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The 1915 census was not taken, however, because of the abnormal conditions created by World War I. Beginning with 1920, a national agricultural census has been taken every 5 years. Legal Basis for the Census. — The 1959 Census of Agriculture was authorized by an Act of Congress, as were all prior censuses of agriculture. "Title 13, United States Code-Census," codified in August 1954, and amended In August 1957 and September 1960, is now the legal basis for censuses of agriculture and other cen- suses, and surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agriculture. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning In the month of October 1959, and in the same month of every fifth year thereafter, take a census of agriculture, provided that the censuses directed to be taken in October 1959 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken Instead in conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relates to the decennial cen- suses of population, unemployment, and housing to be taken as of the first day of April of each decennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title 13, the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties Imposed upon him by this title" to the Director of the Bureau of the Census. Pretest of the 1959 Census. — A "pretest" of the field procedures of the 1959 Census of Agriculture was conducted In 17 counties of the United States during the fall of 1958. The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a measure of the effective- ness of the questions and procedures planned for the 1959 nationwide census. Three versions of the agriculture question- naire— the first one for Northern States, the second for Southern States, and the third for Western States — were used in the pre- test Each version contained questions appropriate to the type of agriculture In the part of the country where It was used. All major aspects of field forms and procedures, from the hiring and training of crew leaders and enumerators to actual Interviews with farm operators, were given a "trial run" In each of the 17 counties. Preliminary versions of reporting forms, maps, pay- roll records, training guides, and instruction manuals were sub- jected to actual use under conditions simulating those expected In the nationwide enumeration conducted in the fall of 1959. In making final preparations for the 1959 census, the stuff of the Bureau drew heavily on the results of the pretest, as well as on experience gained from previous censuses. Training Program for Personnel for Enumeration. — Every per- son hired to do work In connection with the 1959 Census of Agri- culture received specialized training for his job. Staff mem- 563128—60 bers of the Washington and Regional Offices of the Bureau and of the U.S. Department of Agriculture trained approximately 110 agriculture field assistants and 2,100 crew leaders. The crew leaders, In turn, trained and supervised approximately 30,000 enumerators. All training was presented according to procedures contained in various guides and manuals prepared by the Bureau. The training program Included fllmstrlps, map-reading, practice interviewing, and practice filling of questionnaires and other census forms. In most Instances, training sessions were held near the areas In which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. Enumeration Period. — The actual enumeration in the conter- minous United States (see page XIV) started at dates varying from October 7 to November 18, 1959. In general, starting dates were based upon regional variations in harvesting seasons and on weather conditions. The primary aim was to have the enumeration late enough to follow the harvesting of the bulk of important crops and early enough to precede the advent of winter weather with the attending unfavorable travel conditions. The bulk of the enumeration work was completed within three to four weeks after the starting date. In Hawaii, the enumera- tion was made during the months of December 1959 and January I960; and in Alaska, during April 1960. Enumeration starting dates for the censuses of 1959 and 1954 are given In State table 11, together with figures showing the percentage of farms enumerated In the State during weekly pe- riods. The average enumeration date for the 1959 census for each county is given in county table 6. Data for Inventory Items — land In farms, machinery and equip- ment, livestock, and poultry — relate to the situation at the actual time of enumeration of each individual farm. Data for acres, production, and sales of crops relate generally to the crops har- vested during the crop year 1959, regardless of whether and when they were sold while data for sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year 1959. Since the enumera- tion was made before the end of 1959, special emphasis was placed upon the inclusion of estimates for crops yet to be sold and for livestock and livestock products expected to be sold in the period from the time of enumeration to the end of the cal- endar year. Instructions on the questionnaire and the wording of questions were designed to assure that full crop-year or calendar-year data would be reported. For example, "How much of this year's crop was or will be sold?" ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization.— Section 5 of Title 13 of the United States Code authorizes the preparation of forms and questionnaires used in the census. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall prepare schedules, and shall determine the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for In this title." The Agriculture Questionnaire.- — The questionnaire for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was prepared by the staff of the Bureau. Selection of the inquiries was based on the results of the 1958 pretest and experience gained In earlier censuses. Careful con- sideration was given to such factors as the current availability UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 of data from other sources, the possibility of obtaining data by methods other than a census, the adequacy of the data that might be obtained, and the need for and usefulness of the data. Two committees gave advice and counsel to the Bureau. One of these, a Special Advisory Committee, was composed of members desig- nated by the organizations they represented, following an invita- tion from the Director of the Bureau of the Census to name a representative to serve in an advisory capacity. The Special Advisory Committee for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was made up of one representative from each of the following : Agri- cultural Publishers Association, American Association of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Farm Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Farm Equipment Institute, National As- sociation of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agri- culture, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers' Union, National Grange, Rural Sociological Society, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A representative of the Bureau of the Budget was in attendance at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Because of the special interest of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture in censuses of agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Census sought the continuous cooperation of that organiza- tion in developing plans, questionnaires, and procedures for the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Working Groups were established in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make recommendations for the following general subjects : Tenure, Land Values, and Mortgage Debt Land Use and Conservation and Production Practices Field Crops Fruits and Vegetables Forest Products Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Income and Expenditure (including Contractual Operations) Farm Labor Equipment and Facilities (including Structures) Each Working Group had the responsibility for ascertaining the U.S. Department of Agriculture's need for data in the field covered by its "terms of reference" and for presenting recom- mendations to a small Joint Committee comprising representa- tives of both the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Joint Committee received written recom- mendations from each Working Group. The Chairman of each Group appeared before the Joint Committee as did any member of the Working Group who was needed to present supplemental information of a specialized nature. Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire, State Agricul- tural Colleges and other major users of census data were invited to suggest inquiries for the enumeration. Each member of the Special Advisory Committee had the opportunity and the respon- sibility for channeling in suggestions from the organization he represented. The number of inquiries submitted from all sources greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census, from the point of view of cost, of the respondent's time and patience, and of practical value to the majority of users of data. The final selection included 316 questions, some of which con- sisted of several parts, for the 48 States comprising the con- terminous United States. Although each of the 316 questions was asked in one or more of the 48 States, considerably less than this total was asked in any one State because of the use of "State" questionnaires. Moreover, about 50 questions out of the total were asked of approximately one-fifth of all farm operators in the State. The number of questions ranged from 159 on the questionnaire for Maine to 194 on the questionnaire for Cali- fornia. In all, 38 versions of the questionnaire — one for each State or combination of adjoining States and two for Texas — were used for the 1959 census in the conterminous United States as compared with 21 versions in 1954 and 41 in 1950. A separate version was used in Alaska and another in Hawaii. Differences in the questionnaires were designed to account for regional and local differences in agriculture. Most, but not all, of the differences related to crops. The use of State ques- tionnaires made possible the inclusion of separate inquiries for all important crops grown within a State and, at the same time, a reduction in the total number of inquiries for a State. Questions that did not apply, to any considerable degree, to a particular State were omitted from the questionnaire used in that State. For example, separate questions about citrus fruits were omitted from all questionnaires except for the few States where citrus fruits are grown. An added advantage of State questionnaires was that production and sales data could be asked in the unit of measure most commonly used by the farmers in each State. Regional variation in the number and type of ques- tions is an important provision of the census for obtaining com- plete coverage of agricultural operations. About 2 weeks before the start of the enumeration, agricul- ture questionnaires were mailed to most households in rural areas. A letter was attached to each questionnaire asking the farm operator to fill the questionnaire and to give it to the enu- merator when he called. The purpose of this procedure was to save time and money in taking the census and to improve the quality of the information given by farm operators. By having the questionnaire ahead of time, the farmer could determine what information would be required and could check his records in advance of the enumerator's visit. It was, however, the respon- sibility of the enumerator to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each place which qualified. If the questionnaire had been filled out by the farm operator, the enumerator was instructed to examine the questionnaire for completeness and accuracy and, if need be, to give the farmer such help as might be necessary. Agricultural Operations. — The training of enumerators stressed the concept that a census of agriculture is a census of agricultural operations rather than a census of farms. This concept was in- tended to assure a complete agricultural census free of any per- sonal judgment by enumerators as to what constitutes a farm. In accordance with clearly defined procedures, an enumerator was required to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each person who had charge of one or more agricultural operations, whether or not he considered himself to be a farm operator. For enu- meration purposes, it was considered that there were agricul- tural operations on a place if, at any time in 1959 — a. Any livestock (hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, or mules) were kept on the place. b. A combined total of 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and ducks were kept on the place. c. Any grain, hay, tobacco, or other field crops were grown on the place. d. A combined total of 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and nut trees were on the place. e. Any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products were grown on the place for sale. As a result of the requirement that all places having agri- cultural operations be enumerated, more questionnaires were obtained than are included in the tabulations for farms. During the office processing operations that followed the completion of enumeration, criteria were applied to the questionnaires to sort out for tabulation those that represented farms according to the census definition of a farm (see page XIV). Enumeration Assignments and Enumeration Districts. — To as- sure a complete enumeration within the time allotted, the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) was divided into 29,374 Enumeration Assignments, or EA's. Each EA comprised an INTRODUCTION XI area that one enumerator could reasonably be expected to canvass within a 3- to 4-week period, as indicated by performance rec- ords from the 1954 census. Each EA was made up of one or more Enumeration Dis- tricts, or "ED's," as the geographic unit for enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, the ED's were classified into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms, as indicated by the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the 1950 Census of Population and Housing, current population esti- mates, and highway maps showing culture which were basic to establishing the boundaries of each assignment. Through the use of different canvassing procedures for each group of ED's, the Bureau was able to reduce the cost of enumeration without running any material risk of missing any farms or other places with agricultural operations. The ED groupings and canvassing procedures are described below. Group I Enumeration Districts. — In general, ED's with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open- country areas and comprise Group I. For each ED of Group I, in his Enumeration Assignment, the enumerator was required to list in his Record Book the name of every head of household living in the ED and also the name of every person not living in the ED who had agricultural operations there. There were approximately 20,751 ED's in Group I for the 1959 Census. Group II Enumeration Districts. — Rural ED's in which the number of dwellings was large in relation to the number of farms were considered to be in Group II. For each ED, in Group II, the enumerator was required to list the head of the household for all dwellings in the ED except for those on less than one acre of ground in built-up residential areas of 50 or more dwellings. He was also required to determine, by obser- vation or local inquiry, whether there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the built-up areas and, if so, to obtain an agriculture questionnaire. There were approximately 7,979 ED's in Group II. Group III Enumeration Districts. — Most incorporated places and unincorporated villages having approximately 150 or more dwellings were designated as separate ED's and are classified as Group III. Also, most ED's in counties around large metro- politan areas were designated as Group III Ed's. Prior to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, places enumerated in these areas during the 1954 Census of Agriculture were listed in the Enumerator's Record Book. The enumerator was required to visit and enumerate or otherwise account for each place listed in his Record Book. In addition, be was Instructed to ask at each of these [)laces if there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the Enumeration District, and, if so, to add them to his list and enumerate tbem. There were ap- proximately 15,836 Group III ED's in 1959. According to the 1954 Census, these ED's contained 380,575 farms. A few enumeration districts that comprised incorporated places or that were within an incorporated city were classified as Group I or Group II because they had a large number of farms. A few others, comprising extensive rural districts requiring con- siderable travel, were classified as Group III because they had only a small number of farms. Enumerator's Record Book. — Each enumerator received one or more Record Books containing a listing form for use during canvassing. (See appendix for facsimile of one page of list- ing form included in Enumerator's Record Book.) The lines on the listing form were numbered in consecutive order. Ex- cept as otherwise prescribed for Group II and Group III ED's, the enumerator listed in his Record Book the name of each head of household living In his assigned area and also the name of each person not living in his area who had agricultural opera- tions there. As he made his listing, he also asked the questions about agricultural operations that were printed on the listing form. Answers to these questions determined, for the enumerator, whether or not an agriculture questionnaire was required for the person listed and, if so, whether he or some other enumerator was responsible for getting it. Thus, the Record Book served as an important aid to the enumerator in securing complete cov- erage of all agricultural operations within his area. At the same time, it helped to prevent enumeration of the same place by two or more enumerators. Enumeration Maps. — As a second aid to getting complete cover- age, each enumerator received a map or, in a few exceptional cases, a brief written description of the area assigned to him for enumeration. He was required to plan and follow an orderly route of enumeration within the boundaries of his assigned area in accordance with established canvassing procedures. As the enumerator listed a place in his Record Book, he indicated its location by copying onto his map the number of the line on which he listed it. This numbering system indicated the enumerator's route of travel, and helped both the enumerator and his crew leader to determine the extent of coverage of the enumerator's assignment at any given time. Lists of Special and Large Farms. — Prior to the enumeration, a card list of "special and large farms" was prepared on the basis of records obtained from the 1954 census and from Federal and State agricultural agencies. In general, "special and large farms" fell into one of three categories: (1) farms having unusually large acreages, livestock inventories, or annual sales as indi- cated by available records; (2) farms known to be specializing In such operations as broiler production, turkey growing, feed lots, nursery or greenhouse production, cranberry bogs, citrus groves, etc.; (3) farms that might easily be overlooked because they had absentee operators or were not locally thought of as farms, such as institutions, Indian reservations, grazing associa- tions, etc. Enumerators were given the cards for the special and large farms within their assignment areas to use as aids to obtaining complete coverage. Generally, the cards provided insurance against the omission of farming units that could have a signifi- cant effect on the totals for a given county or State. The enu- merator was instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each special or large farm in his area or to write an explana- tion on the card as to why an agriculture questionnaire was not required on the basis of 1959 operations. The crew leader had a duplicate set of cards for use in checking enumeration coverage. Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire. — As in several previous cen- suses, a special landlord-tenant questionnaire was used in some parts of the South as a supplement to the agriculture question- naire. Its purpose was to help the enumerator get complete and accurate coverage of individually operated tracts of land that were actually part of one operating unit under the control of one landlord. To accomplish this purpose, the enumerator was required to fill a landlord-tenant questionnaire for each landlord who had any land worked on shares. The entries made in this questionnaire included the name of each sharecropper, tenant, or renter ; the amount of land assigned to each ; and the acreage and quantity of crops harvested on shares. By checking these entries against the agriculture questionnaires obtained for the individual operators, the enumerator and the Central Office could verify that each part of the operating unit controlled by the landlord was enumerated and that it was enumerated only once. The landlord- tenant questionnaire was used in 386 counties In the 1959 census as compared with approximately 900 counties In 1954. Township Sketch Map. — In some areas of the Great Plains, a considerable portion of land is farmed by nonresident operators — that is, by persons who do not live on the land they operate or who live on it only during part of the year. Enumerators in these areas used a special mapping form, the Township Sketch, in addition to their enumeration maps as an aid to obtaining com- plete coverage. Each township included on the sketch was identified by township and range number and was divided into 144 small squares. In a standard section of 640 acres, each square represented a quarter section of land, or 160 acres. As the enumerator canvassed his assignment area, he indicated the acreage and location of each farm, ranch, and tract of nonfarm XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 land by drawing its boundaries on the sketch. He also used a simple numbering system as a cross reference between the agri- cultural land identified on the sketch and the questionnaire on which it was reported. The Township Sketch was used in all counties of North Dakota nd South Dakota and In selected counties of Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Field Review of Enumerator's Work.— In the 1959 census, greater emphasis was placed on a detailed review of enumerators' work during enumeration than had been the case in previous censuses. The objective was to detect and correct enumeration errors as early as possible in order to achieve and maintain a high quality of individual performance. Starting on the first day of enumeration and continuing throughout the enumeration period, each crew leader was instructed to make regular and frequent visits to his enumerators. At each visit, he was to follow a clearly defined procedure for observing the enumerator's conduct of interviews and for checking his listings, maps, ques- tionnaires, and other forms for accuracy and completeness. As an aid to checking coverage and enumerator efficiency, the crew leader was given a list containing estimates, based on the 1954 census, of the number of questionnaires required in each enumeration assignment area within his district, and of the mileage and time required to obtain those questionnaires. SAMPLING Use of Sampling.— In the 1959 census, as in several previous censuses, sampling was used in two ways : for enumeration and for tabulation. Sampling in enumeration consisted of the col- lection of information about the items included in sections IX through XV of the questionnaire for only a sample of farms. The "sample" items relate to sales of dairy products and sales of livestock, use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, equipment and facilities, rental agreements, farm values, and farm mortgage debt. The same sample of farms was used for tabulations by type of farm and by economic class of farm and for many of those by size of farm and by color and tenure of operator. Description of the Sample.— The sample used for the 1959 Census of Agriculture consisted of all farms with a total area of 1,000 or more acres or with estimated sales of S100.000 or more in 1959, and approximately 20 percent of all other farms. Farms with 1,000 or more acres were universally included in the sample during enumeration. As the enumerator filled the questionnaire, he determined the number of "acres in this place" (see que of the agriculture questionnaire). If the acreage amounted to 1,000 or more he was required to fill sections IX through XV of the questionnaire. Farms with less than 1,000 acrp«. with esti- mated sales of $100,000 or more, were included in the sample during the office processing. For these farms the information for sections IX through XV was obtained by mail. The selection of farms of less than 1,000 acres for Inclusion in the sample was made during enumeration, according to the fol- lowing procedure: As the enumerator determined that he was required to obtain a questionnaire, he assigned a number to it, whether or not he was able to obtain the questionnaire on his first visit. He assigned numbers in consecutive order, beginning with "1" for the first questionnaire required in each enumera- tion district within his area. He was instructed to fill sections IX through XV on all questionnaires for which the assigned number ended in "2" or "7" (i.e. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc.). Adjustment of the Sample.— An adjustment in the part of the sample that was comprised of farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000 was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms in the sample by size of farm. The purpose of this adjustment was to Improve the reliability of the estimates based on the sample and to reduce the effects of possible biases introduced by enumerators who de- viated from the prescribed procedure for selecting the sample farms. The adjustment procedure was carried out for "blocks" of counties, each consisting of from one to ten counties In a State. To adjust the sample, separate counts were made for each county, and for the block of counties of all farms and of farms in the sample for each of 10 size-of-farm groups based on the "acres in this place" (question 7). The 10 size-of-farm groups were as follows : under 10 acres, 10 to 49 acres, 50 to 69 acres, 70 to 99 acres, 100 to 139 acres, 140 to 179 acres, 180 to 219 acres, 220 to 259 acres, 260 to 499 acres, and 500 to 999 acres. Farms of less than 1,000 acres, but with value of sales of $100,000 or more, were excluded from these counts. For each size-of-farm group, the number of farms in the sample for the block of counties was adjusted to make it equal or approximately equal to the total number of farms divided by five. This was accomplished for each group by the elimination or duplication on a random basis, of farms In those counties where the difference between the actual proportion in the sample and the expected 20 percent was in the same direction as the difference for the block of counties. Estimation of Totals for the Sample. — For the Items Included in the sample part of the questionnaire (sections IX through XV ) , estimated totals for all farms were derived from the tabu- lated totals for the farms in the adjusted sample. First, item-by- item totals, as tabulated for that part of the sample comprising farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000, were multiplied by 5. These estimated Item-by- item totals were then added to the corresponding item totals, as tabulated, for all farms of 1,000 acres and over and farms with estimated sales of $100,000 and over. The resulting values represent the estimated totals for all farms. Presentation of Sample Data. — In tables where a small amount of data based on the sample farms is presented together with data for all farms, the data based on the sample are printed in italics. Other tables contain headnotes explaining that most of the data are estimates based on reports for only a sample of farms. Reliability of Estimates.— The estimated totals for all farms of the items enumerated for only the sample farms are subject to sampling errors. The estimated totals obtained by making tabulations for only the farms included in the sample are also subject to sampling errors. State tables 23 and 24 contain ap- proximate measures of the sampling reliability of the estimates for numbers of farms reporting and for Item totals. While these measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estimates, they do not completely reflect errors arising from sources other than sampling ; for example, errors in the original data reported by farmers. Errors arising from sources other than sampling may, in some instances, be relatively more important than sampling variation, especially for county totals. The general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals may be determined from the data in State tables 23 and 24. State table 24 contains a list of Items, together with a figure for each Item Indicating one of the four levels of sampling reliability that are presented in State table 23. For each item the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be de- termined from State table 23, In the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State table 24. To determine the sampling reliability for any Item, reference must be made to State table 24 to find out which of the four levels of sampling reliability given in State table 23 should be used, and also the appropriate county or State table to obtain the number of farms reporting the item. INTRODUCTION XIII As explained in State table 23, the level of sampling reliability designated as level 1 should always be used to determine the sampling reliability of estimated numbers of farms or of farms reporting. State table 23 shows percentage limits such that chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference between an estimate based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation of all farms would be no more than the percentage specified for the estimated number of farms reporting that item. The chances are about 99 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 2% times the percentage specified. As indicated by the percentages in State table 23, the smaller the number of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error in the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail is presented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, in order to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report. Per- centages and averages that may be derived from the tables will generally have greater relative reliability than the corresponding estimated totals. However, significant patterns of relationships may be observed in the estimated totals even though the indi- vidual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample of farms for the 1954 census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 1909. Therefore, State tables 23 and 24 may also be used to determine the sampling errors for the 1954 data. Differences in Data Resulting From Differences in Tabulating Procedures. — Many of the figures in the detailed State tables rep- resent estimates obtained by tabulating only the sample farms. The totals for these detailed distributions will generally differ somewhat from totals presented in other tables obtained from different distributions which were tabulated on a 100 percent basis. Moreover, although most of the figures presented by coun- ties were obtained from tabulations of all farms, the data in county table 4 for commercial farms, and all of the data in the county tables on dairy products and livestock sold, fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, facilities and equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The State totals In the county tables for these items, though based also on the sample, wi series of tabulating runs, and so may differ slightly from totals presented in some For reasons of economy the sample distributions were not adjusted to the 100 percent totals re uvuilable, nor were slig ulting from different runs of the sample data always rec- onciled unless the differences were large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of Enumeration. — As an enumerator completed his assignment, he turned the portfolio containing questionnaires and other census materials over to his crew leader. After making a final review of the enumerator's work, the crew leader mailed the portfolio to the Agriculture Processing Office at Parsons, Kansas. There, each enumerator portfolio was thoroughly checked for completeness of all required forms and for correct application of the sampling procedure. Editing of Questionnaires. — Each agriculture questionnaire was Individually edited and coded before the information was trans- ferred to punch cards and tabulated. As the first major step in the editing process, questionnaires that did not represent farms according to the census definition were withdrawn from fur- ther processing. (See p. XIV.) As the second major step, the remaining questionnaires were examined for errors, omissions, and Inconsistencies. Among the specific items subjected to con- sistency checks were the following : a. Total acreage compared with Its distribution by use. b. Acreage of individual crops harvested compared with total cropland harvested. c. Irrigated acreage compared with total acres In the farm. d. Total acreage of individual crops for all purposes compared with the acreage harvested for specific purposes. e. Quantity of crops harvested In relation to acreage harvested. f. Sales in relation to production and, for livestock, to Inven- tories. g. Total livestock compared with the inventory by age and sex. h. Expenditures compared with production and inventories. Obvious errors in calculations or in units of measure, and misplaced entries were corrected as they were found. Entries not clearly legible were rewritten. Many omissions or incon- sistencies were disregarded during editing. Those of significant magnitude could be and were handled more efficiently and eco- nomically during mechanical processing operations. Question- naires containing major inconsistencies and omissions were re- ferred to members of the technical staff for review. Depending on the magnitude of the data involved, the technical staff cor- rected (or supervised the correction of ) the questionnaires either on the basis of Information reported for other farms of similar type in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived In response to letters directed to the farm operators. Coding of Questionnaires. — Most of the numerical information on a questionnaire was self-coding in that the inquiry number was utilized for the item identification on punch cards or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was also neces- sary for such items as Irrigated crops for selected States, crops Infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for Individual Items. All farms were coded by size of farm In terms of total acreage, by race, and by tenure of operator. Farms In the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii were also coded on the basis of Irrigated cropland and irrigated pasture. Additional codes were applied to all farms included in the sample to classify them by type of farm and by total value of agricultural products sold. Individual Items were coded only where reports were received for crops or poultry not covered by separate Inquiries on the questionnaire. This coding was necessary to assure Inclusion of the data in the appropriate farm product totals. Tabulation of Data. — After, the questionnaires were edited and coded, the information on them was punched on cards. The cards were then mechanically sorted and fed into machines which transferred the data to tabulation sheets. One of the initial and primary steps In the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate and list those cards which lacked necessary in- formation, those which contained Inconsistent or Impossible data, and those on which the data were possible but of such magnitude that a further review of the Individual questionnaires was war- ranted. The listing sheets were examined and, as necessary, the cards were corrected. When the cards for a particular county were considered satisfactory, the data were tabulated. Subject-matter specialists of the Bureau and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture examined all tabulations for reasonableness and consistency. As necessary, they made corrections on the basis of a further review and reappraisal of the original reports and verification of the editing, coding, and punching. xrv UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS Statistical Content of This Report.— This report is part of Vol- ume I of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Volume I consists of 54 parts, each part containing information about agriculture for a single State, Commonwealth, or Possession. Each part con- tains county data for that particular State or area. The term "county," as used in this report embraces election districts in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, municipios (municipalities) in Puerto Rico, etc. The statistics for 1959 were obtained from the Census of Agriculture taken in the "conterminous United States" (see following paragraph), Hawaii, and Puerto Rico during the period October 1959 to January 1960 and in Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, and Virgin Islands as of April 1, 1960. Compara- tive data for years prior to 1959 were obtained from earlier censuses. In the planning of the publications for the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing and the 1959 Census of Agriculture, the term "conterminous United States," recommended by the Board of Geographic Names to designate the 48-State area as it ex- isted before Alaska and Hawaii became States, was adopted by the Bureau of the Census. The definitions and explanations in this introduction for vol- ume I generally have application broad enough to include the States of Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the island possessions. However, specific application in many instances may be limited to the conterminous United States ; for example, references to earlier censuses, to the sam- pling methods and procedures, to specific sections or questions on the questionnaires, and to specific table numbers. For each part of volume I (one part for each State or area), a facsimile of the appropriate questionnaire is reproduced in the appendix. The statistics for States and counties are presented according to the same general plan as was followed in the volume I re- ports for the 1954 and the 1950 censuses. State and county totals are given for nearly all items for which information was ob- tained in the 1959 census. However, most of the data by eco- nomic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are given only for States. Comparative data for the States are given for each census year beginning with 1920. Comparative data for counties are given for the years 1959 and 1954. For some items, the data obtained from the 1959 census are the only ones available. For comparative purposes 1950 data are carried in county table 6 for the kind of road on which farms were located. Comparability of Data. — The data obtained from the various censuses of agriculture are not strictly comparable for all items. For example, differences from one census to another in the time of enumeration, the wording of the questions, and the definition of a farm cause some lack of comparability. Differences con- sidered to have a significant effect on the comparability of data are described in the text and/or mentioned in footnotes to the tables. Minor Civil Divisions. — As in prior censuses, data for most of the items included in the 1959 Census of Agriculture were tabu- lated for minor civil divisions. The term "minor civil division" applies to the primary subdivision of a county into smaller geo- graphic areas such as townships, precincts, districts, wards, beats, municipalities, etc. Figures for these smaller geographic areas are not included in any of the published reports, but they may be supplied upon request and payment of the costs of com- piling and checking the data. Prior to the 1954 Census, an enumeration assignment did not Include more than one minor civil division, even in cases where the township, precinct, etc., did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. In 1954, and again in 1959, the aim was to make enumeration assignments large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a 3- to 4-week period. Hence, in some areas, two or more adjoining minor civil divisions were combined into one enumeration assignment. An enumeration assignment never comprised the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another, nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division that included too many farms for one enumerator to cover during the enumeration period was divided into two or more enumeration assignments. In some cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a single minor civil division, even when such totals required a grouping of enumeration assignments. In other cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a combination of two or more adjoining minor civil divisions. The data for each individual minor civil division included in such totals can be tab- ulated separately, however, since each questionnaire obtained in the census contains the designation of the minor civil division in which the farm headquarters was located. An additional charge must be made for a separate tabulation of any small area in- cluded in a total for two or more combined minor civil divisions. Requests for census information for minor civil divisions should be directed to the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive Summary and References. — The definitions and ex- planations that follow relate only to those items that are con- sidered to be inadequately described in the tables where they appear. Although the descriptive terms and explanations refer specifically to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, many of them also apply to earlier censuses. Most of the definitions consist of a resume of the questionnaire wording, supplemented by excerpts from instructions given to enumerators. For exact wording of the questions and of the instructions included on the question- naire, see the facsimile of the 1959 Agriculture Questionnaire in the appendix of this report. An analysis of the questions asked in the 1959 census, and of the data obtained, is given in Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General Farm Information Census Definition of a Farm. — For the 1959 Census of Agricul- ture, the definition of a farm was based primarily on a combina- tion of "acres in the place" and the estimated value of agricultural products sold. The word "place" was defined to include all land on which agricultural operations were conducted at any time in 1959 under the control or supervision of one person or partnership. (For definition of "agricultural operations", see p. X.) Control may have been exercised through ownership or management, or through a lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Places of less than 10 acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $250. Places of 10 or more acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $50. Places having less than the $50 or $250 minimum estimated sales in 1959 were also counted as farms if they could normally be expected to produce agricultural products in sufficient quantity to meet the requirements of the definition. This additional qualification resulted in the inclusion as farms of some places engaged in farming operations for the first time in 1959 and places affected by crop failure or other unusual conditions. To avoid biases arising from an enumerator's personal judg- ment and opinion, the Bureau did not give enumerators the defini- INTRODUCTION XV tlon of a farm. Instead, enumerators were Instructed to obtain questionnaires for all places considered farms by their operators and for all other places that had one or more agricultural opera- tions. (See "Agricultural Operations", p. X.) In 1954, enumer- ators were Instructed to fill questionnaires on the same basis as in 1959. In 1950, agricultural operations were defined to include every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not the operator con- sidered it a farm, and every place having "specialized operations", regardless of the acreage. "Specialized operations" referred to nurseries and greenhouses and to places having 100 or more poultry, production of 300 or more dozen eggs in 1949, or 3 or more hives of bees. In all of the three last censuses, as a result, questionnaires were filled for a considerable number of places that did not qualify as farms. The determination as to which questionnaires represented farms was made during office process- ing operations and only those questionnaires meeting the criteria for a farm were included In the tabulations. For both the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale but ex- clusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. A few places with very low agricultural production because of unusual circumstances, such as crop failure, were also counted as farms if they normally could have been expected to meet the minimum value or sales criteria. In the censuses from 1925 to 1945, enumerators were given a definition of "farm" and were Instructed to obtain reports only for those places which met the criteria. According to this defini- tion, farms Included all places of 3 or more acres, regardless of the quantity or value of agricultural production, and places of less than 3 acres If the value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale, amounted to $250 or more. Because of changes In price level, the $250 minimum resulted in the in- clusion of varying numbers of farms of less than 3 acres In the several censuses taken during this period. Generally, the only reports excluded from tabulation were those taken In error and those showing very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more were tabulated only If at least 3 acres were in cropland and/or pasture or If the value of products In 1944 amounted to at least $150. The decrease In the number of farms in 1950 and 1954, as com- pared with earlier censuses, was partly due to the change In farm definition, especially with respect to farms of 3 or more acres in size. Some of the places of 3 or more acres that were not counted as farms In 1950 and 1954 because the value of their agricultural production was less than $150 would have qualified as farms If the criteria had been the same as In earlier censuses. For 1959, the decrease In the number of farms as compared with all prior censuses resulted partly from the change In farm definition. The fact that sales of agricultural products In 1959 was used resulted In the exclusion of some places that would have qualified as farms had the value of agricultural products alone been considered. The Increase In the acreage minimum also had an effect The reduction in the number of farms due to change In definition, 1954 to 1959, is shown for each county In county table 1. Some characteristics of the places not counted as farms in 1959, but which would have been Included in 1954, are shown in State table 10. The change in farm definition made in 1950 and again in 1959 had no appreciable effect on the totals for livestock or crops because the places affected by the change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the totals for a given county or State. For the States that comprise the conterminous United States, two figures are published for each county on the number of farms in 1959. One is an actual count of all farms and the other is an estimate based on the number of farms included in the sample. For almost every county there is a difference between the actual number of farms and the estimated number of farms. Because of sampling procedure and sampling variability, the number of farms in the sample seldom agrees exactly with the actual num- ber of farms. For most counties, the actual number of farms in the sample was either more or less than precisely 20 percent of all farms. Similarly, totals estimated on the basis of data for the sample farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the actual totals that would have been obtained had the data been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, the estimated number of farms reporting certain items may, in some instances, be greater than the total number of farms shown in county table 1. However, the estimated number of farms is given in county tables 5 and 6 so that estimates based on the sample farms may be related to the estimated rather than the actual number of farms. Farm Operator. — The term "farm operator" is used to designate a person who operates a farm, either doing the work himself or directly supervising the work. He may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he is considered as operator only of the land which he retains for his own operation. In the case of a partner- ship, only one partner Is counted as an operator. The number of farm operators is considered to be the same as the number of farms. Farms Reporting or Operators Reporting. — Figures for farms re- porting or operators reporting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or operators, for which the speci- fied item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms In a county and only 1,465 had chickens 4 months old and over on hand at the time of enumeration, the number of farms reporting chickens would be shown as 1,465. The difference be- tween the total number of farms and the number of farms re- porting a particular Item represents the number of farms not having that Item, provided a correct report was received for all farms. Where applicable, figures may be given for the number of farms or operators not reporting items that were intended to be ob- tained for all farms; for example, residence of farm operator, State table 4. The number not reporting, as compared with the total number of farms or operators, indicates the extent of incompleteness of the reporting of the data for the item. Land Area. — The approximate total land area of States and counties as reported for 1959 Is, in general, the same as that re- ported for all censuses beginning with 1940. Such differences as are shown reflect political changes In boundaries or actual changes in land area caused by changes in the number or size of reser- voirs, lakes, streams, etc. For Alaska, the areas for election districts represent the gross area of land and water. Land in Farm*. — Except for managed farms, the land to be In- cluded In each farm was determined from the answers to ques- tions about the number of acres owned, the number of acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the number of acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres owned and the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others were first added together and then the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others were subtracted. The re- sult represented the number of acres in the farm. The number of acres in a managed farm was the difference between the total land managed and that part of the managed land that was rented to others or worked on shares by others. In the 1959, 1954, and 1950 censuses, enumerators were In- structed to record total figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others, Including any part of the land that was rented to others. In censuses prior to 1950, enu- XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 merators were instructed to exclude all land rented to others and to record only that portion of the acreage owned, rented from others, or managed for others that was retained by the farm op- erator. Thus, the figures for the individual tenures of land are not entirely comparable for all censuses. However, the land in- cluded in each farm was determined on essentially the same basis for all censuses. The acreage designated in the tables as "land in farms" consists primarily of "agricultural" land— that is, land used for crops and pasture or grazing. It also includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation nor used for pasture or graz- ing. For example, the entire acreage of woodland and wasteland owned or rented by farm operators is included as land in farms, unless it was being held for nonagricultural purposes or unless the acreage was unusually large. For 1959 and 1954, if a place had 1,000 or more acres of woodland not pastured and wasteland, and if less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was used for agricultural purposes, the acreage of woodland not pas- tured and wasteland was reduced to equal the acreage used for agriculture. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of woodland not pastured and wasteland differed slightly from the one used in 1959 and 1954. In 1950, adjustments were made in places of 1,000 or more acres (5,000 or more in the 17 Western States) , if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under government permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms provided the place of which it was a part was a farm. Grazing land operated by Grazing Associations was to be reported in the name of the person chiefly responsible for conducting the business of the Association. Land used rent free was to be reported as land rented from others. All land in Indian reservations that was used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be in- cluded. Land in Indian reservations that was not reported by Individual Indians and that was not rented to non-Indians was to be reported in the name of the cooperative group that used the land. In some instances, an entire Indian reservation was re- ported as one farm. Land owned. — All land that the operator and/or his wife held under title, purchase contract, homestead law, or as heir or trustee of an undivided estate at the time of enumeration is considered as owned. land Rented from Others. — This item includes not only land that the operator rented or leased from others but also land he worked on shares for others and land he occupied rent free. Grazing land used under government permit or license is not included. Land Rented to Others. — This item includes all land rented or leased to others, except land leased to the government under the Soil Bank, and all land worked by others on shares or on a rent-free basis. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes land rented for residential or other purposes. The tenant or sharecropper is considered as the operator of land leased, rented, or worked on shares even though his landlord may supervise his opera- tions. The landlord is considered as operator of only that por- tion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land Managed. — This item includes all tracts of land man- aged for one or more employers by a person hired on a salary basis. A hired manager was considered to be the operator of the land he managed since he was responsible for the agricul- tural operations on that land and frequently supervised others in performing those operations. Managed land was always to be reported on a separate questionnaire whether or not the manager also operated a farm on his own account. Land In Two or More Counties. — An individual farm was al- ways enumerated in only one county, even in cases where the land was located in two or more counties. If the farm operator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county where he lived. If he did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where the farm head- quarters was located. In cases where there was any question as to the location of the headquarters, figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where most of the land was located. Land in Farms According to Use. — Land in farms has been distributed according to the way in which it was used in 1959. The land uses described in the following paragraphs are mutually exclusive; that is, each acre of land is included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. Cropland Harvested. — This category refers to all land from which any crops were harvested in 1959, whether for home use or for sale. It includes land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut and land in berries and other small fruits, or- chards, vineyards, nurseries, and greenhouses. Matured crops hogged off or grazed were considered to have been "crops har- vested" and were reported here. Land from which two or more crops were harvested in 1959 was to be counted only once in the land-use classification. Land used for other purposes either before or after the crops were harvested was to be re- ported as cropland harvested, without regard to the other uses. The enumerator was instructed to check the figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the individual crops and subtracting the acreages from which two or more crops were harvested. This checking procedure was repeated during the office processing of questionnaires for all farms having 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. Cropland used only for Pasture. — This land-use classification includes rotation pasture and all other land used only for pas- ture or grazing that the operator considered could have been used for crops without additional improvement. Enumerators were instructed to include land planted to crops that were hogged off, pastured, or grazed before maturity but to exclude land pastured before or after hay or other crops were harvested from it. Permanent open pasture may have been reported either for this item or for "other pasture" depending on whether or not the operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely comparable with those for the last three censuses. For 1945, the figures include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for 1940, 1935, and 1925 are more nearly comparable with those for 1959, 1954, and 1950, however, because they in- clude land pastured that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not Harvested and not Pastured. — This classification represents a total of three subclasses for the 17 Western States and two subclasses for other States. Cultivated Summer Fallow. — This subclass of land is shown only for the 17 Western States. It refers to cropland that was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for the 1959 harvest in order to control weeds and conserve moisture. Soil Improvement Grasses and Legumes. — For the 1959 cen- sus, land used only for cover crops to control erosion or to be plowed under for green manure is tabulated separately from "other cropland". After the establishment of the Soil Bank, land that would normally have been used for other purposes was frequently planted to soil-improvement crops. In counties where large acreages were placed in the Soil Bank, the total of land used for soil-improvement crops plus "other cropland" may be considerably larger than the "other cropland" shown for previous censuses. Other Cropland. — This subclass includes idle cropland, land in crops intended for harvest after 1959, and cropland not harvested because of complete crop failure, low prices, labor shortage, or other reasons. The 1959 figures for "other cropland" are not entirely comparable with those for previ- ous censuses since they do not include land used only for soil-improvement crops. (See preceding paragraph.) Woodland Pastured. — This classification includes all wood- land where livestock were pastured or grazed in 1959. The instruction on the questionnaire — "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts; cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture" — represents a somewhat more precise definition than the corresponding instruction contained on the 1954 ques- tionnaire. No definition of woodland was given in 1950 apart from an instruction to enumerators not to include brush pas- ture as woodland. Some of the changes in woodland acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation as to what constitutes "woodland." Woodland not Pastured. — This classification refers to all woodland not used for pasture or grazing in 1959. including land in operated farms that was placed in the Soil Bank and planted to trees. Unusually large tracts of timberland that were reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from INTRODUCTION XVII the tabulation of land in farms when It was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. Other Pasture. — This classification refers to all land other than woodland and cropland that was used only for pasture or grazing in 1959. It includes noncrop open or brush pasture and cutover or deforested land that has been improved and used for pasture. The figures for the last three censuses are comparable but those for 1945 Include all nonwoodland pas- ture that had not been plowed during the preceding seven years. For the 1940 census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for the last three censuses. However, the classification may be somewhat less inclusive because land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classi- fied as plowable pasture and included with "cropland used only for pasture". Improved Pasture. — This subclass refers to that portion of "other pasture" on which one or more of the following prac- tices had been used : liming, fertilizing, seeding, irrigating, draining, or the clearing of weed or brush growth. The fig- ures are comparable with those for 1954, when the question on improved pasture was asked for the first time. Other Land. — This classification refers to all land not in- cluded in the preceding land-use classifications, such as house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, land area of ponds, and wasteland. This figure for 1959 was obtained from the ma- chine tabulations by subtracting the total of all other uses from the total land in all farms reported for a given county or classification. Hence, there is no figure given to represent the farms reporting this item. Value of Land and Bulldinga. — Only average values of land and buildings per farm and per acre are presented in this report. They are estimates based on data obtained for sample farms. Estimates of the total value of land and buildings by States, geographic divisions, and the United States, are presented In volume II. The enumerator was instructed to record the market value of the land and the buildings on that land. Market value was defined as the price which the farm operator would expect to receive for the land and buildings if he were to sell them on the day of enumeration. More problems and difficulties arise in the enumeration of farm- real-estate values than In the enumeration of most other agri- cultural Items. Most of the Items enumerated require the re- spondent to make a statement of fact. For example, information about the number and value of farm animals sold alive during the year is based on actual transactions. Similarly, information about livestock inventories relates to the situation existing on a spe- cific place at a specific time. Reports concerning the value of land and buildings, however, are estimates based almost entirely on opinion. The majority of farms have not changed hands for many years and are not currently for sale. For such farms, the operators are not likely to have any clear basis for estimating the value. To make an intelligent and objective estimate, a respond- ent first needs to make an estimate of the prevailing average market value of farms in his community. Then, he must either add to or subtract from that estimate to allow for the different characteristics of his own farm. In many cases, an operator who would not sell his farm under any circumstances may report an unreasonably high market value. In other cases, a farm operator who acquired his real estate during a period of relatively low prices may estimate an unreallstlcally low value by current stand- ards. Because of the extent of variation that is known to exist in real estate values, it is difficult to devise checking procedures that will identify inaccurate estimates. Age of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was derived from the sum of the ages of all farm operators reporting age divided by the number reporting. The number of farm operators 65 or more years of age is an actual count based on the operators reporting age. Residence of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by resi- dence according to whether or not they lived on the farms they were operating. Some of those who did not live on the farms they operated themselves lived on farms operated by others. In cases where all the land was rented from others or worked on shares for others, the operator was considered to live on the farm operated provided the dwelling he occupied was Included in the rental agreement. The dwelling, in such cases, was not neces- sarily on the land being operated. Similarly, a farm operator who did not live on the land being cultivated or grazed but who had some agricultural operations (other than a home garden) at his dwelling was considered as living on the farm operated. Since some farm operators live on their farms only during a part of the year, comparability of the figures for various cen- suses may be affected by the date of enumeration. In a few cases, the enumerator failed to report the residence of the farm operator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm operators classified by residence indicate the extent of under-reporting. Tear Began Operating Present Farm. — Enumerators were in- structed to report the year during which a farm operator began to operate his present farm and, If the year was 1958 or later, also to report the month. The year was intended to refer to the first year of the period during which the operator had been In continuous charge of his present farm or of any part of It. The time of year that farmers move is Indicated by the month they began operating their farms, as shown by a monthly breakdown of the reports for farmers who began operating their present farms during 1958 and 1959. Off-Farm Work and Other Income. — To obtain a measure of the extent to which farm operators rely on nonfarm sources for part of their income, four questions were asked of all farm operators. The first question asked for the number of days the operator worked off his farm In 1959. The other three questions, to be answered "Yes" or "No," asked (1) whether other members of the operator's household did any work off the farm ; (2) whether any income was received from sources other than the sale of agri- cultural products from the farm operated; and (3) whether the combined income of all members of the household from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of agri- cultural products sold from the farm operated. Off-farm work was defined to Include work on someone else's farm for pay as well as all types of nonfarm jobs, businesses, and professions, whether the work was done on the farm premises or elsewhere. Exchange work was not included. The questions asked in the 1959 Census are closely comparable with those asked in 1954. The data for 1959 are actual totals of all operators reporting off-farm work and other income whereas those for 1954 are estimated totals based on the sample. Equipment and Facilities. — In 1959 as in several earlier cen- suses, data about specified equipment and facilities were obtained for only a sample of farms. Farm operators were asked to report equipment and facilities that were on the farm at the time of enu- meration, regardless of ownership. They were to include Items that were temporarily out of order but not any that were worn out. Data In terms of actual number were obtained for the follow- ing items of farm equipment In 1959 : (1) grain combines, (2) corn pickers, (3) pick-up balers, (4) field forage harvesters, (5) mo- tortrucks, (6) wheel tractors, (7) garden tractors, (8) crawler tractors, and (9) automobiles. Definitions given enumerators in- cluded the following specifications, among others : Corn pickers related to all types of machines used for picking corn, whether used in separate or in combined picking-shelling operations. Pick-up balers were to include both hand-tie and automatic balers but not stationary ones. Motortrucks were to include pick-up trucks and truck-trailer combinations; jeeps and station wagons XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 were also to be included if they were used primarily as trucks, but school buses were specifically excluded. Wheel tractors spe- cifically excluded garden tractors, implements with built-in power units, such as self-propelled combines or powered buck rakes, and the power unit of a truck-trailer combination. Automobiles were to include jeeps and station wagons if they were used primarily as passenger cars. Questions to be answered "Yes" or "No" provided information as to the presence or absence of the following items: (1) tele- phone, (2) home freezer, (3) milking machine, (4) electric milk cooler, (5) bulk-type milk cooler (in six States only— Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), (6) crop drier and (7) power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Comparable data from one census to another are not available for all items. The questions asked about equipment during a given census reflect changes in farm mechanization and in the facilities available to farm families. Questions about some items of equipment were asked in 1959 for the first time (electric milk cooler, crop drier, bulk-type milk cooler, etc.). Similarly, some questions that were asked in earlier censuses were omitted in 1959. For example, the use of electricity is now so widespread that there is no longer any need for obtaining a count of the farms having it. Farms by Kind of Road. — The classification of farms by the kind of road on which they are located is based on only a sample of farms. The enumerator was instructed to report, on the basis of his own observation, the kind of road on which the most frequently used entrance to the farm was located. For farms consisting of two or more tracts, he was to limit his report to the tract on which the farm operator had his dwelling or other headquarters. Farm Labor. — The questions about farm labor were asked only for the sample farms and related to persons working during the calendar week preceding the week of enumeration. Since the enumeration starting dates varied by geographic areas, and the enumeration within each area lasted over a period of several weeks, the calendar weeks to which the data apply also vary. Thus, the data for an individual farm may relate to any one week during the months of October, November, or December, or even, in a few instances, to weeks during September 1959 or January 1960. Farm labor was defined to Include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the agricultural operations of the farm ; and to ex- clude housework, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by per- sons employed specifically for such work. The farm labor in- formation contained in this report represents estimates based on answers to questions relating to the farm work or chores done during the week by (1) operator, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family, and (3) hired persons. An operator was considered as working if he worked one or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours ; and hired persons, if they worked at all during the week. Data are not fully comparable from one census to another, primarily because of differences in the period to which they relate. In 1954, the data were purposely related to either one of two calendar weeks, depending in part on the starting date set for the enumeration and in part on which week represented a period of peak employment within a given State. For the majority of States, the period specified was the week of September 26-October 2 ; for other States, the week of October 24-30. In 1950, as in 1959, the data related to the week preceding the actual enumeration. Unlike 1959, however, enumeration starting dates were identical for all States in 1950 (April 1) but since several weeks were required to complete the enumeration, the calendar week preceding the enumeration was not identical for all farms. In 1945 and 1935, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January and, in 1940, to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equiv- alent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, an additional specification limited the workers to those 14 years old and over. Experience gained from earlier censuses indicates that farm labor data are often unsatisfactorily reported unless the week specified is the week immediately preceding the actual enumer- ation. When a farm operator was asked to report the number of persons employed during a specified week that was several weeks prior to enumeration, he often reported the highest number of persons employed during the year. Obviously incorrect reports were adjusted to make the data reflect more nearly the situation known to exist during the specified week. The farm labor data for 1954 relates to a specified week which, in some cases, was sev- eral weeks prior to enumeration. Few adjustments were made in those data, however, even though there were Indications of incorrect reporting. Regular and Seasonal Workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the week concerned were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year. They were classed as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. In cases where the period of employment was not reported for an individual farm, it was estimated from data for such items as basis of payment, wage rates, expendi- tures for labor in 1959, and type of farming operations. Hired Workers by Basis of Payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to whether they were paid on a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis, or by piecework. In cases of Incomplete reporting, the basis of payment for hired workers was supplied during the office processing operations. Wage Rates and Hours Worked. — The agreed cash rate of pay was asked for each class of hired worker except those em- ployed on a piecework basis. (The number and the earnings of persons paid on a piecework basis were required for those who worked on Friday of the week preceding the enumeration.) The number of hours that workers were expected to work to earn their pay was asked for each class except those employed on an hourly or piecework basis. For 1959 and 1954, the data include office estimates for farms submitting incomplete reports of wage rates and hours worked. The estimates were consistent with the size and type of operations for the individual farm as compared with similar farms in the area for which complete reports were received. The corresponding data for 1950 apply only to farms that reported both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and Lime. — The questions about fertilizer and lime, asked only for the sample farms, relate to the acreage on which fertilizer and lime were used and to the quantity used. Farm operators were asked to report total quantities used in 1959 on the farms they operated regardless of when or by whom the ferti- lizer and lime were purchased. In the South, some landlords who operated farms themselves included the fertilizer and lime they had purchased for use on their tenant-operated land. Such fertilizer and lime may also have been reported by the tenants. When double reporting was detected during the editing process, the data on the questionnaires concerned were adjusted to elim- inate duplication in the totals. The 1959 data for fertilizer and lime are entirely comparable with those for 1954. A breakdown between dry and liquid fer- tilizing materials was not obtained in 1954 and data on cost of either fertilizer or lime were not obtained in 1959. Fertilizer. — The report for fertilizer was to refer only to com- mercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials, including rock phosphate. The acres fertilized and the tons of fertilizer ap- plied to those acres were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by region so that it was possible to obtain detailed data for the crops most commonly fertilized in each region. In cases where the same land was used for more than one crop, the acres fertilized were to be reported separately for each crop. If the same crop was fertilized more than once, however, the acres in that crop were to be reported only once. In all cases, the total quantity of fer- INTRODUCTION XIX tllizer used in 1959 was to be reported, including quantities used on land occupied by crops planted In 1958 or by crops to be harvested in 1960. Reports for quantity of fertilizer and fertilizing materials used were required for both dry and liquid materials. The terms "dry" and "liquid" referred to the form in which the fertilizers and fertilizing materials were purchased and not to the way in which they were applied. Thus, dry fertilizers were those purchased in dry or solid form, as powders, dusts, granules, pellets, etc. ; liquid fertilizers were those purchased in fluid form, as solutions or as liquefied gases. Lime. — The data for lime relate to the total acreage limed in 1959 and the total tonnage of lime and liming materials used on those acres for purposes of conditioning the soil. Instruc- tions on the questionnaire stated that ground limestone, hy- drated and burnt lime, marl, and oyster shells were to be included but that lime used for spraying or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agriculture Con- servation Program or the Conservation Reserve Program of the Soil Bank. Differences may be due either to sampling error or to under-reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences are minimized or eliminated entirely in the data presented on a State or regional basis. Specified Farm Expenditures.— The data for farm expenditures are estimates based on reports obtained from the sample farms. The 1959 questionnaire contained questions for six items of farm expenditure: (1) purchase of feed for livestock and poultry, (2) purchase of livestock and poultry, (3) machine hire, (4) hired labor, (5) seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, and (6) gaso- line and other petroleum fuel and oil. With the exception of items (2) and (5), exactly the same questions were asked in 1954. For each item specified, the total expenditures made for the farm In 1959 were to be reported, whether made by the farm operator, his landlord, or both. A farm operator who rented part of his land to others was to report only the ex- penditures for the land he operated himself. Enumerators were instructed to ask respondents who had difficulty estimating their expenses for the period between enumeration and the end of the year to estimate them on the basis of current costs. Feed. — The report on feed purchased for livestock and poultry was to include expenditures for grain, hay, millfeeds, pasture, salt, condiments, concentrates, and mineral supplements as well as for the grinding and mixing of feed. The estimated cost of items furnished by a landlord, contractor, or other owner for feeding poultry and livestock kept on the farm was also to be Included. Payments made by a tenant to his land- lord for feed grown on the tenant farm were to be excluded. Livestock and Poultry. — The cost of baby chicks and turkey poults was to be Included in the expenditures made for the purchase of livestock and poultry. Enumerators were In- structed to ask the farm operator to include the cost or esti- mated purchase value of poultry and livestock provided by others and eared for by the operator under a contract feeding arrangement. The cost of livestock purchased for resale within 30 days was not to be included. A short-term transaction of that nature was considered to be a dealer operation, not an agricultural one. Data on the purchase of livestock and poultry were not ob- tained In 1954. The instructions for the 1950 census specified that expenditures for domestic rabbits, fur-bearing animals kept in captivity, and bees were to be included. Any lack of comparability in the 1950 and 1959 data resulting from Inclu- sion or exclusion of rabbits, fur-bearing animals, or bees Is considered to be so slight as to be insignificant Machine Hire. — Expenditures for machine hire relate to cus- tom machine work, such as tractor hire, threshing, grain or seed combining, silo filling, baling, cotton picking, cotton gin- ning, corn picking, plowing, vegetable harvesting, fruit pick- ing, spraying, and dusting. Any amount spent for the labor included in the cost of machine hire was to be considered as part of the total expenditure. The cost of freight or trucking and exchange work without pay were to be omitted. Hired Labor.— Expenditures for hired labor were to include total cash payments made in 1959 to family members and to others for farm labor. Payments to persons supplied by a con- tractor or a cooperative organization and paid directly by them or by the crew boss were also to be included. Payments for the following types of work were to be excluded: house- work, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by persons spe- cifically employed for such work. Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuel and Oil. — Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil were to relate only to the products used in the farm business. Enumerators were instructed to exclude the cost of petroleum products used for the family automobile when operated for other than farm business purposes and of products used in the farmhouse for heating, cooking, and lighting. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, and Trees. — Expenditures were to repre- sent the total amount spent for seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees to be used on the farm operated. The value of seed grown on the farm was to be excluded. For nurseries and greenhouses, the cost of products purchased for Immediate resale was also to be excluded. This Item of expenditure was not Included In the 1954 Census. The data are comparable with those for 1950, however. Chops Crops Harrested.— The 1959 agriculture questionnaire was simi- lar to the questionnaire used In several previous censuses In that It provided for the collection of detailed data for all crops harvested on each individual farm. The variation In the crops listed on the questionnaires used in different States made pos- sible the separate reporting of all Important crops grown In a given area. All versions of the questionnaire contained several "All other crops" questions where crops not specifically listed In separate questions were to be reported. Acreage of Crops Harvested. — In most Instances, the acreage reported for Individual crops represents the area harvested during 1959. The area harvested is often less than the area planted. For fruit orchards and groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, the acreage reported represents the total area In both bearing and nonbearlng trees and vines as of the date of enumeration — usually a date In October, November, or Decem- ber 1959. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acreage grown for all purposes was reported as well as the acreage har- vested for specific purposes. For velvet beans, only the acreage grown was reported. As the enumeration was about to begin in South Florida (those counties in which the enumeration was begun on October 7), an instruction was issued to the effect that the data for vegetables and potato crops should relate to a full year, beginning on October 1, 1958, and ending Sep- tember 30, 1959. Quantity of Crops Harvested. — Except for citrus fruits, olives, avocados, and for vegetable and potato crops In South Florida (see preceding paragraph) data for quantity harvested relate to the calendar year 1959. For citrus fruits, the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the 1958-59 marketing season was to be reported. For olives, the crop harvested in 1959 was to be reported for all States except California and Arizona. Enumerators in those two States were instructed to report olives harvested from the bloom of 1958 during the 1958- 59 harvest season (September 15, 1958, to February 28, 1959). In the case of avocados, the data for California were to relate to the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the marketing season that extended from October 1, 1958 to Sep- tember 30, 1959; the data for Florida were to relate to the crop harvested for the marketing season that extended from July 1, 1959, to February 28, 1960. Respondents were to estimate quantities not yet harvested at the time of enumeration. Unit of Measure. — The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported has varied for some crops, not only from ■State to State, but also from census to census. The aim has been to permit reporting in the units of measure currently in use. In the State and county tables, the quantities harvested for each crop are usually expressed In the unit of measure given on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire. In 1959, for corn and Irish potatoes, a choice between two units in which to report the production was given In some States. (See the discussion for those crops.) To provide readily comparable Information, data published In earlier reports In different units of measure generally have been converted to the units used in 1959. Corn. — In the 1959 census, detailed questions regarding the purpose for which corn was harvested were asked In all States. For most States, bushels was the only unit specified for corn XX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 for grain. In some areas, however, where farmers were not accustomed to using bushels as the unit of measure, the question- naire contained a provision for the quantity of corn for grain to be reported either in bushels (shelled basis) or In baskets of ear corn. As in former censuses, some reports were received in units of measure other than bushels or baskets. Prior to tabulation, all reports were converted to bushels (shelled basis) on the basis of the following factors: 70 pounds of ear corn, 2 baskets of ears, or 56 pounds of shelled corn equal one bushel. A barrel of ear corn was usually considered equal to 5 bushels of shelled corn. Annual Legumes. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acres and quantity grown or harvested for specific purposes, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained for areas where these crops are grown extensively ; for velvet- beans, only the total grown for all purposes was obtained. For all these crops except, possibly peanuts, the total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage that was plowed under for green manure. In a few Southern States, separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. In 1959, as in 1954, enumerators were in- structed to report green soybeans and blackeyes and other green cowpeas harvested for sale as vegetables and not as annual legumes. Hay Crops. — Data for the total acres of land from which hay was cut exclude the acreage in sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays. These crops were reported in separate questions in the States where they are important. To obtain the total acres from which other hays were cut, the acres of the various hay crops, including grass silage, were added together for each county. The corresponding totals for 1954 were obtained by the same procedure. For the 1950 census, however, the totals were based on farmers' own reports of their total acreage in harvested hay crops. The questionnaire contained an instruction that if two or more cuttings were made from the same land, the total production from all cuttings was to be reported but the acres cut were to be counted only once. In cases where both hay and grass silage were cut from the same land, the total acreage was to be reported for both crops. In 1959, as in 1954, alfalfa hay included alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating ; clover and timothy hay included clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses; small grain hay included oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. The hay crops listed on the questionnaire varied somewhat from' one State or region to another. The kinds of hay to be included in separate questions can be determined for a specific State from reference to the facsimile of the questionnaire that is in the appendix. The tonnage of hay, Including alfalfa hay for dehydrating, is given on a dry-weight basis. Prior to tabulation, production reported in green weight was converted to its dry-weight equiv- alent by dividing by 3. However, the production of grass silage is given in terms of green weight. Field Seed Crops. — The field seed crops listed on each version of the questionnaire were limited to those considered most im- portant within the given State. Each version of the question- naire contained space for listing other field seed crops in order to facilitate the reporting of all field seed crops harvested. Quantity harvested was to be reported in terms of clean seed for most field seed crops. Bluegrass, or Junegrass seed, was to be reported in terms of green seed for Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Tennessee. No mention was made of "green-weight basis" for other States where this crop was to be reported in the "All other" question. Irish Potatoes and Sweetpotatoes. — For Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes (including yams), the total quantity harvested was to be reported for each crop in all cases, whether harvested for home use or for sale or whether used for livestock feed. The acreage harvested was to be reported for each crop only in cases where the quantity amounted to 20 or more bushels (or the approximate equivalent In terms of hundredweights, barrels, or pounds, as explained on different versions of the questionnaire) . This method of reporting was designed to facilitate the enumera- tion of potatoes harvested on small plots for home use. Essen- tially the same procedure was followed In both 1954 and 1950. In earlier censuses, however, the acreage of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes was to be reported in all cases, even when produc- tion was solely for home use. Therefore, the data on acres for censuses prior to 1950 are not fully comparable with those for the last three censuses, especially In counties or States where production is largely for home use. The unit of measure in which quantity was to be reported varied from one State or region to another to correspond with the units most commonly used in a given area. In 27 States, the questionnaire provided a choice for reporting either bushels or 100-pound bags (hundredweights). The published data for counties and States are In terms of bushels. Berries and Other Small Fruits. — The question for berries and other small fruits related specifically to the acreages and quanti- ties harvested for sale. Only tame or cultivated berries were to be reported except for the New England States, where wild blue- berries were also to be Included. Enumerators were Instructed always to report the total quantity of each kind of berry har- vested for sale but to report the area harvested only when It amounted to one-tenth acre or more. Nonbearlng areas and areas and quantities harvested for home use were to be excluded. The data for 1959 and 1954 are fully comparable. Tree Fruits, Nuts, and Grapes. — In 1959, as In 1954, fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines were not enumerated for farms having a combined total of less than 20 at the time of enumeration. Both bearing and nonbearlng trees and vines were to be Included but not any that had been abandoned. For censuses prior to 1954, all fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm were to be enumerated, regardless of the number. Because of this change in enumeration procedure, the data for 1959 and 1954 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change in procedure may have had a considerable effect on the number of farms re- porting without causing any significant changes in the number of trees and vines nor in the quantity harvested. In counties where most of the trees or vines are In small plantings and where production Is largely for home-use, however, the change may have caused a significant reduction not only in the number of farms reporting but also in the number of trees and vines and in the quantity harvested. In both 1959 and 1954, the area in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was enumerated when there were 20 or more fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines. In 1950, the corresponding area was enumerated only if it amounted to one-half acre or more. In censuses prior to 1950, the area was to be reported regardless of its size or of the number of trees and vines. Enumerators frequently omitted the fractional acre- ages in small plantings and home orchards, however. In some counties, small plantings or home orchards comprise a sizeable proportion of the total fruit and nut acreage. For those counties, the change from one census to another in acreage of land in fruits and nuts may not be due to fact but merely to differences in enumeration. In 1959, California was the only State for which the acreage in each individual fruit and nut crop was obtained. In 1954, such acreage was also obtained for Arizona. In all States, the number of bearing and nonbearlng trees or vines on the farm at the time of enumeration and the quantity harvested in 1959 were to be reported separately for each fruit and nut crop. (Ex- ceptions in the harvest period for citrus fruits, avocados, and INTRODUCTION XXI olives are described on p. XIX.) The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported varied from one State to another. Tables in this report show quantities in the unit of measve appearing on the 1959 questionnaire used in the State. Nursery and Greenhouse Products. — The questions about nursery and greenhouse products related only to products grown on the place for sale. Crops bought for resale without additional cul- tivation were to be excluded. The area used for growing and the value of sales were to be reported separately for each of three groups, as follows : a. Nursery products, (trees, shrubs, vines, and ornamentals). b. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be re- ported separately from the area grown under glass. c. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be reported separately from the area grown under glass or in the house. The data obtained for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 and 1950 since the questions asked were essentially the same in the three censuses. Detailed data regarding the pro- duction and sale of nursery, greenhouse, and other horticultural products on farms having sales of $2,000 will be published in volume V, part 1. Forest Products. — The forest products data obtained in the Census of Agriculture relate only to the products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products grown or cut on nonfarm places are excluded. Therefore, the data in this report do not represent the total forestry output or income for a county or State. The questions included on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire are more detailed than those asked in the 1954 Census. Value was obtained for the sale of standing timber or trees and for the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolts, and mine timbers. The quantity cut, whether for home use or sale, and the quantity sold were obtained for individual forestry products such as firewood and fuelwood, fence posts, snwlogs and veneer logs. Data relating to pulpwood, Christmas trees, maple trees, and maple syrup were obtained in States where such products are important commercially. Value of Crops Harvested. — The total value of crops harvested its the estimated value of all crops harvested during the crop year 1059. It iuclucles the value of quantities consumed on farms us food, feed, seed, etc., as well as quantities sold. ilues of crops harvested; ual crops, the quantity harvest i. i.lied by the average price at which the crop was sold in the State. State average prices were furnished to the Bureau of the Census by the Agricul- tural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are based on reports received from a sample of farmers and dealers. Quantities harvested were not obtained for vegetables nor for nursery and greenhouse products. Therefore, for those crops, the value of sales, as obtained in the enumeration, was used in the calculation of total value of crops harvested. Value of Crops Sold. — The questionnaire required value of sales of crops to be reported only for total vegetables, nursery and greenhouse products, and certain forest products. For all other crops, the value of sales was calculated on a county level during processing operations by multiplying the State average prices by either the quantity sold or the quantity harvested. Reports of quantity sold were obtained during the enumeration only for some of the major field crops. Quantity harvested was used in the calculation of value of crops sold for such crops as cotton, tobacco, etc., that are customarily grown for sale. The procedures used for the various crops are described on page XXV. They are similar to the procedures followed in 1954. In 1950, values of crops sold were obtained for each farm during the enumeration. Ibbioation Definition of Irrigated Land. — Irrigated land is defined as land watered for agricultural purposes by artificial means. These means included sublrrigation as well as systems whereby water was applied to the ground surface, either directly or by sprinklers. Land flooded for rice cultivation was considered as irrigated. Land flooded during high-water periods was to be included as irrigated only if water was directed to agricultural use by dams, canals, or other works. The definition of irrigated land specif- ically excluded land where the "water table", or natural level of underground water, was controlled by drainage works with no additional water brought in by canals or pipes. Enumeration of Irrigated Land. — A question on total land irri- gated was asked in all States, with the exception of Alaska. The acreage reported for this question includes not only irrigated cropland but also any other land that was irrigated in 1959. The questionnaires used in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii included several additional questions regarding irri- gation. These questions related to the acreage of land irrigated by sprinklers, irrigated land from which crops were harvested, specific crops irrigated, and source of irrigation water. Such additional data, for irrigated farms, are presented in county table la for these States. Statistics on the irrigation enterprises which supplied irriga- tion water were collected in the 1959 Census of Irrigation and are published in Volume III, "Irrigation of Agricultural Lands". This report contains a considerable amount of data about Irri- gation for the 17 Western States and Louisiana. Irrigated Farms. — All farms reporting any land irrigated In 1959 are counted as irrigated farms. Land in Irrigated Farms.— Data for land in irrigated farms ac- cording to use relate to the entire acreage In these farms, In- cluding land that was not Irrigated. Land Irrigated.— Data for land irrigated relate only to that part of the land In irrigated farms that was watered by artificial means at any time in 1959. Separate figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers whether or not the land was also irrigated by other means. Additional figures are given for farms reporting laud irrigated by sprinklers only. Data on sprinkler irrigation were not obtained in the 1954 census. Irrigated Cropland Harvested. — The data for irrigated crop- land harvested relate to all irrigated land from which crops . . egardless of the method of Irrigation. An instruction on the questionnaire reminded enumerators and respondents to Include irrigated land from which hay was cut, Irrigated land in both bearing and nonbearing fruit and nut crops, and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested. Each irrigated acre was to be reported only once, regardless of how many crops were harvested from it. Other Irrigated Land. — This classification was obtained by subtraction of the acreage of irrigated cropland harvested from the acreage of total land irrigated. It represents primarily irrigated cropland not harvested and Irrigated pasture or grazing land. Farms Irrigated By Number of Acres Irrigated. — All farms on which any land was irrigated in 1959 are classified according to the number of acres irrigated in county table la for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii. This classification is based on total land irrigated. Therefore, it includes not only the irrigated land from which crops were harvested but also all other irrigated land, regardless of use. Land Irrigated By Source of Water. — The agriculture question- naire contained a question as to what proportion of irrigated water used on the farm in 1959 was obtained from ground- water, surface-water, and Irrigation-organization sources. Re- spondents were asked to report separately the percentage of XXII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 water obtained from each source. The number of acres that were irrigated by water from each source or combination of sources was calculated during office processing operations by applying the percentages to the total land irrigated. Ground-water sources relate to wells (pumped or flowing) and springs ; iurface-water sources relate to streams, lakes, reservoirs, and sewage and drainage ditches. For each of these sources, only water obtained by pumps or other works operated as part of the operator's own farm or as part of another single farm was to be included. Irrigation-organization sources relate to irriga- tion enterprises organized to supply water to a group of farms, regardless of how or where the enterprise obtained the water. The irrigation enterprise may be a legal organization or a group of farmers informally organized to operate a supply ditch or other works to provide water for their own farms. Land-Use Practices 8ummary Information. — The 1950 data for land-use practices are estimates based on reports obtained from only a sample of farms. Comparable data are not presented for 1954 because questions about land-use practices were included on the 1954 questionnaire for only a limited number of States. The various land-use practices relate to methods for reducing soil erosion, either by improving the soil, controlling the run-off of water, or reducing the blowing of topsoll. Cropland in Cover Crops. — The data relate to land on which cover crops were turned under for green manure in 1959 and which was then planted to another crop. The entire acreage of cover crops so used was to be reported even if the following crop failed. Cropland Used for Grain or Row Crops Farmed on the Contour. — This item relates to land on which grain or row crops were planted in level rows around the slope of a hill. Land in Strip-Cropping Systems for Soil-Erosion Control. — Strip- cropping was defined as the practice of alternating close-sown crops with strips or bands of row crops or of alternating either close-sown or row crops with bands of cultivated fallow land. The published data refer to the total acreage of all fields and tracts in which strip-cropping was practiced in 1959. System of Terraces on Crop and Pasture Land. — This item re- lates to the acreage in ridge-type or channel-type terraces con- structed on sloping cropland and pastureland. Livestock and Poultry Inventories. — Data for livestock and poultry on farms relate to the number on hand at the time of enumeration. All live- stock and poultry, including those being kept or fed under con- tract, were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch where they were, regardless of who owned them. Livestock in transit from one grazing area to another or grazing in national forests, graz- ing districts, open range, or on land used under permit were to be reported as being on the place where the person who had control over them had his headquarters. The time of year at which livestock and poultry are enumerated affects the data. Therefore, the date of enumeration needs to be considered when totals for the various censuses are compared. Both the 1959 and the 1954 census data represent fall inven- tories. These censuses came at a time of large-scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feed lot, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of 1920, 1925, 1935, and 1945 were taken as of January 1 and those of 1930, 1940, and 1950, as of April 1. A count made in April varies considerably from one made in Jan- uary. In most areas a large number of animals are born between January and April. A considerable number of older animals die or are sold during the same period. In the range States, along with the change in season and grazing condition, sheep and cattle are moved from one locality or county to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, for States. The comparability of data by age has been affected also by changes in the questions from one census to another. Milk Cows, Cows Milked, Milk Produced, and Butter. — Data on the number of milk cows, cows milked, and milked produced relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Data for butter churned were obtained only for 14 States and relate to the calendar week preceding the enumeration. The data for cows milked yesterday and milk produced yesterday are not given in this volume. These figures were obtained primarily to serve the needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in making monthly and annual esti- mates of milk production. These figures can be made available, at a small cost, to others who express an interest in them. Whole Milk and Cream Sold. — Data for whole milk and cream sold relate to the entire year 1959 and are estimates based on reports obtained for farms in the sample. All milk and cream sold from the farm (except quantities purchased from some other place and then resold) were to be included, regardless of who shared the receipts. The questionnaire provided three alternative units of measure for reporting the quantity of milk sold — pounds of milk, gallons of milk, and pounds of butterfat. The respondent was thus permitted to report quantity according to the unit of measure in which payment was received. In the State and county tables, the data for milk are given in the unit of measure most commonly used in the State. Pounds of butter- fat were converted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of milk as shown by data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and Gilts Farrowing. — In the 1959 census, data were ob- tained for the number of litters farrowed between December 1, 1958, and June 1, 1959, and from June 1 to December 1, 1959. In the 1954 census, data were obtained for the sows and gilts that farrowed rather than for the number of litters. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool. — In the 1959 census, questions about sheep, lambs, and wool were asked in all States. Data on shearings and on amount of wool shorn were obtained for lambs and sheep separately. In the 1954 census, sheep and lamb inven- tories were not obtained for Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Goats and Mohair. — In 1959, questions on goats, kids, and mo- hair appeared on the questionnaires for the following nine States : Arizona, California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Utah. In 1954, corresponding data were ob- tained for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties in Missouri. Bees and Honey. — No questions on bees and honey were in- cluded on the questionnaires for either the 1959 or the 1954 census. In 1959, however, enumerators were instructed to ob- tain agriculture questionnaires for places not having agricultural operations if they were engaged in beekeeping. The number of hives of bees and the amount of honey sold were to be reported in the "Remarks" space of the questionnaire. Data for bees and honey are not included in this report. Value of Livestock on Farms. — To obtain the value of livestock on farms, the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand was multiplied by the State average price for 1959, as furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Comparable data for 1954 were compiled by the same method on the basis of average prices for that year. Sales of Live Animals. — Data for the number and value of ani- mals sold alive in 1959 are estimates based on reports for sample farms only. Corresponding data for 1954 were obtained for all farms. The dollar value of sales was obtained from the farmer INTRODUCTION XXIII for cattle, calves, and horses and mules. Average value per head for other livestock sold was obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the 1959 census, respondents were asked to report separately the number of live animals already sold and the number estimated to be sold between the time of enumeration and the end of the year. This separation of reports for the number sold and to be sold was designed to assure more complete coverage of all livestock sales made during the year. In the 1954 census, only totals for the entire year were obtained though reference was made to animals to be sold between enumeration and the end of the year. Sales of Poultry and Poultry Products. — For both the 1959 and the 1954 Censuses, sales of chickens were obtained for two groups: (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. The enumeration of broiler sales presents prob'ems arising from the varied contractual ar- rangements under which broilers are produced. The question- naire contained an instruction to the effect that all broilers grown for others under contract were to be reported as sold. During office processing operations, the data reported for inventories and sales of chickens four months old and over, chicken eggs sold, and broilers sold were carefully examined. Obvious inconsistencies indicating confusion between broilers and other chickens were corrected on the basis of estimated values and, for sample farms, on the basis of data reported for expenditures for feed, poultry and livestock purchases, hired labor, etc. Questions relating to poultry other than chickens (and broilers) were generally the same in 1959 as in 1954. In the 1959 census, however, only total numbers were obtained for turkeys and turkey fryers raised and for turkey hens kept for breeding whereas the 1954 questionnaire asked for a breakdown between light and heavy breeds. Also, for poultry other than chickens and turkeys, the 1959 census obtained the number sold whereas the 1954 census obtained the number raised. Classification of Farms Scope of Classification. — Data for land in farms, and for crop- land harvested in farms classified by size, by color of operator and by tenure of operator were tabulated for all farms. However, most of the detailed data by size of farm, by color of operator, by tenure of operator, by economic class, and by type of farm are estimates based on farms in the sample. The farm classifications by size of farm, color of operator, tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made in the processing office on the basis of data reported on each questionnaire. Farms by Size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area established for each farm. The same classifica- tion was used for all States. According to definition, a farm is essentially an operating unit, not an ownership tract. All land operated by one person or partnership represents one farm. In the case of a landlord who has assigned land to croppers or other tenants, the land assigned to each cropper or tenant Is considered a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire landholding as one unit in respect to supervision, equipment, rota- tion practice, purchase of supplies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South, a special Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire was used to assure an accurate enumeration of each unit within a multiple-unit operation. A change was made in the size classifica- tion for 1959, as contrasted with several preceding years, by sub- dividing the 1,000-acre-and-over group and by combining two previously recognized groups, viz., 10 to 29 acres and 30 to 49 acres. Farms by Color of Operator. — Farms were classified by color of operator into two groups, "white" and "nonwhite." "Nonwhite" includes primarily Negro and Indian operators but also some of other racial origin. Enumerators were Instructed to report the race on the basis of their own observation whenever possible rather than by asking the respondent Farms by Tenure of Operator. — The classification of farms by tenure of operator was based on data reported for laiid owned, land rented from others or worked for others on shares, land managed for others, and land rented to others or worked on shares by others. The same basis of classification was used in 1959 as in 1954. For 1959, each questionnaire was coded, during the editing proc- ess, to Indicate whether it represented a farm operated by a full owner, part owner, manager, or tenant. The sample question- naires for tenants were given a code to indicate the kind of tenant. The various classifications of tenure, as used for the 1959 census, are defined below : a. Full Owners operate only land they own. b. Part Owners operate land they own and also land rented from others. c. Managers operate land for others and are paid a wage or salary for their services. Persons acting merely as care- takers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm operator managed land for others and also operated land on his own account, the land operated on his own ac- count was considered as one farm and the land managed for others as a second farm. If, however, lie managed land for two or more employers, all the managed laud was considered to be one farm. d. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. They are further classified, as de- scribed below, on the basis of rental arrangements in regard to the payment of cash rent, sharing of crops, sharing of livestock or livestock products, and the furnishing of work power by the landlord. (1) Cash Tenants pay cash rent, either on a per-acre basis or for the farm as a whole. (2) Share-Cash Tenants pay part of the rent In cash and part in a share of the crops and/or of the livestock and livestock products. (3) Crop-Share Tenants pay a share of the crops but not of the livestock or livestock products. (4) Llvestoek-8hare Tenants pay a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. (5) Croppers are tenants whose landlords furnished all the work animals or tractor power. They usually work under the close supervision of the landowners or their agents, or other farm operators. Also, the land assigned to them is often merely a part of a multi-unit operation. Croppers may or may not also pay cash rent or a share of crops, livestock, or livestock products. Data for croppers are available for only 16 southern States and Missouri. (6) Other Tenants are those who did not qualify for Inclusion in any of the foregoing subclassiflcntlons. They may have had the use of land rent-free or In return for a fixed quantity of products, payment of taxes, maintenance of buildings, etc. (7) Unspecified Tenants are those for whom the rental arrange- ment was not reported. The definition of each subclass of tenant was essentially the same for earlier censuses as for 1959. In 1945, however, the enumerator was asked to determine the subclass of tenants whereas in other censuses all classifications were made during the processing of questionnaires on the basis of the data reported. The procedure used in 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, especially for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by Economic Class. — The totals for farms by economic class are estimates for all farms made on the basis of data re- ported only for the sample farms. The economic classifications represent groupings of farms that are similar in characteristics and size of operation. The economic classes were established on the basis of one or more of four factors: (1) total value of all farm products sold, (2) number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, (3) the age of the farm operator, and (4) the re- lationship of income received by the operator and members of his household from nonfarm sources to the value of all farm products sold. Institutional farms, Indian reservations, agricultural ex- periment stations, and grazing associations were always classified as "abnormal." xxrv UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 The total value of farm products sold was obtained by addi- tion of the reported or estimated values for all products sold from the farm. The value of cattle and calves, horses and mules, dairy products, some poultry products, vegetables, nursery and green- house products, standing timber, and miscellaneous forest prod- ucts was obtained from the farm operator during the enumera- tion. The quantity sold was obtained during enumeration for corn, sorghums, small grains, hay, small fruits, some of the for- est products, chickens and chicken eggs, hogs, sheep, and goats. To obtain the value of sales of these products, the quantity sold was multiplied by State average prices. For each of the other products, the entire production was mul- tiplied by the State average price. If the resulting value amount- ed to $100 or more, the entire quantity produced was considered as sold. This procedure was followed only in establishing the economic class and the type of farm but was not used in estab- lishing the total value of products sold from the farm. (See p. XXV.) Farms were grouped into two major categories, commercial farms and other farms, mainly on the basis of total value of prod- ucts sold. The 1959 class Intervals and some of the criteria for determination of a given class are different from those used In 1954 and in 1950. In general, for 1959, all farms with a value of sales amounting to $2,500 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 were classified as com- mercial if the farm operator was under 65 years of age and (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days during the year and (2) the income received by the operator and members of his family from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 and institutional farms and Indian reservations were included in one of the groups of "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six economic classes on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : Value of Farm Products sold Class of Farm I II III IV $5,000 to V $2,500 to $40,000 and over $20,000 to $39,999 $10,000 to $19,999 $9,999 $4,999 VI* $50 to $2,499 •Provided the farm operator was under 66 years of age, and — (1) he did not work oft* the farm 100 or more days, and (2) the In- come that he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of farm products sold. Other farms were divided into three economic classes as follows : a. Class VH, Fart-time. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part-time" if the operator was under 65 years of age and he either worked off the farm 100 or more days or the income he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was greater than the total value of farm products sold. b. Class VIII, Fart-retirement. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part- retirement" if the farm operator was 66 years old or over. Many of these are farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others are residential, subsistence, or marginal farms. In previous censuses, the age of the farm operator was not a criterion for grouping farms by economic class. Since the number of elderly people in our population has been steadily increasing during recent years, a separate classification for farms operated on a part-retirement basis was considered important for an adequate analysis of the agricultural structure of a county or State. o. Class IX, Abnormal. — All institutional farms and Indian reservations were classified as "abnormal," regardless of the value of sales. Institutional farms include those operated by hospitals, penitentiaries, schools, grazing associations, government agencies, etc. Farms by Type. — The data for farms by type are estimates bused on data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The type represents a description of the major source of income from farm sales. To be classified as a particular type, a farm had to have sales of a particular product or group of products amounting in value to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm prod- ucts sold during the year. The types of farms, together with the products on which type classification is based, are as follows : Type of Farm Cash-grain . Tobacco Cotton Other field-crop. Vegetable Fruit-and-nut Poultry Dairy _ Livestock other than dairy and poultry Livestock Ranches- Miscellaneous. Source of Cash Income (Products with sales value representing 50% or more of total value of all farm products sold) Corn, sorghums, small grains, soybeans for beans, cowpeas for peas, dry field and seed beans and peas. Tobacco. Cotton. Peanuts, potatoes (Irish and sweet), sugarcane for sugar or sirup, sweet sorghums for sirup, broomcorn, pop- corn, sugar beets, mint, hops, and sugar beet seed. Vegetables. Berries, other small fruits, tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Chickens, chicken eggs, turkeys, and other poultry products. Milk and cream. The criterion of 50 percent of total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm hav- ing value of sales of dairy products amounting to less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm, if — (a) Milk and cream sold accounted for more than 30 percent of the total value of products sold and — (b) Milk cows represented 50 percent or more of total cows and — (c) The value of milk and cream sold plus the value of cattle and calves sold amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm products sold. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool and mohair except for farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Florida that qualified as livestock ranches. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisi- ana, and Florida were classified as livestock ranches if the sales of live- stock, wool, and mohair represented 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold and if pasture- land or grazing land amounted to 100 or more acres and was 10 or more times the acreage of cropland har- vested. Field seed crops, hay, silage. A farm was classified as general also if it had cash income from three or more sources and did not meet the criteria for any other type. Nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, mules, horses, colts and ponies. Also all institutional farms and Indian reservations. INTRODUCTION XXV The type classifications were essentially the same for the 1959 as for the 1954 census except that tobacco farms and livestock ranches were not separately classified in 1954. Tobacco was in- cluded as one of the crops used in the classification of "other field crop" farms in 1954. The farms classified as livestock ranches in 1959 would have been classified as "livestock other than dairy and poultry" in 1954 without regard to the acreage in pasture. Value of Farm Products Sold. — Data for the value of farm prod- ucts sold in 1959 were obtained by enumeration for some prod- ucts and by estimation for others. The questionnaire used for the 1959 census provided for farm operators to report value of sales for the following products : Vegetables Miscellaneous poultry products Nursery and greenhouse prod- Milk and cream ucts Cattle Standing timber Calves Miscellaneous forest products Horses, mules, colts, and ponies For all other agricultural products, the value of sales was esti- mated during the office processing. The State average prices used for calculating the value of farm products sold were fur- nished to the Bureau by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One of three following pro- cedures was used. (1) For the products for which data on quantities sold were obtained during enumeration, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the county totals of the quantities reported as sold or the quantities reported as produced for sale. The following prod- ucts were covered by this procedure : Corn for grain Fence posts Sorghums for grain, seed, sirup, Sawlogs and veneer logs or dry forage Christmas trees All small grains Chickens (broilers and others) Hay crops Chicken eggs All berries and small fruits ' Hogs and pigs Firewood and fuel wood Sheep and lambs Pulpwood Goats and kids 1 Adjustment made for cranberries based on Cranberry Payment Program. (2) For most of the agricultural products which are cus- tomarily raised for sale, the entire quantity produced was considered to be sold. The State average prices were, accordingly, multiplied by the county total of production. The following crops were covered by this procedure : Cotton Popcorn Sugar beets for sugar Broomcorn Sugarcane for sugar Tobacco Wool Mohair (3) For all other crops, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the quantities sold as estimated on the basis of crop- disposition data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service, data reported in questions for "other crops" on the 1959 question- naire, or data obtained from earlier censuses. For all tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, the entire quantity pro- duced was considered as sold, except for apples, apricots, sour and sweet cherries, peaches, plums, prunes, avocados, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit in States where a portion of the crop was not harvested or was subjected to excess cullage as indicated by data obtained from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture The data for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 since essentially the same procedures were used in both censuses for estimating quantities and values of farm products sold. In 1959, as in 1954, data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared the receipts. For tenant-operated farms, the landlord's share of agricultural products was considered as sold provided the products were moved off the tenant farm. All crops, livestock, and poultry raised under a contract arrangement were considered as sold from the farm where they were raised. For institutional farms, all agricultural items produced on land operated by the institu- tion and consumed by the inmates were to be reported as sold. All sales data relate to one year's farm operations. Crop sales are for crops harvested during the crop year, whether the crops were actually sold immediately after harvest or placed in storage for later sale. Sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year, regardless of when the livestock or prod- ucts were raised or produced. All wool and mohair reported as shorn or clipped was considered as sold. Enumerators were instructed to record gross values of quanti- ties sold, with no deductions for feed, seed, fertilizer, water, labor, or marketing costs. For some products, however, net values may have been reported. In the case of milk, particularly, some farm operators may have reported the payments they received as the gross value of sales, even though the buyer had deducted handling and hauling charges before making payment Adjustments were made In the data reported only In cases of obvious error. o Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (i) TEXAS State Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data on value of land and buildings for 1959, 1954, 3 based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text J Farms number. Approximate land area (see text) acres.. Proportion in farms percent. . Land in farms acres . . Average sire of farm acres.. Value of land and buildings : Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use ' Cropland harvested. . ., farms reporting. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 or more acres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. , 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture' farms reporting. Cropland not harvester] and not pastured. . . .farms reporting . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting,. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes . . .farms reporting . Otiier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)* farms reporting . Improved pasture farms reporting . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting . Cropland, total1 farms reporting. Land pastured, total farms rercctinr . Woodland, total farms reporting . Irrigated land in farms firms reporting. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . 227, C71 168,217,600 85.1 U3,217,559 630.7 48,378 85.81 157,054 22,236,473 20.8U 17,419 12,536 18,776 28,043 26,468 32,998 24,167 6,944 1,887 86,453 7,629,237 61,359 5,733,378 17,284 1,654,736 19,696 2,061,679 34,928 2,016,963 64,603 12,537,143 12,208 1,094,197 135,627 91,885,757 27,158 7,108,994 HA 2,101,374 187,415 35,599,088 189,759 112,052,137 72,065 13,631,340 27,884 5,655,638 27,096 5,338,890 292,947 168,648,320 86.5 145,812,733 497.7 29,876 59.93 206,537 24,885,000 29,240 23,745 17,972 26,468 40,295 34,542 34,275 25,794 6,632 1,849 111,969 7,398,651 71,869 4,375,651 18,964 1,239,127 NA NA 93,752 18,871,709 15,854 1,151,423 149,327 87,211, 145 20,587 3,861,287 251,193 1,919,154 245,699 36,659,302 236,342 113,481,505 104,333 20,023,132 26,315 4,707,028 25,481 4,497,917 331,567 168,648,320 86.2 1/.5,389,014 438.5 20,156 46.16 260,331 28,107,865 36,338 31,240 25,274 36,382 51,920 43,601 35,576 27,032 6,613 1,931 112,528 6,642,546 69,688 3,219,799 15,651 875,680 NA NA 126,077 30,589,750 28,552 2,277,954 138,284 72,317,444 NA NA 274,900 2,233,656 290,287 37,970,210 264,706 109,549,740 143,864 32,867,704 21,427 *3,131,534 20,948 2,969,799 384,977 168,732,160 83.8 Ul,337,744 367.1 9,286 25.29 312,440 27,469,089 50,235 37,761 35,379 51,133 61,488 44,893 31,551 24,607 5,266 1,678 98,084 4,618,707 NA 99,262 16,051,293 20,272 817,563 223,848 87,854,480 NA NA 351,989 1,754,473 336,013 34,859,935 315,259 108,524,480 113,731 16,868,856 15,110 1,320,216 NA NA 418,002 168,732,160 81.6 137,683,372 329.4 6,196 18.81 373,661 26,044,008 210,252 13,242,974 403,334 46,261,857 133,890 14,073,922 19,568 894,638 19,272 843,839 501,017 167,963,520 81.9 137,597,389 274.6 5,137 18.70 448,286 25,429,158 147,317 7,786,697 175,328 23,648,606 38,007 1,487,121 158,302 67,060,969 429,476 2,105,185 495,489 167,934,720 74.3 124,707,130 251.7 7,260 28.85 461,036 30,634,370 115,771 11, 156,355 465,646 167,934,720 65.3 109,674,410 235.5 6,540 27.77 16,435 568,533 NA U4.780 14,449,011 29,299 1,240,472 129,682 61,337,071 312,238 1,758,055 NA 45,922,521 NA 86,942,437 NA 15,689,483 NA NA '10,861 '594,287 84,723 13, 617,251 NA 114,107 11,230,062 26,007 1,460,762 105,102 50,220,549 42,985,967 NA 75,067,862 NA 12,690,824 NA NA NA Not available. 1For the Censuses of 1959 and 1954, In the Census year! for all other Censusea, us the calendar year preceding the Census. Mortal acreage of crops for whlch figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as aoet of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com harvested for grain. 'Not fully comparable for the various Census years because of differences In definition of cropland used only for posture. See text. ^Includes Irrigated oropland not harvested and not pastured. 'Acreage of Irrigated crops; acreage counted more than once where two or Bore crops were harvested frost the aaae lend. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] 3 and explanations, see text) Census of — All farms number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 1 acre or less number 2 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 3 acres number 4 acres number 5 acres number 6 acres number 7 acres number 8 acres numrjer 10 to 49 acres .number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 160 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 or more acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number Land in (arms acres Average size of farm acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 49 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 or more acres acres 1 000 to 1 999 acres acres Land in farms according to use: ' Cropland harvested farms reporting Under 10 acres farms reporting 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 10 to 29 acres farms reporti ng 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 2,000 or more acres farms reporting See footnotes at end of table . 226,599 10,751 4,055 2,468 1,567 6,696 34,438 14,438 20,106 10,524 9,582 99,056,263 14,423,884 84,632,379 159,970 22,418,575 2,870 9,964 19,274 268,630 NA NA 9,580 247,007 13,245 480,816 16,568 853,246 15,373 1,190,768 10,619 931,702 8,295 915,526 31,211. 5,335,981 19,560 5,761,188 13,375 6,423,747 7,961 3,264,334 5,414 3,159,413 292,947 26,101 5,801 53, 557 31,892 21, 665 115,053 1,398,861 566,964 831,897 206,537 24,885,000 6,812 23,403 31,722 487,656 17,669 197,931 14,053 289,725 14,483 407,217 19,033 771,284 23,587 1,304,509 21,373 1,773,908 13,640 1,281,759 10,310 1,173,193 34,448 5,995,746 18,791 5,503,851 331,416 25,576 4,028 65,868 38,350 27,518 130,559 1,754,629 697,271 1,057,358 261,849 28,291,089 8,861 35,203 46,126 746,663 25,270 294,041 20, 856 452,622 21,645 639,115 26,051 1,104,029 32,854 1,913,632 27,805 2,453,280 17,184 1,695,194 11,983 1,392,334 37,412 6,427,113 18,809 5,379,080 384,977 42,064 12,275 80,961 45,871 35,090 167,379 2,148,225 814,285 1,333,940 312,440 27,469,089 17,531 45,626 63,751 1,059,518 34,141 390,231 29,610 669,287 29,175 867,889 33,861 1,419,361 40,145 2,207,970 32,810 2,752,964 18,558 1,720,818 11,934 1,351,967 35,850 5,896,894 17,153 4,625,229 418,002 29,367 4,416 97,199 53,112 44,087 140,026 2,661,510 979,781 1,681,729 373,661 26,044,008 17,623 59,112 85,379 1,605,106 45,007 606,095 40,372 999,011 39,064 1,255,672 45,171 1,916,053 49,892 2,718,803 39,558 3,029,870 20,725 1,765,309 12,956 1,311,117 36,180 5,038,630 16,365 3,520,520 501,017 24,350 1,741 495,489 14,902 2,261 141,770 78,164 63,606 130,301 3,869,558 1,460,101 2,409,457 NA 68,523 NA 2,528,260 NA 995,963 NA 1,532,297 NA 1,757,995 NA 2,484,289 NA 3,388,313 NA 3,314,899 NA 1,819,520 NA 1,225,402 NA 4,039,933 NA 2,587,837 35, 556,785 4,666,352 NA 2,805,682 35,972,162 3,356,342 NA 1,786,785 TEXAS State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959-Continued 'Data foe 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] ^^^^_ Land in farms according to use '-Continued Cropland, total* farms reporting... Under 10 acres farms reporting. . . 10 to 49 acres fanr.s reporting . . . 50 to 89 acres farms reporting . . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . . . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . . , 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . . 180 to 219 acres ./arms reporting . . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting . . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 998 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting . . 2,000 or more acres farms reporting. . l.and pastured, total farms reporting . . Under 10 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 69 acres farms reporting . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting . . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting . . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 000 or more acres farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms repotting. 2,000 or more acres farms reporting. Ungated land in farms farms reporting . Under 10 acres '«"» reporting . 10 to 49 acres - farms reporting . t0 to 69 acres 'arms reporting . 70 to 99 acres ' " 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 260 to 499 acres far 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1,000 to 1.999 acres farms reporting 2,000 or more acres farms reporting 189,876 36, 02*, 709 4,057 15,673 25,037 453,339 11,941 429,774 15,983 802,951 19,813 1,360,919 17,957 1,770,792 12,437 1,466,933 9,430 1,359,896 35,192 7, XII, 296 21,905 8,504,154 16,124 12,158,982 9,299 5,478,314 6,825 6,680,668 190,992 111,803,607 4,203 15,007 25,893 508,116 12, 711 496,841 16,702 905, 530 20,559 1,483,158 16,912 1,575,736 12,245 1,435,575 9,015 1,262,038 32,607 6,678,873 20,833 8,740,076 19,312 88,652,657 9,864 9,749,666 9,448 78,902,991 3,976 3,076 54,990 646 24,114 962 55,730 1,157 88,001 2,540 258,372 1,162 137,709 1,181 170,035 7,037 1,408,294 5,503 1,741,812 3,682 1,735,893 2,096 888,178 1,586 847,715 245,699 36,659,302 11,105 43,057 42,254 786,594 17,785 652,335 22,545 1,178,277 27,186 1,932,323 23,948 2,459,625 15,367 1,834,235 11,460 1,648,362 38,127 8,169,660 21,014 7,663,853 14,908 10,290,981 NA 236,342 113,46-1,505 11,263 41,804 36,421 678,259 21,733 1,100,322 26,461 1,787,276 22,309 1,891,838 14,927 1,707,370 11,068 1,490,502 36,140 7,134,010 20,791 8,810,533 18,288 88,208,300 HA 26,315 4,707,028 1,243 4,548 3,529 58,935 924 34,590 1,234 69,071 1,392 106,107 2,859 319,398 1,177 149,209 1,150 165,019 6,111 1,272,825 1945 (January 1) 291,518 38,281,798 13,371 58,283 55,584 1,078,898 24,432 928,475 28,827 1,541,649 35,555 2,604,234 29,660 3,118,810 18,204 2,190,214 12,738 1,811,451 39,098 8,120,494 19,834 6,972,890 14,215 9,856,400 NA 267,511 109,988,045 12,075 46,430 42,395 706,804 21,190 674,240 26,421 1,142,758 33,313 1,962,098 27,405 1,980,845 17,423 1,767,788 12,219 1,521,329 37,586 6,853,910 19,932 8,249,356 17,552 85,082,487 1940 (April 1) 336,013 34,859,935 20,789 61,649 70,395 1,337,896 31,446 1,128,798 36,005 1,824,139 42,638 2,870,252 34,352 3,384,386 19,591 2,192,714 12,478 1,688,618 37,428 7,203,766 18,102 5,683,158 12,789 7,484,559 HA 315,259 108,524,480 20,490 64,266 53,162 791,975 28,281 819,479 33,707 1,376,293 41,228 2,364,554 33,184 2,440,304 19,487 2,038,534 12,376 1,525,230 37,719 6,998,979 19,059 8,101,547 16,566 82,003,319 21,452 15,110 "3,167,536 1,320,216 1,311 HA 6,849 4,773 91,949 HA HA HA 1,130 HA 50,655 HA 1,218 HA 74,021 1,340 HA HA 117,923 2,370 HA HA 269,940 HA 101,190 3,937 788,204 2,235 669,530 1,616 882,740 HA 2,154,506 HA 1,828,243 HA 2,909,060 NA 4,220,630 NA 4,590,604 HA 2,803,145 HA 2,069,001 NA 8,204,335 HA 6,468,255 HA 10,917,488 1930 1925 19S0 (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) 2,317,885 HA 3,400,548 NA 4,743,796 NA 5,111,162 HA 2,733,120 HA 1,881,124 NA 6,979,951 710,861 '594,287 1,242 he Censuses of 1959 and 1954, In the Census year; for all ether Censuses, In the calendar year preceding the Census. Total acreage of rops for c%t IZ. corn out for forage .as excluded Z moat of this acreage .as probably duplicated In the acreage of com hsrveeted for grain. 50 to 99 '100 to 259 acres. 'Not fully comparable for the various Census years because of differences In definition of cropland l harvested only. 'Acreage of irrigated crops including some duplication .here t.o or more crops .ere harvested from the i and not pastured- 950 to 259 acres. land. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 and 1954 are baaed on reports for only s sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explaj Census of — ALL FARM OPERATORS All farm operators number Foil owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number All land in farms acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres All cropland harvested acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres ALL mUTF FARM OPERATORS White farm operators number Full owners number Part owner* number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Land in farms acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Croppers acros Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres ALL NONVnilTE FARM OPERATORS Nonwhite farm operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Land in (arms acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspeci fled tenants acres Cropland harvested acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres AH tenants acres ' Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Other and unspecified tenants acres 226,599 116,842 61,207 1,964 46,586 20.6 9,488 5,038 21,806 3,344 6,910 143,184,706 40,153,082 66,083,492 13,755,737 23,192,395 10,216,930 2,234,934 7,299,742 566,584 2,874,205 22,418,575 5,012,467 10,220,542 476,939 6,708,627 381,156 937,984 4,713,504 266,913 409,070 211,558 108,270 57,923 1,917 43,448 20.5 9,150 4,918 20,838 2,508 6,034 142,040,400 39,609,773 65,756,744 13,718,791 22,955,092 10,172,525 2,225,889 7,213,694 520,024 2,822,960 22,166,773 4,945,349 10,128,052 475,943 6,617,429 376,446 933,909 4,670,501 235,203 401,370 15,041 8,572 3,284 876 1,144,306 543,309 326,748 36,946 237,303 44,405 9,045 86,048 46,560 51,245 251,802 67,118 92,490 996 91,198 4,710 4,075 43,003 31,710 7,700 293,152 152,181 63,184 1,904 75,883 25.9 13,803 5,905 36,799 9,494 9,882 146,083,441 44,794,573 60,016,134 15,477,475 25,795,259 11,210,988 2,146,376 9,380,046 979,637 2,078,212 25,017,082 6,329,022 9,755,739 492,218 8,440,103 449,307 943,537 6,129,094 550,974 367,191 265,623 138,452 58,036 1,872 67,263 25.3 13,141 5,715 33,682 6,268 8,457 144,441,549 44,066,164 59,560,360 15,457,532 25,357,493 11,176,632 2,125,721 9,182,696 852,457 2,019,987 24,507,986 6,214,236 9,599,248 488,213 8,206,289 441,523 931,122 6,030,029 451,204 352, 411 27, 529 13,729 5,148 3,117 3,226 1,425 1,641,892 728,409 455,774 19,943 437,766 34,356 20,655 197,350 127,180 58,225 509,096 114,786 156,491 4,005 233,814 7,784 12,415 99,065 99,770 14,780 331,567 165,139 63,233 2,368 100,827 30.4 17,666 7,825 47,558 14,863 12,915 145,389,014 44,438,245 54,332,209 18,061,743 28,556,817 11,893,382 2,325,234 9,673,068 1,646,811 3,018,322 28,107,865 7,907,525 9,808,038 722,227 9,670,075 717,694 1,035,570 6,348,078 888,524 680,209 297,052 150,687 57,232 2,342 86,791 29.2 16,515 7,485 41,807 9,935 11,049 143,224,455 43,583,623 53,832,277 18,029,637 27,778,918 11,820,593 2,297,145 9,319,371 1,442,588 2,899,221 27,333,148 7,720,523 9,624,750 720,317 9,267,558 697,407 1,022,794 6,168,693 734,357 644,307 34,515 14,452 6,001 26 14,036 40.7 1,151 340 5,751 4,928 1,866 2,164,559 854,622 499,932 32,106 777,899 72,789 28,089 353,697 204,223 119,101 774,717 187,002 183,288 1,910 402,517 20,287 12,776 179,385 154,167 35,902 384,977 197,994 39,613 2,578 144,792 37.6 33,011 4,115 67,795 24,507 15,364 141,337,744 50,865,122 37,954,229 18,538,111 33,980,282 14,534,832 978,419 12,296,468 2,203,769 3,966,794 27,469,089 9,510,462 6,555,357 576,260 10,827,010 1,114,991 430,8% 6,894,167 1,266,661 1,120,295 339,027 178,740 36,843 2,530 120,914 35.7 30,384 3,779 58,618 14,660 13,473 138,628,186 49,802,225 37,716,358 18,503,327 32,606,276 14,405,132 957,128 11,628,872 1,760,284 3,854,860 26,456,143 9,231,329 6,476,814 570,636 10,177,364 1,076,801 422,564 6,627,679 972,356 1,077,964 45,950 19,254 2,770 48 23,878 52.0 2,627 336 9,177 9,847 1,891 2,709,558 1,062,897 237,871 34,784 1,374,006 129,700 21,291 667, 5% 443,485 111,934 1,012,946 279,133 78,543 5,624 649,646 38,190 8,332 266,488 294,305 42,331 418,002 166,659 43,523 3,358 204,462 48.9 30,905 8,468 112,965 39,821 12,303 137,683,372 42,441,570 35,499,861 19,489,697 40,252,244 15,715,490 1,887,076 17,322,650 2,986,739 2,340,289 26,044,008 7,955,511 5,477,842 613,356 11,997,299 908,003 677,334 8,407,081 1,594,485 410,396 365,249 150, 515 39,552 3,330 171,852 47.1 29,316 8,063 99,475 24,949 10,049 134,651,938 41,443,271 35,161,734 19,471,398 38,575,535 15,640,157 1,861,095 16,470,096 2,393,649 2,210,538 24,748,530 7,635,668 5,355,818 609,759 11, 147,285 885,660 665,974 8,023,670 1,204,875 367,106 52,753 16,144 3,971 28 32,610 61.8 1,589 405 13,490 14,872 2,254 3,031,434 998,299 338,127 18,299 1,676,709 75,333 25,981 852,554 593,090 129,751 1,295,478 319,843 122,024 3,597 850,014 22,343 11,360 383,411 389,610 43,290 501,017 172,709 38,731 3,474 286,103 57.1 HA NA NA 76,468 NA 137,597,389 47,427,381 26,103,879 17,809,202 46,256,927 NA NA NA 25,429,158 7,668,503 3,535,066 456,491 13,769,098 MA NA 429,232 155,677 34, 963 3,430 235,162 54.8 NA NA NA 50,793 NA 133,775,638 46,300,670 25,852,449 17,740,448 43,882,071 NA NA NA 4,057,222 NA 23,697,490 7,311,211 3,431,809 453,209 12,501,261 NA NA 71,785 17,032 3,768 25,675 NA 3,821,751 1,126,711 251,430 68,754 2,374,856 NA NA NA 916,829 NA 1,731,668 357,292 103,257 3,282 1,267,837 NA NA 495,489 152,852 37,663 3,314 301,660 60.9 16,874 NA NA 105,122 NA 124,707,130 41,692,409 21,245,322 20,369,672 41,399,727 11,810,292 NA U fU 30,634,370 8,550,186 3,954,477 490,244 17,639,463 604,050 NA NA 409,426 136,884 32,995 3,226 236,321 57.7 15,479 NA NA 68,874 NA 120,259,870 40,567,331 20,895,429 20,332,764 38,464,346 11,739,852 NA NA 5,358,415 NA 28,018,091 8,097,310 3,789,511 485,649 15,645,621 573,156 NA NA 86,063 15, 968 4,668 88 65,339 75.9 1,395 36,248 NA 4,447,260 1,125,078 349,893 36,908 2,935,381 70,440 NA NA 1,334,420 NA 2,616,279 452,876 164, 966 4,595 1,993,842 30,894 NA NA 465,646 156,090 26,886 1,445 281,225 60.4 11,317 NA NA NA 109,674,410 45,665,446 20,785,621 9,762,231 33,461,112 8,595,989 NA NA 5,175,422 NA 27,074,869 8,641,829 2,341,974 201,312 15,889,754 469,222 NA NA 383,920 139,909 23,226 1,400 219,385 57.1 10,238 NA NA 58,152 NA 105,614,112 44,451,081 20,537,545 9,735,519 30,889,967 8,534,595 NA NA 4,025,360 NA 24,447,005 8,161,320 2,207,258 199,244 13,879,183 442,620 NA NA 81,726 16,181 3,660 45 61,840 75.7 1,079 33,165 NA 4,060,298 1,214,365 248,076 26,712 2, 571,145 61,394 NA NA NA 2,627,864 480,509 134,716 2,068 2,010,571 26,602 NA NA NA Not available. ^otal acreage of crops for which figurei creage of corn harvested for grain. allable, except that corn cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated In the TEXAS State Table 4.-FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, AGE, RESIDENCE, AND OFF-FARM WORK; AND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 B based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lent] (For definitions and explanatic FUBIOPEttVrTIRS By color: While number Negro number Other nonwhile number By age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to It years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operator* reporting. 65 or more years operators reporting Average ace years Operators not reporting age number By residence: Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting Operators not reporting residence number By off farm work: Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 4f* days operators reporting 50 to 90 days operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting Operators not working off Uleir farm or not reporting as to work off liieir farm number By other income: With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting BFI I 1FIF.D KQnrvfKVT VND FxnUTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combinos farms reporting number Com pickers. farms reporting Piek-up baler. farms reporting Field forage harvesters farms reporting Motortrucks farms reporting Tractors farms reporting Tractors other Uian garden farms reporting number 1 tractor farm* reporting 2 tractors farms reporting 3 tractors farms reporting 4 tractors farms reporting 5 or more tractors farms reporting Wnoel tractors farms reporting Crawlw tractors farms reporting Garden tractors farms reporting latsroobilea farms reporting number Automobiles and. or motortrucks farms reporting Telephone farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting Electric milk cooler farms nsvrting Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops). . .farms reporting Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting Farms by kind ol road on which located: Hard surfaie farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Leas than 1 mile to a hard surface road . . farms reporting 1 or more miles to a hard surface road, . . .farms reporting 1 mile farm* reporting 2 or 3 milea farm- reporting 4 miles farms reporting 5 or more miles farms reporting NA Not available. 'Figures for 1965 are for all tractors. Concrete, brick, asphalt, and macadam. 3Concret« or brick and macadam. Asphalt w 'includes sand-clay. 'Gravel. 'Distance to all-v.-eather road. See text. Census of — 1, 790 IS, 367 i 1,1159 60, 300 «♦, m a, /so St. 6 1,939 177,739 35,332 14,000 109, 711 to, SOS 11,310 7*. 097 13, SSI ti.U0 36.SU .". 713 9,679 9.S9S It, 933 13, 691 5, 717 6. 16' HI, Iti 197,791 166, 73C ns, om IS3, 117 Mi, 113 '9. 136 3*. 069 li, »7t S.909 6.171 161, 3S6 !tt. 361 1,116 6. 'HI 176, fir, tit), 71S tio, no lie, ».» 119, no 7,967 7. in i.m 96, 316 St, 113 73, Oti U, t*lt iS.336 17,631 It, i31 3,101 i,91l not Included. «.***■ 30, 67! 60, 96S 7i,7li 6i,163 61, SIS 61.1 6,669 251,254 36,363 5,330 lit, 903 31, 776 17, tg 6 93, U3 10, ill 73,017 36, 961 10, S96 S.91S 7.0*7 10, 366 io,esi i,6S9 5,061 163, 9it 1S3, 716 Hi, US m, oi9 170, Oil ie>, cis 111.119 3S, ISO It, 113 i.H' 1,006 It}. 6SS iti, WO 3,316 i.173 105, 169 160, Si 3 I6i, 7»» til, i!6 33, US 10, 033 S.II7 iO.iiS 71,061 7i,im 6e, i76 iS,313 W- i tl, SO, 292,296 X,873 8,398 136, m 3t, 6i7 17, 030 St, 033 is, 5 a 63,SiS I6S, Iti 111, (7/ 3. I6i i.030 HO, 976 tit, 610 •.61, 700 79, 137 W, 070 10, 0S1 339,027 45,950 6,501 49,995 92,960 99,225 77,209 55,258 49.1 3,829 352,328 30,056 2,593 105,236 16,963 12,122 76,151 17,952 58,199 30.31S 13,65i «, 0S0 IS, 666 1.613 NA 1.967 MA 6.S03 NA t.on NA NA NA NA NA ui.sn 78,809 US. 637 89,286 lit, t76 131,231 131, 31S 162,381 169, no '131,231 tit, 601 163, 691 116,901 '109,748 13,666 '16,031 160, 037 NA 3. 51 i 240,838 259, 599 274,917 67,725 34, 167 NA 6t, Oil NA (i, 7:r NA '229,921 NA 6141,750 NA ^ NA 1 '103,871 NA ) NA '37,879 17,129 71,486 91,733 96,460 73,967 49,486 46.9 17,741 372,582 31,401 14,019 108,971 33,755 17,815 57,401 20,872 36, 529 58,654 64,934 279,893 429,232 71,785 136,231 135,343 68,818 67,420 22,943 27,938 44,470 39,985 18,177 19,348 26,293 20,637 364,786 360,146 51,018 102,234 115,011 104,791 67,883 38,786 NA 15,766 223,434 '63,240 378,170 383,920 81,726 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 ? based on reports for only f (For definitions and expiai Census of — 1950 (April 1) (January 1) SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES' Feed for livestock and poult/y farms Purchase of livestock and poultry farms Machine hire farms Farms classified hy amount of expenditure- $1 to $199 farms $200 to$499 farms $500 to $999 farms $1,000 to $2,490 farms $2,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to $9,999 farms 510,000 or more farms Hired labor3 farms Farms classified by amount of expenditure- $1 to $199 farms $200 toS499 farms $500 to $999 farms $1,000 to $2,499 farms 52,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to $9,999 farms $10,000 to $19,999 farms $20,000 or more farms Gasoline and other peu-oleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and frees farms Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials Farms Lime and liming materials farms reporting . report! ng . dollars. reporting, reporting. reporting. reporting. reporting. ■■r.rt,r dollars . reporting. reporting . reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . .Inllai FARM LABOR Farm workers for specified week:' Family and/or hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . Average per farm reporting persons . . Family workers, including operators farms reporting. . persons . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons . . Hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by month farms reporting . . Workers hired by week farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by day farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by hour farms reporting . . Workers hired on piece-work basis . . farms reporting . No report as to basis of payment. . . . farms reporting . , persons . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting . 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . Seasonal hired workers farms reporting . persons . Farms by kind of workers during specified week: No workers reported farms . Family workers only farms . Operator only farms . Operator and members of his family farms . Members of operator's family only farms . Family workers and hired workers. farms . Operator and hired workers farms . Operator, members of his family, and hired Members of o[ierator's family anil hired workers . . . .farms . Hired workers only farms . Regular farm workers only farms . Seasonal farm workers only farms . 180, m 167, 185, 719 93, 670 19 i, 307, 788 ni, oet 116, Sit, 966 w,w 30, StS to, 119 19, 7li 7,71i 3,103 1, 167 113, 9t9 3S, 91,6 13, 691 16, 773 tl, 869 11, 961, 6,936 1,673 1,189 !li,61i 116, 669, 6iS 108, Hi 31, 063, 769 183,631 163, 818 179, 089 17, 578 167, 1,06 It, 056 tl, 60S 9,1,61, 18, 310 11, 116 tl, 196 16, 300 it, 037 6,171 98, is: i0, It 6 3,910 si, m 31, 033 tl, 311 16, 061 It, 116 6,387 1,18! 1,019 30, 811, 366 1,590 i3.HH i3t, a 3 156, 978 378, 016 160, 918 69, 756 315, Sti 13, 631 U, 306 6,766 11, iS5 17, 131 ii, 183 11, 361 il, 73t 18, 901 110, 868 30, Of! 103, 356 13i, 660 63, 53! 5,163 16, StS 897 6,131 U7, 919 151, 003,888 173, 777 176,897,910 156, 165 71, 171, 037 NA tee, st: i00, 683 161, 771 0,1,616 11. 061 16, 7i0 6,776 16, 119 16, 377 61, 165 11,671 33, 190 t, 069 10,893 li, 563 S, 183 i,i!6 58, 199 117, 9U 130, 371 76, US 11, 197 li, 006 1, 486 7,560 305,498 121,672,575 157, 316 76,i51, 106 79,187 41,746 30,373 27,925 338,629 506, 560 332,678 42,589 315,418 191,922 117,997 5,499 219,246 39,071,057 55,996 80,078 2,493,564 NA 66,194 146,415 26,176 42,164 539,042 581,229 (') (5) 66,712 623,022 (6) (6) 191,402 37,804,065 NA Not available. 1For Censuses of 1959 and 1954, expenditures during Census year; for earlier Censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. Cash payments for farm labor; housework not included. For 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor in- cluded in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included. 3Census of 1959, week preceding the enumeration; Census of 1954, week of October 24-30. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. ASee text for differences in definition of farm workers. 5Separate data not available by day or week. 6Separate data not available for workers hired by the hour or piece-work basis. Questionnaire called for other hired labor including piecework and contract labor. TEXAS State Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS, NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data or number of livestock not fully comparable for the several Censuses. See tsxf] Item Census of — (For definitions and explanations 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Not.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) ( January 1 ) (January 1) Total value of specified classes of livestock and poultry .. 1,244,715,031 662,625,446 1,019,560,574 624,322,018 344,946,306 246,473,394 453,716,794 282,802,454 590,531,879 Cattle and calves 181,735 241,858 267,816 340,828 355,043 404,679 359,097 NA 334,570 number 8,517,275 8,239,905 7,825,007 8,864,425 6,281,537 7,222,369 6,602,702 5,845,918 6,156,715 value, dollar. .. 1,063,969,942 542,837,594 835,300,406 452,564,528 204,738,432 96,132,290 267,019,133 122,630,336 305,610,919 Cows, including heifers lhal have raked . .farms reporting 173,809 235,414 261,079 331,794 346,948 397,722 NA HA NA number 4,416,363 4,559,144 4,021,920 5,172,009 3,332,583 3,834,464 2,868,546 3,081,759 3,014,945 value, dollars 644,788,998 346,494,944 598,131,141 314,115,579 134,122,292 65,185,888 156,154,930 76,177,581 173,061,044 Milk rows 82,750 161,296 224,451 NA 337,424 NA 325,170 239,596 266,843 number 506,796 688,888 922,741 NA 1,349,776 NA 1,076,287 731,491 833,586 value, dollars 86,662,13.6 NA NA NA 52,866,981 NA 61,598,668 23,125,220 48,955,185 151,953 190,742 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA number 2,105,951 1,922,961 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars .. 231,654,610 96,148,050 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steer? and bulls, including steer and bull calves 144,327 171,970 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA number 1,994,961 1,757,800 NA NA HA NA NA HA NA value, dollars 187,526,334 100,194,600 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 77,207 113,694 168,226 NA 308,951 393,800 414,550 401,019 NA 237,615 300,415 515,951 829, 110 1,176,207 1,575,771 1,802,148 1,848,308 1,837,294 ^alue, dollars 29,939,490 11,659,402 21,030,522 51,663,601 73,283,778 106,792,917 101,939,578 103,579,326 196,005,864 . farms reporting •IA 97,670 141,717 182,140 214,950 248,313 NA NA 312,896 number NA 243,632 387,393 514,837 638,406 686,442 762,042 837,969 991,362 value, dollars NA 9,501,648 15,007,278 27,201,326 31,939,159 35,516,668 32,245,457 32,893,180 82,271,637 NA 31,937 64,505 132,595 210,154 309,603 NA NA 281,761 number HA 56,783 128,558 314,273 537,801 889,329 1,040,106 1,010,339 845,932 value, dollars NA 2,157,754 6,023,244 24,462,275 41,344,619 71,276,249 69,694,121 70,686,146 113,734,227 75,640 107,546 153,702 202,918 252,371 271,594 251,128 208,562 306,099 number 1,158,687 906,324 1,291,773 1,580,602 1,513,912 1,384,134 1,561,461 1,166,253 2,225,558 value, dollars 19,034,970 22,535,595 19,738,965 25,609,506 8,712,413 6,782,257 13,935,456 9,704,945 30,943,625 46,118 56,710 80,922 NA HA NA 78,207 NA NA number 662,147 478,191 604,036 NA HA NA 513,387 NA NA value, dollars 6,621,470 6,694,674 5,631,220 NA NA NA NA NA NA 60,610 85,959 121,199 HA 252,371 NA NA NA NA number 496, 540 428,133 687,737 NA 1,513,912 NA 1,048,074 NA NA value, dollar* 12,413,500 15,840,921 14,107,745 NA 8,712,413 NA NA NA NA 23,793 25,159 22,198 28,263 33,706 26,578 20,546 10,692 9,883 number 6,063,797 5,733,563 7,750,395 8,585,581 8,447,809 7,026,543 7,021,334 3,137,129 2,573,485 value, dollars 87,357,748 57,969,774 114,046,575 52,837,038 39,635,821 24,241,573 42,476,780 27,433,934 31,651,781 18,463 18,892 17,740 NA NA NA NA NA 6,604 number 1,954,753 1,847,840 2,404,451 HA NA NA 1,702,086 796,994 630,212 value, dollars 25,411,789 18,478,400 31,634,591 NA HA NA NA NA 5,676,338 uid ovor 22,213 23,288 21,536 NA 33,706 NA NA NA NA number 4,109,044 3,885,723 5,345,944 '.;. 8,447,809 NA 5,319,248 2,340,135 1,943,273 ■ 61,945,959 39,491,374 82,411,984 HA 39,635,821 HA 36,148,978 NA 25,975,443 21,775 22,674 20,998 25,721 31,567 24,519 NA NA 8,938 number 3,798,745 3,568,651 4,540,425 6,451,061 7,223,743 4,746,604 ' 4,340,701 1,910,076 1,464,145 vnlun, dollar* 56,981,175 35,686,510 70,156,629 39,678,910 34,734,745 17,799,765 30,156,299 NA 20,045,168 17,989 17,928 15,517 NA NA NA NA NA NA number 310,299 317,072 805,519 NA 1,224,066 NA 978,547 430,059 479,128 value, dollars 4,964,784 3,804,864 12,255,355 NA 4,901,076 NA 5,992,679 NA 5,930,275 14,069 16,396 13,629 15,930 17,260 18,740 14,477 9,853 11,337 3,158,958 2,468,227 2,110,061 2,991,324 2,894,756 2,368,763 3,142,321 1,791,325 1,753,112 28,119,248 13,550,941 12,691,570 12,868,683 8,807,684 3,316,268 13,491,578 5,655,741 9,967,369 8,867 8,520 7,645 NA 10,193 NA 9,287 NA 4,269 2,951,375 2,197,098 1,922,883 NA 2,723,553 HA 2,956,584 NA 1,469,883 value, dollars 26,562,375 12,303,748 NA NA 8,462,982 NA 12,892,561 NA 8,798,420 6,344 9,259 7,224 NA 7,836 NA NA NA 7,354 .... t... 207,583 271,129 187,178 NA 171,203 NA 185,737 NA 283,229 1,556,873 1,247,193 NA HA 344,702 NA 599,017 NA 1,168,949 Chicken; 4 months old ami ovor - 126,854 211,191 265,273 338,975 369,876 425,891 404,674 376,451 382,825 number 15,871,213 14,897,662 16,814,395 28,661,910 21,799,610 20,541,529 21,525,816 19,740,614 18,062,744 15,395,077 13,407,896 15,610,377 28,778,662 8,988,112 7,805,781 14,854,269 13,798,172 14,849,430 . farms reporting 6, 610 13,171 29,114 NA 84,171 114,004 NA NA 76,659 number 213,942 191,024 354,145 NA 707,738 824,887 NA NA 478,201 value, dollars 898,556 664,244 1,142,159 NA 780,066 1,402,308 HA NA 1,502,891 NA :lo* tvail lil . 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 7.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 foe livestock sold alive and dairy products sold are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text J (For definitions and explai Census of — Value ol sales of livestock and/or livestock products including poultry and poultry products dollars. Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and mules, hogs, sheep, and goats) farms reporting. value of sales, dollars . Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars . Poultry and poultry products farms reporting . value of sales, dollars . Livestock sold alive Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting . number I dollars. Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting. number . dollars . Calves farms reporting. number . dollars . Horses and/or mules sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number . dollars. Goats and kids sold alive farms reporting . number . dollars. SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL Sheep and/or lambs shorn farms reporting . number shorn . pounds of wool . value, dollars. Lambs shorn farms reporting. pounds of wool . Other sheep shorn farms reporting. number shorn . pounds of wool . Goats and kids clipped farms reporting. pounds of mohair . value, dollars. LITTERS FARROWED Litters farrowed, December 1. previous year to November 30. Census year farms reporting . number of litters . June '2 to November 30 farms reportine. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters . POIILTRV AND POl'LTR Y PRODUCTS SOLD Chickens sold farms reporting . number, dollars. Broilers sold famis reporting . number. Other chickens sold farms reporting. dollars . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dollars. Turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous poultry and their eggs sold farms reporting. dollars. Turkeys raised farms reporting . Ducks sold farms reporting . number . Geese sold farms reporting. Guineas sold farms reporting . number. DAIRY PRODl'CTS Any whole milk or cream sold farms reporting . . dollars. . Average sales per farm reporting dollars. . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting . . dollars . . Cream sold farms refwrting. . pounds of bulterfBt . . dollars . . Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting . . dollars . . %147,752,603 58,170 100,641,059 163,319 4,654,020 638,448,276 88,501 2,008,421 352,496,595 135,828 2,645,599 285,951,681 5,580 16,833 4,685,852 41,092 1,192,282 35,768,460 19,682 3,292,818 39,513,816 6,785 633,120 4,685,085 21,475 5,493,547 42,385,879 18,225,943 4,967 1,157,209 5,756,277 20,906 4,336,338 36,629,602 8,621 3,136,318 20,128,978 19,122,537 34,826 183,668 27,841 90,398 23,293 93,270 30,840 92,522,939 44, 567, 818 2,416 84,685,579 40,649,080 28,686 7,837,360 3,918,738 49,620 136,531,972 42,324,915 6,314 13,748,326 11,295 3,109,356 2,066 39,819 1,150 14,869 1,008 13,869 13,984 110,404,123 7,895 10,250 2,244,262,121 109,854,333 4,066 184, 503 349,118,516 125,340,202 131,477 80,057,102 166,282 3,906,259 287,577,125 98,226 1,420,095 137,605,873 149,796 2,486,164 149,971,252 5,997 14,024 1,052,720 50,431 780,997 25,171,650 19,767 3,293,067 35,317,021 NA HA 21,309 5,154,280 41, 107, 644 24,253,508 8,086 2,310,167 13,378,750 9,766,491 39,995 147,480 28, 569 73,741 25,834 73,739 42,472 59,686,515 40,606,229 2,984 55,711,200 37,292,858 39,835 3,975,315 3,313,371 95,522 74,643,378 27,312,280 16, 061 12,138,593 25,356 2,805,988 23,406 91,320,203 3,902 14,128 1,757,510,009 89,931,832 9,278 2,741,367 1,388,371 NA 217, 109 440, 603, 167 114,314,707 168,101 60,874,245 189,644 3,452,320 361,048,359 93,472 1,460,222 197, 570, 296 164,543 1,992,098 163,478,063 11,372 28,286 1,545,562 93,130 1,203,164 34,292,784 17,592 3,281,988 43,716,462 NA NA 18,638 5,376,468 40,613,302 23,086,707 7,035 1,884,778 10,031,302 73,260 26,166,027 20,670,440 148,500 79,227,531 29,781,776 26,308 10,422,029 32,225 2,141,419 '52,977 '83, 934, 326 '1,584 22,235 1,382,410,165 79,718,098 24,041 6, 262, 503 3,432,777 209,986 3, 903, 124 213,871,049 HA NA 107,431 1,616,117 37,180,624 15,585 4,408,153 29,153,676 NA NA (583 42,219 447, 614,264 2 54, 286, 593 55,618 20,327,525 210,197,600 173,713 3,390,839 99,279,159 91,189 1,604,062 59,237,228 133,002 1,786,777 40,041,931 NA NA NA 81,396 1,193,055 12,844,962 23,434 4,654,111 20, 964, 101 NA NA 28,190 7,983,090 62,868,082 14,744,077 138,782 12,795,993 5,048,269 '134,983 '34,425.428 '255 36,230 1,084,558,745 225,608,684 71,877 32,623,714 2 6, 621, 487 23,903 7,311,359 52,564,478 11,564,185 15,981 5,019,918 38, 523, 669 10,945,037 2,760,858 11,778,932 5, 691, 059 174,056 10,706,967 7,720,955 244,547 89,465,537 22, 169,68] ^276 22,016 646,273,746 2,750,720 20,112,976 8,464,334 1,644,491 6,403,679 3, 599, 505 NA Not available. 'All dairy products sold. 2Publisbed values for 1945 and 1940 i adjusted to equal the enumerated value of all dairy products sold. 3Butter sold. computed on the basis of average prices. For this table, these values have been TEXAS 11 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 Census of— *n farms number Cropland harvested farms reporting Total value of crops harvested, including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars Total value of crops sold, including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars Com: Corn for all purposes farms reporting bushels Sales farms reporting bushels Cut far silage farms reporting tons, green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder. . .farms reporting acres Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting value, dollars Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting Sales farms reporting pounds dollars Cut for silage farms reporting tons, green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting tons cut Sales farms reporting tons dollars Harvested for sirup. ... farms reporting gallons Sales farms reporting gallons dollars Snail grains harvested: Wheat farms reportl ng bushels value, dollars Sales farms reporting bushels dollars Oats farms reporting bushels value, dollars Sales farms reporting bushels dollars Barley farms reporting bushels value, dollars Sales farms reporting bushels tllara Rye farms reporting bushels value, dollars Sales farms reporting bushels dollars Flaxseed farms reporting bushels value, dollars Sales farms reporting bushels dollars Rice farms reporting K>2-lb. barrels value, dollars Sales farms reporting 162-lb. barrels dollars See footnotes at end of table. 227,071 157,054 22,236,473 1,274,355,570 68,504 1,415,350 44,595,131 64,856 1,343,044 36,276,234 24,522 36,412,331 IB, 381,809 1,057 32,458 298,957 77,809 7,585,300 244,769,448 59, 351 6,724,604 13,181,391,644 46,516 11^49,866,804 184,797,862 4,015 206,008 1,527,263 28,250 654, 172 746,534 25,550 3,031,131 50,116,390 89,207,174 24,480 47,642,140 84,803,017 17,853 860,993 18,667,883 12,694,160 7,709 7,719,980 5,249,587 6,194 266,877 5,540,392 4,432,314 3,629 3,774,473 3,019,577 462 19,002 246,493 226,774 40,299 415,254 1,204,237 616 400,047 1,160,138 1,836 429,440 8,400,140 67,201,120 1,830 8,235,029 65,880,232 292,947 206,537 24,885,000 1,254,412,661 101,352 1,837,088 45,980,999 90,284 1,665,892 28,417,341 25,350 9,639,562 13,977,363 1,868 41,550 199, 333 '98,109 '7,405,648 '221,503,644 55,436 5,620,095 7,385,484,456 40,120 6,554,077,376 146,296,370 4,946 191,081 875,651 61,165 1,593,378 888,724 4,370 102,698 2,618,797 '1,112 '1,094 '53,665 NA NA '40,144 *21,627 "3,022,518 "29,062,814 '63,647,563 "19,516 '26,536,454 '58,114,834 "14,954 '742,020 "15,150,986 "11,363,240 "6,144 "6,211,878 "4,658,912 '4,077 '129,809 "2,038,818 '2,099,983 '1,791 '1,088,696 '1,121,351 NA '1,793 '108,811 '576,072 '1,641,805 "1,699 '532,484 '1,517,576 1,730 607,639 9,979,622 81,333,919 1,722 9,715,925 79,184,787 331,567 260,331 28,107,865 150,236 2,301,516 51,447,137 146,230 2,237,403 44,077,397 '33,661 10,926,455 '11,767,929 250 '112,061 '4,662,550 '108,242,473 60,710 3,387,249 4,534,641,384 '36,586 HA '68,681,003 1,599 58,137 331,357 78,137 1,212,802 1,529,374 (') KA a (7) '4,421 '4,362 '406,884 '1,688 NA '349,803 34,227 5,625,259 75,277,232 135,763,913 29,856 69,861,335 NA 23,996 1,047,128 25,647,630 16,523,439 11,589 10,973,245 NA 4,578 116,164 2,163,556 1,969,362 1,743 949,042 NA NA NA 3,860 309,136 1,997,232 6,884,434 3,730 1,910,681 HA 1,367 541,796 6,644,270 46,111,232 1,359 6,423,790 NA 384,977 312,440 27,469,089 199,701 3,724,635 64,492,328 195,386 3,637,150 51,745,061 NA NA '162,592 '7,860,813 '143,506,502 62,675 4,881,075 5,285,800,520 137,717 2,820,948 3,629,960 29,854 4,408,046 81,415,283 113,474,310 31,146 1,319,049 31,855,101 24,541,763 8,043 322,852 7,160,070 7,114,900 18,123 216,296 210,078 38,422 315,379 865,131 1,192 344,636 4,258,845 28,121,262 418,002 373,661 26,044,008 279,592 4,700,475 40,309,001 265,197 4,322,364 69,649,829 KA HA NA 1,193 31,659 93,186 207,427 5,474,353 44,544,591 75,941 2,202,107 1,412,998,608 6,217 254,889 925,504 176,887 3,006,559 3,113,647 10,869 10,798 469,223 26,387 2,744,064 28,096,367 21,850,822 39,416 1,270,741 32,306,788 10,565,557 8,815 202,021 2,856,438 1,109,584 15,600 107,016 46,475 7,366 76, 146 125,190 186,236 2,888,028 8,547,045 501,017 448,286 25,429,158 295,229 4,479,780 38,017,875 81,388 1,406,363 539,976,192 31,804 3,091,870 26,298,423 20,513,261 42,823 1,373,035 32,012,907 13,765,550 6,099 123,883 3,755,351 1,000,550 1,562 10,504 7,878 495,489 461,036 30,634,370 434,486,972 306,798 4,076,206 66,251,026 465,646 NA 27,074,869 '158,537 3,694,606 45,584,568 66,664 1,700,713 1,331,029,616 5,887 5,144 244,386 23,058 2,969,511 44,077,764 44,159,206 37,423 1,148,110 27,260,261 12,976,353 7,313 193,862 3,743,677 2,170,820 2,589 36,255 35,598 290,939 3,615,583 54,143,427 1,311,776 20,881,516 25,126.319 42,548 1,212,817 36,052,273 21,493,081 6,820 166,126 2,841,500 2,114,336 5, '83 57,750 56,716 436,033 HA 225,030,834 HA NA 341,313 4,748,655 108,377,282 40,129 10,369,066 13,998,239 HA HA 137,707 1,496,763 2,474,511 110,500 1,527,090 4,562,942 105,616 1,432,929 5,261,715 145,926 1,778,628 8,964,286 62,334 2,414,903 36,427,255 75,404,421 HA NA HA 95,783 1,862,933 63,989,423 51,191,535 28,889 21,056,924 16,845,539 5,848 77,780 2,188,250 2,407,086 1,593 856,409 942,050 1,475 14,397 215,385 355,395 HA NA 164,481 1,473,991 14,857,832 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For definitions and e Census of — Small grains harvested-Continued Proso millet farms reporting. bushels . value, dollars. Sales farms reporting . bushels, dollars. Other grains farms reporting. bushels. value, dollars. Sales farms reporting. bushels . Annual legumes: Soybeans e purposes1 . farms reporting Harvested for beans .... farms reporting bushels value, dollars Sales dollars Cut far hay farms reporting value, dollars Sales dollars Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting value, dollars Plowed under for green manure farms reporting Cowpeae grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing11 farms reporting . Harvested for dry peas farms reporting. bushels. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Cut for hay farms reporting . value, dollars. Sales dollars. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting . Plowed under for green manure farms reporting . Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting. value, dollars1' Harvested for picking or threshlng farms reporting. pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Vines or tops saved far hay or forage18 farms reporting. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans ...... farms reporting. 100-lb. bags. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting. 100-lb. bags. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Mung beans harvested farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 2,384 51,458 43,739 1,435 51,736 1,181,334 1,181,334 1,215 55,034 1,266,775 2,343,534 2,267,531 74 1,435 1,600 38,400 10,370 3,553 44,359 474,190 1,659,665 1,095,377 412 4,259 3,199 78,376 21,180 1,483 20,269 466,187 9,405 249, 592 15,963,356 8,400 242,318 167,521,057 15,076,895 14,909,377 3,968 85,682 34,549 777,353 210,058 7,718 56,922 398,454 394,471 2,754 822,885 43,143 43, 143 10926,494 °17,753,046 °18,438,617 1,864 26,791 62,959 62,329 5,303 43,945 299,833 1,274,290 496,979 918 7,395 4,124 115,472 33,486 4,522 43,122 961,621 16,046 291,794 13,109,880 10,892 234,040 78,065,363 9,367,844 9,086,812 11,751 214,633 85,118 2,298,186 666,469 1,900 11,793 76,654 72,822 1,331 530,640 57,486 56,337 152,065 2,381,193 2,513,453 19,028 73,038 540,367 1,683,015 1,574 7,673 6,039 1U.741 19,035 440,063 273,298,783 27,329,874 2,196 72,510 1,197,070 1,334,795 152,824 1516,431 1512,966 15236,549 26,799 608,079 272,252,050 20,744,136 2,398 10,318 35,051 227,273 109,217 1,330,615 679,612 2,056 16,000 26,364 i1-'; [ | (") 43,677 210, 106 963,180 1,378,139 (") (") (") (13) 27,758 280,730 112,746,529 3,421,280 24,041 229,516 125,818 1,454,739 "3,979 "15,693 37,282 118,576 15,647 307,787 277,008 ;!3) (13) (") (13, (13) 48,302 320,402 143,721 2, 12,094 8,220 ;i018,744 46,006 207,028 25,174 498,524 372,950 (") (") (") (") 10,966 98,263 54,648 896,639 "5,595 26,972 138,103 2,959 2014,599 37,535 163,697 t") (13) I") (13) TEXAS 13 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of — value, dollars. , Sales farms reporting.. dollars.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut far hay farms reporting. . value, dollars.. Sales farms reporting . . dollars . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut far hay farms reporting.. value, dollars.. Sales farms reporting.. dollars . . Wild hay cut farms reporting.. value, dollars.. Sales farms reporting.. dollars. . Other hay cut farms reporting. . value, dollars.. Sales farms reporting . . dollars. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . tons, green weight., value, dollars.. Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed farms reporting.. pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Austrian winter peas farms reporting.. ; Ound 8 . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars. . Bermudagrass seed farms reporting . . pounds.. value, dollars.. Sales dollars. . Bluestem seed farms reporting. . pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Buf falograss seed farms reporting . . pounds. . value, dollars. . Sales dollars.. Clover seed: Alsike clover seed farms reporting . . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Alyce clover seed farms reporting.. pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Crimson clover seed . . . . f arms reporting.. value, dollars.. Sales dollars. . See footnotes at end of table. 5,635 164,280 373,914 9,908,721 1,966 163,605 4,335,568 2,385 65,267 80,387 1,768,514 10,214 246,750 221,352 4,980,420 13,299 306,048 377,903 6,991,206 1,730 51,043 944,229 29,637 659,113 852,151 15,764,794 3,310 86,961 1,608,837 1,339 10,200 86,700 8,660 1,188,627 249,612 225,843 1,115 331,400 13,256 13,016 6,700 1,005 1,005 7,501 424,060 445,269 445,269 3,281 150,340 150,340 150,340 11,087 325,249 628,478 17,911,623 3,960 277,328 7,903,842 2,738 66,232 56,808 1,647,432 16,115 343,469 248,095 6,698,565 1,524 1B.209 491,643 8,549 182,836 148,902 3,201,393 590, 191 502,468 10,273,667 17,297 2,366,905 591,726 544,388 78,180 3,909 3,127 30,970 6,194 5,265 2,376 102,920 82,336 69,985 2,585 106,747 52,306 44,462 18,292 5,500 2,744 550 2,561 440 122 60 2,687 990 277,687 64,763 69,422 15,543 63,361 12,432 7,108 196,646 462,206 10,994,863 2,244 48,256 52,907 1,190,408 "191,342 100,064 23,429,296 9,787 178, 106 179,867 2,950,431 692,678 747,776 13,428,598 27,586 3,050,342 971,780 3,577 301,127 90,338 4,340 115,622 287,522 6,098,775 9,304 9,569 186,462 "264,715 36,640 '4,419,782 13,719 272,955 287,612 4,098,950 353,555 378,877 5,969,073 11,081 1,489,020 495,057 6,074 113,747 270,393 3,490,010 1,957 2,165 24,009 "227,206 39,007 21,652,652 12,202 185,250 175,636 1,339,486 531,607 539,368 4,537,354 "1,217 "5,615 330,647 9,289 1,417,680 193,726 4,258 65,J41 128,758 2,575,160 z341,482 55,525 788,455 559,555 401,331 4,658,172 50,219 120,698 2,309,035 3,730 4,257 69,604 2242,509 55,120 769,379 12,870 191,073 200,622 2,194,108 198,025 215,647 2,432,399 3,250 588,240 88,314 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Field seed crops harvested-Continued Clover seed — Continued Ladino clover seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Red clover seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Sweetclover seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars White clover seed farms reporting value, dollars Sales dollars Dallisgrass seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Fescue seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Gramagrass seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Lespedeza seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Lupine seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Millet seed farms reporting value, dollars Sales dollars Redtop seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Rescuegrass seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Ryegrass seed farms reporting value, dollars Sales dollars Sudangrass seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars value, dollars Sales dollars Wild winter peas farms reporting . pounds. value, dollars, Sales dollars . Other field seed crops acres , value, dollars. Sales dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 7,633 1,600 69,073 2,21/4 668 24,175 2,068 551 NA 751 2,057 2,799 15,964 37,964 61,994 3,774,325 6,781,549 11,980,948 415,176 949,417 1,797,143 339,696 769,029 NA 16 34 3 2,384 660 88 199,440 58,759 8,240 159,552 37,018 6,180 159,296 29,616 NA 5 11 10 526 450 401 16,701 23,420 16,550 5,845 9,368 4,138 5,344 7,963 HA 8 27 11 359 1,224 171 51,200 87,455 34,322 7,168 12,244 13,729 7,049 10,409 NA 51 6 12 6,083 121 431 627,413 7,360 21,545 250,965 2,944 5,386 250,965 2,502 NA 4 34 103 215 840 1,413 17,300 80,614 228, W0 2,249 17,735 36,631 2,173 8,868 NA 2,375 2,875,875 287,588 286, 124 3,675 1,286 1,204 186,200 16,758 13,035 13,840 6,925,015 346,251 325,486 31,146 ,265,439 689,198 654,017 57,700 5,193 3,462 24,190 1,270,601 1,261,259 2,086 976,957 78,157 66,430 22,710 13,626 11,582 62,700 6,897 5,861 20,642 10,552,476 949,723 807,265 1,621 38,389 5,584,676 670,161 536,124 41 1,597 227,851 18,228 14, 583 10,215 112,784 93,890 2,181 842,649 42,133 22,148 11,225,240 561,260 1,930 52,666 7,062,113 1,129,938 1,666 273,720 13,686 TEXAS 15 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued < and explanations, see texl) Census of — tans of brush.. value , dollars . . Sales dollars.. Castor beans farms reporting. . value, dollars... Seles dollars. . . Cotton farms reporting... value, dollars... Sales dollars.. . «r farms reporting . . value, dollars... Sales dollars. . , Sales dollars.. Melons for feed farms reporting. . acres. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars.. Mint for oil farms reporting.. pounds of oil . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars.. Popcorn farms reporting. . pounds (ear com) . . value, dollars. . Sales dollars. . Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than corn, sorghums, and annual legumes farms reporting value, dollars Sesame seed farms reporting pounds value, dollars Sales dollars Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting tons value, dollars Sales dollars Sugarcane for sirup farms reporting gallons value, dollars Sales dollars Sunflower seed farms reporting bushels value, dollars Sales dollars flweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting. bushels. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Other field crops acres. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars.. Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. . See footnotes at end of table. 27,721 5,569 1,441,732 1,441,732 9,863 12,344,326 649,767 649,787 22,633 9,017,183 360,687 284,308 18,687 16,379 3,930,287 6,013,339 5,463,096 36 1,006 2,043,774 40,340 40,340 14,036 7,226,079 945,853 945,853 1,803 36,006 381,664 381,664 61,906 102,612 102,612 22,255 50,074 32,020 8,821 17,801 2,394,754 4,550,033 3,496,340 102 1,686 60,792 8,007 2,722,380 2,722,380 399 8,520 2,488,685 174,211 174, 211 126,014 7,513,763 3,548,337 684,829,041 684,829,041 568 17,928 3,958,452 158,337 158,337 53,336 12,680 1,834,810 3,064,133 2,357,405 139 1,110 1,994 14,955 9,725 5,339 1,019,108 101,912 101,912 1,153 16,480 176,337 176,337 2,051 4,102 3,897 18,908 26,351 1,493,037 4,717,997 2,614,858 102 1,034,777,952 1,464 61,494 10,919 1,965,640 153,177 10,574,202 5,549,667 877,588,648 51,389 25,538 2,597,633 4,597,569 1,076 3,018 24,144 1,588 1,689,000 55,344 1,286 17,370 191,070 30,613 41,408 3,363,309 6,893,219 ,01, 335, 574, 314 "1,073,914,612 174,006 6,589,815 2,536,401 319,625,073 55,795 42,783 3,276,349 5,925,724 1,974 2,075 234,445 320,371 44,705 71,296 5,724,715 10,766,722 '■S9, J4',,21W 24,740 2,466 217,312 272,820 8,105,711 2,724,442 148,610,690 87,500 44,282 2,703,261 2,68 ,686 3,070 2,313 2,036,600 72,729 13,915 476,199 1,498,599 6,929 6,430 727,918 458,589 57,668 59,793 3,127,579 2,914,342 364,249 10,015,375 2,306,424 '146,135,025 95,790 50,540 3,011,730 3,373,138 88,045 64,584 3,182,721 3,119,067 10,069 1,482 175,327 395,106 16,813,568 3,793,392 388,766,778 97,399 39,786 2,773,216 3,752,101 8,686 6,719 830,859 897,276 59,801 44,652 3,392,764 4,001,248 410,144 16,658,356 4,856,142 '562,662,374 24,848 17,057 1,168,079 1,934,106 27,350 24,854 1,433,217 2,601,405 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of — Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than [fish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use31 farms reporting . value, dollars Vegetables harvested for sale32 farms reporting. Sales dollars. Asparagus farms reporting. Beans, green lima farms reporting. Beans, snap (bush and pole types) farms reporting . Beets (table) farms reporting. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting. Broccoli farms reporting . Brussels sprouts farms reporting. Cabbage farms reporting . Cantaloups, haneydewe, and muekmel ons farms reporting . Carrots farms reporting. Cauliflower farms reporting. Celery farms reporting . Chinese cabbage farms reporting . Collards farms reporting . Corn, sweet farms reporting. Cucumbers and pickles .. farms reporting. Dandelion greens farms reporting. Eggplant f arms reporting . 11,773 325,906 31,739,543 1,573 10,404 1,472 3,371 21,391 403,197 30,678,110 27,374 94 2,967 1,387 12,008 1,882 6,200 "28,272 473,657 431,751,720 2,875 10,401 1,453 34,697 12,592 3,379 8,777 44,669 439,871 32,976,426 41,105 288,993 10,746,070 3,365 7,5L2 1,744 7,439 3,745 9,537 2,087 12,325 1,311 4,173 3,210 7,708 36,502 191,490 U, 125, 151 2,134 5,117 2,899 3,340 Garlic farms reporting . Kale farms reporting . Lettuce and romalne .... farms reporting. Mustard greens farms reporting . Okra farms reporting. Onions, dry farms reporting . Onions, green farms reporting. Parsley farms reporting. Parsnips farms reporting. Peas, green farms reporting. Peppers, hot farms reporting. Peppers, sweet farms reporting. Pumpkins farms reporting . Radishes farms reporting. Spinach farms reporting . Squash farms reporting . Tomatoes farms reporting. Turnip greens farms reporting. Turnips farms reporting. Watermelons farms reporting . Mixed vegetables farms reporting. Other vegetables a See footnotes at end of table. 417 2,220 1,357 3,836 1,219 36,566 285 2,048 4,546 1,251 36,768 4,127 10,266 64,191 2,606 1,737 35,322 3,532 704 33,164 3,823 14,914 80,359 1,428 3,041 42,301 2,014 1,108 22,002 2,107 19,631 56,274 5,073 6,814 (36) (3t) 763 15,378 56,737 2,105 10,049 1,118 TEXAS 17 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: 'CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale:37 Blackberries and dewberries farms reporting. . quarts. . value, dollars.. Boysenberries farms reporting . . quarts. . value , dollars . . Strawberries farms reporting.. quarts. . value, dollars.. Other berries and small fruits acres.. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: " land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting.. Apples farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age. farms reporting. . number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . value, dollars.. Apricots farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Cuantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels. . value, dollars.. Avocados farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . Buobwr. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds., value, dollars.. Cherries farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. . number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Cuantity harvested farms reporting.. value, dollars.. Pigs farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number.. . farms reporting.. pounds. . value, dollars.. Grapes farms reporting. . Vines of all ages number. . VlneG not of bearing age farms reporting. , number. , Vines of bearing age farms reporting. , number . , quantity harvested farms reporting., value, dollars.. Mangoes farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Cuantity harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 1,001 2,329 3,184,754 382,169 14,881 173,396 3,033 50,212 2,478 58,266 1,694 1,004,161 70,296 2,025 57,266 1,204 267,403 13,383 1,271 3,763 3,143,994 691,678 14,729 132,787 4,903 72,417 3,302 52,639 1,047 26,127 65,317 2,990 135,395 1,184 416,521 24,991 1,348 3,043 2,185,456 309,773 "289, 366 25,983 236,737 12,594 118,551 7,104 96,020 206,631 4,249 21,250 1,655 14,124 40,258 20 834 4,727 22,232 2,583 141,972 14,194 14,976 154,691 8,488 1,420,314 131,304 12,260 259,624 7,801 1, 171, 971 47,072 MA 4,465 4,828 3,114,545 503,912 62,128 215,682 18,852 200,877 9,075 6,310 4,142,708 296, 525 38 30 28,458 4,271 1,634 2,218 3,173,914 412,756 104 13,418 62,315 222,301 24,201 266,077 13,911 144,318 7,491 135,787 122,969 9,428 37,751 3,206 11,572 5,360 28,705 2,184 107,736 5,531 15,008 334,848 9,906 4,084,969 139,961 15,073 732,740 10,145 3,954,200 94,959 HA NA 2,739 3,345 4,577,702 640,878 82,221 237,265 25,343 252,504 12,661 7,676 5,474,598 541,038 1,682 2,852 3,089,948 414,130 71,058 187,581 28,320 336,476 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of — Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes39-Contlnued Papayas farms reporting . . Plants of all ages number. . Plants not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Plants of bearing age farms reporting . . number. . Cuantity harvested farms reporting. . value , dollars-. . Peaches farms reporting. Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting . bushels. 5,916 622,127 4,362 572,168 1,630,688 9,647 702,163 2,504 109,629 411,110 64,014 1,868,831 48,259 1,209,511 2,374,681 68,836 2,055,903 1,656,974 Pears farms reporting . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. value, dollars. 4,367 68,157 3,177 101,094 146, 586 1,496 22,276 38,986 33,429 224,611 24,390 363,768 463,897 38,743 296,698 26,205 361,809 254,922 Persimmons, Japanese farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. plums and prunes farms reporting . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels, value, dollars. Pecans, total farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of besring age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested .. farms reporting. value, dollars. 3,196 185,725 1,704 84,103 336,412 W 4,650 141,769 1,029 35,957 89,882 24,948 261,035 14,736 1A1,936 164,837 40,403 622,884 25,558 255,259 215,337 34,370 2,675,216 16,770 10,106,405 955,185 Pecans , ljnproved farms reporting . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested .. farms reporting. value, dollars. 5,024 458,570 2,933 2,666,555 1,066,619 6,816 490, 180 3,482 3,100,195 1,054,058 19,397 693,980 11,961 3,741,758 1,010,650 Pecans, wild and seedling farms reporting . Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. Quantity harvested, .farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 8,505 1,147,606 5,057 5,963,006 1,788,922 9,855 1,306,796 4,281 4,643,575 1,160,898 20,957 1,758,669 10,614 6,846,270 1,177,557 TEXAS 19 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Item (For definition?- and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Not.) 1954 (Oct. -Hot.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes39-Continued 2 2 18 44 204 15 1 HA NA 2,805 1 4,300 5,590 8 9,442 KA 37,183 112 7,460 KA 15 1 NA KA Trees not of bearing KA number. . . 5 1,320 HA 32,979 KA 15 NA KA Trees of bearing 1 2 14 Ka 105 NA NA HA number. . . 2,800 4,300 4,270 Ha 4,204 KA HA HA Quantity harvested farms reporting... 1 4 NA 40 KA HA HA pounds. . . .40,000 22,910 8,293 7,497 HA HA HA value, dollars 1,200 687 416 136 NA HA HA Walnuts, black 242 154 903 KA 7 HI HA HA HA 1,692 97 1,071 NA 6,859 428 KA KA 545 4 NA HA NA NA HA KA NA Trees not of bearing HA number.. . 765 238 2,603 KA 405 HA HA KA NA Trees of bearing 163 NA 539 NA 5 HA HA HA NA nu«ber... 927 833 4,256 KA 140 NA HA KA NA Quant 1 ty harves ted farms reporting . . . 91 40 249 NA 3 HA HA NA HA pounds.. . 7,890 6,877 18,100 KA 155 NA HA HA KA value, dollars... 314 340 901 NA 15 KA HA KA HA Citrus fruits: 2,299 2,036 4,701 4,440 4,621 6,296 3,791 2,514 HA 3,165,932 2,101,880 5,244,994 3,405,930 3,615,720 5,295,155 2,913,349 475,270 79,493 Trees not of bearing 1,132 1,133 2,005 KA 670 NA HA KA 636 number 893,562 1,119,298 1,926,764 NA 197,653 1,856,735 2,198,614 315,694 74,039 Trees of bearing 1,804 1,504 3,651 NA 4,346 HA NA HA 177 number. . . 2,272,370 982,582 3,318,230 KA 3,418,067 3,438,420 714,735 159,576 5,454 Quantity 1,562 947 2,410 KA 3,874 NA NA HA HA tons... 131,307 48,420 185,573 447,180 501,270 106,681 27,435 NA 2,850 value, dollars... 4,595,610 1,937,236 9,464,287 15,994,846 3,878,166 3,491,028 1,941,246 KA 5,700 298 205 608 KA 890 KA 786 1,576 NA 39,201 29,146 36,872 NA 45,436 HA 18,430 19,006 9,527 Trees not of bearing 124 105 338 KA 266 NA NA KA 486 number . . . 12,759 20,364 7,294 HA 16,491 HA 7,484 10,611 8,161 Trees of bearing 187 116 299 KA 660 HA HA HA 139 number. . . Quantity 26,442 76 8,782 26 29,578 40 HA NA 28,945 248 HA HA 10,946 HA 8,395 KA 1,366 NA 416,560 125,370 560,880 HA 2,793,960 KA 4116,661 NA **787 value , dollars . . . 20,831 2,229 11,843 KA 34,054 HA 25,933 KA 2,361 Limes farms renortlne 94 -2 82 HA 70 NA -. NA 1,321 535 1,200 KA 3,400 HA 966 HA Trees not of bearing 48 35 51 18 number. . . 876 396 928 HA 1,242 HA 860 HA Trees of bearing 49 21 33 HA 53 HA HA HA number. .. Quantity 445 19 139 5 272 HA NA 2,158 21 HA NA 106 HA NA HA poods... 9,395 331 23 NA 57,005 HA 9,440 NA value, dollars... 563 13 1 HA 1,141 HA 649 NA See footnotes at end of table. 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 ly^u (January 1) (January ' Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes -Continued Citrus fruits— -Continued Oranges, total farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested*2 farmB reporting-. value, dollars. Valencia oranges .... farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . number. Quantity harvested* 2 farms reporting . value, dollars. Other oranges farms reporting . Trees of all ages number. TreeB not of bearing age farms reporting. number. TreeB of bearing age farms reporting . Quantity harvested*,2 farms reporting. value, dollars. Other tree fruits and nuts value , dollars . NA 2,426,543 NA 611,985 NA 1,816,558 NA NA 4,056,114 NA 1,787,765 NA 2,268,349 NA 586,976 NA 1,165,520 3,969 111,376 2,348,158 74,233 NA 553,244 1,339 49,297 2,563,379 15,673,512 15,673,512 7,019,220 1,611 30,001 2,197,557 2,102 51,877 2,491,124 . ,-■•' ,28* 16,975,432 NA 225,361 NA 93,002 NA 2,930 NA NA 812,064 NA 538,645 NA 273,419 10,456,536 7,955,760 NA Not available. 1 Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1959, 1954, 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. 2Total acreage of crops far which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of corn harvested for grain. ^Value of corn and other corn products sold. *Com cut far forage. 5 Sorghums for all purposes, except for sirup. 6Sugarcane or sorghums for sirup not reported separately. 7Value of sorghums sold for hay or forage included in value of sorghums sold for grain or seed. 8Total for 131 counties in Western Texas. 9Total for 123 counties in Eastern Texas. 10Includes mixed grains, wheat, oats, and barley for 123 counties in Eastern Texas and flaxseed for 131 counties in Western Texas. 11The 1944 and 1939 figures do not include acres plowed under for green manure. The 1944 figures are for acres grown alone. 12See cowpeas cut for hay. 13For figures on annual legumes saved for hay, including soybeans and cowpeas, see peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage. ^Includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas only. 1 'Soybeans and cowpeas harvested for hay. 16Calculated value of peanuts harvested for nuts, peanuts harvested for hay, and peanuts hogged or grazed. 17Reported in bushels. 18Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved far hay, but excluding vetches in 1924. 19Excludes reports for farms reporting acres grown for all purposes with no production. Acres harvested for beans or peas not available. Includes acres grown alone and acres grown with other crops for all purposes. Acres harvested for beans or peas not available. 21For all Censuses, except 1950, obtained by adding the individual hay crops. 22Includes oats cut for feeding unthreshed. 23Silage crops other than corn and sorghums. ^Clover seed, except sweetclover. 2!Clover seed, including sweetclover. 26Includes proso millet. 27Value of lint cotton only. 28For 1959 and 1954, does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested; for 1949, does not include acreage for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. 