 156 31 37 41 133 11 30 72 367 75 7 5 16 5 6 26 15 22 8 9 45 1 11 34 76 335 81 153 101 589 299 358 300 149 96 113 356 103 94 145 653 77 585 387 186 74 1,015 438 394 513 234 146 206 621 197 329 283 870 78 286,513 66,390 857,822 30,560 403,925 401,576 156,020 396,300 263,355 77,852 168,575 340,654 155,406 84,135 34,905 867,064 79 272,147 76,275 307,221 21,605 456,573 306,930 146,890 298,080 142,625 108,610 59,431 359,146 137,840 137,059 156,377 714,827 80 232 65 85 98 447 220 306 205 70 71 91 259 72 76 121 469 81 525 361 117 66 899 422 347 435 179 110 185 517 136 292 242 635 82 17 11 26 2 lU 31 41 38 41 18 11 51 17 10 15 109 83 33 21 20 7 101 35 40 54 46 15 15 54 35 30 21 121 84 36 5 42 1 31 48 11 57 38 7 16 46 14 3 9 75 85 27 5 49 1 15 31 7 24 9 21 6 50 26 7 20 64 88 23 10 23 17 10 35 26 4 10 34 8 7 8 30 87 13 5 32 1 3 31 1 22 12 3 6 12 6 1 1 45 88 697 566 233 452 809 429 659 446 256 171 313 543 218 294 260 1,029 89 625 524 181 239 943 430 790 396 294 123 201 483 311 248 328 933 90 155,978 54,290 214,978 51,250 378,510 165,113 86,791 253,177 108,051 69,055 36,717 322,354 51,055 56,139 72,095 450,272 91 163,858 56,770 206,511 22,495 320,224 136,466 105,695 214,414 76,500 60,105 26,790 302,763 65,165 56,850 115,740 354,230 9! 195 106 99 112 432 211 308 339 88 154 223 359 91 104 157 752 93 29,941 3,825 86,614 4,759 61,950 55,433 19,635 145,621 17,371 60,240 11,675 169,796 9,704 20,539 34,060 164,057 94 244 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data ore hased on rofxirts For onl y (For definilion? ami oxplanalions, see lext) Spalding Stephens Taliaferro Tattnall USE OF COMMKnnAI, FFHTILIZER AND LIkfE roninuTcial fertilizer and fprtilizinj: mntorials used durini: the year fanns reporting acres on which used Ions Dry ninten als liquid iDaterials Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials Liquid materials Soybeans Dry materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials Lime or liming materials used during the year arms reporting tons 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting acres 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting Ions 'arms reporting arms reporting tons 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting i reporting tons arms reporting tons arms reporting arms reporting tons 'arms repra-tinp tons 'arms reporting arms reporting tens arms reporting tons 'arms reporting acres 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting tons arms reporting acres limed tons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting dollars Under S200 farms reporting S200 to ¥999 farms reporting 51,000 or more farms reporting Hired labor farms reporting dollars Under SI. 000 farms reporting SI. 000 lo 52,499 farms reporting 52. WO or more farms reporting 52,500 to $4.999 farms reporting 55.000 or more farms reporting Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting dollars NA Not available. 432 5V. 66,621 55,026 13,954 9,971 432 13,290 88 664 66 28 7,656 2,751 65 1,096 25 154 43 71 7,450 7,739 38 1,317 10 119 392 516 30, 157 23,307 392 5,508 59 331 iu. 261 436 4,678 5,680 261 1,577 2 5 363 16,680 363 3,792 5 45 71 38 3,212 2,320 2,762 1,672 457 355 466 609,330 321,664 140 248,680 352 432 179,644 105,635 161 141 50 262 424 436,667 327,297 165 325 64 71 33 28 8 25 427 415 277, 543 200, 103 292 130,493 282 533 19,540 30,266 5,161 5,653 277 4,951 36 210 120 161 6,668 6,775 114 1,705 26 115 19 69 2,661 6,835 14 480 5 75 174 362 2,688 3,564 174 611 5 15 12 NA 205 HA 12 34 82 247 1,315 3,142 82 329 128 6,003 123 1,792 5 5 77 120 2,235 4,150 2,076 2,525 362 277 473 485,478 408,346 156 288,695 120 204 40,085 22,087 76 38 6 217 358 361,825 363,330 136 282 33 53 43 23 36 7 347 463 126,161 135,290 163 45,140 326 681 4,580 11,050 1,071 1,805 326 1,071 105 231 875 2,940 105 220 61 110 495 2,735 61 129 266 505 1,675 3,775 266 339 30 130 445 835 80 153 165 1,080 165 229 390 810 345 790 448 328 641 821,897 583, 560 193 229,625 171 456 10,260 26,490 165 6 73 171 19,725 39,580 66 160 5 10 417 341 21,565 34,550 155 6,290 361 661 21,180 34,922 3,904 5,786 361 3,849 7 55 30 71 1,445 4,696 25 214 5 15 35 32 917 3,226 35 154 305 574 10,630 14,787 305 1,756 2 20 m 193 399 1,737 3,137 193 629 266 6,451 266 1,096 2 20 29 16 712 1,224 524 632 419 201 355 334, 140 144,568 94 107,472 236 491 36,204 64,333 188 43 5 207 521 134,626 150,533 165 493 19 12 23 16 21 2 359 321 84,845 104,860 212 40,006 639 1,055 80,457 105,620 18,430 21,688 689 17,755 67 675 348 205 26,763 12,306 347 6,087 33 263 43 146 4,158 15,326 43 678 2 17 553 339 23,104 32,325 546 5,263 36 307 16 NA 500 HA 16 39 356 627 6,655 12,441 356 2,353 17 69 313 14,277 318 3,285 1 19 202 190 9,507 10,402 3,727 3,074 816 574 735 2,407,466 653,957 246 3,892,511 465 345 261,393 186, 833 185 216 64 574 840 958,407 866,224 374 644 68 79 132 117 80 52 790 811 513,218 509,613 522 294,949 219 507 7,989 18,030 1,707 2,730 219 1,707 38 72 1,106 2,746 38 232 48 51 2,662 5,689 48 556 175 462 1,974 6,153 175 304 123 318 843 1,615 123 230 59 1,404 59 335 33 79 642 3,203 596 1,012 355 256 575 279,702 216,436 120 105,738 156 298 19,203 21,438 132 23 1 103 164 174,550 129,101 79 133 8 14 16 12 5 11 294 317 81,797 64,382 50 7,468 178 388 3,490 7,372 819 1,244 178 310 6 9 32 78 935 1,645 32 244 5 5 21 42 330 1,159 21 75 UO 304 1,170 2,237 140 194 120 273 955 2,270 120 277 21 35 530 869 390 474 230 115 328 200,795 171,300 30 17,730 125 252 15,375 17,006 100 25 61 141 32,225 51,455 46 125 15 11 220 137 35,700 26,770 62 6,210 1,016 1,363 62,116 66,008 14,073 15,977 1,016 13,742 112 331 304 154 5,331 3,682 299 1,220 26 58 198 222 3,188 3,422 193 482 10 13 949 1,253 42,431 41,313 939 7,212 97 247 55 NA 360 HA 55 134 534 309 4,211 5,972 534 1,442 5 1 869 6,095 869 3,252 10 12 112 95 1,790 1,275 1,520 797 1,076 839 1,002 625,776 327,838 418 254, 521 803 793 271,302 113,578 432 335 41 831 1,168 565,328 685,565 692 1,065 U6 61 23 22 10 13 1,066 1,189 406,066 364,742 720 205,702 GEORGIA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 245 a sample of fanns. See testj Telfair Ten-ell Thomas Tift Toombs Town 3 Treutlen Troup Turner Twiggs Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren 627 609 1,125 800 696 »57 429 469 616 341 713 309 760 983 556 516 1 881 1,189 1,554 1,206 1,070 506 558 918 785 584 852 521 1,203 1,477 867 777 2 iO.Oll 70,642 103,435 63,823 47,288 4, »88 23,062 15,327 66,762 21,260 8,154 16, 333 24,441 41,659 16,642 25,258 3 51,3i2 80,343 108,887 71,670 53,979 6, 556 29,649 20,904 69,596 23,921 12,158 22,525 31,682 53,821 22,965 34,382 4 6,580 15,907 25,139 17,381 10,210 1, 108 3,748 3,109 16,104 3,971 2,106 3,458 4,871 10,312 4,633 5,294 5 3,904 17,665 26,268 19,726 11,007 1, 243 4,458 3,330 13,898 3,344 2,560 3,694 5,625 12,342 5,690 5,102 6 621 609 1,120 800 696 .57 429 469 616 341 713 309 760 978 556 516 7 6,523 15,155 24,969 17,110 10,210 1, 328 3,547 3,109 15,955 3,971 2,106 3,468 4,871 10,486 4,585 5,294 S 17 93 189 84 25 38 ... 37 46 31 9 57 752 1,170 271 80 201 ... 149 326 48 10 96 82 306 137 131 226 131 153 97 29 121 115 273 201 143 112 11 168 102 328 193 138 321 77 193 83 16 156 186 283 221 168 141 12 3,484 7,399 10,149 3,431 3,185 378 3,687 4,000 4,471 5,985 1,415 7,535 7,918 11,821 2,313 4,245 13 7,775 6,012 11,196 4,088 2,912 1, 315 2,280 3,840 2,050 1,130 2,251 9,222 9,724 10,180 3,363 5,777 14 96 32 295 130 131 226 110 153 97 29 121 115 273 196 138 112 15 471 1,202 2,379 725 649 233 496 900 923 846 267 1,643 1,340 2,493 512 694 1« 2 2 63 14 22 lo 21 11 17 3 6 292 36 47 40 182 22 16 57 84 145 99 57 121 6 133 91 'u 71 30 108 67 70 35 19 131 75 107 113 104 90 25 164 125 20 201 54 137 57 113 6 30 2,223 5,443 4,230 1,642 902 1, 390 1,504 5,350 2,768 486 387 1,725 5,670 1,399 1,060 1,000 21 4,858 6,080 4,735 2,196 2,477 =05 2,337 5,681 4,630 1,345 1,484 2,585 6,380 3,290 1,889 110 22 57 84 145 99 57 L16 5 133 90 13 71 30 108 67 70 35 23 366 912 815 329 174 131 3 1,010 602 97 74 301 1,178 178 197 223 24 16 25 13 5 1 2 . . . 16 5 25 40 40 54 5 70 12 53 15 26 564 518 955 692 655 381 377 290 508 324 616 175 547 759 463 415 27 780 1,053 1,344 1,000 934 !61 517 717 631 484 796 523 964 1,288 693 607 ■28 25,208 27,066 58,826 30,921 31,381 2, >45 13,689 4,110 24,377 9,993 5,020 2,024 6,030 8,412 10,439 8,822 29 24,407 26,228 58,152 30,461 32,336 3, 305 18,531 7,356 18,429 12,004 6,038 6,447 10,407 14,655 13,689 10,690 30 554 502 950 692 655 381 372 290 508 324 616 175 547 759 453 415 31 3,636 5,226 13,056 6,520 5,303 >10 1,610 768 5,349 1,570 1,350 374 1,301 1,851 2,248 1,458 32 15 83 129 60 10 26 26 ... 10 10 33 43 568 772 161 35 58 39 10 7 34 25 5 62 6 'io 16 11 10 10 ■■5 56 15 2 10 35 HA NA NA NA NA NA BA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 270 75 2,055 29 150 35 223 150 30 5 520 100 53 U5 37 m KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA HA NA NA NA 38 25 5 62 6 10 16 11 10 10 5 55 15 2 10 39 33 13 312 6 25 7 49 15 4 1 85 13 7 18 40 41 330 391 494 453 469 264 132 399 207 62 207 695 89 330 42 43 520 798 740 846 792 396 230 587 420 225 406 1,226 194 627 44 3,090 8,756 5,135 5,746 5,895 2,302 792 7,012 2,507 362 1,210 13,890 484 5,633 45 4,640 14,454 6,425 8,800 8,815 4,292 1,715 9,319 3,985 1,513 2,649 20,150 664 11,862 48 325 391 489 453 469 264 132 399 207 62 207 596 89 330 47 945 3,176 1,704 1,766 1,680 . 814 216 2,644 922 119 353 4,856 164 1,983 48 5 12 35 11 . 10 5 5 5 19 8 123 36 6 18 ... 8 10 1 50 450 501 830 686 605 56 268 105 505 144 281 '91 225 314 425 125 51 5,736 21,903 23,040 22,004 5,775 ; 40 1,380 1,065 27,911 2,139 1,302 51,87 3,093 6,037 2,293 4,443 52 445 501 830 636 605 1 56 268 105 505 144 281 91 225 309 426 125 S3 1,070 4,626 6,703 7,764 2,379 97 624 215 6,388 521 411 1,030 614 1,080 1,457 913 54 5 2 15 12 15 6 20 11 55 3 15 30 14 40 8 61 3 56 69 167 207 197 lis 61 17 '■76 148 15 100 79 212 139 40 "54 57 56 109 247 130 43 ] 00 19 186 57 17 192 107 207 190 37 95 58 1,070 7,368 4,170 4,597 1,961 i 55 200 1,687 4,885 920 450 2,042 3,945 5,480 630 975 59 867 4,185 4,776 2,735 1,195 ( 05 618 3,842 1,546 690 2,285 1,735 4,254 5,185 1,148 1,642 60 769 6,385 3,715 3,841 1,411 20 150 1,457 5,028 510 695 1,877 5,575 4,821 448 975 61 726 2,412 3,586 1,719 556 i 30 323 2,538 800 442 2,041 1,695 5,615 4,331 605 1,202 62 792 675 1,273 884 772 507 450 733 663 387 330 435 1,078 1,087 649 565 63 620 306 1,023 666 533 »47 295 562 510 238 598 317 876 535 526 341 64 707 576 1,218 743 761 541 385 1,078 462 400 741 643 1,361 1,201 747 514 65 197,053 357,971 830,756 794,218 201,715 661, 748 297, 869 466,843 418,583 30, 174 2,062,050 405,139 1,512,880 1,252,535 381,720 162,840 66 324,113 250,922 885,166 271,538 357,683 473, .70 109,530 573,731 183,515 64,610 642,340 417, 905 350,053 624,805 295,578 199,938 67 182 161 437 374 227 226 151 297 238 96 343 184 457 369 269 134 68 33,332 379,392 319,574 341,937 71,585 154, 395 122,755 220,026 231,686 17,354 411,610 203,158 627, 170 325,935 105,025 117,620 69 404 516 705 670 574 216 307 269 549 220 235 131 381 865 232 398 70 536 1,024 931 755 704 .95 269 398 642 357 356 331 550 1.154 349 546 71 76,972 234,553 262,933 344,899 134,741 10, 223 37,605 36,465 290,583 44,820 20,825 20,298 99,174 228,009 35,252 92,375 72 54,407 306,108 173,889 119,072 91,610 20, 140 43,025 38,013 143,545 28,740 20,015 25,810 36,432 132,540 74,930 72,480 7S 253 200 352 216 415 210 261 225 147 158 200 106 271 437 159 255 74 151 270 291 333 141 6 45 38 336 55 30 19 98 387 61 129 75 46 62 66 18 •. 1 6 55 7 5 6 12 41 2 14 76 403 369 852 650 472 172 285 218 485 165 210 169 386 622 406 302 77 605 826 1,145 954 904 286 413 426 625 370 186 250 492 1,172 636 525 78 147,273 400,962 1,165,764 1,453,012 344,942 36, 930 168,328 149,926 409,275 191,215 215,610 188,743 500,153 537,043 218,171 195,462 79 251,290 491,638 1,028,818 1,024,935 430,003 39, 350 184,608 227, 515 303,806 155,017 165,125 173, 941 306,256 419,735 244,840 205,239 60 359 262 561 502 383 170 240 175 364 120 177 123 305 497 365 253 81 550 682 889 827 784 280 378 368 538 337 161 199 439 1,105 578 481 82 31 68 167 102 46 ... 35 22 79 13 10 21 47 67 28 22 83 31 94 159 73 102 29 42 69 8 20 33 27 46 54 30 64 13 39 124 46 43 2 10 21 43 32 23 25 34 58 13 27 65 24 50 97 54 18 6 6 16 18 25 5 18 26 21 4 15 66 13 17 56 19 37 1 7 20 35 19 15 17 18 41 11 22 67 22 68 27 6 1 3 1 8 13 8 8 16 17 2 5 66 731 640 1,203 879 767 372 420 658 663 342 730 425 1,003 1,057 624 511 89 610 650 1,142 1,116 371 336 373 563 615 325 417 453 955 1,282 650 317 90 177,896 313,530 621,835 513,639 307,195 33, 967 111,100 85,395 407,145 74,280 75,165 89,975 163,123 236,520 147, 170 105,755 91 137,226 403,619 553,598 521,377 258,765 25, 050 96,851 91,015 307,685 53,284 60, 150 83,034 185,331 167,090 181,031 118,135 92 373 371 849 434 360 111 274 303 480 117 257 99 455 413 390 250 93 55,305 213,632 206,065 229,035 73,715 3, 311 25,216 27,370 358,524 21,848 30,550 20,634 105,890 52,165 33,962 25,446 94 246 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations see text) Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth USE OF COHJIFRCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME 1 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used durinp the year . farms reporting 1959 .. . 912 606 266 524 397 634 578 627 321 1,234 2 1954 . . . 1,528 785 441 625 607 1,028 912 973 503 1,996 3 acres on which used 1959 .. . 72,772 34,595 21,228 33,432 4,180 12,853 52,076 21,414 14,797 114,610 4 1954... 92,975 36,407 26,463 41,543 7,560 18,847 59,204 26,848 22,679 115,369 5 tons 1959 .. . 16,358 8,974 4,039 7,413 947 2,890 12,272 5,131 2,472 24,735 6 1954 .. . 15,803 7,354 4,118 7,012 1,541 2,972 11,664 4,384 3,250 24,069 7 Dry materials . farms reporting 1959 .. . 912 601 265 524 397 634 578 622 321 1,219 e tons 1959.. . 14,787 8,645 3,983 7,007 947 2,890 12,110 4,767 2,472 24,092 9 Liquid materials, . farms reporting 1959, . , 134 17 29 57 28 28 94 10 Crops on which used- tons 1959... 1,571 329 56 406 162 364 643 11 Hay and cropland pasture ,,..,.,...... . farms reporting 1959. .. 247 215 19 180 80 137 79 269 22 165 12 1954... 242 139 11 159 56 141 39 164 34 173 13 acres 1959... 8,900 4,209 1,282 5,433 505 3,797 2,568 9,186 865 7,540 14 1954... 10,987 4,117 577 7,149 250 3,530 2,192 6,897 575 3,692 15 Dry materials . /arms reporting 1959 . . . 232 210 19 174 80 137 79 264 22 160 16 tons 1959 .. , 1,792 986 334 1,128 107 850 622 2,324 193 1,406 17 Liquid materials . farms reporting 1959. . . 68 n 31 1 18 37 18 tons 1959 . . . 460 57 120 2 102 221 19 Other f«sture {not cropland) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 74 89 33 59 '52 115 45 121 '36 56 20 1954 .. . 67 147 38 31 66 U6 38 119 26 83 21 acres 1959... 2,512 2,461 1,833 • 785 710 1,620 1,733 5,997 445 1,455 1954... 2,483 3,334 3,225 953 1,680 2,870 1,211 4,719 365 4,395 03 Dry materials . farms repotting 1959. , . 68 84 33 58 52 115 45 116 30 51 24 tons 1959 .. . 509 440 368 146 170 609 371 1,192 120 210 25 Liquid materials . farms reporting 1959 .. . 18 5 6 6 15 5 26 tens 1959 .. . 34 55 22 11 189 3 27 Com . farms reporting 1959 .. . 791 534 243 449 350 492 542 377 289 1,075 26 1954... 1,349 693 419 538 571 813 795 771 460 1,713 29 acres 1959... 25,019 23,166 8,310 19,129 2,420 4,851 25,835 2,799 9,791 51,649 30 1954 , . . 38,670 23,133 11,206 24, 889 4,720 8,129 24,838 6,872 15,059 49,605 31 Dry materials . farms reporting 1959. . . 791 529 243 449 350 492 542 377 239 1,065 32 tons 1959... 4,438 5,259 1,423 3,743 494 902 5,041 476 1,435 9,416 33 Liquid materials . farms reporting 1959 . , . 50 6 28 35 28 5 54 34 tons 1959... 341 177 46 251 88 8 207 35 Soybeans • farms reporting 1959 . . . 69 26 31 10 15 10 'ii 22 36 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37 acres 1959 . . . 2,805 427 935 85 345 60 130 242 38 1954... HA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 Dry materials . farms repotting 1959 .. . 69 26 31 10 15 10 11 17 40 tons 1959... 299 78 147 9 59 9 23 44 41 Liquid materials . farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 5 42 tons 1959... 45 6 43 Cotton. ........•..•*•<* ••• . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 552 1,147 198 304 84 219 240 439 15 135 95 278 413 743 270 600 "97 227 997 44 1,612 45 acres 1959... 12,655 1,599 677 1,756 390 970 3,248 2,214 1,305 18,594 46 1954 . . . 19,251 2,335 1,819 4,397 755 1,623 12,704 4,863 2,115 20,841 47 Dry materials ................•>.. . farms reporting 1959- . . 552 193 84 240 15 95 418 270 97 982 48 tens 1959... 4,051 546 175 570 150 227 2,830 618 377 5,430 49 Liquid materials . farms reporting 1959. . . 34 5 5 12 41 50 tons 1959... 186 10 10 21 141 51 All other crops . farms reporting 1959. . . 451 423 232 294 45 136 473 '74 139 1,050 52 acres 1959... 20,881 2,733 9,126 5,394 70 1,270 13,692 1,153 2,261 35,130 53 Dry materials . farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... 450 3,698 418 1,336 232 1,633 294 1,273 45 17 136 243 473 3,246 69 143 139 324 1,040 54 7,586 55 Liquid materials . farms reporting 1959. . . 51 10 5 5 5 15 56 tons 1959... 455 30 13 40 65 65 57 Lime or liming materials used during the year . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 166 74 45 100 '72 126 132 L47 is 203 58 1954 . . . 294 111 35 96 107 216 183 154 23 118 59 acres limed 1959... 6,151 1,605 1,050 3,142 665 1,535 5,073 4,757 371 6,186 60 1954... 4,809 2,882 837 1,428 905 2,598 3,246 4,585 1,183 3,035 61 tons 1959 .. . 5,794 1,890 790 2,870 920 2,405 6,068 4,110 369 5,319 62 1954 . . . 4,387 1,523 551 835 1,075 4,200 2,486 3,262 1,702 3,034 SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 63 Any of the following specified expenditures . farms reporting 1959 . . . 964 685 297 566 603 1,022 639 715 363 1,408 64 Feed for livestock and coultiy . farms reporting 1959. . . 689 588 177 460 522 862 461 418 293 861 65 1954 .. . 931 784 226 499 742 1,323 603 714 464 925 66 dollars 1959 . . . 622,584 350,450 146,483 202,863 3,514,430 4,713,795 237, 210 677,914 714,380 514, 594 67 1954 .. . 268,942 238,069 131,734 118, 540 2,582,927 3,418,695 280,465 281,215 111,464 283,911 68 Purchase of livestock and poultry . farms reporting 1959 .. . 312 352 78 219 416 666 184 218 83 348 69 dollars 1959... 208,097 330,090 46,331 78,548 1,287,190 1,306,565 75,282 296, 575 141, 182 532,378 70 Machine hire . farms reporting 1959 .. . 677 330 144 375 217 290 510 421 130 1,061 71 1964... 1,164 331 319 175 341 492 730 618 179 1,7U 72 dollars 1959... 257,244 58,195 32,089 85,041 18, 570 66,040 305,669 71,915 15,352 516,942 73 1954... U5,750 52,802 41,643 38,090 36,390 49,813 162,205 48,941 17,867 314,363 74 Under S200 . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms repotting 1959. . . 381 246 255 68 60 84 237 116 197 20 205 80 195 257 342 69 93 37 401 75 S200 to S999 533 76 51,000 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 50 7 22 5 58 10 127 77 Hired labor . farms reporting 1959... 595 446 175 360 137 422 418 345 130 871 78 1954... 1,065 641 232 418 197 391 648 603 250 1,551 79 dollars 1959... 707,457 259,662 112,447 199,480 118,710 239,410 361,005 195,338 121,805 1,263,746 80 1954 .. . 582,053 235,782 117,936 182,525 61,285 400,150 406,410 246,705 49,644 322,262 81 Under $1,000 . farms reporting 1959. . . 440 383 133 306 91 360 313 297 116 607 82 1954 . . . 934 598 194 365 180 340 540 552 239 1,356 63 $1,000 to S2,499 . turns reporting 1959. . . 93 39 33 29 26 43 65 35 g 151 84 1964 . . . 92 29 29 44 11 36 71 36 8 137 65 $2,500 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 62 24 9 25 20 19 40 13 6 113 66 1954 .. . 39 14 9 9 6 15 37 15 3 58 87 $2,500 to $4,999 . farms reporting 1959. . . 32 22 7 20 20 16 28 g 60 68 $5 000 or mote • . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 30 2 2 5 3 12 7 6 53 89 fiasoline and other petroleum fuel attd oil for the farm business . farms reporting 1959 .. . 919 654 277 531 497 982 619 668 342 1,343 90 1954... 750 672 212 435 327 863 612 581 259 1,317 91 dollars 1959... 313,927 183,996 111,831 233,194 70,780 179,706 303,939 132,878 69,395 641,306 92 1954... 300,283 188,177 95,566 184,060 31,850 128, 500 234,520 101,061 54,207 549,063 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . . farms reporting 1959. . . 509 364 162 363 201 365 496 279 76 802 94 dollars 1999... 102,719 62,160 42,640 50, 152 10,495 23, U5 243,747 36,489 7,171 364,054 NA Not available. GEORGIA 247 County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 lt«tn (For definilions and explanations, se« text) Appling Cattle and calves farmp sporting number Cows, includini! heifers that have calved ...... .farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves flvms reporting number Steers and bulls, includine sieer aixl bull calves. . . farms reporting number Farms reportinfj by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 farms reporting 2 to 4 farms repcrling 5 to 9 farms reporting 10 to 10 farms reporting 20 to 4n farms reporting 50 to 09 farms reporting 100 or more farms reporting Cows, including hetfefs that have calved- 1 farms reporting 2 to 9 farms reporting 10 to 19 farms reporting •20 to '29 farms reportin;; 30 to 49 farms reporting 50 to 74 farms reptrting 75 to 99 farms reporting lOO or more farms reporting Milk covvs— 1 farms reporting 2 to 9 farms reporting 10 to 19 farms reporting 20 to 29 farms reptrting 30 to 49 farms reporting 50 or more farms reporting H(]rses and.'or mules farms repc^ing nur.tber Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Dom since ,Iune 1 farms reporting number Bom before June 1 farms reporting number Faims reporting by number of hogs and pies— Under 10 farms reporting 10 to 24 farms reporting 25 to 99 farms reporting 100 or mor« farms reporting Sheep and lambs farms reporting number l.ambs under 1 year old farms reporting number Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting number Ewes farms reporting number Rams and wethers farms reptrting number Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs- I'nder 25 farms reporting 25 io 299 , ...farms reporting 300 or more farms reporting Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 months old and over— Under 50 farms reporting 50 to 399 farms reporting 400 to 799 farms reporting flOO to 1.599 farms reporting 1,600 to 3,199 farms reporting 3,200 or more farms reporting Turkey hens kept for breeding farms reporting number 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 195t . 1959. 1954, 1959. 1954, 1959. 1954, 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 19.59 . 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954, 1959, 1954, 1959, 1954, 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959, 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 19.59 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959, 1959, 1959, 1959, 1959, 19,59 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 71,316 117,020 1,353,291 1,625,881 66,733 112,164 678,790 862,260 42,353 89,348 195,611 299,084 52,239 78,270 381,996 44a, 850 44,918 61,939 292, 505 314,771 8,540 20,685 13,900 11,944 9,954 3,966 2,327 19,273 31,333 7,290 3,112 2,838 1,462 558 817 21,286 18,498 437 401 350 881 39,024 82,206 70,509 142,851 73,338 110,786 1,834,855 1,493,263 49,631 61,130 1,030,006 756,631 66,078 93,626 804,849 736,632 33,977 16,612 19, 179 3,570 776 NA 28,337 NA 461 NA 7,655 NA 720 NA 20,732 NA 617 MA 13,251 NA 597 NA 2,481 NA 528 232 16 65,714 122,816 11,896,038 7,813,749 54,994 3,027 495 578 668 952 3,316 5,807 20,928 25,931 733 997 10,306 11,609 691 967 4,965 6,050 388 578 1,153 1,756 584 803 2,940 3,479 522 513 2,401 2,080 43 187 191 175 109 16 12 143 415 84 28 10 7 1 3 212 169 1 2 4 283 658 335 332 916 1,129 30,257 22,917 765 790 18,214 12,274 873 1,086 12,043 10,643 157 295 414 50 6 NA 44 NA 2 NA 7 NA 6 NA 37 NA 3 NA 15 NA 4 NA 22 NA 819 1,221 45,039 42,493 728 80 6 2 270 406 5,319 7,271 255 388 2,780 3,678 93 197 275 521 227 332 1,451 2,023 224 285 1,083 1,570 12 53 55 65 55 23 7 36 134 40 21 16 5 1 2 72 94 242 518 2 1 157 313 210 425 346 450 13,200 11,867 302 337 7,647 6,084 332 432 5,553 5,783 59 87 174 26 3 NA 90 NA 2 NA 20 NA 3 NA 70 NA 3 NA 53 NA 3 NA 12 NA 277 492 30,264 21,246 233 33 2 1 3 14 64 66 196 569 721 9,756 9,721 522 703 4,255 5,660 256 378 636 669 490 439 2,671 2,231 458 447 2,830 1,830 23 120 141 148 100 26 11 89 303 71 29 16 3 3 3 123 128 2 3 257 451 381 589 688 311 26,046 16,339 570 564 13,970 8,927 661 781 12,076 7,412 104 202 338 44 1 NA 4 NA 533 861 26,885 34,019 283 456 7,380 9,767 276 445 3,457 4,785 96 316 134 596 222 323 1,406 2,249 182 323 2,517 2,733 26 94 4« 33 47 20 15 88 107 33 15 17 7 3 6 443 81 1 30 49 139 195 240 486 515 1,039 398 566 9,752 10,462 334 365 5,638 4,647 382 542 4,064 5,815 130 145 109 14 1 NA 23 NA 1 NA 4 NA 1 NA 19 NA 1 NA 16 NA 1 NA 3 NA 327 626 8,864 14,414 294 33 260 365 6,963 9,340 252 354 3,772 5,769 66 223 910 2,091 199 280 1,950 2,177 183 255 1,241 1,394 58 49 43 61 17 13 38 119 40 22 18 3 2 5 33 26 2 5 159 286 387 606 225 281 3,965 1,721 101 167 2,036 1,094 203 191 1,929 627 164 33 25 3 1 NA 1 NA 196 174 43,646 15,014 170 22 1 2 499 839 4,021 4,925 479 818 2,112 2,446 415 778 742 1,400 252 452 936 1,484 241 290 923 995 106 207 33 55 36 10 2 227 191 38 11 9 1 1 1 252 158 4 321 530 473 820 499 751 3,906 2,916 237 330 2,351 1,417 441 6U 1,555 1,499 404 66 25 4 3 NA 29 NA 1 NA 3 NA 3 NA 26 NA 2 NA 14 NA 3 NA 12 NA 416 694 37,355 42,103 363 38 1 3 2 4 10 73 34 231 535 860 6,459 7,561 492 320 3,133 4,032 372 737 1,461 2,360 348 443 1,926 2,381 289 300 1,400 1,148 92 179 93 79 65 21 6 219 191 32 21 18 7 4 217 125 6 10 11 3 321 572 556 982 496 316 4,413 3,475 212 222 2,259 1,541 429 751 2,154 1,934 409 62 18 7 5 NA 521 NA 4 NA 54 NA 4 NA 467 NA 4 NA 443 NA 3 NA 24 NA 3 1 1 430 854 142,852 152,492 331 63 5 2 15 14 8 11 25 2,228 NA Ncrt arallallle. 248 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item Ben Hill Berrien Bitb Blecjkley Brantley Brooke Bryan BullotJl Burke (For definitions and explanations see text) 1 Cattle and calves .farms repotting 1959 . . . 323 705 287 338 365 637 138 1,222 653 1954 . . . ■471 1,016 560 509 519 1,030 262 1,658 996 3 number 1959 . . . 5,812 11,434 7,334 6,809 4,195 15,481 2,737 21,298 16,068 4 1954 , . . 7,291 U,999 10,566 9,294 6,234 21,988 3,459 23,643 16,955 5 Cows, inclujing heifers that have calved .farms reporting 1959 . . . 305 669 244 317 342 603 129 1,167 603 G 1954... 455 981 512 493 494 997 240 1,615 943 7 number 1959 . . . 2,778 5,636 4,173 2,912 2,249 8,274 1,405 9,710 7,531 8 1954 . . . 3,878 7,618 6,057 4,451 3,452 11, 172 1,824 11,490 8,251 Milk cows .farms reporting 1959 . . . 199 352 162 155 243 345 57 477 369 10 1954 . . . 389 634 397 401 314 732 153 1,151 732 11 number 1959 . . . 540 870 2,559 618 453 1,290 101 1,791 2,016 12 1954 . . - 1,241 1,566 3,527 1,398 573 2,242 ,467 3,366 2,683 13 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 .. . 271 576 208 263 297 494 102 1,027 453 14 1954 . . . 373 808 387 380 401 791 183 1,351 630 15 number 1959... 1,653 2,980 2,058 1,910 1,187 4,176 739 6,521 4,408 16 1954 .. . 2,040 4,092 3,292 2,223 1,638 6,153 902 6,399 4,589 17 Steers and bulls, including steer ami bull calves. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 252 559 203 226 241 459 104 883 380 18 1954 . . . 311 721 284 316 362 661 171 1,243 544 19 number 1959 .. . 1,381 2,818 1,103 1,987 759 3,031 593 5,067 4,129 20 Farms reporting by number on hand: CaUle and cnlves- 1954 .. . 1,373 3,289 1,217 2,620 1,144 4,663 733 5,754 4,115 21 22 1 .farms reporting 1959.. . .farms reprrting 1959 . . . .fanns reporting 1959 . . . 19 59 71 86 66 36 176 162 154 128 17 88 49 45 45 16 106 79 72 40 28 114 100 79 32 52 185 110 124 96 8 44 29 31 11 58 329 296 264 197 101 259 85 50 64 2 to 4 23 5 to 9 24 2R 10 to 19 .farms refxjrting 1959 .. . .farms reporting 1959. .. 20 to 49 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 15 35 22 14 6 40 7 43 44 27 100 or more .fnmis reporting 1959 .. . 7 U 21 U 6 30 8 35 50 Cows, including heifers thnt have calved- 26 29 30 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . .fam-is reporting 1959 . . . 48 173 48 121 336 96 59 103 25 76 185 23 100 189 31 135 284 89 31 70 13 243 667 142 263 192 43 2 to 9 10 to 19 31 32 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 16 11 26 27 11 18 13 9 11 4 30 28 2 5 56 28 19 32 30 to 49 33 50 lo 74 .farms reprrting 1959. . . 6 4 14 4 2 14 6 18 25 34 75 to 99 .farn.s reporting 1959 . . . 3 3 4 2 3 10 1 5 14 35 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 10 5 2 13 1 8 15 Milli cows- 36 1 .farms repotting 1959 .. . 85 160 65 76 150 140 30 182 213 37 2to9 .farms reporting 1959. . . 109 190 60 73 92 195 27 286 131 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 3 1 3 3 39 20 1O20 ■farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 1 40 30 to 49 .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 2 12 2 1 "2 7 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 2 20 3 1 6 4 17 42 Horses and/or mules .farms reporting 1959 . . . 178 248 113 159 113 420 68 580 514 43 1954 . . . 400 715 269 344 271 977 200 1,237 890 44 number 1959 . . . 277 364 177 322 148 737 93 783 1,244 45 1954 . . . 779 973 385 744 315 1,607 242 1,796 2,200 46 4T Holts and pies .farms rejxjrUns 19.t9. . . 1954 . . . 368 425 899 1,095 187 341 396 553 403 546 838 1,127 172 322 1,536 1,885 914 1,243 48 number 1959 .. . 11,668 38,082 3,460 20,497 7,490 38,093 5,9U 74,140 20,650 43 1954... 8,355 27, 526 2,567 16,906 8,205 33,717 7,311 63,839 19,089 50 Bom since June 1 .farmis rciorting 1959.. . 1954... 290 286 741 813 133 170 356 405 324 367 659 799 128 218 1,331 1,461 613 648 51 52 number 1959 . , . 6,277 20, 125 2,065 11,707 4,568 21,299 3,180 40,093 11,522 53 1954 . . . 3,995 14,499 1,386 7,920 4,347 17,329 3,310 33,376 8,513 54 Born before June 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 344 872 157 371 369 796 160 1,453 874 55 1954... 388 1,039 287 518 521 1,065 309 1,814 1,153 56 number 1959 . . . 5,391 17,957 1,395 8,790 2,922 16,794 2,731 34,047 9,128 51 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- 1954 . . . 4,360 13,027 1,181 8,986 3,858 16,388 4,001 30,463 10, 576 58 Vnder 10 .farms reporting 1959 .. . .farms reporting 19.59 . . . .farms reixirting 1959.. . .farms reporting 1959. . . 85 115 151 17 149 224 449 77 93 61 30 3 46 89 201 60 147 U6 107 3 184 227 314 113 56 43 61 12 255 333 748 200 439 238 191 46 59 10 to 24 60 61 25 to 99 100 or mot« 62 Sheep and Iambs .farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 7 3 2 5 10 5 4 63 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 64 number 1959. . . 16 541 74 79 512 76 59 51 65 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 I ,Bmbs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 7 2 2 3 1 3 67 195 1 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 68 number 19.59 . . . 4 191 13 40 64 9 12 69 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 70 Sheep 1 year old and over . .farms reporting 19,59 . . , 2 6 3 2 5 9 4 4 71 1954 . . , NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 72 number 1959.,. 12 350 61 39 448 67 47 51 73 1954 , . - NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 74 Ewes . .farms reporting 1959 . . 2 NA 6 NA 2 NA NA 2 NA 5 NA 1 NA 3 NA 2 HA 75 1954... 76 number 1959 .. . 9 316 48 36 428 4 36 42 77 1954... NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 76 79 Rams and wethers . .farms reptyting 1959. . . 2 NA 5 NA 3 NA NA 2 NA 4 NA 8 NA 4 NA 2 NA 1954 . . . 80 number 1959 . . . 3 34 13 3 20 63 11 9 81 Farms reporting by nunilicr of sheep and lambs 19.54 , . . NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA 82 Under l:, . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 2 2 1 3 10 4 3 83 25 to 299 . .farms reportinp 1959 . . . 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 84 300 or more . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 85 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 350 767 204 311 402 781 144 1,215 895 86 1954 . . . 544 1,204 540 575 599 1,185 337 2,145 1,288 87 number 1959... 71,367 39,846 18,705 19,772 17,971 35,047 17,035 65,197 107, 725 88 1954 , . . 21,905 54,468 29,218 25,650 23,232 42,586 12,899 83,187 50,623 69 I'nder 50 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 303 32 2 657 105 2 164 27 8 263 39 4 339 56 2 707 70 126 13 1,064 135 6 780 93 3 90 50 to 399 . .farms reporting 1959. , . 91 400 lo 799 ..farms reporting 1959... 92 800 to 1 599 . .farms reporting 1959 . . , 3 3 3 5 3 5 6 93 1,600 to 3,199 . .farms repcrting 1959. . . 2 8 1 2 2 2 "2 2 1 1 2 3 7 6 94 95 96 3 200 or more , .farms reporting 1959 , , . Turkey hens kept for breeding ..farms reporting 1959.. , 1954... 40 57 46 119 6 27 6 25 33 37 62 98 12 34 63 128 60 77 97 number 1959.,. 110 161 22 14 110 181 45 297 175 98 1954 . . . 182 451 97 74 175 409 97 429 213 NA Not available. GEORGIA 249 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Butts Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chatta- hoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb 290 218 89 367 1,291 446 125 135 34 487 823 167 252 198 72 606 1 *63 419 214 575 2,317 651 157 267 44 798 1,205 307 362 559 153 1,380 2 5,693 12,745 2,447 5,867 15,160 7,887 2,440 5,331 717 6,612 9,697 3,770 6,319 3,5U 2,222 7,506 .^ 6,537 10,775 3,361 7,737 15,814 8,341 3,423 7,692 873 7,972 9,057 5,521 7,965 7,269 5,932 10,653 4 271 2X0 86 357 1,206 356 121 111 33 463 751 150 247 163 69 507 5 448 405 206 555 2,195 605 150 215 43 731 1,161 288 356 483 149 1,197 6 3,217 3,914 1,444 2,896 7,671 3,801 1,371 3,199 374 3,543 4,270 1,879 3,879 1,783 1,292 3,349 7 3,841 5,245 1,684 3,940 8,U9 4,435 2,071 4,473 382 4,418 4,686 2,756 4,905 3,504 4,436 4,809 8 157 U9 14 117 846 258 43 69 12 352 599 92 189 32 20 306 9 369 335 47 367 1,997 529 51 151 32 702 1,020 226 300 386 59 1,047 10 833 334 60 334 2,223 2,422 36 2,007 24 1,040 1,825 691 398 771 35 1,364 11 1,240 974 105 1,119 4,192 3,247 100 2,327 76 1,754 2,161 1,193 699 1,460 97 2,985 12 213 160 75 286 906 333 110 107 22 318 590 117 191 140 61 423 n 285 278 153 466 1,306 441 129 157 31 439 700 207 287 378 119 799 14 1,445 3,014 622 1,737 4,640 2,539 635 1,492 204 2,011 3,471 1,261 1,672 1,021 632 2,371 15 1,770 3,003 866 2,152 5,055 2,851 825 2,155 250 2,291 2,983 1,766 1,330 2,323 777 3,331 16 182 131 69 257 764 343 99 105 23 285 443 106 163 137 61 405 17 244 232 175 394 902 329 120 142 32 342 423 188 203 279 104 622 18 1,031 5,817 381 1,234 2,349 1,497 334 640 139 1,058 1,956 630 1,263 710 298 1,786 19 926 2,527 811 1,695 2,610 1,055 532 1,064 246 1,263 1,388 999 1,230 1,442 669 2,513 20 32 26 1 28 196 42 3 11 3 100 157 27 29 23 4 68 21 80 72 15 89 414 106 23 43 12 123 278 45 87 49 10 204 22 45 24 22 75 274 98 27 30 6 86 153 25 37 40 22 118 23 49 26 20 83 195 96 28 14 5 75 116 24 18 45 15 127 24 58 32 19 64 155 59 32 12 4 72 83 23 42 25 15 65 25 18 11 6 22 40 33 8 7 2 25 29 14 17 10 3 16 26 8 27 6 6 17 12 4 18 2 6 12 9 22 6 3 8 27 81 66 5 72 429 107 16 34 10 167 367 42 73 40 11 188 28 100 72 46 191 573 153 55 43 W 193 282 65 82 73 35 230 29 39 22 16 53 109 41 30 4 5 47 52 16 33 21 11 49 30 18 16 8 20 48 10 8 3 27 14 8 17 9 6 U 31 21 S 5 13 22 22 8 3 1 17 22 10 U 4 3 16 32 7 13 3 7 18 18 3 4 2 10 7 2 13 6 6 33 1 5 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 3 1 34 4 8 2 2 14 3 3 8 2 "3 3 35 91 67 10 55 532 112 35 33 5 209 383 49 94 38 12 136 36 50 48 2 59 280 99 7 16 7 123 196 34 94 33 3 98 37 2 1 1 3 6 4 2 2 5 38 6 1 1 13 6 "i i 1 2 2 5 3!) 6 1 10 18 8 9 3 2 5 40 4 1 1 3 17 14 2 7 4 1 7 7 41 188 Ul 35 189 837 222 '50 33 26 267 456 102 135 115 49 339 42 399 334 101 461 1,698 363 97 129 *1 471 719 251 296 346 111 811 43 432 303 138 254 1,517 360 116 209 37 563 561 210 295 239 78 763 44 805 873 120 669 2,874 642 133 207 60 991 943 400 694 5S4 165 1,293 45 233 290 48 509 976 288 129 130 36 450 662 137 298 135 97 376 46 475 453 141 650 1,929 453 151 242 41 701 949 265 394 405 180 1,008 47 1,398 9,445 985 21,712 11,638 3,424 1,942 4,212 457 6,532 6,439 1,707 6,570 1,623 2,500 5,717 48 1,984 8,723 3,826 15,471 8,944 2,062 2,598 3,395 410 4,591 5,194 1,673 7,319 2,216 3,603 7,496 « 120 237 27 408 549 153 103 93 24 295 331 69 229 31 72 196 50 173 351 92 460 609 150 li3 173 22 320 375 123 275 178 127 401 51 718 5,569 540 11,385 6,730 1,852 1,157 2,192 204 4,118 3,614 989 3,756 1,042 1,366 3,519 52 816 4,912 1,369 8,304 4,492 1,005 1,188 2,023 163 2,334 2,639 881 3,325 1,108 1,686 3,300 51 205 278 46 488 805 247 122 118 30 382 552 117 236 108 94 310 54 441 396 129 607 1,697 401 141 206 37 606 304 216 372 332 178 820 55 680 3,876 445 10,327 4,358 1,572 785 2,020 253 2,414 2,825 718 2,814 581 1,134 2,198 56 1,168 3,811 2,457 7,167 4,452 1,057 1,410 1,372 247 2,257 2,555 792 3,494 1,103 1,917 4,196 51 193 33 31 96 701 212 60 46 22 278 494 100 123 90 30 266 58 32 94 12 134 U5 41 47 49 8 97 110 26 84 22 37 64 5S 8 91 4 237 116 29 22 29 6 63 48 7 81 22 25 37 6C 22 1 42 14 6 6 12 10 ' 10 1 5 9 6 1 13 6 4 2 2 9 3 1 3 7 61 ii 'na HA NA NA HA HA HA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA 6! 15 281 1,061 53 11 16 132 39 5 30 129 64 ia NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA 65 1 7 4 1 1 6 2 1 2 4 6( m NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA 61 15 53 238 1 4 31 4 1 5 26 6! NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA HA HA NA NA HA HA NA 6< 12 6 4 2 2 9 3 1 2 6 7( NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA "na NA 7 228 773 52 11 12 101 35 4 25 103 7; NA 'na 'na NA HA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA V 10 6 4 2 9 3 1 2 5 74 HA NA HA HA NA HA HA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 7. 200 756 45 9 84 30 3 21 94 7( 'ilA NA NA ilA NA HA 'na NA NA NA NA HA NA HA 'ia. NA 71 11 4 3 2 1 7 3 1 2 5 7 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA HA HA NA NA 7 28 17 7 11 3 17 5 1 4 9 8 NA NA NA iiA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 6 1 8 5 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 6 3 3 1 3 4 3 8 8 S 223 246 66 519 927 320 93 132 36 535 487 130 292 137 86 364 8 546 460 226 778 2,175 557 U2 349 47 845 522 320 372 505 173 1,274 8 28,812 5,702 2,333 30,288 123,887 27,467 13,157 35,048 384 294,930 342,133 130,621 12,729 30,012 6,053 113, 575 8 27,167 10,846 15,348 31,364 115,691 30,349 14,059 52,447 1,094 74,078 79,153 109,559 12,032 33,703 9,123 99,392 8 184 231 53 462 779 260 76 83 34 349 351 101 277 92 59 269 8 34 15 7 51 114 51 13 35 2 113 50 14 13 36 22 67 9( 1 3 3 4 1 4 8 7 1 3 5 7 9 2 1 6 1 4 10 14 1 1 1 5 y 13 ' 3 1 4 16 18 4 2 5 9 3 "2 7 2 1 2 34 47 9 1 3 U 9 3 19 9 17 28 15 7 9 24 10 4 29 3 3 14 9 16 32 11 35 19 24 18 14 "3 22 8 9 20 11 13 32 9 11 64 27 77 123 63 30 40 74 1,028 2,009 70 16 9 60 9 42 121 42 139 99 116 57 60 6 74 35 132 61 87 38 153 » 250 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON — [tern Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson (For definitions and explanations see text) 1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,061 1,255 359 453 565 232 326 265 249 n 1954 . . . 1,362 1,846 573 691 1,075 381 599 437 524 3 number 1959 . . . 16,932 25,520 8,686 6,623 13,293 4,433 9,960 3,728 1,367 4 1954 . . 20,748 32,794 9,428 8,994 17,566 6,007 12,950 3,877 1,821 5 Cans, including heifers that have calved .farms reporting 1959. . . 1,014 1,218 339 429 538 215 310 274 239 G 1954 . . . 1,325 1,807 557 674 1,032 364 579 413 509 7 number 1959 . . . 8,558 13,247 5,066 3,281 7,134 2,264 4,957 1,885 574 8 1954 . . . 10,788 16,323 5,309 4,555 9,380 3,153 6,998 2,070 932 n Milk cows .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 508 898 647 1,349 225 474 211 487 310 822 143 257 150 366 206 379 217 491 10 11 number 19.59 . . . 1,858 1,971 1,931 484 1,776 590 570 356 307 12 1954 . . . 2,423 4,268 2,724 1,401 2,689 1,087 1,269 813 764 13 Heifers and heifer calves 885 1,053 263 367 424 131 • 267 200 134 H 1954 . . . 1,084 1,531 395 427 654 278 422 263 24.4 IS number 1959... 4,730 7,416 2,264 1,798 3,857 1,216 2,264 1,021 559 16 1954 . . . 5,281 9,352 2,740 2,050 4,583 1,952 3,314 1,167 602 17 Steers and bulls, including f;t«*r and bull calves. . . faims reforting 1959 .. . 825 891 236 349 352 162 228 170 79 18 1954... 987 1,326 306 529 608 231 374 162 150 19 number 1959 .. . 3,64i 4,857 1,356 1,544 2,252 953 2,739 822 234 20 Farms reporting by number on band: CaiUeand calve?- 1954 . . . 4,679 6,619 1,379 2,389 3,603 397 2,638 640 287 21 1 .farms repDrting 1959. .. .farms reporting 1959 . . . 50 196 57 275 31 90 22 105 59 143 23 67 23 73 46 101 82 98 2 to 4 23 5 to 9 .faniis reporting 1959 . . , 258 285 242 290 63 57 123 106 125 90 54 35 65 54 55 40 33 23 24 10 tola .farms reporting 1959... 95 20 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 208 274 58 . 73 84 27 61 27 10 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 55 80 32 20 34 18 30 12 2 27 100 or more Cows, includinp heifer? that have calved- .farms reporting 1959 . . . 9 37 23 4 30 8 20 4 1 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . .farms reporting 1959 .. , 134 610 190 637 68 148 81 252 146 234 51 110 54 145 106 128 149 32 29 2to9 30 10 to 19 .fanr.s reporting 1959 . . . 170 198 43 57 65 26 43 22 5 n 20 to 20 .farms repjrting 1959.. . 44 84 22 19 31 5 23 6 2 32 30lo40 .farms tepcrtjng 1959 .. . 35 72 32 13 24 11 18 5 1 33 50 to 74 .farms repcrting 1959 .. . .fanr.s reporting 19.59 . . . 16 3 20 8 12 6 4 1 17 12 7 2 11 5 4 2 34 75 to 99 35 100 or more .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 2 9 8 2 9 3 11 1 Milk cotts- 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 .. . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 200 289 315 311 75 111 103 105 158 124 48 33 61 85 123 83 165 52 37 2 to 9 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 5 8 1 3 2 1 39 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . , 2 3 3 3 1 ... 40 30 to 49 .forms reporting 1959 . . . 5 6 20 1 11 "2 41 50 or more • farms reporting 1959. . . 9 7 8 1 11 3 2 42 Horses and .'or mules. .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 590 1,117 516 1,367 229 421 194 434 369 354 151 299 118 427 176 234 123 254 43 44 number 1959 .. . 897 678 397 358 763 227 471 345 143 45 1954 . . . 1,799 2,167 645 637 1,450 470 1,315 520 343 46 Hoes and ni ss .farms reporting 1939. . . 1954 . . . 1,241 1,517 1,349 1,649 262 446 594 736 437 975 228 368 378 525 253 309 244 461 47 48 number 1959 .. . 52,593 55,281 2,784 21,384 5,483 2,376 12,588 2,966 1,975 45 19.54... 36, 548 41,050 2,245 18,025 5,657 2,885 10,720 1,730 1,766 50 Bom since June 1....,,,.^. .*-.■<>■■■*>>-> .fanT.s roivtrtini; 1959.. , 1954... 1,063 1,157 1,151 1,204 145 230 506 595 249 408 119 163 310 380 162 141 116 148 51 52 number 1959 . . . 29,277 31,655 1,529 12,376 3,068 1,270 7,381 1,747 1,134 sn 1954 .. . 18,867 20,593 1,152 10,210 2,807 1,336 5,582 960 793 54 Born iiefore June 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 1,187 1,455 1,275 1,522 221 347 549 661 382 355 209 332 338 441 204 245 213 414 55 56 number 1959 .. . 23,316 23,626 1,255 9,008 2,415 1,106 5,207 1,219 841 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pi^s- 1954... 17,681 20,457 1,093 7,815 2,850 1,549 5,138 770 968 58 VnderlO .farms reporting 1959. . . 179 208 199 105 306 155 117 176 189 59 10 to 24 .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 310 633 119 357 664 120 45 15 3 167 287 35 76 50 5 48 23 2 103 131 27 49 26 2 42 11 2 60 25 to 99 61 100 or more 6S Sheep Bnd lambs .farms reporting 1959 . . . 8 8 1 4 10 12 3 7 63 1954 . . . NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA HA 64 number 1959... 232 387 7 144 397 436 1,073 112 65 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA 66 1 .amhs under 1 year old , farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 7 1 2 8 7 5 5 67 1951 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA HA 6S number 19.59 , , . 52 138 3 12 142 148 332 22 6t» 1954... NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA HA 70 Sheep 1 year old and over .farms reporting 1959 . . . 8 8 1 4 9 11 3 7 71 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA 72 number 1959.., ISO 249 4 132 255 288 746 90 73 1954... NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 74 Ewes .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 8 NA 8 NA 1 NA 4 NA 9 NA NA 10 NA 7 NA 7 NA 75 76 number 1959 . . . 165 231 4 84 232 236 672 31 77 1954 , . . NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA 78 Rams and welhcT= .farms reporting 1959. . . S 8 4 6 8 8 6 79 1954 . . . NA NA 'na NA NA HA NA NA NA SO number 1959 . . . 15 18 48 23 52 74 9 ei Farms reporting by nuiiilror of sheep and lambs 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 82 Under 2r, . .farms reporting 1959 , . . 4 4 1 2 6 10 5 6 SI esroM!) . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 4 2 4 1 2 1 84 300 or more . .farms reporting 19.59 . . , ... ... 1 1 85 Chickens i months old and over . .farms rep*Tting 19.59 . . . 1,068 1,123 289 487 465 242 300 285 105 86 1951. . 1,736 2,084 587 867 1,121 432 684 477 369 87 number 1959, . . 140,441 56,425 61,409 55,743 20,379 13,947 41,491 10,391 103,935 88 1954. . 68,721 83,195 45,764 31,170 46,795 22,154 27,652 22,134 67,130 [■arnis reporting; by number of chickens 4 months old and over— 89 Under 50 ;... . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 888 1,017- 235 431 388 219 249 227 77 00 50 to sua ..farms reporting 1959... 153 87 35 53 71 20 42 58 19 01 400 to 799 , , farms reporting 1959 , . , 10 6 3 3 2 92 1*00 to 1,599 , ,f8nri5 reporting 1959 . . . 5 6 8 2 1 1 93 1,600 to 3,199 , .farms repcrting 1959 ,. . 3 5 3 1 2 3 94 .1,200 oc more . .farms reporting 1959 ,. , 9 2 5 3 "i 1 4 6 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 86 52 14 22 15 9 22 19 1 96 1954 .. . 151 104 30 50 25 32 41 15 3 97 number 1959... 332 162 55 50 49 31 92 43 10 98 1654 . . . 523 382 102 141 93 90 125 35 10 HA Not available. GEORGIA 251 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early Echols Ernngham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Flpyd Forsyth 654 274 777 435 241 324 663 95 4U 642 725 290 623 356 657 842 1 931 751 1,193 826 322 577 1,069 152 573 1,078 1,143 407 899 557 1,131 1,386 2 15,684 5,719 9,895 9,394 18,939 3,450 20,784 1,498 5,456 8,064 12,450 6,304 4,012 8,397 ]A,321 6,517 3 17,825 8,859 15,294 12,360 17,073 4,554 22,063 2,757 6,363 9,170 16,934 5,572 4,154 7,583 16,195 7,556 4 626 225 753 418 207 270 646 87 388 610 690 273 593 333 598 794 5 897 634 1,164 807 300 603 1,054 147 548 1,049 1,111 393 376 537 1,131 1,345 6 8,139 2,866 5,523 5,108 6,270 1,636 10,654 868 3,104 4,291 5,228 2,721 1,930 4,111 7,466 3,040 7 9,200 4,378 7,718 6,502 8,733 1,965 10,803 1,407 3,424 5,213 8,708 3,339 2,242 4,219 3,430 3,659 8 348 115 365 245 99 210 400 39 225 463 279 101 569 172 419 695 9 676 454 872 661 198 530 815 90 409 927 669 238 858 426 930 1,307 10 1,724 1,585 1,012 628 514 938 744 117 658 1,676 916 473 1,502 532 2,303 1,356 11 2,095 2,874 2,286 1,529 747 1,322 1,788 197 963 2,607 2,035 691 1,911 895 4,125 2,457 12 504 213 602 341 168 221 470 77 324 396 598 244 367 260 430 506 n 727 450 931 584 241 397 819 116 445 625 307 310 467 342 751 738 14 4,141 1,853 2,821 2,601 4,809 1,274 4,971 340 1,819 2,601 3,561 1,668 1,424 2,062 4,673 2,065 15 4,505 2,726 4,132 3,426 4,401 1,626 5,082 713 1,748 2,701 4,003 1,714 1,371 1,930 5,246 2,596 16 444 190 507 277 175 203 458 78 331 304 496 260 234 259 407 357 17 644 433 854 446 193 294 698 113 317 398 767 309 203 313 495 371 18 3,404 1,000 1,751 1,685 7,860 540 5,159 290 1,543 1,172 2,661 1,915 653 2,224 2,682 1,412 19 4,120 1,755 3,444 2,432 3,939 963 6,173 537 1,191 1,256 4,218 1,519 541 1,434 2,519 1,291 20 58 28 46 45 31 60 68 4 29 121 39 9 162 40 94 240 21 174 73 239 129 52 104 218 20 102 208 188 62 264 77 173 304 22 133 60 200 64 23 80 96 26 98 119 170 76 109 67 125 146 23 112 46 158 74 31 49 89 22 96 92 128 63 47 63 94 81 24 94 39 104 79 37 20 91 15 52 63 146 55 28 63 92 51 25 50 13 22 21 24 7 53 7 19 21 38 14 10 21 47 14 26 33 15 8 23 43 4 48 1 8 13 16 11 3 20 32 6 27 153 59 160 118 57 121 171 7 78 219 121 40 291 91 192 448 28 295 108 446 178 60 116 275 56 224 270 381 171 272 149 252 283 M 77 21 91 59 23 19 73 12 47 62 103 31 17 31 58 26 30 34 10 28 20 15 3 37 4 15 31 42 13 5 22 28 16 31 35 9 15 19 16 5 35 2 16 15 21 11 10 20 34 15 32 14 11 7 9 9 3 21 6 5 7 12 4 3 7 19 4 33 5 3 3 7 7 7 3 5 8 8 2 1 34 13 4 3 8 20 "i 27 ... 1 2 "i 5 13 1 35 195 49 155 136 51 134 191 21 113 219 105 40 299 105 214 481 36 145 40 202 104 43 67 208 17 103 210 166 60 255 62 167 204 37 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 15 2 3 2 2 38 4 1 3 X4 1 3 1 5 3 39 1 6 3 2 1 3 3 6 2 14 4 40 6 13 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 17 1 41 324 154 422 198 185 211 357 49 197 359 436 111 380 177 309 417 4! 656 386 826 607 260 462 928 105 363 745 835 250 563 460 653 804 43 645 406 773 417 606 391 754 59 250 594 685 170 488 543 576 588 44 1,320 608 1,568 1,436 626 589 2,186 128 484 1,165 1,436 339 594 816 1,223 1,143 45 830 131 895 532 190 295 857 123 491 637 927 341 452 280 489 872 46 1,005 450 1,153 874 275 535 1,249 177 563 955 1,268 458 699 548 837 1,343 47 32,424 3,415 29,317 17,547 6,315 2,552 32,367 4,605 17,793 3,816 31,909 11,964 3,520 3,500 11,451 5,312 4( 25,645 4,400 21,409 15,549 4,485 2,569 32,226 4,668 16,052 2,640 23,589 10,532 2,561 2,565 7,635 5,569 48 679 76 735 428 150 142 674 96 382 213 740 284 265 151 322 290 5C 748 186 747 552 198 146 910 140 528 297 998 331 278 228 352 469 5 17,523 1,768 16,560 10,427 3,393 1,541 17,989 2,335 8,539 1,572 17,372 7,123 2,114 2,102 6,767 2,860 5; 13,479 2,046 9,760 7,540 2,520 1,282 16,120 2,162 3,918 1,049 12,589 6,057 1,117 1,193 3,723 2,559 5 796 108 828 504 163 255 830 122 470 573 867 306 353 244 402 774 54 953 351 1,079 812 231 468 1,200 173 629 837 1,166 442 564 462 708 1,202 5. 14,901 1,647 12,757 7,120 2,922 1,011 14,378 2,270 9,104 2,144 14,537 4,841 1,406 1,398 4,634 2,452 5( 12,166 2,354 11,649 7,909 1,865 1,287 16,106 2,505 7,134 1,591 11,000 4,475 1,444 1,372 3,913 3,010 5 188 85 200 160 70 216 201 23 109 551 224 76 343 198 287 731 5t 233 27 293 138 55 60 246 39 151 51 264 90 78 46 75 97 5 327 14 346 201 47 19 331 53 189 34 373 158 23 29 101 40 6( 82 5 56 33 18 1 79 8 42 1 65 17 3 7 26 4 6 13 8 4 5 5 8 1 1 1 5 11 3 2 19 12 6 m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA 6 U9 275 19 76 59 102 162 13 7 107 765 405 7 567 375 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 6 5 8 2 2 4 6 1 1 ... 5 7 2 1 9 7 6 m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA KA 6 31 88 5 19 18 24 60 2 20 182 151 1 142 79 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA HA 6 12 8 4 5 4 7 1 1 1 3 11 3 2 18 10 7 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA HA NA 7 118 187 K 57 41 78 102 11 7 87 533 254 6 425 296 7 IJA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA HA HA HA NA 7 9 3 4 3 4 7 1 1 1 3 9 2 1 18 8 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA HA HA 7 96 157 12 51 33 64 100 11 6 77 557 242 4 389 263 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 7 9 6 2 4 4 3 1 1 3 3 3 2 15 9 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA KA HA HA 7 22 30 2 6 8 14 2 1 10 26 12 2 36 33 8 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 8 10 5 4 4 5 7 1 1 3 5 2 2 11 8 8 3 3 1 1 "i 2 5 1 1 8 4 8 8 638 173 772 334 229 319 710 99 453 684 390 291 590 307 534 441 8 983 665 1,333 953 385 512 1,153 145 697 1,220 1,377 492 830 559 1,201 960 8 66,416 123,546 130,739 25,883 32,834 209,569 36,412 4,109 49,396 46,311 80,461 19,735 54,055 57,924 209,897 353,018 8 59,772 84,690 59,051 39,960 26,521 59,775 48,046 5,461 43,600 47,503 55,151 19,222 69,900 57,340 116,842 156,756 8 542 101 692 335 185 262 664 38 343 601 775 242 483 247 378 330 8 75 31 65 43 36 42 39 10 93 68 99 47 89 44 108 36 9< 10 12 2 2 1 3 1 7 5 4 6 4 7 6 9 9 1 2 4 5 1 1 8 3 3 5 5 13 11 9' 7 13 5 1 3 1 3 5 2 3 2 10 22 9 4 7 7 2 2 4 4 4 2 7 2 4 5 18 36 9 92 6 90 22 23 19 74 5 34 17 59 18 33 9 19 10 9 95 12 106 49 46 10 118 15 49 20 89 26 29 11 39 16 9 315 58 303 55 82 70 216 12 110 43 204 64 161 30 84 40 9* 287 107 310 137 178 25 350 40 279 119 235 125 96 26 143 84 9( 252 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item Franklm Fulton Gilmer Glascock Glyrm Gordon Grady C^eene Gwinnett (For deFinitions and explanations see text) 1 Cattle and calves • farms reporting 1959. . . 881 727 556 169 93 888 735 465 934 1954... 1,390 1,431 815 263 159 1,296 1,123 750 2,193 3 number 1959 . . . 9,271 12,590 4,042 1,650 2,155 11,362 12,393 11,496 8,641 A 1954... 10,509 14,869 4,117 2,135 3,582 9,530 13,930 13,697 12,322 f, Co>\s, includirii; heifer? that have calved .farms reporting 1959 . . . 8.49 634 531 159 84 822 696 439 810 6 1954... 1,36.4 1,304 804 255 141 1,251 1,087 728 2,037 number 1959... A, 722 6,161 1,901 923 1,482 4,700 5,131 6,821 3,632 8 1954... 5,836 7,548 2,293 1,142 1,891 4,670 6,303 3,160 6,171 M.Ik cows -farms reporting 1959 . . . 724 398 490 80 37 680 410 320 645 10 1954... 1,317 1,080 786 198 68 1,169 884 625 1,865 11 number 1959 . . . 2,241 2,043 966 142 723 2,138 1,024 4,062 1,424 12 1954... 3,831 3,450 1,626 365 611 2,760 2,440 4,182 3,716 13 Heifers and heifer calves .famis reporting 1959 . . . 583 536 329 117 72 566 . 547 327 634 U 1954 . . . 864 863 340 164 108 725 856 513 1,179 15 number 1959... 2,840 3,986 1,453 536 341 4,009 3,236 3,594 3,097 16 1954 . . . 3,219 4,555 1,208 602 929 3,142 4,077 4,066 4,183 17 Steers and bull?, incUnlmg steer an>l bull calves.. . farms reporting 1959 . . . 443 487 214 61 67 426 517 238 554 18 1954... 568 704 211 127 97 436 745 404 852 19 number 1959... 1,709 2,443 688 141 332 2,653 3,981 1,081 1,912 20 Farms reporting by number on band: Cattle and calves- 1954 . . . 1,454 2,766 616 391 762 1,718 3,595 1,471 2,468 21 1 • farms reprting 1959. , . .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959.. , -farns reporting 1959 . . . .farnis reporting 1959.. . .fartiii^ reporting 1959. . . 155 298 166 125 103 29 104 209 150 113 94 33 157 211 82 55 42 7 28 59 31 30 15 5 9 19 19 19 14 8 197 283 145 119 97 29 50 225 173 121 no 33 52 117 74 60 87 51 159 353 189 129 73 25 22 2 to 4 23 24 25 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 26 50 to 99 27 inn nr rrntt* .farms reportinH 1959.. . 5 24 2 1 5 13 23 24 6 Cows, includmp heifer= ihai have calveri- 28 29 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . .famis reporting 1959 , . . 320 396 201 294 283 205 48 84 16 36 399 310 170 382 98 181 406 319 2 lo 9 30 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 74 71 23 16 12 50 82 42 42 31 2010 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 32 25 14 6 8 25 27 34 22 32 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . , .farms reporting 1959. . . 16 10 22 6 3 1 3 2 5 1 24 9 16 14 45 24 14 4 33 50 to 74 34 75 to 99 .farn,s reporting 1959 , . . 1 4 1 3 2 3 5 2 35 100 or more Milk co^vs- .fnrms reporting 1959 . , , 11 1 3 3 2 10 1 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 . , . .farms reporting 1959. . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 341 345 21 227 153 1 327 158 44 35 1 15 15 436 221 1 196 208 112 128 6 420 215 1 37 2 to 9 38 10 to 19 39 20 to 29 . fan:; s reporting 1959... 9 2 2 2 5 2 15 2 40 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 7 7 1 1 10 1 33 5 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 3 2 4 7 3 26 2 42 Horses and, or mules .farms reportinc 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 501 918 456 892 314 532 116 255 49 78 343 614 342 828 291 580 592 1,242 43 44 number 1959 . . . 775 1,190 386 250 83 652 565 527 969 45 19.54 . . . 1,516 1,499 675 535 112 1,081 1,326 952 1,845 46 Hcs and pi ffs .farms reporting l')59, . . 195 1 - . . 778 1,180 507 1,117 473 694 245 296 86 132 320 1,086 962 1,207 316 607 827 1,866 47 46 number 1950... 4,867 6,272 3,606 5,486 1,723 9,118 39, 520 1,975 7,424 49 1954 . . . 3,896 6,363 2,568 3,794 2,360 4,965 34,254 2,077 7,560 50 Born ?ince June 1 .farms ro]xirlinL; 1950. . . 1954 . . . 334 488 262 499 253 259 155 150 67 84 372 422 806 922 158 , 203 453 571 51 52 number 1959... 2,665 4,015 2,177 3,034 631 5,412 22,444 1,209 4,356 53 1954... 1,860 3,299 1,194 1,734 951 2,452 17,591 835 3,433 54 Born before Juno 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 665 403 382 235 78 726 923 268 694 55 1054... 992 898 601 281 123 893 1,139 537 1,670 56 number 1959 . . . 2,202 2,257 1,429 2,452 1,097 3,706 17,076 766 3,068 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- 1954 . . . 2,036 3,064 1,374 2,060 1,409 2,513 16,663 1,242 4,127 58 Under 10 .farms reporting 1959. . . .farms reporting 1959 . . - .farms reporting 1059 . . . .farms reportinc 1959... 643 96 36 3 374 76 49 8 369 70 32 2 104 71 62 8 46 28 9 3 620 109 75 16 157 249 480 76 263 40 12 1 611 142 70 4 5f) 10 lo 24 60 25 to 99 61 100 or more 62 Sheep and 1 anihs ,.........-.....»■.■■■»■■■-' .farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 15 7 7 5 12 15 6^ 1954 . . . KA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA 64 number 1959.,. 50 683 99 130 176 222 395 65 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 66 I ,amhs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1950 . . , 3 7 4 5 3 7 7 67 1951... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 68 number 19.50 . . . 9 258 21 22 17 52 115 6!) 1054... NA NA NA NA NA HA HA HA HA 70 71 . .farrn.-^ reporting 1959 . . . 4 12 6 7 5 11 15 1954... HA NA NA HA NA HA HA KA NA 72 number 1959,.. 41 425 78 153 159 170 280 73 1054... NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA 74 Ewes . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 NA 12 NA 6 NA NA HA 6 NA 5 HA 6 HA 13 NA 75 1954 . , . 76 number 1959... 37 395 74 152 146 146 232 77 1951 . . . NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA HA 78 Rams and wether-^ . .farms reporting 1959 . . - 2 10 3 4 5 9 14 79 1954... NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA HA 80 number 1950.. . 4 30 4 6 13 24 48 81 1054 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA HA 82 83 Farms reporting by number of shfop and lambs .r&rrns rcrortinc lOrtO . . . 4 1 10 4 1 5 5 2 10 9 25 to 290 . .farms reportinc 1050 . . . 2 2 3 2 6 84 300 or riHir.- . .rorms repcTting 1050 . . . 85 Chickens 1 months old and over . .fftrms rep«-ting 1050 . . . 783 501 412 220 99 612 795 358 796 1,944 86 1951 . . . 1,385 1,319 695 320 180 1,252 1,343 794 87 numlier 1050 .. . 163,998 292,04« 120,573 9,470 24, 551 202,935 166,722 102,778 255,670 SB 1054 , . . 67,647 140,427 100,119 9,934 15,230 63,795 170,393 41,997 137,722 Farms roporlmp hy number of chickons 4 months old and over- 89 tender 50 .'.. ..fnrmfi rpporting 1059... 705 353 277 196 66 516 622 316 675 00 50 to 399 ..fnrms reportinc 1.059... 62 86 88 20 20 55 124 14 20 2 75 4 91 400 to 799 . .farms rpportlnp 10.50 . . . 18 12 2 5 3 92 fiOO lo 1,599 . .farms rep<*linp 1959 .. . "3 11 15 2 5 7 12 2 7 93 1,600 10 3,199 . .farms reportinp 1050 .. . 4 13 9 2 13 9 11 7 13 22 94 3,200 or more . .farms roportiaR 1059. . , 9 20 11 1 18 14 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 1059 .. . 10 14 11 9 7 19 20 21 28 96 1054 .. . 16 32 9 9 18 32 59 22 36 97 number 1059 . . . 2,728 64 45 45 32 16 91 55 59 162 98 1954 .. . 112 63 24 743 132 199 60 147 HA Not avallatle. GEORGIA 253 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard Henry Houston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson 573 1,035 443 433 418 751 356 565 263 587 705 268 473 522 365 419 1 1,003 1,870 793 344 656 1,321 723 921 429 867 1,245 441 673 305 597 628 G b,IM> 11,617 6,632 4,033 9,130 7,014 4,350 11,097 10,434 11,996 3,679 10,757 6,335 10,874 8,607 6,291 3 5,864 12,254 9,991 5,273 12,049 3,391 6,320 10,716 12,336 12,676 10, 539 12,558 3,003 11,036 12,058 10,092 4 531 1,018 419 389 395 701 346 477 231 566 659 253 442 496 333 398 5 941 1,819 764 793 628 1,281 706 357 415 846 1,193 427 651 788 569 607 6 2,907 5,312 3,945 1,826 5,404 3,561 2,696 5,496 5,269 6,242 4,373 6,342 2,957 5,224 4,752 3,265 7 2,925 6,057 5,799 2,726 6,505 4,928 3,411 5,751 6,276 6,764 5,583 7,017 3,931 5,791 6,549 5,015 8 461 859 256 292 206 585 213 303 147 341 503 150 231 280 200 178 9 363 1,733 651 732 464 1,185 629 692 312 665 1,076 327 493 596 409 393 10 1,198 3,328 1,384 822 1,576 2,165 709 2,168 1,400 921 1,511 2,380 571 1,119 3,634 322 n 1,739 4,105 2,373 1,601 2,166 3,350 1,753 2,879 1,395 1,755 2,781 3,126 1,233 1,552 3,701 1,313 12 396 699 313 286 308 476 248 422 189 482 450 219 385 339 268 323 n 514 960 530 509 500 772 444 559 293 682 751 316 541 500 422 423 14 1,999 4,129 1,974 1,473 2,391 2,355 1,334 3,566 3,464 3,195 2,671 3,194 1,919 3,476 2,512 1,828 15 1,675 3,342 2,645 1,811 3,545 2,904 1,866 3,133 3,562 3,418 3,179 3,779 2,235 2,809 3,035 2,119 16 323 478 232 218 311 370 179 383 160 462 370 203 368 296 235 244 17 364 704 433 264 408 439 314 459 223 590 543 267 499 401 365 373 le 1,540 1,676 713 734 1,335 1,098 770 2,035 1,751 2,559 1,635 1,221 1,459 2,174 1,343 1,198 19 1,264 2,355 1,547 736 1,999 1,059 1,043 1,832 2,543 2,494 1,772 1,762 1,792 2,436 2,474 2,958 20 87 238 48 94 13 143 46 68 38 39 139 16 26 104 42 28 21 207 363 166 173 115 283 119 141 81 120 227 44 122 149 102 129 22 126 194 93 66 96 151 80 118 35 115 127 31 121 72 67 107 2S 75 150 61 47 91 84 49 33 26 145 108 43 127 58 54 92 24 56 94 39 40 64 64 39 36 28 117 65 68 62 78 44 40 25 15 34 25 8 24 21 17 50 26 31 28 40 15 40 37 13 26 7 12 11 5 15 5 6 19 29 20 11 26 5 21 19 10 27 193 476 107 223 63 317 112 143 79 95 260 36 87 176 39 84 28 273 406 219 122 215 301 166 193 75 291 285 82 274 179 158 239 29 30 69 46 24 52 36 32 49 21 93 59 42 52 59 16 45 no 19 16 11 7 25 23 13 25 9 44 24 24 14 26 13 11 SI 10 33 21 7 17 15 14 40 17 23 19 38 9 31 27 9 12 3 10 8 4 11 7 5 17 11 10 7 12 6 16 14 5 :i3 1 5 3 2 5 1 3 5 4 2 7 4 6 2 34 2 3 4 7 1 1 5 15 10 3 12 5 10 3 35 231 497 76 209 64 318 113 150 73 152 273 45 109 148 57 104 se 217 313 154 69 128 232 85 116 51 186 207 55 119 113 87 73 37 3 15 10 4 4 9 3 1 1 2 11 2 3 2 1 38 4 4 2 3 13 1 8 ... 8 4 1 3 4 •19 5 19 9 5 1 8 3 17 7 2 23 1 U 22 40 1 11 5 2 9 5 3 11 10 1 2 21 1 2 28 41 271 566 353 340 253 456 239 398 132 212 424 147 182 304 194 169 42 553 1,033 754 653 473 955 522 796 293 712 802 299 497 635 465 510 43 366 747 597 572 442 731 365 883 401 379 751 532 299 666 369 336 44 682 1,466 1,271 989 729 1,595 877 1,613 713 1,275 1,507 713 686 1,305 1,006 1,058 45 469 893 489 415 276 768 293 483 324 726 637 156 575 689 419 538 46 820 1,459 863 637 495 1,215 653 968 433 966 1,058 358 759 899 575 602 47 4,635 5,329 4,497 3,132 2,738 6,718 2,285 6,796 9,366 34,210 4,121 1,450 18,285 18,590 10,620 17,035 4S 3,581 4,971 4,682 2,853 2,305 3,569 2,637 4,256 7,ao 25,323 4,152 1,688 13,834 12,420 8,308 10,478 49 284 476 216 181 166 324 181 252 232 634 273 82 479 486 338 431 50 416 574 307 204 226 406 276 401 242 712 381 143 535 543 321 364 51 2,934 3,159 2,305 1,457 1,513 3,606 1,385 4,295 5,219 18,646 2,036 980 10,534 9,783 5,840 9,461 52 1,936 2,296 1,860 1,353 1,095 1,478 1,247 2,047 3,410 12,018 1,938 728 7,410 6,545 4,138 5,166 53 372 641 463 360 242 674 205 411 299 679 551 127 544 624 337 517 54 636 1,131 304 558 413 1,094 555 817 404 904 919 319 723 787 540 548 55 1,701 2,170 2,192 1,675 1,225 3,112 900 2,501 4,147 15,564 2,085 470 7,701 8,807 4,780 7,574 56 1,645 2,675 2,322 1,500 1,210 2,091 1,390 2,209 3,800 13,310 2,214 960 6,424 5,875 4,170 5,312 57 352 748 368 328 202 632 219 378 123 81 523 121 123 300 139 157 58 82 107 38 55 55 80 55 74 99 164 79 26 178 192 138 176 59 29 35 30 30 16 47 18 23 83 392 34 6 244 154 128 171 60 6 3 3 2 3 9 1 8 19 89 1 3 30 43 14 34 61 12 7 2 7 10 5 4 2 6 10 1 3 3 4 2 62 NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA KA NA 63 236 263 47 394 240 107 161 213 102 395 24 91 148 307 36 64 NA NA MA NA NA HA MA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA KA NA 65 9 4 2 5 7 4 1 2 4 9 2 1 2 1 66 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA 67 55 75 6 63 60 18 3 39 21 85 15 42 76 15 68 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA HA 69 12 6 2 6 10 5 4 1 5 9 1 3 3 3 2 70 NA HA NA HA NA KA NA NA KA NA NA HA HA NA HA NA 71 181 138 41 331 180 89 158 124 81 310 24 76 106 231 21 72 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA HA HA 73 12 6 2 6 10 4 4 1 3 9 1 3 3 3 1 74 NA NA HA NA KA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA HA HA HA NA 75 167 177 33 304 148 83 151 115 21 290 7 67 103 224 17 76 NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA KA HA KA HA NA 77 3 6 2 6 7 5 3 1 4 7 1 2 1 2 2 78 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA 79 14 11 8 27 32 6 7 9 60 20 17 9 3 7 4 SO NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA KA NA NA HA HA HA NA NA 81 9 6 1 3 7 3 3 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 82 3 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 6 2 1 2 1 83 64 394 524 479 390 275 774 273 574 250 670 596 168 517 582 329 373 85 766 1,144 955 827 627 1,502 731 1,027 436 1,094 1,171 344 825 937 748 726 86 124,062 732,141 45,709 141,558 70,392 105,791 69,281 67,338 29,713 26,134 307,632 21,093 28,239 90,269 79,940 47,109 87 99,005 310,169 29,308 59,777 53,473 73,101 64,072 49,836 26,792 34,453 181,273 16,379 32,685 38,237 49,134 34,922 8S 319 339 437 303 219 661 230 487 209 571 495 150 456 469 271 333 89 31 55 32 58 32 93 29 75 28 96 66 14 52 88 42 33 90 10 3 2 1 3 1 1 4 4 2 3 5 3 1 91 9 17 1 5 5 3 "i 2 4 5 1 4 3 4 1 92 14 25 2 11 3 7 5 5 3 "3 8 7 2 2 93 11 85 5 12 8 9 6 4 2 18 i 2 10 7 3 94 20 4 15 11 18 7 5 14 14 43 6 20 44 17 4 10 95 8 3 25 21 22 9 5 22 30 109 14 12 131 32 25 26 96 105 23 50 61 65 25 9 63 43 156 48 70 232 57 17 54 97 46 10 54 125 63 25 10 79 117 426 63 75 415 118 73 104 98 254 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8. -LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON Item Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Ue Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes (For definitions wid explanations see text) 1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 269 300 173 1,071 260 116 297 149 606 » 1954 . . . 415 454 291 1,681 412 359 500 226 862 3 number 1959 . . . 8,524 7,095 2,176 19,080 16,884 2,481 5,038 1,839 11,949 4 1954 . . . 10,026 7,487 3,782 25,601 15,638 5,794 5,508 3,382 15,268 5 Co^»s, incluiling heirors that have calved .farms reporting 1959 .. . 258 277 163 1,026 238 102 291 140 560 6 1954 . . . 387 437 274 1,626 396 337 491 220 319 7 number 1959 . . . 5,018 3,895 1,127 9,718 7,252 1,369 3,145 926 6,071 8 1954 , . . 6,030 4,057 2,060 13,413 7,741 3,361 3,444 2,071 7,834 <1 Milk cows .farms reporting 1959 . . . 140 176 101 634 142 13 143 62 361 10 ■ 1954... 251 345 166 1,255 274 90 421 110 603 11 number 1959 . , . 2,291 1,194 191 1,944 552 248 474 186 1,884 12 1954 . . . 2,636 1,472 333 4,282 665 328 1,241 148 2,542 U Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 223 247 130 865 194 86 230 119 474 U 1954 . . . 331 330 205 1,200 284 242 301 180 663 15 number 1959... 2,415 2,154 581 5,728 4,374 758 1,204 568 3,107 16 1954... 2,719 2,189 926 6,585 3,408 1,420 1,241 824 4,223 n Steers and bulls, inclwliny steer an.! bull calves. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 216 182 130 647 183 73 175 98 457 18 1954... 276 278 220 1,008 265 206 243 157 632 19 number 1959 .. . 1,091 1,046 468 3,634 5,248 354 689 345 2,771 20 Farms Importing by number on band: Cattle and calvr-- 1954 , . . 1,277 1,241 796 5,603 4,489 1,013 823 487 3,211 21 I .farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 23 17 83 34 10 26 15 49 22 2 to 4 .farr.is repwling 1959 .. . 56 71 38 337 79 41 75 39 163 23 5 (o 9 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 49 57 53 60 50 40 233 189 34 17 24 18 51 72 42 27 134 127 24 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . , 26 20 to 49 .farms reporting 1959.. . 57 60 21- 145 28 14 51 19 76 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959... 27 21 5 60 28 4 15 5 40 27 100 or n^ore Cows, includinf^ hcifer« that have calved- .farms reporting 1959... 19 12 2 24 40 5 7 2 17 28 1 .fanns reporting 1959. . . 29 56 31 234 73 25 50 34 134 29 2 to 9 .famis reporting 1959... 123 120 95 565 71 56 151 82 290 30 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 ,. . 45 40 23 112 21 7 51 14 72 SI 20 to 29 • farms repjrting 1959 . . , .farms reporting 1959 .. , 16 16 25 23 9 3 43 41 14 17 2 4 15 14 6 1 18 21 32 30 to 49 33 SO to 74 .farms reptrting 1959. . . 13 4 2 11 16 2 5 2 14 34 75 to 99 .farn.s reporting 1959 . . . 8 2 11 3 3 3 4 35 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 .. . 8 7 9 23 3 2 1 7 Milk co^vs- 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 44 75 50 249 78 2 54 45 155 37 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959. . . 64 78 51 375 58 8 83 16 189 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 4 2 2 2 1 39 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 5 1 2 40 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 12 10 3 1 3 6 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959. . . 18 4 5 3 3 "i 8 42 Horses and/or mules .farms reporting 1959 . . . 140 180 106 568 165 95 174 70 364 43 1954 . . . 283 326 255 1,314 382 305 381 142 792 44 number 1959 . . . 207 304 160 990 438 130 288 82 511 45 1951 . . . 448 557 331 2,635 804 378 607 170 1,072 46 Ho"s and pins .fanns reporting 19,'.9... 1954 . . . 151 281 223 342 260 360 1,375 1,848 236 420 150 462 269 547 186 290 713 944 47 48 number 1959 . . . 2,518 2,059 10,504 55,078 9,615 2,596 1,733 5,067 20,582 49 1954 . . . 2,266 1,985 9,174 38,733 7,832 4,873 2,280 4,755 20,960 50 Bom since June 1 .farnvs re|iirling 1959, . , 91 117 193 1,151 203 107 91 151 531 51 1954... 123 166 245 1,314 216 275 251 224 614 52 number 1959... 1,495 1,168 5,998 29,784 5,211 1,392 740 2,970 11,130 53 1954 . . . 839 1,007 4,295 21,304 3,394 2,196 1,141 2,939 9,976 54 Bom before June 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 132 192 251 1,310 273 144 253 179 686 55 1954 . . . 241 288 343 1,607 398 434 469 277 889 56 number 1959 , . . 1,023 891 4,506 25,294 4,404 1,204 998 2,097 9,452 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- 1954 . , . 1,427 978 4,879 17,429 4,433 2,677 1,139 1,816 10,984 58 Under 10.. .farms reporting 1959. . . .farms reporting 19.59 . . . . farms reporti ng 1 959 . . . 102 32 14 159 41 22 70 68 97 241 378 653 114 80 62 69 54 24 219 38 12 51 63 64 181 238 254 59 10 to 24 60 25 to 99 61 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 4 1 6 25 2 103 21 30 3 3 1 1 8 4 30 11 62 Sheep and lambs 63 1954... m NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA 64 number 1959... 215 1,220 4 363 64 37 2 12 249 65 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 I .amhs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 4 6 3 1 1 5 67 195 1 . . . HA. NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA 68 number 1959 . . . 37 546 68 24 6 2 63 69 1954 . . . M. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 70 :jheep 1 year old and over .farms reiMrting 1959 . . . 4 6 2 21 2 1 4 10 71 1954 . . . lU NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 72 number 1959, ,. 178 674 4 295 40 31 12 186 73 1954 . . . lU, NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 74 Ewes .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 3 NA 6 NA NA 7 NA 2 NA 1 NA HA 2 NA 8 HA 75 76 number 1959 .. . 145 647 204 30 30 3 156 77 1954 .. . m NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 78 Ham< and wethers .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 4 5 2 21 2 1 4 9 79 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA 80 number 1959... 33 27 4 91 10 1 9 30 81 Farms reporting by numlier of sheep and lambs- 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA HA 82 Undor 25 . .farms reporting 19.59 . , , ., farms reporti nc 1959 . . . 2 2 3 2 2 19 2 2 1 1 1 4 9 2 83 25 to 299 84 300 or more. .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 85 Chickens 1 months old and over . .fnms reporting 1959 . . , 199 255 259 1,125 277 146 248 146 657 86 1951... 234 477 409 2,087 462 455 587 284 1,184 87 number 1959. .. 29,830 20,476 12,894 49,492 12,078 47,516 33,093 4,890 48,113 86 Farms reporting' by number of chickens 4 niontt 1954 . . . s old and over— 10,557 31,393 15,207 64,794 14,733 12,452 31,418 7,127 46,048 69 I'nder 50 .. farms reporti ng 19.59 .. . 176 222 218 961 242 122 202 119 544 90 50 to 399 ..farms reporting 1959... 19 29 40 156 33 14 35 27 102 91 400 to 799 . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 1 2 1 3 92 800 to 1,599 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 93 1.600 to 3,199 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 2 6 3 94 3,200 or more ..farms reporting 1959... "a 10 "2 4 1 39 1 1 5 2 2 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 78 29 6 2 2 49 96 1954... 5 6 33 118 56 26 16 27 85 9T number 1959 . . . 36 13 108 304 117 18 5 6 179 98 1054 .. . 18 24 89 406 1,448 76 39 91 274 NA Not available . GEORGIA 255 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Luiqikln UcDuTfle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marlon Meriwether Miller MitcheU MDnroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee 418 279 54 392 655 237 614 494 686 336 326 483 453 92 324 319 1 680 476 110 612 1,144 447 1,022 759 1,043 590 511 780 835 225 636 563 •1 3,071 5,748 1,812 19,844 5,076 4,782 12,314 13,425 24,794 11,794 5,445 17,553 4,390 2,962 11,329 5,718 :i 3,009 3,490 2,702 15,906 7,219 6,467 15,553 13,501 33,471 16,590 6,984 19,947 4,610 4,645 12,457 6,396 4 401 264 49 372 593 226 534 430 659 313 313 443 419 84 287 294 r. 659 466 101 599 1,112 430 970 745 1,024 546 493 743 301 197 574 548 6 1,487 3,306 957 7,002 2,726 2,398 7,382 6,602 12,230 5,536 2,975 10,276 2,152 1,689 6,110 3,010 7 1,649 4,728 1,489 3,431 3,990 3,365 9,066 6,981 17,761 9,560 3,693 11,932 2,365 2,416 6,606 3,529 8 365 148 20 235 499 160 377 255 342 219 148 347 363 39 179 206 9 635 349 31 453 1,020 376 738 591 627 433 315 664 759 154 463 473 10 645 855 207 1,547 1,176 474 2,503 573 1,438 4,325 533 7,941 945 417 2,637 1,196 11 969 1,639 72 1,391 2,037 1,129 3,659 1,379 2,297 6,072 872 7,802 1,346 1,045 3,196 1,633 12 193 165 41 294 404 183 437 390 573 277 270 374 293 69 253 227 V. 322 294 85 423 635 336 681 606 800 449 418 561 425 154 404 357 14 950 1,557 452 4,387 1,593 1,446 3,412 3,237 6,783 3,354 1,607 5,673 1,438 670 3,553 1,646 U) 888 2,689 672 3,956 2,132 1,841 4,256 3,637 7,748 5,036 2,224 5,869 1,543 1,241 3,337 1,756 16 181 132 43 251 273 156 392 357 517 254 184 337 243 72 195 196 17 184 225 71 384 393 245 521 499 731 404 246 406 273 136 323 294 19 634 885 403 8,455 757 938 2,020 3,586 5,781 1,404 863 1,599 800 603 1,661 1,062 10 472 1,073 541 3,519 1,097 1,261 2,231 2,383 7,962 1,994 1,067 2,146 702 988 1,964 1,111 2fl 138 36 3 39 162 19 64 30 32 22 23 60 92 3 34 47 21 152 98 8 103 254 77 181 135 130 71 79 94 162 22 53 94 2= 49 38 15 52 100 63 142 82 128 58 77 65 91 18 61 57 23 46 35 7 56 78 36 SO 89 145 44 75 68 59 13 45 38 24 20 41 12 64 41 23 76 98 127 45 50 70 31 23 57 57 25 10 21 6 46 17 12 41 34 68 66 14 74 16 6 38 16 26 3 10 3 27 3 7 30 26 56 30 3 52 2 7 31 10 27 227 59 4 90 277 50 157 82 97 61 68 119 204 11 79 93 2« 146 131 24 142 257 134 277 239 301 111 162 137 166 38 96 121 20 12 32 3 51 23 13 49 75 106 23 49 37 20 14 25 37 .10 5 12 7 30 16 6 26 25 45 29 10 17 14 5 20 17 11 6 14 6 23 13 10 23 32 48 33 15 57 11 7 26 14 -12 5 8 3 19 7 5 23 14 30 40 5 40 3 3 25 5 .11! 4 6 1 12 3 13 10 20 3 3 34 4 "2 11 2 12 10 19 6 4 16 1 6 13 4 35 240 50 9 94 296 47 146 110 148 65 63 113 223 16 78 98 Ifi 123 84 8 110 190 110 198 143 180 72 78 103 136 16 60 32 17 3 1 6 4 1 2 1 2 6 9 1 2 1 11 38 1 3 7 2 3 12 ... 7 3 4 5 30 3 1 9 5 1 12 "4 23 46 3 2 13 5 40 1 5 1 9 2 1 16 1 3 41 "2 64 2 3 23 5 41 297 219 28 185 413 213 493 158 445 167 209 204 235 53 175 162 42 433 460 69 379 802 384 903 493 1,059 358 448 374 414 129 459 353 43 364 501 49 367 625 413 1,015 264 892 286 321 331 370 148 465 334 44 50i 939 99 744 1,324 720 1,759 905 2,284 615 743 716 686 205 954 672 45 424 309 56 438 718 293 622 643 793 199 429 349 436 53 260 311 46 593 478 139 632 1,U6 495 1,100 893 1,105 383 573 676 718 140 532 482 47 3,834 4,522 991 16,635 6,062 5,876 5,641 32,007 37,747 1,364 13,832 2,430 6,244 1,694 2,325 3,503 48 2,330 3,477 2,283 9,420 3,753 6,141 4,972 27,895 30,983 1,763 12,206 2,651 3,545 1,196 2,228 2,821 49 231 132 38 299 313 187 351 563 676 103 343 165 275 27 110 132 50 271 191 82 319 441 251 471 732 836 178 359 266 287 59 141 199 51 2,039 2,260 479 9,333 3,209 2,999 2,900 17,303 23,092 717 8,169 1,214 3,961 686 1,248 2,143 52 1,215 1,641 353 4,389 1,673 2,764 2,229 14,782 15,594 790 5,345 1,243 1,790 476 923 1,330 51 375 280 54 406 602 273 535 637 756 161 413 299 410 49 241 279 54 473 410 131 539 979 474 944 363 1,012 342 548 569 614 121 483 404 55 1,795 2,262 512 7,252 2,353 2,377 2,741 14,704 14,655 647 5,663 1,216 2,283 1,008 1,077 1,355 56 1,115 1,836 1,430 5,031 2,030 3,377 2,743 13,113 15,389 973 6,361 1,408 1,755 720 1,305 1,441 57 342 217 21 139 609 138 453 83 149 160 99 282 335 21 194 237 58 40 53 22 100 71 86 131 136 199 30 150 49 85 16 43 46 59 38 34 12 U4 34 60 32 361 329 7 153 16 59 11 22 25 60 4 5 1 35 4 9 6 63 116 2 27 2 7 5 1 3 61 5 8 8 4 1 2 5 10 1 8 14 7 3 62 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 61 61 363 64 lOi 18 26 69 1,041 6 285 370 111 90 64 m NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 65 5 1 3 3 4 7 5 11 4 3 66 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 67 19 40 12 34 12 339 61 107 25 27 68 M NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 4 3 3 4 1 2 4 9 1 6 12 6 3 70 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 71 42 323 52 70 18 26 57 702 6 224 263 86 63 72 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 71 4 3 4 4 1 2 4 3 1 4 12 5 3 Tl NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA KA NA 7.'i 38 305 25 67 11 25 51 640 5 195 217 67 51 76 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 77 3 6 6 3 1 1 3 8 1 5 12 6 3 78 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 79 4 13 27 3 7 1 6 62 1 29 46 19 12 80 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 81 5 6 7 1 1 2 4 6 1 6 8 5 1 82 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 6 2 2 83 84 244 256 48 336 712 216 521 532 661 229 373 403 433 60 299 259 85 624 596 101 598 1,071 543 1,136 957 1,159 567 607 833 715 261 640 607 86 226,283 18,247 1,471 18,999 65,345 3,447 54,218 24,414 35,949 45,821 12,567 18,922 281,425 23,373 72,903 17,142 87 148,367 52,560 7,919 30,438 41,987 13,452 37,142 25,416 47,903 23,507 28,881 39,582 71,245 25,798 38,742 29,821 88 185 222 42 345 619 195 458 479 567 130 332 369 303 40 237 222 89 17 29 6 33 30 18 55 47 83 35 38 28 63 13 47 31 90 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 91 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 10 2 3 2 92 7 4 2 4 '"i 2 3 5 1 37 4 3 93 30 4 5 1 1 5 1 23 "3 4 94 8 13 3 11 10 4 13 55 69 10 25 24 19 1 15 16 95 6 9 3 38 10 11 31 125 73 20 50 22 30 5 4 13 96 86 101 5 38 6&4 22 50 162 196 19 107 63 95 5 1,063 49 97 26 26 18 135 42 29 101 365 232 55 199 46 119 26 7 56 98 256 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8. -LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON Item Oglethorpe Patilding Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Poli Pulaski Putnam (For definitions and explanations see text) 1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1950. . . 438 407 145 359 601 313 502 246 289 o 1954... 833 855 207 612 386 531 903 405 460 .T number 1959.,. 8,292 3,437 5,004 3,483 10,296 8,909 6,840 5,559 13,844 1 1954... 10,948 4,982 5,415 3,030 12,425 10,007 7,596 7,979 12,726 5 Cov^s. including hoiforp that have ralved .farms reporting 1959. . . 425 353 123 339 572 238 443 233 275 6 1954... 810 805 200 596 861 510 830 395 435 7 number 1959.. . 4,347 1,715 2,143 1,626 5,081 4,255 3,564 3,010 9,119 rt 1954... 6,364 2,515 2,833 1,686 6,620 5,263 3,892 4,102 7,914 n Milk co«5 -farms reporting 1959 . . . 312 284 77 232 311 159 305 103 242 10 1954... 672 758 167 565 610 411 734 305 406 11 number 1059... 1,091 1,121 451 436 759 560 1,730 230 8,056 1:? 1954..- 2,004 1,913 668 922 1,231 1,177 2,660 728 6,931 U Heifers and heifer calves .fnrrrs reporting 1959 . . . 237 261 105 215 5U 249 .371 186 254 14 1954 . . . 463 466 136 262 703 354 569 287 358 15 number 1959... 2,094 1,1U 1,491 1,156 2,949 2,400 2,284 1,404 4,053 16 1954... 2,508 1,682 1,344 964 3,630 2,568 2,334 2,107 3,943 17 Steers and hulls, inclu-ling ^toer ami Ml calve;. . farms reporting 1959 , . . 206 229 106 174 488 234 276 170 186 18 1954... 347 323 133 118 498 326 323 247 270 1!) number 1959 . . . 1,851 611 1,370 701 2,266 2,254 992 1,145 672 20 Farms reporling b> nnnilier on band: Cattle and calvcs- 1954 - . . 2,076 785 1,238 430 2,175 2,176 1,320 1,770 869 21 1 .farms refDrting 1959 . . . .fnm'.srepatHnsl959... 93 134 97 149 16 34 95 129 26 126 21 71 76 137 25 64 14 42 2lo4 23 5to9 .fftniis reporting 1959 . . . 60 78 25 40 137 51 97 47 41 24 lOlelO .farms reporting 1959 . . . 64 42 18 43 137 62 95 42 31 2S 20 to 49 • fnrnts reporting 1959 . . . 55 27 23 ' 35 135 55 70 37 45 26 50 to 99 .farms repprting 1959. , . 16 10 13 3 31 33 22 18 77 27 100 or more .fnni.s repcrtinc 1959.. . 16 4 11 4 9 15 5 13 39 Cows, includinp heifcr= thai have calvetl- 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. , . 1A2 188 31 167 99 56 151 64 32 20 2 to 9 .farm? reporting 1959 . . . 187 124 51 122 312 127 IK 97 83 30 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 48 15 13 37 86 43 42 30 14 31 20 to 29 .farms re^nrting 1959 . . . 17 13 7 5 42 17 33 14 22 32 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 15 8 3 5 24 24 21 16 55 33 50 to 74 .farms repcrting 1959 , . . ^ 3 8 2 5 8 3 7 38 34 75 to 99 .farn.s reporting 1959 . . . 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 13 35 100 or more .fnrms reporting 1059 , . . 9 2 1 3 5 1 3 18 Milk co«s- 36 l .farms reporting 1959 . . . 159 142 184 78 33 37 190 87 137 117 64 88 165 97 56 45 30 73 37 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 . . , 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959... 2 6 2 3 2 12 1 8 39 20 to 29 -farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 7 1 2 2 1 17 1 17 40 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 4 1 4 4 9 51 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959. . . 3 5 3 1 5 63 42 HorsPs and or miiips .■farms reportinc 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 248 578 278 593 69 118 182 321 237 587 2133 456 267 533 166 374 156 276 43 44 number 1959... 385 389 118 231 236 540 462 419 336 45 19.54 . . . 956 9M 221 410 729 898 335 972 556 46 Ho2S and pii.'s .farms reporlini: ri59... 474 385 138 295 683 294 444 340 160 47 1951... 872 765 196 456 936 490 736 475 309 48 number 1959 . . . 3,615 3,109 4,089 1,890 24,660 2,682 5,371 9,973 905 4!> 1954 . . . 3,967 3,935 4,224 1,765 19,932 2,200 4,934 7,438 1,433 50 Born 'ii ncc June 1 .famifs rciTirHns; 1953. . . 197 159 96 140 550 154 266 265 71 51 1954... 365 268 133 172 721 206 370 268 126 52 number 1959 . . . 1,844 1,894 2,244 977 13,440 1,475 3,429 5,258 415 53 1054 . . . 1,933 1,928 2,273 762 10,977 958 2,367 3,566 712 54 Born l>prorp June 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 399 332 129 248 659 251 343 298 135 35 1054 . . . 758 639 175 372 331 420 562 441 276 56 number 1950 . . . 1,771 1,215 1,845 913 11,220 1,207 1,942 4,720 490 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- 1954... 1,984 2,007 1,951 1,003 8,955 1,242 2,067 3,922 771 5R fnderlO .farms reporting 1959.. . 394 310 48 238 125 225 291 121 133 5!) 10 to 24 • farms reporting 1959 . . . 50 45 38 44 180 49 77 97 23 60 25 to fltl .farms reporting 1959... 24 25 42 12 334 17 71 101 .; 61 inn or more '. .farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 5 10 1 44 3 21 62 Sheep and lamho .farms reporting 1950 . . . 2 4 1 5 3 1 10 5 9 63 1954 . . . Ml NA HA NA NA HA NA HA HA 64 number 1950. . . 6 134 35 110 49 1 336 119 88 65 1954 . . . NA NA HA NA HA HA HA NA NA 66 I .amlis uml . .farms rpportin)^ 19.59 . . . 2 3 3 2 1 6 2 8 83 25 lo20!) . .farms reportinir 1959 . . . 1 1 2 1 4 3 1 84 .100 or ,mw . .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 85 Chickens 1 nionth-^ ol.l ami over . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 377 332 144 306 544 251 446 279 189 86 1951... 996 302 224 389 969 603 878 534 436 87 numher 1959... 51,653 30,310 12,631 46,717 29,789 29,917 179,444 27,649 9,926 88 Farnis reporting' by numbo- of chickens 1 mtjnt 1954... s old and over- 40,675 28,392 13,057 18,564 53,350 26,272 59,582 31,638 15,498 89 1 'ndw 50 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 329 41 286 39 3 2 116 23 1 2 253 43 1 1 454 82 5 2 213 31 2 1 314 88 8 6 246 26 4 1 159 28 go 50 to 3^!) . .famis reportinc 1959 . . . 91 400 to 793 . .farms reportiniz 1959 . . . 92 hOOU) 1,5M ..farms reporting 1959. .. 93 I,(i00 to 3,190 . .farm.-i reportinp 1959. . . 2 1 1 16 2 94 r!,200 .» morp . .farms reporting 1959 . . . "7 2 2 1 3 14 '2 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reportinp 1959 . - . 14 12 8 10 41 1 10 13 8 96 1954 . . . 34 22 4 1 80 4 19 44 18 97 number 1959... 27 64 24 43 132 1,000 44 48 20 98 1954 .. . 119 76 17 2 246 388 83 115 80 NA Hot available. GEORGIA 257 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Quitman Rabun Randolph Ricbjnond Rockdale Sohley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor 116 303 408 140 211 167 756 317 267 380 271 454 231 222 692 270 I 182 538 613 319 399 273 1,1U 465 470 634 472 793 459 376 1,088 496 2 2,862 2,560 10,335 3,096 3,743 3,272 23,389 12,617 7,738 2,802 6,189 26,969 6,707 4,031 10,454 4,627 3 3,964 3,379 11,065 4,427 4,632 4,465 22,503 13,445 9,569 3,701 11,762 25,074 9,387 7,253 13,623 7,986 4 113 293 399 123 180 163 706 303 239 352 264 424 271 205 654 260 5 176 529 601 290 350 273 1,063 452 435 664 444 765 444 371 1,044 479 6 1,555 1,415 5,567 1,553 1,816 1,315 11,415 6,497 3,965 1,448 3,608 8,583 4,024 2,487 5,129 2,443 7 2,187 1,850 6,288 2,244 2,428 2,356 11,128 6,341 4,334 1,931 6,120 13,216 5,316 4,431 7,011 4,300 8 72 270 241 67 94 116 352 189 111 316 168 197 148 140 320 151 0 141 517 463 213 242 211 656 350 286 636 351 525 252 298 678 380 10 184 926 654 445 598 427 1,932 423 958 868 746 2,033 725 1,314 372 491 11 336 1,129 1,103 1,058 733 737 2,302 805 1,458 1,531 1,328 2,659 1,105 2,064 1,677 1,162 1» 91 183 321 96 149 123 590 255 206 224 200 325 226 161 545 205 m 141 294 411 206 230 203 893 360 354 360 382 595 359 259 375 363 H 677 716 2,550 910 1,051 818 6,373 3,046 1,902 927 1,390 4,280 2,031 1,178 3,020 1,250 ir. 905 1,027 2,499 1,384 1,390 1,267 5,922 3,300 2,629 1,135 3,029 6,231 3,073 2,032 3,530 2,166 16 89 133 265 103 126 115 581 214 217 145 183 313 145 107 485 185 17 130 171 403 167 185 133 811 330 277 210 325 510 204 213 755 330 18 630 429 2,218 628 876 639 5,601 3,074 1,871 427 1,191 14,106 652 366 2,305 934 19 372 502 2,278 799 814 342 5,453 3,804 2,106 535 2,613 5,627 993 740 3,032 1,520 ■20 7 57 46 10 37 12 37 23 17 36 22 45 16 17 47 20 21 41 129 U7 39 50 49 188 76 48 171 91 96 30 72 197 82 22 20 43 49 34 42 31 144 57 39 55 56 60 58 40 172 56 23 13 43 67 22 37 27 120 50 59 36 39 84 34 38 154 54 24 20 24 83 17 21 31 147 61 55 24 34 85 46 23 94 32 25 6 5 23 13 19 14 64 19 33 6 16 55 29 18 20 18 26 9 2 23 5 5 3 56 31 16 2 13 39 18 9 8 3 27 23 108 109 18 63 30 129 66 34 174 69 74 42 34 157 66 28 51 149 148 68 72 86 323 129 103 144 123 173 130 107 380 128 29 18 19 72 13 IS 24 105 46 41 17 34 68 37 24 68 34 30 7 12 27 3 5 7 54 26 22 9 9 28 23 11 21 9 31 3 2 15 11 13 10 44 10 19 7 11 39 14 15 17 13 32 5 1 9 3 6 3 26 6 10 6 24 10 7 5 6 33 1 2 9 1 8 6 5 1 5 4 11 7 2 2 34 5 10 1 "i "3 17 19 ' 7 14 4 ... 4 2 35 26 121 137 25 52 41 143 105 45 186 65 89 49 31 161 61 36 44 133 98 34 32 69 193 82 44 117 98 33 93 82 157 86 37 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 4 3 2 1 9 2 38 8 1 1 1 1 4 4 ... 2 1 2 39 1 2 5 5 2 "3 11 4 6 7 1 40 2 2 1 3 1 12 1 3 1 '2 10 4 9 1 "2 41 72 176 217 66 149 103 473 110 126 235 189 214 191 162 212 129 42 122 308 502 210 326 193 873 307 286 393 367 504 389 307 666 314 43 118 209 576 124 419 181 822 202 222 325 449 501 285 240 316 210 44 261 378 1,191 315 573 393 1,557 651 511 536 912 1,227 550 514 981 514 45 146 252 472 146 132 182 817 378 157 340 353 435 234 171 889 356 46 185 439 626 251 346 231 1,059 536 339 567 545 763 410 233 1,241 563 47 4,272 1,449 13,040 4,807 2,359 4,650 37,003 18,311 2,395 2,383 11,165 16,307 3,923 737 35,542 10,375 4S 3,613 2,150 12,939 2,984 1,924 4,379 25,909 16,546 1,385 1,850 9,237 12,649 5,043 971 23,240 8,375 49 105 lis 308 101 97 126 656 320 101 186 243 382 151 52 751 251 50 106 210 425 120 no 172 735 423 144 244 341 455 156 102 952 323 51 1,926 742 6,344 2,736 1,334 2,598 22,356 10,302 1,913 1,319 5,942 9,624 3,306 233 20,885 5,713 52 1,440 1,150 6,578 1,590 1,026 2,241 12,417 8,996 913 838 4,056 6,651 924 432 15,261 4,551 53 136 216 448 129 147 165 769 355 130 262 336 440 138 160 822 328 54 176 369 552 211 301 256 992 511 285 475 492 692 366 252 1,166 508 55 2,346 707 6,696 2,021 1,025 2,052 14,652 8,509 977 1,064 5,223 7,183 617 499 14,657 4,663 56 2,173 1,000 6,361 1,394 898 2,138 13,492 7,550 972 1,012 5,131 5,998 4,119 539 12,979 3,824 57 55 211 170 66 135 77 217 55 99 277 162 156 177 154 128 129 58 49 35 138 45 27 53 216 91 37 47 91 137 46 15 257 98 59 32 5 143 26 16 45 285 178 13 15 78 161 9 2 452 106 60 10 1 21 9 4 7 99 54 3 1 22 31 2 52 23 61 16 2 2 3 4 13 2 5 4 1 6 3 1 4 62 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 63 446 27 13 51 12 206 680 353 527 368 583 208 11 341 64 m NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 65 14 2 1 3 ... 3 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 66 id. HA NA NA HA NA HA NA HA HA NA KA NA HA 'na NA 67 75 11 1 7 25 165 121 99 286 103 42 143 68 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA HA HA NA 69 ... 14 2 2 3 4 13 2 5 4 1 5 ... 3 1 4 70 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA HA HA NA NA NA 7! 371 16 12 44 12 181 515 232 428 82 430 166 11 193 72 HA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA 73 14 1 2 3 3 4 2 5 4 1 5 3 1 4 7t 'm. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 307 14 9 38 9 37 505 211 413 62 471 ... 154 10 186 76 NA NA NA KA NA HA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA HA 77 14 2 2 3 3 13 2 5 2 1 3 3 1 3 7S NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA HA NA MA NA NA HA NA HA 79 64 2 3 6 3 144 10 21 15 20 9 12 1 12 80 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 'na NA HA HA 81 10 1 2 3 4 11 ... 2 2 3 1 3 82 6 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 '1 3 ... 3 "i 83 84 132 282 415 133 171 195 764 285 170 293 332 469 251 206 726 233 65 200 4% 692 345 372 322 1,220 545 507 588 540 365 433 381 1,340 579 86 2,866 11,923 38,933 49,566 25,115 9,106 73,393 37,423 36,717 55,360 20,503 148,617 16,344 18,134 49,163 88,327 87 5,424 24,061 31,472 23,337 25,176 11,897 61,663 26,904 64,061 34,628 20,513 63,781 27,067 15,184 61,152 65,042 88 121 227 365 73 135 165 627 244 126 249 297 333 225 189 619 134 89 11 53 43 42 27 25 115 32 36 24 31 55 18 10 95 28 90 1 1 4 2 2 5 1 6 7 3 3 10 91 1 1 3 3 8 2 3 7 "2 10 "I 1 3 6 92 1 3 2 4 2 1 9 2 2 2 3 1 93 5 5 2 ... 5 4 4 3 "2 12 ... 1 3 4 94 19 25 35 9 1 58 17 3 4 16 14 5 4 26 11 95 20 7 36 23 li 3 71 64 3 4 28 50 3 9 74 26 96 61 124 97 23 2 180 80 4 14 33 67 46 16 71 25 97 78 35 102 147 '68 30 239 173 21 47 64 145 19 19 392 107 98 258 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8. -LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON Item Telfair Terrell Thoiuas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Troiip Turner TldggB (For definitions and explanations , see lest) I Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1950 , . . 580 350 684 632 511 426 305 596 389 267 2 1954 . . . 845 716 1,073 899 833 586 414 1,033 616 439 » number 1959 . . . 8,443 11,162 17,649 11,493 6,978 2,331 4,302 11,278 10,050 3,863 i 1954 . . , 12,923 13,422 21,779 14,360 11,107 2,480 6,200 14,662 12,842 4,622 5 Co>\s, including heifers that have calved .farms reporting 1959 .. . 554 321 652 603 483 425 292 548 370 250 6 1954 . . . 820 694 1,036 872 812 531 398 974 601 412 7 number 1950 . . . 4,216 5,138 8,703 5,626 3,508 1,275 2,272 6,530 4,736 1,935 8 1054 .. . 6,937 7,570 10,839 7,392 5,321 1,529 3,252 3,393 6,824 2,521 il Milk cows .farms reporting 1050 . .. 190 176 335 352 253 413 153 301 208 138 10 1054 . . . 484 544 736 631 599 570 294 774 490 236 u number 1959 . . . 771 500 1,490 1,098 767 1,036 392 2,459 668 555 12 1954 . . . 1,379 1,317 2,451 2,229 1,933 1,314 892 3,345 1,573 659 13 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 455 259 537 511 400 235 229 430 266 186 14 1954 . . . 668 465 855 710 647 291 323 717 474 240 15 number 1959. . . 2,500 2,941 4,770 3,146 2,139 302 1,351 3,069 2,203 1,210 16 1954 . . . 3,350 3,381 6,181 3,919 2,973 701 1,678 3,934 2,847 1,U7 IT Steers and bulls, including steer am! bull calves. . farms reforting 1959. . . 385 223 516 481 308 120 158 450 302 134 18 1954 . . . 499 364 714 626 564 108 278 573 431 290 19 number 1959 . , . 1,727 3,083 4,176 2,721 1,331 254 679 1,679 3,m 718 20 Farms reporting by number on hanil; Caule and cnlvc*- 1954 .. . 2,636 2,471 4,759 3,549 2,313 250 1,270 2,335 3,171 984 21 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 26 53 52 35 33 97 16 35 20 36 22 2to4 .farr.s reporting 1959 . . . 156 82 151 161 147 201 100 141 71 112 23 5to9 .fnnr.s reporting 1959.. . 129 51 119 128 127 71 68 148 84 46 24 10 to 10 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 146 39 113 136 108 39 75 116 97 40 25 20 to 40 .farn.s reporting 1959. . . 87 60 162 ■ 118 73 13 35 100 74 lA 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 29 36 55 38 16 4 7 39 22 10 27 100 or more Cows, includinp heifers thit have calved- .fnrms reporting 1950. . . 7 29 32 16 7 1 4 17 21 9 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . 90 83 126 119 93 162 44 95 49 100 20 2to0 .farms reporting 1959 , . . 340 116 289 319 290 242 202 293 193 116 30 10 to 19 .fnnT.5 reporting 1959 . . , 78 42 109 88 54 13 27 71 74 11 ai 20 to 20 .farms reiorUng 1959 .. . 22 20 53 35 25 5 12 25 15 5 32 .30 to 40 .farms reporting 1959 ., , 15 33 39 24 14 2 3 40 19 8 33 50 to 74 .farms repcrting 1959. , . 7 13 21 10 4 1 3 12 6 5 34 75 to 99 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 7 3 4 1 7 3 2 35 100 or more Milk co»s- .farms reporting 1950 .. . 2 7 12 4 2 1 5 U 3 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 80 96 177 176 112 168 68 108 82 38 37 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1050 . . . 105 75 142 164 137 238 83 150 122 46 38 10 to 10 .farms reporting 1059 .. . 1 5 4 1 1 2 1 39 20 to 29 .farm.s repcrting 1950 . . . 2 3 4 6 40 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 2 4 2 "i 1 "2 23 "3 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1059... 2 1 7 3 2 1 ... 12 1 3 42 Horses and or mules .farms reporting 1050 . . . 249 183 441 238 176 236 209 334 UO 234 43 1054... 582 630 901 578 600 316 351 653 410 426 44 number 1959 . . . 345 481 349 404 256 303 316 697 231 358 45 195)... 948 1,501 1,623 934 917 462 612 1,015 943 714 46 Holts ana pics .farms reporting 1950. . . 690 476 797 685 632 369 331 317 430 346 47 1954 . . . 819 821 1,014 789 871 520 428 698 568 508 48 number 1959... 23,120 12,865 32,453 27,993 23,302 2,341 10,968 2,408 18,602 7,404 4P 1054 . . . 15,523 13,868 27,190 17,323 18,949 2,342 8,434 2,934 12,507 5,967 50 Bom since .lunel.... .farms ro|orling 1959. . . 604 319 653 600 533 226 290 200 379 217 51 1054... 613 497 741 573 619 201 285 335 385 297 52 number 105O . . . 13,628 6,185 17,921 18,106 13,217 1,332 5,947 1,367 11,488 3,697 53 1054... 9,192 6,046 14,735 9,312 10,158 967 4,372 1,554 6,438 3,275 54 Born before .lune 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 651 448 748 603 583 232 360 253 396 317 55 1954 . . . 748 743 949 717 830 470 405 543 529 454 56 number 1950 . . . 9,492 6,680 14,532 9,887 10,085 1,009 5,021 1,041 7,114 3,707 57 Farms rcportin" by number of hogs and pies— 1054 . . . 6,331 7,822 12,455 8,0U 8,791 1,375 4,062 1,380 6,069 2,692 56 I'nder 10 ... ! .farms reporting 1950 . . . 174 169 177 119 136 298 104 238 59 147 59 10 to 24 .farms reporting 1050 . . . 208 134 219 182 157 53 lU 66 115 104 60 25 to 90 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 254 147 321 328 291 18 157 13 212 85 61 100 or more .farms reporting 1950. . . 54 26 80 56 48 9 ... 44 10 62 Sheep and lambs .farms reporting 1050 .. . 7 2 4 3 4 7 3 7 5 1 63 1954 . . , KA KA NA NA m NA N4 NA NA m 64 number 1059. .. 155 17 145 19 57 383 151 U4 156 1 65 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 I.amhs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1950 . . . 4 4 1 3 5 3 6 2 67 1951 . . . MA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 68 number 1950 . . . 18 29 1 20 86 16 U 33 69 1054... KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na 70 .farms reporting 10.50 . . . 7 2 4 3 4 6 2 7 5 1 71 1054 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 72 number 1050... 137 17 116 18 37 302 135 103 123 1 73 1054... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 74 Ewes .farms reporting 1059 . , . 5 4 2 3 6 2 7 5 1 75 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 76 number 1059 . . . 30 108 5 34 264 129 91 95 1 77 1954 . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 78 Ham« and wether^ .farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 2 4 2 2 5 2 6 4 79 1951,.. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na 80 number 1950 .. . 57 17 8 13 3 38 6 12 28 ... 81 Farms reporting by nuiiilier of sheep and lambs- 19.54 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 82 Undcr '/r, .farms reporting 1050 . . . 4 2 2 3 3 4 1 6 3 1 83 25 I0 299 .farms reporting 1050 . . . 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 84 ."iOO or more .farms reporting 1050 .. . ... ... 85 Chickens 1 months old and over .farms reporting 10.50 . . . 525 465 682 515 605 353 349 480 322 305 86 1951 , . . 890 355 1,180 997 1,002 532 478 1,006 678 285 87 number 1059... 40,719 66,393 69,496 70,097 63,283 146,933 13,633 34,230 33,350 6,905 88 Farms rcportinp by number of chickens 4 month 1954 . . . s old and over- 38,115 28,233 74,376 43,314 36,619 76,065 U,599 39,765 23,754 8,755 89 I'nder 50 '. . . . farms reporting 1059 . . . 435 420 570 443 529 226 320 415 291 282 00 50 to 309 .farms reporting 1959... 80 37 91 46 66 52 24 50 25 22 01 400 to 799 .farms reporting 1059 . , . 2 2 5 10 2 10 2 5 1 92 800 to 1,599 .farms reporting 1959 . , . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 4 1 8 5 4 7 1 1 34 25 2 1 4 5 "i ... 93 1,600 to 3,190 04 3,200 or more . .farms reporting 1950 .. . "4 5 3 5 6 6 ... 1 ... 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 21 31 41 30 25 6 19 21 14 25 96 1954... 115 48 58 41 105 12 30 67 45 18 97 number 1059 . . . 71 UO 157 150 111 32 55 81 65 61 98 1054 . . . 385 130 179 177 371 33 91 258 181 74 NA. Not available. GEORGIA 259 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Union Upson WaUer Walton Ware Warren Washington Wa^e Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes WiUdnson Worth 683 327 782 687 390 343 557 511 208 354 486 727 429 588 225 767 1 871 610 1,243 1,284 658 499 1,003 709 312 534 725 1,152 733 896 419 1,318 2 3,86* 7,401 16,810 12,870 5,634 7,478 10,948 9,250 3,503 5,581 3,556 9,985 8,287 17,201 2,470 17,112 3 3,662 10,770 15,801 14,099 9,570 8,203 14,611 10,110 5,265 7,350 3,573 9,1W 11,638 18,245 4,593 22,269 1 662 306 720 621 367 332 526 456 193 336 453 653 416 567 219 736 5 857 536 1,160 1,235 619 484 958 686 297 519 709 1,110 722 876 407 1,233 6 1,826 4,116 7,559 6,343 2,807 4,147 5,767 4,264 1,856 2,784 1,509 4,703 4,576 10,332 1,388 8,816 7 1,998 6,241 8,233 7,873 4,863 4,362 7,499 5,574 2,638 3,813 1,828 4,823 6,401 10,832 2,480 U,599 S 593 161 507 421 162 196 357 261 139 213 408 529 241 321 120 375 9 826 432 1,003 1,048 291 355 783 423 265 360 680 1,016 596 671 259 950 10 998 887 2,634 2,292 381 1,042 1,684 933 355 509 739 2,285 1,107 3,423 409 2,013 11 1,516 1,588 3,648 3,502 633 1,238 2,409 1,243 731 927 1,277 3,050 2,276 4,715 725 3,393 12 317 259 596 480 310 248 399 413 144 281 290 543 359 453 159 535 13 376 454 800 734 516 322 673 569 210 408 340 697 572 636 323 1,003 14 1,468 2,135 4,556 3,864 1,511 2,006 2,890 2,729 1,021 1,566 1,197 3,285 2,318 4,763 775 4,243 15 1,067 2,839 5,023 4,230 2,785 2,361 3,778 2,895 1,284 1,845 1,135 2,978 3,075 5,072 1,342 6,024 1« 197 205 499 413 303 206 373 369 126 227 186 486 337 313 109 550 IJ 197 291 577 458 407 233 637 392 180 373 202 490 504 446 205 858 18 570 1,150 4,695 2,663 1,316 1,325 2,291 2,257 626 1,231 850 1,997 1,393 2,106 307 4,048 19 597 1,690 2,545 1,996 1,917 1,480 3,334 1,641 1,343 1,692 610 1,388 2,162 2,341 776 4,646 20 235 17 94 96 15 48 76 26 28 21 132 90 20 50 22 67 21 268 90 204 242 105 81 174 134 87 99 172 222 85 121 75 205 22 94 78 151 111 97 50 100 119 ■ 29 90 90 143 98 104 54 148 23 «. 54 144 90 92 59 77 98 24 63 51 117 108 99 36 130 24 32 52 113 32 63 64 77 83 23 59 30 103 82 112 32 130 25 8 21 56 42 12 32 33 38 12 16 8 40 23 69 5 49 26 2 15 20 24 6 9 20 13 5 6 3 7 13 33 1 38 57 362 51 217 231 70 77 154 106 77 60 231 214 60 81 47 150 28 270 166 314 247 209 145 239 233 75 202 195 317 226 243 124 360 29 20 35 75 51 53 46 60 51 11 42 16 51 67 36 35 106 30 2 15 48 37 19 23 23 26 13 12 3 24 27 47 5 49 31 5 29 32 30 9 25 27 26 10 13 5 33 20 53 6 29 32 2 8 22 11 4 10 11 9 5 5 3 11 10 23 1 22 33 1 5 3 6 2 2 2 3 ... 1 2 4 13 1 U 34 7 9 8 1 4 10 2 2 1 ... 1 2 11 9 35 395 67 241 230 90 76 150 lAl 75 86 261 245 84 80 42 131 3e 192 82 224 161 67 101 181 107 60 125 144 252 1A4 155 75 230 37 3 2 5 < •• 4 5 2 .. • 1 2 2 3 2 28 1 1 38 2 1 7 5 ... 3 5 2 1 ... 5 2 17 ... 39 1 4 15 14 7 U 9 1 "i 17 4 29 1 3 40 5 15 11 "i 4 5 2 1 ... 7 5 12 1 10 41 335 179 474 338 229 293 412 208 125 162 274 347 206 357 154 337 42 507 376 819 801 439 542 807 412 236 360 444 620 597 655 366 1,096 43 401 323 915 632 386 687 721 296 235 237 358 861 518 626 235 682 44 648 597 1,391 1,531 605 1,115 1,50; 536 466 5U 590 950 1,300 1,074 566 2,213 45 580 227 566 746 492 379 799 599 264 431 438 597 470 424 287 936 46 723 466 954 1,253 676 549 1,184 743 338 565 609 900 721 742 462 i,4l; 47 6,896 2,097 7,450 6,173 11,968 4,985 20,167 22,482 7,189 17,003 4,429 7,655 13,686 2,554 7,338 36,919 4S 3,083 2,722 5,659 5,009 11,381 3,475 16,395 16,961 5,454 15,420 2,563 4,761 12,332 2,671 7,246 26,990 49 284 154 305 324 388 200 526 514 167 323 254 365 367 185 217 791 50 322 205 463 538 508 214 590 577 185 408 391 416 457 295 292 1,005 51 3,838 1,252 4,914 3,135 6,919 2,837 10,833 13,358 3,250 8,931 2,479 5,108 8,168 1,304 3,850 19,454 52 1,755 1,281 3,217 2,297 6,374 1,609 7,983 10,545 2,371 8,240 1,504 2,472 5,894 1,089 3,659 13,423 53 499 189 491 654 468 358 726 540 258 405 330 484 436 361 266 910 54 583 404 734 983 623 430 1,099 675 312 544 399 732 670 637 423 1,311 55 3,058 845 2,536 2,988 5,049 2,148 9,334 9,124 3,939 8,072 1,950 2,547 5,518 1,250 3,488 17,465 56 1,328 1,441 2,442 2,712 5,007 1,866 8,9I2 6,416 3,083 7,180 1,059 2,289 6,438 1,582 3,587 13,567 57 409 157 372 591 141 247 342 99 98 98 328 415 135 359 99 237 58 92 51 117 96 168 75 198 181 71 98 77 101 140 48 94 265 59 73 19 66 52 174 53 219 277 81 193 30 70 172 15 80 392 60 6 11 7 9 4 40 42 14 42 3 11 23 2 14 92 61 9 3 8 12 4 2 3 6 2 2 5 11 4 4 ... 4 62 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 63 375 54 977 205 36 51 182 205 42 45 329 285 74 287 ... 68 64 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA KA NA NA NA 6S 6 2 8 5 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 5 4 3 ... - 1 66 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA 67 150 15 343 84 8 U 70 11 14 20 50 77 21 126 ... 2 68 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA KA KA NA NA NA 69 7 3 7 12 4 2 3 6 2 2 5 11 3 4 3 70 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA KA KA NA 'ha NA 71 225 39 034 121 28 37 112 194 28 25 279 208 53 161 66 72 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA NA HA NA NA KA "na NA 7.T 7 3 7 12 4 2 2 5 1 2 5 10 3 3 2 74 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na HA 75 21B 32 604 103 26 35 104 119 21 20 260 190 50 129 62 76 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA "na NA 77 4 3 7 8 2 2 2 5 2 2 4 10 2 3 ... 2 78 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA KA NA NA KA NA NA NA 79 7 7 30 18 2 2 3 75 7 5 19 18 3 32 4 80 NA HA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SI 7 2 3 10 4 1 2 4 1 1 3 6 3 1 3 82 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 1 3 1 83 84 515 198 698 660 452 381 714 480 237 259 319 600 395 431 186 871 85 767 620 1,283 1,333 768 662 1,298 780 360 585 425 965 854 922 377 1,613 86 433,558 26,506 231,881 98,537 63,626 22,734 94,874 34,008 16,547 27,190 121,845 272,424 20,178 77,444 97,156 27,335 87 207,213 27,574 97,745 65,800 37,216 24,814 48,542 41,029 17,573 17,735 62,598 123,902 33,902 54,507 54,695 52,078 88 271 156 521 593 373 339 620 408 213 235 257 468 346 383 152 794 89 129 30 137 52 65 37 73 65 20 20 28 72 42 30 23 66 90 13 3 4 2 4 ... ... 2 1 ... 3 3 5 1 7 91 29 5 7 ... 5 1 4 2 ... 7 13 6 2 2 3 92 36 2 5 5 2 3 6 1 2 14 20 1 5 1 1 93 37 2 24 8 3 1 11 2 1 4 10 24 ... 6 7 91 6 3 21 11 36 10 31 29 10 31 9 35 32 26 5 36 95 3 7 51 22 82 24 49 48 25 42 3 33 77 20 12 124 96 19 629 75 24 147 100 80 95 22 116 46 123 70 102 10 101 97 12 724 181 115 244 51 114 170 63 137 7 162 260 56 34 427 m 260 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most data far 1959 are based on teparts — Item The state Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Baldirin Banks Barrow Bartow (For (Jefimtions and explanations see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959 . . . 326,036,139 1,767,433 1,338,726 1,624,552 818,858 2,221,763 2,304,073 3,724,500 3,582,274 0 1954 . . . 139,747,7';i 715,792 456,741 600,311 508,844 512,883 1,664,221 2,553,173 1,270,974 3 Any hvpslock sold alive (cnUle. Iiorsps and mules, hoiis, and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 72,807 874 353 664 404 209 373 346 507 4 1954'.. 33,448 1,032 441 724 483 225 390 411 621 5 value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 120,012,467 1,271,564 615,642 993,069 664,880 1,513,058 136,582 530,095 691,142 6 19.54^.. 63,054,017 620,865 368,269 461,679 477,033 173 , 551 111,824 195,439 330,492 T Poulrry and poullry products . farms reporting 1959. . . 23,038 141 74 134 22 57 263 277 257 R 1954 . . . 36,326 130 129 115 109 44 297 360 373 9 value of sales, dollars 1959... 165,809,824 333,806 621 ,882 566,469 153,910 362,795 2,091,011 2,831,208 2,246,943 10 1954 . . . 95,248,094 30,993 64,016 130,975 31 ,361 47,043 1,535,458 2,064,661 586,633 11 Livestock products other than poultry and poultxv products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 40,213,848 31,445,630 162,063 63,934 101,202 24,456 65,014 7,657 68 400 340,910 292,234 26,480 16,939 363,197 293,023 644,189 353,349 12 LIVESTnC3< SOLD ALIVF, 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959.. . 48,426 497 228 363 188 154 288 301 366 14 1954... 54,209 476 241 356 222 193 310 331 463 15 number 1959. . . 602,266 3,797 2,099 3,039 4,103 6,577 1,404 3,439 4,183 16 1954... 574,016 3,925 2,309 3,083 4,395 3,491 1,397 2,730 4,053 17 dollars 1959... 69,843,681 457,391 195,132 347,995 429,969 1,235,866 113,044 432,955 410,555 18 1954... 31,309,947 166,894 99,643 149,880 323,590 149,035 75,092 135,173 196,033 1!> Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 27,334 344 130- 229 84 88 lU 170 154 20 1954 . . . 35,499 423 196 272 151 151 171 205 277 21 number 1959... 296,137 2,566 1,009 1,372 2,068 4,873 293 1,320 1,331 22 1954... 268,943 2,666 1,563 1,894 2,279 1,314 548 969 1,610 23 dollars 1959 . , . 45,271,676 355,419 108,177 167,250 238,615 1,140,485 33,390 305,535 177,160 24 Farms reporting by number of cattle sold- 1954 . . , 19,235,399 123,336 75,311 104,600 224,320 90,690 33,390 77,158 122,923 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959... 16,366 142 58 145 50 45 95 30 105 26 510 19 . farms reporting 1959. . . 8,125 176 59 67 9 26 17 65 37 27 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 2,503 24 13 16 24 15 1 25 10 28 100 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 340 2 1 1 2 2 29 Calves - . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 ■ ■ ■ 33,261 40,536 251 249 131 161 180 234 145 176 135 155 233 226 181 261 316 348 30 31 number 1959 . . . 306,129 1,231 1,090 1,667 2,035 1,704 1,111 1,519 2,852 32 1954 . . . 305,073 1,259 741 1,194 2,116 1,677 349 1,811 2,443 33 dollars 1959 . . . 24,572,005 101,972 86,955 180,745 191,354 95,381 79,654 127,370 233,395 34 19.54... 12,074,548 43,558 24,332 45,280 98,770 58,345 36,702 53,015 73,110 35 Horses and.'or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,695 16 1 21 7 26 25 10 35 36 1954 .. . 3,677 15 17 8 11 2 32 14 42 37 number 1959... 4,824 20 2 36 10 45 25 10 50 38 1954... 5,782 16 19 17 12 3 42 IS 61 39 dollars 1959... 618,357 1,100 350 7,625 475 3,705 1,750 750 31,925 40 1954... 277,093 625 705 795 372 200 1,576 483 2,378 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 48,278 848 331 597 323 94 151 111 293 42 1954... 56,821 981 406 689 439 77 143 189 309 43 number 1959... 1,700,437 28,037 14,480 21,981 3,084 9,603 2,432 3,150 8,558 44 1954... 1,112,641 16,271 8,647 11,754 5,932 1,298 1,641 2,167 4,977 45 dollars 1959 . . . 49,312,673 813,073 419,920 637,449 234,436 278,487 70,523 91,350 243,132 46 1954... 31,466,977 453,346 267,921 311,004 153,121 24,316 35,156 59,333 132,031 47 Sheep and lamhs sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 549 1 10 10 1 48 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49 number 1959. .. 19,813 20 105 420 40 50 19.54 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 51 dollars 1959... 237,756 240 1,260 5,040 430 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954... M NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 566 4 3 1 1 2 6 7 54 1954 . . . HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 55 number shorn 1959... 23,156 33 70 4 23 25 571 133 56 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5T pounds of wool 1959 .. . 150,298 199 322 32 153 227 3,812 1,215 58 1954 .. . NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 59 Lambs shorn . faniis reporting 1959... number shorn 1959... 56 1,270 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 60 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 4,350 2 20 10 3 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 558 4 3 1 1 2 6 7 63 number shcrn 1959 . . . 21,886 33 69 4 19 25 569 137 64 LITTERS FAHROWED pounds of wool 1959. .. 145,948 199 320 32 133 227 3,802 1,212 65 year to November 30. Census year . farms reporting 1959... 45,742 816 327 618 351 53 122 124 276 66 1954 .. . 54,660 944 379 672 434 91 128 127 267 67 number of litters 1959... 312,477 6,448 2,522 4,553 1,447 620 519 533 1,707 68 Farms reporting Ity number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 19.59- 1954... 252,426 3,925 2,004 2,957 1,973 316 411 515 1,081 69 1 or 2 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 16,509 172 63 125 201 21 72 80 116 70 . farms reporting 1959... . farms reporting 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 19,270 7,044 2,324 424 166 45 172 67 18 345 107 36 112 31 5 19 U 39 7 3 33 6 4 100 42 16 71 10 to 19 litters 72 20 to 39 litters 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 464 7 1 4 2 "i 2 74 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 131 2 1 1 1 1 1 75 June 2 to November 30 . farms reporting 19.59 . . . 38,717 719 292 531 312 45 109 96 247 76 1954 . . . 39,820 732 299 495 310 59 95 39 190 77 number of liliers 1959 . . . 149,143 3,008 1,136 2,046 815 289 317 261 903 78 1954 . . . 115,133 1,798 94^ 1,364 519 161 208 227 553 79 I3«cembcr 1 to .tune 1 . farms repotting 1959 .. . 35,029 711 299 545 210 41 64 76 185 SO 1954 . . . 41,805 791 325 520 413 66 91 100 192 81 number of litters 1959... 163,334 3,440 1,386 2,512 632 331 202 277 804 82 1954... 137,293 2,127 1,062 1,593 1,154 155 203 288 528 NA Not available. '■Does not Include data for sheep and lambs sold alive. GEORGIA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 261 for only « swnp e of faniis. See text] Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Callioun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton 986,312 1,982,682 1,451,021 997,383 915,667 2,388,017 381 ,232 2,903,869 2,588,165 630,861 1,191,843 170,852 1,136,076 5,565,307 2,823,407 171,018 1 377,374 902,885 1,304,909 753,056 215,795 1,541,351 188,858 2,522,079 1,133,460 351,809 730,661 165,075 524,779 2,554,711 2,604,793 144,032 ! 371 972 252 408 424 814 143 1,457 675 228 242 93 489 1,182 365 163 S 380 1,034 328 538 439 1,047 269 1,823 768 315 340 142 608 1,221 334 155 4 404,608 1,481,327 415,900 959,393 462,708 1,946,904 275,960 2,479,774 1,452,360 191,080 885,943 165,755 872,737 1,290,776 266,620 105,195 5 273,241 793,243 249,830 604,897 158,642 1,299,901 152,514 2,237,336 726,248 138,211 610,960 76,338 451,103 433,392 179,003 92,653 a 88 181 85 52 132 155 37 230 142 52 22 13 105 420 200 28 7 147 275 135 128 U6 245 76 614 198 126 53 53 189 656 296 35 8 425,892 460,187 222,179 37,990 349,925 80,157 105,067 218,437 524,119 209,021 305,270 5,097 263,176 3,696,650 2,030,326 65,823 9 50,539 69,938 198,802 65,305 38,697 51,742 18,824 124,911 88,099 59,973 67,176 82,637 45,517 1,845,847 1,819,127 47,429 10 155,812 41,168 812,942 103,034 360,956 205 205,658 611,686 230,760 630 165 577,881 526,461 11 53,594 39,704 856,277 82,854 18,456 189,708 17,520 159,832 319,113 153,625 52,525 6,166 28,159 275,472 606,663 4,666 12 244 437 177 238 229 393 91 735 284 198 108 83 278 987 315 92 13 251 533 269 266 193 501 119 925 367 255 170 105 325 963 319 107 U 1,980 4,090 3,204 2,404 2,493 6,222 1,187 7,086 6,418 1,835 4,668 1,161 2,301 8,725 2,390 791 15 2,590 4,514 3,901 3,593 1,603 7,876 892 8,464 5,623 2,713 5,221 1,424 2,393 5,738 2,761 1,239 16 172,660 399,767 339,710 347,713 222,230 681,760 121,612 853,299 886,160 176,215 634,797 146,259 230,305 947,339 223,265 58,363 17 114,892 213,412 204,010 225,055 60,614 453,346 34,684 414,686 379,573 119,060 395,669 51,821 97,886 278,014 142,016 54,020 18 146 213 110 127 146 207 59 438 179 87 67 66 130 597 195 50 19 187 438 202 152 154 346 89 764 240 147 88 97 251 533 223 99 20 672 1,814 1,839 1,507 981 2,809 707 4,137 4,332 407 2,153 638 567 3,509 1,140 234 21 1,324 2,920 1,894 1,947 758 3,968 512 5,278 3,425 769 2,759 899 1,445 2,145 1,265 301 22 88,413 176,569 301,710 260,253 111,410 410,892 96,637 600,598 723,195 58,500 372,168 94,980 69,865 543,529 149,775 19,652 23 66,460 156,473 134,687 155,240 32,227 265,048 22,002 294,661 278,954 41,813 238,593 38,309 62,190 144,928 104,955 39,215 24 108 U7 46 92 102 124 32 202 48 52 35 44 85 432 120 31 2S 36 63 31 27 37 57 18 201 80 35 16 8 44 133 60 19 26 2 32 27 7 7 18 9 32 41 11 13 1 32 15 27 1 6 1 8 3 10 5 1 28 178 303 84 185 184 276 44 401 151 168 77 35 191 679 190 65 29 191 296 193 a5 144 367 72 475 265 228 134 67 182 772 239 76 30 1,308 2,276 1,365 897 1,512 3,413 480 2,949 2,086 1,428 2,515 523 1,734 5,216 1,250 557 31 1,266 1,594 2,007 1,646 845 3,908 380 3,186 2,198 1,944 2,462 525 948 3,593 1,496 438 32 84,247 223,198 38,000 87,460 110,820 270,868 24,975 252,701 162,965 117,715 262,629 51,279 160,440 403,810 73,490 38,711 33 48,432 56,939 69,323 69,815 28,387 188,298 12,682 120,027 100,624 77,247 157,076 13,512 35,696 133,086 37,061 14,305 34 7 21 5 11 15 27 15 21 20 17 1 10 77 25 5 35 15 27 11 11 10 30 4 48 21 19 5 3 27 122 37 .36 7 23 5 22 15 42 25 21 20 81 7 10 109 25 20 37 37 32 U 18 10 53 6 66 50 29 11 3 33 184 85 38 615 1,375 1,000 940 1,100 5,275 3,725 1,670 1,525 6,425 385 575 10,010 4,235 1,650 39 4,852 990 370 770 381 2,650 256 3,243 2,880 1,137 362 210 934 7,812 5,680 40 329 909 119 375 397 724 109 1,371 576 85 232 28 452 438 90 130 41 316 968 124 500 405 917 238 1,757 654 114 296 72 562 521 106 111 42 7,977 37,165 2,510 21,060 8,242 43,325 5,312 55,930 19,450 460 8,281 659 22,133 11,363 1,030 1,553 43 5,561 19,605 1,885 13,310 4,922 26,243 5,075 57,087 12,314 816 6,686 1,885 13,000 5,655 1,195 1,618 44 231,333 1,077,785 72,790 610,740 239,018 1,256,425 154,048 1,621,970 564,050 13,340 240,149 19,111 641,657 329,527 31,320 45,182 45 153,497 578,841 45,450 379,072 97,647 843,905 117,574 1,819,405 343,790 18,014 214,929 24,307 352,283 147,566 31,307 38,633 46 6 5 1 2 5 6 2 1 10 5 47 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 46 200 20O 30 287 25 65 40 381 325 650 49 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 50 2,400 2,400 360 3,444 300 780 480 4,572 3,900 7,800 51 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 52 2 1 2 5 6 4 3 1 7 5 53 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 54 9 459 20 40 473 55 53 50 21 217 1,129 55 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 56 50 2,230 140 ... 361 2,570 467 300 510 262 1,502 7,980 57 NA NA 1 100 296 NA ."* NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 12 70 NA 1 125 200 NA 5S 59 60 61 2 6 1 2 5 6 4 '3 1 7 5 62 9 359 20 40 473 55 53 50 ... 21 205 1,004 63 50 1,934 140 361 2,570 467 300 510 262 1,432 7,780 64 310 791 99 362 349 712 139 1,273 604 82 260 34 417 353 97 124 65 310 911 123 462 378 875 244 1,672 704 129 335 78 524 336 84 81 66 1,889 6,539 509 3,703 1,535 6,854 1,083 12,390 3,660 193 1,665 127 3,367 1,762 517 509 67 1,361 4,960 410 2,905 1,186 5,789 1,173 12,045 2,986 288 1,371 532 2,654 1,326 327 385 68 97 169 52 77 129 179 41 232 296 68 117 26 103 159 56 44 69 145 385 31 154 194 303 66 564 200 11 84 7 191 141 26 70 70 59 173 12 72 22 144 22 334 73 3 42 96 44 10 10 71 7 55 3 49 4 73 6 117 26 15 20 7 4 72 2 8 1 9 9 4 22 7 1 1 6 2 73 1 1 4 4 2 1 1 1 74 263 671 84 333 302 601 123 1,172 495 65 219 26 337 291 82 100 75 209 661 88 335 310 633 177 1,353 392 89 262 64 378 273 63 67 76 865 2,886 268 1,808 683 3,178 517 5,924 1,753 98 867 81 1,544 893 252 216 77 598 2,195 203 1,162 641 2,495 557 5,360 1,255 119 724 202 1,237 660 149 170 78 269 706 61 299 294 595 107 1,118 404 40 175 21 347 251 51 112 79 263 788 63 400 276 723 176 1,472 522 72 222 37 429 261 57 68 60 1,024 3,653 241 1,895 852 3,676 566 6,466 1,907 95 798 46 1,823 869 265 293 91 763 2,765 207 1,743 545 3,294 616 6,685 1,731 169 647 330 1,417 666 178 215 82 262 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Mo9t data for 1959 are based on reporta Item Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb (For definitions and explanations see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestocl< products including dairy products: dollars 1959 . . . l,3i0,196 1,2&4,275 72,842 31,077 2,895,665 738,851 10,412,551 8,225,813 1,739,540 1,358,376 780,370 323,990 582,429 654,635 173,757 124,131 2,721,948 2,910,891 2 1954 . . . 3 Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and mules, holts, and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 . . . 194 41 479 558 151 312 182 96 592 4 1954... 174 29 497 560 196 312 267 170 714 5 value of snies, dollars 1959... 398,212 62,711 585,983 424,853 311,613 408,490 220,420 95,634 579,897 6 1954... 214,047 30,837 207,142 220,144 215,387 286,259 163,216 99,041 362,436 7 Poultry and potiltry products . farms reporting 1959. . . 56 11 253 855 46 41 49 30 256 ft 1954 .. . 113 1 299 969 96 54 148 55 560 9 value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 184,033 10,087 1,800,614 9,653,957 1,182,265 246,871 230,354 78,123 1,983,606 10 1954 .. . 310,524 25 429,090 7,769,965 939,665 18,827 229,227 20,636 2,099,867 11 LivestocI* products other than poultry and poulliv products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 757,951 739,704 44 215 509,068 102,619 333,741 235,704 245,662 203,324 125,009 18,904 131,655 262, 242 4,454 158,445 443,538 12 LIV-ESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 CnUle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 123 25 379 473 121 222 137 55 442 U 1954... 87 18 404 414 153 172 211 31 535 15 number 1959... 2,038 306 3,376 2,933 1,999 2,578 1,586 364 3,816 16 1954... 3,774 417 2,749 2,938 2,874 2,395 2,622 1,661 3,320 n dollars 1959... 226,151 48,247 330, 119 278,463 233,185 231,193 180,800 29,137 484,360 18 1954... 156,099 20,673 121,005 140,580 130,747 132,491 132,373 50,310 138,650 m Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 107 24 213- 138 31 61 122 40 257 20 1954 . . . 71 14 219 249 119 84 168 66 358 51 number 1959... 1,180 176 1,037 1,023 1,018 392 1,066 237 2,046 1954... 1,540 293 818 898 1,864 364 1,324 863 1,725 23 dollars 1959 .. . 186,230 X,918 145,370 140,293 155,345 44,728 148,250 21,397 293,155 24 Farms reporting by number of caUle sold- 1954... 124,861 17,622 43,670 64,532 150,234 25,669 86,303 27,572 135,991 25 1 lo4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 76 21 155 145 40 49 76 25 135 26 5iol9 . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 19.59 . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 11 18 2 1 2 51 6 1 20 23 22 19 8 3 1 35 10 1 13 2 95 27 27 20 to 9!) 28 100 or more 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 ■■ ■ 72 58 20 13 294 343 370 339 86 126 212 159 80 162 19 41 267 379 30 31 number 1959 . . . 858 130 2,339 1,910 981 2,186 520 127 1,770 32 1954... 2,234 124 1,931 2,090 1,010 2,031 1,298 798 1,595 33 dollars 1959 .. . 39,921 13,329 184,749 138,170 77,840 186,464 32,550 7,740 191,205 34 19.54 . . . 31,238 3,051 77,335 76,048 30,463 106,822 46,070 22,738 52,659 35 [torses and/or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 15 6 32 5 5 12 5 42 36 1954 . . . 43 43 6 10 24 7 57 37 number 1959... 15 7 47 5 10 16 20 119 38 1954 .. . 67 136 8 15 63 "s 78 39 dollars 1959... 1,425 685 5,594 500 650 765 2,500 7,909 40 1954 .. . 2,748 5,715 365 669 8,260 207 2,912 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive - ■ . .farms reporting 1959. . . 103 21 262 185 53 255 66 89 197 42 1954 .. . 121 19 256 265 73 275 87 154 253 43 number 1959... 5,884 471 8,630 5,010 2,682 6,077 1,230 2,293 2,972 44 1954 . . . 2,138 395 3,109 3,700 1,201 5,409 1,335 2,745 5,606 45 dollars 1959 .. . 170,636 13,659 250,270 145,290 77,778 176,233 37,120 66,497 86,188 46 1954... 57,948 10,164 83,389 73,849 34,275 153,099 22,583 4a, 524 170,924 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms reporting 1959. .. 1 5 5 10 48 1954 .. . m MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49 number 1959 .. . 10 50 25 120 50 19.54 . . . HA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA 51 dollars 1959... 120 600 300 1,440 52 SHEEP SHORN AND TOOL 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 53 Stieep and/or lambs shorn . farms re[Xirting 1959. . . 3 1 1 5 3 1 2 6 54 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 55 number shorn 1959... 43 10 14 84 38 4 25 108 56 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA 57 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 343 100 75 571 243 20 250 601 5B 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 Lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . number shorn 1959... 1 4 2 18 60 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 20 40 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . "3 1 1 5 "3 "i 2 5 63 number shan 1959... 43 10 10 84 38 4 25 90 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959... 343 100 55 571 243 20 250 561 65 66 67 year to November 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 90 143 18 25 241 227 207 193 53 68 231 307 55 90 68 150 112 213 number of litters 1959.. . 657 56 1,064 953 252 1,197 210 366 594 68 Farms reporting hy number of 1 itters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1954... 580 73 769 834 261 1,230 323 614 1,193 69 1 or 2 liUers . farms reporting 1959 . . . 50 11 118 120 36 104 33 29 59 70 3 to 9 liUers . farms reporting 1959. . . 29 6 99 70 12 94 17 31 38 71 10 to 10 liUers . farms reporting 1959 .. . 6 1 18 10 1 22 4 5 9 72 20 to 39 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 6 2 2 11 1 3 5 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 5 2 1 74 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959. . . 1 75 June 2 to November 30 . farms reporting 19.59 . . . 69 14 203 177 43 197 48 59 95 76 1954 . . . 124 15 161 138 47 229 57 120 151 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 308 25 604 509 131 60O 130 170 283 78 1954 . . . 335 24 343 410 129 566 163 288 435 79 December 1 lo -iune 1 . farms reptxting 1959. . . 57 9 157 118 29 171 31 49 82 80 1954... 66 18 165 142 42 242 61 110 147 81 number oflitters 1959... 349 31 460 444 121 597 80 196 311 82 1954... 245 49 426 424 132 664 160 326 708 NA Not available. GEORGIA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued for only a sunple or farms. See text] 263 Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalt Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early 5,178,330 2,766,761 1,120,529 1,481,143 1,271,260 329,018 1,509,809 306,723 2,428,076 1,800,739 1,339,935 2,225,005 1,295,346 3,327,743 2,093,611 1,721,615 1 1,313,145 2,099,324 809,905 723,164 375,593 317,328 768,736 225,082 2,212,649 1,235,023 1,642,561 1,024,424 365,382 1,015,160 603,335 1,557,323 i 1,339 1,507 302 646 507 244 359 219 145 845 237 937 545 252 331 774 3 1,404 1,684 329 716 598 237 496 263 235 897 312 1,073 713 230 349 1,100 4 2,118,331 2,400,974 338,000 1,022,253 735,803 231,630 1,232,178 257,725 85,345 1,261,047 307,955 1,315,462 1,106,539 2,982,136 168,801 1,625,324 5 997,887 1,613,930 172,393 560,944 423,650 154,532 581,910 137,629 47,512 367, 146 436,513 682,793 572,635 325,246 113,197 1,370,750 6 252 173 74 U7 113 53 93 90 203 164 91 139 35 55 137 107 7 289 531 165 172 247 104 157 187 346 163 206 343 219 65 221 201 8 2,715,440 250,007 386, 109 396,702 171,635 43,483 228,093 47,048 2,339,384 365,653 719,782 733,225 136,935 179,542 1,769,726 95,331 g 156,896 153,509 211,455 130,225 197,512 69,521 111,164 55,734 2,163,637 173,301 466,823 234,243 210,021 107,987 364,106 171,680 10 344,559 115,730 396,420 62,183 363,822 53,900 49,538 1,950 2,847 174,039 312,198 176,318 51,872 166,065 155,084 910 11 153,362 331,835 426,057 31,995 254,431 93,275 75,662 31,719 1,500 194,576 739,225 107,383 82,726 31,927 126,032 14,893 12 326 951 222 339 407 172 242 149 100 435 207 587 323 191 241 460 13 767 1,059 260 358 475 182 303 226 182 462 250 670 414 162 269 516 14 7,692 3,600 3,180 2,900 5,131 1,774 5,461 1,551 440 5,1U 2,110 5,072 4,869 17,499 1,205 8,027 15 6,498 11,227 2,978 2,733 5,846 1,992 5,043 1,877 656 5,743 4,731 5,543 3,395 8,457 1,616 3,018 16 655,859 908,157 288,732 354,405 601,579 164,304 759,504 167,298 56,740 520,939 213,725 463,796 561,799 2,754,977 120,840 981,384 17 273,981 594,004 143,946 113,327 336,813 106,734 293,563 90,271 29,845 295,236 322,398 257,093 207,052 710,243 84,373 643,335 18 465 490 129 213 255 83 125 68 50 303 107 234 183 130 109 219 19 554 751 160 265 303 139 204 137 113 341 201 482 255 107 152 285 SO 2,948 3,761 1,012 1,661 2,256 508 3,521 817 225 2,520 800 1,531 2,027 13,383 366 3,203 21 2,977 5,347 1,013 1,351 2,787 1,036 2,182 926 364 2,339 2,849 3,105 1,395 5,022 677 3,940 22 287,493 449,350 159,206 252,285 347,773 70,760 552,804 101,803 38,675 312,980 138,220 192,926 303,037 2,313,570 56,725 435,793 23 154,751 369,149 66,211 65,909 208,710 65,684 150,358 52,057 20,302 174,978 269,544 181,487 98,567 489,828 56,008 404,144 24 262 285 30 110 138 52 47 47 35 175 60 162 102 40 90 162 25 173 164 35 78 95 30 40 5 15 98 40 54 64 38 16 43 26 30 41 14 25 20 2 6 32 6 16 27 3 6 1 18 12 5 38 14 3 10 4 27 28 523 705 178 193 232 116 160 126 70 252 151 430 247 134 185 372 29 553 806 211 252 390 131 200 185 132 367 177 451 294 131 219 436 30 4,744 4,839 2,168 1,239 2,875 1,266 1,940 734 215 2,591 1,310 3,491 2,842 4,116 839 4,824 31 3,521 5,880 1,965 1,337 3,059 956 2,361 951 292 2,904 1,882 2,438 2,000 3,435 939 4,078 32 368,366 458,807 129,526 102,120 253,801 93,544 206,700 65,495 18,065 207,959 75,505 270,870 253,762 441,407 64,115 495,591 33 119,230 224,855 77,735 47,418 123,103 41,050 143,205 33,214 9,543 120,308 53,354 75,611 108,485 220,415 28,365 239,191 34 30 45 6 20 37 12 12 11 5 6 10 20 17 17 56 13 35 13 80 10 23 33 9 13 29 19 41 16 38 41 2 39 26 36 35 55 6 25 48 14 312 24 5 10 10 25 41 45 56 39 37 15 107 13 27 59 12 194 53 20 69 32 65 65 3 46 62 38 1,575 4,525 345 2,100 5,415 1,090 101,120 4,875 500 625 1,625 1,995 2,575 6,200 6,230 9,130 39 639 3,992 550 751 2,053 451 20,560 3,879 906 2,518 2,785 3,132 2,962 165 2,239 2,302 40 1,269 1,322 121 563 189 126 257 107 65 744 56 359 476 166 86 679 41 1,332 1,433 125 646 252 111 379 93 106 811 90 929 596 147 131 1,034 42 50,185 51,308 1,687 22,812 4,181 2,284 12,746 2,852 945 25,475 3,125 29,299 18,625 7,575 1,439 21,890 43 25,542 32,591 1,032 14,432 3,349 1,654 9,135 1,285 1,135 18,628 3,054 17,992 12,367 3,667 1,373 23,547 44 1,455,365 1,487,932 48,923 661,548 121,249 66,236 369,634 82,708 27,405 738,775 90,625 849,671 540,125 219,675 41,731 634,810 45 723,267 1,015,984 27,897 446,866 84,734 47,347 267,787 43,479 ■ 16,761 569,342 110,830 422,568 362,621 114,838 26,535 725,113 46 16 5 10 10 11 6 5 3 10 10 6 47 NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 48 461 30 350 630 160 237 100 59 165 170 107 49 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 50 5,532 360 4,200 7,560 1,920 2,844 1,200 708 1,980 2,040 1,284 51 NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 52 7 7 3 7 9 8 7 9 7 1 3 4 5 1 53 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 54 217 271 111 301 258 628 93 140 170 8 123 41 76 180 55 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 56 973 1,967 507 1,513 1,109 3,012 788 920 1,633 30 1,005 273 437 830 57 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 58 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 59 20 11 8 27 131 13 1 65 60 40 30 20 70 320 112 5 130 61 7 7 ' 3 7 8 7 7 "9 7 1 3 4 5 1 62 197 260 111 293 231 497 93 140 157 8 127 41 76 115 63 933 1,937 507 1,493 1,039 2,692 738 920 1,521 30 1,000 273 487 700 64 1,144 1,207 102 527 174 134 297 118 64 719 44 740 422 143 83 799 65 1,264 1,299 139 594 264 152 353 95 79 814 94 939 603 174 93 1,029 66 9,869 9,478 332 4,140 302 429 2,345 432 357 5,937 465 4,949 3,336 929 347 5,890 67 6,114 6,871 304 3,202 300 423 1,961 312 291 4,524 687 4,015 2,300 754 364 5,843 68 222 257 70 91 101 94 86 75 32 203 23 224 99 71 48 264 69 555 598 26 284 55 30 135 35 22 304 13 366 202 44 30 330 70 271 273 4 124 12 6 51 6 6 148 5 107 84 14 3 141 71 83 71 1 20 3 4 IS 1 3 48 1 34 31 11 1 52 72 11 6 1 7 2 5 1 1 12 1 3 5 3 1 12 73 2 2 1 1 2 ... 4 1 1 1 74 985 1,055 39 463 143 94 268 98 51 624 40 610 386 120 69 657 75 965 964 95 451 198 94 249 67 59 649 66 618 409 132 62 798 76 4,271 4,460 134 1,321 396 203 1,073 240 166 2,792 226 2,414 1,728 445 180 2,782 77 2,807 3,052 170 1,509 415 196 861 143 118 2,183 301 1,634 1,105 380 187 2,564 78 1,039 1,019 48 474 112 79 247 68 50 577 29 596 341 87 44 653 79 1,044 1,091 72 498 153 96 273 64 59 633 72 767 490 125 64 878 80 5,598 5,018 143 2,319 406 221 1,272 192 191 3,145 239 2,535 1,653 484 167 3,108 81 3,307 3,819 134 1,693 335 227 1,100 169 173 2,341 386 2,381 1,695 374 177 3,279 82 264 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most dau for 1959 are based on reports Item Echols Effinghan Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth (For ilefimtions and expUnations. see texl) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products Including dairy products: dollars 1959 . . . 152,947 1,156,602 2,354,761 1,772,328 974,049 1,121,055 826,603 3,561,977 10,213,845 2 1954 . . . 110,160 566,242 745,174 893,047 495,115 436,794 536,276 1,708,990 8,505,976 3 Any livesloci. sold alive (cattle, liorees and mules, hoys, and Kheep) farms reporting 1959 . . . 131 488 513 823 350 507 285 681 664 •1 1954 .. . 178 552 581 1,045 451 318 280 578 794 5 value of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 140,007 753,556 421,733 1,153,049 657,235 191,475 485,599 1,381,140 465,455 6 1954... 96,894 405,620 180,520 705,620 429,113 81,090 166,965 410,907 195,073 7 Poultxv' and poullr.v products famis reporlin" 1959. . . 33 200 219 154 99 213 31 190 825 A 1954 .. . 28 256 386 258 168 304 162 413 1,164 9 value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 12,907 211,613 1,654,905 521,667 190,764 327,483 337,094 1,347,451 9,692,175 10 1954 .. . 4,074 126,761 370,518 90,942 20,280 227,943 327,724 671,462 8,181,101 11 Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 33 191,433 278,123 97,612 126,050 102,092 3,910 833,386 56,215 1? 1954... LIVESTOa< SOLD ALIVE 9,192 33,861 194,136 96,485 45,717 127,761 41,587 626,621 129,797 13 CaUle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting 1959 .. . 76 285 433 475 185 412 235 491 469 14 1954... 95 287 516 613 252 254 227 463 543 15 number 1959... 304 2,718 3,914 4,236 2,474 1,435 3,175 8,011 2,467 16 1954. .. 7B1 2,060 3,190 6,717 2,460 1,307 2,461 5,290 2,139 17 dollars 1959... 30,970 288,350 372,889 399,562 369,160 130,610 434,894 833,873 265,630 18 1954... 27,372 37,563 163,322 329,902 146,365 57,432 128,908 262,849 101,185 19 Cattle, not counting calves farms repcrting 1959 .. . 50 228 240 216 90 181 no 237 21fl 20 1954... 73 241 297 478 205 143 118 297 290 21 number 1959 .. . 144 1,579 1,404 1,942 1,869 515 1,443 1,982 889 22 1954... 421 1,191 1,141 4,717 1,656 558 592 1,935 923 23 dollars 1959 . . . 16,665 214,334 203,060 219,944 311,230 76,270 243,151 270,745 131,905 54 1954... Farms reporting by number of cattle sold— 15,701 60,827 78,169 262,289 109,221 40,958 39,782 144,270 67,275 25 lto4 farms reporting 1959 . . . 43 7 114 97 141 86 120 63 45 22 155 21 66 37 145 73 170 37 26 5 to 19 farms reporting 1959 . . . 27 20 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . . . 17 13 33 16 5 1 13 11 28 100 or more farms reporting 1959 .. . • . > 7 6 6 29 Calves farms reporting 1959 . . . 34 113 316 343 111 326 173 421 358 30 1954- ■- 66 185 417 320 105 197 179 375 408 31 number 1959 . . . 160 1,139 2,510 2,294 605 920 1,732 6,029 1,578 32 1951 . . . 360 869 2,049 2,000 804 749 1,869 3,355 1,216 S3 dollars 1959... 14,305 74,016 169,829 179,618 57,930 54,340 186,743 563,128 133,725 34 11,671 26,736 85,153 67,613 37,144 16,524 89,126 118,579 33,910 35 Horses and, or mules sold alive. farms reporting 1959 .. . 5 15 20 22 5 15 7 25 46 36 1954 .. . 3 17 34 22 10 25 13 42 73 37 number 1959... 5 15 20 22 5 15 8 35 126 38 1954 . . . 9 19 39 26 15 34 20 60 37 39 dollars 1959... 150 800 2,250 2,160 395 1,125 5,320 3,675 29,425 40 1954 . . . 369 371 1,147 891 870 1,451 1,502 2,430 3,995 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1959 .. . 116 442 108 733 333 195 93 373 3U 42 1954... 160 515 134 911 418 109 104 231 429 43 number 1959... 3,751 16,014 1,536 25,763 9,920 2,060 1,565 1«,380 5,700 44 1954 .. . 3,363 11,604 926 15,767 10,386 1,278 1,367 5,033 3,832 45 dollars 1959... 108,779 464,406 45,994 747,127 287,680 59,740 45,385 533,020 165,300 46 1954... 69,153 317,136 16,051 374,827 281,883 22,157 36,555 145,623 89,893 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting 1959. .. 1 5 4 14 U 48 1954 . . . m 'na NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA 49 number 1959. .. 9 50 350 381 425 50 1954... NA 'na NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA 51 dollars 1959... 108 600 4,200 10,572 5,100 52 1954 . . . SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hk 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn farms reporting 1959. . . 1 1 3 9 2 15 8 54 1951... KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 55 number shorn 1959. .. 14 7 93 565 279 427 308 56 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA 'na NA 'm NA NA 57 pounds of wool 1959... 75 40 534 3,629 1,005 2,296 2,421 58 1954 .. . NA NA NA NA 'na NA m NA NA 59 Lambs shorn farms repoctinc 1959 .. . 1 1 60 number shorn 1950... 45 ... 14 61 pounds of wool 1059 .. . 200 ... 38 ... 62 Other sheep shorn farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 ' 3 9 2 15 S 63 number shwn 19,59 . . . 14 93 520 279 403 308 64 pounds of wool 1959... LITTERS FARROWED 75 40 534 3,429 1,005 2,253 2,421 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous 109 427 no 749 275 160 109 253 187 66 1954 ,, . 151 543 109 1,003 339 112 94 194 238 67 334 2,888 543 5,327 2,043 524 532 1,892 663 68 1954 . . . December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 780 2,497 325 4,270 2,146 384 352 1,283 863 60 26 137 59 225 59 96 61 112 113 70 3 to 9 litters farms reporting 1950 . . . 55 205 39 334 151 52 37 88 63 71 10 to 19 litters farms reporting 1959 .. . 23 63 7 145 49 10 5 26 8 72 20 to .19 litters farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 15 3 41 13 2 5 21 4 73 40 to 69 litters farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 5 1 3 3 1 4 ... 74 70 or more liuers farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 1 1 2 75 June 2 to November 30 farms reporting 1959 .. . 89 347 93 614 248 131 96 227 155 76 1954 . . . 106 460 81 744 236 79 68 133 156 77 number of litters 1059 .. . 349 1,244 302 2,423 982 304 298 958 394 78 1954 . . . 365 1,344 154 2,024 948 164 176 552 380 79 December 1 to .lune 1 farms reporting 1959 .. . 97 342 63 617 231 83 57 161 U4 80 1954 .. . 128 363 65 823 326 71 75 144 170 81 number of liU«rs 1959... 485 1,644 241 2,904 1,061 220 234 934 269 82 1954 . . . 415 1,153 171 2,246 1,198 220 176 731 483 NA Not available. GEORGIA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued for only ft eunple of fanns. See textj 265 Franklin Fulton Gilmer Glascock Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall 6,';59,095 3,453,603 721 567,795 190,004 478 551 5,611,046 3,012,189 280,254 251,415 631 707 4,462 3,395 443,705 146,659 353 390 2,033 1,047 287,700 75,132 230 92 31 449 590 2,429 2,348 156,005 71,527 25 92 30 126 3,275 4,182 228 264 4,135 2,454 U9,915 39,163 NA 75 KA. 900 NA 3 NA 37 NA 270 NA 1 3 12 2 34 258 4,419,395 3,485,456 731 331 697,773 438,932 354 693 3,186,374 2,509,859 535,248 536,665 581 599 5,664 5,264 541,134 313,229 332 389 2,028 2,460 269,709 212,313 224 86 21 1 387 449 3,636 2,804 271,425 100,916 56 80 173 99 21,800 7,535 253 377 4,451 4,734 129,079 lis, 168 11 NA 4S0 NA 5,760 HA 11 NA 431 KA 2,838 NA 2 35 119 11 396 2,719 197 168 226 265 676 933 591 1,014 127 87 56 62 9 9 4 7 1 2 1 162 144 160 191 392 511 278 485 103 106 153 190 284 422 313 529 2,534,325 1,153,007 367 3Q2 196,363 100,796 322 495 2,210,835 1,003,381 127,077 48,830 312 230 1,350 1,194 101,295 60,985 no 115 253 448 32,965 34,448 101 255 187 1,092 746 68,330 26,537 15 26 15 29 925 1,023 158 137 3,243 1,491 94,047 38,788 1 NA 8 NA 96 NA NA 37 NA 630 NA 6 87 630 132 109 548 370 108 90 264 177 88 70 284 193 161,493 113,475 154 219 153,370 98,455 34 129 8,023 9,584 100 5,435 236 286 772 24,233 37,926 32 93 93 506 9,313 30,083 26 66 102 193 266 14,915 7,843 14 570 137 180 4,453 2,601 129,137 59, %0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 146 180 875 595 138 104 448 247 102 149 427 348 606,202 463,907 115 116 97,724 33,452 50 65 162,248 205,056 346,230 175,399 49 70 802 1,279 76,479 46,164 38 57 617 955 71,694 40,846 11 18 8 1 24 47 185 324 4,785 5,318 11 1 11 2 800 125 74 75 705 1,829 20,445 37,163 4,321,701 1,673,475 621 609 605,157 240,388 316 302 3,710,186 1,197,438 6,358 235,649 476 473 3,292 2,957 335,225 157,081 270 290 1,896 1,233 286,710 97,639 200 50 18 2 296 367 1,396 1,724 98,515 59,442 25 50 30 81 2,200 2,773 292 241 7,508 3,424 217,732 80,534 6 NA 152 NA 326 NA 6 152 826 3,269,537 1,872,023 1,022 1,152 2,452,392 1,256,582 215 535 747,851 542,481 68,794 72,965 543 562 9,012 5,045 1,301,405 341,155 321 423 6,386 3,098 1,061,595 245,205 160 92 58 11 329 361 2,626 1,947 239,810 95,950 36 52 51 74 4,145 2,686 896 1,069 39,506 27,611 1,145,674 912,741 12 NA 139 NA 1,668 NA 6 NA 197 NA 1,065 NA 1 30 150 5 167 915 74 232 863 83 199 1,033 231 1,305 6,667 405 863 5,741 29 100 198 41 97 447 3 24 155 8 49 1 3 13 1 61 198 745 49 146 762 132 644 3,134 143 368 2,537 55 160 704 55 136 370 149 S61 3,533 262 495 3,154 1,557,113 1,006,755 369 464 468,318 158,844 33 135 457,499 199, 786 631,296 648,125 314 403 4,413 4,213 415,997 137,832 170 215 1,424 993 221,101 54,413 104 53 2 6 276 352 2,939 3,220 194,8% 33,419 27 22 29 29 3,670 1,126 90 117 1,659 936 48,111 19,886 2 KA 45 NA 540 NA NA 165 NA 1,059 NA 2 63 320 5 102 739 5,087,792 3,713,870 880 784 484,293 232,799 492 691 4,447,930 3,152,561 155,564 278,510 624 577 3,935 3,754 363,778 201,959 393 403 1,837 1,748 230,828 134,314 295 35 13 389 417 2,093 2,006 132,950 67,645 30 33 125 101 11,725 3,749 346 305 3,735 3,732 108,315 77,091 5 NA 40 NA 480 NA 10 NA 350 NA 1,986 NA 1 30 30 10 320 1,906 100 281 128 269 244 1,073 272 1,041 77 166 19 87 3 23 1 5 39 238 81 212 159 611 122 506 33 153 78 172 85 462 150 535 5,636,502 2,336,839 469 479 230,490 154,379 334 350 5,272,882 2,100,959 133,130 31,001 359 360 1,730 1,869 158,425 102,911 158 217 580 791 78,635 67,035 135 21 1 1 253 272 1,150 1,078 79,790 35,876 30 27 35 33 4,600 1,295 191 235 2,285 2,489 66,265 50,673 NA 100 NA 1,200 NA 11 NA 192 NA 1,250 NA 2 10 35 11 182 1,215 160 175 751 603 12,940,405 9,939,975 764 831 355,643 221,633 898 1,183 12.151,030 9,284,873 433,732 433,464 609 662 4,015 3,364 287,763 152,695 244 367 1,030 1,642 122,415 96,108 195 37 12 513 488 2,985 2,222 165,353 56,537 20 69 30 94 2,750 4,930 261 333 2,225 3,318 64,525 64,013 10 NA 50 KA 600 NA 5 NA 142 NA 1,333 NA 1 1 141 136 435 285 97 114 316 323 141 1,329 186 237 671 747 108 64 9 5 166 170 376 346 108 144 295 401 763,947 444,704 347 458 421,525 180,070 68 141 123,422 56,101 219,000 203,533 235 340 2,704 3,352 316,361 149,807 151 182 1,172 921 214,923 60,359 72 66 12 1 144 299 1,532 2,431 101,938 89,443 17 10 25 18 7,050 1,022 179 233 3,366 1,937 97,614 29,241 230 267 625 612 184 32 11 2 1 155 176 298 231 136 157 327 331 1,870,603 610, 593 372 413 244,805 147,370 151 305 1,264,791 320,345 361,007 142,373 242 307 1,494 1,922 140,560 101,473 131 182 805 395 103,555 64,511 70 50 11 isi 243 689 1,027 32,005 36,962 35 55 40 62 4,775 1,963 195 143 3,430 1,767 99,470 44,434 2 NA 41 NA 220 NA 41 220 114 101 337 426 97 65 191 202 60 66 146 224 1,375,555 730,806 377 411 448,338 264,333 97 153 654,294 170,066 272,373 296,407 322 347 3,726 4,654 389,523 239,394 170 208 1,217 1,829 177,939 122,469 117 33 13 2 239 292 2,509 2,825 211,589 116,925 5 7 5 11 300 435 120 127 1,800 1,144 52,200 24, 504 NA 530 KA 6,360 KA NA 340 NA 340 1,800 113 130 386 316 94 84 207 163 55 71 179 153 3,001, 1,419, 363 140 2,089,i 947,' 543,071 331, 517 417 550 2,793 2,870 227,220 107,849 231 268 1,010 932 139,045 53,369 180 296 457 1,738 1,938 38,175 48,930 40 56 50 70 3,925 2,277 245 196 4,655 1,652 134,995 30,522 10 KA 230 HA 2,760 NA 1,947 NA 2 33 96 10 232 1,351 206 136 973 475 112 72 12 6 176 126 508 217 114 100 470 258 1,239,726 534,851 328 421 210,700 114,094 80 191 637,543 307,841 391,483 112,916 263 351 1,880 1,981 153,077 87,547 161 179 321 599 81,537 38,559 116 37 7 1 149 298 1,059 1,382 71,540 43,938 16 35 16 49 1,310 2,214 119 167 1,857 1,157 53,853 24,333 NA 205 NA 2,460 NA 4 NA 116 NA 575 'na 1 2 2 4 114 573 126 290 342 156 179 38 91 134 163 266 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Moat data for 1959 ore based on refnrts — Item Henry Houston Iniln Jackson Jasper Jerr Davis Jefferson JenkinB Johnson (For definitions and explanations see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products | including dairy products: dollars 1959 .. . 1,347,365 1,868,628 2,192,911 6,291,346 1,699,401 865,272 1,845,947 2,122,604 1,041,842 2 1954... 939,943 797,388 745,907 3,720,755 976,891 409,278 675,123 1,284,016 692,138 3 Any livestock sold alive (caUle, horses and mules, hoc?, and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 479 315 752 443 229 512 552 369 431 4 1954... 449 315 850 669 275 665 627 460 510 5 value of sales, dollars 1959... 471,665 919,031 1,435,495 402,126 363,309 711,215 1,274,992 613,425 733,887 6 1954... 235,438 499,338 656,860 221,993 243,158 346,749 545,035 433,540 539,789 7 Poultry and poultry products . fanns re[TOrtinc! 1959. . . 126 45 121 423 85 101 149 43 62 H 1954... 195 80 135 476 78 252 243 172 119 9 value of sales, dollars 1959... | 309,705 175,817 500,663 5,762,669 318,069 153,851 301,624 406,220 306,715 10 1954... 256,834 92,736 48,123 3,345,752 130,915 49,796 59,006 111,311 111,412 11 Livestock products other than poultry and poultr>' products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 565,995 447,671 773,780 205,314 256,753 40,924 127,051 153,010 1,018,023 602,818 206 12,733 269,331 71,082 1,102,959 689,165 1,240 40,937 12 LIXXSTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 . . . 408 157 473 363 219 286 339 192 213 14 1954 .. . 328 132 433 556 236 325 382 286 298 15 number 1959... 4,133 5,177 4,399 3,142 4,007 2,061 6,449 3,070 2,672 16 1954... 3,909 3,962 4,193 3,325 4,649 2,136 4,296 4,934 3,475 17 dollars 1959... 420,617 625,497 460,880 316,803 319,378 231,973 739,023 309,094 355,995 18 1954 . . , 192,094 313,180 175,813 162,856 227,009 101,276 309,509 295,439 248,342 13 Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959. . . 226 89 256 235 134 214 219 175 130 20 1954... 224 152 307 335 158 239 229 236 183 21 number 1959 .. . 1,569 2,592 1,846 989 1,144 1,591 3,993 1,375 2,139 22 1954... 1,741 2,520 1,852 1,414 1,859 1,194 3,067 2,473 2,135 28 dollars 1959 . . . 227,592 411,089 220, 370 149,290 153,895 187,623 533,449 291,119 315,945 24 Farms reporting by number of cattle sold- 1954 .. . 121,357 219,915 95,480 97,025 131,132 63,509 255,991 243,705 193,029 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 110 22 156 194 70 105 39 91 81 26 5 to 19 . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 104 11 30 29 79 21 32 9 53 11 90 19 70 52 61 21 79 14 27 20 to 99 28 100 or more . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 8 8 2 6 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 ■ ■ ■ 315 259 119 120 366 317 272 418 187 193 105 222 236 242 61 136 55 218 30 31 number 1959 .. . 2,564 2,585 3,053 2,153 2,863 470 2,456 1,195 533 32 1954 . . . 2,168 1,442 2,346 1,911 2,790 992 1,229 2,511 1,340 S3 dollars 1959 .. . 193,025 214,408 240,510 167,513 165,483 44,350 205,574 17,975 40,050 34 1954 . . . 70,737 93,265 80,333 65,831 95,877 37,767 53,518 51,784 55,813 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 37 8 20 26 7 12 28 5 5 36 1954 .. . 31 12 14 35 14 23 19 4 8 37 number 1959... 60 13 30 37 30 19 33 5 50 38 1954 . . . 44 26 29 45 26 31 X 7 20 39 dollars 1959... 4,675 1,765 2,100 3,050 21,456 1,435 1,180 250 7,500 40 1954... 1,957 996 882 1,679 1,649 1,347 1,325 575 475 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 99 225 662 162 63 473 437 301 391 42 1954 .. . 170 236 797 251 101 619 519 355 427 43 number 1959... 1,597 10,061 33,535 2,337 775 16,433 18,441 10,469 12,648 44 1954... 1,838 5,904 17,218 2,720 927 9,083 9,006 7,040 9,432 45 dollars 1959... 46,313 291,769 972,515 82,273 22,475 476,557 534,789 303,601 366,792 46 1954... 41,387 185,162 480,165 57,458 14,500 244,126 234,201 187,476 290,472 47 . farms reporting 1959. - . 5 5 1 1 48 1954 . . . M NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 49 number 1959... 5 100 40 300 SO 1954 . . . MA NA 'ma NA NA NA NA NA NA 51 dollars 1959... 60 1,200 480 3,600 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 .. . NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA 53 54 55 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 3 NA 1 NA 4 NA 7 NA 1 NA 3 NA 3 NA 2 NA 1 NA number shorn 1959... 159 80 87 418 24 74 214 220 200 56 57 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA pounds of wool 1959.. . 1,069 400 575 2,274 192 468 1,811 1,300 1,000 58 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 Lambs shorn ...■>■■ .••■•....-. ...••.•i»-.- . farms repcrting 1959. . . number shorn 1959... 1 3 2 17 2 106 ... 1 2 ... ... 60 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 9 70 425 ... 10 ... 62 Other sheep shorn ..,.....•■■>• . farms reporting 1959. . . number shorn 1959 .. . 3 156 1 80 3 70 7 312 1 24 3 74 3 212 2 220 1 200 63 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959... 1,060 400 505 1,849 192 468 1,801 1,300 1,000 G5 Littefs farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959... 130 228 658 147 54 535 4«1 351 421 66 1954 .. . 190 264 777 190 81 621 529 375 379 67 number of litters 1959... 781 1,314 6,063 505 220 3,656 2,732 1,830 2,765 68 Farms roportinc by number of litters fflrrowpd December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1954 . . . 572 1,148 4,137 537 243 2,295 2,158 1,298 1,823 60 1 or 2 litlprs . . farms ro|BrtinE 1959 . . . 128 120 110 87 36 120 217 142 175 70 . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 41 72 316 52 15 301 165 158 178 44 19 5 71 10 to 19 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 6 1 2 2 19 13 3 1 171 54 5 2 6 2 1 1 1 94 15 4 1 50 23 3 3 37 12 2 72 20 to M litters 72 40 to 69 litters 74 70 or more litters 75 June 2 to November 30 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 149 166 578 119 42 465 383 306 355 ^i 1954 . . . 135 177 553 147 50 475 370 264 257 Ti number of litlers 1959 . . . 452 688 2,728 259 103 1,640 1,303 979 1,353 76 1954 . . . 298 536 1,762 291 107 1,076 939 628 766 7J December 1 to June 1 . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 82 97 149 138 570 650 88 93 34 57 490 487 329 417 282 262 312 287 6C g] number of litters 1959... 329 626 3,335 246 117 2,016 1,429 851 1,412 82 1954 . . . 274 612 2,425 246 136 1,219 1,169 670 1,057 NA Not available. GEORGIA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 267 tot only K sample or fanns. See text] Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln I/=ng Lowndes Lumpkin McDuffie Mcintosh Macon Madison Marion Meriwether 1,382,487 869,900 488,358 2,519,829 1,943,367 621,249 1,174,440 243,467 1,858,744 4,085,234 730,782 339,655 2,881,283 4,000,923 1,937,166 1,278,267 1 1,030,0X 518,757 279,725 1,740,131 1,026,836 133,966 258,807 133,369 1,156,587 5,170,408 572,913 94,604 679,043 1,768,334 373,491 882,330 1 264 279 258 1,272 303 189 303 171 771 304 295 51 434 488 227 509 3 280 323 332 1,523 347 255 365 275 901 356 330 85 468 575 315 565 4 457,912 350,883 360,683 2,161,658 1,641,194 157,573 295,947 208,565 1,217,333 119,708 365,297 99,324 1,940,383 283,580 474,445 508,359 5 225,197 168,011 264,204 1,442,548 810,052 99,936 109,264 125,094 685,235 84,206 212,678 64,183 529,218 132,286 167,642 284,796 6 63 71 93 213 49 47 73 19 191 371 53 13 63 369 89 86 7 76 128 172 372 31 47 180 60 328 549 134 19 156 419 90 138 8 576,907 116, 540 127,675 167,907 143,534 353,720 795,193 8,902 165,300 3,856,352 164,127 2,310 425,687 3,550,242 1,392,721 259,607 9 247,019 155,050 15,181 90,238 175,351 7,430 124,025 8,175 78,622 5,065,826 194,782 23,096 75,927 1,554,051 145,994 100,217 10 347,668 402,477 190,264 158,639 109,951 83,300 26,000 476,111 109,174 201,358 238,021 515,213 162,101 70,000 510,301 11 557,818 195,696 340 207,345 41,433 26,600 25,518 100 392,730 20,376 165,453 7,325 73,898 81,997 59,855 497,317 12 229 219 137 691 171 114 237 104 411 223 225 34 292 408 151 379 13 249 261 146 826 208 135 307 115 443 266 252 36 316 447 172 419 U 3,295 3,064 685 7,220 8,980 1,497 2,509 621 4,985 1,133 2,331 1,511 9,771 2,471 2,169 4,867 15 3,995 2,929 1,529 8,994 7,666 1,507 1,967 1,033 3,979 1,029 2,789 858 4,946 2,019 1,845 5,057 16 371,802 306,283 76,154 789,164 1,419,250 90,796 247,145 59,830 559,517 76,085 253,077 85,822 1,476,412 208,180 299,013 414,699 17 174,952 148,644 66,239 532,814 656,638 46,879 97,388 33,197 188,480 50,159 149,404 38,452 309,781 101,004 83,905 223,668 IB 14a 137 90 451 U2 86 132 68 316 66 97 25 138 146 122 186 19 169 160 106 561 130 100 151 89 326 127 159 29 167 210 106 252 20 1,188 1,259 317 3,716 5,540 765 588 332 2,993 205 987 1,034 6,931 638 1,131 1,727 21 1,371 1,228 947 5,062 4,023 674 551 391 2,315 496 1,415 557 2,212 652 478 2,008 22 185,142 176,595 39,012 512,919 1,060,652 62,206 39,930 43,575 403,132 29,205 122,991 68,565 1,277,905 70,770 194,488 191,400 23 82,032 89,483 49,634 365,837 459,363 27,048 40,241 18,061 127,516 32,959 103,937 29,465 158,765 45,084 26,933 119,018 24 85 71 80 296 64 58 90 45 186 50 46 6 74 111 82 128 25 4« 53 8 122 32 14 36 17 95 16 37 16 43 25 31 37 26 15 12 2 29 27 13 6 6 33 14 2 17 10 6 20 27 1 4 9 1 2 1 4 3 1 28 144 133 85 420 116 66 222 69 208 208 190 24 226 343 98 279 29 209 225 79 581 173 103 268 84 261 200 212 29 241 328 137 337 30 2,107 1,805 368 3,504 3,440 732 1,921 289 1,987 928 1,844 477 2,840 1,833 1,038 3,140 31 2,624 1,701 582 3,932 3,643 833 1,416 642 1,664 533 1,374 301 2,734 1,367 1,367 3,049 32 186,660 129,688 37,142 276,245 358,598 28,590 157,215 16,255 156,385 46,880 130,086 17,257 198,507 137,410 104,525 223,299 33 92,920 59,161 16,655 166,977 197,275 19,831 57,147 15,136 60,964 17,200 45,467 8,987 151,016 55,920 56,972 109,650 34 11 5 10 21 22 11 6 5 15 20 5 1 17 10 12 17 3S 8 15 14 28 9 8 10 5 47 30 15 1 12 59 12 22 36 12 5 15 28 24 11 6 15 110 20 10 1 29 15 20 37 37 10 17 17 62 10 37 18 5 53 32 13 1 23 82 15 30 38 1,000 550 1,750 1,355 1,690 575 575 1,125 15,575 1,950 1,250 75 2,250 1,375 1,730 3,760 39 497 1,014 530 2,027 347 1,075 1,010 235 1,801 1,321 662 120 795 2,735 685 5,025 40 48 108 237 1,186 231 130 130 144 634 103 132 34 311 186 191 197 41 86 124 302 1,375 266 192 142 269 770 154 179 67 341 214 267 258 42 2,670 1,310 9,751 47,219 7,586 2,283 1,663 5,090 21,989 1,437 3,750 463 15,549 2,725 5,988 3,100 43 1,533 1,065 6,795 31,549 4,802 2,861 857 4,279 16,251 1,497 2,409 1,417 7,138 1,548 3,621 1,956 44 77,430 37,990 282,779 1,369,351 219,994 66,207 48,227 147,610 637,681 41,673 103,750 13,427 450,921 79,025 173,652 39,900 45 49,743 18,353 197,385 907,707 153,067 51,982 10,866 91,662 494,954 32,726 62,612 25,611 218,642 28,547 83,052 51,103 46 5 2 6 1 10 1 1 47 M NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA HA HA 48 640 505 149 5 ... 380 185 900 49 KA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA HA NA 'ha 50 7,680 6,060 1,788 60 4,560 2,220 10,800 51 HA NA 'na NA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA 52 2 4 12 3 1 8 2 4 2 4 1 2 53 HA HA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA HA NA HA 54 217 729 263 49 31 208 39 314 35 544 13 26 55 HA NA HA NA HA HA HA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA 56 1,756 5,595 1,543 430 115 1,674 236 2,180 230 3,323 150 240 57 NA NA 2 45 145 HA NA 1 25 110 NA 1 5 20 HA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA 1 4 15 NA HA ■ NA 58 59 60 61 2 4 12 3 1 8 "2 4 2 4 1 2 62 217 684 233 44 31 208 39 314 35 540 18 26 63 1,756 5,450 1,433 410 115 1,674 236 2,130 230 3,308 150 240 64 66 99 241 1,155 249 122 78 169 614 101 110 45 305 160 238 248 65 84 100 280 1,390 296 248 146 268 718 117 154 74 358 168 300 288 66 388 379 2,012 9,191 1,744 433 227 313 3,780 420 622 166 2,543 769 1,005 801 67 345 277 1,483 6,786 1,288 696 300 1,219 3,548 348 539 341 1,613 479 942 629 68 44 63 71 262 123 74 57 88 193 61 54 25 125 97 139 187 69 15 26 107 590 68 39 16 61 302 28 37 17 118 47 67 50 70 4 6 42 217 38 7 4 12 91 9 15 3 35 12 29 6 71 4 14 71 14 2 1 6 25 2 3 22 1 2 2 72 2 6 11 6 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 73 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 74 57 81 196 1,000 201 107 58 123 511 86 76 37 257 131 174 178 75 57 74 195 1,032 186 201 108 237 531 93 98 50 238 126 186 176 76 199 167 919 4,485 809 256 114 421 1,739 234 274 75 1,204 396 469 407 77 124 148 642 3,107 574 386 168 568 1,558 182 242 151 690 244 412 328 78 47 55 203 979 194 71 45 116 478 55 86 33 211 91 168 127 79 53 57 242 1,070 213 122 91 255 604 82 104 43 236 117 222 176 80 189 212 1,093 4,706 935 177 113 392 2,041 186 3A8 91 1,339 373 516 394 81 221 129 341 3,679 714 310 132 651 1,990 166 297 190 923 235 530 301 82 268 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most data for 1959 are baaed on reports r Item Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomeiy Morgan Murray Muscogee Nevrton Oconee {For definitions and explanations see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products | including dairy products; dollars 1959... 1,639,589 3,597,202 2,076,461 702,069 2,765,854 3,359,390 469,444 2,737,010 847,361 2 1954... 964,974 1,756,632 1,532,882 491,814 2,207,717 1,459,722 481,984 1,149,304 745,154 3 Anv livestock sold alive (cnttle, horses and mules, hoys, and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 670 908 302 421 358 426 37 322 287 4 1954 .. . 860 1,035 400 524 462 348 122 310 325 5 value ofsalcs, dollars 1959... 1,535,037 2,690,101 557,553 650,417 563,644 305,223 177,245 770,286 278,736 6 1954 . . . 837,061 1,404,233 247,433 409, HI 354,612 121,543 180,213 359,580 132,605 7 Poultry and poultry products . farms reporting 1959. . . 103 128 73 77 96 286 26 92 106 8 1954... 209 254 160 159 171 231 75 112 129 9 value of sales, dollars 1959 ... 100,233 497,052 233,151 50,630 309,634 2,956,523 159,266 1,000,435 384,804 10 1954... 107,495 78,608 82,657 55,516 192,153 1,288,866 80,584 205,299 411,934 11 Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 4,269 20,418 410,049 273,791 1,285,757 1,202,792 1,022 27,137 1,392,576 1,660,952 97,644 49,313 132,933 221,182 966,289 534,925 183,821 200,615 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIW. 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 . . . 339 566 272 221 338 295 75 267 241 U 1954... 423 604 343 275 408 263 98 270 273 15 number 1959... 4,636 12,600 5,133 2,454 7,060 1,421 1,211 6,337 2,107 16 1954... 3,832 12,431 5,907 2,315 7,845 1,186 1,842 4,694 2,325 17 dollars 1959... 615,143 1,521,738 501,548 304,305 517,327 153,050 132,085 722,309 220,044 18 1954... 246,677 704,400 226,425 113,972 323,080 62,072 151,346 317,623 107,523 10 Cattle, not counting calves . farms ref»rting 1959. . . 209 257 210 165 171 162 59 191 155 20 1954 . . . 315 401 245 198 303 147 71 136 191 21 number 1959 .. . 2,908 6,030 2,128 1,741 1,976 550 830 2,976 891 1954... 2,209 5,181 2,019 1,209 2,698 464 721 2,603 794 28 dollars 1959 . . . 467,373 871,208 339,232 246,346 278,300 93,935 110,531 466,667 113,898 24 Farms reporting by number of caUle sold- 1954 . . . 163,978 349,623 139, 640 71,482 22^ 353 31,436 96,431 248,080 50,142 25 1 to! . farms reporting 1959 . . . 127 126 117 75 72 123 15 71 81 26 5 to 19 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 47 81 72 71 71 33 32 74 67 27 aOlo99 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 31 32 15 18 27 6 12 37 7 28 100 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 4 18 6 1 1 9 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959... 1954 ■■ • 205 293 428 425 198 234 78 203 293 321 214 207 28 76 175 217 193 222 30 31 number 1959... 1,728 6,570 3,055 713 5,084 371 381 3,361 1,216 32 1954 . . . 1,623 7,300 3,388 1,106 5,147 722 1,121 2,091 1,531 33 dollars 1959 . . . 147,770 650,530 162,316 57,959 239,027 59,115 21,554 255,642 101,146 34 1954... 82,699 354,777 86,785 42,490 97,727 30,586 54,915 69,543 57,381 35 lorses and/or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 5 58 5 5 23 20 5 25 15 36 1954 . . . 43 26 19 8 23 36 4 12 6 37 number 1959... 5 74 10 5 37 40 5 25 30 38 1954 .. . 68 40 26 9 27 43 5 25 7 39 dollars 1959... 275 3,925 1,050 200 3,960 4,350 500 3,700 4,375 40 1954 . . . 2,157 1,460 1,188 410 1,092 1,683 190 2,590 195 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959. . . 629 750 61 352 90 257 31 78 89 42 1954 .. . 823 896 113 459 129 163 47 86 115 43 number 1959... 31,711 39,834 1,895 11,928 1,185 5,027 1,540 1,353 1,873 44 1954 .. . 18,723 22,622 894 10,375 1,353 2,219 1,020 1,377 1,122 45 dollars 1959... 919,619 1,155,186 54,955 345,912 34,365 145,783 44,660 39,237 54,317 46 1954 .. . 588,227 698,373 19,820 294,729 30,440 57,738 28,682 39,367 24,887 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 20 16 6 10 48 1954 . . . m HA NA NA HA NA HA HA 'ha 49 number 1959 .. . 771 666 170 420 50 1954 . . . m NA 'na 'na NA NA NA NA 'ha 51 dollars 1959 .. . 9,252 7,992 2,040 5,040 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954... MA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA 'id. 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . farms refecting 1959. . . 3 9 1 3 9 1 7 3 54 1954 . . . HA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA HA 55 number shorn 1959... 52 869 5 255 313 100 480 84 56 1954... HA NA "na NA NA HA HA NA HA 57 pounds of wool 1959... 430 5,564 50 1,603 2,020 700 3,376 615 58 1954 .. . HA NA 'iIa HA NA NA HA HA NA 59 Lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . ... 1 1 60 number shorn 1959. .. 80 30 61 f«unds of wool 1959 . . . 320 140 ... 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959 .. . "3 9 1 3 9 7 3 63 number shorn 1959 . . . 52 789 5 225 318 100 480 84 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959. .. 430 5,244 50 1,463 2,020 700 3,376 615 65 Litters larrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30 Ceosus year . farms reporting 1959. . . 610 732 73 387 98 200 32 76 32 66 1954... 811 922 136 474 124 139 43 99 106 67 number of litters 1959... 5,984 7,721 178 2,262 297 1,114 344 316 548 68 Farms reporting bv number of litters faiTowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1954 . . . 5,115 5,475 256 2,069 368 582 234 326 377 60 1 or 2 hirers . farms reporting 1959 . . . 95 147 61 133 70 104 15 48 41 70 3 to 9 litters . farms reforting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 286 164 311 160 9 1 183 52 19 3 63 22 8 3 16 11 25 12 71 10 to 19 litters 72 20 to 39 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 52 10 90 19 2 18 1 1 9 1 5 1 2 1 73 40 to 69 litters 74 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959... 3 5 1 1 1 75 June 2 to November 30 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 546 653 632 733 54 91 328 290 77 93 170 99 23 35 67 58 68 80 76 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 2,763 3,397 90 1,102 157 609 177 176 279 7ft 1954 . . . 2,230 2,489 121 854 183 263 87 135 203 79 December 1 to .lune 1 . farms reporting 1959. . , 571 673 40 322 49 121 22 34 58 eo 1954... 726 763 60 392 59 110 34 75 65 81 number of litters 1959... 3,221 4,324 38 1,160 140 505 167 140 269 82 1954... 2,885 2,936 135 1,215 185 319 147 191 174 HA tJot availa'ble. GEORGIA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 269 fix only a sample of farms. See text] Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Putnam Quitman Schley 2,761,3^9 8&2,371 3^2 A69 761,610 281,436 142 203 1,786,013 495,392 213,726 85,543 276 401 4,286 4,280 700,449 239,754 118 225 2,067 1,245 462,074 84,352 74 28 13 3 239 349 2,219 3,035 238,375 155,402 19 893 131 180 2,109 2,104 61,161 40,789 2,460,284 298,791 341 390 123,010 110,850 154 257 2,004,412 971,109 332,862 216,832 241 295 1,160 1,594 83,690 57,723 96 165 345 580 42,950 34,310 70 25 1 205 219 815 1,0U 40,740 23,413 5 44 5 52 460 1,788 105 136 1,340 1,935 38,860 41,339 3 Mi. 119 KA 960 NA 110 194 521 552 92 119 280 292 67 126 241 260 3 119 960 93 122 419 512 73 99 228 283 54 SO 191 229 739,275 340,635 145 194 421,728 251,071 49 67 152,458 36,492 165,089 53,072 105 117 2,074 2,048 285,195 139,253 1,421 1,308 252,975 101,978 22 46 19 2 38 73 653 740 32,220 37,275 6 4 8 10 400 275 91 146 4,657 3,691 135,053 111,543 5 NA 90 NA 1,080 NA 1 NA 25 NA 203 NA 2,284,752 2,387,477 302 189 185,305 58,911 271 340 2,095,800 2,291,944 3,647 36,622 237 127 1,391 853 147,035 39,260 105 87 397 225 62,040 15,728 95 7 2 1 193 98 994 628 84,995 23,532 5 20 5 22 500 577 116 78 1,290 951 37,410 19,074 5 HA 30 NA 360 NA 3 NA 68 NA 436 NA 25 203 91 146 597 827 81 106 295 364 59 107 302 463 3 68 436 1,735,940 857,319 655 874 1,056,556 572,836 143 226 609, 092 244,475 70,292 40,508 433 511 3,813 3,896 380,350 179,357 246 457 1,133 2,996 138,865 151,119 173 62 11 275 257 2,680 900 241,485 28,238 25 16 40 24 3,560 968 614 809 23,150 U,684 671,350 392,511 HA 108 NA 1,296 NA NA 84 NA 663 HA 84 663 72 612 59 738 241 4,517 242 3,358 41 156 28 30!. 3 117 28 4 3 62 520 41 540 129 1,999 113 1,610 48 529 48 612 112 2,518 129 1,748 864,066 706,601 280 312 472,081 245,966 50 UO 321,835 363,263 70,150 97,372 230 263 3,163 3,920 426,223 214,292 155 1A2 1,353 1,032 230,711 69,650 85 48 21 1 152 224 1,810 2,888 195,512 144,642 12 13 23 19 3,025 1,203 76 105 1,477 1,306 42,833 30,471 132 133 435 369 1,774,865 790,320 458 394 363,830 201,983 155 248 1,078,915 240,990 332,120 347,347 353 292 2,475 2,674 257,745 127,339 227 173 1,090 998 175,690 76,969 120 106 1 202 223 1,385 1,676 82,055 50,370 21 26 27 42 2,800 1,100 217 209 3,545 3,197 102,805 73,544 5 NA 40 NA 480 NA NA NA 170 NA HA . , 1,387 NA NA 105 80 245 156 58 80 190 213 170 1,387 716,555 478,013 275 377 596,558 349,387 48 73 119,274 109,229 723 19,397 173 206 2,799 2,701 283,698 151,978 97 118 1,123 1,045 140,297 76,367 30 53 14 119 170 1,676 1,656 143,401 75,611 1 10 2 17 115 491 231 318 10,745 6,652 311,605 196,918 HA 95 NA 1,140 NA NA 72 HA 507 5 72 507 180 287 163 334 758 1,692 863 1,286 95 124 63 112 19 38 3 9 3 1 162 220 133 208 467 795 436 525 84 223 109 240 291 897 427 761 2,505,518 1,758,928 211 284 358,561 116, 696 38 97 107,717 134,554 2,039,240 1,507,668 196 257 5,576 4,081 347,326 106,612 143 174 1,434 1,116 223,523 75,912 75 38 30 164 229 4,142 2,965 123,803 30,700 2 3 26 4 3,550 290 30 68 265 569 7,685 9,794 7 NA 67 NA 491 NA 7 67 491 53 86 104 187 38 60 63 105 25 42 41 82 243,460 112,000 140 160 240,954 102,759 39 36 1,571 8,334 935 907 99 105 1,671 1,093 146, 157 41,215 50 63 339 235 38, 170 9,228 26 23 1 '73 100 1,332 858 107,987 31,987 15 3 15 3 750 90 109 126 3,243 2,119 94,047 61,454 118 149 750 520 87 95 362 221 88 101 388 299 653,657 325,273 318 293 158,915 88,897 120 174 452,089 177,080 42,653 59,296 257 235 1,126 1,160 104,700 64,738 97 115 331 404 49,400 32,935 66 31 221 204 795 756 55,300 31,803 31 16 40 17 3,600 844 131 136 1,519 1,444 44,051 23,315 36 HA 547 HA 6,564 NA 16 NA 459 NA 2,872 NA 15 458 2,871 1,161,110 634,067 443 526 942,911 507,018 70 114 170,480 73,355 47,719 53,694 290 314 5,665 3,679 648,213 204,446 116 106 1,622 852 246,683 55,906 73 24 18 1 247 272 4,043 2,827 401, 530 148,540 15 10 45 30 3,277 837 349 422 10,049 10,370 291,421 301,735 1 NA 21 HA 190 NA 1 21 190 88 382 124 448 216 2,355 359 2,251 65 148 20 160 3 54 16 3 1 70 286 93 325 116 1,014 169 1,006 55 324 91 359 100 1,341 190 1,245 442,897 473,768 180 186 142,514 184,523 62 102 208,408 116,297 91,975 172,948 99 128 775 1,619 60,037 102,064 51 99 270 956 33,900 81,399 45 1 77 103 505 663 26,137 20,665 10 2 10 2 1,625 90 117 100 2,788 2,724 80,852 82,369 3 NA 77 NA 363 NA 3 77 363 103 93 991 538 81 60 436 251 69 65 555 287 660,392 335,394 189 161 283,046 100,087 47 76 149,702 142,198 227,644 93,109 139 126 1,933 1,346 207,795 78,148 104 84 996 532 138,105 47,045 80 15 8 1 83 103 937 814 69,690 31, 103 11 12 11 35 1,475 1,533 72 52 2,544 1,038 73,776 20,406 2 NA 41 HA 328 HA 2 41 328 52 46 463 231 31 12 5 1 1 2 47 38 216 152 27 33 247 129 454,674 239,259 159 226 282, 105 166,552 25 42 167,547 24,326 5,022 48,381 119 160 1,181 1,309 126,980 71,739 42 89 220 384 39,130 26,818 35 7 94 144 961 925 87,850 44,921 6 2 9 2 700 100 118 168 5,325 3,732 154,425 94,713 3,020,104 1,469,107 866 921 2,415,349 1,100,169 176 225 305,270 109,542 299,485 259,396 555 578 9,350 7,130 1,113,640 496,947 417 446 6,648 4,296 889,719 363,937 211 135 54 17 229 350 2,702 2,834 223,921 133,010 22 20 206 32 27,225 1,615 713 771 43,860 20,519 1,271,940 611,607 NA 212 HA 2,544 NA 11 HA 176 NA 1,363 NA 11 176 1,363 125 700 175 777 691 7,058 775 3,873 58 213 47 276 14 121 4 66 1 17 1 7 105 613 135 553 343 3,309 362 1,815 90 590 125 551 348 3,749 413 2,058 270 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most data for 1959 are based on reports Item Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor (For definitions and explnnalions see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock atid/or livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959 .. . 1,673,232 963,963 1,571,573 742,316 8,266,207 660,353 569,966 1,637,326 1,542,343 2 1954 . . . 1,039,646 889,231 930,770 531,816 1,915,387 559,774 361,231 1,167,444 635,076 3 Any livpslocl. sold nlivp (entile, horses and mules, hoL's, and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 . . . iU. 277 272 253 619 242 150 903 356 4 1954... 509 273 255 343 751 235 220 1,156 387 5 value of stiles, dollars 1959... 1,389,279 638,978 101,122 572,502 6,317,481 516, 876 102,675 1,379,001 578,758 e 1954 . . . 89,i,260 305,417 62,242 374,087 1,224,565 356,676 97,824 976, 121 330,800 7 Poultry and poultry producUs . farms reportinp 1959. . . ■47 64 155 46 104 54 19 163 84 H 1954 .. . 87 134 198 73 230 49 63 368 232 9 value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 263,007 125,340 1,403,592 162,244 787,977 121,397 80,246 183,279 833,719 10 1954 .. . 94,189 269,232 758,756 39,613 273,812 79,779 31,296 133,026 266,873 11 Livestock products other than poultry and poulljv products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 20,946 199,645 66,859 7,570 1,160,749 22,080 387,045 232,111 75,046 129,866 37,403 12 1954... 51,197 3U,582 109,772 118,116 417,010 123,319 58,297 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 216. 217 176 142 409 232 U5 336 210 14 1954 .. . 241 225 182 212 527 201 207 547 234 15 number 1959... 5,949 4,128 826 2,551 31,959 2,612 1,190 3,096 2,226 16 1954 .. . 4,113 3,874 1,030 3,387 11,865 3,618 2,712 4,330 2,859 17 dollars 1959... 871,473 544,430 71,329 270, 560 5,728,729 261,267 83,435 342,872 282,538 18 1954... 430,519 285,477 44,562 204,765 894,707 210,722 91,772 225,296 141,972 Itl Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 131 105 91 108 275 124 107 227 124 20 1954 . . . 134 152 113 133 335 105 110 405 174 21 number 1959... 3,732 2,677 261 904 26,306 536 365 1,323 1,073 22 1954... 2,334 1,881 381 1,341 5,603 736 619 2,549 1,505 23 dollars 1959 . . . 611,940 416,830 31,959 117,431 5,231,478 62,206 45,435 240,253 190,828 24 Farms reporting by number of cattle sold- 1954 . . . 318,701 186,799 27,286 99,310 534,893 53,156 34,729 162,242 90,569 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 61 56 70 56 118 88 90 122 68 26 5 to 19 . farms reporti ng 1959 .. . 43 26 20 40 71 32 15 87 45 27 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 15 16 1 12 61 4 2 17 9 28 100 ormore . farms reporting 1959. . . 12 7 25 1 2 20 Calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 120 139 141 83 273 164 io4 206 180 30 1954 ■ 183 177 152 172 423 179 186 360 186 31 number 1959... 2,217 1,451 565 1,647 5,653 2,076 825 1,273 1,153 32 1954... 1,779 1,993 649 2,046 6,262 2,882 2,093 1,731 1,354 33 dollars 1959 . . . 259,533 127,600 39,370 153, 129 497,251 199,061 37,950 102,619 91,710 34 1954 . . . 111,818 98,678 17,276 105,455 359, 814 157, 566 57,043 63,054 51,403 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 5 46 20 14 6 6 5 15 5 36 1954 . . . 10 7 17 11 31 3 1 27 10 37 number 1959... 5 76 20 43 20 6 5 15 10 38 1954... 17 9 21 14 53 18 1 32 15 39 dollars 1959... 375 7,350 2,475 4,460 2,800 525 175 800 1,000 40 1954 . . . 497 375 1,037 765 1,640 910 50 1,218 1,035 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959... 386 131 112 236 451 75 31 868 294 42 1954 .. . 483 88 114 264 514 82 45 1,105 319 43 number 1959... 17,559 2,922 942 10,258 20,156 8,796 645 35,701 10,130 44 1964 .. . 13,450 912 855 5,714 10,945 3,887 312 25,337 6,545 45 dollars 1959... 509,211 84,738 27,318 297,482 584, 524 255,084 18,705 1,035,329 295,220 46 1954... 463,244 19, 565 16,643 168,557 328,218 145,044 6,002 749,607 187,793 47 Sheep and Iambs sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 6 6 1 5 48 1951... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49 number 1959... 685 205 119 30 50 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MA NA 51 dollars 1959 ... 8,220 2,460 1,428 360 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA MA KA NA HA 'iu. 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 2 5 3 1 4 3 1 3 54 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 55 number shorn 1959... 530 233 375 94 503 175 11 194 56 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 57 pounds of wool 1959... 2,U9 1,784 3,000 648 3,313 967 77 1,070 58 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 Lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 1 1 1 60 number shorn 1959... 69 26 25 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 335 104 125 62 Other sheep shorn . farms repofting 1959. . . "2 5 3 1 4 3 1 "3 63 number shorn 1959 . . . 530 233 306 68 478 175 11 194 64 UTTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959. .. 2,l>i9 1,784 2,665 544 3,188 967 77 1,070 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959. . . 340 75 92 278 335 109 33 797 270 66 1954 .. . 479 77 80 328 479 113 59 1,026 345 67 number of Utters 1959... 3,329 450 295 2,193 2,598 231 98 6,136 1,768 68 Farms reporting by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1954 . . . 3,200 255 249 1,321 2,389 267 U7 5,077 1,583 60 1 or 2 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 65 46 57 134 113 87 22 174 92 70 3 to 9 litters , farms reporting 1959 .. . 141 20 28 100 135 19 9 427 123 71 10 to 19 liUers . farms reporting 1959 .. . 91 3 5 19 60 3 2 U9 33 72 20 to .39 1 itters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 36 3 2 11 17 42 13 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 2 10 9 4 4 74 70 or more litters . farms rernrting 1959 . . . 2 1 4 1 1 75 June 2 to November 30 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 300 64 77 229 262 85 26 639 226 76 1954 . . . 402 55 58 227 364 80 45 851 223 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 1,504 272 162 1,043 1,226 140 48 2,985 914 78 1954 . . . 1,474 134 122 612 1,U8 137 65 2,347 695 79 December 1 to .lune 1 . farms reporting 1959. . . 288 40 49 203 265 45 16 677 218 80 1954... 422 38 59 188 365 58 24 828 267 81 number of litters 1959... 1,825 178 133 1,150 1,372 91 50 3,151 354 82 1954... 1,726 121 127 709 1,241 130 52 2,730 888 NA Not available. GEORGIA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 271 for only a 8»raple of fnnna. See text] Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Troup Turner Tlrtgga Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren 1,376,689 1,404,739 2,900,813 1,928,790 1,156,103 1,296,835 738,352 1,301,030 1,537,161 439,657 2,993,733 1,234,751 3,896,096 2,376,194 1,151,595 705,207 1 736,349 591,661 1,739,684 1,017,991 793,911 419,046 312,891 935,854 659,131 234,753 1,015,U2 505, 823 1,926,650 1,430,435 508,911 391,660 2 655 415 996 715 624 372 335 567 517 246 486 342 796 499 524 299 3 732 629 1,025 808 842 334 401 591 564 256 488 350 797 491 593 294 * 5 856,420 1,060,474 2,160,5U 1,343,368 823,360 121,260 460,353 674,115 1,140,003 319,938 274,365 448,198 1,165,347 612,376 618,303 485,449 578,680 497,624 1,237,942 859,844 632,670 65,360 251,730 361,970 595,844 176,586 106, 147 227,894 544,434 323,687 354,038 213,899 9 i30 83 190 126 139 209 48 109 46 29 397 60 263 145 124 41 7 8 244 145 326 221 194 281 63 179 152 45 464 107 507 260 199 101 455,614 253,164 319,476 524,699 227,780 1,164,337 117,324 332,840 323,663 3,862 2,714,534 568,498 1,974,077 1,172,223 490,233 122,488 102,668 32,343 283,510 70,319 45,471 323,729 31,«54 104,411 36,401 5,934 887,719 102, 826 879,922 515,235 112,435 57,400 10 64,655 91, 101 420,826 60,723 104,963 11,238 160,675 294,075 73,495 115,857 4,834 218,055 756,672 591, 595 43,059 97, 270 11 55,001 61,694 218,232 87,828 115,770 29,957 29,707 469,473 26, 886 52,233 21,276 175, 103 502,294 591, 513 42,438 120,361 12 369 188 606 434 278 322 185 497 329 150 356 292 675 359 274 204 13 489 322 572 543 453 280 222 504 391 MO 386 291 661 373 305 226 U 3,606 5,127 9,820 4,024 2,208 887 1,914 4,646 4,325 1,712 1,138 4,160 7,254 4,639 2,197 3,257 15 5,112 4,579 6,730 6,408 4,310 932 2,281 5,933 5,730 1,562 1,164 3,866 5,916 4,890 3,185 2,986 16 319,567 644,289 1,093,242 510,347 237,535 78,875 175, 810 594,675 530,791 178,667 127,680 403,301 925,210 496, 922 212,400 359,564 IT 251,520 259,979 417,748 346,789 208,119 39,647 110,635 316,288 285,838 80,478 59,778 195,450 377,536 284, 370 134,729 160,678 IS 171 120 382 232 197 91 98 349 227 74 186 124 207 196 213 130 19 360 150 435 361 320 99 156 308 287 65 150 173 386 259 257 133 20 1,728 2,132 5,030 2,012 1,325 210 782 2,202 2,148 476 483 1,092 2,385 1,614 1,628 1,681 21 3,433 1,257 3,685 3,168 2,393 245 939 2,368 2,764 568 346 1,108 2,222 2,270 2,200 1,110 22 178,237 305,009 677,058 319,979 160,890 31,215 105,750 370,623 324,509 59,790 76,520 167,285 509,910 265,262 170,693 230, 546 23 177, 952 83,466 290,549 227, 170 138,183 18,516 53,054 186,448 168,330 36,018 26,623 85,853 217,024 130,752 101,544 84,860 24 75 60 172 152 95 85 61 224 121 53 160 63 137 131 78 48 25 83 40 122 53 85 5 28 95 89 18 21 47 41 47 124 64 26 13 18 81 25 17 1 8 29 10 3 5 12 27 15 10 16 27 2 7 2 1 1 7 2 2 3 1 2 28 246 138 436 305 138 301 115 272 208 100 285 241 598 242 107 113 39 242 288 390 422 312 264 168 392 325 126 336 252 552 278 187 197 30 1,878 2,995 4,790 2,012 883 677 1,132 2,444 2,177 1,236 655 3,068 4,869 3,025 569 1,576 31 1,679 3,322 3,045 3,240 1,917 687 1,342 3,565 2,966 994 818 2,758 3,694 2,620 985 1,876 32 141,330 339,280 416,185 190,368 76,645 47,660 70,060 224,052 206,282 118,877 51,160 236,016 415,300 231,660 41,707 129,018 33 73,568 176,513 127,199 119,619 69,936 21,131 57,581 129,840 117,508 44,460 33,155 109, 597 160,512 103,618 33,185 75,818 34 5 21 42 10 5 30 6 26 12 10 20 2 35 32 15 5 35 16 20 28 26 20 11 3 29 38 2 34 9 105 35 29 7 36 5 59 51 10 10 35 11 33 19 10 20 6 42 60 20 5 37 24 47 31 73 28 18 3 54 87 4 54 11 182 59 39 9 38 250 2,500 3,595 750 750 3,600 1,600 3,303 1,420 650 1,975 525 8,355 7,525 1,600 250 39 1,255 1,494 1,441 2,357 1,147 1,273 115 4,524 3,463 175 2,067 632 10,848 2,379 1,477 357 40 581 384 795 636 581 156 290 117 457 213 270 109 269 219 438 163 41 638 522 837 665 765 151 357 169 457 209 231 130 292 196 526 157 42 18,487 14,265 36,637 28,699 20, 175 1,265 9,743 2,613 20,936 4,849 4,990 1,528 7,822 3,677 13,927 4,295 43 12,021 8,830 24,302 16,329 16,546 1,417 6,784 1,720 10,706 3,651 1,960 1,364 4,813 1,844 8,422 2,182 44 536,123 413,685 1,062,473 832,271 585,075 36,685 282, 547 75,777 607,144 140,621 144,710 44,312 226,838 106, 633 403,883 124, 555 45 325,905 236,151 818,753 510,698 423,404 24,440 140,980 41,158 306, 543 95,933 44,302 31,812 156,050 36,938 217,832 52,864 46 5 HA 40 NA 480 HA HA HA NA 10 NA 100 HA 1,200 HA HA KA NA HA 'na 'ha 1 NA 175 HA 2,100 HA 1 HA 33 NA 396 NA 5 NA 30 NA 360 HA 6 NA 54 NA 648 HA HA NA NA HA NA NA 1 NA 5 HA 60 NA 3 NA 4U NA 4,944 NA 6 NA 108 NA 1,296 NA 10 NA 35 NA 420 HA 5 NA 90 NA 1,080 HA 47 ts 49 50 51 52 4 HA 85 HA 558 HA 2 1 HA 15 HA 105 NA 4 HA 106 HA 979 HA 2 NA 16 NA 167 NA 2 HA 85 NA 620 HA 5 HA 125 NA 790 NA 2 NA 118 HA 636 NA 6 NA 77 NA 398 NA 3 HA 76 NA 443 NA NA NA NA 5 HA 235 NA 1,430 NA 2 NA 47 NA 239 HA 8 HA 699 NA 6,062 HA 5 HA 120 NA 709 NA 2 NA 24 NA 133 NA 2 NA 37 NA ■273 NA 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4 10 4 81 548 "i 15 105 "4 106 979 2 16 167 2 85 620 5 125 790 "2 118 636 6 77 398 "3 76 443 5 235 1,430 "2 47 239 8 699 6,062 '5 120 709 2 24 133 2 37 273 61 62 63 64 564 639 3,383 2,705 342 523 2,241 2,083 695 779 5,470 5,067 571 595 5,001 3,059 553 727 3,918 3,461 122 119 307 377 322 332 2,184 1,480 131 157 281 430 368 424 3,810 2,131 228 213 1,071 858 202 144 895 528 117 132 330 388 214 222 1,039 1,063 244 218 1,067 664 420 487 2,136 1,936 167 180 789 541 65 66 67 68 218 123 202 124 140 85 93 101 69 117 107 77 110 153 160 92 69 244 151 308 262 291 33 155 27 170 82 69 34 87 67 210 50 70 77 46 128 127 87 4 57 3 90 21 20 5 10 13 40 19 71 20 18 45 47 30 15 25 7 5 1 5 7 8 6 72 3 3 1 9 3 10 1 4 1 2 11 3 1 1 2 4 1 1 73 74 499 264 564 516 472 110 273 114 345 180 179 96 191 191 350 131 75 76 479 323 565 463 539 73 219 112 306 169 118 90 169 157 365 96 1,634 986 2,563 2,433 1,970 175 923 185 1,762 511 493 202 612 541 1,002 410 77 1,384 883 2,254 1,354 1,564 U2 696 226 947 470 272 194 479 335 938 237 78 382 282 593 457 488 67 281 55 318 158 134 51 104 133 330 118 79 462 382 640 458 591 100 246 73 342 126 117 66 168 162 375 130 80 1,699 1,255 2,907 2,568 1,948 132 1,261 96 2,048 560 402 128 427 526 1,134 379 81 1,321 1,200 2,813 1,705 1,897 235 784 204 1,184 388 256 194 584 329 998 304 82 272 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Most data for 1959 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Ilem Washirigton Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth (For definitions and explanations see text) 1 Value ol sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959 . . . 1,705,882 1,378,953 438, 539 1,029,050 4,923,381 7,660,200 856,850 2,347,196 1,068,643 2,248,000 2 1954 , . . 1,001,544 754,749 279,377 660,150 3,140,853 5,038,890 602,662 1,151,319 532,226 1,244,060 3 Any livestock sold alive {cattle, horses and mules, hops, and sheep) , farms reporti ng 1959 .. . 654 623 197 436 362 625 527 520 312 957 4 1954 .. . 865 699 272 536 319 616 659 655 343 1,202 5 value of sales, dollars 1959... 833,535 1,162,476 276,379 912,783 204,855 605, 570 727,843 944,151 273,922 1,944,394 6 1954 . . . 704,244 598,302 203, 569 642,571 96,356 203,083 428,475 381,232 203,433 960,727 7 Poultry and poultry products . farms reporting 1959. . . 174 83 43 79 365 533 72 83 67 114 8 1954 .. . 234 191 61 148 386 564 200 224 62 229 9 value of sales, dollars 1959... 378, 564 140,622 211,149 116,109 4,655,641 6,712,195 63,383 496,303 793,096 64,955 10 1954 .. . 76,863 78,228 52, 578 17, 166 3,022,513 4,554,743 90,213 144,702 301,052 60,697 11 Livestock products other than poultry and poult/y products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 493,783 75,860 511 158 62,885 342,435 65,124 906,742 1,625 238,651 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 1954... 220,437 78,219 23,730 413 21,984 281,054 83,974 625,335 27,741 222,636 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 397 379 113 306 242 480 374 510 135 509 14 1954 .. . 521 391 163 322 201 477 421 605 180 677 15 number 1959... 4,435 4,004 1,224 2,667 1,006 3,462 3,071 3,677 822 7,270 16 1954... 6,063 4,161 1,316 2,742 903 2,732 3,849 7,316 1,500 7,185 17 dollars 1959 .. . 441,329 435,583 124,911 285,622 102,775 387,875 299,527 398,400 61,721 808,477 18 1954... 314,337 186,626 75,124 ■ 146,206 49,243 134,631 173,403 365, 169 59, 510 396,203 19 Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 242 216 58 189 122 295 270 274 57 297 20 1954 . . . 348 301 94 225 119 302 267 328 126 463 21 number 1959... 1,826 2,577 408 1,401 371 1,936 1,428 2,496 222 4,438 22 1954... 2,848 2,165 538 1,502 399 1,202 1,639 2,208 719 3,769 23 dollars 1959 . . . 254,557 332,787 51,417 174,464 53,175 283,150 174,017 367,304 19,326 559,921 24 Famis reportine by number of cattle sold- 1954 .. . 189,640 105,404 34,477 93, 338 27,763 83,683 95,470 163,971 34,299 258,971 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 174 106 36 96 105 201 147 168 43 175 26 510 19 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 41 82 17 84 15 67 108 68 13 74 27 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959 .. - 25 28 5 8 2 27 15 35 1 35 28 100 or more . farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 1 3 13 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959... 263 228 94 195 161 263 233 436 iio 310 30 1954 ■• 381 267 133 232 141 377 328 541 137 483 31 number 1959... 2,609 1,427 816 1,266 635 1,526 1,643 6,181 600 2,832 32 1954 . . . 3,215 1,996 778 1,240 509 1,530 2,210 5,108 781 3,416 33 dollars 1959... 186,772 102,796 73,494 111,158 49,600 104,725 125,510 531,096 42,395 248,556 34 1954... 124,697 81,222 40,647 52,363 21,480 50,943 77,933 201, 198 25,211 137, 232 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive . farms repotting 1059. . . 25 27 2 10 15 30 21 6 1 21 36 1954... 31 16 10 8 26 58 26 17 3 33 37 number 1959. .. 28 61 2 10 30 40 37 6 14 27 38 1954... 54 26 16 9 30 79 78 20 3 58 39 dollars 1959... 2,175 6,660 95 500 2,625 3,800 8,300 260 1,400 1,553 40 1954... 2,648 1,262 579 435 1,136 2,982 6,337 703 153 2,052 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 507 563 187 398 170 281 431 77 271 833 42 1954 .. . 699 637 224 493 200 263 522 146 307 1,041 43 number 1959... 13,439 24,277 5,237 21,609 3,295 7,175 14,468 1,555 7,269 39,116 44 1954... 13,753 15,204 4,254 16,417 2,132 3,134 9,529 1,077 5,296 19,459 45 dollars 1959... 389,731 704,033 151,873 626,661 95,555 208,075 419, 572 45,095 210,301 1,134,364 46 1954... 387,259 410,414 127,866 495,930 45,977 65,475 248,735 15,410 143,770 562,472 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms reporting 1959. .. 1 10 10 10 1 2 4B 1954 .. . HA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA 49 number 1959 .. . 25 1,350 325 485 37 33 50 1954... MA NA HA HA NA HA NA HA NA NA 51 dollars 1959... 300 16,200 3,900 5,820 444 396 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1964 . . . NA NA HA HA NA NA HA NA NA KA 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 4 5 2 1 3 9 2 4 2 54 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 55 number shorn 1959... 97 219 29 28 251 214 39 191 63 56 1954 . . . NA NA HA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA 57 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 945 1,170 253 244 1,353 1,057 232 1,375 456 58 1954 .. . NA NA HA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA 59 Lambs shorn . farms reporting 1969 .. . 1 1 60 number shorn 1959... 8 11 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 40 27 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959... 4 5 2 1 3 9 2 4 2 63 number shorn 1959 .. . 97 219 29 20 251 203 39 191 63 64 LITTERS FABROWED pounds of wool 1969... 945 1,170 253 204 1,353 1,030 282 1,375 456 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959. . . 557 504 212 343 130 251 383 113 192 808 66 1954 .. . 687 570 239 479 144 221 535 146 329 1,106 67 number of litters 1959 . . . 3,766 4,191 1,197 2,887 598 1,392 2,617 346 1,224 5,525 68 Farms reporting by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1968, to November 30, 1959- 1954... 2,355 3,004 879 3,062 519 806 2,098 XI 1,349 4,255 69 1 or 2 liUers . farms reporting 1959 .. . 210 115 97 78 78 113 118 76 66 260 70 3 to 9 liuers . farms reporting 1969 .. . 223 240 80 158 45 103 172 27 89 360 71 . farms reporting 1969 . . . 82 111 23 77 4 19 72 9 24 141 72 20 to 39 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 37 31 10 26 2 6 17 1 12 40 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 4 6 2 3 4 4 1 6 74 70 or more litters . farms rercrting 1959 .. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 75 June 2 to November 30 ( . farms reporting 1959 . . . 439 440 156 269 113 220 323 85 159 690 76 1954 . . . 444 442 159 376 110 157 360 92 203 789 77 number of litters 1959 .. . 1,735 1,355 533 1,297 322 315 1,214 193 570 2,649 78 1954 . . . 1,225 1,555 379 1,413 261 373 859 160 547 1,990 79 December 1 to June 1 . farms reporting 1959. . . 451 418 152 293 75 161 309 63 139 602 80 19.64... 525 366 187 394 103 152 426 85 298 764 81 number of litters 1959... 2,031 2,336 664 1,590 276 577 1,403 153 654 2,876 82 1954 .. . 1,630 1,449 500 1,649 258 433 i;239 181 802 2,265 NA Not available. GEORGIA 273 County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 fPftta for Hairy products sold for 1959 aro liased on refx)rts for only a santplo of fnnns. See UjxtJ Item (For derinitions and explanations, aee text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms reporting dollars Average sales per farm tepcrting dollars Milk sold as whole milk fanDS r^pcrting pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butt«rfat POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUtn^ Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms r^pcrting number Other chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting number Farms reporting by number ofturkeys and turkey fryers raised— Under 50 farms reporting 50 to 399 farnis reporting 400 or more farms reporting 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959, 1954, 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954, 1959, 1954, 5,308 9,415 4C,U7,7L5 31,445,630 7,564 5,136 6,485 735,030,897 563,507,449 313 2,930 69,030 509,709 23,038 36,326 165,809,824 95,248,094 15,345 18,699 237,420,029 117,957,074 8,387 8,134 229,759,321 114,369,440 7,456 10,997 7,660,708 3,587,634 12,293 23,922 110,119,743 43,729,525 1,590 2,821 1,491,071 1,784,404 4,318 8,589 373,675 393,175 4,168 107 43 32 14 161,975 63,934 5,062 32 11 3,185,755 1,224,451 "3 434 141 130 333,806 30,993 49 33 315,616 4,527 7 306,000 43 33 9,616 4,527 36 99 422,795 62,855 27 26 2,075 2,734 96 165 887 1,391 94 5 6 101,060 24,456 20,212 5 4 1,629,785 355,533 "2 158 74 129 621,882 64,016 51 27 1,069,456 51,829 30 4 1,058,500 48,200 23 23 10,956 3,629 39 96 210,870 67,283 2 28 40 2,185 14 83 84 858 5 3 65,000 7,657 13,000 ,200,000 128,243 1 180 134 115 566,469 130,975 47 29 1,013,931 156,265 17 6 993,144 149,845 32 23 20,787 6,420 80 92 119,115 67,662 12 19 9,418 1,502 47 69 363 779 46 3,027 22 109 153,910 31,361 13 29 304,212 46,590 7 3 304,000 45,000 7 26 212 1,590 13 76 3,965 8,955 27 165 1,273 12 87 102 760 11 1 11 18 340,910 292,284 30,992 11 17 6,214,895 5,331,140 57 44 362,795 47,048 23 19 333,755 9,243 7 1 317,100 1,700 16 18 16,655 7,543 40 34 474,007 98,344 12 8 575 570 18 9 244 190 50 84 26,380 16,939 528 50 45 640,325 292,314 '39 263 297 2,091,011 1,535,458 238 215 3,988,930 2,294,612 201 168 3,963,839 2,266,583 43 54 25,091 28,029 57 132 210,312 258,699 5 8,607 235 17 7 2,220 77 14 2 1 66 105 361,520 293,023 5,478 66 75 7,726,795 5,127,475 5 30 2,600 6,514 277 360 2,331,208 2,064,661 235 288 4,554,327 2,086,482 162 169 4,427,755 1,984,850 34 130 126,572 101,632 111 143 1,332,756 1,033,370 1 12 20 194,310 14 29 69 41,702 14 43 131 643,655 353,849 14,969 43 102 U,512,695 6,231,784 '29 4,423 257 373 2,246,943 536,633 203 165 3,364,920 822,757 123 56 3,232,563 8U,069 95 116 132,357 11,638 132 272 1,284,618 167,040 15 16 29,343 1,102 32 33 7,660 560 29 2 1 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Brantley Bryan DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk of cream sold farms repcrting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. .Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959. Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 . 1954. pounds 1959 . 1954. Cream sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. pounds of butterfat 1959 . 1954. POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959 , 1954, dollars 1959. 1954, Chickens sold farms reporti ng 1959 , 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Broilers sold farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959. 1954. Chicken eggs sold farms repcrting 1959 . 1954. dozens 1959. 1954. Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954. Farms repeating by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Und« 50 farms reporting 1959 , 50 to 399 farms reporting 1959 . 400 or more farms reporting 1959 . 20 25 155,790 53,594 7,790 20 9 ,582,020 ,083,901 16 1,776 38 147 425,892 50,539 44 52 167,797 23,797 3 2 119,000 18,000 41 51 48,797 5,797 71 111 825,944 95,130 7 30 429 1,721 30 70 230 728 30 40,187 39,704 3,653 6 6 683,829 663,189 5 3 1,000 116 181 275 460,187 69,938 83 77 708,071 10,812 11 668,600 '75 77 39,471 10,812 119 221 251,053 161,365 26 47 351 5,326 60 150 431 1,329 60 52 66 312,380 856,277 15,632 47 63 14,506,475 14,213,994 10 3 1,275 164 85 135 222,179 193,802 58 72 349,691 184,242 21 16 340,533 173,300 37 57 9,153 10,942 53 101 105,424 137,451 3 12 3,560 1,225 16 71 165 527 15 1 32 82,854 11 1,505,396 21 2,479 52 128 37,990 65,305 27 59 4,549 10,680 27 59 4,549 10,680 45 108 85,479 109,851 11 397 1,167 U 42 77 427 15 4 102,875 13,456 6,853 15 2 1,765,480 316,136 2 120 132 116 349,925 38,697 51 27 603,900 11,315 20 1 594,800 8,000 32 26 9,100 3,315 76 95 114,379 62,210 13 19 534 1,614 37 50 237 551 14 37 11 23 359,825 189,708 32,711 11 15 6,752,640 3,133,573 155 245 80,157 51,742 38 65 42,652 7,241 1 33,000 37 65 9,652 7,241 115 135 139,199 119,603 27 56 1,180 3,362 73 143 537 1,342 77 1 10 17,526 255,988 37 76 105,067 18,824 18 20 67,435 3,060 4 61,200 16 20 6,235 3,060 27 59 171,213 42,484 20 776 1,366 24 55 257 590 23 1 2 50 205,526 159,832 102,763 2 8 3,602,950 2,535,230 42 230 614 213,437 124,911 79 172 105,420 17,463 1 1 80,000 1,500 73 171 25,420 15,963 176 501 393,496 257,273 37 98 2,869 9,197 30 199 1,045 2,865 76 4 47 40 611,462 319,113 13,010 47 35 11,627,756 5,760,135 M2 198 524,119 88,099 55 65 43,213 24,563 1 2 3,000 9,700 55 64 40,213 14,863 101 160 1,213,222 190,132 20 26 629 2,482 70 107 461 1,083 69 274 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for d^ry products sold for 1959 are based Item Butts Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chatta- {For definitions and explanations, see text) hoochee DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 Any milk or cream sold fnmis reporting 1959... 21 3 5 85 45 21 2 1951., , 38 17 2 22 198 117 2 16 2 3 dollars 1959... 230,760 630 50 577,220 522,950 757,800 4 1954 . . . 153,625 52, 525 6,ioo 28,159 275,472 606,663 4,6oO 739,704 215 5 Average sales per fann repcrtinp dollars 1959... 10,989 210 10 6,791 11,621 36,086 6 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 .. . 21 2 5 85 45 21 7 1954... 24 12 2 2 116 94 "2 16 2 8 pounds 1959... 4,083,090 2,580 900 10,344,345 10, 173, 535 11,678,555 9 1954 . . . 2,680,439 916,846 64,500 399,470 4,814,529 12,251,130 65,781 12,043,491 3,698 10 Cream sold farms refxyting 1959 . - . 1 11 1954... 14 5 20 82 23 12 pounds of butterfal 1959 .. . 1,040 13 1954 . . . POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 2,402 519 1,484 9,362 3,750 14 Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959 . . . 52 22 13 105 420 200 28 56 11 15 1954 . . . 126 53 53 189 656 296 35 113 1 16 dollars 1959 . . . 209,021 305,270 5,097 263,176 3,696,650 2,030,326 65,823 184,033 10,087 17 1954 . . . 59,973 67,176 32,637 45,517 1,845,847 1,819,127 47,429 310,524 25 le Chickens sold farms reporting 1959... 26 9 6 40 315 163 13 35 2 19 1954... 58 14 27 56 330 200 10 44 20 number 1959 . . . 226,856 600,502 1,038 360,045 6,294,520 3,874,468 56,627 13,861 20,010 21 1954 .. . 8,839 93,008 64,196 7,988 2,424,414 2,770,581 9,705 41,740 22 Broilers sold farms reptrting 1959 .. . 4 2 7 204 123 2 1 23 1954 .. . 2 "i 150 117 2 24 number 1959. . . 213,000 600,000 349,000 6,144,202 3,856,000 53,000 20,000 25 1954... 97,000 53,300 2,388,816 2,748,411 11,200 26 OthCT chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . , . 23 7 6 33 117 42 12 35 i 27 1954 . . . 58 12 26 56 184 84 10 43 2S number 1959 . . . 13,856 502 1,038 11,045 150,313 13,468 3,627 13,861 10 29 1954... 8,339 1,008 5,396 7,988 35,598 22,170 9,705 30,540 30 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 , , . 47 15 11 67 177 59 25 46 1 31 1954 . . . 116 43 37 163 453 141 24 90 1 32 dozens 1959 . - . 231,126 10,850 9,965 195,779 1,311,559 222,433 90,175 427,370 150 33 1954 . . . 123,083 17,501 114,221 91,304 519,473 253,303 101,286 534,938 50 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 8 2 15 17 15 6 11 9 35 1954 . . . 3 6 6 26 10 18 11 11 36 dollars 1959... 540 430 2,222 2,632 786 320 1,049 19 37 1954... 158 467 790 2,484 13,907 1,229 1,154 12,040 38 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1059 .. . 7 30 14 33 33 24 13 20 "4 39 1954 .. . 24 35 18 64 28 48 29 30 5 40 number 1959 .. . 45 273 161 616 462 198 131 193 8 41 1954 . . . Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- 137 309 208 839 3,947 523 377 1,676 21 42 UndtT 50 farms reporUng 1959... 7 29 13 30 35 24 13 20 4 43 50 to 399 farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 1 3 3 44 400 or more farms reporting 1959... Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Dade Dawscm Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early DAIRY PRODlXnS 1 Any milk or cream sold farms reptrting 1959... 5 10 24 27 45 11 7 17 15 2 1954... 82 38 15 68 25 29 6 39 36 3 dollars 1959 .. . 625 2,500 173,634 311,480 176,305 51,430 165,945 154,870 545 4 1954... 31,719 1,500 194,576 739,225 107,383 82,726 81,927 126,032 14,893 5 Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 . . . 125 250 7,235 11,536 3,913 4,675 23,706 9,110 36 6 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 .. . 5 10 24 27 45 11 7 17 7 1954... 50 11 12 59 16 8 5 49 10 8 pounds 1959 . . . 10,750 41,495 2,806,874 4,759,659 3,925,350 1,032,500 1,589,900 2,421,925 9 1954 .. . 581,463 13,843 3,523,554 12,722,238 1,449,960 1,245,693 1,179,146 2,293,680 206,047 ID Cream sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 6 15 11 1954 . . . 32 27 3 9 9 21 1 40 26 12 pounds of butterfat 1959 . . . 4,075 925 13 1954 . . . POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 3,822 l,3i2 1,900 21,527 297 2,982 200 3,717 1,804 14 Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959 ,. . 90 203 154 91 139 85 55 137 107 15 1954 .. . 187 346 163 206 348 219 65 221 201 16 dollars 1959... 47,048 2,339,334 365,653 719,782 733,225 136,935 179,542 1,769,726 95,381 17 1954 . . . 55,734 2,163,637 173,301 466,323 234,243 210,021 107,987 364,106 171,680 18 Chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . . . 43 74 201 321 59 74 67 102 51 145 28 78 34 28 91 76 34 60 19 1954... 20 number 1959 . . . 67,508 3,781,005 246,934 155,933 400,292 87,180 66,273 1,142,551 33,830 21 1954 . . . 32,510 3,023,255 97,186 236,423 139,505 217,203 11,403 421,048 84,825 22 Broilers sold farms repcrting 1959. .. 5 3 132 296 6 8 6 14 8 6 3 10 3 39 25 1 2 23 1954 .. . 24 number 1959... 66,000 3,748,650 224,700 115,400 302,500 70,000 59,140 1,060,725 21,044 25 1954 . . . 27, 500 3,000,600 63,100 192,600 168,400 203,500 395,700 65,000 26 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . . . 38 72 27 44 54 66 62 38 44 140 26 70 31 28 55 54 34 58 27 1954... 28 number 1959... 1,503 32,355 22,234 40,533 97,792 17, 180 7,133 81,826 12,786 29 1954 . . . 5,010 22,655 34,086 43,823 21,105 13,703 U,408 25,348 19,825 30 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 75 25 120 82 106 64 40 81 73 31 1954 . . . 165 67 116 160 265 188 43 179 159 32 dozens 1959 . . . 31,699 1,090,037 533,438 1,556,844 1,282,627 223,437 353,464 2,910,384 187,315 33 1954 . . . 67,021 265,653 362,393 691,422 260,227 204,968 221,537 209,496 263,613 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 6 1 35 8 22 13 16 9 17 35 1954... 4 2 36 12 52 15 21 1 39 36 dollars 1959 .. . 207 25 1,642 1,073 1,334 705 1,058 283 900 37 1954... 510 14 2,853 2,099 3,716 1,001 5,118 25 1,304 38 26 4 100 13 88 31 34 25 91 39 1954... 20 4 145 35 136 53 56 12 134 40 number 1959 . . . 176 30 937 459 768 226 388 183 694 41 1954 . . . Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- 184 13 1,334 552 2,496 462 1,279 50 1,038 42 Under 50 farms reporting 1959 . . 26 4 99 1 10 3 87 1 31 32 2 25 91 48 50 to 399 farms repcrUng 1959.. 