2 'Sugarcane for all purposes. Includes receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges and the value of cowpeas harvested for green peas. 31Excludes Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes, except for 1920 Census which included potatoes for home use only. 32Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes. 3Does not include farms reporting green cowpeas only. wDoes not include the value of green cowpeas sold. See footnote 30. 3!Green lima beans included with snap beans. 36Hot peppers included with sweet peppers. 37For Censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for home use or for sale. Includes loganberries and youngberries . 39For 1959 and 1954, does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. See text. *°Does not include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. *1Boxes, kind not specified. *2For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 1954, harvested in 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953; for 1949, harvested in 1949-50 from the bloom of 1949; for 1945, harvested in 1943-44 from the bloom of 1943; for 1940, harvested in 1939-40 from the bloom of 1939. TEXAS State Table 9.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 21 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown (or sale: . farms reporting. dollars. .farms reporting. farms reporting . Sales dollars . Grown under glass farms reporting. square feet. Grown in the open farms reporting. Sales dollars . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting. Grown under glass or in bouse farms reporting. square feet. Grown in the open farms reporting. Sale* dollars. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting. Sales of any forest products farms reporting . Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, sawlogs, and veneer logs farms reporting . dollars. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting. dollars. HA '.A '911,861 "80,834 NA Not available. 1Ejtcludes data for farms 2Trees, plants, vines, et-_, . ^Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. *Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated nnjohrocrna . 'Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass; and flowers grown In the open. *Total square feet under glass. "Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. *Value of vegetables and vegetable plants. 9Not strictly comparable with other years as figures probably Include seme reports of firewood used on farms. 10Flgures Include sales of standing timber. 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 10.— CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Places excluded as farms by change in definition , 1954-1959 number Cropland harvested places reporting Under 10 acres places reporting 10 or more acres places reporting Operators by tenure: Full owners number Part owners and managers number Tenants number Operators by color White number Nonwhite number Operators by year began operation of present place: 1959 operators reporting 1968 operators reporting 1957 operators reporting 1956 - operators reporting 1961-1955 operators reporting 1950 or earlier operators reporting Operators by age: Under 66 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 or more years. operators reporting Operators not reporting age number (For definitions and explanations, see text) Operators by days of work off place in 1959: No days operators reporting 1 to 49 days operators reporting 50 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting Operators not reporting number Operators reporting other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Cattle and calves of all ages „ places reporting number Cows, including heifers that have calved places reporting number Hogs and pigs places reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over places rnpnrting number Com harvested for all purposes places reporting Hay harvested places reporting 15,518 324,211 2,959 10,115 2,858 101 7,759 2,947 4,800 11,675 23,410 10,509 12,459 State Table 11.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Census of 1959 Census starting date— Oct. 7j Oct. 14; Nov. 18 Approximate average date of enumeration week of Percent of farms enumerated during— October 1 to 10 October 11 to 17 October 18 to 24 October 25 to 31 November 1 to 7 November 8 to 14 November 15 to 21 November 22 to 28 November 29 to December 5 December 6 to 12 December 13 to 19 December 20 or later Z Less than 0.5. Census of 1954 Census starting date— Oct. 4; Oct. 18; Oct. 25; Nov. 3 Approximate average date of enumeration week of Percent of farms enumerated during— October 1 to 9 October 10 to 16 October 17 to 23 October 24 to 31 November 1 to 6. November 7 to 13 November 14 to 20 November 21 to 27 November 26 to December 4 December 5 to 11 December 12 to 18 December 19 to 31 Nov. 22-Nov. 28 Nov. 7-Nov. 13 TEXAS 23 State Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON FARMS AND BY QUANTITY OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data for cattle and calvi 1 hand, and animals sold alive are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Cattle and calves of all ages on hand . Cows on hand, including heifers that have calved. . S<*4 5to9 10 to 14 . . . 15 to 19 . . . SOU) 89... SO to 49... SO to 74 . . . TSIt.lt... 100 to 199. 200 to 499. 500 or more Milk cows on hand. 3 or 4 5lo9 10 to 14 . . . 15 to 19... 20 to 29... 30 to 49... 50 to 74 . . . 73 10 99... 100 to 199. 200 to 499. 500 re Cattle sold alive, excluding calves . Calves sold alive. . Hogs and pigs of all ages on hand . s reporting. number, s reporting, s reporting. s reporting, s reporting, s repotting . s reporting . 3 reporting. 9 reporting, s reporting, s reporting. 9 reporting, s reporting. number . s reporting., s reporting. 9 reporting. . 9 reporting., s reporting.. 9 reporting. . 9 reporting. . 9 reporting., a reporting. . 9 reporting.. 9 reporting.. 9 reporting . . s reporting. . number.. * reporting. . 9 reporting.. 9 reporting. . 9 reporting . 9 reporting. . ■ reporting. . 9 reporting . . 9 reporting. . ■ reponme.. * rerorting.. 'am.9 reporting . . reportir-. . reporting . anr« reporting. re[«nin,; . reporting. in renortii rj nunlier. renrrtmr. reporting. reporting 'armxi reporting. number. • reporting. * reporting. * reporting. * reporting. 182,986 8,596,205 4,993 25,288 29,959 85,975 39,751 46,224 20,167 16,604 10,002 4,787 1,815 174,884 4,441,849 16,150 17,103 22,585 35,635 21,333 12,779 15,939 14,818 7,797 3,247 4,611 2,243 644 85,681 510,193 36,682 23,828 13,839 4,021 762 390 1,130 2,489 1,512 34,826 11,072 7,322 3,408 2,914 1,525 1,497 912 1,027 546 4,603 3,077 1,119 243,396 8,268,112 15,855 53,033 42,137 98,340 HA HA NA 236,923 4,569,119 39,901 29,926 33,776 43,764 25,173 13,770 17,689 15,180 7,400 3,209 4,358 2,126 651 164,333 702,144 66,843 43,276 29,662 13,863 2,666 1,165 2,266 2,699 1,092 396 88,482 101,810 2,007,177 1,424,894 49,254 60,271 14,671 18,681 11,319 11,371 4,621 4,387 2,145 1,724 1,307 1,135 2,320 2,161 1,446 1,126 1,399 954 135,826 152,805 2,646,047 2,518,045 48,623 59,729 29,808 36,486 26,309 28,248 11,449 11,280 5,621 5,207 3,459 2,894 6,216 5,600 4,341 3,361 2,782 HA 1,559 NA 75,640 107,546 1,158,687 906,324 48,874 NA 15,452 HA 6,429 HA 3,192 HA 1,191 NA HogS and pigs SOld alive farm, reporting.. 1 to 4 farms reporting . . 5*09 farms rerorting . . 10 to 19 farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting . 30 to 39 farms reporting.. 40 to 49 farms reporting . . 50 lo 99 farms reporting. . 100 lo 199 farms reporting. . 200 or more farms reporting . . 200 to 499 farms reporting . . 500 to 999 farms reporting . . 1.000 or more, farms reporting . . Sheep and lambs of all ages on hand farms reporting.. number . . Under 25 farms reporting. . 25 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 to 299 farms reporting.. 300 to 999 farms reporting.. 1.000 to 1.999 farms reporting.. 2.000 lo 4.999 farm, reporting . . 5.000 or more farms reporting . . Wool Shom (excluding lambs WOOl) farms rerorting. . pounds.. t'nder 1.000 pounds farms reporting.. 1,000 to 2,499 pounds farms reporting.. 2.500 to 4.999 pounds farms reporting . . 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting. . 10,000 to 19,999 pounds (arms reporting . . 20,000 to 49.999 pounds farms reporting. . 50,000 or more ooundn farms reporting. . Chickens 4 months old and over on hand farms rerorting. . Under 50 farms reporting . . 50 to 09 farms reporting . . 100 to 390 farms reporting . . 400 to 799 farms reporting . . 800 to 1,590 farm, rerorting . . 1,800 to 3.190 farms reporting. . 3,200 or more farms reporting; . 3.200 to 6.399 fan,„ reporting . . 6,400 or more. farms rerorting. . BrOllWS (Chickens) SOld farms reporting . . Under 2,000 farm, reporting . . 2.000 lo 3.999 (arms reporting. . 4.000 to 7.099 farms reporting . . 8.000 to 15.999 farms reporting.. 16.000 to 29.909 farms rerorting. . 30,000 to 50,999 farms reporting . . 60.000 to 99.999 farms reporting. . 100,000 or more farms reporting. . Chickens (other than broilers) sold fan™ reporting. . number.. ''■'■'' ■'' farm* repining 30to99 farm, reporting. . 100 to 399 faal 400 to 799 farms reporting. . 600 to 1.599 farms reporting . . 1.600 to 3,100 farms reporting . . 3,200 to 6.309 fan™ reporting . . 6.400 to 9.999 fan,™ r. ,.n,„r 10.000 or more farms reporting . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . Under loo Jozens farms reporting , . 100 to 399 doxi • farms reporting. . 400 to 79n dozens farms reporting . . 800 to 1.399 dozons farms reporting.. 1,600 to 1.999 dozens r„, 0 'lozens farms reporting.. 5,000 or more dozens farms reporting. . 999 dozens fan. ,. ,- n,,,, lO.OdOto 19.099 dozens fan. ,,,.,r,,.i ■ 20.000 to 40,999 dozens farms reporting . . , 50,000 or more dozons farms reporting . . , Turkeys Misted farms reporting... numl.-r... farms reporting. . . form.-, reporting, . . 400 lo 799 farniz reporting 8"0to 1.509 farms reporting... 1.600 or more. far,, . repot 1.600 to 3,199 farms reporting. .. 3.2O0 to 9,099 farm* reporting . . . 10.000 or more farms reporting . . . 41,083 1,191,193 7,738 8,360 10,493 4,623 2,533 1,621 3,281 1,639 795 661 23,793 6,063,797 8,240 6,099 5,072 2,963 831 484 104 20,906 36,629,602 14,591 3,432 1,327 777 494 126,854 15,871,213 83,762 19,763 18,156 2,342 1,326 870 635 28,686 7,837,360 11,251 7,621 6,824 1,274 889 474 78 49,620 136,531,972 11,966 13,948 7,222 6,869 1,213 4,461 3,941 1,543 1,107 869 422 11,295 3,109,356 9,700 1,U2 NA Not available. 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, sweetfotatnes, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text]] CORN Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acreB farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting . 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting. Acres harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting . 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting. Corn sold farms reporting. bushels. Under 100 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. SORGHUMS Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting. Under 3 acres farms reporting . 3 or 4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting. Acres harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. pounds. Under 3 acreB farms reporting. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting . 150 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting . pounds . See footnotes at end of table. 13,467 13,901 5,331 8,849 3,122 5,665 3,489 8,416 64,856 92,034 1.343.0M 1,682,510 96,276,234 28,869,811 12,357 16,168 13,101 5,011 \ 27,722 8,519 13,475 2,993 5,059 5,466 8,162 3,367 4,943 8,018 10,296 3,455 3,784 1,149 1,255 3,712 11,828 4,470 1,914 3,145 3,261 9,996 5,549 2,226 4,262 12,950 8,134 5,612 7,547 4,630 5,258 2,473 1,302 2,489 59,982 6,730,450 13,259,448,648 831 1,344 5,679 3,921 1,624 3,276 10,342 7,096 4,866 6,694 4,385 4,732 2,213 1,227 1,752 19,729 31,112 14,791 5,451 9,000 16,492 6,463 13,567 3,489 1,170 7,460 6,057 16,371 7,919 3,161 5,867 15,494 8,877 6,431 7,232 5,086 4,673 2,078 1,109 1,704 55,950 5,610,766 7,411,198,704 1,325 1,764 6,467 3,910 1,738 3,291 8,784 6,356 4,762 5,711 4,063 3,829 1,679 927 1,344 TOEAT1 Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. Under 20 bushels farms reporting . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting . 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. OATS1 Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. Under 20 bushels farms reporting. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10, 000 or more bushels farms reporting . Quantity sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. 760 1,289 1,116 4,190 4,297 3,136 793 580 2,174 1,610 1,869 198 820 9,555 4,595 2,251 1,485 1,774 1,834 1,587 851 3,660 3,636 1,609 TEXAS 25 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai BARLEY1 Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting. . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. . 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farmB reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels.. Under 20 bushels farmB reporting.. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. . 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting.. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. Quantity sold farms reporting . . bushels. . Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. RYE Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. . 15 acres farms reporting. . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acreB farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . buabi i - ■ Under 20 bushels farms reporting . . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . . 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting.. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1 , 500 to 1 , 999 bushels farms reporting . . 2,000 to 2,999 bushela farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. Quantity sold farms reporting.. bushels. . Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting., 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushelfl farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting., 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting., 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. FLAXSEED2 Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acres farms reporting. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . Under 20 bushels farms reporting. . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting.. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. . 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. Quantity sold farmB reporting.. bushelB . . Under 25 bushels farms reporting . . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. RICE Acres harvested .farms reporting.. acres. . Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting., 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Under 20 barrels farms, reporting. 20 to 24 barrels farms reporting. 25 to 49 barrels farms reporting . 50 to 99 barrels farms reporting. 100 to 199 barrels farms reporting . 200 to 499 barrels farms reporting. 500 to 999 barrels farmB reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 barrels farma reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 barrels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 barrels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 barrels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 barrels farma reporting. 10,000 or more barrels farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Under 25 barrels farms reporting. 25 to 49 barrels farms reporting . 50 to 99 barrels farms reporting . 100 to 499 barrels farms reporting. 500 to 999 barrels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 barrels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 barrels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 barrels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 barrels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 barrels farms reporting. 10,000 or more barrels farms reporting. 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text]] (For definitions and explai PEANUTS HARVESTED FOR NUTS Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds. ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES CUT FOR HAY AND FOR DEHYDRATING Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 2-4 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. Under 25 tons firms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 or more tons farms reporting. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, AND MIXTURES OF CLOVER AND GRASSES CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting Under 5 acres farms reporting 5 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 14 acres farms reporting 15 acres farms reporting 16 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 249 acres farms reporting 250 to 299 acres farms reporting 300 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Quantity harvested farms reporting Under 20 tons farms reporting 20 to 24 tons farms reporting 25 to 49 tons farms reporting 50 to 99 tons farms reporting 100 to 199 tons farms reporting 200 to 499 tons farms reporting 500 to 999 tons farms reporting 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting 2, 000 or more tons farms reporting Quantity sold farms reporting Under 25 tons farms reporting 25 to 49 tons farms reporting 50 to 99 tons farms reporting 100 to 499 tons farms reporting 500 to 999 tons farms reporting 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting 2,000 or more tons farms reporting See footnotes at end of table. 2,810 2,391 1,605 1,122 4,397 3,305 1,660 1,069 5,792 11,692 377,298 700,727 2,219 559 } 6,371 1,065 2,118 1,034 1,399 2,569 88,813 1,579 4,509 325,916 2,281 OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY, RYE, OR OTHER SMALL GRAINS CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. Under 20 tons farms reporting.. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting., 500 to 999 tons farms reporting.. 1,000 or more tons farms reporting., Quantity sold farms reporting., Under 25 tans farms reporting . , 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . , 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . , 100 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 or more tons farms reporting . . WILD HAY CUT Ac res harvested farms reporting . , Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . , 10 to 14 acres farms reporting., 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . , 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . - 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. , 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Quanti ty harvested farms reporting . . Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tans farms reporting. 100 to 199 tans farms reporting . 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 tons farms reporting. 5,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 or more tons farms reporting. 9,243 1,115 1,993 1,042 TEXAS 27 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com. Irish potatoes, aweelpotatoes, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai (For definitions and explai OTHER HAY CUT Acres harvested farm reporting. acres. Under 5 acres fame reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres f arms reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tens farms reporting. 3,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 or more tons farms reporting. GRASS SILAGE MADE FRGM GRASSES, ALFALFA, CLOVER, OR SMALL GRAINS Acres harvested farms reporting. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. tons, green weight. Under 20 tons farms reporting . 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tone farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 tons farms reporting. 5,000 or more tons farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 134 1 11 I 1} 7 1} COTTON Acres harvested farms reporting.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting.. hales . . Under 20 bales f arras reporting . . 20 to 24 bales farms reporting . . 25 to 49 bales farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bales f ame reporting. . 100 to 199 bales farms reporting. . 200 to 499 bales farms reporting . . 500 to 999 bales farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bales farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bales farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bales farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bales farms reporting.. 5,000 or more bales farms reporting.. IRISH POTATOES Acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting., bushels. i Under 1 acre farms reporting., bushels. 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting.. bushels, i 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms reporting., bushels. , 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. , bushels. , 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting., bushels. . 10.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting., bushels. . 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.. buahalj. 50 or more acres farms reporting. bushels. SWEETPOTATOES Acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. bushels. Under 1 acre farms, reporting. bushels. 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting. bushels. 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms reporting. bushels. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. bushels. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. buobels< 10.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting. bushels. 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting. bushels . 50 or more acres farms reporting. bushels. 81,823 6,157,184 2,412 6,182 7,105 2,076 4,017 5,200 3,874 13,038 18,191 13,549 2,444 1,329 1,724 557 125 81,823 4,164,655 40,612 5,034 13,115 11,556 7,543 3,426 398 75 18,687 16,379 3,930,287 8,8a 17,801 2,394,754 6,158 913 148,378 1,299 1,356 115,804 28 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (Other than Irish and sweet potatoes) Value of sales farms reporting. . . dollars . . . Under $20 farms reporting... $20 to $24 farms reporting . . , $25 to $49 farms reporting.., $50 to $99 farms reporting... $100 to $199 farms reporting.., $200 to $499 farms reporting.., $500 to $999 farms reporting.., $1,000 to $1,499 farms reporting.., $1,500 to $1,999 farms reporting.., $2,000 to $2,999 farms reporting... $3,000 to $4,999 farms reporting... 55,000 to $9,999 farms reporting... $10,000 or more farms reporting. . . LAND IN BEARING AND N0NBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED NUT TREES6 Acres in orchards farms reporting . . . Under 0.5 acre farms reporting... 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting... 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting.. 1.5 acres farms reporting.. 1.6 to 1.9 acres farms reporting.. 2.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting.. 2.5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting.. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting.. 20.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting.. 25. 0 to 29 . 9 acres farms reporting . . 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.. 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting.. GRAPEFRUIT6 Any grapefruit farms reporting. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number of trees . . Under 5 trees farms reporting.. 5 to 9 trees farms reporting.. 10 to 14 trees farms reporting.. 15 trees farms reporting.. 16 to 19 trees farms reporting.. 20 to 24 trees farms reporting. . 25 to 29 trees farms reporting . . 30 to 49 trees farms reporting.. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting. . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting.. 200 to 249 trees farms reporting. . 250 to 299 trees farms reporting.. 300 to 499 trees farms reporting . . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting.. 1,000 or more trees farms reporting.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number of trees. . Under 20 trees farms reporting . . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . . 25 to 49 trees farms reporting.. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting.. 100 to 199 trees farms reporting. . 200 to 499 trees farms reporting . . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting.. 10,000 or more trees farms reporting.. Quantity harvested7 farms reporting.. Under 2.5 tons farms reporting.. 2.5 to 4.9 tons farms reporting.. 5.0 to 9,9 tons farms reporting.. 10.0 to 49.9 tons farms reporting.. 50.0 to 99.9 tons farms reporting.. 100.0 to 149.9 tons farms reporting.. 150.0 to 199.9 tons farms reporting., 200.0 to 299.9 tons farms reporting., 300.0 to 499.9 tons farms reporting., 500.0 to 999.9 tons farms reporting.. 1,000 or more tons farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. 12,388 32,271,794 22,030 32,008,306 SI } 1-- 743 1,233 1,686 2,782 2,278 1,127 749,234 2,126 1,099 1,479,811 (For definitions and explanations, ORANGES, VALENCIA6 Any oranges, Valencia farms reporting.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number of trees.. Under 5 trees farms reporting.. 5 to 9 trees farms reporting . . 10 to 14 trees farms reporting . . 15 trees farms reporting . . 16 to 19 trees farms reporting . . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . . 25 to 29 trees farms reporting.. 30 to 49 trees farms reporting . . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . . 200 to 249 trees farms reporting. . 250 to 299 trees farms reporting. . 300 to 499 trees farms reporting.. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting.. 1 , 000 or more trees farms reporting . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number of trees.. Under 20 trees farms reporting . . 20 to 24 trees farms reporting.. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting . . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting.. 100 to 199 trees farms reporting.. 200 to 499 trees farms reporting . . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting.. 10,000 or more trees farms reporting. . Quantity harvested7 farms reporting. . Under 2.5 tons farms reporting. 2.5 to 4.9 tons farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 tons farms reporting. 10.0 to 49.9 tons farms reporting. 50.0 to 99.9 tons farms reporting. 100.0 to 149.9 tons farms reporting. 150.0 to 199.9 tons farms reporting. 200.0 to 299.9 tons farms reporting. 300.0 to 499.9 tons farms reporting. 500.0 to 999.9 tons farms reporting. 1,000 or more tons. farms reporting. ORANGES, OTHER6 number of trees . , Under 5 trees farms reporting.. 5 to 9 trees farms reporting. . 10 to 14 trees farms reporting. , 15 trees farms reporting., 16 to 19 trees farms reporting., 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . , 25 to 29 trees farms reporting.. 30 to 49 trees farms reporting., 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting. . 200 to 249 trees farms reporting . , 250 to 299 trees farms reporting. 300 to 499 trees farms reporting . 500 to 999 trees farms reporting. 1,000 or more trees farms reporting.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number of trees . , Under 20 trees farms reporting. 20 to 24 trees farms reporting . 25 to 49 trees farms reporting . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting . 100 to 199 trees farms reporting. 200 to 499 trees farms reporting. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms reporting. 10,000 or more trees farms reporting. Quantity harvested7 farms reporting . Under 2.5 tons farms reporting. 2.5 to 4.9 tons farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 tons farms reporting. 10.0 to 49.9 tons farms reporting. 50.0 to 99.9 tons farms reporting. 100.0 to 149.9 tons farms reporting. 150.0 to 199.9 tons farms reporting. 200.0 to 299,9 tons farms reporting. 300.0 to 499.9 tons .farms reporting. 500.0 to 999.9 tons.. farms reporting. 1,000 or more tons farms reporting. TEXAS 29 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued , Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, and forest products are based on reports for c sample of farms. See text] 1.™ Stale total Item (For definitions and explanations, see test) SUte total 1959 1954 1959 195,4 FOREST PRODUCTS 2,647 1,397,388 188 705 847 591 167 102 47 10,145 69,186 9,892 139 62 46 6 973 19,118 1,305 67,519 687 232 191 125 55 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24,304 176,312 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,093 118,648 NA NA NA NA NA NA FOREST PRODUCTS— Continued 4,214 1,817,708 1,123 2,354 399 298 40 667 985,742 314 9,030 26 39 35 43 63 61 29 18 14,412 4,196,807 NA NA dollars . . . NA thousands of board feet... cords (4'x 4'x 8')... NA NA NA NA NA cords (4'i 4'x 8')... porting NA MA Not available. 1For 1954, totals for 131 counties in Western Texas. 2For 1954, totals for 123 counties in Eastern Texas. 'Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. *3.0 to 9.9 acres. '25 or more acres. 6Doee not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 7For 1959, harvested in 1958-59 from the bloom of 1958; for 1954, harvested In 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953. 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wage r s for hired persons working t Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai Total all farms Economic class, 1959 Commercial farms Hired workers. farms reporting. . 1 hired worker farms reputing. . 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days)- farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 8 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting . . persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting . . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting . . persons. . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . Average wage rate per person per n...n: l> dollars . . Under $50 per month farms reporting . . $50 to $84 per month. farms reporting . . £85 to $109 per month farms reporting . . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting.. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting . . $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. . $325 to $374 per month farms reporting.. $375 and over per month farms reporting . . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. persons.. Average hours worked per person per week hours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . . Under $12 per week farms reporting . . $12 to $24 per week farms reporting . . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting . . $30 to $89 per week farms reporting . . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting . . $50 to $59 per week farms reporting . . $60 to $89 per week farms reporting. . $70 to *79 per week farms reporting . . $80 to $89 per week farms reporting . . $90 and over per week farms reporting.. Paid on a daily basts farms reporting . . persons. . Average hours worked per person per day hours . . Average wage rate per person per day dollars . . Under $4 per day farms reporting. . $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. . $6 per day farms reporting . . $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. . $9 per day farms reporting.. $10 per day farms reporting.. $11 per day farms reporting.. $12 and over per day farms reporting.. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting . persons . Average wage rate per petrxin per hour dollars. Under $0.45 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to SO. 64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. £0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to £0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $L 44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. persons . Average earnings per person dollars . 47,578 157,406 23,888 10,372 6,597 3,908 2,813 28,641 62,860 17,724 5,734 3,033 1,481 669 27,212 94,546 15,031 5,165 2,877 2,165 1,974 20,366 8,275 18,937 450 659 1,049 1,489 2,724 3,291 1,424 573 201 1,066 2,911 2,478 1,282 5.89 283 1,349 4,099 2,472 1,252 1,065 121 450 16,300 42,037 0.71 59, 755 345,524 23, 315 10,053 8,299 8,359 9,729 26,082 60,414 15,883 5,081 2,991 1,389 738 41,584 285, 110 14,377 5,862 5,489 7,010 8,846 18,171 7,911 33,673 145 282 1,835 2,543 1,642 3,515 2,682 763 266 1,776 1,111 1,984 1,086 9.0 5.02 1,686 4,500 5,140 2,944 1,329 942 74 12,351 41,732 0.62 43,279 150,195 20,828 9,647 6,236 3,795 2,773 27,495 61,245 16,735 5,646 2,989 1,468 657 23,900 88,950 12,704 4,594 2,591 2,064 1,947 19,379 8,116 15,784 1,442 2,646 3,216 1,370 3,769 31,684 7.29 2,816 2,390 1,247 1,151 3,537 2,267 14,727 39,611 0.70 3,463 238 3,914 3,473 30,803 7.32 9,901 62,930 2,203 2,433 2,395 1,624 1,246 8,801 32,999 3,256 2,213 1,680 1,079 573 5,304 3,497 1,100 3,560 19,007 0.65 11,201 31,874 5,423 2,807 1,631 796 544 8,032 13,464 5,200 1,740 5,505 18,410 2,957 1,117 5,696 2,336 3,169 NA Not available. TEXAS 31 State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954- AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the Pau are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explaj Economic class, 1959— Conti nued Commercial farms—Continued 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 c 1 hired worker .... 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers . 5 to 9 hired workers . 10 or more hired work . .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting . farms reporting .farms renorting .farms reporting .farms reporting fu- . raportiiur, r 4 hired workers or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting V , Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting Average hours worked per person per month Average wage rate per person per month Under S50 per month $50 to $84 per month $85 to $109 per month. $110 to 5129 per month $130 to $169 per month 5170 to $214 per month $215 to $274 per month $275 to $324 per month $325 to $374 per month $375 and over per month farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting dollars Average hours worked per person per week. . Average wage rale per person per week .... Under $12 per week $12 to 524 per week $25 to 529 per week SJ0 to $39 per week $40 to $49 per week $50 to $59 per week 580 to $69 per week 570 to $79 per week $S0 to $89 per week $90 and over per week Paid on a daily basis. Average hours worked per person per day . Average wage rate per person per day ... Under $4 per day $4 per day $7 per day $8 per day SB per day $10 per day $11 per day $12 and over per day Paid on an hourly basts , . farms reportjng . .farms reporting . farms reporting . .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting '»p i Peportiai .farms reporting dollars .farms reporting . farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting Average wage rale per person per hour . Under $0.45 per hour $0.45 to $0 54 per hour $0.55 to 50.64 per hour $0.85 to $0.74 per hour $0.75 to $0.84 per hour $0.85 to $0.99 per hour $1.00 to $1. 14 per hour $1.15 to $1.29 per hour $1.30 to $1.44 per hour $1.45 ando dollv . f arras reporti ng . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting .farms reporting . .farms reporting , .farms reporting . farms reporting Paid on a piece-work basis Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration Average earnings per person 6,984 16,383 4,213 1,383 4,394 12,610 2,489 2,266 4,106 0.75 4,840 9,704 3,069 1,708 2,154 1,418 3,446 7,550 2,105 1,394 314 3,132 1,483 2,342 0.78 4,299 7,211 3,060 3,312 5,596 2,327 1,573 2,426 0.87 2,348 4,061 1,645 1,124 1,709 0.85 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Type of farm Hired workers farms 1 hired worker farms 2 hired workers farms 3 or 4 hired workers farms 5 to 9 hired workers farms 10 or more hired workers farms Regular workers (to be employed 150 o 1 hired worker farms 2 hired workers farms 3 or 4 hired workers farms 5 to 9 hired workers farms 10 or more hired workers farms N'|,.rlni,/ reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. days) farms reporting. , reporting, reporting, reporting, report! ng . reporting . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 d 1 hired worker farms 2 hired workers farms 3 or 4 hired workers farms 5 to 9 hired workers farms 10 or more hired workers farms Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms Both regular and seasonal hired workers. farms Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms Paid on a monthly basis farms Average hours worked per person per month Average wage rau> per person per month Under $50 per month farina $50 to $84 per month farms $85 to $109 per month farms $110 to $129 per moriuS farms $130 to $169 per month farms $170 to $214 per montfi farms $215 to $274 per month farms $275 to $324 per month farms $325 to $374 per month. farms $375 and c r month farms Paid on a weekly basis farms Average hours worked per person per week Average wage rate pit person per week Under ?12 per week farms $12 to $24 per week farms $25 to $29 per week farms $30 to $39 per week farms $40 to $49 per week farms $50 to $59 per week farms $60 to $69 per week farms $70 to $79 per week farms $80 to $89 per week farms $90 and over per week farms persons . report i ng . reporting, reporting, report i ng reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting retorting. rejorting. reporting. repotting. reporting. . report Ing. . persona Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms $4 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day farms $7 per day farma $8 per day farms $9 per day farms $10 per day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Average wage rate per person per hour Under $0.45 per hour farms □ $0.54 per hour forms 3 $0.64 per hour farms 3 $0.74 per hour. farms 3 $0.84 per hour farms D $0.99 per hour farms j $1.14 per hour farms 3 $1.29 per hour farms 3 $1. 44 per hour farms nd over per hour farma Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration... farms reporting. persons . Average earnings per person dollars . NA Not available. ..dollars, reporting, repnrtine reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting. reporting reporting, reporting. reporting , persons .IdoIIara.. reporting, repining reporting reporting r. ■(..!■■■ ;■ refmrtini' reporting . r..[..nir.(- reporting reporting . reporting dollars reporting. . reporting. . reporting. reporting reporting. reporting. reponjni: 47, 578 157,406 23,888 10,372 6,597 3,908 2,813 28,641 62,860 17,724 5,734 3,033 1,481 669 27, H2 94,546 15,031 5,165 2,877 2,165 1,974 20,366 450 659 1,049 1,489 2,724 3,291 1,424 573 201 1,066 2,911 2,478 1,282 5.89 283 1,349 4,099 2,472 1,252 1,065 ia 450 16,300 42,037 0.71 3,917 245 4,469 3,769 31,684 7.29 59,755 345,524 23,315 10,053 8,299 8,359 9,729 26,082 60,414 15,883 5,081 2,991 1,389 738 41,584 285,100 14,377 5,862 5,489 7,010 18,171 7,911 33,673 145 282 1,835 2,543 1,642 3,515 2,682 763 266 9.0 5.02 1,686 4,500 5,140 2,944 1,329 942 74 12,351 41,732 0.62 3,765 8,496 2,045 2,5a 4,279 1,636 1,843 4,217 1,139 1,054 1,895 0.81 18,106 83,893 7,465 3,838 2,870 1,997 1,936 11,024 25,037 6,637 2,259 1,252 573 303 11,190 58,856 4,788 2,091 1,436 1,336 1,539 6,916 7,932 23,070 0.66 TEXAS 33 State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of v e for hired persons working t Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Type of farm— Continued Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms ind livestock ranches Hired workers farms reporting. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting., 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hind worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired worker* forms reporting.. 10 or nore hire*! workers farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. farms roportine. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid Of! a monthly basis farms reporting. . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . Average wage rate per person per month dollars . . Under $50 par month farm- reporting. . $50 to $M per month farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to 5129 per month farms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. . 5170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 to $274 per month farms reporting . . $275 to $324 per month farms reporting.. $325 to $374 per month rarms reporting. . 5375 and over per month farms reporting. . Paid Oil 3 weekly basis farms reporting.. Average hours worked per person per week hours . . Average w*gt» rate per person per week dollars. . Under $12 per week farms reporting. . $12 to $24 oer week farms reporting.. $25 to $29 per wee* farma reporting. . $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting.. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. . $70 to $79 per week farms reporting.. $80 to 5fl9 per week farms reporting;. . $90 and owt j-t *■■» - farms reporting. . Paid OH a daily D3SIS farms reporting . . Average hours worked per person per day hours . . \verace wage rate per person ror day dollars . . Under $4 per day farms reporting.. $4 prt 'lay farma reporting. . $5 per day farm* reporting. . S6 per day farm* reporting . $7 per day farms reporting. . $R per day farm- fr-infime $9 per day farm* riv-rimi- $10 per day farm» reporting. . 511 per day farmn re^rting . $12 and over per day farms reporting.. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. U.-rai-e *age rate per person per hour dollars.. Under ^.^i«f l»"jr farms reporting.. 50,45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting . $0.5'. in ^J' i i i-f '....r rarms reporting. . $0.65 to $0.7* per hour farms reporting.. "i per hoof farms reporting.. ' M per hour farms reporting. . . $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farm- reporting 51-15 to $1.29 per hour ... .farm* reprrtmg. . 51.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. . 51.45 and ovat per hour farms reporting. . Paid on a piecework basis farms reportine... persons. . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting.. ■ amines jkt person dollai 2,780 6,072 1,542 2,031 4,206 1,214 432 8,446 20,271 4,554 1,933 1,166 591 202 5,901 13,441 3,509 1,231 3,788 6,830 2,448 4,658 1,243 2,545 4,890 11,492 2,7a 1,130 2,855 5,384 1,939 2,765 6,108 1,706 2,353 7,354 1,169 7*3 1,238 1,640 3,202 0.78 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wage ratos are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai Total all farms Hired WOfhefS. farms reporting . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . persons . , 1 hired worker farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting. , 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms report ing. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid Of! a monthly basis farms reporting.. Average hours worked pet person per month hours. . Average wage rale per person per month dollars . . Under 550 per month farms reporting. . $50 to 584 per month farms reporting . . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting . . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting . . $130 to $169 per monih farms reporting.. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. . $275 to 5324 per montfi farms reporting . . $325 to $374 per month farms reporting . . $375 and over per month farms reporting. . Paid On a weekly basis farms reporting.. persons . Average hours worked per person per week hours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . . Under $12 per week Turns reporting . . $12 to $24 per week farm- reporting $25 to $29 per week farms reporting:. . $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. . $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. . $70 to 579 per week farms reporting.. $80 to 589 per week farms reporting . . $90 and over per week farm* reporting. . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. . pers ■"- Average hours worked per p rson per Jat hours . . Average wage rate per person per day dollars . . Under $4 per day farms reporting.. $4 per day farms reporting. . $5 per day f am - reporting. $6 per day farms reporting, . $7 per day farm- reporting. . $8 per day farm* reporting $9 per day farms reporting. . $10 per day farms reporting. . $11 per day farms reporting. . $12 and over per day farms reporting. . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. . Average wage rate per person per hour dollars . . Under 50.45 per hour farms reporting. . $0.45 to $0.54 per hour. farm- reporting. 50.55 to $0.64 per hour farms refining. . $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms repnrt.ng, . $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. , $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting.. 51.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. . $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting.. $1.45 and over per hour , . farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting . . persons.. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting.. Average earnings per person dollars . . NA Not available. 47,578 59,755 .57,406 345,524 23,888 23,315 10,372 10,053 6,597 8,299 3,908 8,359 2,813 9,729 28,641 26,082 62,860 60,414 17,724 15,883 5,734 5,081 3,033 2,991 1,481 1,389 669 738 27,212 41,584 94,546 285,110 15,031 14,377 5,165 5,862 2,877 5,489 2,165 7,010 1,974 8,846 20,366 18,171 8,275 7,911 18,937 33,673 12,056 13,631 22,608 24,306 198 220 178 145 450 282 659 1,835 1,049 2,543 1,489 1,642 2,724 3,515 3,291 2,682 1,424 763 9,454 6,755 18,320 14,435 47 50 39 32 158 92 882 1,776 1,066 1,111 2,911 1,984 2,478 1,088 1,282 490 3,769 31,684 7.29 11,226 17,231 22,296 44,183 8.7 9.0 5.89 5.02 283 1,686 1,349 4,500 4,099 5,140 2,472 2,944 1,252 1,329 1,065 942 16,300 12,351 42,037 41,732 0.71 0.62 91 613 4,041 4,555 2,155 1,665 TEXAS 35 State Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai Size of farm— Continued Hired workers farms 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired worker? . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers . 10 or more hired workers Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . report) ng persons a reporting 3 reportine - reporting x reporting persons 9 reporting ? reporting s reporting 9 reporting - report -r s reporting a reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting 9 reporting Paid on a monthly basis . farms reporting Average hours worked per person per month hours b wage rate per person per month dollars I'nder 550 per month . 550 to $34 per month 585 to 5109 per month. .. . S110 to $129 per month... $130 to 5169 per month. . . 5170 to $214 per month... $215 to $274 per month. . . l j>er month. .. $325 to $374 per month. . . 5375 and over per month. . arms reporting '».- i rap rtfj 'arms reporting arms reporting reporting San naporl i .- reporting reporting ) weekly basis farms reporting I'nder 512 per week... . $12 to 524 per Mil BSB to -■-"' pel ••- • 530 to S3SI [*«■ KMl $40 to $49 per week . . . $60to$59r»f ».-i $60 to $69 por week . . . $70 to $79 per week . . . $80 to 589 per week . . . 590 and over per week . reporting reporting arms reporting reportinp f.-;.n ■.■ arms reporting reporting arms reporting "sporting Paid on a daily basis farm* Averago hours worked per person per day \verage wage rale per person per day Under 54 per day farm* $4 per day farms $5 per day rams $6 per day . fam." $7 per day. . . farms $8 per day farms $8 per day .tatat $10 per day farms 511 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Ivenjn wage rate per person per hour . 1 1 per hour fam.* $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms 50.74 per hour farms 50.75 to S0.84 per hour farms 50.85 to $0.99 per **>& farms 51.00 to SI. 14 per Knur farms $1.18 u> $1.29 per hour farms $1.30 to $1.44 per hour 'arms i ivor per I ■ ■■ir farms reporting Paid on 3 piece work basis farms reporting persons Persons working f nday week preceding enumeration farms reporting v. it . ■>■ flamingo per person dollars ..dollars naporl ng ...|, nil persona rtportli i- r.:,f 2,796 8,069 1,686 1,977 6,366 1,157 2,114 5,925 1,192 2,009 5,761 1,071 11,312 33,728 6,289 2,360 1,164 642 657 6,925 23,940 3,796 1,315 4,387 1,763 5,162 4,372 8,904 0.72 1,068 92 1,151 1,053 8,356 8.09 5,720 22,324 3,023 1,227 4,752 2,416 3,304 3,890 10,416 0.70 5,245 19,543 2,200 1,297 3,976 9,259 2,096 2,535 10,284 1,350 2,710 1,266 1,269 1,649 5,490 0.69 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 fjDaui are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texlj Commercial farms FARMS, ACRF.AOE, AND VALUE Farms number. . Percent distribution percent. . Land in farms acres - - Percent dislri button percent . . Average size of farm acres . . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested .farms reporting.. I to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 80 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . . Cropland not harvosted and not pastured farms reporting . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . . Soil-improvemenl grasses and legumes farms reporting . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . . Woodland pastured farms reporting . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland and no! woodland) farms reporting. . Improved pasture farms reporting. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 84 years number. . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number. . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK .AND OTHER INCOME Farm Operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . Willi income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural producLs sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . . With other members of farm Is working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number. . 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number . . 140 to 179 acres number. . 180 to 219 acres number . . 220 to 259 acres number . . 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number.. 2,000 or more acres number. . See footnotes at end of table. 226, 599 100.0 143,184,706 100.0 631.9 159,970 22,418,575 21,272 17, 801 12,815 19,814 28,217 1,894 89,868 7,838,931 63,631 5,767,203 18,382 1,652,041 21,073 2,135,026 35,599 1,980,136 66,066 12,494,862 12, 611 1,085,239 134,919 91,469,814 30,137 7,221,511 27,932 5,678,926 27,100 5,326,128 429,051 65,825 8,229,585 223,660 2,790 18,967 41,859 60,300 54,584 45,160 52.5 109,712 31,615 13,887 64,210 30,869 51,020 116,887 16,099 52,645 10,751 34,438 14,595 18,842 22,747 19,774 13,676 37,755 23,629 10,524 9,582 137,513 60.7 132,420,276 92.5 963.0 114,619 21,362,359 4,647 6,771 6,734 13,272 24,063 26,049 24,236 6,965 1,882 57,266 6,411,693 46,893 5,051,330 15,772 1. 84, :■' 16,101 1, 814,145 24,852 1,652,884 34,766 10,303,523 6,177 764,574 84,333 86,736,493 20,330 6,739,758 25,322 5,641,385 24,800 5,297,295 3,735 401,905 49,319 7,369,896 135,381 2,161 12,901 27,116 40,162 37,538 15,503 50.4 50,868 24,418 6,433 20,017 13,Cf75 23,377 86,645 11,425 27,036 1,908 8,047 7,765 11,954 12,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 10,147 9,416 52,149,454 36.4 4,525.0 25,483,785 17.8 1,453 .6 260 630 3,720 3,646 1,592 4,258 1,574,402 5,019 1,396,600 2,591 595,484 1,699 386,867 2,100 414,249 1,232 1,704,147 301 123,846 6,005 40,103,346 1,314 2,806,758 7,012 3,131,216 6,933 2,949,872 103,530 2,881 1,180,179 1,792 3,314 3,361 378 1,492 9,258 842 3,116 1,055 3,023 7,936 2,303 224 6,983 1,013,027 7,315 1,054,803 3,304 372,061 2,574 365,258 3,439 317,484 2,312 1,478,699 522 93,634 9,882 16,603,279 2,211 1,261,999 7,693 1,575,841 7,581 1,488,278 38,892 5,940 1,517,078 17,287 402 2,465 4,510 5,282 3,333 1,295 46.9 13,064 1,503 3,657 TEXAS 37 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] FARMS. ACREAGE. AND VALIT Fanas number. Percent distribution percent . Land in farms acres . Percent distribution percent. Average size of farm acres . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . Average per acre dollars . Land in farms according to use Cropland harvested farms reporting . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting , 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres fame reporting . . 200 to 499 acres firms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . Cultivated summer fallow firms reporting . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . . Woodland pastured farms reporting . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . Irrigated land in farms farm reporting . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . Lend in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 28 years number . . 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number. . 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or moro years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK A.MD OTHEK IM < nrf Fafm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators repining . , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not rervirting as to work off their farms operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . wirh [rtcorfla fr,*r rrovoM <,lhrr than farm operated. . operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding vslue ral products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 i(-r.^ number . . 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acre* number.. 140 to 179 acres number... 180 to 219 acres number . . . 220 to 259 acre. number , . 260 to 499 acres number . . , number 1,000 to 1 .999 acres number . . . 2,000 or more acres number... See footnotes at end of table. Economic class-Continued Commercial farms— Continued 31,127 13.7 17,254,549 12.0 554.3 2,532 7,392 9,937 3,507 169 11 13,815 1,195,896 10,384 820,267 3,017 173,071 3,796 364,776 5,734 282,420 8,378 2,346,467 1,302 142,921 20,783 9,354,269 5,338 911,521 2,706 192,327 2,621 176,363 73,337 12,887 1,575,592 30,719 361 2,568 5,950 9,536 8,078 4,226 51.1 13,041 5,713 1,875 5,453 3,480 6,107 5,226 18,086 2,873 5,912 785 1,680 2,900 3,679 2,596 2,192 7,493 4,855 2,406 1,185 34,916 15.4 12,568,033 27,852 1,868,447 1,291 2,384 2,629 6,070 9,992 4,803 664 17 2 14,445 1,093,178 10,226 597,124 2,224 100,572 3,736 277,185 5,839 219,367 11,291 2,249,251 1,932 174,290 22,596 6,363,528 5,941 607,831 1,876 66,708 1,752 55,464 42,680 13,168 1,066,804 34,447 455 2,450 5,931 9,359 9,529 6,723 53.0 17,251 5,657 2,586 9,008 4,921 7,925 9,660 17,665 2,535 7,458 470 2,606 1,826 3,150 4,699 3,992 2,907 2,040 7,394 3,995 1,333 504 16,823 7.4 3,270,335 12,877 448,443 2,009 2,635 2,297 3,029 2,372 490 33 12 6,154 295,551 4,333 201,794 760 22,888 1,069 82,757 2,953 96, 149 6,288 583,781 1,089 57,016 9,545 1,616,046 1,615 99,379 470 10,478 220 9,295 4,009 199,030 16,438 264 659 1,879 4,676 8,960 53.1 11,584 1,162 2,101 635 3,641 1,815 2,105 2,575 1,676 1,160 770 1,687 59,279 26.2 6,664,030 28,276 621,418 10, 193 7,021 3,971 4,096 2,468 494 33 21,893 947,127 10,825 450,591 1,755 44,092 3,246 201,790 6,842 204,709 20,502 1,399,610 3,931 183,542 32,665 2,861,628 6,671 322,298 1,923 24,563 1,654 18,258 447 18,705 10,369 533,612 29,651 13.1 3,710,307 16,964 374,648 6,427 3,999 2,105 2,431 1,673 306 18 10,619 460,187 5,856 251,343 836 21,951 1,703 117,562 3,875 111,830 10,751 771,848 2,462 121,518 17,843 1,621,236 3,093 138,668 649 8,194 609 6,297 6,150 6,073 315,055 6,055 14,701 20,107 17,027 47.8 29,651 71.1 52,942 4,292 6,632 42,018 16,660 5,876 2,904 816 2,156 1,132 22,894 4,736 47,431 4,554 6,337 4,989 23,775 2,463 20,591 6,755 2,078 8,058 8,318 i,,.,.-" 3,166 7,142 3,925 6,918 3,875 4,412 2,510 2,682 1,637 1,503 932 1,87] 2,372 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text J Commercial farms FARMS BY COLOR AND TENTRE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number . . All r«nant3 number. . Cash tenant-s number. . Share-cash tenants number . . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number.. Other and unspecified tenants number.. White farm operators: Full owners number.. Part owners number.. All tenants number.. Croppers number. . Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number. . All tenants number.. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number. . Tobacco farms number. . Cotton farms number . . Other fietd-erop farms number. . Vegetable farms number., Fruit-and-nut farms number . . Poultry farms number.. Dairy farms number. . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number . . Livestock ranches number. . General farms number. . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. . number.. Com pickers farms reporting. . number.. Pick-up balers farms reporting.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Tractors farms reporting.. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . 1 tractor , ... farms reporting . . t? tractors .... , farms reporting. . 1 tractors farms reporting. . t (/actors farms reporting. . 5 or more tractors .... farms reporting.. Wheel I/actors farms reporting. . number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number.. Garden tractors farms reporting. . number.. Automobiles farms reporting.. number. . Automobiles and or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting. . Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface .... farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved .... farms reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. . I miles farms reporting. . 5 or more miles farms reporting . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting .. persons . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting Operators not reporti ng residence number . See footnotes at end of table. 116,842 61,207 46, 586 9,488 5,038 20,218 1,588 3,344 6,910 108,270 57,923 43,448 2,508 8,572 3,284 3,138 5,394 6,533 22,555 25,084 9,455 90,306 35,514 40,723 9,579 9,895 12,933 13,591 5,727 6,358 149,83: 197,792 156,736 278,040 153,147 268,233 89,135 38,059 14,872 5,909 5,172 152,385 262,351 4,826 176,646 210,725 210,240 126,840 119,449 7,967 7,307 1,414 14,611 95,326 54,113 73,024 24,688 48,336 17,531 22,491 3,402 4,912 47, 578 157,406 28,641 62,860 17,724 5,734 3,033 1,481 181,28c 32,964 12,355 52,227 48,864 34,733 5,132 4,591 18,067 1,375 2,351 3,217 51,038 47,406 j 33,332 1,840 1,189 1,458 1,401 5,394 6,533 22,555 25,084 9,455 32,889 37,906 8,850 9,159 11,435 12,011 5,251 5,861 106,879 152,274 114,774 228,187 113,482 222,569 54,023 34,310 14,325 5,740 5,084 113,066 217,652 3,970 4,917 4,896 5,618 113,403 137,972 132,556 81,625 79,632 7,375 6,861 1,307 13,858 55,562 34,286 45,213 13,949 31,264 10,853 14,649 2,297 3,465 43,279 150,195 27,495 61,245 16,735 5,646 2,989 1,468 108,440 21,844 7,229 2,163 6,046 2,855 410 2,161 6,022 2,846 1,474 5,843 477 558 1,641 1,812 1,308 1,682 11,117 30,687 10,748 44,354 1.0,659 43,522 902 1,996 2,537 2,021 3,203 L0,l 08 41,765 1,262 1,757 578 832 10,755 17,793 11,437 9,457 8,863 639 610 5,359 1,546 4,385 1,096 3,289 1,218 1,409 247 415 9,901 62,930 8,801 32,999 3,996 8,062 5,131 3,985 8,035 5,105 2,322 8,699 6,916 7,974 958 1,014 1,934 2,006 1,238 1,352 16,373 27,260 16,055 41,980 15,965 41,107 2,849 5,747 4,597 1,705 1,067 15,918 40,250 709 857 734 873 15,991 20,553 17,367 13,023 12,508 1,558 1,511 348 2,628 7,392 3,303 6,544 1,841 4,703 1,662 2,194 311 536 11,201 31,874 8,032 13,464 5,200 1,740 789 TEXAS 39 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM:' CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see te*t) Economic class-Continued :ial farms— Continued FARMS BY COLOR AND TENTRE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Part owners .All tenants Cash tenants Share-cash tenant? . Crop-share tenants Livestock- share tent Croppers Other and unsnec.fi*. White farm operators: Full ■ Fsrr ■ Ul I number, number. Croppers Non while farm iperaiors: Full owners number. Part owners number . . All tenants . number. Croppers number . . F UMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number. Tobacco farms number . , Cotton farms number . , Other field-crop farms number., Vegetable farm- number. , Fruit-and-nut farm* . number.. Poultry farms number. . Dai ry farms number . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number., Livestock ranches number. General farms number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. SPECIFIED EQUPWF-NT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. , number. Com pickers farms reporting. Pick-up balers farms reporting. number. Field forage har-cnier- farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting,. Tractors farms reporting.. Tractor? other than garden farms reporting. . 1 tractor far"- - report! ng . 2 tractors farms reporting.. J* tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting . Wheel tractors firms reporting.. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. , \u(omobiles farms reporting. Xutomobiles and or motortruck- farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine , farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Croo dner (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard aurftct farms reporting., Gravel, shell, or *hale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more mile- to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 1 mile- farms reporting.. I nil' . farms reporting. . 5 or more miles farms reporting. F\RM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING RSlMERATION Hired worker* farms reporting. Regular hired worker* (emnloyad IM Of mora rtayal failM reporting. persons. Farms reporting bj number of regular hired worker-: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farm* reporting, 1 of l hind worl am farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. - reporting. Rl ICH ■ ' I nF F\RM OPERATOR 11,863 16,923 11,006 9,965 7,984 7,762 1,098 1,*M 1,191 1,139 4,244 3,351 11,816 10,841 7,829 4,594 6,164 2,563 7,041 7,557 3,119 3,214 2,637 2,742 773 800 26,860 44,201 26,540 43,042 14,250 9,238 2,298 530 224 26,203 30,122 30,382 18,279 17,673 1,465 1,360 151 3,236 Reftilliftg on fflltn oporauH ,.)f>pralnrs rooortini:. Vol re.irfing an film optrUed onw.tnrs rpportinr. Op-fator- nol nooning <•■ i km e nu.nh Under $1,000 $1,000 to 52,499 $2,500 to $4,999 $5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 or more. Machine hire Under $200 5200 to 5999 $1,000 or more Hired labor Under 5200 $200 to 5499 $500 to 5999 $1,000 to SJ.499 S2.500 to $4,999 $5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 to 519,999 $20,000 to 549,999 550,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees I nder HOC $100toS499 $500 to $999 $1,000 or more. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under 5100 5100 to sjnii $500 to $999 51 ,000 to $4 ,9911 S5.0OO or more See footnotes at end of table. ms reportinc. ms reporting. ms reporting. ms reporting. ms reporting.. ms reporting. ms reporting . ms reporting. in- reporting. ms reporting. ms reporting. ms reporting. ms reporting. ms reporting. . re[«irting. dollars . s reporting. s reporting. dollars. tis reporting, ns reporting . us reporting. us reporting . ii. reporting. dollars. ms reporting. ms reporting. dollars . us reporting, ms reporting. us reporting. ns reporting. ms reporting. ms reporting. i S r.'i-illii:^ ms reporting . ms reporting, ms reporting, t- reporting. i reporting. 9,218 444,330 9,134 50,045 104 545 22,028 373,028 21,013 36,931 1,157 2,712 36,427 5,744 54,837 24,453 1,519,499 19,457 114,494 6,810 46,913 24,854 1,637,690 21,272 147,625 4,258 28,586 3,418 129,410 145,034 225,261 180,495 257,185,729 35,864 107,082 14,728 12,150 10,671 93, 570 294,307,788 63,259 13,593 7,402 4,710 4,606 131,062 126,542,965 48,497 50,847 31,718 123,929 227,301,123 38,945 23,591 16,773 21,869 11,954 6,935 2,673 912 277 108,154 31,063,759 50,747 42,355 8,941 6,111 214,614 116,559,648 73,615 80,457 30,390 27, 536 2,616 5,763 364,543 5,684 40,365 94 521 13,343 301,238 12,389 28,348 1,092 2,581 13,004 1,360,608 7,599 34,580 5,722 54,672 21,324 1,480,023 16,440 110,231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1,577,753 15,486 140,498 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,081 110,807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10,610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 4,572 4,571 100,459 121,987,967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21,788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 901 272 79,703 29,193,603 27,246 37,782 8,655 6,020 134,988 108,823,075 18,082 57,861 29,118 27,322 2,605 184 634 42,571 3 2,8 3 1,389 2,762 658,459 895 13,412 1,999 29,992 4,384 770,158 2,672 56,190 2,504 32,506 2,982 721,692 1,773 64,799 1,485 14,837 113 11,527 7,426 91,9 10,084 5,295 170,215,397 1,177 1,651 2,638 3,283 2,059 855 271 7,646 10,790,207 2 78 2,128 2,049 3,191 1,119 7,506 2,205 36,209 713 3,272 271 471 3,107 374,378 1,092 7,402 2,125 16,785 4,562 328,859 2,971 23,774 2,151 8,884 3,476 172, 139 2,319 31,950 1,338 8,360 181 17,531 12,298 45,167,885 978 5,120 1,488 1,818 2,894 8,276 39,033,740 3,123 1,463 1,166 1,242 1,282 646 1,375 1,838 5,219 4,565 2,767 466 32 11,239 6,373,789 1,061 5,733 2,840 1,605 2,439 4,565 9,818 TEXAS 41 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms— Continued Economic class— Continued Part-retirement USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres on which used . . Dry materials forms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . OUier pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting . . Liquid materials farms rerxirtinc. . Cora .farms reporting . . Dry materials farms report) ng . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Sorghums .farms reporting . . f>y materials. farms reporting . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton /arms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials . farms reporting... Lime or liming materials used during the year. farms reporting... acres limed.., SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of trie following specified expenditures farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Under $100. farms $100 to $999 farms $1,000 to $1,999 farms $2,000 to $1,999 farms $5,000 or more farms Purchase of livestock and poultry farms Under $1,000 farms $1,000 to $2,199 farms 92,500 to $4,999 farms $5,000 to $9,999 farms $10,000 or more farms Machine hire farms Under $200 farms $300 to$999 farms $1,000 or more farms Hired labor. farms Under $200 farms $200 to $499 farms $500 to $999 farms $1,000 to $2,499 farms $2,500 to $4,999 farms $5,600 to $9,999 farms $10,000 to $19,999 farms $20,000 to $49,999 farms $50,000 or more farms Seeds, bulbs, plante, and trees farms I Inder $100 farms $100 to $499 farms $500 to $999 farms $1,000 or more farms Gasoline and other pelroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms Under $100 farms $100 to $499 farms $500 to $999 farms $1,000 to $4 ,999 farms $5,000 or more. farms See footnotes at end of table. dollars., reporting.. rraposljiig, n porti dollars., reporting., reporting . reporting reporting. , dollars . . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . raperUiuj . dollars., reporting., reporting. . reporting., reporting. . reporting . , report i ng . . reporting., reporting., reporting . . reporting . . dollars., reporting., reporting . . reporting., reporting.. reporting., dollars., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporting.. 10,050 604,485 59,538 9,456 56,049 897 3,489 2,945 129,400 2,903 13,981 1,370 68,654 1,360 8,574 2,997 68,570 2,890 6,760 1,987 81,338 1,713 4,415 3,406 101,822 3,031 8,158 3,552 154,701 3,298 14,161 31,127 25,424 29,206,935 3,053 14,050 3,665 3,229 1,427 15,934 22,873,343 10,076 2,962 1,699 961 236 23,671 14,772,038 5,282 14,133 4,256 23,065 17,460,486 5,789 6,088 4,776 5,392 814 178 18,020 3,903,828 6,128 10,332 1,210 350 30,874 14,189,332 2,736 16,848 8,878 2,405 11,019 447,052 47,467 10,604 45,465 592 2,002 3,108 110,736 3,098 12,371 1,725 75,495 1,725 8,769 3,930 69,333 3,814 6,721 1,612 37,439 1,479 2,310 3,040 56,803 2,793 5,084 3,707 97,246 3,577 10,210 34,914 29,290 19,042,260 4,371 19,271 3,492 2,144 12 16,64» 15, 162, 103 12,199 2,729 1,224 422 74 24,084 8,385,937 9,732 13,114 1,238 21,391 9,494,412 9,023 6,099 4,066 1,835 293 63 19,244 2,620,553 10,773 7,699 34,272 9,616,516 6,842 22,350 4,256 817 5,420 121,768 13,992 5,338 13,863 108 129 14,052 486 1,603 3,029 36, 197 2,994 4,011 1,718 19,956 1,673 2,021 1,861 24,749 1,836 3,342 16,797 12,914 3,725,765 8,903 1,412,386 6,926 1,856 121 5,713 1,435,299 3,796 1,209 426 227 45 7,669 644,810 6,021 1,495 15,387 2,456,737 6,982 7,669 13,730 241,150 29,869 13,554 29,422 231 447 3,854 70,315 3,834 8,824 2,650 60,249 2,645 7,548 5,210 41,219 5,190 5,212 .'.iirti 21,995 1,992 2,329 3,887 35,510 3,817 4,447 1,042 24,409 26,472 58,612 48,792 14,150,566 12,474 34,258 1,542 518 20,640 9,612,620 17,788 2,271 19,647 2,883,585 15,127 4,348 172 15,652 3,271,366 10,698 3,333 1,017 582 22 18,983 1,317,397 15,397 3,324 55,335 5,244,869 38,908 15,356 6,653 102,808 12,137 6,597 12,063 86 74 1,524 27,057 1,524 3,534 3,448 27,131 3,408 3,079 1,026 9,401 1,006 1,948 17,185 1,927 2,178 29,010 24,313 6,293,531 8,422 14,998 702 191 8,430 2,383,684 7,831 10,890 1,451,072 8,728 2,097 65 8,263 1,350,996 6,459 1,211 9,390 490,457 8,082 1,217 24,135 2,261,053 16, 592 7,202 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Data are based on reports for only a samole of farm?. See levt (For definitions and explanations, see text) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . Vegetables sold dollars . Fruits and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars . Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers I Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves. ■e porting, number, ■sporting. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 4 head farms reporting . . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head. farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head. farms reporting . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . 500 or more head. farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head. farms reporting . , 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head. farms reporting . , 75 to 99 head. farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting., 20 to 29 head. farms reporting . , 30 to 49 head farms reporting . , 50 to 74 head farms reporting . 75 to 99 head. farms reporting.. 100 or more head. farms reporting. , Hotses and/or mules farms reporting . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . Bom before June 1 farms reporting . . number . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting . , Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . number.. Ewes farms reporting . , Rams and wethers farms reporting . . Goats and kids farms reporting. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . , number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting., dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . , dollars., Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. dollars., Milk and cream sold farms reporting. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting., dozens. See footnotes at end of table. 2,118,379,747 9,349 1,140,309,709 1,070,930,194 32,271,794 16,771,125 20,336,596 978,070,038 107,488,112 110,436,923 760,145,003 182,986 8,596,205 174,884 4,441,849 85,681 510,193 153,762 2,130,596 146,818 2,023,760 4,993 25,288 29,959 39,751 46,224 20,167 14,789 1,815 16,150 75,323 34,112 15,939 14,818 7,797 3,247 7,498 36,682 41,688 1,152 1,130 2,489 1,512 502 526 78,104 239,819 76,593 1,172,670 46,429 661,570 61,649 511,100 24,081 6,023,464 18,884 1,939,201 22,406 4,084,263 22,065 3,772,336 18,227 311,927 13,874 3,157,284 130,713 17,504,935 163, 314 4,653,224 638,350,270 41,083 1,191,193 35,735,790 19,682 13,983 2,270,444,270 110,436,923 32,982 43,029,720 53,517 157,050,146 48,685,553 2,041,053,079 14,843 1,120,114,709 1,055,345,971 30,258,272 15,264,938 19,245,528 920,938,370 102,232,960 108, 562,320 710,143,090 108,651 7,597,798 104,469 3,902,356 53,413 442,540 93,613 1,854,171 93,218 1,841,271 2,340 10,339 11,267 18,956 29,931 19,280 14,736 1,802 7,519 33,498 19,804 11,533 13,669 7,746 3,229 7,471 1,114 2,486 1,494 500 511 48,689 180,934 47,601 937,880 29,548 530,312 38,982 407,568 17,357 5,715,302 13,936 1,847,959 16,144 3,867,343 15,880 3,577,804 13,588 289,539 9,726 3,001,203 75,838 14, 696, 006 98,230 4,285,179 597,133,194 28,116 1,018,641 30,559,230 14,768 3,168,453 38,021,436 11,231 2,226,620,740 108,562,320 23,784 42,074,535 35,110 144,292,944 44,730,816 925,657,429 80,303 508,323,781 470,668,244 19,558,090 7,261,570 10,835,877 417,333,648 41,445,166 30,003,969 345,884,513 7,241 2,683,177 6,482 1,180,901 2,838 87,231 5,987 645,486 6,290 856,790 396 340 2,447 360 5,053 52,695 2,655 122,570 1,985 73,481 2,102 49,089 985 606,993 1,087 1,168,154 1,054 1,089,492 916 78,662 789,063 3,414 3,477,017 6,538 1,926,047 313,908,495 i,r— 146,361 4,390,830 1,070 1,153,933 13,847,196 745 585,902,258 30,003,969 1,026 16,338,451 1,075 43,818,332 13,583,679 439, 109, 867 25,048 275,700,802 266,058,950 4,491,044 2,035,620 3,115,188 163,409,065 21,450,223 32,819,282 109, 139, 560 12,060 1,243,483 11,409 671,244 5,907 107,254 10,225 297,782 10,612 274,457 1,202 2,242 2,174 3,771 4,799 140,259 3,316 81,023 3,864 59,236 1,928 1,315,633 1,528 424,076 1,728 891,557 1,702 832, 786 1,506 58,771 1,226 648,548 7,184 2,454,842 10,705 664,550 85,152,428 3,298 168,695 5,060,850 1,711 736, 582 8,838,984 1,755 670,501,828 32,819,282 2,188 10,651,955 2,766 28,153,953 8,727,726 TEXAS 43 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] E class-Continued Commercial farms-Continued Part-retirement ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODI CTS SOLD BY SOt ROE All farm products SOld total, dollars. average per farm, dollars . All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and frost* and nuts, sold ....dollars. \ egelahles sold dollars . Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold. dollars . Ml livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. 1 1W.--FK K tvu ! IM-li, K I'K'iDl t T- Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers t Heifers and heifer crdvi Steers and bulls includi arms reporting. . 5 reporting.. number. I reporting.. number.. number.. Farms reporting by nur Cattle and caUes- 1 head farms reporting . '2 to 4 head. farms reporting . 5 to 0 head. farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to M head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head. farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting . Cows including heifers that have calved- 1 head fare- reporting. 2 to 9 head far 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 1 ''i-aii farms reporting. head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 hood farms reporting . 100 or more head farm.- reporting . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head. farms reporting . 20 to 29 head. farms reporting . 19 t'-ail farms reporting. 50 to 74 head. farms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . - more head farms reporting. Horses and Or mules farms reporting. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number, lorn since June 1 farms reporting. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs mil,* 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. F.wcs farms reporting . lams and wethers farms reporting. number. GoatS and kidS farms reporting . number. Chickens 4 months old and over fam.s reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs an J pig- sold alive farms reporting. dollars. Sheep and lamb- sold alive farms reporting. number . Milk and cream sold1 farms reporting . islmg broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chrken eggs sold farms reporting. dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 205,435,030 6,600 100,138,539 94,283,315 1,915,750 2,272,016 1,667,458 105,296,491 11,839,747 8,447,413 85,009,331 25,676 1,179,921 24,822 659,427 12,420 58,380 22,432 288,386 22,624 232,108 10,691 29,757 11,373 225,225 7,158 124,641 9,403 100,584 4,818 873,184 3,887 263,877 554,817 3,797 54,490 2,563 548,629 18,116 2,873,617 23,713 557,262 65,687,295 7,224 239,117 7,173,510 4,095 410,703 4,928,436 8,447,413 6,299 3,906,979 9,156 24,067,651 7,460,975 119, 957,770 3,436 48,091,889 44,089,839 1,368,311 1,452,595 1,181,144 71,865,881 7,174,992 1,649,839 63,041,050 29,927 994,253 29,031 556,331 14,277 39,489 26,374 251,044 26,128 186,878 1,978 2,426 2,334 3,215 4,411 6,049 7,848 10,648 5,354 5,989 3,246 1,149 19 5 1,494 1,667 7,451 9,611 4,922 6,845 3,084 4,252 3,670 4,516 2,274 1,604 1,014 321 913 215 5,099 5,958 6,004 7,772 11,496 29,040 12,911 178,231 7,631 99,207 10,736 79,024 4,586 535,479 3,683 160,204 4,392 375,275 4,331 338,680 3,654 36,595 2,444 314,791 21,629 2,345,584 27,647 440,611 50,725,687 7,422 175,374 5,261,220 3,972 263,545 3,162,540 2,147 46,928,166 1,649,839 7,311 1,732,334 11,250 16,500,920 5,115,287 19,724,017 1,172 8,204,931 7,030,442 490,512 272,998 410,979 11,519,086 1,328,430 218,256 9,972,400 14,015 208,814 13,749 118,781 7,707 16,732 11,405 53,430 10,260 36,603 2,460 2,806 4,310 3,716 1,359 7,654 3,302 1,065 6,123 12,704 7,537 60,779 3,974 32,201 6,189 28,578 1,357 88,245 1,080 27,460 1,268 60,785 1,264 55,506 1,008 5,279 57,544 12,122 821,333 11,895 76,404 7,839,633 3,056 38,353 1,150,590 1,052 33,763 405,156 838 6,960,297 218,256 2,576 108,891 5,156 3,632,488 1,126,075 45,748,263 772 10,648,228 8,611,364 589,267 770,706 676, 891 35,100,035 2,374,655 322,142 32,403,238 49,037 644,037 45,891 342,705 19,128 36,495 39,944 182,593 35,642 118,739 1,706 9,393 12,773 13,936 10,649 562 18 5,775 27,166 9,235 19,723 40,124 20,954 167,454 12,904 94,492 16,395 72,962 4,659 186,645 3,377 55,849 4,271 130,796. 4,215 119,804 3,058 10,992 3,218 111,466 33,220 1,559,407 42,774 236,323 26,485,877 9,874 117,567 3,527,010 3,234 78,059 936,708 1,308 8,377,145 322,142 4,661 366,087 8,637 5,796,455 ,796,897 23,926,622 807 5,906,157 4,568,663 292,975 655,060 389,459 18,020,465 2,291,490 268,303 15,460,672 25,172 329,222 24,404 183,613 13,058 26,326 20,093 86,590 17,839 59,019 5,549 5,917 6,838 5,611 2,850 14,620 5,068 1,443 9,622 17,637 7,927 45,282 3,880 24,170 6,176 21,112 2,023 115,589 1,541 32,657 1,959 82,932 1,938 72,040 1,552 10,892 904 42,181 21,593 1,171,627 22,199 123,202 13,445,213 3,006 29,211 876,330 1,643 43,942 527,304 1,381 7,911,997 268,303 4,486 200,751 9,729 6,408,137 1,986,530 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] UVFSTOri \M1 LIVESTOCK PRODI !CTS-Continue.l farms reporting. number of 1 1 1 tor 1 or 2 litters farms reportin 3 to 9 litters farms reporting. 10 to 19 litter- Tanris repc 20 to 39 litters farms reporting . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting., 70 or more litter- farms reporting. June 2 to November 30 farms reporting.. number of lit December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. , SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . I'nder 11 acres farms reportin 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres - farms reportin 60 to 74 acres. farms reportin 75 to 99 acres farms reportin 100 or more acres farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting . bushels Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. pounds . Sales farms reporting. pounds . Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . bushels Sales farms reporting . bushels . Barley harvested farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Rice harvested farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Sales .farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. 35,504 188,939 18,674 12,071 3,123 1,220 298 118 28,289 92,747 24,258 96,192 70,742 1,457, 146 33,269 18,730 12,185 3,776 1,242 1,540 67, 146 1,383,496 37,316,158 25,621 16,474,574 78,837 7,590,221 59,982 6,730,450 13,259,448,648 46,825 11,571,764,340 26,045 3,017,204 49,648,140 25,048 47,281,872 18,166 862,200 18,786,151 7,864 7,784,694 6,514 277,811 5,888,476 3,905 4,038,734 1,846 424,170 8,202,742 1,846 8,049,226 24,346 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 47,442 1,228,435 16,667 13,803 10,675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,9 1,166,121 32,477,386 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23,572 2,953,382 48,899,130 22,812 46,631,049 15,036 775,586 17,196,042 6,669 7,166,717 6,040 - '. ' •: 3,1V, 3, 997, 524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8,042,333 1,348 10,143 1,163 10,432 1,264 76, 927 3,071,171 581 1,755,495 7,770 2,640,186 7,006 2,443,471 5,666,738,119 3,225 1,002,929 19,170,120 3,172 18,449,812 788 2,304 11,337 2,111 12,643 3,317 128,717 1,139 181 356 2,958 116,197 4,006,026 1,524 2,482,759 11,301 1,897,990 10,071 1,741,730 3,599,156,716 9,074 3,220,176,917 4,426 720,972 12,730,877 4,344 12,197,679 1,676 125,022 2,948,885 1,227 59,391 1,368,565 pounds . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Wild hay cut farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting . Sales farms reporting , Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. 8,366 245,8 171,382,610 5,792 166,223 377,298 2,086 163,293 2,569 69,575 88,813 11,168 264,717 223,588 859 14,298 14,189 323,386 409,027 1,999 63,597 31,066 690,874 880,915 3,708 91,336 6,059 225,882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363,676 1,927 159,364 1,943 59,882 80,069 278 11,717 8,534 224,953 194,529 650 11,704 9,729 273,127 351,674 1,371 58,012 22,756 584,743 767,744 2,683 78,082 317 25,183 26,753 1,093 95,566 143,794 1,079 30,986 76,444 2,250 98,516 ', tons, gree: eight. See footnotes at end of table. TEXAS State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959- [ObU are based on reports for wily a sample of farms. See bexl 45 -Continued (For definitions and explaj Commercial farm*- Continued Part-retirement LIVESTOCK a\'D LIVESTOCK PRODI CTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, lo November 30, 1959 farms reporlir number oT litter 1 to 9 litters farms reportin 10 to 19 litters farms reporting. , 20 to no liuers farms reoorting. . 40 to (59 liUers farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting. , June '2 to November :10 farms reporting. . number of lit December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. number of lit SPECIFIED CllflPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farm* rerortinL'. t nder 1! acres , farm - reporting. 11 to 24 acres farm- reporting, 2.1 to 49 ecri ■ farms reporting. W to 74 acres farms reportin farm- reporting. farms reporting. fen llarvesie-i lir grain Sales farms reoorting . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. pounds. Sales farms reporting. Wheat harvested farms reporting . bushels. Sales farms reporting ■ bushels . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Barley harvested forms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels . Rice harvested farms reporting- 162-lb. barrele. Salea farms reporting . 162-lb. barrels. 6,092 38,089 2,410 2,542 4,847 17,890 4,794 20,199 12,161 344,446 3,374 3,346 3,442 1,320 ; 298 381 11,759 336,162 9,042,664 6,335 4,465,863 15,465 861,525 12,683 731,464 1,073,548,287 9,625 849,013,109 5,613 399,523 5,331,200 5,415 4,985,562 4,337 197,367 4,248,031 1,991 1,625,766 1,289 40,642 671,693 6,417 29,400 3,204 2,432 587 183 11 4,998 14,409 4,638 14,991 14,753 308,463 4,971 5,165 3,466 815 244 92 14,256 300,004 7,526,722 6,392 2,676,429 13,016 414,572 9,228 320,239 419,428,504 6,279 300,458,475 3,736 171,632 2,047,402 3,499 1,869,190 4,144 149,129 2,902,708 1,689 1,050,125 836 3,053 8,294 2,136 2,226 4,272 1,930 4,022 8,663 124,907 4,635 2,646 1,130 191 41 20 8,349 120,790 2,469,216 2,291 569,500 4,460 77,799 2,372 50,119 53,739,193 1,179 29,802,683 697 8,641 23,473 5,959 2,362 13,113 4,836 10,360 13,401 127,953 9,604 2,750 12,680 120,447 2,548,359 2,899 628,702 6,932 120,536 3,356 78,280 85,708,910 2,039 59,622,845 1,588 38,488 460,095 410^420 1,755 45,063 813,550 2,434 5,408 1,790 1,828 2,971 1,394 2,437 9,825 94,218 6,967 2,162 15 5 9,410 90,718 2,053,465 2,143 494,705 4,601 66,162 2,143 37,863 46,597,140 1,150 26,556,225 869 1,366 37,230 663,115 pounds. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. tans. Sales farms reporting . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other email grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farm3 reporting. Wild hay cut farms reporting. Sales forms reporting. Other hay cut farms reporting . tons. Soles fa rms reporting . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. tons, green weight. See footnotes et end of 1,692 76,417 49,507,872 1,019 22,876 40,724 2,064 56,884 33,914,764 1,113 6,463,264 1,447 13,611 6,554,545 2,380 57,473 44,994 . 60,152 74,975 5,942 1 20, 137 153,582 2,482 46,114 38,123 3,333 52,252 65,756 1,218 15,283 6,079 28,195 28,556 1,588 24,933 19,302 2,523 ;■.'!....., 32,314 5,172 66,822 70, 8« 1,026 12,679 8,365 1,928 21,032 24,057 3,081 33,673 35,784 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all Economic class Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial fatms Total Class 1 Class 11 Class III SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued 81,823 6,157,164 4,164,655 19,363 17,246 4,106,276 12,388 32,271,794 16,674 178,546 70,767 6,000,181 4,112,111 10,837 15,930 3,921,148 8,539 30,258,272 10,235 147,221 7,376 1,914,743 1,855,252 279 10,076 2,769,464 1,069 19,558,090 800 55,060 11,141 1,462,119 1,023,203 434 3,266 709,988 1,162 4,491,044 1,141 20,250 Irish potatoes harvested for hone use bushels . . . 1,257,013 684,295 1,124 1,315 263,273 Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 18,138 1 Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 3Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . TEXAS 47 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of Farms. See text] Economic class-Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms— Continued Other farms Class IV Class V Class VI ParUUme Part-retirement Abnormal SPECIFIED CROPS H\RVESTED~Continued 16,323 830,063 355,887 2,658 709 69,056 1,618 1,915,750 2,489 26,484 U,871 435,642 165,763 3,958 366 77,861 2,112 1,368,311 3,108 21,297 6,094 100,601 27,711 2,384 196 31,506 1,333 490,512 1,100 5,992 7,165 98,574 28,018 4,997 345 61,760 2,556 589,267 3,821 17,436 3,852 46,157 14,257 3,510 208 36,371 1,260 292,975 2,570 13,156 39 12,272 10,269 19 763 86,997 33 1,131,280 Irish potatoes harvested for home use bushels . . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and ■"-•■■ 733 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 1 of 8.— Cash-grain farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] {For defiml 'Xploi FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . . . Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres ■ ■ ■ Percent distribution percent . . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . . Average per acre! '.'.'.'. dollars... Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . . 30 lo 49 acres farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . . 100 to 199 ™rres farms reporting . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1.000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms re|iortmg.. Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting.. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour fnrni* repi rting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 vears number . . 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number . . Average age voaf9 . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days -operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . , 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. , With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working ofr farm operators reporting . With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number. 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1 000 to 1.999 acres number. 2^000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table 137, 513 132,420,276 963.0 114,619 21,362,359 4,647 6,771 6,734 13,272 24,063 26,049 24,236 6,965 1,882 57,266 6,411,693 46,893 5,051,330 15,772 1,584,301 16,101 1,814,145 24,852 1,652,884 34,766 10,303,523 6,177 764,574 84,333 86,736,493 20,330 6,739,758 25,322 5,641,385 24,800 5,297,295 135,381 2,161 12,901 27,116 40,162 37,538 15,503 50.4 50,868 24,418 6,433 20,017 13,075 23,377 18,552 86,645 11,425 27,036 1,908 8,047 4,804 7,765 11,954 12,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 21,950 10,147 9,416 11,445 100.0 8,500,149 100.0 742.7 1,200 2,822 4,415 1,843 596 3,903 828,764 4,928 912,129 3,038 507,840 936 161,229 2,182 243,060 1,497 390,561 367 44,835 6,095 2,068,604 742 118,961 4,764 1,661,069 4,749 1,583,812 11,279 296 1,477 2,7a 3,137 2,501 1,147 48.2 7,696 953 2,503 1,474 12.9 3,072,720 36.1 2,084.6 540 400 566 494,359 671 257,280 481 152,062 123 30,299 253 74,919 162 154,422 34 20,925 760 856,866 129 56,006 1,298 796,773 1,298 765,233 11,437 254 157,199 2,322 20.3 2,026,623 173,383 1,094 231,005 771 138,723 178 41,276 404 51,006 195 58,803 39 3,787 1,193 432,867 110 23,279 1,774 567,695 1,769 540,268 14, 579 481 155,710 66,565 1,140 210,165 7,538 1,279 338,451 135 16,839 1,006 217,021 1,006 202,536 2,536 22.2 1,158,435 13.6 456.8 51,668 1,025 127,440 6,210 1,486 287,600 3,042 2,821 1,406 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 8. -Cash-grain farms Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See Cext | 49 FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE C1F OPERATOR All farm operators: Cash tenants ni Share-cash tenants m Livestock-share tenant- m Cropper- number . Other aivj unspecified tenants th 52,227 48,864 34,733 5,132 4,591 18,067 1,375 2,351 3,a7 3,000 4,540 3,843 Cropper- nwhite Fain ■ penton Croppers numUs . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms rope Com pickers farms report) nr. Pick-up balers farr..- repofling. Field fcneu> hirveslen Tract,*- Tractors otliiT than eyjnlen 1 tractor I ■2 tractors ' 3 tractor* 4 tractor* ■rectors ' Wheel tract,*- Crawler tractors Garden tractors ren ri-psirling. Automobiles Automobiles and 'or motortrucks fam - repoctin Telephone farn Home frcorer Milking machine farm* repralilur. Electric milk cooler far 51,038 47,406 33,332 1,840 1,189 1,458 1,401 32,889 37,906 8,850 9,159 11,435 12,011 5,251 5,861 106,879 152,274 114,774 228,187 113,482 222,569 54,023 34,310 14,325 5,740 5,084 113,066 217,652 3,970 4,917 4,896 5,618 113,403 137,972 132,556 81,625 79,632 7,375 6,861 2,974 4,478 3,776 6,519 8,590 1,296 1,407 10,761 28,477 10,714 27,739 2,688 3,657 2,218 1,082 1,069 10,290 13,072 11,185 1,447 7,028 1,444 6,894 1,402 2,306 1,460 2,252 7,225 2,241 6,989 2,207 2,861 2,302 2,261 5,499 2,254 5,375 2,138 2,624 2,309 2,417 4,961 2,411 4,802 2,272 2,658 2,482 1,777 2,891 1,762 2,836 1,719 1,990 1,934 Farms by kind ot road on which located: farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road 'anna ffjporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road 1 mile ' 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. ill- farms report! ng . FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 55,562 34,286 45,213 13,949 31,264 10,853 14,649 2,297 3,465 4,634 2,710 3,877 Farms reporting bj nuirberi 1 hirer! worker rkers s reporting. RESIDENCE (if FARM I HT.RATOR Residing on farm operated i opei See footnotes at end of table. 16,735 5,646 2,989 1,468 108,440 21,844 7,229 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 8. -Cash -grain farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text J r defmil «plamihons. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZE!! AND LIME Commercial fertiliser anil fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid mal.Tials farms reporting. . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Corn farms reporting.. Dry materials fnrn.s reporting . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting., Cotton farm* rerwrling,. . Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials fnrnis reporting.. All other crops farms reporting. , Dry' materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms rersirting. neor limine materials used dunne the year farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES tny of the following specified expenditures .farms reporting.. Peed for I restock and poultry fanrs repotting. . Under $100 ^ reporting . . $100 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $1,999 farms reportinp.. $2,000 to $1 ,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livesux-k and poultry farms reporting.. Under *1.<)00 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $0,499 farms reporting. . S2.50O to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 or more farms reporting . . Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $Jn reports for only a sample of farms. See text J 53 SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continged Cotton harvested farms reporting. . Irieh potatoes harvested for home use or for eale farms reporting. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting.. 70,767 6,000,181 4,112,111 10,837 15,930 3,921,148 Z Reported In small fractions. 'includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 3Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 2 of 8. -Cotton farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai I text) FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE FallDS number . . . Percent distribution percent. . . Land in farms acres... Percent distribution percent . . . Average sue of farm acres . . Value of land and buildings* Average per farm dollars . . . Average per acre dollars. .. Land in farms according to use Cropland harvested farms reporting . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 -cres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more ncres farms reporting . . Cropland used onl> for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes forms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms rerxa-ting . . Woodland pastured farms reporting . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . Improved pasture farms reporting . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on Uie contour farms reporting . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion oontrol farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Opeiators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number , . 45 to 54 years ■ ■ ■ ■ number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age -"»" ■ OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total .operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . 200 or more days operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres "umber • 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres -, number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 99B acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table. 137, 513 XXX 132,420,276 963.0 IK, 619 21,362,359 •4,647 6,771 6,734 13,272 24,063 26,049 24,236 6,965 1,882 57,266 6,411,693 46,893 5,051,330 15,772 1,584,301 16,101 1,814,145 24,852 1,652,884 34,766 10,303,523 6,177 764, 574 84,333 86,736,493 20,330 6,739,758 25,322 5,641,385 24,800 5,297,295 135,381 2,161 12,901 27,116 40,162 37,538 15,503 50.4 50,868 24,418 6,433 20,017 13,075 23,377 18,552 86,645 11,425 27,036 8,047 4,804 7,765 11,954 15,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 21,950 10, 147 9,416 51,454 100.0 19,618,024 100.0 381.3 436 1,407 1,802 4,590 10,130 14,023 14,359 3,854 853 16,767 853,818 22,426 1,966,966 7,831 538,464 7,739 744,527 12,031 683,975 6,085 617,969 1,584 87,562 25,506 4,206,587 5,031 365,277 16,014 3,192,576 15,970 1,060,406 50,852 1,144 5,875 11,130 16,169 12,226 4,308 48.6 17,875 10,903 2,281 4,691 4,821 7,155 4,169 33,579 4,669 8,412 1,140 105 3,495 2,120 3,700 5,321 6,313 3,827 3,230 13,265 7,382 1,945 751 6,721,519 34.3 1,150.4 814 1,702 209,594 2,862 601 ,710 1,444 211,776 1,017 183,656 1,191 211,278 248 169,158 110 17,181 2,123 1,612,607 328 92,109 4,664 1,859,997 1,071 1,809 1,772 4,822 481 1,390 8,699 16.9 4,624,273 23.6 531.6 490,403 1,863 137,246 1,667 197,028 2,152 156,129 517 84,974 16,296 3,708 870,349 635 68,864 5,006 861,089 1,468 2,385 2,593 1,501 6,567 800 1,558 11,325 22.0 3,904,395 1,170 4,817 4,990 185 5 4,194 1 9,509 5,330 416,131 2,014 110,255 1,845 164,410 2,771 141,466 996 108,564 331 22,576 5,451 731,271 1,098 85,093 3,708 58,689 3,702 345,852 1,455 2,474 3,649 2,480 1,390 2,698 1,136 7,442 1,213 1,678 1,77 1,125 1,125 11,419 22.2 2,613,472 13.3 228.9 3,716 5,521 1,247 13 1 4,015 153,114 4,871 279,546 1,433 52,498 1,763 131,376 2,723 95,672 1,592 109,516 342 16,899 6,677 572,349 1,395 68,244 1,427 79,158 1,426 74,597 923 2,268 3,755 2,877 1,307 50.4 6,817 1,067 1,739 360 370 1,030 1,770 2,307 1,326 1,060 2,562 510 101 10,005 19.4 1,410,855 2,552 4,296 1,780 88,864 3,860 143,657 881 24,119 1,267 59,697 2,338 59,841 1,611 95,465 395 9,290 5,581 339,621 1,260 46,232 1,018 30,408 1,013 28,493 711 220 732 1,649 3,109 2,634 1,500 51.6 1,692 1,899 5,349 847 1,736 518 1,415 1,060 1,740 2,101 VI 350 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 8.-Cotton farms _^_^____ [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] 55 FARHtS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm opefatws: Full owners Cash tenant Crop-share L Croppers Nonwhile farm operators: ..umber... . .number . .. SPECIFIED EQllPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combine* farms reporting... number. . . Com pickers farms rer*nm|-. .. number. .. Pick-up balers farms reporting . . . Field forage harvesters farm* reporting number.. . Motortruck* fan Tractors farms repnetirc... number... Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . . 1 tractor farms reportine.,, 2 tractors f .- 3 tracurs farms reporting... 4 tractors ' <- 5 or more tractors fan Wbeel tractors farr . o . Crawler tractors farms reporting . . . Automobiles farm* reDoctinr, .. Automobiles and 'or motortrucks farm* reporting. . . Telephone farms reportine . . . Home freezer farm- n - Milking machine farm.* reportine.. . . Electric milk cooler farms reporting... Farms by kind ol road on which located: Hard surface farm* reportine... Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting... Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. .. 1 mile farms reporting . .. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. .. 4 miles farms reporting. .. 5 or more mile* farms reporting. .. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Regular hired workers (employed IV) c Farm* reporting pi number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting... 2 hired workers farms reporting. .. ,r 1 i if. -I *.fl,r- farm* reportine. . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . . 10 or more hired worker* farms reporting . . . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators r , - Not re*idmg on farm operated operator* reporting. . . Operators not reporting residence number... 52,227 48,864 14,733 5,132 4,591 18,067 1,375 2,351 3,217 51,038 47,406 33,332 1,840 1,189 1,458 1,401 32,889 37,906 8,850 9,159 11,435 12,011 5,251 5,861 106,879 152,274 114,774 228,187 113,482 222,569 54,023 34,310 14,325 5,740 5,084 113,066 217,652 3,970 4,917 4,896 5,618 113,403 137,972 132,556 81,625 79,632 7,375 6,861 55,562 34,286 45,213 13,949 31,264 10,853 14,649 2,297 3,465 16,735 5,646 2,989 1,468 108,440 21,844 7,229 12,808 17,891 20,560 12,342 16,980 19,499 1,237 13,765 15,229 3,714 3,822 2,481 2,593 1,398 1,493 38,514 53,032 47,029 102,634 46,695 101,304 16,836 17,012 7,536 2,856 2,455 46,615 99,915 1,093 1,389 1,050 1,330 44,402 53,401 49,911 19,557 12,416 18,660 6,378 12,282 5,425 5,645 6,637 2,259 1,252 42,066 6,815 2,573 5,733 24,180 5,696 23,922 104 1,072 1,621 1,218 1,681 1,375 3,819 3,453 1,370 3,814 3,438 8,465 22,710 8,437 22,451 3,565 1,312 3,703 1,186 2,517 1,072 1,262 2,458 4,105 4,731 2,453 4,093 4,701 3,929 4,230 1,026 1,041 10,843 22,736 10,801 22,520 2,787 5,399 1,935 491 189 10,402 1. ,.A\> 11,233 4,537 2,399 4,234 1,520 2,714 1,281 1,206 3,118 3,544 4,741 3,108 3,427 4,611 2,130 2,204 1,343 1,383 10,699 17,771 10,612 17,504 5,146 4,372 868 147 9,843 11,145 11,177 4,113 3,747 3,409 1,123 3,593 2,261 4,146 3,513 2,090 3,781 8,846 12,357 8,736 12,092 5,939 2,388 289 7,970 8,917 9,593 3,512 3,306 2,991 1,153 56 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 8.-Cotton farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ] USE OF COMMERCI \L FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and Fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres on which used. .. Dry materials farms reporting... Liquid materials farms reporting.. Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting . . Corn farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . Sorghums farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . Cotton farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials fnrms reporting. . All other crops farms reporting. . Lim lis n-cl , Z the SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specif icd expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under MOO farms reporting. . $100 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to $1,999 farms reportina. . $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . Under $1 ,000 farms reporting. , 51,000 to $2,499 farm- reporting.. S2,500 to $4.999 fir" ■ reporting.. $5,fXa> to $9,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 or more farms reporting . . Machine hire farm.- reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting . . $200 to $999 fnrms reeorttng.. $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting. . S500 to $999 farms reporting. , 51,000 to S2.499 farms reporting. . 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. , 520,000 to $49,999 farms reporting. . S50.0O0 or more farms reporting. , Seed bulbs, plants, aad lre.-s farm- reporting.. dollars.. I let 00 fan.- reporting., $100 to $499 farms reporting., $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting. , ', w>lii,, an, I , it her petroleum fuel and oil for the fann business fanrs reporting., dollars . , Under film farms reporting. , 5100 t -: 19 farms reporting., 19 farms reporting. 51,000 to 1,999 farms reporting., $5,000 or more (arms reporting.. 51,870 5,775,560 558,011 44,810 423,984 10,833 134,027 12,355 692,375 12,000 69,962 476 1,558 5,763 364,543 5,684 40,365 94 521 L3,343 301,238 12,389 28,348 1,092 2,581 13,004 1,360,608 7,599 34,580 5,722 54,672 21,324 1,480,023 16,440 L10, 231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1,577,753 15,486 140,498 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,081 110,807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10,610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 4,572 4,571 100,459 121,987,967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21,788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 901 272 79,703 29,193,603 27,246 37,782 8,655 6,020 134,988 '- 18,8! 1,07 18,082 57, 861 29,118 27,322 2,605 19,396 2,201,200 215,001 15,299 141,447 6,639 73,554 1,839 68,158 1,690 6,675 3,858 76,374 3,345 5,976 5,179 502,648 2,529 12,938 2,809 21,393 15,698 1,275,690 12,057 95,744 5,210 41,965 4,669 256,497 3,330 18,226 1,619 8,602 152 51,454 31,124 13,791,275 8,470 19,721 1,763 923 247 18,230 16,629,595 14,629 2,099 42,881 116,129,819 5,512 7,378 7,329 10,351 6,257 3,909 1,515 498 132 35,627 ,296,52 11,328 17, 863 4,028 2,408 3,013 19,632 12,724 14,037 1,329 4,021 1,161,673 120,157 2,604 69,064 2,448 51,093 234 19,933 190 1,870 6,128 1,161 14,271 3,578 688,965 2,241 51,192 2,056 30,019 5,843 2,556 3,359,212 1,314 1,791 1,244 1,316 1,363 1,663 4,313 484,479 45,270 2,951 30,543 2,189 14,727 2,959 1,025 5,152 3,566 280, 594 2,433 20,694 1,633 7,670 8,699 4,772 2,930,065 3,035 3,798,317 1,993 2,537 2,442 1,816 4,074 3,082 07,065 140,578 26,251 12,944 3,288 2,786 20,274 11,696 1,250 451 5,977 1,248 3,299 173,206 2,605 12,843 11,325 6,996 .,'■ ' ,! I 1,658 4,626 49; 202 18 4,385 3,623,843 3,298 1,732 1,945 3,452 2,175 1,436 5,720 2,842 5,154 3,200 16,800 895 1,445 LI ,68 477 1,014 2,291 77,370 2,030 6,038 11,419 7,518 2,503,138 1,935 5,114 349 100 20 4,512 2,064,414 3,991 11,419 8,483,944 1,665 7,112 2,642 9,258 7, 576, 598 1,514 2,261 2,160 3,053 261 7,826 1,203,766 2,978 4,616 10,005 6,632 1,775,669 2,294 4,073 204 56 5 3,805 915,930 3,604 10,005 3,853,368 3,420 5,999 586 7,087 3,352,234 2,081 2,152 2,192 602 55 9,893 2,823,988 1,092 7,438 1,218 145 •ml ..! t TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS-BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 8. -Cotton farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See l*xt] 57 i and explanations, see test) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE AM fann products sold total, dollars .*. average per farm, dollars . . All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold iollars.. Vegetables sold dollars . . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sobL dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold ,k -liars.. LIVESTOCK AMD LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting . . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. Milk cows farms reporting . . number. . Heifers and heifer calves farm- reporting.. number . . Steers and bulls including 9leer and bull calves farm* reporting.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head far 2 to 4 head '«' 5 to 9 head fa." 10 to 19 head fv 20 to 49 head fa SO to 99 head far 100 to 4fKi head fan 500 or more head f Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head fat 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head fa.' 20 to 29 head far 30 to 49 head far- 50 to 74 head far 75 to 99 head fart 100 or more head far Milk .„...- 1 head fv 2 to 9 head fan 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head fa, 30 to 49 head ' >' 50 to 74 head fan 75 to 99 head far 100 or more head farm, reporting.. Horses and/or mules tan- Hogs and pigs far- - Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. Bom before June 1 far- numbar.. Sheep and lambs farm* rerMxiing, . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . , Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting., Ewes farms rejvirting. , Rams and wethers farms reporting., Goats and kids farms reporting . , numrs-r . , Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting., number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms repottinx, numbis, dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farm- reporting;. numlier . dollars. Milk an-1 cream sold . far • Chiekent including broilers *old rati lollar . ! fan -Ml* 2,041, 53,079 14,843 1,120,114,709 1,055,345,971 30,258,272 15,264,938 19,245,528 920,938,370 102,232,960 108,562,320 710,143,090 108,651 7,597,798 104,469 3,902,356 53,413 442,540 93,613 1,854,171 93,218 1,841,271 2,340 10,339 11,267 18,956 29,931 19,280 14,736 1,802 7,519 33,498 19,804 11,533 13,669 7,746 3,229 7,471 1,114 2,486 1,494 500 511 48,689 180,934 47,601 937,880 29,548 530,312 38,982 407,568 17,357 5,715,302 13,936 1,847,959 16,144 3,867,343 15,880 3,577,804 13,588 289,539 9,726 3,001,203 75,638 14,696,006 98,230 4,285,179 597,133,194 28,116 1,018,641 14,768 3,168,453 38,021,436 11,231 2,226,620,740 108,562,320 23,784 42,074,535 35,110 144,292,944 44,730,816 797,097,261 15,491 744,458,243 729,859,619 12,039,300 2,384,948 174,376 52,639,018 4,069,887 1,758,533 46,810,598 32,879 732,973 31,659 374,401 17,200 40,005 26,300 184,640 25,276 173,932 6,378 6,380 8,021 7,523 2,052 16,835 5,904 2,064 1,386 9,126 20,853 19,737 238,992 11,497 133,927 16,021 105,065 2,752 174,466 2,066 65,841 2,449 108,625 2,376 101,444 1,854 7,181 785 30,008 30,025 2,112,473 25,294 314,459 38,597,903 9,773 205, 519 6,165,570 1,815 109,594 1,406 38,000,899 1,758,533 7,209 461,165 12,997 11,140,701 3,453,621 559 , ■■'.: 19 61,577 344,740,364 335,272,518 8,124,354 1,269,267 74,225 15,044,835 289,104 764,807 13,990,924 2,572 180,754 2,372 91,160 2,036 41,788 1,990 47,806 1,303 4,574 1,446 41,726 1,102 24,849 1,153 16,877 275 44,839 201 21,816 18,748 1,669 116,179 1,987 89,187 11,862,540 199,182,514 22,897 187,218,021 184,361,438 2,313,495 520,075 23,013 11, 964,493 724,527 375, 841 10,864,125 4,750 141,716 4,521 71,815 2,269 5,274 3,840 35,412 3,856 34,489 1,590 3,309 2,646 53,812 1,855 32,104 2,126 21,708 406 2,876 3,709 297, 567 3,640 69,593 8,742,400 1,752 53,488 1,604,640 321 62,079 1,260 2,034,703 630,758 133,980,140 11,830 122,847,883 121,555,503 997,205 270,547 24,628 11,132,257 949,138 347,475 9,835,644 7,166 157,229 6,852 79,296 3,541 7,925 5,847 40,084 5,790 37,849 1,292 1,166 1,573 1,990 1,018 3,273 1,284 1,780 3,852 4,031 54,537 2,515 29,805 3,171 24,732 696 45,360 549 15,206 630 30,154 603 27,457 492 1,281 6,404 447,535 5,629 67,536 8,007,971 2,280 46,811 1,404,330 483 -16 7,598,554 347,475 1,468 191,021 2,610 2,378,799 737,427 68,193,877 5,972 59,558,261 59,041,452 308,400 191,024 17,385 8,635,616 998,323 152,705 7,484,588 8,141 137,703 7,899 70,184 4,390 8,876 6,528 36,452 6,464 31,067 1,333 1,542 2,258 2,253 1,498 3,162 4,673 44,317 2,644 24,957 3,773 19,360 795 19,820 683 18,622 4,608 7,577 561,722 6,584 52,680 6,241,150 2,307 32,644 979,320 509 331 3,765,685 152,705 2,117 76,545 3,777 2,854,051 884,757 31,094,820 3,108 26,081,224 25,693,926 241,326 115,917 30,055 5,013,596 947,704 97,970 3,967,922 7,248 92,618 7,073 49,104 4,257 9,804 5,822 24,824 5,479 18, 690 1,430 1,785 2,269 1,376 1,438 2,763 4,534 33,448 2,341 17,147 3,726 16,301 490 9,191 450 8,507 2,021 7,249 534,980 5,617 29,722 3,195,505 1,914 21,935 658,050 306 428 2,732,967 97,970 2,146 80,270 3,745 2,671,693 828,224 See footnotes at end of table. 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 8. -Cotton farms [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting. number of litters . farms reporting . farms reporting. farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting . number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . number of litters . lor 2 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more inters... June 2 to November 30 . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 acre9 farms reporting . 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . . Harvested for grain or seed f arms reporting . . pounds . . Sales farms reporting . . pounds .. Wheat harvested farms reporting . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Rice harvested farms reporting . . 162 -lb. barrels.. Sales farms reporting . . 162 -lb . barrels . . pounds . Hay crops : Land from which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Wild hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . tons , green weight . 24,346 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 47,442 1,228,435 16,667 13,803 10,675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,989 1,166,121 32,477,386 20, 558 15,343,057 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23,572 2,953,382 48,899,130 22,812 46,631,049 15,036 775,586 17,196,042 6,669 7,166,717 6,040 269,791 5,773,842 3,714 3,997,524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8,042,333 6,059 225, 882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363,676 1,927 159,364 1,943 59,882 80,069 8,534 224,953 194,529 650 11,704 9,729 273,127 351,674 1,371 58,012 22,756 584,743 767,744 2,683 78,082 37,663 4,945 2,966 6,890 18,304 5,987 19,359 21,774 517,351 8,048 6,513 4,697 1,493 466 557 20,656 499,833 13,234,334 11,342 7,095,820 35,608 4,391,573 32,264 4,161,157 7,202,139,663 28,255 6,491,422,538 9,428 481,856 8,451,917 9,133 8,131,413 4,307 168,187 3,756,599 2,593 2,176,385 2,038 70,960 1,473,086 1,503 1,170,537 37 2,058 54,556 130,633 2,315 39,872 36,441 3,065 46,234 58,619 6,609 98,789 127,788 889,356 5,195 1,781,075 5,068 1,733,701 3,462,584,275 4,873 3,209,495,679 1,536 153,202 3,273,968 1,500 3,201,729 283 1,277 4,560 1,157 4,933 1,633 54,294 1,720,881 971 1,177,762 7,332 1,190,725 7,089 1,137,294 1,932,780,296 6,624 1,749,402,496 2,120 131,790 2,292,205 2,070 2,198,562 761 1,545 4,136 1,323 3,579 107,963 1,256 181 187 3,362 104,277 2,934,669 2,120 1,748,261 9,042 868,726 8,570 808,333 1,207,726,376 7,702 1,051,312,151 2,616 109,040 1,699,476 2,562 1,621,226 1,125 49,280 1,098,675 1,374 25,054 29,327 1,468 3,121 1,400 3,237 6,032 156,060 1,663 1,735 1,815 608 101 110 5,885 154,035 3,896,746 3,729 2,082,506 7,813 396,198 6,933 355,181 462,438,771 5,712 377,677,807 2,095 63,074 876, 171 2,005 830,604 1,273 37,635 783,565 2,760 1,932 25,289 1,798 4,462 1,262 1,347 2,250 1,083 2,212 6,333 118,026 2,238 2,334 1,455 250 51 5 6,068 115,084 2,704,863 3,282 1,043,220 5,049 141,716 3,979 117,513 129,404,135 3,029 99,518,695 1,036 9,690 11,410 1,758 16,744 20,415 See footnotes at end of table . TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 8. -Cotton farms Paia ve based on reports for only a sample at farms. See lextj 59 SPECIFIED CROPS lURVESTED-Cimlinue.) Cotton harvested f arnB reporting . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . bushels . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . Sales dollars . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting . 70,767 6,000,181 4,112,111 10,837 15,930 3,921,148 3,775 3,668 763,637 5,843 1,724,045 1,705,136 8,699 1,297,430 930,160 11,325 . 8 ,856 612,784 11,419 669,524 301,921 1,077 108 17,892 10,005 340,826 138,510 1,455 35 13,505 1 Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 3Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 60 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 3 of 8. -Other field-crop farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and expla] » text) FAIiMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . . . Percent distribution percent... Land in farms acres . . . Percent distribution percent . . . Average sue of farm acres. .. Yalue of land and buildings* Average per farm dollars .. . Average por acre ool I ars . . . Land in farms according to use Cropland harvested farms reporting. . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 -ores farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms rerxirting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . Cropland used onlv lor pasture farms reporting . Cropland not harvested and not pastured Tanns reporting . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop r allure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured fares reporting. . Woodland not pastured farms recline Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms rennrttng. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . . Imgatod cropland harvested farms refuting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . . Land in su-ip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number. . 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 dBys operators re(x*1ing . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm .operators reporting. . operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . , 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number . 160 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table. 137,513 132,420,276 963.0 114,619 21,362,359 4,647 6,771 6,734 13,272 24,063 26,049 24,236 6,965 1,882 57,266 6,411,693 46,893 5,051,330 15,772 1,584,301 16,101 1,814,145 24, 852 1,652,884 34,766 10,303,523 6,177 764, 574 84,333 86,736,493 20,330 6,739,758 25,322 5,641,385 24,800 5,297,295 135,381 2,161 12,901 27,116 40,162 37, 538 15, 503 50.4 50,868 24,418 6,433 20,017 13,075 23,377 86,645 11,425 27,036 1,908 8,047 4,804 7,765 11,954 12,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 21,950 10,147 9,416 2,608 100.0 671, 272 100.0 8,027 212 7,596 696 28,075 1,315 124,796 371 22,642 1,450 156,836 24,706 664 38,094 486 24,156 434 25,045 811 43,875 4,201 37 2,100 40 10, 551 15 1,442 45 8,607 45 8,159 13 105,421 15.7 468.5 9,591 116 6,332 1,365 77 6,990 62 4,310 53 6,495 103 8,408 220 25.8 197,850 29.5 293.5 11,080 242 12,335 1,067 40.9 213,701 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 8. -Other field-crop farms Data are based on report? for only a sample of faxms. See lextj 61 FARMS BY COLOR AND TFJ.TRF. OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners M Pan o.nm 01 All tpni.nl* m Cash tenants number., Share-cash tenants ni Crop-share tenants number . . Livestock-share tenants number . , Croppers number . . Other anil unspecified tenants number . . White farm operators: Full owner, number.. Part owners number. . All tenants number.. ( Happen number. . Nonwhius farm operators: Full owners number.. Part owners number.. All tenants number . . Croroers .••number.. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES \ND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines far" number.. Com pickers farms naaortiltg.. Pick-up balers fan Fielil forage harvester Motortrucks fan' I Tractors fan number.. Tractors oUicr Ulan garden farms reporting. . 1 tnrur fan.* fi^»- hv nun 1st -if nguliir hmsl workers: 1 hinsl * S999 farms reeorttng. . SI ,000 or more farms reporting . . Hired labor farms reporting. , dollars.. Under S200 farms reporliag. . S200 to S499 farms reporting . , $500 to S999 farms reporting. . $1,00010 $-J,«99 farms reportifte.. $2,500 to $1,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 to M9.999 farms reporting. . S50.000 or n«ire farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under S100 fan.,s reportinp. , S100 to $199 farms reporting. , $500 to --999 fam.s reporting . . $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline aad olher petroleum fuel and oil for the fanu business farms repining. , dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting . , S100to«-199 farms reporting. S500 to $999 farms reportinr . $1,000 to $1,999 farm- reporliag. , $5,000 or note farms reporting. , 51,370 5,775,560 558,011 44,810 423,984 10,833 134,027 12,355 692,375 12,000 69,962 476 1,558 5,763 364,543 5,684 40,365 94 521 13,343 301,238 12,389 28,348 1,092 2,581 13,004 1,360,608 7,599 34,580 5,722 54,672 21,324 1,480,023 16,440 110,231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1,577,753 15,486 140,498 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,081 110,807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10,610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 4,572 4,571 100,459 121,987,967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21, 788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 901 272 79,703 29,193,603 27,246 37,782 8,655 6,020 134,988 108,823,075 18,082 57,861 29,118 27,322 2,605 2,025 163,590 15,870 2,004 15,454 37 416 17,909 762 2,192 1,778 104,490 1,757 9,985 2,608 2,038 746,316 See footnotes at end of table. TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 8. -Other field-crop farms I Data are based on report** for only a sample of farms. See text] 63 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODI f lahle. 64 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 8. -Other field-crop farms [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Litters faifowed Decembet 1 , 1958, to Novernbei 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting . number of litters . 1 or 2 litters farms reporting . 3 to 9 litters farms reporting. 10 lo 19 litters farms reporting. 20 to 39 titters farms reporting. farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting . June 2 to November 3 SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Corn for all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 acres farms reporting . 11 lo 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reportin 75 to 99 acres farms reportm Harvested for grain . bushels Sales farms reporting Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. pounds Sales farms reporting. pounds. Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Rice harvested farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. -farms reporting. -farms reporting. tons, green weight. 24,346 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 47,442 1,228,435 16,667 13,803 10,675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,989 1,166,121 32,477,386 20,558 15,343,057 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23,572 2,953,382 48,899,130 22,812 46,631,047 15,036 775,586 17,196,042 6,669 7,166,717 6,040 269,791 5,773,842 3,714 3,997,524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8,042,333 6,059 225,882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363,676 1,927 159,364 1,943 59,882 80,069 8,534 224,953 194, 529 650 11,704 9,729 273,127 351,674 1,371 58,012 22,756 584,743 767, 744 2,683 78,082 1,206 425 1,169 1,237 24,921 646,499 1,859 111,377 ,979,373 21,950 6 17,980 10,500 5 2,000 6,675 15 6,675 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 8. -Other field-crop farms Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See le*tj 65 SPECIFIED CROPS fHRVESTED-Continue.! Cotton harvested farms reporting.. bales.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . bushels. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees3 farms reporting.. 1Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 3Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 70,767 6,000,181 4,112,111 10,837 15,930 3,921,148 8,539 30,258,272 1,075 158 150,415 66 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 4 of 8.-Poultry farms Data are based on reports for only a samp! e of farms. See text J (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS. ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number. . . Percent distribution percent. . . Land in farms acres... Percent distribution percent . . tverage size of farm acres . . . Value of land and buildings: Average per acre dollars .. . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 "cres farms reporting. 200 to 499 acres farms report] ng . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1.000 or more acres farms reporting . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. Woodland pastured farms reporting . . Woodland not pastured fm-ms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting . . Irrigated land in (arms farms n ■ Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . . Land use practices Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land ranns reporting FARM OPERATORS B V AOE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 yearn number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age yt*ars . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opefators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres - number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1.000 to 1,999 acres number . See footnotes at end of table. 137,513 132,420,276 963.0 114,619 21,362,359 4,647 6,771 6,734 13,272 24,063 26,049 24,236 6,965 1,882 57,266 6,411,693 46,893 5,051,330 15,772 L,584,3 16,101 1,814,145 24,852 1,652,884 34,766 10,303,523 6,177 764,574 84,333 86,736,493 20,330 6,739,758 25,322 5,641,385 24,800 5,297,295 135,381 2,161 12,901 27,116 40,162 37,538 15,503 50.4 50,868 24,418 6,433 20,017 13,075 23,377 18,552 86,645 11,425 27,036 8,047 4,804 7,765 11,954 12,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 21,950 10,147 9,416 5,394 100.0 853,652 100.0 158.3 3,429 390 22,864 505 13,242 1,650 155,152 446 33,736 2,905 364,850 6, J2i 115 5,169 8,018 711 41,170 1,103 1,595 1,534 1,477 586 1,194 1,469 3,007 468 1,127 443 190,440 22.3 373.4 27,794 106 9,039 6,802 41 1,485 139 24,272 37 3,871 262 93,960 94 12,673 16 2,351 15 2,339 32 1,750 14.3 168,688 19.8 218.8 78,290 114 11,449 1,196 22.2 207,653 24.3 173.6 1,307 63 2,891 124 14,358 659 81,929 244 15,434 40 1,305 30 750 88 1,810 145 7,313 1,304 24.2 151,389 17.7 116.1 1,056 19.6 93,730 11.0 10,150 210 6,855 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 8. -Poultry farms 67 (For definitions and mrxantiliorut, FARMS BY COLOR AND TEN1T1F OF OPERATOR All farm operators: CashlenaMs ni Share-cnsh tenant? ni Crop-share tenants ni Livestock-share tenants ni Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants ..m While farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number.. All tenants number. . Croppers number. . Nonwhile farm operators: Full owners number.. Part owners nun. 1st. . All tenants number.. Croppers SPF.CIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD ines fuf't number. Com pickers (amis reporting, famus renorti ng . Field forage harvester- farn Motortrucks farmi rorrrrrtirig, Tractors farms reporting. nun bet. Tractors other than garden farms reporting . numb. 1 tractor 2 tractor" farms nswtir 3 tractors fan-.* <■■,.*<.- 4 tractors b or more tractors Wheel tractors Crawler tractors farr.s rennrtir, aun.lv. Garden tractors fan -. raportjr Automobiles Aulomiilnlfs an I or motortrucks fan- Telephone farms reporting Home freezer fart Milking machine farms raporting. Electric milk cooler fnrn Farms by kind of road on which located: Mar l surface ferine reporting. ■ ■ Oravel, shell, or shale farms reportine,. . . Dirt or unimproved farms repsting. , . I - I linn 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reportine. . . I or more miles to a hard surface road 1 null- fen 2 or 3 miles fai l miles fet fli FARM LABOR, wki I .•p,lrir t ir.sl *.■r^■■^> /. I | hired *,rk.T III HirV 1 -I : M(M I il'l RAIIIR ■ tec ipcmtoi reportii g. . 52,227 48,864 34,733 5,132 4,591 18,067 1,375 2,351 3,217 51,038 47,406 33,332 1,840 1,189 1,458 1,401 32,889 37,906 8,850 9,159 11,435 12,011 5,251 5,861 106,879 152,274 114,774 228,187 113,482 222,569 54,023 34,310 14,325 5,740 5,084 113,066 217,652 3,970 113,403 137,972 132,556 81,625 79,632 7,375 6,861 55,562 34,286 45,213 13,949 31,264 10,853 14,649 2,297 3,465 16,735 5,646 2,989 1,468 108,440 21,844 7,229 3,200 4,168 3,044 3,829 2,424 514 76 4,170 4,827 5,125 2,703 1,176 1,447 68 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 8.-Poultry farms [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See te*l ] USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fcrtilirinc material? used during the year farms rqiorting. . flr\ materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture larnis reporting . . Dry materials farms reporting. , Liquid material s farms reporting . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting . , Dry materials farms reporting., Liquid materials farms reporting., Dry materials farms reporting. , Liquid materials farms reporting.. Sorghums farms reporting, , Pry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. Cotton farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. All other crops farms reporting. Lim - used .farms reporting. SPECIFIED FaRM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farm- reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 fnm.s reporting , . $100 to $999 farms reporting.. . $1,000 to $1,999 farm- reporlmp.. $2,000 to 54,999 farm- reporting.. .$5,000 or more farms reporting.. Purchase of luestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $1,000 farms reiorting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farn - reporting.. -1.199 farms reporting.. sr.,'nti l.. S'l/inn farms reporting.. $10,000 or nore farms reporting . . Machine hire far"-- reporting. . dollars. . Under $200 farms reporting.. $200 to $999 fnrm- reporting. . $1,000 or more fame reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting . . Under $200 farm- reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting., 5500 to ciei farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,(99 farms reportino.. 52,000 to $1,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to <9.999 farms reporting. . $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. . $20,000 ui $49.999 farms reporting. . 550,000 or more farms reporti ng . . farm- reportinr*. . dollars.. ' fan..- reporting . . $100 to 5 I't9 fara- reporting.. '. 199 fam.s reporting., $1,000 or more farms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting., Under $100 farm- ret. wnnc . 5100 to $.199 farms reporting. S500IOS999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more fam.s reporting. -■■e footnotes al end of table. 51,870 5,775,560 558,011 44,810 423,984 10,833 134,027 12,355 692,375 12,000 69,962 476 1,558 5,763 364,543 5,684 40,365 94 521 13,343 301,238 12,389 28,348 1,092 2,581 13,004 1,360,608 7,599 34,580 5,722 54,672 21,324 1,480,023 16,440 110,231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1,577,753 15,486 140,498 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,081 110,807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10,610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 4,572 4,571 100,459 121,987,967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21,788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 901 272 79,703 29,193,603 27,246 37,782 8,655 6,020 134,988 108,823,075 18,082 57,861 29,118 27,322 2,605 1,302 48,602 6,214 1,287 6,150 25 64 10,066 282 1,504 9,254 606 1,132 9,217 357 1,451 5,394 5,389 62,452,375 1,752 536,413 1,039 2,842 ,752,318 1,036 1,628 191,090 1,098 5,187 1,392,373 1,979 2,313 1,196 1,196 11,742,393 1,022 1,161 3,093,776 1,304 1,304 6,731,690 1,056 1,051 2,912,630 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 8. -Poultry farms Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] 69 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollai as.THi'e per farm, dollai All crops sold dollai Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollai Vegetables sold. , Fruit . .dollai Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. til livestock and livestock products sold. dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold. dollars . Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODI ITS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers thai have calved. Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves. s reporting, number. repoitin Farms reporting by number on hand Cattle and calves- 1 head farms Reporting. . J Uj 4 head fan 5 to 9 head farms rapoftinj; . , 10 to 19 head far 20 to 49 head fir 50 to 99 head far 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms ns.ctiti... . Cows, including heifers (bat have celved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head far 20 to 29 bead farms rOfDrtirtft . . 30 to 49 head farm- retaaline, . 50 to 74 head far 75 to 99 head hn 100 or more head .far 1 head farm, renartinjr,. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms repining. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting,. 30 to 49 head farms rcpirttng . . 50 to 74 head farms repealing.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. , 100 or moro head farms n*porting , , Hwses and/o[ mules farm- rn-nmr. number . , Hogs and pigs far Horn since June 1 farms reporting.. Bern before June 1 far™ Sheep and lambs far Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting., number., Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting . . number.. Goats and kids farms reporting.. Chickens 4 months Old and Ovet farms reporting.. number . , Livestock and livestock products soltf Caule and raises sold abve farms reporting. . InllfiisS . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. Sheep and lambs aold eiive fsn - reporting, I cream sold pound ■ ChiekeiN Deluding, broilers told fsn . reportibK,, ckei ,-gc- sold fan doner*. 2,041,053,079 14,843 1,120,11/4,709 1,055,345,971 30,258,272 15,264,938 19,245,528 920,938,370 102,232,960 108,562,320 710,143,090 108,651 7,597,798 104,969 3,902,356 53,413 442,540 93,613 1,854,171 93,218 1,841,271 2,340 10,339 11,267 18,956 29,931 19,280 14,736 1,802 7,519 33,498 19,804 11,533 13,669 7,746 3,229 7,471 . 2,486 1,494 500 511 48,689 180,934 47,601 937,880 29,548 530,312 38,982 407,568 17,357 5,715,302 13,936 1,847,959 16,144 3,867,343 15,880 3,577,804 13,588 289,539 9,726 3,001,203 75,838 14,696,006 98,230 4,285,179 597,133,194 28,116 1,018,641 30,559,230 14,768 3,168,453 38,021,436 11,231 2,226,620,740 180,562,320 23,784 42,074,535 35,110 144,292,944 44,730,816 95,553,245 17,715 2,577,250 1,897,259 209,050 181,816 289,125 92,975,995 85,734,496 427,765 6,813,734 3,828 99,590 3,661 54,535 2,038 5,331 3,234 26,719 3,006 18,336 1,850 39,755 1,127 24,570 1,513 15,185 591 48,350 484 13,257 561 35,093 555 32,844 455 26,704 3,797 ,426,242 3,163 41,802 4,726,575 1,094 49,302 1,479,060 485 268 8,118,227 427,765 4,976 40,189,788 3,291 102,280,307 31,706,884 42,143,417 82,634 677,690 561,162 73,460 16,818 26,250 41,465,727 39,229,983 294,150 1,941,594 21,493,544 27,877 795,289 566, 226 34,680 63,568 130,815 20,698,255 18,915,437 87,445 1,695,373 8,236 172 5,231 4,445 417 1,717,596 17,537,721 14,664 522,757 341,211 70,825 54,161 56,560 17,014,964 15,503,996 11,030 1,499,938 4,309 103 5,466 87 1,505 103 3,961 102 3,597 88 364 73 7,986 751 1,525,903 255,851 11,030 1,155 8,817,047 9,559,883 7,331 382,137 261,458 22,025 40,389 58,265 9,177,746 8,120,110 5,010 1,052,626 17,908 887 9,666 3,883 404 2,641 2,879 178 8,630 198,883 5,010 1,272 3,570,445 4,153,484 3,933 134,638 109,787 4,310 3,656 16,885 4,018,846 3,479,188 19,330 520,328 11,325 691 5,970 236 386 286 3,315 131 1,875 276 1,440 105 2,915 657,558 19,330 1,021 1,412,396 70 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued .Dai Part 4 of 8. -Poultry farms are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See u LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PHODllCTS-Conlinu. Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more Liters. . . . June 2 to November ,10 , December 1 to June 1. . . * reporting . r of litters . s reporting. * reporting . s reporting . s reporting . s reporting, number of litters., . . farms reporting . number of litters . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Corn for all purposes farms reporting . i reporting. * reporting, * reporting. * reporting. * reporting. 9 reporting . 25 to 49 acres . 50 to 74 acres . 75 to 99 acres . 100 or more acre Harvested for grain . bushels . . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. pounds . Sales farms reporting . . pounds . . Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Barley harvested. farms reporting. bushels . Sales. farms reporting. bushels . Rice harvested farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. pounds . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. Sales f Brms reporting . , Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting . , Sales farms reporting. , Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Wild hay cut farms reporting. Seles farms reporting. Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. tons, green weight. 24,346 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 47,442 1,228,435 16,667 13,803 10,675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,989 1,166,121 32,477,386 20,558 15,343,057 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23,572 2,953,382 48,899, I • 22,812 46,631,049 15,036 775,586 17,196,042 6,669 7,166,717 6,040 269,791 5,773,842 3.714 3,997,524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8,042,333 6,059 225,882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363,676 1,927 159,364 1,943 59,882 80,069 8,534 224,953 194,529 650 11,704 9,729 273,127 351,674 1,371 58,012 22,756 584,743 767,744 2,683 78,082 1,283 23,892 640,910 1,395 33,760 119,970 40 39,405 3,500 5 1,500 See footnotes at end of table TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 71 Part 4 of 8.-Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text J s, aw text) ToCal all Economic class (For definitions and explanation Total Class 1 TlassH Class HI Class IX' Class V a ass VI SPECIFIED CHOPS tURVESTED-Conimuw] 70,767 6,000,131 4,112,111 10,837 15,930 3,921,148 8,539 30,258,272 10,235 147,221 449 13,464 6,625 619 66 13,123 198 209,050 387 2,701 60 4,858 2,454 35 5 435 19 73,460 35 338 112 4,352 2,480 61 28 5,591 41 34,680 43 536 66 1,435 603 145 5 1,660 47 70,825 107 1,071 121 1,634 663 167 13 2,780 51 22,025 112 615 40 540 180 136 14 2,102 25 4,310 55 101 50 Irish potatoes harvested for home use 645 245 75 bushels . . . 1 555 15 3,750 Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 35 .cres... 40 Z Reported in small fractions. 1Includes miUc equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 72 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 5 of 8.-Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text J FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number.. Percent distribution percent . . Land in farms acres . . Percent distribution percent.. Average size of farm acres . . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars. . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms repotting . . 30 to 49 acres farms repotting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 ->cres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . , Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes forms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured forms reporting . . Woodland not pastured farm? reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. Improved pasture • farms reporting . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . . Land use practices Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . Cropland used for gram or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . Land in st/ip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years numher , 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members or family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or more acres ... number . See footnotes at end of table. 137,513 6,533 100.0 32,420,276 2,284,676 m 100.0 963.0 349.7 70,777 53,211 82.65 156.67 114, 619 4,669 21,362,359 431,385 4,647 233 6,771 489 6,734 427 13,272 922 24,063 1,229 26,049 810 24,236 509 6,965 45 1,882 5 57,266 4,297 6,411,693 445,903 46,893 1,163 5,501,330 78,131 15,772 435 1,584,301 25,318 16,101 322 1,814,145 17,467 24,852 623 1,652,884 35,346 34,766 2,605 10,303,523 280, 159 6,177 373 764,574 36,811 84,333 4,607 86,736,493 956,611 20,330 1,432 6,739,758 139,229 25,322 469 5,641,385 58,382 24,800 362 5,297,295 42,440 10,853 1,102 547,225 55,053 31,786 1,151 4,810,053 105,094 3,735 110 401,905 5,192 49,319 2,696 7,369,896 252,859 135,381 6,479 2,161 63 12,901 758 27,116 1,632 40,162 2,193 37,538 1,425 15,503 408 24,418 6,433 20,017 13,075 86,645 11,425 27,036 8,047 4,804 7,765 11,954 12,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 21,950 10,147 9,416 545,895 23.9 1,083.1 1,425 21.8 609,115 26.7 427.4 9,245 1,006 221,615 318 21,599 267 32,823 33 2,237 678 73,033 1,422 2,783 42.6 801,722 35.1 18,866 590 46,995 1,218 18.6 235,972 10.3 193.7 1,890 734 161,825 49,005 511 152 28,765 7,589 214 40 10,229 1,405 164 35 6,264 1,695 234 97 12,272 4,489 1,192 496 122,118 30,594 145 67 14,159 3,985 1,982 921 299,974 104,292 3,965 145 8,360 45 1,540 151 8,795 25 1,720 292 34,004 60 3,565 21 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 8.-Dairy farms Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See bexlj 73 FARMS BY COLOR AND TEMTtF. OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Cash tenon Share-cnsh Crop-share Livestock-share tenants numlier Croppers number Other anil unspecified tenants number White farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number . All tenants ....number., Croppers number. Nonwhile farm operators: SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ANT) FAC1I JTIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reportinc C(m [ucker- farms reporting Pick-up balers farms reporting Field forage harvestn-s farms reporting Motortrucks farms rcrs^tinr Tractors famLs reportinc , .fam s report, nc Wheel tractors fam B repnrun;: Crawler tractors fam.s reportinc. Garden tractors Automobiles Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting Telephone farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting Electric milk cooler farms reportinc Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reportinc . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reportinc. Dirt or unimproved farms reportinc.. Less Ulan 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting . , 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reportinc. 1 mile .farms reporting . : li 4 miles farm- reportinc. >r .r :il. farms reporting. FARM IJlBOR. WEEK PRECEDING F.NI 1MERATTON Farms reportinc hy number of regular hired workers 1 hired worker 2 hired workers '■ Ml "I I \I(M nl'l 11A1IIK - reporting., s reporting., Not residing on far Operators not psporti See footnotes at end of table. 52,227 43,864 34,733 5,132 4,591 18,067 1,375 2,351 3,217 51,038 47,406 33,332 1,840 1,189 1,458 1,401 32,889 37,906 8,850 9,159 11,435 12,011 5,251 5,861 106,879 152,274 114,774 228,187 113,482 222,569 54,023 34,310 14,325 5,740 5,084 113,066 217,652 3,970 4,917 4,896 5,618 113,403 137,972 132,556 81,625 79,632 7,375 6,861 55,562 34,286 45,213 13,949 31,264 10,853 14,649 2,297 3,465 16,735 5,646 2,989 1,468 108,440 21,844 7,229 2,578 2,824 1,047 2,548 2,808 1,037 1,183 1,298 5,686 7,796 5,889 10,468 5,849 10,139 3,166 1,713 593 222 5,500 6,755 6,482 4,794 4,300 5,960 5,875 2,854 2,066 1,495 1,343 2,447 972 2,009 2,959 1,074 1,322 2,582 1,033 2,651 4,199 1,391 1,322 2,562 1,018 2,588 4,056 1,330 510 1,449 771 1,209 2,396 950 1,506 2,732 1,088 : ,409 2,758 1,208 1,186 2,081 757 1,028 1,966 651 i . 167 2,653 1,138 1,355 2,623 1,131 74 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 8. -Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ) I SF. UK rOMVIFIiri U FF.riTIUZF.fi VJD I.IME Dry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. lay and cropland pasture farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting . Other past [enals farms reporting. e (not cropland) farms reporting als farms reporting i tenals farms reporting. firm- reprrlin Dry n ! .- Liquid materials farms reporting. Sorghums farms rei rials •.farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reportir Cotton farms ropcirtiny. . Dry materials forms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting All ni her crops. . .farms reportir SPECIKIED KaRH EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry ram's reporting. dol I mler S100 farms reporting. $100 to 5999 farms reporting. SI .000 to 51.999 52.000 to $4,999 farms reporting. 55,000 or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultry far- s reporting. Under 51 ,000 51,000 to $2,409 ■ i.999 55,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. 510,000 or more Machine hire farm- reporting. dollars. -. 199 farms renorting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Under $200 farms reporting . $200 to S499 farms reporting . 5500 to $999 $1,000(0 $'.',499 farms reporun, $2,500 toS4,99P farms reporting., 55,000 to 59,999 farms reporting. $10,000 to 519,999 farms reporting. 19,999 farms reporting., S50,000or n«,re farms reportm Seed , bulb , plant ind U farms reporting., dol Under 5ioo fan .- reporting. -Inn in $499 farms reporting IS 51,000 or more farms reporting Gasoline an I and oil for the fanu business farms reporting i. ■ „. farms reporting 5.1U' to 5499 farms reporting S-sm ui $999 farms reporting 51,000 to 51, 999 farms reporting 51,870 5,775,560 558,001 44,810 423,984 10,833 134,027 12,355 692,375 12,000 69,962 476 1,558 5,763 364,543 5,684 40,365 94 521 13,343 301,238 12,389 28,348 1,092 2,581 13,004 1,360,608 7,599 34,580 5,722 54,672 21,324 1,480,023 16,440 110,231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1/577,75 15,486 140,498 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,081 110,807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10,610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 -,572 4,571 100,459 121,987,967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21,788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 101 272 79,703 29,193,603 27,246 37,782 8,655 6,020 134,988 108,823,075 18,082 57,861 29,118 27,322 2,605 3,196 235,813 25,563 3,116 24,161 175 1,402 1,956 113,026 1,929 12,040 6,533 6,533 50,365,641 3,803 12,634,664 1,444 3,460 1,824,585 1,123 1,831 1,425 1,425 14,904,489 1,428 81,110 8,405 1,413 8,141 40 264 2,783 2,783 16,544,803 1,218 1,218 ,417,170 >■>■ foolmites loft TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 75 Part 5 of 8. -Dairy farms re based on reports for only a sample of farms. See u ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SntTRCE AM farm products sold total, dollars ." average per farm, dollai All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and Fruits and nuts, sold dc Vegetables sold dr. Fruits ami nuts sold rk Forest products and horticultural specially products sold rlc All livestock and livestock products sold iollar^ , Poultry and poultry products sold dc Dairy products sold dc Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cows, including heifers t Heifers and heifer calves farm- rcoortm Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reflecting. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and CTaiVM- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to I head I*- S to 9 head far 10 to 19 head fv 20 to 49 head tv SO to 99 head far 100 to 499 head farms retiming . 500 or more head Ian Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head fa~ 3 to 9 head far 10 to 19 head fai SO to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farm- reporting, 50 to 74 head farms reporting . 75 to 99 head tun 100 or more head far 1 head farms renortin 2 to 9 head fif 10 to 19 head farm, reorrtin 20 to 29 head faj 30 to 49 head 50 to 74 head farms reportin 75 to 99 head fu 100 or more head ran Horses and/or mules Hogs aod pigs Bom since June 1 farms reportir Born before June 1 farms rctvirtin Sheep and lambs farms eaportini Lambs under 1 year old Sheep 1 year old and over Ewes farms reporting. Rams and wethers farms rifsrting . numl-s. Goats and kids.. farms reporting. Chickens 4 months old and ovei Livestock and livestock products sold Cattle and calves sold alive ' Hogs and pigs sold alive frum* r,-r«ning. fcmba sold alive fsni reporting:. pillars Milk and crenm sold1 ulinc broilers sold dollars doll* 2,041,053,079 1-4,843 1,120,114,709 1,055,345,971 30,258,272 15,264,938 19,245,528 920,938,370 102,232,960 108,562,320 710,143,090 108,651 7,597,798 104,469 3,902,356 53,413 442,540 93,613 1,854,171 93,218 1,841,271 2,340 10,339 11,267 18,956 29,931 19,280 14,736 1,802 7,519 33,498 19,804 11,533 13,669 7,746 3,229 7,471 1,114 2,486 1,494 500 511 48,689 180,934 47,601 937,880 29,548 530,312 38,982 407,568 17,357 5,715,302 13,936 1,847,959 16,144 3,867,343 15,880 3,577,804 13,588 289,539 9,726 3,001,203 75,838 14,696,006 98,230 4,285,179 597,133,194 28,116 1,018,641 30,559,230 14,768 3,168,453 38,021,436 11,231 2,226,620,740 108,562,320 23,784 42,074,535 35,110 144,292,944 44,730,816 124,497,502 19,057 4,763,427 4,463,848 141,948 64,921 92,710 119,734,075 879,699 103,015,145 15,839,231 6,508 543,384 6,488 354,534 6,436 325,717 6,146 157,348 5,793 31,502 1,548 3,095 1,570 2,510 5,858 1,462 15,632 766 8,549 1,118 7,083 14,397 3,198 291,225 6,512 202,899 15,132,414 6,533 2,096,695,198 103,015,145 730 234,500 1,223 1,928,951 597,978 34,921,759 69,289 1,489,709 1,390,801 57,198 22,090 19, 620 33,432,050 251,323 28,054,638 5,126,089 1,080 38 5,031 36 2,091 32 2,940 31 2,383 30 557 37,808,753 26,532 1,452,381 1,410,216 19,800 5,885 16,4«0 36,356,372 302,348 31,437,286 4,616,738 1,420 156,375 1,420 103,125 1,420 94,054 1,343 44,658 1,302 8,592 601 1,243 262 3,480 133 1,935 196 1,545 41 5,897 4,453 599 73,991 1,425 58,968 4,410,925 1,425 641,446,453 31,437,286 40,454,562 14,536 1,433,841 1,353,515 40,790 16,276 23,260 39,020,721 228,040 34,467,938 4,324,743 2,778 189,356 2,768 122,048 2,747 115,139 2,638 55,679 2,498 11,629 2,635 1,446 81,681 2,774 68,000 4,139,001 2,783 708,084,051 34,467,938 9,456,938 7,764 268,937 217,780 19,500 10,457 21,200 9,188,001 48,458 7,835,483 1,304,060 1,213 58,844 1,208 37,579 1,193 33,437 1,147 17,782 1,037 3,483 407 1,242 347 i.ots 151 1,430 277 1,642 53 879 1,213 20,695 1,213,740 1,218 168,897,899 7,835,483 1,614,827 3,645 89,965 64,656 3,760 9,399 12,150 1,524,862 36,126 1,083,095 405,641 See footnotes at end >f ui>l 76 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 8.-Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODDCTS-Conl Litters (arfowed December 1, 1958, to Novenibet 30, 1959. . 40 to 69 litters. . s reporting . s reporting . s reporting . ■eporting . ■eporting . of lit SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 acres farms reporting . 11 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reportin 100 or more acres farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reportin Sorghums for all purposes f alms reporting . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting . pounds. Sales f anus reporting . pounds . Wheat harvested farms repor' bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Barley harvested fartn6 reporting . bushels . Rice harvested farms reporting . 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. pounds Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Wild hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. 24,346 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 47,442 1,228,435 16,667 13,803 10, 675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,989 1,166,121 32,477,386 20,558 15,343,057 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23,572 2,953,382 48,899,130 22,812 46,631,049 15,036 775,586 17,196,042 6,669 7,166,717 6,040 269,791 5,773,842 3,714 3,997,524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8,042,333 6,059 225,882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363,676 1,927 159,364 8,534 224,953 194,529 650 11,704 9,729 273,127 351,674 1,371 58,012 22,756 584,743 767,744 2,683 78,082 s, green weight. 1,047 21,505 2,040 88,732 124,767 See footnotes at end of table. TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 8. -Dairy farms D&ia are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texlj 77 (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPEC1FTED CROPS HMtVESTED-Conttnued Cotton harvested farms reporting.. . baleB . . . bushels . . Vegetables harvested for sale faros reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees3 farms reporting.. Z Reported In man fractions . 1 Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 3Doee not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 70,767 6,000,181 4, 112,111 10,837 15,930 3, 921, US 8,539 ■ . - ; ! . : \ 78 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 6 of 8. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See I (For definitions and explai Ml FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number.. Percent distribution percent . . Land in (arms acres.. Percent distribution percent. . Average size of farm acres . . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 -cres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . Cropland nor harvested and not pastured farms reporting . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting . Woodland not pastured farms rcpi fling. Other pasture fnol cropland and not woodland) farms reporting- . Improved pasture - farms reporting . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting;. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in strip-ctopping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Opetatots reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER TNCOME Farm opetatofs- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 to 199 days operators reporting . 200 or more days operator* reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work -operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operalcrs reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number , 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end of table. 137,513 132,420,276 963.0 114, 619 21,362,359 4,647 6,771 6,734 13,272 24,063 26,049 24,236 6,965 1,882 57,266 6,411,693 46,893 5,051,330 15,772 1,584,301 16,101 1,814,145 24,852 1,652,884 34,766 10,303,523 6,177 764,574 84,333 86,736,493 20,330 6,739,758 25,322 5,641,385 24,800 5,297,295 135,381 2,161 12,901 27,116 40,162 37,538 15,503 50.4 50,868 24,418 6,433 20,017 13,075 23,377 18,552 86,645 11,425 27,036 1,908 8,047 4,804 7,765 11,954 12,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 21,950 10,147 9,416 22,555 100.0 11,206,761 100.0 496.9 19,332 2,541,205 1,068 1,222 1,576 3,229 5,370 3,939 2,071 608 249 11,605 1,146,102 7,024 879,464 2,103 304,721 2,481 300,030 3,835 274,713 8,058 1,139,455 1,381 167,748 16,123 5,141,938 4,471 726,406 1,018 228,149 940 186,813 9,661 4,396 1,060 4,205 2,469 4,650 4,238 12,894 1,706 4,559 1,811 1,142 1,763 2,009 1,783 1,533 1,351 4,939 3,398 1,552 2,606,803 23.3 3,003.2 1,563,016 13.9 1,409.4 13,839 325 82,529 1,883,905 16.8 874.6 20,690 1,701 893,574 2,616 23 1,208 1,394 142,738 47,839 1,633 265,737 220 37, 557 3,489 973,750 1,081 174,560 171 13,336 2,393 379 1 , OC 8,018 35.5 2,215,209 19.8 276.3 1,624 2,732 1,094 4,042 266,458 2,208 140,883 432 22,602 834 59,518 1,223 58,763 3,005 315,204 587 53,052 5,697 927,227 1,737 137,347 173 4,002 132 2,999 845 1,406 1,269 2,042 1,348 2,235 659 1,728 51.9 53.9 2,221 2,720 3,776 555 1,784 792 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 8.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms tData are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] 79 (For definitions and e»plai FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operator s: Full owners nun.oer., Pan owners number . . All tenants number.. Cash tenants number., Share-ca«h tenants nufrher.. Crop-share tenants number.. livestock-share tenants. number.. Croppfr- number.. Other and unspecified tenants pumber. . White farm operator*: Full owners number.. Part owners number . . Al I tenants number . . Croppers number.. Nonwhite farm operators- Full owners number . . Part owners number . . All tenants number . . Croppers number.. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting.. nuj '"f . . Com pickers farms reporting. . number.. Pick-up balers farr.s reporting . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number.. Motortrucks farms reporting .. Tractors farm* reporting . . number.. Tractors other than pardon farms reporting.. 1 tractor ' u 2 tractors Tat 3 tractors runuj reporting. . 4 tractors ' 5 or more tractors ' y Wheel tractors f nrr Crawler tractors fon> Garden tractors tnn. ,> rrting. . Automobiles farm Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting, - Telephone farms reporting. . Home freeter farms reportinR.. Milking machine farms reporting... Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drior (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind ol road on which located: Hard surface. farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting . . Lesa than I mile to a hard surface road farms repnrting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms r.irortinp . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. . 4 miles farms reporting. . 5 or more miles fam - r*pDftlnf,< . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING F.NlfMERATION Hired workers forms report in p. . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms n-porting . . Farms reporting by nurrher of regular hire! WOfktM! 1 hired *<*krf farm* reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or i hired workers farms reporting . . 5 to ft hired workers forms reporting . . 10 or more hire*) workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators repotting. . Not residing on farm operated Operators not reporting residence number . . s*.(. !'..,i,., j,. ,i ,.n,j o( table, 52,227 12,418 48,864 6,935 34,733 2,889 5,132 922 4,591 468 18,067 584 1,375 208 2,351 194 3,217 513 51,038 12,047 47,406 6,754 33,332 2,769 1,840 184 1,189 371 1,458 181 1,401 120 511 10 32,889 5,140 37,906 5,799 8,850 1,610 9,159 1,663 11,435 2,879 12,011 3,042 5,251 1,087 5,861 1,272 106,879 17,286 152,274 23,050 114,774 18,154 228,187 31,621 113,482 17,999 222,569 30,689 54,023 10,727 34,310 4,429 14, 325 1,696 5,740 646 5,084 501 113,066 17,906 217,652 29,905 3,970 685 4,917 784 4,896 855 5,618 932 113,403 17,276 137,972 20,415 132,556 a, 405 81,625 13,445 79,632 12,848 7,375 323 6,861 226 1,307 207 13,858 3,134 55,562 9,449 34,286 5,925 45,213 6,779 13,949 2,100 31,264 4,679 10,853 1,500 14,649 2,387 2,297 337 3,465 455 43,279 4,890 150,195 11,492 27,495 2,855 61,245 5,384 16,735 1,939 5,646 494 2,989 275 1,468 107 657 40 108,440 17,830 21,844 3,457 7,229 1,268 1,071 3,011 1,070 2,948 1,999 4,347 1,988 4,231 4,096 6,754 4,047 6,576 2,201 1,328 416 72 3,836 4,382 4,499 1,907 1,296 1,323 4,669 2,274 1,009 6,637 9,509 6,621 9,167 4,731 1,447 302 96 6,298 7,218 7,711 3,388 2,266 2,262 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 8.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text (For tlcfini USF. OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZE!, AND LIME -ommerrial fertilizer am] fertilizing materials used rlurinc UlC year farn.s reporting. . acres on which used . . Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . Dry materials farms ro|,r,rting . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting . . Dry materials farms retiorting. . Liquid materials farms reporting*. Com farms reporting. , Dry materials Turrit reporting. . Liquid materials farms reportinc,. , Sorghums farms roporting.. Dry materials farms reportinc,. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Cotton farms reporting,. , Dry materials farn.s reportinc. , Liquid ii inter i id- farm- reporting.. Ml other Tups farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms repotting. ,,l .'..n,,. SPECIFIED HUM EXPENDITURES Any of the following Bpa ified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed fi* livestock and poultry fern's reporting. . dollars.. tnder SltMi farm, reporting. . S1O0 to 5999 forms reportinp . . $1,000 to SI .9(10 fans- rep rtinf*. . •3,000 to $4,999 farms re, ..rim,; . . 55,000 or iiK.r.- farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms roporting. . dollars . . 1 ndet 51,000 farms roporting.. $1,000 to $'_',i99 fan- ■% remirting. . 52,500 to • 1,999 forms reporting.. 55,000 to -■■. is i raru.s reporting.. 510,000 or more farms rerjorting. . Machine hire farm- reporting. . dollars.. Undet 6200 farms reporting.. S2O0 to s mo farms reporting.. 51,000 01 ore farms rejtorting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . Ions.. farms reporting.. $200 to S 109 farms reporting . . $500 to $999 farms reporting . . SI ,0110 to fc'. r.in fini s reporting . . $2,500 to * 1,999 (amis reporting . . $5,000 us 59,999 farms reporting . . $10,000 to $10,999 farms reporting.. 520,000 to 549,999 faocs reporting.. 550,000 ot more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulb .■,..- farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 5100 fnn-s reporting. . sum io 549! farms reporting.. 550 999 fani.s reporting.. 51,000 or more farn.s reporting, . ind -ii"s petroleum fuel and oil for the fans business farms repotting. . Under $100 firm- reporting.. $11*1 u. si'i'i farms reporting.. S500 to 5999 farms reporting. . 1,000 !■ i. '•'' farms reporting.. $5,000 or more fam.^ reporting.. 51,870 5,775,560 558,011 44,810 423,984 10,833 IX, 027 12,355 692,375 12,000 69,962 476 1,558 5,763 364,543 5,684 40,365 94 521 13,343 301,238 12,389 28,348 1,092 2,581 13,004 1,360,608 7,599 34,580 5,722 54,672 21,324 1,480,023 16,440 110,231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1,577,753 15,486 140,498 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,081 110,807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10,610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 4,572 4,571 100,459 121,987,967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21,788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 901 272 79,703 29,193,603 27,246 37, 782 8,655 6,020 134,988 108,823,075 18,082 57,861 29,118 27, 322 2,605 8,565 649,064 61,243 8,213 55,446 551 5,797 3,384 177,351 3,316 18,426 1,377 80, 172 1,370 8,901 3,652 88,131 3,548 8,684 1,812 110,052 1,532 5,368 1,315 39,344 1,221 3,452 2,731 153,814 2,538 10,615 22,540 a, 107 39,161,709 2,290 12,687 3,046 2,144 940 12,666 100,277,832 6,544 2,304 1,536 996 1,286 13,375 7,548,899 5,035 6,610 13,316 16,167,670 4,984 3,012 1,804 1,996 12,363 i,0l ,l I 5,516 5,477 832 538 21,858 11,060,597 4,759 10, 694 3,876 2,364 165 130,208 12,754 1,823 12,559 2,154 2,105 3,934,216 1,568 7,072,711 423 17,054 422 1,249 4,594 4,492 4,919,890 2,990 5,820,937 1,424 3,322 2,204,195 1,050 2,947 124,181 13,194 2,896 12,925 111 269 1,230 42,805 1,230 4,730 1,235 25,273 1,210 2,387 19,188 783 1,876 8,018 7,602 4,552 5,095,871 2,839 1,113 5,072 1,541,873 2,213 2,649 1,833,787 2,339 1,251 4,463 578,575 2,427 2,253,795 1,607 5,017 1,012 See footnotes isi.l ' TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 8.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms P&La are ba.««i an reports for only a sample r>f forms. See text ] 81 FSTttUTED VALUE OF PROMCTS SOLO HI 9 « HI IE AM (arm products sold total, nant= rumtier. Full owners number. , Part owners number.. All tenant* number. . Cropper I number. Nnnwhile farm operators: Full owners number. Part owner* number . . All tenants number.. Croppet number., SPECIFIED EQlflPMENT AND FACILITIES \ND KIND OF R04D Grain combine- fan- . • number., Com pickers farm* report) Rf;, , Pick-up balers ttrr* rcrcrt.ng.. Field foraj?e harvesters farms reporting.. Motortrucks farms reporting . . number.. Tractors farr, n ■ Tractors other than garden farms reporting.. 1 tractor ' ' > i 3 Iractor-, far 4 tractors 5 or more iractor* | Wheel tractors fart; - renorting.. number. . Crawler tractors fan, n Garden tractors fan, g reporting, . Automobiles fnp-i n urn her.. Automobile* and/or motortruck* fan>.s reporting.. Telephone fam Home fre#r*r farms sporting . . Milking machine far™ reporting. . Electric milk cooler fan. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting, . Power-operated elevator, convoyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farm nap Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile rarms reporting .. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. . * miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting.. Regular hired workers (employed 1 50 or more days) farm.* reporting.., Farms reporting hy number of regular hired workers- 1 hired workai farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting , . 3 or i hired worker-. farms reporting.. 5 to 8 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operator n Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Operators not reporting residence number . . See footnotes at end of table. 52,227 11,489 48,864 9,848 34,733 2,960 5,132 2,019 4,591 88 18,067 55 1,375 112 2,351 86 3,217 600 51,038 11,373 47,406 9,785 33,332 2,937 1,840 85 1,189 116 1,458 63 1,401 23 32,889 37,906 8,850 9,159 11,435 12,011 5,251 5,861 106,879 152,274 114,774 228,187 113,482 222,569 54,023 34,310 14,325 5,740 5,084 113,066 217,652 3,970 4,917 4,896 5,618 113,403 137,972 132,556 81,625 79,632 7,375 6,861 55,562 34,286 45,213 13,949 31,264 10,853 14,649 2,297 3,465 16,735 5,646 2,989 1,468 108,440 21,844 7,229 16,546 26,136 16,248 25,133 11,209 3,242 961 453 19,856 25,316 23,918 10,229 5,876 8,354 1,955 6,399 1,321 2,625 16,690 6,910 1,484 1,258 3,885 1,249 3,798 1,499 2,978 1,697 1,516 3,041 1,489 2,928 1,955 2,917 2,195 2,505 4,220 2,475 4,074 1,431 716 200 3,094 3,987 3,548 1,328 924 1,287 4,226 6,148 4,163 5,912 2,975 835 222 5,009 5,974 5,929 2,479 1,541 1,994 5,558 7,099 5,456 6,763 4,453 797 137 6,530 7,558 8,097 3,939 1,789 2,672 86 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 8. -Livestock ranches [Data are based on reports fnr only a sample of farms. See text USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME rtilizer and fertilizing Drvr r. .it - Liquiil materials Other pasture (nol cropland} . Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry mail Cotton Dry materials Liquid matern All other crops. . SI'FC 1F1FII I'MIM EM'EMllTUHFs Under S10O $100 to $999 51,000 to $1,999. $2,000 to $4,999 . $r..(K«ti.r -..re. . Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under $1,000 51,000 to $5,499 . 52,500 to it ,999 . $5,000 to S0.999 . $10,000 or nore . . Under 5200... 5200 to 5999. . 51,000 or more Under $200 $200 lo $499 5500 to $999 51,000 to 52, t99... $2,500 to SI. 999... 55,000 to «9.999 . . , 510,000 to $19,999 . $20,000 to S19.999 . 550,000 or more.... Seeds, hulbs. planl-. and L Under 5100... S100IOS499.. $500 to $999. . $1,000 or nore finder jltni... Sl00to$419.. S500 to 5919. . S1.000 to $1,9 siVKill or -.,■ iee footnotes at ■ i repotting n 9 reporting ms reporting ms reporting ms reporting ma reporting ms reporting n - reporting ms reporting n,s reporting n.s reporting ms reporting - , ri-,*nriij - r,s*orimg - r.'corling. - reporting. dollars. s reportinfl. 9 reporting. * reporting. dollars . - reporting. . rcfiorting, s reporting. 9 reoortmi'. i reporting. s reporting . ? recorting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. ; reporting, s reporting, i reporting. : reporting. 9 reporting. s reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting, s reporting. 9 reporting.. 51,870 5,775,560 558, 011 44,810 423,984 10,833 134,027 12,355 692,375 12,000 69,962 476 1,558 5,763 364,543 5,684 40,365 94 521 13,343 301,238 12,389 28,348 1,092 2,581 13,004 1,360,608 7,599 34,580 5,722 54,672 21,324 1,480,023 16,440 110,231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1,577,753 15,486 140,498 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,081 110,807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10,610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 4,572 4,571 100,459 121,987,967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21,788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 5,875 504,387 52,855 5,801 51,815 120 1,040 2,719 215,515 2,699 21,384 1,997 172,468 1,991 19,049 1,250 26,117 1,231 3,022 25,074 24,218 54,562,325 911 12,282 4,896 4,020 2,109 13,308 116, 782, 918 4,978 2,692 1,977 1,649 2,012 11,176 7,880,458 4,105 5,229 1,842 3,245 2,286 3,295 1,817 79,703 8,800 29,193,603 2,455,960 27,246 3,596 37,782 4,033 8,655 727 6,020 444 134,988 24,538 108,823,075 13,199,829 18,082 5,278 57,861 11,529 29,118 4,491 27,322 3,022 2,605 218 1,712 1,710 23,839,088 2,245 2,200 8,309,758 37,912 445 3,658 3,626 3,572 7,693,886 112,842 13,008 1,603 12,996 54,930 830 5,966 6,164 6,044 7,544,532 3,457 9,724,774 1,347 3,075 1,435,337 1,1U 1,644 317 4,255 3,522,726 1,254 1,124 2,140 108,258 12,474 2,128 12,451 14 23 8,570 8,313 6,314,200 4,013 6,805,404 2,172 3,637 :, :..:.-, 19: 1,919 1,532 186 4,831 2,349,151 2,244 1,282 2,950 435,689 1,597 1,190 8,349 85,336 2,656 4,707 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 8. -Livestock ranches 87 I Data are based on reports for only a sample of fatme. See text] ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All (am products sold total, dollars . average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold..... dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Frujts and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products gold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK AND UYTSTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. Milk cows farms reporting.. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves faring rapartia*., number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farm* repirrmg. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head fare - riveting. . 10 to 19 bead farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head far 50 to 99 head far lOOlo 491) head farm* rei.snmg.. 500 or more head farm* repining. . Cows, including heifers that have ralved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms repining.. 20 to 29 head fam,- reporting.. 30 to 49 head farm* reporting.. 50 to 74 head fa- 75 to 99 head far- 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk oows- 1 head farm* reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head far- 20 to 29 head far 30 to 49 head farm* reining . . 50 to 74 head farm- report *,-. , 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. HwseS and/Or mules farms reporting . . HogS and pigs fan- Born sinco June I farms reporting.. Bom before June 1 farms reo.irt.ng.. Sheep and lambs farm* reporting- . Lambs under 1 year old farm ' Sheep 1 year old and over farm* repeating.! Ewes farms reputing . . number . . Goats and kids farms reporting.. numb.*-. . Chickens 4 months Old and Over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alve farms reporting.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number. . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number., dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. dollars,. Chicken* including broilers sold farms reporting... dollar-.. Chicken eggs -old farms reporting. . dollars.. 2,041,053,079 14,843 1,120,114,709 1,055,345,971 30,258,272 15,264,938 19,245,528 920,938,370 102,232,960 108,562,320 710,143,090 108,651 7,597,798 104,469 3,902,356 53,413 442,540 93,613 1,854,171 93,218 1,841,271 2,340 10,339 11,267 18,956 29,931 19,280 1-4, 736 1,802 7,519 33,498 19,804 11,533 13,669 7,746 3,229 7,471 1,114 2,486 1,494 500 511 48,689 180,934 47,601 937,880 29,548 530,312 38,982 407,568 17,357 5,715,302 13,936 1,847,959 16,144 3,867,343 15,880 3,577,804 13,588 289,539 9,726 3,001,203 75,838 14, 696, 006 98,230 4,285,179 597,133,194 28, 116 1,018,641 30,559,230 14,768 3,168,453 38,021,436 11,231 2,226,620,740 108,562,320 23,784 42,074,535 35,110 144,293,944 44,730,816 389,496,953 15,528 10,882,865 8,988,804 398,836 675,953 819,272 378,614,088 2,201,056 702,890 375,710,1/42 24,230 3,833,152 23,604 2,076,971 7,932 19,632 21,792 848,377 22,939 907,804 391 543 1,550 6,060 6,966 7,374 1,280 367 2,134 2,962 3,287 5,046 3,495 1,585 4,728 17,473 99,250 5,351 162,566 3,430 93,860 4,257 68,706 6,904 4,563,269 5,534 1,418,303 6,488 3,144,966 6,401 2,916,518 5,770 228,448 5,879 2,607,282 9,991 693,230 24,086 2,146,592 304,225,388 3,504 202,882 6,086,460 ' 6,441 2,476,407 29,716,884 519 17,476,552 702,890 1,787 310,307 3,196 4,627,813 1,434,623 200,499,430 117,114 5,595,379 5,096,922 195,447 151,881 151,129 194,904,051 615,615 403,557 193,884,879 1,668 1,609,116 1,521 764,982 1,431 351,730 1,610 492,404 10,812 612 1,601,164 497 524,174 553 1,076,990 537 1,005,206 503 71,784 555 727,003 1,684 1,042,829 168,846,532 61,729,751 27,497 1,935,145 1,636,254 41,560 163,631 93,700 59,794,606 453,665 67,843 59,273,098 2,154 587,425 2,053 337,302 1,904 125,839 2,090 124,284 27,893 301 17,072 602,787 744 95,726 2,144 316,076 41,961,217 50,213,393 13,841 1,306,595 1,003,315 29,275 92,937 181,068 48,906,798 233,528 35,930 48,637,340 3,496 550, 331 3,379 323,621 1,159 2,438 3,171 123,983 3,351 102,727 15,169 1,346 880,212 1,112 269,379 1,262 610,833 1,248 568,603 1,171 42,230 1,231 560,008 1,313 83,173 3,482 279,247 34,680,162 601 57,077 1,712,310 1,275 428,709 5,144,508 43 42,912,045 6,962 1,184,371 742,899 60,617 149,693 231,162 41,727,674 358,888 94,524 41,274,262 5,986 552,123 5,878 331, 114 1,841 3,893 5,434 122,003 5,723 99,006 1,159 2,215 2,278 557 1,132 609 1,844 1,362 2,805 1,461 1,198 4,592 14,807 1,375 39,295 865 22,672 1,131 16,623 1,867 596,802 1,497 174,198 1,772 422,604 1,753 383,727 1,556 38,877 1,564 443,228 2,408 163,340 5,943 266,884 31,692,258 949 43,721 1,311,630 1,729 261,222 3,134,664 L27 30,797,028 3,593 744,356 434,601 53,525 106,852 -J.9,378 30,052,672 443,118 98,503 29,511,051 8,347 472,528 8,218 282,676 2,578 5,334 7,652 110,271 7,907 79,581 5,016 13,871 1,765 30,132 1,102 17,335 1,373 12,797 1,670 282,786 1,321 82,700 1,597 200,086 1,582 178,991 1,366 21,095 1,320 237,940 3,609 193,472 8,293 217,041 24,551,073 1,131 31,231 936,930 1,520 136,060 1,632,720 181 35,466 1,238 996,309 308,856 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 8. -Livestock ranches :D.< > bused on reports for only a sample of farms. See Unci] (Fur definitions and explai LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODIICTS-Conlinued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting. number of litters. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting . 3 to 9 litters farms reporting . 10 to 19 litters farms reporting . 20 to 39 litters farms reporting . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting . 70 or more litters farms reporting . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting . number of lit December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . number of litters . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 acres farms reporting . 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 or more acres farms reporting . farms reporting . bushels. Sales farms reporting. Sorghums for all purposes f amis reporting . Harvested for gTaln or seed farms reporting. pounds. Sales farms reporting . pounds. Wheat harvested farms reporting . Harvested for grain . bushels . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Barley harvested farms reporting. . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels. Rice harvested farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting . 162-lb. barrels. pounds . Hay crops: land from which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . Sales farms reporting . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. SaleB farms reporting . Wild hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. green weight . 24,3*6 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 47,442 1,228,435 16,667 13,803 10,675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,989 1,166,121 32,477,386 20,558 15,343,057 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23,572 2,953,382 48,899,130 22,812 46,631,049 15,036 775,586 17,196,042 6,669 7,166,717 6,040 269,791 5,773,842 3,714 3,997,524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8,042,333 6,059 225,882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363,676 1,927 159,364 1,943 59,882 80,069 8,534 224,953 194,529 65 11,704 9,729 273,127 351,674 1,371 58,012 22,756 584,743 767,744 2,683 78,082 2,269 li,544 2,251 15,454 2,865 57,941 1,249 2,673 52,907 1,398,199 245 127,946 3,465 199,867 1,329 86,507 134,322,628 415 54,846,521 1,484 67,202 1,476,291 1,436 59,721 3,025 100,866 129,387 15,01 I 8 15,018 1,010 15,111 377,675 See footnotes at end of table. TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 7 of 8. -Livestock ranches [Data are based on reports far only a sample of farms. See lexlj Item Total all (For definitions and exnl&nalions, see text) 89 SPECIFIED CROPS lURVESTED-Coniinued Cotton harvested fauns reporting.. . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . . Sales dollars . . . Land in bearing and nonhealing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting. . . 70,767 6,000,181 4, 112,111 10,837 15,930 , ei.ua Z Reported in small fractions. 1Includee ndli equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 3Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 90 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 8 of 8.-General farms Dal a based on reports for only a sample of farms. (For definitions and oxplai M) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent distribution percent Land In farms acres Percent distribution percent Average site of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms referring 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 lo 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 "cres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres forms reporti 1.000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporti Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporti Cultivated summer fallow farms reporti Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to 34 years number 35 to 44 years number, 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER rNCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms. Ictal operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural producLs sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number. 50 lo 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 1,000 to 1.999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See footnotes at end of table. 137,513 132, 420, 276 XXX 963.0 114, 619 21,362,359 4,647 6,771 6,734 13,272 24,063 26,049 24,236 6,965 1,882 57,266 6,411,693 46,893 5,051,330 15,772 1,584,301 16,101 1,814,145 24, 852 1,652,884 34,766 10,303,523 6,177 764, 574 84,333 86,736,493 20,330 6,739,758 25,322 5,641,385 24,800 5,297,295 135,381 2,161 12,901 27,116 40,162 37,538 15,503 50.4 24,418 6,433 20,017 13,075 23,377 18, 552 86,645 11,425 27, 036 8,047 4,804 7,765 11,954 12,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 21,950 10,147 9,416 9,455 100.0 3,962,154 100.0 419.1 1,244 2,461 2,433 2,068 4,543 267, 091 3,318 228,162 68,218 2,106 94,731 2,878 468,452 469 29,452 6,697 1,282,619 1,689 L83, m 1,029 258,046 1,018 239,477 1,713 2,872 3,062 6,084 870 1,789 775,563 19.6 2,148.4 4,326 95 37,024 6,778 227 64,229 1,581 16.7 924, 719 23.3 584.9 8,512 1,118 284, 019 9,282 640 103,912 2,563 27.1 840,040 21.2 327.8 6,130 1,851 237,011 2,971 31.4 624,918 15.8 210.3 14,429 1,057 98,725 151 7,155 2,184 197,341 9,225 915 51,963 TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 8.-General farms 91 [_DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Cash tenanL Share-cash t Crop-share t Livestock- share tenants. number . Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants number. White farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Croppers number. Nonwhit* farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Croppers numl>er . SPEC1FTED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms report! nf. number. Com pickers farm* reporting. number.. Pick-up balers fam« reporting. Field forage harvo: Tractors farms rrpnrtmp. , number. Tractors other than pardon farm-, reporting . . 1 trail* r Flinu rer«>riir>sr;. , 2 tractors 3 tractor* farm-, H-porting, , 4 tractors fun -. H^irting., 5 or more tractors farm- reporting,, Wheel tractors Crawler tractors farms reporting , , Automobiles .fan Automobiles and 'or motortrucks 'arm'. reporting. Telephone fnrn Home freezer farms reporting' , Milking tuaihine fan; Electric milk cooler farm* reporting. , Farms by kind ol road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved , farms reporting., Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting . 2 or 3 milos farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting . i or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Farms reporting by number of regulai 1 hired worker 2 hired workers .1 or 1 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers - report in-;. < reporting. * reporting. * reporti ng . Hr.Sirir.V r "I I \RMIiPI RAIOK Residing on farm operated operators reporting., Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. , Operates not reporting residence number. , See footnotes at end of table. 52,227 48,864 34,733 3,634 3,710 2,075 5,132 4,591 18,067 229 504 922 1,375 2,351 3,217 169 85 166 51,038 47,406 33,332 1,840 3,569 3,605 2,040 75 1,189 1,458 1,401 65 105 35 32,889 37,906 8,850 9,159 11,435 12,011 5,251 5,661 106,879 152,274 114,774 228, 187 113,482 222, 569 54,023 34,310 14,325 5,740 5,084 113,066 217,652 3,970 4,917 4,896 5,618 113,403 137,972 132,556 81,625 79,632 7,375 6,861 55,562 34,286 45,213 13,949 31,264 10,853 14,649 2,297 3,465 16,735 5,646 2,989 1,468 108,440 21,844 7,229 3,029 3,375 1,331 1,351 1,098 1,191 362 8,793 16,792 8,698 16,353 4,305 2,699 1,011 346 337 8,001 9,309 9,244 3,348 3,199 2,832 1,496 2,083 1,889 2,054 2,39) 2,029 1,524 2,485 2,780 3,550 4,420 3,832 1,502 2,455 2,755 3,440 4,309 3,722 324 1,129 1,950 1,463 1,700 1,576 2,231 2,498 2,530 2,451 2,772 2,910 92 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 8. -General farms USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZE!! AND UME "ommeroial fertilizer and fertilizing malenals used during the year farms repi Dr> materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Crops on which used- Ilay and cropland pasture farms reporting Dry materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting Dry materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Corn farms reporting Dry materials forr ,- reporting Liquid malenals farm- reporting SorghuJUS farms reporting Pry materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting COtton farms reporting Dry malenals farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting All other crops farms reporting Dry materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms renortine ,ime or liming material- used dunne (he year fanns reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES dollars. Under 5100 farms reporting. $100 to 5999 farms reporting. 51,000 to 51,999 farms reporting. 52,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. 55,000 or more farms reporting. Under 51,000 farms 51,000 to - fi,409 farms S2,500 lo si.qnq farms *5,000 to 59,999 farms 510,000 or nore farms Under $200 farms 5200 lo 5999 farms 51,000 or more farms rcjorting. reporting. ri'|..riins . reporting, reeorling. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Under $200 farms reporting. $200 lo 5499 farms reporting. 5500 lo 5999 farms reporting. 51,000 to 52,499 farms reporting. 52,500 to 51,999 farms reporting. 55,000 to 59,999 farms reporting. $10,000 to 519,999 farms reporting. $20,000 to 549,999 farms reporting. 550,000 or more farms reporting. Under $100... 5100 to -19''.. 51,000 or more s reporting. Under flOO farms 51W lo « 191 farms 5500 to S.999 farms 51,000 to 51,999 farms reoorting. 51,870 5,775,560 558, 0U 44,810 423,934 10,833 134, 027 12,355 692,375 12,000 69, 962 476 1,558 5,763 364,543 5,684 40, 365 94 521 13,343 301,238 12,389 28,348 1,092 2,581 13,004 1,360,1 ' 7,599 21,324 l.,'!' , :■'•■ 16,440 110,231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1,577,753 15,486 140,489 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,081 110, 807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10, 610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 4,572 4,571 100,459 121, 987, 967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21, 788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 901 272 79,703 29,193,603 27,246 37,782 8,655 6,020 134,988 108,823,075 18,082 57, 861 29,118 27,322 2,605 388,481 34,761 3,751 26, 632 1,765 42,344 1,653 3,566 64,176 1,602 4,691 359 1,174 2,170 130,925 1,926 9,551 335 2,842 9,455 8,277 7,695,676 8,068 5,802,134 2,539 4,001 1,528 7,052 8,292,011 2,223 1,662 1,256 1,123 464 223 6,692 1,883,842 2,671 3,134 4,895 2,106 1,523 5,626 167 4,353 113 787 196 43,429 111 2,240 128 1,576 1 50 50 5,613 179 2,163 9,842 187 1,007 26,452 306 1,741 1,581 1,445 1,813,340 17,192 473 1,472 2,563 2,235 1,870,590 1,652 1,2X,706 1,241 1,171 46,650 4,379 1,146 4,115 55 264 12,732 563 1,247 2,971 2,667 1,447,604 1,850 635,050 1,653 2,496 673,021 1,126 1,325 45 1,997 571, 088 1,040 2,152 263,225 1,223 State Table 18. TEXAS -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 8.-General farms 93 p»> ? based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ] ESTIMATED VAUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOtTiCE VI .[r- . ..villai Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry producLs sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LP.Fr.HWk v.\DU\E>TtWK PHti|iliT> Heifers and heifer calves Steers and hulls including steer a number 1 reporting i reporting - reporting Farms reporting by number <>n ham) Tattle am! 1 head fa 2 to 4 head fur 5 to 9 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head fa 20 to 49 head fa 50 to 99 head In. 100 to 499 head fal 500 or more head In. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. 3 to 9 head far 10 to 19 head farms reporting 20 to 29 head I sr 30 to 49 head farm, reporting 50 to 74 head farms reporting 75 to 99 head fan 100 or more head fa Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head .farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 lo 74 head farms reporting 75 to 99 head fal 100 or more head farms reporting HofSeS and/Or muleS. farms reporting number Hogs and pigs number Born since June 1 Born before June 1 farms reporting Sheep and lambs farms reporting ntrmbot Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting number Sheep 1 year old and over famii reporting numb.* Ewm farms reporting Rams and wethers farms reporting number Goats and kldS farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting numlss dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting Sheep and lambs sold all v.- fans, reporting dollars Milk and cream sold 1 farm* reporting dollan Chickens including broilers Bold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dollars See footnotes at end of table. 2,041,053,079 14,343 1,120,114,709 1,055,345,971 30,258,272 15,264,938 19,245,528 920,938,370 102,232,960 108,562,320 71 .:-3, vf 108,651 7,597,798 104,469 3,902,356 53,413 442,540 93,613 1,854,171 93,218 1,841,271 2,340 10,339 11,267 18, 956 29,931 19,280 14,736 1,802 7,519 33,498 19,804 11,533 13,669 7,746 3,229 7,471 1,114 2,486 1,494 500 511 48,689 180, 934 47,601 937,880 29,548 530,312 38,982 407,568 17,357 5,715,302 13,936 1,847,959 16,144 3,867,343 15,880 3,577,804 13,588 289,539 9,726 3,001,203 75, 838 14,696,006 98,230 4,285,179 597,133,194 28,116 1,018,641 30,559,230 14,768 3,168,453 38,021,436 11,231 2,226,620,740 108,562,320 23,784 42,074,535 35,110 144,292,944 44,730,816 90,315,497 9,552 60,245,578 56, 676, 068 2,346,348 914,131 309,031 30,069,919 5,139,966 1,174,986 23,754,967 8,691 320,268 8,472 160,234 5,252 17,254 7,856 82,434 7,782 77,600 2,340 3,3a 1,034 3,193 2,664 1,017 2,927 6,820 5,085 94,143 3,125 50,723 4,368 43,420 1,331 141,066 1,064 48, 039 1,271 93,027 1,265 85, 067 1,009 7,960 390 34,907 7,146 1,451,015 8,483 154,233 19,349,481 3,408 96,234 2,887,020 1,161 68,672 824,064 1,128 29,408,190 1, 174, 986 3,749 484,377 4,902 13,976,626 4,332,754 24,884,781 68,933 18,845,947 17,372,439 1,165,956 225,052 82,500 6,038,834 514,966 172,607 5,351,261 9,156 45 8,854 16,787,100 25,708 11, 952, 302 11,141,983 504,957 261,772 43,590 4,834,798 672,707 379,263 3, 782, 828 19,947,680 12,617 12, 839, 316 12,450,552 223,700 113,909 51,155 7,108,364 1,160,376 200,756 5,747,232 1,445 72,808 1,421 37,849 1,345 17,810 1,339 17,149 8,167 1,010 273,607 1,413 35, 306 4,387,798 16,594,258 6,475 10,146,469 9,733,216 205,880 161,548 45,825 6,447,789 1,332,190 190,387 4,925,212 2,373 70,729 2,297 36,218 1,382 4,023 2,175 18,301 2,189 16,210 12,811 1,979 424, 642 2,356 32,026 3,691,045 1,031 27,015 810,450 354 281 5,078,810 190,387 1,023 102,436 1,386 3,845,043 1,191,963 10,183,252 3,428 5,438,654 5,085,650 154, 590 140,205 58,209 4,744,598 1,224,503 203, 505 2,837 62,371 2,796 31, 667 1,959 5,930 2,616 17,041 2,565 13,663 1,012 1,288 1,365 1,768 27,627 19,138 892 1,010 15,213 10,328 1,177 1,477 12,414 8,810 3,360 2,527 412,177 2,788 23,636 2,632,232 1,045 15,637 469, 110 316 525 6,753,365 203,505 1,495 105,203 1,955 3,470,770 l ,075,940 94 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 8.-General farms [Data are based on report* for only a sample or farms. See text] LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlmued Litters (arrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farms reporting. number of ItUers. s reporting. 9 reporting . 9 reporting. s reporting, .farms reporting . 5 reporting . 9 reporting. number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . number of litters. SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. 10 to 19 lit •20 to 39 lit 40 to 69 lit 3 November 30 . Under 11 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more aci Harvested for grain 9 reporting. 3 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting . Sales .farms reporting . bushels. Sorghums for all purposes fa Harvested for grain or seed fa reporting . i reporting. pounds. Sales farms reporting . pounds. Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. Sales Barley harvested bushels. reporting. bushels . Sales. Rice harvested fa bushels . reporting . bushels. 162-lb. barrels, .farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. .farms reporting, pounds. reporting. Wild hay cut farms reporting. . reporting . 24,346 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 47,442 1,228,435 16, 667 13,803 10,675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,989 1,166,121 32,477,386 20,558 15,343,057 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23, 572 2,953,382 48,899,130 22,812 46,631,049 15,036 775, 586 17,196,042 6,669 7, 166, 717 6,040 269,791 5,773,842 3,714 3, 997, 524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8,042,333 6,059 225,882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363, 676 1,927 159,364 1,943 59, 882 80, 069 8,534 224, 953 194,529 650 11,704 9,729 273, 127 351,674 1,371 58,012 22,756 584,743 767,744 2,683 78,082 2,887 15,460 1,183 1,272 2,332 7,332 2,296 8,128 6,065 177,694 1,519 1,875 1,693 595 200 183 5,860 172,487 4,970,140 3,254 2,373,108 6,402 467,180 5,212 409,399 871,735,435 4,038 702,694,328 2,935 231, 025 4, 134, 603 2,883 3,950,407 2,081 108,768 2,513,595 1,124 1,237,100 766 1,291 39,112 27, 976, 535 1,204 35,177 49,152 2,591 53,294 78,297 622,325 1,217 117,166 1,122 100,756 194,463,682 937 152,658,292 2,140 747 2,470 52 40 1,630 49,402 1,429,038 1,004 739,025 1,890 89,444 1,624 79, 183 123,563,826 1,282 91,175,846 914 50 20 2,123 53,017 1,393,280 1,132 512,100 1,841 50,766 1,350 39,858 54,179,790 887 36,974,695 tons, green weight. See footnotes TEXAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS" BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 8 of 8. -General farms | Data are based on reports foronh a sample of farms. See text | 95 SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Cotton harvested fame reporting. . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . Sales dollars . . . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting. . . 70,767 6,000,181 ■1,112,111 10,837 15,930 3,921,148 7,469 314,417 149,045 1,781 4,941 1,236,986 1,337 78,175 33,154 2,168 75,879 27,060 10,649 192 205,880 2,237 44,389 14,131 includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 3Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 96 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on report? for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms by type of farm Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Total Cash-grain farms Cotton farms Other field- crop farms Vegetable Fruit-and-nut' FIRMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE , . , . numher. . 226, 599 137,513 11,445 51,454 2,608 900 865 143,184,706 100.0 132,420,276 8.3 8, 500, 149 37.4 19,618,024 1.9 671,272 0.7 218,460 0.6 acres 185,472 631.9 100.0 963.0 6.4 742.7 14.8 381.3 0.5 257.4 0.2 242.7 0.1 214.4 Value of land and buildings: dollar-... 48,378 85.81 70,777 82.65 105,378 150.16 64,942 178.93 21,783 86.94 40,807 171.07 61,754 302.30 Land in farms accoiding to use: 159,970 114,619 11,445 51,454 2,608 900 865 .1. r— . . 22,418,575 21,362,359 4,103,009 11,408,783 236,886 87,856 72, 515 1 io9 acres 21,272 4,647 35 436 146 145 101 17,801 6,771 125 1,407 236 145 190 farms reporting, .. 12,815 6,734 146 1,802 245 105 111 19,814 28,217 26,874 24,303 13,272 24,063 26,049 24,236 263 1,200 2,822 4,415 4,590 10, 130 14,023 14,359 306 906 585 152 125 177 100 71 185 farms reporting. . . 150 61 200 to ill aorcs 37 ion to 059 acres 6,980 6,965 1,843 3,854 26 22 20 1 000 or more acres ram - reporting. . . 1,894 1,882 596 853 6 10 10 farms reporting... 89,868 57, 266 3,903 16,767 1,349 257 157 7,838,931 6,411,693 828, 764 853,818 72,162 18,044 14,788 farms reporting... 63,631 46,893 4,928 22,426 910 262 215 5,767,203 5,051,330 912,129 1,966,966 43,698 23,331 7,942 18,382 15,772 3,038 7,831 208 29 26 acres . . . : .. -. ,041 1,584,301 507,840 538,464 8,027 6,805 295 21,073 16, 101 936 7,739 212 45 55 2,135,026 1,814,145 161,229 744,527 7,596 4,870 4,756 35, 599 24,852 2,182 12,031 696 208 154 1,980,136 1,652,884 243,060 683,975 28,075 11,656 2,891 ,,i ..... 12,494,862 34,766 U ,303, 23 1,497 390, 561 6,085 617,969 1,315 124,796 231 20, 542 218 :i. res.., 20,782 12,611 6,177 367 1,584 371 107 48 1,085,239 764, 574 44,835 87,562 22,642 3,335 4,113 farms ret 134,919 84,333 6,095 25,506 1,450 348 259 91,469,814 8< ,736,493 2,068,604 4,206,587 156,836 58,058 59,433 30,137 7,221,511 20,330 6,739,758 742 118,961 5,031 365,277 309 18, 212 91 6,422 117 acres . . . 9,975 27,932 25,322 4,764 16,014 163 325 439 5,678,926 5,641,385 1,661,069 3,192,576 26,204 55,980 48,857 27,100 24,800 4,749 15,970 163 320 439 acre- . . 5,326,128 5,297,295 1,583,812 3,060,406 24,706 49,778 48,078 Laod use practices: 13,466 10,853 407 . 664 111 76 HIT..-. .. 606,986 547, 225 27,626 176,640 38,094 8,875 4,121 Cropland u-.il foi cram ir m\\ crops 37,837 5,048,594 31,786 4,810,053 2,580 488,733 15,556 2,832,010 486 24,256 51 5,242 50 acre- . . . 2,684 Land in strin-cronpins systc < 4,377 3,735 286 1,713 434 5 5 429,051 401,905 57,596 225,768 25,045 210 200 farm- rc.ortme 65,825 49,319 3,399 18,942 811 163 156 " 8,229,585 7, 369, 896 709,690 3,221,457 43,875 10, 506 12,740 FARM OPERATORS BY AGE numher 223,660 135,381 11,279 50,852 2,55£ 875 842 2,790 18,967 41,659 60,300 54,584 45, 160 52.5 2,161 12,901 27,116 40,162 37,538 15, 503 50.4 296 1,477 2,721 3,137 2,501 1,147 48.2 1,144 5,875 11,130 16,169 12,226 4,308 48.6 40 270 574 843 690 139 48.4 10 87 174 243 300 61 50.0 5 20 number 116 218 v> to 6 i years number. - . 264 85 , years numher.. 219 V erage years 56.7 OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opetators- operators reporting. . 109,712 50,868 3,749 17,875 1,017 247 338 operators reporting. . . operators reporting. . . 31,615 13,887 24,418 6,433 2,147 507 10,903 2,281 710 136 132 32 71 16 operators reporting. . . 64, 210 20,017 1,095 4,691 171 83 251 Milli oilier mouiliers of fnmilv aorl inc. off faon operators reporting. 30,869 13,075 973 4,821 251 66 91 With income from sources other lhan farm operator- reoortme. . . 51,020 23,377 1,819 7,155 305 108 161 With other income of family exceeding value of operators reporting... 70, 555 18,552 965 4,169 245 79 225 Operator- noi notions off ihcir farms or not renortine operalor- reoortine. . . 116,887 86,645 7,696 33,579 1,591 653 527 'Vith other member- of family aorking off farm .... operators reporting. . 16,099 11,425 953 4,669 262 121 73 With income from sources olher than farm operated. r:ilor . 52,645 27,036 2,503 8,412 347 176 255 ft'iltl oiher income ,r f : » ■ - 1 1 1 v eveeesline. value ■•>"eralor-r "'"• 25,983 5,687 294 1,140 101 31 81 i VM-m sue nunitier 10,751 34,438 14,595 18,842 22,747 19,774 13,676 10,286 37,755 23,629 10,524 9,582 1,908 8,047 4,804 7,765 11,954 12,842 9,337 7,846 31,497 21,950 10, 147 9,416 235 160 320 705 781 695 580 3,042 2,821 1,406 700 105 3,495 2,120 3,700 5,321 6,313 3,827 3,230 13,265 7,382 1,945 751 15 185 155 180 310 330 295 221 681 190 35 11 20 215 110 105 110 55 55 30 102 60 22 16 35 315 100 70 55 51 20 45 85 61 13 15 TEXAS 97 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dar ? based on reports for only clal farms by type of farm — Continued Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms FARMS, ACREAGE, LVD VALUE Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent \verage size of farm acres Valued land and buildings Vvexage per farm tverage per acre 1 to 9 acres farms reporting, 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 90 to 29 acres farms reporting, 30 to 49 acres firms renorting. 50 to 99 acres farms renorting 190 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting S00 to 999 acre9 farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured rarms Cultivated sunner fallow I ..-rent grasses and legumes farms reporting. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting "oodland pastured farms reporting, f»l to C9M ' Bl farms if labl,'. reporting. reporting. 1,302 48,602 6,214 1,287 6,150 25 64 5,394 5,389 62,452,375 4,938 15,583,092 1,898 1,194 1,752 536,413 1,039 2,842 ,752,318 1,036 1,628 191,090 1,098 5,187 1,392,373 1,979 2,313 3,196 235,813 25,563 3,116 24,161 175 1,402 1,956 113,026 1,929 12,040 6,533 6,533 50,365,641 3,803 12,634,664 1,444 3,460 1,824,585 1,123 1,831 61,243 8,213 55,446 3,384 177,351 3,316 18,426 3,652 86,131 3,548 6,684 1,812 110,052 1,532 5,368 1,315 39,344 1,221 3,452 22,540 21,107 39,161,709 2,290 12,687 3,046 2,144 940 12,666 100,277,832 6,544 2,304 1,536 996 1,286 13,375 7,548,899 5,035 6,610 1,730 13,316 16,167,670 4,984 3,012 1,804 1,996 893 403 12,363 3,020,614 5,516 5,477 832 538 21,858 11,060,597 4,759 10,694 3,876 2,364 165 5,875 504,387 52,855 5,801 51,815 120 1,040 2,719 215,515 2,699 21,384 1,997 172,466 1,991 19,049 1,250 26,117 1,231 3,022 25,602 500 1,739 25,074 24,216 54,562,325 911 12,282 4,896 4,020 2,109 13,308 116,782,918 4,978 2,692 1,977 1,649 2,012 11,176 7,880,458 4,105 5,229 1,842 16,711 33,514,050 4,560 3,245 2,286 3,295 1,817 935 393 2,455,960 3,596 4,033 727 444 24,538 13,199,829 5,278 11,529 4,491 3,022 218 388,481 34,761 3,751 26,632 1,765 42,344 1,653 3,566 1,889 64,176 1,602 4,691 2,170 130,925 1,926 9,551 9,455 8,277 7,695,676 5,676 7,986,452 4,104 8,068 5,802,134 2,539 4,001 1,528 7,052 8,292,011 2,223 1,662 1,256 1,123 464 223 6,692 1,883,842 2,671 3,134 4,895 2,106 1,523 102 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Data are based on reports Tor only a sample of farms. See text] 'For definitions and explai Total ell farms Ccmnercial farms by type of fann ESTTMVTED VaLUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars average per farm, dollars Ml crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold .... dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars \]1 livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK VND LI\T.STOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and Calves farms reporting Cows, including hei fers that have calved farms reporting Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 19 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms renorting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 50 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head .farms reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and/Of mules farms reporting. number. HogS and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. Sheep and lambs farms recortine . number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Goats and kids farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Milk and cream sold farms reporting. pounds . dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms renorting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dollars. 2,118,379,747 9,549 1,140,309,709 1,070,930,194 32,271,794 16,771,125 20,336,596 978,070,038 107,488, 112 110,436,923 760,145,003 182,986 8,596,205 174,884 4,441,849 85,681 510,193 153,762 2,130,596 146,818 2,023,760 4,993 25,288 9,959 39,751 46,224 20,167 14,789 1,815 16,150 75,323 34,112 15,939 14,818 7,797 3,247 7,498 36,682 41,688 1,152 1,130 2,489 1,512 502 526 78,104 239,819 76,593 1,172,670 46,429 661, 570 61,649 511,100 24,081 6,023,464 18,884 1,939,201 22,406 4,084,263 22,065 3,772,336 18,227 311,927 13,874 3,157,284 130,713 17,504,935 163, 314 4,653,224 638,350,270 41,083 1,191,193 35,735,790 19,682 3,293,171 39,518,052 13,983 2,270,444,270 110,436,923 32,982 43,029,720 53, 517 157,050,146 ■ ■'. ." 2,041,053,079 14,843 1,120,114,709 1,055,345,971 30,258,272 15,264,938 19,245,528 920,938,370 102,232,960 108,56; , 121 710,143,090 108,651 7,597,798 104,469 3,902,356 53,413 442,540 93,613 1,854,171 93,218 1,841,271 2,340 10,339 11,267 18,956 29,931 19,280 14,736 1,802 7,519 33,498 19,804 11,533 13,669 7,746 3,229 7,471 1,114 2,486 1,494 48,689 180,934 47,601 937,880 29,548 530,312 38,982 407,568 17,357 5,715,302 13,936 1,847,959 16,144 3,867,343 15,880 3,577,804 13,588 289,539 98,230 4,285,179 597,133,194 28,116 1,018,641 30,559,230 14,768 3,168,453 38,021,436 11,231 2,226,620,740 108,562,320 23,784 42,074,535 35,110 144,292,944 44,730,816 223,388,467 19, 518 197,715,208 197,265,626 340,927 88,881 19,774 25,673,259 889,641 263,294 24,520,324 7,477 454,149 7,001 221,550 3,062 6,877 6,252 109,612 6,333 122,987 1,366 1,973 1,092 1 3,079 9,201 3,151 56,849 2,170 32,197 385,660 6,328 183,840 22,316,511 1,921 49,366 678 304 7,041,859 263, 294 1,369 56,630 2,400 2,240,233 694,474 797,097,261 15,491 744,458,243 729,859,619 12,039,300 2,384,948 174,376 52,639,018 4,069,887 1,758,533 46,810,598 32,879 732,973 31,659 374,401 17,200 40,005 26,300 184,640 25,276 173,932 1,585 6,378 6,380 8,021 7,523 2,052 4,410 16,835 5,904 2,064 1,386 9,126 20,853 19,737 238,992 11,497 133,927 16,021 105,065 2,752 174,466 2,066 65,841 2,449 108,625 2,376 101,444 1,854 7,181 785 30,008 30,025 2,112,473 25,294 314,459 38,597,903 9,773 205,519 6,165,570 1,815 109, 594 1,315,128 1,406 --■■', ■. .; '- 1,758,533 7,209 461,165 12,997 11,140,701 3,453,621 17,576,884 6,740 14,761,215 13,758,333 877,232 87,910 37,740 2,815,669 157,120 62,500 2,243 46,896 2,201 24,820 1,316 3,028 1,970 12,703 1,830 9,373 1,328 1,284 20,081 817 11,664 1,073 8,417 8,326 1,689 79,361 1,954 17, 194 1,950,658 16, 813, 172 18,681 16,029,509 2,997,575 12,864,881 155,563 11,490 783,663 29,256 33,637 720,770 TEXAS 103 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms by type of farm — Continued Poultry farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOCRCE All farm pfOdUClS SOld total, dollars.., average per farm, dollars.. , Ml croos sold dollars . . . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. .. Vegetables sold dollars... Fruits and nuts sold dollars . . . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.., .All livestock and livestock products sold dollars... Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. , Dairy products sold dollars... Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and Calves farms reporting... Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. . number. .. Milk cows farms reporting.. . number... Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.., Steers and bulls including steer and boll calves farms reporting. .. number. . . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farm* reporting... 2 to 4 head farmi reporting.., 5 to 9 head Pan 10 to 19 head farms reporting... 20 to 49 heed farms reporting... 50 to 90 head farms reporting... 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . 500 or more head far: Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head fan - 30 to '28 head farms reporting.. 10 to 49 heed far 50 to 74 Seed farms reporting.. 75 to 99 heed farms reporting.. 100 or more head fan Milk cow — 1 head farm* reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to IB head fan. 20 to 29 head farm* ren-rtina . . 30 to 49 head (arms reporting.. 50 to 74 head tu 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. HofSeS and or mules farms reporting.. number.. HogS and pigs farm- reporting.. number.. Bom since June I farms reporting.. ntJtnlMf. . Bom before June 1 farms reporting. . number. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . Ram- and wether- farms rop. irtin g, . number. . Goats and kids farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number.. Livestock and livestock products sold Cattle and calves sold alive farm- reporting, - number. . dollars.. pjgB sold alive farms reporting. . dollar*. . ir.-l lambs ir>|d aim- farms reporting.. number . . dollars.. Milk and cream sold l farms reporting.. Chicken- including broilers .sold fann ■ doll vs.. Chicken egg- sold farms reporting. . 95,553,245 17,715 2,577,250 1,897,259 209,050 181,816 289,125 92,975,995 85,734,496 427,765 6,813,734 3,828 99,590 3,661 54,535 2,038 5,331 3,234 26,719 3,006 18,336 1,471 3,353 1,850 39,755 1,127 24, 570 1,513 15,185 591 124,497,502 19,057 4,763,427 4,463,848 141,948 64,921 92,710 119,734,075 879,699 103,015,145 15,839,231 6,508 543,384 6,488 354, 534 6,436 325,717 6,146 157,348 5,793 31,502 1,548 3,095 1,570 2,510 5,858 1,462 15,632 766 8,549 1,118 7,083 12,215 287 10,993 .i.ihu 26,704 14,397 3,797 3,198 8,426,242 291,225 3,163 6,512 41,802 1 .., |99 4,726,575 15 ,132,414 1,094 527 49,302 14,416 1,479,060 432,480 485 226 21,998 9,020 263,976 108,240 268 6,533 8,118,227 2,096 ,695,198 427,765 io: ,015,145 4,976 730 40,189,788 234,500 3,291 1,223 102,280,307 i . • 'y 31,706,884 597,978 255,073,170 11,309 40,551,691 38,580,723 789,848 852,278 328,842 214,521,479 3,106,661 1,036,525 210,378,293 21,439 1,526,229 20, 116 612,491 9,645 23,347 18,996 421,311 19,201 492,427 160 1,014 1,446 3,605 7,301 4,440 3,168 305 823 5,325 4,826 2,976 3,155 1,394 609 1,008 10,531 27,852 9,194 304,353 6,381 171,988 7,764 132,365 4,250 677,695 3,579 266,154 3,981 411,541 3,912 374,785 3,362 36,756 1,821 262,905 13,708 1,224,257 21,393 1,208,212 189,033,505 6,930 380,683 11,420,490 3,762 439,506 5,274,072 926 25,567,358 1,036,525 3,618 268,622 6,341 7,684,414 2,382,164 389,496,953 15,528 10,882,865 8,988,804 398,836 675,953 819,272 378,614,088 2,201,056 702,890 375,710,142 24,230 3,833,152 23,604 2,076,971 7,932 19,632 21,792 848,377 22,939 907,804 391 543 1,550 6,060 6,966 7,374 1,280 367 2,134 2,962 3,287 5,046 3,495 1,585 4,728 17,473 99,250 5,351 162,566 3,430 93,860 4,257 68,706 6,904 4,563,269 5,534 1,418,303 6,488 3,144,966 6,401 2,916,518 5,770 228,448 5,879 2,607,282 9,991 693,230 24,086 2,146,592 304,225,388 3,504 202,882 6,086,460 6,441 2,476,407 29,716,884 519 17,476,552 702,890 1,787 310,307 3,196 4,627,813 1,434,623 90,315,497 9,552 60,245,578 56,676,068 2,346,348 914,131 309,031 30,069,919 5,139,966 1,174,986 23,754,967 8,691 320,268 8,472 160,234 5,252 17,254 7,856 82,434 7,782 77,600 2,340 3,321 1,034 3,193 2,664 1,017 2,927 6,820 5,085 94,143 3,125 50,723 4,368 43,420 1,331 141,066 1,064 46,039 1,271 93,027 1,265 85,067 1,009 7,960 390 34,907 7,146 1,451,015 8,483 154,233 19,349,481 3,408 96,234 2,887,020 1,169 68,672 824,064 1,128 29,408,190 1,174,986 3,749 484,377 4,902 13,976,626 4,332,754 3m footnote tl "'"1 of 'uMp, 104 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all farms Commercial farms by type of farm Cotton farms LINTiSTOCK AKD LIVESTOCK PRODl'CTS-Continued Litters (arrowed December 1. 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting . . number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters farms reoorltng. . 3 to 9 Utters .... farms reporting. . 10 to 19 litters .... farms reporting. . 20 to 39 litters .... farms reporting. . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting.. June 2 to November 30 farms reporting.. number of liners.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of liUers.. SPECIFIED CROPS IURVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting.. Inder 11 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms renorting.. Harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels . ■ Sales farms renorting.. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. pounds. Sales farms reporting. pounds. Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms report ing . bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Rice harvested farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. pounds ■ Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Wild hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Other hay cut farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. 35,504 188,939 18,674 12,071 3,123 1,220 298 118 28,289 92,747 24,258 96,192 70,742 1,457,146 33,269 18,730 12,185 3,776 1,242 1,540 67,146 1,383,496 37,316,158 25,621 16,474,574 78,837 7,590,221 59,982 6,730,450 13,259,448,648 46,825 11,571,764,340 26,045 3,017,204 49,648,140 25,048 47,281,872 18,166 862,200 18,786,151 7,864 7,784,694 6,514 5,888,476 3,905 4,038,734 1,846 424,170 8,202,742 1,846 8,049,226 8,366 245,820 171,382,610 5,792 166, 223 377, 298 2,086 163,293 2,569 69,575 11,168 264,717 223, 588 859 14,298 14,189 323,386 409,027 1,999 63,597 31,066 690, 874 B II .'•:- 3,708 91,336 14 24,346 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 47,442 1,228,435 16,667 13,803 10,675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,989 1,166,121 32,477,386 20,558 15,343,057 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23,572 2,953,382 48,899,130 22,812 46,631,049 15,036 775, 586 17,196,042 6,669 7,166,717 6,040 269,791 5,773,842 3,714 3,997,524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8,042,333 6,1 59 225,882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363,676 1,927 159,364 1,943 \ r 80,069 8,534 224,953 194, 529 ' - . i 22,756 584,743 767,744 2,683 78,082 229 367 3,300 151,266 4,955,588 2,668 4,053,848 7,959 1,497,825 7,427 1,425,728 4,041,343,051 7,045 3,788,736,888 5,989 1,458,826 26,116,367 5,955 25,094,529 1,824 124,378 3,050,403 1,296 2,133,842 1,661 101,979 2,366,276 1,337 1,888,364 1,689 408,622 7,920,604 1,689 7,777,872 205 1,404 31,217 41,599 8,828 37,663 4,945 2,966 6,890 18,304 5,987 19,359 21,774 517,351 8,048 6,513 4,697 1,493 466 557 20,656 499,833 13,234,334 11,342 7,095,820 35,608 4,391,573 32,264 4,161,157 7,202,139,663 28,255 6,491,422,538 9,428 481,856 8,451,917 9,133 8,131,413 4,307 168,187 3,756,599 2,593 2,176,385 2,038 70,960 1,473,086 1,503 1,170,537 37 2,058 54, 556 130,633 2,315 39,872 3,065 46,234 58,619 1,237 24,921 646,499 311 258,795 1,074 36,253 1,859 111,377 86,979,373 1. . 1 8,000 TEXAS 105 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ^Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. S« Cornrnerclal farms try type of farm — Continued Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms Miscellaneous LIVESTOCK \ND LIVESTOCK PRODL'CTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958. to November 30, 1959 farms reporlinc.. number of litters.. 1 or 1 litters farms reporting.. 3 to 9 litters farms reporting. . 10 to 19 litters farms reporting. . 30 to 39 litters farms reporting.. 40 to R9 1 1 Iters farms reporting.. litters farms reporting.. June 2 to November 30 farms reporting. . December ltofunel farms reporting. , number of litters.. SPECIFIED CROPS II >R\ E.-TED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . Under 11 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 04 acres farms retorting.. •25 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 or more acres .farms reporting. . Harvested for grain farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting. . bushels.. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested fox grain or seed farms reporting. pounds. Sales farms reporting. pounds. Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Seles farms reporting. bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Rice harvested farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. pounds.. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres.. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. , Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . tone. . Sales farms report ljif. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . Sales farms reporting. , Wild hay cut farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. 1,283 23,892 640,910 1,106 341 1,268 1,047 21,505 642,496 2,040 88,732 124,767 5,872 52,987 2,042 2,209 4,847 25,809 4,602 27,178 8,768 228,727 2,899 2,657 2,114 631 214 253 8,393 212,928 5,798,009 2,145 1,145,214 9,ai 621,097 6,061 420,406 690,221,672 3,019 349,426,267 3,924 639,407 8,378,352 3,682 7,792,728 4,373 259,724 5,282,997 1,254 1,263,674 1,167 49,742 929,942 1,337 40,514 23,390,247 2,631 85,686 70,977 170 2,500 2,435 87,824 109,909 381 13,655 6,070 195, 534 243,144 2,269 12,544 2,251 15,454 2,865 57,941 1,249 2,673 52,907 1,398,199 245 127,946 3,465 199,867 1,329 86,507 134,322,628 415 54,846,521 1,484 67,202 1,476,291 1,436 59,721 79,027 102 2,488 3,025 100,866 129,387 216 3,793 2,887 15,460 1,183 1,272 2,332 7,332 2,296 8,128 6,065 177,694 1,519 1,675 1,693 595 200 183 5,860 172,487 4,970,140 3,254 2,373,108 6,402 467,180 5,212 409,399 871,735,435 4,038 702,694,328 2,935 231,025 4,134,603 2,883 3,950,407 2,081 108,768 2,513,595 1,124 1,237,100 766 1,291 39,112 27,976,535 1,204 35,177 49,152 2,591 53,294 78,297 grow eight. footnotes at end of table. 106 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all farms Commercial farms by type of farm Cotton farms 81,823 6,157,184 4,164,655 19,363 17,246 4,106,276 SPECIFIED CROPS HAR\T-STED — Continued Cotton harvested farms reporting. . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . bushels. • Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting.. includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 2Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 3Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 70,767 6,000,181 4,112,111 10,837 15,930 3,921,148 4,021 51,454 204,312 5,166,791 116,4*7 3,710,805 392 3,775 1,122 3,668 270,016 763,637 279 3,638 340,927 12,039,300 343 2,873 1,132 28,686 TEXAS 107 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms by type of farm — Continued Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED — Continued Cotton harvested farms reporting... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . . bushels. . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting... Sales dollars . . . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting... 1,781 4,941 1,236,986 108 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FA RMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of famis. See text (For definitions and expla FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent distri button , percent Land in farms acres Percent di stri button percent Average size of farni acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting, 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting .10 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasUire farms reporting Cropland not harvested and nol pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) .farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporti ng Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting Cropland used for grain or row crops fanned on the countour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to H years number 35 to 44 years .number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off- farm work operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources nlher than farm operated , operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 143,184,706 100.0 631.9 159,970 22,418,575 21,272 17,801 12,815 19,814 28,217 26,874 24,303 6,980 1,894 89,868 7,838,931 63,631 5,767,203 18,382 1,652,041 21,073 2,135,026 35, 599 1,980,136 66,066 12,494,862 12,611 1,085,239 134,919 91,469,814 30,137 7,221,511 27,932 5,678,926 27,100 5,326,128 4,377 429,051 65,825 8,229,585 223,660 2,790 18,967 41,859 60,300 54,584 45,160 52.5 109,712 31,615 13,887 64,210 30,869 51,020 70,555 2,870 9,964 2,870 3,976 866 3,231 10,601 215 1,201 2,175 2,542 2,224 2,244 51.2 19,274 268,630 8,227 5,884 2,886 2,277 9,710 137,629 4,950 47,080 6,775 3,725 33,195 7,858 101,961 1,843 20,944 15,796 268,526 2,696 37,499 3,076 54,990 2,941 50,470 1,490 3,141 64,310 2,709 6,030 ". '- S 116,887 16,099 52,645 7,621 21,715 740 4,290 750 2,632 6,131 14,793 2,295 6,257 3,544 9,511 6,774 17,870 3,130 12,723 546 1,912 2,133 8,494 1,778 6,913 847,803 0.6 58.1 9,580 247,007 2,267 1,920 1,450 2,642 1,301 5,273 135,372 3,012 47,395 12,375 2,080 29,120 4,862 106,562 1,072 18,909 8,173 254,907 1,646 36,875 3,360 3,046 96,629 2,297 3,608 3,951 3,607 8,669 2,010 1,035 5,624 6,677 5,926 885 3,573 2,588 13,245 480,816 2,350 2,291 1,550 2,725 4,329 7,187 227,986 4,414 94,149 1,101 25,204 2,897 55,398 6,432 193,880 1,387 36,540 11, 524 483,664 2,382 74, 161 5,975 5,035 204,870 18,676 190 1,246 2,809 4,694 4,887 4,850 54.8 10,119 2,466 1,415 6,238 4,457 7,322 TEXAS 109 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See text J (For definitions and expla Size of farm-Continued FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number Percent distribution. percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average size of farm acres Value of latirj and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 90 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 300 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvesued and not pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow .... , farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Otiier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Wood! and pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Irrigated cropland harvester! farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for snil-eronion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to M years number 35 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years ni 55 to 64 years rrmba 85 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER tNCOME Farm opetators- Worlting off their farms, total operators reporting I to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting J0O or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their rams or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting .-mbers of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting With other income of Tamily exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of utble. 910 1,486 1,195 2,161 3,894 5,727 8,271 357,475 5,939 222,549 1,450 38,010 1,829 76,582 3,457 107,957 6,519 365,747 1,138 44,580 11,748 852,514 2,846 123,607 2,540 258,372 2,505 246,843 30,650 6,675 458,476 19,543 301 1,681 3,164 5,514 4,982 3,901 52.7 9,632 3,440 1,197 4,995 2,657 4,354 5,468 10,142 1,477 4,106 2,716,451 1.9 198.6 1,348 2,481 4,007 6,360 352,103 4,178 183,128 1,006 32,675 1,451 72,299 2,382 78,154 8,463 771,989 2,006 113,150 1,162 137,709 1,1/42 131,172 20,350 5,188 420,145 2,666 3,959 3,281 2,553 745 3,489 1,891 2,838 3,726 7,389 1,155 3,025 1,730 2,682 1,490 4,586 271,138 3,427 173,232 1,130 60,755 1,992 76,852 6,423 678,940 1,537 103,984 1,181 170,035 1,151 160,720 21,990 4,130 389,365 10,170 141 1,017 1,985 2,818 2,511 1,698 51.3 610 2,053 1,190 2,117 2,262 5,756 930 2,086 13,492,197 9.4 357.4 865 1,502 1,452 2,615 4,869 7,304 12,604 17,730 1,353,674 13,990 1,011,641 4,571 231, 757 5,135 404,885 7,347 374,999 11,480 1,566,006 2,079 166,641 23,483 3,759,193 5,519 513,391 7,037 1,408,294 6,931 1,346,911 1,200 120,375 15,267 2,015,053 37,393 541 3,531 7,888 10,824 9,026 5,583 50.7 15,478 6,382 1,947 7,149 4,454 7,365 7,151 16,325,487 11.4 690.9 676 771 1,261 2,259 3,023 6,819 4,338 11,190 1,385,728 10,019 1,357,238 3,872 370,672 4,119 572,825 4,561 413,741 6,538 1,909,091 1,084 167,708 16,067 5,445,257 3,656 713,168 5,503 1,741,812 5,422 1,646,068 103,925 9,561 1,897,546 22,277 3,104 7,879 23,310 241 2,520 5,U5 6,936 5,287 3,181 . 50.1 8,372 3,291 1,263 3,818 2,279 4,368 3,289 15,257 2,051 5,278 14,423,884 10.1 1,370.6 1,181 1,867 1,759 894 5,157 1,155,431 4,370 1,058,549 1,895 372,394 1,910 393,128 1,864 293,027 7,950 6,582,763 1,948 784,959 2,096 888,178 2,033 831,357 51,067 3,854 1,102,781 2,219 2,975 2,395 1,624 1,965 1,360 7,184 788 2,691 110 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lextj (For definitions and evplai FARMS BY COLOR AM) TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number.., Part owners number... All tenants number... Cash tenants number. . . Share-cash tenants number. . . Cror-share tenants number. . . Livestock-share tenants number . . . Cropners number. . , Other and unspecified tenants number... White farm ooerators: Full owners number. . . Part owners number . . , All tenants number. . . Croppers number.., Nonwhile farm operators: Full owners number... Part owners number.. All tenants number.. Croppers number. . FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number.. Tobacco farms number.. Cotton farms number. . Other field-crop farms number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fhiiuand-nut farms number.. Poultry farms number. . Dairy farms number. . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number.. Ln estock ranches number. . General farms number. . Miscellaneous farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AM) FACILiTTES AM) KIM) OF ROAD Grain combines 'arms reporting. . Com pickers f«"ns reporting. . number. . Pick-up balers 'arms reporting. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . Motortrucks '""is reporting. . Tractors '""» reporting. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting . . 1 tractor turns reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporting. . A tractors farms reporting . . 4 tractors farms reporting.. 5 or more tractors ..farms reporting.. Wheel tractors '«">* reporting. . number . . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number.. Garden tractors farms reporting. . number.. Automobiles farms reporting. . number.. Automobiles and or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporti ng . . Home freeter f«rra reporting. . Milking machine f«™» reporting. , Electric milk cooler 'arms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other croos) farms reporting. Power-onerated eleialor, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farm? reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms repotting. Dirt or ummprov ed farms reporting . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting . t mj[e farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles ....farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers f«™s reporting. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farm reuniting . tor 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporti nc . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operau r Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 116,842 61,207 46,586 9,488 5,038 20,218 1,588 3,344 6,910 108,270 57,923 43,448 2,508 8,572 3,284 3,138 22,555 25,084 9,455 1,220 35,514 40,723 9,579 9,895 12,933 13,591 5,727 6,358 149,831 197,792 156,736 278,040 153,147 268,233 89,135 38,059 14,872 5,909 5,172 152,385 262,351 4,826 5,882 8,952 9,807 176,646 210,725 210,240 126,840 119,449 7,967 7,307 1,414 14,611 95,326 54,113 73,024 24,688 48,336 17,531 22,491 3,402 4,912 47,578 157,406 28,641 62,860 17,724 5,734 3,033 1,481 181,28C 32,964 12,355 4,293 14,755 4,670 15,929 2,465 13,973 2,805 16,156 1,791 12,889 1,917 14,399 1,680 11,687 1,740 12,789 1,840 14,176 76 "203 77 223 861 1,689 888 1,757 7,933 23,870 9,142 26,684 9,240 29,630 6,238 16,062 4,939 14,347 24,239 4,089 6,020 1,408 20,424 2,714 4,469 3,815 1,375 1,551 6,003 16,211 2,087 6,854 2,302 10,530 1,371 4,606 931 5,924 426 2,666 395 2,498 10,004 2,164 2,400 8,804 1,754 2,090 7,043 9,821 7,337 10,462 8,055 12,029 9,482 14,937 7,740 11,814 8,882 14,385 6,742 9,652 876 1,860 106 206 10 85 6 11 7,690 11,744 8,742 14,219 590 600 10,223 11,730 L2,8* 6,593 6,087 205 180 6,251 3,572 4,547 1,751 2,796 1,166 1,365 85 180 12,482 2,797 3,516 11,647 2,427 3,221 526 552 13,517 15,519 16,867 8,714 8,126 481 421 7,625 4,973 5,99! 2,390 3,602 1,555 1,661 170 216 29,150 3,125 2,163 15,726 2,090 1,026 TEXAS 111 State Table 20, FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See te*t] e of farm— Continued farms by roi.nn AND tenyre of operator All farm operators: Full owners number.. Part owners number. . All tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. . Croc-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers numoer.. Other and unspecified tenants number.. While farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number.. Ml tenants number.. Croppers number . . Nonwhile farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners narnbar.. All tenants number.. Croppers number. . FARMS BY TYTE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number.. Tobacco farms number. . Cotton farms number. . Other field-crop farms number.. Vegetable farms number. . Fruit-and-nul farms number. . Poultry' farms Dairy farms number.. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number.. Livestock ranches number. . -in- farms number.. SPECIFIED EQOPMEVT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. . number.. Com pickers farms reporting. . number.. Pick-up pilars ranter*; number.. Field forage hnr\<--i.* farms reporting. . niimlier. . Motortrucks farms reporting.. number.. Tractors farms reporting. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting.. 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting.. .1 tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractors farm- nfiorting.. ft or more tractors farms reporting. . Wheel tractors farms NpcJting.. number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . Automobiles farms reporting. . Vutomobiles and or motortrucks fan n Telephone farms reporting. . llnme froer.er . . . ratals reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler fam - Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crop*) farms reporting. . Powor-operaled elevator, conveyor, or Mower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of load on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. teMI than 1 mile to a hard surface road fare - r . 1 or more miles to a hard surface p.aii farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 nr I mile. farms reporting.. (mile- , farms reporting. . B or more miles farms reporting.. F WM HBOR. WEEK PRECEDING F.N1 AfERATION llir-t -..r-ers furm* raporling., Regul ar hired workers (employed ISO or more da> -) farms reporting. . persons.. Farm- reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 1 if.-1 workan farms reporting.. 1 or I hired worker- farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hiri-l worker- farm- repotting. . In nr "sire hired workers farm- reporting. . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR ■ ran ,t,i-i,i.-[ operator- reporting. . a faf operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number . . See footnote- at end of table. 10,578 4,218 4,952 10,228 4,023 4,802 1,783 1,037 1,100 2,431 2,561 1,006 1,011 15,516 22,029 15,326 21,351 10,566 3,824 732 141 678 15,072 17,445 18,219 10,413 9,864 1,030 965 60 7,687 5,170 6,581 2,141 4,440 1,813 2,122 260 245 2,796 8,069 1,023 1,703 6,741 3,657 3,202 6,561 3,557 3,087 1,955 2,040 1,000 1,010 10,872 16,687 10,717 II ,198 ., ,t,.." 3,007 810 190 12,876 7,433 7,315 782 5,482 3,902 4,125 1,432 2,693 936 1,346 4,265 3,507 2,453 4,170 3,387 2,412 8,682 14,282 8,622 13,917 4,654 2,956 797 130 365 8,272 9,518 9,915 5,792 5,847 705 625 65 741 3,942 2,889 3,364 1 , 1 It, 2,248 762 1,136 13,5% 14,515 9,388 1,247 1,236 5,447 455 305 13,416 14,380 9,318 4,939 4,619 2,385 10,924 11,772 2,720 2,825 3,304 3,419 1,240 1,302 31,051 39,407 32,703 62,015 32,428 60,706 14,180 11,574 4,635 1,324 715 721 841 1,141 1,309 32, 214 37,312 37,063 23,644 22,862 2,020 1,944 282 3,695 15,044 9,039 13,155 3,964 9,191 3,372 4,387 681 751 11,312 33,728 6,150 9,788 29,939 6,043 1,773 6,942 11,267 5,109 6,922 11,222 5,083 i. 196 5,525 1,395 9,158 10,561 1,436 1,513 2,698 2,875 1,305 1,412 21,110 33,169 20,639 49,820 20,479 48,592 6,442 6,123 4,427 2,101 1,386 20,406 47,563 873 1,029 1,021 1,228 20,231 25,561 22,817 16,480 15,541 l.ri'.. 985 367 3,469 9,807 4,941 8,469 2,155 6,314 1,996 l,i«4 546 688 10,472 35,924 7,168 13,600 17,578 4,851 1,202 3,169 5,374 1,659 3,161 5,360 1,656 8,872 24,747 8,791 24,175 2,826 2,099 1,484 1,058 1,324 8,742 23,328 667 847 489 572 9,152 12,204 10,293 7,660 7,241 323 294 4,405 2,111 3,740 5,245 19,543 3,976 9,259 112 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Dry materials Liquid materii = reporting i reporting s reporting 3 reporting rials /arms reporting Other pasture (not cropland) . Dryr, n«l- Liquid materials . Sorghums Dry materials . . . Liquid materials . Cotton Dry materials . . . Liquid materials. All other crops .... Dry materials . . . Liquid materials. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Under$100 $100 to $999 $1,000 to $1,999 $2,000 to $4,999 $5,000 or more Purchase of livestock and poultry Under$l,000 $1,000 to $2,499 $2,500 to $4,999 $5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 or more Under $200 .. $200 to $999 $1,000 or more $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 i $2,499. .. i $4,999 . . . > $9,999 . . . o $19,999 o $49,999 . - r»f»irr more mites to a hard surface road farms reporting... 1 mile far""* reporting. . , 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. .. 4 miles farms reporting. . , 5 or more miles farms reporting... FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECKDINf. ENUMERATION Hired worker- farms reporting.. . Regular hired workers (employed ISO or more days) farms reporting... Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker fare, r 2 hirer) workers farm-, rMoftilu*. 5 to 9 hired workers far" 10 or more hired workers fan KF.SlDErJCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing r,n farm operated operator- renorti ng .. . Not residing on farm operated operator- NpottiBff., . Operators not reporting residence number. . . USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AST) LIME Commercial fertilltac ami fertihrmi' materials used during the year farms reporting. . . acres on which used... Dry malenals f arms remrtmg . . . Liquid material- farms reporting. . Crops on which used- Hay and rmpland pasture rarms reporting. . . Dry materials farms reporting. . . Liquid materials farms reporting... Other pasture (not cropland) farms renorti ng... Dry materials farms reporting.. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. . Corn farms reporting... Dry materials farms reporting. . . Liquid materials farms reporting... See footnotes at end of teble. of operator — Continued 3,405 5,549 3,363 3,783 4,418 4,865 1,860 1,826 1,418 119,122 13,037 1,332 11,690 137 1,347 11,688 190 1,188 4,359 8,369 4,347 8,244 1,947 1,529 544 195 3,632 4,566 4,225 1,487 450 1,037 1,651 170,942 14,901 1,38'. 10,011 417 4,890 6,621 1,491 1,539 17,024 34,326 16,907 33,890 6,118 6,746 2,718 873 452 15,303 17,813 17,384 6,077 4,225 7,553 2,400 5,153 2,142 2,494 252 265 5,356 18,771 2,851 4,487 Livestock-share . 829,857 64,784 4,291 35,653 29,131 1,277 2,922 1,271 2,871 1,175 1,418 1,357 1,084 1,854 1,084 1,818 1,756 2,047 2,067 124 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued | Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See tent] (For definitions and explanni ial farms by tenure of operat USE OF COMMERCI U. FERTILIZER iND LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year-Continued Crops on which used— Continued Sot-ghums fnnns repor Dry materials farms repor Liquid materials fnnns ropori Cotton farms rcnnri Dry materials farms repon Liquid materials farms reporting. All other crops farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporlinii. Liquid materials farms reporting. Lime or liminu mslenul- u-ed luring I h.' \ ear farms reporting. SPECIFlF.n FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified eipondiluros farms reporting. Feed for livestock and POulUa, farms reporting. ■ I ITS. Under $100 far- - ■■ $101) lo $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to =1,900 farms reporting. $9,000 to $4,999 , farms reporting. $5,000 or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and ooullr\ farms reportmc. dollars. Under JI.tKln farms reporting. $1,000 to $■-», 199 .... Farms reporting;. $2,500 lo $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 fnr-^s reporting. $10,900 or more farms reporting. Machine hire . . farms reporting. dollars. Under $200 fnrms reporting. $0(0 f. -=999 farms reporting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Hired labor .fans reporting. dollars. Under$?00 farms reporting. $200 to $499 ... ..farms reporting. $500 to $999 forms reporting. $1,000 to $'2, 199 .... Farm- reporting. $2,509 to $4,999 farm- reporting. ?5,n00 lo s9,i'.i9 .fans reporting. $10,0011 lo 519,999 farm- reporting. $20,000 to $19,999 far... re.. .rung. $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, an.l trees farms reporting. dollars. Under $100 .farms report ng. $100 to f 199 $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business rnrms reporting. dollars. Under $100 fnm - reporting. $100 to $499 farms renon, nr. $500 to $999 Ur $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more farm* reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD Fit SOURCE Ml farm products sold lot al , dol I ars . 4.11 crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, .nil dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poullrv products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, olher than poultry and dairy, sold .dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 36,427 5,744 54,837 24,453 1,519,499 19,457 114,494 6,310 46,913 24,854 1,637,690 21,272 147, 625 4,258 28,586 3,418 129,410 145,034 225,261 180,495 257,185,729 35,864 107,082 U,728 12,150 10,671 93, 570 294,307,788 63,259 13,593 7,402 4,710 4,606 131,062 126,542,965 48,497 50,847 31,718 123,929 227,301,123 38,945 23,591 16,773 21,869 11,954 6,935 2,673 912 277 108,154 31,063,759 50,747 . 8,941 6,111 214,614 116,559,648 73,615 80,457 30,390 27,536 2,616 ,140,309, ■ 1,070,930,194 32,271,794 16,771,125 20,336,596 978,070,038 107,438,112 110,436,923 13,004 l.ii-.:.. 08 7,599 34,580 5,722 54,672 21,324 1,480,023 16,440 110,231 6,668 46,409 18,977 1,577,753 15,486 140,498 4,129 28,286 2,017 98,031 110,807 137,483 107,253 234,803,579 14,968 57,798 12,466 11,411 10,610 64,425 281,851,558 37,609 10,806 6,867 4,572 4,571 100,459 121,987,967 24,611 44,389 31,459 99,911 221,068,694 21,788 19,042 15,422 21,029 11,893 6,912 2,652 901 272 79,703 29,193,603 27,246 37,782 8,655 6,020 134,988 108,823,075 18,082 57,861 29,118 27,322 2,605 14,709 1,055,345,971 30,258,272 15, 64, •:■■>■ 19,245,528 920,938,370 102,232,960 108,562,320 278,852 2,444 8,640 1,230 10,424 5,635 279,634 4,551 21,467 1,476 9,042 28,077 908 5,421 1,028 43,238 48,042 52,203 43,484 98,264,950 5,454 23,608 5,015 4,721 4,686 25,229 76,855,752 15,163 4,395 2,884 1,606 1,181 33,435 27,380,788 11,307 15,476 6,652 33,177 ,"':.■"• 9,818 6,798 5,030 6,268 56 26,704 7,082,771 12,414 11,412 1,756 1,122 50,870 25,835,498 10,855 25,575 8,346 5,697 397 210,427,473 L88,445,088 5,094,110 5,494,175 11,394,100 314,716,234 62,564,190 35,634,653 3,555 17,605 2,177 23,414 8,942 744,282 6,880 55,177 2,827 24,430 9,122 873,056 7,618 81,551 1,810 12,916 834 48,858 39,620 91,582,818 4,332 20,698 5,395 4,897 4,298 24,529 125,236,722 13,051 4,269 2,760 2,055 2,394 37,169 7,507 15,837 13,825 39,368 108,857,175 6,942 6,820 5,824 8,615 5,597 3,437 1,483 499 151 30,774 14,209,780 7,981 15,173 4,277 3,343 48,343 50,937,506 3,709 17,977 12,197 12,951 1,509 536,553,474 509,430,308 17,086,152 4,631,218 5,405,796 398,234,908 24,583,345 54,712,933 21,872 80 1,482 1,689 1,423 17,610,067 25,606,997 16,046,767 2,930,859 4,582,437 2,046,934 87,456,027 5,387,262 2,114,833 TEXAS 125 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] USE OF COWMERCI U. FERTILIZER *NT) LIVE-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year— Continued Oops on which used-Continued Sorghums farms reporting. Dry materials farms reportine. . Liquid materials farms reportine. , Cotton farms report] ne . . l>y materials farms reportine. . Liquid materials farms reportine. . All other crops farms reportine.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . Lime or limine materials used during trie year farms reporting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Under Mm farms reporting. S100 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting. t^OOO to M,Wt farms reportine. S5,000 or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting., dollars.. Under 51.00G farms reporting.. Sl,00f> to $2,199 farms reporting.. $2,500 to 54,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to 50,999 farm* reporting. . $10,000 or more farms reporting. , Machine hire f arm * repnrti ng . , dollars.. Under 5310 farms reporting. . $200 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more farm, reporting.. Hired labor farm- reporting. . dollars.. Under $200. farms reporting. . 52D0to5499 farms reporting.. $500 to 5999 farms reportine.. 51,000 10 $2,499 farms reportine.. $2,500 to 54,999 farms reporti ng . . $5,000 to $9,999 farm* reporting. . 510,000 10 $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 to $49,999 farm « reporti ng . . $50,000 or mor,. farms reportine. . fjoodll, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reportine.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reportine. . $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to 5099 farms reporting. . $1,000 or moro farms reportine . . dollars.. Under $100 fa $100 to $499 550(1 to 5999 farms reportine. $5,000 or mori- farms reporti ng . , ESTHUTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE rlollvs. Field crop , other thin rocotsbles and fruiti and mil . (old dollars. I dollars. Fruits anu!ls including sleer and bull calves farms reporting Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head .... farms rononmg. 0 to 4 head farms renorting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting, 10 to 19 head farms reporting, 20 to 19 head .... far" - reinriin", W to 99 head .... .Farms reporting. 100 to 19? head . farms reporting. 300 or mnro head farms repnrling. Co<*>, including heifers thai "wir calved- 1 head farms renorting, 2 to 9 head farms renorting, 10 to 19 head ... .forms renortine, 20 to 29 head f»rms roporlinr. TO to 19 head .... farms reporting, W to 7 1 head .... .farms reporting. 75 to 99 head far \--..r:.- >. number. Horn before June 1 farms reporting, number. Sheep and lambs fnms reporting. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheen 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting . number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. Goats and kids farms renorting. Chickens 4 months old and ovef farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. dollars. Hogs and nigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs sold alive ...farms reporting. number. dollars. Milk and cream sold * farms reporting. Chickens including broilers sold farms renorting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporti number of lilt. 2 liners . fi 1 to 9 litters fa 10 1 201 D 19 litters f, 401 70 0 t more litters („ lime ■ to November 10 . fa - r..|n,r(in.' . snorting s reporting, . reporting, 3 reporting. 182,986 8,596,205 174,884 4,441,849 85,681 510,193 153,762 2,130,596 146,818 2,023,760 4,993 25,288 29,959 39,751 46,224 20,167 14,789 1,815 16,150 75,323 34,112 15,939 14,818 7,797 3,247 7,498 41,688 1,152 1,130 2,489 1,512 502 526 76,593 1,172,670 46,429 661,570 61,649 511,100 24,081 6,023,464 18,884 1 ,939,21 1 22,406 4,044,263 22,065 3,772,336 18,227 311,927 13,874 3,157,284 130,713 17,504,935 163, 3 W 4,653,224 638,350,270 41,083 1,191,193 35,735,790 19,682 3,293,171 39,518,052 13,983 2,270,444,270 110,436,923 32,982 43,029,720 53,517 157,050,146 48,685,553 35,504 188,939 18,674 12,071 3,123 1,220 298 118 28,289 92,747 24,258 II ,192 108,651 7,597,798 104,469 3,902,356 53,413 442,540 93,613 1,854,171 93,218 1,841,271 2,340 10,339 11,267 18,956 29,931 19,280 14,736 7,519 13,498 19,804 11, 533 13,669 7,746 3,229 7,471 1,114 2,486 1,494 47,601 937,880 29,546 530,312 38,982 407,568 17,357 5,715,302 13,936 1,847,959 16,144 3,867,343 15,880 3,577,804 13,588 289,539 9,726 3,001,203 75,838 14,696,006 98,230 4,285,179 597,133,194 28,116 1,018,641 30,559,230 14,768 3,168,453 38,021,436 11,231 2,226,620,740 108,562,320 23,784 42,074,535 35,110 144,292,944 44,730,816 24,346 155,783 10,923 9,056 2,791 1,180 286 110 19,408 74,406 17,963 81,377 43,027 2,363,547 41,446 1,249,504 20,531 151,749 37,621 592,132 37,487 521,911 661 3,342 4,191 8,111 13,485 8,022 4,805 410 2,258 13,027 8,689 5,361 5,874 2,950 1,184 2,103 7,946 9,879 480 16,270 348,893 10,081 198,548 13,326 150,345 7,317 1,839,882 5,896 587,084 6,865 . . 52,798 6,789 1,141,235 5,814 111,563 4,343 1,156,553 29,608 8,379,529 40,113 1,290,978 176,193,081 9,736 415,674 12,470,220 6,455 989,222 11,870,664 4,674 726,774,354 35,634,653 11,785 :•■• '«■:, ■' 15,559 27,008,763 61,562 3,460 3,206 6,583 29,246 6,316 32,316 40,834 3,634,237 39,456 1,880,078 20,024 206,972 35,856 862,210 36,361 891,949 655 2,931 3,110 5,844 11,186 8,570 7,564 974 2,200 9,973 7,497 4,452 5,945 3,735 1,601 4,053 431 i 1,080 17,324 386,311 11,013 219,804 14,470 166,507 6,477 2,427,628 5,225 826,550 6,010 1,601,078 5,903 1,481,785 5,058 119,293 3,634 1,208,549 26,038 4,016,415 37,672 1,999,609 272,554,096 10,935 412,813 12,384,390 5,377 1,314,224 15,770,688 4,419 1,119,441,088 54,712,933 7,401 9,411,960 11,268 38,471,925 11,926,299 9,571 62,379 4,165 3,479 1,280 505 119 7,625 29,846 7,185 32,533 See footnotes at end of table. 1,438 668,295 1,364 331,171 615 8,837 1,297 161,551 1,334 175,573 1,429 459,463 75,899,539 TEXAS State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- 127 Continued Dau are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Cash tenants LIVESTOCK MD LIVESTOCK PRODTCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers (hat have calved farms reporting. . Milk cows farms reporting. . number. , Heifers and heifer calvea farms reporting. , Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. , Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and celves- 1 head farms report! ng . , 2 to I head farms reporting.. 5 lo 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head I n 31 to 11 h»ad farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head 100 to 199 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head .... farms reporting. . Cos-, including heifers that have Calved— 1 head 'urns reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farm* reporting. . 30 to 29 head farms reporting. . W to 19 head farms reporting.. SO to 7* head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head far 10 to 19 head fur- 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head far 50 to 71 head farms reoorti ng.. 75 to 99 hem! . farm- reporting. , 100 or more head . . .... farms reporting. . HofSCS and Or mules farm- reporting. . number.. HogS and Digs farms reporting.. Bom since June 1 farms report! ng . . number. . Bom befora In'" ' raj Sheep and lambs .. ..farm- reoorti ng.. number , . Lamb- under 1 year old farms regaining . . number. . Sheep I year old and over rnrms reporting.. number. . EwM farms reporting.. lumbar. . Rams and sishcf. farms reporting.. number. . Goats and kids .....leflnat nunts-r. . Chickens 4 months old and ovet number.. Livestock and livestock products sold Cattle and calve- -old alive ling- ant) nig- aold alive farm- reporting.. number, . Sheen and lamb- -iM 1.1 .. fai Milk and m-n/r aold3 Chicken- including broiler* -old dollar... Chicken eg,g- -old 1I0M1U-. . Littets larrowed Decembet 1, 1958, to November 30. 1959 fat 1 or 2 Tiller . .farm- reporting.. 3 to 9 litter- ,fam 10 to In liuen 20 to no ijuer 10 to hi litter I i ■ . Mover) bar I in reporting., . bar of litters. . lid ember i to l I number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 4,191 197,136 2,071 36,330 3,838 95,253 3,920 96,749 13,384 1,187 11,612 956 248,436 1,127 642,201 1,106 610,333 982 31,868 334,475 2,207 343,783 812 30,581 917,430 1,104 549,180 6,590,160 721 3,824 136,711 3,677 60,836 2,204 7,669 3,216 35,325 3,261 40,550 2,403 33,281 1,418 18,641 1,922 14,640 467 61,650 368 22,627 36,728 323 2,295 22,806 3,139 322,216 3,369 77,274 10,007,040 1,295 30,163 904,890 335 316 18,907,803 874,749 1,031 72,889 1,796 2,218,221 687,648 10,422 182,703 9,925 76,018 5,653 14,534 7,927 52,999 7,307 53,686 2,628 2,306 2,506 1,740 1,939 5,848 1,345 6,987 3»,..'l 4,234 48,481 5,475 35,742 861 12,974 10,126 637,431 7,563 91,394 11,959,622 3,632 75,006 2,250,180 578 28,367,053 1,177,845 2,075 454,021 3,178 13,191 1,707 1,148 2,479 6,279 2,192 6,912 1,179 65,781 1,113 28,216 532 3,320 1,024 16,292 1,021 21,273 L9, II . 828 48,361 1,063 36,571 5,083,313 1,167 29,097 1,075 14,010 4,892 166 20,215 129 6,983 160 13,232 160 11,891 143 1,341 51 13,257 1,533 119,127 128 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See r. (For definitions and e\pla> Commercial farms by tenure of operato SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. Under 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. pounds. Sales farms reporting. pounds. Wheat harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels . Rice harvested farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. pounds. Hay crops: Land from which nay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting . , Wild hay cut farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting. . Other hay cut f srms reporting . . Sales farms reporting . , Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting. . bales.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting.. bushels.. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting. . 33,269 18,730 12,135 3,776 1,242 1,540 67,146 1,363,496 37,316,158 25,621 16,474,574 78,837 7,590,221 59,982 6,730,450 13,259,448,648 46,825 11,571,764,340 26,045 3,017,204 49,648,140 25,048 47,281,872 18,166 862,200 18,786,151 7,864 7,784,694 6,514 277,811 ' ,888,471 3,905 4,038,734 1,846 424,170 8,202,742 1,846 8,049,226 8,366 245,820 171,382,610 5,792 166,223 377,298 2,086 163,293 2,569 69,575 38,81 I 11,168 264,717 223,588 859 14,298 14,189 323,386 409,027 1,999 63,597 31,066 690,874 880,915 3,708 91,336 14 81,823 ,157,184 ,164,655 19,363 17,246 , lOt , J7b 16,667 13,803 10,675 3,554 1,219 1,524 44,989 1,166,121 32,477,386 20,558 15,343,057 67,252 7,387,980 54,451 6,602,939 13,105,729,568 43,623 11,473,525,256 23,572 2,953,382 48,899,130 22,812 46,631,049 15,036 775,586 17,196,042 6,669 7,166,717 6,040 269,791 5,773,842 3,714 3,997,524 1,819 423,725 8,195,849 1,819 8, 1142,333 6,059 225,882 161,719,555 5,230 157,405 363,676 1,927 159,364 1,943 59,882 80,069 8,534 224,953 194,529 650 11,704 9,729 273,127 351,674 1,371 58,012 22,756 584,743 767,744 2,683 78,082 1,115 9,325 70,767 6,000,181 4,112,111 10,837 15,930 3,921,148 16,469 334,422 6,799 5,061 3,355 769 241 244 15,596 314,945 8,940,879 5,550 3,119,221 20,153 1,418,554 14,921 1,191,966 2,498,567,608 10,883 2,112, 14! ,648 6,173 574,198 9,577,510 5,884 9,066,885 5,385 237,089 5,391,435 1,857 1,837,856 1,546 54,391 1,242,550 1,879 45,989 32,994,101 1,638 44,689 108,088 3,384 83,074 68,327 4,272 95,150 125,992 546 17,008 8,715 19,287 1,049,786 733,771 4,876 4,377 1,213,780 16,407 503,287 14,067,917 7,349 6,692,194 25,253 3,296,344 20,011 2,919,622 5,722,473,118 15,592 4,87 1,681,709 9,736 1,536,411 24,715,275 9,426 23,516,891 5,943 342,749 7,496,484 2,605 3,048,323 2,577 133,363 2,843,196 1,513 1,941,233 1,211 291,880 5,602,559 1,211 5,486,243 2,846 127,347 92,420,895 2,347 73,216 :• . '-" 3,450 97,021 87,874 3,779 129,971 160,185 529 27,324 9,358 272,032 359,248 1,216 41,560 25,786 2,760,392 1,950,761 3,403 7,931 1,874,909 ... 1Includes milk equivalent of cr less than 20 trees and grapevines. outterfat sold elude acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harves TEXAS 129 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sanple or farms. See text ; (For definitions and explai Commercial fanns by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Cora for all purposes farms reporting.. Under 11 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting. . Harvested for grain farms reporting. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting.. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. pounds. . Sales farms reporting.. pounds.. Wheat harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels.. Barley harvested farms reporting.. buahels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Rice harvested farms reporting.. 162-lb. barrels.. Sales farms reporting. . 162-lb. barrels.. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. . pounds. . Hay crops: Land from which hoy was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting. . Wild hoy cut farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting.. tons.. Sales farms reporting. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested forms reporting. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . bushels. , Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales ... dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting., 1,169 63,173 40,715 109 4,050 1,053 16,322 21,596 169 3,387 3,696 260,611 147,996 6,803 183,868 2,064 1,950 1,746 634 198 2,556 6,563 71,901 180,348 1,878,593 4,890,272 1,517 4,385 1,004,241 3,306,112 3,131 13,483 312,277 1,827,554 2,668 12,757 284,864 1,759,334 524,323,902 3,465,623,428 2,176 11,707 457,477,840 3,261,341,812 1,071 4,681 1/44,129 476,083 2,352,932 8,682,844 1,054 4,597 2,250,276 8,443,729 662 1,686 34,638 70,602 698,025 I.r. 2,403 375 1,185 359,479 1,103,368 299 1,142 12,992 47,125 240,772 1,005,446 113 4,497 1,904 28,585 34,729 342 5,082 16,020 L.,486,826 984,047 1,195 1,362 329,347 2",185 2,000 1,234 23,614 545,669 1,895 95,242 52,358 130 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 {pal* are based on reports Tor only a sample of farms. See text! Total all farms of white operators Commercial farms by of white operato: FARMS, ACREAOE, AND VALUE Percent distribution percent. Land in farms acres.. Percent distribution percent.. Average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm Average per acre 30 to 49 1 50 to 99i 1,000 i . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting .farms reporting . .farms reporting .farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting Irrigated land in (arms farms Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting Land in stnp-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years number 25 to M years number 35 (o 44 years number 45 to 54 years .number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years .number Average age > ears . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reoorting. , 1 lo 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. , reporting.. reporting. . operated and off-farm work operators With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms ooerators With other members of family working off farm operators With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators See footnotes at end of table. reporting. reporting, reporting. 142,040,400 671.4 148,910 22,166,773 16,854 15,011 11,243 18,571 27,503 26,649 24,215 6,971 1,893 85,047 7,665,158 60,497 5,688, :■-.' 18, 111 1,647,206 20,875 2,130,304 60,008 12,251,731 10,907 1,025,025 128,432 91,175,586 29,496 7,195,673 27,795 5,662,227 26,964 5,309,480 4,341 428,421 64,796 8,192,486 2 1,732 2,719 18,371 39,895 56,404 50,579 40,764 52.2 101,12 ' 28,662 12,315 60,146 48,197 64,321 U ,43! 15,168 48,742 110,815 21,200,773 4,030 5,964 6,022 12,515 23,459 25,839 24, 149 6,956 1,881 56,142 6,346,197 46,042 5,026,826 15,666 1,582,136 16,004 1,811,955 24,129 1,632,735 33,233 10,203,739 5,836 748,951 82,732 20,060 6,721,660 25,210 5,624,871 24,689 5,280,832 3,709 401,370 48,883 7,348,501 131, 330 2,130 12,735 26,488 38,767 35,900 15,310 50.4 49,109 22,963 6,312 19,834 12,625 23,025 18,340 84,331 33,378,687 25.3 654.0 38,101 4,375,178 2,670 3,314 3,254 6,291 9,783 7,359 4,267 23,218 2,169,349 15,000 1,359,051 4,654 338,929 5,720 588,848 7,398 431,274 14,814 3,218,229 2,701 335,664 32,716 21,416,826 8,742 2,229,180 6,823 1,074,925 6,588 975,998 1,139 86,144 18,256 2,114,372 49,8C 280 2,365 6,765 13,208 17,760 9,425 55.0 17,817 6,837 2,029 8,951 4,338 9,113 8,494 33,221 3,668 13,375 63,431,553 48.1 1,338.0 1,851 1,830 3,663 7,624 9,564 10,919 3,703 1,195 22,252 3,180,598 18,721 2,547,294 6,433 815, 100 7,042 917,132 9,786 615,062 13,122 5,268,804 2,232 292,022 31,267 41,383,543 8,147 3,148,315 9,930 2,616,476 9,746 2,464,780 1,634 204,039 18,989 3,422,808 3,911 10,876 15,612 11,992 17,415 8,198 2,503 6,714 4,797 8,564 6,042 29, '•! 4,319 9,091 13,277,364 10.1 7,979.2 58,750 1,193 11,687,703 154,731 324 134,480 3,292 460 L! 1,628 TEXAS 131 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See I Ccrjmiercial farms by tenure of white operator— Continued Cash tenants FARMS, ACREAGE. VVD \ ALIT FafmS number. Percent distribution percent. Land in farms acres. Percent distribution percent. Average size of farm acres . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars. Average per acre dollars. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. ID to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. SO to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farm- 200 to 499 acres... farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or mora acres farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . Woodland pastured farms reporting.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. Improved pasture farms reporting. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. Land in -"trip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting.. System or uerraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years ... 25 to 14 year- number.. 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to Si years .number.. 55 to «4 years number.. 85 or more years .number. . Average age ..ear* . . OFF- FARM WORK VS1> OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working ofr their rarms, total . operators report! ng . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With inoome from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting.. With other inoome of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . Wnri Bihar member- nt Tamily forking off farm operators reporting.. Ml] nrnme from sources other than farm operated .. operators reporting.. ' Ini urne of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporting.. See footnotes at end of labia 9,662,339 7.3 1,926.7 2,031 240,589 1,014 85,415 257 21,565 274 31,110 15,918 3,568 ,283, 158 4,569 1,324 155,201 1,106 1,051 2,164,109 1.6 479.2 1,097 1,291 1,179 1,575 111,793 1,843 143,140 37,752 1,087 50,787 14,054 3,025 818,133 17,192 1,833 269,559 980 1,239 1,248 6,047,870 4.6 343.8 2,931 5,508 5,917 1,554 257 4,333 179,674 7,044 600,175 2,830 256,572 1,786 150,371 3,919 193,232 14,201 7,781 727,557 5,732 1,286,219 5,725 1,246,401 66,664 6,096 941,843 3,240 4,511 5,101 2,982 882 1,411 1,700 2,430 1,293 10,924 1,770 2,136 950, 967 0.7 707.0 17,334 302 19,764 .;:.;. 168 223 38,072 4,142 449 94,231 62 6,410 655 124,177 478,480 0.4 260.0 373 25,835 476 32,685 149 13,937 92 8,706 286 10,042 180 46,388 138,711 71 8,700 9,320 553 70,911 132 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all farms of white operators Canmercial farms by tenure of white operator [Mm (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total Full owners Part owners — All tenants SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD 35,418 40,614 9,514 9,830 12,784 13,441 5,704 6,333 144,252 191,937 152,965 273, 558 149, 509 263,895 85,921 37,769 14,800 5,880 5,139 148,777 258,083 4,765 5,812 8,808 9,663 169,206 202,782 199, 527 124,257 115,937 7,900 7,245 1,409 14,590 90,861 51,517 65,320 22,250 43,070 15,819 19,933 2,975 4,343 47,115 155,247 28, 529 62,500 17,682 5,705 3,014 1,470 658 168,192 32,111 11,255 67 . 193 6,056,630 592,070 59,941 457,158 11,100 134,912 17,381 786,705 17,006 81,940 501 ] , « 9,039 440,690 8,955 49,549 104 545 18, 566 344,843 17, 561 33,823 1,147 , ,701 32,805 37,809 8,826 9,135 11,344 11,919 5,243 5,851 104, 986 150,196 113,094 225,887 111,829 220,306 52,718 34,090 14,253 5,716 5,052 111,418 215,423 3,945 4,883 4,859 5,581 111,333 135,809 129,440 80,942 78,674 7,324 6,820 1,302 13,842 54,192 33,545 43,312 13,391 29,921 10,368 14,026 2,200 3,327 42,992 148,367 27,409 60,911 16,719 5,617 2,970 1,457 646 104,919 21,601 6,920 50,091 5,715,971 551,052 43,057 417,283 10,791 133,769 12,189 686,699 11,834 69,458 476 1,558 5,714 363, 183 5,635 40, 195 94 521 12,233 287,681 11,289 26,913 1,082 2,570 8,550 9,314 2,352 2,393 3,665 3,782 1,739 1,898 37,059 47,457 40,091 66,986 39,384 64,517 23,977 10,228 3,068 1,175 936 39,166 62,786 1,456 1,731 2,257 2,469 41,884 49,287 49,457 31,640 29,468 2,809 2,643 309 4,420 21, 514 13,064 15,437 4,818 10,619 3,606 5,019 802 1,192 13,019 38,130 8,125 16,011 5,304 1,539 792 351 139 7,768 2,957 17,026 1,334,995 133,844 15,434 107,742 2,555 26,102 5,094 256,348 4,957 25,858 185 602 2,549 147,172 2,507 15,665 47 319 4,695 86,818 4,496 8,603 243 460 14,488 17,292 3,915 4,073 5,572 5,912 2,430 2,755 41,206 64,199 42,767 98,120 42,423 96,055 16, 320 13,046 6,906 3,077 3,074 42,305 93,835 1,737 2,220 1,745 2,065 40,863 52,119 46,582 31,704 30,678 3,232 3,007 775 6,493 20,631 11,428 14,566 4,525 10,041 3,391 4,584 823 1,243 19,467 71,433 13,200 30,897 7,591 2,841 1,629 806 333 37,925 7,378 2,103 21,520 2,863,482 281,998 18,756 219,114 4,364 62,884 5,589 337, 581 5,457 34,760 181 2,623 169,264 2,594 19,231 36 112 5,304 146, 818 4,830 13,319 528 1,472 341 470 75 83 345 378 139 177 1,469 3,460 1,342 4,400 1,324 4,227 441 327 202 120 234 1,312 3,950 186 277 105 173 1,303 2,122 1,604 1,191 1,011 91 96 35 235 715 366 521 123 103 131 25 89 1,017 7,589 873 268 204 147 137 117 1,153 329 182 673 199,646 24,857 623 20,921 122 3,936 268 41,549 266 4,283 10 55 146 25,256 145 3,136 37 140 8,728 130 1,011 14 143 9,426 number — 10,733 2,484 number . . . 2,586 1,762 935 number... 25,252 number... 28,894 number... 28,698 11,980 4,077 28,635 number. .. 566 number. . . 752 number.. . 27,283 number.. . 31,797 16,407 Farms by kind of toad on which located: 183 2,694 11,332 3,925 8,863 3,268 803 FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 9,489 persons . . . Regular hired workers [employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . . person; . . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 5,211 8,819 3,556 RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 25,528 6,126 1,678 10,872 acres on which used Crops on which used- 110, 353 8,244 69,506 3,750 40,847 1,238 51,221 1,154 4,557 95 305 396 21,491 389 2,163 7 53 2,094 1,833 3,980 297 495 See f ooinoles at end of table. TEXAS 133 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms by tenure of white operator — Continued SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combine's farms reporting. , number. , Com pickers farms reporting. , number . . Pick-up balers farms reporting. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. Motortrucks farms reoorting. , number.. Tractors .farms reporting.. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number.. 1 tractor [arms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors Tarms reporting. . 4 tractors Tarms reporting. . 5 or more tractors farms reporting. . Wheel tractors farms reporting. . number.. Crawl or tractors. farms reporting. . number. . Garden tractors farms reoorting. . Automobiles farms reporting.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reoorti ng . , Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting.. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporti ng . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms renortinr-. . Leas than 1 mile to a hard surface road .farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting. . 2 or 3 mites farms reporting. . 4 miles farms reporting. . !4 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons. . Farms reporting by number of rrpular hirnd workers: 1 hired wnrkor . farm* reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . .? or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farm | rap 10 or more hired workers ftt\ RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators r»f*-irtmg. . Not residing on farm operated operators reportmc.. Operator* not reporting residence numbor. . USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres on which used. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms repotting. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reportine.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Li miid materials farms reporting.. Corn farms reporting. . Dry materials faj Liquid materials farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. 3,354 5,477 3,312 5,316 2,153 722 259 3,717 4,346 4,768 1,824 1,337 1,780 4,684 4,304 8,294 4,292 8,169 1,912 1,509 544 195 3,597 4,531 4,170 1,346 1,683 1,452 1,376 1,611 6,024 117,497 175,952 822,204 12,554 14,718 64,034 1,292 1,345 4,084 11,207 9,828 34,934 137 417 2,706 1,347 4,890 29,100 5,880 6,601 1,491 1,539 16,766 33,985 16,654 33,554 5,913 6,721 2,703 867 450 15,041 17,546 17,011 5,931 4,144 7,307 2,320 4,987 2,087 2,413 242 245 5,310 18,334 2,841 4,447 1,262 2,902 1,256 2,851 1,160 1,403 1,332 1,426 1,717 1,672 134 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMSAND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See tent] [For definitions and explai Total all farms of white opera tars Canmercial farms by tenure of white operator USE OF COMMERC1 U. FERTILIZER a.ND LIVE— Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material? used during the year— Continued Crops on which used— Continued Sorghums farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. Cotton farms reporti ng . Dry materials farms repr Liquid materials farms reporting. All other crops farms reporting. Dry materials farms reporting. Liquid materials farms reporting. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reportir SPECIFIED FARM EXPEMDITURES Any of the foil,, von,.' spe. ifi.sl evp.-.i,,fifiires farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. I'nder $100 .farms reporting., *100 to $999 farms reporting., S1,000 to *1,999 farms reporting., $2,900 to =4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more farms reportin Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reportin dollar Under $1,000 farms reporting. $1,000 to $'2.499 farms reportin::. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 farms report] ng . $1D,000 or more Machine hire . . , farms reportin};, dt I nli'i 5900 farms rent $200 to =999 farms repe $1,000 or more farms reporting:. Hired labor farms reportin doll at Under $'-00 farms reportin $200 to -t'i-1 ' loss reporting.. $500 to =991 „ „ .,. $1,000 to $2,199 farms reporting-. $2,500 to $4,999 rarms reportin) $5,000 to $9,999 farms reportini $10,000 to $13,399 farms reportin. $20,000 to $49,999 farms renortim $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reportini dollar Under $100 I ums reportin: $100 to if. farms reoortin: $500 to $999 .... S1.000 or - ■ Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollar Under $100 farms reportini $100 to $499 farms reportini $500 to $999 $1,000 to $4,999 $5,000 or more farms rep, rum ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollar. average per farm, dollar' Ml crops sold dollar. Field crops, other than vegetables an. I fnjii- and nut', sold dollar. Vegetables sold dollar Fruits and nuts sold dollar! Forest products and horticultural specialty products .,,1,1 doll ir All livestock and livestock products sold lollar Poultry and poultry products sold dollar: Dairy products sold dollar Livestock si I livestock pn ■ lui I olhei than poultry and dairy, sold dollar See footnotes at end of table. 14,250 1,382,563 8,826 36,237 5,744 54,837 21,949 1,487,736 16,990 111,221 6,773 46,797 23,170 1,615,073 19,603 144,388 4,243 28,436 3,325 128,015 142,819 210,575 168, 538 254,858,390 29,585 101,617 14,624 12,077 10,635 91,057 293,667,199 60,890 13,507 7,352 4,706 4,602 124,859 125,513,385 43,343 49,944 31,572 120, 576 225,821,493 36,738 22,914 16,543 21,754 11,893 6,905 2,641 103,020 30,747,173 46,215 41,859 203,430 115,321,960 65,162 78,128 30,139 27, 392 2,609 1,130,144,328 1,061,736,301 31,596,467 16,676,317 20,135,243 971,900,130 106,848,954 1 I, 8,813 12,873 1,359,353 7,468 34,454 5,722 54,672 20,235 1,460,685 15,373 108,392 6,646 46,312 18,414 1,559,350 14,938 137,871 4,114 28,136 1,985 97,531 110,102 133,415 104,259 233,687,459 13,440 56,484 12,407 11,353 10,575 63,659 281,399,018 36,946 10,755 6,822 4,569 4,567 97,752 121,160,937 22,798 43,631 31,323 98, 329 < 1,793, ' 15 21,049 18,607 15,233 20,934 11,832 6,882 2,620 77,810 28,973,047 25,775 37,451 131,706 108,048,489 16,408 56,609 28,912 27, 178 2,599 1,112,012,005 1,047,925,093 29,721,935 15,219,824 19,145,153 917,792,395 101,721,759 108,200,800 3,568 278,567 2,404 8,614 1,230 10,424 5,389 275,969 4,311 21,118 1,470 8,996 5,438 290,121 4,692 27,884 51,019 42, 510 97,899,318 4,988 23,154 4,999 4,694 4,675 25, 011 76,781,437 14,962 4,389 2,874 1,605 1,181 32,840 27,301,598 10,816 15,378 6,646 32,818 52,705,341 9,588 6,721 5,019 6,267 56 26,236 7,053,951 12,033 11,341 1,740 1,122 49,981 25,665,823 10,259 25,342 8,315 5,674 391 209,48 . 117 187,662,836 5,029,940 5,475,651 11,311,590 313,647,620 62,459,953 35,407,403 5,536 613,911 3,494 17,527 2,177 23, 414 8,441 735,392 6,394 54,332 2,812 24,404 8,841 861,286 7,342 79,945 47,400 38,489 91,156,546 3,791 20,141 5,388 4,879 4,290 24,215 124,970,557 12,777 4,259 2,735 2,053 2,391 36,183 56, 185, 692 6,895 15,519 13,769 38,677 108,298,922 6,660 6,607 5,727 8,555 151 29,947 14,102,003 7,358 15,008 4,262 3,319 47,135 50,583,795 3,228 17,429 12,098 12,871 1,509 533,090,672 506,384,452 16,705,830 4,608,664 5,391,726 396,965,667 24,342,996 54,622,468 21,872 80 1,482 25,595,411 16,036,916 2,930,859 4,580,937 2,046,699 87,259,094 2,114,733 TEXAS 135 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explai Camnercial farms by tenure of white operator — Continued USE OF OOMXfERCIAL FERTILIZER V\T> LME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year— Continued Crops on which used— Continued Sorghums farms reporting Dry materi al s farms reporu ng Liquid materia] s farms reporting Cotton farms reporting Dry materials .farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting All other ctods farms reporting Dry materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms reonrtinp Lime or liming materials used dunn« trie y<*ar SPECIFIED FARM F\FFA'DITURES Any of the following specified expenditure- farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farm - dollars. Under ^100 farms reportinj*. SIOO to 1899 farms reporting. $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting. 52,000 to $4,999 > ,- . $5,000 or more narrrti reporting. Purchase of livestock and pnultrv farms reporting. dollars. (nder $1,00G farms reporting. M.OOfl to $?, 199 farm* reportine. 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 or more farms reportini;. Machine Sire farms reporting. t'ndw $200 farms reporting. $200 to $999 $1,000 or more farms reporting. Hired larmr farm* reporting. dollars. . $200 to ^99 farms reporting. $500 to $999 f*rms rcrortini:. 51,000 i" ■-'. ttfl .f*ITt to $4,999 r«ni $5,000 to $9.999 farms reporting. $10,000 to J] l,0H farms reportine. $20,000 to $49,999 farm, reportine. re .farms reporting HmsIs, bulbs, plants, anrl iree* farms reporting. ■ $100 to $499 farm s reporti ng . $500 to 1999 forms reporting. *I,000 or mora .farm* reportine. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the far- bufltMflfl ffir dollar-. I'ndor *100 $100 to $133 farms reporting. ■ . rt farms reporting. $5,000 or more ESTIMATED VALI E OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOUR* ' \tl farm product^ sold Jolal, dolln ptr farm, dolls Ml cirofi nld dolll i an vofSPUblfw and fruits and nuls, sold dolli doll Fruits and nuts *old . ■ ducts sold dollars. ■ io|d dollt Poultry and poultry prixlu rlolli Dairy prtxhti I - ! <'''iA ■ and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dolli Soe footnote ■ ni nnd if laM* 5,015 4,427 12,417,253 2,826 18,373,668 1,069 1,515,738 182,836 305,127 58,224,893 2,948,035 10,203,908 4,516 3,517 ?. 570,721 2,427 5,333,368 1,759 54,574,689 12,085 41,367,378 40,063,416 1,210,041 92,786 1,135 13, 207, 311 789,152 874,499 2,328 203 312,597 28,668 725 55 3,498 372 1,678 155 15,275 1,507 3,985 232 291,047 19,229 2,730 141 20,067 1,197 1,701 117 8,781 710 1,995 203 184,393 23,588 1,170 104 9,215 1,058 17,589 9,580 4,499,575 2,815 5,912 447 278 90 16,467 24,074,534 2,177 6,990 7,300 14,521 26,953,421 2,199 2,853 2,571 3,501 12,406 4,101,894 3,314 6,708 1,622 762 6,516 4,763 5,374 257,249,005 14,626 239,328,554 237,636,999 1,549,765 94,190 47,600 17,920,451 2,070,395 1, 177, 195 1,345 1,153 1,342,643 22,965,941 17,075 15,766,471 15,664,696 86,574 10,301 4,900 7,199,470 329,269 778,463 1,840 1,049 904,007 11,031,862 10,801,469 90,375 110,733 29,285 3,166,685 564,738 167,461 136 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all farms of white operators Commercial farms by tenure of white operato: LIVESTOCK A.ND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cowa, including hei fers that have calved Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and hulls including steer and bull calves 1 head farms 5 to 9 head farms 10 to 19 head farms 50 to 99 head farms 100 to 19" head farms 500 or more head farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. reporting.. reporting. Cows, including heifer* rh.tr havp calved- 1 head . to i ■ . farms rcnorting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. ■ ■. "i Head fan re] ortinp. 1:1 to 19 head .... fun- - reporting. 50 to 71 head . . .. .... farm-; reporting. 75 to 99 head ' m s reporting. 100 or more head Milk i 2 to 9 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head . farm-; reporting ■20 to 09 head fan i 90 to 19 head fnrn 50 to 71 head . . .. ' r renorting. 75 to 99 head .... 100 or more head 171,131 8,493,061 163,275 4,380,256 79,080 495,451 145, 178 2,104,388 140,611 2,008,417 4,182 20,643 26, 503 37,843 45,369 20,033 14,746 1,812 13,854 67,470 33,091 15,675 14,710 7,757 3,233 7,485 33,737 38,124 1,097 1,110 2,483 1,512 491 526 105,582 7,556,798 101,426 3,876,' 51,545 437,212 91,300 1,844,662 91,517 1,835,148 2,134 9,259 10,532 18,394 29,607 19, 163 14,694 1,799 6,953 31,642 19,448 11,425 13,579 7,706 3,215 7,458 1,099 2,481 1,494 42,018 2,348,044 40,437 1,239,820 19,939 149,439 36,808 588,519 36,859 519,705 626 3,037 3,901 7,911 13,373 7,979 4,783 408 2,158 12,347 8,574 5,315 5,831 2,938 1,174 2,100 39,597 3,618,307 38,220 1,870,223 19,267 205,180 34,943 858,766 35,656 889,318 579 2,501 2,835 5,598 11,039 8,519 7,552 974 1,974 9,237 7,327 4,405 5,912 3,718 1, 4,049 1,418 666,157 1,344 329,666 606 8,821 1,277 161,113 1,314 175, 378 Hogs and pigs. Bom since June 1 . .farms reporting Bom before June 1 farms reporlin; Sheep and lambs farms rei Lambs under 1 year old farms re Sheeo I year old and over farms re; Ewes farms re| Rams and wethers farms re GoatS and kids farms re Chickens 4 monlhs old and ovet farms re 65,696 40,262 623,076 52,531 475,543 23,973 6,021,417 18,811 1,938,323 22,318 4,083,094 21,977 3,771,429 18,159 311,665 13,680 3,155,418 118,177 17,069,685 44,498 912,955 27,899 517,734 36,327 395,221 17,314 5,713, 13,913 1,847,251 16,106 3,866,549 15,842 3,577,117 13,555 289,432 ' . 677 3,000,267 72,443 14,523,393 15,378 342,760 9,614 195,763 12,574 146,997 7,305 1,839,820 5,894 587,081 6,853 1,252,739 6,777 1,141,183 5,807 111, 556 4,322 1,156,228 28,619 8,323,254 16,141 375,979 10,342 213,713 13,449 162,266 6,461 2,426,423 5,219 825,89 5,994 1,600,533 5,887 1,481,315 5,042 119,218 3,611 1,207,943 24,737 3,942,1 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms Sheep and lambs sold alive farms Chickens including broiler- snM Chicken eggs sold Litters fairowed December 1, 1958, to Novembei 30, 1959 farms r number c s reporting. June 2 to November 111 December 1 to June 1 See footnotes at end of table. number 0 . . .farms r number c 155,065 4,618,521 634,570,116 36,822 1,148,251 34,447,530 19,625 3,292,566 39, 510, 792 13,665 2,260,043,863 110, 08,813 32,214 42,820,969 51,517 156,120,029 48,397,216 11,246 3,058 1 , 194 24,857 87,287 21,704 91,395 96,231 4,269,542 595,325,825 26,965 1,003,674 30,110,220 14, 746 3,168,023 38,016,276 11,104 2,218,060,275 108,200,800 23,532 41,883,816 34,467 143,634,472 44,526,6" 22,995 152,393 9,8 8,826 2,766 1,160 285 110 18,493 72,748 17,095 79,645 39,359 1,285,638 175,599,093 9,361 410,999 12,329,970 6,454 989,212 11,870,544 4,624 721,195,324 35,407,403 11,729 26,933,506 15,358 86,963,540 26,958,697 60, '36 3,139 3,126 6,317 28,855 6,046 31,881 36,890 1,993,284 " ,784, ''• 10,503 407,467 12,224,010 5,371 1,314,084 15,769,008 4,378 1,117,320,874 54,622,468 7,305 9,407,224 11,032 38,052,350 11,796,231 9,006 60,914 3,699 3,405 1,265 1,409 458, 593 75,792,697 495 119 23 7,230 29,062 6,826 31, 852 TEXAS State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959- 137 Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and Calves farms reporting.. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. . number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number nn hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms report! ng . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 4 ft head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 199 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have ralveii- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. nO to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head fnrms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head rafl Milk OT.S- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head fur 10 to 19 hvad farms reporting., J) to 29 head farms reporting. SO to 49 head ! 50 to 71 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and or mules farms reporting. ntimtHT. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. Bom since June I , fnrr Bom before June 1 . fam- snorting. number. Sheep and lambs lam Lambs under 1 year old fanrM npoftinjc. , number. Sheep 1 year old and over fiirm- rarrortirill.. Ewes farms reporting . Rams and wethers fam. Goats and Vids Chickens 4 months old and over .fan Livestock and livestock products sold' .1 .it i v , fat Hogs and pigs sold nil ve farm- repotting. , numlst. dollars. Slnsi. :ind lambs sold alive ' u number. Milk and crews sold1 'urn.- rtportinfr. CMcfcrms including broilarn old Chicken '-LY ..M , fnrm- rvnnftine., Litters lairowed December 1, 1958. to November 30, 1959 number 3 to 9 litter- farms 10 to 19 litter ...farms 20 to . 19 litter ....farms i i , ■,-.,., i . - (to Sovwnnat "f number Di i Itine 1 | .r. ret.s-iin,". Ccnmercial farms by tenure of white operator — Continued Cash tenants 4,341 386,988 4,094 195,855 2,016 36,155 3,766 94,679 3,863 96,454 12,939 1,122 11,382 956 248,436 1,127 642,201 1,106 610,333 982 31,668 334,475 2,131 340,248 4,158 234,002 31,922,178 1,104 549, 180 6,590,160 3,769 136,026 3,622 60,406 2,169 7,569 3,176 35,205 3,226 40,415 2,338 32,771 1,383 18,346 1,867 14,425 467 22,806 3,064 319,931 3,324 76,969 9,969,895 1,270 29,898 896,940 335 311 18,895,753 874,499 1,026 72,881 1,771 2,216,421 687,090 10,097 180,718 9,615 74,843 5,458 14,184 7,712 52,474 7,192 53,401 2,493 2,221 2,481 1,715 1,829 5,673 1,325 6,656 82,238 4,053 47,636 5,200 34,602 851 12,969 9,760 623,646 7,378 90,569 11,880,927 3,521 74,106 2,223,180 573 547 28,356,653 1,177,195 2,050 453,028 3,940 3,594,887 1,1K,414 3,058 12,981 1,607 1,128 2,389 6,174 2,132 1,169 65,636 1,103 28,106 527 3,315 1,019 16,287 1,011 21,243 1,058 36,506 5,074,533 1,983 763 7,214 6,953 155 13,062 13,257 1,147 106,537 138 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all farms of white operators Commercial farms by tenure of white operator SPECIFIED CROPS H\R\'ESTED Corn for all purposes farms reporting . Under 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 14 acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 or more acres farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. pounds. Sales farms reporting. pounds. Wheat harvested farms reporting . bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels. 3ats harvested for grain farms reporting. buahe Le . Sales farms reporting. bushels. Parley harvested farms reporting . bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. {ice harvested farms reporting . 162-lb. barrels. Sales farms reporting . 162-lb. barrels. 3eanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . pounds . iay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting Sales farms reporting Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting Wild hay cut farms reporting Sales farms reporting Other hay cut farms reporting Sales farms reporting Crass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting tons, green weight Cotton harvested farms reporting Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting bushels Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting Sales dollars Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting 61,946 1,381,972 26,342 17,392 11,747 3,711 1,215 1,539 58,731 1,311,577 35,987,988 24,253 16,203,129 77,130 7,568,410 59,461 6,714,593 13,241,566,893 46,546 11,556,362,240 25,987 3,015,264 49,614,770 24,995 47,250,862 18,089 861,150 18,760,591 7,829 7,774,459 5,884,811 3,899 4,037,544 1,798 417, 192 8,064,042 1,798 7,910,526 7,372 242,153 169,181,243 5,741 165,588 376,028 2,075 163,243 2,539 69,320 88,573 11,028 262,877 222,243 844 14,228 13,665 318,947 404, 550 1,944 62,952 30,056 684,115 e74,014 3,628 90,691 14 75,483 6,052,751 4,122,532 14,728 13,105 10,347 3,504 1,193 1,523 42,073 1,129,284 31,763,026 19,850 15,159,892 66, 518 7,370,669 54,100 6,588,702 13, 389, KJ4.703 43,414 11,459,209,546 23,534 2,951,707 48,870,910 22,774 46,604,539 14,979 774,641 17,171,737 6,639 7,156,957 6,028 269,606 5,770,177 3,708 3,996,334 1,776 416,772 8,057,599 1,776 7,904,083 5,646 223,596 ioO, 139,268 5,194 156,890 '■',' I 1,921 159,339 1,923 59,702 79,914 8,479 223,848 193,499 645 11,689 9,495 270,613 349,177 1,346 57,537 22,317 581,229 764,153 2,643 77,617 67,833 5,927,613 4,078,534 10,207 15,874 3,912,223 243 14,834 307,440 8,778,774 5,439 3,080,716 20,000 1,417,543 14,861 1,191,416 2,497,941,103 10,858 2,111,913,148 6,173 574,198 9,577,510 5,884 9,066,885 5,375 236,769 5,380,235 1,852 1,8X,301 1,546 54,391 1,242,550 1,704 45,174 32,345,826 1,623 44,354 107,103 3,374 82,849 68, 167 4,197 94,255 125,272 8,557 199,429 258,869 18,650 1,041,411 729, 756 885 15,282 488,842 13,807,892 7,152 6,647,789 24,929 3,290,744 19,897 2,915,416 5,717,676,383 15,549 4,876,031,199 9,724 1,535,271 24,695,865 9,414 23,498,931 5,926 342,499 7,491,184 2,605 3,048,323 2,571 133,273 2,841,556 1,508 1,940,943 1,175 286,635 5,498,119 1,175 5,381,803 2,704 126,254 91,741,708 2,327 73,051 163,650 3,420 96,441 B7.269 26,864 9,190 270,768 357, 597 1,206 41,470 1 24,662 2,733,082 1,939,282 3,163 7,900 1,869, : ■■ and butterfat sold. less than 20 bushels harvested. ■'Does not include data for TEXAS 139 State Table 21a.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Commercial farms by tenure of white operator — Continued SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Corn for ail purposes farms reporting... Under 11 acres farms reporting . . . 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. . . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting — 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. . . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. .. 100 or more acres farms reporting... Harvested for grain farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels. . . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting . . . pounds . . . Sales farms reporting . . . Wheat harvested farms reporting. . . bushels Sales farms reporting . . . bushels. . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels. . . Barley harvested farms reporting. . . bushels . .. Sales farms reporting. .. bushels Rice harvested farms reporting... acres.. . 162-lb. barrels... Sales farms reporting . . . 162-lb. barrels... Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting... acres. . . Hay crops : Land from which hay was cut acres — Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . . tons. .. Sales farms reporting. .. tons. .. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . tons... Sales farms reporting . . . tons. . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting . . . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . Other hay cut farms reporting . . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. .. tons.. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . . tons, green weight... Cotton harvested farms reporting. . . bales.. . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . . bus:.els. . . Vegetables iarvested for sale farms reporting... Sales dollars. . . Land in bearing and jnbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting. . . 1,119 62,473 40,535 2,491 70,991 1,864,608 1,492 998,941 3,116 312,017 2,658 284,629 523,828,452 2,166 456,982,390 1,071 144,129 2,352,932 1,054 2,250,276 657 1,028 16,202 21,506 3,638 259,181 147,381 1,879 1,830 1,686 211 6,193 174,673 4,786,387 4,235 3,263,947 13,402 1,820,937 12,706 1,753,243 3,458,477,428 11,661 3,254,372,812 4,676 475,928 8,680,519 4,592 8,441,404 1,676 70,477 1,600,273 1,180 1,102,738 1,136 47,030 1,003,421 Live stock -share 4,487 1,854 27,685 15,589 1,471,911 975,562 1,110 1,360 328,912 1,424 80,749 45,070 52,048 85 90,375 140 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See textl (For definitions and expla, Total all farms of norwhite operators Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhlte operator FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms .number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average site of fain acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre .dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 1 9 acres farms reporti ng 90 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporti ng 100 to 199 acres farms reporti ng 200 to 499 acres .farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Otfier cropland (idle and crop failure) , . . ,. .farms reporting Woodland pastured Carms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporti ng Irrigated land in farms farms reporting Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops rarms reporting Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years .number 25 to 34 years number 35 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years .number 55 to 64 years number 65 or more years number Average age year* OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off Tarm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work Operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms ooerators reporting With other members of famil\ worki ne off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated , . operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 1,1**, 306 76.1 2,790 1,572 1,2*3 16,699 136 16,648 3,903 3,3*5 510,3*6 100.0 125.3 4,821 1,124 173,773 65,496 3,134 851 79,060 24,504 271 106 4,835 2,165 196 97 4,722 2,190 2,825 723 69,503 20,149 6,058 1,533 243,131 99,784 1,704 341 60,214 15,623 6,487 1,601 294,228 128,637 8,589 1,759 2,953 1,455 1,572 121 4,064 183 2,771 450 2,823 352 6,234 212 130,044 25.5 109.4 2,110 20 2,060 200,863 39.4 137.8 29,791 5.8 1,191.6 TEXAS 141 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued * based on reports for only e mple of farms. See text] Commercial farms by tenure of nonehlte operator — Continued Cash tenants Other and unspecified tenants FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent di sin bution oercent Land in larms acres Percent distribution percent Average si le of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm ... dollars Average per acre aoilen Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farro rfporune 30 to 49 acres farm-- reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres , farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure* farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Wood) and not pastured farms reporti ng Other pasture (not cropland and not wood) and) forms reporting Improved pasture farm* reporting Irrigated land in (amis farms reporting (mgated cropland harvested farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting Land in Btrip-CtOpping soil-erosion control farms reporting System of terraces on crop and pasture I and farms reoorti ng FARM OPERATORS m \CF Operators reporting age number Under 3! yean number "> to M yeti .number 35 to 44 year« number . ... 55 to «4 year" number 65 or more years number Average age yean OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Worlang off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operator- repotting 100 to 189 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm *ork -m'vators reporting With other income or family exceeding value of agricultural products sold OpsfSiofS reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farm? operators reporting With other members of family working of farm operator" reporunR With income from purees other than farm operated . . operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold ooerators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 31,685 6.2 270.8 23,506 6 1,750 56,463 11.1 118.1 4,628 18 4,628 2,980 0.6 99.3 142 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ] {For definitions and explanations, i Total all fauns of nonwhite operators Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operato SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting number, Com picket farms reporting Pick-up balers farms reporting Field forage harvesters farms reporting number Motortrucks farms reporting. number Tractors farms reporting Tractors other than garden farms renorting number. 1 tractor farms reporting 2 tractors farms reporting "i tractors farms reporting 4 tractors farms reporting 5 or more tractors, farms reporting. Wheel tractors .farms reporting number. Crawler tractors farms reporting, number. Garden tractors farms reporting number. Automobiles farms reporting. number, \utoniohile* and or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporti ng , Home freer.er farms reporting, Milking machine farms renorting, Electric milk cooler farms reporting, Crop dner (for grain, forage, or other crop;') farms reporting. Power-nnernied elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting, Farms by kind ol road on which located: Hard surface .... farms reporting, Grave], shell, or shale farms rerc Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 mile farms reporting 2 or 3 miles .far-is reporting 1 miles farms reporting 5 or more mi\c^ . far—* renortint! FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular hired workers [employed 150 or more days) farms reporting Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms renorting, 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 or 4 hired workers ..farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 10 or more hired workers farms reporting RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting Operators not reporting residence number USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year operators reporting Dry materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting Dry materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting Dry materials .farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting Corn. ■ farms reporting Dry materials farms reporting Liquid materials farms reporting See footnotes at end of table. 3,638 4,338 3,214 7,440 7,943 10,713 4,465 2,596 7,704 2,438 5,266 1,712 2,558 427 569 13,088 853 1,100 5,138 96,608 11,548 5,097 11,226 322 1,680 2,300 1,653 2,263 1,305 220 72 2,163 3,116 1,779 59,569 6,959 1,753 6,701 42 258 3,462 1,110 '."'.'. 13,557 3,452 1,100 -.' 1,435 1,086 729 1,070 TEXAS 143 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definition* and explai SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting... Com pickers farms reporting... Pick-up balers farms reporting... Field forage harvesters farms reporting... Motortrucks farms reporting. .. number . .. Tractors farms reporting. .. Tractors other than garden farms reporting... 1 tractor (arms reporting... 2 tractors farms reporting.., 3 tractors farms reporting... 4 tractors farms reporting... 5 or more tractors farms reporting . . . Wheel tractors farms reporting... Crawler tractors farms reporting... Garden tractors farms reporting.., Automobiles farms reporting... Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting... Telephone farms reporting. . , (fame freezer farms reporting... Milking machine farms reporting... Electric milk cooler farms reporting... Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . , Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting... Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting... 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting.., 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 of Smiles farms reporting. .. 4 miles farms reporting. . 5 or more miles farms reporting... FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Operators not reporting residence number. . USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fert.itir.ing materials used during the year farms reporting. . acres on which used . . Dry materials farms reporting.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Crops on which used— Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials .farms reporting.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . Com farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator— Continued Other and unspecified tenants 144 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator Total all farms of nonwhite operators tlem (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year— Continued Crops on which used— Continued 272 131 40 61 30 acres... 1,727 1,255 285 775 195 Dry materials farms reporting... 272 131 40 61 30 tons... 190 126 26 78 22 2,504 31,763 1,089 19,338 246 3,665 501 8,890 342 6,783 Dry materials farms reporting. . . 2,457 1,067 240 486 341 tons . . . 3,273 1,839 349 845 645 37 22 6 15 1 tons... 116 97 46 26 25 1,684 22,617 563 18,403 145 2,265 281 11,770 137 4,368 1,669 548 135 276 137 3,237 2,627 193 1,606 828 15 15 10 5 ions... 150 150 120 30 93 1,395 32 550 20 205 1 10 1 100 10 acres limed... 235 tons... 2,215 705 175 10 100 420 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 14,686 4,068 1,184 1,458 25 1,401 Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting... 11,957 2,994 974 1,131 25 864 dollars... 2,327,339 1,116,120 365,632 426,272 126,601 197,615 6,279 5,465 1,528 1,314 466 454 541 557 ", 521 296 104 59 16 7 6 30 73 58 27 18 6 7 S5.000 or more farms reporting. .. 36 35 11 8 6 10 2,513 766 218 314 12 222 dollars... 640,589 452,540 74,315 266,165 23,535 88,525 2,369 663 201 274 2 186 86 51 6 10 5 30 50 45 10 25 5 5 $5,000 to $0,999 .. . , farms reporting... 4 3 1 2 4 4 3 1 6,203 2,707 595 986 7 1,119 dollars... 1,029,580 827,030 79,190 311,059 26,610 410,171 5,154 1,813 491 612 710 $2C0 to $999 . .. farms reporting... 903 758 98 318 1 341 146 136 6 56 6 68 3,353 1,582 359 691 12 520 dollars... 1,479,630 1,275,609 293,655 558,253 16,330 407,371 2,207 739 230 282 2 225 435 77 213 5 140 $500to$999 .... farm, i .-,. 230 189 11 97 1 80 $1,000 to $2,199 farms reporting. . . 115 95 1 60 2 32 $2,500 to $4.999 fan-is reporting. . . 61 61 23 17 21 55,000 to $9,999 farms I 30 30 7 5 2 16 $10,000 lo $19,910 farms reporting. .. 32 32 10 16 6 $20,000 to $49,999 farms rooorling. .. 1 1 1 $50,000 or more farm s re 5,134 1,893 468 827 1 597 316,586 220,556 28,820 107,777 14 83,945 4,532 1,471 381 623 1 466 $100to$199 farms reporting... 496 331 71 165 95 $500 to $999 farms reporting... 62 47 16 15 16 $1,000 or more farms reporting... 44 44 24 20 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 11,184 3,282 889 1,208 20 1,165 dollars... 1,237,688 774,586 169,675 353,711 12,170 239,030 8,453 1,674 596 481 2 595 2,329 1,252 233 548 11 460 $500 to $999 farm* r, 251 206 31 99 1 75 $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. . . 144 144 23 80 6 35 7 6 6 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCF. All farm products sold total, dollars. . . 16,335,289 11,248,679 2,016,070 4,732,043 208,519 4,292,047 average per farm, dollars 1,086 2,762 1,696 3,246 8,341 3,064 10,165,381 8,102,704 947,456 3,462,802 11,586 3,680,860 Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuls, sold dollars. . . 9,19 1,89 7,420,878 782,252 3,045,856 9,851 3,582,919 Vegetables sold dollars... 675,327 536,337 64,170 380,322 91,845 94,808 45,114 18,524 22,554 1,500 2,536 Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold .dollars.. . 201,353 100,375 82,510 14,070 235 3,560 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. .. 6,169,908 3,145,975 1,068,614 1,269,241 196,933 611,187 639,158 511,201 104,237 240,349 86,422 80,193 428,110 361,520 227,250 90,465 100 43,705 Livestock and livestock products, other 5,102,640 2,273,254 737,127 938,427 110,411 487,289 TEXAS 145 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued D&ia are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER WD LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year-Continued Crops on which used— Continued Sorghums farms reporting. . . Dry materials farms reporting. .. Liquid materials farms reporting... Cotton farms reporting... Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. All other croos farms reporting.. Dry materials farms reporting. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. . Commercial fauna by tenure of noranlte operator — Continued Otner and unspecified tenants SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of (he following specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under 'ion farms reporting. $100 toSB99 farms reporting. $1,000 to 51,999 farms reporting. $2,000 to 54,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting., dollars., Under $1,00C farms reporting., Sl.OOn to 59,199 rums reporting., 52,300 to 54,999 farms reporting. , $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting., $10,000 or more farms reporting., Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting.. $200 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farm.- reporting. . 5200 to $499 farms report! ng . . 5500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to $2, 499 , fanrs reporting.. 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 .farm* reporting.. 510,000 to $19,999 rams reporting.. 520,000 to 549,999 farm* reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reporting. . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. 5100 to 5499 farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 ot more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars.. Under 5100 farms reporting. . $100 to 5499 rums reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to $4,999 farms reporting . . 55,000 or more farms reporti ng . . ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farm products sold jtolal, dollars.. average per farm, dollars. . All crops sold dollars. . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest products and horticultural snecialty products iold ...... dollars. , All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. 72,016 48,456 23,560 169,461 1,936 14,300 1,880,234 1,815,568 62,730 1,936 65,856 2,195 20,826 20,826 1,284,928 1,230,763 4,165 105,092 3,843 28,465 146 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] {For definitions and expla Total all faxms of nonwiiite operators Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator All tenants LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and Calves farms reporting. . . number... Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting... number Milk cows farms reporting. . . number. . . Heifers and heifer calves farms renorting. .. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reoorting. .. Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves- 1 head farms renorting 2 to 4 head farms renorting. .. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. .. 10 to 19 head farms report! ng . . . 20 to 49 head farms reporting. . . 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . . 500 or more head farms reporting. . . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms renorting. .. 2 to 9 head farms renorting. .. 10 to 19 head farms renorting... 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . . 10 to 49 head farms reporting... f>0 to 74 head farm- reporting. .. 75 to 99 head farms reporting 100 or more head , .farms reporting. . . "ilk cows- 1 head farms renorting. .. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. .. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. .. 20 to 29 head .farms reporting. . . TO to 49 head farms reporting... 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting... 100 or more head farm- reportine. . Horses and/or mules farms reoottinrt... number. . . HogS and pigs farms reporting... Bom since June 1 farms reporting. .. Bom before June 1 farms reporting, .. number. . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. .. Sheeo 1 year old and over farms renorting. .. Ewea farms reporting. .. Rams and wethers farms reporting. .. number. .. Goats and kids farms reporting... number.. . Chickens 4 months Old and OVet farms reporting. . . number... Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting... dollars... Hogs and nigs sold alive farms reporting... number. . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. . number... dollars... Milk and cream sold1 farms reporting. .. dollars..! Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . . dollars... Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... dollars... Litters farrowed December 1, 1958. to November 30, 1959 farms reporting... number of litters. .. 1 or 2 huera farms reporting. . . 3 to 9 litters farms reporting... 10 to 19 litters farms reporting... 20 to 19 litters farms reporting. .. 40 to (19 litters farms reporting... 70 or more litters farms reporting. . . June 2 to November 10 farms reporting. . . number of litters. .. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . . number of litters. .. See footnotes at end of table. 103,144 11,609 61, 593 6,601 14,742 8,584 26,208 6,207 15,343 4,645 3,456 1,908 2,296 7,853 1,021 10,897 74,051 6,167 38,494 9,118 35,557 108 1,866 12,536 435,250 8,249 34,703 3,780,154 4,261 1,288,'260 57 605 208,751 2,000 930,117 . S8,337 4,703 10,257 3,786 3,432 5,460 2,554 4,797 3,069 41,000 3,043 25,368 1,868 5,328 2,313 9,509 1,701 6,123 3,103 24,925 1,649 12,578 2,655 12,347 43 1,999 15,637 1,807,369 1,151 14,967 449,010 22 430 1,351 3,390 1,075 1,658 868 1,732 1,009 15,503 1,009 9,684 1,237 15,930 1,236 9,855 3,444 705 2,631 6,091 1,021 4,241 TEXAS 147 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] LIVESTOCK \ND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. , number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. Milk cows farms reporting. , Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. , number. . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting., Farms reporting bv number on hand: Cattle and cajves- 1 head farms reporting., 2 to 4 head farms reporting., 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting., 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 to 499 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms reporting. . Co*s, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . a to 29 head farms reporting. . W to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. Wto 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farm- reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and Of mules fams reporting.. HogS and pigs .... farms reporting.. Bora since June 1 farms reporting. . Bom before June I farms reporting.. Sheep and lambs farms reoorting.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number, . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. Ewes farms reporting. . number. . Rama and wethers farms reporting. . number.. Goats and kidS farms reporting.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reportinir.. number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Sheeo and lambs sold alive farms reporting, . number. . dollars.. Ulk tfld CKam sold1 farms reporting. . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken egc* sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, tO November 30, 1959 farms reporting.. number of litters. . ! or 2 litler* farms reporting. . 3 to 9 litters farms reporting. . 10 to 10 htf.-r farms reporting. . 20 to 39 litter* farrr | 40 to 89 titters . . .farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting.. June 2 to November 10 farms reporting.. number of litters. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters, . See footnotes at end of table. Commercial farms by tenure of nornrhite operator — Continued Cash tenants 1,105 341 1,091 Other and unspecified tenants 148 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Corn for nil purposes farms reporting. Under 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels. . Sales farms reporting., bushels. . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting., Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting., pounds , , Sales farms reporting. , pounds . , Wheat harvested farms reporting., bushels . , Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting., bushels . , Sales farms reporting., bushels . , Barley harvested farms reporting., bushels . . Sales farms reporting., bushels . , Rice harvested farms reporting., 162-lb. barrels.. Sales farms reporting. , 162-lb. barrels.. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting.. pounds . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres.. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting. , Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting.. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting.. Wild hay cut farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting. . Other hay cut farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting., Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting.. bushels . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting.. Total all farms of nonwhite operators 8,415 71,919 1,328,170 1,368 271,44-5 1,010 6,759 6,901 6,340 104,433 42,123 Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator 2,916 36,837 714,360 2,934 72,568 33,577 626,505 25 432,500 1,125 14,445 260,025 1,124 27,310 11,479 butterfat sold. elude acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. TEXAS 149 State Table 21b.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: -CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lextj Commercial farms by tenure of nonwhite operator — Continued (For definition? and explanations, see text) _ . . o,Q~. ' Cash tenants SPECIFIED CHOPS HARVESTED Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. Under 11 acres farms reporting.. U to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms reporting.. Harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting.. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. pounds.. Sales farms reporting.. pounds.. Wheat harvested farms reporting.. bushels.. Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels . . Sales faras reporting.. bushels.. Barley harvested farms reporting.. bushels.. Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Rice harvested farms reporting.. 162-lb. barrels.. Sales farms reporting.. 162-lb. barrels.. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. . pounds.. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres,. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting.. tons.. Sales farms reporting.. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. Sales farms reporting.. Wild hay cut farms reporting. . Sales farms reporting.. Other hay cut farms reporting.. tons. . Sales farms reporting.. tons.. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. tons, green weight.. Cotton harvested farms reporting.. bales., Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for aale farms reporting., bushels . , Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting., Sales dollars . , Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees3 farms reporting. 2,325 5 2,325 3,000 10 3,000 150 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 22.-CASH RENT PAID BY CASH TENANTS AND SHARE-CASH TENANTS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM- CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For delini CASH TENANTS Land rented from others operators report! Land rented to others operators reporti Land in farms of cash tenants Average size of farm Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Proportion of cash tenants reporting value percent Cropland harvested farms reporting Cash tenants reporting both value of land and buildings and amount of cash tent paid number Proportion of ali cash tenants percent A] 1 I and rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Average per S100 of value of land and buildings. dollars 240,797 9,488 10,419,858 85.1 4,627 381,156 7,744 81.6 7,523,304 971.5 195,282 5,132 9,888,372 85.5 3,036 344,706 4,183 81.5 7,083,054 1,693.3 45,515 4,356 531,486 84.6 1,591 36,450 3,561 81.7 440,250 123.6 2.66 2.76 SHARE-CASH TEN ANTS All share-cash tenants number Land owned operators reporting Land rented to outers operators reporting Land in farms of share-cash tenants acres Value of land and buildings: \verage per farm dollars \verage per acre dollars Proportion of share-cash tenants reporting value percent Crop! and harvested /arms reporting Share-cash tenants reporting both value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number Proportion of all share-cash tenants percent All land rented from others acres Value of land and buildings: VVflrage per operator dollars \verage per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per 5100 of value of land and buildings dollars 28,187 5,038 2,243,229 3,960 78.6 1,817,064 458.9 1.-8 1.49 28,187 4,591 2,179,249 86.9 4,548 920,058 3,629 79.0 1,768,309 487.3 1.78 1.50 74.0 48,755 147.3 1.77 1.40 State Table 23.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estimated number of farms reporting Is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than— If the estimated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — l1 Level 2 3 l1 1 Level Level 2 3 Level Percent 40 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 Percent 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 Perctnl 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 Percent 96 6S 48 30 21 15 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.6 0.4 Percent 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 Percent 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 Percent 9.6 1 Level 1 should be used in determining the sampling reliability of estimated number of farms and farms reporting. The level for all other items should be obtained from State Table 24. If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting constitutes more than 75 percent of all farms in the universe, a better approximation to the sampling reliability may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the table as follows: 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.30. 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.20. TEXAS 151 State Table 24.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To determine the samoling reliability for an iter, use thi munty or State table Size-of-form group Farms and (arm characteristics' Land in firms acres Value of land and buildings per farm dollars Cropland harvested acres Total cropland acres Total pasture! and acres Irrigated land in farms acres Commefctal fertilizer Land on which commercial fertilizer was used acres Farm labor Regular hired workers employed 150 or more days persons Specified farm expenditures: Feed for livestock and poultry dollars Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars Machine hire dollars Hired labor dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars Livestock and livestock products Cattle and calves on hand number Cows, including heifers that have calved, on hand number Hogs and pigs on hand number Sheep and lambs on hand number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand numD«r Calves sold alive number Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive number Hogs and pigs sold alive number Sheep and lambs sold alive Dumber Hones sold number Broilers sold number Other chickens sold number Chicken eggs sold dozens Value of milk and cream sold dollars Specified crops harvested Wheat harvested. Alfalfa and alfalfa mlxturen cut for hay. Wild hay cut a Other hay cut ai Cotton harvested ot Value of vegetables harvested for sale dollars. Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (153) 154 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on Item (For definitions and explanation ,. see text, The State Anderson Andrews Angel liic Aransas Archer Armstrong Atascosa Austin FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE J r number 1959 . . . 227,071 292,947 1,629 2,510 82 87 1,155 1,939 80 392 417 297 351 1,210 1,481 2,082 2,240 A 1954... 3 Decrease m farms due to chance in 15,518 168,217,600 85.1 143,217,559 145,812,733 176 682,880 65.1 444,650 470,913 1 962,560 68.5 659,641 672,455 310 511,360 52.8 269,758 264,033 6 176,640 35.1 62,060 68,052 16 '580,480 106.7 '619, 168 '629, 232 4 '581, 760 109.8 1638,861 '766,818 40 '771,840 105.6 '815,425 '780,482 86 423,680 97.8 414,165 391,155 _ 'iV o Wm farm* percent 1959 , . . 7 1954 .. . 630.7 497.7 273.0 187.6 8,044.4 7,729.4 233.6 136.2 775.8 687.4 1,579.5 1,508.9 2,151.0 2,164.7 673.9 527.0 198.9 174.6 t 1954 . . . Value of land and buildings: dollars 1959... 48,379 29,278 15,437 7,881 134,928 143 ,407 20,215 8,360 70,607 31,021 67,564 64,712 99,418 64,881 42,313 27,530 29,108 15,370 n 1951 . . . dollars 1959... 85.81 59.94 63.03 43.36 17.52 18.50 90.81 77.61 160.35 32.27 63.55 41.28 38.99 50.29 63.00 49.42 153.33 92.00 1:1 1951, . . . 14 percent 1959... 82 72 82 83 80 80 71 78 82 If. Land in (aims according to use: 1951,... 83 84 90 90 76 92 89 82 81 farms reporting 1959 . . . 157,054 206,537 977 1,799 37 40 494 761 14 19 276 316 248 323 812 978 1,697 1,854 17 1954... 1H 22,236,473 33,622 8,045 7,883 1,681 43,449 90,923 85,536 73,976 1954... 24,885,000 59,274 10,044 11,868 2,466 53,671 140,979 90,537 75,821 '11 20,814 297 2 268 5 5 2 46 227 21 1954 . . . 29,240 468 403 5 4 2 87 237 17,419 23,745 222 421 2 1 125 175 1 1 13 7 1 1 60 90 298 304 -'1 19.-.I , . 12,536 17,972 130 293 .!'. 45 73 2 15 9 3 1 86 77 252 273 25 1954 18,776 26,468 128 249 2 1 26 62 45 29 8 8 105 155 438 524 ■:- 1954 28 50 to 99 acre.. 28,043 126 4 23 70 20 215 358 n, 1951 40,295 254 5 37 1 93 15 235 417 30 100 to 199 acres faro roponin;. 1959 26,468 56 7 4 6 66 46 189 93 31 1954 . . . 34,542 101 14 9 6 97 56 235 83 3-2 200 to (99 acres. farms reporting 1959. . 24,167 18 11 2 2 52 118 100 27 33 1951 . . 25,794 11 15 2 3 57 147 90 15 .14 6,944 5 1 8 36 11 4 35 1954 , , 6,632 2 3 1 17 72 9 1 36 1.000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 1,887 2 14 37 1954... 1,849 i 3 21 36 86,453 859 16 493 6 160 87 775 209 39 111,969 1,441 8 1,041 9 142 54 746 217 40 acres 1959... 7,629,237 87,426 697 21,948 269 27,801 7,803 87,744 9,213 41 1054 7,398,651 74,024 367 36,357 94 17,970 3,144 62,549 8,781 42 Cropland not harvested and not pastured 61,359 440 25 70 1 154 216 245 404 43 1951 71,869 639 12 194 6 143 152 584 392 44 acres 1959 5,733,378 25,365 6,767 3,388 2 18,647 47,570 30,034 6,613 45 [954 4,375,651 16,772 1,833 4,547 425 9,615 16,460 36,439 6,432 46 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting L959 17,284 52 12 59 117 32 67 47 1951 18,964 72 8 22 60 82 64 91 Is 1,654,736 1,844 144 6,940 17,616 1,625 1,750 19 1,239,127 2,186 1,191 853 3,581 7,591 4,079 1,472 50 farms reportini: 1959 . . . 19,696 61 20 31 26 91 124 135 51 acre! 1959 2,061,679 3,021 3,334 1,794 3,315 18,969 19,947 1,485 52 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reportinc 1959 34,928 358 7 34 1 104 83 115 248 53 acres 1959.. .. . 116,91 1 20,500 3,433 1,450 2 8,392 10,985 8,462 3,378 54 64,603 979 761 38 621 688 55 1954 93,752 1,737 1,281 52 1 808 714 56 acres 1959... 12,537,143 180,200 177,887 21,311 331,424 64,745 57 1954... 18,871,709 225,494 165,268 41,148 160 364,333 73,191 58 12,208 192 139 5 63 82 59 15,854 282 1 186 3 36 95 60 acres 1959 . 1,094,197 25,622 9,110 332 8,956 3,857 61 1954 . . 1,151,423 17,845 410 11,166 163 2,528 4,661 62 Other pasture (not cropland and no! woodland: rm.i* reporting 1959. . 135,627 627 71 509 73 328 255 361 1,757 6.1 1«< 149,327 1,026 66 468 83 330 303 426 1,783 64 acres 1959 , . . 91,885,757 79,377 635,203 46,197 59,845 499,807 489,114 259,295 246,919 65 1951.. 87,211,145 65,877 659,056 29,881 64,845 496,474 596,307 217,878 213,987 66 27,158 174 2 138 1 64 28 94 434 1954 20,587 302 137 2 90 7 100 165 68 ncres 1959 . . 7,108,994 20,743 540 9,917 150 235,479 8,458 51,248 38,567 69 1951... 3,861,287 16,828 576 11,477 403 46,878 3,881 34,414 13,480 7(1 Other land (houne lots, r.md* >. i.i.-l m.l etc .. aires 1959 2,101,374 13,038 8,929 3,345 263 7,821 3,451 12,436 8,842 71 1954... 1,919,154 11,627 745 4,946 222 10,191 9,768 6,218 8,282 72 Cropland, [owl farms roportins 1959 187,415 1,346 46 798 14 326 273 1,075 1,734 73 1954 245,699 2,260 47 1,444 27 338 328 1,308 1,891 74 189,759 236,342 1,454 2,180 67 1,098 1,748 76 90 375 385 268 309 1,085 1,259 1,871 1,926 75 1954 ?!■ Woodland, total farms renortinc 1959 72,065 1,079 853 41 658 740 77 104,333 1,879 1 1,378 54 1 834 785 7S Irrigated land in farms 27,884 17 17 2 1 3 57 163 19 79 1954 . . . 26,315 43 6 10 2 40 157 8 80 acres 1959 . . . 5,655,638 649 1,694 14 1 281 10,462 13,041 1,699 81 1954 . . . 4,707,028 1,012 518 252 9 1,054 6,323 6,667 2,084 Land use practices: 82 13,465 108 39 30 85 183 83 acres 1959... 606,766 4,528 895 2,139 4,779 3,120 84 CnplOMl USCtl l"t .jrarn or rou farms reporting 1959 . . . 38,073 5,048,993 76 4,237 27 536 145 18,976 87 15,834 194 27,746 288 7,972 85 acres 1959... 86 Land in strip-cropping systems for 4,344 15 1 16 87 acres 1959... 429,161 2,725 225 81 570 68 System of terraces on crop and pasture land . farms reporting 1959.. . 65,869 180 194 179 140 371 417 69 act, 1959 ... 8,225,550 12,894 9,718 37,501 26,601 56,100 25,362 headquarters is located, TEXAS 155 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 reports for only a sample of farms. See text] BaUe, Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Be,ar Blanoo Borden Bos^e Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 711 466 1,187 494 727 2,259 1,950 516 159 1,206 1,814 1,276 935 106 345 181 1 884 618 1,667 598 861 2,881 2,772 574 191 1,421 2,440 1,669 1,269 101 481 283 2 11 19 84 4 51 160 233 20 355 23 212 98 2 i 7 3 532,480 '489,600 566,400 548,480 538,880 668,160 798,080 '460,160 581,120 641,920 577,920 910,080 373,120 3,973,120 567,680 '578,560 1 81.4 94.8 68.1 87.0 87.7 78.3 72.4 110.9 82.1 89.0 60.8 69.6 87.4 65.5 59.6 137.7 S 433,180 464,035 385,708 477,390 472,491 523,307 577,478 '510,158 477,345 571,128 351,142 633,166 325,983 2,600,900 338,221 '796,388 • 419,456 '501,589 459,742 466,633 477,031 540,455 533,564 419,523 569,182 506,854 375,904 673,923 355,844 2,537,037 383,632 '799,983 7 609.3 995.8 324.9 966.4 649.9 231.7 296.1 988.7 3,002.2 473.6 193.6 496.2 348.6 24,536.8 980.4 4,399.9 8 474.5 811.6 275.8 780.3 554.0 187.6 192.5 730.9 2,980.0 356.7 154.1 403.8 280.4 25,119.2 797.6 2,826.8 g 83,570 64,122 23,789 70,222 44,747 29,896 46,041 70,031 123,969 35,864 16,009 64,842 36,904 361,640 117,970 90,338 10 50,168 40,198 13,393 47,534 29,488 20,331 28,263 40,815 81,260 21,356 9,761 31,540 21,425 290,578 59,188 46,753 11 158.71 65,09 78.80 90.92 88.19 132.09 178.23 63.89 38.06 75.55 94.00 186.47 119.38 12.65 122.35 38.24 12 106.06 51.66 50.20 62.41 64.52 108.15 158.12 56.51 20.91 59.60 63.79 104.98 85.86 10.80 86.23 24.09 1.1 83 81 89 82 83 73 79 81 78 76 90 77 84 79 64 83 14 93 89 87 90 73 79 81 90 87 82 87 81 74 85 81 84 15 690 253 678 456 489 1,820 1,242 275 121 910 1,001 725 401 12 317 100 ie 798 339 1,128 523 600 2,348 1,122 196 149 1,084 1,488 864 697 10 410 181 11 263,685" 12,158 34,194 102,947 82,719 214,235 100,997 12,924 34,476 97,394 40,504 90,608 31,363 2,282 102,828 8,321 IB 212,506 15,273 50,259 113,874 85,811 241,048 81,082 8,202 40,667 106,342 45,380 132,483 44,864 1,019 126,175 11,002 u 9 30 142 15 31 88 199 1 25 425 188 94 2 7 20 20 59 247 17 36 92 146 33 58 721 246 130 1 7 25 21 18 92 119 10 41 102 155 45 3 52 236 109 101 5 13 21 30 56 192 12 33 118 135 32 62 324 139 145 1 5 25 91 15 48 72 5 25 110 112 30 "2 57 110 54 43 1 16 24 26 49 154 6 20 135 100 22 1 69 155 77 107 2 2 27 25 15 48 120 20 43 247 163 55 1 120 85 78 60 1 10 15 20 36 72 207 18 72 315 164 43 9 116 130 70 119 2 7 32 n 69 44 148 78 110 516 278 71 6 292 65 106 43 1 26 29 28 102 66 223 91 133 794 317 52 12 373 74 110 112 1 38 49 29 124 23 55 164 105 466 233 27 31 250 36 72 26 1 67 12 30 203 28 71 175 169 640 191 14 36 312 42 70 40 1 119 12 31 271 7 18 123 102 253 90 3 62 105 32 83 24 5 144 5 32 276 9 33 157 115 239 63 75 85 33 104 32 2 167 10 S3 134 1 3 33 25 34 10 14 7 10 27 5 1 52 3 34 88 1 43 20 11 6 15 8 6 34 8 55 1 35 35 1 8 7 4 2 1 2 2 8 5 9 36 17 4 2 4 1 1 3 14 * 10 37 158 232 496 285 380 1,043 1,132 256 82 483 778 361 293 4 134 98 38 286 253 760 257 440 1,285 1,501 220 49 477 1,016 408 429 2 190 113 39 15,626 16,304 36,787 18,161 34,501 53,728 92,855 24,039 10,212 27,569 65,304 110,201 36,712 592 13,605 13,615 40 11,949 10,105 56,838 10,106 28,766 37,311 101,463 10,804 5,632 24,816 52,379 137,507 40,957 620 13,205 11,939 41 313 105 237 271 131 575 461 97 52 304 240 180 105 1 185 33 42 358 116 320 273 117 639 1,029 204 25 262 340 146 123 2 149 110 43 36,597 5,072 11,438 20,953 11,490 24,854 25,782 3,697 6,702 18,500 17,128 13,748 11,012 80 28,648 3,238 44 76,907 4,409 9,863 13,276 4,384 13,361 59,723 8,002 2,269 12,210 10,389 18,114 6,697 154 11,559 4,081 45 129 24 33 149 40 101 122 16 14 58 19 21 17 1 80 13 46 156 53 51 161 20 ISO 340 31 5 47 48 28 30 1 95 14 II 6,808 811 921 10,477 1,994 3,867 5,127 459 974 3,377 1,394 2,816 1,878 45 10,959 971 48 25,131 2,157 1,180 6,571 1,074 3,869 21,429 1,322 117 2,276 1,438 4,364 1,310 100 4,993 271 49 131 34 83 27 62 178 97 34 30 84 85 25 48 82 5 50 24,652 1,764 4,704 1,733 7,116 11,060 8,935 1,854 3,922 7,764 7,442 935 6,214 12,750 152 51 106 60 153 176 40 352 307 55 17 184 152 143 53 1 76 20 52 5,137 2,497 5,813 8,743 2,380 9,927 11,720 1,384 1,806 7,359 8,292 9,997 2,920 35 4,939 2,115 S3 2 260 431 100 255 646 821 78 279 1,003 358 485 2 55 54 1 309 1,186 29 300 1,079 1,254 318 3 383 1,557 485 596 92 15 55 355 201,083 106,067 3,952 97,515 71,605 182,792 59,333 68,725 101,351 87,825 73,622 235 3,635 56 35 233,385 265,848 5,043 114,733 145,898 200,688 168,923 405 68,090 138,731 111,993 113,511 23,715 4,765 57 7 14 47 15 28 113 151 10 1 41 220 50 28 2 7 58 1 10 49 3 30 79 136 7 1 24 204 65 55 2 4 59 264 9,051 7,222 245 3,337 3,663 14,268 2,350 18 4,428 19,501 7,109 1,952 132 364 60 270 2,227 4,952 21 2,449 4,789 12,689 1,642 50 2,141 14,370 7,423 3,454 344 38 61 206 255 825 294 269 1,319 500 422 109 943 1,005 760 727 104 216 87 62 367 291 615 435 293 1,428 374 231 138 1,082 1,272 824 640 98 227 178 63 103,158 214,839 182,698 327,000 239,466 146,151 146,139 401,234 425,058 348,052 96,542 308,932 164,611 2,565,164 189,364 765,255 64 109,605 229,288 67,534 320,835 235,964 85,955 55,835 217,533 518,808 286,499 106,601 255, 149 141,239 2,524,036 201,981 766,329 65 20 93 198 43 64 317 92 43 4 104 295 339 262 12 7 8 68 35 53 82 41 49 173 36 52 2 126 340 232 148 8 15 6 67 6,092 61,539 22,323 32,029 42,340 26,461 21,964 25,800 25,099 51,380 24,532 74,719 •43,775 45,226 371 613 68 480 13,764 8,355 57,854 26,437 9,857 7,054 48,567 376 41,378 27,788 35,902 20,296 36,546 564 27,555 99 13,495 5,528 7,302 4,132 3,463 9,071 14,595 6,581 879 6,460 10,812 14,743 6,711 32,782 3,409 1,960 70 8,184 6,902 4,448 3,478 4,924 12,093 22,084 4,417 1,351 6,756 8,054 11,254 5,122 11,208 6,653 1,829 71 698 372 922 479 619 2,058 1,708 404 139 1,060 1,382 914 560 10 336 137 72 842 484 1,409 540 744 2,549 2,354 407 159 1,215 1,945 1,034 895 11 421 248 73 325 461 1,103 434 592 2,006 1,594 504 138 1,156 1,675 1,102 849 104 265 157 74 530 591 1,486 507 678 2,515 2,148 543 143 1,317 2,204 1,323 995 99 368 217 76 9 266 459 111 272 720 918 84 1 294 1,144 394 510 4 58 79 2 314 1,217 32 326 1,131 1,362 319 3 387 1,686 528 641 94 19 77 547 7 11 55 16 15 178 9 26 9 12 185 58 3 188 15 78 463 16 17 15 7 20 165 12 9 18 24 239 13 189 23 79 115,335 105 1,230 3,277 1,849 777 15,530 181 1,513 787 1,963 48,407 7,195 28 46,966 725 80 74,292 771 1,231 896 622 544 12,246 3 '.5 321 570 1,978 95,179 1,117 343 42,082 1,309 81 15 30 96 19 18 188 99 12 2 40 90 17 20 7 82 3,405 1,078 1,925 1,576 550 7,885 4,755 576 282 1,921 3,032 451 799 455 61 182 35 131 155 206 535 234 163 83 262 32 30 31 50 4 84 54,532 2,720 6,153 27,702 36,519 44,102 10,559 9,709 30,419 20,068 515 8,478 1,303 11,062 870 81 17 26 11 7 111 23 18 18 1 6 M 905 860 700 630 4,443 1,485 848 2,455 79 685 87 101 170 295 256 255 885 296 252 82 526 345 26 215 109 11 HH 23,867 10,660 16,854 47,886 43,888 74,002 20,510 20,841 25,786 43,238 20,376 15,473 18,544 24,218 2,500 89 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: ^ [Data for items shown in italics are based on FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE farms number 1950. 1354 . ase in farms due In change in farm definition 1054 to 1959 number . Approximate land area acres 1950 . iportion in farms percent 1059. Average- size of farm. .... Value of land and buildings: 1054.. i 1059 . . . dollars 3959. 195!,. ..dollars 1959. 1964. . .percent 1959. 100 to 109n TOO to 499 i 500 lo 009 a 1,000 or ma . rnmis reporting 1 1 fan - reporting 1 1 . firms reporting 1 1 forms reporting i 1 farms r.-^>rtin^; 1 1 farms reporting I 1 . farms reporting 1 1 farms reporting i v for pasture forms reporting 1959 Sod -improvement lt^s Other cropland (idle n , farms reporting 10ri0 >s and legumes farms rcpon act,.- |95fl 1 crop failure) farms reporting 1959 Woodlnnd pastured forms reporting 1050 . Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1959 1954.. acres 1959. . Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1959 1 054 . . acre* 1950 1 9!i 1 . . Other land (house lots, reads, wftsteJftnd, Otc | . acres 1059.. 1054.. Cropland. total ... farms reporting 1059. . 1154 . Land pastured, total farm* reporting 1050 . , 1054 . . Woodland, total farms reporting 1059. . 1954 . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959. . 1054 . . acres 1959. 1054. Land-use practices: Croplaruiin cover crops farms reporting 1959.. acre* 1959. Cropland uaetl far grain arrow empa farmed an the contour farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1 959 . acres 1959 . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959 . 1,220 1,415 1,432 1,634 90 87 607,360 434,560 89.1 85.4 541,001 371,000 567,009 343, 594 443.4 262.2 396.0 210.3 31,758 19,719 23,022 12,445 74.21 83.31 57.81 61.29 9,842 254 18,326 1,058 1,195 1,159 1,370 1,210 659 1,227 55,184 68,100 1,027 1,354 1,294 1,385 639,360 88.0 562,580 572,517 694.5 583.0 45,672 27,200 62.36 49.09 47 348,160 77.4 269,606 311,822 329.2 252.3 31,225 20,315 96.87 24,631 36,921 20,713 67,927 209 164 112 181 16,988 11,162 4,165 7,739 36 45 18 64 1,897 1,933 875 2,021 1,475 285 32,748 16 343,040 46.1 158,054 218,690 610.2 721.7 90,924 75,942 152.20 109.67 57 548,480 95.1 521,730 522,716 630.1 552.6 34,144 24,288 65.78 45.42 486,198 550,119 208.0 194.0 60,765 44,258 294.52 286.34 2,204 2,689 258,179 287,687 8,570 38,510 26,602 1,266 34,135 24,553 57 197 1,247 39 292 1,097 2,709 15,104 55,612 1,170 11,629 45,990 13 43 293 17 65 161 508 2,199 12,999 451 2,668 8,966 94 121,600 55.2 67,113 85,381 125.0 102.7 11,040 6,015 97.01 67.01 1,762 2,478 178,125 213,864 2,085 281 38,924 e county in which the headquarters is located. TEXAS 157 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports fot only a sample of farms. See text] Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Colllngs- Colorado Comal Comanche Concho Cooke 1,480 753 483 1,922 526 831 451 337 1,105 2,503 710 1,596 646 1,567 463 1,406 1 2,381 828 491 3,076 706 978 479 419 1,427 3,166 856 1,662 697 2,092 554 1,700 2 249 51 238 10 12 4 1 28 109 15 71 38 59 3 71 3 608,000 l560,640 394,880 670,720 448,640 704,640 500,480 583,040 820,480 555, 520 l575, 360 '608,000 362,880 621,440 '642,560 577,280 4 40.0 102.6 88.7 53.7 91.9 91.2 83.0 98.4 90.9 88.8 115.1 100.3 88.8 76.9 3i3.6 30.9 243,346 '575,145 350,064 360,265 412,481 642,833 415,213 573,548 745,409 493,033 '662,032 '609,762 322,330 478,087 '793,900 467,057 6 282,734 526,873 357,120 466,037 394,094 575,199 371,938 546,644 794,776 478,756 470,702 593,480 321,763 522,635 '783,763 471,246 T 164.4 763.8 724.8 187.4 784.2 773.6 920.6 1,701.9 674.6 197.0 932.4 382.1 499.0 301.3 1,643.7 332.2 8 118.7 636.3 727.3 151.5 558.2 588.1 776.5 1,304.6 557.0 151.2 549.9 357.1 461.6 249.8 1,43/4.7 277.2 9 11,011 135,307 80,700 17,311 87,938 57,193 99,738 62,331 40,539 45,688 44,205 47,032 34,295 25,881 100,605 31,950 10 5,043 107,377 53,966 7,777 28,098 27,640 66,380 50,568 29,246 23,059 32,747 26,386 34,306 16,861 69,345 21,359 11 70.46 179.00 147.98 87.89 121.98 96.72 129.24 40.73 63.61 228.68 66.01 143.68 72.57 80.74 56.02 104.35 12 47.56 167.15 76.80 57.29 47.03 51.72 82.99 39.07 60.47 145.52 66.84 79.54 74.25 64.16 50.56 74.90 13 91 84 73 85 75 86 94 77 9C 77 72 77 84 80 85 79 14 91 88 93 78 90 88 92 97 88 84 73 87 89 86 82 90 15 956 726 283 1,225 447 470 421 138 738 2,129 620 1,186 432 1,122 366 969 16 1,554 782 304 2,198 592 646 440 241 1,081 2,754 776 1,242 402 1,525 273 1,249 17 17,461 316,925 48,727 27,926 74,606 59,343 201,029 11,762 100,463 282,609 126,598 92,746 26,182 83,167 73,838 132,532 16 , 30,261 321,080 70,407 50,435 105,452 81,587 166,547 23,993 146,079 291,129 166, 711 106,958 22,362 113,941 52,327 129,283 19 478 1 51 488 11 20 10 13 98 13 141 52 88 53 20 680 3 65 780 10 X 5 21 147 16 139 40 114 2 96 21 217 3 22 316 8 44 4 9 38 158 19 170 50 93 3 71 22 361 4 30 618 8 44 2 13 33 181 8 169 74 110 6 89 23 106 8 165 18 28 4 15 43 150 22 146 46 99 22 93 24 204 4 11 319 12 43 2 20 62 213 8 178 44 104 7 78 25 77 4 26 131 49 82 2 27 104 303 39 264 84 172 29 116 26 163 7 12 249 46 84 9 31 120 424 33 275 72 233 17 177 27 57 20 20 87 94 97 12 37 176 526 128 254 326 367 68 245 28 97 25 V. 180 138 175 21 72 291 815 109 266 107 571 41 335 29 18 125 53 27 124 101 67 32 205 457 167 110 56 265 106 222 SO 25 166 34 41 200 163 113 73 323 606 295 76 56 346 107 310 31 2 365 87 10 124 86 197 6 141 360 387 77 16 34 110 150 32 385 99 10 149 87 198 26 212 328 254 71 9 44 62 150 S3 1 165 14 1 19 10 108 2 15 71 43 20 4 21 17 34 1 142 35 1 27 17 76 1 18 38 41 41 3 8 11 35 43 2 2 27 3 6 2 4 5 2 36 46 4 2 3 15 1 2 12 7 3 3 37 764 193 193 862 254 269 103 179 786 615 320 310 304 1,098 311 597 38 886 171 279 1,551 356 331 149 185 772 711 393 391 332 1,184 226 520 39 48,792 14,457 106,314 62,443 20,164 22,132 2,639 28,256 85,573 33,359 32,415 87,121 15,010 67, 529 44,624 33,896 40 43,282 9,820 93,405 94,962 27,828 26,899 3,237 22,511 69,034 29,368 27,012 78,442 15,708 51,152 34,395 20,406 41 445 478 62 503 372 220 155 138 415 601 464 245 111 487 145 211 42 900 396 51 693 442 178 259 146 276 583 365 177 207 663 228 183 43 19,290 72,818 9,056 23,032 69,848 16,669 21,598 17,775 42,172 26,475 73,070 16,403 4,613 23,218 17,265 10,492 44 32,340 55,995 4,783 20,027 41,490 9,021 31,442 11,345 18,686 14,642 23,085 3,217 10,675 24,510 42,736 5,577 45 39 334 12 34 168 37 56 31 51 137 310 47 32 90 28 49 46 85 275 9 91 144 78 35 32 52 257 103 67 40 111 42 33 47 1,233 41,026 2,406 656 13,268 2,544 3,090 2,328 3,021 4,532 7,674 1,867 832 5,475 3,581 2,352 48 1,954 32,618 1,398 1,398 8,763 3,401 2,903 729 2,372 6,555 3,892 1,137 1,264 4,149 3,556 1,232 49 69 42 9 149 204 84 54 •7 206 165 349 76 28 94 58 47 ',n 3,442 6,246 1,278 9,952 27,624 6,999 6,640 13,204 25,744 7,557 56,670 1,235 1,339 5,517 8,519 1,594 SI 373 258 45 364 162 129 76 30 211 374 154 148 64 366 73 136 52 14,615 25,546 5,372 12,424 28,956 7,126 11,868 2,443 13,407 14,386 8,726 13,301 2,442 12,226 5,165 6,546 53 806 5 325 1,123 9 80 2 5 84 344 11 604 269 592 10 418 54 1,217 4 89 1,621 4 192 3 8 502 375 11 y?4 446 937 31 546 SI 63,954 679 15,517 109,710 8,157 15,245 17 1,368 31,495 11,860 875 121,761 156,065 61,026 1,686 47,356 ■,.; 70,889 242 15,618 175,120 741 31,974 1,401 3,892 153,755 11,645 1,021 121,066 206,306 113,615 8,808 50,600 57 449 4 42 391 2 11 3 1 30 142 24 65 16 95 3 697 7 36 411 3 4 2 1 16 184 10 55 6 324 2 59 30,033 281 4,219 32,675 255 1,750 87 26 2,058 3,015 270 6,567 2,372 5,376 42 3,533 m 42,565 491 2,808 36,978 138 74 70 10 3,049 6,609 387 11,731 124 6,418 153 3,474 51 695 411 237 1,043 400 733 179 314 965 1,759 490 1,173 244 1,005 400 1,163 52 1,019 549 144 1,097 540 779 265 386 799 2,144 567 1,168 94 1,219 405 1,360 63 58,871 156,775 155,366 94,166 234,129 521,240 180,419 510,884 476,249 121,139 421,892 276,528 113,644 210,642 654,670 251,497 64 55,303 130,208 162,980 76,306 215,525 418,668 160,371 481,017 398,800 112,419 242,653 263,469 63,313 204,934 641,537 246,202 55 137 20 88 335 30 81 12 22 114 259 26 142 39 170 33 215 136 80 34 221 9 115 19 75 28 264 19 76 27 147 16 163 <;7 6,237 1,437 17,780 24,993 5,232 34,609 644 8,844 54,975 3/4,389 3,954 33,203 19,267 43,340 28,004 30,885 Sg 6,949 2,662 3,050 13,051 596 51,641 531 27,698 4,943 13,395 1,085 17,007 15,539 18,537 2,820 10,833 69 4,945 13,210 10,865 10, 313 5,322 6,454 9,424 3,477 7,399 16,576 6,932 8,616 4,424 7,109 1,575 7,751 70 8,094 9,037 7,119 12,209 2,920 6,976 8,870 3,876 5,373 12,944 4,833 8,597 3,275 8,065 3,807 15,704 71 1,314 731 347 1,559 503 609 427 273 1,029 2,228 678 1,234 542 1,448 446 1,323 72 2,116 788 420 2,754 652 748 451 335 1,332 2,829 797 1,312 575 1,863 486 3,355 73 1,325 500 392 1,724 441 771 243 329 1,075 2,097 576 1,388 584 1,513 434 1,362 74 1,905 608 366 2,515 604 884 336 404 1,351 2,497 688 1,395 605 1,985 468 1,591 75 1,060 8 155 1,314 10 89 5 6 91 447 33 647 298 649 13 441 7r, 1,619 11 120 1,867 7 195 4 9 511 513 19 608 450 1,005 33 577 77 6 708 184 32 66 6 347 7 11 7 83 226 12 34 4 2 78 14 730 177 65 30 1 227 4 17 7 29 172 6 34 2 3 a 78 312,981 40,215 289 7,001 161 67,370 332 394 151 7,746 44,068 965 1,357 155 11 80 127 251,635 67,444 776 2,193 1 36,244 177 819 268 2,368 57,710 396 629 45 190 81 27 18 2 158 61 57 12 13 25 112 60 106 32 571 27 109 82 650 1,402 180 4,318 4,792 3,110 2,017 905 827 2,915 7,017 2,964 1,479 32,474 2,765 3,375 83 160 99 34 180 316 117 64 116 437 543 166 126 78 387 307 266 HI 3,606 11,322 8,150 3,548 67,464 11,051 10,800 16,483 63,421 66,757 32, 366 5,615 4,042 19,776 70,703 26,653 H5 30 15 23 6 18 13 15 55 20 5 22 325 11 31 86 1,880 600 625 575 927 2,883 1,685 6,205 3,125 35 1,030 14,345 3,545 1,990 h7 432 87 27 628 357 251 26 130 661 1,116 235 269' 171 752 328 606 88 28,277 6,545 12,955 29,879 86,e31 35,689 2,430 23,874 109,730 133,557 45,932 29,390 10,092 47,513 80,646 64,949 89 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: (Dal* for items shown in italics are based on Culberson FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fvms number 1350 1054. Decrease in farms due to change in farm definition 1954 to 1059 number . Approximate land area "ores 1959 . Pronortion in farms percent 1959 . I.nnd in farms seres 1959. Average sire of farm. Value ol land and buildings: of /arms reporting m/ui dollars . dollar, 46 667,520 96. 8 646,296 463,767 491.1 294.5 31,749 18,877 85.37 64.30 576,640 92.6 534,194 539,414 68,171 39,451 52.51 41.96 509,440 67.1 341,911 320,650 15,541.4 14,575.0 164,621 120,548 12.39 '1,788,160 97.1 1,736,767 '1,973,677 14,120.1 13,426.4 252,183 262,428 17.24 20.70 583,040 91.7 534,624 416,650 746.7 534.9 133,076 75,629 202.43 166.09 2,462,720 65.9 1,622,240 1,719,023 21,345.3 28,180.7 956,160 90.4 864,077 791,547 2,393.6 2,139.3 134,363 92,306 53.05 234 570,1 48.6 277,641 316,349 196.8 117.6 108,399 33,429 591.65 326.46 Land in farms according to use: Cropland harv esled 10 to 19 n GO to 29 n TO to 49 a . farms reporting 1959. 1951 , acre* 1959 IBM, . fam-s reporting 1950 1954 . farms ri'iieninc I9">9 farms reporting 1959 . 1951- i n reporting 1959. 1,159 106,064 117,475 1,442 122,975 138,643 50 to 99 ncr 100 to 199 n LTO to 499 i farm* reporting ram- reporting farm* reporting , farms reporting fnrm- reporting Cropland used onlv for pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1951. acres 1959. farms repeating 1059 Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1059 acre? 19511 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . 3,963 173 10,888 Woodland pastured farms reporting 1950 1954 ncres 19.59. 1051 v/oodlnnd not pastured farms reporting 1950. rr.i ncres 1959. woodluml). farm- regaling 1959. Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting ] 959 . 1,491 68,708 93,932 Other land (house lot Cropland, tolnl .ml-. and, . 1959 . 1954 . farm- repieting 1959. 1951 . Land pastured, total farm- rejnrting 1959 , 1954 Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 1954. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1,156 1,336 1,247 1,412 Land-use practices: Cropland in rover crops farms reporting 1969 . acres H51 Cnphmrl «««/ for ,jra,n o, ran craps farmed on the contour farms reporting 1969. acres 1969. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-croston control farms reporting 1969 , acres 1969. System ol terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1969 . 3,644 673 75,448 creage of a farm is tabulated as In the county 2,640 358 33,795 ich the headquarters is located, TEXAS 159 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. Sop taxi Dear smth Delta Denton De Witt Dickens Dlnnlt Dome, Duval. Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 735 842 1,863 1,814 505 222 450 716 1,347 58 238 2,074 482 1,617 1,793 2,246 1 674 1,117 2,2a 2,213 646 291 619 652 1,681 77 270 2,885 690 2,021 2,707 2,953 ! 14 27 83 86 7 5 4 27 73 9 7 65 32 91 106 94 3 964,480 176,640 602,880 582,400 595,200 857,600 561,760 1,160,960 609,280 580,480 1,328,000 608,640 674,560 694,400 487,040 579,840 88.2 83.2 81.4 98.4 83.0 76.5 80.3 65.1 80.1 87.3 79.2 87.9 76.8 85.1 84.6 80.9 5 851,148 146,901 491,042 573,303 494,163 655,938 467,039 756,361 488,232 506,967 1,051,739 535,173 518,335 591,152 412,244 469,289 1 843,274 147,870 505,731 560,515 533,059 670,131 503,103 669,930 479,952 557,488 1,146,096 555,526 589,309 604,869 437,790 489,816 7 1,158.0 174.5 263.6 316.0 978.5 2,954.7 1,037.9 1,056.4 362.5 8,740.8 4,419.1 258.0 1,075.4 365.6 229.9 206.9 8 1,251.1 132.4 227.7 253.3 825.2 2,302.9 812.8 1,027.5 285.5 7,240.1 4,244.8 192.6 854.1 299.3 161.7 165.9 9 145,912 19,574 45,906 27,800 51,133 150,535 41,190 24,515 21,911 96,014 155,370 45,219 118,679 27,063 26,189 22,464 10 120,979 11,450 31,087 17,868 39,320 82,816 36,372 23,838 12,184 96,076 119,751 24,213 90,455 18,156 13,247 12,293 132.09 113.84 184.33 97.56 52.39 45.50 69.33 27.42 60.21 8.50 35.80 175.60 106.68 78.07 119.89 110.80 12 89.26 88.43 138.18 75.01 45.08 35.29 44.43 22.62 45.51 14.18 24.85 131.14 212.24 61.21 83.53 75.99 81 82 90 77 97 78 65 55 70 81 75 80 89 89 82 74 u 86 81 87 80 84 83 86 70 82 73 90 76 91 84 91 88 is 685 675 1,230 1,306 452 92 391 451 855 8 48 1,695 420 873 1,424 1,743 16 626 936 1,638 1,579 592 147 536 496 1,150 14 57 2,573 597 1,249 2,330 2,482 17 313,380 61,121 172,167 86,832 89,944 18,775 68,476 34,252 63,557 876 1,543 262,911 52,927 51,365 161,978 162,198 18 344,216 68,507 205,161 95,612 120,421 15,452 101,169 40,752 84,218 1,412 1,839 289,271 61,437 74,509 217,934 198,216 19 8 26 75 131 4 21 11 26 91 3 11 44 96 91 107 106 90 4 54 118 148 12 34 19 12 130 5 10 80 174 121 176 158 21 11 69 75 153 6 4 13 46 96 1 9 98 35 113 122 173 2! 6 76 119 143 12 22 14 55 94 13 202 67 150 207 253 a 9 80 88 158 17 9 13 53 80 8 81 29 103 103 156 24 7 90 106 177 11 18 10 49 98 16 210 50 152 216 233 25 18 111 132 228 30 10 32 83 157 i 7 208 51 190 194 295 26 11 193 182 332 27 13 22 91 210 8 371 57 253 355 434 '„T 36 181 299 402 87 9 70 131 221 i 10 451 75 238 346 473 28 32 292 407 543 100 21 91 144 312 3 6 728 86 386 670 770 29 92 134 294 164 147 16 123 SO 172 3 412 61 104 340 378 30 105 190 401 198 220 15 207 111 248 4 4 634 75 143 473 482 31 280 69 218 63 134 12 116 31 36 2 317 56 32 183 142 39 216 37 260 34 182 17 150 33 56 2 301 67 40 205 139 33 182 5 43 6 23 8 11 1 1 73 10 2 24 16 34 168 4 40 4 21 4 17 1 2 36 16 4 23 10 35 49 6 1 4 3 2 1 11 7 5 77 5 7 3 6 11 5 5 3 37 205 141 770 600 210 121 227 237 724 2 48 718 53 1,119 987 652 38 190 243 846 610 412 173 317 216 805 9 18 946 43 1,159 1,509 763 39 22,484 5,980 55,637 29,248 17,796 26,018 18,417 18,980 49,469 1,436 1,335 50,599 5,050 88,731 90,242 42,364 40 22,629 8,043 47,102 20,854 26,065 29,530 29,198 15,667 37,307 481 741 58,640 2,854 67,254 66,794 37,820 41 478 332 384 302 353 72 226 196 365 8 25 871 209 301 508 613 368 560 290 297 333 46 170 111 519 42 1,010 212 609 492 867 43 132,442 14,074 21,634 8,745 47,316 15,541 27,615 13,046 20,992 7,463 1,093 51,704 12,035 18,230 27,772 38,292 44 91,502 17,586 9,656 5,819 21,596 5,182 10,375 3,597 18,214 1,903 56,131 18,499 24,153 12,464 27,223 45 373 150 71 49 81 9 67 2 72 2 136 99 84 58 127 46 248 232 103 31 145 17 64 8 86 352 85 101 87 222 47 67,345 4,241 2,407 1,683 4,049 1,410 6,202 123 3,406 46 6,584 4,614 4,364 3,757 3,558 48 41,882 5,294 4,122 599 5,922 1,885 3,403 865 2,020 12,201 4,685 4,641 2,015 4,910 49 98 119 142 96 244 45 141 68 85 3 6 247 64 94 200 205 40,618 4,384 10,522 3,028 34,802 7,239 16,531 7,868 7,113 3,511 492 14,894 2,373 7,0U 15,223 12,102 174 173 236 186 142 36 84 135 243 5 17 635 94 157 316 607 52 24,479 5,449 8,705 4,034 8,465 6,892 4,882 5,055 10,473 3,952 555 30,226 5,048 6,852 8,792 22,632 S3 4 147 376 100 14 14 8 350 625 1 41 206 2 288 639 478 54 5 238 597 632 107 102 11 434 290 2 11 218 2 720 787 667 55 253 6,750 22,977 24,605 1,601 33,201 2,028 251,182 61,108 10,640 35,270 7,433 507 37,187 52,924 31,344 1,807 10,036 34,883 120,354 42,657 205,012 4,309 220,954 48,386 140 35,275 14,885 4,615 110,617 54,278 44,463 57 3 59 65 7 5 3 2 5 134 1 5 75 42 94 113 58 66 92 23 g 11 3 6 36 1 3 80 4 74 105 195 59 1,830 3,574 3,603 1,060 296 7,293 3,001 292 8,860 2,000 2,765 2,730 2,745 2,254 5,054 60 1,712 2,552 1,487 659 9,019 248 1,899 2,573 100 1,126 2,200 269 3,630 4,212 8,268 61 421 563 1,406 1,586 369 158 338 273 665 39 199 1,564 22 1,229 888 1,588 62 420 613 1,684 1,295 371 110 410 111 1,216 47 258 1,807 35 1,357 1,036 1,833 362,763 48,676 202,661 416,675 332,611 547,342 344,105 432,656 275,062 484,011 1,003,709 143,874 441,532 381,911 67,664 175,002 64 373,832 36,859 197,431 309,340 318,629 397,163 354,398 382,705 281,150 553,342 1,099,964 122,760 487,130 314,807 70,926 156,510 65 51 266 228 223 10 50 12 67 83 1 11 191 101 127 338 66 42 155 224 144 11 25 47 8 102 5 36 424 3 200 140 271 67 4,752 17,275 27,698 22,076 10,082 41,385 1,078 117,263 18,887 2 31,566 15,487 48,867 8,674 22,424 68 1,882 9,936 12,841 26,298 2,585 13,641 3,842 6,148 12,827 7,901 53,046 25,557 36 36,803 6,504 20,631 69 17,996 6,726 12,363 6,138 4,599 7,768 3,397 5,953 9,184 541 6,024 15,922 6,284 10,983 9,410 15,035 70 9,288 5,127 8,946 7,049 3,032 8,773 3,406 4,356 8,104 2,013 5,248 11,639 14,505 9,899 11,182 17,296 71 704 704 1,546 1,398 491 178 430 567 1,161 15 84 1,836 435 1,398 1,644 1,908 72 635 971 1,871 1,680 614 233 568 536 1,437 20 104 2,664 619 1,735 2,482 2,599 73 490 617 1,735 1,693 422 200 384 634 1,265 40 235 1,773 70 1,555 1,560 1,917 74 480 756 2,049 1,939 561 252 513 562 1,550 49 265 2,119 77 1,898 2,047 2,332 75 7 191 420 105 18 16 9 354 688 2 44 261 2 313 706 565 76 5 289 662 650 111 111 13 438 312 3 14 278 5 773 866 796 77 585 9 19 147 81 72 1 14 8 10 5 426 42 33 26 78 450 2 6 11 46 130 19 1 23 10 15 8 594 19 30 4 79 249,202 252 884 9,886 15,807 5,911 16 547 435 271 73 59,026 1,398 3,464 963 80 152,993 20 402 511 3,043 18,340 1,438 200 680 853 657 130 61,232 508 2,101 124 81 20 77 158 145 33 10 38 10 247 115 23 245 135 152 82 7,497 2,790 6,955 5,007 4,939 1,766 2,290 1,117 15,519 4,170 735 12,127 5,537 5,090 63 77 101 205 599 175 9 134 19 179 610 374 362 315 84 21,88e 12,815 16,524 36,907 39,205 3,361 13,873 2,046 10,565 68,785 28,843 34,080 21,739 81 14 15 72 25 16 16 11 211 35 58 20 35 86 5,460 1,215 8,875 2,345 1,282 1,400 230 12,665 2,460 2,856 1,835 910 87 70 397 619 845 190 35 203 25 397 1 6 1,010 15 818 758 703 88 25,784 37,418 53,142 66,047 46,380 7,783 31,786 2,700 25,265 60 362 132,125 665 72,931 73,218 60,029 89 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on 3 and explanations, see text) Franklin Freestone FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms ""»*" MS' ■ 1054. PecrMM m farms due ttl chnneo '" farm definition 1954 to 1959 nunil.ec. Approainute land area. acres 1959. Proportion in farms percent 1959. Land in farms acres 1959. 1954. fue siicof r«m acres 1959. 1954. Avenut per acre iattms (959. 19Si. Proportion of tarn* reporting percent" JSS9. land in farms according to use: .pland hanosled farms reporting 1959. SO to 19 I SO to N teres farri,s reporting 19..9 . 1954.. far. s tvrorting 1959 . . 1954 . , farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . . fsm:s reporting 1959 . . 1934 . . rat ns n • 1954 rams reportiruj 1959. ?00 to 199 acres 500 to 999 acres farms repeating 1959 . . 1,000 or more acres farms rapxting ! 959 pasttaan acres 1959. Cropland not iiar.est.ai and m* fe.stur.al far . r. ■ 1954. Cultivated summer fallow 1954. i 1959. .c-ient crasses and (ecu .aainc 19S9. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) Woodland pastured ,-■-.. Woodland not pastured. .far ■ ■ Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . farms repot 1954 . 1954.. rarms repc 1954.. 1951.- Other Ian.! NoMS I acres 1959.. 1954 . . Cropland, total rarnts reportins 1959 . , 19M.. La.n>i pastutaai. total Woodland, total farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . a ranus farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . Land-use practices: a ■ farms reporting 1959 . . err*, 1X9. . in or roar . farms reporting 1959. cms 1959. .items lor farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. —zees on crop and pastife land farms reporting 1959. ■ acres 1959. 203 599,040 92.4 553,331 554,932 169.2 147.1 18,134 10,275 110.06 73.23 2,592 3,009 114,940 125,585 1,764 62,608 225,427 2,768 2,586 326,977 152,852 2,709 3,110 3,051 3,399 7,028 595 a, 038 1,650 62,280 579,840 81.5 472,379 519,179 546.7 435.9 52,755 29,947 101.50 73.44 1,022 113,386 153,930 14,692 152,384 12 635,520 97.7 620,792 617,371 651.4 521.4 139,26a 81,034 213.54 153.64 1,090 320,565 378,911 l432,640 100.9 "436,473 427,535 1,182.9 976.1 74,666 45,858 56.37 56.30 22 13,403 17,014 8,706 3,466 349 94 551,680 98.9 545,759 513,196 272.6 213.2 52,883 29,898 237.00 173.35 1,705 2,080 137,950 145,750 5,210 344 1,359 1,401 226,997 . ,115 11,308 1,760 2,163 1,539 1,662 325 284 59 187,520 77.6 145,448 149,696 225.9 184.8 15,052 9,772 67.99 48.13 293 211 30,807 17,692 5,678 2,658 456 596 551,040 75.0 413,051 411,906 17,954 9,619 57.90 40.89 1,247 28,227 59,039 1,486 1,216 1,408 714,240 82.2 586,987 699,597 1,384.4 1,293.2 74,019 63,113 55.57 43.50 - The the county in which the headquarters is located, TEXAS 161 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports Tor only a sample of farms. Sep lext] I I Galveston Garza Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales 102 274,560 45.8 125,677 114,676 242.6 160.4 584,960 85.5 499,901 514,971 1,457.4 1,181.1 '675,200 102.6 '692,600 '682,535 596.6 522.6 '552,960 110.7 '612,113 525,289 4,053.7 3,779.1 14 557,440 59.7 332,862 377,273 594.4 532.9 77 677,120 87.3 591,110 585,663 344.5 272.8 599,680 94.0 563,719 560,333 1,409.3 1,071.4 189 593,280 82.6 489,854 470,131 208.3 167.0 90 181,760 50.4 91,657 111,526 165.9 130.1 512,640 82.8 424,485 412,354 352.0 263.3 124 457,600 78.6 359,665 349,214 191.0 166.5 23 626,560 98.1 614,542 620,163 400.4 364.2 '573,440 111.3 '638,300 489,735 1,062.1 655.6 488,297 505,840 412.1 338.1 '580,480 102.1 '592,940 '756,909 1,780.6 1,797.9 68,114 27,797 275.24 213.73 65,476 44,920 61.71 45.75 48,103 37,105 103.60 59.38 28,097 18,341 85.76 70.79 77,896 68,233 55.82 51.87 23,287 14,678 121.19 94.08 21,805 9,992 118.94 81.02 37,357 14,176 107.78 57.53 23,695 19,342 129.27 117.11 132,031 87,155 333.33 239.74 68,137 34,329 100.81 55.12 29,018 20,060 70.35 59.74 156,163 125,075 81.59 72.61 1,384 68,005 82,893 1,579 2,056 182,870 197,072 1,148 39,713 49,803 1,478 1,652 134,783 131,808 1,459 1,570 481,354 464,582 1,060 66,928 99,288 1,040 1,133 48,205 47,894 6,690 61 7,870 1,060 528,763 519,542 1,370 9,255 330,922 1,708 1,909 177,032 150,047 1,067 219,361 181,209 1,139 89,440 116,655 13 411 1,802 1,068 1,217 298,141 296,573 65 32 1,026 1,095 1,108 1,234 1,102 1,573 1,578 1,852 1,848 2,271 2,159 2,406 1,253 1,083 1,276 1,716 1,923 1,518 1,695 1,020 1,256 1,156 1,403 1,459 1,534 467,462 431,332 3,832 380 39,496 2,671 46 1,730 1,728 665 52,671 2,905 806 82,193 1,415 541 40,652 1,505 108 11,941 4,925 411 134,375 2,030 658 61,019 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: ^ [D«t* for items shown in iudics are based on FARMS, ACREAQE, AND VALUE Farms number 1959 . 1054. Decrease In farms due to change in fanu definition 1954 to 1959 nunilier. Approvimate land area acres 1950 . Proportion in farms percent 1059 . Land in farms acres 1050 . 1054. f of farm Value of land and buildings: ■raye ye, act delta, 1K9 1.954 . portion of farms reporting value percenl 1959 . 19SI,. Land In farms according fo use: Cropland harvested , farms reporting 1959 . . 100 to 109 a 'XO to 499 a form* rerorting lPTO 1954. fan's reporting 10.''0 MM . forma reporting 1050 . 1054. farms repining 1059 1054. farms reporting 1050 . 1054. farms reporting 1050 . 1054. farms reporting 1050 . 1051. farms reporting 1050 1051 . farms roisrting r.ivi 1054. lasture farm* reporting 1059 . 1054. acres 1059. 1054 ind not pastured farms reporting 1950 . 1954 1054 . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1050. 1054 . acres 1050 1954 . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms rejiorting 1959 . acres 1959. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1050 acres 1059. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1050 1054. acres 1959 . 1054. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1050 1954 . acres 1959. 1954 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farm* reporting 1959 am- 1050 1954. Improved pasture (see tent) farms reporting 1059 . acres 1050. 105 1 Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, elr.) acres 1059. 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1950. 1054 Land pastured, total , farms repcrtiag 1059 , 1054 . Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . 1054. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Land-use practices: Croplantf in cover crops (roplaml unci for grain or rou Land in stnp-cropping systems for System oj terraces on crop and pasture land xThe i 1959 . 1954. reportiny 1959. acres 1959 . reportiny 1959 . acres 19S9. 217 572,800 30.7 175,904 112,461 277.0 98.3 22,476 7,773 107.93 82.26 52 38 3,972 1,151 2,743 2,748 370 1,095,040 60.9 667,255 690,046 109,677 39,162 462.56 278.64 1,155 1,505 86,664 113,079 1,097 148,075 154,654 1,478 2,043 280,540 231,549 1,477 2,236 2,061 3,089 242 570,880 51.5 293,764 366,435 197.0 142.0 14,121 7,635 79.52 63.11 1,003 2,008 20,309 36,639 1,192 65,166 62,402 1,412 69,248 100,515 1,072 59,440 102,241 1,331 2,347 1,312 2,189 952,960 66.7 635,534 888,959 3,398.6 4,379.1 175,787 153,423 42.26 35.04 17 563,840 90.8 512,164 526,171 432.9 395.6 64,129 44,110 161.56 108.74 1,067 1,246 241,434 276,977 5,273 668 169,540 26 428,800 85.2 365,437 363,490 571.0 416.8 52,362 32 ,287 102.32 75.65 49 26 20,372 3,638 4,330 4,376 517 715 581,760 92.1 535,566 578,590 2,328.5 1,866.4 97,797 59,082 36.75 32.86 373,735 384,596 224.9 172.3 15,296 7,926 72.11 50.08 1,465 24,734 53,379 1,025 1,351 112,595 132,210 1,489 120,539 109,111 1,271 1,790 1,586 2,010 1,078 1,482 15 26 acreage of a farm In the county in which the headquarters is located, TEXAS 163 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports fw only a sample of farms. See text] HiU Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irion Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Ji» Hogg 2,151 1,305 603 2,030 1,610 521 124 2,245 121 119 577 946 963 80 724 89 1 2,653 1,269 803 2,507 2,438 642 178 2,737 171 126 843 1,074 1,616 101 1,038 129 2 93 28 39 125 129 17 72 1 17 67 247 174 1 3 652,800 '577,920 272,640 507,520 788,480 583,680 2,901,120 544,640 565,760 '686,720 604,160 '546,560 600,320 '1,445,120 604,800 '731,520 4 79.4 101.8 87.5 82.2 61.4 80.8 70.9 85.8 68.6 117.7 84.7 102.7 25.5 126.1 69.8 113.4 518,615 '588,228 238,591 417,407 484,516 471,747 2,057,973 467,375 387,860 '808,110 511,688 '561,188 153,326 '1,821,701 422,292 '829,398 6 490,031 543,269 262,173 414,997 517,844 566,714 1,891,401 494,506 536,216 '777,985 584,681 419,880 128,686 '1,925,664 433,186 '800,349 241.1 450.7 395.7 205.6 300.9 905.5 16,596.6 208.2 3,205.5 6,790.8 886.8 593.2 159.2 22,771.3 563.3 9,319.1 8 184.7 428.1 326.5 165.5 212.4 882.7 10,625.8 180.7 3,135.8 6,174.5 693.6 390.9 79.6 19,066.0 417.3 6,204.3 9 30,297 88,520 31,862 16,469 22,712 63,135 207,672 24,114 158,106 180,362 44,954 47,960 14,460 256,071 90,381 107,873 10 19,078 63,089 23,725 8,342 11,833 41,264 159,126 14,801 154,461 157,114 26,750 25,878 7,549 310,966 39,170 167,971 11 125.24 218.58 95.39 84.90 85.41 73.02 12.18 117.64 50.20 27.36 53.83 120.01 181.43 13.92 186.68 26.04 12 104.56 159.37 72.58 52.22 59.12 49.85 16.02 88.30 40.32 30.94 39.26 90.57 107.06 19.91 153.42 20.09 1.1 84 83 75 76 77 88 56 86 82 85 72 83 86 74 76 61 14 68 87 84 79 84 72 86 81 73 88 87 78 91 94 85 61 IS 1,749 1,252 342 1,252 1,015 441 75 1,677 87 32 174 655 512 26 432 44 16 2,308 1,197 475 1,706 1,733 565 128 2,271 116 40 385 695 724 29 396 74 17 247,105 409,237 22,957 53,083 48,992 136,645 14,625 158,521 56,386 2,361 10,011 86,422 6,413 2,328 66,541 7,217 18 259,066 383,096 36,117 77,257 79,948 160,253 24,187 192,872 72,340 2,797 25,385 77,51/4 7,716 2,973 88,667 6,843 19 69 36 31 241 216 10 108 2 6 10 49 357 10 69 1 20 64 17 37 280 355 8 "3 126 2 9 38 56 497 10 87 4 21 91 54 46 239 230 6 2 152 1 7 37 51 73 6 35 2 22 114 21 56 312 398 6 1 195 8 64 59 130 2 12 6 23 77 11 48 178 182 2 4 179 2 5 28 41 23 1 23 3 24 112 7 43 275 283 4 4 196 2 4 39 54 44 3 6 8 29 173 16 76 234 152 8 7 268 2 2 33 80 32 23 8 2« 206 16 76 320 279 17 11 386 4 4 72 89 30 2 19 12 27 400 47 87 243 137 29 24 443 4 6 34 160 22 4 59 10 28 733 77 160 368 249 53 33 740 4 9 91 222 19 3 20 20 29 519 328 41 95 60 117 14 334 10 3 26 145 4 2 65 7 30 790 360 80 118 123 174 44 455 18 2 58 123 4 4 63 18 31 379 521 12 20 30 202 19 171 17 3 6 106 1 1 121 10 32 274 503 22 29 30 236 25 155 40 2 22 69 3 137 5 33 40 206 1 4 53 3 19 34 19 2 16 2 34 15 175 2 W 51 4 17 28 2 1 18 2 44 1 35 1 33 i 1 4 V. 2 3 15 4 1 1 36 21 1 2 2 16 3 1 18 5 6 37 716 271 383 723 722 227 23 691 30 46 194 152 297 14 265 3 38 928 542 390 985 1,480 295 20 765 58 33 339 176 418 3 367 14 39 36, US 7,485 25,357 67,130 80,186 18,605 38,366 42,398 6,355 8,498 29,796 23,599 9,994 753 115,595 410 40 39,020 7,993 19,766 70,501 131,442 18,523 2,201 43,200 10,485 1,261 19,113 23,417 11,098 245 78,557 2,263 41 709 386 115 362 342 263 63 808 66 21 101 173 116 5 56 4 830 344 125 300 368 219 113 983 98 11 129 116 338 6 57 14 43 36,166 30,408 5,496 14,366 27,930 36,271 13,233 36,224 23,393 1,763 10,251 23,844 3,260 153 10,416 920 44 26,910 27,531 5,112 8,223 15,819 13,477 17,247 30,108 27,901 617 5,623 6,751 4,298 651 11,598 768 45 98 210 27 67 30 78 14 180 55 2 24 25 18 12 1 46 197 59 30 112 37 65 6 233 66 2 27 38 30 4 11 5 47 2,616 7,348 815 2,350 2,748 7,867 2,251 5,463 17,161 30 4,440 5,333 477 4,104 70 48 5,033 1,115 1,069 2,503 1,027 4,258 433 4,858 15,922 25 1, 73 1,963 231 506 2,424 515 49 182 130 39 118 134 125 19 266 7 5 51 48 24 1 9 1 50 13,560 15,831 2,770 6,087 14,008 15,796 1,156 9,751 1,393 419 3,355 7,727 394 47 1,095 162 51 517 109 65 216 228 131 49 559 25 16 42 120 61 4 41 3 52 19,990 7,229 1,911 5,929 11,174 12,608 9,826 21,010 4,839 1,31* 2,456 10,784 2,389 106 5,217 688 93 373 3 205 795 1,067 21 2 508 1 6 298 239 411 1 61 8 94 371 2 322 805 1,381 34 1 573 4 7 201 323 613 69 30 26,121 552 27,527 40,964 156,934 4,958 110 30,104 100 4,742 110,926 98,334 96,297 70 24,001 14,506 96 23,443 150 46,338 42,994 181,090 13,547 640 43,454 1,348 73,347 100,627 82,757 56,026 29,603 64,749 97 69 6 28 176 150 10 109 1 31 8 228 27 1 98 86 6 41 187 198 16 132 1 8 23 420 22 6 99 3,721 198 1,619 12,450 15,725 382 5,179 204 5,753 478 16,620 3,989 130 60 4,994 543 1,977 5,898 18,244 901 5,980 8 1,414 3,018 22,260 2,100 569 81 1,587 297 490 1,564 859 336 72 1,721 106 97 297 634 409 77 340 81 62 1,774 477 516 1,672 645 413 56 1,878 134 109 643 633 499 91 430 85 63 156,120 121,836 152,649 219,771 146,161 271,012 1,959,615 180,773 295,657 787,035 337,903 321,041 18,580 1,816,103 192,313 602,994 124,869 114,062 148,987 202,369 80,470 354,026 1,809,293 165,243 413,956 699, 211 426,466 222,977 23,989 1,918,410 205,444 721,778 358 11 91 329 249 22 4 570 6 1 60 85 158 3 52 2 66 156 31 64 200 93 18 1 400 2 14 105 33 88 1 64 3 67 22,751 12,990 11,643 28,916 43,188 14,786 323 57,240 1,024 2,800 49,010 13,103 6,091 11,613 9,453 2,350 68 9,452 469 8,440 16,554 16,644 4,753 100 30,153 114 16,908 47,167 4,720 3,766 40 8,682 3,536 69 13,249 18,512 2,986 9,643 8,538 3,874 32,024 14,176 5,969 3,507 7,048 7,470 2,162 2,294 9,437 3,221 70 11,729 9,894 3,876 7,755 10,831 5,987 37,833 13,649 10,186 744 6,053 3,446 3,297 3,385 17,217 3,379 71 1,903 1,264 521 1,527 1,323 475 79 1,863 89 65 318 704 665 31 511 45 72 2,421 1,222 625 1,9 78 2,193 589 134 2,367 126 60 573 741 1,138 29 627 60 73 1,871 486 580 1,947 1,441 420 83 1,951 111 112 560 772 829 78 552 88 74 2,184 816 741 2,329 2,088 509 72 2,279 142 118 603 877 1,216 93 760 119 79 416 9 220 885 1,133 28 2 591 1 6 307 245 586 1 82 9 76 430 8 347 910 1,482 47 1 677 4 8 207 344 933 87 35 77 9 1,121 12 9 19 37 75 5 46 23 1 96 1 20 307 3 78 9 912 11 5 26 12 127 6 26 40 2 69 4 22 286 1 79 257 188,801 651 112 1,917 2,339 21, 145 143 31,435 1,211 3 21,273 78 1,799 57,186 262 80 566 152,985 692 799 882 1,336 24,230 77 8,743 1,506 80 25,648 116 2,280 80,141 200 81 163 37 139 190 106 38 4 187 7 12 39 64 1 2 82 6,625 1,935 11,035 6,359 5,571 3,417 357 5,738 630 524 2,225 780 25 150 83 793 359 150 105 194 186 11 582 10 7 50 19 27 1 U 89,109 55,812 9,988 4,235 8,295 59,139 300 61,638 1,077 616 3,043 3,874 200 242 85 57 55 65 11 62 50 5 3 86 6,210 4,502 2,875 1,065 16,034 3,270 100 280 87 1,125 271 350 543 210 181 24 1,136 14 15 98 9 109 4 20 HH U4.990 28,570 22,867 35,454 19,025 62,595 11,020 119,129 1,452 3,967 13,769 7,085 2,608 1,842 10,679 89 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are baaed on FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1959 1954. Decrease in farms duo [o change in farm definition 1954 to 1959 number . Approvm.au. land area acres 1959 . Proportion in farms percent 1959 Land in farms acres 1959 . 1954. Average sire of farm acres 1959 . Value of land and buildings: rerace per /arm dollars 1959 . 1951,. 12 Average per acre collars 1959. 1951, . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1 959 . 195i. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . .farms reporting 1T>3. 1954. , farms reporting ll'.vi 1051 . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. . farms reporting 1959. ) 199 n SOO to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres Cropland used only for pasture Cropland not harvested and not pastures! Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . . farms reporting 1959 , , 1951 . farms reporting 1959 . 1951 . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. , . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . .farms reporting 1959 1954 1954 farms reporting 1959 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. ~oil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 Other cropland (idle anil crop failure) farms reporting 1959 acres 1050 . farms reporting 1959. Woodland pastured . 1954 . . Woodland not pastured farms rep 1951 . . acres 1959.. 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Improved pasture (see tevt) farms ropnrling 1959 . 1954 . icres 1959 Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland mil] farm' reporting 1959 . 1954 Land pastured, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 1954.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Land-use practices: Cropland in cover crops forms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959.. Cropland used for jram or rou- ■ ' ,i/i the contour farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. 'The 32 '541,440 102.4 '554,492 506,908 760.6 704.0 62,953 41,293 82.69 60.31 5,266 170 35,527 422,327 426,256 214.2 30,516 19,812 143.57 111.45 1,166 1,492 119,102 131,905 1,665 1,992 196,275 200,949 1,543 1,963 1,817 2,196 5,590 271 23,624 57 3,754 649 60,456 37 1608,000 126.6 '769, 795 1796,037 640.4 541.2 52,209 42,427 78.78 76.09 1,045 1,265 232,011 264,390 292 14,587 1,140 1,369 1,007 1,116 15,905 882 33 484 ,480 90.0 436,157 468,552 375.7 295.2 36,006 20,678 99.66 73.06 1,293 123,493 158,771 2,809 111 13,917 106 63 11,157 6,109 7,477 5,749 1,073 1,411 1,044 1,243 1,933 712 111,691 520,960 89.6 466,555 454,482 34, 576 17,270 114.68 82.77 1,593 109,550 158,312 1,170 1,485 .17. 174 1,244 1,736 1,452 1,729 40 428,800 84.5 362,218 371,188 598.7 520.6 49,423 36,365 76.85 68.28 534,707 652,526 41,131.3 40,782.9 402,464 401,778 1,590.8 73,019 41,593 43.59 26.99 37 '704,640 106.0 '747, 158 '716,959 1,512.5 1,066.9 88,700 51,264 61.93 50.44 12,5% 7,617 10,022 10,643 134 104 106 105 19,023 6,104 7,663 3,447 acreage of a farm is tabulated 1,219 58 3,079 which the headquarters TEXAS 165 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Kinney Kleberg Lampasas La Salle Lavaca 604,160 93.3 563,420 494,235 8,668.0 6,256.1 751,295 702,114 8,078.4 1544,000 174.2 '947,441 '918,608 3,851.4 3,269.1 12 '545,920 85.1 464,444 '576,954 700.5 689.3 155 579,840 85.6 496,627 471,792 237.8 186.6 15 '654,080 97.5 637,481 '659,138 389.7 368.9 44 '464,640 106.2 '493,636 440,339 632.9 532.5 960,640 99.4 954,578 827,131 4,186.7 2,933.1 541,502 563,147 188.0 171.0 412,160 79.0 325,745 324,187 241.8 208.6 144 703,360 75.4 530,379 535,078 381.8 307.' 750,720 70.9 532,575 350,396 447.9 257.5 99 596,480 71.6 427,060 463,992 301.8 218.0 '597,760 96.7 577,809 '629,406 1,583.0 1,491.5 284,014 241,228 31.35 30.70 208,372 62,493 44.00 15.26 64,158 66,205 117.48 88.09 20,315 13,230 94.52 77.30 96,521 62,919 265.36 165.55 43,030 29,547 68.34 57.79 134,805 83,148 30.96 29.40 17,006 13,137 100.71 78.12 17,177 10,598 73.12 51.73 20,604 8,940 56.73 33.23 40,370 17,150 94.02 89.88 23,632 13,182 80.18 61.17 106,876 75,619 59.55 44.89 64,123 39,564 79.07 56.90 1,415 1,956 115,001 K7,744 1,571 1,687 429,415 419,812 2,318 2,746 108,342 124,242 1,143 46, 143 52,604 1,366 29,391 47,594 2,642 2,341 1,694 6,199 9,631 8,558 15,351 14,398 53,145 58,349 11,873 12,724 580 24,489 30,392 12,811 24,328 93,732 83, 614 4,135 44 4,407 10,051 201 17,777 21,560 308 11,135 33,249 224 7,928 2,512 112 9,408 17,477 87 5,461 41 4 206,022 1,355 8,023 1,274 29 1,563 1,376 191,854 160,354 1,560 2,187 1,791 1,918 1,238 148,254 174,418 23 137 547 23,754 2,183 2,261 254,716 199,407 532 159 20,219 6,182 8,024 7,262 2,418 2,840 2,736 3,036 1,324 130,399 196,315 1,057 1,283 1,266 1,456 1,119 235,086 265,890 1,143 1,586 1,224 1,381 1,375 143,797 149,198 1,144 1,857 1,248 1,724 1,393 1,278 309,173 263,764 3,305 605 60,497 42 1,975 391 46,652 35 3,790 398 32,935 3,200 49 7,402 166 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on McCulloch McLennan McMullen FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195". 1054 . Decrease in farms duo to change in farm definition 1954 to 1959 number. Approximate land nroa acres 19S9 . Proportion in farms percent 1959 . Land in farms 1954. i 1959 . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1959 . 1951,. dollars 1959. 1951, . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1959 . 414,080 61.7 255,609 278,369 23,237.2 30,929.9 183,650 254,233 5.14 5.45 18 '570,880 114.4 ^53,302 '603,201 376.3 289.9 131,001 78,882 406.26 265.17 11 '585, 600 97.2 569,074 '586,253 591.6 508.9 92,188 52,295 158.94 124.76 659,927 667,229 1,061.0 902.9 60,194 42,604 63.02 52.44 572,537 617,013 230.5 169.8 33,384 19,908 159.09 119.28 740,480 70.9 525,271 559,624 3,673.2 3,391.7 103,754 94,910 31.78 26.09 44 305,920 99.1 303,213 292,682 346.9 255.6 24,820 14,453 86.94 58.10 153 240,000 30.1 72,248 91,787 0B6.7 128.4 10,891 5,089 65.60 38.37 583,040 58.2 339,346 467,290 792.9 809.9 74,277 53,782 105.45 62.91 Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 . farn ts reporti ng 1 1 . farms reporting 1 1 . farms reporting 1 1 . farms reporting 1 1,656 1,870 479,242 478,202 1,106 389,917 408,872 1,842 2,693 244,523 310,180 100 to 199 o 900 to 499 t 500 to 999 a 1,000 or mot farms reporting 195!) 1151 . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . ■ farms reporting 1959. 1954. . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. , farms reporting 1959 1954 Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1951 . acres 1959. 1954. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954 acres 1959. Cultivated summer fallow farms reportin;- 1959 1951 acres 1959. 1954. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reportinc 1959 acres 195<1 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms re|iorting 1959. acres 1959. 1,180 1,464 74,964 66,201 33,213 32 1,498 Woodland paslured farms reporting 1959 . 1951 acres 1959. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1959. 1954 . acres 1959. 1954 Other pasture (not cropland and no! woodland). eporting 1959. ; 1959. 1954.. Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1951. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . Land paslured, total fan. .s reporting 1959 . 1954 . Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Imgatel land in fame farms reporting 1959. 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954. Land-use practices: Cropland in cover crops far t'roplaml used for gram or Tow crops farmed on the contour far Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control far System of terraces on crop and pasture land far J reporting 1959 . acres 1959. 1 reporting 1959 . acres 1959. 1,585 1,658 328,454 323,723 12,344 432 40,539 2,589 462 135,196 27 3,672 363 107,997 1,630 384 73,918 1,289 1,863 166,099 164,525 2,161 3,198 2,115 2,711 6,190 988 96,387 1,094 63 12,810 farm is tabulated as in the county in which the headquarters is located. TEXAS 167 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See text J Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley doches Navarro Newton 1,037 164 1,206 275 222 2,002 767 617 1,121 1,097 212 556 328 1,666 1,911 688 1 1,220 271 1,546 325 287 2,659 893 819 1,520 1,416 247 670 386 2,336 2,520 1,026 2 60 7 28 3 3 144 29 22 61 230 5 70 4 198 105 172 3 729,600 818,560 865,920 '584,960 16O0,32O 657,280 469,760 '590,080 597,760 697,600 583,680 166,400 '647,040 597,120 693,760 602,240 4 99.7 75.9 83.8 98.6 239.8 71.3 90.3 117.5 85.2 51.8 81.5 80.8 82.3 57.3 80.1 19.0 5 727, 574 621,072 725,925 576,953 1,439,663 468,358 424,393 '693,477 509,167 361,323 475,983 134,374 532,747 341,883 555,370 11A,537 6 592,588 718,969 733,471 1604,043 ^.,551,401 493,749 424,443 552,658 514,477 331,194 475,894 138 ,359 '851,826 334,974 561,260 81,730 7 701.6 3,787.0 601.9 2,098.0 6,485.0 233.9 553.3 1,123.9 454.2 329.4 2,245.2 241.7 1,624.2 205.2 290.6 166.5 8 485.7 2,653.0 474.4 1,858.6 5,405.6 185.7 475.3 674.8 338.5 233.9 1,926.7 206.5 2,206.8 143.4 222.7 79.7 9 66,746 127,114 47,102 109,650 157,896 22,232 37,870 57,167 26,340 33,361 183,688 17,378 83,153 16,431 29,110 11,641 10 36,359 68,576 26,807 97,572 161,655 14,201 23,882 27,621 14,145 15,473 116,475 9,965 68,338 8,249 13,202 5,063 111.99 46.01 72.56 53.65 25.59 93.59 66.52 51.02 59. 14 146.07 76.09 74.09 41.83 104.40 106.62 80.75 12 91.37 26.14 62.60 53.11 21.07 79.72 48.98 50.56 42.11 72.37 54.36 52.70 30.60 67,83 85.43 74.61 13 82 94 77 97 84 86 87 93 91 69 86 71 80 84 77 88 87 75 76 94 50 82 91 75 91 91 88 90 87 84 76 95 15 777 97 814 108 168 1,379 459 534 557 366 186 313 280 792 1,260 331 16 883 191 823 83 229 2,004 479 698 778 508 204 386 342 1,276 2,032 498 17 95,744 16,681 103,268 6,425 41,611 135,492 32,108 96,764 32,848 7,335 145,991 7,961 60,322 17,512 143,389 3,328 18 95,554 23,913 72,353 3,804 47,935 152,749 34,637 111,166 42,019 8,728 158,121 11,467 82,714 25,029 206,383 5,408 80 12 59 14 4 118 31 10 87 161 3 143 14 342 80 251 SO 135 44 78 12 11 198 35 13 117 247 4 155 15 552 86 365 21 84 13 67 16 5 158 53 9 116 91 3 87 6 178 141 22 93 34 104 15 3 208 42 13 145 114 2 123 5 299 182 99 23 61 12 65 19 6 145 43 11 71 37 1 35 8 107 114 15 24 78 13 65 13 9 240 50 14 125 67 1 43 7 180 193 14 25 94 13 84 14 9 213 89 35 95 39 1 24 15 80 172 13 26 123 12 129 16 14 329 105 41 137 41 2 27 13 149 277 10 27 155 12 157 26 30 315 147 101 98 28 6 21 49 58 266 t. 28 170 32 195 13 49 556 145 171 155 28 8 22 47 73 570 29 161 12 220 15 38 266 79 136 61 9 11 3 76 19 293 3 30 134 22 171 8 68 349 80 265 70 10 19 14 89 17 477 1 31 121 12 144 4 59 134 15 162 26 1 48 4 86 7 165 1 32 128 IS 79 1 49 106 IS 163 26 1 62 1 124 6 216 4 33 17 9 16 14 25 1 19 2 59 26 1 24 34 17 7 7 21 15 3 17 2 54 33 28 1 35 4 2 2 3 5 1 1 1 54 1 5 36 5 4 5 3 1 1 1 52 1 * 3 37 210 89 635 117 78 1,071 471 394 427 301 53 232 162 1,081 789 131 38 377 113 817 88 99 1,316 481 472 695 570 50 251 193 1,279 1,125 407 39 70,578 13,439 44,925 7,271 5,764 91,600 44,329 24,657 36,020 22,961 16,705 1A,385 24,375 94,406 72,581 3,385 40 90,055 14,338 61,751 5,362 4,586 108,073 33,385 24,502 36,795 35,670 9,278 19,858 11,481 65,957 90,525 8,524 41 159 51 234 48 100 417 109 376 135 78 131 99 208 133 689 124 42 192 60 481 136 50 403 240 489 209 73 131 103 192 265 626 325 43 19,716 6,225 17,498 4,394 16,052 24,002 8,483 53,493 7,872 3,101 43,208 4,377 32,624 6,356 57,433 2,011 44 5,993 5,088 38,254 11,089 3,032 13,327 14,094 35,800 9,801 2,569 56,099 6,726 18,547 7,287 23,521 3,843 45 26 18 37 13 14 61 26 178 35 12 104 11 55 33 79 27 46 68 20 61 13 4 74 25 107 66 14 53 19 72 63 149 52 47 1,912 3,858 2,392 802 922 2,483 1,100 13,335 1,667 232 29,258 145 3,297 977 3,331 324 IK 1,731 2,370 3,160 1,602 436 2,080 1,462 6,282 2,053 331 10,942 1,749 4,541 1,090 3,947 626 49 41 6 74 27 70 123 53 241 31 27 34 18 155 55 270 23 3,146 495 9,797 2,917 13,123 10,590 5,315 30,291 1,903 702 10,243 903 25,703 1,747 23,100 1,026 51 109 29 136 15 45 274 38 111 85 42 29 76 75 107 439 82 52 14,658 1,872 5,309 675 2,007 10,929 2,068 4,867 4,302 2,167 3,707 3,329 3,624 3,632 31,002 661 53 224 37 395 29 6 1,024 283 87 569 704 302 10 989 417 269 54 230 IS 621 5 10 1,257 349 254 857 320 246 127 1,525 517 292 BS 83,088 10,307 251,014 4,168 336 96,484 127,183 61,826 100,895 245,786 29,523 2.11A 106,154 40,697 76,517 H 61,549 9,788 265,940 14,281 9,650 143,501 160,663 61,106 126,670 219,957 37,420 75,605 129,572 51,043 46,430 SJ 26 37 3 86 11 36 21 97 74 5 228 71 288 58 66 5 32 1 1 108 IS 27 40 195 2 88 3 330 96 422 n 1,811 12,555 613 6,338 980 5,617 2,957 7,821 13,422 183 52,691 4,668 19,534 80 14,258 524 7,651 605 79 5,472 1,623 3,407 2,584 17,327 1,125 6,255 138 19,464 8,180 14,480 'U 559 58 556 251 113 873 466 350 900 512 123 387 253 642 1,359 210 BS 530 94 378 301 194 619 491 313 1,163 385 141 553 148 1,241 1,290 42 63 439,380 568,628 290,860 545,229 1,356,248 102,552 206,395 445,755 316,317 67,485 259,046 61,965 409,387 56,353 224,829 7,518 ill 318,914 662,574 279,365 566,691 1,480,687 61,054 177,679 311,953 285,327 42,110 244,423 54,073 659,266 80,653 172,374 1,028 11:, 110 8 75 11 8 141 65 13 95 168 4 123 29 202 314 43 130 12 26 26 10 50 18 2 127 94 6 39 5 297 196 14 117 23,170 20,756 22,658 12,018 6,845 14,924 17,167 2,620 13,980 30,973 430 33,350 ' 11,016 13,616 48,326 1,425 Be 16,993 2,273 12,399 15,008 604 2,593 4,680 11 12,740 12,847 287 10,747 82,108 17,228 13,316 262 mi 17,257 5,792 5,805 9,466 19,034 11,890 4,915 5,365 12,258 6,834 11,033 2,741 3,742 8,411 11,773 2,244 TO 6,265 2,744 8,157 2,211 5,432 9,573 2,362 4,724 11,281 4,833 6,848 2,560 4,075 7,012 9,234 2,017 71 830 UO 1,024 174 185 1,703 660 589 764 576 192 416 304 1,348 1,596 433 72 1,030 244 1,322 215 243 2,376 752 762 1,116 894 213 508 358 1,829 2,240 856 73 753 122 1,070 273 169 1,746 743 515 1,073 993 139 508 283 1,560 1,658 469 M 892 176 1,264 311 225 2,095 838 668 1,440 1,188 155 605 318 2,116 1,978 565 75 246 37 413 29 8 1,077 290 109 580 751 327 14 1,122 449 496 76 284 22 650 6 11 1,321 360 276 881 971 2 304 129 1,675 589 653 77 210 123 120 37 104 20 8 87 5 11 m 5 48 6 6 3 190 232 55 53 68 18 19 37 5 9 61 3 15 16 10 8 45,235 28,774 6,833 1,825 12,304 2,0U 893 5,107 183 109 57,302 200 3,339 46 378 508 53,310 34,921 2,638 2,500 5,022 1,114 1,417 2,977 139 173 24,464 235 1,378 326 387 1,066 13 21 60 8 8 116 37 10 99 65 8 8 13 100 141 41 BS 250 1,730 3,100 546 135 5,055 1,393 295 3,599 1,310 3,265 295 315 4,828 8,473 487 Hi 18 9 134 35 2 385 239 499 125 50 15 43 99 64 295 45 B4 2,017 1 1,998 22,799 13 2,834 295 1 27,912 25 24,257 129,610 1 4,512 1,060 5,400 3 1,226 5 17,979 994 29,876 17 275 H 100 1,405 200 965 375 1,430 60 1,021 hi 24 13 153 57 6 643 373 513 412 '78 13 215 125 315 662 58 HH 11,590 7,205 12,526 4,594 4,270 47,794 39,573 141,139 28,823 5,731 9,030 13,067 27,993 19,410 73,889 2,290 89 168 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown 1 Nueces Ochiltree Palo Pinto Panol: FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms - number 1 050 Decrease in farms duo to change in fann definition 1054 to 1059 m Approximate lam! area acres Proportion in farm9 percent Land in farms acres 4verage 9 Value of land and buildings: Average per Proportion o\ . dollars . .dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . 200 to 199 a 500 to 909 ■ fam.s reporting 1053. 1954 . I farms reporting 1950 . 1054. I farms reporting 1050 , 1051. s farms reporting 1959 . 1054. i farms reporting 1959. 1051 res.. Farms reporting 1950 . 1954 res farms reporting 1950 1954. res farms reporting 1 959 1954. acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . nly for pasture farms reporting 1059 . . farms reporting 105' farms reportim' 1050 farms reporline 1959. Other cropland (idle and crop f Woodland pastured farms rep 1954. acres 1959 . 1051. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1059 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1954. Improved pasture (sec text) farms reporting 1059 . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc , . acres 1959 . 1954 . . Cropland, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1054 . . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1050. . VIM tVoodland, total farms reporting 1950. . 1954.. Irrigated land in farms rarms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 1054 . Land-use practices: Cropland :n cover crops lams reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. .■■'■' ,'„, .jra/n or row emps forma! on the contour /arms reporting 1 959 . ocres 1959. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959 . 589,440 95.8 564,423 570,012 1,006.1 886.5 58,839 50,075 56.42 51.10 24 1536,320 117.1 '628, 263 1554,093 573.2 478.9 140,684 87,600 295.79 209.05 1,030 361, 653 327,559 1 579, 200 107.2 '621, 093 1592,624 1,478.8 1,271.7 156,386 108,969 97.27 84.79 938,240 79.5 746,262 744,757 5,111.4 5,066.4 165,302 170,092 44.05 28.39 20,926 59 11,021 121 227,840 42.1 95,981 86,294 304.7 151.1 40,328 20,337 245.37 222.18 613,760 84.1 516,145 488,158 705.1 516.0 42,836 21,408 64.24 46.74 2,230 68 4,530 164 563,200 55.9 315,002 328,202 206.2 162.0 15,731 7,716 77.14 47.80 1,342 17,934 23,963 1,187 1,411 140,110 133,794 1,061 76,830 85,960 1,285 1,741 1,452 1,793 1,257 1,523 168 577,280 84.9 490,024 445,970 302.9 222.5 32,679 18,296 121.29 1,004 1,049 64,741 53,783 1,115 232,026 205,156 1,281 1,550 1,533 L.803 549,760 87.8 482,461 518,187 559.1 570.1 129,054 95,507 245.03 181.27 that the entire acreage of a farm is tabulated i 2,420 35 2,100 the county in which the headquarters is located, TEXAS 169 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports Tor only a sample of farms. See text] Poll Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 729 300 183 495 610 80 200 1,446 261 260 107 1,001 320 1,242 1,971 637 1 1,308 398 226 647 680 107 222 2,360 322 270 113 1,622 425 1,473 3,189 943 2 131 35 6 50 25 8 111 7 10 2 67 12 28 308 105 3 700,160 1576,640 2,481,280 150,400 583, 4 725,120 400,000 660,480 1,664,000 '493,440 570,880 558,720 94,080 677,760 599,680 354,560 40.6 190.0 87.8 65.2 97.2 83.0 99.2 64.1 87.0 101.0 89.9 70.2 92.2 93.0 58.0 20.7 284,155 ■■1,095,828 2,179,308 98,135 566,851 601,861 396,905 423,589 1,447,416 '498,301 513,273 392,427. 86,703 630,091 347,862 73,553 6 213,700 11,037,901 2,105,655 112,189 554,027 602,585 348,813 458,041 1,464,718 436,660 561,177 427,927 80,753 622,154 411,597 95,380 7 389.8 3,652.8 11,908.8 198.3 929.3 7,523.3 1,984.5 292.9 5,545.7 1,916.5 4,796.9 392.0 270.9 507.3 176.5 115.5 e 163.4 2,607.8 9,317.1 173.4 814.7 5,631.6 1,571.2 194.1 4,548.8 1,617.3 4,966.2 263.8 190.0 422.4 129.1 101.1 9 27,020 184,339 135,257 13,995 132,363 157,169 82,787 17,945 264,573 115,207 258,465 28,342 59,048 42,959 14,614 10,860 10 6,980 72,066 145,572 6,865 73,133 138,056 46,813 8,991 132,890 93,406 154,749 12,192 27,898 34,060 5,828 3,352 11 79.73 59.39 11.1* 82.50 140.67 19.88 47.46 71.55 50.75 54.65 46.15 78.11 198.93 88.94 85.10 122.25 12 53.41 32.81 15.59 41.23 85.96 20.02 29.18 47.20 30.31 50.76 33.14 45.13 139.32 76.64 *9.85 45.61 13 88 58 74 75 86 86 70 91 81 65 88 89 82 89 86 82 14 70 94 90 86 91 93 96 69 95 81 95 74 74 87 83 79 15 343 168 82 305 472 15 76 1,003 214 180 81 617 254 1,061 1,080 367 16 653 186 111 443 559 15 93 1,620 273 190 82 1,242 370 1,267 1,847 496 IT 11,725 84,355 4,284 15,527 191,272 1,992 2,533 58,074 68,672 73,545 36,760 47,771 42,907 216,812 24,318 4,426 IS 15,069 85,523 5,636 20,339 244,444 3,831 2,830 79,019 81,365 52,325 35,438 78,594 45,792 242,100 42,126 8,353 19 167 7 13 55 7 15 243 3 6 1 134 7 U 467 218 20 309 23 20 82 21 32 397 6 8 196 17 19 708 242 21 73 2 20 65 11 19 201 4 4 4 112 13 16 269 80 22 141 4 33 85 9 16 312 18 5 2 252 24 30 482 113 23 25 2 14 38 10 14 115 2 2 1 87 17 35 129 30 24 70 5 20 59 6 1 9 183 7 3 206 29 28 275 58 25 28 5 12 47 17 2 13 138 8 3 2 97 36 57 83 2* 26 58 10 12 72 21 5 13 240 15 12 1 249 50 60 216 46 2T 25 12 11 56 34 3 8 154 23 17 2 100 55 181 91 13 28 48 9 13 95 47 2 19 301 32 22 5 203 99 237 118 31 29 12 29 8 36 79 8 7 103 57 53 13 38 53 313 36 2 30 18 22 7 40 76 3 4 131 70 50 12 68 85 424 35 5 31 9 56 3 8 185 2 41 83 52 30 27 61 393 5 32 9 63 4 9 22* 3 47 76 61 33 48 58 415 11 1 33 4 31 1 98 4 23 30 21 14 11 48 34 29 . "i 104 7 33 22 24 9 5 50 ' i 35 24 31 4 11 13 7 8 1 4 36 21 51 1 2 16 7 5 11 3 4 i 3T 300 67 17 211 233 4 108 510 49 42 24 466 113 761 1,093 311 38 631 126 40 335 283 10 113 670 55 71 37 779 99 888 1,65* 448 39 26,536 33,823 4,945 16,763 21,354 410 2,716 61,926 10,698 6,406 21,809 52,304 10,724 57,719 92,780 12,606 40 26,827 19,367 4,681 16,343 30,956 492 3,644 50,134 7,762 5,021 8,489 87,719 6,307 55,872 9*, 671 20,351 41 56 129 27 71 401 6 12 282 206 32 49 198 108 462 310 54 42 92 108 36 145 340 6 11 379 209 23 42 120 172 4*9 473 116 43 3,206 39,682 2,089 4,241 101,181 903 446 16,302 94,138 6,488 11,394 17,760 5,883 *5,488 11,968 1,222 44 2,305 17,403 3,337 4,830 44,140 314 317 11,990 51,501 2,159 7,322 8,481 6,990 21,038 17,122 2,982 45 14 94 15 17 304 41 140 9 36 34 12 99 44 9 46 19 65 6 9 212 "s 6 116 117 7 25 19 58 69 63 9 4T 903 23,292 1,057 1,117 57,624 1,376 56,425 3,196 7,372 2,439 427 8,976 726 316 48 474 9,711 390 489 25,597 155 250 2,964 24,198 447 4,261 1,668 1,738 3,579 1,825 139 13 28 8 15 67 3 3 102 35 6 10 64 26 136 64 13 761 6,651 564 773 14,086 362 288 7,548 4,268 610 1,769 5,776 1,529 17,319 2,457 371 51 31 64 9 54 210 4 9 179 76 20 16 122 78 312 226 36 1,542 9,739 468 2,351 29,471 541 158 7,378 33,445 2,682 2,253 9,545 3,927 19,193 8,785 535 53 493 1 3 161 3 3 36 737 2 9 594 14 165 1,218 397 54 581 35 270 6 3 10 933 1 89 897 43 297 1,840 519 55 195,643 320 759 14,447 4,930 11,574 8,366 100,754 112 31,253 112,259 1,082 35,455 91,021 30,833 w 118,025 18,266 23,050 1,977 4,058 11,381 112,723 76 100,089 139,817 2,022 74,903 123,532 44,422 114 2 19 3 4 165 1 3 60 15 26 250 154 334 1 12 42 4 i 225 1 10 1 70 25 53 350 136 59 9,686 2,311 1,238 1,220 407 16,667 306 276 5,397 751 2,196 14,276 13,235 60 24,602 1 473 2,336 1,780 640 19,829 159 1,167 712 5,369 868 4,549 19,240 11,525 « 264 202 164 334 447 71 150 974 95 159 93 696 223 698 948 252 62 152 269 122 379 492 87 198 1,488 91 85 100 737 261 671 1,471 84 83 28,084 933,041 2,131,297 43,889 239,837 583,449 378,447 163,376 1,240,138 374,221 439,100 150,416 23,040 265,543 102,096 9,105 64 22,058 910,170 2,070,443 43,086 225,938 581,189 329,172 ' 174,232 1,303,942 271, 6B7 504,192 99,32* 16,369 214,772 101,786 4,862 '"' 87 11 3 89 20 3 18 527 9 25 4 158 105 59 295 19 13 4 41 23 2 102 213 16 27 9 161 36 24 215 2 11,621 43,139 35,721 10,251 2,845 12,158 32,281 76, 147 977 15,636 4,587 34,124 11,498 14,067 37,030 3,021 88 69 2,796 1,004 1,252 3,869 1,365 2,004 133,187 21,104 740 26,838 536 21,412 1,740 10,339 17,516 76 9,275 4,607 33,623 2,030 7,057 3,533 3,990 6,490 33,352 6,112 4,210 6,520 2,316 6,878 11,403 2,126 2,885 7(i 4,814 5,437 2,619 2,205 4,792 12,061 1,469 10,114 19,913 4,212 5,024 8,623 2,405 8,920 13,120 Tl 506 202 86 385 535 11 136 1,193 222 193 88 788 275 1,180 1,614 490 T2 1,005 254 129 566 614 22 151 1,869 288 205 93 1,441 387 1,371 2,631 765 73 656 230 169 458 495 73 191 1,363 129 180 98 893 269 1,054 1,848 546 71 976 320 166 590 551 89 209 2,011 130 183 105 1,245 318 1,218 2,764 718 75 571 1 5 172 6 3 38 833 3 12 625 27 178 1,318 484 78 850 1 47 296 9 3 10 1,066 2 98 1 943 63 343 2,024 619 TT 3 54 60 277 13 17 2 218 10 73 48 4 T8 2 40 106 ' 4 276 11 26 6 264 2 58 2 20 19 428 23,496 5,307 83,764 1,225 324 35 79,030 2,722 16,259 2,766 61 81 565 7,837 6,246 46 65,737 613 864 180 81,019 91 5,933 16 939 410 55 5 1 7 11 1 89 37 4 43 10 36 91 50 39 2,067 1,289 10 165 1,874 75 3,542 3,412 282 1,4*5 700 3,337 2,583 525 83 5 26 4 12 131 1 7 9* 66 23 8 28 143 747 99 41 84 60 6,026 7 Hi 1 640 47,036 7 309 55 5 5,703 6 13,625 10 6,792 851 1,580 5 25,748 6 178,756 50 2,009 465 SS 56 1,980 4,605 150 2*0 2,562 60 810 8,265 h7 27 30 . 60 129 24 310 1 "l8 20 130 268 869 526 132 98 985 9,937 1,125 3,010 53,257 ... 975 28,480 440 4,686 4,085 W,583 43,129 227,467 46,285 3,665 89 170 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on San Jacinto San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1350 . 1954. Decrease in farms due to ohnnge in farm definition 1954 to 11)511 number . Approximate kind area acres 1959 . Proportion in farms percent 1959 . Land in farms acres 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . Average size of farm. Value of land and buildings: Avtraqe per farm dollars 1959 . 1951,. Average per acre dollars 1159. 1951, . Proportion ol farms reporting value percent 1959 . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1S5II 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1053 . 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farr ':s reporting 1050 . . 1054 . . 20 to 20 acres farms reporting 1050 . . 1054 . . 90 to 49 acres fsrms reporting 1059 . . 1051 . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1054.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1950 1954 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954 .. 500 to 909 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1054 . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1054 . . Cropland not harvested and not j»slured farms reporting 1059 . . 1954 acres 1050 1054 Cultivated summer fallow farms reportinc 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1950 . . 1054 . Soil-improvement cresses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1050 . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 Woodlnnd pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1950 . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland ami not wocdlandl . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . , ncr.'« 1959 1954 . . Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1059 1054. acres 1059. 1954 . . Other I md (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 1054. Cropland, total farms reporting 1059 . 1954 Land pastured, total farms reporting 1059 . IT,! Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 1954. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . Land-use practices: Cropland m cover crops farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959. crops formed on the contour farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reportina 1959 . . acres 1959. 116 352,640 27.2 95,753 115,968 143.3 115.7 16,006 6,444 115.67 61.14 163 396,160 42.8 169,690 133,365 212.6 120.6 17,717 5,022 116.15 44.65 28 '435,200 126.2 '549,114 433,200 672.9 487.8 126,711 71,419 225.67 189.29 5,454 140 28,790 43 718,080 95.6 686, 302 653,160 875.4 704.6 58,557 33,936 69.27 52.22 1,852 2,045 3,396 301 23,280 '851,840 98.2 836,623 '891,632 3,718.3 3,634.4 131,554 141,007 46.65 38.17 :. 167 32 1,689 568,740 '615,648 766.5 651.5 51 , 537 28,893 83.92 52.32 524,325 501,791 1,927.7 1,548.7 1,195 118 11,423 220 524,160 51.5 269, 689 302,709 134.6 108.1 11,523 7,643 98.31 74.45 1,012 1,613 15,456 24,782 1,262 1,863 90, 549 111,208 1,098 1,761 77,253 95,168 1,513 2,085 1,818 2,451 1,406 2,056 13 '584,960 123.3 '7a, 284 '626,698 2,784.9 2,410.4 207,353 144,994 66.28 55.26 the county in which the headquarters is located , TEXAS 171 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See t*xl] Scmervell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throck- morton Titus Ton Green Travis Trinity 296 559 488 75 423 135 845 1,751 1,011 98 889 368 1,010 868 1,406 633 352 1,023 497 88 453 150 967 3,043 1,282 107 968 436 1,462 1,033 2,092 852 2 18 24 27 3 7 12 194 46 9 4 107 75 100 74 3 126,080 772,480 592,000 1584,960 593,280 '955,520 '568,320 550,400 '584,320 1,528,320 574,720 584,320 267, 520 '981,760 649,600 450,560 75.4 62.2 97.1 122.6 77.6 130.2 102.7 79.2 110.2 87.7 95.2 81.9 63.9 143.7 69.6 39.8 95,029 480,436 574,775 '717, 331 460,126 '1,243,872 '583,813 436,104 '644,093 1,340,177 547,005 478,388 171,077 4,410,923 451,876 179,314 e 92,286 581,102 463,202 '839,900 441,878 '1,161,265 549,192 418,556 573,575 1,419,414 541,589 458,778 193,770 4,347,874 479,112 165,183 7 321.0 859.5 1,177.8 9,564.4 1,087.8 9,213.9 690.9 249.1 637.1 13,675.3 615.3 1,300.0 169.4 1,625.5 3a. 4 283.3 8 262.2 568.0 932.0 9,544.3 975.4 7,741.8 567.9 137.5 447.4 13,265.6 559.5 1,052.2 132.5 1,304.8 229.0 193.9 9 21,765 20,193 51,034 207,506 49,298 372,353 110,223 78,6a 57,591 226,452 99,332 83,885 15,090 86,780 45,377 20,359 10 13,268 11,552 31,354 204,196 32,205 259,542 79,373 29,499 31,556 208,886 47,342 49,714 7,071 62,366 26,786 6,755 11 76.69 26.85 44.72 18.21 53.79 43.32 184.73 406.72 96.09 16.09 163.32 67.72 100.84 57.32 154.25 92.29 12 48.32 24.15 35.41 22.27 34.41 32.09 144.03 239.69 72.07 14.24 86.03 46.03 56.23 47.34 119.96 47.10 1.1 71 84 92 95 87 86 78 78 82 86 86 83 86 77 79 79 14 82 86 92 97 96 97 83 88 80 95 87 83 92 90 75 87 15 161 421 209 22 327 23 796 729 751 6 843 293 537 591 914 376 IS 207 797 315 17 389 21 909 1,186 803 2 899 343 853 659 1,155 573 17 8,246 35,074 12,401 1,312 53,436 2,541 320,019 75,517 113,590 58 425,780 48,703 13,080 126,624 105,052 11,884 18 10,874 54,643 26,168 1,721 75,752 2,279 321,044 92,236 127,488 85 399,682 59,973 19,692 132,112 101,786 16,944 19 16 37 24 6 4 5 4 159 32 2 5 7 as 38 89 105 20 35 147 9 1 3 5 323 30 12 4 298 39 99 153 21 28 66 29 4 9 4 9 101 42 4 4 8 125 25 66 83 29 30 137 33 3 7 . 5 129 63 6 3 ao 22 89 119 23 32 58 26 2 16 4 56 43 5 10 76 14 47 50 24 a 80 36 1 7 3 3 109 61 i 7 11 142 17 95 97 25 22 80 44 3 22 3 11 69 97 20 35 53 38 124 72 21 32 110 59 2 11 2 10 127 102 14 18 132 36 154 103 27 44 93 45 4 62 4 34 119 156 20 78 39 87 223 51 28 56 164 81 2 87 6 61 196 207 33 82 46 84 339 80 29 15 52 34 1 130 4 139 119 187 88 76 20 150 ao 11 30 30 106 77 5 152 3 222 179 243 132 117 20 205 274 20 81 4 24 7 2 74 1 383 85 170 378 66 5 190 137 3 32 3 42 19 3 108 1 426 102 168 411 98 5 220 103 1 33 7 7 2 174 17 22 254 11 1 42 18 34 9 10 143 20 25 234 9 31 2 35 4 3 38 4 2 69 2 7 1 36 2 1 7 i 34 1 4 50 1 5 37 167 120 316 26 261 20 206 811 697 i 229 160 336 406 542 202 38 114 46 189 19 246 13 267 1,109 810 2 364 113 595 532 848 336 .19 9,294 9,363 28,631 2,563 25,936 4,sa 12,112 52,458 79,778 40 8,919 10,844 24,143 27,532 35,698 18,692 40 4,446 4,313 12,801 2,127 22,326 1,467 14,816 47,724 59,659 350 6,842 5,119 25,137 33,552 49,854 16,845 41 77 206 133 18 187 22 415 238 391 1 227 148 106 240 348 127 42 90 503 161 18 126 34 482 506 545 1 296 150 223 237 593 114 13 4,222 10,803 10,072 4,641 23,991 1,359 52,335 10,961 40,116 5 35,125 11,591 3,190 27,398 20,120 6,172 ii 3,146 18,222 8,247 2,182 9,511 3,518 45,848 13,663 48,368 70 20,100 5,847 5,099 16,252 25,592 2,692 45 9 12 22 1 81 1 316 56 91 75 75 15 67 94 26 48 15 131 16 12 70 295 74 72 64 86 60 141 134 16 47 424 692 1,755 49 6,099 50 31,303 1,459 7,337 5,894 4,619 276 5,890 2,427 1,103 In 742 7,409 1,263 1,600 5,391 20,061 1,616 5,017 2,199 3,535 1,249 9,064 4,904 833 49 19 32 33 17 98 12 33 67 ia 84 10 31 91 89 61 1,330 4,636 2,588 4,592 14,207 1,064 4,523 4,491 16,024 19,923 916 1,470 15,058 8,167 3,ai il 61 176 91 52 9 169 142 237 1 98 95 65 113 a5 50 32 2,468 5,475 5,729 3,685 245 16,509 5,011 16,755 5 9,308 6,056 1,444 6,450 9,526 1,858 u 88 177 45 21 10 488 76 1 14 551 78 329 387 54 130 328 61 118 1 9 792 460 2 8 779 41 651 487 BS 19,451 123,661 15,210 14,593 712 27,604 14,847 100 2,161 34,888 13,370 108,553 99,611 56 20,722 269,102 18,168 63,638 5,506 505 43,825 97,486 62 2,088 49,911 15,018 200,048 98,949 57 13 47 3 1 85 a 6 3 62 16 58 65 5H 33 176 7 7 6 a7 30 2 128 9 71 113 59 939 7,687 602 50 3,198 1,074 309 297 4,901 935 4,162 5,460 fin 2,862 14,248 1,864 867 273 6,225 2,805 5,296 168 4,671 540 5,404 3,912 in 225 187 426 70 357 134 531 1,016 759 98 285 334 778 507 764 332 62 263 185 418 83 273 146 624 1,841 570 102 514 392 1,088 637 704 253 63 52,300 291,321 500,011 701,298 337,569 1,233,050 184,187 254,246 387,116 1,337,952 68,677 401,714 86,609 1,198,156 162,798 34,839 64 48,658 216,485 393,146 811,753 261,731 1,144,151 156,400 202,890 232,384 1,413,761 102,295 382,910 84,238 1,139,329 88,209 23,534 69 97 34 109 19 23 31 39 144 53 1 9 114 276 31 122 83 i,ii 85 10 42 43 4 52 90 335 13 3 a 59 ' 361 43 32 68 117 15,038 27,203 111,321 25,778 21,203 124,257 4,826 21,447 23,532 2,000 193 47,946 18,180 51,910 46,555 7,710 fid 12,839 9,999 24,827 198,771 260 107,825 3,794 a, 524 3,253 11,274 325 13,834 23,959 68,293 2,178 6,117 69 577 2,527 7,848 7,517 4,601 2,601 14,398 12,120 7,572 2,122 8,095 3,078 4,266 16,908 15,493 2,656 7li 1,578 4,089 2,808 22,117 8,053 4,344 10,306 11,993 5,385 5,148 7,312 2,673 4,972 11,071 8,a9 2,307 71 251 471 404 42 392 42 810 1,255 941 6 855 324 676 701 1,082 486 72 267 892 410 36 424 54 925 2,105 1,170 3 923 355 1,093 826 1,578 712 73 277 392 476 72 389 133 614 1,535 931 98 431 352 979 695 1,148 594 n 324 521 483 85 415 148 713 2,525 1,157 103 663 403 1,320 850 1,581 710 75 95 213 47 a 10 543 89 6 16 578 89 362 420 78 155 492 66 124 1 15 971 479 6 10 822 49 713 569 77 1 92 8 10 9 8 761 55 30 5 620 2 3 157 22 2 ra 6 134 10 7 8 833 70 18 4 323 4 10 178 34 2 79 29 12,149 245 620 564 1,511 274,163 1,440 2,264 93 116,175 388 108 10,245 7,045 12 M 228 11,637 217 400 1,121 251,453 1,660 499 170 59,734 218 296 9,945 2,434 11 HI 10 2 7 1 99 40 22 13 40 33 45 14 »; 640 450 1,169 50 4,331 5,017 1,370 617 1,175 1,623 1,140 793 b:i 32 12 41 6 137 2 42 82 525 107 92 57 497 236 46 HI 1,505 1,485 3,139 859 32,954 190 6,851 8,075 107,431 a, 996 16,419 1,140 119,793 23,930 1,920 h:, 11 10 20 28 4 16 47 H8 330 1,689 605 1,120 996 4,705 3,588 H7 102 12 126 20 215 12 48 358 731 3 64 171 238 419 505 126 HH 5,034 1,420 8,282 5,608 53,005 3,853 5,648 27,458 175,086 2,350 17,964 33,504 10,210 106,418 57,753 7,705 HO 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for item3 shown in italic* are based on (For definitions and explai »> text) Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1 Decrease in farms due to change in farm definition 19JH to 19.-.9 Approximate land urea I Proportion in farms percent 1 Average size of farm - t Value of land and buildings: Average per form dollars 1 Average per acre dollars 1 Proportion of farms reporting value percent ! Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 1 to 9 acres farn.s reporting 1 10 to 19 acres fwTOS reporting 1 •20 to '29 acres farms reporting 1 W to 49 acres Farms reporting 100 to 110 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture. farms reporting 1 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms report-in Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1 Soil -improvement, grasses and legumes farms reportinc 1 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1 Woodland pastured farms reporting 1 Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1 Other pasture (not cropland o llamll . . . farms reporting 1 Improved pasture (see text) . , farms repottir Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acre Cropland, total . farms reporting 1 Land pastured, total farms reporting 1 Woodland, total farms reporting 1 Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1 Land-use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting } Cropland used for grain or rou- crops farmed on the contour farms reporting ! Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting I System of terraces on crop and pasture land .... 