44 400 or more farms reporting 1959 . . GEORGIA 275 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on renorts for only a sample of fanr s. See texl] Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp 55 50 20 5 20 60 47 22 39 6 48 26 21 1 63 111 44 6 35 3 220 25 87 88 18 88 15 21 2 509,035 333,490 245,555 125,000 131, 545 158, 180 344,130 114,915 396,420 61,965 363,156 53,900 49,050 3 102,619 235,704 203,324 18,904 262,242 4,454 448,538 158,362 331,835 426,057 31,995 254,431 93,275 75,662 4 9,255 6,670 12,278 25,000 6,577 2,636 7,322 5,223 10,165 10,328 7,566 2,073 2,336 5 55 40 20 ^ 20 60 47 22 39 6 48 26 6 6 33 61 36 1 31 3 153 22 55 65 4 55 14 9 7 8,670,681 4,744,865 4,028,740 1,750,000 2,196,020 2,864,487 6,046,649 1,932,600 7,510,864 1,029,000 6,269,193 1,106,746 794,750 8 1,833,288 3,774,179 10 4,005,803 193,500 4,501,395 89,i82 6,953,891 2,755,526 5,462,686 7,695,727 471,185 4,708,448 1,816,690 5 1,366,772 15 9 10 30 50 1,750 "s 5 4 67 3 32 23 14 33 1 60 12 840 11 12 7,39i 19,157 1,118 1,502 1,670 8,136 635 4,921 2,925 1,699 4,474 20 2,061 13 253 855 46 41 49 30 256 252 173 74 117 113 53 98 11 299 969 96 54 148 55 560 289 531 165 172 247 104 157 15 1,800,614 9,653,957 1,182,265 246,871 230,354 78,123 1,983,606 2,715,440 250,007 386,109 396,702 171,635 43,488 228,093 16 i29,090 7,769,965 939,665 18,827 229,227 20,636 2,099,867 156,896 153, 509 211,455 130,225 197,512 69, 521 111,164 17 159 833 39 11 36 17 206 155 56 39 34 44 22 38 18 130 935 55 22 59 12 343 76 182 54 36 81 36 50 19 953,876 17,048,213 820,550 392,129 91,125 111,568 3,063,535 4,331,818 91,608 58,977 171, 576 230, 578 18,487 129,008 20 302,-151 12,803,923 701,724 2,920 198,703 10,432 2,843,158 125,555 35,572 47,432 168,424 136,331 22,004 75,367 21 27 730 18 1 4 3 128 85 3 2 2 11 2 6 22 13 854 18 14 1 183 8 4 4 2 12 1 5 23 830,000 16,789,179 705,691 390,000 67,500 109,400 2,990,264 4,231,940 76,300 26,000 144,000 223,040 13, 500 113,456 24 259,9';8 12,723,945 em, 17^ 182,630 9,000 2,793,611 116,900 17,050 21,000 163,000 127,300 11,200 70,400 25 136 134 25 11 33 14 80 85 54 37 32 34 20 33 26 120 87 40 22 49 11 167 68 179 51 34 71 36 45 27 123,876 259,034 114,859 2,129 23,625 2,168 73,271 99,878 15,308 32,977 27, 576 7,538 4,987 15,552 28 42,503 79,978 93,945 2,920 16,073 1,432 49, 547 8,655 18,522 26,432 5,424 9,031 10,804 4,967 29 202 142 24 32 40 26 116 120 129 61 83 86 36 73 30 250 104 71 51 122 49 336 218 436 144 137 222 90 125 31 3,208,109 2,595,511 1,715,835 123,125 447,253 53,070 1,089,611 1,320,594 487, 123 857,445 752,678 135, 176 81,630 391,237 32 490,536 630,819 1,138,114 46,592 187,851 26, 187 640,094 168,305 340,057 439,931 84,742 208,236 136,085 104,213 33 16 4 3 3 2 10 38 16 8 15 3 6 16 34 15 3 12 5 8 4 20 60 65 8 30 9 9 25 35 918 50,14« 61,606 198 450 701 2,094 3,565 3,090 661 472 477 2,249 3> 1,133 420 42,736 112 716 1,600 9,212 7,249 4,231 635 2,070 1,067 603 24,249 37 42 12 8 33 10 4 24 95 73 14 28 14 12 33 38 35 16 23 28 24 17 57 231 162 32 88 20 45 51 39 433 18,096 16,222 355 66 169 291 912 902 575 218 114 100 565 40 452 160 6,825 171 319 313 2,601 2,854 1,568 315 817 308 301 489 41 41 11 6 32 10 2 24 93 71 13 28 13 12 32 42 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 43 44 Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth Franltlin Fulton Gilmer Glascock Glyim 15 103 21 6 90 30 82 60 130 43 38 5 17 1 5 33 233 25 12 76 61 127 179 331 182 65 51 12 2 191,415 277,888 96,015 126,050 101,650 3,910 832,375 55,150 280,135 534,000 126,800 100 346,230 3 9,i92 33,861 194,136 96,485 45,717 127,761 41,587 626,621 129,797 251,415 536,665 48,830 5,435 175,399 4 12,761 2,698 4,572 21,008 1,129 130 10,151 919 2,155 12,419 3,337 20 20,366 5 15 103 21 1 90 30 77 55 125 43 38 5 17 6 1 14 149 17 1 56 21 97 70 275 Ul 32 13 11 7 3,174,150 5,776,680 1, 561, 227 2,500,000 1,830,224 50,740 13,736,771 966,069 4,921,261 8,875,100 2,354,288 2,236 6,315,751 8 156,950 557,194 3,373,488 1,922,564 777,225 5 2,429,457 648,423 10,621,198 10 2,513,419 15 6,122,176 10 9,042,083 816,174 103,243 2,289,544 9 10 4 19 84 8 11 2,000 '20 40 30 1,000 109 900 56 790 71 33 38 1 11 12 m 1,455 13,875 599 871 1,967 6,321 4,154 9,947 8,388 12,026 3,184 2,714 2,300 13 33 200 219 154 99 213 81 190 825 478 354 322 34 • 50 14 2S 256 386 258 168 304 162 413 1,164 551 693 495 129 65 IS 12,907 211,613 1,654,905 521,667 190,764 827,488 337,094 1,347,451 9,692,175 5,611,046 3,186,374 2,210,885 8,023 162,248 16 4,074 126,761 370,518 90,942 20,280 227,943 327,724 671,462 8,181,101 3,012,189 2,509,859 1,003,381 9,584 205,056 17 12 78 159 61 23 139 45 132 808 399 280 254 11 27 18 9 82 206 85 37 133 81 174 1,108 415 488 281 38 21 19 925 18, 575 3,097,796 721,808 308,410 1,362,760 203,553 766,077 16,667,486 9,607,880 3,312,084 3,386,241 2,940 5,424 20 369 14,213 470,733 17,060 2,750 118,536 245,104 463,077 11,227,343 3,959,467 3,316,172 1,114,518 2,188 6,739 21 1 105 11 8 57 8 21 715 349 160 156 22 35 1 13 16 32 1,019 296 288 87 23 2,200 3,068,445 690,900 304,800 1,322,240 183,725 651,672 16,423,128 9,499,837 3,132,505 3,256,268 24 453,907 5,030 97,073 208,970 413,700 11,125,356 3,922,026 3,230,140 1,058,695 25 12 77 58 52 15 88 37 114 123 58 134 113 27 26 9 82 180 85 37 121 66 148 128 143 214 204 38 21 27 925 16,375 29,331 30,908 3,610 40,520 19,828 114,405 244,358 108,043 179, 579 129,973 2,940 5,424 28 369 14,213 16,826 12,030 2,750 21,463 36,134 49,377 101,987 37,441 86,032 55,823 2,188 6,739 29 27 173 106 107 77 131 62 145 135 113 175 156 27 38 30 18 225 258 190 146 253 136 345 184 231 392 355 112 55 31 29,597 487,880 253,217 384,404 87, 535 349,432 570,255 2,304,482 3,276,406 1,118,788 3,665,049 1,243,393 14,852 213,805 32 8,957 253,418 165,089 166,501 41,818 353,658 418,834 773,290 817,987 531,214 1,036,948 857,962 18,384 108,120 33 3 17 8 23 8 14 2 21 5 14 14 1 8 4 34 5 36 12 53 29 6 4 23 6 15 18 4 6 6 35 254 1,312 428 1,303 453 410 322 12,710 445 341,920 16,687 175 288 71,551 3< 577 3,573 6,184 3,638 2,289 396 330 3,964 177 244,200 1,223 373 489 150,401 37 7 39 21 74 22 35 10 37 7 23 37 14 14 15 38 20 81 39 144 66 55 14 71 23 32 53 16 19 21 39 103 480 204 734 236 319 56 3,214 111 75,825 3,459 123 105 22,128 40 199 1,352 1,876 1,706 794 376 109 1,078 199 45, 569 395 179 226 20, 143 41 7 38 1 21 73 1 22 35 10 35 1 1 6 1 15 "s 34 2 1 14 14 14 1 42 43 44 276 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [jjata for dairy products sold for 1959 are based Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PBODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms repotting dollars Average sales per farm repwtinc dollars Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms reptrting number Other chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold fanns reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting number 1 1 Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised— Under 50 farms reporting 1 50 to 399 farms reporting 1 400 or more farms reporting 1 1059. 1951 . 1959. 1951. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959, 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1059. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1059. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1059. 1954. 45 106 5,995 235,649 133 40 61 121,468 4,034,157 5 45 300 6,776 316 302 3,710,186 1,197,438 255 157 6,221,540 1,559,179 183 89 6,078,018 1,538,120 84 71 143, 522 21,059 130 178 1,439,693 217,407 10 15 531 889 33 55 320 542 35 111 68,325 72,965 1,952 30 18 1,188,266 1,145,073 15 93 1,625 7,467 215 535 747,851 542,481 111 251 88,361 110,311 15, 500 111 250 38,361 94,811 186 482 1,700,015 1,311,536 14 32 1,363 1,920 36 108 398 951 35 1 99 135 630,330 648,125 6,372 99 128 12,822,909 12,509,250 10 7 2,200 1,413 185 457,499 199,786 48 83 286,443 159,315 10 8 201,300 132,900 40 75 84,643 26,415 51 146 753,117 270,318 5 7 421 4,313 30 28 135 1,835 30 120 247 154, 690 278,510 1,289 115 115 2,720,061 4,820,138 20 132 1,090 21,164 492 691 4,447,930 3,152,561 384 487 6,776,361 4,371,129 284 289 6,635,787 4,314,270 110 210 WO, 574 56,859 196 329 2,562,252 376,314 13 21 792 1,534 46 59 398 573 45 132,580 81,001 1,394 70 71 2,517,175 1,402,032 28 334 350 5,272,382 2,100,959 310 237 9,847,185 3,159,290 241 197 9,765,734 3,091,065 78 102 31,451 68,225 93 139 333,064 376,878 16 4 796 425 26 319 172 91 251 433,145 433,464 4,760 86 156 8,129,405 6,523,391 5 95 520 36,602 1,133 12,151,030 9,234,873 871 1,138 18,328,224 12,958,165 717 965 17,515,504 12,644,702 201 228 812,720 313,463 193 225 7,164,160 2,515,436 9 9 849 11,755 13 12 231 2,558 11 39 89 219,000 203,533 5,615 39 78 4,314,175 4,238,364 11 63 141 123,422 56,101 27 54 14,216 10,519 1 3,200 27 53 14,216 7,319 54 117 281,105 137,632 7 208 1,725 16 44 145 475 25 67 360,910 142,373 14,436 25 56 6,095,230 2,339,163 11 1,482 151 305 1,264,791 320,345 114 160 1,225,025 271,905 46 21 1,162,650 240,300 69 U2 62,375 31,605 95 231 1,580,953 365,456 345 470 6 22 124 291 5 1 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Liberty Long Ltm^ikiji DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold. farms reporting dollars ^verage sales per farm reporting dollars Milk sold as whole milk ... . farms reporting pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold famis reporting dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold fatins reporting number Other chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised fatma reporting number Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under 50 farms reporting 50 to 399 farms reporting 400 or more farms reporting 1959, 1954, 1959. 1954. 1959. 19,59 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959- 1954. 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1964. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959, 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 11 11 158,450 41,433 14,405 11 7 3,037,740 721,393 49 81 143,534 175,351 IS 18 230,932 4,543 1 1 228,000 1,500 17 13 2,932 3,043 39 69 67,176 89,211 U 350 140,757 30 75 189 30,417 30 11 2 109,900 26,600 9,991 11 2 .,987,310 466,930 47 47 353,720 7,430 23 14 279,055 380 13 261,550 14 14 17,505 330 27 30 519,336 12,670 214 1,595 10 23 124 397 26 42 83,300 25,518 3,2(X 26 29 1,513,460 486,906 13 2,222 73 130 795,193 124,025 48 69 1,362,989 130,288 21 7 1,343,900 113,030 30 64 19,089 12,258 43 156 274,340 118,471 74 102 4 16 42 156 2 26,000 100 26,000 1 1 430,000 1,290 1 19 60 8,902 3,175 4 10 12,390 398 12,000 10 390 398 18 46 6,546 16, 166 960 3 35 17 393 17 34 475,374 392,730 27,963 17 27 7,232,763 6,441,434 7 1,087 191 328 165,300 78,622 70 112 56,467 11,359 2 40,000 '63 112 16,467 11,359 151 270 329,432 134,718 17 52 1,011 3,346 51 125 310 1,179 51 50 66 109,070 20,376 2,181 50 35 1,886,351 360,744 31 1,442 371 549 3,856,352 5,065,326 363 522 5,470,381 6,305,363 236 464 5,165,605 6,177,550 90 95 305,276 127,813 89 124 2,683,729 1,134,401 4 215 184 6 19 26 48 200,399 165,453 7,708 21 34 3,543,576 3,202,373 5 14 750 2,015 53 134 164,127 194,782 22 45 57,413 51,414 2 3 50,500 23,940 20 45 6,913 27,474 38 113 180,602 395,617 7 12 60,959 18,395 29 17 11,062 2,221 26 2 1 237,920 7,325 39,653 6 2 3,910,200 141,393 13 19 2,310 23,096 2 9 67 2,596 67 2,596 13 14 5,419 50,050 1 2 50 265 2 7 32 84 GEORGIA 277 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on rt?non? for only a sampl"? of fams. ?e* CeMj Hart Heard Henry Houston Irwtn Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson Jones Lajnar Lanier Laurens UO 36 51 25 10 72 76 36 68 6 16 52 43 1 266 62 67 18 24 171 63 7 64 72 23 44 43 5 48 S 542,215 391,230 565,525 773,604 256,500 126,050 1,017,939 268, 535 1,102,387 800 346,895 400,015 189,585 3 331,517 112,916 447,671 205,314 40,924 153,010 602,818 12,733 71,082 689,165 40,937 557,818 195,696 340 207,345 4 3,873 10,868 U,089 30,944 25,650 1,751 13,394 7,459 16,212 133 21,681 7,693 4,409 5 UO 36 51 25 10 72 76 ... 36 68 6 16 52 38 6 222 22 63 18 7 129 59 4 32 66 9 44 32 3 28 7 9,460,882 7,012,748 9,933,213 15,704,332 4,669,940 2,449,880 18,009,498 4,796,150 22,990,220 15,480 7,255,594 3,462,306 2,602,911 8 6,726,585 2,045,622 7,825,235 3,471,751 712,527 3,148,830 11,618,531 192,984 1,704,735 12,669,984 530,672 10,522,832 3,439,708 5,504 3,961,513 10 20 9 10 44 40 4 '17 42 4 "3 '32 "(, 14 11 "2 U 15,560 12 7,485 4,398 336 2,731 7,009 1,020 235 3,875 1,156 798 1,415 30 13,535 13 250 80 126 45 121 423 85 101 149 43 62 63 71 93 213 14 458 191 195 80 185 476 73 252 243 172 119 76 128 172 372 15 2,089,808 637,543 309,705 175,817 500,663 5,762,669 318,069 153,851 301,624 406,220 306,715 576,907 116,540 127,675 167,907 16 947,737 307,641 256,834 92,736 48,123 3,345,752 130,915 49,796 59,006 111,311 111,412 247,019 155,050 15,181 90,238 17 174 50 65 30 48 392 61 33 68 30 22 47 32 23 92 18 303 78 69 35 47 406 29 71 77 72 50 34 50 33 129 19 3,444,662 642,492 130,515 74,740 380,677 9,493,854 504,377 192,636 101,640 180,630 109,283 1,022,344 41,688 174,462 194,873 20 1,212,474 308,253 123,619 45,019 63,903 4,509,537 166,190 23,885 10,126 19,295 13,277 396,183 16,177 1,335 20,805 21 105 25 5 2 8 320 18 4 3 1 1 34 2 4 9 22 54 15 6 1 3 305 11 2 20 1 23 3,387,852 618,200 96,000 65,000 365,500 9,192,547 493,243 167,000 33,600 140,000 93,000 1,015,500 29,200 170, 500 185,800 24 1,182,570 281,558 102,000 35,000 61,500 4,408,433 163,600 18,000 * - . 394,400 9,000 25 74 26 61 28 42 32 46 30 67 "29 21 14 31 '22 84 2« 252 64 64 34 44 117 18 69 77 72 50 lA 50 33 128 27 56,810 24,292 34,515 9,740 15,177 301,307 11,134 25,636 68,640 40,630 16,283 7,344 12,483 3,962 9,073 28 29,904 26,695 21,619 10,019 2,403 101,149 2,590 5,885 10,126 19,295 13,277 1,783 16,177 1,335 11,805 29 117 55 98 35 91 100 37 69 131 39 53 26 62 69 171 30 313 169 163 70 150 163 62 176 225 153 95 51 114 147 297 31 870,609 767,900 589,262 336,056 143,837 2,432,776 157,522 130,981 600,939 763,150 496,434 156, 566 197,396 96,671 160,693 32 283,974 292,273 359,808 172,356 36,425 1,041,255 54,175 82,177 120,192 289,713 227,028 36,130 233,609 26,461 192,203 33 10 9 3 10 7 3 16 8 3 7 8 2 17 27 34 18 i 17 6 27 5 4 32 9 20 10 5 7 21 40 3S 7,118 780 80 441 225 623 2,293 301 575 47,559 852 14,015 571 4,042 36 46,743 40 1,621 551 2,154 365 505 5,511 823 1,654 15,623 184 35,170 1,992 4,103 37 18 5 22 14 48 14 23 57 16 5 19 18 4 43 76 38 24 9 37 31 111 24 17 165 44 48 41 7 19 39 158 39 2,351 24 240 86 362 76 153 941 152 165 8,944 218 2,530 290 979 40 9,947 50 492 251 1,235 213 157 2,077 273 516 2,360 102 7,238 530 1,753 41 14 5 21 14 48 14 23 54 15 4 16 13 3 43 73 42 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 43 1 1 1 1 44 Madison Marlon Meriwether Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee Oglethorpe Paulding Peach 55 5 40 16 22 89 5 112 57 15 66 40 38 75 6 1 144 16 65 29 43 134 10 160 94 23 76 34 69 135 17 2 162,035 70,000 510,195 4,030 407,601 1,285,757 1,000 1,891,870 96,755 132,625 964,804 183,550 213,726 332,440 165,000 .1 81,997 59,855 497,317 20,418 273,791 1,202,792 27,187 1,660,952 49,313 221,182 584,925 200,615 35,543 226,832 53,072 4 2,946 14,000 12,755 255 18,527 14,447 200 16,392 1,697 8,842 14,618 4,589 5,624 4,433 27,500 5 55 5 40 16 22 39 5 107 57 15 66 40 38 70 6 e 86 10 58 5 19 120 4 153 32 17 65 66 56 123 11 7 4,288,449 1,316,970 10,008,282 70,176 7,460,490 26,958,911 17,200 33,861,855 1,880,360 2,361,580 18,783,971 3,293,285 3,968,354 6,651,068 3,300,000 8 1,638,601 1,026,883 9,535,336 321,210 4,854,124 22,831,521 5 14 425,812 31,134,202 5 7 681,249 3,651,216 10,634,175 3,450,157 1,821,919 3,667,936 ^5 889,120 0 10 58 6 7 '24 24 6 62 6 11 '18 13 12 6 11 3,250 9,300 2,315 12 7,999 707 582 3,357 2,121 5,497 516 1,145 5,876 6,333 2,756 5,368 4,124 4,176 409 U 369 89 86 103 128 73 77 96 286 26 92 106 M2 154 49 14 419 90 188 209 254 160 159 171 231 75 112 129 203 257 67 15 3,550,242 1,392,721 259,607 100,283 497,052 233,151 50,630 309,634 2,956,523 159,266 1,000,435 384,804 1,786,013 2,004,412 152,458 16 1,554,051 1A5,994 100,217 107,495 78,603 32,657 55,516 192,153 1,288,866 80, 534 205,299 411,934 495,392 971,109 36,492 17 297 67 34 33 47 36 27 40 257 20 53 50 95 132 22 18 252 36 61 56 96 40 54 56 148 25 45 63 109 153 19 19 6,616,153 2,730,560 46,324 129,924 306,956 30,298 43,993 548,426 4,497,440 31,990 956,163 474,339 3,227,285 3,762,615 216,050 20 2,454,169 202,970 43,852 136,030 11,597 10,020 11,670 139,306 1,626,488 13,091 92,799 445,478 644,116 1,512,615 3,571 ■Jl 237 57 2 3 7 1 2 17 159 3 22 19 66 101 2 22 160 11 3 3 1 10 79 7 19 35 71 23 6,575,133 2,725,265 17,200 125,400 796,380 4,500 38,200 543, 000 4,360,762 65,000 926,000 459,700 3,192,953 3,752,866 212,000 24 2,442,656 199,000 33,500 131,180 6,000 129,122 1,559,659 68,900 426,061 623,400 1,505,795 25 71 10 34 30 '40 '36 26 25 104 17 39 34 35 33 '20 2« 97 25 59 48 96 40 54 48 72 25 41 44 74 90 19 27 41,020 5,295 29,124 4,524 10,576 25,798 5,793 5,426 136,678 16,990 30,163 14,689 34,332 9,749 4,050 28 11,513 3,970 10,352 4,850 11,597 10,020 5,670 10,184 66,829 13,091 23,399 19,417 15,716 6,320 3,571 2il 119 31 72 74 80 58 48 63 116 20 67 65 67 47 32 30 231 73 161 137 194 150 116 154 130 70 83 101 120 153 61 31 497,021 66,086 503,657 84,039 223,420 471,283 63,023 85,058 1,705,027 231,138 1,153,673 64,593 414,662 293,720 106,818 32 140,328 44,736 159,474 56,949 182,674 143,542 142,436 188,585 485,958 160,641 252,230 206,625 203,077 75,437 65,782 33 6 3 10 22 25 3 22 9 8 2 13 17 7 2 2 34 10 6 11 52 27 6 27 5 10 8 12 6 17 4 4 35 35,925 28 28,199 594 1,337 23,226 2,447 221 541 1,935 47, 538 120,245 299 45 395 36 39,567 348 385 3,204 1,766 11,785 2,215 27,555 1,025 1,395 42,922 33,760 1,027 183 1,580 37 17 3 24 58 69 16 38 18 21 3 24 25 18 14 17 3S 25 15 44 164 79 45 72 35 46 28 30 22 47 31 13 39 9,692 12 7,146 435 605 5,352 721 123 217 14 11,971 33,179 151 90 214 40 13,160 96 253 1,719 660 5,585 920 5,498 514 451 7,296 6,453 450 184 358 41 14 3 23 57 68 15 35 18 21 3 22 23 18 14 16 42 2 1 1 3 1 43 1 1 1 2 ' 44 278 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold for 1959 are based Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk Of cream sold famis reponme dollars Average sales per farm reportinf: dollars Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat POrLTRY AND POIT-TRY PRODIOTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms reporting number Other chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reponing dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry , and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised rarms reporting number Farms reporting by number ofturkeys and turkey fryers raised— I'nder 50 farms reporting 50 to 399 farms reiwrling 400 or more farms reporting 1959. 1951. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 19,54. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954, 1959. 1959. 1959 . 20 12 3,455 36,622 173 20 11 53,117 722,151 1 275 271 3i0 2,095,800 2,291,944 248 310 3,897,823 3,583,482 220 292 3,863,925 3,578,484 44 25 33,898 4,998 68 42 351,349 54,946 7 1 801 290 12 261 43 5 6 70,000 40,508 14,000 5 6 1,200,000 687,596 2 320 143 226 609,092 244,475 84 53 1,105,856 281,253 41 18 1,091,100 276,500 44 35 14,756 4,753 83 162 133,778 160,946 n 50 430 4,388 36 148 260 1,725 36 10 47 70, 150 97,372 7,015 10 40 1,444,300 1,991,941 7 812 50 140 321,835 363,263 30 55 194,458 76,003 9 7 183,975 71,000 21 48 10,483 5,003 38 113 238,090 104,674 16 126,360 269,763 4 18 31,700 53,111 97 151 331,510 347,347 3,418 97 137 5,910,596 6,593,629 14 1,735 155 248 1,078,915 240,990 107 1(K 692,656 185,511 20 12 609,700 164,229 87 92 82,956 21,282 124 190 1,773,683 296,223 400 656 17 31 213 278 16 1 5 10 500 19,397 100 3,600 251,120 8 1,515 48 73 119,274 109,229 16 29 16,016 24,925 1 2 10,000 11,500 16 28 6,016 13,425 39 57 268,758 276,924 8 13 714 2,632 18 56 209 603 16 2 132 174 2,039,024 1,507,668 15,447 132 170 38,072,292 27,163,478 9,614 38 97 107,717 134,564 16 38 162,898 212,536 4 12 153,000 209,700 12 26 9,898 2,836 28 77 62,249 51,740 4 11 152 496 9 22 82 244 5 21 935 907 187 18,920 6,691 13 807 39 36 1,571 8,334 9 7 161 5,567 5,000 9 6 161 567 17 31 3,173 8,915 7 4 180 358 27 22 143 235 61 34 41,390 59,296 679 56 25 674,142 1,057,267 10 9 3,325 1,629 120 174 452,089 177,080 68 71 830,840 160,650 33 12 820,100 149,800 39 59 10,740 10,850 71 140 85,368 96,053 17 4 1,024 530 43 11 409 107 42 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Twiggs DUR^ PnODl'CTS Any milk or cream sold farms repcrtmc 1959 . 1954. dollars 1959. 19.54. -Average sales per farm reponing dollars 1959 . Milk sold as whole milk farm.s reporting 19.59 . 1954. pounds 1959 . 1954. Crcnm sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. pounds of bullerfnt 19,59 . 1954. Pntll.TRl A\D POrl.TRY PRODITTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959. 19.54 . dollars 1959 . 1954 . Chickens sold fnmi? refxirting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954. Broilers sold farms reporting 1 959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. OlhiT chickens sold fiirms repiwlinc 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Chicken eggs sold fnmis repwting 1959 . 1954. dozens 1959, 1954, Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1 959 . 19.54. dollars 19,59. 1954. Turkeys and turkey fryers raised ^ farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . number 1959 . 1954, Farms reporting by number of ttirkeys and lurkey fryers raised- llndrr 50 . , , farms reporting 19.59 . 50 to n99 farms repcrting 1959 , 400 or more farms reporting 1959 , 44 44 420,395 218,232 9,554 44 28 6,923,220 3,594,834 16 2,393 190 326 319,476 283,510 78 125 257,635 174,610 6 3 234,700 144,360 72 lis 22,935 30,250 143 261 453, 513 4>i3,5S4 22 43 1,2°2 2,333 55 93 443 845 15 41 60, 650 37,828 4,(V;3 15 15 1,014,850 1,239,768 26 4,301 126 221 524,699 70,319 71 73 463,374 7,767 5 440,000 66 73 23,374 7,767 36 132 703,444 176,999 1,148 1,651 32 276 684 11 24 104,690 115,770 9,517 11 17 1,554,880 1,789,041 5 7 240 523 139 194 227, 780 45,471 56 53 100,463 7,325 70,000 54 53 30,463 7,325 85 128 420,369 93, 802 43 60 3,370 7,342 125 61 38 10,390 29,957 179 61 37 194,317 748,415 1 208 209 281 1,164,337 323,729 149 159 1,053,442 36,900 34 4 883,100 31,500 122 157 175,342 55,400 161 257 1,521,501 418,569 3 730 110 13 13 146 S3 12 1 15 12 160,395 29,707 10,693 15 5 2,681,745 374,401 5 7 90 1,462 48 63 117,324 31,454 29 20 205,371 19,877 201,900 18,000 21 19 3,471 1,877 23 41 33,930 13,573 11 11 519 12,353 32 34 254 1,972 32 61 39 293,900 469,473 4,318 61 72 5,089,950 7,923,701 17 3,070 109 179 332,340 104,411 61 73 423,286 22,564 14 2 413,000 12,700 47 72 10,286 9,364 31 133 292,680 174,799 13 581 1,519 24 97 263 32-7 10 13 73,300 26,336 7,330 10 7 1,200,000 490,914 11 2,166 46 152 323,663 36 ,401 26 39 401,627 6,277 363,000 24 39 33,627 6,277 39 132 2%, 324 83,134 17 159 1,194 35 51 116 59? 13 5 U5,857 52,233 6,437 18 4 2,500,685 1,011,893 29 45 3,862 5,934 11 15 3,372 529 2 3,000 11 15 372 529 13 31 4,SS3 12,009 3 152 93 32 17 162 127 GEORGIA 279 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on reoorts (or only a sample of fanns. Sw U-xtJ Richmond Roc ltd ale Schley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor Telfair Terrell 15 11 5 28 1 21 21 21 51 6 50 1 22 16 15 1 28 23 9 40 9 67 69 12 52 16 79 22 28 23 33 2 91,815 227,500 5,000 298,885 20,000 198,860 65,539 7,285 1,159,291 22,080 386,620 75,012 129,395 64,410 91,055 3 172, 9i8 93,109 48,381 249,396 51,197 314,582 109,772 118,116 417,010 123,319 232,111 58,297 37,403 55,001 61,694 4 6,121 20,682 ;l,000 10,674 20,000 9,470 3,121 347 22,731 3,680 7,732 75,012 5,882 4,026 6,070 5 15 11 5 28 1 21 21 21 46 6 50 1 11 11 15 6 25 13 8 21 6 50 61 9 40 16 79 4 11 13 14 7 1,622,820 4,029,207 86,000 5,989,774 344,000 3,190,515 1,149,766 171,140 19,912,015 388,720 7,526,685 1,786,000 2,564,460 1,087,900 1,822,375 S 2,887,923 1,678,015 783,090 4,747,028 904,737 4,897,408 1,945,999 1,903,644 7,544,943 5 2,312,660 5,644,085 835,103 780,252 11 600,934 5 1,027,055 9 10 3 "16 1 '19 "3 17 "e "3 12 1,440 'is 17 525 10 25 19 11 12 1,795 2,262 144 1,720 237 12,700 2,326 768 4,600 5,894 1,210 1,150 3,985 13 62 47 25 176 47 64 155 46 104 54 19 163 84 130 83 14 102 76 42 225 87 134 198 73 230 49 68 368 232 244 145 15 208,408 149,702 167,547 305,270 263,007 125,340 1,403,592 162,244 787,977 121,397 80,246 183,279 833,719 455,614 253,164 16 116,297 142,198 24,326 109,542 94,189 269,232 758,756 39,613 273,812 79,779 31,296 133,026 266,873 102,668 32,343 17 39 33 18 64 27 38 122 18 74 24 12 57 51 87 27 18 26 34 18 67 24 56 141 24 108 26 30 51 128 56 63 19 45,353 168,907 293,110 31,972 253,648 44,827 2,339,892 189,236 390,649 113,903 7,511 163,784 640,924 708,002 206,763 20 51,664 108,817 U,406 17,220 39,520 67,863 1,125,892 6,834 95,092 25,661 13,965 13,365 91,912 40,804 7,574 21 1 8 4 4 2 83 3 8 4 5 6 23 6 22 4 9 3 1 2 80 ... 9 2 "2 2 2 23 30,000 163,850 290,000 238,000 22,500 2,311,677 185,000 337,900 107,800 136,400 590,000 692,400 177,500 24 4^,800 96,700 11,500 28,000 25,650 1,106,783 66,700 14,500 8,200 54,200 34,000 ... 26 39 25 14 64 26 38 44 15 69 20 12 54 46 65 25 26 Z4 26 16 67 23 54 66 24 103 27 28 51 127 54 63 27 15,353 5,057 3,110 31,972 15,648 22,327 28,215 4,236 52,749 6,103 7,511 27,384 50,924 15,602 29,263 28 6,864 12,117 2,906 17,220 11, 520 42,213 19,109 6,834 28,392 11,161 5,765 13,365 37,712 6,804 7,574 29 47 35 19 139 34 53 66 38 75 44 17 127 74 63 58 30 89 53 34 185 46 118 97 61 204 41 61 320 210 157 113 31 371,432 158,371 50,714 696, 546 327,674 247,010 523,704 164,186 1,435,901 156,210 185,220 238,221 1,152,176 243,322 360,037 32 137,157 154,324 36,156 231,538 186,557 437,696 148,091 87,321 500,664 154,749 54,693 264,890 507,885 124,038 69,776 33 8 2 1 22 9 2 6 4 9 3 1 20 2 15 18 34 17 8 6 32 39 3 12 10 20 1 5 45 12 74 15 3S 32,523 13 12 1,782 898 313 17,234 56 769 33 100 2,073 37,810 915 412 36 16,092 1,020 660 6,628 2,703 470 833 642 27,427 20 553 12,943 16,350 30,286 1,028 37 17 4 2 72 40 2 13 25 25 5 6 41 10 40 29 3S 47 25 12 88 108 18 26 41 64 8 17 94 44 172 60 39 6,819 12 15 638 424 68 5,123 113 308 20 50 463 8,042 384 140 40 4,501 446 242 1,942 1,099 93 311 272 6,389 64 216 2,972 2,701 8,236 516 41 14 4 2 72 39 1 12 25 23 5 6 40 9 40 29 42 1 1 1 2 1 43 2 1 ' 1 44 Upson Walier Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 31 100 47 10 12 47 16 5 5 55 50 6 149 21 13 1 46 215 97 9 40 84 22 8 8 51 125 42 227 8 25 2 217,950 754,005 591,283 43,000 97,150 493,367 75,345 400 50 62,070 341,970 65,000 906, 137 1,625 238,450 3 175,103 502,294 591,513 42,438 120,361 220,437 73,219 23,730 413 21,984 281,054 83,974 625,335 27,741 222,636 4 7,031 7,540 12,580 4,300 8,096 10,497 4,709 80 10 1,129 6,839 10,833 6,081 77 18,342 5 31 90 42 10 12 47 11 5 50 50 6 149 21 13 6 37 125 73 7 35 65 15 4 2 31 81 20 223 2 18 7 4,098,900 13,708,005 10,065,425 740,000 1,730,800 9,836,222 1,497,400 1,032 1,245,366 6,420,351 1,147,020 16,644,228 38,098 4,658,332 8 2,786,821 9,456,018 20 9,978,872 5 754,573 2,289,845 4,136,316 1,561,046 5 380,507 5 275 353,598 20 5,190,418 1,491,128 12,929,842 518,004 3,997,005 9 10 "9 90 1,400 24 1,250 2 5 19 7 250 4 1,000 "6 20 2,720 44 '22 4 "& 7 11 12 2,987 11,732 4,560 45 912 2,743 442 550 705 2,733 5,441 2,030 418 1,597 836 13 60 263 145 124 41 174 83 43 79 365 533 72 83 67 114 14 107 507 260 199 101 234 191 61 148 386 564 200 224 62 229 15 568,498 1,974,077 1,172,223 490,233 122,488 378,564 140,622 211,149 116,109 4,655,641 6,712,195 63,883 496,303 793,096 64,955 16 102,826 879,922 515,235 112,435 57,400 76,863 78,228 52,578 17, 166 3,022,513 4,554,746 90,213 144,702 301,052 60,697 17 36 153 88 53 18 80 30 14 19 347 481 29 45 46 40 IS 42 213 89 48 15 96 64 25 50 362 453 78 71 26 77 19 692,499 1,753,641 1,422,936 495,430 85,981 123,473 13,538 277,021 8,801 8,306,723 11,021,256 9,761 272,404 759,260 31,736 20 37,448 939,868 543,861 83,542 36,779 13,425 11,026 25,958 2,942 4,542,908 7,221,391 55,070 32,519 117,950 11,292 21 9 62 51 10 2 2 5 291 372 1 6 20 1 22 3 43 44 7 2 1 318 339 4 1 6 1 23 598,700 1,620,680 1,371,664 471,000 80,000 71,650 269,000 6,067,374 10,867,474 4,000 234,000 723,000 25,000 24 29,000 911,341 516,340 78,450 33,000 20,000 4,489,682 7,136,721 43,800 9,000 83,200 1,500 25 28 101 41 44 16 79 30 9 19 68 123 28 39 27 39 26 41 172 52 41 13 96 64 24 50 53 119 75 70 22 76 27 93,799 132,961 51,272 24,430 5,981 51,823 13,538 8,021 8,801 239,349 153,782 5,761 38,404 36,260 6,736 28 8,448 28,527 27,521 5,092 3,779 13,425 11,026 5,958 2,942 53,226 84,670 11,270 23,519 34,750 9,792 29 41 194 79 76 33 146 69 34 68 68 150 52 65 29 100 30 96 396 198 148 86 179 157 51 118 74 190 160 202 49 175 31 209,526 2,655,234 986,516 586,635 192,980 764,265 319,673 175,864 270,104 1,189,634 2,906,871 141,945 869,483 1,003,013 117,441 32 130,532 599,681 374,682 142,362 44,841 180,298 161,435 88,564 32,731 388,289 1,233,160 153,316 305,815 628,093 127,363 33 5 11 5 11 5 10 24 3 12 6 15 3 13 2 9 34 5 39 7 42 12 22 29 8 15 19 22 13 5 35 35 130,715 633 53,207 532 17 369 1,893 53 437 169 523 460 1,309 55 532 36 27,100 2,441 9,791 3,738 19,819 1,423 2,938 532 1,220 2,000 1,614 793 235 2,5Q; 37 11 26 31 45 10 23 40 17 29 15 44 28 30 10 37 38 16 134 45 106 32 56 75 33 51 7 52 90 45 18 155 39 29,627 254 12,746 354 50 189 686 68 287 88 414 253 472 71 259 40 4,667 1,355 3,410 1,220 5,723 528 1,098 315 523 18 794 891 355 161 1,253 41 7 26 29 45 10 23 39 1 17 29 15 44 26 2 25 5 10 37 42 43 4 "2 44 280 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Baldwin Banks Barrow Bartt3W Corn: 1 Cora for all purposes fanns reporting 1959. . . 75,293 900 339 691 405 215 442 484 633 2 1954. . . 121,071 1,201 486 837 637 333 756 765 1,055 3 acres 1959... 2,428,442 32,869 15,240 25,932 21,431 6,381 3,304 4,646 12,260 i, 1954. . . 2,760,396 27,704 15,767 21,221 23,677 10,684 6,703 7,534 14,105 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959. . . 71,045 818 317 653 395 204 435 478 625 6 1954. . . 111,949 1,066 463 782 612 289 741 748 1,020 7 acres 1959. . . 1,951,156 22,690 10,480 19,021 20,185 5,018 3,708 4,490 11,734 8 1954... 2,113,495 18,517 11,006 14,322 20,592 8,681 6,463 7,292 13,560 9 bushels 1959... 49,755,708 483,084 296,024 443,110 431,513 120,470 54,233 85,818 293,943 10 1954. . . 25,250,821 245, 515 180,690 217,296 180,861 86,658 79,461 74,357 212,636 u Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 28,413 252 158 315 228 19 63 77 253 12 1954. . . 24,773 225 154 229 183 1 44 52 448 13 bushels 1959... 21,004,375 140,223 74,440 130,333 194,997 7,845 9,261 12,934 113,007 U 1954. . . 6,109,482 41,050 41,026 44,695 39,597 300 10,391 3,239 66,873 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 1,050 5 3 5 3 7 4 4 5 16 1954. . . 1,U5 3 3 7 1 3 19 17 acres 1959. .. 32,888 129 21 95 23 221 37 95 125 18 1954... 28,536 17 62 492 40 19 246 19 tons, green weight 1959... 256,938 909 150 650 230 1,413 146 650 1,365 20 1954. . . 133,706 129 248 3,020 80 84 1,817 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or diy fodder farms reporting 1959. . . 21,673 590 236 449 68 21 7 7 29 22 1954... 29,618 655 295 479 149 58 26 20 34 23 acres 1959. . . 444,398 10,050 4,739 6,816 1,223 1,142 59 61 351 2A 1954... Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: 618,365 9,187 4,761 6,882 3,023 1,511 200 223 299 25 Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 29,592 152 44 67 47 141 348 354 331 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 10,612 135 35 106 63 23 64 75 127 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 19,747 378 135 323 179 34 23 50 120 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 7,180 136 66 133 37 7 2 4 28 29 75 to 99 acres fariES reporting 1959... 3,066 52 30 43 32 2 1 13 30 100 or more acres .. .fauns reporting 1959... Sorghums; 5,096 47 29 19 47 8 19 31 Sorghums for all ptirposes. .. .farms reporting 1959... 3,646 26 1 7 9 14 45 32 36 32 acres 1959. . . 51,332 284 100 79 453 425 186 265 395 33 seed fanns reporting 1959. . . 1,127 4 1 5 7 3 7 7 17 34 acres 1959... 23,317 81 70 70 446 25 100 73 223 35 bushels 1959... 579,620 2,777 1,980 2,198 n,039 425 3,124 2,377 4,627 36 Sales farms reporting 1959... 228 1 1 1 1 3 37 bushels 1959... 120,378 1,980 600 260 250 870 33 Cnt for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 564 5 3 2 8 3 39 acres 1959. .. 15,052 U5 370 18 148 56 40 tons, green weight 1959... 128,676 1,342 2,130 105 712 323 41 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dly forage or hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1,301 9 1 2 2 3 32 7 16 42 acres 1959. .. 11,681 46 30 9 7 26 62 32 115 43 tons cut 1959. . . 10,354 51 5 56 35 77 4A Sales tons 1959. . . 1,283 3 10 45 Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959. . . 832 10 5 6 12 1 46 acres 1959... 1,282 12 4 6 12 1 47 gallons 1959... 90,892 426 227 258 359 30 48 Sales gallons 1959. . . Small grains harvested; 66,099 30 150 20 49 Wheat farms reporting 1959, . . 7,494 1 1 1 1 2 15 5 2 5 252 259 122 245 112 144 50 1954... 11,810 1 51 acres 1959 .. . 94, 552 70 9 5 296 8 1,832 793 2,545 52 1954. . . 113,170 21 20 12 109 35 1,441 1,216 2,180 53 bushels 1959... 2,027,201 1,800 275 150 9,382 125 30,821 15,315 63,698 54 1954... 2,042,625 400 150 200 1,287 360 23,308 18,256 41,319 55 Sales bushels 1959. . . 1,582,346 1,345,675 1,800 257 8,498 1,095 12,731 6,332 7,955 4,624 59,636 31,781 56 1954. . . 358 57 Oats farms reporting 1959... 9,414 9 15 10 13 17 124 146 93 58 1954... 21,159 61 32 29 40 53 231 357 178 59 acres 1959... 232,958 279 358 120 823 903 875 1,456 2,719 60 1954... 510,795 717 558 383 1,827 1,879 1,997 4,685 3,728 61 bushels 1959... 7,967,379 6,048 8,780 4,121 25,750 19,915 22,280 45,713 96,915 62 1954. . . 14,816,326 14,608 15,743 9,145 47,157 34,432 43,913 126,047 131,087 63 Sales bushels 1959. . . 3,712,831 2,100 6 120 600 2,490 13,050 12,850 4,313 5,431 10,294 24,574 53,521 41,088 64 1954... 6,922,689 8l74S 5,450 Fanns reporting by acres harvested: 65 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 4,067 5 5 7 1 4 94 101 27 66 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 2,7U 3 6 2 7 8 26 34 30 67 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 1,392 2 3 3 4 7 19 68 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 767 1 \ 3 1 10 7 69 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 474 "i 2 2 1 70 Barley , farms reporting 1959. 574 683 3 12 71 1954... 1 3 6 5 7 6 72 acres 1959. . . 9,687 5 70 41 129 73 1954... 8,590 49 15 80 116 74 bushels 1959... 301,622 . . . 300 2,158 970 5,222 75 1954. . . 219,964 1,750 272 2,350 2,369 76 Sales bushels 1959 118,745 53,322 150 77 "'.*..-.-" ............................. UUOllCXO J.? JJ . . . 1954... . • . 675 130 78 Rve ................ . rn-rm.<5 T-prinT-t 4nir 1 Q'iQ 1,124 23,452 1 3 12 239 10 192 3 19 2 13 79 acres 1959 6 27 3 18 80 bushels 1959... 341,471 25 4,630 3,055 190 180 545 235 81 Sales bushels 1959. . . 244,077 369 5,113 2,100 4 31 2,185 80 4 50 50 2 10 236 11 195 82 Other grains fanns reDortin? 1959 S3 acres 1959. .. 3 3 84 bushels 1959... 117,727 810 1,070 170 4,043 65 85 Sales bushels 1959 21,415 ... ... **v.^'«." ..■.*...■..•■....■.■«■...,... IJUOJ.iCJ.0 J.3.,/? a . • Z Reported in small fractions. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 281 Part 1 of 6 Ben HIU Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooka Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton iOJ 920 157 404 383 981 156 1,652 1,002 245 317 17 607 1,184 282 96 1 523 1,230 275 559 465 1,413 276 2,081 1,432 474 576 106 790 2,312 446 126 2 15,619 42,353 3,098 20,677 5,497 47,818 3,943 82,756 52,856 2,587 16,942 126 28,664 14,193 2,527 1,220 3 13,971 41,563 5,341 23,916 5,642 53,182 5,492 82,547 57,763 4,063 16,742 363 28,492 29,202 4,285 1,579 4 389 837 135 335 327 947 128 1,541 987 243 315 12 559 1,173 270 42 5 479 1,172 187 412 431 1,340 238 1,827 1,372 458 566 87 685 2,294 435 98 6 12,483 28,594 2,695 14,200 3,0U 37,744 2,790 63,511 49,717 2,514 16,445 105 20,274 13,966 2,254 432 7 10,565 29, 503 3,417 9,756 4,061 38,031 3,143 44,024 52,191 3,881 15,541 313 17,545 28,716 4,095 1,165 8 310,730 746,256 98,941 341,887 97,579 1,073,459 80,900 1,773,179 1,130,424 57,890 519,325 3,002 394,492 304,412 92,527 9,813 9 73,928 568,514 19,083 73,893 89,987 583,167 40,064 551,973 435,359 30,127 193,605 5,100 151,724 331,628 85,581 15,556 10 238 431 32 142 72 582 24 878 519 75 222 330 421 45 5 11 107 671 17 42 30 531 24 620 204 40 189 "3 130 338 56 1 12 176,819 302,286 49,654 91,296 20,818 465,117 13,170 843,455 681,315 15,992 273,192 196, 591 83,394 15,749 1,214 13 15,051 210,341 2,860 11,091 6,592 167,697 5,924 126,231 111,333 2,167 52,029 820 25,611 59,330 16,336 150 U 2 4 4 4 1 U 5 18 22 1 7 7 6 15 13 6 12 2 7 2 7 10 13 7 16 24 49 73 293 12 328 'si 596 538 42 148 153 210 17 289 694 182 140 103 47 'so 202 299 133 18 224 450 536 1,214 iio 2,395 530 3,458 4,571 700 1,324 1,272 1,560 19 874 2,811 1,032 1,000 392 126 490 606 1,240 680 20 172 634 31 257 266 431 79 804 U4 4 30 5 346 13 11 71 21 193 727 106 336 255 593 140 1,393 203 23 98 20 406 19 9 53 22 3,112 14,210 330 6,179 2,474 9,746 1,093 18,649 2,601 31 497 21 8,242 74 63 738 23 3,406 12,060 1,635 13,466 1,581 14,969 2,349 38,383 5,469 135 1,121 50 10,745 187 57 414 24 97 104 91 47 199 179 64 222 270 175 50 15 33 752 216 63 25 53 113 19 41 84 107 23 198 183 40 51 1 53 236 43 14 26 148 374 34 156 94 334 39 617 277 30 108 265 163 19 17 27 60 167 6 76 4 155 12 268 86 29 "i 105 25 2 2 28 21 76 1 28 1 84 6 145 35 17 35 8 1 29 28 36 6 56 1 122 7 202 151 62 66 1 30 3 13 5 11 16 2 6 26 6 15 3 78 22 2 31 54 38 114 297 308 1 114 738 39 673 157 675 163 6 32 1 4 3 5 10 1 3 6 1 10 2 13 5 33 10 25 73 91 163 1 38 265 15 278 76 400 27 34 250 755 1,340 1 40 2,294 2 1,572 2,425 1 300 20 750 1 450 7,300 3 3,400 340 7,780 1,050 11,470 2 433 1,890 35 36 37 2 1 1 3 3 1 9 1 1 6 5 33 44 26 40 90 43 73 138 20 2 75 79 39 532 260 500 850 400 900 1,635 300 6 529 870 40 7 3 6 1 6 2 5 1 32 10 2 41 37 115 102 3 323 3 393 80 160 53 6 42 17 106 3 1 163 103 4 53 160 157 25 81 7 2 43 44 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 ... 1 30 2 45 (Z) 1 1 (Z) (z) 12 1 1 40 4 46 8 20 30 15 40 40 21 777 652 53 35 1,261 713 245 225 47 48 6 17 15 53 21 35 70 7 13 60 5 49 1 23 17 4 1 28 106 135 13 9 184 17 50 5 61 600 216 1,019 283 1,114 655 111 203 487 46 51 15 19 829 333 17 U 351 889 967 150 73 1,160 112 52 100 1,475 16,510 4,777 21,290 6,662 17,284 15,390 2,588 3,619 10,503 1,360 53 252 550 17,712 4,418 270 164 7,830 13,724 20,627 3,205 998 18,486 1,617 54 11 1,268 15,738 4,450 18,935 5,772 12,797 11,788 2,240 2,600 6,549 1,124 55 512 17,059 3,150 5,306 9,089 13,889 2,680 370 8,009 937 56 16 30 47 69 2 77 2 166 160 87 30 2 31 96 18 57 60 111 68 104 10 152 30 147 362 182 76 3 59 328 37 "i 58 176 516 1,845 2,343 19 1,647 16 3,992 10,591 2,233 1,114 3 560 772 404 59 950 2,466 2,518 5,789 54 3,499 365 2,895 17,322 7,045 3,321 12 1,290 2,474 619 3 60 1 5,855 13,980 68,128 96,305 400 47,193 224 145,544 295,327 74,642 35,147 150 19,122 25,020 17,140 61 21,034 64,665 78,437 167,495 920 87,369 10,741 94,519 431,999 220,408 129,203 300 24,492 70,849 17,229 45 62 1,840 6,280 51,323 18,810 21,456 67,721 208,796 35,017 6,960 10,245 5,781 2,085 63 8,211 27,737 52,705 34,504 33,U6 4,897 37,849 268,498 144,466 51,607 5,700 16,533 3,630 64 9 U 9 10 1 24 1 54 42 27 4 2 9 70 7 65 6 12 19 30 1 29 1 61 27 32 9 14 19 5 66 1 1 7 14 13 31 28 17 8 7 5 3 67 1 6 10 10 16 21 9 7 1 2 3 68 2 6 4 '..'. 1 42 2 1 2 7 3 69 70 "l 1 223 ... 9 4 36 1 3 113 1 60 71 72 "so 25 8,910 ... 252 57 920 10 63 3,869 a 1,900 73 74 300 450 ioo 3,584 1,950 1,800 1,500 50 1,360 900 10 40 1,400 75 76 77 1 14 1 2 1 18 3 17 93 2 13 1 4 2 3 ... 78 7 177 6 33 6 295 40 261 3,864 22 245 1 46 20 12 79 90 3,679 200 550 125 3,945 666 5,483 43,343 280 4,057 15 885 200 217 80 2,649 170 160 1 150 2,595 5 63 505 4,003 2 110 35,597 4 175 250 3 16 3,047 345 60 6 72 100 81 82 83 4,500 1,503 1,800 2,150 1,675 360 1,422 500 '.'.'. 84 ... 85 Stub items continued 282 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY — Item Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb (For deFinitions and explanations, see text) Com: 1 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1959 — 57 29 466 553 121 302 119 96 379 2 1954... 123 41 790 962 266 485 380 164 1,004 3 acres 1959... 996 565 7,614 4,263 1,350 11,683 1,U0 1,398 2,576 4 1954. . . 1,586 892 11,754 8,561 2,156 13,294 3,553 2,590 7,832 5 Harvested for grain fanns reporting 1959. . . 40 27 464 513 118 293 113 61 335 6 1954... 89 41 756 956 203 472 339 149 907 7 acres 1959... 700 429 7,317 3,974 1,196 10,906 372 1,012 2,315 8 1954. . . 965 849 11,235 8,427 1,695 11,418 2,709 1,768 6,795 9 b\ishels 1959... 13,300 6,173 194,053 112,380 21,276 320,205 16,313 27,951 43,502 10 1954. . . U,451 7,072 124,473 117,254 29,047 119,577 23,671 35,513 84,839 11 Sales fame reporting 1959. . . 5 5 151 152 21 189 16 12 59 12 1954. . . 1 1 151 109 21 220 14 30 37 13 bushels 1959. . . 2,270 820 52,910 32,660 3,347 154,502 2,482 4,672 7,212 14 1954... 25 50 17,644 24,080 7,087 27,582 2,501 5,715 10,707 15 Cut for silage fanus reporting 1959. . . 7 1 10 5 2 3 2 3 9 16 1954. . . 3 10 2 4 16 13 17 acres 1959. . . 136 "b 267 35 103 103 116 32 56 IB 1954... 195 141 99 53 529 ... 229 19 tons, green weight 1959... 1,150 15 2,195 517 300 sii 696 260 543 20 1954. . . 950 637 190 370 2,489 1,227 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 15 4 7 50 6 45 7 74 42 22 1954... 44 1 59 8 61 89 47 100 121 23 acres 1959. . . 160 130 30 254 51 679 152 854 205 24 1954... 426 43 378 35 408 1,876 320 822 808 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: 25 Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 37 15 235 471 88 91 102 37 319 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 4 5 93 44 17 52 7 20 39 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 10 6 113 33 10 93 7 35 17 23 50 to 74 acres fanns reporting 1959... 2 2 19 3 5 22 1 3 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 3 4 1 13 1 30 100 or more acres .. .farms reporting 1959... 1 1 2 1 1 31 3 2 1 Sorghums; 31 Sorghums for all purposes. .. .farms reporting 1959... 3 2 42 21 3 10 7 33 32 106 2 418 52 110 235 113 222 33 Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959. . . 13 4 3 8 2 3 34 acres 1959. .. 211 19 51 179 23 * . • 43 35 bushels 1959... 5, 579 450 1,838 4,574 735 1,340 36 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . . . . 1 2 1 2 37 bushels 1959... 300 20O 500 335 ... 38 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 3 9 4 2 2 10 39 acres 1959... 106 153 12 55 61 92 40 tons, green weight 1959... 1,660 1,260 65 365 • . . 346 909 41 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959... 1 16 7 2 3 3 • >. 13 42 acres 1959... 1 49 14 3 55 24 72 43 tons cut 1959... 1 136 17 2 70 ■ . . 116 44 Sales tons 1959. . . 1 1 4 7 1 1 45 2 45 Harvested for sirup fanns reporting 1959... 46 acres 1959. . . 1 5 7 1 1 15 47 gallans 1959... 10 209 257 20 50 !.. 829 48 Sales gallans 1959. . . Small grains harvested: ... 150 90 ... 775 49 wheat ., .farms reporting 1959. . . 14 23 68 g 25 16 50 1954. . . ... 30 66 132 18 43 43 51 acres 1959. .. 149 120 996 83 78 99 52 1954... 267 233 1,636 209 234 239 53 bushels 1959... 3,005 2,479 21,716 1,695 1,546 2,040 54 1954... 5,019 4,349 34,465 3,735 3,331 4,161 55 Sales bushels 1959 . . . 2,473 2,817 1,034 17,230 27,348 1,361 372 965 946 1,130 56 1954. . . 1,852 2,573 57 Oats .farms reporting 1959. . . 7 3 27 18 53 22 18 28 58 1954... 19 3 85 89 145 47 81 6 123 59 acres 1959, .. 229 57 421 194 977 521 259 213 60 1954... 743 76 1,415 559 2,814 1,611 1,754 49 733 61 bushels 1959... 3,765 412 12,580 8,210 39,925 19,715 7,920 6,295 62 1954. . . 24,380 2,015 38,610 15,829 90,117 44,793 31,795 1,110 22,731 63 Sales bushels 1959 . . . 3,875 180 17,167 27,001 4,610 2,495 2,400 64 1954. . . 1,090 6,200 2,855 18,933 8,345 640 3,369 Farms reporting by acres harvested: 65 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 2 2 12 13 26 5 9 24 66 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 1 12 3 17 3 5 2 67 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 3 2 1 5 6 3 1 1 68 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 1 1 4 3 1 69 lOO or more acres farms reporting 1959... ' i 1 1 70 Barley farms reporting 1959. . . 3 4 2 1 71 1954. . . 3 1 8 7 4 72 acres 1959. .. 16 123 52 5 73 1954. . . 45 2 110 223 48 74 bushels 1959... 540 5,120 1,500 100 75 1954. . . i,io4 40 3,030 3,430 2,543 76 Sales bushels 1959. . . 25 2,220 335 * . . 50 10 77 1954. . . 78 Rye farms reporting 1959. . . 3 1 4 4 1 2 79 acres 1959. .. 42 6 49 31 10 6 80 bushels 1959. . . 200 180 776 285 210 40 81 612 190 82 Other grains fanns reporting 1959. .. 8 1 2 1 2 83 acres 1959... 22 3 43 8 17 84 bushels 1959... 362 80 790 270 330 85 Sales bushels 1959. . . 25 80 270 GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 283 Part 1 of 6 Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early 1,243 1,399 252 663 477 226 447 287 223 322 100 332 604 197 276 836 1 1,675 2,114 449 961 1,140 339 715 373 389 1,075 357 1,174 1,056 305 532 1,401 2 56,777 67,223 3,066 29,915 7,405 5,131 27,846 3,523 1,775 52,636 1,374 34,577 35,392 10,854 2,310 52,364 3 54,829 64,385 4,740 27,878 14,366 8,234 30,005 3,632 3,619 51,038 2,393 40,317 37,082 11,780 5,677 50,206 4 1,178 1,351 229 619 402 211 442 285 221 788 92 716 593 182 274 821 5 1,567 2,001 419 924 1,090 363 691 363 388 1,024 228 669 1,032 233 565 1,351 6 37,206 54,930 2,434 24,435 5,887 4,374 26,724 3,441 1,743 45,548 949 21,293 33,552 9,091 2,219 48,435 7 37,324 48,191 4,252 22,709 13,176 7,132 27,100 3,512 3,608 41,757 1,867 15,531 33,436 9,293 5,502 40,124 3 966,832 1,845,691 38,451 751,017 131,052 90,019 742,523 108,066 49,306 1,221,682 24,362 343,813 664,676 271,410 40,509 1,560,089 9 500,949 764,782 25,369 395,555 Ul,880 44,830 318,810 63,949 66,613 647,008 26,279 76,025 292,568 93,235 58,420 538,074 10 508 817 15 428 73 53 354 142 53 495 3 183 402 36 102 609 11 351 789 10 459 163 67 335 70 58 405 15 19 439 32 46 478 12 272,610 747,731 3,110 399,196 25,654 53,333 489,210 39,520 6,940 606,223 1,212 69,158 376,594 120, 565 11,220 843,175 13 74,030 212,346 2,406 146,373 22,062 12,493 133,189 14,234 18,755 251,627 3,451 3,305 103,589 18,062 8,531 126,932 14 U U 8 11 7 2 2 2 5 2 2 3 7 1 10 15 4 u 1 1 24 2 6 "2 4 14 1 2 3 4 3 16 550 186 265 413 253 17 70 4 134 310 63 56 669 60 150 17 113 168 100 22 428 9 245 '15 72 346 16 103 433 96 65 18 5,035 1,662 1,503 3,625 1,524 170 500 '24 965 2,850 400 1,014 4,047 600 565 19 755 1,585 30O 230 1,733 51 1,180 50 441 1,720 45 700 2,495 480 595 20 824 692 37 333 86 39 55 7 4 351 10 571 136 43 5 235 21 887 965 46 337 108 80 106 20 2 479 124 728 200 44 20 493 22 19,021 12,107 367 5,067 1,265 740 1,052 82 23 6,954 115 13,221 1,784 1,094 31 3,779 23 17,392 16,526 388 5,U7 762 1,093 2,660 105 11. 9,259 680 24,720 3,543 2,054 79 10,017 24 131 159 177 100 293 108 47 192 171 138 77 120 59 48 228 127 25 144 149 34 75 31 51 43 48 37 83 9 116 65 41 30 107 26 499 567 30 260 31 41 172 37 14 257 8 359 221 56 13 291 27 259 277 9 116 13 11 72 5 1 no 4 124 112 13 5 103 23 106 94 1 51 5 5 35 4 76 47 41 6 59 29 104 153 1 61 4 10 73 1 158 2 66 106 33 149 30 17 34 12 3 37 11 53 13 6 8 3 25 53 14 13 33 31 253 498 146 30 304 104 1,368 21 8 235 212 866 1,463 598 191 1,020 32 4 16 2 7 1 31 2 3 1 10 33 7 2 33 33 75 305 22 79 40 798 3 87 35 448 309 172 18 948 34 1,535 9,957 228 1,230 800 17,288 140 2,500 375 13,285 16,254 3,585 240 20,407 35 1 1 U 2 12 3 6 36 500 178 7,153 850 3,099 775 2,985 37 5 3 6 ... 2 4 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 2 33 90 24 117 60 44 73 1 2 60 113 20 354 265 145 21 39 1,330 278 1,410 700 316 498 7 4 510 405 140 2,246 2,500 1,800 202 40 7 16 2 1 18 2 24 1 1 3 4 16 11 5 9 5 41 87 168 27 8 155 18 497 3 2 86 64 396 299 161 28 51 42 16 137 27 12 283 2 71 3 ::: 16 110 90 75 45 16 56 3 43 44 2 1 4 11 4 3 4 1 3 1 45 1 1 2 10 2 9 4 2 2 1 46 65 120 65 194 101 387 50 142 742 508 300 130 600 300 159 25 20 47 48 6 3 20 4 25 14 76 7 29 16 8 16 105 25 10 63 49 U 45 80 26 31 17 65 23 13 129 27 34 101 50 66 33 194 50 272 695 1,617 65 90 236 50 237 2,905 752 64 1,357 51 93 254 382 1,085 364 169 297 204 156 1,685 741 186 1,667 52 1,515 722 2,123 975 5,532 21,777 35,052 1,171 1,740 5,145 1,1A0 5,355 63,926 19,325 1,100 29,394 53 1,421 3,503 5,277 22,718 7,819 2,942 4,413 2,865 1,876 32,407 17,471 2,942 35,131 54 1,345 722 1,242 775 3,262 20,927 30,133 810 40 4,292 790 4,651 59,638 17,490 612 22,909 55 402 923 1,849 22,124 6,687 1,587 617 1,844 1,050 27,903 16,142 1,537 27,729 56 42 50 40 22 65 20 101 12 10 19 7 38 178 41 24 79 57 101 291 89 55 206 46 158 12 35 46 56 119 348 80 86 183 58 700 1,021 759 416 1,604 1,803 4,131 220 30 400 296 756 7,853 2,362 188 .1,958 59 1,462 5,907 2,738 1,073 3,089 2,238 7,391 185 162 1,538 510 3,934 15,274 4,279 632 6,422 60 18,578 40,162 18,331 16,404 60,401 75,540 143,012 6,300 845 12,558 6,950 19,287 275,739 94,633 2,771 74,218 61 33,278 177,810 62,453 32,630 62,190 77,450 245,241 6,745 3,791 34,785 11,227 80,903 508,304 134,545 11,194 213,497 62 10,860 16, 510 2,425 9,400 15,136 53,549 73,082 1,300 277 2,425 483 4,449 192,296 27, 535 765 39,131 63 10,216 59,311 15,775 17,690 13,521 53,962 153,947 50 705 14,965 750 31,250 373,112 33,696 1,911 91,240 64 24 21 20 8 29 4 22 6 10 5 4 12 34 4 19 17 65 8 15 9 7 15 3 29 5 5 2 12 49 7 4 35 66 9 7 6 13 5 24 7 11 44 13 1 19 67 3 4 1 5 3 16 2 3 27 8 7 68 2 1 3 6 5 10 "1 1 1 24 8 9 1 1 69 70 3 10 4 3 2 1 2 "i 71 15 101 22 7 595 6 72 127 134 12 20 13 '20 9 1 73 300 3,950 6O0 300 30,830 65 74 1,150 3,425 950 400 260 556 345 28,050 400 115 '25 75 76 77 11 9 2 5 1 16 1 9 4 4 19 9 73 152 283 100 32 132 30 285 9 278 35 29 432 155 79 2,545 3,496 1,589 285 1,865 538 4,020 100 4,126 755 496 7,425 2,213 80 2,426 2,930 820 200 1,340 538 2,464 2,826 320 100 5,094 1,495 31 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 29 82 16 9 12 5 8 40 13 62 30 508 33 480 161 360 150 300 100 600 260 1,020 360 1,800 300 11,758 1,345 84 35 Stub items continued 284 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY ind explanations, see text) Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Flqyd Forsyth Corn: Com for all purposes farws reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for silage farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or diy fodder farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes ; Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959. Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes. .. .farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales farms reporting 1959. bushels 1959. Cut for silage farms ' reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons, green weight 1959. Hogged or grazed, or cut for diy forage or hay farms reporting 1959, acres 1959. tons cut 1959. Sales tons 1959. Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. gallons 1959. Sales gallons 1959. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. . 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Oats farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushelis 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Barley farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales , bushels 1959. 1954. I^e farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959. Other grains farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959. 99 138 4,l'!-2 4,158 75 98 2,213 1,596 67,580 22,594 36 6 40,357 1,850 32 122 1,929 2,562 1 3 15 24 500 492 662 16,285 18,249 406 580 9,015 12,264 219,421 198,765 87 95 53,074 35, 592 39 340 332 358 7,231 5,985 167 86 131 47 26 35 6 96 1 1 20 2 64 450 4 31 13 7 4 140 15 1,764 300 1,397 21 91 563 1,365 12,578 34,386 2,610 3 39 703 580 546 1,008 3,802 6,647 542 970 3,705 6,382 65,314 63,846 66 145 12,220 12, 033 1 18 2 63 11 263 43 95 202 477 49 16 2 75 974 34 707 16,392 9 4,850 11 136 872 20 115 116 35 17 14 662 240 306 487 3,135 2,975 58,471 49,791 41,144 24,105 273 581 3,703 9,056 99,927 239,410 31,455 107,731 165 68 25 13 2 32 45 357 400 9,097 3,252 4,807 2,663 6 37 600 274 3 24 330 989 1,368 46,566 51,727 921 1,038 33,531 29,400 648,670 187,782 344 132 196,669 23,285 7 3 131 34 1,240 273 518 723 12,904 22,293 153 128 348 183 74 103 503 11 234 6,120 2 2,750 4 72 280 197 11 4 22 28 371 393 8,093 3,891 6,415 1,884 68 159 1,505 3,861 45,065 a,715 8,900 7,370 15 29 17 6 1 3 1 33 14 659 200 14 332 3,167 1,396 381 475 18,062 17,152 345 402 13,269 9,663 393,433 119,174 186 118 184,403 24,977 130 250 1,000 1,137 223 315 4,663 7,239 55 43 144 72 31 36 5 120 75 1,300 1 500 5 71 35 1,530 683 1,354 563 37 19 802 737 30,205 18,951 7,310 3,050 14 16 2 3 2 5 217 2,775 2,520 2 18 280 200 601 891 3,482 4,846 597 838 3,4U 4,761 132,890 151,030 158 113 24,933 24,801 5 7 64 82 629 830 1 1 4 3 532 44 23 1 2 21 30 24 17 1,804 852 8 24 43 311 623 23 175 30 3U 622 3,647 7,279 312 611 3,591 7,130 92,519 80,286 78 57 33,485 10,924 15 138 20 815 3 156 1,940 1 5 1 241 135 33 96 298 584 5,358 9,467 3,911 3,691 45 158 858 2,423 32,403 76,870 15,267 20,244 27 7 4 5 2 3 68 1,135 3 27 460 300 1 3 62 532 933 9,789 12,058 519 753 8,976 9,165 274,480 113,552 134 49 83,223 19,423 14 14 747 455 6,404 2,828 202 66 2,433 289 91 113 19 55 730 32 577 17,012 4 2,800 3 163 1,735 7 30 35 3 10 10 670 273 39 38 513 472 11,397 9,114 9,339 6,832 67 139 1,394 3,387 73,304 112,895 26,575 22,872 19 26 14 4 160 6,000 5 69 865 462 7 159 4,050 Z Reported In small fractions. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 285 Part 1 of 6 FraiJtltn Pulton Gilmer Glascock Glyim Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Hatersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard 771 512 562 233 23 853 1,043 310 792 419 748 481 443 246 661 325 1 1,237 1,150 370 362 82 1,177 1,338 614 1,592 802 1,317 901 843 541 1,252 709 2 5,340 4,723 4,050 8,076 111 12,694 54,193 2,862 6,716 2,964 4,843 3,342 4,752 3,134 4,426 4,007 3 10,179 10,722 5,555 10,325 315 14,676- 50,812 5,362 13,495 5,747 10,688 15,032 9,194 5,293 8,999 9,260 4 739 497 562 213 18 345 1,005 274 730 415 735 473 440 239 656 313 5 1,023 1,116 369 349 78 1,137 1,313 470 1,532 747 1,299 851 797 506 1,196 702 6 5,595 4,479 3,978 6,443 98 12,041 47,142 2,277 6,574 2,903 4,716 8,428 4,683 2,781 4,336 3,719 7 8,256 10,296 5,513 9,352 284 14,122 41,922 3,991 12,991 5,411 10,564 14,150 3,761 4,928 8,445 9,027 3 108,701 102,645 149,804 105,392 1,991 306,942 1,546,423 23,318 135,555 81,175 121,583 107,468 94,553 50,747 34,371 72,313 9 74,504 135,235 171,036 50,707 3,933 266,364 851,968 26,403 153,114 76,287 135,177 83,003 124,291 46,748 35,212 108,692 10 139 131 200 68 313 695 13 198 79 108 71 141 30 201 43 11 306 174 132 58 1 190 649 13 167 40 130 131 141 34 188 82 12 20,684 24,625 37,835 28,816 275 86,690 712,573 1,385 30,812 17,266 17,434 24,492 20,914 9,385 21,418 11,125 13 12,604 34,596 33,011 6,417 3C 72,176 213,111 848 19,543 7,675 17,398 12,662 26,480 4,123 16,695 16,935 14 4 8 2 1 18 16 17 3 2 9 3 3 6 3 5 15 7 16 11 27 20 13 3 8 3 2 6 28 7 16 29 83 'to 10 531 293 336 63 24 74 52 68 293 45 127 17 78 181 255 542 331 105 77 79 130 30 44 262 192 18 188 555 515 '40 5,674 1,955 1,882 746 204 490 200 825 2,195 558 1,130 19 176 789 1,320 3,252 1,191 538 424 253 333 120 244 1,175 826 20 42 19 1 65 10 406 39 17 4 16 34 1 9 7 17 21 273 40 7 58 < 39 598 169 53 61 12 87 51 54 43 8 22 216 161 2 1,623 1: 122 6,758 249 79 37 53 362 1 60 45 151 23 1,345 245 42 973 31 299 8,348 1,040 399 259 45 752 403 321 292 41 24 626 393 473 33 21 504 136 235 609 355 642 225 313 168 579 210 25 106 63 54 31 1 178 123 41 130 43 75 U9 67 35 53 64 26 37 47 33 121 3 123 355 31 49 17 30 107 52 35 21 42 27 1 4 26 21 205 2 3 4 1 21 9 5 2 7 28 1 3 1 9 14 83 3 1 1 2 29 2 1 13 8 141 1 1 6 1 "3 30 US 33 21 3 69 17 69 51 16 49 17 37 38 a 24 31 336 865 29 1 2' 534 222 787 321 45 125 177 136 216 393 152 32 24 10 1 1 21 8 4 23 2 2 5 6 11 3 33 391 426 4 1 251 187 7 216 9 15 93 65 164 58 34 5,127 22,011 200 20 7,837 3,645 71 3,531 '.'.'. 285 406 2,005 1,040 3,232 2,400 35 6 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 36 1,512 50 200 320 4 915 165 1,100 250 818 1,500 37 7 3 ] 7 32 3 3 7 7 1 1 10 4 38 60 390 2i 83 715 23 14 12 157 5 30 91 46 39 382 3,235 TAi ) 448 5,274 173 46 27 1,077 15 300 738 422 40 85 11 2 ] 39 5 3 10 9 36 1 6 11 32 9 41 371 44 2 194 26 39 73 25 101 1 12 105 131 38 42 353 40 4 ( 442 3 28 115 34 107 20 47 154 41 43 17 10 24 .... 43 15 2 25 33 44 9 6 18 2 ] 7 4 25 15 4 4 7 25 21 9 11 45 14 5 23 (z) (z 6 9 26 9 6 3 4 26 16 7 10 46 445 226 1,750 38 It ) 460 1,230 640 347 297 267 213 1,473 719 200 450 47 135 95 1,183 1( ) 301 1,205 64 16 250 112 100 274 341 76 65 48 600 29 5 21 47 28 37 182 42 78 16 7 7 637 22 49 742 102 8 54 57 5 123 312 49 170 68 25 10 411 52 50 4,374 230 32 202 595 361 U2 1,029 as 445 154 54 60 6,831 269 51 4,155 583 51 378 459 45 520 1,792 169 908 386 211 155 5,217 601 52 94,331 5,448 483 3,115 13,972 7,165 2,182 20,099 4,162 7,310 2,902 1,270 1,245 135,246 5,910 53 72,173 11,726 880 5,583 6,073 1,280 6,344 30,632 2,695 14,288 4,901 3,472 2,498 101,054 11,839 54 58,423 3,599 216 2,420 11,715 5,895 161 8,565 1,946 2,312 1,697 800 1,175 87,069 5,171 55 28,172 5,657 562 2,324 4,635 722 1,406 12,067 355 5,132 1,848 1,372 1,946 48,391 9,046 56 401 64 13 L 47 50 28 168 18 51 20 27 26 519 29 57 749 184 "s 53 L 78 75 117 415 61 192 52 49 65 1,118 95 58 3,967 1,193 143 I 942 871 512 1,366 126 345 482 296 452 8,533 496 59 6,325 2,840 52 816 J 1,054 1,533 1,690 3,572 489 1,407 1,016 721 1,166 21,422 698 60 121,383 46,857 3,114 5 3 39,349 23,295 10,822 48,879 2,785 12,995 20,295 11,466 10,339 237,872 19,563 61 179,541 94,573 894 20,755 2 5 34,780 40,034 39,350 97,271 13,820 33,730 25,612 21,694 31,763 599,911 19,967 62 43,404 6,185 800 3,339 6,231 550 13,756 976 2,996 3,630 570 3,836 129,350 11,307 53 58,324 28,321 400 6,140 7,466 17,392 3,517 28,063 2,421 5,311 2,525 7,270 13,466 416,036 1,984 54 272 34 7 I 13 26 19 132 12 33 9 19 14 266 20 65 37 17 4 19 14 7 28 6 11 6 4 6 159 3 66 36 7 2 11 6 1 3 1 3 3 4 54 2 67 5 5 4 3 5 1 1 1 25 3 68 1 1 ... 1 "i 1 "2 14 69 28 6 1 13 1 7 1 2 1 72 70 33 11 2 4 18 4 4 2 87 71 293 54 4 103 33 53 20 "s '25 1,035 72 212 199 11 18 89 26 32 37 754 73 8,068 2,369 75 2,621 400 1,390 200 220 250 23,661 50 74 3,905 6,370 130 520 1,705 510 910 720 22,457 75 3,107 300 850 19,504 76 1,179 3,000 150 260 14,730 77 7 2 2 21 6 6 2 11 6 1 1 1 1 78 64 15 13 283 90 99 46 113 29 15 10 6 2 79 1,388 200 176 3,308 880 1,250 520 1,440 431 150 300 25 25 80 1,004 50 110 1,996 605 846 120 938 250 280 12 25 81 20 2 1 6 2 2 10 82 131 15 2 16 16 13 65 83 3,035 240 40 . . . 315 710 ■y,^ 1,105 20 84 920 172 85 Stub items continued 286 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Henry Houston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkijis Johnson Corn: Com for all purposes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 195i. Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959. 195i. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales fanns reporting 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons J green weight 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed^ or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes : Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959, 100 or more acres. .. .farms reporting 1959. Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting 1959. acres 1959, Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959 , acres 1959, bushels 1959, Sales farms reporting 1959, bushels 1959, Cut for silage farms reporting 1959, acres 1959. tons, green weight 1959. Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons cut 1959. Sales tons 1959. Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. gallons 1959. Sales gallons 1959. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Oats farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres fanns reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Barley fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. I^e farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959. Other grains farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales * bushels 1959. 555 1,054 7,302 12,014 541 806 6,414 9,193 135,811 63,257 U5 12S 37,700 12,278 16 29 657 505 3,879 1,855 16 242 231 2,316 367 87 75 18 2 6 33 4S4 211 3,350 10 189 2,011 6 77 98 7 221 45 90 208 1,094 1,595 25,973 25,009 20,627 14,776 134 321 3,260 8,303 95,621 223,689 39,626 101,045 48 37 32 12 5 4 94 91 1,605 2,450 200 1,800 359 4ai 18,592 19,820 346 454 17,095 16,939 472,473 150,700 201 134 259,072 69,187 13 10 692 568 4,760 2,310 61 74 805 2,313 39 47 97 46 16 64 20 1,100 11 423 8,775 2 3,500 55 746 326 489 5,300 4 182 1 300 200 99 123 4,062 4,238 120,196 96,751 113,370 93,763 118 213 9,312 19,831 412,836 712,238 313,656 597,779 10 14 27 36 31 26 13 1,195 469 45,525 13,360 25,670 3,497 11 340 5,645 4,120 3 95 1,341 814 1,097 40,451 34,655 787 1,044 31,981 25,943 1,005,383 296,002 531 426 562,985 75,204 4 35 360 446 405 8,435 8,712 79 79 332 161 74 39 14 147 7 111 2,613 2 277 2 9 51 6 24 41 1 3 150 140 41 76 617 1,425 21,913 37,952 1,830 21,906 21 15 2 2 1 620 1,144 5,694 10,833 611 1,106 5,564 10,234 125,917 95,542 83 124 26,781 12,503 4 19 70 294 530 980 9 43 60 310 492 73 43 7 4 1 34 309 11 138 4,621 3 1,014 3 62 766 17 101 34 20 271 100 275 447 2,330 3,477 47,373 59,459 30,333 31,362 196 442 2,073 5,527 65,477 155,386 13,779 56,934 128 47 15 5 1 32 24 252 146 7,685 4,264 1,859 569 7 26 420 150 6 53 1,295 250 174 350 2,197 4,173 169 309 1,984 3,494 43,931 26,771 26 3 7,375 80O 7 14 159 395 1,245 1,380 6 37 54 284 113 22 32 6 25 264 7 102 2,830 5 115 827 45 24 6 2 229 60 13 91 131 473 2,359 3,640 1,625 3,735 46 98 2,179 4,917 91,074 147,541 21,980 25,502 12 14 8 5 7 50 163 1,800 3,945 548 791 19,401 20,391 499 729 11,678 U,736 236,176 207,171 31 276 30,671 47,598 5 11 114 173 820 696 356 412 7,609 5,477 75 84 265 77 27 20 13 69 3 27 785 1 145 9 79 1,121 966 15 13 213 199 5,675 3,256 2,705 1,145 6 7 1 1 4 160 693 1,014 26,457 34,491 669 971 22,333 30,187 473,456 202,203 303 216 204,802 54,349 20 4 360 118 6,562 354 134 144 2,764 4,186 134 124 278 85 28 36 607 19 513 8,784 7 4,980 5 35 181 8 51 57 28 226 25 274 421 7,779 9,546 154,418 169,465 147,957 146,024 197 427 7,929 16,359 252,026 535,614 141,059 349,003 60 44 50 22 21 14 9 319 91 8,040 1,935 2,600 170 130 3,560 50,357 33,920 10 93 1,545 710 434 784 26,701 33,109 476 749 23,755 26,839 553,083 202,330 206 137 191,549 33,463 34 44 954 2,047 6,256 9,378 111 145 1,992 4,223 78 65 158 67 29 37 43 1,317 7 465 10,470 1 3,000 32 771 6,274 31 195 10 23 181 326 2,945 5,094 2,719 4,383 73 117 2,128 4,045 53,821 99,686 6,950 26,103 23 26 14 5 2 45 560 400 29 602 8,425 6,701 Z Reported in small fractions. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 287 Part 1 of 6 Jones Lajnar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes Lumpkin MsDuffle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marlon Meriwether nA 249 265 1,464 304 132 252 196 858 405 319 33 525 618 295 664 1 £39 394 394 2,135 492 426 477 254 1,206 647 556 61 821 1,127 518 1,255 2 1,434 3,877 10,486 83,129 19,400 1,415 2,953 4,666 31,644 2,555 5,999 209 24,908 4,877 11,097 10,071 3 2,113 4,958 10,961 90,422 20,103 2,461 4,489 4,689 32,786 4,055 9,724 307 30,420 9,367 15,442 16,843 4 103 243 232 1,272 301 109 240 177 783 405 316 33 497 610 281 629 5 219 377 373 1,590 479 410 460 232 1,132 646 496 27 798 1,038 495 1,231 6 1,034 3,543 6,953 57,043 17,507 894 2,710 2,785 23,190 2,540 5,463 188 20,107 4,802 8,328 9,160 7 1,873 4,535 7,447 47,129 17,459 1,806 4,270 2,774 22,912 4,040 8,758 144 26,473 8,477 13,110 16,206 8 19,493 91,918 190,797 1,069,457 540,797 18,401 47,238 57,646 646,951 96,221 82,765 4,400 490,800 95,388 130,161 160,941 9 12,926 50,143 147,857 275,220 206,549 21,585 22,821 40,346 415,438 106,646 55,025 1,535 249,526 83,850 92,495 205,164 10 6 114 127 450 211 10 22 31 443 78 75 4 333 144 58 137 11 1 46 147 138 168 3 4 17 540 159 107 1 268 95 47 204 12 1,470 37,9U 73,147 353,044 290,367 2,594 2,033 7,405 317,451 U,668 22,566 325 303,582 19,546 30,278 35,380 13 125 9,597 43,353 28,981 00,359 700 306 3,418 134,648 29,310 U,067 12 98,858 13,161 U,068 39,928 14 9 10 26 6 1 1 1 . . . 5 1 29 1 4 3 15 7 13 11 9 2 2 13 1 6 20 16 347 190 1,106 576 '10 9 8 193 "15 1,857 50 301 209 17 70 220 1,290 553 71 ' 9 538 2 367 234 18 4,050 1,246 5,112 5,990 '70 45 60 1,964 150 18,139 300 2,430 824 19 255 315 3,060 3,225 355 '24 ... 2,382 15 2,375 925 20 5 12 185 870 76 68 17 131 448 1 18 1 134 8 83 52 21 15 17 228 1,073 92 64 29 132 562 1 75 35 118 116 82 58 22 53 144 3,533 24,980 1,317 521 233 1,872 8,446 15 343 6 2,944 25 2,468 702 23 170 203 3,514 42,003 2,091 655 219 1,915 9,803 6 966 163 3,409 888 1,965 403 2A 81 U4 50 164 49 92 172 64 212 358 US 28 98 515 70 394 25 12 62 42 157 34 14 48 38 135 31 65 2 93 64 60 137 26 16 38 97 552 91 23 27 69 283 14 87 3 179 34 93 105 27 3 8 39 263 44 1 2 17 121 1 9 63 4 31 13 28 1 5 12 110 25 2 1 7 62 1 5 30 1 11 3 29 1 2 25 218 61 2 1 45 5 62 30 12 30 7 19 5 36 28 2 25 7 27 7 2 13 57 8 39 31 882 222 50 794 717 44 178 23 57 20 18 1,420 673 51 423 32 1 1 2 14 10 2 1 ... 35 2 2 33 15 5 35 202 285 20 9 594 2 43 34 500 75 350 4,960 2 757 6,466 250 193 ... •■• 11,298 14 4,975 30 1,627 1 600 35 36 37 5 10 4 7 1 3 1 1 9 4 4 38 787 209 234 233 35 104 12 18 1,395 21 137 39 9,025 2,346 1,353 3,424 250 335 100 108 10,364 103 681 40 1 2 3 16 16 1 6 5 20 1 5 14 3 17 41 80 3 15 354 197 9 33 13 47 1 25 53 46 177 42 900 11 12 3 27 146 60 13 69 1 1 12 60 23 54 43 44 6 2 1 14 1 10 5 1 5 3 19 45 5 4 2 21 1 10 7 (z) 5 3 66 46 239 620 30 553 80 611 99 7 129 55 655 47 127 600 172 352 65 21 29 241 48 3 53 2 49 20 50 22 12 25 59 553 11 24 49 13 98 1 99 24 109 4 28 60 75 942 21 54 50 51 347 18 1,324 384 223 289 48 192 1,650 6,498 117 196 51 106 533 9 1,532 483 466 52 121 270 1,778 8,947 287 654 52 460 8,070 554 26,554 9,528 3,499 6,390 1,080 3,413 52,677 125,346 2,498 3,750 53 1,399 9,030 90 30,014 10,307 5,498 1,472 1,680 3,575 33,211 151,860 4,904 12,543 54 180 5,050 554 23,749 8,592 533 5,107 50 1,498 51,108 81,866 1,226 2,821 55 763 3,637 80 23,607 9,322 663 1,420 195 865 29,661 84,637 3,766 10,281 56 20 59 16 147 58 62 4 30 5 43 101 420 18 60 57 45 UO 38 354 89 11 113 100 20 111 "i 203 331 36 144 58 461 1,198 309 5,226 2,962 743 '26 774 22 919 5,849 5,605 391 ' 1,570 59 1,655 2,971 1,065 12,611 5,912 68 1,714 2,186 76 2,251 'is 10,807 10,315 1,033 3,757 60 11,845 44,094 10,185 164,547 127,918 13,850 389 19,032 690 25,192 238,676 154,973 12,776 50,736 61 48,439 95,425 35,319 286,459 195,589 800 33,992 66,314 1,678 51,652 600 335,019 258,457 18,800 112,117 62 700 16,213 3,670 74,258 64,907 972 "9 10,952 4,700 169,676 72,079 4,493 20,020 63 4,714 32,354 21,560 124,606 122,277 4,145 29,115 657 8,994 242,256 116,082 6,110 37,738 64 3 27 3 35 7 41 4 10 4 24 12 253 5 26 65 13 15 9 56 16 16 9 1 6 18 1J.0 8 18 66 1 11 3 25 14 3 6 5 22 36 2 9 67 3 4 1 17 10 4 7 31 15 3 3 68 ... 2 U 11 2 1 1 18 6 ... 4 69 2 8 4 1 3 1 46 1 1 70 2 8 1 2 3 33 1 71 34 82 '68 6 7 40 645 '15 15 72 20 65 6 8 33 229 60 73 500 2,435 2,980 240 350 1,600 16,610 150 500 74 300 1,885 920 '40 75 795 4,754 9,877 2,400 500 75 76 575 2,348 2,300 77 1 2 9 20 17 2 12 20 8 6 2 78 5 5 221 752 302 2 220 601 64 42 45 79 15 150 3,059 11,632 4,165 13 3,250 9,736 990 415 470 80 1,403 9,814 2,739 2,210 6,980 155 15 320 81 4 1 3 1 1 1 25 1 2 82 52 3 66 5 11 20 223 8 10 83 1,190 60 2,305 55 400 300 3,728 240 236 84 700 2,225 ... 830 85 Stub Itesna caatlnued 288 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee (For definitions and explanations, see text) Corn: Com for all ptirpoaes. Harvested for grain. .fajTDS reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .faxTDS reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for silage fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. tons, green weight ] Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or diy fodder farms reporting Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 11 to 19 acres farms repotting 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or more acres. . .fanns reporting Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes. .. .farms reporting acres Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting acres bushels Sales farms reporting bushels 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959.. 1959. , 1959. 1959. , 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons, green weight 1959. Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay fanns reporting 1959. acres 1959. tana cut 1959. Sales tons 1959. Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. gallons 1959. Sales gallons 1959. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Oats farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Barley farms reporting 1959. 1954. acrea 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Rye farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959. Other grains farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959. 587 937 36,813 38,128 560 882 32,006 23,383 857,611 365,278 415 415 435,883 94,818 1 3 15 25 120 210 305 535 4,792 9,720 51 47 199 128 55 107 25 595 24 578 10,656 2 740 55 21 839 403 18,928 6,910 U,735 6,149 53 78 1,276 1,735 35,346 46,024 10,309 19,798 13 22 14 3 2 23 607 125 6 93 2,780 600 922 1,442 59,583 58,265 369 1,353 50,756 42,162 1,430,170 592,131 661 575 701,133 220,521 12 16 651 764 5,777 2,995 393 630 3,181 15,339 127 89 303 146 75 182 29 726 17 496 13,967 3 3,900 2 70 310 li 160 132 5 3 42 25 870 555 450 200 40 148 907 5,374 27,663 131,791 4,967 23,295 7 22 6 4 1 13 406 4,813 2,526 2 20 207 160 340 2,049 3,470 137 267 1,405 2,443 31,206 17,540 25 17 7,161 1,850 U 17 440 558 2,473 2,185 21 75 204 469 103 26 24 5 1 1 17 194 1 1 22 6 133 1,220 4 55 122 7 5 110 21 45 14£ 315 2,546 5,442 1,421 2,393 29 30 634 2,198 22,100 71,190 6,595 9,233 11 11 2 4 26 46 835 916 421 583 19,279 21,487 356 523 11,682 13,670 236,589 113,164 140 99 79,459 18,316 6 4 449 65 1,510 327 256 280 7,148 7,752 57 52 159 82 33 38 7 97 3 79 1,240 2 15 9 3 3 3 ■235 135 7 4 49 15 905 148 400 26 52 509 885 12,310 22,236 7,810 5,550 11 7 5 3 4 49 730 470 383 707 5,658 3,975 358 669 4,545 7,833 78,289 66,299 58 46 12,234 7,833 22 31 739 696 5,049 2,638 33 44 374 446 234 68 56 16 3 6 29 603 4 60 1,690 13 328 1,832 13 214 300 20 2 1 137 108 208 855 1,098 17,163 20,542 9,847 10,737 111 213 2,686 5,692 107,323 179,015 20,560 29,011 54 27 15 11 4 6 9 73 401 2,855 U,000 6,256 6 91 2,190 1,760 1 6 125 477 735 7,441 9,604 474 732 7,257 9,546 187,103 187,041 161 210 69,150 74,199 5 1 83 12 830 100 6 7 101 46 269 89 96 13 4 6 39 254 22 203 4,523 3 480 2 22 335 9 21 35 1 10 8 845 505 104 112 1,156 1,201 25,334 21,498 20,105 15,527 39 75 520 707 21,100 23,093 5,783 3,347 21 15 1 2 11 41 315 1,305 739 5 20 268 50 4 20 710 240 27 129 385 1,127 21 117 327 998 5,940 9,569 12 1,064 1 1 9 25 90 100 49 104 4 20 133 487 2,995 12,042 970 1 1 302 662 5,124 8,412 280 631 3,774 7,936 78,866 62,317 71 77 18,429 10,462 23 10 1,220 265 6,713 754 10 33 130 211 187 37 57 9 4 26 418 9 162 5,513 5 3,300 7 178 1,289 7 75 83 5 3 3 132 72 45 106 260 526 4,712 8,540 3,461 2,333 65 163 1,545 3,843 55,455 131,101 3,635 14,887 25 23 7 6 4 16 9 246 72 7,715 2,160 1,090 584 4 44 750 630 3 52 1,875 GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 289 Part 1 of 6 Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Fvaaskl Putnam Quitman Rahun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven <159 410 168 293 725 331 453 373 117 151 303 491 111 133 220 918 1 893 790 218 465 994 609 784 530 311 208 506 731 205 403 344 1,441 2 4,597 4,876 9,022 1,965 30,613 5,451 5,916 16,772 1,530 4,937 2,391 18,354 3,333 2,035 9,530 53,752 3 8,669 8,779 9,926 3,408 25,844 8,262 9,998 18,627 3,057 5,161 3,385 21,636 5,357 4,465 12,331 53,007 4 451 408 166 293 575 321 450 353 92 146 250 473 93 180 214 882 5 884 780 206 462 932 599 760 441 275 203 504 746 160 394 334 1,369 6 4,418 4,848 8,202 1,965 18,389 5,161 5,300 14,004 722 4,021 1,913 16,395 2,622 1,687 8,092 43,116 7 8,453 3,679 7,959 3,391 13,558 3,100 9,736 15,796 2,402 4,725 3,240 13,347 4,528 4,339 11,573 45,374 8 77,903 100,361 268,241 59,837 504,183 111,145 145,736 319,843 11,020 102,856 36,209 448,989 54,132 36,589 185,232 1,164,635 9 81,051 98,223 71,903 50,339 335,935 116,331 120,931 144,694 16,890 54,397 126,041 187,794 27,673 41,792 130,001 414,193 10 85 116 125 80 292 118 64 210 4 61 119 247 45 62 103 439 11 193 139 95 75 336 204 177 138 2 77 123 218 13 82 131 283 12 13,144 27,675 202,116 12,025 232,522 49,309 29,205 175,254 1,085 38,187 29,177 183,772 U,931 10,755 81,122 432,488 13 16,197 19,404 36,085 8,082 39,410 37,745 25,463 52,155 320 8,981 29,365 33,304 7,470 6,503 43,511 73,284 14 8 3 5 3 2 6 17 1 13 1 7 1 2 23 15 5 "g 15 2 5 3 13 16 7 4 3 16 16 86 110 107 73 59 U2 671 3 131 42 145 45 77 863 17 72 55 116 25 99 34 302 lU 275 17 100 744 13 747 1,260 675 345 464 826 4,220 6 1,332 400 790 350 500 3,038 19 264 238 734 175 251 167 1,155 ... 1,273 928 135 525 3,815 20 U 5 31 527 20 9 119 22 31 53 123 26 6 73 356 21 16 10 61 ' 3 556 20 23 115 27 17 6 159 48 3 43 321 22 93 28 710 11,617 217 57 2,656 137 9U 347 1,917 566 303 1,361 9,773 23 144 45 1,967 '17 7,170 137 163 2,797 353 436 31 3,239 554 109 1,153 11,889 24 323 290 33 264 109 168 288 46 33 55 243 105 43 131 36 164 25 86 71 15 13 102 75 66 63 12 28 29 95 16 31 42 134 26 43 39 52 12 282 72 83 161 16 38 24 169 34 19 71 269 27 7 4 33 2 122 9 9 37 4 13 1 63 3 31 111 23 1 10 1 54 4 5 24 4 20 2 "i 10 70 29 5 25 1 56 3 2 42 2 13 1 38 8 1 30 170 30 55 26 5 4 18 6 36 U 20 4 4 21 4 13 1 36 31 487 62 147 8 150 95 392 317 275 22 4 254 44 131 8 1,750 32 14 2 3 1 3 2 15 6 1 2 1 10 1 2 1 16 33 182 6 70 1 52 80 234 134 60 20 1 183 20 10 8 888 34 3,000 120 1,660 30 1,175 1,900 5,669 4,778 1,070 550 20 5,112 200 250 400 17,221 35 5 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 36 1,875 1,660 800 1,000 1,000 540 1,714 1,500 37 11 1 4 2 2 12 1 1 1 3 9 33 252 1 38 103 67 203 1 1 3 62 469 39 2,668 ... 3 306 663 1,221 1,982 10 7 22 323 4,140 40 10 14 3 2 12 1 7 6 3 1 1 10 2 4 17 41 37 38 77 6 60 10 41 66 7 1 1 69 21 56 393 42 42 32 125 12 10 21 11 10 5 43 31 5 840 43 4 2 35 2 2 30 500 44 20 13 3 12 4 1 3 4 45 16 IS 5 9 5 1 2 3 46 733 650 178 534 150 30 115 70 47 303 271 ... ... 150 362 4 ... 15 73 48 233 15 42 16 54 43 22 8 2 15 29 12 9 14 49 483 43 58 17 83 96 27 24 4 9 23 35 65 26 25 50 3,178 128 1,365 94 824 590 571 89 37 297 411 87 165 253 51 5,379 367 1,392 112 806 900 679 108 65 '45 416 551 355 429 298 52 72,427 2,920 42,640 1,610 16,325 14,138 11,736 2,129 1,040 • . . 7,235 7,091 1,895 4,306 4,915 53 94,698 4,819 33,259 2,147 16,113 15,184 U,073 1,399 1,225 574 9,567 9,019 4,918 8,305 4,146 54 56,368 1,894 40,627 800 12,837 12,260 11,371 1,632 966 . . . 6,544 5,556 1,216 3,478 3,980 55 64,034 2,271 36,769 1,390 12,877 9,152 13,076 270 1,095 1 7,974 6,641 1,494 5,322 2,657 56 198 12 72 1 10 85 55 35 8 5 1 50 36 26 21 , 153 57 487 69 109 6 51 177 152 77 63 17 7 125 84 74 58 214 58 4,209 126 5,967 2 263 2,251 963 1,059 372 179 5 1,434 1,502 133 584 5,724 59 8,336 829 8,021 47 368 5,933 2,124 3,693 1,032 320 34 4,572 3,495 856 1,211 6,189 60 144,738 2,430 294,878 60 4,484 70,124 35,225 32,415 12,451 6,870 75 58,135 39,461 3,320 26,230 187,363 61 223,678 20,502 344,983 1,651 11,487 203,023 57,898 100,030 20,057 9,693 842 139,317 87,292 24,194 41,053 156,612 62 54,176 150 256,026 20 2,400 35,658 10,304 18,725 6,000 2,500 15,710 13,620 630 5,350 51,563 63 73,847 4,032 234,729 200 1,090 114,059 11,635 76,527 400 2,550 63,520 36,847 3,265 13,060 52,482 64 110 5 11 1 2 31 20 10 3 2 1 9 10 24 5 43 65 39 5 7 7 27 24 3 2 1 19 9 1 11 44 66 23 2 17 15 6 10 2 . . . 14 7 1 1 30 67 13 15 9 3 5 . . • 1 5 4 2 17 68 8 22 ' i 3 2 2 1 1 3 6 2 14 69 18 1 4 7 4 ... 1 2 2 3 70 22 3 2 1 6 14 1 "2 2 1 3 71 365 2 83 56 118 17 46 '21 '86 72 370 26 25 25 245 154 14 '12 ' 8 85 56 73 10,365 12 3,635 1,595 2,190 340 1,250 290 3,280 74 9,634 725 650 600 3,384 3,761 150 300 190 5,000 1,850 75 4,340 2,850 100 2,500 76 137 400 200 644 772 77 8 9 2 4 1 4 1 1 9 5 9 2 43 73 45 336 13 63 14 49 1 10 41 34 265 6 857 79 875 6,661 430 565 190 1,255 3 200 362 1,580 3,832 100 14,206 30 50O 6,071 200 433 1,025 130 180 945 3,060 7,843 81 14 2 1 2 4 1 1 82 74 37 6 7 64 2 9 83 1,254 1,060 60 160 160 ::; 240 ■•• ;:: 776 300 40 180 84 35 Stub items continued 290 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor Corn: 1 Com for all purpcsses fanns reportijlg 1959... 397 170 318 336 564 211 156 941 371 2 1954. . . 551 366 542 608 964 439 302 1,276 604 3 acres 1959... 28,274 3,315 2,554 11,744 30,352 2,246 1,145 42,581 18,790 i. 1954. . . 26,042 3,511 4,210 15,806 33,657 5,676 2,211 42,422 20,846 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959. . . 385 131 310 315 520 202 152 874 344 6 1954... 524 350 494 594 914 432 290 1,176 563 7 acres 1959... 24,950 2,481 2,428 9,684 25,875 2,093 1,097 26,695 15,148 g 1954. . . 20,070 3,324 3,792 13,98C 28,513 5,497 2,100 25,795 17,383 9 Imshels 1959... 651,724 62,109 61,968 203,364 788, 535 28,636 15,454 682,616 317,329 10 1954... 353,061 41,523 43,442 170,964 343,627 56,007 16,743 311,186 136,156 n Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 250 237 41 68 106 93 143 151 360 421 U 16 6 7 391 317 190 122 12 1954... 13 bushels 1959... 276,383 24,129 21,482 66,777 518,965 2,789 1,000 267,634 153,354 U 1954... 86,267 8,701 11,639 32,623 122,237 3,380 762 71,538 42,061 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1 13 5 23 10 3 16 1954... 12 26 4 39 2 1 5 17 acres 1959... 'so 394 84 IOC 1,262 413 65 18 1954... 117 111 262 1,526 40 200 195 19 tons, green weight 1959... 600 2,718 591 43C 15,257 2,617 650 20 1954... 331 258 1,122 7,985 175 2,100 435 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or diy fodder farms reporting 1959. . .- 179 36 11 87 142 21 7 630 131 22 1954. . . 301 9 55' 65 176 12 18 777 122 23 acres 1959... 3,274 440 42 1,96C 3,215 153 48 15,473 3,577 2A 1954. . . Famis reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes : 5,972 70 307 1,564 3,618 139 111 16,427 3,268 25 Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 45 86 250 74 94 146 130 115 75 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 31 31 38 92 70 36 21 106 51 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 120 33 28 112 189 25 4 387 119 2S 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... 63 9 1 2£ 96 3 1 201 47 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 48 7 1 IC 33 1 55 27 30 100 or more acres.. .farms reporting 1959... Sorghums: 90 4 22 82 77 52 31 Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 24 12 43 14 46 12 13 4 5 32 acres 1959. . . 683 71 196 19" 1,757 60 38 48 75 33 Harvested for grain 22 2 5 1 25 2 1 1 34 acres 1959... 602 15 39 (z_ 902 48 40 25 35 bushels 1959... 18,278 450 1,085 2 22,415 1,500 1,030 714 36 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 3 8 37 bushels 1959... 2,217 10,865 !.! 38 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 2 4 7 1 39 acres 1959... 24 14f 458 17 40 tons, green weight 1959... 260 1,903 4,218 200 41 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959... 4 4 33 £ 16 2 4 3 4 42 acres 1959. . . 81 27 154 49 397 5 20 3 50 43 tons cut 1959... 50 44 218 63 3 22 44 Sales tons 1959. . . 50 5 69 5 24 8 9 45 Harvested for sirup fanns reporting 1959... 46 acres 1959... 5 3 7 1 47 gallons 1959.;. 251 91 1= U7 94 48 Sales gallons 1959... Small grains harvested: 30 49 Wheat farms reporting 1959. . . 49 4 31 98 123 116 IC 36 113 7 3 12 65 2 2 11 25 50 1954... 51 acres 1959. . . 729 569 615 2] 806 81 47 26 339 52 1954... 75 1,346 437 9: 1,976 133 255 30 290 53 bushels. 1959... 16,722 11,199 10,390 74; 13,894 1,575 815 400 6,714 54 1954. . . 2,350 26,977 6,023 2,02C 41,246 2,770 3,369 450 4,563 55 Sales bushels 1959 .. . 15,209 2,024 9,428 22,154 5,067 1,187 72c 1,73C 16,697 36,275 1,168 2,301 228 919 150 420 6,395 3,072 56 1954. . . 57 Oats farms reporting 1959. . . 92 59 92 2] 166 15 17 24 34 58 1954... 72 175 160 43 355 33 55 36 110 59 acres 1959. . . 3,132 1,680 632 743 8,088 184 126 682 1,593 60 1954... 2,666 6,942 1,137 1,45: 19,460 752 735 948 3,427 61 bushels 1959... 122,814 50,336 15,806 31,87 369,248 5,144 3,483 25,065 54,220 62 1954. . . 88,594 216,611 23,929 39,97 692,294 20,470 14,863 27,062 102,749 63 Sales bushels 1959. . . 32,757 31,234 17,600 118,808 2,529 4,866 7,42C 5,09 247,836 478,007 5,950 2,916 17,175 1,857 35,235 53,597 64 1954. . . Farms reporting by acres harvested: 65 Under 10 acrea... faims reporting 1959... 20 37 12 26 70 18 f 23 40 8 3 13 4 9 7 8 9 66 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 67 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 17 9 4 46 4 3 7 68 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 9 9 31 3 5 69 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 9 3 21 ... 2 5 70 Barley farms reporting 1959. . . 3 4 3 1 1 71 1954... 10 8 6 4 2 72 acres 1959... 63 48 46 12 10 73 1954... 138 50 148 82 37 74 bushels 1959... 1,820 1,460 720 500 250 75 1954. . . 4,184 906 3,130 3,150 500 76 Sales bushels 1959... 180 580 500 175 400 77 1954. . . 78 Rye farms reporting 1959. . . 4 9 45 3 1 79 acres 1959... 92 120 1,245 95 15 80 bushels 1959... 1,604 1,143 25,939 1,800 300 81 Sales bushels 1959. . . 1,024 9 703 2 8 21,683 4 1,538 200 82 Other grains farms reporting 1959. . . 83 360 10 171 158 S4 bushels 1959... 8,076 180 4,165 1,545 85 Sales bushels 1959. . . 4,373 600 250 Z Reported in sntEJ.! fractions. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 291 Part 1 of 6 Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Trou] P Turner Twiggs Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren 592 560 902 751 678 400 372 )49 468 338 698 224 535 814 502 444 1 830 1,024 1,268 968 975 532 494 ^5 701 539 859 483 1,047 1,392 731 676 2 24,785 28,081 54,284 29,362 32,861 2,479 14,030 3, TO 22,232 9,420 5,772 2,476 6,613 9,104 13,983 9,731 3 28,871 25,917 52,255 27,823 32,494 2,967 16,869 7, !01 17,409 12,568 6,183 5,724 10, 574 15,365 15,355 12,167 4 500 553 878 713 585 400 326 i24 437 311 697 217 580 757 470 438 5 669 1,002 1,180 814 821 531 456 ?64 619 520 855 410 1,015 1,333 655 674 6 14,106 26,526 50,398 23,964 21,648 2,415 9,126 3, ,66 18,850 7,165 5,698 2,350 6,286 8,203 10,773 9,101 7 15,347 22,940 41,229 18,284 18,035 2,927 12,325 7, )98 12,830 11,319 6,115 4,356 9,897 14,765 11,341 12,050 8 250,855 863,147 1,570,591 671,784 471,710 106,905 146,027 54, 723 457,047 140,794 241,058 42,200 208,126 179,114 340,872 141,415 9 113,872 255,310 836,168 147,597 184,151 113,065 102,422 80, D13 108,806 49,773 206,295 42,446 153,102 166,131 215,200 91,369 10 103 420 617 371 265 77 66 28 253 63 176 33 142 295 249 U4 11 86 152 551 121 174 73 84 53 116 15 183 62 103 250 243 124 12 40,782 505,455 897,861 237,521 216,438 15,316 29,275 5, J20 192,704 33,097 51,660 7,141 42,524 59,920 136,991 36,572 13 a, 276 50,623 300,680 20,337 36,136 23,035 16,385 3, J50 16,827 1,808 47,643 6,950 25,224 24,754 62,948 16,654 14 5 5 5 7 14 5 2 10 4 21 5 9 10 4 12 15 5 2 10 3 8 3 2 6 8 7 6 6 13 20 19 16 200 81 109 256 350 57 48 150 77 622 57 293 293 24 350 17 260 91 235 168 161 36 130 56 152 179 64 89 473 212 166 18 2,100 655 980 1,919 1,950 552 222 394 750 4,498 275 4,399 3,025 230 2,140 19 1,040 260 1,046 705 1,360 186 640 384 426 693 632 173 2,802 1,309 1,120 20 394 102 186 331 423 2 187 34 216 105 4 18 9 91 264 17 21 477 151 512 421 544 1 156 L03 263 42 1 89 40 44 341 7 22 10,479 1,474 3,777 5,642 10,863 7 4,906 357 3,305 1,633 17 126 39 608 3,181 280 23 13,264 2,886 10,791 9,371 14,298 4 4,414 >i7 4,427 1,070 4 779 204 388 3,848 117 24 98 89 159 92 94 353 64 234 56 112 557 157 411 510 138 176 25 67 99 92 106 89 26 60 65 41 61 81 34 88 198 96 33 26 239 200 312 345 243 14 162 42 196 103 53 26 63 97 182 143 27 107 61 123 108 113 1 43 4 106 37 5 5 12 6 55 17 23 33 31 70 54 56 1 21 2 29 11 2 1 4 12 12 29 48 30 146 46 78 17 2 40 14 1 2 3 19 13 30 13 14 11 34 12 21 5 24 23 7 144 15 83 37 7 10 31 263 387 224 515 107 42 249 LOl 370 227 562 155 641 725 42 163 32 8 5 10 24 2 2 10 4 17 36 18 1 4 33 190 192 219 346 12 15 197 168 55 423 342 14 49 34 5,978 2,870 5,275 10,468 300 345 4,525 3,386 1,416 19,152 12,434 420 900 35 2 1 2 2 5 10 4 4 1 36 910 1,500 1,825 1,248 2,647 776 1,600 1,650 300 37 4 1 5 1 1 4 4 18 10 1 4 33 121 5 70 10 6 32 120 134 333 15 55 39 1,320 50 495 100 75 498 1,020 1,041 2,631 100 260 40 3 5 8 7 5 17 9 2 5 22 5 4 4 41 70 74 99 83 249 76 91 59 26 73 42 12 57 42 68 32 25 20 228 330 67 67 55 26 167 3 44 135 43 44 3 2 21 5 1 143 7 9 5 1 1 45 3 2 42 4 (z) 507 9 11 3 1 2 46 80 115 3,448 82 84 52,359 202 779 110 150 50 47 50 75 3,071 50 46,379 524 3 140 43 1 17 9 10 13 9 8 4 29 2 16 22 30 221 53 49 3 47 4 4 7 44 6 18 15 2 76 30 68 459 1 90 50 34 173 105 65 117 45 66 12 398 40 107 373 502 1,434 756 51 26 403 73 16 63 215 83 67 156 50 403 374 668 2,320 2 1,276 52 600 4,232 2,135 1,195 2,230 963 1,105 ?55 3,364 1,300 2,503 6,498 12,504 28,115 19,166 53 295 6,863 1,164 200 1,469 3,640 1,078 389 3,003 1,160 6,770 9,646 12,624 38,662 '15 25,454 54 532 3,418 1,497 696 1,596 220 550 7,009 1,300 1,644 5,371 10,090 15,056 13,955 55 250 4,377 843 1,310 346 858 360 2,202 1,060 2,184 8,056 8,616 9,318 19,458 56 27 64 81 100 40 6 27 25 59 40 11 44 34 191 7 60 57 115 211 125 150 32 42 36 54 157 44 51 93 160 443 14 121 58 478 2,178 1,975 1,640 762 17 376 =01 1,253 1,049 102 917 1,351 2,277 107 1,964 59 2,899 8,223 3,103 2,755 634 231 999 j71 5,154 1,801 360 2,034 2,642 6,019 88 4,147 60 13,679 73,343 54,580 51,164 22,390 515 10,939 22, !58 39,363 27,135 4,149 26,898 50,395 72,157 2,965 58,319 61 51,944 206,468 89,768 81,460 14,338 5,677 16,917 16, ?82 139,636 47,033 10,215 50,638 83,675 168,551 2,960 133,314 62 4,025 29,403 16,682 16,740 11,216 40 1,260 7, 300 16,215 8,740 500 1,685 9,995 15,864 1,700 19,447 63 13,733 73,240 39,969 36,718 4,895 1,000 5,135 508 89,046 24,524 2,292 11,995 9,179 45,273 330 67,895 64 9 10 31 40 17 6 15 5 20 19 7 18 43 119 2 25 65 11 27 22 40 15 6 11 24 11 2 15 27 49 A 23 66 4 18 12 15 5 5 6 11 3 2 6 8 14 1 5 67 3 4 12 2 1 2 2 4 4 5 9 4 68 5 4 1 2 3 1 1 3 69 1 2 •• 1 10 4 21 70 1 1 1 17 6 30 71 10 ' 6 46 "5 2 1 176 482 33 62 331 293 72 73 20O 176 ioo 710 '50 16 44 4,535 11,150 525 440 1,700 1,169 125 11,675 9,405 50 207 74 75 76 77 2 13 10 3 4 5 10 1 23 1 2 11 20 78 16 251 153 64 129 17 130 142 15 162 100 7 173 391 79 200 3,253 2,897 1,298 1,651 144 1,690 2,214 150 1,936 1,200 68 3,075 4,605 30 166 1,967 1,090 754 1,231 24 1,350 1,335 816 1,000 2,263 3,101 81 2 4 1 1 2 5 1 1 17 9 5 82 70 98 5 4 3 111 9 9 355 45 12 77 83 1,300 3,030 350 40 51 2,497 50 90 14,812 773 400 1,290 84 700 1,500 350 ... 100 10 615 85 Stub items continued 292 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Item (For dcnnilions and explanations, see text) Washington Wayne Corn: Com for all purposes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Harvested for grain fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tuahels 1959. 1954. Sales fanns reporting 1959. 1954. tustels 1959. 1954. Cut for silage farms renorting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 19X. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes : Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959 . , 11 to 19 acres fanns reporting 1959.. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres fanes reporting 1959.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres — farms reporting 1959.. Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes .... farms reporting 1959., acres 1959. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959. . bushels 1959 . . Sales farms reporting 1959 . . bushels 1959.. Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959. . tons , green weight 1959 . . Hogged or grazed, or cut for diy forage or hay fanos reporting 1959. . acres 1959. . tons cut 1959 . . Sales tons 1959 . . Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959. . gallons 1959.. Sales gallons 1959 . . Small grains harvested: Wheat fanns reporting .1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Oats farms reporting 1959. . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 19X. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres J^arvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres fanns reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Barley farms reporting 1959 . . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959.. 1954. . Sales bushels 1959. 1954. . Itye farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. . bushels 1959. . Sales bushels 1959.. Other grains farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959.. bushels 1959.. Sales bushels 1959.. 847 1,337 27,895 37,234 796 1,212 22,133 28,318 394,626 149,731 254 158 112,394 17,974 13 9 534 44S 5,290 2,556 273 296 5,228 8,468 208 159 317 79 28 56 31 543 15 244 4,202 3 1,349 7 175 1,255 10 123 94 2 75 30 92 156 2,334 3,176 43,516 65,732 43,026 56,159 199 293 8,518 11,252 302,995 367,363 209,539 184,747 36 64 46 32 21 33 25 763 345 18,785 10,735 1,880 2,250 31 764 11,133 8,214 4 106 2,525 583 740 24,051 22,985 512 6U 14,262 12,782 455,799 213,209 208 142 174,921 43,836 285 10 2,075 60 416 511 9,504 10,193 93 236 34 33 49 6 74 1 10 357 20 150 44 41 4 47 101 588 3,580 17,020 1,200 3,489 2 6 110 246 402 9,094 11,620 233 390 7,569 10,037 150,657 104,365 121 198 55,258 34,499 59 62 1,525 1,583 50 49 94 25 5 23 3 114 1 95 1,400 3 19 26 101 154 1,740 1,698 1,515 1,132 12 35 336 1,714 9,725 26,888 1,810 12,018 1 7 2 2 3 84 1,166 371 430 581 19,363 24,703 360 440 10,814 11,204 223,719 93,997 97 32 66,474 3,255 306 403 8,329 13,499 79 62 139 76 31 43 27 413 12 237 5,767 2 600 1 20 150 12 154 145 2 2 350 250 7 44 101 922 2,150 13,119 1,810 11,215 24 123 585 2,623 15,215 56,638 6,367 15,733 2 9 11 2 2 34 500 390 414 621 3,305 4,676 383 601 2,973 4,545 99,626 39,393 63 109 19,463 11,350 44 28 325 125 346 32 34 67 1 4 107 1 3 16 40 45 2 20 23 636 193 14 24 91 72 1,320 1,005 553 53 5 21 32 174 660 4,963 700 541 944 5,364 9,528 536 934 5,589 9,293 165,053 163, OU 102 210 39,181 37,883 227 157 2,000 917 338 79 59 9 3 3 51 433 21 349 10,852 6 4,075 8 66 433 12 42 38 2 12 31 1,874 763 68 115 873 1,283 20,632 23,518 17,807 18,733 69 106 687 949 24,467 28,238 11,670 9,154 45 13 1 6 2 15 57 24 100 3,100 584 3 1 30 2 255 50 90 11 36 2,328 15 498 846 24,020 24,303 461 728 19,664 16,283 513,135 93,428 262 107 276,863 14,737 6 2 115 185 1,032 450 213 324 4,241 7,340 80 69 188 71 36 54 48 781 20 462 15,496 6 4,114 29 319 303 13 21 195 249 3,534 3,450 2,810 2,717 39 108 1,069 3,927 33,404 86,214 13,545 56,767 6 18 10 3 2 4 34 700 416 3 66 650 431 789 3,636 6,784 400 7J.8 3,074 5,871 56,123 48,881 44 47 7,181 3,095 20 4 291 113 2,484 247 28 96 271 300 342 55 30 3 86 907 37 795 27 555 3,386 41 303 218 1 15 12 475 153 104 220 513 924 8,544 13,448 2,721 3,398 113 352 1,775 4,639 50,817 118,093 6,609 11,672 55 38 19 5 1 20 23 262 294 4,795 7,370 130 260 6 37 505 5 58 1,495 284 473 9,829 15,314 213 360 5,648 8,114 78,525 44,570 30 9 12,020 2,330 104 161 590 555 120 172 4,077 7,039 12 131 30 1,250 1 30 200 6 69 15 4 2 120 5 7 7 138 106 3,060 2,172 2,352 1,705 24 56 616 1,229 15,232 26,762 1,145 4,165 7 10 3 3 1 Stub Items continued GEORGIA 293 County Table 11. -FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 2 of 6 Item (For dofinitions and expianations. see text) The State Appling At]£inaon Bacon Baier Baldwin Banlcs Barrow Bartow 1 Annual legumes; Soybeans growv for all purposss ••••••••••••••• p •••• •farms reporting 1959>>< 6,706 9,238 133 43 14 20 104 32 "s 1 5 24 43 7 27 60 134 2 1954... 3 I, acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 37,672 87,601 548 258 30 100 287 421 '78 20 55 97 173 45 274 365 1,161 5 6 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 79,396 55,597 2,053 47 433 70 1,906 274 ... 4 'io 5 25 7 3 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1,554 994 10 1 3 3 3 5 "3 "2 "2 2 5 4 12 9 10 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 57,072 29,049 16 30 22 14 27 33 "36 '46 4 7 36 110 195 U 12 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 5,738 1,160 loa 25 5 6 13 14 hushels 1959... 1954... 1,028,050 157,245 1,222 180 730 120 670 394 123 iii 12 44 98 1,139 1,531 15 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,004 5,291 5 2 2 3 2 4 1 1 1 22 38 4 21 49 125 16 1954... 17 18 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 11,143 31,949 40 9 18 6 1 34 "6 20 10 36 168 31 222 233 891 19 20 acres grown witli other crops 1959. . . 1954... 1,266 1,803 66 15 "3 "5 21 22 23 24 tons 1959... 1954. . . Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954... 13,146 23,317 3,102 2,769 100 7 116 35 14 5 3 16 9 17 96 70 6 "3 30 5 "2 104 156 "2 21 170 "i 275 578 3 3 25 26 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 15,492 15,148 482 147 40 70 241 342 ... 20 5 1 '16 7 32 27 28 29 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... Plowed under for green 66,699 46,449 1,884 36 458 65 1,864 237 4 "5 5 20 nfinure .................... farms reporting 1959 .. . 404 661 2 5 "i 3 3 1 2 2 1 4 5 30 1954... 31 32 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 3,965 11,455 10 72 16 18 7 'l6 11 5 7 15 43 33 34 36 36 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 5,693 6,135 3,295 14,360 1 11 116 215 68 63 21 37 63 157 3 39 35 63 "2 37 46 51 49 60 71 37 33 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 76,935 U4,653 269 715 221 17L 153 509 118 745 233 325 68 103 216 159 133 211 39 40 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 24,289 33,226 613 318 172 268 472 264 200 26 273 2 9 5 15 12 7 41 42 1954... 3,385 6,574 18 5 16 3 5 8 6 15 24 40 25 32 23 25 32 50 43 44 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 25,537 50,381 17 12 53 19 15 34 63 193 155 193 26 53 37 46 85 lU 45 46 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 4,333 7,116 96 1 2 9 1 12 5 2 3 5 4 4 47 48 bushels 1959... 1954... 205,124 170,285 547 129 263 111 78 198 194 750 1,276 488 230 256 149 188 526 623 49 Cut for hay. farms reporting 1959. . . 1,150 2,490 4 10 1 1 1 7 1 2 3 3 9 9 21 25 12 15 50 1954... 51 52 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 8,236 20,031 10 40 1 6 35 2 108 23 13 29 30 83 96 57 60 53 54 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 1,008 1,500 "2 2 2 55 56 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 7,146 10,761 3,231 4,831 6 42 33 186 1 2 38 48 6 15 53 137 2 51 2 23 49 4 6 20 15 13 1 4 99 69 4 1 59 36 8 4 59 60 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 23,131 25,904 229 643 145 136 127 422 3 394 19 93 3 7 14 16 7 61 62 63 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 1954. . . Plowed under for green 15,263 19,176 432 270 170 249 445 234 200 238 "6 "e '3 TimmiT-o fflrm'i rprnrtinr 19*^*^ 1,172 1,595 7 15 7 6 6 14 2 2 8 4 3 3 16 3 3 7 64 ' ' ' ................. .....i t^J. 11.^ 1 E^UI ti^Jlg J.3,y7... 1954. . . 65 66 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 19,981 18,337 13 20 22 16 10 18 40 50 36 26 10 18 32 17 25 33 67 63 acres grown with other crops 1959... 3,180 5,434 40 45 "a 26 30 14 30 5 3 Stub items continued 294 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleciaey Brantley Brooks Bryan Bulloch Burke 1 2 Annual legumes; Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 14 6 81 16 13 19 65 155 37 10 140 69 17 31 407 457 98 93 3 4 acres gromi alone 1959... 1954. . . 34 34 255 205 256 358 809 1,238 64 15 2,548 1,141 155 394 5,498 1,300 7,895 5,801 5 6 acres gro^-vn with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 270 23 1,544 94 20 268 1,551 4,588 207 44 4,238 1,436 57 230 7,262 10,259 296 616 7 8 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954... 3 14 2 7 3 15 10 1 43 15 4 4 168 21 84 55 9 10 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 11 120 1 221 35 555 530 13 1,629 481 77 247 3,893 377 7,307 3,748 11 12 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 25 172 40 '15 140 569 21 513 33 50 13 ■bushels 1959... 1954. . . 576 2,260 300 4,212 69 15,268 1,605 99 35,177 2,526 1,470 2,560 77,173 3,604 107,595 11,528 15 16 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 1 1 5 7 4 2 11 1 1 6 '3 8 12 4 9 17 18 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 3 7 5 88 '70 2 147 '65 '16 36 70 52 336 19 20 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 52 10 "5 10 2 3 10 5 56 58 21 22 23 24 tons 1959... 1954. . . Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reportijig 1959. . . 1954... 4 3 12 3 30 50 68 7 '20 2 5 11 105 49 133 3 37 9 10 63 83 45 13 13 22 66 105 243 404 56 314 12 22 25 26 acres grown alcme 1959... 1954... 20 12 130 46 6 131 222 476 64 2 686 456 78 54 1,528 743 200 234 27 28 29 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... Plowed under for green manure ................... f an^ reporting 1959 • . • 245 2 1,276 44 1 1 5 5 9 1,361 4,030 3 10 181 44 1 2,486 1,088 33 3 56 215 1 5 5,877 9,399 26 27 215 560 9 19 30 1954. . . 31 32 acres grown alone 1959. . . 1954... 'is 'to 29 122 30 85 233 139 73 41 110 336 933 33 34 35 36 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 1954... Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959... 1954... 23 29 40 44 95 43 15 248 34 63 40 556 75 178 23 70 50 1,173 327 35 84 1 10 31 55 816 769 136 293 31 56 276 435 37 38 acres grown alone 1959. . . 1954... 91 130 868 140 991 2,063 628 1,063 144 82 530 439 80 213 760 1,024 7,769 13,153 39 40 acres grown with other crops 1959... 158 107 463 108 37 263 252 753 71 49 104 401 85 125 246 1,788 894 394 41 42 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 8 10 14 3 9 11 24 25 24 11 6 17 12 22 42 42 115 259 43 44 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 13 28 183 5 293 179 105 126 36 18 86 89 19 29 205 164 2,533 8,037 45 46 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 12 42 4 6 36 50 13 11 '14 7 21 31 23 403 471 47 48 bushels 1959... 1954. . . 115 155 1,474 41 1,262 248 902 652 423 77 512 798 77 171 3,607 1,161 14,618 17,123 49 50 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 5 10 3 7 U 16 "5 2 1 3 18 1 4 6 9 27 81 51 52 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 19 53 4 53 174 825 '48 7 4 22 130 1 24 40 73 237 1,545 53 54 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 1954... 46 7 13 5 22 ... 37 5 45 146 55 56 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 27 37 IS 21 16 56 81 31 169 337 4 22 '23 54 151 6 3 44 37 18 107 20 39 "s 18 32 13 33 88 240 204 553 30 99 59 60 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 58 49 667 72 109 475 446 830 95 53 107 117 55 150 498 681 1,585 1,734 61 62 63 64 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959... 1954... 100 100 1 408 78 3 4 '33 14 21 204 601 7 12 58 37 1 2 79 249 7 16 77 104 3 4 176 i,721 8 21 193 126 98 54 65 66 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 1 14 10 415 584 77 59 t 315 103 5 10 17 106 3,414 1,837 67 68 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 1954. . . '21 1 9 230 12 102 1 25 101 1 39 39 248 151 GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 295 Part 2 of 6 Butts Calhoun Cflmden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chatta- hoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobh U 10 2 4 63 61 229 502 21 33 2 1 12 12 65 232 20 85 2 5 "a 17 42 ..'. 88 209 1 2 213 126 21 53 ..>. 1,220 279 981 2,051 226 263 3 252 1,105 •*• 520 1,584 34 313 45 19 185 223 341 8 378 813 3 4 77 ... 105 640 63 38 34 26 5 20 93 '33 12 6 10 35 53 5 6 6 2 1 1 16 6 3 4 1 5 9 6 6 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 2 7 3 68 30 15 8 550 24 17 44 '35 182 881 41 37 12 39 40 1 5 4 3 9 10 65 6 75 2 2 7 12 2,070 75 500 15 7,699 747 118 350 350 2,330 7,295 770 227 360 370 400 10 10 25 92 13 14 10 5 6 10 223 486 20 30 3 3 60 223 17 79 "2 "3 16 32 82 192 15 16 122 72 ... 32 61 934 1,968 207 183 20 69 416 1,516 59 264 12 61 223 207 369 726 17 18 12 6 61 28 34 11 20 23 4 3 9 41 19 20 159 52 41 35 864 1,184 382 191 35 36 403 942 53 203 9 17 306 114 340 569 21 22 1 3 42 44 2 8 1 3 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 "2 4 "4 1 6 23 24 6 38 598 179 3 14 14 45 3 50 75 6 2 10 6 117 'is 21 25 26 90 559 10 'is 5 20 73 12 "7 14 6 27 28 2 3 "i 2 1 2 5 1 "2 3 4 1 5 1 1 "s 1 12 29 30 23 24 7 40 15 9 22 25 5 80 3 57 29 3 15 'io 5 "7 111 5 63 5 6 31 32 33 34 21 34 6 10 2 5 27 107 62 163 11 12 25 15 12 17 10 9 24 77 24 37 12 20 12 14 19 62 6 7 25 142 35 36 222 333 104 275 21 12 255 505 153 348 27 27 29 55 65 321 112 16 67 2U 52 77 27 67 61 116 94 172 21 23 42 313 37 38 1 7 ... 73 79 19 57 1 102 17 3 33 '15 14 3 7 5 3 1 19 6 24 1 37 54 39 40 5 3 2 3 1 1 4 24 25 95 7 7 2 1 4 3 6 7 15 58 15 22 5 12 5 6 6 29 2 1 17 75 41 42 22 19 4 6 1 1 13 63 60 156 19 10 3 1 20 1 35 12 26 119 19 39 5 15 13 37 19 56 11 1 22 120 43 44 1 ... 17 2 49 10 12 14 2 1 "3 'i? 37 29 45 46 215 86 29 16 4 75 455 577 1,107 U9 62 55 5 74 11 332 78 281 427 122 196 34 93 274 110 164 200 47 6 -196 1,111 47 48 9 15 4 "2 "3 26 62 3 3 1 2 5 1 7 23 1 12 2 7 "i 12 12 4 54 49 50 140 92 120 3 '34 52 169 4 3 "2 10 234 5 28 77 5 27 2 27 '20 67 27 6 144 51 52 3 1 4 1 "3 is 53 54 92 49 '94 "3 '10 47 142 11 5 2 3 73 2 20 52 5 30 2 37 '20 78 35 5 98 55 56 2 2 3 "i 26 77 6 4 "i 23 12 4 10 4 2 2 1 7 8 "7 5 6 2 5 57 58 71 24 50 3 217 383 58 62 20 3 10 2 1 26 49 92 17 16 36 3 33 22 4 4 "2 43 52 1 16 17 "2 10 22 1 4 7 59 60 61 62 9 12 3 3 1 1 1 5 6 7 2 2 "i 3 1 1 3 4 10 4 1 3 19 5 15 63 64 60 151 76 99 20 5 25 15 21 20 4 8 3 19 50 9 15 28 9 20 20 7 8 72 10 42 65 66 1 3 15 6 2 3 1 7 4 6 5 7 67 68 Stub items continued 296 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinitions and explanations, 5e« text) Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson 1 2 Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 91 42 35 145 10 5 24 6 30 74 29 32 15 U 40 112 6 44 3 acres grown alone 1959 . . . 1954... 315 205 231 743 93 17 201 69 119 271 152 1,042 283 239 187 421 16 123 5 6 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 1,756 350 843 2,193 186 21 304 39 200 1,613 337 48 250 '20 7 8 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 5 1 16 3 1 \ 1 5 10 11 e 6 1 2 1 9 10 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 31 15 269 30 2 37 5 1 17 125 669 148 126 3 3 12 11 12 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 43 15 40 6 1,170 6 23 13 14 1954. . . 1,165 225 1,813 480 10 521 10 20 169 22,977 1,996 2,530 689 '40 30 65 15 16 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959, . . 1954... 3 3 1 9 3 24 63 1 7 33 110 5 43 17 18 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 2 28 72 18 5 37 244 12 125 132 413 14 111 19 20 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 52 8 30 90 36 120 '25 '.'.'. 21 22 23 24 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 41 13 82 38 6 51 32 101 108 2 5 2 18 5 151 174 3 5 12 52 19 15 7 4 234 304 30 118 1 25 26 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 282 157 209 251 45 10 164 64 23 4 15 111 47 53 ... 2 27 28 29 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... Plowed under for green manure............. fame reporting 1959... 1,651 274 1 7 770 1,734 2 25 51 20 1 1 180 3 3 68 2 4 443 203 "4 25 250 2 2 '26 30 1954. . . 31 32 acres grown alone 1959 — 1954... '20 7 151 8 6 137 88 60 33 34 35 36 acres grown with other crops 1959 . . . 1954... Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959... 1954... 10 76 110 79 65 414 23 81 5 1 65 120 124 8 5 6 47 154 103 60 92 60 73 13 33 21 52 37 38 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 366 341 532 330 271 422 470 254 161 332 528 949 1,432 1,206 53 60 65 113 39 40 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 460 234 39 564 192 276 5 14 140 142 1,001 73 27 2 8 ... 41 42 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 7 10 5 5 27 77 1 1 27 106 33 53 25 43 10 13 16 45 43 44 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 8 93 142 37 74 154 125 1 46 157 176 378 479 766 41 16 48 91 45 46 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 5 6 53 159 3 94 26 58 10 2 2 47 48 bushels 1959... 1954... 73 221 1,270 263 623 1,370 875 10 562 723 428 976 3,350 3,446 340 108 608 355 49 50 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 5 4 3 5 13 24 2 11 46 7 16 7 17 2 14 2 6 51 52 acres grown alone 1959. . . 1954. . . 16 25 36 60 117 65 53 123 43 348 162 231 9 36 5 20 53 54 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 15 7 52 7 2 11 5 5 "7 55 56 57 53 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954... 29 21 99 61 22 28 17 64 43 50 23 30 36 3 2 75 75 6 4 46 121 17 30 99 101 16 12 8 25 2 2 3 12 2 59 60 acres grown alcne 1959... 1954. . . 296 199 252 213 89 137 '16 54 40 73 75 140 113 3 1 7 61 62 63 64 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 430 187 6 9 39 517 2 7 60 100 9 3 5 2 3 9 17 5 7 77 88 11 12 60 13 22 12 1 5 2 1 65 66 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 46 24 102 20 36 14 230 237 8 12 236 148 651 96 7 5 2 67 63 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 10 34 '47 22 10 is 34 850 3 7 GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 297 Part 2 of 6 Decatur De Kallj Dodge DooOy Dougher-ty Douglas Early Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Flpyd Forsyth 1 ' 6 22 68 91 102 22 26 3 16 46 120 9 3 1 207 104 14 151 107 64 33 49 123 29 48 95 204 27 75 1 2 3 201 224 555 375 677 734 576 45 723 251 490 129 2,410 1,565 102 1,169 1,035 615 356 148 443 244 358 702 1,678 117 221 3 4 150 U5 3,019 1,355 13 339 75 224 2 57 4 4,948 1,355 4 3,629 1,714 469 83 14 33 13 46 5 6 1 5 10 3 14 5 1 7 3 2 "i 50 25 "i 32 12 20 2 5 31 2 6 5 7 1 7 8 8 136 73 9 273 542 91 20 230 7 4 4 1,941 1,015 19 43 43 478 79 293 174 405 73 20 50 183 100 92 "s 44 110 9 1 9 10 11 12 160 1,365 2,799 23 7,521 209 240 1,362 133 UO 17 25,039 8,546 317 8,501 1,228 7,284 845 600 1,787 1,800 245 1,139 699 10 13 14 1 15 43 4 13 "4 "4 41 117 6 6 "s 1 14 2 1 30 87 26 39 35 136 25 70 15 16 'lo 126 233 "s 5 123 37 '71 145 208 4ao 34 99 3 40 59 22 164 6 30 1 60 206 135 250 5% 1,423 1 19 114 193 17 13 19 20 iO U4 197 47 106 62 100 185 304 22 56 'si 10 44 34 2 79 290 144 117 653 1,254 127 161 21 22 1 5 20 72 91 4 10 2 4 1 2 3 3 1 175 74 "i 123 73 47 27 "i 1 10 1 2 23 24 25 48 258 238 506 113 56 25 306 30 6 61 348 393 609 438 130 272 2 no 2 5 25 26 ... 150 107 2,578 1,355 3 266 75 224 57 4 4,870 1,265 "4 3,196 1,400 449 88 '25 27 23 3 6 5 3 6 9 2 1 5 9 4 4 10 ... 3 15 11 1 2 5 4 "3 29 30 :•; 50 64 4 39 131 79 358 5 73 '47 6 2 64 87 53 56 2 60 354 140 134 10 37 49 14 9 16 60 35 3 27 23 31 32 33 34 24 18 20 36 144 299 60 147 11 29 25 34 17 43 13 5' 98 192 72 97 178 226 54 57 8 5 26 32 33 74 49 117 35 36 160 19* 91 130 696 1,663 1,909 2,632 289 635 140 73 263 332 30 42 276 926 413 347 1,290 1,499 229 224 9 7 161 86 91 260 103 263 37 38 U. 6 624 637 66 113 '50 14 23 5 13 62 260 315 5 13 615 400 163 151 5 1 5 26 19 1 76 39 40 5 7 7 9 34 73 17 74 3 13 13 21 '17 17 49 50 74 36 58 15 8 2 13 15 28 36 35 73 41 42 34 45 15 13 98 254 177 1,416 151 88 24 32 77 24 235 252 187 245 328 52 25 3 30 36 61 90 65 149 43 44 "2 "i 57 12 '31 11 8 4 19 180 5 4 27 15 8 1 10 1 69 45 46 200 220 109 56 761 777 757 4,284 437 533 235 199 526 432 1,243 894 516 2,396 889 603 170 7 221 204 730 295 ■ 383 1,099 47 48 1 5 9 17 6 12 5 21 2 8 6 10 1 1 29 106 16 3 11 18 2 3 2 2 8 12 11 30 7 23 49 50 15 132 26 50 22 83 J 71 420 12 33 25 77 117 350 79 29 152 196 7 15 5 3 41 39 27 100 13 56 51 52 "3 15 20 3 23 63 6 18 11 10 21 "2 4 "7 53 54 8 58 28 37 22 43 43 170 74 262 13 16 31 40 91 247 76 17 126 79 12 17 4 2 45 23 17 79 12 45 55 56 17 5 3 3 103 212 12 37 7 5 4 2 14 30 13 4 54 60 2 9 131 134 36 46 1 1 3 4 5 57 58 101 16 45 36 505 1,278 509 463 51 37 104 5 124 161 30 27 115 293 15 54 809 851 162 171 6 2 'io 12 59 60 9 552 511 '37 '50 '13 5 14 62 2U 67 557 324 95 123 1 12 5 61 62 1 1 2 5 10 14 35 20 1 3 "2 3 3 1 8 7 10 16 13 28 3 4 3 3 10 3 2 6 7 13 63 64 10 1 5 31 71 48 1,161 376 16 90 3 114 17 15 20 43 72 77 34 124 8 13 1 4 34 9 3 60 20 46 65 66 "2 114 46 7 4 3 13 50 50 6 4 1 5 12 67 68 Stub Items conttnued 298 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For dennitions and explanations, see text) Franklin Fulton Gilmer Glascock Glynn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett 1 2 Annual lepmes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 1954... 14 19 71 184 9 5 34 5 24 "2 89 233 25 27 16 48 121 137 3 4 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 44 73 667 1,413 LI IS 5 167 3 30 13 614 1,305 556 567 33 168 754 1,003 5 6 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 3 4 133 85 1 5 1,084 : 586 '16 50 182 96 120 3 32 7 8 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954... 5 L 5 11 11 16 3 1 2 11 12 9 10 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 62 1 50 172 128 443 170 10 126 51 11 12 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 70 '25 13 13 14 bushels 1959... 1954... 479 4( 2 3 900 3,261 344 7,050 1,630 50 36 1,432 333 15 16 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 13 17 64 170 3 9 I 1 1 2 79 224 1 4 11 35 107 167 17 18 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 37 65 565 1,287 LO '7 3 10 3 10 13 438 1,170 3 197 22 84 575 355 19 20 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 3 4 123 10 1 4 41 33 8 31 21 22 23 24 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954... 56 35 1 1 1,036 819 t 4 4 3 ,2 7 5 5 2 L 27 20 16 687 387 "2 2 133 9 14 34 62 4 13 431 635 2 9 25 26 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 2 2 71 7 I 101 "i 73 156 1 68 17 57 27 23 29 30 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 1 1 15 70 5 8 994 567 I 2 3 6 1 1 50 4 4 "2 1 9 5 31 32 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 5 6 31 57 1 3 6 20 4 6 37 44 16 36 45 33 34 35 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing ......... f aims reporting 1959... 44 86 5 61 166 1 20 19 62 3 137 8 37 32 51 157 33 19 "3 84 117 140 232 36 1954... 37 38 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 205 261 220 485 3 J 543 j 1,094 19 82 115 149 131 74 206 299 863 894 39 40 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 4 34 23 167 388 5 301 62 12 6 30 26 33 24 56 133 41 42 1954. . . 16 40 35 93 1 3 8 7 82 5 16 19 33 13 3 62 85 75 153 43 44 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 31 92 82 219 3 > 108 3 551 9 6 44 83 43 20 100 159 522 436 45 46 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 1 1 15 55 2 5 40 '29 12 6 9 15 31 96 47 48 bushels 1959... 1954... 226 248 800 1,237 3 5 7 908 L 888 46 137 418 310 575 21 437 469 3,353 2,565 49 50 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 16 29 21 47 I 4 3 7 1 7 9 13 1 4 14 13 48 74 51 52 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 107 113 97 161 87 > 69 3 13 «2 61 2 6 61 65 207 353 53 54 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 3 32 10 11 2 11 9 5 19 18 55 56 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 161 38 4 10 138 108 4 18 1 3 60 3 27 45 53 6 9 1 11 22 35 1 1 3 12 11 34 30 4 16 153 216 3 4 59 60 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 26 28 31 50 318 408 1 12 1 42 48 18 47 5 3 61 62 63 64 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 1 9 13 1 6 6 19 339 259 6 6 11 1 3 4 1 30 4 8 1 19 2 9 10 2 10 22 18 65 66 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 41 28 10 55 30 66 1 46 39 4 44 27 28 129 52 67 68 1954... 2 95 47 'ii '13 "7 4 9 GEORGIA 299 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 2 of 6 Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard Henry Houston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson 39 165 22 46 14 73 103 188 22 54 5 14 17 108 23 50 97 93 61 10 15 30 4 2 105 63 67 68 35 14 65 91 1 2 121 538 70 140 123 217 484 850 31 174 46 201 50 361 649 1,125 3,136 6,636 226 71 97 417 12 19 193 96 1,805 1,370 1,139 410 712 1,016 3 4 7 69 '25 99 271 2 10 93 392 3 13 12 10 362 210 1,132 82 1,924 777 1,179 379 660 85 1,439 1,422 5 6 3 2 3 9 4 4 3 4 2 5 4 3 U 23 90 61 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 61 44 19 5 20 5 7 8 "i? 5 37 33 6 22 14 20 37 35 6 62 403 636 7,763 3,515 51 10 4 21 1 23 1,676 1,219 723 133 232 99 9 10 15 66 12 26 io 10 67 13 17 387 132 15 125 U 12 'to 100 837 230 70 360 289 258 500 393 80 323 4,236 4,345 148,599 U,685 820 27 80 233 10 312 170 22,252 4,704 10,585 575 4,735 261 13 14 38 U9 19 41 7 49 99 182 12 19 1 11 15 94 15 26 4 9 1 13 25 3 2 1 2 3 14 1 3 6 16 15 16 U7 A81 57 129 54 172 463 809 15 111 5 164 41 274 207 247 70 305 7 93 353 11 12 '23 25 295 8 62 27 170 17 13 3 65 25 20 113 2 23 76 "3 10 50 5 35 2 19 20 13* 373 58 107 93 124 367 515 17 104 2 141 40 166 248 226 100 153 7 148 186 12 3 4 9 60 102 14 41 36 79 21 22 "3 5 18 2 2 3 17 1 1 7 1 3 6 12 54 9 1 "i 101 59 6 12 14 6 49 63 23 24 "3 32 3 10 13 2 3 "2 3 19 4 172 40 531 163 61 "a 7 170 73 25 103 33 145 451 494 25 26 64 92 'io 48 200 3 2 105 210 1,105 32 1,904 747 57 142 345 70 1,299 1,415 27 28 1 13 2 2 4 1 2 1 15 2 1 2 4 10 40 2 4 2 2 6 10 3 4 2 8 29 30 3 3 9 5 6 '40 4 6 35 20 263 2,235 '30 79 253 3TO 70 2 253 31 32 A 4 15 90 140 14 15 13 700 55 300 15 65 5 33 34 16 57 50 71 129 291 69 113 43 33 68 39 27 70 77, 145 30 155 41 19 54 67 34 56 70 116 231 419 85 217 145 298 35 36 21 97 87 137 406 1,063 183 206 175 195 1,070 413 55 214 593 706 3,376 3,463 131 115 221 189 322 147 141 265 7,454 12,464 1,647 3,528 2,209 2,515 37 38 3 15 13 10 244 592 '95 25 87 35 5 9 63 30 100 100 110 309 50 7 15 31 39 326 522 3,610 1,344 39 203 209 588 39 40 3 26 33 51 95 198 52 96 34 63 41 24 16 57 30 83 46 99 6 4 40 37 23 49 13 10 203 334 24 69 54 59 41 42 41 37 81 223 614 109 142 46 73 493 313 28 134 157 279 1,750 4,331 40 39 121 80 93 76 16 10 5,033 9,833 450 791 509 344 43 44 "3 9 7 184 414 95 22 75 2 9 63 6 30 166 1 2 11 37 10 13 1,751 570 13 110 3 12 45 46 66 161 304 381 1,635 1,691 1,112 1,461 597 386 3,576 1,728 153 651 959 954 11,329 9,899 590 39 997 417 642 296 89 131 56,952 20,838 2,373 1,786 4,357 1,194 47 48 4 17 11 12 6 52 16 14 3 6 13 7 6 11 33 51 7 32 2 U 19 7 8 12 14 31 57 14 49 15 19 49 50 7 26 28 34 22 351 49 39 6 18 75 21 10 71 182 333 110 1,052 23 43 68 36 61 15 89 278 521 206 456 394 430 51 52 1 12 4 "3 "3 11 2 24 70 5 10 20 2 40 10 92 6 10 53 54 5 22 35 20 25 163 52 28 6 12 34 23 9 59 138 135 129 519 23 42 35 109 17 36 41 217 134 113 200 283 124 55 56 1 3 5 24 16 1 1 4 6 5 '3 6 5 12 14 36 15 3 3 3 1 45 84 60 51 43 59 89 135 57 53 1 8 11 137 46 5 3 81 73 13 9 113 30 159 530 53 56 24 5 106 5 105 157 674 996 922 629 998 870 59 60 60 45 3 4 3 100 309 50 1 3 272 472 686 421 22 98 153 480 61 62 3 14 4 6 4 37 1 7 5 7 16 4 6 17 14 33 43 1 1 5 9 3 1 3 8 49 49 7 67 13 133 63 64 9 30 14 11 24 57 20 25 120 23 424 66 17 146 59 1,857 2,555 10 20 33 36 32 5 5 9 1,469 1,109 69 1,652 303 371 65 66 2 3 130 5 22 'io 4 22 1,081 347 4 43 96 67 68 Stub items cantlnued 300 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Jones Umar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes 1 2 Annual legumes- Soybeans gromi for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 1954... 4 11 21 21 10 160 161 6 17 3 4 10 > 4 28 15 3 4 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 20 129 327 8 177 810 1,361 401 332 15 13 1/ 26 6 525 341 5 6 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 2 7 323 38 4,678 4,670 40 326 30 13 42 17 405 157 7 8 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954... 5 9 2 3 17 11 5 2 1 ... 9 4 9 10 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 52 83 1 145 251 198 361 14 15 333 330 11 12 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 15 216 111 40 8 13 14 bushels 1959... 858 365 125 1,660 5,133 1,980 4,899 30 300 3,929 4,270 15 16 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 4 13 1 4 21 3 2 i 1 1 2 17 18 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 20 12 132 2 25 536 85 11 1^ 4 12 19 20 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 2 12 20 3 ... 55 21 22 23 24 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 20 16 77 "i 2 2 4 32 318 138 119 71 1 12 '13 2 1. ... 4 10 3 8 55 20 8 25 26 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 'so 7 30 502 524 20 136 2= 26 2 169 10 27 23 29 30 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 3 3 268 17 1 2 4,054 3,789 9 17 326 1 3 30 "2 42 17 349 77 4 2 31 32 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 65 62 32 103 20 97 "2 U 1 33 34 acres grown with other crops 1959 — 1954... 7 40 21 396 750 'io 48 25 35 36 Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959... 1954... 10 21 38 74 17 26 352 501 27 67 26 86 31 5' 25 6* 46 62 37 38 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 55 129 172 184 17 46 2,176 3,775 341 366 32 234 1 6C 52 50 62 578 472 39 40 acres grown with other crops 1959... 7 15 39 114 61 133 2,694 2,334 153 344 17 105 41 583 36 158 41 42 Harvested for dry peas. .. .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 4 13 20 61 3 3 78 127 4 29 19 64 2C 34 8 12 15 3 43 44 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 11 59 48 123 4 6 358 859 35 80 10 40 34 71 9 8 136 50 45 46 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 2 29 82 7 2 113 122 1 40 16 48 15 28 10 13 47 48 bushels 1959... 1954... 79 76 254 539 43 53 3,817 3,242 333 354 133 2 461 1 36 71 113 297 1,160 841 49 50 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 17 14 1 18 38 3 4 2 19 9 19 4 1 4 U 51 52 acres grown alone 1959. . . 1954... 51 63 46 207 291 145 36 2 185 25 56 12 3 51 32 53 54 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 22 30 50 9 '12 "4 55 56 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 5 22 2 2 64 43 3 1 7 25 149 116 247 325 130 37 19 31 1 57 7 25 13 22 1 10 10 2 15 51 48 54 22 41 59 60 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 6 16 10 5 13 40 1,295 2,215 156 240 20 59 1 24 29 51 318 225 61 62 63 64 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 15 4 1 10 3 3 54 119 "i 2,413 1,559 31 48 157 265 3 5 1 45 1 26 555 72 130 9 6 65 66 acres grown alone 1959. . . 1954... 33 3 51 10 316 410 5 10 1 73 115 67 68 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 5 'io ii 133 603 '30 4 11 GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 301 Part 2 of 6 Lumpklii McDuffle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marlon Meriwether Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomery tforgan Itirray Muscogee Newton Oconee 8 7 53 56 1 14 9 21 35 77 1 13 9 22 5 10 64 90 11 13 105 182 5 7 15 1 U 1 2 5£ 68 13 2,869 2,138 5 95 63 103 199 504 2 339 121 221 27 102 770 426 235 391 1,260 1,237 6 25 204 30 107 3 4 1. 82 56 531 982 "i 106 239 16 109 32 168 7 1 1,765 2,193 5 1 12 130 30 3 5 6 "\ 3 37 29 "2 2 3 "7 1 5 14 5 "2 64 41 1 5 7 8 1 10 10 2,414 1,253 310 12 7 30 150 3 1 291 54 95 414 143 210 20 '20 935 495 "3 2 67 9 10 U 12 132 61,629 5,187 32 312 551 1,738 700 620 8,965 730 154 16,131 5,751 15 231 13 14 1( 1 2 2 10 1 10 1 21 54 "2 1 1 2 7 3 11 5 10 48 146 6 12 7 15 16 3; 5' 12 r 13 20 217 5 86 8 98 268 '19 5 11 88 18 104 100 318 230 673 21 107 37 17 18 1. "i 9 60 3 11 2 12 130 3 19 20 9' 5 r 5 21 139 5 71 3 83 300 10 3 2 10 68 29 49 34 196 236 513 26 80 24 21 22 3 14 16 8 19 11 19 1 6 3 9 2 1 44 61 2 2 1 3 1 1 23 24 32 85 312 35 95 36 34 2 79 62 71 6 185 172 42 49 3 5 2 65 25 Z6 72 44 191 680 102 230 4 40 32 160 7 1 1,270 1,763 27 28 1 2 5 XL "2 2 2 1 3 "7 1 3 8 14 5 1 9 10 2 1 1 1 1 29 30 U 350 356 2 20 3 35 2 55 10 14 153 7 93 4 92 69 "i 2 30 30 3 31 32 'ii 30 290 4 9 's 5 274 410 "i 30 33 34 2/ 2 45 7 90 4 1 81 139 61 45 48 168 50 151 17 54 25 29 30 55 37 74 51 60 16 47 9 33 54 62 34 42 35 36 4< y i 619 330 8 3 1,875 4,006 519 216 363 530 151 411 223 157 286 303 105 256 38 162 305 365 29 89 97 264 479 241 334 207 37 38 1 I 93 ! 303 6 USi. 270 36 1 30 572 24 110 45 3 40 95 70 66 487 374 58 5 -23 10 33 2 95 4 35 39 40 2 1 3 23 J 44 2 23 81 28 23 21 139 20 120 2 1 5 3 17 25 3 11 27 33 3 31 4 16 22 27 22 29 41 42 3 1 ! 115 J 110 2 517 2,272 224 57 99 305 20 233 35 16 29 19 18 71 4 15 69 107 14 48 17 123 54 94 135 98 43 44 2 51 5 49 1 iio 30 1 7 433 18 97 69 14 46 17 3 5 3 6 16 4 35 45 46 44- 19 379 5 503 25 3,180 14,707 1,207 134 1,933 218 1,312 703 36 125 24 168 243 306 72 266 356 132 225 149 261 348 393 1,002 503 47 48 11 3 19 1 1 7 33 9 8 3 5 15 21 "b 8 13 4 14 11 19 5 13 3 5 16 30 8 11 49 50 1 1. 5 99 1 73 27 5 26 1 3 92 824 18 97 42 60 38 4 66 82 6 5 lis io 22 37 1 5 3 68 7 44 197 12 27 16 51 224 113 96 36 51 52 53 54 2 1 74 1 46 2 3 38 452 49 34 52 24 67 34 '52 19 74 6 37 48 U8 13 23 24 32 180 65 42 28 55 56 ■• U 2 17 1 23 18 6 5 22 44 9 4 12 50 19 20 2 12 21 48 6 3 1 2 14 5 6 1 1 57 58 311 2 40 5 240 93 49 11 157 132 45 3 123 133 217 116 7 19 25 70 95 32 1 64 84 26 21 60 4 59 60 •• 15 6 123 5 116 120 19 139 '"3 "3 40 55 '43 295 316 50 4 58 2 45 ... 61 62 1 6 2 21 36 26 19 4 5 2 6 10 3 3 2 2 6 3 6 7 12 10 2 8 "3 13 3 4 4 63 64 1 94 3 107 1,026 817 149 106 47 5 20 43 65 3 40 50 58 79 6 9 97 29 2 14 6 175 13 43 19 65 66 2 105 348 40 6 45 30 "4 139 41 25 9 '50 ... 67 63 Stub Items cantinued 302 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Poli Pulaski Putnam 1 Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 2 5 70 219 61 60 1] 2 332 ) 176 9 34 67 140 15 9 4 2 1954... 3 4 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 6 50 324 1,067 4,266 3,022 2 6 360 ) 570 124 762 503 744 405 210 '40 5 6 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 7 15 254 486 9,656 ! 1,166 '30 11 15 48 25 '25 7 8 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 2 2 2 51 37 "i 2 3 9 2 7 3 9 10 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... -24 4 52 4,002 1,628 65 279 74 17 376 160 U 12 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 2 14 ] 3 ::: 13 14 bushelB 1959... 1954... 256 80 139 98,343 5,311 3 2 645 930 764 100 6,260 560 15 16 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... "i 64 214 3 11 1 2 L 3 ) 26 4 23 57 126 2 1 "3 17 18 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 4 302 992 42 233 2 6 3 6 ) 37 16 395 336 647 10 30 40 19 20 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 1954... 4 15 16 26 22 11 15 '20 21 22 tana 1959... 1954... 3 254 566 44 113 2 T * 9 J 96 25 313 308 484 11 25 36 23 24 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 1 2 2 2 11 15 323 154 2 6 4 7 5 5 1 25 26 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 5 15 3 13 180 186 821 478 33 80 34 35 4 15 27 28 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... ... 175 379 9,527 1,137 8 48 25 5 29 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 1 4 1 5 16 10 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 ... 30 1954... 31 32 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 1 5 15 5 42 925 33 5 10 8 9 45 15 5 33 34 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 1 65 107 113 35 36 Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 81 192 27 65 38 67 2] i 117 222 42 72 45 67 54 50 13 23 37 38 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 320 443 89 U5 1,466 2,739 1 5' ) 247 , 541 367 547 155 237 603 706 19 49 39 40 acres grown witli other crops 1959... 1954... 6 11 4 18 20 549 J 399 626 39 2 56 U7 1 41 42 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1959... 1954... 56 169 17 52 10 34 1 9 S 7 30 46 27 40 21 21 3 16 43 44 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 118 317 42 81 231 1,168 Si 1 32 23 226 216 67 93 155 259 10 34 45 46 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 1 3 2 10 11 4 35 72 47 43 bushels 1959... 1954... 871 1,143 630 483 1,663 2,772 i> 222 130 1,000 680 486 329 2,712 1,015 47 121 49 Cut for hay. farms reporting 1959. . . 14 14 9 12 6 25 t 6 > 4 10 28 9 25 7 5 1 1 50 1954... 51 52 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 60 46 34 28 141 437 2 25 4 84 276 25 94 163 110 2 53 54 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954. . . 4 2 6 3 7 2 2 3 1 55 56 1954... 33 42 36 17 106 228 t 2 30 4 68 217 27 34 93 50 1 1 57 53 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 6 3 1 9 5 96 210 3 4 1 24 21 2 6 59 60 acres grown alone 1959... 1954... 34 10 1 142 1 175 490 2 8 1 184 144 2 12 61 62 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 5 20 241 365 604 39 18 45 63 64 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 16 10 2 3 21 23 6 8 3 9 8 4 8 9 3 1 65 66 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 108 70 13 5 952 1,133 15 19 55 55 55 49 101 193 7 1 67 63 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 4 2 294 23 20 ... GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 303 Part 2 of 6 QiiltmaD Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor L 46 97 7 11 20 13 52 93 24 7 163 104 '13 9 43 20 29 6 17 53 61 4 18 1 7 150 99 29 36 1 2 i 214 262 122 167 806 229 379 620 27 55 6,305 2,405 390 146 1,314 30 123 150 499 2,483 1,629 9 76 45 1,224 309 150 643 3 4 111 6 267 83 24 142 145 23 521 193 424 1,295 55 17 4 375 303 374 972 3 23 20 6 1,237 1,116 1,027 443 5 6 12 6 3 1 13 4 5 3 1 1 109 35 "z 3 13 1 4 45 15 2 24 2 8 7 8 95 29 67 25 685 95 26 3 13 45 5,424 1,331 26 65 533 75 310 2,350 354 4 735 90 133 9 10 20 1 7 2 95 123 70 3 53 5 11 12 1,255 334 800 250 7,812 1,050 250 37 250 200 92,171 10,164 "96 760 2,970 1,325 4,269 34,275 1,073 23 10,063 908 553 13 14 22 83 3 42 84 2 16 1 5 30 16 28 1 1 3 23 14 5 1 17 2 15 16 53 206 ios 219 573 10 17 251 40 34 601 68 120 75 28 729 '68 "7 7 96 '41 17 18 6 ... 17 23 23 6 '55 17 4 20 159 20 6 27 19 20 79 254 no ■■j 209 282 11 146 '25 30 540 69 73 74 3 46 603 '30 '13 4 85 '15 21 22 ] 1 3 6 6 7 3 7 11 70 62 "s 1 1 1 4 12 10 21 2 2 120 74 23 27 23 24 16 106 64 104 23 14 320 720 224 2 20 1 159 80 231 5 3 '33 454 213 60 316 25 26 2; 1^ 3 267 88 24 125 U6 291 183 392 1,200 375 138 213 453 5 6 1,193 391 972 430 27 28 ] U 9 2 1 2 2 6 2 12 3 7 "2 2 5 3 1 '"i 3 14 "i 1 7 8 4 5 29 30 i 61 27 55 13 15 70 30 U 53 100 45 UO 11 3 '30 30 315 23 103 31 32 34 230 10 25 87 28 290 "2 20 36 193 55 8 33 34 2 5 ) 12 > 1 41 43 4A 107 31 37 19 42 159 265 8 9 29 31 16 31 57 160 50 95 60 71 30 16 U4 295 30 99 35 36 14^ 23 29 > 1 257 511 763 2,074 207 4.46 75 332 1,271 2,712 24 41 636 131 15 34 531 595 631 565 76 265 90 29 321 655 454 1,047 37 38 4 16 5 223 276 399 '■78 166 53 319 717 6 2 9 70 7 23 379 933 246 751 90 18 22 1 647 1,386 551 370 39 40 1 4 > 4 J 1 22 26 30 60 5 42 6 26 32 123 2 2 13 14 8 11 27 95 15 41 50 50 9 11 17 29 27 70 41 42 3 22 1 6 ) 1 31 96 680 1,213 7 113 15 67 94 970 2 3 233 47 8 17 U5 188 94 208 56 147 13 11 62 94 243 531 43 44 1 8 45 241 164 3 3 30 23 182 'ii 110 426 219 73 14 10 68 24 134 45 46 23 95 ) 53 ) 2 540 482 4,366 3,167 25 426 162 506 692 6,684 22 7 1,416 293 49 73 1,199 2,108 965 1,216 510 685 102 40 355 977 939 1,694 47 48 ] L 3 4 8 5 11 12 40 1 2 24 62 1 1 7 12 6 20 6 3 14 3 10 4 4 2 33 3 17 49 50 6 76 174 24 172 52 205 5 3 141 564 3 3 47 104 4 61 167 38 193 2 45 18 10 5 100 21 356 51 52 ,, . . • 20 12 69 3 47 7 23 133 25 1 1 20 50 4 53 54 L 7 22 78 32 161 31 138 5 7 131 258 3 3 42 60 11 33 312 44 106 3 28 16 7 3 88 33 112 55 56 1 J 1 16 13 11 30 2 9 12 14 99 30 5 4 5 5 1 30 64 21 30 4 19 3 1 91 193 40 20 57 58 10 6 i 1 73 200 42 409 41 22 35 139 874 630 19 24 214 3 "i 337 233 103 107 11 54 13 2 235 345 118 99 59 60 2 7 2 176 15 223 6 141 27 239 439 6 2 3 9 260 380 86 303 5 1 627 938 327 102 61 62 - 5 4 3 16 13 5 4 11 17 14 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 14 16 3 3 15 1 8 45 20 9 63 64 16 27 41 17 275 107 101 20 113 162 548 'ii 92 27 3 5 79 7 396 57 7 19 46 6 19 116 67 61 65 66 3 2 22 1 4 96 1 9 24 160 204 6 4 21 10 360 150 130 67 68 Stub items continued 304 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item Telfair (For definitions and explanations, see text) Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Troup Turner Twiggs 1 Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all P-irposes farms reporting 1959. ■ . 46 41 4 12 38 41 5 13 101 94 22 112 63 U 4 21 3 24 33 16 2 1954... 3 acres grown alone 1959 .. . 1954. . . 308 ,24 53 112 1,406 1,674 21 536 323 99 54 238 333 33 30 93 170 532 208 206 5 6 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 793 al6 35 90 16 53 133 1,986 1,628 5 11 1,290 393 4 45 13 191 496 592 7 8 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954... 7 5 1 3 28 26 1 1 9 1 3 15 2 3 3 9 10 acres grown alone 1959... 130 1954... 218 8 29 1,267 1,062 2 3 169 4 19 52 105 393 74 11 12 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 25 25 5 "3 7 13 14 bvishels 1959... 1,730 72 105 16,915 5,825 50 36 2,642 13 263 571 1,260 2,455 1,250 15 16 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 2 3 1 5 1 4 3 11 94 3 3 4 12 3 6 1 17 18 acres gromi alone 1959... 1954... 34 16 50 35 2 16 9 24 221 27 30 58 '66 25 15 19 20 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... :: ... 'io 45 5 "s 18 13 4 2 25 21 22 23 24 tons 1959... 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 39 32 13 7 1 5 20 33 7 U 2 3 9 57 16 86 87 39 345 1 13 29 60 7 25 45 "a '42 5 11 39 6 25 7 25 26 acres grown alxme 1959... ] 1954... : 59 37 4 13 81 166 12 10 613 81 3 327 6 '33 43 61 109 40 27 23 29 30 acres grown with other crops 1959... ' 1954. . . Plowed under for green itonuxe farms reporting 1959... 1954... ^53 49 3 6 35 1 4 60 3 7 53 183 1 3 1,936 1,592 2 4 3 7 1,272 370 1 '43 1 13 146 1 4 444 503 1 9 31 32 acres gro\m alone 1959... 1954. . . 19 69 7 54 3 411 5 523 30 5 3 15 2 22 12 isi 33 34 35 36 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959... 1954... : 15 42 38 00 38 83 30 6 41 43 20 31 'si 79 113 5 2 5 'io 37 13 ... 24 50 '45 37 57 20 39 66 64 37 38 acres gro\m alone 1959... S 1954... 34 79 489 635 724 430 196 378 452 390 2 3 134 242 126 145 483 732 271 166 39 40 acres grown with other crops 1959... 2 1954... 1 04 104 102 23 67 39 78 527 434 3 222 15 10 23 15 70 217 193 41 42 Harvested for dry peas ... .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 8 22 17 43 18 8 7 6 7 10 2 5 5 4 12 35 23 13 20 37 43 44 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . 2 49 15 100 342 254 79 78 105 20 42 2 3 5 11 71 98 274 52 27 92 45 46 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954 . . . 4 15 1 6 3 1 3 27 2 "s 1 1 40 29 47 48 bushels 1959... 3 1954... 3 60 41 799 1,161 1,492 1,012 729 732 267 237 11 31 28 17 724 269 3,191 139 486 306 49 50 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 2 4 7 10 2 2 2 1 1 17 2 4 4 14 3 20 8 51 52 aci-es grown alone 1959... 1954... 5 15 178 116 25 30 52 10 82 5 26 15 43 45 365 20 53 54 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1954... 6 100 30 1 5 90 10 15 "i 27 55 56 57 58 1954 . . . Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954... 9 7 32 67 237 146 15 31 15 7 19 27 30 6 12 23 5 86 70 85 10 24 31 6 8 26 6 6 33 204 14 21 32 35 17 59 60 acres grown alone 1959... ] 1954... 5 74 13 117 154 181 224 55 162 345 238 107 205 9 3 127 236 141 17 61 62 63 acres grown with other crops 1959... 2 1954... Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . . 30 70 1 9 3 66 5 4 15 66 6 6 35 73 3 2 445 340 5 10 211 2 10 19 2 15 70 3 4 150 146 4 11 64 1954 .. . 65 66 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. .. 6 36 94 23 264 97 11 101 87 28 17 31 1 37 59 83 57 67 68 1954... 19 10 50 2 2 23 GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 305 Part 2 of 6 Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Willtes Wilkinson Worth 39 13i 4 27 100 205 42 43 16 43 29 13 126 78 148 62 3 7 49 47 30 72 43 106 10 16 8 8 32 37 30 34 1 2 171 397 79 201 741 1,142 425 518 88 278 316 468 4,695 1,940 595 121 15 401 307 277 129 306 461 671 235 415 162 56 460 309 502 828 3 4 16 13 25 40 11? 106 49 191 325 519 40 448 384 2,242 837 55 60 1,100 1,085 9 8 12 93 333 42 2 738 740 512 41 5 6 15 20 13 7 6 5 2 8 1 91 24 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 17 15 4 6 i 8 5 13 14 7 8 118 131 202 94 23 27 60 167 2 4,120 1,073 25 10 ioo 65 6 18 2 306 14S 113 270 15 89 64 255 395 9 10 1 6 3 20 50 59 42 5 156 50 11 12 2,927 1,311 6,181 1,067 196 170 400 3,028 20 66,251 1,914 510 40 200 840 48 275 35 5,720 2,720 2,536 325 130 1,233 178 3,552 2,666 13 U 16 117 3 17 81 196 30 34 2 3 4 5 3 14 3 5 1 2 3 28 71 27 94 1 1 7 1 5 6 3 5 15 16 32 246 76 82 481 984 256 354 33 145 42 270 3 186 30 71 ii 4 97 111 299 137 508 30 12 150 20 85 115 39 67 17 18 3 12 25 2 111 17 6 25 4 25 45 2 5 4 3 12 30 19 20 55 384 59 38 660 935 182 136 65 145 32 115 8 117 55 £0 4 13 66 223 331 156 515 15 4 253 10 99 79 24 53 21 22 3 1 1 10 4 4 4 6 14 40 17 6 44 32 139 48 3 4 47 38 "i 1 1 4 7 1 3 21 24 13 16 23 24 7 10 3 94 33 31 91 137 50 73 107 167 524 383 540 25 15 238 162 5 1 7 42 95 12 11 286 127 208 316 25 26 4 26 80 40 191 305 444 40 385 238 2,106 687 55 60 1,095 969 43 330 12 2 582 674 451 41 27 28 6 2 2 5 4 9 1 3 4 12 2 9 2 6 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 29 30 14 10 25 25 33 55 5 29 43 298 15 290 12 17 8 50 38 10 3 50 31 32 9 12 1 3 121 49 14a 116 50 3 66 11 33 34 5 5 18 55 41 120 104 142 43 54 91 100 274 430 103 149 28 136 65 107 17 24 27 53 59 67 60 107 91 147 31 14 35 36 6 12 63 233 84 343 651 874 155 149 488 675 5,536 5,393 340 286 111 291 553 223 36 41 60 135 631 517 523 367 606 1,159 595 130 37 33 53 10 67 4S 129 85 98 610 114 505 870 348 1,241 239 618 493 700 13 24 10 23 126 379 57 33 397 497 26 39 40 1 4 15 33 29 50 30 40 9 IS 63 69 147 264 9 12 13 79 12 17 12 11 15 29 18 15 22 59 51 68 17 3 41 42 1 9 26 72 56 64 115 127 14 27 253 376 2,155 3,107 7 24 22 153 26 44 30 13 22 39 121 149 49 135 112 408 280 12 43 44 11 10 44 13 26 21 33 126 84 231 627 25 48 60 192 23 20 6 11 10 22 51 54 7 3 142 30 4 45 46 10 69 333 193 460 408 651 544 356 173 2,670 1,535 11,368 11,163 511 458 231 1,036 238 326 282 95 113 222 1,769 401 322 438 914 1,205 3,170 112 47 48 1 1 2 10 6 53 45 89 1 2 10 10 38 86 3 1 2 4 5 4 12 5 19 9 12 19 15 11 15 2 4 49 50 3 3 7 51 11 167 275 569 2 5 60 91 472 740 18 2 'i6 34 13 5 26 14 42 128 81 166 41 45 135 41 47 51 52 15 27 77 34 5 48 56 7 13 133 17 2 1 53 54 2 5 6 20 10 96 193 412 2 2 91 54 279 262 12 3 ' 7 23 12 11 38 8 41 84 100 198 30 43 62 37 39 55 56 1 10 2 2 7 16 25 34 22 19 92 75 89 113 20 53 56 62 1 1 1 31 36 15 10 37 74 10 8 57 58 5 74 3 4 73 161 113 113 150 171 1,703 650 315 213 34 71 468 142 1 3 4 219 213 225 110 436 601 152 63 59 60 30 2 3 23 44 65 425 25 146 125 310 1,066 179 392 465 497 70 112 33 24 231 406 22 61 62 2 1 7 5 23 22 4 9 3 3 6 39 64 2 24 1 7 3 27 2 6 10 8 8 11 30 9 6 4 1 63 64 2 30 36 14 108 188 17 26 4 25 37 1,206 896 42 5 57 25 24 "2 21 50 163 74 83 81 13 15 122 8 65 66 12 6 3 20 25 30 62 13 127 34 5 183 1 5 30 4 23 61 67 68 Stub items continued 306 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Part 3 of 6 It«m The State Appling AtHnso n Bacon Baker Baldwin Banks Barrow Bartow (For derinilions and explanations, see text) Annual legunies-Conlinued 1 Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . . . 24,986 205 51 47 366 10 36 11 7 2 1954... 40,025 622 1 25 281 609 12 15 4 12 3 acres grown alone 1959 . . . 488,376 759 5 86 118 13,806 13 32 10 4 4 1954... 545,254 4,035 i 14 1,032 14,751 46 19 4 14 5 acres grown with other crops 1959 . . . 8,890 885 20 149 1 6 1954 .. . 35,363 1,037 58 907 23 20 7 Harvested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959 .. . 22,773 X 41 29 36i 9 36 11 6 8 1954 . . . 27,801 61 33 10 568 7 13 3 12 9 acres grown alone 1959 — 464,091 163 ; 28 91 13,653 12 32 9 4 10 1954... 410,258 338 : 35 31 13,294 26 17 3 14 11 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1,241 29 A 1 12 1954 .. . 516 1 11 23 13 pounds 1959 .. . 495,402,642 103,617 304, C )05 88.880 12,974,762 3,704 7,968 3,562 1,770 14 1954 .. . 244,786,425 253,146 124, 74 16,600 7,293,554 4,890 3,752 1,915 7,415 15 Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959 — 3,296 40 10 11 12 1 1 1 ... 16 21,108 149 49 26 464 2 1 1 17 acres grown alone 1959 .. . 34,720 189 39 25 94 6 1 1 18 1954 .. . 276,144 904 37 143 9,438 2 1 "i 19 acres grown with other crops 1959 . . . 770 7 39 20 1954... 1,751 20 14 62 21 tons 1959... 20,614 176 29 43 '53 3 1 "i 22 1954 . . . Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: 163,850 571 ; 69 53 3,512 2 1 1 23 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 10,210 28 35 28 44 9 36 11 6 24 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 7,378 2 6 1 177 25 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 3,086 75 26 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 1,469 40 27 100 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 630 28 28 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 .. . 4,272 187 37 108 3 9 3 2 29 1954... 8,522 339 L07 201 10 45 4 ... 30 acres grown alone 1959 . . . 11,825 453 134 110 12 6 '5 1 31 1954 .. . 15,043 1,053 ] 57 517 61 26 3 32 acres grown with other crops 1959 . . . 57,685 1,197 j05 1, 583 25 134 2 s 33 1954... 131,328 1,019 1, )93 1,108 300 1,063 2 34 bushels 1959... 57,852 53 < 10 2,882 3 45 50 15 35 1954... 30,228 562 75 190 51 1 ... 36 Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959 .. . 343,154 891 !79 609 3,102 2,075 1,733 3,021 4,842 37 1954 . . . 398,487 408 07 491 768 2,510 2,714 5,056 7,232 38 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 2,049 1 4 37 54 34 39 1954I . . 2,993 3 1 "4 10 18 48 76 40 acres 1959... 20,968 7 189 180 592 286 41 1954^ . . 38,952 10 .'. '10 106 213 118 480 1,062 42 tons 1959... 42,577 10 218 264 1,164 574 43 I954I . . 42,445 11 '.'. "e 63 74 81 693 1,109 44 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 231 1 8 2 45 1954'.. 127 4 4 46 tons 1959... 3,847 2 85 5 47 48 1954' . . Coastal Bermuda grass cut 1,647 56 39 for hay farms reporting 1959 .. . 3,447 61 19 58 15 24 2 13 3 49 acres 1959 .. . 87,283 733 2 36 570 3,077 321 6 126 42 50 tons 1959... 170,417 1,533 4 02 1 , 265 4,052 718 12 106 75 51 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 531 7 7 9 2 2 1 ... 52 tons 1959... 28,527 87 76 78 230 24 3 ... 53 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 6,171 1 1 16 104 155 134 54 1954 . . . 10,852 1 3 23 145 234 288 55 acres 1959... 69,627 3 15 226 685 945 1,990 56 1954... 125,107 10 205 384 1,038 2,231 3,257 57 tons 1959... 77,337 2 16 237 704 996 2,053 58 1954 . . . 83,853 5 198 143 694 1,542 2,335 59 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 522 4 8 10 60 1954 . . . 501 1 3 12 61 tons 1959... 6,684 27 103 161 62 1954 .. . 5,894 1 29 72 63 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 4,848 1 2 20 58 105 62 64 1954... 13,762 10 7 2 3 78 213 224 107 65 acres 1959 .. . 59,338 1 15 224 238 734 975 66 1954... 124,034 75 65 19 145 1,232 1,072 1,924 1,043 67 tons 1959... 65,640 1 14 183 253 672 1,367 68 1954 . . . 103,364 95 62 22 "60 1,114 850 1,708 1,020 69 Sales farms reporting 1959 .. . 181 2 2 4 70 1954... 250 1 1 1 4 71 tons 1959... 1,802 5 8 42 72 1954... 1,769 '50 ... 1 1 9 73 Other hay cut f arme reporting 1959 .. . 6,984 15 4 6 1 48 60 58 91 74 acres 1959... 104,853 147 28 39 10 1,115 624 624 1,549 75 tons 1959... 114,330 211 38 32 5 1,449 549 624 1,776 76 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 503 1 1 3 1 1 4 77 tons 1959 . . . 10,090 4 5 60 25 12 126 78 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 22 79 1954... 16 1 80 acres 1959 1,085 81 1954 .. . 984 30 82 tons, green weight 1959... 8,080 83 1954... 4,785 125 ^Alfalfa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 307 Part 3 of 6 Ben Hlli Berrien Bltb Bleckley Brantley Brooke Bryan Bullooh Burke Butts Callioun Camd in Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton 319 283 9 266 104 551 22 1,259 291 297 2 24 7 42 4 28 1 421 446 22 364 190 862 57 1,686 486 3 575 1 46. I 44 13 34 2 6,506 2,068 18 2,585 194 4,853 140 15,026 5,184 15,640 94 1,89 3 14 6 50 3 5,960 2,525 80 3,224 534 5,580 372 16,956 7,415 2 15,594 3 3,11 5 29 6 120 4 60 265 254 296 57 29 681 3 7 3 72 5 55 910 664 447 524 51 8,130 5 1 45< ) 10 6 312 244 6 215 4 491 14 1,174 278 297 2 14 = 42 4 7 340 162 13 246 5 712 44 533 385 3 543 1 9 5 43 13 2 6 6,249 1,892 9 1,830 22 4,176 109 12,916 5,073 15,341 93 1,09 5 13 5 9 4,258 1,206 15 1,665 25 4,421 261 4,200 6,458 '2 14,389 3 51 7 26 6 5 10 44 28 49 2 25 2 130 3 11 8 14 16 4 "i i 3 12 7,278,084 2,169,200 8,300 1,391,646 12,800 4,426,349 99,530 15,037,342 3,195,679 18,223,597 108, 300 755,56 i 9,564 3,680 13 1,711,989 666,082 1,490 672,452 11,122 3,543,235 141,188 1,752,208 1,958,741 590 30^90,613 1, 500 161,21 5 7,673 1,808 1,400 14 44 54 1 51 1 23 6 129 69 16 3 3 2 15 346 71 3 231 41 479 38 520 272 337 1 9 J 1 '12 16 506 241 1 235 2 139 44 932 1,082 218 27 3 17 4,418 501 6 1,884 126 3,125 279 4,736 3,668 6,586 3 57 ! 1 50 18 2 52 67 2 28 7 19 2 18 74 30 7f ... 20 282 195 1 146 4 88 '26 618 408 '83 21c ) 2 21 2,764 330 3 1,288 91 1,821 107 3,217 1,6M) 3,726 i 49 7 1 26 22 107 172 6 154 3 349 9 707 139 31 1 11 42 4 23 128 62 55 1 118 5 361 91 87 3( ) 24 57 9 5 21 88 29 83 i 25 18 1 1 3 18 13 50 1 26 2 6 46 27 72 58 10 49 148 9 23 75 38 1 2 1! 8 1 17 28 44 55 26 252 153 49 33 291 129 3 1 4: 12 1 16 29 67 19 1 102 309 55 U 224 325 25 41 12i 16 3 12 30 210 82 98 527 483 114 59 63 969 5 >40 22! 34 1 44 31 1,653 723 148 977 323 47 214 725 383 4. 2 163 32 937 432 457 6,127 167 831 199 4,828 2,660 l&i 16 52 33 4,176 160 79 743 9 10 964 791 '.'.'. 15 13£ 170 2 34 402 130 311 125 111 145 6 162 885 io JOO 38! 202 5 35 178 721 2,909 624 355 4,323 688 1,377 4,586 2,652 1,653 ,66 26] 3,845 5,204 353 36 260 361 2,555 1 975 43 2,069 382 224 5,240 3,154 26 1,023 1 L56 24f ] 6,677 48 6,465 41 451 37 38 "l 7 15 35 1 "s 3 "4 18 575 6 25 i 67 247 38 468 5 39 40 io 63 419 52 33 92 "b '76 234 1,463 91 75 5f £ 342 530 437 1,268 '13 41 42 20 "58 1 "i 258 1 1 35 4 33 '90 5 28 335 5 512 139 5. 345 5 1 23 1 484 3 3 47 59 13 43 44 45 46 47 15 40 37 11 20 62 18 53 78 6 22 16 1 5 29 4 13 46 141 517 705 274 286 4,115 688 729 3,173 59 856 354 17 D 449 23 325 49 296 1,2Q4 1,096 572 562 7,487 1,138 1,619 5,069 96 3,103 686 34( 3 762 28 1,412 50 5 3 6 1 3 23 4 6 12 1 4 4 2 3 5 51 55 77 106 300 22 1,961 178 118 891 12 266 64 3 ) 14 917 52 10 2 1 1 14 53 3 1 180 89 53 2 1 10 5 1 3 41 78 1 407 115 3 54 204 65 15 5 398 500 631 3 1,495 810 55 "x 5 186 80 5 28 1,670 1,299 28 2,779 1,480 13 56 212 90 8 2 323 551 1,102 "s 1,698 1,082 57 26 6 193 3 82 107 5 23 1,074 2 1 41 30 580 6 5 71 31 5 2,243 21 2 110 6 1,118 5 9 73 127 '13 58 59 60 61 62 3 2 30 8 5 3 25 43 69 4 3 100 55 63 14 4 54 28 6 4 7 4 172 147 8 1 592 110 '31 64 8 26 971 210 52 13 486 507 740 106 52 3( ) 545 797 65 118 59 949 394 18 17 122 100 1,959 1,039 511 4 3( 2,748 1,504 280 66 18 31 1,288 206 104 20 569 462 698 95 32 4 645 1,265 67 80 62 1,127 3 27 374 1 12 11 13 122 93 1,396 1 1 15 8 824 1 3 4 4 461 2 3 ] ] 2,342 3 6 13 12 1,458 1 2 10 16 200 66 69 70 71 72 3 16 34 1 7 14 7 25 61 1 3 101 186 9 73 29 178 994 75 17 180 117 508 778 35 57 5' 1,109 3,106 28 74 46 243 992 75 8 282 113 726 861 35 34 5( 1,252 3,498 30 75 1 3 6 1 1 5 6 11 76 17 12 72 40 2 '40 206 15 1 '20 75 99 73 1 30 ! 266 486 1 21 206 77 78 79 80 81 82 63 Stub Items continued 308 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) h nehta" Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cohh Annual legumes-Continued Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres grown alone 1959. . 1954.. acres grown with other crops 1959.. 1954.. Harvested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres grown alone 1959. . 1954.. acres grown with other crops 1959. . 1954.. pounds 1959.. 1954.. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres grown alone 1959.. 1954.. acres grown with other crops 1959.. 1954.. tons 1959.. 1954.. Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959.. Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . 1954... acres grown alone 1959. . 1954.. acres grown with other crops 1959. . 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting acres tons Sales farms reporting tons 1959. . 1954 . . 1959.. 1954^. 1959. . 1954'. 1959.. 1954'. 1959. . I954I . 1959.. ■1954^. Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons 1959. Sales farms reporting 1959. tons 1959. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959. 1954., tons 1959.. 1954., Sales farms reporting 1959. , 1954.. tons 1959.. 1954., Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959. , 1954., tons 1959. , 1954., Sales farms reporting 1959.. 1954., tons 1959. 1954.. Other hay cut farms refxDrting 1959. . acres 1959. tons 1959. Sales farms reporting 1959.. tons 1959. Grass silage made from grasses,' alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959. , 1954.. tons, green weight 1959. , 1954.. 600 50 59 38 243 17 27 80 73 751 790 14 502 975 1 20 1 1 20 60 30 70 3 9 31 180 42 207 198 435 16 33 102 263 2 15 33 102 263 48,180 226, 507 32 7 256 7 23 19 1 192 271 7,953 6,509 3,627 3,864 34 33 197 246 438 256 1 3 26 21 1 3 193 272 2,264 2,550 2,815 1,727 13 20 124 146 169 434 194 344 2 2 69 971 1,416 6 190 9,073 8,851 1,787 2,392 41 35 305 488 642 354 6 4 81 13 68 127 448 801 488 730 7 6 37 148 271 722 445 753 1 752 875 5 103 747 1,136 2,109 4,453 18 21 296 566 723 712 5 1 16 25 160 329 4 53 30 124 415 1,893 570 1,595 3 12 46 238 25 67 219 640 344 508 45 999 1,113 1 75 20 75 100 750 283 445 11,404 12,165 283 424 11,347 10,917 6 11,053,237 3,990,978 61 336 1,671 7,903 714 3,834 57 109 115 18 20 520 68 12 297 698 3 76 223 195 1 30 1,276 591 1,368 3,212 139 293 230 455 2 2 2 1 2 48 113 453 1,318 440 559 6 4 65 30 116 468 1,112 592 1,130 1 4 3 100 22 306 325 1 151 150 12 141 135 1 2 10 121 26 251 ^Alfalfa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 309 Part 3 of 6 Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalt Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early 5il 940 8 332 16 27 41 2 8 2 652 7 611 543 156 9 768 1 611 1,320 26 307 35 47 65 3 19 11 822 7 862 945 254 10 1,330 2 4,134 9,738 7 2,323 5 50 15,21 i, 8 3 16,938 3 7,163 16,777 5,273 13 31,083 3 3,930 11,283 7 2,063 54 159 15,13 5 12 10 17,061 7 7,981 17,277 5,558 11 32,782 4 347 111 32 5 4 13 239 463 123 96 5 594 768 '"i 95 6 11 9 125 135 29 60 197 6 473 895 7 318 16 16 41 0 8 2 643 7 565 540 156 9 760 7 309 924 25 150 34 30 61 9 18 U 780 7 477 879 244 8 1,298 8 3,528 8,876 6 2,164 5 34 15,01 7 8 2 16,304 3 6,117 16,688 5,246 13 30,529 9 2,019 6,849 6 912 52 124 13,58. 4 11 10 14,746 5 3,663 15,079 4,857 8 29,951 10 14 13 19 2 9 3 97 51 23 20 11 54 55 6 5 10 22 12 4,049,688 ]D,Z3i,110 4,655 2,942,210 4,252 16,511 22,530,65 2 3,184 1,540 16^816,329 2,258 5,236,000 17,610,640 4,986,255 4,795 31,676,366 13 830,481 4,140,142 2,466 439,846 9,212 21,783 10,205,97 5 5,920 1,861 13/88,448 1,686 1,159,844 6,760,044 2,959,551 2,800 19,091,185 14 94 156 1 24 12 1 3 1 51 100 30 17 86 15 240 810 118 2 13 33 3 2 454 1 603 658 151 5 1,048 16 572 1,050 1 121 14 62 5 1 586 920 363 387 1,499 17 1,547 5,463 8 705 '3 35 6,34 1 5 2 3 7,253 8 1 5,116 7 10,868 2,520 14 "5 22,742 10 18 19 44 158 11 10 5 20 554 806 1 100 7 52 3 1 337 547 600 178 879 21 1,475 4,324 670 2 19 3,65 3 2 3,551 1 3,200 6,223 1,309 6 14,412 22 366 604 7 261 16 15 7 5 8 2 205 7 378 112 51 9 145 23 93 231 49 1 16 5 225 140 211 47 273 24 13 49 5 8 3 130 32 125 28 170 25 1 10 1 '.'.'. 3 5. 3 2 !.'! 59 24 12 3 73 19 18 12 111 61 26 27 274 23 12 8 3 44 1. 16 125 11 10 4 10 28 131 79 19 7 8 67 1 23 4 250 21 6 4 7 29 406 U8 23 47 2 1 3 306 177 153 171 3 84 30 433 50 82 13 21 2 55 '25 196 145 30 3 62 31 5,616 304 46 105 14 785 y 188 2,277 12 147 32 4 32 1,512 1,268 110 38 1,356 15 454 6,537 202 60 7 12 33 546 237 3 100 2 309 4 207 3,105 1,308 172 210 8 34 341 170 114 40 53 104 a 20 7 567 20 41 121 35 1,327 3,388 3,242 686 5,621 1,053 94 L 2,263 257 1,865 2,616 477 1,361 4,527 1,609 2,527 36 671 984 3,847 470 5,766 1,574 44 3 2,297 863 1,040 2,640 315 542 3,105 2,183 409 37 1 9 1 15 3 11 13 27 1 20 1 38 i 2 13 4 22 6 18 9 1 36 4 9 13 1 39 4 87 30 197 18 139 49 560 4 193 10 40 5 5 176 49 603 37 102 30 129 584 25 1,304 157 7 41 10 59 125 375 29 269 90 1,060 9 315 10 42 "2 4 214 ... 54 711 1 1 32 1 "2 171 2 3 9 34 35 1 1 2 1 66 1 33 669 4 1 105 120 42 1,921 121 3 1 37 1 7 43 44 45 46 47 78 103 37 32 17 17 2< 1 35 5 11 25 35 3 33 48 1,065 2,933 508 469 402 421 58] 1 1,295 39 323 628 2,927 43 1,298 49 2,158 4,562 1,217 1,222 760 698 1,43< 2 2,342 24 620 1,409 6,276 55 2,508 50 8 25 3 V 5 5 3 6 8 1 6 51 344 764 90 271 162 25. 218 174 339 1,665 35 222 52 1 26 3 93 8 65 16 31 2 2 1 55 53 7 48 166 11 77 71 6 70 3 5 3 125 54 10 257 18 1,807 228 969 70 467 41 22 10 677 55 120 788 1,736 112 841 414 235 631 34 70 75 1,236 56 6 224 60 2,008 506 1,143 114 676 42 29 10 916 57 156 510 3 1,382 2 74 3 689 5 422 114 406 3 38 77 28 1 929 10 58 59 2 4 1 4 2 1 1 3 60 18 55 285 71 30 'io 219 61 8 20 2 44 '32 5 4 79 62 12 4 54 2 82 21 li 16 14 1 37 6 24 13 34 3 63 18 15 140 2 279 78 IC 43 81 98 14 52 14 93 8 64 258 33 657 125 1,454 205 17C 194 33 9 441 49 343 523 232 128 65 254 133 1,547 32 2,368 1,126 19"! 333 262 936 68 267 388 534 78 66 339 26 538 68 1,606 254 15; 209 44 '12 464 39 302 522 192 130 67 197 96 1,358 20 1,690 830 124 339 223 908 54 154 351 362 79 68 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 4 2 ' 1 1 1 2 69 70 28 4 "'2 6 8 12 11 "i "2 49 20 2 "a 2 21 71 72 1 16 70 3 68 17 67 20 15 49 2 12 23 46 23 73 4 408 1,733 44 1,761 181 19 3 961 104 561 1,109 64 364 1,067 464 1,091 74 3 387 1,725 59 1,939 193 18 3 1,013 126 532 1,067 60 265 1,384 504 1,148 75 2 3 1 4 I 4 1 6 5 2 76 58 27 "i 3 10 15 1 '50 535 16 8 ) 20 6 61 1 '56 340 136 55 77 78 79 80 81 82 33 Stub items continued 310 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Iletn (For definitions and explanations, see text) Echola Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Floyd Annual legumes-Continued Peanuts grown for all purposes fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. igs-i. acres grown with other crops 1959. 195i. Harvested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959. Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Hay crops: 1954. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959. 1954^ acres 1959. 1954^ tons 1959. 1954' Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954' tons 1959. 1954' Coastal Benmida grass cut for hay farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons 1959. Sales fanns reporting 1959. tons 1959. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons 1959. Sales farms reporting 1959. tons 1959. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. 904 291 21 22 55 313 116 50 124 13 124 256 4 64 66 140 476 656 58 62 413 350 357,989 146,075 30 346 29 242 58 50 72 107 805 797 635 360 1,096 609 55 752 1,702 39 34 138 29 82 45 287 345 2,774 7,494 5,034 8,329 120 157 1 2 185 349 2,045 4,032 1,740 3,304 15 U 100 150 78 229 833 2,146 784 1,824 1 6 2 25 125 1,932 1,979 3 262 1 40 200 410 611 3,320 4,309 183 115 305 163 2,524 1,231 26 2,027,690 377,562 129 24« 877 1,925 30 7 553 1,332 226 67 139 223 379 519 2,803 4,664 110 9 1,066 1,150 809 1,029 2 300 9 49 186 10 47 201 515 151 270 172 234 1,102 1,242 598 913 18 760 112 20 815,447 49,730 5 36 21 176 18 21 166 20 41 17 49 162 292 38 704 2,032 5 95 3 6 125 51 155 46 1 1 33 1 1 5 2,957 2,571 31 180 116 1,093 168 1,383 2 6 3 35 45 46 146 3 27 13 120 409 2,782 2,926 55 363 1 20 (Z) 19 1 20 (Z) 19 50 2,159 2,643 2,917 10 11 188 155 341 136 2 9 228 503 2 35 59 91 690 1,007 726 717 40 139 804 1,277 552 1,162 2 2 10 48 733 755 5,482 2,519 7,414 9,357 53 86 907 2,319 2,050 2,313 3 3 20 310 15 89 197 247 310 3,625 4,169 3,939 3,884 18 11 238 418 68 108 940 1,062 1,311 1,563 7 3 80 62 85 1,853 1,905 Z Reported In small fractions. 'Alfalfa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 311 Part 3 of 6 Fran VI ^n F\aton Gilmer OlflBOOCk (Djim Gordon Grady Greene Gifinnett HaberRhnm Hall Hancock Haralson Harrle Hart Heard U 33 2 3 > 1 1 679 23 39 5 19 11 11 23 5 26 1 19 55 7^ 3 8 930 16 42 2 10 55 15 52 1 42 2 15 27 '2 24 > 1 4 8,436 14 16 2 13 13 13 23 34 3 20 59 ■:: 46* 1 ) ... > 5 2 9,987 22 416 14 48 '17 1 2 16 2 70 'ii 6 39 "i '1 34 4 5 6 12 33 2 3 L 1 1 654 23 39 5 19 11 11 28 5 25 7 le 53 6 5 2 3 849 15 36 1 9 50 15 52 41 8 5 26 2 23 > 1 4 7,870 14 15 2 13 13 13 23 33 9 18 47 40f i 1 "i 2 7,930 22 23 13 38 5 58 6 36 "i 33 10 11 12 2,355 15,963 750 U6,70 7 38 2,000 7,580,055 3,016 6,694 850 5,422 5,405 11,326 4,761 253 3,066 13 5,689 19,324 113,84 > 330 968 7,396,347 1,652 7,419 22 2,018 7,948 2,647 6,405 9,391 U 2 1 f ... 56 1 1 1 2 15 1 7 a ) 1 370 6 "2 3 5 2 16 3 1 5( ) 410 1 1 3 17 2 18 33^ ... > 1 2,930 '28 10 6 13 6 1 18 19 20 "2 1 2( ) 263 1 1 ' 1 2 21 1 27 20 1 1,749 6 "2 6 5 1 22 12 33 2 2 > 1 1 376 216 45 15 2 23 39 5 19 11 11 28 5 25 23 24 25 26 27 3 5 7 > 2 13 4 8 1 1 50 2 12 1 1 28 ... 5 7 ) 7 4 30 16 7 1 3 176 5 18 24 29 7 12 5 65 3 20 1 1 79 2 38 ' 2 (z) 30 7 '5 ) 4 195 14 19 1 4 272 23 25 30 31 '75 1,45 ) 23 6 12 423 70 1 32 16 1,55 ! 29 177 49 3 1,481 4 80 63 33 '25 99 43^ 13 47 32 100 10 432 20 582 5 34 25 J 11 33 101 80 63 10 747 116 118 177 35 3,841 4,097 1,172 27] L 585 • 4,275 1,169 5,038 2,882 2,443 2,233 1,942 1,451 2,659 3,563 1,134 36 4,894 6,165 833 50 L 184 4,579 754 5,471 5,079 2,008 4,021 3,204 2,226 3,379 12,203 3,064 37 74 46 5 89 6 65 92 38 6 13 4 35 3 38 22 61 21 4 92 2 15 54 29 28 10 9 17 11 17 39 525 489 31 779 129 559 489 188 113 102 92 299 19 40 136 328 159 55 1,296 306 218 863 321 228 141 216 318 32 147 41 1,270 1,081 58 1,884 156 1,086 1,099 468 180 221 215 600 49 42 164 1,094 176 167 1,171 360 290 567 239 260 119 151 269 106 98 43 4 5 9 2 10 16 3 1 2 44 2 5 i 1 1 1 1 2 45 19 85 230 '67 112 168 8 5 34 46 23 54 3 5 1 5 15 12 47 7 13 5 11 5 65 25 16 2 10 29 3 33 5 8 43 57 191 10 L 545 85 830 329 256 9 67 536 56 777 68 89 49 93 412 21 i 608 388 2,016 378 124 11 37 928 39 940 69 252 50 1 ! 1 2 9 3 2 2 4 1 51 4 3 > 15 312 395 39 9 78 100 10 52 184 103 7 ... 202 87 148 25 94 17 103 18 236 39 53 203 207 28 295 1 98 213 45 179 41 116 37 673 162 54 1,345 1,322 25 1= 1,648 1,239 1,021 144 719 210 848 196 2,146 284 55 1,495 2,148 132 21 2,330 1 962 1,724 219 1,093 534 693 594 10,299 1,623 56 1,310 1,531 27 IS ... 1,766 1,658 931 153 1,021 177 920 121 2,017 319 57 1,023 1,660 140 t 1,830 "2 409 1,380 152 710 305 556 365 5,616 1,234 58 9 7 1 18 6 15 1 3 7 3 30 4 59 9 14 1 4 2 6 7 "2 6 3 76 3 60 45 42 5 157 136 50 2 131 60 16 256 30 61 34 86 2 17 18 31 19 12 23 51 1,386 125 62 155 32 3 S 47 10 63 114 24 84 41 44 36 90 32 63 402 287 13 64 2 32 12 167 327 165 343 236 175 120 214 152 64 1,208 376 64 4; 458 138 802 462 173 4X 421 241 459 788 399 65 2,367 1,824 71 40: '19 470 125 1,847 1,619 646 1,915 1,700 992 951 1,460 1,018 66 1,422 1,136 93 31 542 154 1,013 407 197 518 450 248 319 1,034 508 67 1,906 1,694 84 3M 33 409 181 1,516 1,327 556 1,508 997 915 531 1,328 871 68 9 5 3 1 10 1 2 1 6 3 69 12 15 ... 1 1 6 1 6 3 4 1 4 70 19 19 50 2 44 1 7 1 46 6 71 28 70 2f 40 1 43 3 21 17 21 1 30 72 93 72 163 6 114 14 127 73 123 72 53 18 51 30 26 73 706 1,219 1,052 loe 40 1,X5 151 2,539 584 1,623 825 647 204 1,135 262 315 74 745 1,216 1,250 14C 49 1,683 153 3,174 517 1,543 1,042 687 186 1,427 277 382 75 5 8 10 3 7 4 9 6 1 11 3 1 76 40 34 1 30 225 199 105 653 22 199 57 1 133 400 75 1 15 275 405 46 50 2 28 260 77 78 79 30 81 82 83 Stub items continued 312 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY — Item — (For definitions and explanations, see text) Henry Houston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson JenklEB Johnson Annual leEumes-Conlinued 1 Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 3 234 ?40 41 10 66 179 233 AS 2 1954. . . 19 335 = 12 5 2 220 283 381 131 3 acres grown alone 1959... 8 5,025 15, 337 28 10 341 2,283 2,566 325 4 1954... 26 5,818 13, Pl6 9 6 310 3,059 3,201 786 5 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1 23 U3 10 8 6 1954... 46 4 2 625 16 80 62 7 Harvested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959. . . 8 233 732 41 10 7 172 219 1 34 S 1954... 17 305 j36 4 24 236 157 1 47 9 acres grown alone 1959. . . 8 4,940 14, )19 28 10 68 2,212 2.3 =2 245 10 1954... 24 5,050 8, L39 8 142 2,474 9 jO 354 11 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . ... 7 12 1954... 3 4 5 13 pounds 1959... 828 4,789,025 21,362,' ,36 6,443 2,320 64,468 1,306,123 1,889,1/ .5 139,814 14 1954... 4,559 2,453,178 2,643, )31 510 60,150 580,331 335,5 il 98,214 15 Vines or tops saved for 1 hay or forage farms reporting 1959. . . 46 3 1 3 62 79 10 16 248 6 1 70 213 2 52 70 17 acres grown alone 1959. . . 495 35 1 29 783 7 59 57 18 1954... 4,276 6, )4 5 346 2,410 2.5 38 452 19 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 1 3 8 LO 20 1954... 21 4 !0 8 21 tons 1959... 187 36 2 32 298 4 32 30 22 1954. . . Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: 2,339 5,< .8 2 333 1,063 2,1 31 297 23 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 8 98 L7 7 41 10 4 106 1 Jl 23 24 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 73 : 7 > ... 2 43 ,7 10 25 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 35 L4 7 1 14 L6 1 26 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 22 2 3 6 3 27 100 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 5 1 5 3 2 28 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . . 1 7 3 ) 1 137 35 LO 36 29 1954... 4 8 1 ) 316 100 1 )2 204 30 acres grown alone 1959... (Z) 46 16 J 3 463 314 )3 48 31 1954... 9 60 159 343 35 390 32 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 2 13 33 L 6 1,317 406 1 )7 910 33 1954... 61 26 ; 9 L 5,031 1,963 2,2 72 4,403 34 bushels 19S... 25 7 52 7 15 797 1 37 311 35 1954... Hay crops: 40 31 D 1,410 428 70 120 36 Land from which hay was cut acres 1959... 4,372 2,558 )7 5 4,301 5,339 408 3,700 2,0 =8 976 37 1954... 8,231 1,639 ] 1 L 6,711 5,015 198 3,695 4,0 S2 1,250 38 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 48 39 18 1 2 2 39 1954I.. 33 ' 1 24 38 2 5 40 acres 1959... 621 318 348 5 57 55 '41 I954I.. 388 '30 173 940 15 32 42 tons 1959... 945 736 600 14 114 '. '40 43 19541.. 266 16 124 985 12 18 44 Sales fanns reporting 1959. . . 7 1 1 1 45 I954I.. 1 1 1 1 46 tons 1959... 95 2 15 11 47 48 1954'-.. Coastal Bermuda grass cut 2 3 4 "1 for hay farms reporting 1959. . , 9 42 3: 24 12 28 63 7 14 49 acres 1959. . . 86 1,642 5 7: 288 153 320 1,945 1,68 A 416 50 tons 1959... 132 4,226 1,; 3' 457 144 597 3,199 3,41 5 329 51 Sales farms reporting 1959... 2 3 IC 3 3 15 3 1 52 tons 1959... 23 210 4 Oi 60 20 1,097 '" 5 2 53 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 108 ISO 61 1 7 3 2 54 1954... 175 14 2 250 40 35 1 4 10 55 acres 1959... 1,636 1,565 1,062 "2 69 2 6 40 56 1954... 3,576 402 11 2,387 994 563 24 6 254 57 tons 1959... 1,424 1,798 1,168 '2 108 4 9 65 58 1954... 2,618 395 a 1,317 566 328 11 5 193 59 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 10 13' 1 60 1954... 11 1 13 1 3 61 tons 1959... 76 57 25 62 1954... 129 "2 '. 134 10 4 63 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959... lli 20 134 55 54 2 3 14 64 1954... 312 34 4 385 134 4 135 12 9 66 65 acres 1959... 1,041 282 974 1,491 640 34 6 233 66 1954... 3,278 405 62 3,322 1,937 62 1,219 2,96 8 939 67 tons 1959... 993 310 994 1,709 464 30 9 139 68 1954. . . 2,409 293 1 1' 2,327 1,588 48 823 2,01 5 467 69 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 5 4 3 6 1 70 1954... 13 1 5 1 3 1 2 71 tons 1959... 34 13 35 20 30 72 1954... 62 3 81 1 6 2 51 73 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 62 30 1 76 80 17 81 58 1 4 74 acres 1959. . . 988 634 1,155 2,285 975 1 2 232 75 tons 1959... 784 719 2 1,375 2,639 63 613 1 5 118 76 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 3 ^ 5 5 66 11 77 tons 1959... 27 38 '. 19 134 78 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1 79 1954... 80 acres 1959... 14 81 1954... 82 tons, green weight 1959... 100 83 1954... Z Reported In small fractions. ^Alfalfa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 313 Part 3 of 6 Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Libert / Lincoln Long Lowndes Lumpkin MoDuTfie Mcintosh Macon Madison Marion Meriwether 13 12 25 820 275 4 7 5 167 10 3 1 353 12 218 8 1 13 11 87 1,333 459 2 0 9 29 432 17 10 2 558 390 37 2 9 12 36 8,176 13,561 4 4 975 8 2 1 4,481 11 2,936 6 3 18 12 143 133 11,861 157 14,711 1 7 10 '52 20 2,263 150 23 26 13 5,879 20 4,062 16 31 4 5 1 552 287 6 4 2 193 971 6 6 13 10 1 728 274 2 7 3 72 10 1 1 351 10 217 7 7 12 9 1 575 450 4 8 15 110 17 10 1 442 386 35 8 10 10 1 7,043 13,484 4 546 8 1 4,442 6 2,919 6 9 17 10 3 4,640 59 3 13,940 6 1 7 4 47 16 634 1 42 23 25 10 4,696 20 6 3,912 16 27 10 11 12 2,100 2,210 100 5,662,768 14,574,520 15 0 1,548 12,400 435,043 1,840 150 300 4,085,459 1,253 2,121,595 1,630 13 3,610 1,240 189 1,154,687 9,249,428 1,23 0 830 9,400 520,040 2,999 2,750 3,000 2,108,836 2,656,590 6,641 14 1 6 162 16 1 22 51 2 63 1 15 1 12 905 305 2 "i 8 117 1 391 294 6 16 1 7 1,001 879 163 352 5 801 1 17 1 "37 '13 8,116 87 3 6,422 2 "i 2 35 1 10 654 18 115 '10 3,941 3,069 6 18 19 20 1 4 622 375 1 141 168 4 262 "i 21 1 35 5,525 2,429 1 22 670 10 2,467 1,526 1 22 13 10 1 479 203 34 9 3 40 83 66 52 33 2 7 3 54 16 1 "i 10 1 1 175 143 21 12 10 108 80 23 6 7 23 24 25 26 27 3 9 31 246 6 2 D 4 33 58 21 3 35 1 53 15 28 3 16 71 264 26 5 3 1 81 136 10 77 1 51 3 267 38 29 2 23 5 421 149 2. 44 22 184 260 3 14 1 125 41 30 50 13 4 209 109 6 5 4 10 210 '15 36 6 209 4 717 88 31 19 76 278 4,051 149 9 2 20 183 506 457 5 346 1,240 169 32 5 159 710 7,177 277 30 1,249 1,620 906 1,052 6 5,279 258 33 15 1,195 605 2,874 18 3 5 370 2 25 128 61 225 5 833 586 34 2 96 355 192 92 8 7 6 20 948 40 250 412 30 2,509 234 35 3,564 2,515 96 3,664 3,339 35 1,845 306 2,437 458 2,749 206 3,120 3,049 755 5,243 36 2,907 2,563 302 2,909 1,945 21 5 2,853 140 2,125 1,073 3,170 60 2,689 6,036 663 8,103 37 3 11 1 2 7 1 24 1 6 22 1 38 20 7 "s 3 7 28 3 28 8 1 9 17 39 35 188 1 45 107 30' 81 12 93 118 6 40 617 100 19 27 230 247 17 201 137 '40 46 395 41 89 507 2 53 74 '30 142 12 184 245 5 42 ■173 122 11 60 160 214 15 243 118 40 66 417 43 2 1 1 '.'.'. 5 2 1 2 44 45 27 10 8 17 8 2 '62 46 47 20 4 8 53 35 ! 6 16 79 2A 6 49 10 14 27 48 565 84 90 2,550 2,278 24( D 103 272 1,584 788 106 1,936 71 661 535 49 758 55 191 5,144 4,302 37 7 82 380 4,054 1,822 218 4,323 120 802 691 50 1 3 9 5 L 1 4 23 1 7 1 51 8 47 1,295 577 2 5 3 243 1,212 10 237 100 52 14 69 10 1 64 18 29 ■ 3 195 2 55 53 10 101 3 7 56 23 48 14 390 5 ' 117 54 273 942 242 10 743 67 400 55 1,847 22 1,170 55 226 1,235 19 209 689 123 773 256 4,384 123 2,471 56 352 1,368 423 20 663 82 259 15 2,547 20 1,066 57 101 1,190 la 175 744 125 475 209 2,474 68 1,955 53 1 8 6 1 3 2 1 1 1 22 10 3 59 60 25 119 69 3 8 101 7 5 30 486 192 9 61 62 46 52 32 6 > 56 8 26 54 16 71 3 160 63 96 113 84 10 1 208 14 76 168 30 157 13 387 64 868 541 574 397 8t 570 582 37 871 135 448 46 2,524 65 1,317 995 2,426 448 18C ) 1,626 155 210 1,887 314 1,280 104 3,936 66 1,144 669 352 622 11 521 368 114 599 !.. 173 422 26 2,778 67 1,236 905 2,007 435 11' 1,166 142 255 1,061 242 835 55 3,494 68 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 69 1 2 1 2 1 ',' ' 1 1 70 20 6 60 35 3 1 2 12 317 71 50 8 5 11 2 1 3 72 49 39 3 16 13 ? 45 2 43 45 31 a 33 43 3 63 73 1,763 638 6 297 549 3^ 322 4 271 223 678 100 901 565 26 1,008 74 1,769 864 5 289 435 3! 345 3 306 271 565 100 1,058 1,732 52 894 75 4 1 2 ] 2 3 1 2 3 1 76 116 20 158 IC 10 9 2 102 1,015 30 77 2 1 1 2 78 79 "eo 122 '60 279 80 81 600 750 420 885 82 83 Stub Items continued 314 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee (For dermitions and explanations, see text) Annual legumes-Continued 1 Peanuts grown for all purposes fanns reporting 1959. . . 556 794 17 118 17 5 3 12 7 2 1954... 892 1,340 38 228 8 22 15 10 2 3 acres grown alone 1959... 20,183 19,059 12 1,051 6 3 13 9 5 1, 1954... 21,725 21,773 39 1,599 11 1 26 22 2 5 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 85 37 2 1 6 1954... 110 195 2 148 3 7 Harvested for picking and threshing fauns reporting 1959. . . 552 787 17 97 16 4 3 12 6 S 1954. . . 831 1,240 36 63 2 22 14 10 2 9 acres grown alone 1959. . . 19,362 18,855 12 932 4 2 13 8 3 10 1954... 17,524 18,059 38 550 4 1 25 20 2 11 acres grown with other crops 1959... 17 32 1 12 1954... 8 6 10 13 pounds 1959... 21,098,701 21,698,841 4,212 588,065 2,721 820 10,100 1,338 928 14 1954... 10,511,169 9,397,028 6,039 263,493 800 2,382 9,928 6,033 750 15 Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959. . . 14 32 3 30 16 440 819 2 94 "2 "2 "i 17 acres grown alone 1959... 158 287 3 164 18 1954... 7,477 9,803 2 758 1 10 '1 19 acres grown with other crops 1959... 2 20 1954... "s 73 1 21 tons 1959... 116 175 2 201 22 1954... Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: 4,675 4,394 2 584 1 3 1 23 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 63 248 17 65 16 4 3 12 6 24 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 202 301 25 25 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 168 150 6 26 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 91 65 1 27 100 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 28 23 28 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 5 2 2 48 4 1 1 29 1954... 5 19 7 173 2 1 15 3 3 30 acres grown alone 1959... 51 21 1 127 20 31 1954... 20 88 2 10 20 11 1 32 acres grown with other crops 1959... 31 238 5 744 35 20 12 33 1954... 12 117 60 3,952 5 104 15 10 34 bushels 1959... 306 211 5 2,480 30 35 1954. . . 15 21 20 197 '20 82 20 4 36 Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959... 470 1,223 2,901 328 7,825 2,317 1,074 5,924 2,912 37 1954... 152 2,087 4,599 206 7,205 2,857 1,988 7,375 5,549 38 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanas reporting 1959... 1 16 46 65 1 39 36 39 1954^.. 4 17 2 36 42 13 24 30 40 acres 1959... 3 223 756 446 25 585 488 41 1954I.. 143 363 15 852 301 940 659 334 42 tons 1959... 3 640 1,«)6 948 40 1,197 826 43 I954I . . 113 420 23 1,045 536 1,108 339 568 44 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 2 6 12 4 5 45 I954I.. 1 2 1 2 46 tons 1959... 40 47 79 125 89 47 1954'.. ... 20 19 4 23 48 Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 16 30 11 9 16 6 5 11 7 49 acres 1959. . . 297 1,122 203 317 195 31 306 222 92 50 tons 1959... 560 2,678 558 467 205 54 557 242 131 51 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1 6 1 2 2 2 52 tons 1959... 6 477 20 150 32 29 53 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... ... 30 69 141 3 94 96 54 1954. . . 1 2 53 5 96 226 11 151 234 55 acres 1959. . . 578 986 1,108 50 1,628 1,331 56 1954... 9 74 661 '73 1,520 1,782 258 2,207 3,547 57 tons 1959... 680 981 1,318 68 2,183 1,292 58 1954... 5 32 555 '57 1,004 1,490 131 1,351 2,237 59 Sales farms reporting 1959... 6 4 17 12 11 60 1954. . . 3 20 2 4 18 61 tons 1959... 150 83 164 415 177 62 1954... 78 118 7 34 209 63 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1 3 45 2 117 11 3 79 40 64 1954... 1 15 151 6 163 32 16 222 102 65 acres 1959... 5 43 594 11 2,885 61 39 1,105 453 66 1954... 30 456 2,256 51 2,395 200 230 2,820 973 67 tons 1959. . . 3 39 811 12 3,086 96 53 1,394 459 68 1954. . . 15 343 2,258 26 2,004 229 146 2,169 726 69 Sales f anns rejorting 1959. . . 2 3 5 1 70 1954... 6 1 1 1 5 2 71 tons 1959... 32 48 44 2 72 42 5 10 "4 32 10 73 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 10 4 67 121 66 9 87 41 74 acres 1959.... 168 55 1,201 2,936 671 654 2,384 503 75 tons 1959... 218 27 1,230 2,819 762 872 2,482 599 76 Sales farms reporting 1959.1. . 1 7 7 5 1 4 5 77 tons 1959... 6 167 46 23 8 216 34 78 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 2 2 1 79 1954... 1 80 acres 1959... 102 67 45 81 1954... '53 82 tons, green weight 1959... 510 450 225 83 1954... 150 'Alfalfa, clover, and their mix*,'jres cut for hay. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continuecl 315 Part 3 of 6 Ogle- thorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnajn Qui tit an Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven 10 11 45 11 134 14 13 348 6 30 1 423 10 2 172 379 1 5 25 74 5X 13 21 494 16 L92 1 743 39 13 291 595 2 t. 11 548. 11 266 7 12 7,789 * 3, ?04 19,449 113 2 2,520 4,484 3 3 31 780 2,918 386 6 24 8,624 1 15 4, 1 i31 1 22,275 405 16 3,253 50 5,386 21 4 5 1,475 65 1 20 ... 167 17 89 6 10 10 40 11 22 14 13 346 5 ] 30 1 420 10 2 170 354 7 i 24 63 19 13 20 445 16 L89 726 29 13 264 368 8 3 10 510 11 40 7 12 7,557 5 3, j38 18,789 113 2 2,497 4,060 9 2 26 653 115 49 7 6 22 7,160 1 27 13 4, J09 20,775 50 279 16 2,819 3,181 5 1 10 11 12 1,115 5,070 459,053 1,505 26,867 1,832 3,487 7,585,041 740 2,984,' .83 60 19,101,897 40,850 1,300 2,206,909 3,611,031 13 770 7,305 355,158 79,802 1,755 4,411 3,455,009 2,280 3,121, )86 1^273,504 96,410 2,992 1,304,657 1,396,717 14 1 11 17 2 15 1 45 70 23 42 15 "i 52 37 2 4X 1 77 449 13 1 229 318 16 1 80 14 2 180 ... 553 1,204 251 448 17 1 622 167 56 29 2 6,643 65 2 3, 1 ?13 11,706 159 17 "i 2,428 2,686 1 18 19 20 1 38 77 2 89 1 370 622 120 211 21 1 313 165 1 4,341 2 1, )52 5,010 '53 "i 1,286 1,973 22 10 10 19 11 22 14 13 132 5 19 1 63 2 69 228 23 16 124 58 148 73 95 24 5 55 26 9 40 9 4 89 68 52 25 3 23 5 3 25 26 27 1 3 162 4 20 18 24 10 31 74 28 "2 2 6 298 9 7 20 55 44 36 3 23 231 29 3 197 17 372 87 20 52 178 30 15 3 52 463 8 '33 63 110 121 5 70 189 31 37 1,413 3 378 )83 198 157 864 900 32 44 1,616 39 24 380 1, J69 1,122 468 20 536 4,882 33 490 148 13 585 64 415 45 4,951 1,710 34 10 20 76 22 '28 625 >29 182 59 653 3,551 35 3,957 1,506 1,613 487 381 1,710 3,703 581 2,906 ] 28 1,910 1,650 653 1,593 517 4,733 36 7,533 2,029 705 666 738 4,361 3,896 530 3,241 51 1,972 593 1,476 2,488 557 1,938 37 U 30 2 36 9 69 5 22 1 20 2 38 16 12 37 15 9 50 1 9 142 "2 7 15 4 "3 39 233 374 20 113 83 575 123 134 15 245 84 40 2*3 131 194 63 164 731 75 242 827 30 239 318 161 '12 41 352 383 80 202 119 1,130 219 287 16 318 164 42 2*8 • 200 5 152 294 2 115 '58 215 2 2 14 6 1,004 2 5 3 70 ioo 94 1 '30 1,038 3 11 14 56 '40 1 25 241 272 2 '42 230 "a 43 44 45 46 47 19 1 23 4 30 4 7 10 18 2 28 11 2 9 160 48 450 50 1,084 8 309 71 93 191 319 L08 1,071 204 4 94 3,577 49 660 15 1,224 14 630 77 90 595 397 515 2,034 397 6 210 9,165 50 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 7 2 22 51 2 173 2 83 30 40 350 276 195 696 52 105 51 2 14 1 31 151 3 16 15 4 5 33 2 4 53 324 129 3 14 2 102 187 2 16 25 4 22 80 8 1 54 1,324 456 35 52 10 319 1,772 48 474 100 75 121 56* 60 72 55 4,977 796 196 149 5 1,512 1,961 40 525 130 87 356 762 83 2 56 1,674 399 26 59 7 300 1,904 33 444 112 124 146 514 105 77 57 3,431 625 132 154 6 1,243 1,426 30 355 136 43 229 694 80 1 58 10 4 1 9 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 59 16 1 1 11 12 1 1 3 2 a) 63 75 5 46 10 30 2 12 19 40 5 61 177 1 10 237 52 15 1 39 '23 62 45 37 8 9 2 34 61 9 15 1 11 18 20 34 5 46 63 112 172 3 15 7 128 86 14 47 4 21 18 34 139 6 65 64 533 183 174 32 2 434 549 299 442 20 35 374 150 459 90 805 65 946 982 60 118 59 1,464 519 228 807 41 73 302 448 1,176 120 798 66 639 169 328 44 4 370 524 473 552 25 31 397 100 552 130 844 67 887 1,220 61 91 32 1,175 400 177 915 44 75 271 361 991 114 650 68 1 3 1 4 2 2 69 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 70 11 13 10 29 28 26 71 1 25 30 1 20 40 46 4 72 77 42 12 20 14 40 73 2 45 208 4 15 16 4 13 73 1,417 443 300 282 60 803 714 43 1,548 1,641 130 363 247 189 279 74 1,365 215 282 338 77 822 616 95 1,536 2,123 92 421 243 199 203 75 4 1 3 2 1 4 34 1 1 2 76 29 1 56 36 5 81 189 30 1 1 72 360 135 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Stub items continued 316 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For denrilions and e«pl«nal.ons, see le«t) Semnol e Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor Annual legumes-Continued 1 Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . • 37 > 2 13 279 476 27 1 ?92 161 2 1954... i2 1 3 19 540 765 31 9 719 256 3 acres grown alone 1959... 13, 11 S 2 9 5,820 12,814 96 1 1, 595 2,195 4 1954... 13, j6' 18 7 7,998 14,216 230 9 2,488 2,504 5 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 3 5 48 5 528 6 1954. . . 5( 45 9 7, 290 7 Harvested for picking and threshing fanns reporting 1959. . . J7 I 1 13 275 472 25 1 L40 158 8 1954... ' .8 ! 3 19 537 622 29 9 75 208 9 acres grown alone 1959. . . 13, ( )7 1 9 5,766 12,706 71 1 1,003 2,151 10 1954... 10, ?4 18 7 7,800 10,823 196 9 480 2,038 11 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1 91 5 41 12 1954. . . '30 3 40 13 pounds 1959. . . 12,298,! 4 3 432 2,954 4,570,523 13,765,162 42,293 385 969, 211 1,759,517 U 1954... 9,552, )2] 17,375 4,265 6,738,466 7,807,899 132,730 2,026 212, 362 772,207 15 Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959. . . 2 J 1 3 110 35 11 29 24 16 SO 2 511 561 12 95 184 17 acres grown alone 1959. . . ^ .9 > 1 5 1,537 550 60 LIS 220 IS 1954... 4, ;5 2 7,599 9,583 39 71 1,601 19 acres grown with other crops 1959. . . 5 26 20 1954... 15 7 305 21 tons 1959... 5( ) "i 4 554 317 24 L12 143 22 1954... 3, Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: p8 1 4,176 6,070 40 ^1 936 23 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 — 7 > 1 13 68 90 24 1 L06 92 2i 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... L2 133 205 1 31 47 25 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 8 46 104 3 15 26 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 6< 19 62 2 27 100 or more acres.. .farms reporting 1959... 2 4 11 2 28 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . . 5 45 18 25 2 L31 78 29 1954... I ... 2 163 25 11 1 ,02 93 30 acres grown alone 1959. . . 135 155 148 8 3 290 241 31 1954... 1 ... 4 120 86 157 292 231 32 acres grown with other crops 1959... 3 1,138 295 143 "3 371 1,932 33 1954... 4 ) 3,278 226 87 10 5, L92 2,082 34 bushels 1959... 1 1,056 218 323 250 1,032 35 1954. . . Hay crops: 5( ) 5 783 183 5 80 LIO 223 36 Land from which hay was cut acres 1959... 1, 0 3 2,402 1,200 297 3,648 1,365 933 340 646 37 1954. . . lb 4,179 1,533 772 3,270 1,641 2,259 554 364 38 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 13 7 1 12 2 39 1954'.. 17 10 1 17 3 14 1 3 40 acres 1959... 133 42 20 226 25 41 1954'.. 316 66 20 700 27 290 3 29 42 292 39 20 844 30 43 I954I.. 489 48 20 709 32 329 6' 34 44 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 3 1 45 1954I.. 2 1 1 1 46 tons 1959... 68 5 47 1954I . . 11 1 2 '16 48 Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1' 8 3 7 61 14 5 57 10 49 acres 1959... i3t 104 33 149 1,869 325 30 564 362 50 tons 1959... 1, !2 1 144 17 495 4,630 494 35 )87 655 51 Sales farms reporting 1959... I 1 1 6 2 1 9 2 52 tons 1959... V 50 3 107 115 2 61 200 53 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 45 90 1 5 6 31 1 54 1954... 80 91 2 22 21 58 1 55 acres 1959. . . 813 555 2 59 75 281 12 56 1954. . . 1,544 549 105 435 268 553 12 57 tons 1959... 680 447 2 91 60 295 15 58 1954... 916 296 82 251 226 443 5 59 Sales farms reporting 1959 .. . 5 4 3 60 1954. . . 6 1 2 2 1 61 tons 1959... 45 17 12 62 1954. . . i& 1 'io '25 25 63 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959... If 34 56 3 25 27 21 1 7 64 1954... • 3 92 152 16 41 70 110 12 20 65 acres 1959. . . 36! 495 263 58 632 481 263 3 62 66 1954. . . 4 > 1,224 745 339 800 859 698 L36 214 67 tons 1959... 31( ) 561 239 30 976 481 224 1 63 68 1954. . . 2 J 1,760 609 257 938 724 546 61 175 69 Sales fanns reporting 1959. . . 2 1 1 70 1954... '3 4 2 1 3 1 71 tons 1959... 13 50 1 72 47 5 "2 18 "e. 45 73 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 47 47 4 23 29 33 4 7 74 acres 1959... S r 759 307 68 614 459 354 J 73 210 75 tons 1959... : 34 734 406 90 887 544 282 2 AO 463 76 Sales farms reporting 1959... 5 3 3 3 2 3 77 tons 1959... 142 5 253 27 26 155 78 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa. clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1 1 79 1954. . . 2 80 acres 1959. . . 98 248 81 1954. . . 115 82 tons, green weight 1959... 784 2,480 83 1954. . . 390 ^Alfalfa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continuecl 317 Part 3 of 6 TeLfalr Terrell Thomas Tift Toomh s Towns Treutlen Troup Tomer Tvrtggs Union Upson Walier Walton Wart Warren 316 533 429 656 as 7 2 16 22 454 143 17 3 12 2 3 3 1 550 933 702 710 36 3 1 37 45 709 249 22 23 4 5( 3 11 2 3,137 19,859 4,494 12,087 1, 98- 1 63 17 18,794 1,147 29 3 8 4 L 4 3 4,i32 22,164 5,533 8,900 2, L4 5 1 184 46 19,292 1,476 43 U 3 8 L 27 4 45 125 44 137 3 7 25 15 33 5 5 U6 4 177 51 >4 3 29 86 22 '20 9 3 7 6 300 529 421 645 20 J 2 1 20 452 112 16 3 12 1 3 3 7 166 921 618 440 LI 5 1 4 42 654 227 17 22 3 2 7 8 2,995 19,859 4,357 10,959 1, 75 s 1 3 15 18,700 908 28 3 8 2 L 4 9 1,219 21,614 4 4,469 14 21 4,909 11 2 lb I 1 36 43 10 15,803 1,360 35 22 10 1 24 L 10 11 12 2,640,231 21,628,043 3,905,507 14,548,344 1,575, a 2 590 500 5,545 22,615,836 727,872 7,895 1,190 4,559 8, 75 3 3,200 13 329,728 16,856,U3 3,405,595 1,704,770 346, 36 5 800 7,845 8,336 6,897,433 367,976 2,107 3,923 650 3, 26 I 7,726 14 lU 22 77 59 9 2 1 1 21 79 2 15 323 459 331 415 L5 L 14 4 276 10 7 1 3 3 16 966 694 691 445 50 5 3 1 484 561 2 17 2,509 8,848 2,279 4,715 )1 3 86 4 4,861 80 "28 2 7 7 18 38 21 4 13 60 53 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 !!. 19 20 628 407 337 454 ' .7 5 ... 3 1 224 297 3 21 1,810 4,483 1,447 3,362 75/ 55 6 2,902 55 15 2 6( 3 22 194 72 264 222 L4 ) 2 1 20 34 83 15 3 12 1 2 3 23 90 211 130 289 5 5 ... 142 23 1 L 24 U 119 15 113 3 161 6 25 1 87 12 13 L 85 26 1 40 3 30 27 37 21 10 U 0 53 8 9 66 1 2 7 48 28 141 18 16 27 JS- 1 29 22 15 70 5 8 "i 3 LL 3 47 29 6 238 20 66 ' .5 i 140 7 124 204 4 3 IT L 23 30 108 83 135 24 7! ! 3 104 65 11 63 5 28 12 LI 5 401 31 996 320 42 104 1, 19 3 701 60 38 743 52 7 1,138 32 3,951 98 185 425 4, iO 3 932 84 193 1,161 46 2 6 S4 2 274 33 302 6 108 150 3,' .6. 2 ... 595 349 a5 2,092 4 20 1, 22 7 391 34 42 32 525 313 ] 21 i ... 14 81 48 1,518 53 3 33 L8 3 614 35 505 1,727 3,986 1,471 =1 i 1,735 459 4,070 257 540 2,464 2,302 11,325 5,511 51 5 2,925 36 808 1,165 1,790 1 900 39 ) 1,751 10 100 5,682 3 174 986 1,970 13 3,571 1 11,722 54 8,614 72 .1 2 4,960 37 38 9 2 4 203 36 1 20 36 2 3 226 34 12 5 87 847 37 1,371 5 4 39 40 127 14 18 1,159 92 3 356 51 35 292 1,231 115 354 2 1,214 2,312 700 2,365 1 5 211 41 42 105 11 1 3 1,571 1 4 3 50 1 491 26 232 1 40 1,361 10 lis 168 1,509 7 2 320 26 717 12 1 488 25 1 3 171 43 44 45 46 47 21 32 112 39 3 ) 1 16 11 9 14 2 9 3 19 y 20 48 384 876 3,561 1,471 59 3 1 297 302 174 207 3 162 15 212 M 3 288 49 645 1,722 8,108 4,241 1, L9 = 2 425 535 372 470 2 297 17 290 1, 19 2 471 50 3 8 25 10 1 2 1 3 1 51 155 327 2,145 2,347 a 3 70 68 15 J) L 25 52 2 2 L 8 1 38 2 11 23 302 147 71 53 2 6 4 L 11 107 1 3 75 32 397 248 79 54 102 46 ! 35 20 574 44 64 321 3,688 1,629 1,170 55 "22 53 59 1 ! 18 1,209 20 285 408 663 4,516 3,201 1,958 56 no 80 i 44 '20 418 93 1D9 522 3,922 1,474 1,200 57 '22 56 37 1 '46 1 3 26 622 2 2 17 9 16 164 417 4 58 425 3 '33 3,113 25 12 287 74 2,105 15 15 99 208 901 8 6 241 213 58 59 60 61 62 2 12 6 L 12 8 63 1 8 10 44 100 96 L 72 63 8 12 10 2 2, > 41 9 195 4 15 35 147 173 327 1 > 179 64 37 249 97 3 68 128 1,199 15 139 28 778 1,526 1,081 3 805 65 120 221 174 11 LS 5 115 52 1,964 42 355 125 1,829 1,845 3,302 r 3 2,434 66 22 338 84 81 138 1,318 15 128 34 509 1,924 1,268 830 67 79 148 1 5 147 "s L5 7 131 1 "i 30 1 1 1,409 1 1 28 291 126 1 "2 1,384 1 2 1,699 5 5 76 40 2,456 3 6 16 35 4 1 1,877 1 6 15 122 68 69 70 71 72 5 15 15 3 282 5 74 2 2 330 38 249 63 > 33 73 84 500 278 1 7 1,595 14 1,959 68 150 2,335 1,036 5,249 1,178 1 662 74 64 511 457 1 L 2,239 14 1,644 52 190 2,832 1,278 5,390 1,259 i 603 75 1 2 4 23 6 12 1 15 4 3 76 12 90 229 94 27 114 17 204 -43 1 1 40 95 280 500 85 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Stub itenis continued 318 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 3 of 6 County Table 11. -FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Itrni Washington Wayne Webst r Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth (For definitions and explanations, see text) Annual legumes-Continued 1 Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 125 118 : 2. 156 6 5 452 4 36 1,035 2 1954... 359 293 : 6] 250 2 12 785 12 138 1,555 3 acres grown alone 1959... 1,136 244 7,< 71 1,047 4 3 11,365 4 827 28,970 i 1954... 2,375 501 9,t 3 1,374 1 4 12,861 5 1,029 27,400 5 acres grown with other crops 1959... 1 529 39 92 17 56 6 1954... 125 3,435 IC 83 445 60 134 7 Harvested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959. . . 115 12 2 S 112 6 5 442 3 57 1,028 8 1954... 289 6 S5 87 2 12 732 11 82 1,306 9 acres grown alone 1959... 1,035 28 7,' V 796 4 3 10,957 3 609 27,544 10 1954... 1,845 55 8, ■ni 493 1 3 10,275 2 642 20,256 11 acres grown with other crops 1959... 11 15 9 49 12 1954. . . 7 13 pounds 1959... 581,360 27,955 7,010, 7] 679,307 995 969 12,567,808 510 320,389 32,784,746 14 1954... 622,841 35,280 4,918, 8] 283,467 230 648 4,975,504 1,133 130,260 10,801,819 15 Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959. . . 44 14 6 ) 53 54 8 93 16 1954... 269 15 1 174 481 2 34 799 17 acres grown alone 1959... 258 13 1, !1( ) 334 762 61 2,015 18 1,747 170 7, Oi 935 6,090 3 225 12,341 19 acres grown with other crops 1959... 60 5 5 30 20 1954... 125 53 255 10 3 21 tons 1959... 126 40 i ,2 > 284 606 38 1,389 22 1954... Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing; 821 70 3,( W 842 3,922 1 116 9,234 23 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 80 11 3 84 6 5 134 3 33 228 24 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 23 1 8 > 26 171 18 455 25 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 6 5 ) 2 80 5 193 26 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 1 3 43 1 103 27 100 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 1 14 39 28 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 104 114 3 62 1 24 1 64 24 29 1954... 195 329 3t ) 165 34 3 93 29 30 acres grown alone 1959... 211 145 5' 59 5 200 15 180 495 31 1954... 293 315 20 25 123 199 32 acres grown Wi1;h other crops 1959... 890 884 7 J 971 95 1,066 229 33 1954... 3,120 4,433 1, )7 J 3,014 1,444 26 2,610 233 34 bushels 1959... 2,613 3 > 42 685 245 1,603 35 1954... Hay ctops: 1,249 "s ?7 32 626 ' 98 100 36 Land from which hay was cut acres 1959 .. . 2,390 1,086 >5' 749 1,382 6,505 488 7,497 350 1,725 37 1954... 3,850 1,434 J2f 200 876 6,577 88 6,736 693 972 38 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1 21 75 21 39 1954'.. 5 "12 1 23 101 1 33 4 40 acres 1959... 15 60 610 200 41 19541. . 78 260 3 100 843 11 798 49 42 tons 1959... 5 112 1,411 433 43 1954'.. 134 508 5 145 1,015 11 550 61 44 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1 10 1 45 1954'.. 3 11 46 tons 1959... 6 106 'io 47 I954I.. 3 34 48 Coastal Bermuda grass cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 44 60 S 28 1 3 6 12 17 57 49 acres 1959... 816 997 ' .7= 578 2 26 56 190 239 1,547 50 tons 1959... 1,434 1,742 6 4 1,066 2 111 120 126 395 2,765 51 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 4 7 8 1 1 2 8 52 tons 1959... 75 94 50 149 3 4 220 793 53 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 13 1 24 185 5 66 2 54 1954... 47 4 1 42 264 2 82 3 55 acres 1959. . . 208 10 165 1,933 215 756 38 56 1954... 701 "42 ] 3( ) 7 189 2,484 35 1,244 14 57 tons 1959... 183 10 228 2,523 555 666 48 58 1954... 349 42 8< 2 190 2,211 37 885 14 59 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 2 20 2 2 1 60 1954... 1 2 32 3 61 tons 1959... 42 339 225 16 30 62 1954... "5 ... H 149 9 63 Oats, Wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 68 7 1 25 50 W 165 3 5 64 1954... 229 29 i 5 103 64 4 295 31 65 acres 1959. . . 645 80 1 ) 60 121 371 138 3,080 35 "e'l 66 1954... 2,128 257 : 2 j 54 329 437 17 3,292 460 67 tons 1959... 625 92 3( ) 38 173 425 94 4,026 21 31 68 1954... 1,418 198 2 ) 31 375 405 12 2,739 392 69 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 70 1954... 2 2 8 5 71 tons 1959... 9 8 '33 5 28 10 123 72 1954... 6 6 27 ... 24 73 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 44 3 ] 10 118 293 6 134 3 5 74 acres 1959. . . 706 9 6( ) 101 1,034 3,565 79 3,257 38 115 75 tons 1959... 840 U ] 2 53 1,236 3,906 44 3,071 24 96 76 Sflles . ■•■.■■............. .fanns reporting L959. • • 1 1 9 30 8 77 tons 1959... 1 21 452 333 117 78 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1 79 1954... 80 acres 1959.. . '14 81 1954. . . 82 tons, green weight 1959... 'so 83 1954... 'Alfalfa, clover, and their mixtures cut for hay. Stub items continued GEORGIA 319 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 4 of 6 llom {For dcrmitinns and oxplanatirins, see l*xt) The State Appling Atkinson Bacon Baier Baldwin Banlcs Barrow Bartow 1 Field seed crops hafvesled: Lespedeza seed .farms reporting 1959... 705 1 10 14 3 2 1954... 550 1 1 2 4 16 12 3 acres 1959... 8,575 ... ... ... 7 35 123 61 4 1954. . . 7,719 4 12 ... 6 24 196 106 5 pcpunds 1959. . . 1,523,971 ... 1,050 21,070 12,130 4,900 6 1954. . . 898,314 2,200 3,500 1,080 4,100 24,268 13,925 7 Crlnson clover seed. •...•■• .farms reporting 1959... 364 3 3 13 4 11 2 8 2 10 8 1954... 1,629 . . . 1 3 9 acres 1959. . . 9,711 325 38 14 17 27 10 1954. . . 32,447 20 174 339 61 39 143 11 pounds 1959... 987,307 ... 11,500 1,000 830 4,300 3,300 12 1954. . . 3,803,940 3,000 12,600 30,060 7,980 3,960 25,500 13 Tall fescue seed .farms reporting 1959... 340 11 252 19 165 4 66 14 acres 1959. . . 6,332 15 pounds 1959. . . 1,107,688 ... 41,600 28,620 9,800 16 Lupine seed , . .farms reporting 1959... 247 1 3 6 17 1954. . . 795 4 3 1 1 18 acres 1959. . . 4,910 ... 5 ... UO 19 1954... 15,854 45 25 168 20 10 20 pounds 1959... 3,370,579 3,250 61,000 ... 21 1954... 9,073,604 17,000 ... 21,500 78,000 9,000 ... 1,000 22 Other field crops harvested; Irish potatoes for home use or for sale •fanns reporting 1959a !• 9,720 43,005 33 30 43 5 120 2 126 8 26 125 250 30 271 29 441 23 1954. . . 114 24 acres 1959'.. 994 5 1 (z) 1 2 4 2 12 25 I954I.. 2,309 16 6 2 4 56 12 6 49 26 bushels 1959... 151,238 773 248 53 40 339 1,134 458 787 27 1954. . . 427,892 1,937 516 395 751 10,507 1,870 1,548 5,847 23 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale .fanns rGportliiF 1959,,, 14,035 248 77 103 51 109 42 78 47 60 153 187 53 223 24 135 29 1954. . . 36,901 368 30 acres 1959'.. 14,352 670 54 160 104 129 15 12 12 31 1954'.. 14,410 832 73 33 36 234 9 23 19 32 bushels 1959... 1,779,234 78,399 5,777 19,837 8,277 15,332 2,483 1,266 887 33 1954. . . 1,001,455 57,842 4,796 5,274 2,749 13,905 1,357 2,494 1,825 34 Tobacco .farms reporting 1959,,, 19,559 733 1,083 300 471 598 784 1 1 35 1954. . . 28,405 "... 36 acres 1959... 68,895 2,308 1,223 2,026 5 37 1954. . . 102,035 3,503 1,755 2,905 7 38 pounds 1959. . . 98,307,505 2,333,872 1,835,012 3,147,811 5,200 39 1954. . . 107,656,460 3,038,783 2,396,248 3,561,573 6,500 ... ... 40 Cotton .farms reporting 1959. . . 42,555 478 773 132 220 338 456 225 486 119 239 269 501 328 610 518 887 41 1954... 78,946 42 acres 1959... 639,326 3,579^ 933 2,086 2,254 1,174 2,323 3,971 13,093 43 1954. . . 1,000,731 4,921 1,031 2,319 3,657 2,534 3,430 6,149 19,068 44 bales 1959... 521,374 2,391 629 1,758 1,368 903 1,614 3,140 14,043 45 1954. . . 596,492 3,434 753 1,611 1,967 950 2,238 3,314 14,265 46 Farms reporting by acres Under 10 acres , harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 20,763 344 113 283 150 83 197 65 189 130 227 100 47 14 47 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 15,941 127 17 51 58 14 3 25 112 21 48 25 to 49 acres .fanns reporting 1959. . . 4,156 6 4 8 3 4 2 1 49 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959... 1,276 1 1 50 100 or more acres .... .farms reporting 1959... 419 1 2 51 Sugarcane for sirup .farms reporting 1959... 3,496 93 42 24 14 3 1 1 52 1954=.. 6,100 63 56 45 19 1 53 7 27 53 acres 1959... 3,268 40 18 11 7 36 1 1 54 1954=. . 6,883 34 27 24 20 1 72 10 45 55 gallons 1959... 701,894 5,793 2,117 2,110 1,652 2,705 50 20 56 1954=.. 681,907 2,732 2,751 2,542 641 10 3,092 146 1,673 57 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed .farms reporting 1959... 6,744 94 44 69 16 3 1 6 6 58 1954. . . 5,561 44 6 10 6 15 2 4 9 59 acres 1959. . . 120, Ul 712 254 552 213 74 3 57 215 60 1954. . . 103,842 435 64 90 23 432 15 80 284 Z Reported In small fractions . ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. Stub items continued 320 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Ilem (For definitions and explanations, see text) Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Bran tie y Brooks Bryan Bulloch Burke 1 Field seed crops harvested: Lespedeza seed .............. .farms reporting 1959... 1 2 1 2 1954... 1 2 4 3 acres 1959. . . 35 12 20 4 1954. . . ... 40 25 53 74 5 pounds 1959. . . 12,000 2,000 5,000 6 1954... 1,560 10,000 9,100 7,905 7 Crimson clover seed .farms reporting 1959... 1 29 1 8 1954... 1 5 8 27 1 9 9 acres 1959. . . ... 100 . 646 3 10 1954- . . 20 35 70 248 493 2 88 11 pounds 1959. . . ... 19,800 69,105 500 ... 12 1954. . . 3,000 720 4,020 41,040 37,320 300 9,120 13 Tall fescue seed .farms reporting 1959. , . 14 acres 1959. . . 15 pounds 1959... 16 Lupine seed .farms reporting 1959... 3 14 8 19 17 1954. . . 7 1 1 53 3 58 18 acres 1959. . . 26 279 67 485 19 1954... 52 45 5 10 622 79 1,940 20 pounds 1959. . . 29,700 133,050 70,770 398,100 21 1954. . . 18,300 27,000 100 14,000 272,966 45,000 1,349,500 22 Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... U2 23 5 20 76 5 55 110 23 1954. . . 231 194 40 312 333 323 L7 637 454 24 acres 1959^.. 1 2 2 3 2 z 4 12 25 1954^.. 5 3 5 4 7 10 3 40 28 26 bushels 1959... 826 250 381 .10 676 5 902 1,586 27 1954. . . 1,633 1,338 277 1,542 2, MO 2,361 2, 30 3 6,892 2,735 28 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 153 180 89 26 39 184 9 136 289 29 1954. . . 145 227 179 207 lU 3Cf7 11 5 529 625 30 acres 1959^.. 74 289 1,156 24 27 297 2 406 152 31 1954I.. 37 184 956 56 42 343 2 5 247 136 32 bushels 1959... 9,210 24,455 145,957 3,383 2, 326 35,233 1, 70 5 49,675 11,996 33 1954. . . 2,551 9,364 43,532 3,661 2, 575 22,519 1, 351 6 18,997 10,876 34 Tobacco .farms reporting 1959... 270 863 339 777 91 0 1,199 1 35 1954, . . 400 1,194 ,U 1,125 15 3 1,577 1 36 acres 1959... 844 3,333 1, 321 2,038 21 4 3,581 2 37 1954. . . 1,248 5,636 1, 337 3,174 40 2 4,734 3 38 pounds 1959. . . 1,183,159 4,877,637 1,437, 356 2,966,641 285, 91 3 5,430,817 1,300 39 1954. . . 932,085 7,212,409 1,850, 494 3,693,901 347, 51 5 4,166,730 4,000 40 Cotton .farms reporting 1959... 277 480 30 257 7 690 1 8 1,104 935 41 1954. . . 406 594 97 513 11 1,050 4 5 1,562 1,475 42 acres 1959. . . 3,987 3,309 896 4,180 23 7,214 8 2 13,438 31,939 43 1954... 5,589 3,832 1,740 8,050 17 10,099 18 1 17,764 42,263 44 bales 1959... 2,721 2,504 1,001 3,560 15 5,819 6 5 12,631 25,207 45 1954. . . 3,069 2,727 842 5,484 20 7,952 11 2 10,538 22,524 46 Farms reporting by acres Under 10 acres harvested: .farms reporting 1959... •farms reporting 1959... 106 134 384 90 14 6 31 130 6 1 427 213 1 6 545 2 460 176 467 47 10 to 2A acres 48 25 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... .farms reporting 1959... .farms reporting 1959... 30 6 1 6 3 4 3 40 6 37 7 1 33 16 161 63 63 49 50 to 99 acres 50 100 or more acres.... 51 SuEarcane Cor sirup. ....... .farms reporting 1959... 56 88 3 14 49 125 3 2 75 31 52 1954=. . 37 67 5 18 39 137 3 5 120 27 53 acres 1959... 19 25 1 9 20 99 1 0 49 13 54 1954=.. 19 21 9 10 12 117 1 2 51 22 55 gallons 1959... 2,543 4,109 59 369 2, 999 22,166 96 6 4,627 865 56 1954=.. 629 1,986 135 750 917 11,396 47 5 4,680 382 57 Root and grain crops hogged OP grazed .farms reporting 1959... 103 190 23 50 9 156 3 4 95 100 58 1954. . . 76 22 110 188 95 244 7 198 52 59 acres 1959. . . 1,397 2,649 237 1,103 60 2,549 46 7 1,275 2,844 60 1954. . . 944 X2 2,413 3,999 632 4,074 2 2 2,416 2,763 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. GEORGIA 321 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 4 of 6 Butts Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chatta- hoochee Chattooga Cherokee Claric Clay Clayton Clinc h Cobb 6 18 1 6 5 3 4 1 2 15 2 5 7 6 5 1 2 106 149 30 39 31 18 34 3 123 108 5 24 73 72 222 7 4 20,250 36,480 2,500 8,650 5,600 3,000 6,900 5 29,930 5,822 700 2,000 33,687 6,150 29,900 500 6 4. 11 3 1 1 4 3 7 27 21 31 1 1 6 3 19 3 16 1 8 51 365 15 5 ... 1 70 79 9 446 551 231 3 30 15 19 198 83 248 6 10 3,629 35,975 1,175 600 ... 200 5,200 5,920 11 48,840 60,960 ... 32,160 720 2,160 1,920 3,300 30,180 4,920 29,040 1,200 12 1 11 6 1 1 2 3 6 13 12 139 109 4 1 87 72 59 14 3,600 2 7 158 96 188,000 47,771 4 39 25,600 36,487 13,797 ; 600 75 17,400 2 18 22,000 14,450 16,900 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 65 5 2 5 131 23 2 4 1 123 131 40 102 4 3 37 22 230 111 58 177 809 261 J 74 17 323 337 75 125 69 1 373 23 2 2 (z) 2 12 1 Cz 12 tz) 29 7 3 (z) 1 1 4 24 1 12 (Z) 3 9 22 Cz 44 1 31 12 2 1 2 1 17 25 516 111 12 130 1,987 308 2 L 2,558 20 3,901 1,094 300 647 74 17 1 701 26 1,150 1,294 271 1,066 5,066 3,531 10 L 6,256 148 4,627 2,700 541 647 430 65. 4 2,928 27 66 23 18 33 162 37 1 = 15 13 98 100 55 138 28 1 3 67 28 201 116 52 184 675 127 3 5 55 27 173 236 103 IP 141 6 5 400 29 31 31 29 26 66 65 1 5 2 23 29 15 5 17 21 9 96 30 14 18 5 81 96 59 2 L 16 6 25 18 17 5 88 2 4 310 31 2,745 2,868 891 2,784 6,947 9,353 89( D 374 2,113 3,273 1,399 601 3,287 1,301 1, 26 3 8,355 32 2,097 1,245 769 2 2 4 6 4,900 4,700 525 730 1,704 2,705 2,486,480 9,349 4,713 3 5 4 6 5,676 1,10 4 7 12 2L 117,48 1,028 2 3 5 1 7 10 3 5 = 14,220 410 2,059 2,063 1 (Z) 10 1,824 964 5,249 1, 192, 94. 7 12 18 37 39 4 15,562 5 1 5 1 33 34 35 36 37 38 6,000 2,213,100 6,000 220,34. 2,800 471, D5 9 700 39 171 192 448 537 67 2 3 11 270 44 103 183 36 9 46 40 434 474 1 678 1,437 204 3 5 25 507 145 192 343 152 3 4 _ 136 41 2,266 4,338 5,386 5,308 620 3 22 51 3,506 304 1,241 2,653 429 3 2 337 42 5,304 6,477 1 7,949 12,464 1,265 9 57 109 5,503 883 1,836 4,046 1,251 10 959 43 1,981 3,643 4,417 4,426 706 2 12 16 3,362 306 906 1,883 335 2 5 268 44 2,193 4,251 1 4,164 6,419 936 44 40 3,467 583 1,280 2,417 535 10 3 497 45 72 68 221 352 49 2 2 11 127 34 50 79 21 J 35 46 33 67 192 156 12 1 108 9 42 78 10 9 47 13 36 30 24 5 33 1 10 20 5 2 48 3 16 5 5 3 2 1 2 1 5 1 ... 49 50 1 16 11 29 2 Z 3 14 5 ... 31 1 1 51 5 18 27 64 90 9 3 2 10 5 18 5 3 14 4 3 2 15 52 (z) 11 6 15 3 1 5 8 3 ... 9 (Z) 53 3 14 6 41 97 10 2 5 10 5 41 6 1 13 4 2 L 32 54 60 1,618 368 1,921 280 1,63 1 618 157 ... 825 20 1, 10 55 121 642 621 1,315 2,322 442 2,42 2 313 108 853 526 58 350 87 1, 54 2 2,229 56 3 38 2 153 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 4 8 1 2 3 57 4 3 74 1 1 2 4 8 4 5 24 ! 3 58 28 2,245 10 2,431 87 38 5 7 6 300 2 34 576 2 7 52 59 27 65 978 45 1 15 9 338 14 263 732 4 2 8 60 Stub Items continued 322 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and expla nations, see text) Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson 1 Field seed crops harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 6 1 2 1954. . . 4 12 2 1 3 acres 1959... 76 30 ... ... t, 1954. . . 70 85 100 ... 1 5 pounds 1959... 13,160 1,000 6 1954. . . 2,555 2,500 9,280 10,700 100 7 Crimson clover seed .farms reporting 1959... 1 2 7 i 1954. . . 5 17 4 54 4 1 1 9 acres 1959... 8 35 46 10 1954. . . 27 179 28 935 72 12 40 11 pounds 1959... 400 3,950 2,560 12 1954... 2,640 25,560 1,980 104,760 6,300 2,160 3,960 ... 13 Tall fescue seed .farms reporting 1959. . . 2 3 1 1 14 acres 1959. . . 11 26 50 25 15 pounds 1959. . . ... 1,100 2,700 5,000 7,500 16 Lupine seed .farms reporting 1959 > 6 3 3 17 1954. . . 28 9 6 34 IB acres 1959. . . a ) 98 21 22 19 1954... 3 ) 355 167 61 509 20 pounds 1959. . . 16,00 ) 79,075 16,600 22,100 21 1954... 12,40( ) 190,750 120,200 46,900 335,982 22 Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 3 3 58 15 58 43 7 4 88 58 23 1954. . . 50 ) 939 177 84 360 119 150 326 321 24 acres 1959^.. : 3 2 2 2 (z) 1 51 2 25 1954^.. 2 35 3 12 5 1 7 187 8 26 bushels 1959... 35 7 679 159 461 339 33 82 7,036 769 27 1954... 2,67 5 8,659 965 1,699 2,024 456 1,470 10,145 2,036 28 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 15 > 186 101 84 120 99 37 49 25 29 1954... 35( ) 372 257 74 471 179 190 165 179 30 acres 1959^.. 10 J 564 45 69 42 90 201 29 2 31 1954I.. 20 2 307 38 50 64 35 364 AS 4 32 bushels 1959... 11,59 2 88,351 3,470 10,448 4,086 6,733 25,560 4,695 389 33 1954. . . 15,38 5 26,106 3,615 4,038 5,834 4,151 19,579 3,785 1,173 34 Tobacco .farms reporting 1959... 1,07 J 1,222 625 9 1 35 1954. . . 1,55 3 1,982 963 1 17 5 36 acres 1959. . . 4,25 2 4,961 2,977 19 9 37 1954. . . 5,98 J 7,819 3,963 (z) 41 1 38 pounds 1959. . . 6,800,82 5 8,064,472 4,930,995 24,650 4,635 39 1954. . . 6,940,63 5 9,461,069 4,905,273 100 42,604 290 40 Cotton .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 69' 1,02 7 1,153 ! 1 ,739 138 291 435 633 246 838 35 213 355 590 69 68 6 41 41 42 acres 1959... 6,01 2 18,049 1,223 3,336 3,586 1,002 8,354 389 33 43 1954. . . 7,98 5 24,341 2,294 4,646 8,498 1,922 12,711 313 193 44 bales 1959... 4,56 5 16,278 755 3,235 2,780 892 8,034 406 27 45 1954... 4,64 3 18,558 1,067 3,514 4,493 1,011 8,721 202 148 46 Farms reporting by acres Under 10 acres harvested : .farms reporting 1959... 47 482 93 308 152 55 111 60 5 47 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 20! 518 38 106 66 22 143 8 1 48 25 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... le 121 6 18 21 4 64 1 49 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959... 21 1 2 5 4 26 50 100 or more acres ... . .farms reporting 1959... 11 1 2 11 51 Sugarcane for sirup .farms reporting 1959... 9E 54 53 11 14 52 1954^.. 4' 85 10 25 101 12 17 13 9 53 acres 1959... 3f 50 23 6 12 54 1954=.. 2e 54 10 12 86 8 10 20 10 55 gallons 1959... 6,21( 7,987 4,275 372 957 56 1954^. 1,67£ 3,404 204 1,207 2,485 163 663 1,397 587 57 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed .farms reporting 1959... 24] 213 54 74 16 22 83 58 1954. . . 5. 184 36 1 10 29 14 4 59 acres 1959... 2,61/ 2,508 1,158 784 335 371 1,401 60 1954... 46C 2,741 989 5 624 1,005 355 40 2 Reported in small fractions. ■"■Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 323 Part 4 of 6 Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth 5 34 1 21 6 1 1 3 1 2 3 104 2 22 335 3 5 8 348 21 66 8 7 2 3 78 15 17 17 6,180 6 231 74,700 1,200 13 120 42,955 294 12,300 58 1,000 4 5 9,100 2,000 1,650 21 1,900 13 1,033 20,620 6 2 5,200 9,905 6 24,618 7,770 6 7 3 2 2 8 25 1,051 4 23 614 ... 25 32 84 1 29 39 10 1 8 9 204 18 33 178 823 98,900 36 750 74,160 15 ... 182 2,450 12,600 1 692 2,360 75 12 10 11 26,460 2,580 1 40 6,200 2,880 24,300 139,860 5,400 105,300 1,020 ... 22,380 5 76 5,900 60 72,720 19 436 101,565 21,780 3 80 8,300 3,000 3 183 49,987 12 13 14 15 6 6 8 8 3 2 1 16 12 13 29 17 4 3 17 SO 155 201 249 34 27 15 ... 18 357 175 305 351 179 40 ... 170 40 19 55,800 51,000 145,000 116,000 18,200 13,500 ... 4,500 20 181,850 155,423 190,100 135,059 179,430 6,500 52,000 40,000 21 31 18 20 28 4 36 64 59 37 122 15 3 548 12 80 275 22 268 64 493 318 25 172 438 80 173 454 208 130 804 129 400 611 23 5 (Z) (Z) (Z) CZ) 1 1 1 75 7 1 (Z) 100 1 7 4 24 5 4 10 4 1 7 4 (z) 248 9 8 3 102 5 47 16 25 885 93 164 185 55 299 239 357 6,317 1,102 239 17 11,683 137 1,193 1,716 26 2,354 517 3,468 1,794 201 991 2,225 594 34,965 3,216 1,010 826 11,982 1,007 4,867 3,775 27 65 27 117 103 7 57 139 33 83 154 96 36 243 30 75 221 28 181 76 419 221 44 257 349 41 167 493 259 124 398 189 243 524 29 51 33 41 104 3 19 50 15 119 21 68 42 10 19 24 28 30 80 45 100 185 11 119 52 15 136 19 120 106 7 31 39 66 31 5,126 3,818 5,072 12,739 261 1,770 6,959 1,289 13,003 3,039 5,956 5,825 2,423 3,473 3,948 5,944 32 6,485 2,925 8,194 8,153 1,046 5,517 3,813 1,416 9,170 3,859 5,189 8,128 2,621 2,716 3,581 7,057 33 144 149 2 6 2 67 63 3 543 325 5 2 34 179 260 5 7 121 99 7 807 433 7 1 35 1,069 328 4 18 4 345 163 3 1,627 1,115 2 1 36 1,121 605 10 30 502 290 19 2,469 1,624 3 (Z) 37 1,382,516 345,756 3,600 20,650 7,800 512,608 182,996 1,709 1,896,187 1,890,125 1,670 606 38 1,337,481 292,372 10,690 19,400 547,908 250,821 7,310 1,639,980 1,349,897 3,371 400 39 346 18 563 496 108 49 614 13 117 619 756 243 186 297 123 40 454 62 1,004 924 200 174 1,164 10 245 983 1,175 342 486 563 407 41 3,?77 133 9,640 16,084 1,432 390 11,072 83 1,069 7,029 13,295 2,443 2,299 5,031 730 42 4,615 356 14,763 21,243 2,055 1,274 16,045 31 1,854 10,002 19,081 3,007 5,441 7,723 2,387 43 1,852 92 7,138 15,716 933 314 8,480 68 933 5,775 11,094 2,155 1,964 5,480 716 44 2,676 198 7,343 14,835 1,039 655 11,500 22 1,375 6,657 9,770 1,912 3,031 5,131 1,671 45 223 15 201 89 70 36 225 12 79 335 252 161 95 146 108 46 101 2 269 203 20 12 287 28 242 347 63 74 99 14 47 17 61 114 12 1 63 1 10 36 125 16 14 35 1 48 4 1 26 71 6 ... 30 6 27 3 2 13 49 1 6 19 9 5 1 4 50 77 51 25 6 63 18 67 6 62 30 7 1 2 51 110 1 80 40 13 105 95 31 85 38 54 20 52 31 26 26 52 61 23 21 5 79 9 34 18 34 10 4 1 2 53 148 10 56 33 4 128 82 19 82 25 44 9 46 30 24 20 54 10,991 2,983 1,173 474 12,873 2,524 9,333 1,837 5,041 1,633 352 75 85 55 19,581 950 2,081 1,337 156 4,127 2,423 1,805 9,484 651 1,798 322 3,403 1,080 1,133 979 56 146 2 55 66 64 1 51 111 8 203 9 8 7 57 30 1 47 45 36 7 44 ... 79 38 63 39 1 1 1 6 58 2,081 13 618 1,342 3,934 25 813 1,126 50 3,805 70 ... 244 294 59 377 1 976 919 3,786 177 472 809 189 832 1,047 1 50 1 24 60 Stub Items continued 324 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table IL-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions iind explanations, see teyl) Franlilin Fulton Glliner Glascock Glynn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett 1 Field seed crops harvested: Lespedeza seed .farms reporting 1959... 19 4 1 1 11 2 1954... 3 3 3 2 14 3 acres 1959. . . 140 48 20 20 186 i. 1954... 38 19 17 57 156 5 pounds 1959. . . 22,780 12,000 1,000 3,000 21,100 6 1954... 3,000 3,922 4,300 2,700 8,448 7 Crimson clovei' seed. •.•...• .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 1 2 5 12 36 8 1954. . . 5 12 1 2 7 44 9 acres 1959. . . 10 28 10 60 220 10 1954. . . 39 133 4 ... 8 74 708 327 11 pounds 1959... 2,200 1,500 600 3,220 12,265 12 1954. . . 4,860 16,140 600 ... 240 6,000 33,820 67,200 13 Tall f esctie seed, .farms reporting 1959... 15 10 3 d. 19 224 14 acres 1959. . . 335 170 45 63 15 pounds 1959. . . 61,950 95,500 8,500 ... 15,400 40,610 16 Lupine seed .farms reporting 1959... 2 17 1954. . . 8 9 18 acres 1959... 15 ... 19 1954... 69 137 20 pounds 1959... 9,000 ... 21 1954. . . 47,800 36,400 ... 22 Olhec lield crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 113 96 341 E 257 13 58 349 23 1954. . . 715 413 707 198 7f 605 507 361 526 24 acres 1959^.. 2 11 61 ... z 3 2 3 11 25 1954' . . 8 10 115 (Z) 1 26 7 4 12 26 bushels 1959. . . 611 1,170 7,412 3] 2,117 175 536 2,693 27 1954... 4,024 2,797 14,179 532 1. .4C 5,312 3,048 2,023 2,759 28 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 110 103 144 I, \i • 153 92 180 437 329 569 29 1954. . . 467 440 421 218 4 296 327 30 acres 1959'.. 5 27 10 4 10 152 64 45 31 I954I.. 10 91 10 24 f 21 201 26 86 32 bushels 1959... 1,542 2,760 1,923 710 ?9. 2,645 17,496 6,061 5,312 33 1954. . . 2,492 7,827 3,147 2,530 >8' 2,454 13,967 3,527 7,741 34 Tobacco .fanns rfeportiiiE 1959, . . 1 3 527 666 1 35 1954. . . ] 36 acres 1959. .. (z) (Z) 1,755 1 ... 37 195-1... Z 2,153 38 pounds 1959... 15 28 2,315,441 100 39 1954. . . 2,345 oc ... 2,555,595 ... 40 Cotton .farms reporting 1959... 538 101 203 611 437 555 207 454 228 611 41 195A. . . 1,057 344 338 978 42 acres 1959... 4,387 978 4,307 8,341 3,496 1,620 1,703 43 1954. . . 8,425 2,609 5,677 11,057 4,345 3,482 4,815 44 bales 1959... 3,761 842 2,526 9,355 2,111 935 1,511 45 1954. . . 4,449 1,667 2,882 9,610 3,097 1,444 3,123 46 Farms reporting by acres Under 10 acres harvested: •farms reporting 1959... 365 62 53 292 335 148 168 57 3 47 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 154 31 104 234 79 21 2 57 1 1 4« 25 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... 17 7 36 72 49 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959... 1 8 12 50 100 or more acres.... .farms reporting 1959... 2 2 1 ... 51 Sugarcane for sirup........ .farms reportins 1959... \ 16 207 377 1 22 52 19 54^.. 28 29 61 6 24 29 60 53 acres 1959. . . 1 7 753 (Z) 54 1954^.. 45 31 61 1 7 40 1,235 60 36 55 gallons 1959... 110 130 ; 07 257,356 11 56 1954^.. 2,446 1,191 4,535 123 3 79 1,786 269,210 970 1,001 57 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed .farms reporting 1959. , , 10 1 14 3 91 61 2 58 1954... 23 10 2 31 27 4 45 6 17 59 acres 1959... 107 100 151 3 28 1,123 1,557 4 60 1954... 