1The - 136 587,520 26.7 156,803 144,861 229.6 120.9 20,171 10,236 93.98 86.14 175 375,040 49.4 185,396 237,998 144.1 125.7 11,321 6,393 83.63 58.45 1,131 9,598 17,613 473 1,100 10,532 48,856 14,214 59,616 60 234 396 455 1,109 9,279 7,378 13,326 1,203 47,221 1,014 47,442 56,818 124 139 8,021 7,336 7,649 6,510 961 1,637 1,181 1,713 677,758 767,915 13,289.4 20,208.3 262,412 253,829 13.64 13.61 23 Ll, 016, 320 131.2 Ll, 333, 076 •1,479,076 2,539.2 2,307.5 121,342 71,349 46.61 35.91 l2, 074, 880 103.9 '2,155,026 '2,145,152 13,060.8 9,750.7 296,417 158,728 22.40 17.20 184 547,200 76.3 417,474 451,673 189.9 153.9 16,588 10,195 95.62 66.10 1,221 2,122 48,562 93,518 1,308 58,170 67,757 15,995 228 11,176 1,646 58,393 1,601 2,035 204,251 154,531 L4,19: 1,610 2,507 2,086 2,697 1,059 1,843 23 66 571,520 96.4 551,046 550,559 492.9 446.9 46,543 28,276 119.44 88.91 1,012 416,976 420,820 21,883 11,493 78.68 52.72 1,307 82 15,059 «age of a farm is tabulated as in the county in which 287,496 255,045 324.5 253.8 48,801 25,123 170.82 106.50 TEXAS 173 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum Young Zapata Zavala 2,290 190 2,103 719 621 826 673 2,587 1,284 26 1,468 1,421 275 772 225 267 1 2,848 .277 2,466 853 765 997 865 3,338 1,617 36 1,873 1,834 312 960 250 246 2 130 5 132 18 41 31 8 62 56 3 85 144 1 28 2 4 3 391,040 2,107,520 1690,560 586,240 391,680 720,640 513,280 '567, 680 581,760 462,720 531,200 565,760 640,000 826,880 4 86.7 60.5 102.9 90.2 83.2 142.6 98.1 91.5 76.9 82.6 82.8 52.3 87.5 89.6 79.9 70.4 339,225 1,274,231 1710,574 529,071 325,785 '870, 865 373,751 659,263 394,546 469,169 481,446 242,058 465,022 506,889 511,197 581,868 339, 511 1,737,460 658,961 494,479 298,437 1950,139 369,328 687, 522 426,907 '619,810 486,788 295,420 484,678 557,857 502,207 601,581 7 148.1 6,706.5 337.9 735.8 524.6 1,054.3 555.4 254.6 307.3 18,045.0 328.0 170.3 1,691.0 656.6 2,272.0 2,179.3 8 119.2 6,272.4 267.2 579.7 390.1 953.0 427.0 206.0 264.0 17,216.9 259.9 161.1 1,553.5 581.1 2,008.8 2,445.5 9 20,714 161,250 51,604 43,371 52,964 72,890 111,748 32,084 26,827 169,310 27,147 14,698 115,899 42,219 59,625 129,914 10 10,183 108,518 26,313 27,058 26,736 56,524 80,203 23,695 18,682 90,402 15,992 7,893 56,487 28,588 42,750 128,916 11 145.96 28.20 191 .70 61.50 108.51 62.04 308.17 126.85 92.33 6.50 69.81 85.44 86.47 66.41 23.18 70.73 12 97.36 16.79 141.50 44.67 87.91 52.43 306.69 113.21 72.04 5.12 62.97 53.24 35.17 46.91 22.57 51.77 13 85 76 79 82 81 78 78 91 76 50 82 87 76 84 89 79 14 84 80 80 87 75 87 79 91 85 88 86 77 87 85 92 89 15 1,928 71 1,835 572 447 753 655 2,192 935 3 735 795 234 483 104 155 16 2,365 121 2,119 748 542 909 818 2,843 1,160 2 1,107 1,210 238 699 119 143 17 69,557 8,456 211,233 88,710 73,908 180,295 175,237 287,691 100,522 354 49,913 18,464 145,244 67,631 6,053 42,804 18 74,391 11,181 201,988 133,162 85,604 222,068 169,937 310, 178 112,524 25 67,940 30,831 112,154 97,863 6,735 31,612 19 304 7 128 26 35 21 33 75 43 2 103 315 1 18 27 10 20 396 17 178 31 62 24 42 90 66 114 366 1 39 26 4 21 356 7 185 54 56 25 49 83 76 92 190 3 34 31 7 22 486 19 215 27 45 20 43 104 86 2 180 331 1 26 28 9 23 354 4 124 28 29 11 29 86 55 84 104 1 38 20 8 24 449 8 193 24 30 19 38 118 67 156 200 3 37 15 9 25 504 8 258 53 41 40 58 197 120 161 90 3 59 8 16 26 666 12 383 52 66 33 75 303 149 226 161 3 77 20 14 27 334 19 517 102 73 118 88 618 269 169 67 12 113 8 23 28 321 26 627 122 76 145 143 1,007 373 248 107 10 171 13 31 29 61 11 350 154 93 221 131 748 254 73 24 21 115 2 28 30 37 24 298 238 108 317 201 913 318 123 39 30 204 11 27 31 11 13 222 131 90 261 185 356 102 1 44 5 94 90 6 42 32 8 13 170 221 121 277 205 286 90 54 6 113 126 4 30 33 3 2 40 23 26 45 63 24 15 9 67 15 2 12 34 1 2 49 31 31 63 54 20 8 5 61 17 2 15 35 1 11 1 4 11 19 5 1 32 1 9 36 1 6 2 3 11 17 2 3 1 16 2 4 37 395 59 490 309 254 329 196 953 781 1 793 352 63 374 22 154 38 521 47 388 282 274 331 307 1,534 957 913 907 55 332 125 161 39 14,121 12,244 121,042 24,630 31,361 25,294 12,874 32,067 52,214 30 77,495 24,167 3,652 30,332 3,839 34,689 40 24,183 10,053 86,856 23,908 21,988 12,992 26,098 40,898 65,343 52,569 57,550 3,555 18,882 14,390 35,937 41 407 30 530 358 278 603 274 602 245 1 193 283 86 258 74 115 42 240 60 629 185 206 524 353 939 407 1 236 495 61 327 68 93 43 6,668 5,145 24,663 45,923 25,045 67,462 17,315 24,632 17,589 160 13,601 8,895 15,494 22,245 6,663 19,158 44 5,334 12,144 22,903 11,335 10,749 32,072 22,229 17,490 23,045 64 9,731 21,066 5,922 14,906 8,364 14,895 45 73 3 146 75 127 304 45 117 21 52 31 19 81 3 27 82 15 171 49 88 255 58 287 91 100 108 7 151 20 10 17 1,261 870 6,552 3,329 9,930 24,131 3,332 3,579 1,356 2,408 496 1,344 5,337 330 2,657 1H 1,746 1,840 6,109 3,482 4,439 12,912 2,195 5,589 4,087 3,632 2,414 634 6,661 802 1,625 125 10 166 252 67 159 49 228 115 45 65 38 41 20 74 1,735 1,602 5,429 34,835 2,993 8,525 4,892 14,795 11,392 3,869 2,239 8,068 3,945 1,459 12,154 :. I 249 17 282 127 159 399 203 319 129 1 112 210 45 165 64 29 3,672 2,673 12,682 7,759 12,122 34,806 9,091 6,258 4,841 160 7,304 6,160 6,082 12,963 4,874 4,347 53 966 2 344 11 33 19 40 543 78 621 776 199 4 65 54 827 70 392 23 17 21 55 710 1,053 667 1,055 2 366 152 126 55 52,228 5,334 89,810 679 9,842 2,763 3,095 104,232 10,997 67,843 56,836 55,943 2,339 158,407 m; 55,948 181,197 84,171 1,808 3,146 8,121 11,804 141, 119 166,960 105,969 82,469 1,355 131,816 168,615 347,811 57 117 67 8 11 13 75 11 45 252 2 23 9 92 3 78 14 2 39 18 64 22 50 229 33 55 24 59 3,345 5,856 125 328 1,482 149 5,707 801 3,624 12,764 110 3,445 2,362 111. 3,351 1,900 4,218 1,086 236 733 409 3,989 3,712 3,365 14,462 12,225 14,922 5,994 ill 1,924 172 1,217 627 429 490 47 1,751 1,079 16 1,043 1,132 131 521 210 98 62 1,978 137 1,386 692 399 597 72 2,056 328 23 1,266 1,041 231 494 53 27 i;:i 185,202 1,234,830 244,076 362,281 176,838 581,941 157,255 192,817 206,226 459,189 257,525 114,640 294,444 321,441 482,200 315,316 H 169,145 1,507,603 245,078 316,390 172,443 665,156 131,666 163,297 47,738 603,591 234,957 80,956 355,980 278,529 288,019 161,486 15 847 40 255 57 75 37 6 499 172 1 87 393 7 26 36 41 11 268 28 131 108 14 25 10 485 26 90 150 7 35 4 6 ..? 61,197 204,478 41,695 30,991 10,392 45,953 120 37,900 14,741 1 13,927 30,210 ' 1,828 5,314 38,123 73,692 fin 14,956 174,349 8,757 10,663 1,132 17,916 356 31,331 2,241 6,084 10,803 394 10,581 9,333 4,995 69 8,104 8,222 13,894 6,723 8,463 11,628 7,826 12,117 6,197 9,436 11,445 6,292 6,078 5,852 10, 103 9,132 70 7,159 13,382 13,747 6,770 4,271 8,997 7,185 10,551 7,565 16,130 12,237 8,086 5,712 3,636 962 3,846 71 1,987 103 1,896 650 554 780 662 2,342 1,143 4 1,124 993 243 639 132 231 7! 153 2,186 776 644 943 843 3,013 1,437 2 1,474 1,599 247 782 193 217 73 2,065 176 1,606 672 543 607 253 2,293 1,211 16 1,409 1,349 162 732 214 215 .'! 2,349 211 1,727 743 581 709 377 2,893 1,472 23 1,736 1,704 248 869 230 210 75 1,045 2 ... 18 36 27 52 585 83 650 941 2 212 71 76 896 72 459 36 19 57 71 755 1,066 897 1,161 2 390 194 147 77 7 38 320 23 143 111 234 4 41 4 5 12 141 4 13 115 78 6 64 216 9 163 19 320 19 35 1 6 12 71 1 17 140 79 361 7,521 66,643 1,335 9,799 9,444 35,168 333 7,042 545 75 336 32,716 103 3,699 37,068 SO 761 10,591 77,128 427 10,307 614 38,880 589 3,458 10 161 135 17,355 9 2,952 45,763 81 370 34 32 66 116 39 269 83 102 60 15 50 12 82 5,865 2,593 1,028 3,646 5,216 3,786 12,240 2,825 5,325 1,465 800 4,142 1,215 S3 530 3 62 71 95 303 49 1,024 250 122 142 2 207 9 9 '1 14,047 685 3,880 6,188 13,637 44,053 3,110 114,637 20,701 6,920 2,550 570 32,573 2,284 1,200 S5 66 16 42 8 52 50 71 27 42 10 5 11 81 1,755 415 4,505 1,435 12,163 17,570 6,531 1,515 1,981 215 1,500 645 H7 1,160 52 135 131 307 51 1,598 428 458 432 335 14 26 HH 82,456 17,591 14,621 25,934 54,716 6,132 165,089 40,510 31,005 20,177 60,371 429 3,945 Bfl 174 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lsu-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definition* and explanations, see text) Irrigated farms number 1959. 1954. Proportion of all farms percent 1959 . Land in irrigated farms . Average site of farm . 1 1959 . 1954. i 1959 . Land in Irrigated rams according to use: Cropland harvested rarms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954.. farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . farms reporting 1959 1954 . . farms reporting 1959 . . •JO to 29 acr 30 to 49 acr 50 to 99 acr lOCrtolTOa 200 to 499 a 500 to 999 a 1,000 or mor Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 1954. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 63 | Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 , acres 1959 . 1954 . Improved pasture farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954. Land irrigated in Census year acres 1959 , 1954 . Irrigated hy sprinklers farms reporting 1959 , acres 1959 . Sprinklers only farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) . Farms irrigated, by number of acres irrigated: 1 otv or mere acres Surface sources i Irrigation organit Irrigation orgai farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959. farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959. farms reporting 1959 . Durce of water: ces on farm farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. lurces on farm only farms reporting 1959 . n farm rarms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . on farm only farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . ition sources farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . nation sources only farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . :es farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. ntnization and farm arm surface sources farms reporting 1959 . 27,884 26,315 12.3 24,116,410 19,371,430 864.9 736.1 27,394 25,789 8,347,683 6,626,599 1,844 2,270 1,401 1,584 885 1,047 2,849 5,474 5,370 9,282 7,695 3,648 2,677 1,084 759 8,230 8,709 1,390,515 1,104,066 12,181 9,731 5,606 649,059 322,166 3,105 416,132 6,444 601,515 9,488 9,204 11,222,331 9,260,890 1,565 1,751 640,348 341,624 1,988 2,152 994,003 1,131,253 554 , 641 3,919 479,966 27,096 25,481 5,338,890 4,497,917 316,748 2,314 :.JJ' 1,317 2,188 4,345 6,074 7,164 2,132 460 19,847 ,614,720 18,843 ,407,221 2,031 202,335 1,366 140, 545 7,117 838,583 6,568 734,777 20,642 732.8 480.0 21,555 33,585 1,267.9 5,597.5 1,671 16 1,671 43,666 226.5 4,366.6 181,419 144,320 60,473.0 16,035.6 69,173 55,683 1,213.6 1,392.1 1,555 2,812 2 20 32 88 3,539 1,682 3 48 28 8 33 44 160,102 30,931 13,105 124,338 28,013 31,905 2 1 6 1 10 27 59,514 2,013 9,751 80 2 288 1 7,391 97 66 36,692 2,269 160 13,609 10,462 57 10,462 91,636 69,603 562.2 443.3 10,895 3,893 2,146 TEXAS 175 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Be,er Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Broo*. 547 7 11 55 16 15 178 9 26 9 12 185 58 3 188 15 1 463 16 17 15 7 20 165 12 9 18 24 239 13 4 189 23 2 76.9 1.5 0.9 11.1 2.2 0.7 9.1 1.7 16.4 0.7 0.7 14.5 6.2 2.8 54.5 «.3 S 52.4 2.6 1.0 2.5 0.8 0.7 6.0 2.1 4.7 1.3 1.0 14.3 1.0 4.0 39.3 8.1 4 287,201 9,244 6,036 26,276 8,399 5,868 151,413 8,265 18,028 26,266 21,473 231,466 50,821 64,506 160,883 98,280 9 156,332 43,977 10,429 4,835 1,736 8,146 40,769 9,316 11,803 25,740 31,546 266,901 10,299 60,766 135,385 57,145 6 525.0 1,320.6 548.7 477.7 524.9 391.2 850.6 918.3 693.4 2,918.4 1,789.4 1,251.2 876.2 21,502.0 855.8 6,552.0 t 337.7 2,748.6 613.5 322.3 248.0 407.3 247.1 776.3 1,311.4 1,430.0 1,314.4 1,116.7 792.2 15,191.5 716.3 2,484.6 8 547 5 8 55 14 15 162 8 26 9 10 184 56 3 187 15 • 462 16 11 15 7 20 139 11 9 18 18 237 11 189 23 10 205,311 188 914 13,669 4,581 2,352 23,056 543 10,562 1,961 5,144 63,788 18,823 161 72,454 2,605 11 103,919 1,379 1,145 2,592 1,249 3,312 10,988 330 3,711 2,458 6,182 103,429 4,212 323 71,557 2,687 19 6 1 1 43 1 6 2 1 IS 12 3 1 32 3 1 2 2 4 15 1 1 1 15 7 4 2 2 15 24 1 19 1 2 3 6 1 1 u 15 1 1 10 1 3 5 1 17 19 2 2 14 3 1 2 1 1 2 18 14 2 1 1 3 15 1 6 5 2 3 19 26 4 1 1 21 2 8 2 1 1 3 SO 54 1 2 5 2 3 22 4 2 3 21 8 1 8 4 91 74 3 3 4 1 5 25 2 7 2 26 1 1 10 5 99 102 3 24 3 3 28 2 2 3 43 8 1 29 3 98 130 4 3 8 2 6 12 1 4 1 52 2 1 39 2 94 213 1 20 3 3 22 17 4 3 68 15 98 1 95 129 2 1 2 2 5 11 4 4 2 95 2 92 6 96 99 5 4 1 5 6 2 25 4 39 2 27 43 1 1 1 5 3 2 32 3 35 98 29 5 2 1 1 2 5 12 5 1 8 8 29 80 127 3 8 27 10 10 75 8 18 6 9 81 19 2 66 8 31 149 8 13 7 3 12 73 9 1 8 11 82 6 1 67 14 32 14,003 100 615 680 1,895 689 22,478 388 2,695 551 3,858 79,883 5,146 62 8,367 1,918 33 6,265 326 2,278 169 92 758 8,650 675 120 622 2,202 66,813 806 355 4,935 2,139 84 243 3 2 46 4 2 73 3 13 3 4 42 12 1 88 6 35 163 1 7 2 7 68 3 1 4 27 2 91 5 S3 110 1 25 2 28 3 4 1 1 7 2 1 38 87 5,830 64 1,517 14 1,937 75 383 9 800 1,507 320 45 5,538 335 38 6,732 185 77 165 1,029 17 120 3,687 40 2,702 74 39 92 2 2 5 3 17 1 4 1 2 6 10 30 2 40 14,542 138 155 142 77 1,455 10 565 644 334 249 963 6,260 100 41 89 1 27 1 "2 44 1 7 2 2 34 5 1 41 2 42 4,287 4 1,129 4 22 2,068 1 1,219 163 1,572 6,983 277 35 2,827 260 43 130 5 8 7 3 8 21 6 13 9 6 73 27 2 113 5 44 126 11 10 7 2 14 39 2 7 15 11 59 8 3 126 11 45 32,594 3,642 3,330 3,732 717 651 38,595 6,168 2,429 21,708 6,936 65,895 16,834 62,900 63,308 87,767 46 19,853 39,065 2,142 1,632 361 2,217 7,363 2,519 7,894 18,411 10,480 68,790 3,595 59,921 49,686 49,356 47 17 3 7 2 2 10 1 2 2 22 16 4 3 in 32 5 2 2 2 2 6 1 2 8 10 5 1 12 2 49 5,505 1,700 680 77 95 6,671 650 4,884 550 13,531 4,299 202 290 50 434 1,506 104 146 361 45 943 70 15,111 8,009 4,402 507 25,666 498 310 51 6 4 2 33 6 10 77 2 2 8 27 19 3 7 52 5 14 1 1 11 27 10 6 21 29 7 6 2 58 124 5,029 915 5,141 1,025 2,046 58,186 1,026 161 2,552 8,398 7,569 267 5,034 54 2,311 4,786 126 8 1,515 6,290 5,550 2,193 11,409 11,901 1,160 898 1,931 55 115,335 105 1,230 3,277 1,849 777 15,530 181 1,513 787 1,963 48,407 7,195 28 46,966 725 56 74,292 771 1,231 896 622 544 12,246 345 321 570 1,978 95,179 1,117 343 42,082 1,309 57 138 5 11 15 5 7 21 7 8 7 11 4 2 25 9 M 21,839 41 970 514 158 325 1,798 1O0 473 579 361 201 27 2,228 581 Ml 77 9 7 4 6 14 7 8 6 9 3 2 25 9 gg 13,845 33 710 167 98 255 1,121 100 473 234 53 13 27 2,228 581 61 547 5 8 55 13 14 151 7 26 8 10 182 56 2 187 15 B'i 461 15 10 14 3 19 132 11 9 17 13 236 10 4 188 21 111,785 66 662 3,218 1,566 640 12,284 162 1,513 553 1,862 48,308 7,010 26 46,275 670 64 73,180 545 643 839 177 437 7,848 211 317 482 1,767 95,095 1,020 323 41,372 867 IIS 3,550 39 568 59 283 137 3,246 19 234 101 99 185 2 691 55 n 6 2 2 4 2 44 3 1 3 1 10 2 2 2 4 67 23 3 2 4 4 19 4 2 1 8 6 7 3 18 22 1 5 3 3 15 4 2 2 2 1 6 1111 32 1 1 17 3 3 27 1 4 1 2 6 12 14 2 70 97 2 16 2 4 26 1 10 1 2 27 13 27 71 154 1 7 1 32 5 1 39 10 38 1 72 173 3 2 4 1 10 2 1 68 10 70 1 7.1 35 1 4 2 22 23 74 5 1 3 1 1 75 547 3 2 52 15 3 126 5 25 2 8 32 55 1 187 15 7fi 115,100 54 315 3,191 1,574 392 12,341 141 1,433 316 725 4,962 6,359 1 46,710 725 77 545 2 2 50 15 3 115 5 25 1 8 21 50 1 183 15 n 114,709 49 315 3,097 1,574 392 10,606 141 1,433 314 725 3,768 4,460 1 44,497 725 70 1 5 9 5 1 11 26 4 1 8 4 34 8 2 5 80 235 51 915 86 275 359 1,493 40 80 471 1,238 10,476 836 27 256 81 4 9 3 1 11 20 1 7 26 3 2 1 89 46 915 62 275 359 1 26 1 26 1,076 39 1,696 30 1,155 40 80 466 1,238 8,720 131 32,969 126 31,994 342 27 20 84 85 HO (7 2 1 2 4 1 7 5 4 88 626 10 118 591 9 2,102 7 2,218 5 1,707 2,393 2,449 B9 110 91 176 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explanations, see text) Irrigated farms number 1 Proportion of all farms percent 1 Land in irrigated farms i Average size of farm i Land In Irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 •A) to 29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture farms reportin Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1 Soil- improvement grasses and legumes farms reportiri Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1 45,251 56,608 572.8 583.6 74,264 5,365 1,125.2 766.4 5,205 11,201 867.5 933.4 3,772 2,343 471.5 260.3 20,875 63,284 946.9 2,109.5 46,833 43,133 11,708.3 7,188.8 356,375 403,366 202.3 162.8 6,000 766 26,419 Other pasture (not cropland e woodland) . . . farms reporting 1 Improved pasture farms reporting 1 Woodland, total farms reporting 1 Land ungated in Census year ■ Irrigated by sprinklers farms reportinc 1 Sprinklers only farms reporting 1 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1 Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) acre Farms irrigated, by number of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 Bcres farms reportir 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 20 to '29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reportin 50 to 99 acres farms reportin 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reportin Land irrigated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1 Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm only farms reportir Irrigation organization sources farms reporting 1 Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting 1 Both farm ground water sources Both irrigation organization and farm ground water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1 2,328 2,850 1,925 2,642 60 2,486 917 1,707 2,443 165,322 207,997 12,803 1,639 146,021 1,523 129,329 TEXAS 177 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Chambers Cherokee Childress 3,559 6,802 593.2 485.9 543,204 469,531 767.2 643.2 13,520 62,129 8,067 57,629 462 38 365 U 323 8 38,912 1,799 28,503 1,310 287,560 248,039 25,421 7,002 16,551 218.8 254.6 80,557 32,669 1,220.6 1,089.0 6,851 62 6,851 65,550 35,027 1,820 10,652 7,923 1,521.7 1,980.8 7,481 18,557 680.1 1,091.6 2,472 2,793 353.1 399.0 78,575 45,615 946.7 1,572.9 216,808 222,156 959.3 1,291.6 12,284 51 9,085 9,760 9,209 813.3 1,534.8 178 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and eipi anatuns, see text) Irrigated farms numb** 1 Proportion of all farms pa Land in irrigated farms i Average size of farm i Land In Irrigated fanrs according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 20 to 29 acres. farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms report! ng 1 1,000 or more acres Tama reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1 Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1 Improved pasture farms reporting 1 Woodland, total farms reporting 1 63,753 20,504 833.9 854.3 17,700 17,700. 0 121,864 260.0 17,409.1 102,992 57,465 2,640.8 2,298.6 219,309 61,476 1,975.8 1,024.6 8,288 6,302 184.2 118.9 Land irrigated in Census year t ungated by sprinklers farms reporting 1 ■sprinklers only farms reporting 1 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1 Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) i Farms irrigated, by number of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Land irrigated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1 Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Irrigation organ nation sources farms reporting 1 Irrigation orgarutation sources only farms reporting 1 Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1 Both irrigation organisation and farm ground water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1 7,262 7,392 3,835 28,911 10,359 2,422 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued TEXAS 179 631,216 529,666 1,079.0 1,177.0 2,948 3,021 327.6 503.5 12,778 7,255 672.5 659.5 111, 351 38,522 757.5 837.4 117,089 153,000 1,445.5 1,176.9 51,689 27,080 717.9 1,425.3 1,300 4,000.0 1,300.0 24,873 13,069 1,776.6 568.2 29,271 41,068 3,658.9 4,106.8 36,945 41,847 3,694.5 2,789.8 1,304 3,346 260.8 418.2 192,010 377,474 450.7 635.5 52,630 12,310 1,253.1 647.9 15,452 11,906 468.2 396.9 2,850 39 2,622 1,828 55 3,726 231,031 150,377 18,171 12,272 12,069 3,535 52,721 61,028 6,305 9,641 144 9,641 5,729 68 5,636 180 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explaj Irrigated farms number 1 Proportion of all farma percent 1 ■iint) in irrigated farms » Average size of farm a 1 to 9 acr 10 to 19 i 50 to 99 acr 100 to 199 t 500 to 999 a 1,000 or mor farms reporting 1 s reporting 1 9 reporting 1 9 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 s reporting 1 3 reporting 1 9 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture . Cropland not harvested and not pastured Cultivated summer fallow Soil- improvement grasses and legumes Other cropland (idle and crop failure) Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). Woodland, total Land irrigated in Census year Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1 Sprinklers only farms reporting 1 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1 Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) . Farms irrigated, by number of acres irrigated: > 9 acres farms report] ng 1 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 to 49 acres . . farms reporting 1 to 99 acre.->. . . farms reporting 1 i to 199 acres farms reporting 1 ' to 499 acres farms renortin l to 999 acres farms reporting 1 00 or more acres farms reporting 1 (.round v i farm farms reporting 1 on farm only farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Irrigation organization sources farms reportin Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting 1 Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1 4,458 4,743 212.3 338.8 16,168 6,433 673.7 714.8 504,719 439,140 643.8 558.7 6,388 128,251 104, 519 1 17 79 211 1,614 2,753 12 9 7 3 1,412 2,910 2,635 145 1,164 247,804 617 210,413 241,960 204,896 5,844 244,993 725 228,682 1,770 22 1,770 89,968 91,731 1,022.4 1,411.2 13,711 68 13,428 1,021 1,216 340.3 202.7 1,627 8,144 1,627.0 1,018.0 142,265 69,371 1,563.4 1,692.0 14,008 70 13,433 14,857 7,316 1,728 TEXAS 181 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Galveston a« Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg Grijnes Guadalupe Rale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 43 147 37 63 9 18 38 9 3 4 12 1,459 96 15 135 143 1 44 98 31 26 4 19 15 7 6 2 24 1,534 10 7 80 59 2 8.3 42.9 3.2 41.7 1.6 1.0 9.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.6 95.0 16.0 1.3 40.5 25.0 3 6.2 22.5 2.4 18.7 0.6 0.9 2.9 0.2 0.7 0.1 1.1 90.1 1.3 0.5 19.0 9.0 4 19,472 79,043 22,950 188,202 12,137 12,548 78,559 2,887 1,024 16,685 4,544 603,911 66,695 24,431 245,671 119,265 5 14,226 36,689 18,853 86,741 2,736 26,133 54,771 1,493 4,611 20 10,977 594,824 6,625 8,307 157,470 54,136 6 452.8 537.7 620.3 2,987.3 1,348.6 697.1 2,067.3 320.8 341.3 4,171.3 378.7 413.9 694.7 1,628.7 1,819.8 834.0 I 323.3 374.4 608.2 3,336.2 684.0 1,375.4 3,651.4 213.3 768.5 10.0 457.4 387.8 662.5 1,186.7 1,968.4 917.6 8 43 147 35 62 8 18 37 9 3 4 11 1.444 94 14 135 141 9 44 98 31 26 4 16 15 7 6 2 22 1,514 10 7 80 59 10 6,574 41,234 2,816 14,733 3,218 3,549 18,218 1,051 314 5,551 1,021 480,070 29,814 2,554 113,133 26,360 11 8,266 25,888 3,438 6,015 1,367 2,178 5,270 594 396 3 3,092 455,974 3,276 698 53,430 20,445 12 3 2 8 1 2 1 2 25 1 6 IS 9 1 2 1 2 1 26 1 14 6 2 2 4 1 i 1 1 23 1 15 7 1 2 1 1 1 3 16 18 2 4 1 3 1 16 1 7 17 5 3 1 3 1 2 1 10 1 18 5 1 4 1 1 5 1 27 1 1 11 19 2 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 4 29 1 3 1 20 7 14 8 6 5 5 3 2 96 5 2 2 36 21 2 13 6 1 5 2 1 2 7 117 1 2 4 6 22 6 40 3 14 i 3 4 336 31 5 3 39 23 3 33 10 10 "2 2 2 412 2 5 13 24 13 72 6 31 3 7 10 1 1 " 2 1 642 '44 4 39 31 25 10 40 4 12 2 3 2 2 1 3 666 8 1 27 27 26 1 14 3 1 11 1 238 9 1 60 8 27 5 7 1 1 i 3 *2 209 1 25 9 28 2 1 1 1 5 2 41 3 31 2 29 1 2 2 29 16 2 80 7 45 20 25 7 7 14 2 2 10 290 51 11 32 64 31 23 40 17 8 1 12 5 3 3 1 16 509 1 5 16 29 32 6,545 2,701 1,380 1,720 1,051 472 621 56 3,221 498 9,093 4,807 1,0% 4,213 4,519 33 5,124 536 820 603 600 3,941 269 193 340 12 1,779 14,877 25 483 3,794 1,619 34 7 70 11 26 2 5 24 3 1 1 6 586 64 10 115 129 35 6 34 5 6 1 3 4 1 3 1 6 631 7 1 66 36 36 2 28 6 10 1 1 18 1 2 367 30 2 104 60 37 157 1,594 325 295 60 10 2,368 73 41 20,671 2,548 275 30,927 10,974 38 74 59 25 175 60 35 ISO 13 210 15,878 412 20,142 1,969 39 29 3 11 1 2 5 1 1 2 70 48 5 11 23 40 3,699 14 1,339 269 218 1,273 20 13 30 4,519 5,996 259 3,766 2,685 41 6 29 3 14 3 10 1 1 1 4 253 12 5 30 109 42 1,327 1,370 16 781 87 1,866 480 8 110 181 U,103 1,185 297 3,793 30,398 43 15 53 18 42 9 14 34 5 1 2 3 504 56 13 95 112 44 4 43 26 21 1 7 14 6 3 9 829 8 5 60 42 45 4,009 26,461 6,519 168,331 7,376 7,486 52,918 477 497 6,574 668 46,823 20,056 14,759 87,215 42,812 43 331 7,498 10,019 75,723 361 3,689 48,167 591 2,679 1,369 71,225 2,395 5,723 61,706 25,783 47 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 2 1 1 2 94 2 4 8 48 2 1 10 1 1 3 1 1 4 164 10 5 49 275 82 535 13,770 1,050 772 489 25 300 600 560 6,425 2,470 587 2,066 50 208 19 1,648 140 50 978 206 100 400 740 3,914 608 3,217 51 4 16 1 2 3 4 1 3 8 17 5 7 2 4 52 2 2 5 2 2 15 4 2 4 12 IS 2 12 53 350 11,598 4 554 538 720 170 1,054 2,048 2,703 1,332 4,902 433 457 54 224 22 4,121 3,435 333 15,833 47 30 1,010 4,194 1,482 1,250 1,457 55 6,022 10,861 811 6,511 787 2,587 6,293 159 14 1,838 454 467,482 10,366 586 54,251 10,398 56 7,965 8,917 803 2,244 613 2,241 692 300 124 3 1,516 431,332 774 298 21,491 3,587 57 6 31 14 2 13 9 7 1 1 7 12 81 10 1 27 250 769 1,729 92 2,232 518 134 12 38 391 2,054 7,299 450 25 1,596 59 4 30 11 1 10 8 7 1 1 6 4 78 9 20 60 221 754 1,445 75 1,980 515 134 12 38 191 700 7,109 422 1,221 61 41 147 30 62 7 16 37 9 3 4 10 1,444 94 14 135 140 62 44 98 31 26 4 10 15 7 6 2 19 1,514 10 7 80 56 63 5,416 10,858 637 6,299 598 1,809 5,459 152 14 1,838 363 451,877 10,107 535 52,257 9,711 64 7,965 8,877 688 2,104 613 1,169 678 265 124 3 798 421,897 774 288 20,981 3,450 606 3 174 212 189 778 834 7 91 15,605 259 51 1,994 687 66 9 3 8 5 17 9 1 4 2 4 1 3 3 2 1 6 1 33 24 1 2 3 7 14 67 66 3 16 7 2 "2 1 4 2 12 1 2 3 14 69 4 27 7 2 2 2 1 36 17 2 1 32 70 5 52 25 3 2 109 37 4 3 45 71 7 32 4 16 1 3 15 1 337 28 2 18 23 7! 10 7 7 1 1 10 1 1 645 11 71 7 73 2 1 i 1 i 223 40 1 27 7 1 74 75 17 145 23 63 5 6 36 6 1 2 9 1,457 95 4 135 134 76 536 10,698 374 6,511 241 352 6,243 118 1 1,438 411 464,257 10,326 158 54,251 9,920 77 12 144 21 63 3 4 36 5 1 1 8 1,399 94 2 135 133 78 441 10,692 319 6,511 136 128 6,243 118 1 1,400 408 441,811 10,222 66 54,251 9,896 79 10 3 15 6 14 2 3 1 3 4 60 1 11 10 -1 415 163 436 546 2,235 50 39 12 400 43 3,225 40 406 478 81 3 2 13 4 12 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 9 9 82 43 109 381 259 2,191 50 39 12 400 37 137 40 338 430 83 23 1 1 1 2 84 5,071 1 2 1 22 85 21 1 1 2 4,711 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 58 1 22 2 1 205 60 110 392 268 38 9 25,534 104 160 72 »9 2 622 ... 1 2 9] 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explanations. a text) Irrigated farms m Proportion of nil farms percent ] Land in irrigated farms I Average site of farm i Land in Irrigated bras according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 k> 19 acres femi9 reporting 1 '20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 60 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1 Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1 7,154 10,936 1,022.0 911.3 249,026 181,131 1,245.1 846.4 3,762 6,527 537.4 407.9 114,457 59,866 3,468.' 5,986.6 95,641 36,970 417.6 415.4 4,862 15,608 486.2 1,040.5 96,743 19,041 12,092.9 1,904.1 17, 227 17,830 1,148.5 685.8 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1 Improved pasture farms reporting 1 Land irrigated in Census year E Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1 Sprinklers only farms reporting 1 Irrigated cropland harvested. farms reporting 1 8 Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) Farms irrigated, by number ot acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres .10 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres . farms reportin . farms reporting 1 . farms reporting 1 . farms reporting . farms reporting 1 . farms reporting 1 . farms reporting 1 . farms reporting 1 . farms reporting 1 42,310 61,310 3,55-4 Qround water sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Irrigation organisation sou Irrigation organization « farms reporting 1 s only farms reporting 1 farms reporting 1 . . farms reporting 1 38,105 142 33,590 30 3,870 18 1,645 28 3,889 24 2,983 1,151 8 1,151 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued TEXAS 183 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson «- J.Ok Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 9 1,121 12 9 19 37 75 5 46 23 1 96 1 20 307 9 912 11 5 26 12 127 6 26 40 2 69 4 22 286 0.4 85.9 2.0 0.4 1.2 7.1 60.5 0.2 38.0 19.3 0.2 10.1 0.1 25.0 42.4 3.4 0.3 71.9 1.4 0.2 1.1 1.9 71.3 0.2 15.2 31.7 0.2 6.4 0.2 21.8 27.6 0.8 « 3,003 452,411 35,831 1,477 26,610 30,521 253,055 510 203, 114 26,590 280 182,134 1,054 223,785 208,232 215,946 18,179 2,590 330,843 36,098 1,557 15,183 8,542 313,316 1,139 85,794 80,318 3,452 132,104 1,269 174,515 20,207 333.7 4CB.6 2,985.9 164.1 1,400.5 824.9 3,374.1 102.0 4,415.5 1,156.1 280.0 1,897.2 1,054.0 11,189.3 678.3 287.8 362.8 3,281.6 311 A 584.0 711.8 2,467.1 189.8 3,299.8 2,008.0 1,726.0 1,914.6 317.2 7,932.5 755.1 20J 207.0 8 8 1,115 12 9 19 34 74 5 46 18 1 96 1 17 307 9 909 10 5 24 12 127 6 25 29 2 66 3 22 284 916 373,556 1,749 391 6,094 10,510 14,599 193 41,560 898 28 28,283 78 574 61,927 617 1,452 1 290,565 33 4,949 1 859 3,618 4,950 2 24,131 840 1 25,722 1,073 3 438 28,706 2 111 2,270 3 32,280 19 18 2 13 1 "2 1 3 1 7 2 7 20 14 51 18 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 8 1 3 2 9 4 16 16 9 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 11 17 1 1 3 13 1 1 1 4 7 1 1 4 2 3 1 6 14 18 U 1 9 1 4 11 2 2 2 10 M 3 31 4 3 3 2 24 5 2 1 3 46 , ai 48 2 2 5 1 32 6 i 5 2 10 ss 2 283 2 1 6 8 14 "i 1 1 31 2 74 M 1 273 3 6 3 44 2 1 10 1 4 53 24 1 469 4 7 16 19 10 1 49 116 2 28 4 385 195 2 3 5 2 25 3 i 10 20 1 1 30 4 3 133 17 M 27 143 1 2 1 4 i 4 16 1 44 Be 31 1 2 2 14 4 1 17 1 1 3 8 5 4 10 6 228 8 4 11 15 20 14 14 1 33 1 8 156 31 6 409 6 1 19 7 18 13 24 2 27 1 3 96 639 4,542 2,727 190 2,497 3,614 3,951 4,376 739 7 20,739 100 546 86,011 S3 180 4,238 729 79 3,122 280 1,896 4,403 968 238 13,820 100 245 47,929 34 7 355 2 1 11 20 62 : -2 8 22 4 39 , 35 2 232 1 11 " 107 21 4 15 5 30 M . 199 3 6 14 36 1 2 9 2 7,048 423 742 2,251 11,577 5 670 1,922 38 3 902 77 32 433 4,085 25 130 495 1,380 39 116 2 1 7 12 19 4 2 9 1 7 14,129 39 18 1,329 1,874 1,156 800 67 1,057 47 946 41 6 100 1 8 5 48 i 18 5 15 3 28 1 42 182 6,828 30 896 231 9,513 60 2,748 219 2,854 96 4,594 65 43 6 245 11 8 13 22 24 4 37 10 1 43 17 84 2 44 6 315 9 4 12 9 18 6 21 32 2 35 3 15 85 1 45 396 31,880 30,996 828 7,908 13,351 208,453 243 140,837 24,215 139 107,023 222,381 30,605 17,270 16 371 11,085 27,701 591 2,858 3,079 245,390 251 48,760 69,277 2,356 70,505 119 170,767 59,871 20,205 n 2 10 6 1 8 2 4 2 1 1 8 2 17 IS 2 26 4 2 5 5 1 2 2 "3 1 7 1 1 21 1 49 219 190 1,394 100 5,404 507 323 163 10 139 1,055 843 2,817 50 74 348 135 141 627 900 100 65 114 4,528 80 2,828 '44 40 2,728 200 51 6 1 9 7 3 7 3 15 22 2 1 3 2 1 1 29 22 1 3 1 39 38 52 832 750 228 '36 7,071 210 240 96 20,431 824 70 14,629 u 495 663 2,009 4,571 640 8,690 360 15,949 907 11,964 ss 257 188,801 651 112 1,917 2,339 21,145 143 31,435 1,211 3 21,273 78 1,799 57,186 262 ss 566 152,985 692 799 882 1,336 24,230 77 8,743 1,506 80 25,648 118 2,280 80,141 200 57 4 78 10 9 14 23 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 SB 184 10,528 396 112 1,239 140 45 200 100 303 4 200 St 4 40 10 9 13 25 3 1 1 1 2 2 so 5,564 396 112 633 1,239 140 200 1 103 4 200 61 1,115 11 8 17 34 73 5 46 IS 1 94 1 17 306 3 62 9 906 10 3 19 9 127 3 25 29 2 65 3 22 2S4 63 251 187,211 498 102 1,747 1,789 14,539 143 28,420 837 3 21,236 78 562 56,984 262 64 566 151,591 632 70S 749 24, 119 12 8,523 847 80 23,660 108 2,240 60,119 1,590 153 10 170 550 6,606 3,015 374 37 1,237 202 66 46 3 1 7 3 1 2 1 2 9 20 67 50 1 4 1 8 1 1 8 4 3 8 86 ... 20 2 2 4 3 2 3 11 69 2 49 1 3 4 5 5 4 1 15 70 2 258 6 10 14 i 4 10 1 3 44 2 71 ... 381 2 2 3 17 1 3 2 36 1 93 1 7? 275 1 1 26 13 2 29 2 102 73 35 1 1 7 20 5 1 13 74 7 3 8 3 1 7S 7 1,120 6 2 1 35 65 1 45 5 94 1 IS 12 3 76 164 188,428 258 18 20 1,646 15,948 1 31,415 287 20,804 78 1,690 1,109 238 77 6 1,114 5 2 1 35 44 1 45 5 93 1 16 9 2 78 113 186,510 213 18 20 1,609 13,546 1 31,415 287 20,137 78 1,663 987 200 7(1 3 7 7 7 18 1 2 3 1 8 1 3 3 74 1 80 93 373 393 94 1,897 13 129 17 20 652 3 469 24 13,813 24 61 1 6 7 18 3 1 8 1 . 1 70 82 84 ... 180 6 388 1 94 1,897 1 680 1 680 1 30 5,068 10 1,427 1 17 1 125 1 125 20 652 10 272 10 272 3 247 1 1 1 85 1 85 2 13,616 228 42,264 223 41,881 1 83 84 89 86 87 88 2,111 50 '" 50 ::: 52 20 6,120 I ... 889 50 5 702 62 89 90 91 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and expltu ? text) Irrigated farms number t Proportion of all farms percent 1 Land in irrigated farms acre Average size of farm acre Land in irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reportin 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 to 19 acres. farms reporting 1 ■Jt) to 29 acres farms reporting 1 .10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1 Cropland not harvested and not pastured forms reporting 1 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1 Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reportir Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1 Improved pasture farms reporting 1 Woodland, total farms reporting 1 Land irrigated in Census year i Irrigated hy sprinklers farms reporting 1 Sprinklers only farms reporting 1 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1 Oti.er irrigated land (not cropland harvested) i Farms irrigated, by number of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farms report] ng 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 20 to 09 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporti ng 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Land irrigated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1 Ground water sources on farm only farms reportin Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Irrigation organization sources farms reporting 1 Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting 1 Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1 Both irrigation organization and farm ground water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1 25,070 28,374 1,392.8 6,122 8,509 408.1 1,418.2 6,438 179.0 715.3 1,454 26 1,454 25,291 71,927 1,053.8 1,530.. TEXAS 185 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued King Kianey Kleberg Knox Lamar « Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee Leo. Liberty Lijnestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 11 10 8 237 2 1,393 4 29 24 9 6 146 1 24 10 3 1 1 9 15 69 12 1,278 8 31 9 7 10 106 9 8 16 2 16.9 10.8 3.3 35.7 0.1 85.1 0.5 12.7 0.8 0.7 0.4 12.3 0.1 6.6 1.7 0.7 3 1.3 9.4 5.3 8.2 0.5 71.5 1.0 11.0 0.3 0.5 0.6 7.8 0.4 1.9 2.0 0.4 4 6,940 200,203 853, 101 133,598 4,852 570,167 1,321 79,341 11,076 3,487 10,926 183,144 42 36,560 14,957 2,813 5 747 177,063 832,132 35,014 4,351 500,003 2,581 176,420 37,842 3,196 9,358 163,653 6,195 13,770 32,929 7,000 6 630.9 20,020.3 106,637.6 563.7 2,426.0 409.3 330.3 2,735.9 461.5 387.4 1,821.0 1,254.4 42.0 1,523.3 1,495.7 937.7 7 747.0 19,673.7 55,475.5 507.4 362.6 391.2 322.6 5.691.0 4,204.7 456.6 935.8 1,543.9 688.3 1,721.2 2,058.1 3,500.0 8 11 9 7 235 1 1,390 4 26 24 8 6 146 1 24 10 3 1 7 15 69 12 1,270 3 28 9 7 9 105 8 8 16 2 10 2,825 1,747 11,362 70,419 540 385,915 688 6,045 2,293 279 2,495 35,069 42 10,712 3,048 553 11 360 1,341 1 1 1 1 1 3,863 1 1 1 24,983 2 3 840 2 3 3 320,512 26 22 41 28 14 11 14 16 891 1 2 1 7,032 1 1 2 1 1 3 6,890 4 1 2 2 6 2 236 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1,189 2 1 1 1 45,007 8 3 8 5 5 2 1,525 1 3 4,118 1 1 5,382 1 189 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 24 93 6 3 2 12 2 3 21 2 2 2 1 86 3 7 1 9 3 4 22 3 4 2 72 473 1 8 4 1 42 2 1 23 1 8 23 2 484 5 1 2 13 1 4 1 24 7 2 1 109 576 2 8 2 2 50 9 3 25 1 1 1 2 1 1 28 22 7 6 6 1 1 509 135 101 18 13 2 5 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 49 13 23 3 6 1 1 9 6 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 26 27 26 29 30 8 5 1 9 309 2 18 9 2 5 63 9 3 2 31 1 6 7 39 406 3 23 2 5 6 65 7 2 13 2 32 291 1,006 9 5,670 10,663 8 3,703 835 95 5,111 72,243 819 177 32 33 30 5,993 825 1,342 1,527 9,248 250 5,779 160 272 839 72,776 1,382 89 3,356 64 34 11 1 1 114 1 448 1 IS 5 3 2 22 18 4 35 1 1 3 31 4 429 1 14 4 2 3 6 3 7 3 1 36 6 41 1 178 5 2 1 4 14 1 37 538 2,450 150 7,335 201 34 20 877 1,986 90 38 100 150 1,406 89 3,841 16 1,936 58 1,137 870 834 39 7 1 56 209 1 15 2 2 5 7 3 40 1,035 20 4,535 24,586 62 2,440 16 520 830 1,183 570 41 8 1 59 211 3 1 2 16 6 1 42 624 20 6,676 7,575 451 11 38 3,173 1,944 154 43 11 8 4 31 2 298 3 27 16 6 2 52 19 5 3 44 1 9 7 15 5 477 4 7 5 1 5 19 7 7 3 2 45 1,590 193,960 798,700 14,539 2,100 114,991 368 66,227 2,556 1,035 275 35,386 19,741 6,877 2,194 46 80 159,433 826,829 3,903 559 137,135 1,064 22,869 1,618 150 1,522 15,787 1,541 8,521 130 6,058 47 4 3 1 37 1 15 7 6 22 1 3 48 2 3 83 4 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 49 8,794 900 4,505 5 583 30 20,864 881 737 4,504 300 2,896 100 116 200 1,796 6,500 300 150 80 385 355 15 5 51 4 69 2 12 2 2 10 7 6 48 3 52 1 2 10 8 3 4 24 5 7 7 34 4 7 1 53 700 24,382 28,134 2,000 648 169 59 5,211 1,978 2,372 33,030 3,950 54 10,000 400 2,473 1,212 260 310 136,504 18,737 2,449 4,936 26,551 1,539 22,802 640 55 858 1,989 2,669 23,868 445 309,173 238 2,779 1,933 101 507 30, 141 7 2,495 756 236 56 60 6,512 1,198 6,187 106 263,764 179 4,420 6,828 163 482 41,306 703 948 2,986 94 57 6 5 76 1 54 2 15 12 4 4 1 13 5 1 423 315 5,407 5 7,566 204 2,128 512 83 286 5 987 322 3 59 6 4 37 1 26 2 13 11 1 10 5 1 60 423 275 2,901 5 3,457 204 2,075 472 83 286 5 617 322 3 •;l 11 9 6 234 1 1,389 « 26 21 8 5 145 1 24 10 3 62 1 7 15 69 12 1,270 26 8 7 9 105 6 8 16 2 i;:t 858 1,477 369 23,643 440 Ml, 697 238 2,314 1,586 71 506 29,929 7 2,068 746 215 64 60 954 727 5,961 106 259,891 81 3,141 6,789 129 452 41,135 47 855 1,976 94 65 2 512 2,300 1 1 1 225 8 18 20 5 1 7,476 37 47 22 2 1 465 1 2 347 8 2 3 30 6 1 1 1 1 212 11 7 1 427 2 1 2 10 2 21 1 1 66 86 69 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 34 78 49 35 186 485 8 3 5 2 5 2 1 2 8 13 44 5 8 4 2 1 70 71 72 2 1 1 1 26 4 1 488 84 9 1 6 3 1 1 50 7 2 2 71 75 6 2 236 1,389 15 23 6 5 68 22 9 1 76 858 1,160 163 23,667 308,853 1,800 1,904 70 332 14,346 2,408 606 21 77 11 6 1 234 1,382 13 22 5 4 59 21 9 1 7S 858 1,160 160 23,468 307,468 1,688 1,879 66 232 11,652 2,355 606 21 7" 2 93 7 2,506 3 201 2 445 10 217 4 238 14 913 1 25 4 31 2 175 14 1,773 1 7 3 87 1 150 2 215 2 215 80 81 2 93 6 2,505 1 75 2 445 3 159 4 238 11 855 3 27 1 75 6 283 1 7 60 150 83 2 736 2 736 , 3 1 74 84 103 66 2 4 1 14,022 71 -B 103 44 4 13,585 ■-7 1 2 7 2 1 1 1 7 1 68 4 325 1,443 148 1 44 50 8 200 3,839 3 782 80 89 90 91 186 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explanations, ? text) Irrigated farms number 1 Proportion of all farms percent 1 Land in irrigated farms t Average si ze of farm i Land in Irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 1 to 9 acres farms rcporti ng 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms report i ng 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting t Cropland not harvested and not pastured . farm? reporting 1 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1 Soil- improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting ] Other cropland {idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1 Improved pasture farms report i ng 1 Woodland, total farms reporting 1 Land irrigated in Census year ( Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1 Sprinklers only farms reporting 1 Irrigated cropland harvested. farms reporting 1 Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) I Farms irrigated, by number of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acre». . . farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms report! ng 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reportin Land irrigated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1 Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Irrigation organization sources farms reporting 1 Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting I Both farm ground water sources and surface sources . , farms reporting 1 Both irrigation organization and farm ground water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1 12,480 2,485.5 6,240.0 1,585 1,658 91.3 79.7 609,536 527,204 384.6 318.0 1,567 1,647 466,120 435,831 1,579 325,931 1,550 318. j 13 312,424 217,799 538.7 442.7 1,565 579 1,646 488 324,092 71,151 318,325 55,476 4,362 434 23,982 11,770 1,332.3 1,177.0 24, 759 23,390 728.2 458.6 3,218 16 2,527 1,879 1,879.0 39,875 3,751 9,968.8 3,751.0 98,329 67,584 692.5 554.0 64,522 31,770 1,217.4 1,765.0 TEXAS 187 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Matagorda Marerl :* Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery MOO- Morris Motley Nacog- doches Navarro Newton 210 123 120 37 104 20 8 87 5 11 111 5 48 6 6 3 190 232 55 53 68 18 19 37 5 9 61 3 15 16 10 8 2 20.3 75.0 10.0 13.5 46.8 1.0 1.0 14.1 0.4 1.0 52.4 0.9 14.6 0.4 0.3 0.4 3 15.6 85.6 3.6 16.3 23.7 0.7 2.1 4.5 0.3 0.6 24.7 0.4 3.9 0.7 0.4 0.8 4 326,828 327,424 50,212 80,676 306,697 9,376 11,879 41,811 2,090 1,187 201,611 5,374 55,745 289 14,461 3,058 5 214,995 339,919 50,893 92,707 219,267 9,318 16,662 30,309 1,023 2,959 117,288 1,770 9,583 9,436 9,475 3,356 6 1,556.3 2,662.0 418.4 2,180.4 2,949.0 468.8 1,484.9 480.6 418.0 107.9 1,816.3 1,074.8 1,161.4 48.2 2,410.2 1,019.3 7 1,131.6 1,465.2 925.3 1,749.2 3,224.5 517.7 876.9 819.2 204.6 328.8 1,922.8 590.0 638.9 589.8 947.5 419.5 8 208 95 104 34 96 19 7 87 5 11 111 5 48 5 5 3 9 190 188 49 47 65 17 17 36 5 8 61 3 15 13 10 7 10 53,891 16,611 12,105 2,210 29,601 5,028 1,544 17,600 308 153 94,719 527 12,523 43 3,136 508 11 57, 594 23,835 4,461 2,459 15,813 2,758 2,683 7,572 234 169 59,295 661 6,060 553 1,666 1,075 12 3 12 12 6 2 2 1 2 7 1 1 13 43 8 6 4 4 1 1 4 2 2 1 14 3 12 15 7 2 2 1 1 1 15 1 34 8 6 2 1 1 1 3 2 16 4 12 18 15 6 3 8 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 16 6 13 8 5 5 2 1 6 1 1 1 19 1 10 8 10 1 3 3 1 1 2 4 3 1 20 21 11 11 8 12 2 3 14 2 1 6 21 9 32 5 11 16 2 4 7 1 1 1 1 4 22 72 12 21 3 23 4 24 2 1 14 2 23 55 22 8 5 11 6 "3 9 1 4 2 2 1 1 24 81 12 18 2 34 6 36 20 1 17 2 1 25 103 18 4 1 18 2 16 14 1 6 1 1 1 26 14 9 4 13 1 4 49 8 2 16 7 2 10 2 2 17 3 1 1 26 4 5 2 4 3 1 1 1 36 25 2 1 29 30 58 79 64 29 49 12 6 70 2 32 3 24 2 2 2 31 60 103 33 26 30 12 13 23 3 6 16 1 6 14 5 5 32 31,985 12,025 5,296 2,320 15,018 1,969 1,120 4,022 190 7,565 651 10,268 39 244 1,000 33 56,055 13,327 4,407 1,640 1,209 1,181 1,252 1,569 337 868 2,965 20 335 741 1,885 1,501 34 16 42 47 5 57 3 2 54 3 1 77 4 37 3 ^ 2 35 13 55 17 25 18 5 8 16 1 2 41 1 6 5 2 2 36 6 16 5 2 8 1 1 27 1 65 15 2 37 541 3,687 222 85 458 100 20 2,613 8 16,481 704 113 38 352 2,370 229 1,194 302 40 110 170 95 2,540 202 288 8 5 4 39 1 21 2 20 1 26 1 2 40 820 345 1,532 364 7,817 988 2,535 327 6,706 60 4,560 138 781 6 22 33 1 29 20 1 1 13 4 13 3 2 42 11,115 1,686 780 14 1,366 40 443 10 24 2,365 704 825 37 2,013 43 93 36 35 27 42 8 3 59 2 5 57 3 36 1 4 44 81 66 10 45 46 7 4 13 3 1 37 2 9 10 7 1 15 188,070 264,672 17,267 45,300 239,504 573 4,083 13,590 425 497 71,061 813 26,453 22 5,289 46 89, 730 285,430 21,759 85,681 200,495 1,277 3,879 17,523 223 743 34,838 862 2,145 2,751 5,168 19 47 17 8 5 1 5 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 5 1 2 48 15 10 2 10 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 5 49 5,800 15,756 1,459 4 2,666 152 480 94 '40 360 255 712 1,285 22 3,163 50 2,713 1,173 225 4,643 120 40 158 8 430 60 40 42 222 2,680 51 25 30 22 9 5 12 6 5 1 4 5 1 5 2 2 52 24 22 24 9 14 15 3 7 1 1 3 15 4 3 53 30,488 24,144 12,111 27,081 785 1,506 4,051 671 733 447 2,574 69 126 2,506 731 54 8,517 10,312 17,990 3,672 7,785 2,037 156 1,052 225 5 70 5,122 673 396 55 45,235 28,774 6,833 1,825 12,304 2,014 893 5,107 183 109 57,302 200 3,339 46 378 508 56 53,310 34,921 2,638 2,500 5,022 1,114 1,417 2,977 139 173 24,464 235 1,378 326 387 1,066 57 4 7 3 101 4 3 80 3 7 2 3 34 4 4 36 210 95 11,737 149 104 4,796 27 94 595 194 1,797 12 313 59 4 5 2 98 4 3 76 3 6 2 3 32 4 4 60 36 150 55 11,547 149 104 4,697 27 91 595 194 1,667 12 313 61 206 95 93 32 96 18 6 85 5 10 110 4 48 5 5 3 62 189 188 43 43 63 15 16 36 5 7 61 3 15 9 7 6 63 44,802 15,242 4,501 1,170 11,684 1,980 824 4,915 143 108 54,794 199 3,324 12 286 508 64 51,718 23,369 1,386 1,706 4,774 681 1,037 2,876 99 63 24,392 195 1,336 167 273 1,033 65 433 13,532 2,332 655 620 34 69 192 40 1 2,508 1 15 34 92 68 9 12 28 6 7 1 5 3 7 1 2 5 5 1 67 8 12 17 8 5 3 1 7 2 3 2 2 68 7 13 19 6 6 5 1 5 1 1 1 8 69 7 13 12 4 16 3 29 9 1 70 31 22 27 5 26 3 4 26 1 1 3 16 1 71 67 18 12 8 29 2 14 1 7 5 1 2 72 68 13 4 14 4 1 43 3 1 1 73 9 14 1 45 74 * 6 1 1 10 75 48 3 43 7 102 2 84 4 8 111 1 45 3 ! 2 76 6,690 171 3,237 120 11,704 25 5,057 173 83 56,468 17 3,022 39 50 390 77 37 2 37 3 99 2 84 8 107 44 3 1 2 78 5,270 119 3,047 25 11,467 2S 5,057 163 83 54,220 3,004 39 50 390 79 10 1 7 20 1 18 e 3 1 3 4 4 4 3 5 80 1,902 158 202 904 40 1,989 833 50 10 26 834 178 317 7 328 81 6 5 16 1 18 6 3 3 3 3 3 5 82 868 126 596 '■• 1,989 833 50 26 108 245 7 328 83 167 119 76 16 4 2 1 1 84 36,643 28,445 3,394 801 560 60 5 118 85 152 120 71 12 1 2 1 1 86 32,720 28,445 1 210 3,326 1 100 623 2 328 242 60 1 20 3,082 5 1 87 1 90 118 87 88 81 15 6 4 3 90 6,377 234 253 555 91 188 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explanations. & text) Irrigated farms number 1 Proportion of ail farms percent 1 Land in irrigated farms s Average size of farm s Land in irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 to 19 acres farm9 reporting 1 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture farrn9 reporting 1 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1 Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . , . farms reporting 1 65,998 67,147 1,100.0 2,919.* 37,567 41,935 1,977.2 822.2 89,756 43,027 1,631.9 1,483.7 64,328 44,977 1,892.0 1,955.5 26,302 33,618 710.9 884.7 13,101 4,902 1,310.1 408.5 3,970 174.3 305.4 38,567 5,305 1,377.4 331.6 461,524 437,759 574.7 618.3 2,665 161 13,536 Improved pasture farms reporting 1 Woodland, total farms reporting 1 Land irrigated in Census year t Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1 Sprinklers only farms reporting 1 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1 Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) t Farms irrigated, by number of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farm9 reporting 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1 .10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Land irrigated, by source ot water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1 Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm only farms reporti ng 1 Irrigation organization sources farms reportm Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting 1 Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1 Both irrigation organization and farm ground water or farm surface sources farms reporting I 1,073 1,073 :-.' 5 4,622 1,211 12,115 34 12,115 1,056 18 1,056 330,358 227,818 13,448 TEXAS 189 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Polk Potter Presidio Ran* Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 3 54 80 277 13 17 2 218 10 73 48 4 1 2 40 106 4 276 11 26 6 264 2 58 2 20 19 0.4 18.0 43.7 45.4 16.3 8.5 0.1 83.5 9.3 7.3 3.9 0.2 3 0.2 10.1 46.9 0.6 40.6 10.3 11.7 0.3 82.0 0.9 3.6 6.5 1.4 0.6 4 6,351 517,062 374,420 272,432 17,235 27,326 3,006 563,845 61,761 61,050 35,775 1,587 6 2,231 73,209 270,229 629 261,030 26,926 31,363 3,948 623,204 5,267 46,986 395 9,005 5,398 8 2,117.0 9,575.2 4,680.3 983.5 1,325.8 1,607.4 1,503.0 2,586.4 6,176.1 836.3 745.3 396.8 7 1,115.5 1,830.2 2,549.3 157.2 945.8 2,447.8 1,206.3 658.0 2,360.6 147.0 810.1 197.5 450.2 284.1 S 3 53 79 272 13 14 2 214 10 73 46 A g 2 39 105 4 273 11 25 6 264 2 58 19 18 10 963 42,143 4,273 124,043 1,572 270 378 68,672 6,915 25,764 11,928 400 607 23,435 5 6 5,601 10 16 20 205 133,434 4 11 4 3,233 1,237 4 4 6 1,084 79,279 3 5 4 610 19,615 2 1 2 242 4,088 1 1 1,052 1 5 1 12 IS H 2 31 14 20 12 1 2 5 2 6 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 15 2 6 8 1 2 7 3 6 1 1 6 1 3 17 18 1 12 1 6 3 3 1 15 2 1 1 20 2 2 U 10 3 1 1 23 6 7 21 1 13 2 9 2 11 1 31 7 4 22 2 a 39 7 57 1 13 12 23 1 1 7 38 3 2 68 12 2 5 1 24 18 3 124 1 1 83 IS 17 1 25 1 15 125 1 1 76 24 7 2 26 1 10 6 16 7 1 2 58 53 22 27 i 1 23 33 11 15 7 1 2 13 2 6 5 7 1 27 26 29 30 2 13 14 121 5 14 2 46 1 36 28 2 31 1 16 30 2 112 4 18 3 47 34 15 14 32 486 3,389 13,718 9,640 600 400 1,481 10,396 170 5,643 3,446 457 33 400 2,588 1,935 86 10,721 203 573 386 6,875 8,555 15 1,652 2,044 34 2 38 26 186 4 2 1 205 5 34 25 1 85 15 25 1 160 4 1 1 196 9 6 3 SS 32 14 165 1 139 4 10 5 37 10,011 1,005 32,107 11 55,555 2,350 1,533 292 38 2,346 390 12,830 66 12 23,702 650 23 32 39 1 10 8 19 1 1 1 35 9 13 1 100 3,038 564 3,657 110 216 4 4,268 1,685 1,239 6 41 1 15 9 85 4 1 75 2 24 14 42 25 2,948 468 12,505 541 2 32,145 1,348 4,951 2,265 43 1 40 63 197 6 4 2 60 10 19 32 3 44 1 25 32 2 190 8 25 4 57 2 18 12 11 45 75 454,301 352,389 86,426 4,414 8,826 619 374,798 50,668 11,772 15,542 338 49 500 43,048 252,447 iii 91,787 22,415 28,034 1,683 474,249 4,548 9,434 78 1,874 688 47 6 1 15 1 2 2 9 1 6 6 2 48 1 9 3 19 1 14 1 15 1 12 1 5 335 25 1,720 170 500 489 977 750 2,751 472 186 50 500 562 452 1,100 4 5,077 984 620 132 1,728 20 440 51 2 2 2 1 16 1 3 12 7 3 52 1 1 27 3 3 2 1 6 2 21 i 5 15 53 4,655 754 540 9,790 17,490 500 418 8,624 761 315 54 167 1 7,679 129 1,287 218 1,299 680 235 6,359 40 811 1,366 55 428 23,496 5,307 83,764 1,225 324 35 79,030 2,722 16,259 2,766 61 56 565 1 7,837 6,246 46 65,737 5 613 4 864 9 180 1 81,019 91 2 5,933 16 939 8 410 3 87 58 30 548 376 230 5 250 308 31 59 1 3 3 9 1 2 2 3 60 30 365 336 230 5 250 21 31 61 3 53 79 265 13 14 1 213 10 73 43 3 89 2 35 105 4 273 11 24 6 264 1 57 1 18 13 63 428 22,469 4,253 76,749 968 141 30 68,573 2,642 15,979 2,175 42 64 515 7,144 5,594 46 63,812 611 653 180 79,160 10 5,867 1 689 147 88 1,027 5 1,054 8 18 16 7,015 6 8 8 257 183 7 4 2 5 1 10,457 3 4 3 80 280 2 7 591 3 7 4 19 1 2 67 68 69 2 3 3 6 12 14 7 8 25 57 3 4 5 3 1 1 8 17 57 2 3 7 9 14 10 17 5 1 70 71 72 1 19 12 6 4 1 115 44 6 1 82 31 13 2 3 22 7 1 2 73 74 75 1 53 43 275 13 3 200 10 70 13 2 76 357 22,856 1,778 83,471 1,189 19 72,048 2,722 U.202 477 12 71 1 53 23 271 12 2 172 10 60 10 2 78 357 22,856 1,140 82,971 1,171 17 61,359 2,722 11,162 402 12 79 1 1 38 6 1 11 2 5 13 38 2 80 30 1 640 1 2,781 21 293 2 36 264 10 35 2 651 1 2,057 3 2,289 35 49 2 81 82 30 640 1,290 70 264 35 116 261 2,218 49 83 1 19 4 44 84 41 1 748 16 41 4 6,331 16 85 86 41 ... 619 17 2,074 3 184 4 723 1 54 41 1 2 1,730 1 1,210 28 14,615 10 4,836 3 146 87 88 89 90 91 190 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and ex pi an at i 01 ? text) Irrigated farms number 1 Proportion of all forms percent 1 Land in irrigated farms i Average size of farm i Land in irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 •JO to 29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Cropland used only for pasture farms reportin Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reportin Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1 Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1 Other cropland (idle und crop failure) farms reporting 1 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . forms reporting 1 2,098 18.0 1,049.0 136,684 10,480 3,106.5 1,746.7 57, 379 63,682 1,639.- 1,079.- 128,025 27,260 6,096.4 4,543.3 31,500 4,678 670.2 425.3 2,273 118.3 174.8 239,437 57,693 2,816.9 2,060.5 Improved pasture farms reporting 1 Woodland, total farms reporting 1 Land irrigated in Census year ( Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1 Sprinklers only farms reporting 1 ungated cropland harvested farms reporting 1 Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) I Farms irrigated, by number ot acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1 1 ,000 or more acres farms reporting 1 Land irrigated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reportin Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Surface sources on farm farms reportin Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1 Irrigation organization sources farms reporting 1 Irrigation organization sources only , farms reporting 1 Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1 Both irrigation organization and farm ground water or farm surfhce sources farms reporting 1 2,091 45 2,091 34,772 8,402 2,627 TEXAS 191 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Somervell Starr Steflieiifi Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throck- morton Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity 1 92 8 10 9 8 761 55 30 5 620 2 3 157 22 2 1 6 134 10 7 8 833 70 18 4 323 4 10 178 34 2 0.3 16.5 1.6 13.3 2.1 5.9 90.1 3.1 3.0 5.1 69.7 0.5 0.3 18.1 1.6 0.3 8 1.7 13.1 2.0 8.0 5.3 86.1 2.3 1.4 3.7 33.4 0.9 0.7 17.2 1.6 0.2 4 536 110,946 43,820 95,055 17,120 103,343 496,980 53,807 50,120 38,838 412,023 1,839 639 190,630 23,908 760 5 1,812 120,485 9,676 64,461 60,880 465,974 15,529 12,285 12,308 215,320 2,365 5,505 280,913 16,776 650 536.0 1,205.9 5,477.5 9,505.5 1,902.2 12,917.9 653.1 978.3 1,670.7 7,767.6 664.6 919.5 213.0 1,214.2 1,086.7 380.0 7 302.0 899.1 967.6 9,208.7 7,610.0 559.4 221.8 682.5 3,077.0 666.6 591.2 550.5 1,578.2 493.4 325.0 8 1 92 8 8 9 8 757 55 29 5 616 2 3 152 20 2 9 6 134 10 6 7 830 68 14 2 323 4 9 164 30 2 10 29 12,984 924 698 2,997 980 308,299 3,234 6,287 48 332,188 876 72 30,220 2,538 65 11 576 14,395 1,347 345 275 292,834 4,207 1,092 85 168,487 936 648 29,132 2,819 165 12 4 2 1 4 19 4 2 20 5 13 17 2 4 29 1 2 3 25 9 14 11 2 1 2 7 10 2 3 3 1 11 3 1 18 2 3 1 4 7 1 1 1 11 3 16 1 11 1 4 6 1 3 1 1 5 1 17 24 1 2 2 6 1 1 3 1 2 10 2 IS 23 1 1 9 6 2 11 1 10 2 1 19 21 2 1 7 4 4 4 1 12 3 20 19 3 2 2 2 27 4 5 9 18 2 21 2 22 1 1 52 10 3 1 13 1 23 4 2 22 8 1 2 1 132 4 5 50 35 4 23 3 12 i 1 210 5 3 42 1 29 2 24 9 2 1 4 369 5 5 278 43 3 25 13 4 1 389 6 1 139 1 1 45 7 26 4 5 1 170 133 1 1 5 199 89 1 1 8 6 1 27 28 3 1 35 59 2 29 2 29 30 3 30 1 15 8 7 6 3 185 16 23 1 165 2 1 91 9 31 5 6 2 3 4 244 23 11 1 139 1 5 119 19 32 40 3,222 1,839 822 939 213 10,388 4,390 3,768 40 6,327 75 355 5,691 1,160 33 218 1,594 105 134 1,026 12,891 1,787 1,462 X 2,658 13 159 8,066 2,355 34 1 22 1 5 5 5 380 15 12 1 176 1 64 7 1 35 70 4 3 3 419 20 7 1 94 1 1 54 10 36 3 1 1 '4 289 3 5 63 1 19 2 37 329 9 49 574 27,852 37 944 4,684 108 1,382 20 38 35 5,495 50 230 15,870 85 1,095 860 20 2,071 145 39 1 7 4 2 2 27 3 3 69 15 4 1 40 120 904 835 266 84 3,245 61 245 16,232 1,235 3,280 225 41 1 15 1 3 156 10 6 1 70 38 2 8 334 124 90 14,040 616 371 5 7,996 2,101 350 43 13 8 7 9 8 476 19 23 5 174 2 2 78 10 1 44 3 4 10 6 7 532 21 12 4 160 4 8 101 17 1 45 80,159 40,502 92,359 11,935 100,822 119,365 44,326 37,773 38, 714 38,305 742 149 143,000 14,542 200 46 443 54,136 8,094 63,600 59,150 113,521 5,103 6,336 12,058 29,626 1,389 3,295 237,362 2,939 358 47 3 . 1 2 3 35 1 2 1 8 1 2 6 4 1 48 "3 4 2 87 6 3 1 16 8 15 5 1 49 2,239 35,778 320 1,269 5,670 3,915 15 2,010 2,000 180 238 149 715 10,294 200 50 235 41,322 1,708 3,138 1,785 122 55 187 2,943 9,655 305 300 51 1 30 1 5 14 2 5 2 23 6 2 52 2 59 14 25 4 3 4 10 18 1 53 339 12,016 244 575 27 263 58 4,491 1,500 264 54 420 43,970 738 2,749 1,669 5,230 1,337 622 7,941 122 55 29 12, 149 245 620 564 1,511 274,163 1,440 2,264 93 116,175 388 108 10,245 7,045 12 56 228 11,637 217 400 1,121 251,453 1,660 499 170 59,734 218 296 9,945 2,434 11 57 1 1 3 2 3 3 33 11 3 596 2 2 7 12 1 58 29 34 94 101 200 681 594 463 63 111,754 162 100 123 461 11 59 1 1 3 2 1 1 32 8 3 578 1 2 3 11 1 60 29 34 94 101 15 125 585 257 63 109,008 12 100 30 381 11 61 1 91 8 7 9 8 757 49 28 5 616 1 1 142 17 2 62 5 134 10 6 6 826 62 13 2 323 4 8 163 24 2 63 29 10,815 245 424 562 910 272,175 1,253 1,577 48 114,393 376 20 8,279 691 12 64 177 1 : , 567 217 322 85 246,403 1,239 329 85 59,238 218 81 8,455 1,227 11 65 1,334 196 2 601 1,988 187 687 45 1,782 12 88 1,966 6,354 66 11 3 2 1 5 24 9 2 7 1 26 6 1 67 13 1 3 2 1 10 13 5 2 7 1 16 3 1 68 i 16 1 1 1 8 6 1 10 1 17 1 69 19 i 1 15 2 7 40 26 5 70 13 5 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 40 134 8 3 2 1 120 234 1 35 31 2 3 71 72 6 1 375 2 1 130 1 5 1 73 6 1 150 2 17 1 74 3 24 5 1 75 1 32 1 8 8 4 758 31 21 3 619 1 1 116 10 1 76 29 1,311 41 547 394 228 272,158 778 1,540 14 116,088 376 80 5,700 6,255 11 77 1 21 1 8 7 4 732 24 21 2 618 1 1 103 10 1 78 29 732 41 547 319 228 260,531 697 1,540 13 115,829 376 80 4,748 6,116 11 7! 36 7 2 2 3 28 27 9 3 2 1 2 48 11 1 80 8,581 204 73 170 1,187 2,005 603 724 79 87 12 28 3,623 745 1 61 30 7 2 1 3 1 22 9 2 1 1 2 34 10 1 82 6,311 204 73 95 1,187 60 531 724 79 61 12 28 2,452 730 1 83 35 1 4 9 1 84 2,257 96 59 922 45 85 30 1 2 5 1 86 1,961 » 16 607 45 87 6 1 28 5 1 1 11 1 88 2,625 5 150 13,572 125 2 1 285 1,379 4 154 89 90 520 71 1,059 91 192 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explai ? text) Irrigated farms number Proportion of all farms percent Land in irrigated farms acres Average size of farm acres Land in Irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reportine 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting ■M to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporti ng 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1/100 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting Soil-improvemrnt grasses and legumes. ....... farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting Woodland, total farms reporting Land irrigated in Census year acres Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting Sprinklers only farms reporting Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting Older irrigated land (not cropland harvested) acres Farms irrigated, by number of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Land irrigated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting Surface sources on farm farms reporting Surface sources on farm only farms reporting Irrigation organization sources Farms reporting Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting Both irrigation organization and farm ground water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1,224 1,497 306.0 213.9 132,872 106, 299 26,574.4 53,149.5 126,279 222,417 1,778.6 2,471.3 Li ,72) 8,722 2,845 72,796 220,597 7,279.6 5,252.3 5,307 8,474 230.7 249.2 19,130 147,185 1,062.8 8,176.9 1,581 4,637 790.5 662.4 64,448 38,406 1,342.7 1,129.6 TEXAS 193 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum Young Zapata Zavala 7 38 320 23 143 111 234 4 41 5 12 141 4 13 115 1 6 64 216 9 163 19 320 19 35 1 8 12 71 1 17 140 0.3 20.0 15.2 3.2 23.0 13.4 34.8 0.2 3.2 15.4 0.3 0.6 51.3 0.5 5.8 43.1 3 0.2 23.1 8.8 1.1 21.3 1.9 37.0 0.6 2.2 2.8 0.4 0.7 22.8 0.1 6.8 56.9 4 4,273 66,087 323,935 16,315 81,750 561,618 104,131 1,829 33,273 33,372 1,427 3,454 190,369 505 44,329 136,040 5 2,363 129,152 295,262 9,777 56,980 4,763 93,449 6,003 19,092 290 7,356 6,459 84,947 203 64,393 156,575 6 610.4 1,739.1 1,012.3 709.3 571.7 5,059.6 445.0 457.3 811.5 8,343.0 285.4 287.8 1,350.1 126.3 3,409.9 1,183.0 7 393.8 2,018.0 1,367.0 1,086.3 349.6 250.7 292.0 315.9 545.5 290.0 919.5 538.2 1,196.4 203.0 3,787.8 1,118.4 8 7 37 317 23 126 110 234 4 37 3 4 12 141 3 13 99 9 6 61 214 9 149 19 318 19 33 1 8 11 71 1 17 115 10 1,014 6,333 87,470 5,428 11,777 42,888 V7,080 1,472 10,222 354 328 828 101,262 122 3,288 36,614 11 1,458 7,878 72,408 2,170 15,682 3,958 71,026 2,829 6,628 10 355 464 38,204 59 3,293 29,597 12 1 4 5 3 12 1 13 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 13 6 1 1 21 4 15 2 2 2 2 14 3 6 1 25 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 15 1 8 2 1 1 20 17 1 15 11 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 6 2 16 17 1 1 12 15 1 2 3 4 5 16 1 12 1 19 4 17 4 3 5 19 2 * 5 1 31 20 2 2 1 1 9 20 2 5 41 3 22 6 27 2 4 1 4 5 1 13 21 1 11 26 2 26 1 61 7 8 1 1 3 1 2 24 22 1 5 99 5 23 40 48 1 8 1 12 1 2 20 23 15 47 2 18 5 74 2 11 2 1 9 5 23 24 1 12 113 6 7 46 78 15 1 1 1 55 5 36 25 12 88 1 15 8 86 4 7 34 3 28 26 1 2 31 4 9 24 4 43 1 9 27 2 42 2 5 1 24 1 1 18 2 14 26 9 1 3 9 1 1 23 9 29 1 3 1 8 1 6 4 30 2 15 114 8 82 46 75 1 27 1 3 2 31 1 2 74 31 2 21 78 4 75 5 130 13 27 5 7 21 1 9 107 32 107 4,023 86,850 268 12,395 10,786 6,507 10 4,484 30 294 125 2,554 46 280 18,562 33 9 5,015 66,361 826 4,892 219 7,573 667 5,032 392 907 1,041 14 4,333 26,347 34 2 19 87 8 59 94 105 2 11 1 1 5 51 2 9 55 SS 1 33 47 2 47 7 128 5 10 6 17 10 61 31 2 26 1 20 47 16 2 1 14 1 2 21 37 570 2,773 66 1,589 6,112 1,020 271 40 1,179 13 230 2,160 8S 1,502 931 813 43 1,273 3 95 56 30 90 1,460 '.-.) 1 1 34 6 19 22 26 1 7 1 22 1 27 40 50 150 2,915 900 525 1,036 3,665 43 1,368 45 4,516 60 5,357 1 16 45 2 39 67 74 1 4 1 1 4 25 1 8 19 42 300 2,658 6,451 41 4,857 7,464 3,336 21 568 160 4 153 3,101 130 1,782 3,786 43 5 26 194 20 92 54 12 3 33 2 3 8 59 3 11 36 44 6 25 UO 9 68 7 23 13 5 1 6 8 41 1 14 IS 2,417 51,209 94,430 9,235 39,919 486,919 7,928 248 12,369 32,470 639 1,516 75,034 183 38,606 32,599 46 e68 89,488 95,851 6,460 32,426 301 1,542 1,120 396 280 2,099 2,820 43,586 130 36,312 24,650 47 4 3 51 2 28 4 2 1 19 1 2 3 1 18 h 3 3 22 3 8 5 6 2 1 4 3 1 5 49 1,956 2,465 7,023 105 3,827 41,545 102 123 3,934 1 94 317 1,688 26 7,022 5,933 SO 546 7,880 2,635 402 889 74 551 52 2O0 404 205 9 855 '.1 4 1 68 9 4 13 9 1 8 2 25 5! 9 43 4 1 24 6 29 8 10 11 72 ss 296 20 38,427 8,361 370 590 3,272 30 625 no 34,777 :.l 16,882 50,725 256 2 2,277 1,134 6,037 3,233 2,080 18,151 62,558 sa 361 7,521 66,643 1,335 9,799 9,444 35,168 333 7,042 545 75 336 32,716 103 3,699 37,068 56 761 10,591 77,128 10,307 614 38,880 589 3,458 10 181 135 17,355 9 2,952 45,763 57 3 1 7 17 4 104 23 :: 24 4 4 10 124 3 7 se 68 12 213 1,063 44 8,421 5,521 129 5,020 545 72 330 26,012 102 4,870 SI 3 1 5 17 2 95 9 2 19 4 4 10 114 3 4 60 68 12 207 1,063 2 8,026 4,380 129 4,521 545 72 330 24,273 102 4,425 61 - 37 313 23 115 110 233 4 31 2 4 12 141 3 13 96 (S 5 61 207 8 146 19 318 15 31 1 6 9 71 17 114 S3 351 6,026 64,495 1,282 5,440 9,302 33,307 333 4,063 353 55 336 31,482 63 3,226 28,290 64 760 7,654 59,850 424 8,928 614 37,907 521 2,688 10 143 84 16,687 2,911 26,252 65 10 1,495 2,148 53 4,359 142 1,861 2,979 192 20 1,234 40 473 8,778 66 2 3 10 3 14 4 16 1 2 2 2 5 1 1 2 1 67 2 4 18 3 27 6 20 2 1 1 2 2 4 68 1 2 19 1 20 9 18 1 1 1 1 2 69 1 5 28 4 23 19 28 1 7 1 1 3 9 12 70 6 66 6 29 48 49 1 15 1 23 1 1 18 71 4 72 6 20 16 57 6 1 45 2 25 72 1 10 78 9 7 31 1 7 46 4 32 73 3 21 1 2 12 1 10 2 12 74 1 8 3 1 2 9 75 5 1 262 21 1 106 3 1 27 3 3 2 140 98 76 197 11 47,494 1,298 1 8,799 132 200 5,795 544 15 55 32,693 30,413 77 4 245 21 106 3 1 26 3 3 1 139 90 78 71 39,837 1,298 8,799 132 200 5,745 544 15 5 32,656 27,899 79 3 38 20 1 6 4 .'. 3 15 2 11 1 3 13 16 80 164 7,510 4,563 7 189 644 684 133 1,247 60 281 10 102 3,699 4,732 81 2 37 13 1 3 4 3 14 2 10 1 3 13 11 82 38 7,509 3,425 55 7 1 95 140 644 1 684 226 133 1,197 1 60 231 10 1 102 1 3,699 2,269 9 83 64 14,586 30 9,609 1 34,352 1 13 ] 1,923 85 45 1 137 1 227 1 1 6 86 11,775 30 9,424 1 34,352 1 1 1,005 R7 1 1 7 1 1 5 86 252 12 ... 3,838 10 7,768 3 280 100 100 1 50 4,320 3 1,575 89 90 91 194 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State — Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer Armstrong Atascosa Austin Farms: 227,071 292,947 1,629 2,510 82 87 1,155 1,939 80 99 392 417 297 351 1,210 1,481 2,082 2,240 2 1954 3 [fatal 10 acres.. . 10,853 26,101 57 252 11 71 335 5 15 6 25 6 18 39 77 101 158 4 1054 34,539 53,557 326 612 5 396 747 29 32 18 16 14 6 124 173 378 453 6 1954., 7 14,681 20,706 134 229 164 224 4 4 12 5 "4 62 73 221 245 8 1954 . . . 9 18,917 25,533 179 262 3 7 131 183 2 7 8 16 1 3 69 110 312 327 10 1:1,1 11 22,792 30,033 203 317 1 120 167 6 2 19 15 2 5 125 171 331 335 15 1954 13 141)1.1 171 acres number 1959 19,795 25,806 134 182 4 6 67 95 4 4 38 48 5 13 82 121 186 217 14 1954 15 180 to 219 acres number 1959... 13,693 111 1 41 1 27 5 109 118 16 1954... 16,647 132 46 5 34 7 133 107 17 220 to 259 acres . 10,301 73 1 24 6 21 10 71 73 18 1954 . . . 12,340 87 2 32 6 19 11 69 80 19 37,726 40,752 221 258 12 16 63 67 7 6 92 90 64 66 211 252 222 203 20 1054... 21 500 to 969 acres 23,668 22,652 117 122 12 11 48 22 5 5 57 54 97 119 165 157 92 74 1954 23 20,106 18,820 74 57 39 34 30 21 11 13 94 95 93 99 153 145 48 41 24 1954 1,000 t" 1,999 acres 10,524 50 9 15 7 46 52 79 35 Land in farms: 26 acres 1959. .. 143,217,559 444,650 659,641 269,758 62,060 619,168 638,861 815,425 414,165 27 1954 145,812,733 470,913 672,455 264,033 68,052 629,232 766,818 780,482 391,155 28 I'nder 10 acres 42,621 115,053 226 1,220 14 15 315 1,705 15 61 31 71 25 42 163 329 488 796 29 [954 30 Ill to 40 acres 916,943 1,398,861 9,174 16,956 126 10,535 19,524 639 700 372 445 323 1 18 3,299 4,450 11,098 12,560 31 32 50 to 60 ai rea 850,293 1,195,296 7,737 13,157 9,426 12,712 243 229 666 258 216 3,529 4,188 13,015 14, 397 33 34 acres 1959 1,572,956 2,121,295 14,834 21,714 237 576 10,883 15,234 180 563 656 1,383 80 250 5,781 9,099 26,016 27,326 35 1954 ... 36 litni,, [39 seres acres 950 2,634,186 3,463,447 23,571 36,958 120 13,772 19,247 671 230 2,234 1,753 244 574 14,265 19, 506 39,035 39,178 37 3S 1 10 to 170 acres . . . 3,134,899 4,089,793 21,083 28,795 621 946 10,355 14,791 635 668 6,079 7,590 808 2,078 13,015 18,995 29,468 34,175 'ill 1954. 10 180 to 219 acres . . 2,716,319 3,300,963 22,095 25,960 201 8,183 9,151 189 959 5,316 6,834 1,021 1,383 21,600 26,332 23,271 21,377 41 1954 ■i to 59 ai res . . acres 1959 2,455,892 2,939,220 17,311 20,648 224 475 5,735 7,600 1,414 1,403 5,020 4,516 2,361 2,645 17,003 16,397 17,434 18,996 |S 1954 260 to 499 acres acres L950 13,452,481 14,404,042 76,399 92,249 4,518 5,658 22,226 23,575 2,636 2,372 32,664 32,651 23,789 23,645 76,141 87,667 77,685 72,771 15 1954 46 500 to 999 acres icri 16,384,183 15,598,330 78,434 80,861 8,835 8,151 32,893 16,167 3,306 3,357 40,975 37,486 68,216 85,225 115,758 107,713 61,464 49,601 47 1954 u re 99,056,786 97,186,433 173,786 132,395 644,745 656,634 145,435 124,327 52,132 57,510 525,155 536,245 541,994 650, 562 544,871 485,806 115,191 99,978 19 1954 50 1,990 acres acre 14,424,407 65,325 11,991 22,147 9,022 67,208 71,402 111,973 48,511 Cropland harvested: SI 157,054 977 37 494 14 276 248 812 ,1 'V 1954... 206,537 1,799 40 761 19 316 323 978 1,854 53 icres 1950 22,236,473 33,622 8,045 7,883 1,681 43,449 90,923 85,536 73,976 54 1954 . . . 24,885,000 59,274 10,044 11,868 2,466 53,671 140,979 90,537 75,821 55 I'nder lOacres 2,899 14 1 14 2 8 39 1954 6,812 91 62 3 1 1 21 52 10,034 43 1 46 3 38 169 58 1954 . . . 23,403 333 161 3 6 5 62 252 59 [0 to 10 acres 18,900 155 2 142 3 7 4 69 257 1954 31,722 428 253 3 7 5 78 351 61 acres 1050 265,767 1,485 4< 946 28 101 102 1,242 4,862 [954 487, 656 5,248 1,860 17 124 121 1,182 6,752 63 50 i.i BO acres 9,146 77 69 2 50 185 64 9 14,483 174 97 3 2 52 211 237,827 1,260 650 91 1,711 4,734 66 407,217 3,231 1,348 117 91 1,297 6,553 u, 70 to 09 acres 12,917 121 2 67 6 1 46 267 ■« 1954 19,033 192 2 92 1 10 3 65 297 acres 1950 482,678 2,453 148 925 227 5 2,171 9,032 70 1954 . . . 771,284 4,851 102 1,454 24 518 135 2,497 10, 566 71 100 to 130 acres 16,164 123 1 57 1 14 1 9 290 72 1054... 23,587 236 84 12 4 114 302 836,357 2,676 23 837 5 793 80 4,859 11,317 74 1954... 1,304,509 6,846 1,778 618 237 6,706 12,177 75 15,133 91 3 37 1 24 4 62 163 76 21,373 144 4 57 2 35 13 94 200 77 acres 1950... 1,182,537 2,658 123 507 131 1,339 501 5,011 7,097 78 105 1 1,773,908 4,950 492 982 129 2,633 1,550 6,130 10,018 79 teres 10,395 67 23 19 4 78 108 13,640 108 30 2 29 5 106 90 61 920,240 1,998 4"3 1,309 343 6,982 6,148 B2 [954 1,281,759 4,582 988 356 2,843 889 8,843 4,509 83 220 to 259 acres 8,138 45 14 4 18 10 50 63 84 1954... 10, 310 71 1 24 3 14 11 53 71 85 acres 1959 . . . 898,513 1,267 343 589 1,515 1,433 5,469 3,454 H6 1954... 1,173,193 3,087 iC 603 522 1,578 1,840 5,586 3,579 87 260 to 409 acres 30,781 144 7 32 2 70 51 161 197 1954... 34,448 205 14 41 3 79 64 202 183 acres 1959... 5,309,882 6,191 1,073 724 469 7,900 10,275 22,614 11,348 1954... 5,995,746 12,053 3,072 1,276 822 10,996 14,863 25,124 10,844 91 19,205 83 8 23 1 49 86 109 84 1954 . . . 18,791 104 9 14 1 47 119 111 64 acres 1959 . . . 5,675,390 7,363 2,031 456 456 8,469 26,617 17,557 8,558 'II 1954 . . . 5,503,851 9,211 2,280 420 540 8,607 46,380 16,635 5,778 95 1,000 or more acres 13,376 57 13 16 67 87 89 44 .'*: 1954 . . 12,338 46 10 7 1 79 96 82 33 07 acres 1959 .. . 6,417,248 6,228 4,600 1,976 21,705 51, 567 17,882 7,257 98 1954 . . 6,162,474 4,882 4,018 998 53 25,631 74,868 16,475 4,793 99 7,962 42 4 6 34 49 43 32 100 acres 1950 . . 3,257,835 3,510 1,799 219 ...| 8,305 22,966 9,534 5,310 TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 195 Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell B.ar Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 711 466 1,187 494 727 2,259 1,950 516 159 1,206 1,814 1,276 935 106 345 181 1 884 613 1,667 598 861 2,881 2,772 574 191 1,421 2,440 1,669 1,269 101 481 283 2 7 6 54 17 28 50 180 15 25 125 100 55 2 2 7 3 37 41 124 37 50 142 412 49 3 84 307 266 142 1 34 20 4 51 26 150 27 84 251 380 32 2 63 564 398 183 7 27 93 62 288 39 111 396 614 38 4 M 769 558 257 18 50 6 13 16 104 7 31 211 136 17 30 189 100 78 2 19 7 17 16 127 13 45 269 172 15 2 49 304 107 105 9 25 8 40 13 96 18 44 264 196 19 3 69 211 105 89 8 10 g 64 22 140 22 60 343 276 18 1 71 256 no 120 9 26 10 14 19 144 31 71 360 244 28 4 127 210 104 113 1 13 17 u 19 29 209 42 107 494 307 30 4 149 268 92 141 1 20 25 12 83 24 110 62 60 235 166 26 9 143 116 49 68 1 22 9 13 136 36 137 71 84 313 231 32 16 177 153 65 93 55 19 21 29 99 41 33 173 129 31 2 123 76 61 47 1 14 12 15 27 30 123 56 68 226 149 35 2 149 85 62 66 24 8 16 25 17 54 32 136 89 22 4 86 53 36 39 1 17 4 17 20 28 83 36 36 150 119 27 13 117 50 42 47 26 8 207 87 193 108 164 367 237 112 49 288 139 115 109 5 117 22 19 246 105 217 127 140 367 292 121 58 326 130 133 139 1 135 42 20 165 84 107 73 78 157 107 95 36 155 73 86 85 5 78 21 154 99 138 91 87 133 114 91 35 143 67 114 91 2 86 26 2! 85 140 76 78 90 55 86 119 50 97 58 122 69 90 65 33 23 71 150 81 64 73 48 86 118 53 75 51 120 68 92 65 34 60 79 51 40 50 41 56 65 17 63 40 55 38 5 30 8 25 433,180 464,035 385,703 477,390 472,491 523,307 577,478 510,158 477,345 571,128 351,142 633,166 325,983 2,600,900 338,221 796,388 26 419,456 501,589 459,742 466,633 477,031 540,455 533,564 419,523 569,182 506,854 375,904 673,923 355,844 2,537,037 383,632 799,983 27 35 18 144 71 118 178 666 75 105 510 440 232 10 8 33 145 151 592 130 242 587 1,844 187 3 301 1,581 1,284 605 2 101 73 29 1,107 733 3,856 636 2,165 6,757 9,877 646 40 1,638 15,494 9,430 4,736 251 642 30 2,386 1,674 7,683 960 2,873 10,511 15,239 854 110 2,288 20,667 12,732 6,419 71 401 1,256 31 788 973 5,947 414 1,822 12,299 7,811 947 1,787 10,799 5,749 4,473 no 1,097 32 996 904 7,317 775 2,620 15,552 9,883 867 122 2,918 17,251 6,143 5,974 528 1,509 3,256 1,489 8,257 1,486 3,766 21,986 16,444 1,613 249 5,771 17,510 8,640 7,352 637 857 'i 5,120 1,809 11,723 1,794 4,938 28,669 23,043 1,576 85 6,011 20,937 9,107 9,979 704 2,089 35 1,628 2,169 16,692 3,551 8,170 41,359 28,303 3,115 430 14,983 24,050 11,999 12,773 120 1,421 2,016 36 2,206 3,194 24,251 4,863 12,131 56,110 35,110 3,420 449 17,589 30,472 10,530 16,157 132 2,445 2,842 37 13,311 3,873 17,252 9,763 9,533 37,143 25,827 4,138 1,440 22,559 18,208 7,654 10,606 157 3,446 1,391 :l« 22,133 5,653 21,740 11,397 13,284 49,478 36,166 4,985 2,578 28,102 24,153 10,413 14,818 8,918 2,948 39 4,111 5,782 19,622 8,103 6,503 34,176 25,702 6,235 370 24,550 15,036 12,175 9,368 192 2,800 2,406 40 5,276 6,042 24,382 11,060 13,536 44,737 29,348 6,954 384 29,670 16,963 12,313 13,022 4,821 1,601 41 5,953 4,023 13,021 7,687 10,509 32,474 21,140 5,277 932 20,657 12,465 8,533 9,323 256 4,015 939 1" 4,776 6,603 19,542 8,638 8,611 36,007 28,423 6,387 3,114 27,936 12,001 10,099 11,299 6,172 1,912 43 76,327 30,925 68,135 38,085 58,984 130,584 82,943 41,726 18,523 101,665 49,365 40,622 38,208 1,681 42,500 7,327 44 90,349 36,968 77,141 44,347 50,052 129,901 101,361 44,354 20,560 113,377 46,072 46,326 48,581 400 47,851 14,037 1:'. 111,647 60,520 72,103 50,409 53,279 103,665 69,602 68,623 25,826 105,717 50,564 62,702 57,926 3,309 54,523 14,258 46 103,815 70,064 96,515 61,920 59,671 88,546 73,380 65,344 24,633 98,425 45,122 79,622 60,865 1,280 58,388 18,111 215,017 353,530 160,679 357,185 317,642 102,686 289,163 377,763 429,535 271,696 137,141 465,222 170,986 2,595,175 228,510 765,422 46 182,254 368,527 168,856 320,749 309,073 80,307 179,767 284,595 517,144 180,237 140,685 475,354 168,125 2,535,152 253,303 753,605 13 79,409 109,851 70,404 51,737 68,734 52,958 76,256 92,915 24,478 83,662 53,118 75,741 50,729 7,655 44,116 10,547 50 690 253 673 456 489 1,820 1,242 275 121 910 1,001 725 401 12 317 100 51 798 339 1,128 523 600 2,348 1,122 196 149 1,084 1,488 864 697 10 410 181 52 263,685 12,158 34,194 102,947 32,719 214,235 100,997 12,924 34,476 97,394 40,504 90,608 31,363 2,282 102,828 8,321 53 212,506 15,273 50,259 113,874 85,811 241,048 81,082 8,202 40,667 106,342 45,380 132,483 44,864 1,019 126,175 11,002 54 3 6 5 55 1 2 26 24 6 1 1 5 48 6 13 21 43 2 17 111 58 20 5 6 56 19 10 25 22 20 145 1 5 63 87 26 1 8 57 40 5 152 24 78 65 139 5 43 263 178 74 15 15 .',» 42 8 72 17 43 142 190 20 285 176 63 5 14 76 21 194 20 52 222 147 7 1 36 424 263 144 7 24 6(1 795 98 737 249 834 2,386 2,362 57 256 1,983 1,904 962 134 217 61 1,571 283 2,925 351 999 4,388 2,003 48 580 3,251 2,802 2,499 20 134 363 IV.' 13 11 50 6 18 184 78 9 15 103 60 30 2 10 11.3 15 10 90 10 25 234 68 5 2 27 192 67 61 6 19 64 651 253 1,095 255 669 6,939 2,226 187 459 1,064 1,354 642 57 2 LS 65 664 140 2,372 399 1,117 9,466 2,045 102 122 755 1,988 1,561 1,723 239 545 39 11 51 17 31 212 134 10 1 40 114 66 40 6 6 67 62 11 101 21 43 307 136 5 1 53 164 63 67 7 15 68 2,683 274 1,671 981 1,692 11,123 5,235 145 96 1,672 1,588 2,288 956 417 235 69 4,179 305 2,773 1,301 2,480 17,749 5,960 101 55 2,285 2,283 2,496 2,263 461 683 70 14 11 76 29 42 309 190 16 3 90 113 63 55 11 9 71 17 15 134 37 83 456 165 9 3 114 176 61 39 16 22 72 1,418 203 2,690 2,220 2,832 23,086 10,862 448 195 4,808 2,109 3,611 1,407 792 509 73 1,598 461 4,558 2,880 6,846 35,795 9,691 279 264 6,926 3,399 3,612 ' 2,380 9 1,307 1,008 74 82 11 67 61 46 200 129 20 9 109 75 37 31 19 5 75 130 21 98 70 71 283 145 19 14 153 114 42 55 52 14 76 10,738 278 2,624 5,986 4,142 19,465 9,457 649 1,046 7,634 1,753 2,106 1,206 2,020 205 77 17,954 431 3,561 7,405 6,884 29,258 11,439 1,006 1,826 10,794 2,628 3,835 2,599 6,591 888 78 21 16 72 39 23 150 107 14 2 99 46 39 21 13 7 79 25 18 96 55 59 208 80 10 2 126 66 39 32 23 6 60 3,350 623 3,180 4,838 2,295 18,072 9,577 408 212 7,697 1,561 3,026 1,169 1,825 355 61 4,180 738 4,455 7,092 6,689 26,376 6,922 184 310 11,654 2,000 3,966 1,777 3,720 160 82 25 8 39 31 36 119 68 16 4 73 35 22 22 17 4 83 19 18 60 34 31 135 77 12 13 101 37 19 31 24 5 84 4,955 302 1,692 4,533 5,815 17,097 6,622 721 781 6,767 1,093 2,198 684 3,136 567 85 3,479 581 3,554 4,471 4,525 19,218 6,585 327 2,678 9,767 1,269 2,667 1,322 4,462 125 86 206 46 138 102 127 324 165 75 47 250 102 82 46 112 14 87 233 64 162 123 113 335 169 68 55 285 103 .88 90 131 31 62,642 1,577 8,446 21,836 24,915 62,892 22,584 4,529 13,067 28,839 6,051 13,261 3,975 28,037 707 89 63,906 2,395 11,845 26,426 22,592 62,079 20,070 3,138 16,441 30,828 6,005 16,655 6,838 45 33,066 1,913 90 162 50 63 71 132 73 58 31 133 51 56 41 76 16 146 63 97 66 112 53 32 32 115 58 75 54 84 21 92 87,544 2,675 5,289 20,542 14,347 38,171 13,584 2,701 12,583 19,678 5,866 12,444 4,533 32,388 1,307 93 65,776 3,891 3,331 32,100 17,936 22,970 8,326 1,386 12,708 19,213 6,655 22,854 5,912 36,571 2,153 94 83 81 44 76 57 •U 53 49 24 79 51 100 46 11 56 14 95 66 93 48 60 44 35 39 27 26 57 43 89 54 7 55 18 96 88,890 5,875 6,760 41,482 14,984 18,343 3,078 6,496 19,579 17,373 48,329 15,803 2,281 34,022 3,993 97 49,159 6,043 5,733 31,425 15,665 13,684 7,902 1,567 6,215 13,497 15,639 71,857 16,977 945 39,609 3,149 1)8 60 43 29 38 32 32 38 28 10 47 36 25 30 5 99 , 2,366 19,266 13,028 13,245 8,676 1,312 2,966 9,703 8,148 10, 577 4,186 16,675 1,137 100 196 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND J 49 a Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan 50 to G9 acr 70 to 99 acr 100 to 139 a . number 19.59 . 1951. .number 1959. 1 TM , r.on t.p 999 a 1,000 or me* Kin I.. 139 " 140 to 179 ii Cropland harvested: \r:v cropland harvested . . farms reportim' 1059. 128 366 2,619 3,534 2,725 2,629 8,467 8,843 14,079 17,523 23,046 26, 652 15,206 20, 596 16,281 19,018 90,526 104,980 111,154 106,367 256,770 256,501 86,578 658 237 496 6,475 8,568 7,471 8,481 13,020 16,913 22,999 25,347 20,780 20,633 18,512 20,190 14,674 17,300 69,701 69,007 63,597 57,557 133,534 99,102 47,723 897 1,227 55,184 68,100 107 201 1,005 1,284 1,118 1,059 1,976 3,547 6,205 7,617 10,014 11,037 12,560 16,007 10,658 13,141 63,070 77,753 114,478 136,987 341,389 303,884 133,450 115 320 2,386 6,173 2,430 6,871 5,992 10,584 11,513 18,475 10,956 16,976 13,051 16,238 10,482 14,995 55,794 55,978 61,464 59,987 95,423 105,225 44,429 1,362 3,400 3,741 4,313 5,561 3,086 5,212 17,990 17,884 29,459 29,261 94,357 149.C 12,284 77 266 2,528 3,484 1,666 2,788 5,577 5,578 8,368 10,460 15,884 18, V 12,235 12,093 10,254 10,247 47,323 48,922 76,087 62,200 341,731 347,813 71,482 486, !'"' 550,119 1,219 1,522 21,064 25,338 9,143 15,174 15,369 20,547 23,788 30,213 19, 143 25,498 18,392 23,470 16,463 18,328 64,950 66,973 84,819 76,738 211,848 246,318 49,370 2,204 2,689 258,179 287,687 115 372 4,156 7,099 3,419 7,403 6,645 7,834 8,251 11,434 6,309 8,219 6,268 5,845 2,584 3,801 16,408 16,352 10,918 13,935 2,040 3,087 2,040 . farms reporting 1953 . f:lfiris rerortlm- 1'IT>9 246 1,855 4,293 ,,| . farina reporting 19 1354. 1054 . .forms reportiiu' 1059, 11*54 . acres Lfl59 , farms repcrling 1959. 1954. 1954. TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 197 Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran C ake Coleman Collin Colllngs- Colorado Comal Comanche Concho Cooke 1,480 753 483 1,922 526 831 451 337 1,105 2,503 710 1,596 646 1,587 483' 1,406 1 2,381 828 491 3,076 706 978 479 419 1,427 3,166 856 1,662 697 2,092 554 1,700 2 56 5 41 105 9 18 9 7 14 117 17 117 32 42 9 33 3 193 23 70 291 42 56 18 11 55 213 39 155 70 126 39 127 4 350 10 95 537 23 47 14 8 41 402 31 236 87 141 9 117 5 661 8 103 984 29 62 9 18 59 563 27 242 67 219 16 149 6 193 29 190 9 24 3 14 238 15 116 35 70 4 82 7 344 3 21 351 11 29 3 7 18 309 13 131 38 104 1 85 8 192 5 29 248 23 36 3 2 40 270 23 166 38 126 10 116 310 9 20 391 30 43 5 10 53 408 23 184 47 178 7 127 10 217 6 32 215 21 59 8 15 74 305 26 209 53 158 13 180 11 316 17 25 337 32 70 6 22 98 491 47 213 65 245 13 237 12 131 59 24 132 53 87 38 30 97 248 65 137 39 188 23 150 13 193 76 14 197 98 133 53 30 169 303 107 127 34 256 50 204 14 99 22 12 117 32 53 21 14 81 173 32 96 35 157 22 135 15 118 25 18 123 43 62 28 18 108 233 54 105 36 180 26 166 18 58 18 24 52 28 52 14 8 68 146 32 75 31 114 14 92 17 63 30 15 70 46 69 23 15 99 164 64 73 35 159 27 113 18 101 301 66 192 155 213 148 77 298 399 204 197 117 369 141 308 19 115 318 73 201 195 216 168 104 380 345 268 187 128 409 147 308 30 58 224 59 85 104 142 136 52 195 174 157 138 90 156 97 130 21 45 213 55 74 116 144 121 59 214 115 123 134 91 166 95 129 22 25 103 72 49 69 100 57 120 183 31 108 109 89 66 141 63 23 23 106 77 57 64 94 45 125 174 22 91 111 86 50 133 55 15 65 32 32 42 47 33 51 119 27 57 59 59 55 71 42 25 243,346 575,145 350,064 360,265 412,481 642,833 415,213 573,548 745,409 493,033 662,032 609,762 322,330 478,087 793,900 467,057 26 282,734 526,873 357,120 466,037 394,094 575,199 371,938 546,644 794,776 478,756 470,702 593,480 321,763 522,635 783,763 471,246 27 295 22 177 445 25 54 27 15 65 414 56 435 138 178 31 126 28 1,010 45 318 1,536 128 199 61 39 208 899 113 644 337 527 90 516 29 9,306 189 2,279 15,541 479 1,263 248 247 1,069 11,994 748 6,385 2,253 4,099 308 3,116 30 18,572 164 2,379 26,950 787 1,644 248 505 1,474 16,362 716 6,753 1,597 5,495 436 4,203 SI 10,953 1,711 10,910 529 1,405 155 238 808 13,902 893 6,767 2,074 4,186 213 4,769 92 19,459 179 1,212 20,095 656 1,635 170 427 1,058 17,896 725 7,752 2,230 6,038 60 4,897 33 15,824 437 2,413 20,636 1,847 2,916 270 178 3,348 22,661 1,891 13,863 3,191 10,475 852 9,787 ;i 25,969 768 1,669 32,362 2,458 3,649 415 814 4,474 33,939 1,885 15,314 3,948 14,967 605 10,647 24,979 673 3,620 24,956 2,475 6,870 964 1,751 8,677 35,260 3,093 24,229 6,225 18,374 1,594 20,434 M 35,575 1,962 3,017 38,539 3,781 8,139 709 2,542 11,506 56,765 5,555 24,476 7,710 28,754 1,550 27,047 57 20,550 9,551 3,768 20,729 8,371 13,881 6,370 4,758 15,514 39,009 10,369 21,975 6,245 29,834 3,674 23,654 .IK 30,264 12,191 2,158 30,774 15,819 21,206 8,834 4,703 26,801 47,790 17,129 19,763 5,427 40,914 8,258 32,409 39 19,710 4,380 2,385 22,916 6,346 10,577 4,264 2,858 15,960 34,357 6,296 18,808 6,958 31,164 4,379 26,634 23,440 4,961 3,648 24,305 8,539 12,260 5,583 3,572 21,394 45,862 10,665 20,444 7,096 35,889 5,577 32,847 11 13,821 4,276 5,719 12,273 6,740 12,182 3,329 1,881 16,112 34,671 7,551 17,953 7,495 27,283 3,351 21,860 15,008 7,146 3,602 16,695 11,086 16,230 5,454 3,611 23,521 38,935 15,081 17,429 8,524 37,729 6,412 26,684 34,863 108,392 24,383 65,886 56,399 76,949 53,901 28,361 106,869 140,613 74,869 72,062 42,682 125,154 51,043 108,385 11 40,521 113,470 26,475 68, " 70,299 76, 866 61,012 37,602 136,113 118,614 95,797 67,897 47,740 140,637 52,222 107,022 I.. 37,471 157,303 41,248 59,588 72,847 99,804 92,225 36,085 132,579 115,970 109,014 93,077 64,258 107,419 67,867 86, 543 29,527 150,267 39,087 50,251 79,273 101,678 79,721 39,924 145,031 74,466 84,773 91,983 63,487 113,326 69,013 88,241 47 55,574 289,922 262,361 106,385 256,423 416, 932 253,460 497, 176 444,408 44,182 447,252 334,208 180, 611 119,921 660, 588 161,749 1- 43,389 235,720 273,555 i 201,268 331,693 209,731 452,905 423,196 27,228 238,263 321,025 173,667 98,359 639,540 136,733 l!l 19,352 90,430 41,941 43,286 56,168 64,044 43,291 68,431 160,247 35,076 78,716 81,746 81,290 72,449 101,580 57, 211 50 956 726 283 1,225 447 470 138 738 2,129 620 1,186 432 1,122 368 969 SI 1,554 782 304 2,198 592 646 440 241 1,081 2,754 776 1,242 402 1,525 273 1,249 52 17,461 316,925 48,727 27,926 74,606 59,343 201,029 11,762 100,463 282,609 126,598 92,746 26,182 83,187 73,838 112,532 53 30,261 321,080 70,407 50,435 105,452 81,587 166,547 23,993 146,079 291,129 166,711 106,958 22,362 113,941 52,327 129,283 54 24 7 35 2 3 1 14 2 26 8 4 6 73 1 21 165 6 11 2 1 7 64 8 41 11 12 12 56 68 47 151 11 4 7 45 10 123 33 7 10 57 220 1 48 585 25 27 10 8 27 217 21 164 36 24 34 58 231 3 32 337 9 20 5 10 261 20 138 55 63 "i 32 '.'i 398 3 39 703 11 22 3 6 20 402 19 168 27 78 5 59 .111 1,760 33 353 3,210 145 339 70 151 5,176 366 2,485 664 799 50 470 81 3,801 51 283 8,480 178 409 24 138 308 8,919 347 3,351 328 822 uo 809 ill 126 14 107 9 10 3 3 7 204 13 95 22 37 4 37 sa 239 2 11 248 5 13 3 1 7 282 8 107 27 62 48 64 1,304 434 1,351 343 227 86 55 194 7,139 656 2,718 704 820 122 991 nr, 2,943 95 340 4,105 194 356 106 20 140 10,643 331 3,202 793 1,540 1,216 66 129 3 13 174 16 16 3 2 21 242 21 132 28 78 9 72 117 206 7 9 281 22 17 4 6 35 380 23 154 32 136 2 90 (8 1,649 230 277 2,509 903 700 243 37 969 12,549 1,223 4,353 1,314 2,470 448 2,814 69 3,666 519 171 5,483 1,211 631 261 234 1,659 21,426 1,613 5,351 1,514 5,014 163 3,726 70 132 13 141 15 32 7 40 281 23 172 40 117 9 118 71 225 14 13 256 24 46 s 8 73 475 43 174 42 187 9 184 7! 2,312 442 857 2,441 998 1,322 672 252 2,239 19,810 1,603 7,237 • 2,310 5,187 869 5,484 73 3,933 1,286 770 5,930 1,651 2,144 501 487 4,460 34,845 3,501 7,324 2,592 9,993 875 9,802 74 84 58 17 89 47 49 38 11 70 233 60 11." 26 141 20 116 75 132 12 141 93 90 18 132 293 102 110 24 216 34 175 76 1,584 7,683 1,861 2,012 3,565 2,939 5,322 589 4,339 21,829 5,196 5,531 1,880 7,827 2,016 7,326 77 3,254 9,948 922 4,136 8,072 6,946 6,476 1,352 9,035 31,088 10,931 6,230 1,737 14,326 3,774 12,499 78 63 20 10 75 30 24 20 9 167 29 77 23 128 16 103 79 85 25 12 95 43 41 26 10 91 224 50 78 26 156 13 132 80 1,332 3,226 1,482 1,968 2,579 2,187 3,693 750 4,055 19,764 2,991 4,681 1,598 8,799 1,494 9,253 81 2,439 4,091 1,255 3,029 4,425 4,015 3,983 764 7,883 26,443 7,151 4,063 1,749 12,351 1,763 12,299 82 39 17 20 33 26 32 14 3 48 142 31 65 21 85 11 77 83 45 28 9 53 41 51 22 10 86 162 62 62 26 141 20 98 84 1,107 3,098 3,481 1,040 3,004 3,107 2,787 351 4,294 20,895 4,061 4,150 1,848 6,609 1,207 8,061 85 1,328 5,372 1,631 1,951 5,593 4,753 3,925 704 9,559 24,656 9,917 4,523 1,590 11,331 3,468 J0,353 86 66 298 48 130 146 143 147 36 213 382 187 160 84 307 125 252 87 93 316 63 151 188 174 167 72 326 336 262 149 84 367 92 277 88 2,037 81,630 8,048 4,856 23,715 17,228 47,100 2,004 26,317 79,948 33,549 15,507 7,011 30,498 24,994 37,171 89 3,885 84,176 17,990 7,812 32,021 19,877 44,262 6,761 47,934 72,644 55,029 14,345 5,740 37,211 17,786 38,368 90 40 221 50 63 91 86 136 20 149 172 139 112 64 121 80 107 91 38 210 46 61 105 114 120 42 175 115 118 110 57 128 46 121 92 1,770 112,141 11,177 3,863 22,968 15,940 77,183 1,496 29,547 72,381 39,126 16,471 3,773 14,175 16,345 24,644 93 2,184 101,780 17,896 3,839 30,106 21,147 60,378 5,319 32,200 44,965 39,528 23,049 2,880 15,422 9,321 24,746 94 22 101 59 41 56 55 48 47 122 31 95 91 61 41 92 49 95 20 104 69 44 54 67 37 67 129 21 81 89 46 42 52 53 98 2,538 108,442 20,710 4,525 16,375 15,350 63,873 6,228 28,351 23,073 37,817 29,490 5,047 5,996 26,293 16,308 97 2,608 113,761 29,101 5,085 21,976 21,282 46,621 8,206 32,874 13,283 38,342 35,356 3,403 5,907 15,037 15,431 98 14 65 25 27 36 29 32 22 84 27 52 47 44 34 53 31 99 994 54,916 7,057 2,568 11,040 7,718 33,241 2,156 18,111 18,962 22,216 10,672 3,758 4,501 15,576 9,382 Kill 198 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND Item Coryell Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Dallas Dawson (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms: All farms 1,316 1,575 387 469 22 22 123 147 716 779 76 61 361 370 1,411 2,689 841 1,101 ., 1954... 25 86 5 22 2 3 7 19 3 1 6 22 196 688 13 24 . 1954... number 1959 .. . 84 128 11 17 14 23 8 14 365 781 17 22 6 1954... number 1959... 29 47 2 6 1 3 8 120 191 6 6 B 1954... number 1959... 78 90 13 6 1 16 19 3 4 124 230 10 21 10 1954 . . . 153 193 12 12 2 20 31 2 4 5 135 210 11 17 12 1954... 13 ,7„ 130 170 20 41 77 98 3 10 12 85 130 59 117 ,,' 1954... 115 153 13 25 30 47 1 2 5 9 63 102 23 47 1954... 89 116 17 24 1 36 27 2 1 9 8 39 66 23 52 328 356 110 144 2 238 268 9 8 56 54 149 174 323 461 "0 1954... number 1959... 202 170 109 111 203 175 10 11 84 88 97 79 250 240 1954 . . . 83 66 75 61 20 22 120 140 72 64 46 38 176 154 38 38 106 94 1954 . . . number 1959... 70 646,296 463,767 52 534,194 539,414 2 341,911 320,650 2 1,736,767 1,973,677 50 534,624 416,650 1 1,622,240 1,719,023 71 864,077 791,547 23 277,641 316,349 72 610,908 665,308 '26 Land in farms: 1954 ng acres 1059... 83 320 25 55 .!". 3 27 51 12 2 21 41 703 3,104 44 65 1964... acres 1959 .. . 2,175 3,301 313 402 330 571 197 372 9,487 18,316 277 439 33 1,764 2,740 109 360 60 173 467 6,834 10,926 340 336 S3 1954... 6,498 7,601 1,044 516 95 1,311 1,583 240 317 10,395 19,220 781 1,725 1954... 36 acres 1059... 17,817 22,513 1,388 1,366 200 2,472 3,758 220 417 529 15,679 24,484 1,307 2,001 31 1954 .. . 38 140 to 171 re 20,687 26,799 3,141 6,508 12,356 15,552 470 1,591 1,895 13,495 20,385 9,504 18,862 39 1954... 22,843 30,496 2,576 4,957 5,940 9,345 212 320 994 1,825 12,450 20,128 4,498 9,314 M 1954... acres 1959... 21,284 27,821 4,130 5,721 259 8,502 6,394 454 224 2,125 1,932 9,391 15,726 5,458 12,382 ^3 1954 . acre- 1959 116,799 124,747 40,718 52,684 520 84,663 96,612 3,230 2,940 20,086 19,643 53,349 59,006 121,796 169,308 ,5 1954 . . . acres 1959... 137,673 114,446 75,096 76,277 143,162 120,434 6,987 7,938 59,788 63,880 64,798 49,252 175,141 165,804 47 1954... 298,673 102,983 405,654 390,568 341,907 320,650 1,736,187 1,973,120 275,688 161,883 1 ,l L0,( ' 1,707,599 778,618 701,113 81,060 75,802 291,762 285,072 l'i 1954... acres 1959... 92,928 73,273 2,480 3,258 65,418 1,657 101,668 29,893 96,890 Cropland harvested: 957 339 1 690 41 299 876 811 1954 1,159 411 12 745 27 304 1,442 1,064 53 acres 1959... 106,064 73,917 30 259,403 7,614 183,825 122,975 391,881 1954 . . . 117,475 101,327 1,888 277,382 7,611 194,794 138,643 442,279 55 1 2 4 1 1 53 4 56 1954 11 2 2 7 2 13 6 1 101 135 5 13 58 1951 . . 28 7 2 293 13 59 10 to 13 acres farms reporting 1959 , 33 6 7 1 158 8 GO 47 6 17 324 18 61 icres i" •" 481 106 158 10 2,434 129 1954 . . . 953 119 396 122 4,889 280 63 14 29 2 5 3 5 71 141 3 6 65 acres 1959. 1954 . . . 519 976 109 214 136 235 2,070 4,165 172 302 70 to 99 acres 43 10 15 1 84 8 '*k\ 1954... 63 5 1 19 163 19 1,870 500 825 3,666 515 70 1954... 2,809 229 17 1,313 304 7,323 1,305 71 100 to 1 19 acres 110 11 20 2 3 108 11 72 1954 . . . 153 10 30 179 16 acres 1959 5,959 771 1,949 112 224 6,743 1,106 74 1954... 9,564 889 3,015 403 11,892 1,715 75 HO to 170 acres farms reportine. 1959 . . . 98 20 75 3 9 66 59 76 1951 . . . 133 40 97 11 120 117 6,497 1,510 9,717 224 1,274 5,981 8,199 78 1954 9,897 4,085 13,161 1,280 10,972 16,842 79 180 to 210 acres 86 12 29 1 3 49 23 1954... 124 25 2 7 93 47 acres 1959... 6,510 1,713 4,758 93 511 5,655 3,735 82 1954... 10,611 3,027 7,652 222 1,115 10,885 8,362 ■220 to 259 acres 69 16 35 2 9 31 23 84 98 24 27 1 8 55 51 acres 1959. . . 5,866 1,725 6,793 155 1,654 4,284 4,923 86 1954 .. . 10,924 3,052 31 5,401 1,214 8,453 10,908 87 269 106 1 236 9 44 133 322 1954. . . 304 137 267 8 47 157 460 acres 1959. . . 33,733 16,801 30 64,073 811 11,046 30,765 106,837 1954. . 37,295 25,821 80,068 1,640 10,221 31,582 152,735 91 500 .0 909 acres 168 145 94 105 200 174 9 11 78 84 87 73 249 237 93 acres 1959 . . . 28,336 23,047 100,662 2,340 32,519 32,818 143,154 94 1954... 22,746 33,765 96,404 4,214 35,561 24, 593 141,683 95 1,000 or more acres 66 60 66 14 150 36 101 96 1954 .. . 52 52 10 60 5 135 36 88 97 acres 1959 .. . 16,291 27,628 70,319 3,873 136,512 28,424 123,098 98 11,672 30,119 1,840 69,735 1,333 144,574 23,096 108,134 99 1,000 to 1.999 acres 57 45 50 1 60 22 72 100 acres 1959 . . . 13,298 15,689 -. 1,7 l 267 41,449 14,643 77, C4 TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 199 Deaf Smith Delta Denton De Witt Dickens Hit Donley Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 735 842 1,863 1,814 505 222 450 716 1,347 58 23 3 2,074 482 1,617 1,793 2,246 674 1,117 2,221 2,213 646 291 619 652 1,681 77 27 3 2,885 690 2,021 2,707 2,953 g 15 30 83 56 6 10 6 23 16 5 73 120 59 74 63 ! 32 70 117 177 21 12 38 1 128 29 1 2 133 212 130 172 158 1 28 167 245 226 16 31 21 63 133 6 1 1 235 111 125 261 307 5 17 228 296 322 24 46 29 68 168 6 2 1 530 169 174 591 491 6 5 76 124 126 3 14 9 44 61 5 156 38 65 163 216 7 4 104 165 176 14 19 12 48 81 1 1 222 46 108 304 298 9 15 105 195 215 21 8 20 65 117 2 1 195 30 119 191 294 'i 15 146 220 278 32 9 28 53 157 1 2 317 41 154 320 411 10 14 108 222 266 21 5 25 70 98 2 303 33 214 264 329 11 9 187 326 327 32 17 36 61 159 1 442 44 274 372 508 I! 51 84 196 202 86 7 32 46 188 209 21 175 169 240 13 51 126 230 235 100 9 65 56 224 2 312 28 225 251 307 14 10 56 144 145 19 12 29 46 99 1 5 170 15 134 135 185 15 19 95 184 150 43 12 48 40 116 3 216 20 177 169 220 16 10 48 99 90 27 6 22 25 92 L 109 21 109 91 141 17 19 47 122 100 10 40 21 115 2 155 17 142 111 142 18 174 121 318 237 153 33 135 143 326 1 5 374 51 358 272 306 19 137 86 361 235 191 37 164 125 347 2 1 3 384 54 390 267 290 20 227 37 163 146 88 26 79 95 140 4 3 181 18 159 119 123 21 176 24 144 128 SO 34 90 86 125 1 3 124 29 165 105 87 22 186 10 74 105 65 76 68 113 70 28 19 3 69 24 100 54 42 23 195 4 56 85 65 86 69 93 61 31 19 3 50 30 82 45 41 24 99 8 56 67 39 27 34 49 48 5 2 j 54 6 66 42 29 25 651,148 146,901 491,042 573,303 494,163 655,938 467,039 756,361 488,232 506,967 1,051,73 ) 535,173 518,335 591,152 412,244 469,289 26 843,274 147,870 505,731 560,515 533,059 670,131 503,103 669,930 479,952 557,488 1,146,09 j 555,526 604,869 437,790 489,816 27 59 113 322 212 33 16 55 17 73 44 2 2 244 454 178 263 249 71 299 482 822 89 52 93 5 517 83 4 S 568 826 506 773 639 29 697 4,903 6,896 6,335 528 921 603 2,026 3,711 137 23 7 5,951 2,795 3,235 7,052 9,047 .in 411 6,602 8,151 9,279 572 1,280 661 2,258 4,528 114 45 ! 14,035 4,107 4,805 16,104 13,870 31 284 4,416 7,237 7,274 193 600 538 2,594 3,550 29 7 9,170 2,186 3,610 9,383 12,640 3'2 237 6,081 9,579 10,301 810 1,091 704 2,794 4,764 64 5 3 12,888 2,673 6,222 17,277 17,252 33 1,201 8,905 16,214 18,076 1,706 649 1,629 5,413 9,730 160 S S 16,229 2,430 9,978 15,990 24,222 34 1,195 12,106 18,542 23,221 2,699 745 2,266 4,334 12,994 71 17 I 26,530 3,436 13,092 26,861 34,027 1,549 12,657 25,817 30,483 2,490 594 2,899 7,996 11,491 21 7 34,942 3,790 24,617 30,338 38,182 36 1,025 21,628 38,073 37,585 3,694 1,978 4,263 7,099 18,495 120 421 > 50,661 5,290 31,290 42,438 59,176 37 8,185 13,193 30,988 31,746 13,754 1,120 5,103 7,227 30,248 67 L 32,997 3,369 27,720 26,706 37,719 SB 8,206 19,828 36,372 36,740 16,030 1,335 10,461 8,851 35,932 332 6* 49,386 4,372 35,667 39,653 46,279 39 1,938 11,104 28,460 28,763 3,778 2,290 5,766 9,301 19,396 210 1,00 j 33,699 2,984 26,619 26,768 36,476 40 3,819 18,946 36,447 29,826 8,509 2,366 9,570 8,047 22,970 59 ) 42,757 3,889 35,171 33,434 43,331 11 2,365 11,503 23,653 21,575 6,446 1,405 5,199 5,870 21,826 22 > 26,231 4,964 25,893 21,703 33,609 4,501 11,205 29,153 23,770 10,478 2,426 9,536 4,981 27,223 50 > 36,950 4,116 33,647 26,426 33,815 43 63,730 40,950 112,510 83,574 55,999 12,014 48,714 50,569 113,504 387 1,75 130,406 18,468 127,209 95,008 106,622 49,506 29,118 125,929 83,482 69,604 13,135 58,895 44,200 123,016 635 4,34 ) 134,182 18,390 136,480 93,100 98,830 45 165,228 24,786 110,003 97,390 60,774 18,317 54,935 63,525 98,403 2,591 6,07 ) 123,90/. 12,035 104,979 80, 587 80,979 130,447 15,813 98,122 88,103 56,189 24,127 60,366 58,302 85,173 2,822 14,09 > 80,080 19,336 110,352 67,922 58,599 47 605,912 14,371 128,942 247,875 348,462 617,812 341,598 601,823 176,300 503,438 1,041,15 > 121,400 464,860 236,914 98,426 89,544 48 643,856 6,244 104,881 217,386 364,385 621,596 346,288 529,059 144,340 553,247 1,124,74 107,489 522,874 197,637 73,802 81,998 49 U5.202 9,588 73,665 90,417 51,247 40,258 44,333 67,096 65,646 7,400 39,65 74,531 8,896 92,235 57,513 36,619 50 685 675 1,230 1,306 452 92 391 451 855 8 4 1,695 420 873 1,424 1,743 51 626 936 1,638 1,579 592 147 536 496 1,150 14 5 2,573 597 1,249 2,330 2,482 52 313,380 61,121 172,167 86,832 89,944 18,775 68,476 34,252 63,557 676 1,54 262,911 52,927 51,365 161,978 162,198 53 344,216 68,507 205,161 95,612 120,421 15,452 101,169 40,752 84,218 1,412 1,83 289,271 61,437 74,509 217,934 198,216 54 3 8 11 3 3 5 1 2 11 85 5 13 7 3 21 19 33 3 5 10 1 26 44 154 15 61 46 56 14 14 24 42 15 19 1 7 37 301 10 49 40 57 10 55 44 125 12 10 36 2 85 7 211 534 38 237 175 58 21 121 74 120 12 15 16 44 57 1 118 94 34 159 177 59 13 171 134 194 16 31 21 56 69 1 442 151 54 474 347 437 2,706 1,017 1,964 304 174 362 911 892 3 2,463 2,031 445 2,758 3,365 61 266 3,763 1,920 4,157 251 370 344 1,252 627 1 10,211 2,905 824 9,987 6,998 62 4 53 48 60 3 5 7 34 33 118 38 25 131 150 63 3 91 100 10 10 9 41 45 196 41 50 266 238 64 103 1,768 1,073 2,422 155 59 237 1,079 875 3,888 1,797 663 4,414 4,712 65 135 3,414 2,862 4,570 422 149 312 1,386 978 7,679 1,744 1,028 10,129 8,249 66 15 85 109 159 17 3 15 47 66 1 159 29 57 158 236 67 14 124 146 217 27 5 23 43 98 1 288 39 86 293 372 68 973 4,050 4,276 6,290 753 72 870 2,242 2,107 43 8,028 1,832 1,464 7,552 9,957 69 976 6,058 5,848 9,950 1,672 74 1,421 2,024 3,071 50 16,114 2,392 2,511 16,296 18,013 70 11 95 216 U 2 22 50 52 262 33 106 220 266 71 8 176 254 277 29 8 32 48 119 421 44 180 347 463 72 967 5,881 9,427 10,926 888 55 1,644 2,612 2,012 18,267 2,941 3,741 14,241 15,938 73 652 11,872 15,284 15,887 2,232 273 2,724 2,490 5,416 30,810 3,870 6,458 26,503 30,461 74 51 74 152 165 63 2 28 29 124 186 21 110 146 200 75 49 117 - 193 100 1 60 45 175 292 28 160 239 264 76 6,191 6,110 10,787 9,629 7,435 135 2,730 5,557 1 17,124 2,316 4,663 14,347 14,885 77 6,106 10,224 17,088 13,056 9,558 82 6,717 3,415 9,700 3 29,879 3,418 8,092 23,759 22,965 78 7 48 113 110 16 27 35 67 1 153 14 88 120 166 79 19 89 159 125 41 9 46 32 100 205 20 129 160 208 80 1,123 5,368 11,259 7,916 1,767 443 3,172 2,233 4,162 62 18 18,074 2,178 4,390 13,986 16,061 61 2,894 9,610 16,767 6,971 5,309 500 6,685 2,776 7,690 5C 25,529 2,419 7,612 19,733 21,607 82 10 45 78 77 27 3 20 21 71 103 20 74 86 119 83 19 41 110 81 43 6 37 18 94 150 17 113 107 134 84 1,404 5,517 10,150 6,026 3,756 479 2,640 1,903 4,566 13,954 3,015 4,204 11,402 13,433 85 3,322 4,832 14,630 6,496 6,216 614 5,887 1,644 7,451 4 22,075 3,281 6,748 15,556 14,996 86 166 110 279 184 147 13 127 92 239 343 50 220 239 279 8T 134 80 332 175 169 19 156 92 281 368 53 298 248 276 88 45,493 19,317 49,186 18,269 28,816 1,347 23,456 8,706 22,215 1 68,482 12,688 15,124 42,972 41,893 89 36,808 11,935 60,773 14,553 41,629 1,617 30, 550 9,919 29,105 4( 73,267 13,234 21,691 44,749 40,997 90 222 32 148 111 60 9 71 51 98 1 175 18 99 109 108 91 174 23 136 93 76 16 85 63 102 117 29 109 95 79 92 104,601 7,658 45,704 11,602 23,813 2,220 19,347 6,642 11,233 19 4< 66,942 9,162 9,560 29,966 26,955 93 87,019 5,512 41,514 9,815 26,340 2,449 23,242 7,590 13,625 7t 40,848 13,351 10,681 28,347 16,827 94 174 9 64 73 49 33 53 48 47 2 3 65 18 55 43 35 95 190 3 51 57 58 ' 57 57 39 8 3 50 21 55 40 35 96 152,074 2,732 29,262 11,746 22,222 13,787 13,999 6,533 9,937 740 1,24 45,652 14,466 7,101 20,291 14,959 97 206,028 1,232 28,431 8,032 26,780 9,314 23,251 8,254 6,270 1,350 1,57 32,648 14,289 8,826 22,638 16,726 96 96 7 49 44 34 15 29 22 31 1 51 6 35 33 25 99 67,572 2,072 19,506 5,379 13,895 3,768 7,745 2,813 3,600 21C 29,394 5,754 5,235 13,870 7,832 100 200 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND . . number 1059 . . 1954. ..number 195!) . . 1951 . . ..number 1959. . 1954.. ..number 1959.. 1954.. .number 1959.. 1954 . . .number 1959.. 1954 . . .number 1959. . 1954. . number 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959. 1954.. number 1959... 1954 . . . number 1959 . . . 1.000 to 1.999 a Land in farms: number 1959. 1954 . number 1959 . 'sled farms reportir 1954 i urns report ing 195! .farms reporting 1959 ■ ri;nn 1959. . farms reporting 195! .farms reporting- 1959. ' .-■■ 1959 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954 . farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 . 1954. . farms reporting 1959 , 1954. acres 1959. . farms reporting 1959 . 669 1,251 14,505 17,564 18,997 24,525 43,608 52,457 71,985 81,179 53,289 55,873 37,734 39,824 36,841 30,492 98,668 98,539 88,150 71,930 2,592 3,009 114,940 125,585 5,654 1 154 7,253 259 ■ 1 368 7,181 195! . 11,187 451 116 526 1,316 1,193 1,574 3,523 4,663 5,543 8,289 18,086 32,561 12,326 21,556 15,396 22,382 85,317 113,103 107,044 98,059 223,361 21! ..... 63,471 1,022 113,386 153,930 1,744 2,823 3,371 3,928 16,846 27,487 7,892 10,507 8,823 14,750 111,964 127,894 168,603 165,067 300,244 262,950 87,770 1,090 320,565 78, 111 1,400 1,921 1,988 3,735 5,913 7,190 4,034 4,767 4,270 5,297 38,839 39,260 44,902 43,211 334,740 321,124 55,957 397 787 14,169 19,871 15,860 20,159 24,683 30,947 33,707 36,352 23,359 23,461 16,463 12,175 11,242 8,704 42,402 37,935 44,038 45,673 319,439 277,132 57,956 1,705 2,080 137,950 145,750 52 229 2,948 4,574 3,750 5,172 7,942 10,448 10,588 12,076 9,629 11,963 9,229 9,504 7,426 8,600 26,267 27,809 27,598 22,059 40,019 37,262 19,442 614 6,828 11,932 7,674 10,888 11,341 16,252 18,183 19,392 16,877 19,239 12,960 17,919 11,523 16,032 58,502 53,396 79,527 71,224 189,387 175,018 77,350 1,247 28,227 59,039 1,221 1,439 2,204 5,153 4,761 3,404 6,179 6,787 5,041 6,296 27,015 42,331 64,342 64,606 475,104 567,519 64, • 1,110 1,949 5,159 2,403 24 16 58 21 977 1,676 3,971 1,622 106 58 120 78 6,078 7,714 8,621 10,727 76 60 78 61 4,987 13,977 7,037 12,309 59 76 54 68 4,972 27,952 \ ,' 19,154 TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 201 Salveaton Garza Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales era, Grayson Gregg Grilles Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 518 343 1,161 151 560 1,716 400 2,352 493 1,206 1,883 1,535 601 1,185 333 572 , 715 436 1,306 139 708 2,147 523 2,815 857 1,566 2,097 1,703 747 1,496 421 652 2 83 6 30 1 12 77 11 113 43 50 77 63 6 26 16 3 180 17 81 48 130 45 242 161 98 139 97 17 82 9 18 4 190 7 76 3 43 210 13 358 151 214 285 72 4 74 1 26 5 284 17 88 1 84 360 38 520 310 412 325 81 15 95 6 19 S 33 31 21 117 4 183 52 90 177 10 4 29 1 13 7 30 36 34 168 8 208 82 150 193 26 7 41 4 12 8 25 13 40 1 25 151 6 285 52 108 253 44 12 47 20 9 34 17 43 47 207 11 338 74 153 273 59 11 62 30 10 36 17 90 1 64 238 7 288 50 162 291 46 31 117 1 30 11 41 13 97 3 72 265 12 375 57 166 355 76 28 155 5 33 12 22 43 67 2 47 152 23 262 33 95 195 227 52 111 3 62 13 25 73 82 5 65 176 28 291 44 106 215 269 95 156 14 96 14 12 14 53 6 56 153 11 185 16 97 147 63 27 112 36 15 12 13 65 3 60 152 15 209 22 89 176 90 50 165 2 45 16 9 24 66 4 26 83 6 126 12 52 95 72 33 95 32 17 12 27 85 4 33 103 11 145 12 56 93 81 62 124 3 44 18 50 106 265 28 128 266 79 349 43 146 242 529 203 340 42 149 19 40 158 280 35 130 309 109 337 48 160 242 535 247 385 60 169 20 30 51 253 32 66 166 108 152 22 105 87 325 146 160 106 101 21 33 36 264 23 67 175 130 124 32 90 59 310 135 164 130 112 28 58 190 73 72 103 132 51 19 87 34 84 81 74 175 85 23 24 58 185 61 68 102 116 26 15 86 27 77 60 67 188 74 IS 20 139 19 45 65 74 44 15 52 25 73 48 49 96 53 25 125,677 499,901 692,600 612,113 332,862 591,110 563,719 489,854 91,657 424,485 359,665 614,542 638,300 488,297 592,940 375,791 ■26 114,676 514,971 682,535 525,289 377,273 585,663 560,333 470,131 111,526 412,354 349,214 620,163 489,735 505,840 756,909 370, 5X 27 349 21 109 4 41 288 32 459 193 164 217 211 17 106 8 60 28 835 81 314 193 583 142 1,005 719 506 576 270 42 316 14 42 4,307 149 1,869 'so 1,112 5,758 277 10,037 3,980 5,774 8,057 1,707 105 2,043 22 713 SO 5,971 399 2,258 24 2,522 9,533 829 14,501 7,841 11,397 9,062 1,887 367 2,415 104 560 31 1,900 254 1,854 1,213 6,877 237 10,830 2,966 5,103 10,168 547 219 1,723 60 749 32 1,765 411 2,030 1.958 9,821 498 12,302 4.697 8,548 11,197 1,625 416 2,432 231 705 33 2,097 1,089 3,352 80 2,108 12,420 485 23,868 4,378 9,061 21,441 * 3,636 987 3,925 1,648 34 2,849 1,442 3,569 359 3,943 17,383 881 28,052 6,072 12,801 22,916 4,847 892 5,057 2,464 35 4,154 1,978 10,340 130 7,525 27,453 826 33,394 5,681 18,637 33,602 5,332 3,668 13,911 128 3,542 4,722 1,519 11,245 325 8,273 30,360 1,446 43,700 6,485 18,761 40,967 8,923 3,190 18,401 625 3,813 37 3,510 6,971 10,546 325 7,304 24,286 3,627 41,227 5,151 14,869 30,808 36,051 6,204 17,594 485 9,969 36 3,919 11,740 12,889 798 10,242 27,967 4,459 45,908 7,104 16,765 33,677 42,893 15,201 24,762 2,302 15,290 2,431 2,838 10,659 1,240 11,163 30,438 2,200 36,576 3,152 19,356 29,044 12,431 5,379 22,254 7,665 40 2,449 2,566 12,770 603 11,977 30,203 2,935 41,575 4,333 17,609 35,029 17,808 9,905 32,768 413 8,948 41 2,148 5,757 15,625 960 6,121 19,785 1,427 30,023 2,799 12,519 22,775 17,076 7,954 22,690 7,537 2,798 6,420 20,165 988 7,876 24,485 2,618 34,367 2,851 13,415 22,134 19,244 14,846 29,557 726 10,651 43 18,084 38,951 97,808 9,633 46,939 94,284 28,490 124,025 15,819 52,000 85,302 190,258 74,378 120,155 15,821 53,932 14,834 54,655 102,994 12,232 47,443 110,551 39,891 116,264 17,504 55,841 83,226 190,224 87,399 135,496 21,826 58,877 21,352 36,593 178,439 24,661 46,557 116,348 78,753 103,227 16,053 76,339 55,356 220,496 101,648 106,633 78,515 72,406 46 22,830 24,095 181,251 15,479 46,205 121,972 95,057 84,241 23,842 61,831 39,777 210,400 92,509 109,733 96,258 74,639 65,345 405,300 361,999 575,000 202,779 253,173 447,365 76,188 31,485 210,663 62,895 126,795 435,741 177,263 497,901 217,570 ti- 51,704 411,643 333,050 494,481 236,641 202,805 411,577 48,216 30,078 194,880 50,653 122,042 264,966 144,883 634,410 194,525 ts 22,968 28,348 188,275 29,138 61,782 87,753 104,157 57,506 20,987 70,409 34,214 96,054 64,176 64,677 133,746 73,002 50 175 301 896 89 353 971 307 1,579 267 773 1,478 1,459 569 866 318 469 51 196 370 917 85 495 1,384 424 2,056 417 1,148 1,652 1,570 693 1,060 375 609 52 14,366 75,326 59,532 20,555 30,674 68,005 110,731 182,870 7,364 39,713 134,783 481,354 142,210 86,928 232,634 76,860 53 17,014 83,709 57,762 17,848 40,000 62,893 137,660 197,072 7,834 49,803 131,808 464,582 172,919 99,286 207,378 148,162 54 10 14 1 6 4 17 11 10 18 21 2 3 1 5 55 23 4 13 15 20 11 39 43 38 37 13 7 4 56 23 33 5 20 12 62 53 48 40 62 4 5 4 22 57 61 18 30 49 87 35 104 143 205 132 23 14 17 58 52 6 42 2 23 90 6 143 83 140 190 53 2 24 13 Vi 73 6 35 1 48 176 23 272 174 313 197 52 9 17 2 14 BO 539 79 514 27 313 1,660 78 2,386 696 2,185 3,636 1,012 30 401 212 Bl 619 107 417 24 1,269 3,418 341 4,523 1,471 6,352 4,009 893 184 188 43 355 B! 13 3 26 12 61 1 93 29 42 148 9 3 11 1 10 BS 11 5 23 25 111 6 139 45 112 151 24 4 20 3 9 94 255 115 660 516 1,872 44 3,035 302 984 4,696 354 131 259 60 389 BS 252 163 448 1,340 3,674 320 4,501 455 2,659 5,210 1,109 172 538 131 476 96 8 11 29 1 13 85 4 193 36 75 210 43 12 28 17 SI 7 16 24 4 32 8 262 39 110 229 55 9 36 27 68 304 703 1,012 60 551 3,056 116 7,709 523 1,726 10,563 3,067 796 1,061 489 69 175 1,091 914 195 1,889 6,530 478 11,962 793 3,157 11,400 3,735 609 1,333 1,451 71) 15 15 69 1 44 145 7 204 26 100 246 45 29 80 1 21 71 14 12 73 3 51 206 10 307 24 133 312 73 26 116 4 29 72 474 1,464 2,839 27 2,021 6,746 387 11,913 458 2,779 17,326 3,978 . 2,527 4,252 67 1,445 73 644 1,080 3,486 235 3,242 10,134 663 19,909 266 3,918 20,704 7,194 2,426 5,918 345 2,468 74 9 41 58 2 26 101 14 194 17 69 167 225 51 83 3 51 75 9 71 68 5 56 135 25 259 25 77 198 266 93 123 11 95 76 289 5,302 3,117 182 1,404 5,576 973 14,676 284 2,579 15,618 29,629 5,539 5,946 396 3,490 77 523 8,719 3,601 583 3,914 7,587 2,345 21,938 471 2,845 18,059 35,419 10,506 9,091 1,230 9,252 76 5 13 44 5 40 93 8 142 5 63 129 61 26 87 31 ?'l 2 12 50 3 51 92 15 193 11 65 157 89 50 135 2 44 HI) 484 2,068 2,845 773 2,025 5,573 635 15,047 80 1,889 12,777 10,156 3,566 6,431 2,724 81 83 1,790 3,317 287 3,505 5,904 1,590 20,058 168 2,368 16,383 14,924 6,747 10,461 313 6,090 7 24 50 4 19 56 2 107 2 31 78 72 32 80 31 h.'! 4 25 69 3 28 79 9 134 2 40 88 80 62 100 2 44 84 964 4,138 3,180 737 1,152 3,780 304 13,658 56 1,332 10,427 1^,367 5,411 7,391 3,303 85 250 4,006 5,116 291 2,103 4,529 887 17,777 31 1,646 9,632 15,821 11,017 10,123 270 6,606 89 27 104 220 26 86 156 58 302 30 101 204 525 199 282 40 130 87 23 150 224 34 99 214 95 316 26 120 213 534 244 323 54 165 3,734 28,540 15,341 6,447 6,460 12,043 11,231 48,775 1,307 5,225 35,765 156,142 41,528 33,035 10,448 19,679 89 2,760 37,318 15,707 7,164 8,835 17,515 19,703 52,287 853 6,976 31,436 152,858 56,160 35,204 11,406 35,984 13 47 203 20 42 104 93 138 15 77 67 324 141 135 104 90 17 34 210 18 49 125 117 111 16 71 47 304 130 138 125 109 92 2,739 18,461 18,108 5,781 5,666 15,100 34,204 42,339 1,884 6,648 16,160 176,267 46,336 17,601 48,471 21,836 98 5,505 14,690 16,851 6,155 7,166 12,518 46,999 33,922 1,981 5,428 9,106 161,577 46,942 17,670 51,324 39,280 16 37 141 28 47 74 110 46 13 65 21 81 72 53 168 70 13 35 128 14 41 72 105 24 12 69 23 80 66 45 172 69 4,561 U.456 11,883 6,521 10,561 12,579 62,747 23,270 1,721 14,318 7,775 86,320 36,342 10,546 173,188 23,071 97 6,142 14,727 7,875 2,914 6,688 10,997 64,299 10,091 1,202 14,249 5,737 71,029 38,156 8,748 142,316 46,181 99 10 16 105 9 28 43 65 40 9 36 16 71 44 37 95 48 764 5,965 8,261 2,120 6,133 5,920 34,110 19,555 1,221 3,421 5,993 68,353 21,309 5,806 70,801 13,836 100 202 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres HO to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 250 to 259 acres ..... 260 to 499 acres 500 to 90S acres 1,000 or more acres. . . l.onoti. 1,990 s Land in latms: All land in rarms I'nder 10 acres 70 to 99 acres HO to 179 acres... 220 to 259 acres . . . 260 to 499 acres . . . 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres. 1,000 to 1,999 acre Cropland harvested: Any cropland haj ■ number 19r>9. 1954. .number 1959. number 1959. 1054 . number 1959 . 1951. . number 1959 . 1954 . . number 1959. 1954 •sted farms reportine 1 959 . . farms reportinc 1959 1904 acres 1959 1951. . farms reporting 1959 acres 1959. 1954. . farms reporting 1959 1954 1954. 1954 . 'arms reporting 1959 1954 . acres 1959 . .farms reportine 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. . farms reporting 1959. 1954 . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. . farms report inn 1959 496 1,619 6,497 12,352 2,114 3,121 2,368 2,873 2,194 4,595 2,819 3,135 2,594 995 2,148 721 8,809 5,940 19,390 7,923 126,475 69,187 22,444 667,255 690,046 1,829 5,676 16,040 24,406 9,882 12,809 15,797 17,984 20,329 21,556 17,502 17,921 16,330 21,372 16,075 12,703 74,817 81,231 89,723 101,261 388,931 373,127 120,963 1,155 1,505 86,664 113,079 463 1,523 13,985 24,642 8,584 15,843 10,691 20,529 19,020 29,036 11,899 18,897 12,913 20,774 12,172 15,670 34,910 49,185 44,170 50,171 124,957 120,165 33,462 1,003 2,008 20,309 36,639 244 8,363 6,646 29,615 33,242 595,414 847,656 71,905 159 170 1,523 1,297 1,112 1,375 4,231 17,621 27,929 22,964 27,148 20,468 30,514 134,607 135,731 110,148 100,544 189,617 184,077 68,381 1,067 1,246 241,434 276,977 61 211 1,413 3,204 1,915 3,852 4,010 6,498 7,175 10,766 6,827 11,373 9,710 9,948 7,404 10,541 39,125 44,305 74,706 63,655 213,091 199,137 67,062 585 1,806 1,181 2,150 12,704 23,747 40,345 54,177 477,759 493,497 67,472 1,105 ... 2,560 115 38 1 60 2 2,168 48 3,578 139 24 8 40 1C 1,587 41 fl 3,433 -,\ 31 1 31 6 1,911 Tlfl 2,226 681 19 5 23 6 1,605 538 1,771 599 i - 32 61 56 7,269 3 (3d 5,972 1C 433 61 •>] 40 67 7,487 12 081 4,470 18 262 37 86 37 M ■ ,421 36 112 , |8a7 41 021 274 895 9,396 15,250 8,957 12,457 15,689 21,859 24,718 32,719 24,168 29,553 22,580 27,030 19,080 19,574 69,396 72,452 80,737 66,001 98,740 86,806 51,418 1,465 24,734 53,379 4,176 28 2,133 TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 203 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irion Jack Jackaon Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 2,151 1,305 603 2,030 1,610 521 124 2,245 121 119 577 946 963 80 724 89 2,653 1,269 803 2,507 2,438 642 178 2,737 171 126 843 1,074 1,616 101 1,038 129 2 56 63 19 63 38 19 1 61 4 11 45 72 2 145 3 69 48 91 134 168 25 7 122 26 "s 45 94 277 3. 419 5 4 166 86 65 286 380 17 1 291 6 11 13 116 509 4 162 1 288 69 98 462 674 20 3 386 4 16 51 158 867 16 223 11 6 129 13 45 244 160 12 178 1 3 10 58 92 1 33 1 7 167 11 51 294 266 12 5 234 1 26 78 135 1 28 5 8 212 24 57 250 176 13 9 277 2 2 37 82 87 3 30 5 9 303 40 78 376 251 22 10 364 5 45 102 104 3 20 5 10 284 31 77 285 169 12 4 365 2 40 107 66 2 38 2 11 481 30 97 387 259 24 5 471 5 1 56 145 85 3 33 3 12 267 243 71 230 137 36 8 228 2 4 38 94 38 2 26 2 13 369 268 74 238 179 70 24 305 3 3 76 108 42 23 5 H 230 48 43 162 94 10 3 185 2 6 32 67 21 1 30 279 53 58 157 138 31 10 236 1 4 59 64 28 2 30 7 16 152 49 31 103 63 24 4 144 2 3 21 62 8 1 25 2 17 194 48 36 99 75 34 3 157 4 2 41 57 17 3 23 4 18 456 436 99 263 179 181 20 342 8 6 135 141 24 1 67 15 384 425 131 235 224 210 38 321 21 8 167 117 22 5 81 15 20 157 251 60 103 127 107 16 142 26 2 116 84 16 2 85 12 21 97 238 52 90 125 98 23 114 30 2 148 79 16 3 76 17 22 42 61 36 41 87 90 58 32 68 80 124 90 30 61 83 49 23 22 39 37 35 79 92 50 27 77 76 129 72 23 62 82 52 24 37 49 19 27 54 41 3 26 26 12 61 41 16 1 48 11 25 518,615 588,228 238,591 417,407 484,516 471,747 2,057,973 467,375 387,860 808,110 511,688 561,188 153,326 1,821,701 422,292 829,398 26 490,031 543,269 262,173 414,997 517,844 566,714 1,891,401 494,506 536,216 777,985 584,681 419,880 128,686 1,925,664 433,186 800,349 27 164 325 79 258 172 69 3 264 7 27 140 316 10 530 28 294 221 343 600 782 119 7 501 78 31 160 388 1,369 4 1,579 11 29 4,766 1,447 1,933 8,604 10,267 378 13 8,780 108 247 288 2,996 12,090 85 3,607 30 30 7,972 1,485 2,631 13,893 18,517 494 95 11,051 125 300 1,405 4,026 19,944 409 4,624 341 31 7,381 728 2,567 14,204 9,211 685 10,410 50 ISO 623 3,358 5,218 56 1,916 63 IS 9,851 660 2,931 17,075 15,136 691 292 13,735 55 1,541 4,588 7,662 65 1,620 294 33 17,740 1,945 4,866 20,702 14,638 1,055 790 22,880 145 147 3,016 6,794 7,135 226 2,503 431 34 25,296 3,326 6,566 31,093 20,863 1,806 885 30,337 394 3,749 8,397 8,515 224 1,617 444 35 33,254 3,732 8,922 32,588 19,410 1,410 458 42,301 241 4,551 12,286 7,673 258 4,452 243 36 56,396 3,715 11,116 44,702 29,698 2,796 591 54,825 552 120 6,469 16,722 9,678 371- 3,810 317 37 42,303 41,151 11,194 36,400 21,492 5,710 1,335 35,848 320 604 6,044 14,713 5,972 305 4,182 301 38 58,080 45,658 11,838 37,673 28,251 11,100 4,061 47,694 480 458 12,224 16,944 6,645 3,605 801 39 45,553 9,328 8,494 32,178 18,787 2,001 630 36,842 400 1,193 6,385 13,289 4,108 200 5,877 40 55,397 10,247 11,525 31,164 27,371 6,051 1,966 46,832 192 826 11,625 12,718 5,592 400 5,918 1,330 41 36,239 11,809 7,310 24,709 15,062 5,682 984 34,468 476 713 4,957 14,929 1,838 240 6,091 460 42 46,144 11,672 8,680 23,595 17,951 8,027 718 37, 143 913 489 9,728 13,547 4,051 699 5,494 974 160,731 156,8a 34,238 90,938 62,796 66,728 7,217 119,060 3,071 2,196 48,059 49,608 8,512 304 23,952 4,865 1 1 129,985 151,121 46,282 81,427 79,742 74,537 13,778 111,085 7,662 2,948 62,413 41,712 7,554 1,905 28,207 5,461 104,678 165,377 39,430 69,421 90,869 76,136 12,697 95,094 18,362 1,329 81,137 56,102 11,277 1,200 60,706 9,150 "- 63,256 158,447 34,273 61,778 85,215 68,735 16,255 77,876 21,682 1,247 104,455 53,983 11,395 2,388 51,837 11,243 47 65,806 195,525 119,558 87,405 221,812 311,893 2,033,846 61,428 364,921 801,260 356,601 386,973 89,195 1,818,817 308,476 813,855 37,360 156,717 125,988 71,997 194,318 392,358 1,852,753 63,427 504,532 771,117 370,912 246,855 46,281 1,91$, 199 324,875 779,133 50,114 62,103 27,883 36, 911 71,337 54,487 4,362 32,890 36,298 17,289 83,858 54,626 20,701 1,280 65,512 13,635 Ml 1,749 1,252 342 1,252 1,015 441 75 1,677 87 32 174 655 512 26 432 44 51 2,308 1,197 475 1,706 1,733 565 128 2,271 116 40 385 695 724 29 396 74 52 247,105 409,237 22,957 53,083 48,992 136,645 14,625 158,521 56,386 2,361 10,011 86,422 6,413 2,328 66,541 7,217 58 259,066 383,096 36,117 77,257 79,948 160,253 24,187 192,872 72,340 2,797 25,385 77,514 7,718 2,973 88,667 6,843 54 10 32 1 9 10 9 2 6 20 2 27 :.:, 13 12 7 22 75 21 2 2 2 10 94 48 58 43 174 2 38 54 13 39 2 26 54 5 79 57 50 57 15 85 274 20 86 6 9 6 20 276 68 r.h 87 72 18 118 247 5 151 6 3 58 269 3 71 VJ 174 43 27 243 506 8 3 246 6 13 67 392 8 52 6 80 1,773 1,149 252 1,345 3,458 88 13 2,853 92 36 908 1,437 13 920 61 3,588 838 399 3,698 7,609 171 66 4,891 54 232 1,208 2,611 58 574 83 62 85 10 15 138 105 5 120 1 2 38 47 1 27 63 133 9 26 196 188 10 "2, 181 1 5 51 61 1 8 2 84 2,704 375 340 2,811 2,056 116 3,597 13 52 1,084 489 10 1,165 65 5,375 488 605 3,847 4,662 356 '79 6,372 23 90 1,663 707 15 273 50 66 157 24 29 135 104 9 9 198 1 2 8 65 55 2 20 2 67 264 39 37 250 186 22 10 306 4 15 83 54 1 11 1 68 7,945 1,744 694 3,311 2,551 408 524 7,841 18 68 260 3,390 529 11 984 54 69 15,543 2,824 1,085 7,242 5,584 1,447 467 14,375 86 247 3,976 677 1 489 14 70 238 30 52 167 103 9 4 285 11 82 38 1 22 1 71 451 29 69 290 183 22 5 429 1 1 22 115 39 1 26 2 72 17,282 2,992 1,787 4,676 3,036 706 320 15,321 281 5,955 790 3 2,171 63 73 36,520 3,091 3,215 10,484 7,077 1,966 414 27,435 '30 1 831 7,648 653 40 2,370 139 74 225 243 168 84 35 8 176 1 2 8 70 25 2 21 1 75 353 268 52 200 129 68 23 285 1 1 36 82 21 12 4 76 22,209 36,521 2,132 6,136 2,654 4,176 439 12,677 116 208 182 6,248 779 88 1,911 80 77 37,257 39,305 2,632 9,204 5,601 8,462 1,849 22,317 90 73 1,678 6,844 515 1,434 230 78 209 47 32 120 57 9 3 156 3 11 56 14 1 20 79 269 52 51 129 98 31 9 222 1 1 34 53 17 20 80 25,833 8,175 1,233 4,867 1,936 1,274 270 14,394 46 606 5,918 411 14 2,931 81 34,034 8,987 3,485 6,433 4,460 4,896 935 21,984 123 50 1,524 4,820 416 3,408 189 82 143 49 21 78 39 22 4 122 2 1 6 52 3 21 1 83 189 48 80 55 32 3 147 2 1 21 44 12 3 20 2 84 22,252 10,600 1,315 3,713 1,618 4,025 271 12,463 365 6 235 6,881 129 3,810 35 85 28,990 10,455 2,546 4,969 2,864 5,935 438 16,474 250 50 1,026 4,790 513 200 4,199 115 86 422 435 63 202 113 175 19 308 5 3 43 103 18 54 7 87 361 424 102 195 157 204 36 301 17 4 83 87 12 3 66 10 88 84,998 137,717 4,973 12,137 7,175 42,998 3,501 47,567 811 581 1,965 18,317 658 10,142 434 89 69,762 130,647 8,928 15,607 11,562 53,378 7,013 44,496 3,176 270 4,661 14,833 388 316 17,786 689 BO 136 251 42 84 84 94 16 124 20 1 37 63 7 72 7 91 86 238 47 70 97 90 20 108 25 1 76 55 U 2 65 12 92 47,243 143,201 4,007 8,512 6,814 37,761 4,002 30,043 6,676 25 2,012 16,871 425 18,206 798 93 23,867 138,125 5,945 7,995 12,368 36,575 6,399 24,760 9,829 20 5,750 11,659 473 966 26,084 1,610 94 37 59 23 33 69 73 11 28 56 13 45 62 16 14 77 25 95 15 35 27 31 59 74 15 25 67 18 78 48 11 10 68 31 96 14,823 66,589 6,222 5,537 17,640 45,080 5,285 11,726 48,398 1,322 4,382 20,824 712 2,179 24,222 5,753 07 4,080 48,279 7,262 . 17,887 47,047 6,527 9,682 58,836 2,161 9,340 20,053 489 1,377 31,982 3,724 08 33 48 11 22 40 36 3 24 25 3 23 31 9 44 7 99 13,893 47,635 1,146 3,643 5,158 22,328 1,922 9,529 14,965 271 1,506 8,712 460 12,842 1,601 inn 204 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND ? and explanatio All farms number 1 I'nder 10 acres number 1 10 to 49 acres nu 50 to 69 acres number 1 100 to 139 acr 140 to 179 acr 180 to 219 acr 220 to 259 acr 260 to 499 acr 500 to 999 acn 1,000 or more I 1,000 to 1,9! Land in farms: All land n Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 1.19 -icrc 140 to 179 acn 180 to 219 acn 220 to 259 acn 260 to 499 acn 500 to 999 acn 1,000 or more : number 1 . number 1 . number 1 . number 1 . number 1 . number 1 nuinlHT | Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting 1 63 139 2,076 1,779 2,590 2,556 4,151 3,877 6,694 8,317 7,892 11,846 9,094 8,508 10,285 8,826 47,164 41,351 72,616 68,055 391,867 351,654 70,470 564 256 923 9,072 11,701 10,650 13,460 17,288 23,906 33,178 39,919 30,201 41,271 30,270 33,496 26,393 24,398 105, 968 99,613 61,244 55,296 97,807 82,273 28 ,809 1,166 1,492 119,102 131,905 1,660 2,226 1,736 1,763 4,507 4,950 9,078 13,297 24,865 33,669 14,719 28,294 20,985 25,923 131,198 148,355 119,033 104,170 441,933 433,124 68,199 1,045 1,265 232,011 .'■•.,■■' 2,563 5,172 2,763 4,935 6,719 11,143 17,030 27,024 20,103 30,429 24,674 28,650 17,411 23,683 85,744 99,010 91,083 82,126 167,999 156,157 61,123 176 492 5,047 8,671 8,264 11,647 16,777 20,696 26,071 38,428 20,860 28,284 25,271 29,935 18,941 26,425 86,235 91,949 91,158 77,601 167,755 120,354 55,947 1,593 109,550 158,312 97 282 1,911 2,561 1,415 1,431 1,703 1,948 3,437 3,921 5,847 6,186 7,744 9,273 6,729 7,657 49,383 51,791 68,461 78,546 215,491 207,592 85,324 2,024 2,908 4,691 2,399 3,166 3,371 4,264 25,070 25,606 34,169 32,808 332,488 327,757 30,501 205 410 1,112 1,776 2,348 2,142 3,750 5,238 6,352 3,365 4,298 3,577 4,801 26,297 31,184 68,627 60,683 634,286 599,992 68,991 1,568 1,445 3,530 1,472 12 14 16 13 1,247 484 2,081 611 10,633 3,774 13,977 3,402 46 50 42 40 9,393 3,801 9,679 2,846 33 68 32 67 ,' 6,261 9,496 5,252 TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 205 King Klnne y Kleberg Kno, Lamar U*. Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee Leo, Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 65 9 3 246 663 2,088 1,636 780 228 2,880 1,347 1,389 1,189 1,415 365 586 461 1 79 9 5 281 837 2,529 1,787 827 282 3,294 1,554 1,739 1,361 2,128 422 767 481 2 1 17 17 115 57 38 1 104 35 83 101 41 3 17 13 3 11 33 59 186 75 68 10 219 87 97 265 119 20 40 35 4 1 40 25 398 96 64 7 468 190 256 366 190 16 32 26 5 1 30 52 575 1 32 53 12 496 213 453 502 430 17 66 31 e °2 1 13 16 180 8 17 362 91 88 101 108 3 19 10 7 1 L 10 18 233 16 12 6 487 112 129 124 159 6 36 9 8 3 14 30 218 61 20 3 495 112 109 106 123 1 31 11 5 24 37 295 75 25 8 676 144 160 77 186 4 49 9 10 36 256 51 45 8 556 171 146 113 180 2 46 14 11 3 L 21 50 312 66 53 9 573 254 191 109 253 5 75 15 12 1 L 22 94 161 371 56 10 272 151 128 52 113 7 40 21 13 2 2 27 118 208 435 74 19 279 185 139 43 219 9 68 27 1 12 60 143 88 51 5 180 133 - 97 51 97 7 41 22 2 L 21 75 169 123 47 14 153 127 105 38 165 62 18 16 1 15 42 99 84 33 2 98 106 49 27 79 24 25 17 16 64 106 105 47 5 95 89 61 20 113 4 47 19 21 5 48 188 298 534 180 206 243 181 86 276 61 123 75 19 7 55 211 264 548 199 42 183 239 164 61 297 74 136 82 20 19 33 94 155 239 155 47 74 75 135 75 137 113 99 89 21 19 25 82 124 199 148 50 79 71 129 47 125 136 107 101 22 17 a 3 22 61 65 47 121 97 65 40 117 109 71 152 114 155 23 17 7 5 19 71 57 43 101 107 54 33 111 75 62 143 99 135 7 1 3 12 28 49 32 79 25 44 29 81 54 46 60 63 78 25 563,420 751, 29 5 947,441 464,444 496,627 637,481 493,636 954,578 541,502 325,745 530,379 532,575 427,060 577,809 534,081 549,108 26 494,235 702, ! 918,606 576,954 471,792 659,138 440,339 827,131 563,147 324,187 •535,078 350,396 463,992 629,406 605,005 516,473 27 S 59 63 483 204 118 2 364 142 250 391 135 3 68 42 28 29 1 > 107 243 899 276 288 32 901 408 508 1,301 603 53 190 125 29 4 2 1,177 604 10,863 1,789 1,426 238 14,124 5,348 6,820 9,730 5,108 191 859 577 30 3 3 799 1,282 15,702 2,147 1,232 290 15,094 5,741 12,675 12,564 11,081 364 2,016 810 31 5 3 766 941 10,484 468 1,023 234 21,289 5,237 5,084 5,766 6,234 174 1,141 564 32 55 5 3 601 1,004 13,447 878 691 322 28,782 6,519 7,553 6,971 9,258 366 2,058 519 33 249 1,131 2,467 18,184 5,142 1,673 242 41,274 9,332 8,977 8,775 10,220 80 2,598 931 34 403 1,977 3,146 24,572 6,436 2,125 689 56,401 12,015 13,436 6,284 15,606 328 4,037 730 35 1,117 4,282 29,740 5,912 5,077 917 64,306 19,998 16, 982 12,602 20,334 251 5,238 1,659 36 345 .^ 3 2,406 5,901 36,465 7,789 5,936 1,003 66,022 29,459 21,984 12,366 29,260 559 8,349 1,715 37 170 '- ) 3,492 15,065 25,362 61,275 8,960 1,590 42,891 23,786 20,543 8,010 18,069 1,138 6,387 3,278 as 328 : ) 4,200 18,804 32,646 72,287 11,860 3,062 43,795 29,445 21,862 6,897 34,353 1,443 10,818 4,290 39 205 ' 2,324 11,865 28,554 17,214 10,106 994 35,713 26,477 19,081 10,088 19,293 1,388 6,151 4,390 40 392 ) 4,159 14,886 33,677 24,019 9,317 2,833 30,050 25,435 20,845 7,600 32,489 760 12,272 3,537 41 259 3,658 10,015 23,674 20,262 7,994 440 23,432 25,181 11,813 6,479 19,111 5,677 5,893 3,861 15,266 25,199 25,195 11,255 1,204 22,565 21,225 14,400 4,764 27,013 970 11,154 4,571 43 7,112 2, LI 3 17,465 68,187 103,207 190,337 66,700 15,712 71,522 86,134 64,738 30,679 98,170 22,408 43,358 27,265 6,312 2, 0 L 19,687 74,907 90,244 194,302 72,218 15,521 62,781 83,193 59,818 22,300 104,843 26,842 48,779 30,535 45 12,665 2, 2 21,477 63,291 108,962 159,889 110,441 34,506 49,972 49,841 94,360 52,879 94,489 82,642 68,459 62,521 46 13,273 3, 4 ! 17,170 55,364 83,871 129,716 102,059 38,512 55,238 47,126 89,014 32,608 81,945 100,925 72,160 69,763 542,635 746, " 1 894,775 287,664 137,114 174,989 280,118 899,703 176,615 74,269 281,731 386,976 135,897 469,534 392,145 441,988 48 473,098 695, >3 ? 863,641 386,151 115,070 196,093 223,358 763,663 181,518 63,621 272,983 236,741 117,541 496,796 433,170 399,878 4!) 9,743 17, 7 16,706 36,285 66,364 42,602 106,499 34,666 60,020 38,833 111,4% 72,264 60,417 107,899 87,957 109,250 50 57 2 3 169 612 1,415 1,571 452 110 2,318 941 769 626 850 312 449 104 51 60 2 195 745 1,956 1,687 425 175 2,746 1,143 1,366 688 1,686 368 575 88 52 12,052 2, . 44,717 148,470 115,001 429,415 36,499 16,386 108,342 46,143 29,391 46,263 85,570 124,446 72,848 4,975 15,479 2, '7 L 32,907 175,667 147,744 419,812 34,527 35,781 124,242 52,604 47,594 55,709 157,205 137,078 80,904 4,090 54 3 6 30 20 3 23 9 12 21 6 55 1 4 17 57 16 7 2 64 20 38 58 42 4 8 1 3 23 94 92 9 73 23 51 68 19 16 57 "5 21 188 62 25 "9 196 59 184 151 166 'ii 38 i 20 13 208 80 16 4 314 102 172 160 89 1 12 5 59 23 29 411 82 12 3 363 131 374 240 312 10 40 8 60 401 225 3,607 1,276 167 66 5,204 1,654 2,413 1,464 1,701 13 225 46 61 423 603 7,480 1,469 201 56 6,564 1,794 6,798 2,379 6,006 170 911 182 62 1 L 7 11 109 6 8 302 49 58 52 1 11 63 1 L 5 12 177 13 2 4 444 81 102 72 114 2 23 2 64 44 1 3 305 388 2,800 278 274 61 9,509 1,220 1,085 930 1,267 29 461 65 45 1 157 515 5,473 542 45 51 15,441 1,834 2,601 1,575 3,943 34 878 70 66 2 11 27 142 60 5 1 444 77 67 60 64 1 25 3 5 16 32 220 72 11 5 629 99 122 43 144 2 38 3 68 61 612 1,721 5,176 4,408 228 60 18,545 2,344 1,214 1,558 2,019 50 1,120 177 69 ao 975 2,068 9,729 4,991 325 224 27,527 3,463 3,640 1,100 7,017 14 1,699 123 70 5 35 171 49 20 6 484 121 73 77 111 2 37 5 71 2 15 47 265 63 25 4 536 188 138 78 221 3 61 3 72 387 3,130 8,473 4,831 776 451 25,308 4,869 1,769 3,483 5,390 240 2,497 116 73 107 838 4,477 16,096 6,178 1,095 209 27,960 7,767 3,936 2,772 14,998 204 3,902 158 74 1 18 92 120 369 32 6 253 116 70 35 69 4 29 2 22 118 172 433 41 10 256 155 102 34 194 6 60 7 76 74 2,011 11,576 7,565 52,492 1,428 367 15,869 5,277 2,194 1,870 4,867 364 2,258 141 77 146 1,810 14,448 12,445 60,731 1,963 954 14,715 6,359 3,714 2,152 17,076 436 5,835 433 76 1 9 59 13.3 88 24 2 152 105 54 27 59 6 39 7 79 2 15 74 153 119 26 10 133 112 69 23 144 2 49 4 80 101 998 9,045 6,961 14,633 1,273 20 10,240 6,031 1,334 1,428 4,841 800 4,356 381 81 303 1,388 11,736 13,951 19,073 1,825 1,080 7,632 6,371 2,752 1,242 14,837 85 4,365 330 82 1 42 80 82 20 1 83 84 27 17 59 19 5 83 14 64 92 105 28 5 83 75 40 10 101 40 5 84 '84 1,623 7,701 6,346 16,817 1,470 12 5,989 5,458 1,252 1,392 6,332 2,721 210 85 1,642 11,320 9,510 21,012 1,542 719 5,106 4,394 1,382 660 11,869 185 4,585 99 86 20 40 185 250 533 132 20 174 203 91 55 200 50 105 20 87 16 43 207 238 546 130 33 155 213 111 45 260 68 118 16 88 3,427 5 8,503 46,786 29,208 157,199 9,816 2,295 11,290 13,897 3,974 5,514 26,959 9,513 17,276 925 69 2,792 2 8,485 51,349 28,972 162,770 11,463 5,049 8,089 15,607 5,979 7,168 42,139 13,636 19,082 979 90 28 91 135 238 115 23 48 55 74 41 97 109 81 20 19 25 81 116 198 91 37 57 48 89 29 102 133 76 18 92 5,488 ex 10,005 37,887 26,227 126,186 11,270 2,247 2,903 3,762 5,231 6,489 19,485 40,044 16,960 1,029 93 6,984 7,362 33,673 24,958 106,652 9,102 5,819 2,959 3,073 5,625 6,201 21,478 46,525 18,163 829 94 12 1 16 51 57 46 77 43 41 20 71 81 52 138 87 32 95 12 1 13 64 55 40 52 62 26 21 81 56 52 132 62 21 96 2,774 2, K 19,869 29,988 18,544 51,203 9,788 10,807 3,412 1,608 8,874 22,067 12,690 73,393 24,958 1,948 97 4,887 2, ~ 9,806 45,423 18,942 36,332 6,941 21,611 8,053 1,863 10,983 30,309 17,676 75,776 21,446 886 6 8 27 44 32 54 10 27 13 47 41 30 77 49 18 99 1,671 5 6,117 15,691 11,844 28,633 6,762 2,463 1,521 634 3,188 8,968 6,497 38,501 12,696 827 100 206 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND All farms, . I'nder 10 acres. 10 to 49 acres . 50 to 69 acres . 100 lo 139 acre: 140 to 179 acre: 180 CO 219 acre: 220 lo 259 acre: 260 lo 499 acre 500 to 999 acre 1,000 or more ac 1,000 lo 1,999 acres Land in farms: All] and i n farms 100 to 139 icros . . 140 lo 179 acres . . 3 219 acres . . 220 lo 259 acres . , 260 lo 499 acres . . 500 to 999 acres . . 1,000 or more acres 1.000 to 1,999 ac Cropland harvested: Any cropland h istfid farms reporting 1 304 597 2,517 2,832 1,095 1,535 5,501 6,616 8,310 12,046 51,466 71,905 17,462 21,936 25,078 29,490 205,372 219, 598 163,877 128,505 172,320 108,141 62,144 1,656 1,870 479,242 478,202 1,416 1,085 1,528 1,693 15,571 28,181 8,265 12,434 11,776 15,327 139,810 159,682 162,486 162,651 227,559 204,023 82,243 1,106 389,917 ■• 6,872 1,172 1,249 3,175 4,969 9,179 12,065 6,856 9,025 6,836 10,118 64,010 80,789 80,238 75,438 487,599 471,819 95,842 609 2,094 10,410 19,847 11,820 16,313 23,602 34,538 37,338 53,671 37,386 50,746 38,066 43,836 31,320 33,910 118,613 128,044 101,201 101,041 162,172 132,973 73,010 1,842 2,693 244,523 . ,! ■ 246 478 6,824 8,650 15,748 17,533 499,546 529,749 29,104 423 4,605 6,825 4,153 6,662 8,414 9,689 12,062 15,462 14,858 15,611 8,494 10,676 10,484 11,906 38,843 43,788 46,734 44,525 154,445 127,115 50,507 129 490 2,835 7,027 2,791 4,814 4,588 6,038 4,570 6,253 4,933 5,444 2,934 3,180 2,184 5,794 8,809 10,900 6,728 9,827 31,747 32,020 5,755 8,159 12,897 3,401 5,761 4,263 5,305 54,818 69,822 79, 362 79,151 187,234 291 , 949 50,741 TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 207 Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery MOO. Morris Motley Nacog- doches Navarro Newton 1,037 164 1,206 275 222 2,002 767 617 1,121 1,097 a2 556 328 1,666 1,911 688 1 1,220 271 1,546 325 287 2,659 C93 819 1,520 1,416 247 670 386 2,336 2,520 1,026 1 65 7 26 5 19 72 20 11 38 117 12 43 9 124 72 100 3 135 30 124 20 20 157 52 33 125 298 26 76 20 274 131 199 4 218 41 162 14 17 312 31 25 80 370 7 143 18 391 238 374 290 83 297 19 26 559 34 41 138 477 6 184 17 645 439 570 e 69 9 54 10 1 151 11 15 39 85 62 6 147 149 61 7 83 12 57 7 8 242 9 18 71 120 93 222 185 89 8 91 13 55 8 5 203 26 31 102 92 1 73 6 204 166 36 9 105 20 89 12 12 303 32 39 146 90 3 77 13 284 251 44 10 ••■ 7 93 11 10 320 42 33 98 90 4 64 11 222 251 32 11 90 20 96 9 17 408 75 55 148 115 4 78 15 255 327 44 12 61 8 82 13 a 202 84 67 ia 64 4 46 20 130 171 a 13 72 8 110 18 31 294 106 143 162 54 5 45 29 184 235 20 14 43 1 57 8 6 166 61 34 85 37 28 15 88 147 10 15 51 8 73 13 6 170 63 65 116 50 1 34 20 104 218 16 55 4 57 7 7 110 53 32 57 28 18 17 75 114 37 7 76 11 14 99 59 65 100 25 1 16 23 73 141 9 133 12 242 25 45 282 192 187 239 88 18 46 72 163 330 13 19 154 19 247 34 76 266 211 a7 261 81 31 36 105 183 379 22 20 94 24 186 41 38 114 144 106 155 58 61 23 76 85 17i 13 21 93 a 193 40 29 98 163 80 157 48 59 19 68 76 138 11 ss 112 38 192 133 53 70 103 76 107 68 105 10 78 37 102 22 23 110 43 184 142 48 63 89 63 96 58 111 12 72 36 76 13 24 52 8 116 46 14 47 75 39 73 34 49 * 37 26 76 13 25 727,574 621,072 725,925 576,953 1,439,663 468,358 424,393 693,477 509,167 361,323 475,983 134,374 532,747 341,883 555,370 114,537 26 592, 588 718,969 733,471 604,043 1,551,401 493,749 424,443 552,658 514,477 331,194 475,894 138,359 851,826 334,974 561,260 81,730 27 286 38 114 18 87 234 62 35 128 458 31 134 50 489 a4 440 28 663 154 517 76 92 705 172 138 481 1,298 55 343 96 1,333 554 989 29 5,705 1,086 3,972 379 394 8,304 741 603 2,186 8,760 151 4,072 359 10,394 6,589 8,270 30 7,471 1,986 7,159 485 609 15,380 889 1,055 3,574 11,682 118 5,034 370 17,067 11,676 12,150 31 4,015 512 3,190 572 50 8,710 619 866 2,228 4,822 3,633 336 8,524 8,610 3,441 Si 4,807 688 3,233 385 460 13,826 540 1,082 4,043 6,859 5,333 231 12,757 10,709 4,988 33 7,533 1,065 4,589 670 414 16,898 2,169 2,528 8,455 7,650 80 6,115 516 16,963 13,977 2,852 34 8,649 1,675 7,308 977 1,027 25,193 2,640 3,243 11,965 7,486 242 6,480 1,102 23,601 20,941 3,604 35 11,108 834 10,727 1,246 1,229 36,578 4,997 3,886 11,316 10,401 438 7,337 1,322 25,569 29,339 3,614 36 10,409 2,338 11,144 1,031 2,047 46,397 8,638 6,487 17,056 13,059 452 8,996 1,764 29,356 38,156 4,968 37 9,730 1,236 12,944 2,118 3,355 32,051 13,308 10,636 19,176 10,151 635 7,319 3,195 20,194 26,743 3,364 .18 11,411 1,309 18,024 2,852 4,995 46,279 16,964 22,723 25,601 8,545 794 7,154 4,596 28,639 37,035 3,132 89 8,448 200 11,425 1,566 1,205 32,962 12,108 6,774 16,950 7,248 5,588 2,941 17,425 29,381 2,006 40 9,934 1,569 14,663 2,509 1,200 33,924 12,614 12,737 22,795 9,843 as 6,695 4,047 20,535 43,010 1,019 41 13,236 930 13,731 1,673 1,661 26,155 12,715 7,655 13,504 6,558 4,279 4,003 18,047 27,139 1,399 42 8,943 1,689 18, 292 2,625 3,266 23,566 14,283 15,558 23,740 5,778 232 3,827 5,460 17,490 33,676 2,130 43 48,338 4,687 87,497 8,616 16,202 99,767 70,013 67,294 87,758 30,905 6,339 16,340 25,979 55,837 117,291 5,182 44 54,466 6,809 88,725 11,189 26,824 91,196 75,956 77,560 91,866 29, 365 11,279 12,909 37,743 62,365 132,600 8,055 45 68,730 17,564 131,553 31,435 26,733 78,159 99,647 73,617 109,365 40,252 44,591 15,946 52,954 58,149 115,654 9,343 46 66,981 15,249 130,730 29,960 19,474 67,170 109,129 56,545 108,124 33,764 42,842 11,796 48,440 50,260 94,823 7,773 47 550,445 592,920 446,183 528,660 1,388,333 128,540 208,014 519,583 238,101 234,118 423,718 63,611 441,092 110,292 180,433 74,626 48 408,854 685,503 433,676 551,954 1,491,407 130,113 182,618 355,530 205,232 203,515 419,662 69,792 747,977 71,571 138,080 32,922 49 71,633 11,269 159,437 64,066 19,444 65,331 99,897 54,286 97,999 44,2a 71,106 5,254 53,316 34,469 104,227 17,666 50 777 97 814 108 168 1,379 459 534 557 366 186 318 280 792 1,260 331 51 883 191 828 83 229 2,004 479 698 778 508 204 386 342 1,276 2,032 498 52 95,744 16,681 103,268 6,425 41,611 135,492 32,108 96,764 32,848 7,335 145,991 7,961 60,322 17,512 143,389 3,328 53 95,554 23,913 72,353 3,804 47,935 152,749 34,637 111,166 42,019 8,728 158, ia 11,467 82,714 25,029 206,383 5,408 54 19 3 2 3 9 1 2 10 13 1 12 8 22 8 29 Si 56 16 10 2 5 30 2 4 16 60 25 12 66 28 64 56 75 7 10 10 36 1 11 30 33 1 32 39 58 21 81 :.: a3 74 43 5 14 117 8 12 30 152 8 79 42 212 128 201 58 144 27 80 7 10 170 8 15 27 106 5 80 12 167 110 184 19 205 69 117 8 14 361 6 14 35 155 2 109 9 362 293 283 60 2,455 496 1,208 118 201 3,268 108 280 285 722 74 807 228 1,058 2,237 985 61 3,502 997 1,663 109 282 7,694 79 200 302 1,166 30 1,204 156 3,657 6,346 1,747 62 50 8 33 6 1 90 6 13 17 29 41 4 62 76 34 63 67 8 29 2 8 189 2 15 26 41 55 3 126 137 46 ll ! 1,935 222 986 87 20 2,868 201 570 242 277 444 182 557 2,283 280 65 2,334 325 842 30 287 6,855 22 594 578 527 727 131 1,560 4,836 406 ie 74 7 39 6 5 145 8 23 39 28 44 3 99 100 20 67 84 19 53 2 11 247 16 35 64 36 2 47 12 158 204 29 111 3,343 244 1,753 150 336 6,107 168 1,118 727 276 526 113 1,512 3,864 271 69 4,270 1,112 2,352 110 595 12,312 6a 2,014 1,423 503 147 542 708 2,012 10,590 262 70 73 6 68 6 9 228 24 27 41 32 3 42 9 94 157 14 71 75 17 61 4 13 349 40 44 68 56 2 56 14 148 293 27 72 5,686 346 4,917 159 901 14,182 1,019 1,701 1,350 422 260 472 570 1,475 8,690 114 73 5,335 1,257 3,423 142 861 22,270 1,995 3,062 1,792 1,010 227 1,204 ' 1,134 3,076 20,251 372 74 54 6 51 8 a 153 54 60 62 25 4 27 18 67 125 16 75 62 4 68 9 30 243 71 136 98 23 5 20 28 114 213 9 76 5,608 507 4,499 209 1,742 12,979 2,297 5,075 2,039 608 390 397 1,725 1,327 8,359 410 n 6,103 547 5,693 441 3,093 19,868 3,185 13,601 3,038 381 727 367 2,822 2,268 18,990 148 n 34 1 40 5 6 132 38 32 41 18 13 15 54 106 5 n 41 4 52 7 6 133 32 62 65 26 1 20 20 59 199 1 so 4,273 56 4,626 366 747 10,808 2,596 3,769 1,432 481 411 1,654 1,252 9,349 104 M 4,453 521 5,401 283 780 11,180 2,125 7,293 2,623 758 75 846 2,561 1,523 19,291 8 82 51 3 46 5 7 84 38 30 32 15 11 17 53 86 3 51 30 7 56 7 14 82 35 59 64 12 1 10 22 53 132 5 B4 6,643 292 5,543 400 800 9,898 2,297 3,861 1,332 596 257 2,077 1,720 8,578 101 SS 3,492 833 5,226 377 2,263 9,095 1,954 9,051 3,616 344 232 348 3,287 1,515 16,275 105 99 111 6 179 15 42 2a 130 179 142 44 18 23 65 99 262 8 V 116 12 153 8 74 227 134 as 171 44 28 20 98 120 342 15 ss 19,130 1,195 24,455 691 9,067 28,646 9,412 32,729 7,907 1,264 4,135 888 10,435 3,374 38,081 122 99 21,699 1,683 16,783 529 15,140 29,061 9,180 41,871 9,108 1,128 7,302 1,163 20,704 4,203 54,886 426 90 74 15 144 17 37 88 92 101 88 25 56 15 66 53 147 7 111 70 14 124 9 28 89 92 73 109 22 54 15 62 53 125 9 99 16,388 4,773 29,136 1,102 15,662 22,097 6,289 30,036 7,945 1,090 28,640 949 a, 413 2,2a 31,576 302 93 18,602 4,452 14,963 274 12,543 16,005 7,580 20,729 ' 8,760 1,002 24,749 680 20,640 3,115 30,200 583 94 93 15 132 33 27 59 60 52 58 31 99 10 63 22 83 11 95 77 a 105 25 26 54 49 41 62 33 105 9 62 17 66 10 llll 30,208 8,543 26,135 3,143 12,125 24,603 7,720 17,614 9,559 1,566 112,491 2,778 a, 886 2,958 30,351 558 97 25,551 12,112 15,964 1,504 12,077 18,292 7,888 12,739 10,749 1,757 124,624 4,307 30,529 1,888 24,590 1,150 OS 42 3 80 13 13 37 47 35 42 19 48 4 30 13 61 7 99 10,853 274 13,887 1,012 5,847 12,871 5,014 11,196 5,179 760 42,388 721 11,113 1,436 19,925 373 Hill 208 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definitions and explanatioi All farms. . Under 10 acres. number 1 1 . number 1 1 . number 1 1 . number 1 1 . number 1 1 . number 1 1 . number 1 1 . number 1 1 number 1 1,000 to 1,999 a 1,000 to 1,990 acres acres 1 Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reportinc 1 . farms reportinr 1 'l.V.I . farms reporlinc 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . farms repnrtinc. 1959 . . farms reporting! 1959 . farms re|*ytinp. 1959 1054. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. . farms reporlinc 1959 1954. . farms reporting 1959 , . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. . farms reporting 1059 1,885 2,154 3,061 4,748 9,949 13,510 5,893 7,170 8,378 9,907 56,520 64,203 68,617 65,741 409,236 401,660 57,773 921 1,256 4,819 6,153 10,068 11,484 18,164 23,937 14,512 16,830 11,130 17,244 87,711 85,024 107,978 101,493 370,374 1,030 361,653 327,559 490 738 20,091 31,285 94,505 109,266 504,138 447,001 172,128 497 475 7,120 9,645 31,995 32,504 704,944 700,776 54,783 137 957 2,694 4,354 1,443 2,079 1,954 2,061 2,208 1,985 4,776 6,080 15,033 8,629 61,653 55,422 18,848 152 4v: ) 2,306 4,353 2,000 2,871 3,222 5,996 7,110 8,891 9,548 9,964 9,300 8,933 9,950 8,836 45,137 51,242 58,215 62,922 ■■ ',.'. 15 233 833 9,885 15,517 9,339 14,012 15,376 17,636 24,284 29,881 19,010 20,805 17,244 19,961 12,175 14,107 57,627 52,087 56,179 64,582 93,650 78,781 44,908 1,342 17,934 23 9i | 5,939 9,010 7,319 9,505 15,088 19,832 21,370 28,256 28,981 32,820 23,491 28,272 20,478 22,076 83,803 88,580 71,687 64,443 211,516 142,446 39,000 1,417 1,289 1,415 13,433 15,393 3,446 4,375 8,428 9,321 124,230 115,536 179,403 174,270 151,072 195,510 97,731 . farms reporting 1959 . TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 209 Poli Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reag Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 729 300 183 495 610 8 3 200 1,446 261 260 107 1,001 320 1,242 1,971 637 1,308 398 226 647 680 10 7 222 2,360 322 270 113 1,622 425 1,473 3,189 943 2 49 59 3 14 41 2 9 45 2 10 1 45 10 29 89 68 3 286 134 12 57 45 1 S 23 220 15 15 7 93 17 81 345 159 4 222 35 22 89 36 15 252 8 20 2 130 43 48 488 240 5 483 60 56 128 59 5 15 575 25 29 1 428 74 61 909 361 6 74 2 1 62 8 4 119 5 5 87 17 21 199 78 7 114 8 6 82 8 10 238 9 7 142 34 32 362 108 S 68 3 14 59 12 2 160 6 12 79 42 48 241 75 9 93 5 10 84 10 1 270 16 13 141 49 41 376 81 10 66 6 56 13 3 183 3 24 i 123 41 86 243 60 11 106 5 7 79 14 6 276 8 28 i 174 63 119 369 80 12 46 6 7 57 32 L 5 130 6 22 5 65 14 118 174 27 13 47 8 3 49 40 . 9 179 12 23 2 100 33 161 212 39 14 25 6 3 38 16 9 100 11 14 74 18 102 107 14 15 28 6 5 44 20 6 136 12 19 1 92 40 147 137 27 II 23 5 6 27 8 L 2 77 6 17 1 43 20 94 71 15 17 21 3 35 19 4 89 16 17 1 58 22 125 89 19 IS 56 41 7 64 129 a 23 199 60 52 U 169 67 364 220 34 19 55 31 7 56 157 J 27 206 67 49 10 206 61 407 252 41 SO 48 55 18 18 162 L 19 115 62 38 20 94 36 228 96 19 21 36 58 8 IS 174 20 99 68 36 22 107 28 211 103 18 22 52 84 96 11 148 6 7 109 66 92 46 66 92 12 104 43 7 23 39 80 108 15 134 6 5 101 72 74 34 68 81 4 88 35 10 24 29 30 12 8 93 43 39 34 20 14 62 10 66 32 3 25 284,155 1,095,828 2,179,308 98, 135 566,851 601, '« L 396,905 423,589 1,447,416 498,301 513,273 392,427 86,703 630,091 347,862 73,553 ■.'ii 213,700 1,037,901 2,105,655 112,189 554,027 602, 3 5 348,813 458,041 1,464,718 436,660 561,177 427,927 80,753 622,154 411,597 95,380 27 233 235 14 62 149 ) 29 191 9 14 1 157 31 109 401 339 28 1,292 552 57 262 163 4 > 103 1,003 47 41 20 411 56 321 1,677 764 29 6,039 764 622 2,683 754 - ) 328 7,441 208 448 75 3,462 1,446 1,324 12,917 6,182 30 12,121 1,107 1,304 3,896 1,203 " 5 347 15,911 609 697 30 11,475 2,144 1,527 24,358 8,988 31 4,215 127 68 3,650 452 230 6,950 310 265 4,998 989 1,244 11,326 4,515 32 6,600 469 347 4,745 456 5 ) 511 13,689 511 420 8,107 1,960 1,830 20,773 6,203 33 5,559 244 1,153 4,973 1,020 7 > 183 13,358 477 1,009 6,570 3,512 4,058 20,003 6,191 34 7,652 416 843 7,087 819 8 94 22,147 1,326 1,046 11,933 4,041 3,406 31,130 6,637 35 7,470 513 724 6,357 2,122 334 21,063 330 2,882 iii 14,135 4,678 9,816 28,081 6,972 36 12,182 577 873 8,981 1,689 666 31,696 955 3,313 130 19,851 7,333 13,707 42,488 9,299 37 7,205 984 1,137 9,097 5,101 - > 809 20,527 973 3,558 782 10,316 2,283 18,793 27,383 4,260 38 7,455 1,298 481 7,796 6,361 7 i 1,456 28,295 2,050 3,701 307 15,774 5,259 25,793 33,442 6,186 30 4,974 1,203 566 7,541 3,166 1,784 19,646 2,174 2,790 14,551 3,485 20,082 21,443 2,771 40 5,445 1,210 988 8,769 4,025 1,248 27,018 2,438 3,791 213 18,175 7,916 29,020 27,337 5,229 41 5,454 1,179 1,421 6,464 1,898 4. 445 18,311 1,413 4,026 240 10,254 4,763 22,206 16,780 3,584 42 5,043 722 956 8,164 4,510 920 21,324 3,786 4,170 245 13,926 5,168 29,687 21,273 4,540 13 19,900 15,157 2,683 22,006 46,345 1, 1 8,254 70,379 22,714 18,861 4,283 59,480 23,851 131,455 76,677 11,437 44 18,643 11,658 2,614 19,056 57,841 2, 7 9,725 72,675 23,541 18,356 3,568 73,804 21,428 144,235 86,900 13,802 32,403 38,664 13,216 12,459 117,950 6 ) 13,704 78,536 45,619 28,346 14,269 63,014 24,597 154,271 64,198 13,079 46 25,994 39,793 5,745 10,770 125,981 4, 4 14,927 67,897 49,999 24,393 15,890 74,042 19,302 141,865 68,518 12,714 47 190,703 1,036,758 2,157,704 22,843 387,894 598, 7 370,805 167,182 1,373,189 436,102 493,511 205,490 17,068 266,733 68,653 14,223 48 111,273 980,099 2,091,447 32,663 350,979 594, 2 318,816 156,386 1,379,456 376,732 540,774 180,429 6,146 230,763 53,701 21,018 49 43,179 42,696 17,532 12,313 126,046 7, :• ) 62,699 53,356 46,492 25,410 21,666 86,631 12,516 92,615 42,588 4,292 BO 343 168 82 305 472 1 76 1,003 214 180 81 617 254 1,061 1,080 367 51 653 186 111 443 559 1 93 1,620 273 190 82 1,242 370 1,267 1,847 496 SS 11,725 84,355 4,284 15,527 191,272 1, 5 2,533 58,074 68,672 73,545 36,760 47,771 42,907 216,812 24,318 4,426 53 15,069 85,523 5,636 20,339 244,444 3, 3 2,830 79,019 81,365 52,325 35,438 78,594 45,792 242,100 42,126 8,353 54 8 3 2 2 13 1 9 2 2 27 29 55 70 12 7 9 7 6 55 4 1 34 6 9 115 38 56 27 4 12 2 28 3 40 2 7 82 91 57 237 31 29 29 15 11 166 15 5 132 28 39 399 136 58 99 6 20 42 11 5 142 3 5 1 71 18 20 270 140 59 265 15 42 66 25 6 350 19 14 354 55 36 543 195 60 790 76 363 532 174 4, 32 1,558 32 24 31 1,222 464 373 2,456 972 81 2,854 184 694 763 302 6 34 4,802 423 246 7,401 1,160 591 6,545 1,970 62 33 1 31 4 3 71 3 2 49 10 15 120 44 IS 66 2 4 56 4 3 173 9 104 30 23 219 71 64 276 41 612 76 67 1,228 95 73 862 388 597 1,283 425 15 1,025 105 143 1,381 114 24 4,161 244 178 2,883 1,240 919 3,548 1,208 16 34 2 13 37 7 2 105 3 7 48 33 36 129 48 r.7 55 4 9 62 7 197 13 5 100 42 34 237 51 IS 429 154 393 960 301 30 2,352 89 555 1,073 1,511 1,977 1,913 679 •111 1,323 240 245 1,601 498 6,616 639 251 3,005 1,923 1,972 4,265 844 70 32 2 4 38 11 1 130 3 17 1 79 36 77 135 38 71 60 2 7 61 7 1 209 6 22 138 58 108 229 52 72 583 130 197 1,279 675 31 4,193 103 1,557 18 2,071 2 ,'380 5,665 2,223 556 73 1,558 133 528 2,052 440 20 7,960 361 2,051 4,935 4,314 8,472 5,185 1,124 74 22 3 4 39 24 2 96 6 16 44 13 108 75 19 75 29 6 2 42 31 5 142 12 19 2 78 33 142 124 20 76 556 345 128 2,262 2,051 4 24 3,412 537 2,065 269 1,911 955 11 443 1,711 294 77 797 283 160 2,045 3,093 ; 5 116 6,578 1,114 2,492 128 3,417 3,022 16,157 3,046 653 78 9 4 1 29 11 6 72 8 12 50 16 90 58 9 79 21 5 38 18 4 106 11 15 1 79 35 137 82 15 80 257 308 59 1,500 1,386 108 2,511 890 1,924 2,532 1,539 11,212 1,251 148 81 598 434 215 2,313 2,591 77 6,108 1,242 2,410 50 3,986 4,275 18,924 2,034 223 82 9 3 5 18 5 1 64 5 13 27 18 89 42 9 83 13 3 3 34 15 3 73 15 14 45 20 118 54 13 84 100 605 554 1,468 870 « 30 3,144 494 2,409 1,157 2,730 15,032 1,223 221 85 653 536 345 2,571 2,224 120 3,954 2,104 2,768 2,436 2,677 18,777 2,070 440 86 31 34 1 47 110 f 10 156 58 43 9 106 62 346 127 20 87 30 28 3 45 143 ( 16 163 66 41 10 156 60 387 154 24 88 1,643 7,067 121 3,329 24,439 ( 3 278 13,061 9,544 12,598 2,108 5,495 12,402 81,349 5,207 600 89 1,478 6,248 500 3,736 33,337 < 4. 417 12,980 12,721 12,242 2,212 10,731 12,722 88,234 6,127 708 90 32 44 9 13 148 ] 3 94 61 28 18 65 35 201 66 8 22 52 4 16 169 7 89 68 33 19 85 27 201 66 10 92 2,744 17,432 639 1,824 55,622 ] i 197 9,027 18,370 15,399 7,585 8,866 13,229 61,954 3,478 271 93 2,152 19,880 662 1,708 71,115 323 9,871 26,082 14,892 8,756 13,405 10,882 60,963 4,210 421 94 34 67 22 7 139 38 60 64 36 48 69 11 77 31 3 95 22 57 26 14 133 42 63 50 22 50 69 4 72 24 7 96 4,320 58,234 1,785 1,749 105,676 ' ■ ■ 1,736 17,560 38,518 36,938 26,749 22,542 7,307 27,203 3,491 169 07 2,394 57,449 2,115 2,140 130,715 2, •:• 1,688 15,823 36,420 14,790 24,292 26,263 3,549 27,052 4,697 626 08 20 25 4 6 88 18 34 33 17 12 47 9 54 20 2 09 2,169 18,571 99 1,324 47,444 c 648 3,583 13,204 13,051 5,055 10,155 4,887 18,566 1,764 152 100 210 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND torn San San San San Sabe Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smi-th (For definitions and explanat ons, see text) Augustine Jacinto Patricio Farms: 1 number 1959 . . 668 798 816 784 225 742 272 2,004 259 2,295 2 1954.. 1,002 1,106 888 927 242 945 324 2,799 260 3,498 8 Under 10 acres 45 102 35 26 1 13 7 158 5 178 4 1954.. 121 191 61 47 5 33 14 346 9 461 5 10 to 49 acres 211 329 357 524 89 133 36 36 2 36 42 14 19 536 825 2 3 722 1,192 6 1954.. 7 50 to 69 acres 77 70 16 21 2 15 5 287 1 301 1954.. 110 110 26 23 20 373 9 71 55 46 47 2 22 10 236 3 243 10 1954 . . 119 71 49 2 42 19 318 2 369 11 32 52 56 35 5 36 10 252 1 236 12 1954 . . 102 66 60 65 2 42 15 336 1 336 13 53 28 70 71 8 95 29 147 149 14 1954 . . 65 31 92 96 12 162 57 192 201 IS 33 26 64 56 6 45 11 109 111 16 195 1 40 29 57 75 4 65 13 121 1 129 17 220 to 259 acres 17 16 39 53 4 45 10 59 65 IS 1954 . . 18 19 48 63 5 73 18 64 1 72 19 260 to 499 acres 45 65 34 31 195 191 176 205 37 47 226 250 64 50 151 156 21 15 179 178 20 1954 . . 21 500 to 999 acres number 1959 . . 25 21 29 15 131 122 127 123 36 33 127 141 40 51 51 48 66 63 73 83 1954.. 23 1,000 or more acres number 1959. . 9 29 75 136 120 82 72 18 160 )8 24 1954.. 12 19 54 145 126 75 64 20 161 33 25 1,000 to 1,999 Bcres 6 20 46 67 22 46 28 9 84 26 Land in farms: 26 acres 1959 . 95,753 169,690 549,114 686,302 836,623 568,740 524,325 269,689 721,284 338,849 27 115,968 133,365 433,200 653,160 891,632 615,648 501,791 302,709 626,698 373,549 28 Under 10 acres 182 427 123 83 1 35 17 613 20 746 29 564 915 257 183 6 99 47 1,546 10 2,355 30 10 to 49 acres , 6,077 9,084 8,796 1,892 986 122 855 328 14,710 34 19,507 81 1951.. 12,283 3,153 896 20 1,013 597 22,719 51 30,045 32 50 to 69 acros acres 1959 4,356 4,076 984 1,252 122 875 307 16,357 55 17,099 33 1954 . 6,335 6,386 1,511 1,297 214 1,165 221 21,118 25,191 34 5,904 9,889 4,510 5,892 3,840 3,546 4,042 4,137 148 167 1,850 3,500 848 1,546 19,620 26,362 239 150 19,933 30,570 35 1954 36 100 to 1.19 seres 9,393 5,930 6,340 3,887 574 4,108 1,165 28,956 120 26, 826 37 1954 11,535 7,661 6,722 7,538 263 4,846 1,754 38,835 114 38,369 38 140 to 179 acres 8,251 10,282 4,478 4,960 11,049 14,493 11,416 15,293 1,245 1,833 15,048 25,711 4,659 9,259 22,829 30,076 640 23,300 31,414 39 1954.. to acres 1959. . 6,624 7,872 5,182 5,770 12,607 11,392 11,209 15,053 1,228 785 8,922 12,776 2,151 2,546 21,648 24,090 217 21,941 25,607 ll 1954 42 220 to 259 acres 4,005 4,285 3,828 4,519 9,289 11,276 12,600 15,181 939 1,239 10,799 17,381 2,360 4,283 14,176 15,221 250 15,450 17,106 1854 260 to 499 acres 15,826 22,409 12,337 11,546 71,352 70,493 62,071 72,541 13,285 17,583 83,813 88,473 23,541 17,349 52,628 53,930 7,539 5,456 63,431 60,462 45 1954 500 to 999 acres 17,501 19,780 91,729 88,928 85,064 26,281 23,487 87,921 98,972 29,117 32,963 48,937 49,025 47 1954.. 14,103 10, 517 85,878 37,304 31,041 47,843 55,741 Is 1,000 or more acres 17,634 19,610 100,346 62,916 339,909 224,479 489,828 435,977 792,678 846,035 354,514 361,712 459,832 426,885 45,189 37,771 664,340 571,967 81,591 56,689 19 1954.. , . . acres 19.59. 8,758 29,179 59,686 95,570 31,590 66,605 40,214 10,961 119,116 33,347 Cropland harvested: 51 389 443 733 398 124 652 158 1,012 245 1,458 1954.. 677 756 771 353 121 821 218 1,613 238 2,292 acres 1959.. 8,532 9,295 261,521 30,768 20,309 113,389 19,184 15,456 193,103 32,229 54 1954 . . 15,955 12,700 223,879 16, 593 27,554 148,826 30,234 24,782 196,626 48,614 55 t'nder 10 acres rarms re] 9 31 5 32 1 67 56 1954 . . 69 85 9 7 6 2 111 1 196 57 :,ir... 1959 41 124 31 104 2 229 5h 195: 179 276 47 26 14 5 347 1 645 59 10 to 49 acres 124 ■19 67 8 2 22 2 249 1 465 fill 1954 221 392 107 3 1 18 6 501 2 763 6 1 acres 1959 . . 1,026 2,546 1,334 74 40 397 14 2,265 14 3,733 62 1954.. 2,592 5,046 2,291 53 5 285 78 5,557 26 7,526 6.1 47 35 12 10 1 9 4 146 1 194 61 1954.. 76 78 25 6 11 2 215 299 65 u res 195 i 441 500 601 279 23 345 56 1,366 55 2,077 66 1,264 1,429 1,130 190 433 49 2,546 4,098 67 70 to 99 acres 52 38 42 23 2 21 4 121 3 164 68 88 53 37 21 34 11 195 266 89 785 779 2,953 1,062 26 ■ :. 165 1,246 159 2,236 70 1954.. 1,757 B33 2,509 522 1,766 431 2,840 4,365 71 100 to 139 acres 48 26 51 19 5 31 6 136 1 145 72 1954. . 75 50 49 25 2 33 8 214 1 251 78 acres 1 959 . 868 403 5,082 543 289 2,036 257 1,828 20 2,402 Tl 1954 . . 1,972 930 4,563 798 159 2,514 241 3,509 40 5,362 75 140 to 179 acres 33 11 67 41 7 83 23 82 99 76 1954 . . 46 20 85 58 8 155 47 117 3 141 77 acres 1959 . . 1,072 228 9,460 1,839 705 7,447 1,354 1,451 2,060 78 1954 . . 1,638 385 11,988 2,045 eso 16,045 3,393 2,208 250 3,585 r« 180 to 219 acres 19 15 61 35 42 8 66 77 so 27 18 55 35 2 61 11 73 1 92 81 557 329 10,078 2,361 528 5,278 498 1,113 1,762 82 1954. 1,031 393 9,614 1,319 241 8,779 818 1,372 105 3,041 sa 220 to 259 acres 9 8 39 28 3 43 8 35 43 84 1954 . . 11 14 32 73 15 41 1 53 85 acres 1959.. 272 420 7,935 2,164 437 5,522 879 827 1,468 86 1054 . . 622 640 9,481 1,273 580 11,143 1,409 1,054 70 2,352 ST 260 to 499 acres 26 20 191 108 30 218 44 104 20 127 88 1954.. 40 18 187 89 38 241 41 104 13 137 acres 1959 . . 1,547 1,062 62,807 9,105 4,294 42,306 5,693 3,432 4,915 5,535 go 1954 . . 2,452 375 59,017 5,386 6,775 50,729 4,817 3,504 2,917 6,445 91 500 to 999 acres 16 15 17 13 128 120 67 47 25 23 119 128 20 31 31 32 62 60 51 70 92 1954.. 93 acres 1959.. 1,177 1,121 75,498 6,487 5,031 33,396 2,476 1,381 26,558 3,478 94 1954 . . 924 844 67,142 2,505 5,293 36,969 7,568 1,081 25,060 5,932 91 1,000 or more acres 6 23 70 59 45 64 39 10 156 26 1954 . . 9 15 50 30 43 61 44 10 156 24 97 acres 1959 . . 746 1,783 85,742 6,854 8,936 15,680 7,792 443 161,380 7,249 98 1954 . . 1,524 1,549 56,097 2,476 13,621 20,149 11,425 764 168,157 5,243 99 1,000 to 1,999 acres .... farms reporting 1959 . . 5 16 44 27 14 40 16 6 84 17 LOO acres 1959 . . 291 1,151 42, 831 3,463 2,580 8,702 3,707 164 56,187 1,330 TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 211 Scsnervell Starr 2 tephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throck- morton TltUB Tor Green Travis Trinity 296 559 488 75 423 135 845 1,751 ,011 98 889 368 1,010 868 1,406 633 1 352 1,023 497 88 453 150 967 3,043 1,282 107 968 436 1,462 1,033 2,092 852 ■: 11 16 6 3 5 1 16 247 31 19 4 32 67 116 26 s 39 61 8 3 1 3 21 678 88 36 15 160 105 331 84 i 30 136 21 2 18 1 23 508 58 1 27 17 240 73 208 174 5 30 299 21 2 17 4 19 977 100 1 35 14 415 91 365 278 e 15 41 8 2 6 153 33 7 10 124 20 91 76 7 18 96 8 1 "i 8 265 34 9 12 184 30 126 114 9 24 43 17 9 16 156 47 14 17 120 26 141 78 1 37 80 19 1 15 23 219 64 14 23 183 41 194 118 10 37 56 25 1 24 18 151 63 9 19 152 37 173 60 11 50 93 31 1 28 30 239 123 16 31 152 55 287 80 12 34 30 47 2 27 66 109 93 64 29 90 63 116 47 13 43 72 58 2 41 1 108 157 143 101 40 108 90 176 52 11 22 23 12 1 31 33 70 97 1 22 16 52 47 107 29 1.', 24 43 20 2 36 55 111 107 27 26 70 65 133 31 16 18 20 27 1 27 31 54 46 24 14 36 51 55 23 i; 21 35 30 1 26 39 71 74 23 16 45 63 68 17 18 54 58 116 2 94 1 274 155 235 1 315 83 107 198 219 63 U 43 106 113 4 124 2 334 186 275 2 361 102 96 219 218 20 33 51 100 3 92 4 246 61 157 1 284 74 37 129 105 29 il 33 47 89 7 78 6 225 92 170 2 266 76 31 104 HO 15 18 85 109 58 96 128 116 67 131 94 104 85 20 157 75 28 ss 14 91 100 64 83 134 105 48 104 98 80 81 18 150 64 19 24 13 40 58 8 38 13 85 40 77 1 82 44 16 49 50 9 ts 95,029 480,436 574,775 717,331 460,126 1,243,872 583,813 436,104 644,093 1,340,177 547,005 478,388 171,077 1,410,923 451,876 179,314 ae 92,286 581,102 463,202 839,900 441,878 1,161,265 549,192 418,556 573,575 1,419,414 541,589 458,778 193,770 1,347,874 479,112 165,183 27 46 77 29 8 10 1 47 990 98 56 23 132 194 356 111 28 187 351 34 13 5 10 61 3,206 339 11 132 51 540 398 1,422 387 a 813 3,498 507 42 530 20 551 13,162 1,526 31 737 566 6,474 1,582 5,368 4,794 so 746 7,759 619 62 450 91 536 23,668 2,549 24 887 428 11,284 2,326 9,879 7,696 -.i 870 2,450 439 131 349 8,907 1,951 404 562 7,079 1,116 5,264 4,279 S! 1,038 5,561 456 65 232 465 15,255 2,030 526 666 10,420 1,665 7,318 6,497 S3 1,939 3,640 1,397 757 1,285 12,962 3,916 1,150 1,355 9,833 2,175 12,145 6,303 14 2,975 6,634 1,533 75 1,283 1,894 17,940 5,374 1,143 1,875 15,095 3,282 16, 349 9,609 :ir- 4,273 6,542 2,868 120 2,810 2,485 17,429 9,957 987 2,136 17,187 4,249 19,727 6,946 36 5,985 10,923 3,623 112 3,437 3,556 27,212 14,132 1,800 3,651 17,086 6,391 32,782 9,282 87 5,439 4,624 7,373 320 4,415 10,447 17,140 14,694 10,174 4,654 13,958 9,914 18,382 7,351 SB 6,888 11,381 9,311 302 6,586 160 17,313 24,894 22,599 16,067 6,380 17,044 14,407 27,453 8,067 .T.l 4,338 4,478 2,379 212 6,253 6,524 13,816 19,338 200 4,349 3,230 10,314 9,359 21,301 5,668 40 4,761 8,497 3,910 438 7,190 10,886 21,994 21,076 5,323 5,200 13,972 13,052 26,589 6,129 1! 4,214 4,739 6,370 238 6,486 7,441 12,934 10,912 5,656 3,416 8,562 12,051 13,123 5,509 5,099 8,322 7,127 230 6,131 9,250 17,007 17,380 5,515 3,774 10,687 19,635 16,179 4,036 18,171 20,553 42,811 825 33,007 310 98,823 55,559 83,022 262 118,073 30,399 36,112 71,222 77,611 22,128 14,866 37,136 40,771 1,485 42,240 672 120,480 66,093 98,311 630 133,050 36,231 32,446 78,359 76,973 15,274 45 22,947 35,082 72,407 1,753 64,538 2,942 172,280 54,877 110,678 600 202,555 52,121 25,381 88,414 74,318 18,023 46 23,291 31,797 64,818 5,191 53,675 4,268 153,481 63,273 117,760 1,566 187,246 51,644 20,923 71,391 74,017 9,850 17 31,979 394,753 438,195 713,682 341,320 1,240,599 283,581 228,328 388,001 1,339,084 202,862 379,924 36,045 1,210,647 204,281 98,202 (^ 26,448 452,741 331,000 831,927 320,649 1,156,064 231,270 137,814 272,025 1,417,183 189,900 348,856 44,273 1,136,968 190,151 88,356 49 17,216 55,458 80,091 11,337 52,107 18,905 110,189 51,316 105,346 1,280 106,831 62,726 21,775 67,578 66,957 12,374 50 161 421 209 22 327 23 796 729 751 6 343 293 537 591 914 376 51 207 797 315 17 389 21 909 1,186 803 2 899 343 853 659 1,155 573 52 8,246 35,074 12,401 1,312 53,436 2,541 320,019 75,517 113,590 58 425,780 48,703 13,080 126,624 105,052 11,884 53 10,874 54,643 26,168 1,721 75,752 2,279 321,044 92,236 127,488 85 399,682 59,973 19,692 132,112 101,786 16,944 54 1 7 2 1 1 2 50 4 2 11 14 14 5 55 6 41 1 91 12 6 2 26 17 34 27 56 3 38 2 1 : 14 100 18 14 24 26 44 12 57 17 166 4 253 37 20 io 79 41 106 110 12 101 4 i io 12 139 22 i 20 11 101 27 97 101 59 13 221 4 l 6 9 268 24 17 2 218 26 153 178 60 169 1,818 42 4 185 267 1,468 348 11 542 237 744 405 1,471 1,027 61 150 3,324 30 5 133 195 2,575 364 311 29 2,210 372 3,108 2,521 62 9 31 3 2 5 59 18 7 2 55 10 54 55 63 10 82 3 1 2 6 118 23 7 4 103 10 74 87 64 205 1,192 62 70 211 1,189 613 316 80 599 346 1,980 963 65 173 2,495 69 14 113 335 2,713 568 329 191 1,264 297 3,027 1,967 66 9 31 6 7 13 60 38 12 12 64 17 108 47 67 24 62 9 i 10 17 95 40 11 19 123 21 136 86 68 267 1,430 162 476 740 2,191 1,425 707 519 760 869 5,905 1,204 69 655 2,868 283 ii 523 1,037 3,331 1,579 631 966 1,897 1,085 7, XI 2,867 70 20 48 9 1 20 16 68 64 7 14 72 28 127 39 71 36 77 11 23 24 134 86 13 21 103 32 218 62 72 631 3,094 275 io 1,679 1,716 3,070 3,702 629 790 . 1,030 2,012 8,799 1,507 73 1,775 5,333 429 1,999 2,241 6,766 4,579 1,101 1,589 2,206 2,272 16,272 1,967 74 19 25 19 i 21 63 58 71 60 26 54 53 91 22 75 30 59 37 37 106 99 112 99 38 73 80 142 35 76 833 1,634 458 31 1,981 7,978 4,167 5,277 8,521 1,983 980 5,278 8,206 644 77 1,148 5,030 1,526 3,770 13,836 7,782 7,454 13,130 3,413 1,670 9,056 12,748 1,409 78 13 21 5 25 30 43 81 i 19 11 42 39 85 19 79 16 39 12 34 55 78 94 25 22 55 59 103 25 60 884 1,449 1S4 2,461 4,911 4,420 6,988 19 3,220 857 1,158 5,315 10,614 604 81 1,134 4,164 417 4,401 8,472 7,282 8,369 3,780 2,175 1,533 8,255 11,420 1,197 82 12 19 12 26 30 38 41 24 10 26 47 41 14 83 13 27 24 25 38 46 59 23 14 31 75 52 13 84 708 1,711 271 3,575 5,910 4,460 3,644 5,321 1,203 790 7,748 5,901 824 85 1,010 2,669 1,265 3,424 7,619 5,538 6,428 4,949 1,799 1,098 13,034 6,142 639 86 32 44 52 1 80 270 110 196 313 69 71 173 165 39 87 25 91 77 3 11? 327 142 235 358 79 196 143 35 88 1,767 4,858 2,702 20 11,710 75,444 17,062 31,239 106, 899 8,647 2,724 39,057 29,909 1,881 89 1,643 10,385 5,961 435 19,594 88,154 36,788 114,864 14,771 3,498 45,399 23,823 2,079 90 35 74 i 242 63 131 281 69 25 116 80 19 91 24 29 69 2 73 224 75 143 1 264 160 26 89 69 10 92 2,276 5,527 2,917 14,654 is 119,172 14,299 33,847 176,396 12,776 2,223 42,625 19,450 1,131 93 1,979 3,547 6,003 54 16,075 106,460 19,778 34,692 60 162,198 15,500 2,209 32,082 14,130 853 94 9 59 •■•■• 15 64 21 113 41 85 4 98 69 16 67 52 16 95 10 70 69 9 67 21 102 40 75 1 76 61 16 54 29 13 96 503 12,323 5,326 1,176 16,715 2,522 103,654 23,091 26,489 28 123,215 21,611 2,048 22,943 12,773 2,087 97 1,190 14,662 10,185 1,202 25,720 2,279 92,691 12,941 26,630 25 98,369 19,530 1,828 20,217 3,669 1,335 98 5 27 27 4 31 2 85 27 60 80 37 14 31 36 5 99 249 6,090 2,465 109 7,813 54 67,796 13,472 18,125 88,148 9,368 1,368 16,119 10,134 202 Kiel 212 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definition? and explanations, see text) Tyler Upshur Upton UvsJ.de Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward Farms: 683 1,198 1,287 1,893 51 38 525 641 165 220 2,198 2,934 1,118 1,232 915 1,195 886 1,005 50 88 2 1954.. I'nder 10 acres 83 251 52 186 4 1 14 46 4 8 76 148 67 76 44 149 38 76 5 9 4 1954 . . 10 to 49 acres 271 340 7 43 2 421 137 257 217 4 9 1954.. 513 545 2 83 21 625 151 385 278 9 7 65 99 158 253 17 24 1 233 371 68 72 78 107 71 88 1 8 1954 . . 9 70 to 99 acres 42 83 180 237 10 16 3 332 416 88 140 84 110 76 83 6 10 1954.. 11 100 to 139 acres 51 69 171 214 17 19 2 313 446 152 183 102 108 100 106 1 3 1954 . . 13 140 to 179 acres 35 96 26 214 106 68 62 2 14 1954.. 53 126 28 4 259 131 62 76 15 180 to 219 acres 21 83 1 33 128 89 42 44 1 16 1954.. 22 88 40 166 88 45 40 2 17 220 to 259 acres 22 38 24 1 83 65 37 40 2 18 20 49 16 135 64 26 42 2 19 260 to 499 acres 33 111 2 70 255 174 82 106 2 20 1954 . . 47 128 95 2 245 174 82 99 9 21 29 47 2 76 1 98 90 46 70 5 22 1954 . . 24 46 78 8 81 86 52 63 23 1,000 or more acres 31 11 35 195 155 45 82 75 62 27 21 1954 . . 17 21 35 196 173 42 67 69 54 36 25 1,000 to 1,999 acres Land in farms: 15 7 2 66 3 31 50 37 39 3 26 acres 1359.. 156,803 185,396 677,758 1,333,076 2,155,026 417,474 551,046 348,971 287,496 469,531 27 1954.. 144,861 237,998 767,915 1,479,076 2,145,152 451,673 550,559 358,899 255,045 596, 331 28 Under 10 acres 356 1,092 215 1,035 12 1 52 197 23 27 329 699 198 309 197 724 153 381 20 20 29 1954.. 30 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 . . 6,779 12,339 9,813 14,982 126 45 1,143 2,101 44 458 12,018 18,093 3,902 4,155 6,694 9,321 5,989 7,279 80 263 31 1954 32 3,706 5,622 8,995 13,545 3,930 4,570 33 954 14,474 1,338 60 21,475 4,208 6,160 4^975 254 34 70 to 99 acres acres 1959.. 3,513 14,653 879 27,440 7,436 6,900 6,344 35 1954 . . 6,932 19,545 1,269 219 34,510 11, 692 9,063 6,999 471 36 100 to 139 seres 5,944 7,859 19,688 24,680 1,864 2,136 200 35,812 51,390 17,725 21,143 11,797 12,419 11,814 12,146 120 350 37 1954 38 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 . . 5,482 8,335 14,971 19,725 4,024 4,361 640 33,801 40,661 16,969 20,664 10,669 9,788 9,704 11,905 310 675 39 1954 . . in 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . . 4,117 4,382 16,545 17,477 208 6,535 7,921 25,238 32,942 17,653 17, 352 8,355 8,961 8,749 7,957 200 380 41 1954 . . 42 220 to 259 acres acres 1959.. 5,233 4,726 9,010 11,654 5,696 3,841 230 19,698 32,284 15,489 15, 382 8,762 6,093 9,523 9,973 460 449 43 1954.. 44 260 to 499 acres 11, 152 16,330 37,850 43,394 735 25,473 34,070 785 88,782 85,167 62,030 62,596 29,239 29,159 38,419 35,536 672 3,087 45 1954 500 to 999 acres acres 1959 . 21,371 16,841 31,117 30,878 1,604 52,466 55,391 820 6,250 65,425 54,979 59,879 58,749 31,908 36,791 49,107 43,756 4,100 3,369 17 1954.. 46 1,000 or more acre* 89,150 60,403 22, 539 40,154 675,073 767,869 1,234,019 1,366,451 2,153,709 2,136,713 95,386 79,473 345,835 334,309 229,880 230,420 143,627 114,138 463,518 587,013 49 1954 . . 50 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959 . . 22,224 9,239 3,180 92,594 5,006 41,762 69,316 50,010 59,162 3,283 Cropland harvested: 51 309 606 6 307 14 1,221 753 428 594 20 52 1951.. 518 1,131 2 229 50 2,122 851 791 723 39 53 acres 1959 . . 4,151 9,598 686 47,681 1,103 48,562 84,251 12,146 53,405 3,782 54 1954 . . 6,148 17,613 208 26,391 3,664 93, 518 77,289 21,661 52,666 4,427 I'nder 10 acres.. . . 20 14 3 17 8 11 9 2 56 L954 59 90 2 2 49 13 62 27 51 acres 1959 . . 48 42 17 48 19 35 30 2 58 1954 158 294 12 2 133 43 216 122 130 170 60 238 312 16 15 360 83 263 203 3 61 acres 1959 . . 1,165 1,026 212 27 1,508 988 1,597 1,820 10 62 1954.. 2,019 2,821 281 187 4,343 1,642 3,451 3,346 46 63 50 to 69 acres 33 68 10 107 38 31 46 64 55 159 5 1 261 51 85 66 2 65 358 528 182 1,816 1,258 376 1,245 66 1954 592 1,723 118 20 5,191 2,044 1,691 1,911 41 70 to 99 acres 14 74 6 173 69 36 51 68 1954 29 130 5 2 318 108 74 57 3 acres 1959.. 201 685 288 3,397 3,555 525 1,734 70 1954 . . 385 1,645 145 37 8,738 5,755 1,580 2,250 lis 71 100 to 139 acres 22 75 11 175 110 57 64 72 1954 . . 33 137 6 345 149 82 79 2 73 449 865 323 4,727 7,332 1,291 2,914 74 1954 684 2,208 354 12,828 10,936 2,028 3,180 64 75 140 to 179 acres 19 40 17 149 77 27 43 1 76 1951 . . 25 80 11 4 208 106 46 57 1 77 307 594 1,360 5,023 6,871 536 2,952 25 78 1954 . . 334 1,366 443 396 9,354 9,732 1,139 3,803 54 79 160 to 219 acres 12 44 18 81 70 15 32 1 80 1954.. 12 55 23 140 66 36 29 81 acres 1959 . . 151 693 '87 2,051 3,249 7,212 469 2,184 25 82 1954.. 236 1,514 1,597 8,179 6,595 1,054 1,577 83 220 to 259 acres 13 26 13 1 57 53 13 31 1 84 1954 . . 11 37 9 116 52 14 33 2 85 acres 1959 . . 320 742 1,085 130 2,356 6,912 387 3,296 15 86 1954 . . 255 905 820 7,879 6,323 531 2,912 341 87 260 to 499 acres 14 64 53 190 136 45 80 2 88 1954 . . 30 81 52 215 123 51 73 8 89 575 2,233 8,034 11,031 17, 196 1,436 9,535 341 90 1954.. 786 2,464 4,703 16,879 15,038 2,188 8,736 1,049 91 18 24 53 75 68 25 55 3 92 1954.. 12 33 31 70 60 35 49 3 93 175 1,333 11,089 7,394 1A,824 931 9,444 1,376 94 1954 . . 151 1,646 4,864 245 8,114 9,616 1,924 9,551 353 95 1,000 or more acres 14 7 5 111 8 38 65 39 55 8 96 1954.. 14 17 2 69 22 40 40 43 50 15 97 acres 1959 . . 402 857 599 23,057 929 8,013 18,084 4,563 18,251 1,988 98 548 1,027 208 13,054 2,777 11,880 9,565 5,859 15,278 2,361 99 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 1:159. 8 4 44 25 41 18 32 1 100 acres 1959.. 167 342 9,805 3,537 10,004 1,581 8,626 190 TEXAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 213 Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum rc^ Zapata Zavala 2,290 190 2,103 719 621 826 673 2,587 1,284 26 1,468 1,421 275 772 225 267 1 2,848 277 2,466 853 765 997 865 3,338 1,617 36 1,873 1,834 312 960 250 246 2 103 7 106 11 44 39 24 66 31 6 46 53 1 20 1 3 240 23 224 40 114 69 46 162 86 13 133 100 7 45 2 3 4 472 17 407 33 85 57 130 185 116 3 133 287 7 55 13 17 753 30 584 58 156 56 134 316 169 205 393 6 62 15 6 6 267 2 196 15 29 12 39 170 47 73 201 4 13 9 6 7 328 9 245 15 47 20 54 217 95 123 241 1 33 11 5 8 376 3 282 25 37 41 44 237 85 132 193 2 32 2 10 9 441 6 353 32 46 49 63 401 124 210 254 5 55 9 16 10 437 11 278 27 47 53 43 452 187 178 196 5 53 13 11 11 455 15 306 36 37 81 98 671 222 1 230 278 3 74 26 17 12 187 3 163 73 46 99 48 360 142 1 188 119 8 79 7 27 13 213 7 179 84 49 159 77 441 186 207 162 14 111 10 25 14 107 2 122 32 35 53 52 234 104 120 106 2 44 4 12 113 9 104 51 23 77 59 273 163 1 137 107 5 54 11 9 16 61 3 76 31 23 55 38 184 107 111 56 3 46 9 8 17 65 10 70 43 36 59 68 188 114 122 64 2 53 6 10 18 180 20 217 204 122 214 130 445 306 270 129 64 185 28 47 19 155 23 199 258 116 225 152 468 297 1 293 146 80 242 24 37 20 68 14 127 145 81 135 89 184 105 1 146 58 87 122 37 37 SI 55 19 113 146 95 132 82 145 104 152 60 100 129 38 30 22 32 108 129 123 72 68 36 70 54 15 71 23 92 123 102 88 23 30 126 89 90 46 70 32 56 57 20 61 29 89 102 98 88 21 21 76 77 54 46 23 54 39 50 16 47 71 46 27 25 339,225 1,274,231 710,574 529,071 325,785 870,865 373,751 659,263 394,546 469, 169 481,446 242,058 465,022 506,889 511,197 561,868 26 339,511 1,737,460 658,961 494,479 298,437 950,139 369,328 687,522 426,907 619,810 486,788 295,420 484,678 557,857 502,207 601,581 27 445 17 509 31 204 126 134 254 m 10 146 242 1 70 5 15 1,240 59 1,084 176 486 279 230 621 412 13 544 448 11 173 14 11 29 13,154 453 10,362 808 2,160 1,323 3,507 5,289 3,445 34 3,635 8,487 124 1,435 315 527 30 19,645 678 15,134 1,570 3,685 1,449 3,785 8,530 4,600 5,403 11,626 125 1,815 425 203 31 15,589 128 11,497 853 1,647 690 2,256 10,011 2,715 4,321 11,629 208 753 546 341 32 19,195 542 14,291 863 2,760 1,157 3,089 12,701 5,513 7,173 14,093 66 1,913 681 293 33 31,578 234 23,224 1,981 3,008 3,417 3,658 20,050 7,148 10,949 16,123 170 2,670 168 840 34 37,095 516 28,966 2,548 3,738 3,913 5,217 34,111 11,345 17,385 21,077 410 4,500 754 1,315 35 50,546 1,265 31,640 3,048 5,327 6,155 5,090 52,222 21,610 20,428 22,797 574 6,262 1,557 1,279 36 52,532 1,771 34,762 4,136 4,239 9,480 11,192 77,204 25,347 119 26,439 32,260 360 8,594 3,036 1,935 37 29,295 485 25,828 11,630 7,269 15,694 7,562 56,816 22,251 160 29,515 18,914 1,287 12,648 1,132 4,247 38 33,397 1,161 28,179 13,463 7,704 25,122 12,089 69,249 29,358 32,667 25,229 2,253 17,899 1,532 3,888 39 21,150 383 24,044 6,239 7,020 10,545 10,372 46,404 20,612 24,054 20,863 432 8,863 793 2,337 40 22,290 1,798 20,331 10,112 4,615 15,343 11,706 54,313 32,562 187 27,275 21,183 986 10,892 2,253 1,783 41 14,533 712 18,003 7,367 5,463 12,945 9,031 44,034 25,408 26,453 13,316 683 10,977 2,172 1,886 15,492 2,333 16,699 10,269 8,535 13,995 16,042 44,785 27,301 29,231 15,116 450 12,732 1,411 2,349 4.1 62,753 8,018 75,649 74,986 45,089 75,891 46,364 155,675 109,108 94,256 45,439 24,323 65,525 10, 178 17,293 44 52,824 8,178 71,035 92,209 41,369 78,899 53,234 160,406 103,401 290 99,922 49,576 29,136 66, 527 8,677 13,182 45 46,188 9,640 87,028 100,861 57,293 92,425 60,103 122,702 70,722 521 98,323 38,906 62,326 63,516 26,116 25,927 46 36,555 13,839 80,525 101,871 65,935 91, 572 55,818 97,748 70,484 102,137 38,051 69,323 91, 550 25,252 21,729 47 53,994 1,252,896 402,790 321,267 191,305 651,654 225,674 145,806 111,416 468,444 169, 366 45,342 374,892 314,170 468,215 527,174 48 49,246 1,706,585 347,955 257,262 155,371 708,930 196,926 127,854 117, 584 619,201 138,612 66,761 381,558 321,262 458,172 554,893 49 27,666 29,299 105,993 108,732 74,443 60,577 31,576 75,820 54,180 69,408 21,706 64,028 91,912 69,293 38,567 50 1,928 71 1,835 572 447 753 655 2,192 935 3 735 795 234 483 104 155 51 2,365 121 2,119 748 542 909 818 2,843 1,160 2 1,107 1,210 238 699 119 143 58. 69, 557 8,456 211,233 88,710 73,908 180,295 175,237 287,691 100,522 354 49,913 18,464 145,244 67,631 6,053 42,804 53 74,391 11,181 201,988 133,182 85,604 222,068 169,937 310,178 112,524 25 67,940 30,831 112,154 97,863 6,735 31,612 54 34 57 2 10 13 19 18 1 1 5 11 4 :,:. 121 18 24 20 29 19 12 15 25 13 1 58 163 283 8 26 47 94 36 3 1 17 27 8 57 544 9 515 59 62 58 140 75 40 54 80 47 "s BE 362 7 320 19 43 36 124 119 49 31 124 4 23 6 9 614 17 488 35 95 41 117 204 65 60 225 28 6 2 1111 5,826 128 5,946 257 627 710 2,823 2,401 823 413 1,043 ■73 359 124 184 ni 10,512 235 10,357 657 1,460 928 2,638 4,476 988 829 2,349 434 62 67 1! 234 1 175 12 21 9 38 142 25 23 113 3 5 6 4 13 280 6 212 11 34 17 52 190 59 48 165 1 16 9 1 64 5,736 58 7,133 336 506 309 1,709 6,024 680 455 1,493 118 168 60 78 a 7,394 155 9,043 364 1,056 842 2,290 8,601 1,774 1,129 2,358 64 515 172 36 SB 337 3 254 21 24 39 44 211 47 50 108 2 20 5 JJ 384 2 332 29 29 48 62 377 81 104 180 3 33 3 8 9,149 155 13,753 642 640 2,126 3,143 13,606 1,873 1,016 1,284 133 576 110 69 11,991 83 17,946 1,446 1,328 2,696 4,134 24,282 3,278 2,457 3,256 210 1,442 60 288 70 391 6 264 18 37 51 43 414 140 76 115 4 35 8 7 71 395 11 293 29 30 77 95 633 170 1 145 199 2 47 11 12 7S 13,822 181 19,630 966 1,512 3,960 3,946 35,354 7,763 2,384 2,092 347 1,637 121 339 78 14,115 675 21,370 2,147 1,904 6,886 8,696 53,964 10,408 15 4,994 4,227 . 214 2,880 206 601 71 168 3 153 58 37 97 48 330 118 93 75 7 42 4 14 75 198 6 169 77 41 156 76 420 153 148 105 11 91 1 19 76 7,024 46 15,523 3,566 3,010 10,001 6,268 38,350 8,876 3,661 1,920 967 2,847 58 1,223 77 7,578 499 16,259 6,710 3,870 18,072 10,156 46,420 11,727 6,056 2,919 1,465 6,635 40 1,163 7^ 94 114 25 27 51 52 213 83 65 69 1 31 1 6 79 103 4 94 47 23 75 59 253 141 94 80 4 43 5 6 BO 4,788 14,107 2,319 2,051 6,601 7,987 29,521 7,976 2,907 2,173 193 2,655 60 739 81 4,259 155 10,811 5,702 2,209 11,106 9,567 32, 593 12,534 4,956 2,503 652 4,175 108 682 82 57 69 25 17 52 38 166 86 68 42 2 31 8 6 BB 59 3 62 36 32 59 67 176 98 97 48 2 46 5 5 84 2,764 9,552 2,400 1,966 8,173 7,771 27,043 9,487 3,626 1,554 437 2,625 117 718 BB 2,669 284 7,704 5,281 4,440 10,207 12,445 26,420 10,863 7,032 1,699 250 4,712 157 584 Be 164 15 203 162 95 205 128 386 269 172 82 62 131 14 34 B7 134 16 178 244 111 221 151 424 254 1 219 115 75 210 14 31 BB 9,595 2,656 37,515 24,188 16,175 44,156 38,140 78,120 36,105 14,159 3,333 20, 539 17,297 337 5,698 7,738 1,857 34,128 47,906 21,265 53,302 43,695 74,845 32,662 10 16,677 5,870 21,903 31,368 503 5,250 57 5 110 122 74 135 89 147 76 1 103 37 80 89 15 29 52 11 101 135 86 129 81 112 84 128 42 85 100 19 21 4,914 985 31,830 25,873 17,880 48,994 48,645 39,913 15,689 352 12,053 2,208 44,159 18,697 1,092 10,013 3,781 1,564 28,641 35,653 28,779 53,419 42,305 26,142 16,866 15,654 3,309 42,133 23,877 830 6,562 '7 30 31 116 106 62 65 32 46 39 1 49 19 69 72 40 41 25 40 75 87 37 66 29 35 43 49 26 55 72 45 38 5,776 4,247 55,961 28,155 29,495 55,218 54,711 17,323 11,247 1 9,222 1,337 78,278 20,762 4,064 23,702 97 3,810 5,665 45,214 27,257 19,231 64,552 33,871 12,360 11,384 8,102 2,261 45,263 21,778 4,587 16,379 98 21 6 65 68 46 46 22 34 30 38 13 41 45 22 16 99 2,664 702 25,358 16,153 19,098 26,440 22,774 12,544 8,893 5,734 741 37,989 11,102 2,092 8,877 100 214 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and expla: e text) Farms: All farm operators number 1 1 Full owners numlier 1 1 Tart owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . Land In farms: All farm operators acres Full owners acres 1959 . 1954 . Part owners acres 1959 . 1 Managers acres 1 1 All tenants acres 1 1 Cropland harvested: All farm operators farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 Full owners farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 Part owners farms reporting 1959 , 1 acres 1 1 Managers farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1950. 1 All tenants farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1954. Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 1 Full owners number 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 1 Nonwhile farm operators, total number 1 Full owners number 1 Part owners numtier 1 Managers number 1959 . All tenants number 1 Propirtinn of tenancy percent 1 Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operaltxs. total acres 1 1 Full owners acres 1959. 1954. Part owners acres 1959. 1954. Manager! acres 1959. 1954. 4.11 tenants.. acres 1959. 1 Nnnwhib? farm operators, total acres 1 Full owners acres 1 Part owners acres 1 Managers acres 1 UIUms.nl .... acres 1 Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : Wnile farm operators, to! ill farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 Full owners farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1 acres 1959. 1954. ■Ml tenants farms reporting 1959 . Nonwhite farm operators, tobal farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Full owners farms reporting 1959 acres 1959 . Part owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 19: All tenants farms reporting 191 acres 1959 . 227,071 292,947 116,734 151,227 59,218 62,585 1,955 1,966 49,164 77,169 21.7 26.3 143,217,559 145,812,733 40,153,278 44,438,154 65,467,265 59,741,126 13,763,762 15,486,132 23,833,254 26,147,321 157,054 206,537 22,236,473 24,885,000 68,133 87,735 4,950,751 6,054,008 48,247 53,661 9,896,305 9,724,290 1,319 1,344 480,544 502,404 39,355 63,797 6,908,873 8,604,298 211,561 265,401 108,053 137,622 56,026 57,566 1,915 1,920 45,567 68,293 21.5 25.7 15,510 8,681 3,192 142,046,048 144,143,934 39,593,213 43,694,407 65,136,010 59,306,236 l 1,729,376 15,457,231 23,587,449 25,686,060 1,171,511 560,065 331,255 34,386 245,805 145,756 184,530 21,979,743 24,357,909 62,652 78,666 4,882,808 5,936,405 45,386 48,886 9,805,155 9,568,006 36,424 55,668 6,812,867 8,356,687 11,298 256,730 5,481 67,943 2,861 91,150 " 2,931 96,006 21.4 444,650 470,913 157,462 150,736 185,257 212,872 64,881 41,684 37,050 65,621 977 1,799 33,622 59,274 .'■-' 1,391 401,867 128,544 123,249 167,097 188,537 61,311 41,045 31,439 49,036 56,259 28,918 18,160 3,570 5,611 1,087 27,270 43,309 659,641 672,455 51,500 72,614 322,280 175,985 33,880 133,719 251,981 290,137 37 659,641 672,455 51,500 72,614 322,280 175,985 33,880 133,719 251,981 290,137 11.0 269,758 264,033 91,573 109,217 159,659 103,949 9,873 35,108 8,653 15,759 494 268,559 262,441 90,749 108,060 159,453 103,949 9,873 35,108 8,484 15,324 1,199 824 206 62,060 68,052 37,289 4,149 18,184 20,403 1,195 38,087 5,392 5,413 14 S, , 59 68,046 37,288 4,149 18,184 20,403 1,195 38,087 5,392 5,407 619,168 629,232 118,153 92,680 434,391 322,599 5,300 155,644 61,324 58,309 276 619,168 629,232 118,153 92,680 434,391 322,599 5,300 155,644 61,324 58,309 638,861 766,818 101, 592 134,570 245,686 227,049 241,557 340,844 50,026 64,355 248 638,861 766,818 101,592 134,570 245,686 227,049 241,557 340,844 50,026 64,355 815,425 780,482 199,437 223,716 438,462 388,394 83,681 60,906 93,845 107,466 812 815,187 780,344 199,324 223,584 438,427 188, 194 83,681 60,906 93,755 107,460 238 113 43,449 90,923 85,408 53,671 140,979 90,537 110 93 295 118 137 357 11,944 26,677 18,427 12,415 47,290 23,363 104 98 319 108 93 319 1 3 , 1 0 46,017 44,790 26,309 56,932 39,753 60 55 187 76 89 296 7,313 17,174 21,293 10,980 33,191 26,794 TEXAS 215 OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell B^ Blanco Borden Boeque Bowie Brazoria *— Brewster Briscoe Brooks 711 466 1,187 494 727 2,259 1,950 516 159 1,206 1,814 1,276 935 106 345 181 1 884 618 1,667 598 861 2,881 2,772 574 191 1,421 2,440 1,669 1,269 101 481 283 197 285 631 212 303 1,203 1,227 348 53 744 1,363 563 637 49 109 95 3 295 425 886 278 380 1,486 1,899 386 60 885 1,764 856 815 55 157 136 225 102 355 160 261 493 408 89 52 242 270 490 179 30 115 64 215 102 429 163 235 511 441 86 51 224 322 517 217 10 149 89 6 22 12 2 3 16 19 9 10 5 21 11 12 6 3 12 a 4 6 13 19 14 i 10 7 15 15 14 2 6 8 285 57 189 120 160 547 296 70 54 210 176 202 108 15 121 16 9 371 79 344 153 240 671 413 88 79 302 347 281 222 22 173 52 10 40.1 12.2 15.9 24.3 22.0 24.2 15.2 13.6 34.0 17.4 9.7 15.8 1J..6 14.2 35.1 8.8 11 42.0 12.8 20.6 25.6 27.9 30.2 14.9 15.3 41.4 21.3 14.2 16.8 17.5 21.8 36.0 16.4 IS 433,180 464,035 385,708 477,390 472,491 523,307 577,478 510,158 477,345 571,128 351,142 633,166 325,983 2,600,900 336,221 796,388 13 419,456 501,589 459,742 466,633 477,031 540,455 533,564 419,523 569,182 506,854 375,904 673,923 355,844 2,537,037 383,632 799,983 14 100,023 216,211 123,327 155,382 103,175 201,589 206,826 217,019 122,256 300,712 182,290 76,573 172,002 570,588 123,061 96,688 60,141 271,171 155,044 146,860 126,783 231,388 305,569 222,434 221,044 278,366 214,802 83,326 195,991 831,120 108,294 218,277 16 181,365 129,620 213,416 267,497 323,036 174,216 216,670 210,229 313,018 163,471 131,813 432,052 119,855 808,027 155,515 443,058 17 157,312 119,568 227,574 251,996 222,851 147,814 128,266 99,251 280,093 99,033 117,390 453,739 124,702 186,822 168,666 439,731 IS 10,174 67,442 11,485 10,016 2,268 29,032 84,801 34,752 20,766 5,072 57,614 20,656 967,308 255,265 19 48,754 49,802 10,623 19,350 8,727 13,350 30,985 35,068 3,520 41,844 8,804 59,333 13,335 1,161,767 45,440 133,848 20 1/11,618 50,762 37,480 44,495 44,012 116,470 69,181 48,158 42,071 86,179 31,967 66,927 13,470 254,977 59,645 1,377 21 153,249 61,048 66,501 48,427 116,670 147,903 68,744 62,770 64,525 87,611 34,908 77,525 21,816 357,328 61,212 6,127 22 690 25: 678 456 489 1,820 1,242 275 121 910 1,001 725 401 12 317 100 23 798 33S 1,128 523 600 2,348 1,122 196 149 1,084 1,488 864 697 10 410 181 24 263,685 12,158 34,194 102,947 82,719 214,235 100,997 12,924 34,476 97,394 40,504 90,608 31,363 2,282 102,828 8,321 212,506 15,273 50,259 113,874 85,811 241,048 81,082 8,202 40,667 106,342 45,380 132,483 44,864 1,019 126,175 11,002 26 179 UC 320 190 168 864 716 173 35 516 716 262 236 3 89 43 27 248 222 530 227 217 1,055 592 120 40 630 997 350 372 4 113 71 28 35,996 4,716 11,576 28,564 13,785 63,816 37,121 6,598 5,967 44,762 21,252 7,721 6,217 332 20,642 2,026 29 34,758 7,61' 15,540 36,494 19,950 77,086 32,489 4,256 7,539 50,060 20,985 8,317 15,129 312 24,494 2,631 30 223 73 243 152 201 463 334 50 37 215 190 311 1O0 5 112 48 31 204 74 346 156 188 484 311 37 38 201 264 319 155 2 144 68 32 117,831 5,153 15,324 53,022 50,123 83,274 39,430 3,454 13,312 31,002 15,931 46,722 18,638 960 49,058 4,913 33 81,325 5,276 21,564 50,516 40,593 75,262 31,266 1,608 12,601 25,569 16,140 75,380 19,990 47 62,665 6,148 34 3 13 7 2 3 13 12 6 10 4 16 4 4 2 35 2 1 4 4 4 10 11 6 8 5 13 6 3 1 4 36 1,211 1,032 943 849 316 2,061 9,113 202 1,486 1,268 17,577 1,954 990 1,100 37 575 704 352 1,704 1,271 1,758 884 252 1,584 539 19,155 611 640 420 629 39 285 27 106 112 117 460 180 46 49 167 91 136 61 116 7 39 344 36 248 136 191 799 208 33 71 245 222 182 164 "i 152 38 40 108,647 1,257 6,351 20,512 IB, 493 65,064 15,328 2,670 15,197 20,ia 2,033 18,588 4,554 33,128 277 41 95,848 1,676 12,803 25,160 23,997 86,942 16,443 1,886 20,527 29,129 5,716 29,631 9,134 20 38,596 1,594 42 709 465 1,001 494 721 2,229 1,889 500 159 1,196 1,561 1,066 807 106 345 180 43 876 617 1,286 598 857 2,624 2,720 554 191 1,414 2,013 1,324 1,026 101 478 282 44 197 28! 517 212 300 1,190 1,186 335 53 741 1,172 462 554 49 109 95 45 295 424 667 278 378 1,474 1,859 373 60 879 1,474 600 690 55 156 135 225 102 313 160 260 487 400 86 52 240 243 426 158 30 115 63 47 214 102 361 163 235 503 436 80 51 223 282 456 185 10 148 69 48 22 10 2 3 16 19 9 10 5 18 11 12 6 49 3 12 8 4 6 13 19 14 1 10 6 15 12 14 2 6 50 283 56 156 120 156 536 284 70 54 205 141 160 64 15 121 16 51 364 79 250 153 238 634 406 67 79 302 251 253 139 22 172 52 52 39.9 12. C 15.6 24.3 21.9 24.0 15.0 L4.0 34.0 17.1 9.0 15.0 10.4 14.2 35.1 8.9 S3 41.6 12.8 19.4 25.6 27.8 29.5 14.9 15.7 41.4 21.4 12.5 19.1 13.5 21.8 36.0 18.4 54 2 1 186 6 30 61 16 10 253 210 128 1 35 114 3 13 41 13 3 191 101 83 56 37 2 33 1 6 8 3 2 27 64 3 42 21 1 57 2 1 "2 ii U 5 35 24 59 100.0 100. c 17.7 33.3 36.7 19.7 50.0 13.8 20.0 18.8 60 433,150 464,033 370,119 477,390 472,146 519,950 576,297 507,289 477,345 570,655 340,101 619,060 318,380 2,600,900 338,221 796,153 61 417,935 501,58" 432,663 466,633 476,71/4 536,435 531,537 415,585 569,182 506,414 357,448 658,086 341,600 2,537,037 383,623 799,933 62 100,023 216,211 115,066 155,382 103,130 199,930 206,310 215,050 122,256 300,516 174,290 73,058 166,205 570,588 123,061 96,688 63 60, 141 271,169 141,165 146,860 126,664 230,809 304,137 219,905 221,044 277,946 204,407 75,666 189,631 831,120 108,292 218,227 181,365 129, 62C 208,068 267,497 322,780 173,593 216,329 209,329 313,018 163,438 130,136 426,107 118,576 808,027 155,515 442,823 65 155,932 119,568 219,917 251,996 222,851 146,735 127,875 98,222 280,093 99,013 113,071 447,150 122,526 186,822 168,682 439,731 66 10,174 67,442 11,246 10,016 2,266 29,032 84,801 34,752 20,766 5,072 54,964 20,656 967,306 255,265 67 48,754 49,802 10,623 19,350 8,727 13,350 30,985 35,068 3,520 41,844 8,004 59,333 10,111 1,161,767 45,440 133,848 68 141,588 50.76C 35,719 44,495 43,968 117,395 68,857 48,158 42,071 85,935 30,603 64,931 12,943 254,977 59,645 1,377 69 153,108 61,048 60,956 48,427 116,472 145,541 68,540 62,390 64,525 87,611 31,966 75,937 19,332 357,328 61,209 8,127 70 30 2 15,589 345 3,357 1,181 2,869 473 11,041 14,106 '7,603 235 71 8,241 45 1,659 516 1,969 196 8,000 3,515 5,797 5,348 256 623 341 900 33 1,677 5,945 1,279 235 73 239 2,650 74 30 1,761 44 1,075 324 244 1,364 1,996 527 75 688 253 576 456 486 1,797 1,222 267 121 905 836 566 332 12 317 99 76 792 33« 842 523 598 2,296 1,109 191 149 1,079 1,226 616 542 10 409 180 77 263,655 12,156 31,627 102,947 82,581 212,760 100,650 12,744 34,476 97,186 38,867 88,417 29,907 2,282 102,828 8,206 78 211,121 15,27. 43,512 113,874 85,776 237,891 80,830 8,140 40,667 106,253 42,344 129,449 40,903 1,019 126,172 10,962 79 179 14C 265 190 167 856 705 168 35 518 599 189 203 3 89 43 80 248 222 393 227 216 1,047 567 117 40 626 842 173 317 4 113 70 81 35,996 4,71( 10,720 28,564 13,755 63,609 37,005 6,493 5,967 44,762 20,299 7,130 5,777 332 20,642 2,026 82 34,758 7,61' 13,626 36,494 19,930 76,944 32,431 4,216 7,539 49,990 19,795 6,709 14,452 312 24,494 2,591 83 223 7: 214 152 200 457 328 47 37 214 168 262 80 5 112 47 84 203 T 280 156 188 476 306 35 38 200 227 269 129 2 143 68 85 117,831 5,15. 14,230 53,022 50,046 82,88C 39,245 3,379 13,312 30,978 15,691 45,646 17,981 960 49,058 4,803 86 80,045 5,27 19,260 50,516 40,593 74,399 31,136 1,786 12,601 25,550 17,446 74,357 16,897 47 62,662 6,148 87 263 2' 90 112 116 471 177 46 49 163 65 100 45 116 7 88 339 3( 165 136 190 763 205 33 71 245 152 161 90 1 152 38 89 108,617 1,25- 5,734 20,512 16,462 64,190 15,282 2,670 15,197 19,960 1,609 18,071 4,195 33,128 277 00 95,743 1,67 10,274 25,160 23,982 84,790 16,379 1,886 20,527 29,129 4,564 29,228 6,943 20 38,596 1,594 91 2 102 3 23 20 8 5 165 159 69 1 92 30 2,567 55 856 29 138 1 30 1 1,475 6 207 6 347 11 116 6 180 5 105 3 208 1 1,617 117 953 22 2,191 73 591 49 1,456 33 440 20 115 1 93 95 96 1,094 77 394 185 75 24 240 1,076 657 115 97 "2 16 1 9 3 26 36 16 98 30 617 31 874 46 184 424 517 359 99 216 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definition- u . see lext) ^ Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Cameron Camp larson Farms: 1 ■ 1,220 1,415 810 819 259 828 2,338 537 400 1,432 1,634 982 1,236 303 946 2,836 831 426 S vows 716 876 853 896 473 574 399 598 85 103 463 517 1,099 1,160 510 114 146 319 344 161 257 88 259 884 120 131 317 397 169 293 98 248 1,114 171 116 3 6 5 5 1 7 20 2 3 S 3 9 8 14 5 10 20 2 2 All tenants 132 212 171 158 85 99 335 82 152 11 236 332 231 331 97 171 542 148 162 11 14.9 15.0 21.1 19.3 32.8 12.0 14.3 15.3 38.0 12 Land in farms: 16.5 20.3 23.5 26.8 32.0 18.1 19.1 17.8 38.0 IS All farm operators am** 193d... 541,001 371,000 562,580 269,606 158,054 521,730 486,198 67,113 445,185 11 I95VI - . . 567,009 343,594 572,517 311,822 218,690 522,716 550,119 85,381 492,930 209,252 155,224 257,057 95,455 32,398 182,136 90,985 35,754 82,823 16 11 Part owners 19M . . . acre-* 1959... 264,842 262,831 155, 913 178,546 272,365 159,016 118,478 134,156 75,671 79,202 155,739 278,159 116,441 294,719 45,042 106,077 215,639 18 228,893 134,901 156,698 138,043 76,848 272,443 277,633 24,839 239,912 2,525 6,055 10,376 7,871 747 34,304 11,291 854 13,179 20 6,500 7,901 20,023 16,066 39,935 40,039 24,126 1,574 12,071 66,393 31,175 136,131 32,124 45,707 27,131 89,203 7,624 133,544 Cropland harvested: 19M... 66,774 44,879 123,431 39,235 26,236 54,495 131,919 13,926 134,870 .fonts rep-*T; 897 394 540 193 531 2,204 341 372 :i 863 1,227 545 852 240 643 2,689 549 403 42,958 55,184 30,203 66,307 50,420 43,963 258,179 7,745 202,179 26 72,7S1 68,100 48,976 67,322 55,431 55,132 287,687 11,612 227,215 Full o*r-.— . fun* rvpor 342 478 192 236 44 258 989 190 101 28 443 584 279 310 66 301 1,036 286 135 14,097 20,563 9,697 18,359 4,421 14,208 47,862 3,180 33,305 23,532 24,604 17,033 17,556 8,635 16,158 50,266 4,475 56,348 SI • 209 271 109 200 77 200 877 102 124 .. 253 341 119 227 83 211 1,109 152 112 ■ ■ 20,471 25,302 11,258 34,142 28,207 23,040 165,998 3,725 94,491 26,027 15,525 23,055 26,983 27,621 168,444 4,408 88,007 ■;. 2 2 3 6 5 13 1 1 3 8 19 16 2 2 3 2 185 280 60 496 7,560 42 6,292 tS 516 160 1,084 7,914 46 4,280 VII tenants ■ 105 91 99 71 70 319 47 144 10 144 302 90 123 528 109 154 v- ■ 8,205 9,195 8,968 11,619 6,219 36,759 798 68,091 ■ 15,917 15,392 15,902 23,163 19,653 10,269 61,063 2,683 73,580 Farms by color and tenure of operator: « 1,217 810 828 2,324 390 399 tt ' 1,430 1,309 980 1,102 303 946 2,819 558 425 Full OWRMS 876 359 511 85 103 463 517 1,092 1,157 258 358 114 146 Put owners 318 241 88 259 879 78 131 315 266 98 248 1,104 105 115 19 3 7 20 2 3 SO 3 5 10 20 1 2 \ll tenants 236 97 99 333 538 52 94 151 162 Proportion of terwr.'. . 15.0 32.8 12.0 14.3 13.3 37.8 M 1954 . . . 16.5 19.9 32.0 18 1 19.1 16.8 38.1 55 Nonwhite farn operator*, utal 3 63 14 1 58 Fsrt owners for 1959.., ■ 2 1 56 40 16 75 42 • ■ ■ numbs Ml tenar-.- 7 30 1 Proportion of lonancj percent 1959.. . 11.9 ::.: 14.3 20.4 100.0 Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: 6] White fane operators, total teres 1959... 562,580 264,535 158,054 58,613 445,181 1354... 566,664 572,197 303,298 218,690 . 492,090 Full o»n,f - • 208,699 31,407 82,823 64 1954... - 37,960 106,077 «d Tan owner* ■ 262,829 292,148 20,231 215,639 273,701 21,717 239,072 i res 1959... 2,525 . - 11,291 854 13,179 • 1854 . 24,126 650 12,071 69 All tenants ■ 136,131 88,907 6,121 133,540 7'.' 123,431 38,198 26,236 130,424 11,524 134,870 ■ operators, total . a. P E 8,500 4 ~- Full owner? r,->1959... 553 2,846 516 4,347 Part owners acres 1959... 2 6,914 1,664 2,571 2,650 a. -■ - ?5 Ml tenants 1,133 561 296 1,503 4 Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operatoi 658 861 760 970 S94 544 504 762 531 643 2,192 2,674 230 346 372 402 " ~- 51,360 30,203 65,382 43,963 255,977 6,431 202,179 1954 . . . 61,813 48,936 65,260 55,132 283,325 8,825 226,615 * Full owner? ■ 342 408 216 _ 984 139 101 M 443 278 262 66 301 1,035 185 135 V i 14,097 9,697 14,208 47,541 2,755 33,305 1954 . . . 23,532 23,214 16,993 16,158 50,263 3,336 56,348 S4 ■ 209 224 109 18S 77 200 872 124 251 259 119 202 83 211 1,099 92 111 3 23,126 11,258 33,783 23,040 3,139 94,491 1954 . , . 23,140 22,479 27,621 165,400 3,434 87,407 e unts. . 105 165 125 91 144 95 285 71 90 70 123 317 524 27 6S 144 154 - 90 ■ 8,968 11,554 6,219 36,608 495 68,091 91 13,390 15,902 19,653 10,269 2,017 78,580 (ants repor. 137 36 12 111 925 2,202 1,314 94 rs 1,021 20 501 5 321 51 95 96 97 . farms repor. - acn?s 1959 . , fairs repor. - ■eras 1959. ::: 47 12 359 5 1,730 2 40 586 20 303 ^_ TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 217 Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Colllngs- Colorado 0-1 Comanche Concho Cooke 1,480 753 483 1,922 526 831 451 337 1,105 2,503 710 1,596 646 1,587 483 1,406 2,381 828 491 3,076 706 978 479 419 1,427 3,166 856 1,662 697 2,092 554 1,700 1,024 207 174 1,172 185 427 108 179 458 1,023 262 801 469 854 220 706 a 1,768 283 207 1,837 284 479 125 183 597 1,241 347 803 503 1,134 283 825 i 257 188 242 504 163 252 125 87 329 640 243 499 114 495 132 370 5 246 175 218 622 162 257 109 108 333 644 234 437 119 594 112 388 B 6 3 7 9 5 9 6 1 4 15 5 5 3 4 4 6 8 2 8 8 2 11 10 2 5 12 2 12 9 7 7 6 193 355 60 237 173 143 212 70 314 825 180 291 60 234 127 324 'i 359 368 58 609 258 231 235 126 492 1,269 273 410 66 357 152 481 13.0 47.1 12.4 12.3 32.9 17.2 47.0 20.8 28.4 33.0 25.4 18.2 9.3 14.7 26.3 23.0 15.1 44.4 11.8 19.8 36.5 23.6 49.1 30.1 34.5 40.1 31.9 24.7 9.5 17.1 27.4 28.3 12 243,346 575,145 350,064 360,265 412,481 642,833 415,213 573,548 745,409 493,033 662,032 609,762 322,330 478,067 793,900 467,057 13 282,734 526,873 357,120 466,037 394,094 575,199 371,938 546,644 794,776 478,756 470,702 593,480 321,763 522,635 783,763 471,246 14 135,559 120,520 76,258 169,074 137,180 232,414 40,008 217,835 244,119 114,914 310,925 176,645 223,229 216,067 195,349 167, 691 15 192,682 152,030 57,779 213,286 132,182 219,897 50,980 183,704 265,670 118,960 184,916 165,422 207,706 238,583 250,893 172,726 IB 77,939 253,159 207,418 160,804 172,729 314,075 173,530 192,488 330,585 206,641 258,593 353,436 65,917 190,869 405,203 205,029 1? 52,921 178,405 257,649 190,958 118,573 215,209 147,811 248,431 303,502 168,852 192,047 331,829 72,395 183,077 308,588 179,704 I* 4,792 2,566 55,405 6,205 19,861 31,963 97, 611 1,000 25,331 10,252 12,001 11,822 6,472 4,126 18,761 12,919 19 3,898 10,015 25,655 10,200 43,197 31,522 68,824 14,400 8,735 6,152 3,614 24,529 15,026 8,517 35,011' 10,497 20 25,056 198,900 10,983 24,182 82,711 64,381 104,064 162,225 145,374 161,226 80,513 67,857 26,712 67,025 174,587 81,418 21 33,233 186,423 16,037 51,593 100,142 108,571 104,323 100,109 216,869 184,792 90,125 71,700 26,636 92,456 189,271 108,319 956 726 283 1,225 447 470 421 138 738 2,129 620 1,166 432 1,122 368 969 28 1,554 782 304 2,198 592 646 440 241 1,081 2,754 776 1,242 402 1,525 273 1,249 24 17,461 316,925 48,727 27,926 74,606 59,343 201,029 11,762 100,463 282,609 126, 598 92,746 26,182 83,187 73,838 112,532 25 30,261 321,080 70,407 50,435 105,452 81,587 166,547 23,993 146,079 291,129 166,711 106,958 22,362 113,941 52,327 129,283 21 616 193 47 631 134 208 89 61 264 749 221 521 293 506 160 425 27 1,043 254 74 1,120 195 272 104 92 403 934 278 531 256 684 114 548 28 8,025 64,086 7,345 9,928 14,018 18,654 21,847 3,677 25,064 51,219 28,108 19,870 13,158 26,139 23,506 33,595 20 15,706 79,742 4,479 17,859 25,547 26,777 24,676 6,555 43,801 57,870 46,390 20,452 10,777 37,852 17,747 42,945 30 203 185 187 409 149 169 120 50 243 617 235 424 101 432 110 295 31 229 173 181 559 153 199 104 75 278 627 229 365 98 545 61 349 32 6,836 113,456 36,208 13,355 29,757 26,134 85,366 5,683 43,891 117,240 67,245 53,434 10,182 42,238 27,915 47,148 33 8,345 96,542 55,176 19,766 38,005 28,480 62,179 9,227 52,008 100,369 68,919 57,052 8,355 51,959 14,504 47,294 34 4 3 5 6 2 3 4 4 13 5 5 1 2 1 4 35 7 2 8 5 1 9 8 5 12 2 10 3 6 3 4 36 250 2,177 700 964 934 571 3,974 1,067 3,310 1,468 1,815 7 318 231 866 37 125 1,981 1,784 706 614 3,152 5,310 324 2,811 340 3,120 143 1,049 1,841 664 38 133 345 44 179 162 90 208 27 227 750 159 236 37 182 97 245 39 275 353 41 514 243 166 224 74 395 1,181 267 336 45 290 95 348 10 2,350 137,206 4,474 3,679 29,897 13,984 89,842 2,402 30,441 110,840 29,777 17,627 2,835 14,492 22,186 30,923 6,085 142,815 8,968 12,104 41,286 23,178 74,382 8,211 49,946 130,079 51,062 26,334 3,087 23,081 18,235 38,380 IS 1,104 753 442 1,608 523 831 450 336 1,103 2,470 707 1,468 645 1,587 483 1,401 43 1,690 827 427 2,459 703 978 477 419 1,426 3,095 853 1,514 694 2,090 554 1,693 784 207 150 1,024 183 427 108 178 456 1,013 262 729 468 854 220 703 1,297 283 163 1,593 284 479 125 183 596 1,232 347 745 500 1,133 283 823 46 200 188 230 414 163 252 125 87 329 636 243 466 114 495 132 369 47 163 175 204 467 162 257 109 108 333 639 234 411 119 593 112 366 46 6 3 6 9 5 9 6 1 4 15 5 4 3 4 4 6 49 8 2 7 8 2 11 10 2 5 12 2 12 9 7 7 6 50 114 355 56 161 172 143 211 70 314 806 177 269 60 234 127 323 51 222 367 53 391 255 231 233 126 492 1,212 270 346 66 357 152 478 52 10.3 47.1 12.7 10.0 32.9 17.2 46.9 20.8 28.5 32.6 25.0 18.3 9.3 14.7 26.3 23.1 53 13.1 44.4 12.4 15.9 36.3 23.6 48.8 30.1 34.5 39.2 31.7 22.9 9.5 17.1 27.4 28.2 54 376 41 314 3 1 1 2 33 3 126 1 5 55 240 24 148 2 1 2 10 72 1 3 56 57 12 1 4 90 * 33 1 57 79 ■76 1 1 19 3 22 1 59 21.0 9.8 24.2 33.3 100.0 57.6 100.0 17.2 20.0 60 210,525 575,145 328,265 336,640 412, 443 642,833 413,813 572,706 745,372 491,108 661,044 603,965 322,267 476,087 793,900 466,697 61 234,174 526,872 342,792 428,861 392,690 575,199 370,868 546,644 794,456 475,807 470, 327 584,399 321,129 522,249 783,763 470,630 62 116,920 120,520 64,165 159,590 137,143 232,414 40,008 216,993 244,082 114,806 310,925 174,094 223,166 216,067 195,349 167,581 63 161,080 152,030 45,278 200,185 132,182 219,897 50,980 183,704 265,350 118,705 184,916 163,171 207,072 238,542 250,893 172,637 64 71,969 253,159 205,480 151,119 172,729 314,075 173,530 192,488 330,585 206,162 258,593 351,134 65,917 190,869 405,203 204,989 65 46,238 178,405 255,934 ^79,020 118,573 215,209 147,811 248,431 303,502 168,357 192,047 328,196 72,395 182,732 308,588 179,549 66 4,792 2,566 47,745 6,205 19,861 31,963 97,611 1,000 25,331 10,252 12,001 11,682 6,472 4,126 18,761 12,919 67 3,898 10,015 25,631 10,200 43,197 31,522 68,824 14,400 8,735 6,152 3,614 24,529 15,026 8,517 35,011 10,497 68 16,844 198,900 10,875 19,726 82,710 64,381 102,664 162,225 145,374 159,888 79,525 67,055 26,712 67,025 174,567 81,208 69 22,958 186,422 15,949 39,456 98,738 108,571 103,253 100,109 216,869 182,593 89,750 68,503 26,636 92,458 189,271 107,947 70 32,821 21,799 23,625 38 1,400 842 37 1,925 988 5,797 63 360 71 18,639 12,093 9,484 37 842 37 108 2,551 63 110 72 5,970 1,938 7,660 9,685 479 2,304 140 40 73 8,212 108 4,456 1 1,400 1,338 988 802 210 75 641 726 270 961 447 470 420 138 738 2,100 617 1,101 431 1,122 366 966 76 1,014 782 274 1,653 589 646 438 241 1,080 2,688 773 1,120 401 1,524 273 1,244 77 13,632 316,925 48,306 23,874 74,606 59,343 199,629 11,762 100,463 281,267 126,067 90,631 26,177 63,167 73,838 112,497 76 21,988 321,080 69,897 40,008 104,774 81,587 165,544 23,993 146,056 288,590 166,594 102,243 22,303 113,897 52,327 129,168 419 193 41 523 134 208 89 61 264 747 221 482 292 506 160 424 80 707 254 56 930 195 272 104 92 402 928 278 494 255 684 114 547 81 6,325 64,086 7,256 8,748 14,018 18,654 21,847 3,677 25,064 51,174 28,108 19,335 13,153 26,139 23,506 33,582 82 12,118 79,742 4,395 15,935 25,547 26,777 24,676 6,555 43,778 57,734 46,390 20,010 10,718 37,852 17,747 42,929 83 151 185 181 322 149 169 120 50 243 614 235 397 101 432 110 294 84 146 173 174 405 153 199 104 75 278 622 229 340 98 544 61 346 85 5,868 113,456 35,880 11,621 29,757 26,134 85,366 5,683 43,891 117,030 67,245 52,236 10, 182 42,238 27,915 47,132 86 6,559 96,542 54,783 16,057 38,005 28,480 62,179 9,227 52,008 99,983 68,919 54,810 6,355 51,915 14,504 47,279 87 67 345 44 110 162 90 207 27 227 736 156 216 37 182 97 244 88 154 353 37 313 240 166 222 74 395 1,126 264 276 45 290 95 345 89 1,189 137,206 4,474 2,541 29,897 13,984 88,442 2,402 30,441 109,753 29,246 17,250 2,635 14,492 22,186 30,917 90 3,186 142,815 8,943 7,310 40,608 23,178 73,379 8,211 49,946 128,062 50,945 24,303 3,087 23,081 18,235 38,296 91 315 13 264 1 19 3 65 1 3 92 3,829 421 4,052 1,400 1,342 531 2,115 5 35 93 197 6 108 2 39 1 1 94 1,700 89 1,180 45 535 5 13 95 52 6 87 3 27 1 968 328 1,734 210 1,198 16 97 66 69 1 14 3 18 1 98 1,161 1,138 1,400 1,087 531 377 6 99 218 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For defin VI I farm operators number 1 ] Full owners numlter 1 1 Part owners number 1 ] Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Cropland harvested: All farm operators forms reporting 1 . Turin- reporting I'.W) . .farms reporting I'lV.' Managers forms reporting 1059 , farms reporting 1050. Full owner? number 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 1 Non white farm operators, total number 1 Full owners number 1 Part owners number 1 Managers number 1 All tenants number 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm, operators, total acres 1 1 Full owners acres I 7 1 Managers. Nonwhite farm operators, total . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : ite farm operators, total farms reportir .farms reporting IT,:* . farms reporting 1.959 Nonwhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . Full owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Part owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . All tenants farms reporting 1959. 18.9 30.7 22.7 35.0 646,296 534,194 463,767 539,414 219,352 83,750 225,931 148,249 174,006 162,344 140,701 90,369 177, 527 201,395 11,496 207, 538 75,411 86,705 85,639 93,258 957 339 1,159 411 106,064 73,917 117,475 101,327 464 106 574 151 34,225 15,024 38,731 33,892 265 119 270 110 43,247 37,152 42,601 37,929 6 2 6 5 1,027 580 1,182 1,736 202 112 309 145 27,565 21,161 34,961 27,770 1,308 386 1,573 467 645,305 463,504 218,776 225,668 173,971 140,701 177, 527 11,496 75,031 85,639 991 576 1,157 105,821 117,383 534,113 539,165 83,750 148, 249 162,344 90,122 201,395 207, 538 86,624 93,256 81 341,911 320,650 19,130 127,013 165,615 85,077 341,911 320,650 19,130 127,013 165,615 85,077 1,736,767 1,973,677 278,836 331,709 864,366 1,173,976 22,803 69,640 570, 762 398, 352 1,736,767 1,973,1 278, 836 331,709 864,366 1,173,976 22,803 69,640 570,762 398,352 88,792 115,879 215,975 135,101 32,430 26,129 197,427 139,541 690 534,614 416,646 88,792 115,879 215,975 135,101 32,430 26,129 197,417 139, 537 10 1,622,240 1,719,023 65,360 174,253 851,643 687,634 481,680 576,440 223,557 280,696 41 1,622,240 1,719,023 65,360 174,253 851,643 687,634 481,680 576,440 223, 557 280,696 864,077 791,547 238,398 262,299 402,099 313,003 83,755 83,400 139,825 132,845 299 864,077 791, 547 238, 398 262,299 402,099 313,003 83,755 83,400 139,825 132,845 277,641 316,349 64,937 118,897 99,343 90,030 36, 816 16,683 76,545 90,739 876 1,442 122,975 138,643 275,610 311,605 64,338 118,335 98,753 88,230 36,816 16,683 75,703 88,357 2,031 599 590 27 304 1,367 7,614 183, 825 122,033 7,611 194,794 135,480 16 95 369 13 104 684 2,291 46,089 18,076 3,303 50,444 34,808 82,739 52,476 85,963 46,673 82 230 91 368 48,398 42,329 54,680 48,427 TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 219 Deaf Smith Delta Denton De Witt Dickens Dijunit Dome, Duval Eastland Ector Edwards EUls El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 735 842 1,863 1,814 505 222 450 716 1,347 58 238 2,074 482 1,617 1,793 2,246 1 674 1,117 2,221 2,213 646 291 619 652 1,681 77 270 2,885 690 2,021 2,707 2,953 2 276 330 955 963 233 115 194 293 718 31 141 913 223 1,048 832 1,010 3 235 417 1,186 1,169 279 137 279 251 885 40 150 1,021 378 1,246 1,023 1,164 4 209 228 450 481 136 70 145 231 417 20 41 464 169 350 487 572 5 198 266 461 436 174 95 158 203 475 15 47 488 188 426 581 641 10 26 3 5 10 4 1 7 1 8 15 19 28 16 10 7 9 25 7 9 17 6 3 2 3 21 15 13 10 10 8 240 284 432 367 131 27 107 191 205 6 48 682 71 191 458 654 232 434 549 601 184 42 176 195 321 20 70 1,355 109 336 1,093 1,138 10 32.7 33.7 23.2 20.2 25.9 12.2 23.8 26.7 15.2 10.3 20.2 32.9 14.7 11.8 25.5 29.1 11 34.4 38.9 24.7 27.2 28.5 14.4 28.4 29.9 19.1 26.0 25.9 47.0 15.8 16.6 40.4 38.5 1! 