120 249 473 3 08 32 619 68 138 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 325 Part 4 of 6 Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard Henry Houston Iniln Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson 1 9 1 2 5 120 3 19 1 20 1 11 1 2 1 2 3 5 23 3 16 3 14 3 3 6 3 2 1 51 4 20 146 1,634 11 305 15 161 5 92 10 18 3 8 14 76 521 130 429 55 96 95 34 39 336 4 80 7,150 1,200 795 15,300 343,077 2,000 43,150 1,500 34,810 1,000 15,100 900 1,600 5 1,400 1,950 8,200 51,180 10,100 36,024 3,375 12,475 7,463 5,950 8,094 43,275 6 3 4 9 2 7 1 1 3 6 7 1 4 13 1 40 30 9 35 16 17 24 31 3 3 8 44 32 63 6 200 5 9 53 159 9 i. 18 140 10 999 254 129 400 1,014 117 594 458 17 314 10 6,250 4,300 4,460 1,015 38,900 250 233 5,600 18,020 11 130 2,460 17,820 1,800 98,160 54,180 13,320 53,160 116,700 20,880 54,420 75,300 1,030 27,180 12 2 6 1 6 9 1 17 14 4 13 270 39 7 99 66 50 342 80 62 14 76,000 5,150 1,400 7,500 11,790 12,000 44,654 13,142 9,800 15 1 12 2 ... 2 17 1 2 16 1 10 L 56 6 1 17 25 331 3 ... 6 633 6 9 18 8 ... 226 2 5 1,439 169 8 19 2,500 314,000 4,20( 0 3,000 340,104 6,000 2,120 20 4,800 ... 166,600 20,00( 3 923,733 94, 582 3,000 21 133 22 164 26 132 11 56 2 5 1 190 54 47 10 11 59 22 600 618 512 344 123 414 375 364 53 48 3 699 142 470 214 265 178 23 3 1 11 2 6 3 (Z) 2 2 5 2 3 3 2 1 24 11 14 4 16 6 5 4 7 5 5 9 2 4 8 4 2 25 1,114 175 1,694 309 1,189 470 330 70 39 3 1,518 523 505 398 242 381 26 4,651 4,017 2,217 3,322 1,014 2,823 2,191 2,166 555 2,621 3 4,809 871 2,599 1,145 1,490 769 27 54 129 111 136 113 138 35 120 36 n 9 159 74 98 83 30 73 28 375 511 549 237 307 278 374 391 151 24 3 435 109 275 305 246 173 29 8 18 45 21 97 20 20 50 181 22 2 21 22 96 46 18 82 30 4 42 60 27 198 7 56 30 357 10 3 25 10 72 57 36 91 31 1,033 2,749 3,464 2,955 7,649 3,190 1,437 4,299 21,195 32,38 0 3,517 3,929 11,889 4,357 1,834 10,389 32 1,941 4,284 6,387 3,045 9,869 1,715 1 4,845 5,569 17,733 5,29 64 7 4,424 3 1 1,054 6,863 495 4,029 3,331 75 6,550 23 33 34 2 3 95 2,08 1 0 (Z) 722 1,817 1 120 153 38 73 35 36 (Z) 8,000 3,07 3,179,86 2 6 6 2,715 1,995,258 2 282 176,717 111 63,703 37 33 35 2,785,10 1 3,429,130 900 193,330 57,400 39 18 114 438 143 97 731 146 327 191 59 2 495 98 282 549 389 455 40 105 384 826 473 252 1,325 429 930 332 95 7 929 323 486 933 699 755 41 84 776 6,204 956 785 8,799 1,386 4,813 3,610 3,31 2 6,080 1,879 1,920 15,133 8,676 13,146 42 459 2,732 9,770 3,113 1,819 13,625 3,341 13,011 5,563 11,65 5 10,636 5,459 2,486 22,358 13,810 17,973 43 69 735 4,739 335 562 7,435 1,087 4,243 3,416 6,84 7 4,832 1,538 1,325 11,643 6,753 8,483 44 269 1,637 4,639 1,775 916 7,738 1,773 6,354 2,910 7,04 4 5,812 2,570 1,357 10,694 6,321 9,670 45 17 88 219 122 68 360 95 149 76 23 2 275 41 222 123 96 37 46 1 25 164 17 24 295 43 141 70 30 6 177 36 57 264 193 230 47 1 38 3 5 63 8 26 28 4 5 35 14 3 105 67 79 48 15 1 7 9 14 6 4 5 39 16 40 49 2 1 2 3 3 4 2 18 12 19 50 9 1 24 2 4 19 5 4 2 58 21 12 13 51 26 26 59 48 51 14 57 19 8 3 3 12 7 82 19 23 33 52 3 2 15 1 2 10 3 3 2 14 13 5 10 53 32 34 43 42 30 9 56 16 4 1 3 22 8 30 8 17 14 54 352 100 1,303 34 232 778 6,49 2 41 2,660 1,190 575 507 55 1,408 2,195 1,279 2,354 1,735 227 2,707 506 231 64 3 301 106 4,229 ;io 642 610 56 1 2 19 11 23 19 33 13 1 3 4 97 93 71 56 57 2 2 9 2 6 10 8 5 2 8 14 12 34 99 105 68 58 3 47 490 752 359 657 1,179 1,55 2 314 96 301 2,462 1,354 969 59 17 6 70 43 131 98 74 277 29 0 174 366 291 1,553 2,193 1,636 60 Stub items continued 326 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Libert y Lincoln Long Lowndes 1 Field seed crops haivested: Lespedeza seed. farms reporting 1959, . . 3 3 1 2 2 1954. . . 1 4 3 acres 1959... 30 40 5 3 i 1954. . . 10 55 5 poimds 1959. . . 5,000 5,000 500 300 6 1954. . . 2,320 6,830 7 Crimson clover seed farms reporting 1959... 2 2 12 1 8 a 1954. . . 24 18 2 22 7 16 9 acres 1959. . . 35 52 763 5 276 10 1954. . . 415 198 212 567 50 574 11 pounds 1959. . . 1,700 1,200 51,930 400 43,250 12 1954... 36,660 15,900 5,040 89,040 4,200 106,320 IJ Tall fescue seed farms reporting 1959... 1 3 K acres 1959... 12 45 15 pounds 1959. . . 2,600 7,010 ... 16 Lupine seed farms reporting 1959. . . ... 2 5 3 ... 17 1954. . . 2 17 15 12 IS acres 1959... 40 74 35 19 1954. . . 222 217 526 232 20 povmds 1959. . . 11,300 35,200 30,200 21 1954. . . 151,000 136,500 162,660 120,600 22 Olhef field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959... 18 10 53 14 19 38 61 23 1954... 38 207 69 263 188 6 ) 286 4 J 428 24 acres 19591.. (Z) 1 2 2 3 1 5 25 I954I.. 1 1 5 13 7 i 8 ] 40 26 bushels 1959... 88 312 427 391 591 307 696 27 1954. . . 301 779 802 2,862 1,326 j3 1 2,290 n ! 5,641 28 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . . 60 55 76 115 65 6 L 62 u. J 197 29 1954. . . 87 249 107 306 207 L2. ) 292 7 L 372 30 acres 1959^.. 21 24 77 77 674 2] 15 3 i 623 31 1954'.. 30 38 89 84 244 2 ) 10 u. ) 331 32 bushels 1959... 2,699 2,616 9,663 6,071 84,297 1, )6 1,361 2,f Y 1 106,914 33 1954. . . 1,775 2,964 7,708 5,501 17,394 1, )0 ! 1,905 2,' .3C ) 38,648 34 Tobacco farms reporting 1959. . . 253 109 3f ... 13 771 35 1954. . . 396 168 1 5< ) L5 i 1,216 36 acres 1959. . . 1,224 280 7 S3 S 3,446 37 1954... 1,943 447 (2) 13' 1 ... ^ 2 > 5,382 38 pounds 1959... 1,280,585 272,355 106, )2i 431,C U 4,393,984 39 1954. . . 2,603,715 215,489 383 130, )2 p ... 426, i 0 > 6,352,033 40 32 87 114 286 39 153 1,113 1,895 191 342 2i 4< 172 351 5 9. 429 665 41 1954. . . 42 acres 1959. . . 210 1,120 479 20,972 2,732 L0( ) 1,603 >8 > 2,922 43 1954. . . 539 2,581 749 36,013 3,871 ] 0' 2,907 7( 3,577 44 bales 1959... 152 938 393 15,495 2,121 7' 1,003 >0. 1,646 45 1954. . . 259 1,387 627 18,958 2,635 7f 1,124 0! 2,523 46 Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres.... farms reporting 1959... 27 72 36 76 13 342 550 94 74 2e 111 54 4< 362 ) 56 47 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 48 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 5 159 16 5 ] 3 49 50 to 99 acres.... farms reporting 1959... 1 50 6 1 1 50 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 12 1 1 2 51 Sugarcane for sirup farms reporting 1959... 7 48 63 27 2( 2 2' 139 52 1954=.. 15 59 65 28 73 27 3] 131 53 acres 1959. . . 3 17 66 15 ! 4 < 57 54 1954'.. 11 20 60 21 2 19 ! 33 55 gallons 1959... 250 149 2,081 7,496 1,397 >2C 158 1,C 7C 8,405 56 1954'. . 45 250 2,538 2,088 513 1, >3£ 497 £ 5C 7,936 57 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed .'farms reporting 1959. . . 2 41 60 287 32 i 13 202 58 1954. . . 7 55 174 78 3- 6C 126 59 acres 1959. . . 17 1,114 567 5,171 1,367 2t 151 6' 2,530 60 1954. . . 280 629 3,891 2,310 ( 7] I 2 2,359 Z Reported In email fractions. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. GEORGIA 327 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continuecl Part 4 of 6 Lumpkin MoDuffle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marlon Meri- wether Miller Mitchell Monroe Mont- gomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee 5 88 3 1 2 3 12 8 19 1 5 1 33 ... 3 1 3 2 23 1 1 11 2 71 900 9 20 16 59 88 115 240 3 33 3 411 47 20 77 15 211 8 3 120 4 7,100 190,847 2,700 2,000 5,200 5,900 17,080 7,900 40,844 5 3,100 600 24,755 12,320 2,400 18,095 500 45,840 400 513 9,464 6 3 4 2 6 2 1 1 1 5 3 7 8 10 17 5 27 1 19 23 18 6 23 27 8 125 11 13 258 100 1 9 10 120 15 9 136 745 378 185 820 20 731 254 297 255 424 264 10 7,400 1,175 900 24,663 10,100 160 1,100 1,000 5,650 776 11 32,640 50,580 33,480 11,040 106,380 4,020 56,040 35,040 23,940 15,540 41,580 23,460 12 3 14 2 4 2 5 9 5 13 10 IM 40 68 15 17 222 129 14 960 1 5 2,000 1 8 2 186 2,300 164,800 19,401 1 1 15 15 10,000 4,000 5,000 2 3 25 48 20,000 29,660 12 42 252 767 213,100 383,240 11,900 3 42 8,500 1,500 3,600 ... 25,900 9,230 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 119 22 15 2 334 58 24 38 105 8 2 88 239 1 8 22 22 556 235 5 14 633 35 456 293 371 174 204 277 434 62 207 207 23 26 8 (z) 1 12 3 3 12' 3 (Z) (z) 3 10 (Z) CZ) 1 24 31 4 1 2 11 1 12 7 12 2 2 7 15 2 6 4 25 2,766 591 44 33 2,577 442 457 535 667 33 14 585 2,717 4 85 251 26 6,333 1,086 52 140 4,054 252 2,944 1,523 2,814 923 1,035 1,687 4,681 495 1,124 1,521 27 68 61 29 68 266 116 118 30 149 62 39 134 102 9 32 52 28 269 263 21 38 424 126 524 171 196 197 167 232 227 98 232 157 29 7 49 12 57 35 60 66 25 679 21 30 29 4 17 7 36 30 6 48 14 108 17 50 102 32 280 24 94 17 6 34 24 22 31 967 3,420 1,232 4,893 5,464 5,086 5,444 3,457 101,219 1,899 2,860 2,496 986 1,010 1,522 3,869 32 1,885 4,715 623 6,095 2,929 3,665 3,397 2,569 16,055 2,013 4,569 2,134 1,587 2,634 2,398 2,011 33 9 1 1 614 1 319 7 ... 1 34 2 1 3 964 439 18 35 ... 14 (z) 2 2,066 Cz) 944 6 1 36 (Z) 4 4 3,062 1,385 12 37 7,260 300 2,100 3,199,670 75 937,551 6,938 500 38 150 4,446 3,700 3,096,727 ... 895,984 ... 15,977 39 2 268 404 597 193 497 392 670 54 282 372 226 6 210 285 40 20 486 2 657 1,071 327 1,013 691 1,191 235 435 792 478 25 593 541 41 9 4,884 8,510 7,607 2,501 8,167 5,190 10,390 478 3,152 10,315 2,187 99 3,859 6,008 42 1 95 7,799 4 14,476 12,453 4,601 13,631 7,113 14,889 1,810 4,336 16,927 3,824 128 8,888 9,067 43 7 3,211 8,425 6,037 1,490 6,673 3,704 6,025 346 2,043 8,213 1,395 50 3,347 5,512 44 69 3,473 3 9,837 6,253 2,324 8,608 4,978 9,330 729 2,529 9,468 2,841 55 5,010 5,678 45 2 87 111 313 87 227 183 297 34 147 96 149 3 78 103 46 127 187 225 84 199 168 274 18 117 155 66 1 92 115 47 43 74 45 18 49 34 68 1 16 78 9 2 27 41 48 e 25 12 4 14 6 26 1 2 32 2 8 18 49 3 7 2 8 1 5 11 5 8 50 4 6 24 12 17 5 27 52 5 18 1 2 1 51 22 23 7 20 15 48 73 57 27 10 52 16 21 4 6 23 52 3 1 14 20 9 4 46 36 2 9 (Z) 1 1 53 19 14 4 10 21 32 58 40 34 6 34 16 15 2 5 24 54 307 115 1,069 1,227 611 634 9,923 5,752 97 987 11 90 65 55 1,720 527 137 241 611 1,306 3,331 2,511 1,996 148 961 418 794 38 75 735 56 1 32 2 78 27 53 14 83 122 10 39 18 1 5 4 6 57 49 1 51 38 74 6 2 139 16 158 4 1 9 1 43 58 3 643 7 2,992 215 856 493 778 1,929 433 622 753 1 115 261 88 59 882 4 1,565 225 1,773 127 31 2,544 274 2,817 164 10 139 75 999 60 Stub items continued 328 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Oglethorpe Pauldin g Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaakt Putnam 1 Field seed crops harvested; Lespedeza seed farms reporting 1959... 43 2 17 4 2 2 1954... 14 1 13 15 ... 3 acres 1959... 508 32 230 23 ... 30 4 1954. . . 176 3 233 176 ... 5 pounds 1959... 100,700 10,200 44,225 4,630 6,000 6 1954... 17,755 570 8,696 22,830 7 Crimson clover seed farms rfeportlng 1959... 8 2 1 2 3 1 1 8 1954. . . 55 4 2 40 8' 2 23 9 acres 1959... 63 31-5 U 21 27 5 50 10 1954. . . 1,078 98 ... 11 625 66 55 766 11 pounds 1959. . . 8,442 27,000 2,000 3,200 3,500 500 6,000 12 1954. . . 102,360 9,300 1,620 62,340 10,320 6,000 71,100 13 Tall fescue seed farms reporting 1959... 5 1 17 3 U acres 1959. . . 117 11 726 27 15 pounds 1959. . . 23,650 1,500 102,760 5,600 16 Lupine seed farms reporting 1959. . . 1 7 17 1954. . . 10 1 6 18 acres 1959. . . 15 255 19 1954... 247 15 405 20 potinds 1959. . . 12,000 ... 138,900 21 1954... 213,100 3,000 159,000 22 Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . . 54 78 1 235 51 12 73 6 5 23 1954. . . 684 362 55 260 273 248 257 57 94 24 acres 1959^.. 3 3 (Z) 8 1 (Z) 13 1 2 25 I954I.. 16 10 1 23 6 8 32 4 3 26 bushels 1959... 552 e 37 23 2,106 494 72 1,053 144 90 27 1954... 5,811 2, )35 505 3,133 2,225 1,599 3,638 456 599 23 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . . 47 86 41 168 111 61 58 26 17 29 1954. . . 487 322 70 177 169 224 128 72 93 30 acres 19591.. 8 31 275 7 281 24 19 32 7 31 I954I.. 32 94 98 6 143 28 10 45 8 32 bushels 1959... 1,093 3, 167 31,055 2,065 51,840 1.810 2,006 2,385 581 33 1954. . . 4,501 5, 382 3,815 1,158 10,618 2,447 1,407 2,677 760 34 Tobacco farms reporting 1959. . . 1 686 3 2 35 1954. . . 1 991 6 ... 36 acres 1959... 2 2,969 8 (Z) 37 1954. . . 2 4,403 18 ... 33 pounds 1959. . . 950 4,871,869 7,560 925 39 1954. . . 2,500 5,816,123 7,600 40 Cotton farms reporting 1959. . . 464 ] 816 34 361 128 35 62 235 453 249 490 279 550 236 503 74 210 41 1954. . . 42 acres 1959. . . 5,933 1, 262 1,532 186 1,962 4,709 4,447 5,740 661 43 1954. . . 8,546 3, 557 2,719 330 2,217 6,919 6,503 9,609 1,644 44 bales 1959... 4,501 1, 108 1,859 194 1,445 3,863 4,794 5,075 443 45 1954... 4,832 2, 346 1,829 189 1,649 4,865 4,276 6,641 814 46 FaniE reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 241 177 L02 23 21 33 30 5 170 58 68 128 144 78 84 123 49 21 47 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 48 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 35 6 8 4 41 46 55 4 49 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 3 2 8 1 8 9 23 . . • 50 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 3 1 1 2 4 2 1 ... 51 Sugarcane for sirup farms reporting 1959... 3 ... 55 3 ... 20 2 52 1954^.. 55 51 2 8 42 11 18 26 2 53 acres 1959. . . 2 51 2 30 1 54 19542.. 56 62 2 11 40 11 20 20 1 55 gallons 1959. . . 115 7,941 150 761 50 56 19542. . 1,593 2, 187 105 543 6,090 516 359 565 28 57 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed farms reporting 1959. . . 6 28 115 20 2 43 4 58 1954... 21 4 37 56 4 5 45 3 59 acres 1959. . . 131 869 ... 1,124 769 17 746 113 60 1954. . . 407 13 1,077 523 152 40 1,348 46 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. GEORGIA 329 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 4 of 6 Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Sterai-t Sumter Talbot Talia- ferro Tattnall Taylor 2 1 3 20 5 6 4 1 3 1 40 40 2 57 1 1 7 273 4 42 4 107 2 79 2 3 ... 15 20 4,000 4,000 15 13,200 30 12 146 39,500 12 4,500 141 11,720 23 14,600 4 5 4,880 2,000 2,210 4,500 3,350 5,800 895 45,200 2,550 6 2 14 3 1 13 1 1 7 1 1 7 3 1 17 6 6 1 4 17 43 1 7 44 14 20 4 8 18 251 368 50 978 3 5 128 3 30 9 38 1 337 457 79 3 39 1,138 1,161 9 124 1,214 276 220 35 10 2,800 34,620 24,800 5,000 133,520 150 400 17,300 200 600 11 6,120 180 1 8 500 62,220 2 158,880 2 8,340 2 56 6,000 240 1 3,900 5 124,020 1 130,380 4 95 11,300 660 14,580 153,660 2 25 620 10 36,180 20,100 3,060 12 13 14 15 16 3 7 3 11 11 5 30 4 2 17 ... 16 65 15 49 15 ... 83 ... 18 36 164 20 135 139 52 440 38 20 19 . . . 18,400 34,000 6,600 42,000 7,500 33,100 20 ... 3,000 38,996 10,100 93,920 107,100 ... 45,000 204,292 12,000 22,000 21 25 141 5 5 3 58 11 7 11 33 10 56 57 57 8 22 91 422 137 20 46 38 209 195 115 225 93 133 93 116 419 209 23 (Z) 64 (Z) 4 2 4 3 3 1 (Z) 2 1 (Z) 40 1 24 1 75 3 2 3 2 12 2 2 3 2 14 1 4 53 5 25 104 7,938 62 289 533 743 181 235 149 236 1,076 205 466 4,663 32 26 376 9,770 909 225 446 314 2,238 1,529 682 1,321 577 1,950 423 611 12,103 1,043 27 69 27 50 29 8 53 141 14 31 42 112 115 135 62 113 73 28 129 201 137 74 71 91 275 100 140 215 149 206 175 207 313 215 29 16 5 46 43 3 29 157 67 62 9 39 376 56 7 201 101 30 14 3 37 47 15 45 102 38 80 10 40 124 63 25 333 35 31 1,692 540 4,789 5,045 290 3,449 20,313 6,247 8,347 1,141 3,850 40,826 4,212 1,852 25,876 10,575 32 1,640 1,432 1 2 (Z) (Z) 50 27 2,805 3,545 1,511 3,148 6,605 26 62 64 153 67,640 103,700 2,240 6,347 1,551 3,086 2 1 5 5 7,300 4,500 7,846 3,999 2,242 1 5 3,000 18,612 801 1,143 2,941 4,373 4,742,235 3,947,436 5,203 1 2 1,172 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 88 232 41 84 138 594 266 71 73 191 355 130 104 530 232 40 137 467 105 294 254 1,182 438 240 204 405 634 236 229 791 468 41 1,149 4,252 1,283 1,233 2,578 11,601 4,399 1,126 348 1,704 6,732 749 730 4,329 5,962 42 1,876 6,447 2,034 3,488 4,443 19,218 5,218 3,124 962 3,193 12,722 1,540 1,736 5,752 8,311 43 651 3,519 876 1,086 1,961 10,587 2,921 934 259 1,045 6,070 404 431 3,646 6,166 44 1,267 3,820 975 2,123 2,556 10,019 4,352 1,822 503 2,084 9,320 804 781 3,327 4,679 45 39 89 10 46 33 191 116 32 70 128 110 112 85 334 47 46 42 107 13 25 67 280 101 24 3 53 166 17 18 134 103 47 5 20 10 11 21 80 38 10 2 58 1 1 9 54 48 1 12 6 1 12 34 8 5 3 17 3 23 49 1 4 2 1 9 3 ... 4 5 50 31 1 19 15 31 13 2 32 25 14 74 9 51 40 19 23 3 22 5 49 21 13 8 23 31 11 20 94 8 52 29 1 11 5 49 11 2 33 14 7 124 4 53 18 10 20 7 15 3 26 43 7 19 14 17 11 14 97 5 54 1,490 39 1,157 425 5,243 1,895 55 ... 2,019 1,156 261 38,734 304 55 1,313 1,138 691 70 472 100 1,245 5,145 736 479 503 409 455 429 12,263 402 56 21 33 22 21 134 29 4 3 45 54 8 76 36 57 7 ... 87 23 1 11 114 41 3 49 30 3 33 30 63 58 734 618 313 294 2,037 391 255 86 779 1,724 188 797 870 59 67 2,029 517 3 450 2,369 599 164 826 1,199 53 613 954 1,285 60 Stub items continued 330 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Iu?m (For definitions and explanations, see text) Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Troup Turner Tirtggs 1 Field seed crops hatvested: Lespedesa seed .farms reporting 1959... 1 3 2 1954... 2 2 3 acres 1959. . . 6 34 ... 4 1954. . . 16 14 5 pounds 1959. . . 600 5,600 ... 6 1954. . . 1,300 600 ... ... 7 CrlnsoQ clover seed. ..•■.■•■ .farms reporting 1959... 8 15 2 2 8 1954... 1 14 14 2 3 17 3 3 9 acres 1959. . . 213 243 16 20 ... 10 1954. . . 22 175 403 16 55 343 24 235 11 pounds 1959... 24,400 15,188 ... 600 2,000 12 1954. . . 660 16,920 35,820 2,400 4,200 44,580 1,630 19,740 13 Tall fescue seed .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 1 U acres 1959... 50 300 15 pounds 1959. . . 3,100 9,000 ... ... 16 Lupine seed. ................ .farms reporting 1959... 6 5 7 2 9 1 17 1954... 38 5 29 3 7 21 2 18 acres 1959. . . 102 74 101 18 ... 185 15 19 1954. . . 971 75 438 75 67 197 272 22 20 pounds 1959... 28,600 43,600 58,500 20,100 138,000 10,000 21 1954. . . 331,500 37,200 364,490 48,600 43,400 173,000 ... 119,700 14,000 22 Other field ciops liarvestcd: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 24 16 5 25 11 432 3 10 44 23 23 1954. . . 191 101 181 427 313 566 207 242 179 17 2i acres 1959'.. 2 1 16 1 3 40 CZ) (Z) 2 1 25 1954'.. 9 11 12 3 9 53 1 5 2 1 26 bushels 1959... 400 147 1,957 191 211 7,506 28 48 307 185 27 1954. . . 1,242 1,454 2,021 2,437 2,313 11,106 826 1,339 1,086 114 28 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 70 143 47 110 54 205 97 137 108 288 162 352 64 172 32 461 37 123 132 134 29 30 acres 1959^.. 38 94 251 620 189 5 24 39 72 131 31 1954'.. 94 108 237 274 522 7 54 76 161 50 32 bushels 1959... 4,705 13,840 24,037 105,165 16,911 1,634 2,333 3,275 15,549 12,685 33 1954... 4,900 4,817 13,4i0 24,155 21,861 2,434 3,005 7,386 7,919 2,826 34 Tobacco. .farms reporting 1959... 19J4... 254 406 505 637 604 390 541 815 44 44 265 377 61 106 35 36 acres 1959. . . 582 1,502 2,603 1,910 27 856 154 37 1954. . . 983 2,246 3,810 3,058 29 1,306 262 33 pounds 1959. . . 451,132 2,201,630 3,681,516 2,338,967 40,861 345,451 154,180 39 1954. . . 627,963 2,934,717 3,227,206 2,127,105 42,936 800,946 192,360 40 Cotton .farms reporting 1959... 296 383 484 486 492 266 127' 331 210 41 1954. . . 583 778 634 785 789 379 268 611 408 42 acres 1959... 2,938 9,512 5,412 6,530 6,228 2,764 1,051 6,266 2,224 43 1954... 5,488 14,716 6,829 3,106 9,279 3,997 1,937 9,497 3,755 44 bales 1959... 2,420 8,877 4,477 4,680 4,914 2,097 685 5,083 1,636 45 1954. . . 2,693 11,123 5,523 4,412 5,534 2,304 1,148 5,137 1,879 46 Farms reporting by acres Under 10 acres harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 132 74 311 260 245 153 98 115 141 47 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 93 202 139 180 201 97 25 144 49 48 25 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... 19 67 24 36 36 14 2 3 51 15 16 4 49 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959... 2 28 6 7 9 50 100 or more acres.... .farms reporting 1959... 12 4 3 1 1 6 51 Sugarcane for sirup .farms reporting 1959... 64 13 83 26 78 2 40 6 13 25 52 1954'.. 68 17 152 7 64 33 10 40 27 9 53 acres 1959... 36 13 424 15 41 1 14 4 14 17 54 1954^.. 59 12 759 4 39 36 8 33 21 2 55 gallons 1959... 4,552 1,640 133,053 3,037 4,273 97 2,202 173 1,639 935 56 1954'.. 3,052 340 94,942 174 2,469 2,858 152 1,148 769 181 57 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed. ................ .farms reporting 1959... 104 go 77 53 80 73 175 164 27 56 8 1 148 79 24 7 53 1954... 26 76 59 acres 1959... 2,009 3,738 1,237 335 2,126 674 112 2,315 417 60 1954. . . 1,377 1,608 1,120 1,001 2,717 960 6 1,904 320 Z Reported In small fraotiona. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 331 Part 4 of 6 Union Upson Walker Walton Ware ffarren Washing- ton Wayne Webster Wheeler WMte Whitfield Wlloox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 1 2 1 26 4 4 13 1 7 1 1 13 3 14 7 1 1 6 5 1 37 1 2 2 2 2 15 40 350 105 120 ... ... ... 154 10 61 10 3 75 56 UO 128 4 12 124 39 6 539 7 45 100 ... 4 400 2,000 6,000 60,878 ... 25,450 14,230 ... 23,350 1,000 10,700 4,000 5 16,750 1,710 9,870 13,920 464 1,000 3,420 8,229 1,020 59,339 70O 2,000 22,000 6 7 4 3 3 2 1 3 11 1 7 29 30 20 5 25 1 2 2 1 4 1 61 5 5 8 179 22 35 140 46 1 ... 10 73 25 9 929 288 171 180 660 30 60 14 5 32 12 623 123 57 10 42,200 1,400 3,700 8,000 1,540 lOO 310 ... 5,439 1,250 11 72,480 49,620 22,680 24,720 70,560 3,600 9,600 720 480 5,100 360 69,180 16,260 16,500 12 2 7 14 1 4 3 13 34 109 235 1 7 78 14 2,400 18,700 47,450 2 5 1 3 100 1,330 7 11,100 5 15 16 1 6 26 4 17 11 10 17 39 45 22 76 91 15 53 18 ... 20 216 769 ... 49 298 269 15 91 19 12,760 30,000 15,000 18,850 ... 66,000 7,500 52,500 20 6,000 90,000 433,000 22,700 217,900 ... 92,150 ... 7,500 52,750 21 344 3 219 163 54 3 92 18 10 6 132 398 14 42 24 23 22 687 134 629 295 228 119 285 164 102 79 463 628 373 377 140 292 23 62 (Z) 22 6 2 2 8 7 (z) 4 7 14 (Z) 3 1 3 24 73 3 50 10 9 6 4 50 2 1 5 20 10 6 8 2 25 8,154 93 3,195 1,296 578 150 1,715 616 92 650 1,455 4,277 64 557 117 237 26 10,575 677 8,676 1,681 1,961 801 1,617 3,620 549 507 3,505 6,664 2,415 2,550 1,558 1,578 27 105 33 124 199 96 32 274 94 64 53 65 213 73 90 55 88 28 334 198 346 301 197 319 507 213 110 147 273 286 300 363 158 213 29 8 17 19 56 86 29 123 114 23 74 3 24 354 15 19 146 30 5 21 38 52 127 90 102 181 25 179 5 25 416 10 19 100 31 1,275 1,137 2,792 8,316 10,138 1,798 12,934 12,905 2,067 6,353 1,173 4,366 35,864 2,047 1,505 18,386 32 2,473 2,118 4,252 5,907 9,743 5,943 9,826 11,253 1,916 7,815 1,885 3,205 23,886 2,551 1,615 8,575 33 22 1 1 409 3 399 182 2 2 58 9 525 34 41 3 1 560 4 530 292 2 1 126 3 790 35 10 (Z) 4 1,433 3 1,313 480 1 1 125 5 1,577 36 16 1 2 2,156 10 1,879 797 1 1 344 5 2,480 37 10,373 200 3,800 2,539,322 3,800 1,955,376 628,763 30 1,003 122,395 2,639 2,245,355 38 19,365 650 1,650 3,017,141 6,250 1,764,068 633,183 375 1,200 215,811 2,000 2,370,064 39 53 178 723 88 385 610 195 123 231 22 94 375 288 102 930 40 193 424 1,330 206 658 1,179 304 226 424 149 313 753 604 257 1,555 41 ... 378 1,160 13,459 475 8,786 13,253 1,706 1,155 2,141 183 767 7,799 2,626 1,348 16,997 42 1,356 2,524 21,641 732 12,556 20,994 2,593 2,036 4,206 693 1,371 12,794 4,324 2,365 22,040 43 296 1,073 12,622 412 6,302 9,631 1,366 645 1,399 190 726 6,603 1,697 343 12,722 44 664 1,505 13,474 642 6,429 10,801 1,712 1,079 2,260 484 1,186 7,055 2,317 1,058 15,144 45 38 148 190 77 81 176 139 73 141 18 72 109 208 46 334 46 14 28 381 11 182 295 49 47 31 3 16 169 67 45 407 47 2 114 94 86 6 3 9 5 70 9 3 131 48 1 35 3 19 9 38 15 1 1 1 21 6 4 3 44 14 49 50 ... 10 4 74 10 50 37 5 47 2 1 31 4 19 40 51 218 25 43 27 90 3 48 38 5 51 20 26 56 32 14 72 52 4 4 29 6 29 10 2 23 1 (Z) 29 2 16 92 53 561 17 58 44 48 10 29 12 4 34 17 27 34 12 15 127 54 690 106 3,747 391 3,741 1,212 134 2,725 75 30 3,475 64 1,696 24,076 55 52,227 636 2,301 1,198 3,216 210 1,254 1,130 150 1,672 924 1,588 1,901 457 842 22,356 56 8 2 88 48 142 100 25 91 1 53 19 38 133 57 ... 29 2 16 25 203 14 7 74 1 4 68 6 54 81 58 ... 422 90 766 1,701 3,167 1,516 776 1,491 15 1,274 216 553 1,318 59 547 17 24 180 748 6,193 135 112 1,502 9 73 1,419 129 1,111 1,361 60 Stub Items continued 332 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY It«m (For definitions and explanations, see text) The state Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Baldwin Banks Barrow Bartow 1 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959... 85,8(y. 134,103 882 1,209 367 510 662 830 362 675 235 304 581 821 640 1,021 684 1,279 2 1954 . . . 3 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959 . . . 10,484 23,384 55 83 8 58 7 25 34 105 43 75 23 67 22 21 38 89 I, 1954... 5 6 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 91,302 167,317 226 393 19 273 34 153 115 333 1,464 1,468 69 163 129 46 191 401 7 8 Sales dollars 1959. . . 1954 . . . 6,784,138 8,870,902 14,831 23,357 1,620 13,127 2,850 9,242 6,175 18,478 296, 192 228,747 5,372 8,456 8,108 2,187 19,092 26,381 9 10 Tomatoes farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 2,544 5,793 13 16 1 30 2 17 3 19 15 3 4 2 14 1 29 28 11 12 acres 1959... 1954... 3,854 11,242 6 33 (z) 41 5 44 3 16 17 27 1 1 6 (Z) 23 23 13 Sweet com farms reporting 1959... 1,356 1,090 22 7 3 6 2 6 2 4 11 2 4 1 12 2 12 14 15 16 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 3,927 3,985 75 30 2 4 2 4 2 9 12 50 3 (z) 10 1 25 23 17 18 Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1,484 2,963 8 2 1 7 3 28 85 11 1 1 7 1 4 5 19 20 1954 . . . 2,278 5,481 4 1 (z) 7 3 51 133 9 9 (Z) 1 1 1 2 21 22 Snap beans (bush and pole types ) farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 2,170 3,401 14 3 2 2 2 4 10 12 5 6 5 12 4 16 22 23 ■2A acres 1959... 1954... 3,215 6,235 18 4 1 2 (Z) 1 2 52 32 1 4 8 4 LL 20 25 26 Watermelons farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 3,169 8,293 11 44 2 29 1 9 4 22 19 21 10 16 16 15 19 30 27 28 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 22,995 57, 690 45 187 11 196 (z) 83 49 128 37 400 11 44 83 28 33 56 29 30 Cabbage farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 853 1,483 2 1 "i 2 2 2 8 2 2 1 3 4 31 32 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 2,845 5,274 1 14 (Z) 3 (Z) (z) 27 25 (Z) (z) 1 1 33 34 Sweet peppers (except pimientos) farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... 411 629 1 (z) 4 3 3 7 3 (Z) 3 (Z) 35 36 Pimientos farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... 1,373 6,316 2 1 22 71 14 38 2 (z) 2 23 37 Cantaloups and 1,380 2,885 2 5 8 3 4 7 5 5 1 6 5 12 12 38 1954... 39 40 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 4,273 9,716 1 15 16 1 "'5 5 151 5 1 5 1 11 7 41 42 Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959... 1954... 3,661 4,717 31 13 3 2 5 6 4 10 23 4 3 10 4 22 18 43 44 acres 1959... 1954... 21,609 28,570 46 28 1 1 12 12 7 17 170 202 1 9 9 29 37 45 46 Green lima beans farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2,142 2,907 16 12 3 4 3 4 1 13 16 4 1 2 10 2 11 12 47 48 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 4,249 5,839 11 16 1 3 1 1 (Z) 8 101 42 (z) 1 3 1 4 9 49 50 Squash farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 1,455 1,808 9 5 "3 2 7 11 3 1 9 9 8 51 52 acres 1959 . . . 1954... 2,656 3,386 5 3 1 (z) 1 48 10 1 2 7 12 53 Okra .••.>..•....•••..•.■• -f aTmn report ins 1959. • ■ 1,917 2,322 7 6 1 2 '"5 2 14 12 1 1 9 1 16 12 54 1954... 55 56 57 58 acres 1959... 1954... Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries f arm£ reporting 1959. . . 1954... 3,259 4,578 503 305 3 3 1 1 1 (2) "2 3 3 8 33 10 2 1 4 1 2 (Z) 14 3 15 10 6 8 59 60 acres 1959... 1954... 178 14.; (Z) 1 ... (z) 1 (Z) 1 2 1 2 14 61 62 (luarts 1959... 1954... 167,406 108,479 20 400 55 1,025 394 40 1,321 230 723 15,169 Z Reported In small fractions. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 333 Part 5 of 6 Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton 375 A76 904 1,180 258 504 419 541 442 547 806 1,146 159 290 1,583 1,994 938 1,159 352 592 315 405 88 214 441 723 1,467 2,508 407 631 142 160 1 2 23 98 151 606 47 61 62 104 6 9 375 1,059 9 28 61 160 255 421 107 155 18 83 4 5 28 44 113 217 53 110 11 7 3 4 18i 694 2,762 460 454 475 455 18 73 5,723 12,483 41 247 426 1,314 3,475 6,079 545 637 40 223 345 468 131 252 510 841 378 420 22 36 5 6 8,145 18,8% 54,686 134,722 26,121 16,202 20,607 19,956 1,530 2,825 358,787 656,463 2,583 51,899 32,599 47/172 117,408 122,463 55,201 16,320 3,055 22,632 90, 169 240,180 12,974 23,819 60,701 45,678 58,145 47,238 1,855 1,085 7 8 5 32 97 473 19 11 5 1 3 3 29 156 2 5 20 21 11 4 6 2 1 5 1 17 28 23 24 42 87 2 9 10 7 74 203 803 8 16 2 1 2 2 68 326 2 9 9 42 15 5 2 (z) (Z) 5 2 ... 48 64 11 18 90 143 (Z) 11 12 6 5 5 2 18 10 6 2 3 4 22 16 4 5 15 14 15 2 5 1 2 2 1 1 6 6 15 8 3 7 13 14 13 3 2 55 24 9 3 2 2 188 80 4 5 42 52 22 6 11 4 2 2 5 1 13 7 23 4 3 2 (Z) 15 16 1 39 5 109 6 1 2 1 1 67 200 2 13 12 14 134 1 1 13 64 1 1 "3 7 1 6 30 17 13 2 73 9 309 2 (Z) 1 2 (z) 151 497 3 10 16 17 257 2 (z) 28 87 6 (Z) 1 5 (Z) 3 20 19 20 2 6 4 20 13 17 4 3 2 4 117 304 1 6 14 12 9 3 6 10 2 5 1 4 19 22 24 53 2 21 22 1 7 41 46 8 20 4 2 (Z) 2 297 685 1 28 5 31 6 1 5 9 1 10 (Z) 2 20 26 30 51 1 23 24 5 34 13 145 12 30 2 32 4 7 167 755 3 10 36 141 23 18 4 9 1 4 1 3 26 23 33 5 14 2 7 25 26 24 126 82 1,079 25 154 6 147 8 62 1,566 6,898 5 35 232 1,034 43 125 2 3 (Z) 18 "2 30 162 25 50 8 2 24 27 28 1 3 2 3 10 6 "2 54 190 1 3 6 10 6 -i 1 1 1 1 5 3 7 17 29 30 1 3 2 21 3 4 (z) 383 877 (Z) 14 4 4 1 5 30 (Z) (Z) (Z) 1 1 6 14 31 32 1 (Z) 5 2 3 3 (Z) 3 4 1 3 4 2 15 16 33 34 1 10 4 12 5 25 9 35 1 (z) 5 14 86 345 4 10 58 290 35 36 2 17 69 131 10 17 1 2 2 31 156 1 8 7 6 1 1 2 4 8 3 2 6 37 36 1 39 254 455 23 57 1 5 3 87 441 1 9 15 16 (z) 1 "2 2 6 5 1 1 4 39 40 10 16 12 5 30 22 41 35 4 1 162 263 7 9 29 20 171 405 16 13 4 2 1 8 3 22 19 16 23 6 41 42 83 44 21 3 122 47 326 142 4 (Z) 993 345 19 17 25 42 2,974 5,734 56 18 4 7 ;z) 9 1 36 46 20 33 17 10 43 44 4 4 13 9 21 21 45 74 3 3 142 228 2 4 23 11 21 6 18 20 4 6 1 1 2 4 38 65 3 4 45 46 2 5 11 5 50 28 88 128 (Z) 2 235 419 2 2 21 12 59 27 78 66 5 9 (z) (z) 1 3 67 132 2 4 (Z) 47 48 4 4 6 16 15 5 3 1 1 88 226 2 4 19 9 9 9 6 1 1 3 6 16 15 36 49 50 5 1 8 19 20 5 4 (Z) (Z) 200 539 2 4 8 6 1 26 10 (Z) 1 1 5 15 36 26 (z) 51 52 5 4 7 5 18 20 2 5 1 1 22 30 2 3 12 7 11 4 5 2 3 2 3 20 17 23 45 53 54 3 5 2 11 10 21 4 3 2 (Z) 20 40 1 6 4 5 4 12 15 (Z) 6 2 (z) 7 9 25 42 55 56 2 1 4 1 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 9 7 7 10 57 58 (z) 1 3 (Z) 2 "2 (Z) 1 (Z) 1 (Z) tz) 4 (Z) 3 8 59 60 80 300 750 200 1,000 50 180 306 25 600 100 20 1,252 502 3,010 6,756 61 62 Stut items continued 334 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Ilem (For definilions and explanations, see text) Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarlie Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb 1 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested -for home use farms reporting 1959 . • 4 99 343 35 40 605 888 1,070 1,115 214 393 365 509 190 556 91 183 663 1,564 2 195*;... 3 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959... 17 32 1 1 33 57 41 70 11 33 2 5 36 89 3 11 87 188 I, 1954... 5 6 acres 1959... 1954. . . 469 849 3 7 137 209 113 200 37 76 5 6 172 439 5 52 345 794 7 8 Sales dollars 1959. .. 46,534 91,932 60 300 6,517 7,976 10,597 14,039 4,909 11,591 350 401 10,432 17,727 1,165 2,600 25,737 46,491 1954... 9 Tomatoes .farms reporting 1959. . . 3 8 "i 18 19 21 9 7 13 1 17 14 3 3 47 88 10 1954... 11 12 acres 1959... 1954... 3 9 (z) 21 23 10 9 2 6 (z) 24 26 1 5 53 118 13 10 9 ... 5 3 15 3 7 10 1 4 2 2 2 25 18 U 1954. . . 15 16 acres 1959... 1954... 208 164 5 4 13 3 14 15 (z) 3 2 (z) 1 28 18 17 18 Cuciimbers and pickles farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2 4 "i 3 1 5 1 2 5 1 3 ... 1 1 3 1 19 20 acres 1959... 1954... 1 3 (z) (z) (Z) 1 (z) 1 1 5 4 (Z) 2 (Z) 1 21 22 Snap beans (biish and pole types ) farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 9 12 1 10 6 14 24 8 11 4 4 23 36 23 24 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 9 43 (z) 2 4 5 19 4 4 5 9 (z) Cz) 12 24 25 Watermelons farms reporting 1959... 3 10 1 1 17 35 13 24 3 13 8 36 ... 46 95 26 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 9 78 3 67 130 10 59 2 10 16 108 '38 97 289 29 30 Cabbage farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 9 1 4 2 5 3 4 1 1 1 1 6 31 32 acres 1959... 1954... 20 75 (z) 2 1 1 2 1 (Z) (Z) 4 2 (Z) 3 4 33 34 Sweet peppers (except pimientos) farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... 1 1 2 (Z) 4 1 1 (z) 2 4 ::: 4 1 35 36 Pimientos farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... 9 21 1 4 10 84 37 muskmelans • farms reporting 1959. . . 6 1 8 4 5 2 3 8 1 ... 2 13 14 13 38 1954... 39 40 acres 1959... 1954... 7 (Z) 13 6 2 3 1 9 (z) 5 23 16 12 41 Blackeyes and other ffreen covpeas ........... .farms reporting 1959 • . • 12 10 1 10 7 16 21 6 3 1 7 11 2 5 36 58 42 1954... 43 44 acres 1959... 1954... 42 101 "2 21 18 15 46 3 1 (z) 7 18 42 98 45 46 Green lima beans farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 7 9 1 5 3 7 6 6 12 'i 2 18 19 40 47 48 acres 1959... 1954... 9 17 1 1 1 3 7 1 4 1 2 22 9 49 49 50 Squash farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 7 6 4 1 7 1 3 4 3 8 12 15 51 52 acres 1959... 1954... 13 17 2 (z) 2 (Z) 1 2 3 12 (z) 7 36 53 Oltra farms reporting 1959 .. . 8 9 1 8 7 15 7 4 8 1 7 20 27 55 54 1954... 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 9 14 (z) 2 2 6 5 2 3 (z) 10 31 39 71 57 Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries .farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 11 6 6 3 2 4 4 1 4 7 7 6 58 1954... 59 60 acres 1959... 1954... (Z) 18 7 1 1 2 2 2 (z) 2 3 2 2 61 62 quarts 1959... 1954 . . . 54 22,046 3,220 270 1,330 4,250 1,160 2,384 30 610 1,101 605 570 Z Reported In small fractions . GEORGIA 335 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 5 of 6 Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook 1,217 1,&42 33 252 498 1,067 75,320 53,792 349 211 (2) 6 83 466 1 (Z) (z) 1 (z) 1,349 2,172 297 1,246 2,565 8,182 196,752 450,034 113 706 319 1,474 108 58 23 178 44 426 83 349 144 709 786 2,695 57 229 423 892 69 287 214 891 235 165 43 138 3 3 (Z) 125 980 334 495 123 131 6,641 5,084 1 3 (Z) 1 12 412 677 756 83 626 1,178 4,054 92,206 223,934 34 460 76 1,018 7 144 18 225 158 1,869 43 273 45 312 Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early 1 (Z) 597 1,191 44 110 233 392 19,862 21,437 (Z) 1 19 102 (Z) (Z) 17 135 (Z) 290 200 281 482 565 689 31,620 24,611 106 154 (Z) 438 671 270 472 4,305 5,902 305,764 214,527 53 100 132 259 1 12 64 1 21 154 2 6 7 7 1 4 2 14 21 40 240 4(K 273 341 3,313 4,110 1 3 5 1 (Z) 3 94 150 509 722 129 319 85 161 1 (Z) 353 531 155 120 15,191 11,870 34,086 20,094 300 558 52 114 1,620 3,841 (Z) (Z) 5 (Z) 4 (Z) 15 (Z) (Z) (Z) 3 4,600 2,007 805 1,119 U2 180 787 1,069 123,119 82,053 259 220 198 393 (Z) 1 (Z) 150 186 1 (z) 255 764 409 312 32,640 46,985 815 1,280 81 193 691 1,604 33,660 44,312 263 679 292 651 (Z) 1 110 200 438 994 356 614 3,460 5,114 249,279 189,762 157 228 316 458 163 339 1,618 2,488 150 246 672 900 235 161 U2 50 455 112 258 390 203 233 7,474 7,898 67 162 (Z) (Z) (z) 1 (Z) (z) 415 708 67 196 330 1,288 33,056 63,273 45 123 61 209 (Z) (Z) 32 216 23 100 104 261 14 105 3 (Z) 874 1,420 117 179 396 659 34,015 47,527 107 177 39 153 (Z) (z) 1 127 134 Stub items continued 336 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY It«m (For dennitions and explanations, se« text) Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth 1 2 Vegetables for home use and for sale (otfier than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 118 160 477 705 878 1,362 961 1,396 348 521 694 961 341 467 728 1,272 1,093 1,552 3 4 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 12 35 69 106 66 47 30 37 18 112 67 107 64 129 40 50 103 167 5 6 acres 1959... 1954... 39 195 412 717 233 107 127 260 187 531 119 214 598 653 192 191 474 680 7 Sales dollars 1959 . . . 1,915 6,936 45,984 47,138 20,899 5,847 9,880 8,238 22,867 25,837 15,818 28,000 48,395 36,002 15,028 12,158 34,296 36,735 8 1954... 9 10 Tomatoes farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... "2 19 10 U U 11 9 9 59 12 12 28 23 25 27 lA 15 11 12 acres 1959... 1954... 2 8 10 3 12 10 3 15 107 3 5 29 24 20 14 11 12 13 8 7 6 11 6 7 9 7 8 11 11 6 15 10 13 7 U 1954... 15 16 acres 1959 . . . 1954... 8 16 4 13 3 4 55 7 8 10 8 6 23 6 89 5 17 18 Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959... 1954... '14 10 3 4 8 3 3 13 3 1 5 14 3 2 2 3 19 20 acres 1959... 1954... '18 3 1 1 17 1 26 24 (z) (z) 5 20 1 (Z) 1 2 21 22 Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 24 43 8 10 5 7 4 U 50 87 17 20 16 19 7 13 23 7J, acres 1959... 1954... 30 138 2 5 2 2 1 4 51 128 19 24 14 9 2 17 25 26 Watermelons farms reporting 1959. . . 6 22 28 26 11 15 9 17 11 46 2 Z 27 51 22 17 11 24 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 15 161 87 111 5 15 26 57 65 321 1 1 94 138 31 45 16 32 29 30 Cabbage farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 3 7 3 6 4 7 1 14 36 5 4 5 5 1 1 31 32 acres 1959... 1954... 5 45 (Z) 1 2 3 1 14 44 3 5 4 1 (Z) 1 33 Sweet peppers (except pimientos ) farms reporting 1959 .. . 7 2 4 7 3 7 2 9 4 5 1 (Z) 1 (z) 3 3 34 acres 1959.., 35 36 Pimlentos farms reporting 1959... acres 1959... ... 51 190 3 13 1 (z) 1 (z) 1 3 2 5 40 128 37 38 muskmelons farms reporting 1959... 1954 .. . 2 1 8 6 7 8 4 3 1 8 1 1 15 30 11 7 2 2 39 40 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 8 3 6 5 2 4 6 1 1 24 (Z) 2 24 63 13 3 1 5 41 42 Blackeyes and other green cowpeae farms reporting 1959. .. 1954 . . . 5 6 37 37 6 10 10 23 8 17 2 2 28 45 21 14 42 85 43 44 acres 1959.. . 1954 . . . 16 10 92 176 5 10 30 161 6 27 2 2 73 92 43 11 169 322 45 46 Green lima beans farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 1 40 51 7 12 11 14 8 7 1 5 16 29 17 18 14 55 47 48 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 1 83 96 4 8 5 12 5 5 (Z) 4 37 31 14 23 27 110 49 50 Squash farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 16 20 5 3 6 5 3 6 5 4 13 25 8 7 7 28 51 52 acres 1959... 1954... 11 30 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 32 42 2 27 17 51 53 54 Okra farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . ... 23 20 6 7 6 11 3 9 6 1 9 19 19 19 7 8 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 27 36 2 2 2 9 1 4 1 (Z) 7 18 6 5 4 10 57 58 Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959... 1954 . . . 3 1 7 2 1 1 7 1 1 2 15 5 20 13 59 60 acres 1959... 1954... 1 2 1 (Z) (Z) (z) 3 (z) 3 1 2 1 4 2 61 62 quarts 1959... 1954 . . . 260 75 2,906 76 16 100 2,800 700 1,500 500 905 484 3,494 1,127 2 Reported in small fractlcms. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 337 Part 5 of 6 Franklin Fulton GillMr Glascock Glynn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard 1,035 1,539 829 1,709 657 856 224 381 92 161 1,116 1,392 991 1,397 479 804 1,126 2,238 623 1,010 1,235 1,977 572 1,000 566 851 357 646 1,012 1,572 402 826 1 2 78 201 91 157 90 181 22 19 9 9 21 32 466 901 19 19 123 151 35 62 28 30 13 27 118 185 41 123 159 43 146 3 4 276 690 500 646 170 302 292 107 21 13 42 62 2,450 4,540 82 47 456 507 159 159 53 103 63 196 580 740 421 442 477 538 W2 544 5 6 15,319 23,067 42,946 77,879 34,574 66,234 12,518 1,475 2,093 560 3,997 3,275 373,667 545, 100 4,326 3,437 33,135 31,421 32,376 15,177 5,199 7,540 3,600 6,398 57,419 48,479 31,160 22,431 53,297 27,904 22,599 26,615 7 8 26 7 34 38 6 1 5 1 14 11 32 159 14 10 52 30 19 4 13 8 5 6 20 28 14 14 22 9 3 14 9 10 5 2 22 33 1 (Z) (z) 1 (z) 2 6 87 346 4 5 19 20 16 2 7 3 3 3 40 34 5 13 7 26 1 16 11 12 22 6 22 24 11 2 5 2 4 8 6 9 14 5 39 35 10 3 6 4 4 5 5 8 13 6 15 8 2 4 13 14 11 7 77 55 46 11 5 (Z) 2 8 10 61 36 14 76 71 2 2 1 2 9 12 6 19 11 7 8 4 1 2 15 16 11 3 6 16 1 2 3 1 19 20 5 1 9 2 4 1 5 2 1 "3 3 4 17 18 2 1 3 10 (Z) (z) (z) (Z) 17 33 1 (Z) 1 1 (Z) (z) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 19 20 25 11 29 39 76 166 3 2 16 7 172 307 14 9 31 18 15 12 16 13 3 4 16 40 20 16 21 8 3 12 21 22 11 32 40 83 220 (z) 1 (z) 2 5 522 676 3 5 9 10 18 14 6 8 1 4 26 84 19 14 9 7 1 10 23 24 58 65 24 57 3 3 13 15 37 95 12 7 50 49 8 6 13 12 3 8 10 22 9 12 24 28 2 U 25 26 164 307 52 98 ^ 3 3 18 23 222 704 17 8 97 111 2 5 11 62 9 16 14 42 6 16 24 98 1 13 27 28 5 3 1 12 24 35 2 7 3 2 14 7 7 10 3 9 2 4 1 3 4 4 2 3 6 6 1 29 30 1 1 (Z) 31 27 53 1 1 (Z) 9 71 1 2 2 2 3 (z) 3 (z) 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 (Z) 31 32 5 3 2 1 (Z) 2 1 1 (z) 6 1 3 14 4 8 4 12 1 7 2 8 11 38 33 34 14 28 6 19 1 (Z) 1 (z) 1 3 1 (Z) 22 79 12 36 ... 1 2 71 252 6 128 89 350 24 95 35 36 30 28 9 7 2 7 5 10 55 6 6 19 9 2 3 6 1 2 4 1 3 3 16 10 2 37 33 32 U, 4 1 1 6 1 57 168 3 4 14 10 (Z) 2 3 3 1 4 1 1 1 10 6 (Z) 39 40 22 5 39 38 20 16 6 5 10 5 58 48 10 6 52 46 11 2 7 5 7 20 33 71 23 27 19 8 3 23 41 42 11 5 102 68 10 276 103 6 8 9 3 162 120 9 4 79 68 4 (Z) 5 3 32 134 110 200 74 107 13 11 3 29 43 44 26 6 28 52 2 2 3 4 4 3 25 10 8 9 35 65 7 3 4 9 5 5 21 31 31 44 16 10 3 15 45 46 5 4 70 113 (Z) 2 2 1 (Z) 1 17 12 1 3 36 123 1 4 1 9 3 4 45 42 136 183 29 17 1 11 47 48 14 6 16 26 4 4 4 85 119 6 5 13 9 9 2 4 2 2 3 6 20 14 10 12 3 1 4 49 50 2 3 18 28 (Z) (Z) 1 195 166 1 1 9 4 1 1 1 2 (Z) 2 3 23 5 18 2 1 (Z) 2 51 52 20 6 24 46 3 1 11 6 286 586 8 1 28 19 8 4 9 6 2 4 7 16 15 15 18 4 1 9 53 54 5 2 17 39 (z) (Z) (z) 1 1 2 4 1,085 1,999 1 (Z) 12 14 3 1 3 3 (Z) 1 4 7 9 21 8 1 (z) 2 55 56 11 4 11 14 9 1 1 9 17 6 9 9 50 23 1 4 2 4 2 5 8 1 57 58 3 1 3 4 7 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 10 10 1 2 (Z) 2 (Z) 2 1 (z) 59 60 2,120 524 1,658 2,632 430 75 12,673 68 500 134 1,001 635 595 723 5,725 3,764 1,000 920 550 398 166 1,425 823 150 ... 61 62 Stub items continued 338 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Henry Houston Irwin Jacltson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson 1 2 Vegetables for honie use and for sale (other ttian Iristi and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 711 1,068 391 488 744 1,134 898 1,432 251 432 499 816 738 1,075 507 751 583 756 3 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959... 190 431 lU 115 118 425 63 87 9 47 17 99 176 91 32 45 35 24 t. 1954... 5 6 acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 1,693 2,314 1,016 958 623 3,116 257 296 34 198 38 291 2,106 1,341 261 665 463 132 7 S Sales dollars 1959 . . . 121,135 83,613 59,054 55,758 56,100 152,236 31,172 17,813 2,259 9,563 2,610 16,194 71,347 22,707 12,961 12,153 11,920 3,920 1954... 9 Tomatoes ....farms reporting 1959... 15 15 9 2 80 237 37 19 3 1 5 46 50 4 9 2 6 2 10 1954... 11 12 acres 1959... 1954... 7 13 4 4 213 676 16 12 1 (z) 5 80 9 1 4 4 2 1 13 Sweet com farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 6 3 5 2 6 4 18 8 2 2 7 3 33 2 8 1 2 3 15 16 acres 1959... 1954... 9 1 24 52 8 36 18 6 2 8 32 2 6 1 3 3 17 18 Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959... 1 2 75 45 5 32 8 3 3 33 42 1 9 3 1 2 19 20 acres 1959... 1954 . . . (Z) 1 176 81 2 103 1 3 (Z) 42 58 (z) 11 4 (Z) 1 21 22 Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 16 15 5 1 5 8 28 20 2 2 6 3 42 1 4 3 2 2 23 24 acres 1959... 1954... 13 16 3 1 4 13 21 10 (Z) 2 1 2 8 (Z) 2 4 (Z) 1 25 26 1954 . . . 36 47 39 69 23 117 38 47 1 3 4 22 40 7 12 6 9 7 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 126 165 382 518 137 772 71 113 2 4 (Z) 69 31 40 91 139 20 24 29 30 1954 . . . 6 3 2 1 3 5 7 1 2 2 38 3 1 2 "2 31 32 acres 1959... 1954... 3 2 (z) 5 1 39 1 (Z) 1 4 5 1 1 4 1 33 34 Sweet peppers (except pimientos) farms reporting 1959, . . acres 1959... 1 (Z) 1 1 4 2 2 3 1 (Z) 5 1 1 (z) 35 36 Pimlentos farms reporting 1959, . . acres 1959... 102 574 1 1 5 13 4 18 6 42 37 38 Cantaloups and musimelons farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 10 6 10 16 54 247 14 14 2 7 1 4 3 39 40 acres 1959... 1954... 12 16 44 76 169 907 15 12 (Z) 1 1 1 (z) 41 42 Blackeyes and other green c(3wpeas farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 60 111 26 U 18 31 29 18 1 18 10 6 154 83 23 36 32 12 43 44 acres 1959... 1954... 342 350 53 88 36 141 37 22 2 40 11 5 1,805 1,278 127 494 419 79 45 46 Green lima beans farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 68 124 13 21 9 20 30 1 1 10 8 45 5 12 5 10 6 47 48 acres 1959... 1954... 281 255 56 67 28 16 7 18 (Z) 1 9 7 14 5 13 U 16 7 49 50 Squash farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 53 49 11 5 7 6 11 7 '24 5 2 34 1 5 1 3 1 51 52 acres 1959... 1954... 262 161 78 24 5 15 32 35 44 5 (z) 28 (z) 1 1 3 (z) 53 54 Okra farms reporting 1959... 1954... 13 23 56 10 6 9 27 16 1 28 6 5 35 5 6 2 4 2 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 46 57 173 31 3 10 8 8 3 78 1 2 5 12 3 2 (Z) 1 57 58 Berries and otlier small fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 2 2 1 2 15 9 1 2 3 1 59 60 acres 1959... 1 1 1 (z) 7 5 (Z) (Z) 2 (z) 61 62 quarts 1959... 1954... 83 75 400 90 4,080 4,057 15 26 535 10 Z Reported In small fractions. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 339 Part 5 of 6 Jones x_ Lajiier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long lowndes Lumpkin Mc Duffle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marion Meriwether 228 3V, 343 525 292 345 1,378 2,120 299 499 165 554 329 591 131 302 362 1,291 558 825 392 643 61 132 517 626 909 1,403 279 534 755 1,354 1 2 15 92 49 125 13 76 77 216 58 150 11 44 19 24 5 46 114 531 75 133 37 45 7 2 191 230 41 73 26 65 224 427 3 4 43 362 174 556 29 264 543 1,484 639 33 105 49 55 18 150 476 2,750 274 464 205 227 9 1 3,130 2,840 384 251 173 331 1,445 2,457 5 6 4,137 11,001 13,754 24,670 2,171 16,232 30,782 36,801 47,437 36,949 2,008 4,806 10,650 1,977 762 10,993 37,361 142,741 23,310 49,418 11,267 8,840 433 110 160, 634 154,368 42,427 14,593 10,643 11,085 161,927 180,699 7 8 3 4 4 11 2 39 19 17 4 4 2 5 12 3 3 27 25 232 9 1 18 13 3 7 5 41 16 4 5 10 20 9 10 3 (Z) 2 24 1 51 26 24 5 2 (Z) 4 3 6 3 65 27 343 3 1 3 5 (z) 12 14 11 8 1 3 6 17 11 12 1 3 2 3 2 17 12 7 5 1 1 2 7 1 3 18 13 8 24 13 18 2 5 5 41 9 1 3 6 15 13 14 1 1 2 4 1 10 25 4 20 5 (Z) (z) 3 (Z) 1 31 22 14 55 15 18 1 31 4 55 9 (z) 3 3 16 15 16 1 7 33 3 7 23 75 2 24 1 1 7 46 329 2 4 1 3 62 48 41 5 3 5 1 1 17 18 (Z) 7 33 (Z) 9 33 98 (z) 41 (Z) (z) 5 63 460 (z) 2 (z) (z) 121 114 5 1 4 4 Cz) (Z) 19 20 2 4 3 3 14 11 12 4 7 2 1 9 4 1 1 14 28 34 53 21 9 4 1 5 41 16 2 2 8 24 21 22 (Z) (Z) 1 (z) 2 11 28 12 4 (z) (z) 2 3 (Z) 2 11 13 31 101 4 4 (Z) 1 3 14 7 1 3 6 15 23 24 2 10 5 13 2 23 21 62 37 95 7 25 7 4 4 15 43 244 3 2 26 33 3 61 83 40 20 8 40 7 23 25 26 5 20 6 19 6 139 73 311 455 749 27 53 2 3 12 60 169 1,434 1 2 64 106 1 1,098 1,280 24 43 44 172 22 53 27 28 1 5 1 1 6 5 5 2 4 2 2 2 9 - . • 11 27 10 23 11 4 3 1 2 31 4 2 1 13 29 30 (z) 1 (Z) (z) 1 1 8 1 1 1 (Z) (Z) 8 51 61 32 51 2 1 (Z) 1 1 5 1 1 (Z) 5 31 32 1 (Z) 2 3 2 (z) 6 9 4 6 14 2 1 1 2 4 33 34 9 21 39 152 4 IS 2 4 1 (Z) 31 35 ... 203 1,314 35 36 2 1 1 1 5 8 8 1 4 2 1 5 1 1 7 61 2 7 10 1 4 1 41 12 1 3 10 37 38 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 8 13 24 1 2 (z) 1 1 1 (Z) 3 12 122 (z) 3 7 (Z) 15 3 26 8 1 1 4 39 40 3 1 5 11 8 23 49 88 10 10 5 5 3 6 i 27 59 15 4 21 21 5 1 73 83 41 13 16 26 14 17 41 42 1 4 (z) 6 40 4 11 257 563 36 22 8 1 14 5 4 48 89 25 9 86 47 5 (Z) 939 871 21 17 107 180 37 32 43 44 1 2 5 n 7 24 39 29 5 11 2 1 9 13 1 3 24 34 1 1 19 23 5 1 4 9 41 22 7 9 12 30 45 46 (z) (Z) 5 24 4 5 89 95 12 16 1 1 13 20 1 6 17 11 (z) 1 15 34 (Z) (Z) 8 6 20 8 6 6 26 36 47 48 1 4 1 4 13 14 18 5 3 1 2 4 1 2 1 9 19 11 7 10 2 1 7 8 41 8 1 11 5 49 50 (Z) (Z) (z) 1 1 17 36 13 3 (Z) (Z) 5 (Z) (z) 1 12 9 21 15 1 (z) (z) 89 43 30 9 (z) 13 9 51 52 3 4 5 5 15 12 7 6 6 1 10 4 3 1 14 32 6 2 14 6 3 1 111 106 41 15 3 3 4 3 53 54 8 (Z) '31 1 3 7 3 8 4 (z) 2 1 2 (z) 5 36 2 1 2 3 1 1 330 323 9 5 3 2 1 3 55 56 ... 1 1 1 2 2 2 ::: 2 9 2 1 1 6 4 "2 2 3 57 53 (z) (z) (z) tz) (z) (Z) (z) 4 (z) (Z) 1 2 1 (Z) (Z) 2 59 60 10 14 350 210 32 460 96 3,529 88 75 750 671 1,320 iso 805 925 61 62 Stut items continued 340 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Kern (For definitions and explanations, see text) Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Nelrton Oconee 1 2 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 634 1,010 870 1,309 293 532 418 642 578 957 628 809 48 236 416 681 372 717 3 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. . . 69 183 192 565 14 38 15 13 9 15 11 125 6 28 24 56 35 34 i. 1954... 5 6 acres 1959... 1954... 490 789 1,742 3,867 72 145 95 55 49 43 28 435 37 163 74 348 183 109 7 Sales dollars 1959. .. 37,377 43,870 113,622 237,455 4,765 4,506 3,849 2,970 1,750 2,361 3,376 34,322 5,a30 U,338 5,231 13,594 15,335 7,924 8 1954... 9 Tomatoes farms reporting 1959 . . . 10 10 71 306 5 5 4 4 5 8 4 3 2 4 13 14 18 10 10 1954... 11 12 acres 1959... 1954... 4 10 410 766 2 9 20 7 5 2 1 1 1 2 9 15 9 4 14 Sweet com farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... S 1 11 27 2 3 7 1 4 8 2 3 2 6 9 4 15 11 15 16 acres 1959... 1954... 5 1 126 270 .3 2 U 1 5 6 (z) 4 6 6 10 2 15 11 17 18 Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959... 1954... 21 101 58 166 1 4 1 1 2 "2 2 2 5 4 19 20 acres 1959... 1954... 25 154 104 308 (z) 1 2 5'1 (z) 2 (z) 2 1 1 21 22 Snap beans {bttsh and pole types) farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 7 7 30 54 3 6 6 2 2 4 7 9 1 8 7 5 14 11 23 24 acres 1959... 1954... 3 10 89 106 1 6 4 1 1 1 2 7 2 10 1 14 18 2 25 26 1954... 36 57 49 198 4 8 10 4 6 8 3 4 1 21 12 20 20 8 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 357 325 479 1,617 8 11 33 8 13 8 2 4 3 39 11 87 19 4 29 30 1954... 6 3 6 22 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 4 4 31 32 acres 1959... 1954... 3 2 33 74 2 (Z) 1 (z) 1 (Z) 1 3 1 1 (Z) 1 33 Sweet peppers (except .plmientos ) .farms reporting 1959 . . . (2) 2 (Z) 4 7 34 acres 1959. ., 35 36 Pimlentos farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... 1 1 5 17 1 1 21 3 11 2 (Z) 37 38 Cantaloups and rmoslcraelons farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 1 3 56 141 2 3 3 5 7 6 6 5 9 16 8 39 40 acres 1959... 1954... iJ 383 625 (Z) 2 1 7 15 15 (z) '20 3 18 11 5 41 42 Blaclceyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 21 37 16 13 5 6 11 4 5 8 5 13 15 11 19 15 43 44 acres 1959... 1954 . . . 57 90 42 33 14 12 15 16 5 8 U 58 19 28 44 14 45 Green lima beana farms reporting 1959. . . 20 39 7 8 7 19 7 3 2 5 1 7 7 12 17 20 46 1954 . . . 47 48 acres 1959... 1954... 27 50 9 10 26 44 1 2 1 1 (z) 6 5 6 19 33 16 49 50 Squash farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 4 5 7 13 1 3 7 1 3 3 5 5 7 12 7 51 52 acres 1959. .. 1954... (Z) 8 21 24 (Z) 3 2 1 (Z) (z) 2 3 1 19 6 1 53 54 Otoa farms reporting 1959... 1954... 11 6 12 18 1 5 2 2 5 7 5 13 14 11 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 6 16 30 29 (Z) 2 (Z) 1 3 6 1 17 6 4 57 58 Berries and other small fruits harvested tor sale; Strav/berries farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . "5 3 1 9 10 1 4 59 60 acres 1959... 2 1 (z) 4 6 (Z) 1 61 62 quarts 1959... 1954 . . . 265 901 100 1,165 4,701 80 2,438 Z Reported in small f ractione . GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 341 Part 5 of 6 Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Plie Poli Pulaski Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven ^ 613 1,098 513 968 174 210 437 669 712 813 362 719 552 932 358 468 251 450 158 215 351 608 556 804 163 368 256 432 243 363 891 1,299 1 2 27 25 69 217 23 36 10 4 19 43 155 298 27 61 98 164 3 7 4 13 33 39 U 14 27 31 29 23 26 59 113 127 3 4 120 104 4«8 1,240 137 523 6 9 124 327 1,215 1,760 52 247 961 1,214 3 59 25 16 111 284 87 80 226 190 121 126 296 392 841 1,110 5 6 12,710 6,784 29,182 58,857 7,668 15,647 280 365 11,920 12,835 117,303 122,504 4,188 13,030 36,410 31,514 163 2,535 1,972 678 21,682 43,143 5,066 6,627 14,372 6,016 9,231 5,835 9,070 15,943 55,100 47,401 7 8 9 7 43 45 6 3 2 7 16 12 16 12 11 3 3 4 "2 17 7 7 1 10 9 6 7 1 28 7 9 10 2 5 42 113 2 (Z) 1 30 20 20 6 9 6 1 (Z) 2 (Z) 4 2 2 1 18 7 3 8 (z) 25 7 11 12 7 4 16 14 6 2 2 6 7 10 13 4 1 12 7 2 3 15 8 6 3 6 8 4 1 1 22 3 13 14 2 6 20 66 18 2 1 36 38 15 22 2 3 16 11 1 10 18 14 10 17 21 12 9 2 (z) 10 23 15 16 2 1 11 2 "2 "i 2 4 5 2 21 36 1 3 7 5 3 3 2 4 1 8 19 30 36 17 18 (Z) (Z) 5 17 (z) (z) (z) 4 ... 1 3 42 66 (Z) 1 ... 4 4 6 7 4 1 1 17 31 41 74 19 20 10 4 33 27 7 2 5 2 4 7 5 15 4 U 4 2 4 23 34 6 2 5 5 8 5 2 25 9 21 22 1 2 11 37 14 1 1 1 1 6 3 2 6 5 3 5 1 5 (z) 54 198 2 7 7 2 4 6 3 10 13 23 24 7 6 43 99 8 24 2 1 4 29 16 12 8 23 7i 2 1 11 7 20 24 14 11 15 47 46 40 25 26 4 3 124 454 18 174 1 2 31 206 13 46 9 16 154 490 1 1 17 22 100 108 18 31 187 350 458 538 27 28 1 1 17 6 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 5 3 6 11 6 1 4 6 3 1 1 1 19 1 29 30 (z) (z) 3 6 1 (z) (z) (z) 6 1 3 (Z) 1 1 1 (z) 18 50 5 (z) 2 7 1 1 (z) (Z) 3 (Z) 31 32 5 1 1 5 8 16 1 (z) 1 (z) 1 (z) 3 1 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 1 (Z) 33 34 17 67 2 12 1 1 128 741 1 3 3 5 1 (Z) 1 (z) 13 38 2 (Z) 35 36 5 3 12 5 3 5 2 2 2 4 2 20 34 2 2 ••■ 3 1 2 5 4 3 7 7 37 38 3 1 15 8 5 8 5 1 2 1 2 99 91 (Z) 1 (z) 1 (Z) 1 3 4 4 30 6 20 39 40 10 5 34 54 16 11 4 5 21 16 12 7 73 68 2 4 6 1 12 3 9 6 7 8 46 40 41 42 33 3 22 134 29 304 3 (Z) 10 8 77 64 12 32 601 412 (z) 11 2 2 24 7 50 28 U 15 55 94 242 43 44 7 7 35 78 12 11 5 3 27 27 10 8 20 14 2 4 3 10 4 4 4 4 9 68 43 45 46 3 3 190 281 20 31 3 6 116 69 4 12 22 30 (Z) 4 16 1 16 3 9 6 1 18 (Z) 175 170 47 48 6 1 20 16 4 3 7 5 12 5 7 1 8 9 2 5 8 5 4 4 4 3 4 1 20 7 49 50 1 (Z) 25 38 10 2 (z) (z) 17 5 24 7 2 1 3 9 (Z) 11 1 4 1 1 6 1 7 5 (Z) 12 17 51 52 3 8 29 21 4 1 1 1 5 3 8 3 12 6 9 5 1 5 6 2 5 5 4 7 10 5 20 6 53 54 (Z) 59 9 36 3 1 (z) (z) 2 1 4 1 4 5 3 4 (Z) 10 (z) 1 1 1 3 2 7 20 12 5 3 55 56 3 1 4 2 2 5 2 6 5 2 2 2 4 1 6 3 1 57 58 1 (Z) 2 1 (Z) 1 1 3 2 1 2 (Z) (Z) (Z) 1 (z) 3 4 1 (Z) ... 59 60 636 50 512 850 60 1,286 2,008 940 1,333 2,020 800 615 40 50 361 40 2,005 1,770 150 78 61 62 Stub items continued 342 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (Pof dermitions and explanations, 5e« text) Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor 1 2 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables hai^eeted for home use farms reporting 1959... 1954... 369 540 255 581 436 741 384 553 609 855 301 530 242 386 892 1,364 300 691 3 Vegetables harvested for gale farms reporting 1959... 40 110 48 121 20 10 9 15 61 156 16 15 2 3 115 446 36 147 4 1954... 5 6 acres 1959... 1954... 874 611 370 446 34 22 23 49 326 741 63 129 3 2 900 3,373 1,413 1,466 7 3 Sales dollars 1959. . . 1954... 44,829 36,877 25,881 20,819 2,245 535 1,461 2,011 25,171 44,946 4,305 3,295 237 90 113,573 385,916 87,725 47,013 9 10 Tomatoes farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 9 34 17 20 10 1 3 3 24 5 3 3 "2 105 377 8 6 U 12 aorea 1959... 1954... 2 9 14 3 2 (z) (z) 2 56 22 1 1 1 327 1,098 4 28 13 L4 1954... 3 7 15 15 8 2 3 3 12 5 2 3 "2 11 17 2 15 16 acres 1959... 1954... 9 3 30 10 2 3 2 4 31 28 2 26 (Z) 117 474 2 17 18 Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959... 1954... 16 58 4 3 3 "i 19 81 5 16 10 1 19 20 acres 1959... 1954... 22 64 4 (Z) (Z) (z) 58 147 ... 51 137 25 3 21 22 Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 7 36 8 9 9 2 2 2 7 6 2 3 2 4 3 9 23 24 acres 1959... 1954... 10 12 5 16 4 1 (Z) 1 6 6 3 2 (Z) 2 51 2 25 26 1954... 24 34 13 25 10 2 6 7 12 57 5 7 1 1 22 108 43 70 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 720 194 13 22 14 2 11 17 27 415 8 16 1 1 252 744 1,006 751 29 3D 1954... 3 11 7 9 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 31 32 acres 1959... 1954... 6 2 2 3 (z) (z) (Z) 4 (Z) (Z) 1 (z) (z) 12 5 33 34 Sweet peppers (except pijnlentos ) farms reporting 1959 . . . acres 1959... 1 (Z) 1 (z) 1 20 1 2 35 36 Pimentos farms reporting 1959... acres 1959... 24 162 1 2 7 40 4 19 37 38 Cantaloups and raus]flnelQns farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 2 6 5 4 1 4 4 1 1 7 11 4 1 39 40 acres 1959... 1954... 2 5 9 3 1 14 5 (z) 1 11 60 16 2 41 Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959... 16 58 20 19 8 6 7 18 14 4 4 6 10 41 26 42 1954... 43 44 acres 1959... 1954... 92 105 76 22 5 7 17 53 48 4 35 21 94 229 333 45 46 Green lima beans farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 9 28 16 42 2 2 5 2 16 18 2 2 2 4 5 17 4 47 45 acres 1959... 1954... 7 25 29 40 1 1 3 2 18 22 2 1 (Z) 2 64 21 4 49 50 Squash farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1 22 9 9 1 1 1 1 7 5 1 1 1 4 4 5 1 51 52 acres 1959... 1954... (z) 4 4 12 (z) (Z) (z) (z) 2 2 1 (Z) (Z) 3 11 6 1 53 Okra .farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 30 6 12 6 4 1 2 16 8 1 1 1 7 6 18 9 54 1954 . . . 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: 2 6 2 5 1 2 (z) 1 44 6 1 (z) tz) 4 23 56 24 57 strawberries ................ .farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 2 8 8 4 2 1 "2 1 58 1954 . . . 59 60 acres 1959... 1954... 1 1 1 3 1 (z) (z) (Z) (Z) 61 62 quarts 1959... 1954... 971 1,050 1,289 1,640 715 47 ioo 310 25 Z Reported In email fractions. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 343 Part 5 of 6 Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Troup Turner Twiggs Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren 565 670 566 943 820 1,123 703 1,085 633 911 469 619 362 445 478 1,096 460 716 363 445 778 791 326 620 799 1,298 976 1,410 553 805 450 683 1 2 29 115 17 28 418 899 67 348 41 142 19 6 6 3 34 49 209 463 55 278 183 263 17 88 51 125 75 37 14 38 22 2 3 4 377 1,532 119 105 7,408 12,827 583 2,560 441 1,006 34 13 49 6 109 94 4,180 7,402 292 1,162 564 769 72 452 153 365 319 109 54 279 231 2 5 6 20,840 ■W,939 8,240 9,255 428,901 667,163 85,085 78,1W 46,869 58,479 3,958 2,050 2,255 217 5,595 5,281 227,790 231,721 20,730 47,094 80,504 85, 177 9,485 19,728 17,454 26,650 24,461 7,165 9,215 14,881 11,125 30 7 8 5 3 5 1 35 133 30 204 3 33 7 10 22 21 58 8 5 13 2 1 38 76 23 11 7 9 5 9 10 1 3 1 (z) 56 284 65 489 9 43 1 4 7 23 145 5 3 3 1 1 57 113 19 4 7 12 1 11 12 6 3 6 9 23 32 8 5 13 27 3 1 8 14 10 3 5 2 10 5 3 4 6 7 19 5 1 7 5 13 14 7 12 29 11 191 252 15 6 44 99 1 1 (z) (Z) 9 10 6 U 7 12 17 38 6 4 10 6 31 2 6 6 6 15 16 2 5 2 13 78 3 14 4 10 3 "i 5 13 2 1 2 1 2 4 5 2 1 2 2 17 18 (z) 2 89 203 16 151 3 3 2 (Z) (Z) 1 7 31 (z) (z) 2 (z) 1 5 1 (Z) (Z) 1 3 19 20 6 1 2 3 109 322 8 22 5 24 8 2 10 15 11 34 6 1 56 90 3 1 17 32 8 4 1 4 2 21 22 2 (Z) 1 1 448 987 14 36 3 10 3 6 (Z) 5 2 27 98 2 1 99 150 1 1 8 20 2 1 (z) 4 (z) 23 24 20 82 8 14 114 474 21 149 10 57 14 22 111 244 13 27 3 2 4 26 51 14 12 4 25 4 25 26 265 1,143 12 38 1,084 4,212 224 1,173 115 297 40 13 13 1,459 2,394 63 122 "i 1 4 51 124 14 17 22 194 3 27 28 1 152 1 2 3 2 3 16 2 1 2 29 2 327 5 12 9 7 1 52 5 3 2 30 (z) 1 1,496 2,099 3^ 3 6 1 1 2 10 37 1 1 32 36 1 (z) 1 (Z) 1 6 31 32 1 4 12 34 (Z) 12 22 1 2 1 (z) 6 10 121 249 ::: 1 (z) 2 (z) 33 34 1 (Z) 1 5 1 1 6 39 1 (z) g 7 40 1 1 29 153 2 4 1 5 35 36 7 56 1 19 71 18 109 11 1 3 4 69 143 1 1 2 6 11 5 3 2 37 38 39 302 (z) 50 178 69 427 8 6 (z) 1 2 370 728 1 (Z) 1 5 21 3 5 (Z) 39 40 15 13 12 3 156 317 16 12 25 84 3 4 1 16 20 123 277 26 9 1 5 11 8 22 27 9 4 15 20 2 41 42 41 51 26 8 1,240 1,850 46 26 117 278 (Z) 2 1 18 14 1,341 2,021 83 35 1 13 20 6 40 38 17 4 30 213 2 43 44 13 4 6 6 70 132 15 19 14 34 2 3 2 12 22 83 233 22 8 1 1 8 9 3 3 18 8 2 6 1 45 46 6 2 5 6 222 368 46 53 16 24 (Z) 2 CZ) 14 9 636 1,016 37 13 (z) 1 8 8 (Z) 1 19 4 6 2 (z) 47 48 7 2 4 2 123 205 9 8 8 16 3 2 3 3 8 60 5 1 4 38 2 4 10 11 1 2 5 1 49 50 3 8 1 1 550 470 17 45 19 14 1 1 1 2 25 225 1 4 5 51 (Z) 2 14 4 (Z) 1 2 (z) 51 52 3 2 5 2 62 130 4 9 9 18 2 3 4 19 6 49 3 4 "2 3 1 17 30 13 7 6 8 2 53 54 1 1 1 (z) 156 285 6 9 8 14 1 2 1 4 145 8 6 'i 1 (z) 8 22 9 9 4 6 (Z) 55 56 1 1 1 3 ' 1 6 1 1 6 3 3 1 16 18 4 2 2 57 58 (Z) 1 (Z) 1 (z) 3 (z) 1 1 1 1 (z) 13 13 1 (Z) (Z) 59 60 56 200 20 850 200 930 80 200 1,190 472 550 96 12,334 11,412 312 130 450 ... 61 62 Stub items continued 344 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED" CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued IW-m (For derinitions and pxplanalions. see text) Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 1 2 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 835 1,461 553 773 263 413 420 599 563 761 817 1,320 510 792 531 957 268 472 1,037 1,327 3 4 Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 297 434 72 158 8 12 48 107 13 24 37 40 105 291 14 15 21 120 211 731 5 6 acres 1959... 1954... 3,368 5,563 1,000 1,707 36 58 663 1,483 35 75 109 146 1,394 2,509 47 30 157 791 1,779 5,985 7 Sales dollars 1959. . . 134,741 99,783 55,712 76,707 2,735 3,830 37,972 48,228 3,926 5,006 10,081 8,156 77,732 91,874 4,670 1,532 7,743 24,064 117,994 246,727 8 1954... 9 10 Tomatoes farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 24 2 16 23 3 1 12 2 8 6 21 15 19 24 10 5 5 4 38 235 11 12 acres 1959. .. 1954... 5 (z) 5 45 1 1 7 12 1 9 18 15 39 70 4 1 1 1 57 485 14 Sweet com farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 .. . 12 3 60 87 1 . 8 3 7 1 8 3 6 7 5 4 5 4 4 11 15 16 acres 1959... 1954... 20 3 778 890 1 15 16 2 (Z) 17 2 7 11 3 2 19 9 9 35 17 18 Cucumbers and picldes fanns reporting 1959... 1954... 7 5 21 8 4 1 3 1 "3 7 26 3 1 4 2 13 30 19 20 acres 1959... 6 2 30 '14 1 1 (Z) 1 (Z) n 46 1 (z) (Z^ 33 Wl 21 22 Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 21 1 18 8 1 1 5 1 9 9 16 9 11 25 10 3 8 2 56 196 23 24 acres 1959... 1954... 5 1 5 6 (Z) 1 1 3 3 12 10 8 49 56 2 1 2 (Z) 113 406 25 Watermelons farms reporting 1959 . . . 24 24 23 101 5 1 31 99 5 1 U 15 45 169 3 7 17 30 110 436 26 1954... 27 28 1954. . . 45 69 no 680 13 7 430 1,233 5 1 U 53 524 1,073 3 10 99 580 949 3,265 29 30 Cabbage farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 11 4 7 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 5 1 5 1 1 2 4 23 31 32 1954... 2 3 3 1 6 1 (Z) 2 (Z) (Z) 14 (Z) 2 (Z) (z) 2 2 57 33 34 Sweet peppers (except pimientos) farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... 3 5 1 (z) 3 (Z) 3 6 3 1 ... 35 Pijnientos farms reporting 1959. . . 11 29 1 (Z) 1 2 6 27 2 6 4 7 2 7 36 acres 1959... ... 37 38 Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting 1959. . . 4 12 13 1 1 17 32 3 59 131 4 5 3 26 135 39 40 acres 1959... 1954... (z) 17 U 1 2 118 203 :;: 1 396 545 3 9 2 96 526 41 Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959 . . . 257 386 25 8 4 5 21 2 7 3 10 10 44 99 7 5 10 8 56 119 42 1954... 43 44 acres 1959... 1954... 3,498 5,192 45 18 15 19 44 6 3 6 7 15 310 403 6 2 18 36 420 558 45 46 Green lima beans farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 23 7 27 10 1 2 15 2 2 1 13 31 7 6 8 6 26 50 47 48 acres 1959... 1954. . . 50 U 22 4 4 10 20 1 1 (Z) 12 36 5 5 4 5 45 71 49 Squash farms reporting 1959 .. . 86 65 13 4 2 1 3 2 4 1 4 6 9 U 4 1 6 2 50 1954... 10 33 51 52 acres 1959... 1954... 191 135 2 1 1 1 5 2 (Z) 2 2 4 8 25 1 (z) 2 1 32 78 53 Okra farms renortinp 1959 9 2 12 10 1 2 9 2 2 1 12 10 6 10 3 1 5 4 54 ....^ .................. ......X Hi UJ^ i C^UX ki-Ult^ J. J^3 . . • 1954... 12 21 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... Berries anil other small fruits harvested for sale: 2 1 4 5 (z) 3 4 1 (Z) CZ) 13 4 1 11 (z) (z) 1 1 4 22 57 strawberries........ ...fanns reporting 1959... 1 8 3 8 13 1 4 2 58 1954... 59 60 acres 1959... 1954... (Z) 1 (Z) 4 4 (z) 1 (Z) 61 62 quarts 1959... 1954 . . . 50 715 860 2,500 1,150 30 120 150 Z Reported in small fractions. Stub items continued GEORGIA 345 County Table 11. -FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 6 of 6 (For ticfinitions am) explanntinn!;, see text) Appling Ttee fruits, nuts, and jiapcs: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees f anns reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . Apples fanns reporting 1959.. 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Peaches farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Grapes fanns reporting 1959. . 1954 . . Vines of all ages 1959. . 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Vlnee of bearing age 1959. . 1954 . . Quantity llarvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Plums and prunes fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Cherries fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Figs farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954 . . Improved pecans farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959. . 1954 . . Treea not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Wild and seedling pecans fanns reporting 1959.. 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954 . . 18,078 17,901 195,329 192,518 7,296 10,098 170,399 289,024 54,759 74,553 115,640 214,471 201,142 380,528 7,762 10,096 4,247,885 3,658,226 640,107 1,102,006 3,607,778 2,556,220 4,221,262 2,480,696 7,603 8,297 39,617 60,951 8,503 11,329 31,114 49,622 50,321 60,254 5,670 6,265 187,376 259,863 35,277 34,887 152,099 224,976 869,675 1,U3,966 2,452 2,362 22,990 13,582 6,724 2,439 16,266 11,143 9,555 4,828 1,576 1,855 5,275 6,167 2,387 2,475 2,888 3,692 17,164 13,396 5,397 4,942 21,475 16,199 4,232 3,148 17,243 13,051 194,287 106,396 13,354 15,093 1,626,069 1,854,828 122,566 110,037 1,503,503 1,744,791 15,508,458 5,343,823 6,514 5,043 152,206 130,135 22,697 15,604 129,509 114,531 1,694,210 536,270 116 63 327 295 23 5 107 24 34 15 73 9 23 1 51 26 358 279 72 47 286 232 132 73 53 33 326 369 34 87 292 282 426 146 48 26 223 1,250 123 9 100 1,241 783 2,435 23 ■4 141 13 19 122 13 60 15 37 15 114 41 41 4 73 37 660 389 74 80 1,478 6,404 331 564 1,147 5,840 18,419 17,650 89 36 1,614 714 111 29 1,503 685 18,800 3,699 69 37 291 131 4 12 9 3 3 14 4 67 34 29 30 38 4 17 3 36 18 197 145 62 66 135 79 257 117 29 12 140 42 16 24 124 18 1,120 500 15 1 109 2 65 2 44 28 9 72 29 30 25 42 4 540 35 59 51 2,158 1,671 421 119 1,737 1,552 29,972 28,845 51 36 753 729 186 74 567 655 13,728 9,028 54 32 141 193 18 4 168 63 46 122 63 34 37 28 5 300 31 76 224 31 303 27 22 2 147 3 54 1 93 2 1,588 22 69 12 57 185 48 27 4,692 1,312 3,263 329 1,429 1,483 14,734 4,525 44 33 768 952 205 54 563 898 6,233 5,171 40 67 197 707 3 13 5 43 1 15 4 28 1 2 16 21 267 334 175 231 92 103 30 26 16 25 85 152 18 29 67 123 197 98 4 11 8 42 5 8 3 34 105 317 5 7 24 28 49 32 289 270 17 4 110 9 14 4 96 5 151 5 24 10 12,681 470 333 27 12,348 443 1,406 875 26 6 147 16 30 3 117 13 253 38 9 1 33 1,200 33 1,200 330 4,000 7 2 40 14 15 24 3 66 77 69 4 5 21 16 1 61 56 53 3 776 487 1,610 10 37 38 68 26 1,701 2,390 7,328 2,354 175 196 177 245 1,526 2,194 7,151 2,109 5,997 37,665 2,089 4,351 26 25 22 4 527 594 612 220 74 79 20 88 453 515 592 132 4,364 7,070 450 126 69 55 152 121 55 50 775 923 186 506 589 417 515 373 56 50 11,372 6,892 3,843 2,779 7,529 4,113 6,592 5,044 37 29 121 116 32 52 89 64 2U 64 35 17 516 1,262 89 52 427 1,210 3,715 1,947 16 7 69 36 22 13 47 23 4 4 16 U 49 29 22 11 27 18 45 153 23 15 64 50 9 5 55 45 644 995 27 13 172 76 43 16 129 60 3,551 320 41 24 11 18 30 6 140 125 121 76 148 136 114 97 1,236 1,388 197 191 1,039 1,197 424 854 96 88 1,259 1,326 266 214 993 1,112 394 469 79 68 223 208 70 33 153 175 232 137 75 53 785 1,233 463 65 322 1,168 4,132 9,954 25 16 74 33 17 3 57 30 144 11 32 24 33 73 28 16 55 62 349 69 75 54 216 126 67 7 149 119 2,364 1,035 93 68 1,303 1,424 102 170 1,201 1,254 23,104 6,766 38 22 160 79 74 86 79 715 262 ^Does not Include data for fanns with less than 20 trees and grapevines . 346 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derintlions and explanations, see text) Bleckley Brantley Bryaji Tree fruits, nuts, and oraries: Land in bearing and nonbearing froit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees faims reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Peaches faims reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Pears fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Grapes fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Vines of aU ages 1959. 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Plums and prunes fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Cherries fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Figs farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Iniproved pecans farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Wild and seedling pecans fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age.' 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. 141 114 1,199 1,007 14 13 53 63 9 30 lA 33 25 36 24 1,781 263 911 95 870 168 842 45 46 43 265 588 6 34 259 554 442 475 31 30 88 2,595 6 22 82 2,573 1,729 4,928 7 3 34 7 18 3 43 18 268 334 6 7 262 327 6,152 853 129 139 11,476 12,578 1,501 285 9,975 12,293 69,664 29,926 68 68 1,045 953 130 104 915 854 10,44S 3,165 230 109 931 745 35 12 115 26 48 6 67 20 33 10 45 24 3,131 195 1,756 59 1,375 136 230 18 127 35 461 194 37 47 424 147 1,120 352 77 38 179 192 42 38 137 154 2,515 2,685 38 8 170 42 53 3 117 39 40 29 85 25 251 61 35 15 216 46 2,867 272 214 186 11,833 10,811 730 1,662 11,153 9,149 173,248 78,592 135 68 1,971 1,234 120 208 1,851 1,026 48,597 5,390 118 184 3,308 3,558 22 27 96 102 21 49 75 53 36 19 33 34 118,312 142,091 84 40,128 113,228 101,963 116,076 103,041 44 44 1,794 742 40 43 1,754 699 649 328 24 27 838 1,117 106 39 782 1,078 3,182 3,347 17 14 72 64 31 20 41 44 14 13 5 7 17 15 3 7 14 8 54 2 30 29 153 110 37 18 116 92 1,559 669 106 172 18,583 25,148 724 899 17,859 24,249 384,237 30,069 36 20 1,984 495 125 79 1,859 416 34,419 300 49 70 726 782 7 16 37 50 14 30 23 20 8 1 15 23 41,614 21,751 3,035 101 33,579 21,650 25,644 32,955 6 16 13 31 2 3 U 28 20 195 41 60 4,326 4,596 53 99 4,273 4,497 27,072 9,545 15 21 410 2,017 10 98 400 1,919 2,832 280 101 296 34 202 259 2 ,537 117 1 458 6 16 1 7 8 92 1 13 6 29 6 2 63 1 7 2 29 33 16 16 175 51 385 104 13 186 40 7 753 10 144 U5 43 632 94 13 042 49 23 161 18 2 639 33 106 45 65 473 1 306 311 2 165 68 77 15 151 405 1 229 296 2 014 1,609 2 580 381 1 440 72 45 41 37 205 143 83 489 25 39 3 23 130 104 80 466 3,229 1 257 2,331 670 39 25 13 10 367 132 107 43 67 48 30 300 84 77 48 174 7 3 37 1 2 1 1 6 33 19 54 35 10 2 44 33 547 131 57 63 1,103 1,379 165 95 938 1,284 13,069 17,701 87 61 1,521 821 107 69 1,414 752 32,237 16,730 80 41 268 110 47 8 221 102 4,119 562 199 188 14,706 11,567 1,478 447 13,228 11,120 164,318 88,965 194 134 5,523 3,759 495 199 5,033 3,560 68,198 26,677 23 264 9 274 42 1 ,548 19 1 ,746 7 33 4 42 27 229 10 154 9 87 2 44 13 142 8 110 3 37 23 U 78 12 77 66 926 90 935 23 223 30 275 43 703 60 660 27 661 9 333 20 35 14 94 155 318 112 502 31 60 9 41 124 253 103 461 82 676 52 672 12 54 13 67 24 170 39 136 10 35 6 19 14 135 33 117 36 807 186 1 ,933 4 17 6 12 19 85 69 41 10 13 21 5 9 72 48 36 23 21 6 3 1 5 5 (Z) 5 5 6 54 5 51 12 202 14 91 1 26 2 24 11 176 12 67 250 5 ,796 77 544 18 245 12 321 334 17,248 256 17 ,0'/0 9 3 ,309 13 1 ,384 325 U ,939 243 15 ,686 1,905 149 ,206 977 154 ,981 4 121 9 158 21 5 ,083 142 3 ,042 537 183 21 4 ,546 142 2 ,859 120 27 696 1 9e 27 ,003 Z Reported In small fraction^. ^Does not Include data for f anne with leas than 20 trees and grapevines . GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 347 Part 6 of 6 Butta Calhou n Cajnden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chathan Chatta- hoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobh 75 53 25 71 224 33 6 25 a 115 178 57 45 42 IC 165 1 53 55 28 55 259 34 3 28 10 152 104 53 28 55 22 410 2 508 2,9 54 ttl 174 393 33 21 176 65 321 245 204 325 518 27 459 3 274 3,1 72 84 176 489 71 56 236 146 439 131 217 177 157 98 650 4 46 2 2 18 226 31 7 11 108 177 36 6 35 3 164 5 40 1 3 29 361 72 1 5 2 186 187 42 2 62 2 416 6 554 U 8 76 4,082 693 43 49 2,744 3,809 303 27 673 7 6,716 7 939 1 5 84 12,699 3,581 "3 33 U 5,323 3,919 460 7 2,011 7 14,141 8 305 2 8 38 1,193 352 40 14 574 970 77 15 347 2 2,170 9 477 17 2,043 380 "3 4 13 499 597 71 1,046 5,814 10 249 9 38 2,334 346 3 35 2,170 2,839 231 12 326 ' 5 4,546 U 512 1 "5 67 10,656 3,201 34 4,824 3,322 389 7 965 7 8,327 12 225 2 2 1,340 296 3 "2 867 1,714 36 6 96 1 8,521 13 283 1 54 7,332 2,443 4,679 4,581 141 401 1 11,770 14 40 a 4 43 172 17 1 6 19 85 146 32 15 34 1 121 15 35 5 6 47 304 51 6 3 3 162 152 50 6 55 2 353 16 17,925 91 14 458 4,245 183 11 108 493 7,600 1,630 1,417 338 47,957 £ 2,538 17 6,208 1 02 40 652 7,926 799 60 20 113 12,538 3,207 5,271 102 6,977 e 3,141 13 3,492 2C 11 142 2,225 74 10 108 164 1,720 426 73 177 1,531 1,051 19 248 8 211 1,730 144 15 12 7 3,226 891 2,196 6 2,483 2,453 20 14,433 71 3 316 2,020 109 1 329 5,330 1,2C4 1,344 161 46,426 t 1,537 21 5,960 1 02 32 441 6,196 655 45 "s m 9,312 2,316 3,075 96 4,494 t 5,683 22 22,495 48 603 1,105 35 67 3,109 442 479 91 47,336 363 23 4,015 1" '2 227 3,558 330 '45 36 6,710 1,252 3,337 19 4,127 1,747 24 38 e 19 33 137 14 3 12 15 73 105 35 24 24 4 118 25 36 34 45 257 42 10 16 5 124 40 29 19 43 9 287 26 189 14 263 124 404 64 28 249 37 322 246 110 98 126 34 543 27 194 257 270 823 153 72 222 23 451 120 151 55 251 95 963 28 40 94 19 137 33 2 177 22 101 61 20 40 50 307 29 72 56 88 254 17 28 17 5 75 21 64 74 '2c 317 30 149 11 169 105 267 31 26 72 15 221 185 90 58 76 34 236 31 122 201 182 569 136 44 205 18 376 99 87 55 177 7: 646 32 249 36 524 134 377 25 55 42 249 314 142 165 33 s; 260 33 109 31 42 243 852 218 55 77 65 551 215 62 64 297 8G 360 34 23 1 18 29 128 17 2 12 8 73 107 19 15 21 107 35 23 1 34 43 210 33 2 7 1 123 49 31 13 41 243 36 148 117 70 1,335 239 6 218 30 983 546 176 74 343 50: Z,2ie 37 103 93 133 5,004 302 3 72 6 916 316 758 36 2,665 51; 5,853 38 72 62 12 565 91 (z) 204 21 424 107 23 21 123 383 39 43 13 22 266 88 1 3 6 52 81 23 2 190 1 1,195 40 76 55 58 770 148 6 14 9 559 439 153 53 220 50; 1,933 41 60 80 m 4,738 214 2 69 864 235 735 34 2,475 511 4,653 42 680 701 140 7,029 495 123 1,296 3,626 2,309 681 1,374 5,29; 15,758 43 1,910 2C 106 1,073 17,127 1,967 150 135 11,615 4,156 5,588 255 6,669 10,19^ 29,702 44 3 9 2 41 7 7 9 45 38 12 5 15 51 45 c 29 4 70 16 "1 5 1 52 7 9 25 119 46 4 a 117 3 135 30 141 93 187 118 44 47 106 159 47 378 65 228 53 "e, 59 2 146 17 42 149 399 43 2 65 1 46 9 138 35 108 29 24 '26 33 92 49 66 9 84 10 7 2 23 5 7 71 172 50 2 3: 52 2 39 21 3 53 79 39 20 '27 68 67 51 312 56 144 43 "& 52 123 12 35 78 ( 227 52 2 ; 9; 15 1 189 6 23 161 20 '10 53 27 53 1 107 29 "i '.'.'. 47 12 6 26 190 54 6 46 7 3 1 33 53 12 1 9 53 55 8 3 ' i 79 19 43 U 5 21 92 56 U 146 33 36 1 182 163 31 2 32 148 57 47 32 25 248 57 92 30 11 55 258 58 5 43 17 36 (z) 129 60 19 1 19 84 59 19 141 21 37 23 7 27 129 60 6 103 16 1 53 103 12 1 13 64 61 28 '32 '25 107 36 55 7 4 23 129 62 35 463 115 134 986 82 10 96 63 6 5 '56 541 268 286 33 25 163 . 512 64 29 i 13 25 109 1 1 9 8 22 54 23 22 22 83 65 34 14 28 219 3 1 6 1 34 16 23 15 31 t 173 66 115 6t ) 44 68 381 15 3 111 16 56 150 102 82 106 11 334 67 204 1 32 64 924 6 3 35 7 84 35 89 52 157 1: 606 68 40 1 16 24 97 15 2 96 3 11 23 15 30 62 120 69 76 3 12 142 3 24 7 3 8 11 4 52 178 70 75 5. 28 44 284 1 15 8 45 127 87 52 44 ( 214 71 128 1 29 52 782 6 11 76 27 73 48 105 c 428 72 948 L7. 583 40 2,633 50 44 521 599 931 183 8: 1,127 73 680 5 L 25 60 3,087 44 100 80 158 429 79 939 61 3,650 74 66 4 ) 14 68 144 9 5 13 17 42 52 47 42 22 i 79 75 47 5 J 15 92 190 6 u 32 6 56 21 38 35 44 2= 135 76 3,666 43, ;■& ) 232 2,175 1,360 28 215 1,326 634 1,509 231 1,454 4,091 277 26^ 433 77 4,111 43, J4 ) 136 2,895 1,534 30 560 3,097 380 1,416 94 1,407 2,083 523 1,05; 804 73 79 1, j3 ) 69 690 518 8 (z) U7 106 53 57 82 992 112 163 79 718 3, 36 3 23 492 360 6 74 406 29 54 261 17 61 309 80 3,587 42, 13 3 163 1,485 842 20 215 1,209 528 1,456 174 1,372 3,099 165 25< 320 31 3,393 39, )3 ) 113 2,403 1,174 24 486 2,691 830 1,387 40 1,146 2,066 462 1,05: 495 82 89,695 U5, 25 J 2,831 36,100 18,853 7 2,050 25,836 5,214 2,946 3,127 30,487 26,169 1,579 9,29; 4,192 83 15,633 118, )0 5 325 20,555 12,750 10 3,781 22,510 1,500 4,957 232 2,290 3,307 1,826 9,93c 3,144 84 30 2 D 16 31 40 4 2 9 15 20 14 23 28 5 It 30 85 18 52 49 39 20 8 7 15 4 10 23 13 37 86 469 !1 5 260 881 226 19 7 321 137 69 62 202 631 32 16( 105 87 119 L4 3 687 1,450 139 448 128 239 42 9 111 649 91 19( 1,797 88 26 7 3 89 78 61 7 4 134 24 26 39 23 203 13 If 53 89 20 175 483 25 109 3 15 8 4 2 9 56 3C ) 134 90 443 74 5 171 803 165 12 3 187 113 43 23 179 428 19 15C 47 91 99 L4 3 512 967 114 339 125 224 34 5 109 640 35 16C ) 1,663 92 8,630 3, 52 3 1,445 2,437 1,556 180 50 4,255 800 309 37 3,712 4,044 20 3,08: 544 93 1,194 ia D 2,445 6,315 1,002 5,903 960 625 5 25 451 505 180 1,35C ) 645 94 348 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Colquitt Tiee fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ l£jid in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees f aims reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . Apples fanns reporting 1959 . , 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954 . , Trees not of bearing age 1959. , 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954., Peaches farms reporting 1959 . . 1954., Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . , Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . , 1954., Pears farms reporting 1959. , 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959., 1954 . , Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959. , 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . , 1954 . , Grapes fanns reporting 1959 . , 1954 . , Vines of all ages 1959 . , 1954., Vines not of bearing age 1959., 1954 . , Vines of bearing age 1959 . , 1954 . . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954., Plums and prunes fanns reporting 1959. . 1954 . , Trees of all ages 1959. , 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . , Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . , 1954., Cherries f aims reporting 1959 . 1954., Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954 . , Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954 . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Figs fanns reporting 1959. 1954 . Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954 . Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954 . Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954 . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Improved pecans fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Wild and seedling pecans fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age-. 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. 221 112 733 512 22 2 113 3 40 73 3 7 3 60 18 615 393 56 23 559 375 234 190 98 32 730 418 49 70 681 348 575 179 62 27 117 5,546 14 206 103 5,340 341 1,352 17 6 83 34 9 74 34 2 12 300 212 1,493 1,368 22 27 74 72 24 38 50 34 35 3 45 66 453 1,008 125 350 323 658 144 102 31 100 520 999 86 151 434 843 1,061 4,186 35 62 210 953 94 31 116 927 1,314 6,645 17 22 58 205 23 46 35 159 5 46 74 79 8 72 273 475 16 175 15 49 3 23 258 426 13 152 3,197 5,581 6 2,199 166 264 124 272 5,499 15,664 5,456 14,747 720 1,598 569 2,808 4,779 14,066 4,887 11,939 60,996 223,604 24,279 55,488 138 156 62 146 3,259 3,777 1,390 3,207 656 190 198 433 2,603 3,537 1,192 2,774 24,241 49,030 4,655 19,175 59 53 210 222 34 34 271 297 131 126 140 171 49 66 33 32 693 1,149 363 228 335 921 191 120 31 34 876 613 35 320 841 293 278 84 15 14 84 169 23 148 61 21 710 350 3 13 7 130 4 35 3 95 10 30 22 19 64 65 3 40 61 25 652 383 53 40 1,621 2,018 136 755 1,485 1,263 14,147 2,835 19 21 184 321 5 49 179 272 1,066 710 128 69 369 281 13 5 37 13 22 5 15 8 9 5 13 7 190 46 131 35 59 11 17 3 42 22 155 135 19 35 136 100 430 450 34 13 76 198 33 10 43 188 559 1,659 21 5 122 21 37 5 35 16 48 15 121 27 21 3 100 24 1,823 730 105 68 3,104 4,032 207 1,155 2,897 2,877 64,000 15,691 110 69 1,973 1,649 227 158 1,746 1,491 41,223 13,886 103 106 1,545 1,209 87 89 2,707 4,106 597 524 2,110 3,532 731 791 60 71 66,506 72,711 6,454 24,472 60,052 48,239 62,611 75,452 60 52 193 188 67 74 126 114 112 211 56 54 1,566 2,997 148 425 1,418 2,572 4,885 10,616 22 20 81 76 14 42 67 34 39 21 9 10 16 34 7 51 44 224 149 81 70 143 79 650 622 75 80 6,150 5,803 250 1,217 5,900 4,586 117,793 42,965 27 16 235 478 62 6 173 472 3,569 2,785 84 92 6,395 3,825 21 17 72 145 19 32 53 113 38 12 43 37 450,228 294,160 81,121 123,642 369,107 170,513 437,484 191,391 27 25 96 95 22 18 74 77 182 28 60 238 9 1 51 237 894 472 8 5 25 41 20 28 5 13 10 56 25 17 233 146 34 40 199 106 1,904 640 69 79 3,574 7,617 1,759 1,071 6,815 6,546 204,637 14,882 23 30 453 423 126 10 327 413 2,471 160 179 215 4,475 5,554 11 6 25 17 12 10 13 7 5 3 31 14 36,933 12,575 549 38 36,434 12,537 30,694 3,829 35 14 141 123 10 3 131 120 291 109 113 56 18 56 376 70 5 2 17 11 2 15 U 3 547 13 16 531 13 9,278 580 169 203 61,711 81,449 1,131 1,777 60,530 79,672 630,604 107,000 65 12 3,459 875 80 75 3,379 800 39,458 415 63 83 113 244 56 90 1,299 4,457 352 568 947 3,839 218 2,837 54 87 1,727 3,921 255 262 1,472 3,659 313 3,226 23 48 135 179 74 18 61 161 52 214 47 53 1,016 2,529 396 237 620 2,292 5,552 13,795 20 15 66 107 31 1 35 106 21 63 29 36 133 172 79 23 54 149 152 1,174 6 2 11 3 3 3 28 3 U 7 135 35 116 14 19 21 ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 349 Part 6 of 6 Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early Echo Ls Effingham Eltert Emanuel Evans Fann. ji Fayette Floyd Forsyth 24 S 54 89 260 210 104 124 3 D 96 83 244 75 U. 4 47 151 86 1 15 2 127 191 281 235 146 65 1. 3 43 107 149 81 \a 9 36 202 162 2 1,56 2 207 962 3,372 14,368 214 698 6 5 401 234 1,610 457 29 3 226 614 113 3 l,il 260 1,778 3,589 15,254 239 560 5 2 266 301 1,765 527 33 1 52 400 215 4 1 5 47 22 43 5 98 19 7 23 70 61 10 U. 39 143 83 5 5 139 39 29 3 168 10 . 1 132 50 13 16 2 56 213 216 6 ICX a 1,147 86 241 16 1,441 59 ? 103 1,092 281 25 10, 54 5 903 2,424 1,262 7 1 2,468 194 188 5 3,558 23 3 3 2 2,110 378 69 13, 51 3 676 5,286 4,053 8 5 3 150 24 81 4 439 24 » 34 133 68 14 4, 35 2 341 479 135 9 638 77 35 2 1,018 17 1 444 46 33 3, 56 2 261 821 456 10 t. 7 997 62 160 12 1,002 35 ) 69 904 213 11 6, ,9 3 562 1,945 1,127 11 3 1,830 117 153 3 2,540 6 2 3 2 1,666 332 36 14, 35 5 415 4,465 3,597 12 5 J 406 35 89 797 3 5 24 269 51 1 25, L7 1 133 583 364 13 1,303 42 4 3,392 5 L 474 63 2 27, 36 2 134 6,131 3,922 14 1' 35 48 77 13 80 78 1 3 37 57 116 28 4. 31 120 67 15 1 3 123 54 50 10 144 39 5 4 120 91 43 3 5 46 183 191 16 16,05 3 3,205 432 97,260 113 1,068 4,659 T 7 342 1,587 1,441 266 32 5 2,937 8,504 768 17 20 I 1,951 495 50,876 258 2,273 503 5 I 43 2,368 1,679 459 25 2 608 8,147 2,764 18 9,79 = 530 88 20,022 73 416 3,926 3 L 132 466 244 110 5 L 940 3,437 97 19 5 7 481 59 7,182 7 652 128 1 L 6 471 663 76 8- 200 592 294 20 6,25^ 2,675 344 77,238 40 652 733 4 J 210 1,121 1,197 156 27 1,997 5,067 671 21 14 ) 1,470 436 43,694 251 1,621 375 4 L 37 1,897 1,016 383 L6I 3 403 7,555 2,470 22 3,65 L 4,079 171 222,820 1 215 381 1. J 95 245 1,125 156 .5 L 1,504 5,383 48 23 1 1 465 135 21,023 89 505 535 L 3 534 308 66 27' 68 9,196 1,241 24 7 ! 36 51 58 20 76 42 1 3 69 46 93 30 1. 2 26 112 42 25 2 ) 102 78 48 14 108 37 L L 11 63 79 48 5 37 149 119 26 54< J 148 386 142 174 339 193 L* 488 198 283 106 4 3 144 447 98 27 1,16* 395 615 347 1,462 534 110 LO ! 403 248 261 265 2 3 130 630 275 28 20 26 46 36 15 127 75 7 57 15 30 23 J 48 131 19 29 1 > 148 28 24 4 98 15 1 3 71 58 48 50 45 153 62 30 34i 122 340 106 159 212 113 9 7 431 183 253 33 3 i 96 316 79 31 l,14f i 247 587 323 1,458 436 95 9 3 332 190 213 215 2 3 85 477 213 32 71 1 114 342 337 95 213 236 !5i 787 170 403 315 2 7 53 247 41 33 56f i 316 461 176 2,893 354 456 6 7 47 124 492 132 3 35 922 304 34 2. 39 20 25 12 69 11 23 L 63 38 62 26 4 = 20 83 52 35 i. 91 29 10 9 99 14 1' 3 5 46 58 30 6 J 30 106 118 36 5< 8,285 266 105 123 1,266 31 5( 3 444 255 132 46 35 7 712 1,138 . 448 37 11( ) 3,842 232 94 6,126 3,372 26 4. i 14 293 137 70 1, 37 3 371 2,442 2,355 38 1- 153 27 41 34 228 12 79 48 27 19 6 2 511 145 119 39 1 145 26 22 13 862 5 i > 4 24 7 U 3L 3 82 331 184 40 V 1 8,132 239 54 89 1,038 19 4< 3 365 207 105 27 !9 > 201 993 329 41 IOl 3,697 206 72 6,113 2,510 21 3- 7 10 269 180 59 .6 3 289 1,611 2,171 42 90< 81,485 672 918 286 5,363 105 f i7£ 11,766 1,332 734 217 1, 31 7 1,066 11,592 3,429 43 2,05C ) 38,351 432 894 5,205 6,684 111 7( ) 82 948 1,334 250 6, 30 3 492 10,649 5,965 44 1' 1 18 13 7 7 27 13 1- 1 39 18 9 2 1 I 11 49 16 45 59 11 4 5 33 6 i J 2 21 6 4 1 3 16 54 35 46 12] 93 66 16 21 112 83 a 2,101 75 24 5 * 95 177 144 47 I 191 40 12 18 114 23 7 9 116 44 16 L5 > 43 241 182 43 t 10 11 16 12 40 20 V- 381 11 13 1 3 56 86 lU 49 51 13 5 6 50 10 21 5 26 3 2 3 17 61 16 50 ii. 83 55 9 72 63 ] 5i 1,220 64 11 4 8 L 39 91 33 51 i 140 27 "7 12 64 13 4e 4 90 44 13 ] 2 J 26 180 166 52 4: 30 1 26 13 5< 127 9 5 10 L0< J 2 10 5 53 104 10 1 3 20 5 2 54 28 ... 15 3 7 249 125 54 13 5 9 1 27 3 14 1 1 3 8 38 19 55 36 2 1 1 49 1 21 5 "i 1' 6 26 46 56 47 9 24 16 S3 '24 52 1 3 59 U8 50 57 94 4 1 2 167 2 70 10 "s 6 9 62 137 58 15 1 7 43 '26 14 1 1, 38 65 6 59 49 1 113 2 22 2] 7 40 29 60 32 "s 17 16 40 4 38 7f ) 21 53 44 61 45 4 2 54 48 10 ' 8 M 2 22 108 62 374 24 103 245 25 290 ] T 7 10 213 63 63 62 32 48 110 6. 4 33 578 64 n 28 41 55 9 72 35 1£ 45 42 43 22 22 43 21 65 If 70 39 18 12 100 29 ^ 2 45 39 28 23 55 67 66 24( > 139 103 ISO 726 297 82 3£ 89 88 89 90 93 125 44 67 3; 346 235 43 41 655 73 3f 3 126 90 53 69 145 139 68 5= 31 29 31 5 86 10 29 27 13 31 40 45 5 69 .i 69 10 9 4 180 19 1 35 14 3 30 40 29 70 ir 108 74 119 721 2U 72 3: 60 61 76 59 53 80 39 71 3] 277 225 34 37 475 54 3] 2 91 76 50 39 105 no 72 3,871 1,912 479 1,773 135 1,869 1,331 ; 2; 731 1,264 1,103 365 1,619 371 207 73 51t 1,353 545 161 447 2,369 1,147 1,083 351 232 365 680 597 74 15; 30 125 244 207 54 87 2; 75 59 214 70 ] 30 77 24 75 14] 64 188 276 229 70 72 le 42 76 197 100 26 64 72 76 11,09= 525 16,550 22,614 243,070 225 4,746 ; 94 2,085 2,665 11,255 5,213 4 859 2,038 473 77 14,28; 841 18,807 32,362 226,322 294 6,520 t 3£ 2,523 2,135 17,456 6,306 1« 338 561 706 78 1,13' 86 4,034 1,890 12,992 103 1,060 3t 109 59 679 462 50 133 16 79 62C 118 813 1,172 102 175 1,092 ] OC 275 410 547 438 i] 105 U5 69 80 9,96; 439 12,516 20,724 230,078 117 3,686 ; 5; 1,976 2,606 10,576 4,751 4 309 1,905 457 81 13,66; 723 17,994 31,190 226,220 11.9 5,423 5 36 2,24S 1,725 16,909 5,368 233 446 637 32 33,89; 10,366 108,829 265,689 628,525 3,028 27,605 2,e 3; 3,216 17,044 157,797 38,196 14,531 7,680 6,310 33 63,53C 3,954 7,929 77,198 740,526 1,002 21,504 2,« 2; 15,140 3,227 23,607 15,103 2; 1,472 4,900 1,056 84 8C 13 37 120 8 14 59 21 60 16 99 29 10 18 12 35 8£ 18 78 77 13 15 35 1' 9 14 70 36 '1 19 14 14 36 3,42] 67 708 2,783 190 62 1,016 ; 1£ 1,075 81 2,862 695 150 63 52 37 4,615 108 1,734 2,123 1,751 32 540 1 9; 135 187 1,225 388 32 47 34 88 2' 22 96 147 18 27 45 222 2 961 90 102 20 9 89 •iU 3 83 92 26 5 24 54 12 19 172 63 19 26 14 90 3,39< 45 612 2,636 172 35 971 2 le 853 79 1,901 605 48 43 43 91 4,03: 105 1,701 2,031 1,725 27 516 1 3S 173 168 1,053 325 63 21 20 92 10,19C 522 8,856 19,815 2,555 120 7,283 a 35 3,238 930 24,353 3,555 308 384 145 93 7,11C 130 1,811 2,925 4,815 135 4,930 4 75 2,060 206 2,935 660 155 204 122 94 350 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For dennitions and explanations, see l*xt) GljTm Grady Tree ffuils, nuts, and grapes; Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchai'ds, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees fanus reptarting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Apples f aims reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . , 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . , 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Peaches fanns reporting 1959. . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . , 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959. , 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959. , 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Grapes f aims reporting 1959 . , 1954., Vines of all ages 1959 . , 1954., Vines not of bearing age 1959. , 1954 . , Vines of bearing age 1959 . 1954., Quantity harvested pcjunds 1959 . , 1954 . , Plums and prunes f aims reporting 1959 . , 1954. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954 . Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Cherries f aims reporting 1959 . 1954 . Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954 . Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Figs f aims reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Improved pecans faims reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. (Juantlty harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. 203 269 306 379 190 290 2,280 3,873 732 1,181 1,548 2,692 447 2,427 175 275 5,204 8,305 1,958 4,185 3,246 4,120 1,628 1,462 148 192 404 517 124 177 280 340 240 244 124 152 848 2,106 272 114 576 1,992 9,493 9,395 59 86 207 259 40 75 167 184 48 50 46 73 139 174 62 70 77 104 334 414 108 142 265 298 69 63 196 235 2,236 3,702 135 179 1,846 2,269 244 215 1,602 2,054 38,541 S,T2A 41 50 234 224 30 31 204 193 2,153 650 162 340 449 588 149 361 3,836 9,651 731 2,831 3,105 6,820 953 4,355 114 312 5,757 7,148 3,865 2,383 1,892 4,765 589 5,766 m 248 394 1,074 93 253 301 821 217 1,290 U4 259 5,558 12,143 321 748 5,237 11,395 26,104 51,840 47 125 184 526 67 106 117 420 16 139 34 111 127 327 66 140 61 187 131 387 85 184 301 651 91 182 210 469 1,328 2,036 89 159 1,277 1,477 155 217 1,122 1,260 11,820 5,940 46 46 156 150 50 38 106 112 1,129 409 60 129 658 842 60 144 27,088 42,303 U,934 13,086 15,154 29,217 59,192 101,804 8 22 69 276 13 54 56 222 33 307 3 15 8 33 4 9 4 24 2 103 7 29 163 6,175 12 79 151 6,096 756 13,979 62 34 277 315 20 19 92 113 35 24 57 89 44 35 33 35 447 483 117 105 330 378 239 241 28 21 31 49 18 9 63 40 58 75 3 5 10 115 155 1 1 1 1 13 9 417 21 2 2 415 19 8,106 247 57 62 2,363 3,160 99 14 2,264 3,146 55,757 4,205 10 40 162 765 4 57 158 708 3,320 4,560 20 35 U9 100 3 11 11 6 96 92 18 26 78 66 151 15 11 7 50 110 21 54 29 56 557 644 12 11 1,140 649 54 48 1,086 601 3,950 3,667 7 11 80 335 7 45 73 290 634 1,230 126 419 89 141 384 93 169 3,114 242 171 3,208 213 123 23 71 189 43 115 2,497 58 622 4,001 131 1,096 547 20 175 862 19 309 1,950 38 447 3,139 112 787 1,021 20 343 4,701 8 540 100 37 69 153 59 111 2,456 409 1,097 5,768 3,252 2,535 527 134 153 888 25 720 1,929 275 944 4,880 3,227 1,815 294 42 529 1,534 400 303 74 86 73 94 219 95 303 410 932 451 1,212 475 76 79 35 116 45 115 227 331 397 335 1,167 360 282 854 1,387 639 3,916 109 92 72 32 82 114 43 2,095 216 125 635 348 597 1,386 58 *1 224 21 324 709 158 84 461 327 273 3,462 1,760 727 6,421 2,030 1,473 29 31 17 32 45 33 145 U4 49 149 191 106 61 19 26 41 24 28 84 95 23 108 167 78 23 47 21 53 32 42 30 2 17 30 22 106 14 65 75 57 63 6 15 21 10 43 8 50 54 47 160 30 139 121 113 33 103 48 35 149 61 108 376 115 1J.6 346 173 38 139 11 21 24 29 70 237 104 95 322 144 330 3,066 1,698 878 2,115 646 54 386 49 39 480 81 305 31,479 727 184 34,364 1,417 146 4,592 85 40 2,858 112 159 26,837 642 144 31,506 1,305 2,531 204,027 17,971 267 251,180 2,231 20 165 49 3 108 32 133 7,135 463 16 2,551 329 53 4,505 57 8 499 30 80 2,630 406 8 2,052 299 1,176 32,209 7,532 16,021 230 '■Does not include (data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 351 Part 6 of 6 Habershaip Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard Henry Houston Irwtn Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson 62 179 62 90 81 160 39 163 141 217 121 55 59 143 96 66 1 91 219 105 108 76 122 53 123 136 148 139 59 22 141 54 99 2 S63 209 446 195 548 405 64 1,371 5,413 1,341 1,526 1,203 182 1,411 810 220 3 932 322 689 262 568 294 77 594 7,405 740 1,565 1,584 119 1,104 696 572 4 50 179 19 84 46 136 37 124 16 29 96 24 7 49 25 11 5 82 278 50 162 44 155 75 132 6 12 140 24 5 71 12 28 6 15,608 2,530 74 2,778 291 1,901 467 1,247 92 125 1,080 172 15 232 314 272 7 16,588 3,956 246 3,537 340 3,085 1,070 1,521 42 52 4,030 7,270 9 383 126 106 8 6,650 631 14 575 80 256 102 408 16 43 399 47 3 40 19 13 9 5,953 1,105 64 490 72 1,328 326 363 10 10 849 3,625 3 110 9 55 10 8,958 1,899 60 2,203 2U 1,645 365 839 76 82 681 125 7 192 295 259 11 10,635 2,851 182 3,047 268 1,757 744 1,158 32 42 3,181 3,645 6 273 117 51 12 41,764 687 47 871 140 354 116 306 76 48 464 121 120 956 73 13 49,758 1,354 100 4,325 202 566 725 840 8 1 890 2,126 "l 219 25 8 14 AS 150 25 67 40 129 31 128 38 55 95 21 22 64 45 23 15 84 266 90 135 39 155 67 139 37 29 142 28 17 95 19 44 16 40,051 7,019 515 3,460 644 9,385 377 80,037 212,059 1,135 102,822 51,354 139 8,533 455 855 17 30,481 4,337 16,509 7,982 543 5,936 976 32,983 414,435 362 133,077 61,226 220 1,735 242 793 18 6,652 2,310 286 546 170 4,666 92 6,875 9,584 604 28,719 3,070 7 127 62 399 19 9,020 1,083 127 305 157 715 258 12,232 124,926 36 10,220 8,357 37 679 43 390 20 33,399 4,709 229 2,914 474 4,719 285 73,162 202,475 531 74,103 48,284 132 8,456 393 456 21 21,461 3,254 16,382 7,677 386 5,221 718 20,751 289,559 326 122,857 52,869 183 1,056 199 403 22 28,093 3,494 280 1,370 201 4,155 64 116,159 188,853 647 107,201 120,521 24 5,515 331 405 23 24,443 1,637 2,031 4,260 265 4,088 305 46,803 197,519 48 84,368 39,652 9 517 96 89 24 29 104 25 56 36 95 30 99 25 64 75 19 32 57 38 13 25 40 181 65 94 35 100 57 79 9 44 90 15 13 70 16 40 26 91 329 67 157 106 232 94 284 102 298 283 56 128 209 90 40 27 6,103 481 194 274 112 598 186 228 166 205 363 44 90 216 35 127 28 24 94 2 42 30 61 17 114 28 25 94 14 2 35 4 11 29 1,046 148 n 62 16 363 93 51 7 20 59 14 6 27 2 40 30 67 235 65 115 76 171 77 170 74 273 194 42 126 174 86 29 31 5,057 333 183 212 96 235 93 177 159 185 304 30 84 189 33 87 32 35 66 121 204 116 157 109 306 64 530 212 78 208 135 273 120; 33 6,044 181 277 516 162 108 128 207 205 189 93 59 187 289 73 137 34 30 122 4 64 31 98 20 71 13 33 62 12 19 36 17 3 35 37 185 12 99 29 75 42 53 5 28 72 11 14 27 13 18 36 565 778 9 1,142 48,153 1,903 7,050 802 763 141 446 1,028 48 245 25 14 37 1,282 767 25 3,183 21,826 2,001 3,659 1,002 1,389 972 2,868 2,470 262 53 31 60 38 94 180 176 20 133 85 184 4 17 156 94 14 27 4 12 39 143 151 "i 61 41 496 50 80 57 2 2,051 1 7 6 2 9 40 471 598 9 966 48,133 1,770 6,965 618 759 124 290 934 34 218 21 2 41 1,139 616 24 3,122 21,785 1,505 3,609 922 1,332 970 817 2,469 255 47 29 51 42 3,394 9,296 6 9,234 122,388 11,810 20,640 4,097 455 1,879 2,158 4,900 100 3,171 485 6 43 3,214 2,808 220 37,749 56,810 9,090 16,000 4,988 3,100 640 11,490 37,920 100 833 301 138 44 11 37 8 23 10 43 10 52 9 15 24 6 9 17 3 2 45 18 45 8 29 7 36 11 28 1 5 33 2 8 7 1 5 46 36 135 20 73 29 123 39 214 32 41 113 9 43 104 14 6 47 74 161 98 68 14 108 21 102 1 15 98 5 48 15 4 129 48 11 29 2 32 8 36 24 90 15 47 4 7 6 49 18 43 3 7 4 26 4 19 1 2 24 "a 5 6 50 25 106 18 41 21 87 15 124 32 26 66 5 43 97 14 51 56 118 95 61 10 82 17 83 13 74 5 46 10 4 123 52 3 10 7 40 5 33 16 75 5 10 37 3 1 9 2 53 56 44 4 104 3 3 13 32 21 33 5 10 8 54 16 46 2 27 4 53 10 23 3 1 31 4 4 6 1 1 55 19 73 6 32 6 41 7 12 1 2 28 5 1 3 56 59 162 4 76 7 172 17 41 4 1 91 17 6 10 1 2 57 63 224 13 83 14 128 12 27 2 2 56 9 1 4 58 17 61 39 6 55 5 18 2 49 10 3 2 59 19 125 4 37 4 24 8 20 1 "i 31 3 1 60 42 101 4 37 1 117 12 23 2 1 42 7 6 7 1 61 44 99 9 46 10 104 4 7 1 25 6 "4 62 11 222 60 280 10 631 105 39 10 130 25 10 "2 63 357 202 2 320 5 302 10 73 110 ... 10 2 64 19 60 23 50 38 85 22 76 24 48 59 18 20 33 17 3 65 13 107 42 67 25 83 41 55 3 35 60 9 11 35 9 19 66 46 167 51 116 231 239 41 270 65 124 170 52 49 128 26 18 67 21 243 92 185 84 179 96 149 U 74 148 29 24 74 12 29 68 24 41 5 56 48 87 16 61 5 19 71 9 3 6 1 5 69 7 42 13 32 9 29 27 11 4 10 21 8 10 15 7 70 22 126 42 60 183 152 25 209 60 105 99 43 46 122 '25 13 71 14 201 79 153 75 150 69 138 7 64 127 21 14 59 12 22 72 40 680 306 715 1,562 1,938 504 5,305 329 2,514 1,477 411 180 906 255 74 73 113 1,040 681 1,503 537 2,575 637 1,283 60 419 1,230 290 10 535 85 88 74 22 91 50 58 66 115 24 121 128 204 85 37 56 129 85 56 75 9 108 112 77 66 145 39 103 118 189 90 40 33 137 75 lU 76 148 441 3,492 459 4,544 3,414 233 5,513 32,013 16,622 1,177 3,146 2,140 U,777 7,446 2,364 77 154 326 6,093 477 5,621 4,470 287 2,489 38,789 10,048 1,143 8,561 2,863 11,942 8,460 8,114 78 52 137 239 77 463 368 A 2,541 2,272 719 221 108 3 1,849 406 452 79 4 87 696 63 61 1,236 31 320 3,348 1,030 209 2,200 768 2,451 1,234 499 80 96 304 3,253 382 4,081 3,046 229 2,972 29,741 15,903 956 3,038 2,137 9,928 7,040 1,912 81 150 239 5,397 414 5,560 3,234 256 2,169 35,441 9,018 934 6,361 2,100 9,491 7,226 7,615 82 390 3,523 52,399 6,020 168,660 45,438 6,451 75,252 664,816 229,814 12,520 87,575 11,327 264,092 97,311 48,343 83 425 225 3,167 1,907 29,372 22,605 1,712 29,073 96,495 25,415 3,278 27,343 23,675 57,182 10,356 2,569 84 6 23 35 13 30 42 4 51 26 71 27 37 24 35 44 10 85 3 26 74 8 12 20 6 29 14 43 7 21 27 47 26 23 86 25 95 1,773 38 318 382 6 198 776 1,591 111 569 382 576 529 133 87 5 235 1,625 33 338 3,065 25 123 559 614 25 509 366 610 469 629 88 12 42 258 14 65 44 3 31 2 145 24 54 1 101 64 72 89 5 54 83 14 3,025 10 12 23 26 3 144 91 126 86 76 90 13 53 1,515 24 253 338 3 167 774 1,446 87 515 381 475 465 66 91 181 1,542 19 338 40 15 111 536 588 22 365 275 484 383 553 92 100 565 14,939 270 4,351 3,137 2,536 13,005 13,575 471 12,287 1,944 7,917 5,640 1,195 93 ... 858 3,099 52 740 500 80 500 1,950 2,430 260 680 2,701 2,204 980 570 94 352 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinitions and explanalions, see text) Liberty LOTlg Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, €ind planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954 . . Apples farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959, . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Peaches farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954 . . Pears farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Grapes farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . Vines of all ages 1959 . . 1954 . . Vines not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Vines of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954 . . Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954 . . Cherries fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.-. lijuantity harvested' pounds 1959 ^ . 1954.. Figs farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954 . , Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954 . . Improved pecans fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954 . . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Wild and seedling pecans fanns reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954 . . Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. 60 168 45 177 1,358 2.853 1,477 2,397 21 80 16 100 131 587 115 1,240 50 125 23 298 81 462 92 942 41 370 15 761 31 74 22 80 49,319 24,175 95,931 13,862 2,720 477 23,415 433 46,599 23,698 72,516 18,429 67,998 64,626 71,873 38,866 21 77 19 84 106 230 100 678 14 18 5 59 92 212 95 619 80 284 39 882 11 56 7 51 73 321 75 2,094 32 24 175 41 297 75 1,919 976 2,274 200 9,307 17 25 6 27 4,005 101 29 482 116 16 5 42 3,889 85 24 440 3,623 21 357 6 9 3 9 17 26 8 175 14 14 3 167 3 12 5 8 ... 35 ... 23 19 62 11 67 74 177 25 223 6 46 2 76 68 131 23 147 859 1,227 1,434 49 140 41 186 3,200 37,236 4,402 43,401 137 497 342 1,130 3,063 36,739 4,060 42,271 79,012 482,142 7,990 209,547 25 82 14 72 281 1,604 209 2,&;5 1 161 20 175 280 1,443 189 1,870 4,596 21,343 200 8,247 76 43 192 133 16 19 33 47 7 8 26 39 27 22 100 261 7 15 93 246 48 50 52 35 232 141 43 10 189 131 256 395 45 30 93 49 8 3 85 46 696 1,482 23 9 272 35 5 267 35 53 15 1 30 4« 35 113 83 19 2 94 81 1,487 712 37 43 857 991 157 114 700 877 12,123 9,487 67 56 1,176 982 31 27 1,145 955 16,733 10,330 171 150 1,731 1,474 46 40 782 167 136 89 646 78 255 12 66 75 1,550 1,704 430 547 1,120 1,157 1,797 1,384 65 51 245 270 99 51 146 219 446 214 17 27 89 521 49 42 40 479 663 4,369 17 10 168 44 18 13 150 31 26 9 3 4 6 9 3 5 3 35 23 217 52 17 19 200 33 3,230 133 153 200 18,018 18,821 3,030 3,130 14,988 15,691 209,704 17,597 51 32 602 2,137 127 40 475 2,097 9,U2 1,099 112 132 9,055 6,135 20 14 5,401 363 5,239 101 162 262 55 12 24 16 313 1,311 39 128 274 1,183 215 168 619 4,956 23 2,024 596 2,932 500 6,510 17 7 43 60 8 2 35 58 446 110 90 127 114,792 80,452 15,192 255 99,600 80,197 160,971 33,639 48 33 5,711 2,553 1,072 4,639 2,553 54,654 3,200 51 34 163 59 17 24 119 115 26 13 93 102 59 35 38 408 709 21 14 387 695 475 29 33 2,4i3 130 2,0U 1 432 129 1,126 1,000 33 22 246 109 22 4 224 105 52 42 520 22 30 75 79 18 13 57 66 540 41 36 524 346 24 16 500 330 3,186 839 3 5 37 58 6 31 58 200 50 45 71 87 133 30 75 309 728 11 185 298 543 892 398 34 75 700 1,454 242 198 458 1,256 573 321 30 57 86 147 7 13 79 134 483 194 11 41 64 126 2 15 62 111 1,269 680 29 39 11 27 18 12 90 17 47 58 96 11 5 47 91 663 1,275 35 64 752 1,223 39 23 713 1,200 18,775 2,443 6 16 19 68 4 5 4 137 50 60 50 14 3 252 1 251 100 68 589 225 15 157 573 11 40 146 533 782 1,725 54 400 ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 353 Part 6 of 6 Lumpliiii MoDuffle Ifclntosh Macon Madison Marlon Meriwether Mnier Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee 71 63 7 183 83 66 147 105 387 100 122 87 80 23 92 103 1 110 69 173 63 74 108 73 455 146 139 62 99 59 47 79 2 96 367 11 8,058 108 355 4,441 509 10,909 574 1,230 1,347 96 275 305 458 3 68 668 6,466 89 627 3,650 491 11,710 1,046 1,384 1,028 137 341 246 315 4 70 29 1 19 73 17 70 6 10 65 7 46 80 9 60 71 5 158 45 39 Ul 29 26 1 15 73 5 54 127 29 56 80 6 1,267 274 1 109 1,079 81 734 ■17 21 505 36 364 1,858 48 568 699 7 3,653 437 253 1,982 146 756 4 36 692 11 818 3,414 259 706 1,016 8 ';65 65 56 237 11 207 13 1 149 4 117 458 13 244 310 9 1,004 215 61 520 39 220 2 13 195 4 128 418 79 105 109 10 802 209 1 53 842 70 527 4 20 356 32 247 1,400 35 324 339 U 2,649 222 192 1,462 107 536 2 23 497 7 690 2,996 180 601 907 12 634 92 53 269 50 335 6 287 47 249 936 1 181 129 13 5,229 82 58 764 107 755 396 273 5,726 36 434 316 14 48 35 3 53 71 28 84 37 34 53 37 44 49 11 66 82 15 138 57 55 125 47 61 7 51 74 59 53 95 26 48 93 16 563 11,002 21 430,431 2,664 15,277 294,357 2,275 268 4,938 707 80,953 667 188 7,577 30,194 17 2,419 17,913 247,693 5,350 910 303,154 109 497 22,534 1,062 76,979 1,170 462 7,162 22,790 18 236 340 15 18,268 1,323 73 42,622 2,061 63 1,482 75 10,766 166 21 4,071 15,901 19 462 169 53,181 892 77 123,952 17 183 18,761 568 30,156 327 154 6,234 8,734 20 327 10,662 6 412,163 1,341 15,204 251,735 214 205 3,456 632 70,187 501 167 3,506 14,293 21 1,957 17,744 194,512 4,458 833 179,202 92 314 3,773 494 46,823 843 308 928 14,056 22 83 6,361 381,093 3,225 15,152 385,897 98 160 4,965 370 86,763 125 22 4,357 26,537 23 3,448 3,459 121,026 736 205 224,4*0 3 132 5,898 85 53,190 633 533 414 18,210 24 33 26 6 24 60 19 61 28 61 66 39 48 37 13 51 58 25 76 42 34 86 37 21 12 50 67 44 47 52 51 35 55 26 81 68 '47 188 174 34 191 127 200 230 229 162 113 81 184 182 27 173 231 111 484 90 63 62 212 389 542 164 126 441 140 172 28 20 34 1 28 57 7 51 32 26 47 U 40 27 24 109 47 29 67 137 16 265 11 23 21 84 71 19 52 31 70 37 45 30 61 34 '•46 160 U7 27 140 95 174 183 216 122 91 57 75 135 31 106 94 95 219 79 40 41 128 318 523 112 95 371 103 127 32 75 55 '86 132 160 67 210 245 729 320 563 192 96 40 149 226 33 187 109 116 139 127 57 95 403 235. 68 136 120 471 124 80 34 50 12 5 14 43 8 43 6 12 35 11 27 49 9 42 49 35 93 18 26 38 16 21 4 31 41 16 14 75 33 15 43 36 592 38 '12 264 841 60 6,113 35 9,267 160 15 201 334 109 257 875 37 720 56 3,365 551 21 11,364 6 4,617 245 84 176 616 784 2,290 553 38 282 12 ... 24 90 43 427 7 9,245 28 9 50 22 22 83 116 39 202 6 6 380 1 703 1 25 21 11 8 43 162 12 54 40 310 26 '12 240 751 17 5,686 28 22 132 6 151 312 87 174 759 41 518 50 3,359 171 20 10,661 5 4,592 224 73 168 568 622 2,278 499 42 1,240 208 360 3,275 2,366 171 63,585 132 235 1,263 127 1,710 1,206 954 3,622 4,322 43 6,725 207 23,700 575 405 59,825 25 2,310 1,177 2,468 5,863 1,713 3,740 1,172 44 13 8 2 6 19 2 18 9 12 28 6 10 15 6 20 9 45 44 12 4 15 5 5 12 16 2 6 23 8 4 16 46 42 88 22 1,220 74 7 628 113 53 106 30 62 57 13 51 37 47 130 26 604 57 60 15 77 59 6 11 147 31 59 26 48 6 49 1,206 34 1 102 '53 3 21 1 10 17 5 34 21 49 35 7 3 U 11 7 16 22 6 23 16 2 7 50 36 39 '22 14 40 6 526 '60 50 85 29 '52 40 13 17 16 51 95 19 601 46 49 8 61 37 11 124 15 57 19 52 2 5 9 3 9 2 5 5 18 49 3 43 10 13 3 53 466 14 26 27 24 13 6 11 24 9 2 4 54 25 5 17 1 5 1 14 12 19 3 17 9 55 40 5 21 1 3 5 9 31 9 3 18 56 103 "a 48 6 '17 3 67 25 72 6 43 32 57 136 11 60 1 "6 9 28 124 17 6 37 58 48 "s 26 6 46 10 32 2 17 22 59 37 18 '5 4 11 39 15 4 7 60 55 22 6 11 3 21 15 -M) 4 26 10 61 99 U 42 1 "i 5 17 85 2 2 30 62 236 49 30 'io 342 59 36 60 ■ 120 63 172 23 146 5 2 57 267 20 31 64 10 22 6 11 45 19 42 38 71 54 23 45 13 9 47 59 65 24 29 18 49 31 12 9 63 58 14 23 7 35 19 52 66 18 70 14 34 122 49 124 121 1,668 228 36 189 84 41 135 448 67 58 68 47 95 87 27 23 217 290 33 107 15 124 65 327 68 11 24 5 14 37 9 25 23 26 49 3 55 21 14 47 164 69 27 12 11 25 16 6 12 86 13 17 13 43 29 61 70 7 46 9 20 85 40 99 98 1,642 179 33 134 '63 27 88 284 71 31 56 36 70 71 21 11 131 277 16 94 15 81 36 266 72 13 421 115 180 1,715 516 903 1,065 11,103 1,770 369 2,153 179 307 1,306 2,694 73 165 435 416 521 380 240 2,234 905 474 225 667 498 5,745 74 25 49 3 152 64 57 91 87 359 86 109 68 IS 18 65 67 75 37 45 195 89 89 64 81 451 120 145 60 24 47 62 65 76 108 4,379 19 44,028 405 2,765 12,782 5,149 118,993 4,792 9,204 3,101 67 1,409 2,151 1,777 77 93 3,993 50,803 732 10,083 14,899 5,986 180,301 9,375 13,308 5,619 165 2,370 2,234 1,611 78 94 337 2,569 134 52 134 475 2,478 212 523 148 23 115 254 57 79 57 31 3,067 222 398 463 766 10,459 160 248 36 122 223 651 52 80 14 4,042 19 41,459 271 2,713 12,648 4,674 116,515 4,580 8,681 2,953 44 1,294 1,897 1,720 81 36 3,912 47,736 510 9,685 14,436 5,220 169,842 9,215 13,060 5,583 43 2,147 1,633 1,559 82 67 36,938 '85 952,914 6,309 63,895 139,565 20,276 598, 609 97,694 88,843 69,254 979 32,250 42,329 13,111 83 370 5,139 208,539 2,190 15,460 36,600 11,870 368,062 14,638 6,400 13,090 163 3,680 13,307 4,843 84 7 22 5 31 15 35 35 26 173 57 28 35 12 8 21 27 85 9 41 43 20 59 13 31 115 43 41 14 4 28 19 23 86 16 313 67 2,862 69 616 770 642 5,075 765 634 455 33 141 136 183 87 29 541 1,719 123 996 103 968 4,294 456 1,030 100 6 564 312 163 88 2 28 7 44 18 22 102 146 247 31 350 85 19 2 42 28 89 11 23 340 5 65 6 211 1,938 23 150 3 1 77 119 57 90 14 285 60 2,818 51 594 668 496 4,828 734 284 370 14 139 94 155 91 18 518 1,379 U8 931 97 757 2,356 433 880 97 5 437 193 106 92 108 4,094 366 36,031 438 9,265 15,564 2,497 94,342 12,146 4,054 16,340 260 1,650 1,442 1,221 93 20 989 13,415 130 1,710 625 2,005 20,377 584 725 235 968 3,243 385 94 354 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Pol3£ Pulaakl Putnam Tree fruits, nuts, anrJ grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Peaches fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Pears fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Grapes fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Vines of all ages 1959. 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Cherries farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Figs fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Improved pecans fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Wild and seedling pecans fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954 . Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954 . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. 79 71 189 164 53 72 613 852 156 202 457 650 286 472 54 73 1,206 1,659 393 205 813 1,454 365 912 45 45 176 135 46 25 130 110 279 115 33 34 1,997 2,847 45 336 1,952 2,511 25,682 60,547 4 7 13 49 4 9 9 40 1 14 8 48 30 1 '47 30 221 88 35 40 155 99 41 20 114 79 2,272 1,269 58 50 1,858 1,291 529 44 1,329 1,247 24,576 1,677 20 24 199 266 36 15 163 251 3,745 460 72 137 122 135 88 13 234 141 12 655 74 21 174 16 1,487 1 ,123 3,351 190 4U 927 489 23 1,076 196 2,862 167 1,228 158 3,997 81 61 52 144 45 607 859,117 1,907 762 ,653 144 67 061 393 293 659 463 792 056 1,514 468 994 185 714 962 969 579 304 48 17 98 7 143 73 290 19 42 8 55 101 65 235 19 200 99 588 38 46 10 102 5 692 374 1,658 598 64 17 179 5 628 357 1,479 593 1,106 1 765 17,025 1 000 22 5 23 3 57 1 525 266 1 703 16 1 10 3 41 1 524 256 1 700 81 1 000 20 500 34 1 31 91 63 33 16 58 47 371 222 36 17 97 10 116 70 306 31 32 17 56 64 53 250 31 652 1 191 3,630 85 43 97 65 124 154 41 939 257 43 200 79 2 363 144 631 75 39 576 113 42 569 1,278 1,057 064 923 95 271 4 23 9 23 U 736 26 925 8 17 5 3 719 21 925 50 15 518 254 1 840 47 241 117 43 97 132 45 1,256 1 ,489 47 648 1 ,136 50 7 44 65 2 60 789 43 469 1,347 20 498 310 145 540 2 129 479 43 324 807 18 369 231 320 269 1,504 20 281 40 35 31 52 5 39 525 143 49 ,389 900 32 19 ,406 112 15 27 ,130 321 1 65 413 128 22 ,259 579 31 19 ,341 71 50 16 ,703 495 2 39 ,016 25 101 30 6 IS 42 70 351 93 29 135 135 24 14 39 11 4 32 46 337 54 18 131 103 78 909 109 3 165 162 46 68 35 8 L2 39 268 3,015 IC ,321 25 471 13 ,544 87 30 428 3 1 ,710 181 2,985 9 ,893 22 471 11 ,834 1,908 10,845 23 ,786 420 6,980 23 951 17 30 9 3 3 13 93 114 35 11 10 38 35 23 17 3 2 9 58 91 18 3 8 29 6 39 13 5 5 12 25 1 3 4 6 127 2 4 15 6 44 2 8 3 83 2 2 7 3 177 20 3 15 3 9 52 34 2 5 44 24 125 109 3 10 141 16 17 2 26 24 109 92 3 8 115 27 1,302 1 305 30 1 1 555 17 186 105 4 152 125 47 13,116 9 218 16 10,715 11 200 26 573 491 1 821 747 21 12,543 8,727 15 9,894 10,453 108 32,310 217 951 45 36,896 79 705 9 151 58 108 46 24 4,174 682 3,421 698 19 298 84 189 26 5 3,876 598 3,232 672 10 38,770 16 694 15,008 U 851 137 124 125 95 170 1 ,578 161 1 ,473 137 14 169 6 2,114 70 2,549 33 695 37 ■403 5 1,419 33 2,146 28 860 33 3,107 10 126 32 156 9 1,745 2 ,622 2,888 2 ,050 714 500 495 27 1,031 2 ,122 2,393 2 ,023 310 338 1,338 54 83 25 99 12 263 280 359 151 90 198 111 10 173 82 248 141 67 269 210 299 68 4 74 1 800 23 1,758 15 125 3 704 675 15 1,054 15 2,873 208 5,455 25 43 6 50 1 168 24 192 10 77 9 39 91 15 153 10 41 21 UO 4 34 2 34 95 2 77 52 1 32 43 1 45 141 1 242 43 14 35 6 108 50 77 34 45 14 30 63 36 47 34 466 441 274 566 59 110 48 73 318 19,810 303 15 676 132 5 021 102 755 186 14 789 201 14 921 1,941 148 204 876 46 005 17 39 12 31 45 615 40 1 317 14 57 17 5 31 558 23 1 312 615 5 036 7,285 ^Does not include data for faimo with less than 20 trees and grapevines. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 355 Part 6 of 6 Quitman Rabun Randolph Rlchjnond Rockdale Schley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor 26 34 lU 347 3 6 50 28 35 4 15 24 29 11 9 9 95 224 25 110 70 U4 26 4S 53 iS 12 11 41 37 232 30 8 2 49 3 25 24 3 420 14 3 37 11 7 30 11 816 55 26 31 1,574 5,418 87 1,776 1,4«7 3,642 18,565 8,970 21 330 3,782 66 73 352 318 67 99 12,977 16,941 3,746 3,046 9,231 13,895 28,230 61,809 22 22 184 254 113 72 71 192 28 229 21 18 52 50 9 17 43 33 60 46 44 18 3,243 187 952 30 2,291 157 7,889 1,829 16 9 74 29 13 6 61 23 2 35 20 15 77 79 39 15 38 64 272 120 2 1 4 3 4 3 20 50 4 2 7 4 2 5 4 50 300 134 122 2,168 3,440 15 6 70 26 25 10 45 16 U 33 10 907 1,140 130 1,080 777 60 1,135 2 34 12 109 153 7 21 102 132 156 38 LL5 127 83 2 32 125 797 178 8 2 30 12 15 7 15 5 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 26 U 196 38 10 6 186 32 1,395 255 126 113 21,842 62,279 90 2,369 21,752 59,410 214,700 71,472 35 17 917 1,070 3 917 1,067 10,497 3,610 37 27 251 143 9 12 74 305 47 239 27 66 55 35 15 16 225 445 95 168 130 277 238 98 19 11 178 U7 85 20 93 97 181 36 7 6 177 28 164 12 13 16 109 15 4 5 26 13 10 6 16 7 32 1 2 2 2 11 1 5 1 6 7 7 19 15 2 12 17 3 60 10 29 30 1,983 1,742 236 347 1,747 1,395 14,745 2,70i 10 10 215 90 81 40 134 50 1,U0 68 40 245 137 54 37 1,149 911 504 521 645 390 78 218 61 40 11,354 4,555 4,580 3,048 6,774 1,507 6,665 1,829 39 26 125 142 65 12 60 130 91 24 30 22 1,235 4,635 450 137 785 4,498 4,525 2,026 10 3 58 31 32 26 31 12 4 14 6 35 8 20 2 15 6 32 16 308 132 45 16 263 116 1,135 1,100 38 27 340 391 96 77 244 314 3,665 983 661 100 687 332 14 4 55 2,570 10 1,215 45 1,355 2 202 15 2 144 2,510 30 10 114 2,500 59 2,000 15 2 31 9 2 29 9 2 13 7 2 510 122 3 507 122 3,000 108 82 71 6,291 8,837 96 110 6,195 8,727 110,452 14,690 14 15 561 1,867 26 114 535 1,753 6,295 1,960 141 107 935 746 33 26 218 219 48 55 170 164 124 66 57 44 1,611 648 1,161 198 450 450 741 166 54 38 227 195 29 28 198 167 501 279 21 22 52 39 3 11 49 28 471 760 5 6 24 19 5 7 19 12 9 3 35 21 109 55 14 11 95 44 1,073 890 120 33 7,686 7,143 137 613 7,499 6,530 103,766 40,242 55 74 1,306 1,536 19 91 1,237 1,445 13,389 18,905 67 30 601 336 5 3 13 4 12 3 1 1 23 12 754 427 412 33 342 394 361 155 13 n 64 69 14 5 50 64 14 72 4 6 42 26 10 13 32 13 19 13 77 45 23 3 54 42 217 341 50 34 4,700 2,918 123 233 4,577 2,685 7,973 8,412 26 22 617 879 65 110 552 769 2,300 330 110 115 2,207 1,914 66 61 629 7U 161 244 468 467 1,061 580 47 53 124,338 106,470 2,4U 33,134 122,427 73,336 118,724 111,691 53 51 270 303 92 67 173 236 161 128 58 47 5,072 8,159 1,777 514 3,295 7,645 22,471 13,022 24 13 189 67 58 3 131 64 19 51 24 19 19 3 5 16 32 75 48 45 150 322 39 30 m 292 1,315 1,117 83 93 5,649 7,772 153 164 5,491 7,603 109,957 70,559 25 31 1,044 379 65 979 379 5,295 2,325 102 55 106 95 105 89 1,247 1,260 284 562 963 693 93 415 90 82 1,188 1,219 300 514 888 705 273 253 78 53 232 212 57 92 175 120 78 69 71 51 576 1,337 172 96 404 1,291 4,164 5,030 23 21 78 63 30 33 48 25 28 19 87 79 28 54 59 25 281 163 45 31 lOO 70 33 28 67 42 a5 419 51 41 177 3,218 91 3,191 86 27 1,010 108 13 7 43 29 3 10 40 19 223 50 59 94 931 1,155 5 19 26 72 7 29 19 43 5 18 15 35 3,965 3,145 533 557 3,432 2,588 6,619 2,348 7 20 46 113 7 16 39 97 49 138 2 14 2 22 1 3 1 19 5 610 2 3 5 9 4 3 1 1 3 15 12 40 5 5 7 35 111 53 97 12,644 14,943 102 571 12,542 14,377 89,777 8,665 11 38 372 769 4 17 368 752 7,790 2,333 259 290 3,947 5,974 31 34 110 139 57 49 53 90 21 17 71 39 23,946 10,601 726 4,190 23,220 6,411 16,727 9,190 66 57 268 581 102 77 166 504 203 201 30 22 1,424 434 143 9 1,281 425 17,301 1,236 15 6 95 30 50 8 45 22 41 1 4 2 5 3 5 35 35 186 111 17 11 169 100 1,771 478 223 296 58,234 61,177 1,212 1,474 57,072 59,703 639,716 37,743 101 73 3,493 3,399 339 113 3,154 3,286 53,494 905 56 63 999 1,074 23 21 310 235 102 78 208 157 166 262 28 20 70,924 72,644 5,781 20,043 65,143 52,596 93,162 39,915 27 14 85 36 36 5 49 31 60 165 19 7 60 20 13 9 47 11 2,016 290 7 1 53 6 10 6 43 47 30 1,261 345 50 56 1,395 3,416 97 829 1,293 2,537 32,716 14,625 9 18 116 397 12 21 104 376 2,720 2,100 27 40 74 163 16 24 201 249 41 102 160 147 164 130 13 27 173 362 66 59 107 303 109 104 16 20 63 66 25 21 33 45 117 40 10 5 34 23 14 3 20 20 90 175 2 2 6 6 1 3 5 3 1 5 26 59 223 13 25 444 1,995 160 3 284 1,992 4,315 4,240 22 11 471 53 133 13 333 45 5,900 590 230 111 1,073 664 23 11 103 35 40 9 63 26 39 4 58 39 698 1,052 98 322 600 730 287 965 64 33 240 182 19 29 221 153 627 336 39 22 89 57 17 2 72 55 330 1,123 11 2 66 5 3 47 18 100 47 14 13 86 34 797 605 206 148 16,500 9,270 434 263 16,066 9,007 149,334 41,479 64 38 1,441 336 111 27 1,330 359 5,111 1,009 99 145 2,517 1,730 25 64 202 393 42 164 160 234 43 44 51 79 201,112 107,632 69,542 27,108 131,570 80, 524 224,679 96,174 31 63 93 283 29 33 64 250 205 136 13 22 32 30 13 12 19 63 271 330 10 13 1,451 33 526 6 925 27 111 4 1 2 3 13 25 52 104 U2 16 15 38 97 704 619 77 120 4,632 8,521 304 310 4,328 3,211 109,067 3,541 35 50 357 651 142 33 215 613 5,560 302 356 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Troup Tree fruits, nuts, and orapes: Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Peaches farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Ttees of bearing age 1959 . 1954 . Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Pears fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Grapes fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. Vines of all ages 1959. 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Cherries fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954 . Trees of bearing age.. 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Figs fanns reporting 1959. . 1954., Trees of all ages 1959. . 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954 . , Trees of bearing age 1959. , 1954., Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . , 1954., Improved pecans farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959. , 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959 . , 1954., Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . , 1954.. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959. , 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. 114 159 2,278 3,233 10 12 28 664 11 22 17 642 12 8 34 20 313 315 56 76 257 239 220 105 38 41 1,471 5,486 276 1,039 1,195 4,447 1,557 6,752 21 13 666 3,299 16 8 650 3,291 7,784 4,821 18 12 47 27 13 6 34 21 383 190 98 160 27,956 34,891 241 2,520 27,715 32,371 139,167 37,690 26 13 1,378 1,440 130 2 1,248 1,438 8,097 725 155 133 2,339 2,723 23 24 545 81 21 8 524 73 39 16 35 48 890 1,809 477 594 413 1,215 161 228 40 49 535 1,273 333 10 202 1,263 265 291 13 20 50 49 38 2 12 47 80 150 9 11 52 622 47 22 5 600 2 4 3 3 5 14 5 1 28 39 117 90 34 6 33 84 562 660 136 196 29,471 33,657 3,104 907 26,367 32,750 384,383 14,564 59 44 3,329 1,734 1,376 78 1,453 1,656 27,086 5,367 440 375 5,218 4,591 20 52 34 18 31 16 207 210 82 39 125 171 18 21 103 47 760 421 282 5 478 416 763 1,728 51 20 165 54 41 12 124 42 1,012 277 37 6 263 63 66 4 197 59 59 28 64 18 174 42 32 2 142 40 1,630 1,295 347 368 43,961 50,032 3,904 3,650 40,057 46,382 481,795 426,553 188 105 4,232 1,888 387 155 3,845 1,733 79,091 21,775 132 181 1,332 1,556 26 9 111 25 49 9 62 16 37 4 18 15 1,475 650 1,404 11 ■ 71 639 65 89 30 22 232 238 43 38 189 200 264 408 16 14 370 5U 15 370 496 12,301 20,070 5 2 68 4 10 3 58 23 16 361 545 7 13 354 532 1,383 77 168 195 15,313 13,199 508 293 14,805 17,906 233,535 48,141 80 25 1,484 634 297 4 1,187 630 27,517 550 123 146 539 769 32 15 238 48 70 7 163 41 35 6 60 55 813 848 177 58 641 790 464 305 57 57 490 364 241 29 249 335 554 105 34 35 114 221 18 9 96 212 1,115 2,525 5 5 23 12 39 30 245 63 12 6 233 57 2,433 75 103 137 5,419 8,991 525 283 4,894 8,708 37,653 18,152 50 59 1,795 1,186 826 97 969 1,089 6,339 4,495 67 53 90 63 69 90 1,745 2,376 306 240 1,439 2,136 2,077 4,446 18 39 174 271 48 26 126 245 82 251 18 14 47 41 14 16 33 25 52 60 31 36 969 619 36 29 933 590 6,873 11,194 35 26 6 3 29 23 9 6 21 29 137 478 31 40 106 438 5,343 1,662 50 59 156 345 19 33 84 305 26 180 58 125 52 34 23 71 452 2,345 69 1,350 333 995 434 380 27 34 118 271 12 112 106 159 257 110 21 34 84 148 18 92 66 56 567 130 8 3 51 5 1 3 50 2 29 2 2 2 7 2 5 12 16 29 40 12 12 17 28 175 210 46 87 1,832 4,303 76 1,247 1,756 3,061 20,321 4,185 17 24 242 371 23 177 219 194 1,787 96 86 342 259 56 77 506 835 192 423 314 462 199 239 46 70 9,625 4,210 429 411 9,196 3,799 12,142 1,219 52 71 262 301 102 93 160 208 603 309 37 38 1,609 2,687 60 58 1,549 2,629 24,304 26,070 17 24 105 114 74 65 31 49 70 48 9 8 34 49 20 41 14 3 26 40 37 37 143 141 39 31 104 110 1,798 1,908 56 87 1,564 2,921 233 U3 1,331 2,303 37,593 26,181 32 17 419 161 61 40 358 121 3,595 1,835 140 108 1,499 849 20 13 75 54 37 11 38 43 i,2 3 39 28 757 199 484 62 273 137 194 9 51 43 199 152 26 25 173 127 570 93 24 30 2,044 636 1,387 400 657 236 3,710 2,165 10 4 145 21 67 5 78 16 311 1 6 2 18 2 34 28 87 71 22 8 65 63 1,077 UO 131 155 18,930 11,139 990 451 17,940 10,688 1U,003 27,058 70 44 1,516 1,657 55 1,461 1,657 18,916 3,325 ^Does not include data for fanns with less than 20 trees and grapevines. GEORGIA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 357 Part 6 of 6 Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 127 62 139 99 129 105 3,606 3,847 1,396 1,159 2,210 2,688 1,125 4,081 A3 31 387 262 220 103 167 159 29 122 26 21 77 44 17 10 60 34 48 29 64 43 2,944 1,832 838 19 2,106 1,813 36,624 17,306 13 10 56 37 30 6 26 31 1 35 23 29 77 128 18 47 59 81 186 459 2 3 4 12 1 5 3 7 122 159 2,861 2,296 54 88 1,159 1,616 127 104 1,032 1,512 1,028 785 54 76 157,791 126,661 44,752 30,182 113,039 96,479 145,819 87,463 38 67 203 327 25 71 183 256 312 315 41 44 4,130 12,804 79 4,499 4,051 8,305 42,547 60,355 21 12 82 44 20 6 62 38 17 4 10 3 28 10 9 5 19 5 5 25 41 42 147 209 40 19 107 190 1,793 2,850 106 147 16,011 10,530 426 273 15,585 10,257 140,247 68,389 41 20 671 639 144 527 639 18,366 10,403 155 329 341 479 158 415 3,140 6,932 662 984 2,478 5,948 1,546 7,865 114 349 9,224 5,377 4,727 1,256 4,497 4,121 4,710 3,023 107 267 459 890 142 140 317 750 251 1,204 104 244 1,958 2,760 356 544 1,602 2,216 5,222 20,030 43 109 172 313 69 72 103 241 3 135 45 120 150 426 69 185 81 241 290 864 30 52 64 151 30 34 34 117 31 501 38 67 213 356 30 45 133 311 1,835 1,051 8 44 22 124 4 50 18 74 55 132 142 152 365 295 112 171 1,080 1,652 98 418 982 1,234 658 1,014 104 171 2,574 4,578 545 598 2,029 3,980 1,229 3,377 91 121 230 388 43 101 137 287 405 309 48 S3 222 559 69 203 153 356 673 1,182 13 32 28 72 7 22 21 50 11 20 21 31 60 83 24 38 36 50 136 120 79 104 196 301 30 67 166 234 2,902 1,730 125 145 3,236 3,051 133 31i 3,153 2,740 82,583 21,903 37 37 264 362 58 100 206 262 3,440 2,345 196 175 1,221 1,222 5 5 7 17 4 3 3 14 3 78 42 29 1 49 41 13 5 87 49 548 576 18 18 530 558 1,540 263 75 46 722 5,441 81 3,031 641 2,410 4,011 20,437 24 3 336 173 47 11 289 162 636 56 12 223 27 27 9 196 18 1,429 82 157 176 9,865 11,941 1,071 710 3.794 11,231 73,795 153,233 163 133 3,614 3,322 302 142 3,312 3,180 35,296 58,913 60 53 663 584 10 29 53 201 2 44 51 157 31 152 16 36 286 1,179 24 246 262 933 502 693 6 17 16 44 1 6 15 38 35 63 4 5 26 15 20 4 6 11 175 200 1 6 2 18 13 135 35 46 49 4,770 4,228 272 18 4,498 4,210 96,223 16,340 15 12 1,482 1,762 1 1,432 1,761 10,646 9,935 240 173 3,286 3,257 104 78 544 466 159 96 385 370 216 127 143 115 111,526 97,871 44,343 12,275 66,683 35,596 154,881 41,226 122 105 444 546 115 43 329 503 435 464 48 40 2,721 3,059 2,305 13 416 3,046 8,563 7,425 IS 15 344 66 231 3 113 63 122 33 10 5 19 10 6 1 13 9 47 15 36 41 185 92 31 15 154 77 2,031 662 194 231 13,847 16,235 607 2,584 13,240 13,652 210,472 30,636 131 54 1,785 1,434 87 207 1,693 1,227 19,656 2,600 139 61 339 232 15 2 103 2 30 1 73 1 49 30 2,015 375 1,174 17 341 358 76 50 76 40 632 527 72 1 560 526 228 127 52 30 362 302 287 4 75 298 380 1,577 26 9 267 81 21 246 31 7 3 4 4 3 1 47 13 140 55 28 12 112 43 335 68 lt>4 34 2,484 2,979 295 27 2,189 2,952 20,986 31,867 111 35 2,306 538 303 105 1,998 433 18,317 2,247 66 36 924 1,270 5 3 21 11 3 18 11 11 14 1,292 357 11 10 1,281 347 1,069 11 9 30 72 3 4 27 63 59 26 6 4 121 505 121 505 355 880 1 5 3 18 3 3 1 15 2 2 80 65 34 8,563 17,323 121 735 8,442 17,093 75,653 24,255 13 11 240 275 12 228 275 3,236 327 97 92 825 1,158 20 432 114 176 256 U4 191 IS 53 10 529 1,618 20 747 509 871 1,292 15 20 1 50 1 3 47 1 905 5 1 26 20 896 50 84 96 6,808 15,004 414 2,849 6,394 13,155 58,308 3,630 53 19 1,102 816 432 23 620 793 5,949 600 51 35 41 57 54 67 663 1,553 331 390 332 1,168 135 1,600 47 60 3,255 1,801 225 148 3,030 1,653 29 677 29 40 68 147 28 36 40 111 42 64 44 40 1,323 3,904 1,131 1,016 192 2,388 2,257 10,594 4 19 11 67 10 10 1 57 17 28 83 104 32 28 51 76 155 317 15 15 37 52 7 21 30 31 U3 287 20 12 83 27 46 13 37 14 356 54 5 2 15 128 116 170 150 128 136 3,084 3,946 993 1,208 2,086 2,738 1,534 2,953 91 U2 2,779 2,605 317 461 2,462 2,144 333 784 95 75 323 250 86 73 242 177 213 278 104 78 975 683 159 31 816 602 4,684 5,156 44 30 115 76 30 25 85 51 17 24 47 32 163 107 74 27 89 80 371 373 44 13 109 30 23 10 86 20 187 176 44 25 157 158 SO 39 87 129 1,063 945 21 10 55 37 30 9 35 28 167 11 131 198 1,055 1,516 14 14 45 101 2 57 43 44 19 4 33 56 507 3,180 37 170 470 3,010 389 379 27 38 383 292 11 11 372 281 361 655 10 27 96 11,647 14 2,853 82 8,794 560 19,192 48 25 877 133 117 193 9,272 15,895 951 414 8,321 16,481 75,163 37,635 88 63 3,271 2,067 101 230 3,170 1,837 47,309 2,730 70 64 317 433 46 75 361 884 83 77 278 807 256 538 45 67 1,035 1,087 82 318 953 769 491 271 32 50 121 153 25 31 96 132 279 U4 15 34 180 171 47 58 133 113 613 1,511 9 12 28 40 7 7 21 33 12 15 11 11 35 14 7 3 23 11 34 28 20 34 57 102 13 14 44 88 795 952 49 63 3,383 7,164 179 18 3,709 7,146 17, 298 6,064 42 27 782 219 61 14 721 205 7,305 848 52 62 265 352 29 25 135 241 33 5 102 236 28 107 32 35 506 570 214 108 292 462 318 301 24 28 80 108 18 9 62 99 100 243 6 5 55 9 55 9 344 453 3 2 7 52 5 2 52 24 15 52 45 15 4 37 41 911 1,205 29 33 1,557 2,057 77 335 1,480 1,722 18,195 1,496 30 38 943 1,327 24 118 919 1,209 5,925 1,669 236 220 1,640 2,588 15 44 4 556 51 153 8 403 43 149 4 48 13 236 123 80 20 156 103 296 211 23 3 -171 1,336 94 77 1,336 395 5,100 11 2 81 4 64 1 17 3 3 1,955 161 217 16,259 30,178 314 1,328 15,945 23,350 231,909 56,511 138 53 5,418 5,166 196 111 6,222 5,055 69,710 2,885 358 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (I'or dofinitions and I'xplanatin Appling Nursery antj greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seerJs anri plants, anri bulbs, grown for sale; Nursery and sireenlious*' prolucrs. flower .and vepolalde soeds and plants, flowers, and bullis sold fanns reporting 1059 . . dollars 10.5n.. 1!>54 . . On farms witfi sales of ^2,01)0 or more farrr.s reportinc 1050. . dollars 1050.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, omanienlals. etc.) farms rcpottinf: 1950 . . 1954 . . acres userf for orowinj: 1959. . 1054.. Sales dollars 1050 . . 1054 . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants fanns reportinp 1050 . . 1054.. Grown under glass fan-s report ine 1059 . . 1054 ■. . stjuiu-e feet 1059 . . 1054 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1050. . 1054.. acres used for prowing 1959 . . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1950 . . 1954 . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1059 , . 1954 . . GrowTi under glass or in house farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. square feet 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres used for growing 10.50 . , 19.54 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1054 . . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1050 . . Sales of any forest prxiducts farms reporting 1050 . . dollars 1959.. 1054 . . Sales of standing timber farni? refiorting 1959 . . dollars 1950.. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1050.. Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 1050 . . dollars 1950.. Sales of other miscellaneous pro,luels farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1059.. Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1059. . 1054.. cords (4' X 4' X S')1050.. 1054 . . .Sales fam^s reporting 1959 . . cords(l'x4'x6')1059.. Pulpwood sold - . farms reporting 1950. . 1054.. cotJsfl' X 4' X 8') 10,50 . . 1054 . . Fence posrs cut farms reporting 1950. . 1054 . . numlier 1059 . . 1054 . . Sales farms repotting 1950 . . number 1954 .. Sawloi's and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1050 . . 10.54^- thousands of lioard feet 1950 . . 1054^. Sales farms reporting 1059 . . thousands of Iwnrd feet 1!150.. 626 6,71'1,060 4,415,393 224 6,485,775 316 296 1,965 1,936 2,102,666 1,303,146 298 242 164 154 1,114,378 766,457 178 141 338 230 1,947,880 1,165,972 127 170 39 42 49,979 52,170 98 132 8,715 8,564 2,663,514 1,946,275 27,846 10,070 22,338,469 14,696,324 7,733 14,014,157 4,663 8,324,312 4,455 8,025,223 307 299,089 19,700 42,978 154,441 340,380 703 14,991 3,329 6,446 345,869 697,393 2,181 11,290 478,927 2,740,417 189 134,961 1,063 7,658 58,967 442,512 690 54,798 9 5,655 7,125 1 2 200 1,730 11 27 21 3,855 6,925 472 143 269,150 98,583 126 186,402 45 82,748 42 81,423 4 1,325 373 182 2,347 1,129 3 31 33 90 4,517 11,514 1,897 19,435 13 78 316 1,983 8 277 144 91 325,358 111,890 68 178,616 46 146,742 45 143,642 2 3,100 61 U8 244 923 35 50 2,760 10,248 51 9,900 65,310 7 9,850 21 33 2,105 2,595 21 2,089 1 (D) 5,000 1 (D) 4 2 (E) 800 1 'io 3,000 5 1,200 138 120 247,023 128,072 87 171,419 47 75,604 46 75,504 1 100 21 131 86 664 3 12 42 89 4,336 7,375 6 31 445 7,740 5 58 327 3,180 1 1 300 1 1 244 13 700 67 28 74,706 96,242 28 37,844 5 36,862 4 32,862 1 4,000 40 435 520 3,515 2 76 17 2,130 2,741 9 75 3,300 31,047 17 1,590 2 (D) 6,200 1 (D) 3 3,500 2 2 1 2 1,650 3,125 1 (D) 2,700 1 1 (D) 59 42 64,489 76,437 34 39,570 17 24,919 15 24,804 2 115 22 27 147 800 4 32 1,628 1,182 11 17 1,546 7,875 1 12 125 2,676 CD) 1 (D) 1 17 Id) 1 1 100 1 3 (D) 215 (D) 65,549 60,357 64 41,545 50 24,004 46 23,004 6 1,000 333 229 2,393 1,737 7 35 26 14 464 598 17 38 2,465 7,310 1 600 19 53 416 2,206 17 323 3 1,135 300 3 1 2 1 780 384 1 (Z) 1,120 300 (z) 15 228 46 48,726 31,494 37 24,327 35 24,399 34 24,279 1 120 182 359 1,096 3,144 30 5 1,337 96 21 58 1,564 7,796 9 42 117 1,251 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions . ^Includes sales of standing timber. GEORGIA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 359 Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Calhoun Cajiiden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton 6 16 1 1 6 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 2,395 337,208 2,700 100 14,407 175 4,450 (D) 2,450 CD) (D) 4,400 204 500 2 25 36,600 106,980 4 328,209 3,000 1 2,700 84,780 3 12,025 ::: 5,250 1 3,000 4,400 1 (D) 1,150 ■•• 4,400 ... 3,000 1 3,000 ::: 3 4 5 ... 5 5 4 1 2 ... 2 1 2 1 ... 2 2 1 2 2 1 6 7 1 6 28 25 "2 2 "2 4 2 ... 4 6 "i 14 6 1 8 9 1,526 3,690 9,300 2,700 682 756 (D) 1,350 700 (D) 4,400 (i) 1,400 2,100 500 10 11 1 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 12 "i "i 13 6 8 231,408 40,630 10 '"i "2 2 1 2 840 2,653 "i 1 1,566 1 1 1 75 540 ■•■ 186 "i 396 "i 1 1 1 2,500 920 1 13 14 15 16 17 IS "i Cz) 6 7 "i "'3 ... 1 "i (z) 19 20 (z) 16 "'& 1 21 366 332,018 1,700 500 850 (i)) (i) 3,666 22 '25 97,550 3,666 4,350 2,200 200 500 23 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 24 2 1 11 ... 1 1 2 25 1 1 ... 1 1 ... 2 26 27 466 360 ... 288 1,500 444 2B 29 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 ... 30 2 1 ... 11 . . . 1 2 31 1 1 . * . 1 141 (z) 1 (z) 32 136 1 ... 640 ... 1 1 2 ... 33 575 1,500 100 12,025 175 3,200 250 204 34 36,600 130 ... 84,780 900 2,200 250 ... 400 35 106 188 81 68 210 318 70 243 430 115 119 37 212 361 68 46 36 VI 94 51 24 85 96 25 95 71 50 18 33 35 142 26 42 37 94,199 552,802 91,089 38,490 111,138 170,641 73,342 233,568 90,508 173,789 51,846 257,608 146,683 316,339 31,825 78,066 38 lia,569 105,738 54,050 25,415 54,451 210,855 84,243 299,543 62,537 46,997 37,692 109,647 65,509 64,670 23,172 91,324 39 35 80 50 20 35 83 22 79 62 31 13 27 21 103 20 39 40 89,247 207,914 53,693 34,086 49,334 142,560 60,603 208,918 59,725 38,410 29,468 92,545 136,316 55,327 25,238 53,306 41 15 29 15 5 58 25 11 28 21 27 11 22 15 33 12 12 42 4,952 344,888 37,396 4,404 61,304 28,081 12,739 24,650 , 30,783 135,379 22,378 165,063 10,367 261,512 6,537 24,760 43 10 29 14 3 56 24 11 27 21 25 11 20 13 32 11 10 44 2,097 344,568 37,296 3,762 60,756 25,871 9,723 23,810 30,783 134,279 22,378 130,563 9,567 259,512 6,375 9,275 45 5 2 1 3 4 3 2 2 2 7 3 3 1 3 48 2,855 320 100 642 1,048 2,210 3,016 840 ... 1,100 34,500 800 2,000 212 15,485 47 66 103 42 43 152 229 51 158 369 75 101 12 190 240 27 7 49 161 376 105 191 224 214 159 620 834 114 116 37 490 697 117 3 49 355 465 210 196 604 1,215 359 933 5,079 690 415 95 1,037 1,897 208 14 50 1,014 1,977 619 963 1,047 1,344 1,684 3,127 7,046 1,054 795 435 3,002 5,135 835 37 51 5 2 2 1 6 6 1 10 2 1 ... 2 3 5 1 52 46 62 11 6 190 16 3 200 50 15 ... 8 21 79 2 53 6 25 9 1 50 8 10 16 12 23 8 18 10 66 8 7 54 37 61 37 21 58 36 41 U3 16 35 3 45 46 24 7 38 55 103 3,160 2,384 150 3,684 589 601 1,290 725 8,925 970 7,661 621 15,580 241 585 56 5,041 6,367 1,705 1,471 6,936 1,532 7,035 10,563 1,375 2,664 335 10,954 1,446 1,565 95 11,873 57 14 15 9 14 8 33 3 7 32 12 4 1 13 24 15 1 58 28 62 42 118 50 111 87 335 169 57 26 1 83 162 71 4 59 2,340 13,224 2,400 2,603 2,360 9,842 235 1,480 6,736 2,590 1,650 150 1,472 3,986 5,333 1,000 60 5,125 45,765 9,410 28,115 12,789 40,615 24,535 70,069 53,385 8,659 18,375 50 15,708 26,296 9,523 1,850 61 5 2 6 ... 1 3 1 1 ... 1 1 62 10,200 540 3,100 ... 700 2,700 160 500 ... 3,000 700 63 3 U 5 1 6 10 4 8 6 5 5 4 1 23 13 1 64 34 82 28 31 18 62 22 174 34 42 19 14 49 133 58 7 65 70 6,154 37 30 85 381 16 64 423 36 189 374 1 616 135 7 66 2,444 2,324 1,156 491 134 5,166 2,079 7,409 2,057 1,717 1,453 1,420 2,787 2,995 1,158 285 67 7 2 1 3 6 3 4 6 1 5 4 16 2 1 68 6,133 27 30 67 338 14 40 391 4 161 324 518 1 ''^ 7 69 360 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (For (iefinilions ami pxplnnations, see text) Chattahoochee Clay Clayton Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery and greenhouse prt^lucu. flower and vepetable seeds and plants, Rouers. and bulbs sold fanus reporting lO.'iO.. dollars 1055.. 1951 . . On fanaswith sales of Sil.OlXl or nsore farrrs report! ns 11)50 . . dollars in.59.. Nursery products (trees . shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reportinp 1959 . . 19.54 . . acres used for prowinp 1959, . 1951.. Sales dollars 1959 . . 1951.. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and betiding plants farms reporting 1959 . . 19.51.. Grown under glass farms reporting 1959 . . 1951 . . stjuare feet 19.59 , . 1951.. Growp in the open farms reporting 1959. . 1051 . . acres used for growing 1959 . . 1951 . . Sales ..dollars 1959. . 1951.. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds. vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms famis reporting 1959 . . 1951.. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. square feet 1959.. 1951 . . GmwTi in the open farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres used for growing 1959 . . 1951 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1951 . . Any forest products cut and/or sold. . Sales of any forest products Sales of standing timber ......... Sales of all other forest products . Sales of fire"ooil. pulpwood. fence posts, and sawlogs Sales of other miscellaneous products , Firewood and fuclwood cut.. Pulpwood solil . Fence posts cut . arms reporting 19.59 . . IS reporting 1959 . dollars 19.59.. 1951.. IS reporting 1959 . , dollars 1959.. farms reprting 1959. dollars 1959 . . arms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959., amis reporting 1959. . dollars 1959 . . amis reporting 1959. 1951 . s (!• X V \ S') 1959. 11151 . "ani.s reportiac 1959. s (I* Xl' xS") 1959. 'amis reporting 1959. 1954 . s(F X 4' X 8') 1959. 1954 . 'arms reporting 1959. 1954. numlier 1959. 1951. reporting 1959. number 1951 . ^ reporting 1959 . , 1951^ thousands of Ixiurd feet 1959 . . 1951^. farms reporting 1959 . . thousands of lx)iud feet 1959 . 25 441,697 291,820 431,490 17 16 43 120 177, 596 87,150 9 9 8 194,138 159,300 1 5 2 22 264,091 203,300 20 2,250 10 1,370 9 15,012 84,424 1,940 3 1,440 1 500 22 29 204 303 2 60 310 500 1 5 15 6,028 1 15 1 1 100 11. 45,970 22,850 6 34,345 6 11,625 6 11,625 10 183 3 775 71 500 1,900 1 300 93 1 1 (Z) (z) 300 172 49 49,381 78,916 40 25,198 20 24,183 19 24,133 1 50 133 204 1,519 1,758 1 3 15 16 1,177 428 19 54 2,341 8,020 1 50 5 58 167 2,711 4 134 4 7 8,275 41,047 550 29,385 1 2 6,000 39,390 3 2 1 5 3 50 1 22 1,750 33,500 150 28,335 3 7 1 2 3 5 2 2,540 7,400 950 4 1 1 ... 2 5 (z) 6,425 6,522 400 900 1 2 1 1 2 260 102 119,353 44,254 70 79,094 55 40,259 54 40,218 2 41 181 133 1,519 900 18 109 32 25 1,154 811 10 17 5,780 6,461 2 5,040 11 40 493 1,364 8 429 1 1 (Z) (Z) 1,025 150 51 29 30,246 38,525 25 22,941 8 7,305 8 7,305 27 49 267 544 2 14 6 17 159 896 15 7,312 5,250 2 6,002 4 26 20 795 3 74 3 6 8,745 IB, 710 7,500 44,875 1 4 8,000 18,400 2 5 1 7 12 49 12 83 8,385 16,210 7,500 24,600 2 1 4 1 1 360 2,495 1,700 3 6 360 2,500 19,075 124 32 39,280 65,185 28 26,580 20 12,700 20 12,700 98 242 1,558 2,558 726 1,276 36 63 13,710 34,000 4 9,050 20 44 1,594 10 31 4,688 132,604 0,959 157,329 9 27 11,455 117,239 5 10 3,233 15,365 5 8 3,233 14,265 2 1,100 3 5 83 39 45 40 810 359 2 2 34 25 3 7 15 22 187 387 3,763 10,440 1 28 13 200 5,662 17,445 1 100 1 33 10 170 1,099 7,995 1 170 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes sales of standing timber. GEORGIA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 361 Coffee Colquitt Golmnbla Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawaon Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early 2 7 10 6 1 5 4 3 29 2 14 2 1 1 6X1 406,907 222,578 45,850 50 22,463 12,306 315,988 133,270 8,170 328,595 7,900 (D) 2 300 221,820 24,400 75,475 35,030 3,200 4,700 50,800 43,895 10,000 1,612 234,400 6,000 1,450 3 5 3 2 1 2 2 10 1 10 1 i 405,500 ... 219,175 42,700 21,575 10,981 315,938 122,840 8,000 325,670 7,500 5 2 2 ... 1 1 2 1 1 11 2 11 1 1 6 ... 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 7 1 8 2 7 1 15 2 1 4 2 75 21 6 61 4 (Z) e 8 22 2 6 8 2 57 17 5 38 2 9 600 37,000 500 1,000 21,975 25 80,938 16,850 8,140 148,315 7,500 (D) 10 16,000 24,400 175 1,800 3,200 200 50,000 10,640 10,000 300 66,400 450 11 1 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 21 1 3 1 1 12 1 6 2 1 1 3 3 3 ... 12 9 1 ' 2 2 1 1 1 1 13 14 1 4 9,600 1 500 3 19,950 6 63,138 '62 1 2,400 1 1 1,250 15 Ifi 20 17,102 875 18,100 25,740 6,000 1,000 1,000 17 1 2 3 3 1 "2 "3 "i 12 "i 3 1 1 18 1 4 1 2 3 9 1 1 19 (z) 1 2 6 "i "i U (z) 18 "'2 128 1 (z) 20 1 1 1 1 7 15 1 5 21 50 6,900 1,203 44,850 30 288 12,281 '50 115,710 '36 14,016 400 W 22 300 8,405 3 300 5 30,000 1 1 4,300 1 32,730 3 112 8,000 1 5,000 700 23 24 8 2 4 "i ... 1 5 1 1 1 1 25 1 4 1 1 1 2 "i "i 1 26 27 24 ... 963 300 4 220 3,960 500 1,000 28 29 2 5 ... 1 1 1 2 1 ... 30 8 2 1 4 1 31 1,152 1,055 ... (z) (z) 470 2 275 39 1,456 490 17 4 400 33 363,007 220,875 '20 200 235,000 710 166,264 34 197,415 75,000 3,230 200 800 525 1,200 160,000 1,000 300 35 592 370 137 170 177 146 71 113 86 246 44 292 83 42 156 289 36 198 94 51 56 112 53 55 31 18 70 19 96 55 21 74 39 37 632,056 2U2,946 126,550 149,657 216,722 90,445 195,040 46,570 14,984 142,333 26,858 229,280 134,012 226,905 57,699 169,324 38 455,638 200,153 65,061 71,521 92,279 41,532 70,217 82,536 39,137 159,195 20,959 214,807 45,550 43,487 20,363 73,692 39 U3 80 42 48 84 47 46 24 11 63 15 69 48 17 46 34 40 408,361 169,304 67,807 145,691 118,730 53,605 109,847 15,969 8,092 111,253 22,824 159,352 119,590 76,968 29,657 108,046 41 73 40 37 14 55 17 26 12 12 14 6 39 12 16 41 12 42 223,695 43,642 58,743 3,966 97,992 36,840 85,193 30,601 6,892 31,030 4,034 69,928 14,422 149,937 28,042 61,278 43 65 37 37 12 55 17 22 11 12 12 6 38 12 15 40 12 44 210,454 42,807 58,743 3,286 97,992 36,840 81,555 30,401 6,892 25,205 3,834 49,728 14,422 119,585 27,692 61,203 45 8 3 2 ... 5 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 46 13,241 835 680 3,638 200 5,875 200 20,200 30,352 350 75 47 442 299 104 122 78 113 18 90 74 189 28 223 33 22 97 256 48 343 664 298 U5 341 170 79 179 324 491 71 633 344 142 249 550 49 2,042 1,137 968 576 841 969 154 999 455 910 359 1,473 281 423 971 1,167 50 2,235 3,467 2,158 694 3,024 1,615 1,083 1,921 2,182 3,019 591 4,528 2,618 1,101 1,890 3,173 51 5 3 1 4 1 5 1 2 3 3 11 2 2 6 52 10 60 2 98 10 49 2 16 123 162 111 31 70 63 53 57 26 30 7 51 16 17 1 9 7 3 26 9 14 32 10 54 136 81 36 40 44 55 16 2 7 82 4 101 16 8 15 45 55 10,224 1,377 1,981 162 5,893 2,432 4,345 125 444 1,543 126 3,180 830 1,871 1,771 '2,384 56 13,344 5,992 1,653 1,694 3,111 4,621 2,589 18 82 9,058 300 8,872 1,095 8,637 1,878 4,757 57 22 3 31 3 21 12 13 4 10 6 14 5 2 23 9 58 62 70 99 32 120 33 'ij 42 4 101 10 294 61 21 49 111 59 7,045 622 6,869 865 5,337 2,930 2,579 450 3,995 553 5,475 2,900 1,500 2,356 1,461 60 17,139 16,004 15,930 11,746 28,423 9,185 12,125 6,610 601 31,464 844 77,818 15,250 6,190 5,974 33,042 61 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 62 2,750 900 800 103 430 200 1,000 600 2,000 1,000 1,135 15 63 17 16 6 5 7 1 5 7 4 1 2 1 8 3 5 64 140 166 40 52 70 30 22 51 44 42 20 70 46 9 22 58 6S 1,269 591 639 17 204 5 339 599 23 3 12 50 1,912 18 532 66 13,557 6,856 2,008 1,688 3,270 929 2,106 3,378 1,872 2,393 1,454 4,874 865 1,434 568 2,658 67 8 11 7 4 4 1 3 6 2 2 1 7 2 4 68 1,178 459 586 14 175 5 329 592 ... 8 12 25 1,885 3 530 69 362 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (Fnr definilions nnd cxplanaiions, sec text) Effixigham Fayette GZ Gi Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursory and greenhouse prcxiucLs. flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms reporting 1050 . . dollars 195(1.. 1954 . . On farms with smiles of -^i^.OlXI or more .... farms reporlinj; 1053 . . dollars 1%0.. Nursery products (l/ees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reportinj: 1050 . . 105-I . . acres used for prowinf: 1950 . . 1954.. Sales dollars lori'.l . . iar.4 . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 195f) . . 1054.. Grown under glass fartr,s roportinc 11)59 ■ . 1054.. square feet 1959 . . 1954 . . firown in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres used for growing 1959 ■ . 1954.. Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Veeetables ctowti under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown under glass or in house famis reporting 1959. . 1954 . . square feet 1959 ■ . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1950 . . 1954.. acres used for growing 1959 . . 195'l . . Sales - dollars 1959 . . 1054.. Any forest products cut and/or sold. farms reporting 1950 . . . Sales of any forest products, farms reporting 1059. . dollars 1959.. 1954.. Sales of standing limlier farms reporting 1950 . . dollars 1950.. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1950. . dollars 1959.. Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 1059. . dollars 1059.. Sales of other miscellanenus proilucts farms reporting 1050. . dollars 1959.. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . cwds (4' X 4' X fi") 1959 . . 1954 . . Sales farms reportinc 1959, . cords(l*x4'x&') 1959.. Pulprtood sold farms reporting 1950. . 1954 . . cord^(4'x 4' X 8') 10.59.. 1954 . . '^ I r-nce posts cut farms reporting 1959 . . 19.54 . . numl»r 1959.. 1954.. Sales farms reporting 1059. . number 1954 . . Snwloi's anri venf or logs cut farms reporting 1059 , . 10.'>4^- thousands of board feet 1950 . . 1054^ . Sales farms reporting 1059 . . thousands of Ixjiird foot 1959 .. 2 555 1 1 1,200 24 112 143,420 249,578 59,278 120,474 23 94 143,076 147,866 2 55 344 101,712 1 49 144 96,190 1 10 200 5,522 2 160 103 909 10 479 5 35 38 25 83 3,754 3,131 6,280 26 48 3,625 9,070 1 20 14 14 50 749 2,360 2,317 14 822 (D) 10 (2) (D) 10 353 78 74,962 62,775 66 34,743 33 40,219 33 40,219 291 865 2,343 7,110 2 25 100 2,159 3,526 11 180 1,370 22,785 4 770 5 63 167 2,350 3 158 1 (D) 3,350 1 3 1 7 (D) 3,150 1 D) 200 334 137 24B,972 207,551 119 202,731 34 46,241 33 44,926 5 1,315 216 564 1,076 4,023 8 216 23 114 1,690 9,635 36 274 7,820 69,232 1 200 6 46 353 3,634 6 353 4 CD) 55,550 2 (D) 2 19 (D) 2 5 345 575 (D) 55,550 47 29 110,149 121,679 18 69,454 20 40,695 18 39,429 2 1,266 18 122 12 11 62 1,979 5,016 1,335 11,113 55 232 2,480 5 200 3,250 100 3 1 3 1 850 100 (2) 2,200 1 Cz) 200 400 78 45,423 23,703 56 15,130 54 30,243 53 29,936 3 307 375 530 5,477 8,936 7 156 38 29 424 2S4 9 29 1,625 6,640 1 1,000 13 54 511 1,247 U 448 U 17,010 6,637 3 13,861 6 3 30 6 9,074 995 3 5 2 2,313 745 3 14 1 U 5,623 4,897 150 62 70,986 78,994 57 59,679 21 11,307 21 11,307 102 146 833 1,361 4 23 17 21 681 3,396 9 33 1,340 5,513 3 41 21 2,948 2 17 13 80,839 20,125 6 77,133 7 1 14 (Z) 5,620 125 10 2 5 2 49,220 13,000 5 74,919 19,000 1 1 2 20 300 1,000 201 81 216,520 201 ,015 41 172,792 49 43,728 42,688 3 1,040 137 230 1,044 1,956 9 45 37 48 1,602 2,805 29 52 5,695 13,921 2 110 11 42 466 5,689 6 377 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of infliviiiual operations. Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includes Bales of standing timber. GEORGIA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 363 Franklin Fulton Gilmer GlaBcock Glynn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard 2 83 2 6 2 13 1 4 2 7 5 5 8 1 6,160 666,683 3,600 50,930 948 323,328 240 3,162 (D) 8,251 2,185 2,000 59,279 2 50 356,379 1,615 49,019 61,594 2,000 10,293 7,317 5,575 100 14,700 7,050 3 2 32 1 3 2 1 1 5 4 6,160 637,983 3,000 49,150 317,758 (D) 3,500 58,129 5 1 50 2 5 1 7 2 2 4 5 5 e 1 37 3 ... 4 2 "'l 5 5 3 2 4 7 2 155 6 ... 21 1 352 . . . 4 10 ... 13 8 15 e 2 125 3 22 52 3 6 3 19 ... 2 20 9 4,160 181,557 3,600 27,880 400 320,283 (D) 3,583 935 2,000 15,750 10 50 43,549 1,585 47,500 53,000 1,800 3,263 5,250 3,750 100 14,650 11 1 44 1 2 4 3 4 2 3 12 32 3 2 2 1 4 2 13 28 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 14 26 2 2 2 1 1 2 15 261,835 8,500 1,089 460 2,075 2,232 2,500 11,650 16 207,431 600 4,300 3,460 1,500 3,000 10,435 17 "i 24 14 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 IB 19 6 25 7 1 1 1 1 13 5 1 (Z) 1 20 21 2,000 482,611 275,860 ... 22,950 1,519 548 1,775 8,000 2,750 7,000 2,067 3,296 2,875 ... 1,250 50 42,929 7,050 22 23 7 1 3 1 1 2 1 24 10 "i • . * ... 2 1 1 1 25 6 . . . 1 1 26 6 27 2,568 300 36 26 18,410 ... 29 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 30 4 1 2 1 1 1 31 1 ... "i 32 2 3 3 (Z) 32 10 Cz) 2 2 (Z) (Z) ... 33 2,515 ioo 1,270 240 a.2 1,372 600 34 36,970 30 594 200 30 50 35 A94 201 388 156 47 234 270 174 475 248 239 331 206 166 232 75 36 75 114 100 26 18 59 127 112 141 62 106 66 62 77 67 57 37 67,524 205,847 85,510 U,850 35,461 109,536 279,184 277,562 143,209 96,470 112,824 145,015 65,885 217,292 26,320 134,362 38 46,971 109,849 87,801 9,160 141,355 29,176 156,065 156,181 94,316 29,218 123,558 127,981 37,214 65,891 33,503 44,353 39 59 97 63 14 7 37 111 65 107 43 85 57 46 63 40 44 40 39,880 94,927 76,970 13,453 4,576 95,230 249,479 109,359 65,667 40,035 67,596 112,243 38,371 131,722 9,103 46,883 41 38 70 49 13 15 27 30 56 75 33 60 26 23 45 40 33 42 27,644 110,920 8,540 387 30,885 14,306 29,705 168,203 32,542 56,435 45,223 32,772 27,014 85,570 17,217 87,479 43 38 66 48 13 14 26 29 53 70 33 59 26 22 43 38 32 44 27,644 109,645 8,345 387 29,805 13,581 29,455 163,045 31,313 56,435 40,728 32,772 26,939 85,481 15,717 85,979 45 5 3 3 1 1 3 6 1 1 2 3 1 46 1,275 195 ... 1,080 725 250 158 1,229 4,500 25 89 1,500 500 47 451 104 343 148 37 177 168 84 353 214 139 295 152 99 236 18 48 565 332 625 164 54 540 308 319 569 330 409 562 315 204 975 143 49 3,807 1,031 2,585 532 138 1,394 915 513 2,300 1,364 905 1,616 1,182 1,448 1,764 150 50 4,053 2,948 4,541 884 424 5,026 2,410 3,255 4,245 2,570 2,425 4,306 2,333 1,831 6,757 1,219 51 3 7 8 12 3 1 13 9 7 10 3 6 7 4 11 7 52 14 179 73 31 42 20 100 140 46 82 13 126 41 197 76 20 53 28 55 35 1 9 23 11 44 55 16 46 22 9 35 27 26 54 57 13 55 21 29 79 97 28 17 49 57 44 72 33 49 55 788 4,991 348 1 1,819 803 1,289 7,571 2,425 351 912 2,084 489 4,753 953 5,709 56 833 1,225 455 ... 20,516 951 4,855 5,650 1,525 383 2,182 4,850 1,261 5,748 1,438 3,025 57 47 16 5 2 3 24 21 13 67 12 9 29 44 44 41 5 58 207 84 38 83 17 84 80 148 124 57 89 169 128 53 151 89 59 7,228 3,544 1,377 500 404 2,541 3,495 1,324 5,636 1,175 1,216 2,381 3,623 5,652 5,698 1,450 60 32,572 11,752 3,793 12,006 2,870 10,295 12,688 20,508 18,784 9,480 11,330 25,915 17,134 8,125 20,631 20,171 61 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 5 62 1,000 200 204 200 650 100 50 550 975 63 19 12 9 5 9 8 2 27 u 24 2 17 3 13 2 64 113 105 70 9 11 39 90 72 131 43 141 40 63 35 77 28 65 462 771 83 42 42 226 1,100 991 1,092 637 10 406 295 44 23 66 2,392 5,123 3,345 395 3,264 926 3,857 5,081 3,250 1,384 5,268 4,946 2,173 1,932 1,055 1,526 67 11 9 6 5 2 5 2 17 10 15 10 3 2 2 66 322 679 46 42 27 185 1,100 922 1,042 559 399 244 5 23 69 364 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (Pot definitions luiil rxplftnations, see text) Henry Jasper Nursery and greenhoiise products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery' and greentioiiAe products, flower .ind vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and buUis sold farms reporting 1059 , , dollars 1959. 1954 . , On farms with sales of S2,n00 or more farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959 . , Nursery products (trees, shrubs. vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . , acres used for growing 1959. . 1954., Sales dollars 1959 . , 1954.. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959 . . 1954., (iTown under glass farms reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 19.59 . , 1954 . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . , acres used for growing 1959 . . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959., 1954., Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 . , 1954 . Grown under glass at in house farms reporting 1959. , 1954 , , square feet 1 959 , , 1954 , , Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 , 1954 . , acres used for grnwing 1959 . 1954 . , Sales dollars 1959., 1954. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1959 . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959., 1954 . , Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 . , dollars 1959., Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959 . Sales of firewood, pulpwood. fence posts, and sawlogs farms repeating 1959 - dollars 1959., Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959, , dollars 1959 , , Firewood and fuel wood cut.. farms reporting 1959. 1954 . coeds (4' X 4' X 8') 1959 . 1954 . Sales farms reporting 1959., cords (4' x4' x 6") 1959. Pulpwood sold farms reporting 1959 , 1954. cords (4* X 4' x 8') 1959. 1954 . Fence posts cut farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . number 1959 . 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959 . number 1954 . Snwloi'S and veneer logs cut farms reporting 19.59 . 1954' thousands of board feet 1959 . 1954^ Sales farms reporting 1959. thousands of board feet 1959 . 2 (D) 10,030 2 (D) 2 7 (D) 5,030 1 1 1 13,000 16,000 (D) 5,000 270 72 121,422 74,073 64 102, 508 18 18,914 16 18,354 2 560 204 356 1,559 3,647 4 171 11 39 1,074 3,495 50 100 7,394 16,084 4 67 12 2,628 1 3 (D) 7,500 3 (E) 3 3 6 7 (D) 3,900 1 2 750 1,603 2 (D) 1,250 3 3 4,100 2,350 74 46 U6,296 38,908 38 108,546 16 27,750 16 27,750 31 129 230 935 1 10 1,778 367 1 18 300 9,540 31 38 1,588 1 (D) 2,825 1 2 (D) 2,700 1 • 1 (Z) (z) (D) 125 106 61 326,596 126,981 45 301,300 18 25,296 15 23,796 3 1,500 48 218 218 1,471 2 64 124 5,814 24 1,600 14,540 1 1,200 8 56 469 4,514 4 450 1 75 100 1 (Z) (z) 75 100 384 92 80,686 75,875 74 64,132 42 16,554 41 16,004 1 550 318 579 2,373 4,792 7 61 28 40 620 1,571 39 128 4,879 17,577 2 1,060 12 95 155 3,035 4 120 8 15, U9 1,275 1 9,219 2 400 1,200 6 7,461 2 1 7,258 75 146 66 185,809 176,842 49 120,178 25 65,631 25 65,625 1 6 107 102 1,733 1,358 4 580 21 44 3,895 5,326 20 40 2,364 9,356 4,812 1 335 87 221,166 115,045 83 165,053 31 56,113 31 56,113 277 371 932 1,984 3 18 26 97 3,142 7,047 179 891 43,683 2 156 12 85 201 1,442 5 182 3 4,663 1,000 1 3,413 2 1 2 2 167 800 1 1 1 1 3,296 200 1 12 1,200 163 96 254,310 75,364 79 234,441 30 19,869 30 19,521 1 348 86 377 656 2,327 13 168 17 17 1,163 402 5 134 1,175 24,071 1 300 1 67 6 3,839 1 500 1 2 500 129 35 58,484 94,844 32 35,468 16 23,016 16 23,016 101 260 409 2,151 1 4 12 30 968 2,603 35 1,480 20,213 12 27 350 2,458 6 176 0 Data not shown to avoid disclosure of Individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions. Includes sales of standing timber. GEORGIA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 365 Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes Lumplcin McDuffle Mcintosh Macon Madison Marion Meriwether 2 4 2 2 4 1 1 7 1 3 4 1 1 5 1 CD) 2,840 450 (D) 53,439 300 1,025 195,190 150 49,145 CD) 100 CD) 30,860 2 21,800 200 1,000 15,000 36,200 379 177,100 62 30,650 16,500 50 4,000 31,213 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 (D) (D) 53,329 192,000 49,075 26,600 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 2 4 6 2 1 2 2 1 3 "3 3 3 7 7 25 1 (Z) 6 18 2 "2 13 20 8 20 6 33 1 (z) 8 2 4 "i 36 14 56 9 (D) 800 200 CD) 43,329 300 1,000 4,850 18,075 CD) 25,694 10 19,800 100 1,000 9,300 2,000 1,450 62 26,150 13,500 21,083 11 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 12 1 4 1 "i 1 1 . 1 1 1 13 2 1 1 1 14 1 4 1 1 1 15 454 16,250 ISO 4,400 16 324 3,338 288 3,772 7,000 17 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 "i "i 2 18 "i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 (Z) (Z) 1 Cz) CZ) 3 CZ) "i CZ) 2 1 20 1 Cz) CZ) Cz) 4 1 4 3 21 (0) 2,000 250 CD) 110 25 3,140 '50 31,000 CD) 100 CD) 3,966 22 100 5,700 1,200 269 100 4,500 50 700 10,000 23 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 24 "i 1 40 1 1 1 8,540 8,640 2 "i 60 3 1 20,000 1 1 1 180 1,125 2 1 '50 1 25 26 27 28 29 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 30 1 1 1 3 "2 1 31 1 1 15 475 CZ) "i CZ) 1 32 1 6 CZ) 533 1 CZ) 33 40 CD) 10,000 187,200 ioo TO CD) CD) 1,200 34 2,000 33,000 iio 175,550 3,000 3,300 125 35 96 133 149 535 162 59 154 86 351 325 192 32 75 379 152 331 36 56 52 22 86 28 26 59 38 127 71 57 21 66 74 51 100 37 219,412 76,766 47,996 324,908 94,874 135,568 181,473 69,371 291,270 68,980 65,931 27,302 158,343 95,878 127,001 141,357 38 70,018 47,343 95,046 379,895 98,359 53,439 64,903 72,409 298,130 36,110 84,750 87,034 48,657 69,986 53,405 214,953 39 50 44 14 64 25 17 51 28 108 50 18 21 50 54 39 76 40 100,069 64,352 34,586 249,039 83,942 55,596 74,523 22,692 244,958 57,175 30,749 25,982 111,253 53,473 100,062 75,498 41 46 23 12 38 3 18 23 26 38 32 47 1 28 39 19 49 42 119,343 12,414 13,310 75,869 10,932 79,972 106,950 46,679 46,312 11,805 36,182 1,320 47,090 42,405 26,939 65,869 43 46 22 11 37 8 13 23 24 32 32 46 1 28 38 18 48 44 119,293 12,087 12,985 73,497 10,932 75,972 106,950 46,029 45,829 U,805 35,178 1,320 47,090 42,330 26,894 65,866 45 1 2 2 3 1 2 5 2 1 2 1 46 45 327 325 2,372 4,000 650 483 1,004 75 45 3 47 55 95 135 456 136 40 123 59 248 300 144 18 10 321 120 247 48 67 215 86 125 . 313 129 335 60 429 269 279 5 262 664 410 661 49 443 764 668 2,439 1,240 198 393 266 1,570 1,750 1,350 140 171 2,139 1,496 2,107 SO 644 1,698 524 831 2,959 693 1,977 222 2,976 1,397 1,819 37 2,766 5,338 4,603 6,987 51 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 5 4 32 3 3 3 52 5 10 10 12 41 14 15 2 33 38 234 40 212 3 53 42 17 10 25 5 15 21 20 18 24 13 1 26 28 14 43 54 55 40 18 94 21 64 36 44 75 19 13 7 13 64 34 92 55 6,586 596 615 4,047 408 3,812 3,626 2,379 2,217 539 1,678 8 1,942 1,122 1,210 4", 234 56 3,742 2,706 2,380 37,242 1,503 4,331 2,351 10,215 20,775 310 1,169 3,164 785 2,579 2,343 18,589 57 12 26 10 88 1 10 5 17 12 1 2 3 55 13 26 58 17 93 15 134 '69 46 51 37 126 51 67 6 125 135 131 175 59 2,220 4,338 12,168 17,505 25 2,300 565 3,940 1,065 50 600 2,200 7,702 4,090 5,455 60 6,850 16,355 2,903 41,781 36,897 11,095 9,811 5,830 35,035 5,095 8,832 516 35,095 25,093 35,130 28,260 61 1 1 4 4 6 1 2 1 1 62 13 11,000 3,000 1,500 1,131 1,000 300 1,000 20 63 7 3 4 9 2 6 5 5 15 17 2 1 3 13 2 2 64 X 36 30 99 29 23 29 25 141 66 22 3 30 113 23 45 65 439 66 32 254 94 379 1,085 240 233 103 165 25 375 625 130 43 66 2,838 953 3,833 5,618 3,926 1,338 2,949 1,118 9,090 1,663 3,443 3,135 1,673 2,333 2,005 3,116 67 5 3 2 7 1 7 5 5 7 11 1 1 2 10 1 3 68 426 63 30 251 90 388 1,085 215 249 58 150 25 370 520 125 47 69 366 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Itoni (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: NurscT) and greenhouse prmiucts. flo^ser and veeetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms reporting 1059 . , dollars 195fi., 1954., On fanns with sales of "^0,000 or more .... farn-js reportinc 1959 . . dollars IMO.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, omamentals. etc.) ■. farms reportinp 1959 . . 10.54 . . acres used for growing 1950 . . 1954.. Sales dollare 1959 . . 1954.. Cut flowers, potteti plants, florist greens, and bedding plants Farms reporting 1959 . . 1054.. Grown under glass farms roportiriE 1059. , 1054 . . square feet 1959.. 1954.. Grown in the open farms reportinp 1950 . , 1954 . . acres used for growing 1959 . , 1954.. Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1^59 , . 1954.. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . square feel 1959.. 1954 . . Grown in the open farms repMting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres used for growing 1959 . . 1054 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reportinc loso . . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1950 . . dollars 1950.. 1954 . . Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959. . dollars 1059.. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1059 . . dollars 1959.. Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 1959 . , dollars 1950.. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms report.ing 1959. . dollars 1959 . . Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1059. . 1054 . . cords (4' X 4' X 8") 1959.. 1954 . . Sales farms reporting 1959.. cords (4' X 4' X 6') 1959.. Pulpwood sold farms reporting 1959 . , 1954 . . cords (-rx 4'xfi') 19.59.. 1054.. '^r'nce posts cut farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959.. 1054.. Sales farms reporting 1059 . . number 1954. . Sawloj^s and veneer logs out farms reporting 1959 . . 1954^- thousands of board feet 1059. . 19.54^.. Sales farms ropwtinp 1050 . . thousands of lx)ard feet 1959 . . , 2 400 50 117 1,595 1 115 4 13,050 7,995 2 12,000 5 45 14 12,900 5,015 1 3 1 2 693 1,743 2 150 ,900 21 78 18,637 218,022 50,576 U8,8S7 17 64 12,332 194,338 6 21 6,255 23,684 5 16 6,155 15,684 1 5 lOO 8,000 20 102 288 594 36 404 1,308 3,279 1 1 5 3 2 13 20 • 72 33 704 1,577 9,486 3 15 52 86 600 4,445 31,728 17,275 81 132 2,464 3 106 1 100 1 ■(z) 100 Mantgomery 151 83 115,236 185,901 57 61,489 41 53,747 41 53,737 1 10 86 152 730 1,449 3 46 31 59 3,139 5,477 45 99 13,758 24,254 4 4,100 11 36 156 5,482 3 110 2 (D) 4,200 1 CD) 1 3 5 10 (D) 4,200 1 2 (D) Morgan 167,214 106,900 40 97,000 67 70,214 64 68,678 5 1,536 164 137 1,112 889 44 422 18 51 3,350 4,432 54 1,380 16,394 1 100 25 278 3,220 4 278 1 2 750 Murray 65 110,244 92,245 42 74,195 38 36,049 37 35,049 1 1,000 159 282 1,769 4,154 5 71 28 37 2,107 3,492 29 49 3,109 8,028 58 54 ,578 6 3 2,750 2,750 Muscogee 150 53 39,869 96,557 42 23,364 22 16,505 21 16,420 1 85 102 189 682 1,698 2 35 18 22 1,0«) 322 16 47 3,100 4,906 1 2,000 62 30 4,617 10,370 89,350 3 8,970 7 6 , 30 7,100 57,050 2,550 35,800 1 2,900 32,300 1 450 14 10 36,730 142,845 9 17,657 10 19,073 10 19,043 5 42 47 322 12 949 2,902 3 37 1,300 4,812 1 1,000 2 13 96 5,375 2 3 20,610 4,000 1 20,000 20,610 4,000 138 68 116,269 75,856 64 80,531 12 35,738 12 35,738 326 763 2,532 2 14 5 16 1,360 2,252 30 311 5,224 1 10 3 40 338 2,714 4 316 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of Individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions . ^Includes sales of standing timber. GEORGIA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 367 Oglethorpe Paulding Peach PickenB Pierce Piie Poli Pulasld Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven 3 2 3 1 15 10 3 1 1 5 2 5 2 2 1 (D) 21,000 (D) (d) 68 26,522 96,818 1,575 (D) 4,800 2,810 (D) 196,063 (D) (D) 2 187 50,665 39,640 1,100 300 4,000 ioo 22 2,760 234,486 21,000 3 1 1 2 4 1 5 1 2 4 (D) (D) 20,670 90,288 4,800 196,063 (D) (D) 5 3 1 2 1 2 6 1 4 1 3 1 6 1 2 3 9 "i 1 1 1 1 4 7 61 4 5 1 11 200 3 4 1 47 2 8 30 1 18 328 1 2 "3 (z) (z) 205 9 (D) (D) (D) '68 20,670 91,250 (D) 2,150 (D) 158,007 (D) 10 18,000 187 32,200 34,740 200 300 ioo 12 60 137,886 11 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 12 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 9 1 13 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 "i 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 15 4,800 185 260 930 3,346 720 200 38,590 1,200 320 ;; 3,000 1 "3 1,800 4 2 "2 3 6 1 1,560 2 2 4 2 2,250 1 (Z) 40 1 (z) 1,050 19,239 1 4 8 13 .. "i '30 17 18 19 20 21 (D) (D) (D) ■546 725 725 4,800 610 (D) 38,056 (D) (D) 22 3,000 4,000 600 900 3,000 10 1,200 96,500 21,000 23 1 9 7 3 2 1 1 1 1 "i 1 "i 24 25 1 3 "i '1 1 1 26 27 15 11,260 7 7 3 196 3 2 19 5 1,645 750 72 250 "i (z) 1 (Z) -■•; 28 29 30 31 32 33 (D) 5,312 14,465 4,843 4,300 850 1,000 '56 1,500 ioo (D) 34 35 170 175 46 141 147 149 98 46 121 133 157 14« 23 23 42 227 36 67 81 27 40 95 56 46 36 36 28 35 51 10 23 37 97 37 130,374 76,886 60,787 30,320 187,285 144,291 43,733 114,268 106,983 154,393 23,266 87,958 13,652 29,184 28,384 389,827 38 101,754 55,298 37,587 73,635 116,087 53,056 20,773 28,482 141,673 36,889 14,035 29,808 13,672 5,080 25,799 226,446 39 52 65 22 25 84 40 34 35 27 27 22 44 6 21 35 74 40 113,110 27,550 34,207 19,877 151,416 52,429 24,962 94,722 58,432 51,658 11,542 62,783 11,065 27,306 18,881 348,925 41 29 57 15 21 22 33 19 8 17 27 19 26 5 5 3 46 42 17,264 49,336 26,580 10,4^3 35,869 91,862 18,771 19,546 48,551 102,735 11,724 25,175 2,587 1,878 9,503 1 40,902 43 26 57 15 21 20 33 19 7 17 26 18 26 3 4 7 46 44 16,489 48,861 26,580 10,443 35,459 91,662 18,671 19,296 4S,551 102,435 11,684 25,175 769 1,828 8,439 1 40,627 45 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 46 775 475 410 200 100 250 300 40 1,818 50 1,064 1 275 47 122 101 16 110 55 99 60 12 85 108 141 110 13 2 4 128 48 582 298 67 229 262 157 154 219 250 105 229 199 60 51 89 533 49 1,016 823 187 684 236 936 439 U2 1,276 1,901 1,770 821 93 14 35 763 50 5,035 2,462 2,439 1,621 2,171 1,239 1,628 1,412 2,891 785 1,437 1,710 379 692 753 3,897 51 4 1 2 9 3 2 4 1 3 2 1 2 15 52 18 1 60 65 12 52 390 1 52 30 5 14 246 53 19 51 13 11 17 33 16 5 12 25 14 23 1 3 6 25 54 60 27 11 46 71 16 51 15 38 12 16 21 4 6 1 5 90 55 856 2,127 1,720 417 2,333 4,114 1,119 960 2,829 3,241 720 1,601 15 110 15 3 1,650 56 14,421 623 1,297 1,094 15,352 1,219 1,510 1,503 4,033 631 257 1,036 182 293 56 2 '/,146 57 8 24 15 11 4 14 17 4 22 13 5 6 4 1 47 58 91 98 4S 13 91 58 50 43 59 51 30 76 24 15 2 8 192 59 1,125 4,330 2,951 1,049 725 2,253 2,481 554 4,425 2,675 1,325 1,950 3,743 13 5 25,605 60 41,698 15,116 16,195 6,048 26,689 14,229 9,438 11,910 9,559 14,236 5,692 23,991 2,652 2,335 9,45 0 88,068 61 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 7 62 125 300 400 70 700 1,300 400 2,413 50 9,425 63 7 16 6 11 7 2 2 2 9 1 1 2 2 14 64 67 51 10 13 72 27 24 19 27 12 29 21 8 14 7 69 65 309 378 74 26 684 27 127 27 1,146 2 15 66 12 8 239 66 3,611 2,103 1,213 2,881 973 1,584 470 845 5,021 1,491 706 1,250 437 219 1,00 7 3,754 67 5 10 6 2 3 2 2 2 9 1 2 8 68 71 353 71 5 624 26 102 27 1,121 15 12 8 230 69 368 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (For definitions am! PKpianations. see text) Spalding Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale; Nurscrj' and greenhouse prmliicl^, flower nnd vepetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms refwrting dollars On farms with sales of S2,0(X) or more .... farms reporting dollars Nursery products (t/ees. shrubs, vines, omamentals. etc.) farms reporting acres used for growing Sales dollars Cut flowers, potted plants, florist ^©ens, and bedding plants farms reporting Grown under glass farms reporting square feet Grown in the open farms reporting acres used for growing Sales ■ ■■ dollars Vegetables growTi under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and muslfooms farms reporting Grown under glass or in houBe farms reporting square feel Grown in the open farms reporting acres used fc» growing Sales dollars Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting Sales of any forest products farms reporting dollars 40 Sales of standing timber farms reporting 41 dollars 45 Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 4.3 dollars 44 Sales of firewood, pulpwood. fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 45 dollars Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 47 dollars Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting cords (4* X 4' X 8') Sales farms reporting cords (I' x4' x6') Pulpwood sold farms reporting cords (4* x 4' X 8") -.K I r-'.nce posts cut farms reporting numlier Sales farms reporting number farms reporting thousands of board feet Sales forms reporting thousands of board feet ,953.. 959., ,954 . , 19.59 . . 954 . . 959. 954^ [959. 959. 71 25 167,832 32,635 25 166,827 3 1,005 3 1,005 51 230 224 1,050 3 22 67 3,626 27 4,358 37,825 38,215 2 36,250 2 3 15 28 6,100 32,530 5 6 3 3 5,101 4,000 2 4 1 2 31,725 5,685 70 45 93,077 34,507 43 40,862 30 52,215 30 52,215 38 105 324 920 1 110 28 17 2,929 2,361 2 22 54 3,057 3 25 147 976 2 (D) 3,790 1 2 1 2 (D) 550 2 2 2 1 3,400 3,000 1 2 TO OTHERS: Include any separate fields and hay land rented to others. Include land worked on shares by olhers. Do not Include land leased to the GoTernmenl under the Soil Bank. 6. How many acri-s do you rent to olhersT None D (// "None," mark X and skip (o qiieation [7]-) (a) Of the acre« niiti-d to olhfrx, how many are owned by youT None \J Acres I OfflCE HE M< i Aerea In this plac ACRES IS THIS PLACE: [7] Adding acres owned and acres rented from olhers, then subtracting acres rented lo olhers, we get* (Question S plus question 4 minus question 6; if mananed, question ^^inus question ^.)^ This is at! Ihe land operated by you even though part of it may be located elsewhere or In other counUes. The remaining questions of this report refer lo the toUl acres of land reported for this question LOCATION OF LAND: _ kt r-i v r-i 8. Ib any of tliiHliiiid located in another county? No [J les U (// "No," mark X and skip to question [SJ,) (•) How many iicre» are in your county? Acres . (b) Give nameN of Other counties and acres located in each: Section MI.— CHOPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR. 1959 Report all crops hartesled or lo be haryested fft/s year from these (read answer for queaUon 7) acres. If you rent or work land for others on ahares include^ landlord^a shwe. (1) How many acres were or will be harvested? (2) How much (3) How much of thia l/ear'a loldT CORN AND SORGHUMS: {Include the landlord's share as sold If taken from this place.) CORN: [9] Wbj* any corn harvested for any purpose Ihia year? No Q Yes Q {If "No," mark X and skip to question till) ^ (Answer these questions, i/ "»«.") ^ 10. Corn for all purposes? (Do not include sweet corn or popcorn.) (a) Corn for grain? (70 lb. ear corn or 56 lb, shelled corn= I bu.) (b) Corn for sitage? (c) Corn hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder (ears not husked or snapped)? •. . (The total of the acres for questions (a), (b), and (e) must equal the acres for question 10.) BORGHUMS FOR GRAIN. FORAGE. AND SIRUP: [II J Were any aorghnms harvested for any purpose thi$ year? No Q Yes Q ( // "No." mark X and skip to question [ISJ.) 12. Sorghums for all purposes? (Include sorghums for grain, silage, forage, pasture, and sirup.) (a) Sorghums for grain or aeed? (b) Sorghums for silage? (c) Sorghums cut for dry forage or hay. or hogged or grSLtcd? . (d) Sorghums for alrup? Atnm /lO -x^ Ba. am. AOM Tom AOM T.- AarM /lO a.ii~. GaU*M (The total of the acres for questions (>), (b), (c). and (d) must equal the acres for question 12.) A-1 SOYBEANS C0WPEA8, PEANUTS, AND VELVETBEAN8: (If grown with com or other cropa. report acreage of mixture as grown with other crope; if grown alone. •*PO^_f^^f "_^*°_^'*°*ll SOYBEANS: [13] Were any aoybaans grown for any purpose thl» yearT ear? No Q Yes a ^0," mort X and skip to q^'tation [1*1 ) (Anawer t>te*e qvesliona, if "Ye: ^^v^. 14. Soybeans for all pnrpoaea? . (a) Soybean* for beau7. . . . (k) Soybean* for hay? (1) How many acres were grown (c) Soybeans hogged or graced, or cut for allage? (d) Soybeana plowed under for peen manore, not grazed or otherwise harvested* (The total of the acres for (a), (b). (c). and (d) must equal the acres for question 14.) COWPEA8: [151 Were any cowpea* grown for ny purpose thU year? No Q Yes Q {// "No," mark X and skip to qxiestion [171.) 18. Cowpcaa for all purpoae*? (Include blackeyes, crowders, whippoorwUls, purple hulls, etc. Report those sold for fresh market, or to canners, freeserB. or other processors under question 118.) (a) Cowpea* for dry pea*? (2) How many acres were grown with other crops? (3) How much Tim I (b) Cowpea* for hay? (c) Cowpeg* hogged or grued. or cut for allage? (d) Cowpea* plowed under for green manure, not grazed or otherwise harvested? (The total of the acres for (a), (b), (e). and (d) must equal the acres for question 18.) PEANUTS: [171 Were any peanuts grown for any purpose tMa year? No O Yea D (// "No," mark X and skip to question [191.) 18. Peanuts for all porpoeea? (a) Peanuts for picking or Ihreshlng? , . (b) Peanut vine* or tops which were or will be (or hay or forage? (Include tops or vines saved after picking or threshing, tops cut, and whole plants saved (or hay. This acreage may also be included in the acres reported in question (a) ) VELVETBEANS: [ItJ Were any Tel»elbean* grown for any purpose thia year? No Q Yea Q (// "No," mark X and skip to question [21].) 20. Velvetbeana for all purposes? SMALL GRAINS: (Include the landlord's share as sold U taken from this place.) (Answer these questions, if "i'es."): Were any of Ihe following grain crop* harvealed thia year — [21] Wheat? . . . 26. Oats for gralnT . 29. Barley? . . . . 30. Rye? 38. Other grains?. „ Mixed grains? HAY CROPS: (If two or more cuttings, count the acres only once but give total production of all cuttings. Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from this place.) (Answer theae questions, if "I'm.")^^ War* any of Ihe following bay cropa harvested I Ma year — 39. Alfalfa and alfalfa mltlure* for hay and for dehydrating? . . , . 41. CoasUl Bermudagrasscutfor hay? other 43. Leapedesa for hay? . . - (Include sericea.) 45. Gala, wheal, barley, rye. o •mall grain* cut for hay? (Include oats cut when ripe or nearly ripe for feeding unthreshed.) 47. Any other hay? (Include bromegrass, clover, fescue, JohnHon grass, millet, old meadows, orchardgrsss, ryegrs,s8. wild Rrasses-) (I) How many acres were combined or threshed? (1) How many acres were harvested thia year? CLOVER SEED, LESPEDEZA SEED, AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS: 49. Were any lespedeza aeed, clover aeed. or other field •e«d* harvested thia year? No Q Y«?8 D (// "No," mark X and skip lo question [79].) (Answer these questions, if ">'es_")^ St. L«*pedeza seed? . . SS. Crimson clover seed? 59. Tall feacue seed? . . 75. Lupine aeed? .... 78. Other field seeds? . Crotalaria? Millet? Rescuegrass? Ryegran? Wild winter peas? How much was harvested? How many tons were harvested? (3) How much of thta year'* crop was or will be sold? (3) How much of thia year'a crop was or will be sold? (1) (2) Pounds of Acres "clean" harvested seed or to be harvested or to be harvested? GEORGIA 373 POTATOES, TOBACCO, COTTON, SUGAfiCANE. AND ROOT AND GRAIN CROPS: (AnswfT these quesHont, if "1>*."')« Were iny of the roltoirini crops harvesled tM» year— [7»] Iriih polatoes for home ubp or for saleT . iH \e**f thun aobu.-hebor 10 hundredweight were harvesti'd, do not ri'port acrea ) 80. Sweetpotftloes for home une or for tuale? (If lesti than 20 bushela were harvested, do not report acres.) 81. Tobmccof 89. ColtonT 98. Sa(»rcBne for alrnpT |(M. Rool and grain cropa hogjed or frfcredf D D (1) How many acres were or will be harvested? (Report tenths of an acre if called for) (2) How muoh was or wlUbe harvestedf VEGETABLES FOR HOME USE AND FOR SALE: 105. Were any Tegetables, sweel corn, or melons, hRTvested thia year for home use? No Q Yes Q lOfi. Were any vegetablea, BWeet corn, or melons, harvested thl$ year for sale for fresh market or to canners, freeiers, processorsT No Q Yea □ (// "No" for fuulton 106, marl: X and aktp to queBtton [14S].) (AnitDer thete quettioTU, if "YeB.")^ Were any of the following Tegetable crops harvested thIa year — OTHER SMALL FRUITS: [143] Were anv berries or other small rrolls harvested tnia year for sale? {// "\o." mark X and (Antvrer these No D Yes n skip to question [152].) lese questions, if " Yes^')^^^^ Were any of the following berry crops harvested thia year — 144. Strawberries? ■ - ■ ISI. Other berrtesT . Blackberries? Blueberries (lame)T (I) Acres harvested* (Report tenths of acres) Taalka /lO Jll (2) Quarts harvested? TREE FRUITS. NUTS. AND GRAPES: [152] Is there a total of 20 fruit and not trees and grapevines on this place? . (// "A'o," mark X and skip to question [198].) "'" ■■ jh ]'~ No D Yes n (//■•r«, 153. How much land is in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees? . . . . r question' 153 through 197.) iAnsxvtr these queslic Were any of the following kinds of fruit and nut trees on this place — 154. Apples? 155. Peaches? 158. Pears? 161. Grapes? 165. Plums and prunes? . . . 168. Cherries? 172. Figs? 177. Improved pecsna? .... 178. Wild iind seedling pecans? 197. Other fruits mid nuts? Apricots? Chestiiuis? I Gi*«nBmi Orai.grs? Tung nuls? Plitnl dif^rence here 205. How many acrcM of cropland were used only for pasture (or grazing) thia year? None Q 207. How many acres of cropland were usi'd only for soil-Improvement grasses and legumes not harvested and not pastured f ftis year? 208. How manv acres of cropland have not been accounted ror? (Include idle cropland and cropland on which all crops failed.) None D None D WOODLAND: (Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts; cutover and deforested land which has value for wood |iro[luct« and has not been improved for pasture.) 209. How many arrex of woodland were pastured (or grazed) fAls irear^ None Q 210. How many acres of woodland were not pastured (or grazed) thia year? None □ OTHER LAND: 211. How many acrcri were in other pasture? None D (Not cropland pasture and not woodland pasture.) (// "None," mark X and skip to q^les^ion [212].) (a) Of this other pasture, how niiuiy acres do you consider to t>e improved pasture? None Q (Improved by liming, fcrlili/.ing, seeding, irrigating, draining, und ronlrolling weeds and brush.) [212] How many iirret »ori' in house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, and wastelsnd? None Q Add tlirsr lun-.- (qncslion^ 204. 20.'>, 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. and 212) and rnlcr Ma- tuLil larc .^^^^^^^^^ These totals must / /-x / /-« -IRRIGATION 213. of ilic lotiil liiiHl III (III. ]iliiri' iri'iioi uM iiiuiiy ucrcK vttTi' irrigated thit i/^or? 374 THE QUESTIONNAIRE Is^cllon VI.— RACE. AGE. RESIDENCE, OFF-FARM WORK. AND OTHER INCOME (1) (2) (3) 2ia. What is your race? {Mark c 219. How old were yoii on your last birthday? Years _ 220. Do you live on this place? No D Yea D 221. When did you begin to operate thia place? Report month it you began to operate this place since January I. 1958. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME: 222. How many dayn thla year did you work off your farm? Include work at a nonfarm job. business. proffa-HJoii. or on Homcoiie else's farm. Include days you expect to work off your farm between now and December 31, 1959. (Do not include exchange work.) lo4»d«W D (4) 100 lo IW J»H □ (5) 223. Did any other member of your family living with you have a nonfarm job, business, profession, or work on someone else's farm Ihie year? No Q Yea Q 224. Have you any income thia year from any of the following sources: Sale of products from land rented out? Cash rent? Hoarders? Social Security? Old-age astiMtance? Pensions? Veterans' allowancca? Unemployment compensation? Interest? Dividends? Profits from nonfarm business? Financial help from members of your family? No D Yes D (// "None" for quettion 222 and "No" for both guetlions 223 and 224, »kip lo quetlion [22S1.) 225. Will the income which you and your family receive from work off the farm and ■om olhiT toiircfs (li-ited in queslions 223 and 224) be greater than the total value of all HrKiilt.inil |ir..iiu([-. sold or to be Bold from your place (hw |/ear7 NoQ SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR, 1959: 2S1. Were any aheep or lanba shsrn thlt year? No Q Yes D (// "No" mark X and aktp to quettion [2S4].) iAnavyer IhtBe quealiona, if "yM.")« 2S2. Were any lambs shorn fn 1959T. 2Sa. Were any aheep shorn in I959f . \m (1) How many were Bhorn'T (2) How much wool WAS ahornT D a NaMbw u. N»l>« u. HOGS AND PIGS: rxu] How many hocs and pigs of all agea, Including sows and boara. are on this place? None Q Number . {// "None," mark X and aifcip to quealion [255].) or (his toul. how many were born- f(a) Since June I, thim year? |(b) before June I. thia year. (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 254.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: [255] How many litters were farrowed since June 1, Number of thJ» year or will farrow before December 1? None □ litters 256. How many Udera were farrowed between Number of December 1, taut year and June 1. thia year? None G litters _ Section VII.— FOREST PRODUCTS THIS YEAR, 1959 D-1 [226] Hiiw much wm or will be received thia year from :it' sale nf standing timber or trees? None sold D S— (Include standing timber sold for pulpwood.) 227. How much was or will be received thia year from the ale of poles and piling, bark, bolls, mine timbers, and Christmas trees? None sold Q S— (Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, aawlogs, and gum for naval stores.) CATTLE AND CALVES: (Include all cows and all other cattle and calves, both dairy and beef, on this place.) (,4nflii>(r these queationa, if "Yea.")^^ (Do not report below any products sold on the stump. Products sold on the stump should be included in question 226.) Were any of the following forest productscut f/ifs Ifear for home use or for sale— 228. Firewood and fuelwoodT. . 229. PulpwoodT 230. Fence poslaT 231. Sawloga and veneer iogaT . was or will be cut in 1959? (2) How much was or will be sold in 1959? or this total, how many are- ny cattle and calTca of all ages are on this place?. . . . None Q Number _ (// "None," mark X and skip to qutation [262].) 1(a) CowsT Number _ (Include heifers that have calved.) (b) Heifers and heifer calvea? Number. (Do not include any heifers that have calved.) (c) Bulls, bull calves, steers, and steer calves? Number _ {The total for questions (a), (b), and (e) must equal the number for question 257.) COWS MILKED AND BUTTER CHURNED: 258. How many cows and heifers were milked yeaterday? None Q Number . 259. How many milk cows v (Include dry milk co' re on this place yeaterday? None Q Number . t and milk heifers that have calved.) VIII.— POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK NOW ON THIS PLACE AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION THIS YEAR, 1959 260. How many (ftllons of milk were produced yeaterday? None Q Gallons 261. How many pounds of butter were churned last week? .... None Q Pounds Include all poultry and anlmala on thia place owned by you, by your landlord, by your employees, and by others. Theme qiiaatlona aid to b« / (o) Dom- Al number ond In t or TT No n YmH uwwered by CENSUS < ENUMERATOR \ (*> *" «»*• *" quertion 7. 1.000 or mon? No □ Yaa Q POULTRY: 236. Are there any chickens, turkeys, or other poultry on this place? No Q Yes Q 237. If "No," were there any on this place any time (Afa tf«ar? No Q Yen O (// "No" for both queationa 236 and 237, morJt X and akip to queation [246].) 238. How many chickens (hens, pullets, roosters, etc.) 4 months old and over arc now on this place? None Q Number 239. How many broilers were or will l>e sold thia year? None Q Number (Report all broilers sold and those grown for others under contract.) 240. How many hens, roosters, pallets, cocherela. and other chlckena were or will be sold f/ifa year? None P Number 241. How many doEena of chicken eggs were or will be sold thia year? None Q Doieia 242. How many turkeys and turkey fryers were raised thia year? (Include those raised from poults hatched, poulta bought, and those raised for others under contract.) 243. How many turkey hens notron hand are you keeping for breeding next year? 244. How many ducks, geese, and other poultry (not counting chickens and turkeys) Give were sold thia year? None Q name Section IX.— DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1959 [262] Was any milk or cream sold fhfs vear,/9j«r No G Yes Q {// "No." mark X and akxp to question [266].) Report all sales from this place whether made hy you or by others. Report dairy products sold for your landlord. Be sure to Include dairy products which you will sell by December il, thia year. None D Number (For each item, anawer tkeae quetlionB,} 2U. How much whole rallk was >T will be sold in 1959? None Q (Report in pounds of milk, gallons of milk, or pounds of butterfat.) 364. How much cream was or will be sold in 1959? None Q (If cream was sold by the gallon, multiply the i numbpr of gallons by 2^ to get pounds ot butterfat ) (1) t (t) GklloM «f bIU •r (1) Lb. at katlMfal l». WbalObt (2) How much was or will be the value of aalea in I9B9? WW" 245. How much was or will be received thia year from the aale of turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs? None sold D Value of sales $_ Section X.— ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 1959 SHEEP AND LAMBS lambs D-2 Report all sales from this plsce whether msde by you or by others. Report all animals turned orer lo or sold for your landlord, and animals fed under contract for others. Be sure lo report anlmala which yon will sell by December 31. thia year. [246] How many ewes, rams, wethers, and mbs of all ages are Of this total, how many are — • on this place? None D Number (// "A^one," mark X and akip to question [247].) (a) Lambs under 1 year old? Number . ind over? Number . (Answer these questions, if "Yea.")^ (b) Ewes 1 year old (c) and wethers I year old and over? Number . (The total for quoHtions (a), (b), and (c) must equal the iiuinluT for question 246.) MULES AND HORSES: Were any of the following animals sold or will anr be sold thia memr None D Number [265] Calves? . . . . 266. Cattle, not counting calves? 267. Mules, horsea, colts, and ponies? 268. Hogs and pigs?. 369. Sheep and lambaT .... How manv have been sola thia year? (2) How many more will be Mid between now and Dee. 31? NSB (3) How much was or will be the value of sales in 1959? GEORGIA 375 'Section XI.— FERTILIZER AND LIME Include ml\ lerlillzer and lime used on IhU place during 1959, whether purchased by you or by your landlord. 271 On how many ucrcs werp commercial fertilizer mid fertilizing materials used In 1959? None Q Acrea { // "None," mark X and aktp to (jutetion [272].) {Aniti'er Uiese questions, i/ "Yeg.")~ Was fertllUer used thit year on any of the following crops — (a) Hay and cropland pasture? (b) Other pasture (not cropland)? . . . (e) CornT (d) Soybeans? . . . (e) CottonT (0 All other cropsT . (1) On how many acreH was fertilizer used? How much was used — (2) Dry materialH? (Include rock phoHphate) no (3) Liquid materials? n Acres _ [272] How many acrea were limed in 1959? (// "None." mark %. and aktp to gueglion [274].) 273. How much Hme or liming materials was used in 1959? Tons (Include ground lirneMtoup, hvdratcd and brirnt lime, marl, oyster shclh, etc. Omit lime UMi-d for spmvH or suniUtioTi.) Section XIL— SELECTED FARM EXPENDITURES AND LAND USE PRACTICES - THIS YEAR, 1959 How much waa or wilt be spent thit year for— EXPKNDITl'HKS: Include eipenses paid, or to be paid by December 31, 1969, by you and your landlord for this place. [274] Feed for livestock and poultry? None Q S (Include cost of Rrain, hay, mill feedn, concentrates, and roughaRes; also, amounts paid for grinding and mixing feed.) 276. The purchase of livestock and poultry? ....... None D S (Include baby chicks) 27S. Machine hire? None Q S (Include custom work such aa tractor hire, threshing, combining, cotton picking, cotton ginning, silo fillixiR, corn picking, baling, plowing, fruit picking, spraying and dusting.) 277. Hired labor? None D * (Do not include housework, custom work, or contract construction work. Include cash payments only.) 278. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees? .' None Q $ 279. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business? None □ S LAND-USE PRACTICES: 280. How many acres of land were used to grow r-i » coTer crops (hfs year and then planted to another crop? None G Acres. 281. How" many acres of cropland used for grain or row crops thfa year were farmed on the contour? None Q Acres. 282. How many acres of strip-cropping systems for soll-eroalon control were on this place (/ii« year? None Q Acres. 283. How many acres of crop and pasture land on this place have terraces? None D Acrea _ Section XIII.— FARM LABOR 284. .\bout how many hours la$t week did :e) do fa (Afar* one.)' you (the person in charge of this place) do farm work or cnores on this place? CD NowD (2) »D 285. How many other members of your family did 15 hours or more of farm work or chores on this place latt week without receiving cash wages? . . . None Q Persons _ (Do not include housework.) 286. How many hired persona did any farm work or chores on this place taat week? None Q Persona _ (Include members of your family receiving cash wages.) (// "None," mark X and ekip to queetion [291].) 287. Of these hired Eersonsworklng taet week, 0 (a) 150 days or more during (Ais year? None n Persons. IS1hU*BU«*for-"'*'°^*'* ^f"*^ ^'^ *^»" '*•' ^y" '^'"■'"8 "*'■ »'*'•'■' .... None Q Persons _ on ihia place for— 288. Of these hired persons working la»t week, how man; were paid on a — (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the numt>er for question 2ft6.) (1) Number of persons Monthly basis? Weekly basis? _ Hourly basis? _ Piecework basis? (2) What waa the agreed cash rate of pay? (If more than one person, give average) _/00 per month _/00 per week _/00 per day (I>ollv«) : (C«nU) - per hour (3) How many hours per person were these workers expected to work to earn this pay? PMter (bow*) How many of the following are on this place — (The total of the persons reported in column 1 must equal the number for question 28C.) 2n. How many hired pt-rsons paid on a piecework basis worked on thiM place fast Friday? None n l'ernons (// "Nonr,- mark X and skip to ijuration [291].) 2W. How much did theM- hirt-d piTson.-* on piecework (roportrd for question 28*) i-arn for their work taat Friday? * / Section XIV.— EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES NOW ON THIS PLACE Include equipment, whether owned by you or by others, on (his place. Include equipment and facilities (hat afe lemporarlly out of order. [291] Grain combines? 292. Corn pickers (include picker-HhellcrH unil corn combincH)? 293. Pick-up balers? 294. Field forage harvesters (for field chopping of niluge and foragi' crops)? 295. Motortrucks (include pick-ups)? . . 296. Wheel tractors other than garden? . 297. Garden tractors? 298. Crawler tractors (tracklaying)? . . 299. Automobiles? Do you have on Ibis place — 300. Telephone? No O Vca Q 301. Home freezer (for quick freezing and storing food) 7 No D Via D (Do not include refrigerators.) 302. Milking machine? No D Vca Q 303. Electric milk cooler? No Q Yes Q 306. Crop drier (for grain, foragf, or other crops)? No Q Yes Q 306. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower? No O Vea Q 307. On what kind of road Is this place located? (Aforfc one)- (1) Hard surface? .... (2) Gravel, shell, or ahalc? (3) Dirt or unimproved? -D // marked herr, aniwer rllow many mili-a to a hard surfaci- roud? O U-Mi than 1 mile OR Whole miles. Section XV.— RENTAL AGREEMENT. FARM VALUES. AND MORTGAGE DEBT 308(S) Do yoti rent any land from others (b) Do you work any land on shares? No a ve- a No a ves n (// "No" for holh i^urnliona 308(a) and 308(b). mark X and aktp to quealion [314] ) (// "Yea^' for eithrr quealion 308(a) or S08(b). anawer qiieaUon* 309 through i\^.) 309. Does the landlord fiirnish all the work aiilmalx or tractor power (at a part of his sharr- of the operation of the placf)? No Q Yes Q 310. Do you pay to your landord any cash as rent? No Q Yes □ (a) If "Yes," how much for the year? $ /OO 311. Do you pay to your landlord any share of the crops (such as i, J, J)? No n Yc" D 312. Do you pay to your landlord any share of the livestock or livestock products (such as 1, i, J)? No D Yes Q 313. Do you have this land under any other arrangement (such as a fixed quantity of atiy product, upkeep of land and buildings, payment of taxes, keep of landlord, rent free, etc.)? No Q Vea Q t314] Abonl ow much would the land and the buildings sell for— (a) Land and buildings owned by you? (Copy acres from question 3 ) (b) Land and buildings rented from others? (Copy acrcH from question 4 ) (c) Land and buildings managed for others? (Copy acres from que-'*tion 6.) (d) Land and buildings rented to others? (Copy acres from question 6 ) (I) Acrea (2) Total value (dollars) \- 315. la there any morlgage debt on land and buildings owned by you? (Mark one.) ^^^^^™ No D Yes D No land owned Q SIO. On what date did you All this queatlonnaire? Census county division County Who furniahed the informalto\ in this reportt {Mark one) ■{ >«Uw>— nifc»«f*l Certified by Checked by . Crew leader r D (0>v m Date (»ionfA qnd day) Date (monlA and day) 376 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK A2 USTINU 1 i < PART 1 -LIST OH PLACES IN tD PART II -AGRICULTLJRAL OPERATIONS J PART III -KILLINC. Al 1 2 (1) A LiH the head of every hou»«hold living in ihii ED AND ALSO B List every periDn. not living in ihii ED. who hai ■griculfural operationi in thii ED, (2) Do«> iliii pcflon or mny member or hii hold operate tot titwh)? (3) Did thi( pcntHi oe Btiy nwmbef of hii houi«hold hjvc ji .itiv imH- thik vvjf— Doe. rhM ir;;;: (91 Does this Kir' kgriculiural operaiioni • here Ht live*' <10) An, live- itoek? |ho.i^ ciiile^ horiei? sheep' JOltl? etc.) (4) 20 ot itwre chtckctii^ tutkeyt* dock.> (») An, ctop.? (COftS? tobacco? othet lield ctops?) (61 20 Ot iisore rhitt^ It.p.. vities? nut trees? (') Ativ ve«- Clibles fcr sale? berttes? tturtery Of fteen- house ptoducts? <•! 1 3 4 No : Yes No 1 Yci No I Yes No iYes No : Yes No ; Yes i No |Yes i No : Y« ; 1 i : j 6 7 B 9 10 No: Ye. No 1 Vei No ; Yes No ;Ye« No ; Yes No : Yes No : Yes No : Ym i i : i 11 12 U 14 14 No • YeJ No ! Ye. 1 No : Ye. No i Yes No : Ye. No i Ye. No! Yes No ! Yes i i i ■ 16 17 IS 19 20 No 1 Yej No •: Yes No 1 Yes No ; Yes No ■ Yes No : Yes Noi Yes No 1 Ve* (1) (2) (») «) (') («l O (•) (91 (10) l->r>iiCtOA2 • 1 olumiu ^-H. II N .// ...luini,^ sL.p i.. ...tuoio 16. It No •(.>lui»n-> ll N.> nil ,..|ui>.» ill If N ,^ ... ..-I,.r>i.i v w'lu.iti) 1.11 ...liiinii ■> ,.>l.imii II jihIkii AI • Column lOi II N.>. Iill u.liimn 1 t .....Urt A 1 U Vrt Kim.. Kl .!...»» ,:.f Al SLipf I...i>ii 1% .u.,l..iui .....il.iiK .,.l,li.v. ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK 377 Al Nunihcr (M) PART IV -RhCORIl or C.OMPLI-TIUN OF ENllMhRATION 1 J < Doe* ihi» peribn work ^.. ! Vo D.iti Diie 1 2 ^ 4 1 1 i J : 1 Al No No ; Vf^ Date Date 6 B 9 10 Al No No : Yi-i Date l>..ie 11 12 1) 14 No : y^ Ditt Dcir 16 IB 19 10 (HI > till A* l..f ljnJl..iJ jnJ Al lur • Column 16 1 nitt ,l.ni oiiK jtiti i.-ii li.m ...l^«.■T.I .inJct Nrk'innirtK ».ih t 1,1 rht fi»ii Al y.-u jn i.. "f uhtch ihr n*mc .•« ihi^ pcrwMi jppt.iii -i\ it tniuirrJ gn I lor (hr wtond rt< fcojnl 378 INDEX TO TABLES Abnoimal farms Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay Alfalfa seed Almonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes, specified Apples Apricots Area, approximate land Asparagus Automobiles Austrian winter peas Average size of farm Avocados Barley Beans Beets (table ) Berries , specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries (tame or wild) Boysenberries Broccoli Broilers sold Broomcom Buckwheat Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons , etc Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cauliflower Celery Change in definition of farms Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Christmas trees sold Citrus fruits, specified Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Collards Color of operator Commercial farms Commercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial ryegrass seed Conservation of land Com Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cowpeas Cows Creem sold Crimson clover seed Crop drier Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator ^ use Cropland in cover crops Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants Crop fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested, specified Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeration Dates Days worked off farm Definition of farms , change in Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks sold ■ Durum wheat ■ Economic class of farm Eggplant Eggs sold Electric milk cooler Elevators, power-operated, conveyor or blower. Emmer and spelt English or Persian walnuts Equipment and facilities, specified Escarole, endive, and chickory 14,17 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 7,12 11 U 11 10a 9,10a 11 11 11 1 11 4,6 11 1,1a 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 8 11 15,17,18,19,20 5 3,17,18,19,20,21,22 5 5,14,15,16 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8 7,12,17,1^,19,20,21 ■1,9 8 11 8 11 10 1 8 11 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 9 12 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 3,4,17,18,19,20 3 14,17,18,19,21 ■4,5 5 17,18,19,20,21 7 8 11 1,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 8,15 11 15,17,18,19,20 5 8 11 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8 7, 17, IB, 19,20, 21 4,10 3 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 6 1,2,3 l,la,2,3 1,2,3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,4 3,17,18,19,20 3 1,2 la 3,17,18,19,20,21 3 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 17,18,19,20,21 1 17,18,19,20,21 1 3,17,18,19,20,21 5 3,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 7 1,17,18,19,20,21 la, 11a 8,13,17,15,19,20,21 4,11 8, 13, 17, IB, 19,20, 21 5,11 1,17,18,19,20,21 9 15,17,18,19,20 7 7,17,18,19,20,21 11 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 10 14,17,18,19 8 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 11 1,1a 5 10 5,9 11 4,10 4,6 6 11 11 4,6 11 Ewes Expenditures, faun. See Fann expenditures. Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures, specified Farm labor Farm operators : By age By color By residence E3y tenure By of f -farm work and other Income Fann products , value of Farm property, value of Farms , number By color of operator ^ economic class By kind of road on which located By kind of workers During specified week By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold. .- Farms with all harvested crops Irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for Fence posts cut Fertilizer-, commercial, expenditures for Fertilizer, commercial, uses for Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas , dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frult-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold Field forage harvesters Field seeds Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Frult-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasolljie and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese sold General f aims Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Goats and kids sold alive Grain combines Grains Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas sold Hairy vetch seed Harvesters , field forage Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Honeydews Hops Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and/or mules Horses and/or mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes , Irrigated farms, number Irrigated land in farms By use Kale Kind of road Kumquats Ladlno seed Land and buildings, value of TflTid area, approximate Land from which hay was cut land in farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 4,17 3,4 4,17 3,4,17 4,17 17 1,17 1,2,17 3 4,17 5,17 1,17 2,16 3 5,17 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 17,18,19 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 5 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 18,19,20,21 1 ,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 15,17,19,20 8 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 8 9 8 9 9,17,18,19,20,21 8 15, 17,1B, 19,20 8 17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 7 15,17,18,19,20 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 7 9,17,18,19,20,21 1.2 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 1 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3 INDEX TO TABLES 379 County County Ujid in Irrigated farms By use land in strip-cropping systems for soil erosion control Land irrigated by source of water Land pastured Legumes , specified annual Lsmons l£spede2a cut for hay Lespedeza seed Lettuce and romaine T.ima beans lAme and liming material, expenditures for... Lime and liming material used during the year. Limes Litters farrowed Livestock and livestock products sold Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy and livestock ranches Uvestook ranches Livestock-share tenants Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries Lupine seed Machine hire , expenditures for Managed land Managers Mandarins (included with Tangerines) Mangoes Maple sirup made Buckets hung Maple sugar made Milk cooler, electric Bulk-type Milk sold Milli cows MiUcing machine Mint for oil Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Mixed grains , Mohair clipped Motortrucks Mules and mule colts Navel oranges Nectarines Nonwhite f ann operators Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants , and bulbs Nursery and nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines , ornamentals , etc .) Nuts, specified Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other small grains cut for hay Of f -farm work and other income Okra Olives Onions Operators, farm. See Faim operators. Oranges Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins.. Other and unspecified tenants Other field-crop fanns Owned land Part owners Part-retirement Part-time farms Pasture Peaches Peanuts Pears Peas Pecans Peppers . See Sweet peppers and pimlentos . Pick-up balers Plmientos Plums Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Products, farm, value of Proso millet Prunes Pulpwood sold Pumpkins Purchase of livestock and poultry ^llnces Radishes Rams and wethers Raspberries Red clover seed Redtop seed 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 8 17,18,19,20,21 3 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 15,17,18,19,20 3,17,1^,19,20,21 6,12,17, IB, 19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 3 3,21 9 9 9 «, 17, 18, 19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 4,17,15,19,20,21 6 8 8 3,4,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 3 3,17,18,19,20,21 14,17 17 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,16,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 8 5,17,18,19,20,21 8 6,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a, 11a la, 11a 1,1a 11 11 11 11 11 11 7 11 9 1,10a 5 5 4,8,9 4,5,9,10a 11 11 4,7 3 3,4,5 11 11 12 12 4,6 6 4,10 4,8 4,6 11 5 11 10a 4,6 111 11 U 3 12 11 11 11 11 5 11 11 11 11 11 5 5 3 3,4 5 5 1,1a 11 11 11 11 11 4,6 11 11 11 11 11 4,8,9 4,5,9,10 5 6 5 U U 12 11 4,7 Residence of operator Rice Root and grain crops hogged or grazed Rye Ryegrass seed, common and perennial Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs cut Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, expenditures for. Seeds, field Shallots Share-cash tenants Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of farm Small fruits Small grains Snap beans (bush and pole types) Sorghums . .' Soybeans Specified equipment and facilities Specified farm expenditures Spinach Spring wheat Squash Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves. Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar Sugarcane or sorghum for sirup Summer fallow, cultivated Sweetclover seed Sweet com Sweet peppers and pimlentos Sweetpotatoes System of terraces on crop and pasture land Tangelos Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Tenants Temple oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Timothy seed Tobacco Tobacco farms Tomatoes Tractors Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes Tung nuts Turkeys Turnips Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of commercial fertilizer Uses of land Valencia oranges Value : Crops Farm products sold Fanns ( land and bui Idings ) Livestock Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms.,'.. Vegetable farms Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale Vegetables sold Velvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains , cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Wage rates Walnuts Watermelons Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat White farm operators Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland in farm, by use Wool shorn Wool sold Workers : Family Hired Regular Seasonal Specified week Work off farm Youngberries 4,17,18,19,20,21 23,24 9 8 8 5,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21,22 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7 7,17,18,19,20,21 8 16,17,18,19,20 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 ; 6,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 8 3,17,18,19,20,21 9 8 8 15,17,18,19,20 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 3 6,7,12,17,18,19,20,21 3 15,17,18,19,20 17,13,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,13,19,20,21 1,17,13,19,20,21 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,13,19,20 8 8 17,18,19,20,21 14,15,16 3,4,17,13,19,20 1,17,18,19,20,21 7,12 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5 5,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE i'JS'^S^ Florida COUNTIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS U.S. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 Final Reporf— Vol. I— Part 29— Counties FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES Florida COUNTIES p^«?® Prepared under the superv'ii'ion of RAY HURLEY, Chief Agriculture Division U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Richard M. Scammon, Director ('From May ], 1961) Robert W. Burgess, Director (To March 3, 1961) BUREAU OF THE CENSUS RICHARD M. SCAMMON, Director A. Ross ECKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Conrad Taeuber, Asiistaiil Director Lowell T. Galt, Specid Assistant Herman P. Miller, Special Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Julius Shiskin, Chief Economic Statistician Joseph F. Daly, Chief Mathematical Statistician Charles B. Lawrence, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Chief International Statistical Programs Office A, W. von Struve, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — Rav Hurley, Chief Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Chief Field Division — Jefferson D. McPike, Chiej Ivan G. Munro, Assistant Chief Machine Tabulation Division — C. F. Van Aken, Chief Henry A. Bloom, Assistant Chiej Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chiej Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chiej Construction Statistics Division — Samuel J. Dennis, Chiej Decennial Operations Division — Glen S. Taylor, Chiej Demographic Surveys Division — Robert B. Pearl, Chiej Economic Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chiej Electronic Systems Division — Robert F. Drury, Chief Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chiej Geography Division — William T. Fay, Chiej Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chiej Housing Division — Wayne F. Daugherty, Chiej Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, Chiej Personnel Division — James P. Taff, Chiej Population Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chiej Statistical Methods Division — Joseph Steinberg, Chiej Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D. Goldfield, Chiej Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chiej Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chiej Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Series AC59-1 and AC59-2, Preliminary Reports Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: A60-9482 SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Agriculture: 1959. Vol. I, Counties, Part 29 Florida U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1961 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, DC, or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce. Price $1.50 PREFACE Volume I, Counties, is one of the five prineipal reports presenting the results of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. This volume, in 54 parts, presents the compilation of the infor- mation given by farm operators to census enumerators in 1959. The 1959 Census of Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress of August 31, 1954 (amended August 1957), which codified Title 13, United States Code. The collection of the data was carried out by census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Bureau of the Census and working under the direction of Robert B. Voight, then Chief, Field Division. Paul R. Squires, then Special Assistant to the Director, was responsible for the recruitment of the field stafl. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief, and Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by M. Vincent Lindquist, Thomas Jabine, Robert S. McCauley, John C. Mackey, Robert Standley, Hilton E. Robison, Helen E. Teir, Carl R. Nyman, Kenneth R. Norell, Gladys L. Eagle, Henry L. DeOraff, Charles H. Boehne, Joseph A. Correll, Margaret G. Wood, Evelyn K. Jett, Simon Yablon, Emma B. Gass, Charlotte J. Messinese, Bennie L. Sharp, Isaac E. Lemon, James M. Lindsey, Samuel S. Murray, William F. Kauflfman, Hector Vila, Harry P. Owings, Charles A. Nicholls, Henry A. Tucker, Robert S. Boyle, Helen M. Davenport, Albert W. Graybill, Lois G. Miller, Thomas D. Monroe, Gerald P. Owens, Bernard L. Ross, Marvin M. Thompson, Helen D. Turner, Kurt W. Luethy, .\rnold L. BoUenbacher, George W. CofiFman, Joseph A. Horak, Samuel J. Hundley, Donald K. Larson, Chester G. Lykins, Wilmer R. Maxham, Virgil L. McClain, Jr., Darrell D. Proehaska, Robert J. Rades, Hubert E. Sites, Duane E. Traylor, Donald H. von Steen, Elmer O. Rea, Frances G. Compton, Lillian W. Bentel, and Neil V. Perkins. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of personnel by the United States Department of Agriculture in the planning, the enumeration, and the com- pilation of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. November 1961 III UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 FINAL REPORTS Volume I — Counties — A separate part for each State. Statistics on number of farms; farm characteristics; acreage in farms; cropland and other uses of land; land-use practices; irrigation; farm facilities and equipment; farm labor; farm expenditures; use of commercial fertilizer; number and kind of livestock; acres and production of crops; value of farm products; characteristics of commercial farms, farms classified by tenure, by size, type, and economic class; and comparative data from the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Volume I is published in 54 parts as follows: Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States New England States: West North Central — Continued Mountain : 1 Maine. 19 South Dakota. 38 Montana. 2 New Hampshire. 20 Nebraska. 39 Idaho. 3 Vermont. 21 Kansas. 40 Wyoming. 4 Massachusetts. South Atlantic: 41 Colorado. 5 Rhode Island. 22 Delaware. 42 New Mexico. 6 Connecticut. 23 Maryland. 43 Arizona. Middle Atlantic States: 24 Virginia. 44 Utah. 7 New York. 25 West Virginia. 45 Nevada. 8 New Jersey. 26 North Carolina. Pacific: 9 Pennsylvania. 27 South Carolina. 46 Washington. East North Central: 28 Georgia. 47 Oregon. 10 Ohio. 29 Florida. 48 California. 11 Indiana. East South Central: 49 Alaska. 12 Illinois. 30 Kentucky. 50 Hawaii 13 Michigan. 31 Tennessee. Other Areas: 14 Wisconsin. 32 Alabama. 51 American Samoa. West North Central: 33 Mississippi. 52 Guam. 15 Minnesota. West South Central: 53 Puerto Rico. 16 Iowa. 34 Arkansas. 54 Virgin Islands. 17 Missouri. 35 Louisiana. 18 North Dakota. 36 37 Oklahoma. Texas. Volume II — General Report. — Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. Summary data and analyses of the data by States, for geographic divisions, and for the United States, by subjects, as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below: Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest Prod- III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. ucts. IV Farm Labor, Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race, and Tenure of Farm Operator. V Size of Farm. XI Economic Class of Farm. VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III — Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Western States (Dry Areas) — Data by States for drainage basins and a summary for the area, including number and types of irrigation organiza- tions, source of water, expenditures for works and equipment since 1950, water used and acres served for irrigation purposes. Volume IV — Drainage of Agricultural Lands. Data by States on land in drainage organizations, number and types of organizations, cost of drainage and drainage works. Volume V — Special Reports, Part 1. — Horticultural Specialties. Statistics by States and a summary for the United States present- ing number and kinds of operations; gross receipts and/or gross sales; sales of nursery products, flower seed, vegetables grown under glass, and propagated mushrooms; number of container- grown plants; inventory products; sales of bulb crops; employ- ment; structures and equipment. Titles of additional parts of this volume are not available as this report goes to press. IV FLORIDA CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE Page History of the Census IX Legal basis for the Census IX Pretest of the 1959 Census IX Training program for personnel for enumeration IX Enumeration period IX ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorisation IX Tbe agriculture questionnaire IX Agricultural operations X Enumeration assignments and enumeration districts X Enumerator ' s record book XI Enumeration maps XI Lists of special and large farms XI Landlord- tenant questionnaire XI Tomiship sketch map XI Field review of enumerator's work XII SAMPLING Use of sampling XII Description of the sample XII Adjustment of the sample XII Estimation of totals for the sample XII Presentation of sample data XII Reliability of estimates XII Differences in data resulting from differences in tabulating procedures XIII PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of enumeration XIII Editing of questionnaires XIII Coding of questionnaires XIII Tabulation of data XIII PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS Statistical content of this report XIV Comparability of data XIV Minor civil divisions XIV DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive summary and references XIV General Farm Information Census definition of a farm XIV Farm operator XV Farms reporting or operators reporting XV Land area XV Land in farms XV Land in farms according to use XVI Value of land and buildings XVII Age of operator XVII Residence of operator XVII Year began operating present farm XVII Of f -farm work and other income XVII Equipment and facilities XVII Farms by kind of road XVIII Farm labor XVIII Fertilizer and lime XVIII Specified farm expenditures XIX DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS— Continued Crops Page Crops harvested XIX Com XIX Annual legumes XX Hay crops XX Field seed crops XX Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes XX Berries and other small fruits XX Tree fruits , nuts , and grapes XX Nursery and greenhouse products XXI Forest products XXI Value of crops harvested XXI Value of crops sold XXI Irrigation Definition of irrigated land XXI Enumeration of Irrigated land XXI Irrigated farms XXI Land in Irrigated farms XXI Land Irrigated XXI Fanns irrigated by number of acres irrigated XXI Land irrigated by source of water XXI Land-Use Practices Summary information XXII Cropland in cover crops XXII Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour XXII Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control... XXII System of terraces on crop and pasture land XXII Livestock and Poultry Inventories XXII Milk cows, cov;s milked, milk produced, and butter XXII Whole milk and cream sold XXII Sows and gilts f arrovdng XXII Sheep, lambs, and wool XXII Goats and mohair XXII Bees and honey XXII Value of livestock on farms XXII Sales of live animals XXII Sales of poultry and poultry products XXIII Classification of Farms Scope of classification XXIII Farms by size XXIII Farms by color of operator XXIII Farms by tenure of operator XXIII Farms by economic class XXIII Farms by type XXIV Value of farm products sold XXV (V) VI CONTENTS Chapter A— STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table— ^^Se 1.— Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 3 2 Farms and farm acreage according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 4 3 Farms and farm acreage , by color and tenure of operator : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 6 4..— Farm operators by color, age, residence, and off -farm work; and equipment and facilities on farms : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 7 5. —Specif ied farm expenditures and farm labor : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 8 6. —Livestock and poultry on farms , number and value : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 9 7. —Livestock and livestock and poultry products sold : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 10 8.— Farms reporting, acreage, quantity harvested, and sales of crops: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 11 9. —Nursery, greenhouse, and forest products : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 20 10 Characteristics of places not counted as farms because of change in definition of farm: 1959 21 11 Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 21 12.— Farms reporting classified by number of livestock on farms and by quantity of livestock and livestock and poultry products sold : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 22 13.— Farms reporting classified by acres harvested, quantity harvested, and quantity sold for selected crops : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 23 14..— Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by economic class of farm. Census of 1959 28 15.— Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by type of farm. Census of 1959 30 16.— Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by size of farm. Census of 1959 32 17. Farms and farm characteristics by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 34 18 Farms and farm characteristics of commercial farms by type of farm by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 ^ 19. — Farms and farm characteristics by type of farm: Census of 1959 92 20 Farms and farm characteristics t^ size of farm: Census of 1959 102 21 Farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator : Census of 1959 112 22.— Cash rent paid by cash tenants and share-cash tenants by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 142 23.— Sampling reliability of estimated totals for county and State by number of farms reporting, by levels 142 24 Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated county and State totals for specified items 143 Chapter B— STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table — 1 Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 l'*^ 2.— Number of farms, land in farms, and cropland harvested, by size of farm: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 152 3. Farms and farm acreage by tenure of operator: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 158 4 Characteristics of commercial farms, Census of 1959 164 5.— Farms reporting by off-farm work; and farms by tenure of operator, type of farm, economic class of farm, and value of farm products sold , by source : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 6 Equipment and facilities on farms and farm labor : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 7.— Use of fertilizer and lime on farms and farm expenditures: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 8 Livestock and poultry on farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 9.— Livestock and livestock products sold from farms and litters farrowed: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 10 Dairy products and poultry and poultry products sold from farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 11 Farms reporting acreage and quantity of crops harvested ; Censuses of 1959 and 195^ 12. Nursery and greenhouse products and forest products cut on farais: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 APPENDIX The 1959 Census of Agriculture Questionnaire. Enumerator ' s Record Book Index to tables INTRODUCTION (VII) \ n o n o O- INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE History of the Census. — The 1959 Census is the 17th nationwide agriciiltural census. The first agricultural census was taken in 1840, at the same time as the Sixth Decennial Census of Popu- lation. From 1850 to 1920, an agricultural census was taken every 10 years. With increased application of scientific finding.? and the growing use of mechanization in agriculture, farming practices were changing so rapidly that facts collected at 10-year intervals were no longer adequate. Aware of the need for more accurate and timely information, the Congress in 1909 (36 stat. 10, sec. 31, provided for a census to be taken in 1915 and every 10 years thereafter which was to be in addition to the census of agriculture to be taken at the time of the decennial census of population. The 1915 census was not taken, however, because of the abnormal conditions created by World War I. Beginning with 1920, a national agricultural census has been taken every 5 years. legal Basis for the Census. — The 1959 Census of Agriculture was authorized by an Act of Congress, as were all prior censuses of agriculture. "Title 13, United States Code-Census," codified in August 19-54, and amended in August 19.57 and September 1960, is now the legal basis for c-ensuses of agriculture and other cen- suses, and surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agriculture. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning in the month of October 1959, and in the same month of every fifth year thereafter, take a census of agriculture, provided that the censuses directed to be taken in October 1959 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken instead in conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relates to the decennial cen- suses of population, unemployment, and housing to be taken as of the first day of April of each decennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title 13, the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties imposed upon him by this title" to the Director of the Bureau of the Census. Pretest of the 1959 Census. — A "pretest" of the field procedures of the 1959 Census of Agriculture was conducted in 17 counties of the United States during the fall of 1958. The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a measure of the effective- ness of the questions and procedures planned for the 1959 nationwide census. Three versions of the agriculture question- naire— the first one for Northern States, the second for Southern States, and the third for Western States — were used in the pre- test. Each version contained questions appropriate to the type of agriculture in the part of the country where it was used. All major aspects of field forms and procedures, from the hiring and training of crew leaders and enumerators to actual interviews with farm operators, were given a "trial run" in each of the 17 counties. Preliminary versions of reporting forms, maps, pay- roll records, training guides, and instruction manuals were sub- jected to actual use under conditions simulating those expected in the nationwide enumeration conducted in the fall of 1959. In making final preparations for the 1959 census, the staff of the Bureau drew heavily on the results of the pretest, as well as on experience gained from previous censuses. Training Program for Personnel for Enumeration. — Every i)er- son hired to do work in connection with the 1959 Census of Agri- culture received specialized training for his job. Staff mem- bers Oi the Washington and Regional Offices of the Bureau and of the U.S. Department of Agriculture trained approximately 110 agriculture field assistants and 2,100 crew leaders. The crew leaders, in turn, trained and supervised approximately 30,000 enumerators. All training was presented according to procedures contained in various guides and manuals prepared by the Bureau. The training program included filmstrips, map-reading, practice interviewing, and practice filling of questionnaires and other census forms. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas in which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. Enumeration Period. — The actual enumeration in the conter- minous United States (see page XIV) started at dates varying from October 7 to November 18, 1959. In general, starting dates were based upon regional variations in harvesting sea.sons and on weather conditions. The primary aim was to have the enumeration late enough to follow the harvesting of the bulk of important crops and early enough to precede the advent of winter weather with the attending unfavorable travel conditions. The bulk of the enumeration work was completed within three to four weeks after the starting date. In Hawaii, the enumera- tion was made during the months of Deceniber 1959 and January 1960 ; and in Alaska, during April 1960. Enumeration starting dates for the censuses of 1959 and 1954 are given in State table 11, together with figures showing the percentage of farms enumerated in the State during weekly pe- riods. The average enumeration date for the 19."i9 census for each county is given in county table C. Data for inventory items — land in farms, machinery and equii>- ment, livestock, and poultry — relate to the situation at the actual time of enumeration of each individual farm. Data for acres, production, and sales of crops relate generally to the crops har- vested during the crop year 1959, regardless of whether iind when they were sold while dat.i for saie.-< of live.stock aud livestock products relate to the calendar year 19,59. Since the enumera- tion was made before the end of 1059, special eraphasio w.i.s placed upon the inclusion of estimates for crops yet to be sold and for livestock and livestock products expected to be sold in the period from the time of enumeration to the end of the cal- endar year. Instructions on the questionnaire and the wording of questions were designed to assure that full crop-year or calendar-year data would be reported. For example, "How much of this year's crop was or will be sold?" ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization.— Section 5 of Title 13 of the United States Code authorizes the preparation of forms and questionnaires used in the census. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall prepare schedules, and shall determine the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title." The Agriculture Questionnaire. — The questionnaire for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was prepared by the staff of the Bureau. Selection of the inquiries was based on the results of the 1958 pretest and experience gained in earlier censuses. Careful con- sideration was given to such factors as the current availability 563128—60 IX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 of data from other sources, the possibility of obtaining data by methods other than a census, the adequacy of the data that might be obtained, and the need for and usefulness of the data. Two committees gave advice and counsel to the Bureau. One of these, a Special Advisory Committee, was composed of members desig- nated by the organizations they repz-esented, following an invita- tion from the Director of the Bureau of the Census to name a representative to serve in an advisory capacity. The Special Advisory Committee for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was made up of one representative from each of the following : Agri- cultural Publishers Association, American As.sociation of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Farm Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Farm Equipment Institute, National As- sociation of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agri- culture, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers' Union, National Grange, Rural Sociological Society, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A representative of the Bureau of the Budget was in attendance a-t all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Because of the special interest of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture in censuses of agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Census sought the continuous cooperation of that organiza- tion in developing plans, questionnaires, and procedures for the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Working Groups were established in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make recommendations for the following general subjects : Tenure, Land Values, and Mortgage Debt Land Use and Conservation and Production Practices Field Crops Fruits and Vegetables Forest Products Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Income and Expenditure (including Contractual Operations) Farm Labor Equipment and Facilities (including Structures) Each Working Group had the responsibility for ascertaining the U.S. Department of Agriculture's need for data in the field covered by its "terms of reference" and for presenting recom- mendations to a small Joint Committee comprising representa- tives of both the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Joint Committee received written recom- mendations from each Working Group. The Chairman of each Group appeared before the Joint Committee as did any member of the Working Group who was needed to present supplemental information of a specialised nature. Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire. State Agricul- tural Colleges and other major users of census data were invited to suggest inquiries for the enumeration. Each member of the Special Advisory Committee had the opportunity and the respon- sibility for channeling in suggestions from the organization he represented. The number of inquiries submitted from all sources greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census, from the point of view of cost, of the respondent's time and patience, and of practical value to the majority of users of data. The final selection included 316 questions, some of which con- sisted of several parts, for the 48 States comprising the con- terminous United States. Although each of the 316 questions was asked in one or more of the 48 States, considerably less than this total was asked in any one State because of the use of "State" questionnaires. Moreover, about 50 questions out of the total were asked of approximately one-fifth of all farm operators in the State. The number of questions ranged from 159 on the questionnaire for Maine to 194 on the questionnaire for Cali- fornia. In all, 38 versions of the questionnaire— one for each State or combination of adjoining States and two for Texas — were used for the 1959 census in the conterminous United States as compared with 21 versions in 1954 and 41 in 1950. A separate version was used in Alaska and another in Hawaii. Differences in the questionnaires were designed to account for regional and local differences in agriculture. Most, but not all, of the differences related to crops. The use of State ques- tionnaires made possible the inclusion of separate inquiries for all important crops grown within a State and, at the same time, a reduction in the total number of inquiries for a State. Questions that did not apply, to any considerable degree, to a particular State were omitted from the questionnaire used in that State. For example, separate questions about citrus fruits were omitted from all questionnaires except for the few States where citrus fruits are grown. An added advantage of State questionnaires was that production and sales data could be asked in the unit of measure most commonly used by the farmers in each State. Regional variation in the number and type of ques- tions is an important provision of the census for obtaining com- plete coverage of agricultural operations. About 2 weeks before the start of the enumeration, agricul- ture questionnaires were mailed to most households in rural areas. A letter was attached to each questionnaire asking the farm operator to fill the questionnaire and to give it to the enu- merator when he called. The purpose of this procedure was to save time and money in taking the census and to improve the quality of the information given by farm operators. By having the questionnaire ahead of time, the farmer could determine what information would be required and could check his records in advance of the enumerator's visit. It was, however, the respon- sibility of the enumerator to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each place wbicli qualified. If the questionnaire had been filled out by the farm operator, the enumerator was instructed to examine the questionnaire for completeness and accuracy and, if need be, to give the farmer such help as might be necessary. Agricultural Operations. — The training of enumerators stressed the concept that a census of agriculture is a census of agricultural operations rather than a census of farms. This concept was in- tended to assure a complete agricultural census free of any per- sonal judgment by enumerators as to what constitutes a farm. In accordance with clearly defined procedures, an enumerator was required to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each per.son who had charge of one or more agricultural operations, whether or not he considered himself to be a farm operator. For enu- meration purposes, it was considered that there were agricul- tural operations on a place if, at any time in 1959 — a. Any livestock (hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, or mules) were kept on the place. b. A combined total of 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and ducks were kept on the place. c. Any grain, hay, tobacco, or other field crops were grown on the place. d. A combined total of 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and nut trees were on the place. e. Any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products were grown on the place for sale. As a result of the requirement that all places having agri- cultural operations be enumerated, more questionnaires were obtained than are Included in the tabulations for farms. During the office processing operations that followed the completion of enumeration, criteria were applied to the questionnaires to sort out for tabulation those that represented farms according to the census definition of a farm (see page XIV). Enumeration Assignments and Enumeration Districts. — To as- sure a complete enumeration within the time allotted, the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) was divided into 29,374 Enumeration Assignments, or EA's. Each EA comprised an INTRODUCTION XI area that one enumerator could reasonably be expected to canvass within a 3- to 4-\veek period, as indicated by performance rec- ords from the 1054 census. Each EA was made up of one or more Enumeration Dis- tricts, or "ED'S," as the geographic unit for enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, the ED's were classified into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms, as indicated by the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the 1950 Census of I'opulation and Housing, current population esti- mates, and highway maps showing culture which were basic to establishing the boundaries of each assignment. Through the use of different canvassing procedures for each group of ED's, the Bureau was able to reduce the cost of enumeration without running any material risk of missing any farms or other places with agricultural operations. The ED groupings and canvassing procedures are described below. Group I Enumeration Districts. — In general, ED's with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open- country areas and comprise Group I. For each ED of Group I, in his Enumeration Assignment, the enumerator was required to list in his Record Book the name of every head of household living in the ED and also the name of every person not living in the ED who had agricultural operations there. There were approximately 20,7.'il ED's in Group I for the 1959 Census. Group II Enumeration Districts. — Rural ED's in which the number of dwellings was large in relation to the number of farms were considered to he in Group II. For each ED, in Group II, the enumerator was required to list the head of the household for all dwellings in the ED except for those on less than one acre of ground in built-up residential areas of 50 or more dwellings. He was also required to determine, by obser- vation or local inquiry, whether there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the built-up areas and, if so, to obtain an agriculture questionnaire. There were approximately 7,979 ED's in Group II. Group III Enumeration Districts. — Most incorporated places and unincorporated villages having approximately 150 or more dwellings were designated as separate ED's and are classified as Group III. Also, most ED's in counties around large metro- politan areas were designated as Group III Ed's. Prior to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, places enumerated in these areas during the 1954 Census of Agriculture were Usted In the Enumerator's Record Book, The enumerator was required to visit and enumerate or otherwise account for each place listed in his Record Book. In addition, he was instructed to ask at each of these places if there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the Enumeration District, and, if so, to add them to his list and enumerate them. There were ap- proximately 15,836 Group III ED's in 1959. According to the 1954 Census, these ED's contained 380,575 farms. A few enumeration districts that comprised Incorporated places or that were within an Incorporated city were classified as Group I or Group II because they had a large number of farms. A few others, comprising extensive rural districts requiring con- siderable travel, were classified as Group III because they had only a small number of farms. Enumerator's Record Book. — Each enumerator received one or more Record Books containing a listing form for use during canvassing. (See appendix for facsimile of one page of list- ing form included in Enumerator's Record Book.) The lines on the listing form were numbered in consecutive order. Ex- cept as otherwise prescribed for Group II and Group III ED's, the enumerator listed in his Record Book the name of each head of household living in his assigned area and also the name of each person not living in his area who had agricultural opera- tions there. As he made his listing, he also asked the questions about agricultural operations that were printed on the listing form. Answers to these questions determined, for the enumerator, whether or not an agriculture questionnaire was required for the person listed and, if so, whether he or some other enumerator was responsible for getting it. Thus, the Record Book served as an important aid to the enumerator in securing complete cov- erage of all agricultural operations within his area. At the same time, it helped to prevent enumeration of the same place by two or more enumerators. Enumeration Maps. — As a second aid to getting complete cover- age, each enumerator received a map or, in a few exceptional cases, a brief written description of the area assigned to him for enumeration. He was required to plan and follow an orderly route of enumeration within the boundaries of his assigned area in accordance with established canvassing procedures. As the enumerator listed a place in his Record Book, he indicated its location by copying onto his map the number of the line on which he listed it. This numbering system indicated the enumerator's route of travel, and helped both the enumerator and his crew leader to determine the extent of coverage of the enumerator's assignment at any given time. Lists of Special and Large Farms. — Prior to the enumeration, a card list of "special and large farms" was prepared on the basis of records obtained from the 1954 census and from Federal and State agricultural agencies. In general, "special and large farms" fell into one of three categories: (1) farms having unusually large acreages, livestock inventories, or annual sales as indi- cated by available records; (2) farms known to be specializing In such operations as broiler production, turkey growing, feed lots, nursery or greenhouse production, cranberry bogs, citrus groves, etc.; (3) farms that might easily be overlooked because they had absentee operators or were not locally thought of as farms, such as institutions, Indian reservations, grazing associa- tions, etc. Enumerators were given the cards for the special and large farms within their assignment areas to use as aids to obtaining complete coverage. Generally, the cards provided insurance against the omission of farming units that could have a signifi- cant effect on the totals for a given county or Slate. The enu- merator was instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each special or large farm in his area or to write an explana- tion on the card as to why an agriculture questionnaire was not required on the basis of 1959 operations. The crew leader had a duplicate set of cards for use in checking enumeration coverage. Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire. — As in several previous cen- suses, a special landlord-tenant questlomiaire was u.sed in some parts of the South as a supplement to the agriculture question- naire. Its purpose was to help the enumerator get complete and accurate coverage of individually operated tracts of land that were actually part of one operating unit under the control of one landlord. To accomplish this purpose, the enumerator was required to fill a landlord-tenant questionnaire for eachlandlord who had any land worked on shares. The entries made in this questionnaire included the name of each sharecropper, tenant, or renter ; the amount of land assigned to each ; and the acreage and quantity of crops harvested on shares. By cheeking these entries against the agriculture questionnaires obtained for the individual operators, the enumerator and the Central Office could verify that each part of the operating unit controlled by the landlord was enumerated and that it was enumerated only once. The landlord- tenant questionnaire was used in 386 counties In the 1959 census as compared with approximately 900 counties In 1954. Township Sketch Map. — In some areas of the Great Plains, a considerable portion of land is farmed by nonresident operators — that is, by persons who do not live on the land they operate or who live on it only during part of the year. Enumerators in these areas used a special mapping form, the Township Sketch, in addition to their enumeration maps as an aid to obtaining com- plete coverage. Each township included on the sketch was identified by township and range number and was divided into 144 small squares. In a standard section of 640 acres, each square represented a quarter section of land, or 160 acres. As the enumerator canvassed his assignment area, he Indicated the acreage and location of each farm, ranch, and tract of nonfarm XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 land by drawing ita boundaries on the sketch. He also used a simple numbering system as a cross reference between the agri- cultural land identified on the sketch and the questionnaire on which it was reported. The Township Sketch was used in all counties of North Dakota and South Dakota and in selected counties of Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Field Review of Enumerator's Work. — In the 1959 census, greater emphasis was placed on a detailed review of enumerators' work during enumeration than had been the case in previous censuses. The objective was to detect and correct enumeration errors as early as possible in order to achieve and maintain a high quality of individual performance. Starting on the first day of enumeration and continuing throughout the enumeration period, each crew leader was instructed to make regular and frequent visits to his enumerators. At each visit, he was to follow a clearly defined procedure for observing the enumerator's conduct of interviews and for checking his listings, maps, ques- tionnaires, and other forms for accuracy and completeness. As an aid to checking coverage and enumerator efficiency, the crew leader was given a list containing estimates, based on the 19,54 census, of the number of questionnaires required in each enumeration assignment area within his district, and of the mileage and time required to obtain those questionnaires. SAMPLING Use of Sampling.— In the 1959 census, as in several previous censuses, sampling was used in two ways: for enumeration and for tabulation. Sampling in enumeration consisted of the col- lection of information about the items included in sections IX through XV of the questionnaire for only a sample of farms. The "sample" items relate to sales of dairy products and sales of livestock, use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, equipment and facilities, rental agreements, farm values, and farm mortgage debt. The same sample of farms was used for tabulations by type of farm and by economic class of farm and for many of those by size of farm and by color and tenure of operator. Description of the Sample. — The sample used for the 1959 Census of Agriculture consisted of all farms with a total area of 1,000 or more acres or with estimated sales of $100,000 or more in 1959, and approximately 20 percent of all other farms. Farms with 1,000 or more acres were universally Included in the sample during enumeration. As the enumerator filled the questionnaire, he determined the number of "acres in this place" (see question 7 of the agriculture questionnaire). If the acreage amounted to 5,000 or more he was required to fill sections IX through XV of the questionnaire. Farms with less than 1,000 acres, with esti- mated sales of $100,000 or more, were included in the sample during the office processing. For these farms the information for sections IX through XV was obtained by mail. The selection of farms of less than 1,000 acres for inclusion in the sample was made during enumeration, according to the fol- lowing procedure : As the enumerator determined that he was required to obtain a questionnaire, he assigned a number to it, whether or not he was able to obtain the questionnaire on his first visit. He assigned numbers in consecutive order, beginning with "1" for the first questionnaire required in each enumera- tion district within his area. He was instructed to fill sections IX through XV on all questionnaires for which the assigned number ended in "2" or "7" (i.e. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc.). Adjustment of the Sample. — An adjustment in the part of the sample that was comprised of farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000 was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms in the sample by size of farm. The purpose of this adjustment was to Improve the reliability of the estimates based on the sample and to reduce the effects of possible biases introduced by enumerators who de- viated from the prescribed procedure for selecting the sample farms. The adjustment procedure was carried out for "blocks" of counties, each consisting of from one to ten counties in a State. To adjust the sample, separate counts were made for each county, and for the block of counties of all farms and of farms In the sample for each of 10 size-of-farm groups based on the "acres in this place" (question 7). The 10 size-of-farm groups were as follows : under 10 acres, 10 to 49 acres, 50 to 69 acres, 70 to 99 acres, 100 to 139 acres, 140 to 179 acres, 180 to 219 acres, 220 to 259 acres, 260 to 499 acres, and 500 to 999 acres. Farms of less than 1,000 acres, but with value of sales of $100,000 or more, were excluded from these counts. For each size-of-farm group, the number of farms in the sample for the block of counties was adjusted to make it equal or approximately equal to the total number of farms divided by five. This was accomplished for each group by the elimination or duplication on a random basis, of farms in those counties where the difference between the actual proportion in the sample and the expected 20 percent was in the same direction as the difference for the block of counties. Estimation of Totals for the Sample. — For the items Included in the sample part of the questionnaire (sections IX through XV), estimated totals for all farms were derived from the tabu- lated totals for the farms in the adjusted sample. First, item-by- item totals, as tabulated for that part of the sample comprising farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000, were multiplied by 5. These estimated item-by- item totals were then added to the corresponding Item totals, as tabulated, for all farms of 1,000 acres and over and farms with estimated sales of $100,000 and over. The resulting values represent the estimated totals for all farms. Presentation of Sample Data. — In tables where a small amount of data based on the sample farms is presented together with data for all farms, the data based on the sample are printed In italics. Other tables contain headnotes explaining that most of the data are estimates based on reports for only a sample of farms. Reliability of Estimates.— The estimated totals for all farms of the items enumerated for only the sample farms are subject to sampling errors. The estimated totals obtained, by making tabulations for only the farms included in the sample are also subject to sampling errors. State tables 23 and 24 contain apt- proximate measures of the sampling reliability of the estimates for numbers of farms reporting and for item totals. While these measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estimates, they do not completely reflect errors arising from sources other than sampling ; for example, errors in the original data reported by farmers. Errors arising from sources other than sampling may, in some Instances, be relatively more Important than sampling variation, especially for county totals. The general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals may be determined from the data in State tables 23 and 24. State table 24 contains a list of items, together with a figure for each item Indicating one of the four levels of sampling reliability that are presented In State table 23. For each item the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be de- termined from State table 23. in the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State table 24. To determine the sampling reliability for any Item, reference must be made to State table 24 to find out which of the four levels of sampling reliability given in State table 23 should be used, and also the appropriate county or State table to obtain the number of farms reporting the Item. INTRODUCTION XIII As explained in State table 23, the level of sampling reliability designated as level 1 should always be used to determine the sampling reliability of estimated numbers of farms or of farms reporting. State table 23 shows percentage limits such that chances are about 8S out of 100 that the difference between an estimate based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation of all farms would be no more than the percentage specified for the estimated number of farms reporting that item. The chances are about 99 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 2^4 times the jmrcentage specified. As indicated by the percentages in State table 23, the smaller the number of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error in the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail is presented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, in order to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report. Per- centages and averages that may be derived from the tables will generally have greater relative reliability than the corresponding estimated totals. However, significant patterns of relationships may be observed in the estimated totals even though the indi- vidual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample of farms for the 1954 census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 1959. Therefore, State tables 23 and 24 may also be used to determine the sampling errors for the 1954 data. Sifferences in Data Resulting From Differences in Tabulating Procedures. — Many of the figures in the detailed State tables rep- resent estimates obtained by tabulating only the sample farms. The totals for these detailed distributions will generally differ somewhat from totals presented in other tables obtained from different distributions which were tabulated on a lOO percent basis. Moreover, although most of the figures presented by coun- ties were obtained from tabulations of all farms, the data in county table 4 for commercial farms, and all of the data in the county tables on dairy products and livestock sold, fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, facilities and equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The State totals in the county tables for these items, though based also on the sample, were obtained in a different series of tabulating runs, and so may differ slightly from totals presented in some State tables. For reasons of economy the sample distributions were not adjusted to the 100 percent totals even when such totals were available, nor were slight discrepan- cies resulting from different runs of the sample data always rec- onciled unless the differences were large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of Enameratlon. — As an enumerator completed his assignment, he turned the portfolio containing questionnaires and other census materials over to his crew leader. After making a final review of the enumerator's work, the crew leader mailed the portfolio to the Agriculture Processing OflSce at Parsons, Kansas. There, each enumerator pfirtfolio was thoroughly checked for completeness of all required forms and for correct application of the sampling procedure. Editing of Qnestlonnaires. — Each agriculture questionnaire was individually edited and coded before the information was trans- ferred to punch cards and tabulated. As the first major step in the editing process, questionnaires that did not represent farms according to the census definition were withdrawn from fur- ther processing. (See p. XIV.) As the .second major step, the remaining questionnaires were examined for errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. Among the specific items subjected to con- sistency checks were the following : a. Total acreage compared with its distribution by use. b. Acreage of individual crops harvested compared with total cropland harvested. c. Irrigated acreage compared with total acres in the farm. d. Total acreage of individual crops for all purposes compared with the acreage harvested for specific purposes. e. Quantity of crops harvested in relation to acreage harvested. f. Sales in relation to production and, for livestock, to inven- tories. g. Total livestock compared with the inventory by age and sex. h. Expenditures compared with production and Inventories. Obvious errors in calculations or in units of measure, and misplaced entries were corrected as they were found. Entries not clearly legible were rewritten. Many omissions or incon- sistencies were disregarded during editing. Those of significant magnitude could be and were handled more efficiently and eco- niiniioiilly during mechanical processing operations. Question- naires containing major inconsLstencies and omissions were re- ferred to members of the technical staff for review. Depending on the magnitude of the data involved, the technical staff cor- rected (or supervised the correction of) the questionnaires either on the basis of information reported for other farms of similar type in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived in response to letters directed to the farm oi)erators. Coding of Questionnaires. — Most of the numerical information on a questionnaire was .self-coding in that the inquiry number was utilized for the item identification on punch cards or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was also neces- sary for such items as irrigated crops for selected States, crops infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for individual items. All farms were coded by size of farm in terms of total acreage, by race, and by tenure of operator. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii were also coded on the basis of irrigated cropland and irrigated pasture. Additional codes were applied to all farms included in the sample to classify them by type of farm and by total value of agricultural products sold. Individual items were coded only where reports were received for crops or poultry not covered by separate inquiries on the questionnaire. This coding was necessary to assure inclusion of the data in the appropriate farm product totals. Tabulation of Data. — After the questionnaires were edited and coded, the information on them was punched on cards. The cards were then mechanically sorted and fed into machines which transferred the data to tabulation sheets. One of the initial and primary steps in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate and list those cards which lacked necessary in- formation, those which contained inconsistent or impossible data, and those on which the data were possible but of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was war- ranted. The listing sheets were examined and, as necessary, the cards were corrected. When the cards for a particular county were considered satisfactory, the data were tabulated. Subject-matter specialists of the Bureau and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture examined all tabulations for reasonableness and consistency. As necessary, they made corrections on the basis of a further review and reappraisal of the original reports and verification of the editing, coding, and punching. XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS statistical Content of This Report. — This report is part of Vol- ume I of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Volume I consists of 54 parts, each part containing information about agriculture for a single State, Commonwealth, or Possession. Each part con- tains county data for that particular State or area. The term "county," as used in this report embraces election districts in Alaska, pari.shes in Louisiana, municipios (municipalities) in Puerto Rico, etc. The statistics for 1959 were obtained from the Census of Agriculture taken in the "conterminous United Stales" (see following paragraph), Hawaii, and Puerto Rico during the period October 1959 to January 19G0 and in Ala.ska, American Samoa, Guam, and Virgin Islands as of April 1, 19G0. Compara- tive data for years prior to 1959 were obtained from earlier censuses. In the planning of the publications for the 19G0 Censuses of Population and Housing and the 1959 Census of Agriculture, the term "conterminous United States," recommended by the Board of Geographic Names to designate the 48-State area as it ex- isted before Alaska and Hawaii became States, was adopted by the Bureau of the Census. The definitions and explanations in this introduction for vol- ume I generally have application broad enough to include the States of Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the island possessions. However, specific application in many instances may be limited to the conterminous United States ; for e.xample, references to earlier censuses, to the sam- pling methods and procedures, to specific sections or questions on the questionnaires, and to specific table numbers. For each part of volume I (one part for each State or area), a facsimile of the appropriate questionnaire is reproduced in the appendix. The statistics for States and counties are presented according to the same general plan as was followed in the volume I re- ports for the 1954 and the 1950 censu.ses. State and county totals are given for nearly all items for which information was ob- tained in the 1959 census. However, most of the data by eco- nomic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are given only for States. Comparative data for the States are given for each census year beginning with 1920. Comparative data for counties are given for the years 1959 and 1954. For some items, the data obtained from the 1959 census are the only ones available. For comparative purposes 1950 data are carried in county table 6 for the kind of road on which farms were located. Comparability of Data. — The data obtained from the various censuses of agriculture are not strictly comparable for all items. For example, differences from one census to another in the time of enumeration, the wording of the questions, and the definition of a farm cause some lack of comparability. Differences con- sidered to have a significant effect on the comparability of data are described in the text and/or mentioned in footnotes to the tables. Minor Civil Divisions. — As in prior censuses, data for most of the items included in the 1959 Census of Agriculture were tabu- lated for minor civil divisions. The term "minor civil division" applies to the primary subdivision of a county into smaller geo- graphic areas such as townships, precincts, districts, wards, beats, municipalities, etc. Figures for these smaller geographic areas are not included in any of the published rejwrts, but they may be supplied upon request and payment of the costs of com- piling and checking the data. Prior to the 1954 Census, an enumeration assignment did not include more than one minor civil division, even in cases where the township, precinct, etc., did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. In 1954, and again In 1959, the aim was to make enumeration assignments large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a 3- to 4-week period. Hence, in some areas, two or more adjoining minor civil divisions were combined into one enumeration assignment. An enumeration assignment never comprised the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another, nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division that included too many farms for one enumerator to cover during the enumeration period was divided into two or more enumeration assignments. In some cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a single minor civil division, even when such totals required a grouping of enumeration assifrnmcnts. In other cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a combination of two or more adjoining minor civil divisions. The data for each individual minor civil division included in such totals can be tab- ulated separately, however, since each questionnaire obtained in the census contains the designation of the minor civil division in which the farm headquarters was located. An additional charge must be made for a separate tabulation of any small area in- cluded in a total for two or more combined minor civil divisions. Requests for census information for minor civil divisions should be directed to the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive Summary and References. — The definitions and ex- rilanations that follow relate only to those items that are con- sidered to be inadequately described in the tables where they appear. Although the descriptive terms and explanations refer specifically to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, many of them also apply to earlier censuse.s. Jlost of the definitions consist of a resume of the questionnaire wording, supplemented by excerpts from instructions given to enumerators. For exact wording of the questions and of the instructions included on the question- naire, see the facsimile of the 1959 Agriculture Questionnaire in the appendix of this report. An analysis of the questions asked in the 1959 census, and of the data obtained, is given in Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General F-\rm Information Census Definition of a Farm. — For the 1959 Census of Agricul- ture, the definition of a farm was based primarily on a combina- tion of "acres in the place" and the estimated value of agricultural products sold. The word "place" was defined to include all land on which agricultural operations were conducted at any time in 1959 under the control or supervision of one person or partnership. (For definition of "agricultural operations", see p. X.) Control may have been exercised through ownership or management, or through a lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Places of less than 10 acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $250. Places of 10 or more acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the ,vear amounted to at least $50. Places having less than the $50 or $250 minimum estimated sales in 1959 were also counted as farms if they could normally be expected to produce agricultural products in sufiicient quantity to meet the requirements of the definition. This additional qualification resulted in the inclusion as farms of some places engaged in farming operations for the first time in 1959 and places affected by crop failure or other unusual conditions. To avoid biases arising from an enumerator's personal judg- ment and opinion, the Bureau did not give enumerators the deflnl- INTRODUCTION XV tion of a farm. Instead, enumerators were instructed to obtain questionnaires for all places considered farms by their operators aud for all other places that had one or more agricultural opera- tions. (See "Agricultural Operations", p. X.) In 1954, enumer- ators were instructed to till questionnaires on the same basis as in 1959. In 1950, agricultural operations were defined to include every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not the operator con- sidered it a farm, and every place having "specialized operations", regardless of the acreage. "Specialized operations" referred to nurseries and greenhouses and to places having 100 or more poultry, production of 300 or more dozen eggs in 1949, or 3 or more hives of bees. In all of the three last censuses, as a result, questionnaires were filled for a considerable number of places that did not qualify as farms. The determination as to which questionnaires represented farms was made during office process- ing operations and only those questionnaires meeting the criteria for a farm were included in the tabulations. For both the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale but ex- clusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. A few places with very low agricultural production because of unusual circumstances, such as crop failure, were also counted as farms if they normally could have been expected to meet the minimum value or sales criteria. In the censuses from 1925 to 1945, enumerators were given a definition of "farm" and were instructed to obtain reports only for those places which met the criteria. According to this defini- tion, farms included all places of 3 or more acres, regardless of the quantity or value of agricultural production, and places of less than 3 acres if the value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale, amounted to $250 or more. Because of changes in price level, the $250 minimum resulted in the in- clusion of varying numbers of farms of less than 3 acres in the several censuses taken during this period. Generally, the only reports excluded from tabulation were those taken in error and those showing very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more were tabulated only if at least 3 acres were in cropland and/or pasture or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to at least $150. The decrease in the number of farms in 1950 and 1954, as com- pared with earlier censuses, was partly due to the change in farm definition, especially with respect to farms of 3 or more acres in size. Some of the places of 3 or more acres that were not counted as farms in 1950 and 1954 because the value of their agricultural production was less than $150 would have qualified as farms if the criteria had been the same as in earlier censuses. For 1959, the decrease in the number of farms as compared with all prior censuses resulted partly from the change in farm definition. The fact that sales of agricultural products in 1959 was used resulted in the exclusion of some places that would have qualified as farms had the value of agricultural products alone been considered. The increase in the acreage minimum also had an effect. The reduction in the number of farms due to change In definition, 1954 to 1959, is shown for each county In county table 1. Some characteristics of the places not counted as farms In 1959, but which would have been included In 1954, are shown in State table 10. The change in farm definition made in 1950 and again in 1959 had no appreciable efifect on the totals for livestock or crops because the places affected by the change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the totals for a given county or Slate. For the States that comprise the conterminous United States, two figures are published for each county on the number of farms ill 1959. One is an actual count of all farms aud the other is an estimate based on the number of farms included in the sample. For almost every county there is a difference between the actual number of farms and the estimated number of farms. Because of sampling procedure and samijlins variability, the number of farms in the sample seldom agrees exactly with the actual num- ber of farms. For most counties, the actual number of farms in the sample was either more or less than precisely 20 percent of all farms. Similarly, totals estimated on the basis of data for the sample farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the actual totals that would have been obtained had the data been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, the estimated number of farms reporting certain items may, in some instances, be greater than the total number of farms shown in county table 1. However, the estimated number of farms is given in county tables 5 and 6 so that estimates based on the sample farms may be related to the estimated rather than the actual number of farms. Farm Operator. — The term "farm operator" is used to designate a person who operates a farm, either doing the work himself or directly supervising the work. He may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he is considered as operator only of the land which he retains for his own operation. In the case of a partner- ship, only one partner is counted as an operator. The number of farm operators is considered to be the same as the number of farms. Farms Reporting or Operators Reporting. — Figures for f.irnis re- porting or operators reiiorting. ba-^^ed on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or operators, for which the speci- fied item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only 1,463 had chickens 4 months old and over on hand at the time of enumeration, the number of farms reporting chickens would be shown as 1,405. The difference be- tween the total number of farms and the number of farms re- porting a particular item represents the number of farms not having that item, provided a correct report was received for all farms. Where applicable, figures may be given for the number of farms or operators not reporting items that were intended to be ob- tained for all farms; for example, residence of fai'm operator. State table 4. The number not reporting, as conijiared with the total number of farms or operators, indicates the extent of incompleteness of the reporting of the data for the item. land Area. — The approximate total land area of States and counties as reported for 1959 i.s, in general, the same as that re- ported for all censuses beginning with 1940. Such differences as are shown reflect political changes in boundaries or actual changes in land area caused by changes in the number or size of reser- voirs, lakes, streams, etc. For Alaska, the areas for election districts represent the gross area of land and water. Land in Farms. — Except for managed farms, the land to be in- cluded in each farm was determined from the answers to ques- tions about the number of acres owned, the number of acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the number of acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres owned and the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others were first added together and then the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others were subtracted. The re- sult represented the number of acres in the farm. The number of acres in a managed farm was the difference between the total land managed and that part of the managed land that was rented to others or worked on shares by others. In the 1959, 1954, and 1950 censuses, enumerators were in- structed to record total figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others, including any part of the land that was rented to others. In censuses prior to 1950, enu- XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 merators were instructed to exclude all land rented to others and to record only that portion of the acreage owned, rented from others, or managed for others that was retained by the farm op- erator. Thus, the figures for the individual tenures of land are not entirely comparable for all censuses. However, the land in- cluded in each farm was determined on essentially the same basis for all censuses. The acreage designated in the tables as "land in farms" consists primarily of "agricultural" land— that is, land used for crops and pasture or grazing. It also includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation nor used for pasture or graz- ing. For example, the entire acreage of woodland and wasteland owned or rented by farm operators is included as land in farms, unless it was being held for nonagrieultural purposes or unless the acreage was unusually large. For 1959 and 1954, if a place had 1,000 or more acres of woodland not pastured and wasteland, and if less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was used for agricultural purposes, the acreage of woodland not pas- tured and wasteland was reduced to equal the acreage used for agriculture. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of woodland not pastured and wasteland differed slightly from the one used in 1959 and 19.54. In 1950, adjustments were made in places of 1,000 or more acres (5,000 or more in the 17 Western States) , if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purjMJses. Except for open range and grazing land used under government permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms provided the place of which it was a part was a farm. Grazing land operated by Grazing Associations was to be reported in the name of the person chiefly responsible for conducting the business of the Association. Land used rent free was to be reported as land rented from others. All land in Indian re.servations that was used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be in- cluded. Land in Indian reservations that was not reported by individual Indians and that was not rented to non-Indians was to be reported in the name of the cooperative group that used the land. In some instances, an entire Indian reservation was re- ported as one farm. Land owned.^AU land that the operator and/or his wife held under title, purchase contract, homestead law, or as heir or trustee of an undivided estate at the time of enumeration is considered as owned. Land Rented from Others. — This item includes not only land that the operator rented or leased from others but also land he worked on shares for others and land he occupied rent free. Grazing land used under government permit or license is not Included. Land Rented to Others. — This item includes all land rented or leased to others, except land leased to the government under the Soil Bank, and all land worked by others on shares or on a rent-free basis. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes land rented for residential or other purposes. The tenant or sharecropper is considered as the operator of land leased, rented, or worked on shares even though his landlord may supervise his opera- tions. The landlord is considered as operator of only that por- tion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land Managed. — This item includes all tracts of land man aged for one or more employers by a person hired on a salary basis. A hired manager was considered to be the operator of the land he managed since he was responsible for the agricul- tural operations on that land and frequently supervised others in performing those operations. Managed land was always to be reported on a separate questionnaire whether or not the manager also operated a farm on his own account. Land in Two or More Counties. — An individual farm was al- ways enumerated in only one county, even in cases where the land was located in two or more counties. If the farm operator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county where he lived. If he did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where the farm head- quarters was located. In cases where there was any question as to the location of the headquarters, figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where most of the land was located. Land in Farms According to Use. — Land in farms has been distributed according to the way in which it was used in 1959. The land uses described in the following paragraphs are mutually exclusive; that is, each acre of land is included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. Cropland Harvested. — This category refers to all land from which any crops were harvested in 1959, whether for home use or for sale, it includes land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut and land in berries and other small fruits, or- chards, vineyards, nurseries, and greenhouses. Matured crops hogged off or grazed were considered to have been "crops har- vested" and were reported here. Land from which two or more crops were harvested in 1959 was to be counted only once in the land-use classilication. Land used for other purposes either before or after the crops were harvested was to be re- ported as cropland harvested, without regard to the other uses. The enumerator was in.structed to check the figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the individual crops and subtracting the acreages from which two or more crops were harvested. This checking procedure was repeated during the office processing of questionnaires for all farms having 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. Cropland used only for Pasture. — This land-use classification includes rotation pasture and all other land used only for pas- ture or grazing that the operator considered could have been used for croi)s without additional improvement. Enumerators were instructed to include land planted to crops that were hogged off, pastured, or grazed before maturity but to exclude land pastured before or after hay or other crops were harvested from it. Permanent open pasture may have been reported either for this item or for "other pasture" depending on whether or not the operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely conjparable with those for the last three censu.ses. For 1945, the figures include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for 1940, 1935, and 1925 are more nearly comparable with tho.se for 1959, 1954, and 1950, however, because they in- clude land pastured that could liave been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not Harvested and not Pastured. — This classification represents a total of three subclasses for the 17 Western States and two subclasses for other States. Cultivated Summer Fallow. — This subclass of land is shown only for the 17 Western States. It refers to cropland that was plowed and cultivated hut left unseeded for the 1959 harvest in order to control weeds and conserve moisture. Soil Improvement Grasses and Legumes. — For the 1959 cen- sus, land used only for cover cr(jps to control erosion or to be plowed under for green manure is tabulated separately from "other croiihind". .\fter the e.stablishnient of the Soil Bank, land that would normally have been used for other l>urposes was freijueutly jdanted to soil-iuiprovement crops. In counties wliere large acreages were placed in the Soil Bank, the total of land used for soil-improvement crops plus "other cropland" may be considerably larger than the "other cropland" shown for previous censuses. Other Cropland. — This subclass includes idle cropland, land in crops intended for harvest after 1959, and cropland not harvested because of complete crop failure, low prices, labor shortage, or other reasons. The 1959 figures for "other cropland" are not entirely comparable with those for previ- ous censuses since they do not include laud used only for soil-improvement crops. (See preceding paragraph.) Woodland Pastured. — This classification includes all wood- land where livestock were pastured or grazed in 1959. The instruction on the questionnaire — "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts ; cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture" — represents a somewhat more precise definition than the corresponding instruction contained on the 1954 ques- tionnaire. No definition of woodland was given in 1950 apart from an instruction to enumerators not to include brush pas- ture as woodland. Some of the changes in woodland acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation as to what constitutes "woodland." Woodland not Pastured. — This classification refers to all woodland not used for pasture or grazing in 1959, including land in operated farms that was placed in the Soil Bank and planted to trees. Unusually large tracts of timberland that were reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from INTRODUCTION XVII the tabulation of land in farms when it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural puiposes. Other Pasture. — This classification refers to all land other than woodland and cropland that was used only for pasture or grazing in H)5;». It includes noncrop open or brush pasture and cutover or deforested land that has been improved and used for pasture. The figures for the last three censuses are comparable but those for 1945 include all nonwoodlaud pas- ture that had not been plowed during the preceiling seven years. For the 1940 census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for the last three censuses. However, the classification may be somewhat less inclusive because land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classi- fied as plowable pasture and included with "cropland used only for pasture". Improved Pasture. — This subclass refers to that portion of "other pasture" on which one or more of the following prac- tices had been used: liming, fertilizing, seeding, irrigating, draining, or the clearing of weed or brush growth. The fig- ures are comparable with those for 19.J-1, when the question on improved pasture was asked for the first time. Other Land. — This classification refers to all land not in- cluded in the preceding land-use classifications, such as house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, land area of ponds, and wasteland. This figure for 19.")9 was obtained from the ma- chine tabulations by subtracting the total of all other uses from the total land in all farms reported for a given county or classification. Hence, there is no figure given to represent the farms reporting this item. Value of Land and Buildings. — Only average values of land and buildings per farm and per acre are iire-sented in this report. They are estimates based on data obtained for sample farms. Estimates of the total value of land and buildings by States, geographic divisions, and the United States, are presented in volume II. The enumerator was in.strueted to record the market value of the land and the buildings on that land. Market value was defined as the price which the farm operator would exi>ect to receive for the land and buildings if he were to sell them on the day of enumeration. More problems and difficulties arise in the enumeration of farm- real-estate values than in the enumeration of most other agri- cultural items. Most of the items enumerated require the re- spondent to make a statement of fact. For example, information about the number and value of farm animals sold alive during the year is based on actual transactions. Similarly, information about livestock inventories relates to the situation existing on a spe- cific place at a specific time. Reports concerning the value of land and buildings, however, are estimates based almost entirely on opinion. The majority of farms have not changed hands for many years and are not currently for sale. For such farms, the operators are not likely to have any clear basis for estimating the value. To make an intelligent and objective estimate, a respond- ent first needs to make an estimate of the prevailing average market value of farms in his community. Then, he must either add to or subtract from that estimate to allow for the different characteristics of his own farm. In many cases, an operator who would not sell his farm under any circumstances may report an unreasonably high market value. In other cases, a farm operator who acquired his real estate during a period of relatively low prices may estimate an unrealistically low value by Current stand- ards. Because of the extent of variation that is known to exist in real estate values, it is difficult to devise checking procedures that will identify inaccurate estimates. Age of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was derived from the sum of the ages of all farm operators reporting age divided by the number reporting. The number of farm operators 65 or more years of age is an actual count based on the operators reporting age. Residence of Operator. — rarni operators were class! Tied by resi- dence according to whether or not thry lived on the farms they were operating. Some of those who did not live on the farms tliey operated themselves lived "n farms operated by others. In cases where all the land w.ts rented from others or worked on shares for others, the ojieratur was considered to live on the farm operated provided the duelling he occupied was included in the rental agreement. The dwelling, in such cases, was not neces- sarily on the land being operated. Similarly, a farm operator who did not live on the land being cultivated or grazed but who had some agricultural operations (other than a home garden) at his dwelling was considered as living on the farm operated. Since some farm operators live on their farms only during a part of the year, comparability of the figures for various cen- suses may be affected by the date of enumeration. In a few cases, the enumerator failed to report the residence of the farm ojierator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm operators classified by residence indicate the extent of under-reporting. Year Began Operating Present Farm. — Enumerators were in- structed to report the year during which a farm operator began to operate his present farm and, if the year was 1958 or later, also to report the month. The year was intended to refer to the first year of the period during which the operator had been in continuous charge of his present farm or of any part of it. The time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began operating their farms, as shown by a monthly breakdown of the reports for farmers who began operating their present farms during 1958 and 1959. Off-Farm Work and Other Income. — To obtain a measure of the extent to which farm operators rely on nonfarm sources for part of their income, four questions were asked of all farm operators. The first question asked for the number of days the operator worked off his farm in 19.59. The other three questions, to be answered "Yes" or "No," asked (1) whether other members of the operator's household did any work off the farm; (2) whether any income was received from sources other than the sale of agri- cultural products from the farm operated; and (3) whether the combined income of all members of the household from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of agri- cultural products sold from the farm operated. OfT-farm work was defined to include work on someone else's farm for pay as well as all types of nonfarm jobs, businesses, and professions, whether the work was done on the farm premises or elsewhere. Exchange work was not included. The questions asked in the 1959 Census are closely comparable with those asked in 1954. The data for 1959 are actual totals of all oi>erators reporting off-farm work and other income whereas those for 1954 are estimated totals based on the sample. Equipment and Facilities. — In 19.59 as in several earlier cen- suses, data about specified equipment and facilities were obtained for only a sample of farms. Farm operators were asked to report equipment and facilities that were on the farm at the time of enu- meration, regardless of ownership. They were to include items that were temporarily out of order but not any that were worn out. Data in terms of actual number were obtained for the follow- ing items of farm equipment in 1959 : (1) grain combines, (2) corn pickers, (3) pick-up balers, (4) field forage harvesters, (5) mo- tortrucks, (6) wheel tractors, (7) garden tractors, (8) crawler tractors, and (9) automobiles. Definitions given enumerators in- cluded the following specifications, among others : Corn pickers related to all types of machines used for picking corn, whether used in separate or in combined picking-shelling operations. Pick-up balers were to include both hand-tie and automatic balers but not stationary ones. Motortrucks were to include pick-up trucks and truck-trailer combinations ; jeeps and station wagons XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 were also to be included if they were used primarily as trucks, but school buses were specifically excluded. Wheel tractors spe- cifically excluded garden tractors, implements with built-in power units, such as self-propelled combines or powered buck rakes, and the power unit of a truck-trailer combination. Automobiles were to include jeei)s and station wagons if they were used primarily as passenger cars. Questions to be answered "Yes" or "No" provided information as to the presence or absence of the following items: (1) tele- phone, (2) home freezer, (3) milking machine, (4) electric milk cooler, (5) bulk-type milk cooler (in six States only— Michigan, Miinesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), (6) crop drier and (7) power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Comparable data from one census to another are not available for all items. The questions asked about equipment during a given census reflect changes in farm mechanization and in the facilities available to farm families. Questions about some items of equipment were asked in 1959 for the first time (electric milk cooler, crop drier, bulk-type milk cooler, etc.). Similarly, some questions that were a.sked in earlier censuses were omitted in 1959. For example, the use of electricity is now so widespread that there is no longer any need for obtaining a count of the farms having it. Farms by Kind of Road. — The classification of farms by the kind of road on which they are located is based on only a sample of farms. The enumerator was instructed to report, on the basis of his own observation, the kind of road on which the most frequently used entrance to the farm was located. For farms consisting of two or more tracts, he was to limit his report to the tract on which the farm operator had his dwelling or other headquarters. Farm Labor. — The questions about farm labor were asked only for the sample farms and related to persons working during the calendar week preceding the week of enumeration. Since the enumeration starting dates varieil by geographic areas, and the enumeration within each area lasted over a period of several weeks, the calendar weeks to which the data apply also vary. Thus, the data for an individual farm may relate to any one week during the months of October, November, or December, or even, in a few instances, to weeks during September 1959 or January 1960. Farm labor was defined to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the agricultural operations of the farm ; and to ex- clude housework, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by per- sons employed specifically for such work. The farm labor in- formation contained in this report represents estimates based on answers to questions relating to the farm work or chores done during the week by (1) operator, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family, and (3) hired persons. An oper.itor was considered as working if he worked one or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours; and hired persons, if they worked at all during the week. Data are not fully comparable from one census to another, primarily be-October 2 ; for other States, the week of October 24-30. In 1950, as in 1959, the data related to the week preceding the actual enumeration. Unlike 1959, however, enumeration starting dates were identical for all States in 1950 (April 1) but since several weeks were required to complete the enumeration, the calendar week preceding the enumeration was not identical for all farms. In 1945 and 1935, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January and, in 1940, to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equiv- alent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, an additional specification limited the workers to those 14 years old and over. Experience gained from earlier censuses indicates that farm labor data are often unsatisfactorily reported unless the week specified is the week immediately preceding the actual enumer- ation. When a farm operator was asked to report the number of persons employed during a specified week that was several weeks prior to enumeration, he often reported the highest number of persons employed during the year. Obviously incorrect reports were adjusted to make the data reflect more nearly the situation known to exist during the specified week. The farm labor data for 1954 relates to a specified week which, in some cases, was sev- eral weeks prior to enumeration. Few adjustments were made in those data, however, even though there were indications of incorrect rejwrting. Regular and Seasonal Workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the week concerned were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year. They were classed as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. In cases where the period of employment was not reported for an individual farm, it was estimated fmm data for such items as basis of payment, wage rates, expendi- tures for labor in 1959, and type of farming operations. Hired Workers by Basis of Payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to whether they were paid on a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis, or by piecework. In cases of incomplete reporting, the basis of payment for hired workers was supplied during the ofiiee processing operations. Wage Rates and Hours Worked. — The agreed cash rate of pay was asked for each class of hired worker except those em- ployed on a piecework basis. (The number and the earnings of persons paid on a piecework basis were required for those who worked on Friday of the week preceding the enumeratiim.) The numlier of hours that workers were expected to work to earn their pay was asked for each class except those eujplciyed on an hourly or piecework basis. For lO.'iO and 19,"i4. the data include oftice estimates for farms subuntting incomplete reports of wage rates and hours worked. The estimates were consistent with the size and type of operations for the individual farm as compared with similar farms in the area for which complete reports were received. The corresponding data for 1950 apply only to farms that reported both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and Lime. — The questions about fertilizer and lime, asked only for the sample farms, relate to the acreage on which fertilizer and lime were used and to the quantit.v used. Farm operators were a.sked to report total quantities used in 1959 on the farms they operated regardless of when or by whom the ferti- lizer and lime were purchased. In the South, some landlords who operated farms themselves included the fertilizer and lime they had purchased for use on their tenant-operated land. Such fertilizer and lime may also have been reported by the tenants. When double reporting was detected during the editing process, the data on the questionnaires concerned were adjusted to elim- inate duplication in the totals. The 1959 data for fertilizer and lime are entirely comparable with those for 1954. A breakdown between dry and liquid fer- tilizing materials was not obtained in 1954 and data on cost of either fertilizer or lime were not obtained in 1959. Fertilizer. — The report for fertilizer was to refer only to com- mercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials, including rock phosphate. The acres fertilizeeas, and peanuts, the acres and quantity grown or harvested for specific purposes, as well as the total acreage grown for all purpo.ses, were obtained for areas where these crops are grown extensively ; for velvet- beans, only the total grown for all purposes was obtained. For all these crops except, possibly peanuts, the total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage that was plowed under for green manure. In a few Southern States, separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. In 1959, as in 1954, enumerators were in- structed to report green soybeans and blackeyes and other green cowpeas harvested for sale as vegetables and not as annual legumes. Hay Crops. — Data for the total acres of land from which hay was cut exclude the acreage in sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays. These crops were reported in separate questions in the States where they are important. To obtain the total acres from which other hays were cut, the acres of the various hay crops, including grass silage, were added together for each county. The corresponding totals for 1954 were obtained by the same procedure. For the 1950 census, however, the totals were based on farmers' own reports of their total acreage In harvested hay crops. The questionnaire contained an instruction that if two or more cuttings were made from the same land, the total production from all cuttings was to be reported but the acres cut were to be counted only once. In cases where both hay and grass silage were cut from the same land, the total acreage was to be reported for both crops. In 1059, as in 1954, alfalfa hay included alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating ; clover and timothy hay included clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses ; small grain hay included oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. The hay crops listed on the questionnaire varied somewhat from one State or region to another. The kinds of hay to be included in separate questions can be determined for a specific State from reference to the facsimile of the questionnaire that is in the appendix. The tonnage of hay, including alfalfa hay for dehydrating, is given on a dry-weight basis. Prior to tabulation, production reported in green weight was converted to its dry-weight equiv- alent by dividing by 3. However, the production of grass silage is given in terms of green weight. Field Seed Crops. — The field seed crops listed on each version of the questionnaire were limited to those considered most im- portant within the given State. Each version of the question- naire contained space for listing other field seed crops in order to facilitate the reporting of all field .seed crops harvested. Quantity harvested was to be reported in terms of clean seed for most field seed crops. Bluegrass, or Junegrass seed, was to be reported in terms of green seed for Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Tenne-ssee. No mention was made of "green-weight basis" for other States where this crop was to be reported in the "All other" question. Irish Potatoes and Sweetpotatoes. — For Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes (including yams), the total quantity harvested was to be reported for each crop In all cases, whether harvested for home use or for sale or whether used for livestock feed. The acreage harvested was to be reported for each crop only in cases where the quantity amounted to 20 or more bushels (or the approximate equivalent in terms of hundredweights, barrels, or pounds, as explained on different versions of the questionnaire). This method of reporting was designed to facilitate the enumera- tion of potatoes harvested on small plots for home use. Essen- tially the same procedure was followed in both 1954 and 1950. In earlier censuses, however, the acreage of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes was to be reported in all cases, even when produc- tion was solely for home use. Therefore, the data on acres for censuses prior to 1950 are not fully comparable with those for the last three censuses, especially in counties or States where production is largely for home use. The unit of measure in which quantity was to be reported varied from one State or region to another to correspond with the units most commonly used in a given area. In 27 States, the questionnaire provided a choice for reporting either bushels or 100-pound bags (hundredweights). The published data for counties and States are in terms of bushels. Berries and Other Small Fruits. — The question for berries and other small fruits related si>ecifically to the acreages and quanti- ties harvested for sale. Only tame or cultivated berries were to be reported except for the New England States, where wild blue- berries were also to be included. Enumerators were instructed always to report the total quantity of each kind of berry har- vested for sale but to report the area harvested only when it amounted to one-tenth acre or more. Nonbearing areas and areas and quantities harvested for home use were to be excluded. The data for 1959 and 1954 are fully comparable. Tree Fruits, Nuts, and Grapes. — In 1959, as in 1954, fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines were not enumerated for farms having a combined total of less than 20 at the time of enumeration. Both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines were to be included but not any that had been abandoned. For censuses prior to 1954, all fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm were to be enumerated, regardless of the number. Because of this change in enumeration procedure, the data for 1959 and 1954 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change in procedure may have had a considerable effect on the number of farms re- porting without causing any significant changes in the number of trees and vines nor in the quantity harvested. In counties where most of the trees or vines are In small plantings and where production is largely for home-use, however, the change may have caused a significant reduction not only in the number of farms reporting but also in the number of trees and vines and in the quantity harvested. In both 1959 and 1954, the area in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was enumerated when there were 20 or more fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines. In 1950, the corresponding area was enumerated only if it amounted to one-half acre or more. In censuses prior to 1950, the area was to be reported regardless of its size or of the number of trees and vines. Enumerators frequently omitted the fractional acre- ages in small plantings and home orchards, however. In some counties, small plantings or home orchards comprise a sizeable proportion of the total fruit and nut acreage. For those counties, the change from one census to another in acreage of land in fruits and nuts may not be due to fact but merely to differences in enumeration. In 1959, California was the only State for which the acreage in each individual fruit and nut crop was obtained. In 1954, such acreage was also obtained for Arizona. In all States, the number of bearing and nmibearing trees or vines on the farm at the time of enumeration and the quantity harvested in 1959 were to be reported separately for each fruit and nut crop. (Ex- ceptions In the harvest period for citrus fruits, avocados, and INTRODUCTION XXI olives are described on p. XIX.) The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported varied from one Stale to another. Tables in this report show quantities in the unit of measure appearing on the 1959 questionnaire used in the State. Nursery and Greenhouse Products. — The questions about nursery and greenhouse products related only to products grown on the place for sale. Crops bought for resale without additional cul- tivation were to be excluded. The area used for growing and the value of sales were to be reported separately for each of three groups, as follows : a. Nursery products, (trees, shrubs, vines, and ornamentals). b. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be re- ported separately from the area grown under glass. c. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be reported separately from the area grown under glass or in the house. The data obtained for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 and 1950 since the questions asked were essentially the same in the three censuses. Detailed data regarding the pro- duction and sale of nursery, greenhouse, and other horticultural products on farms having sales of $2,000 will be published In volume V, part 1. Forest Products. — The forest prwlucts data obtained in the Census of Agriculture relate only to the products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products grown or cut on nonfarm places are excluded. Therefore, the data in this report do not represent the total forestry output or Income for a county or State. The questions included on the 19.j9 agriculture questionnaire are more detailed than those asked in the 1954 Census. Value was obtained for the sale of standing timber or trees and for the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolts, and mine timbers. The quantity cut, whether for home use or sale, and the quantity sold were obtained for individual forestry products such as firewood and fuelwood, fence posts, sawlogs and veneer logs. Data relating to pulpwood, Christmas trees, maple trees, and maple syrup were obtained in States where such products are important commercially. Value of Crops Harvested. — The total value of crops harvested represents the estimated value of all crops harvested during the crop year 1959. It includes the value of quantities consumed on farm.s as food, feed, seed, etc., as well as quantities sold. Farmers were not asked to report values of crops harvested ; the values were calculated in the Processing Oftice. For individ- ual crops, the quantity harvested was multiplied by the average price at which the crop was sold in the State. State average prices were furnished to the Bureau of the Census by the Agricul- tural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are based on reports received from a sample of farmers and dealers. Quantities harvested were not obtained for vegetables nor for nursery and greenhouse products. Therefore, for those crops, the value of sales, as obtained in the enumeration, was used In the calculation of total value of crops harvested. Value of Crops Sold. — The questionnaire required value of sales of crops to be reported only for total vegetables, nursery and greenhouse products, and certain forest products. For all other crops, the value of sales was calculated on a county level during processing operations by multiplying the State average prices by either the quantity sold or the quantity harvested. Reports of quantity sold were obtained during the enumeration only for some of the major field crops. Quantity harvested was used in the calculation of value of crops sold for such crops as cotton, tobacco, etc., that are customarily grown for sale. The procedures used for the various crops are described on page XXV. They are similar to the procedures followed in 1954. In 1950, values of crops sold were obtained for each farm during the enumeration. IRBIQATION Definition of Irrigated Land.— Irrigated land is defined as land watered for agricultural purposes by artificial means. These means included subirrigation as well as systems whereby water was applied to the ground surface, either directly or by sprinklers. Land fiooded for rice cultivation was considered as irrigated. Land flooded during high-water periods was to be included as irrigated only if water was directed to agricultural use by dams, canals, or other works. The definition of irrigated land specif- ically excluded land where the "water table", or natural level of underground water, was controlled by drainage works with no additional water brought in by canals or pipes. Enumeration of Irrigated Land. — A question on total land irri- gated was asked in all States, with the exception of Alaska. The acreage reported for this question includes not only irrigated cropland but also any other land that was irrigated in 1959. The questionnaires used in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii included several additional questions regarding irri- gation. These questions related to the acreage of land irrigated by sprinklers, irrigated land from which crops were harvested, specific crops irrigated, and source of irrigation water. Such additional data, for irrigated farms, are presented in county table la for these States. Statistics on the irrigation enterprises which supplied irriga- tion water were collected in the 1959 C-ensus of Irrigation and are published in Volume III, "Irrigation of Agricultural Lands". This report contains a considerable amount of data about irri- gation for the 17 Western States and Louisiana. Irrigated Farms. — All farms reporting any land irrigated in 1959 are counted as irrigated farms. Land in Irrigated Farms.— Data for land in irrigated farms ac- cording to use relate to the entire acreage in the.se farms, in- cluding land that was not irrigated. Land Irrigated.— Data for land irrigated relate only to that part of the land in irrigated farms that was watered by artificial means at any time in 1959. Separate figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers whether or not the land was also irrigated by other means. Additional figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers only. Data on sprinkler irrigation were not obtained in the 1954 census. Irrigated Cropland Harvested. — The data for irrigated crop- land harvested relate to all irrigated land from which crops were harvested in 1959, regardless of the method of irrigation. An instruction on the questionnaire reminded enumerators and respondents to include irrigated land from which hay was cut, irrigated land in both bearing and nonbearing fruit and nut crops, and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested. Each irrigated acre was to be reported only once, regardless of how many crops were harvested from it. Other Irrigated Land. — This cla.ssification was obtained by subtraction of the acreage of irrigated cropland harvested from the acreage of total land irrigated. It represents primarily irrigated cropland not harvested and irrigated pasture or grazing land. Farms Irrigated By Number of Acres Irrigated. — All farms on which any land was irrigated in 1959 are classified according to the number of acres irrigated in county table la for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii. This classification is based on total land irrigated. Therefore, it includes not only the irrigated land from which crops were harvested but also all other irrigated land, regardless of use. Land Irrigated By Source of Water. — The agriculture question- naire contained a question as to what proportion of irrigated water used on the farm in 1959 was obtained from ground- water, surface-water, and irrigation-organization sources. Re- spondents were asked to report separately the percentage of XXII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 water obtained from each source. The number of acres that were irrigated by water from each source or combination of sources was calculated during office processing operations by applying the percentages to the total land irrigated. Ground-water sources relate to wells (pumped or flowing) and springs ; surface-water sources relate to streams, lakes, reservoirs, and sewage and drainage ditches. For each of these sources, only water obtained by pumps or other works operated as part of the oiwrator's own farm or as part of another single farm was to be included. Irrigation-organization sources relate to irriga- tion enterprises organized to supply water to a group of farms, regardless of how or whore the enterprise obtained the water. The irrigation enterprise may be a legal organization or a group of farmers informally organized to operate a supply ditch or other works to provide water for their own farms. Land-Use Practices Summary Information. — The 1959 data for land-use practices are estimates based on reports obtained from only a sample of farms. Comparable data are not presented for 1954 because questions about land-use practices were included on the 1954 questionnaire for only a limited number of States. The various land-use practices relate to methods for reducing soil erosion, either by improving the soil, controlling the run-off of water, or reducing the blowing of topsoil. Cropland in Cover Crops. — The data relate to land on which cover crops were turned under for green manure in 1959 and which was then planted to another crop. The entire acreage of cover crops so used was to be reported even if the following crop failed. Cropland Used for Grain or Row Crops Farmed on the Contour.- — This item relates to land on which grain or row crops were planted in level rows around the slope of a hill. Land in Strip-Cropping Systems for Soil-Erosion Control. — Strip- cropping was defined as the practice of alternating close-sown crops with strips or bands of row crops or of alternating either close-sown or row crops with bands of cultivated fallow land. The published data refer to the total acreage of all fields and tracts in which strip-cropping was practiced in 1959. System of Terraces on Crop and Pasture Land. — This item re- lates to the acreage in ridge-type or channel-type terraces con- structed on sloping cropland and pastureland. Livestock and Poultry Inventories. — Data for livestock and poultry on farms relate to the number on hand at the time of enumeration. All live- stock and poultry, including those being kept or fed under con- tract, were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch where they were, regardless of who owned them. Livestock in transit from one grazing area to another or grazing in national forests, graz- ing districts, open range, or on land used under permit were to be reported as being on the place where the person who had control over them had his headquarters. The time of year at which livestock and poultry are enumerated affects the data. Therefore, the date of enumeration needs to be considered when totals for the various censuses are compared. Both the 1959 and the 1954 census data represent fall Inven- tories. These censuses came at a time of large-scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feed lot, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of 1920, 1925, 19.35, and 1945 were taken as of January 1 and those of 1930, 1940, and 1950, as of April 1. A count made in April varies considerably from one made in Jan- uary. In most areas a large number of animals are born between January and April. A considerable number of older animals die or are sold during the same period. In the range States, along with the change in season and grazing condition, sheep and cattle are moved from one locality or county to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, fur States. The comparability of data by age has been affected also by changes in the questions from one census to another. Milk Cows, Cows Milked, Milk Produced, and Butter. — Data on the number of milk cows, cows milked, and milked produced relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Data for batter churned were obtained only fur 14 States and relate to the calendar week preceding the enumeration. The data for cows milked yesterday and milk produced yesterday are not given in this volume. These figures were obtained primarily to .serve the needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in making monthly and annual esti- mates of milk production. The.se figures can be made available, at a small cost, to others who express an interest in them. Whole Milk and Cream Sold. — Data for whole milk and cream sold relate to the entire year 1959 and are estimates based on reports obtained for farms in the sample. All milk and cream sold from the farm (except quantities purchased from some other place and then resold) were to be included, regardless of who shared the receipts. The questionnaire provided three alternative units of measure for reporting the quantity of milk sold — pounds of milk, gallons of milk, and pounds of butterfat. The respondent was thus permitted to report quantity according to the unit of measure in which payment was received. In the State and county tables, the data for milk are given in the unit of measure most commonly used in the State. Pounds of butter- fat were converted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of milk as shown by data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and Gilts Farrowing. — In the 1959 census, data were ob- tained for the number of litters farrowed between December 1, 1958, and June 1, 1959, and from June 1 to December 1, 1959. In the 1954 census, data were obtained for the sows and gilts that farrowed rather than for the number of litters. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool. — In the 19.59 census, questions about sheep, lambs, and wool were asked in all States. Data on shearings and on amount of wool shorn were obtained for lambs and sheep separately. In the 1954 census, sheep and lamb inven- tories were not obtained for Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Goats and Mohair. — In 1959, questions on goats, kids, and mo- hair appeared on the questionnaires for the following nine States : Arizona, California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Utah. In 1954, corresponding data were ob- tained for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties in Missouri. Bees and Honey. — No questions on bees and honey were in- cluded on the questionnaires for either the 1959 or the 1954 census. In 1959, however, enumerators were instructed to ob- tain agriculture questionnaires for places not having agricultural operations if they were engaged in beekeeping. The number of hives of bees and the amount of honey sold were to be reported in the "Remarks" space of the questionnaire. Data for bees and honey are not included in this report. Value of Livestock on Farms. — To obtain the value of livestock on farms, the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand was multiplied by the State average price for 1959, as furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Comparable data for 1954 were compiled by the same method on the basis of average prices for that year. Sales of Live Animals. — Data for the number and value of ani- mals sold alive in 1959 are estimates based on reports for sample farms only. Corresponding data for 1954 were obtained for all farms. The dollar value of sales was obtained from the farmer INTRODUCTION XXIII for cattle, calves, and horses and mules. Average value per head for other livestock sold was obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the 1959 census, respondents vi-ere asked to report separately the number of live animals already sold and the number estimated to be sold between the time of enumeration and the end of the year. This separation of reports for the number sold and to be sold was designed to assure more complete coverage of all livestock sales made during the year. In the 1954 census, only totals for the entire year were obtained though reference was made to animals to be sold between enumeration and the end of the year. Sales of Poultry and Poultry Products. — For both the 1959 and the 1954 Censuses, sales of chickens were obtained for two groups : (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. The enumeration of broiler sales presents prob'ems arising from the varied contractual ar- rangements under which broilers are produced. The question- naire contained an Instruction to the effect that all broilers grown for others under contract were to be reported as sold. During office processing operations, the data reported for inventories and sales of chickens four months old and over, chicken eggs sold, and broilers sold were carefully examined. Obvious inconsistencies indicating confusion between broilers and other chickens were corrected on the basis of estimated values and, for sample farms, on the basis of data reported for expenditures for feed, poultry and livestock purchases, hired labor, etc. Questions relating to poultry other than chickens {and broilers) were generally the same in 1959 as in 1954. In the 1959 census, however, only total numbers were obtained for turkeys and turkey fryers raised and for turkey hens kept for breeding whereas the 1954 questionnaire asked for a breakdown between light and heavy breeds. Also, for poultry other than chickens and turkeys, the 1959 census obtained the number sold whereas the 1954 census obtained the number raised. Classification of Farms Scope of Classification. — Data for land in farms, and for crop- land harvested in farms classified by size, by color of operator and by tenure of operator were tabulated for all farms. However, most of the detailed data by size of farm, by color of operator, by tenure of operator, by economic class, and by type of farm are estimates based on farms in the sample. The farm classiflcations by size of farm, color of operator, tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made in the processing oflSce on the basis of data reported on each questionnaire. Farms by Size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area established for each farm. The same classifica- tion was used for all States. According to definition, a farm ia essentially an operating unit, not an ownership tract. All land operated by one person or partnership represents one farm. In the case of a landlord who has assigned land to croiipers or other tenants, the land assigned to each cropper or tenant is considered a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire landholding as one unit in respect to supervision, equipment, rota- tion practice, purchase of supplies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South, a special Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire was used to assure an accurate enumeration of each unit within a multiple-unit operation. A change was made in the size classifica- tion for 1959, as contrasted with several preceding years, by sub- dividing the 1,000-acre-and-over group and by combining two previously recognized groups, viz., 10 to 29 acres and 30 to 49 acres. Parms by Color of Operator. — Farms were classified by color of operator into two groups, "white" and "nonwhite." "Nonwhite" includes primarily Negro and Indian operators but also some of other racial origin. Enumerators were instructed to report the race on the basis of their own observation whenever possible rather than by asking the respondent. Farms by Tenure of Operator. — The classification of farms by tenure of operator was based on data reported for land owned, land rented from others or worked for others on shares, land managed for others, and land rented to others or worked on shares by others. The same basis of classification was used in 1959 as in 19.54. For 19.59, each questionnaire was coded, during the editing proc- ess, to indicate whether it represented a farm operated by a full owner, part owner, manager, or tenant. The sample question- naires for tenants were given a code to indicate the kind of ten.'int. The various classifications of tenure, as used for the 1959 census, are defined below : a. Full Owners operate only land they own. li. Part Owners operate land they own and also land rented from otliers. c. Managers operate land for others and nre paid a wage or salary for their services. Persons acting merely as care- takers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm operator managed land for others and also operated land on bis own account, the land operated on his own ac- count was considered as one farm and the land managed for others as a second farm. If, however, he managed land for two or more employers, all the managed land was considered to be one farm. d. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. They are further classified, as de- scribed below, on the basis of rental arrangements in regard to the payment of cash rent, sharing of crops, sharing of livestock or livestock products, and the furnishing of work power by the landlord. (1) Cash Tenants pay cash rent, either on a per-acre basis or for the farm as a whole. (2) Share-Cash Tenants pay part of the rent in cash and part in a share of the crops and/or of the livestock and livestock products. (3) Crop-Share Tenants pay a share of the crops but not of the livestock or livestock products. (4) Livestock-Share Tenants pay a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. (5) Croppers are tenants whose landlords furnished all the work animals or tractor power. They usually work under the close supervision of the landowners or their agents, or other farm operators. Also, the land assigned to them is often merely a part of a multi-unit operation. Croppers may or may not also pay cash rent or a share of crops, livestock, or livestock products. Data for croppers are available for only 16 southern States and Missouri. (6) Other Tenants are those who did not qualify for inclusion in any of the foregoing subclassiflcations. They may have had the use of land rent-free or in return for a fixed quantity of products, payment of taxes, maintenance of buildings, etc. (7) Unspecified Tenants are those for whom the rental arrange- ment was not reported. The definition of each subclass of tenant was essentially the same for earlier censuses as for 1959. In 1945, however, the enumerator was asked to determine the subclass of tenants whereas in other censuses all classifications were made during the processing of questionnaires on the basis of the data reported. The procedure used in 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, especially for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by Economic Class. — The totals for farms by economic class are estimates for all farms made on the basis of data re- ported only for the sample farms. The economic classifications represent groupings of farms that are similar in characteristics and size of operation. The economic classes were established on the basis of one or more of four factors : ( 1 ) total value of all farm products sold, (2) number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, (3) the age of the farm operator, and (4) the re- lationship of Income received by the operator and members of his household from nonfarm sources to the value of all farm products sold. Institutional farms, Indian reservations, agricultural ex- periment stations, and grazing associations were always classified as "abnormal." XXIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 The total value of farm products sold was obtained by addi- tion of the reported or estimated values for all products sold from the farm. The value of cattle and calves, horses and mules, dairy products, some poultry products, vegetables, nursery and green- house products, standing timber, and miscellaneous forest prod- ucts was obtained from the farm operator during the enumera- tion. The quantity sold was obtained during enumeration for corn, sorghums, small grains, hay, small fruits, some of the for- est products, chickens and chicken eggs, hogs, sheep, and goats. To obtain the value of sales of these products, the quantity sold was multiplied by State average prices. For each of the other products, the entire production was mul- tiplied by the State average price. If the resulting value amount- ed to $100 or more, the entire quantity produced was considered as sold. This procedure was followed only in establishing the economic class and the type of farm but was not used in estab- lishing the total value of products sold from the farm. (See p. XXV.) Farms were grouped into two major categories, commercial farms and other farms, mainly on the basis of total value of prod- ucts sold. The 1959 class intervals and some of the criteria for determination of a given class are different from those used in 1954 and in 1950. In general, for 1959, all farms with a value of sales amounting to $2, .500 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 were classified as com- mercial if the farm operator was under 65 years of age and (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days during the year and (2) the income received by the operator and members of his family from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 and institutional farms and Indian reservations were included in one of the groups of "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six economic classes on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : Value of Farm Class of Form Products sold I $40,000 and over II $20,000 to $39,999 III $10,000 to $19,999 IV $5,000 to $9,999 V $2,500 to $4,999 VI* $50 to $2,499 •Provided the farm operator was under 65 years of age, and — (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days, and (2) the In- come that he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of farm products sold. Other farms were divided into three economic classes as follows : a. Class VTI, Part-time. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part-time" if the operator was under 65 years of age and he either worked off the farm 100 or more days or the income he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was greater than the total value of farm products sold. b. Class VIII, Part-retirement. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part- retirement" if the farm operator was 65 years old or over. Many of these are farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others are residential, subsistence, or marginal farms. In previous censuses, the age of the farm operator was not a criterion for grouping farms by economic class. Since the number of elderly people in our population has been steadily increasing during recent years, a separate classification for farms operated on a part-retirement basis was considered important for an adequate analysis of the agricultural structure of a county or State. c. Class IX, Abnormal. — All institutional farms and Indian reservations were classified as "abnormal," regardless of the value of sales. Institutional farms include those operated by hospitals, penitentiaries, schools, grazing associations, government agencies, etc. Farms by Type. — The data for farms by type are estimates based on data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The type represents a description of the major source of income from farm sales. To be classified as a particular type, a farm had to have sales of a particular pruduot or group of products amounting in value to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm prod- ucts sold during the year. The types of farms, together with the products on which type classification is based, are as follows: Type of Farm Source of Cask Income (Products with .sales value representing 50% or more of total value of all farm products sold) Cash-grain Corn, sorghums, small grains, soybeans for beans, cowpeas for peas, dry field and seed beans and peas. Tobacco Tobacco. Cotton Cotton. Other field-crop Peanuts, potatoes (Irish and sweet), sugarcane for sugar or sirup, sweet sorghums for sirup, broomcorn, pop- corn, sugar beets, mint, hops, and sugar beet seed. Vegetable Vegetables. Fruit-and-nut Berries, other small fruits, tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Poultry Chickens, chicken eggs, turkeys, and other poultry products. Dairy Milk and cream. The criterion of 50 percent of total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm hav- ing value of sales of dairy products amounting to less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm, if — (a) Milk and cream sold accounted for more than 30 percent of the total value of products sold and — (b) Milk cows represented 50 percent or more of total cows and — (c) The value of milk and cream sold plus the value of cattle and calves sold amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm products sold. Livestock other than dairy and poultry Livestock Ranches. General. Miscellaneous- Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool and mohair except for farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Florida that qualified as livestock ranches. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisi- ana, and Florida were classified as livestock ranches if the sales of live- stock, wool, and mohair represented 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold and if pasture- land or grazing land amounted to 100 or more acres and was 10 or more times the acreage of cropland har- vested. Field seed crops, hay, silage. A farm was classified as general also if it had cash income from three or more sources and did not meet the criteria for any other type. Nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, mules, horses, colts and ponies. Also all institutional farms and Indian reservations. INTRODUCTION XXV The t.vi)e tlasaifieations were essentially the same for the 1959 as for the 1954 census except that tobacco farms and livestock ranches were not separately classified in 1954. Tobacco was in- cluded as one of the crojis used in the classification of "other field crop" farms in 1954. The farms classified as livestock ranches in 1959 would have been classified as "livestock other than dairy and jioultry" in 1954 without reRard to the acreage in pasture. Value of Farm Products Sold. — Data for the value of farm prod- ucts sold in 19.59 were obtained by enumeration for some prod- ucts and by estimation for others. The questionnaire used for the 19.59 census jirovided for farm oper.itors to report value of sales for the follmvine products : Vegetables Miscellaneous poultry products Nursery and greenhouse prod- Milk and cream nets Cattle Standing timber Calves Miscellaneous forest products Horses, mules, colts, and ponies For all other agricultural products, the value of sales was esti- mated during the olfice processing. The State average prices used for cab ulating the value of farm products sold were fur- nished to the Hureau by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Dei)artment of Agriculture. One of three following pro- cedures was used. (1) For the products for which data on quantities .sold were obtained during enumeration, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the county totals of the quantities reported as sold or the (piantities reported as produced for sale. The following prod- ucts were covered by this procedure : Corn for grain Fence posts Sorghums for grain, seed, sirup, Sawlogs and veneer logs or dry forage Christmas trees All small grains Chickens (broilers and others) Hay crops Chicken eggs All berrie.s and small fruits ' Hogs and pigs Firewood and fuelwood Sheep and lambs Pulpwood Goats and kids ' Adjustment made for cranberries based on Cranberry Payment Program. (2) For most of the agricultural products which are cus- tomarily raised for sale, the entire quantity produced was considered to be sold. The State average prices were, accordingly, multiplied by the county total of production. The following crops were covered l)y this procedure : Cotton Sugarcane for sugar Popcorn Tobacco Sugar beets for sugar Wool Broomcorn Mohair (3) For all other crops, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the quantities sold as estimated on the basis of crop- disposition data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service, data reported in questions for "other crops" on the 1959 question- naire, or data obtained from earlier censuses. For all tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, the entire quantity pro- duced was considered as sold, except for apples, apricots, sour and sweet cherries, peaches, plums, prunes, avocados, tangerines, oranws, and grapefruit in States where a portion of the crop was not harvested or was subjected to excess cuUage as indicated by data obtained from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The data for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 since es.sentially the same procedures were u.sed in both censuses for estimating quantities and values of farm products sold. In 1959, as in 19.54, data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared the receipts. For tenant-operated farms, the landlord's share of agricultural products was cJA NA NA NA NA MA Other cropland (idle and crop failure) . . . .farms reportinp . . . 10,279 :ja -lA !'A MA MA NA NA '.'A acres... 476,460 !1A ilA MA NA NA NA NA •NA Woodland pastured . .farms reporting . . . 10,042 16,318 16,527 13,731 •lA 10,396 9,250 6,898 MA acres . . . 5,098,268 7,150,928 7,288,204 4,527,462 NA 1,470,354 840,843 793,782 MA Woodland not pastured ..Fanns reportinp.. . 11,536 14,918 18,277 19,026 NA 24,138 17,004 22,550 NA acres . . . 1,634,442 1,824,724 1,761,638 1,274,398 NA 1,140,941 1,050,995 1,498,301 NA Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)^ ..famis reporting... 11,316 13,417 4,969 8,093 NA 3,078 2,595 1,655 MA acres . . . 4,130,239 4,780,972 3,395,591 4,005,715 NA 544,460 176,310 437,500 ■lA Improved pasture . .farms reportinp . . . 7,227 8,859 MA NA MA MA MA NA NA acres . . . 1,237,576 1,061,626 NA NA NA •JA MA NA NA Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) . .farms reportinp. . . HA 44,581 45,230 45,084 NA 47,011 32,737 .NA NA acres . . . 972,650 1,006,582 757,681 398,732 NA 424,012 687,803 654,864 NA Cropland, lolat^ ..farms teporlin.". .. 39,408 50,855 51,161 56,479 60,594 NA 'lA NA NA acres . . . 3,400,922 3,398,469 3,324,422 2,877,194 2,856,588 2,468,639 2,270,666 2,280,072 NA Land pastured, toUl . .famis reporting . . . 21,603 29,480 28,002 25,410 NA :iA NA MA NA acres . . . 10,167,849 12,809,400 11,620,&48 9,095,740 NA 2,362,674 1,318,585 1,489,070 MA Woodland, total . .farms reportinp . . . 18,748 27,643 31,030 29,831 29,628 NA NA MA NA acres . . . 6,732,710 8,975,652 9,049,842 5,801,860 2,649,960 2,611,295 1,891,838 2,292,083 2,780,790 Irrigated land in farms . .farms reportinp. . . 4,249 5,799 6,075 4,092 3,947 ■'2,751 '.'A NA NA acres . . . 413,526 427,807 ^365,421 221,917 126,191 '65,832 NA HA NA NA Not available. For the Censuses of 1959 and 195i, In the Census year; for all other Censuses, In the calendar year preceding the Census. Total acreage of crops for irtilch figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com harvested for grain. ■'Not fully comparable for the various Census years because of differences In definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. ^Irrigated cropland only. 'includes irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1969 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 19M (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) All fafms number . . Under in acres number.. I'nder 3 acres number.. 1 acre or less number. . 2 acres number . . 3 to 9 acres number.. 3 acres - . .number . . 4 acres number. . 5 acres number. . fi acres number.. 7 acres numlier . . 8 acres numner. . 9 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres numlrer . . 10to29 acres number . . 30 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres nun.ber . . 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number . . 220 to 2-59 acres number. . 260 to 499 acres number. . 500 to 999 acres number. . 1,000 or more acres number. . 1.000 to 1.999 acres number.. 2,000 or more acres number . . Land in farms acres.. Average size of farm acres. . Under 10 acres acres . . 10 to 49 acres acres . . 10 to 29 acres acres . . 30 to 49 acres acres . . 50 to 69 acres acres . . 70 to 99 acres acres . . 100 to 139 acres acres . . 140 to 179 acres acres . . 180 to 219 acres acres . . 220 to 259 acres acres . . 260 to 499 acres acres . . 500 to 999 acres acres . . 1,000 or iTOre acres acres . 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres. 2,000 or more acres acres . . Lantj in farms accolding to use; ' Cropland harvested farms reportinc . acres . Under 10 acres. farms reportinc . acres . 10 to 49 acres farms reportinc. acres. 10 to 29 acres farms reportinc . acres . 30 to 49 acres farms reportinc. acres. 50 to 69 acres farms reportinc ■ acres . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . acres. 100 to 139 acres farms reportinc . acres . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. acres . 180 to 219 acres farms reportinc . acres . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting . acres . 260 to 499 acres farms reptjrtinc . acres . 5tX) to 999 acres farms reportinc. acres. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . acres. 1,000 to 1.999 acres farms reporting. acres. 2,000 or more acres farms reporting , acres . 45,006 8,650 3,359 2,061 1,293 5,291 925 721 1,823 494 445 537 346 15,666 9,955 5,711 2,746 3,608 2,998 2,273 1,552 1,128 2,906 1,715 1,764 782 982 15,197,010 337.7 32,907 386,667 NA NA 158,701 294,045 347,751 356,938 304,815 268,127 1,024,852 1,160,727 10,861,480 1,060,949 9,800,531 35,751 1,869,004 6,030 16,694 12,592 165,470 NA MA NA »A 2,263 62,585 3,041 99,732 2,585 124,349 1,915 111,785 1,311 98,391 982 89,968 2,422 290,527 1,402 265,716 1,208 543,787 589 177,522 619 366,265 57,543 10,453 2,U0 KA HA 8,313 NA KA NA KA 21,566 13,733 7,833 3,721 4,946 3,846 2,930 1,760 1,227 3,182 1,840 18,161,675 315.6 47,288 522,481 224,924 297, 557 214,163 402,380 445,269 459,992 346,011 291,554 1,106,970 1,260,350 44,780 1,935,655 7,251 21,766 16,885 216,150 10,637 100,564 6,245 115,586 3,080 83,208 4,028 135,727 3,183 151,550 2,442 145,087 1,454 101,377 1,CH3 87,118 2,626 283,026 1,413 239,749 1,375 470,897 NA NA NA NA 56,843 9,054 1,689 NA NA 7,365 NA NA NA NA NA 21,949 13,110 8,839 4,364 5,504 4,084 3,013 1,793 1,107 2,728 1,512 1,730 •.Ik NA 16,537,586 290.9 43,753 559,073 221,785 337,288 251,814 446,830 474,273 475,431 352,167 263,793 948,554 1,028,896 11,692,997 i:a ■lA 44,234 ,721,007 5,408 17,670 17,156 220,799 9,929 91,373 7,227 129,426 3,739 96,931 4,764 154,409 3,497 147,782 2,537 135,054 1,525 96,056 960 73,756 2,304 224,240 1,239 178,460 1,105 375,350 NA NA NA NA 61,159 11,541 2,579 NA NA 8,962 NA NA NA NA 24,928 14,564 10,3&t 4,301 6,048 4,008 3,055 1,552 1,035 2,313 1,105 13,083,501 213.9 49,458 632,506 236,993 395,513 248,411 487,685 460,819 480,241 304,837 245,593 798,932 745,029 8,629,940 HA 52,855 1,309,430 8,502 26,£«i4 21,867 326,192 12,486 126,376 9,381 199,816 3,930 124,973 5,637 205,254 3,712 165,983 2,848 151,466 1,433 93,597 968 72,723 2,106 211,400 928 137,881 874 293,312 NA NA NA NA 62,248 9,746 946 NA NA 8,800 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 29,160 16,323 12,332 4,564 6,508 3,926 2,896 1,396 874 1,773 753 652 NA NA 8,337,708 133.9 47,943 744,642 275,277 469,365 263,572 524,612 451,859 455,419 274,472 206,929 607,630 504,010 4,256,570 56,235 1,679,622 7,841 27,338 26,463 392,543 15,024 150,257 11,439 242,286 4,320 131,354 6,145 220,457 3,736 171,173 2,746 141,130 1,317 34,909 842 64,608 1,674 169,192 677 110,611 474 166,302 NA NA NA NA 72,857 U,752 2,168 NA NA 12,584 NA NA 35,398 21,1A6 14,252 4,666 6,618 3,731 2,971 1,299 789 1,621 588 6,048,406 33.0 67, 506 830,558 341,271 539,287 266,981 531,481 427,581 466,306 255,818 137,032 551,564 335,661 2,027,913 NA NA 66,965 ,579,049 NA 45,162 NA 471,462 NA 198,633 NA 272,329 NA 130,859 NA 206,421 NA 150,026 NA 123,237 NA 76,755 NA 51,989 NA 130,374 NA 72,228 53,966 8,423 1,220 NA NA 7,203 NA NA NA NA 29,225 NA 10,549 ,559 563 312 NA 5,026,617 35.2 41,376 756,004 NA NA 748,159 1,265,319 532,190 370,204 54,404 1,454,254 28,175 NA 421,583 NA NA '331,830 NA NA NA *390,377 NA NA NA NA 121,676 NA 64,162 NA 95,901 NA NA NA NA 59,217 7,923 727 7,196 NA 29,496 NA NA 10,103 1,719 596 5,864,519 99.0 40,076 751,389 NA NA 721,943 1,378,493 584,666 391,048 1,996,904 NA NA 1,369,050 NA 29,380 NA 420,259 NA NA NA NA NA '297,392 NA NA NA '348,756 NA NA NA NA NA 113,302 NA 61,528 98,433 See footnotes at end of table. FLORIDA state Table 2-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959-Continued [Data for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For dennilions and explanations, see text) Census of— 1959 (Oct.-Noi 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Lsnd in farms according to use -Continued Cropland, total farms reporlinp . . . acres. Under 10 acres fanns reportinc . acres . . . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting . . . acres . . . 50 to 69 acres farms reporting . . . acres . . , 70 to 99 acres farms reportmc . . . Acres . . . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting,. . 140 to 179 acres fsnns reporting . . . acres . . . 190 to 219 acres farms reporting. . . acres . . , 2% to 259 acres farms reporting, , , 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . , , acres , , , 500 to 999 acres farms reporting , , . acres , , , 1,000 or more acres farms reporting , , , acres . . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting . . . '■ acres . . . 2,000 or more acres ..., .farms reporting . . . acres . . . Land pastured, total farms reporting . . . act^s . , . Under 10 acres farms reporting . . . acres . . . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting . . . acres . . . 50 to 69 acres farms reporting . . . acres . . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting. . . acres . . . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting . . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 1.000 cr more acres farms reporting. . acres . . 1.000 to 1.999 acres farms reporting . . acres , . 2.000 or more acres farms reporting. . acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . . . acres . . Under 10 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 50 to 69 acres farms repcxting . . acres . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 100 to 1.39 acres farms reporting . . . acres . . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting. . acres . . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting. . acres . . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . , acres . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . acres . . 1.000 or more acres farms reporting. . acres . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting.. acres . . 2,000 or more acres farms reporting. . acres . . 39,454 3,393,780 6,450 19,344 14,050 235,534 2,503 92,356 3,332 153,825 2,820 189,839 2,116 181,575 1,485 159,563 1,072 141,166 2,682 483,492 1,555 485,151 1,389 1,246,935 662 345,701 727 901,234 21,981 10,120,161 1,036 3,294 5,898 90,747 1,380 41,199 2,331 91,506 2,028 109,607 1,759 125,618 1,172 108,710 950 106,642 2,355 410,629 1,477 583,624 1,595 8,448,585 674 628,188 921 7,820,397 4,594 410,875 764 2,056 1,379 13,628 244 6,498 3U 10,939 232 13,401 159 8,335 196 U,046 105 7,462 472 49,612 335 59,621 345 220,277 162 51,175 183 169,102 50,855 3,398,469 8,279 28,521 19,433 319,359 3,443 123,133 4,568 214,044 3,584 234,633 2,730 234,013 1,620 168,348 1,142 Ul,172 2,901 481,233 1,592 434,680 1,563 1,019,273 NA NA NA NA 29,480 12,809,400 1,936 6,603 3,465 129,839 2,041 62,152 3,307 140,774 2,791 165,495 2,282 182,332 1,409 149,053 1,034 123,278 2,682 534,959 1,604 719,518 1,929 10,589,892 NA NA NA NA 5,799 427,807 968 2,477 2,015 2 5,070 368 9,737 394 16,063 362 18,043 257 17,096 171 13,065 126 11,719 429 49,670 322 59,291 387 205,576 NA NA NA 51,127 3,333,169 6,843 26,339 20,124 346,362 4,179 152,280 5,262 248,810 3,882 254,283 2,878 246,287 1,691 174,383 1,044 131, 582 2,560 433,841 1,364 362,695 1,300 961,257 NA NA NA NA 28,506 11,605,035 1,921 6,454 8,819 129,310 2,325 62,500 3,393 126,055 2,804 155,620 2,145 159,995 1,310 127,770 847 99,060 2,155 430,951 1,216 518,763 1,571 9,733,557 NA .NA NA NA 6,099 '375,697 681 2,439 2,546 28,702 478 11,120 470 14,738 371 13,732 302 17,979 153 12,349 110 8,995 395 43,262 283 49,501 310 172,830 NA NA NA NA 56,479 2,877,194 9,346 31,660 23,499 402,312 4,177 154,920 5,888 277,420 3,882 239,609 2,970 239,816 1,501 148,062 1,014 118,685 2,220 343,096 1,000 241,793 982 679,821 NA NA HA NA 25,410 9,095,740 1,753 5,230 8,636 113,562 1,942 48,795 3,228 114,322 2,380 124,390 1,992 145, 513 1,008 93,969 736 85,216 1,680 305,823 892 403,762 1,163 7,655,158 NA NA .NA NA 4,092 221,917 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA .NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 60, 594 2,856,583 NA 36,346 NA 526,696 NA 177,048 NA 322,712 NA 262,977 NA 243,696 NA 147,108 NA 114,005 NA 308,355 ■NA 233,387 NA 433,758 NA NA NA NA NA .NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,947 126,191 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,468,639 NA 54,878 NA 618,211 NA 174,926 NA 305,205 NA 230,617 NA 226,082 NA 127,855 NA 92,111 NA 246,605 NA 140,572 NA 251,577 NA NA NA NA NA 2,362,674 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA '2,751 '65,832 NA NA .NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,270,666 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA 1,318,585 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,280,072 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,489,070 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. ^For the Censuses of 1959 and 1954, in the Census year; for all other Censuses, in the calendar year preceding the Census. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. ^50 to 99 acres. 100 to 259 acres. ^ot fully comparable for the various Census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. 'irrigated cropland harvested onjj. "includes irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data fw 1959 and 1954 ore based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 ( January 1 ) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) ALL FARM OPERATORS All farm operatois number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tentuits number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number All land in faims acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres Alt tenants act Cash tenants , . . -act Share-cash tenants Share tenants acres Croppers Other and unspecified tenants aci All cropland harvested aci Full (jwners aci Part owners acres Managers aci All tenants acres Cash tenants aci Share-cash tenants aci Share tenants aci Croppers Other and unspecified tenants acres ALL WHITF FARM OPERATORS White fafm operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Land in farms acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenanta acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants , , acres Crofters acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres ALL NONVffllTE FARM OPERATORS Nonwhile farm operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Land in farms acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants , acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres (Troppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested , . .actes Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Citjppers acres Other and unsfiecified tenants acres 45,006 35,469 5,813 1,245 2,479 5.5 1,069 77 247 249 837 15,197,010 6,173,061 4,258,746 4,210,633 554,570 302,225 15,515 27,665 30,790 178,375 1,869,004 890,176 512,293 365,460 101,075 44,938 8,804 14,175 11,320 21,838 41,507 33,166 5,130 1,233 1,978 4.8 914 57 182 199 626 14,827,179 6,043,823 4,198,900 4,052,856 531,600 295,370 13,105 24,995 26,510 171,620 1,793,464 856,756 481,807 365,121 89,780 40,833 7,779 12,380 9,465 19,323 3,499 2,303 683 12 501 14.3 155 20 65 50 211 369,831 li9,238 59,846 157,777 22,970 6,855 2,410 2,670 4,280 6,755 75,540 33,420 30,486 339 11,295 4,105 1,025 1,795 1,855 2,515 57,490 45,448 6,879 812 4,351 7.6 1,474 100 560 783 1,434 18,147,774 8,041,619 5,674,198 3,844,658 587,299 276,280 14,129 52,007 73,708 171,175 1,938,363 1,009,654 528,072 253,662 U6,975 54,638 7,194 29,800 32,466 22,877 51,577 41,869 5,922 785 3,001 5.8 963 65 410 540 1,023 17,646,336 7,369,335 5,603,952 3,639,953 533,096 252,940 11,724 46,622 64,301 157,509 1,823,342 960,491 495,306 251,874 115,671 40,938 5,414 25,340 26,277 17,702 5,913 3,579 957 27 1,350 22.8 511 35 150 243 411 501,438 172,284 70,246 204,705 54,203 23,340 2,405 5,385 9,407 13,666 115,021 49,163 32,766 1,788 31,304 13,700 1,780 4,460 6,189 5,175 56,921 42,806 6,160 967 6,988 12.3 2,364 161 1,081 1,662 1,720 16,527,536 7,278,516 4,985,023 3,368,847 895,150 492,370 14,065 92, 521 147,044 149,150 1,728,232 905,766 330,738 287,033 204,695 64,878 7,230 41,278 57,287 34,022 49,415 38,558 4,895 956 5,006 10.1 1,610 91 796 1,171 1,338 15,967,464 7,072,300 4,903,717 3,193,086 798,361 458,198 10,297 75,158 122,268 132,440 1,575,677 844,939 291,098 286,277 153,363 45,014 4,774 32,666 43,543 27,366 7,506 4,248 1,265 11 1,982 26.4 754 70 285 491 382 560,072 206,216 81,306 175,761 96,789 34,172 3,768 17,363 24,776 16,710 152,555 60,827 39,640 756 51,332 19,864 2,456 8,612 13,744 6,656 61,159 45,473 3,565 1,836 10,285 16.8 5,052 34 1,306 2,180 1,713 13,083,501 6,401,537 3,568,515 2,280,521 832,928 416,644 2,397 93,700 121,725 198,462 1,809,430 1,048,577 209,931 230,987 319,935 153,856 1,174 46,428 65,399 53,078 50,724 39,945 2,626 1,790 6,363 12.5 3,269 24 860 963 1,247 12,572,256 6,140,230 3,507,243 2,263,079 661,704 330,621 1,876 73,137 81,896 174, 174 1,575,189 951,248 178,981 228,311 216,649 99,050 917 33,395 40,583 42,704 10,435 5,528 939 46 3,922 37.6 1,783 10 446 1,217 466 511,245 261,307 61,272 17,442 171,224 86,023 521 20,563 39,829 24,288 234,241 97,329 30,950 2,676 103,286 54,806 257 13,033 24,816 10,374 62,248 40,692 4,243 1,645 15,668 25.2 7,023 166 1,974 3,407 3,098 8,337,708 3,688,119 1,670,421 1,636,158 1,343,010 640,837 10,451 152,346 232,488 306,888 1,679,622 866,690 210,124 188,930 413,878 174,402 6,018 63,449 110,787 59,222 52,490 36,184 3,236 1,605 11,465 21.8 5,152 133 1,576 2,345 2,259 7,883,469 3,484,924 1,618,294 1,613,462 1,166,789 565,879 8,968 137,911 181,118 272,913 1,467,375 792,463 179,226 187,309 308,377 124,881 4,992 55,282 79,460 43,762 9,758 4,508 1,007 40 4,203 43.1 1,871 33 398 1,062 839 454,239 203,195 52,127 22,6% 176,221 74,958 1,483 14,435 51,370 33,975 212,247 74,227 30,898 1,621 105,501 49,521 1,026 8,167 31,327 15,460 72,857 45,751 3,668 3,039 20,399 28.0 HA NA NA 4,674 NA 6,048,406 3,094,384 553,426 938,285 1,461,311 NA NA NA 281,222 NA 1,579,049 811, 508 134,835 188,015 444,691 NA NA NA 136,806 NA 60,093 40,027 2,600 2,989 14,477 24.1 NA NA NA 3,153 NA 5,559,821 2,876,483 505,753 932,918 1,244,657 NA NA NA 215,623 NA 1,353,810 736,619 108,523 186,276 322,392 NA NA NA 95,993 NA 1J2,764 5,724 1,068 50 5,922 46.4 NA NA NA 1,521 NA 488,585 218,3% 47,663 5,367 217,154 NA NA NA 65,599 NA 225,239 74,889 26,312 1,739 L22,299 NA NA 40,8 58,966 35,485 3,909 2,835 16,737 28.4 7,033 NA NA 4,816 NA 5,026,617 2,617,693 362,479 954,368 1,092,072 554,019 NA NA 275,117 NA 1,454,254 743,013 145,352 160,464 405,425 167,6% NA NA 135,790 47,923 31,126 2,692 2,746 11,359 23.7 4,616 NA NA 3,423 NA 4,511,736 2,394,589 303,669 945,442 868,086 450,431 NA NA 215,774 NA 1,204,387 663,666 110,746 157,813 272,162 102,803 NA NA 99,817 NA 11,043 4,359 1,217 39 5,378 48.7 2,417 NA NA 1,393 NA 514,831 223,109 58,810 8,926 223,986 103,588 NA NA 59,343 NA 249,867 79,347 34,606 2,651 133,263 64,383 NA NA 35,973 NA 59,217 43,378 2,208 1,010 12,621 21.3 4,412 NA NA 4,380 NA 5,364,519 3,768,843 188,686 1,260,090 646,900 225,465 NA NA 222,672 NA 1,369,050 880,416 70,575 100,281 317,773 U0,576 NA NA 123,356 NA 47,205 37,339 1,425 968 7,473 15.3 2,323 NA NA 2,755 NA 5,337,013 3,436,165 152,513 1,257,594 440,741 141,072 NA NA 153,979 NA 1,117,911 784,663 50,763 99,267 133,213 52,883 NA NA 77,826 NA 12,012 6,039 783 42 5,148 42.9 2,034 NA NA 1,625 NA 527, 506 282,678 36,173 2,4% 206,159 84,393 NA NA 68,693 NA 251,139 95,753 19,807 1,014 134,565 57,638 NA NA 45,530 NA NA Not available. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. FLORIDA State Table 4.-FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, AGE, RESIDENCE, AND OFF-FARM WORK; AND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 * are baspd on reports for only a sample of farms. See texlj (For definitions anri explanRtions, SCO toxt) FARM OPERATORS By color; Whi te number . . Negro number.. Other nonwhite number . . By age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 or more years operators reporting Average age years Operatccs not reporting age number By residence: Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Operators not reporting residence number . , By off-farm work: Working off their fantis, total opetntors reporting 1 to49 days operators reporting 50 to 99 da.vs operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting Operators not working off their farm or not reporting as to work off their farm number . 8y other income: With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACI AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines Com pickers Pick-up balers Field forage harvesters . Vtetortrucks LITIES 5 reporting. number. farms reporting. number, 'aims reporting. number, arms reporting. number. i reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting . number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting . 3 tractors farms reporting . 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting . number . Crawler tractors farms reporting. number . Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number . Autonobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms repotting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops). . .farms reporting. Power-operated elevatcr, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of roatl on wtiich located: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road . 1 or more miles to a hard surface mad. . . 1 mile 2 or 3 miles 4 miles 5 or more miles 'arms reporting. J reporting . I reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, arms reporting . 'arms reporting . 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. Certsus of — 1959 (Oct.-Kov.) 41,416 3,664 20 i99 3,3S6 s, sag ii.sei, io,iss 9,i7(l 53.(1 S61 33,955 8,800 2,345 tS, 9SS S, ISS l,63i 19, tie i,i7e tS,7il) IS, St9 90S 1,065 l.SiS 1,903 9S5 1, OSS 55S 705 !S, sot 16, itl St, SS9 39, S7e 10, sie 36, StO n, 76i 3,33i l,S7e 53! 910 SO, eoo 33, US 1,365 l,35t 3,505 I,, 056 3S, S69 il, S93 39, 071, !7, 565 SS, 777 Sil S13 S3, S3S S,S9S IS, 019 ^ eis S.iOl 3,673 3,936 i50 US 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 51,458 6,050 35 sss i,oee 11, 560 H, 17S It, 039 11, U7 61.9 S,Oti 45,904 10,605 1,034 S9, 610 3,3Si S,i09 S3, 717 i,011 T9, 706 Si3 9i5 906 9S9 S3i 567 316 390 S6, 377 37, OSS St, 57S U, SOI SO, 7/5 31, S6S 16, 9SS s,sei set 39S «7J so, 671, S9, St3 1,0S7 S, 035 S,7S7 S,9iS 3i, 790 ie, S97 U,ssi so, eoo 16, e09 1,161 HA NA 1950 (April 1) 49,415 7,473 33 l,SSi 6,e9i 11, m IS, us 11, tS7 9,55t SO. 3 i,t79 49,046 6,151 1,724 S5, 160 3.769 t,591 15, SOI 3,196 16, i06 S5, 750 1,30 5 IS 93 98 301 310 HA NA 10, S09 to, 356 IS, S7S St, OlS li, 085 SO, 109 11,1,61, 1,515 13, Si3 IS, 671, SSS 1,1,35 1,768 1, 009 SS, 196 36, 0S3 39, tiO to, 163 S,9SS 983 NA NA 11, 799 t,e03 SS, 063 NA -NA NA NA NA NA 1945 (January 1) 50,724 10,435 964 6,976 13,619 15,682 12,608 10,226 50.2 1,084 51,180 9,290 689 17,413 1,706 1,469 14,238 2,842 11,396 43,746 SIO SiS NA NA NA NA NA NA 16,572 21,639 9,508 12,812 ^9,506 11, 661 17,942 '983 NA .9, 970 NA 1,691 NA 1,338 28,320 31,721 36,960 6,429 NA 3SS NA NA NA NA NA '46,979 '8,573 '7,295 '1,278 1940 (April 1) 52,490 9,731 27 1,779 7,940 11,759 13,937 11,646 9,683 49.5 5,504 48,729 9,212 4,307 20,519 3,455 2,830 14,234 5,143 9,091 41,729 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11,668 14,360 6,319 7,703 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24,552 27,393 NA 3,556 17,291 1,793 39,159 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1935 (Janviary 1) 60,093 12,764 26,857 6,346 6,111 14,400 5,722 8,678 46,000 1930 (April 1) 47,923 11,010 33 2,026 7,403 11,969 13,849 11,099 7,577 NA 5,043 18,815 3,899 3,163 11,753 4,741 7,012 40,151 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10,852 12,203 4,382 J, 244 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24,161 26,387 NA 3,525 NA NA NA NA ^11,663 *7,247 33,798 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1925 (January 1) 47,205 12,012 1920 (January 1) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,352 2,777 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA '6,690 '2,353 46,336 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. ^Figures for 1945 are for all tractors. ^Concrete, brick, asphalt, and macadam. 'Concrete or brick and macadam. Asphalt was not Included. ^Includes sand-clay. 'Gravel. 'Distance to all-weather road. See text. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a saniple of farms. See toxtj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 {April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITURES' Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. . . dollars . . . Pnrchaae of livestock and poultry fanns reporting. . . dollars . . . Machine hire fanns reporting . , . dollars Farms clBSsiTied by amount of expenditure- $1 to $199 farms reporting . . . S200 U)$499 farnis reporting... $500 to $999 farms reporting . . . 51,000 to $2,499 farms reporting . . , S2,500 to 34,999 fanns reporting . . . $5,000 to ?9,999. fanns reporting. , . $10,000 or more farms reporli ng . - . Hired labor^ farms reporting . . . dollars... Farms classified by aiDOunt of expenditure- Si to $199 farms reporting . . . $200 toS499 fanns reporting.. . $500 to $999 fanns reporting . . . 51,000 to $2,499 fanns reporting - . . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting . . . $5,000 to $9,999 famis reporting . . . 510,000 to $19,999 farms reporting . . , 520,000 or more farms reporting . . , Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business fanns reporting . . . dollars . . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. .. dollars . . . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials farms reporting . . tons . . . dollars. . , Lime and liming materials farms reporting , . tons . . . dollars . . FARM LABOR Farm workers for specified week:* Family and/or hired workers* farms reporting . . persons . . Average per farm reporting - persons . . Family workers, including operators farms reporting. . persons . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or nwre hours farms reporting ■ . persons . . Hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by month farms reporting . . persons. . Workers hired by week farms reporting. . persons. . Workers hired by day farms reporting.. persons . . Workers hired by hour farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired on piece-work basis . . famis reporting.. persons . . No report as to basis of payment. . . . farms reporting. . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 Of 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . Farms by kind of workers during specified week: No workers reported farms ■ , Family workers only fainia . , Operator only farms . , Operator and members of his family farms . Members of operator's family only farms . Family workers and hired workers farms . Operator and hired workers farms . Operator, members of his family, and hired workers • .farms . Members of operator's family and hired workers ■ . . .farms . Hired workers only farms . Regular farm workers only farms. Seasonal farm workers only fanns . tS, 771 70, 3/^9, 061 10, 39S 35, BOO, 610 10, 710 S3, 30S. 399 8,993 Jt, sso 2,360 S,U39 969 A05 3S4 S3, 780 112,917.706 6,696 U,GOB 2,967 3,653 2,269 U!k7h. l.OOf) 1.116 39, 883 18, 913, Sltl 16, 358 13, 136, 266 3!t. Oltl 1. 081, 516 NA 7,80} i71, i36 NA 3J, 001 99 on 3.0 SO 9I>1 iS !09 19, 9ie 9 19S 1! !93 to 179 se Stt 1 090 o 911 ! 776 IS S17 s SSO S,9S1 S 911 St 371 7,361 B,H3 se, m £,677 l.liS 1,073 711 es9 S,9S! Si, 67S 11, OOS SS, SSS 1S,9U S,9i9 9S9 S,1S9 S,IIS9 S,1SI 131 S,010 soe n 33, ies is, i76, 037 NA NA SS, 096 IS, ess, 96i S9, 793 Si, SSS, 316 10, 576 6, i99 3,7SS 3,900 S,1U l.SSS 877 7S0 30, 7il IS, 07S, SS7 NA NA i3, SIS 1, 066, 969 SI, SSi, 6H 7,iS6 363, 776 i6, 036 10S,9S7 S.i iS, S70 61, 0S7 il,SSO lS,iOi 19,i97 ll,tS7 i7, 900 1,331 3,039 3,ilS 11, 566 3,105 13, 333 3, SO 3 16, ii3 696 3, ISO S, 976 s,sss 1, 0S9 615 i99 e,7ti !1,U1 i:,m 33, Si9 S3, S7S 9, SSS l,0i6 9, OSl 6,1SS 1,599 SSi s,i6e NA NA 36, SS7 31, 779, 769 10, OOS IS, S6S, 9S6 10, OSS 5, SS6, SOS NA Si,S79 6i, S9S, SiS 10, SS9 i,7l3 S,SS7 S,S13 3,667 SS, S9S 10, 778, 553 SS, SIS S, 993, 018 NA NA NA NA NA NA U S16 132, OSi 3.1 il, 183 65, SOS SS, iS6 IS, OSi 26, 7S: 11, 176 66, S56 I, 351 3,039 3,030 10,779 i, ISS SO, SSO S, ISi IS, •77 1,001 13, i6S 111 1, 060 6,SS9 SS, SS9 5, 067 l,i'!7 1,030 6S6 619 6,118 SI, SS7 13,6:7 35, OiO 17, ifS IS, 017 S,Sil 9, US «, 777 3, 150 SIS 1,933 3i,900 20,222,989 13, Sli 5, 667, 610 NA NA NA NA HA 31, 306 48,51.4,380 13,9?7 6,613 3,921 3,547 3,268 21,137 4,4S8,5iO IS, 67S SO, 631, 7S6 S,01S 515,633 52,125 109, 751 2.1 51,053 73,737 49, 557 17, 282 24,180 7,072 36,014 NA NA NA NA 9,034 45,053 29,793 13,877 1,383 6,000 3,978 1,909 U3 1,072 NA NA 27, 573 1,166,801 NA NA NA NA 27, 896 20, 977, 631 NA NA NA NA NA NA 21,926 3,265,479 NA NA 42,086 419, 356 13,072,255 2,999 37,030 247,464 54,039 147,424 2.7 49,111 76,325 NA NA NA 15,262 70,599 5,505 9,492 '8,893 '37,276 (') (') '3,035 '23,831 C) (') 8,209 38,777 NA 10,334 NA ,928 NA NA 67,753 160, 387 2.3 60, 610 99,760 NA NA NA 20,215 60, 627 HA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA 5,104 47, 538 NA NA HA 13,072 NA NA HA 7,143 NA NA 22,457 ;, 096, 841 NA HA NA NA 27,977 17,724,067 HA UA NA HA HA HA HA HA NA 39,480 NA 372,473 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23, 591 6,402,931 NA HA MA NA HA HA NA HA 23,275 14,232,447 20,471 5, 024, 668 NA NA NA 20,190 10,117,531 NA HA NA HA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA HA HA HA NA NA NA HA 28,925 NA NA HA 10,316,929 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA HA NA HA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA Not available. 'For Censuses of 1959 end 1954, expenditures during Census year; for earlier Censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. Casn payments for farm labor; housework not included. For 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not Include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor Included in coat of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included. ^Census of 1959, week preceding the enumeration; Census of 1954, week of September 26-October 2. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. 'See text for differences in definition of farm workers. 'Separate data not available by day or week. 'Separate data not available for workers hired by the hour or piece-work basis. Questionnaire called for other hired labor including piecework and contract labor. FLORIDA State Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS, NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 LDdla for numher of livestork not fully compfirable for the several Censuses. See text] see text) Ceitsus of — (For dofiniliona and explanations 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov,) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Total value of specified classes ot livestock and poultry dollars... 172,470,807 103,407,665 101,673,014 67,917,113 26,904,947 19,785,919 23,428,469 20,211,364 34,869,108 CaUle and calvea .farms reporting. .. 20,233 30,055 29,750 35,623 32,398 35,382 26,454 KA 31,888 number, . . 1,500,&42 1,647,348 1,101,239 1,114,917 721,015 713,001 431,448 656,217 633,981 value, dollars.. . 156,v.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1 ) 1920 (January 1) Ttee fruits, nuts, and grapes^ -Continued citrus fruits — Continued Oranges including tangerines and mandarins — Continued Other oranges fanns reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age fanns reporting . number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. Quantity harvested*^ farms reporting. field boxes. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Tangerines and mandarins farms reporting . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age faiTOS reporting. number . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested*^ farms reporting . field boxes . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Tangeloes fanns reporting. Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age fanns reporting. number. Quantity harvested*^ farms reporting. field boxes . value, dollars. Sales dollars . Other tree fruits and nuts value, dollars . Sales dollars . Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested. . ..dollars. Value of fruits. Including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars. 16,385 16,961,227 6,063 5,085,832 14,243 11,875,395 12,693 40,620,401 123,892,224 123,892,224 6,801 1,243,520 931 219,659 6,200 1,023,361 4,548 3,668,683 8,304,839 8,437,976 2,185 357,191 551 134,825 1,776 222,366 1,305 347,536 1,4*2,275 1,442,275 18,527 12,809,715 4,993 1,973,748 16,790 10,835,967 14,935 44,899,323 63,757,037 63,757,037 9,140 1,266,581 1,285 131,942 3,321 1,134,639 5,969 4,378,486 9,326,175 3,393,558 2,095 199,620 714 90,956 1,490 108,664 937 217,775 762,213 762,213 17,747 9,829,640 6,008 1,502,932 14,730 3,326,703 U,736 24,411,395 53,239,175 NA 9,219 1,145,027 1,932 114,420 7,758 1,030,607 5,003 3,663,076 7,069,737 NA 630 67,744 246 35,122 435 32,622 217 53,535 210,723 NA 2,258 2,253 324,767,437 324,400,574 905 905 190,723,722 188,327,830 137 NA 172,776,272 129,931,152 6,295 1,U4,872 NA NA NA NA NA 2,965,407 6,834,905 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ul,204,251 114,865,917 NA 8,225,069 NA 1,615,843 NA 6,609,226 NA 13,432,554 7,932,906 NA 8,726 1,234,040 NA 50,330 NA 1,133,160 NA 2,236,024 2,190,610 NA 69 6,936 19 1,400 54 5,536 38 12,817 9,615 NA NA NA NA 7,090,053 NA NA NA 1,843,509 NA NA NA 5,246,544 NA NA NA NA NA ^'6,152,969 15,542,302 NA NA NA 7,206 1,399,400 NA NA NA 479,425 MA NA NA 919,975 NA NA NA NA NA "780,937 2,564,367 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,512 NA 30,^0^,235 25,716,698 HA. MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 68,286 -435 29,770 728 38,516 NA ^*67,475 236,170 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. ^Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1959, 1954, ig-ig, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. ^Total acreage of crops for which figxires are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com hai"/ested for grain. ■'Value of com and other com products sold. Includes com cut for silage. 'Com cut for forage. ^Sorghums for all purposes, except for sirup. ''value of sorghxnns sold for hay or forage included in value of sorghums sold for grain or seed. ^Sugarcane or sorghums for sirup not reported sepaj^tely. 'The 1944 and 1939 figures do not Include acres plowed vmder for green manure. ^°See cowpeas cut for hay. ^^For figures on annual legumes saved for hay. Including soybeans and cowpeas, see peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage. ^^Includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas only. ^■'Soybeans and cowpeas cut for hay. ^*Calculated value of peanuts harvested for nuts, peanuts harvested for hay, and peanuts hogged or grazed. ^'Reported in bushels. ^^Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches in 1924. ^''For all Censuses except 1950, obtained by adding the tndividufll hay crops. ^^Includes oats cut for feeding unthreshed. ^''Silage crops other than com and sorghums. Clover seed, except sweetclover. ^^Clover seed, including sweetclover. ^^Value of lint cotton only. ^■'For 1959 and 1954, does not include acreage for farms 'rith less than 20 bushels harvested; for 1949, does not include acreage for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. 2*Sugarcane for all purposes. ^'includes receipts fron sale of pasture and grazing privileges and the value of cowpeas harvested for green peas. ^'Excludes Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes, except for 1920 Census which included potatoes for hone use only. ^'Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes. ^*Does not include farms reporting green cowpeas only. ^'Does not include the value of green cowpeas sold. See footnote 25. Green lima beans included with snap beans. Hot peppers and plraientos included with sweet peppers. ^^Includes ptmientos. ^■'For Censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for heme use or for sale. ■'^For 1959 and 1954, does not include data for fanns with leas than 20 trees and grapevines. See text. ^'Does not include acreage for faims reporting less than l/2 acre. See text. ^^Boxes, kind not specified. ^'Reported in crates . ^'Reported in bunches . ^'Reported by n\m±>er of coconuts . *°For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 fron the bloan of 1958; for 1954, harvested In 1953-54 fron the bloom of 1953; for 1949, harvested in 1949-50 from the blocm of 1949; for 1945, harvested in 1943-44 frcn the bloon of 1943; for 1940, harvested in 1939-40 fron the bloan of 1939. 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 9.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 (For definilions and expliinfllions, spo U>\l) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov. ) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 19i0 (April 1) 1935 (Januar;,- 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery and greenhous*" p^lxiu^L^, flowor and vegetable se«ds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold fnmis repordnc , doll,wf>. On farms with sales of $2,000 or more farms rpportinfi, dollars , Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamenlals. etc.) farms reportinp. acres . Sales ■ dollars. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms refiorting , Grown under glass farms reporting, square feet. Grown in the open farms reporting , acres. Sales dollars. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting . square feet. Grown in the open farms reporting. acres. Sales dollars . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting. Sales nf any forest products farms reporting . dollars. Sales of standing timhei farms reporting, dollars , Sales of all other forest products farms reporting . dollars . Sales of firewood, pulpwood. fence posts, sawlogs, and veneer logs farms reporting , dollars , Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting . Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting , oonls (4' \ V \ %') . Sales farms reporting . cords (4' X 1' X 8") . Pulpwood sold farms reporting. cords (4' X 4" X fi"). Fence posts cut fnons reporling. number. Sales farms reporting. Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting . thousands of hoard feel . farms reporting , thousands of hoard feel . 2,765 50,027,460 1,257 48,811,566 1,930 7,684 16, 037, 291 1,063 421 5,799,961 836 11, 9U 32, 5U, 655 180 23 68,265 164 1,354 1,478,514 3,925 2,055 6,080,216 1,618 2,883,987 966 3,196,229 905 3, 090, 562 86 105, 667 2,096 13,777 147 3,678 669 146,736 296 454, 237 51 390,089 208 15,209 155 U,492 27, 601, 310 1,475 7,150 9,986,127 1,034 232 1,589,708 922 13,475 16,226,191 192 22 143,416 178 2,657 1, 383, 992 M 2,568 3, 506, 042 HA SA 5,314 38, 535 1,685 250,807 1,935 753,253 "1,216 '■°72,849 17,373,143 HA NA 1,379 5,478 7,245,053 ^725 '752,903 ^675 '12, 185 '9,484,092 246 29 102,140 233 1,639 643,998 '!A 2,273 1,797,790 1, 945, 977 1,289 694, 168 1,251,809 5,812 50, 655 >1A !1A 742 74,907 2,633 736,219 900 10, 817 11,056 I9, 603, 590 NA NA 1,931 1,352,480 1,485 3,936,017 NA NA 469 2,682 1,114,447 '81 ■'509,690 NA NA '204,976 NA HA NA '1,095 '5, 996 '2,616,594 2,178 395,836 '7,982 '477, 526 NA NA NA NA 1,117 4,101,735 ^951 'lA ^3,185,615 KA =263 NA NA NA '916, 120 3,308 881, 514 NA NA NA NA 12,934 132, 863 164 4,097 3,037 567, 902 762 59, 158 25,078 241, 627 NA NA 127 1,863 935,843 '326,474 HA '■303, 788 NA KA "115,052 5,513 2,636,157 NA HA HA NA NA HA NA Hot available. ^Excludes data for farms tmclassified as to type. ^Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. 'Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. 'crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated mushrooms. 'Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass; end flowers grcjwn in the open. 'Total square feet under glass. 'Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. ^Value of flower and vegetable seeds; vegetables and vegetable plants; and mushrooms. 'Hot strictly comparable with other years as figures probably include some reports of firewood used on farms. l°Figures include sales of standing tijuber. FLORIDA 21 State Table 10.— CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 Item (For (Icrinitions am) oxplAnnlions, .<;cg tpxt) Places excluded as farms by change in definition , 19541959 number. acros in place . Cropland harvestoJ places rpportins . acres . I'ndpT 10 acres placps reporting. 10 or more acres places reporting . Op«alors liy tenure: Fu! I owTiers number . Part owners and managers number . Tenants - - number . Oporatofs l>> colcr: White number . Son* hite number . Operators by ^ar began operation of present [dace: 1 9ri9 operators reporting . ]%K oporators reporting. 1 1)57 operators reporting . 1956 ojierators reporting. 1951-1955 - operators reporlinc. 19511 or parlier operators reportmr- Operators by age: Under 55 years operators reporting . 55 to 64 years operators reporting . 65 or more years operators reporti ng , Operators not reporting age numhrr . Item (For definilions and ^explanations, see text) Operators In days or nork off plai-e in 1950: No days operators reporting . . 1 to 49 days operators reporting . , 50 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . Operators not reporting number. . Operators reporting other income of famih exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting. . Cattle and calves of all ages places reporting. , number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved places reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs places reporting. . number. . Chickens 4 months olr! and over places reportinc- number . . Com harvested for all purposes places reporting. acres . Hay harvested places reporting. acres. 3,303 77,956 1,152 4,395 1,087 65 2,907 93 303 2,659 168 159 228 190 684 1,357 1,827 632 833 11 1,083 107 96 161 1,839 17 3,033 1,975 3,908 1,613 1,802 1,151 4,248 1,948 53,315 671 2,785 State Table 11.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Census of 1959 Census starting date— October 7 Florida Census of 1954 Census starting date— October 4; November 8 Florida Approximate average date of enumeration week of.. . Percent of farms enumerated dunng- Nov. 8-Nov. 14 Perrrni 4 9 12 11 9 7 7 9 13 10 5 5 Nov. 7 Nov. 13 Percent of famis enumerated during— October ItoO .... Percent 11 10 9 7 7 14 16 11 8 4 2 Z Less than 0.5. 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON FARMS AND BY QUANTITY OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Ylaia For caUle and calves nn hand, cows on hand, milk cows on hand, and animals sold alive are based on reports for only a sample of farri^. See toxlj (For definitions and explanations, see t«xtl (For definitions and explanations. 1 nto4 StoD lOtoW 10 to in ... . 20 to 4il 50 to 01 100 or more ... 100 to 190 . . 200 to 499 . . .')(!0 or more . Cows on hanil, inclutliiig heifefs that have calved. . Cattle and calves of all ages on hand famis renortin- . number. F! renortinn. 5 refiortinp. 5 reporlinc. 5 reportini-. ? reportini;. arms report intr. 'arms reportinG. 'arms report! nt;. * reporting . arms reportins. ^arms reportinc. 'arms reportintr . numlier . 'arms reportinc. ^arms reporti ne . 'arms reporlinff. 'arms reportinji. 'arms reportinft. 'arms reporting, 'arms reporlinp. 'arms reporting. '.Trms reportinc. 'arms reportinji. 'arms reportinp. 'arms reporting!, 'arms reporting:. s reportinc. number . 'aniiS reportinc. 'arms reportinc . 'arms renortine . reponinji. reporting . reportinti. arms reportint!. arms reportirc. reportinc. arms reportinc. 'arms reportinc, 'am,s reportinc. arms reportinc. reportinc . nun.bor. reporlir-. renortine. reporline. . reportinc. . reportinc. 'arms reportinc. vms reportinc. arms reportinc. reportinc. 3 or 4 5to9 10 to 14 ... . 15 to 19.... 20 to 29 30 to 49 50 to 74 75 to 99.... 100 to 199 . . 200 to 499 , . .100 or more . Milk COWS on tiand. . r4. 5 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 49 50 to 74 75 to 99 100 to 199 . . 200 to 499.. 500 or more,. Cattle sold alive, excluding calves . llo4 5to9 10 to 19 . . . 20 to 29 . . . ,30 to .39 . . . 40 to 49 50 to 99... 100 to 199., 200 or more Calves sold alive.. I to 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 99 100 or more,. . . 100 to 199 . . 200 or more . Hogs and pigs of all ages on hand . llo9 10 to 24 . . . 25to49.,., .50 to 99 100 to 199. 200 to 199. 500 to 999. l.OOO or mor Littets fattowed. Decembet 1, previous yeat, to Novembet 30, Census yeat 10 or more 10 to 19 2C10 39 40 to 69 70 to 99 100 or more. ,am,s reportinc, s renortine, s reportinc, s reportinc, s reixirtinc, s reportinc, 5 reportinc, s reportinc. s reportinc. = re!«rtine. s reportinr' . s reponinc. nuniher. s reportinc. s rp["ortinc. s reportinc. « reportinc. ■; reportinc . « reportinc. s repc^tlnp. . number,, 'arms reportinc, , 'arms remrtinp. . 'am,s reportinp., 'arms reportinc. , 'arms reportinp, , 'arms reportinp., 'arms reportinp, , 'arms reportin".. pounds. , 'arir.s reportinc, 'arms reportinc , "arms reportinp,, 'amts reportinc , , 'am.s reportinc, 'arms reportinp, , arms reportinp, , s reportinp,, numlier, , s reportinp,, « reportinc . 5 reportinp. s repirti np. . 5 reporting. . 5 reportinp. . = reportinc. . = reportinp.. i reportinc. . am.s reportinc. . number. . irms rept^tinc. . IS reportinp. . 'arms reportinp. . IS reportinp. . 'arms reportinp. . arms reportinc. . arms reporting.. 'arms reportinp . . arms ref^rtinp. . nuniher. . arms reportinp. . farms reportinp. . "arms reportinp. . farms reportinp. . arms reportinc. 'amis reportinc. 'nmts reportinc. 'arms reportinp. . IS reixirtinc. . = re[x,rtinc. dozens., i reportinc. i refiortinp. , 5 reportinp., ; rejxirtinp. , s renortinp. . s reportinp. . ^ reiKirti np . . . re[iortinp. . * rpjiortinc . i reportinp.. ? renortine. . fnrr.is reportinc , number, s refxjriinp. "amis ret»rtinc. . "amis reix)rtinc , 'amis reixirtinc, . !iru,s reportinc , "ani,s reportinp, . "amis reiKirtinp, . "nmis reportinp, . 10,829 405,012 876 1,848 2,817 1,529 955 581 1,325 650 248 215 19 14 176 6,767 119 45 9 2 1 118 31,007 114 3 15,373 4,917,932 12,763 1,166 681 254 308 306 395 211 184 179 8,302,562 15 25 38 41 18 26 2,485 2,674,534 605 335 559 326 313 178 95 31 43 3,795 57,131,336 990 762 324 301 50 257 1,111 193 262 345 311 1,310 326,490 1,229 62 4 5 10 3 3 4 13,569 338,496 1,633 3,019 3,851 1,735 1,007 672 1,221 300 131 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27,434 3,200,931 21,923 2,393 1,572 595 545 284 122 NA NA 336 3,U1,312 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,862 1,416,652 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7,289 25,514,343 2,187 2,059 697 539 115 617 1,075 NA NA NA NA 3,057 175,885 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. FLORIDA 23 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 r^^ata for all crops pxcent aim, Irish potatoes, sweetnotatoes, and forest nrotiucts are based on reports for only a sample of farms, '-ee text]] (For definitions and expllmntions, see text) (For definitions and explanations, see («xt) CORN Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres f anns reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 acres farms reporting . 11 to 15 acres farms reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 2i acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to is acres farms reporting . 50 to 7i acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 1*19 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting . 300 to 399 acres farms reporting . AOO to ^99 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting. Acres harvested for grain farms reporting. acres . bushels . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 acres farms reporting . 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting , 30 to A9 acres farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 149 acres farnE reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 2(X) to 299 acres farms reporting . 30O to 399 acres farms reporting . 400 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 or more acres farms reporting . Com sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 100 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. OATS Acres harvested farms reporting . acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . lOO to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting . bushels . Under 20 bushels farms reportiitg . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting . 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 5(XI to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting . 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3, (XX) to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,CXX) or more btishels farms reporting . Quantity sold farms reporting . bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,5(X) to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,(X)0 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,0(X) or more bushels farms reportlr^g . See footnotes at end of table. 11,905 »f 493,118 1,349 1,546 750 1,139 369 926 587 1,920 1,384 696 730 242 169 51 16 31 9,064 286,167 7,385,428 1,232 1,533 822 1,026 324 799 467 1,211 747 330 304 120 90 33 2 24 2,647 2,723,142 443 225 128 127 109 61 34 422 13,027 51 66 54 17 30 52 33 3 2 422 362,852 15 6 6 35 63 121 49 48 20 28 22 9 141 132,792 17,464 535,282 2,815 3,523 1,834 636 1,553 3,686 1,818 671 598 155 119 27 14 15 14,367 314,338 5,317,532 2,480 4,027 1,955 624 1,340 748 1,819 772 225 226 68 57 10 5 11 693 1,468 426 186 43 38 24 5 5 982 26,129 132 139 932 573,815 153 69 34 46 20 6 306 204,286 6 11 25 128 74 24 SOYBEANS HAWESTED FOR BEANS Any soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. By acres grosm alone farms reportijig . acres . Under 10 acres farms reporting . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . ICX) or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. PEANUTS HAIWESTED FOR NUTS Any peanuts harvested for nuts farms reporting. By acres grown alone farms reporting . acres . Under 10 acres farms reporting . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds. HAY CROPS CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting . 3CX) to 499 acres farms reporting . 5CX) to 999 acres farms reporting . 1,CX)0 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting . tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting . 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting . 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,0(X) to 4,999 tons farms reporting. 5,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 or more tons farms reporting. 402 402 30,122 20 130 90 76 86 402 653,547 3,566 3,494 49,125 2,036 975 326 120 37 3,566 48,093,407 1,723 73,925 225 284 227 108 37 129 92 200 207 141 38 3 21 1,723 126,095 742 127 256 244 192 130 20 6 305 20,777 146 67 32 55 3 1 1 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 1.3.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVP:STED. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-('ontinued [Dftta for all crops except com, Irish notatoes, sweetrol aloes, aiif" forest products are bas«.l on renort-'> for only a sajT>ole of famis. '^e textj Item (For definitions find explanations, see text) (ffiASS SIIAGE MADE FRCM GRASSES, ALFALFA, CLOVER, OR SMALL GRAINS Acres harvested farms reporting . acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to lA acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to A9 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. . 300 or more acres farms reporting. . Quantity harvested farms reporting . , tons, green weight., Under 20 tons farms reporting . . 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting . . 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting.. 3,000 or more tons farms reporting . . COTTON Acres harvested farms reporting. . acres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting . . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . . 15 acres farms reporting. . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . , 100 or more acres farms reporting . . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . bales . . Under 20 bales farms reporting.. 20 to 24 bales farms reporting . . 25 to 49 balea farms reporting . . 50 to 99 bales farms reporting . . 100 or more bales farms reporting. . See footnotes at end of table. 2,818 22,774 1,384 767 358 36 52 80 34 65 i. 30 12 2,818 13,080 2,728 22 55 7 392 7 2,360 1 6 2 18 • 2 13 2 5,605 33,547 3,037 1,655 5,605 24,149 (For definitions and explanations, see text) IRISH POTATOES Acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres ^. bushels . . Under 1 acre farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . 10.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting . . acres . . bushels. . 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting. . acres . . bushels. . 50 or more acres farms reporting . . acres . . bushels. . SWEETPOTATOES Acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres ^. bushels . . Under 1 acre farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting . . acres . . bushels. . 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . , 10.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting... acres. . . bushels . . . 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.., acres. . , bushels . . , 50 or more acres farms reporting. . , acres, . . bushels. . . 1,203 27,254 5,527,395 387 36 8,860 28 31 4,313 17 36 3,429 12 40 6,395 11 79 9,323 39 628 102, 649 51 1,805 329,233 158 24,599 5,062,693 2,019 2,052 205,418 1,435 260 32,412 362 386 27,764 102 209 17,326 54 183 16,460 38 246 26,796 20 265 2b, 910 4 128 14,250 375 43,500 5,467 32,243 9,126,264 4,941 107 36,832 93 100 13, 333 41 84 11,028 45 156 29,159 36 220 43,988 72 1,182 298,543 57 1,934 570,040 182 28,410 3,123,341 4,333 2,303 239,684 3,535 274 4i,136 518 552 27,720 170 345 21,315 =88 =551 '60,095 7 106 13,150 '15 '480 '73,2o3 FLORIDA 25 State Table Kl-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crons excent com, Irish ootatoes, supelrolatflcs, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions nnd explEinaticHis, see text) (For definitions and explanations, see t^xt) TOBACCO Acres harvested fauns reporting. . acres. . Under 0.5 acre farms reporting.. 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting.. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting. . 1 . 5 acres farms reporting . . 1.6 to 1.9 acres farms reporting.. 2.0 to 2.^ acres farms reporting.. 2.5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. . 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting.. 20.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting. . 25.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. . 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.. 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting. . Quantity harvested farms reporting . . pounds . . Under 20 pounds farms reporting . . 20 to 24 pounds farms reporting . . 25 to 49 pounds farms reporting. . 50 to 99 pounds farms reporting . . 100 to 199 pounds farms reporting . . 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting.. 500 to 999 pcainds farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting. . 1,500 to 1,999 pounds farms reporting. . 2,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting.. 10,000 or more pounds farms reporting. . VE(Sn:ABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) Value of sales farms reporting . . dollars . . Under $20 farms reporting . . $20 to $24 farms reporting . . $25 to $49 farms reporting. . $50 to $99 farms reporting . . $100 to $199 farms reporting . . $200 to $499 farms reporting . . $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $1,499 farms reporting. . $1,500 to $1,999 farms reporting. . $2,000 to $2,999 farms reporting.. $3,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting. . lAND IN BEARING AHD NOfJBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED KUT TREES* Acres in orchards farms reporting.. acres . . Under 0.5 acre farms reporting.. 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting.. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting.. 1.5 acres farms reporting.. 1.6 to 1.9 acres farms reporting.. 2.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting.. 2.5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. , 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting. . 20.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting. . 25.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. . 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.. 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres ■, farms reporting . . 4,028 17,832 50 236 736 115 324 558 333 779 5,733 25,057 45 212 2,039 2,L24 5iS 967 215 255 48 20 } 53 55 21 8 12 3 5 4,028 5,733 23,227,059 30,689,449 } 1 5 5 20 123 } 65 301 310 480 488 423 564 685 1,059 762 1,463 661 1,244 568 534 5,031 84,631,572 25 40 120 232 403 777 619 414 260 391 383 491 826 21,867 709,987 529 1,164 2,295 358 65 1,822 300 2,192 3,407 3,509 1,228 696 1,797 1,356 1,149 10,285 77,684,639 314 685 3,608 1,574 691 453 594 657 554 872 23,534 635,241 284 877 2,845 3,989 4,386 1,854 1,858 1,223 1,010 GRAPEFRUIT* Any grapefruit farms reporting . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number of trees. Under 5 trees farms reporting . 5 to 9 trees farms reporting . 10 to 14 trees farms reporting. 15 trees farms reporting . 16 to 19 trees farms reporting . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting ■ 25 to 29 trees farms reporting . 30 to 49 trees farms reporting . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . 200 to 249 trees farms reporting. 250 to 299 trees farms reporting. 300 to 499 trees farms reporting . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . 1,000 or more trees farms reporting . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number of trees . Iftider 20 trees farms reporting . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . 25 to 49 trees farms reporting . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting. 200 to 499 trees farms reporting. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting. 10,000 or more trees farms reporting. Quantity harvested^ farms reporting . , field boxes. . Under 25 boxes farms reporting . 25 to 49 boxes farms reporting . 50 to 99 boxes farms reporting . . 100 to 499 boxes farms reporting . . 500 to 999 boxes farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 boxes farms reporting. . 1,500 to 1,999 boxes farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 boxes farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 boxes farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 boxes farms reporting. 10,000 or more boxes farms reporting. LEMONS'^ Any lemons farms reporting . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number of trees . . Under 5 trees f aims reporting . 5 to 9 trees farms reporting . . 10 to 14 trees farms reporting . . 15 trees farms reporting . . 16 to 19 trees farms reporting . , 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . . 25 to 29 trees farms reporting . , 30 to 49 trees farms reporting . . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . , 200 to 249 trees farms reporting . , 250 to 299 trees farms reporting . , 300 to 499 trees farms reporting . , 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . . 1 , 000 or more trees farms reporting . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number of trees . . Under 20 trees farms reporting . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . . 25 to 49 trees farms reporting . . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting.. 200 to 499 trees farms reporting.. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . , 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting. . 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting. . 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms reporting. . 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting.. 10,000 or more trees farms reporting . . Quantity harvested' farms reporting . . field boxes. . Under 25 boxes farms reporting . . 25 to 49 boxes farms reporting . , 50 to 99 boxes farms reporting . . 100 to 499 boxes farms reporting . , 500 to 999 boxes farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 boxes farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 boxes farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 boxes farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 boxes farms reporting. . 5,000 to 9,999 boxes farms reporting.. 10,000 or more boxes farms reporting.. 13,073 16 ,222 2,143 3 ,245 494,073 930 ,906 728 864 198 331 180 ^ 7 30 • 344 45 21 ?14 112 202 237 136 256 72 33 } 161 116 363 79 240 134 235 12,173 14 ,666 5,674,895 6,667,479 4,991 419 } 5 ,436 1,051 1 ,023 916 1 ,334 1,108 1,528 } 4 ,043 1,075 1 ,530 416 457 229 213 125 225 141 219 97 117 77 69 10,038 11 801 30,146,597 37,909 948 2,500 2 108 751 756 889 723 1,880 2 ,250 923 1 ,256 593 848 372 554 526 786 497 962 612 860 545 598 2,268 NA 672 m 99,803 NA 509 NA 52 NA 10 NA 10 NA NA 1 NA 11 NA NA 11 NA 15 NA NA 10 NA 12 NA 10 NA 21 NA 1,732 NA 257,561 NA 1,598 NA 16 NA 1 NA 40 NA 12 NA 21 NA 12 NA 3 NA NA 10 NA 6 NA 7 NA 6 NA 923 NA 215,239 NA 799 NA 13 NA 20 NA 41 NA 16 NA 6 NA NA 7 NA 7 NA 13 NA 1 NA See footnotes at end of table. 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Pata for all crons excent com, Irish rotatoes, sweetfiotatoes, and forest products are based on renorts for only a samnic of fann?. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) (For definitions Item ind explanations, see text) ORANGES, m(PLE* Any orajiges, teinple farms reporting . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number of trees. Under 5 trees farms reporting. 5 to 9 trees farms reporting . 10 to 14 trees farms reporting . 15 trees farms reporting . 16 to 19 trees farms reporting. 20 to 2A trees farms reporting . 25 to 29 trees farms reporting, 30 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . 200 to 249 trees farms reporting. 250 to 299 trees farms reporting'. 300 to 499 trees farms reporting . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . 1,000 or more trees farms reporting . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. nujnber, of trees . Under 2G trees farms reporting . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . lOO to 199 trees farms reporting . 20O to 499 trees farms reporting . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting. 10,CX30 or more trees farms reporting . Quantity harvested^ farms reporting. field boxes. Under 25 boxes farms reporting . 25 to 49 boxes farms reporting. 50 to 99 boxes farms reporting . 100 to 499 boxes farms reporting . 500 to 999 boxes farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 boxes farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 boxes farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 boxes farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 boxes farms reporting. 5,0(X) to 9,999 boxes farms reporting. 10,000 or more boxes farms reporting: ORANGES, VAIENCU'' Any oranges, Valencia farms reporting. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number of trees , Under 5 trees farms reporting , 5 to 9 trees farms reporting . 10 to 14 trees fanns reporting. 15 trees farms reporting . 16 to 19 trees farms reporting . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . 25 to 29 trees fanns reporting . 30 to 49 trees farms reporting . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . 100 to 199 trees farms report Irtg. 200 to 249 trees farms reporting . 250 to 299 trees farms reporting . 300 to 499 trees fanns reporting. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . 1,000 or more trees farms reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number of trees . Under 20 trees fanns reporting . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . 25 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . 200 to 499 trees farms reporting. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting. 10, 000 or more trees farms reporting . Quantity harvested' farms reporting . field boxes . Under 25 boxes farms reporting . 25 to 49 boxes farms reporting. 50 to 99 boxes farms reporting . 100 to 499 boxes fanns reporting . 500 to 999 boxes farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 boxes fanns reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 boxes farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 boxes farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 boxes farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 boxes farms reporting. 10,000 or more boxes farms reporting. 4,335 1,092 236,050 305 120 60 30 15 26 31 48 71 107 22 7 72 36 92 4,238 1,276,169 2,116 98 290 334 449 402 255 121 52 41 41 23 16 3,505 3,255,639 1,384 367 275 656 231 114 100 31 84 103 55 12,861 4,559 4,511,813 179 137 176 70 55 96 110 179 426 630 253 224 553 696 770 11,275 10,823,352 2,093 236 650 1,002 1,307 2,539 1,596 624 292 295 306 163 162 10,167 34,385,101 1,428 528 688 2,129 1,267 853 562 768 772 582 585 6,256 2,066 410,718 735 152 183 149 lU 112 73 4,910 1,267,364 2,908 369 315 248 81 68 61 30 16 11 3,813 3,622,740 1,725 335 336 689 240 137 43 94 76 34 59 14,560 4,503 2,491,442 372 199 516 651 500 491 500 12,913 9,452,550 2,693 819 1,123 4,855 1,669 686 261 270 206 212 119 11,868 33,030,423 1,284 668 730 2,681 1,551 1,168 623 753 970 768 672 ORANGES, OTHER* Any oranges , other farms reporting . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number of trees. Under 5 trees farms reporting . 5 to 9 trees farms reporting . 10 to 14 trees farms reporting . 15 trees farms reporting. 16 to 19 trees farms reporting . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . 25 to 29 trees farms reporting . 30 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees ■. .farms reporting. 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . 200 to 249 trees farms reporting . 250 to 299 trees farms reporting . j 300 to 499 trees farms reporting. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . 1, 000 or more trees farms reporting . Trees ' of bearing age farms reporting . number of trees . Under 20 trees farms reporting . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . 200 to 499 trees farms reporting . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting. Z,QO0 to 2,999 trees farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting. 10,000 or more trees fanns reporting. Quantity harvested' farms reporting. field boxes . Under 25 boxes farms reporting . . 25 to 49 boxes farms reporting. . 50 to 99 boxes farms reporting . . 100 to 499 boxes farms reporting. . 500 to 999 boxes farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 boxes farms reporting. . 1,500 to 1,999 boxes farms reporting. . 2,000 to 2,999 boxes farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 boxes farms reporting. , 5,000 to 9,999 boxes farms reporting . . 10,000 or more boxes farms reporting . . TANGERINES AND MANEABINS' Any tangerines and mandarins farms reporting . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number of trees . , Under 5 trees farms reporting. . 5 to 9 trees farms reporting . . 10 to 14 trees farms reporting . . 15 trees farms reporting . , 16 to 19 trees farms reporting . . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . . 25 to 29 trees farms reporting . . 30 to 49 trees farms reporting . . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . , 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . . 200 to 249 trees farms reporting . , 250 to 299 trees farms reporting . . 300 to 499 trees farms reporting . . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . . 1,000 or more trees farms reporting . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number of trees . . Under 20 trees farms reporting. . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . . 25 to 49 trees farms reporting . . 50 to 99 trees farms report,lng . . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . . 200 to 499 trees farms reporting . , 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 trees , farms reporting . . 2,000 to 2,999 trees farais reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting . . 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting.. 10,000 or more trees fanns reporting. . Quantity harvested^ farms reporting . . field boxes . . Under 25 boxes farms reporting . . 25 to 49 boxes farms reporting.. 50 to 99 boxes farms reporting.. 100 to 499 boxes farms reporting. . 500 to 999 boxes farms reporting,. 1,000 to 1,499 boxes farms reporting. . 1,500 to 1,999 boxes farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 boxes farms reporting. . 3,000 to 4,999 boxes., farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 boxes farms reporting.. 10,000 or more boxes farms reporting. . 16,203 6,247 5,056,731 232 149 242 75 60 181 171 415 592 781 284 295 679 956 1,135 14,211 11,835,418 2,103 417 1,519 1,553 1,533 3,014 1,705 769 404 474 336 231 153 12,761 39,939,263 1,564 734 1,050 3,042 1,443 850 581 906 951 849 741 7,059 996 136,371 507 86 40 20 5 34 30 42 27 42 38 5 47 47 26 6,435 948,671 3,725 189 453 569 540 537 248 35 26 31 13 6 4,798 3,544,438 2,032 315 346 1,028 335 230 112 130 93 32 45 See footnotes at end of table. FLORIDA 27 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for nil crops pNcepl com, I^^^h notatoes, sweelnoUlnps, and forest nmcJucts are based on reports for only a snmnle of farms. See text] Hem SUte total Item {For definitions and explanfttions. see text) State total (For definition? and explannlions, see text) 1959 1954 1959 1954 FOREST PRODUCTS 1,618 2,883,987 38 262 453 468 167 132 98 2,096 13,777 2,032 29 15 13 7 147 3,678 669 146,736 268 108 116 77 48 52 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5,314 38,585 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,685 250,807 NA NA NA NA NA NA FOREST PRODUCTS— Continued 296 454,237 76 165 30 21 4 51 390,089 155 13,492 4 16 13 22 18 26 19 32 dollars . . . Under $25 farms reporting . . . $25 to $99 farms reporting . . . number. .. Under 100 fence posts farms reporting . . . 100 to 499 fence posts farms reporting . . . 500 to 999 fence posts farms reporting... 1,000 to 4,999 fence posts farms reporting . . . 5,000 or more fence posts farms reporting . . . Sales farms reporting . . . number . . . Sawlogs and veneer logs sold farms reporting... 753,253 NA $300 to $999 farms reporting... NA NA cords (4'x4'xa' )... NA NA NA thousands of board feet . . . NA NA cords (4'x4'x8' )-•. 1,000 to 2,499 board feet farms reporting . . . 2,500 to 4,999 board feet farms reporting... NA NA cords (4'x4'x8').-. 10,000 to 19,999 board feet farms reporting. . . 20,000 to 49,999 board feet farms reporting... 50,000 to 99,999 board feet farms reporting. .. 100,000 or more board feet farms reporting. .. NA NA NA Not available. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^3.0 to 9.9 acres. ^25.0 or more acres. *Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 'For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 195i0 1,397 919 718 350 4,463 1,513 5,211 1,331 3,039 205 191 26 104 165 140 245 300 147 132 72 3,413 11,365 50 43 45 358 270 915 918 599 193 76 39 3,405 13,933 8.8 4.95 407 895 742 704 352 245 22 3,892 16,443 0.77 43 359 341 248 1,524 571 614 119 15 58 696 3,120 8,585 53,747 3,078 1,760 1,515 1,113 1,119 5,858 31,435 2,404 1,084 1,029 717 624 4,662 22,312 2,196 923 658 418 467 3,923 1,935 2,727 978 2,598 200 257 29 72 96 15 104 212 153 140 44 113 3,530 14,870 48 53 15 205 169 499 852 752 583 275 80 100 2,183 8,259 8.7 6.30 150 447 444 366 265 243 84 146 1 37 3,137 20,892 0.90 17 105 141 135 468 411 1,426 323 25 86 473 7,128 279 5,035 6.13 2,590 35,374 293 317 526 645 809 2,413 24,582 396 331 535 536 565 1,111 10,792 320 204 171 162 254 1,479 934 177 443 1,859 208 282 6 4 43 97 84 91 28 76 1,571 11,060 49 55 20 36 142 302 340 401 206 62 62 451 4,190 8.9 6.79 9 54 46 66 101 53 47 70 5 1,017 13,980 0.89 7 19 24 57 167 197 428 95 8 15 90 4,285 64 2,718 6.27 1,608 7,295 573 406 332 157 140 1,229 3,220 570 243 250 109 57 742 4,075 339 184 90 63 66 866 363 379 172 250 192 216 20 12 10 20 45 20 21 5 19 729 1,711 46 45 35 35 118 230 186 69 34 22 391 1,121 8.9 6.29 17 63 83 52 30 81 15 40 10 548 2,370 0.87 56 7 65 41 264 73 12 22 1,843 65 1,824 5.84 NA Not available. FLORIDA 29 State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage ra[*3 are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class, 1959-Continued Conunercial fanns— Continued Part-time Part-retirement Hired WOfkefS farms reporting. persons . 1 h ired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or mote hired workers , Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers , Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days), . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . Paid on a mofvlhiy basis farms farms reporting, farm.'s reporting, 'arms reporting. Taims reporting, 'arms reporting. reporting, persons reporting, reporting, reporting. rer»rting reporting reporting persons reporting reoorting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting reporting reporting reporting, persons . - , hours . . .dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting reporti ng Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. persons , . , hours . , .dollars. s reporting. s reporting. 5 reporting. 5 reporting. 5 reporting. 9 reporting. 5 reporting. s reporting. 5 reporting. 3 reporting Average hours worked per person per month . Average wage rate per person per month .... I'nder S50 per month $50 to S84 per month $85 lo S109 per month $110 to S129 per month $130 to 5169 per month ?170 to $214 per montji $215 to $274 per ironth $275 to $324 per month $325 to $374 per monUi $375 and over per month Average hours worked per person per week, , .Average wage rate per person per week . , , , Under $12 per week $12 to $24 per week $25 to S29 per week $30 to $39 per week $40 to 549 per week $50 to ?59 per week $60 to 569 per week $70 to 579 per week , $S0 to 5S9 per week $90 and over per week .arms r. arms r. arms r 'arms r !arms r. farms r Paid on a daily basis farms reporting, persons . Average hours worked per person per day hours . Average wage rate per person per day dollars . Under S4 per day farms reporting. $4 per day fanr.s reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day- farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting $10 per day farms reporting. $11 per day farms reporting. $12 and over per day, farms reporting. Paid on an houf ly basis farms Average wage rate per person per hour Under $0.45 per hour farms $0.45 to 50.54 per hour farms $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms $0.65 to .W.74 per hour farms $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms $1.00 to 51.14 per hour farms $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms $1,30 to $1,44 per hour farms $1,45 and over per hour farms reporting- persons , , .dollars . reporti ng reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. persons. Average earnings per person dollars . 1,388 3,3i5 701 3il 220 87 39 722 1,089 509 132 60 20 1 879 2,256 466 196 114 71 32 509 213 666 154 181 171 183 7 22 32 1 24 25 19 391 708 43 42 39 41 39 103 62 38 12 426 789 8.3 5.36 50 112 111 76 35 28 478 1,457 0.94 5 31 16 26 71 44 216 55 14 69 210 1,059 2,257 593 249 128 69 20 424 569 323 77 19 5 754 1,688 445 129 102 58 20 305 119 635 81 121 173 170 10 6 17 225 297 46 42 41 18 18 1 5 383 779 8.3 5.30 46 97 83 69 32 23 2 23 332 843 0.87 5 11 20 20 79 21 139 31 107 217 27 37 5.54 325 969 181 51 51 10 32 119 206 72 15 32 223 763 126 35 25 5 32 102 17 206 10 10 180 130 84 194 46 49 75 205 8.5 5.73 10 10 10 20 10 10 5 147 415 0.88 10 10 5 26 20 46 15 5 10 30 145 15 25 8.60 1,594 3,075 1,038 258 182 91 25 385 712 273 58 44 5 5 1,291 2,363 876 190 123 86 16 303 82 1,209 112 317 175 180 30 10 15 2 5 25 17 1 1 6 245 347 39 39 15 35 23 25 81 397 692 8.4 6.26 25 115 51 50 20 75 16 25 20 784 1,479 0.96 5 21 31 10 106 41 466 58 25 21 135 240 55 75 4.40 1,113 2,005 717 a7 99 70 10 250 313 208 26 16 916 1,692 593 165 83 65 10 197 53 863 59 75 134 82 20 10 15 2 183 230 39 38 10 25 18 25 50 50 5 292 447 8.4 5.97 20 85 41 40 15 45 16 25 526 1,053 0.97 16 16 10 60 35 321 37 15 16 105 200 40 60 4.83 441 781 316 40 60 15 10 100 150 60 30 10 366 631 281 25 35 20 5 75 25 341 25 25 149 134 10 5 10 60 95 39 39 5 10 5 30 10 105 245 8.4 6.78 5. 30 10 10 5 30 15 246 376 0.92 5 5 15 '40 6 145 20 5 5 30 40 15 15 2.67 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954: AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Fipires on number of workers and wage rates are tor hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Other field-crop Hiteil WOfketS farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting . 2 hired workers farms reporting, 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting , 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms re,x)rting. . persons . , 1 hired worker farms reporting, . 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting, . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting , . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting , , persons , , 1 hired worker farms reporting, . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting . . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. , Paitlon a monthly basis farms reporting,, persons , , Average hours worked per person per month hours , , Average wage rate per person per month dollars , , Under $50 per month farms reporting, . $50 to $84 per month farms rejorting,, 585 to .?109 per irranth farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting.. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. . $275 to $324 per month .farms reporting . . $325 to $374 per month farms reporting. . $375 and over per month farms reporting. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. . persons . . Average hours worked per person per week hours . . .Average wage rale per person per week dol 1 ars . . Under $12 per week farms reporting. . $12 to $24 per week farms reporting. . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting . . $30 to 539 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting.. 550 to $59 per week farms reporting.. $60 to 569 per week farms reporting . . $70 to 579 per week farms reporting . . $80 to 589 per week farms reporting. . 590 and over per week farms reporting. . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting,, persons , . Average hours worked per person per day hours , , Average wage rate per person tier day dollars , , Under $4 per day farms reporting, , $4 per day farms reporting , , 55 per day farms reporting, , $6 per day farms reporting. . 57 per day famis reporting. . $8 per day farms reporting. . 59 per day farms reporting,. $10 per day farms reporting . . $11 per day farms reporting . . $12 and over per day farms reporting. . Paid on an houtly basis fanns reporting . . persons. . ■Average wage rate per person per hour doll.irs , , Under $0,45 per hour farms reporting , , $0,45 to 50.54 per hour farms reporting , , 50,55 to $0,64 per hour farms reporting, , $0,65 to .50.74 per hour farms reporting. , 50,75 to $0,84 per hour farms reporting, , 50.85 to fOM per hour farms reporting . . $1.00 to $1.14 per hour ..farms reporting. . 51.15 to 51.29 per hour farms reporting.. $1.30 to 51.44 per hour farms reporting, , $1,45 and over per hour farms reporting, , Paid on a piece-work basis farms reponmg , , persons , , Persons working Friday week preceding enumeiation farms reporting, , persons , . Average earnings per person dol Inrs . . , NA Not available. 10,179 56,822 4,116 2,018 1,697 1,204 1,UA 6,243 32,147 2,677 1,142 1,073 722 629 5,953 24,675 3,072 1,113 781 504 483 4,226 2,017 3,936 1,090 2,915 197 248 59 82 111 17 109 237 170 141 45 119 3,775 15,217 48 52 30 240 192 524 933 813 588 275 80 100 2,580 8,951 8.7 6.30 175 562 495 416 285 318 100 171 1 57 3,921 22,371 0.90 22 126 172 145 574 452 1,892 381 50 107 608 7,368 334 5,110 6.11 11,187 47,900 4,B74 2,181 1,830 1,424 878 5,976 26,459 2,828 1,089 945 615 499 6,724 21,441' 3,340 1,397 919 718 350 4,463 1,513 5,211 1,331 3,039 205 191 26 104 165 140 245 300 147 132 72 3,413 11,365 50 43 45 353 270 915 918 599 193 76 39 3,405 13,933 8.8 4.95 407 895 742 704 352 245 22 38 3,892 16,443 0.77 43 359 341 248 1,524 571 614 119 15 53 696 3,120 50 141 36 8 6 7 157 179 10 26 9.0 5.08 20 20 0.60 5 10 6 61 6 61 7.41 541 2,675 269 94 74 47 57 276 1,805 118 57 41 31 29 364 370 227 49 56 20 177 99 265 13 13 112 119 5 5 143 656 46 30 5 76 27 15 19 1 366 1,188 9.0 4.26 26 177 137 24 1 1 13 731 0.50 36 87 26 62 6.50 15 15 8.7 4.33 'io 5 212 3,278 56 79 17 30 30 142 2,519 60 35 15 12 17 131 759 48 45 9 15 14 81 61 70 26 136 239 385 87 269 51 47 76 328 8.6 5.84 20 11 8 15 13 2 71 1,593 0.92 1 6 4 11 20 16 9 4 2 926 5.78 FLORIDA 31 state Table 15.-H1RED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [^Figures on number of workers and waf^e rat«s are For hired persons working the week preceding the enumernlion. Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text^ (For deftnitions and explanations, see text) Type of faim-Continued Dairy Livestock ranches Livestock farTns other than poultry and dairy farms General and livestock ranches Miscellaneous and unclassiHed Hired workers fam.s 1 hired worker 2 hired workers il or ^ hired workers 5 to il hired workers 10 or more hired workers , Regular workots (lo lie employed 150 or more days) . 1 hit«d worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers • Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days). . 1 hit«d worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or nrfire hired wor1 or more tractors farms UTieel tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Garden tractors farms Vutomobiles farms Automobiles and or motortrucks farms Telephone farms Home freezer farms \fi Iking machine farms Electric milk cooler farms Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other ctops) farms Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms Farfiis by kind of road on itfhich located" Hard surface farms fjravel, shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved farms Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms 1 mile farms iIor:tmiles farms 4 miles farms .T or more miles farms reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number. reporting, number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. report,ing. reporting, reporti ng , reporting, reporting. F^RM LAIiOR, WEEK PRECEDING l^^■I.■MERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employeil 150 or more itays) farms reporting. . persons.. Farms reporting by numherof regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hiretl workers farms reporting . . ft or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired wor4cer-s farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. , Sol residing on farm operated .operators reporting. , flperators not reporting residence number. , .See ftMtnotes at end of table. 3,496 1,064 270 118 15 15 25 46 51 3,472 1,008 249 41 26 56 21 5 58 551 30 82 326 1,883 350 30 516 348 358 421 185 196 421 426 130 130 50 52 3,224 4,058 3,086 4,476 2,859 4,038 1,986 709 115 9 40 2,350 3,912 110 126 401 438 3,752 4,514 4,450 3,197 2,736 38 37 63 289 2,697 302 1,871 1,021 850 352 413 36 49 1,388 3,345 722 1,089 509 132 60 20 1 3,555 1,178 220 4,193 1,049 323 147 15 25 20 40 76 4,043 933 293 35 150 116 30 5 61 847 35 125 283 1,677 290 13 968 540 425 392 95 100 345 345 129 129 33 34 3,387 3,891 3,475 4,489 3,265 4,045 2,661 523 81 15 5 3,246 3,915 114 130 362 444 4,056 4,750 5,071 3,464 3,032 17 15 112 160 2,816 382 2,391 1,138 1,253 561 525 114 53 1,059 2,257 424 569 323 77 19 5 4,479 913 264 2,393 487 344 131 5 50 15 50 93 1,953 312 244 35 440 175 100 15 90 345 185 155 272 561 100 698 86 251 316 15 15 100 100 20 20 10 15 1,661 1,884 1,475 1,730 1,370 1,527 1,269 80 11 10 1,334 1,489 38 38 148 203 1,791 1,995 2,646 1,154 1,415 20 25 1,227 177 1,791 785 1,006 408 517 30 51 325 969 119 206 2,607 344 106 13,420 1,177 920 394 15 45 5 60 401 12,425 922 645 45 995 255 275 15 15,612 48 48 142 142 62 72 10 10 6,469 7,161 6,357 7,230 5,506 6,026 5,098 334 57 11 6 5,441 5,847 147 179 1,154 1,204 11,936 14,523 13,754 8,907 7,986 20 5 40 81 7,599 893 6,646 3,792 3,056 1,313 1,446 171 126 1,113 2,005 250 313 203 26 16 12,636 2,162 814 5,582 183 190 55 10 10 25 90 4,917 123 125 20 665 60 65 5 5,971 21 21 31 31 21 21 10 10 1,675 1,745 1,527 1,719 1,151 1,201 1,106 40 5 1,131 1,176 25 25 501 518 3,481 3,912 4,343 3,151 2,161 5 15 16 3,196 338 2,399 1,353 1,046 416 5U 60 56 441 781 100 150 60 30 10 5,305 455 2U 15 16 13 13 21 24 19 20 65 297 86 294 76 239 30 21 1 7 17 71 214 9 25 34 55 28 59 75 86 52 16 16 9 12 84 2 15 10 5 5 40 289 35 249 5 2 18 5 5 23 43 35 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see l^xt) Total all farms Commercial farms USE OF COMMERCIAL FESTILIZEB AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used durinj; the year Dry materials. ... Liquid materials. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture . Dr>' materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) . Dr>' materials Liquid materials Com Vn materials Liquid materials .. Soybeans Dry materials Liquid materials . . Irish potatoes. Dry materials Liquid materials . . \11 other crops Dry materials. . . . Liquid materials. Lime or liminp materials used during the year. . arms reporting., on which used. . tons, arms reporting.. tons., arms reporting.. tons.. arms reporting. . acres., IS reporting., tons.. IS reporting.. tons.. is reporting. , acres . , IS reporting. , tons., "arms reporting . , tons.. 'arms reporting., acres . . 'arms reporting.. tons., 'arms reporting. , tons. . 'arms reporting. , acres . , 'arms reporting.. tons. . 'arms reporting.. tons.. 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting. . tons., 'arms reporti ng . . tons.. s reporting.. acres . . 'arms reporting.. tons. . arms reporting, . tons.. 'arms reporting.. acres limed . , tons., SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITmES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry I'nder SlOO SinO to S399 Sl.OOO to Sl.f)99 SS.OtW to M,999 SS,000 or more Purchase of livestock and poultry I'nder Sl.OOO $1,000 to F2,499 «2,500 to ?4,fi09 S.^,000 to .«9,999 .<=10,000 or more Machine hire I'nder S200 S200 to .'^999 .^1,000 or more Hired labor I'nder S200 S'200 to ?499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $2,499 $2,500 to $4,999 $5,000 to $9,999 ■=10,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $49,999 $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under $100. $100 to $499 '. $.500 to $999 $1 ,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under $100 $100 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $4,999 $5,000 or more See footnotes at end of table. reporting, reporting. dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. s reporting, dollars. s reporting. s reporting, s reporting. s reporting, s reporting. s reporting, doll.ars. s reporting, s reporting, s reporting. s reporting. dollars. s reporting. reporting. reporting , reporting. reporting. reporting. reporting . reporting. reporting. s reporting, dollars, s reporting . s reporting . s reporting, s reporting. reporting, dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. 34,041 2,466,439 1,081,516 33,778 1,070,446 1,456 11,070 3,841 320,869 3,759 65,118 208 1,255 4,382 605,461 4,273 100,546 250 2,861 9,315 395,068 9,216 67,399 479 2,892 432 21,810 422 4,816 15 26 393 27,566 398 28,617 7 10 27,329 1,096,126 27,163 803,950 718 4,026 7,801 488,738 471,435 44,274 23,771 70,389,061 5,880 12,660 1,545 1,425 2,261 10,392 35,509,619 7,586 1,084 575 503 644 19,710 23,308,399 8,993 6,580 4,137 23,780 112,917,705 6,696 4,605 2,967 3,653 2,269 1,474 1,000 746 370 16,358 13,136,265 7,311 5,619 1,429 1,999 39,883 18,913,241 18,955 13,173 3,608 3,638 509 19,914 2,266,812 1,017,418 19,767 1,007,125 1,142 10,293 2,570 296,947 2,520 60,113 169 1,152 2,881 571,691 2,818 93,293 203 2,785 5,500 331,308 5,421 55,946 436 2,711 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27,297 3i2 28,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,758 764,984 512 3,609 5,884 461,044 446,821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 6,391 34,414,056 3,843 881 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,687 3,819 17,219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,404 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10,185 12,354,049 2,880 4,184 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 8,782 3,362 3,566 505 2,599 1,191,293 628,883 2,581 623,933 212 4,950 425 U2,855 403 28,531 59 752 494 357,158 475 54,833 70 1,698 243 50,451 229 8,851 59 719 20 2,518 20 551 110 21,507 110 22,636 2 5 2,151 617,265 2,142 508,526 92 1,776 1,046 273,306 264,923 2,979 1,365 45,372,757 28 234 79 149 875 903 24,220,560 104 84 105 183 427 1,580 11,909,470 95 379 1,106 2,939 84,714,593 17 55 34 180 427 547 644 668 367 1,358 7,970,526 59 243 231 825 2,381 9,401,251 69 467 408 1,493 444 2,276 285,965 119,475 2,258 118,026 209 1,449 376 46,515 370 9,989 30 131 399 74,212 391 11,840 30 503 363 43,845 358 7,502 73 413 23 3,775 23 829 59 3,309 59 3,154 1,891 114,309 1,875 84,712 110 402 881 64,503 64,073 2,621 1,213 8,838,863 42 306 105 211 549 738 3,992,226 211 176 130 123 98 1,483 3,251,850 158 493 832 2,483 11,763,372 52 162 163 562 700 525 254 65 1,098 1,434,993 167 321 224 386 2,440 2,358,728 271 763 570 783 48 FLORIDA 39 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) USE OF COXftfERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial Fertilizer and fortiliz materials used durini' the vonr. Dry maienflls.. . Liquid materials. Craps on which used- Hay and cropland pasture . Dry materials. . . . . Liquid materials,, Other pasture (not cropland) . . Dry materials , Liquid materials Corn Dry materials , Liquid materials , ScQrbeans Dry materials Liquid materials.. Irish potatoes. Dr.' materials Liquid materials, . AH other crops Dr>' materials.. . . Liquid materials. Lime or liming materials used during the year. . Under ?100 , $100 to $999 $1,000 to 51,999., $2,000 to $4,999., $5,000 or more . . , Purchase of livestock and poullry. Under $1,000.... $1,000 to S2, 499. $2,500 10 $4,999. $5,000 to 59.999. $10,000 or more, , Under $200 $200 to $999 ... $1,000 or more. . Under $200 , $200 to $499 , $500 to $999 $1,000 lo $2,499,.., $2,500 U) $4.999,.., $5,000 lo $9, 999..., $10,000 to $19,999., $20,000 to $49,999., $50,000 cc more. . . . , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees , Under $100 SlOO to?499 ... $500 to $999 . . . $1,000 or more.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm bu9iness . , . . arms reportinc on which used,. Ions. , arms reporting.. tons.. arms reportinc tons., 'arms reportinp, . acres . . 'arms reporting. , tons.. arms reporting,. tons.. i reporting., acres . . arms reportinc. . tons.. arms reporting. . tons.. arms reporting., acres . . arms reporting.. tons,. arms reporting.. tons., 'arms reporting. . acres . . arms reportrnp.. tons.. arms reporting. . tons.. arms reporting., acres . , 'arms rcfwrting.. tons.. arms reporting.. tons.. arms reporting,, acres , . , reporting., tons.. 'arms reporting, , ttms , , arms reporting. . ?ros limed,. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry farms Under $100 $100 to $499 . . . $500 to $999 . . . $1,000 to $4,999 S5,000 or more. . reporting,. reporting. , dollars., s reporting,, s reporting, , s reporting., s reporting.. s reportinr... s reporting., dollars., s reporting.. = roporling, , s reporting.. s reporting., s reporting.. 5 reporting., dollars., s reporting.. s reporting.. s reporting.. s reporting,, dollars, . s reporting.. s reporting. . 1 reporting. , s reporting.. s reporting., s reporting. , B reporting. , 9 reporting,, 5 reporting.. 5 reporting. . dollars.. 3 reporting.. s reporting,. =< reporting,. s reporting,. reporti ng . , dollars., reporting., reporting., reporting., reporti ng . . reporting, . Economic class-Continued Commercial farms-Continued ■i,251 245,489 81,932 4,222 80,584 207 1,348 493 29,425 487 5,766 27 58 589 48,067 576 9,998 27 219 1,176 71,092 1,166 11,326 82 348 86 4,760 81 1,162 XO 21 26 315 26 357 3,749 91,830 3,723 51,975 82 702 1,179 37,9U 37,257 4,953 2,630 3,894,353 259 1,474 328 307 262 1,298 1,897,219 929 173 102 56 38 2,813 2 U7,538 728 1,445 640 3,680 4 339,692 556 967 833 868 340 99 11 5 1 2,092 796,202 519 1,143 249 181 4,497 1 724,484 1,032 2,236 870 355 4,834 190,541 54,721 4,763 54,020 222 701 626 30,426 606 6,130 35 72 671 31,426 660 5,898 26 36 1,654 65,853 1,624 10,505 95 208 85 2,210 80 393 5 5 70 315 70 330 4,006 60,311 3,956 30,764 101 380 1,042 26,822 24,424 5,651 3,423 2,328,983 623 2,095 348 347 15 1,520 1,302,292 1,221 178 84 18 19 2,524 1,053,984 1,154 1,123 247 3,716 2,345,995 1,147 1,227 647 489 181 24 2,418 520,750 992 1,191 151 34 5,250 1,277,495 1,735 2,837 539 138 1 2,569 61,814 17,657 2,569 17,600 45 57 151 3,140 151 716 176 3,552 176 725 5 10 1,263 33,004 1,263 5,764 10 35 5 70 5 5 2,140 22,038 2,140 10,388 35 12 403 6,135 5,905 3,253 1,723 457,132 678 927 81 37 670 123,565 660 5 5 1,229 330,858 917 277 35 1,215 514,113 684 266 116 102 46 1 1,559 383,079 890 497 91 81 2,791 484,545 1,350 1,215 177 49 10,059 141,455 44,288 9,973 43,915 206 373 969 17,295 938 3,586 36 72 1,175 21,224 1,144 4,609 31 63 2,835 46,751 2,825 8,480 25 46 106 2,143 106 407 7,224 53,972 7,134 26,767 130 192 1,488 20,519 18,236 15,181 8,613 2,226,549 2,817 5,448 258 95 3,199 844,240 2,996 157 31 10 5 5,450 1,167,461 3,855 1,369 226 4,662 1,393,865 2,747 1,172 403 293 42 4,674 557,281 3,339 1,090 140 105 13,886 1,153,370 10,144 3,537 176 29 3,972 41,454 14,414 3,942 14,165 100 249 281 3,680 281 843 306 6,393 291 1,236 15 8 933 13,445 923 2,087 15 23 10 195 10 65 3,154 17,736 3,144 9,934 70 218 400 4,465 3,900 5,686 2,724 609,703 1,242 1,377 80 25 757 155,937 722 30 5 2,292 411,576 1,705 512 75 1,829 572,200 1,193 356 155 100 20 1,431 180,930 1,071 315 15 30 4,534 350,606 3,639 814 60 21 96 16,718 5,396 96 5,241 3 155 21 2,947 20 576 3 31 20 6,148 20 1,408 1 5 47 3,564 47 886 3 112 U 105 11 11 11 199 U 95 77 3,755 77 2,265 6 7 29 2,710 2,478 101 73 515,296 20 15 16 6 21 45 95,386 25 16 1 39 40,422 10 12 17 70 561,015 5 10 5 30 1 11 ' 6 2 63 44,005 21 30 10 7 91 37,923 15 40 10 22 4 See rootjiatea kL end of table. 40 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a samnle of farms. See lest | (For definitions and explanations, see text) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fatm products sold lotal, dollars . . . average per farm, dollars .. . All crops sold dollars . . . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . . Vepelables sold dollars . . . Fruits and nuts sold .- dollars .. . Forest products and horticultural specialty prxxlucts sold dollars .. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars . . . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars... Dairy products sold dollars .. . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting . . . number. . . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reforting... number. . . Milk cows farms reporting. . . number.. . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting... ■ number. .. Steers and bulls including steer and hull calves farms reporting... number . . . Farms reporting by number on band: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting . . . 2 to 4 head farnis reporting.., 5 to 9 head farms reporting... 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . , 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . , 50 to 99 head farms reporting . . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . , 500 or more head farms reporting. . , Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farn;s reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reportin" . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Horses and/or mules farms reporting.. numlier.. Hogs atld pigs faniis reporting . . number . . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . . number. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting . . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farns reporting.. number. . Enes farms reporting.. number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. numlier . . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and cahes sold altie farms reporting.. number . . dollars.. Hogs and pics sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . clollnrs.. Milk and cream sold^ ,.... farms reporting.. p^iunils . , dollars.. Chickens including liroiliTs sold fnrm>^ repfirl i ng . . dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms rcidrling.. ikillnr'.., See foolnoles at end of table. 709,517,617 15,765 523,653,885 58,642,768 84,631,572 318,128,446 62,251,099 185,863,732 33,805,472 70,345,924 81,712,336 20,472 1,518,039 18,909 852,583 8,817 187,504 16,588 345,859 15,762 319,597 1,073 4,025 4,093 3,707 3,506 1,487 2,030 551 3,100 8,375 2,598 1,134 980 662 349 1,711 4,012 4,004 23 20 73 120 103 462 10,652 27,820 13,703 411,034 10,082 216,626 12,688 194,408 178 7,216 104 1,495 162 5,721 150 4,611 120 1,110 16,589 5,594,021 15,961 663,781 69,303,795 10,829 405,012 11,745,348 91 2,289 27,468 1,151 1,087,829,513 70,345,924 3,192 6,105,275 4,546 67,974,968 26,510,238 Economic class Commercial farms 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,138 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 68 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19 , 596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 492,905,976 165,460 369,659,116 30,389,537 69,898,876 223,144,524 46,226,179 123,246,860 15,563,351 63,657,676 44,025,833 1,214 781,156 1,136 436,757 578 150,324 1,018 160,831 1,082 183,568 15 37 28 58 79 87 572 338 27 S3 78 34 55 50 43 766 31 410 914 5,095 238 23,652 168 12,538 214 11,114 21 3,077 17 638 20 2,439 19 2,167 17 272 353 2,172,462 1,140 376,575 42,818,759 184 39,365 1,141,785 13 673 8,076 464 974,377,795 63,657,676 215 2,739,509 193 30,282,584 11,810,197 77,409,566 29,534 55,483,429 6,978,938 6,061,488 36,125,558 6,317,445 21,926,137 7,585,955 4,939,422 9,400,760 1,038 196,499 990 120,026 461 17,069 923 41,121 946 35,352 42 60 171 154 417 107 41 135 113 114 334 125 142 71 48 632 3,003 419 36,808 330 18,571 386 18,237 21 981 13 266 21 715 20 538 19 177 529 1,036,453 974 84,743 8,010,485 349 42,280 1,226,120 13 340 4,080 210 82,031,947 4,939,422 331 1,740,536 316 14,729,494 5,744,504 56,950,797 14,777 42,196,417 7,635,185 3,527,349 27,315,053 3,718,830 14,754,380 5,825,584 1,000,925 7,927,871 1,565 152,258 1,478 38,739 577 4,979 1,410 35,339 1,363 28,180 35 132 137 192 337 313 362 57 U7 283 250 219 167 119 42 276 224 267 5 45 36 341 2,355 882 65,454 742 36,343 804 29,111 23 580 10 105 23 475 23 444 16 31 1,156 946,615 1,366 62,166 5,633,172 332 74,289 2,154,331 21 358 4,296 111 19,046,326 1,000,925 525 1,027,425 584 12,283,659 ■.,790,630 FLORIDA 41 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on ref}orts for only a sample of farms. See text] (For ilpfinilion* ami oxplanatir Economic class-Continued Commercial farms— Continued Part-retiremenL ESTWATEn \\LVK OF PRODl'dS SOLD BY SOl'RCE All farm products sold total, dollars a\crapc per farm, dollars All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vejielahlns ami fruits and nuts, sold .... dollars \ pfretahles sold dollars . pruit« and nuls sold dollars, Forest jiroducLs and horticultural specialty products sold Inllars. All livestock and livestock [ToducLs sold dollars Poultry' and poultry products sold dollars . Dairy producLs sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIX-ESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including: heifers that have calved.. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls includinc steer and bull calves., arms reportine. number, 'arms reporling. number, arms reporting. number. 'arms reportine . number . 'arms reporlins. number. Farms reportinE by nun.ber on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting, 2 to 4 head farms reportinf! .5 to 9 head farn.s reporting 10 to 19 head farms reporting, 20 to 49 head farms repc^'ting, .10 to fi9 head farms reporting, 100 to 499 head farms reporting , 500 (* more head farms reporting , Cows including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 2nto29head farms report! ng . . .10 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 5(1 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and or mules farms reporting . . number . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. numljer. . 3om since June 1 fanr.s reporting . . number.. Bom before Juno 1 farms reporting . . number.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting . . number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reprrling. , number . , Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporti ng . , number . , Ewes farms reporting. , number., l^ams and wethers farms reporting . . number.. Chickens 4 months old and ove( fam-.s reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms Hogs and pigs sold alive farms Sheep and lambs sold alive farms Milk and cream sold^ farms Chickens including broilers sold farms Chicken eggs sold farms See f(»tnote9 at end of table. reporting., number . , dollars. reporting. dollars . reporting. number . dollars. reporting. pounds. dollars, reporting. dollars, reporting. dozens . dollars. 38,522,981 7,778 23,364,663 6, 066, .477 2,582,390 16,712,347 3,003,449 10,158,318 2,725,917 206,735 7,225,666 2,267 141,532 2,139 78,421 334 2,455 1,986 37,385 1,938 25,226 46 236 331 353 533 326 400 37 196 639 407 195 176 169 72 235 352 452 10 10 1,107 3,351 1,544 79,937 1,356 42,015 1,450 37,972 15 464 12 93 15 371 15 337 15 34 1,666 626,695 1,961 53,826 4,809,432 1,423 79,156 2,295,524 9 126 1,512 60 3,380,218 206,735 513 238,615 639 6,352,667 2,477,541 21,833,286 3,860 14,745,099 4,193,787 1,113,165 8,206,490 1,231,657 7,088,187 1,094,612 63,918 5,929,657 2,994 107,339 2,841 61,183 1,221 2,595 2,517 27,562 2,483 18,594 75 446 541 516 687 469 255 5 285 1,209 409 266 308 206 65 93 587 616 1,502 2,964 2,223 75,815 1,762 39,555 2,118 36,260 22 365 12 108 22 257 22 216 12 41 2,350 344,274 2,432 40,593 3,734,455 2,006 73,756 2,138,924 9 131 1,572 73 1,073,413 63,918 473 127,598 744 2,452,628 956,526 3,990,644 1,224 2,876,386 1,204,434 483,060 631,052 557,840 1,114,258 119,288 3,840 991,130 1,658 16,633 1,552 8,012 913 1,720 1,171 5,265 1,087 3,356 215 555 350 308 228 1 440 892 171 30 19 462 456 1,059 1,847 1,633 29,301 1,106 14,841 1,528 14,460 5 30 5 10 5 20 5 10 5 10 1,379 90,343 1,014 4,700 395,005 1,246 20,535 595,315 5 5 60 35 83, 298 3,840 160 19,253 391 232,670 90,745 10,839,253 694 6,297,207 1,557,490 537,590 3,431,257 720,870 4,542,046 370,165 26,676 4,145,205 7,331 80,486 6,494 38,114 3,065 5,210 5,705 25,601 5,226 16,771 496 1,857 2,019 1,746 1,116 96 1 1,474 3,784 885 230 115 1,652 1,413 3,397 6,633 5,121 73,449 3,506 39,224 4,670 34,225 50 1,380 20 230 40 1,150 30 670 25 480 6,075 230,713 5,355 27,943 2,489,833 3,668 53,738 1,558,402 10 575 6,900 141 421,731 26,676 645 56,035 1,044 735,425 286,815 4,412,039 739 3,015,935 490,568 136,665 2,116,644 272,058 1,396,154 227,532 4,323 1,164,294 2,336 25,139 2,220 12,811 1,142 2,113 1,794 7,415 1,583 4,913 165 691 630 464 340 41 5 520 1,275 288 32 50 5 566 576 1,172 1,967 1,574 19,027 1,054 10,064 1,454 8,963 20 200 15 45 15 155 15 120 10 35 2,546 100,210 1,675 7,985 714,981 1,067 14,865 431,035 10 65 780 41 66,932 4,323 295 19,952 611 513,605 200,310 2,653,025 26,268 1,015,633 126,352 290,989 395,521 202,771 1,637,392 293,068 442,404 901,920 69 16,997 59 8,520 21 1,039 64 4,340 54 3,637 10 15 5 15 18 6 20 15 10 5 2 7 5 5 5 1 1 4 23 105 69 7,541 58 3,475 64 4,066 1 139 1 139 1 109 1 30 35 46,256 44 5,250 697,673 54 7,023 203,812 1 16 192 16 6,847,848 442,404 35 136,352 24 392,236 152,970 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DnlB are based on refiorls for only a sample of farms. See tcxl] (For definitions and cxplonalions, see text) Economic class Commercial farms LIVESTOr:; WD livestock PRODUCrS-Continued Litters fatfowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reiionini!., number of litters., 1 or 2 litters farms reporting., 3 to 9 litters farms reporting. , 10 to 19 litters farms reporting . , 20 to 39 litters farms reporting. , JO to 69 litters farms reporting., 70 or mote litters farms reporting . , June 2 to Novemlier 30 fani,s reporting . , number of litters., December 1 to June 1 farms reporting., number of litters.. SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes. . I'nder 11 acres.. . , 11 lo 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres. . Harvested for grain . . . . i rcportinft . . acres . . i reporting. . I reporlinj;. . i reporting., arms reporting., 'amis reporting. . 'anns reporting.. 5 reporting., acres . . bushels. , 5 reporting., bushels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . . acres grown alone. . acres growi with other crops.. pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay vras cut acres.. Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farm.'' reporting.. acres . . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres . . potinds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearlng frvilt orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . acres. . Grapefruit^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages ntjmber. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested^ field boxes . . Lemons^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages nvmber. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested* field boxes. . Oranges, temple^ farms reporting.. Trees of all ages nujnber. . Trees not of bearing age ntimber. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested*^ field boxes.. Oranges, Valencia^ farms reporting.. Trees of all ages Jtumber. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested^ field boxes.. Oranges , other^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Tangerines and mandarins' farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested * field boxes . . 10,393 67,216 3,992 i,319 1,422 547 95 18 8,576 31,560 7,561 35,656 11,912 481,289 3,669 2,537 2,461 1,368 687 1,170 9,106 289,480 7,404,697 2,897 2,660,510 3,494 49,125 1,250 48,093,407 77,112 1,723 73,925 126,095 305 20,777 44 3,187 25,242 2,818 22,774 13,080 1,366 29,743 6,528,477 4,028 17,832 23,227,059 5,031 84,631,572 21,867 709,987 13,073 6,168,968 494,073 5,674,895 30,146,597 2,268 357,369 99,808 257,561 215,239 4,885 1,562,219 286,050 1,276,169 3,255,639 12,861 15,X0,665 4,511,813 10,828,852 34,885,101 16,203 16,892,149 5,056,731 11,835,418 39,989,263 7,059 1,085,042 136,371 948,671 3,544,438 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,485 1,206 531 91 14 4,789 23,185 4,519 27,853 6,809 399,554 964 1,156 1,,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243,722 6,474,617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 71,056 1,308 67,869 117,457 225 18,362 44 3,187 25,242 1,986 19,252 11,437 804 29,446 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 83,666,323 11,605 648,746 7,189 5,853,610 427,206 5,426,404 29,661,867 895 350,039 95,723 254,316 212,411 2,921 1,479,759 255,295 1,224,464 3,207,499 7,604 14,392,807 3,975,142 10,417,665 34,434,932 8,611 15,147,098 4,063,066 11,084,032 39,089,156 3,874 994,487 111,591 862,696 3,462,873 174 3,112 30 54 23 45 16 4 146 1,257 151 1,855 290 54,817 12 21 30 39 25 163 251 38,463 1,424,226 96 586,004 69 3,892 70 3,792,768 34,938 339 31,811 61,824 42 6,679 41 3,127 24,770 36 1,151 566 136 23,613 5,435,954 151 4,210 5,730,313 548 69,898,876 1,663 399,516 1,254 3,819,91A 258,756 3,561,158 21,401,264 107 247,934 62,096 165,838 152,272 620 693,399 121,950 771,449 2,313,941 1,396 9,542,679 2,491,390 7,051,289 25,750,133 1,441 6,482,507 1,797,339 6,685,168 26,878,334 726 659,815 73,942 565,673 2,544,422 332 5,734 56 81 64 103 24 4 288 2,616 269 3,118 434 47,757 56 36 50 47 32 213 404 39,046 1,177,299 194 609,088 162 6,645 9,436 241 9,406 16,326 41 2,145 1 30 200 67 1,973 1,808 86 3,331 646,827 255 2,856 4,214,715 400 6,061,486 1,530 78,438 1,031 664,902 36,442 628,460 3,411,510 111 33,040 4,537 28,503 40,933 486 209,373 43,102 166,271 438,407 1,150 1,791,639 495,763 1,295,876 3,701,074 1,197 1,921,844 524,427 1,397,417 4,682,099 585 115,710 4,707 111,003 391,964 714 11,575 55 189 261 174 29 6 634 5,1A2 644 6,433 921 77,153 55 64 162 162 145 333 790 48,453 1,295,605 367 560,425 296 7,760 660 8,682,481 13,275 233 13,245 21,342 51 6,685 2 30 272 202 3,471 2,U9 109 1,835 299,613 550 3,530 5,140,256 610 3,527,349 2,331 78,991 1,542 694,536 60,220 634,316 2,697,910 161 26,092 5,337 20,755 5,007 613 219,002 49,135 169,867 249,245 1,672 1,370,094 429,870 940,224 2,582,083 1,929 2,350,793 869,664 1,481,129 3,913,494 788 92,577 6,921 85,656 300,U5 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 'Harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958. FLORIDA 43 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farma. See text] (For rierinilions and explanation-^, sfp text) Economic class-Continued Commercial fanns— Continued Part-retirpment l.lVF5TnCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODl'CTS-Continacd Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 faipis number 1 or 2 Httefs :t to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to ng liuers (0 to tiO litters 70 or more litters ,. . . June 2 to *!ovember rio , Dpcember 1 to June 1 farms number SPECIFIED CHOPS HARVESTED Com for al 1 purposes farms Under 11 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres SO to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain reporting, of litters. , reportinp. , reporting.. rpportinK.. reporting. . reporting. , reporting. . retMirti ng . , of litters. , renorting. , of liUers.. reporting. , acres . . reporting., rpoorring. . reporting., reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting., acres . , bushels., reporting., bushels.. Peanuts harvested for pickljig or threshing farms reporting . acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. pounds . Hay crops; Land from which hay was cut acres . Hay crops cut for hay faims reporting. acres . tons. Sales farms reporting . tons . GxHSS silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains faims reporting. acres, tons, green weight. Cotton harvested . farms reporting. , acres . bales . , Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres ^. bushels . , Tobacco harvested farms reporting . acres . , pounds . , Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchartis, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . , acres . , Grapefruit^ farms reporting . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested field boxes . Lemons^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested field boxes . Oranges, temple^ fanns reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested field boxes. Oranges, Valencia^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested field boxes . Oranges, other^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of beairlng age .number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested* field boxes. Tangerines and mandarins^ farms reporting. Trees of nil ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested* field boxes . 1,290 12,823 158 582 404 136 10 1,166 5,315 1,095 7,008 1,433 92,061 66 172 380 335 199 281 1,184 49,346 1,213,330 547 423,050 597 10,140 25 11,387,336 5,584 215 5,584 8,291 43 1,103 411 4,532 2,964 172 343 69,241 807 2,949 3,843,656 794 2,582,390 2,674 51,169 1,549 414,226 44,200 370,026 1,424,853 200 7,668 2,121 5,547 3,619 615 116,469 38,166 78,303 134,651 1,661 1,022,462 332,644 689,818 1,563,805 1,970 1,362,925 493,206 869,719 2,424,061 812 75,523 21,168 54,355 134,058 1,865 13,086 420 993 374 68 10 1,583 5,945 1,474 7,141 2,123 88,264 330 396 626 432 205 132 1,607 44,460 919,857 458 187,610 770 9,935 165 ;, 844, 480 7,353 235 7,353 9,094 43 1,740 590 4,665 2,245 196 307 43,752 1,028 2,460 2,774,475 777 1,113,165 2,508 33,003 1,376 225,363 11,778 213,590 693,559 211 32,980 20,022 12,958 7,460 446 38,731 1,802 36,929 69,185 1,483 511,698 121,610 390,088 794,873 1,696 769,328 225,235 544,093 1,111,074 712 40,737 4,343 36,444 81,359 1,242 4,708 571 586 80 5 972 2,410 886 2,298 1,608 39,502 445 467 495 161 35 5 1,291 23,954 444,100 350 104,270 610 5,280 50 3,461,750 470 45 470 580 5 10 680 3,460 1,735 105 17 2,240 385 631 507,285 477 483,060 899 7,629 437 34,662 15,810 13,352 32,771 105 2,325 1,610 715 3,120 141 2,785 1,140 1,645 2,070 442 154,235 103,865 50,370 42,959 578 259,701 153,195 106,506 80,096 251 10,075 510 9,565 10,925 3,589 11,673 1,996 1,412 170 11 2,864 6,236 2,261 5,437 3,712 60,4U 1,873 1,030 596 151 26 36 2,547 32,341 641,843 639 156,018 706 3,930 215 3,285,230 4,481 327 4,481 5,323 65 2,240 571 2,637 1,226 375 92 5,710 610 870 720,375 1,067 537,590 6,953 43,494 3,682 216,245 53,852 162,393 278,810 852 4,745 2,985 1,760 1,248 1,247 61,730 27,585 34,145 31,730 3,406 743,343 448,511 294,832 283,394 4,818 1,295,616 343,410 452,206 476,730 1,903 64,270 22,885 41,385 49,650 1,123 3,160 701 397 20 5 370 1,579 727 1,531 1,333 17,630 311 336 140 40 10 1 996 10,700 168,370 225 32,795 260 1,305 65 937,240 1,060 72 1,060 1,630 15 175 260 870 410 165 5 1,920 240 314 279,910 320 136,665 3,242 16,066 2,171 88,368 12,930 75,438 159,540 515 2,500 1,100 1,400 1,360 705 18,245 3,170 15,075 13,775 1,625 196,580 88,160 108,420 U6,745 2,542 423,290 144,645 278,645 357,765 1,270 25,675 1,345 23,330 31,355 64 1,345 5 25 26 4 53 560 54 785 53 3,694 21 15 ' i 10 6 36 2,717 119,867 1 1,250 24 238 515 16 515 1,180 1 15 7 22 200 23,220 2 12 16,074 38 290,989 67 1,681 31 10,745 85 10,660 46,330 6 85 "ai 220 12 2,435 2,485 2,635 26 7,935 7,935 20,030 32 26,145 5,610 20,535 65,610 12 610 50 560 560 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 1 of 9. -Tobacco farms [Dau are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text j (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all cnmmercin] fanns Economic class FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALllE Farms number . . Percent dist/i button percent. . Land in farms , acres . . Percent distribution percent. . Average size of farm acres . , Value ol land and buildings: Average per farm dollars. . Average per acre dollars. . Land in farms according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 2D acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1.000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . . acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . Woodland pastured farms reporting, . acres . , Woodland not pastured farms reporting,. acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . Improved pasture farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated land In farms farms reporting, , Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms reporting . . acres , , Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting,, acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting.. FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER IN(»ME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres , number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number . . 220 to 259 acres number . . 260 to 499 acres number . . 500 to 999 acres number . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number,, 3,000 or nior« acres number . . .See fcwtnotes at end of table. 23,322 XXX 13,769,006 XXX 590.4 106,477 213,31 20,097 1,630,732 3,771 3,049 2,328 3,056 3,371 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 804,557 6,443 461, 329 1,204 37,560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,811,418 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,135,419 3,820 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,168 1,335 122, 537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 6,690 6,236 3,494 52,0 3,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,833 1,936 5,792 1,923 2,404 6,587 1,456 1,763 1,854 1,546 1,201 873 2,404 1,534 737 963 2,366 100.0 666,044 100.0 231.5 25, 194 93.18 2,366 193,487 172 193 249 442 681 469 141 13 1 1,317 66,753 1,612 91,123 272 9,510 1,534 81,613 931 73,922 1,444 165,034 1,046 50,793 612 29,897 521 7,926 393 13,613 148 9,812 5 460 177 13,650 2,362 50 210 604 737 545 216 48.8 973 473 152 353 295 297 311 1,388 264 321 96 15 165 65 260 316 316 240 225 471 225 48 20 92 3.9 101,350 15.2 1,101,6 106,900 132.07 92 25,069 11 31 33 16 1 58 10,455 59 9,005 23 2,047 40 6,958 61 6,969 70 39,364 46 3,242 40 7,932 65 2,338 37 3,514 31 2,722 40 ,140 3 33 11 34 2 49.0 150 6.3 86,003 12.9 573.4 63,382 113.67 150 24,487 67 5,040 90 7,378 15 773 87 7,105 47 9,450 112 26,340 114 9,326 90 6,205 113 2,058 53 3,579 32 1,525 44 2,795 150 5 26 49 50 17 3 43.1 381 16.1 153, 860 23.1 403.8 36,358 88,56 381 48,712 28 11 15 97 173 56 212 14, 225 284 20,094 52 1,550 264 18,544 153 15,361 276 39,310 179 9,035 141 5,190 183 1,860 127 6,330 50 4,115 62 5,330 331 10 46 116 119 72 18 46.2 124 92 11 21 15 257 56 5 5 10 6 35 35 50 130 90 12 3 551 23.3 143,734 21.6 260.9 22,464 30.45 551 45, 299 16 25 42 81 241 131 15 355 16,388 353 21,827 62 2,175 347 19,652 200 16,282 329 27,837 281 11,060 141 5,785 115 1,010 121 3,965 10 750 5 460 6 325 551 20 50 166 177 117 241 105 50 86 75 60 66 310 47 46 22 70 95 121 50 847 35.8 149,627 22.5 176.7 13,480 80.67 847 41,775 56 85 136 215 275 505 16, 355 616 26,634 105 2,895 591 23,739 405 24,030 442 23,748 346 10,175 190 4,730 40 150 45 1,165 20 665 25 1,060 847 10 70 135 255 155 172 51.4 441 136 85 220 140 175 206 406 96 156 70 30 20 130 190 176 95 75 120 10 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continue(l Part 1 of 9. -Tobacco farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See lextj 45 (For deriniticns and pxplnnftliona, ?ec text) Total all commercial fanri.s F.conomic cla.ss FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURF. OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full o\*nors . .. Pimo«ners ... All tcnnnl* . . . . , .nunilicr. Cas^ tenants numtior. Sharc-cn^h tenants nun'hcr. Ciwp-pharo tenants number. I.ive^tock-share tenants nunil)er. Ooppers nnmber . Other and un reporting. Wheel tractors fanrs ronorliny , number. Crawler tractors farnis reporting, number. Garden tractors farr.,s refiorting, number. Automobiles farms recortinf^, number, \utomobiles and.^or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone Tarms reporting Hoine freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting, F.teclric milk cooler farms reporting Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting Farms by kiiitj of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . f>avel, shell , or shale farms reporting . , Dirt or unimproved farms reporting . . Less than 1 mile to a bard surface naad farms reporting . . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 mile fanrs reporting ., 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. , 4 miles farms reporting, , 5 or inore miles farms reporting., FARM LABOR, WEEK PBECXDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting . , persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting.. persons. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR ..farms reporting, .farms reporting. ..farms reporting. ..farms reporting. , .farms reporting . Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 16,467 4,453 1,369 620 62 110 67 164 346 15,824 4,085 1,208 134 643 368 161 30 824 970 1,660 1,717 881 915 519 665 15,293 27, 219 14,859 30,633 14,083 28,354 8,530 2,939 1,213 514 887 13,957 26,231 1,184 2,123 1,816 2,279 17,414 23,399 20,902 15,411 12,578 805 787 410 1,441 12,359 1,665 8,757 4,463 4,294 1,839 1,976 219 260 8,585 53,747 5,858 31,435 2,404 1,084 1,029 717 624 16,682 5,495 1,145 1,267 875 193 60 20 30 1,037 750 143 36 230 125 50 15 122 138 432 44,4 69 69 22 31 1,818 2,174 1,934 2,742 1,909 2,701 1,347 416 108 29 9 1,909 2,670 30 31 36 41 1,625 1,888 2,226 1,123 1,581 6 6 162 231 795 36 1,507 629 878 363 406 71 38 541 2,675 276 1,805 118 57 41 31 29 2,169 127 70 21 26 46 53 22 22 9 13 91 228 92 276 92 276 27 10 34 14 7 92 272 3 4 87 125 92 74 75 6 76 1,487 62 1,244 12 149 221 145 281 145 280 48 63 31 2 1 145 280 1 1 139 212 150 127 129 90 414 151 212 16 151 207 16 57 67 143 14« 6 6 342 448 360 611 360 606 177 136 33 13 1 360 594 12 12 5 5 304 375 371 252 316 22 108 171 2 207 82 125 51 63 5 6 151 346 89 188 354 15 12 249 252 50 15 5 10 234 227 40 15 10 10 110 HO 15 15 474 500 516 633 501 618 389 107 5 501 603 10 10 15 15 420 451 541 309 424 363 190 173 77 91 103 225 490 41 20 556 245 46 461 195 36 5 572 587 681 786 671 766 581 85 5 671 761 5 5 15 20 535 580 807 316 522 271 10 561 200 361 150 140 60 11 96 163 792 40 15 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 9. -Tobacco farms [Data are based on rqxjrls for only a sample of farms. S^e text | (I'or ilcfinitions nnd explanations, see text) Total all oommercial fanns Economic class USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Comnieroial fertilizer and fertilizinc matiTials used durinc the year Dry materials.. .. Liquid inatif ials . Crops on wMch used— Hay and cropland pasture. . Dr^ materials Liquid ntaterials Other pasture (not cropland) . Dr^' materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials, .. Liquid materials Soybeans Dry materials . . . . . Liquid materials . . Irish potatoes. Dr>' materials Liquid materials , , All other crops Dry materials. .. . Liquid materials . Lime or liniinp materials used durini: the year. , iS reporting, on which used. Ions, 'arms reporting. tons, 'arms reporting. tons. 'amis reporting. 'arms reporting, tons, arms reixjrting . tons, arms reporting, acres . arms reporting. tons, 'arms-reporting. tons. 'arms reporting . acres . 'nrins reporting. tons, 'arms reporting. tons. arms reporting, acres . 'arms reporting. tons, arms repofting. tons. 'amrs rejxirtiny. acres, 'amis reporting, tons, 'arms reporting. tons, arms reporting, acres . fflmis reporting. Ions, 'arms reporting. arms reporting, acres limed. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for liyeslock and poultry Under SlOO SlOO to 5909 51,000 to Sl,99ft S2,000 to 54,099 i^S.OOO or more Purchase of livestock and poultry Under 51.000 51,000 to 52,499 S'J,.500 to 54,999 55,000 to 59,999 510,000 or more Machine hire Under S200 5200 to 5999 51,000 or more Hired labor Under $200 5200 to 5499 5500 to 5999 51,000 Uj S2,499 S2,D0O lo 54,999 55,000 lo 59,999 510,000 to 519,999 520,000 to 549,990 550,000ormore Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under SlOO ' 5100 to 54 99 5500 lo 5999 51,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanil business Under $100 SlOO lo 5499 S500 to $999 51,000 lo 54,999 55,000 or more See footnotes at end of table. arms reporting, , ^ reporting., dollars . . amw reporting,, arms reporting,, 'arnH reportinfl,. arms reporting,, farms reporting , . 'arms reporting, . dollars , . s reporting, , 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting. . amis reporting . . I reporting. . 'arms report! ng . , dollars . . farms reporting.. farms reporting., fanns reporting.. 'arms reporting., dollars, , ; reporting, , ! reporting,, i reporting.. ; reporting. . 5 reporting,, ; reporting , , ; reporting. . I reporting,, I reporting.. 'arms reporting. . dollars., farms reporting., farms reporting. . farms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . farms reporting., dollars . . farms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. , ' reporting, , arms reporting, , 19,914 2,266,812 1,017,418 19,767 1,007,125 1,142 10,293 2,570 296,947 2,520 60, lU 169 1,152 2,881 571,691 2,818 93,293 203 2,785 5,500 331,308 5,421 55,946 436 2,711 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27, 297 342 28,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,758 764,984 512 3,609 5,884 461,044 446,821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 6,391 34,414,056 3,843 881 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,687 3,819 17,219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,404 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10,185 12,354,049 2,880 4,184 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 8,782 3,362 3,566 505 2,340 157,912 39,091 2,335 37,723 207 1,368 303 8,273 287 1,741 29 50 332 14,883 321 2,332 28 59 1,648 98,977 1,612 14,177 190 1,160 2,268 35,774 2,258 19,463 22 99 426 14,018 12,012 2,366 1,940 953,227 537 1,180 129 73 21 955 801,180 845 49 16 24 21 917 283,568 512 353 47 2,015 4,763,419 414 659 398 278 109 68 45 35 9 1,722 394,079 727 864 110 21 2,306 1,399,043 319 1,069 515 398 5 92 24,916 9,788 92 9,361 36 427 42 2,113 37 378 12 36 25 3,175 . 24 445 11 43 91 14,798 80 2,467 36 293 91 4,830 86 6,071 6 55 19 2,993 1,667 45 15 13 10 53 280,770 28 3 5 49 62,375 5 25 19 92 2,596,384 28 18 4 33 9 79 125,086 6 34 21 18 92 225,764 6 22 59 5 150 26,087 6,530 150 6,460 25 70 32 1,171 31 504 7 9 47 3,258 42 492 6 4 138 15,119 138 2,274 24 56 1 (Z) 1 (z) 150 6,539 150 3,190 1 1 70 3,685 3,655 150 133 262,616 1 62 29 30 11 74 230,159 41 16 90 51,770 23 150 846,730 17 41 36 24 30 2 122 39,711 26 65 29 150 239,430 1 15 25 109 331 42,512 10,494 381 9,850 65 644 63 1,239 63 273 113 5,035 113 927 315 28,145 305 4,770 60 634 360 8,038 360 3,879 5 10 152 4,355 3,970 381 348 220,340 36 227 60 25 186 165,980 144 25 11 185 68,389 62 112 11 381 761,025 17 21 121 160 25 26 11 290 76,753 40 214 35 1 371 393,263 7 66 119 179 545 33,058 5,920 545 5,740 36 180 66 1,765 66 308 82 2,410 77 349 6 11 398 20,625 388 2,167 30 144 525 8,258 525 2,916 5 25 100 1,745 1,730 551 481 135,081 105 351 25 247 85,301 237 5 425 79,449 140 270 15 546 268,069 20 256 229 41 827 26,424 5,268 822 5,221 45 47 95 1,980 85 277 10 5 55 905 55 110 5 1 536 16,675 531 2,067 40 33 5 (Z) 5 9 817 6,864 312 2,758 5 8 85 1,240 990 847 705 106,450 280 425 320 33,930 320 277 231 65,284 31, 110 151 191 121 40 5 525 697 279,145 254,045 87 195 237 356 140 110 51 26 10 10 591 58,125 340 246 5 837 227, 527 106 626 lOO •5 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 9. -Tobacco farms [Data ore b&aed on refxirts for only & sample or farms. See text] 47 Item (For derinitions and explanations, s Toul all commercial fafms Economic class ESTIMATED VALl'E OF PRODIICTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold toui, dollars. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. VecelAbles sold dollars . FVuits and nuLs sold dollars . Forest pnaducts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and |vultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than pnuluy and dairy, sold dollars. Ll\i;STOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Catlieand taives farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head famis reporling. '2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 49 head famis reporting. SO to 99 head farms re[vrling. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms repnrting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . 100 or more head farms reporting . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 (o 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting . Horses 3nd/or mules farms reporting . number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting, number. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. number . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number . Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chickens ^ months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold aljve farms reporting. number. dollars. H(}g3 and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number . dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number . dollars. Milk and cream sold^ farms repotting. pounds . dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting . dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of tabla 691,613, .250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,138 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 68 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19, 596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 22,792,153 9,633 18,761,496 18,020,093 429,320 119,757 192,326 4,030,657 215,621 44,765 3,770,271 1,607 42,245 1,715 19,581 843 1,907 1,457 10,909 1,380 11,755 390 422 368 328 155 67 2 236 906 297 139 71 40 357 480 1,025 2,096 1,994 78,130 1,561 40,160 1,937 37,970 68 7 136 7 129 7 1,717 79,783 1,307 15,317 1,812,489 1,799 67,310 1,951,990 6 100 1,200 16 828,810 44,765 lie 9,511 325 521,027 203,200 5,498,073 59,762 4,429,182 4,303,586 98,650 3,430 23,516 1,068,891 79,127 44,600 945,164 79 11,080 77 4,362 38 346 64 2,704 73 4,014 73 557 60 6,156 51 3,788 54 2,370 39 u 624 69 4 771 738 780 58 7 096 205 734 11 815,050 44,600 7 3,432 17 193,975 75,650 4,219,102 28,127 3,494,496 3,372,161 79,390 14,932 28,013 724,606 79,022 645, 584 132 7,014 132 3,091 76 154 115 1,249 132 2,674 98 407 116 6,186 85 3,520 116 2,666 1 19 1 1 1 18 1 17 1 1 73 17,659 126 3,163 426,829 106 7,531 218,399 6 3,025 28 194,697 75,932 5,547,018 14, 559 4,590,856 4,333,685 147,035 29,884 60,252 956,162 32,627 923,535 305 9,009 300 4,520 154 297 284 2,655 275 1,834 25 16 91 114 57 2 20 76 109 76 11 6 2 149 305 321 22,713 295 12,476 316 10,237 1 20 1 7 1 13 1 12 276 11,909 286 3,282 305,370 336 21,231 615,699 6 100 1,200 35 1,265 85 76,120 29,687 3,959,262 7,186 3,250,959 3,124,022 62,840 45,707 18,390 708,323 8,345 165 699,813 471 7,912 4A1 3,838 195 385 394 2,231 350 1,843 20 90 105 121 102 28 5 40 261 90 21 23 6 80 115 174 209 491 21,967 415 9,701 430 12,266 5 165 5 60 5 105 100 5 5 364 13,591 331 2,206 195,125 474 17,342 502,913 5 13,760 165 35 974 65 16,260 7,121 3,025,878 3,572 2,510,326 2,413,290 37,855 25,381 33, 800 515,552 12,057 503,495 655 6,430 625 3,400 325 645 495 1,635 455 1,195 20 200 240 115 65 15 105 435 50 20 15 135 190 356 413 756 16,041 575 9,470 736 3,571 690 17 110 425 1 745 137 495 670 12 600 365 400 25 512 105 28,130 10,970 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 9.-Tobacco farms [Dftta ue baaed on repoits for only a sample of fanns. See text]] (For definitions and explanations. Total all oommercial fanns Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODIICTS-Conlinued Litleis farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. ...farms number 1 or '2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 liuers 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters, . June 2 to November 3 farms farms farms farms farms farms number December 1 to June 1 farms number SPEQFIED CROPS HARVESTED Cora for all purposes farms reporting, of liUers . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting . reporting . reporting. of litters, report! ng . of litters. Under 11 acres 11 to 24 aures 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres , , , . 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . , reporting, acres . reporting . reporting, reporti ng . :arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting, 'arms reporting . acres . bushels. Sales , farms repeating. bushels . Peanuts harvested for picldng or threshing farms reporting, . acres grown alone. . acres grown with other crops , . pounds, , Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres, . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting, , aores, , tons, , Sales farms repoii^ing, . tons, . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting, . acres, , tons, green weight,. Cotton harvested farms reporting, , acres. . bales, , Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting, . acres^ . bushels, . Tobacco harvested farms reporting, , acres, , pounds , , Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-' farms reporting, , acres, , 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,^85 1,206 531 91 14 "1,789 23,185 4,519 27,853 6,809 399,554 964 1,156 1,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243, 722 6,474,617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 71,056 1,308 67, 869 117,457 225 18,362 44 3,187 25,242 1,986 19,252 11,437 804 29,446 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 83,666,328 11,605 648,746 1,725 13,610 396 810 364 143 12 1,422 5,796 1,397 7,812 2,183 132,266 216 383 561 385 221 417 1,761 77, 282 1,832,028 668 791,853 338 2,515 2,210,145 2,783 109 2,783 4,674 6 350 449 2,223 1,134 127 3 1,035 2,366 13,322 13,174,007 452 429,320 440 1,655 1,106 12 12 46 365 45 741 92 15,068 12 11 11 53 92 12,503 438,139 42 206,043 299 171,900 1,885 39 1,885 3,676 1 300 20 407 236 1 150 92 3,177 4,366,083 28 98,650 27 119 100 1,272 17 23 26 34 90 537 77 735 143 15,654 10 5 21 22 13 72 136 12,718 392,303 82 234,715 26 349 454,125 22 353 343 12 (Z) 85 150 2,131 3,321,372 79,390 299 3,997 17 87 128 67 258 1,699 267 2,298 356 34,097 10 11 46 56 61 172 314 21,206 515,100 178 201,735 59 512 60 503,425 58 452 288 25 (Z) 180 54 534 381 2,928 4,366,526 115 147,035 33 342 428 3,583 35 243 120 30 373 1,492 377 2,096 515 31, 201 10 81 132 136 71 85 423 14, 575 292,576 195 103,940 110 520 15 441,510 20 330 345 110 500 240 35 (Z) 220 551 2,367 3,167,676 105 62,840 136 410 661 3,237 200 375 86 535 1,510 506 1,727 737 30,311 101 176 270 140 65 35 591 13,295 210,030 141 33,270 115 730 25 165 245 165 530 240 347 2,129 2,472,125 125 37,355 125 195 185 410 120 65 120 195 125 215 290 5 935 85 105 80 20 200 2 935 33 875 30 7 150 20 105 67 ,625 85 235 85 15 1 125 345 590 479,725 40 3,550 15 55 Z Reported in small fraetioi^. Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold, ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. State Table 18, FLORIDA -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 2 of 9.-0ther field-crop farms (Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 49 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all Timereinl farms Foonomic class FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALllE FartnS mmilicr . . Percent disu-ihution poreent . . Land in farms acres . , Percent distribution percent.. \* If ape si£e of farm acres.. Value ot land and buildings: Vverage per farm dollars. . Vverage |ier acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvest^l farms reporting.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . so to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms reporting. . acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres . . Land in st/ip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting.. acres.. FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number.. L'nder 25 years number . . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK A.ND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agncul rural products sold operators reporting.. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10to49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number. . 100 to 139 acres number . . 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number. , 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or imre atres number. See footnotes at end of table. 23,322 XXX 13,769,006 XXX 590.4 106,«7 213.81 20,097 1,680,732 3,771 3,(K9 2,328 3,056 3,871 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 804,557 6,443 461,329 1,204 87,560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,81J.,413 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,135,419 3,820 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,168 1,335 122,537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 5,690 6,236 3,494 52.0 8,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,883 1,986 5,792 1,923 2,404 6,587 1,456 1,763 1,854 1,546 1,201 873 2,404 1,534 737 963 591 100.0 355,019 100.0 600.7 50,286 166.35 591 104,725 30 25 57 70 189 170 33 12 5 185 13,395 174 26,069 24 1,557 167 24,512 173 49,747 258 71,131 160 52,029 127 34,151 137 41,291 152 15,693 46 4,030 5 15 67 2,465 581 21 45 138 165 159 53 48.8 155 76 10 69 37 436 76 103 17.4 265,872 74.9 2,581.3 221,041 184.10 103 70,684 7 52 28 11 5 3 3,487 30 20,912 3 257 28 20,655 17 36,789 31 51,971 19 47,074 17 30,395 82 37,972 47 11,550 93 6 2 26 30 17 12 47.8 55 9,3 14,823 4.2 269.5 54,812 185 .98 55 5,164 2 2,554 6 40 6 40 6 1,969 17 3,905 7 775 7 330 28 1,726 17 1,148 55 5 12 11 7 15 5 45.3 71 12.0 17,572 4.9 247.5 42,220 141.45 9 1,729 28 2,167 6 1,015 28 1,152 9 3,835 44 3,163 8 320 7 195 15 845 33 2,000 82 13.9 22,667 6.4 276.4 34,556 159 .46 82 8,079 46 2,215 40 800 5 50 40 750 31 2,859 46 5,477 56 2,475 36 2,090 2 568 30 520 15 1,195 10 325 125 21.2 19,705 5.6 157.6 26,187 186.35 125 8,110 10 10 15 15 45 30 35 2,395 25 1,035 10 235 20 800 40 2,500 50 3,885 50 930 45 885 10 180 25 475 20 2,080 20 680 125 10 5 20 45 25 20 50.0 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 9. -Other field-crop farms [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of fflnns. See texlj (For deriniticrs and explannlions, Total all commercial fanns FARKfS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR Ail farm opefators; Full owners nun>itrr . . Part owners number. . All tenants nun>lier. . Cash tenftnU number.. Share-cash tenants nunher , . Crop-share tenants number.. Livestock-share tenants number . . Croppers number . . Other and unspecified Tenants number. . White farm operators: Full o^vners number.. Part owners number . . All tenants number. . Cropper? number. . Nonwhil* farm operators; Full owners number . . Pan owners nun.l)er. . All tenants number. . Croppers number . . SPFXnFIED EQWPMENT AND FAOLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting . . number.. Com pickers farms reporting. . number.. Pick-up balers farms renorting.. number. . Field foraee harvesters farms reporting. . number. . Motortrucks farms reportinj;. . number. . TVactofs farms reportinj! . . number.. Tractors other than garden farms reporting.. niimlier.. 1 tractor farms reporting . . 2 tractors farms reporting. . 3 tractors farms reporting . . 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 or more tractors farmv reporting. . Wheel tractcjrs fam.s reporting.. number. . Crawler tractors faruis reporting. . nuniher. . Garden tractors farr..s re(iorting . . number . . Automobiles farms reoorting . . number. . 4utoinobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting . . Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting . . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting,. Fafms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting,. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting.. persons. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker , farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. .') to 9 hired workers fartns reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operalors reporting . . Operators not reporting residence number . . See footnotes at end of table. 16,A67 4,i53 1,369 620 62 110 67 16* 3A6 15,824 4,085 1,208 134 643 368 161 30 824 970 1,660 1,717 881 915 519 665 15,293 27,219 14,859 30,633 14,033 28,354 8,530 2,939 1,213 514 887 13,957 26,231 1,184 2,123 1,816 2,279 17,414 23,399 20,902 15, 4U 12,578 805 787 410 1,441 12,359 1,665 8,757 4,463 4,294 1,839 1,976 219 260 8,585 53,747 5,858 31,435 2,404 1,084 1,029 717 624 16,682 5,495 1,145 270 243 58 200 198 33 10 70 45 25 5 15 19 54 57 14 15 22 25 439 892 456 1,494 446 1,472 233 64 35 45 69 440 1,219 52 253 15 22 395 531 531 260 362 1 235 23 324 125 199 64 103 15 17 212 3,273 142 2,519 60 35 18 12 17 472 84 35 29 47 13 29 47 13 5 1 1 6 8 5 6 5 8 102 493 103 935 103 923 1 16 29 57 97 682 40 241 5 12 89 244 103 91 71 1 102 3,058 87 2,443 6 45 64 55 148 55 148 15 16 55 142 6 66 149 66 149 26 17 13 5 5 66 143 45 40 5 5 90 110 85 105 35 105 65 20 85 100 5 5 85 100 115 105 15 5 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 9. -Other field-crop farms [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text 1 51 (lor ili'finilions ftnd explnnnljon.s, ToUl si I at fenns IISK OF rOMKIERClM. FKRTILIZER AND LIME rommprnal rt'riilizor ami frrtiliiinL' nuiliTiril^ uswi (lurinc Ihp \pl\r Dr\ niatorialB ... Liqui.1 iilat'Yial^ Crops on which iisod— Ha\ and crnfitanii paslurp. . On iiiatpriab Liquiil niatorial> Other pasture (nat cropland) . On nialcrial'^ , . .. I.ipuid materials ......... Com Dr>' materials... . Liquid materials . Soybeans Dry materials... . Liquid materials . Irish potatoes . Dpi materials. .. . Liquid materials , \ll other crops. . .. ^^^ materials. ,. Liquid materials Lime or liniinp materials used dunm: the y I'nderSlOO SlOO to S999 51,000 to SI, 909 . S2.000 to 54,999 . 55.000 or more... Purchase of livestock and poultry . Inder 51,000 51,000 to 52,49!) . 52,500 to <4,999 . 55,000 to 59,999 . 510,000 or more.. Under 5200 5200 to 5999. . . 51,000 or more. Under 5200 5200 to 5499 S500 to 5999 51,000 10 52,499... 5-2,500 to 54,999 . . . 55,000 to 59.999 . . . 510,000 to 519,999 . 520,000 to S49,999 . 550,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees.. Under 5100 ■5100 to 5499..., 5500 to 5999. . . 51,000 or more . , Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanti business Under 510(1 SlOO to S.199 S5(MI to $999 51,000 to 51,999 . 55,000 or more... am.s reporlinp. which used . tons. arms rcportinfi. tons. arms reporting. Ions. arms reporting, acres . arms reporting. Ions, arms reporting. tons. arms reporting . acres , arms re|iorting . tons . arms reporting. tons. arms reporting, acres . i reporting. Ions . amis reinirting. acres . reporting. tons. reporting. tons. ■n,s refvirlin^. ncres . ■n.s reporting. tons. ■n;s reporting. tons. ■ms reporting. amis reporting. tons. arms reoortinc. SPECIFIED F4RM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry farn'^ tons reporting. reporting, dolhrs, s reporting, s reporting, s reporting, s rennrtinp. s reporting. s reporting, dollars. - reporting. ^ reporting, s reporting. s renorting. s reporting. s reporting, dollars, s reporting, s renorting. B reporting. dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reportine. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. 5 re[iorting. * reporting, dollars. 5 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. s reporting. dollars. 3 reporting. s reporting, s reporting. 3 reporting. 19, 9U 2,266,812 1,017,418 19,767 1,007,125 1,142 10,293 2,570 296,947 2,520 60,113 169 1,152 2,881 571,691 2,318 93,293 203 2,785 5,500 331,308 5,421 55,946 436 2,7U 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27,297 342 28,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,758 764,984 512 3,609 5,884 461,044 446,821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 6,391 34,414,056 3,843 881 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,687 3,819 17,219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,40i 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10,185 12,354,049 2,880 4,184 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 8,782 3,362 3,566 505 575 116,696 46,073 575 45,947 10 126 20 2,155 20 574 29 20,145 29 1,855 312 13,213 312 2,301 6 139 6 27 208 21,026 208 22, 161 7 10 458 60,018 458 19,029 3 116 108 7,548 8,520 586 320 336,500 76 218 7 15 4 132 187,015 118 7 2 5 311 343,529 130 139 42 426 6,790,671 80 101 37 30 84 41 16 25 12 432 1,193,175 90 156 27 159 531 870,016 60 247 101 105 18 103 85,691 34,813 103 34,692 5 121 1,300 2 390 15 19,430 15 1,756 468 7 100 83 15,657 83 16,680 2 5 76 48,836 76 15,766 3 116 26 4,823 5,515 103 22 255,920 1 3 15 3 8 149,220 39 184,792 5 10 24 103 6,379,346 1 26 24 15 25 12 78 894,985 1 75 103 675,611 5 12 68 18 55 4,804 3,885 55 3,885 2 320 2 48 6 460 6 118 53 3,234 53 3,144 26 790 26 575 7 380 650 55 18 15,800 12 1,815 12 19 63,202 5 55 200,220 5 6 31 12 1 32 88,250 1 31 50 43,800 10 26 14 71 5,571 3,104 71 3,099 5 5 7 780 7 158 19 1,000 19 207 46 1,630 46 1,971 5 5 45 1,877 45 750 15 750 575 71 19 2,735 5 14 12 23,100 5 6 48 41,520 10 26 12 56 122,915 11 6 13 21 5 65 143,205 18 47 66 59,525 26 22 18 76 7,035 1,543 76 1,543 5 300 5 25 60 3,745 60 633 6 100 6 145 61 2,875 61 732 35 1,150 1,355 82 76 29,900 10 60 6 20 3,655 20 60 24,695 20 40 57 24,575 5 35 15 1 1 57 17,680 20 30 6 1 82 30,310 5 120 6,910 1,604 120 1,6M 75 3,225 5 125 5 25 20 205 20 221 100 3,355 100 751 10 270 275 125 95 17,290 35 60 40 5,920 40 55 15,800 20 35 85 53,315 30 25 10 15 5 105 34,675 20 65 15 5 125 37,920 30 75 15 5 150 6,685 1,124 150 1,124 5 60 5 18 25 5 15 145 4,315 145 636 150 2,285 150 455 15 175 150 150 90 14,855 25 65 40 3,305 40 90 13,520 70 20 70 10,300 95 14,380 50 40 5 105 22,850 25 75 5 See footnotes at end of table, 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 9. -Other field-crop farms [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of faimB. See t«xt] (For derinilions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class ESTftHTED VALUE OF PRODlltTTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars.. average per farm, dollars . . All crops sold dollars . . Fiold crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . . \egetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest pitxiucts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poulti-y froducts sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCK Cattle and calves farms reporting . . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. . number . . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 bead farms reporting.. 10 to 19 bead farms reporting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head farms re|wrting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farm? reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head famis reporting.. .30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Milk cows- 1 head farms re|iorting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . HofSes and/or mules farms reporting . . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. , number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . , number . , Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number. , Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. , number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting . , number. , Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number, , Chickens 4 months tild and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting. , dollars.. Bogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . dollars,, Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting, numlier,, dollars. Milk and cream sold farms reporting, pounds. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. See footnotos at end of ubie. 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,138 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 322 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 68 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 26,046,153 44,071 24,594,554 22,728,310 1,594,014 165,586 106,644 1,451,599 7,587 1,444,012 302 27,488 291 14,320 173 316 220 5,328 232 7,840 15 81 100 35 40 6 18 7 65 165 17 8 13 3 1 19 188 426 318 10,513 236 5,489 312 5,024 300 8,350 165 10,196 1,249,474 252 6,597 191,313 15 701 26 17,650 6,886 22,781,533 221,180 21,638,159 20,161,420 1,294,239 111,356 71,144 1,143,374 20 1,143,354 23 23,116 22 .12,018 1 2 21 4,253 23 6,845 25 180 2 108 1 50 2 58 5 120 21 9,091 1,139,904 1 50 1,450 1,227,652 22,321 1,173,005 1,024,805 148,200 54,647 4,697 49,950 8 1,450 8 779 1 13 22 2 259 2 88 2 171 10 780 406 46,200 100 2,900 10 426 5 10,950 4,271 904,581 12,741 862,878 654,590 134,685 52,303 21,300 41,703 20 397 20 233 10 25 14 37 14 691 13 246 13 445 20 605 10 114 10,270 14 1,077 31,233 521,844 6,364 413,548 408,748 2,500 2,300 108,296 2,341 105,955 66 1,235 66 660 51 93 61 345 56 230 21 27 65 3,890 65 2,180 65 1,710 70 2 205 51 310 30 555 70 2 600 75 400 10 6,000 2, XI 437,440 3,500 365,550 337,723 14,000 1,927 11,900 71,890 71,890 80 740 70 380 40 75 50 230 55 130 40 50 95 3,030 65 1,515 95 1,515 5 5 45 225 18,355 85 1,840 53,360 FLORIDA 53 State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 9. -Other field-crop farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text|] (For dormilions and explanations, soe text) ToUl all commercifti farms Goonomic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters fartowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . 1 or 2 liUi-rs 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more liUers. . . June 1 to November 30 Under 11 acres. . . . 1 1 to 24 aires 25 tc 49 acres . . , . 50 to 74 acres . . . . 75 to 99 acres . . . . 100 or more acres . Harvested for prain , ■ . . farms reporting.. umber of titters. . , arms reporting.. 'arms reporting. ■ . farms reporting . . , 'arms reporting. . . reporting . ■ arms reporting . . arms reporting. . number of litters,, December 1 Lo June 1 farms reporting . . number of litters. . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com fcf all purposes farms reporting . . acres . . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'anns reporting. . 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting. . ■; reporting. . 3 reporting . . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. pounds . . Hay crops: land frcm which hay was cut acres . . Hky crops cut for hay farms reporting . . acres . . tans. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made fran grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . acres . . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested fanns reporting . . acres . . bales , . Irish potatoes harvested for hone use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting . . acres . . pounds . . Vegetables harvested for sale fanos reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearing fi^t orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees-' farms reporting. . acres . . 5,617 270 51,038 1,610 1,290 70 2,485 151 1,206 38 531 11 91 14 4,789 225 23,185 757 4,519 229 27,853 853 6,809 376 399,554 15,846 964 57 1,156 71 1,745 102 1,176 89 641 34 1,127 23 5,527 323 243,722 11,531 6,474,617 282,269 2,032 139 2,470,447 80,551 2,504 332 43,652 8,379 970 590 43,630,316 9,965,400 71,056 1,308 67, 869 117,457 225 18,362 44 3,187 25,242 1,986 19,252 11,437 304 29,446 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 33,666,328 11,605 643,746 13 355 466 1 40 148 1,098 520 219 21,058 4,658,9U 6 7,500 156 1,594,014 69 1,019 18 1,186 1 5 2 4 13 1,136 30,379 115 155 84 15,686 3,678,876 58 ,294,239 17 920 5 5 5 2 16 740 20,650 15 6,950 2 420 505,000 53 3,234 626,526 30 143,200 26 1,345 6 1 10 7 2 19 720 26,980 13 13,025 20 989 400 1,544,200 3 172 243 13 248 160 46 1,830 298,390 32 134,685 15 315 60 670 35 15 10 60 310 60 360 65 4,120 20 25 10 10 60 3,U0 77,825 30 16,300 70 2,385 3,467,435 3 1 40 360 210 21 103 19,776 6 2,500 75 415 10 55 10 60 195 65 220 100 3,935 10 30 20 30 5 5 75 2,390 57,190 45 13,825 105 2,910 165 3,074,795 20 195 40 15 205 35,345 6 ,500 14,000 25 209 120 435 55 55 10 95 210 95 225 150 4,340 35 35 45 25 10 135 3,365 69,245 25 5,430 135 1,675 25 1,373,920 5 60 60 295 110 5 390 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for fanns with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 3 of 9. -Vegetable farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fafms. See t«xtj (For dennitions and explanations, 55oe text) Tola! all cnmmerci a] farms Foonomic class F4RMS. ACREAGF,, AND VALUE Farms nuniber Percpnl distnbulion percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent \vernge size nF fami acres Value of land and buildings: \Mva^t> per farni dollars \\prage |ier acre dollar: Land tn farms according to use: Cropland harvested larms reporting acres 1 U) 9 acres farms reportinfi 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland nol pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and nol woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of torraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . lender 25 years number . 2!) to ^4 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . 45 to 54 years number. 55 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number. Average age years. OFF-FARIil WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- )Vorking ofr their farms, total operators 1 to 99 days operators 100 to 199 days operators 200 or more days operators With other members of family working off farm operators With income from sources other than farm operated and ofr-farm work operators With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators Operators nol working orr Iheir rarms or nol reporting as to work orr their rarms operators With other members or ramily working orr rarm operatcrs With income rrom sources other than farm operated operators With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number. , 140 to 179 acres number. . 180 to 219 acres number., 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres ....number. 2,000 or more acres number. See lootiiotes at end or Uble. reporting. , reporting., reporting,, reporting., reporting.. reporting. . reporting.. reporting., reporting . . reporting . . reporting. 23,322 XXX 13,769,006 XXX 590.4 106,477 213.81 20,097 1,680,732 3,771 3,049 2,328 3,056 3,871 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 804,557 6,443 461,329 1,204 87, 560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,311,418 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,135,419 3,820 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,168 1,335 122,537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 6,690 6,236 3,494 52.0 8,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,883 1,986 5,792 1,923 2,404 6,587 1,456 1,763 1,854 1,546 1,201 873 2,404 1,534 737 963 1,636 100.0 523,892 100.0 310.7 104,802 367.75 1,686 214,697 210 276 167 250 340 215 151 45 32 279 36,086 495 38,955 48 5,561 474 33,394 215 54,349 292 30,404 320 112,760 211 49,007 324 111,355 323 22, 263 20 1,370 1,674 5 174 453 600 365 77 47.7 495 186 63 246 137 183 134 1,191 144 232 85 85 565 142 176 137 102 54 30 210 101 50 34 341 20.2 340,025 64.9 997.1 395,674 373.25 341 148,909 59 93 107 44 32 31 17,305 102 26, 500 20 4,622 94 21,878 23 19,242 50 19,873 28 83,364 22 34,475 241 94,123 90 15,798 5 390 329 38 85 127 62 17 47.2 293 34 223 13.5 57,609 11.0 252.7 128,980 437.71 228 24,253 31 5,105 28 2,206 23 2,206 23 6,673 24 2,359 55 13,546 43 4,280 141 8,282 36 1,710 228 24 95 76 23 10 45.2 93 5 11 77 25 46 47 135 11 236 14,0 48,156 9.2 204.1 54,500 284.12 236 16,556 30 26 55 80 33 12 58 5,056 77 4,570 16 705 71 3,865 60 7,595 46 2,590 59 7,887 49 6,762 110 3,975 46 1,650 5 375 236 5 25 96 53 42 15 45.7 52 16 10 26 6 16 16 134 26 55 20 326 19.3 43,657 8.3 133.9 32,194 317. 21 326 14,488 35 35 60 92 87 12 5 78 3,946 102 2,664 7 209 lOO 2,455 51 14,924 62 1,437 62 3,825 37 2,125 106 2,275 51 ,375 10 890 326 41 81 123 61 15 46.3 106 56 5 45 50 40 30 220 31 10 135 30 45 20 25 15 10 20 10 5 1 283 16.8 18,867 3.6 66.7 16,538 261.86 283 6,618 75 100 46 26 35 1 36 2,259 90 1,450 90 1,450 12 1,922 60 2,440 71 2,713 40 645 115 930 50 880 283 16 50 121 76 20 51.3 130 40 20 70 35 153 27 35 155 30 25 20 5 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 9. -Vegetable farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texlj 55 (For ijefiniciais and explnnnlions, sec text) ToUl nil commorciftl famis Economic class FARMS BV COLOR AND TEMTIE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners nunjicr.. Pnn owners nuniltcr.. All lennnls nunilier . . Cash rennnls numlior. . Sharo-Cftsri tenants nun her. . Crop-share tenants nufr.ber . . t.ivestock-shnrc tenants number , , Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants numljer.. White farm operators: Full owners number . . Part owtiers number . , All tenants number. . Crtjppers n umber , . Nonwbite farm operators; Full owners number . . Part owners nun.lier, , All tenants number . . Croppers number . . SPECIFIED EQllPSIENT AND FAaLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD (irain combines farms reporting . . number. . Com pickers farms reportinp. . number.. Pick-up balers farr^s reporting . . number. . Field forage har%e5ters farms reporting. . number.. Motortrucks farms reportin;;. . nundier. . Tractors farms reporting-. . number.. Tractors other than .^rarden farms reporting.. nimilier. . 1 tractor farms reportine, , 2 tractors farms rcporti ng . . 3 tractors farms rei-orting. . 4 tractors farn.s re[x>rtini;. , 5 or more tractors farms rejiorlLnfi. . Wheel IjacLors farms renortini:.. number.. Crawler t/actors farn.s report] nt;. . nuniher. . Garden tractors farn.s reinrting. . Automobiles fnrms reportin/r. . number.. Automobiles and 'or motortrucks farms reportini;. . Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting;.. Electric milk cooler farms reportin;;.. Crop drier (for gram, forage, or other crops) farms reporting . . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mite farms reporting . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. . 4 miles farms reporting. . 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENLMERATION Hired workers fams reporting . , persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons . . Farms reiwrting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. , 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting . . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Operators not reporting residence number, , See footnotes at end of table. 16, «7 4,^53 1,369 620 62 110 67 164 346 15,824 4,085 1,208 134 643 368 161 30 824 970 1,660 1,717 881 915 519 665 15,293 27,219 14,859 30,633 14,083 28,354 8,530 2,939 1,213 514 837 13,957 26,231 1,184 2,123 1,816 2,279 17,414 23,399 20,902 15,411 12,578 805 787 410 1,441 12,359 1,665 8,757 4,463 4,294 1,839 1,976 219 260 3,585 53,747 5,856 31,435 2,404 1,034 1,029 717 624 16,682 5,495 1,145 650 693 302 190 7 5 614 648 287 32 46 59 61 34 35 26 1,538 4,090 1,507 5,455 1,455 5,212 560 328 222 86 259 1,449 4,593 246 619 153 243 1,336 1,764 1,659 1,199 1,062 137 469 249 220 103 32 12 18 900 14,250 619 5,453 142 118 111 IIB 130 1,111 481 94 94 152 72 40 2 147 72 6 10 9 11 18 19 5 16 335 2,203 335 3,105 328 2,967 5 22 59 39 203 327 2,458 156 509 58 138 294 557 340 295 166 2 2 13 34 242 51 46 10 36 10 13 1 12 322 9,439 300 4,372 126 186 44 119 55 35 5 44 119 50 11 21 15 15 6 6 15 25 218 528 223 782 223 777 26 44 66 31 36 213 685 72 92 5 5 187 244 228 190 106 143 25 131 3,214 120 677 111 107 10 102 102 30 20 5 97 102 30 226 373 236 533 236 513 77 77 56 16 10 236 496 17 17 20 20 211 267 236 183 155 148 5 83 57 26 15 6 138 670 138 153 35 128 138 30 2 291 446 290 500 275 465 136 113 21 275 464 1 1 30 35 276 312 321 218 210 223 21 77 35 42 26 10 5 143 601 72 127 261 40 25 122 116 40 122 106 40 5 5 247 234 232 293 207 253 156 51 207 253 30 35 217 228 273 136 131 166 15 102 70 32 20 11 1 76 246 227 46 10 56 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 9. -Vegetable farms [Data are based on reixjrts for only a sample of farms. See text | USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME romniercial ferlili^pr anil fertilizin;; rrjattTials useddurin? the >ear farn.s tcportinp... acres on whteh used. .. tons . . . Dry materials farms report! nR.. . torts... Liiluid mat.Ttnls farms reporting. . . Ions . . . Crrips on «liich used— flay and croplnml pasture farms reporting... acres , . . Dry materials farms reporting... tons . . . Liqnid materials farms reporting. . . Ions . . . Other pasture (not cmplsnd) farms reporting. . . acres . . . Dry matcriah farms re|iorting . . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... . tons . . . Com farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials farr.is reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... Soybeans farms rerxirting.. . acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... Irish potatoes farn.s rcportiny. . . acres . . Dry materials farn.s reporting. . , Liquid materials farms reforting. . , All other crops farms reporting. . acres . . flry materials famis renorting. . Liquid materials farms recorting.. tons.. Lime or liniin)' materials used dunne the year farms reporting. . acres limed . . tons . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the foUowinp specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultrx fams reporting., dollars.. Under SlOO farms reporting. . $100 to S099 farms reporting. . $1,000 to .$1,999 farms reportinR. . $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. . .'55,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting,. dollars.. Under $1,000 farci- rejxjrtinr . . $1,000 to $'2,499 farn,^ reporting.. ?iJ,iiOO to -4,999 farms reporting. , ^5,000 to $9,99!) farn,s reporting.. «10,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farm- reportiag . . dollars. , Under $200 farms reporting . . $200 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more fannB reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars. . Under $200 farms reporting . . $200 to .$199 farms reporting.. $f»00 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reportine.. $2,500 to $1,999 farms reporting.. S.'i.OOO to $9,999 faniis reporting. . $10,000 to $19.999 farms reporting. . $30,000 to « 19,999 farms rejiorting. . $riO,000 or more farms reporting. . .Seeils, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reportinc . , ^lOOlo $199 ^ farms reporting. s.'iOO Ui s999 farn.s reporting. si, 000 or more farms reporting. fiasoline and other petroleum fuel anil oil for the fann business farms reporting. dollars. Under iilOd farms reporting. SlOO to <199 , farms rerrting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. SOO or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 lo 29 head farms reporting . ,^0 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 lo 74 head farms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . 100 or more head farms reporting . Milk co«s- 1 head farms reporti ng . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head fanns reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and/or mules farms reporting . number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bi>ni since June 1 farms reporting . number. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting, number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting, number. dollars. Bogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. numbor . dollars. Milk and cream soir farms reporting. pounds. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dol 1 ars . See footnotas at end of table. 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,138 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 68 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329, 381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 85,453,248 50,684 82,814,104 3,126,727 77,700,731 1,716,126 270,520 2,639,144 17,033 2,125 2,619,986 551 57,063 475 29,836 165 289 434 14, 261 416 12,966 65 91 96 45 108 41 87 18 111 141 51 45 30 19 104 61 413 776 262 8,575 206 4,594 200 3,981 20 415 15 130 20 285 20 200 20 85 309 17, 535 382 20,929 2,394,939 143 7,509 217,761 10 160 1,920 6 41,800 2,125 21 4,264 61 29,610 11, 549 72,078,131 211,373 70,127,639 2,655,348 66,493,615 824,220 154,456 1,950,492 10,480 1,875 1,938,137 61 38,675 45 18,663 7 11 54 9,845 56 10,167 67 258 9 2,194 7 953 9 1,241 4 9,050 56 13,923 1,856,057 7 2,670 77,430 1 37,500 1,375 1 3,850 1 17,000 6,630 6,391,192 23,032 6,079,377 229,200 5,358,800 488,477 3,400 311,315 390 65 8,300 65 5,255 5 10 65 1,813 60 1,232 49 83 17 1 ,316 16 1 ,019 12 297 10 260 5 60 10 200 10 130 10 70 11 341 60 3 ,538 268 830 17 1 395 40 455 5 100 1 200 3,195,947 13,542 3,020,488 104,060 2,670,416 155,447 90,565 175,459 185 175,274 91 5,081 91 3,292 36 51 76 ,151 74 119 40 1,257 27 592 35 665 5 125 5 60 5 65 5 60 5 5 57 1,234 76 1,897 145,170 29 1,002 29,058 5 60 720 1,000 390 2,338,315 7,173 2,217,182 114,924 2,012,990 74,339 14,879 121,133 3,995 117, 138 120 3,365 115 1,742 26 76 105 1,009 95 614 94 160 64 1,409 54 876 53 533 71 2 900 96 1 121 87 268 39 1 030 29 870 991,444 3,503 927,201 19,727 806,515 93,739 7,220 64,243 1,716 250 62,277 103 1,102 63 619 41 61 73 270 73 213 43 48 82 1,919 62 839 61 1,080 10 276 20 7,075 2,759 86 2,490 48 315 25,969 36 1,252 36,308 5 4,300 250 5 23 25 4,135 1,613 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 9. -Vegetable farms ]pMa are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See toxt3 (For definilions ajid explanations, see l«xl) LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958. to Novcmbei 30, 1959. ...farms reporting.. number of litters. . 1 of 2 liUers farms reporting. . 3 to 9 litters - farms reporting . . 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to 39 I itters farms reporting . . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting . . 70 or more litters farms reporting . . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting . . number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . . number of litters. . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . Under 11 acres 11 to 24 acres . . . . 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . . farms reporting.. . farms reporting . . . farms reporting . . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . fanns reporting. . . farms reporting. . . acres . . . bushels. , . Sales farms reporting.. . bushels.. . Peanuts harvesteti for picking or threshing farms reporting. . acres grown alone. . acres grown with other crops., pounds . . Hey crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting. . acres . . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres^, bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres . . pounds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars. . Beans , green lima farms reporting . . acres. . Seans, snap (bush and pole types ) farms reporting . . acres . . Beets (table) farms reporting.. acres . . Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting . . acres . . Cabbage farms reporting . . acres . . Cantaloups and mustanelons farms reporting . . acres, . Celery farms reporting . . acres. . Chinese cabbage fanns reporting. . acres . . Collards farms reporting . . acres . . Com, sweet farms reporting.. acres . . Cucumbers and picldes farms reporting. . acres . . Dandelion greens farms reporting . . acres. . Eggplant farms reporting . . acres . . Total all commercial farms 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,485 1,206 531 91 14 4,789 23,185 4,519 27,853 6,809 399,554 964 1,156 1,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243,722 6,474,617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 71,056 1,303 67,869 117,457 225 18,352 44 3,187 25,242 1,986 19,252 11,437 804 29,4^6 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 83,666,328 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Economic class 144 1,079 67 56 15 2 1 3 120 545 98 534 261 8,703 107 43 46 22 15 28 174 4,975 166,705 58 80,780 106 2,426 4,091 91 4,091 5,202 18 1,276 15 135 65 90 6,164 1,483,225 25 99 102,600 1,686 77,700,731 150 771 462 35,891 460 3,839 328 9,216 106 673 21 11,960 15 600 294 1,268 145 32,376 349 9,143 273 1,985 6 366 1 24 5,837 1,419,690 3 48,600 341 66,493,615 14 120 102 29,797 41 738 63 6,698 21 11,960 10 475 14 295 44 31,891 53 6,544 43 808 4 7 126 40 6 2 240 5 11 40 1,360 2,555 2 10 5 . 1 5 1 5 7 15 8 35 830 2,405 3,875 77,355 3 20 8,800 54,355 4 30 259 1,635 0,660 1,473,500 2,193 848 26 23 2,193 848 2,983 1,452 7 1 996 30 75 19,150 6 18 20,000 228 5,358,800 15 95 65 3,580 45 890 25 4«8 5 125 35 303 36 819 55 750 18 155 47 2,220 5 12 5 15 5 5 35 990 33,225 20 13,875 25 285 405,500 430 11 430 377 5 100 10 110 40 11 17 19,000 236 2,670,416 10 35 80 1,359 57 221 55 971 17 116 40 249 20 130 37 520 42 216 20 21 37 139 36 77 47 1,515 10 30 1 5 1 21 370 12,100 5 2,000 27 137 110 11 110 80 5 25 25 21 213 41,255 5 15 15,000 326 2,012,990 35 339 101 989 60 652 65 132 86 893 60 162 46 237 20 21 5 36 102 31 135 75 815 50 15 5 5 40 215 4,800 10 1,750 15 60 72,200 385 15 335 235 5 150 20 36 2,845 283 806, 515 41 141 106 636 65 214 65 180 30 113 See footnotes at end of table. FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 9.-Vegetable farms [ Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 59 (For .lofinitiotis and pxplnnations, spp tPxtl Total all commercial farms Ivconomic class SPECIFIED CROPS H\R\'ESTEt>-CoiitiruiHl Vegetables harvested for sale — Continued Escarole, endive, and chicory farms reporting . . acres . . Lettuce and romaine fanns reporting. . acres . . Mustard greens farms reporting. . acres . . Okra farms reporting. . acres . . Onions, green farms reporting. . acres . . Peppers, sweet except piiQientos farms reporting. . acres . . Radishes farms reporting. . acres . . Spinach farms reporting. . acres . . Squash farms reporting. . acres. . Tomatoes farms reporting - . acres . . Turnips farms reporting. acres . Watermelons farms reporting . acres . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees ^ farms reporting . . . acres . . . XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11,605 &48,746 90 10,397 157 2,8« 120 263 276 960 87 717 607 9,227 44 21,985 18 711 529 7,696 i61 3i,105 213 1,254 457 22,416 405 9,810 40 9,977 47 2,600 5 100 11 287 16 365 94 5,621 24 21,730 59 4,011 127 28,314 13 300 44 7,823 79 5,501 5 375 15 130 11 306 71 1,415 5 250 85 1,545 71 3,270 45 595 52 4,275 22 1,262 45 121 91 606 85 584 56 1,582 100 3,775 71 550 60 172 135 300 120 1,027 71 386 114 3,698 97 1,297 60 116 100 377 110 337 76 335 40 161 86 2,205 71 714 35 46 45 25 85 134 116 408 70 192 60 218 55 56 61 640 65 456 Z Reported in small fractions. Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 60 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 4 of 9.-Frult-and-nut farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of Tamis. See texLJ (For dennition^ and explnnttLions, pee (exl) Total all commercial fanns Foonomic class FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent disl/ibulion percent Land ir farms acres Percent ili<;Iri button percent Average size of farm '. acres Value of land and buildings: \verage per tarm dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres I to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-imprevement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) forms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops fanned on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. Under 25 years number. 25 to 34 years number . 35 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number. 65 or more years number. Average age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Wbrl,ing orf their farms, total operators reriorling. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 to 199 days operators reporting. 200 or more days operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporting FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 1.39 acres -, number 140 to 179 acres number ISO to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 50O to 999 acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See footnotes at end of table. 23,322 13,769,006 XXX 590.4 106,477 213.81 20,097 1,680,732 3,771 3,049 2,328 3,056 3,871 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 804,557 6,443 461,329 1,204 87,560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,811,418 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,135,419 3,320 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,163 1,335 122,537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 6,690 6,236 3,494 52.0 8,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,883 1,986 5,792 1,923 2,404 6,587 1,456 1,763 1,354 1,546 1,201 873 2,404 1,534 737 963 8,191 100.0 ,343,006 100.0 286.0 139,503 533.13 8,191 612,498 1,398 1,845 1,265 1,374 1,243 544 339 106 77 545 100,368 1,331 64,071 215 11,471 1,162 52,600 566 375,017 1,308 196,595 919 785,268 590 150,242 1,211 112,245 288 16,525 18 594 12 205 10 928 7,757 42 361 1,003 1,894 2,321 2,136 56.6 3,231 409 302 2,520 644 2,220 1,950 4,960 506 2,932 950 715 3,841 758 589 587 302 257 176 400 282 146 138 1,252 15.3 ,591,853 67.9 1,271.4 658,990 440.46 1,252 388,732 110 361 328 283 . 100 70 133 62,694 243 32,878 42 7,040 215 25,838 115 155,191 253 134,050 167 679,181 114 112,587 359 86,410 3 479 . 2 105 5 853 1,123 8 39 201 253 331 291 55.3 28 274 281 126 895 52 464 58 84 41 119 202 75 97 81 209 152 92 100 1,129 13.8 271,178 11.6 240.2 153,596 619.16 1,129 73,343 35 139 361 448 121 22 71 8,665 154 8,095 23 1,205 136 6,890 103 123,353 186 12,274 128 28,221 91 10,529 222 11,610 35 2,185 5 47 108 309 337 283 56.2 397 41 40 316 76 272 193 732 82 403 86 330 212 180 120 51 50 45 86 25 12 18 1,689 20.6 231,111 9.9 136.8 89,412 724.73 1,689 72,642 30 317 480 487 278 73 21 93 11,800 263 7,543 62 1,455 217 111 53,223 236 19,566 177 45,728 127 10,792 218 7,195 73 5,020 1,614 16 81 247 351 453 466 56.5 728 82 47 599 104 431 411 961 116 649 211 920 255 140 100 81 70 20 35 30 26 12 1,883 23.0 148,900 6.4 79.1 59,353 800.25 1,883 45,562 336 767 364 266 121 16 141 12,754 260 5,780 38 771 223 5,009 147 28,034 310 18,592 245 20,229 161 8,280 221 3,950 70 1,850 11 124 187 459 463 564 57.0 907 75 82 750 186 660 634 976 111 613 235 175 1,157 130 110 95 65 15 40 50 11 5 1,677 20.5 77,939 3.3 46.5 34,551 856.39 1,677 25,929 717 565 237 120 25 6 5 1 67 4,050 230 6,535 35 385 255 6,150 90 14,886 202 7,663 152 6,034 72 3,469 150 2,010 41 2,010 1,582 2 55 190 367 436 532 58.4 787 101 105 581 225 546 586 890 120 638 360 340 1,065 85 40 55 25 10 5 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 9.-Fruit-and-nut farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. .See text ] 61 (For definitions and pxplnnalions, FARMS BY COLOR AND TENUItE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners nun.iicr. PHTt o»ners number. All lennnl'^ nunil>or, Cosh leni\nu> numh<7r. Share-civsh tenants nunher . Crop-shiue tx-nants numlier. I.ivestoct>-shftre tenants numlier . Croppers number. Other anil unsnecifieti tenants number. White farm operators: Full oivners number.. Part owners number . All tenant.s number.. Croppers number. Nonwhit* farm operators: Full owners number , Part owners nun.her . All tenants number.. C^ropners number . . SPFCIHED EQUIPMENT A.ND FAnLmES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Com pickers farms reporting . . number . . Pick-up balers farnis renorting . . number.. Field forage bar\esters farms reporting. . number . , Motortrucks fanr.s reporting.. number. , Tractors farms reportinp . . number.. Tractors other than .garden farms reporting. . numlier. . 1 tractor farnis reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporti ng . . 3 tractors farms reporting . . 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 or more tractors farms reporlinfi. . Wheel tractors farm- renorling.. n umber . . Crawler tractors fam.s reporlinc;. . Garden tractors farrus re|iorting. . number.. Automobiles farms reporting,. number. . \utomobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Oop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-operal«d elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. , Dirt or unimproved farms reporting,. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting . , 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. . 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting . , persons.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms repotting , . perstjns,. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR ,farms reporting,. ,farms reporting.. , farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting. Residing on farm operated operators reporting., Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. , Operators not reporting residence number.. See ftwtiiotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 16,467 4,453 1,369 620 62 110 67 164 346 15,824 4,085 1,208 134 543 368 161 30 824 970 1,660 1,717 881 915 519 665 15,293 27,219 14,859 30,633 14,033 28,354 8,530 2,939 1,213 514 887 13,957 26,231 1,184 2,123 1,816 2,279 17,414 23,399 20,902 15,411 12,578 805 787 410 1,441 12,359 1,665 8,757 4,463 4,294 1,839 1,976 219 260 8,585 53,747 5,858 31,435 2,404 1,084 1,029 717 624 16,582 5,495 1,145 F.conomic class 7,236 266 109 39 5 7,181 261 104 9 9 4 4 66 68 46 56 3,692 7,560 3,799 8,179 3,573 7,415 2,137 698 317 127 294 3,549 7,016 283 400 643 763 6,191 8,525 6,677 6,121 3,349 2 2 14 97 5,105 592 2,214 1,462 752 405 280 22 45 2,798 14,262 1,756 8,118 779 287 331 202 167 4,499 3,185 507 903 61 21 1 3 3 4 4 39 41 24 29 971 3,877 1,002 3,781 982 3,618 277 186 191 85 243 974 3,382 149 236 143 163 1,018 1,840 1,136 1,014 539 2 2 9 60 745 135 263 141 122 54 42 3 23 979 9,311 389 6,588 213 135 217 159 165 500 622 130 1,001 46 17 6 5 996 46 17 5 613 919 623 1,160 612 1,052 334 190 49 25 14 606 1,003 44 49 83 108 1,250 943 905 585 712 71 322 197 125 77 41 2 5 497 ,011 328 540 218 54 597 462 70 1,482 63 5 1,482 63 11 680 955 741 1,245 706 1,119 494 131 43 17 21 706 1,058 48 61 116 126 1,286 1,744 1,373 1,289 747 1,092 116 425 285 140 63 564 1,843 241 507 127 56 40 17 868 746 75 1,746 54 15 1,746 54 6 6 1 1 743 918 717 982 637 827 499 109 23 632 795 26 32 145 155 1,382 1,759 1,498 1,344 734 ,162 125 555 378 177 79 413 ,182 175 251 136 27 2 10 1,047 739 97 1,584 27 40 1,559 27 35 529 653 555 783 490 608 403 76 6 485 586 16 22 130 175 1,211 1,447 1,276 1,254 553 1,093 130 429 291 138 112 20 1 5 238 503 76 118 1,076 481 120 62 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 9.-Fruit-and-nut farms [DalB are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ] (For {Irfinitions and explanations, soe text) Total all commercial farms EcxDntmiic class USE OF COMMERCIAL FT.RTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer anil fertili7inc malerials used durinc the year farn.s reporting. acres on which used . tons. Dr> materials farms reportinfi. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Crops on which iiseii- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . acres . Dry materials f-^rms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reiiorting . Ions. Other pasture (nol cropland) farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting, tons. Com farms reporting . Dry materials ffirits reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms refxirtinc. SoyheanB farms reporting . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Irish potatoes fnrn.s repr^lmy. acres . Dry materials furn,- reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. All other crops farms rcptirting. acres . Or, materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reeorting. tons. Lime or liming materials useil durine the year fariiis reporting. acres limed. SPECIFIED F\RM EXPENDITURES Any of the fol Ionian specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under SlOO fnmis reportine. SlOO toS909 fnrms reporting. Sl.OOO to SI, 909 farms reportin.s. S2.000 to 54,999 ..farms reporting. SS.OOO or more farms reporting . Purchase of livestock and poult/v farms reporting. dollars. Under f^l.OOO farms re[xjrtinp. 51,000 to S2,499 farn.s reporting. ?2,500 to 54,999 farms reporting. S.5,000 to 59,999 farn.s reporting . 510,000 or more farms reporting. Machine hire farm~ reporting. dol 1 ars . Under 5200 farms reporting. 5200 to 5999 farms reporting. 51,000 or more fajma reporting. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Under 5200 farms reporting. S200 to 5499 farms refiorting . .5500 to 5999 farms reporting. 51,000 to 52,499 farms reportin\plnnnliuns, .-ioc text) USE OF COmiF.RCIAL FF.RTILIZFR \ND l.rSfE rontniprnnl forlih^rr am! frrtili^ini; (iialtTiale Uj«l tiunn-z iho \<>nr farn.s rqwrlinj;. Acres on which used. U>ns. Dr\ mntcrial): farms roporlinK. Ions. Liquid innlifials farms reporting. Ions. Crops on which nsi»d— May nnd tToptnnd n.i-iiuro fartiis reporting. Ot> materials farms reportinq. tons. Liqiii.l materials farms reportinc . tons . , Other pnsturc (not cmplaml) farms reporting: . , acres; . , Di>- materials farms rf^iwrlinc., Ions., Liquid maleriaLs farms reporting. , Ions.. Com j^,^ reporting. . acres . , Dr> materials fnrrns reportinc.. [.iquid materials fnmis rofxirLmc.. S<^^eans ram.s rep.cting.. Dry materials farms roportinp.. tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . ton-i. . Irish potatoes ,„„,, r^p„,t,ne. . Dn materials rarti.^ rej^irlin", . Liquid materials farii,- ri-fxirting.. ton-i. . \ll other crops frirms n'portinf-., acres . . Drv materials famis reixirtinc. . Ions.. Liquid materials farms retxirlinc.. Ions,. Lime or liniinf* materials used tiurin,; [he jear farms reporling,. acres limed. . tons .. SPECIFIED F4RM EXPENDITURES Any of the folio" ini- specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for liiestock and poultry fams reporting.. dollars.. I nder .^100 fnm.s r,,porIin^. . SlOO to .?909 farms reporting. , Sl.OOO to S1,9M farms reporlinfl . . S-2,000 to 54,999 fanns remrlinp. . S5,000 or more farms reportinc. . Purchase of livestock and [»ultry fantis reporlin,;. . dollars .. Inder $1.(K)0 farms reportinc • • 51,(X10 to S2,49n f„„,, rcnortinp . . Si.sno to ■M,999 farms reporting: . . 55,000 to 59,999 fam,s renortini. . . , 510,000 or more farms reportin;;. . , \|achtne hire farms reportinp. . , dollars. ., Under 5200 fanns reporti nj; . . . 5200 to 5999 farms renorting.. . 51,000 or more farma reportinc . . . Hired 1 abor for-ns reporti n^ . , . dollars. . , Under S200 farms refwrting. .. 5200 to .5499 farms reportinc. . . 5500 to 5999 farms reporting. . . 51,00010 52,499 fatnis reportin... . 52.500 to 5-1,999 farms reporlins. . . 55,000 to 59,999 fanns reporting . . . $10,000 to 519,999 farms reporting. . . 520,000 10 549,999 farms reporting. .. 350,000 or more farms refxjrtini- . . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . . dollars. .. Under 510O f,n„s refnrtinp. . . 5100 10.5199 farms reporting... 5300 to 5999 farm.s reporti ne. . . Sl.OOO or more farms reporting, .. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms reporting. .. dollars... Under JUKI fa,„, reporting. . . SlOO to 5199 farms reporting... 5500 to 5999 farms reporting... 51,000 10 54,999 famsreiKKting... 55,000 or more fam-.s reporting. . . See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 19, 9U 2,266,812 1,017,418 19,767 1,007,125 1,142 10,293 2,570 296,947 2,520 60,113 169 1,152 2,881 571,691 2,818 93,293 203 2,783 5,500 331,308 5,421 55,946 436 2,711 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27,297 342 28,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,758 764,984 512 3,609 5,884 461,044 446,821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 6,391 34,4U,056 3,843 381 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,687 3,819 17,219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,404 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10,185 15,354,049 2,880 4,134 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 8,782 3,362 3,566 505 Economic class 386 14,311 3,362 381 3,238 21 124 75 4,177 74 707 6 24 29 3,950 29 282 127 3,093 122 593 16 45 10 ISO i 3 5 5 5 5 5 3 254 2,906 254 1,650 . 5 50 106 2,335 2,590 1,636 1,636 20,334,635 10 65 80 380 1,101 1,539 3,645,253 785 344 206 155 49 350 83,871 246 84 20 836 2,279,971 160 96 115 197 145 74 36 11 2 215 34,242 123 74 17 1,566 473,418 531 756 176 99 19 4,066 446 19 433 1 13 4 220 3 73 1 3 3 3,180 3 173 2 238 2 57 1 10 17 428 17 130 9 425 450 190 190 ,795,630 190 189 1,548,158 5 31 51 53 49 53 28,531 26 19 185 1,403,513 5 45 43 48 31 11 2 7 5,007 2 2 2 1 190 139,802 16 75 58 37 4 97 3,600 1,022 97 971 10 51 11 1,192 11 165 5 21 11 680 11 91 20 860 20 136 10 30 72 868 72 579 32 620 615 281 281 4,736,660 281 275 807,385 65 73 75 62 87 22,555 55 30 2 266 575,248 25 21 30 92 72 21 5 48 8,490 16 32 281 121,461 35 166 48 32 120 3,390 1,293 120 1,243 5 50 20 1,040 20 213 35 1,165 35 238 90 1,105 90 781 5 50 35 795 770 425 425 3,743,490 30 395 415 636,360 205 135 45 30 90 23,600 60 20 10 185 150,670 55 35 50 35 5 5 55 11,180 35 10 10 400 93,600 150 185 45 20 55 2,080 394 15 1,535 15 201 25 225 25 86 30 320 30 107 350 350 2,078,640 10 120 220 330 312, 120 240 65 25 30 4,075 45 5 110 102,490 30 20 25 20 15 40 2,215 25 15 335 67,225 130 185 15 5 65 965 144 60 134 5 10 10 SO 10 20 25 515 20 53 5 5 10 180 5 3 40 175 40 48 13 295 405 290 290 856,840 25 50 200 15 255 212,440 200 35 10 10 55 3,730 50 5 80 47,850 40 20 5 5 10 40 6,425 20 15 5 260 40,055 163 103 3 3 30 210 63 30 63 15 no 15 35 20 90 20 23 5 10 5 5 10 150 300 100 100 123,375 10 40 20 30 75 28,790 70 5 15 1,380 10 5 10 200 10 25 925 25 11,275 35 40 70 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 9.-Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famie. See text] Ilem (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fafm products sold total, dollars average per farm, dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars \11 livestock and livest/jck products sold dollars Poultry and poultry poducts sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calvi arms reporting. number, arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. 'amis reporting. number. ^ reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head famiF^ reporting. . 2 tci 4 head farms reporting., 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . , 20 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. , 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting. , 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. , 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. , 100 or more head farms reporting.. ttOfSeS and/or mules farms reporting.. n umber . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting., number.. Bom since June I farms reporting. number., Bcm before June I farms reporting.. number. . Stieep and lambs farms reporting . . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farm^ reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. £we9 farms reporting. , number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting., number. . Ctlickens4 monttis old and ovet farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting number dollars Bogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Milk and cream sold farms reporting dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens dollars See footnotes at end of table. 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,138 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 3,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 68 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147, 154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 33,616,329 20,548 1,090,303 289,592 17,850 713,457 69,404 32,526,026 31,937,568 18,977 569,481 475 8,594 399 3,927 237 478 356 2,653 354 2,014 91 102 115 103 11 6 1 86 195 72 25 15 119 118 156 296 243 5,371 176 ■3,036 207 2,335 1,465 4,892,147 297 3,785 399,986 181 5,830 169,070 42 314,158 18,977 1,598 5,818,420 1,464 64,106,525 25,001,538 15,834,394 83,339 307,064 40, 561 258,174 8,329 15,527,330 15,326,184 9,000 192, 146 51 2,450 40 1,066 11 26 27 722 35 662 28 72 16 1,005 10 522 15 483 152 2,119,297 28 1,164 164,741 15 945 27,405 1 115,200 9,000 183 2,726,099 151 29,719,983 11,590,785 7,958,468 28,322 388,623 151,435 600 212,688 23,900 7,569,845 7,401,203 912 167,730 94 1,949 74 1,141 51 82 64 376 74 432 43 84 72 1,101 51 724 57 377 223 1,005,855 54 1,221 108,570 51 2,0i0 59,160 1 9,125 912 280 1,729,939 228 14,285,292 5,571,264 5,904,520 13,893 246,807 56,690 5,000 173,287 U,830 5,657,713 5,572,123 400 35,190 115 1,750 100 685 50 100 100 705 80 360 40 55 55 1,695 40 825 50 870 385 890,075 70 460 45,460 35 1,370 39,730 5 8,600 400 420 1,010,005 370 11,696,455 4,561,618 2,706,015 7,731 76,786 24,312 1,000 41,319 10,155 2,629,229 2,548,744 90O 79,585 95 1,095 70 515 40 65 70 305 65 275 20 40 40 800 35 460 35 340 5 9,675 900 350 219,727 345 5,970,940 2,328,667 1,094,621 3,775 65,778 15,974 10,500 26, 114 13,190 1,028,843 991,448 7,765 29,630 90 730 85 355 60 135 70 205 75 170 25 45 40 595 25 385 40 210 335 270 56,680 271,380 65 55 500 185 51,890 16,300 35 35 955 445 27,695 12,905 30 171,558 7,765 290 115,456 285 2,245,620 875,792 FLORIDA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 9.-Poultry farms [pftU ore baaed on reporta br only « sample of farnis. See text] 71 (For dennitio Item 9 and explanations, 9e« text) Total all commercial faims LIXTSTOCK AND LIVT^TOTK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters (acioned Decembei 1. 1958, to Novembei 30, 1959. . . .farms reportmB. . number of litters. . 1 or 2 ItUers farms reponinp.. 3 to 9 litters farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting . . 20 to .19 Utters farms reporting . . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting . , 70 or more Utters farms reporting . . June 2 to November 30 ttmns reporting . . numlier of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters . . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED 0)ni for all purposes farms reporting . . acres . . Under 11 acres farms reporting . . n to 24 acres fanns reporting. , 25 to 49 acres fanns reporting . . 50 to 74 acres fatms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 or more acres farms reporting . , Harvested for grain farms reporting . acres . , bushels. Sales farms reporting . , bushels . Peanuts haj^ested for picking or threshing farms reporting . . acres grown alone . . acres grown with other crops . . pounds . . Hay crops: Land fron which hay was cut acres . . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting. . acres . . ttzis . . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres. . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting . , acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting.. acres . . pcunds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting., Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. acres . 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,485 1,206 531 91 y, 4,789 23,185 4,519 27,853 6,309 399,554 964 1,156 1,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243,722 6,474,617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 71,056 1,308 67,869 117,457 225 18,362 44 3,187 25,242 1,986 19,252 11,437 804 29,446 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 83,666,328 11,605 648,746 172 1,007 46 92 31 2 1 136 483 139 524 162 4,425 87 26 26 5 10 S 124 2,915 89,725 21 20,475 21 245 203,800 2,092 53 2,092 2,179 18 825 30 5 780 34 136 206,698 46 17,850 447 3,185 16 162 1 11 1 2 10 760 1 1 6 2 3 320 9,350 1 5,100 20,000 7 225 685 3 285 5 (Z) 25 4 15 20,698 51 538 51 310 10 26 15 36 115 45 195 32 1,120 16 5 5 6 26 975 25,950 5 10,000 16 597 669 5 40 20 93 152,500 1 600 91 849 35 250 30 115 35 135 40 1,310 15 10 5 10 30 725 33,515 5 375 1,185 15 1,185 710 10 500 10 5 610 5 17 21,500 5 5,000 M5 1,073 35 185 10 20 5 35 110 25 75 35 630 25 25 400 7,075 5 2,500 75 20,000 5 (Z) 75 5 11 12,000 10 1,000 75 381 25 515 10 10 5 20 415 10,750 5 2,500 10 (Z) 70 15 10,500 80 244 5 30 5 25 5 5 20 90 20 20 80 3,085 15 750 5 100 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 72 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 6 of 9. -Dairy farms [Data are based on reports For only a sample of fanna. See textj {For definitions and explanations, see lexl) Total all commercial fanns Foonomic class FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms numlipr Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average size of farm acres Value of lantl and buildings: \\ era^c per farm dollars Av erage per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland tiarvested farms reportinj; acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms repofting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 2f)0 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes • • • • farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Iffigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land use practices: Cropland in cover clops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-croppinp systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators repofting age number . Under 25 years number. 25to14years number. 35 to 44 years number. 45 to 54 years number. 55 to 64 years number. 65 or more years number . Average age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. inO to 199 days operators reporting. 200 or more days operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators repofting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting , With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number. 10 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres ' number 140 tn 179 acres number IRO to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 to 1.999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See ftxitnotes at end of table. 23,322 XXX 13,769,006 XXX 590.4 106,477 213.81 20,097 1,630,732 3,771 3,049 2,328 3,056 3,871 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 804,557 6,443 461,329 1,204 87,560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,811,418 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,135,419 3,820 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,168 1,335 122,537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 6,690 6,236 3,494 52.0 8,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,883 1,986 5,792 1,923 2,404 6,587 1,456 1,763 1,854 1,546 1,201 873 2,404 1,5X 737 963 763 100.0 481,094 100.0 630.5 182,342 296.40 381 48,667 32 44 26 46 95 66 55 14 3 358 111,103 94 13,919 39 5,750 66 8,169 286 102,932 216 49,934 500 123,047 417 78,246 59 16,820 31 5,846 8 735 76 13,464 751 10 122 183 262 143 31 45.9 122 44 641 62 112 23 69 61 155 154 48 34 441 57.8 394,496 82.0 894.5 296,740 312.40 183 32,084 6 14 11 16 44 45 30 . 14 3 182 93,968 49 11,819 24 5,150 26 6,669 149 89,012 105 43,134 291 98,878 240 65,421 44 16,500 2,305 11 3,376 735 20 5,299 434 10 61 116 146 86 15 45.7 16 20 40 24 36 114 108 45 32 193 25.3 60,173 12.5 3U.8 65,556 215.84 107 11,908 21 10 5 20 16 10 25 10,300 35 1,910 15 600 30 1,310 75 10,220 71 5,115 128 17,479 106 8,715 15 320 20 2,220 15 2,100 26 5,235 193 35 41 71 35 11 46.5 5 20 20 163 21 31 10 86 11.3 18,645 3.9 216.8 54,457 258.79 50 3,375 5 40 5 40 46 1,930 30 1,385 66 5,490 56 2,910 20 350 5 370 25 2,825 30 3.9 4,225 0.9 140.8 32,420 335.61 20 310 5 5 5 5 30 1,910 5 150 5 150 970 5 100 5 600 5 600 5 150 10 10 5 52.3 13 1.7 3,555 0.7 273.5 32,500 309.52 11 285 1 800 5 200 10 600 10 600 FLORIDA 73 state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 9. -Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See LextJ (For (Jerinitiois and explanations, see text) Total all commercial fanns F.conomic class FARMS BY COLOR AND TENIIRE OF OPF.R ATOR All farm operators; Full owners nuniiier. Part owners number , All tennnt'i numlier . Cash tenants number . Share-cash tenants nun ber . Crop-share tenants number, Livestock-sbnre tenants number . Croppers number. Other and unspecified tennnts number. White farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number . All tenants number. Croppers number, Nonwhite farm operators; Full owners numl)er , Part owners nun.ber . All tenants number , Croppers number, SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND F.ACIUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting , number. Com pickers farms reporting:. number. Pick-up balers farms rerorting, number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting, number, Vtotortrucks fanris reportinc, number. Tractors farms reporting, number. Tractors other than ,^arden farms reporting , number, 1 tractor farms reportine, 2 tractors farms reporting. 3 tractors farms re|x)rting, 4 tractors farn;s reporting, 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors fnnr.s rcnortin^, number. Crawler tractors farnis reportinc:, nuniber. Garden tractors farri.s re|nrting. Automobiles farms reportinfr, . number., \utomobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting, , Telephone farms reporting,, Home freezer farms reporting. , Milking machine farms reporting, , Electric milk cooler farms reporting,, Oop drier (for gram, forage, or other crops) farms reporting . , Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower . ? farms reporting . , Farms by kind of road on which located: Herd surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. , Less than 1 mile to a hard surface toad farms reporting. , 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired svorkers farms reporting . . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons . . Farms reiiorting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR ..farms reporting. . ..farms reporting, . , , farms reporting. . , .farms reporting. . .farms reporting . Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number . See footnotes at end of tAble. 16,i67 4,453 1,369 620 62 HO 67 164 346 15,824 4,085 1,208 134 643 368 161 30 824 970 1,660 1,717 881 915 519 665 15,293 27,219 U,859 30,633 14,083 28,354 8,530 2,939 1,213 514 887 13,957 26,231 1,184 2,123 1,816 2,279 17,41A 23,399 20,902 15,411 12,578 805 787 410 1,441 12,359 1,665 3,757 4,463 4,294 1,839 1,976 219 260 8,585 53,747 5,858 31,435 2,404 1,084 1,029 717 624 16,682 5,495 1,145 432 230 66 432 230 66 73 92 74 79 157 166 190 236 681 1,457 689 1,4S9 687 1,455 302 218 105 27 35 681 1,362 73 93 31 34 686 1,379 753 654 547 757 751 20 228 447 95 175 92 83 43 35 2 3 640 3,617 577 3,177 91 153 124 132 77 616 125 22 245 116 45 245 116 45 13 17 W 19 96 105 132 178 394 1,040 409 1,020 407 996 140 141 69 27 30 406 928 48 68 21 24 406 1,007 431 398 292 441 441 20 142 274 48 74 42 32 13 14 2 3 441 3,268 438 2,955 U9 131 77 111 62 20 111 62 20 326 99 16 30 45 40 40 40 40 36 36 183 280 166 286 166 276 106 30 25 161 266 10 10 10 10 172 223 193 158 148 193 193 118 30 45 25 20 15 5 153 287 118 190 173 15 5 25 25 15 15 15 15 20 20 71 98 81 136 81 136 36 35 10 81 126 10 10 76 112 74 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 9.-Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only e mple of farms. See lexL | (I'or (Jofinilions and explanations, see text) USE OF COKIMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Comnierrial fertilizer and fertilizinc maltTiats used durin" the year fanr.s reportinp. . . acres on which used . . . tons . . . Drx materials farms reporting . . . tons Liquid uiatermls farms reporting. . . tons... Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... Dry materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . . Other pasture (not croplamll farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials ; farms reiwrting. . . Ions . . , Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . , Com farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials firn.s reporting... tons. .. Liquid materials farms re[iortinc. . . Ions... Soybeans farms reporting.,, acres . . , Dry materials farms reporting... Liquid materials farms reporting... Ions.. Irish potatoes f^rn.s reportmt;.. acres . . Dry materials farn.s reporting.. tons. . Liquid materials farm- reporting. . tons . . All other crops f-arms reporting. . acres . . nr> materials farms reporting . . Ions.. Liquid materials farms rpportinc.. tons.. Lime or liming materials used durim: the year farms reporting.. .acres limed. . tons . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultrx' fams reporting.. dollars.. Under .^100 farms reporting . . SlOO to S999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to .^1,9!13 farms rerwrti n,<^ . . S3,000 to 54,999 farms reporting.. S5.000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under ?1.000 farms reixjrting. . ?1,0(X) to 52,499 farns reporting. . S2,500 to <4,999 farms reporting, . 5.^,000 to 59,999 fam,s reporting, , 510,000 or more farms reporting, , Machine hire farm^ reporting , . dollars, , Under $200 farms reporting, , $200 to .$999 farms rerorling, , $1,000 or more farma reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . ?2{X) to 5499 farms reporting . . $500 to $999 farms re[xDrting. . $1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting, , $2,500 to .54 ,999 farms reporting , , $5,000 to 59,999 farnis reporting, . $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting, , $20,000 to «49,999 farms reporting, , 5,50,000 or nMire farms reporting. . Stjeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting, . dollars,. Under 5100 fan.is reporting . , $100 to 5499 t farms reporting, , $500 to 5999. fam.s reporting.. 51,000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm liusiness farms reporting, , dollars,. Under $100 farms reporting, , SlOO to $199 farms reporting. , S500 lo $999 farms reporting. , 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting,, $5,000 or more fanr.s reporting, , See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 19, 9U 2,266,812 1,017,418 19,767 1,007,125 1,142 10,293 2,570 296,947 2,520 60,113 169 1,152 2,381 571,691 2,818 93,293 203 2,785 5,500 331,308 5,421 55,946 436 2,711 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27,297 342 28,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,758 754,984 512 3,609 5,884 461,044 446,821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 6,391 34,414,056 3,843 881 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,687 3,819 17,219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,404 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10,185 12,354,049 2,880 4,184 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 8,782 3,362 3,566 505 572 138,181 30,950 564 30,064 69 886 299 61,106 296 13,162 30 417 297 49,231 290 10,197 37 401 147 12,644 147 2,838 12 54 43 3,328 43 729 145 11,322 U5 3,138 1 14 252 24,835 24,875 763 763 30,898,910 "s 26 56 673 492 8,516,696 37 60 63 128 204 280 271,845 61 142 77 725 11,118,830 30 35 30 60 136 154 129 106 45 246 230,443 13 U4 54 65 763 1,061,476 51 191 183 303 35 315 104,251 23,492 307 22,710 39 732 154 . 47,946 151 10,072 20 365 180 41,656 173 8,775 27 378 31 5,589 31 1,392 2 25 8 588 8 198 65 8,472 65 2,273 1 14 123 19,305 19,200 441 441 27,856,830 441 319 7,450,851 12 13 23 88 183 147 196,625 16 79 52 441 10,400,755 5 55 107 123 106 45 115 163,638 3 43 19 50 441 880,066 6 53 92 255 35 148 23,370 5,292 148 5,197 25 95 87 9,330 87 2,301 10 52 71 5,230 71 1,097 10 23 51 5,260 51 1,043 5 20 5 1,325 45 2,225 45 586 87 4,295 4,235 193 193 2,389,830 21 172 107 861,820 10 26 25 25 21 77 61,925 20 32 25 188 599,255 20 10 45 66 41 6 71 42,975 5 36 15 15 193 128,005 25 76 46 46 76 8,535 1,852 76 1,843 5 40 2,765 40 615 41 1,795 41 310 50 1,625 50 353 5 9 30 1,415 30 361 50 20,725 5 25 20 86 41,980 5 40 40 1 20 855 78 20 78 5 600 5 15 20 5 935 100 20 5 204 40 31 5 985 100 1,190 100 36 30 36 30 530,350 102,200 16 "io 20 10 50 10 51 10 185,025 9,000 10 U 5 15 15 41 15 11,295 2,000 15 10 26 5 71 20 90,170 28,400 25 10 5 10 10 10 10 5 6 ... 5 2,105 30 7,250 10 15 5 13 1,170 236 13 236 985 8 161 1 150 150 13 13 19,700 5 10,000 5 250 5 5 1,000 13 4,175 5 7 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 9.-Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of Tanns. See texlj 75 hew (For dpfinitioTi-i and pxplnnalions. spe Icxl) ESTOHTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold uital. dollars. average per farm, ilollars . Ml i~rop^ ^td lollars. Field crop;, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . Xecelahles sold dollars. FVuits and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Pouluy and poultry products sold dollars . Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LnTSTOTK AND LI\'ESTOCK PRODUC-PS Cattle and calves farms reporting . number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting . number . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves- 1 head farms rept^ling. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. ,S0O or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms rcponing . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or mtire head farms reporting. Milk t»ws- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . .^0 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 1(XI or more head farms reporting. Horses and, 'or mules farms reporting . number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . number . Stieep and lambs rarms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. numlier. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . number. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporting . number. Cliickens4 montlrsold and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting. number. dol 1 ars . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. dollars. Sheop and lambs sold alive farms reporting. numlier. dollars . Milk and cream sold farms reporting, pounds . dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars. See fmtnotes at end of tabi a ToUl all al fajms 691,613,250 29,655 513, 325, UO 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10,736 ,395,417 10,136 793,138 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 68 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 Economic class 77,547,872 101,635 1,426,438 577,135 14,000 465,858 369,445 76,121,434 36,868 69,630,179 6,454,387 763 233,667 763 177,953 763 170,889 688 48,024 12 21 130 491 109 20 50 115 101 464 20 60 111 101 458 367 1,064 118 4,554 82 2,794 94 1,760 11 949 9 262 11 687 11 484 11 203 159 11,531 762 117,157 6,294,229 55 5,285 153,265 6 120 1,440 763 1,075,978,308 69,630,179 33 1,838 40 88,254 34,420 70,307,616 159,428 1,003,065 191,693 9,000 463,352 339,020 69,304,551 11,426 63,489,551 5,803,574 441 200,632 441 155,452 441 149,233 379 38,697 371 6,483 333 108 31 410 31 410 257 857 47 1,431 26 876 34 555 6 694 4 157 6 537 6 339 6 198 42 3,966 440 105,748 5,749,659 15 1,695 49,155 1 35 420 441 971,782,745 63,489,551 8 1,067 9 25,574 9,974 5,723,781 29,657 326,069 312,474 3,750 1,795 8,050 5,397,712 829 4,894,715 502, 168 193 24,743 193 17,150 193 16,485 182 6,810 183 783 50 142 1 10 65 70 48 58 109 51 2,533 41 1,498 45 1,035 5 255 5 105 5 150 5 145 5 5 66 1,395 193 8,973 418,255 30 2,820 81,780 5 85 1,020 193 81,248,212 4,894,715 10 124 11 1,230 480 1,241,531 14,437 97,223 72,923 1,250 675 22,375 1,144,358 23,978 996,760 123,620 86 6,395 86 4,196 66 4,016 86 1,895 76 304 41 70 15 585 10 415 15 170 31 5,665 1,901 101,290 10 770 22,330 86 18,925,448 996,760 10 578 10 60,000 23,400 218,721 7,291 51 15 36 218,670 635 202,760 15,275 30 1,375 30 815 30 815 30 500 30 60 15 500 30 395 15,275 30 3,301,442 202,760 5 69 10 1,450 566 56,173 4,321 30 30 56,143 46,393 9,750 13 522 13 340 13 340 11 122 13 140 9,750 13 720,461 46,393 76 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 9. -Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text^ (For deHnitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class Lr\'ESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting. number or Utters. 1 ot 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters... 20 to 39 liUers. .. 40 to 69 litters. . . 70 or more litters. June 2 to November arms reporting., 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting. . amis reporting,. 'arms reporting . anus reporting. , 'arms reporting,, number of litters,, December 1 to June 1 famis reporting . . number of litters. , SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting , acres , , Under 11 acres, , , , 11 to 24 acres ,, , , 25 to 49 acres , . , . 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres , Harvested for grain .farms reporting. .farms reporting. .farms reporting . .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. , .farms reporting . bushels. . .farms reporting . bushels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting.. acres grown alone,. acres grown with other crops., pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . Hay crops cut for hay fanns reporting.. acres. . tons. . Sales fanns reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres . . torts, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bales , . Irish potatoes hamested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested fanns reporting . . acres. . pounds. . Vegetables hainrested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,4S5 1,206 531 91 14 4,789 23,185 4,519 27,853 6,809 399,554 964 1,156 1,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243,722 6,474,617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 71,056 1,308 67,869 117,457 225 18,362 44 3,187 25,242 1,936 19,252 11,437 804 29,446 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 33,666,328 11,605 648,746 71 329 23 20 5 22 1 64 389 45 440 161 13,514 25 27 27 28 6 48 123 8,458 307,420 12 22,000 47 1,790 1,923,500 16,115 182 13,193 29,838 11 825 37 2,922 23,830 31 507 298 18 118 149,540 23 14,000 123 2,083 20 41 168 546 7 16 10 5 5 2 15 1 19 35 89 240 14 26 79 306 35 61 6,179 5 540 10 • 2 10 2 12 6 1 5 18 30 22 56 3,038 4 250 151,995 123 575 2 5 8,500 12 500 6 31 177 1 523 123,500 1,751 500 14,817 120 11,895 27,615 6 790 37 2,922 23,830 6 252 123 3 38 63,100 7 9,000 72 1,633 36 923 1,533 20 235 165 15 30 86,440 11 3,750 31 377 10 115 50 1,625 5 10 25 10 40 1,120 30,850 5 1,000 48,500 15 175 510 5 1,250 5 50 1,000 6 125 105 ^Includes milk eqtiivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for fanns with less than 20 bttshels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 7 of 9.— Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms IDota are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See t«xtj 77 (For itpfinitions and explanations, see U>xt) Tola] all rnmmercinl farms Economic class F4RMS, ACREAfiF., AND \\LV¥. Farms mimbor. Pprconl distribution [lorront. Land in farms acres . Percent ilislribution percent. \^era^r size of rarm acres. Value of land and buildings: \\ ero^e per fami dollars . Average [>er aire dollars. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporttne . acres. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting, 10 to 19 acres farms reportinR. 20 to 29 acres farms reportinE . ;(0 to 49 acres farms reportinE. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 to 999 acres forms reporting . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. acres . Cropland not harvested and not pastured fanns reporting . acres. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. acres . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. acres . Woodland pastured..: farms reporting. acres . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres . Other pasture {not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. acres . Improved pasture farms reporting. acres . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres . Land use practices: Oopland in cover crops farms reporting. acres . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. acres . Land in strip-ctopping 5ysi£ms for soil-erosion control farms reprxting, acres . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . Under 25 years number . 25 to 14 years number . 35 to 44 years number . 45 CD 54 years number . 55 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number. Average age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. lto99days operators reporti ng . 100 to 199 days operators reporling. 200 or more days operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operalors repeating. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as io svork off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporting , FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number, TO to 99 acres number, 100 to 139 acres number, 140 to 179 acres number 180 lo 219 acres number 220 io 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 Io 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See footjiolos at end of table. 23,322 XXX 13,769,006 XXX 590.4 106,477 213.81 20,097 1,680,732 3,771 3,049 2,328 3,056 3,871 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 804,557 6,443 461,329 1,204 87,560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,811,418 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,135,419 3,820 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,168 1,335 122,537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 6,690 6,236 3,494 52.0 8,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,883 1,986 5,792 1,923 2,404 6,587 1,456 1,763 1,854 1,546 1,201 873 2,404 1,534 737 963 2,825 100.0 925,487 100.0 327.6 42,307 139.13 2,189 190,001 275 179 191 352 596 396 134 10 1,150 93,330 897 58,307 227 15,649 740 42,658 1,217 203,271 997 160,099 1,567 167,935 1,114 110,349 131 6,466 18,868 281 17,604 39 2,753 477 38,626 2,778 42 193 564 796 939 244 51.0 1,060 451 96 513 373 427 1,765 309 552 225 120 513 185 315 275 260 165 125 435 259 99 74 73 2.6 127,427 13.8 1,745.6 255,814 176.46 68 25,838 33 16,211 28 3,770 3 970 26 2,800 32 20,695 29 25,897 51 31,501 47 27,794 19 1,862 23 1,755 13 1,955 35 9 2,438 87 3.1 101,566 11.0 1,167.4 185,807 156.50 80 15,762 6 2 40 11,276 22 4,970 7 860 16 4,110 42 19,616 33 20,753 72 23,289 59 14,854 3 117 23 2,063 3 363 I 78 12 1,112 80 1 17 14 31 14 3 45.6 283 10.0 186,437 20.1 658.8 69,231 108.86 246 39,584 16 52 103 74 138 18,674 120 13,961 45 4,321 94 9,640 120 42,315 121 32,397 178 33,417 135 19,727 32 2,284 80 7,520 29 2,176 1 35 47 6,121 282 5 11 99 60 91 16 49,0 138 43 145 28 516 18.3 191,663 20.7 371.4 49,490 144.59 416 43,832 15 17 36 29 14^ 122 49 256 18,705 144 11,651 46 2,726 120 8,925 227 42,924 225 31,385 315 25,012 240 18,278 20 755 87 3,505 71 4,695 20 1,755 93 10,185 510 5 56 137 126 129 57 49.3 194 46 26 122 72 101 152 322 87 134 64 20 ■45 40 15 35 45 25 30 155 81 18 7 968 34.3 239,159 25.8 247.1 33,737 M5.49 732 45,640 78 59 50 172 252 109 11 397 21,009 288 17,655 106 6,272 209 11,383 411 60,126 312 34,905 569 44,886 432 25,401 36 1,238 100 6,135 16 850 156 11,035 953 10 71 202 275 229 166 51.5 463 139 60 264 194 235 144 35 U7 40 100 140 140 45 190 35 78 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 9.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text j (For (lefinitions and explanaLions, sec lexl) Tolal all commercial farms FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners nunl iii;k[<'ri:)U Tarms re[>orline. tons. Cmii-^ on tthii h ii>c*l— Hr\ and iTo|ilanit rta^-turi- farms refxJTtinc ■ acres . Dr> malenah farms reporting. tons, l.iqinil niaieriiil< farms reporlinj;. Other pasture (nil eroplanili farms reporting. acres . I>\ Materia!- farms re|iortinj:. tons . LinuiH iimtennjs farms reporting. tons. Com farms reporting . arrcs. Orv materials fari.-s reporting . tons. Liquid nialeriaK farms re|iortiag. teas. Soybeans farms reporting. acres . [lr> materials farms rcprxting. tons. I.iquitl materials farms reportinf;. tons. Irish potatoes farn.s reportiait. acres . Dr\ materials farn.s rer»irlin[T. tons. Lipuiil materials farn^s reporting. t^ins . All other crops farms reporting. acres . Dr. materials farms reiiorling. Ion- . Liquid material- farnis reeoriine. tons. Lime or liming materials used durim; the year farms reporting. acres limed. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITI'RES Any of the follo\tinp specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for live.stock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. I'nder SlOO farms reportin". ?100 to ^999 farm- reportinr: . Sl.OOO to.«tl,999 farms reportin,«t, ^;2,0fK) to 54,999 farms renorlmp. S.a.OOO or more farms reporti ng . Purchase of livestock and poultrv farms rcportini;. dollars . Inder =l,ltOO farri- re| 59,999 farms reporting. Sin.nOO lo 519,!I99 farms reporting. SLin.Oftn to ^19,999 farms reporti ag. ?.'iO,l)t)0 or iiKire farms reporting . Hoetls, liullis, plants, and trees farms reporti a^. dollars. I nder 51IIII fnn„s reporting . ^lIKi to st99 farms reporting. SalKi t^i 5999 farii.s reporting. 51,fKItl or iiMire farms reporting. fiasoline and i,ih,.r (leUoleum fuel and oil for the farm liiisiness farms report ing, dollars. I'nili-r fl'Hi farms reporting. SItXI ly. S|9a , farms reporting. 5,^illll Ui S9'I9 farms reporting, SI.IKXI to s|,9il'l farms reporling, S-l.tHtO or n,ore fanr.s reTortin:;. 19, 9U 2,266,812 1,017,418 19,767 1,007,125 1,142 10,293 2,570 296,947 2,520 60,113 169 1,152 2,881 571,691 2,818 93,293 203 2,785 5,500 331,308 5,421 55,946 436 2,711 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27,297 342 28,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,753 1 764,984 512 3,609 5,884 461,044 446,821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 I 6,391 34,414,056 3,843 881 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,687 3,819 17,219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,404 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10,135 12,354,049 2,380 4,184 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 8,782 3,362 3,566 505 2,165 235,311 50,148 2,144 48,921 154 1,227 620 59,049 608 10,866 48 268 666 47,586 651 8,370 47 333 1,428 34,433 1,412 15,497 90 563 48 3,660 48 1,023 13 531 13 367 1,343 40,052 1,332 12,798 28 63 672 31,099 27,4^0 2,825 2,564 3,019,375 326 1,506 392 231 109 1,238 5,418,797 777 159 104 84 114 1,009 590,350 501 393 115 1,527 2,643,503 462 337 206 305 109 67 13 24 4 1,444 432,948 586 600 196 62 2,629 1,231,704 616 1,301 418 275 19 67 36,034 3,548 66 8,243 10 305 30 11,535 29 1,347 4 120 30 10,245 30 1,710 2 112 41 7,898 40 1,625 8 67 1 55 1 12 525 2 365 49 5,726 48 2,684 2 6 19 3,710 3,044 73 63 944,648 1 2 14 51 62 2,895,268 1 2 1 7 51 29 70,230 1 16 12 73 1,047,091 2 19 18 8 17 4 45 56,925 U 23 10 73 195,917 11 19 34 9 81 25,444 5,247 81 5,200 4 47 60 11,135 59 1,732 2 25 33 4,358 33 820 43 3,692 43 351 4 19 16 2,250 16 613 43 3,509 43 1,184 1 3 42 3,319 2,9U 87 87 330,132 14 7 43 23 53 514,786 3 11 3 11 20 51 68,167 2 24 25 82 408,228 5 7 23 22 15 3 65 65,227 1 19 39 6 37 131,549 19 17 48 3 250 50,036 11,062 245 10,589 53 473 95 12,919 95 2,461 12 58 108 10,486 103 1,809 20 147 154 15,620 149 2,934 26 245 10 310 10 78 179 10,700 169 3,306 15 23 130 6,615 5,533 283 261 511,895 101 72 55 33 152 755,916 69 17 14 30 22 144 260,063 22 78 44 246 498,353 12 31 46 95 38 23 1 174 121,942 7 81 47 39 283 259,380 6 69 113 89 6 433 53,193 10,890 438 10,677 42 213 169 13,872 164 2,681 20 55 139 7,107 134 1,116 10 45 309 21,833 309 3,323 22 113 11 935 11 302 317 9,446 317 2,755 179 8,202 7,410 516 511 465,378 10 303 Ul 55 2 286 657,456 160 41 45 30 10 234 75,196 96 121 17 400 376,309 95 92 37 99 16 10 1 291 82,695 61 168 56 511 267,376 47 237 103 73 1 767 52,304 10,483 752 10,319 40 164 210 7,973 205 1,799 10 10 271 13,455 261 2,674 15 29 446 22,955 436 3,853 25 94 10 UO 10 18 434 7,811 429 1,975 10 31 195 6,863 6,805 968 920 589,022 66 655 135 64 425 549, 506 284 88 36 6 11 335 90,053 199 119 17 525 260,022 205 177 58 75 9 1 503 86,085 221 250 31 1 943 259,602 207 575 141 20 See frxitnotos at end of table. 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 9.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Dam are ha^ed on reports for only a sample of faiuis. See Lent] (For definitions and explanations, ESTIMATED VALIIE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fafm products sold uiui, dollars. average per farm, dollars . AH crops sold dollars. Field t'rop5, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . Vecetables sold dollars . FVuits and nuLs sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty preducts sold dollars. Ml livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poult/y and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. number . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows forms reporting . . number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. , number. Farms reporting by number on hand: CaUle and calves— 1 head farms reporting . . '2 to 4 head farms reporti ng . . 5 to 9 head farms retiorting. , 10 to 19 head farms reporting , , 20 to 49 bead , farms reporting, , 50 to 99 bead farms reporting, , 100 to 499 head farms reporting. , 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. , 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 1(X1 or more bead farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50to74head famis report i ng . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting, , Horses atld/Of mules farms reporting . . number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number . . Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . number . . Bom before ,Iune 1 farms reporting, , number . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting . , number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. , numlier , . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting, , number . . Ewes farms report ing . . number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting . . number. . Chickens 4 months old and ovef farms reporting.. number . . Livestock and llveslock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. . number . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. numlier. . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms repiirting.. number. . dollars,. Milk and cream sold famis rejxirling. . [Miunds. . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold famis reporting.. ilollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms re[iorting. . del 1 ars . , See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,138 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 68 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 Economic class 21,306,462 7,542 4,769,322 2,822,191 936,426 803,381 207,324 16,537,140 121,236 9,730 16,406,174 2,432 147,202 2,299 69,798 1,008 1,939 2,060 36,009 2,049 41,395 80 296 245 423 616 373 367 32 221 808 423 243 209 141 68 186 456 547 1,160 2,460 1,380 115,772 1,536 62,931 1,781 52,841 6 400 3 53 6 347 6 322 5 25 1,571 63,130 2,263 95,072 11,872,403 1,862 155,474 4,508,546 9 161 1,932 45 254,767 9,730 149 10,409 380 261,584 102,018 7,307,743 100,106 1,607,013 948,551 392,345 235,514 30,603 5,700,730 26,246 5,674,484 67 29,805 52 10,017 18 51 4,645 67 15,143 55 245 30 5,742 17 3,215 30 2,527 64 1 25 1 39 1 36 1 3 26 4,616 72 31,267 5,076,174 30 20,442 592,818 1 5 60 1 839 1 58,552 22,835 2,410,000 27,701 597,806 294,329 120,506 148,164 34,807 1,812,194 642 1,095 1,810,457 77 17,416 70 9,021 25 45 74 4,580 70 3,815 62 191 41 8,438 36 4,056 41 4,382 1 5 18 490 82 11,419 1,494,224 37 10,892 315,868 5 47,085 1,095 1 28 8 1,575 614 3,685,645 13,023 922,863 537,885 185,900 150,143 48,935 2,762,782 41,963 3,360 2,717,459 257 29,116 236 14,667 84 182 214 5,906 236 8,543 5 10 10 18 23 72 116 3 102 377 154 22,126 149 13,256 126 8,870 2 290 2 28 2 262 2 255 93 13,916 248 16,228 1,801,899 163 31,426 911,354 2 130 1,560 10 103,870 3,360 12 1,144 28 97,422 37,995 3,617,230 7,010 871,973 557,535 76,825 187,023 50,590 2,745,257 16,014 441 30,765 431 15,511 143 311 389 9,027 394 6,227 26 15 40 120 129 110 1 235 515 354 29,663 327 16,952 344 12,711 244 8,347 465 18,109 1,668,688 358 36,332 1,053,628 1 21 252 25 3,650 41 31,125 12,139 3,402,248 3,515 532,825 361,091 70,850 67,105 33,779 2,869,423 26,797 3,120 2,839,506 827 32,350 787 16,614 329 588 749 9,383 750 6,353 5 30 60 180 344 158 50 40 255 197 lis 100 39 23 15 161 163 5 348 641 621 34,953 507 17,667 595 17,286 505 18,381 828 15,194 1,583,283 634 43,062 1,248,798 49,920 3,120 60 3,702 142 51,980 20,272 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 9.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on teports for only a sample ot Tams. See text] 81 (For definitions and explanations, see text) L^ISTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODIICTS-Continued Litters lartowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .tarms repomnc. number of liuefs. fanns reporting . farms reporting . Tamis reportinp , farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting . number of litters. December I to June 1 farms reporting . number of litters. 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to .39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters June 2 to November 30. SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Ctom for all purposes farms Total all ct>mmercial farms Under 11 acres. . . . 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres . . . . 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres . . . . 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . , reporting, acres . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . acres . bushels, reporting. bushels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. pountis . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres.. Hay crops cut for hay fame reporting. . acres. . tons . . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres. . tons , green weight . . Cotton harvested f aims reporting. . acres. . hales . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale f ams reporting. . acres ^. bushels . . Tobacco harvested f anus reporting . . acres. . pounds. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees'^ fanne reporting. . acres. . 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,485 1,206 531 91 U 4,789 23,185 4,519 27,853 6,809 399,554 964 1,156 1,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243,722 6,474,617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 71,056 1,308 67,869 117,457 225 18,362 44 3,187 25,242 1,986 19,252 11,437 804 29,446 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 83,666,328 11,605 648,746 Economic class 1,582 18,198 290 614 425 187 58 8 1,390 8,351 1,275 9,847 1,700 96, 529 211 225 507 331 162 264 1,294 52,142 1,427,466 295 251,375 641 8,873 70 ,262,149 20,588 334 20, 588 33,030 70 4,008 330 2,570 1,406 553 62,490 220 896 1,013,937 370 936,426 672 12, 693 26 391 10 1 1 13 16 168 25 223 43 8,938 1 1 2 39 39 6,138 268,950 16 92,500 23 380 40 509,790 6,230 26 6,230 11,241 7 1,150 523 59,815 28 438 553,967 36 392,345 24 2,203 32 1,004 4 2 5 8 11 2 31 480 28 524 44 3,982 7 17 42 3,392 132,795 8 11,750 21 637 2,484 37 2,484 3,670 9 565 10 20 1,015 7 71 56,300 18 120,506 43 1,920 130 3,884 7 10 38 43 26 6 125 1,684 122 2,200 171 16,023 10 27 34 33 67 149 10,393 293,071 51 76,525 92 2,133 5,293 72 5,293 9,222 8 1,223 322 4,370 27 109 115 61 10 297 2,136 269 2,234 344 24,639 10 39 92 77 45 81 268 11,899 305,660 65 29,515 155 2,743 10 2,775,404 3,145 94 3,145 4,786 25 600 40 733 483 62 598 323 11 (z) 65 16 (Z) 135 34 106 125,140 179 80 168 ,220 65 185,900 76 81 ,825 102 2,482 2 129 ,184 542 6,104 37 237 201 57 10 476 2,608 471 3,496 538 28,032 35 56 131 146 65 55 381 12,745 284,790 80 21,870 215 2,040 1,739,405 3,336 90 3,336 3,996 21 470 105 690 330 30 (Z) 155 61 105 95,310 120 70,850 232 3,279 530 2,445 205 255 65 5 445 1,275 360 1,170 560 14,915 165 115 200 65 10 5 415 7,575 142,200 75 19,215 135 940 20 578,455 15 100 115 120 515 255 20 10 1,305 10 8 4,000 50 90,000 142 625 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 82 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 8 of 9. -Livestock ranches [Dau are based on rpports for only a sample of fanns. See t«xtj Item (For definilions and explanations, see lexl) FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Fafms nun,Iipr. . . Pcrconl distribution |jrrront . . . Latld in fatms arres . . . Percent distribution percent . . . Average size of farm acres , . . Value of land and buildings' \\orat"' per farm dollars... Average |ier acre dollars... Land in farms according to use; Cropland harvested farms reportinR... acres 1 to 9 acres farms reportinp. . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . . 20 to 29 acres farms reportinff... 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting... 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . . 1,000 Of more acres farms reporting, , , Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. .. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting... Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . . acres . . , Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting... acres . . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. .. acres . . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting... acres , . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) fanns reporting . . . Improved pasture farms reporting... acres . . . Itrigated land in fafms farms reporting... acres .. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . , acres . . , Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres .. . Land in slri (ycropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting,. acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators repotting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years number. , 55 to 64 years number. , 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fatin operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting . , 1 to 99 days operators reporting,. too to 199 days operatxxs reporting,. 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operaterl and off-farm work operators reporting . , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators repofting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operate operators reporting. , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators repofting. . FARMS BY SIZE tinder 10 acres number. , 10 to 49 acres number . , .50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres '. number. lOO to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number, 220 to 259 acres number, 260 to 499 acres number. 50O to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 23,322 XXX 13,769,006 XXX 590.4 106,477 213.81 20,097 1,680,732 3,771 3,049 2,328 3,056 3,871 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 304,557 6,443 461,329 1,204 87,560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,811,418 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,135,419 3,820 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,168 1,335 122,537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 6,690 6,236 3,494 52.0 8,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,883 1,986 5,792 1,923 Economic class 2,404 6,587 1,456 1,763 1,854 1,546 1,201 873 2,404 1,534 737 963 1,505 100.0 6,856,871 100.0 4,556.1 400,864 98.80 627 33,953 198 97 85 87 72 43 38 496 309,083 274 66,534 96 23,022 204 43,512 3,445,168 263 253,127 1,002 2,381,708 752 604,777 137 85,336 36 6,843 11 249 2 240 36 15,505 1,478 19 125 282 425 398 229 51.7 641 142 79 420 132 359 432 864 100 364 132 40 120 60 41 203 263 238 540 157 10.4 3,246,767 47.4 20,680.0 1,791,465 99.80 18,872 18 7 37 33,625 24 24,927 10 9,745 17 15,182 69 1,615,285 17 112,028 135 1,232,618 114 339,925 46 47,560 9 5,468 1 200 3 12,360 147 1 28 26 42 39 11 48.3 117 7 1 6 10 13 122 174 11.6 177 953 17.2 6,769.8 630 154 104.71 91 6 379 10 6 5 31 20 13 6 46 51 136 17 12 912 10 3 998 8,914 94 500,500 24 35,161 132 500,495 99 102,783 33 21,663 2 172 1 30 172 1 16 36 57 38 5 33 9 39 25 127 10 50 17 26 29 119 200 13.3 964,188 14.1 4,820.9 405,970 79.29 86 3,580 18 14 16 16 12 63 58,837 36 5,487 12 1,043 26 4,444 115 575, 162 33 31,911 139 247, 266 105 61,922 21 5,458 3 362 1 150 194 13 39 47 55 40 53.1 17 36 10 41 45 139 17 71 29 10 26 45 104 343 23.1 780,947 11.4 2,244.1 219,534 104.74 124 4,405 29 22 29 18 16 83 49,528 49 6,420 16 1,694 41 4,726 226 400,877 47 31,569 249 228,087 186 62,207 20 3,247 3 370 2 45 1 40 6 725 32 53 93 103 154 40 16 98 23 194 28 51 71 69 117 540 35.9 622,557 9.1 1,152.9 118,156 109.30 202 5,273 103 43 20 12 16 2 5 254 61,526 119 14,273 41 5,603 90 8,665 326 327,079 125 38,008 300 149,883 219 35,400 17 2,408 13 271 20 1,885 538 13 29 111 173 115 97 52,1 322 59 37 226 79 216 36 101 50 20 75 45 20 111 120 78 71 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 9.-Livestock ranches 83 [Data are based on refiofts for only a sample of faims. See text] (For ilcfinitiors and explanations, soc toxt) Total all al famis Krononiic class FARMS BV rOLOR *ND TENIIRR OF OPERlTnH All farm opeiatois: Full owners nuniiicr , Part ouners nunilier. All tonnnt= niinil)er. Cash tenants number . Share-cash tenants nun her . Crofvshare tenants nun ber. t.ivestock-share tenants nunilicr. Clippers number. Other and unsoecifieil tenants numlier. White farm operators; Full o^v'ners number. Part owners number. Al) tenants number. Croppers number. Nonwhite farm ojicrulors: Full owners numlKT . Part owners nun. Iter. All tenants number . Croppers number . SPF,CIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines i farms rerortine. number . Com pickers farms reportinc. number. Pick-up balers farn;s reporting. nuniber. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms repnrliniT . numl>er. Traclors farms reporiin!;. number. Tractors other than jrarden farms reporting. niinilier. 1 tractor farms reporti ne , i) tractors farms reporting.'. 3 tractors farms ro|)ortin];. 4 tractors fare s repurtinq. 5 or more tractors farm- refxjrl i ry;, . Wheel tractors farms renorlini:. number. Crawler tractors farn.s reporting . nuniher. Garden tractors farr,,s reletting. nuinlier . Automobiles farms rei»rtin/r- n umber. \uIomobiles and/or motortrucks farms reportin.",. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reportinp . Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting . (?rop drier (for ^ain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on wfiich located: Hard surface farms reporting. fjravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting . 3 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. persons . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . , persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. .3 or 4 hirefini(ions and expianalions. ^^ Total all oommercial fanns Economic class USE OF 00MMEHC1\L FERTILIZER AND LIME Comnierrial fertilizer and fertilizinc materials used durinc the jenr famrs reporting.. . acres on which used. .. tons. .. Dry materials farms reportin)?. . . tons . . , Liquid matiTials farms reporting. . . Ions . . . Crop? on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.., Dry materials farms reportini^. . . tons . . , Liquid malorial:; farms reporting . . . tons . . . Other pasture (not cropland! farms reiiortinp . , . acres . . , Dry materials farms rp[xirting.., tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . , tons... Com • Jarms reporting . . . acres . . , Dry materials fnrn.s reporting. . . tons. ., Liquid materials farms re[iortinR. . , tons... Soybeans farms reiinrting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . Irish potatoes. farrs rc[iortin^, . acres. . Dry materials farn.s reporting. . tens . . Liquid materials fnrms reporting.. tons.. All other crops farms ri'porting. . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons. , Liquid malenals farms reporting.. tons.. Lime or liming materials u.sed during the year farms reporting.. acres limed. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the fol lowing specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultrv farms reporting. . dollars.. Under .11100 farms reporting . . SlOO to S999 farnis reporting. . Sl.tKX) toSl,999 farms reporting.. S2,000 to S^, 999 farms reporting.. S5,000 or more farms renorliag. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars . . Under =1,000 farm^ rejorting . . ^1,000 to S-2,499 farn.- reporting. . 52,D0tI to s4,999 farir.s reporting. . 5^5,000 to 59,999 fam.s reporting.. «10,00n or nore farms reporting. . Machine hire farm- reforting, . dol I ars . . Under $200 farms reporting . . S200 to S999 farms reporting. . StI.OOOor more farms reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars. . Under S200 farms reporting. . ?20O U) S499 * farms reporting. . $500 to .^999 farms reporting.. Sl.OOO to 52,499 farms rcjiortine. . S2,.'i00 to 51,999 farms reporting. . 55,000 to 59,999 farms reporting.. 510,000 to 519,999 farms reporting. . 520,000 u> 549,999 farms re[jorting. . 550,000 or nKire farms reporting. . Seeds, liulhs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollr.rs.. I 'nder 5100 farms reportinp. . •^100 to 5499 farms reporting.. =.")00 Ui 5999 fam.^ reporting. . 51,oflO or more farms reporting. . Gnsnline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the faou business farms re|)orting. , dollars., Under .fllKI farms reporting., Slffl lo 5199 faniis reporting. S500 toS999 farm' reporting. Sl.OnO to 51,999 farms reporting. 55,000 or more farms reporting. 19,9W 2,266,812 1,017,413 19,767 1,007,125 1,142 10,293 2,570 296, 947 2,520 60,113 169 1,152 2,881 571,691 2,818 93,293 203 2,785 5,500 331,308 5,421 55,946 436 2,711 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27,297 342 28,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,758 764,984 512 3,609 5,884 461,044 446, 821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 6,391 34,414,056 3,843 881 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,687 3,819 17,219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,404 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10,185 12,354,049 2,880 4,184 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 3,782 3,362 3,566 505 1,016 412,906 73,087 1,006 71,688 60 1,399 409 94,849 404 17,447 22 224 603 293,366 593 45,915 36 1,027 79 5,452 79 534 1 2 237 18,999 237 7,516 3 146 393 111,930 109,902 1,505 1,409 5,206,691 52 626 264 273 194 596 13,033,042 175 31 39 64 187 507 951,363 140 190 177 1,051 5,321,259 166 166 125 186 153 U6 81 46 12 432 432,048 81 205 65 81 1,465 1,574,959 206 613 213 380 48 138 233,903 38,888 136 38,364 14 524 55 44,810 54 8,472 7 99 92 175,989 90 25,408 6 288 4 3,775 4 213 1 240 1 276 36 9,089 36 3,995 1 135 70 76,061 74,356 157 157 3,152,022 9 10 35 103 112 10,153,635 1 6 3 10 92 67 471,999 4 19 44 153 2,939,693 7 8 1 10 9 30 40 37 11 59 232,411 19 13 27 155 686,145 17 14 87 37 130 66,439 10,665 127 10,164 14 501 54 14,622 52 2,142 4 22 73 45,938 75 6,402 9 471 4 325 4 55 49 ,554 49 ,565 68 15,468 15,723 174 171 672,215 1 34 30 64 42 88 1,191,563 10 14 14 9 41 85 181,000 7 31 47 170 1,011,312 2 6 12 30 51 34 27 3 65 65,513 9 13 13 30 173 280,961 4 25 28 111 162 44,714 9,061 161 8,880 14 68 13,362 67 2,734 4 76 99 29,396 98 5,355 9 102 226 3 43 221 38,533 3,846 218 8,684 7 162 72 8,332 71 1,560 2 2 133 27, 910 130 6,121 6 160 12 354 12 65 334 28,558 5,371 333 5,340 n 31 150 13,588 150 2,516 5 25 186 13,658 185 2,423 6 6 40 628 40 134 37 47 63 1,730 1 937 684 37 47 63 743 938 267 1 3 75 71 94 8,313 5 966 5,562 8,877 6 074 4,322 200 348 540 193 316 504 459,195 526 090 372,734 2 8 24 62 146 341 51 65 92 49 77 47 29 20 98 105 169 724,295 576,483 375,011 16 32 97 17 9 35 14 26 27 28 15 2 23 23 8 68 lis 158 114,180 111 ,768 71,846 11 31 76 28 48 64 29 39 18 163 227 305 491,635 596 ,933 273,583 8 39 88 26 22 99 11 51 44 45 62 39 45 21 27 16 2S 8 11 3 . •> 1 1 71 87 133 37,339 69,313 24,322 2 17 46 41 47 75 IS n 10 10 12 2 200 332 529 176,487 237 ,344 176,182 3 29 129 76 157 310 46 74 51 63 69 38 2 3 1 See foolnotes al end of lable. FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM; CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 9. -Livestock ranches [Data ore based on reports Tor only a sample ar TannB. See lext] 85 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all commorcial fanns Kconomic class ESTIKUTED VALl'E OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars averaj^e per farm, dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars \ epetahles sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars Alt livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy poducts sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and daii>/, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, includint? heifers that have calved. Milk cows arms reporting, number, 'aims reporting. arms reporting, number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. number . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farm" reporting . 20 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 9n head famis reporting. 100 to 199 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms repnrting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . 100 or more head farms reporting . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head forms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 lo 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting . Horses and,^f mules farms reporting . number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number. Br»n before June 1 farms reporting . number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting . number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . number . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number . Ewes farms reporting . number. Rams and wethers farms reporting . number. Chickens 4 months old and ovei farms reporting. number. Liirestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting number dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting pounds dolltirs Chickens including iKoilers sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens doHars See footnotes ai end of tabl& 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,238,140 32,914,707 69,372,516 75,500,917 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,133 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,399 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 63 119 102 453 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,342 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,030,493,002 69,372,516 2,217 5,392,936 2,367 66,333,702 25,870,143 37,503,921 24,923 3,296,113 243, 106 315,465 1,920,806 811,741 34,215,303 43,627 1,474 648,709 1,414 352,105 226 432 1,340 134,215 1,429 162,389 6 11 46 141 306 653 311 5 38 79 97 191 205 96 703 130 95 1,038 6,174 307 14,923 236 7,139 267 7,784 29 1,586 IS 400 28 1,136 27 1,002 24 184 345 13,770 1,499 285,192 33,637,722 227 15,714 455,706 24 675 3,100 26 3,107 63 87,062 33,955 25,346,922 161,445 2,265,341 138,448 143,637 1,337,653 595,543 23,081,531 467 155 332,688 133 159,958 11 48 127 65,357 153 107,373 28 122 130 1,572 15 1,514 14 766 14 748 6 599 6 223 5 376 5 344 14 357 157 166,461 23,022,493 13 1,066 30,914 6 286 3,432 4,947,732 23,435 515,518 32,625 110,250 269,066 103,577 4,432,214 644 4,431,570 170 111,514 169 68,748 27 56 160 20,722 166 22,044 1 6 161 155 1,379 23 4,731 19 1,338 21 3,393 4 442 2 100 4 3A2 3 241 3 101 21 767 174 46,137 4,278,545 21 4,931 142,999 3 155 1,360 3 116 2 610 238 2,798,924 13,995 226,565 28,957 29,968 99,287 68,353 2,572,359 36,505 2,535,854 193 73,459 187 45,794 30 51 176 16,076 184 11,589 3 15 123 52 4 3 7 10 153 161 768 33 2,386 27 1,279 26 1,107 127 1 121 9 105 34 2,697 200 23,658 2,458,177 29 2,455 71,195 3 43 516 7,021 10 74,907 29,214 2,471,(X9 7,101 171,362 17,308 17,060 108,390 28,104 2,299,687 3,027 336 74,686 323 43,644 61 90 320 18,736 324 12,256 1 9 56 234 36 5 1 12 10 34 40 41 180 240 1,352 77 3,024 55 1,638 70 1,386 3 188 2 13 3 175 3 166 3 9 70 4,749 348 24,066 2,159,677 55 3,303 110,287 3 60 720 2 836 9 5,052 1,970 1,866,155 3,456 108,200 28,345 14,000 50,296 15,559 1,757,955 2,392 537 52,724 530 32,417 145 501 12,129 519 8,178 12 88 234 197 5 12 41 73 135 155 39 75 360 1,037 126 2,557 100 1,552 103 1,005 7 230 7 53 7 172 7 146 7 26 162 4,232 536 19,214 1,657,020 88 3,214 93,206 9 131 1,572 12 126 31 6,258 2,441 86 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 9.-Livestock ranches [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) LI\'ESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continijed Litters farfowed Oecembet 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 Utters. . , 20 to 39 liuers. . 40 to 69 litters. . 70 or more litters June 2 to November Under 11 atrres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres .... 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain .... .farms reporting., umber of litters., reporting., arms reporting . . arms reporting., arms reporting . . "arms reporting . . arms reporting.. arms reporting. . number of Utters.. December 1 I« June 1 farms reporting . . number of litters . . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED (^m foe all purposes farms reporting . . acres . . s reporting.. "arms reporting. . 'arms reporting, . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting , , acres , , bushels,. Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Peanuts harvested for pickijig OT threshing farms reporting.. acres grown alone . . acres grown with other crops . . pounds . . Hay crops: Land f rtan which hay was cut acres . . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting . . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres . . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting , . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting . . acres . . potinds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . Sales dollars , , Lanii in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, grtsves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting, , , acres . . . Total all commercial farms 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,485 1,206 531 91 li -4,789 23,185 4,519 27,853 6,809 399,554 964 1,156 1,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243,722 6,474, 617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 71,056 1,308 67,869 117,457 225 18,362 44 3,187 25,242 1,986 19,252 11,437 804 29,446 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 83,666,328 11,605 648,746 Economic class 209 2,106 61 85 37 18 6 2 185 1,115 136 991 119 7,334 51 26 16 10 4 12 69 1,670 44,862 2 9(50 21 417 9,092 203 8,987 15,569 16 669 2 105 372 3 240 60,674 19 58 61,457 81 315,465 397 12,032 11 158 4,285 1 4 3 360 16,100 2 118 91,000 33 2,855 5,283 1 100 350 1 240 60,646 11 143,687 50 6,817 19 610 2 6 1 5 3 2 18 280 16 330 3 1 3 5 369 7,800 1 400 26,000 2,294 51 2,294 4,324 7 219 3 14 18,500 22 110,250 56 1,522 24 424 2 8 6 5 3 22 211 22 213 13 473 2 4 3 1 2 1 11 238 5,715 1 500 55 63,666 1,273 40 1,268 1,875 1 12 1 (Z) 18 5 17 16,207 15 29,963 38 739 50 404 18 13 16 3 203 36 201 20 884 5 6 3 1 2 3 11 214 5,030 106 116,657 38 838 1,409 (Z) 10 1 4 ,500 10 17,060 92 1,343 83 407 33 38 11 1 73 233 43 169 941 38 28 375 9,207 10 125 31 1,597 2,423 10 23 23,250 18 14,000 131 964 22 103 6 16 17 35 6 13 16 154 5 11 11 114 1,010 10 135 250 5 500 30 147 Z Reported in small fractions . ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does ntyt include data for farms with less -than 20 trees and grapevines. FLORIDA state Table IS.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 9 of 9.-General farms [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xtj 87 llcm (For tlorinitions and pxplnnations. F^RMS. \rRE\CiK. \NDVAUT. Farms nnnJicr. . Pwrom ilislfihution jioroonl . . Land in farms urres . . Pr«rri>nt ili^tntiution pprconl, . -VvtTHC'' "^iz-o or farn ucrps , , Value ol land and buildings: \\iTa^o piT fnmi dollars . . \\rTa^o |HV mri' dollars, . Land in farms according to use: Crofilantt iiar\oslo() farms rpporlinc. . acres . . 1 U) 9 acres farms rcporti np . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 lo 29 acres farms report! nc- . 30 to ^9 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporline . . 100 to 199 acres farms reportine.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acros farms reportine . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Ciopland used onl> for pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pnsturese\planntions, sop toxO USE OF COKKIERCIAL FERTILIZER *ND LIME Coniniprcial fprliliicr nnil fpnili^in;: maliTinN uspl MiatiTinls farms reporting tons. Crops on «hirh iise.!- Ila\ and croptanil pftstiire farms Teporting acres , Dr. materials farms reportinj; tons LiqiMil niaterinU farms reportinc tons Other pasture (not emplaml) farms roportinp, Dt^' a.nlenals farms rejKirlini; tons I.ii^uid materials farms reporting. tons. Com farms reporting, acres , Dr\' materials fnrr„s reporting, tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Soybeans farms reporting. Pry materials farms reporting, tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Irish potatoes farn.s reportinj.t. acres . Dr\ materials farn.s reporting. tons. Liquid materials farn;s reporting. tons. All other crops farms reporting. Dry malen al s farpis reixirti ng . ions. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Lime or liming materials used ilurinc the year farms reporting. acres limed . tons , SPEHFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the folloMing specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry f,nm-s reporting. dollars. I'ndef -SlOO farms reportinn. 5100 to S999 farms refxirting. 51,000 to Sl,9ft reporting, 52,,500 to 54,909 farms reporting, 55,000 to 59,999 fam,s reporting, 510,000 or more farms reporting. Machine hire farms reporting , dollars. Under S200 farms reporting . 5200 to 5999 farms reporting. 51,000 or more farms reporting. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Under 5200 farms reporting. S200 to .5409 farms reporting . S500 to 5999 farms reporting. 51,000 to 52,499 farms reporting, 52,500 to 51,999 farms reporting, .5.'),000 to 59,999 farn.s reporting , SIO.OOO to 519,099 farms reporting, 520,000 to '^9,900 farms reporting, 550,000 or more farms reporting. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting, dollars. Under 5100 fan. is reporting , «1100 to 5499 farms reporting, 5500 to 5999 farms reporting , 51,000 or nwre farms reporting , GiLsoIinc and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms reporting, dollars. Under ^10(1 farms reporting, SICO to ^190 farms reporting, S500 to S999 farms repofting , 31,000 to 51,909 farms reporting , 55,000 or more farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 19, 9U 2,266,812 1,017,418 19,767 1,007,125 1,142 10,293 2,570 296,947 2,520 60, lU 169 1,152 2,881 571,691 2,818 93,293 203 2,785 5,500 331,308 5,421 55,946 436 2,711 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27, 297 342 28,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,758 764,984 512 3,609 5,884 461,044 446,821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 6,391 34,414,056 3,843 881 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,637 3,819 17, 219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,404 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10, 185 12,354,049 2,880 4,184 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 8,782 3,362 3,566 505 Eoonomic class 1,304 163,446 36,302 1,304 35,350 137 952 212 17,807 205 2,952 17 100 256 19,025 244 3,210 37 195 1,064 77, 554 1,047 13,127 81 456 71 2,970 71 570 5 6 42 475 42 738 1,189 45,615 1,187 14,753 39 195 360 16,236 16,880 1,343 1,195 1,041,900 223 698 136 100 38 615 619,985 493 85 19 4 14 779 404,283 282 409 88 1,038 1,713,774 225 235 215 202 97 32 21 9 2 978 391, 539 203 559 133 83 1,292 846,622 112 671 275 220 14 41 32,662 7,523 41 7,061 16 462 25 6,696 20 952 9 82 25 8,976 23 1,553 12 119 30 8,993 28 1,365 7 158 6 360 6 63 7 395 35 7,242 34 2,468 7 103 26 3,915 3,985 43 41 243,755 4 9 20 25 313,160 2 4 2 4 13 2S 69, 507 8 20 43 715,582 35 71,986 1 6 6 22 43 178,913 78 22,859 5,273 78 4,989 35 284 18 1,263 16 199 2 2 23 1,679 23 407 5 5 66 12,693 61 1,947 24 208 76 7,224 75 2,436 17 69 45 3,700 3,710 79 77 139,440 5 32 15 18 7 36 37,028 15 20 1 54 50,351 5 34 15 79 258,352 5 1 1 24 32 13 2 1 69 58,437 5 26 21 17 79 126,533 2 18 57 2 182 31,998 6,795 182 6,685 31 110 27 4,945 27 879 1 4 50 3,380 40 483 15 68 154 14, 153 149 2,467 20 30 25 1,395 25 252 155 8,125 155 2,599 5 8 75 3,104 2,974 187 181 244,400 22 86 24 33 11 135 101,450 103 25 6 "i 118 99,915 10 75 33 177 276, 520 158 265 86,304 92,095 5 46 71 171 53 38 29 10 181 358 166,685 193,526 5 42 192 70 122 69 39 341 412 34,467 30,830 7,686 6,966 341 412 7,605 6,951 45 10 81 15 47 70 1,118 3,230 47 70 177 690 5 12 78 55 3,330 1,250 78 55 443 261 5 3 264 320 19,255 16,015 264 315 3,387 2,818 25 5 57 3 25 15 765 450 25 15 195 60 5 6 10 25 5 75 10 25 2 76 311 392 9,994 9,810 311 392 3,401 3,046 10 15 78 96 2,240 2,342 2,585 3,226 358 425 315 371 196,440 183,665 16 80 242 230 37 46 20 15 168 171 80,937 74,985 142 151 21 15 5 5 213 216 91,930 75,605 71 81 137 125 10 10 307 342 215,100 210,285 50 115 80 117 102 50 72 35 3 25 286 60,232 86 180 15 5 425 135, 535 51 288 65 21 90 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of 9. -General farms [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of faima. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Totol all commercial fanns Economic class ESniiUTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars.^ average per farm, dollars . . All crops sold dollars . . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . \ ecetables sold dollars . . Fruits and nuts sold dollars. . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. . \11 livestock and livestock prcxlucls sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars .. Dairy products sold dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LIVESTtXTt AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting . . number . . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting. . number . . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting . . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reptjrting. . number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- Ihead farms report i ng . . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . S to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting., 50 to 99 head farms ri-poriing. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms ropunine. . Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head fainis reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . , 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporling.. 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk t»ws- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporling,. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more heod farms reporting.. Horses and/or mules farms reporting.. number . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . . number.. Sheep and lambs farms repotting . . number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . . numlier.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number . . Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting , . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms re^rting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting . . number . . dollars.. Bogs and pigs sold alive famis reporting. . numlier . . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive form.s reporting . . numlier.. dollars . . Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting.. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens.. dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,'168,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,O55,iO0 178, 288, 1.40 32,9U,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10, 736 l,395,il7 10,136 793,138 4,589 179, U2 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 63 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19, 596 953 1,080,493,002 69,372,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 12,323,476 9,176 8,369,296 5,834,513 1,360,376 481,489 642,918 3,954,180 348,458 135, 145 3,470,577 1,087 51,815 1,061 28,134 592 1,722 94.4 12, 594 917 11,087 36 181 162 193 319 U5 70 11 123 465 208 109 58 37 13 43 248 332 5 530 1,231 1,113 60, 594 964 30,966 1,087 29,628 5 70 5 20 5 50 5 45 5 5 925 76,866 931 18,425 1,885,780 1,106 54, 380 1,577,220 5 45 540 47 2,450,101 135,145 146 19,647 260 804,050 313, 581 3,096,718 72,017 2,143,003 1,283,528 363,369 220,353 275,758 953,710 61,745 83,000 303,965 41 21 795 41 12 357 15 426 38 4 452 40 4 986 41 298 21 3,511 21 1,396 21 2,115 12 8 977 40 6 343 711 260 21 3 180 92 420 6 1,530,000 83,000 5 1,273 5 154,800 60,372 2,268,669 28,717 1,417,546 1,080,649 231,992 64,827 40,078 851,153 81,742 42,000 727,331 77 6,624 77 3,434 46 163 67 1,654 72 1,536 45 115 67 11, 228 62 5,951 67 5,277 35 6,490 76 3,144 393,631 66 11,500 333, 500 6 720,000 42,000 11 2,478 13 203,240 79,264 2,575,761 13,774 1,812,810 1,334,979 291,920 50,063 135,343 762,951 85,809 677, 142 154 7,597 154 4,452 58 115 144 1,807 135 1,338 69 166 159 12,625 127 6,465 158 6,160 110 13,294 135 3,646 307,837 163 12,720 368,880 25 5,239 51 202,100 78,820 2,519,168 7,037 1,737,815 1,211,347 336, 265 79,703 110,495 731,353 78, 529 2,800 700,024 237 7,631 267 3,640 163 378 262 2,370 247 1,621 35 40 50 122 27 123 224 321 17,005 304 8,919 306 8,086 5 70 5 20 5 50 5 45 5 5 243 20,950 262 2,751 270, 377 316 14,770 428,330 5 45 540 15 53,750 2,800 50 6,551 76 163,405 65,673 1,456,834 3,428 980,749 743, 217 116,905 56,803 63,324 476,085 36,080 5,660 434,345 353 6,598 347 3,476 190 385 298 1,896 303 1,226 10 60 80 71 105 25 2 15 210 70 30 20 75 115 162 223 340 11,655 290 6,120 340 5,535 295 21,505 283 2,156 169,710 345 9,115 264, 335 10 116,945 5,660 40 3,781 70 63,165 26, 584 FLORIDA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 9 of 9.-General farms [Dsla are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] 91 (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Totfli all oommercial faims Economic class onns reporting. omis reportinc report inf;. reporting . 'arms reporting . 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting. Under 1 1 acres 11 to 24 atres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres . . , . 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . . LH'ESTOCK AND LI\'ESTOCK PRODl'CTS-Contmued Litters larrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30. 1959. . . .farm^ reporting. numhor of litters. I or 2 litters 3 to 9 Inter? 10 to 19 litters •20 U) 39 liUers 40 to 60 lillers 70 or more litters June 2 to No* ember 30 number of liUers. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . number of litters . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres . farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reportinj;. farms reporting . farms reporting . acre.s . bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. , acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting. . seres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Grass silage made frcsn grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . acres. . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bales. . Irish potatoes harvested for hcsne use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^. bushels. . Tobacco harvested fanns reporting. , acres. . pounds. . Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-' . •. farms reporting. , acres. . 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,485 1,206 531 91 U 4,789 23,185 A, 519 27,853 6,809 399,554 964 1,156 1,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243, 722 6,474,617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 1,035 10,654 144 490 260 128 12 1 913 4,817 897 5,837 1,177 86, 741 54 175 305 213 158 272 1,065 56,784 1,470,580 530 691, 143 707 14,132 200 14,423,840 1,308 67,869 117,457 225 18,362 128 8,429 14,905 44 7,921 4A 3,187 25,242 3 70 540 1,986 19,252 11,437 670 7,991 4,722 804 29,446 6,497,627 150 483 109,924 3,176 ■ 16,636 22,210,700 435 1,831 2,277,673 3,606 83,666,328 564 1,360,376 11,605 648,746 354 5,114 22 489 2 6 3 6 2 1 21 213 21 276 32 9,423 2 2 2 26 31 7,613 215,015 6 87,340 13 2,103 1,634 19 1,619 3,363 3 1,820 239 123 395 97,333 18 447 614,145 24 363,369 24 1,658 66 1,848 5 12 39 10 61 891 60 957 69 12,923 2 5 2 60 69 9,381 251,651 51 149,413 35 1,598 1,530 27 1,500 3,620 4 1,181 30 200 24 481 434 1 (Z) 16 47 404 507,503 45 231,992 146 2,378 6 31 62 47 131 1,106 140 1,272 171 16,010 1 5 30 41 21 73 150 9,947 259,050 86 168,690 65 2,546 200 3,024,200 27 3,397 5,759 9 3,375 296 2,939 21 126 123 26 275 1,242 251 1,747 305 23,985 1 15 66 70 65 38 285 14, 823 411,679 132 198,060 179 3,180 18 428 693 16 475 58 1,799 1,091 157 2,062 1,399 1 (Z) 20 61 23 7,540 107 420 571,620 138 339 395,560 101 291,920 189 336,265 59 867 110 559 315 2,125 60 190 55 10 275 975 255 1,150 355 17,720 20 50 125 70 65 25 315 10,495 242,620 120 64,720 240 3,230 2,714,220 1,455 32 1,455 1,460 12 1,070 230 2,230 1,130 65 65 4,950 105 197 176,290 145 116,905 190 825 55 130 5 150 390 170 435 245 6,675 30 105 215 4,025 90,565 35 22,915 175 1,425 5 30 10 195 1,130 545 CZ) 65 20 24 12, 560 60 19,925 40 362 ?■ Reported In small fractions. ^Includes mill: equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ■'Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 92 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (Tor derinilion? and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by type of farm Cash -grain farms Tobacco farms Cotton farms Other field- crop farms Vegetable farms F\ms, AriiEWE, iMD VALUE Farms ■ number. Percent distribution percent. Lanti in farms ." acres. Percent distribution percent. \vera2e si 7.p of fapn acres . Value of land and buildings; Vveraiic per farm \vpraiie per ncre dollai .dollaj Land in farms according to use: Ciopland harvested farms reporting. acres . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 10 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres . . , farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres. ... farms reporting. ."in to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 290 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms renortinp. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. acres . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. acres . Other cropland {idle and crop failure) farms reporting. Woodland pastured . farms reporting. acres. Woodland not pastured farms renorting. acres . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. acres . Improved pasture farms reporting, acres . Irrigatetl lanti in farms farms reporting, acres . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops f.irms reporting. acres . Cropland used for grain or row crops fanned on the contour farms reporting. acres . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-etosion control farms reporting. acres , System of tertaces on crop and pasture land farms renorting. acres, F\I!M OPERXTORS BV WK Operators reporting age number. L'nfler Gfi years number . 2.T to .14 years number. 1.T to 44 years number . 4.T to 54 years number . 5.5 to 111 years number. 65 or more ,vears number . Average age years . nFF-F\R\l WORK WD OTHER ISCtlME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators I to 99 days operators 100 to 199 days operators 000 or more days operators With other members of family working off fapn operators With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators With other income of family exceeding \alue of agricultural nroihicts sold operators Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators With other members of family working off farm. operators With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operators Wilh other income of family exceeding value of agricultural ppidiiets sold operators reporting. . reporting. , reporting. . reporting. , reporting.. reporting, , reporting, reporting, reporting. FIRMS nv SIZE Imier 10 .acre- Ill to 19 acre- 50 to fin nere- Tll to nn acres 1011 to 119 acres 110 to 179 acres I.SII to 219 acres . number. . numlier . .number. . number, number. , number. . number. 221) to '"iO acres number. ofill to (99 acres niimlK'r. 590 Ui 999 acres number. l.OiM- 111 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footnote- at end of table. 45,006 15,197,010 XXX 337.7 62,977 223 .90 35,751 1,369,004 13,571 5,900 3,728 4,087 4,332 2,509 1,226 257 141 10,352 933,916 11,636 590,660 1,843 102,365 10,493 488,495 10,056 5,091,409 11,881 1,630,533 11,621 4,094,836 7,727 1,218,131 4,594 410,875 2,574 136,381 1,155 68, 686 165 10,688 2,269 154,717 44,155 499 3,336 8,388 11,924 10,533 9,470 53.0 22,939 3,723 2,476 16,740 6,513 11,733 17,548 22,067 3,428 12,026 7,681 6,650 15,666 2,746 3,608 2,998 2,273 1,552 1,128 2,906 1,715 7S2 962 23,322 100.0 13,769,006 100.0 590.4 106,477 213.81 20,097 1,660,732 3,771 3,049 2,326 3,056 3,871 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 804,557 6,443 461,329 1,204 87,560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,811,418 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,135,419 3,820 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,168 1,335 122,537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 6,690 6,236 3,494 52.0 8,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,683 1,966 5,792 1,923 2,404 6,587 1,456 1,763 1,854 1,546 1,201 673 2,404 1,534 737 963 265 1.1 74,861 0.5 282.5 28,989 128.31 265 37,547 10 25 10 25 71 68 45 10 1 72 2,260 104 5,353 13 375 98 4,978 63 2,966 106 16,975 103 4,049 63 2,359 3 32 45 5,385 32 2,294 5 30 44 2,535 259 20 21 74 59 81 115 85 15 15 16 42 18 150 30 26 2,366 10.1 666,044 4.8 281.5 25,194 93.18 2,366 193,487 172 193 249 442 681 469 141 18 1 1,317 66,753 1,612 91,123 272 9,510 1,534 81,613 931 73,922 165,034 1,046 50,793 612 29,897 521 7,926 393 18,613 148 9,812 5 460 177 13,650 2,362 50 210 604 737 545 216 48.3 978 473 152 353 295 297 311 1,383 264 321 15 45 165 15 65 30 260 55 316 25 316 10 240 10 225 51 471 10 225 9 48 5 20 260 1.1 31,920 0.2 122.8 10,766 82.06 260 13,840 15 30 60 50 60 45 60 1,435 30 2,545 5 15 80 2,530 70 2,740 115 8,485 70 1,400 40 805 20 255 20 605 90 4,005 10 50 85 115 95 80 10 5 30 5 15 165 10 5 591 2,5 355,019 2,6 600.7 50,266 166.35 591 104,725 30 25 57 70 189 170 33 12 5 165 13,395 174 26,069 24 1,557 167 24, 512 173 49,747 258 71,131 160 52,029 127 34,151 137 41,291 152 15,693 46 4,030 5 15 67 2,465 581 21 45 136 165 159 53 48.3 155 76 10 69 37 57 68 436 76 9S FLORIDA State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xt] 93 (Kor definitions anfl exnianalions, sep text) Commercial farms by type of farm— Continued Fruit -and -nut farms Poultry farms Dairy farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy fartus and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms Miscellaneous farms FVRMS, ArKEiOE, \Sn V\LVE Farms number Percent riislribution percent Land in fatms acres Percent Histrilnjtion percent Xvefmc size of tarn acres Value of land antj buildings: \\praee per fami rlollars \vera2e per ;»cre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland har\ested farms reporlinK acres 1 to 9 acres fnrms reporti nfr 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporti ng TO to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reportins 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporti nc SOO to999 acres farms reoorti n;; 1,000 or more acres farms reporti ni: Crooland used only for pasture farms renortino Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Other cropland [idle and crop failure) farrrs reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms renorting acres Other pasture [not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land use practices: Cropl and in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGF Operators reporting age number Under ^Fi years number 25 to :^4 years number ^5 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years numtwr 65 or mot« years number Average age years OFF-F\RM WORK 4SD OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators rejiorting 200 or more days : operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting ftlth income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural nroducts sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated, , .operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural pnaducts sold operators retiorting FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 119 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres , number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number ■500 to 999 acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See footnotes at end of table. 8,191 35.1 2,343,006 17.0 286.0 139,503 533.13 8,191 612,498 1,398 1,845 1,265 1,374 1,243 54^ 339 106 77 545 100,368 1,331 64,071 215 11,471 1,162 52,600 586 375,017 1,308 196, 595 919 785,268 590 150,242 1,211 112,245 288 16,525 18 594 12 205 10 928 7,757 42 361 1,003 1,894 2,321 2,136 56.6 3,231 409 302 2,520 644 2,220 1,950 4,960 506 2,932 715 3,841 758 589 587 302 257 176 400 282 146 133 1,636 7.0 104,329 0.8 63.8 34,934 547.84 618 13,252 355 99 42 53 39 17 13 314 7,523 407 7,974 68 1,662 370 6,312 206 22,293 420 25,342 329 15,818 153 9,113 27 97 48 1,345 21 865 42 1,933 1,625 20 121 383 489 424 183 50.2 502 122 86 294 171 239 262 1,134 147 430 599 683 57 82 64 21 42 22 23 33 763 3.3 431,094 3.5 630.5 132,342 296.40 381 48,667 32 44 26 46 95 66 55 lA 3 358 111,103 94 13,919 39 5,750 66 8,169 286 102,932 216 49,934 500 123,047 417 78,246 59 16, 820 69 5,025 31 5,846 735 76 13,464 751 10 122 183 262 143 122 44 8 70 13 65 54 641 62 112 25 6 41 75 95 69 61 155 154 48 34 2,325 12.1 925,487 6.7 327.6 42,307 139.13 2,189 190,001 275 179 191 352 596 396 184 10 6 1,150 93,330 897 58,307 257 15,649 740 42,658 1,217 203,271 997 160,099 1,567 167,935 1,114 110,349 131 6,466 349 18,868 281 17,604 39 2,753 477 38, 626 2,773 42 193 564 796 939 244. 51.0 1,505 6.5 6,856,871 49.8 4,556.1 400,864 98.80 627 33,953 198 97 85 87 72 43 38 4 3 496 309,083 274 66,534 66 23,022 204 43,512 898 3,445,168 263 253,127 1,002 2,381,708 752 604,777 137 85,336 36 6,843 11 249 2 240 36 15,505 1,478 19 125 282 425 396 229 51.7 1,X3 5.8 676,260 4.9 503.5 42,977 108.65 1,342 168,837 27 48 92 199 418 345 179 24 10 656 42,909 580 39,939 137 5,760 502 34,179 701 169,151 687 137,125 653 79,866 536 43,685 101 5,461 302 14,973 138 15,957 45 3,235 264 23,899 1,342 12 117 266 580 290 77 48.3 1,060 641 528 451 142 296 96 79 44 513 420 188 373 132 138 427 359 190 595 432 175 1,765 864 315 309 100 193 552 364 161 120 513 66 185 30 315 ... 86 275 40 165 260 120 150 165 60 180 125 41 140 435 203 275 259 263 115 99 238 43 74 WO 38 94 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dau are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See textj (For Hefinitions and explanations, see text) F4HMS BY COLOR AND TENtJRE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number . All tenants numoef . Cash tenants number . SJiare-cash tenants number. Crorvshare tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number . White farm operators: Full owTiers number. Part owners number . All tenants number. Croppers number. Nonwhite farm onerators: Full owners number . Part owners number . .\ll tenants , , number. Croppers number . FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Ctjmmercial farms number . Class I number . Class II number . Class III number . Class IV , number. Class V number. Class VI number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES 4ND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. numt)er. Pick-up balers farms reporting, number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number . Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. 