851,148 146,901 491,042 573,303 494, 163 655,938 467,039 756,361 488,232 506,967 1,051,739 535,173 518,335 591,152 412,244 469,289 n 843,274 147,870 505,731 560,515 533,059 670,131 503,103 669,930 479,952 .557,488 1,146,096 555,526 589,309 604,869 437,790 489,816 14 239,895 50,529 163, 216 197,700 134,365 185, 187 109,485 176,539 156,447 105,976 473,792 169,926 24,982 306,138 120,631 162,298 15 179,764 44,199 182,122 224,340 158,155 197,420 156,504 148,597 175,777 145,602 496,467 155,061 116, 198 295,744 123,016 146,439 398,030 61,228 185,256 282,967 122,676 214,762 271,143 351,905 260,392 375,506 308,052 195,599 201,075 194,353 184,100 179,169 17 466,795 57,572 175,197 247,862 113,717 199,327 199,895 276,612 211,860 304,132 364,716 188,182 322,198 193,802 169,283 174,073 ie 16,006 30,550 2,762 164,106 73,678 39,292 100,000 7,700 40 67,794 10,064 245,344 37,942 16,625 17,548 19 23,653 22,282 14,417 188, 502 154,440 68,089 156,938 50,560 23,660 20,326 33,411 28,846 6,768 16,425 20 197,217 35,144 112,020 89,874 73,016 182,311 47,119 127,917 63,693 25,445 202, 101 159,584 43,934 52,719 90,888 110,274 21 173,062 46,099 126,130 73,896 72,685 118,944 78,615 87,783 92,315 57,194 261,253 191,957 117,502 86,477 138,723 152,879 22 685 675 1,230 1,306 452 92 391 451 855 8 48 1,695 420 873 1,424 1,743 23 626 936 1,638 1,579 592 147 536 496 1,150 14 57 2,573 597 1,249 2,330 2,482 24 313,380 61,121 172,167 86,832 89,944 18,775 68,476 34,252 63,557 876 1,543 262,911 52,927 51,365 161,978 162, 198 25 344,216 68,507 205,161 95,612 120,421 15,452 101,169 40,752 84,218 1,412 1,839 289,271 61,437 74,509 217,934 198,216 28 249 215 520 600 197 45 152 143 371 6 24 624 182 506 560 634 209 277 749 723 236 74 222 161 511 6 34 769 302 669 723 807 28 84,242 13,602 42,898 25,001 29,749 8,505 17,982 8,421 17,373 607 530 52,369 13,772 23,624 36,231 32,451 29 72,215 14,237 58,350 32,255 36,150 2,771 31,698 8,090 25,501 62 915 60,808 23,587 33,113 42,230 39,718 30 201 204 370 398 129 31 134 178 346 1 10 439 162 251 449 527 31 195 250 420 367 171 49 1JC 172 400 4 9 473 181 354 557 611 32 119,411 26,141 71,567 38,100 33,669 6,691 30,223 14,549 35,917 250 541 104,865 28,230 19,387 68,974 70,287 33 157,538 26,206 78,533 31,428 48,609 6,415 37,839 18,351 38,991 777 529 89,225 25,160 26,604 78,780 67,825 34 8 19 2 5 4 3 4 3 12 15 13 11 7 35 9 23 4 8 9 3 2 1 21 14 8 10 8 36 4,982 5,181 86 3,476 1,033 556 265 74 2,055 6,223 1,777 2,499 3,532 37 9,617 4,361 1,063 4,253 5,003 626 375 37 7,968 6,896 905 2,718 3,104 38 227 256 321 306 121 12 102 130 134 1 11 620 61 103 404 575 39 213 409 446 485 177 15 161 161 239 4 13 1,310 100 218 1,040 1,056 40 104,745 21,378 52,521 23,645 23,050 2,546 19,715 11,282 10,002 19 398 103,622 4,702 6,577 54,274 55,928 41 104,846 28,064 63,917 30,866 31,409 1,263 31,006 13,936 19,726 573 358 131,270 5,794 13,887 94,206 87,569 42 733 786 1,843 1,742 503 222 449 716 1,344 58 238 1,988 477 1,615 1,637 2,172 43 674 1,041 2,197 2,062 645 291 616 652 1,678 77 270 2,575 683 2,015 2,290 2,831 44 274 327 947 931 231 115 194 293 716 31 141 899 222 1,046 762 982 45 235 406 1,169 1,102 279 137 278 251 885 40 150 1,009 372 1,242 891 1,125 49 209 224 444 467 136 70 145 231 416 20 41 457 167 350 442 556 47 198 263 458 415 174 95 157 203 473 15 47 481 188 425 496 619 48 10 26 3 5 10 1 7 1 8 15 19 28 16 10 49 9 25 7 9 17 6 3 2 3 21 15 13 10 10 50 240 235 426 341 131 27 106 191 205 6 48 617 69 191 417 624 51 232 372 545 538 183 42 175 195 320 20 70 1,064 108 335 893 1,077 92 32.7 29.9 23.1 19.6 26.0 12.2 23.6 26.7 15.3 10.3 20.2 31.0 14.5 11.8 25.5 28.7 53 34.4 35.7 24.8 26.1 28.4 14.4 28.4 29.9 19.1 26.0 25.9 41.3 15.8 16.6 39.0 38.0 54 2 56 20 72 2 1 3 86 5 2 156 74 55 2 3 4 49 8 6 6 32 14 26 2 1 2 1 14 7 65 1 2 2 2 70 45 41 28 16 30 57 87.5 30.0 36.1 100.0 75.6 4O.0 26.3 40.5 60 851,132 145,016 489,622 568,874 493,843 655,938 466,879 756,361 488,059 506,967 1,051,739 529,842 518,153 590,918 402,879 464,400 61 843,274 144,692 504,308 551,406 532,952 670,131 500,418 669,930 476,068 557,488 1,146,096 542,237 589,232 604,020 416,126 482,913 239,879 50,249 162,732 196,028 134,045 185,187 109,485 176,539 156,275 105,976 473,792 169,056 24,979 305,904 117,890 160,681 179,764 43,943 181,334 220,971 158,155 197,420 156,344 148,597 175,777 145,602 496,467 154,615 116,162 294,962 117,527 144,845 398,030 60,972 184,611 281,792 122,676 214,762 271,143 351,905 260,391 375,506 308,052 194,803 200,898 194,353 179, 884 177,431 65 466,795 56,883 174,735 245,999 113,717 199,327 198,395 276,612 211,736 304,132 364,716 187,784 322,198 193,765 163,060 171,607 66 16,006 30,550 2,762 164,106 73,678 39,292 100,000 7,700 40 67,794 10,064 248,344 37,942 16,625 17,548 67 23,653 22,282 14,417 188,502 154,440 68,089 156,938 50,560 23,660 20,326 33,411 28,846 6,768 16,425 66 197,217 33,795 111,729 88,292 73,016 182,311 46,959 127,917 63,693 25,445 202,101 155,919 43,932 52,719 88,480 108,740 69 173,062 43,866 125,957 70,019 72,578 118,944 77,590 87,783 88,555 57,194 261,253 179,512 117,461 86,447 128,771 150,036 70 16 1,885 1,420 4,429 320 160 173 5,331 182 234 9,365 4,889 71 16 280 256 484 645 1,672 1,175 320 172 1 870 796 3 177 234 2,741 4,216 1,617 1,738 72 73 1,349 291 1,582 160 3,665 2 2,408 1,534 75 684 623 1,225 1,257 450 92 390 451 854 8 48 1,624 417 872 1,312 1,689 76 626 866 1,624 1,473 591 147 533 496 1,149 14 57 2,268 594 1,245 1,947 2,372 313,372 59,688 172,002 85,803 89,792 18,775 68,380 34,252 63,541 876 1,543 259,284 52,756 51,347 158,354 160,465 78 344,216 66,290 204,862 93,176 120,314 15,452 99,326 40,752 84,173 1,412 1,839 278,426 61,402 74,407 204,941 195,044 79 248 214 518 584 195 45 152 143 370 6 24 614 181 505 522 617 80 209 271 742 686 236 74 221 161 511 6 34 760 300 667 619 778 81 84,234 13,568 42,863 24,760 29,597 8,505 17,982 8,421 17,357 607 530 51,942 13,769 23,606 35,582 32,122 82 72,215 14,175 58,307 31,700 36,150 2,771 31,598 8,090 25,501 62 915 60,633 23,571 33,068 40,430 39,336 83 201 200 368 384 129 31 134 178 346 1 10 432 160 251 406 511 84 195 247 417 347 171 49 149 172 400 4 9 467 181 353 475 590 85 119,411 25,974 71,441 37,850 33,669 6,691 30,223 14,549 35,917 250 541 104,353 28,062 19,387 67,444 69, 587 B6 157,538 25,879 78,350 30,812 46,609 6,415 36,403 18,351 38,991 777 529 88,991 25,160 26,577 75,423 66,923 87 227 209 320 287 121 12 101 130 134 1 11 566 61 103 373 554 88 213 348 442 436 176 15 160 161 238 4 13 1,020 99 217 843 996 89 104,745 20,146 52,517 23,107 23,050 2,546 19,619 11,282 10,002 19 398 100,934 4,702 6,577 52,829 55,224 00 104,846 1 26,236 52 63,844 5 29,601 49 31,302 2 1,263 30,699 1 13,936 19,681 1 573 358 120,834 71 5,775 3 13,857 1 86,370 112 85,681 54 91 92 8 1,433 165 1,029 152 96 16 3,627 171 18 3,624 1,733 93 1 8 1 34 4 167 47 1,232 2 35 2 126 1 16 241 14 250 19 538 2 152 1 96 1 16 10 427 7 512 54 2,688 1 3 2 168 1 18 38 649 43 1,530 31 1,445 17 329 16 700 21 704 95 96 97 98 99 220 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions anil explai •«) Farms: All farm operators number 1 1 Full owners nunlier 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All lenanLs number I nnO . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . Land in farms: All farm operators acres Fall owners acres 1359 . 1954 . Part owners . . : acres 1959 . 195- Managers acres 195! 195- 195. Cropland harvested: All farm operators Farms reporting 195! 195 acres 195! 195< Full owners farms reporting 195! 195' acres 195! Part owners farm* reporting 195! 19S< acres 195! 19* Managers fam.s reporting 1959 . 1 arres 1 1 All tenants farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1951. Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 1 1 Full owners number 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 1 Nonwhlte farm operators, total number 1959 . Full O'vners number 1 Part owners numlier 1 Managers number 1 all tenants number 1 Proportion of lonancy percent 1 Land in farms by color and tenure ot operator: White farm operators, total acres 1 1 Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959. 1 Managers acres 1 1 All tenants acres 1 1 Nonw hile farm operators, total acres 1 Full owners acres 1 Part owners acres 1 Managers acres 1 All lenanLs acres 1 Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : acres 1 1 Full owners lamis reporting 1 1 1 Part owners farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 All tenants farms reporting 1 acres 1 1 Nonwhile farm operators, total farms reporting 1 acres 1 Full owners farms reporting 1 acres 1 Part owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . All tenants farms reporting 1959 . 553,331 554,982 251,684 249,663 219,584 191,438 3,199 7,375 78,864 106,506 114,940 125,585 1,408 1,538 49,825 54,209 3,108 3,475 1,783 1,940 542,394 537,534 247,150 242,115 216,847 188,336 2,449 7,375 75,948 99,708 10,937 4,534 2,737 750 2,916 2,483 2,770 112,494 119,971 1,363 1,449 49,0% 52,842 472,379 519,179 136,542 180,595 205,308 212,602 50,058 1,022 113,386 153,930 471,935 517,305 136,437 180,015 205,064 212,220 50,058 5,668 80,376 119,402 444 105 1,013 113,124 152,609 620, 7 12 617,371 108,693 126,714 305,905 290.082 21,153 16,465 185,041 194,110 902 1,090 320,565 378,911 620,792 617,318 108,693 126,714 305,905 . ' . .-'. 21,153 16,465 185,041 194,057 320,565 378,861 436,473 427,535 124,117 184,431 1-1. 78 169,976 61,700 1,662 59,578 71,466 312 427,104 124,117 184,341 191,078 169,971 61,700 1,662 59,358 71,125 220 1,083 36.2 45.0 545,759 513,196 100,897 87,008 292,770 285,603 61,762 32,948 90,330 107,637 1,705 1,030 47,557 61,050 526,841 490,453 97,361 82,021 283, 749 277,441 61,362 32,948 84,369 98,043 18,918 3,536 9,021 400 5,961 1,423 1,645 129,065 133,086 145,448 149,696 56,114 63,130 78,217 59,327 144,816 148,368 55,804 62,743 73,002 59,062 80 2,809 10,930 23,754 1,299 1,711 413,051 411,906 128 , 769 124,850 229,119 190,829 21,483 32,216 33,680 64,011 771 1,247 28,227 59,039 372,375 355,879 111,179 108,203 213,321 167,799 20,683 32,216 27,192 47,661 40,676 17,590 15,798 800 6,488 586,987 699, 597 179,940 171,536 298,826 289,615 31,865 27,944 76,356 210,502 300 586,987 698,967 179,940 171,406 298,826 . ' i,6l: 31,865 27,944 76,356 210,002 10,745 20,912 57,460 14,824 39,718 49,955 181 201 111 260 273 130 3,322 5,098 13,097 4,659 11,311 13,696 145 194 122 163 225 112 6,115 12,124 28,428 6,952 18,249 20,445 41 45 64 91 143 89 1,308 2,815 14,224 3,148 9,577 14,511 TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 221 Galveston Garza Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg G^s Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 518 343 1,161 151 560 1,716 400 2,352 493 1,206 1,883 1,535 601 1,185 333 572 1 715 436 1,306 139 708 2,147 523 2,815 857 1,566 2,097 1,703 747 1,496 421 652 229 100 782 35 277 957 141 1,192 309 636 1,061 535 191 714 84 244 3 368 150 906 33 278 1,195 188 1,319 546 749 1,226 613 249 891 130 290 219 86 250 64 164 478 146 596 116 351 440 406 189 265 128 172 5 218 91 234 51 187 438 154 601 157 375 414 370 181 278 142 166 6 7 5 11 2 6 14 5 10 7 4 9 3 7 1 2 7 5 13 6 11 16 9 10 5 11 1 3 3 1 8 63 152 llfl 50 113 267 108 554 61 215 378 585 218 199 120 154 9 124 191 153 49 232 448 177 886 150 432 452 709 316 324 146 195 10 12.2 44.3 10.2 33.1 20.2 15.6 27.0 23.6 12.4 17.8 20.1 38.1 36.3 16.8 36.0 26.9 17.3 43.8 11.7 35.3 32.8 20.9 33.8 31.5 17.5 27.6 21.6 41.6 42.3 21.7 34.7 29.9 12 125,677 499,901 692,600 612,113 332,862 591,110 563,719 489,854 91,657 424,485 359,665 614,542 638,300 488,297 592,940 375,791 13 114,676 514,971 682, 535 525,289 377,273 585,663 560,333 470,131 111,526 412,354 349,214 620,163 489,735 505,840 370,534 14 16,038 122,510 380,648 42,001 104,722 208,413 116,728 151,961 46,689 137,914 144,308 150,609 170,249 227,716 135,393 176,569 15 21,120 185,732 418,977 32,020 82,598 276,082 124,225 133,968 58,932 133,626 158,630 151,226 225,686 258,571 268,638 174,006 16 77,059 248,412 251,397 442,531 155,794 317,595 292,137 218,823 31,072 251,859 155,931 240,907 364,151 189,864 287,363 140,727 17 72,674 170,769 191,366 339,752 224,044 240,641 266,721 188,904 31,342 228,405 122,620 210,278 147,851 142,607 352,085 126,346 18 18,789 66,771 10,040 18,822 35,351 5,426 32,930 5,260 4,487 2,531 3,072 5,526 10,437 8,384 6,400 3,352 19 3,507 77,401 14,755 54,180 24,305 10,003 53,900 3,529 5,600 10,022 7,129 4,565 5,922 6,684 4,779 9,430 20 13,791 62,208 50,515 108,759 36,995 59,678 121,924 113,810 9,409 32,181 56,354 217,500 93,463 62,333 163,784 55, 143 21 17,375 81,069 57,437 99,337 46,326 58,937 115,487 143,730 15,652 40,301 60,835 254,094 110,276 97,978 131,407 60,752 22 175 301 896 89 353 971 307 1,579 267 773 1,478 1,459 569 866 318 469 23 196 370 917 85 495 1,384 424 2,056 417 1,148 1,652 1,570 693 1,060 375 609 14,366 75,326 59,532 20,555 30,674 68,005 110,731 182,870 7,364 39,713 134,783 481,354 142,210 86,928 232,634 76,860 25 17,014 83,709 57,762 17,848 40,000 82,893 137,660 197,072 7,834 49,803 131,808 464,582 172,919 99,288 207,378 148,162 26 64 75 579 19 146 453 86 647 162 337 763 473 168 472 73 173 27 73 104 614 21 143 666 129 785 243 429 879 505 207 556 99 253 28 2,855 11,240 29,733 3,998 7,885 23,174 17,272 41,633 3,808 8,742 47,316 107,343 30,750 35,970 40,500 19,719 29 4,188 16,173 33,057 4,092 8,057 28,703 27,941 43, 145 3,705 10,948 53,900 101,802 42,447 39,813 36,647 51,670 30 86 80 218 37 116 341 127 511 75 267 389 403 134 236 127 159 31 84 82 195 28 138 385 145 542 113 317 374 367 177 248 134 166 32 8,608 26,642 22,149 7,612 13,119 31,204 58,592 86,965 2,355 22,145 58,110 139,365 57,957 31,739 131,609 34,360 33 9,043 24,442 16,790 4,905 10,498 30,531 67,454 73,178 2,673 24,203 43,068 154,247 62,104 31,309 98,289 55,485 34 3 3 10 6 5 4 5 3 3 4 8 3 5 2 35 4 2 8 "i 7 10 4 7 2 10 4 8 3 "3 1 657 1,008 895 2,804 1,235 1,998 932 780 465 450 4,058 890 658 264 37 492 351 927 964 1,915 445 512 1,984 330 1,163 591 3,733 91 1,382 742 38 22 143 89 33 85 172 90 416 27 166 322 575 214 153 118 135 35 132 100 34 207 323 146 722 59 392 395 690 309 253 139 189 40 2,246 36,436 6,755 8,945 6,866 12,392 32,869 53,340 421 8,361 28,907 180,588 52,613 18,561 80,525 22,517 41 3,291 42,743 6,988 7,887 19,530 23,209 41,753 78,765 1,126 13,489 34,249 204,800 68,368 28,075 71,060 40,265 42 501 342 1,160 150 528 1,545 399 2,311 327 939 1,735 1,532 601 1,185 333 570 43 681 435 1,303 138 680 1,866 523 2,750 498 1,092 1,924 1,702 747 1,495 421 651 217 100 781 35 259 870 141 1,165 200 509 982 535 191 714 84 244 45 340 150 903 33 266 1,069 188 1,288 322 564 1,123 613 249 890 130 290 46 215 86 250 64 157 436 145 590 72 285 409 406 189 265 128 172 47 216 91 234 51 179 426 154 589 80 284 382 370 181 278 142 165 48 7 5 11 2 6 13 5 10 6 4 4 9 3 7 1 2 49 4 13 5 11 15 4 9 3 9 5 11 1 3 3 1 50 62 151 118 49 106 226 108 546 49 141 340 582 218 199 120 152 51 121 190 153 49 224 356 177 864 93 235 414 708 316 324 146 195 52 12.4 44.2 10.2 32.7 20.1 1/4.6 27.1 23.6 15.0 15.0 19.6 38.0 36.3 16.8 36.0 26.7 53 17.8 43.7 11.7 35.5 32.9 19.1 33.8 31.4 18.7 21.5 21.5 41.6 42.3 21.7 34.7 30.0 54 17 1 1 1 32 171 1 41 166 267 148 3 2 55 12 1 18 87 27 109 127 79 4 7 42 1 1 6 44 1 66 31 57 98 1 1 i 7 41 ' 8 12 '■74 'm 3 2 59 5.9 100.0 100.0 21.9 24.0 19.5 7.2 27.7 25.7 100.0 100.0 60 124,814 499,678 692,533 611,903 330,481 574,595 562,279 487,536 81,960 406,173 345,342 614,518 638,300 488,297 592,940 375,682 61 113,157 514,601 682,181 524,489 375,722 563,043 560,333 466,538 93,443 385, 592 332,094 619,973 489,735 505,772 756,909 370,405 62 15,959 122,510 380,581 42,001 103,992 202,096 116,728 150,306 40,911 128,843 137,764 150,609 170,249 227,716 135,393 176,569 63 20,958 185,732 418,623 32,020 82,263 267,245 124,225 132,067 46,926 122,056 150,473 151,226 225,686 258,503 268,638 174,006 76,915 248,412 251,397 442,531 154,597 310,746 290,697 218,327 28,234 246,271 151,579 240,907 364,151 189,864 287,363 140,727 65 72,472 170,769 191,366 339,752 223,206 232,903 266,721 188,046 27,210 222,312 116,657 210,278 147,851 142,607 352,085 126,217 66 18,789 66,771 10,040 18,822 35,351 5,121 32,930 5,260 4,147 2,531 3,072 5,526 10,437 8,384 6,400 3,352 67 2,507 77,401 14,755 53,380 24,305 9,498 53,900 3,529 5,300 9,583 7,129 4,565 5,922 6,684 4,779 9,430 68 13,151 61,985 50,515 108,549 36,541 56,632 121,924 113,643 8,668 28,528 52,927 217,476 93,463 62,333 163,784 55,034 ra 17,220 80,699 57,437 99,337 45,948 53,397 115,487 142,896 14,007 31,641 57,835 253,904 J.10,276 97,978 131,407 60,752 70 863 223 67 210 2,381 16,515 1,440 2,318 9,697 18,312 14,323 24 109 71 79 67 730 6,315 1,655 5,778 9,071 6,544 72 144 1,197 6,849 305 1,440 496 2,838 340 5,588 4,352 73 74 640 223 210 454 3,046 167 741 3,653 3,427 24 109 75 174 300 895 88 336 859 306 1,556 146 576 1,375 1,457 569 866 318 467 76 193 369 915 84 473 1,168 424 2,002 163 751 1,529 1,569 693 1,060 375 608 77 14,365 75,107 59,492 20,349 30,175 64,607 110,001 182,068 5,983 35,839 131,128 431,331 142,210 86,928 232,634 76,751 78 16,658 83,513 57,749 17,208 39,402 76,192 137,660 195,565 5,253 41,434 126,536 464,396 172,919 99,288 207,378 148,042 63 75 578 19 138 408 86 634 89 264 719 473 168 472 73 173 Ml 72 104 612 21 135 583 129 761 101 313 814 505 207 556 99 253 SI 2,854 11,240 29,693 3,998 7,795 22,502 17,272 41,178 3,265 7,830 46,234 107,343 30,750 35,970 40,500 19,719 82 4,187 16,173 33,044 4,092 7,992 27,456 27,941 42,607 2,649 9,375 51,994 101,802 42,447 39,813 36,647 51,670 83 86 80 218 37 110 306 126 505 35 210 362 403 184 236 127 159 84 14 82 195 28 132 334 145 531 43 230 348 367 177 248 134 165 85 8,608 26,642 22,149 7,612 12,815 29,945 57,862 86,702 1,643 20,879 56,918 189,365 57,957 31,739 111,609 34,360 86 9,043 24,442 16,790 4,905 10,235 28,685 67,454 72,716 1,675 22,194 41,313 154,247 62,104 31,309 98,289 55,365 87 22 142 89 32 82 140 90 412 20 99 290 573 214 153 118 133 88 34 181 100 34 199 242 146 703 17 199 363 689 309 253 139 189 89 2,246 36,217 6,755 8,739 6,761 10,925 32,869 53,256 345 6,665 27,526 180,565 52,613 18,561 80,525 22,408 00 3,286 42,547 6,988 7,887 19,260 19,674 41,753 78,258 599 8,713 32,638 204,614 68,368 28,075 71,060 40,265 91 1 1 1 1 17 112 1 23 121 197 103 2 2 92 1 219 40 206 499 3,398 730 802 1,381 3,874 3,655 23 109 93 1 1 8 45 13 73 73 44 94 1 40 90 6 304 672 35 1,259 1 730 455 6 263 543 40 712 912 57 1,266 1,082 27 1,192 95 98 97 1 1 3 32 7 67 32 2 2 98 219 206 105 1,467 84 76 1,696 1,381 23 109 99 222 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explai I text) Farms: All farm operators number 1 1 Full owners numlier 1 1 Part owners nun.lier 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 1 Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1 1 Full owners acres 1 1 Part owners acres 1 1 Managers acres 1 1 All tenants ncres 1 1 Cropland harvested: All farm operators farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 Full owners farms reporting 1 1 ncres 1 Part oi\ ners Tarms reporting I 1 acres 1 1 Managers furn.s rcnortinc 1 1 ,. res I Ml tenants farms reporting 1 175,904 112,461 12,760 24,853 140,825 62,523 3,832 4,870 18,487 20,215 272 2,414 3,869 1,399 2,469 667,255 690,046 135,662 139,292 348,654 376,282 80,641 48,687 102,298 125,785 1,155 1,505 86,664 113,079 293,764 366,435 155,995 215,623 93,690 82,985 23,178 14,919 20,901 52,908 1,003 2,008 20,309 36,639 615 1,081 9,693 16,610 635,534 888,959 115,285 290,515 333,533 289,101 47,408 82,248 139,308 227,095 152 44.6 512,164 526, 171 119, 354 144,025 206,651 175,086 2 8,626 1,067 1,246 241,434 276,977 365,437 363,490 167,190 175,030 126,196 94,805 29,387 41,554 42,664 52,101 350 535,566 578, 590 129,607 150,379 327,741 332,820 28,380 49, i 1,662 2,232 1,006 1,253 373,735 384,596 147, 123 157,430 175,287 174,172 13,994 6,794 37,331 46,200 825 1,465 24,734 53,379 Farms by color and tenure ot operator: Vhite farm operators, total number 1 Full owners number 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 2,290 3,640 1,318 2,324 Proportion of tenancy Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: te farrr, operators, total Nonwhite farm operators, total . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : ite farm operators, total I 175,442 111,845 12,522 24,346 140,819 62,518 3,832 4,870 18,269 20,111 462 238 659,276 681,944 133,775 137,301 345,290 373,029 80,641 48,287 99,570 123,327 7,979 1,887 3,364 2,728 1,105 1,404 83,990 109,632 244,065 270,548 123,107 162,407 85,343 67,467 23,084 14, 183 12,531 26,491 49,699 32,888 8,347 94 8,370 635,534 888,959 115,285 290,515 333,533 289,101 47,408 82,248 139,308 227,095 511,588 525,403 119,354 143,964 206,651 175,086 2 8,626 185,581 197,727 1,064 1,242 241,189 276,351 165,079 361,839 167,054 174,344 125,974 93,929 29,387 41,554 42,664 52,012 358 136 535,566 578,590 129,607 150,379 327,741 332,820 28,380 355,096 360, 599 136,364 147,846 172,141 168,982 13,770 6,244 32,821 37,527 18,639 10,759 3,146 224 4,510 1,181 21,975 47,232 -farms reporting 1959. I 19S9. ? farm operators, total farms reporting wners farms reporting wners farms reporting 19.r>9 ncres 19S9. lanls farms reporting 1959 . TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 223 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson U. Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 2,151 1,305 603 2,030 1,610 521 124 2,245 121 119 577 946 963 80 724 89 , 2,653 1,269 803 2,507 2,438 642 178 2,737 171 126 843 1,074 1,616 101 1,038 129 912 286 374 1,145 922 181 62 1,060 29 45 270 364 797 34 335 37 3 1,017 339 508 1,462 1,466 205 97 1,143 46 50 360 450 1,392 55 607 73 4 602 284 144 574 378 167 41 624 48 36 228 274 83 25 259 34 551 236 143 564 481 155 44 641 60 37 299 229 98 22 250 36 6 S 6 14 23 21 2 15 2 9 6 13 9 12 4 7 9 10 8 17 4 4 11 5 3 8 10 5 11 12 5 8 630 729 71 288 289 171 17 546 42 38 70 302 70 12 118 14 9 1,076 687 142 473 474 278 33 942 60 36 176 385 121 13 169 15 10 29.3 55.9 11.8 14.2 18.0 32.8 13.7 24.3 34.7 31.9 12.1 31.9 7.3 15.0 16.3 15.7 11 40. 6 54.1 17.7 18.9 19.4 43.3 18.5 34.4 35.1 28.6 20.9 35.8 7.5 12.9 16.3 11.6 12 518,615 588,228 238,591 417,407 484,516 471,747 2,057,973 467,375 387,860 808,110 511,688 561,188 153,326 1,821,701 422,292 829,398 13 490,031 543,269 262,173 414,997 517,844 566,714 1,891,401 494,506 536,216 777,985 584,681 419,880 128,686 1,925,664 433,186 800,349 14 160,418 66,624 81,745 176, 149 184,036 131,938 779,531 154,660 72,918 133,316 154,153 106,804 50,426 347,904 65,967 66,783 15 152,410 95,014 124,507 219,290 212,289 134,108 345,814 159,755 80,964 94,025 144,297 104,252 70,778 512,598 57,597 86,903 215,734 180,675 86,556 179,102 209,558 197,088 956,917 192,454 194,625 258,518 255,475 239,957 64,761 903,741 224,477 691,858 17 154,964 118,203 59,023 138,699 217,381 278,873 1,021,562 193,474 219,972 285,445 327,892 187,468 48,200 895,471 190,295 429,285 5,191 97,817 52,253 20,340 49,116 17,560 95,875 16,060 78,277 50,872 115,709 29,700 460,916 98,616 39,420 19 10,084 72,685 46,773 1,768 38,958 35,045 497,705 8,433 180,044 216,452 29,107 58,346 1,467 445,903 141,757 257,168 20 137,272 243,112 18,037 41,816 41,806 125,161 225,650 104,201 42,040 416,276 51,188 98,718 8,439 109, 140 33,232 31,337 172,573 257,367 31,870 55,240 49,216 118,688 26,320 132,844 55,236 182,063 83,385 69,814 8,241 71,692 43,537 26,993 22 1,749 1,252 342 1,252 1,015 441 75 1,677 87 32 174 655 512 26 432 44 23 2,308 1,197 475 1,706 1,733 565 128 2,271 116 40 385 695 724 29 396 74 24 247,105 409,237 22,957 53,083 48,992 136,645 14,625 158,521 56,386 2,361 10,011 86,422 6,413 2,328 66,541 7,217 25 259,066 383,096 36,117 77,257 79,948 160,253 24,187 192,872 72,340 2,797 25,385 77,514 7,718 2,973 88,667 6,843 26 605 246 180 607 487 126 37 647 16 14 62 187 417 15 119 15 27 745 278 236 830 908 158 81 782 29 18 131 218 600 20 112 36 28 51,661 48,681 10,244 20,828 14,144 24,744 5,921 34,561 4,238 448 1,977 10,414 4,236 1,090 8,528 1,607 29 60,610 59,923 14,076 31,119 24,705 31,019 13,677 46,211 12,071 761 5,426 11,999 5,717 1,919 7,243 2,294 30 555 283 110 433 287 153 23 543 42 10 83 211 50 7 216 20 31 526 236 130 491 419 146 18 610 52 11 176 175 62 3 180 25 32 107,616 137,172 7,998 22,056 21,104 61,031 6,359 72,167 34,460 995 5,689 36,243 1,075 974 43,098 4,546 81,923 102,227 13,254 28,331 32,667 60,504 4,231 71,812 42,794 1,465 14,774 30,493 1,254 596 54,891 3,127 34 6 5 11 15 16 2 1 12 2 6 3 7 2 9 3 35 7 6 8 4 11 3 1 8 4 1 5 6 2 2 10 3 36 831 6,628 1,820 886 5,438 220 76 2,713 180 613 2,055 401 100 1,979 625 37 859 13,877 1,125 63 5,465 457 4 1,880 2,558 130 586 4,557 18 35 5,591 331 38 583 718 41 197 225 160 14 475 27 8 23 254 38 2 83 6 39 1,030 677 101 381 395 258 28 871 31 10 73 296 60 94 10 40 86,947 216,756 2,895 9,313 8,306 50,650 2,269 49,080 17,508 918 1,732 37,710 701 164 12,936 439 41 115,674 207,069 7,662 17,744 17,111 68,273 6,275 72,969 14,917 441 4,599 30,465 729 423 20,942 1,091 42 2,088 1,294 602 1,919 1,160 519 124 2,184 121 119 577 901 816 80 681 89 43 2,544 1,261 see 2,357 1,624 641 177 2,636 171 126 843 1,001 1,302 101 946 129 44 890 286 373 1,092 688 181 62 1,039 29 45 270 342 667 34 312 37 45 994 339 507 1,381 986 204 97 1,115 46 50 360 402 1,125 55 541 73 46 586 283 144 536 295 166 41 613 48 36 228 260 78 25 250 34 47 536 235 143 536 359 155 43 630 60 37 299 219 79 22 244 36 46 8 6 14 22 21 2 4 14 2 9 6 12 9 12 4 49 9 7 10 8 16 4 11 5 3 8 10 3 11 9 5 50 604 719 71 269 156 170 1? 518 42 38 70 293 59 12 107 14 51 1,005 680 142 432 263 278 33 880 60 36 176 370 95 13 152 15 52 28.9 55.6 11.8 14.0 13.4 32.8 13.7 23.7 34.7 31.9 12.1 32.5 7.2 15.0 15.7 15.7 53 39.5 53.9 17.7 18.3 16.2 43.4 18.6 33.4 35.1 28.6 20.9 37.0 7.3 12.9 16.1 11.6 54 63 11 1 111 450 2 61 45 147 43 55 21 1 53 234 21 22 130 23 56 16 1 38 83 1 11 14 5 9 67 58 26 'io 19 133 1 28 9 11 11 41.3 90.9 17.1 29.6 50.0 45.9 20.0 7.5 25.6 60 512,518 586,189 238,511 407,788 441,956 471,259 2,057,973 462,145 387,860 808,110 511,688 556,480 149,047 1,821,701 418,807 829,398 61 482,683 541,075 262,093 404,321 459,148 566,687 1,890,781 489,201 536,216 777,985 584,68] 414,328 119,040 1,925,664 423,219 800,349 158,961 66,624 81,665 172,277 165,052 131,938 779,531 153,181 72,918 133,316 154,153 104,948 46,486 347,904 65, 595 66,783 63 151,084 95,014 124,427 213,869 179,393 134,081 345,814 158,317 80,964 94,025 144,297 100,671 63,659 512,598 56,875 86,903 64 213,505 180,205 86,556 175,092 193,765 196,800 956,917 190,980 194,625 258,518 255,475 237,760 64,583 903,741 222,422 691,858 65 153,175 117,842 59,023 135,849 203,262 278,873 1,020,942 192,172 219,972 285,445 327,892 186,294 47, 570 895,471 187,857 429,285 66 5,191 97,817 52,253 19,940 49,116 17,560 95,875 15,703 78,277 50,872 115,709 29,656 460,916 98,616 39,420 67 10,084 72,685 46,773 1,768 38,610 35,045 497,705 8,433 180,044 216,452 29,107 58,346 565 445,903 137,208 257,168 134,861 241,543 18,037 40,479 34,023 124,961 225,650 102,281 42,040 416,276 51,188 98,063 8,322 109, 140 32, 174 31,337 69 168,340 255,534 31,870 52,835 3", 883 118,688 26,320 130,279 55,236 182,063 83,385 69,017 7,246 71,692 41,279 26,993 70 6,097 2,039 80 9,619 42,560 488 5,230 4,708 4,279 3,485 71 1,457 80 3,872 18,984 1,479 1,856 3,940 372 72 2,229 470 4,010 400 15,793 288 1,474 357 2,197 178 44 2,055 73 74 2,411 1,569 1,337 7,783 200 1,920 655 117 1,058 75 1,703 1,242 342 1,169 648 439 75 1,625 87 32 174 627 395 26 414 44 76 2,207 1,189 475 1,579 1,022 565 128 2,186 116 40 385 658 514 29 372 74 77 244,308 407,342 22,957 50,884 39,505 136,216 14,625 156,039 56,386 2,361 10,011 85,436 5,693 2,328 63,991 7,217 78 254,419 380,996 36,117 73,920 63,116 160,253 24,187 189,661 72,340 2,797 25,385 76,392 5,973 2,973 82,212 6,843 79 597 246 180 574 315 126 37 632 16 14 62 178 312 15 116 15 80 729 278 236 771 513 158 81 768 29 18 131 202 429 20 106 36 81 51,408 48,681 10,244 20,296 10,734 24,744 5,921 34,102 4,238 448 1,977 10,304 3,604 1,090 8,497 1,607 82 60,122 59,923 14,076 29,656 17,613 31,019 13,677 45,761 12,071 761 5,426 11,798 4,285 1,919 7,216 2,294 83 539 282 110 399 212 152 23 534 42 10 83 201 45 7 207 20 84 511 235 130 463 301 146 18 599 52 11 176 166 45 3 175 25 106,678 136,777 7,998 21,025 18,077 60,756 6,359 71,526 34,460 995 5,689 35,968 1,022 974 41,451 4,546 86 80,969 101,943 13,254 27,411 28,493 60,504 4,231 71,195 42,794 1,465 14,774 30,208 1,060 596 52,528 3,127 87 561 709 41 182 105 159 14 448 27 8 23 245 31 2 82 6 88 960 670 101 341 197 258 28 811 31 10 73 284 40 84 10 89 85,341 215,256 2,895 8,747 5,256 50,496 2,269 47,923 17,508 918 1,732 37,109 666 164 12,064 439 90 112,469 205,253 7,662 16,790 11,545 68,273 6,275 70,825 14,917 441 4,599 29,829 628 423 19,125 1,091 91 46 10 83 367 2 52 28 117 18 92 2,797 1,895 2,199 9,487 429 2,482 986 720 2,550 93 8 33 172 15 9 105 3 94 253 532 3,410 459 110 632 31 95 16 1 34 75 1 9 10 5 9 96 938 395 1,031 3,027 275 641 275 53 1,647 97 22 9 15 120 1 27 9 7 98 1,606 1,500 566 3,050 154 1,157 601 35 872 99 224 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE . numl>er 1059 . 1954. .number 1959. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954. Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1959 . . farms reporting 1959 . Managers farms report] np 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . .number 1959. 1954. . number 1959 . Part owners nuiril«>r 1959 1954. Managers number 1959 1954. All tenants number 1959. 1954. •y percent 1959 . Proportion of tenancy 1954. fonwhite farm operators, total number 1959 Full owners number 1959 . Part owners number 1959 . Managers number 1959 . Proport ion of tenancy Land in farms by color and lenure of operator: White farm operators, total Nonwhite farm operators, total . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : White farm operators, total . farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 wners farms reporting 1959. 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954. lanta farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954. ? farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . wners farms report i np 1959 acres 1959 . wners farms reporting 1959 . Tunis farms reporting 1959 . 554,492 506,908 124,662 133,890 289,141 273,404 13,865 35 553,317 505,708 123,762 132,990 289,141 273,104 13,865 35 126,549 99,579 1,175 1,972 2,444 1,277 1,521 422,327 426,256 220,387 218,785 97,987 100,105 21,611 10,234 82,342 97,132 1,166 1,492 119,102 131,905 1,952 2,405 1,271 1,509 421,461 423,958 220, 179 218,584 97,961 99,759 21,611 10,234 81,710 95,381 866 208 1,151 1,465 118,487 130,227 43.5 769,795 796,037 111,973 100, 178 491,551 185,784 3,638 308,031 162,633 201,044 1,045 1,265 232,011 769,541 795,369 111,971 100,177 491 , 551 185,784 3,638 309,031 162,380 200,377 255 1,043 1,260 231,942 264,067 36.2 436,157 468,552 147,871 167,117 213,981 184,677 15,125 1,766 59,180 114,992 933 1,293 123,493 158,771 435,687 467,654 147,422 166,648 213,960 184,428 15,125 1,766 59,180 114,812 470 449 1,282 123,426 158,472 466,555 454,482 178,726 163,754 146,245 132,233 67,858 33,435 73,726 125,060 972 1,593 109,550 158,312 458,262 436,552 175,312 160,315 144,077 128,124 67,758 33,435 71,115 114,678 8,293 3,414 2,168 100 2,611 1,374 106,718 148,400 362,218 371,188 215,937 214,535 80,701 66,178 48,099 50,707 17,481 39,768 375 362,218 370,444 215,937 213,895 80,701 66,178 48,099 50,707 17,481 39,664 534,707 652,526 38,475 64,116 431,944 541,848 59,116 42,000 5,172 4,562 534,707 652,526 38,475 64,116 431,944 541,848 59,116 42,000 5,172 4,562 402,464 401,778 197,747 164,471 159,356 171,881 15,001 14,720 30,360 50,706 205 402,067 401,267 197,690 164,333 159,356 171,881 15,001 14,720 30,020 50,333 397 57 747,158 716,959 386,840 400,439 184,244 147,602 107,796 100,176 68,278 68,742 260 747,134 716,648 386,819 400,128 184,244 147,602 107,796 100, 176 68,275 68,742 24 21 32,051 17,664 43,172 16,150 81 154 88 170 8,288 8,403 11,746 8,087 66 67 71 66 12,231 7,068 15,202 5,562 55 30 79 35 11,532 1,472 16,224 1,890 TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 225 King Kinney Kleberg Knox U_ ~ ^ La Salle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 65 93 246 663 2,088 1,636 780 228 2,880 1,347 1,389 1,189 1,415 365 586 461 1 79 96 281 837 2,529 1,787 827 282 3,294 1,554 1,739 1,361 2,128 422 787 481 2 U 34 103 202 1,145 496 470 84 1,579 770 817 706 725 109 248 293 3 19 38 98 271 1,170 554 529 120 1,795 917 814 967 819 129 304 322 16 33 97 190 425 419 173 98 646 372 369 344 408 144 209 110 14 23 119 180 504 404 133 99 570 363 517 216 558 163 216 77 6 5 3 3 5 31 1 8 6 5 6 13 2 8 1 7 7 6 2 2 7 2 8 1 8 2 11 16 8 15 8 33 23 43 266 487 720 129 40 650 199 190 137 274 111 123 51 40 35 62 384 848 827 157 62 921 272 401 167 735 130 259 67 in 50.8 24.7 17.5 40.1 23.3 44.0 16.5 17.5 22.6 14.8 13.7 11.5 19.4 30.4 21.0 11.1 11 50.6 36.5 22.1 45.9 33.5 46.3 19.0 22.0 28.0 17.5 23.1 12.3 34.5 30.8 32.9 13.9 IS 563,420 751,295 947,441 464,444 496,627 637,481 493,636 954,578 541,502 325,745 530,379 532,575 427,060 577,809 534,081 549,108 ta 494,235 702,114 918,608 576,954 -"- . "'.: 659,138 440,339 827,131 563,147 324,187 535,078 350,396 463,992 629,406 605,005 516,473 5,530 188,507 35,559 215,591 188,992 205,489 219,429 133,675 192,284 137,294 260,349 93,516 155,342 103,930 153,711 269,682 13,960 289,312 25,957 187,411 164,896 128,628 232,311 246,144 199,140 152,233 205,151 78,086 140, 571 130,634 159,913 248,651 16 135,779 246, 513 73,937 119,306 205,189 232,316 172,334 618,292 269,112 147,556 218,697 404,946 206,302 326,921 279,938 213,024 17 27,577 195,193 54,805 200,524 187,235 246,816 129,344 486,352 228,869 132,226 237,823 204,548 197,651 356,214 317,874 146,922 397,408 136,500 827,045 24,547 29,089 429 21,955 138,401 4,687 6,332 11,404 141 9,231 320 15,012 17,096 433,368 826,451 40,617 13,381 71,920 15,412 2,700 3,683 898 38,943 34,855 14,811 23,442 74,707 20 24,703 179,775 10,900 105,000 73,357 199,247 79,918 64,210 75,419 34,563 39,929 33,972 56,185 146,638 85,420 49,306 19,330 217,609 11,395 148,402 106,280 ai,774 63,272 91,935 131,455 38,830 53,161 32,907 110,959 142,558 103,776 46,193 22 57 20 169 612 1,415 1,571 452 110 2,318 941 769 626 850 312 449 104 23 60 24 195 745 1,956 1,687 425 175 2,746 1,143 1,366 688 1,686 368 575 80 24 12,052 2,524 44,717 148,470 115,001 429,415 36,499 16,386 108,342 46,143 29,391 46,263 85,570 124,446 72,848 4,975 25 15,479 2,271 32,907 175,667 147,744 419,812 34,527 35,781 124,242 52,604 47,594 55,709 157,205 137,078 80,904 4,090 26 7 8 52 165 652 446 252 31 1,182 479 381 319 315 75 167 58 27 11 10 . 48 209 729 471 238 65 1,406 581 470 436 483 96 184 46 28 705 843 5,184 31,215 31,313 87,376 16,416 3,225 42,773 16,454 10,782 9,397 16,605 22,386 22,384 2,034 29 1,161 1,411 4,305 32,575 34,515 83,655 14,872 9,463 51,777 20,886 11,396 10,331 23,983 24,776 21,407 1,410 30 16 8 79 186 364 416 122 58 564 304 254 238 304 135 175 34 :u 14 8 99 174 460 403 99 70 505 331 437 154 509 154 169 25 32 3,587 659 21,522 60,611 50,033 172,854 12,309 9,335 35,286 19,812 13,290 32,775 38,841 64,058 33,794 2,385 93 5,754 523 20,981 64,336 56,541 156,493 11,911 17,602 27,128 19,797 22,502 33,137 63,134 71,993 33,506 1,869 34 2 1 2 4 18 1 5 3 4 4 10 1 4 1 4 2 35 2 2 6 2 5 1 7 2 5 10 14 5 2 36 330 550 10,450 1,140 3,100 290 470 1,316 306 198 707 32 477 177 597 21 37 975 395 3,441 3,227 1,500 253 60 175 61 838 4,321 1,812 847 57 38 32 3 36 257 381 708 73 18 568 154 124 68 227 101 103 10 39 31 6 46 360 761 811 83 39 828 229 354 88 680 118 217 15 40 7,430 472 7,561 55,504 30,555 168,895 7,304 2,510 29,977 9,679 4,612 4,059 29,647 37,825 16,073 535 7,589 337 7,226 75,315 53,461 178,164 7,491 8,656 45,162 11,860 12,858 7,920 68,276 40,309 25, 144 754 42 65 93 245 660 1,885 1,618 778 228 2,773 1,101 968 1,066 1,270 364 584 461 43 79 96 280 833 2,200 1,777 826 282 3,121 1,234 1,093 1,155 1,754 422 777 481 44 11 34 103 202 1,066 495 468 84 1,516 612 582 615 655 109 247 293 45 19 38 98 270 1,077 554 528 120 1,714 733 585 798 703 129 296 322 46 16 33 97 189 402 419 173 98 628 314 272 326 372 143 208 110 47 14 23 119 180 466 404 133 99 535 281 315 195 455 163 214 77 48 5 3 3 5 29 1 8 6 5 6 11 2 8 1 6 7 49 6 2 2 7 2 8 1 7 1 6 11 14 8 15 50 33 23 42 264 388 703 129 40 624 169 103 123 235 111 123 51 51 40 35 61 381 650 817 157 62 865 219 187 151 582 130 259 67 52 50.8 24.7 17.1 40.0 20.6 43.4 16.6 17.5 22.5 15.3 10.6 11.5 18.5 30.5 21.1 11.1 50.6 36.5 21.8 45.7 29.5 46.0 19.0 22.0 27.7 17.7 17.1 13.1 33.2 30.8 33.3 13.9 54 1 3 1 203 79 23 2 18 1 2 2 107 63 18 246 158 58 421 235 97 2 123 91 18 145 70 36 1 1 2 1 1 56 57 58 1 2 99 17 26 30 87 14 39 59 100.0 66.7 48.8 94.4 24.3 12.2 20.7 11.4 26.9 60 563,420 751,295 947,420 464,072 483,203 636,433 493,622 954,578 534,884 304,411 493,086 526,556 417,622 575,249 533,924 549,108 61 494,235 702,114 918,605 576,788 451,510 658,278 440,338 827,131 552,069 297,103 488,426 343,908 441,686 629,406 603,893 516,473 1-.' 5,530 188,507 35,559 215,591 184,141 205,479 219,415 133,675 188,711 125,320 241,324 89,540 150,938 103,930 153,609 269,682 63 13,960 289,312 25,957 187,408 159,140 128,628 232,310 246,144 194,653 140,999 186,986 73,233 136,026 130,634 159,217 248,651 M 135,779 246,513 73,937 119,301 203,266 232,316 172,334 618,292 267,750 v<„ 208,043 403,376 202,840 324,361 279,883 213,024 65 27,577 195,193 54,805 200,524 183,766 246,816 129,344 486,352 225,813 120,298 220,273 203,348 189,233 356,214 317,458 146,922 66 397,408 136,500 827,045 24,547 27,244 429 21,955 138,401 4,687 6,332 9,804 141 9,231 320 15,012 17,096 67 433,368 826,451 40,617 13,381 71,920 15,412 2,700 3,333 796 38,217 34,855 14,073 23,442 74,707 68 24,703 179,775 10,879 104,633 68,552 198,209 79,918 64,210 73,736 32,914 33,915 33,499 54,613 146,638 85,420 49,306 69 19,330 217,609 11,392 148,239 95,223 210,914 63,272 91,935 128,270 35,010 42,950 32,472 102,354 142,558 103,776 46,193 TO 21 372 13,424 1,048 14 6,618 21,334 37,293 6,019 ■ 9,438 2,560 157 71 4,851 10 14 3,573 11,974 19,025 3,976 4,404 102 7? 5 1,923 1,362 7,711 10,654 1,570 3,462 2,560 55 73 1,845 1,600 74 21 367 4,805 1,038 1,683 1,649 6,014 473 1,572 75 57 20 168 609 1,254 1,555 452 110 2,247 771 437 551 764 311 447 104 76 60 24 195 741 1,667 1,677 425 175 2,606 905 679 571 1,357 368 565 88 12,052 2,524 44,697 148,233 110,062 428,453 36,499 16,386 106,765 41,782 21,686 45,284 82,789 124,036 72,830 4,975 78 15,479 2,271 32,907 175,504 138,600 419,058 34,527 35,781 121,385 46,153 32,267 54,132 144,685 137,078 80,580 4,090 79 7 8 52 165 603 446 252 11 1,145 387 218 263 286 75 166 58 80 11 10 48 208 660 471 238 65 1,354 471 293 347 406 96 176 46 81 705 843 5,184 31,215 30,495 87,376 16,416 3,225 42,401 14,849 8,801 8,854 16,006 22,386 22,376 2,034 82 . • 1,411 4,305 32,573 33,374 83,655 14,872 9,463 51,165 19,124 8,714 9,464 22,691 24,776 21,150 1,410 83 16 8 79 185 343 416 122 58 550 250 164 224 279 134 174 34 84 14 8 99 174 426 403 99 70 472 252 238 136 408 154 167 25 85 3,587 659 21,522 60,609 49,064 172,854 12,309 9,335 34,997 17,655 10,226 32,466 37,760 63,648 33,784 2,385 86 5,754 523 20,981 64,336 55,431 156,493 11,911 17,602 26,557 16,496 16,028 32,702 58,676 71,993 33,439 1,869 87 32 3 35 255 292 692 73 18 548 130 47 63 195 101 103 10 88 31 6 46 357 575 801 83 39 774 181 144 78 531 118 217 15 89 7,430 472 7,541 55,269 27,629 167,933 7,304 2,510 29,061 9,080 2,005 3,932 28,546 37,825 16,073 535 90 7,589 337 7,226 75,154 46,568 177,410 7,491 8,656 43,491 10,480 6,705 7,645 61,611 40,309 25,144 754 91 1 3 161 16 71 170 332 75 86 1 2 92 20 237 1 4,939 49 818 21 962 1,577 37 372 14 4,361 92 1,605 54 7,705 163 1,981 90 979 56 543 14 2,781 29 599 25 410 1 18 1 8 1 93 94 98 2 969 289 2,157 3,064 309 1,081 410 10 97 1 2 89 16 20 24 77 5 32 98 20 235 2,926 962 916 599 2,607 127 1,101 99 226 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE Managers number 1959 . 1954 . All tenants number 1959. 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . Cropland harvested: All farm operators farms reporting 1959 . Part owner? forms reporting 1959 . 195*. acres 1959. 1954. Managers farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 1959. 1954. Full owners number 1959 . Managers number 1959 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 959 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1959 . Full owners number 1959 . Part owners number 1959 . Managers number 1959 . All tenants number 1959 . Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . Land in tarms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total acres 1959 . I .ill .,» i 1959 . Nonwhite farm operators, total . Cropland harvested by color and tenure of operator : While farm operators, total . farms reportinc 1959 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. . farms reporting 1959 . . farms rejNXting 1959 . . farms reporting li.'.i Nonwhite farm operators, total farms reporting 1959 . BCresl959. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Part owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. All tenants farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. 653,302 603,201 117,045 131,552 280,149 193,163 3,480 11,052 252,628 267,434 1,656 1,870 479,242 478,202 651,813 602,213 116,205 131,536 280,149 193,103 3,480 10,675 251,979 266,899 1,489 840 569,074 586,253 98,574 113,919 226,191 214,782 1,106 389,917 408,872 568,026 585,917 98,192 113,919 225,931 214,782 4,818 243,903 252,398 1,048 1,103 389,018 408,556 659,927 667,229 313,085 372,977 237,929 186,404 16,360 28,142 92,553 79,706 382 659,895 667,229 313,058 372,977 237,924 186,404 16,360 28,142 92,553 79,706 32 27 2,484 3,634 1,359 1,884 1,083 23.3 29.8 572,537 617,013 199,596 214,189 220,340 207,395 39,985 37,599 112,616 157,830 1,842 2,693 244,523 310,180 880 1,121 64,511 80,845 2,358 3,312 1,299 1,741 565,103 602,409 197,401 210,838 218,490 203,452 39,985 36,989 109,227 151,130 7,434 2,195 1,850 3,389 1,764 2,476 241,354 102,110 852 1,062 63,987 79,989 525,271 559,624 158,083 128,843 281,423 355,697 30,180 20,000 55,585 55,084 41 525,271 558,81 8 158,083 128,027 281,423 355,697 30,180 20,000 55,585 55,084 303,213 292,682 148,517 141,488 109,518 114,738 32,215 11,610 12,963 24,846 464 286,870 271,226 141,316 132,991 103,526 106,688 32,215 11,610 .9,813 19,937 16,343 7,201 5,992 3,150 10.9 72,248 91,787 40,694 61,180 11,402 21,519 16,115 1,100 4,037 7,9 57,461 70,920 28,652 46,001 10,708 19,386 16,115 5,533 14,787 12,042 45. 339,346 467,290 120,215 86,640 97,909 164,839 11,475 44,180 109,747 171,631 407 339,346 466,382 120,215 86,610 97,909 164,839 11,475 44,180 TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 227 Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley Nacog- doches Navarro Newton 1,037 164 1,206 275 222 2,002 767 617 1,121 1,097 212 556 328 1,666 1,911 688 1 1,220 271 1,546 325 287 2,659 893 819 1,520 1,416 247 670 386 2,336 2,520 1,026 2 368 79 654 152 87 1,043 448 190 566 749 50 393 119 1,241 844 542 3 446 175 951 186 107 1,334 532 276 780 1,021 57 453 153 1,685 855 886 4 418 53 381 79 62 459 200 162 336 228 93 112 124 242 540 75 5 395 55 365 79 73 481 191 166 344 193 89 91 116 312 591 51 6 12 8 5 3 3 11 4 6 5 1 3 1 15 17 3 7 8 12 6 2 4 11 3 6 11 4 1 16 19 1 8 239 24 166 41 70 489 115 261 213 115 68 48 84 168 510 68 9 371 29 224 58 103 840 159 374 390 191 97 125 113 323 1,055 88 10 23.0 14.6 13.8 14.9 31.5 24.4 15.0 42.3 19.0 10.5 32.1 8.6 25.6 10.1 26.7 9.9 11 30.4 10.7 14.5 17.8 35.9 31.6 17.8 45.7 25.7 13.5 39.3 18.7 29.3 13.8 41.9 8.6 12 727,574 621,072 725,925 576,953 1,439,663 468,358 424,393 693,477 509,167 361,323 475,983 134,374 532,747 341,883 555,370 114,537 13 592,588 718,969 733,471 604,043 1,551,401 493,749 424,443 552,658 514,477 331,194 475,894 138,359 851,826 334,974 561,260 81,730 14 80,157 135,774 310,529 232,289 53,874 186,482 194,769 83,609 156,675 87,763 90,279 60,849 105,703 193,852 178,965 27,320 15 96,916 152,872 348,419 259,390 67,613 211,731 201,897 94,815 215,271 96,900 76,214 68,193 124,325 212,273 151,422 39,631 16 415,785 218,208 314,189 276,697 921,217 175,746 171,070 259,928 269,807 242,996 285,313 24,309 280,568 102,019 243,716 63,766 17 359,515 212,019 276,512 246,927 1,079,887 165,841 146,251 171,486 200,025 176,701 247,974 14,745 121,127 71,896 221,619 29,988 IS 167,360 120,647 6,584 17,382 294,540 16,689 12,664 208,046 5,908 10,117 30,200 43,064 111,000 21,627 21,259 18,048 19 34,352 154,719 14,735 11,876 337,077 4,817 18,477 162,881 3,331 19,609 72,750 43,000 565,944 10,086 18,830 7,000 20 64,272 146,443 94,623 50,585 170,032 89,441 45,890 141,894 76,777 20,447 70,191 6,152 35,476 24,385 111,430 5,403 21 101,805 199,359 93,805 85,850 66,824 111,360 57,818 123,476 95,850 37,984 78,956 12,421 40,430 40,719 169,389 5,111 22 777 97 814 108 168 1,379 459 534 557 366 186 318 280 792 1,260 331 23 883 191 828 83 229 2,004 479 698 778 508 204 386 342 1,276 2,032 498 24 95,744 16,681 103,268 6,425 41,611 135,492 32,108 96,764 32,848 7,335 145,991 7,961 60,322 17,512 143,389 3,328 25 95,554 23,913 72,353 3,804 47,935 152,749 34,637 111,166 42,019 8,728 158,121 11,467 82,714 25,029 206,383 5,408 26 205 45 365 60 59 592 253 146 252 217 34 198 87 543 384 256 27 252 126 419 38 73 824 262 188 347 318 42 218 122 805 482 420 28 10,886 7,566 30,062 2,652 7,742 42,146 14,803 14,892 8,733 3,296 18,756 3,319 13,455 9,142 24,576 1,975 29 12,458 8,159 26,559 1,605 7,699 48,636 14,147 18,449 14,989 4,090 17,984 3,848 20,804 12,665 30,313 3,604 30 345 38 334 34 46 375 138 142 193 108 88 83 114 155 440 45 31 313 42 276 31 58 436 129 151 226 121 85 85 111 241 550 37 32 51,402 7,488 55,917 3,232 19,243 52,327 11,584 36,638 16,573 2,948 85,541 2,373 30,641 5,815 66,573 984 33 45,585 8,957 31,523 1,651 20,395 47,727 12,581 35,848 15,478 3,569 93,149 2,781 38,814 7,052 77,706 777 34 12 3 3 2 1 7 4 2 3 1 2 9 15 2 35 5 5 2 2 4 6 6 5 3 1 2 9 17 1 36 6,364 875 465 ioo 50 2,365 1,450 473 259 150 1,513 739 5,406 122 37 2,043 3,014 869 570 943 1,778 270 159 3,301 3,260 611 527 3,891 265 38 215 .1 112 'l2 62 405 64 244 109 40 64 35 79 85 421 28 39 313 18 131 14 96 740 82 359 199 64 74 82 107 221 983 40 40 27,092 752 16,824 441 14,576 38,654 4,271 44,761 7,283 941 41,694 756 16,226 1,816 46,834 247 41 35,468 3,783 13,402 548 19,271 55,443 6,131 56,869 11,282 910 43,687 1,578 22,485 4,785 94,473 762 42 878 164 1,205 274 222 1,848 767 609 1,120 981 212 427 325 1,490 1,682 513 43 981 271 1,540 324 287 2,343 892 809 1,518 1,224 247 484 382 1,984 2,126 692 44 311 79 653 152 87 971 448 189 565 668 50 316 119 1,125 776 394 45 358 175 945 185 107 1,197 532 272 779 897 57 357 151 1,486 796 585 46 360 53 381 79 62 433 200 161 336 207 93 77 122 223 481 64 47 335 55 365 79 73 441 190 166 343 163 89 56 115 256 514 45 48 12 8 5 3 3 11 4 3 6 5 1 2 1 14 17 3 19 8 12 6 2 4 4 11 3 6 8 4 1 4 16 18 1 50 195 24 166 40 70 433 115 256 213 101 68 32 83 128 408 52 51 280 29 224 58 103 701 159 368 390 156 97 70 112 226 798 61 52 22.2 14.6 13.8 14.6 31.5 23.4 15.0 42.0 19.0 10.3 32.1 7.5 25.5 8.6 24.3 10.1 53 28.5 10.7 14.5 17.9 35.9 29.9 17.8 45.5 25.7 12.7 39.3 14.5 29.3 11.4 37.5 8.8 54 159 1 1 154 8 1 116 129 3 176 229 175 55 57 1 72 1 1 81 77 116 68 148 56 58 26 1 21 35 2 19 59 11 57 58 59 44 ... i 56 5 li 16 1 40 102 16 27.7 100.0 36.4 62.5 12.1 12.4 33.3 22.7 44.5 9.1 60 717,667 621,072 725,885 576,952 1,439,663 455,087 424,393 690,466 508,797 355,156 475,983 126,454 532,729 328,122 533,925 109,350 61 583,407 718,969 733,336 604,042 1,551,401 476,377 423,887 546,308 514,163 321,932 475,894 127,992 851,612 315, 523 530,624 74,683 62 77,874 135,774 310,489 232,289 53,874 181,503 194,769 83,605 156,305 84,048 90,279 56,464 105,703 187,745 175,575 23,370 63 94,478 152,872 348,284 259,389 67,613 204,449 201,897 89,242 215,117 91,436 76,214 62,967 124,317 202,931 148,352 33,192 64 410,164 218,208 314,189 276,697 921,217 171,161 171,070 259,825 269,807 241,251 285,313 21,658 280, 551 100,484 233,485 63,462 B5 355,420 212,019 276,512 246,927 1,079,887 163,020 145,695 171,486 199,865 175,459 247,974 13,441 121,121 67,778 209,837 29,855 66 167,360 120,647 6,584 17,382 294,540 16,689 12,664 206,192 5 908 10, 117 30,200 43,010 111,000 17,937 21,259 18,048 67 34,352 154,719 14,735 11,876 337,077 4,817 18,477 162,881 3,331 18,743 72,750 43,000 565,944 10,086 18,560 7,000 68 62,269 146,443 94,623 50,584 170,032 85,734 45,890 140,844 76,777 19,740 70,191 5,322 35,475 21,956 103,606 4,470 69 99,157 199,359 93,805 85,850 66,824 104,091 57,818 122,699 95,850 36,294 78,956 8,584 40,230 34,728 153,875 4,636 70 9,907 40 1 13,271 3,011 370 6,167 7,920 18 13,761 •21,445 5,187 71 2,283 40 4,979 4 370 3,715 4,385 6,107 3,390 3,950 72 5,621 4,585 103 1,854 1,745 2,651 54 17 1,535 3,690 10,231 304 73 74 2,003 1 3,707 1,050 707 830 1 2,429 7,824 933 75 636 97 813 108 168 1,273 459 528 556 309 186 215 278 670 1,081 219 76 667 191 824 83 229 1,750 479 688 776 396 204 246 338 1,003 1,672 296 77 91, 514 16,681 103,258 6,425 41,611 131,685 32,108 95,658 32,828 6,791 145,991 6,932 60,314 15,861 134,776 2,685 78 91,023 23,913 72,281 3,804 47,935 143,632 34,637 110,390 41,992 7,445 158,121 9,587 82,505 20,820 187,915 4,224 79 162 45 364 60 59 557 253 146 251 186 34 143 87 467 351 163 80 180 126 415 38 73 738 262 184 346 255 42 156 120 674 448 238 hi 10,239 7,566 30,052 2,652 7,742 41,514 14,803 14,892 8,713 3,083 18,756 2,860 13,455 8,509 23,826 1,446 62 11,434 8,159 26,487 1,605 7,699 47,185 14,147 18,204 14,981 3,479 17,984 3,205 20,798 11,432 29,360 2*562 288 38 334 34 46 351 138 142 193 89 88 50 112 137 385 36 254 42 276 31 58 398 129 151 225 95 85 51 110 188 475 31 85 49,360 7,488 55,917 3,232 19,243 51,160 11,584 36,638 16,573 2,704 85,541 1,997 30,633 5,419 63,187 931 86 43,902 8,957 31,523 1,651 20,395 46,063 12,581 35,848 15,459 3,146 93, 149 2,300 38,811 5,824 71,341 716 87 174 11 112 12 62 358 64 239 109 33 64 21 79 58 330 18 228 18 131 14 96 610 82 353 199 43 74 38 106 132 733 26 89 25,551 752 16,824 441 14,576 36,646 4,271 43,965 7,283 854 41,694 575 16,226 1,244 42,357 186 90 33,644 3,783 13,402 548 19,271 49,441 6,131 56,338 11,282 679 43,687 822 22,285 3,037 83,393 681 91 141 1 106 6 1 57 103 2 122 179 112 92 4,230 10 3,807 1,106 20 544 1,029 8 1,651 8,613 643 93 43 1 35 1 31 55 76 33 93 94 647 10 632 20 213 459 633 750 529 95 57 24 19 33 2 18 55 9 96 2,042 1,167 244 376 8 396 3,386 53 97 41 47 5 7 14 27 91 10 98 1,541 2,008 796 87 181 572 4,477 61 99 228 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE Item (Fcf definitions and explanations, see text) Farms: Ul farm operators ni Full owners numlier 1 Part owners number 1 Managers number 1 All tenants number 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Land in farms: All farm operators I Full owners i Part owners I Managers I All tenants i Cropland harvested: All farm operators farms reporting 1 Full owners farms reporting 1 Part owners farms reporting 1 Managers farms reporting 1 All tenants farms reporting 1 Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total nu Full owners number 1 Part owners number 1 Managers number 1 All tenants number 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Nonwhite farm operators, total number 1 Full owners number 1 Part owners number 1 Managers number 1 All tenants number 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Land In farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total 8 Full owners I Part owners B Managers E All tenants Nonwhite farm operators, total I Full owners I Part owners e Managers .6 All tenants e Cropland harvested by color and tenure ot operator : White farm operators, total.. farms reporting 1 Full owners farms reporti ng 1 Part ownere farms reporting 1 All tenants farms reporting 1 Nonwhite rami operators, total farms reporting 1 Full owners farms reportln Part owners farms reporting 1 All tenants farms reporting 1 564,423 570,012 129,069 144,056 330,496 299,592 22,888 37,330 81,970 89,034 433 564,359 569,978 144,022 330,496 299,592 22,888 37,330 81,970 89,034 64 64 43.2 628,263 554,093 91,181 114,966 365,412 263,923 22,931 1,030 361,653 327,559 628, 126 553,819 91,177 114,966 365,412 263,649 22,931 1,029 361,447 327,309 621,093 592,624 142,381 151,515 356,384 315,903 4,440 3,712 62J . 19 592,624 142,381 151,515 356,384 315,903 4,440 3,712 117,888 121,494 746, 262 744,757 104,462 167,066 391,901 255,533 203,234 280,282 46,665 41,876 124 746,262 744,757 104,462 167,066 191,91 1 255,533 203,234 28 1,282 46,665 41,876 11.7 95,981 86,294 20,103 40,770 58,645 31,921 9,200 2,485 8,033 11,118 95,200 85,666 20,103 40,770 58,645 31,921 9,200 2,485 7,252 10,490 781 516,145 488, 158 157,454 193,842 ."•■,•- 180,402 37,101 26,677 57,702 87,237 336 516,145 488,158 157,454 193,842 263,888 180,402 37,101 26,677 57,702 97,237 1,528 2,026 1,124 1,278 17.8 315,002 328,202 175,430 179,140 118,307 114,674 2,302 2,846 18,963 31,542 1,342 17,934 23,963 289,788 294, 094 158,506 160,601 114,174 108,150 2,220 2,846 14,888 22,497 25,214 16,924 4,133 82 1,618 2,004 1,052 1,319 490,024 445,970 195,867 215,657 136,355 112,462 82,518 29,659 75,284 88,192 771 1,614 2,001 1,049 1,317 48 1,962 445,665 195,815 215,517 136,355 112,462 82,518 29,659 75,274 38, 327 62 52 482,461 518,187 95,184 173,059 221,333 214,579 3,271 1,745 162,673 128,804 824 481,047 517,947 95,184 172,819 219,919 214,579 3,271 1,745 162,673 128,804 1,414 1,414 TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 229 Polk Potter Presidio «- Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 729 300 183 495 610 80 200 1,446 261 26C 107 1,001 320 1,242 1,971 637 1,308 398 226 647 680 107 222 2,360 322 27C 113 1,622 425 1,473 3,189 943 525 141 94 306 260 11 105 908 88 8C 25 529 143 506 1,304 494 3 950 232 109 355 332 14 125 1,336 120 ioe 35 703 164 594 1,997 720 4 158 76 53 129 169 28 38 338 126 8< 45 287 107 330 430 84 134 ■83 60 141 166 29 40 432 104 7= 39 367 103 352 604 96 6 1 12 4 2 9 4 7 18 7 5 a 1 1 9 5 7 5 3 4 3 6 4 1 16 23 17 21 2 1 8 1 8 45 71 32 58 172 37 50 182 40 8' 32 164 69 405 228 54 9 219 80 53 148 176 60 56 576 75 81 22 531 156 526 580 126 10 6.2 23.7 17.5 11.7 28.2 46.3 25.0 12.6 15.3 33.: 29.9 16.4 a. 6 32.6 11.6 8.5 11 16.7 20.1 23.5 22.9 25.9 56.1 25.2 24.4 23.6 30. C 19.5 32.7 36.7 35.7 18.2 13.4 IS 284,155 1,095,828 2,179,308 98,135 566,851 601,861 396,905 423,589 1,447,416 498,301 513,273 392,427 86,703 630,091 347,862 73,553 18 213,700 1,037,901 2,105,655 112,189 554,027 602,585 348,813 458,041 1,464,718 436,66C 561,177 427,927 80,753 622,154 411,597 95,380 71,435 94,613 1,034,789 55,410 144,774 34,332 153,607 218,123 96,936 87,44£ 99,986 131,623 22,780 209,862 173,290 45,150 90,265 183,208 766,668 49,184 181,375 34,862 171,007 236,732 68,030 135,29. 86,788 147,915 23,683 207,369 2a, 311 58,063 205,932 420,164 543,798 31,082 277,130 250,154 91,344 143,267 1,139,744 159,08( 262,431 181,504 44,492 261,029 136,522 25,193 100,984 465,204 1,095,593 38,603 228,193 255,452 75,346 139,894 1,149,777 123.58C 231,139 183,098 34,308 250,162 133,904 22,891 18 1,450 442,294 154,755 1,956 9,306 a, 261 44,702 36,836 110,3a 126, 674 70,883 40,648 921 554 8,056 33 8,722 263,238 88,893 6,210 13,828 82,885 7,800 24,930 152,131 73,89' 199,821 31,948 705 1,220 5,165 240 20 5,338 138,757 445,966 9,687 135,641 295,614 107,252 25,363 100,415 125,09. 79,973 38,652 18,510 158,646 29,994 3,177 13,729 126,251 154,501 18,192 130,631 229,386 94,660 56,485 94,780 103,89C 43,429 64,966 22,057 163,403 51, a7 14,186 ".' 343 168 82 305 472 15 76 1,003 a4 18C 81 617 254 1,061 1,080 367 23 653 186 111 443 559 15 93 1,620 273 19C 82 1,242 370 1,267 1,847 496 24 11,725 84,355 4,284 15,527 191,272 1,992 2,533 58,074 68,672 73,54. 36,760 47,771 42,907 a6,812 24,318 4,426 15,069 85,523 5,636 20, 339 244,444 3,831 2,830 79,019 81,365 52,32. 35,438 78,594 45,792 242,100 42,126 8,353 26 228 56 36 158 163 4 35 581 76 3S 15 272 88 385 639 279 27 434 68 45 204 241 6 55 797 101 54 20 455 128 444 1,000 330 > 5,252 19,717 1,285 5,803 41,372 482 800 25,824 17,777 14,63! ;,a5 12,598 5,814 56,065 8,798 2,619 '."1 6,958 25,403 1,278 5,427 66,994 2,400 1,511 27,901 23,140 9,45( 6,188 a, 097 9,797 58,261 14,250 3,849 10 92 56 31 99 156 8 17 280 105 6! 38 a4 102 305 304 54 99 63 31 123 160 3 19 390 84 6. 33 310 97 335 483 78 ss 5,597 36,542 2,008 6,330 93,966 1,252 847 19,315 44,079 29,81, a, 353 a, 932 25,048 83,460 12,059 1,450 :i:i 4,116 1 34,400 10 2,667 8,234 2 105,608 5 661 751 3 27,512 15 34,769 5 a, 814 18,077 4 32,320 15 20,929 1 86,577 1 19,353 4 2,417 S4 3 3 1 2 5 12 22 ] 10 17 2 1 4 1 se 100 9,160 a2 1,056 205 4,924 2,011 2, 11( 1,308 4,925 613 394 488 37 426 3,667 614 207 2,585 2,532 11,620 28] 2,979 5,705 364 180 64 56 38 22 46 15 46 148 3 21 127 28 71 24 116 63 370 133 34 117 52 34 114 153 6 19 4H 66 7! 19 460 143 487 360 87 776 18,936 991 3,182 54,878 258 681 8,011 4,805 26,981 9,884 8,316 11,432 76,893 2,973 357 41 3,569 22,053 1,077 6,471 69,257 770 568 a, 074 11,836 20,774 8,194 19,472 14,702 97,082 8,459 2,031 42 653 300 183 462 610 80 200 1,288 261 25. 107 852 309 1,242 1,439 529 43 972 398 226 610 678 107 221 1,979 322 26. 113 1,201 392 1,472 2,202 759 44 468 141 94 285 260 11 105 804 88 74 25 450 140 506 965 424 714 232 109 331 330 14 124 1,143 120 10. 35 560 162 594 1,446 618 HI 145 76 53 120 169 28 38 315 126 8< 45 261 106 330 322 64 47 95 83 60 133 166 29 40 368 104 r 39 317 102 352 402 69 48 1 12 4 2 9 4 7 18 7 5 20 1 1 8 4 49 4 3 4 3 6 4 1 16 23 17 20 2 1 5 1 39 71 32 55 172 37 50 151 40 8f 32 121 62 405 144 37 51 159 80 53 143 176 60 56 452 75 83 22 304 126 525 349 71 52 6.0 23.7 17.5 11.9 28.2 46.3 25.0 11.7 15.3 34. C 29.9 14.2 20.1 32.6 10.0 7.0 53 16.4 20.1 23.5 23.4 26.0 56.1 25.3 22.8 23.3 30.( 19.5 25.3 32.1 35.7 15.8 9.4 54 76 33 158 149 11 532 108 55 57 21 104 ( 79 3 339 70 56 13 9 23 26 1 108 20 57 6 3 31 43 7 84 17 59 7.9 9.1 19.6 14. ... 28.9 63.6 15.8 15.7 60 280,073 1,095,828 2,179,308 96,060 566,851 601,861 396,905 412,7a 1,447,416 497,93 513,273 380,504 86,075 630,091 304,254 69,633 61 198,363 1,037,901 2,105,655 109,966 552,937 602,585 348,808 436,080 1,464,718 435,85 ! 561,177 404,407 78,963 622,120 350,866 87,672 62 67,967 94,613 1,034,789 54,329 144,774 34,832 153,607 a0,518 96,936 87,07" > 99,986 124,349 22,681 209,862 147,512 42,557 S3 82,722 183,208 766,668 47,966 180,285 34,862 171,002 225,140 68,030 135,02 86,788 138,226 23,670 207,369 187,123 54,528 64 205,393 420,164 543,798 30,319 277,130 250,154 91,344 141,616 1,139,744 159,08 > 262,431 179,028 44,395 . I : ,029 124,949 24,184 65 99,137 465,204 1,095,593 37,796 228,193 255,452 75,346 134,774 1,149,777 123,04 > 231,139 178,101 34,225 250,162 118,893 20,134 66 1,450 442,294 154,755 1,956 9,306 21,261 44,702 36,836 110,321 126,67 70,883 40,248 9a 554 7,556 23 67 4,441 263,238 88,893 6,210 13,828 82,885 7,800 24,930 152,131 73,89 f 199,821 31,475 705 1,220 3,730 240 68 5,263 138,757 445,966 9,456 135,641 295,614 107,252 23,751 100,415 125,09 79,973 36,879 18,078 158,646 24,237 2,869 69 12,063 126,251 154,501 17,994 130,631 229, 386 94,660 51,236 94,780 103,89 ) 43,429 56, 605 20,363 163,369 41,120 12,770 70 4,082 2,075 10,868 37 ) 11,923 628 43,608 3,920 71 3,468 1,081 7,605 36 > 7,274 99 25,778 2,393 72 539 763 1,651 2,476 400 97 11,573 500 1,009 10 73 74 75 231 1,612 ... 1,773 432 5,757 308 75 308 168 82 280 472 15 76 893 a4 18 ) 81 506 246 1,061 684 281 76 456 186 111 418 557 15 92 1,319 273 18 > 82 873 337 1,266 1,067 355 77 84,355 4,284 15,092 191,272 1,992 2,533 55,911 68,672 73,54 36,760 45,775 42,434 216,812 19,009 3,401 78 12,281 85,523 5,636 19,932 243,767 3,831 2,827 72,701 81,365 52,25 35,438 69,511 44,551 242,066 28,685 5,893 79 203 56 36 142 163 4 35 516 76 3 15 222 88 385 409 224 80 321 68 45 188 239 6 54 665 101 5 20 353 126 444 617 263 81 4,964 19,717 1,285 5,655 41,372 482 800 24,807 17,777 14,63 4,215 11,953 5,814 56,065 6,685 2,145 82 6,005 25,403 1,278 5,233 66,317 2,400 1,508 26,179 23,140 9,36 6,188 19,564 9,785 58,261 9,936 3,198 85 56 31 92 156 8 17 258 105 61 38 190 101 305 204 37 84 64 63 31 118 160 3 19 331 84 6 ) 33 262 96 335 287 51 85 5,528 36,542 2,008 6,162 93,966 1,252 847 18,781 44,079 29,81 21,353 21,453 24,991 83,460 10,130 i,069 86 3,361 34,400 2,667 8,085 105,608 661 751 25,910 34,769 21,81 18,077 30,793 20,879 86,577 14,634 1,646 87 19 46 15 44 148 3 21 104 28 T 24 79 56 370 67 20 88 68 52 34 110 153 6 19 311 66 7 19 241 113 486 161 40 89 723 18,936 991 3,063 54,878 258 681 7,399 4,805 26,98 9,884 7,444 11,016 76,893 1,706 187 90 2,489 22,053 1,077 6,407 69,257 770 568 18,080 11,836 20, 77 8,194 13,449 13,523 97,048 4,107 993 91 35 25 110 111 8 396 86 92 410 435 2,163 1,996 473 5,309 1,025 98 25 16 65 50 230 55 94 288 148 1,017 645 2,113 474 95 7 7 22 24 1 100 17 96 69 168 534 479 57 1,929 381 3 2 23 37 66 14 98 53 119 612 872 416 1,267 170 99 230 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and exptai Shackelford Farms: All farm operators number 1 1 Full owners numlier 1 1 Part owners number 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Cropland harvested: All farm operators farms reporting 1 Managers farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959 . farms reporting 1959 Farms by color and tenure of operator: White farm operators, total number 1959 1954 Full owners number 1959 1954 Part owners numlier 1959 1954 Managers numlier 1959 1954 All tenants number 1959 1954 Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 1954 Nonwhite farm operators, total numlier 1959 Full owners number 1 959 Part owners number 1959 Managers number 1959 All tenants number 1959 Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 Nonwhite farm operators, total . Full owners Part owners , Managers Cropland harvested by color and tenute of operator : While farm operators, total farms reporting 1959. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Nonwhite farm operators, lota! farms reporting 1 959 . Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting 1959 , 95,753 115,968 60,712 71, 191 24,883 24,865 367 3,256 9,791 16,656 !6,6 I 99,120 55, 596 •■:.:=-4 24, 163 22,924 367 3,256 6,475 12,356 9,152 5,116 720 All l . farms reporting 1959 . 169,690 133,365 47,613 57,995 105,326 42,217 4,430 26,400 12,321 6,753 152,703 111,889 38, 183 45,956 99,324 35,355 4,430 6, 987 9,430 6,002 3,810 110 1,074 549,114 433,200 69,298 57,065 265,650 253,743 107,765 3,005 106,401 119,387 733 549, 85 433,190 69,298 57,065 265,650 253,743 107,765 3,005 106,372 119,377 29 686, XK 653,160 326,615 ; 53 . 892 280,346 162,571 20,574 11,530 58,767 95,167 398 686,0:3 649,625 326,336 380,357 280,346 162,571 20, 574 11,530 58,767 95,167 279 279 836,623 891,632 206,356 221,554 351,435 410, 143 76,443 103,930 202,389 156,005 124 836,623 891,632 206,356 221,554 351,435 410,143 76,443 - 3,93 202,389 . 56 , * 56S, 740 615,648 256, 178 190,001 206,927 262,637 4,148 40,826 101,487 122,184 652 615,148 . < . :"- 190,001 206, 927 262,637 4,148 40,826 101,475 121,684 12 524,325 501,791 U 9,830 176,939 243,567 176,320 111,642 65,062 59,286 83,470 158 524,325 501,515 109, 830 176,939 243,567 176,044 111,642 65,062 59,286 83,470 2,004 2,799 1,497 1,949 269,689 302,709 167,921 197,121 77,114 70,527 3,549 755 1,012 1,613 15,456 24,782 1,737 2,345 1,343 1,751 251,533 280,220 159,050 186,114 74,585 67,046 1,449 655 16,449 26,405 18,156 8,871 2,529 2,100 4,656 1,225 12,905 18,737 721,284 64,200 78,569 515,626 388,452 3,200 3,010 138,256 156,667 245 721,284 626,698 64,200 76,569 515,628 388,452 3,200 3,010 138,256 156,667 TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 231 »,029 92,286 58,615 41,237 27,741 27,063 4,014 8,673 19,972 3,246 10,874 ■'-, ■ 92,286 58,615 41,237 27,741 27,063 4,0M 8,673 19,972 480,436 581,102 155,584 143,357 271,455 375,958 15,136 4,730 38,261 57,057 421 480,288 580,737 155,584 143,357 271,307 375,958 15,136 4,730 38,261 56,692 148 574,775 463,202 125,824 159,923 357,692 227,672 24,461 91,259 51,146 574,77; 463,202 125,824 159,923 357,692 227,672 24,461 91,259 51,146 717,331 839,900 77,059 174,361 537,lfiC 535,013 53,982 18,942 49,130 111,554 22 46C , 12c. 441,878 199,919 201,414 193,035 161,393 16,127 11,917 51,045 67,154 327 717,33. 839,900 77,059 174,361 537,160 535,013 53,982 18,942 49,130 111,584 1,243,872 1,161,265 414,067 412,567 649,190 550,839 33,896 41,846 146,719 156,013 23 ::: 460,126 441,77e 199,919 201,374 193,035 161,393 16,127 U,917 51,045 67,094 ,161,233 414,067 412,535 649,190 550,839 33,896 41,846 146,719 156,013 583,813 549,192 121,550 179,379 264,943 175,250 2,230 18,241 195,090 176,322 796 583,769 549, 192 121,548 179,379 264,943 175,250 2,230 18,241 195,048 176,322 1,751 3,043 1,143 2,144 436,104 418,556 122,306 192,224 205,405 108, 191 23,656 18,822 84,737 99,319 729 1,186 75,517 92,236 1,720 2,983 1,117 2,101 435,234 416,819 121,736 191,101 205,233 107,926 23,656 18,714 84,609 99,078 870 570 75,405 92,047 -_.. J3 573,575 220,146 171,302 267,348 241,268 19,239 11,946 137,360 149,059 751 ,340,177 .,419,414 287,634 387,070 481,139 559,984 9,300 571,404 463,060 643,681 267,348 241,104 19,239 11,946 ,340,177 ,419,414 287,634 387,070 481,139 559,984 9,300 571,404 463,060 547,005 541,589 89,916 104,074 231,656 207,678 3,667 5,470 221,766 224,367 843 547,005 541,589 89,916 ' 104,074 231,656 I 207,678 , 3,667 , 5,470 I 221,766 224,367 476,388 458,778 205,034 228,693 183,580 166,474 18,545 89,774 45,066 478,368 458,778 205,034 228,693 183,580 166,474 18,545 89,774 45,066 171,077 193,770 86,938 104,369 63,346 41,230 8,539 23,732 12,254 24,439 537 1,410,923 1,347,874 378, 812 417,586 691,733 651,453 50,931 15,143 289,447 263,692 591 165,769 188,248 84,745 101,620 62,117 39,431 7,119 23,732 11,788 23,465 5,308 2,193 ■ 1,229 1,420 466 ,410,912 ,347,860 378,8 S 417,578 691,733 651,453 50,931 15,143 289,440 263,686 11 451,876 479, 112 166, 519 209, 910 181,520 139,899 24,464 32,381 79,373 96,922 914 1,155 105,052 101,786 443, 163 467,234 163,694 207,104 178,880 137,293 24,364 32,281 76,225 90,556 8,713 2,825 2,640 100 3,148 1,015 101,349 95,555 232 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and etplai * teXl) Farms: All Tami operators number 1 1 Full owners number 1 1 Part owners numlier 1 1 Managers number I 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1 1 Foil owners acres 1 1 Part owners acres 1 1 Managers acres 1 1 All tenants acres 1 1 Cropland harvested: All farm operators farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 Full owners farm* reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 Part ow ners farms reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 Managers fam.s reporting 1 1 acres 1 1 All tenants farms reporting 1 Full owners number 1 1 Part owners numlier 1 1 Managers number 1 1 All tenants number 1 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 1 Nonwhile farm operators, total number 1 Full owners numb.-r 1 Part owners numlier 1 Managers number 1 All tenant* number 1 Proportion of tenancy percent 1 Land in farms by color and tenure of operator: While farm operators .total acres 1 Full c Managers. . . All tenant*. Nonwhile farm operators, toual . Ctopland harvested by colot and tenute of opetatot : ite farm operators, total farms reporting 1 Full owners fiimis reporting 1959 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Part owners farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . All tenants farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Nonwhile farm operators, toual farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . Full owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . All tenants farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 14.5 156,803 144,861 49,601 85,607 97,290 48,390 675 16.7 155,472 141,890 48,609 83,120 97,041 48,043 675 9,822 10,052 1,331 1,287 1,893 1,029 1,396 11.8 185,396 237,998 127,255 155,078 35,576 56,551 8,095 4,521 14,470 21,848 606 1,131 9,598 17,613 169,376 214,836 114,774 139,472 33,094 51,237 8,095 4,221 13,413 19,906 16,020 12,481 2,482 1,057 3,913 8,520 5,572 13,751 216 354 331 553 2,951 5,843 3,658 8,249 58 74 60 137 822 1,970 1,109 3,316 677,758 767,915 74,011 45,059 370,420 396,481 105,779 136,900 127,548 1,47: 677,753 767,915 74,011 45,059 370,420 396,481 105,779 136,900 127,543 189,475 1,333,076 1,479,076 479,559 474,111 619,430 842,999 24,415 17,839 209,672 144,127 307 1,332,331 1,478,832 479,559 474,111 619,430 842,999 24,415 17,839 208,927 143,883 745 2,155,026 2,145,152 841,621 1,111,988 769,902 665,126 43,318 2,155,026 2,144,349 841,621 1,111,188 769,902 665,126 43,318 2,198 2,934 1,325 1,615 21.5 417,474 451,673 177,017 189,107 190,785 189,533 9,185 976 1,221 2,122 48,562 93,518 2,143 2,617 1,284 1,516 ..:. ,• ' 441,877 173,976 181,981 189,708 187,676 9,185 976 39,789 71,244 4,816 3,041 1,077 696 1,191 2,039 46,245 91,517 ■.' : . -i 550,559 188,587 198,528 247,244 245,939 46,776 39,577 68,439 66,515 753 -.... 167 542,917 187,240 196,454 246,023 243,549 46,776 39,577 66,828 63,337 4,179 1,347 1,221 1,611 348,971 358,899 82,974 70,110 199,984 208,091 43,537 58,626 22 ,476 22,072 428 26, 323,273 68,996 55,666 194,650 193,594 43,137 58,626 19,555 15,367 22,633 13,978 5,334 400 2,921 2,925 114 1,228 . 37,4 16 255,045 83,730 79,971 164,950 138,520 11,983 5,153 26,833 31,401 594 275,897 240,476 79,301 74,450 159,507 132,566 11,825 4,453 25,264 29,007 11,599 4,429 5,443 158 1,569 TEXAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 233 Washing -ton Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winiler Wise Wood Yoakum *». Zapata Zavala 2,290 190 2,103 719 621 826 673 2,587 1,284 26 1,468 1,421 275 772 225 267 1 2,848 277 2,466 853 765 997 865 3,338 1,617 36 1,873 1,834 312 960 250 246 1,286 99 671 337 310 260 197 1,122 666 12 788 638 66 368 108 97 3 1,457 140 794 382 425 332 247 1,398 898 10 1,059 1,017 74 482 167 123 4 491 38 620 205 165 223 322 515 427 10 415 383 101 257 82 87 500 50 564 219 134 228 371 499 438 7 396 452 101 271 58 58 6 5 7 7 2 11 4 5 10 2 5 5 1 3 14 7 16 1 6 5 25 5 8 17 4 4 16 5 4 3 2 17 8 508 46 805 175 135 339 149 940 189 4 260 195 107 144 35 69 9 875 86 1,102 247 181 432 -:« 1,424 277 15 402 360 133 204 23 48 10 22.2 24.2 38.3 24.3 21.7 41.0 22.1 36.3 14.7 15.4 17.7 13.7 38.9 18.7 15.6 25.8 11 30.7 31.0 44.7 29.0 23.7 43.3 27.6 42.7 17.1 41.7 21.5 19.6 42.6 21.2 9.2 19.5 12 339,225 1,274,231 710,574 529,071 325,785 870,865 373,751 659,263 394,546 469,169 481,446 242,058 465,022 506,889 511,197 581,868 13 339,511 1,737,460 658,961 494,479 298,437 950,139 369,328 687,522 426,907 619,810 486,788 295,420 484,678 557,857 502,207 601,581 14 164,093 312,972 127,956 168,803 71,213 70,843 45,304 227,015 150,991 95,721 174,594 113,745 51,789 135,906 135,730 151,623 15 174,180 716,101 104,679 207,209 87,784 97,757 33,676 236, 138 167,495 76,870 199,790 128,121 65,816 171,737 186,134 158,066 16 126,024 557,146 404,094 227,792 144,239 170,433 168,481 210,174 192,285 361,915 228,245 100,521 313,456 289,805 261,028 213,092 17 100,149 631,922 316,965 175,249 93,692 160,747 148,540 183,780 187,258 321,121 185,959 118,821 283,832 258,832 237,630 219,651 ie 2,401 211,341 40,217 7,150 48,510 518,095 129,003 15,634 452 6,402 4,460 2,560 10,995 71,261 19 9,777 10,450 83,172 20,174 22,374 572,807 136,589 22,217 5,947 145,580 27,591 3,059 25,120 6,820 3,397 62, 00 20 46,707 192,772 138,307 125,326 61,823 111,494 30,963 206,440 50,818 11,533 72,205 23,332 97,217 70,183 114,439 145,892 21 55,405 378,987 154,145 91,847 94,587 118,828 50,523 245,387 66,207 76,239 73,448 45,419 109,910 118,468 74,846 141,864 22 1,928 71 1,835 572 447 753 655 2,192 935 3 735 795 234 483 104 155 23 2,365 121 2,119 748 542 909 818 2,843 1,160 2 1,107 1,210 238 699 119 143 24 69,557 8,456 211,233 88,710 73,908 180,295 175,237 267,691 100,522 354 49,913 18,464 145,244 67,631 6,053 42,804 74,391 11,181 .■ 1 ,988 133,182 85,604 222,068 169,937 310,178 112,524 25 67,940 30,631 112,154 97,863 6,735 31,612 26 1,032 41 482 236 191 205 186 843 410 1 327 414 48 195 54 58 27 1,111 64 559 310 271 273 211 1,007 533 1 542 565 51 309 73 65 28 31,086 3,190 27,627 24,183 16,958 29,681 27,214 73,068 27,141 1 15,873 6,246 16,035 16,500 1,756 7,799 29 32,781 4,355 31,826 40,465 27,334 42,614 22,355 76,400 35,523 15 23,169 8,910 19,259 28,179 2,462 8,302 30 455 16 585 184 139 217 319 480 371 2 259 274 85 183 46 55 31 460 20 520 212 120 224 369 460 391 320 375 70 229 38 36 .12 22,514 2,757 104,339 36,269 33,436 70,671 121,048 90,123 56,714 353 21,098 10,006 64,598 35,056 3,742 17,405 .13 18,333 3,370 86,239 46,508 29,810 79,784 106,141 78,056 51,036 27,666 14,778 37,160 46,484 2,895 8,279 34 5 4 7 2 9 3 4 5 1 3 2 1 2 12 35 13 5 4 22 4 6 10 2 15 4 3 1 1 12 36 210 473 3,991 370 2,922 16,841 1,841 866 53 245 292 2,400 693 6,780 37 1,365 3,187 1,686 7,869 21,712 2,580 576 175 1,955 245 1,850 221 817 6,260 38 436 10 761 150 108 328 146 864 153 146 105 100 103 30 39 781 37 1,035 222 129 408 232 1,346 234 1 230 266 114 160 7 30 40 15,747 2,036 75,276 27,848 20,592 63,102 25,134 123,634 16,614 12,697 1,920 62,211 15,382 555 10,820 41 21,912 3,456 80,736 42,523 20,591 77,958 38,861 155,146 25,790 i6 15,150 6,898 53,885 22,979 561 8,751 42 1,814 188 1,765 718 617 819 670 2,553 1,274 25 1,465 1,295 275 770 225 267 43 2,068 276 1,966 849 761 991 863 3,260 1,606 36 1,868 1,631 312 960 250 246 44 1,082 98 558 337 308 259 196 1,117 659 12 787 760 66 366 108 97 45 1,183 140 623 381 423 330 245 1,390 889 10 1,057 916 74 482 167 123 46 358 38 489 205 165 222 320 506 425 10 414 357 101 257 82 87 343 50 428 219 134 228 371 491 437 7 394 408 101 271 58 58 48 5 7 7 2 11 4 5 10 2 5 4 1 3 14 49 16 1 6 5 25 5 8 17 4 16 5 4 3 2 17 50 369 45 711 174 133 334 149 920 186 3 259 174 107 144 35 69 51 526 85 909 244 179 428 239 1,362 276 15 401 302 133 204 23 48 52 20.3 23.9 40.3 24.2 21.6 40.8 22.2 36.0 14.8 12.0 17.7 13.4 38.9 18.7 15.6 25.8 53 25.4 30.8 46.2 28.7 23.5 43.2 27.7 41.8 17.2 41.7 21.5 18.5 42.6 21.3 9.2 19.5 54 476 2 338 1 4 7 3 34 10 1 3 126 2 55 204 1 113 2 1 1 5 7 1 78 2 133 131 1 2 9 2 1 26 58 JJ9 1 94 1 2 5 '20 1 "i 1 21 59 29.2 50.0 27.8 100.0 50.0 71.4 58.8 10.0 100.0 33.3 16.7 60 311,870 1,250,939 697,356 528,591 324,637 870,387 373,223 652,704 393,483 469,168 481,296 226, 590 465,022 502 ,486 511,197 581,868 61 303,137 1,737,350 641,444 492,876 298,285 950,035 369,267 679,295 426,155 619,810 485,542 280,927 484,678 557,857 502,207 601,581 62 151,338 310,980 124,990 168,803 71,182 70,743 45,299 226,436 150,258 95,721 174,592 106,949 51,789 131,503 135,730 151,623 63 158,275 716,101 100,664 205,679 87,741 97,739 33,615 235,362 167,053 76,670 199,749 121,661 65,816 171,737 186,134 158,066 64 117,311 557,146 397,763 227,792 144,239 170,386 167,958 206,324 192,155 361,915 228,100 97,459 313,456 289,805 261,028 213,092 90,911 631,922 310,925 175,249 93,692 160,747 148,540 181,458 186,958 321,121 185,041 114,788 283,832 258,632 237,830 219,651 66 2,401 211,341 40,217 7,150 48,510 518,095 129,003 15,634 452 6,402 2,360 2,560 10,995 71,261 9,777 10,450 83,172 20,174 22,374 572,807 136,589 22,217 5,947 145,580 27,591 3,059 25,120 6,820 3,397 82,000 40,820 171,472 134,386 124,846 60,706 111,163 30,963 ■ 204,310 50,618 11,532 72,202 21,822 97,217 70,183 114,439 145,892 69 44,174 378,877 146,683 91,774 94,478 118,742 50,523 240,258 66,197 76,239 73,161 41,419 109,910 118,468 74,846 141,864 27,355 23,292 13,218 480 1,148 478 528 6,559 1,063 1 150 13,468 4,403 12,755 1,992 2,966 31 100 5 579 733 2 6,796 4,403 72 8,713 6,331 47 523 3,850 130 145 3,062 2,100 73 5,887 21,300 3,921 ..." 1,117 331 2,130 200 "i 3 1,510 75 1,529 71 1,525 571 445 747 652 2,164 930 3 735 691 234 483 104 155 76 1,690 121 1,665 744 541 904 818 2,770 1,156 2 1,103 1,051 238 699 119 143 77 61,660 8,456 202,288 88,567 73,474 179,953 174,735 285,070 100,435 354 49,913 16,992 145,244 67,631 6,053 42,804 78 61,519 11,181 190,084 132,980 85,515 221,978 169,937 306,130 112,462 25 67,757 28,415 112,154 97,663 6,735 31,612 79 873 41 392 236 191 204 165 841 407 1 327 355 48 195 54 58 915 64 424 309 271 271 211 1,000 531 1 541 495 51 309 73 65 81 28,903 3,190 26,187 24,183 16,958 29, 611 27,210 73 ,W> 27,090 1 15,873 5,688 16,035 16,500 1,756 7,799 82 30,070 4,355 29,937 40,325 27,334 42,604 22,355 76,323 35,501 15 23,139 8,212 19,259 28,179 2,462 8,302 83 328 16 455 184 139 216 317 472 36? 2 259 248 85 183 46 55 84 306 20 388 212 120 224 369 474 390 318 333 70 229 38 36 85 19,424 2,757 99,874 36,269 33,436 70,665 120,550 69,090 56,678 353 21,098 9,528 64,598 35,056 3,742 17,405 86 14,648 3,370 81,949 48,508 29,810 79,784 106,141 77,466 51,006 27,553 13,826 37,160 46,484 2,895 8,279 87 323 10 671 149 106 324 146 846 153 146 100 103 4 30 86 456 37 848 219 128 405 232 1,286 233 1 229 219 114 160 7 30 89 13,123 2,036 72,236 27,745 20,158 62,836 25,134 122,092 16,614 12,697 1,722 62,211 15,382 555 10,820 90 15,436 3,456 75,011 42,461 20,502 77,878 38,661 151,765 25,780 10 15,110 6,132 53,885 22,979 561 8,751 91 399 310 1 2 6 3 26 5 104 92 7,897 8,945 143 434 342 502 2,621 67 1,472 159 90 1 1 2 3 59 2,183 1,440 70 4 46 51 558 95 127 130 1 2 8 2 26 3,090 4,465 6 498 1,033 36 478 98 113 90 1 2 18 18 2,624 3,040 143 434 266 1,542 198 234 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ^-CHARACTERISTICS OF- COMMERCIAL {For definitions find explanations, see text) Armstrong . Atasc Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial farms number . Average size of farm acres., Value of InmJ and huildings average per farm, dollars. . average per acre, dollars. Cropland harvested farms reporting . . Farm operators: iVorlnne off their farms, total number. . lf>0 or mi're days number . , Vith other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number. , 3y tenure: Full owners number . Part owners number . . Managers number . . \ll tenants number . . Specified equipment and facilities Grain combines farms reporting. number . , Com pickers farms reporting . . number . Pick-up balers farms reporting. . number . . Motortrucks farms reporting . , number . , Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number . , \utomobiles farms reporting . . Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms report! ng . . Milking machine farms reporting . . Fleetric milk cooler farms reporting. . Farms by kind of toad on which located: Hard surface .1 farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting . . Farm labor, week ptecedinp. enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting . . Family workers, in, In, ling operator farms reporting. . Operators working 1 or mure hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms reporting. , Livestock and poultry on farms: CaUle and calves farms reporting . . number . . Milk cows farms reporting . . Horses and or mules farms reporting . . number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number . . Chickens, 4 months old and over farms reporting. . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting, . Calves sold alive farms reporting. . nunilier . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number, Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . Chickens including broilers sold Tarns reporting. number.. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . Milk and cream sold farms reporting. . dollars . . Wool farms report! ng . . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting. . dollars. . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars. . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars. . Machine hire dollars . . Hired labor dollars . , Gasoline and other [letroleun, fuel and oil for the farm business dollars . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars . . Crops harvested: Corn for all purposes farms reporting . . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . . Wheat farms reporting.. bushels. . Cotton farms reporting. . Land from which hay was cut acres.. Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting.. dollars.. 137,512 132,408,600 962.9 70,763 82.63 114,587 21,375,726 52,236 48,849 32,882 37,873 8,855 9,164 11,433 12,008 106,869 152,293 113,477 222,505 113,372 138, 052 81,644 79,637 7,375 6,851 55,566 122,313 116,763 114,623 39,144 54,071 27,480 61,001 108,610 7,598,367 53,397 442,365 48,651 181,412 47,593 936,710 75,878 14,697,037 59,082 1,917,192 83,976 2,368,779 28,125 1,019,730 14,768 3,168,100 23,712 87,347,100 35,146 144,291,744 11,232 108,453,320 15,889 40,295,392 137,471 997,657,264 234,771,248 281,843,343 121,976,183 221,029,388 47,464 1,228,271 67,251 7,387,650 23,565 2,953,287 48,911,615 70,741 6,000,876 4,112,927 348,602 503.0 26,580 56.09 693 1,963,380 692,626 477,605 115,278 425,292 655,560 9,500.9 158,719 17.49 1 , 178 45 3,036 69 519,148 97,161 145,668 65,528 132,089 199,384 660.2 46,497 72.81 1,865 150 14,985 2,578 176 3,140 302 810,383 439,105 200,297 16,117 98,271 59,317 1,694.: 121,469 150.43 2,000 16 59,480 35 156,890 53,362 11,320 15,770 59,178 17,010 614,175 2,089.0 88,823 61.52 102,930 58 764,590 294 3,347,494 917,786 1,634,753 117,755 383,083 619,204 2,506.9 114,649 38.20 247 1,694,382 330,704 602,133 152,089 283,636 751 , 771 949.2 56,863 61.20 792 4,788,751 1,045,443 1,515,196 329,698 1,040,649 TEXAS 235 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959 ■ sample of turns. See text] Bailey : Bndera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexa, Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 702 239 467 409 465 1,565 915 336 130 776 502 618 397 91 246 138 1 429,492 377,789 275,190 462,799 439,327 460,295 484,400 467,283 472,975 :■ ,494 242,725 559,615 241,076 2,574,775 300,930 787,757 S 611.8 1,580.7 589.3 1,131.5 944.8 294.1 529.4 1,390.7 3,638.3 652.7 483.5 905.5 607.2 28,294.2 1,223.3 5,708.4 9 85,029 93,472 42,785 78,676 57,786 36,382 71,204 91,041 123,969 47,105 36,687 95,979 63,020 379,934 134,196 115,098 4 159.31 58.99 78.48 90.68 83.94 130.03 158.33 62.45 38.06 73.17 93.00 144.59 110.80 12.66 126.07 37.55 5 700 134 351 397 377 1,487 701 213 94 663 340 482 . 235 11 237 69 e 258,600 9,541 31,522 100,762 81,401 209,545 90,729 11,063 30,346 92,829 34,098 72,050 25,438 2,281 81,128 6,583 7 215 90 161 138 196 584 300 111 45 324 170 226 146 27 83 35 s 50 54 98 77 119 225 181 41 20 165 104 145 102 21 20 29 s 62 67 97 74 78 222 173 36 21 137 118 129 86 14 1 13 10 178 115 206 159 143 681 440 201 36 400 319 181 257 40 54 78 11 209 84 172 144 204 483 306 78 49 206 151 332 96 26 93 49 12 4 20 19 2 1 10 10 8 10 7 13 3 11 6 13 311 20 70 104 117 391 159 49 45 160 25 92 41 14 99 5 14 355 62 53 85 159 465 205 109 41 368 25 139 19 2 103 8 15 390 63 53 89 179 475 236 109 41 374 32 226 20 2 114 9 u 11 1 42 59 371 189 15 35 15 47 17 1 2 17 11 1 43 65 383 200 15 35 15 50 24 1 2 18 59 14 20 'is 32 119 139 18 79 91 118 52 4 17 5 19 61 14 20 19 37 124 148 19 81 101 120 59 18 5 20 612 222 343 314 337 1,033 712 273 122 593 328 481 273 87 230 73 21 1,099 327 467 412 486 1,228 1,148 355 166 712 488 775 396 188 383 139 29 660 184 381 394 371 1,472 791 259 98 663 309 522 267 31 242 76 23 1,641 251 626 771 784 2,555 1,545 310 195 1,077 607 1,174 530 61 646 125 24 647 201 379 376 375 1,382 776 275 117 695 325 517 288 68 226 88 23 748 268 437 465 472 1,610 1,080 329 133 797 367 642 358 96 281 112 28 397 197 273 132 335 933 685 280 62 516 208 374 176 45 185 65 27 457 172 271 ...'■ 291 858 603 260 106 397 304 420 282 31 191 42 28 6 5 5 26 169 16 21 57 28 51 24 29 1 5 5 16 159 16 26 52 28 41 24 30 226 60 194 153 225 427 396 117 43 254 245 272 224 12 70 84 31 6 110 196 160 90 970 371 101 67 426 103 278 83 6 7 10 32 461 67 77 78 133 151 134 114 19 71 152 58 77 67 141 43 33 526 227 439 305 418 1,418 829 3a 122 672 425 538 352 84 216 106 34 506 216 431 295 367 1,368 783 305 121 658 417 473 344 69 212 92 35 506 214 430 280 351 1,348 783 300 121 656 401 466 335 66 205 92 36 133 95 160 80 129 462 319 138 18 217 206 176 137 20 35 24 37 172 121 195 96 180 600 451 192 19 257 273 274 183 26 45 37 215 44 77 48 108 153 196 65 62 90 98 180 112 55 66 40 39 364 78 116 92 230 206 672 110 78 L57 264 372 365 154 85 176 40 298 208 447 327 371 1,347 811 304 104 750 443 512 342 83 194 133 41 11,395 12,053 30,270 28,375 29,760 37,314 68,500 19,207 13,440 37,885 36,253 66,158 36,861 30,491 15,168 40,053 42 195 129 238 147 175 714 485 196 62 440 247 157 150 32 92 28 43 497 304 1,371 416 403 2,155 11,799 1,413 154 .,708 4,803 2,660 3,603 80 143 1,251 44 97 171 255 113 168 273 309 220 74 248 332 353 220 82 87 35 45 214 811 597 416 938 887 899 648 424 658 1,154 2,306 657 1,722 337 672 46 253 60 227 104 150 679 342 118 22 265 168 134 108 8 56 21 47 4,007 951 5,653 1,603 3,081 10,174 8,394 2,374 248 6,755 3,386 2,134 2,759 124 2,015 75 48 343 139 339 214 221 1,021 615 196 67 488 273 296 241 18 154 53 49 18,809 8,453 85,252 19,265 37,730 115,722 105,651 29,644 2,095 148,461 154,094 42,587 217,877 481 9,211 6,363 50 73 90 295 127 196 531 520 200 61 281 221 272 201 55 96 97 51 16,364 1,634 2,746 14,168 4,589 5,127 22,350 2,143 2,684 6,754 7,791 5,466 5,432 5,209 1,941 5,359 132 189 405 252 302 1,109 586 273 82 694 364 379 313 62 125 81 1,569 4,754 12,112 13,254 11,205 12,277 11,641 5,738 4,198 12,803 10,962 18,002 12,993 9,450 5,784 6,631 55 159 34 170 51 92 391 213 53 27 188 95 51 77 5 35 1 2,907 1,154 9,007 1,250 2,344 10,649 6,607 2,573 526 5,472 6,167 3,098 2,279 49 1,720 10 57 58 59 60 18 175 15 7 18 201 47 207 21 15 10 20 41 6 1,270 21,161 450 1,415 699 14,084 3,073 27,121 6,900 21,133 960 48 581 70,147 620 44 25 157 66 57 291 222 76 3 188 105 91 63 1 44 8 4,465 3,192 36,690 3,990 11,120 49,760 36,506 10,399 200 64,433 1,482,595 53,001 331,550 60 2,628 2,020 86 48 208 100 87 654 342 120 18 287 95 158 85 2 45 13 81 69,360 52,578 749,828 110,265 586,670 864,235 1,079,363 259,977 3,595 1,680,530 1,978,660 449,376 2,998,699 70 49,095 93 , 510 li- 37 29 21 12 22 128 203 30 66 68 39 58 6 24 es 54,445 13 18,772 167 270,000 9 3,950 2 1,140 20 251,855 246 3,959,580 77 .254,505 212 25 634,431 358 1,117,105 15 564,040 15 862,981 15 '38 875 7 388,000 84 65 11,055 302,337 2,900 12,919 7,775 163,218 33,252 470,476 101,200 307,186 8,370 1,133 ,7,687 562,957 6,760 66 702 239 467 409 465 1,565 915 336 129 776 497 618 397 91 246 138 67 6,550,518 1,163,792 2,468,041 4,331,474 1,937,085 4,427,878 11,128,498 2,253,264 1,182,890 3,826,321 4,443,612 4,120,925 4,243,112 1,493,732 1,598,081 1,193,114 66 691 ,858 241 ,462 920,624 627,031 358,240 1,017,953 3,668,386 1,224,996 251,413 1,304,670 2,001,927 1,009,682 1,635,455 214,246 165,459 312,886 1,321,997 492,476 755,948 2,484,747 317,531 840,224 4,346,411 523,574 348,598 1,367,315 1,180,775 678 , 558 1,057,327 745,438 236,895 413,776 70 1,449,327 71,262 190,941 354,612 336,070 722,628 183,240 46,891 169,931 232,003 172,904 436,069 261,394 77,727 392,712 13,410 71 1,613,084 240,786 345,880 461,316 559,370 936,174 1,938,109 266,921 269,050 502,993 692,777 1,140,393 936,295 345,363 406,863 367,624 72 1,238,098 93,178 196,011 341,534 291 ,290 729,492 586,595 142,078 124,738 349,993 312,708 483,027 285,109 108,838 332,851 77,948 73 236,154 24,628 58,637 62,234 74,584 181,407 405,757 48,804 19,160 69,347 82 , 521 373,196 67,532 2,120 63,301 7,470 74 105 42 282 16 299 1,214 520 70 6 341 193 166 111 1 8 21 75 1,399 555 7,326 27 9,330 44,243 21,750 771 40 7,098 5,041 4,072 2,148 20 137 350 76 618 77 224 246 325 1,261 505 106 85 454 60 108 106 3 218 36 77 137,443 3,247 10,297 10,900 46,010 61,905 41,418 2,593 14,949 18,276 1,545 3,853 6,826 255 36,180 2,612 7B 192 384 298 26 29 1 161 1 1 147 79 10,211 61,920 6,415 1,415 436 88 4,016 ' 300 21,100 BO 188,335 945,993 93,622 16,655 5,020 1,185 75,858 2,600 2,500 307,704 8] 680 159 285 283 1,125 87 83 231 83 144 117 1 223 35 82 91,489 8,149 16,468 12,675 58,687 1,657 14,630 8,156 5,466 4,908 10,136 30 21,948 875 83 76,047 4,961 7,109 6,758 23,532 727 6,418 3,137 5,630 2,026 12,588 10 18,165 284 84 3,828 1,669 1,914 2,888 2,314 12,247 10,823 1,716 125 12,516 15,166 9,387 5,134 365 915 795 85 59 49 48 5 55 5 6 6 6 28 6 33 86 64,385 >L,.'.Lr 153,564 50 836,734 625 1,200 875 28 5 67,550 740 96,350 87 236 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ^-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL 1 based on reports for only Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial forms Land in farms . average per farm, dollars . average per acre, dollars . farms reporting . 424,624 769.2 53,780 71.30 279,149 414.2 33,380 85.49 223,628 515.3 49,490 100.07 493,001 942.6 49,198 62.00 1,664 481,716 289.5 80,407 281.66 1,610 264,142 24,738 179.3 22,311 96.46 Managers number . Corn pickers Pick-up balers Motortrucks Tractors other than garden \utomobilos Telephone Home frecrcr Milking machine Flectric milk cooler Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirtc ived . Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers Family workers, including operator Operators working 1 or more hours . . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours Regular hired wvjrkers (employ l.Ml , Janus reportinfi . farms reporting. number . . farms reporting. farms reporting. number - farms reporting. farms reporting farms reporting . farms reporting. farms reporting . farms reporting. farms reporting . farms reporting. farms report i ng farms reporting days), farms reportin". 60 61 1,306 1,885 1,473 3,901 1,360 1,885 1,139 880 35 Milk cows. Horses and c Hogs and pip Chickens, t ( Calves sold alive Hogs and pigs sold alive Sheep and lambs sold alive Chickens including hosier- sold . Livestock and poultry products sold* Chicken eggs sold Specified (arm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures - Feed for livestock and poultry Purchase or livestock and poultry . . Hired labor ■ i .!n . ,ii.l .11, cr petroleum fuel ai the farm husiness Crops harvested: Corn for all purposes Sorghums for all purposes. Wheat . farms reporting. f.imi- rcpoTtinc number . farms reporting. . farms reporting. numlicr . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. •'"■J. farms reporting. dozens . . farms reporting. dollars dollars dollar dollai ilollars dollai .farms reporting. .farms reporting, .farms reporting. bushels. .farms reporting. 4,431 495 11,284 53, 598 73 112,730 104 475,708 53 666,842 235 561,736 552 3,117,400 1,015,520 1,201,537 153,582 415,803 40,187 308 921,429 34 250,325 24 13,056 674 . ■ . ' : 726, 574 569, 194 558, 583 633,331 527 .. us, -..; 536,220 904,918 81,238 197,791 33,433 189 3,107 306 6,854 111 3,277 33 1,140 72 117,950 70 20,132 434 2,558,905 572,156 633,307 323,554 674,232 213 1,081,449 100,635 87,037 247,422 368, 119 122,089 266 6,012 431 14,685 102 4,381 83 12,649 129 53,062 523 2,597,649 1,030,099 975, 803 105, 237 234,429 201,345 120 2,893,380 40 508,330 13 11,300 1,664 . .»'■.,""' 1,652,549 2,250,897 1,628,756 7,897,037 138 780,818 442,110 165, 575 9,400 123,070 18,749 16,414 6,278 1,540 159,170 151,313 TEXAS 237 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a sample of farms. See tent] Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Collings- worth Colorado Comal Comanche Concho Cooke ua 744 300 753 413 540 423 185 774 1,701 568 992 285 1,095 366 792 1 134,276 576,419 356,940 261,927 400,828 592,852 426,602 506,001 679, 508 453,742 633,207 556,307 237,449 420,476 758,663 383,065 9 305.2 774.8 1,189.8 347.8 970.5 1,097.9 1,008.5 877.9 266.8 1,114.8 560.8 833.2 384.0 2,072.8 483.7 B 17,716 136,710 130,868 27,778 105,389 79,887 104,593 87,207 50,888 60,878 48,588 68,598 49,012 29,901 115,556 46,504 63.86 178.51 140.37 82.22 123.82 96.39 129.28 39.44 62.98 229.07 66.87 143.28 62.81 76.61 55.49 107.48 5 343 732 254 590 390 380 404 90 587 1,651 531 884 • 221 891 307 684 6 11,564 315,367 51,805 23,709 78,585 54,540 211,598 8,981 89,221 271,473 119,632 83,634 16,693 76,587 68,948 98, 178 T 238 153 95 367 186 251 103 66 317 658 236 335 104 407 125 328 8 130 31 82 212 100 175 39 50 141 321 127 151 40 203 62 171 9 152 44 102 223 56 183 26 52 146 334 83 138 35 147 38 148 in 230 195 49 307 95 221 95 92 288 499 154 353 170 463 127 339 11 170 191 209 337 160 216 125 61 265 543 220 445 86 449 140 256 u> 2 1 10 7 3 6 5 1 3 13 3 4 2 3 3 8 13 38 357 32 102 155 97 198 31 218 646 191 190 27 180 96 189 n 9 477 150 27 107 147 210 47 358 574 174 171 74 329 183 359 19 9 547 269 34 125 161 229 53 387 592 232 330 75 378 208 378 II 42 2 9 6 25 3 440 163 34 3 1 69 17 48 5 9 7 26 3 455 168 34 3 1 74 Ih 45 88 54 57 17 55 9 2 19 251 41 102 55 121 5 270 19 46 89 63 58 17 65 11 2 19 262 41 105 55 122 5 274 '.'11 292 733 267 612 322 478 391 179 589 1,231 466 703 254 770 311 647 .'1 328 1,713 554 721 389 611 640 224 785 1,580 638 1,065 317 858 456 828 22 718 239 483 387 447 395 141 666 1,570 530 804 234 926 331 691 29 208 2,181 935 636 851 691 930 195 1,008 3,047 1,064 1,615 381 1,289 541 1,335 24 226 714 260 488 355 422 372 134 684 1,433 523 838 259 884 294 629 25 266 921 429 538 422 465 501 169 783 1,638 596 996 323 971 359 710 26 217 476 396 230 412 131 136 450 1,160 265 528 261 586 193 549 •7 233 542 244 366 186 336 282 120 419 732 228 611 210 404 226 397 28 16 73 71 6 31 33 106 50 31 70 171 29 20 . 71 5 31 27 115 35 26 60 156 30 155 270 197 306 150 181 186 55 170 581 192 515 238 324 99 215 31 48 81 74 19 19 1 59 327 919 7 364 26 147 73 471 : dollars. Purchase of livestock and pouiu-v dollars. Machine hire dollar- Hired lalmr dollars . r petroleum fuel and oil for Crops harvested: Corn for all purposes farms reporting . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Wheat farms reporting . bushels . Cotton farms reporting . Land from which hay was cut acres . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. dollars . 401,238 501.5 39,324 80.61 3,276,166 954,023 995,141 462,869 348,799 521,919 1,683.6 72,341 52.51 310 2,542,386 214,033 388,752 514,415 991,906 324,067 18,003.7 246,280 12.25 17 122,940 45,025 20,125 6,175 35,550 15,850 1,713,020 14,641.2 250,375 16.92 1,893 69 3,240 116 1,278,022 386, 538 154,748 51,340 505,608 179,688 645 6,904,424 289,375 165,689 2,241,557 2,244,816 1,623,080 22,860.3 188,858 17.34 71 1,529,476 110,732 234,331 169,945 805,887 831,928 2,810.6 144,677 3,443 95 6,843 296 11,220,986 1,977,982 7,840,273 343,861 492,504 13,693 377 101,898 210,615 188 1,376,381 76 1,321,992 138 32,325 712 5,125,865 1,715,476 1,004,828 554,089 1,209,586 TEXAS 239 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ■ sample of farms. See te»tj Deaf Smith Delta Denton De Witt Dickens Diranit Donley Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 637 535 1,065 1,171 404 122 368 387 715 33 192 1,430 336 939 1,200' 1,347 l 837,228 128,666 418,902 519,919 453,048 636,226 445,988 663,801 395,567 477,460 ,036,060 492,830 501,423 497,104 383,271 383,584 S 1,218.7 240.5 393.3 444.0 1,121.4 5,215.0 1,211.9 1,715.2 553.2 14,468.5 5,396.1 344.6 1,492.3 529.4 319.4 284.8 n 151,804 25,906 65,786 35,614 54,948 258,092 45,873 37,234 30,216 117,074 176,775 58,157 145,858 36,287 34,368 26,607 t 131.72 111.78 175.22 94.01 51.51 44.38 70.08 26.32 55.18 8.49 35.66 175 .74 102.88 73.96 119.66 97.82 5 660 479 895 1,003 381 60 333 271 577 2 40 1,341 311 607 1,094 1,230 1 305,612 57,532 177,392 62,172 78,711 19,140 61,364 22,945 53,532 740 1,193 261,087 41,342 39,446 159,071 149, 509 T 202 248 443 443 124 46 91 107 282 7 41 558 117 325 431 615 1 69 102 208 194 71 37 39 50 165 7 29 266 95 167 206 262 0 58 110 201 191 46 30 24 31 142 16 21 307 93 171 220 240 111 187 156 383 512 149 50 146 130 278 17 108 468 147 517 438 397 11 226 229 339 423 126 41 145 158 318 15 38 439 125 300 383 453 10 18 1 6 9 3 1 7 7 5 7 22 12 4 IS 270 150 325 235 123 22 74 98 112 1 39 518 57 100 367 493 14 403 90 428 70 113 8 171 17 274 2 5 360 6 289 212 220 11 474 95 462 95 113 14 20 306 2 5 405 8 298 223 228 in 12 7 139 267 6 2 1 175 11 306 126 IT 12 7 140 269 6 3 1 176 11 316 128 11 38 52 251 114 3 7 31 12 69 7 3 186 33 85 170 196 It 43 53 253 124 3 7 38 12 69 7 3 191 40 85 175 213 20 634 375 910 796 308 100 314 259 515 26 178 996 285 791 805 917 21 1,598 446 1,310 917 421 211 414 318 572 42 307 1,266 536 942 993 1,114 00 646 460 927 1,033 375 94 330 261 593 14 47 1,259 306 758 1,064 1,138 o:i 1,872 802 1,862 1,394 708 290 641 347 813 22 59 2,911 959 1,030 2,126 2,199 .'I 629 424 918 1,041 334 88 326 180 563 17 171 1,257 295 728 957 1,068 21 805 470 1,102 1,174 367 131 378 199 645 19 221 1,481 472 850 1,125 1,154 26 521 261 740 791 244 84 224 47 396 29 144 886 261 545 496 463 1 482 192 665 710 259 71 218 58 344 23 146 716 142 581 619 348 28 17 27 158 66 31 75 27 1 19 24 170 22 70 21 10 22 168 65 20 75 27 1 24 24 170 17 55 ■■ 211 61 88 233 162 106 19 327 17 21 65 130 91 6 62 12 10 526 264 174 501 352 142 47 424 25 23 159 202 180 19 77 19 11 600 325 116 542 192 132 26 587 57 33 159 238 37 23 232 31 1! 2 10 9 44 9 2 13 10 2 9 9 18 9 12 13 484 601 32 183 126 183 9 375 24 29 47 246 17 9 62 5 " 347 571 107 30 86 139 9 326 60 14 51 119 1 211 2 IS 359 655 117 30 94 152 9 339 101 15 52 152 1 262 2 19 520 15 8 5 18 5 56 60 2 2 17 530 15 8 5 19 5 56 60 2 2 18 153 11 53 115 67 6 11 185 9 6 23 52 25 105 7 19 158 12 54 136 67 7 12 188 9 6 23 73 25 109 7 20 1,133 1,043 281 954 488 404 86 955 107 81 296 569 148 58 336 47 21 1,260 1,633 375 1,067 634 542 153 1,153 287 130 336 732 164 146 708 84 22 1,461 1,093 270 909 467 420 44 1,253 91 35 232 554 139 29 297 23 2,822 2,556 416 1,191 694 843 148 2,339 266 58 294 1,205 153 56 961 62 24 1,359 1,155 263 995 409 414 80 1,200 104 76 314 558 179 51 338 53 25 1,553 1,438 327 1,102 462 525 93 1,475 161 117 351 646 211 109 454 79 29 787 676 266 578 162 283 33 775 81 51 257 372 219 39 309 15 2T 764 834 165 495 305 283 44 476 78 53 216 491 200 33 268 13 28 44 20 5 514 7 13 6 50 5 11 60 35 29 43 5 5 488 6 7 6 40 11 59 35 * 30 450 624 104 686 252 210 42 706 67 14 118 221 143 7 281 5 31 784 26 143 147 42 47 36 220 5 3 34 363 6 4 64 11 32 363 535 78 406 359 190 13 465 36 68 203 90 102 45 14 38 33 1,457 1,008 299 1,093 505 412 79 1,209 102 80 272 604 229 58 350 55 34 1,422 937 291 1,075 485 383 63 1,174 97 73 266 568 228 52 332 48 39 1,391 932 286 1,060 475 371 63 1,163 96 73 258 558 208 52 316 48 39 443 155 108 480 107 76 13 356 36 7 27 238 100 5 111 4 37 568 247 158 626 127 106 17 536 50 9 39 276 132 9 140 7 38 196 400 33 133 87 144 48 123 39 47 23 155 22 47 126 29 39 242 645 88 185 161 229 202 326 76 103 39 283 24 202 300 120 40 1,331 423 317 1,234 628 273 69 1,135 85 73 357 574 217 53 314 57 41 32,862 8,021 20,723 74,915 40,805 13,920 18,336 44,495 22,366 11,421 35,241 59,389 10,351 27,934 41,172 35,906 42 660 258 187 765 274 120 19 435 19 26 78 250 145 24 110 14 43 2,914 505 606 19,107 1,030 943 92 1,599 34 64 132 962 2,728 84 2,927 307 208 131 131 432 412 122 56 270 71 72 158 228 112 55 255 42 45 384 292 447 936 1,087 383 456 718 369 661 534 856 202 1,207 2,246 1,145 46 585 402 121 210 257 132 8 273 27 4 91 217 84 4 48 17 47 7,821 5,943 2,868 1,027 3,424 2,007 1,737 2,049 922 504 999 2,080 2,104 28 380 77 48 1,009 499 235 625 389 269 17 907 45 37 135 396 123 13 120 14 49 71,002 25,722 75,470 19,998 79,652 14,730 394 54,180 2,953 2,995 9,876 42,808 33,179 533 5,456 520 50 475 155 192 791 348 165 63 430 74 49 243 365 128 45 173 34 91 3,544 2,843 6,770 9,886 7,729 3,708 8,171 5,631 11,029 2,934 8,174 11,292 1,569 8,317 4,042 5,062 52 1,003 136 295 911 490 178 16 988 49 65 282 400 163 37 204 48 S3 11,679 1,475 8,677 19,622 15,703 4,675 2,540 17,210 3,872 3,432 11,068 16,690 2,526 5,113 12,304 6,395 54 404 237 91 51 112 77 7 118 18 4 54 79 56 2 5 6 55 8,381 5,710 3,647 586 2,733 2,382 1,860 1,999 825 752 1,121 1,783 2,267 29 135 25 58 128 20 64 21 2 25 19 25 75 31 42 1 21 3 2 57 7,733 115 17,980 360 304 6,228 12,575 2,755 74,552 1,614 512 1 31,571 34 80 99 164 103 66 83 18 54 3 132 15 2 27 134 94 1 30 99 21,060 5,647 57,400 4,295 352,828 4,579 114 409,120 776 1,100 3,520 11,620 2,275,350 50 1,895 80 476 159 108 137 77 70 2 354 17 5 45 220 49 3 36 91 464,305 79,960 1,443,545 69,300 1,027,200 27,593 195 317,690 9,031 30,820 55,518 330,943 332,295 340 7,750 92 53 26 30 562 21 8 6 65 2 1 26 69 40 93 603,230 5,452 34,840 6,250,390 122,260 153,108 122,318 292,135 1,930 125 150,345 753,655 697,000 81,530 94 138 10 21 20 3 19 19 31 1 69 46 47 1 24 5 2 95 61,293 1,325 125,393 4,555 2,710 38,035 143,248 ' 19,159 55 868,323 15,526 5,366 30 337,843 435 270 99 1,612 1,200 331 1,270 679 459 95 1,396 108 85 374 695 252 60 383 59 9T 4,409,660 10,796,855 2,530,008 6,092,708 2,990,325 3,598,045 1,860,742 4,979,290 2,001,572 1,001,070 1,748,471 3,437,909 1,704,448 1,350,615 2,752,881 511,281 88 690,966 191,926 646,811 3,804,862 700,547 347,707 233,281 973,358 258,413 233,310 628,841 796,806 1,176,870 325,610 535,094 109,219 99 662,605 531,487 1,210,432 887,682 1,100,483 523,328 353,326 865,315 1,033,201 408,941 799,312 547,037 381,340 495,653 208,445 101,999 70 754,729 3,365,921 91,818 364,807 295,915 823,098 258,285 1,117,722 131,080 19,233 42,657 503,493 15,873 20,700 255,590 16,415 71 1,125,516 3,737,234 318,489 685,937 496,896 1,442,855 799,031 1,300,573 255,798 272,317 140,211 813,269 86,180 397,112 943,341 220,671 72 901,623 2,513,975 175,372 287,049 291,964 380,254 184,129 603,479 236,394 66,217 115,072 579,725 36,080 109,865 515,233 56,121 79 274, 221 456,312 87,086 62,371 104,520 80,803 32,690 118,843 86,686 1,052 22,378 197,579 8,105 1,675 295,178 6,856 74 1,102 48 77 326 375 14 6 648 9 26 369 77 2 7 15 75 47,873 315 965 3,851 7,713 145 165 10,042 80 275 7,737 1,037 14 57 207 76 1,064 1,123 109 287 50 374 4 366 56 13 35 401 4 31 27 77 52,039 224,017 3,418 5,693 758 58,330 531 9,234 14,837 1,115 1,313 27,754 160 2,025 1,470 78 307 14 6 7 ,, 496 69 25 1 1 79 7,643 1,078 93 387 339 12,720 41,707 1,089 50 40 80 132,738 24,660 1,400 3,070 3,360 260,232 680,122 18,790 1,000 1,100 81 1,310 1,192 36 460 295 409 28 1,110 6 3 33 395 3 1 13 82 114,485 177,906 1,532 19,084 14,686 69,243 6,996 80,094 440 177 687 19,673 287 6 580 83 35,760 147, 366 607 6,915 6,859 33,176 13,652 36,060 273 120 140 12,238 485 3 141 84 14,532 141 2,924 17,234 5,868 785 1,227 24,321 551 315 2,452 5,289 3,415 47 8,207 1,570 85 25 43 50 85 5 1 25 5 6 1 17 1 12 86 3,100 296,635 10,450 52,771 2,100 1,550 43,835 5,000 550 150 1,450 175 110,262 87 244 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ^-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL (For definitions and explanalio b text) Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial farms number. Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars . average per acre, dollars . Cropland harvested farms reporting" . Farm operators: Workineoff their farms, total number. HK1 or mere day* number . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number . B, tenure: Full owners number . Part ow ners number . Manacers number . XII lenanrs number. Specified equipment and facilities Grain combines farms reportinc . Com picker* farms reporting. Pick-up balers farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting . number. Tractors other than garden farm* reprting . Automobiles farms reporting . Telephone farms reportinp . Home freezer farms reportinc- Milking machine farms reporting . Flectnc milk cooler farms reportinc. Farms by hind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reportinp . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reportinc . Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reportinc . Family worker* . including operator farms reportinc. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . Regular hired workers (omplosed l;i(l oi rr .j:n*l farm* ri-pimn" Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms reporting . number . Milk cows farms reporting . number . Horses and/or mules farms reporting . number . Hogs and pigs farms reportinc . number . Chickens, t months old and over. farms reportinc. Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calve*, sold alive farms reporting. Calves sold alive farms reporting. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . number . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . 'lilk and cream sold farms reporting. dollar* . Wool farms reporting . Specified faim expenditures: \ny specified farm expenditures farms reporting . dollars . Feed for livestock and [loultry dollars. Purchase of livestock and poullry dollars. Machine hire dollar' . Hired labor dollars . Gasoline and nlliet peiroli fuel and oil for the farm business dollars. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollar* . Ciops harvested: Corn for all purposes farms reporting . . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting.. Wheat .farms reporting . . bushels . . Cotton .farms reporting. . I^nd from which hay was cut acres . . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting.. dollars . . Jim Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble 531, 904 1,078.9 81,685 81.55 1,926 229 25,246 162,165 83 2,643,315 493 4,646,635 1,135,126 1,027,415 562,432 1,287,537 18,794 9,496 5,749 1,087 354,096 325.8 45,842 143.85 849 IIS, 769 36,136 1,087 7,952,884 3,504,865 2,518,289 477,015 706,883 8,1 5 15,603 20,625 1,019 740,038 726.2 60,077 77.99 974 230,384 10,680 1,019 5,351,205 398,152 1,463,246 1,243,UB 1,447,924 408,684 503.3 44,775 98.64 812 3,036,471 796,729 673,587 362,977 518,146 399,047 482.5 56,820 112.25 193,965 155 799,880 30 536,810 47 13,715 827 4,193, 511 1,080,642 942,190 2Q7.622 941.8 68,313 72.39 109,213 182 955,470 80 150,434 212 303,000 316 1,210,926 566,745 226,648 47,199 181,226 1,953 104 2,499 533,958 44,496.5 229,867 27.86 12 708,393 269,264 130,550 1,400 284,412 398,383 1,924.6 85,575 43.29 4,177 115 2,550 157 4,658 69 1,301 16 207 1,563,402 159,929 562,371 246,168 415,403 661,188 2,755.0 136,690 52.61 240 1,432,699 406,376 457,383 75,429 337,643 TEXAS 245 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a sample of farms. See texlj King Kinney Kleberg Kno, I-r Lamb Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live OaJs Llano 58 78 167 591 1,107 1,609 508 144 1,715 739 633 468 798 317 404 339 l 562,565 733,217 939,165 464,679 419,746 671,529 452,248 929,747 423,682 256,363 418,785 432,501 377,733 560,924 496,110 521,373 2 9,699.4 9,400.2 5,623.7 786.3 379.2 417.4 890.3 6,456.6 247.0 346.9 661.6 924.1 473.3 1,769.5 1,228.0 1,538.0 I 117, 404 291,526 276,871 70,986 30,662 100,692 59,720 188,528 20,613 23,068 35,152 76,559 35,699 111,469 79,681 129,200 26.70 31.39 43.35 116.89 89.20 264.77 66.63 30.46 95.41 71.45 56.45 64.19 76.55 59.63 77.72 65.63 5 53 15 135 562 952 1,561 354 68 1,561 629 457 354 648 288 369 87 e 10,417 2,083 44,409 146,517 106,824 458,095 32,069 12,912 91,597 41,854 22,682 42,619 74,700 121,303 72,638 4,698 7 9 18 58 240 470 433 235 56 532 339 303 164 352 137 147 165 8 2 11 42 120 210 81 152 41 188 127 158 102 179 72 79 112 9 5 6 39 92 223 67 152 38 169 123 124 124 170 43 58 66 10 12 24 39 165 467 478 245 42 723 314 264 205 310 71 179 206 11 16 31 95 198 280 476 145 77 503 291 265 216 346 146 164 89 ie 5 3 1 35 5 12 9 6 17 13 9 3 6 is 25 20 32 224 325 650 106 16 483 117 91 47 133 ioo 58 38 14 15 3 55 51 133 609 184 14 64 76 23 97 50 195 118 IB 15 15 3 62 55 136 688 189 14 67 23 158 50 266 120 18 It 24 27 26 2 249 56 14 24 128 59 11 24 33 26 2 249 56 14 24 138 64 18 1 9 14 214 84 11 9 68 35 29 74 42 62 20 5 It 1 7 12 19 230 85 11 9 68 35 29 79 45 63 20 5 20 46 77 115 455 808 1,432 424 107 935 518 447 366 568 306 271 273 '.'1 74 173 238 583 964 2,258 472 211 1,007 601 518 575 637 682 352 340 .'.' 37 37 139 530 890 1,537 389 105 1,488 618 364 353 697 302 369 173 23 83 75 282 1,104 1,626 3,883 460 226 1,947 933 512 837 1,165 625 713 197 24 56 67 145 554 835 1,492 399 121 1,414 614 337 347 625 288 330 282 25 60 86 212 628 946 1,764 449 163 1,602 693 400 438 736 356 400 327 26 24 57 95 228 598 985 436 93 588 193 228 340 403 178 170 277 21 47 61 77 287 471 1,062 286 98 942 443 291 341 326 254 223 240 28 1 25 92 21 7 1 41 5 1 15 20 24 1 29 2 25 71 2C 7 35 5 21 20 14 1 SO 24 3 101 L64 621 533 53 488 237 299 269 353 88 142 100 8! 1 35 37 60 250 10 214 14 935 160 23 109 150 20 45 52 SS 32 39 29 348 225 1,065 161 75 290 321 304 38 250 208 212 187 J3 46 78 137 486 957 1,415 464 135 1,684 704 561 413 ,..", 268 375 331 34 44 78 123 469 927 1,325 450 119 1,681 700 525 389 652 264 357 318 SS 44 76 123 453 907 1,323 434 117 1,661 688 507 377 629 256 353 311 St 19 46 84 269 299 203 37 1,186 374 119 125 184 93 111 95 SI 26 46 118 362 396 232 45 1,850 508 143 197 242 130 141 121 38 8 40 53 153 150 571 52 73 77 16 109 92 100 42 87 39 44 146 604 219 264 864 69 200 120 18 205 205 249 55 163 65 40 . 71 115 320 951 542 471 137 1,644 724 567 388 750 282 360 324 41 14,233 17,359 65,412 18,634 56,529 24,655 27,826 52,734 55,189 29,781 38,352 39,795 45,642 41,395 30,239 38,106 42 28 30 60 146 372 327 229 43 1,189 496 172 135 299 120 187 161 40 172 1,142 281 3,871 1,397 638 113 3,894 1,330 289 699 1,972 914 490 288 44 23 74 45 79 437 151 243 103 332 318 466 277 2% 156 138 247 49 441 867 4,165 255 1,084 617 669 823 737 608 1,318 669 481 566 741 46 23 10 15 182 357 492 126 24 1,174 581 388 125 248 54 154 208 41 256 61 5,991 2,611 4,379 8,623 1,148 672 14,135 17,373 10,682 2,480 5,402 1,229 3,995 15,211 48 42 35 54 312 672 674 252 57 1,473 605 350 203 426 160 237 200 40 2,117 1,431 13,864 13,739 168,165 64,016 41,505 54,569 311,725 109,228 52,336 34,625 47,269 6,853 20,431 24,387 90 33 '1 81 125 479 213 277 118 738 385 291 244 441 215 200 231 61 3,887 5,622 13,880 3,033 5,103 22,427 8,315 12,258 3,652 1,681 5,216 3,194 9,503 19,955 4,378 6,217 52 33 97 283 825 303 405 129 1,399 668 425 361 645 169 319 304 53 2,288 2,674 8,034 9,151 21,618 5,386 14,499 15,673 21,231 10,813 13,179 14,277 18,032 8,900 9,961 14,293 54 19 3 13 142 171 381 98 10 550 421 296 52 157 44 118 206 177 16 1,222 2,232 5,230 10,981 2,599 532 12,387 19,376 11,484 7,557 8,907 1,045 3,769 23,710 56 1 73 1 36 29 10 325 6 44 48 33 9 22 2 7 102 51 •■■ 79,394 100 1,754 2,024 450 55,333 160 441 411 2,348 231 674 156 114 13,869 58 6 8 24 42 103 107 93 28 983 335 80 58 75 23 48 37 59 400 230 2,790 2,210 829,800 35,055 53,755 20,690 109,350 36,183 2,648,100 9,680 66,170 2,522 15,322 6,042 SO 13 10 25 110 207 168 130 35 1,344 463 73 91 137 69 92 113 61 9,648 2,812 221,215 48,383 1,582,887 641,130 405,102 1,103,521 2,481,747 931,083 451,060 462,827 499,685 21,031 193,747 187,860 82 2 25 15 101 30 17 9 212 55 1 16 36 64 17 3 69 19,000 305,685 360 886, 595 291,025 90,102 6,650 239,965 36,355 3,938 131,415 304,905 163,184 22,835 338 64 72 1 25 52 10 327 6 137 55 28 14 23 1 27 96 65 1,089,280 7,000 7,987 17,985 10,250 695,669 3,300 13,624 7,353 15,297 2,517 6,955 450 3,757 106,093 66 58 78 167 591 1,107 1,609 508 144 1,715 739 633 468 788 33 7 404 339 61 794,794 1,774,932 2,198,352 3,755,855 4,756,689 16,322,255 2,853,707 2,293,536 3,838,935 1,963,227 3,055,364 2,371,686 2,896,681 4,640,921 2,202,086 2,489,513 68 197,367 216,975 357,458 204,790 1,665,335 2,083,003 795,728 557,396 1,516,217 630,203 1,448,282 470,868 656,912 878,807 278,394 909,611 69 194,350 1,065,184 206,045 686,151 886,485 3,623,573 1,575,554 945,576 744,057 398,763 699,684 181,293 974,714 2,924,717 716,467 1,161,409 10 64,912 76,594 318,727 999,542 597,273 3,210,073 69,433 134,732 408,680 214,440 182,011 320,209 289,273 194,797 365,441 62,643 11 255,791 305,029 1,040,022 1,264,855 1,059,007 3,964,522 208,336 469,481 629,964 214,580 469,883 724,499 502,539 284,347 476,905 218,311 12 78,769 102,261 231,890 469,344 451,914 2,834,124 178,285 151,678 441,551 217,249 208,797 400,711 363,141 308,045 267,525 126,318 13 3,605 8,889 44,210 131,173 96,675 606,960 26,371 34,673 98,466 87,992 46,707 274,106 110,102 50,206 97,354 11,221 14 3 18 5 507 202 95 20 1,425 572 322 130 422 3 306 29 75 30 93 i 10,662 4,654 1,903 494 42,915 12,383 6,252 2,907 17,264 28 15,489 360 76 39 13 123 420 198 1,476 145 53 1,103 435 47 103 264 155 280 40 77 2,585 1,310 25,872 44,308 4,964 225,804 5,287 6,657 11,691 9,729 1,076 2,439 9,876 11,937 38,873 1,725 78 31 419 109 109 104 10 283 79 1,984 36, 541 3,512 5,744 2,208 140 91,305 80 21,605 491,611 65,135 142,077 39,048 1,465 1,241,315 81 42 109 521 586 1,530 20 28 1,216 361 171 63 413 189 6 82 5,697 7,192 55,911 37,473 198,514 1,035 1,203 27,152 7,400 6,838 2,315 32,339 10, 552 287 83 3,164 4,728 32,690 14,455 176,228 430 803 14,428 3,588 2,292 789 7,700 6,677 180 84 91 443 6,383 2,317 38,890 3,733 3,336 746 6,221 3,402 5,657 5,164 10,725 3,060 2,997 419 85 17 22 40 46 1 13 120 40 106 31 33 16 3 66 181,735 20,150 25,125 128,040 290 58,700 20,275 10,340 44,555 11,375 35,165 76,025 4,420 87 246 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4. -CHARACTERISTIC'S OF COMMERCIAL Dain ire Imsetl on rrports for only (For definit Loving Lubbock Lynn McCulloch McLennan McMullen Madison Marion Martin Farms, acreage, and value: All comnierciAl farms Land in farms Avorapc -i?f of farm Value of lam. and buildinps Cropland harvested Farm operators Workinc off their farms, total 100 cw -ii. to .lays With othrr income of family pxceedin value nf agricultural products sold . By tenure: Full owners j f»T -inn. dollar- > per acre, dollars . . -anti* reporting 203,807 33,967.8 163,060 5.00 1,735 664,716 383.1 136,773 403.56 1,685 493,809 475 532,098 641.1 96,468 158.20 626,207 1,367.3 74,631 61.67 1,420 461,968 325.3 46,329 157.05 1,254 205,479 483 514,441 4,396.9 118,491 31.45 234,781 698.8 47,524 593.3 22,593 50.52 Specified equipment and facilities Grain combines Pick-up balers Motortrucks Tractors other than Harden \ulomohiles Telephone Home freezer Milking machine Flectrie milk cooler Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt i provi Farm labor week preceding enumeration: Family and or hired workers Family workers, including operator Operators workinc 1 or more hours . . . 1'npatd members of operauir's family Regular hired workers (employed 150 ot I Milk cows. . Hogs and pies Chickens, 1 me . .farms reporting. farms reporting . farms reportins. farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting. farms reporting farms reporting. farms reporting . farm; reporting farms reportinc . farms reportint; . farms rnporting. farms reportinc. lays). . farms rp[ortinr f:irn - reporting. farms reporting . fronts roportii numlier . logs and pigs sol.l . farms rejiortinr. number. . farms reporting. numlier . . fam-s roportine. 43 48 1,578 2,687 1,617 4,189 1,646 2,356 1,463 1,339 41 30 1,523 1,406 1,375 2,817 117 3,016 3,758 281 9,641 123 126 1,002 1,287 1,254 2,434 1,290 1,555 872 651 1,236 1,187 1,171 18,041 872 17,526 3,766 116 11,075 2,576 305 14,029 ting Specified farm expenditures: \ny specified farm expendit Feed for livestock and |multry Purchase of livestock iind |mu Machine hire Hirer! labor Crops harvested: Corn for all purposes. Sorghums for all purposes Wheat Land from which hay ' . farms ropirtinu. farms reporting. . farms reporting . . .farms reporting.. .farms reporting., bushels . . . farms reporting . . bales. . 49,080 9,700 19,400 13,400 6,550 2,300,602 51 712,428 38 79,878 1,735 32,394,667 6,039,626 12,268,531 4,154,417 6,202,736 1,617 224,902 213,197 42,170 112 128,680 6 19,688 11 1,410 830 7,068,220 301,844 463,537 2,337,831 2,453,163 458 2,841,186 504,067 1,320,352 244,406 434,915 2,804,515 206 2,078,691 132 53,081 1,420 9,359,882 2,937,322 2,975,867 760,586 1,621,540 30,305 796 47,461 12,715 3,878 2,644 1,550 1 1,000 197,037 334,067 38,897 146,492 336 1,919,895 626,304 677, 577 190,729 267,992 1,020 5 2,000 10,837 3,595 14,035 406 4,596,377 140,375 260,943 1,210,191 2,339,287 j 143,300 TEXAS 247 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a sample of farms. See l«rt] '.'-.•--■ r :.-- Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milan Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley doches Navarro Newton 692 95 790 197 192 1,170 482 543 598 423 184 123 253 767 1,142 192 694,310 613,803 668,454 552,968 1,420,790 379,379 369,666 674,016 437,161 295,438 462,542 85,042 513,312 244,774 480,898 88,661 S 1,003.3 6,461.1 846.1 2,806.9 7,399.9 324.3 766.9 1,241.3 731.0 698.4 2,513.8 691.4 2,028.9 319.1 421.1 461.8 93,081 203,294 61,700 139,775 172,337 32,450 50,022 63,554 43,284 61,760 200,635 70,838 94,860 24,951 41,490 24,055 4 107.78 43.52 70.56 52.70 25.56 101.98 65.47 50.69 57.94 128.71 75.70 66.83 41.74 107.35 105.87 56.00 T> 609 68 647 58 143 1,026 350 517 384 230 179 102 218 419 968 129 fi 88,073 16,977 104,875 4,423 41,606 119,938 27,225 98,009 30,981 8,013 142,986 5,728 53,581 13,850 139,836 2,048 7 218 36 289 48 96 514 194 273 274 220 57 47 110 249 466 95 8 104 24 158 25 64 222 97 128 166 154 18 11 53 157 225 58 9 101 29 136 24 32 189 75 100 127 168 19 27 50 248 271 75 111 206 33 359 119 80 460 272 145 205 217 31 47 61 525 336 133 11 312 33 338 56 50 368 135 184 252 139 88 49 105 194 442 41 1'.' 15 8 3 3 1 16 3 4 11 7 1 2 1 5 15 1 IS 159 21 90 19 61 326 72 210 130 60 64 25 66 43 347 17 " 132 16 242 22 29 157 197 112 95 11 120 17 94 7 145 1 U 221 17 267 23 30 171 205 117 103 11 228 18 109 9 167 1 m 55 1 132 2 187 14 28 1 6 6 7 106 6 i? 55 2 139 2 TIP 14 28 1 6 6 7 112 6 IS 77 22 77 8 "i 85 31 "8 94 45 12 16 2 76 106 20 111 85 28 77 8 3 86 31 8 94 45 12 18 2 77 108 20 V'li 612 89 666 170 174 766 414 439 525 334 171 68 212 628 822 139 :'l 838 217 947 218 274 927 478 492 603 421 512 98 271 771 983 144 22 586 84 637 74 156 903 405 509 461 286 164 61 231 438 907 95 23 1,358 343 1,168 106 293 1,683 520 990 645 387 544 121 520 597 1,802 112 24 554 70 696 157 171 960 405 498 345 324 150 66 221 494 907 144 1! 666 105 855 196 206 1,103 446 525 424 398 207 75 251 546 1,044 150 26 370 51 634 135 155 675 323 341 392 300 77 56 72 561 567 118 27 507 58 561 146 123 544 277 285 327 288 108 42 137 441 552 159 28 5 6 40 6 11 3 5 20 70 8 220 11 22 ,,„ 5 6 34 1 16 2 5 20 75 215 11 22 80 384 64 357 83 94 309 138 135 184 265 92 63 45 354 443 67 :il 220 23 351 39 7 644 118 66 269 63 7 39 10 78 310 49 32 57 8 74 74 88 199 225 330 145 64 85 21 197 330 371 66 si 587 94 720 175 171 1,042 460 440 556 379 175 113 221 653 977 161 U 563 66 700 167 150 1,027 456 424 544 372 159 110 210 610 918 179 SS 541 65 691 165 145 990 439 419 532 355 159 110 199 594 907 179 in 210 8 .■•••■ 39 23 350 218 80 193 144 31 42 74 224 177 115 '17 262 15 3X 46 41 463 289 121 289 194 36 52 93 319 259 162 88 133 68 132 46 73 123 44 99 69 79 66 20 33 127 183 10 .in 270 438 223 77 183 281 69 153 87 162 93 64 42 252 354 11 in 542 59 677 159 123 1,028 435 394 583 358 119 102 222 704 965 176 41 72,134 30,396 49,943 11,942 20,819 41,365 19,039 18,334 45,520 33,017 32,502 11,629 18,209 35,737 53,792 7,105 42 198 23 354 71 58 515 256 214 212 136 51 54 96 444 200 99 43 521 330 2,314 168 322 1,528 576 815 1,501 4,145 145 109 189 12,672 1,092 1,147 325 50 337 142 72 343 239 163 300 267 82 75 139 308 341 141 45 1,496 669 880 496 745 977 664 616 904 733 357 246 781 729 719 292 46 205 24 204 27 28 632 150 154 205 124 51 58 92 192 293 139 47 1,708 11,184 3,178 1,295 208 11,899 2,376 1,391 6,830 2,324 1,534 379 1,183 2,173 4,228 3,779 48 356 20 458 81 76 826 291 290 301 215 67 80 132 382 594 125 40 51,674 610 85,424 13,735 108,726 174,827 82,644 17,017 45,929 134,306 4,727 66,955 8,733 496, L84 26,510 18,145 50 312 49 445 84 70 508 224 167 406 242 65 41 108 414 537 111 51 6,447 15,233 6,505 1,772 2,395 7,820 3,230 1,492 6,374 5,312 9,406 9,893 1,922 5,396 7,098 964 52 338 50 624 128 54 846 348 317 521 282 74 86 159 617 837 125 53 23,139 7,371 17,107 3,014 5,042 15,458 5,890 7,254 18,788 10,042 7,763 2,689 6,090 10,410 22,203 1,754 54 52 23 124 26 24 409 116 59 137 52 27 37 53 100 147 62 55 2,216 10,367 5,404 3,862 110 10,767 3,208 2,190 6,311 2,231 1,257 347 1,051 2,157 4,423 2,231 56 38 4 126 170 13 58 408 14 16 1 2 5 1 22 11 57 2,528 4,656 13,512 68, 538 6,469 1,538 65,676 12,907 456 10 493 160 40 1,056 129 58 106 2 181 9 19 297 132 53 84 123 23 22 24 352 73 5 59 18,280 150 32,109 1,425 540,825 50,641 44,289 2,197 23,545 236,455 1,685 9,800 2,690 10,684,073 847,760 908, 960 60 159 2 286 35 32 479 155 84 132 108 28 32 55 116 162 40 61 363,979 1,640 757,820 194,468 1,445,560 1,650,755 822,509 51,248 496,034 1,662,945 24,946 528,030 39,148 5,445,095 161,675 38,730 62 5 11 40 7 71 12 10 45 68 7 1 5 211 22 27 68 40,000 72,140 500,510 3,876 114,930 27,499 169,870 376,185 1,040,460 11,910 2,150 80 3,222,973 274,263 362,815 64 40 4 126 170 13 86 411 19 13 2 2 4 1 38 6 65 28,266 38,760 108,467 933,811 85,655 30,118 761,685 154,491 1,671 128 6,500 . 1,803 320 8,225 655 M 692 95 790 197 190 1,170 482 543 598 423 184 123 253 767 1,142 192 67 3,268,563 3,221,184 3,191,409 1,115,345 3,115,828 4,226,952 2,290,268 3,002,934 3,074,394 2,646,199 3,261,907 2, 306, 388 1,274,707 10,746,799 4,338,204 836,644 (IK 651,787 379,522 816,281 290,522 1,372,254 1,019,367 993,527 290,938 1,108,859 1,314,780 260,580 934,710 157,105 7,567,833 896,660 564,391 69 279,995 1,396,009 844,126 429,973 391,126 1,037,468 789,975 422,631 1,180,172 631,160 1,570,777 1,160,771 194,603 2,179,922 1,000,230 181,534 70 476,911 155,015 312,609 59,286 285, 502 652,870 113,373 885,029 134,940 66,539 393,247 15,431 312,271 83,331 565,313 32,560 71 1,005,609 978,022 653,297 216,986 831,481 877,967 179,494 899,811 325,542 377,215 449,888 123,916 379,246 665,743 1,094, 934 22,330 72 553,856 190,577 487,743 105,533 190,983 501,236 183, 192 404,672 235,974 135,124 474,538 48,589 194,081 198, 373 605,565 29,255 73 300,405 122,039 77,353 13,045 44,482 138,044 30,707 99,853 88,907 121,381 112,877 22,971 37,401 51, 597 175,502 6,574 74 292 27 341 13 14 750 80 23 109 92 10 67 10 227 518 96 75 8,072 1,890 14,095 63 384 26,569 1,105 115 3,941 1,141 110 698 46 2,475 15,807 834 76 239 36 538 21 105 652 191 356 140 64 146 15 184 54 360 77 14,361 7,035 66,840 729 19, 529 34,977 5,994 32,713 3,873 1,320 38,891 618 21,490 1,438 17,460 78 5 3 5 29 57 50 77 158 34 107 79 75 176 75 1,219 1,316 1,927 2,072 95,836 4,335 2,962 Hi) 1,875 1,550 750 13,000 13,910 18,229 26,647 1,730,133 46,053 58,726 61 341 22 41 4 137 673 76 501 135 47 3 46 203 41 760 62 17,489 2,483 1,047 155 21,364 34,520 2,076 62,389 3,493 818 149 484 26,944 1,056 69,249 fij 9,540 2,594 1,110 83 15, 533 17,651 949 30,724 1,088 313 66 193 9,800 532 19,134 84 7,873 2,561 5,273 1,126 685 11,138 3,366 225 11,351 5,644 858 2,630 285 6,849 21, 172 880 Si- 36 15 55 6 65 5 20 7 6 28 66 7 86 4,555 805, 540 264,640 1,075 189,005 2,000 12,135 5,600 1,448 5,000 111,090 1,075 87 248 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4. -CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL (For definition* Mid explanntic b text) Palo Pluto Panola Farms, acreage, and value1 All commercial farms number Average s'\re of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested farms reporting Farm operators: Workinc off their farms, total number KID or more days number With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number By tenure: Part owners number Managers number Ml tenants number Specified equipment and facilities; firain combines farms reporting Torn pickers farms reporting number Pick-up balers farms reporting Motortrucks farms reporting number Tractors other than garden farms reporting number \utomobiles farms reporting numlier I eleph me farms reporting Home freezer farm- reporting Milking machine farms reporting Flectric milk cooler farms reporting Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and. or hired workers farms reporting Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 orn ere hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farm- reporting persons Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more Hays), . farms reporting Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farm* reporting number Milk cows farm- reporting numlier flogs and pigs Inn ■ reporting Chickens, A months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive, farms reporting Calves sold alive farms reporting Wo?* and pi.-- -,.|,i Jim r.u-ii.- reportine ^heep find lambs sold alive farms reporting Chickens including broilers sold fartitf reporting Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken egj;s sold farnis reporting Milk iind cream sold farms reporting Wool farm; reporting pounds Specified larm expenditures: \ny specified farm e\r.,ndi[ures fnm s reportine dollars Feed For livestock and pnultr) dollars Purchasi- ,,f hvostork and poult/> dollars Machine hire- ikillars Hired labor dollars Gasoline and ollm petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars Seeds, liull.s. plants, and uvos dollars Crops harvested: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Wheat farms reporting . bushels . Cotton farms reporting. Land from which hay was cut acres. Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. dollars . 507,896 1,336.6 70,587 57.25 31,820 37 5,148 380 3,248,162 477,801 1,325,143 461,270 657,517 610,079 671.2 168,936 290.83 2,469 146 1S,840 909 7,691,946 427,428 L,8J I, • 3,299,357 606,792 1,685.5 156,386 97.27 1,760 29 7,378 360 4,684,714 559,975 2,368,222 601,540 472,196 734,684 6,444.6 173,835 43.94 2,625,488 340,382 1,668,228 119,392 1,101.5 101,875 126.54 746,816 358,243 54,444 461,641 1,338.1 77,718 61.57 1,584 55 8,453 345 2,256,777 672,730 1,031 ,1B0 83,378 295,921 1 II ... 14 420.3 29,536 72.48 467 2,613,653 1,453,490 718,745 72,855 191,298 401,215 539.3 60,045 119.88 744 8,439,804 3,550,640 3,870,040 111,741 540,974 3,245 84 1,789 810 10,670,059 1,245,1 2,942,723 1,454,945 1,893,764 2,594 764 198,857 TEXAS 249 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a sample of farms. See text} Robertson 211,129 968.5 67,102 76.81 1,226 143 107,683 1,003 37 251,710 218 1,230,309 630,891 275,054 52,737 190,836 -1,387 2,115 , ■;,-.-' 5,623.9 294,882 58.40 8,803 15 2,985 193 6,186,275 1,020,429 3,776,915 306,781 717, ■•• ' 2,027,419 12,671.4 149,459 11.48 160 1,885,082 191,026 515,586 253,248 ■■' • , •■ 63,993 289.6 20,347 79.05 221 442,169 189,577 49,814 35,085 109,228 552,457 1,201.0 160,492 133.68 39,166 205 2,065 460 5,269,564 1,029,642 2,327,790 339,264 631,102 1,147 391 85,845 595,925 8,513.2 161,845 19.97 13,591 1,532 217 39 8,393 1,973 164 1 8,714 '- 70 752,631 145,079 425,727 6,185 125,181 375,917 3,007.3 111,333 43.37 12J 594,332 143,830 204,109 47,974 138,087 302,822 466.6 29,569 71.53 17,999 316 4,290 537 14,804 128 3,259 14 1,331 82 148 155,593 41 492,980 19 9,070 649 2,363,830 1,031,813 424,845 208,456 469,752 1,418,677 6,660.5 275,501 51.22 1,036 72 11,777 42 4,070 16 1,097 17 1,571 213 10,226,890 406,948 1,644,593 1,970,959 4,424,406 5,300 79 2,080 14,311 5,600 22,105 494,752 2,524.2 146,525 52.79 4,224 106 10,392 1,690,408 273,010 192,388 312,138 l 1,635 7,355 1,855 508,266 5,294.4 258,465 46.15 12,541 60 12,938 96 3,181,364 453,913 2,236,076 112,470 222,163 334,248 644.0 45,666 78.42 85,142 266 5,327 432 15,695 186 8,111 13 755 54 519 3,259,928 858,205 716,877 394,598 836,701 85,448 384.9 76,199 194.18 2,477 134 3,527 222 1,290,052 95,433 180,682 220,919 560,303 L.7,815 8,182 6,210 1,002 578,754 577.6 47,973 89.16 926 203,083 211,813 351.8 27,333 84.65 5,056 454 12,794 55,027 154 534,268 729, 124 1,002 4,886,586 904,703 1,679,961 681,978 987,282 602 2,747,850 1,382,218 756,191 93,076 338,538 250 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4. -CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are traced c (For definitions nnd explai b text) Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial farms numt Avorau'- 517c of fami aer Value of land nnd huiidinp*- average per farm, dolla average per acre, dolla Cropland harvested farm* reportinp . Farm operators: NiirkinL' off their farm?, total m too or mow days nun-ber . With other income of family exceeding vnlue of fliricultiiral pmducl= sold . . . ni By tenure: Kull owaors number. Part ow nors number . Managers number . Ml tenant* number. Specified equipment and facilities Grain combines farms reporting numbc- Com pickers farms renortm number. Pick-up balers farm- reportin Motortrucks farms reporting TrBctors other than garden fan- • reporting mimbt vuton«ihiles farms reportir Telephone farms reportir Dome freezer farms reportir Milking machine farms reporting. Flectrie milk cooler farms reporting Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms repnrtin Fatm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting . Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours jiorsons . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . persons . Regular hired woken (employed 150 or more days). . farms rcrortinf. Livestock and poultry on (aims: Cattle and calves farms reporting. number . Milk cows farms reporting . Horses and or mules fnnn- reporting. numb, Hogs and pips fan-is reportin number . Chickens , 4 months old and over farms repc number. Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves snMaliv farms reporting. Calves sold alive farms reporting number. Hogs end pigs sold alive farms reportir sheep and lambs sold alive farms reportir Chickens including broilers sold fartus ro|«irtir Livestock and poultry products sold Chicken eggs sold farms ropirtir Milk and cream sold farms reporting . dollars. Wool farms reporting . Specified farm expenditures \ny specified farm expenditures farms reporting dollars Feed for livestock and poultry dollars Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars Machine hire dollars Hired labor dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars Crops harvested: Corn for all purposes farms reporting . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Wheat f anus reporting . bushels . Cotton farms reporting . Land from which hay was cut acres . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. . dollars . . 67,492 250.0 25,886 111.40 270 1,230,787 741,720 303,325 31,367 99,090 141,931 492.8 38,069 103.72 1,904 223 23,838 288 856,668 234,989 381,483 45,802 98,93! 540,444 837.9 144,929 225.35 645 7,874,755 369,799 946,491 2,184,926 3,295,036 665,891 1,126.7 73,165 68.36 1,037 161 4,441 591 5,192,010 1,398,129 2,857,003 196,051 428,687 2,736 1,898 2,073 816,433 4,319.1 151,157 46.00 189 1,611,577 386,354 523,852 129,390 426,325 547,121 881.0 58,535 83.27 4,240 383 30,651 621 3,310,275 537,274 906,357 570,496 879,081 505,275 2,716.5 131,346 50.98 138,833 175.5 16,026 105.13 2,605 39 40,315 2 5,080 19 46,233 186 1,840,875 306,706 1,055,826 112,431 224,873 73 4,496,315 45 338,585 11 7,058 791 7,734,977 5,632,673 1,667,275 65,060 257,538 705,325 2,988.7 217,126 66.36 93,632 8 2,211 236 6,124,939 452,953 4,237,713 464,692 451,853 TEXAS 251 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a svTf>le of (*m b See text] Somervell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throe k- Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity 138 262 243 55 327 130 784 854 694 91 800 300 300 651 787 313 1 74,314 424,020 518,394 704,407 434,984 1,240,279 554,486 394,379 615,495 1,322,609 527,534 486,229 101,595 1,367,727 373,908 154,437 8 538.5 1,618.4 2,133.3 12,807.4 1,330.2 9,540.6 707.3 461.8 886.9 14,534.2 659.4 1,620.8 338.7 2,101.0 475.1 493.4 30,801 36,555 91,610 233,600 62,392 397,195 115,825 135,926 77,463 230,413 103,792 99,162 27,177 108,624 58,750 35,727 61.13 24.66 43.68 18.05 53.63 43.28 185.23 380.07 92.08 16.12 164.62 67.55 86.06 54.70 138.27 85.60 99 226 114 14 279 26 770 464 613 4 774 279 226 505 621 241 5,923 30,488 9,841 1,172 51,264 2,612 296,424 76,152 128,880 28 410,939 53,661 8,608 125,121 94,075 9,922 7 52 86 103 13 123 27 164 398 311 15 181 157 147 246 321 154 26 53 71 8 72 22 32 302 189 10 107 96 76 118 156 104 1 35 45 81 4 47 13 24 337 196 3 38 90 74 125 151 86 in 98 79 75 12 161 61 196 352 199 23 134 87 168 238 341 203 U 30 136 125 32 83 42 215 271 323 24 253 137 105 225 198 95 u 3 3 3 4 2 32 11 1 2 11 4 n 10 44 43 8 80 23 371 199 161 44 412 76 25 177 244 15 14 28 17 122 2 90 5 444 190 356 367 113 4 267 136 11 15 28 17 133 2 104 5 525 217 426 413 136 7 291 144 12 16 10 1 11 76 7 5 6 6 96 10 17 10 1 11 77 7 5 6 6 97 10 16 19 6 24 1 4 48 116 15 1 23 17 34 19 87 21 19 19 6 24 1 4 5 50 117 16 1 23 18 35 19 88 22 20 104 218 227 53 253 125 745 656 609 88 684 248 259 537 539 260 21 115 278 338 120 309 252 1,711 960 808 168 1,193 361 268 773 695 277 22 113 200 184 33 305 54 737 689 638 10 724 279 218 537 625 209 29 171 342 287 49 528 82 2,174 1,195 1,176 11 1,779 489 314 968 1,254 267 24 110 129 202 54 257 100 713 724 600 66 747 265 171 595 689 108 25 128 142 232 104 298 153 899 973 730 80 892 333 200 760 882 125 26 66 38 184 50 140 111 616 773 536 44 394 250 112 297 518 69 27 76 63 158 47 174 89 578 530 393 68 569 242 182 399 444 168 28 5 1 15 21 197 16 5 47 42 69 5 29 5 1 15 16 182 10 5 37 42 64 10 30 35 110 112 10 110 26 234 628 253 5 266 126 242 283 426 97 31 75 31 81 30 101 79 5 152 340 1 22 149 26 195 273 39 32 26 116 50 14 115 24 533 36 92 84 511 24 32 165 82 161 33 132 170 234 54 297 127 710 801 642 91 762 275 269 607 709 253 34 125 162 230 50 280 100 672 729 618 91 690 267 267 573 690 242 35 125 157 223 50 280 97 667 698 617 91 670 266 262 565 683 232 36 42 67 63 14 62 LI 165 294 152 6 164 58 58 205 247 93 37 42 113 72 17 80 20 260 380 199 8 248 76 70 253 347 114 38 15 48 28 30 34 90 248 264 107 58 362 41 36 170 115 29 39 16 350 54 69 223 354 587 223 102 650 75 72 411 186 39 40 136 208 243 52 299 127 457 687 596 60 300 293 290 517 648 298 41 5,948 17,194 32,390 10,358 20,127 26,653 26,288 54,177 32,317 1,428 7,423 31,092 14,483 31,706 28,107 16,156 42 89 88 117 24 118 66 225 345 264 26 190 94 144 350 360 123 43 200 396 786 98 211 153 710 11,545 998 48 626 172 2,028 3,548 5,555 388 44 41 87 174 53 166 125 165 321 272 89 75 157 199 200 243 192 45 137 462 574 459 479 1,163 454 1,463 791 1,069 156 478 385 1,280 1,271 688 46 36 80 83 15 130 18 266 168 160 3 267 47 75 218 281 121 47 446 968 1,831 108 1,160 375 7,937 6,914 2,537 14 5,309 672 2,502 4,465 3,858 2,374 48 99 193 124 24 208 55 367 456 375 8 351 128 176 366 468 193 49 11,538 4,579 4,714 866 10,072 4,957 56,585 448,685 18,610 321 17,396 6,464 51,101 86,688 71,042 42,225 50 85 47 169 36 128 69 270 572 372 13 72 181 173 208 350 132 51 1,072 1,361 7,341 1,117 2,608 4,075 10,717 21,752 8,422 204 1,583 7,665 1,679 9,168 5,117 2,300 v> 124 171 227 46 255 107 222 470 464 38 80 270 230 340 515 272 53 1,912 6,201 13,809 3,411 7,120 8,045 4,819 12,962 12, 511 340 2,103 12,531 4,624 10,282 10,016 6,501 54 26 16 54 3 43 11 211 129 80 1 168 20 55 146 171 106 55 400 510 1,599 104 1,303 472 9,203 12,143 5,058 5 5,372 295 2,917 6,090 3,740 2,968 56 23 12 11 50 4 111 48 78 113 83 1 22 7 245 85 1 57 2,118 152 1,290 46,562 439 84,273 5,086 4,152 21,352 75,165 35 673 623 134,810 5,350 40 58 25 3 16 3 33 3 91 189 81 1 62 13 52 117 160 36 59 2,900 57 896 160 2,135 66,040 315,637 483,100 5,299 12 5,617 1,030 300,830 1,446,866 539,355 12,200 60 35 1 42 6 65 i. 122 231 163 1 63 56 63 180 287 47 61 65,430 600 18,374 678 41,822 72,590 324,468 4,599,380 91,365 300 58,872 22,997 697,327 1,007,390 747,165 483,850 62 5 6 17 5 5 1 25 203 26 22 62 74 113 10 63 20,530 33,837 125,660 5,300 900 20 97,681 4,190,128 112,040 152,409 361,350 900,474 1,821,246 47,560 64 27 33 13 49 4 113 62 88 114 63 2 24 7 241 152 1 65 16,575 2,589 11,918 681,085 3,750 1,364,141 24,125 30, 111 300,651 1,197,562 462 9,625 4,110 2,052,031 102,623 500 66 138 262 243 55 327 130 784 854 694 91 800 300 300 651 787 313 67 338,527 1,455,256 2,054,800 841,252 1,470,602 2,259,450 6,730,769 10,884,066 3,617,703 717,861 10,213,231 2,387,270 1,184,676 6,429,990 4,266,950 893,436 68 104,497 85,983 513,793 191,957 221,561 590,588 836,773 5,020,632 692,410 99,617 321,856 334,998 593,872 1,591,170 1,640,496 334,544 69 123,505 161,795 1,198,182 360,180 475,415 971,838 1,239,617 3,078,153 1,335,068 279,628 435,041 1,352,298 310,065 2,231,452 881,610 253,487 70 16,925 195,025 36,187 22,865 284,553 20,895 1,190,738 259,902 405,571 56,583 2,577,904 153,325 32,436 718,141 398,658 79,093 71 41,340 774,966 174,843 191,497 274,583 516,856 1,482,079 1,819,494 688,669 204,590 4,946,191 239,410 153,790 1,297,589 784,643 104,598 72 40,280 156,824 112,760 70,468 189,109 151,434 1,696,108 483,398 364,013 76,443 1,618,916 263,501 73,452 502,585 436,908 85,757 73 11,980 80,663 19,035 4,285 25,381 7,839 285,454 222,487 131,952 1,000 313,323 43,738 21,061 89,053 124,635 35,957 74 33 162 1 8 9 62 135 28 41 10 136 53 426 165 75 378 1,800 3 94 453 638 4,836 62 330 25 1,209 262 8,891 3,228 76 37 118 67 7 222 8 731 188 506 767 140 125 443 536 21 77 860 6,363 2,760 787 15,557 1,209 158,367 11,852 47,330 258,804 8,373 1,628 67,068 44,267 120 78 1 54 78 1 576 107 370 95 202 46 79 4 3,444 10,776 125 70,445 3,632 39,077 6,798 25,888 1,280 80 20 26,111 105,869 720 1,406,004 106,226 410,218 103,078 308,842 15,210 81 20 191 9 3 2 666 155 454 765 203 51 429 439 60 82 540 12,209 410 328 20,859 207 46,372 12,272 33,348 147,647 11,474 745 49,345 28,020 1,055 83 115 7,811 134 302 8,349 109 47,468 5,308 10,710 141,015 3,365 389 26,294 10,829 385 84 1,634 2,063 1,853 30 1,776 185 1,844 19,471 2,951 25 182 1,207 3,907 2,704 9,200 4,212 85 5 45 5 21 35 10 24 26 16 30 86 250 1,526,376 250 23,675 149,725 1,020 33,475 5,905 40,665 3,250 ... 87 252 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ^-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definition? and explai 3 text) Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial forms - number . , Land i n farms acres . . Average si7i> of farm acres. Value of land and buildinps averse r**r Tarm, dollar* average per acre, dollars . , Cropland harvested farm^ reporting Farm operators: .Ycrkinc off their farms, total number, 100 or moro days number. With other income of family exceeding value of apricultural products sold number By tenure: Full owners nun Imt Part owners ' r Manneers number Ml tonnnt= number. Specified equipment and facilities Gram combines farms reporting . Com pickers farms reporting . Pick-up iialors farms reporting . Motortrucks farms reporting. Tractors other than Harden farms reporting. automobilea farms reporting . Telephone farms reportinc Home free/or farm. rep. ati nc Milking machine farms reporting. Fleclric milk cooler farms reporting. Farms by kind of toad on which located: Hard surface farms reportinc Gravel, shell, or shale farm* reportinc. Dirt or unimproved farms reportinc . Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and 'or hired workers farms reportinc, . Famih unrkers. including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours - ' t'npaid members of operator's family workinc 15 Ot nmre hours fan"- reporting Regular hired workers (employed ljtj c porsr 84,857 551.0 41,136 74.33 93,494 259.7 16,699 69.63 675,073 19,287.8 262,412 13.64 1,290,056 3,394.9 144,800 44.98 2,153,709 13,894.9 309,318 22.37 292,914 325.1 26,049 85.79 534,857 683.1 61,184 114.91 259,417 522.0 79,785 168.11 Milk cows Horses and or mules . . flogs and pigs Chickens. 4 months old n Chickei farms reporting. uumlicr. l:im - rPp rlili" Livestock and poultry products sold Chicken eggs sold Specified tatm expenditures' \ny specified farm expendiu Feed for livestock nnd poultry Purchase of li< Machine hire . H,r„l labor Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Seeds, I nil!,., plants, and Irees Crops haivested: Corn for all purposes Sorghums for all purposes Wheat I poultry. .farms reporting. . farms reporting . .farms reporting. bushels, -farms reporting. UK,405 10 111,250 154 1,180,796 755,220 14 ', 158 5,760 42,652 154 2,829 274 3,755 47 1,512 106 2,655,500 60 1,028,000 81 707, 540 360 2,294,046 L,455,760 574,785 45, 160 134, 826 1,924 4 58,886 1 2,000 31 502,272 35 640,584 111,348 315,359 19,610 143,003 4,884,840 810,677 2,742,845 154,815 793,942 1,272 155 22,408 169,280 4 1,576 107,3 3,000 148 2,653,724 155 1,728,559 388,439 452,179 56, 562 i,,. ,540 901 3,185,040 1,079,684 815,324 341,917 584,046 Land from which hay 1 12,705 5,758 11,743 1,211 337 4,946 783 3,408,179 815,242 508,485 602,924 933,611 27,375 17,781 5,236 367 1,216,585 539,885 282, )28 72,471 191,162 1,092 64 1,366 42,458 227 1,364 3,137 294 36,129 2,434,653 628,889 ■. 5,05! TEXAS 253 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued s sample of farms. See text] Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winiler Wise Wood Yoakum *«* Zapata Zavala 1,204 129 1,609 544 404 758 561 1,966 764 18 761 492 230 508 105 203 241,901 1,247,182 692,293 495,687 303,635 878,629 360,769 603,675 317, 586 449,259 378,221 141,732 444,172 468, 520 436,967 569,619 2 200.9 9,668.1 430.3 911.2 751.6 1,159.1 643.1 307.1 415.7 24,958.8 497.0 288.1 1,931.2 922.3 4,161.6 2,806.0 27, 572 228,417 60,987 49,914 66,177 80,198 129,960 36,983 35,510 197, 549 41,365 19,430 130,083 56,787 103,936 161,864 1 143. 64 27.53 188. 59 58.43 104.52 61.33 306.12 127.71 91.29 6.55 88.62 69.53 66.54 65.78 23.68 70.00 1,167 50 1,537 490 339 745 552 1,826 654 1 514 398 205 397 136 6 56,340 7,518 214,393 95,408 73,645 191,043 165,418 286,108 85,452 1 46,637 15,435 142,088 75,577 4,967 40,988 414 57 567 254 197 363 162 720 214 3 303 222 74 277 33 78 ■ 132 54 180 142 108 158 ] 2 338 141 2 144 134 25 140 30 54 6 106 44 152 103 90 103 68 263 121 13 123 138 21 152 15 48 in 467 59 377 190 160 185 126 643 298 9 292 219 25 175 41 62 u 381 36 600 205 147 270 305 516 371 8 302 197 107 205 52 68 IS 5 6 5 2 8 3 7 5 2 6 1 3 11 15 351 28 627 147 89 300 123 803 90 1 165 70 97 125 12 62 n 17 7 211 228 96 218 129 366 157 119 8 135 149 1 29 IB 26 334 241 106 234 164 397 172 125 8 155 158 1 31 1.1 50 1 191 12 363 109 3 IT 50 1 219 12 6 375 115 7 3 lh 98 9 196 77 53 113 16 92 47 122 32 5 32 9 a 103 9 202 79 62 125 17 92 49 122 43 7 32 11 10 :o 630 102 1,201 443 359 640 442 1,159 607 17 598 406 204 426 91 178 a 754 207 1,576 581 552 889 759 1,385 748 39 758 527 361 552 126 380 22 944 67 1,487 487 351 729 518 1,841 698 6 624 370 191 383 49 160 'J 3 1,283 ■ 3,333 932 632 1,812 3,476 1,000 7 868 501 468 613 109 564 24 979 77 1,357 483 333 686 455 1,835 652 18 572 295 212 432 67 148 is 1,169 111 1,641 570 394 887 609 2,202 724 32 643 336 254 492 84 183 2« 704 44 899 342 326 625 309 774 485 10 571 265 158 323 23 115 •T 582 49 1,119 373 280 464 370 1,082 529 8 466 238 178 191 20 125 28 112 6 33 2 43 10 3 38 30 241 72 6 11 29 112 6 33 1 32 10 3 37 30 226 77 5 11 30 378 60 690 212 262 317 251 885 233 3 227 363 100 215 35 122 .11 580 18 743 11 81 111 8 914 162 5 350 77 11 65 5 32 236 34 169 319 60 316 296 161 364 10 165 50 116 221 67 76 33 1,099 127 1,415 483 356 637 504 1,847 761 16 683 451 184 460 99 197 34 1,068 114 1,367 475 343 610 469 1,821 747 14 675 446 168 443 95 179 ss 1,047 110 1,331 464 338 604 468 1,802 726 13 673 440 162 425 95 172 36 544 22 520 147 96 128 82 702 450 2 243 156 48 94 18 49 37 768 29 828 176 117 179 97 1,003 626 3 362 235 73 107 22 72 38 129 90 268 42 41 129 250 182 88 7 67 39 93 52 39 120 39 205 335 603 49 98 307 826 276 181 13 89 54 203 71 155 509 40 1,129 123 1,293 489 342 509 241 1,715 727 17 749 449 114 478 100 158 41 48,013 70,331 86,672 27,144 26,042 29,295 15,102 36,331 36,998 4,822 49, 170 20,622 8,428 32,143 23,413 42,925 42 770 36 619 279 111 174 128 1,042 476 12 475 243 66 146 42 49 43 6,460 480 3,630 448 956 409 571 4,028 3,471 316 10,599 3,099 121 456 69 1,114 44 658 102 -■.. 272 146 129 58 290 236 12 326 251 66 194 86 124 45 1,614 1,189 1,378 643 520 971 396 544 740 269 753 561 247 461 908 1,190 46 918 18 740 268 94 235 102 938 413 2 210 140 64 91 16 23 47 10,498 165 5,609 7,551 3,391 4,388 1,989 10,202 16,569 20 5,105 1,562 913 1,471 191 1,005 48 1,053 52 1,069 355 218 427 187 1,449 542 8 400 258 81 206 42 55 49 150,761 6,272 95,961 17,827 39,569 31,350 56,323 239,142 115,763 164 18,005 12,162 5,218 13,545 1,690 2,661 SO 678 86 541 207 199 186 75 632 418 16 501 280 60 273 58 106 51 5,590 21,428 8,475 3,768 6,288 2,594 3,885 6,428 6,806 803 7,260 2,844 3,111 4,451 2,610 16,940 52 998 116 928 387 253 427 81 1,267 628 16 667 394 50 441 101 128 8 17,018 20,507 26,253 12,869 8,055 11,097 3,546 12,491 11,321 1,551 22,240 7,414 2,135 12,974 7,338 16,649 34 473 236 209 80 188 55 527 346 1 164 79 25 46 1 14 JS 8,554 130 3,491 8,950 4,397 4,147 1,417 10,847 14,297 12 5,745 1,304 797 1,918 18 620 56 112 4 26 15 18 343 16 64 11 5 11 10 14 57 1,876 235 196 909 146 29,648 190 4,958 579 168 747 223 10,221 58 532 9 353 108 65 60 32 547 264 103 71 11 42 1 6 59 65,540 6,800 20,789 5,372 8,498 69,490 17,995 137,695 238,106 12,262 627,588 1,105 5,085 100 2,135 60 753 9 581 133 96 167 48 960 352 1 171 91 29 109 1 16 61 1,393,085 52,800 596,982 78,987 213,455 220,258 688,627 2,486,545 773,314 250 134,088 87,205 16, 880 180, 140 1,000 12,937 62 219 5 70 44 44 35 1? 238 69 5 267 117 6 12 11 63 1,467,036 126,850 637,227 7,726 209,874 56,370 137,213 569,995 831,033 60,000 3,017,085 779,781 85 66,055 562, 500 64 129 13 47 15 18 6 443 31 75 13 6 18 16 20 65 26,173 1,930 2,107 16,068 2,795 270 336,494 2,830 45,201 5,045 3,364 7,633 1,786 57,653 66 1,204 129 1,609 544 404 758 561 1,966 764 18 761 492 230 508 105 203 67 3,499,583 3,154,501 7,747,430 2,448,813 2,665,952 4,051,061 8,237,293 7,060,092 3,305,918 220,065 4,540,9! > 1,688,819 2,680,042 2,009,738 825, 576 5,902,651 68 1,329,923 330,791 1,230,363 410,137 702,398 406,750 336,324 1,311,109 971,439 76,405 2,257,792 749,423 187,915 485, 278 60,794 ,088 69 812,972 1,741,868 1,099,962 873, 586 941,306 569,953 360,028 1,396,631 836,754 86,745 1,410,740 307, 765 381,431 812,267 147,1 ' 1 2,409,158 70 365,460 78,970 1,426,410 342,486 258,381 824,658 2,705,762 1,602,610 251,157 2,120 148,568 55,688 653,555 189,005 90,564 498,816 71 598,457 796,297 2,185,170 463,166 397,245 1,517,058 3,897,466 1,501,403 627,688 36,780 322,231 381,272 934,014 230,625 371,743 1,808,700 72 319,826 156,238 1,342,332 294,722 269,542 604,791 730,367 976,280 410,634 17,955 290,390 129,388 434,768 229,184 91,448 411,676 73 72,945 50,337 463,193 64,716 97,080 127,851 207,346 272,059 208,246 60 111,232 65,283 88,359 63,379 63,968 164,213 74 990 20 1,192 42 19 62 1 1,516 511 112 187 3 18 27 38 75 17,674 518 34,837 153 449 335 1,210 42,973 19,488 1,290 2,005 7 187 313 4,176 76 270 39 607 388 105 457 425 1,662 506 232 117 198 202 33 108 77 4,432 2,962 25,854 1 47,089 158 8,323 219 19,741 626 59,057 127,658 22 33,269 10,699 95 1,273 103,821 27 7,538 306 447 16,749 78 79 38 14,527 44,611 73,953 202 4,234 1,079 38,634 l!ll 500 209,512 627,781 1,048,457 3,570 85,767 15,605 423,956 81 919 8 1,273 369 90 666 532 1,564 100 55 66 198 209 15 69 82 18,138 959 77,431 24,422 4,680 53,611 89,130 94,375 1,429 1,276 762 32,976 10,961 1,630 7,689 83 11,802 1,431 44,557 12,809 2,165 25,181 91,205 49,465 728 388 268 30,333 3,007 2,582 9,731 84 15,361 100 18,720 6,234 7,958 18,068 525 8,678 4,547 14,853 4,275 165 5,237 388 685 85 15 46 22 10 40 178 6 157 47 151 5 10 17 39 86 1,370,774 22,000 1,200 1,650 42,100 1,109,770 600 258,705 63,105 272,765 26,900 1,640 375, 545 1,938,831 | 87 254 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 Estimated number of forms Fafm operators by age Operators reporting aj I rata nilicr MM. mber 1950. m.mtier lO'.O. . number 195?. number 1950 . number IDS*. number 1950 . . vears 1959. Off-farm woik and other income: .operators reporting 1959. 1954. . operators report! ng 1950. Farms by tenure of operator Managers number 1059 . 1951 . All tenants - number 1959. 1951. Cash tenants number 1059. 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . 1054. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Croppers number 1059 . Other and unspecified tenants number 1059 . 1954. Farms by type of farm: field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruil-and-nut . . number 1959 . Cash-gram number 1959 . Tobacco number 1050 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1950 . Fmil-and-nul farms number 1050. Poultry farms number 195? Dairy farms number 1059. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. Livestock ranches number 1959. General fam.s number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Faims by economic class Commercial farm- number 1959. Cif... 1 numberl959. Class II number 1959. Class lit number 1959. 1 I,. :\ number 1959. Cla.- \ number 1959. Class VI number 1959 . Other farms number 1959 . Part-lime number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 number 1059 . total dollars 195* 1954. average per farm, dollars 1059. 1*54 . , \ .ci.il.les sold dollars 1950 . 1954 . Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959. . 1954. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars 1959 . All livestock and livestock pnslucls so! J dollars 1959. 1054. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1950. 1954 Dairy products sold dollars 1 050 . 1954. dollars 1959 . ; 1,419 2,999 19,480 41,620 60,624 53,669 45,027 52.4 1 9,567 142,936 79,440 93,476 116,853 151,227 61,194 62,585 1,960 1,966 13,799 5,031 6,083 1,588 1,596 3,340 9,560 6,914 , 5,394 6,528 47,647 25,094 9,455 90,315 137,512 11,511 17,541 25,595 31,109 34,932 16,824 89,096 59,289 29,651 ,880,646 1,642,069,324 9,306 5,600 1A37,385,495 :. 67,55 ,5 ■■ 31,739,543 30,678,110 15,673,512 7,019,220 20,011,309 15,078,222 971,495,151 554,515,820 100,641,059 i,057,102 110,404,123 91,320,203 1,004 1,262 425 4,119,188 3,196,507 2,527 1,257 1,012,096 1,472,506 78, 529 204,649 44,955 13,476 45,165 48,135 3,107,092 1,724,001 199,065 251,355 657,620 502,612 1,070,661 479,048 13,553 5,383 344,771 174,246 19,241 13,561 3,375 5,384 1,376 698 1,164 1,754,076 2,054 22,600 8,452 1,483 752 123,596 82,085 1,349,151 698,857 146,330 206,957 364,342 296,743 5,520 3,575 52,873 122,919 311,469 173,824 11,515 25,527 5,294,386 5,336,694 12,487 12,860 686,090 831,168 400 4,608,296 4,505,526 62,683 179,380 764, 590 402,637 4,403,275 4,892, l 14,776 12,740 1,604,291 . , - 9,i: 2,083,168 42,912 85,891 16,690 29,589 9,615,721 5,039,796 7,755 3,360 2,933,628 1,608,641 265,626 147,839 155,065 92,416 42,784 26,707 6,682,093 3,431,155 291,012 292,947 1,643,208 747,409 4,747,873 TEXAS 255 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954 for only s sample of famis. See tart] Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexar Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brasoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe 722 480 1,166 499 740 2,295 1,996 494 130 1,193 1,835 1,279 936 96 281 696 680 1,741 579 948 2,843 2,761 548 148 1,490 2,336 1,710 1,393 102 505 2 692 450 1,179 491 722 :,, 1 1,922 506 156 1,185 1,800 1,250 914 97 333 3 26 2 9 12 10 29 16 5 8 12 21 9 1 9 4 120 28 74 40 56 168 160 32 19 72 142 123 81 42 165 70 194 as 146 368 391 85 31 203 332 265 166 24 89 212 127 296 123 194 619 518 138 41 330 502 326 233 23 101 118 112 310 126 168 581 469 116 40 283 435 260 194 22 58 8 51 111 296 92 148 466 368 129 20 289 377 255 231 23 34 45.6 54.6 54.8 51.8 52.3 53.2 52.2 54.6 49.6 54.2 52.9 51.5 53.3 53.1 47.6 10 210 217 584 217 379 969 1,037 257 51 596 1,182 675 519 34 104 „ 314 343 887 240 495 1,295 1,452 264 66 629 1,546 1,022 730 20 164 12 75 170 441 136 295 627 895 171 27 360 996 567 26 55 13 110 278 517 136 350 708 1,172 188 45 310 1,265 846 593 16 108 14 70 235 627 142 298 771 1,070 215 27 417 I. 159 704 529 24 11 15 161 349 863 109 322 802 1,383 242 32 454 1,491 1,035 576 35 67 16 193 310 688 234 298 1,281 1,202 329 36 717 1,395 562 698 44 84 17 295 425 886 278 380 1,486 1,899 386 60 885 1,764 856 815 55 157 18 214 106 318 144 264 538 457 83 49 236 286 533 153 27 93 19 215 102 429 163 235 511 441 86 51 224 322 517 217 10 149 20 4 29 19 2 6 10 17 8 10 6 17 11 21 3 12 8 < 6 13 19 14 1 10 7 15 15 14 2 22 311 35 141 119 466 320 74 45 230 146 167 81 14 104 23 371 79 344 153 240 871 413 88 79 302 347 281 222 22 173 24 18 49 30 32 45 142 44 10 55 54 84 26 13 12 25 "is 29 99 19 48 53 158 37 7 62 110 108 49 21 7 28 10 1 5 18 17 46 41 5 57 6 5 3 27 n 6 25 12 20 107 23 6 2 37 8 12 10 10 28 251 40 51 60 277 55 5 30 61 15 42 58 29 271 4 97 96 84 460 99 8 58 112 38 100 39 126 30 14 8 5 5 5 18 5 6 5 6 5 10 31 23 4 2 2 13 7 9 1 15 2 5 2 1 10 32 20 1 1 5 16 20 10 3 20 1 25 1 33 23 59 7 40 126 26 1 30 44 13 92 3 34 16 7 41 10 42 60 72 17 31 72 28 20 1 20 35 25 32 62 12 46 112 100 25 io 46 145 43 30 17 38 636 117 217 195 961 233 78 153 65 291 115 184 37 17 10 84 109 192 57 2 180 6 23 38 a 40 619 102 133 70 20 78 91 53 111 109 161 5 16 21 5 10 41 5 1 5 7 10 43 36 15 17 36 35 42 76 20 28 44 6 5 5 20 162 15 21 62 36 47 45 22 219 250 100 170 340 343 271 52 456 275 212 200 90 33 48 5 185 146 28 90 121 194 48 151 101 154 141 90 22 47 38 59 92 75 217 5 104 13 26 6 29 46 20 246 699 90 280 735 1,123 163 417 1,344 677 540 6 35 49 702 239 467 409 465 1,565 915 336 130 776 502 618 397 91 246 50 169 5 25 43 22 9 62 9 26 43 79 37 22 58 SI 183 13 23 56 76 63 41 28 38 66 80 40 21 53 52 27 51 79 120 224 102 47 52 94 45 102 50 16 59 126 72 114 135 111 446 269 90 22 218 65 95 81 16 57 54 61 89 161 91 96 585 276 113 17 294 148 146 124 9 13 10 33 93 10 60 225 143 31 2 106 115 116 65 7 6 56 20 241 699 90 275 730 1,081 158 417 1,333 661 539 5 35 57 5 160 457 45 170 445 836 107 236 992 . 475 336 3 25 58 15 81 242 45 100 5 285 239 6 181 341 182 202 1 2 10 V.I 60 20,7e7,154 2,054,282 4,034,088 7,423,860 5,172,304 11,478,099 14,117,370 2,521,929 6,853,331 7,474,179 12,106,626 7,461,404 3,356,668 6,780,988 61 11,841,482 1,424,367 3,261,693 6,074,181 3,991,236 9,462,071 8,938,822 2,247,003 2,367,233 4,230,970 3,753,819 17,825,685 5,509,729 2,007,030 6,302,856 IS 28,791 . 14,877 6,990 5,001 7,073 6,631- 19,399 5,745 4,073 9,466 7,972 34,967 24,132 63 13,216 2,095 1,873 10,491 4,210 3,328 3,238 4,100 15,995 2,840 1,607 10,424 3,955 19,677 12,481 64 17,282,392 83,248 1,012,077 2,835,152 2,634,753 7,031',564 3,517,763 152,150 1,403,193 1,229,835 1,561,160 8,005,634 2,686,708 7,638 5,602,287 65 10,940,140 24,161 1,051,814 3,177,965 2,396,172 6,688,233 1,982,795 29,399 1,477,037 891,242 1,556,014 14,384,179 2,409,501 48,429 5,366,596 66 17,169,166 68,038 896,250 2,830,648 2,543,727 6,900,148 57, 587 1,393,110 1,185,944 1,354,729 7,451,977 2,624,073 7,515 5,599,019 67 10,902,639 16,375 902,866 3,176,599 2,290,380 6,629,564 867,100 20,949 1,476,679 860,092 1,456,316 14,029,202 2,378,968 47,929 5,365,758 68 . 5 40,468 35 90,163 2,039 1,096,797 1,145 830 2,577 33,286 217,495 13,782 2,920 69 . ' 50 63,135 408 95,584 6,195 714,510 904 295 2,142 30,466 183,191 7,201 730 70 328 4,572 67,758 1,169 258 57,680 52,553 27, 107 9,253 29,903 53,421 199,937 16,660 123 348 71 449 1,969 65,032 458 7 31,833 10,360 2,358 63 10,701 41,371 23,650 8,585 108 72 10,633 7,601 3,300 605 71,697 806,920 66,311 11,411 119,724 136,225 32,193 73 5,767 . 500 10,201 20,641 390,805 5,188 18,307 27,861 148,136 14,747 74 3,504,762 1,971,034 3,022,011 4,5e8,708 2,537,551 4,446,535 10,599,607 3,123,669 1,118,736 5,623,496 5,913,019 4,100,992 4,774,696 3,349,230 1,178,701 75 901,342 1,400,206 2,209,879 2,896,216 1,595,064 6,956,027 2,217,604 890,196 3,339,728 2,197,805 3,441,506 3,100,228 1,958,601 936,260 76 41,175 60,557 259,845 31,643 136,290 779,452 505,064 660,597 13,593 856,659 1,467,392 217,531 1,064,660 1,201 33,007 77 86,982 94,131 , 35,658 110,666 526,797 594,360 490,946 8,294 650, 532 307,026 926,738 553,236 971 22,753 78 56,320 18,927 270,970 3,950 3,070 257,150 3,972,360 634,861 1,122,250 847,709 922,981 875 79 91,276 20,307 102,427 13,432 203,553 350,676 3,434,893 154,962 34,453 334,545 684,075 655,165 1,106,969 16,988 80 3,407,267 1,891,550 2,491,196 4,553,115 2,398,191 ' 3,409,933 6,122,183 2,207,169 1,105,143 4,131,976 3,323,377 3,035,752 2,787,055 3,348,029 1,144,819 81 723,084 1,285,768 1,725,827 2,847,126 1,280,845 1,896,365 2,926,774 1,571,696 847,449 2,354,651 1,206,704 1,859,603 1,440,023 1,957,630 896,519 8! 256 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 Estimated number of farms 105!) . Farm operators by age: Operators reporting n^o number 1050. Under M years number 1 959 . 25 u> 31 years number 1050 . .15 to 44 years... number 1050. (5 to 54 years number 1950 65 or more year- number 1950 Average age yeara 1050. Off-farm work and other income: Farm operatots- Working off Iheir farms operators reporting 1050 . 1051. 1110 or more days operators reporting 1050. 1054 . With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1050 . Farms by tenure ol operator: Full owners number 1 1 Pan ,.»Ti..rs number 1050. 1954 . Managers number 1950 . All lenanls number 1050. 1051 . Cash tenants. number 1950 . Share-cash tenants number Crop-share tenants. number 1059 . Livestock-shnre tenants number 1959 Croppers - number 1059 . 195) Other and unspecified tenants numba 1951 1051 Farms by type of farm- Field-crop farms other thnn vegetable and fruit-ami nui nui b« 1959 Cnsh-grnin numts-r 1959 Tiriiu . .■ Cotton number 1959 Other ftold'Crofi number 1959. Vegetabu ' in ■ number 1059. Fnut-aml nut farms numlier 1959 Poultry farms number 1050. Dairy farms number 1059 . Livestock fnnns other than poultry ami dniry farms number 1959. Livestock ranches number 1959 . General fnra.s number 1050 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1950. Farms by ecooomic class: C mercinl farms number 1059 t I i - I numlN-r 1959 ' .11 nuniber 1059. Class 111 number 1050. Clans IV number 1 950 . number 1059. t I..- VI number 1050. Other fru number 1050. Part-time number 1950. Part-retirement number 1950 Ahnominl number 1050 . Value of products sold by source: All farm product* sold total, dollars 1 average pet farm, .killars 1 1 All crops sold lollars 1 1 :' Bl tl Ul I ' lbl< ami fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1950. 1 954 . Vegetables sold ■ dollars 1059. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1059 I .i. < ... Juris ami horticultural ipecialtj products -.old dollars 1059. All livestock ami livestock products. s,.l. I dollars 1050. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1059 1" Dairy products sold dollars 1 1 Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. 2,133,903 1,671,873 11,988 5,500 162,479 253,696 30 1,971,424 1,418,177 38,870 29,027 388,000 251,739 5,690,693 4,363,450 4,638 2,987 881,730 1,144,679 27,704 53,040 27,557 145,633 307,443 211,841 4,808,963 3,218,771 430,624 . 677,847 506,339 .' , i 16, ill 5,190,410 4,884 3,323 3,392,896 3,288,840 17,80] 37,848 7,567 1,343 9,573 18,413 3,714,016 1,901,570 383,029 250,950 278,135 5,012,162 3,298,045 5,862 3,321 466,111 419,373 4,170 3,395 4,546,051 2,878,672 182,363 350,684 8,551 36,615 5,351,434 4,300,985 6,615 3,452 2,917,488 2,187,184 7,890 8,738 2,433,946 2,113,801 624,444 507,615 118,200 195,012 3,497,001 5,227,089 13,822 20,825 2,695,274 4,575,941 301,727 651,148 36,672 40,433 4,660,006 3,356,772 . 3,432 625,093 731,532 1,933 1,367 4,034,913 2,625,240 237,765 247,752 255,126 412,912 1,434 1,434 34,359,508 38,963,637 14,528 13,744 I, <::."! 1 37,220,207 930,446 420,363 4,044,795 1,743,430 340,950 250,712 513,755 630,215 TEXAS 257 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a simple of turns. See »«] Carson Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Collings- Colorado Comal Comanche 373 1,456 759 497 1,882 539 836 443 295 1,084 2,531 709 1,602 629 1,581 1 437 2,433 876 502 3,027 659 959 415 395 1,509 3,242 915 1,697 726 2,110 2 391 . 722 476 1,905 518 818 447 330 1,093 2,458 700 1,588 637 1,569 S 41 12 3 12 9 11 1 13 26 5 33 19 49 82 160 42 78 54 60 96 26 71 170 67 157 51 125 111 244 220 114 311 73 148 102 46 194 452 138 299 116 263 81 430 183 132 519 157 208 144 89 284 669 196 394 156 450 7 88 374 89 82 531 132 204 66 89 281 643 178 347 170 381 B 58 333 29 94 463 90 189 28 79 250 498 116 358 138 331 49.1 54.3 42.4 50.6 55.1 51.8 53.6 44.8 54.6 53.7 53.0 51.8 52.3 53.4 52.9 10 154 932 178 224 1,109 252 417 136 164 536 1,291 300 678 344 674 11 183 1,517 187 258 1,744 332 509 171 224 784 1,499 355 742 389 1,118 12 94 748 42 194 842 150 320 54 131 361 842 172 501 275 419 IS 93 1,121 92 195 1,087 154 351 96 140 493 892 127 468 261 583 14 45 1,066 43 250 1,278 147 369 38 145 393 968 122 597 339 496 15 49 1,709 63 263 1,446 214 388 87 206 555 951 122 472 271 735 U 99 961 210 149 1,089 165 407 100 158 473 1,049 270 743 461 859 17 146 1,768 283 207 1,837 284 479 125 183 597 1,241 347 803 503 1,134 18 151 320 191 275 573 186 266 125 83 305 633 225 530 118 489 19 116 246 175 21B 622 162 257 109 108 333 644 234 437 119 594 20 3 7 1 i: 13 3 6 5 1 3 13 3 3 3 21 2 8 2 8 8 2 11 10 2 5 12 2 12 9 7 22 120 168 357 62 207 185 157 213 53 303 836 211 325 47 230 23 162 359 368 58 609 258 231 235 126 492 1,269 273 410 66 357 24 7 50 19 37 51 11 78 33 133 80 12 113 18 71 25 4 148 18 30 175 10 78 5 73 180 76 7 LOO 22 78 26 16 5 33 15 17 10 11 37 70 18 26 5 15 27 15 5 11 4 24 11 20 5 13 64 93 10 55 * 33 28 92 20 265 5 55 141 51 171 51 466 119 102 5 107 29 126 64 280 5 181 201 77 217 27 160 740 213 143 15 181 SO 5 22 1 3 5 22 35 21 5 6 11 31 3 14 2 2 4 7 1 1 27 43 10 3 5 9 32 1 6 15 5 10 1 5 16 70 10 17 33 3 34 15 110 11 12 "3 21 201 13 47 6 5 34 82 3 75 8 17 21 20 44 115 31 62 13 26 35 ii 108 30 17 117 21 37 7 9 40 116 20 62 14 51 36 267 86 604 176 131 346 92 401 19 175 1,026 421 332 16 433 37 267 15 485 176 15 13 41 12 1 27 342 2 179 16 5 38 51 113 86 333 51 389 18 148 684 419 153 "b III 20 6 30 422 41 10 1 60 27 10 "s 42 43 42 15 111 5 5 22 75 ii 55 44 25 61 5 36 32 110 40 25 59 45 'si 270 107 315 57 378 16 156 455 211 131 417 188 450 46 19 110 5 80 153 213 11 124 193 5 64 :■ to U vear nun.hpr Off (arm work and other income: orkine off their farms operators reporting 1 1 l(V or more days operators reporting 1 Farms by tenure ol operator: Full owners number 1 1 Pun owners number t 1 Managers number 1 Share-cash tenants number 1 1 Crop-share tenants number 1 1 Livestock-share tenants number 1 Croppers number 1 1 Other and unspecified tenants number 1 Farms by type of farm Field-cror farms niher than vegetable Bnd fruit and nul . number 1959. Cash-gram number 1959 Tobacco number 1059. Cotton number 1059 . Other field-crop number 1959. Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruil-and-nut farms number 1 959 Poultry farms aumber 1959 . Dairv farms number 1959. Livestock farms other than poultry end dairy farms number 1059 . Livestock ranches number 1950 . General farms number 1059 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class "ommercinl farms number 1 959 . Class I number 1959 . C|n-i II number 1050. Class lit number 1050 . Class IV ... . number 1959. Class V number 1959. Class VI number 1950. )ther tarn,- number 1050. Part-ti ■ number 1959. Part-retirement number 1 total, dollars 1 1 average per farm, dollars 1 1 dollars I Ml livestock and livestock pr.slucts sold dollars 1 Poultry and pnultrv products sold dollars 1 1 Dairy products sold dollars 1 ■.'■■■., '■' 3,934,737 13,122 7,452 1,937,130 844,561 364 3,915,158 3,090,176 232,213 102,626 2,210 55,295 8,240,408 6,329,893 5,937 3,526 1,703,476 2,219,004 38,429 62,719 6,536,932 4,110,889 228,174 347,024 2,009,206 1,483,334 2,142 2,284,585 1,3; ,4a 3,455 6,790 12,038 7,335 10,086 10,269 -. . '••-.. 2,130,333 294,021 243,127 152,870 167,808 4,657,867 3,678,399 14,115 8,156 3,233,822 2,974,439 1,424,045 703, 960 28,342 21,440 411 , 329 234,364 16,453 10,653 411, i; ' 234,364 2,000 3,505 3,749,380 3,259,971 31,245 21,733 3,749,291 3,252,068 69,404 50,562 L9, I '.',1 97 18,714,174 30,393 24,023 19,006,408 18,144,950 900,789 " I, 24 53,085 57,813 2,684,844 2,247,510 35,327 35,675 1,807,166 1,033,014 877,678 1,214,496 1,902 3,074 TEXAS 259 TYPE OF FARM. ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a sample of farms. See ««] Dallas ft_ Deaf Smith Delta Denton De Witt Dickens Dimmit Donley Duval Eastland Ector ««*. Ellis' El Paso 1,439 750 727 845 1,886 1,798 465 209 433 723 1,361 43 220 2,120 436 1 2,783 1,144 605 1,094 2,081 2,220 640 291 589 608 1,741 71 250 2,895 686 2 1,385 819 685 836 1,838 1,788 495 218 448 710 1,320 56 226 2,048 473 16 32 17 11 21 13 8 2 21 22 3 12 6 75 131 104 42 129 131 42 20 27 56 86 8 22 179 59 260 185 176 156 326 316 97 51 72 147 241 15 41 356 100 385 256 195 282 541 454 146 47 127 201 336 16 52 597 142 7 337 148 138 182 459 459 122 48 126 168 336 8 65 544 95 8 312 67 55 163 362 415 80 50 90 117 299 6 42 360 71 53.5 46.4 46.9 52.8 52.8 53.9 51.3 52.1 53.4 51.1 53.5 45.6 52.4 52.5 49.8 10 734 173 245 456 1,019 837 169 99 168 327 716 25 74 991 185 11 1,783 468 199 626 1,011 975 245 115 239 115 971 36 49 1,374 262 15 618 92 122 246 750 550 102 92 85 248 554 25 59 699 155 13 1,571 180 73 245 645 606 121 99 114 77 621 26 35 846 221 14 764 46 93 301 886 699 81 98 75 241 650 37 56 808 170 IS 1,731 99 81 361 622 821 105 119 75 41 793 42 56 872 239 la 857 139 217 346 984 933 192 117 201 299 723 22 128 973 222 17 1,726 274 235 417 1,186 1,169 279 137 279 251 885 40 150 1,021 378 18 273 286 226 264 429 524 126 56 150 233 409 18 39 469 135 19 341 328 198 266 461 436 174 95 158 203 475 15 47 488 188 20 16 1 18 1 7 9 3 1 7 8 10 12 21 10 5 9 25 7 9 17 6 3 2 3 21 15 22 293 324 280 235 455 340 140 27 79 190 222 3 45 668 67 23 592 494 232 434 549 601 184 42 176 195 321 20 70 1,355 109 24 86 6 13 15 107 105 1 15 3 100 70 2 38 60 16 25 173 5 21 15 131 165 8 28 18 63 88 7 50 44 9 a 17 21 35 35 71 38 6 7 26 46 1 67 6 27 30 17 21 18 65 52 7 8 9 38 1 80 7 28 113 251 198 115 135 101 115 58 35 30 390 30 n 187 438 140 247 218 174 139 2 123 76 139 612 74 30 11 8 15 62 10 12 10 1 2 5 31 12 8 10 3 35 18 4 5 3 4 1 1 25 32 30 2 65 20 40 5 5 11 10 110 10 33 105 13 14 122 36 102 14 4 2 14 3 523 13 34 36 38 17 5 60 46 7 6 6 18 56 36 5 35 85 13 26 29 64 90 12 8 20 30 48 11 16 71 6 36 3ZL 720 445 399 352 233 352 7 241 103 252 1,085 282 37 100 11 395 142 68 11 13 6 41 38 ■ 40 221 709 21 399 180 160 341 7 228 97 6 1,044 282 29 30 5 246 11 10 16 17 15 20 42 43 46 1 46 99 10 5 5 22 5 36 44 65 10 21 166 64 io 74 17 19 23 45 185 14 111 95 323 598 42 83 95 144 368 22 192 175 16 46 26 7 29 37 80 250 23 78 52 105 185 21 192 39 9 47 67 1 104 20 163 177 8 22 41 36 114 48 745 15 40 310 836 627 61 89 65 341 646 16 28 691 115 10 712 740 687 535 1,065 1,171 404 122 368 387 715 33 192 1,430 336 50 35 204 187 8 43 45 16 23 25 10 6 3 18 62 67 SI 114 286 207 37 123 96 87 25 52 19 18 2 52 166 91 52 122 162 139 88 245 140 89 21 91 54 92 3 67 300 100 VI 180 57 97 192 225 249 122 13 100 64 188 8 36 371 30 .1 196 46 175 344 411 83 35 90 88 310 11 13 391 48 St 65 11 35 85 270 7 5 10 152 101 6 6 140 se 727 10 40 310 8a 627 61 87 65 336 646 10 28 690 100 sj 495 10 35 150 576 350 42 72 25 268 471 10 21 485 80 58 225 7 5 160 245 277 18 1 15 40 68 175 6 1 200 5 15 5 ,:o 10,135,778 24,019,984 25,286,697 4,397,738 11,859,709 9,372,253 5,599,976 5,169,475 5,980,335 3,931,988 5,643,693 472,534 4,406,266 14,300,913 33,050,584 .11 8,358,947 ■ 17,602,659 3,110,674 9,986,197 6,367,613 5,051,009 3,498,328 5,041,131 2,623,763 3,691,701 446,449 2,822,316 11,888,107 19,489,236 1! 32,027 34,782 5,204 6,288 5,213 24,734 13,811 5,438 4,147 10,989 20,028 6,746 75,804 .'.i 3,004 16,605 29,095 2,843 4,799 2,868 7,892 12,022 8,559 4,315 2,120 6,288 11,289 4,106 28,410 64 4,897,936 22,054,872 18,858,620 2,952,675 4,056,285 1,737,455 3,871,401 2,078,619 2,272,336 617,805 1,692,481 96,750 20,539 9,679,825 11,189,604 •11. 4,479,451 18,223,336 12,927,003 2,309,148 4,934,849 1,677,003 3,911,746 1,935,114 3,431,296 979,947 1,148,455 149,041 8,056 8,918,306 13,064,889 .ill 4,122,212 21,982,596 17,088,062 2,946,216 3,991,966 1,640,897 3,870,849 145,966 2,260,851 531,848 1,618,383 7,920 13,352 9,538,435 10,875,399 67 3,490,111 18,214,396 12,350,248 2,296,444 4,835,308 1,627,278 3,911,108 384,195 3,418,663 907, 546 1,089,653 114,721 5,594 8,651,637 12,888,335 38 166,216 30,236 1,764,190 194 5,375 10,907 460 1,626,078 8,431 85,484 7,886 15,000 100 4,960 239,417 69 158,288 3,205 575,823 42 3,885 27,583 412 1,431,339 12,446 72,401 14,367 20,000 28,790 86,681 70 8,219 970 318 5,416 7,922 81,738 80 76,745 3,054 123 60,513 570 3,902 31,197 16,408 71 22,329 85 31 10,822 37,833 17,293 70 19,858 187 41,930 31 1,210 9,025 10,803 72 601,289 41,070 6,050 849 51,022 3,913 12 229,830 350 5,699 73,260 3,185 105,233 58,380 73 808,723 5,650 901 1,840 57,823 4,849 156 99,722 2,505 14,289 1,252 228,854 79,070 11 5,237,842 1,965,112 6,428,077 1,445,063 7,803,424 7,634,798 1,728,575 3,090,856 3,707,999 3,314,183 3,951,212 375,784 4,385,727 4,621,088 21,860,980 ;•> 3,879,496 773,152 4,675,656 801,526 5,051,348 4,690,610 1,139,263 . 1 1,609,835 1,643,816 2,543,246 297,408 2,814,260 2,969,801 6,424,347 76 953,147 197,937 117,865 a, 357 822,647 1,589,428 308,918 21,431 49,778 3,066 617,668 26,250 7,587 58 ., 191 299,143 77 861,604 198,487 97,701 27,765 610,774 1,418,967 46,207 43,268 52,078 11,804 656,260 19,794 6,921 475,763 196,994 ffl 1,326,347 55 134,918 360,830 2,578,759 1,202,956 252 7,544 82,795 837,480 333,655 1,790 480,770 3,244,664 79 1,507,345 85,801 120,894 348,359 2,049,004 709,758 49,926 7,206 162,806 760,916 343,208 9,062 4,900 682,884 3,623,014 80 2,958,348 1,767,120 6,175,294 1,062,876 4,402,018 4,342,414 1,419,405 3,061,881 3,575,426 2,473,637 2,999,889 349,534 4,376,350 3,550,422 18,317,173 HI 1,510,547 488,864 4,457,061 425,402 2,391,570 2,561,885 1,043,130 1,512,740 1,394,951 871,096 1,543,778 268,552 2,802,439 1,811,154 2,604,339 88 260 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data for 195*) a Farm operators by age: Operators reporting age number 1959 Under 2:, Venn iber 1959 -. i ber L959 number 1959 number 1959 number 1959 number 1959 . vears 1959 Off-farm work and other income: Working off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 or more days operators reporting 19-. 9. Farms by tenure ot operator: Managers number 1959 Share-cash tenants number 1959 1954 Crop-share tenants number 1959 1954 Livestock-share tenants number 1959 1954 Croppers number 1959 1954 Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 1954 Farms by type of farm: field-crop farms other than vegetable and fhjit-nnd-nul . . number 1959 Cash-grain number 1959 Tobacco number 1959 Cotton number 1959 Other field-crop number 1959 Vegetable farms number 1959 Fruil-and-nut farms number 1959 Poultry farms number 1959 Dair> farms number 1959 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms ...... number 1959 Livestock ranches number 1959 Genera! farms number 1959 Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959 Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 tin I number 1959 Class II number 1959 Cla-- 111 number 1959 Class IV number 1959 Class \ ....... number 1959 Class VI number 1959 Other Tamis number 1959 Part-tune number 1959 Part-retirement number 1959 ; per farm, dollars 1959. Vegetables sold . All livestock and livestock pnvlucts sold dollars 1 1 Poultrv and poultry products sold dollars I 1 Dairy products sold dollars 1 1 . . dollars 1 10,084,854 6,308, 042 6,256 3,036 1,141,326 952,137 2,819 8,037 43,579 17,737 281,510 263,594 8,943,528 5,355,905 2,122,976 1,138,780 2,477,071 1,894,262 12,126,010 9,514,326 6,608 3,398 5,647,653 6,451,815 53,179 94,732 28,216 8,470 15,529 3,337 6,478,357 3,062,511 517,867 605,570 209,751 156,182 1 ,087,09 8,075,499 4,550 2,755 6, 61,599 , 11,61 8,338 5,670 19,333 3 - . 406 -,"'2'.- 17 2,283,884 114,041 214,546 555,095 448,503 .1.1 . :.'- 7,762,665 3,381 2,057 3,226,784 2,463,068 6,301 9,783 43,557 28,201 132,657 75,565 7,881,343 5,299,597 1,716,979 1,856,624 1,914,477 1,472,513 8,855,832 5,127,568 10,774 . . - 1,455 1,454 1,886,210 1,295,812 120,776 79,898 190,685 255,701 29,605,319 28,357,872 31,731 23,187 28,004,960 2l ,-' ■ ,441 659 8,000 35,500 1,600,359 1,502,426 24.537 70,653 60,168 74,510 . ■■:- ,5 - 3,273,063 9,842 6,666 1,709,042 2,071,954 2,129,458 1,201,109 21,790 28,962 1,042 6,205 14,344,666 16,008,375 7,237 6,752 10,334,703 13,443,942 33,617 168,059 151,422 41,672 30,729 20,756 4,009, 963 2,564,433 350,122 322,040 188,820 201,491 TEXAS TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. 261 for only 6 sample of rams. See Krt] Freestone Frio Gaines Galveston Gar2a Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe .Hale 1,314 3% 449 563 323 1,120 143 577 1,743 347 2,300 515 1,212 1,879 1,535 1 1,766 494 492 659 438 1,305 156 663 2,147 511 2,841 865 1,481 2,092 1,737 2 1,276 419 454 508 333 1,144 143 553 1,697 375 2,304 482 1,155 1,877 1,482 , 12 2 15 3 12 9 3 6 21 5 23 2 11 33 64 4 75 24 79 48 43 100 21 39 124 22 160 26 82 161 283 184 74 101 U2 83 209 35 102 255 71 395 73 189 361 390 335 126 147 141 96 273 36 129 421 101 618 127 321 477 401 7 329 110 73 100 54 272 26 130 476 90 606 131 247 436 234 8 341 83 39 74 50 281 22 147 400 86 502 123 305 409 110 55.1 53.4 46.3 49.6 48.2 53.7 48.8 54.6 54.4 53.2 53.5 55.2 53.9 52.7 44.9 10 728 204 133 328 112 565 53 243 815 147 1,217 333 574 1,025 386 11 860 181 178 465 160 614 39 249 1,048 202 1,444 608 724 842 413 483 164 82 298 60 392 37 173 606 108 876 287 402 768 154 13 412 106 110 439 95 355 27 196 589 145 1,024 506 414 547 128 14 773 175 44 334 65 394 36 213 669 91 1,126 386 542 984 140 15 646 163 113 467 70 358 32 201 883 114 1,105 736 615 697 108 16 747 193 144 246 56 750 28 343 943 112 1,160 278 632 1,070 488 17 807 269 165 368 150 906 33 278 1,195 188 1,319 546 749 1,226 613 18 368 135 128 231 108 265 69 128 545 133 597 154 368 425 459 19 506 145 153 218 91 234 51 187 488 154 601 157 375 414 370 -11 19 4 7 8 3 16 2 9 11 4 1 2 1 2 21 8 3 15 5 4 13 6 11 16 4 9 4 10 5 11 22 180 64 170 78 156 89 44 97 244 98 542 81 212 383 586 23 390 124 175 124 191 153 49 232 448 177 886 150 432 452 709 24 51 37 63 7 29 18 31 67 11 96 35 47 98 12 25 55 42 2 77 11 63 23 49 89 25 176 60 58 63 45 se 6 6 12 6 15 15 15 25 28 73 15 25 26 27 17 17 4 1 5 17 1 22 19 26 80 3 22 33 38 28 50 12 121 5 122 20 30 28 241 55 135 447 29 212 43 149 7 167 20 22 61 121 87 400 15 192 188 527 30 17 1 6 5 11 16 22 5 5 48 31 11 2 2 1 10 3 14 18 1 2 11 46 3! 26 1 10 5 10 10 5 5 65 30 35 65 10 33 40 1 10 3 4 12 2 60 143 "3 91 6 114 115 14 34 30 7 21 5 6 19 6 26 41 31 80 46 55 55 43 35 55 19 8 36 3 31 1 37 62 32 121 65 44 42 39 33 150 70 363 28 270 61 67 28 160 118 504 10 235 474 1,355 37 10 11 28 1 51 17 36 111 279 15 277 195 38 140 17 352 269 67 11 124 7 160 10 220 187 1,160 40 10 43 7 5 20 15 10 '36 27 5 65 5 5 10 10 5 41 <■:• 11 19 5 12 26 58 16 334 '26 10 5 35 11 64 16 5 6 2 81 30 36 40 7 45 356 161 36 84 31 63 303 484 146 395 93 317 272 42 43 225 102 23 31 351 63 183 269 75 116 42 233 92 2 17 25 46 2 5 1 61 62 8 219 15 6 87 64 48 764 107 31 321 21 344 13 225 665 73 1,075 352 558 956 67 49 550 289 418 255 302 781 130 352 1,078 275 1,227 L64 655 924 1,468 so 16 60 138 23 35 17 28 9 49 29 7 6 20 23 546 51 15 32 133 41 103 25 21 22 139 55 48 8 42 30 465 52 55 61 80 56 107 110 38 44 174 75 187 26 99 139 306 53 133 50 58 41 233 21 94 230 62 377 40 159 280 71 219 72 15 52 16 304 22 143 265 33 452 58 190 302 75 55 112 10 2 25 92 40 221 21 156 26 145 150 5 '•'' 764 107 31 308 21 339 225 665 72 1,073 351 557 955 67 57 477 90 21 237 5 193 11 115 393 62 772 265 317 645 56 58 286 1 17 10 71 16 146 2 110 272 10 301 86 240 310 11 60 5,167,729 6,708,273 13,881,260 4,654,060 4,594,518 5,949,103 2,674,635 3,558,657 13,095,154 5,701,649 9,616,483 2,314,144 7,377,459 7,285,422 51,294,701 si 3,358,258 3,839,197 7,754,306 2,712,436 3,539,051 4,127,209 1,288,854 2,566,161 11, 072,017 4,053,749 8,043,860 715,081 5,380,713 5,402,983 50,826,307 ■:.' 3,933 16,940 30,916 8,267 14,225 5,312 18,704 6,168 7,513 16,431 4,181 4,493 6,087 3,877 33,417 fi! 1,902 7,772 15,761 4,116 8,080 3,163 8,262 3,871 5,157 7,933 2,831 827 3,633 2,583 29,261 64 757,097 3,250,915 12,391,300 1,425,260 3,661,990 790,391 1,483,637 518,374 1,587,460 2,378,113 4,929,394 167,189 2,398,498 3,614,555 44,941,777 65 1,276,332 1,657,499 6,965,020 1,392,904 3,050,808 426,796 648,712 850,609 1,597,082 2,317,906 4,989,830 114,719 3,049,438 2,655,436 47,832,568 66 700,466 2,733,904 12,370,089 597,276 3,660,938 517,449 1,482,094 515,865 1,209,740 2,344,697 4,664,600 70,771 2,303,993 3,517,187 44,553,782 37 1,211,288 1,454,756 6,953,531 905,217 3,049,058 307,665 648,501 846,535 1,229,171 2,299,324 4,753,631 90,831 2,907,539 2,479,449 47,771,198 68 4,012 505,904 13,530 147,483 975 14,737 535 1,305 336,406 1,666 5,993 9,702 45,669 57,094 360,256 69 27,625 195,860 10,889 152,262 1,625 21,583 100 2,450 349,098 6,442 4,285 3,480 100, 566 114,695 44,906 70 49,451 3,295 1,181 43,917 77 247,847 1,008 1,041 40,206 309 22,089 38,562 8,571 37,584 3,214 71 33,977 2,533 600 67,094 65 92,624 111 352 14,260 440 62,325 2,382 12,842 58,254 3,964 72 3,168 7,812 1,500 636,584 10,358 163 1,108 31,441 236,712 48,154 40,265 2,690 24,525 73 3,442 4,350 268,331 60 4,924 1,272 4,553 11,700 169,589 18,026 28,491 3,038 12,500 74 4,410,632 3,457,358 1,489,960 3,228,800 932,528 5,158,712 1,190,998 3,040,283 11,507,694 3,323,536 4,687,089 2,146,955 4,978,961 3,670,867 6,352,924 75 2,081,926 2,181,698 789,286 1,319, 532 488,243 3,700,413 640,142 1,715,552 9,474,935 1,735,843 3,054,030 600,362 2,331,275 2,747,547 2,993,739 76 1,453,597 96,344 452,054 593,947 5,123 892,091 5,687 159, 537 6,192,613 41,891 533,757 73,499 84,972 710,732 100,763 77 905,452 65,589 108,793 132,745 27,406 738,745 3,496 233,933 6,478,630 66,302 573,489 180,297 89,836 693,627 130,305 78 22,030 60 520 1,558,552 5,825 402,227 4,996 61,733 94,055 33,450 859,840 395,080 1,266,718 724,890 404,040 79 25,959 16,002 20,548 831,130 15,619 113,448 21,860 27,675 216,965 75,685 882,526 137,706 858,908 591,352 525,330 80 2,935,005 3,360,954 1,037,386 1,076,301 921,580 3,864,394 1,180,315 2,819,013 5,221,026 3,248,195 3,293,492 1,678,376 3,627,271 2,235,245 5,848,121 81 1,150,515 2,100,107 659,945 355,657 445,218 2,848,220 614,786 1,453,944 2,779,340 1,593,856 1,598,015 282,359 1,382,531 1,462,568 2,338,104 82 262 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 LMosl data for 1953 are based on reports Farm operators by age Operators reporting ni Under 2:. .venr> . . 25 to 3) vcars. . . 35 to 14 years. . . 45 to 54 years... 55 to f.1 vear-. . , alter : r 1050- r 1950 . 1950 . Off-farm work and other income: orking off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 100 or more days operators reporting 1959. ■ 1959 Farms by tenure of operator: Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . Cash tenants. . . . Share-cash tenant Crop-share tenant Livestock-share t Croppers Other and unspeci 1954. . number 1 1 number 1959. 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nul . number 1959. Cash-grain number 1959 Tobacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruif-and-nut farms number 1959 . Poultry farms number 1959. Dairy farms number 1959. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock ranches number 1959 . General farms number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Cla r 1959 . Cla-s II number 1959 Class III number 1959. C1»5S l\ numl.r 1959 Class v number 1959. Class VI number 1959. )lher farms number 1959 . Part-time number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959 . Hardeman Hardin Hartley Haskell III crops sold Field crops, other t 8,874,510 7,363,895 14,890 10,088 6,922,456 6,652,528 6,63 ,665 3,838,052 5,819 2,747 1,109,675 383,266 10,359,266 6,882,731 33,417 18,602 5,060,395 3,275,091 4,491,193 4,279,844 7,677 6,544 2,987,729 3,522,929 746,823 803,0 " 1,068 21,184,317 19,226,302 8,912 4,922 9,224,640 11,048,315 3,615,177 2,733,601 2,311 1,079 844,671 1,052,551 7,645,404 4,132,957 53,093 19,966 2,746,861 1,881,535 Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars ids and horticultural .. dollars 1959. 1951 All livestock and livestock pr,»tucts sold dollars 1959. Poultry and pnultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars 1959 . 1954. ..dollars 1959. 30 1,503 1,500 1,952,054 711,367 16,702 35,576 41,487 6,700 2,172 ■."'." 3,454,786 1,368,520 355,895 171,504 850 5,298,871 3,607,640 9,086 22,278 2,226 2,090 200 1,503,464 756,915 21,227 52,552 124, 060 81,968 15,670 6,452 11,109 2,197 23, i: 2,207 477,844 407,211 87,744 70,143 90 46,125 505,179 548,108 37,194 6,465 1,832,636 1,089,570 11,959,677 8,177,987 1,097,930 630,227 4,939,643 5,378,563 18,882 33,705 70,732 12,237 415,453 402,037 2,770,506 1,681,050 532,756 462,569 687,299 523,563 4,898,543 2,251,422 13,806 24,305 78,640 14,190 TEXAS TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. 263 fir only a sample of fan--. See ««] ^ Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irion Jack 653 227 1,675 3,603 2,202 1,301 616 2,121 1,664 506 102 2,282 123 100 579 1 879 340 2,166 4,077 2,627 1,339 872 2,495 2,459 647 155 2,637 167 111 809 2 625 224 1,642 3,447 2,136 1,298 594 2,003 1,586 516 108 2,229 116 101 567 10 1 13 58 26 74 7 12 20 14 12 3 1 2 34 IS 111 354 167 270 59 151 98 70 15 155 17 11 46 5 103 40 282 734 406 307 99 332 238 109 22 413 27 14 84 164 71 444 914 624 349 167 596 447 127 27 640 37 37 140 171 59 407 778 502 214 139 525 386 123 23 560 22 26 154 143 35 385 609 411 84 123 387 397 73 21 449 10 12 141 54.1 51.9 53.8 51.0 52.4 44.1 52.3 53.1 54.6 49.3 50.4 53.0 47.3 50.9 54.7 10 351 101 986 1,663 901 365 339 962 874 237 19 1,192 42 40 292 a 449 132 1,231 1,483 1,059 311 561 1,140 1,366 305 46 1,190 59 40 534 12 258 52 766 1,352 524 198 263 721 646 161 13 864 37 33 232 13 306 98 728 1,216 461 120 382 735 884 189 33 632 28 35 424 14 321 27 1,122 1,484 656 177 339 953 921 134 11 1,151 28 39 202 15 375 96 1,174 1,100 548 135 450 919 945 230 14 863 18 20 482 16 429 101 995 1,838 956 31? 374 1,137 1,015 183 53 1,029 30 33 276 17 537 122 1,253 2,043 1,017 339 508 1,462 1,466 205 97 1,143 46 50 360 18 125 89 483 1,121 670 325 156 652 333 133 27 747 57 38 222 19 129 113 563 1,349 551 236 143 564 481 155 44 641 60 37 299 20 11 2 15 117 2 10 9 44 10 2 13 11 2 9 21 18 12 58 9 7 10 8 17 4 4 11 5 3 6 22 88 30 182 527 574 651 77 288 306 188 9 495 34 29 72 23 188 75 404 622 1,076 687 142 473 474 278 33 942 60 36 176 24 27 9 7i 42 38 10 31 96 52 17 2 60 8 23 37 25 37 26 126 22 58 5 38 124 52 15 64 11 24 111 26 5 10 81 65 20 20 16 6 43 3 27 10 13 27 70 134 6 14 29 17 12 1 58 6 12 '.* 16 3 30 319 316 507 5 96 65 152 6 236 11 5 ."1 16 26 121 391 676 601 49 ao 185 221 24 602 21 1 12 30 6 6 1 35 1 2 2 16 1 1 31 3 6 6 18 20 "4 14 8 1 20 2 1 .1? 20 31 25 65 40 15 21 90 6 50 6 1 33 86 1 44 21 136 28 7 28 108 12 2 116 2 1 1 34 25 7 30 59 55 73 26 55 81 5 1 90 5 30 35 35 6 80 112 54 27 30 68 104 17 2 82 18 9 36 36 113 52 56 1,795 1,150 1,187 75 292 189 393 26 988 41 2 10 37 33 45 15 22 25 6 5 5 40 5 38 80 7 16 25 15 5 1,773 69 317 1,080 45 5 1,181 ii 60 1 272 20 5 5 141 43 5 393 26 983 1 2 5 40 1" 1:1 21 35 55 10 25 5 27 '26 50 6 8 42 47 5 528 21 6 5 40 i:> 206 133 435 80 237 8 185 399 368 51 64 305 62 83 358 in 161 60 284 40 90 2 108 185 153 39 49 90 25 77 307 17 13 6 50 71 163 40 31 62 9 43 5 16 250 30 1,071 1,174 590 106 285 856 992 47 7 886 20 15 206 403 197 614 2,452 1,612 1,200 331 1,270 679 459 95 1,396 108 85 374 :,n 14 25 14 405 19 298 16 9 15 46 34 13 31 18 18 SI 46 36 8 403 94 390 24 108 41 99 33 129 34 15 24 5? 90 55 34 422 296 371 42 280 54 124 7 275 12 23 31 53 84 40 139 446 542 90 74 330 97 123 11 389 26 19 85 14C 40 274 554 501 35 120 362 281 57 6 455 3 10 186 B! 29 1 145 222 160 16 55 181 191 10 2 135 30 m; 250 30 1,061 1,151 590 101 285 851 985 47 7 866 15 15 205 .'■7 158 791 816 355 70 185 561 592 21 2 620 15 10 142 92 30 270 335 235 31 100 290 392 1 26 5 265 1 5 63 59 60 6,467,614 4,327,672 4,651,050 58,595,306 U, 318,273 29,587,567 3,774,282 11,397,450 6,083,193 7,575,182 6,170,194 10,052,685 4,113,430 2,360,018 3,738,777 11 2,943,582 2,925,362 2,876,934 46,120,450 8,504,460 24,419,482 2,084,074 6,167,884 5,024,963 6,296,384 6,884,125 7, 520, 985 3,518,373 1,574,374 2,448,128 62 9,904 19,065 2,777 16,263 5,140 22,742 6,127 5,374 3,656 14,971 60,492 4,405 33,443 23,600 6,457 63 3,349 8,604 1,328 11,312 3,237 18,237 2,390 2,472 2,043 9,732 44,414 2,852 21,068 14,184 3,026 .,1 766,991 1,033,004 699,495 50,566,610 7,758,826 28,613,868 515,747 1,318,611 2,047,585 6,092,046 3,960,770 6,269,997 1,670,673 91, 558 83,024 65 724,407 818,804 1,012,279 42,389,024 6,599,780 23,766,119 522,348 1,424,576 2,977,614 5,473,631 5,679,115 5,468,784 1,403,170 28,643 216,945 N 756,766 1,032,710 374,329 33,584,466 7,732,164 28,503,225 422,604 1,240,600 1,829,613 6,077,759 3,920,728 6,084,092 1,635,423 62,602 78,437 67 717,249 818,627 635,735 30,504,525 6,590,273 23,762,552 445,416 1,389,346 2,764,400 5,461,222 5,678,035 5,146,983 1,361,475 28,225 206,722 68 1,110 44 127,768 8,209,998 7,470 106,490 2,865 28,471 50,924 5,079 39,945 52, 333 1,000 300 384 69 1,000 152 276, 584 7,852,937 3,781 1,800 6,760 22,749 86,757 4,486 900 35,491 200 260 425 711 1,584 250 15,833 8,114,892 16,427 728 79,748 34,061 49,696 5,508 97 7,761 3,656 3,628 71 2,320 25 6,465 3,012,761 3,992 167 46,528 11,352 52,928 121 180 20,765 158 8,078 7'.' 7,531 181,565 657,254 2,765 3,425 10, 530 15,479 117,352 3,700 125,811 34,250 25,000 575 71 3,838 93,495 1,018,801 1,734 1,600 23,644 1,129 73,529 8,000 265,545 21,495 1,720 71 5,700,623 3,294,668 3,951,555 8,028,696 3,559,447 973,699 3,258,535 10,078,839 4,035,608 1,463, 136 2,209,424 3,782,688 2,442,757 2,268,460 3,655,753 75 2,219,175 2,106,558 1,864,655 3,731,426 1,904,680 653,363 1,561,726 4,743,308 2,047,349 822, 553 1,205,010 2,052,201 2,115,203 1,545,731 2,231,183 76 241,025 16,419 367,759 596, 597 308,072 51,202 155,630 229, 988 409, 330 57,817 1,567 165,396 34,646 12,419 15,002 77 216,176 37,890 409,783 286,938 211,395 95,073 172,896 141,485 502,694 71,335 12,417 248,625 26,670 33,997 45,598 78 1,122,474 82, 813 77,540 1,830,177 608,255 9,752 41,040 6,270,480 188, 565 153,108 122,318 309,399 1,930 125 711 484,757 124,430 142,253 1,047,593 426,782 113,570 132,450 3,315,650 290,439 81,909 31 445, 927 70,117 26,706 29,256 mi 4,337,124 3,195,436 3, 506, 256 5,601,922 2,643,120 912,745 3,061,865 3,578,371 3,437,713 1,272,211 2,085,539 3,307,893 2,408,111 2,254,111 3,640,626 81 1,518,242 1,944,238 1,312,619 2,396,895 1,266,503 444,720 1,256,380 1,286,173 1,254,216 669, 309 1,192,562 1,357,649 2,018,416 1,485,028 2,156,329 62 264 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 (For defimt liniatcd number of farms 1059. Farm operators by age Operators reporting ape number 1050. . Under 25 years number 1950 . 25 to 34 years number 1059 . . .15 to 4 4 years number 1959. 45 to 54 vears number 1950 . 55 to 114 year* number 1959.. Ii5 or nam years number 1950 . . Average aye years 1059. Ofl-tarm wotk and other income: Farm operators- Working off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 100 or more days operators reporting 1959. 1954 . With other income of family eyceeJing value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959. 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959 . 1954 . Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. 411 tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Croppers number 1959 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954 . Farms by type of farm: Field-crop Tarms other than vegetable and Truil-and-nul . number 1959. Cash-grain. number 1959 . Tobacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruil-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . I.iv ■ 1959. ^i'ii-I Ism* Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . Cia- - I number 1959 . i i , ; number 1959. Class til ... . number 1959. Class IV number 1959. Class V . number 1959. Class VI .... number 1959. Other rarms number 1959. Part-lime number 1959. Pan-retirement number 1959. nun l^-r 1959 ; per farm, dollars 1959. 1954- dollars 1959. \ cgclnhlos sold dollars 1959 . sold dollars 1959. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959 . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Dairy products sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Livestock and livestock products, other than poullry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 9,7 ,563 7,996,831 9,950 7,425 5,939,071 6,118,517 316 12,821 6,150 1,761 ,492 111,830 112,964 150,345 89,273 2, 129,074 I ,939,8: 3 2,419 1,136 182,881 126,644 7,161 21,163 3,705 110,779 50,811 2,146,193 1,813,214 728,715 672,986 754,215 748,923 . -. , •"' 2,710,339 46,694 24,199 130,803 233,210 1,659 5,628 2,836 11,005 2,717,544 2,477,129 6,413 11,703,256 11,289,122 16,507 10,492 9,322,318 10,195,351 316, 145 312,830 2,380,938 L,093,771 37,987 116,002 697,000 193,070 1,921,271 995,021 27,845 8,884 187,462 135,695 l,733,£ 9 859,326 340 8,84 . ■ ..' 8,223,015 12,476 10,610 3,613,999 4,396,300 1,333 51,789 25,000 5,231,743 120,655 154,083 2,643,315 ,224,064 : ■. . ■•,.'■■ ' 6,738,469 6,655 2,763 3,076,684 2,106,660 12,249 6,224 27,203 7,410 18,333 16,142 10,452,574 4,631,809 1,798,851 765,487 3,194,615 2,344,886 13,318,546 7,752,337 10,646 5,137 9,817,220 5,719,358 4,843 8,255 5,586 9,747 21,155 4,100 -,- L,32i 2,032,979 67,201 114,211 42,680 37,892 ,528, 126 5,516,924 5,662 3,555 2,935,388 2,956,378 15,799 7,609 1,286 1,256 760 970 3,593,138 2,560,546 406,089 337,485 696,020 522,246 TEXAS 265 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a sample of farms. See u,*] Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble King Kinney Kleberg Knox U-x M La^as La Salle Lavaca Lee 588 12 244 463 323 58 81 242 677 2,132 1,705 798 217 2,886 1,330 1 691 13 269 632 437 72 90 264 826 2,577 1,743 817 272 3,304 1,518 2 593 12 249 490 349 64 89 243 653 2,056 1,599 775 223 2,870 1,327 3 9 7 8 3 2 1 4 16 32 66 9 3 27 15 4 49 1 23 47 24 13 9 30 74 158 317 55 20 216 123 5 118 4 45 85 52 12 20 46 146 396 377 136 43 534 230 137 3 71 118 74 17 22 63 177 521 470 182 58 735 366 7 138 2 57 119 91 15 18 57 145 515 271 196 45 704 326 8 142 2 46 113 105 5 19 43 95 434 98 197 54 654 265 (1 52.8 50.4 51.1 53.1 55.8 47.1 51.5 50.8 49.8 52.7 44.9 54.3 52.5 53.5 52.6 10 332 5 95 249 127 21 30 132 269 1,163 456 399 121 1,161 691 11 299 5 107 323 180 23 26 109 315 1,423 361 389 122 1,042 674 12 258 5 54 202 91 8 22 103 139 802 208 297 95 754 426 13 233 4 48 234 123 8 16 89 133 722 149 295 90 536 363 14 334 3 51 242 101 7 17 94 112 1,117 150 347 96 1,043 601 15 289 2 35 338 147 7 17 94 103 903 158 371 105 787 554 16 412 4 117 307 213 12 26 104 221 1,157 549 490 88 1,573 755 17 516 3 123 446 281 19 38 98 271 1,170 554 529 120 1,795 917 18 119 3 60 72 58 16 31 100 203 425 476 170 93 663 396 19 88 6 74 88 69 14 23 119 180 504 404 133 99 570 363 20 24 2 1 29 5 5 3 1 40 5 12 9 12 17 21 16 2 1 20 7 6 2 2 7 2 8 1 8 2 22 33 3 66 55 47 25 21 37 249 510 675 126 27 638 162 23 93 5 93 118 77 40 35 62 384 848 827 157 62 921 272 24 11 1 1 13 30 1 20 8 46 25 51 20 198 21 25 16 2 8 66 44 4 29 13 22 62 7 72 24 221 48 26 1 18 1 1 10 16 20 41 18 210 25 27 5 * 4 2 9 29 20 21 17 V 275 13 28 5 40 1 18 21 175 196 529 16 6 165 75 29 4 1 59 6 \ 2 6 27 5 1 23 1 261 20 386 21 697 20 35 5 ?5 225 5 130 30 31 3 3 3 3 1 3 9 15 11 141 8 20 5 7 2 4 25 3 N 33 6 9 1 i 1 6 19 265 62 4 3 93 5 34 15 1 36 10 1 1 5 15 86 40 29 1 35 41 35 59 2 19 32 25 7 4 8 44 104 32 24 6 103 73 3d 16 146 5 1 37 70 469 470 1,521 20 5 837 181 37 16 5 21 37 21 48 20 1 37 38 146 10 1 37 49 5 432 444 5 10 42 1,473 6 23 2 2 10 795 5 10 71 141 40 20 40 41 43 14 16 21 1 20 71 5 2 21 5 45 202 11 61 188 259 21 77 43 84 430 49 443 121 454 308 48 153 11 43 148 252 10 77 35 35 149 9 220 104 206 130 47 29 10 29 38 74 23 15 8 312 225 48 278 37 229 63 3 75 86 1,035 101 295 73 1,181 591 49 316 12 207 240 260 58 78 167 591 1,107 1,609 508 144 1,715 739 50 2 8 11 11 9 6 17 10 50 18 362 31 30 7 1 51 14 25 17 27 19 26 40 124 47 616 22 25 21 6 52 29 61 62 58 19 20 35 154 194 440 72 27 103 50 53 96 68 47 80 11 10 30 156 259 116 125 26 364 184 54 102 31 64 71 2 2 32 71 404 40 161 31 727 318 55 73 11 39 15 1 3 20 36 185 35 77 3 493 180 56 272 37 223 63 3 75 86 1,025 96 290 73 1,171 591 57 186 16 173 27 3 40 30 720 75 • 175 56 625 360 58 86 21 50 36 35 56 300 5 21 115 17 540 6 231 59 60 2,135,561 2,018,049 2,407,727 3,047,267 3,236,909 1,533,265 2,938,471 5,216,993 8,484,065 9,117,330 42,241,098 5,416,493 4,760,717 8,571,395 4,207,944 61 1,827,578 1,149,455 1,624,426 2,721,089 2,346,278 1,163,168 2,071,195 4,435,878 6,422,457 6,190,398 37,347,131 2,844,346 2,347,448 6,719,891 2,964,577 62 3,632 168, 171 9,868 6,582 10,021 26,436 36,277 21,558 12,532 4,276 24,775 6,788 21,939 2,970 3,164 63 2,645 88,420 6,039 4,306 5,368 16,155 23,013 16,803 7,775 2,402 21,427 3,481 6,630 2,034 1,966 64 178,991 48,177 1,368,528 296,795 67,666 526,491 26,059 1,550,596 6,679,233 3,505,965 35,457,943 354,955 581,818 3,253,157 1,338,522 65 71,448 2,160 1,031,627 185,472 97,683 484,478 58,951 1,973,595 5,506,416 4,116,741 36,005,701 198,474 460,458 3,496,540 1,205,334 66 136,076 48, 177 1,368,440 171,060 35,494 526,491 5,755 1,448,196 6,658,072 3,418,092 35,321,211 320,321 437,914 3,072,587 1,288,165 67 38,045 2,160 1,031,203 62,256 18,062 484,478 58,351 1,885,447 5, 505, 169 4,037,180 35,668,220 183,300 434,498 3,363,489 1,152,677 68 5,554 10,897 824 100,661 20,624 19,960 104,426 1,590 114,297 34,163 12,300 69 9,006 420 10,605 2,560 87,517 630 23,304 101,339 1,890 20, 560 120,650 36,937 70 2,110 88 2,046 27,712 20,284 339 537 28,500 1,906 21,846 1,329 112,329 11,173 71 3,369 4 12,299 71,783 331 417 32,615 942 3,026 150 1,992 6,000 72 35,251 112,792 3,636 20 1,400 39,413 30,400 11,198 28,278 34,078 26,884 73 21,028 100,312 5,278 600 300 23,642 35,200 10,258 5,250 10,409 9,720 74 1,956,570 1,969,872 1,039,199 2,750,472 3,169,243 1,006,774 2,912,412 3,666,397 1,804,832 5,611,365 6,783,155 5,061,538 4,178,899 5,318,238 2,869,422 75 1,756,130 1,147,295 592,799 2,535,617 2,248,595 678,690 2,012,244 2,462,283 916,041 2,073,657 1,341,430 2,645,874 1,886,990 3,223,351 1,779,243 76 280,324 6,855 162,609 20,573 2,709 2,149 100,413 25,631 778,016 286,872 348,030 153,657 1,379,981 503,763 77 292,701 11,966 169,884 19,860 4,853 6,930 94,866 41,387 142,239 106,129 193,375 46,017 1,194,478 493,240 78 154,499 30,000 1,000 257,479 104 19,000 306,060 360 1,013,775 291,025 90,472 6,650 258,855 53,085 79 199,295 14,000 3,223 214,077 6,152 50 8,300 260,103 2,544 579,282 160,561 209,852 23,715 422,108 105,220 80 1,521,747 1,939,872 1,031,344 2,330,384 3,148,566 1,004,065 2,891,263 3,259,924 1,778,841 3,819,574 6,205,258 4,623,036 4,018,592 3,679,402 2,312,574 XI 1,264,134 1,133,295 577,610 2,151,656 2,222,583 673,787 1,997,014 2,107,314 872,110 1,352,136 1,074,740 2,242,647 1,617,256 1,606,765 1,180,783 ■ 266 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 (For definitions anil cxplai F-slmialod number of farms 1959. 1951. Farm operators by age: Operators reporting npe number 105ft. Under 25 yean. number 1959 . 25 to 34 years number 1959 . .15 to 44 years number 1959. 45 to 54 years number 1959 . 55 to f>4 venrs number 1959 . tiSut nore yentl number 1959. Average age years 1959 . Off-larm work and other income: Farm operators— Working off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 1951. 100 or more days operators reporting 1959 . With other inoome of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959. 1954. Farms by tenure ol operator: Full ovmers number 1 1 Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1 All tenants number 1 1 Cash tenants number 1 1954. Share-Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . Livestock-share tenants number 1959. 