3 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors fanns reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting . number. Crawler tractors forms reporting. number. Garden tractors farms renorti ng . number. Automobiles fatrrs reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporlin™. Telenhone fants reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk (xwler farms renorting . Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) fants reporting. Power-operated elevntor, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of roail on which located; Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved fanns reporting. Less than Imiletoahard surface toad farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting, 2 or 1 miles farrrs reporting. 4 miles farms reporting . 5 or more miles fanns reporting. F\RM UROR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION ilired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting hy number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker fanns reporting. 2 hired workers fnrms reporting. ^ or 4 hired workers farms reporting . S to 9 hired wort^ers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers fanns reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated onerators repotting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. Total all farms 35,469 5,813 2,479 1,069 77 165 82 249 837 33,166 5,130 1,978 199 2,303 683 501 50 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 908 1,055 1,846 1,903 985 1,032 558 705 23,502 36,422 22,829 39,876 20,816 35, 820 14,764 3,334 1,276 532 910 20,600 33,468 1,365 2,352 3,505 4,056 32,859 41,893 39,074 27,555 22,777 841 813 474 1,550 23,238 2,898 18,019 9,618 8,401 3,573 3,936 450 442 10,179 56,822 6,243 32,147 2,677 1,142 1,073 722 629 34,646 8,155 2,205 Commercial farms by type taf farm 16,467 4,453 1,369 620 62 110 67 164 346 15,824 4,085 1,208 134 643 368 161 30 23,322 2,979 2,621 3,854 4,953 5,656 3,259 824 970 1,660 1,717 881 915 519 665 15,293 27,219 14,859 30,633 14,083 28,354 8,530 2,939 1,213 514 887 13,957 26,231 1,184 2,123 1,816 2,279 17,414 23,399 20,902 15,411 12,578 805 787 410 1,441 12,359 1,665 8,757 4,463 4,294 1,839 1,976 219 260 8,585 53,747 5,853 31,435 2,404 1,084 1,029 717 624 16,682 5,495 1,145 Cash -grain farms 99 118 46 26 5 5 5 5 79 112 21 265 5 7 44 58 61 90 90 103 73 82 10 10 188 269 209 327 208 326 132 52 15 4 5 208 319 7 7 1 1 178 194 240 135 178 5 122 26 112 32 80 26 52 2 50 141 20 95 231 28 6 Tobacco farms 1,267 875 193 60 20 30 51 32 1,037 750 143 36 230 125 50 15 2,366 92 150 381 551 847 345 122 138 432 444 69 69 22 31 1,818 2,174 1,934 2,742 1,909 2,701 1,347 416 108 29 9 1,909 2,670 30 31 36 41 1,625 1,888 2,226 1,123 1,581 6 6 162 231 795 36 1,507 629 878 363 406 71 38 541 2,675 276 1,805 118 57 41 2,169 127 70 Cotton farms 105 85 70 15 5 5 5 25 260 10 30 35 185 150 165 130 160 130 160 105 20 5 130 160 115 120 210 40 135 5 20 55 15 190 75 115 30 75 245 5 10 Other field- crop farms 270 243 58 10 20 10 15 3 200 198 33 10 70 45 25 5 591 103 55 71 82 125 155 15 19 54 57 14 15 22 25 439 892 456 1,494 446 1,472 233 64 35 45 69 440 1,219 52 253 15 22 395 581 531 260 362 1 3 49 235 23 324 125 199 64 103 15 17 212 3,278 142 2,519 60 35 18 12 17 472 84 35 Vegetable farms FLORIDA state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 95 [Data ore based on reports for only a sample of Fanns, See text] (For {definitions and evplanalions, see text) F\RMS By COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number. PartowTiers number . Ml tenants numper. Cash tenants nltmber . Share-cash tenants number . Ciop-share tenants number. Li\ estock-share tenants number . Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number, ttliile fam operators; Full owners number. Part owners nur^ber . .All tenants number . Cro|)pers number. Nonw'hite farm or^eralors: Full owTiers number. Part owners number . All tenants number. Croppers number . FIRMS BV F.CO\'0\nC CLASS Commercial faims number. Class I number. ClassII..,.. number . Class III number. Class IV number. Class y number . Class VI number . SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAatlTIES AND KIN"D OF FOAD Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms rermrting. number. Field forage harvesters ,. faims reporting. number . Motortrucks farms reporting. numner. Tractors farms rerorling. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor fatrr.s ref)Orti ng . 2 tractors farms reoorting . 3 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors famis reixjrting. Wbeel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reportine. number. Garden tractors farms renorti ng . number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telenhone farms re|iorting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms renorting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farnis reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of roatl on which located: Hani surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms renorting. Dirt or unimproved farms renorting. Less than Imiletoahard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. - or ? miles farms reporting. 4 miles faims renorting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. F^RM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular hired woriters (employed IW or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms rerxjrting by number of regular hirer! workers: 1 hired woriier farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. ■1 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. S to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated jonerators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of tabi e. Commercial farms by type o€ farm — Continued Fruit-and-nut farms 7,236 266 109 39 5 1 64 7,181 261 104 1 8,191 1,252 1,129 1,689 1,883 1,677 561 9 9 4 4 66 63 46 56 3,692 7,560 3,799 8,179 3,573 7,416 2,137 698 317 127 294 3,549 7,016 283 400 643 763 6,191 8,525 6,677 6,121 3,X9 2 2 14 97 5,105 592 2,214 1,462 752 405 280 22 45 2,798 14,262 1,766 8,118 779 287 331 202 167 4,499 3,185 507 Poultry farms 1,494 75 43 15 1,484 75 43 1,636 190 281 425 350 290 100 29 31 37 37 28 29 7 7 938 1,144 714 900 559 664 490 44 16 8 1 559 649 8 15 229 236 1,356 1,659 1,565 1,256 907 1 6 4 69 900 139 583 378 205 119 66 553 1,267 415 811 271 59 54 27 4 1,496 73 67 Dairy farms 432 230 66 42 1 23 432 230 66 763 441 193 86 30 13 73 92 74 79 157 166 190 236 681 1,457 1,489 687 1,455 302 218 105 27 35 681 1,362 73 93 31 34 686 1,379 753 654 547 757 751 20 228 447 95 175 92 83 43 35 2 640 3,617 577 3,177 91 153 124 132 616 125 22 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches 1,912 664 185 62 15 26 50 32 1,812 614 175 50 100 50 10 Livestock ranches 881 393 90 66 391 89 7 2,825 1,505 1,343 73 157 43 87 174 79 283 200 187 516 348 358 968 540 425 898 86 251 208 43 172 218 49 224 465 26 378 479 28 388 230 141 107 233 152 113 85 58 42 108 83 44 2,103 1,240 1,133 2,722 2,357 1,520 2,055 1,150 1,167 3,286 2,428 1,883 2,019 1,134 1,157 3,169 2,348 1,849 1,356 598 762 428 290 236 140 104 107 51 54 29 44 88 23 1,986 1,118 1,157 2,999 1,985 1,807 121 234 26 170 363 42 113 70 34 117 80 34 1,913 1,187 850 2,323 1,696 1,014 2,577 1,417 1,266 1,371 932 670 1,995 958 958 7 5 16 6 5 8 63 17 63 315 53 223 1,172 738 419 198 163 56 1,438 543 862 627 220 346 811 323 516 >19 99 138 378 146 295 46 26 16 38 52 17 683 653 421 1,880 2,367 1,625 390 477 239 954 1,566 535 239 221 143 74 86 50 46 92 30 10 59 8 21 19 8 2,372 971 1,204 348 466 89 105 68 50 General farms 633 587 106 46 10 15 20 5 10 572 507 91 5 Miscellaneous farms 96 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For tierinitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by t; pe of farm Cash-grain farms Tobacco farms Cotton farms Other field- crop farms USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms r^orting... acres on which used. .. Ions . . . Dr\' materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... Ions. . . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . . acres , , . Dry materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons. .. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . . acres. . . Dry materials fafms reporting. . . tons. .. Liquid materials famns renortine.. . tons . . , Com farms rq^orting. ., acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting. . , tons.., Liquid materials farms reporting.., tons.. , Soybeans farms reporting . . . acres . . , Pry materials farms reporting.., tons. .. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Irish potatoes farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. VII other crcips farms reporting.. acres . . [>>' materials farms reporting;, . tons.. Liquid materials Farms reporting.. tons.. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres limed., tons.. SPECIHED F.ARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reriorting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dol I ars . . Under *:iOO farms reporting.. ?^100 to S999 farrns reoorting.. *1,!)00 to ''■1,99^ farms reoorting , , '^2,000 to M,999 farms reporting. , $5,000 or more farms renorting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under ''l.OnO ..farr-; reporting.. P1,000 to '^2,iQ9 farms reporting,, ^^,500 to S4,999 farms reporting.. P5,0DD to ^9,999 farms renorting. . ^10,000 or more farms, reporting, . Machine hire farms renorling.. dollars.. Under $200 farm? reporting. . S200 to ,"=999 (ams reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Hired labor farms ronorting. . dollars. . Under -^goO farms reporting,. $200 to ^99 farms reporting. . $500 to ^999 farm.'* reporting. . ^1,000 to $2,*99 farms reporting.. $2,500 to ^1,999 farms reporting, . $5,000 to *9,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 to '^W.ggg farms reporting.. $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting.. '=50,000 or more farm* rpoorling. . Seefis, bulhs, plants, and trees '. farms reporting. . dollars.. Un> materials fanns reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials faims reporting.. tons. . Oops on which used- Hay and cropland oasture farms reportirig. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . DT^■ materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms rer>orting.. Ions.. C(3ni. ...........,.,..,...,, farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons. . Soybeans farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons. . Irish potatoes farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials famis reporting.. tons.. Liquid matenals farms reporting. . tons.. Ml other crops farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting, . acres limed,, tons,, SPEOnED FW.M EXPENDITURES \ny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms refHjrting. . dollars.. Under ?100 farms reporting. . SlOO to !=899 famis reporting. . 51,000 to '1,999 farms reporting. . 52,000 to W,99^ farms reporting. . S5,000 or more farnis reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. , dollars.. Under «1,000 farms reporting.. 51,000 to 50,499 farms reporting . . 52,500 to S»,999 farms reporting. . 55,000 to 59,999 farms renorting.. 510,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars. . Under S200 fanns reporting.. 5200 toS999 fapns reporting.. 51,000 or more farms reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 5200 farms reporting.. 5200 to 5499 fams reporting . . . 5500 to 5999 farms reporting. . , 51,000 to 52,499 farms reporting... 52,500 to 54,999 fanns reporting... 55,000 to 59,999 farms reporting. . , 510,000 to 519,999 fanns reporting.. . 520,000 to 549,999 famis reporting. . , 550,000 or more fanns reporting... Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees fanns reporting. . , dollars... Under 5100 fanns reporting . . . 5100 to 5499 fams reporting... 5500 to 5999 fams reporting. . . 51,000 or more farms n>porting... Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. . dollars.. . Under 5100 fams reporting.. . 5100 to 5-4 99 famis reporting... 5.500 to 5999 fams reporting. . . 51,000 to 5t,999 fams reporting. . . 55,000 or more farms reporting... See footnotes at end of table. Commercial farms by type of farm — Ctjntlnued Fruit -and-nut farms 7,786 683, 691 528,700 7,730 526,756 210 1,944 352 29,547 347 8,009 7 28 403 74,662 396 12,432 9 112 27 974 27 202 1 350 7,589 578,148 7,538 506,042 194 1,804 2,608 201,067 190,304 8,181 1,251 1,293,792 244 771 107 77 52 338 854,157 263 27 26 8 14 5,149 16,842,886 865 2,384 2,900 6,411 34,598,884 848 1,109 973 1,373 898 519 330 257 104 1,930 1,868,123 554 685 289 402 6,860 4,807,618 2,573 2,493 768 843 183 Poultry fartns 386 14,311 3,362 381 3,238 21 124 75 4,177 74 707 6 24 29 3,950 29 282 127 3,093 122 593 16 45 10 180 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 3 254 2,906 254 1,650 5 106 2,335 2,590 1,636 1,636 20,334,635 10 65 80 380 1,101 1,539 3,645,253 785 344 206 155 49 350 83,871 246 84 20 836 2,279,971 160 96 115 197 145 74 36 11 2 215 34,242 123 74 17 1 1,566 473,418 531 756 176 99 Dairy fartns 572 138,181 30,950 564 30,064 69 299 61,106 296 13,162 30 417 297 49,281 290 10,197 37 401 147 12,644 147 2,838 12 54 43 3,328 43 729 145 11,822 145 3,138 1 14 252 24,835 24,875 763 763 30,898,910 26 56 673 492 8,516,696 37 60 63 128 204 280 271,845 61 142 77 725 11,118,830 30 35 30 60 136 154 129 106 45 246 230,443 13 114 54 65 763 1,061,476 51 191 183 303 35 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches 2,165 235,311 50,148 2,144 48,921 154 1,227 620 99,049 608 10,866 48 268 666 47,586 651 8,370 47 333 1,428 84,433 1,412 15,497 90 563 48 3,660 48 1,023 13 531 13 367 1,348 40,052 1,332 12,798 28 63 672 31,099 27,440 2,825 2,564 3,019,875 326 1,506 392 231 109 1,238 5,418,797 777 159 104 34 114 1,009 590,350 501 393 115 1,527 2,648,503 462 337 206 305 109 67 13 24 4 1,444 432,948 586 600 196 62 2,629 1,231,704 616 1,301 418 275 19 Livestock ranches 1,016 412,906 73,087 1,006 71,683 60 1,399 409 94,849 404 17,447 22 224 603 293, 366 593 45,915 36 1,027 79 5,452 79 534 1 2 1 240 1 276 237 18,999 237 7,516 3 146 398 111,930 109,902 1,505 1,409 5,206,691 52 626 264 273 194 596 13,038,042 175 81 89 64 187 507 951,363 140 190 177 1,051 5,321,259 166 166 125 186 153 116 81 46 12 432 432,048 81 205 65 81 1,465 1,574,959 206 613 218 380 48 General farms 1,304 163,446 35,302 1,304 35,350 137 952 212 17,807 205 2,952 17 100 256 19,025 244 3,210 37 195 1,064 77,554 1,047 13,127 81 456 71 2,970 71 570 5 6 42 475 42 738 1,189 45,615 1,187 14,753 39 195 360 16,236 16,880 Miscellaneous farms 1,343 1,195 1,041,900 223 698 135 100 38 615 619,985 493 85 19 4 14 779 404,283 282 409 88 1,038 1,713,774 225 235 215 202 97 32 21 9 2 978 391,539 203 559 133 83 1,292 846,622 112 671 275 220 14 1,652 53,485 28,303 1,626 28,045 170 258 126 7,047 125 1,219 2 14 123 9,555 122 1,859 102 6,X8 102 1,086 6 15 2 335 2 83 3 860 3 945 1,471 29,340 1,445 22,853 161 226 303 11,552 11,330 1,891 388 3,184,276 62 249 15 33 29 153 375,820 112 19 10 1 11 539 396,352 270 183 86 1,451 16,943,336 134 126 129 283 238 209 153 105 74 1,139 5,100,204 119 290 169 561 1,825 1,845,806 421 688 314 353 49 98 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 19.59-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] 'For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farns by type of farm Cash-grain farms Tobacco farms Cotton farms Other field- crop farms ESTIM WED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars average per fann, dollars AJI crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold doll ars ,\11 livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LU'ESTOCK \>JD LITOSTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number . . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting . . number . . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. . number. . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- Ihead farms reporting . . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms renorting. . 20 to49 head farms reporti ng . . 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms reporting. . Ows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms renorting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . go to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head .farms reoorting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 lo 29 head farms renorting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 lo 99 head farms reporting. . ion or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/Of mules farms reporting. . number . . Hogs and pigs , farms reporting. . number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . number . . I3om before June 1 fams reporting.. number. . Sheep and lambs farms renorting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over .farms reporting. . number.. Ewes .farms reporting.. number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting. . number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. . number,. dollars. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. pounds.. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reoorting. , dollars. , Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens,. dollars., See footnotes at end of table. 709,517,617 15,765 523,653,835 58,642,768 84,631,572 318,128,446 62,251,099 185,863,732 33,805,472 70,345,924 81,712,336 20,472 1,518,039 18,909 852,583 8,817 187,504 16,588 345,859 15,762 319,597 1,073 4,025 4,093 3,707 3,506 1,487 2,030 551 3,100 8,375 2,598 1,134 980 662 349 1,711 4,012 4,004 23 20 73 120 103 462 10,652 27,820 13,703 411,034 10,082 216,626 12,688 194,408 178 7,216 104 1,495 162 5,721 150 4,611 120 1,110 16,589 5,594,021 15,961 663,781 69,303,795 10,829 405,012 11,745,348 91 2,289 27,468 1,151 1,087,829,513 70,345,924 3,192 6,105,275 4,546 67,974,968 26,510,238 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,138 4,589 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 822 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 68 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 662,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,080,493,002 69,372,516 2,217 5,392,936 2,367 66,333,702 25,870,143 1,852,573 6,991 1,533,183 1,512,670 9,350 6,246 9,917 314,390 41,395 15 272,480 163 2,879 158 1,402 86 176 127 929 103 543 74 91 162 3,505 106 2,056 147 1,449 177 12,080 103 1,169 136,789 136 4,679 135,691 603 15 20 3,369 45 93,785 38, 526 22,792,153 9,633 18,761,496 13,020,093 429,320 119,757 192,326 4,030,657 215,621 44,765 3,770,271 1,307 42,245 1,715 19,581 343 1,907 1,457 10,909 1,380 11,755 75 390 422 368 323 155 67 236 906 297 139 71 40 357 480 1,025 2,096 1,994 78,130 1,561 40,160 1,937 37,970 7 204 136 7 129 7 7 1,717 79,783 1,307 15,317 1,312,489 1,799 67,310 1,951,990 6 100 1,200 16 323,810 44,765 118 9,511 325 521,027 203,200 851,121 26,046,153 3,274 44,071 696,317 24,594,554 685,156 22,728,310 4,500 1,594,014 4,161 165,586 3,000 106,644 154,304 1,451,599 394 7,537 153,910 1,444,012 165 302 1,465 27,488 160 291 525 14,320 130 173 220 316 125 220 550 5,328 115 175 190 2,735 130 1,505 175 1,230 205 4,265 45 810 111,750 115 1,440 41,760 5 248 5 375 146 232 7,840 1.5 81 100 35 40 65 165 17 8 13 3 1 19 188 426 318 10,513 236 5,489 312 5,024 300 3,350 165 10,196 1,249,474 252 6,597 191,313 15 701 26 17,650 6,836 FLORIDA 99 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ore based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texl] ;For (iefinilions and explanalions, see text) E5TI\I \TED VUUF, OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, Hollars average per farm, dollars \ll crons sold doll ars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold .... dollars Vegetable? "jold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest nmducts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars \II live«tocl; and li\esiork products sold dollars Poullp. and poullr\ pnsducts sold dollars Dair\' prr>ducts sold dollars Liveslocl; and livestock pnsducts, other than poulir>' and dain,', sold doll ars , LUESTOrK WD L1\T?T0CK PRODITT? Cattle and calves farms reponinR, number , Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reportins. number, Milk cows farms reportinc. number, Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting, number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporlinf;, number. Farms reporting by number on handi Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reportins, 2 to 4 head farms reporlina, 5 to 9 head farms renortine, 10 lo 19 heart farms renorting. 20 to 40 head fams reportinE. 50 lo 99 head farms reporting. 100 to (99 head farms reoorting, 500 or more head farms renorting. Cows, including heifers thai have calved— 1 head farms renorting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting , 10 lo 19 head farms renorting , 20 to '29 head farms rermrting , W to 49 head farms repnrtini£. 50 lo 74 head farms reporting. 7.1 lo 99 head farms reporting , 100 or more head farms reporting , Milk cows- 1 head farms renorting, 2 lo 9 head farms reporti ne , 10 to 19 head farms reporting, 20 to 29 head farms renorting, 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting, 100 or more head farms reporting. HOfSes and Of mules farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting, number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting, number. Bom before lune 1 farms reporting, number Sheep and lambs farms renortmu, number, Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting, number , Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting, number , Ewes farms reporti ng , number , Rams and wethers farms reporti ng , number , Ctiickens 4 months old and over farms reporiine, number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattlp and calves sold alive farms reporting number dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive fanns reporting number dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Milk and cream sold farms reporting pounds dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reoorting dot I ars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens dollars Sec footnotes at end of table. Commercial farms by type of farm— Continued Fruit -and -nut farms 312,046,6^3 38,096 306,99i,336 127, *WA 981,496 304,210,804 1,674,592 5,052,307 131,591 23,450 4,897,266 1,202 147,012 1,112 77,885 251 493 1,019 37,095 1,016 32,032 43 169 185 148 265 157 191 133 311 179 90 148 70 35 146 150 99 643 1,917 194 2,4^3 101 1,039 157 1,404 17 1,840 10 281 17 1,559 16 1,503 12 56 548 31,210 906 45,738 ,809,470 48 1,821 52,809 5 347 4,164 17 393,916 23,450 77 14,029 133 ^96,795 115,748 Poultry farms 33,616,329 77 ,547,872 20,548 101,635 1,090,303 1 ,426,438 289, 592 577,135 17,650 14,000 713,457 465,858 69,404 369,445 32,526,026 76 ,121,434 31,937,568 36,868 18,977 69 ,630,179 569,481 6,454,387 475 763 8,594 233,667 399 763 3,927 177,953 237 763 478 170,899 356 688 2,653 48,024 354 668 2,014 7,690 46 91 102 115 103 11 6 1 195 72 25 15 Dairy farms 12 21 130 491 109 20 50 115 101 464 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches 119 118 5 8 20 60 111 101 458 156 367 296 1,064 243 113 5,371 4,554 176 82 3,036 2,794 207 94 2,335 1,760 5 11 10 949 9 262 5 11 10 687 5 11 10 484 11 203 1,465 159 4,892,147 11,531 297 762 3,785 117,157 399,986 6,294,229 181 55 5,830 5,285 169,070 153,265 6 120 1,440 42 763 314,158 1,075,978,308 18,977 69,630,179 1,598 33 5,818,420 1,838 1,464 40 64,106,525 88,254 25,001,538 34,420 21,306,462 7,542 4,769,322 2,822,191 936,426 803,381 207,324 16,537,140 121,236 9,730 16,406,174 2,432 147,202 2,299 69,798 1,008 1,939 2,060 36,009 2,049 41,395 296 245 423 616 373 367 32 221 808 423 243 209 141 68 186 456 547 5 1,160 2,460 1,880 115,772 1,536 62,931 1,781 52,841 400 3 53 6 347 6 322 5 25 1,571 63,130 2,263 95,072 11,872,403 1,862 155,474 4,508,546 9 161 1,932 45 254,767 9,730 149 10,409 380 261,584 102,018 Livestock ranches 37,508,921 24,923 3,296,118 248,106 315,465 1,920,806 811,741 34,212,803 43,627 34,169,176 1,474 648,709 1,414 352,105 226 432 1,340 134,215 1,429 162,389 6 11 46 141 306 653 311 5 38 79 97 191 205 96 703 130 95 General farms 12,323,476 9,176 8,369,296 5,834,513 1,360,376 481, 4K 642,918 3,954,180 348,458 135,145 3,470,577 1,087 51,815 1,061 28,134 592 1,722 94i 12,594 917 11,037 36 181 162 193 319 115 70 11 123 465 208 109 58 37 13 48 248 332 5 1,088 580 6,174 1,231 307 1,113 14,923 60,594 236 964 7,139 30,966 267 1,087 7,784 29,628 29 5 1,586 70 18 5 400 20 28 5 1,186 50 27 5 1,002 45 24 5 184 5 345 925 13,770 76,866 1,499 931 285,192 18,425 ,637,722 1,885,780 227 1,106 15,714 54,380 455,706 1,577,220 24 5 675 45 8,100 540 47 2,450,101 135,145 26 146 8,107 19,647 63 260 87,062 804,050 33,955 313,581 Miscellaneous farms 60,268,299 31,871 58,974,143 446,421 302,800 1,527,353 56,697,569 1,294,156 12,829 8,130 1,273,197 315 27,278 289 17,672 115 281 255 5,436 240 4,170 21 37 47 55 53 42 50 10 31 100 40 31 12 25 11 43 71 246 2,409 158 3,902 130 2,154 136 1,748 2 18 2 6 2 12 2 12 212 6,175 227 8,813 796,277 116 3,342 96,918 5 25 300 12 230,534 8,130 9 2,393 65 21,985 8,576 100 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by type of farm Cash-grain farms Tobacco farms Cotton farms Other field - crop farms Vegetable farms 1 or "? litter? ...... ?1 (o 9 liUers 10 to 19 litters 30 lo :i9 liUers 40 to fig litters .. .. 70 or more litters . . June 2 to November 30 Under 11 acres . , ,, 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres. .. ., 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . , LI\TSTOCK AKD LrVX^TOrK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms report inc.. number of litters.. 'arms renorting.. arms reporting.. 'arms reporting. , 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting. . "arms reporting.. s reporting. . number of litters. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting, . number of litters, . •SPECIFIED CROPS lURVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres.. 3 reporting.. 3 reporting,. 5 reporting.. 'arms reporting.. arms reporting.. "anns reporting.. 'arms reporting.. acres, . bushels, , Sales farms reoorting. . bushels.. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . , acres grovm alone . , acres grown with other crops . . pounds . , Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . , Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting . , acres . . tons . , Sales farms reporting. , tons . . Crass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. , acres . . tons, green weight., Cotton harvested farms reporting . , acres . , bales . , Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting., acres ^ , bushels . , Tobacco harvested farms reporting . , acres , , pounds . , Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . Sales dollars . , Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-' farms reporting., acres . , Grapefruit^ farms reporting . , Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age ntunber . , Trees of bearing age number . , Quantity harvested* field boxes . , Lemons farms reporting . , Trees of all ages number . , Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearine; age number . , Quantity harvested* field boxes . , Oranges , teii5)le^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . , Trees not of bearing age number . , Trees of bearing age number , , Quantity harvested* field boxes . , Oranges, Valencia' farms reporting., Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age number . , Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes , , Oranges , other"' farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . , Trees not of bearing age number . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Tangerines and mandarins^ farms reporting. Trees of all at;es number . Trees not of bearing age number , , Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes . 10,393 5,617 67,216 51,038 3,992 1,290 4,319 2,485 1,422 1,206 547 531 95 91 IS 14 8,576 4,789 31,560 23,185 7,561 4,519 35,656 27,853 11,912 6,809 481,289 399,554 3,669 964 2,537 1,156 2,481 1,745 1,368 1,176 687 641 1,170 1,127 9,106 5,527 289,480 243,722 7,404,697 6 474,617 2,897 2,032 2,660,510 2 470,447 3,494 2,504 49,125 43,652 1,250 970 48,093,407 43 630,316 77,112 71,056 1,723 1,308 73,925 67,869 126,095 117,457 305 225 20,777 18,362 44 44 3,187 3,187 25,242 25,242 2,818 1,986 22,774 19,252 13,080 11,437 1,366 804 29,743 29,4^6 6,528,477 6,497,627 4,028 3,176 17,832 16,636 23,227,059 22 210,700 5,031 3,606 84,631,572 83 666,328 21,867 11,605 709,987 648,746 13,073 7,189 6,168,968 5 853,610 494,073 427,206 5,674,895 5 426,404 30,146,597 29 661,867 2,268 895 357,369 350,039 99,808 95,723 257,561 254,316 215,239 212,411 4,885 2,921 1,562,219 1 479,759 286,050 255,295 1,276,169 1 224,464 3,255,639 3 207,499 12,861 7,804 15,340,665 14 392,807 4,511,813 3 975,142 10,828,852 10 417,665 34,885,101 34 434,932 16,203 8,811 16,892,149 15 147,098 5,056,731 4 063,066 11,835,418 11 084,032 39,989,263 39 069,158 7,059 3,874 1,085,042 994,487 136,371 111,591 948,671 882,896 3,544,438 3 462,873 102 731 29 52 10 11 87 302 84 429 239 18,622 20 76 57 31 16 39 234 16,796 498,390 191 444,580 84 2,189 1,730,785 210 270 300 300 10 365 300 65 180 1,725 13,610 396 810 364 143 12 1,422 5,798 1,397 7,812 2,183 132,266 216 383 561 385 221 417 1,761 77,282 1,882,028 668 791,853 338 2,515 75 2,210,145 2,783 109 2,783 4,674 6 350 44 449 449 2,223 189 1,134 11 127 60 3 11,701 1,035 20 2,366 106 13,322 125,500 18,174,007 32 452 9,350 429,320 37 440 148 1,655 6 10 261 60 200 61 60 120 260 26 108 35 73 70 28 65 24 41 368 135 410 100 210 95 200 245 6,885 65 55 80 35 5 5 235 4,810 83,370 80 22,790 180 ,025 260 4,035 2,990 25 (Z) 115 5 4 5,000 15 4,500 5 350 350 10 1,070 1,070 125 270 1,610 70 151 38 11 225 757 229 853 376 15,846 57 71 102 89 34 23 323 11,531 282,269 139 80,551 332 8,379 590 9,965,400 355 13 355 466 1 40 148 1,098 520 219 21,058 4,658,913 5 6 7,500 156 1,594,014 1,019 39 4,054 15 4,039 11,280 2 22 22 10 16 17 , 591 1,250 16,341 22,416 49 52,094 33,020 19,074 20,075 33 815 21 794 800 144 1,079 67 56 15 2 1 3 120 545 98 534 261 8,703 107 43 46 22 15 28 174 4,975 166,705 58 80,780 106 2,426 5 2,240,360 4,091 91 4,091 5,202 18 1,276 135 65 90 6,164 1,483,225 25 99 102,600 1,686 77,700,731 405 9,810 170 18,746 5,360 13,386 60,252 24 80,089 80,089 50,175 50 2,921 471 2,450 3,951 199 230,437 179,479 50,958 94,699 315 334,335 276,635 57,700 163,128 73 1,284 648 636 1,795 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes mill! equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested, not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. ^Harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958. FLORIDA 101 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] ;For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by type of farm — Continued Fruit -and-nut farms Poultry farms Dairy farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms MisceLlanec3us farms Ll\ F.-^TnCK XKD LI\ F-^TOCK PRODt'CTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1. 1958. to Novembei 30, 1959 faimi number 1 or 5 litters a lo 9 litters 10 to 19 litters !M to 39 litters 40 to 19 litters 70 or not« litters June 2 to N'ovember -in :arms farms 'aims farms 'arms 'arms number December 1 to lune 1 farms number reportinq.. oriitt4?rs.. reoorting.. reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting., of litters., reporting., of litters.. .SPECIFIED CROPS llARVTiTTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Under U acres . . . U to 24 acres . . . . 25 to 49 acres 50 to 7 1 acres 75 to 99 acres .... 100 or more acres . Har\'ested for grain . . . Sales . farms .farms .farms . farms .farms .fanns .farms reporting., rerorting.. reporting., reporting., reporting., renorting. . reporting., acres . , bushels.. 5 reoorting.. bushels. , Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms repcrting . . . acres grown alone . . . acres grown with other crops . . . pounds . . . Hay crops: Land frcjm which hay was cut acres . , . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting . . . acres . . . tons . . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons. . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... acres . . . tons, green weight... Cotton harvested farms reporting . . . acres . . . bales . . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale f ariDS reporting . . . acres^ . . Imshels . . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting . . . acres . . . pounds . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . . Sales dollars . . . Land In bearing and nonbearing fniit ta'chards , groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . . acres . . . Grapefruit farms reporting . . . Trees of all ages ntjmber . . . Trees not of bearing age number . . . Trees of bearing age number . . . Quantity harvested field boxes . . . Lemons farms reporting . . . Trees of all ages ntimber . . . Trees not of bearing age ntimber . . . Trees of bearing age number . . . Quantity harvested^ field boxes . . . Oranges , temple .farms reporting . . . Trees of all ages number . . . Trees not of bearing age ntimber . . . Trees of bearing age niomber . . . Quantity harvested field boxes . . . Oranges , Valencia^ farms reporting . . . Trees of all ages ntimber . . . Trees not of bearing age number . . . Trees of bearing age number . . . Quantity harvested' field boxes . . . Oranges , other farms reporting . . . Trees of all ages number . . . Trees not of bearing age number . . . Trees of bearing age number . . . ftoantlty harvested* field boxes . . . Tangerines and mandarins^ farms reporting... Trees of all ages number . . . Trees not of bearing age number . . . Trees of bearing age number . . . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . . 6i 196 53 6 3 2 41 90 37 106 64 ,343 47 3 39 921 41,648 8 8,700 11 220 5,382 140 5,292 8,148 23 1,530 2 90 500 48 19 2,015 5 7 6,300 141 981,496 8,036 593,033 6,000 5,671,232 401,609 5,269,623 29,157,733 606 265,511 91,782 173,729 161,978 2,504 1,434,494 237,938 1,196,556 3,172,177 6,685 13,480,875 3,435,265 10,045,610 33,788,395 7,027 13,791,067 3,211,410 10,579,657 38,022,954 3,147 952,697 99,060 853,637 3,402,459 172 1,007 46 92 31 2 1 136 483 139 524 162 4,425 87 26 26 5 10 8 124 2,915 89,725 21 20,475 21 245 203, 800 2,092 53 2,092 2,179 18 825 20 65 45 30 5 780 34 136 206,698 46 17,850 447 3,185 266 17,288 1,205 16,083 46,540 67 132 36 96 20 121 5,623 2,720 2,903 2,805 211 56,969 25,500 31,469 71,270 334 119,689 78,980 40,709 99,920 143 2,773 115 2,658 8,980 71 829 23 20 5 22 64 389 45 440 161 13,514 25 27 27 28 6 48 123 8,458 307,420 12 22,000 47 1,790 16,115 182 13,193 29,838 37 2,922 23,830 31 507 298 18 118 149,540 23 14,000 123 2,083 33 9,382 402 8,980 29,470 15 89 26 63 110 16 2,095 775 1,320 957 35 40,294 30,205 10,089 33,136 50 41,091 10,539 30, 552 93,880 32 255 85 170 196 1,582 18,198 290 614 425 187 58 8 1,390 8,351 1,275 9,847 1,700 96,529 211 225 507 331 162 264 1,294 52,142 1,427,466 295 251,375 641 8,873 70 8,262,149 20,588 334 20,588 33,030 70 4,008 330 2,570 1,406 553 62,490 220 370 936,426 672 12,693 147 32,364 5,379 26,985 74,453 33 39 13 26 1 39 6,657 523 6,134 5,025 143 130,504 76,898 53,606 62,255 251 160,625 88,787 71,838 114,258 94 6,525 2,633 3,892 7,400 209 1,035 2,106 10,654 61 144 85 490 37 260 18 128 6 12 2 1 185 913 1,115 4,817 136 897 991 5,837 119 1,177 7,334 86,741 51 54 26 175 16 305 10 213 4 158 12 272 69 1,065 1,670 56,784 44,862 1,470,580 2 530 900 691,143 21 707 417 14,132 200 368,373 14,423,840 9,092 8,499 203 128 8,987 8,429 15,569 14,905 16 44 669 7,921 2 3 105 70 372 540 2 670 16 7,991 9 4,722 3 150 240 483 60,674 109,924 19 435 58 1,831 61,457 2,277,678 81 564 315,465 1,360,376 397 354 12,032 5,114 185 71 45,911 2,213 5,308 143 40,603 2,070 126,646 13,512 31 11 3,481 12 3,431 50 12 27 25 36 3 17, 511 4 8,251 9,260 4 11,256 5 201 37 255,551 50,325 122,646 43,377 132,905 6,948 176,993 27,770 292 106 294,462 121,490 148,966 82,634 145,496 38,856 306,928 58,053 106 52 14,397 156 4,738 3 9,659 153 27,409 391 102 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [DaIa are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See text^ {For definitions and explanations, see text) FARkfS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number... Percent distribution percent. . . Land in fafms acres... Percent distribution percent... Average size of farm acres... Value of land and buildings: Average per fairrt dollars. .. Average per acre dollars. . , Land in fatms according to use: Cropland harvested fanns reporting. . acres . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. .10 to 49 acres farms retorting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . acres. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reforting. . acres . . Other cropland {idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting . . acres.. Word! and not pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres.. Improved pasture farms reporting.. acres. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres.. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. acres.. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reportin'. . acres . . Land in stripccropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number.. llnder i!5 years number.. 95 to :14 years number.. .15 to 41 years number. . 45 to 54 years number.. 55tofi4 years number.. 65 or more years number.. Average age years,. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER 1N(X)ME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting., 1 to 99 days operators reporting. , 100 to 199 days operators reporting . , 900 or more days operators reporting., WiUi other members of family working off farm operators reporting. , With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . , operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural F«Klucts sold , operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 45,006 100.0 15,197,010 100.0 337.7 62,977 223.90 35,751 1,869,004 13,571 5,900 3,728 4,087 4,332 2,509 1,226 257 141 10,352 933,916 11,636 590,860 1,843 102,365 10,493 488,495 10,056 5,091,409 11, 881 1,630,533 11,621 4,094,836 7,727 1,218,131 4,594 410,875 2,574 136,381 1,155 68,686 165 10,688 2,269 154,717 44,155 499 3,336 8,388 11,924 10,538 9,470 53.0 22,939 3,723 2,476 16,740 6,513 11,733 17,548 22,067 3,428 12,028 7,681 8,650 19.2 32,907 0.2 3.8 17,900 4,675.51 6,030 16,694 6,030 430 1,345 555 1,305 60 105 505 1,200 135 420 345 975 516 1,529 210 645 764 2,056 100 335 8,487 85 646 1,457 2,057 1,894 2,346 54.4 4,700 501 406 3,793 1,317 2,709 4,174 3,950 523 2,713 2,158 15,666 34.8 386,667 2.5 24.7 25,444 1,028.36 12,592 165,470 5,437 3,956 2,010 1,189 2,685 32,075 3,650 37,989 327 2,965 3,394 3 5,024 2,096 27,402 3,024 37,849 2,523 31,270 1,341 15,045 1,379 18,628 455 5,980 165 1,930 15 105 365 6,375 15,384 166 1,189 2,790 3,973 3,711 3,555 53.7 8,987 1,140 862 6,985 2,613 4,551 7,266 6,679 997 4,243 2,746 6.1 158,701 1.0 57.8 44,290 767.68 2,263 62,585 471 410 346 607 429 601 12,770 901 17,001 90 1,350 846 15,651 561 13,920 872 20,004 638 14,509 361 7,665 244 6,498 140 5,650 SO 1,925 130 3,885 2,689 30 155 495 648 786 575 54.1 1,381 310 150 921 390 1,365 251 784 70 to 99 acres 294,045 1.9 81.5 3 ,501 473.66 3,041 99,732 557 557 452 661 814 1,062 27, 858 1,245 31,235 177 3,192 1,150 28,043 1,127 33,421 1,403 45,775 1,108 30,227 761 17,130 313 10,939 222 5,852 125 3,300 5 5 305 10,545 3,532 25 272 587 949 913 786 53.3 1,918 395 285 1,238 595 813 1,387 1,690 306 935 FLORIDA 103 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS --jF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See lexlj (For derinilions and explanations, see text) Size of faim-Continued 140 to 179 acres 260 to 499 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. . , Percent distribution percent. . , Lant] in farms acres. . . Percent distribution nercent. . . ■Xvera^e si ;e of farm acres . . Value of land ant] buildings: \verage per farm dollars.. \4erage per acre dollars. . Land in farms according to use: Cropland hanested farms reporting.. acres.. I to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres ; larms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. .W to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres .farms reporting. . 200 io 499 acres farms reporting.. WO to 999 acres faniis reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms renorting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres.. Cmplard not hanested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting.. acres . . 1^'oodland not pastured farms reforting.. acres . . Other nasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops ramis reponing. . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . acres . , Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reriorting. . acres. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FWM OPERiTORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 5 4 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF- FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOVIE Farm operators- Working off their forms, total operators reporting., 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporting. . yfith other members of family working off farm operators reporting., VTith income from sources other than farm operated and of f- farm worit operators reporti ng . , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators refiorting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income fnam sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 2,273 5.1 356,938 2.3 157.0 50,133 318.33 1,915 111,785 201 210 190 320 622 372 92A 36,550 333 33,240 151 3,530 737 29,710 857 43,221 1,095 61,310 938 45,847 612 24,413 159 8,335 206 7,180 135 7,280 10 475 225 13,450 2,255 26 172 431 701 531 394 52.0 1,035 231 1:33 671 281 569 747 1,238 239 512 1,552 3.4 304,815 2.0 196.4 56,934 290.15 1,311 98,391 125 86 105 221 372 363 39 631 33,454 624 27,718 130 5,005 549 22,713 592 41,015 772 52,501 712 34,241 491 20,445 196 14,046 177 6,435 95 5,145 15 860 220 12,355 1,524 31 112 359 489 330 203 50.2 651 180 58 413 187 275 395 901 162 364 1,128 2.5 268,127 1.8 237.7 63,515 266.93 982 89,968 50 61 75 91 332 316 57 494 26,600 483 24, 598 2,462 420 22,136 491 40,483 5&i 32,992 637 39,559 450 23,747 105 7,462 145 6,690 75 6,575 10 510 120 13,055 1,116 10 84 279 395 192 156 50.0 459 126 70 263 110 208 264 669 125 233 2,906 6.5 1,024,852 6.7 352.7 80,444 228.05 2,422 290,527 168 142 140 231 554 687 500 1,204 I 102,410 1,143 90,555 I 315 13,190 980 77,365 1,307 170,253 1,379 167,303 1,504 137,966 1,194 88,881 472 49,612 411 25,915 170 12,215 50 2,700 372 30,565 2,870 51 175 659 949 652 384 50.5 1,257 337 166 754 320 607 713 1,649 310 567 1,715 3.8 1,160,727 7.6 676.8 140,606 209.74 1,402 265,716 109 74 62 138 194 325 369 131 771 138,203 682 81,232 209 17,292 581 63,940 837 244,027 730 156,008 938 201,394 ! 767 116,347 I 385! 59,621 290 30,014 126 15,721 2,235 127 19,535 1,664 7 135 403 478 400 241 51.0 568 101 57 410 149 333 332 1,147 149 453 782 1.7 1,060,949 7.0 1,356.7 356,562 264.58 589 177,522 47 37 37 53 65 95 141 64 50 236 111,010 228 57,169 95 19,386 167 37,783 411 281,339 275 126, 678 454 1 235,839 367 131,164 162 51,175 100 14,323 30 3,497 10 1,143 63 12,270 754 11 71 174 226 166 106 259 49 33 177 62 156 139 523 62 182 982 2.2 9,800,531 64.5 9,980.2 1,143,695 121.85 619 366,265 61 39 36 59 69 82 120 62 91 295 373,931 233 156,038 36 32,138 180 123,900 600 4,154,449 273 876,469 636 3,237,017 493 751,619 183 169,102 68 20,207 24 5,333 3 2,545 37 20,812 925 12 86 165 257 245 160 297 51 36 210 53 133 130 685 68 274 104 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dala are brise*! on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For Herinilions anH expla/iatinns, seo (c\l) Total a!l farms I'nder 10 acres in to fi9 acres 7n to 99 acres F\RMS BV COLOR AND TEXITRE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Fuli owners number.. Pari o«Tiprs nuffbor. . All tenants number, . Cash tenants number. . Share-ca^h tenanls . , .-. number.. Croo-share tenants , number. . Livestock- share tonnnl^ . . number. , Cropners number. , Other anH unspecifiefl tenants number. . Wliite farm ooerators: Full ortiiers . - ,,. number.. Part owner? - .number.. Vll tenants . . number. , Croppers number. . Nonwhit« farm onerators; Full owners number^ . Part owners number.. ,\I1 tenants number. . Cnappers number. . FARMS B^' TWE OF FARM mber. , Cash-(!Tain farms Tobacco farms number.. Cotton farms number.. Other fietd-crop farms number. , Vegetable farms number. . Fruit-and-nut farms number. , Poultry farms number.. Dairy farms number. , Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number. , Livestock ranches number,. General farms number.. Miscellaneous and unclassiried farms number.. SPEQFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAQLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fanns reporLing.. number.. Com pickers farms reporting. . number . , Pick-up balers farms reporting.. number, . Field forage harvesters fanns reportinE;. . number., Motortrucks farms reponins. . number. . Tractors farms Tractors other than garden farms 1 tractor farms 2 tractors fam.'; S tractors farms 4 tractors farms 5 or more tractors farms Wliee! tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Garden tractors , farms reporting. . number. . reporting.. numOer,. reporting.. reporting., reporting., reporti ng . . reporting., reporting., number., reporting.. number., reporting.. number.. Automobiles farms reporting.. number. . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting.. Electnc milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crons) farms reporting, . Power-onerateH elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard .surface farms reoorting., Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting., Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile lo a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting., 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting., F\RM L\BOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms Regular hired workers (employed l'>0 or more days) farms Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker ; farms 2 hired workers farm^ a or 4 hired workers farms ."> to 9 hired workers farms 10 or more hired workers farms reporting., persons., reporting.. persons . , reporting. , reporting,, reporting., reporting., reporting.. RESIDENCE OF F\RM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting., Not residing on farm operated operators reporting,, Operators not reporting residence number., See footnotes at end of table. 35,A69 5,813 1,069 77 165 82 2A9 837 33, 166 5,130 1,978 199 2,303 683 501 50 265 2,366 260 591 1,686 8,191 1,636 763 2,825 1,505 l,3'i3 1,891 908 1,055 1,84.6 1,903 985 1,032 558 705 23,502 36,422 22,829 39,876 20,816 35,820 li,764 3,334. 1,276 532 910 20,600 33,468 1,365 2,352 3,505 4,056 32, 859 41,893 39,074 27,555 22,777 841 813 474 1,550 23,238 2,898 18,019 9,618 8,401 3,573 3,936 450 442 10,179 56,822 6,243 32,147 2,677 1,142 1,073 722 629 34,646 8,155 2,205 7,776 13,555 211 1,030 616 822 316 331 25 35 40 5 10 30 80 230 336 7,331 12,495 151 775 ,196 587 25 50 W5 1,060 60 255 120 235 5 30 45 15 165 85 5 80 85 565 715 3,841 599 683 25 66 519 15 45 15 45 20 20 15 20 2,397 6,473 2,899 7,850 1,573 6,070 1,853 7,866 870 5,148 952 6,181 798 4,492 62 463 10 119 . . . 27 47 830 5,077 902 6,016 45 144 50 165 814 1,469 901 1,685 5,414 12,333 7,846 13,613 6,017 14,069 6,207 9,374 2,871 7,028 25 10 25 30 73 5,656 8,355 540 993 2,288 6,083 1,772 3,463 516 2,620 300 1,210 196 1,155 5 130 15 125 1,081 2,186 2,611 7,322 580 1,031 1,440 3,430 336 544 88 169 109 170 28 93 19 ■ 55 6,761 11,873 1,382 3,056 507 737 2,117 371 212 65 5 45 5 35 57 1,952 306 147 35 165 65 65 65 30 50 142 758 57 6 15 15 35 35 15 15 5 5 1,381 1,770 1,466 1,970 1,391 1,781 1,144 189 25 12 21 1,386 1,756 25 25 184 189 1,891 2,370 2,336 1,520 1,369 6 6 15 27 1,200 231 1,276 665 611 236 320 20 35 553 2,022 243 689 136 65 26 12 4 2,109 474 163 2,827 546 151 61 10 5 10 25 40 2,542 476 126 25 285 70 25 30 260 40 85 176 589 82 41 15 15 90 90 25 25 11 11 2,156 2,633 2,231 2,933 2,146 2,716 1,785 235 54 51 U 2,126 2,656 55 60 209 217 2,417 2,994 3,157 1,325 2,065 56 46 25 55 1,437 211 1,903 893 1,010 400 505 70 35 767 2,010 386 899 212 71 54 45 4 2,991 452 165 FLORIDA 105 state Table 2(l.-P^ARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued (ntitft fire based on reports for nnly a sample of fanits. See leKtJ (For Hefinitinns anH o\p!annlions, see te\() Size of farm— Continued 140 to 179 acres 18(1 to 219 acres V'O to 499 acres 5nn to 999 acres FARMS BV rOI.On AM) TKNllRF, OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners numlier. . Part owners nupulior, . M\ tenants numlier. . Cash tenants numiier. . Share-cash tenants number., Oop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants ... number. . Croppers number. . Other antt unspecified tenants . , numlwr.. IVhile farm operators: Full owTiers number.. Part owners number. . \11 tenants number.. Croppers number, . Nonwhite farm operators- Full owners number.. Part owners number . . \ll tenants number. . Croppers number . . FARMS BV T^PE OF F\RM Cash-srain farms number . . Tobacco farms number. . Cotton farms number.. Other field-crop farms number. . Vegetable farms number., Fniit^and-nut faims number. . Poulti^' farms number. . Dairy farms number. . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number. Livestock ranches number.. General farms number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. SPEaFIED EQtlPMENT .AND F.\CILITIES VJD KIND OF RO\D Grain combines far-ns reportine . number . Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reportinj;. number. Field foraee harvesters farms renortLnit. number. Nkjtortrucks farms reportinfi. number . reoortin?. number. Tractors - farms Tractors other than Harden farms 1 tractor farms 2 tractors farms :S tractors farms 4 tractors farm: .") or more tractors farm; WTieel tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Garden tractors farms Automobiles farms Automobiles and or motortmcks fanns Telephone farms Home freezer farms Milking machine fatms Electric milk cooler farms Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) Farms Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface ^^'^'^ Gravel, shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved farms Less than 1 mile to a hard surface toad farms 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms 1 mite farms 2 or ? miles farm; 4 miles farm n or more miles farm F.WM LABOR, WEEK PRF/IDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms Regular hired workers (employed l-W or more day.s) farms Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farm: 2 hired workers fanns ^ or I hired workers farms .^ to 9 hired workers farms 10 or more hired workers farms RE.SIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. reporting. . number. . reporting., reporting., renorti np . . report! ng . . reporting. . reporting.. number., renorting.. number. . reporti ng . . number. . reporting. . number., reporting., reporting-, refxirtin;:., reporti ng . . reporting., reporting., reporting. reporting., reporting., renorting.. reporting., reporti ng . , reporting., reporting., reporting. , reriorti ng . reporting. persons, reporting. persons. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. 1,623 507 97 48 5 5 10 5 24 1,513 447 87 105 60 10 5 25 316 35 80 102 302 21 260 120 150 40 60 60 180 180 51 51 28 38 1,626 2,002 1,721 2,391 1,676 2,295 1,311 233 61 34 37 1,671 2,229 59 66 89 96 1,487 1,831 2,090 1,161 1,408 98 93 35 108 965 138 1,146 492 654 257 341 40 16 570 2,230 330 977 142 77 63 26 22 1,838 347 1,052 371 93 28 20 15 5 25 1,007 341 83 5 45 30 10 10 240 10 74 54 257 42 69 165 60 180 40 60 60 160 160 27 37 61 71 1,123 1,656 1,246 2,014 1,216 1,869 855 232 68 27 34 1,211 1,773 67 96 103 145 1,182 1,517 1,455 862 1,071 74 69 25 129 678 101 754 291 463 156 245 16 46 513 3,396 331 1,054 138 80 56 44 13 1,236 239 77 745 291 44 16 5 720 276 44 10 225 30 30 176 22 61 125 41 140 13 60 80 170 170 66 66 27 35 916 1,318 973 1,642 948 1,541 598 233 59 27 31 948 1,505 32 36 69 101 785 1,017 1,077 707 792 66 66 45 136 442 49 601 325 276 110 131 25 385 1,630 265 952 101 54 58 35 17 910 175 43 1,771 875 125 34 11 10 30 40 1,740 850 115 25 31 25 10 5 51 471 25 55 210 400 23 155 435 203 275 101 221 266 542 552 193 194 111 113 2,420 3,915 2,506 4,992 2,481 4,826 1,273 730 252 78 143 2,471 4,558 216 268 143 166 2,334 3,020 2,792 1,781 2,040 175 160 101 408 1,326 160 1,348 561 787 299 393 50 45 1,246 5,938 360 3,567 3 83 138 127 127 85 2,189 606 111 936 503 75 42 5 6 6 16 931 493 75 6 5 5 10 225 5 36 101 282 33 154 259 263 115 209 229 295 315 229 233 111 141 1,498 3,354 1,482 4,273 1,460 4,147 484 408 284 106 178 1,449 3,784 207 363 101 126 1,451 2,275 1,659 1,226 1,197 163 159 70 306 923 142 589 231 303 131 131 27 19 991 6,956 763 3,916 239 131 136 128 129 1,227 402 86 411 242 23 18 1 1 3 410 239 22 1 9 43 15 50 146 99 238 43 23 ICH 129 97 106 127 137 63 80 693 2,092 638 2,436 680 2,355 207 166 113 62 127 677 2,108 135 247 56 81 658 1,167 751 574 503 57 56 36 107 413 64 269 99 170 60 77 13 20 518 5,609 423 3,243 121 79 75 51 97 491 233 53 106 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fData are based on reports for only a sajnpic of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Under 10 acres 10 Co 19 acres 50 to 69 acres 100 to 1.19 acres USE OF COMMERQAL FERTILIZER ANB LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing mpterials used during the year farms reporting. acres on which used, tons. Dry materials ; farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Other pasture [not cropland) farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. Ions. Liquid materials farms reporting. Ions . Com ....,,... farms reporting. acres . Dt> materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Soybeans farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Irish potatoes farms reporting. acres . l>y materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. All other crops farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. acres limed, tons. SPEariED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting . dollars. Under SlOO farms reporting. $100 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to 51,999 farms reporting. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. S5,000 or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under 51,000 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. $10,000 or more farms reporting. Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Under $200 farms reporting. $200 (o $999 fanns reporting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Hired labor farms reporting. dol 1 ars . Under $200 farms reporti ng . $200 to $499 fanns refmrting. $,')00 to 5999 fanns reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 fanns reporting. $10,000 to 519,999 .fanns reporting. $20,000 to $49,999 fanns reporting. $50,000 or more fanns reporting. Seeds, bulbs, plants, end trees farms reporting . dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. $100 to $499 ; fanns reporting. $500 to $899 fanns reporting. $1,(00 or more farms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. dollars . Under $100 farms reporting. $100 to. 5499 fanns reporting. $50) to $999 fanns reporting. $1,000 to $4,999 fanns reporting. $5,000 or more farms reporting. See footnotea at end of table. 3*, 041 2,466,439 1,031,516 33,778 1,070,446 1,456 11,070 3,841 320,869 3,759 65,118 208 1,255 4,382 605,461 4,273 100,546 250 2,861 9,315 395, 068 9,216 67,399 479 2,392 432 21,810 422 4,816 15 26 398 27,566 398 28,617 7 10 27,329 1,096,126 27, 163 803,950 718 4,026 7,801 488,738 471,435 44,274 23,771 70,389,061 5,880 12,660 1,545 1,425 2,261 10,392 35,509,619 7,586 1,084 575 503 644 19,710 23,308,399 8,993 6,580 4,137 23,780 112,917,705 6,696 4,605 2,967 3,653 2,269 1,474 1,000 746 370 16,358 13,136,265 7,311 5,619 1,429 1,999 39,883 18,913,241 18,955 13,173 3,608 3,638 509 5,587 15,631 12,973 5,527 12,323 205 150 180 550 175 255 5 5 170 545 165 216 125 420 120 131 5 5,182 14,111 5,127 12,220 200 136 475 1,405 1,215 8,340 2,569 5,702,040 690 1,135 120 230 394 1,339 1,131,525 1,075 150 66 40 3,468 592,710 2,560 846 62 2,929 3,672,955 1,567 501 270 247 160 103 53 17 6 2,019 1,389,095 985 532 187 315 7,2*9 740,040 5,616 1,341 174 117 1 11,426 161,043 109,456 11,356 103,240 300 1,216 650 3,510 640 2,683 15 19 731 9,245 716 2,433 20 13 2,055 20,095 2,045 3,802 10 18 55 890 55 201 60 650 60 526 9,510 121,653 9,465 98,595 255 1,166 2,404 34,508 32,939 15,361 6,914 10,998,277 2,472 3,487 245 221 489 2,788 2,618,200 2,265 261 141 76 45 7,143 4,427,635 3,238 2,4.46 1,459 6,974 12,172,457 2,355 1,566 1,001 1,142 455 255 124 55 21 4,503 2,765,513 2,803 1,135 212 353 13,2A5 2,224,616 8,443 3,769 647 360 26 2,161 64,355 37,555 2,141 37,184 56 371 200 4,300 200 776 5 15 175 3,500 175 810 645 11,300 645 2,011 5 3 30 750 30 118 30 520 30 534 1,726 43,485 1,711 32,935 46 353 441 13,195 12,710 2,691 1,323 1,702,080 460 700 75 35 53 523 420,230 455 16 25 26 1 1,221 1,371,730 471 386 364 1,456 2,398,849 365 240 200 321 236 73 11 900 579,700 561 246 25 68 2,381 570,625 1,060 951 263 100 2 2,855 97,813 51,158 2,335 51,033 68 120 306 6,832 296 1,518 11 24 400 3,760 330 1,521 20 28 1,245 25,240 1,245 4,835 20 56 50 1,080 50 201 50 1,665 50 1,677 2,175 54,236 2,175 41,286 22 12 623 19,310 18,057 3,583 2,239 2,503,225 795 1,286 30 30 98 894 524,255 752 30 35 26 1 1,445 1,367,325 671 456 318 1,912 4,013,864 655 400 196 227 204 114 98 16 2 1,617 463,655 905 511 90 111 3,243 847,404 1,352 1,443 240 192 11 2,472 123,483 63,071 2,442 62,788 96 283 286 3,545 271 1,945 25 56 296 7,965 286 1,831 20 27 1,115 35,860 1,100 6,560 45 lU 70 2,560 65 556 5 5 41 2,015 41 2,113 1,969 66,838 1,954 49,733 21 84 615 22,653 21,347 2,983 1,932 3,141,750 485 1,212 60 46 129 765 955,065 635 51 30 21 28 1,437 1,688,487 615 480 342 1,840 5,334,530 530 415 200 226 215 140 58 52 4 1,370 691,206 615 540 96 119 2,778 1,059,164 799 1,474 272 225 FLORIDA 107 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports For only a sample of famis. Se« text | (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of faim-Continued 140 to 179 acres 220 to 259 acres ) to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over I'SE OF C0«MF,Ra4L FERTILIZER AND LIHE Commercial fertilizer and fertilizinf; materials used during the year farms reporting. acres on which used, tons. !>>■ materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Crops on which used- Hay and cnDpland pasture farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid matenals farms reporting. tons. Other pasture (not cropland] farms reforting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. lAns. Liquid matenals farms reporting. tons. Com farms reporti ng . acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Soybeans farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Irish ptrt&'toes farms reporting. acres . Dr^' materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid mat«rials farms reporting. tons. All other crops farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. acres limed, tons. SPEaFIED F \RM EXPENDITURES Any of the Following specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed For livestock and poultry Farms reporting. dollars. Under ^100 farms reporting. .«100 to ?999 farms reporting . $1,000 to Sl,999 farms reporting. 52,000 to S4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more ., .farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under $l,cno farms reporting. $1,000 to «2,499 farms reporting. $2,.500 to $4,999 farms reporting. '■5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. 510,000 or more Farms reporting. Machine hire Farms reporting. dollars. Under $200 Farms reporting. $200 to .$999 farms reporting. 51,000 or more farms reporting. Hired labor Farms reporting. dollars. Under $200 farms reporting. 5200 to $499 farms reporti ng. $500 to .5999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2, 499 fnrms reporting. $2,-500 to $4.999 Farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. $10,000 to $19,999 faims reporting. $20,000 to $49,999 fnrms reporting. 5.50,000 or more farms reporting, 5eeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms renorting. tlollw. Under $100 faims reporting. $100 to «499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. 51,000 or more farms reporting. fia.soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business faims reporting. dol I ars . Under 5100 farms reporting. Sintl Lo «-l99 farms reporting. 5.5fr) 10^099 farms reporting. 51,000 to $1,999 farms reforting. $5,000 or mote farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 1,850 10S,U8 43,231 1,345 47,897 81 334 253 8,000 248 1,745 15 68 335 11,691 325 2,951 20 43 906 35,020 901 6,433 40 US 35 1,485 35 374 45 2,260 45 2,663 1,363 49,662 1,368 33,731 36 105 520 20,423 13,210 2,268 1,644 2,556,680 355 1,008 135 60 86 675 893,315 536 65 25 34 15 900 669,430 451 276 173 1,479 3,640,619 401 362 190 201 136 82 66 36 5 1,035 486,437 390 476 73 96 2,162 819,373 583 1,090 314 170 5 1,323 101,470 43,611 1,313 48,334 51 277 248 11,035 243 2,871 16 20 262 8,605 262 1,651 641 30,845 631 4,943 25 214 51 2,815 51 587 40 1,216 40 1,331 1,026 47,115 1,016 36,951 15 43 356 17,974 16,353 1,552 1,143 2,779,137 155 750 76 46 116 514 944,315 330 40 41 22 31 661 835,266 205 238 163 1,116 4,536,433 235 230 150 136 96 92 63 50 9 303 391,637 287 393 72 51 1,492 830,829 282 708 270 219 13 1,008 94,981 38,513 1,002 38,262 86 251 193 9,605 193 1,752 5 26 256 12,112 241 2,371 25 76 520 30,910 505 4,963 40 109 45 2,255 45 602 5 6 10 750 10 755 760 39,349 759 27,319 16 34 305 15,228 15,460 1,123 899 2,846,070 120 550 70 61 93 482 1,054,437 360 55 15 16 36 523 594,406 130 285 108 861 3,239,753 160 190 135 160 56 71 53 26 10 699 382,137 195 343 102 59 1,088 735,773 176 460 242 199 11 2,480 312,393 127, 122 2,454 125,573 222 1,549 576 34,380 570 7,105 29 173 686 45,015 676 3,133 30 121 1,189 86,512 1,169 13,356 150 642 55 5,725 50 1,385 5 15 45 3,035 45 3,613 5 5 1,812 137, 676 1,802 91,976 43 593 853 51,494 50,419 2,395 2,189 7,883,005 255 1,331 224 174 205 1,067 3,354,461 680 135 51 86 115 1,317 2,494,820 413 539 365 2,210 13,171,677 220 436 351 429 230 163 169 167 45 1,702 1,449,993 407 732 261 252 2,324 2,343,591 375 1,086 597 711 55 1,466 336,755 143,978 1,464 141,762 155 2,216 441 61,754 423 12,582 40 311 425 53,155 419 10,063 59 390 534 63,000 569 10,666 87 347 25 1,975 25 233 34 8,296 34 8,234 1,032 143,575 1,021 99,929 30 663 559 56,544 51,649 1,715 1,360 11,113,593 62 682 180 195 241 635 5,467,179 251 113 63 82 126 346 3,042,404 155 323 363 1,452 16,313,081 145 153 171 258 227 148 102 156 92 946 1,700,535 94 408 176 268 1,676 2,717,756 172 435 312 644 11^ 654 250,985 119,137 650 117,734 64 1,353 222 41,430 216 9,025 13 203 262 65,859 257 11,694 17 511 173 25,233 170 4,576 29 402 11 1,604 11 365 19 3,766 19 3,976 1 2 401 113,038 397 33,148 16 235 274 49,886 49,246 781 637 7,106,214 19 271 124 107 116 298 5,569,952 104 51 34 29 30 348 1,935,739 49 133 166 675 12,211,911 35 70 50 108 127 90 59 70 66 335 1,154,845 37 143 79 126 768 1,310,746 49 195 137 290 97 759 799,412 281,711 749 278,761 72 2,950 286 125,928 279 22,861 24 335 334 374,009 371 56,317 34 1,651 117 30,078 116 5,123 23 364 5 671 19 3,333 19 3,194 1 3 363 265,388 368 190,627 13 597 371 186,113 133,830 982 872 12,046,990 12 248 156 220 236 412 12,571,635 93 67 49 45 158 401 4,288,447 35 117 249 376 31,661,576 23 42 53 148 127 143 134 93 103 379 1,681,407 32 110 56 181 977 4,213,324 48 216 135 411 167 108 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lex( i [For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms 10 to 49 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars.. average per faim, dollarE . . All crops sold .dollars . . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dajry, sold dollars. , LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. , Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting. . number. . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. number. . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. . number,. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . -10 to 49 head farms reporting, , 50 to 71 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reoorting. . Milk cxjws- 1 head farms reporti ng . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . .50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. IfD or more head fatms reporting. . Horses and/or mutes farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting,. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old fatms reporting.. number,. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number.. Ewes , . farms roportinir.. number. , Rams and wethers farms reporting. . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars, . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms mmrting. , number. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ farms renorting.. pounds . , dollars, . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms rpixirting.. dozens, , dni I ars . . See footnotes at end of table. 709,517,617 15,765 523,653,885 58,6*2,768 84,631,572 318,128,446 62,251,099 185,863,732 33,805,472 70,345,924 81,712,336 20,472 1,518,039 18,909 852,583 8,817 187,504 16, 588 345,859 15, 762 319,597 1,073 4,025 4,093 3,707 3,506 1,487 2,030 551 3,100 8,375 2,598 1,134 980 662 349 1,711 4,012 4,004 23 20 73 120 103 462 10,652 27, 820 13,703 411,034 10,082 216,626 12,688 194,408 178 7,216 104 1,495 162 5,721 150 4,611 120 1,110 16,589 5,594,021 15,961 663,781 69,303,795 10,829 405,012 11,745,348 91 2,289 27,468 1,151 1,087,829,513 70,345,924 3,192 6,105,275 4,546 67,974,968 26,510,238 26,249,535 3,035 17,456,268 111,841 599,355 5,220,200 11,524,872 8,793,267 7,837,536 11,160 944,571 985 6,975 760 2,690 420 660 700 2,560 565 1,725 155 290 360 120 55 5 310 410 30 5 255 165 465 1,U5 1,026 22,220 766 11,045 921 11,175 10 65 5 10 10 55 10 45 2,028 1,333,435 605 5,605 292,615 766 20,280 588,120 5 40 480 40 189,809 11,160 909 1,062,566 982 17,328,195 6,757,995 89,576,283 5,718 71,498,234 1,475,079 3,889,105 47,245,378 18,888,672 18,078,049 14,192,858 595,490 3,289,701 5,362 44,588 4,662 19,500 2,468 5,561 3,827 14,356 3,388 10,732 561 1,871 1,497 1,026 346 41 20 1,531 2,779 270 35 6 20 16 1,352 1,096 5 5 5 2,834 4,786 3,718 45,894 2,346 23,487 3,323 22,407 50 235 25 110 35 125 30 100 5,527 2,477,907 3,470 21,690 2,017,600 2,268 39,672 1,150,488 5 5 60 145 9,954,249 595,490 1,141 1,970,176 1,520 30,444,608 11,873,397 23,074,081 8,403 19,857,899 900,359 1,755,146 14,618,794 2,583,600 3,216,182 1,906,077 286,455 1,023,650 1,236 15,280 1,151 6,950 571 1,510 945 5,020 856 3,310 105 320 330 250 185 35 11 275 645 175 45 5 5 290 275 5 1 658 1,187 885 14,425 600 7,130 810 7,295 5 30 5 10 5 20 5 10 5 10 1,132 268,375 871 6,480 627,260 680 12,910 374,390 26 4,251,253 286,455 177 481,362 242 2,935,115 1,144,695 32,561,812 9,025 27,285,997 2,131,830 2,720,470 13,853,016 3,580,681 5,275,815 1,467,367 1,707,825 2,100,123 2,113 32,430 1,998 17,502 1,011 6,180 1,707 9,501 1,613 5,477 70 475 590 502 395 40 41 260 1,282 300 75 35 5 20 21 465 505 5 5 10 21 997 1,917 1,601 30,296 1,131 16,736 1,525 13,560 5 5 1,912 402,290 1,533 12,914 1,096,300 1,271 29,095 843,755 71 24,777,523 1,707,825 187 159,078 401 3,348,460 1,305,899 36,507,629 12,177 29,794,454 3,053,690 3,357,315 20,404,942 2,978,507 6,713,175 2,018,476 2,551,432 2,143,267 1,915 36,361 1,774 20,905 845 8,961 1,595 9,641 1,505 5,815 60 336 450 522 346 S6 65 215 1,CK2 296 85 56 35 20 25 325 445 10 25 15 25 374 2,099 1,347 34,514 1,045 17,760 1,297 16,754 5 105 5 5 5 100 5 75 5 25 1,438 174,050 1,458 14,532 1,155,360 1,205 31,835 923,215 5 25 300 120 41,354,660 2,551,432 218 906,282 342 1,558,050 607,639 FLORIDA 109 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fomis. See lextj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of faini^>}ntiiiued 140 to 179 acres 220 to 259 acres S60 to 4S9 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over ESTIKUTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars., average per farm, dollars. , All crops sold dollars. , Field crttps, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . . Vegetables sold dollar^.. Fnjils and nuts sold dollars. , Forest nroducts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . , All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy pnsducLs sold dollars,, Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. , Milk cows farms reporting. . number. . Heifers and heifer calves ., farms reporting. . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. . number. . Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reoorting. . 20 to 49 head farms reporting,. 50 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting. , 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows including heifers that have CRlved~ 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head .farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting., 30to49head farms report! ng . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . lOu or more head farms reporting. , Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms refiorting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reoorting. . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reoorting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and/or mules farms reporting., number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting,. number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . number. , Bom before June 1 farms reporting, , number. . Sheep and lambs.. farms reporting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reoorting. . number. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting., number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number, , Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting, . numt>er.. dol 1 ars , . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number. . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars, . Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. . pounds.. dollars. . Chickens including broilers sold .farms reporting. . dollars. , Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens.. dollars.. See fnotiiotes at end of table. 26,271,327 11,558 19,786,952 3,532,L39 3,652,120 11, 554, 529 1,048,164 6,484,375 325,341 3,318,439 2,840,595 1,629 40,671 1,554 23,812 756 10,549 1,350 10,292 1,307 6,567 40 236 316 402 420 145 69 1 165 753 336 105 95 45 15 40 301 355 5 10 10 25 15 35 655 1,466 1,174 37,471 912 19,600 1,119 17,871 29,791,419 19,196 22,506,986 3,510,175 3,601,423 13,831,924 1,563,464 7,284,433 1,779,640 3,175,697 2,329,096 1,133 39,189 1,087 20,864 539 9,104 946 12,111 950 6,214 25 161 185 246 320 101 89 6 100 460 256 120 55 27 35 34 175 290 5 5 5 15 20 2A 615 1,171 806 30,373 585 16,205 756 14,168 5 21 175 1,390 5 11 45 225 5 21 130 1,165 5 16 110 688 5 21 20 477 1,134 743 96,725 195,586 1,292 931 18,253 17,381 1,773,955 1,400,140 1,043 725 35,827 31,860 1,038,983 923,940 5 10 75 120 900 1,440 125 89 56,618,312 47,716,262 3,318,439 3,175,697 lis 117 30,537 735,655 233 177 743,765 2,670,040 290,069 1,041,315 23,078,142 20,459 15,999,176 2,432,629 1,754,821 10,466,401 1,345,325 7,078,966 862,952 3,485,146 2,730,868 893 34,719 872 20,871 491 9,758 808 8,641 775 5,207 20 110 105 185 260 131 82 90 315 170 115 91 35 10 46 235 190 10 10 10 36 369 786 681 32,391 575 18,150 641 14,241 612 152,555 743 17,015 1,478,517 635 43, 115 1,250,335 81 54,057,944 3,485,146 67 84,408 V.1 1,974,395 770,014 I 78,638,572 27,061 57,514,833 9,054,219 11,852,776 33,002,056 3,605,782 21,123,739 1,065,557 11,774,527 8,283,655 2,286 136,699 2,205 77,244 918 30,823 2,053 34,745 2,053 24,710 16 155 218 309 310 413 351 14 111 531 561 310 302 168 36 186 356 402 1 20 15 124 1,098 2,637 1,374 73,529 1,204 41,175 1,274 32,354 10 160 5 60 10 100 10 90 10 10 1,223 135,071 2,110 63,197 6,082,056 1,253 72,735 2,109,315 15 180 2,160 187 190,407,708 11,774,527 124 424,259 293 1,612,315 628,803 94,335,050 55,006 64,210,017 10,538,800 15,048,917 34,570,392 4,051,908 30,125,033 1,009,922 19,033,871 10,081,240 1,381 186, 003 1,341 112,425 462 44,045 1,250 41,190 1,282 32,388 12 12 32 116 271 324 552 62 33 119 148 172 224 202 99 344 135 162 6 5 20 25 109 841 2,866 665 51, 102 583 26,757 628 24,345 28 724 17 235 28 489 28 404 23 85 496 153,221 1,354 92,941 8,626,136 629 49,591 1,438,139 16 693 8,316 170 293,738,167 19,033,871 85 61,937 Ul 2,424,949 945,731 72,262,165 92,407 50,883,433 4,720,484 10,549,857 31,487,650 4,125,442 21,378,732 733,895 11,102,205 9,542,632 657 154,996 638 93,108 174 27, 199 594 30,123 618 31,765 2 3 10 20 70 121 360 71 46 79 72 50 313 64 58 1 1 2 3 45 485 1,964 218 14,467 167 7,391 199 7,076 14 728 9 106 14 622 14 575 12 47 177 122,342 654 79,369 9,077,299 184 15,270 442,830 10 274 3,283 54 169,680,039 11,102,205 19 66,923 36 1,705,758 665,246 177,171,602 180,419 126,859,636 17, 181, 523 25,850,267 76,873,164 6,954,682 50,311,966 605,351 13,303,677 36,402,938 882 790,078 867 436,712 162 33,154 813 167,679 350 185,637 7 6 9 28 45 390 397 2 13 12 21 32 48 43 696 59 61 2 3 37 761 5,796 208 24,352 168 11,190 195 13,162 24 3,593 17 689 23 2,904 21 2,505 18 399 167 31,964 385 314,404 35,676,557 170 22,822 661,338 20 877 10,524 43 194,583,087 13,303,677 30 122,092 32 1,229,318 479,435 110 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DatA are based on reports for only a sample of famis. :See text (For ijerinitions and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK .Vm LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-ConUnued Litters faifowed Decembet 1, 1958, to Novembet 30, 1959 . . . .fams reporting. . number of litters. . t or 2 litters farms reporting. . S to 9 litters farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to 39 litters farms reporting. . 40 to 89 litters farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting. . June 2 to November 80 farms report] ng . . number of litters. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters.. SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Under 11 acres . . 11 to 24 acres , . . 25 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 74 acres . . . 75 lo 99 acres . . . 100 or more acres Harvested for grain . . purposes farms reporting.. acres . . "arms reporting. . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting.. ) reporting., 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting. . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels.. Peanuts harvested for plchlng or threshing farms reportlDg. . acres grown alone . . acres grown with other crops . . pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting. ■ acres . . tc]ns. . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres . . tons, green weight . . Cotton harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for heme use CJr for sale farms reporting . . acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting.. acres . . pounds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and ncanbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-^ farms reporting . . acres . . Grapefruit^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested field boxes . . Lemons^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested^ field boxes . . Oranges, temple^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees ncrt of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges, Valencia^ farms reporting.., Trees of all ages number . . , Trees not of bearing age number . . , Trees of bearing age number . . , Qtantity harvested field boxes. . , Oranges , other-' farms reporting . . , Trees of all ages number . . , Trees not of bearing age number... Trees of bearing age number. . ^antlty harvested* field boxes . . Tangerines and mandarine^ farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number . . , Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes.. Total all farms 10,393 67,216 3,992 4,319 1,422 547 95 18 8,576 31,560 7,561 35,656 11,912 481,289 3,669 2,537 2,481 1,368 687 1,170 9,106 289,480 7,404,697 2,897 2,660,510 3,494 49,125 1,250 48,093,407 77,112 1,723 73,925 126,095 305 20,777 3,187 25,242 2,818 22,774 13,080 1,366 29,743 6,528,477 4,028 17,832 23,227,059 5,031 84,631,572 21,867 709,987 13,073 6,168,968 494,073 5,674,895 30,146,597 2,268 357,369 99,808 257,561 215,239 4,885 1,562,219 286,050 1,276,169 3,255,639 12,861 15,340,665 4,511,813 10,828,852 34,885,101 16,203 16,892,149 5,056,731 11,835,418 39,989,263 7,059 1,085,042 136,371 948,671 3,544,438 Under 10 acres 721 2,873 420 256 35 5 5 621 1,547 401 1,326 215 695 215 145 495 13,180 20 3,125 45 45 20 80,900 90 25 90 140 102 90,650 355 599,355 5,218 13,360 3,627 130, 833 16,220 114,613 455,940 841 5,166 3,355 1,811 4,265 1,312 34,894 8,500 26,394 43,030 2,927 236,642 52,060 184,582 481,770 4,118 414,313 129,225 285,088 681,820 1,927 25, UO 4,100 21,010 54,710 2,396 6,729 1,630 676 60 30 1,796 3,602 1,391 3,127 2,880 27,470 1,880 875 125 2,080 17,055 311,265 570 90,180 545 2,235 255 2,006,945 1,375 175 1,375 2,325 45 965 570 2,015 1,065 365 664 151,105 475 708 691,175 1,476 3,889,105 8,584 108,111 5,367 1,042,306 93,125 949,181 4,213,310 862 12,908 4,566 8,342 5,471 1,823 211,110 24,290 186,820 403,680 5,560 2,316,307 693,740 1,622,567 4,975,620 6,767 3,054,899 993,350 2,061,549 6,306,862 2,598 168,705 18,045 150,660 448,785 630 2,450 350 245 15 15 5 480 1,195 420 1,255 805 14,225 320 250 215 20 600 8,810 166,260 185 52,495 215 1,630 40 1,530,235 270 1,455 815 135 540 102,085 180 338 338,245 327 ,755,146 1,313 35,880 797 352, ISO 23,200 328,980 1,471,180 75 1,995 1,505 490 195 310 53,815 15,250 38,565 110,990 848 697, 123 190,430 506,693 1,454,086 1,047 965,750 312,190 653,560 2,074,685 4 75 39,175 1,520 37,655 144,865 1,241 5,103 520 636 1,001 2,631 921 2,472 1,610 33,350 535 465 520 75 15 1,165 18,390 353,585 245 76,440 410 3,050 25 2,558,530 1,400 111 1,180 1,600 15 100 5 220 3,300 395 2,160 1,130 165 1,688 291,140 471 1,024 1,182,375 481 2,720,470 1,387 39,273 777 409,105 41,035 368,070 2,101,109 116 12,360 140 12,220 7,125 328 67,654 23,398 44,256 102,249 821 797,046 172,595 624,451 2,128,163 915 957,077 290,775 666,302 2,274,060 470 92,377 6,604 85,773 282,854 ^Includes mlllc equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Doea not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does ntrt include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 'Harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958. FLORIDA 111 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data lire based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lextj [For ileFinitions and explanations, see text) Size of farm-Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres . 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over Under U acres , . . 11 to 24 acres .... 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acr¥s 100 or more acre?* . Harvested for grain , . . LlN'ESTOrK \S0 LI\'E?TOrK PRODliCTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1. 1958. to November 30, 1959 ....farms reporting.. number of titters.. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting.. 3 to 9 litters .farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to .^9 litters .fanns reporting.. 40 to (59 litters fajms reporting. . 70 or more litters farms reporting.. June 2 to November 30 farms reporti ng . . number of litters.. December I to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters. , spEanED CROPS iurvested Com for al I purposes famis reoorti ng . . acres . . 'arms teporting.. 'amis reporting.. 'arms reporti ng . . arms reporting.. arms reporting.. 5 reporting.. s reporting. . acres . . bushels,. Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting.. acres grown alone . . acres grown with other crops., pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting . . acres , , tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres . . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting . . acres , . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for hone use or for sale .*........ farms reporting . . acres . bushe] 3 . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres . . pounds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchartis, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . acres . . Grapefruit^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Lemans^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . (iiantity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges , temple^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees ncTt of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Ciiantity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges, Valencia^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Identity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges , other farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . liiantity harvested* field boxes . . Tangerines and mandarins^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . (Quantity harvested field boxes . . 9»4 6,945 185 572 181 51 827 2,951 834 3,994 1,161 46,556 156 240 320 290 125 30 820 24,445 576,140 285 206,450 415 6,235 6,709,455 1,795 120 1,695 2,260 20 125 5 100 400 305 3,000 1,685 110 2,313 446,635 486 1,430 1,789,705 377 3,652,120 750 26,243 316 211,638 26,341 185,297 938,821 57 8,696 3,040 5,656 6,550 129 75,561 33,385 42,176 72,467 357 545,153 111,972 433,181 1,221,388 463 728,018 209,275 518,743 1,556,803 233 60,104 18,225 41,879 149,901 530 4,980 160 305 130 20 15 530 2,280 515 2,700 757 37,825 80 110 215 171 91 90 641 21,510 559,705 231 183,325 296 4,445 100 4,654,390 2,382 80 2,382 2,207 10 1,200 220 1,720 960 120 1,218 275,384 360 1,470 1,959,870 252 3,601,423 576 28,699 268 278,738 24,401 254,337 1,471,915 52 47,898 5,373 42,525 38,025 126 123,645 9,891 113,754 171,138 276 482,343 98,869 383,474 1,344,175 350 687,028 161,767 525,261 1,852,079 177 27,915 2,266 25,649 146,987 590 5,635 80 250 215 45 535 2,560 490 3,075 610 39,395 50 45 135 155 95 130 540 22,740 540,250 215 154,880 235 4,425 2,525 66 2,400 5,180 25 1,350 5 125 1,400 150 1,890 1,055 60 752 125,430 310 1,079 1,473,135 195 1,754,821 393 23,596 203 234,081 19,365 214,716 963, 195 20 21,215 20,000 1,215 12,510 57 52,171 8,110 44,061 157,068 191 461,269 130,704 330,565 994,237 243 598,476 244,186 354,290 1,473,773 83 27,977 115 27,862 95,730 1,169 12,828 157 470 346 181 15 1,038 5,797 982 7,031 1,431 104,384 94 151 301 247 217 421 1,143 61,189 1,548,843 478 594,115 430 8,215 215 7,779,725 11,050 326 10,830 18,666 67 4,928 2 220 1,600 270 3,745 2,440 91 3,451 806,121 733 4,178 5,611,636 593 11,852,776 1,033 71,606 415 582,930 30,224 552,706 3,041,567 47 119,866 35,475 84,391 59,991 172 162,781 16,230 146,551 454,977 438 1,504,512 433,920 1,070,592 3,451,860 584 1,900,091 556,050 1,344,041 4,285,603 270 113,827 9,339 104,488 380,874 580 7,908 76 221 130 127 26 525 3,308 490 4,600 659 68,917 56 51 72 112 76 292 555 47,185 1,292,289 180 519,096 239 6,105 130 6,650,775 17,123 243 15,964 27, 103 27 1,956 11 1,159 7,930 125 2,240 1,585 59 9,924 2,445,326 341 3,416 4,779,600 320 15,048,917 734 83,709 316 543,033 32,384 510,649 2,861,712 43 4,670 2,416 2,254 5,430 183 161,630 31,580 130,050 322,348 377 1,875,926 550,321 1,325,605 4,059,812 450 2,054,725 620, 106 1,434,619 4,221,050 223 95,722 14,388 81,334 300, 119 154 2,335 31 56 32 34 9 2 154 1,140 126 1,195 213 29,033 15 21 27 24 17 114 174 20,803 747,709 66 355,326 67 3,806 3,553,669 11,430 179 11,080 20,542 30 3,559 9 350 3,740 31 504 287 32 3,891 958,478 97 1,421 1, 872, 194 148 10,549,857 324 73,101 172 637,933 38,037 599,896 3,393,379 17 21,204 20,131 1,073 3,063 74 127,432 16,108 111,324 327,039 179 1,572,391 424,863 1,147,528 3,599,919 215 1,512,542 356, 588 1,155,954 3,818,366 112 91,308 13,239 78,069 240,089 161 3,822 31 37 33 34 15 11 148 1,798 130 2,024 156 33,999 18 9 16 U 11 88 118 21,553 749,481 37 236,033 32 2,974 30 2,849,153 25,412 222 24,399 42,707 26 5,469 7 1,013 6,872 21 783 362 23 3,339 586,343 49 1,363 1,907,099 109 25,850,267 399 162,658 230 1,329,245 141,601 1,187,644 7,379,648 33 100,941 3,737 97,204 71,554 84 336, 154 56,060 280,094 825,054 245 4,013,645 1,383,299 2,630,346 9,361,682 298 2,924,181 852,610 2,071,571 8,372,222 121 249,335 41,415 207,920 1,007,627 112 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [p&u are based on reports for only a sample of fsnns. See text] (For descriptions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator F\ill owners Part owners Managers All tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FsnnS number Percent distribution percent Land in farms '. acres Percent distribution percent Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cnjpland harvested farms reporting acres 1 lo 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres famis reporting, 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres , farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting, acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-impn3Vetnent grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms refjorting Woodland pastured famis reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in farms .farms reporting acres Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to 34 years number 35 to 44 years .number 45 to 54 years number 55 lo Ii4 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opefators- Worlring off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporti ng With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm worlr operators reporting. iVith other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reix>rting as to work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 45,006 XXX 15,197,010 XXX 337.7 62,977 223.90 35,751 1,869,004 13,571 5,900 3,728 i,087 4,332 2,509 1,226 257 141 10,352 933,916 11,636 590,360 1,843 102,365 10,493 458,495 10,056 5,091,409 11,881 1,630,533 11,621 4,094,836 7,727 1,218,131 4,594 410,875 2,574 136,381 1,155 68,686 165 10,688 2,269 154,717 44,155 499 3,336 8,388 11,924 10,538 9,470 53.0 22,939 3,723 2,476 16,740 6,513 11,733 17,548 22,067 3,428 12,028 23,322 100.0 13,769,006 100.0 590.4 106,477 213.81 20,097 1,680,732 3,771 3,049 2,328 3,056 3,871 2,411 1,217 254 140 5,620 804, 557 6,443 461,329 1,204 87, 560 5,752 373,769 5,537 4,811,418 6,538 1,332,944 6,912 3,814,469 4,794 1,U5,419 3,820 403,168 2,079 130,021 788 60,775 130 10,168 1,335 122,537 22,717 258 1,672 4,367 6,690 6,236 3,494 52.0 8,439 2,446 970 5,023 2,124 4,360 4,371 14,883 1,986 5,792 16,467 70.6 5,188,965 37.7 315.1 79,108 278.39 13,988 750,462 3,225 2,539 1,802 2,280 2,322 1,188 515 32 35 3,530 441,229 4,128 254,214 751 49,129 3,673 205,085 3,441 1,299,165 4,386 645, 503 4,346 1,415,975 2,951 500,267 2,349 169,686 1,156 60,876 424 32,347 74 5,238 777 69,467 16,056 111 922 2,626 4,489 4,833 3,075 54.0 6,011 1,398 688 3,925 1,415 3,363 3,381 10,456 1,308 4,608 4,453 19.1 4,102,092 29.8 921.2 112,473 132.07 4,075 483,861 272 319 352 537 1,139 884 453 83 31 1,653 206,442 1,804 132,332 357 24,161 1,612 108,171 1,608 1,838,310 1,665 277,909 2,070 951,521 1,492 250,139 861 90,554 768 52,102 251 20,100 52 3,270 423 39,321 4,420 61 433 1,145 1,539 978 264 47.9 1,626 795 211 620 516 609 596 1,033 4.4 3,976,541 28.9 3,849.5 683,2% 199.23 879 354,896 45 76 63 74 146 152 182 71 70 170 125,985 196 59,782 57 11,060 153 48,722 208 1,455,204 216 382,819 251 1,348,091 189 357,310 299 115,347 2,327 522 738 1,561 37 3,940 1,660 44 7,827 877 23 104 235 224 194 97 300 18 23 259 55 191 184 733 42 246 FLORIDA 113 State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For (definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share -cash tenants Crop -share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distnbution percent. Average size of farm acres. Value ot land and buildings; Average per farm tlotlars. Average per acre dollars , Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reoorline 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting GOO to 499 acres farms reoorting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not ivoodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting at^es Land use practices: Cropland in cover Clops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or nnw crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control fanns reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land /arms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporting age jiumber Under 25 years jiumber 25 to 34 years jiumber 35 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years. number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Woriong off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not worsting off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting, With other memtiers of family working off farm operators reporting. V\lh income from sources other than farm operated . . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 620 2.7 279,478 2.0 450.8 90, U5 257.17 492 41,526 117 62 26 87 82 31 26 7 105 15,272 137 4,750 11 415 137 4,335 130 127,940 69 8,566 135 70,745 92 19,305 162 15,221 39 2,626 16 573 16 687 616 38 123 146 188 100 21 221 98 22 101 45 98 39 399 61 109 62 0.3 15,130 0.1 244.0 37,049 142.92 57 8,514 5 25 640 16 1,605 1 700 15 905 11 1,105 30 1,050 6 855 1 350 21 1,739 6 950 5 250 uo 0.5 11,450 0.1 104.1 16,029 154.64 110 6,035 10 10 15 15 50 10 25 385 50 880 15 575 35 2,985 20 245 15 210 30 475 10 175 10 355 15 650 67 0.3 13,685 0.1 204.3 23,509 104.04 57 6,765 5 1 21 872 15 910 15 910 31 1,770 15 695 22 1,781 16 778 5 125 10 155 10 1,260 15 1,555 164 0.7 28,115 0.2 171.4 21,177 113.32 164 10,170 15 5 40 20 45 30 9 41 2,770 37 2,953 15 395 37 2,558 26 1,265 46 3,810 33 6,267 15 1,390 21 825 11 995 25 1,570 25 1,795 164 10 10 52 56 31 5 346 1.5 153,550 1.1 443.8 56,240 189.40 275 IB, 503 77 37 30 28 47 36 15 5 50 10,962 60 3,903 12 1,700 55 2,203 67 86,084 76 9,607 29 18,989 23 5,170 72 9,196 11 470 15 630 15 985 345 5 39 102 92 80 27 139 42 11 63 74 207 17 34 114 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports tot only a sample of fanna. See textj (For derinilions and explanations, see tent) Total all farms Connnerclal farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaLmES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines Fanns reporting. number. Com picly materials farms reporting .. . tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... See footnotes at end of table. 17 17 32 37 9 9 10 10 845 no 1,028 415 970 232 90 40 11 42 409 879 47 91 419 530 585 360 303 41 41 317 63 237 lOO 137 51 63 241 1,740 144 701 347 254 19 520 48,940 25,363 520 24,982 39 381 33 2,189 33 374 6 26 61 9,232 61 1,590 6 151 137 8,200 132 1,260 20 129 47 70 52 108 52 103 30 15 52 103 27 101 22 84 52 6,644 2,566 47 2,306 20 260 6 350 750 1 375 30 2,575 25 341 5 10 20 935 5 5 UO 5,935 1,855 110 1,854 5 100 5 20 5 115 85 3,320 85 568 89 96 82 108 82 108 66 11 82 108 34 93 134 29 83 45 15 104 41 63 16 40 1 6 148 16 57 142 7,120 10 ,725 1,544 2 ,593 57 142 1,513 2 ,587 1 1 31 6 2 16 602 330 2 15 50 70 1 1 25 2 11 n 678 240 11 11 88 46 1 2 51 116 3,585 6 380 51 116 638 958 1 1 3 2 7 7 8 18 209 453 211 522 203 468 109 33 29 13 19 203 445 16 23 29 54 218 363 285 164 95 24 24 138 47 133 77 56 22 16 10 167 1,276 119 703 36 17 23 28 15 159 142 45 287 26,752 14,582 281 14,524 7 58 31 4,326 30 925 1 12 9 3,391 57 2,030 57 308 116 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample oF rarma. See texL^ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants USE OF COMMERa \L FERTILIZER AND LWE-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used dunnp the year— Tontinued Crops on which used-Continued Soybeans Dry materials . ., Liquid materials., Irish potatoes. Dry materials . . . , Liquid materials . . All other crops .... Dry materials ,. . Liquid materials . Lime or limine materials used dunng the year . SPECIFIED FAKM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures . Feed for livestock anrl poultry Under $100 $100 to $899 $1,000 to $1,999 . $2,000 to $4,999 , $5,000 or more . . Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under $1,000 , . . . J1,000 to £2,499 . $2,500 to $4,999 . $5,000 to $9,999. $10,000 or more . Under $200 .... $200 to $999 . . $1,000 or more . Hired lahor . Under $200 $200 to $499 . . . . $500 to $999 . . . . $1,000 to $2,199 . $2,500 to $4,999 . . . $5,000 to $9,999 . . . $10,000 to $19,999 . $20,000 to $49,999 . $50,000 or more . . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . Under $1C0 $100 to $499 . . . $500 to $999 . . . $1,000 or more , Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business . . . . Under $100 S100to$499 ... $500 to $999 . . . $1,000 to $1,999 $5,000 or more , arms reporting. tons, arms reporting. tons. 'arms reporting. acres . 'arms reporting, tons, 'arms reporting, tons. 'arms reporting. arms reporting, tons. nns reporting, acres limed. 1 reporting, 'aims reporting, dollars, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms renorting. 'arms reporting. ms reporting, dollars, arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporti ng . 'ar^s reporting, 'arms renorting. 'arms reporting, dollars, 'arms rerxirting. 'arms renorting. 'arms renorting. 'arms reporting, dol 1 ars . 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, "arms renorting. 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms renorting. ams renorting. arms reporting. 'arms rerxirting. (lol 1 ar.^ . 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms renorting. 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, dollars. , reporting, anns reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, arms reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD B\ SOURCE All fann products sold total, dollars average per farm, dollars All crops sold .dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nut.s, .sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold .dol lars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and daily, sold dollars See footnotes at end of table. 432 21,810 i22 4,816 15 26 398 27, 566 398 28,617 7 10 27,329 1,096,126 27,163 803,950 718 4,026 7,801 488,738 471,435 44,274 23,771 70,389,061 5,880 12,660 1,545 1,425 2,261 10,392 35,509,619 7,586 1,034 575 503 644 19,710 23,308,399 8,993 6,580 4,137 23,780 112,917,705 6,696 4,605 2,967 3,653 2,269 1,474 1,000 746 370 16,358 13,136,265 7,311 5,619 1,429 1,999 39,883 18,913,241 18,955 13,173 3,608 3,638 509 709,517,617 15,765 523,653,885 58,642,768 84,631,572 318,128,446 62,251,099 185,863,732 33,805,472 70,345,924 81,712,336 305 19,367 295 4,333 15 26 342 27,297 342 23,456 7 10 16,874 1,020,663 16,758 764,984 512 3,609 5,834 461,044 446,821 23,306 12,351 67,037,513 1,801 5,820 1,191 1,299 2,240 6,391 34,414,056 3,843 831 538 493 636 11,929 21,688,940 3,423 4,687 3,819 17,219 110,390,625 2,746 3,067 2,404 3,225 2,206 1,463 1,000 740 368 10,185 L2, 354,049 2,1 4,184 1,264 1,857 21,372 17,321,342 5,157 8,782 3,362 3,566 505 691,613,250 29,655 513,325,110 56,468,358 83,666,328 312,135,024 61,055,400 178,288,140 32,914,707 69,872,516 75,500,917 107 5,U0 102 1,078 5 140 8,417 140 9,069 6 11,697 460,641 11,606 361,676 346 2,255 4,114 221,493 208,155 16,457 7,934 42,473,138 1,138 3,621 742 808 1,625 4,086 17,673,925 2,459 611 363 294 354 3,502 13,249,363 2,301 3,250 2,951 11,519 46,594,373 2,075 2,118 1,658 2,184 1,465 967 552 383 112 6,038 6,050,030 1,927 2,479 655 1,027 14, 792 7,918,074 4,428 6,239 2,065 1,377 183 350,639,333 21,293 250,302,482 15,446,302 15,559,184 183,651,149 35,645,347 100,336,351 28,003,897 37,189,197 35,138,757 164 12,261 164 2,860 5 6 167 14,757 167 15,666 1 2 3,451 209,722 3,444 140,611 71 273 1,281 73,071 68,978 4,448 3,264 11,032,613 479 1,720 341 372 352 1,756 7,741,003 1,120 211 137 147 141 2,322 2,296,082 793 1,097 432 3,764 24,999,571 451 710 587 723 488 313 269 121 102 2,937 3,069,517 645 1,345 450 497 4,388 4,777,620 379 1,763 999 1,120 127 120,902,579 27,151 83,714,477 21,161,920 36,801,059 16,182,075 9,569,423 37,188,102 2,223,191 14,347,553 20,617,353 4 741 4 151 16 2,915 16 2,445 719 294,579 711 224,527 56 721 313 148,197 151, 41B 1,032 '406 8,908,122 15 107 67 69 148 197 7,055,489 45 13 19 27 513 5,626,514 36 139 338 933 31,950,151 26 44 76 132 135 122 100 169 129 397 2,213,403 36 89 79 193 929 3,557,917 103 218 142 305 156 182,440,712 176,612 153,497,869 16,249,370 16,023,464 110,317,772 10,907,263 28,942,843 1,492,132 10,866,023 16,584,688 FLORIDA 117 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Item (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop -share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants USEOFCOMVIERHAL FERTILIZER WD LIVfE-Continued Commefcial fertilizer anrf fertitizinfi malwials used during the year— Continued Crops on which used-Continued 15 580 5 250 5 325 5 100 acres . . . Oy ma(«na]s fanns reporting. .. Ions... 15 114 5 115 5 15 Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... 5 15 7 400 ... ... 10 430 2 373 Dr> matenals farms reporUng... tons... 7 500 ... ... ... 10 426 350 Liquid materials farms reporting tons... . • > ::: .All other crops farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting. . . tons... 420 28,339 420 21,144 52 2,719 47 1,542 105 2,400 105 1,226 56 1,930 56 622 122 3,245 122 1,072 252 17,088 247 12,564 Liquid materials farms reporting.,. tons . . . 12 75 15 235 5 1 1 3 ... 6 46 Lime or liming matenals used dunng the year farms reporting... acres limed... 89 11,534 11,929 16 1,290 1,770 15 115 100 7 190 190 10 645 370 39 4,509 3,9U SPEnnED FARM EXPEKDITURES Any of the following specified expenditiires farms reporting... Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. . . dollars... Under ^100 farms reporting... SlOO toS999 farms reporting... ?l,O0O to $1,999 farms reporting... $2,000 to ?4,999 farms reporti ng . . . $5,000 or more farms reporting . . . 620 315 2,433,808 61 153 13 28 60 62 26 13,314 5 20 1 110 60 31,900 30 25 "5 67 62 67,738 5 50 1 5 1 164 109 49,516 32 61 10 6 346 175 2,027,364 36 63 17 6 53 Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting... Under 51,000 farms reporting... $1,000 to $2, 199 farms reporting... $2,500 to ?4,999 farms reporting... $5,000 to !8,999 farms reporting... 510,000 or more farms reporting. . . 154 1,299,492 78 19 6 16 35 16 5,210 15 1 20 47,325 15 "5 11 14,505 5 5 "i 47 40,114 41 5 1 104 536,983 65 12 7 3 17 Machine hire farms reporting... dollars... 208 167,678 102 70 36 36 37,645 20 10 6 50 12,505 30 20 47 12,361 15 32 80 20,420 50 25 5 171 265,872 76 $900 to $999 farms reporting... $1,000 or more farms reporting... 44 51 453 3,625,617 73 77 32 98 57 294,685 5 5 10 20 80 159,885 25 25 10 47 48,012 15 10 10 5 103 79,320 25 45 10 15 263 dollars... Under $200 farms reporting... $200 to $499 fanns reporting... $500 to $999 farms reporting... $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. . . 2,639,011 51 33 11 48 $2,500 to $4.999 farms reporting. . . $5,000 to S9.999 farms reporting... ^10,000 to $19.999 farms reporting. . . $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting. . . $50,000 or more farms reporting. . . 56 33 42 30 12 5 5 5 1 1 10 5 5 6 1 7 ' i 34 18 25 31 12 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting... dollars... Under $100 farms reporting... $100 to $499 farms reporting... $500 to $999 farms reporting... $1,000 or more farms reporting... 359 506,727 106 133 40 80 27 11,180 10 10 5 2 55 25,325 25 15 10 5 47 16,865 6 30 11 91 44,890 50 30 1 10 184 416,062 75 53 13 43 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. .. dollars... Under $100 farms rejiorting... 600 559,973 102 251 38 139 20 57 64,677 5 25 10 16 1 105 59,375 15 70 10 5 5 57 27,801 10 25 15 7 144 43,340 35 87 10 12 300 312,565 75 $100 to $499 . . . farm^ reporting... 104 $500 to $999 farms reporting... 23 $l,00O to $4,999 .. .. farms reporting... 85 13 \ll farm products sold JoUl, dollars... average per farm, dollars. . . 20,347,847 32,819 1,691,563 27,283 737,833 6,708 562,273 8,392 1,223,097 7,458 13,068,008 37,769 All crops sold dollars... Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars... Fniits and nuts sold dollars... Forest products and horticultural snecialty products sold dollars. . . 13,613,410 1,279,199 9,651,253 685,462 2,002,4% 1,603,4S1 395,335 607,250 177,496 423,400 622,074 437,434 156,700 940 27,000 277,131 268,128 7,075 1,278 700 926,272 750,834 63,750 111,688 8,762,864 479,336 4,796,593 1,007,164 2,479,771 6,729,437 658,587 4,036,491 2,034,359 33,082 2,741 85,341 115,759 1,494 114,265 235,097 933 99,555 184,609 296,825 7,010 289,815 4,305,144 Poultry and poultry products sold dollars... Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. . . 519,722 3,333,697 451,725 See footnotes at (>nd nf t&ble. 118 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. Seo text] see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by teniire of operator (For definitions and explBnauons, Total Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fams renortine. . . 20,472 1,518,039 18,909 852,583 8,817 187,504 16,588 345,859 15,762 319,597 1,073 4,025 4,093 3,707 3,506 1,487 2,030 551 3,100 8,375 2,598 1,134 980 662 349 1,711 4,012 4,004 23 20 73 120 103 462 10,652 27,820 13,703 411,034 10,082 216,626 12,688 194,408 178 7,216 104 1,495 162 5,721 150 4,611 120 1,110 16,589 5,594,021 15,961 663,781 69,303,795 10,829 405,012 11,745,348 91 2,289 27,468 1,151 1,087,829,513 70,345,924 3,192 6,105,275 4,546 67,974,968 26,510,238 10,393 67,216 3,992 4,319 1,422 547 95 13 8,576 31,560 7,561 35,656 10,736 1,395,417 10,136 793,133 4,539 179,142 9,025 308,003 8,899 294,276 412 1,467 1,429 1,492 2,035 1,350 2,006 545 1,106 3,296 1,410 322 805 657 336 1,704 1,794 2,010 18 20 63 119 102 458 6,055 19,115 6,939 311,017 5,464 163,863 6,500 147,154 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 7,933 5,216,842 8,887 622,603 65,401,308 6,040 329,381 9,552,049 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,217 5,892,936 2,867 66,333,702 25,870,143 5,617 51,038 1,290 2,485 1,206 531 91 14 4,789 23,135 4,519 27,853 6,653 640,841 6,311 379,920 2,777 98,535 5,537 138,057 5,527 122,864 252 878 859 981 1,432 791 1,213 247 677 2,095 933 549 520 387 208 942 1,128 1,200 11 20 21 77 46 274 3,750 10,921 3,955 159,248 3,008 34,320 3,690 74,928 61 3,614 39 669 61 2,945 59 2,523 50 422 5,150 4,304,660 5,471 294,537 29,526,131 3,304 178,303 5,170,737 41 935 11,220 546 576,054,169 37,139,197 1,839 5,190,346 2,215 55,594,708 21,681,936 3,119 25,798 791 1,424 630 225 42 7 2,630 11,505 2,443 14,293 3,110 367,337 2,935 211,610 1,409 38,399 2,701 84,602 2,574 71,125 103 427 463 421 538 447 559 152 307 957 435 240 224 206 104 462 513 664 6 '45 31 46 104 1,627 4,339 2,358 121,302 1,941 63,995 2,232 57,307 36 1,409 27 415 35 994 35 877 26 117 2,063 445,650 2,621 159,852 17,094,764 2,209 119,775 3,473,475 25 447 5,364 287 225,578,071 14,347,553 256 308,194 485 4,880,421 1,903,363 2,010 20,636 354 874 482 264 30 6 1,744 9,571 1,719 11,065 370 331,693 343 164,044 99 25,487 315 75,004 351 92,645 11 11 7 18 16 55 136 116 26 17 13 10 28 33 12 204 33 29 2 '35 293 3,092 79 5,431 63 3,022 71 2,409 5 444 3 136 5 308 5 237 3 21 107 246,035 354 133,996 16,397,315 51 4,777 133,533 3 245 2,940 42 162,858,067 10,866,023 34 211,272 34 3,282,834 1,280,305 51 716 14 9 14 10 3 1 45 358 36 358 603 number. . . 55,546 547 Milk cows number. . . 37,564 304 number... 16,721 472 number. . . 10,340 447 Famis reporting bv number on hanri: Cattle and calves- number... 7,642 46 151 100 72 ■20 to 49 head 49 57 100 to 490 head 93 30 Cows, includins heifers that have calved— 1 head . 96 227 10 to 19 head 29 3 to -39 head ■to to 19 head farms refiortinf ... rarm= refiortina. . . 23 33 31 75 to 09 head 12 96 \'ilt< cows- 1 head 120 117 10 to 19 head 1 i!0 to "^ head . . 30 to 19 head faiw.s renortinp. . , 11 10 45 Horses and /or mules Hogs and pigs jjotn since June 1 r^m before June 1 Sheep and lambs farms rerxirtinit. . . number... farms retwrtinn... nu-nber. .. fanns renorlin;!. . . number. .. farms reporting. . . number. .. 385 763 547 25,036 452 12,526 507 12,510 5 number... 30 number, . . "5 number... 30 5 number... 25 5 Ctlickens 4 months old and over Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive Ilogs and nips sold alive number. .. fatms reporting... number.. . farms reporting... number... dollars... farms reporting. . . number. ., dollars... 5 613 220,497 441 29,218 2,383,098 476 26,526 769,254 1 Milk and cteam sold' Chickens including broilers sold Chicken eggs sold Litters farrowed December 1. 1958. to November 30, 1959 number... dollars... farms renorting... pounds. . . dollars... farms reporting dollars... farms reporting... dozens... dollars... farms reporting number of litters... 6 72 78 116,002,695 7,469,743 88 183,124 133 2,575,739 1,004,539 437 3,888 131 ■1 to 9 liu«rs 178 8C 20 to 19 litters 32 16 3^ December 1 to June 1 number of litters... farms reporting... number of litters... 1,751 321 2,137 See fcx>tnotea at end of table. FLORIDA 119 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [J)at& are based on reports for ooly a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share -cash tenants Crop -share tenants Livestock -share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified LI\'ESrOCK AND UVESTTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved Vlilk cows ., . Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves . . . arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. "arms reporljng. number. 'aims reportjng. number, 'arms reportinE. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms refxirting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 4fl head farms reporting. SO to 99 head farms roporling. 100 lo 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved~ 1 head fanns renorti ng . 2 to 9 head farrrs reporting. 10 lo 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. W to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporti ng . 7S to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporti ng . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. ■10 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farm? reporting. lOO or more head farms reporting. Horses and Ot mules fams reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reportins. number. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs farms renorting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . number. Ewes fanns reporting. number. Rams and wethers famis report ine. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold Cattle and calves sold alive ....,,. , . farm* Hogs and pigs sold alive farms Shew and lambs sold alive farms Hfilk and cream sold^ farms Chickens including broilers sold faims Chidcen eggs sold farms Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms number 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 liUers 10 to 19 litters 20 to W litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters June 2 to November W number December 1 to June 1 farms number reporti ng. number. dollars, reporting. number. dol I ars . reporting. number. dollars. reporting. pounds . dollars, report! ng . dollars, reporti ng . dozens, dollars. re porting - of litters, reporting, reporti ne - reporting. reporti nc . reporting. reporti ng . reporti ng . of liWers. reporti ng . of litters. 268 36,195 247 24,387 127 8,818 215 6,593 215 5,215 10 5 26 178 374 190 8,108 152 3,810 175 4,298 5 30 5 30 5 25 5 5 192 101,560 196 19,624 1,675,538 151 12,171 352,959 1 6 72 43 60,287,474 4,036,491 30 38,610 46 1,589,624 619,953 146 1,467 36 68 26 5 11 115 568 125 899 26 1,627 26 895 10 10 26 275 11 457 16 28 30 1,975 25 1,460 30 515 iO l.iTD 16 448 53,621 25 1,080 31,320 5 206 5 6,500 2,535 25 480 20 180 20 300 65 915 50 165 40 85 55 240 25 510 90 2,100 80 1,090 85 1,010 80 2,075 25 440 80,625 75 1,160 33,640 57 2,042 57 1,049 41 259 42 594 52 399 60 5,410 55 2,485 50 2,925 45 1,480 42 991 91,664 55 3,205 92,945 73 1,739 73 352 25 30 58 542 58 345 42 50 96 4,415 71 2,505 91 1,910 127 3,720 892 105,085 96 6,370 184,730 ... 1,545,546 99,555 5 5 10 55 55 454 20 10 15 3,690 2,250 10,400 1,439 878 4,056 75 60 61 290 720 547 45 15 5 20 10 35 10 20 16 ... 15 5 65 '46 56 145 410 271 50 35 46 145 310 276 See footnotes at end of table. 120 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See text] (For definiLions and explanations, see text) SPEanF.D CROPS mRVESXED Com for all purposes farms reporting . , acres . , Under 11 acres farms reporting , , 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres ;f arms reporting. , 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . , 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farce reporting . , Harvested for grain farms reporting . , acres. , bushels. . Sales farms reporting.. bushels . , Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. , acres grown alone., acres grown with other crops . . pounds . , Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . , Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting. , acres . . tons. , Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres. . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bales . , Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres ^ bushels . , Tobacco harvested farms reporting . . acres . . pounds . , Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars. . Land ±n bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. , acres. , Grapefruit^ farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes . , Lemons-' farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number.. Quantity harvested* field boxes. . Oranges, temple^ farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number . , Quantity harvested field boxes, . Oranges, Valencia^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges, other^ farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes.. Tangerines and mandarins^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes. . Total all farms 11,912 481,289 3,669 2,537 2,481 1,368 687 1,170 9,106 289,480 7,404,697 2,397 2,660,510 3,494 49,125 1,250 48,093,407 77,112 1,723 73,925 126,095 305 20,777 44 3,187 25,242 2,818 22,774 13,080 1,366 29,743 6,528,477 4,028 17,832 23,227,059 5,031 84,631,572 21,867 709,987 13,073 6,168,963 494,073 5,674,395 30,146,597 2,268 357,369 99,808 257,561 215,239 4,885 1,562,219 286,050 1,276,169 3,255,639 12,361 15,340,665 4,511,313 10,328,852 34,885,101 16,203 16,892,149 5,056,731 11,335,418 39,939,263 7,059 1,085,04a 136,371 948,671 3,544,438 Commercial farms by tenure of operator 6,309 399,554 964 1,156 1,745 1,176 641 1,127 5,527 243,722 6,474,617 2,032 2,470,447 2,504 43,652 970 43,630,316 71,056 1,308 67,869 117,457 225 18,362 44 3,187 25,242 1,936 19,252 11,437 804 29,446 6,497,627 3,176 16,636 22,210,700 3,606 33,666,328 11,605 648,746 7,189 5,853,610 427,206 5,426,404 29,661,367 895 350,039 95,723 254,316 212,411 2,921 1,479,759 255,295 1,224,464 3,207,499 7,804 14,392,807 3,975,142 10,417,665 34,434,932 8,311 15,147,093 4,063,066 11,034,032 39,039,158 3,874 994,487 111,591 332,896 3,462,873 Full ovmers 3,673 174,303 700 743 950 496 347 437 2,872 99,233 2,635,984 844 719,730 1,137 16,067 325 15,710,115 32,464 728 30,647 51,574 122 7,187 27 1,817 14,305 945 6,279 3,749 368 8,430 1,580,419 1,739 6,975 9,053,003 1,556 15,559,184 9,564 377,790 6,172 3,497,309 235,842 3,261,467 16,476,654 775 266,482 47,656 218,826 141,821 2,483 964, 777 169,482 795,295 1,931,701 6,766 8,360,755 2,158,681 6,202,074 19,528,319 7,488 9,589,673 2,402,902 7,186,771 24,760,398 3,319 612,451 68,950 543,501 1,971,355 Part ovmers 2,473 177, 574 215 300 616 512 242 593 2,099 112,765 2,889,650 915 1,361,619 1,115 21,882 645 22,072,590 20,111 4U 19,091 34,439 81 7,3% Managers 10 1,020 7,037 759 9,806 5,899 352 16,347 4,015,901 1,155 6,809 9,350,123 1,516 36,801,059 1,204 41,261 466 240,444 13,624 226,820 1,255,558 65 5,725 2,454 3,271 7,216 155 46,905 3,178 43,727 111,395 433 639, 408 175,712 463,696 1,580,954 666 983,439 394,655 588,784 2,022,343 267 37,424 3,526 33,898 125,479 100 18,176 3 7 18 26 6 40 75 11,154 454, 933 28 136,093 U 1,725 1,769,846 16,302 124 16,302 26,927 14 2,614 207 77 22 2,916 485,499 44 1,704 2,189,804 73 16,023,464 657 224, 554 476 2,067,284 176,615 1,890,669 11,791,511 36 64,253 42,138 22,115 32,860 249 448,913 32,587 366,326 1,140,634 508 5,283,218 1,600,304 3,682,914 13,158,285 567 4,446,767 1,225,487 3,221,230 12,069,105 252 335,690 36,366 298,824 1,346,937 All tenants Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. *Harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1953. FLORIDA 121 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DbU are based on reports for only a sanple of feims. See texlj [For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share -cash tenants Crop -share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants SPEaFIED mops RUJVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . . acres . . Under 11 acres farms reporting . . 11 to 2"+ acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 or more acres farms reporting. . Harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . . acres gromi alone.. acres grown with other crops . . pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting. . acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres . . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting.. acres ^. bushels.. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres . . poiinds . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting-. Sales dollars.. Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting.. acres. . Grapefruit^ farms reporting . . Trees, of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number.. Quantity harvested* field boxes.. Lemons^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested field boxes.. Oranges, temple .farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number . . Ouantity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges , Valencia^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number . . Ouantity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges, other^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number.. Trees of bearing age number . . Ouantity harvested* field boxes . . Tangerines and mandarine^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes.. 183 10,555 46 45 45 21 26 153 6,800 151,760 78 99,825 70 950 384,905 730 13 410 1,120 6 500 6 320 3,700 76 645 392 29 630 159,775 80 342 454,800 257 9,651,253 61 2,210 15 23,161 110 23,051 20,158 3 16S 75 93 29 7 17,523 48 17,475 15,679 20 55,895 33,905 21,990 47,054 31 65,186 32,868 32,318 64,037 35 2,650 5 10 10 10 30 1,950 49,650 25 14,500 15 215 150 1 150 240 25 490 210 20 171 274,000 17 607,250 5,170 165 5,005 1,915 1,201 24 1,177 4,152 300 200 6 17,630 4,160 13,470 50,045 5 6,260 2,225 4,035 9,325 90 3,400 5 30 25 20 10 90 2,985 73,935 35 36, 745 50 850 40 255 145 30 174 256,750 25 156,700 15 1,020 1,020 20 56 3,870 15 21 5 10 51 2,605 69,400 35 29,975 35 675 258 7 258 2,008 1 150 35 425 185 5 (Z) 80 104,880 15 7,075 1 294 94 200 400 126 6,655 25 10 40 35 5 11 106 4,890 122,330 61 69,690 45 915 1,358,475 120 6 120 120 65 860 645 20 425 83,415 61 295 345,680 25 63,750 6 235 5 260 200 60 120 6 2,215 1,840 375 2,000 6 7,260 900 6,360 34,080 68 2,371 11 15 26 11 5 51 1,290 26,975 11 2,270 26 373 921 18 891 1,029 1 15 1 30 200 35 285 135 8 698 172,538 37 119 181,660 117 .,796,593 76 2,153 40 19, %2 650 19,312 115,951 13,401 3,400 10,001 30,485 17 1,561 1,561 8,030 55 49,996 4,700 45,296 118,100 46 36,349 2,000 34,849 88,250 13 1,431 1,431 5,615 122 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are baaed on reports For only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For descriptions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of white operators Commercial farms by tenure of white operator Ftill owners Part owners Managers FAKMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms Jiumber. Percent diatribution percent. Land in farms acres. Percent distribution ; percent. Average si ze of farm acres . Value of land and buildings; Average per farm dollars . Average per acre dollars. Land in farms according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 80 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting, acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure] farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured fams reporting, acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops ..farms reporting, acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. Under S,") years number, 25 to 34 years number, 35 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number, 65 or more years number. Average age years , OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting, 1 to 99 days operators reporting, 100 to 199 days operators reporting, iJOO or more days operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting, )Vlth other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 41,507 XXX U,827,179 XXX 357.2 67,609 223.21 32,702 1,793,46-4 12,376 5,285 3,283 3,727 3,992 2,423 1,219 256 141 9,248 909,873 10,247 556,870 1,755 100,120 9,141 456,750 9,328 5,066,793 10,652 1,566,093 11,148 3,962,595 7,574 1,213,486 4,522 407,679 2,523 134,326 1,075 64,946 160 10,228 2,194 152,317 40,682 468 3,161 7,382 11,043 9,566 8,562 52.3 20,967 3,108 2,166 15,693 5,778 11,137 16,187 20,540 3,053 11,186 22,149 100.0 13,645,157 100.0 616.1 111,676 214.79 13,963 1,629,332 3,581 2,929 2,118 2,816 3,586 2,330 1,210 253 140 5,136 791,284 5,904 444,154 1,146 85,540 5,235 358,614 5,214 4,797,677 6,005 1,315,440 6,680 3,809,3X 4,727 1,134,304 3,764 401,360 2,058 128,801 733 57,290 125 9,703 1,290 121,322 21,544 247 1,617 4,181 6,314 5,774 3,411 52.0 7,947 2,056 940 4,951 1,949 4,269 4,305 14,202 1,846 5,675 1,892 15,824 71.4 5,128,622 37.6 324.1 81,996 280.23 13,331 731,877 3,030 2,459 1,667 2,140 2,227 1,177 514 82 35 3,234 431,494 3,821 244,634 710 47,484 3,392 197,150 3,255 1,291,070 4,035 635,313 4,246 1,414,135 2,916 500,132 2,313 168,833 1,145 60,111 404 31,647 74 5,238 757 68,802 15,413 110 902 2,556 4,318 4,522 3,005 53.9 5,790 1,218 673 3,899 1,350 3,317 3,355 10,034 1,223 4,512 1,531 4,085 13.4 4,054,516 29.7 992.5 122,423 132.44 3,709 453,605 247 294 317 462 994 829 453 82 31 1,506 203,774 1,628 127,387 346 23,926 1,437 103,461 1,481 1,833,179 1,484 272,825 1,953 948,551 1,460 249,159 846 89,379 763 51,752 226 17,950 2,310 403 38,831 4,052 51 423 1,060 1,394 367 257 47.7 1,425 635 196 594 436 584 573 2,660 487 728 1,032 4.7 3,975,341 29.1 3,852.1 683,296 199.23 878 354,627 45 76 63 74 146 152 181 71 70 170 125,985 195 59,472 56 11,050 152 43,422 203 1,455,204 215 382,219 251 1,348,091 189 357,310 299 115,347 68 11,672 37 3,940 1,660 44 7,327 876 23 104 235 224 194 96 300 18 23 259 55 191 184 732 42 246 FLORIDA 123 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of faima. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial larms Dy tenure of white operator — Continued cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Llvestoclt-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, ANB\'ALUE Farms number. Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent. Average size of farm acres. Value of land and buildings; Average per faim dollars Average per acre dollars. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms renorting, acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres faims reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres .farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms renorting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres CiDpland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reoorting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres L^nd use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting acres Oopland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour , farms reporting, acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land /arms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age jiumber UnderSS years jiumber, 25 to 34 years jtumbef 35 to 44 years number, 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting I to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 300 or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sourcesother than farm operated . . . operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 555 2.5 275,658 2.0 496.7 99,302 260.32 427 38,866 107 52 16 77 62 76 26 7 4 90 15,202 117 4,090 11 415 117 3,675 130 127,940 59 8,506 130 70,630 92 19,305 157 14,966 39 2,626 16 573 16 687 551 38 108 141 153 90 21 201 88 22 91 40 93 84 354 51 104 52 0.2 13,055 0.1 251.1 40,405 146.87 47 7,734 5 20 625 11 950 1 700 10 250 11 1,105 20 500 1 850 1 850 16 1,714 6 950 5 250 90 0.4 10,450 0.1 116.1 18,251 161.35 90 5,250 10 10 5 10 45 10 25 385 40 830 40 830 15 575 30 2,825 20 245 15 210 30 475 10 175 10 355 15 650 62 0.3 12,830 0.1 206.9 24,038 103.95 52 6,170 5 1 16 832 15 910 15 910 31 1,770 15 695 17 1,576 16 778 5 125 10 1,260 15 1,555 134 0.6 24,635 0.2 183.8 22,439 116.85 134 8,635 15 30 15 40 25 9 36 2,420 27 2,023 10 265 27 1,753 21 765 36 3,680 33 6,267 15 1,390 21 825 11 995 20 970 20 1,735 134 10 10 47 41 21 5 124 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See lextj (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of white operators Commercial farms by tenure of white operator Full owners Part owners All tenants SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fanns reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers fanns reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. numlier. Motortnicks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than earden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. 'i tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. )Vheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine ..farms renorting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface .farms report! ng . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting, persons. Regular hired workers [employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. .1 or 4 hired workers farms renorting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPFRATOP. Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER A.ND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year operators reporting. acres on which used, tons. Dry matenals farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture .farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. Ions. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Com farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. Ions. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. See footnotes at end of table. 908 1,055 1,810 1,866 965 1,012 558 705 22,199 35,006 21,917 38,820 19,969 3-1,849 13,970 3,309 1,266 521 903 19,753 32,501 1,363 2,348 3,420 3,971 31,153 40,129 36,706 26,914 21,888 841 813 444 1,545 22,383 2,757 15,562 8,653 6,909 3,098 3,145 339 327 9,973 56,452 6,187 32,014 2,647 1,137 1,062 712 629 31,541 7,947 2,019 31,557 2,408,733 1,068,668 31,299 1,057,662 1,426 11,005 3,765 319,674 3,688 64,928 203 1,252 4,314 601,956 4,205 99,845 250 2,861 7,924 364,597 7,830 63,358 464 2,851 824 970 1,629 1,685 871 905 519 665 14,681 26,548 14,368 30,028 13,602 27,764 8,096 2,914 1,208 503 881 13,476 25,642 1,183 2,122 1,801 2,264 16,858 22,830 20,035 15,211 12,219 805 787 390 1,436 12,140 1,624 7,850 4,178 3,672 1,639 1,645 133 205 8,474 53,522 5,817 31,317 2,389 1,079 1,018 707 624 15,592 5,432 1,125 18,881 2,227,571 1,008,545 18,734 998,293 1,127 10,252 2,529 296,117 2,484 59,974 164 1,149 2,859 570,916 2,796 93,176 203 2,785 4,859 309, 587 4,780 53,014 426 2,673 377 429 690 700 474 486 257 305 9,415 14,405 9,145 16,180 8,512 14,571 5,592 1,648 622 284 366 8,426 13,673 658 893 1,363 1,609 12,137 16,006 14,034 11,139 8,263 443 451 191 703 8,896 1,210 5,336 2,963 2,363 1,112 1,030 109 117 5,390 22,554 3,616 13,754 1,649 689 583 409 281 11,184 3,893 747 13,168 1,008,593 476,351 13,060 471,383 674 4,963 1,601 164,535 1,578 36,136 99 362 1,773 241,789 1,744 42,856 103 1,133 2,619 134,376 2,578 23,506 214 1,200 357 421 768 300 263 276 188 238 3,610 6,908 3,657 8,355 3,562 7,981 1,827 975 394 115 251 3,534 7,382 304 599 250 374 3,183 4,277 4,013 2,695 2,986 253 235 161 535 2,048 219 1,761 351 910 361 445 52 52 1,939 14,064 1,283 6,564 491 263 245 140 144 3,335 561 189 3,781 566,262 219,372 3,766 216,706 296 2,666 729 73,998 713 14,311 43 464 830 126,830 807 21,932 79 676 1,799 136,304 1,771 23,544 132 1,245 47 72 43 52 100 114 49 87 781 3,698 750 3,625 725 3,466 216 127 113 63 201 719 2,957 156 509 93 159 735 1,443 881 777 417 38 35 23 96 621 83 263 136 127 62 46 5 14 685 12,846 613 9,480 137 79 123 106 168 378 524 130 904 552,275 265,430 391 263,509 89 1,921 116 49,772 112 8,081 13 258 153 187,391 147 25,372 14 823 75 16,377 75 2,433 8 119 FLORIDA 125 state Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are bused on reports for only a Bainple of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of white operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants SPEnFIED EQWPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fanns reporting.. number.. Com pickers farms reporting.. number.. Pick-up balers farms reportine. . number. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number. . Molortnicks farms reporting. . number. . IVBGtars farms reporling. . number.. Tractors otJier tfian garden farms reporri ng . . number.. 1 tractor farms reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 or more tractors farms reporting. . Wheel tractors farms reporting.. number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. number. . Automobiles fatms reporting.. number.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other cnDps) farms reporting. . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of roatl on iwhjch locatetl: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . I or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles .farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINC. ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons.. Farms reporting by number of regular hired wtxkers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . .3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number.. USE OF COMMERQAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year , .farms reporting. . acres on which used. . tons. . Dry materials farms reporting. . Ions. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Crops on which used- Kay and cropi and pasture farms reporti ng . . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . acres.. f)ry materials farms reporting. . tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. Com , farms reporti ng . . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting, . tons.. See footnotes at end of table. 17 17 32 37 9 9 10 10 A49 SIO 395 998 390 940 212 85 40 11 42 384 849 47 91 46 58 394 505 535 350 293 41 41 10 30 297 63 192 95 97 36 53 231 1,715 144 701 292 244 19 470 47,355 25,000 470 24,654 34 346 33 2,189 33 374 6 26 61 9,232 61 1,590 6 151 97 6,960 92 1,070 15 94 47 70 47 103 47 98 25 15 27 101 22 84 42 5,864 2,376 37 2,116 20 260 6 350 6 48 1 750 1 375 20 2,015 15 220 5 10 20 935 5 5 90 5,130 1,734 90 1,733 5 1 5 100 5 20 5 115 5 40 65 2,870 65 500 52 6,525 1,464 52 1,433 1 31 2 602 2 50 11 678 11 46 3,235 46 603 1 3 79 86 77 103 77 103 61 77 103 69 78 114 29 78 118 16 U7 9,385 2,329 117 2,323 1 11 200 10 30 1 2 11 240 11 46 1 2 96 5,785 96 870 1 2 126 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of white operators Conmercial fanns by tenure of white operator Full owners Part owners All tenants USE OF COMMERCUL FERTILIZER \ND LIME-Continijed Gommerciftl fertilizer and fertilizine materials used dunng the year-Continued Oops on which used-Continued Soybeans f^™^ reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Ions, . Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons . . Irish potatoes '""s renorUng. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting,, tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons... All other crops farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres limed., tons. . SPECinED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the follotting specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. SlOO to $999 farms reporting.. 51,000 to ''1,999 farms reporting.. S2,0O0 to ?4,999 farms reporting., jyiiOOO or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and noultty farms reporting.. dollars. . Under $1,000 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. 32,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire famis reporting. . dollars.. Under S2C0 fams reporting. . $200 to ?999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more farms renorting. . Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Under S20O , farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $5C0 to $999 farms renorting. . $1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting,, $2,500 lo $4,999 farms reporting,, $5,000 to $9,999. farms reporting.. ,$10,000 to $19,999 farms renorting. . $20,000 lo $49,999 fams reporting. . $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollars. . Under $100 fams reporting.. SlOO to $499 fams reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting, . S1,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fam business farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 fams reporting.. $100 to $499 fams reporting.. $500 lo $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999 fams reporting. . $5,000 or more farms reporting. . ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold lotal, dollars. . average per farm, dollars, , All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fmils and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold ' dollars.. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold ..dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, olher than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. See footnotes at end of tabi e. 422 21,605 412 4,733 15 26 373 27,546 373 28,613 7 10 25,222 1,073,816 25,056 796,135 708 4,006 7,689 435,465 463,322 40,945 21,716 70,083,266 4,580 11,922 1,533 1,425 2,256 9,875 35,462,744 7,070 1,084 574 503 644 18,322 23,138,844 7,770 6,440 4,i:j2 22,776 112,455,670 6,086 4,380 2,901 3,577 2,253 1,469 994 746 370 14,661 12,989,692 6,056 5,218 1,389 1,998 37,434 18,588,076 17,354 12,434 3,546 3,591 509 703,575,240 16,951 518,839,360 56,029,113 83,283,187 317,315,836 62,211,224 184,735,880 33,688,099 70,345,799 80,701,982 305 19, 367 295 4,333 15 26 322 27,232 322 28,453 7 10 15,927 1,004,763 15,811 759,343 512 3,609 5,303 459,419 445,221 22,133 11,651 66,866,023 1,396 5,537 1,184 1,299 2,235 6,144 34,380,316 3,597 381 537 493 636 11,311 21,569,795 2,930 4,582 3,799 16,670 109,998,925 2,496 2,922 2,343 3,159 2,190 1,458 994 740 368 9,428 12,253,751 2,440 3,903 1,229 1,856 20,449 17,095,207 4,771 8,338 3,315 3,520 505 687,152,388 31,024 509,416,781 54,429,008 82,428,288 311,518,765 61,040,720 177,735,607 32,810,363 69,872,516 75,052,228 107 5,110 102 1,078 5 5 140 8,417 140 9,069 6 11,201 454,316 11,110 358,743 >46 2,255 4,068 220,603 207,270 15,814 7,568 42,352,878 918 3,480 742 808 1,620 3,961 17,662,275 2,334 611 363 294 354 8,181 13,190,083 2,025 3,215 2,941 11,232 46,441,963 1,955 2,063 1,633 2,163 1,455 962 551 388 112 5,702 6,006,862 1,672 2,368 635 1,027 14,304 7,824,619 4,183 6,032 2,049 1,857 183 348,514,462 22,024 248,476,442 14,743,363 14,984,104 133,113,608 35,634,367 100,038,020 27,910,401 37,139,197 34,938,422 164 12,261 164 2,360 5 6 152 14,747 152 15,664 1 2 3,120 202,122 3,113 133,395 71 273 1,246 72,336 68,263 4,080 3,016 10,990,273 339 1,619 334 372 352 1,659 7,725,373 1,024 211 136 147 141 2,101 2,264,267 627 1,042 432 3,517 24,797,131 341 640 566 688 482 313 264 121 102 2,666 3,023,762 520 1,215 435 496 4,075 4,668,430 289 1,536 979 1,094 127 119,083,183 29,153 82,090,552 20,211,348 36,193,074 16,120,907 9,565,223 36,997,631 2,222,254 14,347,553 20,427,824 4 741 16 2,915 16 2,445 719 294, 579 711 224,527 56 721 313 148,197 151,418 1,031 406 8,908,122 15 107 67 69 148 197 7,055,489 45 18 19 27 512 5,626,364 35 139 338 933 31,950,151 26 44 76 132 135 122 100 169 129 397 2,213,403 36 89 79 193 928 3,557,847 107 218 142 305 156 182,421,165 176,765 153,479,312 16,230,813 16,023,464 110,317,772 10,907,263 28,941,853 1,492,132 10,866,023 FLORIDA 127 state Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [l>ala are based OD reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj tt«n (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of white operator — Continued Cash tenants Share -cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified USE OF COM\(ERaAL FERTILIZER \m> LIME-Conunued Commercial fertihzer and fertilizing matenals used during the year— Continued Oops on which usexi— Continued Soybeans • ■ farms reporting. Dry materials . . . . Liquid matenals. . Irish potatoes. Dry materials , . , . Liquid materials .. All other cro[)S Dry maleri al s ... Liquid materials . Lime or liming materials used during the year . aims reporting. Ions,, aims reporting. , tons.. arms reporting., acres . 'aims reporting., tons., arms reporting.. Ions., arms reporli ng . , acres . , 'arms reporting.. tons., arms reporting. . Ions. . ^aims reporti ng . . acres limed.. tons. . SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures . farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under ^100 farms reporting. SlOO to S899 farms reporting. ?1,000 to S1.999 farms reporting. $2,000 to ?4,999 farms reporting. 55,000 or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under Sl.OOC farms reporting. $1,000 to S?,199 farms reporting. S2,.W0 to $4,999 farms reporting, $5,000 to $8,999 farms reporting. $10,000 or more farms reporting. Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Under $^D farms reporting. $200 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Hired labor faims reporting. dollars. Under "SSOO farms reporting. $300 to $499 farms reporting. 550O to S999 farms rejxirting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to 39,999 farms reporting. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting. $50,000 or more farms reporting. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. $100 to $499 .farms reporting. SJiOO to 5999 fanns reporting, $1,000 or more farms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farnis reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. $100 to $499 farms reporting. S50O to .$999 farms reporting. $1,000 to 54,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more , ,. farms reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE \li farm products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty pioducts sold dollars . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. See footnotes at end of ubie. 15 580 15 Hi 7 400 7 500 380 27,99A 380 21,006 12 75 89 n,53i U,929 555 290 2,431,258 41 148 13 28 60 149 1,298,492 73 19 6 16 35 178 165,603 72 70 36 433 3,616,567 58 77 32 93 56 33 42 30 12 319 502,012 86 113 40 80 545 550,993 82 216 88 139 20 20,225,719 36,443 13,522,025 1,209,264 9,624,803 685,462 2,002,496 6,703,694 654,779 4,036,491 2,012,424 5 250 42 2,499 37 1,473 15 235 16 1,290 1,770 52 16 12,139 16 5,210 15 31 36,820 15 10 52 291,185 5 5 5 20 5 5 5 1 1 17 10,200 5 5 5 2 52 62,127 5 25 5 16 1 1,630,035 31,347 1,544,353 336,707 607,250 177,496 423,400 85 2,045 35 1,173 5 1 15 115 100 90 50 30,650 30 15 20 47, 325 15 35 6,530 25 10 70 154,885 25 20 5 85,132 2,741 40 23,775 15 10 10 5 90 56,975 10 60 10 5 5 693,178 7,702 583,654 399, 514 156,200 940 27,000 109,524 1,494 5 325 5 115 51 1,635 51 577 1 3 7 190 190 62 57 67,238 5 45 1 5 1 U 14,505 5 5 42 9,361 15 27 42 44,512 15 10 5 5 42 14,500 6 25 11 52 25,301 10 25 10 7 527,710 8,511 252,056 243,003 7,075 1,278 70O 275,654 640 99,555 5 100 5 15 5 425 5 425 102 2,635 102 937 10 645 370 134 94 43,576 22 56 10 6 42 36,739 36 5 70 12,295 45 25 93 75,140 25 35 10 15 76 43,735 40 25 1 10 124 40,765 20 32 10 12 1,069,386 7,934 778,381 602,943 63,750 111,688 291,505 7,000 2 378 2 350 227 16,933 222 12,512 6 46 39 4,509 3,9U 315 154 2,024,389 26 52 17 6 53 89 534,903 50 12 7 3 17 161 258,472 71 44 46 248 2,527,386 46 28 11 43 34 18 25 31 12 169 415,452 60 53 13 43 279 308,145 65 94 22 85 13 12,982,050 41,213 8,689,506 451,553 4,768,568 989,614 2,479,771 4,292,544 519,422 3,333,697 128 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of white operators Commercial farms by tenure of white operator Full owners Part owners All tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODllCre Cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reportinp. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reoorting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and hull calves farms reoortin^. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and cahes- 1 head farms reporting. 2 [o J head farms renortinp. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. i20 to 49 head farms reporting. TO to 99 head farms reporting. lOO to 499 head farms reporting. 590 or more bend farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms renorting. '2 to 9 head farms reporting. IC to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to -29 head farms reporting'. V to 49 head farms reporting. ."19 to 71 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head fanns reporting. 100 or more bead farms reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farms renorting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head .^^ farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. .10 to 49 bead fatrris reporting. 50 to 74 bead farms renorting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more bead farms reporting. Horses and/or mules farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms renorting. number. i3om since June 1 fanns reporting. number. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs farms renorting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheeo 1 year old and over farms renorting. number. Ewes farms reporti ng . number. Rams and wethers. ,. farms reporting, number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Ilogs and nigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dol I ars . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms renorting. number. dollars. Milk and cream sold ^ farms renorting. pounds, dollars, Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. Litters farrowed December I, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting. number of litters. 1 or 2 litters , farms reporting. .1 to 9 litters farms renorting. 10 to 19 liuers famis reporting. 20 to 19 litters farms reporting. 40 to 60 litters farms reporling. 70 or more litters farms renorting, June 2 to November .10 farms reporting. number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporling , number of litters. • See footnotes at end of table. 18,880 1,502,016 17,-442 8*3,391 7,981 186,118 15,658 341,816 U,925 316,309 783 3,315 3,693 3,561 3,475 1,476 2,027 550 2,500 7,554 2,573 1,119 978 662 348 1,708 3,561 3,619 23 20 73 120 103 462 3,823 25,503 11,289 379,011 8,553 201,427 10,409 177,584 178 7,216 104 1,495 162 5,721 150 4,611 120 1,110 13,941 5,529,843 15,249 659,466 68,877,960 9,305 384,876 U, 161, 404 91 2,289 27,468 1,146 1,087,323,438 70,345,799 3,107 6,102,147 4,371 67,691,073 26,399,518 8,594 61,335 2,391 3,673 1,387 531 95 17 7,232 23,937 6,398 32,898 10,095 1,390,589 9,545 790,716 4,273 178,566 8,641 306,630 8,513 293,243 312 1,212 1,254 1,421 2,009 1,339 2,003 545 916 2,930 1,395 807 803 657 335 1,702 1,658 1,830 18 20 68 119 102 458 5,316 13,123 6,046 294,479 4,871 156,126 5,637 138,353 107 5,497 69 1,220 106 4,277 104 3,712 84 565 6,985 5,186,739 8,531 621,177 65,255,118 5,407 318,950 9,249,550 70 1,633 19,596 953 1,080,493,002 69,872,516 2,132 5,890,628 2,787 66,075,597 25,769,482 4,379 48,273 944 2,129 1,181 520 91 14 4,241 21,863 4,007 26,410 6,322 633,671 5,995 378,785 2,617 98,240 5,361 137,432 5,336 122,454 197 733 774 956 1,412 791 1,212 247 567 1,910 918 544 520 387 208 941 1,053 1,115 11 20 21 77 46 274 3,334 10,357 3,510 152,983 2,748 81,545 3,255 71,443 61 3,614 39 669 61 2,945 59 2,523 50 422 4,640 4,284,115 5,285 293, 707 29,435,561 3,019 174,518 5,061,022 41 935 11,220 546 576,054,169 37,139,197 1,314 5,188,415 2,175 55,343,323 21,585,846 2,779 24,763 616 1,264 625 225 42 7 2,375 10,975 2,228 13,793 2,892 365,307 2,742 210,620 1,293 38,138 2,548 84,059 2,431 70,628 73 357 333 396 533 436 5J7 152 257 827 435 230 223 206 103 461 467 594 6 45 31 46 104 1,395 4,022 2,031 113,091 1,699 60,003 1,925 53,083 36 1,409 27 415 35 994 35 877 26 117 1,766 439,602 2,498 159,442 17,063,019 1,952 114,334 3,315,686 25 447 5,364 287 225,578,071 14,347,553 251 308,092 465 4,878,536 1,902,628 1,718 19,228 239 728 462 253 30 6 1,512 8,895 1,493 10,333 369 331,631 342 164,035 99 25,487 315 75,004 350 92,642 11 11 7 17 16 55 136 116 26 16 13 10 23 33 12 204 292 3,091 78 5,419 62 3,012 70 2,407 5 444 3 136 5 308 5 287 3 21 106 246,000 353 133,991 16,396,615 50 4,767 133,243 3 245 2,940 42 162,858,067 10,366,023 34 211,272 34 3,232,834 1,280,305 50 714 13 9 14 10 3 1 44 357 35 357 FLORIDA 129 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for onty a sample of fanns. See texlj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of white operator— Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestoclt-shflre tenants Other and unspecified tenants LIVESrOCK AMD LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms repomng. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number . Milk cows farms reporting. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number. Steers and bulls including stew and bull calves farms reporting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head faims reporti ng . . 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms report! ng . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . SO to 19 head farms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . SOO or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporti ng . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporti ng . . 1)0 to 74 head farms reporting. . 7.^ to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 90 to 29 head farms reporting. . -TO to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reportini?.. HoiSeS and or mules farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June I farms reporting. . number. . Sheep and lambs farms reoorting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number. . Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting. . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. . number. . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars. . Sheeo and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting.. pounds. . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . dollars. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens.. dollars. . Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms refoning.. number of litters. . 1 or 2 litters farms reporting. . 3 to 9 litters fanns reporting., U) to 19 litters farms reporting. , 20 to -39 litters farms reporting.. 40 to 69 liUers farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms renorting. . June 2 to November .30 farms reporting.. number of litters. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 228 35,965 207 24,277 102 8,773 195 6,528 185 5,160 10 5 26 133 319 145 7,423 127 3,460 130 3,963 5 30 5 30 5 25 5 5 137 99,965 176 19,569 1,668,538 121 11,656 338,024 72 43 60,287,474 4,036,491 25 38,335 36 1,580,564 616,420 106 1,382 6 58 26 5 U 100 548 95 834 16 1,607 16 885 10 10 16 265 11 457 6 13 20 1,795 15 1,350 20 445 30 1,260 16 448 53,621 15 980 28,420 5 206 5 6,500 2,535 15 435 15 160 10 275 50 830 40 150 30 70 45 220 25 510 70 1,735 60 885 65 850 60 1,835 25 440 80,625 60 945 27,405 5 55 20 3,690 1,439 55 205 40 5 10 45 105 35 100 52 1,947 52 1,019 41 259 37 544 47 384 27 63 55 5,160 50 2,335 45 2,825 40 1,235 37 951 85,414 50 3,105 90,045 1 1,545,546 99,555 5 55 5 1,500 585 55 675 15 5 20 15 55 390 30 285 68 1,679 68 822 25 30 53 527 53 330 81 4,110 61 2,460 76 1,650 102 3,065 63 377 103,835 81 6,230 180,670 10 454 10 10,375 4,046 56 522 5 30 16 5 56 271 41 251 98 12,352 83 10,123 56 7,509 71 2,051 75 678 10 20 15 5 10 10 20 8 20 15 1 10 2 2 5 28 27 5 1 5 18 52 138 56 2,753 49 1,071 51 1,687 104 109,712 78 6,752 367,890 59 2,415 70,035 34 54,169,675 3,333,697 33 143,744 37 963,275 375,678 45 344 10 25 3 7 39 162 35 182 130 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a samole of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of white operators Commercial fame ty tenure of white operator Full owners Part owners All tenants SPEaFIKD CROPS H.\RVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres . Under 11 acres farms reporting- 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to "19 acres farms reporting . 50 to lA acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reporting . acres , bushels . Sales farms reporting . huBhelp. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . acres grown alone, acres grown with other crops . pounds . Hay crops: land from which hay was cut acres . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting . acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . tons . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fame reporting . acres . tons, green weight. Gotten harvested f amis reporting . acres . hales . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanus reporting. acres^ bushels. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres . potrnds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars . I^nd in bearing and nonbearing fniit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . acres . Grapefruit^ farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age number . Trees of bearing age number . Quantity harvested* field boxes . Lemons' farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age ntunber . Trees of bearing age number . Quantity harvested field boxes . Oranges , temple-* farms reporting . Trees of all ages'. number . Trees not of bearing age number . Trees of bearing age number . Quantity harvested* field boxes . Oranges, Valencia' farms reporting. Trees of all ages ntimber . Trees not of bearing age number . Trees of bearing age nuBiber . ^lantity harvested* field boxes . Oranges , other' farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age number . Trees of bearing age ntimber . Quantity harvested* field boxes . Tangerines and mandarins' farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age number . Trees of bearing age niimber . Quantity harvested* field boxes . 9, 654 436,384 2,633 1,917 2,091 1,203 652 1,158 7,254 259,825 6,920,452 2,326 2,463,045 2,658 41,560 645 41,354,352 76,787 1,681 73,600 125,755 304 20,577 44 3,187 25,242 1,856 18,697 11,195 1,171 29,725 6,526,042 2,272 16,389 21,655,599 4,450 83,283,187 21,300 706,515 12,816 6,152,552 493,178 5,659,374 30,103,552 2,247 357,286 99,743 257,543 215,214 4,324 1,552,953 285,750 1,267,203 3,234,190 12,610 15,278,895 4,503,113 10,775,732 34,735,436 15,807 16,732,004 5,006,756 11,775,248 39,397,303 1,082,192 136,271 945,921 3,538,753 5,881 369,679 768 901 1,465 1,026 606 1,115 4,725 224,062 6,134,832 1,731 2,306,562 2,068 37,987 445 38,255,726 70,766 1,291 67,579 117,162 224 18,162 3,187 25,242 1,444 16,330 10,082 729 29,432 6,495,837 2,745 15,575 20,950,255 3,315 32,428,238 11,463 646,975 7,132 5,841,084 427,206 5,413,373 29,626,867 339 350,031 95,723 254,308 212,386 2,890 1,471,638 255,295 1,216,343 3,187,685 7,743 14,354,402 3,973,202 10,381,200 34,349,722 8,755 15,099,338 4,043,016 11,056,372 39,034,653 3,324 992,517 Ul,581 880,936 3,458,273 3,208 163,993 550 603 835 441 342 437 2,482 92,568 2,529,954 7X 697,370 942 14,287 200 14,373,840 32,204 721 30,387 51,294 121 6,987 27 1,817 14,305 680 5,334 3,309 343 8,429 1,580,249 1,499 6,516 3,532,663 1,430 14,984,104 9,463 376,282 6,131 3,487,134 235,342 3,251,292 16,452,494 769 266,474 47,656 218,813 Ul,796 2,462 957,421 169,482 787,939 1,916,387 6,720 8,332,695 2,156,971 6,175,724 19,453,109 7,437 9,545,113 2,382,852 7,162,261 24,709,433 3,274 610,486 68,945 541,541 1,966,755 2,151 163,009 179 235 486 447 222 532 1,813 103,665 2,729,130 795 1,274,019 924 19,032 245 19,413,030 20,081 401 19,061 34,424 81 7,396 10 1,020 7,037 563 8,506 5,299 317 16,334 4,014,331 1,015 6,335 8,778,743 1,391 36,193,074 1,168 41,028 455 238,243 13,624 224,619 1,245,468 65 5,725 2,454 3,271 7,216 150 46,890 3,178 43,712 111,395 423 629,273 175,682 453,591 1,570,954 661 980,239 394,655 585,634 2,019,303 262 37,419 3,521 33,898 125,479 99 17,926 3 7 18 26 6 39 74 10,904 446,133 27 127,343 11 1,725 16,302 124 16,302 26,927 14 2,614 5 195 72 22 2,916 485,499 43 1,697 2,181,404 78 16,023,464 657 224,554 476 2,067,284 176,615 1,890,669 11,791,511 36 64,253 42,138 22,115 32,860 249 448,913 32,537 366,326 1,140,684 503 5,283,218 1,600,304 3,682,914 13,158,285 567 4,446,767 1,225,487 3,221,280 12,069,105 252 335,690 36,866 293,324 1,346,937 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes mili equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 'Harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958. FLORIDA 131 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [pata are baaed on reports for only a sanple of fanns. See lextj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of white operator — Continued Cash tenants Share -cash tenants Crop -share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants SPEaFTED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . , acres . . Under 11 acres farms reporting . . 11 to 24 acres farms reporting . , 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . , 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . , 100 or more acres farms reporting . . Harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres . . bushels.. Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . , acres grown alone., acres grown with other crops., pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Hay CTops cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons, . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres. . tons , green weight . . Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^. bushe Is . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres . . pounds. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . Sales dollars . . land In bearing and nanbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-* farms reporting . . acres . . Grapefruit^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number,. Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Lemons^ ._ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges, temple^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity har/ested* field boxes. . Oranges, Valencia^ farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of beEiring age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Oranges , other^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number.. Quantity harvested* field boxes . . Tangerines and mandarlna'' farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number . . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested* field boxes . . 133 8,725 21 40 35 11 26 108 5,300 127,100 48 76,050 829,905 730 13 410 1,120 6 500 6 320 3,700 46 495 332 19 630 159,745 70 317 428,300 237 9,624,803 61 2,210 15 23,161 no 23,051 20,158 3 168 75 93 29 17,523 48 17,475 15,679 20 55,895 33,905 21,990 47,054 31 65,186 32,868 32,318 64,037 1,201 1,177 4,152 25 2 ,090 '5 5 5 10 20 1 390 il 450 15 10 000 10 135 10 000 150 1 150 240 15 375 160 15 146 229,000 607,250 6 396 5 5,170 165 5,005 1,915 1 300 300 200 6 17,630 4,160 13,470 50,045 5 6,260 2,225 4,035 9,325 70 2,950 5 20 15 20 10 70 2,535 65,710 30 34,245 40 550 523,685 35 245 140 25 168 252,250 20 156,200 15 1,020 1,020 20 51 3,570 5 15 16 5 10 46 2,355 61,900 30 27,475 30 380 258 7 258 2,003 1 150 35 425 185 5 (Z) 80 10 47 104,880 15 7,075 1 294 94 200 400 96 5,785 15 5 30 30 5 11 81 4,470 110,055 46 58,290 30 665 120 6 120 120 40 580 465 15 425 83,395 46 253 288,250 25 63,750 6 235 5 260 200 60 L20 6 2,215 1,840 375 2,000 6 7,260 900 6,360 34,080 48 1,631 11 5 21 6 5 31 875 23,400 6 1,770 26 373 921 18 891 1,029 1 15 1 30 200 25 225 120 8 698 172,538 22 96 154,760 102 ,768,568 71 2,123 35 19,812 650 19,162 115,201 6 13,401 3,400 10,001 30,485 12 811 811 3,030 50 49,786 4,500 45,286 118,100 46 36,849 2,000 34,849 88,250 13 1,431 1,431 5,615 132 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [DaU are baaed on reports for only a sample of rarms. See text] (For descriptions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of nonwhlte operators CotMnercial farms by tenure of nonwhlte operator Ftlll owners Part owners Managers All tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution - percent Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dol I ars , Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres .farms reporting, 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 2orting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting With other income oF family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not repotting as to work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated . , , operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 65 5.5 3,820 3.1 58.8 5,402 84.05 65 2,660 10 10 10 10 15 70 20 660 20 660 10 60 5 115 5 255 10 0.9 2,075 1.7 207.5 5,500 50.00 10 780 5 15 5 655 5 655 10 550 5 5 20 1.7 1,000 0.8 50.0 3,433 68.67 20 785 5 0.4 855 0.7 171.0 18,000 105.26 5 595 5 205 5 105 30 2.6 3,480 2.8 116.0 14,675 91.58 30 1,535 5 10 5 5 5 5 350 10 930 5 130 10 800 5 500 10 130 5 600 31 2.6 3,500 2.8 U2.9 14,500 109.28 30 935 10 10 5 U 395 10 45 10 45 5 15 15 735 5 35 5 11 10 5 25 15 10 20 10 10 6 1 1 134 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are ba^ed on repoits for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fanns reporting number... Com pickers farms reporting... number Pick'Up balers farms reporting... number.. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. . number Motortrucks farms reporting... number lYactors farms reporting. .. number... Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . . number. .. 1 tractor farms reporting... 2 tractors farms reporting. .. 1 tractors farms reporting. . . 4 tractors farms reporting... 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. . Wheel tractors farms reporting. . . number. . . Crawler tractors farms reporting... number. . . Garden tractors farms reporting. . . number. .. Automobiles farms reporting.. . number. . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting... Home freezer farms reporting. . . Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Cnsp drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms retorting, rhrt or unimproved farms reporting Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 mile farms reporting. .. 2 or :! miles farms reporting I miles farms reporting 5 or more miles farms reporting. . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Regular hired workers [employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. . , 2 hired workers farms reporting... .1 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. .. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. .. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm 0(>erated operators reporting. . . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . . Operators not reporting residence , , , jiumber USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year operators reporting acres on which used Ions... Dry materials .farms reporting. .. tons Liquid materials farms reporting. .. tons Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . . acres.. . Dry materials farms refiorting. . . tons. . . Liquid materials farms reporting tons... Other pasture (not cropland) farms refwrti ng . . . acres... Dry materials farms repotting. .. Ions. .. Litpiid materials farms reporting... Ions CoITI farms reporting... acres Dry materials farms reporting tons Liquid materials farms reporting... tons See footnotes at end of table. Total all fanns of nonThlte operators 1,303 1,416 912 1,056 VTL 79A 25 10 U 7 847 967 2 85 85 1,706 1,764 2,368 855 141 2,457 965 1,492 475 791 111 U5 206 370 56 133 3,105 208 186 2,484 57,706 12,848 2,479 12,784 30 64 76 1,195 71 190 5 3 68 3,505 68 701 1,391 30,471 1,386 4,041 15 41 Commercial farms by tenure of nontrhite operator 612 671 491 605 481 590 434 25 5 11 6 481 589 1 1 15 15 556 569 867 200 359 219 41 907 285 622 200 331 36 55 m 225 41 118 1,090 63 20 1,033 39,241 8,373 1,033 8,832 15 41 830 36 139 5 3 22 775 22 117 641 21,721 641 2,932 10 38 Full owners 307 334 211 267 206 262 195 5 6 206 261 1 1 5 5 292 304 442 122 187 137 15 485 160 325 105 170 20 30 596 32 15 541 14,495 3,937 541 3,934 5 3 20 525 20 87 305 ,595 305 901 5 3 Part owners 238 270 223 276 218 266 187 20 5 6 218 266 10 10 192 193 313 61 122 56 10 302 95 207 75 116 11 5 60 115 25 60 362 6 352 19,071 3,825 352 3,822 U 170 6 11 5 3 17 725 17 104 226 10,566 226 1,489 66 66 56 61 56 61 51 5 56 61 71 71 111 16 50 26 15 120 30 90 20 45 5 20 25 40 131 25 5 140 5,675 1,U1 140 1,076 5 35 10 135 10 41 no 3,560 UO 542 5 35 FLORIDA 135 State Table 21b. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a saniple of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhlte operator— Continued Cash tenants Share- cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock- share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified SPEOFIED EQU1P^*ENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF HOAD Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number.. Pick-up balers fanns reportinc Field forage hanesters fams reporting. , number.. Motortnicks farms reporting. number. Tractors faims reporting. number . Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. "2 tf actors farms reporting. 3 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles famis reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home Freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. CroD drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind ot road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or ummpnaved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. I or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms renorting. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 mi les farms reporti ng . 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reoorting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. USE OF COMMERQAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting. acres on which used. tons. Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. Other pasture (not cn>pland) farms reporting. acres. Dry materials farms reporting. Ions. Liquid materials fatms reporting. tons. Com farms reporting. acres. I>y materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. See footriot«s at end of table. 50 1,585 363 50 328 5 35 40 1,240 40 190 5 35 10 780 190 10 190 10 560 10 121 20 805 121 20 121 20 450 20 68 5 595 5 300 5 35 25 1,340 264 25 264 5 130 5 40 20 595 20 136 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reporta for only a sample of fanna. See text] (For definition'! and explanations, see text) USE OF COMMERa \L FERTILIZER AND LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizine materials used during the year-Continued Crops on which used-Continued Soybeans ^^^r^s reportins. . acres . . Dry materials rarnis reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. Irish potatoes farms reporting. . acres. . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons. .. All other crops farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms retorting. . tons.. Liquid matenals farms reporting. . tons.. e or limine materials used during the year . . .farms reporting., acres limed.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and fxjultry farms reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting., SlOO to .?909 fat^s reporting. , $1,000 to $1,999 ft^tTtis reporting. $2,000 to P4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more .farms reporting . Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under Sl.OOO .... $1,000 to $2,499 . $2,500 to $4,999 . $.5,000 to $9,999 . $19,000 or more . Machine hirt Under $200 . . . , $200 to ?999 . . . $1,000 or more . ilired labor Under S200 $200 to 5499 $5C0 to S999 $1,000 to $2,499 . . . S2,.W0 to $4,999 . , $.5,000 to 59,999 . . . $10,000 to $19,999 . $20,000 to $19,999 . $50,000 or more . . . , . farms report! ng . . dollars. . , farms reporting. . . .farms reporling.. .farms reporting.. . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporling. . dollars.. , .farms rerxirting.. . .farms reporting. . . .farms reporting. , , .fam-s reporting., dol 1 ars . , . .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. Total all farms of nonwhlte operators . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. . .farms renorting. . .farms reporling. . .farms reporling. .$eeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. , dollars.. Under S100 fatms reporting. $10fltoS499 . farms renoriing. $500 lo $999 fanns repnrling. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business . . . . Under $100 $100 to S499 . . . S500 to $999 . . . $1,000 lo $1,999 S.5,000 or more , ..farms reporting. , dollars., . .farms reporling.. , .farms reporting. . . .farms reporling., . .farms reporling, . .farms reporting.. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE VII farm products sold lotal, dollars.. average per farm, dollars.. Ml cnaps sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. , Vegetables sold dollars. , Fruils and nuus sold dollnrs.. Forest products and horticultural specialty products ^old dollars. , Ml hvesloclc and litestock products sold .dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock produels, other than poultry and daii^', sold -liillar-. See footnotes at end of table. 10 205 10 33 2,107 22,310 2,107 7,815 10 20 112 3,273 3,113 3,329 2,055 300, 795 1,300 738 12 517 46, 875 516 1,383 169, 555 1,223 UO 25 1,004 <462, 035 610 225 66 76 16 5 6 1,697 146, 573 1,255 401 40 1 2,449 325,165 1,601 739 62 47 5,942,377 1,698 4,814,525 2,613,655 1,343,385 312, 610 39,875 1,127,852 117,373 125 1,010,354 Commercial faniiE by tenure of nonwhlte operator 947 15,900 947 5,541 81 1,625 1,600 1,173 700 171, 490 405 233 7 247 33,740 246 613 119,145 493 105 20 549 391,700 250 145 61 66 16 5 757 100,298 440 281 35 1 923 226,135 386 444 47 46 4, 460, 862 3,803 3,908,329 2,039,350 1, 238, 040 616,259 14,680 552, 533 103,844 448,689 Full owners 496 6,325 496 2,933 46 890 885 643 366 120,260 220 141 125 11,650 125 321 59, 280 276 35 10 237 152,405 120 55 25 21 386 43,218 255 111 20 488 93,455 245 207 16 20 2,124,671 3,305 1,826,040 702,939 575,080 537,541 10,480 293,331 93,496 200, 335 Part owners 331 7,600 331 2,216 35 735 715 368 248 42,340 140 101 7 97 15,630 96 221 31,815 166 55 247 202,440 no 70 21 35 271 45,755 125 130 15 1 313 109,190 90 177 20 26 1,814,396 4,930 1,623,925 950, 572 607,935 61,168 4,200 190,471 937 189, 534 Managers 1 150 1 19,547 19,547 18, 557 18,557 All tenants FLORIDA 137 state Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports Tor only a sample of faims. See text] (For definitions and explanauons, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhlte operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified USE OF tXlMMERCTAL FERTILIZER \NT) LIMF,-C<)ntiniied Commercial fernhzer and fertilizing materials used during the year— Continued Crops on which used— Continued Soybeans Dry matenals . . ., Liquid materials. Irish potatoes. Dry materials ... Liquid materials . All other croos , . , , Dry materials . ., Liquid matenals . Lime or lirning materials used dunng the year . SPECTHED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures . Feed for livestock and poultry Under ^100 .... SIOO to $939 ... Sl.OOO to ?1,999 S2,1X)0 to m.999 55,IX)0 or more . Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under Sl.OOC... Sl.OOO to 52, 199 . S2.500 to .S4.999 . 55,000 to «S,999 . 510,000 or more . Machine hire . Under 53)0 . . 5300 to 5999 . $1,000 or more Under ^200 5000 lo $499 .... 5500 lo 5999 .... $1,000 lo $2,499. $2,500 10 54,999... $5,000 to 39,999 . . . $10,000 lo 519,999 . 520,000 to $49,999 . 550,000 or more . . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . Under SIOO .... $100 to $499 . . . S5O0 to $999 . . . 51,000 or more , Gasolini and other petroleum fiiel and oil or the farm business . . . . Under 5100 5100 lo $499 5500 to .$999 Sl,00O lo 54,999 . 55,000 or more . . arms reporting, acres. 'arms reporting. Ions, 'arms reporting, tons. 'arms reporting, acres . 'arms reporting, tons, 'arms reporting. tons. 'arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. Ions. 'arms reporting. arms reporting. acres limed. tons. arms reporting. , arms reporting. , dollars. . ; reporting. , arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . arms reporting. , arms reporting.. aims reporting., dollars.. 1 reporting. . 'arms reporting., 'aims reporting. . 'arms reporting.. i reporting.. 'arms reporting., dollars,, alms rerwrting.. arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reoorting. , dollars. . 1 reporting. . 'arms reporti ng . . Farms reporting., 'arms reporting. , arms reporting., arms reporting. . 'aims reporting., arms reporti ng . . i reporting.. arms reporting., dollars., 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. , arms reporting., arms reporting.. arms reporting, dollars, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, 'arms reoorting. 'arms reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetAbles and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural snecialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry prrxlucts sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 40 345 40 133 65 25 2,550 20 5 5 1,000 5 30 2,075 30 20 9,050 15 40 4,715 20 20 55 8,975 20 35 122,128 1,879 96,385 69, 935 26,450 25,743 3,808 21, 935 10 220 10 69 10 10 1,175 5 5 5 825 5 5 3,500 10 980 5 5 5 2,550 61, 528 6,153 58,628 58,628 2,900 20 355 20 53 20 10 1,250 15 5,975 5 10 10 5,000 15 1,550 10 5 15 2,400 5 10 44,655 2,233 38,420 37,920 500 6,235 6,235 5 295 5 45 5 5 500 5 3,500 5 3,500 5 2,365 5 2,500 34, 568 6,914 25,125 25,125 9,443 293 9,150 20 610 20 135 30 15 940 10 5 5 3,375 5 10 8,125 5 10 4,180 15 1,105 10 5 20 2,575 153,211 5,107 147,891 147,891 5,320 10 25 150 25 52 31 21 2,475 10 U 15 2,085 15 10 7,400 5 15 11,625 5 5 15 610 15 21 4,420 10 10 1 85,958 2,773 73,358 27,783 28,025 17,550 12,600 300 12,300 138 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] I(«m (For definitiona and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms rer»rUng. , number. , Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting., number., Milk cows farms reporting., number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms rerwrting.. number. . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reoortJniJ.. number. . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and cal\es— 1 head farms reporti ng . . :} to 4 head farms renorUng,. 5 to 0 head farms reporting.'. 10 to 10 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. . ■W to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 490 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that hnve cahed- 1 head farms renortinc i? to 9 head farms renorli ntr . . 10 to 19 head farms renorti ng . . 'JO U) 29 head farms report! nr. . 10 to 49 head farms reporting.. rO to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head fanns roporlins. . 100 or more head farms reporting.. ^tilk cows- 1 head farms reocrtin^. , 2 to 9 head farms reporling.. 10 to 19 head farms reporling. . 20 to CS head farms: reporting.. :1D to 40 head ..fanris reporting.. W to 74 head , , .farms renorting. . 75 to 99 head ...... farm*; reporli nc . . 100 or more head farms rer-orti ng . . Horses and/or mules farms reporlins.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Rom since June 1 fams reporting. . number. . '?om before .June 1 farms reportin;;. . number. . Sheep and lambs fams reporlins.. number. . Lambs under I year old farms reporting.. number. . Sheeo 1 year old and over farms rerxjrting. . number,. Ewes farms report! ni; . . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting,, number, , Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.., number. ., dollars, . . flogs and r>igs sold alive farms reporting... number. , , dollars., , Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. .. number,., dollars, , . Milk and cream soM^ farms renorting,,. pounds, . , dollars, ,, Chickens including broilers sold farms reportinE.,, dollars,.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... dozens, .. dol I ars . . . Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting... number of litters. ,. 1 or 2 liUers ^ farms repoOing,., :i to 9 litters farms renorting... 10 to 19 litters farms reporting... 20 to 19 litters fams reporting... 40 to 69 litters farms reporting.. . 70 or more litters farms renortiriE,,. June 2 to November -10 farms reporting... number of litters... December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . . number of litters... See footnotes at end of table. Total all fajrns of nonwhlte operators 1,592 16, 023 1,467 8,692 836 1,386 930 4,043 837 3,238 290 710 400 146 31 11 3 1 600 ea 25 15 2 451 385 2,648 64,178 712 4,315 425,835 1,524 20,136 583, 944 5 6,075 125 65 3,128 175 283,895 110,720 1,799 5,381 1,101 646 35 16 1 1,344 2,623 1,163 2,758 Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator 641 4,828 591 2,422 316 576 384 1,373 386 1,033 100 255 175 71 26 11 3 190 366 15 136 180 1,629 739 2,312 992 2,414 393 32,023 16,538 1,529 593 15,199 7,737 2,279 863 16, 824 3,801 948 30, 053 356 1,426 146, 190 633 10,431 302,499 35 2,308 80 253,105 100, 661 738 2,765 346 356 25 U 548 1,322 512 1,443 Full ovmers 331 2,170 316 1,135 160 295 176 625 191 410 55 145 85 25 20 110 135 15 5 Part owners 416 564 445 6 260 260 2,775 435 3,485 510 20,545 186 330 90,570 235 3,735 109,765 25 1,931 40 246,385 96, 090 340 1,030 175 160 5 255 530 215 500 218 2,030 193 990 116 211 153 543 143 497 297 6,043 123 410 31,745 257 5,441 157,789 5 102 20 1,885 735 292 1,408 115 146 20 11 232 676 221 732 Managers 50 130 10 I 11 232 317 327 8,211 242 3,987 307 4,224 All tenants 1 5 700 1 10 290 FLORIDA 139 State Table 21b.-FAKMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ard based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions aiid explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhlte operator— Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants LIVESTOCK wm LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fams reporting.. numtwr. . Cows, including heifers that have calved fanns reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting. . number. . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . ."i to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 3) to 49 head farms reporting. . SO to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting,. :? to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 bead farms reporting. . 130 (o 29 head farms reporting.. .10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 heafl farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporti nc . . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 13 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . -10 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and or mules fnrms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. . number. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive famis reporting. . number. . dollars. . Hogs and pigs sold alive fanns reporting.. number . . dol 1 ars , . Sheeo and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ faims reporting.. pounds,. dollars. . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dol 1 ars . . Chicken eggs sold farms renorting.. dozens . . dol I ars . . Litters farrowed December 1. 1958, lO November 30, 1959 farms reporting.. number of litters. . I or 2 litters .1 to 9 liUers 10 to 19 litters 20 to 19 litters 40 to ft9 liUers 70 or more litters ... June 2 to November 10 aims reporting, 'arms reporting., arms reporting., 'arms reporting., arms reporting., aims reporting., arms reporti ng . . number of litters., December 1 to ,Iune 1 farms reporting., number of litters.. See footnotes at end of uble. 40 230 40 110 25 45 20 65 30 55 45 55 45 685 25 350 45 335 55 1,595 20 55 7,000 30 515 14, 935 5 275 10 9,060 3,533 10 15 10 180 10 110 10 70 10 210 10 100 2,900 15 20 20 365 20 205 20 160 20 240 15 215 6,235 5 250 5 150 5 100 5 245 5 40 6,250 5 100 2,900 5 750 293 5 20 5 25 5 5 15 305 10 45 15 260 25 655 5 15 1,250 15 140 4,060 16 176 11 93 5 10 5 45 11 38 15 15 25 270 20 105 25 165 25 480 16 71 3,675 15 125 3,625 25 40 20 5 15 15 10 25 140 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a samote of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of nonwhlte operators Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator Part owners Managers All tenants SPEaFIED CROPS KAKVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres . Under 11 acres .- . .farms reporting. 11 to 2i acres farms reporting. 25 to A9 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres, bushels . , Sales farms reporting . bushels . , Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . , acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops . , pounds. . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting. . acres . , tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silsge made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . acres. , tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bales . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^ . bushels . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres . , pounds. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ f anus reporting. . acres. . Grapefruit^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested field boxes . . Lemons'^ farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested^ field boxes. . Oranges, temple^ farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number . . Quantity harvested field boxes . . Oranges, Valencia^ farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested field boxes. . Oranges, other^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearirtg age number. . Trees of bearing age number. . Quantity harvested^ field boxes . . Tangerines and mandarins^ farms reporting. . Trees of all ages ntimber. . Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age ■ number . . Quantity harvested^ field boxes . . 2,258 44,905 1,036 620 390 165 35 12 1,852 29, 655 484,245 571 197,465 836 7,565 605 6,739,055 325 42 325 340 962 4,077 1,885 195 18 2,435 756 1,443 1,571,460 531 1,348,385 567 3,472 257 16,416 895 15, 521 43,045 21 83 65 18 25 61 9,266 300 8,966 21,449 251 61,770 8,700 53,070 99, 615 396 110,145 49,975 60,170 91,960 170 2,850 100 2,750 5,685 928 29, 875 196 255 280 150 35 12 802 19, 660 339, 735 301 163,885 436 5,665 525 5, 374, 590 290 17 290 295 1 200 542 2,872 1,355 1,790 431 1,061 1,260,445 291 1,238,040 142 1,771 57 12, 526 12, 526 35, 000 31 8,121 8,121 19, 814 61 38,405 1,940 36,465 85,210 56 47,710 20, 050 27, 660 54,505 50 1,970 10 1,960 4,600 465 10,310 150 140 115 55 5 390 6,715 106, 030 UO 22,360 195 1,780 125 1,336,275 260 7 260 280 1 200 265 945 440 25 1 170 240 459 520,335 126 575, 080 101 1,503 41 10,175 10,175 24,160 8 25 21 7,356 7,356 14,814 46 28,060 1,710 26,350 75,210 51 44,560 20, 050 24,510 51,465 45 1,965 5 1,960 4,600 327 14,565 36 65 130 65 20 11 286 9,100 160, 520 120 87,600 191 2,850 40O 2, 659, 560 30 10 30 15 196 1,300 600 35 13 1,570 140 474 571,380 125 607, 985 36 233 11 2,201 2,201 10, 090 10 10,135 30 10,105 10,000 5 3,150 3,150 3,040 5 5 5 1 250 250 1,750 1 :,750 135 4,750 10 50 35 30 10 125 3,595 64,435 70 45,175 50 1,035 80 615 310 15 (Z) 50 50 121 160,330 40 54,975 5 30 5 150 150 750 5 750 750 5,000 5 210 200 10 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. ^Harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958. FLORIDA 141 state Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj Item (For deHnitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhlte operator— Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock- share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. acres . Under 11 acres fanns reporting . 11 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. pounds. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting. acres. tons . I Sales farms reporting. tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. acres, tons, green weight. Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres. bales. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. acres^ bushels. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres . pounds. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. Sales dollars. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. acres. Grapefruit'' farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested* field boxes . Lemons-' farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested* field boxes . Oranges , temple^ farms reporting . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested* field boxes . Oranges, Valencia^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity harvested* field boxes . Oranges, other^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of bearing age number. Quantity hai^ested* field boxes . Tangerines and mandarins^ farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age number. Trees of beeu-ing age number. Quantity harvested* field boxes. 50 1,830 25 5 10 10 45 1,500 24,660 30 23,775 15 110 10 560 10 560 8,200 10 4,500 50,000 20 450 20 450 8,225 5 2,500 10 300 340,000 5 30 300 870 10 5 10 5 5 5 25 250 i20 7,500 12 ,275 5 15 2,500 11 ,400 5 15 295 250 280,000 653,755 30 150 60 10 115 50 10 (z) 30 10 25 26, 500 45 5 25 ,000 20 26,450 5 6 4,500 5 500 25 280 130 5 (Z) 20 15 42 57,430 142 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 22.-CASH RENT PAID BY CASH TENANTS AND SHARE-CASH TENANTS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [DaU are bailed on rpports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commerci al fanns Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial Farms CASH TENANTS All cash tenants number. Land owned operators reporting . acres. Land rented from others operators reporting. acres. Land rented toothers operators reporting. acres . Land in farms of cash tenants acres. Average si ze of farm acres . Value of land and buildings: \verage per farm dollars. Average per acre dollars. Pitjportion of cash tenants reporting value percent . Cropland harvested famis reporting. acres . Cash tenants refwrting both value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number. Proportion of al, cash tenants percent. All land rented from others acres. Average per operator acres . Value of land and buildings: Average per operator dollars . Average per acre dollars . Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars. Average per acre dollars. Average per SlOO of value of land and buildings dollars. 1,069 5 200 1,069 303,462 19 1,437 302,225 282.7 55,967 252.46 92.9 748 44,938 951 89.0 211,790 222.7 57,078 256.30 1,250 5.61 620 5 200 620 280,715 19 1,437 279,478 450.8 90,145 257.17 91.0 492 41,526 542 87.4 189,398 349.4 91,473 261.77 1,904 5.45 449 22,747 22,747 50.7 11,033 210.95 95.5 256 3,412 409 91.1 22,392 54.7 11,498 210.01 384 7.01 SHARE-CASH TENANTS All share-casti tenants number Land owned operators reporting acres Land rented from others operators reporting acres Land rented to others operators reporting acres Land in farms of share-cash tenants acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings: \verage per Taim dollars \verage per acre dollars Proportion of share-cash tenants reporting value percent Cropland harvested /arms reporting acres Share-cash tenants reporting both value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number. Proportion of all share-cash tenants percent All land rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: \verage oer operator dollars Vverage per acre dollars Cash rent paid: \verage per operator dollars \verage per acre dot I ars Average per ?100 of value of land and buildings dollars 15,515 201.5 29,538 142.74 87.0 72 8,804 85.7 13,565 205.5 27,713 134.84 1,157 5.63 62 15,130 15, 130 244.0 37,049 142.92 83.9 57 8,514 51 82.3 13,180 258.4 34,634 134.79 1,470 5.69 15 385 385 25.7 3,500 136.36 lOO.O 15 290 15 100.0 385 25.7 3,500 136.36 92 3.57 State Table 23.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estimated number of fanns reporting Is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a ctjmplete tabulation of the items for all fanns by less than — Level 2 Level 3 If the estimated nimiber of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all fanns by less than — Level Level 2 Level 3 25... 50... 100.. 250.. 500.. 1,000 2,500 40 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 96 63 48 30 21 15 9.6 5,000.. 10,000. 25,000. 50,000. 100,000, 250,000 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 6.8 4.8 3.0 2.1 1.5 1.0 ^Level 1 should be used in determining the sampling reliability of estimated number of farms and farms reporting. The level for all other items should be obtained from State Table 24. If the estljnated number of farms or farms reporting constitutes more than 75 percent of all farms in the universe, a better approximation to the sampling reliability may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the table as follows: 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.30. 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.20. FLORIDA 143 State Table 24.-IND1CATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To rielemnne the sdmnling reliability for an item, 3 this table to determine which of the 4 levels of samnlinc reliability to use in State Table 23. To use State Table 23, it is necessary to refer also to county or State table to obtain the number of farms renortine for the it^mj Tenure-of- farm- Size-or-fami group operator gtoup Fconomio-class-of-fam poop Type-of-faim group Wl 1 = li Item p ■4 "5 1 l| (For definitions and ©xnlanalions, see text) E > 1 1 1 \ £ 1 1 s 2 D 1 5 c 1 1 Jif 3 f2 i :3 b 1 1 8 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 0. 3 I 3 5 S > 1 c 1. i (3 8 > D 1 ill 3ss Farms and farm characteristics: Lanu in firms acres 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 X \'(Jue of land and buildmgs per faim dollars , 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 X Cropland harvested acres 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 X Total cropland acres , 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 X Total pastureland acres 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 Imcflied land in farms acres 1 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 2 1 2 3 3 4 3 2 2 4 3 Commercial fertilizet: Land on which commercial fertilizer was used acres . 1 1 1 i 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 X Farm labor: Rejpilar hired workers employed 150 or more days persons 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 X Spectfied farm expendilufes: Feed for livestock and poultr>' dollars i. I, 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 Purchase of livestock and poultiy dollars 1 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 1 2 2 4 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 Machine hire dollars . 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 1 2 4 3 3 4 2 2 3 4 2 Hired labor dollars , . . 2 4 3 2 3 1 3 3 4 1 2 2 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 4 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars 3 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 2 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 Livestock and livestock products: Cattle and calves on hand number . 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 X Cows, including heifers that have calved, on hand number , . 1 2 4 3 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 X Hogs and pigs on hand number 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Sheep and lambs on hand number 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand number i. 4 2 4 1 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 Calves sold alive number 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 3 X Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive number 1 2 4 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 1 4 2 Hogs and pigs sold alive number 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Sheep and lambs sold alive number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Horses sold .number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Broilers sold number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 OtJier chickens sold number . . 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 Chicken eggs sold dozens ■4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 Value of milk and cream sold dollars 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 Specilied crops harvested: Com for b11 pui*poses ■..■..... 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 X Harvested for grain acres. . . 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 X bushels. . . 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 Peanuts for all purposes acres. . . 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 grown alone, acres. . . 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 X grown with other crops, acres — 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Harvested for nuts acres. . . X 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 X pounds . . . 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 X Other hay cut acres. . . 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 X tons . . . 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Value of vegetables harvested for sale dollars. . . 2 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 3 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 4 2 1 3 2 4 4 4 3 3 4 2 Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES 146 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions anj explanations. see text) The State Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevarti Brcsward Calhoun FARMS, ACREAGE, A.ND VALIE 1 Fanns. numlier 1959- .. 45,100 1,073 257 180 472 772 381 333 2 1954 . . , 57,543 1,610 390 264 617 1,017 408 523 3 Decrease in famis due to chani^e in farm derinilion 1954 to 1959 number . . . 3,303 X, 721, 280 43.9 117 570,880 65.5 23 374,400 11.7 40 481,920 6.4 37 187,520 33.5 16 660,480 40.0 22 779,520 10.4 53 356,480 20.6 4 Aprroxiinato land area acres 1959... Propcrtion in farms percent 1959... 6 l.ind in farms acres 1959 , . . 15,236,521 373,774 43,662 30,635 62,898 264,457 80,821 73,610 7 1954 . . 18,161,675 396,192 102,523 44,182 77,094 427,427 129,872 107,222 A Av erace size of farm acres 1959 . . . 337.8 315.6 348.3 246.1 169.9 262.9 170.2 167.4 133.3 124.9 342.6 420.3 212.1 318.3 221.1 205.0 0 1951 . . . Value of land and buildings: 10 AvfroOf per turm {hilars 1959... 63,040 28,447 49,380 13,482 16,739 7,809 24,883 11,139 16,093 9,325 71,383 34,168 130,657 116,902 19,902 12,046 11 19U ... 12 Aveiaijf vet ncft ilollara 1059... 223.86 114.45 150.46 64.79 105.37 48.67 151.39 71.88 147.74 77.97 420.13 105.05 1,151.29 380.53 82.99 68.55 13 7.9,54 . . . 14 Proportion of farms reporttruj votuf percent 1959... 87 87 78 99 93 83 72 33 15 Land in farms according to use: 1951,... 84 85 93 96 94 86 92 33 16 Cropland hnrseple-l . .farn,s reporting 1959 . . . 35,854 810 196 107 276 656 273 250 17 1951... 44,780 1,258 316 142 480 882 269 441 18 acres 1959 . . . 1,881,879 61,585 3,530 4,209 6,417 15,562 14,924 15,350 19 195 1 . . . 1,935,655 78,925 7,663 6,958 10,717 18,018 23,448 24,430 20 1 to 9 acres . farms repoitint; 1959 . . . 13,744 221 92 68 161 375 149 58 ■21 1954 . , . 17,516 387 104 110 251 523 118 101 22 10 to 19 acres . . farms roporlinp 1959 . . . 5,855 107 55 18 49 98 34 35 2.T 1954 . . . 7,957 194 83 11 94 137 37 91 34 20 to 29 acres . farms reporting 1959. . . 3,635 73 27 9 27 66 18 27 25 1954 . . . 4,557 108 67 3 36 69 12 48 2fi .30 to 49 acres .farms repotting 1959... 4,116 113 10 2 16 48 15 39 27 1954... 5,237 161 45 8 49 69 17 69 2il 50 to 99 acres .. farms reporting 1959... 4,257 107 6 4 11 42 20 41 29 1954... 5,279 171 9 6 37 48 24 80 30 100 to 199 acres . . farms reportini' 1959 , . . 2,593 107 5 2 9 15 13 34 31 1954... 2,792 146 6 1 8 25 22 40 32 20O to 499 acres . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,266 69 2 2 11 18 14 33 1954... 1,072 73 1 4 9 25 8 34 500 to 999 acres , farms reporting 1959 . . . 246 8 1 1 4 2 35 1951... 262 14 1 2 14 3 36 1,000 or more acres . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 142 5 2 1 2 37 1954 - . - 108 '• 1 2 1 1 38 Cropland used only for pasture , . farms reporting 1959 , . . 9,932 469 96 54 223 26 55 114 39 1954... 13,848 728 72 96 220 55 58 242 40 acres 1959 . . . 939,342 37,769 3,068 3,011 6,193 1,873 32,046 4,991 41 1954... 877,500 44,100 1,582 3,663 3,122 4,775 20,108 8,455 42 Cropland not harvested and not pastured . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 11,358 465 140 35 192 77 73 114 48 1954 . . . 15,332 584 173 76 282 112 61 94 44 acres 1959 .. . 579,701 34,695 6,155 406 6,047 1,330 7,875 4,142 49 1954... 585,314 26,135 2,917 1,310 4,299 2,457 7,815 2,543 46 Soil. improvement grasses and let^umes . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,708 83 9 7 31 6 12 22 4T acres 1959... 103,241 6,340 255 99 2,033 134 2,016 750 46 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) . , farms reporting 1959 . . , 10,279 423 135 29 172 71 65 97 49 acres 1959 . . . 476,460 28,355 5,900 307 4,014 1,196 5,859 3,392 50 l\oodland pastured , farms reporting 1959. . . 10,042 384 107 40 191 36 3 113 51 1954 .. . 16,318 546 146 69 272 69 10 257 52 acres 19.59 . . . 5,098,268 110,864 17,350 8,528 23,528 76,958 610 13,135 53 1954... 7,150,928 133,943 50,660 13,965 27,020 155,090 2,213 30,312 54 Woodland not pastured . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 11,536 417 104 68 180 104 3 164 55 1954... 14,918 441 196 92 240 136 12 212 56 acres 1959 . . . 1,634,442 64,191 10,469 12,428 11,067 12,842 1,182 24,414 57 1954... 1,824,724 44,064 35,620 14,901 14,827 17,002 3,273 31,348 58 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 11,316 433 48 35 129 43 39 99 59 1954 . . . 13,417 406 65 34 156 124 89 98 60 acres 1969... 4,130,239 48,745 2,043 1,076 5,336 131,115 18,639 6,973 61 1954... 4,780,972 53,985 3,130 2,224 8,522 180,892 57,615 7,783 62 Imtiroved pasture f see text) ..farms reporting 1959... 7,227 328 25 22 83 22 22 79 63 1954... 8,859 306 50 15 110 79 22 69 64 acres 1959... 1,237,576 36,836 1,200 806 3,343 23,457 7,849 4,149 65 1954... 1,061,626 35,493 2,794 1,452 5,137 57,815 10,313 4,876 66 Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. acres 1959 . . . 972,650 15,925 1,047 977 4,310 24,777 5,545 4,105 67 1954 . . . 1,006,582 15,040 951 1,161 3,587 49,193 10,400 2,351 68 Cropland, Inial ..fanns reporting 1959 .. . 39,408 959 235 138 418 677 321 299 m 1954 .. . 50,855 1,503 364 203 574 922 332 485 70 Land pasture-l, UAal . . farms repotting 1959 . . . 21,603 791 176 105 351 81 90 237 71 1954 . . . 29,480 1,067 199 164 406 189 135 339 72 Woodland, toul . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 18,748 687 177 91 328 131 6 247 73 1954... 27,643 895 296 140 462 189 21 404 71 Irrigated land in farms . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 4,249 74 4 9 5 70 132 1 75 1954 . . . 5,799 47 3 4 6 105 91 2 76 acres 1959 .. . 413,526 1,422 515 15 147 1,935 8,881 20 77 Land-use practices: 1954... 427,807 1,032 136 67 39 6,163 18,666 40 78 Croptanti in cover crops ..farms reporting 1051... 2,572 66 1 25 5 7 41 79 acres 1050... 135,871 4,600 15 295 25 275 1,330 90 f'roptarul until tor jrutn or rotr crops farmed on the cotUotir ..farms reporting 1059 . .. 1,176 27 11 11 81 acres 1959 . . . 68,686 2,060 50 2,410 82 l^arvi in slrip~croppin„;./,.■„,' r,s<-,' for 'jra.o or ro" irop.i jarroril oo l! r < oolo'ir farms rrportiivj /fl.5.9, ficr*.* 1959. LanrI in slnp'Cropjrin'j I'lstrms [or soil-erosion control /arms reportiny ]9r,9 . acres 1959. Systrrii of terraces 'm crop anl poat'trr lanit [arms reporttnij 1959 . acres 1959 . 255 205 25 416,000 21.0 87,225 70,158 342.1 342.2 32,100 18,127 102.88 56.15 U5 95 2,U1 1,586 95 46 23 22 9 15 9 7 5 2 2 3 2 140 53 5,250 3,553 54 66 7S0 1,880 6 88 A3 692 161 97 56, 614 32,332 122 94 15,002 16,282 54 65 6,534 13,057 46 36 4,843 3,794 904 1,468 208 138 221 149 222 164 598 863 142 604,160 13.0 78,762 103, 804 131.7 120.3 12,585 6,282 103.50 54.93 93 460 552 16,691 16, 554 131 172 89 129 63 74 71 76 68 75 28 20 10 6 139 268 2,894 5,948 140 255 3,023 5,291 12 193 133 2,830 291 506 27,264 40,783 279 282 17,826 21,618 305 286 8,609 10,107 247 233 6,970 6,967 2,455 3,503 519 741 461 683 483 667 2 10 115 112 5,079 194 13,038 183 242 15 499,200 73.7 367,332 468,698 2,010.0 1,936.8 322,463 67,589 146.90 35.91 94 99 66 84 9S3 1,545 43 66 9 7 5 2 5 13 3 3,912 8,100 19 4 6,197 3,391 1 3 19 6,194 37,286 119,971 9 2 7,903 1,007 158 226 305,636 330,250 103 183 81,778 62,079 5,915 4,434 74 89 168 229 49 9 16 11 11,683 4,133 2,600 2,726 74 586, 240 59.5 349,007 434, 199 134.2 159.3 92,150 50,592 777.51 473.58 91 93 2,222 2,371 118,773 93,151 1,165 1,156 320 416 193 223 216 213 159 136 82 88 55 60 IS 22 14 7 100 138 23,655 26,017 251 456 9,980 13,255 23 665 231 9,315 148 239 101,045 163,544 297 360 34,232 34, 353 219 222 28,978 62,097 122 131 20,739 17,379 32,344 41,282 2,263 2,494 373 520 412 573 158 184 14,439 16, 941 23 1,035 460 527 26 848,000 96.1 314,959 334,985 1,771.7 1,584.4 270,002 58,239 133.17 37.82 31 91 333 313 11,755 7,022 141 166 74 66 42 25 29 30 31 22 11 5 6 3 4 1 32 9 10, 598 7,185 36 44 1,006 764 15 551 21 455 127 171 520,665 640,334 62 58 3,883 9,368 150 271 220,764 63,550 74 189 92,457 25,121 46,283 106,762 359 327 244 324 183 222 10 33 6,481 3,318 17 1,835 527 874 20 1,265,920 29.4 372,408 446,554 706.7 510.9 189, 816 91,700 504.91 227.33 75 87 315 537 79, 292 78,870 108 231 28 49 15 31 20 32 37 45 31 49 41 55 16 29 19 16 91 218 35, 865 28,841 100 250 8,729 33,075 8 1,058 96 7,671 21 42 60,427 43, 283 18 60 55,832 25,397 113 194 69,488 165,916 89 106 54,863 47,401 62,775 71,172 401 730 206 401 37 96 219 302 78,629 78,831 11 3,325 1,012 1,036 15 480,640 64.5 309, 807 402,395 306.1 388.4 74,287 43,885 311.72 103,54 77 81 817 736 40,997 31,412 343 402 142 151 95 65 88 62 74 47 31 30 30 16 7 9 7 4 272 277 46,614 27,786 233 237 22,535 9,403 77 11,726 185 10,809 90 199 73,749 112, 868 132 210 30,935 32,023 83 255 75,127 113,282 47 161 24,235 19,850 75,621 919 924 363 537 261 382 28 40 1,192 4,398 58 3,712 546 753 20 168,960 33.3 57,052 56,955 104.5 75.1 92,122 33,437 1,126.74 559.99 91 35 423 530 11,913 13,945 209 257 64 104 44 50 50 58 29 32 13 20 14 50 53 4,292 3,048 72 90 1,086 2,275 10 79 63 1,007 26 84 4,074 14, 981 71 130 5,924 8,730 62 151 23,028 6,766 28 32 7,373 3,826 6,730 7,210 461 573 109 243 89 197 63 112 1,204 5,968 ^The excess of farm acreage over approximate land area is due to the fact even though a part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining county. that the entire acreage of a farm is tabulated as in the cotinty in which the headqtiarters is located, FLORIDA 151 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of feims. Seete«t] Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Smater Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Waltulla Walton Washington 539 227 611 846 325 680 571 1,247 274 289 1,371 142 755 687 1 522 350 735 1,202 349 789 761 1,705 323 385 1,173 242 1,214 1,003 2 63 15 25 116 25 17 26 29 15 17 57 45 154 119 n 513,920 389,760 376,320 655,360 338,560 1205,440 359,040 433,280 660,480 153,600 713,500 392,960 669,440 382,030 4 43.3 23.4 81.4 16.9 48.9 102.7 55.0 68.6 59.3 91.6 35.8 7.9 18.7 28.9 Ti 222,516 91,308 306,293 110,682 165,648 '210, 908 197,513 297,022 391, 514 140,719 262,897 30,853 125,292 110,326 C 298,065 182,580 372,074 120,982 196,785 182,305 218,391 314,848 434,615 100,052 248,062 36,449 166,554 178,006 7 <;i2.8 402.2 501.3 130.8 509.7 310.2 345.9 238.2 1,428.9 486.9 191.8 217.3 155.9 160.6 » 469.2 521.7 506.2 100.7 563.9 231.1 287.0 184.7 1,345.6 259.9 211.5 150.6 137.2 177.5 9 39,065 56,815 122,548 20,819 96,337 65,226 26,644 19,042 18,033 50,554 46,883 10,756 10,433 11,424 10 28,318 45,008 49,109 8,435 59,287 28,135 11,122 7,819 9,540 9,317 29,263 4,186 5,785 6,668 11 130.93 134.65 266.03 171. 53 214.91 209.31 81.98 83.59 62.55 92.43 274.34 90.74 69.87 81.35 12 56.82 102.42 120.64 91.00 131.04 118.80 58.42 43.95 28.64 49.96 156.26 31.53 43.49 34.83 13 79 79 94 92 96 95 82 86 77 70 93 74 79 86 14 89 72 87 85 92 93 75 77 63 79 76 92 91 89 IS 334 169 537 664 196 615 403 1,168 129 225 1,141 58 555 479 16 442 234 644 828 194 655 559 1,575 200 283 968 111 912 720 17 10,277 17,984 33,656 40,788 4,215 26,522 U,854 87,682 2,960 10,282 19,251 3,323 26,360 16,031 18 11,479 17,889 38,989 41,702 5,369 17,143 16,347 93, 257 4,367 10, 968 15,785 4,930 31,075 22,459 19 191 28 235 103 112 355 126 165 49 73 757 20 171 165 20 243 83 226 178 109 369 235 257 81 85 632 47 340 208 21 48 12 89 99 31 94 75 135 34 44 163 7 87 90 22 57 25 122 118 29 104 110 182 49 58 156 20 172 154 23 25 13 44 82 15 32 47 116 13 23 83 5 62 50 24 45 19 69 80 17 65 65 164 24 33 63 8 106 112 25 21 26 67 102 21 53 56 177 21 25 58 7 78 76 28 32 21 93 136 18 48 62 264 25 39 58 12 128 106 27 24 34 50 146 6 49 54 300 8 36 37 7 100 70 28 31 33 63 203 15 38 52 452 17 46 27 8 111 105 29 14 35 20 99 7 16 26 205 3 14 20 10 47 20 30 20 33 35 96 4 16 25 213 3 13 20 10 46 30 31 10 14 21 32 4 U 8 59 1 7 11 2 8 7 32 8 15 25 16 1 12 8 39 1 8 10 6 5 5 33 1 6 5 1 2 1 10 2 1 1 34 1 2 1 3 7 6 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3S 36 37 129 40 25 243 24 54 232 552 68 99 132 55 175 233 38 137 17 68 316 39 50 291 966 136 205 133 76 355 233 39 8,525 2,558 22,974 5,377 7,637 8,207 19,230 33,057 1,908 6,203 12,803 1,956 4,094 9,321 40 9,182 1,774 11,060 5,903 4,134 2,756 22,589 51,154 4,5U 7,361 5,595 4,501 7,540 6,541 41 119 43 67 133 14 162 135 725 127 111 275 45 161 186 42 142 43 154 254 61 137 152 680 U2 116 255 123 344 315 43 7,195 1,571 8,098 3,099 946 4,558 3,945 43,940 3,254 3,906 5,644 2,395 4,645 6,675 41 2,565 1,316 15,355 4,131 8,066 1,946 5,573 32,495 3,238 4,755 3,902 5,281 7,203 6,514 15 27 7 6 17 3 13 38 102 2 8 37 12 27 22 46 4,002 287 214 405 199 750 1,454 4,432 50 208 1,133 674 656 1,492 (7 102 38 61 117 12 155 105 688 127 109 249 37 140 168 IS 3,193 1,284 7,884 2,694 747 3,808 2,481 39,508 3,204 3,698 4,511 1,721 4,189 5,184 19 85 60 22 325 19 58 198 480 145 165 119 26 387 363 50 168 139 41 618 30 114 295 573 170 225 187 47 745 561 51 111,130 31,237 29,615 26,880 44,480 97,422 48,810 37,248 352,535 80,306 92,581 12,175 34,135 32,112 52 237,911 109,058 28,667 38,500 45,372 66,695 78, 173 50,084 386,294 57,767 128,809 5,450 61,459 87,703 53 139 76 13 285 17 151 42 532 45 94 458 61 377 328 54 203 116 33 340 27 217 84 735 117 122 457 109 400 414 55 44,338 27, 199 1,773 20,462 2,016 16,005 5,471 57,055 4,947 16,749 67,743 8,672 35,280 28, 174 .56 17,036 39,795 28,777 17,715 858 11,926 12,156 47,259 19,155 13,541 47,162 13,105 43,720 -28,841 57 85 28 86 368 174 47 252 542 65 114 224 21 362 284 58 75 39 55 426 179 104 314 720 62 92 103 28 324 455 59 15,024 5,602 195,309 10,354 89,533 48,799 91,459 27,270 12,292 3,571 34,935 1,237 15,861 11,370 60 11,729 8,972 213,244 8,152 130,664 45,950 72,499 28,302 3,397 3,364 16,933 2,397 10,533 13,906 61 50 21 54 297 U5 19 162 261 12 89 137 9 264 171 62 58 25 36 3U 101 64 197 444 46 71 58 8 240 335 63 6,762 5,368 15,214 8,576 18,078 28,872 28,089 14,767 1,075 3,096 18, 599 680 9,735 6,355 64 9,777 6,976 35,964 5,243 17,246 11,839 23,730 17,073 2,737 2,479 13,571 473 7,345 8,485 65 26,027 5,157 14, 868 3,722 16,721 9,395 13,734 10,770 13,618 19,702 29,940 1,095 4,717 5,642 66 8,163 3,776 35,982 4,879 2,312 34,889 n,054 12,287 13,654 2,296 28,875 785 4,924 12,042 67 414 194 555 730 209 643 465 1,224 210 250 1,215 93 626 593 61, 529 254 694 997 219 598 651 1,680 260 348 1,063 138 1,063 882 69 227 85 116 656 195 113 462 978 189 235 365 32 595 579 71 261 162 123 912 217 207 575 1,309 252 290 325 120 951 809 71 207 121 34 538 30 185 227 951 181 230 541 75 624 569 72 348 218 71 847 53 311 356 1,243 252 299 594 142 996 841 73 25 79 223 36 115 156 115 1 6 113 2 74 49 120 220 3 81 175 279 40 3 74 'i 75 1,825 10,374 43,141 3,268 13,429 4,695 1,019 i 173 2,856 65 76 3,676 13,340 42,160 128 3,033 9,441 2,740 414 100 880 20 77 28 95 1 91 6 47 51 190 29 21 10 46 31 78 1,725 12,340 15 4,180 420 1,310 1,538 12,682 1,080 250 780 1,235 710 71 2 26 10 6 21 10 71 45 SO 70 470 6 55 390 80 6 395 2,150 1,175 2,466 875 81 82 83 1 10 135 319 136 «4 400 200 4,915 18,265 5,495 85 152 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND Item s and explanations, see text) Bay C8 I 69 70 71 7a 73 Farms: All farms. . . . I'nder 10 acres. . . 10 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 69 acres . . . 70 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 139 acres . 140 to 179 acros . . . , 180 to 219 acres . . . . 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres. . 1.000 to 1,999 acres. Lant] in farms; All land in farms. . , . number 19.19 . 1954. . number 1959 . 1954. .number 1959. 1954. . number 1959 . 1954., . number 1959 . . 1954.. .number 1959. . 1954., . number 1959 . . 1954 . . . number 1959 . . 1954.. .number 1959. . 1954 . . .number 1959.. 1954 . . . number 19.59 . . 19.54 . . . number 1959 . . 1951.. . number 1959 . . Under 10 acres. . . 10 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 69 acres . . . 70 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 139 seres . 140 to 179 acres . . . . 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres. . 1,000 to 1,999 acres Cropland harvestetJ: Any cropland harvested . . acres lf?59. 1954 . , . acres 1959 . . 1954 . , . acres 1959 . . 1951.. . acres 1959 . , 1954 . . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . . acres 1959. . 1954 . . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. . acres 1959 . . 1954.. . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . , acres 1959 . . I'nder 10 acres. . 10 to 49 acres . 140 to 179 acres . 220 to 259 acres . 260 to 499 acres . 500 to 999 acres . 1,000 of more acres . 1,000 to 1,999 acres. . . farms reportinp 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959 .. . 1954 . . . . . farms reporting 1959 . , . 1954... acres 1959,,, 1954 . . , . . farms refjortinc 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959 . . . 1954... . . farms reixjrtinr 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959 .. . 1954... . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . . . farms reriofting 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959.. . 1954 . , . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1959 . . . 1954... . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1959 . . . 1954... . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959. . , 1954... . . farms repotting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . acres 19,59 . . . 1954... . farms repating 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . acres 1959 . . . 45,100 57, 543 10,453 15,660 21,566 2,764 3,721 3,617 4,946 3,023 3,846 2,311 2,930 1,548 1,760 1,135 1,227 2,905 3,182 1,725 1,840 1,764 2,072 782 15,236,521 18,161,675 32,928 47,288 382,324 522,481 160,124 214,163 294,307 402,330 350,419 445,269 363,498 459,992 304,242 346,011 269,848 291,554 1,024,409 1,106,970 1,192,942 1,260,350 10,361,480 13,065,217 1,060,949 35,354 44,730 1,881,879 1,935,655 6,141 7,251 16,934 21,766 12,634 16,885 158,397 216,150 2,316 3,080 64,632 83,208 3,008 4,023 101,987 135,727 2,541 3,183 123,435 151,550 1,934 2,442 120,077 145,087 1,301 1,454 100,860 101, 377 956 1,043 35,794 87,113 2,444 2,626 294,289 283,026 1,372 1,413 260,315 239,749 1,207 1,375 545,109 470,397 588 173,344 1,073 1,610 70 188 285 492 78 113 103 168 85 136 88 109 59 67 49 46 103 131 81 34 67 76 35 373,774 396,192 294 895 7,999 13,161 4,452 6,440 3,423 13,669 9,858 15,811 13,892 17,176 11,492 13,132 11,729 10,926 33,331 45,691 56,072 59,894 211,232 199,347 49,620 810 1,253 61,535 73,925 25 114 72 366 196 353 2,169 4,071 62 92 1,234 1,992 84 136 2,068 4,037 67 110 2,762 4,927 71 % 3,939 6,929 48 55 3,312 3,695 40 43 3,647 4,170 92 118 11,765 14,593 71 71 12,757 13,906 54 65 17,810 20,139 30 7,538 257 390 21 58 104 150 18 41 27 42 21 20 16 22 U 15 6 7 15 17 10 6 8 '12 3 43,662 102,523 79 255 2,872 4,166 1,023 2,374 2,203 3,462 2,395 2,363 2,511 3,409 2,101 2,974 1,447 1,618 5,052 5,619 6,849 4,040 17,130 72,243 3,370 1% 316 3,530 7,663 7 34 17 96 82 127 666 1,718 14 37 168 695 23 34 382 774 18 17 371 484 14 19 233 449 7 9 116 354 172 171 12 16 397 644 7 6 648 138 7 10 310 2,140 2 74 180 264 56 90 75 91 9 14 8 13 3 14 3 9 4 7 4 3 7 11 4 5 7 7 3 30,635 44,182 216 423 1,858 2,126 533 827 665 1,063 354 1,556 457 1,421 792 1,358 921 694 2,245 3,650 2,125 3,644 20,469 27,415 3,682 107 142 4,209 6,953 23 42 41 93 46 47 307 228 6 10 71 173 7 6 140 159 2 10 66 241 2 6 89 233 3 4 62 52 3 3 64 264 5 7 423 173 3 2 141 6 7 5 2,805 5,336 3 1,491 472 617 45 73 211 246 39 66 46 52 42 49 23 22 10 21 10 n 28 36 10 17 8 9 5 62,898 77,094 204 377 5,766 6,867 2,244 3,334 3,669 4,958 4,376 5,623 3,679 3,456 1,949 4,090 2,288 2,645 10,431 13,227 6,649 U,547 21,143 20,415 5,750 276 480 6,417 10,717 15 47 42 95 115 189 740 1,557 22 53 192 686 28 46 367 767 29 45 5% 1,200 23 19 490 639 6 19 148 430 7 10 479 434 15 30 654 1,902 8 14 1,327 1,331 7 8 1,382 1,626 5 1,367 772 1,017 295 327 234 395 31 70 44 42 20 38 24 33 13 19 12 7 12 30 14 20 23 36 9 254,457 427,427 1,014 1,467 6,321 3,494 1,740 4,088 3,577 3,473 2,192 4,415 3,717 5,155 2,550 3,335 2,834 1,649 3,769 10,125 9,934 13,778 226,709 370,948 10, 519 656 882 15,562 13,018 225 237 561 833 258 361 3,270 3,893 31 62 946 1,793 41 38 1,557 1,398 16 37 923 1,931 20 27 887 1,457 13 14 932 685 U 5 973 284 11 27 1,297 2,469 12 13 2,914 1,749 8 11 1,302 1,526 5 1,175 381 408 168 124 95 128 9 13 19 11 14 15 10 16 9 9 7 8 15 31 15 29 19 24 9 80,821 129,872 613 443 1,315 2,781 501 762 1,619 890 1,572 1,748 1,559 2,486 1,779 1,778 1,628 1,938 4,943 11,343 10,351 20,135 53,941 85,567 13,211 273 269 14,924 23,443 124 90 430 218 72 36 954 1,383 8 10 364 367 13 7 322 501 10 10 777 1,011 5 10 401 1,176 7 5 865 TOO 6 7 962 1,374 10 20 2,222 5,536 8 14 3,212 6,163 10 10 3,915 4,%9 6 2,465 HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: FLORIDA CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 153 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Colmnbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler rrantlin Gadsden Gilchrist 74 259 165 104 700 1,151 385 142 317 782 117 27 669 334 1 148 1 278 188 116 937 1,527 505 214 475 1,334 100 36 1,024 369 2 U 51 24 12 31 542 52 24 102 93 22 12 67 8 3 18 40 24 11 62 700 45 52 157 316 14 18 152 6 4 21 78 58 26 118 363 123 25 94 346 24 8 187 34 5 44 76 54 14 186 558 1S2 51 152 559 25 10 351 38 6 2 10 10 7 33 44 24 7 9 69 4 1 42 11 T 6 18 13 10 56 49 39 5 16 95 8 ... 63 9 6 3 18 10 9 95 37 34 11 11 75 3 61 42 9 10 27 15 7 117 51 37 22 26 125 5 87 49 10 6 20 13 6 66 35 26 14 13 61 13 1 58 47 11 13 21 12 6 104 33 29 15 22 79 6 1 82 35 12 2 18 7 3 87 19 12 12 11 35 3 1 39 41 13 11 18 8 8 128 21 21 14 14 46 6 1 56 60 14 4 8 2 1 56 19 22 8 7 19 4 38 22 15 3 5 7 4 70 17 18 12 U 24 5 40 27 16 1 7 2 4 44 9 9 8 9 18 3 . . . 26 16 17 4 11 3 1 46 5 16 12 10 27 2 33 22 18 5 24 12 2 107 37 25 17 23 44 7 "2 75 31 19 13 25 12 14 135 37 31 13 25 35 5 2 75 87 20 3 6 6 8 44 24 22 10 18 13 7 1 48 22 21 8 16 10 10 59 27 31 10 27 17 6 48 21 22 13 19 21 26 19 17 36 6 15 9 17 1 28 10 23 18 21 30 31 24 29 56 8 12 11 18 4 37 15 24 3 9 5 3 15 10 8 1 6 4 4 21 8 25 235,056 118,249 139,633 316,424 157,112 128,550 294,261 168,944 78,130 136,027 172,620 17,274 157, 741 91,339 26 380,283 198,744 160,836 421,589 262,095 192,517 461,405 168,850 30,571 156,900 168,039 23,484 193,050 108,058 27 57 221 81 43 120 1,849 233 102 349 399 61 30 207 32 28 73 177 103 30 275 2,716 222 173 672 1,469 60 54 779 20 29 414 1,827 1,585 557 3,575 6,930 3,113 301 1,925 8,861 456 144 4,793 1,117 30 1,049 1,913 1,342 393 5,391 10,745 4,657 1,401 3,148 14,340 592 282 9,142 1,144 31 115 543 569 370 1,964 2,508 1,402 418 497 4,029 234 56 2,416 625 32 376 1,046 741 563 3,314 2,740 2,235 288 859 5,482 459 3,664 540 33 234 1,536 795 729 7,784 3,035 2,767 870 389 6,060 620 5,007 3,377 34 816 2,197 1,213 580 9,498 4,102 3,052 1,793 2,099 10,330 396 7,223 3,965 35 671 2,263 1,548 627 7,715 3,997 2,961 1,627 1,533 7,118 1,428 114 6,768 5,600 36 1,539 2,334 1,331 648 12,456 3,713 3,316 1,794 2,563 9,186 641 112 9,516 4,167 37 308 2,767 1,093 461 13,751 2,856 1,917 1,877 1,766 5,400 1,240 160 6,151 6,459 .18 1,837 2,842 1,270 1,277 20,303 3,332 3,328 2,221 2,246 7,196 934 175 3,774 9,506 39 769 1,577 420 200 11,014 3,700 4,303 1,593 1,382 3,679 780 7,409 4,309 40 593 963 1,357 777 13,301 3,433 3,647 2,375 2,779 4,702 900 . •. 7,841 5,260 41 240 1,700 505 921 10,452 2,159 2,069 1,919 2,139 4,279 690 6,263 3,809 42 952 2,574 677 250 10,984 1,215 3,804 2,370 2,431 6,376 490 7,724 5,231 43 1,777 8,613 4,239 734 37,066 12,695 8,553 6,236 9,665 15,349 2,585 726 26,508 23,522 44 4,222 8,942 4,205 4,645 46,158 12,953 10,964 4,306 3,527 11,361 2,120 801 25,359 30,607 45 1,739 4,290 4,623 5,444 29,765 16,707 15,352 5,982 12,232 3,938 4,279 950 33,022 15,156 46 6,263 11,064 6,928 6,557 38,304 17, 595 21,494 6,512 17,997 11,459 3,845 32,469 13,866 47 228,682 92,907 124,175 306,338 33,906 72,114 251,091 147,519 45,703 71,915 160,247 15,100 59,197 22,333 48 362,553 164,687 141,719 405,869 101,611 129,968 404,636 145,117 37,250 74, 999 157,602 22,060 85,059 33,752 49 4,247 11,297 6,702 4,393 19,341 13,487 10,091 1,540 8,103 4,631 6,000 ... 26,633 11,038 50 47 159 45 69 600 1,036 309 82 138 573 71 9 533 288 51 36 171 87 68 783 1,333 377 105 178 790 58 5 888 345 52 2,392 4,920 1,298 5,348 34,087 60,362 12,786 3,376 4,725 23,722 5,148 39 37,347 32,332 53 2,958 5,865 2,110 9,560 33,368 51,428 13,711 4,494 3,141 24,558 4,756 65 45,290 34,109 54 9 36 5 8 17 466 44 5 47 31 7 4 24 4 55 12 23 6 2 33 606 40 11 62 117 4 1 119 3 56 32 84 14 25 49 1,143 144 12 102 80 11 5 80 16 5T 32 62 7 7 33 1,522 124 19 144 331 7 4 436 5 58 19 45 12 19 90 344 97 17 40 246 13 3 132 20 59 30 47 27 11 123 495 143 18 68 317 10 3 300 30 60 194 327 88 196 1,075 4,762 1,204 173 254 2,580 49 13 1,526 314 61 222 339 252 177 1,406 6,796 1,504 262 454 3,202 128 17 3,420 385 62 2 6 4 6 27 43 21 4 5 56 4 34 8 63 5 12 6 9 45 45 29 1 9 74 5 ... 55 8 64 24 95 38 251 493 1,763 610 42 39 1,454 86 746 198 65 62 175 39 428 363 1,688 634 44 119 1,635 184 1,317 253 66 ... 10 4 7 81 37 24 8 5 66 6 53 34 67 4 15 3 6 96 47 27 12 6 94 3 72 48 69 186 13 443 1,793 2,059 585 111 212 2,037 173 1,649 1,124 69 161 180 55 482 2,356 2,529 613 2U 58 2,716 114 ... 2,131 1,920 70 4 11 2 6 60 34 22 8 7 56 12 51 40 71 9 10 6 6 85 31 20 11 3 57 6 70 34 72 149 321 83 527 2,040 2,960 744 175 366 1,901 895 2,342 1,970 73 536 315 135 514 2,984 2,617 810 434 70 2,422 470 2,734 1,839 74 . . . 8 3 3 81 18 10 7 3 23 6 35 36 75 8 9 2 3 112 20 16 7 3 31 6 55 55 76 .. ■ 198 25 311 3,958 2,467 338 230 90 1,812 568 2,227 2,499 77 259 538 4 1,040 5,285 2,204 587 325 102 1,572 503 2,881 3,575 76 3 3 1 47 19 19 6 3 15 3 35 21 79 1 2 4 3 60 14 14 10 1 19 5 38 23 50 83 110 ... 200 2,342 2,892 785 450 64 990 281 ... 2,314 1,699 81 13 65 153 363 3,495 1,942 415 533 25 1,665 453 1,943 2,076 82 1 6 ... 4 37 9 9 7 2 15 . . • 24 16 83 2 9 3 1 42 5 12 10 7 24 32 22 84 240 170 438 2,328 1,369 550 552 240 2,188 ... 2,261 1,700 85 192 407 '78 250 2,454 747 554 480 451 2,378 2,235 2,632 36 2 14 7 2 104 32 23 11 8 40 7 1 71 79 87 5 14 6 11 120 31 21 13 6 33 5 70 36 88 105 1,200 380 485 10,029 8,041 1,714 945 776 5,082 1,111 1 7,807 13,303 89 154 515 74 2,349 11,115 5,743 1,171 1,056 263 3,007 639 7,193 11,408 90 1 5 1 6 39 21 15 6 10 13 5 1 46 21 91 4 LL 3 6 50 17 21 7 8 16 6 43 21 92 50 320 70 1,909 6,7D2 11,307 1,206 548 1,250 2,356 1,102 '26 7,412 6,101 93 238 1,132 412 2,864 5,780 8,512 1,901 669 699 4,539 1,315 6,072 5,135 94 6 15 7 7 17 13 25 3 8 7 8 28 9 95 6 19 16 5 17 22 34 5 5 8 8 "i 34 15 96 1,515 1,909 587 563 2,778 21,094 4,906 138 1,282 2,742 872 8,983 3,408 97 1,089 2,137 851 1,036 3,042 17,128 5,398 453 756 1,091 943 44 14,878 4,826 98 1 8 1 1 13 7 5 3 4 2 21 7 99 320 777 45 400 1,418 7,310 1,514 600 2,122 49 4,916 1,977 100 154 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND Farms: Ml farms. . . . I'nder 10 acres. . . 10 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 69 acres . . . 70 to 99 acres . . , 100 to 139 acres . It«m (For definitions and explanations, : 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres . . . . 260 to 499 acres . . , , 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres, . 1,000 to 1,999 acres. Land in ^rms: All [and in Farms. . Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 119 'icrea .number 19r)9. 1954. .number 19,'>9. 1954. .number 1959. 1954. . number 1959. 1954. .number 1959. 1954. . number 1959 , 1954. . number 1959 . 1954. .number 1959. 1954 . .number 19ri9. 1954. .number 19.'>9. 1954 . .number 1959. 1954 . .number 1959. 1954 . .number 1959 . 140 to 179 acres . . . . ISO to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres . . . . 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres. , 1,000 to 1.999 ncrea Cropland harvested; Any cropland harvested . 1059.. 1954.. •OS 1959., 1954 . , 1959.. 1951.. 1959 . , 1954 . . OS 1959., 1954 . , 1959., 1954.. ■es 1959 . 1954., 1959. 1954.. 1959. 1954. ■es 1959. 1954. ■es 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. ■es 1959 . , . farms report /.? 70 to 99 acres . '-I en inO to 1^0 acres . 140 ui 17!) acres . 180 to 2\Q acres . 220 to 259 acres . 260 to 499 acres . 50O to 099 acres . 1,000 or more acres . 1,000 to 1,999 acres. tinp 1959 . . 1964.. acres 1959.. 1954.. . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. . . farms reportlnp 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . . . farms reportjnp 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 19.54 . . . . farms reportinp 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 19.19. . 1954.. . . farms reportinfi 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954.. . . farms rcportinjr 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. . . famt.s reporlinR 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . acres 1959. 1954 . . . . farms reportinj; 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . . , farms reportinf; 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1954. . . farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 127 103 19 13 29 28 10 5 2 2 4 11 5 19 11 19 15 6 332,397 294,862 68 50 638 752 582 288 668 904 793 470 477 780 397 474 964 4,211 2,085 13,822 7,648 310,664 280,524 6,931 21 22 3,871 4,853 1 7 2 21 2 2 3 6 1 1 2 50 240 2 2 54 532 6 3 1,023 512 7 3 2,692 3,240 3 1,192 5 8 3 30,279 43,928 40 142 511 698 276 467 233 410 755 683 163 465 600 799 474 250 595 380 632 2,211 26,000 37,423 4,000 31 63 508 838 2 16 4 46 10 18 70 126 3 4 34 39 2 4 12 31 5 5 96 48 1 1 56 21 2 4 23 206 2 1 56 2 5 50 232 479 747 33 99 67 164 35 37 56 91 41 64 44 65 32 38 27 29 83 lOO 43 42 IS- IS 12 126,513 177,189 137 475 1,948 4,696 2,010 2,186 4,574 7,481 4,874 7,637 6,954 10,203 6,235 7,490 6,431 6,S32 30,530 35,183 29,478 28,334 33,342 66,672 13,929 456 669 31,410 34,368 24 64 80 212 62 146 S07 2,232 35 35 837 874 54 84 1,662 2,910 39 62 1,507 2,865 43 63 2,217 3,435 31 38 1,906 2,287 26 27 2,439 1,683 82 95 8,875 8,984 43 39 6,724 5,217 17 16 4,356 3,669 12 2,765 1,100 1,114 147 88 510 524 70 86 89 84 62 86 41 50 16 25 19 16 50 40 43 51 53 64 26 325,717 401,576 535 424 12,300 12,985 4,009 4,842 7,180 6,881 7,184 9,966 6,367 7,883 3,178 4,845 4,493 3,776 17,638 13,745 30,781 34,945 232,052 301 , 284 34,473 1,018 93S 30,S95 22,656 138 70 348 214 474 439 6,440 4,907 66 71 2,099 1,360 84 73 3,084 2,336 61 79 2,717 3,103 37 48 2,372 2,231 16 23 1,225 976 17 15 1,043 892 41 30 3,407 1,267 37 37 4,052 2,656 47 53 4,108 2,714 25 1,424 Hendry 189 188 35 27 51 42 7 8 9 13 7 13 S 7 3 7 5 3 17 14 12 15 35 39 641,483 646,969 138 110 1,030 912 401 449 737 1,061 748 1,463 1,227 1,100 580 1,416 1,210 710 6,172 4,870 8,673 10,481 620, 567 624,397 16,049 103 95 38,4S0 32,269 22 12 56 37 27 21 259 153 6 5 163 122 5 10 185 241 350 522 6 2 457 23 1 5 200 390 4 2 785 243 S 7 1,213 1,390 7 7 310 1,066 12 16 34,502 28,082 371 299 387 34 51 127 149 19 33 26 22 19 26 106,490 119,176 138 250 2,920 3,553 1,115 1,922 2,094 1,742 2,208 3,082 2,162 3,335 1,528 3,286 1,393 2,437 6,027 7,280 8,815 9,918 78,090 82,371 13,269 142 229 8,967 9,133 14 19 28 65 47 80 686 784 6 19 124 322 19 17 615 404 10 17 286 757 7 13 339 581 3 14 215 685 3 8 132 256 14 15 800 884 9 10 2,858 861 10 17 2,884 3,534 7 2,421 Highlands 481 583 124 167 154 220 30 32 24 21 22 21 14 18 14 53 54 19 415,854 534,977 404 707 3,420 4,838 1,751 1,823 1,949 1,732 2,487 2,417 2,150 2,856 1,611 1,954 1,882 1,667 5,906 6,519 18,516 9,976 375,778 500,483 25,073 377 493 26,153 22,977 97 156 307 583 139 204 2,363 3,376 28 29 1,279 1,358 21 19 936 948 18 18 1,495 1,261 12 17 1,038 1,757 5 3 455 367 5 4 932 400 15 11 2,439 913 14 9 2,615 1,854 23 23 12,294 10,160 9 2,644 Hlllsborcjiigh 3,439 4,492 941 1,177 1,697 2,343 174 221 150 208 111 139 62 67 58 83 102 56 72 72 81 37 773,468 863,243 4,084 5,765 38,273 50,062 9,981 12,689 12,230 16,981 12,799 16,181 9,731 10,563 11,443 9,623 8,315 7,753 29,091 36,199 38,137 49,582 599,384 647,845 51,741 2,668 3,147 66,888 54,464 623 754 1,738 2,043 1,430 1,733 16,067 14,944 156 179 4,044 3,900 128 153 4,787 3,706 76 94 3,514 4,084 50 39 3,356 1,790 45 35 2,749 1,979 23 14 1,797 871 51 65 5,960 4,803 38 33 5,671 4,129 48 48 17,205 12,215 22 5,493 FLORIDA HARVESTED. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 155 Indian River Jacl£son Jefferson Ufayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marlon Martin Monroe *93 2,145 557 359 2,827 279 589 488 187 829 753 1,736 130 17 1 683 2,997 924 483 2,920 458 910 498 285 1,104 804 1,853 186 11 2 100 78 44 14 763 67 67 31 30 34 186 250 31 11 3 91 207 97 27 737 117 164 13 64 90 171 252 52 6 i 231 624 229 30 1,218 91 260 82 59 139 303 581 43 3 5 370 942 410 51 1,346 155 424 75 85 214 346 635 47 3 S 26 165 39 11 187 12 48 14 15 53 30 123 5 7 47 289 74 25 210 20 67 22 22 35 45 112 10 8 33 277 47 49 179 13 48 59 21 109 50 166 4 9 38 429 90 67 182 22 67 57 35 138 47 188 7 10 30 281 46 42 133 13 39 36 11 91 38 119 5 "i 11 26 369 61 55 115 19 51 59 12 124 39 133 11 12 10 193 20 56 66 11 29 44 10 82 20 92 6 13 23 247 32 64 66 16 29 41 16 122 16 104 6 1 14 13 138 21 32 52 11 11 30 3 64 7 61 2 15 13 144 19 45 58 16 22 32 7 70 15 58 3 16 5 72 11 30 26 2 10 26 2 50 10 49 IT 11 79 16 4« 20 4 12 26 4 47 11 63 6 "i 18 21 188 41 59 34 18 31 33 15 129 40 134 7 2 19 25 173 61 62 82 28 23 81 19 135 36 136 9 20 9 90 29 27 64 16 21 44 10 53 24 91 4 21 16 70 29 23 51 25 24 54 13 49 22 92 6 22 15 39 30 9 55 25 25 39 6 25 45 65 23 23 23 48 35 11 53 36 27 38 3 30 56 80 29 24 6 31 15 7 28 12 7 18 2 11 18 40 3 25 197,751 391,269 190,473 107,549 329,186 142,509 176,235 307,766 47,973 206,333 252,812 538,857 126,613 904 26 227,777 432,747 226,769 105,982 319,423 219,932 132,839 319,555 48,301 237,499 309,125 683,281 200,799 485 27 393 276 180 51 3,489 245 231 104 93 167 787 999 104 19 28 461 1,020 490 111 3,175 457 847 56 277 455 330 1,197 196 16 29 5,285 18,335 5,867 1,009 29,005 1,995 5,802 2,698 1,190 4,300 7,043 14,518 939 35 30 7,937 27,682 11,338 1,645 30,950 3,356 10,613 2,459 2,037 6,141 8,081 16,343 1,115 78 31 1,456 9,608 2,194 638 10,637 679 2,756 825 839 3,069 1,705 7,409 305 32 2,591 16,776 4,212 1,442 12,037 1,107 3,891 1,286 1,231 4,889 2,517 6,459 533 33 2,637 22,628 3,881 4,011 14,471 1,021 3,970 4,710 1,653 8,859 4,089 13,238 290 34 3,127 35,021 7,348 5,523 14,879 1,752 5,453 4,653 2,817 11,393 3,341 15,111 560 35 3,424 32,747 5,302 4,986 15,366 1,433 4,448 4,245 1,261 10,536 4,431 13,834 520 160 36 2,973 42,969 6,927 6,499 13,129 2,202 5,841 6,305 1,325 14,285 4,560 15,373 1,254 37 1,496 30,443 3,068 3,893 10,296 1,756 4,591 7,065 1,687 13,209 3,120 14,363 941 38 3,598 38,850 4,949 10,119 10,299 2,516 4,560 6,504 2,506 19,323 2,489 16,137 991 151 39 2,555 27,079 4,157 6,352 10,168 2,176 2,144 5,859 1,562 12,599 1,335 11,971 390 40 2,575 28,242 3,741 9,034 11,235 3,148 4,254 6,208 1,392 13,795 2,968 11,384 586 41 1,207 17,106 2,649 7,059 6,137 470 2,348 6,148 460 11,941 2,337 11,649 42 2,622 18,900 3,308 11,473 4,779 953 2,826 6,107 942 11,094 2,611 15,046 1,413 240 43 7,658 64,834 15,003 20,738 30,056 6,379 10,368 30,031 4,962 44,935 14,407 48,281 2,498 750 44 9,532 59,789 21,576 21,161 28,991 10,057 8,442 28,120 7,088 46,284 12,722 48,236 3,231 45 6,008 63,766 21,053 17,989 45,262 10,673 13,648 30,067 6,662 35,807 17,607 63,399 2,667 46 11,767 47,871 19,586 18,345 36,632 17,825 16,483 37,947 8,441 33,036 15,249 64,678 4,219 47 165,632 104,447 127,119 35,823 154,299 115,627 125,429 215,964 27,609 60,911 195,851 339,196 117,964 48 180,594 115,627 142,794 20,630 153,222 176,559 119,679 219,410 20,245 76,804 253,257 473,317 186,696 49 8,190 42,017 19,111 9,771 38,943 17,336 9,567 22,539 3,013 15,070 24,997 56,867 5,214 50 445 1,831 483 317 2,733 176 441 357 97 771 558 1,292 80 10 51 600 2,515 316 425 2,757 279 713 409 160 1,012 608 1,414 121 11 52 27,508 118,127 42,320 13,876 121,444 11,137 26,229 34,930 1,557 54,326 18,434 69,087 6,031 59 53 28,738 133,908 52,744 23,106 100,591 12,953 27,572 44,234 2,361 63,211 15,614 63,346 4,133 299 54 94 22 16 5 734 39 33 8 5 22 127 131 20 4 55 82 127 68 17 664 71 98 4 18 61 137 187 45 6 56 230 76 67 14 2,729 106 112 23 13 63 325 472 52 5 57 305 488 225 58 2,326 177 323 12 55 234 396 556 84 8 58 211 512 203 26 1,173 63 203 57 37 123 228 435 33 3 59 335 747 366 36 1,305 103 357 57 53 195 263 461 37 3 60 3,575 7,615 3,289 414 20,333 782 2,534 785 273 1,708 2,591 5,181 355 26 61 4,808 12,394 6,479 514 19,527 1,231 6,U9 1,054 464 3,064 2,564 5,712 201 33 62 23 135 37 3 132 11 38 9 7 43 21 98 3 63 44 248 69 20 200 14 50 16 16 31 36 80 3 64 764 3,755 1,090 146 6,787 317 797 173 139 1,263 494 2,415 115 6S 1,554 8,277 2,126 454 6,710 395 1,827 414 225 2,504 357 1,739 137 66 33 242 44 41 176 10 35 46 12 105 36 116 4 6T 31 379 82 59 179 12 57 44 27 124 32 151 3 68 1,343 8,701 1,626 680 8,793 231 335 1,236 169 3,059 975 3,632 93 69 1,767 14,429 2,991 1,622 3,446 377 1,363 1,709 610 4,665 950 4,071 175 70 28 254 41 41 129 5 33 31 9 87 33 87 3 1 71 23 324 56 48 106 8 39 52 7 113 31 100 9 72 2,209 14,335 1,854 1,279 8,374 503 1,112 1,363 241 3,336 1,208 4,486 230 10 73 1,239 18,724 2,543 2,084 6,197 445 1,486 2,674 142 5,382 1,270 4,276 252 74 10 179 19 52 65 6 23 36 3 79 16 68 1 75 19 221 29 61 63 7 24 35 10 114 11 85 4 "i 76 1,202 12,445 1,295 1,830 5,740 665 937 2,373 56 4,064 901 3,394 70 77 1,805 14,642 2,111 3,155 4,845 367 943 2,780 189 6,568 741 4,990 336 15 78 13 130 18 27 52 7 7 22 5 63 4 46 1 79 9 129 17 43 55 10 17 30 4 67 10 47 80 1,679 11,177 1,512 935 5,876 962 580 2,081 95 4,153 98 3,541 2 81 1,104 10, 524 1,031 2,344 5,069 867 971 2,654 125 5,123 503 2,696 82 4 65 10 30 26 1 6 21 1 48 6 36 83 9 72 14 46 18 1 3 26 3 46 10 55. "3 1 84 706 6,263 1,096 1,749 3,758 200 381 2,646 30 4,356 328 2,827 65 1,297 6,486 1,041 3,621 2,172 2 384 3,009 161 3,937 977 5,212 295 238 66 17 176 36 54 80 13 23 66 10 123 33 108 3 2 87 23 158 53 61 76 17 21 71 13 130 23 106 2 88 3,181 22,131 3,865 3,353 13,942 2,480 1,982 9,373 327 14,205 2,807 12,403 424 'ie 80 3,083 16,722 6,322 4,674 11,820 2,277 1,385 10,640 390 15,078 2,092 10,162 58 90 5 81 29 26 60 9 18 38 5 50 19 67 2 91 10 64 24 25 49 15 23 48 5 49 17 73 2 92 1,770 15,973 6,393 2,284 15,968 1,197 2,338 3,541 173 9,097 3,407 11,858 141 93 1,805 10,054 4,621 2,713 14,183 2,281 3,464 9,901 132 8,805 1,593 12,724 59 94 7 35 30 7 51 12 22 23 3 23 35 50 10 95 15 46 33 9 42 21 24 26 4 27 38 69 8 96 10,349 15,656 20,733 1,137 29,144 3,744 14,621 5,331 31 9,017 5,300 18,323 4,549 97 9,971 21,168 23,254 1,362 19,296 4,034 3,302 9,437 368 7,846 3,671 16,158 2,536 98 2 28 15 6 25 9 5 12 1 11 16 29 1 99 1,500 9,268 5,046 1,057 14,576 2,297 1,316 2,463 25 2,830 1,791 8,271 1,483 100 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND Item (For definitions and explanations, Okeechobee Orange Farms: All farms. . , . I'mler 1(1 acres.. . 10 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 69 acres . . . 70 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 139 acres . 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres ... 220 to 259 acres . . . . 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres. . 1,000 to 1,999 aaes Land in farms: Ml land in farms. . number 1959 , 1954. . number 1959 . 1954 . . number 1959 . 1954 . . number 1959 . 1954. . number 1959 . 1954 . . number 1959 . 1954. .number 1959. 1954. . number 1959. 1954 . . number 1959 . 1954 . .number 1959. 1954 . . number 1959 . 1954 . . number 1959 . 1954 . , number 1959 . Under 10 acres. . . 10 to 49 acres , . . 50 to 69 acres . . . 70 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 139 ^cres . 140 to 179 acres IfiO to 219 acres 220 w 2.59 acres . . . . 260 to 499 acres . . . . 500 to 999 acres 1 .000 or more acres. . 1.000 to 1.999 acres Cropland harvested: .\ny crofiland harvested . ■es 1959 . 1954 . es 1959 . 1951 . ■es 1959 . 1951. es 1959 . 1954 . es 19,59 . 1954. ■es 1959 . 1954 . . acres 1959 . 1954. . acres 1959. 1954. . acres 1959. 1954. s 1959. 1954 . s 1959 . 1954 . . acres 1959 . 1954. . acres 1959 . I'nder 10 acres. . 10 to -19 acres . 50 to 69 acres . 70 lo 99 acres . 100 to 139 acres 140 to 179 acres . 180 to 219 acres . 220 to 259 acres . 260 to 499 acres . 500 to 999 acres . 1.000 or more acres . l.OOO lo 1,999 acres. . farms re|»rtjnp 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. . . farms refxjrting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. . farms reportinc 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 19.54. . farms reportinf 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954 . . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. . farms reportinc 19.59 . 19.54. acres 1 959 . 1954 . . farms repcrtinc 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. . . farms roportinE 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1951 . . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. , . farms reptxtinc 1959 . 19.54. acres 1959 . 1954. . . farms reporting 19,59 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. . , farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 255 205 U U 65 44 23 16 26 29 20 21 87,225 70,158 61 66 1,748 1,194 1,368 333 2,116 2,343 2,326 2,354 3,732 2,675 2,397 307 1,479 2,350 10,849 7,031 13,253 10,332 47,896 40, 123 9,243 145 95 2,141 1,586 2 2 5 6 37 20 127 190 17 11 152 100 17 17 139 180 12 11 116 131 11 4 121 23 3 1 143 17 2 4 27 20 22 10 362 307 14 8 319 232 630 380 5 256 598 863 35 39 188 291 158 63 31 61 52 27 35 22 22 41 33 73,762 103,304 148 441 5,301 8,078 2,729 3,745 8,067 12,935 7,511 9,487 9,636 8,045 5,231 6,703 5,215 5,135 14,140 12,325 4,081 15,475 16,653 21,435 5,253 460 552 16,691 16,554 12 26 43 70 133 159 1,419 1,698 39 44 787 887 79 113 2,111 2,949 56 70 2,409 2,740 49 38 2,305 1,325 25 28 1,570 1,164 17 21 1,316 1,309 38 32 3,091 2,327 5 17 541 1,631 7 4 1,099 454 4 1,032 183 242 19 36 7 16 8 7 1 2 16 19 21 21 54- 55 18 367,832 463,698 74 142 718 1,162 344 672 739 1,053 905 1,079 1,084 2,528 1,578 1,332 231 475 6,127 6,138 15,763 13,833 340,269 440,279 23,784 66 84 983 1,545 10 17 22 30 3 25 40 107 2 5 14 37 4 4 40 15 159 31 6 5 23 461 17 13 600 739 6 97 2,600 2,726 1,082 838 940 1,198 131 131 92 141 84 104 53 54 26 43 28 23 57 79 54 21 349,007 434,199 3,486 3,629 21,590 25,736 7,528 7,424 7,509 11,503 9,648 11,965 8,445 8,399 5,079 8,464 6,534 5,414 19,417 27,729 40,542 42,398 219,229 281,538 29,134 2,222 2,371 113,773 93,151 836 685 2,016 2,097 867 1,083 13,406 15,271 124 122 4,163 4,152 87 132 4,438 6,536 77 92 5,670 5,718 48 49 4,103 4,132 25 35 2,796 3,699 24 20 3,321 3,066 46 65 10,043 12, 375 47 51 14,874 14,881 41 37 53,943 21,224 18 9,146 460 527 32 125 177 183 31 28 24 45 26 25 16 18 814,959 834,985 302 416 3,947 4,220 1,742 1,581 1,984 3,724 3,082 2,893 2,509 2,341 1,606 1,386 2,398 2,609 10,649 9,775 10,676 8,163 776,064 797, 377 13,406 338 318 n,755 7,022 54 57 124 121 139 127 1,647 1,181 27 18 641 356 18 27 446 590 25 19 1,079 713 10 12 396 420 5 4 331 85 249 343 21 15 1,212 378 11 9 2,462 167 23 22 3,168 2,168 6 198 527 374 136 231 111 244 21 40 21 42 21 372,408 446,554 423 932 2,401 5,236 1,197 2,333 1,765 3,324 2,277 4,547 4,047 4,754 3,361 4,355 2,640 4,517 18,014 24,285 35,200 38,177 301,083 354,094 42,826 315 537 79, 292 78,870 73 143 162 343 68 138 897 1,628 16 29 579 947 17 27 924 1,374 15 27 1,144 1,717 16 22 1,468 2,089 14 14 2,247 2,022 5 13 681 1,724 35 39 8,604 3,297 23 36 11,046 12,922 28 49 51,540 45,807 15 14, 384 1,012 1,036 203 157 448 503 73 67 58 79 51 48 24 23 26 18 10 13 35 35 36 33 48 60 25 309,807 402,395 360 763 10,531 11,273 4,259 3,839 4,707 6,330 5,844 5,487 3,790 3,564 5,132 3,557 2,449 3,105 12,061 12,061 25,646 23,382 234,478 328,984 35,786 817 786 40,997 31,412 135 112 399 309 372 376 5,135 3,611 62 54 1,578 1,174 51 62 1,514 1,408 43 40 2,198 1,834 20 21 1,446 880 20 13 1,361 731 1,135 520 33 29 4,191 2,692 34 28 5,210 3,713 39 43 16,830 14, 540 21 10,758 546 3,128 758 4,020 209 641 248 775 203 1,409 329 2,101 30 211 33 212 24 177 34 223 25 146 27 164 9 95 20 107 9 63 20 57 9 49 3 37 12 109 23 108 6 85 6 84 10 143 10 152 4 50 57,052 1,060,384 56,955 730 1,247,725 2,639 1,011 3,688 4,572 31,992 7,419 44,710 1,726 11,936 2,248 11,931 1,974 14,477 2,655 18,052 2,836 2,974 16,874 18,709 1,462 14,836 3,159 16,617 1,751 12,414 3,929 11,262 2,133 11,626 700 8,814 4,649 38,966 7,554 38,507 3,934 60,276 4,026 59,013 31,285 844,348 21,280 1,016,422 5,675 72,807 423 2,691 530 3,512 11,918 141,217 13,945 142,374 134 504 136 654 348 1,593 412 2,326 177 1,239 258 1,889 2,567 3,727 18,784 28,768 27 202 28 193 929 7,302 714 22 6,483 154 31 190 964 1,103 6,959 9,546 19 128 22 144 924 8,633 1,185 9,028 7 82 16 88 626 6,610 1,155 6,963 7 61 11 51 603 6,595 1,245 4,653 7 44 2 30 1,061 78 3,855 3,188 9 93 16 91 1,732 2,260 5 13,382 13,864 71 4 75 954 14,311 221 15,536 9 113 6 107 1,205 53,193 1,845 42,019 4 42 285 12,625 FLORIDA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 157 Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Watailla Walton Washington 539 227 611 346 325 680 571 1,247 274 289 1,371 142 755 687 1 622 350 735 1,202 349 789 761 1,705 323 385 1,173 242 1,214 1,003 2 143 29 159 46 96 247 28 38 35 23 497 36 32 15 3 158 79 138 131 87 247 80 63 34 49 369 46 68 58 4 189 58 270 274 131 251 199 168 84 68 531 33 205 203 S 232 98 357 440 141 320 274 275 96 102 496 83 418 311 6 42 23 21 82 10 38 65 57 17 21 63 7 52 62 7 48 17 38 112 16 50 58 110 33 31 56 14 113 81 8 34 15 40 113 14 29 53 141 35 37 63 8 120 93 9 33 29 45 160 22 50 76 220 44 38 56 14 179 159 10 17 19 21 106 8 33 45 128 28 39 41 10 106 90 u 20 21 42 126 11 33 67 191 23 43 47 21 143 122 12 24 17 20 87 11 14 40 165 13 24 44 10 64 57 13 17 18 19 91 7 21 48 241 20 34 31 17 85 98 U 9 6 4 38 3 11 25 117 13 7 22 8 44 46 15 19 10 13 37 3 8 20 132 15 17 12 5 57 53 16 5 6 7 19 4 9 13 119 5 9 9 4 40 27 17 12 9 6 24 6 8 13 125 5 8 13 9 35 29 18 29 21 20 54 14 19 38 206 23 33 30 12 56 63 19 30 26 21 51 21 21 45 252 27 31 28 16 63 61 20 15 18 17 19 12 11 27 85 9 18 34 10 24 13 21 26 20 17 23 10 10 34 72 12 20 25 11 26 12 22 32 15 32 8 22 18 38 23 12 10 37 4 12 13 2.3 27 23 39 7 25 21 41 19 14 12 40 6 22 19 2< 13 9 7 5 2 8 21 16 4 6 12 1 7 8 25 222,516 91,308 306,293 110,682 165,648 210,908 197,513 297,022 391,514 140,719 262,897 30,353 125,292 110,326 26 298,065 182,580 372,074 120,932 196,785 182,305 218,391 314,848 434,616 100,052 248,062 36,449 166,554 178,006 37 574 103 597 165 322 930 128 177 73 71 1,684 92 128 65 28 755 348 641 625 354 1,178 394 330 131 228 1,681 223 361 269 29 4,478 1,628 6,127 7,864 2,807 5,482 5,569 5,161 2,216 1,722 11,665 834 6,200 6,494 30 5,417 2,519 8,345 12,111 3,195 7,069 7,547 8,257 2,616 2,751 10,355 1,939 12,133 9,555 31 2,468 1,343 1,235 4,838 579 2,185 3,795 3,312 983 1,251 3,653 397 3,102 3,671 32 2,789 994 2,243 6,594 937 2,810 3,300 6,444 1,924 1,833 3,173 801 6,563 4,710 33 2,811 1,206 3,194 9,102 1,152 2,312 4,381 11,579 2,870 3,013 5,153 642 9,768 7,568 34 2,676 2,320 3,595 12,926 1,353 4,064 6,294 17,843 3,531 3,040 4,532 1,149 14,471 12,964 35 1,873 2,272 2,310 12,414 907 3,639 5,104 15,091 3,412 4,549 4,758 1,149 12,252 10,299 36 2,251 2,386 4,780 14,747 1,248 3,640 7,591 22,465 2,708 5,011 5,521 2,436 16,889 14,153 37 3,770 2,634 3,089 13,729 1,741 2,142 6,167 25,946 2,073 3,722 6,968 1,578 10,165 8,326 38 2,657 2,801 2,914 14,058 1,096 3,319 7,416 37,373 3,173 5,283 4,885 2,722 13,357 15,377 .39 1,797 1,138 788 7,559 601 2,155 4,850 22,931 2,550 1,392 4,394 1,593 3,727 9,032 40 3,734 1,994 2,543 7,242 580 1,623 3,900 26, 127 2,932 3,423 2,282 943 11,214 10,427 41 1,181 1,420 1,654 4,568 958 2,204 3,070 28,336 1,184 2,151 2,158 955 9,524 6,388 42 2,918 2,178 1,439 5,747 1,456 1,399 4,231 29,703 1,228 1,903 3,058 2,148 8,269 6,913 43 10,187 6,677 7,304 19,547 5,214 6,716 13,557 71,822 3,129 11,391 10,509 4,113 19,710 22,812 44 10,637 9,571 7,300 16,942 7,534 7,302 16,184 36,227 9,031 10,576 10,085 5,629 21,213 21,121 15 10,523 13,726 12,111 13,462 3,254 6,998 18,920 59,401 5,322 13,028 22,381 6,707 14,748 3,933 46 18,148 14,318 12,096 16,077 6,605 7,415 22,798 49,110 8,337 13, 139 17,331 6,368 16,458 3,094 47 182,854 59,161 267,834 17,434 143,113 176,095 131,972 53,266 362,687 98,429 189,569 12,793 30,968 26,238 46 246,083 143,151 326,178 13,913 171,877 141,981 133,686 30,469 399,005 52,860 184,659 12,091 45,576 74,423 49 15,634 12,938 10,314 6,379 2,240 10,871 23,718 21,219 4,988 7,497 14,316 1,000 9,723 11,213 50 334 169 537 664 196 615 403 1,168 129 225 1,141 58 555 479 51 442 234 644 828 194 655 559 1,576 200 283 968 111 912 720 52 10,277 17,984 33,656 40,738 4,215 26,522 14,364 87,632 2,960 10,282 19,251 3,323 26,360 16,031 53 11,479 17,389 38,989 41,702 5,369 17, 143 16,347 93,267 4,367 10,968 16,785 4,930 31,075 22,459 54 71 13 141 5 64 226 20 29 5 5 417 3 11 3 55 106 42 120 32 50 196 58 50 12 13 235 8 34 23 56 180 27 345 18 127 521 65 111 15 11 897 6 41 9 57 233 118 322 86 104 557 200 179 23 62 844 22 131 68 58 121 37 252 197 84 226 127 150 35 47 466 11 131 130 59 164 66 321 261 86 272 196 239 57 67 423 36 276 197 60 932 742 4,115 3,156 999 2,833 1,616 2,060 310 458 4,606 38 1,516 1,185 61 1,570 937 5,429 3,830 1,058 3,305 2,281 3,316 510 739 3,900 327 2,841 2,073 62 30 18 20 65 6 33 47 51 10 17 54 2 41 47 63 38 12 34 39 13 45 45 100 22 27 51 6 95 58 64 550 60S 794 2,027 185 930 1,298 1,355 167 314 1,044 23 829 753 65 866 433 1,356 2,798 346 1,086 1,009 2,734 391 592 1,014 68 2,062 1,186 66 21 12 35 97 6 24 38 131 24 33 50 4 91 72 67 23 19 43 132 12 45 56 203 31 30 46 6 150 120 66 495 626 2,123 4,183 92 1,064 850 3,905 472 674 1,264 57 2,205 1,509 69 603 1,006 2,627 6,003 285 1,421 1,425 5,933 623 769 883 51 3,234 3,151 70 13 14 16 96 7 32 32 122 18 34 30 8 90 64 Tl 16 15 40 114 7 27 43 178 17 33 41 9 124 99 72 556 1,215 1,113 6,099 353 1,561 991 4,929 408 1,238 384 207 3,066 2,407 73 509 1,246 3,305 7,758 440 1,160 1,521 8,152 426 1,142 1,061 256 3,990 3,344 74 21 14 19 82 4 12 27 158 7 21 35 6 49 42 75 15 17 14 81 2 20 33 226 14 31 24 12 74 79 76 1,298 1,663 1,830 7,331 479 669 1,280 9,146 347 622 1,555 320 2,356 1,330 77 845 1,383 1,074 6,784 96 1,180 1,424 12,924 372 1,143 792 460 2,432 3,472 76 4 5 3 35 2 11 17 111 9 7 16 6 36 29 79 17 7 10 30 1 7 17 127 10 15 9 4 44 46 80 168 553 536 3,942 310 938 928 7,915 296 440 927 318 2,075 1,208 81 634 882 1,433 2,536 40 827 305 8,345 237 896 622 134 2,496 1,810 62 5 6 5 18 2 8 8 116 4 7 7 2 29 22 83 9 8 6 22 1 5 13 122 3 7 11 4 26 24 64 203 836 815 2,398 81 545 496 9,477 132 355 194 219 1,692 1,131 85 991 820 1,315 2,129 240 493 963 9,436 225 408 392 298 1,230 1,394 86 16 20 17 50 7 17 33 199 11 30 21 9 47 49 67 19 19 19 44 6 17 34 243 20 29 21 14 51 50 88 1,389 2,254 4,340 7,801 634 2,739 2,417 23,310 712 2,290 1,209 586 4,702 4,499 89 1,840 3,240 4,318 5,577 114 1,948 1,9W 24,493 725 1,536 1,616 1,546 3,949 3,379 90 12 16 10 14 6 8 24 80 2 16 22 6 20 10 91 19 14 13 17 5 6 26 69 7 16 22 7 23 11 92 1,445 4,907 3,019 2,344 573 2,463 1,336 14,756 32 2,062 1,989 1,347 2,027 957 93 1,360 2,972 4,264 2,051 199 1,225 1,152 11,247 207 1,871 2,199 928 3,124 1,038 94 20 14 19 5 8 13 30 21 4 8 23 1 10 11 95 16 15 24 6 11 15 33 19 7 10 30 5 15 13 96 3,011 4,553 14,626 1,489 332 12,159 3,537 10, 218 19 1,813 4,632 152 5,851 993 97 2,028 4,852 13,546 2,150 2,447 3,941 3,653 5,953 618 1,760 3,462 840 5,486 1,544 96 10 9 4 4 6 16 14 3 6 9 6 7 99 578 2,550 2,179 1,259 3,646 1,946 8,173 18 717 2,344 651 271 100 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explanations, see text) Bay Farms: All farm operators number li)59 . 1851. Full owners nunilipr lOnO . WM. Part owners number lO'ifl . 1054. Klanatzers number 1059 . in.54 . All tenants number 10.50 . 1051. Proportion of tenancy percent 1050 . lOSl . Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1050 , 1954. Full owners acres 1059 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959 . 1054. Managers acres 1050 . 1954. All tenants acres 1059 . 1954. Cropland harvested: All farm operators fam.s reportinp 1059 . 1954 . acres 1050 . 1054. Full owners farms reporting 1 959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Managers forrriS reportinp 1959 . 1054. acres 1959 . 1954. Alt tenants farms reforting 10.59 . 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954. Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 1959 . 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 19.54. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1054. All tenants number 1050 . 1054. Proportion of tenancy percent 1950 . 1054. Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1050 . Full o'vners number 1059 . Part owners number 19.59 . Managers number 1959 . All tenants number 1950 . Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White fanr, operators, loUll acres 1059 . 1954. Full owners acres 1059 . 1954. Part owners acres 1950 . 1954. Managers acres 1959 . 1054. \ll tenants acres 1050 . 1054. Nonwhite farm operators, total acres 1050 . Full owners acres 1050 . Part owners acres 10.50 . Managers acres 19.59 . All tenants acres 19.59 . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : White farm operators, total Tarms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 10.59. 1054 . Full owners famis reporting 1050 . 1054 . acres 1 0.50 . 1054 . Part owners farms report.ing 1050. 1954 . acres 10.50 . 1954 . All tenants farms reporting 1959. 10.54. acres 1050 . 1054. Nonwhilp farm operators, total farms reporting 1059 . acres 1050 . Full owners farms reporting 1059 . acres 1959. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. All tenants farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . 45,100 57,543 35,477 45,4&i 5,755 6,533 1,225 883 2,643 4,663 5.9 8.1 15,236,521 18,161,675 6,192,254 8,071,330 4,267,527 5,621,091 4,207,658 3,807,703 569,082 661,551 35,854 44,780 1,881,879 1,935,655 27,652 34,300 883,501 1,008,285 5,153 5,845 526,497 509,438 1,086 755 369,165 245,739 1,963 3,880 102,716 172,193 41,416 51,458 33,106 41,798 5,056 5,511 1,209 861 2,045 3,288 4.9 6.4 3,684 2,371 699 16 598 16.2 14,863,208 17,649,077 6,063,993 7,894,542 4,206,715 5,550,484 4,047,921 3,603,620 544,579 600,431 373, 313 128,261 60,812 159,737 24,503 32,623 39,319 1,805,924 1,818,350 25,626 31,158 850,813 960,999 4,470 4,842 497,739 475,162 1,456 2,582 89,467 137,787 3,231 75,955 2,026 32,688 683 28,758 507 13,249 1,073 1,610 759 1,123 251 296 17 10 46 181 4.3 11.2 373,774 396,192 185,292 189,001 137,345 156, 618 46,197 36,810 4,940 13,763 810 1,258 61,585 78,925 540 812 26,635 36,602 224 275 25,871 31,573 15 9 7,958 4,296 31 162 1,121 6,454 845 1,175 597 825 200 222 16 10 32 118 3.8 10.0 228 162 51 1 14 6.1 357,455 374,018 174,779 175,270 132,601 150,633 45,444 36,810 4,631 11,305 16,319 10,513 4,744 753 309 617 388 56,546 71,567 407 575 24,434 32,891 176 201 23,506 28,926 20 103 949 5,454 193 5,039 133 2,201 48 2,365 11 172 257 390 223 335 17 21 2 2 15 32 5.8 8.2 43,662 102,523 29,203 36,589 12,234 31,393 950 33,414 1,275 1,127 196 316 3,530 7,663 171 275 2,512 5,491 15 19 311 698 2 1 615 1,097 8 21 92 377 242 354 211 300 17 20 2 2 12 32 5.0 9.0 15 12 3 20.0 43,214 101,678 28,766 35,755 12,234 31,382 950 33,414 1,264 1,127 448 437 184 282 3,465 7,374 161 242 2,449 5,209 15 18 311 691 6 21 90 377 12 65 10 63 180 264 158 238 13 13 3 1 6 12 3.3 4.5 30,635 44,182 11,726 31,146 6,165 8,334 12,573 4,100 171 602 107 142 4,209 6,958 90 120 978 2,315 12 12 3,006 4,361 3 1 218 6 2 9 177 262 156 236 13 13 3 1 5 12 2.8 4.6 3 2 1 33.3 30,617 44,133 11,718 31,097 6,165 8,334 12,573 4,100 161 602 18 105 140 4,206 6,954 88 118 975 2,311 12 12 3,006 4,361 2 9 7 276 2 3 2 3 472 617 423 539 30 45 1 2 18 31 3.8 5.0 62,898 77,094 42,514 55,576 19,125 15,931 315 1,960 944 3,627 276 480 6,417 10,717 239 415 4,316 6,280 24 42 1,885 2,637 1,150 13 21 216 650 441 559 397 487 27 42 1 2 16 28 3.6 5.0 31 26 3 2 6.5 62,319 75,946 41,980 54,605 19,099 15,861 315 1,960 925 3,520 579 5X 26 19 257 435 6,366 10,451 224 374 4,274 6,059 22 41 1,879 2,634 11 18 213 £08 19 51 15 42 2 6 2 3 772 1,017 672 941 36 51 43 16 21 9 2.7 0.9 264,457 427,427 101,709 194,457 56,022 117,689 87,135 113,882 19,591 1,399 656 882 15,562 18,018 575 831 10,516 13,826 28 31 1,382 2,340 42 13 3,464 1,842 11 7 200 10 721 962 625 888 35 50 41 15 20 9 2.8 0.9 51 47 1 2 1 2.0 263,749 426,228 101,137 193,603 55,943 117,424 87,088 113,802 19,581 1,399 708 572 79 47 10 614 830 15,335 17,635 537 781 10,310 13,530 27 30 1,378 2,295 10 7 194 10 42 227 38 206 1 4 1 6 381 408 277 247 34 65 17 19 53 77 13.9 18.9 80,821 129,872 35,203 55,974 25,156 46,362 16,918 21,406 3,544 6,130 273 269 14,924 23,448 194 144 5,817 7,026 24 45 4,979 6,265 13 15 1,538 5,991 42 65 2,590 4,166 364 360 271 230 34 55 17 19 42 56 11.5 15.6 17 6 11 64.7 80,554 129,163 35,162 55,711 25,156 46,168 16,918 21,406 3,318 5,878 267 41 2bl 224 14,703 22,872 192 129 5,797 6,833 24 35 4,979 6,131 32 45 2,389 3,917 12 221 2 20 10 201 FLORIDA 159 OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden GilchriBt 74 259 165 104 700 1,151 385 142 317 782 117 27 669 334 148 278 188 116 987 1,527 505 214 475 1,334 100 36 1,024 369 58 211 142 21 477 812 333 97 284 601 73 22 417 262 107 234 153 22 732 1,173 429 153 434 1,061 68 29 746 249 8 33 12 25 159 174 33 30 16 139 21 4 117 60 20 32 26 53 137 171 47 34 30 175 22 3 155 91 4 4 3 6 3 26 13 4 6 7 38 2 9 5 4 7 1 51 26 1 5 2 1 24 4 11 8 52 61 139 6 15 13 36 16 1 97 'io 12 7 5 34 117 132 3 22 10 93 8 3 99 29 5.4 4.2 4.3 50.0 8.7 12.1 1.6 10.6 4.1 4,6 13.7 3.7 14.5 3.0 8.1 2.5 2.7 29.3 11.9 8.6 0.6 10.3 2.1 7.0 8.0 8.3 9.7 7.9 235,056 118,249 139,633 316,424 157,112 128,550 294,261 168,944 78,130 136,027 172,620 17,274 157,741 91,339 380,283 198,744 160,836 421,589 262,095 192,517 461,405 168,850 80,571 156,900 168,039 23,434 198,050 108,058 54,732 47,618 68,553 1,272 103,052 43,465 114,162 13,957 55,409 41,526 13,543 1,163 78,508 64,477 75,317 117,491 85,395 3,030 161,646 37,879 156,396 31,321 50,784 69,773 61,180 4,527 114,620 60,338 47,930 51,204 37,315 175,865 39,468 66,074 64,825 152,271 14,851 35,793 114,399 16,109 25,536 22,213 166,461 78,143 73,789 221,246 48,522 76,642 140,008 136,474 23,723 30,932 38,446 14,714 31,022 42,244 131,785 13,627 32,423 74,318 3,062 3,586 114,805 1,189 55,684 40,158 47,346 1,600 137,538 1,775 860 153,407 773 21,472 159,636 13 50,931 201 4,200 46,097 20 609 5,800 1,342 64,469 6,530 10,425 469 2,716 6,681 3,024 4,520 2 6,351 3,049 21 967 1,335 842 43,906 51,149 6,524 5,315 1,055 1,046 5,214 18, a2 43 6,311 5,476 22 47 159 45 69 600 1,036 309 82 138 573 71 9 533 288 23 86 171 37 68 783 1,333 377 105 178 790 58 5 888 345 24 2,392 4,920 1,298 5,348 34,087 60,362 12,736 3,376 4,725 23,722 5,148 39 37,347 32,332 25 2,958 5,865 2,110 9,560 38,868 51,428 13,711 4,494 3,141 24,558 4,756 65 45,290 34,109 26 41 131 38 13 392 725 272 51 124 409 50 7 324 217 2T 63 136 70 8 549 1,020 320 64 169 549 37 4 623 227 28 1,147 2,760 841 104 17,460 8,838 8,842 1,303 3,914 9,987 3,062 18 16,411 20,227 20 939 3,404 1,640 304 22,389 16,730 7,617 2,392 2,381 10,007 3,234 64 20,981 18,670 30 2 24 4 16 155 166 24 22 3 131 14 2 116 60 31 8 26 14 33 135 160 34 31 6 167 16 1 152 90 32 681 1,599 120 1,482 14,167 38,995 1,510 1,083 486 11,503 1,936 a 10,421 10,485 33 454 1,975 453 4,443 11,537 22,653 1,257 1,888 730 11,353 1,216 1 10,964 12,746 34 3 2 2 3 3 24 10 2 5 3 33 2 35 6 5 4 1 42 22 3 2 24 36 563 41 335 293 345 4,133 2,162 107 1,279 47 3,293 620 37 1,064 187 969 422 5,961 4,826 614 140 10,903 38 1 2 1 37 50 121 3 9 4 28 4 55 9 39 9 4 3 23 98 111 1 10 3 71 3 39 28 40 1 520 2 3,469 2,115 8,346 272 490 218 953 103 2,217 1,000 41 501 299 12 3,844 4,520 6,034 11 214 30 2,584 166 2,442 2,693 42 72 254 163 103 541 1,123 332 142 304 753 114 24 480 332 43 146 273 135 116 769 1,500 501 209 465 1,232 100 34 608 366 44 57 207 140 21 372 806 330 97 272 578 72 19 311 260 45 107 231 150 22 582 1,163 425 155 424 998 68 28 425 247 46 8 32 12 25 123 169 33 30 16 134 a 4 90 60 47 20 31 26 53 110 163 47 33 30 156 22 3 109 91 48 3 4 3 6 3 25 13 4 6 6 38 2 40 8 4 4 7 1 51 26 1 5 2 1 24 50 4 11 8 51 43 128 6 15 12 35 15 1 41 10 51 11 7 5 X 76 123 3 21 10 73 8 2 50 28 52 5.6 4.3 4.9 49.5 7.9 11.3 i.6 10.6 3.9 4.6 13.2 4.2 8.5 3.0 53 7.5 2.6 2.7 29.3 9.9 8.2 0.6 10.0 2.2 5.9 8.0 5.9 8.2 7.7 54 2 5 2 1 159 23 3 13 29 3 3 189 2 55 1 4 1 2 105 36 6 5 3 12 23 5 1 3 106 27 2 56 57 "l 1 1 63 'l 18 11 1 1 1 '56 59 100.0 11.3 47.3 7.7 3.4 33.3 29.6 60 234,813 114,338 139,629 316,419 140,154 123,253 294,214 168,944 77,587 135,457 172,080 17,231 149,396 91,178 61 380,088 198,626 160,805 421,539 238,286 192,093 461,327 168,787 80,122 154,686 168,039 23,443 131,660 107,718 62 54,729 43,714 68,549 1,272 98,293 43,409 114,115 13,957 54,867 41,082 13,505 1,120 73,602 64,316 63 75,317 117,430 85,314 3,030 147,556 87,700 156,318 31,289 50,335 63,479 61,180 4,526 101,791 60,158 64 47,930 51,197 37,315 175,865 33,685 66,043 64,325 152,271 14,851 35,668 114,399 16,109 23,473 22,213 65 166,461 78,112 73,789 221,246 45,022 76,463 140,003 136,453 28,728 30,625 38,446 14,714 28,939 42,244 66 131,545 13,627 32,423 74,818 3,062 8,439 114,305 1,139 55,684 39,658 47,346 1,600 67 137,375 1,749 860 153,407 773 21,472 159,686 I ;;: 13 50,931 201 4,200 46,097 68 609 5,800 1,342 64,464 5,109 10,362 469 2,716 6,680 3,023 4,518 2 4,975 3,049 60 935 11335 842 43,906 44,930 6,458 5,315 1,045 1,046 4,651 18,212 3 4,783 5,316 70 243 3,911 4 5 16,953 297 47 543 570 540 43 8,345 161 71 3 3,904 7 4 9,754 5,783 56 31 47 ! ... 542 444 125 38 43 4,906 2,063 161 72 73 240 147 500 74 5 1,421 63 1 1 2 1,376 75 46 157 45 69 449 1,013 306 32 134 552 69 8 388 287 76 85 169 35 63 586 1,308 373 103 172 715 58 5 508 342 77 2,152 4,904 1,298 5,348 29,112 60,204 12,760 1 3,376 4,557 23,519 5,113 38 34,508 32,312 78 2,318 5,352 2,107 9,560 32,353 51,146 13,659 4,468 2,948 23,375 4,756 65 40,610 34,055 79 41 130 38 13 292 719 269 51 120 393 49 6 232 216 BO 63 135 68 8 417 1,011 316 ! 64 163 510 37 4 333 225 61 1,147 2,745 841 104 15,406 8,849 8,816 1,803 3,746 9,884 3,042 17 15,189 20,207 62 939 3,401 1,637 304 19,468 16,612 7,565 2,392 2,188 9,795 3,234 64 18,004 18,664 83 2 23 1 '• 16 119 161 24 1 22 3 126 14 2 39 60 8' 8 26 14 33 108 153 34 30 6 149 16 1 106 90 85 681 1,598 1 120 1 1,432 11,766 38,969 1,510 1,083 486 11,403 1,936 21 9,464 10,485 86 454 1,975 458 4,443 10,421 22,553 1,257 1,868 730 11,107 1,216 9,970 12,746 87 1 2 1 1 i 37 35 110 3 9 4 28 4 29 9 88 9 4 ! 3 ' 23 60 102 1 9 3 53 3 45 27 89 1 520 2 1 3,469 ' 1,595 3,233 272 ; 490 218 953 103 1,557 1,000 90 501 299 12 1 3,&W 2,542 6,020 11 208 30 2,359 166 1,733 2,645 01 1 2 1 151 i 23 3 ... 4 21 2 145 1 92 240 16 4,975 158 26 168 203 35 2,839 20 93 1 1 100 i 6 3 4 16 1 92 1 94 15 ; 2,054 39 26 168 103 20 1,222 20 95 1 i 36 i 5 i ... 5 27 96 1 15 26 11 1 • . . 100 ... 957 26 97 98 ! 520 J 63 660 09 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explanation?, see text) HeMry Highlands Hillsborough Farms: All Tarri nperators numher 1059 . 1051. Full owners nun,l)pr 1150 . 1154 . Part owners number 1050 . 1054, Manajiers number 1050 , 10,54, All tenants number 10,50 , 1954 , Pixjportion of ten,inc\ percent 10,50 , 10,54 , Land in farms: All farm operators acres 10,50 , 1054, Full owners acres 1950. 1954 , Part owners acres 1959 . 1054. Managers acres 1050 , 1954. All tenants acres 1959 , 1954, Cropland harvested: All farm operators f,im.s reportine 1950 , 1954, acres 1959 , 1954, Full owners farms reporting 1059 , 195( acres 1959 , 1054, Part ow net' farms reporting 1959 , 1054 , acres 1050 , 1054 , Managers , , fum.s reportint: 1050 , 1954, acres 1959 , 1054, All tenants fanns refortinp 19,50 . 10,54 . acres 10.50 . 1054. Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number Full owners number Part owners number Manatiers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Nonwhite farm operators, total number Full owners number Part owners numlier Man.acers number -All tenants number Pro[Kinion of tenancy percent Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: While fanr. operators, total , , , acres Fullc i ners acres 19,59,, 1954 . , 1959,, 1954 , , 1059 , , 10,54 , , 1959 , , 1954 , , 1950 , , 19,54 , . 1950.. 1954.. 1959 . . 1959.. 1059. 1950 . 1050 . 19.50 . 1059 . . 10.54 . , 10.59.. 1954 . 1959 . 1954 . 1959 . 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959 . 19.59 . 1950 . 1050. Part owners acres Managers acres -Ml tenants acres Nonwhite farm operators, total acres Full owners acres Pan ownrfs acres Manniiers acres Ml tennnts acres Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : t^hite tarm operators, total farms reporting 1059, . 1054 . . acres 19.59.. 1954 . Full owner'- farms reporting 19.59 . 1954 . , acres 1950. 1954 . Part owners farms reporting 19.59 . 1051. acres 1050 . 10.54 , All tenants , farms reporting 1950 , 1954, acres 1959 , 1954 . Nonwhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 , acres 1059. Full owners , farms reporting 1959 . acres 1059. Part owners farms reporting 1059 . acres 1959. .\ll tenants farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 127 103 79 72 34 18 3 i, 11 9 8.7 8.7 332,397 294,862 41,470 35,796 127,454 62,954 162,291 194,092 1,182 2,020 21 22 3,871 4,853 11 12 2,579 839 7 3 577 452 2 2 265 2,540 1 5 450 1,022 126 94 79 64 34 18 2 3 11 9 8.7 9.6 176,635 110,027 41,470 35,774 127,454 62,954 6,529 9,279 1,182 2,020 155,762 155,762 21 15 3,871 4,832 11 5 2,579 818 7 3 577 452 1 450 ,022 6 7 8.8 7.1 30, 279 43,928 29,525 33,095 702 1,234 52 9,599 31 63 508 838 26 57 419 758 30, 219 43,735 29,483 32,927 702 1,234 34 9,574 60 42 29 54 502 806 25 49 417 730 479 747 284 455 124 90 1 6 70 196 14.6 26.2 126,513 177,189 74,457 95,239 40,621 26,014 2,382 35,072 9,053 20,864 456 669 31,410 34,368 264 402 14,853 19,053 124 90 12,642 8,235 1 6 760 1,028 67 171 3,155 6,052 346 486 208 310 93 63 1 6 44 107 12.7 22.0 U3 76 31 26 19.5 113,420 159, 557 66,832 84,258 36,024 22,204 2,382 35,072 8,182 18,023 13,093 7,625 4,597 871 1,100 1,114 1,000 935 64 139 20 17 16 23 1.5 2.1 325,717 401, 576 274, 217 322,934 25,619 55,206 20,195 22,682 5,686 754 1,018 938 30,895 22,656 930 776 25,375 16,759 57 126 2,933 4,215 19 16 2,391 1,128 12 20 196 554 1,097 1,109 998 931 63 139 20 16 16 23 1.5 2.1 3 2 1 325,706 401,433 274, 209 322,914 25,616 55,206 20,195 22,559 5,686 754 11 324 1 015 423 933 27,193 30 391 28,086 22 523 189 928 264 772 13,146 25 373 15,806 16 749 93 56 63 126 10, 557 2 931 6,802 4 215 41 12 90 20 2,720 196 4,450 554 132 3 4,217 4 75 2 1,707 2 31 1 2,075 2 26 435 189 188 125 126 24 30 12 14 28 18 14.8 9.6 641,483 646,969 113, 783 93,240 234,988 203,954 281,441 342,256 11,271 7,519 103 95 38,480 32,269 58 53 1,605 1,095 13 16 2,457 3,046 9 11 32,361 26, 707 23 15 2,057 1,421 188 187 124 125 24 30 12 14 28 18 14.9 9.6 1 1 641,482 646,967 113,782 93,238 234,988 203,954 281,441 342,256 11, 271 7,519 1 1 103 95 38,480 32,269 58 53 1,605 1,095 13 16 2,457 3,046 23 15 2,057 1,421 299 387 264 354 22 22 8 5 5 6 1.7 1.6 106,490 119,176 30,213 49,421 43,592 46,808 32,423 22,546 262 401 142 229 8,967 9,133 122 204 4,565 5,528 10 19 2,345 1,835 8 3 1,957 1,617 2 3 100 153 287 359 252 328 22 22 8 4 5 5 1.7 1.4 12 12 105,972 118,288 29,695 48, 590 43, 592 46,808 32,423 22,492 262 398 518 518 135 203 8,849 8,976 115 179 4,447 5,386 10 19 2,345 1,835 2 3 100 153 7 118 7 118 481 583 316 493 52 49 63 25 50 16 10.4 2.7 415,854 534,977 125,678 180,777 72,497 210,386 211,970 143,444 5,709 370 377 493 26,153 22,977 247 422 9,800 U,663 40 35 2,059 3,024 54 23 14,190 8,165 36 13 104 125 450 573 310 487 52 49 63 25 25 12 5.6 2.1 31 6 25 80.6 415,751 534,901 125,606 180,709 72,497 210,386 2U,970 143,444 5,678 362 103 72 349 483 26, 108 22,931 241 416 9,783 11,625 40 35 2,059 3,024 14 9 76 117 28 45 6 3,439 4,492 2,997 3,803 278 366 48 33 116 290 3.4 6.5 773,468 863,243 255,099 285,251 108,418 162,043 389,364 402,320 20, 587 13,629 2,668 3,147 66, 888 54,464 2,316 2,595 42,133 33,126 236 305 11,640 12,348 42 29 12,307 7,262 74 218 808 1,728 3,343 4,338 2,923 3,692 266 339 47 32 107 275 3.2 6.3 96 74 12 1 772,041 860,952 253,989 283,644 108,186 161,493 389,339 402,295 20, 527 13,520 1,427 1,110 232 25 60 2,584 3,017 66,276 53,641 2,253 2,505 41,666 32,638 224 279 11,545 12,085 66 205 771 1,671 84 612 63 467 12 95 FLORIDA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 161 Indian River Jackson Jefferson Ufayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Iferion Martin Monroe 493 2,145 557 359 2,827 279 589 488 187 829 753 1,736 130 17 1 683 2,997 924 433 2,920 458 910 498 285 1,104 304 1,853 186 11 427 1,331 317 228 2,549 211 357 306 169 515 583 1,266 92 14 3 648 1,729 418 306 2,695 369 469 341 242 654 670 1,373 142 10 4 12 537 143 111 93 33 98 142 13 207 75 339 7 5 19 669 209 121 122 49 139 140 22 203 74 367 8 1 f. 40 16 6 2 141 9 20 6 1 10 33 34 9 7 11 14 8 1 61 8 13 1 4 19 34 16 8 14 211 91 18 H 26 114 34 4 97 62 97 22 3 0 5 585 289 55 42 32 289 16 21 243 41 79 20 10 2.8 9.8 16.3 5.0 1.6 9.3 19.4 7.0 2.1 11.7 8.2 5.6 16.9 17.6 11 0.7 19.5 31.3 11.4 1.4 7.0 31.8 3.2 7.4 22.0 5.1 4.3 10.8 12 197,751 391,269 190,473 107,549 329,186 142,509 176,285 307,766 47,973 206,333 252,812 538,857 126,613 904 13 227,777 432,747 226,769 105,982 319,428 219,932 182,889 319,555 48,301 237,499 309,125 683,281 200,799 485 H 150,379 196, 234 117,658 55,048 176,240 64,204 56,307 95,204 28,089 116,120 99,730 205,951 62,399 892 15 163,192 201,387 94,857 60,403 214,070 105,832 77,136 109,077 38,261 127,543 168, 158 254,861 116,001 481 16 8,712 116, 848 33,693 27,034 73,921 67,402 22,619 173,205 14,247 63,930 79,773 212,477 11,701 17 27,667 156,267 40,832 40,523 73,060 37, 105 27,772 170,727 9,145 75,628 93,047 225,135 5,359 4 18 37,435 55,761 33,487 24,580 71,406 6,109 91,446 6,600 5,560 16,116 51,216 107,300 43,920 19 36,560 24, 166 72, 532 653 30,738 23,641 64,737 7,540 6,500 25, 591 194,070 76,437 20 725 22,426 5,630 387 7,619 4,794 5,913 32,757 82 10,167 22,093 13,129 3,598 12 21 358 50,927 18,498 4,403 1,560 3,354 13,244 32,211 892 27,828 22,329 9,215 2,952 22 445 1,831 483 317 2,733 176 441 357 97 771 558 1,292 30 10 23 600 2,515 316 425 2,757 279 718 409 160 1,012 608 1,414 121 11 54 27,508 118, 127 42,820 13,876 121,444 11,187 26,229 34,930 1,557 54,326 18,434 69,087 6,031 59 25 28,738 133,908 52,744 23,106 100, 591 12,953 27,572 44,284 2,861 63,211 15,614 68,346 4,133 299 26 390 1,097 243 192 2,462 125 241 209 84 4«7 429 890 55 9 27 575 1,310 329 259 2,551 218 302 266 128 531 503 978 96 10 28 17,477 48,401 16,991 7,344 74,135 2,563 6,267 13,429 1,321 24,700 9,753 26,579 901 53 29 20,415 48, 511 20,347 12,369 69,245 6,911 3,563 19,620 1,890 31,123 8,869 28,541 2,009 297 30 8 532 142 109 91 22 86 124 12 206 60 309 3 31 11 653 206 117 117 26 131 131 20 203 60 344 3 1 32 1,476 52,070 14,450 5,935 6,460 4,297 4,256 19,546 228 23,921 3,668 28,012 628 33 825 50,920 17,331 8,4.42 11, 522 2,196 4,937 22,430 773 20,783 3,339 29,175 562 2 34 36 15 6 1 141 9 17 4 8 24 23 6 35 10 14 8 1 60 8 11 1 3 18 30 6 36 8,334 6,798 7,751 254 40,032 1,663 13,061 986 1,407 2,943 10,298 3,529 .37 7,152 9,363 6,330 70 19,206 1,976 6,273 1,596 403 2,657 7,075 752 38 11 187 87 15 39 20 97 20 1 90 45 65 16 1 39 4 538 273 48 29 27 274 11 12 225 27 62 16 40 221 10,858 3,628 343 817 2,664 2,645 969 8 4,298 2,065 4,198 973 6 41 346 25,114 3,736 2,225 613 1,870 7,749 633 198 10,392 749 3,455 810 42 489 1,508 298 357 2,760 277 307 434 156 627 741 1,359 122 15 43 680 2,009 382 469 2,816 450 383 451 237 303 792 1,398 180 11 44 423 995 207 227 2,488 211 220 272 140 405 580 1,012 89 13 45 645 1,242 250 304 2,615 364 281 307 204 520 665 1,053 137 10 46 12 375 66 110 89 33 ■ 42 132 11 165 74 237 7 47 19 419 80 119 110 49 48 129 17 158 71 263 8 1 48 40 15 6 2 141 9 19 6 1 9 33 34 9 49 11 14 8 1 61 8 12 1 4 19 29 16 50 14 123 19 18 42 24 26 24 "4 48 54 76 17 "2 51 5 334 44 45 30 29 42 14 16 121 37 53 19 52 2.9 8.2 6.4 5.0 1.5 8.7 8.5 5.5 2.6 7.7 7.3 5.6 13.9 13.3 1 53 0.7 16.6 11.5 9.6 1.1 6.4 11.0 3.1 6.8 15.1 4.7 3.8 10.6 S« 4 637 259 2 67 2 282 54 31 202 12 377 8 2 55 4 336 110 1 61 1 137 34 29 110 3 254 3 1 56 162 77 1 4 56 10 2 42 1 102 ... 1 57 1 1 1 ... 58 88 72 2 "i 83 10 49 8 '21 '5 "i 59 13.8 27.3 3.0 100.0 31.2 18.5 24.3 66.7 5.6 62.5 50.0 60 197,671 342,690 178,388 107,544 323,096 142,449 165,000 304,772 45,398 137,956 251,930 518,955 125,295 889 61 227,715 367,922 201,777 105,538 318,031 219,764 154,717 1 317,160 45,394 214,901 303,591 653,861 200,559 485 f-2 150,799 170,038 112,339 55,047 175,328 64, 204 1 50,460 93,282 25,690 106,175 99,079 194,282 62,344 887' ra 163,130 170,663 86,655 60,339 213,036 105,739 68,348 107,373 35,639 117,135 167,973 233,360 115,866 481 6< 8,712 99,989 29, 533 27,030 73,771 67,402 20,260 172,682 14,066 59,734 79,647 205,044 11,701 . . . ; fi-5 27,667 135,065 34,258 40,454 72,741 87,105 1 23,313 170,151 8,950 70,753 92,899 213,626 5,359 4 66 37,435 55,511 33,437 24, 530 71,406 6,109 ■ 91,320 6,600 5,560 1 14,916 51,216 107,300 43,920 67 36,560 24,166 72,532 653 30,738 23,641 1 57,877 7, 540 6,500 25,591 193, 244 75,437 68 725 17, 102 2,979 837 7,591 4,734 2,960 32,208 82 7,131 21,988 12,330 8,330 2 69 358 38,028 8,332 4,092 1,466 3,279 5,179 32,096 805 20,458 22,223 8,131 2,947 70 SO 48, 579 12,085 5 1,090 60 11,235 2,994 2,580 18,377 882 19,901 323 15 71 80 26,146 5,319 1 912 5,847 1,922 2,399 9,945 651 U,669 55 5 72 16,859 4,115 4 1 150 2,359 523 181 4,196 126 7,433 73 250 1 "" 126 1,200 74 5,324 2,651 1 23 60 2,953 549 3,036 105 799 268 '10 75 441 1,223 237 316 1 2,670 i 175 134 316 77 577 549 962 75 8 "7 598 1,583 305 411 2,664 271 227 370 124 i 724 597 1,013 115 11 27,436 96,740 1 36,406 13,875 1 121,029 , 11,136 21,213 34,010 1,264 1 48, 599 18,157 52,216 5,869 51 7S 28,723 103,440 j 40,619 22,819 99,826 ' 12,830 17,182 43,221 2,418 55,073 15,328 59,945 4,105 299 1 70 386 743 ! 149 j 192 2,405 125 , 120 185 66 361 428 677 53 3; W 573 868 184 257 ' 2,4ao 213 144 239 ; 101 1 "53 499 704 91 10 1 SI 17,405 39,476 1 14,903 7,344 73,831 2,563 4,704 12,975 1,095 22,456 9,623 23,327 371 51 " 62 20,400 37,734 18,110 12,358 , 68,809 1 6,350 6,818 19,006 1,603 28,094 3,775 24,913 1,983 297 R3 8 370 66 108 87 i 22 I ^^ 114 10 164 59 210 3 61 11 406 77 115 105 I 26 ' 43 121 15 153 57 243 3 1 65 1,476 j 42,921 12,213 ' 5,934 1 6,376 1 4, 297 ; 2,991 19,261 ' 161 1 22,218 3,598 24,233 523 86 825 1 38,976 13,756 8,436 1 11,283 ; 2,196 1 3,001 22,063 ; 674 1 18,839 3,251 25,602 562 2 87 11 1 101 1 16 15 1 ^'' 1 19 15 13 1 1 i *5 38 47 13 66 4 300 36 38 1' ' 24 30 9 1 8 110 23 40 15 ... 89 221 1 7,626 1,539 1 343 790 2,613 1 470 738 8 2,787 1,988 3,808 841 90 346 17,367 1 2,423 1,955 528 1,808 ; 1,174 551 141 7,687 645 2,855 808 91 4 603 246 1 63 1 ' 257 41 20 194 9 330 5 2 92 72 21,387 6,414 1 415 51 5,016 920 293 5,727 277 6,371 152 8 93 4 354 1 99 57 121 24 18 i 106 1 213 2 1 94 72 8,925 2,038 304 1,563 454 226 2,244 130 2,752 30 2 95 162 1 ''^ 1 4 53 10 2 42 1 99 96 1 9,149 1 2,237 ; 1 84 1,265 285 67 1,703 70 3,729 97 86 71 ! 2 1 1 32 1 7 45 7 18 "3 1 98 3,232 1 2,089 1 27 1 51 1 2,175 181 i 1,511 1 77 390 132 5 99 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3. -FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE Item (For definilions and explanations, see text) Farms: All fftnr operators number 1059 , lO.'il. Full owners nun.lier 1!).59 . I954. Part owners numtxfr lO.'JO . in.54 . Mana;:ers number 1959 . 19.54 . All tenants number 1959 . 1951. Proix)rtion of tennncv percent 1959 . 1951. Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959 , 1954. Managers acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland harvested: All farm operators fatTr.s reptxtinp 1959. 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Managers fam.s reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . Ml tenants farms reporting 19.59. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 1959 . 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954 . All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1959 , Full O'vners number 1959 . Part owners numlier 1959 . Managers number 1959 . All tenants number 1959 . Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . Land in farms liy color and tenure of operator: White farm, operators, total acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959. 1954. Part owners acres 1959 . 1954. Manacerc acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants acres 1959 . 1954. Nonwhite farm oporattx-s, total acres 1959. Full owners acres 1959 . Pan owner.s acres 1959. Managers acres 1959 . Ml tenants acres 1959. Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : Ithite farm nper.-ilix^. total farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 19.59. 1954 . Full ownor^ farms reporting 1959. 1954 , acres 1959. 1951 . Part owners farms reporting 1959. 1951. acres 1959. 1954. Ml tenants .', . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 19.59. 1954. Nonwhite f.imi operators, total farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. full owners fami-s reporting 1959 . acres 1 9.59 . Pan owners farms reporting 19.59 . acres 1959. Ml tenants farms refxining 1959 . acres 1959. Orange 255 205 227 188 15 11 3 2 10 A 3.9 2.0 87,225 70,158 53,60* 46, 668 31,167 19, -tog 1,785 &40 669 3,442 145 95 2,141 1,586 132 87 1,433 1,324 9 4 395 128 3 1 281 26 1 3 32 108 249 204 221 187 15 11 3 2 10 4 4.0 2.0 6 6 87, 065 70,105 53,444 46,615 31, 167 19,408 1,785 640 669 3,442 160 160 142 94 2,136 1,581 129 86 1,428 1,319 9 4 395 128 1 3 32 108 3 5 3 5 598 863 467 680 100 87 31 94 5.2 10.9 78, 762 103, 804 57, 350 75, 188 17,865 19,325 920 3,547 8,371 460 552 16, 691 16,554 342 392 8,428 8,230 93 83 6,941 5,196 317 25 75 1,322 2,811 577 823 455 649 95 87 1 27 86 4.7 10.4 21 12 77,264 101,084 56, 531 73,522 17,708 19,325 280 3,025 7,957 1,498 819 157 522 443 525 16,170 15,860 333 374 8,288 7,967 89 83 6,805 5,196 21 67 1,077 2,584 17 521 9 140 183 242 140 193 22 28 4 1 17 20 9.3 8.3 367,832 468, 698 225,157 219, 911 107, 138 214, 549 9,850 18,000 25,687 16, 238 66 84 983 1,545 51 76 745 565 7 6 163 500 75 480 183 242 140 193 22 28 4 1 17 20 9.3 8.3 367, 332 468, 698 225,157 219, 911 107,138 214,549 9,850 18, 000 25,687 16,238 66 84 983 1,545 51 76 745 565 7 6 163 500 8 2 75 480 2,600 2,726 2,382 2,529 72 69 82 78 64 50 2.5 1.8 349,007 434, 199 155, 279 225,511 38,438 136,486 150, 907 68,291 4,383 3,911 2,222 2,371 118,773 93, 151 2,052 2,220 70,275 73, 662 59 51 6,554 7,053 79 72 41,660 11,114 32 28 284 1,322 2,526 2,659 2,314 2,464 71 68 82 78 59 49 2.3 1.8 74 68 1 5 6.8 348,272 433,400 154, 667 224,725 38,353 136,483 150, 907 68,291 4,345 3,901 735 612 85 38 2,161 2,312 118,435 92, 702 1,994 2,162 69,954 73,216 58 51 6,547 7,053 30 27 274 1,319 61 338 58 321 460 527 407 468 33 44 12 11 1.7 2.1 814, 959 834, 985 174,767 173, 326 101,937 457, 342 534, 087 204,115 4,168 202 338 318 U,755 7,022 307 290 7,917 5,034 19 22 1,008 785 9 3 2,054 1,200 3 3 776 3 451 517 400 460 32 44 12 4 7 9 1.6 1.7 9 7 1 1 U.l 813,645 834,819 174, 515 173, 163 100, 876 457, 342 534, 087 204,115 4,167 199 1,314 252 1,061 333 314 U,695 6,927 302 286 7,857 4,939 19 22 1,008 785 3 3 776 3 5 60 5 60 527 874 297 574 67 102 56 58 107 140 20.3 16.0 372,408 446,554 84,636 181, 790 53,761 88, 4U 170,402 147, 666 63, 609 28,637 315 537 79, 292 78,870 158 312 17,909 15,642 48 78 24, 389 28, 791 40 37 24,387 19, 321 69 UO 12,607 15,116 510 847 292 561 67 101 56 57 95 128 18.6 15.1 17 5 12 70.6 370, 696 441,950 84,607 181,342 53,761 88, 371 170,402 143,784 61, 926 28,453 1,712 29 308 513 79,216 78, 614 157 300 17,900 15, 528 48 77 24, 389 28, 7K 63 99 12,540 15,011 1,012 1,036 920 953 50 57 30 18 12 8 1.2 0.8 309,807 402,395 175, 558 248, 549 30, 782 131,343 101,144 20,157 2,323 2,346 817 786 40,997 31,412 741 717 25, 617 20, 765 42 47 7,506 8,l&t 27 15 7,512 2,342 7 7 362 141 1,011 1,026 919 94^ 50 56 30 18 12 8 1.2 0.8 309, 797 402,158 175, 548 248,337 30, 782 Ul,318 101,144 20, 157 2,323 2,346 10 10 817 779 40, 997 31,323 741 711 25,617 20, 686 42 46 7,506 8,154 7 362 141 546 756 503 661 20 30 10 33 13 34 2.4 4.5 57, 052 56, 955 46, 573 32,926 6,648 12,860 2,467 8,793 1,364 2,376 423 530 11,918 13,945 389 467 9,310 9,550 15 18 1,472 447 10 31 597 3,747 9 14 539 201 544 753 501 658 20 30 10 33 13 32 2.4 4.2 2 2 56,984 56, 795 46, 505 32,831 6,648 12,860 2,467 8,793 1,364 2,311 68 68 421 527 11,882 13,903 387 465 9,274 9,509 15 18 1,472 447 9 13 539 200 FLORIDA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 163 Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sujnter Suwannee Taylor Uhlan Volusia Walmlla Walton Washington 539 227 6U 846 325 630 571 1,247 274 289 1,371 142 755 687 1 622 350 735 1,202 349 789 761 1,705 323 385 1,173 242 1,214 1,003 2 456 130 541 536 273 592 424 815 210 196 1,189 116 606 579 3 565 272 696 883 301 684 526 1,134 255 278 1,044 203 941 353 4 62 65 18 185 20 45 114 328 42 61 106 21 104 80 5 47 44 20 192 23 50 161 329 30 52 91 21 123 95 e 12 12 32 1 17 23 9 4 2 2 29 3 2 7 4 12 3 6 12 25 7 4 5 1 11 5 6 8 9 20 20 74 15 20 24 100 20 30 47 5 42 26 9 6 22 U 116 13 30 67 238 33 54 27 18 140 49 10 1.7 8.3 3.3 8.7 4.6 2.9 4.2 3.0 7.3 10.4 3.4 3.5 5.6 3.3 11 1.0 6.3 1.5 9.7 3.7 3.8 8.8 14.0 10.2 14.0 2.3 7.4 11.5 4.9 12 222,516 91,308 306,293 U0,682 165, 648 210,903 197,513 297,022 391,514 140,719 262, 397 30,853 125,292 U0,326 13 298,065 132, 530 372,074 120,982 196, 785 182,305 218,391 314, 848 434, 616 100,052 248,062 36,449 166, 554 178, 006 14 120,415 23,961 161,493 65,896 68,664 44,605 105, 313 166,831 39,741 33,849 153, 092 18, 512 90,305 83,354 15 202,741 84,099 270, 996 75,664 100,785 84,310 U6,784 203, 832 45,697 47,143 149,367 29,686 121,182 105, 629 16 76,610 44,694 57,677 37,441 50,949 91,325 49,103 111,757 50,122 19,257 58,692 12,173 23,079 18,555 17 83, 863 70,114 62,270 30,842 43,577 78,379 72,991 79,900 53,722 31,135 71,110 5,224 27,778 20,496 18 16,175 21,362 74,138 640 42,183 65,843 35,291 2,324 300,132 85,406 20,445 8,730 5,440 19 6,143 26,476 4,812 3,118 12,274 19,214 24,442 4,731 332,953 18,224 19, 974 8,011 48,435 20 9,316 1,291 12,985 6,705 3,852 9,135 7,296 16,110 1,519 2,207 30,668 168 3,178 2,977 21 5,318 1,891 33, 996 U,353 40, 149 402 4,174 26,385 2,244 3,545 7,611 1,539 9,583 3,396 22 3X 169 537 664 196 615 403 1,168 129 225 1,141 58 555 479 2.1 442 234 644 323 194 655 559 1,576 200 233 968 111 912 720 24 10,277 17,984 33,656 40,788 4,215 26, 522 14,864 87,682 2,960 10,232 19,251 3,323 26,360 16,031 25 11,479 17,389 38,989 41,702 5,369 17, 143 16,347 93,267 4,367 10, 968 16, 785 4,930 31,075 22,459 26 270 80 483 428 167 535 270 743 76 147 997 39 420 380 27 395 174 612 547 170 564 344 1,016 150 193 357 82 663 586 28 4,981 6,004 19,633 17,074 2,750 10,219 7,665 41,029 1,096 4,140 13,901 1,183 U,832 8,393 29 8,399 8,927 24,296 19,158 2,385 10, 696 7,214 54,189 2,523 5,519 12,613 2,356 13,460 15,461 30 49 61 12 174 12 44 107 327 37 53 39 18 98 78 31 41 38 17 134 U 44 150 322 24 43 85 21 124 91 32 3,707 8,385 1,843 19,277 781 5,379 5,973 41,383 1,131 4,313 1,897 2,059 9,052 6,755 33 2,724 4,421 5,579 15,812 529 4,532 7,416 27,055 1,093 3,881 3,001 1,970 8,737 5,139 34 10 12 29 1 9 21 6 4 1 1 25 3 1 35 3 12 8 4 10 24 3 4 2 1 10 5 5 36 1,575 2,512 11,854 117 437 10, 637 503 350 12 756 3,235 3,787 325 37 315 3,955 4,409 742 2,385 1,704 226 338 65 400 1,078 4,154 507 38 5 16 8 61 8 15 20 94 15 19 30 1 34 20 39 3 10 ■7 93 3 23 62 234 24 41 16 8 33 120 40 14 1,083 276 4,320 247 287 723 4,920 721 1,063 215 76 1,639 558 41 41 586 4,705 5,990 70 211 1,491 11,685 686 1,168 93 104 4,724 1,352 42 497 212 605 837 325 646 546 1,052 272 274 1,325 115 733 628 43 536 330 730 1,177 346 748 662 1,398 318 352 1,136 181 1,144 901 44 422 113 535 579 273 563 405 673 210 185 1,147 94 586 525 45 484 255 691 866 299 647 435 934 252 253 1,009 151 878 764 46 57 63 18 185 20 43 UO 295 40 60 105 18 102 79 47 44 43 20 191 23 48 .122 276 30 51 90 15 123 89 48 11 12 32 1 17 22 9 3 2 2 27 3 2 49 3 11 8 6 U 24 6 4 5 1 11 5 5 50 7 19 20 72 15 18 22 81 20 27 46 3 42 22 51 5 21 11 114 13 29 49 184 31 47 26 15 138 43 52 1.4 9.0 3.3 8.6 4.6 2.8 4.0 7.7 7.4 9.9 3.5 2.6 5.7 3.5 53 0.9 6.4 1.5 9.7 3.8 3.9 7.4 13.2 9.7 13.4 2.3 8.3 12.1 4.8 54 42 15 6 9 34 25 195 2 15 46 27 22 59 55 34 12 6 7 29 19 142 U 42 22 20 54 56 5 2 2 4 33 2 1 1 3 2 1 57 1 1 1 2 58 2 1 2 2 2 19 3 1 2 "4 59 4.8 6.7 22.2 5.9 3.0 9.7 20.0 2.2 7.4 6.8 60 220,313 91,098 305,763 110,216 165,648 210, 470 196, 202 280, 993 391,498 140,003 262, X2 30,094 124,437 107,710 61 290, 982 182,338 371,931 119,942 196,753 181,343 214,169 289,738 434,462 98, 661 247, 631 34, 631 163, 824 172,000 62 119, 539 23, 833 160, 963 65,471 68,664 44,399 104,925 155,459 39,741 33,290 152,634 13,094 89,542 • 80,990 63 200,736 83,882 270,353 74,815 100,764 83,453 115,465 188,238 45, 623 45,930 148, 948 28,234 118,713 101,362 64 75,421 44,652 57,677 37,441 50,949 91,258 48, 739 103, 560 50, 106 19,217 58,683 11, 943 22,987 18,505 65 83,792 70, UO 62,270 30,312 43, 577 78,361 70,348 74,411 53,722 31,095 71,107 4,880 27,604 20,302 66 16,040 21,362 74,138 640 42,183 65, 703 35,291 2,004 300,132 35,406 20,353 8,730 5,440 67 1,143 26,474 4,812 3,118 12,268 19, 202 24,331 4,731 332,953 18,224 19, 974 8,011 47,185 68 9,313 1,251 12,935 6,664 3,852 9,110 7,247 14,970 1,519 2,090 30, 667 57 3,178 2,775 69 5,311 1,872 33,996 11,197 40,149 322 3,525 22,403 2,164 3,412 7,602 1,517 9,496 3,151 70 2,203 210 530 466 438 1,311 16,029 16 716 555 759 855 2,616 71 876 128 530 425 206 893 11,372 ... 559 453 418 763 2,364 72 1,189 42 67 369 3,197 16 40 4 230 92 50 73 135 140 320 92 74 3 40 41 25 49 1,140 U7 1 111 262 75 306 160 533 659 196 585 380 976 127 212 1,099 47 535 428 76 370 218 640 315 193 619 469 1,281 196 258 935 77 854 631 77 10,130 17, 914 33,487 40, 706 4,215 26,289 14,426 82,346 2,948 10,047 19,003 3,021 26,183 15,581 78 11, 2U 17,785 38,934 41,475 5,365 16,738 14,295 85, 323 4,275 10, 566 16,631 4,513 30, 586 21,428 79 248 72 484 424 167 510 253 604 76 137 957 32 402 333 80 327 160 608 536 170 531 310 828 147 174 826 57 612 509 81 4,862 5,952 19,514 17,029 2,750 10,147 7,401 38,064 1,096 4,014 13,736 1,143 U,730 7,984 62 8,171 8,823 24,241 19, 015 2,385 10,356 6,753 50,173 2,489 5,213 12,470 2,684 13,083 14, 586 83 45 60 12 174 12 42 103 294 35 57 89 15 96 77 81 38 37 17 183 11 42 112 269 24 47 84 15 119 86 85 3,692 8,367 1,343 19,277 781 5,342 5,806 40,204 1,U9 4,233 1,897 1,878 9,027 6,737 86 2,689 4,413 5,579 15,804 529 4,519 6,357 25,187 1,093 3,851 2,999 1,734 8,637 5,080 87 4 16 B 60 8 13 18 75 15 17 30 34 17 86 2 10 7 92 3 23 45 180 23 36 15 "5 US 32 89 U 1,083 276 4,233 247 263 716 4,328 721 994 215 1,639 535 90 36 586 4,705 5,914 70 2LL 977 9,625 628 1,097 84 '95 4,712 1,268 91 23 9 4 5 ... 30 23 192 2 13 42 11 20 51 92 147 70 169 82 ... 233 438 4,836 12 235 243 302 177 450 93 22 8 4 4 ... 25 17 139 10 40 7 18 47 94 119 52 169 45 72 264 2,965 126 168 45 152 409 95 4 1 2 4 33 "2 1 3 2 1 96 15 IS 37 167 1,179 12 35 181 25 18 97 1 1 2 2 19 2 1 3 98 1 37 24 7 592 74 .... 76 23 99 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4. -CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only {For definitions and explanations, see text) Bay Farms, acreage, and value; All commercial famis number . Land in Tarms , acres . Average size of fann acres. Value of land and buildin{^ average per fatm. dollars . average per acre, dollars. Cropland harvested farms reporting . acres . Farm operators; Workinc off their farms, total number. 10(1 or nii>rc davs number . With other income of family exceeding value of aizricultural products sold number . By tenure; Full owners number. Part owners number . Managers number . \\i tenants number. Specified etiuipment and facilities; Grain com.hines .farms reporting. number. Coca pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. TVactors other than garden farms reporting . number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Telephone farms reporting . Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting . Flectric milk cooler farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located; Hard surface farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimpoved farms reporting. Farm labor, week preceding enumeration; Family and/or hired workers fnmis reporting. Family workers , including operator farms reporting , Operators working 1 or more hours persons , I'npaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. persons . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms refDrting- persons , Livestock and poultry on farms; Cattleandcalves farms reporting . number . Milk cows farms reporting . number . Horses and/or mules famis reporting . number . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . number , Chickens , 4 months old and over farms reporting, number. Livestock and poultry sold; Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting . number . Calves sold alive farms reporting . number. Hogs and pigs sold alive. farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number . Chickens including broilers sold farms re]x)rting. number. Livestock and poultry products sold; Chicken eggs sold farms repcrting , dozens , Milk and cream sold farms reporting , dollars . Wool farms reporting . pounds . Specified farm expenditures; Any speciTied farm expenditures farms reporting. dollars. Feed for livestock and poultry dollars . Purchase of livestock and fioullry dollars. Machine hire dollars . Hired labor dollars . Gasoline and other pet/oleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars, ,^eds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars. Crops harvested; Com for all purposes farms reporting . , acres . . Peanuts for picking or threshing .... farms reporting,, acres gro?m alone-. acres grown with other crops., potmds. . Land from which hay was cut acres. , Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting., dollars . , Land In hearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. acres . 23,326 13,770,164 590.3 106,605 213.70 20,105 1,680,833 8,546 5,976 6,371 16,478 4,447 1,037 1,364 824 960 1,660 1,717 882 914 15,260 27,140 14,076 28,343 17,388 23,338 15,391 12,555 786 787 12,405 1,624 8,749 18,582 17,014 16,614 5,633 7,947 5,882 31,335 10,732 1,395,436 4,584 179,000 6,043 19,513 6,944 311,159 7,915 5,216,500 5,995 325,184 6,357 297,542 6,036 329,331 70 1,633 2,214 ll,34i,137 2,862 66,333,702 954 69,872,516 84 27,247 23,318 263,211,267 67,039,470 34,382,056 21,693,732 110,409,921 17,322,405 12,363,683 6,800 399,591 2,509 43,417 970 43,378,316 70,331 3,606 83,666,328 11,576 647,803 550 320,248 582.3 71,543 126.44 458 52,384 175 119 330 189 11 20 46 50 118 129 55 56 457 656 402 803 427 556 339 378 16 16 187 11 348 500 467 461 161 225 133 314 384 35,395 128 1,573 234 665 320 26,809 293 182,921 253 12,093 248 10,853 238 41,966 22 235 51 234,540 64 1,909,100 15 558,060 17 1,750 550 4,847,725 1,737,250 1,195,307 107,969 1,213,051 417,340 176,808 306 27,926 91 1,793 2,006,203 4,142 217 1,414,819 52 28,327 544.8 44,125 86.92 50 1,481 23 12 48 45 45 1 2 12 152 44 2,683 14 827 22 44 40 728 23 327 32 534 22 757 27 731 1 60 1 3,000 3 337,000 52 675,025 194, 759 39,965 6,211 346,515 43,125 44,450 29 280 119 3,370 6 875 68 23,079 339.4 34, 986 103.03 53 3,320 18 18 337 454 178 835 38 025 3 800 126 284 32 270 3 240 U7 32,128 274.6 33,170 138.29 71 2,241 47 32 110 2 5 67 117 66 117 66 U7 43 65 63 75 24 13 52 15 15 66 1,639 2,510 7 10 216 30 34 39 51 51 20 41 560 736 50 52 29,075 15,830 9 29 100 224 13 46 567 893 15 21 570 635 '35 '35 29,370 1,307,000 35 10 305,125 2,700 1 203,890 117 858,882 540,747 162,395 1,875 113,560 34,445 5,860 11 230 343 268,790 783.6 135,807 347.22 304 16,221 137 132 266 27 26 24 1 1 1 1 202 355 175 357 227 294 244 117 5 5 155 74 104 232 184 179 53 79 113 404 31 20,709 17 464 52 229 11 223 35 2,724 49 4,900 59 3,769 5 175 10 950 16 13,867 5 135,000 343 3,062,070 185,535 175,778 732,899 1,582,296 180,637 204,375 257 74,207 288.7 174, 251 1,125.23 203 12,118 76 69 159 28 21 49 3 4 195 430 152 372 204 292 203 77 24 23 168 27 25 230 194 193 49 60 188 1,023 59 35,384 31 20,730 71 850 2 27 22 117,584 43 8,194 39 11,344 1 20 19 63,015 13 1,338,400 24 9,220,446 257 10,893,292 5,413,536 1,097,047 58,230 3,534,195 379,933 410,301 25 2,422 25 10,675 26 1,208 290 15,923 1,570 46 2,153,619 53 2,857 ^Doea not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. FLORIDA 165 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959 11 sample of farms See text] _ Charlotte Citrus Clay CoUler Columbia Dade De Soto Wxle Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden Gilchrist 43 106 75 88 432 706 232 55 203 265 54 7 346 205 1 231,477 107,982 133,220 314,524 128,874 121,075 277,711 157,334 71,086 106,279 167,662 15,595 136,801 85,713 2 5,383.2 1,018.7 1,776.3 3,574.1 298.3 171.5 1,197.0 2,869.7 350.2 401.1 3,104.9 2,227.9 395.4 418.1 3 378,977 59,032 202,193 140,944 23,832 156,559 200,656 43,390 77,733 38,411 194,796 122,500 46,046 35,380 4 77.71 71.58 105.41 65.85 90.02 975.84 150.78 23.36 254.30 122.02 60.61 54.99 133.42 95.37 5 31 57 28 64 424 642 196 38 101 213 29 5 341 204 6 2,050 3,272 1,692 4,133 34,662 58,585 11,221 1,383 7,044 17,367 3,671 5 34,540 30,993 T 24 43 29 40 156 178 91 22 68 98 17 7 90 67 8 17 24 16 29 98 161 65 16 52 57 17 7 47 37 g 6 42 27 20 112 205 69 26 73 91 9 7 60 47 10 27 64 61 21 218 373 191 30 179 151 35 6 197 136 11 9 19 7 28 172 199 29 20 11 90 14 1 87 57 12 7 6 6 4 2 9 6 ... 1 3 4 32 6 13 ... 17 1 35 40 125 6 5 12 21 1 30 6 u 3 3 29 1 60 1 37 20 15 4 3 '..'. 31 68 73 .;. 1 1 1 67 72 72 1 2 2 37 139 141 30 51 56 16 17 18 3 'w "s 16 "3 "zi 12 33 4 34 16 19 3 19 8 .. • 17 5 21 12 33 4 34 17 20 27 80 48 76 339 554 121 24 165 205 42 290 159 21 77 110 102 171 403 1,686 228 27 318 311 101 532 233 22 21 59 46 59 341 412 144 28 120 197 41 1 284 189 23 57 86 104 162 477 1,995 278 33 221 313 158 1 514 327 24 36 55 75 63 304 603 189 29 171 187 52 2 256 137 25 55 74 114 32 334 901 257 35 217 207 85 3 383 163 26 30 37 56 50 248 665 174 43 186 214 42 256 62 27 17 66 53 61 323 203 158 39 131 201 47 6 228 173 28 5 5 1 13 ... ... 50 36 1 6 1 29 5 5 1 13 ... 49 41 1 6 1 30 36 47 29 39 122 600 149 21 154 104 28 1 200 65 31 6 11 6 9 1 50 29 6 . .. 63 16 1 6 51 32 1 46 33 40 303 26 52 26 33 97 10 5 137 89 33 31 78 73 70 394 651 172 44 187 240 53 6 336 179 34 24 77 72 57 385 613 146 44 164 230 51 6 320 179 35 22 72 72 56 359 613 145 39 159 220 50 6 315 179 3S 12 28 14 3 ISl 237 22 12 70 71 23 82 80 37 12 36 18 5 313 302 29 14 109 87 44 87 133 36 24 16 18 32 50 361 64 6 100 67 24 170 20 39 117 38 143 SO 97 2,844 234 6 373 219 136 1,796 44 40 20 75 52 39 360 29 138 40 97 194 30 1 286 140 41 15,538 10,030 14,700 19,906 12,277 18,317 34,134 3,345 20,569 9,490 7,934 200 17,372 6,303 42 5 25 12 5 120 22 30 20 62 130 2 136 47 43 500 30 7,059 5 235 3,584 ■ 56 30 14,500 2,931 330 808 216 44 14 51 38 26 216 37 78 14 54 52 34 2 274 39 45 115 168 134 152 313 555 241 30 127 91 132 4 1,109 63 46 1 29 8 5 353 7 22 47 39 105 15 269 168 47 500 1,661 235 131 14,038 960 1,323 1,985 4,408 2,384 474 9,433 10,139 48 5 50 46 11 313 96 47 31 40 160 7 5 270 101 49 1,700 16,165 97,322 274 125,272 468,220 77,060 5,374 50,470 51,886 305 6,000 65,759 4,210 50 18 54 37 30 176 19 95 25 84 113 25 1 123 81 51 5,309 1,691 2,813 4,672 3,175 4,617 4,443 1,125 3,404 1,899 925 97 8,906 1,089 52 9 54 42 18 186 16 130 8 47 134 13 1 96 76 53 3,054 2,631 5,082 1,795 2,913 5,395 7,000 155 7,665 3,161 2,310 10 1,676 1,070 51 1 28 2 2 327 8 8 37 29 93 3 248 173 55 700 1,610 1 10 200 100 1 6 13,067 3,539 2 43 2,663 2,012 3,917 5,655 320 8,629 9,636 56 57 58 5 21 24 ... '57 85 '23 "5 '12 40 'io "5 '69 10 59 7,000 7,675 799,000 240,905 509,350 31, 578 2,000 23,250 21,910 330,000 2,000 28,360 750 60 5 32 12 6 71 79 35 5 17 75 ... 5 130 20 61 75,000 246,780 1,022,625 375 .1,350,657 6,157,850 646,177 101,550 722,700 295,740 54,750 652,889 15,925 62 5 5 1 13 52 42 "i 12 1 63 130,000 "i 120 2,591,967 ::: 9,000 3,936,254 3 1,448 ::: ::: 5,597,925 1 100 1,077,630 131,004 135,120 36,123 64 65 66 43 106 75 88 432 706 232 55 203 265 54 7 346 205 67 950,070 446,258 2,903,835 1,365,409 1,533,800 19,477,311 1,956,990 100,519 5,041,720 1,670,367 1,039,090 18,330 5,641,653 597,332 68 119,960 138,461 1,935,255 64,160 558,180 3,768,388 285,399 57,464 2,794,982 670,635 245,319 17,080 704,952 162,360 69 322,310 67,940 442,249 111,009 325,087 1,429,549 512,923 9,480 638,148 289,725 108,186 300 819,282 54,525 70 18,221 10,846 4,650 116,364 64,450 523,062 138,758 3,195 26,650 88,040 43,980 63,675 52,130 71 406,000 162,945 471,906 887,975 335,339 11,420,932 751,860 16,240 1,268,920 402,031 381,021 200 3,578,097 118,705 72 62,820 31,553 43,421 132,395 185,819 1,104,281 195,263 12,770 138,234 126,601 83,174 750 357,315 168,502 73 20,759 34,513 6,354 53,006 64,925 1,231,099 72,787 1,370 174,786 93,335 177,410 118,332 40,610 74 13 6 390 1 37 8 158 7 ... 335 187 75 ... 300 154 ... 24,201 57 650 200 665,675 80 ... 831 5 10 10,200 769 4,135 5 5 1,200 490 23,278 76 1,010 1,068,860 15,375 56 222 10 164,000 76 77 78 79 80 40 442 1,115 698 1,850 425 ... 2,194 350 65 2,885 330 81 3 9 10 44 74 281 8 10 10 20 66 133 82 130,417 18,050 34,295 3,124,075 54,150 17,975,651 122,065 100,000 15,500 404,450 ... 141,449 424,600 83 21 44 2 15 102 247 189 6 20 43 8 1 32 66 84 840 1,665 3 196 599 7,666 10,037 4 931 690 18 2 273 209 85 166 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL {^D&la are ba}i«j on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hentiry Hemajido Highlands Hillsborcjugh Holjnes Farms, acreage, anti value: All conimorcial fanns ; number . !,and in fami^ aCTes. Average size of farm , acres . Value of land and buildings average per fnnn. dollars . average per acre, dollars. Cropland harvested farms reporting , acres , Farm operators: Workinc off their farms, total number. 10(1 or miTo days numtier . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number. By tenure: Full owners number. Part owners number . Managers number , \ll tennnts number . Specified equipment and facilities: Gram corr.hine? farms reporting. number . Corn pickers farms reporting. number . Pick-up balers farms reporting . number , Motortrucks farms reporting . number . Tractors other than garden farms reporting . number. Automobiles farms reportinc . number. Telephone farms reporting . Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Flectric milk cooler farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface v farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unim[Tovod farms reporting . Farm ialwr, iweek preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. Family workers, including operalor farms reporting. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . persons . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms refDrting. persons . Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms reporting . number . Milk cowa farms reporting . number. Horses and 'or mules famis reporting . number . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . number . Chickens , 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. nuniber. Calves sold alive farms reportint:. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farn.s reportinc . numlier. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reiiorting. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. nuniber . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms repolini! . dozens . Milk and cream sold farms reporting. dollars . Wool farms reporti ng . pounds . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting . dollars . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars. Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars. Machine hire dollars . Hired latmr dollars . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business lollars . .'^eds. bulbs, plants, and trees dollars . Crops harvested: Clbm for all purposes fanns reporting . acres . Peanuts for picking or threshing farms reporting. acres grown alone . acres grown with other crops , pounds. Land from which hay was cut acres . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) 67 173,008 2,582.2 229,428 92.10 34 4,222 19 19 . fanns reporting . dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ fanns repoi-ting. acres. 3 4 2 4 10 11 51 107 35 166 55 96 53 51 13 13 40 19 67 58 53 24 44 37 175 60 30,154 21 2,283 43 199 15 3,520 23 764 41 6,748 45 4,083 10 3,225 6 530 6 410 13 819,165 67 1,763,5U 493,537 464,715 62,686 588,323 119,032 35,218 1 200 7 273,390 25 29,680 1,187.2 53,600 45.15 12 100 3 3 14 5 6 19 11 10 6 6 13 14 19 337 10 30 6 22 11 156 16 300 15 163 13 76 5 150 5 100 25 60,490 10,650 5,375 2,450 X,730 4,600 2,685 353 U8,320 335.2 29 ,465 87.33 352 30,321 131 65 189 122 1 41 20 21 53 54 9 .9 246 292 283 400 251 273 207 250 1 1 302 284 279 58 80 32 60 234 4,596 72 362 133 199 266 U,743 188 5,800 U8 1,102 70 804 217 7,695 20 331,840 26 8,250 1 97,500 1 144 353 1,022,399 257,306 66,849 54,669 342,155 244,100 57,320 308 22,085 33 166 101,550 218 57 28,400 594 303,826 511.5 112,322 194.65 558 24,490 172 130 500 70 6 6 354 528 367 635 470 584 339 305 1 1 269 21 301 488 436 417 138 181 103 273 235 32,027 72 401 134 358 33 175 122 45,737 119 2,539 208 9,256 7 116 26 14,595 26 738,530 1 185,000 1 90 594 2,870,866 409,228 307,727 451,205 1,229,102 3U,530 162,074 11 30 106 851,441 97 642,042 6,619.0 212,307 55.94 59 36,232 44 31 1 1 10 n 75 340 69 385 71 136 42 36 2 55 17 23 84 75 73 16 28 26 1,615 70 63,711 12 555 47 222 8 90 15 939 55 11,920 57 7,571 2 44 1,750 10 7,560 2 160,408 1 12 97 5,717,257 480,343 974,657 352,661 3,421,782 430,299 57,515 154 98,777 641.4 137,156 429.14 78 9,271 54 128 17 4 522 20,388 34 5,741,000 29 1,491 17 17 109 191 78 153 132 177 128 87 92 2 55 U3 130 130 63 104 46 116 61 9,112 20 224 38 353 34 612 69 243,350 29 1,214 47 1,996 18 1,047 58 61,210 58 3,254,410 1 76,000 154 1,967,421 1,143,683 264,820 67,912 390,909 82,289 17,808 5 600 2,270 11 80,500 48 3,258 315 402,171 1,276.7 160,277 225.08 252 23,024 115 85 219 40 49 7 5 5 189 501 156 374 262 362 197 135 172 11 122 234 202 201 37 50 86 701 45,134 10 2,111 61 410 9 228 29 36,963 5,846 76 9,791 10 321 1 10 10 18,000 10 579,145 4 1,007,431 1 120 315 4,745,622 927,056 167,579 517,087 2,536,683 352,173 245,044 1 12 2 43,000 203 20,714 1,758 739,851 420.8 96,568 222.90 1,445 70,487 616 486 520 1,374 255 53 76 1 1 37 37 1,052 1,654 1,053 1,852 1,500 2,083 1,519 856 105 115 1,224 56 425 1,403 1,274 1,271 433 548 418 2,058 571 98,636 219 23,461 319 915 101 1,036 372 656,240 310 20,501 360 17,992 46 254 346,825 244 9,478,155 109 9,602,985 7 140 1,758 20,383,275 7,801,454 2,648,234 1,833,445 6,518,814 949,472 631,856 23 157 15 825 705,500 4,157 441 3,937,813 1,170 51,825 ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. FLORIDA 167 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued B sajnplo of fnmis . See text] Indian River Jackson Jefferson Ufayette LaJie Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marlon Martin Monroe 311 1,173 217 253 1,647 150 164 273 42 528 388 730 91 10 1 191,837 333,090 161,625 96,258 292,943 133,314 144,349 263,821 30,956 183.451 241,321 457,9U 121,348 10 2 616.8 284.0 744.8 373.1 177.9 338.8 830.2 984.7 737.0 347.4 622.0 627.3 1,333.5 1.0 3 13i,880 24,645 26,764 28,862 126,312 133,435 62,171 57,913 33,500 29,441 130,363 91,603 256,891 19,500 \ 221.82 97.04 59.12 66.41 781.04 320.31 105.30 64.49 77.78 37.08 224.98 206.80 200.79 19,500.00 S 291 1,120 207 247 1,583 122 Ul 217 18 516 296 548 66 5 6 27,573 103,262 31,403 14,807 100,080 10,481 19,610 25,091 291 56,940 17,144 57,627 5,4U 5 7 154 410 88 133 697 46 54 110 32 202 120 325 7 5 8 119 177 27 73 618 40 33 58 16 108 96 238 7 5 9 100 204 45 52 622 61 44 55 19 115 114 269 8 5 10 251 633 105 130 1,402 92 93 108 40 300 257 4S6 67 10 u 18 416 67 121 96 28 33 125 1 171 77 189 4 12 41 5 5 2 127 3 12 3 1 6 25 37 8 IS 1 U7 40 5 22 27 26 37 51 29 18 12 14 1 121 23 5 13 10 69 31 15 1 149 24 5 16 10 75 44 18 233 41 26 25 44 143 54 17 237 44 26 29 44 145 64 IS "2 102 22 11 '12 3 21 15 11 '25 40 "3 19 2 102 23 11 12 3 24 16 11 26 42 5 20 135 802 138 187 694 129 103 200 '27 391 260 541 83 21 320 950 300 201 1,604 311 181 243 36 460 468 881 1B6 22 116 833 110 208 607 91 86 206 10 426 245 501 55 23 UA 1,188 304 272 1,384 254 181 287 13 593 471 939 166 24 167 587 96 171 1,233 121 121 193 35 404 300 600 70 'io 25 198 731 134 205 1,863 235 155 223 35 485 359 806 121 10 26 164 347 51 157 1,160 119 72 142 7 113 268 485 76 5 27 92 711 71 163 645 76 89 183 31 336 190 414 50 28 3 53 11 10 4 1 12 1 7 32 22 5 29 3 52 8 10 4 1 6 1 7 32 22 5 30 U9 308 70 115 945 103 113 133 18 174 200 402 52 10 31 36 32 15 126 19 1 28 1 15 97 16 18 32 141 831 132 143 569 21 41 111 23 329 78 302 20 33 210 1,060 148 196 942 1A9 141 237 42 437 316 617 82 10 34 180 1,033 148 191 798 139 130 233 42 436 303 583 75 10 35 170 1,017 lU 170 761 134 130 233 42 436 301 581 74 10 36 38 383 25 107 166 41 37 65 15 136 119 219 28 37 44 632 33 188 223 52 37 96 20 242 151 256 55 ... 3e 96 168 40 13 343 78 37 38 7 78 120 176 58 ... 39 402 344 324 15 1,445 852 164 78 8 197 622 488 557 40 37 930 122 196 219 38 126 190 30 449 189 449 33 41 15,291 34,308 9,352 5,000 13,822 10,453 8,043 14,683 606 13,190 31,091 48,352 16,110 42 8 565 33 91 43 5 ■ 68 52 16 237 65 185 11 ... 43 1,397 5,695 1,153 748 2,012 206 1,649 75 27 1,305 5,671 2,544 2,735 44 41 511 128 69 122 38 82 81 14 233 120 306 28 45 137 872 305 98 425 139 235 194 459 339 296 1,504 175 46 1 953 147 231 59 8 96 215 25 442 26 234 14 ... 47 3 40,370 4,794 8,600 1,496 42 2,401 16,709 3,531 24,776 673 10,827 173 48 U 858 151 207 141 28 101 189 31 384 97 304 20 ... 49 8,630 122,694 7,889 10,370 184,359 30,335 5,165 18,51> 28,695 30,195 97,862 247,202 10,445 ... 50 18 420 96 115 78 16 47 111 20 200 133 226 30 51 3,4U 7,216 3,550 374 2,609 1,180 1,942 4,891 189 2,536 4,459 18,150 4,166 52 30 465 48 84 155 34 53 97 14 199 123 307 24 53 4,867 7,171 1,270 681 4,268 2,265 1,894 2,685 60 2,137 6,639 13,544 3,626 54 838 117 226 16 1 74 208 20 416 12 209 2 55 40,818 5,337 8,609 1,378 20 2,577 15,269 4,000 25,325 925 9,687 93 56 "i 1 ... ... 1 ... ... 1 57 35 80 ... 15 ... 50 ... ... 58 5 86 "7 "26 76 '16 16 27 16 42 40 103 11 ... 50 2,000 40,130 5,125 2,175 98,175 5,700 2,455 6,555 17,550 15,845 33,865 264,070 5,020 ... 60 5 219 11 56 86 16 21 72 16 68 40 115 10 .. . 61 67,805 1,193,865 36,660 64,845 2,507,955 413,050 58,940 82,155 337,800 369,785 1,370,565 2,619,187 114,900 62 2 67 14 10 10 1 7 5 12 32 28 5 63 525,000 1,251,375 363,418 255,060 330,165 63,720 678,265 ... 105 159,003 2,345,237 915,415 1,270,591 64 6 1 >• • 1 1 ... 1 65 625 1,500 ... 14 200 ... ... 300 66 311 1,168 216 258 1,647 150 164 273 42 528 388 730 91 10 67 3,871,358 4,204,355 1,400,025 606,863 11,147,624 4,144,302 982,684 1,420,409 204,601 1,606,512 4,732,431 8,668,799 3,246,063 5,000 68 426,902 1,344,877 216,984 205,715 1,101,273 196,022 273,089 442,077 164,615 353,635 1,632,583 2,815,342 638,274 69 529,055 720,231 168,281 59,310 197,189 28,585 123,540 591,111 16,455 166,797 545,560 2,867,322 338,417 70 494,581 351,943 18,513 25,380 3,214,398 61,978 26,757 37,607 125 87,615 166,335 427,285 22,385 71 2,093,907 951,384 811,130 169,420 5,324,944 2,664,050 376,931 181,973 13,650 649,085 1,370,642 1,730,607 1,642,816 72 211,493 490,319 150,287 126,068 838,470 255,777 102,176 117,153 9,550 266,825 293,632 520,328 207,845 4,000 73 115,420 345,101 34,830 20,470 421,345 937,890 75,191 50,488 206 82,555 223,674 307,915 395,826 1,000 74 1,022 190 221 30 1 112 185 15 489 5 222 75 53,346 15,808 10,452 1,043 40 7,761 12,218 170 35,277 50 15,134 ... 76 941 34 20 5 ... 13 103 . . • 52 165 ... 77 21,098 561 45 60 40 ... 191 1,293 351 3,727 640 78 79 20,561,934 368,440 158,250 10,000 110,566 1,313,164 272,860 4,492,287 80 600 4,240 1,156 505 1,183 1,185 4,735 772 140 2,845 3,994 180 ... 81 7 189 28 48 81 32 11 140 90 74 209 4 82 21,440 271,000 60,430 88,191 469,735 797,418 2,350 295,320 57,380 2,702,865 1,830,274 645,376 83 290 124 77 39 1,450 42 21 47 2 100 2U 249 23 84 19,718 2,974 9,9U 96 95,606 1,218 3,195 966 6 284 8,914 11,041 3,485 85 168 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For deHnitions and explanations, see text) Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Farms, acreage, and value; All commercial famie number . Land in famis acres . Average size of farm acres . Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars . average fwr acre, dollars. Cropland harvested farms reporting . acres . Farm operators: Working off their farms, total ■ number, iOO or miTe days number . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number. By tenure: Full owners number. Part o\vnors number • Managers number . All tenants number , Specified eriuipment and facilities: Grain combines famis reporting , number , Com piclrting . number . Chickens , 4 months old and over farms reporting, number , Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting, number. Calves sold alive farms reporting , number . Hogs and pigs sold alive fam.s refxjrtine. number . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . number . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. number. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . Milk and cream sold farms reporting . dollars . Wool farms reporting . pounds . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting. dollars . Feed for livestock and poultty dollars. Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars . Machine hire dollars . Hired labor dollars . fia-Soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars . .'^cds. bulbs, plants, and trees dollars , Crops harvested: Com for all ptirposes farms reportljtg, acres . Peanuts for picking or threshing farms reporting, acres grown alone, acres grown with other crops. potmde. Land from which hay was cut acres. Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. dollars , Land In bearing and nonbearlng fnilt orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . acres . 130 73,972 569.0 56, 910 100.4^ 66 1,796 31 26 120 9 1 6 6 lOi 15i 91 130 100 120 46 102 3 3 12* 120 115 68 90 20 69 102 7,772 28 1,215 62 136 62 3,320 53 289, 150 85 1,920 23 1,056 49 3,438 56 1,512,450 50 3,759,210 3 491,000 130 2,701,076 1, 918, 027 389,415 4,065 315,423 60,852 13,294 32 535 1,053 5 500 157 37,203 237.0 21,169 100. 52 146 9,126 31 21 9 9 45 45 13 13 131 155 131 154 69 75 31 136 1 1 1A7 147 1A7 47 63 8 10 137 4,006 101 226 80 180 127 6,269 138 14,176 €2 1,429 95 1,039 127 6,717 1 15 20 5,110 66 187,685 5 875 157 502,761 103, 066 299,407 9,645 32,785 43,113 14, 745 143 5,365 51 375 337,945 510 10 3,000 83 345,790 3,929.4 537, 700 144.4^ 32 827 52 41 10 10 75 163 71 141 82 205 60 56 17 17 67 9 9 86 74 73 13 25 44 171 82 59,332 33 3,414 69 742 20 350 22 15,343 79 13,911 53 9,697 6 232 2 36 5 1,500 5 225,000 17 3,114,913 3 540 4,074,337 1,561,437 1,627,250 65, 096 681,008 112,146 27,400 52 479 1,322 337,846 255.6 173, 656 710.19 1,222 U6, 231 533 463 502 1,193 64 47 18 1 1 1 23 25 614 1,435 480 1,285 1,009 1,494 1,082 567 35 35 870 99 294 786 623 618 127 172 382 2,417 203 26, 333 38 6,927 39 323 19 410 96 96, 865 112 10, 565 132 5,644 7 376 32 44,875 47 1,459, 515 41 3,354,861 1 15 1,322 18,188,985 1, 930, 651 903,575 3,306,425 9, 540, 669 1,025,803 1,481,862 3 540 5 10 15,000 1,886 37 3,242,657 1,U6 102, 387 278 799,495 2,875.9 447,807 130.89 227 10,874 93 62 235 24 17 2 6 7 170 286 177 313 221 278 181 163 6 177 5 84 198 154 154 16 21 79 341 112 73,012 37 1,052 56 316 24 99 53 23, 296 81 16, 085 64 9,198 2 70 6 258 7 12,350 12 295,150 6 370,045 6 1,506 278 4,167,045 517,585 1,634,011 513,993 1,131,195 261,434 108,327 1,052 10 127,500 224 9,703 454 365, 864 806.0 215,344 502.54 290 79,351 65 57 281 56 43 74 10 10 10 12 U U 370 1,309 352 1,512 365 608 367 228 33 33 273 129 20 441 416 416 123 199 300 3,583 182 37,844 41 17, 742 128 438 5 85 47 118, 600 155 37, 515 124 19,975 5 75 31 44,500 41 1,456,950 39 7,562,743 453 25,424,378 4, 959, 865 5,075,676 221,157 12,514,208 1,485,175 1,168,297 20 1,530 1 10 2,400 1,054 133 27,689,524 624 299, 250 479.6 110, 949 296.50 507 38,028 212 176 523 34 56 18 19 314 522 279 485 506 672 491 275 21 21 400 34 157 420 355 343 137 173 113 342 190 36,742 61 2,609 89 440 34 222 134 4*2,935 99 5,553 115 7,790 6 131 1 70 122 515,070 127 5, 933, 555 21 893,298 1 600 623 6, 081, 368 2,632,235 696,897 827, 543 1,574,494 278,259 71,940 346 51,276 148.2 124,296 1,013.06 I 303 11,115 93 58 317 14 2 13 193 281 159 256 275 391 312 U9 9 9 264 56 22 271 234 223 122 135 492 60 6,760 15 2,835 19 92 7 831 44 133,844 44 1,277 21 2,266 7 1,388 37 57,100 38 2,268,162 346 3, 571, 279 1,191,733 360,330 401,361 1,364,744 129,956 123,155 51 2,011 30 269, 900 500 29,898 5 5,000 237 9,495 1,767 1, 007, 615 570.2 176,822 410.47 1,648 131,494 752 614 477 1,411 160 164 32 29 30 964 2,046 827 1,668 1,394 1,836 1,384 854 56 56 1,035 143 472 1,127 925 918 219 296 466 2,007 493 79,493 113 6,811 280 906 73 1,507 137 366, 983 282 13,780 345 20,997 31 1,142 4 369 91 128, 030 102 5,337,195 64 2,683,554 4 10,933 1,767 21, 521, 599 3,420,640 1,105,596 4,410,679 10,846,901 1,391,864 345, 919 45 290 5 2,500 74 484,245 1,536 123,422 ^Doea not include data for fanos with less than 20 trees and grapevines. FLORIDA 169 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued B sample of rarms. See lext ] Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 161 165 372 377 207 321 236 876 82 94 533 58 259 221 I 190, 519 39,064 306,101 73,635 157, 698 198,197 178, 027 262,720 366,944 100,692 231,340 30, 833 67,268 59, 575 2 1,133.3 539.8 822.9 195.5 761.8 617.4 622.5 299.9 4,474.9 1,071.2 434.0 531.6 259.7 269.6 3 77,497 78,723 135,366 29, 622 143, 645 115,480 40,895 23,946 44,349 124,316 94, 992 22,473 17,147 18,103 4 84.01 128.44 242.38 155.00 189.45 179.35 73.98 82.20 59.06 90.82 237.36 64.03 72.62 80.18 5 114 147 316 330 163 302 224 871 54 82 437 51 204 189 6 7 8,474 18,455 27,812 32,289 6,824 24,782 12,228 81,813 1,196 6,622 14, 573 7,137 18, 039 9,213 45 47 125 104 66 112 110 393 55 38 120 31 114 99 8 41 35 112 54 49 79 74 184 29 26 97 21 49 23 9 85 27 96 108 39 96 64 119 39 43 133 26 38 32 10 120 83 328 171 142 253 211 533 59 49 440 37 190 143 11 32 52 U 186 21 U 48 233 U 44 76 21 43 61 12 7 17 17 27 17 15 10 2 1 15 1 2 13 2 13 16 '20 17 7 12 45 10 2 20 15 14 2 S3 5 1 2 51 5 1 10 12 16 15 3 90 5 4 3 68 5 1 10 22 16 18 10 3 169 1 140 26 11 40 22 17 12 3 159 1 143 26 11 40 22 18 5 8 1 13 14 1 2 36 5 10 5 12 25 19 6 8 1 14 16 1 3 37 5 11 5 12 25 20 128 150 224 338 94 172 238 681 67 69 364 38 183 130 21 228 316 460 427 176 560 337 790 74 82 591 51 193 225 22 95 137 210 316 113 123 222 730 45 77 261 46 184 145 23 243 535 535 422 201 455 319 1,079 52 102 396 72 233 203 24 134 118 316 246 150 239 249 599 69 71 462 48 152 36 25 172 197 464 271 217 336 305 653 76 89 587 49 194 90 26 118 128 329 272 167 254 182 435 21 47 440 18 76 127 27 92 89 151 322 98 81 219 586 61 72 218 51 188 151 28 4 3 3 20 10 2 10 5 5 6 21 15 29 4 2 3 20 10 2 10 5 5 6 16 20 30 101 102 256 134 171 233 122 278 29 68 328 26 114 76 31 1 7 24 13 9 60 15 6 73 6 6 32 51 50 89 243 22 76 103 578 47 '26 114 '30 139 138 33 143 145 295 327 172 230 231 761 75 88 474 52 238 205 34 138 117 272 325 170 200 225 757 74 87 409 52 237 202 .35 137 117 244 319 160 190 220 722 59 87 404 47 222 196 36 51 19 99 96 61 68 123 314 27 7 147 20 113 68 37 56 26 122 136 70 121 179 460 27 8 191 50 140 108 38 64 70 85 39 67 99 46 42 3 21 228 15 25 12 39 366 253 519 53 191 844 76 67 10 55 634 15 52 24 40 64 23 70 292 68 45 240 641 61 79 115 38 223 204 41 13,555 6,807 40,564 11,800 23, 535 23,712 23,345 14,393 3,146 5,539 19,494 1,295 7,683 4,834 42 6 2 8 213 18 23 , 94 332 18 17 29 15 137 137 43 1,296 835 1,735 1,358 1,064 910 1,135 924 35 968 1,570 25 1,304 723 44 34 23 64 43 43 22 187 204 43 57 33 20 74 103 45 267 81 238 159 165 166 339 392 75 95 336 35 99 147 46 23 3 2 229 6 5 103 744 65 71 40 47 182 177 47 803 376 230 6,900 35 265 2,920 33,392 3,667 3,814 1,603 2,890 7,445 4,469 4^ 20 32 31 269 51 26 106 6U 20 59 116 26 182 175 49 22,747 9,456 34,918 22,122 63,950 69,705 53,413 26,928 535 1,465 107,810 3,920 41,277 51,743 50 46 15 50 181 52 27 97 296 46 52 85 28 115 102 51 1,780 1,797 8,966 4,135 7,203 5,753 2,310 3,837 1,115 933 3,896 235 1,336 1,415 52 40 12 34 155 50 29 210 338 30 59 32 16 138 105 53 2,380 1,831 4,520 1,615 6,230 2,168 7,469 3,114 233 1,662 6,473 265 1,590 965 54 16 8 2 214 1 5 93 736 55 61 14 47 132 153 55 1,201 292 213 7,872 10 540 2,313 31,081 4,222 2,749 1,031 3,091 8,755 5,920 56 1 5 6 1 1 57 50 75 80 15 30 5S 32 17 25 45 21 25 16 51 'io 5 46 io 46 27 59 710,900 1,022,775 27, 750 4,700 7,900 36,190 17,809 325,400 20 125 64,840 2,580 707, 910 22, 950 60 10 7 25 71 21 25 28 146 10 6 66 15 40 57 61 105,000 76,000 532,710 149,420 394,985 914,995 759,343 198,470 520 250 1,752,135 110,250 406,395 659, 800 62 5 2 4 30 10 13 15 25 5 16 26 26 63 440,271 467, 361 781,385 378, 205 530,000 428,150 340,250 108,635 214,685 639,225 184,890 87,725 64 2 5 6 1 1 65 635 2,775 910 200 400 66 161 165 372 377 207 321 286 876 82 94 533 58 259 221 67 1,759,643 3, 350, 765 4,402,765 1,529,825 2,043,919 4,467,727 1,412,646 1.996,582 145, 7U 479,507 3, 667, 777 133, 405 954,685 491,259 68 634,463 745,968 748,035 483,835 702, 546 493, 933 595, 174 502,203 36,155 167,083 863, 698 45, 580 5n,860 236,507 69 184,775 356,609 427,970 330,770 520, 143 56,710 161, 972 175, 271 34,150 62,175 304,828 23, 205 161,200 91, 800 70 101, 217 125,952 390, 674 138, 510 56, 655 270,430 100,928 127, 640 4,070 11,792 145, 905 4,275 12,925 19,355 71 615,291 1,224,134 2,341,394 253, 005 632,360 2,984,365 390, 987 583, 920 42,481 169,202 1,911,859 22, 020 171,105 78,569 72 108,545 236, 938 386,499 181, 735 90,542 347, 969 136,381 4*1,269 15,560 47,466 281,503 31,300 79,330 47,003 73 115,352 661,114 103,193 141, 970 41, 173 314,270 27,204 126,279 13,295 21,789 159, 984 7,025 17,765 13,025 74 25 39 1 296 U 89 787 45 69 7 41 164 174 75 929 1,140 6 12,533 230 1,549 55,035 1,145 3,340 130 2,605 8,125 5,480 76 5 232 5 5 152 6 1 20 56 61 77 60 4,284 20 15 25 1,407 15 82 120 1,380 313 20 364 78 79 62,500 5,169,480 20,000 25,000 1,247,989 133,245 92,249 1,038,540 227,980 255,905 80 1,325 458 175 490 2,035 810 837 415 90 69 390 995 855 81 30 30 4 36 17 52 162 172 6 23 25 U 60 82 347,405 634, 169 1,023,(K1 41,750 367,750 3,913,146 757,200 158,988 6,300 41,995 93,000 4,700 37,775 S3 92 19 296 103 105 242 56 270 31 345 10 70 47 34 2,173 259 26,145 1,190 2,105 11,636 1,068 1,293 249 12,368 30 6,011 68 85 170 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Mosl data for 1959 are based on reixrts (For definitions and explanalions, 5ee lext) Bay Estimated number of famts 1053 . Iffil. Farm operators by age: Operatofs reixirtinc ape numhor 1959 . Under 25 year?: ntimber 1959 . ^5 to 34 years number 1959 . 35 to 44 years number 1959 . 45 to 54 years number 1959 . 55 to (14 years number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . Average ape years 1959. Off-farm work and other income: Fami oneralors— Workini; off their farih^ operators reporting 1959 . 1954. iro or more dnyy operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . With other income of faniiU exceedinc value of farm products sold, operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959. 1954. Part owners number 1059. 1954 . Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Casb tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959. 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Livestock-Share tenants number 1959. 1954. Cropf>ers number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenanls number 195D . 1951. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut . . number 1959. Cash-grain number 1959 Tobacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959 . Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . livestock ranches number 1959 . General fatms number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959 . Farms by economic class: Comn.erclnl farms number 1959 . Class I number 1959 . Cla^s II number 1959 . Class III number 1959 . Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . Class VI number 1059 . Other farms number 1959. Part.iiuie number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959 . Value of products sold by source: All farm prtiducls sold loUl, dollars 1959. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959 . 1954. All crops sr.ld dollars 1959. 1054. Field (Tops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1950. 1954. \oeetiililos sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Fruits anil nuLs sold dollars 1 959 . 1954. Forest products and horticultural speciolt.v privlucLs sold dollars 1959. 1954 . All livestock and livestock prtxlucts sold dollars 1059. 1954. Poultry and poultry ptoduct.s sold dollars 1959. 1954. Dairy rroducts sold dollars 1959. 1954. Livestock and livestock i»oducts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 45,000 57,510 43,956 436 3,325 8,503 11,880 10,540 9,272 52.9 23,467 29,530 19,988 23,737 26,131 28,733 35,464 45,464 5,812 6,533 1,250 883 2,474 4,663 1,069 1,618 77 110 165 537 82 81 249 862 832 1,455 3,475 265 2,365 260 585 1,683 8,198 1,641 763 4,335 1,504 1,343 23,562 23,326 2,964 2,622 3,882 4,959 5,645 3,254 21,674 15,602 5,971 101 700,476,217 466,115,951 15,566 8,105 519,230,094 358,741,347 56,812,227 60,538,930 81,909,617 78,267,235 324,400,574 188,827,830 56,107,676 31,107,352 181,246,123 107,374,604 29,178,920 17,810,467 70,345,924 43,101,464 81,721,279 46,462,673 1,064 1,585 1,056 9 75 208 328 250 186 52.1 571 876 462 652 600 739 761 1,123 245 296 18 10 40 181 15 46 167 5 162 66 23 41 15 129 80 543 550 60 61 100 122 135 72 514 361 151 2 10,350,804 6,394,820 9,728 4,035 4,695,136 3,719,437 2,546,474 2,108,665 1,406,365 1,161,275 335,402 213,993 406,895 235,504 5,655,668 2,675,383 997,814 500, 502 657,801 528,127 4,000,053 1,646,754 232 379 255 1 28 60 75 58 33 49.8 187 246 166 186 183 221 190 335 16 21 1 2 25 32 5 4 3 24 14 2 188 180 140 40 1,483,699 1,345,133 6,395 3,549 960,824 1,069,650 143,863 242,522 2,965 36,895 9,472 867 804,524 789,366 522,875 275,483 14,366 27,751 337,000 102,269 171,509 145,463 185 304 179 2 12 36 46 51 32 52.6 120 160 106 150 138 226 154 238 19 13 7 1 117 111 6 694,578 519,908 3,754 1,710 259,830 130,026 3,823 11,323 12,438 11,790 176,649 52,327 66,920 54,586 434,748 389,882 113,130 133,791 204,465 163,698 117,153 92 , 393 488 648 469 4 45 108 126 106 80 51.1 313 365 274 320 355 449 460 539 8 45 5 2 5 26 35 35 13 372 117 5 11 12 10 371 326 45 1,314,353 1,256,873 2,693 1,940 346,241 638,779 90,449 257,609 57,225 202,521 128,906 84,079 69,661 94,570 968,112 618 ,094 704,828 371,521 21,727 263,284 224,846 758 1,033 751 3 36 130 174 207 201 55.5 443 557 411 485 542 693 646 941 42 51 31 16 39 9 12 2 35 435 343 50 49 63 79 92 10 415 310 100 5 8,037,155 5,307,348 10,603 5,138 6,994,251 4,064,742 192 9,559 3,826 14,719 6,822,664 3,409,157 167,569 631 , 307 1,042,904 1,242,606 129,781 163,265 135,000 113,472 778,123 965,869 394 411 363 6 31 134 101 53 38 47.5 176 166 166 130 166 164 285 247 29 65 26 19 54 77 31 43 257 70 48 25 37 137 126 6 5 17,079,919 16,237,537 43,350 39,507 5,401,444 7,122,324 66,709 262,622 1,777,397 5,234,509 1,551,884 904,217 2,005,454 720,976 11,678,475 9,115,213 950,214 596,966 9,220,446 7,420,395 1,507,815 1,097,852 329 616 19 77 106 75 49 51.2 211 327 154 222 210 341 243 452 60 30 162 174 7 11 155 110 45 1,580,658 1,195,274 4,804 1,940 566,544 623,909 446,368 420,280 11,230 70,302 34,096 77,279 74,850 56,048 1,014,114 571, 3b5 58,842 71,446 519,088 131,419 436,184 368,500 FLORIDA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954 171 fcr only a sample of rams. See text] Charlotte Citrus Claj CoUier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Frankltn Gadsden Gilchrist 63 100 266 278 156 181 94 99 723 1,003 1,168 1,520 367 522 141 243 308 431 765 1,310 109 99 32 39 654 1,059 325 353 1 74 1 2 9 20 21 21 56.3 259 2 15 44 64 82 52 53.8 159 1 13 31 47 33 29 52.1 104 2 17 27 30 19 9 47.0 698 11 56 147 193 154 137 51.9 1,109 11 55 201 339 303 200 53.0 381 5 20 51 89 103 113 56.4 142 6 13 23 47 31 22 50.2 313 2 24 61 93 87 46 51.7 781 6 74 196 211 191 103 50.5 117 5 16 28 29 20 19 49.1 27 1 5 8 6 7 55.7 663 9 57 141 178 148 130 52.0 331 5 39 74 89 81 43 49.9 .1 4 5 n 7 8 f| 10 29 51 24 51 166 152 141 133 88 113 76 110 50 21 35 15 365 438 268 341 471 658 437 583 209 297 179 218 98 142 82 122 132 170 123 154 514 899 445 764 42 49 39 29 22 32 20 32 323 579 264 476 171 132 137 68 11 12 n u 34 72 189 138 109 105 26 18 354 368 625 905 205 215 101 157 164 138 549 979 63 23 24 32 382 543 171 94 15 16 47 107 9 20 7 9 199 234 39 32 6 5 137 153 7 26 6 4 26 22 28 53 4 7 454 732 202 137 2 1 783 1,173 214 171 11 51 301 429 44 47 6 26 90 158 26 34 284 434 11 30 1 1 546 1,061 165 175 3 5 70 68 19 22 4 2 31 29 334 746 117 155 33 24 241 249 67 91 6 11 18 19 20 21 22 12 22 7 2 6 5 1 36 34 20 32 5 65 117 25 22 5 3 160 132 119 66 1 16 3 5 25 22 10 7 12 10 "5 5 1 51 93 26 38 4 16 8 11 5 115 99 25 23 2 11 29 11 3 23 21 25 26 27 28 1 5 1 5 16 3 1 8 ... 15 9 3 ■29 30 31 10 15 6 6 4 1 10 1 '2 10 36 20 38 "e 41 56 11 3 1 5 1 10 13 7 3 5 18 20 25 5 3 3 2 10 28 65 35 1 "s 9 32 33 34 35 36 316 15 301 13 13 20 '20 78 58 15 5 26 26 212 5 202 5 35 5 30 37 38 39 40 41 2 16 5 5 9 1 27 15 57 6 23 5 37 44 1 32 19 'si 254 181 74 13 7 5 163 17 47 5 '25 10 6 12 52 53 5 1 25 37 37 1 10 1 10 5 1 16 1 65 22 5 1 51 42 43 44 45 46 8 '26 39 166 27 85 22 17 9 13 294 1 5 621 10 135 9 91 10 5 170 1 15 517 10 61 1 26 6 37 323 2 91 120 47 48 49 43 11 7 2 6 12 5 106 2 14 17 25 42 6 75 11 7 21 13 13 10 88 28 4 13 5 17 21 432 11 29 45 121 181 45 706 169 161 86 125 120 45 232 28 34 69 17 49 35 55 1 3 20 21 10 203 55 21 12 26 48 41 265 17 20 36 52 90 50 54 18 22 9 3 2 7 1 1 5 346 54 54 77 20 91 50 205 3 6 40 51 55 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 20 20 160 115 45 81 61 20 6 1 5 291 240 51 462 340 120 2 135 95 40 86 61 25 105 80 25 500 415 85 55 45 10 25 25 308 226 31 1 120 90 30 57 58 59 60 2,114,638 1,477,680 33,566 14,777 1,025,915 762,655 1,521,619 777,740 5,720 2,798 1,003,928 415,627 4,556,434 2,793,076 29,208 15,431 419,016 383,835 4,117,712 4,473,430 43,805 45,186 3,166,173 3,955,474 3,408,473 2,855,709 4,714 2,847 1,777,737 1,800,977 36,673,267 31,672,905 31,398 20,337 30,045,784 24,365,367 6,222,408 4,241,095 16,955 8,125 4,901,576 3,291,992 433,297 428,180 3,073 1,762 157,629 176,699 8,679,649 8,371,922 28,181 17,405 1,598,382 1,051,350 3,472,125 2,314,686 4,539 1,767 1,304,525 1,030,336 2,204,665 2,054,934 20,226 20,757 1,709,919 1,668,929 53,641 69,275 1,676 1,776 22,172 3,510 8,377,784 13,170,022 12,810 12,436 5,699,033 11,147,447 1,523,114 1,089,312 4,687 3,086 910,263 635,581 61 62 63 64 65 66 28,982 5,488 18,431 10,997 21,290 354 81,507 1,568,903 1,509,005 2,916,386 4,256,431 2,915 77,306 139,797 121,806 14,372 3,904 984,011 781,496 954,756 1,216,052 75 508 5,463,165 10,768,193 402,324 342,664 67 68 130,417 312,817 396,997 195,456 45,130 37,565 926,933 350,601 39,809 119,785 671 2,758 2,975,015 3,743,086 29,375 5,338 71,490 187,934 46,547 10,876 17,447,336 12,260,721 3,335,523 4,103,417 122,113 126,111 4,727,251 3,0i3,178 9,640 35,393 295 190 78,750 127,668 318,512 17,036 24,547 38,424 21,919 36,923 483,373 323,237 23,708 2,305 500 10,197 462 99,747 164,650 5,723 18,608 473,350 282,570 25,647 6,362 69 70 71 72 498,501 225,400 1,088,723 715,025 51,818 22,776 130,000 168,537 26,377 9,030 517,691 362,113 28,479 41,079 55,642 367,539 240,002 4,137,418 2,409,241 1,019,738 695,845 2,592,387 1,426,134 161,429 125,543 951,539 517,956 18,537 2,007 90,797 93,162 1,630,736 1,054,732 603,246 309,225 9,000 127,750 6,346,539 3,744,798 6,627,483 7,307,538 1,567,224 1,012,960 3,936,254 5,097,190 49,297 45,397 1,320,332 949,103 203,469 180,999 57,268 7,897 19,310 275,668 251,481 44,428 60,197 30 1,186,248 903,242 7,081,267 7,320,072 755,249 859,030 5,598,125 5,672,733 274,048 173,493 2,167,600 1,284,350 343,127 110,484 1,079,595 733,011 243,082 122,335 494,746 386,005 96,818 153,159 131,004 100,836 11,900 2,040 31,469 65,765 6,109 U,386 4,800 130,398 195,996 2,673,751 2,022,575 470,723 313,993 135,120 207,306 8,942 3,985 612,351 453,731 4,449 21,475 36,123 20,312 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 906,905 523,712 489,212 265,392 525,293 287,262 933,002 515,949 1,018,490 617,757 1,124,005 1,197,333 1,117,363 710,836 231,240 191,254 727,893 788,309 744,878 440,855 266,924- 132,010 25,360 46,579 2,072,908 1,501,276 572,279 411,944 81 82 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR CENSUSES OF 1959 Klost dala for 1959 we hasixl on reports (For derinitions anil rxFl*"^'"'"^ ■ ^*^ '^""0 Estimaled number of fanns . 1950. 1951. Farm operators by age: Operators reportinc ncr nirmhor 1959 . . Under 27' year* niinibef 1959. . 25 to 34 years number 1959 . . .15 to 44 years number 1959., 45 to 54 years number 1959 . . 55 to ri4 years number 1959 . . 65 or noro years number 1959 . . Avera^te ace years 1959 . . Off-farm work antl other income: Fami operators— ttorkinc off their fnrnis operators reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . IfXl or more days operators reporting 1959. . 1954.. With other income of family exeeedine value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Farms by tenure of operator: Futlol^■ners number 1959. . 1954 . . Port ovmers number 1959 . . 1954 . . Managers number 1959 . . 1954 . . All tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Share-cash tenants number 1959 . . 1964.. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . , 1954 . . Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Croppers number 19.59 . , 1954 . . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fhiit-and-nul . . number 1959. . Cash-grain. number 1959 ■ . Tobacco number 1959 . . Cotton number 1959 . . Other field-crop number 1959 . . Vegeuhle farms number 1959 . . Fruit-and.nut farms number 1959. . Poultry farms number 1959 . . Dairy farms number 1959 . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . . Livestock ranches. number 1959. . General fanris number 1959 . . Miscellaneous and unclassified Farms number 1959. . Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1 959 . . Class I number 1959.. Class 11 number 1959 . . Class HI number 1959 . . Class IV number 1959 . . Class V number 1959 . . Clas.s VI number 1959 . . Other farms Part-time Partrretirement. Abnonnal . number 1959.. . number 1959. . . number 1959. . . number 1959 . . Value of procjucts solij by source: All farm prtnlucts sold. All crops sold. . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold total, dollars 1959. 1954 . average per farm, dollars 1959. 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. Vcgot.ihles sold Fruits and nuts sold . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959 . 1954 . . dollars 1959.. 1954 . . . dollar .All livestock and livestock products sold. Poultry and poultry products sold Dairy [roducts sold Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold i 1959 . 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954, . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959 . 1954. . dollars 1959 . 1954. 128 115 125 5 14 24 32 31 19 50.0 3,440,883 2,825,842 26,882 24,573 1,289,314 1,246,811 974,348 634,632 286,878 604,210 28,088 189 7,780 2,151,569 1,579,031 8,024 36,714 819,165 184,751 1,324,380 1,357,566 80 118 68 2 16 17 17 16 54.0 98,789 77,599 1,235 658 41,581 20,410 3,265 2,871 100 937 803 971 37,413 15,631 57,208 57,189 2,833 3,306 130 16,396 54,245 37,487 459 785 476 9 48 112 141 94 72 50.2 211 325 140 210 139 20i 265 455 132 90 1 6 61 196 303 298 5 27 112 71 86 55 106 76 30 4,185,888 2,841,677 9,120 3,620 3,497,324 2,4W,514 3,400,407 2,304,645 30,710 82,535 2,472 1,602 63,735 25,732 688, 564 427, 163 131,753 31,704 97,500 16,483 459,311 378,976 1,059 1,127 1,094 8 99 218 263 247 259 53.2 570 597 492 482 547 487 950 935 80 139 79 402 20 1 86 594 51 78 123 170 117 55 465 355 110 13,193,274 7,186,305 12,458 6,376 11,980,623 6,328,995 11,625 6,607 832,019 1,207,838 10,867,849 4,954,862 269, 130 159,688 1,212,651 857,310 69,531 79,768 185,000 167,660 958,120 609,882 Hendry 187 163 179 1 21 32 59 34 32 51.1 108 97 98 77 101 98 120 126 24 30 15 18,989,049 10,509,909 101,546 62,559 16,202,717 9,365,147 9,759,649 6,622,295 5,763,644 2,455,632 514,739 147,644 164,685 139,576 2,786,332 1,144,762 35,875 16,647 160,408 142,655 2,590,049 985,460 Hernando Highlands Hillsborou#i Holjnes 314 377 287 2 24 53 91 61 56 52.0 152 232 131 205 146 157 278 354 27 22 4 5 11 40 57 1 24 13 5 176 29 54 26 27 10 160 110 50 3,637,393 2,246,111 11,584 5,958 1,714,514 1,430,385 39, 678 39,192 82,950 55,498 1,515,028 1,323,559 76,858 12,136 1,922,879 615,726 1,337,751 527,333 76,000 8,753 509, 128 279,640 468 612 464 11 37 100 107 109 100 52.4 247 349 213 336 216 403 345 493 45 49 55 25 1 175 10 4 67 315 50 23 75 94 41 27 153 103 40 16,196,058 10,294,814 34,607 16, 822 13,537,165 9,056,980 4,269 17,644 155,473 537, 823 12,062,941 8,005,589 1,314,482 495,919 2,658,893 1,237,834 58,289 13,463 1,007,431 119,413 1,593,173 1,104,958 3,480 4,524 3,303 34 233 625 854 340 717 53.3 1,790 2,509 1,634 2,214 2,022 2,508 2,971 3,803 315 366 68 33 156 290 68 129 15 2 '26 58 114 328 784 233 109 151 76 42 1,816 1,758 224 191 338 360 420 225 1,722 1,252 460 10 43,679,774 22,956,467 12,552 5,074 26,713,220 13,638,740 278,633 241,445 3,697,896 3,430,602 19,727,933 8,964,530 3,008,758 1,002,163 16,966,554 9,317,727 3,004,772 1,711,897 9,602,985 4,946,351 4,353,797 2,659,479 FLORIDA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. 173 for only a SBinple of fonns. See textj Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Monroe 481 669 2,176 3,076 542 892 354 470 2,739 3,011 251 467 596 902 435 438 172 283 829 1,070 708 834 1,742 1,746 116 191 15 11 1 2 461 2 28 102 102 114 113 53.6 2,133 26 182 453 639 460 373 51.4 554 4 47 90 157 134 122 53.5 356 8 45 78 106 68 51 49.1 2,601 18 149 449 654 625 706 54.7 276 16 54 32 75 49 53.0 576 1 39 100 169 127 140 54.0 479 8 40 101 127 108 95 51.9 187 3 15 37 53 47 32 52.1 820 9 64 130 246 180 141 51.5 745 4 61 135 138 193 164 53.6 1,720 16 129 312 451 433 379 53.4 128 3 14 29 41 28 13 43.2 17 "2 5 6 4 54.1 .1 4 5 r, ^ 8 9 10 279 421 237 362 1,033 1,414 741 733 281 445 196 304 201 247 136 139 1,441 1,431 1,365 1,273 129 270 121 227 342 494 233 331 233 197 173 122 124 133 106 152 390 432 266 299 394 359 353 328 1,006 1,024 830 783 55 96 48 31 6 11 4 11 11 12 14 278 1,086 255 134 1,760 173 421 262 153 338 461 1,178 62 11 15 480 1,109 360 108 1,690 280 423 146 223 270 474 1,067 131 11 16 396 648 18 19 61 11 1,464 1,729 528 669 17 14 315 418 122 209 5 8 196 306 136 121 2 1 2,418 2,695 116 122 158 61 177 369 34 49 4 8 374 469 88 139 28 13 285 341 160 140 3 1 165 242 6 22 1 516 654 231 203 6 4 547 670 87 74 20 19 1,317 1,373 309 367 38 34 92 142 4 8 8 16 15 10 "i 17 18 19 20 21 52 6 5 5 3 167 585 36 170 15 21 100 289 50 160 9 20 55 5 10 47 42 21 9 5 36 32 22 14 1 106 289 60 202 1 37 16 25 6 1 'a "5 1 76 243 15 63 10 8 54 41 36 12 1 1 78 79 31 33 5 12 20 5 6 5 2.1 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 45 141 16 11 25 104 30 138 5 18 1 20 33 25 63 5 4 'io 23 13 4 1 "i 20 27 "2 "3 14 12 14 "2 '16 46 60 1 5 '7 8 1 1 13 10 29 5 4 5 89 31 50 5 6 "1 'li 22 5 2 5 1 11 3 26 30 1 "3 2 10 ::: •29 30 31 32 33 34 3.5 36 1 "i 335 21 20 55 239 90 23 52 15 210 210 5 5 3 "3 35 ■ 28 2 5 5 5 335 6 324 5 ::: 57 5 '52 ... 37 .16 39 40 41 271 5 2 21 25 6 41 51 387 1 9 7 70 10 27 50 1,355 60 5 64 22 31 15 1 21 2 5 7 94 17 5 10 167 '15 '20 'io 7 72 60 151 40 32 69 118 136 92 22 232 2 7 5 5 27 '■'■■ 42 43 44 45 46 10 isi 27 306 1,025 6 34 331 11 10 97 45 2 1,198 21 6 152 2 453 34 57 224 3 137 3 97 308 33 7 349 83 27 1,058 17 2 68 '15 47 46 49 311 67 52 52 52 53 35 1,173 29 50 99 259 286 450 217 16 9 16 38 43 95 258 5 29 42 61 96 25 1,647 188 214 319 483 348 95 150 50 33 2 26 29 10 164 15 6 13 19 21 90 273 2 11 23 72 114 51 42 7 "s 12 15 528 22 9 101 152 179 65 388 65 20 81 89 93 40 730 90 66 123 164 191 96 91 42 3 7 9 5 25 10 5 5 50 51 52 .53 54 5S 56 170 140 25 5 1,003 695 301 7 325 240 85 96 80 16 1,092 771 316 5 101 66 35 432 292 125 15 212 102 110 130 105 25 301 190 111 320 250 70 1,012 726 285 1 25 20 5 5 5 57 58 59 60 10,534,302 6,721,645 21,902 10,047 9,117,808 5,950,236 9,539,225 7,286,378 4,384 2,369 4,018,546 3,908,898 3,513,073 2,712,285 6,482 3,041 2,294,635 2,060,788 2,241,601 1,963,776 6,332 4,178 1,522,646 1,379,628 53,919,323 32,041,842 19,686 10,642 51,676,488 30,956,417 8,525,620 5,647,541 33,967 12,093 7,936,655 4,958,329 2,333,638 1,835,298 3,999 2,035 742,257 929,334 2,459,338 1,722,061 5,071 3,529 680,423 675,762 531,806 553,418 3,092 1,956 59,179 31,385 4,889,835 3,574,582 5,398 3,341 3,237,766 2,500,091 9,323,268 6,514,331 13,168 7,811 5,615,291 5,172,378 14,963,915 9,092,573 8,590 5,208 6,998,426 6,361,393 7,493,457 2,729,858 64,599 14,292 5,393,214 1,880,115 50,425 4,904 3,362 446 14,225 4,904 61 62 63 64 es 66 881,453 1,269,801 2,986,587 3,169,829 814,243 644,992 1,339,605 1,272,310 58,910 23,095 246, 732 711,727 238,376 413,090 293,098 280,140 8,767 10,476 3,025,153 2,252,517 23,758 17,693 502,453 289,992 20,445 51,198 300 67 68 26,840 253,757 7,863,720 4,011,593 294,209 215,414 153,165 200,045 130,458 174,755 825,634 684,557 33,273 69,610 5,627 5,031 614,078 1,022,360 48,589,827 28,828,973 975,268 1,388,407 596,205 298,795 13,464 54,322 276,272 212,001 306,022 226, 593 37, 901 30,860 350 555 324 1,051 73,612 179,509 21, 534 7,670 2,021,436 1,975,506 2,670,246 1,382,506 1,565,906 1,983,793 4,229,739 3,616,406 710,826 967,150 1,038,715 136,307 6,035 870 2,454 69 70 71 72 345,795 415,085 1,416,994 771,409 58,097 110,552 525,000 228,298 584,585 323,610 5,520,679 3,377,480 746,479 487,983 1,455,730 502,567 524,300 556,484 1,218,443 651,497 21,720 20,967 363,418 164,791 44,141 32,677 718,955 584,143 9,399 20,324 255,060 282, 943 2 ,413 ,673 1,076,939 2,242,340 1,035,425 617,170 346,180 835,645 239,811 6,113,450 2,559,900 583, 965 688,712 156,623 159,033 63,720 146, 336 164,145 249,921 1,641,431 905,964 213,015 173,738 737,290 365,306 43,402 38,169 1,773,965 1,046,299 119,096 92,567 500 11,376 49,738 19,303 472,627 522,033 255,872 394,220 405 240 117 ,467 60,395 1,652,069 1,074,491 193,836 102,372 159,003 197,794 899,851 1,796,673 3,707,977 1,341,953 274,635 161,076 2,345,237 641,316 700,328 471,197 7,965,489 2,731,185 1,719,140 743,721 916,026 313,711 3,623,223 725,460 2,100,243 849,743 17,099 5,462 1,270,591 344,795 7,320 2,150 36,200 36,200 73 74 75 76 n 78 79 80 833,897 432,559 3,318,470 2,386,930 833,305 465,739 454,496 230,881 790,025 499,434 368,622 382,843 691,126 366,420 1,659,369 942,356 216,350 127, 573 1,299,180 774,325 1,038,105 539,5^1 5,330,323 1,673,753 812,553 499,486 81 82 174 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [\losl data for 1959 are based on reports (Fnr derinttions and (■'(planations. ?ee lf\l) Orange Estimated number of farms 1959 . 1951 . Fatm opetatofs by age: Operators reportinp acr number 1059. Under '2.'i venrs number 1959. 'i?5 lo 34 years number I9.'»9 . K to 44 .years number 1959. 45 to 54 years number 1959 . 5.'i to (i4 years number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . Average age years 1959 . Off-fafm wofk ant] other income: Farm operalors- \\orkinc off their farn.s operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . 100 or more days operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . With other income of family exceedinc value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . 1854. Farms by tenure of operator: Full osvners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop- share tenants number 1959. 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Croppers number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fhjit-and-nut . . number 1959 . Cash-g^ain number 1959 . Tciiacco number 1959. Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959. Fojit-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 - Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . I-ivestock ranches number 1959 . General farms - . number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms numljer 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959. Class I number 19.59 . Class II number 1959 . Class III number 1959 . Class IV number 1959. Class V number 1959 . Class VI number 1959. Other farms number 1959 . Part-time number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 . Ahnonnal number 1959 . Value Of prottucts sold by source: All farm products sold toUl. dollars 1959. 1954 . average per farm, dollars 1959. 1954. All crops sold.... dollars 1959. 19.54 . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dcJIarn 19.59. 1954. \ egcLililes sold dollars 1959 . 19.54. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959. 1954 . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars 1959 . 19.54. ■Ml livestock and livesUx;k products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Poultry and poultry plriducts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Dairy |Toducts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Livestock and livest«x;k [Toducts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. 265 191 252 2 25 51 Si 55 35 50.9 147 48 132 39 174 36 245 188 9 11 6 2 61 3 48 26 5 148 130 26 16 11 42 25 10 135 75 55 5 3,060,835 1,274,135 11,550 6,671 251,930 97,381 45,683 40,466 3,875 12,105 4,154 846 198,213 43,964 2,808,905 1,176,754 1,858,516 842,840 491,000 150,669 459,389 183,245 558 804 595 3 38 166 172 130 86 50.6 383 478 311 427 454 584 445 680 83 87 20 401 157 1 2 6 25 63 60 401 316 85 1,035,083 1,046,524 1,855 1,302 313,037 509,515 276,101 444,555 3,275 6,730 3,140 4,412 30,521 53,818 722,046 537,009 75,563 99,450 975 106,609 645, 508 330,950 145 221 183 1 27 42 39 44 30 50.3 120 172 103 138 117 156. 118 193 13 28 5,594,616 1,247,776 33,584 5,646 144,501 195,033 1,950 3,585 1,180 127,200 140,425 55,375 946 8,878 5,450,115 1,052,738 20,899 11,100 3,114,913 38,019 2,314,303 1,003,619 2,697 2,662 2,475 15 117 426 578 654 685 55.6 1,322 1,476 1,256 1,322 1,782 1,483 2,508 2,529 64 69 67 78 58 50 37 16 29 1,030 32 36 41 1,322 267 249 258 231 250 67 1,375 850 520 5 74,431,564 37,906,720 27, 593 14,240 68,867,390 34,516,395 10,293 61,161 2,837,098 2,751,515 57,416,621 29,139,933 8,603,378 2,563,736 5,564,174 3,390,325 581,856 448,009 3,354,861 2,072,092 1,627,457 870,224 468 536 435 9 24 65 120 112 104 54.4 204 335 181 283 232 335 405 463 29 44 22 4 12 11 2 1 5 207 6 6 52 52 2 190 278 43 39 65 43 42 41 190 145 40 5 7,724,366 3,166,587 16,505 5,908 4,289,138 1,908,944 15,474 1,822 50,850 88,268 3,953,270 1,746,253 269,544 72,601 3,435,228 1,257,643 154,352 140,867 371,920 191,311 2,908,956 925,465 521 367 514 9 64 117 143 118 63 49.2 139 337 125 299 174 278 340 574 61 102 44 58 76 140 49 78 1 5 133 12 31 39 108 73 1 138 454 163 78 57 72 52 32 67 46 20 1 50,487,325 34,614,947 96,905 39,925 35,316,506 27,073,928 3,278,982 2,778,977 27,953,777 20,951,890 858,099 436,101 3,225,648 2,906,960 15,170,819 7,541,019 638,862 539,396 7,600,430 3,068,453 6,931,527 3,933,170 987 1,000 932 8 70 148 246 233 227 54.3 465 534 410 507 515 553 953 40 57 56 18 123 20 55 34 2 374 624 107 80 151 130 126 30 363 257 106 17,966,713 3,377,574 18,203 3,378 13,031,123 6,546,609 165, 530 161,102 172,660 219,615 12,437,086 6,018,019 255,797 147,873 4,935,595 1,830,%5 2,453,515 922,193 893,571 172,991 1,588,509 735,731 541 791 538 3 24 73 145 146 147 56.0 214 327 192 291 272 350 507 661 19 30 2 33 13 34 6 10 5 204 37 346 60 62 51 102 56 15 195 130 65 3,986,158 6,816,293 16,610 8,617 6,573,542 4,003,363 12,502 16,527 4,325 10,850 5,212,993 3,014,529 1,343,722 961,457 2,412,616 2,812,930 909,779 611,738 1,179,485 1,981,497 323,352 219,695 98,430,403 64,468,494 31,609 15,934 91,678,222 60,399,302 344,102 345,867 89,565,843 59,082,330 1,735,595 958,452 6,752,181 4,069,192 890,827 427,498 2,688,194 1,109,653 FLORIDA 175 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a sample of farms. See text] Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 572 236 612 893 372 658 564 1,278 298 281 1,410 144 770 699 1 635 329 737 1,207 348 785 731 1,723 309 359 1,170 222 1,219 947 2 532 224 606 845 322 668 563 1,242 269 288 1,345 142 750 682 T 4 7 8 5 5 4 18 3 7 15 1 7 2 4 39 23 39 80 32 45 58 108 32 40 87 16 52 42 5 86 47 113 195 48 100 102 268 58 51 197 27 147 124 r, 108 66 155 281 66 158 154 383 72 72 340 35 237 220 7 159 48 172 171 86 154 134 260 57 67 320 31 173 157 H 140 36 120 110 85 206 m 205 47 51 386 32 129 137 1 55.3 50.6 53.7 49.8 54.2 55.8 51.9 51.0 50.2 50.7 55.4 52.5 51.8 53.4 10 262 85 329 480 163 329 332 620 184 174 676 95 431 398 11 330 151 489 675 169 393 335 743 230 177 572 131 659 541 12 225 67 310 397 147 280 277 374 161 145 604 85 353 304 11 284 140 425 517 138 356 221 393 1B5 136 444 121 437 459 14 388 84 380 543 221 446 291 421 179 151 973 116 482 456 15 410 71 423 682 214 406 291 385 195 226 510 121 619 643 16 492 143 558 581 292 585 468 870 255 170 1,235 123 625 605 17 565 272 696 388 301 684 526 1,134 255 278 1,044 203 941 853 IS 54 58 11 232 21 44 69 318 16 74 133 21 108 76 19 47 44 20 192 23 50 161 329 30 52 91 21 128 95 ao 14 22 17 10 32 22 15 10 2 2 25 2 2 21 4 12 8 6 12 25 7 4 5 1 11 ... 5 6 -- 12 13 26 70 27 7 12 80 25 35 17 35 16 23 6 22 11 116 13 30 67 238 33 54 27 'ii 140 49 24 1 6 24 35 16 6 5 50 5 10 16 6 25 1 7 6 36 5 5 5 11 U 26 13 6 12 2 36 19 26 27 28 1 1 1 ::: "'i 7 2 1 5 "i 5 10 29 1 '28 15 "2 "12 14 1 5 3 ' i 1 42 5 5 30 31 3 1 "i 7 1 "'4 "i 3 1 32 5 5 25 15 10 ... 25 5 33 1 2 '22 "i "e 14 126 6 12 "i 17 9 34 11 2 2 15 11 1 2 5 ... 10 1 35 4 11 4 22 5 11 28 58 10 28 12 '15 37 '14 36 20 123 1 105 30 '50 ... ... ••• 670 13 652 5 26 '21 36 36 ... 10 5 20 5 '15 30 10 '20 37 38 39 40 '20 123 i 25 ... ... "5 ... ... "5 41 11 10 ■ 4 12 44 125 ... ... ... 20 10 42 41 ... 264 ... 76 194 17 5 ... 199 5 2 43 27 7 25 '26 15 25 5 15 46 5 21 16 44 4 2 3 20 10 3 10 5 5 6 21 10 45 37 10 44 124 52 18 116 81 '49 18 50 37 154 108 46 18 4 43 17 24 13 53 7 2 8 29 2 16 18 47 2 1 107 8 84 5 23 6 30 45 48 430 83 271 517 207 374 283 418 2U 199 1,033 "37 522 480 4!) 161 165 372 377 207 321 286 876 82 94 533 58 259 221 50 26 58 59 1 20 67 12 13 2 6 38 3 1 51 21 34 43 31 26 25 12 58 3 2 24 1 13 ... 52 34 31 55 46 14 82 48 IIB 3 22 105 5 26 25 53 38 11 103 92 52 62 54 267 6 24 161 7 26 17 54 30 21 87 132 79 70 80 275 43 35 37 45 66 87 55 li 10 25 75 16 15 30 145 25 5 US 125 91 56 411 71 240 516 165 337 278 402 216 187 377 86 511 478 57 260 61 170 410 120 252 197 246 150 131 562 56 415 383 58 151 10 70 96 10 45 85 81 156 66 55 1 315 30 96 95 59 60 5,588,794 6,029,334 17,472,175 3,387,756 4,204,960 10,674,075 2,770,151 7,116,072 1,072,785 1,488,617 9,170,524 363,767 1,906,445 1,227,884 61 4,635,356 7,123,525 11,696,702 2,653,974 2,450,400 7,277,157 2,490,213 5,474,925 662,656 1,055,365 7,245,671 181,888 1,705,319 1,036,292 62 9,771 25,548 28 , 549 3,794 U,304 16,222 4,912 5,568 3,600 5,298 6,504 2,561 2,476 1,757 63 7,300 21,652 15,871 2,199 7,041 9,270 3,407 3,178 2,145 2,940 6,193 819 1,399 1,094 64 3,473,315 4,646,729 15,068,182 1,527,616 1,902,231 9,005,062 1,217,071 5,187,131 601,059 696,131 6,496,359 83,660 514,319 297,551 65 3,121,193 6,303,431 10,806,211 1,719,814 1,702,258 6,358,100 1,529,136 4,269,182 349,118 719,317 5,831,559 57,824 755, 752 400,502 66 519,189 3,363,507 51,839 1,396,994 13,884 25,783 97,411 4,784,837 387,485 433,888 28,652 33,459 236,812 186,696 67 1,230,958 4,545,073 132,269 1,596,696 3,178 15, 526 70,003 3,852,046 229,226 516,739 6,661 44,462 630,793 231,462 68 301,238 808,839 1,066,573 36,700 653,726 3,232,329 946,610 207,947 6,280 87,411 124,834 600 7,539 41,740 69 213,1^0 1,057,044 4,884,440 35,446 1,047,051 3,121,138 1,248,290 311,363 7,339 98,527 135,535 905 15,638 101,821 70 934,937 73,809 13,724,795 45,415 967,954 4,338,789 134,581 107,062 692 27,544 4,216,003 4,417 209,533 10,403 71 1,337,165 53,706 5,300,120 21,221 436,774 2,399,945 183,953 57,097 2,999 5,878 4,052,116 383 69,644 1,179 72 1,717,951 400,574 224,975 48,507 266,667 1,358,161 38,469 87,285 206,602 147,288 2,126,870 45,1B4 60,385 58,712 73 339,890 647,608 489,382 66,451 215,255 821,491 26,890 48,676 109, 554 98,173 1,637,247 12,074 39,677 66,040 74 2,115,479 1,382,605 2,403,993 1,860,140 2,302,729 1,669,013 1,553,080 1,928,941 471,726 792,486 2,674,165 285,107 1,392,126 930,333 75 1,514,163 820,094 890,491 934,160 748,142 919,057 961,077 1,205,743 313,533 336,048 1,414,112 124,064 949,567 635,790 76 1,085,691 409,184 105,1% 132,288 60,391 276,007 163,871 114,681 29,693 92,114 851,085 72,733 441,783 228,189 77 887,065 192,743 79,468 112,614 77,811 155,691 209,713 122,697 23,017 31,342 341,327 24,990 354,915 99,351 78 441,271 467,361 782,465 378,570 530,000 428,150 340,250 109,250 256,926 639,475 185,390 95,225 79 135,995 283,515 79,602 291,495 180,744 539,314 120,598 78,602 39,443 104,490 716,641 12,840 183,620 140,566 80 588,517 506,060 1,516,332 1,349,282 1,712,338 %4,856 1,048,959 1,705,010 442,033 443,446 1,133,605 212,369 764,948 606,919 81 491,103 343,836 731,421 530,051 489,587 224,052 630,766 1,004,444 251,078 200,216 356,144, 86,234 411,032 395,873 82 176 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except reflidence of operator an based (For deftnitions and explanations, see text) Bay Estimated number of fnrms 1S159 . . 1054 . . SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaLITIES &Ain combines farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. number 1950 . . 1954.. Com pickers farms reprvling 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959 . . 1954 . . Pick-up balers farms refxirlinE 1959 . . 19.54 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . nuniber 1959 . . 1954.. Motortrucks farms repoitins 1950 . . 1954 . . number 1959.. 1954 . . Tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 19.54 . . number 1959 . . 1954.. Tractors ottier than garden farms reporting 1959 . . number 1959.. 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 . , 2 or more tractors farms reporting 1059 . . Wheel tractcrs farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Crawler tractors. farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1951 . . Garden tractors farms reporting 19.59 . . 1951 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . \utomobiles farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959.. 1954 . . Telephone farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. F.lectric milk cooler farms reporting 19.50 . . Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1059 . . Farms by kind of road on which localed: Hard surface farms reporting 1959 . . 1950 . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959. . 1950 . . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . . 10,50 . . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 . . 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average dale of enumeration 1959 . . . FAHM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' Family workers, including ofierators farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. persons 1959 . . 1954 . . Operatcrs working 1 or mtre hours persons 1059 . . 1054 . . 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . . 15 of more hours persons 1959 . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959 . . persons 1959.. Hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. persons 1059 . . 1954.. Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954., persons 1959 . . 10.54 . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 19.59 . . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . . . 1954... Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 45,000 57,510 908 842 1,045 944 1,846 910 1,903 929 986 533 1,031 556 552 325 695 385 23,449 26,372 36,343 37,014 22,817 22,562 39,862 34,821 20,813 35,814 14,736 6,077 20,630 20,605 33,470 29,848 1,365 1,088 2,344 2,031 3,498 2,726 4,048 2,942 32,928 34,820 41,817 46,624 27,535 20,690 22,767 16,612 832 1,161 813 475 1,545 23,279 21,805 2,862 2,617 18,016 28,059 9,610 8,406 7,964 442 11/8-11/14 30,981 42,883 42,209 61,007 29,916 41,605 10,080 19,836 9,198 12,293 10,179 11,183 56,901 47,935 6,257 5,982 32,157 26,490 2,682 3,575 33,955 45,904 8,800 10,605 1,064 1,585 47 66 52 80 124 51 135 52 61 40 63 40 22 10 24 10 691 893 928 1,074 620 807 1,068 1,121 610 1,045 388 222 610 770 1,022 1,042 19 6 23 8 11 64 23 71 784 941 993 1,234 592 500 620 452 18 28 18 25 75 380 482 51 49 624 1,105 284 340 333 12/6-12/12 789 1,322 1,118 1,8U 758 1,301 336 422 256 360 272 X3 998 676 141 151 417 327 89 52 888 1,410 116 133 232 379 185 304 1 111 183 135 244 134 170 155 186 129 149 114 15 129 170 149 175 6 6 5 6 5 175 163 209 170 103 44 161 129 2 2 2 5 6 51 79 178 309 82 96 91 11/29-12/5 145 341 157 464 140 340 85 55 11 17 13 14 163 155 12 12 152 143 223 341 24 1 100 169 U5 214 103 99 131 132 54 69 45 9 54 43 69 55 56 62 66 142 174 177 202 100 107 121 109 1 6 1 1 1 85 91 100 125 68 32 22 10 12/6-12 '12 177 260 276 331 172 245 60 112 41 48 107 97 34 36 62 71 25 9 157 246 17 17 488 648 257 347 267 404 298 301 321 338 293 306 284 9 293 291 302 318 2 2 4 5 15 15 15 15 348 391 435 447 137 67 307 184 217 133 5 5 256 539 161 95 95 11/29-12 '5 384 547 555 803 359 516 136 223 176 196 57 69 93 134 18 38 20 65 17 1 374 569 24 758 1,033 394 411 5 327 375 480 605 360 380 572 593 295 482 208 87 290 305 439 456 24 26 43 48 90 88 90 89 527 758 679 1,006 589 509 192 286 5 18 5 440 453 124 35 174 159 118 374 584 463 850 359 549 159 200 83 104 189 262 727 749 128 132 414 511 66 62 521 721 216 286 12 11 24 225 309 475 618 192 210 461 575 177 412 170 188 336 478 55 44 76 58 43 33 49 39 305 285 433 7» 323 208 122 123 24 29 23 5 15 228 219 43 45 45 12 37 10/25-10/31 264 367 353 515 263 362 27 236 74 90 209 197 1,301 1,136 193 176 1,033 836 54 139 147 211 202 193 ^For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-October 2. FLORIDA 177 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval EBcambla Flagler Franklin Gadsden Gilchrist 63 266 156 94 723 1,166 367 \A L 308 765 109 32 654 325 1 100 278 181 99 1,003 1,520 522 V, 3 481 1,310 99 39 1,059 353 2 8 3 29 70 1 39 20 3 8 7 36 5 88 30 10 4 9 3 31 77 1 39 30 5 9 7 39 73 5 90 82 2 35 152 13 51 G 7 22 30 1 90 19 8 73 82 2 154 56 9 22 30 1 92 19 10 3 19 3 21 '21 12 38 4 36 16 11 1 5 2 14 7 17 21 2 17 3 12 3 19 8 32 21 . 12 33 4 36 17 13 1 5 2 15 7 22 21 2 18 3 14 6 4 9 1 8 5 7 6 5 4 14 5 15 1 1 7 1 U 5 8 4 2 3 1 16 6 4 11 1 8 24 7 3 5 4 14 6 17 1 1 8 1 19 5 3 4 2 3 1 18 27 185 94 81 465 666 191 6C ) 220 450 62 412 194 19 46 170 U3 84 435 881 274 ] 3 j 280 506 57 '24 459 237 20 77 220 149 176 539 1,806 308 bi 378 571 121 666 273 21 S8 188 222 177 492 1,861 394 L3 J 389 629 94 30 667 274 22 21 159 82 65 517 645 174 5^ 172 502 56 1 362 229 23 « 82 93 48 549 682 235 n L 193 568 61 3 413 273 24 58 228 150 192 688 2,376 339 5< » 337 639 173 1 609 373 25 101 105 176 182 624 1,756 328 7 > 275 656 141 4 595 337 26 21 109 82 64 482 494 174 4< > 150 452 51 1 352 229 27 57 146 143 167 653 2,081 313 5^ 251 578 163 1 593 367 28 7 84 56 22 384 234 115 4^ 107 361 20 1 232 146 29 14 25 26 42 98 260 59 > 43 91 31 120 83 30 21 109 81 64 477 487 169 4< > W5 452 51 1 352 229 31 44 81 85 47 533 519 224 6( > 139 498 50 2 407 273 32 52 Ul 134 157 634 1,781 286 5* 239 572 141 1 591 357 33 85 100 136 153 600 1,216 300 6< 196 564 li6 3 575 335 34 5 5 7 8 17 144 17 11 6 13 2 9 35 8 5 32 16 3 136 12 4 11 4 1 4 1 36 5 5 9 10 19 300 27 12 6 27 2 10 37 16 5 32 29 4 290 12 4 11 5 1 13 1 3f 1 82 7 12 35 236 21 44 61 5 16 6 39 S ... 20 223 16 J 60 76 10 7 1 40 "i "bz 7 25 35 295 26 > 86 61 5 16 6 41 8 20 250 16 i 75 81 10 7 1 42 51 200 126 64 515 1,020 274 9C 256 562 87 22 407 202 43 56 161 136 70 597 1,280 337 L5' 373 950 97 24 604 197 44 70 249 181 83 565 1,459 367 1 0( 327 662 135 23 554 228 45 92 181 261 HA 662 1,366 435 ] 5' 567 1,092 136 35 962 242 46 35 U7 97 55 398 1,087 229 7£ 276 584 72 10 327 72 47 41 20 87 44 297 1,286 131 It 366 541 68 13 233 29 48 27 176 99 67 474 394 193 8C 211 536 92 16 369 248 49 35 86 70 40 34a 478 163 6f 239 454 72 13 247 161 50 5 5 1 13 50 36 1 6 1 51 13 5 6 40 ic 96 59 1 15 1 52 5 5 1 13 49 41 1 6 1 53 3 1 5 7 2 1 2 3 1 15 54 1 2 11 1 48 13 6 15 47 2 74 22 55 51 157 65 45 212 1,016 229 41 234 324 58 16 342 75 56 105 84 106 57 184 1,109 285 64 608 638 88 11 236 107 57 11 26 6 9 1 66 29 3f 5 123 21 1 6 66 5S 1 41 7 16 10 86 46 1 10 151 5 1 30 30 59 1 31 83 40 499 51 107 62 53 317 30 15 303 184 60 7 86 95 49 899 46 146 1 0' 327 657 17 1 914 289 61 64 53 180 31 68 21 30 146 6 5 154 122 62 1 17 30 40 319 20 39 41 23 171 24 10 149 62 63 1 17 25 25 319 18 32 4] 23 156 13 10 148 62 64 5 15 2 7 15 11 1 65 10/11-10/17 10/25-10/31 11/29-12/5 10/25-10/31 11/29-12/5 11/1-11/7 10/25-10/31 12/6-12/ 12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/8-11/14 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/13-12/19 66 34 212 143 63 590 959 226 9S 239 560 106 26 531 224 67 51 231 154 72 868 1,281 361 1 9' 406 1,186 83 22 928 318 68 44 263 171 63 942 1,381 269 1 1; 368 712 164 26 648 362 69 58 260 202 90 1,195 1,848 569 2 5' 593 1,567 118 22 1,174 446 70 32 207 143 62 554 954 225 89 234 500 100 26 511 219 71 45 231 154 71 843 1,235 350 1 9' 391 1,156 83 22 913 318 72 94 47 10 184 243 52 61 52 247 27 5 211 68 73 32 113 96 52 370 711 173 28 182 253 73 21 300 151 74 12 48 24 4 256 357 37 22 90 171 43 122 85 75 12 56 28 6 388 427 44 24 134 212 64 137 143 76 25 X 45 50 73 577 109 - 130 97 28 216 43 77 25 71 71 52 86 664 121 1; 175 153 46 4 264 36 78 288 88 224 335 147 6,101 385 8 425 333 275 2,264 91 79 102 87 347 265 184 3,596 471 20 647 410 113 ii 3,381 126 80 24 26 24 32 55 408 69 6 110 72 24 171 20 81 17 34 48 25 33 368 78 14 157 46 43 "2 186 16 82 117 58 U9 80 107 2,911 294 6 373 224 136 1,798 44 83 76 46 231 74 47 2,052 385 18 530 120 88 6 2,906 46 84 12 15 14 21 38 142 38 6 32 30 6 31 15 85 12 11 10 11 17 266 31 78 42 18 140 5 86 50 219 139 45 627 817 277 1 26 237 740 91 21 619 296 87 96 236 176 51 871 1,195 326 1 79 407 1,276 83 32 954 322 88 22 39 16 59 50 230 86 7 62 36 26 4 35 35 89 50 42 12 64 70 322 161 32 63 55 11 4 56 45 90 178 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [AJI dKta except reaidence of operator are based (For definiLions and explanations, sec text) Hendry Highlands Hillsborough Eetimated nutnt)€r of farms Iflj9 . 1054. SPEnFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES Grain combines farms reporting 1959 . 19S4. number 1959 . 1954 . Com pickers farms rcpnrting 1959 . 1954 . number 1959 . 1954. Pick-up balers fnniis reporting 1959 . ig.M. number 1959. 19.54 . Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1959 . 1054. number 1959 . 1954. MotorUucks farms reportinfl 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. TVactors farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959. 1954. Tractors other than parden farms reporting 1959 . number 1059. 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 . •2 or more tractors farms reporting 1959 . Wheel tracttrs farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Garden tractors farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Automobiles farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Telephone farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . 1054. Electric milk cooler farms reporline 1959 . Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower ..... farms reporting 1959 . Farms by kind of toad on iwhich located: Hard surface farms reporting 19.59 . 1950. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 . 1950. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . 1950. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . 1 to 4 miles farms repcrtine 1059 . 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . DATE OF EOTMERATION Appcoximale average date of enumeration 1959 . FARM LABOR, IVEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' Family workers, including operators farms reporting 1959 . 1954. persons 1959 . 1954. Operators working I or mere hours persons 1059 . 10.54. I to 14 hours persons 1959 . 15 or more hours - persons 1959 . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1950 . persons 1050. Hired workers farms reporting 1959 . 1954, persons 1950 . 1054 . Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1950 . 1954. persons 1950. 1954. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1059 . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 128 115 80 118 13 4 U 5 107 52 177 lU 62 56 199 177 56 192 29 27 131 126 17 19 61 Al 7 10 7 10 85 72 136 111 89 25 86 69 13 12 13 6 10 10/18-10/24 95 148 131 74 95 6 49 74 40 208 119 37 21 175 12/6-12/12 61 106 86 137 60 95 30 30 26 26 29 13 38 15 13 8 14 10 12 1 459 785 20 9 21 11 58 45 59 48 9 14 9 14 8 4 17 4 307 519 356 546 328 424 445 554 323 440 250 73 323 424 427 545 12 2 13 5 5 5 327 423 350 553 248 41 291 214 1 2 31 117 141 1 10 330 520 77 253 217 36 1,059 1,127 12/6-12/12 350 721 430 1,216 345 696 76 269 63 85 100 192 313 480 32 66 60 125 414 682 43 44 6 3 6 3 3 2 13 2 519 603 703 753 567 497 901 696 532 830 362 170 526 484 804 662 16 IS 26 19 65 13 71 15 855 782 1,004 962 569 351 465 297 1 12 1 1 464 387 36 20 556 747 330 226 207 19 10/25-10/31 721 789 973 1,114 682 779 187 495 238 291 268 338 1,034 916 113 109 283 228 37 76 364 832 210 248 187 163 3 1 5 10 2 11 2 3 4 5 5 110 119 375 357 451 430 104 435 43 61 103 93 300 243 22 23 135 181 14 6 16 6 126 117 196 222 102 34 81 76 2 7 2 2 2 125 82 27 30 28 12 11 17 17 10/18-12/24 135 139 176 195 133 133 37 96 31 43 50 60 1,320 944 26 38 1,615 329 12 14 107 125 67 59 314 377 17 12 17 13 1 7 1 7 199 185 286 235 153 139 258 188 133 218 35 48 133 104 200 U5 18 3 18 3 40 40 40 40 242 220 312 264 223 127 157 62 182 251 17 16 100 231 52 48 48 10/25-10/31 260 235 404 370 260 235 77 183 103 144 82 56 192 192 46 25 116 67 214 309 54 67 468 612 5 8 5 3 3 3 7 4 226 211 553 448 192 128 452 344 172 407 81 91 171 112 353 246 39 27 54 47 39 44 45 51 340 423 455 640 273 460 175 164 258 89 11 37 189 93 69 120 102 13 3,480 4,524 10/25-10/31 269 321 323 385 268 3a 36 232 42 55 133 165 1,042 682 92 47 707 348 45 47 213 239 242 275 37 26 37 27 49 21 58 21 1,602 2,152 2,264 2,653 1,364 1,877 2,828 2,498 1,594 2,453 1,175 419 1,584 1,616 2,343 2,092 68 33 110 42 353 335 375 364 2,392 3,391 3,346 4,650 2,395 2,207 1,666 1,543 105 108 115 6 54 2,366 1,767 91 201 950 1,425 767 183 174 9 10/25-10/31 2,350 3,343 3,101 4,806 2,303 3,161 653 1,645 669 793 782 8X 3,531 3,072 448 426 2,113 1,545 142 306 2,691 3,900 540 529 ^For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-October 2. FLORIDA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 179 on refiorts for only a somplp of fan s. S^p texl] Indian River Jac]£son Jefferson Lafayette Laie Lee Leon Levy Uberty Madison Manatee Marlon Martin Monroe <81 2,176 542 354 2,739 251 596 485 172 829 703 1,742 1 16 15 1 669 3,076 892 470 3,011 467 902 483 283 1,070 834 1,746 1 91 11 2 1 128 23 5 13 10 69 46 3 87 27 9 "2 10 39 87 56 4 "i 156 24 5 16 10 75 59 5 102 37 9 5 12 40 90 58 6 258 41 26 26 44 143 64 7 71 55 27 20 24 1 96 28 8 262 44 26 30 44 145 74 9 72 55 27 22 24 "i 96 29 10 2 109 22 11 '13 3 36 15 11 30 40 3 11 20 16 1 7 3 17 22 1 28 3 28 1 12 2 109 23 11 13 3 39 16 11 31 42 5 13 20 16 1 7 10 17 22 1 28 3 30 1 14 1 57 3 6 10 1 8 7 5 7 26 4 15 2 16 11 2 11 1 7 4 6 1 7 3 16 1 59 5 6 21 1 13 10 5 7 44 7 17 3 16 14 2 11 2 8 4 3 1 14 4 18 150 1,174 248 262 956 165 270 291 82 547 345 993 93 19 211 1,025 327 263 921 259 309 303 142 591 442 878 1 20 "i 20 340 1,364 420 276 1,996 353 364 344 91 616 558 1,355 1 96 21 383 1,107 463 293 1,427 495 362 385 159 629 624 1,131 1 94 1 22 163 1,155 196 268 970 120 213 324 50 561 360 963 72 23 257 953 253 313 619 250 223 320 57 583 366 788 97 "i 24 563 1,543 409 X7 1,953 329 357 425 57 748 640 1,479 2 08 25 520 1,193 467 383 1,071 519 324 427 62 681 613 1,102 1 96 1 2e 131 1,110 190 268 838 107 203 298 40 551 340 898 65 27 459 1,488 399 342 1,651 276 315 384 43 723 571 1,373 1 76 28 36 848 112 206 512 52 174 238 37 414 242 689 30 29 95 262 73 62 326 55 29 60 3 137 93 209 35 30 131 1,110 190 267 353 105 203 292 39 551 339 898 59 31 246 926 243 318 512 208 192 320 52 578 336 762 36 1 32 411 1,462 384 333 1,584 262 300 375 39 728 548 1,285 1 48 33 462 1,151 436 377 859 446 270 4U 54 670 566 1,012 1 43 "i 34 16 26 13 7 45 11 14 9 3 18 38 17 35 8 13 7 6 29 7 7 2 1 2 6 17 22 36 48 26 15 9 67 14 15 9 4 23 88 28 37 46 13 21 6 35 12 7 2 2 3 10 32 33 3S 49 55 9 5 240 36 42 38 14 20 63 101 16 39 11 28 9 172 56 47 6 6 7 37 57 15 40 104 55 10 5 302 53 42 41 14 20 69 106 32 41 12 29 10 177 61 47 11 6 3 37 53 15 42 257 1,208 306 232 2,099 202 378 319 105 580 575 1,301 95 15 43 289 1,100 343 281 1,531 402 392 292 152 557 618 1,266 1 63 10 44 313 1,397 334 271 2,904 342 450 349 105 686 714 1,677 1 51 15 45 387 1,192 485 321 2,245 588 550 341 168 611 772 1,539 a 85 10 46 264 589 131 207 1,831 170 229 243 47 164 508 931 91 10 47 333 263 73 22 1,039 190 244 110 65 73 471 413 1 00 5 48 137 1,248 161 199 1,021 117 246 304 101 451 345 356 60 49 73 564 132 127 657 166 223 196 105 329 296 516 61 "6 50 3 55 11 10 9 1 17 1 7 37 27 5 SI 3 100 15 31 23 21 17 19 23 19 2 52 3 54 8 10 9 1 11 1 7 32 22 5 53 11 8 30 8 5 1 3 12 2 54 12 193 49 11 7 1 11 5 83 'ij 75 '5 55 194 579 135 156 1,540 184 299 210 68 274 405 909 62 15 56 250 644 298 70 639 261 532 110 67 193 429 757 1 59 5 57 46 53 30 5 196 29 16 53 11 40 182 21 23 58 10 81 17 5 144 60 67 30 1 95 57 12 59 226 1,532 322 193 981 31 267 216 '93 499 113 797 30 60 88 2,761 362 290 665 43 654 404 177 972 207 997 16 61 148 477 88 107 632 21 126 121 51 158 31 485 19 62 78 1,055 234 86 349 10 141 95 42 341 32 312 11 63 72 991 208 36 338 9 131 95 42 325 74 312 9 64 6 64 26 11 1 10 16 8 2 65 11/8-11/14 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/1-11/7 10/13-10/24 11/29-12/5 12/20-12/26 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/1-11/7 11/1-11/7 10/18-10 /24 11/15-11/21 66 255 1,395 289 261 1,268 200 502 369 147 657 518 1,325 30 15 67 341 2,727 844 393 1,273 393 802 436 228 937 597 1,133 1 17 10 68 294 2,761 337 4B3 1,589 257 639 501 182 1,024 762 1,799 1 J4 15 69 401 4,548 1,569 732 1,776 566 1,439 658 316 1,412 305 1,463 1 49 10 70 240 1,854 289 235 1,216 180 482 349 147 657 501 1,278 79 15 71 341 2,656 326 382 1,226 338 756 430 213 935 586 1,121 1 12 10 7! 80 683 113 102 368 10 233 117 97 191 113 437 6 73 160 1,166 176 133 843 170 249 232 50 466 383 841 73 15 74 48 613 40 142 281 66 107 116 25 186 194 449 28 75 54 907 48 243 373 77 157 152 35 367 261 521 55 76 148 400 75 45 664 105 66 63 7 165 215 313 60 77 151 403 93 45 583 141 130 93 44 152 234 315 70 "i 78 934 997 704 60 3,160 1,499 366 166 8 342 1,293 1,977 8 32 79 991 1,769 709 141 1,848 908 387 199 76 441 1,321 1,109 2 72 1 BO 101 IBO 50 13 363 78 44 39 7 78 135 192 53 81 109 141 57 15 230 102 56 59 8 76 134 131 56 1 82 427 390 334 15 1,490 852 183 79 3 197 642 505 5 57 83 8U 325 340 23 844 512 205 122 8 164 821 454 2 01 1 84 55 102 20 11 159 25 13 29 6 55 54 110 10 S5 46 78 30 2 204 53 31 10 1 23 81 32 48 86 300 1,914 482 315 1,204 193 528 395 178 723 562 1,399 78 14 87 379 2,795 823 427 1,358 366 850 440 253 1,040 608 1,609 1 32 8 88 167 114 41 27 1,420 58 27 60 3 58 169 262 52 1 89 299 146 74 50 1,518 87 39 56 32 47 138 229 49 3 90 180 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [\1\ data except residence of operalcr are based Item (For deHnilion^ and explanations, aec text) Ornnge Estimated number of fnnns. . . .IMO, 1354. 265 191 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES Grain combines farms reporting 1959 . . 1!)54.. number 1959. . 1954 . . Com pickers. ....;.. farms rc|xirting J959 . . 19.54 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Pick-up balers farms reporting 1959 . . 19.54 . . number 1950. . 1954 . . Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959 . . 1954.. Motortrucks farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954.. Tractors - . farms reporting 1 959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954.. Tractors otber than garden forms reporting 1959 . . number 1959 . . 1 tractor farms repwting 1959 . . 2 or more tractors famis reporting 1959 . . Wheel tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Garden tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954.. Automobiles farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Telephone farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Electric milk cooler farms reporting 19.59 . . Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 19.59 . . Farms by kind of road on iwhich located: Hard surface farms reporting 1959 . . 19.50 . . Gravel, shell, or shale famw reporting 1959 . . 1950 . . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . . 1950 . . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 . . 5 or more miles farms reporting 19.59 . . DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average dale of enumeration 1959 . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' Family workers, including operators farms repcrting 1959 . . 1954.. persons 1959 . . 1964 . . Operatcrs working 1 or mtre hours persons 1959 . . 1954 . , 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . . 15 or more hours persons 1959 . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959 . persons 1959 . Hired workers farms reporting 1959 . 19.54 . persons 1959 . 1954. Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms repcrting 1959 . 1954. persons 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 87 Residing on farm operated operators repcrting 1959 . 1954. S9 No( residing on farm opetftted operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . 2 16 159 78 229 101 225 130 161 210 128 33 205 127 5 2 5 3 U 210 105 230 122 81 66 197 76 3 1 3 1 3 558 804 19 17 19 17 65 15 65 15 13 1 13 1 1 2 1 2 316 361 3*5 379 367 282 395 325 3M, 369 327 19 346 271 363 294 1 6 1 6 26 25 26 25 350 381 391 427 122 170 447 357 73 167 77 166 10 5 40 184 380 279 740 110 123 74 257 68 252 6 5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 250 443 140 696 380 566 223 909 225 428 123 691 57 232 168 196 133 112 155 133 43 46 52 50 99 93 113 122 20 9 34 28 69 11 82 41 7 8 13 1 239 523 139 812 12 39 10 49 U5 221 5 10 10 10 10 7 5 9 5 101 157 189 266- 87 108 175 220 87 157 44 43 36 98 136 177 15 25 21 32 18 11 18 11 129 151 272 206 90 97 72 116 17 1 17 1 2 82 102 19 6 41 31 25 16 14 2 11/1-11/7 125 171 159 259 124 157 16 108 28 35 74 72 272 163 45 50 173 109 118 156 62 76 2,697 2,662 6 1 11 28 18 30 18 27 13 43 15 859 778 1,730 1,253 793 723 1,341 1,159 625 1,470 359 266 603 585 1,346 333 81 35 124 54 305 204 371 217 2,039 1,865 2,774 2,800 2,U7 1,577 1,032 672 35 53 35 7 35 1,715 1,157 154 40 714 379 543 171 162 9 10/25-10/31 1,178 1,393 1,450 1,361 1,153 1,358 344 809 232 297 609 449 3,612 1,836 387 249 2,422 1,242 164 223 1,470 1,700 946 1,001 468 535 6 5 7 5 8 U 10 12 235 263 351 402 242 210 395 295 222 358 163 59 216 173 307 227 20 13 51 21 37 42 37 47 336 463 393 655 236 147 233 174 6 12 6 1 7 252 149 5 6 199 197 1A5 54 48 6 10/25-10/31 269 439 295 519 264 432 93 171 26 31 109 83 410 237 79 52 341 175 339 433 39 73 521 867 19 11 22 15 402 621 1,353 1,607 386 501 1,634 1,763 363 1,545 113 250 351 446 1,219 1,230 134 160 326 412 73 91 89 121 417 722 665 1,629 419 590 244 306 39 30 39 7 24 304 553 160 84 25 76 13 12 11 1 11/1-11/7 463 749 692 1,046 463 725 45 418 U3 229 316 370 6,392 4,632 306 269 3,697 2,493 65 241 271 577 211 238 987 1,000 5 23 27 24 30 20 10 21 10 402 446 620 691 373 398 645 603 347 566 257 90 347 337 533 487 23 27 33 31 77 90 79 90 784 755 1,013 944 752 432 427 406 21 2 21 3 15 647 510 54 51 237 335 135 102 100 2 10/25-10,31 557 781 758 1,102 535 761 188 347 182 223 231 183 712 589 119 115 348 358 57 62 731 894 187 130 541 791 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 243 231 331 439 239 293 335 447 209 306 137 72 209 227 292 310 14 29 U 29 65 98 79 108 410 605 541 872 462 563 154 213 9 32 9 424 498 76 56 37 71 36 1 1 10/25-10/31 359 525 495 673 333 510 77 261 125 157 150 242 574 728 135 167 492 549 62 73 396 577 121 174 ^For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-Oetober 2. FLORIDA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 181 on reports for on y a pQinplp of fflims, S«'p t^xlj Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seniinole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Walrulla Walton Washington 572 236 612 893 372 658 564 1,278 298 231 1,410 144 770 699 1 635 329 737 1,207 348 785 731 1,723 309 359 1,170 222 1,219 947 2 2 98 5 2 52 6 6 10 12 17 3 7 57 5 3 47 2 1 2 12 15 4 3 105 5 3 69 6 6 10 22 17 5 9 57 5 3 52 2 1 2 12 15 6 10 "3 219 1 140 27 11 55 32 7 1 67 2 93 2 7 2 40 4 8 12 3 219 1 U3 27 11 55 32 9 1 67 2 93 2 7 2 40 4 10 5 8 23 14 2 41 6 15 5 23 30 11 4 3 2 7 2 23 2 5 11 3 12 6 8 24 16 3 42 7 16 5 23 30 13 i 3 3 7 2 23 2 5 11 3 H 2 8 2 31 7 3 5 1 8 5 7 3 15 7 3 2 1 5 1 3 12 1 16 3 11 3 31 7 9 3 5 1 9 5 7 3 17 9 4 3 1 8 5 1 3 12 1 IB 303 181 294 609 124 262 425 827 188 146 680 73 486 437 19 313 176 310 720 161 392 498 967 133 166 562 37 563 464 20 414 355 570 833 206 655 539 937 195 178 987 116 506 502 21 442 329 548 745 306 713 562 1,019 198 193 723 103 609 506 22 229 154 310 637 188 233 370 901 145 U9 586 76 463 327 23 215 179 285 702 170 401 249 1,060 101 115 315 76 453 362 24 412 554 690 806 310 634 493 1,277 158 200 308 102 554 390 25 333 579 688 809 255 739 319 1,275 160 145 437 88 509 408 26 178 148 255 597 173 192 345 896 145 149 476 61 423 312 27 331 547 590 753 256 530 448 1,256 157 196 641 87 487 375 2« U6 32 130 502 141 130 275 623 133 119 403 40 376 269 29 62 116 125 95 32 62 70 273 12 30 73 21 47 43 30 177 147 255 531 168 188 345 896 143 149 471 61 398 307 31 203 169 260 667 165 361 239 1,010 70 115 273 71 432 357 32 306 513 563 731 245 480 431 1,239 148 192 611 82 457 353 33 306 526 623 751 232 612 295 1,212 91 139 361 81 469 381 34 19 30 18 22 10 7 15 17 8 1 22 5 29 17 35 7 30 20 1 5 17 9 7 13 6 11 2 4 3 36 25 34 27 22 11 50 17 17 9 4 30 5 30 22 37 12 41 28 1 5 29 19 7 39 6 13 2 4 8 3S 71 7 92 48 42 70 50 16 1 1 159 15 67 15 39 15 11 32 57 16 94 5 56 25 62 5 36 14 40 81 7 100 53 54 104 50 21 1 "4 167 15 67 15 41 15 12 37 57 18 98 5 56 30 63 5 36 19 42 405 179 526 562 230 535 432 880 204 207 1,174 94 477 364 43 524 225 450 673 257 676 407 855 152 208 783 102 507 339 44 509 264 739 637 317 687 509 954 221 245 1,455 100 541 394 45 653 378 705 734 335 949 433 9W 172 221 928 113 534 334 46 408 174 529 543 297 530 365 582 76 U9 1,097 34 178 348 47 330 171 359 479 203 550 137 110 69 41 706 29 122 210 48 239 135 256 713 158 192 416 772 207 177 534 86 482 444 49 202 169 126 469 133 260 280 576 107 126 302 86 273 228 50 4 3 3 20 10 2 10 10 11 11 26 15 51 11 3 5 31 12 21 15 3 25 15 16 52 4 2 3 20 10 2 '16 5 6 U 16 20 53 2 1 15 6 1 207 6 1 10 5 6 54 16 13 "5 123 11 '2 2 85 15 11 5 16 26 55 298 143 431 369 281 459 244 419 129 175 845 56 303 183 56 401 180 316 498 133 402 394 291 134 83 590 60 310 190 57 8 7 44 28 19 105 15 26 5 173 12 21 58 10 26 12 '50 8 26 22 30 5 214 10 56 59 233 75 134 524 62 177 213 834 138 101 374 70 450 489 60 280 120 165 800 81 99 493 1,543 213 265 169 248 874 890 61 169 48 96 279 31 140 106 403 93 50 231 40 190 ' 257 62 64 27 38 245 31 37 107 431 45 51 143 30 260 232 63 59 27 35 210 30 37 107 426 45 51 143 30 245 222 64 5 3 35 1 3 15 10 65 12/13-12/19 U/l-U/7 11/1-11/7 11/29-12/5 10/25-10/31 11/1-11/7 10/25-10/31 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 ll/l-U/7 11/29-12/5 U/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 66 389 162 412 666 320 415 442 1,012 250 233 974 98 582 600 67 490 250 405 1,102 249 549 557 1,534 228 297 914 107 1,112 892 68 525 198 531 861 415 611 681 1,527 297 251 1,360 153 776 853 69 600 294 524 1,565 281 668 848 2,468 282 324 1,179 U7 1,522 1,156 70 378 162 384 640 310 405 412 972 235 223 939 93 542 584 71 490 225 369 1,082 244 508 542 1,482 216 287 894 102 1,097 882 72 160 22 131 167 45 161 107 406 166 71 278 42 209 246 73 218 140 253 473 265 244 305 566 69 152 661 51 333 338 74 132 24 124 161 96 138 218 359 62 27 327 25 200 189 75 147 36 U7 221 105 206 269 555 62 28 421 60 234 269 76 U9 90 166 75 104 169 101 161 9 59 453 26 71 44 77 164 U6 255 117 104 287 121 294 23 18 282 1 131 136 78 5U 403 337 187 273 1,442 256 332 23 181 1,315 36 213 122 79 349 515 1,643 548 337 1,169 340 660 61 48 733 2 502 279 80 89 70 85 49 77 109 46 47 3 23 248 15 45 12 81 80 72 158 39 85 189 33 117 22 18 159 1 34 37 82 396 253 519 93 201 869 76 72 10 67 664 15 72 24 83 158 304 809 101 255 687 60 161 49 44 394 2 41 51 84 42 34 37 31 39 28 27 33 9 116 15 25 8 85 47 36 48 18 38 81 19 14 3 14 132 20 4 8« 395 178 373 788 243 520 471 1,133 230 270 1,024 130 695 639 87 522 283 358 1,140 256 615 667 1,559 298 351 917 218 1,155 955 88 50 42 234 48 72 144 65 71 22 13 320 10 25 28 89 89 58 358 52 88 . 167 67 104 21 23 230 22 58 33 90 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [OalB are baser! on reports for only ' (For dermilions and explanations, see text) The State Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Broward Calhovin ISF. OF COMMKRnAI. FFHTILIZER AND LH(E 1 ConiniiTcial fertilizer nnd fertilizinp MialeriiilF used durinfi the year . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 3i,018 705 143 112 228 602 296 241 2 1954... 43,517 991 290 163 466 786 298 545 .1 acres on which used 1959 .. . 2,465,329 55,233 3,189 4,455 4,410 24,902 25,892 24,270 4 1954... 2, 319, 667 45,873 6,994 7,256 12,698 39,772 41,366 28,810 5 tons 1959... 1,081,508 14,713 709 1,014 1,050 15, 595 3,378 4,452 6 1954... 1,057,932 13,717 1,672 1,604 3,298 16,308 20,777 6,684 T Dry materials . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 33,747 639 143 112 228 592 269 231 fl tons 1959... 1,070,440 13,881 709 1,014 1,044 15,530 7,570 4,021 9 Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,456 113 5 15 45 48 10 Crops on which used- tons 1959 .. . 11,068 332 6 65 803 431 11 . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3,843 133 32 27 37 2 32 64 12 " 1954... 3,426 150 29 11 36 46 23 115 13 acres 1959 .. . 320,849 9,624 421 1,135 1,035 25 10,130 3,635 14 1954 . . . 223,915 6,237 299 1,805 720 3,518 3,244 3,580 15 Cry materials . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3,765 U6 32 27 37 2 32 64 16 Ions 1959 .. . 65,403 1,546 114 335 202 6 1,730 522 17 Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959. . , 208 33 ... 16 tons 1959 . . . 1,254 170 . . • ..! 19 Other pasture (not cropland) . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 4,385 U8 '20 'l8 '52 13 20 so 5n 1954... 5,172 170 36 9 88 44 24 45 51 acres 1959.. . 605,321 9,774 . 565 240 1,495 8,426 6,220 4,122 55 1954 .. . 574, 680 12, 696 1,532 620 4,774 22,313 10,924 3,850 53 Dry materials . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 4,276 113 20 18 52 13 19 30 24 tons 1959... 100,427 1,694 58 67 313 1,187 1,101 701 25 Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 250 21 5 3 15 26 Ions 1959... 2,859 109 50 165 53 27 Com . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 9,322 270 99 46 66 5 208 2B 1954... 12,455 207 226 26 176 465 20 acres 1959 .. . 395, 923 21,482 1,180 335 765 25 7,818 30 1954 .. . 373,776 9,391 2,905 225 3,140 U,440 31 Dry materials ..i...... ■■■■... . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 9,228 250 99 46 66 5 203 32 tons 1959 . . . 67,303 3,452 252 94 130 1 1,479 33 Liquid materials . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 479 48 32 134 34 tons 1959... 2,891 415 35 S07l)68^8- ■•■• . . . farms reriortinc 1959 . . . 442 NA 73 NA 36 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA 37 acres 1959 .. . 21,960 3,795 38 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 Dry materials . . . farms reportiriE 1959 . . . 432 63 40 tons 1959.. . 4,838 472 41 Liquid materials . . . farms reportinp 1959 . . , 15 15 45 tons 1959... 26 26 43 Trlsb potatoss . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 407 23 44 1954... HA NA NA 'na NA NA 'na 'na 45 acres 1959... 27,631 562 46 1954... NA NA 'na NA 'na 'na NA 'na 47 Dry materials . . . rarms reporting 1959 . . . 407 23 48 tois 1959... 28, 519 379 49 Liquid materials . . . farms reportinp 1959. . . 7 50 tons 1959. .. 10 51 All other crops i... . . . farms retiortir'; 1959. . . 27 350 521 87 63 141 588 252 106 52 acres 1959. .. 1, 0951883 13,791 1,023 2,695 1,115 16,451 9,517 4,900 53 Dry materials ■ . ,. farms reportinp 1959. . . 27 183 519 87 63 141 573 226 101 54 tons 1959... 803^950 6,810 285 518 399 14,337 4,733 847 55 Liquid materials . . . farms reportin" 1959. . . 719 23 10 42 U 218 56 tons 1959... 4,028 138 15 643 57 Lime or liming materials used during the year , . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 7,809 111 2 7 '37 131 45 70 58 1954... 7,4>!3 128 20 24 83 220 27 46 59 acres limed 1959. .. 439, L. 7 9,023 50 267 480 7,730 2,U0 3,383 60 1954... 461,768 5,524 274 371 3,159 10,129 2,217 1,708 61 tons 1959 . . . 471,651 8,232 72 267 410 7,914 995 3,271 62 1954 . . . 364,221 5,177 162 371 3,134 9,546 1,706 1,526 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITl'RES 63 Any of the following specified expenditures. , . . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 44,230 1,049 232 135 483 743 394 324 64 Feed for livestoch and poultry . . . farms reportinc 1959. . . 23,781 829 215 145 412 140 112 273 65 1954 . . . 33,492 1,104 328 272 550 334 192 513 66 dollars 1959... 70,391,113 1,905,882 218, 034 236,975 591,437 202,145 5,437,836 480,445 67 1954... 45,444,443 972, 347 135,085 232,950 482,765 457,123 3,706,533 155,135 68 Purchase of livestock and poultry . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 10,368 372 60 76 152 33 73 142 69 dollars 1959... 35,477,619 1,247,067 41,960 43, 500 174, U5 176,063 1,106,007 136,134 70 Machine hire farms reporting 1959 . . . 19,564 254 23 44 80 411 U7 141 71 1954 . . . 26, 096 441 95 57 206 446 93 181 72 dollars 1959... 23,278,220 127,657 6,561 11,340 6,530 773,339 69,955 45,153 73 1954 . . . 12,684,281 118,432 7,013 20,987 37,570 241,282 49,807 36, 105 74 I'nder5200 . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 8,845 131 21 40 70 207 50 71 75 S200lo?999 . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 6,583 97 1 2 10 86 51 54 76 SI ,(XM or more ... farms reporting 1959. . . 4,U6 26 1 2 1J.3 16 16 77 Hired labor . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 23,753 577 65 53 142 438 265 137 78 1954 . . . 29, 792 899 157 59 277 533 255 233 79 dollars 1959... 112,935,551 1,493,421 350,940 141, 569 123,160 1,623,826 3,553,300 159,457 80 1954 . . . 34, 238, 374 1, 042, 366 413,490 126,150 182,223 1,131,373 2,852,186 158,415 81 Under 51,000 ... farms reporting 1959. .. 14,269 365 53 33 U4 246 62 110 82 1954... 20,873 656 144 32 207 334 65 247 83 $1,000 to 52,499 . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3,622 99 6 16 13 64 35 13 84 1954 . . . 3,868 169 4 13 51 101 26 24 85 52,500 or more ... farms reporting 1959. .. 5,862 113 6 9 10 128 163 14 86 1954... 5,051 74 9 14 19 98 164 12 87 52,500 to 54,999 . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 2,264 42 5 ... 55 33 7 8S 55,000 or more . . . farms reporting 1959 , . . 3,598 71 ' 6 4 10 73 135 7 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business ■ . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 39,896 939 212 175 109 463 662 339 304 90 1954... 30,736 1,104 231 406 587 350 239 91 dollars 1959... 13,914,709 459,165 53,255 40,045 60,420 203, 012 390, 503 99,760 92 1954.., 15,074,427 459, 525 82,755 29,470 104,310 200,989 423,334 78,401 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 16,352 5U 95 68 132 143 177 157 94 dollars 1959... 13,146,527 198,835 46,870 7,390 11,350 227,320 423,021 42,921 NA Not available. FLORIDA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 183 a sample of ffum a. Spe text] Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden Gilchrist 47 141 67 58 617 886 288 46 151 557 59 537 234 1 50 188 111 60 718 1,242 432 97 234 854 61 '12 857 288 15, 030 8,382 10,310 9,157 34,295 61, 995 28,546 1,705 9,030 23,994 7,378 43,366 23,297 3 19,934 7,101 10,735 16,746 17,439 68,722 27,343 4,460 10,893 31,275 7,254 349 53, 979 11,221 4 2,694 2,913 2,116 7,035 7,141 74,501 12,736 291 2,268 7,498 4,958 16,720 3,872 5 3,788 1,791 4,457 12,298 3,919 60,677 U,492 684 3,024 8,768 4,581 69 20,150 3,732 6 47 141 61 58 612 830 233 46 146 557 59 537 234 7 2,889 2,913 2,036 7,035 6,669 74,185 12,519 291 2,266 7,494 4,958 16,121 3,784 S 5 6 70 61 7 5 1 43 U 9 5 80 472 316 217 2 4 599 88 10 U 30 21 2 66 58 59 5 25 102 11 92 11 11 14 77 10 1 36 25 11 32 33 138 15 i 85 17 12 1,270 1,132 8,165 1,190 5,935 3,012 4,838 250 3,905 3,474 40 4,050 1,825 W 4,510 3,160 4,378 50 1,579 7,137 1,355 2,885 4,073 2,723 1,175 144 5,713 917 14 11 30 21 2 60 56 58 5 25 102 U 91 11 1.1 326 231 1,402 240 1,016 18 115 1,703 9 128 780 1 9 50 1,112 924 U 807 7 10 343 IC 17 IS 4 53 32 11 84 33 75 15 13 130 19 116 '27 m 9 U 55 7 86 31 91 14 42 124 6 1 108 31 20 11,640 5,315 1,610 3,854 4,322 3,395 13,100 525 1,825 2,952 3,915 5,905 2,855 21 13,490 2,457 4,027 4,266 2,437 15,318 U,744 442 5,808 3,537 1,570 170 5,815 1,610 4 53 31 11 83 33 75 15 13 130 19 U5 27 23 1,065 1,187 217 1 60 825 757 7 15 302 1 100 2,065 7 208 85 367 807 311 1,047 3 61 325 24 25 2fi 2 7 357 6 36 6 394 506 ijo 27 1 48 252 5 36 27 484 5 778 35 28 75 50 19,821 35 725 265 6,163 26, 603 10,108 29 100 639 7,681 150 640 332 6,733 'io 33,395 1,788 30 2 7 347 6 36 6 394 505 130 XI 12 12 2,981 57 324 25 1 90 58 1,565 1 4 175 ... 5,755 43 528 5 1,216 5 55 .12 33 34 S5 MA NA MA NA NA NA 5 NA 'na 'na NA 10,187 'na NA NA 10 NA 3S 37 MA NA NA NA NA NA 1 1 21 NA NA NA NA 175 2,503 26 NA 25 NA NA 5 2 NA 38 3!) 40 41 42 'na 'na 'na 'na 'na NA c,618 'na 'na 'na NA 165 NA 2,503 'na 'na 'na 41 45 HA NA NA NA NA NA 21 6,201 NA NA NA NA 26 224 NA 25 3,007 NA NA NA 10 47 11 39 32 20 45 547 790 237 26 120 ... 212 '30 331 198 jO 5! 2,120 1,860 485 4,113 4,167 43,439 10,603 205 3,035 6,053 920 6,798 8,509 39 82 15 45 547 790 237 26 115 212 30 331 197 5.1 1,498 1,433 405 5,970 1,915 65,453 9,674 66 729 1,466 1,129 8,510 1,900 54 5 5 10 52 5 U 55 5 20 18 88 2 33 56 4 22 23 34 73 6 139 5 36 114 16 132 39 57 19 10 33 22 29 21 113 12 71 69 14 53 29 58 1,033 1,185 1,418 3,951 2,670 2,260 9,010 60 3,405 3,980 1,735 4,158 2,833 59 3,668 305 3,728 6,165 474 4,780 4,144 62 7,330 2,117 761 2,143 586 eo 1,343 885 867 6,451 2,640 2,790 3,884 60 4,434 3,612 2,430 4,302 3,083 fil 3,363 256 5,ni 6,611 336 1,515 2,519 41 4,211 1,781 710 1,380 126 fi'l 63 266 156 94 708 1,158 367 141 308 750 109 32 624 - 325 R3 25 210 141 38 563 207 191 116 180 630 80 32 566 285 64 59 217 155 32 794 335 292 213 335 1,063 65 29 686 316 65 119,960 165,831 1, 974, 940 67,010 597,360 3,302,913 304,899 74,134 2,337,517 806,460 262, 529 22, 985 763,242 170,900 66 112,340 144,632 743,655 61,197 458,223 2,645,652 149,528 89,290 3,777,702 632, 933 213,102 19, 995 678, 580 83,927 67 23 92 64 13 262 138 33 21 92 294 37 6 263 115 68 322,310 83, 805 449,659 111,259 329,232 1,432,464 525, 613 9,555 644,278 316,375 109,531 300 831,757 56,470 69 24 98 42 26 166 421 184 11 26 230 15 186 108 70 19 123 45 47 312 573 332 58 105 267 23 6 267 32 71 21, 096 19,086 6,020 116,364 65, 675 596,422 152,938 3,295 29,150 101,425 43,980 69,810 52,600 72 6,430 22,094 12,979 117,899 43,932 355,091 110, 678 12,498 46,416 59,159 19,995 1,150 115,143 19,810 73 5 65 30 98 152 62 6 156 1 90 51 74 11 28 11 2 51 161 78 5 13 60 8 79 44 75 8 5 1 24 17 108 44 3 14 6 17 13 76 46 130 63 69 399 758 217 29 162 242 45 1 362 165 T7 52 121 88 82 526 950 295 67 240 334 57 4 497 206 78 406,750 203,620 476,371 337,975 363,474 11,623,957 764,885 16,360 1,269,945 416,391 381,021 200 3,607,247 122,330 79 298,700 103,375 402,262 1,350,391 223,389 8,152,811 609, 305 39,825 1,230,164 266, 916 503, 063 9,512 4,118,072 125, 519 60 21 93 42 17 310 225 127 27 42 160 2 1 150 131 81 28 35 45 8 484 433 199 61 76 339 3 2 259 174 S2 6 16 4 18 70 115 38 1 36 30 6 41 16 83 9 27 16 21 32 192 44 2 33 16 2 74 24 84 19 21 17 34 19 418 52 1 84 52 37 171 16 85 15 9 27 53 10 325 52 4 131 29 47 '2 164 8 86 11 5 7 7 12 115 19 24 36 13 34 16 87 8 16 10 27 7 303 33 1 60 16 24 137 88 58 261 136 94 688 1,143 312 126 303 690 104 27 529 309 89 49 130 125 82 651 1,189 370 81 281 503 82 29 570 278 90 63,470 46,253 49,816 133,395 207,794 1,159,516 206,948 17,055 153,494 154, 436 85,049 1,500 386,835 178,177 01 53,292 36, 595 64,262 159, 553 226,491 911,083 116,833 30,111 192, 765 166, 572 76,110 7,011 374,049 101,321 92 12 100 33 58 413 533 123 22 112 367 41 10 407 227 93 20,759 39,138 7,389 53, Ul 75,200 1,254,529 84,962 1,935 175, 431 103,290 177,460 200 127,107 42,335 94 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are baseH nn rooorts for only (For (trfinitions sinil cx|tlanatioiis, see text) Hendry Hernando Highlands Hillsborotigh Holmes I'SE OF COMMEDCm. FFRTIUZER \ND LIME CoiiiriuTrial fertilizer ind fertilizin-: iiinteri^l-" usoj durini! the year Dry nmtenals . . . . I iiiuid materials. . Cro[t< on which used— liny and cropland pasture. Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland). . Dry materials . . . Liquid materials. Com Dry materials . . . . Liquid m.iterials, . Soybeans Dry materials . . . . Liquid materials. . Irish potatoes. farms reporting 1959 . . 1054 . . on which used 1059 . . 1954 . . tons 1959 . . 1954 . . 'arms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959 . . amis reportinc 1959. . tons 1959 . . 'anas reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . 'arms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959.. arms reporting 1959. . tons 1959 . . arms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1934 . . 'arms reporting 1959. . tons 1939.. 'atms reporting 1959. . tons 1939 . . 'arms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . reporting 1959. . tons 1959 . . "atms reporting 1959. . Ions 1959.. , reporting 19.59 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Farms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959.. 'arms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959.. 'anus reporting 1959. , 1954.. acres 19.59.. 1954 . . 'arms reporting 1959. . tons 1959.. 'arms reporting 1959. . tons 1959.. 'arms reporting 1959. . acres 1959.. 'arms reporting 1959 . . tons 1939.. arms reporting 1939 . . tons 1939.. 'arms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres limed 1959 . . 1954.. Ions 1959.. 1954 . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITIRES \ny of the following specified expenditures farnis reporting 1959. . Feed for liveslock and poultry farms reporting 1959.. 1954 . . dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Purchase of livestock and poultry famis reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959 . . Machine hire farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . dollars 1959.. 1954 . . I nder i^200 farms reporting 1939 , . S'2011 10 S999 farms reporting 1959 . . Sl.fXX) or more farms reporting 1959. . Hired labor fanns reporting 1959., 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954.. I'nder Sl.tllH) farms reporting 1959., 1954., Sl.litri to ?2.19n farms reporting 1959. 1954.. >^. 500 or more farms reporting 1959. 1954 . ,«2.-"ifl(i to S4.999 farms reporting 1959. *5,0flO or more farms reporting 1959 . Dry materials Liquid materials. All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials le or liming materials used during the year . Gasoline and other pelixileum fuel and oil fo' the farm liusinoss Secils. hiilhs. plants, and Ire. . farms reporting 1959 . 19.54. dollars 1959. 1954. . farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959. 58 56 17,078 13,201 4,304 2,474 58 4,284 1 20 6 11 210 285 6 41 43 44 12,310 9,021 43 2,607 1 20 1 2 200 1 300 16 4,158 16 1,286 6 3,783 4,073 123 100 79 517,977 247,180 59 470,000 31 28 63,461 13,546 15 6 10 56 60 590,573 331,609 17 30 12 13 27 17 3 24 113 84 125,442 86,008 32 35,653 33 92 942 1,962 186 358 33 186 10 29 60 500 10 13 22 720 940 15 51 120 465 15 33 12 13 135 525 130 150 102 44,030 34,770 61 17,710 17 23 4,950 3,140 10 5 2 55 31 38,195 13,890 40 28 9 2 6 1 6 60 50 8,930 8,820 47 4,085 417 716 26,650 34,969 5,126 7,700 417 4,984 25 142 61 44 1,464 694 55 270 8 21 58 77 1,598 3,853 58 204 1 2 283 493 19,687 22,482 278 2,504 19 118 m HA 1 (Z) 391 3,901 391 2,006 1 1 68 28 2,495 961 2,045 1,041 459 307 657 264,036 203,345 107 68,149 148 336 54,939 134,365 81 47 20 358 577 346,930 562,412 251 443 61 77 46 57 42 454 648 252,640 399,941 300 58,995 896 974 41,123 33,456 20,643 21,777 891 20,612 20 31 77 51 6,250 2,713 77 1,539 84 115 7,271 7,777 84 1,501 838 27, 537 833 17,569 20 31 433 360 19,829 11,583 15,617 11,101 1,054 402 490 439,853 327,910 123 311,892 693 674 495,110 299,036 279 258 156 654 672 1,270,812 843,187 443 470 68 95 143 107 85 58 977 761 350,690 271,744 415 192,169 125 95 70,839 58,409 11,058 13,799 118 10,835 7 223 38 8 3,425 1,690 38 1,119 46 31 40,635 24,656 45 4,360 1 21 1 N/t 150 NA 1 20 56 26,629 51 5,336 6 202 41 37 4,627 4,608 5,070 4,670 187 130 123 500,118 314,616 47 981,682 103 55 376,536 224,508 19 47 42 124 93 3,438,157 3,748,454 66 36 20 12 38 45 11 27 152 98 437,049 338,468 45 72,905 184 198 15,050 10,687 5,365 4,712 174 5,325 10 40 67 28 7,210 2,639 67 1,547 32 36 3,746 2,026 27 745 5 15 2 600 65 104 3,494 104 2,913 5 25 45 6 1,765 2,022 1,580 1,241 314 215 240 1,170,073 754,933 123 269,480 104 148 73,362 53,272 65 18 21 153 126 402,109 243,715 80 51 40 40 38 35 23 15 304 170 90,214 57,377 65 19 ,433 361 559 40,909 47,351 25,187 22,401 361 25,187 35 9 7,375 2,033 35 1,950 62 40 11,353 23,263 62 2,298 302 22,006 302 20,851 166 258 13,389 27,997 15,104 17,900 463 155 115 969,631 174,756 61 178,369 284 476 551,728 560,395 84 103 97 359 347 2,594,763 1,345,522 161 246 80 32 118 69 42 76 392 263 364,258 186, 109 124 276,444 2,661 3,049 105,913 88,717 63,175 50,629 2,661 63,132 31 43 195 187 14,151 7,338 195 3,403 222 421 24,722 30,062 222 6,054 31 39 175 350 31 34 43 NA 1,230 NA 43 1,368 2,353 65,635 2,353 52,273 31 43 780 758 26,554 23,155 28,008 20,248 3,455 1,415 2,706 8,009,164 5,820,875 668 2,719,009 1,713 1,998 1,961,895 455,338 865 520 328 1,816 1,955 6,731,889 4,286,816 1,087 1,322 280 339 449 294 159 290 3,246 2,266 1,046,887 883,905 1,082 715,221 NA Not available. 2 Reported In small fractions. FLORIDA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued a sfunpln of farms. See lextj 185 Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Llterty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Monroe 366 1,873 374 308 2,511 164 327 229 73 736 495 1,096 82 10 I 516 2,513 704 424 2,592 320 550 325 212 930 583 1,117 161 0 37,931 141,800 41,797 14,082 127,836 15,972 19,492 20,418 1,100 58,591 31,390 90,169 18,456 15 3 36,395 140,360 49,128 19,888 117,133 21,029 25,860 21,956 2,977 49,467 22,895 63,424 12,252 4 22,392 29,954 10,192 3,149 103,184 10,905 3,472 4,383 212 9,397 U,764 27,136 6,211 15 5 19,024 26,019 8,488 4,086 80,355 18,382 5,102 5,065 440 3,690 12,968 25,211 5,746 6 366 1,868 369 308 2,510 163 327 229 73 725 490 1,083 32 "io 7 22,332 29,700 9,838 3,149 102,651 10,864 3,158 4,367 212 9,091 11,661 26,592 6,082 15 8 5 38 27 60 2 19 4 48 7 98 18 9 60 254 354 533 41 314 16 306 103 594 129 10 36 252 42 87 107 37 53 29 6 106 114 142 7 11 20 270 37 85 33 30 53 23 6 132 30 78 8 12 4,i78 20,534 5,300 2,740 6,629 1,945 4,791 3,107 385 6,727 10,360 11,122 4,735 13 5,120 9,754 2,712 1,530 5,343 3,585 2,540 1,427 160 4,666 3,277 9,321 3,155 14 36 251 42 67 107 37 53 27 6 96 113 138 7 m 1,050 4,216 872 481 1,223 640 665 605 60 740 2,412 2,023 967 IR 23 2 . . . 2 2 13 2 21 1 n 159 18 52 4 42 76 91 2 IS "7 277 47 39 120 '16 16 30 111 69 273 11 m 35 229 41 97 75 63 53 87 52 83 116 178 24 20 6,510 12,393 5,280 1,643 10,201 5,094 515 4,783 5,162 8,138 38,704 9,300 21 5,690 12,511 7,627 3,530 14,938 4,436 5,337 7,651 1,320 3,247 6,710 21,219 4,847 22 7 272 47 39 119 16 16 30 109 64 240 11 23 655 2,095 1,270 224 1,463 567 57 836 737 1,818 6,471 1,805 24 20 1 4 5 7 5 53 2 25 71 35 171 20 8 27 293 115 2« 1,617 294 191 31 223 109 '62 582 5 196 27 1 2,157 492 229 13 1 412 85 133 631 5 184 "2 28 64,166 16,873 6,000 974 8,939 6,539 605 34,631 50 11,203 29 100 65,623 20,955 9,105 232 "5 11,994 3,453 1,277 30,500 5 4,173 135 30 1,617 294 191 26 223 109 62 562 5 188 31 12,054 2,965 824 164 1,414 1,054 117 4,618 10 1,266 32 2 26 ... 10 12 3 39 15 33 16 231 41 . .. 62 12 155 25 34 10 ... 1 1 35 HA NA 40 'na NA NA NA NA 150 NA NA NA 50 NA NA NA 'na 36 37 NA NA 10 10 '22 'na 15 NA NA NA 4 NA 1 37 NA 'na NA 1 3 NA "5 NA 1 NA NA 38 39 40 41 42 43 NA NA 73 NA 10 'na 'na NA 919 NA NA NA NA NA 10 NA 1 'na 'na 44 45 NA NA 22 33 NA 15 2 NA 'na NA 4 1,075 'na NA 'na 'na NA 5 10 NA 1 1 NA NA IC 47 IK 323 1,530 236 291 2,439 119 124 185 '26 639 379 747 '67 'io 51 26,943 44,594 14,334 3,699 110,032 8,340 5,097 5,989 uo 12,021 12,332 29,139 4,421 15 32 323 1,525 236 291 2,434 119 124- 185 26 624 379 741 67 10 33 20,627 11,292 4,729 1,620 99,301 8,532 985 1,872 35 2,993 7,411 16,826 3,310 15 54 5 7 3 51 2 1 21 29 15 55 60 8 70 321 41 180 101 135 12 56 118 342 29 '21 615 30 22 '36 U 53 145 239 19 5 57 105 178 33 78 360 103 46 30 15 20 156 221 46 58 11,433 11,645 1,945 500 29,760 3,185 520 2,520 240 2,125 9,497 10,377 5,777 5 39 7,536 5,773 2,550 2,263 25,902 6,971 7,511 3,755 420 1,006 8,562 13,875 13,077 60 9,595 11,245 2,019 335 26,283 2,567 520 3,720 230 1,906 9,045 11,047 5,149 'io 61 5,888 4,066 1,230 937 17,820 4,914 4,038 3,443 260 926 9,478 13,653 4,105 6'T 426 2,136 491 349 2,719 246 556 480 162 809 688 1,722 116 15 63 76 1,808 341 304 565 97 364 429 156 592 355 1,146 43 64 148 2,402 697 424 460 267 583 422 263 724 455 1,214 86 65 437,752 1,647,597 261,434 217,775 1,133,283 216,682 338,759 493,728 202,050 378,935 1,672,453 2,964,282 633,274 66 230,168 995,347 202,211 329,543 536,376 600,300 306,274 263,709 270,800 375,442 748,783 874,850 107,409 67 54 772 123 190 191 29 143 146 67 369 172 522 24 68 597,730 805,747 200,741 61,467 226,544 32,120 153,150 598,751 21,235 187,717 561,115 2,965,397 338,417 69 241 1,168 144 133 1,937 53 121 144 15 244 243 639 27 70 325 1,716 227 300 2,182 193 445 169 119 236 328 760 63 71 518,931 390,202 25,013 28,261 3,613,288 63,413 34,602 43,347 2,375 91,000 180,295 461,915 24,385 72 277,378 280,795 30,222 81,152 1,572,840 115, 4B7 60,306 55,935 10,320 36,132 113,599 237,773 93,565 73 60 697 116 30 399 27 98 69 10 122 103 368 6 74 61 412 24 52 343 7 19 73 5 105 92 205 18 75 120 59 4 1 745 19 4 2 17 48 66 3 76 305 1,090 186 247 1,591 136 134 213 34 514 409 698 73 77 317 1,623 400 383 1,646 201 351 257 97 767 469 902 136 1 Tfi 2,106,482 1,078,354 840,990 172,730 5,580,424 2,671,995 393,491 216,533 19,100 665,435 1,918,612 1,791,172 1,644,316 79 1,430,688 758,905 764,078 173,006 3,228,918 1,853,302 392,718 258,910 19,510 365,008 2,015,462 1,509,557 793,097 1,800 SO 91 898 118 190 933 33 37 165 31 412 205 448 15 81 177 1,475 316 354 1,181 73 307 184 91 677 289 661 50 92 62 107 39 47 292 25 19 36 1 77 85 103 11 S3 48 100 42 25 183 31 12 48 6 74 78 94 33 "i 84 152 85 29 10 366 73 28 12 2 25 119 147 47 85 92 48 42 4 282 92 32 25 16 102 127 48 86 52 59 14 6 160 7 14 7 "2 9 47 66 5 87 100 26 15 4 206 66 14 5 16 72 81 42 S8 311 1,771 437 344 2,192 236 445 454 132 774 638 1,567 111 15 69 352 1,148 368 404 1,134 281 319 325 122 736 498 999 101 6 90 224,018 580,943 172,877 133,558 962,790 259,902 131,071 138,858 18,645 287,750 319,357 579,793 217,970 5,000 91 194,242 417,612 178,954 177,560 483,340 240,027 125,420 165,379 24,940 247,771 263,484 478,732 99,349 740 92 84 1,279 130 251 561 73 266 248 42 412 252 779 42 10 93 117,690 395,704 41,905 22,815 489,805 939,820 81,781 54,138 1,886 86,610 230,304 330,320 405,826 1,250 94 186 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data ore based on rooorls for only llmi (For ticfinilionp nnil oxplanations see t<>\t) Nassau Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Polk rSF, OF COMMEHn*!. FFRTIUZER V materials farms reportinp 1959. . . 71 358 5 3 9 7 62 32 tons 1959 . . . 193 2,193 3 370 12 96 82 65 33 Liquid materials farms reportine 1959 . . . 34 tons 1959... 35 36 Soybeans .......................... . farm? rpivirtinf IQSQ 23 NA 1954 .. . NA NA •A NA NA HA NA NA 37 acres 1959... 780 38 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA 'ha 'm HA 39 Dry material s farms reporting 1959 ,. . tons 1959... 23 40 155 41 Liquid materials farms reportin." 1959 .. . tons 1959... 42 43 Irish potatoes • farms reporting 1959. . . 3 5 11 44 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 45 acres 1959 .. . 340 5 15 46 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47 Dry materials farms reporting 1959. . . 3 5 11 48 tens 1959... 195 3 12 49 Liquid materials farms reforting 1959... tons 1959... 50 51 \ll other crops farms reporting 1959. . . 42 162 6 2,193 276 257 692 370 2,325 52 acres 1959... 247 2,022 210 112,965 8,306 81,366 33,594 9,865 133,393 53 Dry materials farms reportinp 1959 .. . tons 1959... 42 162 6 2,176 276 257 637 355 2,310 54 250 494 42 99^670 5,691 37,790 25,769 9,835 120,974 55 Liquid materials farms reporting 1959 .. . 94 1 15 52 30 83 56 tons 1959... 265 5 90 417 139 493 57 Lime or liming materials used durinp the year farms reporting 1959 .. . 19 73 43 449 128 70 149 49 948 58 1954... 18 44 39 561 141 131 158 166 1,188 59 acres limed 1959 .. . 524 1,825 6,350 55,556 53,426 10,026 10,676 2,025 51,953 60 1954 .. . 825 1,318 4,890 36,730 11,537 13,296 15,579 4,961 84,406 61 tons 1959... 811 1,535 5,497 53,147 53,827 9,526 9,572 1,971 50,467 62 1954 . . . 1,431 1,145 4,973 28,803 7,156 8,701 10,366 4,238 79,531 SPEaFlED FARM EXPENDITURES 63 Vny of Ihe following specified expenditures farms reporting 1959... 265 552 145 2,592 458 510 971 516 3,074 64 Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959... 234 468 134 457 227 235 390 131 1,032 65 1954 . . . 135 698 194 627 425 472 594 297 1,126 66 dollars 1959 . . . 1,956,512 155,071 1,569,687 1,998,376 553,910 5,001,189 2,673,903 1,218,433 3,534,845 C7 1954 .. . 870,630 228,775 174,533 1,316,898 1,052,396 2,626,265 1,388,143 1,387,184 1,516,657 08 Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959.. . 118 179 67 238 77 161 194 62 426 69 dollars 1959... 391,510 316,047 1,633,480 913,705 1,642,786 5,100,676 701,202 361,350 1,137,196 70 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 23 118 32 1,661 231 111 552 228 1,940 71 1954... 22 293 31 1,954 177 255 558 434 2,817 72 dollars 1959 . . . 4,065 16,490 67,116 3,442,940 517,033 221,157 896,223 415,806 4,562,208 73 1954... 9,190 27,220 43,737 1,319,471 37,014 353,921 193,475 234,847 2,880,079 74 Inder !'20O farms reporting 1959. . . 17 96 4 732 102 12 156 71 528 75 S200to?999 farms reporting 1959. .. 6 22 12 470 54 33 185 86 753 76 SI ,000 or more farms reporting 1959. . . 16 459 75 66 211 71 659 77 Hired labor farms reporting 1959 . . . 75 137 93 1,622 259 374 524 251 2,061 78 1954 .. . 100 201 142 1,685 236 498 491 449 2,469 79 dollars 1959... 317,923 44,965 686,683 9,643,839 1,134,830 12,554,458 1,643,849 1,363,819 10,857,286 80 1954 . . . 187,320 83,040 421,905 4,148,217 438,527 9,599,679 1,098,855 1,305,139 7,634,871 81 Under Sl.OCO . farms reporting 1959. . . 17 132 36 997 130 70 285 91 1,093 82 1954... 59 173 87 1,198 154 152 342 255 1,412 83 ?1,000 to ?2,499 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 21 2 17 182 58 29 107 36 418 84 1954... 23 24 16 195 24 42 83 50 450 85 52.500 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 37' 3 40 4A3 71 275 132 124 550 86 1954... 18 4 39 292 58 304 66 144 607 87 .?2.50n U) 54.999 . farms reporting 1959. . . 23 1 14 180 21 37 44 57 187 88 55,000 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 14 2 26 263 50 238 88 67 363 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and nil for the farm business . farms reporting 1959. .. 265 527 145 2,186 413 497 866 451 2,695 BO 1954 . . . 90 383 195 1,049 286 573 533 471 1,637 91 dollars 1959... 67,217 77,188 117,746 1,088,488 281,574 1,499,341 301,855 143,576 1,470,719 02 1954... 47,275 50,870 140,670 531,177 136,934 1,068,705 262,596 164,883 834,242 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . farms reporting 1959 .. . 53 235 29 496 85 311 178 128 682 94 dollars 1959... 14,029 20,875 27,450 1,524,287 109,027 1,177,022 87,965 126,315 386,607 NA Not available. FLORIDA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 187 a sampip of faim s. Sp© text] Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 327 172 490 741 293 563 358 1,045 120 210 1,104 51 515 529 1 439 198 613 931 255 639 470 1,498 209 248 947 75 864 772 2 12,918 20,329 44,841 52,410 23,578 53,547 15,544 54,275 2,508 12,080 37,968 5,345 27,426 13,457 3 14,il6 21,246 70,498 48,786 17,350 23,946 17,270 49,242 3,637 6,968 27,925 2,795 34,179 25,335 4 8,191 16,724 25,476 14,128 5,541 33,590 5,747 11,970 410 2,935 15,479 1,510 5,710 4,319 5 7,800 21,292 30,812 12,031 7,439 22,999 8,171 11,035 669 2,058 16,509 520 5,655 5,114 6 327 172 485 741 283 563 353 1,044 120 210 1,104 46 504 529 ^ 8,190 16,714 25,425 14,128 5,456 33,065 5,666 11,379 410 2,352 15,473 1,415 5,505 4,307 8 1 7 17 16 12 15 122 7 15 11 31 10 3 1 10 51 75 625 81 591 84 5 95 204 12 10 38 15 8 137 58 33 95 94 16 25 78 21 98 88 11 36 6 28 165 28 20 43 95 21 21 58 32 147 101 12 3,739 840 6,425 4,060 6,255 2,095 4,271 3,250 298 1,807 14,430 440 4,000 1,910 la 3,215 784 5,695 3,905 2,830 1,410 1,140 5,151 505 1,531 2,877 425 4,120 2,640 14 33 15 8 137 53 33 95 89 16 25 78 21 97 88 1.'. 735 150 890 1,061 1,051 437 724 713 37 363 2,250 55 929 373 IC 1 11 5 18 1 1 17 1 65 25 25 8 3 IS 26 19 35 207 84 47 61 134 7 39 103 5 75 146 10 37 23 53 183 70 26 77 157 3 49 75 13 113 131 20 1,595 3,245 9,930 7,455 14,340 27, 3X 3,757 6,515 360 1,855 7,414 500 4,210 3,950 21 2,625 2,305 28,383 4,942 7,374 5,226 6,343" 7,064 371 1,804 10,643 370 3,915 3,710 22 26 19 35 207 84 47 56 113 7 38 103 5 69 146 2.1 372 599 1,957 1,503 2,739 4,405 573 705 73 344 1,202 75 854 783 24 5 1 6 30 1 5 6 25 8 593 53 117 25 20 23 2ft 22 16 590 6 44 651 86 125 11 36 414 414 27 50 7 755 1 42 627 140 149 1 49 683 585 28 387 495 18,350 275 781 39,820 1,720 4,430 75 2,070 12,445 9,296 29 1,185 51 21,612 130 703 19,120 2,426 2,035 10 1,660 17,111 13,290 3C 22 16 590 6 44 545 86 125 11 31 409 414 SI 107 95 4,695 141 53 144 "5 5,017 100 449 1 164 774 6 51 16 296 11 65 2,343 25 128 5 1,914 10 12 1 ;12 1.1 M S5 NA NA NA NA 6,565 NA NA NA 50 NA 20 KA NA 'na NA "A 285 23 36 37 'ka NA ;!A NA 141 1,595 m '■'a NA 5 8 NA 1 1 NA NA KA .'lA HA 5 43 VA 1 3 IS 40 41 32 125 1 "5 21 6 42 4.1 MA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na MA NA .'lA NA KA 44 2,375 12,004 300 5 6 40 45 MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA IIA SA ::a •iA NA i^:a 10 32 125 1 5 21 5 17 2,695 12,519 7 375 3 4 40 4'> 11 265 10 92 463 489 179 501 254 957 84 173 998 40 217 221 50 .',1 4,822 3,745 28,186 15,980 2,983 23,838 6,685 14,664 230 3,948 16,049 2,335 6,436 3,273 52 265 92 458 489 174 501 254 957 84 173 998 35 212 221 J3 4,281 3,351 22,203 17 51 5,274 1,676 5 2 28,167 11 32 4,117 5 3 4,938 136 1,331 11,993 15 6 935 5 10 1,332 10 50 1,229 51 .56 '73 48 127 106 86 125 117 305 12 24 216 5 115 '52 57 79 56 130 112 67 111 59 45 43 141 114 95 58 4,348 3,543 13,865 2,960 5,405 12,724 3,040 7,977 710 967 8,080 50 3,860 1,460 5!) 2,933 4,211 22,812 2,405 4,852 4,133 2,306 1,464 2,155 4,356 3,150 1,902 C't) 3,877 2,845 12,575 3,020 5,975 12,695 2,870 8,127 814 695 4,825 '56 3,690 1,005 61 2,924 2,685 11,999 1,950 4,067 3,298 2,089 1,224 1,663 3,992 2,037 1,722 «•■' 517 231 507 888 367 557 554 1,273 298 281 1,400 139 770 684 63 246 110 126 738 132 120 402 1,027 227 246 489 134 583 553 64 364 178 177 1,042 190 326 611 1,305 267 277 432 207 992 737 65 677,976 762,933 758,200 582,500 745,621 512,108 633,704 548,198 58,300 291,918 985,553 58,730 618,775 321,977 66 754,875 288,759 320,048 419,040 234,544 507,712 415,041 330,304 57,400 108,650 428,918 48,800 562,514 247,094 67 106 58 65 304 67 49 135 484 59 61 200 52 199 244 66 214,500 357,769 429,885 363,515 531,493 58,340 182,522 190,255 35,245 77,110 378,748 25,735 188,780 106,060 69 193 43 257 432 151 403 207 471 25 5S 738 15 223 173 70 221 79 394 592 108 337 290 759 66 94 553 33 443 399 71 112,972 126,377 400,424 158,895 53,595 301,440 112,713 132,705 4,070 15,037 211,405 4,275 25,520 31,630 72 41,717 59,761 373,516 177,767 38,681 66,058 77,661 131,809 6,700 18,485 232,539 2,660 54,966 65,483 71 142 20 57 230 75 195 86 271 17 46 501 176 136 74 36 6 88 151 59 163 92 180 7 6 239 15 47 31 75 15 17 112 51 16 40 29 20 1 5 48 6 76 211 150 306 441 186 444 276 335 56 141 788 46 291 190 77 297 192 551 555 195 489 396 1,327 120 125 507 41 407 276 7-«* 660,606 1,224,634 2,356,419 354,345 660,610 3,037,595 423,422 606,290 48,656 200,462 2.092,664 22,395 207,675 93,719 70 606,876 1,471,641 3,132,644 328,726 874,145 1,791,587 338,244 653,972 89,053 95,750 1.055,074 9,510 158.890 94,470 M 114 27 173 327 81 310 180 672 64 97 468 35 244 157 SI 179 76 317 456 118 273 237 1,159 107 115 326 40 337 257 Sl 40 19 39 77 35 37 42 108 2 30 112 11 25 13 61 64 48 38 72 22 S3 74 112 3 3 79 1 12 14 St 57 104 94 37 70 97 54 56 2 14 208 21 10 s.' 54 68 XL45 27 55 128 35 50 10 8 102 s 5 »6 32 62 51 25 26 23 28 35 5 130 5 6 67 25 42 43 12 44 74 26 21 2 9 78 16 4 SS 466 231 587 858 272 607 524 1.1S2 277 266 1,284 124 725 594 HO 377 205 406 676 233 499 564 1,309 151 181 637 37 474 335 01 137,160 239,928 399,754 231,725 101,442 365,709 170.611 513,799 27,595 70,854 362,593 35,495 127,735 77,528 »1 134,651 249,916 390,219 200,392 104,555 242,267 125,206 525,160 42,237 50,080 223,017 27,790 108,025 66,093 9> 99 129 116 492 95- 178 203 805 :-i3 147 379 25 275 310 01 1 19 , 508 661,869 113,868 157,095 46,473 339,095 31,604 : 39.019 14,30'. 2J.7u4 2 I i. 644 24.iS0 2?, 000 91 188 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cattle and calves . . .fnrms reporting number Co\\s, including heifer? that have calvexl farms reporting number Milk cows farms reportinc number Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting number Steers and hulls, incli»jin(j steer ami bull calves. , , farms reporting number Farms reporting b\ number on band: Cattle and cnlve-— 1 -farms re flirting 2 to 4 farms reporting 5 to 9 faniis reporting 10 to 10 farms reporting 20 to 40 farnis reporting 50 to 99 farnis reforting 100 or more farms reporting Cows, including, heifer= that have calved- 1 farms reporting 2 to 9 forms reporting 10 to 19 fanT.s reporting 20 to 29 ■ farms reporting .W to 49 farms reporting 50 to 74 farms reprting 75 to 99 farms reporting 100 or more farms reporting Milk cous- 1 farms reporting 2to9 farms reporting 10 to 19 farms reporting 20 to 29 farms reporting 30 to 49 farms reporting 50 or more farms reporting Horses and, or mules farms reportinc number Hogs and pigs ,.. farms repoftinu number Bom since .June 1 farms rcirrlin;! number 1959. 1954. 19,^9 . 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. Born before .lui .farms reporting number 1959 . . 1959 . . 1959 . . 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959 . . 1959,. 1959 . , 1959 . . 1959 . . 1959 , . 1959.. 19.59 , . 1959,. 1959.. 1959.. 1959 . . 1959 , . 1959,. 1959.. 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959 . . 1951 , , l'r.9.. 1951.. 1959.. 1954 . , 19,59,, 1954 , , 19.59 , , 1954 , , 1959 , 1954 . . 1959 . . 1954 . Farms reporting by number of hogs and pifis- I'nder 10 farms reporting 10 to 24 farms reporting 25 to 99 farms reporli ng ino or more farms reportinc ;hecp and lambs farms reporting number I .anibs under 1 year old farm'- reporting number Sheep 1 >c.ar old anil o\er farm.^ reporting number Ewes farms reporting number Hamv and «elher^ farms refwrting 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. mber 19.59 . . 1954 . . 1959., 1954 , , 1959 . , 1951.. 1959 . , 1951 . 1959 . 1951 , 1959. 1954 . 19.59 . 1954. 19.59 . 1951, 19.59. 1954 . 1959. 1954 . Farms reiiiriin;' by number of shu-p and lamlis- UnilcT ■?'! farms ri'inirling 25 to J't'i farms reporting :!IKt or I ■jr.- farnis repming 19.59 . 19.59. 1959 , Chickens I monlbs old and ci , .farms reporting ■arms ri^xirting hj niimliiT of chukim.- 4 miinllis old and nver- 1 *nder .50 farms reporting 50 to .?99 farms rcpiirtinp 400 to 799 faniis riTJorling ftno to 1,599 farms repcirtinc l.lilKl In :!,199 fnmis repiTting 9,2f)0 or more farms reporting 1959 . . 1951, 1959,, 1954 , , 1959., 1959,, 19,59 , 1959, 19,59. 1959. Turkey hens kept for hree .farms eporting 1959, 1954, number 1959 . 1054. 20,233 30,055 1,500,642 1,6«7,3A8 18,663 27,776 852,985 904,230 3,460 16,738 180, 582 158,877 16,092 23,330 334,235 389,701 15,495 21,219 313,422 353,417 1,065 4,153 3,959 3,557 3,460 1,539 2,500 3,112 8,091 2,535 1,169 1,021 679 323 1,683 3,947 3,737 46 18 94 618 10, 530 17,931 26,543 34,048 13,386 19,116 422,959 419,725 10,121 12,737 221,210 207, 922 12,737 17,286 201,749 211,803 4,986 3,976 4,032 892 176 NA 6,767 NA 107 !IA 1,440 NA 167 NA 5,327 NA 149 NA 4,475 NA 140 NA 852 NA 119 54 3 15,873 27, 434 4,917,932 3,200,931 12,763 1,847 254 308 306 395 917 1,840 17,918 14,086 721 1,045 40,493 43,493 674 969 19, 877 21,994 224 489 1,723 2,749 589 885 8,968 11,079 565 760 11,643 10,420 26 137 137 120 143 66 92 96 274 109 51 44 35 14 51 103 109 12 427 746 873 1,229 535 780 26,005 26, 137 433 523 14,395 13,202 489 712 11,610 12,935 165 141 143 81 NA 467 NA 10 NA 114 353 .lA 13 NA 285 532 1,039 153,748 71,858 444 87 57 1,311 182 256 5,158 6,041 167 221 3,679 3,508 54 87 891 415 135 217 976 1,690 124 181 503 843 3 93 199 142 259 192 304 2,481 3,541 124 190 1,269 1,715 177 281 1,212 1,826 158 299 6,129 11,119 142 13 163 2,434 3,444 70 144 1,450 1,881 51 116 470 676 67 105 634 955 65 86 350 608 85 99 116 87 116 1,518 1,535 64 75 877 599 75 96 641 936 42 29 13 3 2 NA 12 NA 1 NA 3 NA 2 NA 9 NA 2 110 194 23,383 16,636 75 22 191 101 329 424 6,471 9,609 304 384 3,613 5,266 102 207 312 431 278 359 1,810 2,721 277 304 1,048 1,622 41 165 52 21 14 5 1 160 264 249 344 194 291 2,520 3,800 124 182 1,401 2,149 173 267 1,119 1,651 116 51 26 5 NA 127 NA 111 NA 5 NA 16 NA 236 463 34,189 19,800 206 22 2 3 3 77 186 13,764 42,115 71 158 9,739 23,154 20 90 303 554 68 149 2,877 10,657 66 130 6,148 3,304 103 267 351 37 59 1,089 1,139 24 34 395 505 33 49 694 634 17 11 7 2 90 230 24, 576 26,660 64 16 78 141 35,337 40,617 66 128 26,005 28,615 31 56 20, 123 20,454 71 117 6,813 7,394 60 116 2,519 4,108 20 79 148 651 488 9 10 770 934 244 116 50 50 171,145 52,051 22 5 1 3 3 16 NA Hot available. FLORIDA 189 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia nagler FraJiklln Gadsden Gilchrist 32 184 122 43 492 50 222 97 142 558 56 9 395 257 I 36 182 141 52 718 176 317 144 268 984 62 16 612 292 ■> 15,202 10,876 15, 239 18,847 12,676 13,451 35,745 4,430 23,083 12,162 8,248 563 18,926 6,457 :i 27,495 12,061 15,690 22,284 16,144 31,499 47,932 6,093 23,001 14, 273 9,201 1,058 18,636 7,618 4 31 169 106 40 467 42 203 92 136 509 50 9 341 248 5 83 174 132 50 686 131 298 129 223 901 60 15 533 274 6 9,101 6,724 11,321 11,918 6,734 10,710 23,377 2,888 18,080 6,527 6,156 331 4,573 3,066 7 15,819 6,698 9,465 11,479 8,768 21,345 26,904 3,285 17,309 7,702 5,045 596 6,230 3,421 B 7 56 33 5 141 26 44 43 77 366 6 2 218 80 0 29 90 50 10 298 87 124 83 153 772 21 5 431 118 10 129 345 7,155 5 411 8,073 340 94 15,045 3,257 337 3 934 303 11 602 321 3,055 13 1,079 15,730 414 130 14,544 4,273 311 26 1,665 404 12 27 137 103 40 371 35 188 89 114 441 41 4 274 218 13 77 160 128 41 528 134 249 112 227 706 50 10 426 266 14 3,606 2,264 3,069 3,240 2,963 3,647 6,499 945 4,054 3,676 1,331 101 3,130 2,010 IS 5,404 3,577 4,324 5,106 4,043 5,225 11,822 1,473 4,272 3,969 2,706 266 3,473 2,109 16 28 148 100 39 317 33 185 76 104 330 47 7 299 219 17 80 141 124 50 485 115 241 94 202 622 54 10 424 241 18 2,495 1,883 849 3,689 2,979 4,094 5,369 597 949 1,959 711 131 11,218 1,381 10 6,272 1,786 1,901 5,699 3,333 4,929 9,206 1,335 1,420 2,602 1,450 196 8,883 2,088 20 7 3 1 21 3 10 5 5 29 3 1 40 8 21 "i 25 12 1 112 12 22 15 10 170 4 3 96 52 22 1 35 29 3 103 7 26 19 19 133 7 56 66 2.1 3 35 22 3 106 4 32 21 18 84 8 2 61 50 24 10 37 21 6 106 7 52 22 15 77 7 1 49 54 25 5 19 8 8 27 3 22 7 11 36 6 38 13 26 12 26 27 21 17 14 58 8 64 29 21 2 55 14 27 24 10 2 69 9 19 13 14 124 4 2 94 37 28 "5 55 38 3 242 12 53 42 27 246 12 4 148 128 29 5 28 16 7 76 6 33 18 14 59 5 1 40 40 TO 6 20 8 2 40 15 6 6 22 1 18 20 .11 3 13 7 4 22 3 20 4 5 28 4 20 13 32 1 7 4 3 6 13 3 7 14 3 9 2 23 1 5 4 3 3 6 6 4 1 3 1 M 10 17 19 16 9 12 44 6 57 12 20 '2 9 7 35 3 36 16 5 72 8 23 25 10 166 3 1 100 46 36 2 18 10 67 7 13 23 12 1 161 3 2 1 110 1 32 37 .38 "i 1 1 1 "i 2 13 4 1 39 40 1 2 5 2 10 2 54 16 1 3 1 41 19 95 70 '37 269 56 111 56 68 164 50 8 364 77 42 47 96 89 50 509 134 202 74 135 363 35 8 633 160 43 107 266 156 171 428 430 335 97 178 343 157 12 1,223 129 44 171 207 211 193 709 476 441 105 234 504 108 19 1,801 218 45 6 97 47 9 489 16 36 119 72 342 28 14 495 212 46 2 73 80 11 643 31 37 174 128 496 17 13 702 309 47 546 2,351 790 151 15,656 1,612 864 4,181 5,633 6,120 747 272 12,752 11,250 48 12 3,332 1,636 51 16,499 2,713 365 6,237 4,816 5,672 212 186 14,149 14, 589 49 3 54 30 2 387 8 11 89 45 252 17 11 366 189 50 1 55 44 3 444 16 30 140 92 294 11 7 483 271 51 123 1,108 460 44 3,541 160 220 2,160 1,916 3,747 250 U9 7,166 6,136 52 6 1,538 990 10 8,484 1,268 123 3,212 2,255 3,192 132 66 7,270 7,496 53 6 92 39 9 465 16 34 114 65 296 26 14 469 204 54 2 70 68 10 595 27 19 166 93 413 11 11 618 302 55 423 1,743 330 107 7,115 1,452 644 2,021 3,717 2,373 497 153 5,586 5,114 56 6 1,794 646 41 8,015 1,445 237 3,025 2,561 2,480 80 120 6,879 7,093 57 3 44 22 6 127 4 24 23 22 164 11 5 164 32 58 2 23 16 1 149 4 4 36 17 111 10 3 167 42 59 24 8 2 186 4 6 50 18 58 5 6 145 101 60 1 6 1 27 4 2 10 15 9 2 19 37 61 1 3 4 1 4 6 3 2 62 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 63 12 25 399 1 63 108 34 17 64 NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA 4 NA NA 1 NA 3 NA 2 SA 2 NA NA •lA 65 66 NA NA NA NA NA 2 NA 120 NA NA 1 NA 8 NA 7 NA 5 NA NA NA 67 68 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SA NA NA NA 69 1 3 4 4 6 3 2 70 'ka NA SA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA 71 12 23 279 55 101 29 17 72 MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 73 1 3 4 3 4 3 2 74 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SA 'sA SA NA 75 12 18 101 27 90 29 13 76 SA NA NA NA NA 3 NA 4 NA NA NA 4 NA 6 NA NA NA 2 NA 77 78 NA NA NA NA NA 5 NA 178 NA NA KA 28 NA 11 NA NA NA 4 NA 79 ftO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SA SA SA NA NA 81 1 3 3 "i 1 3 1 4 2 2 1 2 82 83 84 12 122 71 16 482 109 106 93 74 501 29 16 482 170 85 31 161 91 27 686 321 90 118 192 1,003 36 18 763 246 86 8,964 11,872 111,810 7,585 114,117 283,624 64,837 7,723 108, 199 85,650 13,433 1,558 67,998 5,468 87 4,389 13,636 19,853 797 80,634 164,835 45,957 6,562 104,173 41,146 13,126 4,219 74,452 12,193 88 8 85 50 9 404 47 85 82 33 407 17 13 396 143 89 1 31 10 6 54 19 11 7 16 65 7 2 66 27 90 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 7 11 8 91 3 4 8 8 2 2 4 7 "i 1 4 92 1 2 6 15 4 1 2 4 3 2 93 1 6 1 5 19 3 7 7 1 6 94 20 2 33 5 4 2 5 36 29 10 95 "i 17 6 6 32 30 4 7 15 95 1 1 52 24 96 103 4 3,111 1,098 12 4 1,029 146 89 97 97 "i 167 24 22 122 602 25 25 1,626 415 10 12 632 117 98 190 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8. -LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON Item see text) Glades Gulf Hamilton Hardee Hendry Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Holmes 1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1950 . . 