1 Croppers number 1 1 Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954 Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fnjit-ond-nut . . number Cash-grain number Tobacco number Cotton number Other field-crop number Vegetable farms number Fnill-and-nut farms number Poultry farms number Dairy farms number Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number Livestock ranches number General farms number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number Cla-s I number I In-; II . ., number Class III number Class IV number Class V number Class. VI number Other farms number Part-ti'.ie number Part-retirement number \bnormal number Value ot products sold by source: All farm products sold total, dollars average per farm, dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars \ Cfrclnblcs sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specially products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 5,018,072 3,163,335 3,698 1,801 702,770 1,237,414 86,805 217,805 2,239 945 21,412 14,101 4,315,302 1,925,921 1,079,543 811,456 3,938 47,529 7,191,012 6,705,804 5,933 17,939 4,541 12,539 944 101,029 34,220 2,333,133 940,869 177,096 49,408 133,440 75,402 5,995,358 6,775,163 4,184 3,200 1,775,912 4,458,731 14,760 69,482 32,415 26,382 9,140 13,555 4, 219, 446 2,316,432 94, 580 360,341 365,980 176,062 7,603,526 4,257,289 22,496 11,892 2,179,669 1,169,780 -,-• i,857 3,087,509 31,025 32, 573 163,184 109,318 4,506,056 3,759,415 7,850 30 1,425 2,174,449 1,990,487 95,055 96,493 23,685 136,235 4,502,625 2,483,716 10,233 5,399 84,755 35,544 5,295 245 4,860 5,500 3,595 5,214 4,417,870 2,448,172 111,039 162,017 338 776 144 ,..il 98,215 20,927 16,369 3,498 6,755 6., L93, 84 48,862,502 34,041 22,865 40,160,289 47,144,843 66,770 30,809 2,975 553 110,040 98,700 22,033,295 1,717,1 >9 1,162, 34 r 399,224 20,790,991 20,203,265 23,898 18,234 19,648,046 ),570, 188 238 1,000 2,200 1,142,945 632,877 110,837 92,903 19,688 83,820 TEXAS 267 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a samp e of farms. See tat] McLennan Mcltullen Madison Marion Martin Mason Matagorda Maverick Medina »_ Midland Milam Hills Mitchell Montague 2,456 142 863 374 409 556 1,023 156 1,194 263 209 1,952 733 616 1,153 1 3,782 171 1,208 735 552 711 1,195 298 1,524 317 273 2,578 894 803 1,501 2 2,443 137 867 386 417 542 1,024 163 1,183 270 217 1,972 763 607 1,110 3 18 2 8 18 3 14 2 9 2 3 10 10 7 14 4 195 12 48 15 73 40 102 17 94 17 23 164 55 77 5 512 20 105 59 92 94 191 36 260 38 66 334 140 121 179 643 31 243 104 113 135 260 36 293 66 62 538 195 170 276 7 610 31 228 105 88 129 233 42 283 62 41 470 190 149 285 8 465 41 235 99 33 141 224 30 244 85 22 456 173 86 279 ri 52.3 55.3 55.7 55.3 46.6 54.4 52.5 51.6 52.6 56.2 48.0 53.5 53.6 50.4 54.3 10 1,266 54 516 266 128 227 425 85 565 105 85 924 324 300 636 u 2,000 66 657 496 253 328 510 155 801 136 98 1,120 422 354 915 12 959 36 364 218 58 147 285 70 433 65 70 607 204 186 494 13 1,231 54 438 356 135 177 296 134 599 91 83 675 180 153 670 14 1,087 32 515 326 17 135 390 84 457 72 63 747 239 162 588 15 1,338 65 560 562 92 181 353 158 605 117 82 879 207 213 927 16 1,371 57 561 334 133 350 396 79 696 159 95 966 462 176 555 17 1,884 76 664 560 176 419 446 175 951 186 107 1,334 532 276 780 18 488 58 199 19 93 159 408 48 370 66 52 489 166 190 337 It 635 58 255 76 133 159 395 55 365 79 73 481 191 166 344 20 34 3 12 1 5 7 15 8 3 3 1 16 3 11 21 32 1 a 1 4 10 8 12 6 2 * 4 11 3 6 22 563 24 91 20 178 40 204 21 125 35 61 481 102 246 250 23 1,083 30 218 78 264 88 371 29 224 58 103 840 159 374 390 24 97 23 21 5 . 22 28 6 51 17 16 83 49 20 139 25 137 19 38 26 6 29 85 17 50 38 12 103 82 13 211 » 77 5 26 5 22 5 7 69 11 16 20 17 112 2 5 9 8 25 22 1 4 67 9 21 20 28 246 35 148 5 107 5 20 36 166 10 173 40 29 461 3 94 22 220 19 184 5 63 4 82 349 29 284 47 30 21 1 1 1 7 1 1 10 5 10 5 31 36 3 1 3 4 3 7 1 1 7 2 8 4 32 56 10 6 6 30 5 11 1 106 15 10 33 222 4 37 2 11 3 24 1 37 222 27 5 34 66 1 25 15 21 1 12 14 ii 1 47 27 12 36 35 115 2 41 27 15 29 49 3 45 14 4 92 37 21 103 M 693 11 49 16 401 25 429 14 322 133 589 36 480 45 37 110 1 167 1 299 65 5 38 ■ lit 568 10 48 16 401 262 13 15 133 514 31 480 35 15 5 25 10 12 8 25 i 10 26 10 5 1 5 15 41 42 43 65 10 5 21 5 15 36 15 12 44 134 21 5 5 28 10 2 5 20 45 323 105 251 61 7 398 203 58 355 176 43 406 402 58 472 46 101 97 187 30 7 327 137 30 206 157 37 152 257 39 301 47 194 1 6 5 40 6 39 10 1 93 21 34 IS 1,042 25 527 1 128 331 61 404 71 17 782 256 73 555 II 1,420 117 336 77 408 428 692 95 790 197 192 1,170 482 543 598 50 63 12 7 108 29 82 40 10 8 41 35 15 27 12 51 98 12 25 1 140 48 65 8 69 29 32 45 14 95 28 52 227 23 23 1 92 82 134 18 153 46 49 105 77 169 87 53 412 26 75 24 37 118 137 7 255 47 21 317 116 169 190 54 405 38 131 21 26 119 193 16 215 44 38 447 190 73 201 55 215 6 75 30 5 32 81 6 88 23 11 221 70 10 80 56 1,036 25 527 297 1 128 331 61 404 66 17 782 251 73 555 57 735 20 305 211 57 196 51 286 46 12 • 560 131 62 365 58 295 6 5 221 1 86 1 71 135 10 118 20 5 222 120 11 190 59 50 17,960,896 1,901,307 3,138,695 469,280 10,761,098 6,509,431 13,171,194 5,490,179 7,154,400 2,612,727 4,374,909 9,176,257 4,699,459 6,480,482 5,219,703 |] 15,559,109 1,158,512 2,145,971 365, 711 8,078,752 3,685,655 11,924,126 4,582,442 3,552,234 2,280,634 3,914,825 7,288,232 3,010,980 4,134,822 2,911,891 62 7,313 13,389 3,637 1,255 26,311 11,708 12,875 35,193 5,992 9,934 20,933 4,701 6,411 10, 520 4,527 ■I 4,114 6,775 1,776 498 14,635 5,184 9,978 15,377 2,331 7,194 14,340 2,827 3,368 5,149 1,940 U 7,626,282 82,050 500,641 75,425 10,290,762 457,686 9,771,915 1,509,724 2,658,839 92,891 2,822,568 4,602,481 460,465 4,807,624 456,119 X 7,494,719 32,235 733,731 103,731 7,509,958 168,366 10,199,530 2,770,473 734,144 55,635 2,268,808 4,583,467 258,242 3,247,758 550,554 M 7,098,417 81,650 428,811 45,936 10,289,413 422,351 9,551,697 852,355 2,498,989 50,529 2,794,496 4,418,839 274,948 4,803,999 374,362 n 6,e64,902 30,567 681,303 71,921 7,498,936 155,876 10,149,490 1,691,267 697,644 43,355 2,220,140 4,348,777 115,720 3,245,318 469,445 M 79,364 400 23,018 2,755 1,235 28,059 21,097 653,830 143,008 53 2,761 92,221 2,585 3,052 25,136 n 237, 144 1,600 24,479 16,135 10,912 7,627 26,562 1,078,611 28,086 795 1,555 186,626 2,054 2,153 30,781 711 23,989 37, 535 5,514 114 3,796 197,906 2,589 13,242 39,404 24,011 40,019 170,861 573 48,134 71 6,279 18 23,674 3,330 110 3,462 2,070 595 1,274 11,225 113 38,066 129,736 112 46,318 rs 424, 512 11,277 21,220 3,460 1,215 950 3,600 2,905 1,300 51,402 12,071 8,487 7J 386,394 50 4,275 12,345 1,401 21,408 7,140 260 47,000 9,998 10,732 175 4,010 H 10,334,614 1,819,257 2,638,054 393,855 470,336 6,051,745 3,399,279 3,980,455 4,495,561 2,519,836 1,552,341 4,573,776 4,238,994 1,672,858 4,763,584 7! 8,064,390 1,126,277 1,412,240 261,980 568,794 , 1,724,596 1,811,969 2,818,090 2,224,999 1,646,017 2,704,765 2,752,738 887,064 2,361,337 n 2,281,316 1,793 112,745 45,485 50,878 92,669 98,896 55,399 237,526 25,230 221,196 694,731 784,778 59,648 224,782 77 3,121,717 4,338 139,294 90,588 36,404 70,388 91,446 70,234 269,082 60,786 77,991 547,020 361,420 40,263 206,843 7K 2,097,916 1,000 258,700 455 1,415 40,000 72,640 500,950 3,876 170 116,095 27,499 169,870 376,185 7» 2,505,328 300 339,266 10,166 7,266 48,704 25,959 63,875 190,866 4,594 46,102 76,850 30,974 106,030 231,638 H 5,955,382 1,816,464 2,266,609 347,915 419,458 5,957,661 3,260,383 3,852,416 3,757,085 2,490,730 1,330,975 3,762,950 3,426,717 1,443,340 4,162,617 I] 2,437,345 1,121,639 933,680 161,226 525,124 3,398,197 ,607, !'i 1,677,860 2,358,142 2,159,619 1,521,924 2,080,895 2,360,344 740,771 1,922,856 M 268 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 r o( (anus 1050. Farm operators by age: Operators reporting ago. Under 25 years Off-farm work and other income Farm operators— Working off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 1951 . 100 or more days operators reporting 195 9 1954. old operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure ot operator: Full owners number 1 1 Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . 1954. All tenant? number 1959. 1954. Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954 Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954 Crop-share tenants number 1959 . 195 1 . Livestock-share tenants number 1959 1954. Croppers number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954 . Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable ami fruil-ond-nul . . number Cash-grain number 1959 Tobacco number 1959. Cotton number 1959. Other field-crop number 1959. Vegetable farms number 1959. Tru 1 1 ami-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1 number 1959 . number 1959 . sified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . (1,-1 numherl959. Class I! number 1959, Class 111 number 1959. I ClnsslV ;l Class V Other farms number 1959 . Part- number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 . total, dollars ? per farm, dollars 1959. 1951 dollars 1959. 1954. 4,020,285 1,901,180 3,638 1,375 540,759 437,412 7,565,539 4,323,518 37,639 17,940 4,746,494 2,947,045 - .. 12,609 3,596,734 10,930 8,837 2,050,699 2,361,127 13,490,284 6,588,228 8,281 8,403,629 8,279,166 4,395 3,399 3,583,394 6,166,434 1,321,012 763,725 1,915 6,670,826 3,816,400 12,706 6,058 3,683,235 2,325,927 23,178,502 31,763,765 21,284 27,172 20,673,672 30,295,660 dollars 1959 Fore 195 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry |«oducts sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars 1959 . 1954 . ..dollars 1959. 12,950 11,053 3,610 2,319 450,112 290,958 3,479,526 1,463,768 326,887 256,553 1,041,210 586,036 2,800 2,600 2,819,045 1,376,473 18,093 28,258 11,910 9,523 10,827 21,280 3,293 1,308 12,271 160,654 2,570,999 276, 357 192,282 32,351 9,910 13,357 1,151,910 1,235,607 22,631 19,451 62, 162 65,949 3,016 1,825 275,320 165,705 5,995,743 7,638,417 3,125,933 3,224,698 1,972,079 3,709 8,289 33,777 26,108 33,492 23,180 4,820,235 2,112,732 208,387 280,246 286,263 177,340 4,871 2,153 4,245 566 43,552 20,905 1,180,829 571,993 5 1,611 57,100 363,920 242,329 2,529 3,385 6,000 2,987,591 1,490,473 108,902 62,812 236, 149 196,890 1,897 47,276 83,221 2,504,830 1,468,105 528,891 331,700 145,625 170,478 TEXAS 269 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SQLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. fcr only a samp e of Tarns. See 1st] Oldham Or^ Palo Pinto Panola Parser Pa_ Pecos Pali Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River 125 339 727 1,545 1,644 845 232 749 293 193 486 604 72 184 1,428 1 121 562 921 2,024 1,997 916 303 1,259 «0 233 659 663 90 221 2,372 141 313 726 1,517 1,598 848 229 722 265 173 482 591 78 197 1,434 3 2 3 7 15 41 7 2 3 1 6 18 2 17 18 30 53 72 134 208 31 26 30 21 30 92 12 14 98 23 55 114 272 335 217 73 110 50 30 81 142 14 42 245 41 97 203 408 406 235 45 210 69 48 139 142 21 56 394 7 36 70 191 380 338 105 48 190 69 42 118 126 18 48 355 6 20 59 162 378 370 42 25 184 44 31 108 71 13 35 325 50.2 51.9 54.0 54.7 52.5 43.1 46.9 55.5 51.4 51.8 53.4 47.9 50.2 52.2 53.6 10 71 199 467 937 954 193 81 449 164 83 247 258 30 91 772 11 53 390 494 1,286 1,099 248 136 737 268 113 365 229 41 110 1,140 12 46 184 390 754 770 51 70 399 144 64 192 155 26 72 555 13 29 365 405 888 769 69 107 564 219 91 188 115 35 85 624 14 35 243 456 1,119 1,018 49 63 505 141 59 262 175 24 84 780 15 23 330 478 1,098 950 94 99 802 186 73 322 100 49 104 881 16 28 181 359 1,149 1,096 258 88 555 133 88 303 283 13 94 943 17 54 436 581 1,278 1,319 352 110 950 232 109 355 332 14 125 1,336 18 58 113 257 301 315 262 86 151 100 66 146 196 23 47 286 19 45 63 202 385 282 256 96 134 83 60 141 166 29 40 432 20 6 2 10 11 13 7 6 1 11 4 1 8 3 7 14 21 4 5 10 2 27 4 9 5 3 4 3 6 4 1 16 22 33 .'■ 1 101 84 220 318 52 42 49 35 36 117 33 36 185 23 44 '■■.' 153 361 376 297 78 219 80 53 148 176 60 56 576 24 3 10 58 18 131 10 28 11 20 27 10 5 29 28 45 25 2 20 61 112 177 9 43 29 24 19 36 20 36 31 85 26 4 . 6 5 16 26 2 5 20 1 10 27 7 1 9 7 26 19 1 3 13 1 11 25 1 1 17 28 16 11 20 30 16 231 6 10 17 10 75 1 50 29 28 12 24 79 67 218 24 37 28 22 66 95 4 231 90 4 5 5 21 1 6 3 1 10 31 3 6 3 4 8 ; 1 7 3 17 32 1 5 10 5 10 5 5 6 3 20 33 2 3 5 81 17 9 2 37 3 3 12 12 1 2 88 34 5 IS 12 21 47 20 18 16 9 3 11 5 1 2 50 35 2 31 48 79 85 34 8 112 8 7 23 17 18 19 138 36 59 44 27 86 55 688 82 35 94 85 106 241 7 170 37 59 44 563 93 241 1 5 38 39 40 17 86 15 124 82 35 1 85 61 6 160 10 5 40 5 10 1 5 45 5 10 41 42 5 15 60 25 5 36 1 5 33 14 10 17 196 10 16 1 5 35 41 41 54 19 283 254 408 34 116 102 88 69 95 138 63 120 371 in 18 13 223 176 178 20 110 56 57 69 50 21 63 114 155 47 1 5 5 29 40 78 1 9 1 10 40 19 48 11 266 387 1,094 905 35 28 546 110 38 270 149 2 59 784 49 114 73 345 467 744 810 204 218 193 160 221 460 70 125 649 50 22 10 15 14 32 183 68 3 48 30 1 70 6 .5 11 51 28 34 29 19 72 328 55 20 28 31 8 97 13 11 30 52 22 13 48 49 158 186 37 32 22 42 10 122 17 29 85 53 16 11 81 98 170 58 25 35 45 13 52 98 17 51 150 54 25 3 127 167 211 35 16 60 25 36 65 55 17 24 210 55 1 2 45 120 101 20 3 68 25 8 85 18 5 163 56 11 266 382 1,078 900 35 28 531 100 33 265 144 2 59 779 51 5 241 266 736 620 20 18 369 62 29 190 . Ill 2 33 489 58 5 1 25 116 342 280 15 10 162 36 2 4 75 32 1 26 290 50 10 4,279,319 1,211,320 4,123,785 '..■'. ' 13,299,272 28,714,107 9,965,180 1,813,555 9,229,593 3,661,152 1,374,302 10,385,120 1,226,755 1,497,405 5,100,169 HI 2,543,882 1,279,294 2,131,456 2,514,099 7,756,588 24,218,900 8,094,521 1,249,474 5,071,259 3,252,330 889,907 9,156,621 771,887 822,023 4,079,610 85 34,235 3,573 5,672 2,607 .8,090 33,981 42,953 2,421 31,500 18,970 2,828 17,194 17,038 8,138 3,572 83 21,024 2,276 2,314 1,242 3,884 26,440 26,715 992 12,074 13,958 1,350 13,811 8,577 3,720 1,720 84 1,323,120 720,684 310,288 501,527 607,254 23,915,871 5,738,638 372,385 2,034,035 1,019,823 662,057 5,421,427 155,042 19,973 1,329,430 11 1,360,654 953,677 336,950 713,299 683,233 21,513,224 5,198,232 579,148 1,886,214 1,262,688 467,999 6,095,730 99,842 27,311 2,188,179 81 1,322,852 671,123 290,506 284,631 398,510 23,807,378 5,665,382 263,161 1,964,466 973,947 632,964 5,405,254 153,940 13,137 1,214,415 117 1,360,402 862,938 322,852 521,672 499,503 21,487,163 5,195,734 480,992 1,797,366 1,116,817 451,812 6,051,321 99,835 19,430 2,066,478 88 200 510 726 33,728 39,686 102,487 67,850 13,798 1,045 45,327 20,972 6,495 100 45,087 18 250 639 2,378 84,252 83,726 25,820 2,380 12,401 2,580 145,300 14,144 1,960 80 56,166 68 2,973 3,612 16,122 75,973 1,006 6 3,118 115 349 6,033 112 1,002 1,434 41,839 71 2 349 10,880 17,051 74,544 106 118 1,057 18 571 1,620 49 7 1,706 41,208 72 46,078 15,444 167,046 93,085 5,000 5,400 92,308 68,409 200 2,088 9,566 5,402 28,089 71 89,751 840 90,324 25,460 115 84,698 86,250 423 42,400 6,095 24,327 74 2,956,199 490,636 3,813,497 3,526,561 12,692,018 4,798,236 4,226,542 1,441,170 7,195,558 2,641,329 712,245 4,963,693 1,071,713 1,477,432 3,770,739 75 1,183,228 325,617 1,794,506 1,800,800 7,073,355 2,705,676 2,896,289 670,326 3,185,045 1,989,642 421,908 3,060,891 672,045 794,712 1,891,431 7,768 69,705 58,909 861,931 468,055 18,059 30,545 212,811 95,800 1,697 19,121 449,856 8,263 9,297 641,130 77 17,426 81,629 118,691 892,443 270, 115 43,022 39,818 81,106 110,086 13,500 75,640 308,855 14,015 26,019 348,281 78 84,200 123,930 291,500 2,981,082 57,900 339,406 15,580 2,045 44,100 654,619 8,350 493,280 79 9,483 116,111 113,007 188,820 2,491,515 123,541 5,164 203,186 56,125 500 71,130 740,027 259 4,307 215,782 80 2,864,231 420,931 3,630,658 , 9,242,881 4,722,277 4,195,997 888,953 7,084,178 2,637,587 649,024 3,859,218 1,063,450 1,459,785 2,636,329 HI 1,156,319 127,877 1,562,808 719,537 4,311,725 2,539,113 2,851,307 386,034 3,018,834 1,975,642 275,138 2,012,009 657,771 764,386 1,327,368 at 270 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, Farm opeialors by age Operators report mg age number 1 059 . Under 25 yews number 195!) . 25 to 34 years number 1959 . 35 to U years number 1959. 45 to 54 year? number 1959 . S3 to l!4 yews number 1959 . 65 or nor.' yvnr? number 1959 . Average age years 1959. Oft-farm work and other income: Working off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 or more tiny* operators reporting 1959 . .operators reporting 1959. . number 1959. 1954. . number 1959. CENSUSES OF 1959 Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut . . number 1050 . Cash-grain number 1959 . Tobacco number 1959. Cotton number 1959 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959. Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. Livestock ranches number 1959 . General farms number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclnssified farms number 1959. . Farms by economic class: Commercial farms numher 1 959 . . Cla-s 1 number 1959.. Cla-sU numberl959.. Class 111 number 1959.. Class IV number 1959 . , Class V numher 1959. . Clas-VI number 1959.. Other farms number 1959 . . Pan ti • number 1959. . Part-retirement number 1959. . Abnormal number 1959 . . ) per farm, dollars 1959. ,081,829 ,187,436 16,262 21,260 .:-. . N - 4,877,751 2,178,119 50,810 20,168 788,161 337,493 7,012,039 6,067,327 7,054 4,056 3,574,186 4,056,318 5,285 1,729,312 1,712,617 11,364,032 6,949,042 9,518 5,004,968 3,778,204 2,491 1,183 670,963 1,017,765 - .' ' 1,977,701 3,943 2,222 203,938 186,005 2,136,633 1,091,408 3,009 1,089 307,647 446,495 • - sold dollars 1959 :ially prnducl * and horticultural sold All livestock and livestock produc Poullry and poultry products s Dairy products sold Isold dollars 1959. 69 3,000 2,160 ,937,863 ,548,779 12,909 25,169 992 4,089,591 1,840,626 7,325 9,877 56,739 243,237 17,120 5,915 14,064 5,357 3,437,853 2,011,009 360,622 595,190 218,220 99,608 292 914,938 316,775 9,161 19,253 2,000 7,810 3,830 6,814 2,468 2,382 rs 4,226,229 2,913,826 289,523 370,161 564,555 358,911 130,524 207,931 29,745 14,186 116,212 88,447 4,334,005 2,760,439 897,386 1,275,385 199,467 364,246 5,240 8,652 1,438 1,117 58,034 26,096 2,449,923 1,791,696 2,042,970 1,532,753 3,750 50,458 3,123 5,260 5,582 2,828 83,876 33,903 1,828,986 644,913 1,042,602 423,903 63,495 55,200 TEXAS 271 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a samp e of farms. See "*1 San Patricio San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith Somervell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher 760 807 220 733 247 2,010 246 2,414 298 552 524 63 428 139 845 1 899 930 226 930 334 2,915 236 3,593 324 1,031 500 94 458 144 966 ! 806 773 221 730 270 1,990 251 2,238 280 554 485 75 415 133 821 .1 11 6 3 14 1 15 2 12 2 12 3 6 2 30 4 104 64 13 77 22 122 43 130 24 54 35 8 44 18 147 190 108 39 132 33 318 61 348 40 106 70 12 69 26 221 233 199 56 231 77 513 63 606 75 152 107 21 125 28 217 179 185 54 161 88 532 57 600 85 137 120 13 102 28 142 8 89 213. 56 115 49 490 25 542 54 93 150 21 69 31 64 0 48.5 54.7 54.6 50.3 53.7 54.6 47.9 54.7 53.5 51.2 55.9 53.4 51.5 51.6 45.3 10 301 332 67 319 151 1,137 67 1,323 175 294 256 28 184 34 181 11 354 439 91 482 181 1,695 85 2,236 235 510 281 36 173 33 205 12 245 206 49 202 108 927 34 1,124 124 215 195 23 124 27 56 13 292 234 46 246 129 1,154 46 1,689 133 392 185 21 75 .27 56 11 219 235 45 200 111 1,379 21 1,633 173 259 230 21 96 19 60 IS 181 290 52 294 148 1,728 27 2,159 166 492 214 16 113 22 70 16 245 521 83 319 107 1,507 49 1,528 223 284 255 14 241 68 247 IT 254 574 91 357 128 1,949 48 2,127 211 554 249 42 196 75 346 IS 240 174 63 197 95 265 108 669 50 195 201 33 94 43 220 19 211 181 66 211 95 338 108 666 52 291 173 31 130 40 204 20 20 6 4 3 5 6 1 19 4 3 3 4 2 21 3 7 10 7 4 4 2 21 3 2 5 3 4 6 4 22 255 106 70 214 40 232 88 198 25 69 68 13 90 24 376 23 420 165 75 370 97 508 102 684 86 176 70 12 123 29 413 24 17 36 47 22 18 60 6 102 5 20 41 13 14 19 21 25 31 71 42 27 30 113 2 252 27 17 39 12 14 19 20 23 31 10 12 11 1 5 19 5 5 6 6 1 26 27 25 18 9 23 9 8 17 9 9 2 9 11 22 28 145 5 5 154 20 45 48 20 15 41 5 60 191 29 205 32 16 272 34 132 70 110 23 126 8 81 31A 30 27 11 1 16 10 1 41 31 14 6 2 16 7 11 4 "s i 2 i 2 20 H 15 1 10 25 8 10 1 5 21 38 L23 3 1 7 81 4 49 5 2 6 15 34 20 44 1 1 87 6 61 5 2 11 10 4 76 U 22 36 5 25 13 163 5 259 18 28 12 10 8 22 n 586 61 69 501 43 95 153 86 6 138 214 640 37 46 1 5 11 2 5 153 15 16 386 38 39 540 25 35 64 490 41 85 5 '45 26 6 138 198 254 10 41 5 "i 15 10 122 9 19 18 6 46 6 5 450 35 5 36 30 5 10 i 6 11 II 22 463 114 109 125 149 75 300 107 98 232 55 98 129 45 46 10 289 106 57 75 59 9 142 56 70 188 55 81 129 22 11 21 15 6 IS 30 3 25 20 17 14 77 48 120 221 31 112 61 1,236 10 1,805 160 290 282 "a 102 9 66 40 645 591 189 621 186 791 236 815 138 262 243 55 327 130 784 50 159 47 18 18 18 26 74 26 1 14 14 16 9 26 157 51 163 46 56 94 19 54 59 40 8 12 14 25 44 271 52 153 75 36 202 31 184 59 151 4 24 58 9 77 33 245 VI 121 151 45 168 58 195 38 174 31 49 59 10 96 12 81 54 34 197 28 124 35 122 6 269 70 93 95 5 99 15 20 51 15 75 6 15 25 210 155 32 74 5 1 21 10 56 115 216 31 112 61 1,219 10 1,599 160 290 281 8 101 9 61 51 85 91 31 75 51 783 10 1,096 120 200 155 ' 6 61 7 35 58 30 125 37 10 436 498 5 40 90 126 2 40 2 26 58 80 17,944,046 7,804,552 3,720,755 7,406,895 3,312,998 9,915,345 10,239,981 8,842,876 787,616 3,750,001 3,854,268 1,590,754 3,302,125 4,562,124 23,505,720 ill 22,098,550 4,541,225 2,984,564 4,319,702 2,094,622 7,463,586 4,673,683 6,414,582 433,816 2,635,230 2,110,104 1,524,495 2,564,375 2,342,323 22,007,192 BS 23,611 9,671 16,913 10,105 13,413 4,933 41,626 3,663 2,643 6,793 7,355 25,250 7,715 32,821 27,817 88 24,581 4,883 13,206 4,645 6,271 2,560 19,804 1,785 1,339 2,556 4,220 16,218 5,599 16,266 22,782 84 15,434,417 686,778 1,063,745 5,005,011 447,502 635,544 4,796,890 4,766,376 160,359 2,767,411 108,598 51,085 1,801,595 27,609 20,313,281 88 21,088,733 371,323 553,538 3,136,247 490,849 805,786 1,919,000 3,931,044 73,464 2,252,533 316,382 97,041 1,654,406 7,010 19,680,297 88 15,053,700 577,384 1,061,595 4,999,481 446,542 289,109 4,794,713 433,911 145,712 1,562,248 102,624 50,403 1,800,595 24,322 20,255,082 81 20,646,902 160,489 552, 014 3,111,236 490,077 614,286 1,917,705 510,002 62,059 1,605,878 315,057 96,366 1,653,454 5,539 19,649,997 88 370,039 5,440 50 TOO 901 80,899 72 154,592 1,797 1,192,721 1,588 75 46,775 69 441,758 1,173 1,096 865 90,160 153,884 2,355 646,613 1,005 280 175 12,040 ro 378 102,857 2,100 4,830 59 5,142 5 788,497 11,076 12,432 1,636 672 925 1,579 662 71 38 196,591 328 146 172 2,964 982 685,016 4,888 320 675 672 1,296 760 72 10,300 1,097 260,394 2,100 3,389,376 1,774 10 2,750 10 . 71 »'■ 10,762 7.1 35 13,070 100 24,000 600 98,376 313 2,582,142 4,162 42 17,500 74 2,509,629 7,117,774 2,657,010 2,401,884 2,865,496 9,279,801 5,443,091 4,076,500 627,257 982,590 3,745,670 1,539,669 1,500,530 4,534,515 3,192,439 75 1,009,817 4,169,902 2,431,026 1,183,455 1,603,773 6,657,800 2,754,683 2,483,538 360,352 382,697 1,793,722 1,427,454 909,969 2,335,313 2,326,895 7K 384,481 752,182 111,156 61,592 21,101 7,684,819 15,640 713,707 67,372 5,617 56,413 2,461 23,282 54,510 277,581 77 138,560 772,412 116,095 106,749 30,942 5,544,061 15,845 646,847 68,955 4,933 112,281 909 31,098 120,840 94,966 78 525 1,660 60,000 6,140 341,900 2,211 643,490 20,530 34,387 125,660 5,300 900 20 100,661 71i 87,792 26,356 4,836 163,386 14,496 433,993 1,968 655,001 11,328 1,618 94,164 212 3,062 7,578 229,082 Kll 2,124,623 6,363,932 2,545,854 2,280,292 2,838,255 1,253,082 5,425,240 2,719,303 539,355 942,586 3,563,597 1,531,908 1,476,348 4,479,985 2,814,197 Kl 783,465 3,371,134 2,310,095 913,320 1,558,335 679,746 2,736,870 1,181,690 280,069 376,146 1,587,277 1,426,333 875,809 2,206,895 2,002,847 as 272 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data for 1959 are based on reports Fstimnlcd number of farms 1050. Farm operators by age: Operators reporting ape. . ■25 to 31 j 45 to 54 ; . number 1050 . number 1950 . number 1050 . number 1959 . number 1050 . number 1959 lears 1959 Off-farm work aod other income: Farm operators' Working off their farm. .... .operator* reporting 1959 1954 . . operators reporting 1950. 1954. Farms by teoure of operator: number 1950. 1951 . Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1059 . 1054 All tenants number 1959. 1954. Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959. 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1950 . 1951 Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fmit-and-nut . . nun 1"^ 1959 Cash-gram number 1050 . Tobacco number 1959 . Cotton number 1059 . Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1050 . Fmit-and-nut farms number 1050 Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock ranches . number 1959. Oeneral farms number 1059 . Miscellaneous and unclnssified farms number 1959, Farms by economic class Commercial farms number 1959 . Class I number 1959 . II number 1959. Class 111 number 1059 Clas- IV number 1959. Class V number 1959 . t I . - - VI number 1059 . Other farm- number 1959. Part-time number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 . Ahnormal number 1959 . Value of products sold by source: All farm product.* sold total . dollars 1959 . average per farm, dollars 1 All crops sold dollars 1 1 Field crops, other than vegetable* and fruiLs and nuts, Sold dollar; 1 1 sold dollars 1 1 I r„,i- and nuts sold dollars 1959.. Forest products and horticultural -[,,,' i :il 1\ products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Toultry and poultry products sold dollars 1959 . Dairy products sold dollars 1059 . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1,865 1,133 14,621,003 10,268,785 7,925 3,306 2,892,837 2,237,572 130,885 155,971 74,835 28,253 1,280,994 788,142 11,728,166 8,031,213 1,219,682 930,101 4,204,378 3,930,215 6,931,312 4,274,360 6,589 3,275 2,547,276 1,835,603 1,004 2,924 2,742 2,184 15,294 83,470 4, 184,031 2,438,757 169,893 235,671 118,040 222,055 1,918,370 1,690,816 20,408 17,253 3,359 29,348,637 17,195,355 35,148 18,196 28,456,612 16,728,891 836 2,000 10,150 ' ' , ■• 466,464 50,712 65,634 152,409 86,179 2,528,165 10,901 6,077 1,065,948 1,187,936 :.j 3, 183 1,340,229 39,757 48,974 1,963,310 1,286,491 1,925 10,682 11,962 8,582 11,328 24,216 32,764 1,753,783 971,744 230,916 63,801 365,565 349,012 13,383,197 7,512,209 15,260 6,956 5,793,226 3,091,579 45,633 78,323 31, 617 3,259 9,770 40,700 7,589,971 4,420,630 774,697 488,622 902,824 451,475 6,997,771 6,336 3,432 3,421,954 2,873,184 18,236 43,020 10,429 58,452 239,711 127,647 5,499,3 ■! 4,124,; 1,203,400 708,568 1,824,651 1,704,023 1,549,573 919,272 2,410 1,070 225,500 514,656 751 109,699 34,035 1,324,073 404,616 146,224 57,062 47,760 14,899 TEXAS 273 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. ft* only a sample of farms. See text] 3,371,125 1,746,744 2,514 757,394 671,394 21,640 19,183 32,806 8,362,059 7,112,560 16,791 10,368 1,294,225 1,479,654 4,668,163 4,582,183 28,292 21,019 9,801 196,197 6,558,952 5,394,954 2,914 1,815 2,494,304 3,330,951 7,614,096 7,566,800 6,604 5,996 4,050,450 4,447,840 2,952,812 1,894,009 3,141 1,641 347,549 757,056 6,695,741 4,962,362 7,574 4,664 3,650,019 3,326,610 1,064,585 905,393 20,473 11,178 814,310 461,856 7,624,897 5,847,090 3,346 2,052 2,220,201 2,434,349 7,793,599 5,784,812 45,050 19,543 2,064,642 1,764,745 22,671,477 21,356,211 11,113 8,756 17,305,875 19,084,473 ■ ,092,509 3,913,119 7,132 4,524,708 3,956,366 7,617 5,233 1,714,405 2,075,201 8,775,687 8,202,902 10,052 8,545 6,358,765 6,050,759 16,929 8,742 186,900 71,198 89,311 59,861 2,972,587 1,412,150 1,082,984 430,593 713,835 443,501 724,588 671,394 25,769 16,754 2,000 1,970 259,003 952,350 90,882 6,872 9,116 8,440 7,067,834 5,632,906 93,682 127,270 111,010 121,888 2,537 4,658,362 4,385,986 34,474 35,992 3,000 144,106 192,442 288,133 14,495 4,205 342,159 444,519 4,064,648 2,064,003 353,091 296,443 621,085 410,327 15,414 25,863 4,209 892 30,835 10,165 3,563,646 3,118,960 235,636 308,274 257,530 182,240 3,951 121,372 159,951 2,605,263 1,136,953 96,626 149,534 538,950 287,825 61,576 83,210 5,009 14,896 1,230 4,905 3,045,722 1,635,752 240,745 240,155 371,200 281,834 60,000 200 250,275 443,537 6,267 5,713 1,600 80,988 1,275 2,657 41,655 14,186 19,421 17,264 5,404,696 3,412,741 592,184 739,788 1,468,156 1,076,311 1,777,524 1,529,916 5,440 8,236 300 9,225 5,728,957 4,020,067 46,381 149,610 126,850 331,153 29,701 35,120 167,464 22,556 8,695 4,289 5,365,602 2,271,738 231,607 249,121 638,727 358,365 2,497 1,360 1,681 512 2,678,156 1,363,699 65,811 77,277 7,726 166,566 2,233 7,161 16,129 6,634 20,724 12,370 3,671 984 10,875 16,350 2,416,922 2,152,143 128,427 67,890 56,370 176,184 274 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Con. }lost data for 1959 ate based on reports for only ^ sample of farms. See text ;' Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum YC^ Zapata Zavala 1 : 1954 . . . "arm operators by age: 636 867 635 21 87 162 178 130 57 47.2 231 213 158 132 103 72 181 247 305 371 7 8 143 239 10 10 16 16 91 187 15 7 11 15 508 508 5 15 1 11 16 5 75 561 166 136 82 102 50 25 75 60 15 20,699,148 18,366,191 32,546 21,184 19,384,293 17,776,249 18,275,522 17,158,201 824,947 586,180 253,824 19,268 30,000 12,600 1,314,855 589,942 212,744 58,844 137,213 41,329 964,898 489,769 2,553 3,331 2,567 30 215 537 712 606 467 51.7 1,109 1,293 634 534 690 695 1,123 1,398 547 499 5 17 878 1,424 70 72 236 315 478 788 27 19 25 160 42 70 1,409 92 1,312 5 43 37 299 175 173 592 1,966 42 146 407 750 535 86 587 351 235 1 17,738,331 13,920,213 6,948 4,179 1 : . I78,68C 9,614,034 11, 938, 814 9,535,680 13,405 12,520 14,516 24,851 11,945 40,983 5,759,651 4,3 6,179 1,213,326 962,192 571,920 697,969 3,974,405 2,646,018 1,249 1,647 1,271 9 114 260 332 298 258 52.3 465 533 347 299 470 431 613 898 466 438 5 4 165 277 42 55 U 41 85 115 2 4 5 22 20 40 208 141 15 52 16 5 15 34 317 109 169 485 764 19 36 96 218 310 85 485 300 185 6,935,736 5,190,678 5,553 3,152 2,578,897 1,897,072 2,222,239 1,470,227 343,572 398,289 12,739 9,216 347 19,340 4,356,839 3,293,606 555,111 622,203 831,083 984,627 2,970,645 1,686,776 20 40 26 1 7 7 7 4 52.7 11 25 10 21 18 22 10 10 9 7 4 1 15 1 6 9 5 13 13 2 18 2 2 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 376,130 187,773 18,807 4,694 10,189 972 9,929 772 260 200 365,941 186,801 22,457 7,658 60,000 19,006 283,484 160,137 1,426 1,851 1,451 23 134 238 380 362 314 52.9 763 1,031 557 772 703 696 737 1,059 417 396 2 16 270 402 142 213 31 27 40 75 5 7 5 14 47 66 58 32 10 16 6 255 417 216 25 665 761 15 41 207 194 179 125 665 415 250 8,030,377 5,467,191 5,631 2,954 585,169 900,490 512,914 717,918 50,233 114,811 21,414 62,978 608 4,783 7,445,208 4,566,701 201,963 205,348 3,018,085 2,436,442 4,225,160 1,924,911 1,405 1,869 1,403 5 64 213 429 385 307 54.5 791 1,048 610 690 955 980 854 1,017 309 452 12 5 230 360 145 179 20 15 34 5 4 15 17 50 106 116 15 101 10 5 20 60 234 108 31 929 492 6 30 53 89 189 125 913 672 235 6 4,223,960 2,359,579 3,006 1,262 1,511,808 841,389 838,564 432,843 255,017 271,955 32,048 61,160 386,179 75,431 2,712,152 1,518,190 436,763 266,448 822,761 629,716 1,452,628 622,026 263 284 269 11 51 80 77 33 17 44.2 109 152 65 97 41 90 50 74 114 101 1 4 98 133 3 16 22 8 56 101 10 1 1 7 6 190 11 179 34 32 6 33 230 67 79 54 20 10 33 28 5 7,303,385 4,701,434 27,770 16,554 6,503,948 4,260,976 6,465,594 4,256,658 36,518 4,062 336 256 1,500 799,437 440,458 13,790 29,081 85 12,005 785,562 399,372 764 978 763 7 55 107 191 215 188 54.7 457 573 323 332 370 378 340 482 246 271 3 3 175 204 49 52 22 21 65 87 5 20 5 19 34 148 63 85 15 6 278 150 61 256 508 9 31 77 148 178 65 256 165 91 3,787,956 3,452,004 4,958 3,530 1,062,522 1,895,936 1,022,684 1,881,260 4,658 3,524 5,195 4,634 29,985 6,51B 2,725,434 1,556,068 76,697 105,412 70,075 117,159 2,578,662 1,333,497 200 263 217 1 5 40 57 58 56 55.8 102 113 85 102 65 74 84 167 90 58 2 26 23 24 17 2 2 4 4 96 91 1 95 105 10 6 14 18 27 30 95 58 37 2,011,025 1,165,513 10,055 4,432 839,187 741,323 450,858 304,578 383,030 436,745 1,299 4,000 1,171,838 424,190 4,070 1,070 30,560 1,167,768 392,560 259 233 . 48 74 49 50.9 )rf-farm work and other income: Farm operatocs- 12 13 U is le, 1054... 1954 . . . With other income or family exceeding 1954... "arms by tenure ot operator; 80 90 49 88 76 u 1954... 123 68 20 21 22 1954 . . . 1954... 58 16 17 94 1954... 48 21 1954 .. . 21 28 1954 . . . 1 16 SO 1954 .. . 13 2 IS 33 34 1954 . . . 1954 . . . 3 5 1 15 N JJ 1954 . . . Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fniit-and-nut . . number 1959 . . . 9 56 12 9 „ 6 M Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. . . 123 71 8 57 :arms by economic class: 203 64 54 32 47 lr> 6 56 ss 41 15 61 82 is 64 Value of products sold by source: average per farm, dollars 1959 . . . 1954... 10,543,869 7,142,467 40,710 30,654 4,480,585 se 87 es 1954 . . . Field crops, other than vegetables 1954... 3,790,637 2,308,217 2,234,881 2,009,217 70 1954 . . . 1,449,856 151 72 73 74 75 78 77 78 1954 .. . Forest products and horticultural 1954 . . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959 .. , 1954... 1954... 248 163,000 105,652 6,063,284 3,351,830 26,725 61,518 562,500 80 81 82 1954 .. . Livestock and livestock products, other 1954 . . . 121,856 5,474,059 3,168,456 TEXAS 275 County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [All data except residence of operator are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Estimated number of farms 1959 . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES lltee farms reporting 1959 . Com pickers farms reportin Motortrucks farms reporting 1959 . Tractors farms reporting 1 Tractors other than garden farms reporting 1 number 1 1 tractor farms reporting 1 2 or more tractors farms reporting 1 Wheel tractors farms reporting 1 1 1 Crawler tractors farms reporting 1 Garden tractors farms reporting 1959 . Automobiles farms reportir Telephone farms Milking n . farms reporting 1959 . reporting 1959 . 1954. reporting 1959 . 1954 reporting 1959. 1954. reporting 1959 . reporting 1959 . reporting 1959 . Electric milk cooler farms Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 . )irt or unimproved. . Less than 1 mile . farms reporting 1959 . e to a hard surface road farms lo a hard surface road farms DATE OF ENUMERATION reporting 1959 . reporting 1959 . reporting 1959 . reporting 1959. Approximate average date of enumeration 1959. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION1 Family workers, including operators larms reporting 1959 . 1954. persona 1959. 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1959 . 1954. 1 lo It hours persons 1959 . 15 or more hours persons 1959 . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959 . persons 1959. Hired workers ... farms reporting 1959 . 1954. persons 1959 . 1954 . s) . . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. parsons 1959. 1954. is reporting by number of regular hired workers: Sired worker farms reporting 1959 . x more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . FARM OPERATOR REON I* 1 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 1For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-October 2. Regular workers (employed 150 c 35,513 35,952 40,699 40,882 9,584 6,943 9,900 7,119 12,932 10,355 13,589 10,650 5,726 4,689 6,357 5,064 149,821 153,379 197,812 189,736 156,664 174,051 277,982 276,843 153,147 268,175 89,051 64,096 152,374 169,529 262,294 264,319 4,823 3,315 5,881 4,168 8,940 8,066 9,807 8,356 176,715 205,402 210,793 250,679 126,843 111,395 119,449 93,943 7,967 10,014 7,297 1,460 U,565 95,325 96,250 54,115 62,048 73,026 154,799 24,694 48,332 43,419 4,913 11/22-11/28 183,631 256,980 253,818 378,036 179,089 250,935 60,570 118,519 47,578 59,740 157,406 345,344 28,635 27,090 62,644 62,073 177,739 251,254 35,332 36,363 1,142 1,074 1,225 1,346 1,100 1,466 1,294 2,304 1,672 3,479 1,219 2,229 495 724 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 1,639 1,165 2,043 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 1,137 1,577 1,606 1,117 1,496 1,553 1,044 1,104 1,186 11/1-11/7 1,093 1,366 1,719 2,177 1,079 1,328 229 850 276 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are based Estimated number of farms. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES Grain combines farms reporting 1959 Com pickers farms rorrnling 1050 1954 number 1059 1954 Pick-up balers farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 1954 Motortrucks farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 1954 Tractors farms reporting 1959 Tractors other than garden farms reporting 1 number 1 1 tractor farms reporting 1 2 or more tractors farms reporting 1 eporting 1 1 farti - reporting L059 \utoniohiles farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 1954 Telephone farms reporting 1059 1954 Home freezer farms reporting 1959 1954 Milking machine farms reporting. 1959 1954 ric milk cooler farms report me 1959 Crop drier (for cram, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 r-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower ..... farms reporting 1959 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 [950 Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959. 1950. Less than 1 mile uj a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 , 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 . 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . DATE OF ENUMERATION ? dale of ■■numeration .1959. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION1 Family workers, including operators farms reporting 1959 . 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . 15 or more hours persons 1959 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours , farms report n ■■ I 159 persons Hired workers farms reporting 1959 inlar workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 19 19 1954. Farms reporting by number of regular hired wnrl-ers 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 , FARM OPER VTOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. esiding on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 1,5U 1,391 2,070 1,373 1,277 1,416 1,477 1,583 1,770 1,542 1,815 2,017 1,521 2,223 1,769 3,212 2,476 3,165 2,423 2,012 1,479 3,170 2,368 1,193 921 819 558 2,012 1,468 2,213 1,673 3,155 2,267 3,131 2,224 2,002 1,690 2,378 2,200 2,325 2,347 2,940 3,010 1,423 1,510 1,173 1,617 1,168 1,285 838 1,493 1,863 2,575 2,603 4,010 1,828 2,535 636 1,192 1,616 2,372 2,377 3,589 1,576 2,302 482 1,094 xFor 1954, data relate of September 26-0ctober 2. TEXAS FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 277 i reports for only a samnle of farms. Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Broo*s Brown Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Catron C^p 1,193 1,835 1,279 936 96 281 178 1,227 1,455 855 809 253 854 2,365 523 1 1,490 2,336 1,710 1,393 102 505 304 1,461 1,562 993 1,246 251 978 2,835 862 2 418 25 146 21 2 103 8 296 43 163 60 39 213 92 5 3 305 46 208 23 1 122 6 344 42 173 88 48 234 116 5 4 424 32 233 22 2 114 9 311 49 163 65 61 235 136 5 5 315 56 345 24 1 133 6 359 47 174 98 67 243 137 5 8 35 15 53 18 1 2 43 36 79 20 6 7 7 49 8 U 10 24 32 73 13 1 18 8 35 15 56 26 1 2 54 36 80 20 6 7 9 49 8 14 10 26 32 84 13 1 25 10 94 111 122 55 17 5 71 75 21 45 13 38 60 10 11 84 84 51 62 5 25 7 56 44 15 61 13 26 65 10 IS 96 121 124 65 4 18 5 86 83 21 45 13 38 61 15 13 84 94 53 67 6 25 7 57 47 15 71 13 26 65 10 14 17 33 37 7 1 36 11 35 19 11 8 12 124 10 15 14 14 16 25 20 8 16 8 7 18 154 10 16 17 3; 42 12 1 37 13 35 20 11 "8 12 140 10 17 14 16 20 29 20 9 16 12 7 18 158 10 18 783 940 856 527 91 260 88 804 783 600 500 186 611 1,561 308 19 658 924 776 719 93 405 131 912 691 545 587 173 605 1,895 332 SO 907 1,125 1,166 715 193 413 154 952 889 658 587 250 732 2,160 325 21 742 1,047 1,125 815 174 542 193 1,018 797 585 686 234 665 2,675 353 22 915 809 872 429 34 262 » 848 790 555 559 209 627 1,917 223 23 1,034 750 766 558 26 460 150 1,037 687 652 763 198 769 2,232 221 24 1,397 1,189 1,756 775 66 672 135 1,149 1,177 685 1,132 559 865 4,509 286 2E 1,360 988 1,749 899 55 959 196 1,294 1,006 767 1,301 508 939 4,590 251 29 910 754 807 403 32 262 86 818 786 545 559 209 617 1,863 223 27 1,349 1,097 1,602 716 62 666 135 1,085 1,164 669 1,126 548 829 4,351 275 28 621 611 482 291 15 64 53 631 621 444 285 69 461 843 191 21 289 143 325 112 17 198 33 187 165 101 274 140 156 1,020 32 ;« 908 753 797 402 28 262 86 818 786 544 554 209 607 1,858 223 51 1,022 689 710 533 23 460 1AB 1,002 687 645 748 198 759 2,202 216 IS 1,324 1,069 1,515 683 44 658 133 1,053 1,134 658 1,115 532 789 4,183 275 X 1,282 908 1,561 848 38 919 193 1,205 963 732 1,265 494 905 4,392 246 34 24 26 77 23 15 6 2 27 26 11 10 11 31 128 35 14 11 71 7 12 10 2 9 27 6 16 11 5 105 36 25 28 87 33 18 8 2 32 30 11 11 16 40 168 37 35 14 86 15 17 22 2 10 32 6 16 14 5 132 38 48 92 146 57 4 6 59 13 14 6 11 31 112 11 39 42 66 96 36 18 1 73 6 29 20 29 66 5 II 48 92 154 59 4 6 64 13 16 6 11 36 158 11 •11 43 66 102 36 18 i 79 11 29 20 29 66 5 1! 1,042 1,141 1,022 631 71 256 93 1,026 970 670 609 218 678 1,886 308 < 1,198 1,264 1,338 873 83 394 176 1,161 898 733 926 223 755 2,060 436 44 1,184 1,278 1,198 763 99 311 117 1,249 ■ 1,063 740 724 288 797 2,581 344 45 1,434 1,389 1,622 1,074 130 490 249 1,403 1,060 819 1,287 368 867 2,724 451 1* 791 ■709 830 377 48 210 70 539 200 702 576 ]:!. 555 1,585 283 <7 540 294 865 381 49 218 76 328 166 754 583 89 270 1,531 225 - 31 34 5 79 23 48 7 48 36 6 3 34 1 13 39 14 52 5 63 24 28 5 37 23 3 9 11 40 31 40 5 84 23 48 7 48 36 16 3 36 1 13 41 14 52 5 73 24 28 5 37 23 3 9 12 r 924 2,073 649 1,258 545 1,300 354 1,084 1,030 296 14 114 588 64 285 43 1,200 2,511 740 1,348 588 1,490 430 1,435 1,227 380 7 122 710 52 321 44 1,058 2,368 742 1,506 702 1,442 439 1,250 1,217 346 24 184 860 83 362 43 1,360 2,961 829 1,675 763 1,667 516 1,661 1,367 468 7 205 1,002 85 414 If 580 1,625 366 723 523 827 233 854 739 1B8 6 84 428 25 ".77 47 519 1,515 364 628 449 595 250 808 562 51 3 115 389 6 .12 0 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1950 1054 persons 1959 1054 Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 1950 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1059 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 1954 Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 1954 1,402 1,265 1,733 1,083 1,577 1,963 2,327 1,372 1,722 2,006 1,203 2,299 1,588 3,039 i,a2 2,432 1,582 3,300 1,177 2,353 464 713 1,061 1,733 2,039 1,056 1,696 2,006 11/29-12/5 1,331 1,257 1,736 1,578 1,427 1,578 2,571 2,344 1,387 2,407 746 641 1,377 1,533 2,335 2,188 11/29-12/5 : , e 3 1,854 2,227 2,811 1,579 1,834 631 948 981 1,429 1,346 1,875 1,583 1,414 1,820 1,097 317 1,404 1,335 1,797 1,549 1,544 1,587 1,5a 1,744 1,863 1,780 1,940 2,032 1,246 1,208 732 1,241 1,110 1,032 1,597 2,052 2,518 3,399 1,578 2,036 322 1,256 1For 1954, data relate of September 26-October 2. TEXAS 281 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on reports for onl\ a samnle of farms. S^e to\l] Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin Fa^tte Fisher Floyd Foard Fort Bend Franklin 723 1,361 43 220 2,120 436 1,612 1,835 2,a7 3,285 822 933 390 1,982 635 1 603 1,741 71 250 2,895 686 2,078 2,800 2,931 3,774 1,245 1,223 491 2,371 784 2 17 320 2 5 390 6 344 227 235 99 149 458 79 67 2 3 17 354 2 6 320 7 283 134 199 39 177 359 78 47 11 4 20 357 2 5 440 8 353 243 243 99 156 533 84 136 2 17 387 2 6 339 11 305 189 261 39 188 384 93 85 11 6 2 1 185 16 306 136 233 10 11 133 1 7 152 7 36 186 116 115 1 20 80 8 3 1 186 16 316 138 238 10 11 134 1 9 173 7 36 186 116 115 1 : 81 10 12 84 3 221 38 95 185 216 202 8 54 22 101 13 11 18 91 234 117 138 134 148 84 7 25 16 100 12 12 84 7 3 226 45 95 195 233 207 8 54 33 109 13 13 18 91 4 238 136 138 145 152 84 7 25 22 109 7 14 22 21 1 3 40 13 45 37 42 48 49 60 11 21 8 15 25 6 3 3 67 1 24 -' 8 43 12 13 1 22 6 16 23 21 1 4 45 19 45 4- 42 48 50 62 11 28 8 17 25 6 3 ? 68 2 24 50 8 43 12 13 1 28 6 18 437 851 34 200 1,331 340 1,120 1,342 1,695 628 853 315 1,046 400 19 350 872 32 206 1,479 472 1,058 1,135 1,138 1,467 676 942 313 1,018 443 20 501 918 50 332 1,616 631 1,329 1,313 1,564 1,857 729 1,702 445 1,290 409 21 392 935 42 283 1,743 752 1,194 1,259 1,252 1,542 1,343 402 1,208 498 22 442 979 • 59 1,759 331 1,185 1,424 1,614 2,397 879 350 1,550 354 23 327 1,285 15 64 2,215 480 1,356 1,701 2,148 2,357 1,072 1,107 447 1,656 275 24 540 1,345 27 78 3,623 1,009 1,523 2,552 2,809 3,177 1,252 2,602 655 2,809 421 25 390 1,573 20 79 3,729 1,379 1,628 2,670 2,924 2,722 1,703 2,582 776 2,728 322 26 429 979 19 49 1,734 331 1,119 1,404 1,578 2,367 726 874 345 1,535 349 27 5H 1,284 27 61 3,541 1,004 1,406 2,516 2,714 3,082 1,245 2,564 645 2,745 390 26 361 707 17 39 791 110 916 733 888 1,801 347 130 165 944 312 29 68 272 2 10 943 221 203 671 690 566 379 744 180 591 37 30 429 969 >.> 49 1,734 324 1,109 1,404 1,568 2,367 715 874 345 1,529 348 31 325 1,235 15 57 2,190 459 1,321 1,671 2,113 2,312 1,061 1,097 447 1,606 275 32 505 1,259 25 57 3,528 917 1,369 2,489 2,676 3,029 1,212 2,501 640 2,690 389 33 383 1,465 18 69 3,647 1,271 1,548 2,627 2,867 2,634 1,689 2,506 761 2,609 317 34 15 25 2 3 12 64 32 22 38 33 33 58 49 1 35 3 16 : 2 30 58 21 8 7 13 25 5 25 31 16 25 2 4 13 87 37 27 38 53 33 63 5 55 1 17 3 16 1 2 32 83 26 8 7 3 13 25 3 42 '.V 13 61 16 57 5 107 36 82 95 7 33 10 57 31 3I> 3 92 : 8 50 20 54 35 40 85 1 51 7 66 5 W 19 61 17 82 5 117 36 95 95 7 38 10 64 31 41 4 "-•2 1 8 50 25 54 35 50 85 1 51 7 77 5 42 339 1,039 20 198 1,847 360 1,286 1,387 1,698 2,675 668 859 328 1,594 389 43 1,267 59 194 2,319 498 1,473 2,035 2,081 2,983 1,071 1,091 416 1,780 415 44 358 1,186 23 248 2,156 567 1,533 1,605 1,864 3,080 748 1,128 366 1,885 437 189 1,333 63 2,872 1,138 1,756 2,332 2,458 3,358 l,a6 1,592 525 2,155 429 46 68 777 32 170 1,311 336 895 756 718 918 565 837 264 804 281 47 28 627 41 1,255 502 697 713 610 987 742 931 271 453 118 18 83 629 31 173 1,011 162 828 864 533 1,517 361 701 169 1,257 257 ll 65 457 36 120 728 282 599 537 300 1,082 333 715 159 980 142 ,10 80 27 1 24 24 175 22 85 209 7 5 77 SI 68 38 3 58 20 254 33 40 221 23 7 15 88 5! 75 1 34 24 180 17 70 187 7 5 1 66 VI 9 5 3 13 39 6 8 5 7 6 14 1 3 149 16 67 214 38 295 26 115 40 93 1 51 143 518 8 35 1,020 309 569 560 1,017 1,083 219 100 145 560 578 '.i 159 424 15 40 865 530 439 515 1,001 856 137 291 55 475 321 :,7 1 324 27 126 818 61 518 688 395 1,541 144 5 17 1,181 16 58 371 li 17 1,377 106 523 632 180 1,701 65 31 1,338 90 59 513 1 54 189 54 514 577 754 573 457 602 221 240 41 Rl 475 903 29 176 916 106 1,003 1,559 2,446 1,321 1,030 857 392 501 596 61 89 186 6 80 31 63 177 318 122 133 136 62 102 20 6: 445 327 1 48 109 23 451 400 436 451 324 466 159 138 21 63 335 294 22 108 21 389 385 426 446 295 454 152 136 16 61 33 1 26 1 2 62 15 10 5 29 12 7 2 5 65 11/1 11/7 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29. 12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 10/25-10/31 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/22-11/28 11/1-11/7 11/29-12/5 gi 574 1,022 26 202 1,693 378 1,403 1,345 1,746 3,028 727 '792 316 1,732 587 67 379 . 66 234 2,569 580 1,865 2,562 2,573 3,573 1,116 1,078 448 2,123 716 18 708 1,414 245 2,194 458 1,982 1,924 2,392 5,574 944 993 427 2,862 830 ■1 578 2,289 90 303 3,872 862 2,922 3,699 4,043 6,059 1,595 1,376 630 3,448 1,133 ?< 566 1,007 26 201 1,672 363 1,371 1,314 1,719 2,952 719 777 315 1,706 577 71 351 1,523 59 230 2,544 575 1,830 2,511 2,538 3,453 1,079 1,061 443 2,078 686 71 167 439 9 31 480 64 459 294 613 773 159 114 134 470 264 73 399 568 17 170 1,192 299 912 1,020 1,106 2,179 560 663 181 1,236 313 M 104 294 9 33 356 65 478 484 472 1,792 165 170 94 761 207 75 142 407 9 44 522 95 611 610 673 2,622 225 211 112 1,156 253 » 108 91 IS 145 559 339 263 353 368 359 358 528 112 326 84 77 27 156 744 522 195 444 678 319 436 509 190 501 75 78 246 135 30 302 1,391 4,519 515 1,855 945 856 3,326 1,408 209 863 119 71 163 180 322 5,795 10,214 490 2,918 4,435 836 4,125 4,184 658 3,449 132 HI 83 45 18 118 306 282 130 161 142 121 98 370 53 151 31 HI 72 39 24 133 210 316 94 194 129 91 84 278 59 136 22 Hi 156 60 25 204 561 2,031 220 276 265 182 314 518 75 393 40 n 54 244 467 2,711 182 348 219 117 127 396 91 326 28 H< 35 13 72 187 71 96 88 82 92 55 268 46 84 23 BI 36 10 5 46 119 211 34 73 60 29 43 102 7 67 8 KB . 33 161 1,679 376 1,342 1,698 2,706 685 741 214 1,672 529 H7 ■ 1,446 56 227 2,468 551 1,773 2,294 2,585 3,462 968 981 310 2,064 711 HH 249 243 21 49 269 86 219 268 296 337 122 164 107 236 106 n 173 20 41 349 133 225 353 271 280 218 195 123 246 98 w 282 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQU1PMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are based Estimate number of farm SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES Grain combines farms reporting 1959 in. vi number 1959 1051 Corn pickers. farms reporting [953 number 1053 1054 Pick-up balers ...... farms reportinc 1059 Field fornpe harvesters farm Clicks farms reporting 1050 1054 number 1050 1954 Tractor^ farms reporting 1959 1954 mmit>er 1959 1051 clors other than carden farms reporting 1050 number 1059 . farms reporting 1959 farms ror-irtir^ 1359 \utomohiles farms re per in;; lli5("i 1054 nuinf"f 1959 1954 Telephone f:irm? reportinc 1959 1054 Home freezer farms rcportinc 1059 195 J g machine farms reportinc 1959 1054 ic milk cooler farms r. ;• Crop drier (Tor cram, forage, or other crops) farms reportinc 1959 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reportinc 1959 Farms by kind ot road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting 1959 iravr-l, shell, or shale farms reportinc 1950 1050 )irt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 19.50 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reportinc 1959 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1053 1 lo 4 miles farms reportinc 1059 5 or more miles farms reporting 1059 1059. DATE OF ENUMER VrtON imatC average dale of enumeration FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION ' workers, including operators farms reportinc 1059 " 1954 Opera ; «orkmc 1 perse B hours pors ]<1V-I [959 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 15 or more hours . . . persons 1959 Unpaid members of operator'- fomit) working 15 or more hours . farms reporting 1050 persons 1059 ired workers farms n>|<.-n iiif; UI59 1054 pewns 1959 1954 Recular workers (en, ployed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1950 1054 persons 1959 1954 Farms reporting by number of recular hin-d workers: 1 hired worker farms reportinc 1059 2 or more hired workers farms repuninj.' 1''59 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 11/29-12/5 1,524 1,223 2,542 1,056 1,111 1,261 1,245 1,574 2,021 1For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-0ctober 2. TEXAS FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 283 on reports for o nly a sample of farms. See text Gray Grayson Gregg G^e Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman Hardin Karris Harrison Hartley Haskell 347 2,300 515 1,212 1,879 1,535 596 1,136 310 585 699 2,377 1,564 144 1,184 1 511 2,841 865 1,481 2,092 1,737 730 1,397 370 654 1,140 3,906 2,533 207 1,341 2 168 585 9 32 221 621 171 378 164 146 7 133 6 77 310 s 225 502 25 9 161 684 168 374 200 208 6 176 12 122 336 209 617 9 34 228 709 183 386 250 168 9 255 6 109 324 5 270 538 30 11 166 771 184 383 296 254 6 302 14 194 350 e 216 7 241 21 1 66 2 1 89 9 T 185 7 8 209 47 75 13 60 8 219 7 248 22 1 66 2 1 96 9 9 185 7 8 215 52 75 13 60 in 29 253 20 42 102 94 31 70 20 11 21 167 65 23 18 11 15 131 28 41 64 94 16 70 8 17 18 136 34 19 12 1! 32 258 20 44 107 100 31 70 20 11 21 182 65 25 24 IS 15 131 29 42 65 95 17 75 8 17 18 137 35 20 12 14 39 35 6 44 38 67 18 44 13 15 86 15 17 29 15 24 13 18 22 23 38 28 12 4 14 90 12 16 7 Ifl 42 35 6 45 43 107 18 44 13 19 96 21 25 30 17 26 13 18 22 23 40 34 12 4 15 102 12 22 7 !H 321 1,294 333 710 1,061 1,397 475 748 293 442 360 1,655 755 134 831 11 391 1,264 319 663 926 1,491 488 689 342 395 414 2,030 664 176 850 BO 570 1,499 358 877 1,186 2,900 639 872 817 591 372 2,187 855 363 977 21 573 1,401 374 747 1,016 2,309 566 737 856 515 439 2,430 722 428 948 28 312 1,670 244 633 1,455 1,427 532 905 297 534 324 1,524 526 126 1,026 „ 387 1,809 185 565 1,519 1,642 669 1,028 339 587 279 1,723 477 185 1,255 724 2,701 345 880 2,164 3,909 1,143 1,246 833 1,055 342 2,641 700 384 1,895 711 2,557 296 732 2,067 3,908 1,259 1,316 924 1,111 309 2,572 585 490 2,174 '.m 310 1,619 224 622 1,445 1,427 525 900 297 513 223 1,405 500 125 1,001 27 690 2,599 295 832 2,123 3,861 1,1U 1,225 818 1,008 235 2,388 640 360 1,862 28 105 935 178 498 966 241 167 646 X 232 219 945 399 17 404 29 205 684 46 124 479 1,156 358 254 267 281 4 460 101 108 597 30 310 1,573 224 601 1,439 1,417 525 895 295 512 218 1,389 490 125 995 31 377 1,769 170 549 1,499 1,642 669 1,008 339 582 214 1,502 462 184 1,255 82 676 2,497 287 782 2,109 3,821 1,109 1,199 798 997 227 2,320 618 332 1,829 33 681 2,449 235 689 2,007 3,817 1,257 1,284 873 1,100 227 2,224 547 438 2,159 34 14 95 7 39 13 38 5 18 16 5 8 64 22 20 32 5 22 11 14 12 7 2 13 13 5 16 33 20 28 14 36 14 102 8 50 14 40 5 26 20 11 8 68 22 28 33 37 6 22 26 15 14 8 2 16 16 5 17 37 30 36 14 38 34 100 40 40 36 48 8 21 14 33 107 234 54 20 32 30 24 86 35 27 46 83 16 34 6 65 293 8 16 1 40 34 102 50 48 41 48 29 21 15 47 107 253 60 24 33 41 24 86 35 28 46 83 16 35 6 65 311 8 16 1 42 308 1,919 399 824 1,572 1,461 517 974 298 491 525 1,862 869 133 1,085 43 416 2,275 655 828 1,798 1,638 589 1,042 335 514 709 2,861 981 165 1,207 44 391 2,160 490 900 1,896 2,020 629 1,078 414 581 567 2,295 967 185 1,234 45 499 2,518 815 983 2,202 2,483 665 1,144 466 665 818 3,632 1,054 258 1,369 43 251 1,131 385 539 1,139 1,334 241 668 177 436 459 1,860 668 94 486 47 286 954 291 360 1,096 1,112 185 731 120 358 671 2,502 598 68 240 n 249 1,032 289 516 946 1,224 374 600 179 240 467 1,753 560 88 643 49 274 697 218 395 673 987 303 434 135 155 616 2,447 333 102 375 50 2 101 35 87 45 49 X 15 222 64 21 15 51 13 127 15 36 66 83 io 41 5 45 li 269 62 11 16 52 2 106 30 87 45 33 35 11 208 55 21 10 53 2 6 13 17 1 7 37 2 64 77 143 10 142 131 14 179 88 is 67 13 48 79 55 81 801 363 385 873 487 225 391 153 196 380 1,621 947 56 282 M 133 1,001 610 425 740 445 271 320 81 108 225 1,580 1,258 82 267 57 37 1,185 54 184 792 23 579 31 53 17 239 137 2 171 M 26 1,505 121 61 990 10 20 810 12 118 812 245 6 186 59 201 203 77 599 199 1,019 364 155 122 325 290 402 383 86 704 M 378 866 165 1,265 396 1,378 602 460 167 520 721 759 1,660 80 954 «l 60 136 30 205 65 289 135 45 33 104 140 302 176 10 207 «'.' 141 67 47 394 134 730 229 no 89 221 150 100 207 76 497 58 133 66 46 353 119 720 222 93 80 178 140 94 191 51 473 M 8 1 1 41 15 10 7 17 9 43 10 6 16 25 24 55 12/6-12/12 11/22-11/28 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 10/25-10/31 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 N 275 1,916 436 892 1,587 1,248 366 1,066 201 445 446 ' 2,033 944 119 972 117 424 2,572 756 1,326 1,937 1,598 650 1,284 328 619 981 3,525 2,082 173 1,246 «H 369 2,583 504 1,306 2,476 1,775 467 1,574 233 586 533 2,820 1,148 157 1,245 m 602 3,806 1,189 2,395 3,351 2,193 790 1,985 412 880 1,162 4,922 3,103 241 1,654 7" 275 1,881 425 881 1,522 1,246 355 1,044 196 435 429 2,003 904 119 956 71 422 2,527 710 1,310 1,920 1,581 643 1,263 324 600 956 3,448 2,026 171 1,211 72 50 723 257 370 426 158 82 291 56 107 280 793 484 21 238 7* 225 1,158 168 511 1,096 1,088 273 753 140 328 149 1,210 420 98 718 7< 57 502 73 278 682 387 73 445 29 120 78 625 224 31 216 75 94 702 79 425 954 529 112 530 37 151 104 817 244 38 289 7« 74 327 85 206 352 890 184 91 120 119 29 548 192 56 252 77 129 518 127 269 337 823 323 130 127 160 45 654 259 76 569 7N 166 768 215 634 858 2,614 1,052 160 190 243 37 1,305 439 115 1,095 70 402 2,158 402 2,484 1,026 4,302 3,433 171 198 1,162 77 2,252 856 178 5,068 Wl 37 123 30 129 136 685 93 43 89 62 18 412 117 44 136 ai 47 163 50 93 118 594 89 42 63 75 19 416 94 42 114 62 57 230 54 387 215 1,077 176 65 128 85 19 863 262 86 396 N 64 215 107 446 203 882 148 50 77 92 23 879 242 100 142 M 27 80 14 91 79 465 62 23 64 42 17 233 69 26 83 M 10 43 16 38 57 220 31 20 25 20 1 179 48 18 53 M 287 1,827 420 914 1,504 1,195 376 991 160 373 557 1,969 1,255 114 807 «7 428 2,479 799 1,310 1,830 1,465 592 1,353 204 508 1,106 3,548 2,364 145 1,053 »« 90 307 47 217 359 237 172 114 148 135 36 246 128 66 263 »» 92 205 53 200 240 217 150 122 214 135 33 231 150 58 , 258 W) 284 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are based Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hays Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo Hill Hockley Hood Hoplcijis Houston Howard 1 653 879 227 340 1,675 2,166 3,603 4,077 2,202 2,627 1,301 1,339 616 872 2,121 2,495 1,664 2,459 506 647 2 1054 . . . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES 3 17 77 25 162 352 576 112 35 92 144 50 92 34 114 181 596 90 26 60 166 9 22 94 26 180 364 660 122 35 101 157 6 1954... 50 106 35 US 184 628 98 27 65 175 7 16 52 21 540 15 13 5 23 5 S 1954 . . . 31 48 11 357 25 16 5 11 9 number 1059 . . . 16 52 21 550 15 13 5 24 5 10 1054... 31 48 12 357 25 16 5 12 55 50 29 22 24 21 113 75 153 86 11 60 53 50 130 79 73 89 6 1 12 1954... 13 number 1950 . . . 55 29 24 118 158 12 54 151 73 7 1054... 50 22 22 77 86 60 51 80 90 1 13 20 26 19 99 42 11 5 41 47 32 1054 . . . 10 22 1 143 11 41 7 25 54 17 number 1959... 21 27 20 122 42 16 5 41 54 35 18 1954... 10 22 2 156 11 41 7 26 58 19 473 188 1,063 2,130 1,323 1,084 431 1,350 1,036 431 go 1054... 520 257 1,143 2,500 1,037 970 440 1,241 1,309 406 21 number 1050... 555 300 1,208 3,167 1,455 1,694 535 1,479 1,212 569 22 1054 . . . 635 350 1,194 3,788 1,089 1,164 508 1,294 1,399 489 23 1'nu I r firms reporting 1959 414 580 164 255 881 905 2,729 2,951 1,856 2,103 1,135 1,240 490 517 1,246 1,033 795 891 446 541 „4 1954 . . . 25 number 1959... 671 328 1,064 6,482 3,307 2,632 698 1,596 1,074 877 26 1051... 843 413 1,052 6,566 3,086 2,745 671 1,236 1,293 982 27 395 164 861 2,644 1,836 1,128 470 1,195 789 441 2h number 1059 .. . 616 301 1,018 6,240 3,267 2,611 636 1,487 1,048 864 260 135 379 572 81 83 163 244 743 118 859 855 1,275 1,369 2,637 2,905 862 974 1,836 2,088 300 828 1,128 1,240 360 110 469 502 958 237 1,190 1,013 667 122 784 886 189 252 441 541 30 31 32 1954 . . . x\ number 1059 . . . 579 296 990 5,984 3,245 2,610 621 1,464 1,021 848 34 1954 . . . 806 392 983 6,166 3,033 2,732 629 1,194 1,241 980 35 30 5 27 149 19 1 8 23 21 15 36 1954 . . . 19 3 9 157 11 2 15 11 13 2 37 number 1059. .. 37 5 28 256 22 1 15 23 27 16 38 1954 . . . 19 9 257 13 2 16 12 14 2 38 50 27 46 194 40 17 60 109 25 12 10 1954 17 17 55 121 35 11 24 30 38 11 number 1050... 55 27 46 242 40 21 62 109 26 13 IS 1954... 18 17 60 143 40 11 26 30 38 ._ 547 686 195 256 951 975 2,864 3,024 1,849 2,185 1,221 1,214 453 636 1,616 1,465 964 1,040 455 513 u 1954... j5 number 1959. .. 656 247 1,076 3,782 2,128 1,514 552 1,778 1,057 566 46 1954... 895 337 1,052 4,125 2,487 1,477 740 1,571 1,129 709 47 403 126 573 2,600 1,052 732 476 934 305 310 48 1954... 381 152 338 2,387 973 375 525 398 305 199 49 504 391 133 112 655 367 1,812 1,314 934 676 900 608 315 245 760 344 548 441 309 253 50 1954... 56 13 14 78 44 20 5 534 7 18 52 1954... 81 37 IS 117 36 30 11 435 50 7 53 61 9 14 74 43 5 5 498 7 7 54 Crop drier (for gram, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1950 . . . 7 1 45 8 6 10 1 55 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1050 . . . Farms by kind of road on which located: 34 39 22 80 136 69 24 12 12 12 56 301 53 787 1,773 1 80 675 239 1,141 534 236 57 1050 . . . 347 29 922 2,210 706 572 192 875 748 265 156 6 63 904 999 31 253 253 102 47 59 1950... 290 15 95 790 1,186 15 146 155 180 27 60 192 146 782 757 503 580 113 686 921 211 61 1950... 255 234 1,497 1,355 1,286 704 462 2,022 1,614 468 62 Less than 1 mile lo a hard surface road ...... farms reporting 1959 . . 74 31 354 435 191 307 65 206 239 39 63 118 115 428 322 312 273 48 480 682 172 64 114 105 427 293 285 273 47 480 536 171 65 DATE OF ENUMERATION 4 10 1 29 27 1 146 1 66 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION ' 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 10/25-10/31 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 67 519 180 1,317 2,426 1,852 1,023 521 1,730 1,062 414 68 1954... 766 285 1,794 3,167 2,326 1,247 802 2,224 2,133 574 69 persons 1959 .. . 734 253 1,554 3,134 2,499 1,280 739 2,496 1,314 508 70 1954 . . . 1,177 460 2,284 4,440 3,456 1,655 1,125 3,288 3,672 724 71 Operators working 1 or mere hours persons 1059 . . . 508 173 1,259 2,364 1,811 1,013 511 1,710 1,022 397 72 1054 . . . 738 269 1,747 3,086 2,296 1,227 782 2,157 2,037 564 73 137 80 784 531 446 1£4 156 626 553 113 74 371 93 475 1,833 1,365 829 355 1,084 469 284 75 Unpaid members of operator's family 165 63 235 546 523 170 173 610 227 81 76 persons 1050 . . 226 80 295 770 688 267 228 786 292 111 77 159 40 133 1,471 389 641 71 228 201 204 79 1054 . . . 187 55 207 1,974 763 539 106 315 357 319 79 persons 1050 . . . 282 73 309 9,570 807 3,051 157 397 414 895 80 1054 . . . 357 134 458 11,078 4,767 4,464 601 1,670 1,790 3,159 91 Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 112 29 55 1,071 196 400 33 133 103 144 82 1954... 142 30 60 1,328 146 255 41 69 120 118 83 persons 1050 . . . 204 56 92 4,585 242 645 88 185 184 229 84 1054... Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 192 48 101 5,619 193 346 104 94 279 187 73 39 16 13 13. 412 659 168 28 269 131 19 14 100 33 73 30 99 45 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 87 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1059 . . . 518 145 1,332 2,537 1,786 983 516 1,674 1,221 435 88 1954 . . . 745 241 1,943 3,115 2,353 1,163 701 2,160 2,132 536 89 77 41 231 790 301 196 60 244 193 80 M 1954 .. . 120 68 244 858 259 97 101 295 274 103 1Far 1954, data relate to week of September 26-0ctober 2. TEXAS FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 285 on reports for o ly a sample of farms. See text Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Mon Jae* Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg Jim Wells Johnson Jones — Kaufman 102 2,282 123 100 579 980 963 61 709 69 709 2,033 1,251 1,153 1,632 1 155 2,637 167 111 809 1,077 1,708 112 1,076 112 775 2,439 1,509 1,552 2,109 2 9 357 60 14 56 119 1 211 2 123 343 441 195 214 S 3 176 61 5 84 62 5 209 6 108 302 476 231 207 9 375 101 15 57 152 1 262 2 156 355 461 213 250 5 4 197 90 6 96 105 5 299 6 122 314 520 244 246 6 67 65 2 2 16 152 5 230 11 7 11 i 5 52 5 2 104 5 152 53 8 67 65 2 2 16 152 5 243 12 9 12 1 5 52 5 3 109 5 152 54 10 'ii 211 9 "e 23 52 40 125 7 59 184 4 61 166 11 32 96 10 1 33 41 16 6 50 4 39 177 7 39 194 12 12 214 9 6 23 73 40 4 129 7 59 187 5 61 182 IS 39 97 10 1 34 41 16 8 50 4 44 177 9 39 206 14 8 19 19 1 1 21 1 9 1 70 52 29 34 21 15 1 15 3 2 10 7 5 7 2 5 39 43 11 51 22 IS 11 19 20 1 1 24 2 9 1 79 52 33 34 21 17 1 21 5 2 10 14 5 7 2 5 44 43 11 51 23 IS 92 1,356 122 91 399 744 432 59 467 52 499 1,266 866 776 1,049 19 130 950 131 104 407 568 686 95 576 55 491 1,158 766 807 1,012 20 159 1,579 312 140 439 907 468 147 844 89 720 1,432 1,072 925 1,266 21 254 1,094 295 139 472 708 688 203 947 93 652 1,314 867 917 1,188 22 49 1,784 101 47 326 694 408 29 394 45 525 1,550 1,121 984 1,010 23 111 1,904 111 51 416 648 311 44 534 36 615 1,732 1,305 1,173 1,345 24 154 2,9% 290 71 409 1,375 454 63 1,124 63 1,050 2,354 1,959 1,779 1,803 25 415 2,661 285 68 507 1,111 332 86 1,204 55 1,085 2,527 2,159 1,973 2,302 26 44 1,784 101 45 305 669 327 29 363 44 525 1,495 1,111 979 1,000 27 148 2,951 276 68 367 1,335 346 56 1,034 62 1,048 2,230 1,908 1,748 1,754 28 10 993 26 32 255 335 309 18 103 30 249 996 580 502 614 29 34 791 75 13 50 334 18 11 260 14 276 499 531 477 386 SO 38 1,778 101 45 294 669 327 26 363 44 525 1,490 1,110 979 995 31 111 1,894 111 45 404 622 250 37 419 35 614 1,672 1,305 1,153 1,334 32 123 2,914 264 65 348 1,309 345 47 968 60 1,018 2,204 1,890 1,734 1,692 33 366 2,604 260 58 461 1,044 270 72 989 52 1,051 ">,316 2,109 1,881 2,229 34 22 32 10 3 19 16 1 8 54 2 19 25 7 13 36 35 45 21 8 7 11 10 6 54 2 15 19 14 19 32 36 25 37 12 3 19 26 i 9 66 2 30 26 18 14 62 n 49 30 12 7 11 17 7 69 2 27 20 34 41 48 88 6 35 14 3 42 40 108 6 69 1 2 124 31 31 48 39 27 12 3 35 40 62 7 140 1 7 191 16 51 20 40 "d 45 14 3 42 40 108 7 90 1 2 124 51 31 49 27 13 3 35 50 62 7 146 1 7 191 16 51 25 42 86 1,950 114 86 479 773 724 52 634 63 542 1,827 1,125 1,003 1,201 43 125 2,062 132 93 513 789 871 100 863 59 581 2,051 1,338 1,267 1,388 44 99 2,350 176 127 527 866 822 110 821 89 646 2,213 1,267 1,160 1,374 CO 214 2,473 194 143 585 990 940 161 1,129 95 835 2,536 1,529 1,605 1,688 M 33 1,250 96 61 381 547 679 39 600 15 341 1,542 883 790 974 f, 63 835 57 89 275 441 805 63 717 15 198 1,141 775 708 730 w 45 731 88 63 298 681 700 33 508 13 292 977 623 529 665 a 73 417 92 65 263 468 536 50 690 18 272 787 415 455 400 50 6 61 10 11 60 35 4 79 252 6 47 25 SI 82 5 6 15 129 25 8 60 317 12 43 31 52 6 46 5 11 64 35 4 68 227 5 42 20 53 1 2 36 29 14 2 7 S< 80 30 i 5 71 5 2 22 27 176 77 150 '78 55 42 1,132 67 24 170 331 506 7 532 5 421 595 407 563 727 M 34 931 57 25 194 348 700 34 438 66 513 601 284 736 775 I) 43 340 10 3 69 453 12 4 114 11 108 1,048 479 230 227 H 1. 190 2 25 94 456 60 1 350 1 72 1,197 641 50 182 M 13 805 46 73 306 165 439 46 34 43 174 348 364 349 641 80 54 2,206 74 36 542 192 940 38 98 63 242 660 738 765 1,277 11 1 382 12 18 60 127 243 8 25 18 100 96 85 113 221 82 12 423 34 55 246 38 196 38 9 25 74 252 279 236 420 6.1 2 412 31 26 215 33 184 16 8 22 47 232 278 223 410 64 10 U 3 29 31 5 12 22 1 3 27 20 1 13 10 18 12/13 -12/19 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/1-11/7 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/1-11/7 10/25-10/31 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 10/5-10/31 11/29-12/5 88 69 1,839 112 78 390 773 762 53 603 53 582 ' 1,727 975 963 1,324 17 131 2,229 141 106 732 999 1,420 101 996 66 684 2,306 1,294 1,446 1,806 81 86 2,519 171 87 446 1,099 1,019 62 762 60 779 2,255 1,208 1,708 1,669 tv.i 144 3,166 224 155 1,029 1,637 1,791 120 1,168 89 1,074 3,229 1,715 2,646 2,886 711 69 1,813 111 78 382 753 697 53 587 53 575 1,656 948 931 1,314 71 126 2,149 140 99 701 982 1,363 96 980 59 646 2,231 1,283 1,414 1,771 72 8 710 16 23 133 237 379 7 225 14 142 691 264 174 574 78 61 1,103 95 55 249 516 318 46 362 39 433 965 684 757 740 7* 13 476 46 7 42 308 275 5 136 4 157 490 213 524 322 78 17 706 60 9 64 346 322 9 175 7 204 599 260 777 355 76 52 382 54 51 45 217 30 51 153 49 250 287 251 223 313 77 131 525 58 70 125 142 36 65 309 38 179 441 502 262 582 78 610 1,201 202 125 82 420 38 224 398 180 756 453 1,136 392 1,213 7P 3,071 2,927 147 119 358 846 120 226 887 150 576 1,464 4,077 1,073 3,689 80 48 129 39 47 23 160 22 47 137 29 154 164 102 132 149 81 117 91 31 48 53 78 17 65 216 33 138 178 118 128 167 «'.> 202 333 76 103 39 288 24 202 311 120 524 208 206 194 381 M 673 159 73 85 64 274 27 219 361 115 440 225 219 214 517 m 22 84 28 21 14 104 21 20 75 11 99 140 79 97 66 H5 26 45 11 26 9 56 1 27 62 18 55 24 23 35 83 88 78 1,681 85 64 384 737 888 49 557 34 521 1,595 950 964 1,078 87 144 2,222 123 93 607 884 1,579 76 910 64 574 2,115 1,270 1,308 1,707 88 20 493 28 48 108 175 29 22 121 39 183 244 213 181 280 M 31 458 43 22 228 174 26 23 97 65 138 303 195 223 353 »o 286 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are based Estimated numl>er of farms. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ines farms reporting 1 Com pickers farms reporting 1950 Pick-up balers farms reporting 1 1 number 1 . farms reporting 1050 Motortrucks farms reportine 1050. Tractors Farms reporting 1 9 Tractors other than garden farms reporting 1 1 tractor farms reporting I 2 or more tractors farms reporting I .farms reporting 1050, den tractors farms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 \ulomobiles farms reporting 1 number 1 1 Telephone farms reporting 1 Home freezer farms reporting 1 1 Milking machine farms reportine 1 1 Electric milk cooler farms reporting 1 Crop drier (for 41 29 4 87 5 14 1 82 57 6 12 7 10 84 11 9 83 40 39 94 47 62 20 5 48 5 26 11 92 32 10 48 28 29 29 58 15 52 1 1 68 13 18 12 85 11 9 83 40 39 104 50 63 20 5 48 8 34 19 97 32 11 48 28 29 31 58 15 52 1 1 68 13 19 M 51 20 13 12 15 4 9 14 24 24 1 53 23 1 15 26 6 21 16 11 20 12 19 13 24 5 44 28 8 1« 52 20 21 13 15 5 10 14 28 31 1 55 25 1 17 26 6 24 16 11 20 13 19 18 27 5 50 28 8 18 1,448 569 154 1,291 734 777 801 838 316 349 344 7 1,640 734 484 IS 1,321 474 165 1,140 645 714 574 1,061 332 348 336 6 1,688 369 502 SO 2,274 627 258 1,373 827 848 1,035 907 702 440 411 11 2,753 1,154 611 21 1,790 500 273 1,203 727 802 791 1,184 609 433 368 10 2,250 1,071 622 22 1,573 504 162 2,170 864 551 762 1,032 314 487 225 2 1,693 833 480 29 1,602 487 198 2,183 840 493 458 1,277 320 591 199 2 1,944 1,060 557 24 3,977 626 284 2,709 1,239 736 1,383 1,585 676 846 253 2 4,336 2,042 737 25 3,181 550 374 2,456 994 620 789 2,000 580 947 209 4 4,308 2,149 756 St 1,568 499 162 2,119 864 550 702 1,022 313 482 204 2 1,678 820 480 27 3,930 600 283 2,633 1,209 733 1,257 1,520 641 834 228 2 4,255 2,018 730 28 269 410 97 1,662 643 447 456 715 97 279 187 2 382 163 279 29 1,299 89 65 457 221 103 246 307 216 203 17 1,296 657 201 30 1,568 494 161 2,119 864 550 701 1,022 313 482 200 1 1,678 815 479 31 1,602 472 197 2,148 835 493 413 1,252 320 591 185 1 1,934 1,060 557 32 3,919 587 276 2,609 1,198 698 1,212 1,499 638 805 213 1 4,229 1,996 713 33 3,152 533 353 2,401 981 604 705 1,934 565 920 188 3 4,193 2,121 750 34 10 13 5 24 11 29 38 16 3 24 13 1 25 17 17 35 17 1 14 4 2 9 12 21 5 16 3 1 20 1 5 36 11 13 7 24 11 35 45 21 3 29 15 1 26 22 17 37 18 2 16 3 9 15 21 5 17 3 1 24 1 5 38 42 26 1 76 30 2 121 65 ... 12 25 71 13 7 30 11 15 5 51 10 7 63 40 10 5 18 91 27 1 40 47 26 1 76 30 3 126 65 35 12 25 81 24 7 41 11 15 5 51 10 7 69 45 10 10 18 91 27 1 42 1,563 614 163 2,324 1,054 655 857 1,055 303 454 363 3 1,723 808 516 43 1,603 623 188 2,490 977 698 765 1,393 325 587 364 6 2,027 976 592 1,835 679 205 2,577 1,198 739 1,028 1,211 374 539 419 3 2,466 1,020 602 45 2,018 705 242 2,851 1,075 780 880 1,625 405 732 430 9 3, Ml 1,282 743 45 1,010 636 146 1,053 388 399 839 743 193 231 323 1,549 647 392 l~ 465 667 74 848 184 295 746 676 132 212 351 1 1,641 442 247 m-irt i nc 1159 . 1954 . number 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1951 . 1 954 . number 1959. Telephone farms reporting 1951 . 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1959 1154. F.lectnc milk cooler firms reportinc 1959 . Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crop?) farms reportinc 1959 ■-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959 . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 . 1950. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . 1950. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface roaJ forms reportine 1959 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959. 1 to 4 miles farms reportinc 1959. 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . DATEOFENTMERVnOV FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING EM/MER\TION workers, including operatic- fan IS reporting 1959. working 1 r pars < 1959 . 1954 . 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 15 or more hours person* 1951 . . L'npeid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959 p.T-ion< 1959. . Hired workers farms reporting 1959 . 1954.. persons 1959 . . 1954 . . rular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . persons 1959. . 1954 . . Farms reporting by number of reeular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 •2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 FARM OPER XTOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reportinc 1959. 1954. esiding on farm operated operators reporting 1959. 1954. 11/29-12/5 1,026 1,046 1,127 1,216 1,762 1,074 1,424 1,169 798 1,052 820 1,594 1,341 2,004 1,149 798 1,493 2,085 894 129 255 669 1,119 798 1,017 820 1,437 2,057 1,220 1,941 1,325 1,374 1,575 1,621 -12/5 11/29-12/5 1,085 1,414 1,783 1,780 1,362 1,953 2,662 2,494 1,059 1,368 1,733 1,745 11/29-12/5 1954, data relate to week of September 26-0ctober . TEXAS FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 291 on reports for o n!v a samnle or farms. See text Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto 486 604 72 184 1,428 226 251 96 994 337 1,194 2,009 673 710 815 659 663 90 221 2,372 284 244 108 1,496 384 1,447 3,195 890 1,002 1,079 2 21 352 2 10 34 14 83 22 30 127 561 14 1 11 377 3 44 29 66 49 19 89 561 16 3 1 22 436 2 id 36 15 106 25 35 141 602 14 1 12 510 5 45 32 81 54 20 95 574 16 3 1 6 2 23 40 1 56 20 7 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 3 2 3 27 29 27 34 44 37 1 5 56 5 5 20 5 10 7 10 3 1 3 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 e > 10 29 48 1 13 111 16 14 17 49 25 42 45 17 38 26 11 10 68 7 116 32 6 8 48 17 1 41 12 7 26 1! 29 48 1 14 114 17 14 17 52 26 42 46 17 39 31 13 10 68 7 121 34 6 8 49 17 1 41 12 8 26 14 5 84 1 2 12 10 7 6 9 73 19 2 12 15 38 1 17 10 3 5 9 55 7 11 1 1 16 5 97 2 3 12 12 7 6 19 76 19 2 12 17 51 1 18 14 3 5 16 60 7 11 1 1 18 289 544 67 164 772 221 189 81 538 252 937 992 371 388 493 19 267 550 71 156 1,138 252 156 105 623 204 860 1,290 317 385 393 20 332 1,108 101 208 870 495 377 172 674 291 1,1*6 1,079 383 406 550 21 296 988 104 182 1,246 508 289 200 725 249 996 1,381 334 403 412 22 224 544 19 88 719 199 185 80 517 297 1,031 720 177 254 211 23 244 575 13 69 903 221 164 98 558 294 1,209 747 166 258 204 24 270 1,461 26 130 1,114 881 534 178 899 595 1,815 909 193 289 283 25 284 1,485 22 77 1,304 867 434 186 879 551 1,7*2 858 183 319 224 23 219 544 19 87 684 199 180 80 497 297 1,020 680 167 249 211 27 259 1,385 26 118 1,057 874 521 174 879 590 1,778 826 183 279 267 28 188 178 13 63 483 17 52 33 345 136 514 588 151 228 176 29 31 366 6 24 201 182 128 47 152 161 506 92 16 21 35 30 209 544 is r 674 196 ISO 80 497 297 1,019 675 167 244 206 31 244 575 11 45 892 219 164 93 553 294 1,209 677 151 248 199 IS 245 1,372 25 113 1,030 792 507 171 855 585 1,759 807 183 269 249 33 283 1,382 19 47 1,270 783 407 170 863 541 1,725 770 162 308 217 M 14 12 1 4 26 52 11 3 18 5 19 19 9 15 35 1 15 16 11 56 12 3 4 2 3 6 1 1 36 14 13 1 5 27 82 14 3 24 5 19 19 10 18 37 1 20 16 11 70 21 3 5 2 3 6 1 1 S3 11 76 12 47 7 13 4 20 5 30 82 10 10 16 39 83 2 13 23 5 6 13 11 10 15 85 15 10 6 40 ii 76 12 57 7 13 4 20 5 37 83 10 10 16 11 83 3 14 23 14 6 13 11 10 15 85 15 10 6 42 265 548 68 142 860 203 230 91 669 271 1,065 1,418 411 417 303 43 287 560 77 172 1,167 207 194 95 752 299 1,206 1,806 316 327 309 44 303 722 94 163 954 320 352 121 805 331 1,237 1,652 453 464 318 45 326 771 114 196 1,278 376 347 141 940 377 1,377 2,016 336 341 334 46 196 497 39 119 517 176 184 68 381 252 723 1,070 286 312 96 n 98 412 42 148 417 62 121 57 355 258 607 787 175 282 69 41 113 458 46 120 533 158 173 71 537 127 556 975 40* 351 330 II 59 382 35 140 419 92 125 43 316 70 354 715 198 155 266 so 15 57 32 7 2 2 16 45 31 20 16 '.1 10 91 1 52 12 2 7 10 58 45 15 11 52 10 45 30 33 1 1 1 1 1 16 17 *0 10 31 5 10 5 16 VI 54 2 248 i 12 12 14 22 46 26 20* 26 6 6 1 51 186 265 15 67 759 120 135 28 399 233 310 1,058 313 305 241 n 165 148 5 108 604 59 208 31 461 171 366 1,836 335 445 265 '.7 32 4 2 59 36 30 90 6 120 41 498 297 31 11 56 58 26 37 90 62 26 6 314 36 589 425 25 45 130 VI 242 327 55 53 631 71 25 60 463 58 381 622 319 394 517 M 590 456 71 114 2,155 84 31 41 830 340 662 1,436 480 540 684 ■1 111 77 2 25 213 3 22 9 170 31 38 147 132 116 217 n 131 250 53 28 418 68 3 51 293 27 293 475 187 278 300 n 120 222 41 17 360 54 1 24 265 27 2*0 455 1 (7 232 249 14 11 28 12 11 58 14 2 27 28 53 20 46 51 n 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 11/8-11/14 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 Ll/29-12/5 Ll/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 N 299 552 51 167 1,088 197 187 72 878 256 999 1,361 546 556 616 n 556 626 82 217 2,077 256 209 106 1,303 324 1,345 2,425 678 809 899 N 355 874 60 257 1,363 233 242 96 1,160 282 1,432 1,653 717 656 886 n 874 976 103 333 3,031 295 263 156 2,154 470 2,012 3,134 999 1,237 1,518 711 299 534 47 166 1,026 191 162 69 873 251 993 1,290 531 536 595 71 546 603 82 216 2,027 253 209 103 1,292 319 1,314 2,335 663 809 889 IS 168 137 3 48 516 14 60 24 454 85 230 607 341 352 219 7.1 131 397 44 118 510 177 102 45 419 166 763 683 190 184 376 7t 46 227 13 63 281 30 56 23 222 31 296 301 151 110 250 7-. 56 340 13 91 337 42 80 27 287 31 439 363 186 120 291 II 58 151 32 56 127 188 93 34 187 117 263 135 33 43 67 77 42 206 39 58 441 248 71 49 231 169 342 286 63 62 100 78 170 411 74 82 407 3,157 425 77 465 407 936 406 68 108 136 7» 150 432 60 118 3,341 15, IK 240 85 2,087 2,109 ^,027 945 398 387 524 H 11 93 31 39 59 161 76 32 84 79 128 67 22 17 27 ■I 20 101 32 45 111 205 57 34 71 52 108 60 12 20 6 62 30 144 46 58 121 907 244 60 252 144 156 107 32 28 36 83 26 155 49 76 197 1,418 183 54 173 106 140 98 13 71 17 H4 3 70 18 27 31 35 16 19 32 53 108 43 12 14 24 U 8 23 13 12 28 126 60 13 52 26 20 24 10 3 3 86 378 444 54 153 1,234 89 172 55 788 213 999 1,723 551 586 672 67 606 543 69 203 2,090 156 193 80 1,372 324 1,280 2,858 897 920 1,063 N 58 133 23 34 147 158 68 40 165 81 205 141 31 49 77 »» 36 134 38 16 211 158 7 31 226 97 171 249 21 58 40 to 292 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND ? of operator are baser) (For definitions and oxplanac ons, see text) San Patricio San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith Somervell Starr Estimated number of farms 760 807 930 220 226 733 930 247 334 2,010 2,915 246 236 2,414 3,593 298 324 552 1,031 2 1954 899 SPECIFIED EWIPMENT AND FACILITIES 3 Grain combines 323 138 57 218 103 12 164 41 38 17 4 340 171 54 179 92 11 161 32 32 16 5 462 149 60 221 109 12 252 44 38 17 1954 483 186 56 184 99 11 242 33 38 16 7 8 9 farms reporting 1959 1954 18 24 23 24 5 5 1 1 4 7 6 7 10 6 10 6 11 Pick-up balers farms reporting 1959 14 34 13 3 20 56 15 71 24 6 1954 6 33 3 5 15 55 17 46 15 10 13 number 1959 14 34 13 3 20 61 15 75 24 6 14 1951 6 34 3 5 15 55 17 46 16 10 15 28 5 10 48 18 7 25 45 1 8 16 50 2 10 7 3 12 16 36 8 17 18 number 1959 31 54 5 2 11 10 49 8 19 3 7 12 32 21 50 36 1 8 8 19 562 594 191 554 210 1,079 232 1,346 194 408 20 562 643 190 613 208 1,391 219 1,560 127 512 21 number 1959 834 718 293 663 315 1,182 679 1,565 220 4«3 22 1954 895 764 288 673 294 1,508 581 1,763 158 562 23 Tractors 682 536 146 663 208 587 219 1,234 193 316 24 1954 696 598 149 820 223 651 222 1,252 232 517 55 2,131 670 228 1,171 334 702 686 1,648 301 470 26 1951 2,019 756 226 1,236 346 763 575 1,567 295 698 27 672 529 145 628 208 547 219 1,148 183 310 28 number 1959 2,103 658 224 1,081 327 647 656 1,534 266 458 160 427 84 300 129 471 26 938 120 249 30 512 102 61 328 79 76 193 210 63 61 31 672 529 144 626 208 542 218 1,126 183 308 1954 681 586 146 814 218 611 217 1,112 216 511 S3 2,067 654 223 1,071 312 638 613 1,502 239 427 34 1954 1,942 736 214 1,224 325 692 510 1,346 259 677 35 Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 33 4 1 10 10 9 35 31 22 27 \'\ 1954 29 8 8 6 11 15 31 33 9 18 37 number 1959 36 4 1 10 15 9 43 32 27 31 1954 32 13 8 7 16 15 41 48 10 21 farms reporting 1959 28 12 4 56 7 55 27 104 25 7 40 1954 45 7 4 5 5 56 24 168 26 41 number 1959 28 12 4 90 7 55 30 114 35 12 1054 45 7 4 5 5 56 24 173 26 43 708 607 196 672 210 1,170 222 1,669 230 215 44 797 623 192 798 266 1,277 207 2,107 251 362 1,023 681 238 775 264 1,254 326 1,979 263 233 46 1,361 730 258 917 343 1,361 327 2,460 289 380 47 547 501 176 596 151 1,002 79 1,343 166 74 48 520 414 188 475 138 1,149 38 1,262 73 43 485 479 145 525 155 1,059 153 1,033 156 90 50 1954 444 335 141 1 357 16 112 5 687 40 107 736 40 54 5 93 1 58 Electric milk cooler 1954 6 5 1 16 16 5 70 40 6 38 40 5 5 1 54 Crop drier (for "rain, forage, or other crops). - farms reporting 1959 40 10 3 3 55 Pu'ver-operaled -delator, conveyor, or blower 56 61 11 25 33 25 95 11 6 4 Farms by kind of road on which located: 56 531 228 63 363 81 738 67 1,425 115 203 57 1950 558 215 30 127 96 752 19 1,651 135 558 Gravel, shell, or shale 167 256 68 276 160 129 2 289 115 56 59 1950 122 267 43 66 187 50 1 316 65 74 60 51 322 89 93 3 1,097 156 663 56 273 1950 126 524 169 782 39 2,291 174 1,857 90 452 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road . 25 72 26 38 1 396 38 337 15 66 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad farms reporting 1959 26 250 63 55 2 701 118 326 41 207 64 1 to 4 miles 26 175 44 53 2 639 97 325 40 155 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 75 19 2 62 21 1 1 52 DATE OF ENUMERATION 66 1959 11/1-11/7 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 LL/29-L2/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/1-11/7 FUW HBOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION ' 67 552 675 184 566 198 1,345 179 1,927 235 372 68 ~ 1954 711 854 211 838 267 2,345 191 3,068 311 626 persons 1959 672 875 240 740 268 1,665 232 2,366 287 582 70 1954 903 1,202 275 1,077 368 3,396 277 3,796 458 875 71 persons 1959 547 668 181 556 186 1,255 177 1,897 235 346 72 705 835 210 827 259 2,324 185 3,008 311 620 73 154 195 43 199 70 656 43 977 76 95 74 393 473 138 357 116 599 134 920 159 251 75 Unpaid members of operator's fanulv 77 179 49 155 64 349 41 369 52 152 76 persons 1959 125 207 59 184 82 410 55 469 52 236 77 343 122 109 210 53 111 80 281 47 80 352 124 142 245 68 205 101 433 47 188 79 persons 1959 880 375 380 1,076 101 220 163 1,111 80 608 80 1954 1,045 230 606 1,862 203 1,097 225 1,442 81 695 81 Recular workers (employed 150 « more ila> ) . . . farms reporting 1959 293 74 81 132 37 49 58 143 20 54 62 1954 254 69 98 64 31 63 55 194 19 117 83 persons 1959 672 113 1A6 171 68 108 102 408 21 361 84 1954 539 104 133 112 62 92 96 553 34 391 Farms reporting by number of recular h 85 142 57 50 101 26 33 40 75 18 26 66 2 o, more hired workers.... farms reporting 1959 151 17 31 31 11 16 18 68 2 28 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 87 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 567 573 145 657 184 1,694 120 1,973 224 346 88 1954 683 818 176 841 231 2,583 132 3,186 296 746 89 o|>erators reporting 1959 233 109 64 79 83 119 113 232 48 141 90 1954 191 102 61 100 93 167 126 216 51 269 : of September 26-0ctober TEXAS FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 293 on reports for o n]y a sample of farms. See text Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throck- Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity Tyler 524 63 428 139 845 1,845 1,052 94 835 385 1,020 877 1,408 643 687 1 500 94 458 144 966 3,106 1,305 98 945 416 1,398 1,080 2,039 859 1,277 2 142 2 105 5 455 205 416 377 118 4 298 152 11 3 104 2 121 3 495 139 378 502 115 1 332 125 42 < 158 2 119 5 541 232 496 423 141 7 327 175 12 5 123 2 135 3 598 143 465 554 122 2 358 130 42 a 1 1 11 17 76 53 2 7 17 5 6 3 6 106 93 10 5 7 B 1 11 77 7 5 6 6 107 10 0 1 18 53 2 21 3 98 5 10 29 1 4 4 53 126 21 i 23 22 34 24 98 26 3 11 15 1 9 2 29 138 21 2 22 31 34 84 49 2 12 29 1 4 5 55 127 22 1 23 23 35 24 104 27 3 13 16 1 9 2 35 139 21 2 23 32 34 84 49 2 14 9 3 27 4 66 57 38 11 2 11 81 50 6 5 15 8 10 67 2 64 88 8 83 2 17 105 41 11 16 9 3 27 6 72 59 39 13 2 11 81 53 6 10 17 8 10 71 3 66 92 8 94 2 17 113 41 11 18 408 61 324 133 766 1,192 772 91 694 308 624 654 875 415 367 19 339 75 364 134 862 1,524 720 95 541 243 684 724 1,018 402 585 20 534 128 405 261 1,738 1,516 996 171 1,213 421 638 895 1,064 432 378 21 424 142 412 219 1,458 1,876 844 156 712 292 744 934 1,121 438 614 2! 365 36 361 60 763 1,330 907 10 765 319 448 650 1,030 294 243 23 31S 45 405 51 939 1,613 1,040 12 889 335 360 842 1,198 289 330 24 530 54 599 90 2,291 2,064 1,522 12 1,855 540 575 1,123 1,772 354 270 25 441 59 646 72 2,385 2,304 1,542 14 1,651 463 435 1,301 1,868 336 345 26 365 34 356 54 753 1,210 900 10 739 319 438 640 1,009 294 227 27 483 50 594 82 2,211 1,762 1,500 11 1,799 529 544 1,093 1,706 352 249 28 279 23 196 40 70 857 482 9 140 174 371 338 551 249 212 29 86 11 160 14 683 353 418 1 599 U5 67 302 458 45 15 30 355 34 356 52 752 1,210 900 7 733 318 438 636 1,008 289 227 31 313 44 405 49 938 1,407 1,039 8 874 324 355 814 1,142 284 265 12 469 45 592 75 2,191 1,735 1,484 8 1,767 515 541 1,077 1,681 340 247 31 406 55 639 64 2,335 1,911 1,515 9 1,621 447 426 1,217 1,753 329 268 34 14 5 2 7 19 22 15 3 19 9 2 14 24 12 2 IS 6 1 1 5 17 22 9 4 10 2 2 15 32 1 36 14 5 2 7 20 27 16 3 32 14 3 16 25 12 2 SI 7 1 1 6 18 27 9 4 18 2 3 17 32 1 36 42 3 5 8 37 276 20 1 29 4 26 24 66 2 21 39 28 3 6 2 32 346 18 1 12 14 6 66 78 6 77 10 47 4 5 8 80 302 22 1 56 11 31 30 66 2 21 41 28 3 6 2 32 366 18 1 12 14 6 67 83 6 77 42 428 62 318 103 749 1,540 907 67 772 335 676 791 1,169 243 340 1! 377 70 323 124 875 2,594 1,091 84 797 349 612 955 1,635 317 689 44 483 114 359 157 940 2,119 1,103 81 922 403 755 984 1,462 265 356 45 431 127 370 179 1,196 3,362 1,327 104 1,019 402 650 1,175 2,048 337 733 l« 395 58 176 120 667 1,574 783 44 404 330 452 462 903 129 402 47 240 84 130 127 521 2,221 578 56 71 169 238 554 1,133 126 609 lh 283 55 214 90 608 1,171 545 68 589 277 517 507 765 318 442 V 199 48 171 84 577 1,318 342 44 389 125 245 438 687 241 538 50 15 21 233 26 5 62 47 74 5 5 51 20 i 52 294 37 17 2 52 56 118 21 52 15 16 6 193 21 1 5 5 5 37 47 69 18 10 5 6 63 54 14 2 18 1 140 160 62 38 95 11 89 85 11 6 55 203 17 155 26 244 1,334 404 5 291 151 847 397 777 187 264 56 213 35 96 15 185 1,531 463 12 206 194 556 466 917 257 410 57 171 30 147 88 10 282 496 1 22 199 61 261 473 44 1 58 47 8 25 55 1,363 813 5 153 300 273 943 35 5 VI 145 15 125 24 579 146 143 87 521 34 112 201 152 396 422 ■0 378 58 403 64 797 375 163 98 846 107 870 228 183 630 804 61 26 13 3 128 115 46 9 165 10 66 64 81 181 122 6! 119 15 112 21 451 31 97 78 356 24 46 137 71 215 300 i;:i 97 6 89 10 435 31 94 23 355 23 46 110 66 189 257 M 22 9 23 11 16 3 55 1 1 27 5 26 43 15 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 12/6-12/12 12/6-12/12 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 11/29-12/5 66 451 58 335 102 723 1,554 906 94 700 307 787 735 1,224 452 518 .17 460 80 446 126 884 2,774 1,123 90 819 358 1,273 971 1,831 613 1,184 .IB 556 75 420 120 988 2,123 1,189 103 928 397 952 1,025 1,707 606 636 61 690 100 739 137 1,291 3,796 1,563 106 1,083 470 1,776 1,413 2,851 1,028 1,617 T.I 424 58 335 99 718 1,483 895 93 680 306 762 727 1,207 442 483 71 459 78 444 125 879 2,678 1,107 88 814 348 1,243 965 1,796 598 1,144 n 143 5 89 12 106 563 260 10 108 56 470 190 362 205 363 7.1 281 53 246 87 612 920 635 83 572 250 292 537 845 237 120 71 108 14 67 17 175 529 212 8 164 73 143 235 380 123 118 7f, 132 17 85 21 270 640 294 10 248 91 190 .~ui 500 164 153 7.1 89 31 81 95 396 415 256 72 494 89 92 348 251 56 23 77 42 32 82 113 339 470 242 89 290 147 101 415 522 84 62 7h 182 97 293 267 975 1,150 1,275 132 2,414 267 151 1,947 446 80 31 7» 39 114 238 295 814 1,163 1,382 239 2,598 568 211 2,649 3,806 367 92 H 28 30 35 90 248 290 107 59 362 41 46 181 132 29 11 Kl 28 31 31 93 238 259 72 81 141 31 31 178 173 34 36 H 54 69 56 223 354 629 223 104 650 75 82 432 208 39 19 as 49 86 45 210 318 519 115 160 283 47 50 374 328 35 51 84 22 13 22 36 189 175 69 32 233 27 23 112 93 20 7 K, 6 17 13 54 59 115 38 27 129 14 23 69 39 9 A an 379 48 314 87 655 1,478 752 77 646 219 859 618 1,124 459 637 H7 416 51 387 104 803 2,775 1,069 81 790 280 1,321 852 1,862 775 1,121 n 89 27 98 45 117 195 208 20 203 136 122 173 227 77 41 H» 79 36 55 46 145 226 200 25 172 137 124 174 195 66 65 »> 294 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [Alt data except residence of operator are based Estimated number of fnrms. SPr.< II ■11.11 EU! 1PMFNT AND KAMI [TILS ■crortiig 1 1 number 1 Com pickers farms Pick-up balers farms reporting 1 1 number 1 Field forage harve; . farms reporting 1950 Motortrucks farms reportinc 1050 1054 number 1050 1954 Tractors farms reporting 1959 Tractors other lhan carden fnrms reporting 1 number 1 1 tractor farms reporting 1 2 or more tractors farms reporting 1 . farms reporting 1050 numher 1 1 \utomobiles farms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Telephone farms reporting 1 1 Home freezer farms reporting 1 1 Iking machine. farms report ins 1 1 ectric milk cooler farms reporting 1 Crop drier (for cram, forage', or other crops). farms reportinc 1 -operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reportinc 1 1 Dirt or unimproved farms reporting I 1 Less than 1 mile lo a bard surface roaJ farms reporting 1 1 or more miles to a hard surface road. farms reporting 1 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1 5 or more mi les farms reportinc 1 DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average date of enumeration 1 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION ' Family workers, including operators fwnis reporting 1 Operalors working 1 or more hours persons 1050 1054 1 to 14 hours pel 15 or more hours persons 1050 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1050 persons W5I) lired workers farms reporting 1050 pers< rofn Farms reporting by num 1 hired worker farms reportinc 1 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residi ng on farm operated operators reporting 1 1 Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1 1,160 1,434 1,535 1,871 1,120 1,334 628 492 1,429 663 1,679 602 1,558 835 1,810 714 1,307 809 1,426 766 1,664 1,505 1,700 1,168 1,267 778 1,574 1,410 1,054 435 213 343 1,252 777 1,391 755 1,526 1,392 1,639 1,127 1,431 1,002 1,447 971 1,614 1,235 1,601 1,209 1,682 2,595 2,291 3,643 1,617 2,534 718 899 1,013 1,125 1,462 1,761 11/29-12/5 1,079 1,058 1,923 12/13-12/19 1For 1954, data relate to September 26-0ctober TEXAS FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 295 n reports for only a samnle of farms. See t Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler « 92 268 42 51 129 250 183 93 7 72 55 93 52 45 120 SI 126 224 54 56 141 311 182 87 6 103 53 37 36 46 90 K2 339 603 49 108 307 826 286 186 13 99 70 203 71 162 509 68 552 408 77 133 270 1,045 298 125 8 136 112 61 45 118 584 M 49 133 38 38 93 119 119 73 5 55 46 35 42 22 44 H 43 135 * 13 36 131 64 20 2 17 9 58 10 23 76 n« 52 1,674 527 494 636 476 2,268 1,078 19 1,255 1,260 212 550 68 136 «7 110 2,165 739 687 827 616 3,017 1,381 29 1,653 1,663 240 736 195 152 8R 295 131 118 156 140 246 151 7 132 103 44 189 142 117 Ht 166 225 111 63 150 237 293 185 7 189 143 68 215 49 92 90 296 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on reports for only Angelina Aransas Armstrong Ata i'sf of commerci vi. ffutilizf-r and lime ■ml fertilizer and fertilizing Drv materials I iquid materials Hay and cropland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Dry materials Sorghums Drj materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials ,ime or limine materials used iunng the SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDIT! RES 1 lot hase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Machine hire farms reporting 1 dollars 1 I nder S200 farms reporting 1 $200 to $999 farms reporting 1 SI, 000 or more farms reporting 1 Hired labor farms reportin dollar I'nder S1.00O farms reportin $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1 S-.WO or more farms reporting 1 ? reporting 1 s reporting 1 3 reporting 1 ns reporting 1 as reporting 1 ns reporting 1 ns reporting 1 ns reporting 1 ns reporting 1 ns reporting 1 us reporting 1 lis reporting 1 ns reporting 1 72,342 91,227 6,153,547 4,569,764 603,154 491,294 65,018 468,138 11,178 135,016 17,764 22,456 795,341 832,813 17,389 82,853 506 1,670 9,203 7,852 444,330 307,300 9,124 50,073 104 546 22,021 37,156 372,528 519,956 21,011 36,917 1,152 2,670 14,524 KA 1,383,950 HA 9,094 36,378 5,750 54,901 24,448 32,104 1,519,478 996,313 19,448 114,464 6,813 46,941 24,846 1,637,920 21,280 147,453 4,237 28,288 3,423 1,590 129,410 48,164 145,029 43,314 225,109 180,535 240,127 257,197,103 220,754,419 93,429 294,315,818 130,845 149,270 126,530,856 74,344,297 48,326 50,874 31,645 123,963 155,916 227,221,067 228, ■' 1,128 79,331 107,793 21,829 26,022 22,803 22,101 11,921 10,882 214,646 197,417 116,567,754 104,802,293 746 1,617 36,275 54,349 4,029 6,808 746 3,959 1,034 4,501 14,105 1,605 1,318 2,119 885,321 904,114 456 573, 555 1,452 1,215 229,481 227,240 10,649 17,395 1,255 1,819 79 1,136 66 1,014 73 1,911 101,911 638,412 82,212 1,397,551 35,954 38,568 3,009 2,460 1,239 1,147,838 1,359,309 1,189 1,213 594,021 510,377 . farms reporting 1959. TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 297 a sample of farms. See U : Bailey Bander* Bastrop Bayl Bee Bell Bexar Blan Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 356 3 458 5 149 270 400 4] 10 93 796 38- 397 110 81 1 269 13 7 540 5 > 189 524 506 5 272 1,190 443 540 2 33 70 55,017 1,6a > 19,102 2, 1 ) 8,827 13,201 30,150 1, 6 625 5,231 36,865 72,315 32,944 24,026 5,030 3 18,408 4,87 J 19,543 2, - 3 12,921 15,780 26,143 4/ St 13,029 34,297 115,657 23,847 149 4,291 3,865 4 8,089 11. 1,760 -2 564 1,070 2,510 21 65 414 4,823 8,566 2,972 2,459 675 5 3,578 51 ; 1,849 Jj 764 1,374 2,573 7 896 4,322 11,677 2,629 12 427 302 g 313 3 L 453 5 149 253 400 4: 10 93 789 382 370 36 81 7 6,369 11 1,719 2 i 564 1,037 2,510 0 65 414 4,596 8,108 2,742 214 675 8 180 10 18 13 10 37 98 9 1,720 41 33 227 458 230 2,245 10 85 1 ) 140 3 23 71 115 2/ 38 326 81 139 8 2 11 150 8 156 2. 85 178 235 4 ... 114 238 55 156 13 12 2,545 59 ! 4,702 9 1,938 2,065 5,150 " ... 2,167 16,668 5,361 7,031 313 260 13 7,212 3,241 ! 3,872 -- 4,211 3,625 10,212 1, -' 3,247 9,641 4,975 5,336 20 149 329 14 84 1 3 140 3 23 70 125 2. 38 326 81 139 2 2 15 373 1 50 4 3 331 > 118 189 1 1 416 5< 197 2,290 615 791 32 6 23 18 16 16 87 6 27 12 6 156 54 160 16 5 L 30 5 10 30 1( ... 11 149 79 131 20 4,108 6 ) 250 1,165 2,590 92 5,334 4,220 10,384 645 21 '25 2 7 453 ' ) 35 30 1,360 ■ ... 380 5,920 5,965 5,175 87 6 26 12 6 156 54 160 16 23 491 5 22 79 1 249 4 805 409 985 37 24 55 29 35 209 48 3 51 186 ... ii 427 66 124 6 11 26 27 12 353 42 81 150 38 661 32 276 5 2 28 705 2 4,031 1,245 1,466 6,040 L. 375 5,488 3,657 2,132 126 175 29 168 6,744 1,391 870 3,895 12 ... 784 6,767 2,074 5,033 50 33 23 209 48 35 186 ... 11 420 65 117 11 31 80 328 87 80 450 ... 52 702 270 171 16 32 7 16 11 4 7 6 33 11 8 69 86 15 12 34 148 i 7 135 63 81 103 ... 12 66 59 72 95 20 NA HI L NA N I NA NA NA N NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15,201 73( ) 3,057 5 2,195 2,925 8,957 3 686 875 4,807 2,633 13,054 1,775 37 NA W I NA :. I NA NA NA rl NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 1 7 135 63 64 103 ... 12 65 56 68 1 20 N 1,134 X ) 217 . 132 129 613 1 35 63 401 145 12 124 40 104 5 17 1 4 95 41 632 3 21 11 89 40 773 42 308 52 ■: '74 97 2 10 io 109 68 69 86 11 116 151 39 160 10 30 251 54 95 13 11 30,336 845 1, 41 1,702 3,185 468 625 300 3,978 7,436 9,037 6,479 205 45 7,525 3,102 1 1,562 3,575 90 860 6,192 6,975 4,268 iio 1,155 508 ^ 275 52 41 ) 74 97 2 ID 10 105 68 45 34 11 4,045 63 9 133 288 21 65 11 298 675 508 170 15 123 5 4 32 67 840 139 263 165 1,176 50 96 1 138 2 56 61 184 ; 26 145 200 42 53 51 S! 6,230 26 2,359 It ) 1,497 2,375 6,945 3 ... 1,611 4,522 46,834 1,727 4,054 1,970 58 1 ) 133 2> 56 61 184 26 144 200 37 51 5J 55 36 57 IS 59 60 737 2 3 289 at 72 272 761 3 ... 115 438 5,738 142 465 50 5 1 7 5 53 187 3 8 20 10 261 16 314 11 43 6 10 21 1 19 210 10,263 121 3,333 90 325 570 71 2,375 275 10,120 83 3,486 M 20 35 370 35 360 717 47 > 1,141 s« 735 2,285 1,995 ■J- 129 1,183 1,784 1,264 926 96 281 158 S3 342 45 7 986 - 478 1,823 1,618 ■- 98 1,049 1,565 1,089 810 89 202 118 r.c 660 59 1,555 6 > 634 2,287 2,404 ■■ 119 1,341 2,135 1,222 1,179 86 370 143 ■s 692,043 302,35 7 1,052,794 637, i > 432,710 1,124,443 3,998,676 1,266, 8 251,413 ,397,57 2,296,027 1,777,811 1,864,005 214,795 171,409 316,636 ..,; 279,512 426,20 846,334 478, '• ) 571,312 1,064,344 4,198,943 1,107, 2" 270,652 1,555,227 962,510 1,522,832 1,266,444 351,847 245,616 298,913 67 221 27 > 500 G ) 328 1,169 962 6 55 644 636 453 401 54 124 46 68 1,321,997 533,07 i 818,146 2,489, 3 7 441,711 987,194 4,490,561 538, 2 348,598 1,447,815 1,299,365 827,211 1,160,997 745,533 267,195 431,376 69 683 23 ) 491 1 > 395 1,692 782 5 ) 104 729 428 504 350 39 255 66 70 695 25 L 729 • > 429 2,074 829 3 107 951 649 502 311 43 426 90 ~\ 1,450,152 84,01 216,501 358, 3 7 352,715 776,193 220,905 53, 4. 169,931 264,338 220,614 499,699 298,824 77,727 399,312 14,285 72 756,664 64,90 L 131,937 369, •7 179,997 526,348 199,540 44, 5 51,659 218,251 107,363 555,310 87,780 51,167 494,979 14,121 73 45 10 > 248 i. L 127 667 484 i 5 305 239 254 200 7 27 46 74 227 12 3 180 5 L 143 812 264 7 7 54 381 153 132 78 12 99 19 75 411 3- 3 63 0 3 125 213 34 45 43 36 118 72 20 129 1 76 651 24. 488 ' 7 459 1,294 907 f. 113 657 542 637 428 84 236 74 77 676 35 7 749 ' > 597 1,946 1,059 "< 120 599 681 682 594 84 404 157 78 1,613,919 267,97 > 374,579 464, 9 L 749,435 968,774 2,017,304 272, . 269,050 529,036 724, 022 1,475,419 1,096,795 348,638 407,863 368,194 79 1,199,617 273,87 j 316,128 442, >.» 1,288,132 1,199,611 205, 7 169,343 371,537 549,516 1,543,513 1,125,818 304,245 741,274 298,913 324 18 J 385 2 ! 275 1,002 675 • 32 562 417 378 304 23 108 25 336 28 L 661 7 430 1,566 784 '. 73 524 602 365 392 24 177 116 82 109 2 i 63 6 5 123 197 99 3. 53 46 57 117 48 22 59 26 231 4 3 61 • » 107 300 114 2 25 37 39 135 96 20 104 25 218 3 40 4 L 61 95 133 3 28 49 68 142 76 39 69 23 109 3 3 27 3 i 60 80 161 2 22 38 40 182 106 40 123 16 110 2 3 29 2 3 35 74 54 1 10 22 40 71 33 16 53 5 108 1 L 11 2 26 21 79 2 18 27 28 71 43 23 16 18 H* 716 46 3 1,086 .9 720 2,240 1,933 .3 7 129 1,158 1,529 1,223 820 94 280 153 89 845 50 5 1,134 .2 758 2,335 1,852 3 3 145 1,090 945 819 830 91 473 228 N 1,238,848 125,41 3 254,606 351, .. ) 317,920 816,782 713,441 151, 5 124,738 392,860 381,478 578,622 347,348 109,773 338,401 84,493 ■ji 959,007 138,90 L 237,507 326, 53 I 392,602 828,882 644,454 113, J*. 3 95,144 328,691 203,522 978,003 265,025 90,744 526,327 76,688 92 542 19 L 550 !7 7 367 1,305 984 1 74 516 543 514 364 5 185 48 n 236,154 31,29 3 69,742 64, ■2 80,844 200,502 432,562 50, « 19,160 78,942 95,961 392, 311 79,532 2,120 64,051 7,670 H 298 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are hosed on ronorts for only Brown Burl' Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Cameron SF OF COMMFnmt, FFRTILIZGR AND LIME I fertilizer nnd fertilizing . farms reporting I s on which used '. Dry materials 1 iquid materials >ors on which used- Hnv and cropland pasture Dr. materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Dry materials Liquid materials Sorghums Dr> materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials Dry materials ne or liming materials used during t 3 reporting 1 ■eporting 1 ■eporting 1 reporting 1 ■eporting 1 ■eporting 1 - reporting 1 9 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 9 reporting 1 s reporting 1 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES ^ny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting 1 Feed for livestock and poultry farms reportiri dollai I'urchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Machine hire farms reporting 1 I'nder S200 farms reportir S200toS9ft9 - farms reportin SI, 000 or more farms reporting 1 Hired labor farms reporting 1 dollai I'nder SI, 000. farms reportin $1,000 to S2.499 farms reporting 1 $2, W0 or more farms reporting 1 S2.500 to S4.999 farms reportir S5.000 or more farms reportir Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reportir dollai Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1 dollai 1,217 1,065 1,340 1,190,335 1,254,487 563 1,417,352 1,192 1,180 292,923 315,102 27,331 25,082 3,381 2,450 1,049 1,087 1,425 1,319 1,385 882,789 805,158 553 612,354 17,635 20,278 1,270 1,683 12,967 16,506 1,212 1,660 1,155 262 1,177 575 11,433 5,815 73,407 12,455 13,097 1,028 9,116 1,992 1,062 1,725,834 1,208,405 2,075 1,265 3,726,716 955,544 1,963 2,554 8,081,212 8,828,527 2,305 2,431 2,036,456 2,438,636 TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 299 mple of turns. See tert] Castro Chambers Cherokee Childre. Coleman HnlUn 811 1,183 18,088 21,921 2,817 2,969 811 2,817 1,411 1,239 2,180 768,6*0 •493,215 320 303,412 216,874 38,181 11,247 2,944 56,864 66,811 7,913 8,066 1,209 2,106 37,780 53,943 5,440 8,749 1,204 5,394 20 46 4,333 1,518 6,318 1,643 1,861 1,623 2,430 2,400,168 2,216,158 667 1,121,672 1,756 1,252 329,508 240,964 29,803 1,695 3,029 1,287 1,343,537 1,500,378 1,063 1,299 449,619 402,439 30,713 24,890 2,478 2,376 2,516 1,815 2,345 1,282,061 1,133,824 1,053 889,181 2,143 2,431 1,464,041 791,775 781 908 454 1,525 2,396 1,469,818 2,239,082 1,092 1,712 303 478 2,466 2,551 1,016,474 975,310 57,663 88,320 8,232 9,355 1,587 1,394 1,536 1,912,340 1,256,271 719 1,208,181 1,482 1,305 723,174 708,664 713 1,134 55,660 81,051 3,520 5,303 713 3,520 1,576 1,376 1,844 2,063,396 2,127,878 784 1,366,515 1,328 344,941 288,012 1,538 1,603 471,743 458,673 228 51 10,924 5! 227 53 881 54 6 !» 7 M 57 10 68 N 160 to (1 80 t". 1,383 63 1,228 64 1,612 es 1,662,241 66 1,839,735 67 715 m 1,474,736 N 700 70 1,107 71 267,346 72 358,722 73 398 74 251 7S 51 76 631 77 983 78 468,585 79 560,223 60 530 844 S'J 58 63 94 84 43 89 45 sa 30 87 13 68 1,316 N 1,373 •0 432,201 n 531,256 X 661 N 103,056 y< 300 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are bused on roports for only (For definitions nml cx^lm Crockett Crosby Culber USE OFCOMMFRflM FERTILIZER AND LIME ■inl fertilizer and fertilizing . farms reporting 1 s on which used ] Dry materials Liquid materials Hay and cropland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Dry materials Liquid materials Sorghums Dry materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials ne or liming material? use*! during the year . reporting 1 reporting 1 a reporting 1 s reporting 1 a reporting 1 9 reporting 1 ! reporting 1 s reporting 1 5 reporting 1 9 reporting 1 s reporting 1 9 report! nc 1 s reporting I a reporting 1 is reporting 1 3 report ing 1 s reporting 1 ? reporting 1 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reportin Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1 dollars 1 I ■ i ■■■ of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Machine hire farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Under S200 ■ farms reporting 1 S200lo 5999 farms reporting I SI, 000 or more farms reporting 1 Hired labor farms reporting T dollars 1 Under SI, 000 farms reporting 1 $1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting 1 52,500 or more farms reportin • 1, 999 farms reporting 1 55,000 or more farms reportin Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms report in fi 1 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1 doltai 1,238 1,223 475,559 337,485 1,284 325 1,150 227 1,370 371 1,054,193 216,733 725,500 202,225 17,031 10,325 1,441 1,204 1,434 1,147 2,297 1,933,746 1,742,038 746 1,138,548 1,132 588,934 394,670 1,040 1,378,826 1,310,343 1,399 1,381 517,491 501,813 TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued ft sample of farms. See text] 301 Deaf ani-tti Delta Denton De Witt Dickens btatt Donley Duval Eastland Ector Edwards ELLie El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 538 217 442 616 13 36 130 134 406 1 3 331 331 399 593 632 219 307 533 727 13 104 85 108 746 2 11 370 339 647 872 729 ISA, 947 12,030 23,192 29,473 475 10,003 10,638 7,510 31,844 90 95 19,193 38,341 23,052 45,130 28,890 3 49,330 12,488 29,436 24,977 1,196 14,775 8,377 6,306 54,308 260 166 16,478 40,393 31,126 40,388 26,737 14,726 1,029 2,422 2,314 33 1,572 503 402 1,874 7 11 1,936 5,528 1,467 4,831 2,848 5,137 1,137 1,890 2,096 52 2,662 342 359 3,049 73 1,404 7,018 2,056 4,140 2,847 6 223 182 436 615 13 27 115 134 401 1 3 331 298 399 585 617 6,285 953 2,380 2,306 33 1,363 337 402 1,866 7 11 1,936 3,539 1,467 4,761 2,793 8 450 50 14 2 10 23 5 160 9 22 9 8,441 76 42 6 209 166 8 1,969 70 55 10 48 51 213 193 7 11 2 163 1 2 129 115 215 225 253 11 41 85 222 245 26 15 37 137 1 4 156 155 283 254 213 1! 3,558 2,245 7,137 9,061 1,315 627 610 6,962 40 45 6,557 7,030 9,917 15,054 7,991 13 1,469 2,305 9,502 6,236 30 1,988 340 2,080 6,627 60 142 8,508 12,814 11,721 8,002 7,499 14 22 51 208 193 2 10 2 163 1 2 129 98 215 225 253 15 32 278 848 873 53 44 44 467 2 8 753 827 657 1,719 1,001 16 26 6 1 5 2 25 17 195 16 3 1 3 121 18 1 62 136 14 21 1 53 32 104 75 19 15 36 73 15 2 10 7 15 49 5 95 156 80 108 2,261 5,394 1,255 1,050 50 3,419 1,105 6,985 2,059 21 225 635 1,679 340 270 2,155 350 1,560 2,827 90 3,597 3,644 22 62 131 14 21 1 53 32 104 75 93 1 6 215 549 80 85 3 447 82 708 198 24 25 28 1 24 11 45 351 1 6 26 40 31 11 144 63 27 14 105 69 461 5 1 21 61 26 22 82 295 155 28 961 150 1,092 10,257 3 24 535 260 280 75 2,800 1,253 29 1,184 1,015 912 10,548 200 16 430 576 360 182 968 6,712 2,513 30 5 6 44 350 1 6 26 40 31 11 144 57 31 16 8 143 741 1 2 40 26 29 4 256 86 32 20 5 1 2 15 6 33 67 5 (Z) 1 4 5 34 403 42 180 4 28 53 iii 73 9 80 105 55 35 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 89,683 1,535 3,779 1,620 3,220 2,667 4,292 3,217 617 2,715 7,605 1,245 .17 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 53 34 180 4 13 53 121 73 6 60 103 55 a 1,687 60 263 210 44 120 277 233 53 126 707 111 40 369 8 1 16 3 2 41 5,000 19 2 93 16 51 42 215 92 30 133 13 4 115 '» 53 71 315 20 109 150 48 10 190 46 215 11 4 67 34 172 1 19 314 142 277 222 6,565 5,355 630 2,310 375 327 6,529 1,211 1,243 2,285 27,087 740 6,754 7,247 43 1,015 6,545 1,240 3,348 926 956 4,615 1,214 2,448 200 1,150 26,331 1,536 12,719 6,327 46 50 52 30 133 13 4 99 55 53 71 253 20 101 138 47 259 259 44 154 23 39 231 68 60 259 2,311 44 710 528 46 171 40 16 147 6 12 19 293 67 70 1,725 19 34 SO 453 58 150 111 5 27 U 72 296 1 iii 77 202 161 238 51 84,072 2,019 7,404 2,791 100 6,738 238 2,487 18,037 50 3,715 3,327 8,500 5,932 9,095 52 184 58 144 111 5 23 11 72 291 1 113 65 202 161 228 4,291 193 736 197 10 1,060 16 130 951 5 244 319 554 661 867 336 5 6 5 5 25 10 55 2,880 1 4 10 5 410 6 5 6 5 156 208 6 123 5 75 15 15 225 16 11 56 57 58 59 70 550 430 75 50 231 75 870 205 115 60 61 210 150 45 5 ... 80 45 62 727 845 1,871 1,788 458 209 433 708 1,356 43 220 2,110 431 1,607 1,835 2,202 93 462 670 1,679 1,575 273 142 342 378 1,120 37 220 1,593 244 1,469 1,493 1,670 64 436 829 1,840 1,943 454 192 477 348 1,549 70 248 1,949 322 1,921 2,037 2,242 885,287 360,800 2,711,608 2,915,027 216,359 204,997 518,399 506,376 1,159,713 94,230 525,862 1,519,552 5,336,049 4,004,405 1,338,670 846,233 66 756,009 409,390 1,981,267 2,521,841 246,246 251,273 478,175 250,546 1,201,049 91,162 806,850 1,389,133 1,999,115 3,368,003 697,267 850,417 67 341 311 932 838 118 66 196 105 670 18 127 908 129 842 978 816 68 3,219,070 326,090 1,699,315 1,151,848 145,560 726,598 1,305,450 490,229 1,201,310 293,650 970,230 1,408,131 16,313,497 1,734,854 2,516,612 663,256 69 519 703 991 1,102 425 56 357 297 618 3 57 1,665 384 737 1,278 1,579 70 428 818 1,274 1,318 543 72 365 129 911 4 188 2,011 ' 434 1,091 1,863 2,193 71 1,023,769 633,400 602,011 319,333 784,059 76,473 278,430 77,183 195,263 1,700 48,436 1,369,156 801,734 191,702 791,852 1,022,998 72 642,266 199,578 552,975 249,902 352,527 59,962 133,593 28,616 199,065 3,120 117,943 734,445 594,153 175,582 541,078 643,119 73 42 200 340 637 25 12 90 154 295 1 20 573 75 418 454 543 74 188 317 468 427 155 18 175 132 297 1 28 705 125 303 606 747 75 289 186 183 38 245 26 92 11 26 1 9 367 184 16 216 289 76 586 474 946 1,029 313 128 292 303 521 23 192 1,421 384 676 1,177 1,206 77 448 744 1,152 1,469 517 208 445 266 647 32 188 2,200 563 768 1,955 1,879 78 1,807,442 472, 572 1,121,286 702,600 412,308 858,783 426,027 351,221 234,786 61,636 459,088 1,874,513 4,285,589 669,105 1,143,609 888,315 79 1,166,821 450,475 1,190,504 588,124 958,724 2,373,063 676,708 219,095 203,856 87,960 351,374 2,954,748 5,930,218 594,234 1,416,940 1,372,868 80 249 320 662 856 192 36 182 209 476 53 924 101 535 854 963 81 220 606 657 1,339 246 82 221 197 604 5 73 1,542 191 689 1,648 1,536 82 138 100 176 113 77 38 75 56 21 7 80 281 51 97 210 156 83 108 111 160 90 173 52 152 47 32 17 76 461 74 71 213 241 199 54 108 60 44 54 35 38 24 16 59 216 232 46 113 87 85 120 27 135 40 98 74 72 22 11 10 39 197 298 28 94 102 86 107 42 59 38 39 20 14 25 17 13 43 134 61 28 80 60 87 92 12 49 22 5 34 21 13 7 3 16 82 171 18 33 27 88 722 830 1,791 1,731 451 198 433 677 1,296 43 218 2,060 415 1,606 1,768 2,077 89 552 823 1,649 1,523 585 246 534 364 1,199 66 227 2,249 520 1,496 2,118 2,255 90 1,879,943 239,417 702,661 492,950 305,629 209,274 261,873 182,228 332,813 23,700 162,769 L,068, 150 612,018 361,932 729,796 678,611 91 1,296,184 210,070 718,236 349,353 328,936 246,598 278,274 119,940 316,578 26,296 134,530 926,878 : ,087,909 384,169 725,955 677, 679 92 538 419 863 960 191 90 179 287 565 9 33 1,173 183 785 1,163 1,224 93 525,904 54,835 225,479 142,827 44,641 109,942 33,684 31,419 172,039 1,785 3,723 283,663 149,916 193,121 262,060 225,588 94 302 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are baaed on ronorts for only Itoni (For definitions and rxplanatio s, see text) Fayette Fisher Floyd Foard Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Frio Gaines ISF. OF COMMF.nmi. FERTILIZER AND LIME 1 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 1,157 21 500 46 609 359 722 174 286 1954 1,278 3 207 18 626 520 1,006 218 87 3 30,227 929 106,091 2,825 52,535 11,295 42,827 43,856 45,944 1954 28,917 136 19,608 1,885 42,461 12,532 47,344 31,785 8,813 tons 1959 3,191 142 7,368 196 5,326 1,352 3,981 3,234 6,040 6 1954 3,601 12 1,254 202 5,083 1,628 4,601 2,373 908 1,106 3,026 21 142 224 2,460 46 196 582 4,823 359 1,352 722 3,975 173 3,219 231 3,574 a tons 1959 9 86 396 45 7 5 149 10 Oops on which used- tons 1959 165 4,908 503 6 15 2,466 226 25 30 138 168 49 IS 1954 346 53 13 77 128 167 112 25 13 5,634 644 1,196 2,571 9,926 6,321 920 14 6,746 120 2,410 1,675 3,297 3,687 6,121 14,244 1,650 15 220 18 30 138 168 48 9 tons 1959 652 41 163 290 771 394 84 farms reporting 1959 6 7 2 18 tons 1959 48 19 Other pasture (not cropland) 106 30 131 258 9 20 1954 122 35 77 108 25 1 21 3,996 2,725 3,727 15,141 484 1954 2,999 43 838 1,088 4,854 2,095 4 23 106 30 131 258 9 24 tons 1959 343 288 453 1,588 39 25 1 96 tons 1959 29 534 30 236 134 350 73 28 1954 547 12 191 266 617 72 29 8,159 '45 951 4,740 1,335 7,826 2,989 30 1954 7,429 746 3,351 2,872 13,174 3,500 .11 504 5 7 224 134 344 72 tons 1959 744 10 27 413 184 695 187 40 23 13 7 1 84 Ions 1959 12 50 41 6 3 265 5 405 5 106 43 25 87 60 36 1954 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37 acres 1959 2,677 175 53,162 30 4,001 682 625 14,336 5,750 38 1954 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 249 5 66 5 99 43 25 87 38 40 tons 1959 220 25 631 318 52 75 1,074 326 16 344 8 38 42 tons 1959 38 2,786 26 488 43 538 16 310 31 509 68 239 76 277 1954 581 1 68 434 161 705 66 66 45 acres 1959 6,846 709 28,918 1,370 22,954 2,219 8,367 3,014 36,1S5 46 1954 6,395 16 5,053 12,923 2,930 17,152 3,888 7,095 Drv materials farms reporting 1959 507 690 16 107 120 1,150 31 142 486 1,991 68 224 239 741 75 297 218 2,937 48 tons 1959 46 228 34 140 50 tons 1959 64 1,104 210 8 1,898 202 278 15 91 94 69 105 53 52 2,915 22,416 1,425 16,919 761 942 16,712 3,089 53 192 as 15 83 94 69 105 51 54 tons 1959 377 611 50 1,650 149 105 1,228 227 10 213 9 17 56 tons 1959 3 964 197 80 57 Lime or liming materials used during the year . . 26 21 67 26 58 1954 25 5 12 1 59 acres limed 1959 475 920 2,785 1,330 60 62 1954 tons 1959 1954 285 630 80 85 1,740 125 290 3,335 175 1,451 60 3 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 63 Any of the following specified expenditures. .. . farms reportinc 1959 3,265 822 933 390 1,982 635 1,269 391 448 64 3,035 531 456 276 1,628 589 1,057 307 239 65 1954 3,473 1,000 750 324 1,787 757 1,529 384 381 66 dollars 1959 2,976,859 464,289 307,343 234,046 880,298 583,231 1,274,968 310,876 520,059 67 1954 2,615,606 490,308 384, 506 314,412 902,312 558,447 867,368 470,252 405,520 1,879 332 256 201 816 266 438 169 148 69 dollars 1959 804,486 630,535 364,689 1,095,773 750,827 425,580 989,836 1,718,081 308,428 70 Machine hire 2,445 712 862 331 1,601 302 576 250 375 71 1954 2,618 982 1,064 431 1,228 360 560 217 407 dollars 1959 679,977 1,249,730 2,357,615 342,648 1,093,626 91,547 224,761 410,539 1,167,162 73 1954 320,992 350,682 1,922,809 284,197 412,477 65,751 113,639 138,616 698,913 1,437 884 69 301 33 207 48 157 483 818 169 117 378 151 49 110 19 90 75 S2001OS999 76 SI ,000 or more 124 342 622 126 300 16 47 91 266 77 Hired labor 1,898 691 816 287 1,255 278 584 269 403 78 1954 1,983 973 990 378 1,921 304 300 379 417 79 dollars 1959 696,357 1,100,004 2,901,588 276,076 1,709,730 146,190 379,712 790,709 2,312,536 80 1954 516,435 914,061 3,297,747 363,056 2,334,478 85,595 328,161 643,979 1,214,566 1,737 332 194 203 844 237 485 118 75 82 1954 1,873 669 317 277 1,203 277 728 235 170 119 93 193 233 247 266 64 60 248 554 23 23 68 52 62 83 95 67 84 1954 42 17 166 71 375 407 20 41 163 164 18 4 31 20 89 61 233 180 86 1954 34 143 192 14 113 11 15 38 82 88 55,000 or more 8 23 183 6 50 7 16 51 151 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 3,120 791 933 384 1,867 585 1,177 371 448 90 2,732 1,128 1,14b 450 1,805 347 809 438 439 91 dollars 1959 625,913 471,416 2,073,249 228,026 827,184 74,855 304,206 434,330 857,595 92 1954 428,175 480,030 2,039,630 239,251 697,494 56,658 193,776 290,338 627,833 93 1,982 533 630 174 1,256 234 507 272 307 94 dollars 1959 154,387 92,950 356,872 54,249 328,426 20,814 63,342 276,995 207,087 TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Oontinued 303 a sample of f urns. See text J Galvestor Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg G^s Guadaulpe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 24. J 12 266 15 189 612 43 588 185 584 406 1,171 97 56 108 111 121 3 17 336 14 242 732 65 610 429 735 650 601 18 103 16 14 13,83 L 410 12,276 1,676 10,634 41,399 2,831 29,621 8,595 40,581 17,179 311,041 8,443 2,246 42,760 7,512 8,43 L 1,467 12,413 1,032 17,041 37,740 4,090 22,211 11,421 40,004 27,629 75,494 1,580 2,695 1,855 2,777 4 1,78 51 926 162 1,028 3,389 194 2,781 1,400 5,436 1,273 20,639 914 109 2,154 504 1,10 J 57 806 138 1,067 3,433 186 2,132 1,254 4,760 2,318 7,416 42 170 138 230 231 12 265 15 189 612 38 578 185 584 406 315 52 51 13 68 7 1,47 3 51 925 144 991 3,389 158 2,672 1,400 5,393 1,273 4,546 622 108 176 310 8 1 5 1 6 10 5 35 9 1,058 56 5 106 61 8 3L ... 1 18 37 36 109 43 16,093 292 1 1,978 194 10 9 > 92 1 44 167 9 264 79 189 107 67 12 21 3 2 „ 2 1 151 1 71 219 2 282 79 104 205 86 1 53 1 1 12 3,66 > 3,914 110 1,105 6,152 218 9,260 3,850 11,661 3,495 2,680 825 752 64 310 13 1,48. 50 3,716 15 5,560 5,844 70 7,881 4,515 6,978 4,968 3,541 85 1,231 15 120 14 8 7 91 1 44 167 9 259 79 189 107 40 11 21 2 2 15 31 > 301 1 6 1 134 627 24 1,105 15 623 1,844 287 120 32 68 1 43 4 ■1 15 U 17 3 (Z) 2 26 46 1 1 18 3 ... 15 57 97 52 170 13 5 19 3 ... 10 12 42 67 43 104 48 11 20 1,13 1,357 2,225 3,070 3,195 11,591 910 150 21 91 > 225 330 1,445 2,570 3,130 7,357 3,450 227 1,272 22 3 ... 15 57 97 52 170 13 23 10 7 113 195 198 531 1,860 65 24 25 98 11 4 ... 51 1 136 342 '78 61 257 163 61 6 3 37 1 ... 28 177 397 5 117 190 409 278 31 16 28 25 593 15 5,711 10,391 1,040 345 3,775 4,000 1,186 109 92 28 17 ... 233 8,794 9,770 15 1,916 1,040 7,962 6,260 1,016 215 30 41 ... 50 "i 136 342 73 61 254 163 11 6 31 21 ... 56 1 (Z) 1 534 5 35 686 94 5 40 30 419 3 10 272 23 51 62 6 3 8 32 33 34 32 "e 54 181 17 42 59 135 965 1 99 2 31 HI L NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3t 791 ... 1,198 433 1,152 8,432 1,055 1,585 3,152 5,156 177,637 45 18,711 380 37 HI L NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 ' 51 8 54 181 14 42 59 135 86 1 a U 67 1 1 32 90 732 39 3 12 160 304 1 12 336 960 885 9,421 2 26 96 943 2 18 40 41 42 12 15 22 109 26 59 35 230 49 880 '91 'i6 2 92 48 35 13 65 174 62 107 175 464 106 274 17 2 2 410 1,071 1,204 2,818 702 1,297 740 9,048 1,886 84,491 7,618 120 28 5,423 45 380 987 1,291 4,187 3,025 1,970 1,470 13,111 1,827 17,896 1,445 150 122 48 12 15 17 109 25 59 35 224 49 219 47 °i6 49 47 51 102 6 107 5 267 70 1 105 76 818 7 168 2,891 712 554 55 11 2 214 45 48 19 14 2 (Z) 21 4,223 291 7 146 50 lt> 165 1 11 214 5 234 55 48 94 454 30 100 35 51 7,98 6,571 47 105 11,381 856 13,369 465 1,354 1,732 44,897 1,220 23,865 1,399 52 9 164 1 11 214 1 224 55 48 94 69 25 10 23 53 901 501 3 13 882 25 1,010 140 148 145 552 46 146 81 54 1 1 1 15 408 5 96 18 '..'. 27 (Z) 2 24 43 15 25 83 11 23 15 2,330 1 1,019 30 58 57 5J 7 . 130 440 4,110 825 680 355 35 H 80 101 ) 125 265 3,959 775 915 355 '■70 81 82 56 323 1,120 143 577 1,723 342 2,295 515 1,212 1,869 1,535 596 1,136 305 584 83 46< ) 191 1,089 100 517 1,406 291 1,956 484 1,157 1,552 673 360 1,080 182 376 84 63 326 1,252 113 553 1,820 421 2,394 810 1,246 1,801 1,157 546 1,322 234 465 85 1,458,87 182,345 1,552,573 184,915 613,139 6,541,050 625,496 1,507,008 843,195 1,251,122 1,336,831 1,405,412 318,233 1,367,032 450,702 243,130 68 760,641 ) 197,922 1,596,373 209,551 523,631 5,738,560 503,039 1,617,202 493,791 703,571 1,777,978 1,033,121 226,923 1,707,234 444,741 313,433 87 22 L 126 693 70 290 935 183 902 240 482 925 424 205 617 155 253 88 459,091 ) 146,860 650,775 325,305 782,941 3,084,428 1,299,402 819,676 827,357 1,054,840 982,810 3,695,566 344,528 1,311,815 3,058,067 412,294 89 9 > 295 700 91 257 736 165 1,238 131 655 1,143 1,405 • 564 667 223 450 70 8 310 901 135 311 748 277 1,666 149 604 1,375 1,502 621 834 231 512 71 43,82. 525,412 153,771 172,538 120,280 257,610 176,201 506,760 32,830 351,556 516,979 3,408,305 882,276 177,512 591,555 414,995 72 54,61 > 189,175 208,672 57,421 105,237 149,521 167,640 564,787 28,395 196,256 314,040 2,657,180 428,075 132,782 320,756 388,968 73 6. > 22 469 9 168 439 21 553 86 341 530 81 34 363 2 154 74 1 j 65 215 31 71 250 71 538 34 255 496 345 272 286 55 182 73 208 16 51 18 47 73 147 11 59 117 979 258 18 166 114 78 27 S 307 551 108 367 983 219 963 166 587 1,031 1,406 473 459 257 406 77 15. 338 650 115 389 1,187 303 1,530 227 676 1,237 1,547 638 600 282 433 78 945,141 632,881 369,298 468,031 274,705 906,747 322,634 682,929 152,419 690,096 747,492 4,921,072 1,094,841 227,798 653,881 466,184 79 406,02 508,668 238,365 135,351 273,381 770,816 278,375 1,003,321 120,948 723,312 823,346 5,149,650 1,492,618 209,909 416,791 440,856 80 141 1 120 469 21 300 793 120 788 116 463 861 353 231 407 100 295 81 7 ! 201 574 67 309 1,010 223 1,231 201 583 1,030 424 201 547 148 289 82 4 L 109 45 36 31 113 61 113 32 72 97 380 113 31 81 60 83 2 7 94 59 33 53 114 54 208 5 49 160 466 247 40 82 90 8 78 37 51 36 77 38 62 18 52 73 673 129 21 76 51 H". 4 ) 43 17 15 27 63 26 91 21 44 47 657 190 13 52 54 H« 4 i 57 24 20 22 51 27 49 14 31 52 349 68 16 40 35 87 41 3 21 13 31 14 26 11 13 4 21 21 324 61 5 36 16 HN 541 i 322 1,100 142 557 1,682 332 2,250 465 1,097 1,778 1,535 586 1,116 299 577 XII 30 3 406 1,063 151 494 1,508 427 1,990 430 784 1,631 1,641 700 1,117 350 589 90 225,74 3 288,715 313,724 129,018 177,598 475,548 290,964 630,465 57,653 307,473 522,692 3,712,659 465,326 337,415 670,695 387,853 n 96,76 2 223,706 290,113 129,018 152,696 393,833 265,076 662,970 57,684 257,124 515,133 3,716,319 380,182 341,566 464,333 393,168 H 16 2 208 519 60 238 759 174 1,060 167 467 1,159 1,041 453 536 154 173 B1 105,41 5 87,139 64,346 16,083 49,594 94,454 45,749 208,089 23,575 77,346 169,322 696,134 106,175 64,603 95,402 67,369 M 304 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND Itoni (For definitions nml explanations see text) Hardin Harris Harrison Hartley Haskell Hays Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME 1 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing farms reporting 1959 . . . 251 1,092 955 18 86 78 47 819 2,279 352 1,251 1,518 3 57 117 30 1,373 2,174 s on which used 1959... 4,463 91,389 26,187 4,797 6,143 4,170 5,598 38,479 227,243 1954 .. . 5,625 95,664 29,499 570 3,455 6,13.4 4,277 46,602 177,680 tons 1959... 674 13,768 3,490 271 470 388 286 4,472 33,232 1954 . . . 787 11,464 3,884 15 222 495 132 5,319 24,900 farms reporting 1959 . . . tons 1959... 251 674 1,077 13,228 955 3,490 5 104 86 470 78 367 35 240 819 4,472 1,860 26,954 H farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... 43 16 6 15 798 III 540 167 21 46 6,278 Crops on which used- farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 58 277 288 2 1 41 12 258 101 12 81 340 153 17 80 7 272 117 13 acres 1959... 1,285 16,761 9,355 110 140 1,820 476 13,294 4,183 11 1954 . . . 1,031 11,371 7,084 500 3,582 352 7,551 9,868 IS Drv materials farms reporting 1959 . . . 58 277 288 2 1 41 11 258 84 16 tons 1959... 192 2,214 1,284 11 3 190 53 1,322 461 17 farms reporting 1959. . . 7 5 1 33 If tons 1959 . . . 34 15 3 92 farms reporting 1959... 1954... 59 182 158 1 291 49 20 15 168 79 2 268 33 21 acres 1959 .. . 1,305 7,190 6,084 130 13,330 1,360 1954 . . . 160 4,980 1,829 40 24 10,944 992 23 farms reporting 1959 .. . 59 182 158 1 291 23 24 tons 1959... 163 1,113 794 10 1,847 24 36 2C tons 1959... 145 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 110 207 426 556 453 825 2 5 15 3 6 268 856 296 195 ■28 29 acres 1959 .. . 530 10,085 3,313 17 50 21 4,035 5,921 30 1954... 988 10,465 6,350 315 90 11,962 5,520 31 Dry materials farms reporting 1959. . . 110 416 453 5 1 268 170 32 Ions 1959 .. . 98 1,469 465 5 1 505 362 33 farms reporting 1959 13 "2 2 134 34 Ions 1959 . . . 51 1 (Z) 298 35 36 147 54 16 6 20 16 35 104 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37 acres 1959 .. . 24 5,613 853 2,738 340 1,245 828 1,005 5,623 38 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959 .. . 9 4 147 564 54 97 2 39 6 45 20 91 15 31 35 92 65 319 10 11 farms reportinp 1959 . . . 5 15 1 2 41 IS tons 1959... 75 118 6 5 130 .farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 22 52 455 1,051 43 1 11 9 16 128 379 1,523 1,408 44 45 acres 1959... 595 4,835 5,428 10 402 2,232 112,530 46 1954... 1,309 11,667 2,360 454 568 5,886 93,081 farms reporting 1959. .. tons 1959... 22 103 455 605 84 401 1 1 9 18 128 203 1,118 10,431 48 49 farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 501 50 tons 1959... 1 4,224 farms reporting 1959. . . 66 455 225 10 2 23 36 243 1,572 52 acres 1959... 1,319 51,145 1,747 1,932 235 915 3,871 4,583 97,626 53 farms reporting 1959 . . . 66 450 225 1 2 23 23 243 1,260 54 tons 1959... 217 7,765 245 54 21 70 137 503 15,357 55 farms reporting 1959... 26 9 15 491 56 tons 1959... 380 48 37 1,389 57 Lime or liming materials used during the year .... farms reporting 1959 . . . 18 75 85 93 15 58 1954... 20 49 18 33 10 59 Bcres limed 1959... 194 2,175 2,847 2,330 580 60 1954... 215 2,070 725 1,825 550 61 Ions 1959 .. . 219 1,992 2,774 2,390 415 62 1954 . . . 355 1,550 470 2,095 465 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 63 farms reporting 1959... 694 2,360 1,539 143 1,184 653 227 1,665 3,573 64 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 605 2,055 1,364 114 758 558 210 1,519 1,270 65 1954 . . . 1,119 3,626 2,332 165 901 766 310 1,960 1,399 66 dollars 1959 . . . 391,480 5,137,959 1,400,018 598,971 727,706 1,125,469 567,821 1,458,825 3,125,589 67 1954 .. . 306,218 4,266,649 831,926 462,533 382,332 1,140,977 680,052 1,042,275 1,371,777 68 farms reporting 1959 . . . 221 878 398 107 470 294 117 624 580 69 dollars 1959... 118,304 2,574,069 705,412 2,903,652 1,718,451 2,357,670 1,167,635 1,200,540 3,287,374 70 Machine hire . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 67 124 480 563 595 504 97 111 1,086 1,194 372 397 137 167 538 750 2,902 2,293 71 72 dollars 1959 . . . 9,843 252,085 156,066 219,976 1. 179,1 ' ' 130,326 118,427 165,673 4,887,389 7'. 1954 . . . 28,275 217,046 53,427 177,968 700, 969 113,138 93,934 124,748 1,461,750 . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 50 16 249 163 462 111 7 41 127 438 199 137 18 79 343 163 758 1,137 75 S200 to 5999 76 SI, 000 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 1 68 22 49 521 36 40 32 1,007 77 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 102 105 867 897 555 732 125 128 958 1,156 297 539 112 165 571 707 2,828 3,316 78 79 dollars 1959... 42,928 2,924,703 630,484 302,054 1,738,788 535,475 204,434 299,528 13,140,580 80 1954. . . 71,305 2,174,325 382,370 323 ,021 1,689,415 471,499 183,161 256,568 11,929,181 81 Under 51,000 farms reporting 1959 .. . 92 365 435 61 492 176 67 506 1,298 82 66 487 652 54 612 399 120 638 1,625 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 8 194 77 23 245 50 20 42 559 84 37 166 55 35 382 89 22 51 639 85 . farms reporting 1959 ,. . 2 308 43 41 221 71 25 23 971 86 1954 . . . 2 244 25 39 162 51 23 18 1,052 87 52,500 to 54,999 . farms reporting 1959. . . m 22 26 139 38 16 15 375 88 55,000 or more . farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 197 21 15 82 33 9 8 596 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel . farms reporting 1959 . . . 637 2,298 1,229 143 1,169 635 222 1,530 3,421 SO 1954... 288 1,860 794 195 1,259 693 317 1,151 3,196 91 dollars 1959... 60,794 933,346 218,560 243, 526 848,439 165,919 185,102 243,073 3,521,080 92 1954 .. . 18,877 842,328 110,504 273,275 636,102 260,609 189,730 218,946 2,967,942 93 farms reporting 1959. . . 146 723 407 90 916 317 71 563 2,154 94 dollars 1959... 17,023 471,913 61,583 66,218 187,783 57,181 12,361 108,551 1,443,947 TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued a sample of funis. See textj 305 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson «. Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davl Jefferson Jljn Hogg 444 516 185 877 828 10 38 772 43 6 34 358 445 3 326 21 1 480 130 322 1,239 1,404 6 91 957 13 7 156 436 779 17 406 11 30,372 38,613 13,620 44,585 51,393 1,755 8,891 41,544 19,383 91 939 44,565 9,399 294 68,232 3,121 3 17,302 6,197 16,984 46,202 71,649 490 IB, 516 40,875 395 110 6,164 43,973 9,683 2,775 99,093 1,609 2,005 3,901 1,090 5,024 5,750 159 1,679 3,526 1,410 8 88 5,125 1,159 26 10,282 229 5 1,320 504 1,484 5,180 9,109 22 2,084 3,977 44 18 570 4,329 1,404 479 10,90? 80 e 345 394 185 877 812 10 37 762 19 6 34 328 445 2 326 21 7 1,431 2,846 1,090 5,024 5,506 159 1,192 3,470 460 4 38 4,635 1,159 12 10,264 229 8 145 287 26 22 30 38 1 58 2 6 9 574 1,055 244 487 56 950 4 490 K IS 10 133 15 72 377 203 2 14 296 6 5 17 52 137 3 79 1 11 183 30 90 441 262 1 35 226 5 2 61 105 173 2 44 7 12 6,062 55 3,400 14,865 14,327 610 820 12,111 48 15 598 2,125 4,480 6: 10,689 40 13 4,159 465 3,863 13,565 11,537 90 4,885 9,280 50 75 1,985 5,895 2,729 11C 4,136 773 14 126 10 72 377 202 2 13 296 6 5 17 46 137 : 79 1 15 473 5 230 1,695 1,547 28 82 1,033 6 1 49 190 574 t 83] 3 16 12 10 3 1 6 ] IT 15 1 4 8 i IB 39 'ii 249 129 144 ' i 43 76 If 1 19 27 15 7 133 105 97 10 38 46 3. 1 SO 2,137 273 12,858 9,319 4,175 2 2,491 2,432 l,31t 140 21 830 120 185 4,110 11,974 2,820 300 3,270 1,245 3,35! 200 25 38 12 249 128 144 1 43 76 U 1 23 141 20 1,621 969 1 50 431 (z) 201 246 9f 7 24 25 2J 1 71 16 35 173 504 91 5 126 222 ] 2 27 60 10 73 651 921 156 144 507 It 1 28 1,260 420 280 1,657 7,181 1,725 40 1,933 1,802 ii 11 80 29 1,395 40 1,050 8,923 13,552 1,955 2,569 3,455 M 5 30 31 i'j 35 173 494 81 5 109 222 2 31 43 5 19 185 795 102 8 115 232 5 32 45 6 13 10 17 .. 33 26 28 45 17 11 i .. 34 149 45 47 137 33 2 2 26 35 119 j 1 10 35 NA KA KA NA NA NA KA KA KA NA KA NA 'na HI HI NA 36 5,840 2,222 1,775 3,040 848 250 385 510 7,714 8,671 * 4SC 455 8T NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA KA HA K/ HI NA 38 72 25 47 137 33 2 2 26 11 86 1 10 .Si 177 163 104 311 59 22 20 34 115 624 3. 35 40 83 25 1 30 38 .. 41 93 62 1 299 286 42 152 503 io 252 346 7 28 258 1 'ii 168 io 4 48 115 90 87 448 932 5 91 325 16 131 70 1 44 8,180 35,188 75 8,069 12,104 895 7,559 10,815 36 179 8,979 140 12 138 49 4,210 4,959 1,352 12,736 21,972 400 13,159 11,085 694 3,860 290 2,57' 220 46 61 382 10 252 338 7 27 238 i 16 135 10 4 47 118 2,591 4 701 1,247 109 1,090 802 3 20 720 25 ( 9 48 102 281 12 22 20 1 44 19 386 909 84 477 35 3 170 148 18 106 isi 240 1 324 40 1 6 110 156 29 11 51 6,843 728 7,817 4,096 7,614 127 12,208 11,621 40 120 20,366 545 55,76 2,268 52 128 18 106 181 233 314 15 6 109 136 29 1 11 S3 479 82 713 511 889 1,068 339 11 2,785 82 9,30 170 51 30 5 8 i 10 35 i 3 55 53 5 55 5 84 50 60 88 38 6 5 4 1 16 651 1 15 1 1 *27 26 L 2 1 S 56 H 250 160 2,950 935 6,139 1,695 300 50 260 35 10 1,135 295 2,21 391 s ) M SO 250 320 3,155 745 6,132 1,907 1,000 50 165 70 10 1,235 295 2,93 44 L S ill 2,202 1,291 616 2,111 1,629 505 101 2,282 123 95 574 980 948 6 TO • 69 83 1,661 500 591 1,965 1,317 332 72 1,849 101 92 558 758 866 5. 63 50 64 2,005 874 825 2,322 1,930 452 99 2,060 136 110 774 858 1,635 8< > 951 1 63 65 782,491 217,201 735,376 4,044,822 914,327 356,442 233,281 1,182,728 262,668 233,760 678,735 842,006 1,372,585 325,81 ) 649,19. 110,219 66 678,702 474,026 795,022 1,978,399 1,005,802 340,766 377,561 785,824 268,520 467,055 725,377 663,655 1,037,751 567,37 696,101 ! 137,734 6T 985 331 371 907 442 246 31 861 68 51 237 332 354 3 > 25 1 19 68 739,485 535,397 1,309,202 1,023,407 1,176,793 526,253 353,326 1,016,790 1,043,201 408,941 841,672 577,692 436,850 495,65 ! 233,51 ) 101,999 69 1,732 1,259 335 1,082 739 439 49 1,691 62 34 145 602 144 1 13 . 20 TO 2,010 1,087 424 912 991 470 117 1,956 85 68 407 475 ' 229 6 > 21 ! 14 814,704 3,373,521 115,248 393,742 332,935 826,833 258,285 1,206,957 131,080 19,858 49,482 511,378 25,398 20,70( ) 256,991 ) 16,415 72 542,208 1,213,289 112,480 154,488 167,136 344,282 396,470 512,132 111,174 35,686 99,060 220,562 28,157 134,91 7 416,121 ! 2,423 ^^ 616 95 194 566 486 17 5 550 3 8 75 184 100 > ll > 8 T4 917 211 123 416 193 173 15 756 27 19 60 240 38 ! 61 > 10 T5 199 953 18 100 60 249 29 385 32 7 10 178 6 10 I 2 78 1,514 1,135 300 959 689 424 79 1,346 89 87 166 546 160 5 > 29 » 57 77 1,935 1,156 351 890 1,003 540 137 1,797 101 97 343 575 197 8 5 371 ) 75 78 1,154,031 3,741,459 326,394 719,852 577,861 1,445,645 801,531 1,366,073 255,923 272,747 143,445 822,974 91,595 397,26 > 965,76 L 222,671 79 1,211,018 4,264,146 322,763 356,445 681,319 1,238,329 1,327,357 1,265,273 191,379 184,331 199,026 840,767 55,685 657,71 1 1,027,29 ) 194,282 90 1,195 356 244 724 546 88 10 950 30 31 129 323 126 > 9 P 24 81 1,581 254 304 803 863 176 13 1,429 57 52 282 390 180 11 11 I 40 99 204 320 17 181 97 150 15 240 25 20 23 135 28 1 5 61 1 14 )J 287 320 19 60 97 192 16 308 21 26 41 94 17 L 91 ! 13 94 115 509 39 54 46 186 54 156 34 36 14 88 6 31 1 12 19 9S 67 582 28 27 43 172 108 60 23 19 20 91 5 5 161 ) 22 88 77 254 27 32 27 99 19 108 18 18 7 58 1 6 J 8 91 38 255 12 22 19 87 35 48 16 18 7 30 6 2 6 4 11 Hh 2,137 1,280 551 1,996 1,473 500 101 2,237 123 93 549 965 881 61 ) 68 ! 69 89 2,151 1,267 523 1,413 981 597 143 2,097 118 110 579 691 528 11 2 41 89 90 956,288 2,518,530 212,927 335,939 393,039 385,289 184,729 691,164 241,069 66,767 128,672 597,875 66,740 110,11 5 543,421 ! 57,121 III 741,499 2,274,711 174,059 257,000 313,886 380,016 527,908 571,756 187,361 62,848 138,209 420,055 52,278 155,48 ) 599,45 1 57,251 92 1,506 872 346 497 744 323 42 1,210 65 7 119 556 319 5 21 S 27 n 293,536 457,467 95,7% 71,806 131,850 81,883 33,440 135,678 87,121 1,052 24,638 200,884 15,685 1,67 5 308,62 ! 6,856 III 306 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are baaed on reports for only s and explanations, see text) Jim Wells Johnson Kaufman Kendall Kenedy USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME 14,579 16,288 1,384 1,366 ;■; , 394 25,997 1,367 1,590 43,732 41,569 3,614 3,959 Dry materials Liquid materials Oops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Dry materials Liquid materials SorghunB Dry materials Liquid materials Cottcm Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials *ime or liming materials used during the year . 3 reporting 1 5 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 tons 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 a reporting ] 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 3 reporting 1 ores limed 1 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of tile following specified expenditures farms reporting 1 Feed for livestock and poultry farms reportin Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1 Machine hire farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Under $200 farms reporting 1 S200 to 5999 farms reportin $1,000 or more farms reporting 1 Hired labor farms reporting dollars Under $1,000 farms reporting $1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting $2,500 or more farms reporting $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting $5,000 or more farms reporting Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1 2,033 1,648 2,162 3,712,165 2,795,885 992 2,660,574 1,082 1,150 530,055 275,156 1,054 734,053 594,758 2,013 1,873 619, 199 525,339 1,121 429,032 538,412 1,093 1,158 1,271,758 456,646 1,076 1,468,854 1,163,426 1,226 1,391 683,362 662,079 1,196 841,674 1,028,106 1,204 378,667 332,425 1,101 534,341 658,679 1,123 1,236 517,777 527,949 1,607 1,397 1,595 1,259,812 761,319 603 1,075,555 1,226 612,760 393,994 1,302 1,073,835 1,306,399 1,527 1,343 498,831 515,725 TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 307 i samp] e of f una See u «t] King Kinne 7 Kleberg Kno* to« «, r^aaas La Salle Lavaca - to. Liberty Limestone Lipscc Live Oai Llano 8 1 65 131 682 1,012 51 49 1,053 735 664 603 529 19 47 50 1 2 109 23 956 322 109 95 1,577 707 1,112 508 907 13 95 47 865 ' DO 4,066 9,908 42,359 151,894 3,001 8,124 26,948 31,758 34,514 49,011 32,329 1, 13 4,160 2,806 3 ... 65 5,485 1,423 44,848 32,097 3,401 14,958 37,921 28,612 38,545 52,770 48,996 1, 30 6,934 1,219 4 48 50 572 1,224 4,137 12,887 260 428 2,401 2,705 4,350 6,059 3,140 13 320 154 5 16 514 78 4,418 4,398 225 1,018 4,210 2,318 5,024 5,826 4,580 43 391 78 6 3 58 116 621 497 51 49 1,018 735 664 596 529 19 47 50 7 38 5 1 522 13 1,139 48 3,722 105 4,535 794 260 411 2 2,336 41 2,705 4,350 6,041 22 3,140 X! 320 154 8 a 10 50 50 85 415 8,352 17 65 18 10 1 231 83 19 8 115 176 150 169 164 3 10 20 n 2 16 6 178 77 64 49 270 168 118 103 299 7 25 26 1! 60 9,785 1,797 996 1,200 2,129 5,850 11,103 7,525 8,645 55 242 924 13 65 890 525 9,006 6,679 1,556 7,403 6,500 3,394 4,830 3,975 6,835 !82 2,115 678 It 1 225 62 19 8 115 176 150 169 164 3 10 20 15 2 1,074 11 229 26 108 53 175 545 1,205 625 964 11 13 61 16 17 136 34 18 152 5 1 2 79 90 190 '88 80 5 7 10 1 125 12 2 9 121 30 96 33 94 2 10 2 SO 6,335 50 15 225 1,448 3,176 12,438 5,502 3,852 15 268 176 £1 200 6,515 300 122 1,528 2,924 1,792 3,291 1,120 2,254 55 275 22 152 5 1 2 79 90 190 88 80 5 7 93 713 4 2 10 149 1 (Z) 372 1,609 692 420 2 16 11 34 25 31 1 199 82 9 580 473 407 236 222 1 16 3 27 321 8 ii 11 664 515 827 297 467 5 2 28 5 3,219 3,532 325 9,860 8,433 5,963 3,068 6,030 10 403 71 29 4,733 199 375 170 8,411 9,116 11,997 3,230 9,556 50 11 30 1 142 5 9 550 473 407 230 222 1 16 3 31 1 210 13 19 784 655 862 233 516 1 30 32 67 77 31 12 33 82 218 34 14 34 1 24 20 66 634 5 26 199 268 35 67 46 id 18 7 33 It 'ct HI HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Nl HA HA 36 4 OC 1,738 710 2,162 68,947 100 2,394 2,850 5,369 634 1,492 790 30 747 79 37 u M HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HI HA NA 38 23 20 61 99 5 26 194 268 35 67 46 10 18 7 36 96 80 184 714 5 119 239 376 81 133 60 92 41 5 40 1 2 10 5 587 5 41 90 12 10 5 4,562 3 42 8 33 114 257 769 5 'a 526 175 114 ■78 149 30 5 43 27 5 384 219 5 29 715 276 450 181 515 26 44 865 1,348 6,537 13,051 68,044 50 1,030 8,265 2,900 2,471 2,250 7,188 1,544 75 43 1,075 315 18, 5X 15,245 300 1,958 8,890 4,007 7,332 2,614 23,417 1,777 46 3 32 91 211 434 5 21 501 175 114 78 149 30 5 47 38 5 241 1 543 43 869 53 3,412 506 5 57 701 30 235 249 207 5 667 113 3 46 40 10 2 75 169 2,814 28 3 50 26 78 179 146 23 26 121 303 188 219 105 3 23 23 51 975 2,601 7,807 9,524 1,840 2,950 2,396 6,030 1,905 29,174 5,824 ] 03 956 1,481 52 21 78 179 42 23 25 121 303 188 219 105 3 23 23 53 184 514 672 163 140 153 288 522 344 4,151 513 7 107 70 54 10 5 130 2 5 55 36 23 21 19 699 860 758 811 724 17 15 12 200 110 175 105 38 22 1,510 250 1,540 281 20 5 914 172 1,015 202 1 12 7 395 1,083 510 1,090 24 55 1,060 1,625 1,117 1,460 30 57 98 31 «n 01 m 58 SI 242 677 2,127 1,705 798 217 2,861 1,315 1,336 1,211 1,408 38 564 440 63 40 81 176 439 1,878 778 768 170 2,591 1,225 1,129 1,036 1,147 ; 92 464 435 64 67 82 211 576 1,924 1,135 792 229 3,012 1,378 1,439 1,276 1,559 35 563 453 65 197,367 217,9 75 393,958 215,940 1,951,190 2,100,908 869,973 583,548 1,800,122 963,603 1,558,022 623,047 852,362 880," .■: 323,464 946,711 66 167,778 377,9 li 802,X8 196,974 764,871 462,277 1,075,223 474,698 1,647,922 781,535 695,888 560,099 773,192 791.S 89 500,168 1,204,663 67 37 57 118 256 788 449 431 105 1,503 664 361 336 626 ] 98 251 235 68 194,350 1,065,9 - 212,435 689,976 1,047,600 3,624,048 1,642,954 958,196 860,462 434,069 741,257 230,143 1,123,589 2,926,5 58 754,365 1,182,134 60 53 39 142 600 1,210 1,617 354 109 2,136 826 415 368 889 76 369 154 70 55 33 128 680 1,486 1,483 402 133 2,228 889 543 321 1,360 33 467 147 71 64,912 76,5 ... 320,252 1,002,402 663,608 3,218,998 82,158 143,652 459,805 243,967 204,876 339,394 328,653 195, 02 379,739 63,998 72 37,335 54,3 27 86,164 442,496 457,151 1,728,373 76, 119 90,871 328,474 185,670 81,000 222,403 420,521 89, 63 182,451 47,633 7.1 2 ! 26 66 519 105 218 30 1,402 455 224 162 422 29 83 91 74 28 : 1 54 233 507 478 130 36 696 331 147 127 379 82 159 44 75 23 13 62 301 184 1,034 6 43 38 40 44 79 88 65 127 19 71 57 70 182 467 1,116 1,495 377 149 1,664 692 545 425 776 31 371 257 77 56 73 188 710 1,409 1,576 338 174 1,871 753 775 334 1,420 10 534 218 78 255,791 305,1 94 1,052,472 1,267,955 1,154,862 3,966,812 226,496 488,212 716,004 238, 532 495,343 752,744 535,944 284, 147 492,105 229,651 76 160,998 242,5 77 1,038,068 1,099,062 1,130,233 5,257,064 154,181 396,641 488,977 161,617 264,743 603,796 1,017,769 225, >33 491,993 228,061 80 13 12 68 187 829 512 327 58 1,492 635 451 288 604 .57 240 189 81 1 i 1 84 366 1,108 457 298 86 1,801 719 716 212 1,112 yi 424 150 82 5 ■•. 44 113 173 429 30 39 142 46 47 52 135 40 84 34 83 31 28 49 228 214 378 27 44 56 34 40 49 234 X: 63 41 64 39 32 70 167 114 554 20 52 30 11 47 85 37 34 47 34 65 12 24 55 116 87 741 13 44 14 19 73 74 ;>5 47 27 86 24 16 46 81 80 320 14 23 14 9 24 36 23 19 26 29 87 15 L6 24 86 34 234 6 29 16 2 23 49 14 15 21 5 88 58 31 232 646 1,966 1,685 777 209 2,771 1,239 1,124 1,156 1,358 36 549 433 69 67 85 196 764 1,573 1,656 609 235 2,534 1,000 826 403 1,460 J 3 665 361 60 78,769 102,7 41 240,650 476,904 544,539 2,839,330 200,050 164,783 533,246 261,878 250,172 457,788 424,681 313,C 145 287,135 137,863 91 71,075 70,8 35 235,918 482,366 465,827 2,760,561 208,210 193,802 452,240 204,745 162,596 287,061 559,443 292, 88 290,769 129,455 02 24 15 119 366 784 1,173 273 85 1,634 807 533 369 678 ] 43 384 131 m 3,605 8,8 89 44,620 132,748 125,795 607,920 29,976 37,158 119,351 97,062 54,400 278,239 130,127 50,; 0B 103,009 11,851 »< 308 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES I'SE OF COMMFltt 1 W II H 111 .I7.ER AND LIME County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on reports for only McCulloch McLen Dtj i als. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dr, materials Liquid materials Dry materials Sorghums Dry materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials ,ime or limine materials used during I 9 reporting 1 s retnrtine 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 9 reporting 1 s reporting 1 s reporting 1 3 reporting 1 ! reporting I 5 reporting 1 ^ reporting 1 > reporting 1 9 retorting I sreportir 71,377 15,011 6,019 2,130 397 3,434 359 2,585 15,791 585 1,736 2,267 347 2,561 30,542 40,980 3,445 4,246 23,504 8,566 3,414 1,526 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 1 dollars 1 Machine hire farms reporting 1 dollar Under S200 farms reportin 3200 to 5999 farms reporting 1 $1,000 or more farms reporting 1 Hired labor farms report] r dollai Lnder 51,000 farms reporting 1 $1,000 to 5.2,499 farms reporting 1 $2,500 or more farms reporting 1 1,494 6,078,626 903,789 541 12,297,506 1,708 1,892 4, 158, 627 3,622,786 98 376 1,632 1,850 6,216,871 6,610,442 1,001 2,454,663 3,085,277 2,446 1,992 3,052 3,751,380 3,915,079 1,240 3,248,731 1,627 2,325 899,707 681,098 1,353 2,278 1, 860, 691 2,143,074 1,034 746,294 588, 564 2,500 to S4,c 5,000 or mor. . farms reportin dollars 1 2,022 3,290,176 2,730,601 1,048 1,320,898 1,262,718 2,385 2,922 928,754 1,075,1 HA Not available TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 309 a sample of farms. See text ] Matagorda Maveric] Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague liontgomery Moore Morris Motley Hacog- doches Navarro Newton 366 61 211 10 102 512 56 51 272 408 yy 229 48 638 380 368 1 382 9 265 57 69 849 65 21 334 503 3- 327 37 1,315 644 466 57,361 17,04! 15,097 4,523 11,735 34,725 1,853 2,490 11,007 15,933 46,82! 9,574 2,084 21,295 24,290 4,085 3 60,656 13,12. 14,857 2,240 5,745 32,044 2,738 331 12,735 8,604 5,44C 7,829 3,170 27,513 31,469 4,488 5,567 2,89! 1,328 196 2,093 3,695 103 189 869 2,177 3,16. 1,138 248 3,795 2,200 681 5 7,883 2,38: 1,204 226 612 3,380 166 19 950 1,452 29. 1,275 67 4,162 3,006 797 6 358 5 185 3 97 495 56 51 272 408 1 229 46 638 380 368 7 5,525 2,60 ! 1,229 26 2,014 3,335 103 189 869 2,177 30. 1,138 219 3,795 2,200 681 8 15 1 7 38 7 25 44 9. ... 12 9 42 29 L 99 170 "3 360 2,86C ... 29 10 51 5 50 6 5 192 24 6 157 175 30 231 146 90 „ 51 4 102 19 268 18 1 166 113 33 ii 216 327 69 IS 4,376 6,73 1,988 300 30 9,304 734 118 5,804 7,787 13 1,622 10,061 8,271 1,716 13 1,662 4,97 4,684 366 9,327 580 20 4,667 2,437 2,750 310 6,205 13,294 1,793 14 51 M 50 192 24 6 157 175 30 231 M6 90 323 62- 142 r l l 6 18 5 1 884 36 13 490 1,028 212 1,897 795 289 16 5 22 18 m 12 1 1 66 50 ii.8 35 162 119 27 19 40 6 49 44 116 24 197 33 20 20 1,847 175 3,947 30 4,085 1,150 5,618 4,737 5,638 7,263 706 21 2,010 420 1,645 2,377 2,446 987 6,305 2,030 145 25 14 12 1 66 50 116 35 162 119 27 23 115 13 1 2 535 78 774 445 1,000 649 105 24 25 61 1 '« 152 166 27 152 147 300 47 212 28 27 95 61 1 275 6 17 201 224 726 114 318 28 1,248 1,03 > 2,202 5,263 284 1,317 41 ) 1,063 2,502 1,333 1,135 29 1,319 72( ) 1,569 125 4,112 143 199 1,439 44 1,441 6,453 2,140 1,760 30 60 > 42 164 27 152 M7 300 47 212 91 81 6 7 139 532 17 200 180 504 93 198 32 6 ... 7 ... 4 51 ) 62 > 34 79 L L 112 10 137 5 29 8 9 i 32 34 27 10 HA Kl HA HA HA HA HA HA HA MA '. V NA HA HA M NA 36 2,618 3,49 7 5,418 60 7,805 250 717 35 22,93 665 858 590 10 37 MA HI I HA HA HA HA MA MA MA MA N V HA HA HA HA NA 38 78 86 5 120 5 29 8 1 1 32 34 27 10 39 203 24 1 316 5 417 8 53 5 M S 58 131 54 2 40 1 ; 26 10 23 6" 7 41 1 9 74 3 204 1,37 i <2 160 7 30 2 96 88 40 37 37 L 51 48 50 74 43 136 3 ! 16 69 214 ii 13 26 87 112 36 403 291 60 7,939 1,88 i 782 60 11,572 2,813 2,272 412 443 ii 2 499 2,084 1,001 3,287 45 6,705 4,4? 7 412 5,745 5,293 250 247 185 731 1,164 2,850 4,343 9,532 155 46 152 5 29 2 91 81 40 37 37 1 51 46 50 74 17 577 191 J 68 5 2,005 310 171 31 42 2 58 219 65 261 46 13 J 1 20 12 12 49 19 7 1 1 75 42 29 50 179 2 7 64 2 6 HI 28 5 96 88 * 7 109 122 78 138 51 39,333 3,88" 7 4,532 216 43 5,455 869 100 2,640 733 23,61 2 988 1,235 3,546 518 52 178 2 64 2 6 131 28 5 96 88 1 2 109 122 78 138 53 4,226 1,47 551 21 2 657 59 5 200 128 15 5 185 198 348 67 54 2 3 10 10 a i 18 2 j 23 1 250 20 1 1 61 125 122 125 30 32 10 1,221 110 1,980 180 5 40 40 5 200 150 43 45 1,255 1,013 1,135 995 1,47 t 56 3 5,750 2,770 6,535 2,920 64 21 2,245 400 2,183 455 is 6 400 125 585 124 39 30 1,006 280 1,501 365 56 N H 59 60 61 6? 1,018 15 i 1,184 263 206 1,936 723 616 1,153 1,105 20 1 548 293 1,624 1,887 685 63 763 12 i 933 246 127 1,608 703 390 1,103 1,007 10 9 492 231 1,549 1,454 591 64 958 IS ) 1,361 285 180 2,062 879 603 1,439 1,322 15 * 686 312 2,289 1,606 1,018 65 709, 592 395,95 2 885,406 302,172 1,377,979 1,183,892 1,056,802 308,708 1,286,874 1,543,110 263,53 3 1,035,490 158,745 7,734,919 1,010,085 655,791 g| 534,238 390,78 2 1,125,583 639,418 481,740 940,696 1, Ml, 185 352,809 837,187 939,374 2M,52 : 1,883 252,384 3,711,753 627, 576 422,051 •17 311 6 « 577 121 101 963 407 256 540 443 8 2 193 139 740 722 153 68 294,385 1,410,84 I 970,606 438,223 394,166 1,125,033 856,495 431,871 1,315,632 683,082 1,570,92 7 1,196,301 207,933 2,232,177 . <•'!.<.;■■ 192,964 69 616 S i9 665 155 149 1,21* 399 545 443 211 12 7 181 251 425 1,210 91 71 494 u 5 816 232 166 1,303 483 451 485 246 1« 3 129 363 544 1,640 131 71 496,081 163, X 0 334,234 64,714 285,502 686,765 124,953 889,769 152,475 81,026 393, 2( 7 30,381 314,976 95,641 642,523 37,070 72 439,334 80,8: 9 227,914 75,214 119,413 345,267 96,694 155,605 107,241 44,286 209,2; 0 20,940 257,352 52,390 513,992 16,980 73 207 : 2 227 68 6 505 206 61 238 105 8 M2 41 252 604 58 74 283 5 335 71 48 548 176 189 187 83 ] 6 39 102 157 429 17 75 126 2 103 16 95 161 17 295 18 23 1C 3 108 16 177 16 76 685 i: 5 643 163 172 979 308 515 506 302 If 3 193 218 483 1,019 74 77 735 if 77 768 164 200 1,502 310 588 382 329 1. 9 152 373 593 1,730 65 78 1,025,544 986,4C 17 678,757 218,086 835,631 925,437 188, 569 901,311 347,292 390,761 449, 8f 8 137,356 380,636 696,938 1,M5,1M 26,135 7! 1,334,824 896, o: 3 439,855 192,833 603,276 1,217,048 136,020 654,449 201,139 229,861 353,7. 8 135,174 850,895 292,318 1,569,121 30,150 M 455 < * 476 99 45 777 265 250 417 229 ( A 177 113 349 711 69 41 370 • 3 651 111 89 1,176 267 379 308 282 ( 7 134 160 516 1,335 57 K 96 6 72 45 22 128 29 M7 57 33 3 10 58 79 190 3 63 190 t 2 74 32 53 225 35 M6 59 25 t A 11 112 44 209 7 84 134 ( 3 95 19 105 74 M 118 32 40 < A 6 47 55 118 2 175 ' 43 21 58 101 8 63 15 22 I 8 7 101 33 186 1 84 78 8 61 9 40 32 5 81 19 27 14 1 28 23 68 1 H7 56 i 5 34 10 65 42 9 37 13 13 0 5 19 32 50 1 hs 987 3. 5 1,151 247 206 1,875 687 616 1,111 993 1< 6 473 283 1,449 1,836 600 Bl 945 2. 1 284 240 1,853 670 699 839 430 2C 9 305 376 1,082 1,696 334 ■pi 603,056 199,1 2 524,093 111,728 193,106 575,136 205,957 420,512 299,154 174,038 475, 1( 3 68,644 198,396 251, M8 687,115 46,675 ill 532,318 186,« 9 410,200 100,059 191,747 600,833 176,178 352,864 168,216 99,109 316, 8< 0 48,044 251,434 171,417 629,867 39,613 in 618 1( 1 551 82 124 1,012 289 430 424 195 1( 5 221 183 367 895 167 9' 309,590 124,0 >4 83,333 15,120 44,807 155,834 36,197 103,363 100,322 123,290 112,9/ 7 28,801 37,931 .55,982 205,472 9,464 111 310 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [ Dnu are based on reports for only Nueces Ochiltree Oldham Palo Pinto Panola IVK OF COMMERCIAL KIIITILIZF.R AND UME ml fertilizer and fertilizing Dry f Liquid materials Oops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Ot^er pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Sorghums Dry materials Liquid materials Cotton Dry materials Liquid materials All .ither crops Dry materials Liquid materials Lime or limine, materials used during the y . farms reporting HIS9- 1954. s on which used 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. 9 reporting 1959. tons 1959. s reporting 1959. s reporting 1959. tons 1959 . s reporting 1959. s reporting 1959. Ions 1059. 3 reporting 1959. tons 1959 . s reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. - NpOtting L9G9 tons 1059 . s reporting 1959 . tons 1959. s reporting 1959 . - rapartjjit; 1869 tons 1959.. 3 reporting 1950. 1954 . acres 1959. 1954.. s reporting 1959. tens 1959. 3 reporting 1059. tons 1959. 3 reporting 1059. acres 1959. s reporting 1959. tons 1959. 3 reporting 1959. tons 1959. 3 reporting 1950. 10,641 9,923 1,261 838 1,322 23,132 30,252 3,500 4,231 838 3,498 13,501 14,495 1,169 1,231 269,468 38,292 14,163 3,760 1954.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDnviU-.s Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting 1059. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1959.. 1954 . . dollars 1959.. 1964.. Purchase of livestock and poultrv farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959 . Machine hire farms reporting 1959. . 1054. dollars 1959 . . 1964.. Lnder S200 farms reporting 1050. 5200 to $990 farms reporting 1050. SI, tlOO or more farms reporting 1959. Hired labor farms reporting 1959 . 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. lnder S1.000 farms reporting 1059. 1964. SI, 000 toS2.49f> farms reporting 1959. 1954. 52,500 or more farms reporting 1959 . 1954. S2.500 to $4,999 farms reporting 1959. S5.000 or more farms reporting 1959 . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting 1950 . 1954. dollars 1969. 1964. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1969. 1,078 1,040 1,136,457 1,140,838 1,530 1,414 1,894 L,687,62< 1,194,420 509 809,800 1,639 1,564 1,885 3,840,990 3,209,713 830 4,023,900 1,614 1,183 346,047 289,087 TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued a sample of turns. See text] 311 Polk Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reage ji Real Red River Reeves Refugj Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 309 31 75 227 225 5 15 615 173 72 7 493 152 2 855 313 1 482 14 67 340 94 8 1,207 210 65 9 768 149 1. 1,796 420 8 15,178 14,057 4,119 8,142 63,438 70 90 29,508 52,568 7, 32 839 37,005 9,435 3,66< 23,994 5,147 3 10,651 1,897 8,215 12,412 11,382 32 41,990 58,801 3,f 00 250 36,315 10,157 68' 44,648 6,842 1,654 856 587 1,019 3,629 28 42 3,267 9,480 99 65 4,460 744 17( 3,840 533 5 1,145 60 1,400 1,562 742 29 4,422 9,079 51 21 4,379 880 9' 6,008 905 6 309 23 67 227 59 5 15 568 82 65 7 484 152 2 855 313 7 1,636 598 490 1,019 431 28 42 2,843 3,314 i ,87 65 4,113 744 17 3,830 533 9 1 10 15 189 105 154 18 26 2 9 18 258 97 3,198 424 6,166 J.2 347 10 10 81 2 78 21 14 178 6 2 112 37 293 61 11 96 18 58 13 5 180 41 1C 141 37 330 57 12 4,292 249 2,300 431 05 7,888 975 ... 6,810 1,615 37 7,500 1,245 13 3,176 985 1,335 280 .. 38 6,637 3,590 -" 250 6,043 1,410 X 9,342 815 14 81 1 78 7 14 177 2 2 107 37 293 61 15 375 5 1 10 255 95 14 a 32 811 11 21 22 30 19 852 6 17 152 1 1,392 112 16 17 IB 56 24 167 2 2 88 41 163 51 19 42 48 5 126 1 1 61 25 196 16 30 2,783 1,230 6,635 150 95 6,388 1,710 2,83 6,520 1,540 a 1,560 119 1,015 125 5,734 57 20 2,920 530 6,067 680 22 56 24 167 2 2 87 41 163 51 23 206 147 866 6 7 606 1 140 14 ) 1,040 132 24 25 172 145 21 6 268 10 325 6 403 192 21 27 251 188 3 1 561 547 15 1,128 282 28 2,101 52 1,575 784 25 3,359 7,496 225 3,734 1,465 29 2,230 2,973 205 22 6,969 9,153 685 10,160 2,351 30 172 1 145 10 6 252 320 6 403 192 81 256 2 196 11 11 152 2 392 17 27 918 6 25 14 499 1 2 181 32 33 34 13 19 i 36 179 5 44 24 ■'. 2 48 25 10 55 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ill NA NA NA N NA 31 495 6,384 104 495 35,409 60 610 2,173 3, 17 175 3,620 330 4 3 165 37 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ■.'- NA NA NA N L NA 38 13 11 1 36 30 5 44 10 44 2 40 25 10 39 54 203 10 143 16 47 203 157 1,674 8 66 6 6 100 19 153 D9 12 20 20 273 10 66 26 20 40 41 42 22 75 72 39 5 178 171 58 2 116 io 1 ! 169 86 75 56 156 488 197 20 271 20 915 198 3,156 3,628 1,742 871 >70 10,357 47,237 3, A,J 129 10,509 255 35. 2,630 827 43 2,317 4,841 4,357 18,636 50,772 31 10,958 2,205 15 7 11,928 2,054 46 22 67 72 ii 5 136 75 51 2 107 10 1 ! 169 86 315 441 14 214 7 38 28 615 78 3,105 152 -.2 e 8 1,163 23 15 1 7 294 1 92 46 82 82 370 5,750 92 229 8 50 80 25 7 75 163 85 21 6 125 90 5 248 55 31 2,351 7,621 138 800 25,943 659 2,033 535 2,182 5,300 6 S 3,445 70 52 80 16 7 75 29 85 5 6 125 90 5 248 55 53 430 1 393 9 28 1 160 115 140 93 81 18 37 301 397 3 585 16 54 55 18 115 5 1,269 233 56 16 22 36 119 32 37 6 8 16 4 22 1 36 425 1,015 915 7,095 310 59 120 296 210 1,060 930 110 r,li 635 1,530 995 8,395 369 61 60 303 191 1,060 865 200 K! 723 293 189 476 604 72 ] 84 1,423 226 51 96 979 337 1,19 1,999 663 68 579 215 127 416 532 52 ] 82 1,273 107 ] ... 68 851 257 86 1,814 602 64 1,081 343 143 524 567 86 02 2,162 119 3 75 103 1,152 309 1,1* 2,883 795 65 738,332 1,075,450 213,686 248,967 1,071,932 145.C 179 171, TO 1,223,114 409,298 284, »i 453,913 946,225 117,698 924,69 1,645,013 2,023,838 66 341,383 683,013 562,356 181,084 855,526 258,5 60 269, >O0 1,167,466 264,606 199, ■ ■ 784,331 951 , 322 132,355 1,230,70. 1,882,856 698,871 67 188 136 25 142 400 39 3 22 396 78 69 58 424 179 61 520 252 It 303,199 3,822,819 515,986 80,824 2,359,731 425,' 27 246, < )04 498,970 1,645,893 202, 88 2,236,076 787,462 225,152 1,724,561 856,681 574,040 69 125 123 111 216 344 8 33 583 178 ] 60 55 351 256 1,01 690 198 70 325 160 102 178 500 74 28 742 234 ] 57 54 324 • 313 1,07 714 94 71 63,417 311,906 257,788 41,930 352,049 6,1 85 50, 63 258,611 1,971,059 312,! 18 112,470 409,928 235,859 696,40 116,951 21,950 72 38,145 159,400 194,903 34,097 345,447 32,.! 42 37, 94 161,244 1,410,628 305, 89 57,196 193,584 215,085 363,14' 78,952 13,125 73 70 12 6 147 102 5 71 287 7 13 2 194 65 22 538 177 74 35 38 38 63 137 2 51 231 16 88 17 80 119 56. 141 20 75 20 73 67 6 105 1 11 65 155 59 36 77 72 22 11 1 76 164 181 161 135 428 48 91 591 211 71 470 267 85 503 149 ?? 284 149 168 209 446 56 93 1,004 265 98 88 790 289 97 852 138 78 199,391 727,849 677,755 113,253 641,197 125,] 81 138, 74 493,252 4,424,856 592, 82 222,163 868,031 571,123 1,004,40' 364,793 68,065 r« 181,373 471,165 1,036,319 92,685 554,143 95,1 20 112, >60 635,280 5,192,848 781, 73 155,091 1,089,830 464,755 764,56 304,339 31, as 80 120 86 59 113 288 13 50 481 15 93 25 333 122 55 393 122 ii 232 77 57 196 308 21 52 835 46 94 46 699 145 72 766 137 82 17 43 38 12 70 14 26 58 a 22 14 66 77 19 62 20 83 34 26 51 10 76 20 29 106 20 13 18 26 96 17 73 1 84 27 52 64 10 70 21 15 52 175 55 32 71 68 10 48 7 85 18 46 60 3 62 15 12 63 199 ••1 24 65 48 7 13 hR 16 13 17 2 43 17 7 30 12 24 21 22 32 7 41 7 h7 11 39 47 8 27 4 8 22 163 '1 11 49 36 3 7 88 641 284 188 416 594 72 ] 83 1,278 226 ; ■A 96 883 312 1,16 1,743 602 .-.'. 337 200 221 284 569 78 ] 55 1,336 267 ] m 108 689 284 1,25C 780 327 90 295,198 240,803 65,725 785,228 48,' 43 58/ m 274,438 1,444,491 278, * 46 142,712 359,550 198,678 553,06 208,091 52,960 01 72,929 207, 314 290,567 57,456 709,482 60, ( .49 44, ( 108 282,918 944,602 176.C m 108,657 291,634 142,710 526.73C 163,672 24,344 92 206 156 97 182 404 9 84 335 163 3 3 3 39 411 223 71C 519 163 M 18,675 94,989 25,503 14,590 180,217 1,' 91 7, 25 31,181 337,213 48,. 44 14,030 129,097 51,067 104,27. 53,099 4,920 »l 312 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanal ons. see text) San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schleicher Scuri •y Shackel- ford Shelby Sherman Smith I'SF. OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME 1 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 320 568 304 387 316 127 102 236 15 3 1 3 5 9 828 1,451 71 3 1,259 2,180 o 1954... 8 acres on which used 1959 .. . 8,480 8,779 63,452 7,932 1,093 29 5 13,513 24,875 41,818 1954... 16,314 6,008 12,539 10,595 300 5 480 26,532 380 59,695 1,27-1 1,054 5,573 435 85 1 I 2,144 1,614 6,430 6 1954 .. . 1,898 870 981 694 15 I 28 3,792 21 8,506 320 1,274 304 1,054 268 5,026 102 405 13 58 1 1 1 828 2,144 21 299 1,259 6,430 8 tons 1959... 72 547 5 30 11 27 55 1,315 10 tons 1959... Crops on which used- 11 42 73 18 29 1 194 5 339 106 111 15 83 2 2 316 405 13 acres 1959... 1,500 2,055 3,309 1,704 90 3,827 430 11,121 1954 . . . 2,600 2,285 2,033 2,072 150 130 6,942 12,205 42 218 73 292 17 322 29 97 194 565 339 1,974 16 tons 1959 . . . 1 1 5 18 tons 1959 . . . 2 2 16 19 79 61 1 89 251 20 31 22 6 6 110 193 21 acres 1959 .. . 2,675 3,842 40 2,026 15,097 1954 . . . 640 290 325 95 300 2,112 12,147 23 79 61 89 251 tons 1959... 417 372 377 1,711 25 1 26 tons 1959 .. . 2 27 Corn 197 166 15 5 511 562 28 1954... 344 205 16 6 937 1,349 29 acres 1959 . . . 2,070 1,661 232 30 3,272 535 4,347 30 1954 .. . 4,354 1,660 360 20 7,003 11,567 31 197 166 10 5 511 562 32 tons 1959 .. . 295 228 19 3 572 668 5 4 34 tons 1959... 1 30 35 1 22 184 "8 12 48 77 36 1051 . NA NA NA NA NA N I NA NA NA NA 37 35 174 18,126 515 7 280 9,395 870 38 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA !. NA NA NA MA 39 1 22 158 3 12 12 77 «0 tons 1959... 5 24 1,426 9 ) 35 135 122 27 5 37 42 tons 1959... 136 15 507 43 44 105 329 285 48 11 56 12 247 762 116 600 1954... 129 15 acres 1959 , 1,735 761 38,318 850 813 2 ) 2,598 1,301 I.'. 1954... 8,060 1,109 4,269 1,364 7,254 5,495 17 105 62 238 11 12 247 116 48 tons 1959... 216 121 3,000 57 48 ... 317 131 50 tons 1959... 357 23 51 60 51 25 81 1 232 43 582 52 acres 1959... 465 286 3,467 4,833 150 1,510 14,515 9,082 53 60 51 24 76 1 232 18 582 54 tons 1959... 123 17 259 239 10 278 164 1,824 3 5 56 tons 1959... 51 15 762 57 Lime of liming materials used during the year 42 23 52 119 58 1954... 10 10 32 26 59 acres limed 1959 . . . 1,340 651 1,785 5,355 60 215 225 557 1,130 61 tons 1959 . . . 1,365 678 1,745 6,960 62 1954... 225 225 509 2,135 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 63 Any of the following specified expenditures. 700 81 « ) 760 807 220 '2 ) 247 1,990 246 2,394 64 675 704 345 733 198 55 5 220 1,820 169 2,088 65 878 963 529 880 182 73 J 296 2,745 143 2,847 66 836,700 302,514 388,974 1,445,329 389,554 552, n 322,491 5,921,758 452,953 1,467,184 67 1954... 503,813 307,305 316,681 1,823,810 797,721 454, 34 1 377,685 5,366,675 340,382 1,392,625 68 farms reporting 1959 . . . 221 184 150 472 104 51 130 805 141 694 69 dollars 1959 . . . 323,335 387,503 950,741 524,202 916, 5 2 1,096,086 1,774,304 4,300,963 952,905 70 184 292 659 409 143 61 3 163 667 161 746 71 1954 . . . 298 359 628 261 177 61 159 752 147 833 72 dollars 1959... 42,267 52,127 2,192,396 204,251 132,255 577, 35 1 121,456 88,370 466,442 173,000 73 1954... 76,502 48,725 966,836 53,001 98,315 173, •>', 3 56,983 58,974 280,597 80,449 I'nder S^OO . farms reporting 1959 . . . 105 78 1 204 83 5 53 182 424 187 181 41 38 65 40 8 29 2S 4 45 7 91 ■ 27 592 64 11 7 49 105 539 170 37 75 76 209 260 295 304 670 698 409 377 179 191 ■.'■ 141 5 192 470 753 214 199 886 1,202 1954... 79 dollars 1959... 105,210 105,835 3,310,526 441,467 428,430 885, 8 I 226,783 288,613 451,978 1,554,431 1954... 74,526 83,462 4,214,592 305,151 414,578 676, 3l 3 194,913 258,917 327,828 1,527,487 187 244 270 282 173 133 297 285 69 71 ,5 J 94 3 139 416 672 115 118 606 963 1954... 8.1 13 14 160 69 54 9 ! 24 30 42 134 1954... 13 20 148 67 58 . J 35 58 41 96 85 $2. W0 or more 9 11 337 43 57 2 i 23 24 57 146 1954... 3 2 417 25 62 5 i 18 23 40 143 87 3 9 139 20 34 7 .11 14 32 70 2 198 23 22 5 12 10 25 76 89 90 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 1954... dollars 1959... 1954 .. . 609 415 665 266 755 759 774 800 215 223 84 7 246 0 262 1,710 761 240 224 2,168 1,202 68,282 82,947 863,229 262,532 138,020 370, '0 7 130,359 145,261 458,975 429,803 92 60,765 39,739 752,367 266,718 152,619 384, 47 1 110,854 150,433 339,882 327,207 93 94 dollars 1959... 189 11,458 380 33,857 509 228,649 334 74,628 61 11,276 60, 4C 3t 130 0 22,040 403 26,045 136 62,253 553 154,081 TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 313 i sample of farms. See text] Sane rvell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throck- morton Titus Tan Green Travis Trinity 51 44 21 3 10 3 580 375 36 1 570 3 444 86 98 384 1 98 74 28 26 1 292 667 19 63 7 748 43 287 622 2,315 9,115 740 212 498 400 160,542 10,340 1,866 15 100,931 378 11,653 3,629 10,171 15,680 3 5,165 6,484 1,007 1,444 25 43,455 16,417 675 8,303 645 18,288 1,954 10,274 17,413 4 227 1,285 62 8 74 45 8,906 1,203 148 3 13,378 46 1,581 235 720 1,932 370 1,165 70 58 4 2,107 1,811 34 791 51 2,650 268 900 2,148 6 51 31 20 2 10 3 95 375 29 1 470 2 444 74 96 384 7 227 887 14 61 1 6 1 74 45 1,197 530 1,203 134 7 3 8,944 169 37 1 1,581 207 18 714 3 1,932 8 9 398 1 2 7,709 14 4,434 9 28 6 10 16 17 8 1 2 19 185 2 1 18 1 146 8 34 163 11 36 1 10 6 1 18 266 5 18 2 185 19 136 154 12 810 975 201 60 265 801 6,309 210 15 1,214 75 4,197 233 5,970 6,348 IS 1,585 250 110 150 25 487 8,523 375 382 300 2,815 552 5,039 4,184 11 16 17 8 1 2 10 165 2 1 11 1 146 6 34 163 IS 40 1 59 2 1 70 19 1 17 3 26 IS 14 13 6 660 57 126 1,120 13 3 103 7 18 2 8 1 40 577 95 98 2,420 19 2 389 1 4 8 10 290 759 86 9 4,353 16 17 16 19 30 31 '46 70 2 6 1 1 17 2,122 57 123 86 i 4 2,545 95 316 255 8 29 394 86 579 23 34 26 10 1 i 1 20 27 2 223 5 22 218 26 27 35 1 1 5 5 « 539 40 439 28 140 50 10 85 221 297 11 1,679 25 455 3,483 39 680 60 5 5 140 300 6,621 695 5,608 30 10 1 1 i 5 27 2 223 5 22 218 31 13 2 1 12 2 15 32 1 272 1 44 434 E 33 10 1 10 1 1 1 508 14 22 7 91 123 4 29 10 34 SS HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 175 100 185 70 108 50 104,253 382 202 12,936 1,626 173 1,948 70 37 NA NA '.; NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 10 1 10 1 1 1 51 22 7 72 123 3 27 10 39 28 4 18 5 9 " 530 464 5,091 28 14 665 29 964 215 7 1 3 117 2 2 5 40 41 43 25 i 1 9 315 1 31 555 1 86 43 17 85 43 25 41 1 12 105 6 27 296 23 30 389 44 3,253 57 138 305 21,028 226 1,347 85,646 100 987 2,558 443 1,205 43 445 2,589 10 895 6,133 270 5,279 2,834 903 515 4,582 46 12 9 44 1 24 460 86 37 17 85 47 331 59 253 22 98 8,035 93 149 30 130 46 14 1 1 279 7 163 1 11 10 171 1 2 907 14 3,411 8 10 50 26 13 11 1 1 346 122 3 19 2 97 41 25 26 1,190 4,667 280 4 15 34,239 2,006 107 1,124 163 744 640 1,065 221 52 26 6 11 1 1 39 122 3 18 1 97 36 25 26 53 146 485 8 227 23 2 2 1 145 ioo 394 315 1,684 5 150 150 338 10 250 325 9 140 6 41 1 40 40 25 1 1 108 67 27 1,694 335 1,527 260 31 5 11 105 25 52 85 2,282 1,850 2,267 1,845 54 55 56 M H M SI 6 6? 298 532 524 63 423 139 845 1,840 1,042 94 835 385 1,015 877 1,398 628 t 280 301 482 63 330 137 501 1,648 836 92 380 353 930 673 1,168 563 I 284 408 479 76 410 139 673 2,814 1,150 94 631 371 1,300 930 1,682 708 '1 133,332 113,125 615,972 194,157 240,431 592,388 861,553 5,440,412 780,480 100,791 329,256 354,088 764,882 1,650,120 1,807,630 435,294 a 122,185 145,921 774,804 399,179 360,221 753,609 444,966 4,120,624 799,750 493,589 288,886 336,660 490,064 1,571,130 2,442,072 205,140 i 117 67 260 46 197 81 373 992 548 49 253 240 366 486 709 131,410 162,570 1,289,697 363,730 483,735 971,838 1,247,392 3,215,793 1,480,653 295,628 439,191 1,378,623 448,995 2,267,857 981,110 268,247 6! 110 360 152 25 296 19 720 682 766 60 802 256 • 393 620 807 191 71 147 275 231 69 384 119 799 980 730 87 854 307 465 720 927 261 21,630 220,150 46,187 22,865 294,138 20,895 1,191,213 304,467 433,162 57,738 2,587,744 156,105 58,086 739,201 430,018 87,453 T 39,348 72,255 54,118 36,094 245,541 122,305 1,124,010 218,012 199,193 58,578 1,240,624 135,438 44,350 308,851 283,478 34,974 I 77 210 82 4 29 3 49 339 228 5 36 70 291 133 278 32 123 63 15 174 9 338 275 430 28 253 153 100 243 395 88 1 27 7 6 93 7 333 68 108 27 513 33 2 244 134 12 ' 110 159 229 49 261 113 637 801 653 90 783 195 289 633 735 273 7 141 527 213 72 283 126 791 916 724 94 860 312 354 774 1,080 304 45,250 796,391 185,103 191,947 280,158 517,161 1,482,429 1,932,919 703,235 205,240 4,947,441 240,410 182,885 1,324,464 823,218 119,053 7 53,245 662,710 148,362 189,833 259,140 349,086 1,586,695 1,432,470 488,667 201,985 2,813,941 216,586 117,800 1,219,799 961,517 92 97 192 20 201 16 233 452 448 20 110 143 236 261 528 242 126 397 173 38 188 33 346 603 30 237 268 129 443 789 250 * 15 24 13 7 22 29 194 152 126 39 132 29 40 193 122 26 S 99 23 14 68 46 232 176 84 37 280 24 17 217 196 52 3 38 24 22 38 68 210 197 79 31 541 23 13 179 85 5 7 31 17 20 27 47 213 133 37 27 343 20 8 114 95 2 3 20 17 9 24 33 135 96 63 24 121 11 5 113 53 2 * 18 7 13 14 35 75 101 16 7 420 12 6 66 32 3 293 521 497 63 423 139 815 1,784 1,029 94 825 384 925 857 1,362 531 s 258 738 424 88 414 142 902 1,688 1,084 97 898 376 625 934 1,379 308 K 54,080 193,280 143,785 72,493 203,084 152,399 1,702,988 569,433 410,562 76,833 1,624,541 277,871 117,472 532,450 520,304 103,992 1 50,047 264,546 122,036 63,550 198,195 101,215 1,965,897 508,263 393,630 82,907 1,105,457 198,975 73,709 550,306 467,011 83,632 1 123 151 261 18 172 14 540 768 659 2 634 229 297 445 718 179 1 18,650 84,579 29,190 4,313 28,831 7,839 286,359 254,147 144,643 1,000 313,878 47,673 27,736 94,833 135,825 42,412 I 314 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on reports for only Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Dry materials Liquid materials Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture Dry .naterials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials Liquid materials Sorghums Dry materials Liquid materials Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials jime or liming materials used during the year « reporting s reporting s reporting i reporting 3 reporting n reportinp s reporting s reporting s report me 3 reporting 3 reporting s reporting cres limed SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES \ny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Purchase of livestock and poultry. farms reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting dollars Under $200 farms reporting $200 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 or more farms reporting Hired labor farms reporting dollars Under $1 ,000 farms reporting $1,000 lo $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 or more farms reporting $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting $5,000 or more farms reporting Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting NA Not available. 5,316 9,950 7,839 13,969 733 1,234 1,306 2,000 1,205 904,335 1,223,360 1,321 1,206 1,705 1,636,130 726,049 341 630,960 1,085 1,960 54,203 84,290 6,943 11,285 1,085 6,943 1,262 5,966 17,963 5,470 1,141 6,128 1,023 2,236 2,020 2,558 1,356,574 957,185 769 1,022,409 1,241 388,907 214,003 1,326 633,301 507,066 2,141 1,753 372, 098 347,475 17,053 18,590 1,409 1,929 1,094 904,707 992,174 23,325 15,620 3,012 1,587 1,005 791,390 70 . :- I 92,486 46,882 256 53,856 44,577 7,265 5,416 TEXAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 315 ft sample of firms. See text] Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wiee Wood Yoakum Young Zapata Zavala 815 40 899 257 101 18 > 214 368 583 264 833 125 26 20 63 1 864 46 684 259 137 161 ! 194 540 814 461 1,267 17 80 11 58 S 23,271 6,354 123,214 31,432 13,472 14,59' 31,013 18,735 51,142 10,305 25,352 24,836 1,855 2,201 19,066 3 19,574 5,795 84,523 25,574 12,436 8,041 ) 20,483 18,270 51,105 15,671 36,740 875 3,069 3,563 14,486 4 2,640 1,086 13,841 1,594 681 1,19" ) 2,982 1,566 2,977 1,109 3,895 2,347 128 333 3,130 5 2,172 1,458 7,641 1,008 710 86. 2,133 1,422 3,418 1,461 6,016 91 182 807 1,771 6 815 37 813 257 101 16 100 368 583 264 833 123 28 19 55 T 2,617 1,039 12,843 1,594 681 1,04 r i,28i 1,550 2,977 1,109 3,895. 2,111 128 310 2,897 9 2 10 144 5 124 2 42 3 14 1 23 47 998 15 1,701 16 236 23 233 10 283 12 67 45 60 5/ , 8 43 146 162 228 5 2 7 11 259 7 61 31 64 1L 12 116 266 218 385 8 13 1 8 1! 5,453 460 5,315 3,276 3,798 1,95 77* 1,440 6,398 5,273 6,739 622 160 420 IS 4,905 673 4,285 1,489 3,944 4,831 I 5,975 3,323 9,370 6,993 7,400 241 542 125 1,625 11 283 6 66 45 60 4) i 8 43 146 162 228 5 2 7 15 854 10 6 24 602 101 202 17 76 ... 124 474 621 726 89 8 53 16 15 1 3 16 159 33 6 2 25 19 *30 250 1 la 137 27 12 6 26 21 28 214 8 so 8,343 2,255 212 102 405 3,244 1,250 7,616 90 81 3,709 680 2,590 363 570 1,980 934 6,235 504 22 159 33 6 2 25 19 30 250 1 2S 622 239 12 8 41 221 186 1,147 6 24 26 244 7 368 15 18 °89 301 26 329 1 2 18 36 27 298 7 202 16 93 437 45 839 2 2 13 B 2,923 80 8,960 35 755 1,594 8,376 320 2,783 4 7 27 2,121 M 3,330 80 4,105 100 1,245 8,667 375 10,008 42 15 820 V 243 6 344 15 7 88 301 26 329 1 1 2 16 81 327 1 1 5 1 3 632 36 82 2 21 11 43 128 1 3 465 24 448 1 1 4 195 3 40 32 S3 34 56 13 235 126 8 1 11 ISO 250 28 122 25 19 11 HA HA NA NA NA V l HA HA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA HA 36 1,909 428 13,600 11,578 324 1,63 ) 1,580 5,914 13,772 1,125 1,243 2,240 2,115 S7 NA HA NA NA NA Hi l HA NA NA HA HA HA NA NA HA HA 38 55 11 211 126 8 1 3 178 250 28 122 13 19 ■ 169 1 15 2 923 34 512 14 16 19 8 395 2 660 98 112 120 18 207 40 II 12 10 85 133 9 23 42 249 7 573 213 1 12 194 208 ~43 5 'si 120 7 40 43 294 4 432 200 16 1 162 162 65 25 297 8 5 6 11 44 3,012 888 38,328 15,508 200 7,2* 20,904 8,332 629 25 717 20,715 1,337 4,531 49 3,536 617 22,422 13,633 185 66' 10,898 4,680 801 735 2,687 522 iio 1,043 1,046 46 249 7 506 213 1 101 ) 84 207 43 5 81 118 7 36 47 411 123 2,813 917 6 48- 859 773 48 1 92 1,839 251 442 48 1 2 104 4 ) 116 1 30 1 5 40 10 10 323 10" 1,043 4 213 18 72 SO 163 26 295 '38 51 8 45 46 354 70 286 11 25 14 32 SI 1,631 4,498 54,756 1,035 8,938 3,71. 6,898 1,050 18,723 2,312 6,254 1,255 1,598 837 9,879 v: 163 26 274 38 51 7. 37 46 354 70 286 11 25 13 29 S3 234 886 7,634 32 62 447 221 1 298 10 89 1,109 179 1,370 62 113 55 2 2,000 4 34 55 493 21 482 5 118 ■.« 10 6 1 5 5 25 126 75 57 SB 300 42 300 50 100 50 400 4,730 1,800 4 M SO 300 54 450 50 100 100 245 4,634 1,545 4 «1 69 2,279 171 2,030 714 594 86f 621 2,543 1,244 20 1,411 1,390 263 764 200 254 63 2,073 158 1,553 623 497 58( 235 2,066 1,117 19 1,300 1,313 142 688 92 180 64 2,489 186 1,820 715 644 74 321 2,734 1,413 39 1,725 1,599 228 793 148 187 69 1,588,263 347,391 1,302,253 449, 157 737,843 419,54 340,249 1,478,584 1,049,049 77,755 2,431,137 1,022,198 193,420 539,748 67,419 615,713 66 1,864,468 1,083,334 907,427 560,403 686,090 412,33 167,486 2,650,477 794,744 134,309 2,166,943 1,035,185 161,727 512,971 70,737 359,264 67 1,078 77 791 373 346 38i 90 1,341 755 12 737 475 74 321 66 116 68 938,092 1,748,008 1,123,247 902,501 978,491 590,591 360,028 1,498,136 891,419 99,000 1,503,085 423,085 384, 161 866,427 152,294 2,426,063 69 1,790 37 1,662 505 330 80( 583 2,134 765 3 626 529 205 479 31 133 70 1,543 60 1,356 510 379 80. 715 2,704 960 10 881 668 211 616 65 99 71 431,885 78,970 1,456,995 348,246 270,831 838,54. 2,717,087 1,659,635 275,342 2,320 185,553 77,613 658,505 208,185 92,031 501,416 72 232,020 149,420 830,522 145,361 192,804 559,71' 1,154,519 793,110 262,893 2,990 219,481 90,294 390,124 229,109 49,570 142,028 7.1 1,125 7 476 130 96 10 90 614 355 1 304 405 10 213 8 13 74 592 10 749 266 146 43 167 1,052 370 1 29S 110 55 221 9 51 75 73 20 437 109 88 211 326 468 40 1 24 14 140 45 U 69 76 1,343 150 1,458 420 268 701 > 534 1,820 649 14 635 482 216 400 126 204 77 1,600 205 1,824 501 319 S3. 817 2,574 916 16 738 720 222 474 105 178 7H 641,327 809,072 2,228,205 470,201 419,510 1,524,83 3,911,001 1,563,173 643,238 37,080 350,831 452,297 934,799 237,485 363,821 1,814,400 7'l 453,584 1,437,536 2,655,512 462,360 495,238 1,576,45 3,997,678 2,205,150 436,949 28.9U 419,686 358,522 585,152 240,544 659,007 1,886,029 80 1,167 55 926 283 168 39 1 140 1,321 541 8 557 381 23 321 76 1,503 61 1,101 343 238 44 > 220 1,950 836 4 625 627 71 409 65 82 133 36 317 81 75 IT > 117 359 60 2 34 62 72 57 24 56 83 64 75 444 118 37 2ff 228 478 52 9 66 68 82 52 22 42 HI 43 59 215 56 25 1> 277 140 48 4 44 39 121 22 26 83 89 33 69 279 40 44 10 > 369 146 28 3 47 25 69 13 18 66 86 24 24 128 34 15 101 i 83 111 26 2 32 23 71 18 13 87 19 35 87 22 10 2 > 194 29 22 2 12 16 50 4 13 64 HX 2,074 169 1,970 713 569 85 i 605 2,512 . 189 20 1,343 M,335 262 742 192 248 81 1,523 237 1,926 677 441 83 ) 802 2,964 1,160 24 1,142 923 252 631 198 206 'JO 393,256 160, 588 1,381,697 315,672 293,822 622,79 L 739, 112 1,041,410 453,519 18,685 343,145 194,403 440,256 258,019 112,678 420,821 ttl 260,388 236,674 992, 380 277,093 206,522 481,61 5 1,001,420 959,359 452,779 19,608 293,378 194,738 284,934 246,662 70,827 463,717 M 1,258 50 1,355 347 274 48. . 372 1,728 814 2 525 569 171 313 68 166 M 85,460 50,737 472,738 67,901 98,795 134,16 5 209, 176 289,184 221,991 210 123,127 85,608 89,809 70,816 65,099 167,478 »< 316 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON Item (For definitions and explai ■ text] Archer Armstrong Atascosa Cattle and calves forms reporting 1 number 1 Cows, including heifer? that have calved farms reporting 1 number 1 Milk cows farms reporting 1 Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting 1 number 1 Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves. - .farms Veporting 1 Farms reporting b> number on hand: Cattle and calves- 2 to 4 farms reporting 1 5 to 9 fvrnis reporting 1 10 to 19 farms reporting 1 20 to 49 farms reportin 50 to 99 'arms reportin 100 or more farms reportin Cows, in jutting heifer* thnl have calved- 1 farms reporting 1 2 to 9 farms reporting 1 10 to 19 farms reporting 1 20 to 29 farms reporting 1 .tO to 49 farms reporting 1 50 to 74 farms reporting 1 75 to 99 farms reporting 1 100 or more 'arms reporting 1 Milk cows- 1 firms reporting 1 2 to 9 farms reporting 1 10 to 19 farms reporting 1 20 to 29 farms reporting 1 30 to 49 farms reporting 1 50 or more farms reporting 1 Horses and 'or mules farms reportini number 1 Hogs and pigs fnmis reporting number 1 Bom since June 1 farms reporting number 1 Born before June 1 farms reporting 1 number 1 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pigs- I'ndcr 10 farms reporting 10 to 24 farms reporting 1 25 to 99 farms reporti ng 1 100 or more farms reporting 1 Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1 number 1 I .ambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1 Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting 1 number 1 Ewes .farms reportin number 1 Rams and wethers farms reportin Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs— Under 25. farms reportin 25 to 299 farms reportin 300 or nwre farms reporting 1 Chickens I ninths old and over farms reporting 1 Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 months old arid ov t Tnder 50 farms reporti ng 1 50 to 399 farms reportin 400 to 799. farms reporting 1 S00 tol,599 farms reporting 1 1,600 to 3,199 .farms reporting 1 3,200 or more farms reporting 1 Turkey hens kept for breeding farms reportin 181,735 241,858 8,517,275 8,239,905 173,809 235,414 4,416,363 4,559,144 82,750 161,296 506,796 688,888 151,953 190,742 2,105,951 1,922,961 144,327 171,970 1,994,961 1,757,800 4,871 25,314 30,651 39,373 45,348 19,817 16,361 15,566 75,757 33,867 15,639 14,496 7,689 3,225 7,570 35,703 39,783 1,206 1,058 2,472 2,528 77,207 113,694 237,615 300,415 75,640 107,546 1,158,687 906,324 46,118 56,710 662,147 478,191 60,610 85,959 496, 540 428,133 48,874 15,452 9,621 1,693 23,793 25,159 6,063,797 5,733,563 18,463 18,892 1,954,753 1,847,840 22,213 23,288 4,109,044 3,885,723 21,775 22,674 3,798,745 3,568,651 17,989 17,928 310,299 317,072 8,240 11,171 4,382 126,854 211,191 15,871,213 83,762 37,919 2,342 1,326 6,610 13,171 2] 1,942 i ■ ■ i ,024 1,455 2,161 38,521 35,649 1,410 2,112 23,928 21,077 649 1,537 2,971 5,008 1,213 1,656 9,615 8,452 961 1,400 4,978 6,120 1,448 1,689 2,735 731 1,269 10,438 10,501 1,008 2,025 52,443 72,072 68 1,065 60 1,765 11,150 22,520 9,667 28,138 62 1,051 59 1,719 6,331 14,048 6,296 17,193 31 522 46 1,146 76 1,260 110 3,208 57 884 51 1,314 2,834 5,615 2,502 6,978 63 706 46 1,005 1,985 2,857 869 3,967 1,567 59,481 74,507 1,057 1,285 64,144 65,039 1,014 1,269 36,449 38,916 478 829 1,145 14,119 13,195 922 1,114 13,576 Li :'.:''' 1,004 99,063 101,015 TEXAS 317 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Be*ar Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 294 385 1,107 380 594 1,865 1,597 439 136 1,125 1,613 1,049 849 92 248 159 1 596 530 1,528 505 707 2,568 2,249 506 163 1,334 2,350 1,356 1,085 78 398 220 11,815 14,132 39,248 30,017 34,838 40,875 76,807 19,956 13,889 42,712 48,769 81,763 51,464 30,710 16,285 40,215 3 12,055 13,828 45,414 29,038 34,351 38,530 63,797 15,366 15,205 37,115 50,522 96,801 47,862 18,900 16,861 43,616 4 272 363 1,091 328 574 1,802 1,446 425 127 1,088 1,544 1,022 818 85 243 155 5 577 520 1,515 488 698 2,536 2,124 497 160 1,320 2,285 1,314 1,055 77 389 212 6 3,998 7,080 22,295 7,865 21,035 20,047 37,896 12,421 7,920 21,635 27,592 53,079 30,763 17,215 8,316 23,544 7 6,085 8,324 26,480 12,889 21,431 20,702 34,085 9,607 8,133 20,373 30,027 59,409 30,564 13,418 8,625 25,175 8 178 217 585 178 241 881 780 249 81 595 771 319 339 32 100 53 9 504 354 982 364 452 1,914 1,386 380 126 986 1,692 676 604 51 294 131 10 533 616 1,634 418 797 2,602 11,995 1,296 191 2,780 5,429 3,558 5,401 83 214 1,408 11 1,308 829 2,422 900 1,686 5,548 13,348 1,168 370 3,455 6,192 4,170 5,308 146 872 1,043 12 223 324 989 296 494 1,535 1,405 373 108 991 1,312 903 738 79 197 124 13 416 419 1,277 445 585 1,936 1,842 420 132 1,147 1,790 988 913 55 318 186 14 3,847 3,649 9,308 10,950 7,342 10,975 23,028 4,300 3,229 10,823 11,671 17,388 11,017 6,763 3,946 8,774 15 3,470 3,611 10,134 8,186 7,544 9,120 17,274 3,376 3,738 8,633 11,375 23,012 10,628 3,329 3,861 10,047 16 187 331 931 318 506 1,447 1,337 382 113 921 1,214 864 714 77 196 124 17 359 372 1,148 416 566 1,828 1,617 404 HI 1,080 1,516 872 802 69 316 166 18 3,970 3,403 7,645 11,202 6,461 9,853 15,883 3,235 2,740 10,254 9,506 11,296 9,684 6,732 4,023 7,897 19 2,500 1,893 8,800 7,963 5,376 8,708 12,438 2,383 3,334 8,109 9,120 14,380 6,670 2,153 4,375 8,394 20 24 5 14 10 13 60 33 10 4 17 48 16 10 4 7 2 21 101 57 136 37 71 311 208 36 19 98 297 128 81 3 52 17 60 88 192 47 91 416 340 73 20 128 363 203 130 5 17 27 23 41 72 236 78 130 481 341 89 23 287 356 179 180 7 38 36 24 34 82 337 101 149 424 365 132 28 386 335 213 212 20 63 23 25 14 46 113 44 60 116 184 55 15 138 121 134 108 15 29 24 26 20 35 79 63 80 57 126 44 27 71 93 176 128 38 42 30 27 83 37 53 40 39 174 132 25 10 54 163 68 35 5 28 8 28 138 167 475 161 230 1,053 698 163 55 465 753 397 289 19 97 58 ■29 16 60 258 66 106 341 245 101 16 2% 289 166 172 6 46 23 in 8 29 118 19 57 95 96 40 7 93 113 74 90 7 15 9 1] 12 31 89 20 45 79 105 38 10 100 100 90 78 10 16 19 .12 5 20 42 7 41 32 84 23 5 45 60 69 49 4 11 12 .13 2 6 19 4 13 10 35 11 3 12 27 38 28 4 11 1 34 8 13 37 11 43 18 51 24 21 23 39 120 77 30 19 25 35 87 90 269 72 113 393 242 93 28 273 348 134 115 11 45 17 36 85 124 307 104 122 466 370 143 53 283 361 150 161 20 53 10 37 1 1 2 2 2 7 20 2 7 5 1 3 1 2 3 38 1 3 11 2 4 5 3 5 4 39 4 1 2 6 38 1 15 17 10 12 9 40 1 1 4 4 6 99 8 13 35 21 43 10 41 92 270 528 125 237 407 533 253 76 338 955 617 438 90 101 70 42 164 350 902 156 270 648 876 315 84 404 1,534 903 627 80 164 148 43 244 1,074 1,070 440 1,112 1,036 1,457 725 435 915 2,144 2,551 1,142 1,758 376 734 44 310 1,173 1,991 517 1,132 1,343 2,143 760 475 881 3,173 3,173 1,569 1,566 448 1,177 45 223 115 549 144 230 889 773 163 52 346 678 331 289 14 103 41 46 260 151 791 197 251 1,303 862 220 80 474 1,178 547 508 7 153 54 47 4,407 1,536 9,319 2,608 4,437 8,984 17,905 2,378 689 6,548 7,432 7,936 4,814 259 2,801 209 48 1,969 1,217 6,557 1,586 2,360 9,699 9,482 1,285 362 3,459 8,135 6,243 5,210 44 2,069 243 182 80 374 89 150 502 515 95 38 230 425 173 188 9 80 17 50 171 92 416 92 152 605 498 97 60 250 656 350 328 3 98 26 51 2,800 1,033 5,872 1,411 2,063 5,272 10,123 1,451 347 3,993 4,824 3,117 2,960 116 1,554 94 52 1,285 829 3,759 758 1,170 4,757 5,565 750 213 1,937 4,381 3,412 2,951 26 1,250 116 53 174 72 453 121 188 707 623 128 40 274 501 271 226 12 81 30 54 182 100 675 158 191 1,035 667 181 56 378 883 320 362 7 119 37 55 1,607 503 3,447 1,197 2,374 3,712 7,782 927 342 2,555 2,608 4,819 1,854 143 1,247 115 56 684 388 2,798 828 1,190 4,942 3,917 535 149 1,522 3,754 2,831 2,259 18 819 127 51 101 75 327 75 117 609 437 113 31 195 513 253 187 5 42 33 58 63 21 121 42 57 190 184 29 12 80 107 54 51 5 30 7 59 52 18 89 24 46 86 127 16 9 65 45 16 44 4 24 1 60 7 1 12 3 10 4 25 5 6 13 8 7 7 61 22 320 38 10 50 353 198 339 24 472 23 36 27 45 7 5 62 17 402 58 11 75 388 258 368 32 460 18 37 35 50 10 14 63 3,632 61,550 1,814 2,599 1,394 36,207 7,948 72,714 13,186 45,974 611 583 1,604 90,961 741 29 14 3,409 72,603 4,648 874 1,849 28,956 10,954 62,269 13,040 37,315 370 1,373 2,745 87,441 2,921 84 86 19 262 29 6 33 263 133 290 18 391 13 30 21 35 4 1 66 16 312 39 10 50 330 178 278 26 350 13 25 25 27 8 9 67 1,133 17,335 492 1,057 318 10,701 2,356 19,601 3,751 12,811 116 157 609 36,884 105 3 68 1,237 17,529 1,678 308 349 7,886 5,145 14,600 2,961 12,619 139 182 773 19,648 1,901 38 69 21 312 38 10 46 341 182 333 22 460 21 33 23 38 6 4 70 10 391 52 11 63 379 234 351 25 445 17 31 . 35 46 8 11 71 2,499 44,215 1,322 1,542 1,076 25,506 5,592 53,113 9,435 33,163 495 426 995 54,077 636 26 72 2,172 55,074 2,970 566 1,500 21,070 5,809 47,669 10,079 24,696 231 1,191 1,972 67,793 1,020 46 73 21 308 37 10 44 336 175 328 22 445 20 30 21 36 6 3 71 10 383 50 11 60 370 222 341 25 435 16 29 34 44 8 9 75 2,400 39,208 1,228 1,462 968 22,124 4,797 40,986 9,051 30,237 383 368 924 49,104 627 22 76 2,107 48,284 2,891 542 1,354 18,031 5,136 34,535 9,735 22,788 194 1,120 1,874 60,440 921 35 77 15 270 31 6 38 263 148 301 21 366 17 30 19 36 4 2 78 7 335 36 7 47 281 128 307 17 342 13 25 29 40 6 7 79 99 5,007 94 80 108 3,382 795 12,127 384 2,926 112 58 71 4,973 9 4 BO 65 6,790 79 24 146 3,039 673 13,134 344 1,908 37 71 98 7,353 99 11 61 7 53 22 6 37 133 126 40 3 93 15 31 13 2 3 5 82 10 208 15 1 13 196 68 228 13 354 8 5 13 7 3 83 5 59 1 3 24 4 71 8 25 1 36 1 84 288 280 831 263 345 1,445 1,208 299 90 719 1,154 622 555 24 177 96 85 612 428 1,299 433 507 2,312 1,967 375 131 1,082 1,975 1,113 866 10 346 139 86 16,288 17,638 79,569 17,799 40,002 150,657 157,538 25,387 3,269 119,569 132,643 85,714 222,757 1,257 13,842 10,507 87 45,513 28,321 90,323 30,859 43,747 169,520 174,179 33,534 7,755 122,033 83,357 61,525 101,233 529 21,304 5,994 88 203 203 527 158 211 779 700 180 66 373 986 429 404 17 121 76 89 81 67 277 101 114 619 447 108 24 295 119 165 122 6 50 14 90 2 8 11 3 11 24 42 5 18 13 11 6 1 3 1 91 1 2 7 4 10 11 6 19 16 7 5 2 3 92 1 6 3 1 3 2 9 4 6 2 9 5 12 6 3 7 5 13 1 2 93 94 8 54 60 3 26 56 106 17 1 23 45 36 34 3 7 7 95 5 34 166 10 38 90 173 28 11 47 54 73 73 9 22 98 40 244 452 8 119 2,647 517 6,956 2 13,842 170 491 1,314 19 35 65 97 8 270 1,790 41 262 386 2,718 7,606 77 10,724 219 292 950 31 74 » 318 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON Cattle and Calves farms reporting 105!) . 1954. number 1959 . 1951. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . number 1959 . 1954. Milk cows farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . number 1959. Steers and bulls, including steer and bull c ■.farms reporting 1959 1954. Farms reporting b\ numher on bund: Cattle and calve— 1 farms reporting 1959 . 2 to 4 farms reporting 1959 5 to 9 .....farms reporting 1959. 10 to 19 farms reporting 1959 . 20 to 49 farms reporting 1959 50 to 99 farms reporting 1959. 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . Cows, including heifer= thai have calved- 1 farms reporting 195 9. 2 to 9 farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 19 farms reporting 1959 . 20 to 29 farms reporting 1959. 30 to 49 farms reporting 1959 , 50 to 74 farms reporting 1959 , 75 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . 100 or more. farms reporting 195') . Milk cows- 1 farms reporting 1959 . 2 to 9 farms reporting 1959 . 10 lo 19 farms reporting 1959. 20 to 29. farms reporting 15159 . 30 to 49 farms reporting 1959 . 50 or more farms reporting 1959 . Horses and 'or mules forms report inc 1959 1954. number 1959 . Hogs and pies fnrms reportinc 1950. 1954. number 1959. 1954. Bom since June 1 farms rcprting 1959. 1154. number 1959. 1954. Born before June 1 farms report! ng 1 950 , 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- t'niler 10 farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 24 farms reporting 1959. 25 to 99 farms reporting 1959. 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1159. number 1959. 1954. Lambs under 1 year old Farms reporting 1959. number 1959 . 1954. Sheep 1 year old and over fnrms reporting 1959 . 1954. numher 1959. 1954 . Ewes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959. 1954 . Rams and wethers farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs- Undcr 25 farms reporting 1959 , 25 lo 299 farms reporting 1959 . 300 or more farms reporting 1959. Thickens 4 nonlhs old and over farms reporting 1959. Farms reporting by numher of chickens 1 months old and over— l 'nder 50 farms reporti ng 1 50 to 399 farms reporting 1 400 to 799. ... farms reporting 1 ^00 to 1,599 farms reporting 1 1,600 to 3,199 farms reporting 1 .1,200 or more 'arms reporting 1 Turkey hens kept for breeding farms reporting 1 1,101 1,320 37,036 36,522 1,072 1,291 20,347 20,438 523 1,126 9,363 8,937 1,313 1,429 47, 170 37, 245 1,293 1,413 26,179 21,511 615 917 2,452 3,045 1,144 1,169 9,887 7,908 1,122 1,169 11,104 7,826 1,217 107,279 122,670 1,004 24,979 30,397 113,800 3,512 96, MO 3,052 382 66 .434 65 36,467 1,148 32,001 1,077 440 85 484 83 77,333 2,364 64,139 1,975 435 83 475 80 67,453 2,126 53,191 1,768 1,237 28,152 28,995 733 1,154 10,521 15,192 4,336 4,386 1,290 2,512 3,688 1,925 175 283 114 182 247 213 2,765 2,059 771 1,594 1,486 988 181 378 195 206 322 349 1,571 2,327 519 918 2,202 937 TEXAS 319 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Colllngs- Colorado C-l Comanche Concho Cooke 1,291 421 385 1,636 365 770 194 260 919 1,819 475 1,442 549 1,448 358 1,312 1 2,037 627 426 2,440 524 924 326 359 1,267 2,397 680 1,473 633 1,911 445 1,659 21,621 28,220 46,899 38,730 15,623 53,123 8,363 11,608 39,076 43,144 24,694 75,805 19,597 45,214 18,923 57,804 3 24,204 28,504 48,114 40,636 14,710 56,514 8,540 13,544 38,008 43,698 22,536 74,076 21,736 41,195 17,176 56,978 4 1,262 378 372 1,590 348 736 182 242 890 1,673 437 1,423 527 1,403 339 1,252 5 1,991 604 413 2,397 512 897 317 353 1,245 2,308 669 1,460 620 1,883 436 1,637 6 11,824 7,842 33,772 22,867 6,139 31,047 4,081 6,014 19,341 22,268 9,615 46,973 11,011 23,256 9,256 29,919 13,090 9,618 33,971 24,317 7,215 31,874 4,201 7,168 21,224 22,9% 10,945 41,574 12,582 22,963 9,991 32,371 642 223 84 774 192 267 108 103 462 753 215 693 289 802 198 621 9 1,513 466 154 1,661 373 597 271 260 891 1,550 531 963 421 1,503 330 1,127 10 1,519 1,294 141 4,009 542 2,398 407 177 1,822 5,750 479 2,698 1,493 5,249 488 7,235 3,429 2,224 307 5,962 1,160 2,708 650 639 2,604 7,020 1,466 3,790 1,790 6,294 954 8,022 12 1,067 340 335 1,378 296 645 138 209 826 1,474 364 1,291 487 1,278 314 1,160 13 1,481 499 359 1,783 413 768 218 309 1,041 1,879 546 1,312 539 1,570 388 1,402 5,822 7,489 8,254 9,808 3,111 10,815 2,042 2,847 10,737 11,719 5,577 15,381 5,216 12,642 5,333 15,189 15 6,566 7,770 8,112 10,400 3,793 11,796 1,395 3,160 8,862 12,389 6,024 16,738 5,188 9,880 4,569 13,477 16 929 346 324 1,241 294 677 137 216 794 1,367 384 1,254 462 1,196 277 1,146 17 1,194 488 316 1,413 393 782 207 305 947 1,547 474 1,229 522 1,478 306 1,311 18 3,975 12,889 4,873 6,055 6,373 11,261 2,240 2,747 8,998 9,157 9,502 13,451 3,370 9,316 4,334 12,696 19 4,548 11,116 6,031 5,919 3,702 12,844 2,944 3,216 7,922 8,313 5,567 15,764 3,966 8,352 2,616 11,130 20 47 16 9 55 9 6 20 3 18 81 19 24 S 23 12 8 21 348 77 28 314 37 34 53 29 86 319 57 135 73 165 53 75 302 43 72 361 65 76 44 28 108 336 75 187 73 227 41 151 282 53 64 359 105 131 32 52 225 441 87 318 129 357 61 284 :i 221 103 66 349 92 254 20 93 292 419 113 446 147 440 100 493 25 62 67 58 133 31 159 9 33 113 168 67 176 86 169 47 190 26 29 62 88 65 26 110 16 22 77 55 57 156 33 67 44 111 27 199 68 19 171 32 26 62 21 56 240 46 83 41 96 40 46 28 718 135 124 813 169 168 81 85 360 787 182 509 216 634 139 412 29 188 64 48 270 80 166 7 57 232 301 73 324 107 356 65 315 .10 73 41 27 133 27 111 9 35 84 136 50 155 50 109 26 190 SI 46 32 42 105 18 128 7 22 71 135 32 142 68 116 28 171 24 22 31 54 9 55 3 12 43 43 21 86 21 53 9 63 7 5 16 20 2 22 2 2 14 11 12 37 7 16 7 22 34 7 11 65 24 11 60 11 8 30 20 21 87 17 23 25 33 35 307 97 43 319 94 132 61 60 186 329 90 276 126 356 79 231 36 326 101 41 393 92 80 43 42 254 298 124 377 142 383 116 210 37 5 6 9 3 3 1 3 26 15 2 4 2 25 38 2 6 8 1 15 i 5 28 8 4 4 48 39 7 27 1 25 2 8 53 1 12 12 23 76 40 2 6 18 1 12 1 6 19 5 3 32 1 31 818 163 277 910 131 327 65 181 354 436 222 617 265 317 181 408 42 1,387 192 323 1,663 166 377 87 217 477 628 235 756 307 433 217 555 1,504 438 1,210 1,704 380 949 194 640 1,084 1,584 665 1,645 733 823 679 1,531 2,594 423 1,511 3,022 359 1,199 192 648 1,182 1,383 544 2,000 768 868 625 1,365 45 589 283 87 514 121 193 151 61 241 788 228 729 234 566 130 410 46 1,061 252 151 927 138 280 154 92 256 1,146 256 858 269 750 133 542 47 3,616 9,547 948 4,548 1,039 2,827 3,795 860 3,032 11,808 4,009 9,005 2,178 16,617 2,031 7,172 3,846 4,697 1,439 5,307 864 1,624 1,288 479 1,372 9,541 2,986 5,999 1,609 12,360 939 6,266 4'.> 319 223 36 285 78 140 115 37 147 479 174 345 109 424 84 274 50 421 161 61 442 69 143 110 48 118 582 142 365 105 510 68 331 51 2,251 5,303 418 2,472 576 1,808 2,447 419 1,785 6,737 2,444 4,511 1,024 11,374 1,140 4,617 52 1,812 2,368 481 3,159 426 886 738 263 737 5,017 1,803 2,929 813 8,081 603 4,076 53 444 245 78 362 76 126 119 45 179 644 171 634 185 454 100 325 54 856 203 131 684 108 205 113 61 177 928 225 770 239 612 93 434 '■'■ 1,365 4,244 530 2,076 463 1,019 1,348 441 1,247 5,071 1,565 4,494 1,154 5,243 891 2,555 > 2,034 2,329 958 2,148 438 738 550 216 635 4,524 1,183 3,070 796 4,279 336 2,190 57 478 101 65 450 87 118 67 38 166 463 116 521 167 235 79 217 58 93 76 13 37 24 45 38 14 46 195 61 128 43 144 31 114 51 16 79 8 22 10 23 37 7 25 114 47 69 23 158 18 69 60 2 27 1 5 5 9 2 4 16 4 11 1 29 2 10 61 7 46 23 10 9 23 7 201 479 363 6 114 264 316 348 152 62 36 31 4 5 27 10 233 563 415 7 108 283 311 366 167 63 66 8,461 407 318 278 659 355 103,073 196,305 19,278 130 1,995 27,519 47,299 230,490 5,679 91 6,811 670 173 1,485 1,077 134 85,588 183,235 17,702 589 4,016 25,848 41,801 159,190 4,761 65 41 15 10 6 12 7 145 415 275 4 77 210 257 315 103 66 2 31 15 3 5 20 8 169 472 299 5 76 225 252 296 108 67 19 4,657 98 163 47 166 97 27,596 70,453 5,226 48 473 7,929 16,731 101,715 1,340 68 12 3,848 110 70 887 293 55 25,229 63,582 5,365 186 2,657 6,520 16,373 60,392 1,079 69 6 32 22 4 9 22 4 191 450 355 6 103 258 301 320 149 70 4 29 30 4 5 22 3 220 529 398 5 100 274 282 323 161 71 47 3,804 309 155 231 493 258 75,477 125,852 14,052 82 1,522 J9,590 30,568 128,775 4,339 72 79 2,963 560 103 598 784 79 60,359 119,653 12,337 403 1,359 19,328 25,428 98,798 3,682 73 31 22 4 8 21 4 185 447 348 5 102 256 300 318 147 4 29 30 3 5 20 3 216 514 391 5 98 267 280 318 158 75 29 3,541 271 144 187 459 241 71,732 121,335 13,171 76 1,353 16,992 29,122 123,869 4,099 76 63 2,888 475 99 570 751 77 57,689 112,461 11,604 313 1,200 15,371 23,850 94,121 3,451 77 6 28 17 4 9 12 3 158 372 290 3 80 218 239 272 124 7s 4 20 24 2 4 18 1 182 389 308 3 79 229 213 239 130 79 18 263 38 11 44 34 17 3,745 4,517 881 6 169 2,598 1,446 4,906 240 60 16 75 85 4 28 33 2 2,670 7,192 733 90 159 3,957 1,578 4,677 231 81 7 21 16 6 3 15 5 8 52 159 4 93 74 76 18 70 82 15 7 6 8 2 98 241 199 2 21 170 194 134 82 83 10 ... 95 186 5 20 46 196 84 970 329 201 1,055 278 401 188 89 536 1,433 379 1,034 422 868 286 949 85 1,833 567 354 2,248 464 758 357 276 931 2,259 695 1,242 550 1,531 362 1,435 138,045 17,407 20,761 291,796 16,517 22,248 19,755 8,673 56,235 80,077 16,648 243,456 57,861 177,807 61,083 86,205 67 80,985 45,349 13,515 132,153 33,901 52,372 22,601 17,229 57,914 121,934 40,654 158,404 58,833 146,939 33,621 114,665 88 827 219 151 845 184 280 128 58 372 1,088 281 309 183 617 165 627 89 103 107 40 136 89 115 56 26 140 324 95 608 202 175 101 296 2 6 14 4 5 1 3 6 10 3 63 28 24 4 9 14 1 2 16 1 1 1 9 5 32 6 21 6 8 92 11 1 20 1 1 1 8 4 13 1 20 5 6 11 1 24 1 1 2 9 2 11 5 3 94 17 9 15 55 6 5 15 7 21 30 12 99 44 15 21 21 95 15 43 104 5 18 13 4 46 54 15 245 65 39 25 36 96 43 39 66 208 21 16 83 40 11,383 211 25 1,957 225 138 61 124 97 •.' 77 165 399 16 258 30 24 15,974 248 141 1,648 346 3,321 82 411 w. 320 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8. -LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON (For definitions mid explanation? , see text) Coryell Cottle c™e Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Dallas Dawson 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . 1,1^5 276 18 94 328 33 269 948 342 1954 . . . 1,400 383 16 124 546 48 282 1,908 623 3 number 1959 . . . 31,311 18,372 2,490 12,708 12,371 8,888 59,280 30,695 10,087 1954 . . . 25,816 19,690 2,198 10,897 10,447 14,241 40,213 37,095 10,907 Cows, including heifer? thai have ealved .farms reporting 1959. . . 1,122 271 16 89 309 33 210 835 319 6 1954 1,389 372 16 122 532 47 251 1,696 608 7 number 1959 .. . 14,600 10,026 1,431 7,130 6,625 4,697 10,904 15,344 4,339 H 1954... 13,896 11,092 1,336 7,291 5,641 8,218 14,231 20,280 5,538 Milk cows .farms reporting 1959 . . . 589 110 8 14 142 15 134 299 145 10 1951 1,021 257 3 93 391 31 137 1,043 472 11 number 1959 . . . 1,509 218 10 37 596 42 384 4,435 424 12 1954 . . . 2,616 655 6 320 1,258 106 5V 6,946 1,216 forms reporting 1959 . . . 1,001 236 15 64 262 26 219 774 242 14 1954 . . . 1,124 332 14 94 410 41 226 1,406 417 15 number 1959. . 7,684 4,392 715 3,854 3,474 1,573 22,190 9,337 2,564 IK 1954... 6,115 4,840 387 2,164 2,553 3,101 8,772 10,450 2,742 17 Steers and bulls, including steer and hull calves. . farms reporting 1959 .. . 966 222 15 83 241 31 215 723 214 IS 1954... 1,014 318 16 106 375 33 238 1,175 391 19 number 1959. . . 9,027 3,954 344 1,724 2,272 2,618 26,186 6,0U 3,184 20 Farms reporting bv number on band: CaUle and cnlves- 1954 . . . 5,805 3,758 475 1,442 2,253 2,922 17,210 6,365 2,627 21 far' c reporting 1959. . 30 5 1 12 44 27 22 2 to 4 .farr s reporting 1959 143 35 2 1 76 3 18 147 101 5 to 9 175 25 2 62 3 14 177 24 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 316 53 1 5 70 3 19 235 57 .farms reporting 1959. . . 351 88 3 17 73 3 38 219 51 56 50to99 .farms reporting 1959. , 111 41 6 22 15 4 52 64 15 2T 100 or more .farms reporting 1959.. . 39 29 6 46 20 17 124 62 24 Cows, including heifer- that have calvcd- 28 .farms reporting 1959. . . 92 12 2 1 48 4 31 122 71 29 2 to 9 .famrs reporting 1959 .. . 543 102 9 158 5 52 388 175 30 10 to 10 farms reporting 1959 . . . 270 64 1 7 55 2 18 151 28 11 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . 110 32 3 8 14 2 23 62 16 32 30 to 49 farms reporting 1959. 67 30 3 14 12 5 28 43 9 33 50 to 74 .farms reporting 1959. . 24 13 1 15 9 2 17 22 5 34 75 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . . . 12 5 1 6 2 17 35 100 or more Milk cov,s- farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 13 5 29 11 13 37 30 11 36 farms reporting 1959 . . . 323 51 6 4 63 5 56 120 69 37 2 to 9 farms reporting 1959 . . . 255 58 2 10 74 9 71 124 74 38 lOto 19 farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 1 1 6 9 1 39 20 to 29 farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 1 3 in 30 to 49 farms reporting 1959 . 5 1 11 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959 . 3 4 32 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 415 131 20 104 97 38 175 392 86 43 1954 514 156 21 141 157 42 174 699 118 number 1959 . . . 854 625 166 1,656 348 457 584 1,574 258 15 1051 1 748 180 1,891 323 932 473 1,636 297 46 farms reporting 1959. . 390 111 4 1 230 6 110 375 225 47 564 121 3 9 281 10 106 714 339 48 number 1959 . . . 4,639 2,127 32 117 5,908 91 4,270 12,409 5,152 49 1951 . 3,498 1,067 117 124 3,779 91 2,622 9,284 2,866 50 farms reporting 1959, . . 258 70 3 1 166 5 90 258 179 51 287 66 2 5 171 3 79 397 218 52 number 1959 . . . 2,633 1,272 28 105 3,402 41 2,704 6,868 2,785 53 1954 . . . 1,827 548 40 77 2,102 28 1,527 4,148 1,718 54 farms reporting 1959 .. . 288 93 3 1 198 2 88 286 163 55 1954 . . . 449 97 3 6 230 10 89 552 236 56 2,006 855 4 12 2,506 50 1,566 5,541 2,367 5T 1951... 1,671 519 77 47 1,677 63 1,095 5,136 1,148 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- 56 VnderlO farms reporting 1059. .. 248 64 3 98 5 37 188 108 10 to 24 farms reporting 1959 . . . 96 20 1 64 26 99 56 60 25 to 99 farms reporting 1050. . . 40 22 59 1 35 64 54 61 100 or more farms reporting 1059 .. . 6 5 1 9 12 24 7 62 farms reporting 1959 , 640 1 11 109 17 14 8 209 20 1854... 603 17 13 137 13 17 3 360 21 64 number 1959. , . 95,759 48 18,089 293,561 1,977 19,948 41 5,345 3,172 65 1954... 58,842 513 18,029 291,282 698 32,946 20 7,207 5,655 66 I.amhs under 1 ycat old . farms reporting 1959 . . . 533 9 73 11 13 7 143 14 67 1051 467 17 9 103 12 16 1 237 17 numb.-r 1050 25,710 5,163 67,052 424 9,274 16 1,363 465 R9 15,734 363 6,763 67,830 168 14,925 5 1,878 1,299 70 .farms reporting 1950. . 624 1 10 108 13 8 5 202 13 71 1954 586 3 12 137 9 10 3 339 8 72 number 1059 .. 70,049 48 12,926 226,509 1,553 10,674 25 3,982 2,707 73 43,108 150 11,266 223,452 530 18,021 15 5,329 4,356 71 Ewes .farms reporting 1959 . . . 620 1 10 108 13 7 5 195 12 75 1051 571 3 12 135 9 10 3 322 8 76 number 1959 . . 60,129 46 12,336 214,835 1,527 10,179 17 3,459 2,607 77 1954 35,756 142 10,769 211,615 517 17,280 15 4,804 4,163 76 Hams and v-cthcrs .farms reporting 1950. . . 525 1 10 95 6 8 3 163 10 7!) 1954 . . . 445 3 11 120 6 9 262 8 60 number 1959 . . . 9,920 2 590 11,674 26 495 "g 523 100 81 Farms reporting b\ nuinlwr of sheep and lambs 1954... 7,352 8 497 11,837 13 741 525 193 82 Under 25 farms reporting 1050 111 1 9 4 8 139 11 63 25 to 299 farms reporting 1950... 451 1 1 1 6 5 70 7 84 3 r re .farms reporting 1959 . . . 78 9 108 2 5 2 85 Chiekens 1 months „l,l and over farms reporting 1959.. , 747 183 10 8 290 18 121 691 250 86 1051,, 1,178 290 2 48 527 15 189 1,810 697 »7 number 1959 .. . 101,828 7,896 776 5,646 31,171 1,384 11,033 172,952 54,609 68 Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 month 1054 , s old and over- 87,113 17,502 825 7,841 40,197 881 15,950 150,557 69,550 1'nder 50 farms reporting 1959 . . , 461 127 6 5 213 16 69 442 136 on .farms reporting 1959... 254 55 3 1 67 1 47 185 106 91 400 to 799 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 15 1 1 2 17 2 92 .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959. . . 8 7 2 3 7 1 3 22 12 1 3 93 94 3,200 or more . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 13 2 95 farms reporting 1959 . . . 26 5 1 8 2 9 31 10 96 1954... 70 3 4 13 1 13 79 17 97 number 1959 .. . 212 25 4 31 4 40 186 55 98 1954 . . . 420 18 13 51 1 46 723 111 TEXAS 321 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Bear Snith Delta tt. Da Witt Dldcene Dljmnlt Donley Duval Eastland Ector ^e ElllH El Paao Erath Falls Fannin 449 606 1,613 1,685 383 177 359 626 1,217 36 213 1,591 156 1,489 1,526 1,840 1 5Ub 808 2,054 2,001 561 237 508 551 1,548 66 247 2,029 306 1,851 2,105 2,477 49,926 16,849 64,799 75,151 18,864 35,322 30,131 44,693 36,413 3,974 17,843 46,068 39,378 55,206 61,753 49,154 61,700 13,911 66,389 70,111 26,143 39,752 29,813 37,915 33,591 6,739 17,936 42,411 28,125 49,172 51,242 49,092 4 407 573 1,519 1,670 375 158 348 617 1,173 29 210 1,524 113 1,422 1,473 1,781 484 776 2,010 1,992 555 224 491 549 1,508 58 239 1,977 249 1,812 2,063 2,421 B 12,942 9,390 33,326 44,175 10,020 17,418 12,966 26,853 18,534 1,850 10,406 23,575 9,596 28,615 24,628 27,879 7 22,221 7,936 37,222 43,902 13,946 20,985 12,568 24,004 17,966 3,448 10,119 23,313 11,278 28,081 26,984 27,865 8 254 162 643 950 148 50 201 149 535 4 137 410 90 746 740 747 389 492 1,290 1,402 404 128 370 217 1,080 35 178 1,121 197 1,395 1,408 1,725 1,167 1,577 7,824 5,608 321 135 713 4,471 2,193 25 307 2,540 6,387 9,416 2,154 3,458 11 1,388 2,157 10,242 6,087 1,239 352 1,660 3,707 3,345 69 447 4,239 5,981 9,574 3,840 5,929 1! 361 492 1,449 1,480 295 143 304 470 1,021 25 176 1,279 115 1,286 1,216 1,486 la 435 578 1,731 1,619 462 201 399 481 1,238 46 211 1,598 203 1,473 1,678 1,844 13,663 4,287 17,729 16,465 4,700 5,121 6,679 9,230 9,912 1,038 4,178 12,584 13,946 16,110 15,068 11,959 is 17,649 3,596 16,715 14,449 5,134 7,338 7,213 8,041 8,064 2,132 *,295 10,815 7,404 12,422 11,483 11,915 16 363 507 1,363 1,504 289 166 309 506 976 28 187 1,282 110 1,258 1,240 1,377 17 438 491 1,672 1,614 442 204 366 412 1,149 48 2U5 1,405 164 1,414 1,550 1,504 23,321 3,172 13,744 14,511 4,144 12,783 10,486 8,610 7,967 1,086 3,259 9,909 15,836 10,481 22,057 9,316 19 21,830 2,379 12,452 11,760 7,063 11,429 10,032 5,870 7,561 1,159 3,522 8,283 9,443 8,669 12,775 9,312 20 23 20 19 10 11 5 4 4 27 7 43 20 15 57 64 21 58 73 121 125 84 9 41 45 128 7 9 174 45 128 217 250 43 106 256 249 73 14 52 75 188 8 15 281 20 182 254 355 3! 47 149 400 418 87 24 73 123 322 4 30 430 13 374 373 445 82 174 461 527 78 35 98 186 358 3 38 430 15 446 376 486 78 54 210 196 32 29 51 100 123 2 59 153 U 241 1A3 160 26 118 30 146 160 18 61 40 93 71 12 55 80 32 103 106 80 27 71 62 106 45 39 7 31 13 92 2 U 127 42 96 148 171 28 126 239 615 655 211 36 144 185 512 12 44 737 34 566 722 827 >g 60 127 357 433 59 27 66 116 294 2 26 356 5 297 271 396 SO 42 63 129 179 22 13 30 91 LL5 2 17 117 3 157 133 154 11 46 45 131 158 21 17 37 90 86 2 34 95 4 169 103 134 17 16 99 83 9 11 16 50 43 42 45 7 84 34 48 33 18 12 30 35 2 9 4 23 16 i 9 17 4 27 22 17 34 27 9 52 82 12 38 20 49 15 8 24 30 14 26 40 34 u 122 96 287 398 66 16 93 20 261 1 51 213 41 277 334 339 16 116 36 231 477 81 31 99 27 245 2 84 169 28 282 391 341 SI 3 5 9 1/4 3 2 5 4 1 2 2 13 3 27 n 4 5 15 19 "i 1 22 2 1 i 32 3 10 39 3 15 42 17 4 45 16 9 2 86 3 23 id 6 5 59 25 2 30 7 16 18 56 6 7 206 154 596 499 88 iii 143 214 322 34 195 382 US 407 424 436 215 218 774 807 170 134 165 258 418 45 220 503 230 559 825 692 584 312 2,352 1,128 525 763 468 804 819 367 1,451 1,029 622 939 897 951 44 640 388 1,861 1,802 708 789 788 949 765 364 1,765 1,117 912 1,061 1,776 1,394 238 1% 525 823 209 34 193 204 470 11 40 580 95 401 767 792 11; 210 290 667 1,111 301 54 245 83 650 57 979 120 585 1,345 1,345 47 8,473 1,230 11,283 11,913 3,755 862 3,284 891 9,398 1,067 362 6,713 4,291 6,158 8,123 8,249 4* 3,874 1,321 7,287 9,325 2,338 948 2,744 294 7,600 30 353 5,285 4,266 4,147 10,164 9,198 199 89 341 459 164 24 133 130 359 7 21 319 71 253 471 478 50 146 140 357 543 177 34 148 57 452 1 26 485 67 292 737 645 51 5,004 573 6,787 6,315 2,326 297 1,877 484 5,896 668 163 3,674 3,118 3,699 4,818 5,158 S! 2,441 728 3,620 5,178 1,392 464 1,373 181 5,077 16 174 2,722 3,379 2,121 5,674 5,010 53 202 160 432 713 136 24 160 137 358 11 32 450 66 292 589 600 164 224 548 948 232 38 187 51 490 4 48 742 100 450 1,083 1,104 55 3,469 657 4,496 5,598 1,429 565 1,407 407 3,502 399 199 3,039 1,173 2,459 3,305 3,091 St 1,433 593 3,667 4,147 946 484 1,371 113 2,523 14 179 2,563 887 2,026 4,490 4,188 57 70 168 289 496 136 17 105 185 209 4 26 408 60 266 541 567 M 62 19 122 199 43 8 49 14 142 2 7 117 15 82 145 138 19 86 8 100 115 22 7 36 5 107 2 7 48 11 43 75 SO 60 20 1 14 13 8 2 3 12 3 7 9 10 6 7 61 29 58 292 330 18 17 4 37 173 2 188 180 48 263 83 68 ,;■■ 22 51 304 414 21 15 6 35 122 7 190 155 62 207 71 71 fii 1,629 3,W5 25,908 6,710 1,126 9,212 48 321 12,57* 195 143,936 10,734 3,919 24,369 2,651 1,824 ■11 5,131 3,910 17,900 13,785 2,004 5,270 412 264 12,050 5,063 163,756 7,314 4,783 18,292 1,943 3,359 60 22 35 251 244 14 15 3 23 124 2 135 132 44 210 59 42 19 36 232 300 17 12 5 20 86 5 167 103 41 167 56 40 67 551 951 8,660 1,773 449 6,824 13 117 3,853 195 41,957 3,530 1,131 6,569 786 586 68 4,594 2,117 5,033 7,551 990 2,154 165 60 4,583 2,051 56,597 1,949 3,053 6,101 660 2,056 69 26 57 276 317 18 8 4 27 153 181 167 30 250 79 65 7i) IS 47 285 392 15 13 5 32 111 "i 186 148 49 187 68 66 71 1,078 2,194 17,248 4,937 677 2,388 35 204 8,706 101,979 7,204 2,788 17,800 1,865 1,238 72 537 1,793 12,867 6,234 1,014 3,116 247 204 7,467 3,012 107,159 5,365 1,730 12,191 1,283 1,303 73 26 55 271 310 14 8 3 26 153 180 166 30 243 78 59 17 46 281 377 15 13 5 27 108 3 185 145 46 182 66 62 75 1,015 2,083 15,730 4,261 508 2,328 33 160 8,028 96,426 6,641 2,651 16,341 1,702 1,102 7« 367 1,664 12,164 4,747 948 3,028 229 166 6,959 2,906 102,354 5,040 1,570 10,307 1,164 1,214 77 20 46 232 247 12 6 2 13 114 166 131 22 205 62 47 78 13 31 210 298 7 12 3 18 86 "3 172 102 26 142 52 46 79 63 111 1,518 676 169 60 2 44 678 5,553 563 137 1,459 163 136 80 170 129 703 1,487 66 88 18 38 508 106 4,805 325 160 1,884 119 89 81 13 30 87 247 9 9 3 34 84 7 95 29 91 54 42 82 16 27 1 189 16 82 1 9 3 5 1 3 80 9 45 136 80 5 16 3 156 16 29 26 83 84 321 457 1,096 1,214 256 61 310 356 680 30 138 1,067 184 790 1,201 1,351 85 451 810 1,640 1,679 438 100 481 307 1,248 60 151 2,114 379 1,443 2,027 2,316 86 39,304 18,994 157,470 168,705 18,058 6,291 26,561 10,855 57,254 7,244 5,308 1X4,946 119,406 334,115 115,980 66,198 87 46,648 26,394 151,738 203,252 32,574 10,941 36,229 9,567 98,276 5,535 4,950 120,649 35,860 186,077 136, 116 122,281 88 195 405 640 544 139 38 196 303 504 18 106 638 136 553 736 999 89 110 49 391 599 111 18 105 51 149 8 32 398 28 148 438 340 90 10 31 46 6 3 6 2 11 1 U 1 19 11 5 3 1 14 10 2 1 11 2 9 10 20 8 3 92 1 2 15 11 1 4 1 6 4 30 4 4 93 2 5 4 1 1 5 5 20 4 94 20 9 28 105 7 3 13 34 14 2 12 38 4 13 43 37 95 23 14 59 275 9 3 22 44 23 1 23 114 22 53 156 36 96 94 39 5,378 9,870 39 12 34 229 7,981 14 85 6,604 20 5,072 4,184 201 97 65 72 762 4,747 74 11 63 241 6,667 4 130 8,829 105 5,942 2,114 231 98 322 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON (For defin b text) Cattle and Calves farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1954. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1959. 1954 . number 1959 . 1954. Milk cows farms repotting 1959 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Heifer* and (infer calves farms reporting 1959 . number 1959. 1954. Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves.', .farms reporting 1959 1954. Farms reporting bv number on band: Cattle and cnlvo?- 5 to 9 farms 10 to 19 farms 20 to 49 farms 50 to 99 farms 100 or more farms Cows, including heifer* thai have calveri- 1 2 to 9 10 to 19 , 20 to 29 farms 30 to 49 farms 50 to 74 farms 75 to 99 farms 100 or more farms Milk cows- 2 to 9 farms 10 to 19 farms 20 to 29 farms 30 to 49 farms Horses and, or mules farms Hops and pigs farms Bom since June 1 farms Born before June 1 farms reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959 . reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959 . reporting 1959 . reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959 reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959 . reporting 1 959 reporting 1959. reporti ne 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954 rororting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954. number 195;i 1954. Farms reporting by number of hogs and pigs- Under 10 farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 24 farms reporting 1959 . 25 to 99 ..farms reporting 1959. 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . Sheep and Iambs farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959, 1954. I ambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1959 , 1951 . number 1959 . 1954. Sheep 1 year old and over farm* reporting 1959 1954. number 1959 1954. Ewes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959, 1954. Bams and wethers farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs— Under 25 farms reporting 1959 25 to 299 farm* reporting 1959 . 300 or nun? farms reporting 1959 . Chickens 4 months old and over forms reporting 1959 1951. number 1959. Farms repotting by number of chickens 4 months old and over- 1'nder 50 farms reporting 1959. 50 to 399. farms reporting 1959. 400 to 799 farms reporting 1959 ftOOto 1,599 farms reporting 1959, 1,600 to 3,199 farms reporting 1959. 3,200 or more farms reporting 1959 . Turkey hens kept for breeding farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 3,090 3,549 79,253 74,221 3,056 3,522 43,968 41,953 2,025 2,813 12,206 15,429 2,844 3,047 20,459 18,238 2,617 2,939 14, 826 14, 030 72 27 1,008 1,574 2,051 3,333 1,886 2,398 23,203 18,591 854 1,148 11,526 9,903 1,763 2,172 11,677 4,034 1,479 17,855 3,633 4,663 21,720 193 10 61 183 39 80 1,203 438 12,579 685 1,859 14,447 249 12 57 245 18 76 2,831 1,041 5,276 2,748 2,804 7,273 243 11 55 241 17 75 2,549 1,008 4,999 2,440 2,722 6,920 2,596 3,271 520, 562 528,846 1,596 1,810 74,905 73,000 1,564 1,780 47,621 46,048 686 1,082 2,577 3,558 1,290 1,5a 14,202 15,292 1,292 1,347 13,082 11,660 1,227 9,692 7,486 1,059 3,892 4,590 1,486 1,696 148,214 160,787 1,187 1,446 43,468 34,942 1,169 1,426 25,556 21,248 426 924 1,113 417 10,158 9,633 8,289 8,489 839 302 905 418 7,754 11,853 5,405 U,134 1,015 223 1,572 619 2,607 878 646 146 912 149 9,366 6,822 9,736 5,047 431 107 570 93 5,492 3,752 5,556 2,292 523 120 788 135 3,874 3,070 4,180 2,755 1,337 51,174 48,152 TEXAS 323 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Galveston Garza Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gc^les Gray ,,_ Gregg Grljnes Guadalupe Hale Hall Helton Hansford Hardeaan 425 212 1,011 118 529 1,567 312 1,998 392 1,090 1,476 583 391 1,058 228 .401 1 591 322 1,211 112 625 1,860 410 2,374 609 1,352 1,753 1,232 593 1,358 299 515 23, 374 14,078 30,351 10,957 39,982 77,240 34,907 50,804 14,257 59,594 31,925 24,272 27,636 32,820 41,128 15,943 3 23,457 16,848 28,082 7,944 38,245 72,490 33,891 49,799 12,658 57,983 36,659 25,576 14,834 33,121 41,474 16, 537 398 199 981 113 522 1,539 273 1,892 366 1,074 1,404 534 376 1,034 87 369 5 537 316 1,191 111 620 1,837 390 2,309 577 1,342 1,718 1,200 568 1,342 206 504 6 15,913 8,182 16,997 5,918 23,341 41,681 16,060 27,335 6,839 39,567 16,176 7,325 14,175 15,872 3,865 7,420 7 1/4,769 9,321 16,340 4,838 23,414 42,647 13,825 26,884 7,467 38,124 20,173 11,286 7,829 18,300 6,724 8,538 8 135 91 647 47 270 760 98 704 145 494 633 284 145 608 35 147 9 294 229 991 77 426 1,130 261 1,575 368 853 1,109 924 405 1,047 133 362 in 3,751 189 1,962 283 530 2,915 387 3,906 1,096 7,061 2,866 2,196 334 1,880 91 419 11 4,216 655 2,791 362 926 3,172 932 7,109 1,301 4,943 4,753 3,275 1,019 2,717 277 1,396 1! 356 143 918 85 496 1,372 241 1,721 319 884 1,234 414 325 935 93 339 13 481 228 1,023 99 521 1,589 335 1,882 429 1,138 1,443 924 421 1,155 164 430 14 5,318 3,208 7,880 2,911 7,820 17,205 8,142 14,287 4,840 12,468 8,762 3,570 6,575 7,062 8,030 5,448 15 6,341 3,699 6,687 2,240 7,163 14,027 9,185 13,036 3,439 11,862 8,386 5,987 3,706 7,167 6,730 4,288 u 363 163 850 101 495 1,384 267 1,420 293 856 1,229 431 305 909 203 306 17 413 231 1,009 94 484 1,533 344 1,646 325 954 1,462 878 429 1,149 260 404 16 2,143 2,688 5,474 2,128 8,821 18,354 10,705 9,182 2,578 7,559 6,987 13,377 6,886 9,886 29,233 3,075 19 2,347 3,828 5,055 866 7,668 15,816 10,881 9,879 1,752 7,997 8,100 8,303 3,299 7,654 28,020 3,711 20 6 13 16 2 7 30 4 52 21 19 58 57 19 19 5 9 21 48 36 112 12 25 140 20 271 80 134 211 148 51 99 12 55 22 97 43 164 20 38 199 23 380 88 148 295 88 51 159 7 62 83 33 258 14 89 362 34 499 80 204 411 99 82 291 18 97 24 70 37 294 30 166 480 89 533 53 294 346 103 116 344 26 96 25 62 18 112 10 109 190 55 186 37 143 112 56 34 103 40 45 26 59 32 55 30 95 166 87 77 33 148 43 32 38 43 120 37 27 29 28 67 8 18 72 22 174 53 57 139 134 50 63 15 40 28 165 85 452 36 114 553 68 896 175 359 790 241 147 481 35 167 29 57 24 207 15 105 398 41 402 48 224 254 75 78 275 7 68 30 26 16 91 12 86 170 38 189 24 115 108 29 36 89 7 33 31 39 12 91 15 84 140 28 133 24 110 63 28 28 81 7 26 32 30 11 38 5 37 88 33 54 18 86 30 17 7 24 1 13 33 13 7 16 7 21 42 12 19 8 36 8 1 8 10 3 7 39 16 19 15 57 76 31 25 16 87 12 9 22 11 12 15 39 39 44 254 23 146 346 48 328 61 185 261 160 69 297 13 73 36 49 45 380 19 122 393 45 303 68 211 334 98 72 290 20 68 37 2 1 ... 6 1 21 1 7 9 3 4 2 2 2 '11 2 1 2 2 1 18 2 12 6 4 3 2 sg 11 7 2 2 3 1 19 7 28 14 6 12 1 ii 34 4 1 10 2 15 6 51 9 13 4 1 231 96 539 78 226 730 187 588 215 698 410 234 130 314 145 123 42 362 118 667 63 317 1,039 239 762 428 1,062 679 332 161 411 180 162 43 753 361 1,083 486 752 1,683 742 1,481 495 1,704 994 672 318 698 517 461 II 901 404 1,395 322 1,134 2,383 841 1,510 819 2,855 1,449 686 525 811 543 393 a 94 83 531 34 276 695 81 671 183 503 822 412 176 439 42 158 46 158 127 705 17 368 872 120 1,036 320 802 955 533 255 573 40 185 17 1,439 987 7,613 350 6,610 14,974 2,014 9,767 2,463 4,499 11,918 12,228 2,296 6,825 1,009 2,379 ii 918 819 5,953 58 4,504 8,300 1,216 7,365 1,583 4,781 8,381 7,309 1,596 3,938 718 1,066 It 63 53 279 22 165 432 60 451 104 283 426 319 101 274 30 96 50 85 84 327 7 197 501 61 470 164 396 404 332 US 306 21 95 51 674 587 4,021 232 3,789 8,803 1,301 6,548 1,646 2,342 6,365 7,658 1,374 4,531 519 1,217 52 413 488 3,036 26 2,413 4,911 505 3,854 894 2,443 4,546 3,899 744 2,240 285 577 53 69 59 478 23 256 595 60 505 155 400 735 332 140 338 28 134 54 106 82 629 13 329 697 97 811 250 657 829 416 215 447 33 140 765 400 3,592 118 2,821 6,171 713 3,219 817 2,157 5,553 4,570 922 2,294 490 1,162 56 505 331 2,917 32 2,091 3,389 711 3,511 689 2,338 3,835 3,410 852 1,698 433 489 57 57 50 301 24 124 370 43 401 130 388 524 159 109 267 20 97 56 22 17 140 7 64 171 16 151 33 75 169 112 38 94 10 38 59 14 16 83 3 77 130 18 111 16 33 118 117 27 68 10 18 1 7 11 24 4 8 4 7 11 24 2 10 2 5 61 31 6 904 63 157 113 3 135 3 31 189 76 1 694 8 20 62 40 3 991 67 201 143 8 101 13 48 171 89 3 646 9 14 519 308 170,175 33,204 2,989 2,825 211 5,202 85 1,505 6,607 12,774 6 103,961 269 1,283 64 670 33 158,890 39,742 3,980 3,642 488 3,812 129 1,389 3,642 12,543 128 57,954 1,816 1,218 65 22 4 767 37 115 88 94 3 22 137 64 592 6 17 66 28 3 800 50 128 104 5 74 8 32 112 75 3 498 6 11 67 120 60 44,722 6,798 827 824 1,626 27 340 2,254 8,966 38, 044 51 515 68 167 18 36,926 12,591 1,150 1,080 139 1,088 46 320 1,157 8,727 42 17,720 1,714 396 69 29 5 892 57 153 108 3 128 3 30 178 61 1 672 6 16 70 34 2 976 65 195 138 8 96 11 47 162 61 3 627 7 14 71 399 248 125,453 26,406 2,162 2,001 211 3,576 58 1,165 4,353 3,808 6 65,917 218 768 72 503 15 121,964 27,151 2,830 2,562 349 2,724 83 1,069 2,485 3,816 86 40,234 102 822 73 28 5 883 55 152 106 3 123 2 29 173 59 667 6 16 71 34 2 962 64 188 137 8 91 9 46 155 60 3 620 5 13 75 362 238 105,174 25,416 1,936 1,875 207 3,315 45 1,083 3,832 3,391 61,729 178 730 76 442 14 100,931 26,051 2,584 2,341 340 2,554 69 990 1,977 3,729 82 37,771 87 776 77 23 3 794 48 123 82 1 99 3 23 131 40 1 557 4 11 78 22 1 861 58 154 115 6 79 9 38 114 35 2 478 5 13 79 37 10 20,279 990 226 126 4 261 13 82 521 417 6 4,188 40 38 80 61 1 21,033 1,100 246 221 9 170 14 79 508 87 4 2,463 15 46 61 26 4 80 10 112 71 1 80 1 15 135 33 1 92 4 6 82 5 2 662 162 25 28 45 42 2 54 1 2 15 1 50 4 33 10 537 65 4 14 63 64 198 135 816 64 345 895 163 1,432 292 790 1,226 544 294 770 92 285 85 473 286 1,110 77 579 1,356 347 2,266 642 1,166 1,539 1,102 443 1,175 175 430 86 132,437 5,636 104,340 6,950 39,497 181,803 16,541 136,770 18,744 39, 521 146,574 37,457 14,947 297,942 6,116 13,741 67 31,853 18,440 119,609 3,308 57,082 113,589 25,304 154,593 33,648 51,316 167,856 71,964 27,506 186,687 12,346 23,364 88 124 101 384 43 132 517 90 950 249 596 600 422 208 331 53 185 89 50 34 386 19 198 297 67 441 37 189 563 112 81 313 36 100 90 6 23 1 13 39 3 17 2 1 44 6 4 46 3 91 8 14 2 16 2 12 2 1 11 2 1 40 K 6 17 1 8 2 3 4 1 23 •8 6 3 1 9 4 4 1 17 94 21 2 76 10 45 62 8 40 21 62 97 13 10 27 3 3 95 44 4 75 5 100 216 8 63 72 162 170 20 6 64 7 8 94) 169 5 6,240 32 424 573 24 202 49 277 471 101 63 7,128 33 9 9T 232 18 945 21 1,498 3,657 33 338 329 694 2,874 85 104 7,861 19 46 * 324 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON (For defimt i explanalic b text) Harrison Hartley Cattle and Calves farms reporting 1053 . number 1959 . Cows, including heifer? that have calved farms reporting 1959. 1954 . number 1959 . Milk cows farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Steers and bull*, including steer and bull calvt ; reporting 1959. 1 farms reporting 1959 . (O 49 farms reporting 1959. to 99 farms reporting 1959. I or more farms reporting 1959 . n< luiinij' heifer* ihai have calverl- farms reporting 1959. i 9 , farms reporting 1959 . to 19 farms reporting 1959 . to 09 farms reprting 3959 to 49 ■ ■ farms reporting 1959 . to 74 farms reporting 1959 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . ) or more farms reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 . o 9 farms reporting 1959 . to 19 farms reporting 1959. to 29 farms reporting 1959 . to 49 farms reporting 1959 or more .farms reporting 1959. mules farms reportine 1959. 1954. number 1959 . .farms reporting l'Wi. Bom since .June 1 farms ron'rim^ 195D. 1954.. number 1959. . 1954.. Born before June 1 farms reporting 1959 . . 1954. . number 1959- . 1954 . . Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- I/nder 10 farms reporting 1959. . 10 to 24 farms reporting 1959 . . 25 to 99 farms reporting 1959, 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . . Sheep and lambs farms report number 1 I.ambs under 1 year old farm* reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Sheep 1 yenr old and over farms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Ewes farms reporting 1 1 number I 1 Rams and wethers farms reporting 1 1 51 9 406 135 630 130 u 21 1 66 30 5 67 117 25 68 140 52 69 34 4 70 48 8 7) 289 110 7-J 490 78 7.1 34 71 48 7 75 211 102 76 426 70 77 29 2 41 1 78 8 64 8 hi 32 2 82 4 2 83 8* 283 20 85 671 70 86 17,558 686 87 33,965 2,435 88 179 15 89 98 5 4 2 95 93 94 23 1 95 41 13 96 120 50 97 204 114 Ml 326 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON .tan, Jim Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble (For definitions and explanation , see text) 1 .farms reporting 1959 577 1,683 362 1,052 1,444 486 11 217 402 303 1954 621 2,149 1,175 1,297 1,769 589 16 278 540 360. 3 48,122 38,367 42,533 59,437 13,755 34,299 14,565 16,728 11,188 4 1954 40,266 46,680 30,659 45,128 50,801 14,978 37,633 15,653 15,300 8,607 .farms reporting infill 559 1,497 820 1,042 1,403 455 11 211 384 298 589 2,075 1,150 1,291 1,724 571 15 277 518 350 number lfir>!l 26,286 26,321 16,271 24,182 32,946 7,587 18,201 8,268 9,803 7,127 1954 23,431 26,144 19,704 26,901 28,691 8,523 19,086 9,269 9,481 5,691 I, Milt cows .farms reporting 1959 250 776 173 626 356 304 2 132 238 150 10 1051 . 379 1,540 802 892 888 411 10 204 375 287 11 number 1959 7,921 12,289 910 3,871 1,686 1,269 77 292 1,499 312 12 1954 6,140 12,521 1,977 4,298 2,793 1,447 111 531 1,542 543 13 .farms reporting 1950 506 1,465 724 968 1,237 431 11 186 337 243 14 1954 541 1,678 869 1,121 1,339 475 16 225 398 270 r. number 10.10. . . 14,062 16,790 11,498 10,141 14,964 3,570 6,737 3,426 4,230 2,548 16 1954 10,338 5,362 10,052 11,874 3,728 7,147 3,461 3,650 1,827 17 Steers and hulls. incltKling steer ai>l bill calves. .farms reporting 1959 497 1,369 706 925 1,102 413 11 192 302 235 18 1954 . . . 485 1,363 837 1,095 1,224 477 14 207 371 257 19 number 1959 7,774 13,004 10,598 8,210 . 2,598 9,361 2,871 2,695 1,513 ac Farms reporting bi number nn band: Calllp and i alvep- 1'IM 6,497 6,861 5,593 8,175 10,236 2,727 11,400 2,923 2,169 1,089 1 farms reporting 1959 40 27 14 24 8 1 18 10 orting 1959 63 73 172 280 136 143 79 129 162 219 62 90 25 29 60 58 30 36 23 ', 10 to 10. . . .farms reporting 1010 97 449 236 270 333 122 46 74 66 farms reporting 10.10 .farm? reporting 1950 . . . 147 87 435 205 206 64 326 148 404 184 138 41 58 27 93 52 90 51 ■'.; 50 to 99 27 100 ot more . .farms reporting 1050 . 106 102 50 86 118 25 11 31 47 20 Co*s, including heifif- il II havo ■ ilved- }fl .farms reporting 1950 . 35 152 M. 52 77 48 11 43 21 29 e to o. . . farms reporting 1050 194 702 431 384 572 204 80 153 103 30 10 to 19 farms reporting 1050 89 263 158 269 339 97 46 62 71 31 20 to 29 farms reporting 1959 . , . 52 122 64 111 147 43 21 31 32 V2 .10 to 41 . fnrms reporting 1959 59 117 26 134 34 22 39 35 33 50 to 74. . . farms reporting 1950 , 55 76 15 53 11 10 23 20 .14 farms reporting 11150 22 31 8 17 29 6 13 5 farms reporting 195)1 53 34 12 35 52 12 11 17 20 11 Milk ...«-- 1 inns rt-nonin" 10.10 71 112 278 283 16 165 202 3 208 8 192 141 2 126 160 1 53 79 91 124 5 64 85 1 !;' :ts lfltolO farms reporting 1059 . . . ■v.i 20 to 29 farms reporting 1959 10 23 1 5 3 2 in [arms reporting 1959 farms reporting 1959 16 38 80 2 28 16 8 8 8 1 9 7 Horses and .« mules 216 440 184 267 474 244 9 96 259 251 1",! 236 578 244 428 641 314 13 1 w 316 305 number 1950 . . . 833 1,220 927 648 1,139 722 286 477 1,139 916 i 5 1954 788 1,032 657 973 1,343 820 1,036 446 1,374 1,022 . .farms reporting 1059 226 220 432 564 324 352 581 681 412 7 J8 171 214 "4 95 135 116 141 64 77 17 [951 i bet is:." 3,111 5,589 4,293 13,196 6,939 1,955 1.187 1,298 1954 1,639 3,422 1,955 9,520 5,539 1,379 ll 930 938 567 50 farms ri-|iiti' 1 1 103 288 201 412 249 92 51 76 40 51 1954 88 329 203 428 368 112 68 73 32 52 numba 1959 1,564 3,311 2,349 6,908 4,639 1,303 587 890 617 1954 690 1,841 1,093 5,207 2,947 839 13 526 550 302 51 . .farms repotting 1 959 188 312 261 505 325 145 83 84 46 1954 182 379 234 603 561 162 111 97 63 56 number 1050. . . 1,547 2,278 1,944 6,288 2,300 652 600 524 681 57 1954 949 1,581 862 4,313 2,592 540 404 388 265 I am ■ ri'inrting Ii\ number i4 hugs and pigs- . .farms reporting 1959 159 18 5 47 293 87 8 173 65 229 171 166 15 86 288 71 42 11 4 118 36 14 3 369 •is' 28 6 3 4 77 26 9 339 43 12 6 3 299 50 fiinn- os-rt in" 10:10 til 63 farms reportii 1954 67 121 151 35 5 392 329 935 - 1,855 2,212 1.841 58,050 SO 125,023 123,114 65 1954 2,563 7,690 . 2,977 53,357 72 122,018 125,992 Be I i.inl,. undci ! venrold 35 135 24 68 32 308 2 266 232 67 10.11 52 98 21 100 23 314 2 267 226 261 4,227 S22 471 557 13,839 5 35,076 31,435 en I'M 1,427 2,106 592 774 164 12,397 2 27,854 32,159 39 29 80 45 3 337 288 71 1 '.I 61 111 27 138 31 383 3 380 319 674 7,117 1,033 1,741 1,284 44,211 75 89,947 91,679 73 1011 1,136 5,584 873 2,203 608 40,960 70 94,164 93,833 [arms reporting [959 39 59 155 108 29 26 78 127 43 30 375 1 327 369 287 314 75 1954 76 number 1959. 611 937 1,166 33,613 7 76,030 87,118 77 1054 . . . 1,015 5,336 822 528 29,188 68 82,525 89,218 7s Kims ami wethers farms reporting 10.10 . 29 126 16 36 305 3 279 251 7!) 1954 48 85 98 25 317 1 309 281 number 1010 63 323 96 175 118 10,598 68 4,561 81 Farms reporting ty nuialiet ol iheep and lambs 1011 121 248 51 254 80 11,772 2 11,639 4,615 farms reporting 10.10. .. 39 8 400 82 84 7 970 17 15 2 693 67 18 1 720 25 20 790 97 215 57 352 : 3 1 155 46 193 100 288 15 151 133 187 . .farm* rejssi EM BS III I tb I I I 1951 ins 1,838 1,123 1,146 520 6 231 420 279 87 43,446 115,324 48,883 99,463 93,050 60,059 20 7,319 12,068 HH 1954 40,955 112,490 ll 67,621 71,257 116 ' 15,244 I urn reporting bj bet ot chickens I mont is nl.l mill in it — 224 162 7 670 270 11 6 523 159 2 214 460 S 201 148 20 1 98 57 183 69 10 3 146 36 2 ; . .farms repirtiag 1050. . . . .farms reporting 19.19 (arms reporting 1010 1 2 1 9 3 2 2 04 I !00 < more 1 6 2 6 1 25 50 27 36 59 3 37 21 96 1954... 73 101 121 ' 46 26 97 number 1959 . . 98 5,077 133 268 507 10 207 83 98 1054 . . . 354 695 73 676 1,419 331 30 163 81 TEXAS 327 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued King Kinney Kleberg Knox _ U*b U^ae.6 La Salle Lavaca Lee Lean Liberty ketone Lipscomb Live Oal Llano 56 82 184 374 1,774 526 662 196 2,735 1,275 1,243 1,057 1,258 306 506 438 1 74 87 230 604 2,052 1,090 760 249 3,137 1,454 1,476 1,200 1,766 362 632 470 2 14,157 17,771 66,411 16,062 62,150 23,397 28,990 53,842 70,893 38,558 47,197 48,903 50,947 40,168 32,829 40,517 3 12,212 10,322 44,061 21,180 47,868 17,923 20,823 51, 611 67,601 37,115 41,972 37,892 48,713 38,244 41,571 32,877 56 76 172 348 1,709 485 641 192 2,716 1,263 1,228 1,022 1,233 270 495 430 5 74 86 221 589 2,020 1,058 753 245 3,126 1,443 1,465 1,166 1,751 346 617 467 8,649 6,324 45,773 7,921 35,440 6,929 14,599 27,286 41,968 21,519 30,404 36,156 29,319 12,466 19,298 24,216 7 6,077 5,869 27,076 10,916 28,070 9,050 12,516 29,243 39,839 20,961 26,716 25,085 27,478 16,139 23,295 21,706 8 30 32 88 130 686 289 331 63 1,860 739 459 368 368 133 214 211 9 53 59 163 393 1,384 858 577 136 2,570 1,103 892 635 1,090 267 413 305 10 49 177 1,044 238 3,540 1,074 1,034 260 6,371 2,440 1,083 1,831 1,468 802 671 372 11 128 178 1,342 648 5,047 2,171 1,762 510 10,383 4,614 1,819 1,612 3,036 1,057 1,331 583 I! 53 68 153 306 1,498 386 561 180 2,420 1,125 1,015 819 1,010 264 428 395 1.1 68 75 192 480 1,494 752 603 234 2,660 1,269 1,202 880 1,391 324 531 407 H 3,186 2,545 15,608 5,119 16,285 9,903 7,257 10,677 16,245 9,487 9,920 8,495 12,424 10,399 7,257 8,854 15 2,970 2,481 9,360 5,161 11,447 5,187 4,773 11,196 15,197 9,225 8,598 8,153 10,313 8,196 7,847 6,181 16 34 79 156 289 1,359 308 528 184 2,356 1,114 904 804 1,056 274 429 405 17 57 71 178 431 1,306 679 523 234 2,515 1,199 1,069 746 1,314 334 526 389 18 2,322 8,902 5,030 5,022 10,425 6,565 7,134 15,879 12,680 7,552 6,873 4,252 9,204 17,303 6,274 7,447 19 3,165 1,972 7,605 5,103 8,351 3,686 3,534 11,172 12,565 6,929 6,656 4,654 10,922 13,909 10,429 4,990 20 8 8 59 57 14 1 23 16 37 22 16 5 8 3 21 6 3 26 58 251 185 74 8 284 114 210 132 166 11 42 19 22 8 2 32 63 255 99 87 11 547 199 204 200 160 14 59 28 23 11 6 21 84 387 73 141 17 913 320 229 254 259 30 104 65 24 14 14 42 90 484 76 200 49 708 443 325 245 364 82 137 116 a 6 18 36 33 192 20 84 31 178 123 138 99 164 65 77 79 11 39 19 38 146 16 62 79 82 60 100 105 109 99 79 128 27 5 1 21 178 176 59 6 101 47 93 54 67 27 26 10 28 20 10 55 176 638 223 221 30 1,531 557 500 432 479 54 177 66 11 12 21 55 357 39 165 29 613 334 230 197 283 54 84 96 30 5 10 20 32 181 14 74 21 204 162 134 101 134 23 59 43 31 12 33 173 18 58 26 148 90 115 96 122 40 57 68 1.' 3 8 10 10 94 6 23 17 56 34 65 45 73 27 31 43 33 7 3 1 40 3 13 2 22 20 30 23 30 15 9 31 34 8 16 9 15 48 6 28 61 41 19 61 74 45 30 52 73 35 18 6 37 67 414 168 182 26 628 298 255 176 188 58 108 109 36 12 25 31 1 63 207 8 17 107 1 2 32 2 2 1,145 46 19 410 19 1 196 3 1 166 "4 165 1 3 59 5 2 103 1 102 37 38 39 14 22 7 2 15 6 1 14 4 7 40 5 18 4 3 7 5 3 8 7 2 2 26 83 58 93 684 175 309 137 711 561 790 668 449 167 160 310 42 36 82 73 151 879 277 312 162 1,283 844 1,137 796 815 191 265 303 43 452 904 4,190 333 1,554 566 744 903 1,450 1,119 2,020 2,027 936 552 656 861 44 264 849 1,832 437 1,879 639 666 964 2,588 1,601 2,620 2,095 1,751 543 885 892 45 31 13 70 208 717 468 217 38 1,667 852 740 363 433 78 196 261 31 19 76 282 954 515 266 62 2,099 1,012 962 562 857 91 240 311 47 344 109 5,983 2,943 6,938 9,752 3,278 935 14,797 18,399 13,403 4,949 6,446 1,445 6,495 12,616 48 19'. 82 1,012 1,968 5,402 5,577 2,753 2,141 12,584 12,630 11,017 4,338 8,900 804 4,466 10,964 19 17 8 40 136 397 342 136 24 779 572 517 217 259 53 123 215 16 7 42 126 462 316 135 40 998 555 559 233 480 47 138 185 51 205 78 1,384 1,490 4,030 6,019 1,697 345 7,554 11,420 7,001 2,082 3,712 767 3,182 8,174 95 40 513 979 2,970 3,218 1,397 1,062 6,385 7,027 5,586 1,727 5,110 448 2,068 5,401 ;'' 25 9 58 172 548 366 167 30 1,450 766 650 285 346 56 165 238 24 16 59 235 762 390 205 54 1,806 925 835 495 732 70 188 301 18 139 31 4,599 1,453 2,908 3,733 1,581 590 7,243 6,979 6,402 2,867 2,734 678 3,313 4,442 ''''. 96 42 499 989 2,432 2,359 1,356 1,079 6,199 5,603 5,431 2,611 3,790 356 2,398 5,563 S7 20 9 46 116 543 224 127 23 1,189 433 401 257 277 46 93 57 58 7 3 10 60 111 123 51 6 348 208 213 61 94 13 52 61 59 4 1 11 29 57 108 36 6 127 161 107 38 54 17 43 106 60 3 3 6 13 3 3 3 30 19 7 8 2 8 37 61 1 81 4 36 101 32 517 3 291 79 32 34 41 3 22 111 6? 3 79 3 34 78 32 462 4 317 67 19 29 30 7 28 120 63 65 162,387 1,046 1,991 4,726 6,710 118,522 183 3,986 1,446 1,614 458 1,345 99 373 19,622 84 18 154,440 1,635 688 4,904 3,455 86,614 3,066 3,618 1,349 1,105 335 1,419 2,779 334 13,666 1 61 1 26 65 28 419 3 189 63 22 19 30 2 15 80 88 2 66 3 22 58 22 321 3 216 69 16 20 21 7 22 72 67 65 38,421 200 482 991 5,296 44,391 47 1,098 409 325 167 342 30 81 13,282 17 53,561 210 285 1,241 2,291 25,256 2,516 1,021 410 332 87 242 1,305 101 7,150 58 81 4 34 97 21 482 3 281 75 31 29 39 2 22 86 70 : 76 3 25 74 26 430 4 301 83 19 24 29 6 24 99 123,966 846 1,509 3,735 1,412 74,131 136 2,888 1,037 1,289 291 1,003 69 292 6,340 72 100,879 1,425 403 3,663 1,164 61,358 550 2,597 939 773 248 1,177 1,474 233 6,516 78 4 34 96 18 466 3 275 75 31 29 39 2 22 84 76 3 17 69 23 421 3 296 83 19 23 28 6 24 96 109,488 84 1,466 3,544 1,385 60,028 134 2,502 894 1,217 246 862 66 264 5,969 76 95,919 1,375 330 3,318 1,043 51,665 525 2,266 821 723 199 1,124 1,438 217 6,053 80 4 23 77 14 391 1 225 60 27 25 33 2 15 68 1 73 3 23 56 18 300 3 218 54 14 14 25 6 13 53 78 14,478 762 43 191 27 14,103 2 386 143 72 45 141 3 28 171 1 4,960 50 73 345 121 9,693 25 331 118 50 49 53 36 16 463 81 2 2 14 56 16 72 1 249 58 11 30 23 2 19 27 82 1 10 1 21 44 10 318 2 42 21 21 4 18 1 3 63 83 69 1 1 1 4 127 21 84 50 41 128 338 1,256 712 471 88 2,330 1,019 810 679 701 203 306 267 BE 63 60 169 612 1,929 1,194 692 111 2,915 1,298 1,373 1,012 1,574 298 501 363 NO 2,440 1,815 18,980 17,269 142,308 86,016 60,800 37,593 377,690 144,964 76,930 68,261 38,083 14,144 32,296 15,716 87 4,464 2,304 16,518 36,795 72,679 78,880 56,053 18,808 427,410 151,032 48,531 43,465 71,896 23,893 37,934 19,818 B8 27 28 76 224 1,087 546 293 57 555 410 719 503 570 127 182 195 89 23 13 39 7 113 150 5 148 1 155 6 22 2 1,597 139 540 38 74 3 155 9 122 4 74 116 1 70 60 91 4 1 8 9 7 31 23 5 7 1 3 H 2 4 2 4 4 6 2 5 2 5 3 7 1 3 6 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 B | 3 9 11 6 45 16 12 i 157 99 42 33 27 10 21 12 U 11 22 7 43 20 23 3 514 185 116 70 142 6 14 14 •11; 13 36 82 60 250 209 7,079 12 3,197 4,028 110 142 98 87 86 2,555 H 69 127 47 169 113 130 14 3,519 3,292 345 270 643 30 52 1,554 » 328 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8. -LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON (For definitions and explanations . see text) Loving Lubbock Lynn McCulloch McLennan McMullen Madison Marlon Martin Mason J Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1950 . . 8 570 416 505 2,043 137 834 341 234 502 1954 . . . 8 1,190 683 615 2,830 159 1,033 593 408 629 3 number 1959 . . . 2,240 44,019 10,340 27,219 68,803 32,081 41,728 5,528 6,835 36,542 1954 . . . 2,859 14,898 8,835 23,336 60,866 35,296 38,368 7,920 8,591 31,670 s Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1950 . . 8 485 382 489 1,885 136 826 331 222 480 e 1054 . . . 8 1,141 660 604 2,712 158 1,029 565 397 618 ; 454 6,013 4,646 16,163 29,668 18,701 27,277 2,746 2,738 19,412 B 1054 1,808 6,803 4,101 14,578 33,015 19,939 25,148 4,489 4,614 19,879 .farms reporting 1050 . . . 3 334 198 293 919 48 398 153 102 260 10 1051 4 907 553 456 1,907 87 604 291 331 443 n number 1959 . . . 8 1,550 471 1,306 9,412 111 2,484 334 185 575 12 1054 . . . 7 2,645 1,355 1,718 12,518 180 2,517 527 683 1,125 13 .farms reporting 1950 . 8 356 281 408 1,778 134 729 254 173 428 14 1054. . 800 456 480 2,114 150 860 463 302 521 15 number 1059.. . 607 4,055 2,681 5,737 19,062 6,352 7,685 1,537 2,110 9,859 16 1954... 503 4,083 2,458 4,856 15,875 6,371 8,000 2,206 2,063 6,467 17 Steers and bulls, including steer and hill calves.' . farms reporting 1959 .. . 8 378 266 425 1,600 134 697 205 157 420 18 1954... 6 699 426 472 2,005 148 686 277 258 530 V> number 1959 .. . 1,179 33,951 3,013 5,319 20,073 7,028 6,766 1,245 1,987 7,271 20 Farms reporting b\ rumbir on bind Cattle and cdlv 1954... 548 4,012 2,276 3,902 11,976 8,986 5,220 1,225 1,914 5,324 21 farms rerorting 1959 . .. 77 41 10 49 9 22 18 9 2 to 1 farms reporting 1959.. . 174 142 74 294 2 88 108 69 38 23 24 1 1 109 82 87 74 72 99 392 504 5 10 115 187 81 52 33 47 70 10 to 10 ■ farms reporting 1059 . . . farn.s reporting 1959. . 73 37 133 490 21 255 52 37 135 26 50 to 09 farms reporting 1050 1 23 15 62 200 35 89 19 15 101 27 100 or more farms reporting 1959. . . 5 32 20 55 114 64 91 7 16 102 Cows, including heifers tint have calved- 28 1 farms reporting 1959. . . 1 165 97 50 223 38 51 49 28 23 .farms reporting 1059 1 230 232 196 928 15 298 202 113 110 SO 10 to 19 -farms reporting 1959 . . . 44 23 107 316 12 188 41 31 93 .farms reporting 1959 . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 12 10 8 4 34 39 155 138 7 25 106 82 12 19 7 7 62 71 32 33 50 to 74 .farms reporting 1959. . 1 8 3 27 59 20 38 5 7 50 34 75 to 99 farms reporting 1950 . . 4 3 9 26 6 19 1 2 13 35 100 or more Milkcoas- .farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 L2 12 27 40 51 57 6 53 36 farms reporting 1950. . . .farms reporting 1959 farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 2 169 150 2 77 119 103 175 3 364 401 17 20 27 1 155 213 64 89 56 45 1 121 136 2 10 to 10 ",'| 20 to 20 .farms reporting 1050 . . . 2 1 28 2 40 30 to 40 50 or more farms reporting 1959 . .farms reporting 1950. . 2 9 2 6 5 58 51 15 1 .farms reporting 1050 . 8 229 100 233 445 100 461 227 72 333 43 1054 7 348 120 232 754 115 680 412 114 409 44 numlav 1950 . 55 866 334 829 1,362 721 1,354 384 206 968 1054 77 763 295 813 1,448 761 1,854 748 299 1,129 .farms reporting 1959 539 337 169 847 26 299 195 133 294 IT 1051 1 684 400 163 1,347 25 485 320 159 321 number 1959... 20 13,562 7,771 2,991 12,364 791 3,985 1,252 2,772 15,243 r> 1951 1 10,621 3,709 1,836 9,316 369 3,343 1,136 1,086 7,828 Bom since June 1 ram reporti! ' - 9 1 406 273 106 514 16 171 82 104 218 51 1054... 1 443 265 110 706 13 251 143 99 227 52 number 1050 . 8,901 4,856 1,641 7,822 223 2,365 704 1,737 9,273 53 1954.. 1 5,716 2,206 907 5,285 216 1,728 496 689 4,649 54 fin o.,..rling 1959 . . 3 407 252 139 640 20 247 165 93 263 1051 530 282 106 1,051 20 403 242 107 285 56 number 1050 16 4,661 2,915 1,350 4,542 568 1,620 548 1,035 5,970 57 Farms reporting by number of hops and pigs- 1954 . . . 4,905 1,503 929 4,031 153 1,615 640 397 3,179 . .farms re|vorting 1059. . . 3 1 252 134 127 26 169 78 75 15 92 37 39 1 566 182 76 23 15 7 2 2 235 40 20 4 155 33 7 76 28 22 7 80 64 111 39 59 farms reporting 1959 . . . 61 100 or more S2 farms reporting 1959 57 20 432 278 1 10 12 301 63 1054 . 46 11 449 314 3 13 "i 28 324 64 number 1959 7,184 736 152,832 16,189 1 587 682 76,633 1954 3,865 382 120,910 14,641 89 453 75 5,591 62,956 66 46 17 371 213 1 5 9 246 67 1051 27 8 364 233 2 9 2 22 240 number 1950 . 4,043 323 65,663 4,555 1 88 86 36,135 66 1954 . 1,660 127 50,542 3,991 15 112 '27 2,087 26,574 farms reporting 1050 41 12 395 270 10 8 250 1054 . 35 7 402 303 3 12 3 17 277 number 1059 . 3,141 413 87,169 11,634 499 596 40,498 73 1954 2,205 255 70,368 10,650 74 341 48 3,504 36,382 . .farms reporting 1050 39 32 12 7 388 396 261 292 3 9 12 3 7 17 246 271 75 number [959 3,029 394 82,153 10,744 441 579 38,354 77 1054 1,682 249 66,279 9,592 63 318 46 3,375 33,494 76 70 35 18 4 5 326 304 191 220 3 8 7 "2 6 12 201 232 lo:, 1 112 19 5,016 890 58 17 2,144 81 Farms reporting b\ number of shis'p and lambs 1051 523 6 4,089 1,058 11 23 2 129 2,888 33 19 5 14 6 20 252 160 128 140 10 1 6 8 3 1 41 179 81 83 05 u. 290 tin reporting 1950 . . . 84 ''...., • on ran reporting 1059. . . K5 7 675 297 352 1,472 32 480 292 198 317 1051 . 5 1,289 749 451 2,616 63 785 569 435 486 h? nun. 1. it 1050 357 194,080 17,688 47,297 272,574 1,788 22,677 14,425 21,777 16,866 88 1054... 119 137,237 52,524 27,653 256,046 3,325 34,937 17,302 26,783 25,276 [■arms nporting by number of chickens 4 months old and over— so firm- rcnortinc 1050 6 1 476 170 8 184 112 257 82 3 785 598 39 19 13 400 74 1 255 31 4 114 79 241 72 00 01 92 KOOtol.599 7 3 23 3 1 "2 "2 93 6 1 3 17 2 1 2 2 94 3,200 or more 8 4 10 1 95 13 5 17 58 35 21 9 19 96 1954 . . . 1 29 23 7 127 2 84 26 20 16 97 number 1959 . . 113 16 167 240 121 97 41 86 98 1954. . 1 109 183 475 1,599 5 377 97 91 54 TEXAS 329 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Matagorda Maverick -*- Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moor* Morris Motley Nacog- doches Navarro Neirton 774 111 1,022 219 147 1,748 661 457 1,043 965 142 493 257 1,532 1,595 566 1 945 186 1,293 278 212 2,224 819 680 1,507 1,214 153 600 340 2,249 1,966 865 77,946 31,568 52,340 13,109 21,322 51,916 21,557 19,282 50,251 37,056 34,354 17,964 18,454 44,322 62,959 9,048 3 76,526 31,974 56,824 8,560 21,849 51,069 19,913 17,831 51,696 38,382 26,593 11,644 40,269 46,978 50,654 17,959 4 751 97 984 211 137 1,709 649 442 1,000 909 95 480 252 1,484 1,558 548 925 165 1,261 271 207 2,181 811 665 1,477 1,141 134 586 334 2,198 1,933 823 6 51,372 9,776 29,128 7,433 12,496 26,783 10,893 10,262 27,288 24,927 6,115 8,315 10,331 27,547 35,596 5,395 T 48,817 8,692 32,342 5,368 12,616 28,113 10,943 9,797 29,140 23,464 8,947 7,303 20,307 27,879 30,269 11,746 8 240 39 458 97 65 729 405 246 455 306 61 215 133 864 358 322 9 507 72 786 204 166 1,419 663 493 982 676 95 325 252 1,594 995 509 10 562 305 2,012 228 381 1,865 876 592 1,499 3,853 164 526 224 11,094 1,188 1,327 1! 1,206 348 2,393 459 498 3,604 1,610 1,381 2,557 3,915 258 778 643 11,991 2,660 1,920 15 645 84 919 179 128 1,444 575 365 925 778 109 412 218 1,308 1,273 435 13 757 117 1,125 209 ISO 1,726 667 532 1,216 987 132 424 288 1,715 1,527 605 14,516 5,432 12,919 3,374 5,581 12,370 5,789 5,037 10,716 7,575 11,786 5,306 4,459 12,316 13,963 2,648 , 16,398 3,556 13,444 1,888 5,706 12,177 4,574 4,845 11,616 9,039 7,585 2,408 12,172 13,166 10,853 3,826 16 608 95 902 183 105 1,410 538 371 912 722 114 374 212 1,117 1,260 314 17 656 143 1,037 210 169 1,606 662 469 1,148 856 124 407 267 1,472 1,407 508 16 12,058 16,360 10,293 2,302 3,245 12,763 4,875 3,983 12,247 4,554 16,453 4,343 3,664 4,459 13,400 1,005 Id 11,311 19,726 11,038 1,304 3,527 10,779 4,396 3,189 10,940 5,879 10,061 1,933 7,790 5,933 9,532 2,387 20 31 3 23 2 2 44 19 15 4 23 2 15 8 31 46 31 21 101 13 80 20 29 228 77 78 86 200 7 87 34 266 166 187 22 111 9 119 24 20 328 95 75 122 223 6 106 30 J06 236 136 21 129 14 185 32 34 449 166 100 219 166 10 122 49 326 358 89 24 149 18 298 59 22 454 204 124 318 167 14 115 57 344 448 75 r, 97 11 179 43 14 154 63 40 174 101 20 32 42 174 199 37 • 156 43 138 39 26 91 37 25 120 85 83 16 37 85 142 11 27 51 61 10 18 106 56 52 43 103 9 53 27 143 94 124 28 271 25 309 60 61 883 287 209 328 411 30 241 94 690 599 280 29 108 9 188 37 19 355 156 86 224 145 5 96 36 238 376 67 JO 59 9 130 33 4 146 57 36 133 48 11 42 23 122 160 30 11 64 8 123 31 9 115 52 29 131 68 9 31 25 146 155 25 32 66 80 16 3 45 23 13 63 59 6 8 21 78 79 13 S3 27 4 34 11 3 21 5 5 22 21 2 2 7 27 36 5 :i 105 21 59 13 20 38 13 12 56 54 23 7 19 40 59 4 55 138 19 194 36 32 309 195 114 244 154 20 96 76 309 214 183 16 98 241 60 31 404 208 129 190 96 39 113 57 374 129 122 17 1 2 1 10 1 4 2 6 6 2 38 6 3 3 i 21 2 1 39 7 "i i 2 "i 10 15 82 5 9 40 2 3 8 1 2 1 4 40 72 6 7 41 426 68 387 '85 579 290 156 495 582 103 320 140 690 434 363 4 2 537 97 469 190 79 971 328 180 780 849 106 420 175 1,255 630 650 43 1,659 718 942 540 770 1,450 689 554 1,325 1,368 410 672 765 1,344 900 565 44 1,855 725 1,144 640 773 2,174 638 563 1,752 1,967 390 828 884 2,147 1,254 1,033 280 42 348 47 61 841 225 155 342 408 65 215 125 497 451 432 46 379 41 406 67 42 1,194 300 196 531 589 51 309 157 865 805 637 47 2,499 5,847 4,326 1,096 605 12,754 3,866 1,824 5,708 5,342 1,742 1,576 1,927 5,322 6,143 5,966 1- 2,286 685 4,265 455 400 10,691 2,273 729 4,298 4,599 740 1,576 2,037 3,636 5,357 9,255 135 32 191 29 44 560 154 113 238 259 50 129 79 301 250 266 50 194 28 221 40 24 676 165 116 256 307 22 153 90 446 427 407 51 907 2,867 2,179 751 351 8,211 2,474 1,145 3,628 2,551 1,099 977 1,157 3,496 4,038 2,558 52 1,111 286 2,294 283 194 5,678 1,210 421 2,441 1,993 210 988 1,264 1,982 2,967 3,416 53 229 35 289 38 45 639 165 104 253 312 53 153 102 364 371 412 M 294 27 320 42 30 954 239 117 433 478 47 231 127 622 605 572 55 1,592 2,980 2,147 345 254 4,543 1,392 679 2,080 2,791 643 599 770 1,826 2,105 3,408 56 1,175 399 1,971 172 206 5,013 1,063 308 1,857 2,606 530 588 773 1,654 2,390 5,839 57 221 14 233 20 40 507 140 109 205 286 29 167 66 386 321 240 58 43 11 65 14 205 45 25 66 73 17 35 39 75 97 128 ..•J 13 14 43 11 116 34 20 65 39 14 12 19 31 24 56 60 3 3 7 2 13 6 1 6 10 5 1 1 5 9 8 81 63 12 204 237 20 599 24 43 17 3 4 10 7 64 5 62 40 26 204 266 25 623 31 35 21 5 2 8 7 62 6 63 5,505 4,966 19,172 144,647 8,861 4,196 126,162 17,922 836 168 1,287 26 505 132 2,605 46 64 1,395 13,106 27,249 122,650 40,619 2,869 94,429 16,079 976 352 1,132 8 206 313 2,877 326 65 52 9 153 196 20 86 498 20 34 12 3 2 8 6 42 1 32 20 165 194 20 83 491 22 26 12 3 1 7 6 48 5 67 440 3,104 7,133 53,512 1,986 1,168 40,044 3,925 215 41 552 5 L78 27 482 5 ilh 449 9,092 10,140 39,455 16,825 833 31,133 4,424 340 63 337 3 84 77 922 77 mi 60 7 190 222 8 578 18 33 16 3 4 9 6 62 5 70 38 16 192 235 18 111 603 ' 27 32 21 5 2 6 7 58 6 71 5,065 1,862 12,039 91,135 6,875 3,028 86,118 13,997 621 127 735 21 327 105 2,123 41 72 946 4,014 17,109 83,195 23,794 2,036 63,296 11,655 636 289 795 5 '122 236 1,955 249 57 7 182 221 8 114 574 18 32 16 3 3 8 6 61 3 36 13 181 230 18 99 594 27 31 20 5 2 5 7 57 6 75 4,882 1,799 11,318 86,698 6,612 2,407 79,734 13,181 579 " 721 13 312 96 1,983 16 76 844 2,739 15,571 78,718 21,726 1,606 58,511 11,228 581 264 775 5 118 221 1,849 231 77 49 6 154 185 6 87 466 16 22 10 3 3 9 5 45 5 78 28 11 140 189 15 84 478 20 25 14 3 3 6 43 4 79 183 63 721 263 621 6,384 816 42 31 14 "s 15 9 140 25 80 102 1,275 1,538 4,477 2,068 430 4,785 427 55 25 20 4 15 106 18 hi 45 5 99 10 12 74 51 9 31 16 4 4 6 34 5 82 17 5 88 89 2 41 420 12 1 6 1 29 83 1 2 17 138 6 2 128 11 3 1 64 560 59 667 126 106 1,250 444 336 595 664 81 315 155 924 986 522 65 795 98 1,047 222 175 2,078 680 581 1,259 1,085 119 501 281 1,830 1,608 698 66 43,557 16,827 80,372 7,647 48,755 204,453 119,803 25,136 63,344 108,495 8,340 56,804 9,324 599,115 49,264 26,440 87 48,025 8,015 96,243 9,911 23,407 168,186 79,949 30,706 81,945 48,924 11,771 17,023 19,089 66,758 76,695 26,652 88 359 31 342 91 69 704 273 223 428 495 40 261 99 786 769 462 89 188 21 298 33 32 490 106 154 124 39 45 54 85 205 49 90 9 1 16 1 1 31 18 1 6 13 1 2 1 5 7 4 91 3 9 2 11 16 1 2 16 3 1 5 1 92 3 1 4 12 5 2 8 1 1 15 2 3 93 1 3 2 "2 10 9 3 8 3 28 2 94 27 7 30 15 5 47 15 9 7 57 2 23 18 30 27 42 95 47 4 62 U 1 106 21 10 21 136 8 17 16 63 128 43 96 174 39 122 70 27 2,477 5,743 29 26 242 14 85 97 10,095 174 128 97 234 12 525 6: 2 1,406 2,704 154 100 557 43 48 58 338 631 152 Uh 330 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON (For definitions and eyplai «> Cattle and Calves farms n-portmg 1959 . 195) . number 1959 . 1954 Ccms, including heifers that have calved fams reporting 1959 1954. number 1959 Milk cows farms reporting 1959. 1954 . number 1959 . 1954. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting 1959 , 1954 , number 1959 1954. Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves. '. . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 50 to 99 farms reporting 1959. 1(10 or mote farms reporting 1959 . Cows, including hpifcrs (lat haie oalted- firms reporting 1959. fnnns reporting 1959 . funis reporting 1959 . . faoi.s reporting 1959 .farms reporting 1959 ■ in reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959 firms reporting 1959 farms reporting 1959 .farms reporting 1959 , .farms reporting 1959 I irms reporting 1959 farms reporting 1959 . rung 1959. :■ n [orting 1959 195; number 1959 . 195 1 .fnnns reporting, I't59 ri.ii number 1959 Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1959 > 1 farms reporting 1959 Farms remitting l>> number of hogs and pigs- 1 ndiT HI .....farms reporting 195' 111 to J4 farms rep- 'ling IDS! 25 to 99 farms reporting 195! 100 or more farms reporting 195! fann- reporting 1959 firms renting 195'' Fsm-s (ami- roporttnjj 1959 1954 Farms reporting by numlier of sheep and lambs- Under 25 farms reporting 1959 . 28 to 291) farms rcr>*tin:. 1059 300 or iiBirc farms reporting 1959. Chicken!* I months old ami over fnnns reporting 1959 1951 number 1959 . Farms reporting by number of chickens 1 months old and osir- Fnrter 50 farms reporting 1959. 50 to 999 farms reporting 1959. 400 to 799 .farms reporting 1959 . sum.. 1,599 farms reporting 1959 1,(500 lo 3.199 farms reporting 1959. 3,200 or more farms reporting 1959 Turkey hens kept for breeding farms reporting 1959 1954. number 1959 1,411 1,817 39,091 39,598 1,381 1,784 24,093 24,309 677 1,339 2,684 4,298 1,168 1,484 9,843 9,375 1,045 1,204 5,155 5,914 1,416 1,908 3,011 1,724 42,367 55,387 1,492 1,831 69,714 55,750 1,350 1,759 27,542 29,036 734 1,306 10,498 11,979 1,304 1,447 26,533 15,919 1,217 1,293 15,639 10,795 1,470 83, 512 86,206 5,241 11,828 5,352 1,578 108 46 81 11 1,257 5,354 1,521 317 149 44 105 16 3,984 6,474 3,831 1,261 146 44 102 14 3,752 6,273 3,653 1,157 TEXAS 331 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 1,105 22,453 24,422 632 1,081 14,002 14,373 1,283 60,762 214 100,020 14 24 9 32 619 8,643 74 25,563 16 39 10 41 664 52,119 140 74,457 15 39 10 39 632 49,625 133 65,425 13 34 6 39 32 2,494 7 9,032 1,017 68,853 35,408 1,324 2,059 52,852 52,512 1,294 2,033 31,176 31,801 596 1,274 1,996 3,520 1,113 1,514 11,580 11,132 1,027 1,269 10,096 9,579 1,866 35,550 67,886 1,260 108 1,936 628 3,164 723 518 43 1,071 46 4,502 1,085 5,764 1,143 311 32 483 32 2,682 422 3,087 505 402 34 893 32 1,820 663 2,677 638 1,258 44,599 42,729 889 1,241 28,463 26,287 1,014 9,599 9,111 1,241 29,241 24,511 906 1,211 12,708 12,416 1,147 49,649 88,703 1,766 2,894 48,107 52,011 1,728 2,829 30,564 31,335 649 4,968 1,396 2,123 11,074 11,998 1,228 1,755 6,469 8,678 287 1,825 679 1,881 666 3,610 366 660 369 1,373 4,655 5,299 2,072 6,821 229 X5 190 637 2,509 3,032 1,116 3,389 279 527 259 1,111 2,146 2,267 956 3,432 1,322 2,609 81,764 92,585 332 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Cattle and calves farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1050 . . .farm* reportinc 1050 .fnrr • r.'pnrtirL' l'*50 -« ■) 1 r-Jvfts.'. . farm- reporting 1 1 numhcr 1 . .farms reporting 1 ncludmr heifer* (rii !ia\eral\pd- farm? reporting 1950 i 9 farms reportinc 1959 to 19 farms reportinc 1959 lo "i farms reporting L959 to I1' farms reporting 1959 to 74 farms reporting 1050. to 99 . farms reporting 1050 i or n«.r<- farms, reporting 1051 farms reportinc 1950. :i 0 farms reporting 1959 f.ir ■ ro parting 1Q50 ■ 'porting 1950 . June l ... .firms r 'amis reporting l>v number of hops and piss— I'ndiT 10 Tarn:^ reporting 111 in to J4 . farms reporting 19 ■ ! ■■■ i ijotc farm- reportinc I'1 Sheep an, I lambs farms reporting 10 19 number 10 f-ir^.- reporting 195! - reporting hv numhcr of c iinnihs old ;in 38 57 45 60 4 5 2 16 25 8 8 5 14 7 5 CI 53 55 44 58 10 116 42 169 164 87 5 24 9 347 242 2 62 29 81 27 63 7 129 45 267 184 102 12 28 5 368 260 4 3,258 638 2,695 83,744 1,233 170,069 2,709 8,405 46,622 159,083 116 1,616 608 230,509 19,444 89 61 1,735 924 4,047 87,983 205 162,831 5,082 8,765 39,401 154,663 53 1,354 329 181,935 16,731 101 65 44 38 33 50 5 90 32 136 131 69 3 19 5 269 196 2 66 24 31 21 51 4 102 33 179 152 78 8 27 5 282 194 3 67 638 163 814 21,819 574 50,232 1,051 2,660 13,696 32,964 39 587 193 87,584 4,825 22 68 528 165 2,430 19,732 25 61,934 3,025 2,952 12,742 27,458 22 481 119 66,276 3,820 26 60 49 51 43 53 9 114 38 180 155 85 5 23 8 302 233 2 70 27 76 24 61 7 124 37 249 167 100 8 28 5 325 241 4 71 2,620 475 1,881 61,925 659 119,837 1,658 5,745 32,926 , 77 1,029 ' 615 142,925 14,619 67 72 1,207 759 1,617 68,251 180 100,897 5,eis 26,659 127,205 31 873 210 115,659 12,911 75 73 48 47 53 8 112 38 175 152 85 5 22 8 296 227 2 71 27 74 23 61 6 123 36 244 164 99 6 27 5 318 235 4 75 2,548 415 1,741 59,684 647 114,972 1,586 5,203 31,282 120,664 72 965 574 i , ...i, 12,901 64 76 1,170 685 1,520 65,720 160 93,378 1,989 5,435 24,948 118,684 24 786 202 109,535 10,208 68 77 36 30 37 51 6 110 24 147 130 85 4 20 7 214 193 2 78 19 30 19 58 5 25 183 122 96 4 20 5 244 186 4 72 60 140 2,241 12 4,865 72 542 1,644 5,455 5 64 41 6,863 1,718 3 so 37 74 97 2,531 20 7,519 68 378 1,711 8,521 7 87 8 6,124 2,703 7 61 21 48 21 1 4 2 19 104 32 1 4 6 4 75 115 1 82 30 7 22 9 5 22 80 84 4 1 18 4 139 114 1 83 2 1 1 93 1 5 48 82 1 133 13 64 185 345 279 30 226 54 390 864 530 8 411 138 565 497 788 418 85 268 696 366 32 318 91 655 2,106 905 44 746 229 1,187 778 1,387 675 86 22,228 9,180 17,015 4,138 13,631 4,969 35,010 228,754 41,606 321 24,215 12,093 40,743 94,455 93,460 48,273 87 15,805 16,577 27,923 1,273 22,796 4,855 51,879 169,671 69,419 1,284 46,602 15,772 44,408 72,769 109, 822 26,231 88 127 317 216 23 143 44 260 512 343 5 303 93 472 295 479 354 69 49 57 6 81 9 125 273 171 3 105 42 78 173 274 45 90 2 3 ■ 1 9 1 1 4 9 15 91 4 1 19 5 1 1 5 4 11 9 92 3 1 1 i 3 15 1 1 1 1 5 1 7 9 5 4 8 2 93 94 9 15 2 6 7 20 56 9 17 3 10 39 52 30 95 10 57 6 3 4 5 20 131 14 25 2 41 39 124 59 96 40 135 17 25 34 6,756 329 84 8 152 6,281 145 97 91 370 25 12 43 77 616 2,009 88 7 151 208 4,543 189 96 334 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON (For definitions and explai ? text) Cattle and calves farms reporting 1 I number 1 Co«s, including hoi for- thai have raked farms importing 1 1 number 1 1 Milk cows farms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Heifers and heifer calves , farms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Steers and bulls, including steer and hill calves.'. . forms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Cattle ami calves- 1 f^f reporting 1 5 to t r-in ■ - reporting l 10 to 10 farms reporting 1 00 to 40 farms reporting 1 50 to 99 farms reporting 1 lOOorrrore farms reportinc 1 Cows, including heifer* irm have calved— 1 . .fin-'- reporting 1 2 to 9 farm? reporting 1 10 to 19 farms reporting 1 20 to 20 farms reporting 1 HO to 10 farms reporting 1 50 to 74 farm- reporting 1 75 to 99 fan. - reporting 1 100 or more farms reporting 1 Milt co»s- 1 farms reporting 1 2 to 9 farms reporting 1 10 tn 10 farms reporting 1 20 to SO farms reporting 1 SO tn 10. farms reporting 1 50 or more. fan - reporting l Horses and or mules farms reporting 1 " 1 number 1 1 lo'js ami pigs farms reporting 1 number 1 1 Born since June 1 fan rcpra 1 number 1 1 Born before fane 1 . .farms reporting 1 number 1 1 - rting by number of hogs and pies— t'mler 10 farms reporting I farms reporting 1 25 to ,''1 100 or more farms reporting ] iheep and lambs farms reporting ! 1 number 1 Lambs under l year old 1 sheep l year old and ovet numhor 1 1 ' i farms reporting 1 1 mni'lier 1 ■ ii it- farms reporting 1 ..,--.i.* f.>r breeding farms reporting 1,117 1,634 24,602 27,710 1,066 1,595 14,049 16,248 440 1,080 3,582 4,248 899 1,072 6,881 6,450 594 1,025 1,081 1,675 373 398 717 791 4,671 2,974 3 . 689 2,862 216 282 393 374 2,178 1,720 3,112 1,463 337 233 646 580 2,493 1,254 5,577 1,399 1,479 77,602 61,898 2,030 2,624 59,504 50,934 1,982 2,590 34,635 30, 574 647 1,784 2,495 5,217 1,761 2,013 15,095 11,242 1,508 1,713 9,774 9,118 1,433 2,547 499 1,029 6,409 7,017 1,193 2,265 72,194 103,482 1,152 58,112 63,544 1,002 33,517 33,233 TEXAS 335 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Washington lebb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum Young Zapata Zavala 2,121 163 1,679 601 495 546 261 2,159 1,190 IS 1,380 1,316 145 709 205 211 1 2,525 218 1,938 760 650 ~57 462 2,843 1,503 25 1,817 1,680 250 891 217 206 64,166 71,200 87,059 29,495 28,215 30,259 14,979 43,467 44,584 4,580 59,596 33,111 8,801 35,269 26,738 41,803 3 57,150 68,234 82,286 31,010 27,072 38,213 12,783 45,745 47,172 6,029 57,011 33,288 11,714 35,897 20,311 38,466 2,095 156 1,647 558 436 520 247 2,108 1,167 16 1,294 1,266 142 686 204 186 2,496 209 1,912 746 605 739 444 2,804 1,471 1,764 1,652 245 879 215 186 6 37,124 36,238 52,605 15,386 12,579 14,998 6,870 21,525 23,532 2,205 33,249 18,881 5,646 17,979 16,277 13,119 33,762 34,944 49,629 16,954 15,105 21,171 6,384 24,652 27,098 3,503 32,518 19,455 5,975 18,919 13,220 12,667 1,254 48 753 299 160 192 142 1,270 759 10 731 608 80 241 74 63 0 1,725 78 1,236 587 357 466 324 2,236 1,038 16 1,307 1,252 193 495 101 107 10 8,198 563 2,708 880 1,355 656 599 4,239 5,378 34 13,318 4,688 141 717 121 689 11 8,277 1,495 4,268 2,021 2,355 1,604 845 7,478 6,298 75 12,184 6,482 468 1,492 270 831 1,809 150 1,312 510 415 442 190 1,778 1,078 16 1,215 1,117 118 610 183 166 1.1 2,143 195 1,499 626 519 604 340 2,285 1,287 22 1,464 1,314 200 760 196 154 U 14,618 21,516 18,998 6,989 6,629 7,279 3,369 11,770 11,576 901 16,213 9,232 1,630 8,390 4,847 9,366 15 13,566 12,556 18,627 6,742 6,949 8,086 3,343 10,984 11,371 1,536 14,927 8,797 2,950 7,807 4,386 8,770 16 1,779 150 1,287 491 419 442 164 1,713 1,050 18 1,174 998 100 613 186 191 17 1,850 183 1,367 572 403 584 305 2,257 1,227 1,348 1,106 188 755 177 178 12,424 13,446 15,456 7,120 9,007 7,982 4,740 10,172 9,476 1,474 10,134 4,998 1,525 8,900 5,614 19,318 1? 9,822 20,734 14,030 7,314 5,018 8,956 3,056 10,109 8,703 990 9,566 5,036 2,789 9,171 2,705 17,029 ■20 26 2 68 7 20 49 15 19 27 8 10 3 1 21 247 8 331 48 42 90 79 375 83 1 95 196 34 45 8 18 365 12 348 86 63 94 47 526 159 190 262 21 69 16 18 581 13 334 104 91 99 32 607 288 277 332 17 178 28 23 >\ 584 287 185 152 155 38 446 398 5 402 326 28 218 54 28 25 214 20 142 88 80 60 19 108 159 1 271 122 13 103 37 40 104 87 169 72 60 28 16 48 88 11 126 51 24 86 59 83 27 103 5 181 34 84 76 230 49 68 94 28 25 6 20 28 968 - 818 202 142 227 109 1,271 448 3 462 633 44 246 31 51 29 506 11 232 116 130 98 22 349 325 2 233 242 18 178 38 18 in 199 7 111 64 41 49 10 119 134 1 128 111 16 76 26 14 11 166 104 58 55 33 80 106 226 120 8 61 36 22 35 74 • 26 12 3 32 50 2 « 32 8 54 20 14 33 36 8 27 10 8 6 14 18 37 12 3 16 8 10 M 45 69 100 35 20 11 9 13 37 "a 42 22 16 30 39 37 35 392 16 351 152 67 103 81 516 287 2 255 217 46 112 43 20 36 716 24 383 134 64 77 56 724 408 7 202 292 34 121 31 36 37 33 1 1 5 5 3 5 7 21 22 1 1 38 22 2 4 4 7 5 2 5 40 21 2 3 1 5 3 11 2 11 21 125 41 4 lo 37 4 9 1 t 2 2 12 31 1 88 15 1 3 41 1,107 142 548 316 208 156 72 374 346 15 515 627 77 235 151 124 1,654 177 768 319 249 216 117 605 586 21 749 1,030 112 317 164 117 1! 2,582 1,308 1,779 848 827 976 484 812 797 273 1,199 1,165 266 525 1,052 896 3,989 1,587 2,225 762 754 1,304 640 1,103 1,265 247 1,441 1,937 364 647 849 751 IS 1,408 32 941 286 142 252 116 1,120 610 5 423 372 88 140 37 48 46 1,883 1,228 359 162 299 182 1,588 750 6 555 741 109 190 24 44 1: 13,387 1,073 6,735 7,034 4,084 4,399 2,191 14,547 15,197 129 6,513 2,914 1,524 1,657 286 1,359 IS 11,793 425 6,048 4,612 2,504 2,493 1,522 13,374 10,230 96 5,479 3,130 714 1,111 197 710 IS 711 22 390 229 95 176 72 625 443 5 260 208 60 89 16 35 so 929 18 519 241 95 153 116 780 481 4 300 324 72 108 15 35 51 6,705 638 3,200 4,440 2,883 2,574 1,052 8,552 8,548 58 3,483 1,536 979 890 127 645 52 5,917 203 2,762 2,465 1,227 1,306 669 6,968 6,038 21 2,833 1,682 434 672 105 437 :.-. 1,292 28 831 230 103 187 90 911 537 4 310 268 64 93 28 30 1,663 1,064 279 116 232 124 1,312 638 3 415 573 77 129 20 22 r'" 6,682 435 3,535 2,594 1,201 1,825 1,139 5,995 6,649 71 3,030 1,378 545 767 159 714 St 5,876 222 3,286 2,147 1,277 1,187 853 6,406 4,192 75 2,646 1,448 280 439 92 273 ■•■ 982 16 756 127 82 137 87 790 262 2 273 314 49 103 32 26 56 314 6 146 61 25 16 212 135 1 87 36 20 19 2 10 50 108 7 36 85 24 51 8 103 191 2 52 16 17 14 2 9 60 4 3 3 13 11 7 5 10 22 11 6 2 4 1 3 SI 197 21 69 7 27 24 20 591 67 1 106 18 11 25 28 35 ,;< 198 23 77 6 16 16 28 688 76 135 10 7 21 19 44 63 3,802 710 843 152 2,403 449 236 59,919 951 1 4,717 602 281 1,492 572 15,347 61 2,960 802 879 133 1,728 564 424 55,258 1,129 5,699 202 707 2,074 446 17,428 65 149 41 4 21 22 15 462 47 79 15 6 20 18 29 140 15 51 5 12 9 23 533 56 99 8 2 20 13 39 67 1,244 163 248 47 651 144 76 18,499 280 1,819 166 63 400 111 10,067 Sfl 925 334 316 13 432 60 148 17,304 314 1,774 40 17 1,057 124 12,960 189 21 65 6 24 19 17 569 58 i 95 16 7 25 25 23 188 17 70 5 16 14 20 662 68 121 7 7 20 16 29 2,558 547 595 105 1,752 305 160 41,420 671 l 2,898 436 218 1,092 461 5,280 2,035 468 563 120 1,296 504 276 37,954 815 3,925 162 690 1,017 322 4,468 186 18 64 5 23 19 15 558 58 i 92 . 16 6 25 23 23 182 16 65 5 16 14 17 647 67 118 6 7 20 14 27 75 2,295 424 515 85 1,638 282 136 36,918 592 l 2,730 411 201 1,012 378 5,064 1,822 422 451 109 1,241 484 198 34,601 740 3,687 104 685 953 295 4,366 77 159 20 42 4 20 11 13 448 42 79 11 5 20 20 20 78 141 12 48 3 10 9 16 537 39 80 7 2 19 10 19 ro 263 123 80 20 114 23 24 4,502 79 168 25 17 80 83 216 60 213 46 112 11 55 20 78 3,353 75 238 58 5 64 27 102 SI 160 16 61 5 13 17 19 233 59 l 64 12 9 11 21 12 62 37 5 8 2 12 2 7 1 297 61 8 40 2 6 2 14 7 12 U S3 1,805 76 1,418 436 312 452 225 1,781 865 12 801 844 124 368 90 85 ».- 2,384 68 1,925 707 612 740 451 2,648 1,251 25 1,508 1,443 234 650 87 123 SI 193,295 14,085 113,777 30,793 49,245 49,839 63,283 273,259 125,003 6,973 62,565 44,059 9,137 24,714 3,364 8,698 B7 262,841 11,816 144,741 54,256 48,489 47,621 25,420 257,193 140,366 2,169 84,205 66,794 14,882 37,840 2,339 9,626 88 760 52 717 290 190 318 162 803 339 5 590 712 95 251 70 50 89 975 20 672 137 106 125 53 903 452 5 198 115 25 105 19 28 90 52 1 17 5 5 1 2 41 58 1 7 10 1 9 1 6 91 12 1 8 1 2 3 3 17 12 2 4 2 3 92 6 1 4 2 6 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 93 1 1 3 3 2 14 3 1 2 1 '1 258 118 12 8 16 30 102 68 22 19 5 5 2 3 '< 456 9 247 11 19 26 35 195 147 1 47 27 8 19 6 4 96 1,196 543 65 43 63 143 416 321 357 59 18 19 29 8 97 . 37 1,885 32 221 133 157 3,060 1,336 "2 688 92 91 442 22 84 M 336 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Moet data for 1959 are based on reports Item (For definitions and explanation 3. sen text) The State Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer Armstrong Atascosa Austin 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products dollars 1959... 971,495,151 554,515,820 3,107,092 1,724,001 725,890 304,802 2,067,364 1,349,151 311,469 173,824 4,608,296 4,505,526 2,798,984 2,083,168 6,682,093 3,431,155 2,748,642 Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 179, 163 1,378 66 1,081 41 373 261 1,096 1,999 1954 . . . 184,503 1,514 41 1,079 59 352 282 1,144 1,748 valu e of sales, dollars 1959... 723,101,489 2,240,352 702,834 1,222,097 299, 703 3,775,490 2,737,772 4, 745,027 5,203,843 ( 1954... 349,118,516 968,611 285,857 540,517 123,453 3,921,364 1,965,188 2,386,391 1,616,735 7 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 58,170 264 18 174 12 92 83 280 1,243 8 111,477 704 37 524 35 220 186 509 1,521 9 valu B of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 100,641,059 199,065 19,241 698,857 11,515 62,683 42,912 291,012 794,652 10 1954 . . . ' , 157, i ^ 251,355 13,561 601,607 25,527 179,380 85,891 292,947 822,655 11 1 ,\< --i.nl r>n>lucL* other than poultry j of sales, dollars 1959... 147,752,603 667,675 3,815 146,410 251 770,123 18,300 1,646,054 921,406 12 1954... 125,340,202 504,035 5,384 207,027 24,844 404,782 32,089 751,817 309,252 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and or calves sold alive . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 163,319 1,283 60 981 41 368 250 1,036 1,929 1954... Li i .- 1,234 41 1,000 56 347 277 1,092 1,661 15 number 1959 . . . 4,654,020 18,047 4,949 9,069 2,602 21,727 16,484 35,021 37,661 1954... 3,906,259 14,433 3,232 10,366 2,289 30,100 18,103 32,189 25,929 17 dollars 1959. .. 638,443,276 1,884,451 685,890 1,090,509 287,103 3,757,545 2,671,107 4,320,124 4,751,839 18 1954 . . . 287,577,125 715,772 281,192 493,863 117,026 3,847,464 1,928,945 1,989,676 1,415,785 19 Tattle, not counting calves . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 88,501 455 43 619 29 235 192 708 1,034 90 1954. .. 98,226 649 11 633 30 279 183 691 1,026 21 number 1959... 2,008,421 3,185 1,878 3,638 511 12,338 9,428 11,025 11,699 1954... 1,420,095 3,954 211 3,496 980 20,605 10,462 8,610 6,291 23 dollars 1959 . . . 352,496,595 452,946 320,262 602,835 70,075 2,565,794 1,714,873 1,795,753 2,104,017 24 Farms reporting bv number of cattle sold— 1954... 137,605,873 256,235 22,657 216,096 57,470 3,227,734 1,286,938 655,819 471,150 25 1 to 4 49,255 287 10 407 11 88 77 360 639 26 5 to 19 farms reporting 1959 .. . 25,998 134 19 1 '- 3 77 55 225 336 27 . . farms reporting 1959. 10,406 32 11 33 15 51 36 96 49 28 1 unore . . farms rerxirting 1959 2,842 2 3 1 19 24 27 10 29 i alves . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 135,828 1,245 50 658 22 329 209 822 1,702 30 1951. . 149,796 1,144 36 877 45 312 202 1,016 1,583 31 number 1959, 2,645,599 14,862 3,071 5,431 2,091 9,389 7,056 23,996 25,962 32 1954... 2,486,164 10,479 3,021 6,870 1,309 9,495 7,641 23,579 19,638 33 dollars 1959... 285,951,681 1,431,505 365,628 487,674 217,028 1,191,751 956,234 2,524,371 2,647,822 34 1954 149,971,252 459, 537 258,535 277,7t,7 59,556 619,730 642,007 1,333,857 944,635 35 Horses and or mules sold alive .. farms reporting 1959. . . 5,580 34 10 42 6 12 42 87 36 1954... 5,997 67 2 54 1 13 13 42 81 number 1959... 16,833 54 16 64 15 104 94 153 38 1954... 14,024 91 9 66 2 25 78 121 39 4,685,852 8,340 3,390 5,920 2,975 22,565 33,652 13,992 40 1954... 1,052,720 3,217 465 2,730 50 2,796 .;,'-. 3,967 3,394 41 41,092 370 16 205 10 30 64 369 539 1951 . . . 50,431 645 6 37 45 424 509 43 number 1959... 1,192,282 11,512 418 4,147 420 499 1,140 12,815 13,784 1954... 780,997 8,266 152 2,107 177 1,824 718 10,455 6,306 45 dollars 1959... 35,768,460 345,360 12,540 124,410 12,600 14,970 34,200 384,450 413,520 46 1954 . . 25,171,650 249,622 4,200 43,864 5,970 65,911 27,653 384,163 186,293 47 farms reporting 1959 . . . 19,682 2 2 7 25 160 48 1954. . . 19,767 1 2 7 10 40 103 49 number 1959.. 3,292,818 20 66 825 481 2,041 50 1954 3,293,067 4 31 361 376 692 1,083 51 dollars 1959... 39,513,816 240 792 9,900 5,772 24,492 52 1954 . . . 35,317,021 60 407 5,193 3,640 8,585 11,263 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn farms reporting 1959 . . . 21,475 3 4 3 3 4 9 37 201 54 1954. 21,309 1 2 3 6 9 42 160 55 number shorn 1959 . . . 5,493,547 43 134 22 59 632 387 635 2,896 56 1 'I.'. 1 5,154,280 6 21 82 454 460 936 2,138 57 pounds of wo ,1 1959 42,385,879 408 890 185 363 6,239 3,745 5,716 19,827 1954 . . . 41,107,64* 14 118 529 3,636 4,238 6,818 13,398 59 farms reporting 1959 . . . 4,967 1 3 7 60 number shorn 1959. . . 1,157,209 1 31 27 91 1 pounds of wool 1959 , . , 5,756,277 5 148 162 82 Other - p shorn farms reporting 1959, 20,906 3 4 3 3 9 37 201 63 number shorn 1959. . . . 48 134 22 59 632 386 604 2,869 84 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 6,629,1 408 890 185 363 6,239 3,740 5,568 19,665 LITTERS FARROWED 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous yeai to November 30, Census year . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 34,326 348 15 147 4 22 42 311 435 1954. , . . 575 5 117 8 30 35 309 374 number of litters 1959 . . . 183,668 1,455 126 461 15 87 214 2,092 1,977 1954... 147,480 1,654 35 326 3'' 344 146 1,771 1,056 Farms reporting h> number if litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 69 1 Of 2 Idlers . . farms reporting 1959, . . 199 2 108 2 10 25 108 217 3lo9lilters farms repx-tiiu- 1959 11,829 105 8 30 9 8 138 173 71 1(1 to 19 titters . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 3,077 35 3 3 7 45 30 Iters . . farms reporti ng 1959... 1,119 2 2 13 11 73 . farms reporting 1959 . 286 1 4 74 7""'-"" !'«« . farms reporting 1959 . . . 121 1 75 June J o. November 30 . . farms reporting 1959. . . 27,841 268 13 123 13 33 238 342 76 1954 . . . 28,569 394 84 17 20 224 274 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 713 60 273 53 115 927 935 76 1954 . . . 7?. . 7..1 331 It, 191 19 109 73 826 524 79 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 23,293 250 13 64 1 13 25 231 316 Ml 350 5 24 27 227 232 81 93,270 742 188 34 99 1,165 1,042 82 1954 . . . 73,739 623 19 135 20 235 73 945 532 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 337 for only ft 9&mple of farms. Banders Bastrop Bayli Blanco Borden Bosqi Bowie Brazoria Brazos 3rewster Bri 17,943 8,701 3, 294,141 639,152 16,369 4,067 3,130,955 347,400 1,574 4,634 163,136 291,752 2,907 1,578 87,210 49,895 1,270 2,031 15,240 22,757 2,510 1,962 22,201 16,466 6,911 6,446 893,867 439,340 1,694 2,024 290,212 149,222 5,217 4,422 603,61 5 290,118 1,594 1,268 47,820 38,767 24,377 26,255 292,524 56,465 73,701 372,141 515,921 1,081 1,248 2,484,270 1,705,393 1,011 1,144 18,046 22,813 2,143,734 1,466,039 622 698 3,439 5,483 519,455 387,253 818 1,073 14,607 17,330 1,624,279 1,078,786 13 10,787 6,278 323,610 204,489 1,283 4,823 9,461 33,898 14,208 10,088 2,504,425 1,1c I, ■- 13,464 16,720 1,961, ■■:■' 1,681,572 1,350 1,289 40,500 39,704 17,579 17,118 2,211,364 1,171,015 12,200 12,641 1,295,129 761,244 3,0IU 2,013 90,420 61,078 1,125 1,649 8,584 12,604 i,8: ' 2,042 3,132,411 1,682,559 829 1,526 779,452 526,797 1,723 1,858 19,569 18,497 2,439,071 1,256,709 671 1,097 5,542 6,278 753,921 496,101 445 162 62 2 1,564 1,625 14,027 12,219 1,685,150 760,608 42 11,764 7,730 352,920 275,690 16,734 16,438 200,808 147,960 27,309 26,731 213,588 197,872 1,650 1,741 6,021,177 2,858,202 641 1,044 505,064 594,360 1,483 1,568 37,732 31,256 5,621,724 2,435,733 908 1,086 24,079 14,863 4,412,977 1,611,979 452 333 115 8 1,033 1,367 13,653 16,393 1,208,747 823,754 39 10,460 8,397 313,800 316,338 3,618 6,911 43,416 82,430 8,292 11,035 1,039,337 732,857 6,037 6,856 657,593 403,774 2,648 1,239 79,440 37,314 29,391 30,967 352,692 234,447 6,616 63,361 8,601 63,365 50,274 540,342 66,887 545,370 33 117 960 8,079 4,002 36,469 161 332 5,656 - 55,282 46,272 503,873 6,882 7,067 952,820 680,682 2,684 2,282 408,734 216,769 6,900 9,640 82,800 97,043 11,395 10,121 98,388 105,314 1,251 3,540,1 " 2,028,3 1,007 1,195 21,580 19,843 2,970,543 1,638,127 386 668 7,049 6,099 1,171,925 -43,3. 20 ■> 1,123 14, 531 13,744 6,287 3,458 188,610 123,671 24,893 23,766 298,716 259,060 35,602 28,314 307,417 238,579 1,565 1,583 3,321,456 1,205,542 1,445 1,392 24,144 20,654 3,065,283 1,022,033 641 838 8,996 5,912 1,618,317 360,987 87 11 1,145 1,293 15,148 14,742 1,446,966 661,046 60 7,572 6,335 227,160 173,414 27,629 32,810 2,684,173 1 ,1 ! . "' 6,623 9,425 859,061 730,665 21,006 23,385 1,825,112 957,372 11,100 4,794 333,000 149,348 1,013 2,076 13,652 22,471 20,647 2,590,476 1,25 1,74: 5,930 3,741 931,661 315,693 16,541 16,906 1,658,815 938,052 4,678 4,834 U0,340 149,447 1,008 1,570 12,096 21,047 413 1,233 89,392 1,120 1,845 82,225 2,482 8,407 563,724 8,122 12,963 550,419 1 2 13 1 51 27,975 1 355 108,266 23 19 38 412 1,182 61,417 2,481 8,052 455,458 14,678 9,075 - . is, isa 844,637 5,212 2,619 !38,480 354,493 9,466 6,456 1,247,478 490,144 70,147 70,268 841,764 731,054 7,820 9,005 1,075,307 805,866 1,946 3,139 2%, 794 308,624 5,874 5,866 778,513 . 7,242 1,720 1,404 51,600 49,315 2,276 7,440 13, 189 300 45 3,978 18 IT 2 48 49 14 50 51 152 52 1 53 16 55 38 56 160 57 168 58 60 1 62 16 63 160 64 9 Si 13 66 80 17 32 66 1 69 5 70 2 71 1 72 7". 74 8 ;■■ 6 n 59 77 11 79 4 79 10 Kll 21 Ml 21 82 338 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most data foe 1959 are baaed on report* Item (For definitions and explanation , see text) a™ Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Cameron Camp Carson 1 Value ol sales ol livestock and/or livestock products 4,808,963 3,714,016 4,546,051 2,433,946 801,727 4,034,913 4,044,795 768,589 3,771,916 2 1954... 3,218,771 1,901,570 2,878,672 2,113,601 651,148 2,625,240 1,743,430 544,659 1,607,453 Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and farms reporting 1959. . . 1,1V, 1,350 825 702 147 814 573 453 290 1954 . . . 1,172 1,177 861 867 175 729 599 449 275 valu ■of sales, dollars 1959... 3,106,417 3,083,150 3,705,459 1,676,785 763,768 3,396,504 3,182,690 367,000 3,734,869 0 1954... 1,878,261 1,238,095 1,889,369 1,397,782 606,278 1,891,712 861,317 222,412 1,518,330 7 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 276 567 206 183 83 222 188 81 98 8 1954... 607 852 473 421 105 447 312 279 185 9 vain » or sales, dollars 1959 .. . 430,624 377,654 182,363 624,444 36,672 237,765 340,950 300,206 29,842 1954 . . . 433,665 383,029 350,684 507,615 40,433 247,752 250,712 69,820 57,018 11 Livestock products other than poultry I ol sales, dollars 1959 . . . 1954... 1,271,922 906,845 253,212 280,446 658,229 638,619 132,717 208,404 1,287 4,437 400,644 485,776 521,155 631,401 101,383 252,427 7,205 32,105 IS LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and or calves sold alive . . farms reporting, 1959 . . . 1,027 1,295 727 616 132 728 483 418 274 14 1954... 1,100 1,064 773 790 164 702 512 393 268 number 1959 . . . 19,705 21,996 17,281 11,761 6,225 22,278 24,798 3,193 23,345 16 1954... 18,380 16,305 17,229 17,307 10,044 19,683 11,595 4,345 15,928 IT dollars 1959 . . . 2,249,409 2,570,683 2,264,646 1,519,576 739,628 3,035,239 3,013,616 311,275 3,631,615 18 1954 .. . 1,249,525 988,729 1,183,790 1,266,241 583,360 1,737,413 785,880 182,246 1,464,434 19 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 500 666 363 294 102 387 254 157 240 90 1954... 635 599 511 514 101 397 332 249 189 21 number 1959. . . 5,436 6,923 6,412 3,377 2,432 6,423 19,232 679 16,627 22 1954... 5,610 4,359 5,149 4,445 2,936 7,831 5,079 1,202 7,895 23 dollars 1959... 797,592 1,092,795 961,147 533,633 393,473 1,048,834 2,459,379 97,060 2,761,130 24 Farms reporting by number of cattle sold- 1954 . . . 486,769 379,783 376,608 376,754 213,280 822,569 438,821 69,021 756,604 25 . . rarms reporting 1959 , . . 302 495 231 181 37 188 138 126 24 26 5 to 19 . . rarms reporting 1959 . . . 137 126 70 75 43 125 56 20 67 27 20 to 99 . . farms reporting 1959. . . 58 36 46 35 11 61 52 11 81 ■> . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 9 16 3 11 13 8 68 29 . . rarms reporting 1959 . . . 945 1,122 673 571 81 626 366 393 69 SO 1954... 1,035 1,001 737 748 155 641 431 354 213 31 number 1959... 14,269 15,073 10,869 8,384 3,793 15,855 5,566 2,514 6,718 32 1954 . . . 12,770 11,946 12,080 12,862 7,108 11,852 6,516 3,143 8,033 33 dollars 1959... 1,451,817 1,477,888 1,303,499 985,943 346,155 1,986,405 554,237 214,215 870,485 34 1954... 762,756 608,946 807,182 869,487 370,080 914,844 347,059 113,225 707,830 33 . . rarms reporting 1959. . . 30 48 23 20 1 30 27 5 9 H 1954... 35 37 34 21 5 18 14 21 2 37 number 1959... 58 60 62 30 15 70 38 5 74 38 1954... 85 53 46 26 15 30 28 73 2 39 dollars 1959... 16,640 4,660 29,390 2,575 1,500 9,670 4,380 1,125 15,270 40 1954... 7,656 1,917 3,306 1,255 1,137 2,207 714 2,476 100 41 . . 'arms reporting 1959 . . . 146 504 214 181 38 177 125 77 95 IS 1954... 164 519 288 223 28 146 149 132 44 43 number 1959 . . . 3,973 16,130 5,213 4,547 560 5,186 4,994 1,820 2,530 1954... 2,160 7,699 5,216 2,751 460 2,440 2,584 1,187 709 45 dollars 1959... 119,190 483,900 156,390 136,410 16,800 155,580 149,820 54,600 75,900 46 1954 . . . 72,677 245,044 171,371 108,751 13,925 80,837 73,927 35,440 30,598 47 farms reporting 1959 . . . 278 34 520 48 14 103 6 11 48 267 19 512 54 13 59 7 1 17 49 number 1959 . . 56,688 1,967 81,992 1,235 483 13,234 925 1,007 50 1954. . . 43,877 239 58,767 1,765 566 5,173 87 150 1,624 51 dollars 1959... 680,256 23,604 983,904 14,820 5,796 158,808 11,100 12,084 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 . . . 548,403 2,405 530,902 21,535 7,856 71,255 --'., 2,250 23,198 53 farms reporting 1959 . . . 354 28 449 81 19 116 15 1 13 54 1954 . . . 257 32 498 75 15 61 11 1 17 55 number shorn 1959... 82,473 765 88,074 2,367 538 20,589 1,614 36 1,154 1864 49,980 429 89,395 2,569 727 8,960 355 175 1,693 57 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 583,156 5,177 673,087 18,616 2,992 144,721 11,396 321 10,767 58 397,591 2,959 716,745 21,193 5,439 71,520 1,471 800 17,200 N farms reporting 1959 . . . 96 3 113 13 25 1 1 60 number shorn 1959. .. 30,727 95 10,373 140 6,669 1 5 61, pounds of wool 1959 .. . 172,988 336 55,175 830 28,819 2 25 . . larms reporting 1959. . . 340 28 440 81 19 116 14 1 13 63 number shorn 1959 .. . 51,746 670 77,701 2,227 538 13,920 1,613 36 1,149 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds or wool 1959 . . . 410,168 4,841 617,912 17,786 2,992 115,902 11,394 321 10,742 65 Litteis fartowed, December 1, previous . . rarms reporting 1959 . . . 111 435 150 153 17 132 139 92 61 66 1954 . . . 108 405 205 161 20 112 134 135 34 67 number ol litters 1959 . . . 584 1,705 813 795 47 941 697 183 300 66 Farms reporting b\ number or litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 19S4 . . 337 1,276 909 543 114 526 525 254 161 69 . . rarms reporting 1959. . . 60 250 63 80 12 49 95 83 23 70 3 to 9 liners . . rarms reporting 1959. . . 42 147 63 52 4 57 27 7 31 1(1 to 19 litters . . Tarns reporting 1959. . . 6 26 18 15 1 14 9 6 72 20 to 39 litters . . farms reporting 1959.. . 1 10 6 4 9 5 2 1 73 farms reporting 1959... 1 2 2 3 3 74 70 or more litters . . rarms reporting 1959 . . . 1 75 . . farms reporting 1959. . . 86 327 113 129 12 110 1U 70 49 76 80 281 161 124 14 89 82 90 32 T7 number of litters 1959 . . . 253 872 359 431 21 447 402 93 167 78 1954 . . . 203 639 466 284 61 286 249 140 107 71 . . rarms reporting 1959. . . 82 305 113 93 10 102 72 41 43 N 1954... 65 255 135 96 14 78 89 73 16 81 number of Inters 1959 . . . 331 833 454 364 26 494 295 90 133 n 1994... 13- 637 443 259 53 240 276 114 54 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued for only a sample of farms. See text] 339 Cherokee CMldrees Colorado Canal Comanche Concho 1,204 1,087 1,447,911 458,757 1,481 1,541 2,288,374 941,849 1,211 3,745,821 2,367,100 1,887 1,845 3,302,337 1,507,289 562 1,289 214,854 260,310 1,430 1,299 5,127,296 2,084,175 815 1,018 790,020 534,395 1,446 1,694 4,490,084 2,549,184 394 1,041 808,552 601,461 10,566 9,093 1,380,250 415,665 5,020 3,099 857,245 162,059 17,546 17,679 2,826,344 1,812,473 10,864 11,831 2,036,326 1,350,837 18,950 14,249 1,695,192 577,293 4,738 2,694 686,819 171,656 1,430 1,426 20,051 17,136 2,174,579 798,963 784 800 6,349 4,900 925,998 292,563 9,794 7,344 1,254,953 576,445 3,731 2,559 549,376 219,255 14,473 31,339 5,254,361 2,974,620 12,170 10,682 2,502,160 1,470,274 4,614 3,632 594,652 286,457 6,380 6,752 844,797 552,006 2,750 3,070 403,673 301,056 841 1,041 17,577 18,890 2,248,109 1,405,342 434 608 3,908 6,160 698,343 592,600 1,690 1,565 21,287 16,417 2,752,059 1,073,644 841 804 7,333 4,811 1,303,188 431,937 18,726 11,291 2,541,261 1,036,151 5,299 4,121 847,397 477,055 1,359 1,236 39,476 30,369 4,693,640 1,882,426 860 764 12,235 9,347 1,917,046 798,541 7,063 10,782 1,001,581 696,308 1,607 2,908 368,357 222,101 1,345 1,566 24,325 22,905 3,069,298 1,585,007 681 818 6,572 6,895 1,051,745 564,226 8,538 9,348 1,306,173 767,254 3,745 3,458 678,265 348,854 5,546 5,994 523,005 253,606 6,682 5,848 790,018 461,636 11,555 1,008,373 405,637 84 7 1,130 1,283 13,702 12,236 1,248,581 506,400 57 6,063 4,785 705,577 357,190 22,303 20,657 2,752,201 1,504,346 2,363 2,685 275,792 198,866 3,630 3,682 441,124 250,950 13,669 12,730 1,549,766 812,742 92 7 1,508 1,343 13,954 11,606 1,448,871 641,707 38 13,427 7,170 1,693,864 559,096 44 24 1,174 1,152 27,241 21,022 2,776,594 1,083,885 73 5,456 7,874 633,224 474,207 82 6 1,239 1,475 17,753 16,010 2,017,553 1,020,781 34 5,890 627,908 418,400 2,040 1,787 61,200 38,894 7,095 3,872 212,850 144,527 3,319 4,655 99,570 139,958 4,415 1,326 132,450 32,661 2,780 1,039 83,400 37,024 5,571 1,371 167,130 34,702 10,854 7,964 325,620 294,014 4,645 2,745 139,350 92,087 12,798 4,937 383,940 158,656 2,001 1,088 60,030 32,408 30,541 16,605 916,230 631,408 10,648 4,367 127,776 56,871 49,761 56,061 597,132 618,238 103,534 83,801 1,242,408 925,238 12,818 9,225 153,816 134,873 1,838 1,722 22,056 19,847 2,759 10,308 32,262 12,365 13,718 148,380 96,836 34,954 25,549 419,448 328,185 117,308 113,752 1,407,696 1,320,275 9,003 4,145 55,719 36,301 1,263 2,519 10,640 92,260 72,983 793,105 159,239 153,580 1,268,532 1,359,011 14,470 11,989 111,745 85,755 1,283 947 9,885 1,518 2,741 9,464 16,609 23,926 24,492 178,828 210,498 38,298 33,680 305,283 297,991 182,331 157,840 1,413,025 1,270,203 340 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [MoHt data for 1959 are baaed on reporta (For definitions and explanations, see text) Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959.. 1954. Anv livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and mules hoes, sheep, and gouts) farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . value of sales, dollars 1959 . 1954. Poultrv and poultry products farms reporting 1959 . 1954. value of sales, dollars 1959 . 1954. LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE s sold alive farms reporting 1 1 number 1 . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . Farms reporting by number of cattle sold- lto4 farms reporting 1959 . 5 to 19 farms reporting 1959 ■20 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . Cfl[ves farms reporting 1959 . 1951 . number 1959. 1954, dollars 1959 . r mules sold alive farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959.. 1954.. dollars 1959. 1954. 9 sold alive farms reporting 1 959 . 1954. number 1959. dollars 1959. 1954. Sheep and lambs sold alii farms nporttng 1959 1954. . number 1 959 . dollars 1959. 1954. SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL Sheep and/or lambs shorn farms reporting 1959 . 62 | Other sheep s LITTERS FARROWED Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number of litters 1959 . . 1954 . . Farms repining by numtier of tillers farrowed December 1, 1958, W November 30, 1959- 1 or 2 litters farms reportine 1959 . 3 to 9 litters farms reporting 1959. II) to 19 litter* farms reporting 1959 . 20 to 39 liners farms reporting 1959. 10 to fi9 liners farms reporting 1959. 70 or more litters farms reporting 1959 . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting 1959. 1954. number of litters 1959 . 1954. December 1 to June 1 ■ farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number of litters 1959 , 1,185 1,284 2,927,983 1,272,711 1,032 1,182 14,971 15,198 . , »'0, "' 938,580 589 730 4,568 4,884 716,363 328,132 number shorn 1959, . , 78,955 1954... 52,220 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 640,954 1954 . . . 444,102 farms reporting 1959 .. . 101 number shom 1959. . . pounds of wool 1959. . . 39,293 farms reporting 1959... 616 number shom 1959 . . . 71,508 pounds of wool 1959 . , . 601,661 5,776 2,979 95,794 7,183 1,291,777 638, 119 2,829 661,895 307,255 1,106 255 10,403 4,801 10,314 4,354 ,263,736 629,882 610,448 330,864 18,575 10,796 222,900 110, 575 19,603 13,435 163,727 103,193 5,133 4,963 701,490 372,010 1,893 1,509 v. .,'.. 122,244 3,240 3,454 360,930 249,766 135,513 135,161 1,626,156 1,448,439 265, 133 244,798 ,. 50, 17 2,067,063 4,975 4,361 626,331 3.:...:. 5 1,517 1,107 242,151 11 6,875 3,458 3,254 384,180 217,290 6,623 2,892 198,690 70,415 9,058 633,538 882,122 1,565 4,019 282,796 522,344 2,938 5,039 350,742 359,778 9,246 16,477 110,952 166,286 13,400 22,421 117,354 52,810 12,321 9,517,874 1,431,676 16, 269 13,578 2,535,172 1,053,234 3,352 1,987 100, 560 76,003 1,044 1,310 2,937,791 1,483,342 853 1,027 17,828 16,093 2,396,281 1,159,381 577 8,197 10, 195 689,636 563,412 4,001 3,391 48,012 42,478 4,223 5,204 30,239 45,740 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 341 tor only a sample of farms. See l*xl/j Deaf Smith Delta 33,276 36,024 5,815,802 4,243,688 21,588 21,592 4,098,843 2,821,318 11,688 14,432 1,716,959 1,422,370 10,000 3,030 300,000 125,809 4,205 5,064 50,460 75,217 1,159 1,518 13,921 11,528 8,621 6,369 972,772 357,036 1,931 1,545 318,915 108,146 6,690 4,824 653,857 248,890 1,342 1,200 40,260 32,392 3,375 1,600 40,500 24,987 2,462 2,024 16,938 16,015 Denton De Witt Dickens 1,724 1,713 4,324,940 2,326,047 621 1,135 822,647 I 1 ,774 1,584 1,604 31,084 28,008 3,739,003 1,910,511 7,545 8,165 1,346,133 718,976 92 8 1,313 1,424 23,539 19,843 2,392,870 1,191,535 62 9,206 7,179 276,180 242,342 15,515 10,519 186,180 153,890 19,165 12,920 161,564 105,913 1,686 1,842 4,817,821 2,518,291 849 1,361 1,589,428 1,596 1,743 37,059 36,949 4,329,649 2,099,747 860 1,071 7,792 8,087 1,324,901 556,213 578 210 55 17 1,512 1,677 29,267 28,862 3,004,748 1,543,534 19 14,176 8,726 425,280 304,503 8,104 59,628 112,505 7,466 10,723 49,729 8,320 10,801 1,263,604 952,311 2,771 820,068 231,571 3,759 8,030 443,536 720,740 4,632 1,944 138,960 59,539 1,857 10,344 25,053 20,503 18, 596 2,924,073 1,408,591 11,855 8,502 1,973,609 738,440 8,648 10,094 950,464 670,151 21,799 14,973 3,501,177 1,307,685 14,006 9,095 2,558,296 898,334 Duval Eastland Ector 1,762 2,202 52,860 75,608 7,125 3,661 85,500 62,600 17,398 13,782 2,449,510 862,768 3,984 1,199,473 302,686 1,196 1,243 2,714,590 1,404,727 1,089 1,124 17,566 15, 059 2,240,304 1,041,857 657 556 5,645 3,902 895,790 311,600 938 1,051 11,921 11,157 1,344,514 730,257 10,912 8,800 327,360 305,098 7,661 5,877 91,932 53,251 2,355 2,750 325,998 226,849 1,217 100,632 120,109 1,683 1,533 225,366 106,740 9,758 6,599 1,383,162 479,650 4,679 2,803 732,703 246,544 5,079 3,796 650,459 233,106 150 2,210 1,800 21,680 12,671 50 8,879 3,410 107,255 200 73,078 32 1 2,590 50 12,765 200 141 10,081 94,490 1,611 1,561 25,075 23,086 3,207,317 1,590,090 744 905 8,093 7,978 1,341,244 685,193 71 10 1,395 1,416 16,982 15,108 1,866,073 904,897 33 6,211 4,208 186,330 133,902 El Paso Erath 64,983 71,999 779,796 741,142 148,960 157,349 980,228 1,062,348 8,468 7,566 64,864 93,100 19,696 :. ,173,26 2,121,854 87,509 12,194 17,619,459 1,639,628 5,591 7,502 ■ 1,803 £2,226 2,836 7,568 85,080 414,230 2,720 4,611 32,640 44,869 3,204 5,263 22,066 :,~J3 1,693 3,901,479 2,111,303 401 1,007 2,122,976 1,138,780 1,413 1,628 26,855 26,914 3,371,405 1,797, 152 817 8,799 1,518,842 776,762 103 8 1,197 1,493 17, 969 18,115 1,852,563 1,021,190 54 14,823 12,704 177,876 149,555 22,431 13,964 196,290 113,221 1,544 1,740 5,741,716 2,292,465 602 1,210 517,867 605,570 1,458 1,516 39,498 26,355 5,480,667 1,980,202 778 737 18,243 7,660 2,942,637 692,430 59 23 1,144 1,404 21,255 18,695 2,538,030 1,287,772 18 7,650 8,277 229,500 275,369 1,979 3,251 23,748 34,587 1,811 1,792 3,351,865 1,615,315 552 1,260 114,041 214,546 1,666 1,583 24,069 21,298 3,063,551 1,313,735 823 784 9,401 7,093 1,626,738 535,202 19 1,277 1,447 14,668 14,205 1,436,813 778,533 34 8,244 8,115 247,320 269,487 2,125 1,433 17,987 11,572 2,630 2,886 31,560 28,176 1,444 1,418 10,430 9,356 1,403 6] 52 62 1,161 6.1 9,027 64 324 66 472 66 1,410 6T 1,459 68 188 69 107 70 21 71 5 72 1 7.1 2 71 270 75 339 711 742 77 718 re 203 ?n 322 no 668 HI 741 BS 342 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most daU for 1939 are based on reports (For definitions and etplanation , see tent) Fayette Fisher Floyd Foard' Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Frio Gaines 1 Value ot sates ol livestock and or livestock products dollars 1959... 7,881,343 1,886,210 1,600,359 2,129,458 4,009,963 1,598,073 4,410,632 3,457,358 1,489,960 1954... 5,299,597 1,295,812 1,502,426 1,201,109 2,564,433 925, 560 2,081,926 2,181,698 789,286 3 Any livestock sold alive (cBtlle, horses and . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3,029 529 440 280 1,342 590 1,174 362 219 1 1954 .. . 3,089 777 705 279 1,288 646 1,063 427 184 of sales, dollars 1959... 4,239,537 1,569,458 1,478, 183 2,105,075 3,468,092 1,060,717 3,355,904 1,037,244 6 1954 .. . 1,957,147 943,543 1,305,869 1,164,105 2,037,637 546, 819 1,142,727 2,048,953 656,316 7 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 2,234 146 164 63 819 74 189 64 95 S 1954... 2,959 429 442 138 1,203 277 477 118 169 of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 1,716,979 120,776 24, 537 21,790 350,122 52,268 1,453,597 96,344 452,054 10 1954 . . . 1,856,624 79,898 70,653 28,962 322,040 49,367 905,452 65,589 108,793 1] Livestock products other than poultry of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 1,924,827 195,976 97,639 2,593 191,749 485,088 30,728 5,110 662 i: 1954 . . . 1,485,826 272,371 125,904 8,042 204,756 329,374 33,747 67, 156 24,177 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,954 499 378 244 1,246 580 1,082 319 154 1954... 2,891 751 630 267 1,161 626 849 410 149 15 number 1959 . . . 31,227 10,632 8,736 14,815 29,419 9,636 21,714 22,768 6,071 16 1954... 29,218 12,012 10,424 10,200 30,690 10,018 14,225 24,363 8,490 1? 3,436,239 1,486,039 1,203,983 2,036,053 3,264,808 999, 782 2,654,874 3,156,737 910,104 18 1954... 1,405,925 884,409 898, 549 1,135,761 1, 880, 283 524,250 807,410 1,844,172 630,398 ig Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,601 326 282 159 696 269 525 198 98 20 1954... 1,764 436 443 163 694 359 447 283 104 a number 1959 .. . 6,542 3,441 4,405 6,191 6,662 1,868 5,162 11,282 3,788 22 1954 . . . 7,982 4,041 3,905 5,203 6,859 3,088 3,415 11,512 4,488 23 dollars 1959... 1,036,227 61A.256 664,321 918,976 1,079,407 275,897 852,887 L,820,071 637,691 24 Farms reporting °y number of catlle sold- 1954... 473,991 326,903 369,956 640,764 631,076 202,722 227,202 1,070,609 376,128 25 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,262 226 110 64 462 145 312 47 34 . farms reporting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 303 30 60 30 118 43 28 55 191 30 106 17 166 43 82 34 33 20 27 28 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 10 11 12 13 1 35 11 29 farms reporting 1959. . . 2,701 411 210 170 967 495 970 286 103 80 1954... 2,645 682 526 185 1,056 579 768 382 124 31 number 1959. .. 24,685 7,191 4,331 8,624 22,757 7,768 16, 552 11,486 2,283 S! 21,236 7,971 6,519 4,997 23,831 6,930 10, 810 12,851 4,002 33 dollars 1959... 2,400,012 871,783 539,662 1,117,077 2,185,401 723, 885 1,801,987 1,336,666 272,413 ii 1954... 931,934 557,506 528,593 494,997 1,249,207 321,528 580,208 773,563 254,270 St . . farms reporting 1959. . . 48 2 11 9 24 6 29 6 7 36 1954... 134 11 13 12 21 28 71 8 4 37 number 1959.. . 115 4 18 51 97 36 80 8 8 38 1954... 210 16 22 79 113 43 175 16 14 3S dollars IMS... 5,905 605 2,880 12,100 11,093 4,565 10,954 614 1,050 to 1954.. 8,463 1,071 1,275 8,785 5,990 1,891 4,683 930 860 41 . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,015 97 L66 72 270 32 356 106 95 42 1954... 1,250 96 220 27 348 96 554 113 74 43 number 1959. .. 25, 932 2,484 5,580 1,661 6,054 1,665 8,128 6,125 4,201 1951.. 16,106 704 3,187 513 4,595 861 10,508 4,721 846 45 dollars 1959... 777,960 74,520 167,400 49,830 181,620 49,950 243,840 183,750 126,030 46 1954 . . . 529, 859 18,646 108, 101 15,955 146,093 20,421 322, 523 178, 553 22,993 47 farms reporting 1959 . . . 165 7 30 12 40 11 14 4 1 48 1954. . . 143 19 65 9 44 2 17 20 2 49 number 1959. . . 1,456 685 8,660 591 847 535 395 895 5 50 1954 .. . 1,564 2,963 18,637 182 498 22 686 2,149 230 51 dollars 1959 . 17,472 8,220 103, 920 7,092 10,164 6,420 4,740 10,740 60 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 . . . 12,900 39,417 297,944 3,604 5,271 257 8,111 25,298 2,065 53 farms reporting 1959 . . . 211 12 52 14 59 6 24 12 4 54 1954 .. . 201 18 67 11 61 2 15 19 2 number shorn 1959 . . . 3,190 1,431 15,436 448 933 416 1,027 1,247 36 56 1954 . . . 3,107 3,174 16, 173 329 1,026 39 735 2,897 385 57 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 22, 611 12,181 87,048 3,606 6,153 3,250 7,370 6,906 330 58 1954 . . . 20,492 28,185 86,753 3,113 5,534 264 5,497 17,938 6,150 H farms reporting 1959 .. . 13 3 14 1 5 1 8 5 60 number shorn 1959 . . . 227 513 10,356 20 13 30 139 341 61 1 pound9 of wool 1959 . . . 1,336 3,205 40,007 79 40 185 422 1,866 . . farms reporting 1959. . . 211 11 49 14 58 6 21 11 4 63 number shorn 1959 . . . 2,963 918 5,080 428 920 386 888 906 36 04 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959 . . . 21,275 8,976 47,041 3,527 6,113 3,065 6,948 5,040 330 65 Littets (arrowed, December 1, previous . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 784 86 179 40 322 28 399 78 97 66 1954 . . . 898 57 172 25 324 50 464 95 64 67 number of litters 1959 . . . 3,524 291 1,186 194 1,214 HI 1,510 936 sa 68 Farms reporting hv number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1954... 2,980 119 720 97 1,034 134 1,701 850 196 69 farms reporting 1959.. . 439 53 77 IS 242 16 255 19 40 70 3to9lillcrs farms reporting 1959 . . . 269 26 61 15 58 10 107 32 36 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 51 16 6 1 28 11 6 1 14 7 1 1 26 10 16 7 14 3 72 . . farms reporting 1959. . . JJ . . farms reporting 1959. . . 5 2 1 2 1 74 7" . more litters . . farms reporting 1959. . . '• 1 2 3 75 farms reporting 1959 . . . 613 65 153 31 232 24 30 J 68 81 76 1954 .. . 688 38 122 20 206 40 334 72 43 77 number of litters 1959... 1,740 133 599 87 746 59 743 515 375 78 1954 . . . 1,526 67 361 47 474 86 799 371 129 79 farms reporting 1959. . . 570 66 120 28 186 13 239 56 68 BO 1954... 544 38 128 11 185 27 315 74 36 81 number of litters 1959... 1,784 158 587 107 468 52 767 421 446 82 1954... 1,454 52 359 50 560 48 902 479 67 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued for only » smple of farms. See textj 343 Galveston Garza Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 10,637 7,661 1,000,938 331, 816 3,263 2,017 481,528 127,302 7,374 5,644 519,410 204,514 7,014 6,247 883,933 429,866 3,312 2,001 492,695 146,590 3,702 4,246 391,238 283,276 1,059 1,164 2,806,431 1,756,348 905 1,013 13,660 15,448 1,785,784 1,015,252 557 736 3,916 5,132 612,391 385,983 9,744 10,316 1,173,393 629,269 6,837 5,239 205, 110 185,479 59,287 71,014 711,444 552,984 4,959 3,459 751,193 264,530 2,291 1,050 414,574 77,207 2,668 2,409 336,619 187,323 23,101 19,160 277,212 194,498 56 64 30,152 25,340 291,569 259, 541 21, 529 18,847 2,552,205 1,275,399 4,036 5,103 605,458 520,232 17,493 13,744 1,946,747 755,167 3,678 236,580 142,979 1,081 1,652 12,972 18,970 145 152 2,445 3,464 13,561 20,210 8 101 1,587 1,726 5,213,901 2,768,424 1,537 1,626 38,570 39,090 4,630,806 2,450,988 694 952 9,928 9,892 1,802,570 789,536 17,707 8,398 531,210 296,490 3,114 1,663 37,368 16,555 96 117 2,293 2,578 14,956 18,249 4 111 23,069 16,180 3,159,094 1,554,360 8,134 6,102 1,323,032 680,821 2,001 1,854 3,279,506 1,585,966 715 1,434 533,757 573,489 1,861 1,712 23,969 21,582 851,025 1,359,959 915 921 7,588 5,714 1,114,158 452,886 80 8 1,522 1,590 16,381 15,868 1,736,867 907,073 45 11,764 6,835 352,920 194,134 4,457 2,102 53,484 28,168 4,066 2,662 31,425 19,889 11,349 4,668 1,621,177 254,136 3,350 2,970 305,426 118,523 : . I -' 1,045 3,622,837 1,378,457 28,738 24,367 3,455,644 1,277,479 8,279 4,271 1, 533,406 319,404 20,459 20,096 1,922,238 958,075 4,779 2,822 143,370 91,465 1,556 1,054 9,882 6,733 1,252 1,357 14,305 17,587 1,835,662 1,150,159 679 822 5,126 4,903 805,480 379,343 970 1,249 9,179 12,684 1,030,182 770,816 44 10,581 7,880 317,430 277,854 4,617 2,879 36,068 25,377 25,042 17,905 5,298,796 1,882,106 22,017 11,825 5,008,450 1,463,050 3,025 6,080 290,346 .. ., ■„ 14,327 5,869 429, 810 198,071 11,004 11,109 77,432 7. , 159 13,746 6,941 1,873,600 599,601 7,934 2,062 1,256,253 219,803 5,812 4,879 617,347 379,798 1,371 1,029 41,130 31,933 1,095 1,343 3,163,518 1,978,413 996 1,243 16,348 20,809 2,094,004 1,470,607 589 825 5,822 7,417 968,121 576,355 892 1,192 10,526 13,392 1,125,883 894,252 39 5,464 3,894 163,920 130,844 67,362 38,042 808,344 372,469 80,071 52,841 659,898 473,408 31,042 32,225 5,259,261 1,562,068 28,605 26,469 4,913,295 3,062,160 2,437 5,756 345,966 499,908 9,169 7,167 1,281,510 586,665 4,026 2,191 658,331 235,557 5,143 4,976 623,179 351,108 17 1,152 I! 8,785 94 73 65 52 ae 282 87 127 88 39 89 29 70 71 1 72 73 74 56 75 31 n 132 77 49 7H 51 7'l 38 Ml 150 M 78 9S 344 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Mast data for 1959 are based on reports (For definitions and explanations, see text) Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products: dollars l 1 Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and mules, hops, sheep, and goats) farms reporting 1 1 value of sales, dollars 1 1 Poultry and poultry products farms reporting 1 1 value of sales, dollars 1 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE s sold alive farms reporting 1 1 number 1 Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo 1954 . . . dollars 1959... . farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by number of cattle sold— 1 to 4 farms reporting 1959 . 5 to 19 farms reporting 1959 20 to 99 farms reporting 1 95Q 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . ;alves farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959. 1954. . farms reporting 1959. Sheep and lambs sold aliv SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL Sheep and/or lambs shorn 62 ! Other sheep shorn . . farms reporting 1959. . farms reporting 1959 . 1954.. number 1959 . farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . number shorn 1959. 1954 . . pounds of wool 1959 . 1954 . farms reporting 1959. number shorn 1959. pounds of wool 1959. farms reportin I 1959. pounds of wool 1 LITTERS FARRO»F.D 1954 . . Farms reporting by number of litters farrowed December L 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1 or 2 litters farms reporting 1959 . 3 to 9 litters farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 19 litters farms reporting 1959 . 20 to 39 litters farms reporting 1959. 40 to 69 litters farms reporting 1959 . 71) or more litters farms reporting 1959 . June 2 to November 30 farms rerxxting 1959 . 1954. number of litters 1959 . December 1 to June 1 1954. . farms reporting 1959. 1954. number of litters 1959. 3,862 2,540 282,468 113,253 2,877 1,812 178,705 59,996 1,779 1,628 5,915,379 2,161,620 536 1,076 1,097,930 630,227 1,594 1,419 47,126 36,716 5,189,111 1,858,388 1,169 736 19,347 11,343 3,005,151 (08,667 21 985 1,161 27,779 25,373 2,183,960 949,721 94 2,070 309,306 849 16,090 183 323 202 348 3,446 13,568 5,109 8,460 103,380 407,040 175,111 277,335 1,850 2,004 10,993 12,523 1,153 1,034 1,550,365 694,634 12,317 14, 110 1,387,002 641,602 3,437 3,721 579,594 231, 751 10,389 807,408 409,851 5,011 1,953 150,330 46,947 28,814 21,900 4,790,112 2,198,780 18,122 12,691 3,463,429 1,302,645 10,692 9,209 1,326,683 896,135 18,548 9,973 3,139,756 855,468 9,794 2,335 2,051,361 211,734 8,754 7,638 1,088,395 643,734 4,660 1,560 139,800 36,002 21,457 13,547 3,620,111 918,828 15,183 5,336 3,007,300 446,496 6,274 8,211 612,811 472,332 1,028 1,623 > ,840 45,428 12,508 20,215 150,096 LI 7, 128 1,021 35,558 105 36,946 9,290 262,824 1,140 292,187 5 45 228 4,882 1,381 20, 193 13 277 793 30,676 7,909 242,631 20,253 18,824 3,127,742 1,885,964 11,142 9,800 2,003,066 1,198,937 9,111 9,024 1,124,676 687,027 1,585 1,517 3,505,516 1,309,910 1,444 1,345 26,106 17,525 3,108,098 960, 513 699 72 1,301 1,263 17,894 13,188 1,756,915 672,965 38 12,916 10,732 387,480 342,799 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 345 tor only a garnr, e of farms. See text J Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston „^ Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irlon ,.Ck Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 3,559,447 973,699 3,258,535 10,078,839 4,035,608 1,483,136 2,209,424 3,782,688 2,442,757 2,268,460 3,655,753 3,761,492 2, 146, 193 2,717,544 2,380,938 1,733,809 , 1,904,680 653,363 1,561,726 4,743,308 2,047,349 822,553 1,205,010 2,052,201 2,115,203 1,545,731 2,231,183 1,878,314 1,813,214 2,477,129 1,093,771 859,326 2 1,696 403 590 1,960 1,403 291 81 1,781 106 93 558 720 808 58 524 58 3 1,702 412 657 1,747 1,527 261 71 1,759 127 108 740 727 683 82 412 110 4 2,613,544 911,919 2,881,141 3,573,865 3,436,531 1,250,979 2,021,664 3,297,575 2,408,087 1,835,054 3,384,323 3,495,902 663,163 2,372,932 1,645,099 1,651,822 5 1,245,371 444,626 1,146,130 1,283,499 1,248,906 606,173 1,052,599 1,350,338 2,014,390 1,010,960 2,031,963 1,670,538 391,027 2,002,280 782,955 777,569 548 166 147 308 251 119 12 479 26 12 113 292 183 8 103 2 7 1,145 465 401 787 447 211 11 968 71 30 333 475 357 21 245 27 6 308,072 51,202 155,630 229,988 409,330 57,817 1,567 165,396 34,646 12,419 15,002 111,330 728,715 6,413 37,987 340 9 211,395 95,073 172,896 141,485 502,694 71,335 12,417 248,625 26,670 33,997 45,598 112,964 672,986 4,376 116,002 4,455 10 637,831 10,578 221,764 6,274,986 189,747 174,340 186,193 319,717 24 420,987 256,428 153,760 754,315 338,199 697,852 81,647 11 447,914 113,664 242,700 3,318,324 295,749 145,045 139,994 453,238 74,143 500,774 153,622 94,812 749,201 470,473 194,814 77,302 IS 1,571 219 570 1,929 1,348 249 68 1,721 98 79 545 684 723 52 519 58 13 1,549 291 624 1,683 1,405 225 64 1,667 121 87 721 687 510 73 371 109 14 17,493 4,353 16,992 34,258 28,592 8,493 10,734 26,969 14,971 6,386 20,728 28,827 5,755 13,447 17,786 11,467 IS 15,619 3,973 12,548 24,961 23,022 5,079 8,674 20,707 17,478 4,394 21,258 24,871 6,697 15,179 16,787 10,577 16 2,224,190 679,943 2,426,620 3,522,521 3,245,662 1,089,504 1,814,444 3,171,062 2,377,087 894,302 3,215,158 3,416,590 561,405 1,939,158 1,632,801 1,627,371 IT 1,019,456 348,687 982, 301 1,233,768 1,024,968 453,656 885,976 1,236,917 1,997,324 330,508 1,959,130 1,609,060 283, 510 1,387,852 762,749 777,070 18 685 165 312 1,106 665 181 65 681 79 49 351 410 434 45 378 39 19 889 182 344 1,034 716 124 45 895 84 57 430 383 58 250 44 20 4,129 2,868 7,105 10,956 9,534 3,763 8,194 6,261 11,049 2,934 8,622 11,477 2,433 8,317 4,787 5,067 21 4,698 2,081 5,439 7,932 4,883 1,935 5,501 5,395 8,875 965 8,014 7,798 2,666 7,790 2,221 4,008 22 715,861 534,383 1,279,115 1,785,381 1,545,219 559,154 1,506,886 961,699 1,830,543 419,178 1,597,939 1,862,876 308,368 1,438,555 722,656 988,431 23 346,592 216,366 520,919 617,175 292,888 227,729 631,621 416,738 1,161,751 91,119 973,417 773,208 183,664 768, 169 158, 163 381,568 24 421 109 218 440 327 89 1 447 12 22 99 164 322 1 229 7 25 237 49 43 520 242 53 12 158 9 12 163 124 82 7 91 11 29 25 5 39 143 86 31 22 73 31 12 70 102 30 22 53 10 27 2 2 12 3 10 8 30 3 27 3 19 20 15 5 11 28 1,343 141 530 1,486- 1,023 193 16 1,614 54 70 409 545 474 38 314 53 29 1,399 208 586 1,521 1,338 188 40 1,562 96 SO 673 653 448 55 347 104 30 13,364 1,485 9,887 23,302 19,058 4,730 2,540 20,708 3,922 3,452 12,106 17,350 3,322 5,130 12,999 6,400 31 10,921 1,892 7,109 17,029 18,139 3,144 3,173 15,312 8,603 3,429 13,244 17,073 4,031 7,389 14, 566 6,569 V 1,508,329 145,560 1, 147, 505 1,737,140 1,700,443 530,350 307,558 2,209,363 546,544 475,124 1,617,219 1,553,714 253,037 500,603 910,145 638,940 33 672,864 132,321 461,382 616,593 732,080 225,927 254,355 820,179 835,573 239,389 985,713 835,852 99,846 619,683 604,586 395,502 34 21 22 36 54 15 11 1 49 3 9 11 15 47 4 5 4 35 17 8 13 53 57 7 2 33 1 8 31 20 25 13 18 2 36 36 113 88 93 23 24 2 101 8 22 56 41 62 17 39 58 37 29 8 34 71 98 9 3 53 25 57 65 37 46 157 50 10 38 4,675 50,296 52,555 7,860 2,450 4,100 150 14,505 2,800 16,500 26,875 5,555 6,565 3,680 4,025 21,779 39 1,029 615 2,698 2,791 2,975 590 210 2,747 988 3,231 5,331 1,553 1,763 4,014 2,189 180 40 474 262 146 101 203 87 7 174 28 4 59 124 161 2 20 6 41 562 212 193 168 404 44 307 26 5 91 161 298 49 3 42 9,211 6,010 4,187 1,236 6,143 2,727 1,860 2,587 940 752 1,156 2,218 3,132 29 245 25 43 5,456 3,011 2,400 1,804 7,295 756 232 3,456 238 99 1,082 1,923 5,935 88 694 11 44 276,330 180,300 125,610 37,080 184,290 81,810 55,800 77,610 28,200 22,560 34,680 66,540 93,960 870 7,350 750 45 185,172 94,167 68,809 41,626 214,663 29,062 6,975 91,030 6,444 3,782 38,854 52,335 105,083 2,017 15,025 319 46 158 20 74 32 2 25 19 36 80 36 42 1 21 8 2 47 111 7 71 19 1 45 28 57 "3 93 39 40 4 43 21 48 8,323 115 18,055 530 304 6,228 12,575 2,848 74,652 1,689 512 1 31,571 59 80 3,363 72 7,079 417 630 12,654 14,733 1,250 642 61,296 656 68 65,680 293 50 99,876 1,380 216,660 6,360 3,648 74,736 150,900 34,176 895,824 20,268 6,144 12 378,852 708 960 SI 39,714 1,157 92,322 5,314 6,300 122,865 159,438 19,644 9,634 673,439 28,648 7,590 671 608,397 2,992 52 144 12 73 30 4 23 24 78 1 90 51 53 6 29 26 2 53 112 4 71 14 1 39 33 67 2 95 45 48 4 43 29 5 54 5,756 199 13,734 1,219 358 4,775 17,600 3,137 5 97,629 2,464 1,278 35 38,992 301 80 55 3,475 16 8,923 411 1,150 12,087 27,465 1,603 748 81,888 1,855 1,584 96 75,391 442 49 56 43,496 1,921 100,151 10,479 2,748 47,012 148,548 23,939 55 883,765 16, 810 7,941 232 338,978 1,981 270 57 28,046 155 77,626 2,330 9,000 106,170 235,080 12,392 6,824 788,811 14,595 8,459 472 611,006 2,956 216 :>K 19 1 11 4 4 4 4 20 5 3 2 1 59 427 4 6,407 146 470 596 73 7,940 129 68 928 10 55 60 1,704 25 36,692 859 2,560 2,440 277 36,464 355 302 4,481 40 120 61 142 11 70 28 4 23 23 76 1 90 50 53 6 28 26 1 62 5,329 195 7,327 1,073 358 4,305 17,004 3,064 5 89,689 2,335 1,210 35 38,064 291 25 63 41,792 1,896 63,459 9,620 2,748 44,452 146,108 23,662 55 847,301 16,455 7,639 . 232 334,497 1,941 150 64 354 203 109 61 181 62 8 136 25 3 48 101 201 40 2 65 375 155 109 125 264 33 9 208 19 8 64 106 288 6 55 2 66 1,282 1,176 442 186 1,574 258 97 509 229 22 187 650 574 19 113 5 67 1,025 582 353 355 1,259 101 64 606 63 36 147 380 1,360 15 166 5 68 199 94 57 41 128 34 3 87 7 27 54 157 1 29 1 69 128 81 40 17 36 22 2 39 10 2 19 32 32 3 9 1 24 3 17 9 1 1 11 1 2 1 12 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 5 5 6 1 1 1 2 3 1 8 3 1 1 1 72 73 71 291 172 89 46 143 51 4 99 19 2 35 75 153 4 33 1 7', 277 115 82 83 166 28 6 152 16 6 40 84 149 5 29 2 76 707 621 253 101 892 145 39 242 90 9 94 288 298 11 64 1 77 531 324 172 182 667 65 23 332 32 27 77 210 610 10 64 5 n 223 138 74 37 93 33 6 86 20 2 30 66 93 2 26 1 79 236 92 77 87 165 19 7 108 14 4 42 66 202 3 43 n 575 555 189 85 682 113 58 267 139 13 93 362 276 8 49 HI 494 258 181 173 592 36 41 274 31 9 70 170 750 5 102 n 346 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Host data for 1956 are baaed on report* Item (For definitions and explanation , see text) Jin Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products 5,231,743 10,452,574 3,501,326 3,593,138 5,134,123 1,956,570 1,969, 87" 1,039,199 2,750,472 3,169,243 2 1954... 3,326,715 4,631,809 2,032,979 2,560,546 2,635,220 1,756,130 1,147,29 592,799 2,535,617 2,248,595 3 Any livestock sold alive (catile, horses and farms reporting 1959. . . 560 1,793 762 1,032 1,476 509 L] 207 429 320 504 1,504 837 1,183 1,434 570 1( 183 481 379 valu of sales, dollars 1959... 2,465,031 5,420,917 3,387,075 2,485,081 3,990,486 1,034,328 1,939,8T 1,031,102 1,452,739 2,015,668 1,439,442 1,489,636 1,874,278 1,691,226 1,980,448 807,061 1,133,29 577,297 1,128,679 1,196,339 7 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 198 445 253 537 302 251 63 142 54 8 1954... 251 920 536 751 643 356 105 250 117 9 valu of sales, dollars 1959... 120,655 1,798,851 67,201 406,089 600,259 280,324 6,855 162,609 20,573 10 1954... 154,083 765,487 114,211 337,485 361,213 292,701 11,966 169,884 19,860 11 Livestock products other than poultry of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 2,646,057 3,232,806 47,050 44,490 701,968 543,378 641,918 30,0CX 14,00( 1,242 1,135,124 1,133,002 12 1954... 2,233,190 2,376,686 531,835 293, 559 656,368 3,536 1,237,054 1,032,396 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 . . . 535 1,687 706 997 1,416 404 L 192 310 261 478 1,393 795 1,100 1,345 488 1 168 392 265 15 number 1959... 19,496 37,987 22,754 18,880 31,686 5,403 11,29 7,269 6,021 5,852 16 1954... 18,255 22,080 20, 108 22,484 26,309 8,413 16,19 6,631 8,772 5,619 IT dollars 1959 . . . 2,401,888 5,167,379 3,196,615 1,986,739 3,806,803 711,322 1,928, 10, 974,698 818,938 700,067 18 1954 . . . 1,382,273 1,324,783 1,806,551 1,344,702 1,786,230 573,468 1,133,23. 563,237 604,822 381,836 19 Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting 1959 . . . 313 1,123 468 547 759 204 S 115 210 140 20 1954... 307 884 413 697 666 350 L, 86 268 186 SI number 1959... 6,902 17,940 12,978 3,535 9,570 1,367 7,5]j 2,550 2,168 1,821 a 1954... 4,742 8,249 4,634 5,866 8,021 3,106 7,80 2,340 3,732 2,391 S3 dollars 1959... 1,070,963 3,304,638 1,967,583 484,339 1,418,841 229,956 1,466,18< 425,988 392,173 250,564 24 Famis reporting by number of cattle sold— 1954... 522,495 668,746 440,160 422,547 732,304 262,658 710,46 235,627 283,594 205,413 25 lto4 . farms reporting 1959 . . , 129 445 219 374 455 159 54 104 75 , farms reporting 1959 . . . 110 494 139 130 223 32 37 76 43 n 201O99 farms reporting 1959. . . 60 169 90 37 62 12 19 26 17 28 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . . . 14 15 20 6 19 1 ( 5 5 29 . farms retorting 1959. . . 441 1,108 1,227 1,230 360 194 219 go 1954.., 433 1,186 716 1,029 415 1 148 344 237 31 number 1959... 12,594 20,047 9,776 15,345 22,116 4,036 3,7& 4,719 3,853 4,031 :i.' 1954 . . . 13,513 13,831 15,674 16,618 18,288 5,307 8,39 4,291 5,040 3,228 33 dollars 1959... 1,330,925 1,862,741 1,229,032 1,502,400 2,387,962 481,366 461,91. 548,710 426,765 449,503 84 1954... 859,778 656,037 1,366,391 922,155 1,053,926 310,810 422,76 327,610 321,228 176,423 35 . farms reporting 1959. . . 20 55 9 25 56 12 19 17 13 36 1954... 11 40 4 22 38 27 6 22 36 37 number 1959... 127 98 73 63 78 32 5f 56 108 38 18 1954... 21 55 6 33 103 61 10 52 54 39 dollars 1959... 6,366 29,035 16,910 26,655 10,675 10,874 11,60( 15,724 17,195 11,420 10 1954... 1,382 2,436 240 1,350 8,961 3,603 1,077 2,799 3,930 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . farms reporting 1959 . . . 76 247 179 454 229 77 79 52 25 (2 1954... 78 292 144 513 355 95 51 69 31 43 number 1959. . 1,787 4,866 5,402 15,476 5,073 887 1,356 1,029 5,820 44 1954... 993 3,524 1,747 8,658 5,609 1,283 ] 508 711 401 45 dollars 1959... 53,610 145,980 162,060 464,280 152,190 26,610 40,680 30,870 174,600 46 1954 . . . 37,225 103,567 45,299 333,582 180,551 40,233 6 12,843 18,816 8,746 47 farms reporting 1959 . . . 15 158 12 39 37 314 290 288 48 1954. . . 28 101 17 69 24 350 3 347 334 49 number 1959 .. . 230 6,226 865 555 1,704 19,491 42,842 72,726 50 1954... 1,675 5,298 1,569 1,107 319 22,149 19 56,649 91,279 51 dollars 1959... 2,760 74,712 10,380 6,660 20,448 233,892 514,104 872,712 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WML 1954 . . . 18,562 58,850 22,188 11,592 4,706 189,757 140 502,242 801,827 53 Sheep and or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959 . . . 35 155 25 71 39 351 2 337 295 54 1954 . , . 45 100 18 91 27 373 1 371 55 number shorn 1959 .. . 817 9,132 1,079 1,815 1,360 48,265 70 118,594 109,796 56 1954... 2,260 5,238 1,165 2,206 596 53,173 66 132,095 126,496 57 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 6,377 70,721 9,256 13,707 11,262 370,045 562 870,567 883,532 58 1954 . , . 15,468 42,640 10,564 16,162 4,115 442,621 530 1,035,655 934,055 59 , farms reporting 1959. . . 6 20 1 5 3 127 122 57 number shorn 1959 .. . 121 1,725 5 24 54 5,810 22,080 13,487 81 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 583 7,069 20 73 279 23,730 85,538 73,863 65 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 33 151 25 69 39 349 2 332 286 6S number shorn 1959 . . . 696 7,407 1,074 1,791 1,306 42,455 70 96,514 96,309 54 pounds of wool 1959 , . . 5,794 63,652 9,236 13,634 10,983 346,315 562 785,029 809,669 UTTERS FARROWED 65 Litters (arrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959 . . . 80 189 164 386 171 70 51 49 32 66 1954 . . . 54 204 98 441 211 64 : 45 44 67 number of litters 1959 . . . 399 867 643 2,269 995 335 222 226 298 68 1954... 287 611 276 1,689 1,156 223 i 154 144 80 Farms reporting by number of litters farrowed December 1. inr.-., to November 30, 1959- 69 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 50 114 89 128 91 37 30 28 12 70 3 to fl litters farms reporting 1959. . . 22 57 60 186 57 26 17 14 2 71 lOto 19 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 10 13 58 13 4 2 2 3 72 20 to 39 litters . farms reporting 1959. . . 1 4 2 13 7 3 73 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 3 1 2 1 1 75 . farms reporting 1959. . . 54 152 128 333 134 63 34 42 28 76 1954... 36 150 65 316 134 43 : 32 30 13 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 192 450 342 1,101 505 172 85 128 162 78 1954... 138 297 156 773 591 125 i 77 79 43 79 . farms reporting 1959. . . 57 106 109 295 122 49 35 27 19 80 1954. . 35 136 52 331 140 50 30 27 81 number of litters 1959 . . . 207 417 301 1,168 490 163 137 98 136 82 1954... 149 314 120 916 565 98 77 65 37 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 347 for only a s«nple of farms. See text] King Kinney Kleberg Kno* _ - Ump.s.s La Salle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 1,006,774 2,912,412 3,666,397 1,804,832 5,611,365 6,783,155 5,061,538 4,178,899 5,318,238 2,869,422 4,315,302 2,333,133 4,219,446 5,423,857 2,174,449 4,417,870 1 678, 69< 2,012,244 2,462,283 916,041 2,073,657 1,341,430 2,645,874 1,886,990 3,223,351 1,779,243 1,925,921 940,869 2,316,432 1, i.-'7.'-iri 1,990,487 2,448,172 2 52 80 165 417 1,783 610 778 203 2,528 1,285 1,189 1,077 1,292 294 522 434 3 62 91 173 456 1,521 664 718 233 2,759 1,263 1,167 670 1,469 355 553 453 4 1,004,06: 2,083,337 3,256,784 1,771,814 3,806,887 6,184,423 3,978,663 4,017,895 3,670,339 2,306,013 3,186,262 2,021,587 3,741,212 5,229,435 2,038,020 4,038,538 5 673, 78r 1,163,808 2,102,651 870,375 1,331,204 1,068,282 1,686,191 1,814,721 1,594,761 ] ,174,979 1,052,638 815,183 1,771,943 2,937,785 1,756,847 2,147,337 6 19 17 66 126 416 184 269 34 1,999 730 185 230 216 108 121 152 7 2! 16 95 298 698 641 455 63 2,574 1,019 457 265 715 205 266 204 8 2,709 2,149 100,413 25,631 778,016 286,872 348,030 153,657 1,379,981 503,763 1,079,543 177,096 94,580 31,025 95,055 111,039 9 4,85: 6,930 94,866 41,387 142,239 106,129 193,375 46,017 1,194,478 493,240 811,456 49,408 360,341 32,573 96,493 162,017 10 826,926 309,200 7,387 1,026,462 311,860 734,845 7,347 267,918 59,646 49,497 134,450 383,654 163,397 41,374 268,293 11 5 ) 841,506 264,766 4,279 600,214 167,019 766,308 26,252 434,112 111,024 61,827 76,278 184,148 117,151 137,147 138,818 12 4 t 69 154 357 1,632 361 633 198 2,423 1,230 1,014 986 1,252 293 477 394 13 5< 72 158 405 1,381 531 646 228 2,610 1,123 969 602 1,302 351 _.- 524 438 14 6,17 8,338 21,994 12,468 32,076 27,853 23,849 28,477 30,226 15,178 22,053 20,229 31,580 28,912 15,335 21,220 15 7,00" 4,306 19,108 9,619 20,291 9,607 14,015 22,090 27,874 13,311 16,167 15,273 24,121 27;O02 20,541 22,325 16 979,94( 1,103,766 3,028,974 1,677,510 3,538,808 5,807,183 3,050,633 3,987,739 3,234,246 1,663,608 2,661,059 1,713,486 3,378,391 5,192,504 1,866,682 3,082,846 17 666,97" 344,034 1,939,030 823,691 1,160,864 877,879 998,700 1,729,554 1,337,091 719,888 780,768 764,953 1,515,009 2,895,230 1,579,150 1,505,541 18 3 51 106 136 734 223 372 145 1,060 610 614 582 631 221 256 271 IB 2< 55 104 231 691 321 400 158 1,520 643 538 447 677 272 346 358 !0 3,88" 5,622 13,945 3,061 5,833 22,457 8,565 12,318 4,431 2,151 6,639 4,031 10,258 19,962 4,554 6,382 21 3,48C 2,071 14,520 3,079 4,772 4,832 4,789 6,262 6,778 2,908 3,374 5,610 6,772 15,014 7,023 6,197 22 732, 5]_ 771,595 2,353,575 443,183 838,511 5,129,596 1,239,188 2,133,118 634,311 283,616 1,179,083 547,911 1,305,707 3,939,007 676,571 1,013,2*6 23 379,33 197,606 1,655,080 271,336 336,449 520,996 374,494 664,616 395,887 180,238 206,506 403,466 507,165 1,954,250 744,036 493,278 24 • 8 61 88 426 146 205 44 823 530 299 395 301 69 117 97 25 < 13 38 15 243 58 80 48 208 65 255 122 217 57 104 99 26 1' 19 4 22 62 13 60 32 24 15 53 61 103 61 29 59 27 11 3 11 3 6 27 21 5 7 4 10 34 6 16 28 3 45 107 339 1,570 308 540 180 2,263 1,154 768 809 1,135 174 447 369 29 4< 54 142 370 1,312 368 598 219 2,444 1,032 924 568 1,229 274 497 420 30 2,28 2,716 8,049 9,407 26,243 5,396 15,284 16,159 25,795 13,027 15,414 16,198 21,322 8,950 10,791 14,838 31 3,52< 2,235 4,588 6,540 15,519 4,775 9,226 15,828 21,096 10,403 12,793 9,663 17,349 11,988 13,518 16,128 32 247,42 332,171 675,399 1,234,327 2,700,297 677,587 1,811,445 1,854,621 2,599,935 1,379,992 1,481,976 1,165,575 2,072,684 1,253,497 1,190,111 2,069,620 33 287,63" 146,428 283,950 552,355 824,415 356,883 624,206 1,064,938 941,204 539,650 574,262 361,487 1,007,844 940,980 835,114 1,012,263 34 8 1 6 49 23 25 9 64 27 65 66 34 7 7 19 35 11 3 2 44 8 30 5 154 45 70 20 31 14 13 22 36 2 55 85 8 119 188 147 22 86 28 176 251 72 12 16 49 37 5 37 114 2 66 21 72 12 232 55 98 36 43 29 34 41 18,09 7,465 185,000 600 35,865 34,279 29,099 2,086 7,000 3,035 22,504 40,909 9,275 3,289 3,780 30,275 39 3,11 1,360 124,386 95 4,171 1,811 2,919 251 6,720 1,604 3,671 1,766 1,419 1,945 1,408 4,047 1< 3 23 152 321 396 158 15 670 556 537 163 217 45 148 226 L 3 47 130 367 267 175 44 998 693 561 175 531 54 155 286 17 16 1,387 2,342 6,565 11,236 3,264 662 13,987 21,021 14,833 8,777 10,827 1,059 4,479 24,240 IK 17 795 1,417 4,463 4,152 3,875 1,566 8,416 12,009 9,723 2,546 7,897 912 4,171 18,705 45 46 5,31( 480 41,610 70,260 196,950 337,080 97,920 19,860 419,610 630,630 444,990 263,310 324,810 31,770 134,370 727,200 3,561 381 21,755 42,569 134,420 150,908 143,565 59,746 237,838 446,262 263,159 47,590 245,899 29,352 175,175 457,222 75 1 46 64 10 490 6 84 73 38 9 32 2 7 127 47 78 3 15 50 19 420 2 168 41 19 10 21 5 10 89 48 6 79,503 100 1,929 2,914 450 59,938 160 736 716 2,533 231 1,334 156 114 14,094 49 1 78,884 1,211 260 2,694 2,526 53,894 2,540 1,467 685 534 118 939 1,316 71 15,640 50 72 954,036 1,200 23,148 34,968 5,400 719,256 1,920 8,832 8,592 30,396 2,772 16,008 1,672 1,368 169,126 13 818,033 17,480 4,020 31,749 37,684 541,007 25,170 13,112 7,225 5,040 874 9,616 11,258 1,114 180,527 52 80 3 34 89 21 505 2 239 67 32 21 35 2 17 98 58 77 3 9 63 20 440 3 238 69 18 12 24 6 13 103 54 162,632 743 2,146 4,032 8,828 97,491 140 2,958 1,072 1,761 353 953 70 306 18,130 55 177,210 1,425 317 4,479 1,111 84,845 538 2,805 1,011 726 193 1,166 1,569 227 15,111 56 1,098,431 7,302 15,315 28,091 48,454 838,123 1,620 20,214 8,343 10,955 2,347 7,564 495 2,176 117,792 57 1,165,349 7,904 2,940 34,536 10,888 686,803 4,300 17,767 7,339 6,046 1,391 9,095 13,276 1,415 103,625 58 58 3 13 5 136 12 2 7 3 1 2 38 59 37,071 242 816 7,548 17,348 102 14 138 66 5 30 11,431 Bo 129,258 966 2,953 35,672 95,753 414 53 693 313 23 130 64,858 61 80 3 34 85 18 481 2 238 67 30 19 34 2 17 80 62 125,561 743 1,904 3,216 1,280 80,143 140 2,856 1,058 1,623 287 948 70 276 6,699 u 969,173 7,302 14,349 25,138 12,782 742,370 1,620 19,800 8,290 10,262 2,034 7,541 495 2,046 52,934 t'.l 1 7 34 122 242 264 96 21 664 608 519 164 196 37 113 230 65 1 L 5 35 86 304 233 98 38 742 572 542 205 394 36 120 224 M 4- 16 353 444 865 1,782 460 137 2,148 3,065 2,664 829 1,030 268 1,060 3,122 67 4 L 8 222 274 825 928 486 388 1,726 2,219 1,930 568 1,469 136 835 2,570 68 1 ) 5 17 66 160 96 41 5 418 308 287 100 99 11 55 24 n 2 11 45 67 110 42 14 210 216 163 44 70 17 36 96 TO ... 2 9 9 43 11 1 28 61 47 14 21 7 17 60 2 2 4 1 13 1 2 1 8 19 4 16 3 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 40 6 rs "2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 '' 1 5 31 92 196 219 71 13 494 460 406 118 151 29 79 208 75 ) 2 24 66 220 168 70 29 532 406 337 139 282 26 79 175 76 2 5 13 189 200 454 819 192 63 1,072 1,505 1,206 331 512 99 563 1,378 77 1 ) 4 117 141 433 486 224 185 954 1,032 806 234 725 62 393 1,224 78 1 3 3 18 85 146 190 77 18 454 459 387 104 123 25 88 214 n 3 24 53 186 146 63 30 462 414 375 114 264 24 84 184 Ml 1 3 3 164 244 411 963 268 74 1,076 1,560 1,458 498 518 169 497 1,744 HI 2 4 105 133 392 442 262 203 772 1,187 1,124 334 744 74 442 1,346 82 348 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most data for 1959 ire bued on report* Item (For definitions and explanations s^toxt) Lovl 9g [aIDOOCJ! Lynn McCulloch McLennan McMullen Madison Marion Martin Mason 1 Value of sales of livestock and/ot livestock products including dairy products: dollars 1959... 1*2, 993 22,033,295 1,142,945 4,373,016 10,334,614 1,819,257 2,638,054 393,855 470,336 6,051,745 2 1954... 91, *60 1,717,659 632,877 3,503,271 8,064,390 1,126,277 1,412,240 261,980 568,794 3,517,289 3 Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and . farms reporting 1959. . . 6 673 384 573 1,961 142 792 318 185 544 1954... 6 760 391 647 2,233 151 839 284 275 621 of sales, dollars 1959... 1*2, 691 20,105,602 1,010,720 3,505,630 5,877,610 1,816,164 2,263,087 347,915 416,620 4,998,993 6 1954... 91, 460 1,047,884 454,883 2,519,158 2,369,143 1,121,322 932,307 160,918 506,521 2,690,679 7 farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 267 107 128 850 14 161 64 79 167 8 1954... 697 383 252 1,490 27 412 163 218 316 g value of sales, dollars 1959... 273 1,162,847 110,837 106, 333 2,281,316 1,793 112,745 45,485 50,878 92,669 in 1954 . . . 399,224 92,903 131,514 3,121,717 4,338 139,294 90,588 36,404 70,388 11 Livestock products other than poultry of sales, dollars 1959... 29 764,846 21,388 761,053 2,175,688 1,300 262,222 455 2,838 960,083 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 1954... 270,551 85,091 852,599 2,573,530 617 340,639 10,474 25,869 756, 222 19 Cattle and or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 6 424 250 423 1,791 142 762 293 142 495 14 1954 . . . 6 548 286 533 1,958 150 784 257 250 569 15 number 1959 . . . !78 80, 903 5,833 13,957 39,667 15,001 19,590 2,211 2,999 26,613 It 1954... 1, 021 7,985 4,904 18,194 29,408 14,558 16,603 3,075 4,850 24,537 IV dollars 1959 .. . 1*2, 19] 19,327,911 781,835 2,055,768 5,598,302 1,791,656 2,136,463 318,395 360,950 3,872,193 18 1954... 91, 460 693,760 363,370 1,243,276 2,042,021 1,111,224 879,463 144,641 412,982 1,700,644 19 Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 225 171 234 ,0; 101 365 187 89 344 20 1954 .. . 5 378 170 375 1,198 104 356 170 130 463 number 1959 .. . 686 76,907 2,817 3,803 19,596 3,781 3,091 1,442 1,230 11,446 22 1954... 403 4,418 1,972 6,624 10,118 4,747 2,902 1,619 1,505 8,495 23 dollars 1959... 122, f,n 18,902,528 494,340 657,080 3,415,260 642,993 458,531 252,650 178,464 1,855,827 24 Famis reporting bv number of cattle sold- 1954... *1, D30 460,529 174,898 523,100 931,142 514,357 215,197 86,505 161,695 676,173 25 1 to 4 farms reporting 1959 . . . 102 69 123 581 29 235 101 52 158 26 5to 19 farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 73 75 70 310 35 101 63 21 103 27 20 to 99 farms reporting 1959. . . 3 25 19 34 110 28 23 23 13 49 28 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 25 8 7 26 9 3 34 29 Calve . farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 312 117 362 1,362 141 721 146 97 440 30 1954... 5 421 219 476 1,724 138 765 179 193 534 81 number 1959 . . . 92 3,996 3,016 10,154 20,071 11,220 16,499 769 1,769 15,167 32 1954... ol8 3,567 2,932 11,570 19,290 9,811 13,701 1,456 3,345 16,042 ;i:i dollars 1959... 20, 151 425,383 287,495 1,398,688 2,183,042 1,148,663 1,677,932 65,745 182,486 2,016,366 34 1951 ... 49, 330 233,231 188,472 720,176 1,110,879 596,867 664,266 58,336 251,287 1,024,471 35 farms reporting 1959 . . . 53 7 11 51 8 29 5 2 23 36 1954... 17 14 37 12 20 5 8 .17 number 1959 . . . 211 10 99 19 112 10 3 71 36 34 14 70 53 27 27 7 12 153 dollars 1959... 87,525 2,025 23,424 34,250 2,711 17,015 750 350 15,212 40 2,930 969 9,260 3,884 1,045 1,240 150 3,585 10,737 41 . farms reporting 1959. . . 1 354 253 103 403 13 103 62 90 274 42 1954 . . . 378 189 113 696 12 195 65 57 287 43 number 1959.. . 10 18,441 7,444 2,134 6,197 677 3,449 959 1,644 13,462 1954 . . . 8,668 2,454 1,949 7,636 311 2,465 736 824 9,942 45 dollars 1959... 100 553,230 223,320 64,020 185,910 20,310 103,470 28,770 49,320 403,860 46 1954 . . . 318,516 88,139 66,318 246,977 9,023 49,794 15,777 25,998 348,857 47 farms reporting 1959. . . 43 11 425 182 7 5 300 48 1954. 25 5 467 214 1 3 19 349 49 number 1959 . . . 11,272 295 107,600 4,678 260 500 41,382 50 1954 .. . 2,991 195 98,563 6,441 156 15 4,945 60,569 51 dollars 1959... 135,264 3,540 1,291,200 56,136 3,120 6,000 496,584 52 SHEEP SHORN *ND WOOL 1954 . . . 32,678 2,405 ... 1,3 ■•. 76,261 30 1,810 150 63,956 630,441 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn farms reporting 1959... 39 11 417 240 9 9 281 54 1954 .. . 27 462 267 6 2 15 337 55 number shorn 1959... 6,210 396 128,490 12,120 430 606 62,991 56 1954... 3,284 231 126,388 11,550 75 325 59 4,029 84,375 57 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 50,191 3,953 944,799 104,394 3,572 6,544 458,855 1954 . . . 23,878 2,095 1,057,082 92,660 537 2,204 522 31,530 658,540 59 farms reporting 1959. .. 8 1 153 14 128 60 number shorn 1959. . . 2,231 6 42,260 756 22,184 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . , 7,816 30 248,878 4,117 132,177 si farms reporting 1959 .. . 3S 10 394 240 9 245 number shorn 1959... 3,979 390 86, 230 430 606 40,807 64 LITTERS FARROWED Litters farrowed, December 1, previous pounds of wool 1959 . . . 42,375 3,923 695,921 100,277 3,572 6,544 326,678 year to November 30, Census year farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 324 192 86 341 13 46 61 231 66 1954 . . . 309 146 71 531 9 180 93 46 246 67 number of litters 1959 . - . 7 2,312 1,409 483 1,628 88 894 143 403 2,925 68 Farms reporting hj number of litters farrowed 1954 .. . 1,620 635 318 1,621 103 504 196 205 1,550 69 70 December 1. 195R, to November 30. 1959- f 1959 119 177 93 26 3 2 31 11 28 18 11 4 54 96 43 23 3 tc 3 Liters . farms reporting 1959. . . 1 134 77 30 129 19 10 * 72 20 to 39 litters . farms reporting 1 959 . . . 14 8 2 1 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959. . . 3 3 6 8 74 71) or more litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 2 7 75 June 2 to November 30 farms reporting 1959. .. 2 275 165 69 283 9 89 40 51 184 76 1954 . . . 234 115 54 379 5 123 45 37 173 number of litters 1959 . . . 3 1,135 731 255 837 490 86 215 1,226 78 1954... 876 334 158 826 54 250 70 700 79 December 1 to June 1 . farms reporting 1959... 1 235 143 55 222 ' 76 24 35 198 80 1954 . . . 199 96 47 337 ■ 107 66 26 203 81 number of litters 1959 . . . .. 1,177 678 228 791 46 404 57 188 1,697 82 1954... 7*4 301 160 795 49 254 126 95 850 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 349 for only & sample of farms. Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley docnes Navarro 30,765 33,005 3,098,074 1,554,315 6,632 6,751 1,058,213 470,097 23,933 26,254 2,039,861 1,094,218 2,576 1,348 77,280 31,802 22,819 16,620 3,443,764 1,514,359 15,313 11,287 2,544,589 1,134,877 7,506 5,333 899,175 379,482 9,352 55,872 102,523 1,065 1,138 3,552,043 2,167,068 974 1,081 25,464 26,692 3,136,409 1,855,970 586 729 7,002 7,188 1,094,936 614,119 873 1,016 18,462 19,504 2,041,473 1,241,851 23 6,279 4,713 188,370 168,986 14,242 12,538 170,904 140,401 4,866 7,244 710,895 500,691 1,792 2,985 333,789 250,688 3,074 4,259 377,106 250,003 70,288 91,460 843,456 922,085 8,100 11,484 41,552 74,334 124,709 126,083 992,243 1,055,361 7,479 12,429 1,160,937 1,160,841 2,405 5,076 402,398 538,075 5,074 7,353 758,539 622,766 6,469 16,669 77,628 166,761 8,957 28,466 e4,215 287,975 1,570 1,624 27,008 24,591 ,324,422 1,725,845 684 861 8,295 7,456 1,303,051 651,846 64 11 1,447 1,486 18,713 17,135 2,021,371 1,073,999 55 12,357 9,680 370,710 310,505 1,758 1,628 21,096 21,376 3,380 2,520 28,669 17,260 9,820 12,523 1,289,191 828,671 3,435 4,125 576,005 282,921 6,385 8,398 713,186 545,750 3,553 2,716 106,590 103,185 71,656 65,972 859,872 684,695 108,922 90,798 844,826 738,624 3,9ft 8,045 1,138,896 570,402 1,520 3,059 229,716 222,842 7,445 4,986 909,180 347,560 1,043 1,229 28,252 23,571 3,853,704 1,791,132 626 655 7,079 5,676 1,197,428 546,224 876 1,138 21,173 17,895 2,656,276 1,244,908 12,907 9,670 154,884 98,356 16,548 11,784 154,851 102,270 54 7,401 3,820 222,0X 105,463 L7,25C 11,147 2,003,888 533,061 5,930 3,103 991,569 205,851 11,320 8,044 1,012,319 327,210 3,256 3,364 97,680 79,873 17,210 16,979 2,710,146 1,316,640 9,406 10,159 1,644,447 730,527 7,804 6,820 1,065,699 586,113 14,522 4,257 2,335,463 207,970 8,162 13,863 1,064,628 1,151,790 4,379 3,274 441,955 6,120 9,368 734,463 763,980 1,051 1,421 31,530 52,056 1,487 2,102,561 1,396 1,384 19,461 18,960 2,014,485 838,088 831 881 6,300 6,908 1,098,941 485,084 1,193 1,250 13,161 12,052 1,604 1,598 4,318,333 1,539 1,482 33,046 23,472 4,138,119 1,492,549 777 1,312 1,417 25,213 19,011 2,777 2,275 83,310 54,500 5,128 4,182 153,840 127,793 1,233 1,637 14,796 22,879 2,066 2,357 16,244 16,904 350 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most daU for 1906 ire b»Md on reports Item Nueces Ochiltree Oldham Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer Pecos (For definitions and explanations , see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/oi livestock products dollars 1959... 2,987,591 1,490,473 2,504,830 1,468,105 5,050,348 2,283,070 2,956,199 1,183,228 490,636 325,617 3,813,497 1,794,506 3, 526, 561 1,800,800 12,692,018 7,073,355 4,798,236 2,705,676 4,226,542 2,896,289 o 1954... 2 Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and farms reporting 1959 .. . 369 314 257 97 288 701 1,359 1,526 394 158 1954... 437 406 325 99 227 633 1,295 1,330 456 182 valu< of sales, dollars 1959... 2,209,717 1,807,118 5,005,177 2,860,644 420,722 3,079,178 2,372,949 9,074,491 4,693,320 3,545,269 - 1954 .. . 885,484 958,110 1,155,532 126,950 1,297,871 719,393 4,248,079 2,533,174 1,990,331 farms reporting 1959 . . . 118 204 76 29 63 169 220 362 104 17 - ^^ 1954... 257 361 136 39 210 344 530 781 231 39 vain of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 108,902 528,891 23,293 7,768 69,705 58,909 861,931 468,055 18,059 30,545 to 1 1 Livestock products other than poultry 1954 . . . 62,812 331,700 29,128 17,426 81,629 118,691 892,443 270, 115 43,022 39,818 of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 668,972 542,177 168,821 178,295 21,878 49,633 87,787 10,270 209 117,038 675,410 377,944 291,681 188,964 3,149,472 2,555,161 86,857 129,480 650,728 866, 140 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE ■ n farms reporting 1959 . . . 312 228 235 90 258 637 1,324 1,431 266 101 1954 . . . 407 338 311 94 199 596 1,171 1,257 393 117 number 1959 . . . 12,473 12,310 29,164 17,227 4,303 20,851 20,502 55,326 24,174 12,963 1954 . . . 7,650 10,312 20,639 11,346 2,435 15,644 15,744 35,045 16,889 6,098 dollars 1959... 1,655,132 1,6. 1,984 4,860,999 2,811,364 380,894 2,759,324 2,317,369 8,460,802 ... 181,682 1,870,569 IB 1954 . . . 533,369 819,493 2,105,332 1,123,557 99,351 1,186,094 667,628 4,079,820 2,403,270 438,858 Cattle no farms reporting 1959 . . . 172 239 121 195 186 243 85 74 90 102 351 303 580 682 963 779 148 303 66 85 ■.it ?] number 1959 . . . 5,791 6,104 17,105 12,364 1,274 6,679 5,190 36,373 20,496 7,199 8S 1954... 2,906 3,834 12,362 6,845 536 5,000 4,109 21,220 12,237 2,711 93 dollars 1959... 934,363 976,935 3,188,969 2,129,538 181,584 1,139,971 940,680 6,578,889 3,960,019 1,240,190 24 Famis reporting by number of caule sold- 1954... 228,001 411,904 1,395,817 765,558 33,706 486,622 216,629 3,346,070 2,067,796 239,627 faring n-n^inf I'.i'.'l . 102 36 27 7 60 27 24 10 28 49 60 49 23 16 21 25 72 7 6 5 201 84 53 13 391 148 39 2 488 299 141 35 27 56 45 20 15 18 24 9 farms reoorting 1959. . . 28 100 or more farms reporting 1959. .. . farms reporting 1959 . . . 278 374 183 284 126 222 51 71 233 185 596 560 1,180 1,072 977 1,101 173 307 85 100 30 1954... si number 1959... 6,682 6,206 12,059 4,863 3,029 14,172 15,312 18,953 3,678 5,764 1954... 4,744 6,478 8,277 4,501 1,899 10,644 11,635 13,825 4,652 3,387 dollars 1959 . . . 720,769 644,049 1,672,030 681,826 199,310 1,619,353 1,376,689 1,881,913 421,663 , 10, 179 34 1954... 305,368 407,589 709,515 357,999 65,645 699,472 450,999 733,750 335,474 199,231 35 farms reporting 1 959 . . . 16 19 17 7 5 37 13 37 25 6 36 13 11 11 11 7 25 88 39 8 7 H number 1959 31 62 21 15 10 82 15 100 120 9 ■:h 1954... 22 41 24 56 19 69 125 74 15 40 39 dollars 1959... 35,060 6,883 2,842 2,210 22,500 43,860 1,190 33,750 13,900 1,040 40 1954 .. . 1,377 2,922 2,448 2,858 2,949 9,205 3,794 10,737 830 1,783 41 . . farms reporting 1959. . . 75 101 47 28 38 110 147 272 215 16 42 I'l;.! . . 51 126 46 27 44 109 273 266 164 8 number 1050. . . 2,094 4,865 1,760 1,487 552 2,094 1,776 15,347 8,157 650 1954... 616 3,410 568 464 761 2,111 3,549 3,421 2,881 298 45 dollars 1959... 62,820 145,950 52,800 44,610 16,560 62,820 53,280 460,410 244,710 19,500 46 IV, 1 14,907 126, 158 19,204 20,099 22,836 69,496 47,571 116,289 105,085 8,980 47 farms reporting 1959 .. . 119 38 29 2 6 65 120 41 113 48 1954, 118 30 29 4 11 48 2 92 12 150 49 number 1959. . 32,370 2,484 7,378 205 64 8,673 4,325 4,419 135,919 50 1954... 33,054 1,036 5,438 549 184 2,810 28 3,239 1,511 132,839 51 dollars 1959... 388,440 29,808 88, 536 2,460 768 104,076 51,900 53,028 1,631,028 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954... 335,831 9,537 77,325 9,018 1,814 33,076 400 41,233 23,989 1,540,710 53 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 144 37 24 11 9 69 5 136 47 116 54 1954 . . . 124 38 21 4 19 54 86 13 144 55 number shorn 1959 . . . 70,765 2,839 6,658 763 123 9,777 107 4,701 8,375 166,182 56 1954 . . . 47,820 1,966 1,872 138 282 6,771 46 3,957 1,384 192,725 57 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 610,817 20,230 29,912 8,343 485 79,559 421 67,340 1,403,116 425,101 13,131 18,680 1,334 1,571 53,612 244 30,647 10,066 1,392,234 farms reporting 1959. . . 27 8,671 2 80 7 5,445 14 1,058 1 29 17 393 13 1,825 37 23,279 N number shorn 1959. . . 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 34,080 370 19,355 5,723 76 1,584 7,671 127,025 62 farms reporting 1959 . . . 142 35 18 11 9 68 5 133 44 114 63 number shorn 1959 .. . 62,094 2,759 1,213 763 123 8,719 78 4,308 6,550 142,903 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 576,737 19,860 10, 557 8,343 485 73,836 345 34,476 59,469 1,276,091 LITTERS FARROWED 65 Litters larrowed, December 1, previous 60 67 32 36 30 111 176 219 191 20 1954... 33 84 37 26 48 78 268 163 115 12 67 number of litters 1959 . . . 281 452 242 262 136 546 661 1,595 1,367 303 66 Farms reportinc hv number of litters farrowed December 1, 195R, to November 30. 1959- 1954... 210 566 111 122 191 255 554 636 520 60 30 22 6 2 32 25 2 6 6 15 10 1 14 14 5 2 19 8 2 1 67 33 3 6 139 27 1 130 62 16 8 65 82 28 11 9 3 2 2 TS 73 1 2 5 4 74 2 1 75 farms reporting 1959. . . 50 50 28 30 24 77 127 179 162 18 76 1954... 19 62 29 23 27 52 177 119 79 11 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 142 234 115 123 79 220 356 848 650 161 78 1954... 120 256 65 69 80 135 296 330 272 46 79 35 46 23 29 17 68 86 133 136 12 80 1954... 26 50 22 18 34 49 149 104 84 5 81 number of litters 1959... 139 218 127 139 57 326 305 747 717 142 82 1954 . . . 90 310 46 53 111 120 258 306 248 14 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 351 for only ft samp e of farms. S» ,«*] Polk Potter Presidio H^ Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 1,4*1,170 7,195,558 2,641,329 712,245 4,963,693 1,071,713 1,477,432 3,770,739 2,600,687 1,937,863 4,089,590 3,437,853 914,938 4,226,229 4,334,005 2,449,923 1 670,326 3, 155,045 1,989,642 421,908 3,060,891 672,045 794,712 1,891,431 1,486,105 1,548,779 1,840,626 2,011,009 316,775 2,91 .Pit, 2,760,439 1,791,696 639 186 119 436 488 64 172 1,278 109 182 75 905 247 946 1,823 513 3 564 208 120 462 461 85 171 1,518 109 ua S3 957 244 1,061 1,611 450 4 884,741 7,081,011 2,278,379 648,365 3,854,586 890,747 760,898 2,631,638 2,461,581 , '. . •: 4,081,483 2,653,389 900,027 3,021,391 3,236,869 403,117 5 385,900 3,018,210 1,556,068 274,691 2,006,966 430,970 327, 573 1,325,700 1,407,830 1,520,870 1,815,289 1,310,951 287,203 1,741,072 1,120,528 208,384 6 137 66 8 82 219 6 33 306 15 63 19 193 59 367 262 242 7 266 186 10 230 358 12 76 656 31 102 47 483 97 753 747 249 e 212, 811 95,800 1,697 19,121 449,856 8,263 9,297 641,130 36,137 12,909 7,325 360,622 9,161 289,523 897,366 2,042,970 81,106 110,086 13,500 75,640 308,855 14,015 26,019 348,281 21,924 25,169 9,877 595, 190 19,253 370,161 1,275,385 1,532,753 10 343,613 18,747 361,253 44,759 659,251 172,703 707,237 497,971 102,969 1,039 782 223,842 5,750 915,315 199,750 3,836 11 203,320 56,749 420,074 71,577 745,070 227,060 441,120 217,450 56,351 2,740 15,460 104,868 10,319 802,593 364, 526 50,559 19 579 144 96 421 447 55 156 1,216 81 171 75 850 232 777 1,713 478 13 429 163 104 429 420 61 136 1,398 89 139 81 832 217 948 1,597 382 14 8,654 38,176 11,469 4,894 22,385 3,505 3,330 23,202 15,895 14,756 25,479 23,257 6,469 16,839 23,008 3,718 15 6,487 28,082 10,073 4,547 17,980 1,679 2,091 23,444 13,413 19,080 19,930 18,924 3,596 12,620 20,703 4,393 16 779,093 6,967,045 1,572,287 612,985 3,528,430 512,659 408,123 2,481,030 2,393,119 1,871,345 4,058,240 2,546,418 673,060 2,170,963 2,946,553 361,069 17 296,186 2,792,449 916,005 234,062 1,867,244 124,286 136,815 1,220,955 1,205,742 1,499,056 1,793,275 1,081,616 255,280 978,549 1,006,491 165,249 18 227 111 46 248 337 39 63 511 73 86 44 421 109 390 818 225 19 175 113 70 242 274 32 70 718 66 83 59 451 97 564 958 189 20 2,457 30,469 3,678 1,377 13,807 1,532 670 4,780 11,785 4,234 12,541 5,777 2,607 5,273 6,202 1,019 21 1,756 20,450 3,592 1,190 9,966 729 685 7,125 10,434 6,692 9,173 4,471 1,046 5,282 6,016 1,299 22 301,641 5,776,206 575,000 222,770 2,475,535 243,673 91,684 686,273 1,948,325 695,903 2,332,576 770,679 424,668 850,175 1,111,853 145,230 23 106,304 2,211,783 361,726 79,985 1,159,779 60,176 49,102 468,000 950,262 766,072 909,850 330,251 85,091 488,613 396,506 59,233 54 144 18 9 161 95 4 36 309 1 48 3 236 50 178 505 171 23 44 12 6 77 119 9 14 142 17 20 6 119 28 148 229 38 26 36 44 19 10 91 21 13 57 33 11 14 54 19 57 76 16 27 3 37 12 32 5 3 22 7 21 12 12 7 8 28 500 87 86 319 247 39 142 1,165 43 151 60 762 194 645 1,306 426 29 378 121 79 396 297 46 116 1,333 40 126 60 779 201 833 1,462 292 30 6,197 7,707 7,791 3,517 8,578 1,973 2,660 18,422 4,110 10, 522 12,938 17,480 3,862 11,566 16,806 2,699 31 4,731 7,632 6,481 3,357 8,014 950 1,406 16,319 2,979 12,388 10,757 14,453 2,550 7,338 14,667 3,094 32 477,452 1,190,839 997,287 390,215 1,052,895 268,986 316,439 1,794,757 444,794 1,175,442 1,725,664 1,775,739 448,392 1,320,788 1,834,700 215,839 189,882 580,666 554,279 154,077 707,465 64,110 87,713 752,955 255,480 732,984 863,425 751,365 170,189 489,936 609,985 106,016 34 16 19 11 11 14 4 10 29 17 13 3 33 7 23 34 28 35 26 9 8 33 7 3 8 55 6 9 3 44 2 16 69 10 36 21 169 793 16 55 6 17 54 46 60 5 58 9 89 79 33 37 37 61 51 41 11 4 11 97 30 74 8 73 2 36 95 13 38 1,440 48,896 81,235 2,575 35,894 1,775 5,900 5,765 12,687 24,520 1,775 14,590 1,101 21,380 6,515 2,625 39 1,258 4,247 1,783 1,513 642 665 721 3,581 3,490 3,105 325 3,025 79 5,025 3,963 520 40 117 59 1 45 174 1 26 240 21 36 10 281 45 223 252 103 41 238 70 2 137 163 4 14 435 22 33 6 405 69 167 429 163 42 3,065 1,937 18 915 8,749 5 686 4,176 1,177 842 664 9,131 621 4,795 9,405 1,303 43 3,459 5,416 20 1,593 3,170 45 152 4,022 756 496 300 6,990 720 1,682 4,179 2,297 44 91,950 58,110 540 27,450 262,470 150 20,580 125,280 35,310 25,260 19,920 273,930 18,630 143,850 282,150 39,090 45 88,010 220,811 460 38,976 122,956 1,270 2,746 97,729 26,089 16,859 12,847 221,504 26, 532 54,832 109,766 42,615 46 2 12 40 5 21 52 93 19 22 5 2 13 32 337 5 47 4 5 45 1 22 68 118 14 22 19 6 9 21 301 3 48 1,003 580 50,198 400 2,316 31,260 19, 552 1,531 1,616 95 129 755 603 56,062 100 49 33 66 60,323 10 1,038 28,193 18,646 281 11,845 166 802 458 482 62,052 24 50 12,036 6,960 602,376 4,800 27,792 375,120 234,624 18,372 19,392 1,140 1,546 9,060 7,236 672,744 1,200 31 446 703 637,820 140 16,124 304,749 187,291 3,435 172,509 1,850 8,842 4,806 5,312 702,666 308 52 4 13 38 6 17 54 129 26 14 22 3 18 31 313 5 4 53 3 9 44 3 18 64 126 16 19 31 5 10 15 286 3 2 54 1,232 778 58,221 184 1,218 49,749 42,523 1,886 2,134 342 132 1,438 1,041 92,086 82 33 55 42 146 85,471 78 1,133 44,462 33,222 337 7,827 427 493 553 574 78,841 44 10 56 9,795 7,365 459,745 1,533 10,773 392,887 291,356 10,576 20,216 2,399 1,097 7,395 8,721 743,375 575 200 57 227 1,058 587,444 660 8,457 380,983 227,494 1,946 43,045 2,962 2,939 3,990 4,253 736,834 375 60 58 1 12 7 73 3 1 2 1 2 100 1 59 6 6,581 3,634 8,609 375 35 4 95 20 20,512 1 60 24 26,187 18,619 36,171 1,100 150 19 210 67 114,334 5 61 13 38 6 17 54 128 26 14 22 3 18 31 292 5 62 1,232 772 51,640 184 1,218 46,115 33, 914 1,511 2,099 336 132 1,343 1,021 71, 574 82 32 63 9,795 7,341 433, 558 1,533 10,773 374,268 255,185 9,476 20,066 2,380 1,097 7,185 6,654 629,041 575 195 64 109 58 2 48 166 2 22 215 22 20 11 267 25 157 154 125 65 291 46 2 87 121 2 12 389 16 28 9 422 48 116 394 193 427 5O0 2 217 1,541 7 77 680 176 114 1,665 106 742 748 458 67 850 414 3 255 628 8 28 916 246 91 26 1,569 145 323 931 487 68 71 20 2 28 50 14 149 9 7 5 119 13 74 112 74 69 29 19 13 74 2 5 53 9 9 6 99 9 64 28 42 70 5 11 6 21 3 9 1 3 30 3 14 5 6 71 7 1 1 15 2 4 1 2 1 14 4 1 5 3 5 1 3 72 73 74 78 42 1 42 148 2 17 176 19 15 8 210 24 126 120 104 75 231 34 1 53 98 2 9 267 12 14 7 305 28 77 279 155 76 207 236 1 109 752 7 40 384 86 58 28 791 66 354 362 243 77 446 178 1 110 343 6 15 483 89 30 15 747 65 161 448 303 78 65 51 1 32 126 13 112 12 15 7 180 17 114 81 82 79 176 31 1 65 81 1 7 219 12 25 4 287 42 75 231 96 80 220 264 1 108 789 37 296 90 56 16 674 40 388 386 215 81 404 236 2 145 285 2 13 4J3 157 61 11 822 80 162 483 184 82 352 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Mont data for 1056 ore based on report* Hem (For definitions and explanations see text) San Augustine San Jacinto 73an Patricio San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith , Value of sales of livestock and/ot livestock products dollars 1959... 1 . •■■', ' • 1,542,391 2,509,629 7,117,774 2,657,010 2,401,884 2,865,496 9,279,801 5,443,09 4,076,500 o 1954. .. 544,913 448, 308 1,009,817 4,169,902 .. ..'.;:: , ,'. 1,133,455 1,603,773 6,657,800 2,754,68 2,483,538 3 Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and . farms reporting 1959 . . . 590 705 311 787 19 465 227 1,546 16 1,806 1954 . . . 425 561 324 834 211 613 259 1,728 15 1,523 value of sales, dollars 1959... 722,721 1,318,574 2,120,428 5,649,236 1,939,833 2,262,089 , ' ■ . '■:■' 1,252,120 5,425,24 2,719,260 e 1954 . . . 165,387 326,289 774,189 2,934,633 1,613,518 891,531 1,506,378 679,684 2,736,87 1,181,690 7 farms reporting 1959 . . . 133 123 87 165 26 162 73 702 4 303 6 170 230 219 465 65 411 128 999 6 696 of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 1,042,602 78,222 384,481 752,182 111,156 61,592 21,101 7,684,819 15,64 713,707 in 1954 . . . 423,903 50,894 138,560 772,412 116,095 106,749 30,942 5,544,061 15,84 646,847 U Livestock products other than poultry of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 1954... 63,663 55,623 145,595 71,125 4,720 97,068 716,356 462,857 606,021 701,413 78,203 185,175 38,567 66,453 342,862 434,055 2,21 1,961 643,533 655,001 L! LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 farms reporting 1959 . . . 590 600 233 723 151 429 222 1,446 16 7 i,64i 11 1954 . . . 393 440 277 772 176 573 254 1,514 13) 1,312 number 1959 . . . 6,252 9,582 11,800 29,675 7,399 13,745 18,020 12,305 30,13 20,431 It 1954... 4,141 5,957 7,935 28,445 8,351 10,384 15,568 16,445 25,43- 17,333 17 dollars 1959 . . 705,952 1,234,628 2,026,341 4,268,778 1,138,147 2,020,456 2,741,252 1,188,175 5,390,74 2,499,835 18 1954 . . . 159,015 242,951 681, 113 1,946,804 692,339 803,799 1,370,452 644,936 2,722,801 1,078,009 19 farms reporting 1959 . . . 369 357 139 391 74 269 153 777 14 L 771 50 1954... 186 240 168 554 111 335 157 952 10 1 804 number 1959. .. 2,308 4,683 6,409 10,314 2,026 6,317 9,034 3,495 23,57 4,858 22 1954... 1,293 859 3,584 8,979 2,723 2,965 5,107 4,755 17,71 > 6,564 23 dollars 1059 . . . 375,177 744,962 1,428,746 1,906,171 405,403 1,134,749 1,550,683 449,440 4,345,90 805,033 is* Farms reporting hy number of cattle sold— 1954... 63,455 43,810 378,349 686,091 291,194 285,594 516,416 249,203 1,996,12 621,728 25 farms reporting 1959 . . . 223 193 72 193 18 138 66 592 7 567 farms reporting 1959 . . . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 121 24 1 122 39 3 53 7 7 116 65 17 33 20 3 74 44 13 40 26 21 153 32 2 4 6 7 164 7 36 ) 4 28 100 or more 29 Calves farms reporting 1959. . . 390 432 199 698 138 346 202 1,113 5 1,515 30 1954 . . . 338 405 242 738 158 512 225 1,391 7t 1,165 31 number 1959. . . 3,944 4,899 5,391 19,361 5,373 7,428 8,986 8,810 6,56- 15,573 32 1951 ... 2,848 5,093 4,351 19,466 5,628 7,419 10,461 11,690 7,71 10,769 33 dollars 1959... 330,775 489,666 597,595 2,362,607 732,744 885,707 1,190,569 738,735 1,044,84( 1,694,802 94 1954... 95,560 199,141 302,764 1,260,713 401,145 518,205 854,036 395,733 726,67 > 456,281 ;,;, . farms reporting 1959. . . 41 21 23 44 11 8 3 57 32 1354... 12 23 10 35 7 8 7 59 56 37 number 1959 . , . 41 23 34 96 33 18 7 68 7 32 38 197,1. . 16 28 42 80 92 14 24 85 > 98 39 dollars 11159... 4,520 1,775 2,997 39,856 4,479 3,100 855 6,945 1,12 41,940 to 1954... 556 1,308 3,809 4,108 4,641 809 950 3,928 34< ) 8,375 11 farms reporting 1959 . 47 178 127 172 40 118 21 169 2 7 331 42 1954 .. . 72 262 90 257 16 126 35 284 2 407 43 375 2,464 2,643 9,745 803 3,631 404 1,640 1,10 5,910 1954 . 519 3,190 2,491 7,995 706 1,430 602 1,775 45 4,101 45 dollars 1959... 11,250 73,920 79,290 292,350 24,090 108,930 12,120 49,200 33,15 ) 177,300 46 1951 . . . 5,816 81,855 85,338 272,203 31,413 38,393 19,520 30,726 13,72 95,231 17 farms reporting 1959 8 391 133 24 19 15 ... 48 1954. . . 2 13 319 174 30 13 3 2 number 1959... 844 83,206 61,792 10,791 4,038 650 1 ... 7-1 1954 . . 11 357 63,190 80,490 4,197 8,902 13 7 51 dollars 1959... 10,128 998,472 741,504 129,492 48,456 7,800 21 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 .. . 175 3,929 711,518 885,125 48,530 115,456 94 75 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 3 25 347 123 29 16 6 1 1954 .. . 1 20 310 165 28 13 4 number shorn 1959. . . 53 608 98,019 116,925 5,801 6,931 280 14 56 1954... 14 1,280 68,602 113,560 4,052 11,973 31 77 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 390 4,007 816,730 1,003,055 41,879 49,023 2,238 100 58 1954 . . . 53 9,751 511,505 1,044,181 35,026 79,402 105 farms reporting 1959. . . 43 129 41,434 31 12,406 7 2,147 3 1,498 to number shorn 1959 . . . 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 157 271,527 76,246 8,690 5,100 ■9 farms reporting 1959 . - . 3 25 298 123 27 15 6 1 number shorn 1959 .. . 53 565 56,585 104,519 3,654 5,433 280 14 64 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 390 3,850 545,203 926,809 33,189 43,923 2,238 100 LITTERS FARROWED 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting 1959 . . . 78 149 88 148 24 120 31 156 2 245 1954 . . . 83 241 71 186 16 115 30 239 2 7 357 number of litter- 1959 184 517 512 1,454 126 535 92 386 25 894 68 Farms reporting by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1(158, to November 30, 1959- 1954... 154 553 592 1,157 130 334 132 451 lOi 870 farms reporting 1959. . 62 12 107 31 48 24 51 51 11 54 55 16 14 112 40 1' 182 44 70 3 to 9 litter-. farms reporting 1959 . . . 71 72 farms reporting 1959. . farms reporting 1959. . . 2 2 10 9 7 29 8 3 1 8 3 1 3 1 13 3 73 farms reporting 1959. .. 8 2 74 1 1 1 farms reporting 1959. .. 66 52 156 77 50 129 150 13 11 103 89 22 21 125 164 2 1 208 273 76 1954 .. . 77 123 191 288 703 52 301 38 237 11 526 78 1954 . . . 75 288 253 581 64 212 59 235 488 79 farms reporting 1959 . . . 29 99 47 113 14 78 21 79 2, 114 80 1954... 47 151 57 129 12 64 24 138 1 176 number of litters 1959. .. 61 326 224 751 74 234 54 149 131 368 82 1954 .. . 79 265 339 576 66 122 73 216 5< 382 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 353 for only a aampl s of farms. See text J Somervell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton S^er Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throck- Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity 627,257 982,590 3,745,670 1,539,669 1,500,530 4,534,515 3,192,439 11,728,166 4,384,036 1,915,011 892,025 3,130,883 1,753,783 7,589,971 5,499,151 1,324,073 1 360,352 382,697 1,793,722 1,427,454 909,969 2,335,313 2,326,895 8,031,213 2,438,757 1,690,816 466,464 1,340,229 971,744 4,420,630 4,124,587 404,616 2 287 368 499 63 357 139 528 1,594 910 88 265 373 945 635 1,160 603 3 252 375 436 77 332 146 565 1,746 954 100 354 346 975 672 1,307 555 477,034 941,261 3,352,531 . 1,460,545 3,034,755 2,806,124 6,259,711 3,776,865 688,468 3,087,192 1,154,594 4,800,951 2,241,696 1,129,577 5 245,672 374,856 1,531,629 950,139 874,418 1,197,352 1,988,996 3,140,497 1,759,771 840,302 314,380 1,269,979 558,042 2,549,744 1,550,270 332,431 6 63 29 117 8 76 8 172 446 223 2 99 60 149 270 420 102 7 143 28 234 15 129 12 325 1,081 551 7 405 135 414 487 704 2Sb 8 67,372 5,617 56,413 2,461 23,282 54,510 277,581 1,219,682 169,893 99 50,712 39,757 230,916 774,697 1..' 3,400 146,224 9 68,955 4,933 112,281 909 31,098 120,840 94,966 930,101 235,671 1,337 65,634 48,974 63,801 488,622 708,568 57,062 10 82,851 35,712 336,726 326,127 16,703 1,445,250 108,734 4,248,773 437,278 S68, 3S4 152,845 3,934 368,273 2,014,323 2,054,055 48,272 11 45,725 2,908 149,812 476,406 4,453 1,017,121 242,933 3,960,615 443,315 849,177 86,450 21,276 349,901 1,382,264 1,865,749 15,123 12 257 333 489 54 352 122 406 1,409 853 46 128 373 910 507 957 533 13 236 337 434 66 321 124 481 1,517 877 36 292 338 894 532 1,140 475 14 3,504 8,600 23,376 4,565 10,307 12,140 15,857 37,901 22,343 544 >,7U 20,881 9,548 19,991 16,970 10,451 15 3,172 6,717 17,248 5,995 11,025 6,465 16,377 32,173 16,844 814 3,557 13,817 10,634 11,611 20,464 5,535 IS 421,603 911,985 3,228,912 638,307 1,397,388 1,879,417 2,444,092 5,605,280 3,264,039 77,283 519,907 3,069,161 1,023,586 2,847,674 1,938,057 1,016,589 17 197,299 363,624 1,474,292 456,176 859,627 518,019 1,653,495 2,459,067 1,448,590 58,249 271,358 1,256,528 477,442 900,932 :. 16 1,849 249,142 18 125 74 300 36 149 69 285 1,023 499 13 72 231 383 234 495 217 19 140 175 256 49 198 71 324 987 461 21 200 184 519 300 744 247 20 1,152 1,491 7,867 1,117 2,642 4,075 10,742 23,384 8,862 204 1,583 7,920 2,329 9,270 5,387 2,505 21 1,176 1,708 5,850 1,718 3,802 2,084 9,554 16,787 5,105 372 1,482 3,337 2,706 3,762 7,578 1,060 22 167,765 237,719 1,364,964 180,897 436,337 746,210 1,912,366 4,393,241 1,556,100 37,198 267,959 1,344,743 364,895 1, 757, 02 v:i.';. i 325,551 23 89,049 137,641 622, 198 150,811 373,405 190,107 1,129,382 1,709,063 513,141 31,509 140,021 362,392 164,184 344,409 681,360 66,083 24 32 33 148 10 89 14 111 490 248 7 28 96 236 92 332 137 25 26 23 99 13 30 28 91 342 188 4 27 75 124 81 99 56 36 16 16 40 9 24 20 61 147 51 1 13 43 22 41 54 21 27 1 2 13 4 6 7 22 44 12 1 17 1 20 10 3 28 229 321 423 49 331 109 263 876 679 38 85 330 760 408 854 502 29 199 324 423 58 302 104 355 1,255 816 23 218 319 827 446 1,023 447 30 2,352 7,109 15,509 3,448 7,665 8,065 5,115 14,517 13,481 340 2,128 12,961 7,219 10,721 11,583 7,946 31 1,996 5,009 11,398 4,277 7,223 4,381 6,823 15,386 11,739 442 2,075 10,480 7,928 7,849 12,886 4,475 32 253,838 674,266 1,863,948 457,410 961,051 1,133,207 531,726 1,212,039 1,707,939 40,085 251,948 1,724,418 658,691 1,090,672 : . ».... «l ■ -."1 . 1 18 33 108,250 225,983 852,094 305,365 486,222 327,912 524,113 750,004 935,449 26,740 131,337 894,136 313,258 556,523 679,489 183,059 34 8 4 18 5 14 7 24 63 19 4 4 23 28 34 28 35 14 7 8 8 2 8 16 83 15 3 'ii 7 55 20 31 15 36 12 9 27 11 84 19 29 195 71 18 6 52 241 111 58 37 33 14 10 26 3 17 60 349 41 16 22 18 79 70 61 25 38 840 730 18,525 4,500 13,275 4,105 5,260 146,250 54,953 2,500 920 6,675 82,445 27,456 6,000 39 1,917 450 515 2,785 425 3,525 4,842 62,815 5,742 342 1,915 2,655 3,274 5,293 5,727 1,317 40 41 46 69 3 58 11 241 310 121 1 178 20 155 201 331 166 41 82 59 64 5 52 6 200 432 120 2 127 20 235 116 355 241 42 570 660 1,974 104 1,423 472 9,858 14,545 5,618 5 5,602 295 3,857 6,880 5,295 3,533 43 1,261 367 863 34 565 48 7,138 11,318 2,994 17 1,290 130 3,063 4,114 4,186 3,472 44 17,100 19,800 59,220 3,120 42,690 14,160 295,740 436,350 168,540 150 168,060 8,850 115,710 206,400 158,850 105,990 45 40,593 8,037 29,063 843 12,836 1,539 277,096 498,971 116,316 340 40,012 3,306 76,147 105,760 124,706 81,752 46 28 18 31 55 4 119 48 138 139 84 1 22 7 301 162 1 47 22 16 21 64 3 129 31 166 150 96 3 23 6 333 166 2 48 2,243 217 1,445 46,617 439 84,438 5,086 5,212 21,687 75,175 35 673 623 136,635 6,325 40 40 656 270 1,751 44,878 156 70,451 3,786 9,047 19,835 83,435 97 590 105 128,044 6,104 22 50 26,916 2,604 17,340 559,404 5,268 1,013,256 61,032 62,544 260,244 902,100 420 8,076 7,476 1,639,620 75,900 480 51 5,863 2,745 27,759 490,335 1,530 674,269 53,563 119,644 189,123 781,371 1,095 7,490 1,179 1,537,759 58,988 220 52 50 40 42 58 6 116 34 155 144 87 5 22 7 318 219 2 53 23 23 22 65 6 124 30 181 145 99 4 25 5 322 199 3 54 2,728 502 2,945 76,245 608 164,187 2,202 6,606 39,680 151,797 104 977 620 278,716 16,254 89 55 1,602 459 2,322 75,751 177 125,045 2,600 6,169 29,046 143,533 55 905 262 162,328 13,708 60 ,.: 19, 598 2,640 20,097 688,172 5,822 1,366,330 18,776 48,464 316,299 1,201,697 1,015 8,928 3,425 2,134,602 127,814 563 57 9,458 2,137 23,159 779,478 2,357 1,026,877 23,469 44,741 250,767 1,208,752 460 7,890 1,491 1,459,052 97,288 380 58 6 8 4 18 39 4 19 30 53 3 75 41 1 59 72 116 428 10,594 24,424 307 520 5,307 23,900 42 124,973 2,273 20 60 362 438 2,251 65,293 134,834 1,222 2,050 32,062 97,548 176 766,361 10,745 100 '■1 49 36 42 54 6 116 33 152 144 85 5 22 7 305 216 2 53 2,656 386 2,517 65,651 608 139,763 1,895 6,086 34,373 127,897 104 935 620 153,743 13,981 69 63 19,236 2,202 17,846 622,879 5,822 1,231,496 17,554 46,414 284,237 1,104,149 1,015 8,752 '3,425 . 168,2*1 117,069 463 64 49 24 53 7 42 7 204 216 91 163 22 123 135 211 134 65 53 50 51 7 44 9 163 328 73 5 112 19 186 81 238 278 66 255 54 414 37 130 65 1,359 1,399 643 817 60 556 868 899 542 H7 223 148 157 11 142 14 1,127 1,918 544 10 318 40 634 685 841 879 SB 30 19 25 3 27 3 66 98 34 82 14 72 56 115 68 II!) 12 4 13 3 13 2 94 87 38 54 8 36 55 77 55 70 3 1 9 1 2 32 15 15 22 10 12 13 9 71 5 1 2 9 3 10 4 2 2 1 1 3 2 4 1 10 1 5 1 2 7! 74 38 20 38 7 35 5 166 195 72 141 12 107 101 178 100 ;:. 34 32 38 6 32 5 114 239 57 4 79 10 133 65 166 191 76 127 37 181 19 68 28 630 777 299 468 31 290 356 456 253 77 123 68 92 8 72 7 548 873 238 6 182 20 302 323 480 354 78 30 7 40 5 24 4 155 135 67 95 15 64 101 127 95 79 38 24 28 3 27 4 124 219 60 3 62 13 121 57 151 181 80 128 17 233 18 62 37 729 622 344 349 29 266 512 443 289 81 100 80 65 3 70 7 579 1,045 306 * 136 20 332 362 361 525 82 354 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Moat data for 1099 we b*sed on reports (For definitions and explanation , see text) Tyler Upshur Upton Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward 1 Value of sales ol livestock and/or livestock products dollars 1959... 1,958,893 1,391,326 2,972,587 1,412,150 724,588 671,394 7,067,834 5,632,906 4,658,362 4,385,986 4,064,648 ,?,064,003 3,563,646 3,118,960 2,605,263 1,136,953 3,045,722 1,635,752 250,275 443,537 o 1954... 1 Any livestock sold alive (caule, horses and . farms reporting 1959. . . 561 1,091 34 447 156 1,946 992 829 742 32 1 1954... 629 1,007 36 499 194 1,996 932 614 677 41 valu of sales, dollars 1959. .. 477,889 1,175,170 459, 670 5,582,245 , '."-', *:-'- 3,088,879 3,059,509 1,967,262 2,431,135 240,193 6 1954 .. . 260,977 537,755 383,234 4,217,001 2,214,169 1,355,956 2,617,384 699,293 1,109,461 356,836 7 Poultry and poultry products farms reporting 1959 . . . 180 191 11 105 9 413 449 175 236 6 s 1954... 322 532 5 232 20 1,041 692 349 409 14 valu of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 1,365,826 1,082,984 25,769 93,682 34,474 353,091 235,636 98,626 240,745 6,267 in II Livestock products other than poultry 1954 . . . 1,064,512 430, 593 16,754 127,270 35,992 296,443 308,274 149, 534 240,155 5,713 of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 1954... 115,178 65,837 714,433 443,802 239,149 271,406 1,391,907 1,288,635 1,794,350 2,135,825 622,678 411,604 268,501 193,302 539,375 288,126 373,842 286,136 3,815 80,988 IS LIVESTOCK SOLD AUVE 11 Cattle and or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 . . . 441 1,041 19 390 100 1,876 917 804 692 27 14 1954 . . . 440 935 27 437 129 1,867 866 547 607 39 IS number 1959 .. . 4,219 9,786 1,130 33,396 4,863 26,820 24,405 16,719 19,312 1,541 IS 1954... 4,247 10,925 1,593 38,261 3,111 21,915 33,333 12,630 17,091 3,515 17 dollars 1959 . . . 382,282 1,107,090 122,485 4,659,725 657,014 2,863,499 2,877,749 1,917,411 2,316,852 231,063 IS 1954 . , . 177,806 508,317 124,087 3,298,783 217, 327 1,165,934 2,508,272 624,590 1,032,956 324,511 in farms reporting 1959 . . 246 364 13 228 70 863 510 555 328 24 50 1954... 277 528 22 281 93 951 557 301 347 29 :i number 1959 . . . 1,270 3,249 498 18,898 2,904 6,937 6,084 4,269 4,104 778 22 1954... 1,338 3,626 1,142 20,008 1,091 5,145 11,587 3,328 4,145 1,981 23 dollars 1959 . . . 171,633 531,680 63,609 3,023,380 429, 596 925,412 1,090,043 697,422 660,085 143,727 24 Fami9 reporting hy number of caule sold— 1954 .. . 71,960 223,269 94,745 1,936,977 105,864 332,331 1,435,859 243,904 357,835 212,351 25 . farms report i ng 1 959 . . , 209 246 83 10 594 320 267 143 3 26 farms reporting 1959. . . 25 86 2 49 22 183 148 247 117 8 27 20 to 99 farms reporting 1959. . . 10 24 6 64 29 81 35 38 64 11 28 100 or more farms reporting 1959. . . 2 8 1 32 9 5 7 3 4 2 ■»l farms reporting 1959. , 360 920 16 336 47 1,677 800 509 657 21 80 1954 . . . 374 856 15 367 116 1,782 827 529 581 26 11 number 1959 .. . 2,949 6,537 632 14,498 1,959 19,883 18,321 12,450 15,208 763 32 1954 . . . 2,909 7,299 451 18,253 2,020 16,770 a, 746 9,302 12,946 1,534 33 dollars 1959... 210,649 575,410 58,876 1,636,345 227,418 1,938,087 1,787,706 1,219,989 1,656,767 87, 336 34 1954... 105,846 285,048 29,342 1,3a, 806 111,463 833,603 1,072,413 :' . ' 675,121 112,160 35 farms reporting 1959 . . . 29 35 2 34 8 33 33 28 26 3 If, 1954... 24 40 2 19 6 86 17 52 27 3 37 number 1959 . . . 50 110 3 96 30 64 64 58 68 10 38 1954... 54 53 7 75 44 118 38 79 39 12 39 dollars 1959... 8,222 6,540 340 36,325 7,850 16,850 6,268 3,398 11,875 4,450 10 1954 . . , 2,305 1,978 225 9,313 3,310 4,604 1,003 2,672 1,155 255 11 farms reporting 1959. . . 227 102 2 56 2 215 243 96 163 6 1954 . . . 372 176 2 50 5 502 265 148 210 6 41 number 1119 2,835 1,987 20 2,011 26 6,847 4,776 1,503 3,262 150 1954... 5,478 1,363 30 810 102 6,161 3,097 2,129 2,271 270 45 dollars 1959... 85,050 59,610 600 60,330 780 205,410 143,280 45,090 97,860 4,500 46 1954 . . . 78,976 26,972 570 32,854 .,.'■'■■ 184,650 88,875 71,287 70,742 9,930 17 farms reporting 1959 . . 10 5 30 219 148 13 189 2 21 5 (8 1954. . . 13 35 263 173 6 107 5 30 1 411 number 1959 . 25 130 27,672 57,970 169,280 260 2,450 55 305 15 1954. . 208 48 24,116 78,710 182,174 81 1,719 57 373 492 51 dollars 1959... 300 1,560 332,064 695,640 2,031,360 3,120 29,400 660 3,660 180 5! 1954 . . . 1,890 488 258,352 876,051 1,989,148 76S 19,234 744 4,608 22,140 SHEEP SHORN AND TOOL 51 farms reporting 1959 . 5 3 35 288 151 16 186 4 37 2 54 1954 . . . 15 3 35 280 175 10 157 7 44 51 number shorn 1959 . . . 129 64 61,040 173,154 369,265 458 3,590 75 1,026 1,816 1954 . . . 469 62 55,491 192,764 345,128 160 3,281 68 1,001 51 pounds of wool 1959 . . , 550 563 509,552 926,986 2,655,394 3,217 21,541 545 6,144 5,150 5R 1954 . . . 1,806 510 452,845 1,215,066 2,670,444 1,531 17,829 510 6,295 59 farms reporting 1959. . . 1 12 171 113 1 9 1 2 1 SO number shorn 1959. . . 5 9,456 61,749 95,553 6 235 14 5 900 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 15 40,058 241,051 403,909 38 1,034 50 23 2,000 «2 farms reporting 1959. . . 3 34 257 147 16 184 36 2 6.1 number shorn 1959 .. . 124 64 51,584 111,405 273,712 452 3,355 61 1,021 916 64 LITTERS FAJ4ROWED pounds of wool 1959 .. . 535 563 469,494 685,935 2,251,485 3,179 20,507 495 6,121 3,150 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting 1959 . . . 168 87 2 43 153 179 93 151 7 66 1954 . . . 381 126 2 39 8 407 219 149 196 7 67 number of litters 1959... 553 393 7 238 9 1,057 672 247 916 13 68 Farms reporting hy numher of litters farrowed December 1, I95R, to November 30, 1959- 1954... 1,296 321 5 150 42 1,256 693 500 577 91 69 farms reporting 1959. . . 97 59 1 24 2 79 115 62 87 farms reporting 1959 .. . 62 6 3 15 10 2 1 12 4 3 2 52 10 6 47 13 3 28 3 42 13 7 3 farms reporting 1959 . . 72 farms reporting 1959. . . 73 farms reporting 1959. . . 1 5 1 farm9 reporting 1959 . . . 1 2 75 farms reporting 1959. . . 141 77 2 37 2 127 129 75 117 6 76 263 97 1 32 8 317 150 93 110 5 77 number ol litters 1959 . . . 279 221 6 114 476 322 145 414 9 78 1954 . . . 592 168 3 94 19 641 324 208 278 44 79 104 45 1 25 3 96 120 45 103 3 K 1954 .. . 242 73 1 20 4 265 160 81 128 4 81 number of litters 1959 . . . 274 172 1 124 5 581 350 102 502 4 82 1954 . . . 704 153 2 56 23 615 369 292 299 47 TEXAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 355 for wily a samp e of farms. See text] Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum Youn, Zapata Zavala 5,404,696 5,728,957 5,365,602 2,678,156 2,810,303 2,416,922 1,314,855 5,759,651 4,356,839 365,941 7,445,208 2,712,152 799,437 2,725,434 1,171,838 6,063,284 1 3,412,741 4,020,067 2,271,738 1,363,699 1,881,165 2,152,143 589,942 4,306,179 3,293,606 186,801 4,566,701 1,518,190 440,458 1,556,068 424,190 3,351,830 2,059 159 1,353 599 483 575 158 2,035 1,181 19 1,329 1,252 119 699 195 3 1,973 194 1,330 609 472 581 281 2,502 1,298 22 1,493 1,254 156 706 168 192 3,334,327 5,554,814 4,493,868 2,604,209 2,424,808 2,230,966 964,495 3,624,050 2,968,251 283,484 4,159,943 1,450,852 784,047 2,535,553 L,166, ■ ■ 5,331,426 5 1,537,120 3,537,089 1,662,655 1,119,136 1,110,337 1,905,394 488,688 2,284,727 1,682,960 160,137 1,883,722 621,406 397,686 1,320,680 391,629 3,077,867 6 1,252 14 822 182 152 182 77 1,202 580 8 388 318 35 165 8 43 7 1,753 15 1,182 390 311 456 194 2,041 825 17 931 673 107 347 8 54 8 592,184 46,381 231,607 65,811 146,511 128,427 212,744 1,213,326 555,111 22,457 201,963 436,763 13,790 76,697 4,070 26,725 9 739,788 149,610 249,121 77,277 204,119 67,890 58,844 962,192 622,203 7,658 205,348 266,448 29,081 105,412 1,070 61,518 10 1,478,185 127,762 640,127 8,136 238,984 57,529 137,616 922,275 833,477 60,000 3,083,302 824, 537 1,600 113,184 862 705,133 11 1,085,833 333, 368 359,962 167,286 566,709 178,859 42,410 1,059,260 988,443 19,006 2,477,631 630,336 13,691 129,976 31,491 212,445 1! 1,969 158 1,278 549 417 508 132 1,866 1,101 19 1,294 1,226 106 659 194 191 13 1,826 191 1,180 545 436 534 234 2,249 1,233 21 1,411 1,177 141 689 163 160 11 27,468 42,270 35,790 17,188 14,801 14,046 7,561 20,759 20,567 2,378 33,290 14,512 5,349 18,586 10,843 33,679 15 23,549 33,499 30,536 12,716 11,421 20,599 5,920 23,338 21,440 2,098 24,716 12,807 4,532 15,322 7,498 29,664 16 3,005,716 5,537,832 4,354,854 2,327,542 2,239,892 1,964,514 919,835 2,712,108 2,472,806 281,874 3,865,400 1,349,739 747, 377 2,440,061 1,160,711 5,108,631 17 1,354,659 3,526,478 1,587,664 953,125 1,010,439 1,812,511 448,907 1,504,196 1,289,995 158,348 1,640,460 565,163 376,125 1,280,9a 386,396 2,846,253 18 1,096 96 592 262 275 201 90 787 658 18 711 510 68 319 85 121 19 909 149 682 225 284 292 138 1,353 730 18 758 675 104 327 81 109 20 6,315 21,453 8,577 3,948 6,626 2,644 3,930 6,748 7,481 817 8,090 3,584 3,130 4,517 2,679 16,985 21 4,480 19,535 7,188 2,418 5,474 6,619 2,718 6,815 5,073 1,016 7,375 3,650 2,037 4,595 1,532 12,154 22 1,068,368 3,101,707 1,359,848 615,933 1,345,188 373,720 581,815 1,179,882 1,172,357 122,222 1,409,128 464,821 503,260 717,205 331,149 3,065,746 23 296,808 2,675,352 496,682 212,438 646,815 649,307 267, 503 487,896 375,351 79,748 726,808 218,810 182,975 518,115 126,406 1,342,043 24 859 22 370 118 79 127 37 567 388 6 345 329 16 196 44 12 204 38 135 90 113 58 37 179 198 253 124 26 80 21 40 31 23 71 46 66 1 1 10 36 64 106 57 20 28 16 37 27 4 13 16 8 17 3 6 5 8 7 6 15 4 32 1,853 148 1,179 482 278 477 91. 1,632 958 18 1,157 1,121 73 617 185 148 29 1,740 122 1,099 490 364 477 195 2,071 1,182 16 1,265 1,070 108 638 154 158 ■in 21,153 20,817 27,213 13,240 8,175 11,402 3,631 14,011 13,086 1,561 25,200 10,928 2,219 14,071 8,164 16,694 31 19,069 13,964 23,348 10,298 5,947 13,980 3,202 16,523 16,367 1,082 17,341 9,157 2,495 10, 727 5,966 17,510 32 1,937,348 2,436,125 2,995,006 1,711,609 894,704 1,590,794 338,020 1,532,226 1,300,449 159,652 2,456,272 884,918 244,117 1,722,856 829,562 2,042,885 33 1,057,851 851,126 1,090,982 740,687 363,624 1,163,204 181,404 1,016,300 914,644 78,600 913,652 346,353 195,150 762,806 259,990 1,504,210 34 73 7 18 10 26 13 3 29 33 2 47 40 9 12 5 7 35 67 6 25 11 11 9 7 46 19 1 54 78 5 12 4 8 38 124 74 56 11 80 88 83 40 221 8 84 65 15 47 11 7 37 104 33 56 19 20 357 91 66 150 2 112 139 11 20 16 38 38 8,649 8,915 10,636 1,702 20,705 137,140 2,150 7,010 28,000 1,250 17,340 23,425 4,467 6,600 1,550 1,500 39 3,167 2,381 1,869 2,255 2,270 16,075 2,131 2,981 7,329 85 5,550 5,223 995 1,077 1,170 2,545 40 648 316 229 115 198 55 628 451 1 244 140 31 76 7 29 41 789 13 378 246 73 151 74 935 544 4 311 247 36 62 12 19 42 9,729 130 4,191 9,165 4,932 4,252 1,417 14,715 15,427 12 6,570 2,092 1,005 2,398 29 885 43 7,008 171 3,122 4,355 2,561 2,328 948 12,106 10,151 74 5,428 2,086 525 984 81 468 44 291,870 3,900 125,730 274,950 147,960 127,560 42,510 441,450 462,810 360 197,100 62,760 30,150 71,940 870 26,550 45 218,803 4,940 69,252 161,676 84,627 71,398 36,208 466,008 382,280 1,704 193,436 50,074 12,297 28,386 1,855 18,417 46 152 4 26 20 18 459 31 99 26 5 26 11 19 47 97 15 30 5 12 11 9 530 26 110 6 3 16 6 36 48 2,156 235 196 1,049 146 33,298 340 5,733 1,199 168 862 248 10, 326 49 1,053 490 349 163 903 453 153 30,502 349 2,948 84 544 780 183 15,789 50 25,872 2,820 2,352 12,588 1,752 399,576 4,080 68,796 14,386 2,016 10,344 2,976 123,912 51 10,491 3,290 3,870 2,080 13,001 5,410 1,442 311,542 3,356 44,276 946 6,269 10,296 2,208 210,652 52 176 18 47 5 19 16 15 549 39 92 14 ? 25 21 28 53 147 10 43 5 9 14 632 45 110 5 3 17 11 26 54 2,951 617 562 99 2,278 302 168 48,752 690 3,949 434 278 1,433 486 13,991 55 2,138 575 490 109 1,270 512 260 47,280 852 3,585 138 686 1,014 334 6,927 56 22,528 2,122 3,256 954 17,883 2,694 938 352,818 5,499 31,135 3,065 3,524 13,438 2,005 66,757 57 15,124 3,754 2,689 1,004 10,940 4,534 1,737 365,290 6,255 29,162 1,050 2,857 9,017 1,428 53,616 58 15 5 1 2 1 95 9 11 5 4 15 59 270 75 5 570 11 7 5,138 84 402 85 63 7,792 Ml 1,569 98 12 2,578 44 10 23,928 428 1,778 450 130 29,129 61 174 18 47 5 19 16 15 540 36 92 14 7 25 20 23 IS 2,681 542 557 99 1,708 291 161 43,614 606 3,547 434 278 1,346 423 6,199 I-..I 20,959 2,024 3,244 954 15, 305 2,650 928 328,890 5,071 29,357 3,065 • 3,524 12,988 1,875 37,628 111 718 23 273 195 58 136 48 427 401 174 121 40 53 10 21 65 821 17 308 177 51 99 55 518 434 3 191 181 48 55 13 19 2,083 248 773 1,368 675 676 310 2,292 2,405 26 1,047 475 251 254 58 273 «7 1,826 72 612 847 424 469 228 1,980 1,903 18 906 445 151 194 31 129 66 514 10 198 68 23 59 30 241 142 2 85 79 17 26 2 8 i/i 166 6 61 80 18 65 11 140 178 1 61 32 16 20 7 6 70 28 12 33 8 6 35 67 19 5 5 6 .1 10 2 1 1 1 12 2 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 2 10 1 7 2 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 ra 73 n 523 21 206 168 49 96 36 352 352 < 147 95 36 42 8 16 ,, 578 13 226 136 38 76 38 379 352 1 130 127 43 35 9 14 988 142 434 618 278 322 125 1,165 1,239 14 501 231 151 122 28 123 7 7 1,040 38 376 398 166 240 111 9S 962 2 491 245 63 106 14 73 7B 538 11 156 144 37 109 30 284 zS> 2 131 77 24 39 6 17 7'i 497 13 138 134 39 64 35 340 329 3 122 114 31 43 9 12 60 1,095 106 339 750 397 354 185 1,127 1,166 12 546 244 100 132 30 150 81 78( 34 236 449 258 229 117 992 941 16 415 200 88 88 17 56 H 356 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 10.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold for 1959 are based on reports (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer Armstrong Atascosa Ausun DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 ^ny milk of cream sold farms reporting 1959.- . 13,984 71 2 63 58 18 68 156 ! 1954. .. 23,406 113 3 110 5 72 42 98 130 dollars 1959... 110, 404, 123 657, 620 3,375 146,330 764, 590 16, 690 1,643,208 912, 880 1954 91, 320, 203 502, 612 5,384 206, 957 24,532 402, 637 29, 589 747,409 301,325 7,895 9,262 1,688 2,323 13, 183 927 24,165 5,852 6 Milk sold as whole milk farms renorting 1959 .. . 10,250 66 2 53 58 15 63 61 7 1954... 14,128 68 3 60 5 68 9 52 56 8 poun.K L959 ,244,262,121 12,794,666 78,000 3,250,937 Ll ,541, J9C 236,414 31,758,836 16,861,603 1954 L,757,510,009 8,712,918 98,083 3,369,041 378, 658 10,046,658 363, 823 14,093,345 7,073,689 4,066 9,278 5 45 10 50 4 8 33 5 46 95 74 n 1954 12 pounds of butlerfat 1959 1,065,752 1,430 1,020 2,880 2,400 11,090 13 POULTRY AND POI'LTRV PRODUCTS 2,7-1,367 5,048 6,158 444 21,097 9,095 12,428 14 Poultry and poultry products sold farm* reporting 1959 58,170 264 13 174 12 92 83 280 1,243 1954 111,477 704 37 524 35 220 186 509 1,521 18 dollars 1959 . . . 100,641,059 199, 065 19, 241 698, 857 11,515 62, 683 42,912 291, 012 794, 652 I? 1954. . • , 157,: . 251, 355 13,561 601, 607 25,527 179,380 85,891 292, 947 822,655 18 30,840 118 10 92 9 50 61 171 712 19 1954 42,472 285 2 229 13 82 98 239 625 20 number 1951 92, 522, 939 283,186 838 1,205,813 '1. 47,302 6,187 33,013 135,434 21 1954. ■■'.' , 1 228,966 160 763, 064 15, 859 168, 340 10,511 39,683 194,145 .22 2,416 7 25 1 1 23 1954 . . . 2,984 17 48 1 7 8 24 number 1959 .. . 84,685,579 273,305 1,169,660 36,000 33,500 25 1954 55,711,200 214,750 15,000 162,100 123, 932 26 Oilier chickens sold farms reporting 1959... 28,686 111 10 72 9 49 60 171 "11 27 1954 . . . 39.835 269 2 184 12 77 98 239 621 ■> number 1959 . . . 7,837,360 9,881 838 36,153 312 11,302 6,187 33,013 101,934 29 1954 3,975,315 14,216 160 20,830 859 6,240 10,511 39,683 70,213 80 49,620 195 11 121 11 86 74 249 1,185 31 1951 95, 522 538 35 388 30 199 176 441 1,437 32 136,531,972 199,271 58, ■ '". 383, 966 29,383 114,883 125, 573 842,906 2,289,774 38 1954 74,643,378 213,033 25,721 346, 325 24,206 171,441 195,612 723, 623 1,594,902 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous 6,314 30 8 1 6 45 154 35 1954 16,061 82 1 46 4 23 11 114 412 36 dollars 1959... 13."-c". 32b 1,164 535 314 2,000 4,138 13,204 17,775 37 1954 12,138,593 6,121 60 3,406 2,000 8,010 1,919 19,908 160, 875 38 11,295 92 11 26 1 11 84 265 39 1954 25,356 192 3 82 16 33 26 182 487 40 number 1959. .. 3,109,356 355 160 222 500 1,029 266 2,772 5,821 2,805,988 2,311 37 1.025 459 2,311 431 6,098 41, no Farms reporting liv number of turkeys and lurkex fr\. 9 15,644 1,526 779,452 526,797 1,044 505,064 594,360 1,420 1,020,842 771,011 436 4,315 24,652 143,938 64,939 3,129 396,940 280,015 6,402 1,016,810 645,771 10,483 48,960 83,575 2,331 370,815 431,228 8,061 477,877 238,754 5,758 :. 97,58 879,034 5,105 482,385 340,493 4,346 347, 960 213,905 6,105 892, 394 806,492 7,627 1,289 214,854 260,310 1,018 790,020 534,395 1,041 808, 552 601,461 1,176 536, 520 494,804 358 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 10.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold for 1959 are based on reports (For definitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms reporting 19 19 19 Average sales per farm reporting dollars 19 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 19 19 pounds 19 19 Cream sold farms reporting 19 19 pounds of butterfat 19 19 POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 19 19 dollars 19 19 Chickens sold farms reporting 19 19 number 19 19 Broilers sold farms reporting 19 19 number 19 19 Other chickens sold farms reporting 19 19 number 19 19 Chicken eggs sold farms report inc 19 19: 19: Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 19! 19: dollars 19: 19: Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting la 191 number 19: 19: Farms reporting by number of lurkevs nnd turkev Fryers raised- t 'nder 50 farms reporting 19: 50 to 399 farms reporting 19: 400 or more farms reporting 19: (For definitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODI CTS Any milk or cream sold farms reporting 19: 19: dollars 19: 191 Average sales per farm reporting dol lars 19 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 19: 19: pounds 19: 19: Cream sold farms reporting 19: 19: pounds of liutrerfal 19: POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 19! in: dollars 191 19: Chickens sold farms reporti nu 19. 19: number 19: Broilers sold farms reporting 1 9: 19! number 19 19: Other chickens sold farms reporting 19: 19. number 19 19: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting I'1 19 dozens 19 19 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1 9 dollars 19 19 Turkeys and turkey Iryers raised farms reporting 19 19 number 19 19 Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised— Under 50 farms reporting 19 50 to 399 farms reporting 19 400 or more farms reporting 19 152,870 167,808 2,591 1,91A,477 1,472,513 3,010 2,234 2,959 1,716,979 1,856,624 1,562 1,505 249,396 466,839 2 12 27,000 276,630 1,562 1,498 222,396 1 10,209 2,172 2,857 4,757,289 3,884,346 252 190,685 255,701 8,291 2,000 69,404 53,085 3,505 50,562 57,813 2 3 '.(, 1 3 119 280 5,900 18,092 800 3,500 12,213 1 1 6,400 1,000 3 45 1 3 119 280 5,900 11,692 800 3,500 11,213 2 2 3 5 70 231 6,000 143,400 141,554 2,650 115,044 126,936 188,820 201,491 23,603 1,203 350,122 322,040 1,070 994,151 774,313 483,1; 329,215 5,964 86,255 1,326,347 86,544 1,507,345 3,195 13,003 10 77 12 123 1,532,225 29,744,925 1,406,788 35,186,298 22 25 23 57 15,205 10,985 17,249 22,278 34,439 953,147 25,678 861,604 33 189 50 335 14,783 454,059 5,225 680,997 1 7 28 12,000 259,600 621,676 32 189 50 310 2,783 194,459 5,225 59,321 43 287 98 743 66,243 1,725,148 63,641 776,053 7 38 13 122 6,752 i - . 1 854 30,706 22,030 25,959 1,049 TEXAS SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 -Continued 359 Tor only a sample of farms. Sw text] Deaf Snith Delta ^ De Witt Dickens — « Donley Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 2? 270 1B1 3 6 11 79 57 5 49 30 . 77 250 1 61 121 325 194 67 10 101 144 171 3 134 38 388 127 516 134,918 360,830 2,578,759 1,202,956 252 7,544 82,795 837,480 333,655 1,790 480,770 3,244,664 2,477,071 209,751 555,095 3 120,894 348,359 2,049,004 709,758 49,926 7,206 162,806 760,916 343,208 9,062 4,900 682,884 3,623, 1, 1,894,262 156,182 448,503 4 2,498 13,364 9,551 6,646 84 1,257 7,527 10,601 5,854 358 9,812 108,155 9,008 2,724 2,220 5 26 22 234 88 2 5 10 79 42 1 34 30 220 27 230 s 15 95 250 107 19 7 30 143 95 3 5 54 37 286 24 329 7 2,630,878 7,773,260 51,088,477 23,360,253 2,150 156,950 1,528,220 17,538,040 7,136,756 32,680 1 ."..-'. 11' 58,396,559 52,374,145 4,765,200 15,823,420 8 2,068,377 8,447,341 48,767,874 12,710,267 642,050 97,808 2,502,084 13,393,072 6,067,936 81,812 102,254 13,904,816 53,422,254 39,166,774 2,723,353 10,432,918 9 33 5 41 93 1 1 6 20 15 1 55 50 25 10 46 26 75 67 48 3 71 1 76 1 80 1 102 103 187 11 18,630 1,400 24,335 12,470 270 240 3,625 3,310 850 1,100 600 4,535 6,590 6,105 IS 13,676 2,351 29,556 19,981 24,494 90 38,090 1,872 14,564 105 18,818 17 26,480 21,940 49,760 13 140 164 621 849 114 26 121 45 218 13 36 556 54 401 602 552 It 231 351 1,135 1,361 224 65 259 80 791 29 55 1,042 102 1,007 1,210 1,260 15 117,865 21,357 822,647 1,589,428 308,918 21,431 49,778 3,066 617,668 26,250 7,587 589,896 299,143 2,122,976 517,867 114,041 lfi 97,701 27,765 610,774 1,418,967 46,207 43,268 52,078 11,804 656,260 19,794 6,921 475,763 196,994 1,138,780 605, 570 214,546 17 80 55 330 469 82 13 63 12 117 7 12 246 38 214 266 153 18 110 181 367 553 89 35 91 38 342 12 16 297 34 494 371 394 19 13,242 9,021 385,392 1,090,451 588,810 3,179 6,978 541 25,259 2,635 462 102,713 37,949 689,625 298,775 41,642 20 10,757 10,700 152,653 593,816 20 13,196 12 10,350 7,065 9,669 71,378 895 692 83,166 3 14,299 2 370,846 5 445,108 6 142,629 1 21 28 1 9 326,850 31 1,024,300 1 584,800 1 5 51,000 5,500 11 185,064 12 264,000 6 28,000 23 24 6,000 120,624 516,716 6,000 5,400 8,000 39,050 66,400 276,362 415,527 121,300 25 80 55 327 455 71 13 12 12 245 38 210 261 152 26 110 180 361 532 89 34 91 337 12 16 294 34 487 360 389 27 13,242 9,021 58,542 66,151 4,010 3,179 6,978 25,259 2,635 462 51,713 32,449 504,561 34,775 13,642 28 10,757 4,700 32,029 77,100 7,196 4,950 7,065 1,669 32,328 895 692 16,766 14,299 94,484 29,581 21,529 25 117 135 551 763 96 21 111 181 7 27 499 45 355 547 503 30 205 266 1,035 1,177 209 53 221 36 23 43 902 62 871 1,083 1,183 31 324,740 39,673 1,365,433 1,430,900 79,826 63,520 4,220 490,398 80,360 21,877 829,950 785,049 3,957,332 757,312 295,676 32 210,977 50,505 879,282 1,407,797 96,704 75,818 123,590 8,355 537,862 36,235 11,976 426,102 215,916 1,203,418 615,425 365,995 33 18 15 53 165 6 3 11 20 22 1 9 63 12 16 48 32 34 17 15 115 499 8 3 28 79 14 146 43 133 207 28 35 10,575 4,547 213,204 621,109 1,463 150 1,914 453,015 20 574 282,274 36,913 555,091 138,992 2,120 3D 11,135 1,754 163,382 534,016 2,928 512 1,543 416,092 427 1,406 236,915 46,596 477,195 125,172 7,834 37 34 9 61 249 9 25 66 33 3 14 82 27 33 84 34 38 40 16 140 613 14 6 60 59 96 6 35 201 105 158 314 43 39 2,268 150 52,351 151,252 358 462 794 91,375 20 255 66,756 6,339 15, 166 24,504 657 40 2,008 486 34,154 137,474 924 1,280 729 105,516 142 691 34,994 8,548 104,051 32,025 1,558 41 26 9 40 11 171 59 19 6 3 22 3 64 2 22 2 9 3 14 65 10 7 23 2 2 21 2 10 78 3 3 32 2 42 43 << Garza Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 70 10 232 2 33 7 197 50 106 105 42 108 2 40 64 25 317 2 48 46 62 418 29 82 230 152 37 172 11 84 1,558,552 5,825 402,227 4,996 61,733 94,055 33,450 859,840 395,080 1,266,718 724,890 404,040 355,895 2,226 124,060 3 831,130 15,619 113,448 21,860 27,675 216,965 75,685 882,526 137,706 658,908 591,352 525,330 41,487 171,504 2,090 81,966 4 22,265 583 1,734 2,498 1,436 2,850 4,779 4,365 7,902 11,950 6,904 9,620 3,295 1,113 3,102 5 10 36 2 17 7 161 50 100 50 22 42 2 20 S 63 11 55 2 9 20 23 287 25 69 69 83 21 43 22 31,500,075 67,811 6,675,578 112,572 1,515,630 1,714,280 709,740 18,413,677 7,613,730 26,842,908 15,421,418 7,749,300 7,532,850 48,160 2,610,695 8 14,764,317 296,339 1,651,682 529,330 479,226 3,528,322 1,353,322 19,529,413 2,852,087 14,276,112 10,197,700 9,502,974 788,861 3,335,656 1,351,318 9 196 32 16 6 65 25 66 20 1(1 262 39 26 131 4 13 161 69 16 129 11 62 11 44,278 1,950 5,665 29,360 1,580 39,665 11,590 6,865 9,335 12 25 6,521 6,434 8,748 39,691 364 4,877 61,064 20,807 5,571 17,989 3,892 28,658 13 86 37 596 27 259 702 81 715 66 256 774 166 105 553 39 115 14 149 ■ 21 395 1,088 212 1,434 204 521 1,192 550 307 994 92 248 15 593,947 5,123 892,091 5,687 159,537 6,192,613 41,891 533,757 73,499 84,972 710,732 100,763 16,702 1,368,520 9,086 21,227 16 132,745 27,406 738,745 3,496 233,933 6,478,630 66,302 573,489 180,297 89,836 693,627 130,305 35,576 845,627 22,278 52,552 17 54 282 12 153 470 50 264 27 109 406 60 37 379 19 53 18 40 50 413 9 140 548 82 410 75 122 476 232 178 568 36 108 19 64,826 1,646 39,704 2,826 75,903 11,685,013 6,601 184,335 19,231 9,085 241,713 8,041 3,318 198,589 1,223 2,717 20 32,381 3,634 96,823 405 12,448 2 8,656,640 254 5,836 1 350,776 5 184,412 1 302,892 2 35,343 12,515 196,003 3 2,771 26,186 21 3 64,000 322 11,538,206 1,600 9 115,000 12 9,000 2 9 L88,000 1 1 8 27,500 1 23 24 47,000 8,810,911 319,800 180,320 5,100 253,519 16,000 2,000 125,464 20,200 25 19 282 12 248 280 27 109 404 80 37 376 19 53 28 37 50 411 9 140 254 62 402 65 120 468 232 177 563 36 107 27 64,826 1,646 39,704 2,828 11,903 146,807 4,801 69,335 10,231 9,085 53,713 8,041 3,318 171,089 1,223 2,717 28 10,728 3,634 49,823 405 12,448 45,729 5,836 30,976 4,092 6,055 49,373 19,343 10,515 70,539 2,771 5,986 29 70 552 23 224 433 75 644 51 197 716 137 96 531 31 108 m 109 140 843 16 348 536 195 1,322 151 412 1,070 471 205 937 80 227 .11 1,799,780 13,484 12,537 309,780 1,242,712 97,503 1,095,549 156,569 250,814 1,430,944 306,798 44,836 3,328,014 26,561 63,178 32 180,882 63,711 785,077 7,963 375,848 567,845 141,551 798,172 97,992 1,045,227 245,579 66,172 1,513,068 50,027 93,570 33 10 2 82 7 91 104 2 39 11 46 89 18 6 46 2 3 34 45 141 2 178 463 15 59 33 133 252 36 9 128 10 7 35 3,602 387 26,833 195,629 6,400 104,269 15,527 2,677 150,042 1,635 1,144 238,091 240 283 38 29,077 409,310 200 105,721 336,862 9,742 11,609 20,511 33,824 130,774 3,731 911 236,764 1,635 724 37 29 3 142 12 101 141 11 58 26 79 187 40 11 59 3 5 38 119 20 220 5 224 502 27 104 82 206 380 66 13 166 13 13 39 1,026 23 173,131 136 6,070 44,524 2,153 31,053 2,152 1,016 44,664 472 295 47,067 81 83 40 61,801 86 29,750 86,430 2,132 3,245 3,671 8,657 33,873 998 120 53,618 1,225 261 41 1 3 107 12 67 32 2 88 37 16 9 1 1 47 7 23 2 1 76 3 158 23 37 3 10 1 42 7 10 2 1 5 42 43 360 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 10.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold For 1959 ari> based on reports (For definitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk Of Cream SOld farms reporting 1 dollars 1 1 Average sales per (arm reporting dollars 1 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1 1 pounds 1 Cream sold farms reporting 1 1 pounds of bulterfat 1 1 POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODl'CTS Poultry and poultry products SOld Tanns reporting 1 1 dollars 1 Chickens sold farms reporting 1 1 number 1 Broilers sold farms reporting 1 1 Other chickens sold farms recoiling 1 1 number 1 1 Chicken eggs sold fam^ reportinc 1 1 1 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous 1 dollars 1 Turkeys and turkey fryers laised farms reporting i i number 1 Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- I'nder 5(1 farms reporting 1 50 to .199 farms reporting 1 400 or more farms reporting 1 4,939,643 5,378,563 19,371 687,299 523,563 5,727 47,875 28,893 1,330 1,122,474 484,757 20,044 77,540 142,253 1,891 1,076 1,097,930 630,227 16,419 367, 759 37,890 409,783 42 133 67 301 2,894 545,817 3,773 345,666 19 25 525,000 332,290 42 117 67 280 2,894 20,817 3,773 13,376 220 148 627 45,988 270,868 93,643 222,629 9 26 21 72 716 21,381 5,523 70,586 (Fnr definitions and explai p te\l) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms reporting 1959 1954 dollars 1950 1 954 Average sales per farm reporting di Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 1954 pounds 1959 . 1 954 Cream sold farms reporting 1959 . 1951 pounds of butterfal 1959 2,643,315 2,224,064 31,847 ", >■..',!■■ 2,344,886 11,092 37,892 2,032 696,020 522,246 8,000 538,535 290,973 10,771 199,295 30, KX 14,000 30,000 257,479 214,077 5,722 POULTRY AND rOU.TRY PRODl'CTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1950 1054 dollars 1950 1051 Chickens sold farms reporting 1050. 1054 number 1050 1054 Broilers sold farms reporting 1050 1954 number 1050 1054 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . 1051 number 1950 1954 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 1951. dozens 1959. 1951. Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1 959 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959 1954. number 1 959 1054. Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under 50 farms reporting 1950 50 to 399 farms reporting 1959 . 400 or more farms reporting 1950 . 6,855 162,609 11,966 169,884 24 74 37 101 . 17,217 1,766 15,196 1,526 17,217 15,196 60 121 91 221 19,635 428,847 30,023 374,160 1 24 3 39 5 21,057 324 4,540 6 42 8 71 36 5,294 173 1,350 TEXAS SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 361 for only a samp e of farms. See text} Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irion M *— Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 63 • 31 3C 601 52 8 6 111 1 26 84 40 231 81 58 720 61 26 1 276 ii 8 37 30 142 "5 49 12 608,255 9,752 41,04b 6,270,480 188,565 153,108 122,318 309,399 1,930 125 150,345 754,215 697,0 0 81,530 3 426,782 113,570 132,450 3,315,650 290,439 81,909 31 445,927 70,117 ..t . 706 29,256 89,273 748,923 9,730 193,070 77,175 4 9,655 315 1,368 10,433 3,626 19,139 20,386 2,787 965 125 5,783 8,979 17,425 20,383 5 53 10 10 601 47 8 6 71 2 11 69 40 4 6 65 35 37 715 42 9 1 165 11 9 13 131 5 46 12 7 12,267,195 161,250 722,580 138,102,637 4,129,989 2,774,695 2,472,745 7,683,635 46,278 2,941,975 14,369,401 12,352,650 1,507,865 8 7,827,049 2,158,996 2,547,698 78,956,308 5,183,985 1,731,834 387 10,070,910 1,319,670 569,045 525,503 1,619,208 13,389,856 199,778 3,819,690 1,240,808 9 10 21 20 5 50 1 15 15 10 166 46 21 5 19 17 111 2 1 28 17 11 3 11 180 3,708 9,925 780 3,680 250 4,885 2,000 12 22,238 21, 582 5,493 2,548 2,402 4,278 13,220 837 40 3,138 2,062 1,231 778 13 543 166 147 308 251 119 12 479 26 12 113 292 183 8 103 2 14 1,145 465 401 787 447 211 11 968 71 30 333 475 357 a 245 27 15 308,072 51,202 155,630 409,330 57,817 1,567 165,396 34,646 12,419 15,002 111,830 728,715 6,413 37,987 340 16 211,395 95,073 172,896 141,485 502,694 71,335 12,417 248,625 26,670 33,997 45,598 112,964 672,986 4,376 116,002 4,455 17 212 106 52 135 121 57 8 153 15 5 35 179 126 61 18 293 147 162 212 178 57 4 326 39 10 126 96 144 5 41 7 19 236,312 11,631 19,341 257,957 428,030 7,766 374 115,067 3,742 3,216 2,479 17,868 1,231,115 795 6,749 20 32,261 7,911 29,448 95,568 590,687 15,036 715 143,435 3,983 29,471 5,762 8,357 834,597 129 12,527 328 21 6 15 19 3 46 2 2 11 37 1 10 1 2 54 1 23 201,300 235,600 392,600 83,000 1,187,100 24 16,500 5,700 88,500 582,734 10,666 120,310 146 28,000 825,250 6,000 206 106 52 121 104 57 8 151 15 5 35 179 84 61 292 147 162 202 144 57 4 317 38 8 126 96 92 5 40 27 35,012 11,631 19,341 22,357 35,430 7,766 374 32,067 3,742 3,216 2,479 17,868 44,015 795 6,749 28 15,761 7,911 23,748 7,068 7,953 5,036 715 23,125 3,837 1,471 5,762 8,357 9,347 129 6,527 328 29 489 129 133 230 181 90 6 419 22 9 92 256 117 8 88 1 30 998 420 376 707 314 193 10 863 58 23 289 419 253 19 210 12 31 494,942 142,311 376,613 298,718 632,684 171,012 4,375 339,539 100,316 33,570 42,442 313,034 439,222 18,275 68,767 96 32 314,576 206,868 324,885 179,476 161,382 128,204 18,793 385,783 50,513 26,441 93,367 248,917 263,507 6,678 167,573 6,395 33 62 6 8 12 25 14 1 37 6 2 12 37 8 1 18 1 34 194 16 21 24 56 16 1 47 8 5 24 91 30 52 14 35 40,510 1,270 29,209 13,118 7,035 920 24 4,265 1,677 404 605 5,855 740 350 7,094 310 l« 84,296 14,069 40,986 8,699 6,433 1,660 60 9,608 745 361 6,760 24,551 3,088 573 22,396 920 37 80 26 16 13 65 25 4 32 8 8 13 43 36 1 32 1 38 220 50 30 29 152 29 9 56 15 8 36 127 110 9 102 21 39 9,546 353 7,479 2,394 1,690 312 18 941 328 202 225 1,594 311 115 1,339 100 40 23,134 2,839 8,694 2,171 2,282 756 85 2,616 225 211 2,166 6,445 1,063 175 4,242 323 II 67 25 13 11 64 4 26 6 8 12 36 34 31 u 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 2 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 44 King Kinney Kleberg Kno, — Uab U*.. la Salle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Lijrjestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 2 30 15 131 30 27 9 327 85 1 46 56 64 22 3 1 1 49 230 134 45 14 330 144 36 34 81 120 33 11 19,000 306,060 360 1,013,775 291,025 90,472 6,650 258,855 53,085 3,938 133,440 365,980 163,184 23,685 338 3 50 8,300 260,103 2,544 579,282 160,561 209,852 23,715 422,108 105,220 47,529 75,402 176,062 109,318 136,235 776 9,500 10,202 24 7,739 9,701 3,351 739 792 625 3,938 2,901 6,535 2,550 1,077 113 5 2 25 126 20 12 8 167 15 1 30 56 15 7 1 6 1 43 3 164 43 17 10 231 43 12 19 40 20 13 5 341,040 6,898,000 23,119,333 6,615,150 1,958,542 97,868 5,162,197 978,331 90,000 3,072,585 9,541,439 2,734,885 549,761 215 8 247,680 4,387,935 28,758 12,025,853 2,893,530 3,632,812 407,064 9,243,452 1,926,004 761,272 1,523,929 3,754,863 1,725,822 1,993,944 7,946 9 5 15 10 10 15 1 165 70 21 5 50 15 2 10 1 6 12 66 91 28 99 101 24 15 41 100 20 6 11 725 670 795 1,350 1,185 990 9,845 8,685 3,325 300 39,366 1,220 582 12 100 7,150 3,011 8,900 22,940 8,008 1,290 13,006 13,930 1,605 3,043 6,273 49,707 1,946 541 11 19 17 66 126 416 184 269 34 1,999 730 185 230 216 108 121 152 14 25 16 95 298 698 641 455 63 2,574 1,019 457 265 715 205 266 204 IS 2,709 2,149 100,413 25,631 778,016 286,872 348,030 153,657 1,379,981 503,763 1,079,543 177,096 94,580 31,025 95,055 111,039 Lfl 4,853 6,930 94,866 41,387 142,239 106,129 193,375 46,017 1,194,478 493,240 811,456 49,408 360,341 32,573 96,493 162,017 6 9 43 60 136 108 118 24 1,359 439 99 97 74 57 69 36 18 5 6 40 96 256 276 187 34 1,273 272 172 85 209 89 74 81 410 310 67,462 3,244 863,157 42,735 71,267 11,825 440,863 65,118 1,815,648 15,886 75,994 6,478 8,945 4,409 1) 180 1,057 63,404 2 2 60,000 61,59 137,927 18 10 775,264 19,104 38,475 1 1 33,000 7,073 "i 299,183 5 1J 305,300 65,289 "4 1,087,614 63 59 1,751,070 6,847 1 2,400 238,397 4 14 67,500 4,354 24,372 "2 17,659 "i V 60,000 127,050 20,000 2,712 151,900 38,400 1,078,225 226,713 16,300 7,500 35 6 9 41 60 120 108 117 24 1,356 439 48 97 70 57 69 36 26 5 39 96 246 276 186 34 1,266 271 116 85 197 89 74 80 410 310 7,462 3,244 87,893 42,735 38,267 11,825 135,563 65,118 64,578 13,486 8,494 6,476 6,945 4,409 28 L80 1,057 3,404 6,159 10,877 19,104 18,475 4,361 147,283 26,889 9,389 6,847 11,684 4,354 8,072 10,159 "I 17 12 49 123 331 147 232 31 1,959 690 109 186 172 93 114 145 JO 23 12 79 277 581 579 419 55 2,456 924 351 218 576 190 241 177 7,713 4,837 205,296 76,564 1,156,577 783,538 540,526 476,463 2,990,952 1,201,728 563,626 542,916 181,651 85,309 268,154 117,448 32 15,204 9,676 87,606 111,751 152,497 260,654 230,187 104,474 2,606,063 942,809 78,399 107,616 232,277 100, 591 174,176 116,044 33 2 6 11 6 34 17 11 1 223 77 13 27 23 10 14 9 14 5 18 16 22 24 52 760 322 47 36 159 18 20 24 IS 113 495 4,240 274 3,403 22,607 145,493 40 238,460 98,668 32,016 897 1,621 1,340 1,254 72,425 3» 735 6,608 1,656 1,491 2,237 56,251 340 183,784 153,561 53,675 2,592 113,351 1,472 5,141 100,973 37 2 10 21 10 57 33 26 6 362 147 47 39 48 12 22 17 38 12 30 19 56 61 63 8 886 367 151 106 214 20 57 41 39 33 98 1,283 111 1,104 4,181 31,032 61 65,149 16,342 7,848 367 545 439 297 17,803 III 274 1,187 569 658 676 15,178 128 58,013 41,015 12,525 1,016 26,909 446 1,471 21,155 " 10 17 3 1 10 53 30 2 1 22 1 3 6 294 66 2 117 27 3 44 3 39 46 2 10 2 22 13 2 2 a (4 362 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 10.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold for 1959 are based on reports Item {Foe definitions and explai 9 tent) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk Ot Cteam SOld forms reporting 1 1 dollars 1 1 Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1 1 pounds 1 1 Cream sold farms reporting 1 pounds of butterfat 1 1 POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting l dollars 1 Chickens sold farms reporting 1 number 1 1 Broilers sold farms reporting 1 1 Other chickens sold farms reriortine 1 1 number 1 1 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1 dollars 1 1 Tufkeys and lurkey fryers raised farms reporting 1 l number 1 Farms rerxwting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under 50 farms reporting 1 50 to 399 farms reporting 1 400 or more farms reporting 1 742,148 255,424 14,272 83,820 3,281 130,576 154,915 4,503 .. .: S,328 8,358 1,490 2,281,316 3,121,717 1,273 2,418,995 . . 2 ,456 258,700 339,266 8,084 (For definitions and explai B text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk Of cream SOltt farms reporting 1 dollars 1 1 Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1 1 pounds 1 1 Cream sold farms report! ne 1 1 pounds of liullerfal 1 1 POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1 I dollars 1 1 Chickens sold farms reporting 1 1 number 1 Broilers sold farms reporting 1 1 number 1 1 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1 ] number 1 1 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1 dozens 1 236,149 196,890 7,872 145,625 170,478 13,239 84,200 9,4«3 7,655 123,930 113,007 5,633 291,500 188,820 9,109 2,981,082 2,491,515 11,041 57,900 123,541 2,895 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959 Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raiseo- Under 50 farms reporting 1 50 to 399 farms reporting 1 400 or more farms reporting 1 361 528,891 331,700 TEXAS SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued fof only ■ sample of farms. See text] 363 Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley doches Navarro Newton 5 16 50 7 ! 91 12 10 45 73 7 21 5 236 27 42 1 20 6 85 20 7 93 41 25 138 74 15 24 19 265 66 42 40,000 72,640 500,950 3,876 170 116,095 27,499 169,870 376, L85 1,041,210 11,910 9,910 80 3,224,698 286,263 363,920 3 25,959 63,875 190,866 4,594 46,102 76,850 30,974 106,030 231,638 586,036 9,523 15,357 7,521 1,972,079 177,340 242,329 8,000 4,540 10,019 554 34 1,276 2,292 16,987 8,360 14,263 1,701 472 16 13,664 10,602 8,665 5 5 16 44 6 5 10 2 10 30 73 5 21 5 236 22 42 < 8 6 35 12 5 23 9 15 54 58 6 14 4 244 25 42 7 1,000,000 1,272,668 9,219,524 125,000 2,064 2,343,500 617,472 2,672,683 7,879,577 20,906,715 243,000 228,595 1,763 61,274,560 5,877,118 6,298,820 8 400,020 1,143,422 3,593,278 6 57,517 1 787,296 1,266,436 81 546,797 10 2,039,688 2,644,827 20 10,169/57 159,891 2 308,250 5 41,340 37,023,894 3,591,928 5 4,118,351 9 10 ii 50 830 8 55 2 70 9,445 32 1,665 "io 84 2,145 'lb 9 1,850 10 1,900 'l5 '21 41 13,320 11 3,558 12,700 4,370 153 8,055 3,689 1,272 20,399 903 3,008 715 7,107 4,451 7,139 13 239 42 394 53 42 667 245 98 235 211 33 92 75 474 331 110 14 392 33 657 109 81 1,210 539 270 769 412 68 149 142 811 844 174 15 98,8% 55,399 237,526 25,230 221,196 694,731 784,778 59,648 224,782 326,887 18,093 192,282 22,631 7,638,417 208,387 359,616 •16 91,446 70,234 269,082 60,786 77,991 547,020 361,420 40,263 206,843 256, 553 28,258 32,351 19,451 3,125,933 280,246 57,100 17 127 23 220 12 21 349 156 43 108 119 22 39 28 402 93 58 92 19 289 32 36 373 255 84 326 138 35 46 44 483 298 69 19 20,507 9,730 33,786 3,869 119,878 76,271 71,662 7,728 87,867 127,850 2,685 62,035 2,863 10,629,553 197,2% 630,873 20 12,525 1 3,130 36,054 2 1 9,032 i 7,749 1 243,950 1 3 33, 514 "2 5,082 102,605 1 1 213,651 4 22 5,426 1 23,061 1 1 5,180 4,337,883 311 276 118,230 3 4 43,966 20 5 21 23 3,412 100,666 6,500 60,640 50,100 52,000 10,327,936 190,000 626,900 24 3,000 7,517 7,300 195,000 4,000 72,105 203,900 2,000 20,700 4,325,239 97,600 39,000 25 127 23 220 12 21 348 156 43 107 116 22 38 28 111 90 40 26 91 19 289 32 36 372 254 84 326 120 34 45 44 225 294 65 27 20,507 9,730 30,374 3,869 19,878 69,771 71,662 7,728 27,227 77,750 2,685 10,035 2,863 301,617 7,2% 3,973 28 9,525 3,130 28,537 1,732 7,749 48,950 29,514 5,082 30,500 9,751 3,426 2,361 5,180 12,644 20,630 4,966 29 198 32 366 44 38 629 207 96 215 161 32 68 67 145 280 80 30 359 24 598 92 69 1,106 510 248 691 323 61 131 118 451 646 139 31 268,756 161,409 702,028 54,852 516,528 1,892,174 1,363,451 179,554 583,043 829,820 53,333 521,590 33,259 5,698,533 303,652 182,353 32 167,320 37,936 641,137 48,125 155,781 822,260 503,058 89,039 407,436 202,801 47,430 37,505 48,415 234,750 301,446 67,460 33 39 7 27 11 6 41 34 3 11 22 4 12 5 21 25 4 34 51 2 73 19 4 173 54 5 44 101 6 5 7 56 141 15 35 5,328 497 3,072 6,291 3,133 70,151 326,277 122 1,318 6,720 217 611 10,889 763,654 19,407 188 36 17,189 50, 175 24,984 35,690 558 103,542 174,917 980 8,567 10,443 1,065 246 836 62,196 69,576 1,294 37 53 11 61 20 10 79 50 10 17 86 7 21 12 40 45 36 38 81 5 119 29 6 254 67 19 51 208 22 27 16 109 220 56 39 1,192 176 1,058 1,677 363 20,551 88,089 96 439 2,300 89 294 3,031 219,537 7,278 222 40 4,616 10,090 6,648 9,814 151 27,019 36,277 354 1,989 3,213 411 173 281 15,848 16,455 588 41 46 9 56 14 9 70 26 10 13 82 7 19 11 35 39 36 42 2 5 5 1 1 6 3 5 19 .!". 2 2 2 "i 2 3 5 1 4.1 Pall Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Heaves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 32 31 3 10 70 5 46 1 1 39 5 68 56 5 1 53 55 1 36 150 1 20 123 3 8 50 13 148 134 16 339,406 15,580 2,045 44,100 654,619 8,350 493,280 85,000 310 218,220 2,000 564,555 199,467 3,750 203,186 56,125 500 71,130 740,027 259 4,307 215,782 29,392 992 13,726 99,608 7,810 358,911 364,246 50,458 4 10,606 503 682 4,410 9,352 1,670 10,723 85,000 310 5,595 400 8,302 3,562 750 5 31 18 3 10 47 5 41 1 11 52 56 5 6 29 36 1 27 84 1 11 68 3 3 2 19 3 80 80 12 7 7,351,560 238, 150 41,800 955,425 12,901,683 178,880 11,685,005 1,935,000 4,275,050 11,205,082 4,917,549 64,500 8 3,420,607 816,931 5,160 1,434,093 14,268,337 2,786 58,695 4,857,572 492,393 3,698 250,776 1,668,503 123,169 6,854,071 6,019,630 1,055,917 9 6 18 28 5 1 28 5 21 10 24 19 9 66 9 55 5 2 31 10 68 54 4 11 137 5,630 31,290 625 500 1,965 4,000 2,140 12 2,274 3,478 2,653 31,509 600 20,154 1,147 322 2,903 3,364 12,686 4,915 202 13 137 66 8 82 219 6 33 306 15 63 19 193 59 367 262 242 14 266 186 10 230 358 12 76 656 31 102 47 483 97 753 747 249 15 212,811 95,800 1,697 19,121 449,856 8,263 9,297 641,130 36,137 12,909 7,325 360,622 9,161 289,523 897,386 2,042,970 HI 81,106 110,086 13,500 75,640 308,855 14,015 26,019 348,281 21,924 25,169 9,877 595, 190 • 19,253 370,161 1,275,385 1,532,753 17 68 46 3 23 169 4 12 133 9 27 11 90 19 164 138 181 16 103 68 3 93 181 4 21 245 10 22 22 100 28 268 390 151 19 76,748 10,612 345 5,721 54,011 2,600 1,017 1,219,314 6,069 2,210 1,122 192,826 783 363,623 1,382,804 4,223,932 11 67,941 14,291 1,010 73,023 1 29,440 1,010 1,189 436,220 36 483 1,224 884 47,645 4 1,350 303,713 12 1,670,084 60 2,227,833 160 21 38 2 13 117 104 23 46,300 3,000 1,193,691 149,000 346,300 1,321,545 4,220,450 24 61,540 l,0g 70,197 427,762 43,000 286,480 1,650,955 2,222,620 25 66 "i 22 169 "l2 106 "'9 'ii 'ii 88 19 154 80 27 26 98 67 3 87 181 4 21 213 10 22 22 99 28 259 278 49 27 30,448 10,612 345 2,721 54,011 2,600 1,017 25,623 6,069 2,210 1,122 43,826 783 17,323 61,259 3,482 28 6,401 13,291 1,010 2,826 29,440 1,010 1,189 8,458 483 1,224 884 4,645 1,350 17,233 19,129 5,213 29 111 59 3 77 194 6 22 254 12 48 17 165 46 338 148 76 30 206 165 5 189 331 10 58 544 26 99 39 335 89 707 472 119 81 562,757 289,731 1,600 25,709 713,312 22,460 24,548 175,253 106,135 36,407 21,819 397,553 26,076 361,967 644,215 45,491 89 75,863 216,768 29,250 59,676 464,469 25,115 28,627 166,738 27,282 56,527 22,185 103,868 41,906 439,208 248,058 60,699 33 8 7 5 5 22 11 16 2 12 16 4 35 25 7 14 26 27 6 8 27 18 31 4 11 2 195 6 48 87 13 II 908 677 1,028 8,350 201,723 1,178 1,018 200 518 143,948 685 2,427 32,707 1,311 if, 2,470 5,423 1,144 2,660 105,942 14,560 3,818 6,200 1,025 220 523,770 560 6,554 54,207 1,060 i? 16 13 11 4 30 1 25 36 8 20 29 5 72 64 13 38 40 9 16 49 5 34 56 8 32 5 267 14 120 224 29 39 210 189 172 2,042 37,536 9 526 367 117 264 32,832 204 1,226 7,311 165 40 1,018 1,176 334 694 25,588 43 3,004 1,401 100 440 69 111,428 253 2,435 11,231 368 11 16 13 10 1 3 1 22 7 1 1 22 3 34 2 7 1 19 1 22 2 5 3 2 67 5 63 1 13 M H 364 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 10.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold for 1959 are based on reports Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith DAIRY PRODUCTS ! Any milk or cream sold farms reporting ior.9. . 25 16 6 14 6 12 65 8 92 8 1951... 17 30 31 42 15 38 29 159 9 131 dollars 1959. . . 63,495 145,500 525 1,660 60,000 6,140 341,900 2,211 643,490 j 1951 . , . 55,200 71,047 87,792 26,356 4,836 163,386 14,496 433,993 1,968 655,001 2,540 9,094 88 119 10,000 512 5,260 276 6,994 6 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 .. . 25 16 6 1 6 7 65 1 57 1954 . . 13 17 20 16 9 28 20 103 1 86 1,024,629 3,295,000 15,050 24,000 1,402,500 115,050 6,749,455 430 11,659,795 9 1951*!.. 1,004,540 1,330,274 1,355,532 694,381 47,042 2,982,729 237,308 8,216,423 1,118 12,054,973 10 13 5 7 35 1954 . . . 13 11 26 6 10 9 56 8 45 12 pounds of bullerfal 1959 . . . 1,810 690 4,393 3,250 13 1954 . . . 