113 37 302 407 125 163 141 1,033 770 •2 1954 , , . 95 73 517 591 176 241 140 2,205 1,219 % number 1050 . . . 37,799 697 5,481 34,498 63,331 9,921 46,286 96,414 13,253 t 1954... 28,397 1,430 8,469 43,187 49,934 14,430 52,273 97,234 14,694 S Cows. inclu.lini; hcifors that bfivp calved .farms reporting 1959. . . 109 35 278 393 114 159 131 886 753 (1 1054... 90 65 501 567 167 231 135 1,821 1,189 number 1050 . . . 20,284 330 2,893 22,332 30,606 5,447 26,287 48,983 7,316 s 1054 . , . 13,8«) 702 4,704 26,959 23,538 8,221 31,600 51,972 7,225 0 Milkco«5 .farms reporting 1050 . . , 29 18 104 88 10 68 23 330 489 10 1054 . . . 32 49 339 218 38 101 29 1,206 937 11 number 1050 . . . l,58i 82 438 571 751 307 2,133 19,350 1,962 li 1054 , . . 636 213 773 737 493 252 281 15,123 2,466 IS Heifers am] hoifpr cahes .famts reporting 10.50 , . . 101 32 248 341 113 141 123 816 613 14 1954 . . . 88 59 385 512 147 192 114 1,674 898 15 number 1959... 6,896 242 1,566 7,576 14,827 2,326 11,137 24,352 3,437 1« 1054... 6,015 429 2,094 9,323 12,049 3,830 11,340 22,646 4,010 IT Swerp am! hulls, incluling stwrarvi Intll calves. . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 101 34 210 339 112 136 105 795 573 IS 1954... 89 59 351 483 160 180 122 1,487 809 10 number 1959 .. . 10,619 125 1,022 4,090 17,948 1,643 8,862 23,074 2,500 50 Farms reporting by nimilicr un banti; Cattle nnil ciiKc — 1054 . . . 8,5/12 299 1,671 6,905 13,697 2,379 9,333 22,616 3,459 21 1 .farms retorting 1059 . . . 2 1 15 17 1 1 6 57 38 i?2 2 to 4 .fnrr s reporting 1950 . . . 6 6 77 42 12 20 14 186 216 •23 5 to 9 .fan.is reporting 1959 . . . 19 7 52 54 15 33 12 226 179 24 10 to 10 .farms reporting 1059 . . . 13 11 70- 69 14 36 13 173 154 2» 20 to 40. .farn.s reporting 1959. . . 17 8 60 94 24 34 14 160 132 26 50 to 09 • farms re[XTting 1950, , . 11 4 20 51 11 18 23 77 37 27 100 or irore .fari;;s reporting 1050... 45 8 80 48 21 59 159 14 Cows, inctudini^ hcrfcf iltal liavc calvert— 26 1 .fams reriortin" 1959. . . 7 28 7 14 39 148 41 120 6 27 15 66 12 22 161 364 132 427 21) 2 to 9 .farm? reporting 1959 .. - SO 10 to 19 • farms retjortin" 1950 . . . 12 7 6 50 18 63 31 14 12 28 n 10 11 94 45 104 39 31 20 to 20 • farms reporting 1959 .. - 32 30 to 40 .farms reporting 1950 .. . 3 1 14 44 3 15 8 46 32 33 50 to 74 • fams reporting 1950. . . 12 8 27 6 8 16 34 10 34 75 to 09 .farn.s reporting 19.50 . . . 1 11 3 2 4 17 35 100 or mote Milk C!>»s- .farms reporting 1950 . . , 32 "l 56 43 14 48 125 "9 36 1 .fntms reporting 1950 . . . .farms reporting 1059. . . 7 14 11 5 33 65 63 22 4 1 37 30 12 7 156 87 209 266 37 2 to 0 3S 10 to 10 .farms reporting 1059... 1 ... 39 20 to 20 • farms repcrting 1059 . . . ... ... 40 30 to 40 .farms reporting 1959 . . . .fnrnis reporting 1050. . . "s 1 1 3 4 "i 4 3 84 7 7 41 .50 or more 42 Horse.s anij or niu le.s .farms reporting 1050 . . , 19.54 . . . 65 57 39 178 362 193 333 66 91 58 93 86 99 455 990 311 695 (3 44 number 1950 • • • 275 39 254 466 302 217 391 1,279 464 45 10.-,4 . . . 402 51 486 709 355 236 474 1,709 972 46 Hoes and pins .fnnns reporting I'lOO. .. 1051... 28 15 39 61 350 601 62 32 21 30 63 77 28 20 252 5«) 720 1,030 47 48 number 19.59 • . • 2,569 922 11,682 484 212 1,143 690 4,687 22,322 49 1954 • . . 986 923 14,491 753 295 1,501 427 5,333 18,308 90 Don since .June 1 .farns ren>rlir.; 1959... 20 32 270 29 14 34 15 147 582 51 1154 . . . 9 33 431 43 13 36 IB 274 722 52 numljer 10.59 . . . 1,003 397 6,008 131 90 605 282 1,709 13,417 53 1054 . . . 301 322 7,260 133 180 646 193 2,153 9,965 54 Born hptorc June 1 .farms reporting 10.50 . . . 27 35 323 50 16 52 28 199 669 55 1054 . . . 14 57 530 59 25 69 17 408 953 511 number 1050 . . . 1,566 525 5,674 303 122 538 408 2,978 9,405 57 Farms repotting Itv nuinher of ijogs and pies- 1954 . . . 685 601 7,231 620 115 855 234 3,225 8,843 5'. VnderlO .' • farms reporting 1050. . . 8 15 92 46 15 39 16 174 195 m 10 to 24 • farms reporting 10-50 . . . 7 10 102 12 2 11 5 45 234 60 25 [o 00 .farms reporting 105!1. . . • farms reporting 1050. . . 6 7 12 2 128 28 4 4 10 3 4 3 23 10 250 41 61 100 or more 62 Sheep and lambs .farms reporting 10.50 . . . 4 3 1 4 8 3 63 1054... m 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 64 number 1050.. . 57 26 5 246 69 26 65 1054 . . . NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA 66 I.ambs under I >ear eld .farm- reporting 1050.. . 2 2 4 4 2 67 105 1 . . . 'm NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ofc numlter 10.50 . . , 6 5 ... 89 15 9 60 1054 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 70 sheep 1 >.arnld am! over .farm- rejiorting 1050 . . , 4 3 1 4 7 2 71 1054 . . . 'm NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA nunlhcT 1050... 51 21 5 157 54 17 73 1954 • . . NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA NA 74 Lues .farms reporting 1059 . . . 4 3 1 ... 4 6 2 75 1054... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 76 number 1050... 42 17 5 137 41 14 77 1054 , . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 78 Ham^ And wethers .farms repcrting 1050. . . 4 3 ... 4 6 2 7» 1051 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA «0 mimlier 1050... 9 4 20 13 3 Bl Farms repiTling bv nuitiiier nf shin-p anil Inmlis- 10.54 . , . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 82 Underr. .' .farms reporting 10.50 . . . ... 4 3 1 2 7 3 63 25 u. ao .farms reporting 1950.. , ... ... ... ... 2 1 84 300 nr fiiijrc .farms reporting 1050 . . . .fnnns repeating 10.50, .. 30 45 292 224 34 122 45 575 598 85 Chickens I month- old and over 86 1051... 30 69 621 295 86 152 27 1,713 1,133 R7 numlier 1050.,, 2,490 2,398 12,722 15,568 9,493 276,715 9,061 553,558 21,319 88 Farni- reporting.' by niiml»tT of chickens 1 month 1054 , , . s old and ovrr- 5,494 2,193 28,218 21,930 5,358 131,364 7,801 337,080 39,699 m Inder .511 . farms reporting 10-59.. . 24 37 239 202 26 56 35 329 553 on 50 to .300.. .farms reporting 1059. . . 4 7 49 16 4 8 9 62 39 01 4110 to 700 .farms reporting 1059, ,, 1 1 2 1 3 29 3 92 800 to 1 .509 .farms repcrting 1050. , , 1 1 2 "i 10 ... 43 2 93 1.600 to 3.100 .farms repcrting 1050.. . .farms repcjrting 1050. - - . • • 1 2 1 1 17 28 "i 59 53 "i 94 3.200 uf more 95 Turkey hens kept for breedinp -farms reporting 1959.. - 5 7 24 12 11 5 16 16 96 1954 . . - 3 13 55 23 "7 10 ... 83 54 97 number 1959... 32 16 120 43 • . . 31 17 63 123 98 1954 . . . 501 37 167 138 25 82 1,418 189 NA Not available. FLORIDA 191 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Indian River Jackson Jefferson Ufayette Lake Ue Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Monroe 75 1,559 263 251 275 no 392 372 97 563 329 965 50 1 130 2,204 511 331 369 204 636 397 197 759 371 1,107 75 0 16,861 35,606 10,180 6,130 20,912 13,014 13,267 19,990 1,477 14,526 32,497 55,547 16,894 3 15,845 39,179 11,700 7,399 20,704 17,284 12,799 22,734 3,424 14,070 31,145 56,955 20,561 i 66 1,479 236 233 248 99 343 360 89 525 294 865 49 5 116 2,119 479 311 320 186 598 384 132 725 332 1,049 73 6 10,929 18,571 5,314 3,651 12,399 8,183 7,379 11,390 924 7,282 20,028 30,207 10,646 7 8,852 18,565 5,839 3,973 11,224 9,485 6,414 11,471 1,769 7,328 18,864 29,135 U,376 8 27 918 97 126 84 17 206 102 43 289 101 359 15 9 41 1,600 266 210 172 58 433 153 89 439 144 619 29 10 1,775 4,312 970 1,788 2,506 463 2,413 169 65 1,629 5,679 2,094 2,741 11 770 6,733 1,060 1,406 1,067 527 1,985 364 153 1,953 2,294 2,242 559 I! 63 1,175 197 193 216 91 259 304 76 433 272 774 45 ... 1.1 109 1,620 361 266 272 176 331 341 135 608 281 894 60 14 3,150 9,142 2,668 1,769 5,282 2,341 3,602 4,222 391 4,078 7,368 12,376 3,649 15 4,088 9,700 3,094 2,030 4,799 3,823 3,583 5,891 860 3,982 7,690 13,985 3,423 16 59 1,066 159 206 209 92 227 328 60 443 271 801 39 . . • 17 no 1,468 277 274 270 150 3n 340 140 509 288 833 61 18 2,782 7,893 2,198 760 2,731 1,990 2,286 4,378 162 3,166 5,101 12,964 2,599 19 2,905 10,914 2,767 1,3% 4,681 3,976 2,802 5,422 795 2,760 4,591 13,835 5,762 20 1 129 27 8 21 2 64 12 8 24 9 50 21 6 487 66 55 53 13 139 49 35 129 53 170 6 22 U 302 47 57 38 9 59 63 16 Hi 49 182 3 2.1 -12 285 32 55 24 19 46 66 21 n5 51 161 6 24 10 203 41 41 51 21 34 88 8 113 62 180 7 25 3 71 24 20 37 17 16 45 6 36 27 117 3 26 24 82 26 15 51 29 34 44 3 31 78 105 25 27 6 344 61 31 47 7 n9 34 24 84 37 125 7 98 19 780 85 118 73 24 138 142 39 262 103 342 10 ■>9 7 155 29 38 36 10 26 66 13 96 32 130 2 30 2 65 20 11 11 12 13 33 5 32 17 73 3 31 7 52 13 3 24 9 12 37 2 17 18 69 .32 4 32 10 20 17 10 8 12 3 17 10 46 ' 3 33 1 14 3 3 3 6 4 13 3 3 12 22 1 34 20 37 15 4 37 21 23 23 ... 14 60 58 23 35 12 426 45 69 48 8 121 56 29 107 45 193 3 36 9 455 44 36 25 6 70 46 14 167 29 149 2 37 1 4 2 1 1 1 ... 1 1 ... 7 ... ... 38 .39 10 1 "i "3 "i 2 ... ... 3 ... 40 5 21 5 20 7 2 11 ... ... 3 27 14 5 41 55 942 273 122 166 78 313 159 44 359 202 545 42 42 69 1,690 560 158 236 135 544 253 63 591 210 756 57 ... 43 180 1,505 491 149 382 318 604 371 135 511 443 2,093 217 ... 44 193 2,764 873 194 454 368 915 454 68 818 461 1,643 236 45 9 1,680 346 290 106 n 356 347 151 603 64 613 17 1 46 14 2,186 583 369 97 23 522 398 202 3n 64 712 15 47 339 54,894 7,984 9,147 1,250 98 6,050 19,882 7,949 22,486 514 20,601 306 3 48 429 47,717 8,554 11,251 911 331 5,772 19,842 5,215 22,124 532 16,134 109 49 4 1,316 210 221 57 1 219 292 128 4«5 32 360 13 50 n 1,560 352 286 50 13 267 327 155 596 36 390 9 51 106 31,065 3,622 4,781 640 1 3,642 11,031 3,201 12,349 220 9,031 128 52 UO 24,295 4,209 5,245 357 129 2,600 10,505 2,455 12,393 282 6,206 68 53 7 1,571 322 267 90 10 322 327 146 569 50 573 16 1 54 9 2,020 520 348 73 17 465 387 185 761 49 661 13 55 233 23,829 4,362 4,366 610 97 2,408 8,851 4,748 10,137 294 n,570 178 3 56 319 23,422 4,345 6,006 554 202 3,172 9,337 2,760 9,726 250 9,928 41 57 7 485 159 53 73 9 203 64 42 169 50 246 6 1 58 ... 521 94 101 22 101 74 56 160 3 166 9 55 1 569 79 123 8 2 46 133 33 213 5 150 1 60 1 105 14 13 3 ... 6 76 15 61 1 51 1 61 2 4 • • . ... 8 1 ... 5 62 m NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA 'na 'na NA NA NA NA 63 74 104 ... *. ■ 152 30 ... 132 64 m NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 65 2 2 4 1 2 66 Wl NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA 'na 'ha 'na NA 'na NA 67 15 11 ... 32 10 36 68 Kk KA NA NA NA 'na NA NA 'na NA 'na NA NA NA 69 2 4 ... . .* .. • 3 1 ... 4 70 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'ka 71 59 93 ... ... 120 20 ... 96 . .. 72 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na 'na NA NA NA 'na 73 2 4 5 1 ... ... 3 74 NA NA NA NA 'na 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na 75 51 90 ... 58 16 ... 88 ... 76 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 77 2 2 7 1 2 79 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA 'na NA 'na' NA 73 8 3 62 4 ■ • • . . • 8 60 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 81 1 3 6 4 82 1 1 ... ... 2 "i ... 1 83 84 30 1,561 376 260 231 37 353 328 102 570 165 737 24 1 85 46 2,482 712 370 348 172 659 339 172 900 210 1,058 33 86 13,751 161,182 12,801 8,516 114,146 34,019 36,535 27,790 57,324 39,133 61,936 204,952 7,577 6,400 87 19,132 107,232 20,960 10,322 70,259 27,472 49,609 29,966 36,942 51,642 30,521 116,200 2,353 88 23 1,385 334 231 163 18 306 279 76 485 130 639 19 89 3 148 40 26 32 6 35 42 8 75 15 77 1 90 9 2 7 5 2 4 5 4 19 2 91 6 1 1 8 3 4 1 2 1 8 18 92 3 3 1 10 7 . . > 3 5 3 4 14 "i 93 1 10 11 3 3 1 7 1 4 20 1 1 94 2 141 11 10 7 25 10 6 27 6 61 3 95 3 203 26 7 22 'io 60 49 15 40 10 103 10 96 6 417 50 34 37 190 33 49 148 23 4,182 42 97 20 570 105 43 133 37 179 217 145 139 37 349 59 1 1 «e 192 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8. -LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON Item (For definitions and explanations see text) Nassau Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Poli 1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1959. . . 203 449 165 309 232 193 308 90 952 2 1954 . . . U9 725 219 535 346 411 518 216 1,176 3 number 1959 . . . 8,885 7,359 64,445 27,466 77,043 31,926 33,898 8,851 86,048 ^ 1954... 7,213 9,209 59,852 35,279 55,096 84,238 39,528 10,835 121,773 s Cow s, inclu.linc hci for? that have calved . farms reporting 1959. . . 192 434 151 257 220 168 284 32 842 6 1954 .. . 140 698 211 429 323 341 431 171 1,079 7 number 1959 .. . 5,681 3,923 39,666 13,019 38,715 40,889 20,034 6,398 54,964 8 19.54 . . . 4,201 4,695 30,581 20,117 35,635 33,110 22,414 7,708 71,972 n Milk cows .farms reporlinc 1959... 52 283 58 122 61 44 91 23 284 10 1954 . . . 65 566 70 268 128 155 253 107 488 u number 1959 . . . 1,537 704 8,129 6,668 1,021 17,352 2,579 3,496 6,478 12 1954 . . . 481 1,451 205 5,663 771 11,035 1,022 5,778 4,539 in Heifers and heifer calves .famis reporliag 1959 . . . 167 346 148 245 208 164 237 71 763 M 1954 . . . 134 534 194 401 306 323 414 154 916 15 number 1959... 2,294 1,898 14,653 5,054 19,426 13,912 7,555 1,478 19,046 16 1954 . , . 2,032 2,371 14,104 9,376 10,853 15,176 9,931 2,086 29,085 17 Steers and hulls, incluiiing steer an.1 biitl calves. . . farms reportinR 1959 . . . 159 337 146 236 165 168 249 75 780 18 1954 . . . 124 477 187 388 233 343 337 167 862 19 number 1959. .. 910 1,533 10,126 9,393 18,902 27,125 6,259 975 12,033 20 Farms reportin" b\ numhcr on band; Cattle and c.ilvo— 1954 .. . 980 2,143 15,167 5,786 3,608 35,952 7,133 1,041 20,716 21 1 .farms reporting 1959.. . 6 24 1 17 6 15 6 44 22 2 to 4 .farms reporting 1959... 2V 123 8 58 29 5 49 8 161 23 5 to 9 • fani-.s reporting 1959 . . . 36 104 12 73 34 13 50 20 169 24 10 to 19 .farms reportiag 1959 , . . 57 42 97 75 21 . 25 49 34 35 47 23 25 49 57 10 15 158 144 25 20 to 49 .farnis reporting 1959... 26 50 to 99 .farms reportiag 1959. , . 19 14 20 20 27 23 18 7 88 27 100 or n^ore Cows, inclutlinp heifcr= thai have cnlved- .farms reporting 1959. . . 16 12 73 58 54 104 70 24 183 28 1 .farcif reporting 1959. . . 18 75 4 57 29 6 33 13 118 29 2 to 9 .farm? reporting 1959 .. . 88 254 24 89 62 24 102 21 304 30 10 to 19 .fanr.s reportin" 1959 . . . 39 61 15 24 32 19 20 44 13 7 95 54 31 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 11 19 15 3 14 21 32 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959. , . 18 12 10 16 11 13 14 3 62 33 50 lo 74 .farms repcrting 1959. . . 4 6 3 13 12 7 12 2 48 34 75 10 99 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 9 10 6 6 8 39 35 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 . . . 'u 3 66 40 49 78 45 23 122 Milk co« 5- 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 32 135 24 45 27 4 45 5 138 37 2lo9 .farms reporting 1959. . . 15 143 19 42 27 9 32 5 99 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 t • • 3 2 39 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 - . . 1 1 "i 40 30 lo 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 1 1 4 41 50 or more .famis reporting 1959. . . 5 1 15 'si 6 31 12 13 41 42 Horses and or mules .farms reporting 1959 .. . 104 179 118 159 113 130 130 57 448 43 1954 . . . 90 340 143 223 169 266 212 83 552 44 number 1959 . . . 194 322 471 466 584 611 503 279 1,297 45 1954 . . . 131 465 508 521 612 699 590 199 1,434 46 Hoes and pi as .farm- rcporling I'l.'iO. . . 152 393 43 30 44 21 63 12 225 47 1951... 37 491 44 133 53 46 150 44 238 48 number 19.59 . . . 2,668 9,497 712 2,046 253 631 1,308 657 3,174 49 19.54 . . . 1,524 8,388 857 2,271 775 612 1,001 1,288 2,237 50 Born since .lure 1 .farm- rcnirhnj 1959... 107 304 26 45 20 18 35 9 140 51 1954... 55 320 30 68 29 21 36 28 128 52 number 19.59 . . . 1,694 5,192 302 656 39 337 704 396 1,398 53 19.54 . . . 707 4,371 293 803 336 199 527 438 1,097 54 Born hefore June 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 135 373 36 65 40 17 56 11 183 55 1954 . . . 79 458 35 114 48 40 114 39 181 5« number 1959 . . . 974 4,305 410 1,390 164 294 604 261 1,776 57 Farms repottinn liv number of hogs and pics- 1954 . . . 817 4,017 564 1,463 439 413 474 850 1,140 5^ 1 nder 10 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 73 119 26 50 16 36 6 6 7 43 12 3 4 142 49 5n 10 to 24 .farms reixxiing 1959.. . 47 146 3 60 25 lo 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 29 116 8 1 8 6 2 7 1 9 4 2 3 27 7 61 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 .. . 3 12 62 Sheep and lanilis .farm- reporting 19.59 . . . 3 1 10 4 13 2 12 63 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 64 number 1959... 33 230 362 29 432 76 1,939 65 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA 'na NA 66 1 amhs under 1 .sear eld . - . farm- rcpnrlinfi 19.59 . . . 1 1 7 1. 10 8 67 1951... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6>- numlier ri.59 . . . 6 40 114 4 173 293 69 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 70 rihecp 1 jcar old and o\ cr .farm- rc]iorling 1959... 3 1 10 4 12 2 10 71 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 72 aunihiT 1 959 . . . 27 190 248 25 304 76 1,646 73 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 74 Ewe. .famis reportiag 19.59 . . . 3 1 9 4 10 10 75 1954 , . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 76 number 1959 . . . 20 115 201 21 267 1,601 77 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 78 Ham- and wcihcr- .faim- repcrling 1959... 2 1 7 4 11 2 7 70 195 1 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KO nimilicr 1959 ,, . 7 75 47 4 37 76 45 81 I'arni- rc[«irlin;' h\ nuiiiher iif »hM'p and Innili-- 1951 .. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 82 I'nd.T .•■, , .farm- rep 19"1 100 87 692 144 108 430 1,245 241 259 179 154 697 598 4 588,173 506,060 1,516,332 1,349,101 1,711,759 964,844 1,048,864 1,704,873 442,033 443,446 1,183,543 212,369 764,835 606,426 5 491,103 343,836 731,421 530,051 489,587 224,052 630,766 1,004,444 251,078 200, 216 356,144 86,234 411,032 395,873 « 68 23 22 146 16 47 57 195 15 41 114 24 131 116 7 106 51 42 336 47 83 122 363 53 82 133 37 264 223 8 1,085,691 409,184 105,1% 132,288 60,391 276,007 163,871 114,681 29,693 92,114 351,085 72,738 441,788 228,189 0 887,065 192,743 79,468 112,614 77,811 155,691 209,713 122,697 23,017 31,342 341,327 24,990 354,915 99,351 10 441,615 467,361 732,465 378,751 530,579 428,162 340,345 109,387 ... 256,926 639,537 185,503 95,718 11 135,995 233,515 79,602 291,495 180,744 539,314 120,598 78,602 39,443 104,490 716,641 12,840 183,620 140,566 1! 187 57 90 542 162 76 403 642 146 151 246 49 447 410 IS 147 92 83 410 136 93 390 700 136 162 157 59 335 385 14 4,843 3,898 13,546 7,650 13,943 8,189 11,191 7,605 1,738 3,651 11,283 587 3,948 3,504 IS 7,989 5,024 11,645 5,055 10,743 5,922 11,532 7,273 4,051 2,860 6,874 634 3,852 3,570 19 511,474 487,877 1,505,805 995,144 1,708,434 948,434 967,277 733,229 285,339 314,920 1,119,589 86,625 422,560 343,031 17 443,610 332,160 722,671 250,439 486,565 214,606 581,242 295,926 143,752 107, 776 341,675 19,836 160,682 155,581 18 113 35 65 337 87 47 143 337 126 33 136 44 227 247 19 121 88 65 299 111 71 240 520 114 111 139 42 279 268 20 2,088 1,842 9,001 5,420 7,308 5,833 2,472 3,936 1,325 1,588 4,035 322 1,692 1,940 21 3,112 3,076 7,091 2,555 4,749 2,962 4,523 3,905 1,345 992 3,380 256 1,704 1,746 22 343,679 271,515 1,170,120 810,080 1,131,457 802,987 326,473 452,797 254,219 214,275 605,530 60,125 223,175 232,620 23 245,744 275,955 547, 748 174,823 310,120 162,674 298,301 176,904 66,328 56,688 231,748 U,005 92,645 103,102 24 41 15 16 130 31 20 55 205 91 41 41 31 111 150 25 50 12 13 139 17 12 49 86 23 27 59 11 9/', ei 2e 14 4 16 52 29 10 34 42 9 13 33 2 21 16 27 8 4 20 16 10 5 5 4 3 2 3 1 28 102 37 49 310 110 65 368 464 90 116 138 '16 316 246 2« 128 73 74 309 113 84 367 477 107 130 124 46 266 324 30 2,755 2,056 4,545 2,230 6,635 2,356 5,719 3,669 413 2,063 7,198 265 2,256 1,564 31 4,877 1,948 4,554 2,500 5,994 2,960 7,009 3,368 2,706 1,868 3,494 373 2,148 1,824 32 167,795 216,362 335,685 185,064 576,977 145,447 640,804 280,432 31,620 100,645 514,059 26,500 199,405 110,411 33 197,866 56,205 174, 923 75,616 176,445 51,932 282,941 119,022 82,424 51,083 109,927 8,331 68,037 52,479 34 17 11 11 7 5 23 5 11 10 10 39 3 9 4 4 4 17 3 8 4 4 18 9 39 118 22 22 9 5 23 5 67 10 30 37 3 ... ... 9 7 5 29 21 "3 3 6 "4 27 12 3B 15,025 3,350 2,135 750 500 1,710 375 9,550 600 3,600 39 375 • . • 265 557 384 2,945 1,090 325 322 315 132 812 1,115 40 66 '24 12 460 1 5 143 892 136 172 84 122 419 373 41 86 24 9 504 8 16 112 1,106 196 211 39 141 529 446 42 2,106 627 363 12,063 10 540 2,763 33,446 5,336 4,419 1,876 4,336 11,775 8,915 43 2,593 590 366 9,765 129 357 1,956 26,919 6,491 4,458 537 3,341 9,646 9,018 44 61,074 18,183 10,527 349,827 290 15,660 80,127 969,934 156,194 128,151 54,404 125,744 341,475 258,535 45 47,118 11,676 8,750 279,347 2,465 9,052 46,579 707,428 102,001 92,118 14,154 66,266 249,538 239,177 49 1 10 5 6 1 6 47 m NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 48 50 65 75 80 15 105 49 NA NA NA NA NA 'na NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA 50 600 780 900 960 ISO 1,260 51 m NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 52 3 4 3 1 2 1 2 2 8 53 NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA 'na 'na NA 'na NA NA 54 215 66 131 6 50 70 22 35 333 55 NA 'na NA NA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 881 465 1,485 30 242 3S} 160 290 1,264 57 NA NA 'na NA NA NA NA 1 12 76 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA 58 59 60 61 3 4 3 1 2 "i 2 2 "s 6! 215 66 181 6 38 70 22 35 333 S3 381 465 1,435 30 166 350 160 290 1,264 64 78 20 17 336 11 7 107 855 160 185 43 100 393 351 65 81 24 10 465 19 13 UO 1,053 178 209 34 125 534 465 66 311 348 109 1,657 31 83 584 6,458 1,300 1,193 334 551 2,383 1,521 67 451 141 71 2,159 57 87 498 6,372 1,474 1,059 113 579 2,251 1,970 98 50 8 6 158 7 2 54 195 57 76 23 48 172 172 99 23 8 8 137 4 2 38 425 78 75 17 33 159 145 70 3 2 1 30 2 10 179 15 22 4 15 43 27 71 1 1 2 8 ... 3 51 3 11 2 4 13 7 72 ... 3 1 2 5 4 1 4 73 "l 1 3 1 1 2 ... 74 69 17 16 271 9 6 85 719 135 154 43 88 337 293 75 45 11 7 341 12 8 74 326 131 171 21 87 361 362 76 162 155 50 730 15 49 259 2,943 707 599 184 243 1,229 731 77 169 60 29 961 22 46 223 3,117 678 506 39 262 991 969 78 33 13 U 195 5 6 70 708 123 132 26 54 243 230 78 64 18 9 330 13 12 S4 330 136 164 26 85 421 350 80 149 193 59 927 16 34 325 3,515 593 594 150 308 1,154 740 81 282 81 i2 1,198 35 41 270 3,255 796 553 74 317 1,260 1,001 82 200 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold for 1959 are based Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms reporting dollars Average sales per farm reporting dollars Milk sold as whole milk famis reixyting pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of bulterfat POULTRY \}m POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold fams reporting dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms repcrting number Other chickens sold fanns reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting number Farms reporting by number ofturkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under .^0 farms reporting 50 lo 399 farms reporting 400 or more farms reporting 1959. 1951. 1959. 1951. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 19.54. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 19.54 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1,152 1,519 70,345,924 ■43, 101, 464 61,064 1,135 1,307 lp87,435,245 641,523,846 47 212 16,225 34, 524 4,832 9,156 29,178,920 17,810,467 2,635 4,113 10,977,096 9,527,964 179 336 8,302,562 8,111,312 2,485 3,862 2,674,534 1,416,652 3,795 7,289 57,181,336 25,514,343 572 1,418 1,172,896 794,066 1,310 3,057 326,490 175,885 1,229 62 19 22 29 657,801 528, 127 29,900 22 27 9,968,683 8,188,920 126 300 997,814 500, 502 78 92 850,159 423,353 17 15 706,975 400,000 66 79 143, 184 23,853 101 227 1,429,706 509, 124 49 921 12,366 33 150 427 3,933 30 3 3 3 337,000 102,269 112,333 3 3 5,267,000 1,351,008 21 59 14,366 27,751 9 15 1,180 1,967 15 1,180 1,967 15 50 34,763 52,849 3 14 159 6,199 9 32 60 1,085 11 16 204,465 163,698 18,588 11 13 1,762,790 2,892,782 3 780 76 94 113,130 133,791 38 48 20,698 49,775 39,000 38 46 20,698 10,775 59 77 232,642 166,403 11 10 11,016 14,490 10 21 2,793 2,912 14 21,727 10 408,500 76 129 704, 828 371, 521 48 40 1,092,591 544,203 27 11 1,018,900 540,400 21 29 73,691 3,803 36 106 370,645 88,478 6 10 107 998 6 21 35 279 11 135,000 113,472 27,000 5 11 2,700,000 1,671,737 34 108 129,781 163, 265 22 46 24,658 47,698 1 3 12,900 37, 500 22 44 11,758 10,198 295,847 281,045 19 1,355 3,869 7 43 100 855 24 31 9,220,446 7,420,395 384,185 24 31 135,435,408 109,600,095 39 40 950,214 596,966 29 24 85,630 251,692 195,600 29 24 85,630 56,092 27 33 1,313,270 767,030 6 10 942 1,782 7 9 164 499 62 20 519,088 131,419 8,372 57 17 8,825,802 2,398,256 5 3 25 435 60 134 58,842 71,446 25 38 11,778 43,853 37,696 25 34 11,778 6,157 42 108 132,940 109,349 16 517 1,114 23 59 219 550 23 130,000 168, 537 26,000 5 5 1,935,000 2,555,086 51,818 22,776 3,400 1,784 3,400 1,784 5 5 128,020 43,459 2 20 150 1 3 15 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 . Milk sold as whole milk farms repeating 1959 1954. pounds 1959 . 1954. Cream sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. pounds of butterfat 1959 - 1954. PI1ULTRY A.\D POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold fanns reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959. 1954 . Chickens sold farms reporting 1959 1954 . number 1959 . 1954. Broilers sold farms repcrting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. dozens 1959. 1954. Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959 . 1954. Turkeys and turkey fryers raised , farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . number 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under 50 farms reporting 1959 . 50 to 399 farms repcrting 1959 . 400 or mere farms reporting 1959 . Hendry Highlands Hillsborough Indian River 3 130 16,396 26 5 3 1,419 219,730 2 97, 500 16,483 97,500 ,500,000 313,900 12 59 20 138 2,833 131,753 3,306 31,704 5 22 4 33 495 204,738 405 5,034 4 203,328 5 13 4 38 495 1,410 405 5,034 11 39 16 111 6,384 68,245 5,481 64,571 3 10 5 15 71 664 480 948 5 20 17 61 36 288 139 546 5 19 1 14 185,000 167,660 185,000 1 11 2,530,000 2,360,494 3 2,321 44 81 69, 531 79,768 18 33 4,406 7,962 18 33 4,406 7,962 32 60 170, 366 155,046 14 665 4,755 21 28 257 960 2 3 160,408 142,655 80,204 2 3 2,637,864 2,137,057 1 2 76,000 8,753 76,000 1 2 1,078,000 111,542 12 88 22 109 5,875 1,337,751 6,647 527,333 7 70 8 102 3,972 98,570 3,311 55,165 8 3,972 3,311 10 18 85,818 29,391 221 1,185 2 13 32 426 70 102 98, 570 55,165 71 85 3,289,771 1,154,036 7 526 292 18 203 87 1,007,431 119,413 251,858 16,815,604 1,548,129 14 16 58,289 13,463 9 10 18,808 2,758 1 1 15,000 1,200 8 10 3,808 1,558 10 14 124,295 25,660 70 575 4 2 31 125 19 109 110 9,602,985 4,946,351 38,101 108 105 155,071,499 75,247,695 1 5 11,680 731 340 634 3,004,772 1,711,897 263 358 429,629 586,335 5 30 120,996 418,771 262 340 303,633 168,064 275 551 7,094,557 3,071,985 33 103 6,439 130,922 45 174 1,366 34,570 40 31 51 398, 590 107,303 12,353 31 35 7,246,944 1,303,291 16 115 271 262,187 152,748 32 106 433, 514 186,351 7 12 427, 890 173,436 25 96 5,624 7,865 88 200 103,666 80,163 9 29 440 1,608 19 88 230 525,000 228,298 262,500 2 7 8,553,775 3,635,650 1 10 34 53,097 110,552 10 21 11,477 8,527 10 21 11,477 8,527 8 29 132,730 185,753 1 5 20 18,540 3 6 18 4,047 FLORIDA 201 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 on reports for onh ft siunr>lo of fami s. ^-o text] Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Franiain Gadsden Gilchrist Glades 10 1 13 57 57 1 12 1 13 1 5 8 14 34 10 1 71 115 6 1 30 4 8 2 2,592,387 9,000 3,936,254 5,593,125 1,079,595 131,004 135,120 36,123 819,165 3 ss.eis 1,426,134 127,750 5,097,190 57,268 '36 5,672,733 733,011 100,836 4,800 207,306 20,312 184,751 4 259,239 9,000 302,789 98,213 18,940 131,004 11,260 36,123 63,013 5 10 1 13 57 57 1 12 1 13 6 3 8 11 34 8 71 107 4 1 18 3 7 7 37,329,399 115,200 61,474,444 84,099,381 16,439,766 1,883,400 2,314,582 722,476 12,671,025 B 1,125,362 15,834,148 1,977,123 74,276,067 878,722 83,546,618 10,763,442 5 3 1,391,996 103,200 3,073,889 423,550 2,703,513 9 10 2 3 2 1 2 12 1 1 11 60 12 31 309 440 50 3,188 232 1,780 100 50 13 37 46 5 106 84 41 15 43 139 18 8 134 28 12 14 79 47 3 209 206 44 28 128 361 27 12 237 97 14 15 28,479 1,019,738 18, 537 603,246 1,567,224 203,469 44,428 755, 249 343,127 96,818 6,109 470,723 4,449 8,024 16 41,079 695,845 2,007 309,225 1,012,960 180,999 60, 197 859,030 110,434 153,159 14,386 313,993 21,475 36,714 17 23 35 2 53 62 19 8 33 73 15 4 66 3 7 18 28 31 2 104 113 28 9 91 133 19 6 125 24 6 19 5,289 1,039,795 5,060 203,423 255,220 21,117 5,665 270,090 39,465 85,748 530 253,538 360 1,235 20 5,801 979,322 57 37, 788 396,658 25,307 43,910 531,224 48,160 160,681 2,420 48,301 1,558 4,400 21 20 1 5 5 1 3 3 22 10 1 14 1 9 2 7 2 23 995,900 148,000 71,600 230,750 6,400 80,000 218,000 24 973,000 6,000 308,617 42,000 482,454 37,100 154,800 13,000 25 23 15 2 52 59 19 8 28 72 12 4 63 "s "7 26 28 23 2 103 108 23 8 83 131 14 6 123 24 6 27 5,289 43,895 5,060 55,423 183,620 21, 117 5,665 39,340 33,065 5,748 530 35,538 360 1,285 28 5,801 6,322 57 31,788 88,041 25,307 1,910 48,770 11,060 5,881 2,420 30,301 1,558 4,400 29 32 24 5 78 61 35 14 33 118 10 7 114 15 10 30 60 35 3 177 164 39 22 103 291 22 9 208 61 13 31 62,956 1,250,262 40,395 1,268,434 3,590,670 431,621 105,928 1,231,310 320,995 135,273 13,916 326,994 6,393 18,337 32 87,338 190,421 3,233 722,721 1,535,270 253,193 58,201 921,926 147,496 123,742 28,558 680,655 39,346 50,375 33 5 2 15 18 2 6 11 3 1 10 13 2 34 U 6 1 28 43 3 4 23 64 1 2 25 46 1 39 1,017 85 2,594 29,356 4,023 135,718 1,439 101 390 17,469 1,758 146 3e 4,998 934 54 3,000 21,325 72, 500 1,661 124,305 6,583 25 60 52,940 5,725 7,000 37 33 5 43 16 13 4 10 62 3 1 40 15 4 38 29 8 6 63 65 3 17 33 148 2 1 73 46 2 39 556 44 830 1,523 1,061 26 18, 375 640 42 1 3,793 363 55 40 1,209 145 68 815 3,423 12,232 335 11,377 1,762 14 12 16,291 1,578 561 41 31 5 42 14 12 4 8 60 3 1 38 13 4 42 2 "i 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 43 44 Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Laie Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marlon Martin Monroe Nassau 79 14 10 20 1 17 5 10 12 32 34 5 3 1 127 16 28 20 6 19 4 9 19 23 50 3 10 - 1,455,730 363,418 255,060 835,645 63,720 737, 290 500 405 159,003 2,345,237 916,026 1,270,591 491,000 3 502, 567 164,791 282,943 239,811 146,836 365,806 11,376 240 197,794 641,316 313,711 344,795 150,669 4 18,427 25,958 25,506 41,782 63,720 43,370 100 41 13,250 73,239 26,942 254,118 163,667 5 74 14 10 20 1 12 5 10 12 32 34 5 3 6 82 10 28 19 6 16 4 4 16 23 40 3 8 '' 26,196,114 5,714,138 3,347,210 12,439,621 1,098,000 11,210,162 10,000 10,406 2,436,105 38,198,858 13,925,515 19,862,386 6,730,100 8 8,948,266 2,661,915 5,231,131 4,145,957 2,129,833 5,913,099 122,662 4,945 3,453,579 9,483,280 5,304,919 4,243,357 2,125,094 9 10 6 45 6 1 5 3 5 3 'io 2 11 640 250 12 3,245 521 12 9,052 90 1,020 2,458 75 in 343 57 78 95 25 74 96 38 115 44 242 8 1 68 14 586 110 103 191 57 138 133 86 181 86 343 20 104 15 16 17 18 746,479 21,720 9,399 617,170 156,623 213,015 119,096 255,872 193,886 274,635 1,719,140 17,099 36,200 1,858,516 437,983 20,967 20,324 346,180 159,033 173,738 92,567 394,220 102,372 161,076 743,721 5,462 842,840 119 29 20 62 17 31 32 30 44 31 132 6 1 60 164 28 31 111 25 57 38 63 87 41 159 10 89 19 292,817 2,980 1,340 183,358 11,195 100,657 10,466 44,428 117,352 26,657 339,534 1,157 2,000 365,274 20 507, 300 1,508 1,630 117,145 24,260 30,515 18,857 444,433 14,321 38,684 512,482 382 243,154 ■n 6 1 1 5 3 5 22 8 4 1 1 26 1 2 11 12 23 224,731 108,000 75,000 109,300 211,000 170,700 24 481,684 81,922 12,500 17,700 427,350 1,000 23,000 460,349 157,300 25 116 29 20 61 17 30 32 30 39 31 129 6 1 56 26 158 28 31 109 25 56 38 39 86 41 150 10 77 27 68,036 2,980 1,340 75,358 11,195 25,657 10,466 44,428 8,052 26,657 178, 534 1,157 2,000 194, 574 28 25,616 1,508 1,630 35,223 11,760 12,815 18,357 17,083 13,321 15,684 52,133 382 90,854 29 256 42 61 81 20 43 85 33 84 38 194 6 1 57 30 458 88 91 166 49 102 92 49 143 71 256 10 95 .11 1,513,743 50,433 20,146 1,334,474 385,375 397,682 284,964 592,779 339,456 666,254 2,304,982 41,265 90,000 4,260,353 32 448,349 43,371 22,085 623,152 231,569 437,449 187,154 334,306 238,207 273,740 930,799 9,524 2,010,243 33 54 5 13 6 2 14 9 5 17 5 40 2 6 34 91 19 9 21 8 37 59 7 25 12 78 6 4 35 4,059 410 805 198 170 5,558 2,204 253 1,326 135 614,393 370 2,905 36 7,192 1,903 10,600 1,980 3,320 5,653 11,206 432 3,702 1,702 33,061 438 465 37 38 39 40 157 14 15 9 4 25 17 9 35 16 93 5 9 274 36 12 44 39 97 79 12 65 31 175 11 9 1,525 140 231 75 61 731 679 146 490 105 169,977 69 700 2,606 514 1,515 652 396 1,533 2,396 173 332 246 8,154 139 167 41 152 14 15 9 4 22 14 9 33 16 84 5 7 42 5 3 3 2 4 5 1 1 43 44 202 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for Hairy products sold for 1959 are based (For definitions and explanations, see text) Orange DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold rarms reporting dollars Average sales per farm reporting dollars Milk scjd as whole milk famis reporting pounds Creun sold farms repcrting pounds of butlerfal POULTRY AND POIILTRV PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms repcrting number Other chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold fanns reporting dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting number Farms repotting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under 50 farms reporting 50 to 399 farms reporting 400 or nore farms reporting 1959. 1951, 1959. 1951. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959, 1959. 26 975 106,609 98 10 16 11,220 1,602,877 5 10 625 316 135 225 75,563 99,450 39 100 9,255 35,369 26,500 39 100 9,255 8,869 110 179 177,C»9 176,101 13 22 1,404 1,669 40 60 495 686 37 3 3,114,913 38,019 183,230 17 5 47,469,801 556,609 41 51 3,354,861 2,072,092 81,826 41 50 49,469,284 30,491,670 14 99 35 240 20,899 581,856 11,100 448,009 7 58 8 139 1,922 50,711 1,936 142,187 1 11 8,400 100,423 7 58 8 132 1,922 42, 3U 1,936 41,764 13 74 31 203 50,877 1,325,970 20,207 709,416 17 3 32 37,173 141 34,805 11 22 18 67 78 8,177 103 8,584 11 11 371,920 191,311 33,811 11 11 7,162,527 2,852,766 35 116 154,352 140,867 18 56 13,830 114,372 105,500 18 55 13,830 8,872 28 104 373,445 182,153 15 1,101 1,670 14 30 237 354 13 1 40 43 7,600,430 3,068,453 190,011 40 43 114,777,059 45,214,818 39 94 638,862 539,396 30 43 103,572 241,205 2 U 47,500 200,364 29 32 56,072 40,841 33 71 1,495,338 618,848 3 23 615 2,520 3 37 53 557 2 1 22 20 893,571 172,991 40,617 22 17 13,443,004 2,913,181 3 326 145 238 2,453,515 922,193 125 159 324,228 379,990 4 7 65,793 288,444 123 154 258,435 91,546 133 203 5,249,028 1,485,272 7 31 230,701 51,854 8 42 96,175 16,187 5 2 1 9 41 1,179,485 1,981,497 131,054 9 40 19,603,091 28,862,752 1 46 51 137 909,779 611,738 42 82 68,155 109,293 56,500 42 80 68,155 52,793 46 115 2,199,933 1,083,461 3 27 14,320 33,409 3 35 2,509 5,734 74 60 2,688,194 1,109,653 36,327 74 57 42,922,227 17,673,430 3 575 167 252 890,827 427,493 91 123 66,260 64,850 1 4 2,500 6,000 91 122 63,760 58,850 135 202 1,184,688 851,606 23 33 2,456 4,895 57 68 687 1,430 55 2 FLORIDA 203 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on renorts for only a ^nnipie of fanr'.-. -^-e tcM^ Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rose Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 10 2 9 35 10 13 15 35 6 21 36 41 1 12 7 8 66 11 17 13 37 "5 5 27 1 41 44 2 4/il,271 467,361 782,465 378,570 530,000 428,150 340,250 109,250 , . , 256,926 639,475 185,390 95,225 3 135,995 283,515 79,602 291,495 180,744 539,314 120,598 78,602 39,443 104,490 716,641 12,840 183,620 140,566 4 *4,127 233,681 86,941 10,816 53,000 32,935 22,683 3,121 42,821 30,451 5,150 2,323 5 10 2 9 35 10 13 15 35 6 21 36 40 6 9 7 7 56 11 16 12 23 "5 5 27 "i 33 36 7 6,584,980 6,735,384 12,231,300 6,448,905 7,500,000 6,166,200 5,852,300 2,159,091 ... 4,107,284 9,281,387 3,721,250 1,580,625 g 1,963,423 4,405,367 1,331,839 5 5,011,065 2,939,643 7,552,881 2,104,257 1,347,001 5 457,090 1,861,900 10,185,840 5 125,560 3,062,632 2,637,706 5 9 10 "3 1 825 '16 "i 1 14 1,300 300 "s 8 520 11 12 '56 30 1,436 '26 400 587 620 631 13 68 23 22 146 16 47 57 195 15 41 114 24 131 116 14 106 51 42 336 47 83 122 363 53 82 133 37 264 223 15 1,085,691 409,184 105,196 132,288 60,391 276,007 163,871 114,681 29,693 92,114 851,085 72,738 441,788 228,189 16 887,065 192,743 79,468 112,614 77,811 155,691 209,713 122,697 23,017 31,342 341,327 24,990 354,915 99,351 17 56 16 15 60 12 35 38 57 6 20 72 16 65 46 18 78 24 19 113 19 46 49 90 11 28 71 16 119 104 19 1,540,019 660,180 9,816 11,908 3,442 23,074 18,361 94,461 5,277 53,581 81,519 58,901 730,968 16,153 20 939,224 146,182 13,286 79,560 34,927 29,138 31,832 53,558 2,659 2,586 44,180 21,186 552,152 21,861 21 24 4 2 2 1 1 16 22 34 6 2 "2 1 2 3 2 1 1 35 4 23 1,460,690 646,000 87,000 47,392 5,000 54,000 722,917 24 922,690 132,400 7,500 71,000 25,000 9,200 11,400 41,000 2,400 20,000 546,162 5,400 25 36 13 15 60 12 35 38 55 6 'l9 72 15 50 46 26 51 20 18 111 19 45 49 38 11 28 70 15 89 101 27 79,329 14,180 9,816 11,908 3,442 23,074 18,361 7,461 5,277 6,189 76,519 4,901 8,051 16,153 28 16,534 13,782 5,786 8,560 9,927 19,938 20,432 12,558 2,659 2,586 41,780 1,186 5,990 16,461 29 39 16 19 126 14 41 50 151 13 37 99 22 88 93 30 73 37 35 266 38 66 99 298 41 61 113 28 196 174 31 757,579 184,321 254,712 320,424 149,984 626,117 391,515 156,306 67,657 159,314 2,065,879 108,582 173,554 559,904 32 338,718 183,378 142,049 125,301 81,929 270,634 482,540 196,372 42,009 63,434 678,728 26,455 80,955 202,031 33 4 1 4 U 2 5 7 30 3 5 10 2 13 18 34 10 7 8 51 6 13 15 67 11 14 20 7 22 30 35 1,652 40 459 774 4 19,130 1,081 5,248 405 2,408 757 155 986 942 36 17,280 5,025 2,221 4,417 3,265 9,936 897 14,140 629 3,497 12,828 518 2,699 2,214 37 9 4 9 42 1 4 19 69 4 18 14 4 26 39 38 22 17 13 125 11 19 32 114 22 26 21 13 73 72 39 365 37 117 438 5 5,020 207 1,733 91 680 198 51 241 379 40 3,434 889 534 1,546 88 3,749 372 3,631 262 1,013 2,161 159 1,079 774 41 6 4 9 41 1 3 19 61 3 17 13 4 26 39 42 3 1 1 8 1 1 1 43 44 204 Part 1 of 7 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For (lerinitions ftnri explanations, see text) The State Alachua Bradford Brevard Corn: Com for all purposes farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. Sales farms reporting Cut for silage farms reporting acres tons, green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959 . . bushels 1959.. Sales bushels 1959. . Oats farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes .farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Harvested for beans farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown v/ith other crops bushels Cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage fanns reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 11,905 17,350 493,118 531,714 9,064 14,383 286,167 312,789 7,385,428 5,277,243 2,647 2,826 2,723,142 1,192,360 170 11,365 98,247 6,952 195,586 3,645 1,503 3,433 1,384 696 1,239 258 9,763 170,113 149,531 373 1,001 11,303 26,490 316,343 563,447 139,313 189,005 515 421 33,386 13,934 476 418 374 29,537 17,830 8 707,117 160,138 29 47 528 1,104 537 783 1,058 428 27 2,263 40 548 843 31,673 35,535 382 543 16,131 14,674 462,939 215,857 136,483 39,992 13 533 4,613 340 15,009 168 44 133 44 41 113 5 197 2,585 2,020 11 68 672 1,508 9,047 26,871 1,962 4,940 84 342 740 2,272 128 274 1,593 3,678 25 197 217 1,732 2,255 17,159 118 1,372 344 573 281 347 5,528 5,739 134 1,605 90 241 1,851 3,115 34 185 360 1,614 6,443 23,337 60 1,035 69 1,491 170 65 60 228 2,625 FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 205 Part 1 of 7 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval EBcajnbia Flagler rrauilin Gadeden Gilchrist 27 37 14 41 481 643 3 7 3 12 62 75 11 39 408 572 22 7 1 1 510 850 251 301 1 2 80 654 686 120 511 23,796 21,249 106 272 17 63 2,2U 2,289 690 262 5,923 7,503 835 164 1 2 26,120 33,181 17,235 18,500 3 4 4 22 8 27 316 459 3 5 3 5 31 53 8 21 314 547 20 5 1 1 489 812 104 224 5 6 37 354 32 251 10,257 9,391 106 208 11 31 412 616 153 98 4,229 6,563 745 84 1 2 24,279 29,669 4,615 6,446 7 8 385 3,806 571 4,640 211,416 122,024 5,350 2,380 250 345 10,571 8,068 6,334 1,533 133,772 138,875 16,817 1,144 20 30 803,602 801,760 116,282 88,933 9 10 "2 42 48 1 2 1 3 3 1 67 95 9 198 239 37 44 11 12 300 92,291 U,140 4,000 1,200 125 3,270 333 5,000 22,318 18,730 7,690 210,436 186,260 65,551 18,199 13 14 1 60 180 1 25 200 4 170 1,600 1 6 60 1 31 124 1 90 800 7 121 1,358 2 23 395 1 100 1,100 2 195 1,025 15 16 17 23 557 5 63 363 13,369 50 1,768 5 447 148 1,573 1 67 115 1,741 221 12,425 18 19 9 11 93 1 2 20 7 248 5 1 136 24 20 6 1 67 1 7 66 3 48 12 21 7 2 157 1 18 2 75 7 U6 91 22 4 72 ... 7 10 4 68 39 23 28 1 4 1 4 1 40 28 24 1 64 9 169 1,885 874 1 7 140 126 6 1 5 99 4,972 99,769 96,891 2 ... 32 1 10 300 280 57 4 66 670 535 25 26 27 28 29 1 3 1 5 59 "4 1 9 56 110 11 26 10 4 30 31 20 82 3 114 1,464 380 15 93 1,526 2,835 381 704 249 132 32 33 120 1,076 '96 1,770 23,996 400 3,642 "& '86 6 "86 685 9,950 3 6,544 2 4,660 131,000 2 1,'884 900 1,710 50,912 86,136 18,717 36,147 195 195 13,654 11,366 8 185 181 13,359 10,948 324,243 83,620 12 14 202 418 188 349 7 65 a 2 28 5,700 17,466 1,835 8,148 6. 3 46 80 5 1 3 10 80 166 433 3 4 5 2 32 6,455 2,210 4,600 900 1 5 84 18 "5 '34 1,075 1 '18 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Stub items continued 206 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Glades Gulf Hamilton Hardee Hendry Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Holmes 1 2 Com: Corn for all purposes fanus reporting 1959... 1954... 2 4 17 46 396 576 11 31 1 7 6 31 2 2 38 155 713 1,045 3 acres 1959... 1954... 230 4S7 277 412 22,611 24,844 48 128 5 443 160 488 27 30 267 1,515 29,255 29,355 5 6 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2 4 10 32 344 491 8 23 1 5 1 10 1 1 25 116 560 864 7 3 acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 230 457 129 272 13,809 12,493 30 103 3 345 80 59 12 5 98 805 14,437 15,382 9 10 bushels 1959. . . 1954... 6,350 15,690 3,570 5,644 393,340 199,410 729 2,442 60 6,903 2,335 1,078 500 30O 2,897 16,632 258,962 225,519 11 Sales farms reporting 1959 .. . "i 1 1 161 118 1 1 1 1 5 81 101 12 1954... 13 bushels 1959. . . 1954... 350 300 300 277,190 56,470 50 20 300 240 3,415 33,447 29,493 15 16 17 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959. . . tons, green weight 1959... 2 32 320 3 142 1,140 1 1 5 1 2 8 1 100 1,200 7 118 961 18 19 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or diy fodder faims reporting 1959... acres 1959... ... 8 116 248 8,660 2 17 6 80 1 15 14 69 508 14,700 20 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes : Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 9 30 10 1 3 34 149 21 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 48 1 1 2 1 96 22 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 1 4 110 1 2 245 23 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... 2 49 107 24 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 34 51 25 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959... 1 75 1 1 65 26 Small grains harvested: Vftieat farms reporting 1959. . . 5 147 2,250 5 85 1,006 27 28 acres 1959... bushels 1959. . . 29 1 1,900 6 14 1 5 1 5 785 9 44 30 Oats * farms reporting 1959. . . 31 1954... 32 33 acres 1959... 1954... 6 189 390 6 215 1 61 117 924 34 35 bushels 1959... 1954. . . 120 5,335 5,870 60 3,190 30 610 3,660 15,976 36 Sales bushels 1959. . . ;:; 4,145 2,184 500 2,325 37 1954... 38 Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 2 2 4 39 1954. . . 40 41 42 acres grovm alone 1959... 1954. . . acres grovm with other crops 1959... 2 13 13 144 43 44 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . "2 "3 45 46 47 48 49 acres grovm alone 1959... 1954... acres grown with other crops 1959... bushels 1959... 1954... 13 236 109 1,066 50 51 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . "i 52 53 54 55 56 acres grown alone 1959... 1954. . . acres grown with other crops 1959... tons 1959... 1954... ... 35 35 57 58 59 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . acres grown alone 1959... acres grown with other crops 1959... 2 13 60 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 2 61 62 acres grown alone 1959... acres grown with other crops 1959... FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 207 Part 1 of 7 River Jactson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Marion ivlartin Monroe 3 1,696 2,321 413 733 270 342 36 40 1 6 379 651 279 332 74 139 680 884 3 11 463 565 1 2 U7 68,182 68,773 22,894 26,577 10,357 13,593 562 357 40 35 12,054 15,701 15,981 15,861 1,045 2,067 33,709 39,511 12 36 18,505 13,450 126 3 4 "z 1,533 2,137 284 704 165 269 19 29 337 608 185 236 36 89 580 693 2 5 270 358 5 6 17 46,985 44,810 16,990 22,887 3,332 5,865 336 268 10,630 13,532 7,097 5,672 371 1,107 21,439 23,220 2 7 6,182 5,124 7 8 460 1,304,967 712,038 495,622 299,748 58,834 72,876 10,715 10,412 283,415 294,023 151,394 84,089 8,014 15,511 472,843 342,609 26 137 150,664 75,056 9 10 1 471 446 169 242 29 83 3 3 122 177 45 21 9 6 211 174 42 18 ... 11 12 "eo 348,030 140,942 322,589 117,880 16,943 20,855 8,630 4,175 107,767 148,948 43,467 5,682 1,400 950 173,282 81,297 35,045 3,529 13 14 '.'.'. 23 856 5,510 6 369 3,042 1 9 79 1 40 200 2 470 6,194 2 21 210 9 654 5,298 13 4,074 37,301 15 16 17 933 20,341 200 5,535 216 7,025 16 217 58 954 233 3,863 44 674 400 11,616 1 10 296 8,249 18 19 431 117 59 27 188 47 43 152 3 183 20 221 66 35 2 49 27 12 78 66 21 556 111 100 4 1 90 34 16 207 98 22 223 44 41 1 16 43 3 93 53 23 104 20 10 12 26 52 27 24 161 55 25 2 24 52 98 36 25 11 298 6,105 3 71 1,075 2 90 1,970 •■• 1 100 1,200 8 169 1,361 2 8 120 23 1,183 1A,084 3 114 2,205 26 27 23 3,954 920 1,850 1,000 835 50 7,950 2,007 29 44 110 20 29 1 8 1 3 16 40 3 8 4 4 31 88 13 30 30 31 1,676 3,657 268 1,900 22 156 35 21 466 1,021 72 296 42 180 1,098 2,569 2U 516 32 33 54,609 86,812 5,881 38,644 245 3,070 1,050 840 10,395 22,937 1,780 4,868 540 2,075 27,033 54, 580 4,254 6,050 34 35 19,584 32,858 3,730 15,146 200 1,750 160 4,520 ioo 1,000 8,750 25,605 700 625 36 37 20 9 1 5 2 2 2 6 1 2 5 3 1 3 38 39 316 129 40 lOO 205 17 157 90 44 225 5 79 9 68 135 55 301 40 41 42 7 7 1 5 1 2 1 6 2 3 1 3 43 44 161 115 3,840 778 73 205 1,200 1,326 '17 'is 150 90 3,000 1,740 34 225 400 2,710 79 540 68 409 55 301 1,100 5,600 45 46 47 48 49 3 2 1 ... 50 51 39 14 49 11 20 20 52 55 56 n 98 40 1 2 1 7 1 10 1 5 5 9 135 57 58 59 1 18 ::: '..'. 60 61 62 Stub items continued 208 Part 1 of 7 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For dermiljons and explanations, see text) Orange Corn; Com for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain farms reporting Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for silage fanns reporting 1959. acres 1959. tons, green weight 1959. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dly fodder farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres .. .farms reporting 1959. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959, acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959. Oats fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959 . 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for hay fanns reporting 1959. ■ 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. tons 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. acres grown alone 1959. acres grown with other crops 1959. Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. acres grown alone 1959. acres grown with other crops 1959. 967 661 610 557 16,476 7,964 590 1,075 31 357 388 473 10,412 10,601 3(X 412 5,714 7,293 113,751 108,315 16,596 20,638 125 63 135 43 15 583 11,477 564 1,090 20,925 28,930 16,625 13,170 2,147 1,023 41 18 2,147 1,023 51,524 12,261 565 261 895 805 3 540 6,300 203 280 2 1 203 280 3,350 11,000 31 218 1,185 175 1,517 2,910 1,155 2,910 59,600 76,727 9,300 11,542 2 340 555 551 317 303 10,150 4,088 1 60 625 5 178 2,400 FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 209 Part 1 of 7 Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 49 62 44 45 1 587 733 2 5 9 24 97 189 1,006 1,355 126 164 143 233 26 27 48 92 460 749 431 649 1 2 1,253 1,036 1,142 621 6 19,521 22,325 3 355 323 312 1,616 2,449 60,604 51,611 2,535 3,006 5,441 6,830 373 138 1,882 3,104 15,463 17,019 10,617 14,109 ■3 4 30 41 37 37 1 491 686 1 5 6 12 68 146 812 1,174 62 69 77 168 21 20 13 50 384 703 330 563 5 6 720 718 965 506 6 13,350 16,447 1 355 16 74 393 1,284 34,938 26,234 1,073 1,068 1,741 3,510 282 31 505 771 8,525 11,812 6,077 8,211 7 8 25,273 7,863 19,208 9,175 240 413,214 294,252 30 9,350 693 2,508 26,790 19,732 300,776 334,039 22,710 19,218 27,693 49,383 10,102 2,737 10,565 U,961 176,550 181,030 131,797 107,216 9 10 1 2 15 2 ... 215 177 1 1 4 5 3 326 338 17 7 9 13 4 5 3 3 66 106 69 35 11 12 200 656 10,991 410 143,250 80,205 1,666 50 1,250 2,550 1,560 513,341 101,457 4,930 3,739 2,495 6,415 4,580 442 1,340 1,453 26,317 26,772 26,273 4,767 13 14 3 277 1,743 4 143 803 9 199 1,750 ... 1 270 2,500 3 75 432 2 35 230 1 340 1,546 4 15 83 10 282 2,175 15 16 17 21 256 5 34 295 5,972 1 2 2 37 45 643 724 25,631 94 1,512 110 3,360 5 91 40 1,377 287 6,928 241 4,253 18 19 29 13 1 137 2 7 54 162 59 51 20 17 152 131 20 7 8 103 ... 10 106 19 17 1 4 48 64 21 8 11 218 1 26 288 33 41 2 10 153 123 22 1 5 69 6 182 7 16 1 6 49 35 23 2 27 100 7 1 5 27 15 24 2 2 ... ... 28 22 469 8,620 6,105 1 1 2 44 600 560 163 25 543 5,521 3,326 3 11 1 25 200 150 1 6 31 1 28 400 344 13 25 26 27 23 29 5 1 44 75 ' 1 3 6 7 44 2 13 5 1 4 11 "44 22 37 30 31 118 '20 1,493 1,416 "3 33 60 113 1,465 8 134 127 30 63 302 607 485 733 32 33 1,215 800 48,846 41,348 120 850 530 1,530 11,147 160 2,875 2,804 2,250 1,525 8,400 U,736 12,629 13,476 34 35 31,633 19,647 620 4,306 '75 ... 2,250 250 3,279 5,025 2,391 36 37 2 141 66 4 6 12 1 1 1 10 11 9 17 38 39 ::: 4 '40 6,357 1,716 35 116 52 5,568 1,409 135,686 9,737 4 14 114 307 155 136 53 3 48 '27 155 250 100 2 12 90 250 2,250 1,613 '.'.'. 30 20 i 20 100 100 254 341 4 7 10 189 301 2,225 2,314 1 1 57 40 43 3 319 250 41 7 3 309 1,875 100 1 lA 5 230 '3 144 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 33 531 85 1 5 5 40 100 1 30 1 60 2 8 4 3 5 33 57 53 59 2 4 40 10 144 1 25 ... 1 40 60 61 62 Stub items continued 210 Part 2 of 7 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For dermiuons and explanations, see text) The State Alachua Bay Bradford Brevard Broward Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Harvested for dry peas fanns reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels Cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Harvested for picking and threshing f anns reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds 1959. 195.4. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959.. 1954.. 1959. . 1954.. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: Under 10 acres farms reporting 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting lOO or more acres farms reporting Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 943 1,820 16,536 15,899 1,436 4,363 233 415 3,443 2,718 184 257 20,666 27,658 98 178 1,091 1,984 58 146 1,052 1,347 473 1,037 6,815 8,575 855 2,474 212 315 5,187 2,622 339 1,486 5,502 8,421 85,090 119,970 27,978 37,700 3,422 4,309 47,523 51,012 586 358 44,897,747 39,111,367 1,291 3,601 15, 377 43,921 540 736 11,807 32, 599 1,997 950 333 102 40 1,013 1,895 6,432 9,086 12,877 24,078 34,035 14,437 27 92 342 488 22 103 7 16 74 58 3 149 ,113 2 7 15 39 233 342 224 388 6,321 8,331 1,011 2,934 126 1,703 1,866 31 132 1,905,421 1,456,220 403 ,292 189 378 1,036 46 77 431 591 393 1,303 4,035 160 178 40 55 113 202 666 213 153 28,000 33,650 43 21 153 42 229 147 10 25 L21 192 9,050 550 91 112 25 12 15 55 42 462 9 31 3 11 3 47 3 10 570 33 30 336 17 92 47 256 58 502 3,340 2,650 14 27 359 62 230 356 18 1,941 FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 211 Part 2 of 7 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden Gilchrist 37 176 7 26 U6 5 U, 16 1,293 69 150 13 116 221 50 49 6 17 17 164 15 25 2 11 1 153 12 17 ■4,250 15 34 41 336 35 74 1 4 5 U 2 10 134 13 24 30 280 35 61 276 397 2,931 4,533 3,105 2,810 68 455 815 71 42 327,300 344,950 10 52 158 516 75 69 410 101 208 323 1,559 1,381 66 5 64 73 762 1,069 887 843 16,011 14,050 16 373 137 7 9 1 4 50 132 50 5 10 106 28 7 38 15 167 2 52 1,440 65,700 15 31 78 33 67 123 860 59 6 2 507 10 25 75 296 37 43 6 507 9 3 167 70 169 699 1,556 5 126 60 85 603 887 39 510,719 763,696 32 65 344 540 122 216 442 171 209 7,321 4,323 251 3,826 53 43 199 185 2 1 164,848 ,141,827 42 64 373 8 23 22 29 29 693 97 188 63 436 138 398 2,470 792 7 Stub items continued 212 Part 2 of 7 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and e'tptanations, see text) Gulf Hamilton Hardee Hendry Hernando Highlands Hillsborough HoLnes Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959. 195*. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. Harvested for dry peas. , . farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres grown alone 1959. . 1954. . acres grown with other crops 1959. . 1954. . bushels 1959.. 1954. . Cut for hay f anns reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres grown alone 1959. . 1954.. acres grown with other crops 1959.. 1954. . tons 1959.. 1954. . Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage fanas reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres grown alone 1959. . 1954. , acres grown with other crops 1959. . 1954. , Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959. . 1954., acres grown alone 1959. . 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. Harvested for picking and threshing fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. . 1954. , pounds 1959.. 1954. , Vines or tops saved for hay or forage fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: Under 10 acres fanns reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres fairos reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres fanns reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres grown alone 1959. 1954. acres grown with other crops 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. 275 476 73 22 20 5 558 600 128 30 10 37 132 296 7 138 104 156 664 967 191 645 30 35 144 273 90,680 132,633 10 16 28 187 37 12 41 181 174 473 481 3,609 6,787 105 30 501 5 14 110 100 46 37 274 369 33 66 15 5 67 15 3 811 380 30 175 20 175 21 21 144 114 33 53 20 12 165 53 14 8 123 22 95,508 13,245 3 6 3 1 12 42 22 49 2 123 1 28 11 22 33 77 34 FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 213 Part 2 of 7 Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Uie 1 Lee Leon Levy Uberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Monroe 71 32 6 6 1 36 16 8 152 4 74 2 1 3 331 58 11 12 2 76 24 30 212 12 107 1 2 75i 993 85 20 10 926 707 59 6,881 24 1,673 302 3 12 1,810 404 55 42 6 637 551 138 4,783 28 1,234 5 4 53 10 2 4 196 30 178 5 544 167 36 50 1,169 60 128 295 12 215 6 10 6 1 9 1 2 35 14 7 104 26 1 6 19 5 6 61 2 13 8 139 207 10 30 1 6 2,077 287 9 269 66 2 14 56 27 23 1,630 20 "4 149 3 10 11 i'i 2 3 '3 86 1 12 3,067 1,801 '75 238 "e 31 7,205 2,013 13 1,062 553 26 182 837 405 146 17,652 90 1,208 14 4 5 ... 16 23 10 15 10 10 1 "3 17 "i "i 34 1 19 16 110 10 119 344 108 17 85 180 10 8 60 "e "5 504 2 245 20 13 19 4 9 50 4 10 20 95 7 134 225 102 21 48 44 "3 '"4 93 3 5 215 1 211 22 52 12 5 3 10 12 6 97 45 23 204 17 8 4 2 28 16 23 126 2 73 1 24 446 83 62 5 193 665 53 2,885 814 25 10 1,056 31 74 43 10 6 310 433 2 89 4 2,294 168 3 799 148 3 26 27 465 151 28 50 60 103 193 204 28 9 10 1 3 7 3 33 4 10 2 29 41 8 1 2 15 3 "4 21 7 10 1 30 59 693 23 15 584 41 1,575 24 464 302 31 400 22 84 10 10 2U 85 21 355 8 19 30 41 7 2 32 33 21 5 "s 50 1,066 22 12 12 34 1,429 97 161 7 44 243 3 76 1 422 35 1,913 181 223 6 157 309 6 177 1 521 36 27,313 1,142 1,038 34 267 6,853 10 345 7,901 37 33,668 1,090 2,128 210 687 12,685 17 979 2 10,332 38 154 15 1,244 82 6,361 5 70 10 3,518 39 693 16 3,418 64 3,574 32 383 2,528 40 1,374 52 18 3 36 145 23 219 41 1,652 141 48 1 132 119 1 31 150 42 24,488 861 46 10 246 1,811 120 3,483 43 25,384 910 245 20 502 2,520 "i 287 2,476 44 36 4 12 5 23 235 45 16 5 1 79 46 22,345,022 699,935 56,640 2,850 132,620 1,655,970 92,644 4,053,208 47 18,309,972 507,891 220,975 20,000 172, 360 1,602,599 500 199,375 1,778,453 43 577 19 4 1 5 9 14 51 49 1,498 75 44 4 37 48 67 117 50 8,197 189 24 25 445 74 955 51 22,942 573 203 180 224 1,081 556 2,013 52 18 2 17 2 396 53 61 16 100 23 54 5,687 48 43 i 'io 373 57 1,112 55 14,859 217 207 177 92 714 420 1,353 56 663 38 18 3 28 89 19 130 57 435 4 5 39 3 53 58 194 5 2 12 1 20 59 60 2 1 5 9 60 22 3 7 61 49 17 14 2 11 17 5 58 1 74 62 158 18 35 1 33 21 31 165 2 147 63 276 269 3 12 29 136 85 144 5 260 64 161 37 20 12 171 310 43 447 6 1,070 65 398 140 179 19 233 2 740 1,450 66 1,372 330 546 '25 296 223 370 2,784 2,225 67 244 286 3 37 131 770 1,029 2,793 68 841 683 40 50 167 1,380 100 134 640 1,806 69 Stub items continued 214 Part 2 of 7 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nassau Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959.. 195^.. acres grown alone 1959.: 1954. . acres grown with other crops 1959., 1954. , Harvested for dry peas. .. -farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres grown alone 1959.. 1954. . acres grown with other crops 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954. . Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres grown alone 1959. . 1954. . acres grown with other crops 1959. . 1954. . tons 1959. . 1954. . Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres grown alone 1959.. 1954.. acres grown with other crops 1959, . 1954.. Plowed under for green manure farras reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres grown alone 1959.. 1954.. acres grown with other crops 1959., 1954.. Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres grown alone 1959.. 1954. . acres grown with other crops 1959.. 1954. . Hai^ested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres grown alone 1959.. 1954. . acres grown with other crops 1959. . 1954.. pounds 1959. . 1954. . Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres grown alone 1959.. 1954.. acres grown with other crops 1959.. 1954. . tons 1959.. 1954. . Farms reporting by acres grown alone harvested for picking and threshing: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres grown alone 1959.. 1954. . acres grown with other crops 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954.. 9 18 18 129 37 11 1 3 3 201 15 125 77 11 67 15 107 « 629 88 869 17 1 17 i 1 50 1 65 1 556 2 662 600 457,173 300 981, 500 27 6 73 396 « 6Aa 15 426 46 747 51 34 341 17 949 415 384 118 22 130 3,015 1,950 38,120 1 240 10 25 121 150 5 144 50 261 6 lie 43 6,060 6,100 1 5 15 14 FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 215 Part 2 of 7 Putnam St. Johns St. Luele Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 20 9 3 14 5 12 42 9 9 7 4 14 18 1 26 9 4« 4 8 15 53 13 18 12 8 44 58 2 99 116 23 100 94 90 424 24 24 72 84 39 198 3 162 169 253 16 155 40 290 29 54 19 128 124 283 4 12 80 35 111 44 31 7 22 14 5 45 15 87 11 189 65 99 8 48 70 62 6 3 1 3 1 3 14 1 1 9 11 7 4 1 1 5 "l 2 3 18 12 8 4 65 2 16 16 124 2 2 9 67 9 6 1 3 25 2 6 5 1 29 13 10 15 80 3 2 7 3 1 3 11 12 60 1,300 250 320 40 778 5 '20 48 464 13 99 1 36 47 25 66 90 77 194 80 14 3 1 7 4 2 2 15 2 17 2 32 1 1 1 36 14 9 2 1 70 2 6 46 16 17 33 55 22 10 8 1 2 85 140 3 10 40 40 7 27 31 13 19 20 21 15 32 12 1 2 74 6 50 "e 14 22 U 1 2 9 1 3 23 9 9 2 5 8 23 15 3 35 3 li 26 8 13 3 6 24 38 24 66 1 "s 63 6 33 224 24 22 14 28 85 25 104 105 142 27 33 105 15 43 9 37 74 142 26 2 20 31 44 31 15 13 27 15 15 82 10 153 57 97 40 62 59 28 7 4 1 1 3 1 4 6 1 29 9 6 8 2 4 2 9 "2 3 6 6 "5 30 29 33 'is 3 72 5 67 70 2 31 25 64 88 7 124 5 20 2 5 5 14 ioi 32 10 80 7 33 30 ... 5 1 33 "s 8 5 34 6 2 345 3 43 643 23 13 3 18 195 112 35 12 450 2 102 958 48 83 1 54 351 250 36 26 11 5,536 5 469 6,117 109 61 172 586 1,286 931 37 47 5,964 7 1,163 13,214 159 618 1 1,046 2,190 1,802 38 2 5 150 10,300 40 44 4 14 9 39 17 255 291 12,696 527 500 25 66 120 40 1 322 3 3 175 2 7 2 10 142 90 41 1 395 1 5 201 2 5 13 240 114 42 12 4,998 4 32 1,247 6 59 168 382 912 728 43 8 4,917 10 2 55 1,544 81 4 9 10 25 310 1,333 5 5 739 3 3 44 45 46 12,500 4,768,972 4,600 31,700 1,578,222 7,800 61,255 128,249 295,300 794,600 696,439 47 6,312 4,342,422 1,000 37,240 1,519,420 6,575 11,200 236, 164 1,394,251 567,314 43 1 1 64 1 8 39 1 9 114 54 49 2 373 2 37 99 3 1 13 234 150 50 1 10 791 1 58 175 48 156 738 483 51 2 4,667 4 10 7 552 5 10 1,525 25 13 19 i 292 1,294 5 1,010 3 4 52 53 54 1 3 572 1 102 163 '25 183 692 322 55 2 4,904 7 648 794 13 "i 196 1,284 886 56 124 3 2 139 2 4 4 109 63 57 1 150 23 3 2 31 23 53 39 1 10 1 2 2 4 59 8 2 60 1 1 1 2 61 2 47 1 13 116 8 14 2 6 52 48 62 9 47 2 19 241 19 22 3 9 69 72 63 30 166 25 205 460 35 31 1 175 194 441 64 71 124 13 187 610 25 293 6 152 115 159 65 45 279 70 1,843 114 244 41 250 836 305 66 90 220 385 81 4,531 11,534 147 189 226 12 3 72 839 459 343 275 67 68 30 302 64 1,525 157 140 '30 25 1,419 180 69 Stub Items continued 216 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 3 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definilions and explanalions. see text) The State Alachua BaJier Bay Bradford Brevard Broward Calhoun 1 Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959 . . . 72,854 3,366 43 344 795 166 1,795 432 2 1954 . . . 63,083 2,983 395 1,515 404 479 1,135 863 3 Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1,624 88 4 6 41 10 15 17 4 1954... 1,740 107 13 5 48 5 3 31 5 acres 1959... 69,160 3,343 43 344 795 166 1,790 432 6 1954... 62,691 2,961 395 1,515 404 479 1,135 868 7 tons 1959 . . . 119,526 4,461 45 1,106 774 265 5,965 398 8 1954 . . . 86,142 2,986 371 1,362 363 814 2,535 720 9 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 270 12 1 6 3 3 10 1954... 188 13 2 1 8 11 tons 1959... 13,202 501 10 99 2,300 170 12 1954 . . . 10,013 258 41 5 ... 229 13 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959 . . . 52 1 1 14 1954 . . . 7 2 15 acres 1959. . . 3,694 23 5 16 1954... 392 22 17 tons, green weight 1959... 28,124 230 50 18 1954 . . . 2,360 100 19 Field seed crops harvested: Lupine seed ................. .farms reporting 1959 . . . 147 9 \ 1 13 20 1954 .. . 775 81 5 ... 21 acres 1959 . . . 3,850 381 20 5 22 1954 . . . 23,071 2,423 97 135 23 pounds 1959... 1,357,381 66,250 13,000 2,400 24 1954 . . . 5,335,234 577,180 16,400 39,830 25 Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use 1,203 22 7 43 8 6 6 26 1954 . . . 5,467 lU 117 80 109 30 1 104 27 acres 1959^.. 27,254 711 1 1 12 (Z) (Z) 2S 1954I . . 32,243 823 3 4 273 2 500 2 29 bushels 1959 .. . 5,527,395 80,200 149 264 694 43 40 30 1954 . . . 9,126,264 187,239 1,520 613 48,078 518 175,000 549 31 Sweetpotatoes for hone use or for sale farms reporting 1959 . . . 2,019 95 9 32 45 3 1 10 32 1954... 4,440 57 46 54 38 12 1 102 33 acres 1959'.. 2,052 109 9 7 59 (Z) (Z) 9 34 I954I . . 2,565 104 9 9 7 45 15 44 35 bushels 1959 .. . 205,418 10,937 667 740 6,833 50 5 750 36 1954 . . . 234,352 8,525 985 962 676 4,145 400 3,055 37 Tobacco farms reporting 1959... 4,026 331 86 37 38 1954... 5,599 482 158 85 1 2 39 acres 1959.. . 17,772 1,777 169 100 40 1954... 24,195 2,367 352 285 (Z) 4 41 pounds 1959 . . . 23,412,585 2,241,188 152,526 76,691 42 19; ... 29,615,769 2,783,366 429,447 301,743 200 2,400 43 Cotton farms reporting 1959 2,921 6 45 44 1954 . . . 5,551 16 1 6 73 45 acres 1959.. . 23,504 38 571 46 1954... 33,713 136 4 35 553 47 bales 1959 .. . 13,665 42 588 48 1954 .. . 24,519 85 3 30 380 49 Sugarcane for sirup farms reporting 1959... 1,606 52 10 6 22 17 50 19542 . . 2,473 100 24 21 48 1 41 51 acres 1959... 1,739 28 8 3 20 55 52 1954= . . 2,745 79 14 11 29 (Z) 103 53 gallons 1959... 333,277 2,227 473 538 2,525 22,662 54 1954^. 324,773 8,951 686 1,391 2,999 60 20,041 55 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,829 37 2 5 23 1 22 56 1954... 1,687 142 24 2 13 1 11 57 acres 1959... 50,949 3,108 7 84 431 1,100 352 58 1954... 38,653 5,128 95 4 .^i'j 100 140 Z Reported In small fractions. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. FLORIDA 217 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 3 of 7 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Mxie Duval Escambia Flagler Franjain Gadsden Gllchriat 40 660 840 511 2,192 504 2,500 1,436 87 20 3,101 367 1 402 955 304 731 3,554 174 8 1,216 1,239 291 40 2,327 370 2 2 19 14 14 12 20 24 58 6 1 62 6 3 8 31 8 36 24 6 1 22 62 15 1 61 3 4 40 660 835 511 1,762 504 1,423 1,356 87 20 3,101 367 5 402 955 304 731 3,544 174 8 1,191 1,239 291 40 2,327 370 6 90 957 1,610 603 2,718 1,133 3,414 2,356 258 100 6,692 494 7 1,153 1,423 820 1,161 7,497 322 11 2,084 904 376 80 1,745 347 8 3 4 3 5 1 2 5 9 9 1 2 4 5 6 1 7 10 23 291 305 230 30 65 44 680 11 850 210 1 10 900 1 5 22 438 21 108 733 3,977 201,060 503,358 1,055 1 1 430 10 3,000 25 8 186 21,790 12 1 1,077 25 7,275 300 185 2 80 875 23 403 194,400 50 122 1 8 10 111 2,000 50,600 9 54 440 1,736 247,300 282,336 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5 3 6 25 1 3 2 22 42 4 73 33 25 1 14 5 2 71 46 16 39 13 99 40 6 104 43 26 (Z) 1 (Z) 5,856 (z) (Z) 2 232 3,584 (Z) 2 1 27 (Z) 2 4 160 2 7,696 171 (Z) 6 806 3,344 (z) 42 2 28 96 87 46 1,708,055 4 55 350 36,178 605,905 48 470 305 29 1 254 487 51,100 517 2,820,632 49,387 199 561 130,420 812,091 49 8,814 303 30 6 7 1 47 3 5 35 3 146 32 31 1 16 4 4 40 17 7 24 4 157 4 4 227 29 32 3 3 2 32 3 12 20 2 83 14 33 (Z) 8 4 17 10 13 8 2 2 63 (Z) (z) 176 6 34 322 280 200 2,342 255 2,745 1,753 275 7,890 2,364 35 5 945 1 255 2,310 683 449 1,837 439 335 38 U9 4,755 18 90 16, 616 249 659 121 36 37 1 592 53 269 191 38 1 1,294 101 4,271 275 39 8 2,033 158 4,391 508 40 1,300 1,530,669 145,607 5,606,871 316,393 41 4,000 2 9 7 2,539,692 62 79 157 281 78 167 208,344 1 4 2 65 215 788 1,600 580 1,356 5,555,526 9 44 44 203 12 150 507,014 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 5 94 1 15 6 11 1 84 12 49 14 3 Ul 3 14 12 18 2 125 35 50 5 41 2 8 9 11 1 144 29 51 15 1 61 2 9 7 35 5 315 38 52 610 6,652 130 1,438 1,075 1,140 25 30,257 4,145 53 1,441 145 5,252 230 1,420 462 3,187 350 37,954 5,852 54 20 55 1 1 12 2 59 55 58 55 2 14 2 58 4 7 31 12 70 56 546 1,336 1 4 134 180 1,292 1,583 1,544 5-- 220 530 47 1,172 80 105 288 170 1,472 58 Stub items continued 218 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES R irt 3 of 7 V-' Alll.J' iClliJH^ J A. A r^X itlkj lLi.Jl KJ IV J. 11^ \^ I rn^ivilirtvjrcj rtl>iU y UrtlMll I Horn (For dennitions and explanalions, see text) Glade s Gulf Hamilton Hardee Hendry Hemandc Highlands Hillsborough Holmes 1 Kay crops: Land fron which hay was cut acres 1959... 400 8 3 100 792 420 2,057 770 3,451 1,627 2 1954 .. . 290 15 4 130 426 399 1,801 1,112 1,923 422 3 Hay crops cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 7 3 6 3 2 9 29 9 82 22 4 1954 . . . 2 1 1 7 3 8 10 39 7 105 19 5 acres 1959... 400 5 8 100 73 2 360 1,997 620 3,371 1,627 6 1954... 290 15 4 130 42 6 399 1,801 1,112 1,923 422 7 tons 1959... 1, 154 5 5 356 1,26 3 705 2,354 707 5,277 2,137 8 1954 . . . 475 19 7 71 87 836 1,868 1,853 2,706 359 9 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1 4 11 1 10 2 10 1954... 4| 7 2 13 1 11 tons 1959... 200 23 3 85 85 0 42 555 518 12 1954... 1 46 1 102 230 90 13 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... L 1 1 1 1 14 1954... 15 acres 1959... 2 6 3 60 6 0 150 '80 1 ... 1 16 1954... • 17 tons, green weight 1959... 25 sa 3 190 30 D 800 ;;« 1 ... 1 18 1954... 19 Field seed crops harvestetl: Lupine seed fanns reporting 1959... 7 20 1954... I 19 1 1 4 21 acres 1959... 115 22 1954... 1 3 545 8 3 1 60 23 pounds 1959... 71,600 24 1954 .. . 4,00{ 3 86,595 1,801 3 200 14,800 25 Other fieM c^o^,s harvestetJ: Irish potatoes for hone use 1 1 3 30 1^ > 1 3 1 38 29 26 1954... 1 > 135 5 3 3 4 1 1 230 413 27 acres 1959'-.. ?00 (z 4 J 150 (z 19 958 2 28 1954^ . . 1 L 18 L 62 3 (Z) 604 13 29 bushels 1959... 50, X)0 10 I 452 23 3 37,500 3. 1,250 132,258 609 30 1954... 40 4 3 3, 254 51 10,938 46( 3 50 133,54 ) 2,990 31 Sweetpotatoes for hone use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . . 1 > 65 6 5 3 2 ) 45 32 1954 . . . 3 2 > 91 1 L 12 9 1 5 = 297 33 acres 1959^.. J 141 1 1 131 L 5 18 1 62 34 I954I . , 6 1 > 64 U 8 1 1 60 11 ? 107 35 hushels 1959... 32 3 14,558 2,30. 20,319 20( 3 490 21,52 , 9,568 36 1954 . . . 30 91] 4,377 80 697 1,U 3 6,000 12,44 . 6,952 37 Tobacco fanns reporting 1959. . . 393 17 38 1954... 591 22 39 acres 1959 . . . 1,967 39 .0 1954 . . . 2,969 53 .1 pounds 1959... 3,243,366 26,466 ,2 1 1954 ... 1 3,725,510 48,499 .3 Cotton farms reporting 1959... 189 386 ^ 1954 . . . 314 719 ,5 acres 1959... 998 3,340 ,6 1954... 1,385 5,029 ,7 bales 1959... 449 2,120 ^ 1954 . . . 869 3,976 ,9 Sugarcane for sirup farms reporting 1959. . . 3 E 95 ] 1 ; 44 50 1954^. 1 139 1 14 < 2 1< 91 51 acres 1959... 78 1; 44 1 54 ; ... 55 52 19542 , _ J 82 i 52 1 116 : 1 1: 90 53 gallons 1959... 41,: 00 l,76e 7,566 20c 5,400 34c 32c 12,587 54 1954^.. 22,' 50 58C 6,862 IOC 8,700 la 82 571 8,807 55 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed fanns reporting 1959. . . 107 1 1 1 43 56 1954 . . . 1 le 14 2 I 55 57 acres 1959... 21' 2,991 IC ic 140 45 648 58 1954 ... : 00 19C 126 9 £ 403 2 Reported In small fractions. ^Does not Include acreage for fBrns with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 219 Part 3 of 7 Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Uberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Monroe 640 2,502 1,341 457 1,801 1,235 5,554 1,077 283 377 3,14< 5,299 420 1 1,134 626 881 1,552 839 2,181 952 193 647 58. 5,850 80 2 77 26 29 50 8 43 43 9 23 5] 111 3 3 36 36 48 35 9 44 34 3 37 3C ) 123 1 4 WO 2,502 1,281 457 1,801 1,235 5,514 1,077 283 377 3,04= 5,105 320 5 1,134 626 881 1,552 839 1,956 952 193 647 58- 5,350 eo 6 1,952 4,758 2,111 1,038 2,548 1,552 9,698 1,418 696 498 5,' a 7,304 1,115 7 914 486 876 2,256 1,295 2,090 862 323 452 I a 6,683 500 8 16 5 6 3 8 13 2 5 1 22 2 9 1 1 6 5 3 1 5 3 ( 15 10 811 220 520 417 1,007 375 112 191 : 9. 1,455 705 11 40 175 1 60 1,200 65 97 890 1 1 2 40 225 600 1,700 130 41 i ... = 0( a ) 504 4 ) 194 ) 1,112 1 100 800 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 3 4 2 1 5 20 13 9 19 32 31 15 10 56 5 48 42 20 36 88 36 40 86 538 320 315 21 661 1,639 239 406 2,160 79 1,293 1,561 22 6,500 27,100 21,200 20,000 9,300 196,790 161,500 84,700 23 351,965 693,933 63,520 109,473 460,314 19,000 515,435 298,540 24 1 119 84 5 7 4 23 4 14 17 21 25 1 1,005 49 202 16 11 104 19 6 324 Z' 114 4 26 1 49 4 1 (z) 919 2 (Z) (z) 5 3 27 1 19 2 2 4 1,720 1 (Z) 1 5 5 101 28 125 6,346 679 66 57 147,783 315 26 84 331 5. 359 29 100 5,895 325 1,040 368 428,327 436 112 47 2,U8 2' 1,456 25,188 30 2 224 154 14 21 3 135 24 27 102 IJ 128 31 3 769 176 86 9 9 221 16 21 270 2; 95 3 32 9 111 79 7 44 4 84 13 10 85 2 102 33 10 134 116 12 3 115 108 2 11 107 1' J 113 30 34 711 11,858 5,337 698 5,228 758 5,690 1,080 951 8,086 1,: 9C ) 9,713 35 400 11,881 5,288 1,818 378 17,578 5,354 307 594 8,177 1,; 6( 9,414 6,013 36 58 123 271 13 41 635 3 37 79 177 350 20 66 803 4 38 127 249 1,062 51 98 1,967 7 39 192 419 1,566 64 153 2,651 16 40 125,257 311,390 1,466,138 3,800 55,850 101,026 2,778,214 9,300 41 190,541 405,968 2,176,197 70,730 151,577 2,999,324 14,440 42 820 158 26 94 1 302 1 43 1,345 341 55 303 1 1 524 3 44 5,572 861 113 449 3 1,912 30 45 7,230 1,324 196 75 912 5 5 2,842 52 46 3,184 362 59 158 3 1,106 25 47 4,587 657 134 39 521 2 4 1,832 43 48 159 123 39 125 36 14 146 69 49 309 152 75 11 153 27 14 152 94 50 218 96 23 2 166 15 10 107 1( 67 51 383 130 32 8 119 16 13 85 84 52 57,368 7,471 5,409 500 17,921 1,787 983 18,964 3,; OC ) 9,645 53 63,857 9,077 5,387 685 5,733 972 1,215 11, U3 3,787 54 1 197 39 10 32 42 4 264 I 55 55 161 82 68 7 17 139 15 162 51 56 1,000 4,005 1,282 272 1,005 2,005 58 9,023 ] 6( 1,196 57 2,737 2,085 1,519 131 85 988 5,696 91 4,151 : 0] 945 58 Stub Items continued 220 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 3 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nassau Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Polk 1 Hay craps: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959 . . . 828 749 276 1,496 1,061 1,354 1,348 834 2,592 2 1954... 328 373 43 1,849 360 1,552 3,612 624 2,679 3 Hay CTOps cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 16 21 13 29 20 16 34 14 66 4 1954... 9 26 4 38 15 13 61 16 28 5 acres 1959... 550 749 272 1,223 1,061 1,354 1,318 734 2,502 6 1954... 328 373 43 1,739 360 1,552 3,612 624 2,679 7 tons 1959... 1,052 1,013 4 83 3,200 1,997 2,524 1,720 1,472 3,461 8 1954... 368 405 1 01 2,761 745 4,367 3,743 758 5,476 9 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 2 6 2 8 2 5 9 1 10 10 1954 . . . 2 6 5 2 3 11 1 4 11 tons 1959... 48 154 11 95 410 484 203 350 214 12 1954 . . . 128 31 517 12 450 478 400 73 13 Grass silage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 2 1 4 1 2 14 1954... 1 15 acres 1959... 278 4 273 3C 100 90 16 1954 .. . 110 17 tons, green weight 1959... 2,240 20 2,310 20C 400 700 18 1954... 235 19 Field seed crops hatvested: Lupine seed farms reporting 1959. . . 1 20 1954 . . . 1 5 1 21 acres 1959... 25 22 1954... 1 47 4 23 pounds 1959... 5,350 24 1954... 200 20,600 300 25 Oilier field crops harvesled; Irish potatoes for heme use or for sale farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 50 3 2 8 e 16 26 1954... 11 144 2 50 39 9 1= 22 27 27 acres 1959^.. (z) 1 2 (Z) 1,141 (z) 14 28 1954' . . 6 2 ( z) 3 2 1,800 18 29 bushels 1959 . . . 52 332 104 15 224,600 362 4C 1,518 30 1954 . . . 391 833 14 647 401 295,755 29e 64' 3,664 31 Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959... 17 47 5 2 £ 1 12 32 1954... 9 160 24 51 2a 19 33 acres 1959^.. 17 17 5 1 i: (Z) 41 34 1954' . . 6 59 17 3 55 4- ] 10 35 bushels 1959... 1,084 1,789 ; o: 291 51 1,23- 3,335 36 1954 . . . 433 4,021 e: 831 1,238 3,507 1,86' 757 37 Tobacco faims reporting 1959... 19 2 38 1954 .. . 19 39 acres 1959... 40 4 40 1954... 53 41 pounds 1959... 44,106 2,620 42 1954... 60,083 43 Cotton farms reporting 1959 .. . 99 44 1954 . . . 190 1 45 acres 1959 .. . 1,006 46 1954... 1,567 3 47 bales 1959... 435 48 1954... 1,340 3 49 Sugarcane for sirup f aims reporting 1959 . . . 13 19 1 1 I 3 50 1954= . . 10 23 4 5 2 1 51 acres 1959.. . 7 9 ] 1 25 1 21 52 1954^ . . 9 13 4 5 130 5 4 1 53 gallons 1959 . . . 1,113 1,608 ; oc ... 25 2,500 205 6e 3,600 54 1954^ . . 575 1,701 S 5( 542 15,120 255 475 75 55 Root and grain crops hogged or grazed farms reporting 1959. . . 2 36 1 1 1 3 56 1954... 4 30 4 1 1 1 2 57 acres 1959. .. 33 596 15 20 262 58 1954... 17 300 31 4 5 12C 1 4 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested, ^Sugarcane or sorghums harvested for sirup. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 221 Part 3 of 7 Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Semmole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Waiulla »alton Washington 1,275 474 184 376 880 844 1,137 550 28 328 784 22 1,035 1,315 1 1,3M 1,611 310 431 65 1,429 2,174 43 318 766 68 353 664 2 23 10 4 10 21 10 61 31 2 11 36 29 49 3 3- 13 11 17 7 78 86 2 6 24 33 44 4 1,275 414 184 376 815 654 1,092 550 28 328 774 22 1,085 1,315 5 1,3M 1,6U 310 431 65 1,429 2,174 43 318 766 66 853 564 6 3,321 534 290 602 1,181 669 1,381 571 61 688 1,183 44 1,785 1,889 7 1,642 3,445 352 674 121 1,409 1,888 52 998 1,242 81 860 742 8 3 1 3 4 5 3 1 8 3 5 16 1 7 1 4 4 8 9 10 1,41C 1 60 740 10 15 30 136 27 2 65 480 200 2 190 1,560 157 50 2 45 290 74 686 4 120 1 10 30 IC 147 441 512 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 34 2 2 1 19 2 3 173 2 ^ 1 3 8 20 25 559 ... 60 11 7 21 i 10 63 4,749 20 109 20 1 o: 32 95 22 12,50C 181,611 24,620 1,200 1,400 23 200 5,500 12,200 886,793 6,000 17,900 2,000 14,< 7C 18,200 44,500 24 la 124 2 12 3 12 11 96 9 9 12 16 37 25 41 128 1 36 4 26 95 340 70 26 24 2( 1 333 225 26 1,842 11,102 301 (Z) 27 14 1 4 (Z) 72 (Z) z 2 4 27 2,90C 10,849 110 1 1 20 3 4 1 76 16 : 8 10 28 301,17: 2,141,541 22,833 72 5,756 2,425 209 1,097 75 12,127 220 3( ) 603 462 29 817,463 3,037,887 33,000 223 180 3,890 l,t»6 2,264 392 15,041 2,279 ] 2( ) 2,044 1,370 30 21 9 1 23 2 4 14 157 13 27 30 c 39 77 31 £ 5 8 58 1 24 35 311 33 20 15 5. 320 197 32 34 22 150 12 1 2 19 54 12 94 17 7 17 32 33 4 4 198 27 (Z) 10 21 96 7 63 9 108 37 34 2,39] 1,373 9,000 863 38 177 1,737 6,606 1,850 8,124 1,643 8. 1,219 2,614 35 20£ 488 36,450 1,388 20 1,053 2,133 15 8,367 916 680 84 7,617 121 1,110 1,] 2 L2 6,764 3,973 36 37 27 1,291 105 188 1 1 38 17 3,472 255 424 3 39 38 4,946 337 630 (z) 2 40 17,006 4,320,979 408,367 422,655 4,300 41 46,900 6,166,675 400,368 823,805 15 3,400 42 304 139 4 2 126 31 43 508 3 3 211 3 8 361 209 44 5,559 330 11 6 1,247 460 45 5,964 24 U9 582 21 24 2,646 892 46 3,294 189 6 2 690 276 47 5,026 16 64 436 9 19 2,099 670 48 14 8 185 26 20 4 1] 24 57 49 1 1 14 2 3 31 255 28 23 9 3i 58 117 50 12 7 100 22 57 1 2. 16 90 51 3 15 2 1 23 129 18 50 4 2! i 40 198 52 2,33 2,482 1,185 13,867 4,057 6,134 143 5,. 2 ) 1,219 20,292 53 78 120 964 172 100 2,182 14,935 2,239 13,584 430 6,. 7. 4,880 18,161 54 87 3 42 256 4 108 4 12 49 55 7 1 64 1 1 2 240 9 15 3 c 47 49 56 22 2,111 5 1,322 6,354 49 3,025 181 3 197 553 57 9 239 2 1,076 4 150 25 6,144 97 125 8 ] L2< 394 354 58 Stub items continued 222 Part 4 of 7 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish antj sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reportiDg Vegetables harvested for sale farms reportijig 1959. , 195*. 1959. 195*. 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. . 1954.. Fanns reporting by value of sales: tjnder $100 farms reporting 1959. , $100 to $199 farms reporting 1959., $200 to $499 farms reporting 1959. , $500 to $999 farms reporting 1959., $1,000 and over farms reporting 1959. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet com. Cucumbers and pickles. .farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959. , 1954., .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Snap beans (bush and pole types) Watermelons . . farms reporting 1959. , 1954. , acres 1959., 1954. . .farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959., 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet peppers (except pimientos) .farms reporting 1959. I954I acres 1959. I954I Cantaloups and musloiielons .... .faniis reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954. . Blackey^s and other green cowpeas Green lima beans. Squash. farms reporting 1959.. 1954., acres 1959. . 1954. , .farms reporting 1959., 1954. , acres 1959., 1954. , .farms reporting 1959., 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 17, 107 26,237 4,727 9,766 273,702 323,909 81,909,617 78,267,235 420 351 724 643 2,589 933 1,798 37,977 48,052 499 1,028 34,434 27,840 719 2,166 11, 102 15,739 883 1,855 36,805 56,407 1,917 4,562 52,629 88,041 569 851 14,003 13,405 915 2,059 10,245 11,711 Lettuce and romaine. Turnips. .fajms reporting 1959.. 1954., acres 1959., 1954., .farms reporting 1959., 1954. , acres 1959., 1954., .farins reporting 1959., 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 291 279 1,873 1,469 1,314 2,352 7,112 10, 149 489 910 1,277 2,829 1,024 1,655 9,018 10,984 692 1,201 1,666 2,848 207 331 2,897 3,280 602 443 1,636 1,140 559 993 586 9,434 12,854 1,406,365 1,161,275 23 19 43 40 161 18 29 38 99 31 44 470 406 126 255 897 1,430 86 158 1,370 1,457 125 311 4,236 6,229 11 15 14 42 90 176 742 812 45 98 214 407 54 142 270 678 27 68 191 472 50 104 218 376 14 52 25 64 1 2 5 2 25 18 81 22 131 298 14 102 73 349 2,955 36, 895 2 34 (Z) 7 6 56 10 75 3 28 (Z) 12 2 42 3 49 1 9 (Z) 4 1 1 (Z) 1 7 77 44 146 4 37 7 32 2 20 CZ) 4 1 2 (Z) 112 191 18 24 50 89 12,438 11,790 2 (Z) 1 2 (Z) 216 344 68 202 752 3,104 57,225 202, 521 5 18 5 16 20 112 106 1,056 5 46 19 248 7 55 21 202 32 176 294 4 14 3 55 13 78 47 217 27 107 168 512 10 54 7 35 34 107 12 12 22 29 (Z) 95 149 16 23 47 3,826 14,719 3 2 (Z) (Z) (Z) 2 1 1 (Z) 2 1 (Z) 2 (Z) (Z) 49 133 7,442 16,369 1,777,397 5,234,509 3 11 142 156 2 4 105 505 3 16 23 136 34 82 5,459 10,252 26 109 276 1,862 3 10 15 74 2 9 2 327 18 75 867 ,188 4 1 2 (Z) Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes pimientos. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 223 Part 4 of 7 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Mxlc Duval Escambia Flagler FranlQin Gadsden Gilchrist 9 54 145 140 53 57 16 43 454 575 181 310 12^ 86 134 61 156 514 906 65 44 14 9 535 811 249 210 1 2 3 19 627 1,173 19 14 468 497 15 30 382 611 49 63 5,553 10,231 57 199 1,456 3,299 277 274 35,842 25,239 9 29 612 790 8 34 133 532 11 23 246 427 22 78 137 353 30 28 1,410 1,106 62 176 754 1,400 160 261 4,476 6,648 3 4 5 6 130,417 312,817 45,130 37,565 39,809 U9,7S5 2,975,015 3,743,086 71,490 187,934 17,447,336 12,260,721 122,113 126,111 9,640 35,393 78,750 127,668 24,547 38,424 488,373 328,237 500 99,747 164,650 473,350 282, 570 7 8 1 4 ... 6 1 3 1 6 1 14 3 9 3 1 5 3 1 4 10 4 10 3 1 15 11 1 1 2 4 1 U 14 11 ... 1 2 3 15 23 3 4 10 23 12 3 11 7 46 16 239 7 4 5 4 28 17 116 13 1 U 70 262 6 5 3 4 5 5 11 5 13 40 1,389 4,386 9 16 4 52 160 175 20,631 17,658 2 20 5 24 ... 5 6 2 2 7 18 9 15 1 (z) 9 12 70 49 44 14 39 65 14 15 16 17 ::: 9 6 9 5 5 3 5 11 680 6 25 5 82 10 18 559 1,407 9 "s 1 "1 4 5 6 3 6 14 7 17 1 1 1 7 2 7 (z) 9 23 5 11 16 18 19 20 21 1 13 150 212 1 2 (Z) (Z) 4 3 1 2 17 40 1,242 1,644 2 7 (Z) 7 44 44 1,187 323 1 15 4 38 1 12 4 4 6 2 8 18 4 33 2 1 5 9 2 10 65 36 17 28 61 187 22 23 24 25 6 3 1 (z) 3 8 (Z) 10 1 4 1 86 8 25 2 11 87 86 7,878 3,615 1 6 2 3 1 1 4 7 3 3 6 15 2 30 ■■1 2 (z) 36 116 222 546 31 124 26 27 28 29 3 9 305 594 14 10 436 468 "7 11 27 34 1,820 2,304 45 160 1,283 2,436 2 3 5 76 8 10 561 675 5 30 130 513 1 2 6 35 9 100 1 "3 1 (z) 10 33 8 300 141 251 4,117 6,178 30 31 32 33 2 "2 3 3 1 (z) 7 15 215 400 1 1 1 40 1 3 (Z) (Z) 31 38 712 409 1 4 8 1 5 11 4 172 4 6 2 6 27 28 1,304 1,022 1 4 7 91 28 6 1 34 35 36 37 1 8 100 45 4 1 1 (z) 2 2 13 14 567 326 1 (z) 23 40 54 118 5 4 1 (Z) 5 5 3 9 1 '18 1 (z) 1 10 (z) 31 "s 29 38 39 40 41 1 "2 4 1 1 10 1 (z) 3 5 57 33 4 2 27 4 10 9 313 155 6 5 2 4 1 3 3 2 13 2 45 5 42 43 44 45 8 5 10 7 5 11 33 35 2 4 7 88 16 67 109 661 41 19 624 55 1 4 6 3 1 2 2 2 3 7 3 7 14 29 20 62 2 1 40 (Z) "i 2 15 26 16 108 43 11 53 39 46 47 i£ 49 2 2 (Z) (z) 2 3 (z) 4 1 6 2 17 10 14 6 3 83 25 1 1 1 (Z) 1 1 3 3 2 1 4 13 5 6 1 (z) 3 8 1 17 26 4 50 51 52 53 "3 '18 3 3 1 1 5 1 6 1 9 21 440 506 5 9 6 6 100 64 2,570 612 4 2 4 5 16 14 9 8 3 3 2 3 8 28 16 25 39 84 35 8 4 54 54 55 56 57 1 "7 3 2 1 1 4 9 2 23 1 3 20 35 4 22 1 13 42 36 267 101 1 15 4 29 2 1 3 7 15 8 9 22 11 16 1 1 (Z) 2 7 15 2 34 35 4 5 17 58 59 60 61 1 (z) 1 1 (z) 2 1 "i 2 (Z) 14 10 226 84 1 (z) 1 1 1 (Z) 1 (Z) 3 (Z) 62 63 64 65 3 1 1 1 9 10 29 33 1 1 8 2 9 1 22 10 235 93 1 "3 2 1 (Z) 1 6 8 48 u 19 25 20 2 13 17 15 22 108 104 36 3 5 38 66 67 68 69 Stub items continued 224 Part 4 of 7 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Glades Gulf Hamilton Hardee Hendry Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Holmes 1 2 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use f amis reporting 1959. . . 1954... 21 16 37 70 421 638 234 332 16 36 89 98 26 83 758 1,610 816 1,303 3 Vegetables harvested for 4 14 351 2,060 2 6 1 10 55 249 454 1,724 89 251 2,786 5,260 34 41 6,083 5,536 9 32 485 716 11 20 1,169 1,788 570 1,200 10,486 17, 952 105 276 1,629 2,071 4 5 6 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 7 8 Sales dollars 1959. . . 1954. . . 286,878 604,210 100 937 30,710 82,535 832,019 1,207,838 5,763,644 2,455,632 82,950 55,498 155,473 537,828 3,697,896 3,430,602 67,449 91,190 9 Farms reporting by value of sales: Under $100 farms reporting 1959. . . 1 2 10 1 2 3 20 19 10 $100 to $199 farms reporting 1959... 13 2 1 25 18 11 $200 to $499 farms reporting 1959. . . 13 6 1 2 1 85 28 12 $500 to $999 farms reporting 1959... 8 12 1 99 18 U $1,000 and over farms reporting 1959... 3 11 70 29 7 5 341 22 14 15 16 17 Tomatoes farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 1 2 240 420 1 2 (z) (Z) 3 8 4 5 38 175 248 1,044 19 21 3,442 2,564 1 8 8 10 2 2 (z) 2 56 151 1,994 2,356 27 28 21 27 18 19 20 21 Sweet com farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1959... 1954... 1 50 1 (Z) 3 9 3 16 8 18 11 67 4 158 1 6 20 11 3 1 2 2 42 113 247 905 11 30 18 13 22 23 24 25 Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954. . . 2 30 1 1 (Z) (z) 6 179 9 355 64 211 1,788 2,896 5 17 302 812 2 4 5 16 1 1 2 1 34 77 82 6-49 11 101 6 138 26 27 28 29 Snap beans (bush and pole types ) farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954. . . "2 48 1 1 (z) (z) 1 8 2 2 5 10 16 24 1 2 6 363 1 5 3 10 4 9 345 853 111 377 303 980 14 37 11 7 1 2 80 570 1 3 (Z) 8 14 84 128 967 12 39 239 521 16 10 1,205 852 5 14 433 532 3 2 100 195 33 97 1,471 3,554 89 236 951 1,717 31 32 33 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 34 35 36 37 Cabbage farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 3 305 1 2 1 (z) 4 1 2 (Z) 4 8 5 5 3 2 305 481 7 6 2 2 1 40 102 116 747 498 6 10 1 3 38 Sweet peppers (except 1 (z) 1 (z) 1 (z) 30 86 248 292 4 6 540 118 2 2 12 1 1 2 1 6 298 725 1,063 2,069 5 1 1 (Z) 39 40 41 1954'.. acres 1959. . . 1954'.. 42 43 44 45 Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954... 2 1 5 7 3 3 25 18 7 9 25 71 12 1 114 10 46 47 48 49 cowpeas farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954. . . 1 2 1 50 1 2 (Z) (Z) 25 34 210 176 22 30 55 165 8 5 186 115 1 5 3 18 4 14 2 146 283 604 1,244 2,038 37 77 249 112 50 51 52 53 Green lima beans farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 1 (Z) 3 8 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 (z) 3 U 1 1 127 261 427 682 27 38 137 37 54 55 56 57 Squash farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954... 2 2 (Z) (z) 18 38 65 154 9 9 65 104 5 5 96 24 1 13 1 41 2 5 1 18 274 518 1,216 1,833 9 5 3 1 1 2 1 1 (z) (Z) 2 6 1 5 6 10 3 53 2 1 1 20 6 4 3 6 1 14 138 305 301 566 17 23 7 J 59 60 61 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 62 63 64 65 Lettuce and romalne farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 2 600 2 3 2 1 250 40 24 54 150 311 2 (z) 66 67 68 69 Turnips farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 2 3 (Z) 2 10 5 15 21 6 1 3 1 1 (z) "5 "3 2 1 50 150 91 91 166 130 15 3 8 2 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes pimientos. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 225 Part 4 of 7 Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marian Martin Monroe 36 1,806 372 263 245 30 374 270 151 640 130 722 9 2 1 15 2,461 643 380 335 126 556 417 198 959 243 823 25 4 2 5 266 64 63 111 32 50 132 1 104 90 366 12 3 3 lA 671 188 100 183 79 142 215 7 350 134 468 21 4 254 3,519 1,898 1,163 3,923 3,625 226 3,286 1 919 3,860 15,065 1,7U '18 5 425 5,102 2,960 1,671 6,749 5,238 832 6,230 22 3,957 4,558 13,288 2,738 6 26, aw 294,209 130,458 83,273 614,078 975,268 13,464 306,022 350 73,612 2,021,436 1,565,906 710,826 6,035 7 253,757 215,414 174,755 69,610 1,022,360 1,388,407 54,322 226, 593 555 179, 509 1,975,506 1,983,798 967,150 8 41 10 6 8 19 6 22 4 30 1 9 36 7 5 10 1 14 3 15 3 34 10 ... 69 9 14 17 1 11 25 34 11 57 1 11 1 51 5 14 17 3 16 13 11 45 1 12 4 69 33 24 59 30 3 82 20 61 200 10 2 13 3 24 6 3 13 7 14 3 6 33 75 4 3 U S 30 8 1 56 17 30 3 16 63 151 9 15 16 96 18 (Z) 170 288 7 4 (zj 1 1,903 2,011 579 "9 16 327 26 27 1 105 464 8 27 (z) 156 2,111 3,100 1,335 17 1 21 9 3 2 13 2 8 14 11 18 72 2 2 25 11 23 2 8 30 22 "i 19 "i 89 10 161 250 25 (z) (z) 6 100 96 20 ... 77 2 "3 387 1,271 45 2 12 51 176 (z) 21 51 1 1 35 22 5 3 14 13 13 3 22 1 169 23 1 39 41 31 21 119 41 17 5 23 113 2 (Z) 212 1,324 5 7 (z) 19 22 193 361 24 ' 2 232 54 1 100 1,721 56 90 269 438 137 360 25 1 13 6 3 7 4 13 2 8 28 56 2 26 2 23 14 1 44 5 35 1 12 40 57 4 27 (2) 39 3 10 29 101 12 2 18 105 849 8 28 4 20 28 2 299 8 13 40 7 402 649 35 29 3 195 47 50 45 3 24 U6 80 8 223 3 1 30 5 470 128 92 118 14 85 201 300 11 254 7 31 226 2,496 1,779 1,121 2,541 54 47 3,025 739 583 8,731 225 (z) 32 10 4,236 2,406 1,624 5,526 467 345 5,712 'l8 3,351 29 9,859 562 33 1 7 6 11 5 5 1 2 34 3 1 34 3 11 3 19 6 17 3 34 9 1 35 5 20 50 80 152 6 '12 1 367 24 60 36 1 11 19 22 30 7 (z) 4 238 94 (Z) 37 1 1 55 18 7 24 2 6 38 2 2 2 64 50 6 1 "2 46 7 7 39 3 5 303 750 3 31 11 449 40 2 3 "a M9 680 7 1 "s 102 57 138 41 13 1 4 3 5 5 2 6 51 3 42 12 1 5 6 2 3 5 5 49 43 52 (z) (z) 8 71 1 16 3 9 516 9 44 20 5 47 36 2 12 9 16 436 45 2 61 16 11 19 1 32 18 23 29 67 1 46 167 39 19 8 63 15 17 20 89 1 47 2 338 13 31 187 2 20 157 (Z) 81 88 572 2 43 329 151 28 23 48 63 200 (Z) 74 43 852 (z) 49 20 9 2 1 1 22 1 9 3 3 50 37 13 1 5 32 12 4 7 1 51 28 9 (z) (z) (Z) 13 (z) 5 2 13 52 30 15 (Z) 16 22 4 2 102 (z) 53 17 2 1 3 14 19 3 7 29 114 2 54 "s 18 18 3 14 31 19 7 17 41 141 5 55 80 (Z) 1 503 5 45 38 153 1,013 12 56 65 9 161 3 8 186 24 47 40 310 1,408 136 57 1 21 2 3 1 34 6 6 18 101 1 53 2 34 10 6 81 15 12 17 142 2 59 1 33 (Z) 1 (z) 61 12 (Z) 2 37 618 5 60 2 25 y 4 7 205 98 20 34 1,037 5 61 3 5 6 3 1 2 19 37 2 4 1 62 63 "i (z) 4 3 30 (Z) 20 1 73 332 40 13 130 64 65 22 10 2 5 5 15 6 13 10 1 66 1 a 5 1 3 2 26 3 6 10 67 47 7 1 2 2 8 2 7 83 "2 68 1 u 22 (Z) 1 1 19 2 4 50 69 Stub items continued 226 Part 4 of 7 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For ilerinitions and explanations, see text) Hassau Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Paltn Beach Pasco Pinellas Polk Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes); Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 195*. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by value of sales; Under HOO farms reporting 1959. ^100 to ^199 farms reporting 1959. $200 to $499 farms reporting 1959. $500 to $999 farms reporting 1959. $1,000 and over farms reporting 1959. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet com farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Watermelons farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cabbage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet peppers (except pimientos ) farms reporting 1959. . 1954I. acres 1959. . 1954' . Cantaloups and muskmelons. . . . reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms Green lima beans farms Squash farms Okra farms Lettuce and romaine farms Turnips farms reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres 1959. , 1954. , 1959. , 1954. , 1959, , 1954. , 1959. , 1954. , 1959. , 1954. . 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954. , 1959. . 1954. . 1959. . 1954. , 1959. , 1954. , 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 150 143 7 28 39 142 3,875 12,105 (Z) (Z) 1 1 (Z) 1 (z) 2 1 1 (Z) (z) 476 720 14 20 91 219 3,275 6,730 3 2 1 1 6 11 27 130 1 1 (Z) (Z) 3 1 1 (Z) 11 7 3 4 15 174 5 382 4 42 9 57 29 13 ,793 498 11 ,209 1,180 2,837 ,098 127,200 2,751 ,515 5 2 1 1 3 1 5 28 11 2 10 12 330 27 20 1 17 4 ,250 (z) 1 37b 1 3 3 1 51 100 1 17 1 24 (Z) 553 (z) 749 2 5 1 19 22 106 150 529 1 10 1 14 1 118 1 249 13 3 15 13 9 288 118 13 249 92 64 206 14 173 359 50,850 88,268 1 2 (Z) 3 3 1 2 (Z) 69 161 166 287 89,988 75,483 27,953,777 20,951,890 3 1 4 162 2 7 120 2 19 26 2,104 1,894 2 4 2 5 31 64 24,223 17,352 1 7 1 72 18 29 2,250 1,272 3 5 1 4 83 180 18,724 32,968 4 144 1 4 2 268 4 8 34 9 30 38 3,687 2,248 1 7 1 4 93 162 4,161 3,133 1 75 29 337 1,005 33 62 466 50 95 1,190 1,863 5 19 21 81 15 20 1,412 932 116 359 37 70 1,937 2,885 172,660 219,615 22 38 1,695 2,537 1 2 20 1 30 46 138 1 3 1 15 (Z) 45 162 4,325 10,850 4 13 1 4 2 9 (Z) 2 1 2 (Z) (Z) Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes pljnientos. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 227 Part 4 of 7 Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 130 99 66 686 48 120 218 928 207 178 307 79 561 523 1. 229 166 25 973 96 175 415 1,388 198 299 199 126 989 790 2 AO 81 9 56 18 58 258 234 6 43 41 2 28 75 3 55 114 24 107 33 124 418 622 22 39 67 9 78 211 4 1,115 3,696 1,244 532 1,265 10,512 7,231 4,056 100 894 493 8 137 839 5 1,301 4,480 8,821 925 1,283 7,847 9,901 8,342 232 1,490 692 27 383 2,530 6 301,238 308,839 1,066,573 36,700 653,726 3,232,329 946,610 207,947 6,280 e7,4U 124,834 600 7,589 41,740 7 213,180 1,057,044 4,884,440 35,446 1,047,051 3,121,138 1,248,290 311,363 7,339 98,527 135,535 905 15,638 101,821 8 2 3 ... 10 1 2 6 42 2 4 1 8 16 9 2 1 9 1 4 27 4 2 7 14 10 9 5 1 15 4 22 55 1 3 7 2 8 17 11 7 7 2 7 1 5 36 46 1 7 5 3 13 12 20 65 6 15 16 46 190 64 2 20 26 2 15 13 7 1 5 9 2 8 112 20 2 3 4 2 19 12 14 7 5 15 9 10 14 287 22 4 1 16 19 22 15 22 1 1,106 5 4 4 979 29 1 7 4 (zi 4 8 16 13 1 7,124 4 27 66 1,408 39 1 1 11 7 14 17 10 6 11 1 8 16 20 2 2 5 19 16 18 8 7 1 8 9 17 9 16 1 23 11 15 19 19 15 79 3 3 3,334 50 21 4 U 4 9 17 20 17 56 (z) 9 67 1,064 10 17 6 143 9 16 20 21 i. 2 3 1 7 69 6 12 11 6 4 22 2 2 7 10 3 19 151 81 34 14 20 29 23 2 2 1 2 70 238 2 56 18 (Z) 1 6 24 (Z) (Z) 149 16 36 162 420 120 129 11 23 59 25 10 1 14 2 18 18 19 1 19 11 14 5 26 16 4 2 10 7 53 43 20 2 36 17 20 17 27 25 (Z) 8 3 263 37 33 (Z) 114 15 3 22 28 180 3 1,240 4 4 556 337 6 (2) 147 11 6 9 29 15 3 4 38 1 137 181 2 13 10 49 30 12 8 3 72 7 4 159 574 11 35 "s 58 191 31 lOA 35 21 399 (Z) 4,912 3,393 77 236 CZ) 76 596 32 135 196 35 713 17 20 6,707 7,618 196 360 182 23 203 2,091 33 16 72 3 6 32 10 4 3 31 3 3 34 25 105 3 ■3 12 80 14 1 "i 9 45 11 7 35 569 3,436 82 93 1,409 34 20 11 245 (z) (Z) 5 36 746 4,048 30 (z) 48 1,790 31 (z) (z) 62 113 3 5 37 2 1 2 1 2 18 84 3 7 3 1 38 3 1 7 1 7 41 180 3 21 38 2 3 39 10 (Z) 3 5 3 233 424 (Z) 21 (Z) (Z) 40 3 5 212 (z) 12 320 544 1 58 38 (z) 4 41 1 1 9 4 26 5 1 6 6 42 ... 6 1 3 12 5 2 2 1 9 43 1 9 2 139 10 (z) 3 8 44 5 2 15 60 10 2 '10 (Z) 15 45 19 5 19 1 11 35 66 2 30 10 2 26 34 46 23 2 45 6 14 23 95 8 56 13 2 34 52 47 45 79 38 1 30 184 437 3 192 16 2 22 96 48 94 1 U5 3 30 33 409 18 312 17 2 76 216 49 1 1 21 3 4 21 17 1 18 21 50 1 1 26 "i 4 1 26 36 7 24 26 51 (Z) 1 (z) 41 10 1 15 86 (Z) (Z) 5 30 52 (Z) 1 34 (z) 12 (Z) 59 124 4 14 24 53 6 1 7 2 15 14 13 23 8 11 5 54 7 1 9 5 23 16 16 35 23 18 10 55 4 1 5 3 2 26 30 11 33 8 (Z) 2 13 56 2C (Z) 9 8 2 105 59 14 107 17 6 3 57 4 7 1 12 1 5 21 18 5 7 20 16 58 12 3 5 20 5 9 7 24 4 11 28 31 59 3 45 (Z) 6 (z) 10 30 14 9 4 4 10 60 26 14 11 15 1 17 15 3 3 6 12 22 61 1 2 5 21 21 1 1 22 1 62 2 5 ... 6 36 77 35 63 (z) 1 95 199 60 (Z) ' 3 77 (z) 64 3 29 114 222 181 90 65 7 6 2 12 3 11 14 21 2 10 22 16 13 66 6 3 2 3 4 6 2 12 4 25 9 12 67 9 1 10 8 50 12 4 27 3 18 18 5 13 68 9 3 3 2 15 8 2 27 3 17 8 40 69 Stub items continued 228 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions nnd explanations, see text) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes)-Contlnued Vegetables harvested for sale — Continued Eggplant farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Celery f amis reporting 1959. . 1954.. . acres 1959. . 1954. . Radishes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954. . Escarole, endive, and chicory farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954. . Collards fanns reporting 1959. . 195-4. . acres 1959.. 1954. . Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale; strawberries farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954. . 24-pint crates 1959.. 1954.. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, end planted nut trees farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Farms reporting by number of acres: Under 1 acre farms reporting 1959. . 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting 1959.. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting 1959.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting 1959.. 10 or more acres fanns reporting 1959. . Peaches farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959. . 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Pears farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954.. Grapes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959. . 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959. . 1954. . Vines of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. (Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954., Figs farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Avocados farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested poijnds 1959. 1954. 376 592 2,307 2,783 54 77 13,419 7,604 96 73 20,692 10,834 93 99 9,751 2,983 540 340 1,165 1,014 511 1,089 797 1,758 108,599 232,615 22,015 23,675 724, 134 644,657 1,549 4,424 2,571 3,505 9,866 1,897 1,446 54,945 20,010 26,367 7,093 28,578 12,917 26,784 5,653 2,398 2,268 25,610 19,023 6,001 3,431 19,609 15,592 31,581 23,745 1,433 1,271 22,317 12,447 3,546 5,461 18,771 6,986 173,758 40,141 1,848 1,531 6,279 4,874 1,963 1,677 4,316 3,197 51,030 31,094 1,773 2,829 443,523 501,406 35,324 93,394 413,199 408,012 20,378,565 19,000,965 23 49 147 239 (Z) (Z) 208 258 5,049 4,414 64 26 36 70 37 33 3,623 318 1,913 104 1,710 214 231 51 60 88 682 1,360 167 475 515 885 1,016 776 34 55 224 207 127 83 97 124 598 1,803 35 40 120 163 40 34 80 79 503 943 3 5 405 11 405 (Z) 2 (Z) (Z) 42 40 244 154 2 23 3 413 391 19 9 394 382 300 19 29 78 121 26 17 52 104 185 850 14 15 78 41 10 5 68 36 129 (Z) 1 (Z) 44 51 3,227 4,578 10 15 4 3 12 16 11 163 79 43 37 120 42 23 15 28 32 173 388 27 66 146 322 139 498 23 31 180 218 56 62 124 156 613 877 26 24 127 113 26 70 101 43 752 327 1 (Z) 20 15 48 12 65 96 87 113 10,543 12,702 128 194 1,386 2,283 4 35 29 29 31 16 139 11 18 5 121 1 5 51 76 289 489 47 38 242 451 895 622 32 69 618 195 26 62 592 133 620 1,306 20 15 93 36 23 3 70 33 288 260 1 2 85 5 3 85 1 2 (Z) 1 (z) (Z) 4 1 1 1 263 892 656 856 15, 346 16,549 41 125 100 115 275 40 29 200 112 84 39 116 73 41 23 15 17 1,088 37 144 10 944 27 19 11 22 15 63 36 23 7 40 29 510 115 27 29 54 67 19 25 35 42 397 87 156 191 1,831 2,676 229 6X 1,602 2,042 35,886 61,720 17 46 279 612 36 5 1 3 3 3 420 227 112 73 4,175 5,350 2 201 18 183 100 2 1 203 1 200 1 3 13 13 604 956 99 268 505 638 13,950 21,164 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 229 Part 5 of 7 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Colunibia Dade De Soto Dixie Daval Escambia Flagler Franltlin Gadsden Gilchrist 37 61 1,185 1,037 3 3 12 19 5 9 22 31 3 22 28 1,185 2 1 (2) (Z) 30 33 125 109 2,161 1,432 12 49 18 13 33 20 13 403 160 361 127 42 33 12 14 24 13 155 65 88 21 67 44 212 130 312 91 283 86 24 5 124 10 21 8 112 23 34 16 78 7 481 75 1 6 2 28 'is 2 10 40 1 (2) 2 (Z) 2 5 10 5 38 14 (Z) 11 40 20 102 6 4 2 6 31 29 5 20 26 9 6 4 9 12 117 79 23 11 94 68 225 58 5 15 19 34 3 12 16 22 1,688 1 4 1 9 1 (Z) 1 (Z) Cz) 2 5 15 14 121 61 3 6 1 2 3 2 5 2 35 2 19 (Z) (Z) 1 (Z) (Z) 86 66 7 3 66 45 33 18 76 54 39 45 117 53 28,073 13,279 132 628 82 1,141 568 11,890 336 14,776 6 41 52 134 34 128 22 139 18 186 31 84 16 61 209 550 126 177 67 121 54 88 142 429 72 89 31 743 30 425 70 2 44 12 802 5 579 759 78 73 28 724 5 506 731 514 3 438 1,445 46 8 31 15 135 36 64 209 51 5 15 79 84 31 49 13C 315 115 962 144 35 20 16 38 113 5C 82 7: 29 5 39 X 84 45 43 35 231 277 244 44 1 531 2 942 17 433,191 2 463,650 5 31,712 1 81,903 12 401,479 1 381,747 25 20,141,813 17,930,196 1 10 (z) 8 2 463 297 363 11,173 12,662 39 29 44 177 12 1 32 1 15 1 7 1 3 4 1 10 5 29 5 78 43 25 38 53 5 27 400 4 8 50 100 3 3 12 10 2 10 10 101 225 1 36 1 (Z) 17 49 72 864 367 2 16 15 6 10 4 2 117 2 115 1 2 1 1 15 29 161 172 70 34 91 138 132 115 8 14 107 117 94 5 13 112 352 1,076 10 17 64 56 25 34 39 22 692 226 3 15 14 3 1 500 40 (Z) (Z) 10 13 19 17 1 3 (Z) 1 100 54 137 185 989 1,531 13 54 32 14 24 45 54 619 1,668 185 1,140 434 528 160 101 67 74 1,044 754 108 56 936 698 1,231 307 34 40 226 147 155 46 71 101 434 1,068 58 65 220 254 94 66 126 188 1,612 2,915 28 21 81 36 6 14 3 2 3 4 2 9 56 5 52 4 4 10 4 29 17 6 8 23 9 37 4 6 7 22 37 1 16 21 21 570 485 3 75 10 32 4 43 6 226 53 (Z) 7 54 12 42 124 12 376 5 12 1 11 503 1 (Z) 13 6 45 26 74 85 375 992 16 33 7 3 10 16 14 3,300 78 45 30 3,255 43 526 43 60 300 771 4 64 296 707 1,209 4,655 36 37 83 147 26 23 57 124 763 1,110 44 56 222 180 12 41 210 139 3,284 2,231 22 6 3 20 (Z) (z) 59 32 146 71 37 6 5 3 22 2 124 31 42 21 82 10 46 27 5 171 112 97 3 74 109 275 75 31 3 7 24 3 306 Stub items continued 230 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For (Jefinilions and explanations, see text) Hendry Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Holmes Vegetables for home use and for sale (otfiej tlian irisli and sweet potaloesHContinued Vegetables harvested for sale — Continued Eggplant fanns reporting 1959. . 1954, . acres 1959.. 1954. . Celery farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959. . 1954. . Radishes farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954. . Escarole, endive, and chicory farms reporting 1959. . 1954. acres 1959. , 1954. , Collards farms reporting 1959 . . 1954. . acres 1959. . 1954. . Berries and ottier small fruits tiarvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954. . 24-pint crates 1959.. 1954.. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres 1959. . 1954. , Farms reporting by number of acres: Under 1 acre farms reporting 1959. . 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting 1959.. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting 1959.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting 1959.. 10 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. Peaches farms reporting 1959. , 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959. . 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959. , 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Pears fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954. . Trees of all ages farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959. , 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. , Grapes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954. , Vines of all ages 1959. . 1954. . Vines not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954. . Vines of bearing age 1959 . . 1954. . Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Figs farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 , 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Avocados farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954. 10 20 9 10 11 200 400 (Z) 1 2 (Z) (Z) 129 97 14 13 121 177 24 15 97 162 99 612 28 23 14 14 14 9 282 13 12 67 32 33 IS 34 14 337 203 12 125 107 29 15 96 92 435 285 16 7 66 15 19 7 834 1 (Z) (Z) 1 60 (Z) 73 2 10,458 983 847 27,298 17,192 15 105 85 159 619 45 1 2,035 1 760 1 1,275 4,503 7,041 9 24 6 7,017 3 120,110 15 26 2 2 30 2 45 20 55 10 97 523 58 499 39 24 150 1,030 2 (Z) 70 47 2,233 666 10 4 41 580 4 573 37 7 678 60 109 138 5,069 5,107 4 15 5 892 2,115 810 82 2,115 28 501 123 29 2 115 315 455 22,314 19,341 11 55 213 21 36 5,094 13,216 10 1,520 5,084 11,696 103, 240 650,310 100 140 315 348 (Z) 2 6 1 7 200 6 110 2 1 7 1 11 150 42 30 30 2 119 1 113 1 282 150 243 2 244 3 618 1 465 2 1 ,233 83 54 ,202 159 164 ,497 2,374 2,349 49,248 32,737 170 453 365 460 926 65 101 1,547 4,621 1,056 2,290 491 2,331 81 1,083 78 116 346 366 112 161 234 205 426 138 25 64 176 252 62 143 114 109 360 138 60 99 188 219 87 125 101 94 314 173 120 365 367 5,273 155 2,504 212 2,769 2,250 126,083 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not Include data for farms vith less than 20 trees and grapevine] FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 231 Part 5 of 7 Indian River Jackson Jeffersc in Lafayette Laie Lee Leon Levy Lilierty Madison Manatee Marlon Martin Monroe 2 9 11 3 1 1 15 20 1 1 4 4 4 36 2 1 1 22 15 1 2 18 126 5 (Z) 15 244 1 3 "s 10 4 1 1 40 20 1 1 254 1 1 (Z) 98 2 100 "i 165 (Z) 4 5 6 7 8 9 "i ( 1 2) 20 1 (Z) 2 (Z) 10 11 1 1 1 (Z) 1 '. '40 C2) (Z) 2 1 4 2 12 13 14 15 16 8 1 5 4 20 4 15 3 1 17 2 3 1 1 29 3 1 3 1 18 2 ( 2) 2 "2 6 2 9 21 1 19 1 12 ( 2) (Z) 10 1 (Z) 4 30 20 1 5 2 4 10 3 4 5 2 10 22 4 1 21 22 (Z) 2 1 5 4 10 13 i "i 17 22 13 (2) 23 24 17 863 42 285 881 2,052 1,343 '35 504 1,770 3,130 1,168 "2 25 26 434 217 143 ,1 2,614 116 70 63 15 125 465 598 34 8 27 575 135 161 .7 2,649 166 46 29 38 37 469 609 90 10 28 19,469 1,952 10, 377 1 D2 112,910 1,818 3,970 1, L25 41 351 10,627 14,315 3,731 50 29 21,894 6,713 11, 377 1 S7 90,682 2,503 1,385 1, 20 55 114 8,407 11,885 1,124 35 30 19 20 3 6 61 5 12 5 23 51 74 3 1 31 54 103 36 27 292 19 13 36 10 61 90 134 7 2 32 28 29 19 3 216 23 9 7 2 23 51 88 5 33 68 31 24 3 480 24 9 5 2 12 84 62 5 "2 34 265 34 61 2 1,565 45 22 10 1 6 139 240 14 3 35 2 86 18 9 75 6 17 18 6 27 31 86 1 36 1 74 4 38 60 9 17 16 10 18 32 1 37 10 1,252 96 57 6,152 '14 32 L22 41 110 316 703 '2 38 6 612 7 2 33 677 68 L21 168 46 416 577 1 39 10 901 40 28 4, 269 "9 63 17 3 43 35 390 1 40 6 268 1 34 143 46 34 57 31 335 289 41 351 56 29 1,883 5 19 L05 33 67 281 313 1 42 344 6 2 54 534 22 87 111 15 81 233 1 43 120 30 4 242 3 12 97 17 69 40 170 "2 44 61 2 79 1,351 10 15 42 1 25 135 45 2 102 64 19 80 1 38 31 11 71 20 114 1 46 131 68 54 46 39 22 27 60 10 118 47 1,822 834 1, 355 2. »4 565 2 480 206 219 500 41 2,600 '50 48 1,170 729 4 79 235 400 LSI 338 332 24 487 49 2 350 560 L8 186 1 145 15 4 89 19 1,104 '50 50 160 51 29 78 118 23 17 58 11 167 51 1,820 484 795 2 26 379 i 335 91 215 411 22 1,496 52 1,010 578 4 50 157 282 L53 321 274 13 320 53 1,690 895 1, S15 1 24 534 945 1, 87 166 1,159 17 1,955 54 1,392 =87 1.5 38 121 412 314 646 1,310 394 55 4 54 36 10 53 1 23 15 11 44 14 72 1 56 70 21 30 24 18 15 18 25 12 42 57 13 125 L37 23 5,204 4 113 24 37 117 298 287 1 58 170 37 )2 3,231 84 23 49 103 39 1,463 59 'lO 52 33 1 75 4 61 10 40 58 105 60 40 4 4 3,152 19 4 6 10 19 393 61 3 73 104 22 5,129 52 14 37 77 240 132 i 62 130 33 ,8 79 65 19 43 93 20 1,065 63 25 490 595 8 20 2,413 403 88 232 552 2,030 1,495 30 64 2,185 L39 2 56 406 2,113 26 107 420 52 6,350 65 5 111 51 LO 41 3 34 14 9 53 22 89 2 66 1 96 34 26 28 1 28 13 17 37 24 60 1 67 11 422 210 23 71 13 155 50 31 284 73 133 3 68 5 345 89 >7 59 1 186 33 56 106 72 122 2 69 10 145 41 7 34 3 31 19 2 39 10 55 "2 70 5 69 14 LO 30 1 77 10 20 3 19 33 71 1 277 L69 L6 37 10 124 31 29 245 63 128 "i 72 276 75 .7 29 109 23 36 98 53 89 2 73 2 5,962 2, L40 1' .5 254 24 4,435 1,( .80 135 3,305 423 1,737 5 74 2,891 =12 1,0< )0 140 1,170 ] 09 256 574 200 884 5 75 17 70 19 1 61 12 6 2 76 13 2 88 31 2 1 71 19 31 2 77 143 291 115 '2 285 27 77 36 78 80 6 216 215 2 1 800 43 516 17 79 93 218 50 2 113 24 75 80 33 6 116 92 1 343 34 285 17 81 50 73 65 172 3 2 36 82 47 100 123 2 452 9 231 83 1,331 921 3,620 3,143 30 3,000 84 1,415 3,246 2,230 25 6,334 1,230 3,900 85 Stub items continued 232 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Orange Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet polatoesj-Continued Vegetables harvested for sale — Continued Eggplant fanns reporting 1959. 195"!. acres 1959. I'm. Celery farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Radishes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Escarole, endive, and chicoiy fanus reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Collerds farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 24-pint crates 1959. 1954. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting "by number of acres: Under 1 acre farms reporting 1959. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting 1959. 2.5 to 4.9 acres fanns reporting 1959. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Peaches farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Pears farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Grapes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vines of all ages 1959 . 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Figs farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Avocados farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages '. 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. 17 23 659 764 16 79 643 685 1,015 138 10 16 448 630 1 14 447 616 3,005 1,220 1 (Z) 1 (z) 15 100 202 159 851 924 21 98 35 28 20 140 99 3,669 917 2,886 183 783 734 272 266 112 92 574 492 224 75 350 417 486 170 80 55 277 182 68 35 209 147 1,202 1,590 1A4 102 562 399 217 75 345 324 3,476 4,359 2 1 1 (Z) 2 3 (Z) 1 2 1 122 120 8 12 5,278 5,747 13 12 1,392 535 12 9 144 163 10 12 3 10 363 800 57 2,219 72 2,392 550 104,618 437 86,411 10 291 17 384 10 250 10 301 10 993 2 73 75 8 1,124 681 8 809 94 315 587 112 41 1 82 115 6 303 399 6 88 136 215 263 453 95 2 71 42 13 777 217 5 561 81 8 216 136 10 1,800 876 3 49 48 4 86 135 4 26 43 60 92 405 195 10 128 27 249 41 573 112 593 6 335 33 267 35 238 79 326 455 2,731 5,215 13,523 2 (Z) 338 339 10,249 6,374 11 59 29 55 184 36 1 370 30 104 266 30 50 50 21 4 55 27 12 43 27 38 6 2 22 26 3 2 19 24 195 2,000 9 1 19 3 7 3 12 41 54 113 144 29 70 84 74 2,705 7,470 52 84 928 669 8 10 7,950 3,952 9 9 14,930 4,716 17 20 7,478 1,739 5 5 45 66 16 12 3,585 1,833 64 159 2,347 3,269 13 19 4 6 22 2 3 5 11 2 2 3 9 24 53 1,068 988 739 395 329 593 4,265 4,594 (Z) 2 515 92 817 688 33,212 21,538 38 103 88 142 446 28 55 836 298 548 149 288 149 64 192 54 100 416 315 283 116 133 199 132 172 10 40 24 1,802 7 618 17 1,184 49 2,208 20 51 38 95 13 50 25 45 174 347 26 115 751 475 728 339 23 136 11 6,723 3 5 133 275 373 485 10,516 12,749 21 46 50 61 195 21 29 239 130 149 71 90 59 58 15 18 22 48 47 13 16 35 31 135 11 20 122 44 12 15 110 29 605 73 15 22 37 43 8 21 29 22 110 93 62 98 534 4,112 67 1,916 467 2,196 21, 075 105,283 J_ Z Reported in small fractions .- ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 233 Part 5 of 7 Putnam St. Johns St. Luoie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole SuBrter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 3 2 12 22 1 1 2 5 1 2 5 13 7 2 2 « 10 "i 2 4 3 54 44 (Z) 1 3 "i 3 2 (z) 19 11 20 790 665 44 19 38 4,063 2,651 35 1 5 (Z) 1 (Z) (Z) 5 6 (Z) 4 5 6 7 3 2 2 1 3 3 4 1 1 5 1 12 3 1 9 10 (Z) 160 146 (2) 31 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z 2 1 ) 9 (z) (Z) 11 12 1 1 4 6 24 2 2 16 18 2 13 14 "5 15 60 523 502 (z) (z) 22 11 !'' 15 16 A 4 1 2 8 8 13 3 3 19 8 5 17 4 4 2 1 5 5 2 3 18 1 4 18 2 1 (z) (z) 1 16 3 30 4 1 3 15 1 4 19 20 4 2 (z) 8 8 2 3 13 (z) 2 20 3 5 13 2 2 7 1 4 7 21 1 1 11 6 37 3 7 1 2 22 (z) 1 3 15 (Z) 1 2 (Z) (z) 2 23 'i (Z) 11 17 32 2 2 1 1 24 60 140 160 1,587 '33 9 9 156 4 '24 44 25 29 "5 350 3,169 454 4,124 301 5 70 4 24 26 309 35 509 189 148 550 102 299 9 8' 7 1,022 5 179 85 27 366 82 618 223 146 531 113 173 14 2 D 852 5 124 55 28 3,873 322 31,572 1,897 1,830 14,992 1,072 1,486 11 6AI 3 15,970 11 5,605 360 29 ^,167 432 29,192 2,118 3,498 9,628 1,036 1,005 63 26 4 13,944 9 6,025 239 30 29 13 30 11 10 22 17 35 3 1 143 59 13 31 100 17 80 60 54 163 41 118 5 4 5 248 '3 84 40 32 49 1 45 45 10 69 10 65 1 1 3 159 1 4 11 33 42 1 65 32 26 78 7 42 1 9 155 1 10 9 X 89 3 289 41 48 213 27 39 3 317 22 7 35 25 10 4 51 2 40 10 72 2 1 5 115 129 34 36 10 4 70 6 12 24 53 3 3 21 "2 78 16 37 2,099 27 "s 1,176 5 147 157 1,023 7 7 2 3,530 2,677 450 38 45 8 1,718 28 36 118 402 36 5 242 6 969 179 39 1,357 5 7 262 85 71 726 5 1 3 2,912 1,758 140 40 20 152 '17 21 41 124 18 136 "5 279 34 41 742 '22 1 914 5 62 86 297 2 5 618 919 310 42 25 8 1,566 11 15 77 278 13 5 106 1 690 145 43 4 454 3 29 204 68 1 1 1 127 200 52 44 6 2 ISO 4 2 42 86 12 2 32 1 280 66 45 47 19 2 49 3 48 11 156 8 5 D 160 4 122 48 46 51 29 88 9 11 35 87 8 7 51 7 97 33 47 262 203 421 222 16 IIB 94 1,496 379 49 5 2,021 36 1,082 324 48 389 390 528 34 50 137 927 133 16 5 582 154 659 319 49 55 31 1 51 4 11 46 238 15 2 5 277 2 740 28 50 30 56 78 28 17 21 125 28 4 5 136 11 118 38 51 207 172 420 171 12 107 48 1,258 354 47 3 1,744 34 34? 296 52 359 334 450 6 33 116 802 105 12( D 446 143 541 281 53 227 113 2,100 290 22 186 34 2,417 339 65 3 1,930 100 357 535 54 403 20 426 7 35 96 1,833 485 7 5 338 208 643 239 55 15 10 3 46 4 34 6 90 4 2 3 55 2 93 40 56 19 11 56 12 7 7 71 9 13 6 48 25 57 44 22 9 402 15 1,331 43 324 10 5 5 616 6 455 189 58 131 25 423 43 39 23 458 21 5 92 115 364 86 59 8 8 "3 66 2 438 23 109 2 1 5 234 150 37 60 12 9 45 21 3 16 63 3 3 34 "3 27 13 61 36 14 6 336 13 893 20 215 8 4 3 382 6 305 152 62 119 16 378 22 36 7 395 18 2 58 112 337 73 63 24 293 '53 5,504 55 5,046 15 2,994 35 25 i 3,607 960 1,482 769 64 80 1,055 75 270 75 546 672 2- 197 1,165 1,788 225 65 20 18 10 72 2 20 12 84 1 2 ! 82 2 132 47 66 18 10 3 78 13 U 26 41 5 3 30 3 67 31 67 45 49 14 261 8 29 35 286 1 7 I 243 5 493 175 68 40 48 5 325 27 59 62 104 15 2 2 34 13 262 114 69 17 6 6 86 17 16 95 2( 3 46 5 177 44 70 19 21 1 109 "ik 49 5 25 5 1 2 42 4 66 39 71 28 43 8 175 8 12 19 191 1 5 1 197 316 131 72 21 27 4 216 13 10 57 79 10 1 3 42 9 196 75 73 15 561 30 3,648 1 70 196 977 10 72< ! 685 2,284 2,929 74 56 150 1,683 90 52 1,069 317 450 325 "70 2,118 520 75 10 2 74 9 42 1 4 33 2 76 3 63 1 40 U 12 24 6 77 26 2 310 145 107 84 94 13 78 5 3,573 "3 485 61 31 56 18 79 16 1 111 20 42 '34 66 80 5 474 469 47 31 39 14 81 10 1 199 3,099 "3 125 16 65 14 28 17 13 4 82 83 6 4,442 23,419 'io 200 741 320 460 152 1,605 '25 84 85 Stub items continued 234 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, seetext) Tree ffuits, nuts, and grapes -Continued In^iroved pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 195'4. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. ■Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Tung nuts farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Grapefruit farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959, 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins: Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Valencia oranges farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Tensile oranges farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Tangerines and mandarins. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Other oranges farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. The State Alachua 2,307 147 3,104 213 147,858 21,505 143,085 22,136 19,762 1,042 19,419 1,747 128,096 20,463 123,666 20,389 1,131,164 458,390 437,447 9,662 2,212 73 2,082 54 66,028 2,113 51,663 940 13,635 333 6,891 177 52,393 1,730 44,772 763 710,144 29,392 207,936 3,092 216 11 302 10 2,164,025 169,072 3,391,909 156,190 21,621 11 904,016 1,023 2,142,404 169,061 2,487,893 155,167 60,310,489 3,780,350 49,444,938 4,445,500 12,731 22 15,969 104 6,391,424 1,634 7,545,271 3,191 520,526 40 944,316 380 5,870,898 1,594 6,600,955 2,811 30,935,536 2,415 38,720,314 13,456 35,136,860 27,964 27,618,505 22,177 83,194,590 21, 297 90,897,897 <'JD,782 12,867 10 14,297 40 15,461,658 1,442 11,932,144 2,664 4,521,329 805 2,532,524 1,289 10,940,329 637 9,399,620 1,375 35,654,060 489 38,117,187 6,947 4,773 6 5,763 13 1,470,455 35 1,610,065 105 281,136 2 416,557 54 1,189,319 33 1,193,508 51 3,251,446 35 3,502,901 34 6,801 20 9,140 83 1,243,520 421 1,266,531 2,075 219,659 17 131,942 212 1,023,861 404 1,134,639 1,863 3,668,683 462 4,378,486 6,849 16,335 44 W,527 1% 16,961,227 26,066 12,809,715 17,333 5,085,832 3,044 1,973,74« 1,151 11,875,395 23,022 10,835,967 16,132 40,620,401 20,311 44,899,323 26,952 35 54 1,945 2,221 56 56 1,889 2,165 22,596 1,690 25 19 411 291 112 18 299 273 3,981 400 97 389 46 70 1 1 8 65 6 65 2 31 24 14 7 17 17 13 10 5 15 35 300 17 30 18 220 32 60 25 33 703 871 57 562 646 309 246 554 13 3 140 22 68 3 72 20 W 348,879 533,169 6,576 456,934 342,303 131,235 5,849,015 1,703,000 3 2 3 13 3 13 107 53 61 120 183 9,946 14,363 642 1,333 9,304 13,025 131,160 8,909 60 53 1,433 866 134 309 1,299 557 12,486 315 70,056 78,434 51 1,432 70,005 77,002 140,000 150,000 5 25 7 144 5 9 2 135 3,967 18 1,521 11 61 58 3,744 11 123 47 3,621 16 1,360 45 30 127 100 30 29 97 71 1,096 627 622 785 274,082 326,371 14,298 55,076 259,734 271,295 757,451 794,787 738,090 750,013 1,726,561 1,728,206 529 641 259,837 252,557 16,267 22,401 243,570 230,156 648 , 587 536,237 317 404 46,014 48,641 7,716 10,366 38,298 38,275 111,436 72,364 307 399 7,870 15,051 554 2,371 7,316 12,680 13,190 25,630 624 774 424,369 433,764 35,960 25,802 338,409 407, %2 948,348 1,093,925 43 47 42,884 39,777 2,033 7,718 40,851 32,059 106,325 71,907 256,306 308,807 396,137 463,814 111 37 133,855 222,003 18,100 50,274 165,755 171,729 270,008 336,901 18 18 4,005 11,060 40 2,749 3,965 3,311 6,816 12,428 11 19 11,261 1,053 40 355 11,221 703 8,648 2,503 36 62 57,685 74,636 9,635 7,227 48,050 67,459 110,715 116,982 26 37 1,213 1,189 69 213 1,144 976 1,131 1,652 18 17 144 305 14 32 130 273 325 2,280 43,643 391,143 7,736 231,463 35,907 159,680 1,079,655 2,512,530 ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 'For 1959, harvested In 1958-59 from the bloom of 1953; for 1954, harvested in 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 235 Part 6 of 7 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden Gilchrist 1 19 7 1 71 2 11 4 17 99 4 5 46 26 1 10 20 87 6 2 2 30 148 5 ... 71 14 2 12 127 64 4 1,167 2,501 25 275 884 4,510 205 '57 2,252 384 3 197 614 2,869 138 3 22 2,491 7,346 211 5,625 204 4 59 15 150 10 225 29 942 7 '38 442 156 5 142 34 204 '5 1 2 162 1,820 204 1,506 36 6 12 68 49 4 1,017 2,501 15 50 855 3,568 198 19 1,810 228 7 55 580 2,665 133 2 20 2,329 5,526 7 4,119 163 8 460 345 75 30,652 82,505 100 400 11,153 313 60 1,968 11,155 9 700 305 16,928 10 200 3,211 16,450 161 4,305 1,070 10 15 2 162 2 12 2 6 138 2 1 60 43 11 8 8 % 5 1 6 4 110 59 52 12 106 183 6,178 4 20 10 69 2,804 '16 13 1,916 1,270 13 47 226 3,419 27 4 55 92 2,938 1,844 1,915 14 87 390 2 1 9 54 268 2 13 189 205 15 17 200 425 1 4 12 18 289 113 203 16 19 183 5,788 2 19 1 15 2,536 "s 1,727 1,065 17 30 26 2,994 26 43 74 2,649 1,731 1,712 18 290 430 133,644 5 67 100 8 1,390 100 5,448 61,655 19 145 385 11,915 150 100 545 10,170 3,390 23,648 20 1 2 1 7 4 2 21 2 1 1 9 15 22 6 "2 3 22,396 37 '17 23 10,004 1 "i 1 3 43,469 38,096 10 63 24 25 26 6 1 22,396 ... 27 '17 27 10,004 105 1 1 43,469 608,900 38,033 28 29 82,000 ... ... 912,230 ... 349,580 ... 30 31 88 3 11 ... 326 234 1 27 5 20 4 6 2 31 38 64 23 18 6 602 278 2 62 5 19 1 4 . .. 32 13,403 10,171 4 376 30,382 60, 3U 2 4,880 26 290 415 7 6 33 5,209 2,446 151 535 202 51,245 80,540 2 1,443 14 333 110 8 34 50 6,348 2 10 1,197 4,323 2 1,387 22 7 2 1 "5 35 87 171 38 20 17 7,751 826 150 12 84 1 36 13,353 3,823 2 366 29,185 55,988 3,493 4 283 413 6 1 37 5,122 2,275 113 515 185 43,494 79,714 2 1,293 2 249 no 7 38 42,329 19,906 437 ... 58,201 316,172 ... 23,931 2 295 1,614 10 39 9,329 4,648 167 150 400 73,141 494,616 5,337 ... 463 140 40 55,237 154, 791 67 4,724 53 88,953 545,301 5 37,773 203 2,769 562 80 18 41 67,648 74,909 1,611 3,284 523 134,110 630,608 92 10,781 45 1,874 135 89 5 42 103,062 283,799 6 8,649 21 198,078 1,301,546 90,161 7 7,316 2,126 89 5 43 123,600 222,095 1,496 3,554 609 224,543 1,665,836 '22 7,372 10 1,250 190 19 ... 44 28 74 6 137 259 22 ... 7 2 2 45 22 54 '12 4 "2 290 271 "i 32 14 1 46 25,109 29,458 950 30,907 270,557 4,759 168 501 "5 47 12,505 12,243 65 311 403 71,019 227,031 22 1,250 128 135 48 7,534 19,800 2 1,832 102,657 293 22 5 49 882 5,896 22 135 1 13,594 73,107 10 268 96 ... 50 17, 575 9,658 943 29,075 167,900 4,466 146 5oi 51 11,623 6,347 43 176 402 57,425 153,924 'ii 982 32 135 ... 52 38,206 44,253 3,435 74,914 508,788 19,214 355 2,001 53 24,244 20,696 32 200 600 111,903 524, 502 20 603 ... 20 190 54 15 41 1 2 123 61 15 1 5 ... 55 15 37 9 2 251 52 30 . . ■ 9 ... 56 9,068 5,115 1 25 6,447 3,285 1,557 4 290 . .. ... 57 559 6,160 35 13 14,679 4,181 169 84 . .. 58 141 3,759 1 . . . 415 545 . . . 308 43 ... 59 238 1,227 12 12 1,835 2,141 46 ... 40 60 8,927 1,356 ... 25 6,032 2,740 1,249 4 247 61 321 4,933 23 1 12,844 2,040 '.'.'. 123 44 ... 62 14,271 4,114 20 11,577 7,753 4,029 1 2,115 ... ... 63 629 16,329 6 ... 18,600 5,998 ... 88 14 ... ... 64 20 62 3 4 4 141 116 19 3 17 4 10 2 65 19 58 16 7 4 263 149 4 49 15 9 66 1,325 1,131 10 22 10 3,068 10,361 4,063 "e 81 '21 40 "5 67 1,405 2,738 91 13 12 3,732 19,339 16 581 75 20 ... 68 558 3 3 108 1,154 1,722 1 ... 1 14 69 '54 195 5 ... 3 383 3,072 14 127 . . . 23 5 70 1,325 573 7 22 7 2,960 9,207 2,341 5 81 '26 26 5 71 1,351 2,543 86 13 9 2,849 16,267 2 454 52 15 72 4,486 1,095 6 20 ... 4,141 26,087 ... 8,601 2 125 63 64 5 73 2,366 14,392 108 ... i 4,768 52,176 728 ... 43 2 74 33 113 4 13 u 307 265 1 31 9 25 4 13 2 75 68 129 29 17 20 510 343 6 68 12 26 12 2 76 19,735 119,087 56 3,727 43 48,531 261,098 5 27, 394 193 2,230 '40 40 8 77 53,179 53,768 1,420 2,947 108 44,680 380,057 54 8,781 45 1,587 69 5 78 1,587 54,688 50 1,770 20 7,717 56,436 5 8,475 20 299 12 7 5 79 3,360 6,856 550 1,377 56 5,852 39,274 9 1,702 26 395 34 2 80 IB, US 64,399 6 1,957 23 40,814 204,612 18,919 173 1,931 "28 33 3 81 49,819 46,912 870 1,570 52 38,823 340,783 45 7,079 19 1,192 35 3 82 46,099 234,332 5,174 21 107,446 758,918 58,317 4 4,721 62 25 83 96,361 170,678 1,350 3,354 8 89,272 1,083,160 "2 5,953 10 1,173 17 ... 84 Stub items continued 236 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For (lermiljons and explanations, see text) Hendry Highlands Hillsborough Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes -Continued Improved pecans farms reporting 1959 . 195*. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959, 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Ouentity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Tung nuts farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Grapefruit farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age .1959. 1954. Puantity harvested^ field boxes 1959 . 1954. Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins; Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Valencia oranges farms reporting 1959, 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested'' field boxes 1959. 1954. Temple oranges farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Tangerines and mandarins ., farms reporting 1959, 1954, Trees of all ages 1959, 1954, Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Other oranges farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages ; 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. 10 7 1,518 19 2 ■7 1,516 12 5,332 132 7,900 73 3 4 1,965 46 160 1 1,805 45 5,250 21 11 3,355 78 103 25 3,252 53 2,650 14 16 921 682 23 122 125 100 173 396 22 1 151 395 100 337 2 102 492 320 161 11 4 2 30 12 21 10 11 429 219 349 111 30 108 17 18 471 546 89 245 382 301 3,737 2,865 276 633 111 47 165 636 2,180 1,193 543 373 47,796 53,836 4,901 5,166 42,895 48,670 274,404 306,279 1,456,606 900,142 3,234,720 2,942,402 737 620 550,636 333,019 262,442 119,715 288,194 213,304 1,026,370 919,798 91 60 10,291 13,412 4,065 5,151 6,226 8,261 23,775 31,201 234 186 22,438 14,862 5,880 936 16,558 13,926 63,799 57,975 879 765 373,241 53.1,349 349,7'33 97,291 523,448 441,5.58 2,120,776 1,933,428 61 47 10,460 5,992 1 107 10,459 5,385 29,092 27, 567 98,393 41,360 140,531 77,360 63 40 54,921 24,390 15,138 9,527 39,783 14,863 62,935 34,869 15 12 309 522 330 309 192 1,414 774 30 30 197 472 2 10 195 462 653 653 51 42,966 15,976 24,002 1,340 18,964 14,636 75,529 41,064 64 97 32,391 39, 509 391 4,771 32,000 34,738 60,009 140,292 300,912 273,676 452,632 712,149 63 97 128,681 153,150 55,615 74,547 73,066 78,603 176,549 270,749 14 27 2,645 4,814 1,852 1,031 793 3,783 1,679 8,538 69 98 38,878 37,559 1,870 4,862 37,008 32,697 75,160 127,839 92 124 130,708 78,153 41,595 7,199 89,113 70,954 199,244 305,023 186 316 272,337 282,422 7,806 16,341 264, 531 266,081 1,721,512 2,474,055 1,080,246 784,413 2,765,228 3,373,229 273 4O0 755, 149 511,630 281,470 96,707 473,679 414,923 1,861,804 2,217,630 79 69 53,712 30,571 13,733 4,398 34,979 26,173 139,606 151,988 96 132 22,557 29,455 1,753 804 20,799 28,651 96,148 116,392 191 305 248,828 212,762 62,730 23,108 186,098 189,654 667,670 336,719 84 171 1,040 1,163 168 301 872 862 2,601 2,907 29 75 109 323 42 177 67 146 1,346 1,663 284,942 323,627 35,220 49,222 249,722 274,405 1,164,936 1,277,339 2,881,426 1,672,712 5,285,937 4,140,926 1,390 1,315 1,235,373- 678,338 464,224 216,061 771,154 462,277 2,240,452 1,637,509 484 651 143,841 156,167 19,135 26,674 129,706 129,493 391,915 383,068 650 987 46,936 48,517 3,104 2,404 43,832 46,103 145, 747 149,673 2,019 2,030 1,450,271 789,690 621,108 222,372 829,163 567,318 2,507,823 1,970,676 ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. ^For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 1954, harvested in 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 237 Part 6 of 7 Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Monroe 151 104 19 71 9 40 30 9 67 31 107 1 143 168 32 21 1 40 20 19 51 34 117 3 2 14,802 28,829 261 393 19 1,144 2,242 140 2,090 230 2,278 3 8,486 22,141 346 126 1 2,473 535 191 1,370 170 1,403 'io ... 4 3,229 592 81 245 11 74 1,417 24 1,131 162 1,048 ... 5 3,136 1,025 27 36 1 53 151 72 555 43 229 6 ... 6 11,573 28,237 180 148 3 1,070 825 116 959 68 1,230 • .. ... 7 5,350 21,116 319 90 2,420 334 119 815 122 1,174 4 8 25,982 54,078 6,350 2,675 35 7,655 13,316 ... 6,827 777 20,516 9 ... 6,285 182,987 2,331 1,009 9,773 2,307 '79 10,280 585 4,740 10 153 67 29 8 28 50 7 123 11 63 11 154 46 61 9 "1 25 35 20 86 15 49 ... 12 2,832 9,657 980 50 796 1,546 73 3,647 27 370 13 5,040 1,041 1,068 43 '2 1,129 616 283 2,078 36 505 14 462 141 294 34 33 264 3 413 6 68 ... 15 1,025 74 84 36 1 142 69 13 624 8 99 16 2,370 9,516 686 16 703 1,232 65 3,234 21 802 17 4,015 967 984 7 1 987 547 275 1,454 28 406 ... 18 ... 19,850 10,456 12,315 51 2,587 52,123 48,676 166 11,304 19 ... 5,266 4,907 7,138 123 3,750 5,441 326 9,460 30 804 ... 20 1 14 28 3 ... 16 1 1 ... 1 6 ... 21 20 47 6 1 16 1 2 1 1 15 22 24 173,246 604,669 1,603 233,809 59,780 6 7 17,885 23 437,760 678,020 3,931 810 249,963 106,000 14 540 4 19,383 24 ii 40 57,166 3,725 16,983 1 ... 14,451 6,000 ... 7 4 "5 ... ... 25 26 178,206 600,944 1,602 238,809 59, 730 6 17,885 27 380, 594 661,037 3,931 310 235,512 100,000 14 540 19,373 28 ... 4,297,750 26,749,370 2,000 8,373,000 530,000 70,000 29 6,450, 54« 20,661,900 6,900 6,878,000 2,600,000 400 6,000 64,350 30 i23 11 7 1 1,620 102 10 9 1 4 373 312 20 1 31 561 12 7 7 1,932 145 11 19 2 3 381 421 77 3 32 702, 23* 21 13 2 783,540 27,303 1,035 16 2 9 154,998 41,717 17,017 8 33 811,442 26 14 9 1,132,381 37,998 49 97 3 5 197,050 62,274 9,358 26 34 48,555 6 3 113,257 1,100 25 7 1 10,920 8,517 5,033 35 119,325 17 6 7 191,932 1,459 21 53 1 1 20,159 10,346 113 '26 36 653,679 15 10 2 670,283 26,708 1,060 9 2 3 144,078 33,200 11,984 8 37 692,117 9 8 2 940,949 36,539 28 44 2 4 176,891 51,928 9,245 38 2,567,440 3 10 2 3,915,381 31,345 736 U 21 375,055 104,415 42,259 3 39 2,196,784 1 3 1 6,656,094 83,496 12 17 563,380 280,193 24,031 40 529,307 2,595 431 9 5,938,477 62,711 1,255 131 17 103 482,749 822,501 174,499 9 41 575,794 2,633 1,024 107 4,350,050 77,796 259 352 52 88 292,523 721,193 18,039 35 42 1,241,321 628 34 1 13,176,432 124,747 1,014 45 50 585,275 1,305,961 273,643 2 43 1,305,794 34 241 79 14,023,651 135,614 75 183 'io 5 505,088 2,301,413 64,692 44 309 1 1,735 74 5 2 314 234 21 1 45 420 1,855 96 1 2 3 308 231 24 1 46 270,618 14 2,366,719 32,239 914 3 222,534 110,076 137,679 2 47 333,452 ... 1,770,338 34,913 1 11 6 138,245 82,911 8,511 2 48 44,317 4 705,700 6,463 19 75,146 52,830 62,093 49 19,425 397,665 1,749 11 "5 35,502 25,172 149 "2 50 226,301 10 1,661,019 25,821 395 147,388 57,246 75,586 2 51 314,027 1,372,673 33,169 1 1 102,743 57, 739 8,362 52 570,255 4,561,874 58,543 320 269,569 133,202 219,339 1 53 760,881 5,490,091 64,094 5 232,577 209,432 38,918 ' ... 54 180 2 527 33 154 67 12 1 55 270 1 549 51 169 114 18 3 56 60,047 3 289,560 1,794 39,879 6,336 13,223 1 57 62,780 1 272,824 3,757 '31 22,500 8,487 496 26 53 4,907 71,768 432 6,657 1,236 617 59 6,687 73,396 1,667 30 9,712 4,649 61 '26 60 55,140 3 217, 792 1,362 33,222 5,100 12,606 1 61 56,093 1 199,423 2,090 12,738 3,838 435 62 143,788 2 580,611 2,648 41,182 8,937 21,641 63 105,022 3 808,565 2,062 15,009 6,528 1,306 ... 64 59 15 11 703 36 12 3 14 170 167 10 1 65 155 18 6 8 827 60 11 11 2 11 192 271 27 66 9,146 35 144 195,637 1,301 171 IS 5 48 3,603 10,352 2,338 "3 67 7,649 240 28 'is 225,566 1,517 159 28 4 25 2,804 15,388 574 68 2,649 18 1 44,477 344 48 2 2 15 403 3,215 2,086 69 31 207 "7 39,812 86 61 12 2 2 719 2,654 43 70 6,497 17 143 151,160 957 123 16 3 33 3,200 7,137 302 3 71 7,618 33 28 'ii 135,754 1,431 98 16 2 23 2,085 12,734 531 72 23,026 13 523,022 1,655 71 20 33 6,155 U,295 520 1 73 10,778 5 7 9 723,571 3,602 20 3 4 2,243 41,951 846 ... 74 251 25 26 4 2,194 83 20 20 3 14 365 560 17 2 75 402 26 24 24 2,176 120 12 27 13 13 347 621 74 2 76 189,4% 2,557 273 9 3,136,561 27,327 170 105 12 53 216,733 695,737 21,209 3 77 171,913 2,393 996 88 2,081,322 37,604 99 282 42 63 128,974 614,407 3,453 7 73 21,260 24 137 3 951,320 1,380 25 61 24 89,053 290,542 10,096 1 79 6,043 2,333 229 47 329,560 2,628 3 85 '21 20 27,273 143,959 271 7 30 168,236 2,533 136 6 2,135,241 25,947 145 44 12 29 127,680 405,195 11,113 2 81 165,870 60 767 41 1,751,762 34,976 96 197 21 43 101,696 4TO,448 8,187 82 504,252 613 34 1 7,510,925 61,901 123 21 17 268,369 1,149,477 32,143 83 429,113 29 234 67 7,001,424 65,856 55 174 "5 1 255,254 2,043,502 23,622 84 Stub items continued 238 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes -Continued Improved pecans farms reporting 1959... 1954... Trees of all ages 1959 . . . 1954 .. . Trees not of bearing age 1959. . . 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959... 1954. . . Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . . 1954... Wild and seedling pecans. .. .farms reporting 1959... 1954... Trees of all ages 1959. , , 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959.., 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959.,, 1954... Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . , 1954... Tung nuts farms reporting 1959... 1954. . , Trees of all ages 1959.., 1954.., Trees not of bearing age 1959. . , 1954. . , Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954. . Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Grapefruit farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954. . Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959., 1954.. Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins: Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959.. 1954.. Valencia oranges farms reporting 1959 . . 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959, . 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959, . 1954,. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959.. 1954,. Temple oranges farms repoi'ting 1959,, 1954,, Trees of all ages 1959 , , 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959, . 1954.. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959.. 1954.. Tangerines and mandarins. JTarros reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959,, 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959.. 1954., Other oranges farms reporting 1959, . 1954.. Trees of all ages / 1959.. 1954,. Trees not of bearing age 1959,, 1954, , Trees of bearing age 1959,. 1954., 83 Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959, 84 1954. 18 22 328 432 78 66 250 366 2,360 1,288 22 19 4A5 864 23 651 422 213 2,266 558 280 58 308 1 2 78 194 27 15 19 179 300 1 144 122 5,332 4,398 663 541 4,669 4,357 705 1,956 130 145 2,203 3,271 180 179 2,023 3,092 349 2,504 11 21 189 13,998 64 1,801 125 12,197 2,950 26,810 1 2 1 208 1 200 38 ,567 3 1 200 200 9 5 37 3,363 31 3,307 6 56 Orange 20,053 18,028 28,038 17,740 33,466 23,351 33 37 14,063 8,635 7,062 2,059 7,001 6,576 22, sn 9,395 23 26 1,504 1,308 108 634 1,396 674 2,712 1,412 32 39 568 394 42 8 526 386 1,004 669 50 76 11,903 7,403 4,814 179 7,039 7,224 16,933 12,375 51 87 154 315 76 130 78 135 1,271 1,364 19 22 90 220 6 136 84 84 735 123 50 1,420 70 1,703 5,525 490, 519 6,367 571,677 398 28,601 1,344 92,007 5,127 461,918 5,023 479,670 2,619,044 2,680,634 6,274,303 4,799,396 16,402,814 16,482,457 1,566 1,338 2,803,919 1,952,340 936,606 483,667 1,867,313 1,469,173 6,639,807 5,655,058 627 356 302,805 316, 539 56,377 79,926 246,428 236,613 676,248 764,009 847 1,284 297,790 248,037 73,670 29,375 224,120 218,662 910,031 956,696 2,011 2,208 2,369,789 2,281,980 743,105 337, 598 2,121,634 1,944,382 8,126,728 9,106,694 12 148 34 21 12 127 22 2,517 515 271 258 50,626 54,487 7,422 13,062 43,204 41,425 176,195 264,201 582,343 329,075 1,163,182 949,470 241 219 208,104 114,635 74,531 45,639 133,573 68,996 352,659 293,291 123 129 21,925 9,820 8,536 3,361 13,389 6,459 15,873 19,315 179 211 28,415 16,898 8,338 452 20,027 16,446 79,176 86,335 325 323 324,404 187,722 91,793 57,519 232,611 130,203 715,474 550,029 45 111 39,721 30,390 239 4,294 39,482 26,096 130,657 69,254 84,650 144,725 185,561 143,005 30 63 44,742 71,190 675 10,652 44,067 60,538 88,035 70,960 33 61 10,147 10,217 1,853 691 3,289 9,526 23,067 32,487 23 47 2,130 2,707 6 36 2,174 2,621 5,697 37 94 27,581 60,611 630 21,040 26,951 39,571 68,71i 34,570 234 701 64 282 170 419 513 3,608 13 32 63 81 32 28 31 53 215 181 536 526 142,162 145,547 13,103 24,753 129,059 120,794 442, U3 618,474 2,020,778 1,313,979 3,558,319 3,216,112 611 537 925,554 725,796 255,611 228,699 669,943 497,097 1,560,247 1,671,107 337 285 42,296 174, 703 5,734 91,606 36,512 33,097 82,573 146,430 208 317 48,467 26,458 3,233 1,547 45,234 24, 911 85,237 88,579 702 608 1,004,461 387,022 268,709 63,980 735,752 323,042 1,830,262 1,309,996 243 217 24 88 219 129 1,352 1,650 5 13 12 40 5 12 35 440 1 2 351 466 281,814 420,228 4,754 21,455 277,060 393,773 1,363,181 1,623,065 371,014 439,241 981,413 1,036,669 287 393 189,011 225,274 31,738 32,109 157,273 193,165 495,951 506,846 128 229 18,355 29,304 4,691 12,561 13,664 16, 743 23,700 35,119 154 258 12,999 17,375 192 316 12,807 17,059 38,402 36,367 258 385 150,649 167,288 16,168 15,344 134,481 151,944 423,360 458,337 393 526 144 101 249 425 2,903 1,602 35 31 84 94 33 53 51 41 120 85 4 1 443 2 322 121 2 1,895 2,703 1,631,990 1,937,934 107,736 137,600 1,524,254 1,800,334 11,313,643 15,437,400 6,635,772 6,007,253 22,055,424 27,769,670 2,001 2,621 3,372,012 3,027,259 724,415 428,312 2,647,597 2,598,947 11,420,593 14,223,256 457 551 190,027 225,032 29,305 42,445 160,722 182,587 541,376 561,925 905 1,342 283,315 301,397 23,483 9,927 259,832 291,470 1,225,109 1,275,438 2,138 2,726 2,790,413 2,453,570 845,809 319,759 1,944,609 2,133,811 8,868,346 11,709,051 ^Doea not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . ^For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 1954, harvested in 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 239 Part 6 of 7 Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor- Union Volusia Watoaia Walton Washington 45 17 4 150 8 23 13 195 5 50 78 3 117 57 1 69 22 2 179 20 13 37 197 12 29 15 5 107 51 2 709 82 36 10,304 43 50 125 9,253 72 3,859 325 39 7,197 3,302 3 2,053 182 22 9,263 77 53 213 9,845 304 2,515 120 21 5,161 3,410 4 107 8 35 1,547 7 20 37 1,587 2 105 72 33 1,931 650 5 182 93 6 1,007 50 24 39 1,195 67 125 24 14 557 31 6 602 74 1 8,757 36 30 83 7,666 70 3,754 253 1 5,266 2,652 7 1,871 89 16 8,256 27 29 174 8,650 237 2,390 96 7 4,604 3,379 8 19,595 520 1,203 144 419 5 122,616 422 43,996 2,103 3,731 21,900 9 2,231 ... 10,763 no 185 3,165 92,453 4,050 11,191 95 15 4,686 750 10 16 5 99 3 11 299 5 32 16 2 95 52 11 21 1 202 6 4 20 269 6 7 9 3 73 34 12 245 15 2,699 18 55 9,761 55 4,760 129 25 %5 845 13 261 10 6,160 '22 9 103 11,198 84 339 32 12 1,104 667 14 3 3 142 4 2 1,047 20 2,581 34 248 148 15 87 4 461 "4 1 28 652 14 28 5 95 78 16 242 12 2,557 14 53 8,714 35 2,179 95 25 717 697 17 174 6 5,699 'is 8 75 10,546 84 325 4 7 1,009 589 18 8,510 30 949 352 235,131 169 43,456 650 ... 2,131 3,290 19 270 ... 8,162 500 110 636 91,740 1,235 650 15 2,923 490 20 3 8 . . . 6 2 33 3 21 1 22 2 10 1 48 22 206 36,616 . .. . . . . . . 1,025 2 367,227 '20 23 2 40,598 3 278 1 420,758 . . ■ 24 45 640 2,259 "2 '.'.'. 505 25 'i 1,697 64,391 15 25 26 161 35,976 ... 520 2 365,530 '5 27 2 38,339 "i ... 253 ... 356,367 28 7,500 1,400,310 407,100 6,400 4,475 . . . 6,337,014 2,127,465 29 30 183 28 479 2 131 403 40 11 3 295 1 1 4 31 163 23 531 5 159 342 106 8 3 552 2 6 32 10,442 128 748,904 3 49,731 55,320 1,445 30 3 65,984 105 1 16 33 14,073 258 712,994 30 53,603 52,127 3,726 9 10 73,001 11 61 34 3,058 15 71,352 2 5,564 11,321 130 7 5 1,232 1 11 35 95 43 128,402 29 1,645 16,043 1,457 4 2 10,270 10 54 36 7,384 J13 677, 552 1 44,167 43,999 1,315 23 3 64, 752 105 . . . 5 37 13,978 215 584,592 1 51,958 36,034 2,269 5 8 62,731 1 7 38 18,373 74 2,749,223 3 125,0% 140,276 4,683 47 1 161,077 413 1 39 30,873 44 1,977,624 163,447 137,878 8,040 5 ... 183,078 1 40 209,928 21,720 1,176,371 102 109,801 821,107 55,786 127 57 941,824 224 63 38 41 247,228 23,707 1,005,080 67 60,738 595,554 53,642 114 41 853,050 1 173 109 42 294,718 22,883 2,917,826 11 218,922 1,312,530 37,144 58 17 1,273,556 1,073 39 8 43 831,877 36,423 2,1S8,195 1 164,091 1,454,354 102,788 32 16 2,425,847 5 4 3 44 142 10 439 1 105 350 16 6 1 540 2 1 45 150 12 483 138 266 48 584 2 1 46 30,386 5,138 648,361 "i 71,906 267,921 6,272 '10 "i 198,879 iii 5 47 48,671 3,477 463,540 34,761 136,168 5,333 242,625 2 i 48 11,977 722 103,956 2 3,048 130,402 1,352 i 46,175 5 49 3,74/1 18 45,948 2,863 50,563 1,403 32,544 ' 2 1 50 18,409 4,416 544,405 68,858 137,519 4,920 '10 152,704 iii 51 44,927 3,459 417,592 31,898 85,605 4,430 210,081 ... 52 29,629 5,807 1,426,771 159,190 334,127 4,809 2 275,778 532 53 132,208 4,172 1,084,865 92,183 270,641 7,773 ... 655,745 .... 54 46 5 279 2 63 154 12 2 203 2 55 38 10 276 33 98 24 2 222 2 1 56 3,544 16 139,751 4 4,796 15,178 235 4 17,343 5 57 5,674 156 134,667 3,143 19,827 292 7 16,985 4 "2 56 604 4 20,626 1 1,198 6,172 78 4 3,388 2 59 289 16 16,553 1,106 6,452 11 3,140 4 60 2,940 12 U9,125 3 3,598 9,006 157 13,955 3 61 5,385 140 113,114 2,037 13,375 281 7 8,845 ... "2 62 8,277 2 311,282 1 4,935 23,861 331 17,791 63 20,475 5 206,790 2,290 45,345 40 3 26,098 ... 64 165 24 224 20 76 287 21 15 14 ■514 20 65 197 17 244 4 111 232 76 3 1 559 10 66 20,923 95 28,547 79 1,547 53,287 1,233 33 34 70,229 55 67 33,404 235 27,309 7 1,762 52,298 1,123 33 3 102,332 81 ... 63 4,692 12 7,930 49 516 14,075 534 1 1 12,705 13 69 2,041 81 2,818 3 294 12,537 320 23 3 8,608 63 70 16,231 83 20,617 30 1,031 39,212 699 32 33 57,524 42 71 31,363 154 24,491 4 1,468 39,761 303 10 93,724 18 72 27,180 35 49,429 10 2,547 124,392 1,076 25 10 96,942 13 73 112,858 24 39,945 2,571 134,949 3,909 289,402 74 286 28 378 5 121 507 94 22 10 965 2 2 11 75 282 30 488 13 130 506 177 25 6 780 1 9 11 76 155,075 16,471 359,712 17 31,552 484,721 48,046 84 18 655,373 113 3 33 77 159,479 19,839 379,564 60 21,122 387,261 46,394 74 38 491,108 1 36 106 78 33,579 208 30,145 9 1,712 200,414 34,028 31 3 166,174 15 79 9,163 1,806 26,191 22 2,064 100,444 16,517 25 15 44,108 42 66 80 121,496 16,263 329, 567 8 29,840 284,307 14,018 53 15 489,199 iji 3 18 81 150,316 18,033 353,373 38 19,058 286,817 29,877 49 23 447,000 1 44 40 82 229,632 17,039 1,130,344 52,250 830,150 30,928 31 7 883,045 541 26 8 83 566,336 32,222 356,595 "i 67,047 1,003,419 91,066 29 16 1,454,602 5 4 3 84 Stub items continued 240 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 7 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Bay Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes -Continued Lemons farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 195A. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Limes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ pounds 1959. 1954. Kumquats farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages .1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ pounds 1959. 1954. Tangeloes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. lilangoes farms reporting 1959, 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. 2,078 3,313 255,134 126,346 85, 297 93, 388 169,837 32,956 188,167 84,994 1,776 3,178 306, 352 555,074 40,884 169, 579 265,468 385,495 18, 358, 890 36, 360, 262 2,183 2,576 20, 596 23,157 4,022 3,572 16, 574 19,585 772, 869 837, 566 2,185 2,095 357, 191 199, 620 134, 825 90, 956 222, 366 108, 664 347,536 217,775 1,149 2,127 117,165 193, 144 18, 990 103, 253 98,175 89,891 1, 961, 519 2,201,816 17 33 46 63 6 12 40 51 217 606 300 3,504 10 18 15 27 4 9 11 18 145 474 138 201 3,237 634 2,465 104 772 530 394 365 124 207 895 1,103 51 219 844 884 10, 216 13,495 136 203 855 901 31 291 824 610 23,492 18, 033 177 165 18,318 10,668 2,990 5,766 15,328 4,902 19,733 5,096 114 191 4,335 5,349 466 1,729 3,869 3,620 12,396 75,135 14 15 1,270 1,355 29 1,196 1,241 159 3,109 250 12 14 44 553 509 44 44 1,271 769 138 182 21 6 117 176 2,400 3,445 22 16 3,551 1,627 82 939 3,469 688 5,824 1,669 30 227 3,253 120 1,794 107 1,459 165 26, 636 7 5 9 5 2 3 7 2 254 40 2 5 ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. ^For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 1954, harvested in 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 241 Part 7 of 7 Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia EBde De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden Gilchrist 8 20 1 5 53 73 11 4 5 3 1 1 8 20 6 15 1 151 42 21 2 4 2 2 156 310 30 34 4,607 6,702 34 30 9 5 "1 3 46 47 8 54 1,094 1,950 49 3 15 3 4 140 169 2 2,200 5,164 14 22 7 1 1 5 4 21 2 15 151 728 17 12 6 16 141 30 32 2,407 1,533 20 8 2 4 7 42 26 6 39 1 943 1,222 32 3 3 3 8 3 280 3 42 5,090 3,528 12 1 9 1 15 4 6 1,392 4,582 12 5 10 23 17 1 8 349 42 5 2 2 11 9 11 17 712 22 11 1 1 12 66 228 1 302 249,404 2,099 15 21 3 13 105 25 103 152 7 27 459,826 23,912 44 2,003 29 4 2J 1 14 15 5 7 14 122, 660 6 U 16 66 125 1 295 225,492 91 11 1 '3 17 100 18 138 25 337,166 38 18 1 1 18 811 332 7U 16,U5,055 1,590 30 150 19 19 40 150 12 33,127,327 1,302 98 9 5 20 19 3 3 3 75 65 14 13 5 1 11 1 21 4 8 10 3 11 189 36 32 2 3 16 22 180 4 4 12 481 219 42 48 11 "i 16 1 23 38 21 18 4 91 1,132 664 138 2 7 26 24 56 3 221 57 5 21 1 1 25 2 11 "6 'l 2 137 25 20 4 4 26 124 4 4 9 260 162 37 27 10 15 1 27 36 10 12 3 39 945 639 118 2 3 22 23 257 10 100 4,084 18,650 156 193 565 35 203 'io 29 150 300 73 113 10,711 49,799 1,571 100 7 508 30 U 15 122 55 5 3 1 31 7 10 1 "2 173 14 13 1 32 2,564 913 3,236 5,662 8 4 2 33 71 621 5 2 2,508 3,072 58 1 34 2,503 640 263 4,385 5 ' 2 35 12 610 5 632 1,808 41 36 a 273 2,973 1,277 3 4 37 59 11 2 1,876 1,264 17 1 38 37 1,2U 7,075 3,609 4 4 39 49 5 1,459 3,803 13 1 40 4 1 9 447 9 41 U 14 1 825 2 1 42 23 2 157 89, 526 153 43 80 208 1 129, 861 46 3 44 3 2 121 118 11,194 70, 577 6 45 "3 45 46 20 36 78,332 147 47 80 90 100 1 59,284 1, 818, 867 1 300 48 49 400 825 1,801,384 52 50 242 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 7 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For dermicions and explanations, see text) Highlands Hillsborough Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes -Continued Lemons farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Limes fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ pounds 1959. 1954. Kumquats farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ pounds 1959. 1954. Tangeloes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested^ field boxes 1959. 1954. Mangoes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. 86 39 18,972 1,931 15, 106 1,026 3,866 905 3,166 4,218 69 31 122 342 37 16 85 326 3,470 17,967 102 21 143 287 29 267 114 20 1,653 273 42 15 4,674 1,140 1,962 930 2,712 210 3,383 358 9 7 11 14 11 10 59 67 29 60 10 25 11 8,076 1,093 2,315 1,077 5,7M. 16 100,099 14 5 59 26 28 12 31 14 3,151 720 2 9,193 16 7,311 15 1,882 1 155 3 22 5 251 40 154 17 97 23 630 20 11 310 86 6 5 1,020 4 606 1 414 3,231 10 9 7 4 3 5 140 8 1,200 12 1,188 3,170 24 15 5,273 293 4,156 249 1,117 44 793 87 46 39 14,112 25, 095 1,780 12,707 12,332 12,388 1,366,305 1,323,148 15 16 156 155 96 78 60 77 3,250 2,800 35 22 6,976 1,877 3,278 486 3,698 1,391 7,564 1,714 14 9 56 87 8 27 48 60 170 605 ao 599 103,058 32,021 U,959 2<:,475 91,099 5,546 63,795 9,645 142 451 2,397 7,038 1,274 2,118 1,123 4,920 28,374 191, 654 2CK 361 483 875 35 145 448 730 7,136 8,952 192 231 9,076 5,631 4,261 2,295 4,315 3,336 9,510 ?,512 22 197 67 70; 29 482 38 222 30 534 3 2 9 2 7 1 2 1 151 ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. ^For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 1954, harvested In 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 243 Part 7 of 7 Indian River Jac]£son Jefferson tafayette lAke Lee Leon Levy Uberty Madison ^feLnatee Marlon Martin Monroe 21 2 2 129 36 5 113 54 5 1 1 36 3 189 40 8 1 3 117 32 30 2 4,409 3 2 24,704 4,849 7 508 14,141 12 5 3 373 8 4,181 161 15 4 3,164 162 147 4 1,275 2 22,219 714 4 98 58 1 4 5 69 5 3,324 16 4 1 536 75 24 6 3,134 1 2 2,485 4,135 3 410 14,083 11 1 7 304 3 857 145 11 3 2,628 37 123 8 10,451 4,061 12,327 625 4,008 6 9 727 1,211 88 8 1 1,502 99 32 10 20 1 76 27 1 84 24 7 8 U 67 3 1 U8 51 a 114 40 33 9 12 47 1 444 6,081 5 2,422 243 40 4,700 13 624 3 4 2,557 683 4 6 3,458 79 775 2,134 14 14 33 5,023 93 33 3 2,245 15 133 2 623 465 3 3 1,497 25 12 4 16 33 1 4U 1,058 5 2,329 210 37 2,455 17 491 2 1,934 218 1 3 1,961 54 763 2,130 18 630 25,352 225,860 40 53,548 10, 590 730 10,175 19 47,511 15 17,302 1,377 5 38,440 1,079 24,970 34,500 20 27 14 13 2 110 22 15 3 3 10 84 57 21 42 14 9 5 112 33 13 3 4 5 81 59 '19 22 409 26 33 2 383 91 45 4 6 18 522 137 23 666 24 13 6 750 202 55 5 6 8 863 153 98 24 28 7 1 1 63 7 13 2 2 165 27 25 178 7 5 2 223 56 6 3 3 2 174 23 6 26 381 19 32 1 320 84 32 2 6 16 357 UO 27 508 17 8 4 527 146 49 2 3 6 689 130 92 28 5,417 468 641 10,580 1,625 397 6 50 197 2,529 4,784 29 29,832 28 350 12 10,079 6,132 412 3 10 25 4,230 3,954 1,265 30 65 2 242 23 181 32 11 31 99 186 24 153 31 12 32 14,363 6 102,707 213 32,978 5,293 ei6 33 7,304 'is 63,527 167 18,492 1,354 99 34 3,288 28,403 24 11,911 4,516 2 35 1,523 6 25,671 94 2,280 1,309 49 36 11,075 6 74,304 189 21, 067 777 614 37 5,781 6 36,856 73 16,212 45 50 38 21,376 98, 635 204 40,403 358 1,301 39 12,045 107, 957 10 22, 553 49 3 40 20 13 47 50 1 11 4 41 11 40 71 30 6 48 3 42 459 86 45 4,965 2,404 1,161 1,756 80 43 381 183 15,327 3,464 10 2,934 31 44 415 32 217 401 1,161 268 42 45 270 153 3,371 1,609 3 1,714 28 46 4i 80 13 4,748 2,003 1,483 38 47 111 500 30 45 11, 956 227 1,355 1,630 7 1,220 28,196 3 450 48 49 6,760 207 19,485 10, 533 '45 60,140 50 244 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 7 of 7 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see texl) Orange Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes -Continued Lemons farms reporting 1959. 195'i. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959. , igs-i. , Trees of bearing age 1959. . 195A. , Quantity hai^ested^ field boxes 1959. , 195-;. , Limes farms reporting 1959. , 1954., Trees of all ages 1959. , 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959. , 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959. , 1954., Quantity harvested^ pounds 1959. , 1954., Kumquats farms reporting 1959. , 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954. , Trees not of bearing age 1959. , 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954. , Quantity harvested^ pounds 1959. . 1954., Tangeloes farms reporting 1959. . 1954., Trees of all ages 1959. . 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959. , 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959. , 1954. , Quantity hainfested^ field boxes 1959., 1954. . Mangoes farms reporting 1959 . , 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959. , 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954., Quantity harvested pounds 1959. , 1954., 34 224 40 4i4 2,266 10,373 285 3,113 2,033 582 23 1,148 233 9,791 262 1,965 267 21,429 311 5,742 16 107 38 250 i6 1,565 151 3,287 10 64 10 520 36 1,501 141 2,767 195 56, 241 4,676 289,299 12 166 15 275 16 561 29 856 1 96 6 240 15 465 23 616 132 13,403 788 12,352 8 200 5 242 770 58,821 25 38,813 163 27,189 27,667 607 31, 632 25 11,146 267 36, 307 58 15,353 8 29 32 78 26 117 5,268 197 14 21 5,061 124 12 96 207 73 221 331 1,236 2,506 41 60 1,673 184 1,510 55 163 129 153 164 31 55 46 78 12 8 34 70 1,603 3,208 34 47 58 10 50 79 3,210 4,665 30 21 2,042 79 1,399 45 643 34 151 24 44 57 23 42 21 15 262 2,405 29 55 163 700 38 446 125 254 103 212 24 62 201 811 28 311 173 500 1,432 6,485 20 39 190 423 19 64 171 359 3,730 5,090 23 37 2,185 1,595 112 1,064 2,073 531 3,867 204 36 117 6,554 22, 655 1,508 14,467 5,046 8,188 36,373 171,132 56 189 3,533 1,517 329 216 3,204 1,301 3,555 951 42 180 2,404 10,760 898 4,458 1,506 6,302 30,545 677, 341 117 180 8,617 9,673 1,X2 189 7,275 9,484 465,388 578,097 65 90 3,361 3,379 1,962 2,926 1,399 453 2,187 444 3 47 2,002 157 2,002 120 37 70 172 135 243 1,184 41,408 1,647 67, 702 314 14,255 306 54,856 870 1,341 27,153 12,846 975 48,316 1,547 50,149 36 151 99 214 121 6,332 570 8 30, 670 543 220 20,945 113 5,789 350 9,725 1,685 227,784 LI, 656 508, 505 46 164 91 150 541 1,859 873 2,065 24 663 189 675 517 1,196 684 4,726 1,390 52,685 39,549 14,271 73 155 99 141 3,892 3,237 29,234 21,369 1,070 9,098 1,344 8,208 2,822 20,186 1,893 13,661 5,424 42,379 1,926 30,395 26 34 64 63 65 495 187 316 16 33 68 156 49 462 119 160 108 641 1,097 360 ^Doee not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. ^For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 1954, harvested in 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953. FLORIDA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 245 Part 7 of 7 Putnam St. JohnB St. Luoie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington 29 4 117 2 42 67 6 1 1 100 1 1 2 1 2 29 9 66 90 90 36 1 1 109 305 5 709 2 162 109 7 1 1 413 ■ 1 2 3 50 24 2,027 402 186 57 1 1 365 2 4 23 1 158 1 25 53 5 119 1 5 13 9 1,805 U6 40 10 1 1 89 g 282 4 551 1 137 56 2 1 1 294 1 7 37 15 222 286 146 47 276 2 g Wl 603 389 31 3 140 9 7 1 197 438 98 52 284 10 U 5 89 1 31 43 3 1 52 1 11 18 4 61 69 50 21 50 12 15 6 2,243 1 89 850 5 3 631 1 13 28 6 748 714 177 30 179 1-4 7 3 24 "i 14 227 4 72 "i 15 i 3 97 63 U7 8 '.'.'. 71 16 8 3 2,219 75 623 1 3 559 17 2A 3 651 651 60 22 103 18 13 39,650 1,271 42,543 20 550 19 700 7,473 2,756 675 654 1,927 20 27 13 123 13 38 72 3 14 9 165 1 5 6 21 36 6 58 9 61 42 17 14 3 105 3 6 22 70 30 2,661 19 198 159 9 15 13 856 3 6 10 23 55 15 340 19 516 101 22 17 3 434 15 8 24 39 9 599 3 22 37 4 5 5 168 1 25 9 2 45 215 27 8 2 85 2 1 26 31 21 2,062 16 176 122 5 10 8 688 3 5 10 27 46 13 295 19 301 74 14 15 3 349 13 7 28 -165 20 116, 965 230 2,703 1,020 16 15 17 15,086 11 64 29 380 U,618 108 3,393 352 75 30 4 11,395 17 30 U 5 118 1 64 77 5 95 3 31 10 4 53 2 77 34 17 1 60 32 84 11 13,737 1 2,947 17,118 7 2,509 59 33 18 6 6,252 2 1,257 2,678 25 2 906 34 29 1 6,006 1 208 9,923 3 1,784 49 35 2 2,630 60S 659 10 2 298 36 55 10 7,731 2,739 7,195 4 725 10 37 16 6 3,622 2 649 2,019 15 608 38 li9 3 14, 334 4,700 17, 090 2 289 39 4 3 3,371 130 932 15 896 6 19 1 1,638 42 40 41 73 1 57 5 4 7 42 1,185 86 29 1 492 43 1,447 1 846 11 6 15 44 314 29 13 1 360 45 583 659 4 5 14 46 871 57 16 132 47 364 1 187 7 1 48 5,243 30 30 570 49 19,463 358 80 8 50 246 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Iti-ni (l*(ir (lpfinition« nnil i>xp!.nnation?, sep text) The State Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Broward Calhoun Charlotte Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: 1 Nurscr> anil preenliousp prcnliicL!. flower and vcpptable seeds and plants, flowers, and bullts sold fflmis reportine insfl . . . 2,765 22 12 10 2 48 123 1 9 •J dollars IMO... 50,027,460 111,614 770,337 53,646 230 165,855 2,005,454 (D) 498, 501 ,T 1354 . . . 27,601,3X0 98,777 712,900 29,980 1,615 577,711 720, 076 22<4,400 4 On famis with sales of -^O-OIIOor n;ore fanrs reportini! 105!)... 1,257 8 10 3 13 78 5 S dollars 10.50... 48,811,566 103,225 769,037 47,976 149,925 1, 969, 707 496,051 5 Nursery products (trees, slirulis, vines, oman.entjil s . etc.) farni? reportine 1950.. . 1,930 13 U 8 2 38 106 1 7 7 1354... 1,475 12 5 7 2 34 73 5 8 acres used For prowine 1950 . . . 7,684 60 853 19 1 104 449 (z) 17 9 1954... 7,150 35 1,283 13 1 49 448 81 10 .'^les dollars 1353... 16, 037, 291 99, 239 769,137 22, 026 230 133,405 1, 662, 388 (D) 29,001 n 1054 . . . 9,986,127 48, 277 535,100 20,070 615 83,414 546, 580 24,250 12 Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and beddinp plants farms reportinp 1053 . . . 1,063 12 5 15 39 1 3 13 lasi . . . 1,034 8 2 5 2 23 8 2 14 Grown under plass farr-s reportine 1059 . . . 421 2 5 3 13 2 15 1054 . . . 232 4 2 1 1 2 1 in sc^uare feet 10,59 . . . 5,799,961 10, 625 17,756 5,196 214,382 1,224,680 17 1354 . - . 1,589,708 13,235 17,800 2,500 50 1,450 5,000 It. Grown in the open farms reportine 1350 .. . 836 11 1 14 31 1 2 1!) 19.54 . . . 922 7 1 5 1 23 3 2 ■2(^ acres used for prowinc 1953 . . . 11,911 8 1 35 41 (z) 753 ■21 1954 . . . 13,475 57 300 8 2 748 18 220 ■TO Sales dollars 1959 .. . 32, 5U, 655 10,175 31,320 32,400 237, 302 '45 439,500 33 1954... 16,226,191 47, 000 177, 800 9,730 1,000 492, 597 45,700 200,150 24 \'eeetables crown under glass, flower seeds, vepetable seeds. vepolable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms famis reporting 13,59 , . . 180 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 e.T 1054 . . . 192 1 2 3 6 20 Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1950. . . 23 1 '.'.'. 1 1 27 1054... 22 3 2S square feet 1359... 68,265 1,236 432 3,600 50 1054 , . . 143,416 61,000 30 GrowTi in the open farms reporting 1059 . . . 164 3 1 3 1 1 31 1054 .. . 178 1 3 6 32 acres used for gmwing 1950 . . . 1,354 53 2 (z) 2 (z) 10 33 1054 . . . 2,657 6 2 ' 2 10 34 Sales dollars 1050 . . . 1,478,514 2,200 1,200 300 50 105,764 '35 30,000 35 105t... 1,388,992 3,500 180 1,700 127,796 3r. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1050 . . . 3,925 130 66 24 87 11 57 37 Sales of an> fores! prijducLs farms reporting 1050 . . . 2,055 73 32 12 43 6 47 3S dollars 1050... 6,080,216 295,281 34,187 13,274 69,431 1,714 73, 370 3t 1354 . . . 3,506,042 136, 727 76,466 24,606 92,955 53,596 900 56,048 1,000 in Sales of standing li.ulier farms rejxiiting 1353 . . . 1,618 67 31 8 32 3 37 11 dollars 1053... 2,883,987 166,235 32,381 8,056 62,432 1,246 48, 535 42 Sales of all other forest proliicls farms reporting 1950 , . . 966 25 5 U 23 4 22 43 14 dollars 1959 . , . Sales of firewof^l. pulpwixjil. fence posts. 3,196,229 129, 046 1,806 5,218 6,999 468 24,835 and saw logs farms refiorting 1953... 905 23 5 10 22 4 21 45 dollars 10,53... 3,090,562 116,254 1,806 3,968 6,879 468 24,536 Ifi Sales of other miscellaneous proilucts famis reporting 105' . . . 86 3 2 1 2 17 dollars 1059 ,. . 105,667 12,792 1,250 120 299 |v I'irewooil and fuelwood cut fnniis riTiortinL" 1353. . , 2,096 58 40 17 51 6 13 10 ri51... 5,314 208 29 17 26 4 61 "3 ,->n cords (4'x f V S')13.V)... 13,777 158 157 319 208 17 109 51 1351... 38,585 1,137 115 101 108 16 297 12 52 Sale^ faniis report ing 1350. . . 147 1 1 5 1 1 2 ■■■■■■ cirds (!■ X 4' \ s') 1350... 3, r:78 30 50 188 10 4 12 riil)iw(x) ll«»l-:u.l. of I.MPl feel l'l,53... 15,209 557 5 3 2 20 95 IM ri5i'.. 72,849 4,217 784 18 1,147 841 'ic 309 i;k Sales n.rii.s rep-fflim- 1!I53... 155 7 1 1 5 '■•' ihoiisamK ..f U.ard f.s-l 1-iMI... 13,492 545 5 2 92 D Data not shoivn to avoid disclosure of Individual operations. 2 Reported in small fractions. ^Includes sales of standing timber. FLORIDA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 247 Citrus Clay Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Escambia nagler Franklin Gadsden Gilehrlst Glades 7 9 13 3 255 29 79 21 L 5 1 8,397 95,750 45,109 550 6,346,2U 41,022 955,407 87,107 (D ... 6,775 2 250 74,500 123,200 3,525 3,741,070 36, 935 832,650 115, 418 15,00( 3 440 500 3 1 3 4 149 7 41 9 2 4 *,747 91,700 39,759 6,066,297 25,145 926,112 77,082 5,245 5 6 5 9 199 28 62 16 I 3 6 1 2 5 2 187 11 53 28 L 2 7 5 6 15 587 32 170 CO L 1 8 1 4 53 6 600 15 159 54 2 3 (Z) fl 6,536 5,550 6,913 3, 585,496 39, 772 294,247 54,648 (D ... 5,275 10 250 1,050 60,500 3,000 2,491,901 17,735 272, 523 '.2,300 15,00 3 440 11 1 3 6 2 86 3 40 13 3 12 4 5 5 8,620 1 150 45 46 369,610 444,076 3 1 1 3,250 168 42 27 27 222,257 146,742 19 11 14 19,317 22,919 3 1 2 456 388 1-1 14 15 16 n 1 3 2 2 67 2 20 6 3 18 4 5 1 125 3 28 10 1 19 (z) 78 2 1 361 1 41 4 2 20 144 53 (Z) 152 44 34 7 1 21 1,761 61,000 7,896 350 2, 749, 565 1,250 661, 160 32,459 1,500 73,350 62,700 500 1,216,409 19,200 553,460 72,293 500 2.'! 1 1 2 1 7 24 1 1 500 1 10 3 4 900 6,150 3 3 1 850 2.") 26 27 28 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 7 3 3 30 31 (z) 35 1 100 (z) 1 6 6 6 2 32 33 lOO 29,200 100 30,300 200 25 11,150 32, 760 ..,667 825 34 35 26 23 3 126 1 16 37 24 81 1 J 4 209 92 36 19 22 3 58 1 14 10 23 49 1] 2 63 24 37 17, 980 271, 789 116,320 90,247 328 8,275 7,897 230,841 186, 941 242, 68; 11,900 123, 623 8,942 38 8,780 165, 502 2,343 89, 637 3,728 3,462 19,310 70, 592 53,075 107,33. 1,600 195, 496 3,985 7,780 39 15 19 1 41 1 13 4 21 30 IC 2 53 10 40 3,660 212,119 96,000 45,401 200 7,997 C/-1 92, 317 12,005 94,33! 4,000 87, 513 6,358 41 12 9 3 33 1 3 8 17 31 « ! 2 30 16 42 14,320 59,670 20,320 44,846 128 278 7,256 138, 524 174, 936 148, 34i 7,900 36, 110 2,584 43 12 9 3 32 1 2 8 17 30 ( 2 29 16 44 14,270 59,620 17, 320 43,938 128 208 7,256 138,024 150,276 145, 34i 7,900 36, 100 2,584 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 ] 1 46 50 50 3,000 908 70 500 24,660 3,00( 10 47 13 3 1 72 1 28 3 25 i 2 162 88 4S 8 6 1 103 6 10 53 11 111 6 397 14 10 49 200 14 1,000 230 3 65 7 98 1' 8 1,232 334 50 53 152 343 515 561 29 225 289 1,640 70C 148 2,776 95 25 51 6 1 1 4 1 9 7 15 52 170 4 1,000 25 2 34 65 58 53 4 9 2 25 1 2 7 17 21 c 2 18 1 54 3 22 31 6 8 5 36 53 £ 1 74 6 55 740 3,706 300 2,491 8 13 452 7,787 8,173 4,99C 350 1,514 118 56 2,300 12, 618 6,49e 363 1,079 1,099 6,087 4,537 5,346 333 5,539 160 390 57 13 1 7 10 25 1 56 3 6 57 3 20 21 15 27 2 3 78 6 17 59 4,170 300 2,300 3,779 4,228 80 60 106 625 13,892 4,000 10, 265 2,790 8,650 9,846 4,0OC 1,020 38, 716 1,150 12,630 61 6 1 2 1 1 62 1,950 300 1,200 1,200 50 63 1 3 1 2 1 5 4 4 1 15 1 64 3 9 22 3 4 16 9 26 &4 S "2 65 U 'io 100 306 711 1,424 50 322 5 611 314 3,390 1,362 21 117 175 792 1,163 592 5,U0 121 115 67 2 "i 2 4 2 4 1 10 6!1 ^^ 10 77 292 410 1,424 50 241 09 248 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (I'or ilpfinjlion-^ .im! i>\ fil anal ion .■^. sec text) Hendry Hi^xLands r Hillsborough' Indian River Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown tor sale: Niirs»'r\ ^nil proonhoust' prmtiicls, flnrtpr nnil vptrclalile bCH-ils ami plnnts. flowers, nml bullis sold faniis reporting IMO . . ■lollar? IMf).. W:A . . rin fHmii Willi snlo-; of ^2.(1(10 or trorc ram,-= rcrwirtinsi 1050.. .'lollars l!t.-iO.. Nursery products (rrnos. slirulis. vinos, omanienUls, I'tc.) fanii^ reporting lO.W . . 10.^4.. ncrps u.sptl for growin:: lO.'iO. . 1054.. Sales dollars 1050 . . 1054 . . Cut flowers, potted plants, flon.st greens, and beildine plants fami? reportinp 1050 , . 1054 . . Grown under glass fan^s rcportinc 1059. . 1054 . . s(;uare feet 1050 . . 1054 . . titown in the open , , farms reportini: 1050 . , 1054 , , acres usotl for tTowinc 1950 . , 1954 , , Sales dollars 1950.. 1954 , . Veeelahles grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms famis reporting 1050 . . 1954 , . tirow^ under glass or in bouse fariT;s refxxling 1950. . 1954 . . square feet 1959 . . 1954 , . firown in the open farms reporting 10.59 . . 1054 . . acres used for growing 1050 . . 195 1 . . Sales dollars 1059 . . 10.-11.. Any forest products cut and/or sold. . . farm« reportini: 1950. 'ales of anv forest prmlucLs farms roportinii 1050 , . dollars 1050,, 1954,, Sales of standing litnlier farm^ reporting 1959, , dollars 1059.. sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959. . dollars 1050.. ^ales uf rire«.i<«l, piil|.w(«i.l. fence po-^Ls, and saw logs farms reporting 1950, , dollars 1950.. Sales of other mi?cellaneoii= ]iro.lucLs fiiniis reporting 1959.. dollars 1959 . . 'Wood and fiielwood c . . . . famis reporting- 1059, . 10.54.. cords (J' •( I' V s') 1050.. 1051.. . . .. farii.s rerxirling 1059.. cools (f \ V \ s'l 10.59.. TulpwcKl sold . . . . . farnys re[x)rting 1050. . I!i54.. cool- (I' \ 1" \ S') 1050.. 1054 . . . . . . farms reporting 1959. . 1054 . . numlier 1050 . . 1954.. . . . . f.aniis rcitortinc 19.50.. number 1954 . . will;'- and \enei'r loj farms reporting 19.59 . . 1051^' Ihousands of Imurd feet 1059. . 1054^. fimiis reporting 1050.. thi»|sjimls of Uiard feel 1050 . . 4 5,080 3,500 1 3,500 .4,830 3,000 2 1 576 1,000 2 (Z) 250 500 13 32,333 12,131 9 10,252 7 22,081 6 21,956 1 125 10 1 38 25 1 3 1,370 1,555 2 1 200 1,000 2 310 (D) 500 1 (D) 1 1 1 1 (D) 500 7.4 68 60,135 25,232 48 35,316 27 24,819 22 23,651 5 1,168 64 62 288 3 31 16 46 1,347 2,138 1 11 125 3,350 1 125 44 245,381 149,600 18 226,100 40 25 77 20 140,131 37,600 3 2 32 77 105,200 104,000 1 (Z) 5 50 8,000 32 23 23,749 10,088 15 12,826 12 10,923 10 10,370 2 553 9 12 49 31 1 5 19 630 1,103 3,761 27,700 100 2 25,000 3 1 3 1 5,700 100 1 50 22,000 136,985 139,476 5 136,585 1 400 1 400 6,354 2 10 5,500 30,124 1 2,000 3 5,498 10 45,972 5,025 6 44,222 3 22 6 33,722 5,000 2,200 1 (Z) 12,250 25 12 30,886 7,111 9 26,183 5 4,703 3 4,624 2 79 27 96 1,286,942 471,046 47 1,251,486 30 9 219 110 503,103 172,600 11 3 2 1 6,250 650 10 2 13 2 79,376 16,250 62 30 475 146 704,463 282,196 6 27,540 24 , 873 6 21,212 3 6,328 2 1,328 5 1 88 3 17 2 2 2 3 6 105 83 349 2,415 4 1 5 6 200 150 450 11,210 1 11 4 89 162 459 1 64 271 2,916,606 982,658 79 2,794,017 237 139 567 200 864,808 465,555 46 42 21 6 71,362 2,180 34 38 1,112 602 2,035,263 466,971 15 21 1 2 700 9,640 15 19 17 26 16,535 50,132 40 35 92,152 19,505 30 63,953 15 28,199 14 28,092 2 107 7 13 955 814 6 46 7,232 13,029 3 6,100 27 277 456 179 107 86,326 48,477 80 44,852 55 41,474 54 40,224 2 1,250 84 313 440 1,683 13 149 37 72 2,217 2,821 6 75 650 14,253 1 100 7 58 79 1,125 6 64 25 343,094 412,430 11 334,068 19 21 68 28 85,708 32,680 13 2 1 79,270 2,000 6 12 27 430 255,842 379,700 4,000 1,544 50 1 2,701 2,655 2,476 1 2,476 3 1,650 D Data not shoim to avoid disclosure of individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes sales of standing timber. FLORIDA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 249 Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Monroe Nassau 12 5 164 59 9 3 1 65 67 41 5 3 1 431,843 314,723 2,388,752 6,118,450 73,073 7,650 2,674 849,284 369,602 3,621,203 7,320 63,120 2 243,020 481,200 1,022,228 2,558,900 85,191 8,083 1,779,854 278,484 715,210 2,150 15,600 3 3 2 78 31 6 1 1 32 19 24 2 1 4 423,986 313,623 2,327,730 6,101,990 70,738 6,000 2,574 832,861 346,322 3,605,417 5,000 61,120 5 8 5 120 36 3 1 1 45 53 17 6 3 6 6 7 91 35 7 3 27 34 13 3 3 7 23 626 577 105 48 (Z) 37 133 224 79 1 10 8 42 840 301 232 62 3 99 177 48 1 39 9 16, 505 314,523 986,427 174,835 67,340 400 2,674 363,538 136,551 15,127 7,120 25,740 10 36,010 257,650 376,593 138,500 74,300 1,700 286,440 113,577 110,010 1,000 15,500 11 7 1 51 27 5 1 34 19 29 1 3 12 5 35 29 4 '4 43 9 16 2 1 1.3 3 1 14 4 4 13 5 5 1 14 1 5 4 5 1 15 1,112 'so 121,656 76,800 4,640 109,350 2,195 128,475 600 16 512 58,565 8,740 78,692 900 17 5 1 46 '24 3 1 27 16 26 1 "2 IS 5 34 29 3 4 40 9 16 2 1 19 287 1 670 3,574 1 (z) 176 959 180 (Z) 15 20 217 573 2,434 4 2 2,082 5 44 (z) (Z) 21 415,008 100 1,385,675 5,814,797 5,048 6,000 415,117 224,993 3,605,926 200 37,380 22 206,760 543,035 2,420,400 9,650 953 1,493,214 10,491 505,200 1,150 100 23 1 8 5 2 2 2 2 1 24 3 18 1 3,600 4 1 1,000 2 1 1 2,000 600 1 952 3 1 96 1 1 1,000 11 25 26 27 2S 29 1 8 4 2 2 2 2 1 30 3 '17 4 1 "2 11 31 2 14 181 2 (Z) 226 11 (z) 32 3 976 2 10 '50 826 33 330 13,550 128,818 685 1,250 70,529 8,058 150 34 250 223,350 2,600 1,041 5,420 200 154,416 35 561 150 70 32 2 48 39 59 161 32 195 3 63 36 213 29 40 22 30 28 22 78 8 117 2 53 37 152,742 209,577 44,141 24,921 91,072 35,752 49,738 114,793 50,567 330,726 2,025 135,098 38 80,590 75,284 32,677 54,761 1,000 164,730 88,169 19,303 52,312 15,619 192,713 9,250 28,364 39 177 24 31 16 21 25 20 69 6 97 2 49 40 98,840 137,192 30,035 13.657 70,255 28,108 16,056 55,285 7,793 101,830 2,025 88,617 41 81 15 20 7 13 7 19 28 2 68 15 42 53,902 72,385 14,106 11,254 20,817 7,644 31,562 46,508 42,774 228,896 46,481 43 77 13 15 6 12 7 19 21 2 66 13 44 52,982 72,082 12,506 11,014 20,772 7,644 31,682 41,474 41,874 226, 4i6 44,452 45 4 2 5 1 1 8 1 3 3 46 920 303 1,500 250 45 7,034 900 2,450 2,029 47 387 125 34 11 2 19 12 41 94 22 97 4 4R 932 247 209 45 1 191 130 41 325 12 136 3 31 49 1,809 1,242 379 92 11 84 38 222 669 112 1,474 25 50 5,070 1,921 851 217 5 2,070 541 200 3,732 51 2,520 12 271 51 9 4 6 2 1 2 2 11 3 52 119 40 291 31 11 22 94 798 10 53 54 10 10 4 9 4 13 18 2 49 10 54 157 35 60 9 21 14 21 30 5 55 26 55 2,908 2,822 434 472 1,236 389 1,445 1,501 941 9,553 2,627 56 6,958 3,488 4,618 567 3,492 1,256 1,219 1,090 889 15,236 2,850 57 40 33 3 4 1 5 4 2 19 2 12 1 58 421 65 57 24 1 37 32 6 174 11 67 9 5 59 13,393 5,096 904 1,622 15 1,525 765 3,100 3,765 1,100 3,474 500 60 100,377 15,370 9,821 15,641 200 18,888 6,800 2,030 44,440 3,888 20,007 19,000 1,350 61 8 1 3 1 2 62 4,430 500 1,070 3,000 1,100 63 6 2 6 2 3 2 4 3 1 22 3 64 109 28 55 36 22 15 7 39 3 86 1 13 65 133 575 68 67 529 53 168 355 583 1,451 51 66 1,185 3,186 457 1,608 '22 6,511 2,223 261 781 168 4,948 150 425 67 1 2 5 2 3 2 3 3 1 16 2 66 90 575 45 65 17 28 167 355 583 1,387 50 69 250 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (For definitions ftnd explanations, see text) Orange Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursorj' and ereenhouse praiucts. flower and vecetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold famis reporting 1059 . . dollars 1959.. 1954 . . On farms w ith sales of ^i^.OtXl or more .... fantis reportins 1959 . . dollars 1959.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs. vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reponinp 1959 . . 1954 . . acres used for growing 1959. . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reportinp 1959 . . 1954.. Grown under glass farms roriortinc 1959 . . 1954 . . square feet 19.59 . . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reportinc 1959 . . 19.54 . . acres used for growint; 1959 , . 1954 , , Sales dollars 1959.. 1954.. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . square feet 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres used for gmwing 1959 . . 195 1 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms rer«rting 19.59 . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 19.59 . . dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959.. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959. . dollars 1959 . . Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 19.59.. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959. . dollars 1959 . . Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reportinc 1959, . 1954.. cords (4' X 4' X S') 1959.. 1954 . . .Sales farms reporting 1959.. cords (f x4' X S') 1959.. Pulpwootl sold farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. cord^(4' X 4' x ^') 1959.. 1954 . . "■•nee fvists cut farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . numlier 1959.. 1954., Sales farms reporting 1959 . . number 1954 . . Saw lnr„ ami \ eneer logs cut farms repotting 1959 . . 1951 '■■ thousfinds of lioaril feet 1959 . . 1934^. Snle^ famis reporting 1959 . . thtxisands of Ixiard feot 1959 .. 3 9,945 4,500 1 8,695 2 3 2 10 6,345 4,000 3 1 3 1,420 1 1 (Z) 1 3,150 500 2 2 550 76 34 20,576 49,318 28 13,264 12 7,312 12 7,312 46 113 187 746 3 36 10 42 430 4,698 2 23 175 4,493 1 26 2 250 2 (D) 200 2 1 2 1 (D) 200 1 96 :,673 759 1 1 100 1,000 263 8,585,508 2,542,999 130 8,496,206 151 134 426 327 1,437,548 804,805 142 79 114 43 2,310,253 517,252 95 61 233 155 7,001,776 1,684,344 14 8 1 1 3,000 200 13 7 123 168 146,184 53,850 12 6 17,870 20,737 4 12,100 3 5,770 2 5,600 1 170 2 38 6 371 2 10 350 1,712 5 20 950 5,977 14 174 14 45,971 9,606 3 37,840 14 9 24 4 30,571 5,280 2 2 1 1,750 1 2 2 1 15,400 4,300 1 1 1,260 19 18 223,573 62,995 6 122,695 14 100,878 11 77,328 3 23,550 2 24 7 289 11 16 2,533 4,731 2 59 3,500 77,885 2 U 808 666 1 800 122 3,212,323 2,904,000 65 3,166,824 82 378 460 803,687 981,332 48 67 23 11 168,350 59,180 31 64 836 2,342 2,330,454 1,6%, 648 1 46,350 4,165 2 110 78,182 226,020 2 13,325 2,960 1 2,573 2 10,752 2 10,752 2 3 672 280 2 700 52 145,925 42,010 12 122,836 51 46 127 56 145,540 40,160 4 1 2 1,252 3 1 (Z) 1 360 800 1 2 1 6 25 1,050 22 20 109,872 105,863 16 40,096 9 69,776 8 67,976 2 1,800 2 21 19 87 1 16 5 14 1,704 5,580 3 26 1,800 14,570 1 200 6 26 993 3,291 4 880 111 1,339,987 945,530 51 1,296,588 97 73 254 188 944,881 569,695 36 43 18 20 153,039 95,321 23 31 31 126 380,049 366,710 600 3 4 2 3 15,057 9,125 2 3,735 15,927 2 2,135 1 1,600 1 1,600 1 1 100 164 1,675,912 898,416 67 1,618,159 149 72 753 509 1,446,0U 706,608 23 20 11 8 42,030 8,230 16 16 125 16 204,824 72,033 5 11 1 1,255 5 11 8 137 25,077 119,775 49 39 59,683 60,036 27 19,980 18 39,703 15 38,158 13 11 19 130 10 26 1,242 4,659 4 16 5,712 10,546 2 1,500 9 12 428 1,771 6 391 48 618,989 131,880 19 590,624 19 42 52 164 52,353 80,147 35 4 3 1 2,240 2,200 32 4 583 11 566,236 3,683 1 2 1 116 400 48,050 39 31 1,098,962 208,010 22 292,776 22 806,186 22 306,186 11 10 67 122 1 15 21 35 49,809 22,160 500 12,325 12 222 2,723 D Data itot shown to avoid disclosttre of individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes sales of standing timber. FLORIDA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 251 St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Watoilla Walton Washington 13 48 1 39 62 10 6 2 3 252 1 5 5 1 269,079 220,615 9,000 258,267 1,356,139 23,517 2,250 (D) 2,700 1,923,804 400 4,500 1,745 2 507,919 477,542 30,270 195,190 804,126 12,924 4,300 5,000 2,100 1,553,527 200 2,320 2,025 3 3 18 1 13 37 2 1 1 129 ... 1 . .. 4 266,431 196,066 9,000 236,227 1,340,368 18,617 (D) 2,000 1,847,003 ... 2,000 5 38 1 31 29 4 6 2 3 80 1 1 2 6 "s 12 3 27 32 12 3 1 2 49 ... 2 3 7 43 8 153 97 13 10 5 5 121 1 2 (z) 8 15 28 40 53 73 16 1 2 2 155 ... 2 2 9 70,645 8,900 212,646 142,233 5,600 2,250 (D) 2,700 253,066 200 1,200 400 10 17,051 50,542 30,050 77,040 130,960 10,003 300 5,000 2,100 177,034 1,500 1,250 U 13 16 1 13 30 4 1 201 1 4 3 12 25 14 1 11 31 1 '"i 240 1 3 2 13 2 5 1 5 10 1 ... 23 ... 3 3 14 1 2 ... 2 5 "i 1 8 1 2 15 750 li,564 1,100 12,132 265,300 1,000 120,506 2,656 660 16 150 3,138 ... 11,904 54,080 300 3,000 26,330 350 456 17 11 14 ... 3 26 4 . .* 191 1 "2 3 18 24 13 1 10 28 ... 1 239 3 1 19 203 29 6 431 9 1,045 1 1 (Z) 20 439 512 (z) 18 564 5 ... ... 1,022 1 1 21 269,079 149,970 100 44,421 1,197,640 6,575 ... (D) 1,669,433 206 3,300 575 22 490,868 427,000 ... 200 116,650 2 652,966 7 50 3 2,000 1,373,796 4 200 820 625 3 23 24 ::: ... i 1 1 1,066 1 6 ... 1 10,066 7 15 "2 43,006 3 "i ... :;: 5 2 535 3 ••• 1 3 25 26 07 28 25 30 ... "i 1 1 5 17 13 8 "i ... 5 1 ... 1 1 31 32 (z) 2 1,200 13 16,266 11 11,342 "i ... 8 1,300 (Z) 770 33 34 '26 1,500 20,200 2,871 2,666 ... 2,647 150 35 28 2 85 4 11 20 212 40 77 67 17 152 139 36 21 2 33 1 4 16 85 36 48 33 15 79 89 :17 131,495 4,360 39,507 8,400 2,022 14,952 85,035 202,482 144,538 203,066 44,784 55,885 56,967 36 139,689 IJ.,840 36,181 20,065 17,365 13,966 44,376 104,554 96,073 33,720 11,874 37,357 64,015 39 19 ... 32 1 3 15 69 23 35 28 14 66 69 40 99,429 22,417 6,000 1,702 13,032 66,473 12,292 46,896 54,138 12,084 29,573 18,801 41 7 2 14 1 1 3 25 22 21 25 4 42 55 42 32,066 4,360 17,090 2,400 320 1,920 18,562 190,190 97,692 148,928 32,700 26,312 38,166 43 7 2 14 1 1 3 21 22 21 25 4 40 55 44 30,306 4,360 17,090 2,400 320 1,920 13,580 190,190 97,092 148,778 32,700 25,820 38,166 45 2 > . > . . . 7 1 1 2 ... 46 1,760 ... ... ... ... 4,932 ... 600 150 492 47 7 50 4 7 5 133 7 40 31 2 85 56 45 1 , 6 62 3 8 78 233 44 41 20 56 534 159 49 13 305 214 15 40 543 13 152 262 13 337 313 50 38 '22 335 23 134 411 1,054 278 228 451 336 2,917 810 51 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 15 52 14 200 30 10 5 ... 19 2 75 53 "5 1 12 1 1 11 21 14 16 3 38 39 54 12 4 48 4 5 4 75 22 35 26 9 71 123 55 1,161 160 1,057 20 17 433 6,681 2,351 7,335 1,854 1,457 1,964 56 17,396 ; 1,957 3,761 2,029 2,135 574 3,297 8,149 1,652 3,753 674 3,359 9,349 57 2 ' 1 1 ... 1 2 6 2 3 5 1 10 8 58 3 10 7 3 '4 30 61 21 16 12 5 53 45 59 350 1 10,000 50 300 1,525 105 122 4,320 100 1,095 1,691 60 1,600 ! 15,725 2,945 1,230 4,050 5,035 11,658 24,503 4,250 4,560 290 7,653 16,492 61 1 , 1 1 2 1 1 2 62 ' 9,000 ! 50 ... ( 1 ... 1,150 100 10 3,000 ... 63 3 1 1 1 14 4 12 3 2 6 10 64 7 1 • •■ : 24 1 "3 13 19 69 13 21 23 8 30 45 65 280 i 1 2 ... 38 193 1,809 1,169 665 66 107 160 66 1,966 397 1,203 208 i ^■'5 418 3,976 1,106 1,268 294 616 1,023 67 3 ' 1 5 4 10 3 2 6 8 68 255 i '.'.'. ! 137 1,809 1,119 1 665 1 66 54 127 69 APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (253) 254 THE QUESTIONNAIRE Form eOAlK This censuH is aulhorized by Act of Congress, United Stales Code. Title 13. Sections 5. 9. 142, 221-4. requiring that the inquiri^^'B be answered rompletely and accurately, and Kuaranleeing thai the inrormation furnished be accorded confldential treatment. The census report cannot be uaed /or purpoaea of taxation. inveBligation, or regulation. 1 FLORIDA US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE— BUREAU OF THE CENSUS PARSONS. KANSAS m ^ CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 4 QCQ ** * QUESTIONNAIRE: * 5^3*^ A1 No. Section I.— PERSON NOW IN CHARGE [If a member of the rsmlly or anyone else Alls this questionnaire for the person in charge, be sure thai all the information is given for the person in charge.) 1. Whal is yuur name {person iti charge)? 2. Whal is your mail address? Section II.— OWNERSHIP >WNI'il> LANI) Include all land and tracts of land owned, regardless of where located even though these are considered separate units; also cropland, paslureland, woodland, and wasteland. 3. How many acres do you own? None Q (// no land la ownrd, mark X m Ihe square for ".Vonc "1 1,ANII HKNTKD OR LKASIK FKoM nTHKItS Include all land and iracls of land rented or leased by you regardless of where located. Include any separate fields, meadows, pastureland, woodland, and wasteland. 4. HoM many acrrs do yoii rent from others? Iticliid<- acn-s worked on shares (// ".Vonc," mark X and tkip lo quealton [Sj J (a) What is the name aiid addrrss of each landlord and the number of acres re?itcd or worked on shares for each? None □ Name of landlord Mail uddrc.is (I'o-T office and State) Miiil uddress ( I'o^t office and Slate) N»m<- of landlord Mail address (I'osi office and St;>ti) LAM) MANAGKl) FOR (lTlIi;US: [5 J How iTiaiiv aires d(j voii opera! e for others as a hired manager? (Kilter the name and address of employer uuiUt qnrsri LAND RIATKI) ilH l.i:\SI |i Tu OTHHRS Include any separate fields and hay land rented to others. Include land worked on shares by others. Do not include land leased to Ihe Government under Ihe Soil Bank. 6. How many aiTcs do >ou rem lo others? (//"A'onc," mark X and skip lo qufslion [7]) (al Of the acres rented to others, how many are owned by you? None Q Acres . ACHES !N THIS PLACE: [7J Adding acres owned and acres rented from others, then subtracting acres rented to others, we gel • lyuestiuii 3 pill- i|iH'-iiori 4 miiiiis question 6, if i I Acres in this place This is all the land operated by you even though part of it may be located elsewhere or in other c The remaining questions of ihis report refer lo Ihe total acres of land reported for this question. LOCATION OF LAND. 8. I.-aiiy of this land located in another county? No Q Ves □ (// '•No," mark X and skip lo question [SJ.) (a) How many acres are in your county? . . Acres (b) Give names of other counties and acres located in each: Section III.— CROPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR. 1959 Report all crops harvested or lo be harvested (/lis \/ear from these (read answer for question 7) acres. If you rent or work land for others on shares include landlord's share. CORN {Indue as sold if taki iiidlord's share this place.) £9] Was any corn harvested for any purpo-.f thia yearf No D I// ".Vo," mark X and »kip to queatwn [13] ) (Aniutr these quettwns, i/ "I'm.")* Corn Tor all purposes? (Do not include aweel (a) Corn for grain? , . (7t> 11), ear corn or 5(i lb, shelled corn = 1 bn) (b) Corn for silage? (c) Corn hogged or grazed, or cut for green i fodder (iurs not husked or snapped)'' . - . (1) How many (2) How much was or will be harvested? (3) How much of r/iia year'B (The total of the acn-s fcir qijis and (C) musl equal the acres for SOYBEANS. COWPEAS, PEANUTS, AND VFLVETBEANS: (If grown with corn or other crops, report acreage of mixture as grown wilh other crops, if grown alone, report acreage as grown alone.) SOYBEANS: [131 Were any soybeans grown for any purpose t/iis year? (// "No," mark X and akip lo qurstic (Ariatver these queslions, i/ " IVi 14. Soybeans for all purposes? (a) Soybeans for beans? (b) Soybeans for hay? No D Ves D [15]) (1) How many acres were (2) How many acres were grown with other crops? (3) How much was or will be harvested? (c) Soybeans hogged ur grazed, or cut for silage? (d) Soybeans plowed under for green manure, not grazed or otherwise harvested? ^ (The total of the acres for (a), (b), {«), and (d) must equal the acres for question 14.) COWPEAS: [I5j Were any cowpeas grown for any purpose thia u^of^ No D ^'^^ D (// "No." mark X and ikip lo quf.- once but give total production of all cuttings Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from this place ) [Answer Ihese questions, if "Kesru- Wereany of the following hav crur>s harvested this year— Alfalfa? Clover? Bermuda grass? Johnson grass? Other tame grasses? Lespedeu? Oat hay?. D (I) How many acres were harvested thia year? (2) How much was harvested? Bb. Attw (3) How much of thia year'B crop was or will be sold? Bb. (3) How much of thia year' a crop was or will be Mid? Tau LUPINE SEED AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS: 49. Were any lupine seed or other Held seeds harvested thia year? , , No D Yes Q (// ".Vo, ' mark X and skip to question [79] ) (Answer these questions, if "YeaJ^"-^ 75- Lupine seed? . . 78. Other field seeds? . Alycc clover' Grim Hairy mdigo? (1) Acres harvested or lo be harvested? (2) Pounds of "clean" seed harvested or to be harvested? pMate Were any of Ihe following crops harvested thia year — [79] Irish potatoes for home use or for sale ( If less than 20 bushels or lOhundredweight were harvested, do not report acres ) 80. Sweelpofaloes for home u.se or for sale; (If less than 20 bushels were harvested, do not report acres ) 81. Tobacco? 89. Cotton? 98. Sugarcane for sirup? 104. Root and grain crops hogged or graiedf (I) How many acrea were or will be harvested? (Report tenths of an acre if called for) ! /IP (2) How much was or will be harvested? FLORIDA 255 VEGETABLES FuR HOME USE AM) FOR SALE: 105, Wcrr Hny vegeObles. sweet corn, or melons, harvfslr-d Ihia year for home use? No Q Ves Q 106. Were anv vegetables, sweet corn, or melons, harvested thiu year for sale for frrsh miirkrt or to canners, freezers, proci-s-sors'' No □ Yes Q (// ■■Ao" for qiieslion 106. mark X and skip to quttlton [143].) Were any of the following vegetable crops harvested thia year — (If two or more plantinft* iif thi- 'iHmr crop wen- made, either on the same land or on difTi-rmt land, report the total harvested acres of the several plantings ) 107. Tomatoes? 108- Sweel corn? 109. Cucumbers and picltlesT .... 110. Snap beans (hush and pole types)? 111. Watermelons? 112. Cabbage? 114. Sweet peppers, except pimienlos? 117. Cantaloups itnd muskmelonsT 118. Blackeyesiitid ullur green cow peas? 120. Green lima beans? .... 121. Squash? 122. OkraT 126. Lettuce and romaine? ...... 128. Turnips? 133. Eggplant? 134. Celery? 137. Radishes? 138. Escarole, endive, and chicory? . . 140. Collards? 141. Other? (See list below.) .... (I) Acres harvested? (Report tenths of acres) Ten I ha /lO _/10 /IP /lO _/10 /IP /lO /IP /IP /IP /IP /IP /IP /IP /IP BcrUCUblc) CuToU Moalard pvBM Entllali pMa Bteccoll Caiiltflo*>r Gircn onions Hoi pcppcn Splnw 142. What HH" ihi' value of all vegetables sold thia year* (Inclii'ic I he landlord'- •^hart- I 'u not include the value of Iri.-h potati Lnd sweetpotatoes ) BERRIES AM) OTHER SMALL FHL ITS [143] W<- Were any of the following berry crops harvested tftiB year— riy berries or other small fruits harvested f/iis year for sale? No (// "So," mark X and skip to queslion [IS2].| {Answer thete questiona, t/ "Yes")- 144. Strawberries? 151. Other berries? Blueberries'' (1) Acres harvested (Report tenths of acres) Tcniha /lO (2) Quantity harvested? TREE FRL'ITS, NUTS. AM) GRAPES [152] Is there a total of 20 fruit and nut trees and grapevines on this place' , . . . No | (// -Wo.- mark \ and skip to qutnlion [198].) (// "}'«," answer tjuesttons IS3 through 197.) 153. How much land is in bearing and nonbparinft fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees? .... ; Tenlta I {Answer these quealiont, if "Yea V/tre any of the rollowing kinds of fruit and nut trees on this place — 155. Peaches? 158. Peara? 161. Grapes? 172. Figs? 173. AroeadosT 177. Improved pecans? 178. Wild and seedling pecans? . 183. Tung nuts? ( Report pounds of nut9 m the hull.)^ (I) How many trees (or vines) are NOT of bearing age' (2) How many trees (or vines) are of bearing age? 184. Grapefruit? . 185. Valencia oranges? 187. Temple oranges? 186. Tangerines and mandarins? 189. Other oranges? 190. Lemons? 191. Limes? 192. Knmquals? 193. Tangeloes? D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Pl«ld b«iM FtoldbsiM rMdbMM TMh.— PI.Mb.u. rMdbMM Lb. Lb. ridUb.— (3) How much harvested thia year? How much waK harvested in t9S8-S» from the bloom of 79587 TREE FRUITS, NUTS, AND GRAPES— Continued (Anawer these queatio Were any of the following kinds of fruit and nut trees on this place ' 194. Mangoes? . . 197. Other fruits and Bananas' Guavas' Coconuts' Lycheea' Loquats' Papayas' Pineapples' Plums ,nd pru uts? Lir I'quats Citrons' Sapod(llas' - SiiKar-apples^ (I) How many trees (or vines) are NOT of bearing age? (2) How many trees (or vines) are of bearing BRe? (3) How much hsrve>)ted thi» year? NTRSERV AND GREENHOISE PRODrCTS, FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS AND PLANTS, AND BILBS: [198] Were any nursery or greenhouse products, flower or vegetable seeds or plants, flowers, or bulbs grnHn fur sale thia year? No Q Yen Q (// ".Vo," mark X and sktp to v(«-.il-on [202] ) (Answer these questions, xf "Yes")' [no |Ym 199. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, ornamentalB)? 200. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants fur sale? . . How much area waa used for growing? Tenlha /lO (2) What will be the value of wlea in 19S9? (b) Under jlaas? . 201. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, mushrooms? (■) III open? . (b) Under glass or in house? n iD OTHER CROPS [202] Are there any other crops that were or will be harvested thia year on ihis pluie— Chufas? Ramie? Grass silage? Sorghums? Sugarcane for seed? Sugarcane for sugar? No Q Yes Q {If "Yes," nswer for each rop) Name of cnpT "T QaaMHr V»la. / /-x / /-x Section IV.— LAND USE THIS YEAR, 1959 203. Acres in this place (copy acres from question 7)- CROPLAND: 204. How many acres of land were in fields and tracts from which crops were harvested (including hay cut) (his year? (This area may be obtained by adding the acres in the fields or tracts from which one or more crops were harvested or hay was cut thia year; acres in nonbeanng and bearing planted fruit trees, nuts, and grapes, and acres m nursery and greenhouse products ) THIS SHADED SECTION IS TO BE FILLED BT CENSUS ENUMERATOR (a) Addacrea of all crvpa {witfi -k m Sec IIT) and enter total here {b) Prom how many sera of land were two crop* harvested thU ywarf. (c) Subtract the ocm for (6) /nun tf^ar.' No Q Yes Q Section VII.— FOREST PRODUCTS THIS YEAR, 1959 [226] How Tnurh was or will be received this year from the sale of standing timber or trees? . . None sold Q $_ (Include standing timber sold for pulpwood.) 227. How much was or will be received thia year from the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolls, mine limbers, and Christmas treesT None sold G $— (Do not include sale of -tandiiig timber, firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, sawlogs, and gum (or naval stores.) {Answer these queationa, if "K«,")- (Do not report below any products sold on the stump Products sold on the stump should he included in question 226.) Were any of (he following forest products cut thia year for home use or for sale - 22». Firewood and fuelwood? 229. Pulpwood? 230. Fence posts? ... 231. Sawlogs and veneer logsl (1) How much was or will be cut (2) How much was or will be sold Ym No in iKar in 1959? D D D a D n Card.l4'i<'(S')|Carda "■:■:■:.. Cordt □ Numbar Board fact Board reel SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR. 1959: 251. Were any sheep or lambs shorn thia year? No O Yes Q {// -No," mark X and sk,p to question [254],) D-Z {Answer thex^ questions, if -Yes")- 252. Were any lambs shorn in 1959? 253. Were any sheep shorn in 1959? D a CI) How many were shorn? (2) How much wool was HOGS AND PIGS: [254] How many hogs and pigs of all age! including sows and boars, are on this plact* (//■■-Vo. None D Number . irJc X and skip to question [255] ) ((») Since June 1. thia year? s total, J lany were born — l . . \(bl Hefure June 1. Ihia year? (The total for questions (a) and (b) must fqual the number for question 254.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWINt.;: [255] How many litters were farrowed since June 1. Ihia year or will farrow before December I? 256. How many litters were farrowed hetssim December 1, laal year, and June I, thia yvat? Number of None □ litters Number of . None n litters CATTLE AND CALVES; (Include all cows and all other cattle and calves, both dairy and beef, on this place ) 257. How many cattle and calves of all ages are on this place? None □ Number (// ",Vone," mark X and akxp to question [262] ) or this total, how many are — ' (a) Cows? (Incliidt' heif.T-i that have calved I b) Heifers and heifer calves? . (I 111 not include any h>-ifi-rs that have calved ) (c) Bulls, bull calves, steers, and steer calves? . . . Number . Number . (The total for questions {«). (b). and (e) must I'qual the number for question 257.) COWS MILKED YESTERDAY 258. How many cows and heifers were milked yeaterday None □ Number _ None D Number _ 260, How many pounds of milk were produced yeaterday? . , , None Q Pounds „ 259. How manv milk cows were on this place yeaterday? (Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved ) Section VIIL— POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK NOW ON THIS PLACE AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION THIS YEAR. 1959 Include all poultry and animals on this place owned by you, by your landlord, by your employees, and by others. Tlieee questions are to be anawered by CENSUS ENUMERATOR (a) Doea Al number end in t or 7T No Q ¥«•□ (6) Are acrea in question 7, 1,000 or more? No Q YesQ Section IX.— DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1959 POULTRY: 236. Are there any chickens, turkeys, or other poultry on this place? >'o Q Ves D 237. If "No," were there any on this place any lime thia year? No Q Yes Q (// "No" for both questions 236 and 237. mark X and skip to question [246].) None □ Number _ None Q Number _ 238. How many chickens (hens, pullets, roosters, etc ) months old and over are now on this place' 239. How many broilers were or will be sold thia year? (Report all broilers sold and those grown for olhers under contract ) 240. How many hens, roosters, pullets, cockerels, and other chickens were or will he sold thia year? None Q Number _ 241. How manv dozens of chicken eggs were or will be sold thia year? None Q Dozens _ 242. How many turkeys and turkey fryers were raisid thia year? Iliicludc those raised from poults hatched, poults boiighi, and those raised for others under contract.) 243 How many turkey hens noifon hand are you keeping for breeding next year? [262] Was any milk ur cream sold thia year. 1959? No Q Ves Q {// ".Vo," mark X and skip to question [265] ) Report all sales from thia place whether made by you or by others. Report dairy products sold for your landlord. Be sure to include dairy products which you will sell by December 31, thia year. 263. Mow much whole milk was r will bf sold in /9S9.' None Q^ I Report in pounds of milk, gallons of milk, or pounds of hiitlerfat ) Quantitv sold or to be sold in 1959? or (1) Gallona sT milk or {)) Lb. of battcrfu D Number □ Number . 264. Mow much cream w ■T Will be sold in 1959? (If cream was sold I number of Ralloiis tr Lb. of baticffal How much was or will be the value of sales in 1959? the gallon, multiply the V-i to get pounds of butlerfat ) 244. How mai'V ducks, geese, and other poultry (not counting chickens and turkeys) Give were sold thia year? None Q name 245. Mow niurh was or will he received thia year from I hi- sale nf turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous pmiUri, and Iheir eggs? Section X.— ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 1959 Report all sales from Ihia place whether made by you or by others. Report all animals turned over to or sold for your landldrd, and animals fed under contract for others. Be sure to report animals which you will sell by December 31, thia year. Non iold D Value of - * S (-Ifisu-er thesr qurstio SHKKP AND I.AMB.S [246] Mom many ewes, rams, wethers, and lambs of all ages are on this place' None □ Number _ ( // Wone." mark X and skip to question [247] 1 Bi Lambs under I >ear old' . . Number ^ b) Ewes I year old and over' . Number _ CI Rams and wethers 1 vear old and over' Number _ iThe" total for questions (al. (b). and let must equal the number for question 246 ) Of this total, how many are Houses and miles. Were any of the following animals sold or will any be sold thia year (1959) — [247] III, ponies mr •• many horses, mules, colts, and IhiN placi? , [265] Calves? . 266. <'attle. not .■LMiiiting cakes'^ 267. Horses, mules, colts, and ponies? 268. Hogs and pigs? 269. Sheep and lambs? a How manv have been sola Ihia gear? (2) How many more will be sold between fioir and Dec. 31? (3) How much wfc' or will be the value of Bales ■n 1959? None D Number _ FLORIDA 257 Section XI.— FERTILIZER AND LIME Include all f«rlilizer and lime uned on (his place during 1959, whether purchased by you or by your landlord. 271. On how many acr^s i^crv commercial ferliliier and rerliliiing maleriala u!»(>d in 1959? None □ Acres (// '.Vonr, " mark X and skip to ijHration [2721) Was fertilizer used Ihit year on any of the following cropa- r thtsf qutnlions, if " )"« (a) Hay and cropland pasture? . . . . . (b) Other pasture (not rroplaiidi'' . . (c) Corn? (d) Soybeans? (e) Irish potatoes? (f) All other crops? (1) On how many acres was fertilizer used? How much was used- Dry materials'* (Include rock phosphate) Teniba no [272] How many acres were limed in £959? None □ Acres _ (// "\one." mark X onrf skip to qufstion [274].) 273. How much lime or liming materials was used in 1959? Tons _ (Include Kroiind hniestoiie, hydrated and burnt lime, marl, oyster shells, etc Omit lime used for spray.s or sanitation.) Section XIL— SELECTED FARM EXPENDITl'RES AND LAND-USE PRACTICES THIS YEAR. 1959 EXPENDITl'RFS Include expenses paid, or to be paid by December 31, 1959. by you and your landlord for this place. How much waa or will be spent f/iis year Tor— [274J Feed fnr livestock and poultry' {Include co-it of erain, hay, mill feeds, roncentrate?!, and rouRhaRpt. also. amounts paid for urindinK and mixing feed.) 275. The purcnase of livestock and poultry? . . (Include babv chicks ) 27$. Machine hire? (Include cu.itom work such as tractor hire, threshing, combining, cotton picking, cotton ginning, silo filling, corn picking, baling, plowing, fruit pickmg, spraying and dusting.) 277. Hired labor? iI>o not include housework, custom work, or contract construction work. Include cash None a S '00 None D * /OO pay I R only.) 278. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees? 279. Gasoline arid other petroleum fuel and oil fnr the farm buMnes.v' None O 5- None D S- LAND-rSE PRACTICES: 280. How many acres of land were used to grow cover crops this year and then planted to another crop' 281. How many acres of cropland uspd for grain or row crops thi» year were farmed on the contour? 282. How many acres of strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control were on this place this year? 283. Mow many acres of crop and pasture land on this place have terraces? None D Acres- None D Acres _ None Q Acres _ None □ Acres _ Section XIII— FARM LABOR ' (1) - I Nqb. □ (2} I to II honn D (3) IB hoon or mora Q 284. .\b..iii how many hours laat iceefc did you (the person in charge of this place) do farm work or cnores on this place' {Mark onf )"^-^ 285. How many other members of your family did 15 hours or more of farm work or chores on this place laat week without receiving cash wages? None Q Persons _ (Do not include housework.) 286. How many hired persons did any farm work or chores on this place latt week? None □ Persons . (Include members of vour family receiving cash wages ) (// "\one." mark X and skip to qurstton [291] ) 287. Of these hired ,(^, j^q ^j^^,^.^ ^^ ^^^^^ during Ihia year? . None Q Persons . Section XIV.— EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES NOW ON THIS PLACE Include equipment, whether owned by you or by others, on this plac< Include equipment and facilities that are temporarily out of order. How many of the following are on this place [291] Grain combines? 292. Corn pickers (include picker-shellers and corn combines)? i93. Pick-up balers? 294. Field forage harveslers (for field choppmg of silage and forage crnp>.l'> 295- Motortrucka (include pick-ups)? . . 296. Wheel tractors other than garden? . 297. Garden tractors? 298. Crawler tractors (tracklaying)? . . 299. Automobllea? Do you have on this place - persons working last week, I' how many were employed V., , on this place for ^^°' ^''' ■s than 150 days during fhia year] Q Persons _ (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 286.) 288. or these hired persons working latt week, how many were paid on a Number of persons (2) What was the agreed ca^h rate of pay' (If more than one person, give average) (3) How many hours per person were these workers expected to work to earn this pay' Monthly basis? (Pw S /OO per month IDollwaaBlr] Pw RisDIli Ibom) Weekly basis? (p« « /nn ppr wppk (DollwaanlT) P«r «Mk (tov>) Dailv (Pw •DM) S /nn per dny IDollv* onir) P« dar (haw*} Hourly basis? (P- S per hour {Dallval ' (CmU) Piecework (Pen n>tm) (The total of the persons reported in column 1 must equal the number for question 28fi ) piecework linsi^ 289. How many hired [K-r-on- paid oi worked on this placi' last Friday? { if ■ Wonr." mark X ar.d skip (o qufslion [291] ) 290. How much did th.si- hired p»T'ioii> on piecework (reported for question 289) purti for ih.-ir work laat Friday? None O Persons 300. Telephone? No Q Yes Q 301. Home freeier (for quick freeiing andstoring food)? No □ Yes □ (Do not include refrigerators.) 302. Milking machine? No D Yes Q 303. Electric milk cooler? No D Ym D 305. Crop drier (for gram, forage, or other crops)? No O Yes Q _306. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower? ..... No Q Yes Q 307. On what kind of road is this place located? [Mark onr)^ (1) Hard surface? Q (2) Gravel, shell, or shale? . . , O (3) Dirt or unimproved? ^D ^How many miles to a hard surface road? D Less than 1 mile OR // marked here, answer ^Section XV.— RENTAL AGREEMENT, FARM VALUES. AND MORTGAGE DEBT 308(a) Do you rent any land from others' No □ Yes Q (b) Do vou work any land on shares' No Q Yes Q (// ".Vo" for both question! 308(s) and 308(bl, marjlc X and skip to question [314] ) (// "Yes" for either qurstion 308|a) or 308(b), answer questions 309 through 313 ) 309. Does the landlord furnish all the work animals or tractor power (as a part of his share of the operation of the place)? .... No Q Yes □ 310. Do you pay to your landlord any cash as rent? No Q Yes Q (a) If "Y'es," how much for the year? S /OO 311. Do you pay to your landlord any share of the crops (such as }, ), })? No Q Yes □ 312. Do you pay to vour landlord anv share of the livestock or livestock products (such as 1, 1, j')' No Q Yea Q 313. Do you have this land under any other arrangement (such as a fixed quantity of any product, upkeep of land and buildings, payment of taxes, keep of landlord, rent free, etc )? ... No D Yes □ how much would the land and the buildings sell for — (al Land and buildings owned by you? (Copy acrv.s from que>.tion 3 ) (b) Land snd buildings rented from others? (Copy acres from question 4 ) (c) Land and buildings managed for othersl (Copy acre- from qu'-stion 5 ) (d) Land and buildings rented to others? (Copy acres from question 6 ) (1) Acres (2) Total value (dollars) h 315. Is there any mortgage debt on land and buildings owned by you' (.Mark one I ^^^^^^ -*■ No D Yes D No land owned D tvhat date did you fill this questionnaire? Section XVI.— ENUMERATOR'S RECORD— To be Sited by Census Enumerator Census county division Who furniahed the information in thti reporlt (Mark one ) WUW m Ifcw iwwfc^ aim ^■■fawMrD laaJlitd D N«^fcfcirD CHfcwD tOln Certified by Checked by , Crew leader Date (month and day) Dftt« (month and day) 258 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK A2 LISTING 1 C < PART 1 -LIST (Jh PLAC h.S IN hD PART n - ACRKULl «rion or ar V (ii ihi. TIRAL OPtRATIONS PART Ml -HLLI^l. Al £ ( 1 1 A. Li»l ih« h*»d of every hou»eho1d rtving tn (hii ED AND ALSO R LiM rvery pvrtOn, not living in rhii ED. who hat agriciiltural itperaiions in ihii ED (2) Doe. Did ihii p t.JM H ... y member of hii houtchotd perton or any member of hii house- hold operate ■ farm ranthl' (J) Any hvt- MOtk' (hogi' cattle' h,.ri«' %hccp' dn.li' Hi ( (4) 10 or more ihickeni' turkeyt* (1) Any crop*? oat*' hay' tobacco' other held cropa-') .6) 20 or more fruit tfee»' nut tree*? (7) Any veg etablci for ule' berriet' or green houic producti' (8> D,^, Do« th.% pcr^..^ ^^»« . v..ot opcrau..n% L 1 J* >» htrr he (91 I MO' I 2 ^ 4 5 No : V« No 1 Yt! N.. ; Ye% 1 : : No : Ye» i No : Ye» : i No I Y« No ; Yrt No : 'in : 1 '■ • t ■* 1 i i i i i i i ; f ■• : \ \ i i J ^ : J i 1 i j : ' ; i ] 6 7 B '.«\J • ( ..lumnt «-H II N. ' ...luinn. .Lt' l.i<»nlC. It S,, •l.Iu.k.. '1 ll \.. I.II...I l> II \,. 1,. , . • <<>tumnlO ll Ni. ■>ll..i|..ii>» II .■I..U.1 Al K \t Ill .< H ,.'. 1 Al Skll'l I'MKK l« lll'l ."I.I III. 1. ..<.ll.» ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK 259 Al (It) PART IV -RhCORO or (.OMPI.KTION OF ENUM^RATION < wurk land on Ollbark rrquirvd Turntd over to iftw Irjdct Rcmdrk> (M) Date pleietl (If.) Reminder! l\X'hi-ri to rfrufn, lelrpliont numhci cu 1 Dak Crew Itjdtt s m.t.jU ( 1 2 ) i ( 1 > ) (14) Al Nm V, ^ v„ t D.itc Date 2 4 i i Al No N.. : v<-> Date Djit H 10 - 1 i i Al N.. No : Yes Datt- n.iit 1 1 u 14 f Al \o SJn : NVs Orftt n.irt 16 18 19 2i\ (11) (12) l in At >>rJr> Niuinninf{ with 1 li» Ihr Fitti Al t--u ^rt t-i >Hi ahiih chc njini ol (hit ptrs^xi jppr