1,100 1,578 2,482 6,774 1,947 4,270 800 6,915 3,370 6,586 POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 14 Poultry 39tJ poultry products SOld farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954. . . 133 170 123 230 87 219 165 465 26 65 162 411 73 128 702 999 41 61 303 696 is dollars 1959. . 1,042,602 78,222 384,481 752,182 111,156 61,592 21,101 7,684,819 15,640 713,707 1954 423,903 50,894 138,560 772,412 116,095 106,749 30,942 5,544,061 15,845 646,847 18 96 44 53 60 12 82 37 597 24 179 1954 .. . 103 66 69 219 22 127 41 716 23 289 20 number 1959 1,919,372 17,602 25,465 45,143 952 11,760 3,634 14,272,778 1,654 662,958 1954 . . . 633,693 41,463 28,442 29,466 25,081 23,277 9,477 8,231,787 3,049 645,650 2-2 69 1 1 475 13 1954 . 41 3 2 2 3 498 29 '•i number 1959. . . 1,891,500 6,000 1,500 14,147,635 595,400 1954 . 629,445 38,100 23,600 23,500 14,000 7,000 8,217,863 607,307 21 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . . 29 43 53 60 12 32 37 144 24 167 1954- . - 63 63 66 219 20 125 39 241 23 265 27,872 11,602 25,465 45,143 952 11,760 2,134 125,143 l ,654 67,558 M 1954 4,248 3,363 4,842 29,466 1,581 9,277 2,477 13,924 3,049 38,343 30 51 84 78 118 24 145 69 183 39 227 1 35 1 96 192 200 365 55 391 117 405 52 522 32 dozens 1959 . . 338,704 216,548 648,984 497,652 18,128 178,515 58,911 2,566,871 46,254 1,258,120 33 1954 . . 29,226 47,311 203,359 275,125 47,596 215,279 63,592 163,223 33,576 501,969 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous 11 16 6 47 2 6 7 21 3 21 1954.-. 9 27 18 100 10 19 9 28 dollars 1959... 15,748 2,411 170, 563 575,338 105,060 372 1,052 35,652 474 4,119 n 1954 . . . 2,907 2,009 19,373 610,513 77,053 3,716 1,560 1,192 603 16,768 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959 1951 24 30 76 132 28 68 54 111 5 16 16 14 12 53 88 9 5 64 191 number 1959 . 228 907 26,281 116,025 35,044 213 397 9,355 187 666 ii 1954 . - - 382 1,009 5,085 111,442 21,546 1,027 214 599 66 3,981 Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- 61 12 23 75 25 21 1 1 1 4 1 11 2 29 1 [tem (For definitions and explanations, see bext) Tyler Upshur Upton Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward DAIRY PRODUCTS ! Any milk or cream sold farms reporting 1959. . . 31 121 1 22 2 50 64 52 24 1 122 2 24 10 139 66 47 37 - dollars 1959. . 114,942 713,835 2,000 111,010 3,000 621,085 257,530 538,950 371,200 1,600 1954 . .. 64,771 443, 501 1,970 121,888 144,106 410,327 182,240 287,825 281,834 80,988 5 3,708 5,899 2,000 5,046 1,500 12,422 4,024 10,364 15,467 1,600 g 31 116 1 15 2 45 21 47 17 1 1954 . . . 21 94 2 11 10 78 16 33 27 8 pounds 1959 . . . 1954. .. 1,923,030 13,625,807 34,400 2,215,320 60,000 13,090,240 5,008,620 11,988,220 6,822,140 60,000 9 1,158,282 8,343,075 22,532 1,500,399 2,707,349 8,617,604 3,190,978 4,854,021 5,186,479 1,394,817 10 10 7 5 43 10 7 1954. 28 28 13 61 50 14 10 1 12 pounds of butlerfat 1 969 2,075 1,000 735 15,030 1,700 900 13 1954. POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 2,684 5,710 66,310 9,124 9,175 2,529 1,003 50 a Poultry and poultry products Sold farms reporting 1959 . . 1954... ISO 322 191 532 11 5 105 232 9 20 413 1,041 449 692 175 349 236 409 6 14 16 dollars 1959 . - - 1,365,826 1,082,984 25,769 93,682 34,474 353,091 235,636 98,626 240,745 6,267 1954. . . 1,064,512 430, 593 16,754 127,270 35,992 296,443 308,274 149,534 240,155 5,713 16 126 133 9 55 6 195 268 60 125 3 1954. 185 205 1 96 14 444 262 100 142 5 2,492,246 1,812,739 2,639 10,166 1,696 302,261 37,157 21,831 36,318 2,390 21 1954. .. 1,465,218 464,359 500 12,833 25,884 131,751 31,241 97,554 35,805 514 22 67 45 13 2 1 23 1954 . . . 85 27 1 12 5 2,475,000 1,728,450 270,500 4,900 3,700 1954 . . . 1,441,700 451,499 25,000 114,000 83,500 18,650 26 65 38 9 55 6 183 268 58 125 3 1954... 117 179 1 96 13 432 262 95 139 5 number 1959 .. . 17,246 84,289 2,639 10,166 1,696 31,761 37,157 16,931 32,618 2,390 1954 . . . 23,518 12,860 500 12,833 884 17,751 31,241 14,054 17,155 514 SO 102 126 8 88 7 360 430 112 197 4 207 430 5 188 10 864 633 259 317 301,615 680,664 78,837 273,865 107,988 438,581 555,406 271,249 674,535 9,911 38 1954... 224,245 258,710 1,462 172,117 4j',700 400,213 521,993 198,402 338,883 10,380 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous 2 1 S5 1954 . . . 9 25 6 41 1 1 23 49 1 3 12 50 51 145 103 166 dollars 1959 75,702 177 10 3,701 150 71,410 44,881 3,721 13,554 2,000 87 1954.. 1,415 5,190 16,000 41,761 237 54,162 108,241 9,330 88,216 100 38 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959 1954 . . . 43 63 11 81 2 2 38 110 3 6 32 60 112 231 70 184 79 202 8 20,290 67 3 971 60 15,344 11,889 1,253 2,405 616 41 1954 . . . 454 1,280 2,704 8,337 101 10,911 26,958 2,768 19,789 64 Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers rajsed- 2 42 42 11 2 34 2 30 96 g 3 1 15 3 13 2 1 1 1 1 1 TEXAS SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 365 for only a samp e of farms. See text] Somervell Star, Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throck- morton Titus Tom Qreen Travis Trinity 5 12 17 5 5 1 35 239 41 22 82 99 128 15 19 2 34 6 3 102 349 101 2 59 5 186 102 189 27 20,530 34,387 125,660 5,300 900 20 100,661 4,204,378 118,040 152,409 365,565 902,824 1,824,651 47,760 11,328 1,618 94,164 212 3,062 7,578 229,082 3,930,215 222,055 740 86,179 16,621 349,012 451,475 1,704,023 14,899 4,106 2,866 7,392 1,060 180 20 2,876 17,592 2,879 6,928 4,458 9,119 14,255 3,184 5 5 1 17 1 1 22 208 20 22 82 66 88 15 e 12 2 18 3 2 56 280 65 2 27 3 180 64 144 16 7 525,000 635,000 2,111,096 100,000 516 2,338,450 83,257,776 2,142,911 2,784,360 8,192,735 17,614,135 36,418,429 1,043,526 8 161,465 47,214 11 1,808,700 "4 69,075 5 189,200 4,467,253 18 86,957,232 41 3,527,393 31 12,393 1,476,070 5 308,835 7,588,210 5 7,415,152 38 31,587,413 40 260,150 9 10 7 16 3 1 46 69 36 32 2 6 38 45 11 11 2,100 2,400 1,500 2,840 15,980 15,450 300 125 6,315 4,015 12 604 3,996 404 290 130 28,462 52,666 13,169 8,659 313 2,926 7,236 14,764 553 13 63 29 117 8 76 8 172 446 223 2 99 60 149 270 420 102 u 143 28 234 15 129 12 325 1,081 551 7 405 135 414 487 704 286 15 67,372 5,617 56,413 2,461 23,282 54,510 277,581 1,219,682 169,893 99 50,712 39,757 230,916 774,697 1,203,400 146,224 16 68,955 4,933 112,281 909 31,098 120,840 94,966 930,101 235,671 1,337 65,634 48,974 63,801 488,622 708,568 57,062 17 30 12 55 5 48 3 97 265 113 1 51 17 62 142 221 39 18 51 3 98 31 7 142 431 225 5 159 47 116 150 228 124 19 9,532 404 5,193 3,460 4,103 66,040 313,218 413,621 10,911 12 7,023 5,798 281,605 1,022,217 444,230 15,739 20 11,937 510 8,706 210 2,163 112,262 1 9,932 1 685,962 10 68,443 433 9,458 44,020 16,973 8 435,397 13 478,713 11 27,199 21 22 2 64,000 300,000 29 323,000 ' 4 2 1 259,644 19 971,000 23 378,700 2 23 2« 10,666 111,200 629,751 51,102 41,666 10,000 425,050 444,200 21,450 26 30 12 55 5 48 2 96 257 113 1 51 17 57 131 210 39 26 50 3 98 4 31 3 142 410 222 5 159 45 115 131 206 122 27 9,532 404 5,193 3,460 4,103 2,040 13,218 90,621 10,911 12 7,023 5,798 21,961 51,217 65,530 15,739 28 1,937 510 8,706 210 2,163 1,062 9,932 56,211 17,341 433 9,458 3,020 6,973 10,347 34,513 5,749 29 57 11 109 7 73 5 139 375 210 1 84 56 130 230 349 81 30 124 17 213 12 120 4 280 869 499 356 120 356 428 558 213 31 200,170 13,129 151,468 2,358 66,355 73,290 210,271 2,427,634 310,850 300 150,266 116,545 305,984 772,032 893,166 441,847 32 87,309 7,439 146,867 1,545 89,510 38,710 203,371 1,022,391 310,237 1,765 148,037 52,936 123,777 491,246 533,667 87,261 33 4 12 6 4 2 18 66 11 8 4 8 38 67 18 34 25 14 27 2 4 3 21 205 25 18 5 28 50 181 40 H 553 1,345 6,861 660 50 61,788 266,764 68,073 618 729 451 43,678 711,978 1,381 H 34,969 1,359 56,407 160 855 305 2,666 75,217 71,890 1,969 1,684 1,610 44,648 129,648 2,905 n 11 41 7 9 24 107 26 36 7 12 84 123 36 38 32 46 35 4 10 12 34 316 72 38 8 71 120 293 67 39 225 470 1,623 218 24 12,427 63,014 15,708 282 302 104 9,355 67,171 404 40 8,443 460 14,560 68 257 140 709 17,341 14,124 427 713 693 12,243 25,033 650 " 9 40 5 8 4 22 88 22 35 4 12 81 111 35 49 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 6 4 1 3 2 1 11 1 1 4.1 44 Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum roun, Zapata Zavala 254 5 75 44 54 35 12 283 74 5 282 173 6 27 11 , 244 25 60 137 72 67 28 505 129 3 420 297 18 69 2 11 1,468,156 126,850 638,727 7,726 210,869 56,370 137,213 571,920 831,083 60,000 3,018,085 822,761 85 70,075 562,500 3 1,076,311 331,153 358,365 166,566 560,254 176,184 41,329 697,969 984,627 19,006 2,436,442 629,716 12,005 117,159 30,560 121,856 4 5,780 25,370 8,516 176 3,905 1,611 11,434 2,021 11,231 12,000 10,702 4,756 14 2,595 51,136 5 139 5 39 6 47 25 12 77 39 5 256 168 1 27 11 6 143 25 31 40 52 36 20 137 68 3 330 278 11 40 2 11 26,116,955 1,781,180 12,263,305 77,400 4,051,413 1,273,630 2,380,937 10,582,529 17,702,406 1,032,000 64/89,610 17,779,175 817 1,411,410 9,857,000 8 20,140,254 5,837,267 5,981,076 3,443,251 10,627,149 3,703,530 739,918 12,462,922 17,233,230 198,015 49,308,332 14,169,050 194,842 2,054,101 612,036 2,259,375 9 115 36 38 7 10 5 216 35 26 5 5 10 101 29 97 20 31 8 368 61 90 19 7 29 11 12,715 5,815 9,510 1,082 2,895 3,250 41,196 4,200 15,550 260 75 12 24,119 4,073 33,013 9,572 8,712 1,906 67,822 16,936 41,392 4,234 1,010 13,521 13 1,252 14 822 182 152 182 77 1,202 580 8 388 318 35 165 8 43 14 1,758 15 1,182 390 311 456 194 2,041 825 17 931 673 107 347 8 54 15 592,184 46,381 231,607 65,811 146, 511 128,427 212,744 1,213,326 555,111 22,457 201,963 436,763 13,790 76,697 4,070 26,725 16 739,788 149,610 249,121 77,277 204,119 67,890 58,844 962,192 622,203 7,658 205,348 266,448 ,29,081 105,412 1,070 61,518 761 13 389 92 84 77 37 634 390 7 141 139 20 63 5 23 16 662 11 251 155 124 175 59 709 245 9 394 279 31 138 8 24 19 85,800 9,985 25,720 9,520 19,304 59,582 16,762 566,957 497,855 3,413 33,481 725,690 2,638 17,178 402 4,461 20 70,619 1 118,842 5 24,788 11,274 1 35,403 2 9,647 39,000 4,011 493,052 12 17 459,990 365,110 9 15 462,100 764 76,564 1 9 14,800 264,670 33 19 707,000 2,446 39,856 2 3 8,900 420 4,536 21 23 6,000 111,720 1,666 21,000 434,137 344,173 58,950 251,400 30,400 761 13 389 92 84 76 37 623 381 7 141 107 20 62 5 23 26 662 8 251 155 124 175 59 692 230 9 386 263 31 136 8 24 85,800 9,985 25,720 9,520 19,304 20,582 16,762 106,967 35,755 3,413 18,681 IB, 690 2,638 8,278 402 4,461 64,619 7,122 24,788 10,274 14,403 9,647 4,011 58,915 20,937 764 17,614 13,270 2,446 9,456 420 4,536 ".1 1,182 14 706 164 130 162 54 1,123 533 8 339 244 26 153 6 39 1,643 11 1,073 358 269 404 171 1,905 705 17 799 582 93 323 1 41 1,601,186 133,509 656,280 190,365 416,816 308,466 654,753 2,640,574 966,428 66,677 495,538 262,245 39,578 206,333 12,455 78,724 l; 1,787,343 137,880 564,738 199,564 277,453 147,725 121,779 1,341,570 804,653 11,791 320,083 229,659 51,859 202,933 1,350 55,929 '■' 256 141 15 19 20 16 82 93 1 50 17 4 11 1 2 '14 526 237 18 29 42 21 309 245 1 76 20 10 18 6 u 52,916 15,300 2,038 7,646 3,792 1,390 120,469 15,832 80 31,901 6,762 202 4,323 8 90 36 113,030 51,452 2,197 57,898 6,825 1,071 145,351 95,543 50 47,871 1,991 7,289 6,666 33,666 1 210 25 21 28 45 157 132 3 56 26 11 18 2 7 .IK 674 13 419 47 45 50 40 515 346 3 111 51 19 34 9 15 TO 17,910 1 3,860 455 1,849 846 550 28,463 4,807 29 8,144 281 89 1,143 16 57 40 33,261 58 14,656 750 3,432 1,351 433 36,315 26,405 12 11,087 584 2,245 2,122 27 7,162 41 1 193 23 16 22 44 142 100 3 37 26 11 15 2 7 1? 47 17 2 4 6 1 11 31 15 2 4.1 6 1 4 1 4 1 44 366 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 10a. -GOATS AND KIDS ON FARMS AND MOHAIR (For definitions and explanatic ? text) Goals and kids of all ages farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959. Under 100 head farms reporting 1959 . 100 to 499 head farms reporting 1959 . 500 to 999 head farms reporting 1 1,000 to 1,999 head farms reporting 1 2,000 or more head farms reporting 1959. Angora goals and kids; farms reporting 1959 . Other goats and kids farms reporting 1959 number Goats and kids clipped farms reporting number 1959. 1954. pounds of mohair 1959. Goats and kids sold alive farms reporting 14,069 16,396 3,158,958 2,468,227 7,995 4,312 1,075 8,867 8,520 2,951,375 2,197,098 6,344 9,259 207, 583 271,129 8,621 8,086 3,136,318 2,310,167 20,128,978 13,378,750 6,785 633,120 4,685,085 (For definitions and explar ? text) Goats and kids of all ages farms reporting 1959 . 1 D54 . number 1959. 1954. Under 100 head farms reporting 1959 . 100 to 499 head farms reporting 1959. 500 to 999 head farms reporting 1959 . 1,000 lo 1,999 head farms reporting 1959. 2,000 or more head farms reporting 1059 . Angora goats and kids farms reporting 1959 . number 1959. 1954. Other goats and kids farms reporting 1959. ] number 1959. 1954. Goats and kids flipped farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954. pounds of mohair 1959 . 1954. Goats and kids sold alive farms reporting 1959. number 1959 . dollars 1959. Goats ami kids of all ages farms reporting 1 number 1959 . Under 10(1 head farms reporting 1 100 i" 19!) head farms reportin 5 00 to 999 head farms reporting 1 1,000 i" 1,999 head. farms reportini 2,000 f* more head farms reporting 1 Angora goats and kids lamia reporting 1 Other goals and kids farms repo Goats and kids clipped farm-; n-porting 1 ! D i I 58,734 47,171 361,387 227,297 61,257 1,336 41,629 154 53 6 64 13 4,955 101 6,272 902 ..39 4 246 5 60,686 1,376 45,274 289 379,212 6,855 245,376 1,217 285 11 36,639 460 271,129 3,404 18,317 654 8,405 109 35 127 47 103 1,527 1,444 996 1,486 100 3 62 3 18,360 654 9,403 106 119, 251 2,632 42,009 436 110 11 5,028 510 37,207 3,774 Unit- unit kids snl.l all. 73,513 50,400 462,316 252,969 53,065 32,811 358,947 205,110 7,752 3,265 80, 330 32,390 TEXAS 367 CLIPPED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Bailey Ba*era Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexar Blaneo Borden Bosque Bode Brazoria Br™. Brewster Briscoe Brooks 2 256 32 8 5< 170 14. 270 6 285 81 31 35 40 12 , 15 Ml 40 4 51 193 18f 303 6 246 133 30 60 36 2 4 66,688 1,239 840 9,50= 32,269 16,50< 67,517 137 72,379 1,110 337 1,217 20,043 '. 98 17 72,788 1,108 575 9,0V 25,524 9,19' 59,976 90 46,172 2,467 270 2,008 14,007 « 2 95 29 7 4] 77 11' 86 5 101 80 30 32 11 12 5 112 2 IS 79 2. 145 1 152 1 1 3 16 g 43 1 1 9 ] 30 21 7 7 5 4 9 8 3 1 1 3 3 9 214 11 4 2! 142 61 255 2 275 6 1 9 21 2 10 ii 239 9 1 IS 157 6S 281 1 227 11 2 11 18 61,139 837 822 8,34. 30,507 jj.sr 65,872 32 71,958 38 6 850 16,643 2 12 ii 66,827 174 540 6,34! 24,442 7,09. 57,528 40 44,365 108 2 808 11,633 18 2 75 24 4 4C 47 9S 42 5 22 77 31 28 23 10 14 5 107 33 3 53 51 ir 47 5 42 128 30 55 21 15 4 5,549 402 18 1,16! 1,762 2,96! 1,645 105 421 1,072 331 367 3,400 i 96 le 6 5,961 934 35 2,71S 1,082 2,io; 2,448 50 1,807 2,359 268 1,200 2,374 17 214 9 3 21 136 53 257 1 275 2 8 21 18 1 273 7 1 S 156 51 285 1 227 3 1 9 19 19 64,305 619 1,248 7,89. 33,082 i4,oi; 75,418 30 74,424 27 785 17,406 20 1 70,774 93 540 6,3y 25,655 7,24C 62,085 40 48,006 92 1 827 13,233 21 387,384 3,007 8,905 61,08. 195,453 83,56< 454,153 160 483,261 130 5,896 117,195 5 393,157 594 3,899 38,03. 132,961 39,87. 333,843 240 254,229 275 5 4,743 75,720 23 128 13 2 3< 49 5s 120 1 85 1 1 13 25 1 24 9,293 1,108 420 2,44' 9,453 2,68< 9,665 8 8,046 20 30 201 5,917 10 25 68,768 8,199 3,108 18,10f 69,952 19,87< 71,521 59 59,540 148 222 1,487 43,786 74 26 Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee CM lares j Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Colllngs- Colorado Comal Comanche C 22 2 432 646 300 580 V. 2,727 Z 8,649 10,021 290 31 178 51,427 30,852 37,34< 534 8 922 13 227 921 1? 1,669 5,046 9,608 177 V, 496 38, U3 27,586 14,75 472 4 51 7 13 36 4 18 ■ 30 29 60 13 21 80 109 41 > 21 5 i 1 1 3 3 14 1 3 30 4 120 17 5 1 187 75 13 i 179 2< 1 ... ... 6 7 8 3 1 5 13 27 51 7 1 2 U 5 10 i 2 3 6 ] 19 29 54 13 1 171 175 3 11 602 5 167 2,641 7,591 9,800 78 i 12 44,775 30,200 35,81- 410 12 1 5 28 24 < 1,598 3,991 8,948 39 2 34,401 25,679 13,68< 327 IS 51 6 13 35 t 11 • 30 16 54 12 20 57 28 4 18 14 70 5 18 60 12 24 25 48 6 17 49 66 5 15 452 44 295 413 14 86 z 1,058 221 717 30 166 6,652 652 1,53 124 ie 921 8 199 897 ]_ 71 1,055 660 138 14 494 3,742 1,907 1,06< 145 17 2 3 13 26 55 4 2 179 182 5 1 4 18 2 1 14 27 54 5 170 170 y 8 19 501 150 2,788 8,292 11,383 67 5 46,181 32,722 38,10 394 90 27 10 1,495 3,740 10, X5 22 36,301 26,393 15,28; 320 21 3,512 1,004 14,650 56,319 69,730 146 24 293,019 201,426 278,76 2,841 2! 135 70 6,178 23,234 58,414 129 209,731 141,481 102,25 1,255 23 i 1 21 10 11 31 27 25 5 7 186 174 3 11 24 2 70 55 50 1,435 2,500 2,284 105 5 32 7,739 9,357 5,71 166 28 15 518 407 370 10,619 18,500 16,902 777 37 237 57,269 69,242 42,30 1,228 M Dear anth Delta Denton De 1111 Dickens Dianlt Donley Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath falls Eattdn 7 11 63 37 4 22 1 45 282 8 205 23 32 271 2 44 1 6 13 68 44 27 35 257 5 229 29 49 256 4 29 2 14 269 1,510 1,621 5 4,916 '] 862 48,274 47 209,963 452 1,969 54,910 34 241 22 143 1,799 610 8. 3,228 374 31,088 38 199,334 433 • 1,265. 38,626 72< 189 4 7 10 1 60 3 35 1 1 i 15 4 2 1 ] 45 175 89 12 4 2 8 18 38 70 54 25 22 1 30 1 1 136 108 16 7 4 2 44 5 8 7 8 9 2 23 7 8 2 243 200 8 5 248 4 10 1 21 6 4 6 190 1 202 10 6 206 1 2 20 1,227 510 V 3,767 4 42,194 207,990 309 1,541 52,942 24( 6 10 1,029 42 1< 2,162 20 27,782 i 195,745 321 888 36,611 43' 2 13 7 10 43 30 4 19 ] 43 62 8 28 17 27 36 1= 41 14 6 13 51 40 25 34 103 4 77 21 46 68 3 27 LI 14 249 283 1,111 2 1,149 ] 858 6,080 47 1,973 143 428 1,968 10 235 U 22 133 770 568 & 1,066 354 3,306 37 3,589 112 377 2,015 29. 187 17 18 3 7 231 200 7 3 253 3 18 1 15 3 3 2 184 201 5 3 215 ... 19 1,209 502 X 3,745 44,040 212,250 305 1,332 59,118 2 and kids - ■' farms reporting 3 959 1954 number 1959 1954 farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 1954 pounds of mohair 1959 1954 Goats and kids clipped. Goats and kids sold aln 1,533 1,588 5,820 6,226 Goats and kids of all ages farms reporting 1959 Under 100 head 100 to 499 head.... 500 to 999 head .... 1,000 to 1,999 head. 2,000 or more head. . farms reporting 1959 farms reporting 1959 farms reporting 19 Pi 9 farms reporting 1959 farms reporti ng 1 959 Angora goats and kids farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 Other goats and kids farms reporting 1969 Goats and kids clipped farms reporting 1959 i ioats tnd kids sold ali\ pounds of moha . . farms reporting 1959 61,481 51,565 360,041 291, 2U ifcals and kids of all ages farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 1954 Under 100 head farms reporting 1959 100 to 499 head farms reporting 1959 500 to 999 head farms reporting 1959 1,000 to 1,999 head; farms reporting 1959 2,000 or more head farms reporting 1959 Angora goats and kids farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 1954 Other goats and kids farms reporti ng 1 959 1954 number 1959 1954 farms reporting 1959 number 1959 1954 pounds of mohair 1959 1954 farms reporting Goats and kids < lipped Goals and kids sold ahv 'I ii ■r 1959 1,482 1,795 8,190 9,098 57,229 47,749 345,579 268,393 1 82,274 88,337 86 119 r 5,628 M 6,431 202 218 91,305 94,489 529,792 564,303 1" 9,680 71,632 TEXAS 369 CLIPPED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Galveston <*. Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gon^lee Gray Grayson Gregg Grilles Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman u 5 427 22 35 20 3 33 9 28 48 16 7 234 1 1 1 40 5 456 13 53 39 5 45 21 67 53 19 6 247 2 7 2 879 218 83,079 3,439 1,125 289 3 286 223 484 1,285 702 12 50,684 2 4 3 200 136 69,360 722 1,769 557 9 225 1,141 3,473 2,683 35 24 43,661 10 42 4 12 2 4 1 169 224 29 5 16 2 34 1 20 3 33 8 1 28 45 2 1 14 2 7 91 119 20 3 1 221 1 1 5 6 7 8 5 1 408 12 9 3 6 2 2 15 2 2 10 7 1 423 6 9 8 10 3 3 9 1 1 223 11 834 200 81,566 3,056 340 119 103 117 72 982 670 3 50,027 12 10 110 67,222 525 350 109 105 13 42 537 1 7 42,625 13 10 4 56 14 27 IS 3 28 8 27 37 14 5 27 1 1 14 36 4 80 9 46 32 5 37 19 65 47 18 5 33 2 7 45 IS 1,513 383 785 170 3 183 106 412 303 32 9 657 2 16 190 26 2,138 197 1,419 448 9 120 1,128 3,431 2,146 34 17 1,036 10 42 17 4 1 406 10 8 4 3 1 1 11 2 224 18 1 429 6 7 5 4 1 1 7 1 226 19 833 200 90,090 2,656 347 144 82 116 65 1,055 645 55,479 20 110 80,104 519 339 44 114 11 35 478 1 45,540 21 6,604 800 569,915 14,349 2,466 730 498 736 195 3,999 3,550 346,633 430 445,830 2,336 1,371 204 430 29 140 3,563 3 246,481 23 2 2 199 15 7 12 20 1 9 2 188 24 280 65 11,757 439 165 208 230 60 707 70 10,877 25 2,072 481 87,002 3,619 1,221 1,539 1,702 444 5,232 518 80,490 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Ho^d Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson «- Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 42 9 121 15 28 16 6 27 1 41 150 18 42 21 21 11 1 44 4 133 19 47 11 16 44 2 37 167 36 124 25 33 11 2 1,971 55 23,194 93 513 363 331 84 2 7,965 39,880 327 389 28,898 195 691 3 1,439 16 16,784 332 874 139 362 505 10 2,777 30,736 663 1,463 20,788 255 594 4 32 9 64 15 27 15 5 27 1 21 51 18 42 6 21 7 5 10 42 12 2 1 1 1 1 17 2 i 74 17 a 3 5 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 27 109 3 6 4 16 140 1 17 10 26 113 6 5 i 7 16 146 8 ' 4 16 2 1,906 22,784 3 262 12 6,090 38,035 2 20,861 12 1,343 16,007 244 4 107 29 33 1,986 29,504 114 19 20,204 3 13 17 9 20 13 28 11 6 25 1 34 14 18 42 6 21 11 14 21 26 15 46 7 15 38 2 26 35 29 122 10 32 11 15 63 55 410 90 513 106 331 72 2 1,875 1,845 325 389 8,037 195 691 It 96 16 777 88 870 32 333 472 10 791 1,232 549 1,444 584 252 594 17 25 115 ! 2 17 137 17 18 24 109 2 3 2 16 144 ' 2 17 19 1,938 24,943 266 7 4,954 40,325 27,488 20 1,342 16,964 230 98 529 1,984 27,860 101 18,964 21 11,444 144,904 1,070 25 41,093 262,183 202,566 22 6,281 88,289 1,780 679 1,734 11,877 158,568 750 137,327 23 37 50 1 11 7 1 5 21 131 3 22 15 6 2 24 1,145 8,067 6 65 112 50 30 793 11,803 145 165 6,807 29 130 25 8,473 59,696 44 481 829 370 222 5,868 87,342 1,073 1,221 50,372 215 962 ■i. King Kinney Kleberg h. U», U* Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee Lean Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 70 13 5 44 11 209 40 43 52 69 64 25 1 34 192 1 1 68 13 12 48 19 138 26 57 71 90 135 38 62 174 2 62,503 329 115 405 79 48,380 2,200 520 940 9,447 1,272 1,888 7 3,957 33,009 3 1 33,650 142 59 892 54 40,239 1,482 1,074 1,522 11,030 2,316 1,266 4,140 19,132 4 16 12 5 44 11 72 35 43 50 39 62 20 1 28 95 : 22 1 112 5 2 25 2 2 83 6 14 17 5 1 4 10 1 11 6 7 2 9 56 2 10 3 193 8 22 33 1 10 2 159 10 44 18 3 168 10 22 24 3 10 3 135 11 57,948 92 103 6 47,241 73 680 6,217 4 1,726 975 31,459 IS 30,550 300 11 39, 591 80 462 4,35° 39 806 42 17,041 13 38 13 4 37 9 31 40 37 34 39 63 16 1 33 46 14 1 36 13 12 33 16 32 26 47 56 72 133 29 61 47 4,555 329 23 302 73 1,139 2,200 447 260 3,230 1,263 162 7 2,982 1,550 ie 1 3,100 57 142 59 1 592 1 43 648 187 1,482 994 5 1,060 16 6,671 37 2,277 460 8 4,098 3 2,091 160 17 44 6 3 161 9 19 18 1 7 3 138 57, 593 91 80 50,802 77 722 7,056 1,738 2,975 32,525 so 32,435 281 6 37,440 653 489 4,311 25 777 42 17,868 31 353,264 465 640 298,926 390 3,129 42,998 15,130 17,635 228,741 199, 521 761 '46 207,181 2,083 2,019 14,700 75 3,726 105 105,347 23 20 "6 7 10 98 33 13 10 43 7 8 24 76 24 2,377 40 40 65 11,048 850 88 20 3,691 ISO 1,720 4,300 3,931 25 17,590 296 2% 431 81,755 6,290 651 148 27,313 1,110 12,728 ... 31,820 29,089 26 370 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 10a. -GOATS AND KIDS ON FARMS AND MOHAIR . farms reporting 1959 . I'mler 100 head farms 100 to 499 head farms 500 to 999 head farms 1,000 to 1,909 head farms 2,000 or more head farms Vigors goats and kids farms reporting 1959. reporting 1959 reporting 1959 . farms reporting 1959, Goats and kids clipped farms reporting 1959 , Goats and kids sold alii of mohair 1959, 37,419 1.6,546 236,014 101,378 4,921 4,617 34, 614 18,538 (mill- fimj kul- of nil [ 1954 Under 100 head farms reporting 1959 100 lo 499 head farms reporting 1959 500 lo 999 head farms reporting 1959 1,000 to 1,999 head farms reporting 1959 2,000 or more head - farms reporting 1959 Angora goats and kids farms reporting 1959 1951 number 1959 Other goats and kids. Goals and kids clipped . . farms reporting 1959 1954 number 1959 18 . farms reporting 19 19 number 19 Goats in, I kids soldahv . farms reporting 1959 number 1959 dollars 1959 27,730 20,592 179,128 129,420 76,181 51,226 1' 39 4' 3S B 2,621 ,8 3,699 149 114 78,604 51,323 544,495 319,597 136 14,743 109,098 24,384 14,224 160,930 62,417 Shackelford Goats ami kids of all ages . Under KKi head farms reporting 1959 inn to 499 head farms reporting 1959 500 tn 999 head ., farms reporting 1959 1,000 to 1,999 head farms reporting 1959 2,000 or more head farms reporting 1959 Angora goats and kids farms repotting L059 1951 number 1959 1954 farms reporting 1959 number 1959 1954 farms reporting 1959 Other goats and kids . floats and kids sold alii . farms reporting 1959 number 1959 54,182 33,062 382,634 184,539 25,836 17,085 183,902 110,287 1,456 1,450 11,944 7,000 TEXAS 371 CLIPPED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Matagorda Maver let Medina M Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moor. Morris Motley Nacog- doches Navarro Newton 24 26 125 128 9 48 371 13 59 41 13 2 32 16 55 1 21 31 133 143 7 84 362 16 63 114 4 8 4 60 73 797 1,206 4,234 6 117 28,505 42,335 615 789 95,558 515 3,250 270 164 456 1,229 74 157 560 3 869 25,318 22,698 514 2,293 77,599 1,109 3,036 1,667 '78 630 8 4 23 17 5 2 2 64 42 16 2 49 52 16 9 7 2 47 1 112 210 35 12 11 2 48 11 41 13 2 32 16 55 5 7 1 1 2 2 9 3 10 73 100 2 10 358 3 40 1 3 . 1 10 1 6 68 81 4 23 346 4 38 6 1 1 4,002 3, .»;.<> 25,469 39,288 324 360 93,860 481 3,151 60 52 25 3 12 * !j J01 20,986 19,130 447 980 74,123 1,048 2,524 74 18 1 23 97 39 13 23 20 70 49 7 40 39 11 24 41 12 2 30 12 54 14 21 29 82 87 67 48 13 31 113 7 56 12 71 15 232 3, D49 3,036 3,047 291 429 1,698 34 99 270 104 6 404 49 794 16 556 1, ;,.- 4,332 3,568 67 1,313 3,476 61 512 1,593 78 612 7 1,206 60 1,167 17 2 7 74 100 2 9 363 2 34 1 1 3 18 6 72 83 4 17 352 4 35 2 1 1 2 2 19 4,004 2, 5K 27,772 48,089 324 390 103,639 480 4,331 60 30 31 30 2, 251 21,997 20,857 469 943 81,824 819 2,682 64 18 8 95 39 21 25,020 14, sec 162,692 313,431 1,570 1,895 664,737 2,360 25,216 200 90 281 12, .■•' 111,795 131,519 2,214 4,684 419,600 4,156 11,369 308 126 58 674 180 5 8 82 54 3 10 168 7 42 6 11 25 24 1,230 KB 6,577 12,827 280 35 16,440 180 1,707 128 86 425 25 9,102 5, 157 48,670 94,920 2,072 259 121,656 1,332 12,632 947 636 3,145 26 Polk Pott Presidio Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 24 LO 46 4 5 16 158 56 9 15 34 6 48 39 36 1 71 9 44 5 6 35 150 70 17 7 62 9 48 79 67 2 497 44 21,339 39 23 1,033 90,650 1,123 1,269 223 661 20 5,489 511 603 3 1,189 30 17,311 75 24 1,554 70,515 1,900 386 89 1,603 45 2,817 1,327 932 4 23 1C 22 4 5 14 39 55 7 15 33 6 35 39 35 . 1 1 13 3 6 2 26 2 4 52 38 23 6 146 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 9 10 2 1 18 1 1 6 7 S 10 3 21 2 1 8 132 12 4 15 21 1 3 19,477 559 88,780 228 1,157 3 382 3,800 11 12 6 16,094 ii 14 783 67,912 292 312 535 2,049 22 18 13 24 9 26 4 5 12 47 55 7 14 26 6 35 38 36 14 69 9 27 3 5 30 42 64 14 7 49 9 31 77 66 497 41 1,862 39 23 474 1,870 895 112 220 279 20 1,689 500 603 18 1,183 30 1,217 26 61 10 771 4 2,603 144 1,606 1 74 4 89 1 1,068 7 45 768 17 1,305 1 914 17 20 1 1 8 123 5 2 12 15 2 1 19 21,439 456 95,187 75 1,156 3 334 4,806 11 20 16,090 12 12 1,007 68,543 328 310 796 1,991 21 18 21 170,019 3,960 603,793 150 9,764 8 2,571 32,745 38 22 99,975 80 72 2,769 414, 510 712 2,140 3,981 12,260 81 90 23 7 16 5 2 83 17 4 6 8 25 11 6 24 30 2,965 75 141 12,388 161 145 223 1,269 1,683 61 45 25 222 21,941 555 1,043 91,671 1,191 1,073 1,650 9,391 12,454 451 333 26 Somervell Stal Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throek- Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity 69 70 52 37 3 119 14 105 69 78 7 6 24 130 154 35 1 41 124 56 27 4 126 14 182 91 81 13 4 79 131 187 94 2 8,234 1 '"1 30,353 4,568 1,815 127,762 49 4,194 27,161 48,984 15 77 746 32,204 33,215 702 3 7,491 3 119 10,937 3,963 8 91,099 42 3,359 17,220 31,859 20 27 1,474 15,299 34,788 2,328 * 38 66 14 27 2 10 14 92 24 15 7 6 22 86 79 34 5 30 4 26 8 30 11 24 29 2 25 61 1 6 1 4 4 2 1 31 31 17 2 15 5 1 15 13 6 11 6 7 1 7 8 9 65 3 48 11 1 109 2 39 63 65 1 1 4 58 108 1 10 36 2 46 16 103 3 34 57 58 4 2 3 45 122 11 8,088 6( 30,138 3,412 1,800 125,937 6 3,274 26,781 47,044 1 20 285 28,220 29,061 85 12 7,404 7 9,969 3,507 85,695 5 1,244 16,915 27,832 4 8 20 11,973 28,254 13 9 70 10 31 2 29 13 72 11 25 6 5 22 92 66 34 14 8 1 14 16 4 63 12 157 38 39 9 3 77 94 89 94 15 146 1 841 215 1,156 15 1,825 43 920 380 1,940 14 57 461 3,984 4,154 617 16 87 3 112 968 456 8 5,404 37 2,115 305 4,027 16 19 1,454 3,326 6,534 2,328 17 63 1 47 11 1 108 31 63 65 1 2 55 104 1 18 34 40 15 102 1 21 55 58 1 45 110 19 8,542 40 30,277 3,418 1,800 138,854 3,573 28,672 48,259 20 300 30,117 30,552 96 20 7,331 10,154 2,927 85,394 1 1,059 16,109 27,656 8 13,076 28,017 21 56,730 2 0 213,078 26,224 14,000 902,850 24,795 192,873 370,688 100 1,300 203,811 183,625 284 22 39,475 57,512 22,331 552,994 6 5,483 100,420 185,305 12 95,819 142,912 23 58 15 37 28 1 58 45 27 37 6 5 7 39 61 6 1,429 830 3,856 777 260 16,732 1,255 3,931 8,648 11 25 155 3,353 5,599 70 25 10, 575 6 142 28,534 5,750 1,924 123,817 9,287 29,089 63,995 81 185 1,147 24,812 41,433 518 26 372 .STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 10a.-GOATS AND KIDS ON FARMS AND MOHAIR (For definitions and explanatio . farms reportmc 19.VI Val Verde Van Zandt 1954. I'nder 100 bead fanns reporting 1%9 , 100 to 490 head farms reporting l'Vi'.i 500 to 909 head farms reporting 1959 . 1,000 to 1 ,999 head farms reporting: 1959 . 2,000 i t more head farms reporting 1 Angora go; ik ■!- . farms reporting 1 Other goats and kids farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959 . Goats and kids clipped farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959. pounds of mohair 1959 . 1954 Goats and kids sold alive farms reporting 1959 . number 1959. dollars 1959 . 153,971 105,884 928,729 616,244 105,596 90,318 683,716 570,078 TEXAS 373 CLIPPED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbar ?e r Willacy Will lams an Wilson Winiler Wise Wood TC^. TouBg Zapata Zavala 21 44 17 4 15 > 15 219 19 1 84 26 2 31 28 41 , 28 49 33 12 45 246 29 97 24 3 24 27 35 2 142 1,862 142 14 3,042 3 84 44,668 105 1 7,341 263 15 7,722 684 18,635 3 582 3,709 233 53 31 8 ! 452 41,109 360 7,169 257 15 1,925 649 12,541 * 21 38 6 17 4 13 1 1 15 87 115 12 4 1 19 1 61 20 3 26 2 14 11 2 27 1 21 6 6 6 2 5 e 7 8 9 3 2 2 1 195 1 58 3 1 26 18 10 9 1 8 1 L 5 213 6 65 2 21 1 17 57 2 2,870 9 41,825 1 7,100 90 3 7,680 15,961 12 240 3 15 44 33 39,207 42 6,220 2 1,891 40 11, 114 13 18 44 15 4 14 1 14 40 18 1 26 23 2 8 28 30 14 23 49 26 3 12 r 43 53 26 43 23 3 10 27 24 15 85 1,862 140 14 172 3 S 75 2,843 104 1 241 173 12 42 684 2,674 342 3,706 218 9 31 e 419 1,902 318 949 255 15 34 609 1,427 17 3 2 192 1 57 3 25 17 18 6 1 1 2 207 2 59 18 1 13 19 57 3,450 40,882 5 8,142 90 7,616 16,446 20 223 2 44 25 42,846 41 6,754 1,876 30 10,287 21 360 21,500 209,098 30 54,556 482 39,295 119,924 820 14 176 77 199,685 172 32,854 10,270 120 80,759 •23 11 4 1 1 2 169 10 50 11 1 28 5 35 300 182 40 2 495 8,636 75 1,528 73 5 893 108 9,572 '25 2,220 1,347 296 15 3,663 63,906 555 11,307 540 37 6,608 799 70,833 26 374 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item The State Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer Armstrong Atascosa Austin (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 Com: 66,604 704 6 327 5 5 5 548 1,211 2 1954... 101,352 1,488 7 524 8 6 5 351 1,480 3 acres 1959... 1,415,350 9,357 39 2,218 42 80 171 13,004 23,136 4 1954... 1,837,088 19,310 128 3,575 73 60 36 6,696 25,197 5 64,856 687 3 319 3 3 5 525 1,210 6 1954 . . . 90,284 1,403 2 484 4 3 3 219 1,461 7 acres 1959... 1,343,044 8,998 27 2,178 31 50 112 11,962 23,127 8 1954... 1,665,892 17,855 43 3,271 42 16 23 4,024 24,801 9 bushels 1959... 36,276,234 192,749 340 57,200 680 1,475 840 227,504 660,777 10 1954... 26,417,341 271,711 344 44,709 965 180 630 28,872 528,505 11 24,522 93 37 1 1 176 373 12 1954... 25,350 206 1 11 1 20 248 13 bushels 1959... 16,412,331 24,043 6,702 200 160 85,914 126,567 14 1954 . . . 9,639,562 40,031 150 561 500 5,395 64,255 15 1,057 4 2 6 16 1954... 1,868 13 9 1 2 7 9 17 acres 1959... 32,458 26 30 528 18 1954... 41,550 385 93 5 8 146 119 19 tone, green weight 1959... 298,957 80 150 2,876 20 21 1954... Hogged or grazed, or cut for 199,333 2,556 468 25 25 480 302 green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 3,724 24 3 10 2 1 34 3 22 1954... 11,760 99 5 42 4 2 1 137 37 23 acres 1959... 39,848 333 12 40 11 60 514 9 24 1954... 129,646 1,070 85 211 31 39 5 2,526 277 Farms reporting by acres of corn harvested for all purposes: 25 Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 32,699 440 5 271 4 2 4 198 403 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 11,971 143 33 1 1 108 341 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 17,570 103 1 21 2 190 406 26 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... 3,615 13 2 29 45 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,245 2 9 12 30 100 or more acres . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . Sorghums: 1,504 3 1 14 4 31 Sorghums for all purposes. . ..farms reporting 1959... 77,809 133 28 39 7 134 223 498 370 32 acres 1959... 7,585,300 2,263 4,900 464 936 7,934 30,528 35,417 5,297 33 Harvested for grain 59,351 22 18 8 6 31 174 400 195 34 1954... 55,436 2 29 3 10 4 272 156 163 35 acres 1959... 6,724,604 720 3,693 91 810 1,606 22,054 28,196 4,039 36 1954... 5,620,095 41 3,185 12 1,156 101 37,516 7,883 1,620 37 pounds 1959. . . 13,18V391,644 889,150 2,945,920 151,300 1,258,855 1,624,580 39,278,862 45,137,011 5,610,438 36 1954 . . . 7,385/484,456 33,656 2,177,504 24,528 1,653,344 62,384 45,045,672 4,757,424 1,712,480 39 46,516 1 13 2 6 14 151 284 53 40 pounds 1959... 11,549,866,804 300,000 2,475,920 130,000 1,258,855 573,730 30,135,768 34,074,695 2,323,587 41 4,015 9 4 1 21 20 21 15 42 1954... 4,946 25 1 15 15 31 16 49 43 acres 1959... 206,008 589 501 55 2,420 1,102 1,354 146 44 1954... 191,081 494 450 396 657 1,672 669 110 45 tons, green weight 1959... 1,527,263 5,181 1,539 358 12,891 7,850 9,316 1,134 46 1954... 875,651 2,023 800 3,073 1,336 8,984 1,758 374 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut far 26,250 82 9 14 4 96 140 169 154 46 acres 1959... 654,172 918 706 305 126 3,908 7,372 5,867 1,090 49 tons cut 1959... 746,534 880 843 244 46 5,471 9,653 3,484 2,278 50 72,821 238 218 11 999 693 465 485 51 386 26 22 12 52 acres 1959... 516 36 13 22 53 gallons 1959... 30,701 2,351 2,338 539 54 19,624 1,411 1,917 268 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 375 Part 1 of 6 i Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Be^ Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 101 81 507 27 353 1,374 817 97 5 404 560 310 215 1 11 54 1 77 28 861 31 386 1,806 569 34 4 561 897 455 459 3 13 98 2 2,479 948 10,077 124 10,378 42,890 26,447 1,142 43 6,894 6,223 7,322 3,532 20 104 670 3 934 344 16,087 189 9,435 52,828 17,751 543 20 10,352 8,568 7,405 9,519 144 74 915 4 76 70 491 25 338 1,362 770 92 4 396 542 268 201 1 1 16 5 64 17 794 15 325 1,773 440 17 2 470 737 379 407 10 66 6 1,455 870 9,934 119 9,584 42,455 22,966 1,090 41 6,643 5,979 6,723 3,296 20 7 217 7 780 152 14,697 109 7,599 51,772 14,199 276 12 8,641 6,804 6,444 8,103 53 495 8 53,505 16,824 218,078 2,758 224,433 1,403,408 505,023 21,437 790 203,917 239,693 169,735 83,289 600 125 3,399 9 35,430 1,330 175,442 1,955 86,088 1,047,094 147, 780 1,672 30 114,965 121,693 145,390 145,587 1,062 4,114 10 31 12 100 2 150 1,077 379 21 166 56 68 38 1 11 42 84 62 1,286 184 1 134 29 94 48 2 12 44,278 4,115 28,250 543 124,254 1,003,266 276,965 3.80B 65,630 71,297 28,909 17,195 288 13 31,195 22,040 17,061 602,343 74,686 175 35,754 13,084 30,229 31,971 80 14 21 8 7 32 1 2 7 - 2 3 3 15 9 6 14 14 20 30 25 7 12 1 3 16 961 253 185 1,333 15 90 168 119 90 66 54 17 116 83 624 303 537 523 304 134 680 30 66 L8 8,350 2,194 1,298 11,692 100 965 1,984 975 545 650 274 19 985 204 1,347 1,262 3,050 1.24P 987 932 2,783 210 180 20 10 12 19 2 21 15 100 5 1 11 17 50 17 7 35 21 7 11 80 16 68 52 154 18 2 88 165 76 48 2 3 31 22 63 78 143 5 541 250 2,148 37 2 161 76 480 146 31 399 23 38 192 1,307 SO 1,212 753 3,015 267 8 1,188 1,460 827 736 114 21 354 24 67 56 201 26 122 281 261 58 4 155 434 168 103 8 36 25 9 15 106 58 280 125 21 115 59 45 55 4 26 11 9 166 1 116 556 267 17 1 121 49 77 40 1 3 12 27 u 27 26 152 99 1 12 9 6 14 2 28 3 3 9 65 31 3 2 ."' 7 1 4 22 40 34 1 9 11 1 30 618 115 311 259 355 1,365 706 140 111 478 131 165 150 3 284 50 31 137,411 3,890 9,968 12,055 44,980 65,227 47,080 2,898 18,048 16,475 2,173 7,638 8,606 255 47,756 3,258 32 605 80 202 216 284 1,271 540 60 89 393 14 54 55 261 14 13 666 25 186 175 246 1,309 308 16 111 298 5 28 20 326 6 34 133,182 2,871 8,199 9,641 40,754 61,577 36,540 1,225 13,177 12,472 858 3,865 6,010 40,251 1,611 15 103,142 901 4,558 6,470 21,484 33,783 11,597 242 15,299 6,938 238 1,646 877 35,075 465 36 213,919,477 4,468,923 12,981,480 14,161,330 69,490,961 107,049,921 562569,747 1,636,990 11,676,938 20,184,775 2,406,125 5,617,295 12,228,907 106,569,547 2,178,195 37 852560,832 533,624 4,087,608 4,413,640 24,007,984 50,518,696 13,213,592 140,784 10,568,768 6,003,704 325,920 1,409,576 1,371,496 63,340,928 318,192 38 582 40 98 161 248 1,099 430 18 76 232 2 19 39 229 5 39 199,540,147 2,054,595 7,633,150 10,369,920 33,206,263 94,684,035 41,248,850 471,900 9,011,958 10,424,075 110,000 584,283 9,349,191 95,031,836 278,595 40 17 3 8 4 26 16 51 2 12 17 16 29 15 5 8 41 16 3 19 1 36 30 42 1 9 32 29 46 15 10 22 42 1,692 30 282 170 1,390 353 5,311 70 1,372 1,019 580 1,688 1,149 433 662 43 974 60 217 200 1,576 583 2,437 40 598 708 753 5,539 995 477 1,736 44 10,267 208 2,766 390 7,411 1,153 65,501 1,200 3,490 8,672 6,461 8,881 7,810 1,631 4,161 45 7,057 324 583 800 6,113 2,172 12,616 600 1,062 1,967 2,844 14,500 4,392 3,505 6,752 46 91 45 141 95 109 299 278 107 52 159 89 93 90 3 134 34 47 2,537 989 1,472 2,244 2,836 3,297 5,224 1,599 3,499 2,984 724 2,062 1,445 255 7,072 985 48 3,854 1,861 1,736 2,379 2,448 4,707 5,533 2,031 2,180 3,803 1,129 2,512 1,718 300 5,440 341 49 931 57 56 8 15 252 47 121 603 450 473 4 5 182 152 388 8 4 175 28 413 12 11 444 241 699 3 23 1,819 1,313 33 1 2 216 186 628 1 50 M 52 53 54 Stub items continued 376 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Brown Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Cameron Cam, Carson 1 Corn: 82 649 191 344 101 90 532 184 8 2 1954... 103 894 315 607 148 46 803 426 4 3 acres 1959... 547 12,098 4,830 9,435 1,115 500 5,692 1,541 60 4 1954 . . . 959 15,052 8,267 14,638 2,926 241 8,224 3,346 1,370 5 72 640 185 339 98 70 271 181 5 6 1954... 70 867 293 575 145 28 334 378 2 7 acres 1959... 475 11,846 4,749 9,174 1,097 351 3,830 1,414 39 8 1954... 660 14,405 7,713 14,183 2,875 156 3,324 2,919 1,360 9 ■bushels 1959... 10,598 279,269 95,847 285,131 30,052 5,514 137,277 37,475 2,660 10 1954... 8,787 252,104 79,783 253,200 75,132 861 87,692 36,891 17,250 11 12 155 71 164 32 4 132 32 3 12 1954... 5 116 60 282 44 132 18 1 13 bushels 1959... 1,714 48,304 30,458 159,079 8,057 146 106,052 4,863 1,570 14 1954 . . . 525 43,020 14,020 118,677 21, li 44,281 1,186 3,000 15 4 7 3 1 1 34 2 1 16 1954 . . . 6 13 1 3 2 93 9 17 acres 1959... 33 105 69 7 20 616 120 10 18 1954... 94 275 8 71 6 1,909 129 19 tons, green weight 1959... 234 846 216 56 125 5,284 1,080 110 20 1954 . . . 243 1,148 40 283 15 11,890 479 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 7 13 8 13 2 19 239 1 2 22 1954... 29 33 29 39 4 17 399 59 2 23 acres 1959... 39 147 81 192 11 129 1,246 7 11 24 1954... 205 372 546 334 51 79 .'■"'1 298 10 25 Farms reporting by acres of corn harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 70 262 59 126 65 80 417 144 7 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 7 176 32 54 22 7 44 23 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 5 162 76 107 13 3 54 15 1 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... 33 18 35 1 12 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 11 3 10 1 2 30 100 or more acres .. .farms reporting 1959... 5 3 12 4 31 Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes.. . .farms reporting 1959... 372 419 194 349 166 344 648 84 316 32 acres 1959... 14,143 '. .1 17 1,776 31,286 29,662 14,486 52,271 662 69,341 33 Harvested for grain 163 1 12 230 153 503 536 14 2 299 336 34 1954... 105 2.??' 158 249 35 acres 1959... 7,217 9,431 7,242 28,684 29,473 8,492 47,485 159 62,062 36 1954... 3,181 6,333 5,280 10,125 21,218 4,236 42,285 28 75,992 37 pounds 1959. .. 7,515,547 12,813,207 9,919,012 55,053, 24? 48,332,299 9,131,687 96,817,713 237,424 133,136,275 38 1954... 1,990,128 7,292,320 4,208,456 13,451,816 42,964,544 1,415,008 65,615,088 10,640 64,312,304 39 97 86 76 248 156 58 465 5 255 40 pounds 1959 . . . 3,358,911 4,987,292 6,889,202 46,780,490 45,965,183 1,908,295 91,759,523 97,500 106,936,255 41 23 8 11 1 20 61 8 17 42 1954 . . . 19 69 10 5 121 16 14 43 acres 1959... 793 358 469 40 801 3,155 116 907 44 1954... 661 1,645 447 155 7,125 188 750 45 tons, green weight 1959... 4,674 2,320 3,223 320 3,855 18,652 924 9,074 46 1954 . . . 2,852 9,964 1,892 236 43,268 807 3,410 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 230 214 79 122 12 187 99 63 140 48 acres 1959... 6,124 2,346 1,534 2,13 149 5,193 1,631 386 6,372 49 tons cut 1959... 6,487 2,772 1,073 1,837 142 2,790 1,268 450 19,133 50 334 1 260 3 191 272 2 331 140 56 1 227 51 52 acres 1959... 9 2 3 1 53 gallons 1959... 180 156 60 100 54 165 110 14 85 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 377 Part 1 of 6 - Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Cote Coleman Collin Collings- Colorado Canal Comanche Concho Cooke 712 152 26 802 17 59 18 20 50 1,264 31 783 218 149 r 283 1 1,206 124 45 1,673 4 128 21 23 43 1,931 59 920 170 248 t 376 2 5,701 5,381 685 8,266 75 1,157 1" 144 258 33,081 124 17,266 4,949 1,275 6C 4,181 3 9,724 2,767 644 17,774 125 3,782 404 134 268 51,445 231 17,744 4,868 2,399 2C 5,547 4 704 85 23 764 15 55 6 18 44 1,253 24 775 208 125 12 276 5 1,111 57 40 1,591 2 98 10 18 16 1,907 31 893 143 159 : 355 6 5,639 2,815 323 7,774 71 1,114 33 136 227 32,832 106 16,768 4,726 1,045 4S 3,998 7 9,152 1,562 585 16,627 10 3,154 247 103 83 50,896 144 17,207 4,208 1,504 S 5,142 8 157,493 185,885 8,513 206,526 1,654 24,123 705 2,590 3,813 1,204,336 3,654 546,241 107,616 26,249 1,05C 134,142 9 82,168 71,036 13,797 196,234 32 43,644 5,160 916 472 1,161,772 788 426,132 51,541 13,618 7C 91,528 10 75 55 2 150 15 2 2 943 2 207 108 12 112 11 24 24 2 159 1 38 3 1 1,341 179 52 12 69 12 17,283 162,767 960 38,906 9,688 400 60 828,994 2,015 103,071 60,870 2,012 51,827 13 4,214 58,674 717 28,530 2 24,712 3,230 10 756,423 64,210 24,899 1,320 18,004 14 67 1 1 6 5 10 4 3 7 15 19 37 32 3 1 16 16 7 10 15 16 2,390 350 75 122 66 439 124 28 86 17 136 959 610 165 27 304 259 110 205 255 1.1 33,755 1,700 107 962 342 2,476 610 223 696 19 726 9,561 1,775 255 54 834 1,141 448 324 1,316 20 12 11 2 60 2 4 6 2 6 16 7 7 17 22 6 21 82 35 5 61 2 28 11 6 27 18 28 29 42 87 13 22 62 176 12 417 4 43 33 8 31 183 18 59 99 202 1 97 23 436 246 59 537 115 463 157 31 158 245 87 278 550 690 L 150 24 570 65 15 596 16 30 14 18 46 429 30 234 91 114 1 149 29 81 20 4 105 13 2 1 1 243 220 34 19 60 26 56 40 4 88 1 9 1 1 2 403 1 282 64 14 65 27 3 15 3 2 7 3 5 1 I 117 30 28 4 20 5 2 9 28 2 9 1 3 2 42 15 4 30 182 705 71 99 333 186 405 114 481 1,133 479 357 220 601 24| 298 .11 1,388 179,434 2,266 962 23,088 7,316 120,333 8,365 25,892 55,697 46,478 6,810 8,079 17,015 27,23 8,475 32 35 699 8 20 255 56 402 59 393 1,089 407 139 184 418 23 167 H 4 755 7 22 219 25 401 61 174 670 510 110 108 382 161 48 34 280 173,107 617 208 16,153 2,598 118,418 2,621 20,161 52,925 36,649 3,446 6,681 10,530 23,38- 4,192 3-' 29 175,742 180 210 12,636 829 85,245 1,598 7,015 14,861 42,236 1,708 2,862 7,386 13,35 1,579 I, 390,000 668,884,557 908,916 189,056 16,234,452 4,820,020 176^66,216 2,380,600 25,637,932 110,652/44 42,546,026 7,335,869 8,917,512 11,219,216 30,492,04 ) 6,428,866 17 9,072 452,438,224 127,904 108,248 7,367,248 564,536 53,243,532 586,768 2,671,424 21,340/24 32,588,472 3,286,976 2,684,808 3,875,312 9,208,52 1,034,208 38 1 689 1 2 202 37 393 27 256 961 313 36 129 116 18 86 39 30,000 625,652^07 363,400 5,900 11,688,256 3,807,760 171,190>676 892,420 15,664, 269 98,942,898 32,947,827 2,401,895 6,021,469 3,316,079 21,918,621 3,190,530 40 13 62 4 17 14 9 16 4 23 29 16 31 9 17 2 63 41 50 50 6 45 4 8 10 1 15 63 21 43 2 8 2. 33 42 162 2,250 160 327 367 288 396 275 817 1,386 908 1,068 442 1,096 1,19< » 2,252 43 365 2,090 102 702 66 287 365 20 464 1,562 1,611 580 195 205 76. 994 44 573 24,230 1,525 1,980 2,104 1,394 3,931 865 4,495 11,330 5,668 13,152 3,357 15,524 6,67. 19,832 45 568 20,414 342 3,447 120 754 3,487 80 1,013 7,163 3,367 3,554 1,825 358 801 5,957 46 126 108 63 53 197 133 65 84 183 62 226 236 63 271 7 99 47 932 4,077 1,489 414 6,568 4,430 1,519 5,469 4,914 1,368 8,921 2,296 956 5,389 2,65 2,031 48 1,132 7,110 3,194 506 2,710 5,034 2,025 2,213 5,831 1,053 8,448 4,464 751 4,994 3,47 2,515 49 197 139 422 213 463 657 144 200 200 239 679 261 108 316 5. 40 50 12 9 1 51 14 13 18 52 1,018 1,115 360 53 670 S02 350 54 Stub items ccmtlnued 378 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text! Coryell Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Dallas Dawson 1 Com: 485 14 62 1 17 376 14 2 1954... 654 9 1 23 1 21 620 41 3 acres 1959... 9,427 109 1,146 20 589 10,666 56 4 1954... 13,526 90 1 905 20 1,269 16,430 371 5 480 13 39 5 341 13 6 1954 .. . 557 7 1 15 1 599 30 7 acres 1959... 9,338 89 566 172 10, 169 55 8 1954... 11,749 71 1 865 400 15,941 187 9 bushels 1959... 253,140 2,060 21,419 2,083 291,709 1,025 10 1954... 122,357 775 15 13,995 5,357 301,135 2,239 11 213 15 3 235 2 12 1954 . . . 183 1 3 1 345 3 13 bushels 1959..'. 105,298 16,877 1,700 219,905 160 14 1954... 42,363 5 7,665 5,357 184,872 369 15 1 15 11 5 16 1954 . . . 15 2 16 9 4 17 acres 1959... 36 506 411 139 18 1954... 300 7 20 773 184 41 19 tons, green weight 1959... 252 4,522 6,846 1,165 20 1954... 892 65 200 7,782 919 200 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 9 8 1 1 32 1 22 1954 .. . 109 2 8 4 19 9 23 acres 1959... 53 20 74 20 6 358 1 24 1954 .. . 1,477 19 33 96 305 143 25 Farms reporting by acres of corn harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 165 11 32 8 147 13 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 137 1 7 73 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959, . . 151 2 16 1 6 84 1 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 26 5 36 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 4 1 1 19 30 100 or more acres . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 1 2 17 31 Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes ... .farms reporting 1959... 558 230 629 7 262 336 769 32 acres 1959... 20,500 21,671 103,541 324 110,420 21,005 202,131 33 Harvested for grain 465 189 612 247 285 34 1954 . . . 377 184 659 13 268 108 1,024 35 acres 1959... 18,107 16,108 98,879 35 97,945 17,284 198,473 36 1954 . . . 11,981 14,529 106,269 2,054 122,647 2,702 208,819 37 pounds 1959... 33,286,275 11,783,220 150,701,824 47,000 151,750,115 30,147,498 218,298,783 38 1954... 9,782,976 5,189,464 131,984,104 3,409,280 87,228,792 3,914,792 135,778,608 39 325 134 578 1 221 231 729 40 pounds 1959... 24,322,393 7,649,760 140,774,787 47,000 129,887,470 25,108,224 198,322,510 41 7 16 25 46 27 18 42 1954... 49 7 2 40 3 15 57 15 43 acres 1959... 231 972 1,100 3,383 2,562 1,543 44 1954... 774 226 87 1,561 213 1,381 3,155 1,587 45 tons, green weight 1959... 2,121 3,932 7,645 42,304 23,973 9,022 46 1954... 2,085 1,050 650 10,978 2,375 3,486 10,301 5,854 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 165 112 157 6 98 42 43 48 acres 1959... 2,162 4,576 3,562 289 9,092 1,159 2,115 49 tons cut 1959... 2,122 3,409 5,164 505 8,423 1,613 1,584 50 135 141 118 265 441 713 110 51 1 52 acres 1959... 15 53 gallons 1959... 900 54 850 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 379 Part 1 of 6 Deaf Staith Delta Denton De Witt Dickens Diamit -, Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 63 303 343 1,125 19 8 48 32: 104 13 991 59 210 1,113 1,166 1 62 465 543 1,363 30 15 53 328 159 3 1,484 89 280 1,889 1,618 2 1,517 3,794 7,971 41,025 197 146 156 4,676 688 253 24,218 660 2,690 38,278 27,099 3 762 6,298 10,683 40,733 250 170 804 3,846 1,171 16 30,122 561 3,623 55,578 32,950 - 29 300 333 1,106 15 5 21 301 94 13 967 39 194 1,110 1,156 5 41 436 512 1,314 21 9 27 60 89 1 1,383 52 178 1,860 1,577 6 •458 3,773 7,535 40,394 162 82 72 3,810 587 253 23,865 409 2,396 38,149 26,696 7 382 5,908 9,664 39,201 170 69 683 701 647 2 28,101 255 2,288 54,733 31,988 8 18,617 92,641 244,215 930,192 2,220 2,095 2,381 50,685 11,982 4,373 563,392 10,921 46,856 1,007,513 772,736 9 17,978 50,441 228,617 674,906 1,256 1,715 11,251 5,113 3,877 50 434,626 5,681 16,171 994,510 511,475 10 8 176 183 558 2 2 30 4 1 585 11 40 767 761 u 13 128 206 484 1 2 5 2 1 746 5 17 1,140 795 12 12,350 44,089 118,662 326,592 800 105 12,291 1,660 130 398,147 6,273 11,670 662,260 508,581 13 7,083 13,450 95,504 156,412 164 315 1,162 433 100 224,167 788 2,022 486,130 226,627 14 21 6 10 2 20 1 3 5 2 6 15 14 1 20 15 2 1 21 1 41 5 22 18 2 16 925 351 207 29 668 30 152 81 29 97 17 294 10 829 371 50 12 297 4 761 152 420 351 171 18 12,529 2,880 1,849 380 2,535 280 2,205 306 200 855 l^ 3,310 50 3,827 1,602 220 36 612 4 2,845 1,272 1,112 1,759 396 2J 16 3 33 2 3 27 16 10 26 18 18 9 10 21 12 31 19 81 7 6 25 248 73 2 89 33 86 38 62 22 134 21 85 424 6 64 84 198 101 323 99 2D 100 306 2 3 86 380 190 1,161 30 101 109 2,848 520 14 1,260 154 915 494 791 2i 34 181 144 213 14 3 4-7 193 91 9 342 50 124 273 408 23 6 60 72 173 4 2 1 55 7 197 4 40 165 256 26 15 55 94 464 2 62 5 1 324 2 41 444 378 2" 3 5 21 154 1 6 1 3 72 3 125 79 2;! 2 5 67 2 31 1 2 39 24 29 3 1 7 54 1 2 25 2 67 21 in 556 113 480 786 363 36 322 322 496 1 26 916 28 384 836 U5 )] 135,578 1,954 20,500 19,966 33,076 8,661 32,092 15,701 19,721 30 735 48,640 1,666 11,890 35,127 10,052 32 527 99 381 352 330 14 277 136 362 3 826 11 231 617 340 33 558 72 266 332 400 6 340 10 321 1 1 602 5 117 642 226 v. 125,949 1,702 17,400 12,951 26,909 5,082 25,528 8,440 14,075 165 45,473 555 6,130 29,430 7,874 13 157,143 796 6,715 5,230 28,798 111 28,582 990 7,498 250 84 13,794 138 1,840 17,304 2,892 31, 454/471,233 1,424,055 35,610,225 19,685,307 20,905,435 4,957,320 26,367,388 9,400,656 11,076,489 345,000 65,361,506 1,520,056 6,249,497 46,723,244 10,260,976 37 358/615,936 683,592 9,433,256 5,717,096 14,755,440 156,800 30,937,424 937,160 3,088,232 129,976 53,760 14,595,224 306,992 882,504 20,548,192 2,640,512 18 482 73 267 249 248 9 202 116 81 2 657 7 65 476 238 39 412,2992173 782,955 27,761,009 14,708,639 15/455,645 1,998,820 18,593,461 8,685,299 3,886,453 260,000 37,247, 875 687,200 2,062,810 37,498,553 7,700,783 40 37 3 31 36 24 12 51 14 1 3 23 13 21 19 16 41 21 4 56 25 23 2 60 64 4 2 45 3 20 44 12 42 1,976 138 968 1,322 1,285 348 2,764 378 30 83 913 876 882 641 437 43 1,073 55 2,059 1,126 988 180 2,635 4,121 71 160 1,205 93 835 1,392 227 44 25,173 723 7,889 11,099 2,662 1,579 9,465 770 375 410 7,186 12,083 6,116 5,061 2,098 ..-. 10,304 143 9,717 6,450 1,668 1,080 5,384 11,213 168 800 4,550 1,229 1,600 6,177 457 46 141 11 113 527 120 24 198 201 219 20 158 6 192 334 113 47 7,653 114 2,132 5,691 4,882 3,579 6,216 4,497 5,268 487 2,254 235 4,878 5,055 1,738 48 9,662 174 2,224 6,201 6,250 3,421 4,758 3,865 3,185 1,179 2,571 196 3,453 6,112 1,517 49 1,406 25 388 267 2 2 33 33 392 90 489 128 163 311 21 352 1,161 1 1 20 20 1 3 100 50 JO 5] 53 V. Stub Items continued 380 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Fayette Fisher Floyd Foard Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Frio Gaines 1 Com: 2,131 41 88 4 1,354 154 549 143 25 2 1954 . . . 2,577 32 55 4 1,675 348 1,013 99 127 3 acres 1959... 42,219 168 1,575 6 26,060 1,361 9,898 3,891 591 * 1954... 48,405 449 634 31 25,316 3,957 19, 190 4,061 2,853 5 2,110 39 50 4 1,251 142 537 135 15 6 1954... 2,485 25 37 4 1,655 310 912 73 23 7 acres 1959... 41,426 161 607 6 24,666 1,242 9,515 3,804 442 8 1954... 46,379 416 532 31 24,936 3,339 17,307 2,936 416 9 bushels 1959... 1,174,610 2,219 37,024 230 659,358 39,794 166,854 111,876 7,960 10 1954 . . . 981,371 6,503 9,393 135 616,156 35,902 216,056 118,627 2,552 11 510 2 15 1 469 20 73 58 2 12 1954... 360 4 7 680 12 105 15 16 13 bushels 1959... 163,358 38 22,782 15 183,589 4,402 18,410 80,803 145 14 1954... 78,789 6,094 3,540 167,291 1,470 22,059 88,232 1,357 15 28 21 1 5 3 16 1954... 40 1 5 13 6 3 4 17 acres 1959... 594 653 100 73 68 18 1954... 576 10 68 242 168 56 130 19 tons, green weight 1959... 3,791 6,458 700 830 680 20 1954 . . . 2,770 10 940 589 520 170 960 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 26 2 20 104 9 26 10 7 22 1954... 156 7 14 13 41 134 27 104 23 acres 1959... 199 7 315 1,294 46 383 87 81 24 1954 . . . 1,450 23 34 138 450 1,827 995 2,437 25 Farms reporting by acres of corn harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 592 39 57 4 601 110 261 56 18 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 624 9 369 30 115 20 1 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 832 2 14 323 13 137 49 5 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... 63 3 32 1 21 8 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 16 2 9 10 5 30 100 or more acres. ..farms reporting 1959... 4 3 20 5 5 1 31 Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes ... .farms reporting 1959... 1,373 477 832 144 581 101 84 198 393 32 acres 1959... 17,579 28,336 122,033 6,263 14,154 1,739 1,643 23,077 144,302 33 Harvested for grain 723 309 804 97 440 17 17 160 379 34 1954... 603 447 923 85 325 9 16 60 398 35 acres 1959... 10,066 15,826 115,747 3,314 10,884 472 747 20,471 139,520 36 1954... 5,411 20, 160 110,444 2,452 4,235 140 297 3,704 94,174 37 pounds 1959... 16,919,191 18,434,935 403,190,664 3,891,988 15,704,204 465,800 608,330 41,246,006 156,174,843 38 1954... 5,073,768 6,568,296 277,520,880 828,016 7,140,672 81,480 124,320 3,510,584 56,023,296 39 164 210 768 75 266 2 129 347 40 pounds 1959... 6,540,094 12,960,101 371,790,377 2,730,728 11,794,731 220,000 34,314,021 124,373,267 41 59 72 51 4 18 16 7 12 19 42 1954 . . . 63 24 17 25 17 56 9 9 43 acres 1959... 993 4,988 1,326 285 1,080 584 279 515 1,323 44 1954... 832 788 508 892 382 813 968 990 45 tons, green weight 1959... 7,422 26,024 12,909 2,105 10,839 4,109 2,199 4,439 4,761 46 1954... 3,286 1,190 5,896 5,553 2,177 2,982 8,557 2,424 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 624 264 205 77 148 73 59 62 86 48 acres 1959... 6,518 7,522 4,960 2,664 2,190 681 613 2,091 3,459 49 tons cut 1959... 9,356 16,610 6,956 2,509 2,898 1,051 1,329 2,316 2,429 50 864 2,821 385 767 271 56 37 142 360 5] 9 2 4 52 acres 1959... 2 2 4 5 3 gallons 1959... 223 280 352 54 154 205 290 2 Reported in small fractions. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 381 Part 1 of 6 Galveston Garza Gillespie Glasscoc t Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 28 9 368 > 314 770 10 708 132 506 1,132 147 43 433 5 18 1 50 10 306 L 434 1,062 33 1,007 270 934 1,213 161 28 559 3 12 2 280 25 3,724 y 14,298 25,541 47 20,745 610 7,023 36,776 3,995 443 7,503 94 48 3 335 281 2,672 > 18,242 27,288 284 23,797 1,921 14,145 39,592 1,130 484 10,557 29 43 * 24 8 347 < 308 759 8 697 128 487 1,117 89 34 429 5 15 5 31 7 133 426 953 21 963 153 871 1,092 110 17 363 2 6 h 243 25 3,391 3 13,737 24,833 38 20,395 586 6,858 36,236 1,604 399 7,384 82 42 7 182 242 1,198 > 17,896 24,864 122 23,277 1,137 12,801 35,902 554 237 5,974 27 22 5 8,594 725 70,684 1,89 333,294 581,508 823 738,784 9,566 164,773 888,802 101,282 6,263 164,906 5,270 847 9 6,892 2,892 10,162 3 ) 334,832 373,126 692 482,069 11,752 258,269 525,075 23,413 2,359 39,371 60 148 10 4 54 135 302 1 453 7 66 755 42 6 127 3 1 11 2 2 10 137 237 1 572 5 149 605 20 3 64 12 3,300 12,543 100,492 165,178 40 589,131 529 33,412 599,756 80,342 2,834 35,783 440 19 13 550 2,657 639 95,024 85,320 70 296,623 1,800 45,120 284,170 6,417 670 2,450 14 3 1 3 1 4 1 7 44 2 5 1 U 2 4 8 4 5 5 8 18 23 4 19 16 20 50 141 3 66 8 162 2,232 25 73 12 L7 35 35 110 94 99 107 339 463 467 63 651 18 104 600 530 33 510 50 724 25,611 125 362 260 19 450 90 262 204 351 628 1,114 1,136 6,068 269 959 20 4 33 24 32 1 11 4 20 32 19 7 2 3 21 19 3 202 24 122 10 47 115 65 210 30 8 261 1 6 22 37 313 511 567 6 284 24 157 378 159 19 46 6 2 1 118 39 1/439 346 2,314 68 421 677 1,005 3,227 109 184 3,932 2 21 24 24 9 257 l 50 190 10 250 126 318 3U 71 33 152 3 18 25 1 76 33 127 107 4 96 180 17 2 133 1 26 3 32 132 308 220 2 75 397 34 7 161 27 1 50 83 61 9 149 10 1 7 1 28 2 1 23 26 31 31 35 35 2 6 47 48 5 10 29 30 28 280 477 7( 173 541 211 516 20 145 1,041 1,332 466 560 158 293 31 925 39,507 10,493 11,07-! 10,217 20,959 27,883 15,939 251 6,223 67,498 247,513 52,279 19,176 29,385 17,097 32 3 261 304 « 111 284 175 384 4 29 941 1,31* 424 464 143 244 33 3 301 194 3: 102 244 272 208 1 15 811 1,474 408 326 264 138 34 115 35,190 7,247 9,47i 9,204 16,1*6 22,695 12,171 13 4,017 63,494 242,120 43,156 14,628 26,974 12,804 35 16 31,519 3,464 3,17C 6,285 9,599 36,01* 2,944 5 363 31,687 224,287 42,614 6,355 62,824 5,585 36 13~,860 28,588,112 11,349,929 9,044,29C 15,814,600 29,059,122 26,691,676 20,071,545 15,490 8,137,750 101,745^13 1885,725.381 50,094,795 23,293, 113 97,865,174 15,265,997 37 15,344 11,711,840 2,700,208 1,037,73( 9,485,840 9,548,504 31,143,056 3,860,696 560 230,664 36,59V52 641,351,536 23,025,912 3,266,648 65,346,680 3,122,336 IS 1 240 114 5: 81 171 127 237 9 831 1,284 311 245 132 171 39 40,000 26,056,397 5,110,166 7,183,951 13,281,950 22^99,804 20>184,747 13,839, 036 4,702,000 87,864,120 845,551,456 39,222,502 11,129,488 74,582,962 12,028,899 40 3 17 10 4 2 27 22 65 3 8 16 29 17 30 7 17 41 » 17 18 5 5 35 31 34 12 32 25 10 8 11 " 13 42 200 628 192 9! 77 718 1,361 1,583 114 353 660 1,584 1,430 636 179 444 43 477 1,024 390 22E 67 819 2,170 711 416 750 901 561 200 659 360 44 1,810 3,744 1,250 64C 216 7,075 10,331 9,025 477 1,777 4,402 18,487 4,359 2,978 2,790 2,893 *5 4,990 1,398 1,345 481 263 1,552 7,226 2,400 1,924 2,172 6,134 1,454 363 2,163 1,181 46 24 97 279 3" 82 326 88 130 12 114 218 140 222 255 27 123 47 610 3,689 3,036 1,49- 936 4,095 3,827 2,185 124 1,853 3,343 3,809 7,693 3,912 2,232 3,849 48 1,266 5,553 3,408 1,72C 1,185 6,912 2,075 1,663 238 3,449 3,018 6,240 3,364 4,635 1,069 5,490 *9 90 375 253 28 18 959 561 101 156 101 378 151 1 (2) 85 85 550 335 1 1 64 50 601 1,101 221 284 308 50 51 52 V) 54 Stub items continued 382 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions una explanations, see text) Hardin Harris Harrison Hartley Haskell Hays Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo Com: farms reporting 1959... 151 524 668 6 33 168 6 434 937 2 1954 . . . 257 795 1,469 12 18 226 9 1,140 866 3 acres 1959... 785 11,146 4,333 24 135 3,987 177 5,573 13,798 4 1954 . . . 1,238 14,024 9,319 604 280 5,641 24 16,576 12,668 5 .farms reporting 1959... 143 438 653 5 30 163 2 421 733 6 1954 . . . 223 679 1,167 5 10 202 4 1,093 547 7 acres 1959... 757 9,571 4,197 19 111 3,927 36 5,375 10,448 6 1954 . . . 1,055 12,103 8,025 20 231 5,115 12 16,022 6,864 9 bushels 1959... 22,300 291,547 101,161 770 2,406 113,131 1,020 131,918 367,019 10 1954 . . . 20,213 263,731 73,521 275 4,687 103, 120 77 255,320 157,836 11 .farms reporting 1959... 10 79 32 2 87 59 348 u 1954... 4 78 68 1 2 133 235 227 13 bushels 1959... 1,385 79,516 4,846 85 69,927 13,400 266,326 14 1954 . . . 472 67,168 5,022 190 275 75,051 49,189 97,190 15 .farms reportii^J 1959... 1 16 7 1 1 2 4 1 91 16 1954... 25 20 5 6 6 139 17 acres 1959... 4 426 29 5 2 25 141 8 2,111 18 1954... 612 161 575 93 39 2,843 19 tone, green weight 1959... 40 2,835 217 50 20 150 1,408 40 16,502 20 1954 . . . 4,245 619 2,255 218 343 15,962 21 Hogged or grazed , or cut for •farms reporting 1959... 8 76 12 2 3 19 137 22 1954... 36 111 298 2 8 28 5 67 208 23 acres 1959... 24 1,149 107 22 35 190 1,239 24 1954... 183 1,309 1,133 9 49 433 12 515 25 Farms reporting by acres of corn harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 142 290 599 5 31 71 3 336 617 26 11 to 19 acres .farms reporting 1959... 7 73 35 1 1 25 1 1 128 27 20 to 49 acres .farms reporting 1959... 2 109 25 1 51 1 69 145 28 50 to 74 acres -farms reporting 1959... 23 4 11 7 17 29 75 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959... 4 3 6 19 10 30 100 or more acres. .farms reporting 1959... 25 2 4 1 2 20 31 Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes . . .farms reporting 1959... 19 267 77 120 876 200 139 113 687 32 acres 1959... 84 11,041 871 40,110 86,521 13,504 11,081 2,440 63,280 33 Harvested for grain .farms reporting 1959... 3 41 14 112 817 151 71 48 553 34 1954... 3 33 4 156 900 121 96 2 610 35 acres 1959... 19 3,430 477 34,261 78,637 10,824 4,297 1,410 57,675 36 1954... 11 862 50 69,273. 66,109 4,696 9,201 32 46,864 37 pounds 1959... 14,440 4,493,463 1,302,631 52,916,725 112,433,647 18,428,733 4,934,517 1,541,490 109,082,542 38 1954... 5,880 1,100,456 18,872 51,666,104 35,015,568 5,459,160 5,240,144 3,920 50,677,928 39 .farms reporting 1959... 16 1 77 759 114 20 7 488 40 pounds 1959... 3,343,653 4,000 33,982,607 103,311,154 15,587,053 1,666,180 99,000 92,268,973 41 .farms reporting 1959... 3 44 11 15 47 14 36 5 64 42 1954 . . . 80 26 6 17 9 16 13 147 a acres 1959... 5 2,522 124 1,222 2,068 1,258 1,853 61 3,585 44 1954... 2,925 404 954 377 202 1,127 94 7,494 45 3ns, green weight 1959... 14 17,391 1,314 13,419 10,395 11,406 9,607 347 36,821 46 1954 . . . 19,689 1,450 2,373 1,066 651 3,030 219 46,307 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for .farms reporting 1959... 14 198 38 66 292 81 95 66 93 48 acres 1959... 60 5,087 259 4,627 5,816 1,420 4,931 959 2,020 49 tans cut 1959. . . 56 6,537 296 4,446 4,935 1,814 4,385 777 3,346 50 858 2 14 81 232 306 1 423 61 8 550 51 .farms reporting 1959... 52 acres 1959... 2 11 2 10 53 gallons 1959... 225 422 50 796 54 159 50 535 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 383 Part 1 of 6 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutch- Irion Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 1,182 47 100 389 760 32 7 797 6 24 427 349 3 13 21 1 1,711 51 171 1,186 1,409 33 8 1,305 4 5 45 499 575 3 26 34 2 44,147 384 1,152 4,445 11,560 142 132 11,649 78 233 8,540 2,443 16 123 438 3 59,395 590 2,634 17,644 21,153 144 96 20,052 11 16 644 10,520 4,069 18 283 375 4 1,172 41 95 353 747 29 6 790 2 21 421 336 13 5 5 1,606 26 145 908 1,380 22 6 1,249 3 5 36 486 549 17 19 6 43,817 225 1,085 4,122 11,189 104 117 11,553 28 206 8,400 2,194 123 112 7 55,956 493 2,284 13,944 20,562 107 88 18,882 9 16 554 9,978 3,774 149 250 8 1,177,872 9,825 23,384 101,396 263,033 1,889 3,360 272,589 2,300 3,737 212,891 65,650 2,621 2,055 9 790,519 13,653 19,293 170,395 321,857 524 2,925 216,940 210 405 6,025 262,153 53,860 2,567 1,584 11 908 7 9 78 146 4 1 434 4 188 51 2 11 1,076 5 11 85 159 2 446 1 7 245 24 1 1-' 848,738 8,150 2,178 21,171 64,278 356 900 127,178 442 79,954 7,024 150 13 454,422 3,430 2,567 24,834 56,269 2,600 70,889 50 1,153 76,658 6,505 200 14 2 2 2 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 15 27 3 65 11 1 3 4 1 LI 62 130 15 66 219 35 15 20 26 15 5 145 12 52 17 620 24 1,039 300 10 23 42 8 IS 186 970 134 601 1,101 120 150 150 520 45 40 581 100 432 19 1,187 162 3,712 777 50 86 175 20 20 4 5 28 20 2 12 4 3 10 15 2 14 23 124 24 29 254 50 11 2 59 1 10 17 46 3 9 17 22 268 29 52 257 152 3 76 24 12 135 104 4 274 23 2,819 73 350 2,661 591 37 8 870 2 80 519 253 18 126 125 24 236 40 58 245 426 30 1 425 4 15 175 298 2 9 7 25 176 2 22 74 169 1 1 6 99 24 1 2 1 .'• 463 2 20 65 136 172 2 3 120 24 2 11 27 160 2 5 15 17 22 3 1 28 68 1 5 3 8 1 29 79 9 3 3 30 1,073 1,147 131 339 94 398 10 365 61 15 59 422 9 5 39 31 31 52,499 224,753 3,107 4,912 1,613 64,636 806 7,686 14,045 1,268 1,554 31,673 62 163 1,059 1,706 32 869 1,136 97 50 34 372 5 230 49 9 26 375 4 2 33 667 1,111 102 24 5 446 9 102 62 6 8 308 2 4 2 3 34 47,141 219,358 2,374 1,007 512 57,141 425 5,750 11,784 918 671 29,857 144 80 35 16,513 182,501 2,080 469 650 51,733 492 1,090 16,845 408 83 10,358 2 257 29 27 36 68,106,600 314,105,759 2,926,788 1,167,907 591,358 60,463,768 1,017,500 6,208,334 37,619,463 1,239,900 770,525 43,116,650 117,200 130,000 17 13,457,864 133,293,944 919,352 1,882,944 655,200 35,396,424 1,030,400 1,068,872 19,112,352 205,632 45,192 20,954,080 2,856 331,744 4,984 10,416 38 701 1,116 29 9 11 329 4 136 42 6 3 342 1 )9 60,045,335 301,230,025 949,330 262,400 380,700 44,754,647 760,000 4,502,831 29,048,150 912,400 64,000 39,363,201 50,000 40 18 31 5 31 12 28 2 1 6 1 2 4 2 1 41 17 19 131 38 31 2 16 2 1 «5 4 1 2 6 42 801 3,275 76 772 726 2,052 302 158 881 120 96 486 21 4 43 381 1,121 1,440 875 3,619 166 353 258 30 454 28 90 40 439 .... 5,278 14,036 212 6,733 9,761 10,085 4,270 1,462 8,535 325 257 5,147 281 10 4-: 967 3,291 5,896 5,823 7,750 255 975 878 210 2,240 202 720 220 702 ... 345 104 40 267 •'.'■ 96 3 155 18 7 35 76 7 5 34 29 47 4,554 2,120 657 3,131 369 5,443 79 1,777 1,380 230 787 1,330 41 163 911 1,626 48 6,018 2,704 540 6,021 616 11,007 274 2,297 829 354 810 1,204 68 238 1,742 2,085 49 710 121 48 614 601 9 265 72 58 235 152 42 3 227 50 3 2 4 1 51 3 2 6 1 52 103 20 183 50 53 20 10 40 54 Stub Items continued 384 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jim Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble 1 Com: 285 410 54 833 355 110 27 46 39 2 1954... 265 601 5 1,044 851 54 47 28 6 3 acres 1959... 3,591 9,590 181 38,190 6,275 1,231 147 724 528 4 1954... 3,203 15,004 187 34,158 15,854 567 229 348 35 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959... 227 396 48 820 351 103 24 42 36 6 1954... 228 445 5 983 804 26 36 19 4 7 acres 1959... 2,291 9,120 143 37,537 6,230 1,126 102 548 497 S 1954... 2,706 11,050 187 31,895 14,559 225 132 254 28 9 bushels 1959 .. . 54,634 231,168 2,417 783,063 134,515 22,814 1,869 14,375 11,448 10 1954... 43,920 121,676 845 317,482 230,751 1,440 1,021 1,925 155 u 41 30 230 171 1 560 346 109 233 14 1 11 1 4 12 1954... 13 bushels 1959... 8,203 145,539 419 373,492 45,933 4,595 4,031 1,925 14 1954. . . 2,975 58,1A1 55 64,062 84,542 20 200 IS 11 16 3 6 1 5 2 5 16 1954... 6 73 18 11 17 acres 1959... 670 437 29 142 15 73 38 88 18 1954. . . 175 2,169 631 186 19 tans, green weight 1959... 4,447 3,347 145 885 37 437 225 568 20 1954... 725 5,116 1,400 776 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 54 6 3 23 4 4 1 4 4 22 1954. . . 32 121 72 45 30 11 9 2 23 acres 1959... 630 33 9 511 30 32 7 88 31 24 1954... 322 1,785 1,632 1,109 342 97 94 7 25 Farms reporting by acres of corn harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 211 155 52 125 186 81 24 26 21 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 43 81 84 62 13 2 11 10 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 22 127 2 330 83 13 1 6 6 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... 5 25 163 17 2 2 2 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 1 10 59 3 1 30 100 or more acres. .farms reporting 1959... 3 12 72 4 1 31 Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes. . .farms reporting 1959... 467 485 797 672 307 169 3 174 125 32 32 acres 1959... 82,688 20,540 82,148 33,260 9,140 3,234 318 13,730 2,503 521 33 Harvested for grain 404 290 358 179 725 827 522 468 159 141 66 15 112 150 31 11 13 3 34 1954... 35 acres 1959... 74,366 16,064 67,432 28,089 6,347 1,446 7,107 650 270 36 1954... 39,810 4,984 68,462 15,670 3,239 193 10,036 178 112 37 pounds 1959... 126,467,210 26,824,179 90,223,842 47,849,466 6,634,488 1,978,686 5,882,910 600,920 533,200 38 1954... 63,456,344 3,596,320 28,831,096 12,437,208 2,757,440 92,624 4,636,912 121,128 116,480 367 274 604 436 70 20 71 14 3 40 pounds 1959 .. . 112,370.280 22,676,911 76,637,211 36,594,790 3,825,300 836,822 3,634,025 371,356 240,000 41 37 37 78 8 19 9 3 32 14 4 42 1954... 56 52 7 13 22 2 1 21 14 43 acres 1959... 5,041 1,542 6,872 302 446 181 318 1,932 232 42 44 1954... 5,204 1,750 285 363 579 34 65 686 393 45 tons, green weight 1959... 40,114 10,008 32,019 1,716 2,547 3,080 9,949 1,467 44 46 1954. . . 24,438 3,004 985 1,004 1,155 185 550 858 1,222 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 109 125 288 381 163 124 119 91 17 48 acres 1959... 3,281 2,934 7,844 4,869 2,347 1,601 4,691 1,615 208 49 tons cut 1959... 3,665 3,334 9,513 6,146 4,606 3,022 4,950 2,959 440 50 207 281 654 524 409 698 444 193 15 51 Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959... 9 4 2 52 acres 1959... 6 6 1 53 gallons 1959... 254 360 56 54 78 240 20 Z Reported In small fractio TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 385 Part 1 of 6 Ore Kinney Kleberg Knox Umar u* Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 2 4 43 18 722 205 141 30 2,043 758 606 309 570 7 347 40 1 1 55 12 1,068 148 173 34 2,485 962 1,091 450 1,265 5 274 13 2 5 45 312 66 14,223 4,477 2,426 559 51,815 14,681 9,368 3,574 21,377 105 15,060 518 3 2 319 94 19,412 1,321 3,878 698 53,178 17,479 17,204 4,574 40,643 148 7,751 219 4 1 2 25 16 708 175 137 28 2,034 743 538 283 495 1 332 24 5 1 36 10 1,013 80 119 15 2,287 929 1,052 419 1,174 1 220 3 6 4 19 194 60 14,087 3,770 2,277 521 51,516 14,252 8,428 3,364 19,985 8 13,911 297 7 2 239 86 18,631 822 2,674 349 49,117 16,898 16,410 4,252 38,052 80 4,297 121 8 40 :.:-: 3,075 1,813 356,593 235,208 50,408 12,685 1,333,156 324,929 183,681 68,252 346,284 400 350,188 5,153 9 10 4,400 410 231,679 35,133 23,184 5,100 951,609 300,512 279,737 77,523 473,889 1,200 45,588 850 10 5 1 297 90 23 3 889 134 75 46 221 190 11 7 1 202 23 16 5 562 108 234 37 508 1 50 1 12 400 400 158,734 205,810 5,788 440 356,828 41,917 15,567 10,848 188,906 203,092 13 1,447 208 76,152 23,273 3,543 1,830 136,836 25,935 50,486 10,022 231,682 1,200 18,995 400 14 l 2 2 25 1 5 8 2 4 2 6 6 15 5 16 1 3 12 15 3 2 4 1 5 16 20 35 6 643 3 83 115 60 59 80 97 622 17 98 309 20 202 173 115 222 22 73 4 220 18 50 250 18 7,694 15 195 747 555 300 640 1,128 5,055 19 800 4,120 100 400 1,286 231 960 151 358 24 625 20 1 1 17 16 11 8 2 21 30 78 25 78 15 17 21 20 2 77 56 64 17 324 44 61 34 136 3 135 10 22 1 6 83 136 64 146 38 216 314 880 151 1,312 527 221 23 80 8 683 190 1,184 147 3,888 466 572 300 2,518 64 3,234 98 24 2 2 36 17 318 111 55 14 392 269 367 200 154 5 83 22 2* 1 2 1 150 23 40 5 464 164 93 48 101 1 41 9 26 1 5 191 44 40 9 995 287 117 56 185 127 7 27 39 10 2 1 141 31 14 2 55 1 37 2 28 8 7 4 35 4 8 1 23 18 21 16 10 1 16 3 7 2 52 41 30 44 16 146 473 200 1,434 187 76 1,532 541 86 175 315 174 330 56 31 3,573 1,590 25,672 44,705 4,695 211,553 7,191 7,885 14,339 9,598 1,131 2,405 11,193 13,088 38,257 1,703 32 19 7 128 432 144 1,415 158 42 544 336 6 9 131 67 291 19 33 204 503 668 25 93 1,577 6,802 3,054 894 18,339 1,209 172,352 12,418 44,786 269,859 7,77 7 2,225 65,190 48,497 236 12 50 86 37 3 163 4 735 117 454 819 ff 7 44 445 579 8 33 19 111 21 2 207 2 841 48 335 855 61 ) 7 483 502 7 M 1,020 4,057 963 356 8,721 862 163,863 7,U7 35,010 267,386 3,81 S 624 55,254 42,507 65 13 250 7,835 409 72 9,357 427 151,921 1,144 21,991 222,578 1,77 2 58 45,727 15,280 82 36 1,-454,248 3,349,500 833,030 352,000 9,660,243 1,260,500 622,924,820 12,071,880 43,778,100 364,730,818 4,235,5* 3 853,120 91,875,554 67,288,488 64,440 17 100,296 3,341,744 315,056 49,280 4,985,176 461,496 428,793,288 901,320 7,310,744 148,919,312 1.138,31 2 13,720 36,780,744 17,689,224 32,424 18 19 78 9 105 1 705 83 351 806 5 i 11 395 522 ti 335,478 3,041,000 82,580 6,127,748 50,000 580/01,517 9,492,510 34,538,699 330/U4J63 2,881,63 3 229,460 73,372,518 59,214,761 .'.u 1 7 6 1 15 2 32 35 38 11 5 10 73 23 2 41 27 7 3 41 40 13 7 43 19 37 2 42 10 133 203 30 1,842 250 1,536 2,133 1,413 378 31 5 403 3,952 1,019 30 ■'.< 781 282 115 1,728 1,657 418 356 12 3 877 872 852 9 44 80 1,539 1,434 600 3,050 1,000 15,403 14,704 9,816 3,673 1,94 2 2,758 29,068 9,076 300 45 3,638 881 925 16,494 5,013 738 1,305 1,201 3 3,596 2,201 1,811 10 46 30 122 67 7 164 3 164 86 246 87 ia 2 160 194 217 16 47 546 2,612 1,888 508 7,776 97 6,953 3,138 8,363 2,095 3,64 7 1,197 5,984 4,971 i 18 48 455 1,279 1,327 580 5,569 80 9,495 3,664 7,175 2,753 2,23 3 1,606 8,577 5,163 195 49 9 63 187 77 15 1,266 295 733 7 1 5 20 353 361 2 so 1 2 2 a 1 1 3 « 20 95 375 300 53 v. Stub items continued 392 Part 1 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tyler Upshur Upton Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward 1 Corn: 247 364 62 626 645 237 425 2 1954... 416 828 17 4 1,559 759 549 550 3 acres 1959... 1,919 2,230 1,807 6,688 21,646 1,692 17,386 4 1954... 3,040 5,733 626 56 21,485 23,867 4,972 17,435 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959... 193 354 59 615 641 231 419 6 1954... 325 710 11 1 1,503 750 490 533 7 acres 1959... 1,292 2,137 1,609 6,4S4 21,232 1,643 17,146 S 1954... 2,324 4,936 399 2 20,557 23,478 4,360 17,162 9 bushels 1959 . . . 35,307 59,096 79,678 166,357 543,047 26,442 556,238 10 1954... 44,294 58,079 14,680 40 357,092 568,809 49,791 405,950 11 29 22 19 90 327 14 181 12 1954... 21 12 4 343 380 40 177 13 bushels 1959... 3,767 2,484 48,274 20,371 230,907 1,442 316,621 14 1954... 4,578 1,044 13,950 64,903 181,351 3,266 157,852 15 2 7 3 1 16 1954... 5 3 23 8 16 2 17 acres 1959... 180 109 173 100 18 1954... 46 136 400 157 158 15 19 tons, green weight 1959... 1,600 965 940 1,000 20 1954... 282 1,055 2,330 264 180 31 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 71 11 3 10 13 9 9 22 1954... 110 138 3 3 62 17 46 18 23 acres 1959... 627 93 18 95 241 49 140 24 1954... 716 751 91 54 528 232 454 258 25 Farms reportijlg by acres of corn harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 185 323 36 436 129 197 138 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 44 30 8 102 128 28 57 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 17 8 7 84 263 7 123 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 1 2 3 1 69 5 44 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 1 1 25 19 30 100 or more acres. .farms reporting 1959... 1 7 2 31 44 31 Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes. . .farms reporting 1959... 10 93 6 217 1 162 488 111 103 4 •: acres 1959... 69 750 362 27,674 15 2,609 29,342 1,684 3,448 280 33 Harvested for grain 15 3 3 188 75 1 65 34 407 421 13 21 34 7 2 34 1954... 35 acres 1959... 64 73 24,100 1,375 27,539 183 1,677 50 36 1954... 6 4,782 660 546 14,677 120 200 37 pounds 1959... 34,400 215,000 41,211,801 1,413,419 46,258,851 154,350 2,808,835 75,000 38 1954... 3,192 6,024,928 1,820,000 608,832 27,767,488 49,000 94,976 39 1 131 15 347 1 21 40 pounds 1959... 15,000 26,871,015 405,350 39,594,381 3,750 1,903,880 41 1 3 2 11 18 18 7 7 42 1954... 1 27 1 11 54 25 18 11 4 43 acres 1959... 25 66 55 689 288 520 231 262 44 1954. . . 40 219 80 959 859 728 413 407 95 45 tons, green weight 1959... 100 270 850 4,855 2,267 3,919 1,592 2,060 46 1954... 100 704 L,l 7,020 2,274 1,973 1,494 2,570 916 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 9 65 5 61 1 86 113 91 68 2 48 acres 1959... 44 619 234 2,885 15 934 1,283 1,264 1,509 230 49 tans cut 1959... 40 391 691 1,517 8 1,042 1,314 2,537 1,943 98 50 1 2 436 2 208 60 76 50 51 Harvested for sirup farms reporting 1959... 52 acres 1959... 1 12 6 53 gallons 1959... 55 600 233 54 Sales gallons 1959. . . ... 450 160 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 393 Part 1 of 6 Washington WeDti Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winiler Wise Wood Yoakum »-. Zapata Zavala 1,464 28 1,375 41 25 48 101 1,758 741 112 423 13 38 74 48 1 1,925 28 1,628 51 29 49 195 2,419 772 233 963 25 70 72 29 2 22,172 584 33,625 207 349 273 1,703 46,875 22,564 1,393 3,072 68 264 691 3,842 3 25,260 388 25,952 569 527 669 3,023 64,191 20,485 2,678 9,751 218 669 537 1,474 4 1,460 13 1,342 30 18 43 92 1,753 717 93 409 12 37 70 46 5 1,909 10 1,459 14 23 26 126 2,378 746 201 815 15 58 53 18 6 22,099 -'- 32,768 115 242 258 1,453 46,571 22,254 1,138 2,991 67 259 654 3,629 7 24,963 U2 22,926 331 383 494 2,125 62,467 19,575 2,289 7,828 156 569 425 1,167 8 671,955 7,250 1,101,977 2,338 7,460 5,551 53,197 1,272,616 505,952 28,020 86,963 2,260 4,296 9,630 211,697 9 610,693 1,227 562,824 2,101 5,331 1,793 54,342 1,136,816 258,349 39,560 91,979 1,576 4,758 3,001 68,035 10 335 4 605 7 10 34 1,375 324 14 73 2 2 2 25 11 234 3 542 1 4 45 1,621 164 40 47 3 4 12 12 88,805 1,425 473,342 2,759 923 31,145 852,142 201,997 3,279 11,571 590 280 650 180,087 13 53,221 3?: M8.638 500 1,650 40,428 568,842 58,142 9,029 6,594 328 118 66,335 14 2 l 8 4 3 1 6 7 1 5 3 1 1 2 2 15 9 2 16 1 2 21 24 8 6 19 1 1 3 16 12 5 312 41 90 3 162 55 5 143 18 1 5 22 200 17 93 60 552 7 45 443 628 158 146 314 10 2 131 18 100 18 2,753 263 575 22 1,235 399 3 846 102 10 50 86 1,000 19 454 95 3,695 15 205 3,109 1,668 335 209 1,652 50 4 643 20 11 14 36 8 4 - 6 19 30 14 13 2 2 21 18 16 165 40 4 25 51 70 31 32 194 9 13 18 10 22 61 273 545 51 17 12 88 249 305 112 63 15 13 23 204 216 2,474 231 99 175 455 1,096 752 243 1,609 52 100 110 176 24 652 11 549 39 18 43 75 444 175 76 347 13 33 59 14 29 387 4 321 1 1 4 9 372 128 14 55 3 7 2 26 398 9 349 1 3 11 726 306 18 18 2 6 15 27 17 3 79 3 1 3 135 81 4 2 2 3 28 8 1 27 1 46 .'.J 1 4 29 2 50 2 35 23 10 II! 446 44 620 429 149 389 473 1,878 653 1 243 235 225 217 64 119 31 5,421 2,130 25,302 40,661 8,376 16,483 61,649 125,082 39,182 230 10,013 1,610 105,761 7,806 725 18,910 i.' 110 6 485 358 346 458 1,793 543 1 103 6 220 90 2 103 " }4 1 297 497 • 274 526 1,892 490 47 2 226 42 4 56 34 2,414 630 22,073 32,713 3,053 13,699 59,532 120,664 32,812 230 4,270 95 102,235 3,146 26 16,153 I'- 767 38 5,025 50,924 164 7,805 53,165 68,469 18,824 1,330 27 72,161 1,068 658 5,733 ll 3,932,658 1,034,000 35,667,386 30,347,745 4,738,470 21,255,944 142^43,330 256,198,089 56.377.508 220,000 6,242,384 156,400 109,219,555 3,323,815 41,000 39,496,969 37 704,816 11,760 7,691,880 29,729,280 228,480 4,739,392 9QP83,392 95,875,808 14,919,800 1,237,656 16,800 65,955,512 543,256 336,392 10,501,904 38 25 4 370 223 39 269 444 1,668 426 1 44 205 38 1 90 " 1,454,318 540,000 31,610,394 17,344,882 3,517,656 16,059,248 130/76,460 199/94,476 42,681,610 210,000 3,506,084 99,805,051 1,329,380 40,000 35,972,274 40 35 4 22 36 17 9 21 16 17 30 19 17 1 6 13 -.1 31 3 30 31 13 19 81 31 11 30 33 14 5 5 15 42 850 235 1,239 1,335 1,829 554 1,335 373 1,014 1,825 326 1,434 50 68 755 .. i 344 475 1,380 2,066 800 596 4,478 1,182 509 1,011 321 707 172 219 1,046 .... 5,184 2,059 12,262 7,412 13,357 5,473 8,828 3,146 6,763 8,719 1,386 15,755 200 295 6,880 45 1,506 2,525 12,693 4,736 3,260 1,542 25,557 4,120 1,357 4,665 2,026 3,775 476 994 8,922 46 317 34 164 214 94 62 29 381 257 138 208 34 146 56 36 ■V! 2,153 1,265 1,990 6,613 3,494 2,230 782 4,045 5,356 3,918 1,180 2,092 4..610 631 2,002 48 4,535 1,204 1,939 5,853 5,512 1,266 484 4,309 2,983 4,700 1,388 1,733 3,885 1,065 2,448 49 206 9 90 247 559 778 162 439 197 682 20 5 25 1,070 7 1,012 50 51 276 ::: 9 1,114 53 35 1 ... 980 54 Stub iteae continued 394 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Small grains harvested: Whea «, farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. Oats farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Barley farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushelB 1959. 1954. Rye farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959. Flaxseed farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 162-lb. barrels 1959. 1954. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all Harvested for beans. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . , acres 1959.. 1954.. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Plowed under for gr .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 25,550 121,627 3,031,131 '3,022,518 50,116,390 ■29,062,814 1,121 7,643 5,245 4,242 7,299 17,853 '14,954 860,993 '742,020 18,667,883 '15,150,986 6,194 '4,077 266,877 '129,809 5,540,392 '2,038,818 19,002 246,493 203,444 624 21,793 40,299 2 108, 811 415,254 2576,072 1,836 21,730 429,440 2607,639 8,400,140 29, 979, 622 23,710 29,916 316,784 312,134 3,462 10,858 57,184 219,479 53,663 84,043 534, 902 837,417 3,410 2,637 55,299 53,430 1,955 4,448 28,968 10,780 xxx Not applicable; inquiry not on questio 'Total for 131 counties in Western Texas. 2Total for 123 counties In Eastern TexBS. See footnote on State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 395 Part 2 of 6 Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexa, Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Srazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 220 96 12,011 5,591 230,700 60,868 226,513 56,241 12 106 55 24 23 18 6 *M 64 12,668 2,352 9,765 2,135 68 8 2,152 461 59,157 17,183 51,693 16,833 27 599 8,379 6,503 XXX XXX XXX 26 4 1,904 229 24 4 1,893 229 20,543 5,525 1 4 1 "7 3 3 57 81 1,364 310 1,178 190 1 1 1 87 117 4,109 4,505 98,317 55,766 27,010 10,393 9 4 226 72 3,860 415 370 86 xxx XXX xxx 2 75 1,575 1,445 1 1 9 247 3,976 300 xxx 2 135 810 810 xxx xxx 419 456 61,490 66,904 897,645 938,761 844,936 875,669 6 46 78 no 179 138 272 6,048 9,562 132,992 218,961 28,785 70,928 67 87 2,450 2,211 38,315 37,454 24,482 16,224 4 71 858 630 xxx III xxx xxx 1 40 800 1 xxx 20 xxx 100 xxx 40 185 3,790 11,315 43,4a 52,118 42,053 45,930 294 6,911 106,387 92,763 49 155 59 25 6 692 23,453 606,665 xxx 323,348 47 xxx 749 13,959 xxx 5,842 1 6 120 2 22 128 1 3 1 3 3 34 936 12,483 10,799 xxx 10 12 7 3 2 US XXX 3,727 100,733 xxx 30,511 23 447 9,872 3,573 9 51 519 2,533 5,967 9,216 5,601 8,287 xxx xxx 39 581 8,413 xxx 6,729 7 26 6 156 5,697 124,150 26,987 xxx 23 XXX 251 xxx 4,553 xxx 305 1 10 1 io ... 3 21 138 813 1,955 5,199 1,955 3,744 1 1 1 3 237 1,840 3 4 90 74 1,204 682 604 90 xxx xxx xxx xxx 202 4,142 79,181 66,904 28 125 38 9 2 684 43,440 xxx 1,001,060 368,796 xxx 38 837 17,184 2,978 1 20 300 260 1 io 125 105 xxx 5 97 4,015 3,696 1 3 1 39 3,270 117,698 38,689 xxx 1 20 900 xxx 1 2 512 590 11,250 8,574 11,250 8,574 16 4 1,538 127 12 4 1,371 127 37,962 1,256 6 135 335 1 12 ... xxx 2 102 630 xxx 600 xxx xxx xxx 171 230 47,913 94,163 801,255 1,446,669 780,424 1,409,259 3 xxx 49 1,248 1,175 1 1 1 20 1,017 xxx 27,732 xxx 4,900 xxx 1 xxx 3 xxx 9 1 3 9 1 5 17 3 16 1 6 52 1 4 4 1 6 1 300 2,500 2,500 1 1 "9 lib XXX 198 244 28,948 45,577 426,015 335,587 414,436 311,765 4 21 33 44 96 5 7 112 112 2,410 2,020 760 700 30 39 1,189 1,824 29,116 23,161 21,950 13,131 2 87 500 xxx xxx xxx 6 320 265 5,615 2 55 xxx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 W 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ..-. 46 ■ ■! 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5J '•> 57 58 59 (,0 61 62 63 64 65 U 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Stub lte«B continued 396 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Small grains harvested: fheat farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres .'...farms reporting 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or more acres farms reporting Oats farms reporting Sales bushels Barley farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Rye farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Flaxseed farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Rice farms reporting 162-lb. barrels Sales 162-lb. barrels Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for beans farms reporting bushels Cut for hay farms reporting Hogged or grazed, or cut for allege farms reporting Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959... 134 1954. . . 30? 1959.. . 6 614 1954. . . 12 374 1959. . . 54 275 1954. . . 129 32U 1959. . . 44 534 1954... 108,319 1959. . . 7 1959. . . 52 1959... 37 1959. . . 22 1959... 16 1959. . . 1?3 1954... 531 1959. . . 7 575 1954. . . 28 548 1959. . . 97 700 1954. . . 441 563 1959. . . 48 509 1954. . . 188 179 1959... 5 1954. . . 54 1959. . . 90 1954. . . 1 163 1959. . . 1 155 1954... 14 368 1959. . . M>5 1954. . . 2 801 1959. . . 1 1959... 20 1959. . . ..« 1959. . . ... 0 1959. . . 1954. . . JOB 1959. . . 1954. . . ■XX 1959. . . 1954... ■" 1959. . . 1954. . . XXX 1959. . . XXX 1954. . . 1959. . . 1954. . . 1959. . . 1954. . . '" 1959. . . CD 1954. . . act 1959, 1954. 1959. 1954. 19! '• 1954. L959. .; 154. 1959, 1 154. 1959. 1954. 1959. L954. 1959, 1954. 10,359 226,632 9,856 2,120 3,264 9,442 60,715 14,544 121,150 156,665 4,767 10,955 72,212 231,476 1,200 1,200 Not applicable; Inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote an State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 397 Part 2 of 6 Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman CaLLUi CaUlngs- Colorado Comal Sowtche Concho Cooke 545 2 56 248 92 2 346 1,315 215 4 44 165 507 1 450 313 322 16 16 511 255 80 80 509 2 73,l63 13 4,506 21,996 2,286 15 16,547 51,119 14,689 188 971 14,146 23,666 3 •m 71,654 XXX XXX 29,760 25,407 1,548 614 21,763 XXX 20,480 XXX XXX 1,482 4,842 24,322 4 1,763,571 105 70,979 304,220 37,328 295 223,972 1,224,664 233,124 2,940 11,448 125,045 486,790 5 in 720,026 XXX XXX 169,117 364,679 10,550 3,559 210,965 XXX 125,517 XXX XXX 15,258 23,818 499,813 6 1,686,856 67,232 283,401 35,454 24C 208,350 1,178,034 210,753 2,300 9,747 110,135 457,235 7 XXX 696,768 XXX XXX 151,307 330,755 8,406 1,446 186,121 XXI 105,154 XII XII 9,980 18,582 458,435 8 3 2 5 12 2 11 62 11 3 4 18 9 79 13 60 55 117 595 60 3 27 31 193 10 110 I-1 54 17 100 358 47 12 37 134 11 126 12 58 4 80 211 47 2 43 107 12 227 18 71 4 38 89 50 1 50 55 13 6 14 8 7 109 3 5 391 664 11 149 162 89 511 14 33 XXX 23 300 2 53 794 12 XII XII 536 99 744 15 109 375 257 234 6,170 55 435 30,434 23,481 as 10,760 8,219 5,561 30,411 16 547 XXX 397 16,038 117 2,451 54,053 337 XXX 21,997 5,959 40,939 17 2,100 8,665 7,399 2,885 85,943 1,700 7,640 533,286 639,929 4,915 187,741 139,113 93,561 795,081 18 XXX 16,279 XXX XXX 7,931 319,173 2,769 31,247 857,575 XXX 3,895 XXX XXX 334,399 50,582 1,112,930 19 765 400 800 1,115 18,306 500 50 211,646 380,495 275 39,591 26,809 24,368 288,032 20 XXI 5,430 XXX XXX 3,715 93,243 2,269 5,248 405,432 m XXX XXX 71,308 19,194 394,002 21 214 13 63 34 47 253 26 23 12 41 179 22 XIX 46 92 62 4 3 131 XXX 34 58 8 193 23 11,101 506 3,137 1,676 1,232 6,278 855 363 374 1,704 4,300 24 1,508 XIX XXX 4,133 1,680 113 58 3,063 666 XXX 998 645 3,678 25 318,048 6,798 39,396 21,098 14,008 175,399 12,028 5,264 4,936 20,753 123,101 26 XXX 31,883 XXX XIX 37,603 23,938 1,104 620 38,028 XXX 6,615 XXX XIX 9,692 3,260 77,294 27 278,786 2,540 21,035 16,428 6,413 120,186 5,066 999 533 12,499 39,291 28 in 21,831 XXX XXX 23,132 10,282 500 17,727 XXX 1,966 XXX XXI 1,842 2,028 18,758 29 3 1 3 3 10 1 2 41 4 4 30 35 5 90 121 174 20 39 1,064 52 65 31 405 50 1,925 650 1,562 600 463 7,613 472 668 32 57 1,835 375 1,192 560 288 3,945 2 71 418 1 n 34 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3 40 75 198 XXX XXX XXX .8 100 15 v. v- XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 96 198 XIX XXX XXX 39 40 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 96 XXX XXX III 41 XXX XXX 182 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX III XXI m 213 XXI XXX XXX 42 177 XXX XXX XXX XXX 161 XXX ... XXX 39,417 XXX XXX XXI 42,422 XXI 44 64,678 XXX XXX 56,691 XXX III 45 XXX 758,399 XXX XXX in XXX XXX 879,551 XXI 46 XXX 987,496 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 994,537 XXX XXX in in in XXX 744,901 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 861,732 XXX XXX in ,8 XXX 907,499 XXX XXX XXX XXI XXX 977,469 XXX XXX in ..■: 4 79 2 1 1 16 1 50 1 2 3 1 51 26 3,190 45 3 30 295 20 52 1 41 71 2 2,837 41 54,482 406 1 3 30 1 30 649 15 215 2,863 'ei 8 53 54 55 '.7 56 59 4 1 2 1 1 i 60 61 26 36 '26 25 62 1 15 63 37 16 25 8 64 1 3 88 8 229 1 25 2 55 15 2 66 1 1 20 8 66 67 ,..: 69 70 71 72 73 Stub items continued 398 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Small grains harvested' Wheat farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acre6 farms reporting 100 or more acres farms reporting Oats farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Barley farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Rye farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Flaxseed farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Rice farms reporting 162-lb. barrels Sales 162-lb. barrels Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for beans farms reporting bushels Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. L95*. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 195*. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 19r>9. L954. 19 59. 1954. 1959. 1959. 195?. 1959. 1959. L95*. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 195*. 1959. 1 95* . 1959. L954. 1959. 195*. 1959. -954. 1959. 195*. 1959. 195*. 1 959 . 1954. 1959. 19 54. 12,756 230,508 33,721 733,954 3,782 69,584 4,681 19,427 39,240 122,594 1,091 2,500 22,424 28,603 34,090 401, 926 340,263 5,404 2,823 86,762 57,257 2,474 41,402 64, 145 46,705 1,144,870 294, 288 1,229 5,720 30,040 20,483 481,135 18,095 510,168 2,51* 63,315 Plowed under for green 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Not applicable; inquiry not an questionnaire. See footnote on State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 399 Part 2 of 6 Dear aitth Delta Denton De Witt Dicxens Dinait Donley Duval Eastlana Ector gdwds Ellis El Paso Erath Fails ^ 630 113 634 117 67 60 1 472 23 58 640 1 482 682 XXX 285 124 197 65 2 129,701 2,025 29,180 10,493 8,774 1,667 20 15,603 691 1,148 18,731 3 144,670 34,240 19,942 15,476 5,304 XXX 1,654 XXX 4 3,189,556 42,943 565,772 79,606 102,451 14,807 800 327,584 12,593 16,778 404,779 5 1,508,499 XXX 690,102 xn 155, 530 XXX 103,436 XXX 61,379 XXX 15,749 XXX m 6 3,109,998 41,674 533,476 66,133 97,940 11,215 600 312,046 11,731 15,135 381,684 7 1,432,500 XXX 625,719 XXX 130,817 XXX 79,962 XXX 48,173 XXX 8,936 xn nx 8 5 17 25 2 3 10 31 1 6 62 9 SO 74 243 20 23 26 1 232 13 38 333 10 81 19 182 30 13 11 130 3 12 176 11 127 3 113 31 6 11 55 5 2 51 12 367 71 34 22 2 24 1 18 13 18 139 661 2 24 105 1 5 484 2 221 244 240 U 31 967 51 3 359 1 5 525 15 927 3,428 49,856 35 992 4,713 30 92 18,008 70 10,413 7,095 7,012 16 942 65,364 1,434 28 13,125 IX 213 24,058 XXX 17 25,300 75,215 1,149,419 769 9,590 64,t95 2,000 1,870 407,334 921 215,854 157,567 155,112 18 21,727 XXX 2,129,788 XXX 22,634 XXX 253 XXX 241,244 450 XXX 5,660 311,725 XXX nx 10 17,550 25,862 592, U7 3,290 7,179 165, 144 64,404 58,588 76, 611 20 9,729 XXI 1,234,946 m 13,805 xn 13 XXX 60,800 XXX 5,284 70,568 XXX xn 21 259 35 178 2 4 12 SO 17 17 12 44 22 86 251 30 5 85 XXX 20 27 23 19,402 1,496 5,683 14 59 202 2,586 1,276 321 249 737 24 4,307 7,311 884 114 1,501 686 329 25 665,590 20,801 128,250 258 1,250 1,801 51,764 57,457 5,464 5,126 17,478 26 75,791 XXX 159,982 XXX U.735 XXX 1,258 XXX 20,533 XIX 30,928 5,332 XXX xn 27 581, 34' 8,254 61,200 28,172 35,394 2,570 2,528 7,289 28 55,281 XXX 88,751 XXX 8,355 XXX 273 XXX 4,445 xn 21,658 M0 XXX xn 29 20 1 6 3 5 8 1 2 1 X 804 60 312 53 172 163 20 34 12 n 13,577 1,800 8,521 462 2,225 1,805 1,000 1,200 48 V 11,610 1,800 6,359 51 442 550 78b 960 1,000 33 34 XXX XXX 129 3,672 XXX XXX XXX XXX nx 3 XXX XXX 36 XXX XXX XXX 6,171 30,117 45,672 29,805 41,113 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 57 658 571 XXX XXX XXX 24 180 17 38 39 40 41 42 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX m XXX XXX XXX xn XXX XXX XXX xn 43 44 43 XXX nx 46 XXX XXX XXX XXX xn XII XXX nx XXX 47 XXX XIX XXX XXI XXX XXX XXX XXX m xn XXX in XXX u XXX xn XXI XXX XXX XXX 49 21 6 10 1 3 2 32 1 1 1 19 30 5 21 6 25 31 556 95 141 35 125 17 935 10 12 12 358 32 138 290 91 362 a 17 5 8 1 3 1 31 1 1 17 M 5 16 23 53 443 83 94 35 125 "s 883 10 12 346 M 100 223 341 97 6,927 1,259 463 350 1,605 50 8,891 300 240 5,208 38 1,425 1,184 1 2 12 42 1 3 1 12 1 9 1.8 1 12 22 1,761 i 20 13 59 60 M 62 63 64 69 66 67 4 2 3 2 70 1 3 6 1 71 113 44 41 12 72 38 25 91 1 71 400 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 11.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY .farms reporting 1959. 1954. aoreB 1959. 1954. buahela 1959. 1954. 11,328 23,314 112,352 176,955 79,817 135,496 1,611,120 1,278,033 51,616 65,484 473,779 573,491 3,500 2,800 10 to 24 i 25 to 49 i 50 to 99 100 or ao' .farms reporting 1959.. . farms reporting 1959. . .farms reporting 1959.. .farms reporting 1959.. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954.. 7,822 3,375 1,949 6,314. 32,820 120,847 1,265 21,159 31,015 6,583 12,116 156,579 17,495 4,020 1,108 21,032 .farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bushels 1959.. 1954.. 4.740 4,493 124,919 91,619 2,557 1,830 23,588 32,678 .farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. bushels 1959. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. • farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 162-lb. barrels 1959. 1954. 16,077 23,775 303,825 395,581 Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes ftarvested for beans. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. soreB 1959. . 1954.. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acreB 1959. 1954. Plowed under for green .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Mot applicable; inquirj not on questionnaire. See footnote on State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 401 Part 2 of 6 Galveston Garza Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 2 312 6 233 994 733 89 214 314 171 1 XXX 38 277 1 xxx XT3C 276 xxx xxx xxx xxx 531 133 184 296 493 2 50 6,957 102 69,774 45,981 65 49,114 6,645 4,412 195,771 23,396 3 933 5,938 9 81,042 46,845 8,468 4,046 112,843 78, 161 4 470 118,520 1,481 1,042,635 1,030,152 1,077 1,487,982 67,983 59,225 2,224,296 217,466 5 iri 7,908 60,194 60 xxx XXX 715,669 xxx xxx xxx XIX 604,709 51,822 33,472 913,632 814,396 6 470 104,092 1,403 978,808 965,458 987 1,469,689 63,554 51,496 2,105,429 199,254 7 XXX 4,994 38,352 60 xxx XXX 659,298 XIX III xxx xxx 569,804 41,435 19,723 825,991 738,181 8 1 64 3 5 38 2 24 2 21 1 7 9 164 2 : 378 1 202 19 138 1 29 10 1 61 5 318 1 171 23 44 5 27 11 17 1 26 158 197 22 11 3 29 12 6 195 102 139 23 304 79 13 3 . 625 3 2 15 631 2 25 63 17 5 683 12 14 14 2 540 2 ir^nr 10 xxx xxx XXX xxx 13 4 746 5 164 15 31 6 26,153 61 644 30,200 53 1,163 1,242 413 108 37,112 566 246 16 91 18,387 110 239 xxx xxx 432 164 35,746 340 7,744 17 1,200 150 634,163 1,200 163 11, 165 629,144 590 32,505 25,956 12,258 2,810 712,564 14,830 3,814 18 3,091 302,026 5,150 xxx xxx 6,104 xxx xxx XXX xxx 9,897 956 367,373 5,450 141,584 19 221,832 100 4,490 308,253 5,885 15,920 10,023 890 216,946 4,580 1,725 20 XXX 1,800 109,470 2,560 XXX xxx 1,019 xxx xxx xxx xxx 6,164 78,848 3,510 61,646 21 4 177 3 2 68 193 1 16 168 20 115 38 29 22 XXX 6 175 xxx xxx 18 xxx xxx xxx xxx 69 12 140 25 76 23 29 3,012 26 19 300 7,131 4,928 50 452 5,635 858 2,480 3,731 1,272 24 131 2,261 xxx 632 XXX xxx 1,951 466 2,664 1,742 1,961 25 340 60,738 1,060 355 4,500 124,747 105,928 1,500 13,322 171,038 12,774 44,006 53,609 21,509 26 XXX 588 20,341 xxx xxx 7,838 XXX xxx xxx xxx 38,943 3,935 20,196 21,758 33,847 27 290 13,876 300 87,311 61,569 7,481 149,178 3,340 7,239 43,371 16,794 28 xxx 200 4,121 xxx xxx 215 xxx XXX xxx xxx 24,012 1,510 5,426 17,073 15,836 ."< 6 2 4 4 1 8 11 1 2 4 10 55 95 92 53 54 112 293 20 300 141 31 1,072 1,890 1,650 1,325 1,620 1,985 5,480 200 3,600 1,493 32 190 1,530 1 4 1,470 1,100 1 1,620 8 1,620 5,023 160 3,600 1,313 33 34 ™ ™ XXX 26 80 258 xxx 2 32 36 339 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx It, xxx XXX xxx 1,837 600 707 2,740 xxx 43 320 833 2,897 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 17 is xxx XXX xxx 15,033 600 4,718 xxx 922 320 4,678 2,807 xxx " xxx xxx w 41) xxx xxx xxx 14,203 . xxx 784 4,344 XXX xxx xxx XII xxx U 22 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx XXX XXI xxx xxx XXX xxx XXI 4.' 19 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx XXX xxx XXX 43 4,951 xxx xxx xxx XXX xxx xxx 44 7,684 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 45 73,498 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 46 107,878 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx XXI xxx -'• 70,176 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 48 107,266 ... xxx 2 1 55 15 1 15 82 1 5 1 50 xxx 1 7 10 64 2 12 4 1 3 10 26 2 26 xxx 5 1 80 8 2 1 19 8 180 10 1 'io 2 51 3 30 1 14 2 16 304 9 15,747 259 296 8 15,341 250 418,198 6,086 1 "4 5 3 66 7 1 336 9 1 1 14 20 1 14 280 1 20 2 '30 1 10 25 1 '20 xxx 1 1 1 1 30 49 VI ',1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 00 61 t,2 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Stub Items continued 402 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres .* . . .farms reporting 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or more acres farms reporting Oats farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Barley farms reporting bushels Salea bushels Bye farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Flaxseed farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Rice .farms reporting 162-lb. barrels Sales 162-lb. barrels Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for beans farms reporting bushels Cut for hay farms reporting L959. 1954. 1959.. 1954. 1959. 1954. Plowed under for green Not applicable; inquiry i L959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 195*. 1959. 1954. 19 ?9. L954. L959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1959. . . 4 14 1959. . . .7 197 1954. . . 1959. . . 410 4,890 1954... ax XXX 1959... 400 1954... ... XXX 1959... 1954. . . 1959. . . 1954. . . en XXX 1959... 1954... **> XXX 1959... 1954. . . xa XXX 1959... 1 1959. . . 3 1959. . . 45 1959. . . 1959. . . 1954. . . 1959. . . 1954. . . 1959. . . 1954. . . 1959. . . 1954. . . 1959. . . 7 155 1954. . . 10 166 1959. . . 1 >99 40,721 1954. . . 2 72< 60,273 1959. . . 26 i...; 794, 817 1954. . . 47,816 1,073,959 1959. . . 25 7-17 778,977 1954. . . 44 916 1,039,626 67,372 64,016 1,252,658 417,053 38,589 44,881 555,344 478,109 4,787 17,264 100,623 59,102 1,720 42,161 32,593 38, 161 507, 561 302,667 See footnote on State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 403 Part 2 of 6 mil Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Ho^ Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson «- Jack Jackson Jas^ Jeff Davis Jefferson Jin Hogg 286 6,394 114,099 XXX 107,527 30 161 72 21 2 317 10,107 217,237 91,298 27 369 6,955 1,577 3 85 452 6 179 2,852 2,147 XXX XXX XXX ::: 16 18 1,372 1,248 28,383 11,562 28,072 10,596 2 5 1 4 4 5 128 4,250 3,700 11 2 535 20 11,721 292 11,314 9 270 1,003 515 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 39 2 1,345 35 35 2 1,303 35 32,267 420 4 42 6 6 114 114 1,760 881 1,389 626 5 1 56 126 2,529 5,800 55,876 97,832 8,552 15,085 2 6 40 748 1,400 15,074 6,385 2 55 1,048 900 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3 46 1,375 1,321 XXX 3 83 3,187 72,832 XXX 10,716 XXX 1 XXX 8 XXX 100 XXX XXX XXX 6 561 6,122 5,516 4 I 21 1,871 31,542 7,609 XXX XXX 1 XXX 500 XXX 5,000 5,000 9 54 480 1,654 4,244 15,596 3,820 12,646 4 1 3 1 9 16 501 629 8,245 10,853 1,862 5,530 9 21 567 914 10,740 11,879 4,848 4,936 2 25 203 XXX XXX XXX : i 10 25 300 162 300 2 4 SO 230 3,150 6,447 2,650 5,400 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX "i "7 1 7 7 512 12,692 253,336 232,294 46 277 138 44 7 421 XXX 17,267 330,875 XXX 158,382 XXX 59 1,308 XXX 25,623 XXX 18,121 XXX XXX XXX 57 1 1,005 14 48 1 886 14 17,285 17 3 '44 20 1 7 6 68 74 94 42,400 43,127 685,013 489,909 640,525 447,671 1 2 3 68 8 3 185 60 5,260 1,220 200 300 :- 11 788 741 12,890 7,595 8,150 2,780 3 194 3,405 3,355 XXX XXX XXX XXX i '25 i '25 425 3 41 362 285 3 11 160 744 6,800 16,755 2,500 5,100 : 5 125 XXX XXX XXX 1,5 3,5 15,2 40,3 13,1 31,7 1 1,2 9,0 18,5 211,9 1,C 43, e : ( 3,! 7,< 1,C 2,4 1,< 1,' ) a ) !9 99 *9 25 92 72 17 39 21 9 5 - 25 99 Id *7 75 87 30 13 7 26 37 09 to 03 00 A3 3 (.1 90 08 XX XX XT 1 XXX 50 1,000 900 1 1 50 700 10 35 448 1,261 2,044 10,754 1,563 10,451 84 63 20,565 23,388 427,311 424,204 411,910 414,148 ... XXX XXX 1 XXX 9 135 XXX XXX 1 1 78 100 1,447 900 1,447 900 2 23 2 23 24 2 42 1,150 1,020 1 1 i '36 330 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2 60 1,900 XXX 291 264 56,687 79,777 1,123,738 1,230,467 1,1W,983 1,208,557 3 184 3 184 3,342 XXX XXX XXX XXX XIX XXX XXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 1/4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 29 10 31 12 31 34 33 36 37 38 M 40 41 42 41 44 4^ 47 48 iO 50 51 92 53 34 53 96 57 98 99 60 61 62 63 64 69 t*. 67 61 1,9 70 71 7,' 7 1 Stub iVemm continued 404 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 2 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY 'eportlng 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. 3,811 1,541 69,305 30,019 42,210 44,410 534,229 411,083 5,059 114,507 2,053 1,859 35,663 16,750 2,806 2,560 30,449 1,417 1,393 21,705 16,141 Under 10 i 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or more acres f aims reporting Oata farms reporting Sales bushels Barley farms reporting bushels Sales bushels 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. L9! 9. 1954. 1959. L954. 1959. L954. 21,995 30,355 571,870 635,194 5,036 9,103 69,745 218,331 23,280 382,564 8,095 5,778 198,704 86,092 Rye farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1959. 1959. Flaxseed farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Rice farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 162 -lb. barrels 1959. 1954. Sales 162-lb . barrels 1959. 1,646 7,155 16,137 37,362 19,523 40,120 196,143 162,543 6,010 6,010 Annua! legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1959... 1954 .. . Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954 . . . Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1959... 1954... for silage farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Plowed under for green .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Not applicable; inquiry ] See footnote on State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 405 Part 2 of 6 J118 —, Kleberg ^ _ «, Lejspass£ La Salle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Lljnestcxie Llpsccxob Live Oai Ll«o 18 27 1,299 2,573 13,475 27,675 11,763 24,756 4 5 5 4 1 12 50 787 750 15,200 2,865 i ii7 1,200 1,200 XXX XXX XXX ... 1 10 150 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2 10 105 743 600 5,134 600 5,014 441 425 40,254 48,950 629,871 551,004 599,258 500,284 2 106 113 96 124 69 202 3,000 9,287 51,952 198,739 26,892 97,514 102 67 4,046 2,098 55,191 31,080 37,870 17,035 9 333 2,440 1,719 XXX XXX XXX XXX 133 3,787 73,861 70,006 8 64 46 12 3 111 4,253 XXX 115,224 XXX 34,741 31 910 18,352 7,760 i ■ 510 448 XXX XXX 21 3 877 48 17 821 12,291 2 3 27 45 21 28 2 17 1 12 110 113 7,118 6,249 178,127 84,949 174,534 79,826 10 29 30 21 20 13 10 163 155 5,385 5,090 4,522 2,200 84 18 3,802 454 82,438 10,095 56,692 5,481 12 302 4,478 4,237 XXX XXX XXX XXX 69 1 2,907 58 65 1 2,658 58 51,988 1,200 1 l.' 36 1 30 6 207 123 57 2,575 1,098 45,721 10,189 40,860 6,116 8 84 23 8 315 257 17,837 13,289 393,113 170,176 110,176 55,521 30 19 730 422 15,185 2,855 558 625 XXX XXX XXX XXX 1 10 50 1 16 XXX 200 XXX 5 30 525 XXX 180 1 1 2 1 14 89 J 5 1,336 6,750 27,110 102,995 23,910 102,585 2 18 125 75 1 1 61 XXX ms 19,459 1,725 XXX XXX 2 6 73 XXX XXX 8 330 XXX 6,275 800 XXX XXX XXX 1 3 1 3 2 XXX 10 185 2,990 XXX 442 XXX 1 24 240 202 139 101 29,617 40, 714 571,746 675,483 564,184 660,926 5 137 2 115 2,150 2 5 7 1 17 4 53 388 388 XXX 4 52 2,339 37,928 XXX 4,493 3 125 XXX 2,500 XXX 2 21 126 126 XXX XXX 298 306 95,529 82,707 1,229,139 560,955 1,150,424 484,436 5 8 15 270 9 4 250 460 6,922 6,800 3,300 6,000 150 32 11,732 2,208 163,266 22,018 86,022 11,205 10 393 3,421 2,534 XXX XXX XXX 1 ioo 1 100 1 1 XXX 14 1 5 285 XXX 11,050 7,070 XXX XXX 36 58 1,799 3,337 23,932 8,427 23,649 7,788 3 1 47 16 615 65 432 2 1 27 6 655 72 14,281 915 4 63 1,350 XXX XXX XXX ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 « 31 a 33 34 35 K 37 18 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4< 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 i,l ... 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Stub Items continued 406 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explai reporting 1959... 1954 . . . 1959 .. . 1954 .. . bushels 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 1954 . . . Fauns reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres f aims reporting 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or more acres farms reporting Oats farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Barley farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. L9: ). 1954 . L959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels -farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1959. 1959. Flaxseed farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. bushels Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. ce farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 162 -lb. barrels 1959. 1954. Sales 162-lb. barrels 1959. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes Harvested for beans. ■eporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . acres 1959... 1954... sporting 1959... 1954 . . . acres 1959... 1954... Cut for hay farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for ailage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Ploired under for green 4,650 128,660 63,652 . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Not applicable; inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote on State total. 4,023 3,910 29,880 8,070 8,472 118,964 81,572 12,066 222,800 37,529 929,947 2,592 52,602 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 407 Part 2 of 6 Matagorda Mavericx Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague fontg emery Moore Morris Motley Nacog- doches Navarro N~ton XXX XXX XXX XXX 2 55 800 100 5 222 1,480 1,462 200 175 44,194 49,547 922,058 910,683 903,484 897,769 XXX XXX 1 22 XXX 500 500 XXX 3 XXX 92 2,700 XXX 2,250 XXX 6 81 1,407 816 2 3 1 204 9,236 228,031 XXX 157,276 4 221 6,070 3,951 9 308 1,714 1,299 4 5 179 68 1,593 1,233 1,430 1,233 1 2 1 37 17 1,970 382 29,753 13,106 2,525 5,272 22 1 548 6 9,620 ISO 2,202 XXX XXX XXX XXX 2 2 45 50 750 475 600 310 1 1 4 3 373 85 17,976 900 17,500 3 68 800 50 2 55 522 390 XXX XXX 47 881 13,696 11,415 16 21 8 1 1 154 3,332 66,183 11,272 XXX 4 93 1,642 XXX XXX 1 40 400 300 2 70 500 480 XXX XXX XXX 94 67 1,967 1,580 24,220 10,339 20,098 5,943 8 63 17 6 252 257 12,326 11,758 174,391 114,739 21,785 12,440 42 31 763 637 8,645 5,764 1,789 1,910 1 500 12,500 10,000 XXX XXX XXX XXX 41 146 1,440 5,326 16,267 42,198 14,401 34,649 3 22 6 7 3 14 49 360 1,365 6,825 15,106 3,615 3,347 9 7 148 113 2,150 625 1,917 450 3 20 190 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 62 88 1,886 2,771 25,457 36,992 22,887 32,166 3 29 21 8 1 64 153 2,351 5,679 33,455 127,345 2,110 32,694 17 27 631 471 10,801 7,621 1,300 1,300 5 98 1,380 1,025 XXX XXX 2 11 1 4 1 7 XXX XXX XXX XXX 175 161 98,868 89,049 1,724,629 683,309 1,691,840 650,940 3 1 7 164 8 9 347 353 4,290 5,087 2,840 1,407 16 23 2,541 1,870 43,779 22,917 34,542 14,504 2 3,512 40,080 38,580 XXX 1 8 1 "8 160 3 XXX 301 6,800 XXX XXX 39 104 5,185 6,884 54,431 32,250 51,609 26,447 6 7 9 17 2 9 137 541 1,078 9,173 678 180 2 19 47 754 182 4,496 120 2,213 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1 53 1 53 1,070 3 61 XXX 1,255 XXX XXX 87 2,471 XXX 44,906 39,685 7 42 26 10 2 213 XXX 10,837 XXX 236,741 XXX 61,116 XXX 13 479 9,600 2,990 1 100 800 600 2 28 1 15 150 1 13 13 2 XXX 9 175 3 11 90 3 3 508 1,000 8,660 16,600 8,128 16,600 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. 17 18 19 20 21 .12 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 V <1 v. l., 17 18 VI ,11 « 42 43 44 43 ..,, 47 50 •'! 52 S3 54 55 56 57 38 VI 60 61 (,.' t,j 64 i,', 67 68 i > 71) 71 72 7 1 408 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 10 to 24 acres faints reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or more acres farms reporting Oats farms reporting Sales bushels Barley farms reporting L959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 5,049 7,287 55,344 55,967 3,497 14,320 50,804 213,230 132,000 3,077,194 984,098 15,537 2,298 306,572 13,477 42,541 50,412 572,354 359,656 1,702 1,542 13,628 18,388 2,103 2,267 21,933 32,242 2,898 11,989 44,657 204,001 1,227 3,751 L6.339 2,524 10,760 44,383 207,727 78,827 67,403 2,427,346 718,857 9,918 1,441 267,573 26,510 Sales bushels Rye farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1959. 1959. Flaxseed farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1,244 8,306 14,849 82,859 ce farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 162 -lb. barrels 1959. 1954. Sales 162-lb. barrels 1959. 5,237 8,351 83,165 106,515 Annua! legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Out for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Plowed under for green .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Not applicable; inquiry : See footnote on State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 409 Part 2 of 6 Poli Potter Presidio M. Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine 2 XXX 21 XXX 435 XXX XXX XXX XXX 1 1 357 475 7,854 3,000 7,584 2,762 6 45 1 5 40 4 38 25 1 .2 142 136 52,048 50,322 695,976 580,628 649,561 524,347 2 2 18 120 5 9 287 225 6,108 5,260 2,481 1,600 28 23 26,55 917 56,288 13,944 40,265 3,233 1 65 450 320 XXX XXX XXX 5 122 5 12 48 ii6 1 3 90 1 XXX XXX XXX XXX 33 1,520 20,866 12,925 1 XXX 13 XXX 150 XXX 397 461 93,222 131,591 1,393,895 1,408,490 1,343,313 1,325,854 2 19 41 84 251 28 44 666 1,128 20,853 28,174 6,146 16,484 118 123 6,772 7,337 136,859 124,499 96,893 76,009 10 416 4,916 4,281 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5 87 4 84 1,242 1 3 1 1,500 3,000 3,000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 23 3 496 51 11,665 2,160 1,440 100 1 12 360 40 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5 XXX 104 1,775 1,380 1 3 1 19 553 10,367 780 1 XXX 1? XXX 360 XXX XXX 20 4 303 59 8 100 965 10 4 167 59 149 39 3 36 1 15 90 90 1 13 14 680 732 27,125 24,700 18,475 10,425 10 11 1,027 697 39,339 22,251 31,819 13,755 1 30 900 900 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3 89 3 79 2,184 1 10 15 XXX 1 58 15 3,854 150 27,951 150 27,124 I 320 6,400 6,400 65 61 25,313 21,176 393,831 139,352 377,265 119,567 3 2 60 6 1 335 15 5,825 150 28 3 3,938 195 68,467 2,510 50,055 2,300 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 13 890 17,800 1,440 XXX 1 8 41 XXX 164 6,247 148,506 142,721 3 73 45 32 11 72 2,347 56,401 26,397 XXX 38 XXX 1,567 XXX 35,807 28,243 XXX XXX 1 19 1 19 500 3< 41 16,7 27, & 154,1 245,4. 141,5 223,4 1 5 8,6 26,1 113,7 428,2 53,5 247,1 1 3,8 1,0 66,5 13,8 53,5 7,3 1 )5 !9 5 5 - 2 !.- 1" 6 W 38 57 46 34 SO 30 18 -4 37 48 43 16 -6 >9 0" IS 25 34 47 a XX ' - xx XX XXX 8 XXX 80 XXX 2,147 2 10 200 1 9 1 9 XXX 2 3 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 JO 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 IH 39 40 41 42 4.) 44 45 46 47 48 41 50 51 52 53 ■■4 55 :,, 57 58 ■■•i ,,u i,l 62 63 ,,. 69 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Stub items continued 410 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY .farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 3,616 7,742 46,166 66,782 7,672 14,403 62,329 157,712 146,463 98,151 2,321,988 523,998 . farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. L959. 1954. 8,477 2,350 155,235 27,664 1,166 1,078 18,875 18,787 1,090 3,858 19,300 50,545 6,429 18,635 143,894 Sales bushels Barley farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 3,066 2,117 40,300 11,630 Rye farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. bushels 1959. bushels 1959 . Sales . Flaxseed . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1,317 9,307 ce farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 162-lb. barrels 1959. 1954. Sales 162-lb. barrels 1959. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959... 1954... Harvested for besns farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954. Plowed under for green eportlng 1959. 1954. acres 1959... 1954... sporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1959 . . . 1954... Not applicable; inquiry I See footnote on State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 411 Part 2 of 6 Titos Tom QrMa Trmrls Trinity 3,837 9,675 32,265 122,486 8,142 14,996 82,682 U9,569 1,298 1,487 24,827 15,997 1,856 10,974 25,029 255,417 79,686 93,336 1,701,1/17 934,569 1,907 19,213 22,676 3,605 78,609 3,133 2,647 65,234 45,575 31,494 44,263 328,232 307,182 7,093 12,593 122,713 104,676 902 516 19,562 15,765 20,174 32,771 529,483 884,070 4,187 11,882 60,958 187,982 13,452 5,869 330,900 445,835 23,714 57,591 175 125 8,509 5,077 219,106 97,132 10 33 240 921 3,980 17,601 53 45 1,918 1,249 21,341 18,630 175,557 64,792 640 7,900 12,827 6,456 4 110 2,500 2,340 23,830 28,154 290,953 359,486 4,750 4,610 3,211 9,668 61,891 235,2(0 2,582 4,984 62,560 76,649 2,857 JXZ 55,589 5,1/14 3,809 Stub Items continued 412 Part 2 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Small grains harvested: Wheat fauna reporting bushels Sales bushels Farms reporting by acres, harvested : Under 10 acres f anms reporting 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres f aims reporting 100 or more acres fauna reporting Oats farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Barley farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Hye farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Flaxseed farms reporting bushels Sales bushels Moe farms reporting 162-lb. barrels Sales 162-lb . barrels Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for beans fauns reporting bushels Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 19-4 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. L9S9. 1954 . 1959. 19-4. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 195). L95*. 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 19'-.. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 195, . 1959. 1954. 1959. 19-4. 1959. 19V, . 9,921 3,277 251,891 36,427 4,269 82,075 3,198 3,739 70,546 68,057 5,000 XXX 5,000 13,602 11,900 273,714 214,418 Plowed under for green 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. xxi Not applicable; inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote an State total. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 413 Part 2 of 6 Z«p*t» I»iil» 55,951 57,922 1,141,293 990,892 15,682 21,687 228,907 127,84-4 42,315 49,354 589,016 700,571 75,703 93,329 1,064,018 1,001,674 160 192 2,400 2,572 4,506 12,057 84,269 267,498 2,823 12,559 56,291 329,603 150 1,100 39,540 71,025 23,173 114,230 35 35 1,525 765 16,897 9,230 68 72 3,1/44 2,332 67,090 43,886 127 133 5,515 5,023 79,418 90,785 2,075 1,910 25,443 21,395 50,806 65,114 17 571 3,717 2,119 5 105 647 220 30 972 15,340 13,738 4,824 3,652 9,230 199,433 7,661 1,690 2,885 10,748 28,482 54,856 3,520 4,511 62,570 87,275 10,132 18, m 212,363 528,599 1,099 1,150 24,115 22,720 34,828 46,308 383,722 565,670 60 7,711 9 19,432 1,150 91,796 100 423,783 510 11,663 120,542 3 59 1 126 45 1,835 40 3,641 1,280 19,035 342 56,623 75 6,271 542 25,047 8 818 12,552 11,587 Stub ltens continued 414 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer Armstrong Atascosa Austin 1 2 Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, 1954. . . 7,398 14,853 199 633 36 103 1 1 3 4 4 1 160 266 103 135 3 4 acres 1959... 1954. . . 112,849 181,721 1,441 4,320 138 317 36 100 96 267 98 200 3,791 7,980 830 1,284 5 6 Harvested for dry peas. .. .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 3,553 5,303 136 398 15 46 1 1 75 70 4 11 7 8 9 10 acres 1959... 1954... bushels 1959... 1954. . . 44,359 43,945 474,190 299,833 747 2,183 8,690 5,782 33 102 552 1,122 14 '58 12 ioo 1,742 1,861 16,504 5,163 11 34 92 92 1954. . . 412 918 50 15 8 7 15 1 4 13 14 acres 1959... 1954. . . 4,259 7,395 323 73 34 22 68 192 2 48 15 16 tons 1959... 1954... 3,199 4,124 127 46 27 29 29 82 2 36 17 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954... 1,483 4,522 24 156 16 56 1 1 1 78 147 2 9 19 20 acres 1959... 1954. . . 20,269 43,122 214 1,499 69 189 36 7 200 1,624 3,990 6 102 21 Plowed under for green 2,285 4,847 24 91 1 3 1 3 3 3 24 68 96 114 22 1954. . . 23 24 acres 1959... 1954... 43,962 87,259 157 565 2 4 100 82 260 86 357 1,937 811 1,100 25 Peanuts grown for all 9,405 16,046 399 609 39 123 356 427 84 97 26 1954. . . 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 249,592 291,794 8,653 9,236 51 267 16,220 16,086 1,967 1,492 29 30 Harvested for picking 1954... 8,400 10,892 365 493 16 17 352 396 83 84 31 32 acres 1959... 1954. . . 242,318 234,040 8,333 8,634 22 27 16,190 15,059 1,960 1,404 33 34 pounds 1959... 1954. . . 167,521,057 78,065,363 5,413,164 3,175,376 5,145 7,944 12,682,452 5,034,905 1,848,363 928,844 35 36 Vines or tops 6aved for hay 1954. . . 3,968 11,751 199 473 22 111 143 367 1 65 37 38 acres 1959... 1954... 85,682 214,633 3,460 7,295 27 236 4,703 13,124 7 835 39 40 tons 1959... 1954... 34,549 85,118 1,090 2,481 34 149 2,091 4,578 4 312 41 Hay crops. 1,442,797 l.,508,975 4,615 1.618 154 12 3,449 2,768 60 50 5,737 4,623 2,305 1.266 2,973 3,122 22,319 21,548 42 1954... 43 44 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating faros reporting 1959... 1954... 5,635 11,087 12 3 3 12 6 1 3 20 34 45 46 acres 1959... 1954... 164,280 325,249 52 100 33 222 136 450 147 5 100 245 547 47 48 tons 1959... 1954... 373,914 628,478 17 86 31 441 280 824 514 8 235 625 525 49 1,966 3,960 163,605 277,328 1 5 8 1 234 100 1 150 3 137 37 50 51 52 1954. . . tans 1959... 1954. . . 53 54 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2,385 2,738 23 8 8 12 1 3 2 1 17 19 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 65,267 66,232 756 154 105 142 20 66 15 .!". 162 278 57 58 tans 1959... 1954... 80,387 56,808 771 156 141 79 20 124 22 10 296 189 59 290 271 2 1 2 2 60 1954... 61 6S tans 1959... 1954. . . 10,581 3,620 40 7 6 50 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 415 Part 3 of 6 Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexar — B^e* Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 17 4 29 45 10 3 9 16 15 40 25 40 4 3 2 1 6 124 251 38 48 13 20 1 4 3 16 1 2 381 191 255 314 268 42 262 513 452 452 522 1,479 21 22 210 16 121 841 1,383 335 1,126 179 186 70 135 165 131 3 4 11 1 6 8 4 5 2 4 10 77 52 3 6 3 4 1 2 2 5 6 203 25 1,893 290 21 26 159 97 5 4 41 8 19 5 80 421 219 666 2 30 33 559 288 3,318 1 25 5 143 136 1,214 490 6 26 29 95 20 75 104 288 214 1,105 5 24 13 8 22 101 44 1 60 45 70 700 75 21 345 404 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 17 2 2 2 1 1 4 8 18 2 1 ' 3 37 157 7 5 2 10 1 1 3 17 18 58 97 13 27 42 45 5 32 140 502 11 2 51 362 687 38 72 8 115 'io 40 33 19 20 6 3 15 21 4 1 7 10 14 34 15 16 2 2 2 1 3 4 33 28 36 7 6 3 1 12 22 178 166 135 1«3 175 If 220 249 447 418 349 393 10 20 210 16 70 307 465 193 742 103 49 125 50 77 23 24 1 2 142 178 5 4 2 17 100 129 17 29 74 85 5 7 3 16 2J 26 6 3 1,832 1,925 82 71 99 373 2,879 3,781 841 1,391 102 203 241 166 3 73 27 1 2 132 160 5 4 2 9 98 104 16 16 58 31 4 3 2 7 29 SO 6 3 1,804 1,829 82 71 99 234 2,816 3,148 903 931 58 37 240 130 2 49 31 32 17,600 2,600 1,529,624 923,816 62,500 28,200 18,900 41,586 1,862,815 710,118 541,340 273,800 19,629 21,235 145,300 74,800 1,060 18,659 33 34 53 148 4 1 15 26 106 8 23 U 66 2 4 U 19 36 427 1,652 47 10 256 569 2,703 313 818 60 167 31 36 51 17 38 236 686 53 3 125 270 1,009 98 342 87 149 26 34 •ii 1; 40 4,201 9,451 2,518 4,255 2,634 4,461 3,470 2,530 2,803 2,947 13,490 16,828 13,083 11,513 1,859 1,291 U5 61 16,154 12,234 17,881 15,717 9,925 8,137 5,620 9,583 1,675 595 632 881 885 1,552 41 42 125 206 3 6 6 21 18 30 1 3 58 118 14 8 15 16 ' i 50 80 23 41 5 15 35 70 2 1 8 34 1 43 44 3,896 8,134 47 188 91 581 278 648 4 19 743 1,389 346 167 220 182 ' 4 855 1,280 1,590 2,208 632 1,136 1,638 4,401 40 20 213 776 10 45 46 13,214 34,380 59 135 193 625 298 755 8 11 1,370 1,219 968 276 276 169 12 1,509 737 3,676 3,588 2,157 1,691 2,444 5,870 100 120 725 2,784 10 47 48 92 180 9,756 30,693 1 1 3 3 102 341 1 5 20 155 19 15 524 199 1 1 35 60 5 2 44 41 9 7 247 115 7 10 602 658 2 3 1,639 61 16 23 1,462 2,342 4 21 570 1,178 1 10 49 50 51 52 2 1 5 4 2 9 2 1 38 65 6 13. 7 1 27 27 40 15 19 L6 1 5 1 1 1 53 54 60 36 68 69 103 68 44 18 482 697 286 427 42 11 970 470 2,028 929 588 963 6 1,395 '26 180 60 55 56 130 150 67 51 1 111 40 1 29 27 658 461 3 5 260 427 1 36 6 650 257 4 1 3,293 905 5 712 2,241 3 2 6 1,650 40 300 40 57 58 59 60 ... 2 20 ::: 22 31 10 67 7 98 106 14 61 62 416 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Brown Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Cameron Camp Carson 1 2 Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, 1954... 7 6 26 54 3 12 9 15 27 6 12 7 25 144 19 128 1 1 3 4 acres 1959... 1954... 59 38 319 647 34 253 72 277 888 71 164 57 467 3,961 85 488 75 15 5 6 Harvested for dry peas. .. .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1 1 2 9 1 4 5 10 2 4 1 2 24 11 50 1 7 S 9 10 acreB 1959... 1954. . . bushels 1959... 1954... 2 1 12 4 2 37 13 71 10 100 24 25 110 83 212 6 1,911 61 7 1 142 3 90 869 1,100 16,242 38 138 282 452 15 60 11 12 1954... 3 1 2 1 1 5 4 14 13 14 acres 1959... 1954... 'l8 2 7 8 1 130 25 82 15 16 tons 1959... 1954. . . io 2 7 "e 3 109 23 47 17 IS Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954. . . 3 1 14 19 2 8 1 3 7 1 5 1 5 56 19 20 acres 1959... 1954. . . 23 3 125 276 24 118 8 63 144 2 51 10 22 232 21 22 Plowed under for green 1954. . . 3 2 11 26 3 8 20 5 1 5 18 115 10 1 23 24 acres 1959... 1954. . . 34 16 190 327 127 40 189 676 65 13 54 325 2,952 36 75 25 26 Peanuts grown for all 1954... 103 161 23 41 2 8 12 1 105 204 1 17 51 27 23 acres 1959... 1954... 4,041 5,052 187 260 47 207 410 2 2,994 4,259 10 24 119 29 30 Harvested for picking 1954... 102 126 14 17 1 7 9 1 100 180 7 20 3! 32 acreB 1959... 1954. . . 3,915 3,664 154 178 22 206 390 2 2,850 3,657 7 41 33 34 pounds 1959... 1954... 1,964,863 852,483 93,715 76,345 6,000 157,103 224,092 1,800 1,273,967 866, 594 2,140 8,548 35 36 Vines or tops saved for hay 1954... 54 108 9 25 ' 2 2 8 54 145 1 6 34 37 v. acres 1959... 1954... 1,606 3,027 21 135 '47 71 223 1,428 2,737 10 12 78 40 tons 1959... 1954... 779 1,169 24 65 33 16 75 1,095 744 25 13 54 41 Hay crops: 5,687 3,571 7,385 8,726 1,789 3,155 3,195 4,206 690 1,116 2,750 1,207 4,810 6,919 2,630 1,664 1,916 301 42 1954... 43 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954... 13 30 29 72 5 7 6 27 4 55 137 4 45 acres 1959... 1954... 273 1,181 1,206 2,879 57 76 104 654 57 240 1,772 2,451 47 47 48 tens 1959... 1954. . . 604 3,175 2,360 3,217 58 61 246 816 58 669 4,601 8,289 109 49 5 13 154 1,086 15 23 659 1,061 5 4 93 64 1 12 28 45 3,087 2,989 2 76 50 51 52 1954... tons 1959... 1954. . . 53 54 Clover, tijnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2 5 3 3 1 5 25 1 1 11 29 9 5 5'. 56 acres 1959... 1954... 30 256 155 47 10 92 622 20 5 317 1,460 311 71 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... 28 236 104 53 8 53 412 40 5 720 1,475 221 25 59 60 1954. . . "5 1 2 61 62 tons 1959... 1954. . . 72 13 15 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 417 Part 3 of 6 Cass Cast™ Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Colllngs- Colorado 0-1 Comanche Concho Cooke 142 479 19 44 4 1 75 283 2 1 20 11 15 1 1 5 27 52 45 39 68 75 7 5 48 100 29 16 1 2 463 2,056 1,566 6,178 16 3 230 1,360 34 10 863 375 445 5 6 366 563 758 1,149 840 478 623 125 69 553 789 424 163 3 4 112 254 11 5 1 57 177 9 1 1 29 11 5 12 1 9 9 8 1 5 317 988 3,453 4,041 435 170 3,263 1,381 2 30 122 711 962 3,062 301 5 5,405 25 14 140 730 102 7,787 342 18 121 183 892 5 'io 37 27 354 43 62 1 489 10 7 8 9 10 9 32 8 18 2 2 4 5 2 3 2 2 11 12 24 155 41 79 75 63 31 40 75 43 39 4 l.< 14 22 54 41 21 115 55 32 21 50 22 37 3 15 16 24 187 2 1 18 66 6 5 1 2 4 1 10 16 14 18 1 26 49 9 6 17 18 115 699 158 1 63 385 271 84 6 31 94 6 142 393 95 93 15 296 437 148 59 19 20 4 29 9 39 2 1 3 30 2 1 13 7 8 3 22 51 9 12 47 41 3 5 14 45 12 7 .'1 22 7 214 1,131 5,850 13 3 4 185 34 10 517 291 144 335 455 752 214 345 334 369 30 69 177 325 175 99 2) 24 98 190 2 5 69 129 2 4 1 3 3 1 11 23 85 118 700 982 80 162 23 26 225 600 1 7 712 900 39 1 38 '47 15 180 399 1,156 1,146 40,338 43,273 1,335 2,753 28 79 56 1 3 47 77 2 1 3 1 1 11 20 82 106 696 834 78 137 in 187 269 1 "i 607 782 1 1 38 15 ISO 384 1,126 1,112 39,999 34,962 1,310 2,349 a v 115,827 60,570 400 550 453,088 179,487 120 1,200 385 11,400 4,500 129,184 167,256 915,785 654,064 27,121,623 10,424,670 730,259 666,290 13 41 136 2 26 85 4 1 1 5 4 59 408 840 55 152 15 161 398 3 188 558 39 35 "i 94 36 560 14,652 32,557 969 2,407 17 18 108 241 4 105 185 15 3 5 87 24 223 4,085 9,617 425 1,012 19 -.0 4,264 5,293 2,557 4,926 3,526 3,547 6,982 5,244 835 532 11, 811 13,123 938 151 278 436 4,781 1,937 35,748 44,224 2,690 5,773 14,997 14,555 6,609 5,125 6,174 3,446 2,681 569 35,487 36,472 41 42 3 99 200 6 6 13 22 32 67 18 14 2 2 2 1 309 692 49 125 32 41 9 1 4 38 1 1 333 447 43 44 23 1,991 4,220 36 300 534 320 902 2,282 827 106 47 45 22 10 5,834 11,994 891 3,429 1,355 1,818 156 65 74 541 4 35 9,273 12,802 45 46 19 6,751 14,130 46 572 599 303 1,366 3,363 1,667 348 15 70 15 10 8,268 16,725 1,386 3,760 4,046 2,735 355 65 130 519 5 17 13,435 16,488 47 48 30 77 2,764 4,470 3 5 53 61 12 17 322 766 9 7 648 142 68 260 1,591 6,217 12 43 362 1,035 11 10 1,738 809 1 20 4 34 59 99 2,097 3,069 49 50 51 v 15 10 2 6 21 19 22 11 4 1 101 224 1 1 8 14 14 11 2 55 27 ••< 54 260 131 95 71 957 698 501 118 75 15 2,384 3,942 3 15 64 437 414 164 24 1,096 657 55 56 312 283 220 129 1,306 1,027 627 56 42 30 2,605 3,336 7 15 81 394 463 UO 54 1,115 585 57 58 3 1 3 2 3 1 13 32 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 59 60 103 150 130 84 114 5 308 338 20 1 3 21 40 30 68 61 62 418 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see test) Coryell Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Dallas Dawson 1 2 Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, 1954. . . 6 1 7 20 2 3 7 21 38 L6 3 acres 1959... 1954. . . 89 31 1 135 545 56 32 149 3, 307 547 >19 5 6 Harvested for dry peas.. . .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . .. 9 2 3 1 1 21 10 7 8 9 10 acres 1959... 1954. . . bushels 1959. . . 1954. . . i ) 122 56 1,513 360 32 312 19 1, 6 74 8, 20 2, *.l <8 .'■-•4 59 11 12 1954... 1 1 3 13 14 acres 1959... 1954... 6 1 70 15 16 tons 1959... 1954... 1 1 55 17 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954... 3 3 3 1 4 3 19 2 21 22 23 acres 1959... 1954... Plowed under for green 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954... 16 25 3 73 13 59 9 364 1 16 5 15 129 284 o.: 13 t> M 21 25 Peanuts grown for all 10 8 2 2 8 2 26 1954... 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 138 118 19 7 85 24 29 30 Harvested for picking 1954... 8 8 2 1 5 1 11 32 acres 1959... 1954... 131 108 19 2 40 1 33 34 pounds 1959... 1954... 111,264 36,675 19,500 330 10, 550 180 35 It Vines or tops saved for hay 1954... 2 2 2 3 1 37 38 acres 1959... 1954... 5 25 7 53 23 39 tons 1959... 1954... 9 10 1 16 24 41 Hay ctops: 8,693 7,916 240 294 30 555 474 1,191 352 474 2,856 3,302 21,271 27,362 98 1954... 43 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954... 32 59 8 16 1 3 16 41 8 10 25 32 73 239 7 9 45 46 acres 1959... 1954... 584 1,079 11" 203 30 218 310 601 337 357 985 1,050 2,876 6,327 64 91 47 48 tons 1959... 1954. . . 1,057 551 331 235 60 409 1,255 1,934 705 677 3,187 3,500 5,226 6,574 96 • < 49 50 51 52 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 10 5 363 99 2 1 32 6 4 12 455 805 3 440 123 19 20 1,841 2,550 36 60 2,336 1,652 1 60 37 53 54 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 12 21 2 1 1 1 29 68 53 56 acres 1959... 1954. . . 219 393 47 10 14 10 743 1,851 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... 142 192 29 20 14 24 879 1,638 59 60 1954... 2 9 6 61 62 tons 1959... 1954... 18 205 183 Z Reported in small fractia TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 419 Part 3 of 6 Deaf Smith Delta Denton De Witt Dickens H-t Donley Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 2 7 53 35 56 7e 72 60 4 5 7 5 7 9 22 28 10 86 2 20 25 14 51 65 93 1 2 470 2,143 566 372 1,117 1,073 1,107 716 170 115 203 13 132 333 764 324 371 143 1,062 3 208 383 259 551 754 892 3 4 1 16 9 9 5 7 2 3 2 2 9 7 3 8 1 1 7 3 5 16 12 5 6 15 'jo 270 62 1,992 261 146 14 804 70 86 2 1,256 48 40 165 63 17 615 101 69 28 556 51 15 101 92 283 1 io 2 56 15 90 4 18 20 78 80 50 433 229 7 8 9 10 3 5 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 u 12 57 67 21 18 13 ' S 22 15 3 8 10 54 135 42 13 14 5 46 U 11 11 5 27 3 3 1 3 12 151 26 IS 16 1 1 11 3 14 30 25 24 1 1 1 6 14 13 30 9 1 8 12 5 14 19 33 17 18 170 1,200 59 13 189 514 467 366 4 1 2 210 555 144 221 106 2 73 116 134 213 213 371 19 20 1 5 28 24 32 40 42 33 5 7 4 6 2 7 6 19 6 68 12 6 4 34 28 46 21 22 300 928 180 297 715 524 536 335 130 115 199 12 130 60 184 89 122 113 852 125 201 67 320 326 429 23 24 2 1 12 129 225 90 170 1 1 2 23 11 472 663 1 1 265 566 7 7 286 407 25 169 1 35 4,835 5,472 1,282 1,981 80 1 33 776 527 26,120 28,578 (2) 3 9,312 13,815 66 50 6,248 6,935 27 28 2 3 124 205 82 129 1 18 6 465 565 1 261 363 5 6 276 332 29 (0 169 5 4,598 5,254 1,176 1,580 i 661 384 25,709 23,515 (Z) 9,098 8,585 65 45 6,027 5,195 a 12 202,900 1,300 2,185,857 2,351,070 787,695 472,729 356 351,999 394,600 15,342,206 5,831,570 150 5,656,030 2,337,253 62,050 16,844 4,248,944 1,774,463 34 1 10 92 210 39 121 2 5 5 260 594 1 148 437 2 3 114 336 35 16 1 14 3,237 5,113 574 1,471 33 124 143 9,306 23,530 3 4,982 9,764 2 20 2,577 5,467 (7 IS 1 7 840 2,376 273 1,217 90 102 92 2,948 6,366 1,377 5,394 3 5 898 2,575 V. 4,213 4,621 7,505 10,819 34,093 37,619 7,515 8,427 184 326 407 616 2,253 2,054 1,074 913 5,906 2,607 690 205 343 448 31,344 34,849 9,356 18,887 10,413 6,304 14,558 18,605 31,810 40,239 ..1 ... 97 131 45 152 198 385 4 6 8 17 5 38 43 1 1 9 27 1 1 2 1 74 210 1*1 290 7 10 27 70 176 347 44 3,126 3,726 876 2,835 6,474 10,795 51 86 60 134 126 766 972 16 2 169 397 40 5 92 92 2,092 5,221 8,101 18,522 64 137 712 2,386 4,162 6,952 43 9,939 13,049 1,355 3,114 11,176 10,938 104 149 113 194 252 1,465 2,277 25 2 265 282 60 3 274 70 2,982 6,229 35,980 59,483 208 266 1,494 2,923 9,640 11,285 •2; ..it 53 63 4,564 5,493 13 51 583 858 46 69 3,606 1,639 1 40 1 12 16 U 565 532 1 2 3 14 24 56 829 1,143 109 153 24,598 27,900 1 7 4 25 180 1,745 57 144 2,778 4,545 49 50 M '2 "2 14 28 72 128 7 9 2 1 1 3 6 1 84 155 4 5 19 41 93 82 54 26 460 401 2,234 3,343 96 115 18 10 7 106 88 100 2,064 3,401 66 30 417 908 2,152 1,648 •2. 35 983 277 4 120 56 2,149 2,814 6 11 174 111 133 105 1 1 1 3 23 20 7 46 52 80 2,063 2,004 7 24 132 266 61 31 731 541 3 2 8 11 2,286 1,388 19 17 487 177 57 58 59 • 61 62 420 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Fayette Fisher Floyd Foard Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Frio Gaines 1 2 Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, 1954... 127 162 3 3 22 17 7 12 322 589 23 61 98 342 63 64 10 1 3 acres 1959 .. . 1954. . . 934 1,064 42 38 692 1,053 73 244 4,102 9,478 83 160 303 2,421 3,610 2,762 1,856 20 5 • Harvested for dry peas ... .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 7 15 1 1 16 4 3 1 13 11 31 80 80 47 23 9 1 7 8 9 10 acres 1959... 1954... bushels 1959... 1954... 38 71 197 195 1 30 30 300 355 108 6,045 268 45 60 197 78 2 225 14 997 24 65 252 84 193 477 2,408 1,487 2,806 809 38,305 6,367 1,780 20 13,487 11 12 1954... 4 10 8 17 2 7 10 "i 13 14 acres 1959... 1954... 11 33 55 156 12 27 27 195 1-' Id tons 1959... 1954... 9 25 55 89 4 4 10 14 73 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954... 14 57 1 1 3 6 9 7 17 14 205 17 30 1 1 2C acres 1959... 1954... 101 338 20 7 227 50 80 53 58 83 1,566 544 1,202 2] Plowed under for green 106 90 1 1 5 14 4 10 312 566 2 8 66 6 8 2 1954. . . 23 24 acres 1959... 1954... 784 622 21 1 110 945 28 184 3,995 9,017 2 25 351 260 556 76 25 Peanuts grown for all 131 159 1 3 8 24 88 55 111 145 165 34 13 26 1954... 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 1,690 1,509 2 44 239 90 115 338 344 735 13,476 11,673 821 630 29 Harvested for picking 116 131 3 3 3 17 28 40 45 145 145 34 12 30 1954... 31 acres 1959... 1954... 1,623 1,388 44 109 46 108 101 280 340 13,444 10,961 821 456 14 pounds 1959... 1954... 1,267,329 616,059 57,030 56,000 11,190 74,500 35,220 138,635 109,514 15,282,286 4,227,289 1,095,575 217,646 3B> 36 Vines or tops saved for hay 1954... 58 129 1 1 7 11 77 27 79 22 117 1 6 37 38 acres 1959... 1954... 534 1,199 2 130 89 62 287 133 496 597 6,649 356 39 40 tons 1959... 1954... 287 511 2 66 246 32 141 77 ZOO 406 2,847 4 91 41 42 Hay crops: 1954 .. . 26,582 25,678 1,322 1,068 2,155 5,351 2,626 5,769 11,136 15,028 4,246 2,911 4,321 4,135 1,106 1,870 1,633 1,822 43 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954... 43 59 3 15 64 175 34 78 28 49 1 1 3 11 1 18 20 45 46 acres 1959... 1954... 317 515 103 284 1 ,64 4,530 2,133 4,975 2,095 3,150 14 50 99 L6I 32 433 475 47 48 tons 1959... 1954. . . 706 608 99 285 5,943 14,776 1,958 5,323 5,331 5,299 30 40 75 120 140 1,610 1,280 49 6 3 129 37 91 42 119 4,063 10,646 17 56 1,318 3,854 18 24 3,547 2,897 1 8 7 12 '1 i 1,039 50 51 52 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 53 54 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 66 112 1 1 2 5 12 15 4 3 2 55 56 acres 1959... 1954 .. . 691 1,058 15 35 28 157 781 378 20 98 206 23 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... 722 858 ..* 140 34 300 749 426 18 167 152 27 59 60 1954. . . 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 61 62 tons 1959... 1954... 7 ..*. 140 34 17 40 7 30 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 421 Part 3 of 6 Galveston 0a™ Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg G^s Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 4 11 4 94 95 11 23 17 35 1 1 48 38 71 65 48 4C 33 62 55 40 8 6 13 11 34 1 2 24 233 46 1,633 1,357 123 280 333 489 1 1 1,377 340 265 253 456 316 576 995 3,076 2,394 401 58 60 364 171 684 3 4 2 1 33 1A 1 2 2 1 1 1 7 6 60 34 23 15 2 16 42 17 1 2 1 5 3 5 6 5 iio 12 50 461 223 1,874 322 5 32 15 603 45 1 218 8 1 1 10 1 55 56 774 130 152 95 1,213 463 41 34 382 377 3 243 18 1,291 2,178 504 22,367 4,286 53 36 400 216 17 100 52 50 438 135 7 8 9 10 12 28 4 1 2 4 2 7 6 2 2 1 1 11 12 135 310 60 5 21 53 12 69 75 16 7 20 105 13 14 68 269 io 2 11 84 11 15 26 13 3 6 42 15 16 2 6 32 46 3 - 5 13 19 10 5 23 3 12 9 15 6 1 1 3 2 1 12 17 18 15 206 443 617 60 28 19 208 751 89 19 79 52 49 115 170 228 3 4 27 39 7 147 19 20 2 4 3 37 20 7 13 10 19 19 22 4 2 20 13 21 32 10 23 6 4 1 11 6 20 2] 2S 9 20 34 594 207 58 160 264 259 518 133 25 4 347 226 438 582 565 1,890 345 18 16 325 112 487 23 24 1 5 1 3 24 40 4 6 49 84 2 182 339 39 49 21 - 79 132 2 1 2 2 7 15 1 1 25 26 9 18 100 94 720 965 4 33 1,178 1,909 2 5,248 7,745 28 70 59 150 1,567 2,767 1 7 15 88 136 170 1 1 27 28 1 3 1 3 26 35 3 1 42 69 166 269 32 32 9 20 7'. 116 1 1 2 1 6 9 1 1 29 JO 9 1 100 94 703 912 3 23 1,144 1,724 4,829 6,338 17 40 46 76 1,530 2,162 7 15 80 101 119 1 1 31 32 4,500 650 50,425 54,700 325,119 221,316 1,685 5,000 731,087 455,985 3,448,590 1,885,280 11,224 2,828 39,711 53,436 691,733 521,826 200 1,000 2,600 20,000 58,120 24,600 630 500 << 34 4 9 32 1 5 16 56 86 286 11 18 12 35 46 74 1 2 3 14 13 36 17 225 652 1 10 200 1,053 1,815 6,483 16 29 13 83 815 1,195 1 88 45 155 17 38 24 K 194 1 9 78 362 1,060 3,631 14 5 15 53 288 344 1 27 16 32 39 sll 6,403 6,055 6 113 4,032 7,082 250 88 1,606 2,490 4,829 5,822 3,9a 2,463 29,858 33,484 5,186 3,127 8,680 7,734 7,877 10,788 5,666 11,895 1,075 3,236 8,059 7,233 1,721 1,233 2,858 2,575 41 42 1 2 3 17 29 2 2 2 5 4 12 13 23 289 475 1 8 9 27 17 17 142 355 38 64 22 41 21 18 42 71 43 44 7 6 56 161 233 250 38 11 83 353 323 461 480 7,318 10,288 30 439 530 1,004 291 376 5,228 11,356 891 1,986 746 1,421 520 551 1,010 1,831 43 46 7 7 119 274 189 1,050 123 10 21 1,425 762 1,057 611 9,680 15,437 90 635 788 2,110 827 407 20,151 45,332 1,653 2,258 1,980 593 1,968 1,415 1,813 2,290 47 48 3 2 13 10 1 500 1 1 5 10 2 3 56 36 72 180 2,190 5,737 1 'so 2 4 37 538 7 6 470 158 95 232 15,806 27,255 16 28 837 979 7 6 356 28 10 10 917 529 14 26 786 905 49 50 51 52 16 6 9 18 2 7 4 8 1 1 70 59 33 7 8 7 14 68 2 2 7 7 1 1 53 54 264 143 ::: 72 214 31 174 34 196 24 20 1,622 972 1,806 306 131 160 166 967 29 24 189 51 15 30 55 56 435 183 59 61 50 169 29 194 30 30 1,511 806 2,210 121 178 136 198 574 65 37 215 23 11 30 57 58 2 1 2 2 1 10 11 5 1 11 1 1 59 61 90 15 6 7 30 355 107 243 60 119 40 3 .,1 Stub Items continued 422 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hardin Harris Harrison Hartley Haskell Hays Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo 1 2 Annual legumes-Conlimjed Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, 1954... 19 26 31 58 163 731 10 5 2 15 1 165 497 29 71 3 acres 1959... 1954. . . 47 68 462 1,153 354 1,894 708 151 40 639 2,057 7,253 582 2,180 5 6 Harvested for dry peas. .. .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 5 8 13 4 147 294 2 111 230 18 15 7 8 9 10 acres 1959... 1954... bushels 1959... 1954. . . 6 18 21 212 86 49 623 670 278 711 2,411 1,942 401 3,202 1,437 3,726 18,051 6,807 393 8,539 3,040 11 12 1954. . . 5 5 1 7 10 60 9 22 1 2 13 14 acres 1959... 1954... 8 8 200 160 58 203 106 192 75 15 16 tons 1959... 1954. . . 16 9 11 0 110 49 115 63 101 3 46 17 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954. . . 6 12 8 14 3 283 1 1 1 1 35 240 3 2 19 20 acres 1959... 1954. . . 29 25 33 138 9 699 24 33 18 17 335 2,665 100 8 21 22 Plowed under for green 1954... 3 4 10 35 3 118 7 5 1 14 12 46 7 55 23 24 acres 1959. . . 1954... 4 17 143 806 9 281 283 118 22 622 179 670 85 1,653 25 26 Peanuts grown for all 1954... 16 28 40 65 175 407 1 132 210 1 27 28 acres 1959... 1954. . . 15 38 1,620 1,914 169 564 31 807 1,219 1 29 30 Harvested for picking 1954... 13 9 36 56 143 107 1 90 84 1 31 32 acres 1959... 1954... 12 11 1,569 1,800 125 148 31 720 836 1 33 34 pounds 1959... 1954... 3,567 1,270 1,443,144 1,485,111 56,753 24,289 13,840 593,429 262,873 2,000 35 36 Vines or tops saved for hay 1954... 3 19 4 32 40 279 42 162 37 J8 acres 1959... 1954... 3 25 24 859 55 384 .., 261 894 39 40 tons 1959... 1954. . . 2 27 7 373 48 305 373 280 -I 42 Hay crops; 1954. . . 1,245 1,178 14,170 21,060 7,605 6,380 1,953 3,443 1,855 1,031 4,894 8,425 5,918 6,983 5,810 3,966 6,067 7,831 43 44 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 1 5 10 3 2 3 2 7 13 13 26 25 43 7 24 49 147 45 46 acres 1959... 1954... 5 112 132 28 19 107 51 67 212 153 986 887 1,026 418 843 1,983 4,037 47 48 tons 1959... 1954... 10 288 157 53 6 375 112 103 413 291 425 1,506 1,524 801 1,921 7,140 13,606 49 1 1 70 90 1 60 2 8 43 225 3 8 22 140 4 6 174 124 2 7 675 910 18 60 4,432 6,317 50 53 52 1954... tons 1959... 1954. . . 53 54 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 25 17 8 45 17 1 10 17 2 } 9 12 55 5( acres 1959... 1954. . . 300 452 337 108 822 495 30 309 575 48 61 43 285 557 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... 303 7-'... 491 J.46 997 280 20 268 380 40 95 50 384 1,222 59 Sales farms reporting 1959 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 60 1954... i.l 62 tons 1959... 1954... 35 21 49 51 45 24 -50 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 423 Part 3 of 6 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irlcm Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 13 11 39 7 18 25 47 123 166 386 8 8 84 71 1 6 87 92 63 176 1 1 1 1 1 283 181 813 197 265 249 290 594 1,377 3,492 345 856 1,080 672 14 75 2,081 1,983 174 370 3 1 25 30 3 5 18 3 3 1 26 28 125 233 4 2 17 4 1 19 10 39 138 1 1 5 6 99 1,444 368 28 4,066 109 14 1 133 3 71 84 645 607 872 1,196 9,143 13,549 121 18 1,180 37 171 18 1,498 56 4 40 308 85 5,730 1,180 79 234 449 2,149 1 6 25 125 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 1 9 17 9 25 1 2 2 1 2 9 9 13 1: 3 3 1 6 94 81 108 476 3 7 4 3 23 16 12 13 14 6 1 2 1 45 59 185 206 1 2 4 2 10 14 10 15 16 3 2 1 12 12 11 54 29 112 1 1 17 7 4 18 3 15 37 17 18 48 30 1 198 151 98 320 277 1,523 7 1 157 63 42 349 43 79 81 19 20 4 9 22 5 3 12 3 28 U 38 4 4 53 58 1 2 57 78 7 1 1 21 133 151 444 166 52 91 27 109 12 297 217 834 745 587 14 29 1,421 1,832 43 3 30 23 24 131 154 1 165 272 84 214 216 371 1 3 12 1 19 ' 4 47 142 1 2 13 25 > 3,727 3,980 1 5,868 7,987 500 988 4,884 5,510 i « 6 34 20 380 -20 77 240 10 93 551 27 u 126 136 1 163 182 65 122 152 267 i 2 2 1 8 37 118 7 29 10 3,667 3,779 1 5,832 5,342 442 611 4,470 5,154 i 2 2 20 114 52 170 347 a 32 2,318,319 811,201 500 3,456,344 1,671,680 370,456 207,675 3,461,546 1,855,124 200 500 400 1,894 15,500 20,655 23,328 128,649 14 31 84 86 213 44 121 64 234 1 i 1 6 1 17 "2 12 30 1 2 12 IJ 36 637 1,900 2,888 5,807 311 503 1,642 4,145 4 4 27 20 305 17 26 54 10 93 501 37 3H 214 512 881 3,166 216 460 688 1,167 i 7 25 48 174 10 38 46 5 56 96 39 40 16,798 14,334 237 1,041 4,274 3,452 20,564 U.741 7,177 7,249 756 399 685 3,763 23,726 31,650 795 949 518 294 3,564 5,123 4,664 5,540 2,883 1,765 59 629 8,313 7,841 1,570 349 41 42 26 80 7 66 2 5 16 32 10 23 2 2 20 43 52 158 10 7 4 13 5 9 7 1 4 5 2 43 44 568 1,074 88 962 36 116 350 377 404 874 18 8 608 3,580 803 2,726 154 196 87 230 101 109 184 "4 57 621 48 45 46 1,404 975 287 2,898 26 146 590 581 1,045 1,383 70 15 1,395 8,443 1,138 3,743 476 493 77 541 105 107 174 2 102 1,287 133 47 48 9 8 595 65 2 42 123 1,508 i io 4 127 1 2 175 385 4 21 430 2,095 10 32 102 1,031 3 2 240 115 4 3 62 281 1 2 30 502 49 50 51 52 34 73 1 2 2 22 14 15 6 66 109 1 1 3 2 12 17 14 41 23 1 53 54 413 958 4 26 50 1,499 425 413 416 1,945 2,510 12 3 132 95 648 638 170 1,419 1,349 1O0 55 471 590 1 42 16 1,228 380 424 211 2,348 2,064 15 2 123 66 660 651 152 2,360 1,631 70 57 V! 2 9 1 3 2 10 15 1 2 3 7 1 60 48 61 1 237 56 147 241 15 190 60 5U 10 ::: 61 i..' Stub iteme continued 424 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 3 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Annual legumes-Continued Cawpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. 1954. Plowed under for green Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Harvested for picking and threshing farms reporting 1959. 1954. Jim Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble 1,225 1,190 13,261 8,359 Hay crops: Land from which hay Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating. .. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . Sales farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. tans 1959.. 1954.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay.... farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . Z Reported in small fractia TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 425 Part 3 of 6 , ,. t „, „., tj, <5.ll» Lavaca Lee Lean Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oai King Kiimey Kleberg Knox Lamar Lamb Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee v^^ 1,560 303 2,239 Stub Item continued 426 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definition? and explanations, see text) Loving Lubboclc Lynn McCulloch McLennan McMullen Madison Marion Martin Mason 1 J Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, 1954... 98 17 18 2 9 19 43 3 2 43 96 72 139 5 67 53 3 4 acres 1959... 1954... 3,050 603 965 545 27 289 606 646 354 80 399 521 129 735 227 147 1,099 1,089 5 6 Harvested for dry peas ... farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 61 8 13 1 1 2 1 13 52 66 21 1 2 4 2 7 8 9 10 acres 1959... 1954. . . bushels 1959... 1954. . . 2,206 365 24,465 1,892 490 300 2,981 660 3 15 73 3 1,252 40 20 400 44 151 649 1,106 92 67 1,144 257 15 105 91 235 47 7 242 5 u 1954... 3 1 1 3 3 18 2 1 2 2 13 acres 1959... 1954... 65 10 2 11 33 107 6 23 1 30 6 16 tons 1959... 1954. . . 23 3 1 5 32 35 6 12 1 24 6 17 lfl Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954... 6 2 1 7 7 9 2 23 20 4 66 1 56 39 19 20 acres 1959... 1954... 150 27 12 273 197 123 80 264 189 31 478 25 937 803 .'1 Plowed under for green 36 13 6 3 1 1 9 30 2 5 10 49 2 7 12 22 1954. . . 2 t 24 acres 1959... 1954... 629 238 448 245 15 3 334 509 334 58 74 167 187 41 85 273 25 Peanuts grown for all 3 22 25 40 49 1 26 88 37 61 1 L13 138 26 1954... 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 3 788 834 783 887 50 150 546 37 90 1 5,325 5,717 29 30 Harvested for picking 1954... 3 22 10 37 46 1 18 46 36 24 108 108 31 32 acres 1959... 1954... 3 788 206 763 785 50 114 393 37 36 5,182 4,291 33 34 pounds 1959... 1954... 1,350 538,001 35,962 448, 511 249,439 22,500 67,824 188,210 17,824 6,460 3,160,179 792,360 35 36 Vines or tops saved for hay 1954... 4 25 8 47 15 44 1 22 1 46 135 37 38 acres 1959... 1954... 111 690 51 802 50 43 263 10 33 1 1,627 5,490 39 40 tons 1959. .. 1954... 54 181 47 248 11 17 134 5 28 1 526 1,480 41 Hay crops: 25 1,356 2,800 1,022 301 2,825 182 23,988 24,264 179 64 4,362 5,304 883 1,919 516 184 508 761 42 1954... 43 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating.. ..farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1 37 151 2 16 3 47 129 7 5 8 5 3 2 45 46 acres 1959... 1954. . . 25 579 2,335 11 166 75 2,246 4,681 210 138 276 45 76 18 47 48 tons 1959... 1954... 20 1,489 7,667 27 578 71 5,989 5,671 513 238 918 115 227 17 49 18 66 600 4,370 1 1 3 5 12 31 1,867 1,509 682 1 1 3 7 50 51 52 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 53 54 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay .... farms reporting 1959... 1954... 3 1 1 2 27 34 7 5 7 3 2 55 56 acres 1959... 1954. . . 75 6 450 60 828 739 99 73 166 16 71 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... 185 6 2,100 215 1,021 495 73 72 198 12 71 59 Sales farms Dortine 1959 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 60 1954... 61 62 tons 1959... 1954... 20 2,100 140 80 15 2 90 2 Reported In small fractions. TEXAS 427 OF CHOPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 3 of 6 M^ord. I Mavexl,* I Medina I Menard Midland Mil., Mils Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley iochel i, 16: 97 2,522 Stub Items continued 428 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nolan Nueces Ochiltree Oldham Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer Pecos 1 2 Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, 1954... 2 12 11 2 1 1 5 8 63 390 18 26 ] 7 0 3 acres 1959... 1954... 48 363 349 145 10 6 35 166 73 173 1,231 144 269 2] 1,0 5 3 5 6 Harvested fop dry peas. ..farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 1 1 1 2 1 49 218 6 6 1 7 8 9 10 acres 1959... 1954... bushels 1959... 1954... 5 20 1 10 6 10 27 70 20 206 94 566 1,410 2,315 22 33 108 99 r ] 1,5E Vl 5 £ 5 0 11 12 1954. . . 2 1 3 14 2 13 1* acres 1959... 1954... 16 ..! 8 92 24 15 16 tons 1959... 1954... 9 1 5 48 24 17 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954... ... 1 5 2 9 84 9 10 3 19 20 acres 1959... 1954... 80 5 138 13 56 281 51 76 t 3 21 Plowed under for green 1 8 10 2 1 1 1 2 86 4 11 1 22 1954... 23 24 acres 1959... 1954. . . 43 283 348 145 10 "4 3 60 15 292 71 136 i 9' 0 7 25 Peanuts grown for all 1 2 2 5 48 74 78 178 148 339 2 26 1954... 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 1 108 1 1,822 2,045 93 301 4,735 6,842 1 29 30 Harvested for picking 1954... 1 2 1 5 48 55 63 l'H 133 224 2 31 32 acres 1959... 1954... 1 108 5 1,809 1,682 74 133 4,518 5,096 1 33 pounds 1959... 1954... 300 34,380 75 745 1,043,479 531,102 17,188 23,949 2,427,764 1,553,113. 35 0 36 Vlr.es or tops saved for hay 1954... 2 1 1 21 63 15 80 92 286 37 18 acres 1959... 1954. . . 108 1 2 574 1,843 23 168 2,104 5,771 39 40 tons 1959... 1954. . . 45 1 1 109 716 24 100 866 3,483 -.1 Hay crops: 1954... 1,947 335 1,766 1,918 1,671 439 125 226 1,725 2,080 4,666 3,509 8,056 4,212 16,008 15,802 1,34 3,45 3 1,395 9 6,150 43 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating. ...farms reporting 1959 1954... 3 2 3 10 6 2 2 7 1 1 2 41 70 5 11 9 21 3 66 45 46 acres 1959... 1954... 600 149 222 170 314 139 28 36 175 20 4 23 1,055 2,139 1,25 2,57 5 1,198 5 5,683 -7 48 tons 1959... 1954... 1,600 404 414 375 836 209 125 104 283 12 2 9 1,349 1,827 4,62 9,741 3 4,210 3 8,471 49 3 1 1,340 24 2 225 1 50 1 1 100 60 131 1 2 10 11 217 216 31 61 2,891 5,78 3 14 J 39 J 3,159 ) 3,845 50 51 52 1954. . . tons 1959... 1954. . . 53 54 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2 2 15 1 32 17 12 8 1 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 20 130 299 459 15 1,208 242 421 182 "a ^7 58 tons 1959... 1954... 30 86 519 625 10 1,795 246 341 139 1 59 1 2 5 3 1 60 1954. . . 61 62 tons 1959... 1954... 80 ... 65 188 13 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 429 Part 3 of 6 Pali Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine Stub items continued 430 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith 1 2 Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, 1954. . . 39 139 46 135 28 32 5 8 3 8 76 192 248 541 3 4 acres 1959... 1954. . . 118 391 155 279 1,581 1,891 17 146 26 477 165 504 1,046 2,737 5 6 Harvested for dry peas ... farms reporting 1959... 1954... 32 82 37 81 3 67 104 191 254 7 8 9 10 acres 1959... 1954... bushels 1959... 1954... 74 141 885 801 118 126 1,692 1,181 15 26 275 136 236 1,139 958 739 1,150 11,707 2,640 11 12 1954. . . 3 5 5 34 1 8 20 69 13 14 acres 1959... 1954... 6 50 12 84 2 17 103 288 15 16 tons 1959... 1954... 6 32 9 103 1 13 79 121 17 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954... 4 27 3 9 1 3 3 7 7 72 32 170 19 20 acres 1959... 1954... 36 104 9 35 2 33 13 144 25 223 141 918 21 Plowed under for green 1 36 5 13 27 30 1 1 8 1 11 5 70 22 1954. . . 23 24 acres 1959... 1954. . . 2 96 16 34 1,579 1,858 3 2 477 2 28 63 381 25 Peanuts grown for all 29 91 47 182 103 103 3 1 49 153 % 179 26 1954... 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 30 149 54 277 4,406 3,066 43 i6 91 215 116 386 29 30 Harvested for picking 1954... 16 23 33 73 102 56 3 45 72 42 86 31 12 acres 1959... 1954... 14 28 38 98 4,402 1,587 31 85 82 58 179 33 34 pounds 1959... 1954. . . 3,702 4,883 5,261 17,668 2,294,958 243,913 7,800 31,548 16,105 27,005 35,774 35 36 vines or tops saved for hay 1954... 13 59 18 117 52 80 2 1 4 80 47 91 37 38 acres 1959... 1954. . . 16 102 24 192 1,986 2,084 30 10 6 123 60 239 39 40 tons 1959... 1954... 21 64 24 194 745 433 10 "i 6 88 61 111 41 Hay crops: 1,147 1,683 2,500 1,890 1,188 1,962 2,560 1,014 1,156 1,284 1,641 66 2,034 549 5,136 3,985 2,359 1,177 7,732 4,744 ..2 1954... 43 44 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating. .. .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 3 2 1 6 2 4 4 2 2 2 3 1 2 45 46 acres 1959... 1954... 165 9 5 46 64 142 45 49 39 10 45 90 292 400 16 47 48 tons 1959... 1954... 276 11 2 98 le,^ 365 55 14 110 5 66 433 1,188 1,200 29 49 50 51 52 1954. . . tons 1959... 1954. . . 1 10 1 9 1 1 90 32 1 15 1 70 1 94 53 54 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay.... farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 4 3 5 1 15 2 1 1 38 7 18 12 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 28 53 144 33 10 709 18 151 52 3 682 77 331 381 57 58 tons 1959... 1954. . . 89 33 96 25 5 459 10 146 20 2 932 32 529 399 59 60 1954... 7 1 1 3 3 2 61 62 tons 1959... 1954... 216 5 15 185 89 29 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 431 Part 3 of 6 Somervell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Ter,. Throck- Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity 4 12 5 4 3 2 4 2 4 22 20 7 4 1 7 11 1 1 43 68 3 20 58 171 1 2 70 98 120 485 29 18 299 18 172 621 249 186 108 25 287 492 12 23 209 264 9 350 373 956 3 4 2 2 1 2 8 3 1 1 6 27 24 1 1 24 55 5 6 9 103 63 60 375 360 150 141 1,890 1,606 i 47 29 14 49 2 20 ii 1 12 3 292 30 1,396 61 39 S4S 222 6 9 X 52 31 32 1 22 1 40 75 116 393 897 9 10 73 69 36 43 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 9 2 1 2 2 1 3 8 3 2 2 1 11 27 3 26 109 17 '.8 61 SO 27 250 27 18 12 169 76 71 92 13 12 28 99 39 218 700 19 20 "S 1 3 1 4 2 1 11 11 2 1 1 4 6 i 1 13 2 16 1 17 21 i2 'is 30 175 2 299 18 ID 264 159 95 15 25 271 200 '23 90 74 8 289 7 71 23 24 69 81 8 17 42 51 3 11 33 J 2 55 184 1 3 7 89 233 2'. 26 2,262 1,966 358 444 1,901 2,091 5 79 204 206 170 391 898 9 21 99 428 1,293 27 28 69 42 8 16 42 42 3 8 13 5 2 44 135 1 2 3 61 65 29 X 2,200 965 356 279 1,884 1,618 5 76 126 206 170 337 711 9 9 76 164 212 31 32 1,118,863 217,075 182, 141 53,298 613,881 449,362 4,630 44,870 34,850 348,800 43,000 281,720 287,590 3,000 3,360 68,891 61.8X 114,401 33 34 39 75 7 14 15 17 4 X 28 106 2 2 29 78 35 36 92* 1,797 256 329 521 684 34 184 167 454 20 39 127 236 37 38 307 648 53 105 171 110 19 86 126 386 13 14 172 197 39 40 1,577 1,295 1,772 458 2,940 983 30 198 1,330 47 145 507 1,906 4,565 22,821 24,282 3,510 859 35 75 285 682 2,631 822 6,157 4,479 3,106 1,718 10,535 11,238 4,847 3,113 41 42 4 4 1 3 3 2 i 1 2 73 164 55 79 3 2 2 1 16 26 1 2 3 9 24 S 21 2 3 43 44 113 30 2 108 19 8 30 20 210 1,365 3,906 2,087 2,495 86 13 25 50 232 578 75 14 63 511 839 236 581 28 27 45 46 42 23 6 12 59 16 50 200 320 4,002 11,440 2,162 2,174 34 15 90 130 897 2,264 150 15 iio 1,062 1,548 366 1,196 48 X 47 44 1 4 1 iis 21 88 1,129 5,5X3 13 14 414 463 9 13 223 922 1 8 60 490 1 2 1 350 i 15 49 n 52 4 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 6 30 57 2 26 6 1 18 40 10 53 54 251 70 120 15 ii6 20 10 20 152 1,020 1,828 91 586 58 '» 542 616 61 346 56 97 30 160 15 '20 6 20 9 170 1,091 1,441 3 5 65 29 110 1 85 684 44 4 128 42 576 331 1 3 10 26 81 192 1 1 X 10 57 58 60 61 Stub IteBB cor.tli.ued 432 Part 3 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tyler Upshur Upton Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward 1 2 Annual legumes-Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for freah market, ox for canning, freezing, or other processing farms reporting 1959... 1954... 16 92 98 291 1 86 239 84 68 57 173 6 24 3 4 acres 1959... 1954. . . 119 410 414 1,271 1 547 1,942 1,732 1,709 291 404 127 490 5 6 Harvested for dry peas... farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 6 47 74 165 1 54 97 13 7 43 153 2 2 7 8 9 10 acres 1959... 1954... bushels 1959... 1954. . . 23 118 289 797 241 593 2,537 2,876 1 "» 216 587 2,797 3,231 130 140 1,591 643 74 310 586 2,513 11 67 40 267 7 3 13 11 29 2 2 5 4 1 3 12 1954... 13 14 acres 1959... 1954... 25 12 43 ... 59 154 25 11 16 10 6 40 15 16 tons 1959... 1954. . . 23 15 25 61 73 9 5 7 5 6 27 17 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut 1954. . . 7 39 5 99 25 98 12 9 1 8 19 20 acres 1959... 1954... 83 217 20 503 240 1,011 120 29 65 53 50 156 21 Plowed under far green 3 9 7 31 4 29 58 57 9 11 2 11 22 1954... 23 24 acres 1959... 1954... 13 50 141 132 32 190 1,457 1,529 136 31 60 227 25 Peanuts grown for all 25 112 61 132 1 61 119 4 6 50 173 150 178 26 1954... 2',' 28 acres 1959... 1954... 48 293 46 247 1 332 459 6 40 104 320 6,868 6,445 29 30 Harvested for picking 1954. . . 10 44 56 54 48 53 3 3 32 95 147 176 31 32 acres 1959... 1954. . . 10 82 39 74 284 275 5 27 69 164 6,844 6,320 33 34 pounds 1959... 1954... 2,490 12,625 9,758 11,798 281,575 215,755 2,180 7,200 9,815 30,702 6,398,185 4,747,971 35 36 Vines or tops saved for hay 1954. . . 9 65 10 91 1 26 104 1 4 23 81 13 107 37 38 acres 1959... 1954. . . 2-1 171 16 190 1 101 328 1 29 38 157 180 3,240 39 40 tons 1959... 1954... 32 69 9 163 2 92 211 1 15 26 128 107 1,139 41 42 Hay crops: 1954... 1,326 1,319 4,373 4,131 65 10 3,513 4,494 981 1,551 11,961 10,363 4,725 3,595 4,806 4,725 6,078 5,846 448 1,936 43 44 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut far hay and for dehydrating.... farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1 3 3 9 2 1 3 4 2 27 6 5 3 3 2 3 8 21 6 27 45 46 acreB 1959... 1954... 8 19 32 98 65 10 43 140 158 642 83 65 30 220 15 67 250 910 428 1,807 47 4fl tons 1959... 1954. . . 8 21 43 77 260 46 61 190 424 1,392 164 62 55 360 13 106 812 1,744 930 2,494 49 1 4 2 95 1 11 160 363 2 2 22 17 1 1 5 30 2 5 635 468 5 15 655 1,696 50 51 52 1954. . . tons 1959... 1954... 53 54 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay.... farms reporting 1959... 1954... 12 17 19 15 1 1 15 2 3 5 8 7 3 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 406 366 286 163 ..t 5 326 17 55 35 2% 193 125 57 58 tans 1959... 1954. . . 470 264 358 121 5 ..t 482 32 51 35 605 279 310 59 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 60 1954... 61 62 tons 1959... 1954... 10 13 6 1 42 224 2 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 433 Part 3 of 6 Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williams an Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoalwm ^ Zapata Zavala 34 23 1 167 515 7 9 28 21 71 85 23 67 50 54 272 305 11 16 84 242 6 7 16 11 1 2 311 138 5 3,458 10,171 31 46 954 798 1,630 1,943 1,227 4,259 885 644 9,928 11,848 103 275 551 1,570 228 206 633 31A 3 4 5 10 17 4 2 1 39 22 16 37 • 236 271 5 60 76 3 4 1 5 6 12 3 MO 13 313 337 1,483 1,238 14 9 135 36 1 3 805 544 4,781 2,056 584 2,013 9,691 22,382 46 219 8,922 9,691 105,626 108,293 26 205 428 596 5,672 1,758 83 86 942 196 30 500 7 8 9 10 1 10 19 1 1 2 1 2 5 10 3 1 7 22 11 12 3 244 448 10 11 30 - 25 221 155 50 9 25 141 13 14 3 245 336 6 2 20 20 25 362 76 50 2 16 46 15 16 6 2 1 29 8 3 2 5 5 6 8 4 5 3 10 29 44 4 11 18 81 3 17 18 33 11 5 487 XI 17 U 172 262 186 146 212 220 55 97 588 1,190 27 152 94 512 90 70 19 20 24 21 129 495 5 21 16 30 57 10 28 42 45 13 24 4 3 65 3 3 11 8 21 22 263 124 2,414 9,085 26 771 525 609 1,253 391 2,001 784 547 197 812 114 4 321 145 120 513 244 23 24 5 12 1 3 3 1 3 1 11 18 337 491 1D7 285 104 259 3 1 6 12 3 25 .'<■ 22 58 ■ 1 7 3 2 161 83 11,704 13,718 2,996 5,395 423 758 49 5 124 168 70 27 28 1 10 1 2 1 1 3 11 18 333 482 98 147 43 51 2 6 10 3 ."J V J 18 5 1 1 3 161 83 11,578 13,513 2,825 2,927 267 181 23 124 129 70 n 3,365 6,285 1,250 125 TOO 100 1,040 153,648 39,302 7,802,574 4,227,514 1,404,715 600,071 198,279 64,567 15,100 44,695 58,530 75,500 33 3 7 1 2 1 1 6 189 379 88 270 82 211 1 1 1 11 35 12 40 1 6 2 5 29 5,678 11,174 2,348 4,918 300 593 26 5 16 140 37 13 12 32 3 1 3 18 3,282 4,382 1,068 2,792 211 424 52 1 4 63 10 ..n 21,375 20,442 86 1,198 18,734 6,862 7,880 9,767 8,093 15,033 21,397 469 1,435 10,302 12,616 5,228 6,205 "s 17,432 18,947 5,410 5,248 253 502 5,512 3,266 402 1,051 767 2,223 43 42 33 25 4 7 174 248 81 170 98 154 299 487 5 19 62 4 4 112 190 2 6 10 2 3 1 1 3 8 43 44 420 538 56 149 5,086 6,304 1,709 4,354 2,661 3,768 10,792 20,475 *34 139 454 98 30 2,498 3,978 20 82 236 18 17 20 40 55 338 45 46 1,039 805 113 509 13,986 9,102 3,178 5,871 4,079 6,355 15,375 24,092 70 176 352 238 28 4,869 5,722 53 137 791 19 18 30 60 200 1,001 47 48 5 1 133 120 3 380 79 76 4,635 3,894 17 25 497 973 24 29 1,183 1,074 179 325 9,088 14,917 3 22 10 1 "io 21 29 864 779 2 72 1 2 2 3 140 150 49 51 24 25 16 29 3 1 5 9 3 3 1 30 58 2 3 15 21 20 6 1 1 53 54 227 327 307 2,245 42 10 65 225 174 44 8 311 480 39 40 429 432 363 92 14 65 55 56 266 364 387 1,316 29 5 65 292 164 37 8 337 338 29 26 583 368 380 156 20 65 57 58 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 59 3 75 1 5 10 10 30 17 5 210 2 16 15 hi 62 Stub iteme continued 434 Part 4 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 11.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explai The State Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer Armstrong Ata Hay crops-Continued Oeta, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Wild hay cut. Other hay cut. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. tons 1959. 1954. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959. Sweetclover seed. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Sudangrass seed fa reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. -farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Othei field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . 1954., acres 19591. 19541, bushels 1959., 1954., Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. , 1954., acres 19591, 19541, bushels 1959., 1954., Cotton farms reporting 1959. 1954., acres 1959., 1954., bales 1959., 1954., Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. , 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Broomcorn farms reporting 1959. 1954.. acres 1959., 1954. tans of brush 1959. 1954., 10,214 16,115 246,750 343,469 221,352 248,095 837 1,524 15,987 18,209 13,299 8,549 306,048 182,836 377, 903 148,902 1,730 792 29,637 659,113 591 . 1 -1 552,151 502,468 3,310 86,961 54,554 8,660 17,297 1,188,627 2,366,905 751 2,057 15,964 37,964 3,774,325 6,781,549 371 467 13,840 20,642 6, 925, 015 10,552,476 800 1,621 31,146 38,389 6,265,439 5,584,676 18,687 53,336 16,379 12,680 3,930,287 1,834,810 8,821 18,908 17,801 26,351 2,394,754 1,493,037 80,916 126,014 6,126,137 7,513,763 4,155,986 3,548,337 8,551 17,950 16,917 17,921 19,577 643 1,686 27,721 60,792 5,569 8,007 175 1,058 4,634 13,405 1,647 3,703 2,897 3,740 1,887 1,934 1,918 2,526 1,157 4,196 1,879 4,162 1,302 2,508 2,906 4,268 1,701 3 10 1,897 8 6,410 38 38 188 48 15 327 1,981 1,458 5,170 2,368 1,155 U,139 643 868 3,019 800 644 2,556 with less than 20 bushels harvested. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 435 Part 4 of 6 Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexar Blanco Borden Bosc^e Bowie Brazoria Braxo* Brewster Briscoe Brooks 2 47 51 13 8 384 79 55 256 26 5 36 2 3 1 1 4 50 61 24 10 531 87 45 1 257 71 5 39 2 2 2 245 859 398 234 433 5,817 2,140 1,118 6,018 1,191 228 1,137 325 113 40 3 65 1,682 765 633 501 8,599 3,019 865 30 5,037 1,757 858 1,108 20 70 4 145 776 521 132 302 4,935 2,569 1,230 5,601 928 207 1,995 170 95 60 5 105 598 682 451 355 5,310 2,750 264 15 1,775 1,512 315 941 20 60 6 2 4 7 1 33 10 5 11 2 1 1 7 3 2 2 1 50 8 2 16 1 1 1 8 145 43 18 20 320 203 67 128 54 WO 35 9 101 24 40 2 396 261 5 110 2 100 20 10 3 20 4 8 85 77 1 1 24 177 117 27 1 1 11 1 33 1 66 1 1 10 70 64 15 1 12 21 146 98 299 945 2,433 40 125 482 5,652 4,753 464 23 10 13 20 410 12 546 48 16 203 2,031 2,983 387 30 U 24 152 36 394 937 4,656 65 182 475 9,490 4,986 778 50 14 15 5 211 5 432 20 6 79 1,743 2,717 266 15 16 2 2 9 13 5 18 24 2 17 1 4 1 9 11 18 17 77 68 108 63 881 1,043 256 19 10 14 6 164 1,183 20 72 175 104 104 503 329 31 2 359 279 123 91 6 6 10 21 1,523 1,896 2,860 2,023 5,503 7,878 439 20 7,829 7,420 3,724 2,375 1,310 281 645 22 1,216 2,296 2,637 1,249 2,397 5,597 7,852 217 27 5,244 8,792 2,197 2,292 545 65 1,422 2? 1,676 1,958 2,328 3,008 6,913 11,548 548 20 9,351 11,488 5,948 4,026 1,664 250 576 24 404 888 1,724 929 3,093 3,707 7,543 65 13 2,050 9,393 2,343 2,516 734 73 1,038 25 10 15 10 13 34 36 7 47 36 15 10 1 1 26 142 60 188 317 364 1,459 63 569 1,187 435 800 12 9 27 '60 72 54 76 154 346 1,212 6 183 901 146 35 176 42 I S 29 JO 31 3 2 1 12 33 34 35 1 1 1 2 1 2 36 42 23 38 37 25 8 40 81 30 29 38 4,900 1,200 2,600 39 1,500 560 2,400 1,100 600 2,100 40 1 3 1 31 2 1 4 2 1 41 io 3 2 57 13 1 7 1 5 1 42 50 72 10 485 41 10 lm 110 15 43 170 22 125 583 333 3 121 10 238 23 44 25,000 16,000 650 143,155 6,000 3,000 5,750 21,450 2,000 45 13,800 7,700 29,600 150,353 119, 588 600 7,200 400 19,650 11,500 46 17 1 4 6 4 2 47 53 1 1 15 4 2 1 1 48 4,288 2 74 116 49 90 49 6,415 15 4 215 37 10 5 40 50 1,910,420 400 16,000 45,760 14,460 14,500 51 1,686,370 3,000 2,400 91,260 15,750 1 1,400 4 1 1,500 4,000 V 53 1 1 15 4 93 1 3 4 54 55 40 6 1,600 99 7,200 15 250 254 56 1,800 600 11,160 500 14,890 M 12 1 267 2 12 371 98 55 119 449 50 88 1 59 12 2 511 28 13 601 66 37 283 934 188 214 3 60 731 (Z) 5 (z) 4 !ZJ 8 !z! 1 61 89 829 14 93 6 (z) (zj (z) 9 1 30 (z) 9 (z) 27 • ■2 4,429 307,490 198 6,568 1 173 5 25 1,341 8 1,600 42 1,276 2 2,931 63 12,581 107,987 1,169 13,708 1,974 16 1 6 3,918 152 7,114 174 3,053 2 8,090 64 257 1 11 223 3 2 2 2 18 1 10 33 1 52 65 431 25 533 11 6 3 1 74 6 68 2 115 1 79 66 250 (zj 2 163 (zj 1 5 (z) 11 1 4 15 Sz! 3 67 241 17 533 (Z) (Z) (zj k) 12 2 12 (zj 53 (z) 17 68 28,796 15 265 21,508 9 107 430 3 1,567 35 287 2,654 2 738 69 12,648 937 19,398 59 170 6 2 682 422 1,387 5 2,946 4 1,106 70 210 534 4 298 407 117 416 58 372 1,513 546 426 7 161 200 199 71 702 517 7 1,124 525 219 424 135 621 2,139 711 629 15 632 205 367 72 3,354 39,246 96 5,270 44,223 6,916 72,905 2,902 21,966 73,698 57,338 9,226 197 3,756 21,913 4,512 73 8,345 49,413 96 12,968 53,052 10,524 71,936 7,780 34,446 86,902 75,973 9,725 379 10,947 23,674 7,498 74 1,580 32,656 27 2,350 21,324 2,728 63,598 833 7,028 35,774 33,463 5,693 78 906 8,462 1,909 75 2,033 48,684 68 3,467 11,080 2,540 26,461 813 3,173 32,012 25,358 4,950 97 1,318 3,266 2,523 76 no 11 1 139 8 4 2 5 93 9 123 1 28 1 47 77 67 105 1 104 17 30 9 12 77 470 33 199 2 83 19 86 78 25 131 2 31 77 35 23 18 121 432 98 73 3 37 41 46 79 7 162 17 128 23 94 20 118 336 178 22 1 10 47 17 HO 1 125 7 177 25 290 2 6 51 1 180 228 9 3 92 3 81 82 1 1 1 76 2 3 2 5 63 84 1 8 650 14 1 88 33 54 85 86 i 3 85 26 4 9 87 438 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY ; and explanations, see text) Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Dallas Dawson Hay crops-Continued Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Wild hay cut. Sweetolover seed. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. -farms reporting 1959. tons 1959. 1954. es, alfalfa, farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Sudangrass seed fa reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. pounda 1959.. 1954.. farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954. . pounds 1959. . 1954.. Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 19591. 19541. bushels 1959. . 1954.. Sweetpotatoee for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 19591. 19541. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Cotton farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bales 1959. . 1954.. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. . Broomcom farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954.. tons of brush 1959. . 1954.. 4,294 4,142 3,150 2,570 3,480 2,275 4,234 1,341 16,830 22,162 6,856 3,429 46,701 55,354 19,112 13,696 114,739 121,820 98,585 75, 969 6,215 4,186 11,130 4,905 3,436 1,715 3,416 1,430 1,561 8,204 2,096 9,348 841 10,750 1,078 8,576 1 45 9 1,945 1,139 27,132 16,049 13,797 10,921 with less than 20 bushels harvested. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 439 Part 4 of 6 Deaf SmiU. Delta .»*. De Witt Dickens Dl^t ^ Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls «. 17 24 219 8 1 2 2 28 1 7 457 3 52 209 333 1 5 61 452 22 5 1 2 2 39 7 596 8 83 531 603 2 339 504 7,251 83 30 108 70 812 50 59 13,391 88 1,108 4,040 7,237 3 125 893 11,505 237 116 4 19 44 683 117 14,204 295 1,639 8,096 9,311 4 489 415 6,294 82 14 67 34 612 50 68 13,559 79 700 3,538 5,654 5 82 670 9,590 219 90 2 17 44 255 74 7,699 599 716 6,405 7,268 6 2 3 23 1 1 2 3 49 2 4 13 57 7 2 9 32 3 2 142 4 2 87 93 8 65 46 548 1 40 20 9 874 49 80 133 1,094 9 14 75 530 30 14 1,268 472 5 470 651 10 1 118 112 20 4 11 137 36 137 237 11 1 23 49 11 1 3 3 2 1 66 1 106 116 12 100 2,572 3,459 224 155 1,142 600 2,572 858 2,021 6,515 1? 90 500 790 456 '46 320 71 42 6 839 6 921 3,805 14 95 3,003 3,997 222 227 1,122 250 2,769 680 2,517 7,446 15 70 518 541 434 50 215 50 43 5 886 2 763 4,521 16 33 22 1 2 21 4 21 43 17 1 7 6 1 1 1 8 15 37 18 1,073 1,070 5 140 293 56 167 1,096 19 35 210 24 1 40 2 36 58 1,255 20 19 107 494 433 7 5 40 29 172 4 523 25 304 397 494 21 648 3,093 14,675 7,061 124 377 1,214 988 3,689 192 11,225 1,167 8,317 7,368 11,744 22 654 6,190 11,186 7,533 61 428 736 690 1,485 100 233 11,184 70 4,492 6,294 18,523 23 1,218 4,173 19,453 10,166 170 479 1,358 1,150 2,491 202 12,270 3,030 9,772 8,894 13,465 24 548 6,528 9,543 7,337 57 530 461 692 665 50 244 7,186 270 5,547 6,376 17,288 25 1 24 67 52 5 4 11 50 8 33 28 95 26 23 631 2,845 752 26 150 95 980 1,081 831 430 2,629 27 77 2,287 917 635 1 15 75 2 40 uo 36 1 6 45 91 917 415 753 4,982 28 29 10 31 32 « 34 1 2 6 2 2 35 4 2 5 1 9 1 "4 5 1 1 3 16 10 15 64 11 35 37 22 26 85 5 488 2 145 853 "3 10 27 38 900 1,250 8,200 725 6,440 39 4,950 1,900 10,750 800 169,414 250 14,200 227,600 100 550 2,640 40 L4 21 8 1 1 54 89 26 41 68 97 23 116 73 71 42 247 324 193 45 35 9 1,432 1,534 588 43 1,421 1,871 456 2,072 796 1,013 44 52, 114 74,960 31,050 8,500 2,682 1,600 526,430 456,591 177,878 45 208,002 332,061 55,575 300,450 239,162 167,962 46 5 2 3 1 7 3 1 13 4 47 2 1 3 3 5 5 5 12 1 48 248 3 22 15 177 27 3 129 52 49 9 6 19 74 53 43 68 247 5 50 76,900 2,100 3,300 675 11,400 3,500 150 55,600 17,500 M 14,500 4,000 4,700 15,800 17,400 21,840 34,000 96,050 3,000 52 1 243 153 9 41 2 37 3 24 5 39 3 9 22 43 53 54 35 8,808 3,840 303 775 57 745 28 190 322 730 35 104 385 828 55 56 7,000 1,999,986 644,408 28,236 75,735 9,900 78,248 4,900 35,240 18,150 54,035 3,500 14,200 77,810 89,659 57 56 109 255 66 112 1 126 61 1 50 225 298 59 42 317 387 698 5 3 1 298 508 409 540 1,143 60 6,5a 5 4 7 (z) 6 2 3 2 9 27 61 2,148 12 11 28 1 (Z) (Z) 7 9 5 20 36 >-• 1,835,966 2,940 550 1,354 15 946 775 266 678 1,974 5,454 63 391,073 3,543 2,861 7,690 123 12 4 2,163 2,921 2,560 5,313 12,314 64 2 50 27 14 5 47 1 14 2 20 54 67 65 1 47 75 53 "i "3 4 77 2 92 9 70 143 149 66 4 1 2 12 19 9 (z) 2 4 7 70 37 67 (z) 3 12 22 2 289 1 20 (Z) 4 40 14 356 54 68 845 459 356 1,091 1,595 853 12 204 690 584 6,218 4,873 ,,, 4 420 794 1,488 128 40,620 48 1,046 4 460 3,980 1,353 12,092 2,783 70 283 571 433 502 430 9 336 263 108 1 1 1,378 393 139 961 1,172 71 70 836 640 899 541 12 450 355 376 4 2,283 563 563 1,908 1,965 72 8,969 33,434 17,969 12,009 44,176 834 24,041 7,416 2,254 19 42 119,022 38,725 3,810 61,114 57,862 73 3,856 39,337 24,295 18,457 56,367 1,616 34,140 11,720 5,537 410 148,754 39,489 9,020 93,959 74,381 74 8,759 15,718 9,954 5,229 21,933 674 11,065 1,876 836 28 35 45,903 63,847 975 25,314 24,928 75 2,833 10,631 8,077 6,131 17,544 1,509 13,982 3,968 909 570 37,676 62,102 1,187 25,809 23,013 76 99 10 39 79 2 12 20 27 26 78 23 38 53 77 78 124 153 262 20 37 130 52 1 206 50 59 217 338 78 49 178 126 124 96 2 83 77 21 1 379 77 42 276 370 79 39 165 78 28 142 4 123 30 6 401 BO 10 253 292 80 18 94 37 9 170 3 81 6 2 366 108 5 177 119 81 1 11 34 1 82 2 21 94 1 2 3 1 9 S3 20 257 1,097 18 84 122 339 2,958 30 86 65 5 L12 BS 2 43 122 2 86 80 66 213 1 19 2 1 10 VI Stub itema continued 440 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanali Floyd Foard Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Frio . farms reporting Hay crops-Continued Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tans 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. tons 1959. 1954. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959. , 1954., tons, green weight 1959.. 1954.. Wild hay cut fa Other hay cut fa 1,114 1,221 10,330 10,612 11,415 7,843 81 36 194 1,078 14,010 12,741 18,549 8,281 83 1,0 3,640 5,289 4,672 1,974 1,969 2,707 1,821 2,429 2,304 3,708 2,041 1,440 1,505 1,496 Sweetclover seed. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954., acres 1959. 1954. . pounds 1959. 1954.. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954., pounds 1959. 1954. . .farms reporting 1959. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954., pounds 1959. . 1954.. Other field crops hatvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 19591 . 19541. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 19591. 19541. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Cotton farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bales 1959. . 1954.. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. . Broomcorn farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954.. tons of brush 1959.. 1954.. 1,279 1,459 2,124 25,641 30,254 16,175 10,749 69,672 93,364 40,881 17,332 96,085 107,370 114,901 92,335 1,694 2,198 201,501 260,842 11,509 14,694 4,711 3,345 1,458 1,820 66,246 63,744 45,128 49, 674 148 1,516 10, 750 170, 315 10, 705 22,458 3,840 5,788 3,652 5,539 3,260 3,002 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 441 Part 4 of 6 Galveston Ga™ Gillespie Glasscoci Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg «« Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardenan 5 108 3_ 9 4 353 15 51 61 3 92 6 5 1 5 2 151 1 27 462 37 22 143 6 6 109 4 10 2 129 1,260 14- 147 175 8,391 444 1,354 761 29 2,169 141 78 3 86 40 2,383 30 4( 414 83 9,035 942 598 2,195 371 166 2,924 307 379 4 119 840 17C 230 178 6,967 591 1,359 920 88 1,543 159 76 5 70 35 956 4 4 27 5C 343 2 41 7,503 36 710 2 578 2 1,394 2 33 235 3 67 1 688 5 5 450 1 335 1 6 7 8 12 5 612 66 10 30 132 10 9 ~t 1,036 340 33 2 18 1 10 31 6 16 23 170 54 188 - 2 1 19 1 3 11 33 15 16 124 11 30 8 2 2 12 5,418 57 4: 213 1,783 5,157 2,075 3,586 37 70 3 253 40 194 13 5,620 228 910 2,325 451 475 116 21 29 1* 3,835 66 t: 237 2,290 5,644 1,965 6,157 55 80 3 337 100 210 15 3,592 134 853 2,317 287 452 57 18 6 16 10 3 6 29 4 25 2 1 1 17 9 1 5 27 4 1 18 1,398 4/ 18 325 907 160 683 24 20 5 19 1,080 2 189 473 47 10 20 20 218 s: 213 47 389 21 129 464 10 6 288 20 52 21 585 2,482 1,374 4,082 1,478 7,370 831 3,079 6,582 310 181 4,702 1,005 1,546 ^ 146 17 4,252 20 2,18" 4,661 970 10,864 989 5,432 7,134 123 1,084 2,808 355 365 23 767 2,959 1,66. 5,392 1,358 8,335 923 3,767 8,345 366 138 5,046 1,051 1,937 2* 248 35 1,734 20 1,55. 3,652 1,325 10,071 821 7,021 5,583 136 1,081 807 345 331 25 4 14 U 27 7 52 3 13 50 2 30 4 7 26 44 159 1* 661 144 737 153 201 1,300 60 348 78 139 27 30 23] 121 2,506 6* 819 361 1 20 15 45 28 29 1 1 40 1 JO 31 60 65 400 20 32 33 200 1 1 9 4 1,260 150 1 3 100 4 39 4,100 60 1 5 ioo t 5 43 193 4,940 41,600 10 38 229 1,189 18,800 137,113 1 27 400 10 1 10 500 6 21 104 386 10, 550 43,232 3* 35 1,. 37 38 )9 40 10 3 5 3 2 U 2 41 18 4 46 1 54 3 23 1 42 410 27 45 39 28 10 188 55 43 172 68 748 15 1,229 43 156 8 4* 26,330 29,70( ) 6, IX 5,600 4,150 1,100 52,150 8,000 45 25,404 42 ) 8,600 183,050 3,000 183,287 14,935 14,445 2,700 46 4 1 1 2 3 2 4 2 3 3 47 3 6 3 2 1 1 4 6 1 1 1 48 16 5 5 60 27 30 70 27 13 227 49 53 33 75 35 50 60 25 126 4 10 18 50 7,700 2,800 4,500 17,000 U,000 9,000 22,200 6,000 5,000 65,000 51 46,750 6,450 1 5 6 39 800 9,650 21,460 5,500 12 44 317 731 46,130 79,3*6 10,000 2 30 1,500 24,000 4 1 43 25 3,300 5,000 13,250 166,340 2 1 26 50 10,000 15,000 2,400 2,000 2 4 44 42 8,500 6,573 3,000 "j 84 11,900 V S3 54 '■> 56 57 5* 3 153 3 60 213 75 60 34 18 220 1 59 25 2 502 15 1 368 2 828 211 450 82 11 312 3 60 (z) 7 9 21 9 5 3 610 5 (Z) U 1 1 6 7 12 72 54 26 12 449 1 (z) 62 23 1,716 29> > 963 4,262 1,280 613 878 119,378 2,124 12 63 237 52 2,717 If** 7 2,856 3 14,937 4,565 5,408 1,098 79,213 1,303 14 64 1 24 5 19 1 38 113 24 19 2 17 65 5 89 i 39 125 170 215 18 10 2 12 4 66 (z) 2 I 28 (Z) 7 40 7 14 (z) 1 67 1 8 L 16 22 44 26 14 42 (zj (z) (zj 68 4 372 91 » 3,087 40 1,439 4,467 644 739 60 102 69 43 718 12 3 1,042 1,913 4,213 3,088 468 7,255 20 32 22 70 2 28 5 13 76 8 5 302 57 744 65 420 403 1,310 542 262 17 391 ',•1 1 360 60 81 20 ) 661 100 1,113 166 850 764 1,373 665 512 1 460 72 38 35,441 250 8,789 2,44 5 7,184 1,968 27,410 670 16,752 14,412 137,201 79,022 8,185 264 26,835 71 13 42,230 1,199 10,454 5,131 3 15,646 4,274 34,900 1,495 21,012 22,060 164,810 96,370 10,252 105 38,766 74 4 20,312 107 8,474 1,08 J 3,554 1,147 8,517 238 13,520 7,923 162,295 38,471 3,710 257 14, 652 7S 6 1A.714 303 3,263 1,99 J 4,437 1,561 12,720 366 14,304 6,482 166,519 31,731 1,100 7 8,752 76 4 4 1 . 42 8 72 44 109 40 23 4 26 5 18 77 1 6 6 3 4 2 156 25 280 15 184 154 85 8 117 8 73 78 1 30 2 6 1 78 12 244 5 60 119 219 45 72 4 113 79 94 1 29 21 7 100 1 36 68 449 153 38 107 BO 151 38 4 18 1,28 2 22 3 5 t 6 2 ; • 29 e 16 5 48 1 4 1 ' 31 2 55 7 22 7 3 218 33 40 9 534 332 9 8 78 93 1,351 15 67 2 110 7 80 1 25 5 til 82 fll IV. is 86 87 Stub Items continued 442 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Harris Harrison Hartley Haskell Hays HppipM 1 1 Henderson Hidalgo Hay crops-Continued Oate, wheat, barley, graijifl cut for hay. .farms reporting Sweetclover Sudangrass seed. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. tons 1959. 1954. alfalfa, rms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. green weight 1959.. 1954.. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954.. pounds 1959. 1954. Vetch seed fa reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. pounds 1959. . 1954.. Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 19591. 19541. bushels 1959. . 1954.. Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 19591. 19541. bushels 1959. . 1954.. Cotton farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. bales 1959.. 1954.. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. Broomcorn farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. tons of brush 1959. . 1954.. 3,381 3,038 1,527 2,064 1,827 1,045 1,825 7,107 2 w 80 17,400 93 2,020 9,687 3 676 120 16,040 514 920 33 8 1 41 1 1,977 148 8 7,154 23 900 154 99 12 5,710 2 955 1,101 2,430 3 l"'' 1,182 9,267 3 ...... 1,496 3,963 2 KM 1,122 476 1,296 5,202 13,170 1,708 2,859 299 1,008 1,170 106,233 128,889 52,929 31,912 1,660 3,657 1,182 1,449 1,939 3,171 2 , 686 1,673 ' . "1 8,317 2,440 2,308 4,199 5,670 3,268 2,431 1,923 1,464 2,667 1,244 with less than 20 bushels harvested. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 443 Part 4 of 6 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson «- Jack Jackson Jafcpe, Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 268 1 42 193 27 1 266 2 4 9 7 8 5 1 390 1 55 257 58 6 2 474 2 2 102 26 18 7 2 6,935 12 1,274 5,659 581 10 5,806 49 140 203 76 136 337 3 6,627 12 1,365 5,863 1,239 127 40 8,327 141 30 2,419 734 135 452 4 6,330 7 754 7,169 689 15 4,796 49 118 101 97 298 214 5 3,343 12 637 4,896 690 49 50 7,284 67 46 2,069 829 149 329 6 18 7 3 24 1 1 2 7 46 2 8 1 63 2 8 8 269 102 84 330 12 40 100 9 392 52 58 3 452 22 156 in 193 11 394 73 2 337 9 1 1 82 23 121 ii 54 3 174 36 146 4 4 54 21 45 1 12 3,313 353 9,074 2,254 85 6,926 423 10 20 2,967 589 5,446 13 469 216 4,038 910 3,207 455 27 1,444 319 5,074 22 14 3,728 207 13,696 2,709 188 8,536 287 20 17 3,589 854 7,411 15 348 143 3,796 688 3,898 445 31 1,281 270 4,779 8 1<. 25 1 31 6 1 60 1 20 1 30 L7 7 4 4 43 14 7 18 315 31 1,336 250 180 1,000 10 1,065 4 1,846 1>> 19 336 19 772 250 397 20 364 11 116 215 119 11 3 407 7 9 99 87 76 1 23 4 21 5,569 133 2,585 3,982 3,525 643 77 8,246 169 269 3,108 1,621 1,520 2 1,063 1,570 22 5,256 67 1,705 4,038 3,810 264 143 14,830 157 31 2,473 2,530 1,112 8 966 227 ,'i 7,437 271 2,501 6,236 4,897 1,196 105 10, 447 288 268 2,651 3,048 2,011 4 1,394 1,710 24 3,555 56 876 3,712 2,747 333 117 15,941 140 42 1,626 2,130 1,037 13 1,210 140 23 47 12 9 5 4 61 1 4 6 19 7 2 26 740 166 316 71 362 1,325 60 50 74 734 246 460 27 732 5 40 424 213 1,874 1 50 100 2 90 25 197 3 1 25 38 4O0 28 29 in 31 12 " 35 1 24 16 37 i* 2,632 18 1,680 40 24 65 1 1 41 65 1 2 i 112 i 4 21 42 358 1,176 20 91 43 976 io 31 150 2,598 i 53 496 44 114,010 288,607 4,000 24,800 43 131,711 2,500 7,850 40,000 413,972 ioo 9,600 107,960 ... 2 11 1 1 2 2 •.',' 2 7 1 2 i 2 4 48 30 123 10 10 20 37 49 24 138 20 20 10 16 44 t) 6,600 66,600 2,000 1,000 7,890 15,700 M 6,000 52,500 6,800 6,500 8,000 3,048 19,900 52 6 1 1 7 4 137 53 40 27 9 7 151 16 1 54 73 100 10 202 81 6,517 55 487 423 264 584 3,927 318 3 56 15,100 30,000 2,500 31,975 18,590 1,310,328 57 128,402 34,646 44,440 53,240 545,976 53,500 400 58 270 1 71 141 119 394 13 a 171 5 59 480 1 214 323 601 774 71 63 568 106 60 7 (z) (z) 32 221 10 (z) 2 14 2 61 6 (z) 2 62 75 23 5 2 46 6 62 2,027 15 268 3,723 42,704 3,813 58 289 2,196 208 63 2,967 12 1,156 7,578 12,717 8,633 833 669 6,410 923 64 39 1 21 116 142 1 32 1 3 2 144 6 2 65 51 4 45 1S4 250 2 29 7 6 461 44 66 19 10 12 381 148 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 1 55 17 65 67 35 13 15 677 121 (z) (z) 2 5 170 14 68 1,731 2,000 1,162 56,017 32,999 16 271 50 54 165 5,771 1,307 21,000 69 1,200 2,104 918 26,321 21,654 7 140 218 404 10,777 983 70 1,374 1,235 59 504 461 423 68 1,265 2 9 31 423 5 4 1 19 71 2,100 1,178 218 992 1,326 540 124 1,868 11 74 468 80 5 2 42 ','.' 111,980 176,628 1,704 18,515 16,437 68,886 12,682 78,242 152 412 1,083 18,891 43 355 6 722 73 125,407 179,925 4,617 29,089 31,647 83,131 18,998 95,302 335 2,097 20,109 300. 660 12 1,690 74 33,166 147,300 432 6,454 7,981 33,437 24,471 31,819 73 264 275 11,657 15 623 3 184 75 27,848 109,318 967 6,100 11,775 24,608 28,972 22,431 79 440 11,228 143 890 12 519 76 28 45 11 82 147 4 41 3 39 3 1 1 77 150 56 28 162 166 9 1 277 4 13 118 2 5 78 317 50 10 129 78 21 13 366 2 6 136 7 79 477 349 6 99 39 101 19 367 2 2 8 94 3 6 80 402 735 4 32 31 1 288 35 214 1 1 1 36 1 81 82 11 1 12 2 1 83 200 17 M 412 1 347 7 45 HS 31 4 m, 47 (z) 54 2 6 87 444 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Part 4 of 6 Hem Jim Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble (For definitions and explanations, 9ee Wxl) Hay crops-Continued i Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other strell 11 315 18 12 210 117 1 64 6 2 1954... 14 335 5 79 339 139 1 1 105 12 3 acres 1959... 213 11,485 495 228 6,909 2,147 125 1,264 118 4 1954. . . 558 10,001 59 845 9,692 3,604 65 6 3,011 328 5 tons 1959... 379 8,419 451 191 5,963 1,964 234 1,025 131 6 1954... 397 4,787 74 721 8,256 1,324 80 3 1,484 390 7 3 36 1 1 14 15 6 1 8 1954... 1 45 2 35 8 1 9 2 9 tons 1959... 198 542 1 2 171 171 68 13 10 1954... 30 377 29 416 68 80 112 40 11 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 3 86 3 4 141 2 6 12 1954... 2 14 1 78 1 13 acres 1959... 116 2,483 160 54 3,912 16 139 14 1954... 42 151 12 2,386 10 15 tons 1959... 100 2,104 143 41 4,870 11 183 16 1954... 28 73 10 1,788 10 17 2 22 20 1 18 1954... 1 1 8 19 tons 1959... 55 487 535 15 20 1954... 9 1 124 21 114 347 70 287 270 88 8 71 40 22 acres 1959... 4,143 10,749 1,146 4,885 8,028 1,233 128 1,482 691 23 1954. . . 2,231 8,249 281 1,792 9,431 1,078 2,088 391 24 tons 1959. . . 5,453 12,115 1,206 6,412 9,605 1,614 81 1,665 655 25 1954... 2,152 3,956 161 1,060 8,683 359 1,026 295 26 9 45 4 29 40 14 1 7 2 27 tons 1959. . . 622 1,084 23 791 972 310 12 129 9 28 1954. . . 57 374 5 185 571 18 96 52 29 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains. .. -farms reporting 1959... 30 1954. . . 5 31 acres 1959... 32 1954. . . 314 33 tons, green weight 1959... 34 1954... 825 Field seed crops harvested: 35 Alfalfa seed farms reporting 1959. . . 1 2 !6 1954... 1 1 1 37 acres 1959... 6 6 38 1954. . . 20 4 10 39 pounds 1959. . . 600 525 40 1954... 1,000 200 800 41 7 7 4 5 42 1954... 7 49 8 18 6 11 43 1959... 529 139 130 47 96 44 1954. . . 163 951 81 284 62 174 45 pounds 1959... 205,666 37,380 31,100 7,500 19,175 46 1954... 12,539 94,890 13,500 57, 250 2,065 44,749 47 Sudangress seed farms reporting 1959... 1 2 3 7 2 1 48 1954... acres 1959. . . 3 4 2 246 5 326 1 1 10 2 50 1954... 32 27 'si 40 10 51 pounds 1959... 2,510 25,300 298,600 81,500 1,800 2,054 52 1954... 12,050 4,200 4,200 12,000 5,000 53 Vetch seed farms reporting 1959.. . 3 1 71 54 , 1954... 32 2 125 55 acres 1959... 53 10 7,109 56 1954... 743 190 4,198 57 pounds 1959... 9,600 2,000 1,400,769 58 1954... 70,485 9,500 811,661 Other field crops harvested: 59 Irish potatoes for ham or for sale farms reporting 1959 . . . 7 34 76 76 47 9 14 60 1954... 15 160 187 357 34 18 61 acres 19591.. (Z) 1 4 7 2 9 (Z) 62 19541.. 1 9 2 55 (Z) 2 (Z) 63 bushels 1959... 28 262 542 1,069 306 1,130 86 64 1954... 195 1,548 1,315 5,762 171 260 37 Sweetpotatoes for home use 65 or for sale farms reporting 1959 . . . 16 5 14 5 3 2 66 1954... 5 40 14 61 2 6 2 67 acres 19591.. 6 3 32 (Z) (Z) (Z) 68 19541.. 17 9 (2) 80 (Z) (Z) (Z) 69 bushels 1959. . . 572 101 3,183 53 22 39 70 1954... 1,625 1,067 91 3,422 6 66 50 71 Cotton farms reporting 1959. . . 348 432 922 442 530 1 2 188 2 5 1954... 385 724 1,138 913 1,188 3 222 3 7 73 acres 1959... 18,662 32,817 97,871 20,553 40,829 67 348 17,743 52 247 74 1954. . . 23,253 39,987 125,273 37,221 61,954 21 21,180 28 122 75 bales 1959. . . 9,136 12,524 47,488 6,513 17, 183 13 303 8,154 17 138 76 1954. . . Farms reporting by acres harvested: 14,654 7,723 21,383 9,415 15,501 4 4,780 6 18 77 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 24 7 3 25 24 1 78 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 95 73 58 156 107 16 2 114 106 200 127 165 1 34 1 2 80 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 70 126 303 94 118 71 81 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 45 120 348 40 116 1 63 1 82 83 1954. . . 9 1 285 5 34 acres 1959... 65 4,067 85 1954. . . 292 3 8,530 89 86 tons of brush 1959... 960 87 1954. . . 23 1 1,167 15 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 445 Part 4 of 6 King H-, Kleberg Kne* u- «, Lampasas La Salle Uvaca X- *« Liberty U^e Lipscomb Live Oik u- 1 2 6 72 3 56 5 14 62 22 8 95 7 9 9 1 2 2 13 161 5 25 4 20 39 21 12 158 9 2 60 155 92 2,830 26 1,506 255 89 1,213 607 49 3,634 149 211 162 3 35 50 390 3,948 145 1,100 565 201 379 449 267 3,976 323 78 4 50 36 60 2,777 64 947 180 106 1,013 428 34 2,532 138 355 164 5 37 55 267 1 3,444 4 198 308 1 565 132 301 304 1 194 1 2,169 6 308 2 44 6 7 1 1 40 15 80 2 1 3 1 26 3 15 103 1 104 8 9 10 2 207 35 50 8 5 151 6 10 1 2 450 663 123 78 104 65 9 2 11 153 712 118 23 97 24 9 2 12 10 2,030 20,498 4,285 1,304 1,204 2,265 1,709 551 154 13 11,710 4,347 1,028 801 2,231 352 497 102 14 3 6,030 26,342 5,448 1,389 1,939 3,310 1,388 855 303 15 10,587 3,457 742 394 1,891 238 427 104 16 100 56 12 12 16 3 1 17 40 14 8 4 8 5 2 18 8,440 531 121 257 420 47 100 19 5,080 110 28 96 129 24 63 20 1 A 14 114 334 11 81 9 522 136 82 73 197 33 102 21 21 25 283 4,724 2,255 10,675 355 1,789 617 5,317 1,368 2,653 1,640 4,987 1,495 2,569 346 22 621 681 818 18,763 291 1,120 1,232 3,501 2,032 1,131 2,332 5,400 619 2,921 301 23 15 159 4,623 2,795 12,225 350 2,532 502 6,850 1,338 3,815 3,027 4,444 1,556 3,565 377 24 1,211 686 1,026 16,950 220 668 1,286 2,674 1,630 894 1,825 3,771 292 2,029 113 25 4 6 54 4 9 1 40 14 8 15 25 7 11 2 26 285 100 1,012 87 247 25 409 65 169 383 463 121 582 25 27 89 38 1 600 2,749 3 215 30,200 13 1 15 105 9 3 77 78 11,512 4,400 2 45 40 130 10 79 8 1 200 500 2 109 3 565 1 2 1 30 2 3,400 1O0 85 8 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 16 37 <(t 39 40 41 1 10 4 78 12 1 2 12 1 2 42 326 12 49 100 70 250 43 16 7 73 74,490 1,675 154 649 12,113 263 5 6,800 26 8,450 179 23,000 25 90 44 45 1,600 2,400 2 1 90 16 21,400 8,000 40 4,666 2 65 2,800 9,280 46 53 1,455 1,976 310,386 333,899 5 13 226 336 154,100 288,450 23,560 i 18 1,400 U7,001 2 9 1,190 84,640 1 5 640 1 1 15 5 900 100 2 7 116 128 22,000 20,350 1,200 16,910 8 272 41,900 900 1 5 800 4,050 5 52 47,900 1 13 520 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5J ■.., 57 53 17 292 13 6 1,116 483 116 35 142 1 6 8 59 3 3 785 17 45 1,648 696 350 252 572 3 8 17 60 557 37 258 (z) 36 17 26 14 32 !Z! 2 (Z) i.l (Z) (I) 45 403 (Z) 57 41 51 36 33 W (z) (z) 62 121,446 5,557 61,339 33 10,269 4,513 4,678 3,363 4,279 2 199 67 63 31 6 10,394 49,865 131 18,414 9,761 7,084 4,512 5,756 6 20 56 64 4 133 5 190 160 158 48 36 1 4 65 1 203 8 4 140 130 250 190 167 3 1 1 66 35 37 27 28 23 75 34 34 (Z) m 67 1 76 4 2 18 73 133 62 259 (zi (Z) (z) 68 4,624 5,001 6,209 3,637 4,143 7,020 2,611 3,381 3 37 69 35 4,110 719 289 1,696 3,625 8,145 4,591 14,995 37 10 2 70 49 130 545 747 1,530 29 34 1,452 453 220 84 534 217 5 71 52 152 647 1,275 1,634 85 51 2,083 708 735 153 1,346 410 16 72 6,979 7,365 52,596 41,448 135,375 974 1,356 28,652 7,889 8,457 2,127 38,437 10,771 276 73 8,493 387 10,019 69,565 61,275 197,934 2,432 3,785 34,632 10,235 13,321 2,225 78,312 21,205 417 74 3,060 4,881 28,855 16,233 167,897 356 977 14,443 3,661 2,990 869 8,562 5,887 193 75 2,116 300 6,882 20,256 17,511 148,412 212 1,475 11,603 2,913 4,312 1,533 19,544 5,737 48 76 11 12 41 49 3 253 132 60 18 20 8 1 77 "3 32 29 199 47 11 15 821 224 66 33 99 64 2 78 2 26 11. 225 122 11 8 326 80 44 21 145 76 1 79 9 44 216 170 556 4 8 49 17 22 11 153 44 80 35 17 172 112 2 4 9 756 1 1 110 2 38 19 3 16 35 1,486 3 28 1 1 1 117 1 44 2 25 64 121 2,424 1 81 82 83 84 29 1 5 29 16 1 1,129 5 160 2,763 242 228 6 1 10 1 7 '87 3 4,407 514 612 B5 86 87 Stub lteme continued 446 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, ae© text) Loving Lubbock Lynn McCulloch McLennan McMullen Madi Martin Mason .farms reporting Hay crops-Continued Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acnes 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Wild hay cut forms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959 . 1954. tans 1959. 1954. Other hay cut farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. 1954. tone 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. tons 1959. 1954. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, -t™<"- t small grains farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. .farmB reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. aores L959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Sweetclover seed. Sudangrass seed. Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959 ' 19541 bushels 1959. 1954. Sweetpotatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 19591 19541 bushels 1959. 1954. Cotton farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bales 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Broomcom farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons of brush 1959. 1954. 1,577 1,812 214,340 238,649 204,155 203,299 924 1,094 174,827 194,304 104,536 89,001 11,264 11,469 3,634 5,328 9,544 5,416 5,497 13,651 8,490 19,485 6,986 (z) 21 •Z) 22 9 3,275 20 5,115 436 1,106 2,040 71,548 104,894 25,787 24,275 2,150 1,188 2,320 1,158 2,315 1,554 1,357 2,717 4,008 1,799 2,455 69 180 40 400 429 218 518 4,760 540 76,873 8,862 1,553 94,095 2,435 181 57,532 3,137 338 35,540 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 447 Part 4 of 6 Matagorda Maverick lied Ins Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Won tg emery Moore Morris Motley dochee — . Nerton 5 1 43 4 161 44 1 120 20 4 17 1 74 161 14 1 20 8 33 12 2 173 63 2 241 38 2 24 108 239 14 2 52 18 949 81 4,243 1,228 2 3,431 544 408 514 30 1,463 3,986 145 3 410 417 1,023 257 115 2,846 1,656 25 5,564 600 113 895 1,480 4,403 147 4 116 35 873 35 4,228 996 3 2,187 678 588 310 30 1,545 3,742 147 5 571 678 690 309 74 2,526 519 54 3,710 730 113 396 1,721 3,085 132 6 1 4 8 4 7 2 1 3 21 1 7 ' 2 4 4 7 1 10 1 1 19 1 2 25 8 35 86 30 52 49 '18 25 19 222 20 9 25 386 42 202 24 35 3 'l8 206 10 11 126 10 89 5 86 4 35 36 1 25 112 170 12 11 76 5 16 2 22 17 1 12 34 35 5 12 4,159 47 1,804 36 2,962 784 40 1,130 3,211 4,756 134 13 3,492 88 153 24 2,643 238 60 106 557 684 56 14 6,586 54 2,024 27 2,522 1,424 75 2,378 3,196 5,149 157 15 3,201 76 91 12 2,648 181 50 59 268 514 13 16 30 8 4 7 2 3 20 1 17 18 1 1 9 1 1 18 1,318 244 2,037 144 13 21 641 7 19 1,238 6 2 2,160 10 5 52 20 148 23 233 26 3 369 127 6 210 126 12 68 5 160 343 30 21 3,946 1,594 3,124 757 184 7,613 2,335 177 5,359 2,337 321 1,297 335 2,666 8,344 572 22 2,753 474 6,645 345 326 7,309 820 129 4,354 1,764 889 956 55 3,311 7,837 895 23 7,576 3,106 3,753 637 338 9,777 2,538 242 6,976 4,323 450 1,925 581 3,656 9,147 651 24 3,751 1,032 3,409 439 250 5,175 257 214 2,858 2,515 872 839 52 1,824 5,963 892 25 37 9 17 2 36 10 21 16 2 8 1 10 41 4 26 1,289 1,413 175 11 615 71 339 778 72 145 100 227 742 94 27 563 624 1 70 7,000 287 1 95 825 142 437 1 ii 1,800 3 3 37 3,900 283 1 40 175 1 1 20 5 535 200 299 15 26 31 520 17 28 29 30 31 32 13 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 1 18 2 1 10 41 20 1 4 40 2 7 1 38 42 101 19 300 10 3 228 43 710 '46 89 817 40 134 74 'is 840 44 22,008 7,600 101,300 1,200 200 46,150 45 120,870 12,666 i 60 20,666 11,050 5 6 108 130 21,800 35,200 1 4 1 300 100 123,840 4 3 40 43 15,400 10,900 3,300 3 16 5,200 3 3 44 32 13,500 7,800 26,450 4 71 54 1,212 7,700 203,085 12,670 2 "s 1,766 8 7,o66 500 1 25 6,500 1 20 53 5,000 9,090 198 ,236 2 2 69 31 34,500 8,500 20 76 507 2,102 56,750 296,691 46 47 48 49 50 51 V 53 54 5J 96 57 58 14 4 1 1 66 94 153 19 94 160 229 160 59 136 9 10 437 57 443 405 100 1,270 364 167 60 5 22 (z) 70 6 (Z) 3 5 9 11 3 9 61 4 4 (z) 54 (z) 36 25 20 69 9 20 62 1,222 4,636 1 20,666 923 526 1,307 444 1,555 2,244 1,400 1,587 63 1,317 249 47 6,882 272 5,693 4,757 2,257 13,998 2,973 2,142 64 6 1 1 40 12 56 25 81 2 102 25 148 6J 35 2 6 5 2 59 5 2 104 196 96 533 38 226 66 1 V- 3 1 98 1 37 13 296 4 38 4 60 67 4 2 5 13 35 81 130 2 23 27 2 (Z) i (Z) 1 3 1 3 9 16 26 7 5 80 48 1 (zj ,,, 64 ..... ,/. 70 Stub Items continued 456 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definit Brown Buries Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Cameron Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1,535 33,027 47,612 .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Watermelons. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres ] 159. 1954. . farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. Cantaloups, honeydews, an j muskmelons farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1954. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farm." reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Squash farms r^portirv 195Q. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. acres 1959. .farms reporting 1959. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. Lettuce a:;'/ .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms report 1954. acres 1959. 1954. •farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Z Reported in small fractions. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman 457 Part 5 of 6 Canal Cojmnche Concho Cooke 1,241 2,4S0 6,183 1,135 573 2,721 Stub items continued 458 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Dallas Dawson harvested for .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cantaloups, honeydews, and muskmelons farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Squash farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Okra farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Dry onions farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Carrots farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Lettuce and romaine farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Beets ( table ) farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Spinach farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 2 Reported in small fractions. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 459 Part 5 of 6 Deal &dth Delta «. De Iltt Dickens p^t ^ Duval Eastland Ector Edaards Mil El Paso Erath Falls Eanain 288 331 512 748 799 893 950 1,425 194 110 22 49 257 151 52 29 618 753 13 31 74 69 940 1,363 184 163 838 948 992 1,478 1,272 2,104 1 2 96 50 6,271 2,925 4 1 4 5 36 28 87 102 59 122 281 525 3 6 5 13 36 61 6,771 8,142 21 35 221 297 84 63 2,890 2,480 30 70 192 478 1 1 43 49 2 (Z) 14 29 91 971 45 55 885 646 18 43 89 246 90 262 727 1,634 31 28 202 97 3 - 5 6 1,764,190 575,823 194 42 5,375 3,885 10,907 27,583 460 412 1,626,078 1,431,339 8,431 12,446 85,484 72,401 7,886 14,367 15,000 20,000 100 4,960 28,790 239,417 86,681 2,819 8,037 53,179 94,732 8,338 5,670 7 8 2 2 (Z) 6 5 1 15 2 9 3 29 84 19 184 17 289 2 2 3 5 7 11 3 2 (Z) 1 1 2 3 1 (Z) 4 2 1 (Z) 28 23 313 76 13 6 5 2 61 241 137 999 14 9 16 8 9 10 11 12 4 4 2 76 2 (Z) 7 4 6 9 5 5 1 7 1 79 3 3 7 5 1 20 10 2 8 3 1 4 1 (z) 3 2 12 10 45 41 3 9 7 15 5 8 10 8 6 5 2 2 13 U 13 16 1 1 (Z) (Z) 1 2 (Z) 2 14 12 2 2 1 (Z) 2 12 81 282 2 (Z) 2 1 11 2 2 (Z) 5 2 1 (Z) 3 1 2 1 3 1 (Z) 1 3 5 (Z) 1 3 3 (Z) (Z) 17 18 10 20 2 2 (Z) 1 2 (Z) 3 3 (Z) 1 15 9 2 7 3 1 1 (Z) 4 i 3 3 1 1 2 3 12 35 8 1 15 (Z) 1 i 5 1 1 1 4 2 6 2 2 1 6 6 8 4 7 5 2 1 21 2} 24 1 2 10 11 1 (z5 19 18 34 62 21 68 40 308 1 6 1 7 3 25 90 603 18 31 124 189 82 80 2,778 2,238 22 61 124 377 1 1 3 2 1 (z) 5 2 8 3 10 18 11 70 12 38 26 182 46 95 356 408 25 18 139 54 23 27 2« 1 3 75 130 3 4 1 1 1 (Z) 5 7 377 72 1 50 1 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 1 2 1 1 1 3 (Z) (Z) 29 10 31 32 1 10 6 1 2 115 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 (2) 33 34 1 4 1 11 i (Z) 13 15 9 21 8 8 3 3 2 2 (Z) 2 4 20 92 352 10 14 31 61 "i 125 11 19 9 41 1 1 2 5 1 (Z) 7 5 25 26 11 11 23 52 9 11 3 33 42 70 129 163 11 9 19 12 H y. 17 18 2 9 3 3 13 2 26 4 36 U 205 13 3 2 3 3 1 8 250 397 8 8 50 16 2 2 3 44 19 10 32 22 1 1 1 4 1 (Z) 9 6 26 9 10 7 42 19 8 44 6 27 30 70 41 10 8 16 17 39 40 41 42 1 1 6 (Z) 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 (Z) 1 (Z) 4 2 X 8 3 2 6 3 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 "4 2 (Z) 9 8 36 10 5 2 1 (Z) 9 2 6 2 7 3 43 44 45 46 1 1 (Z) 1 2 (Z) 6 2 4 1 6 3 1 2 1 i 2 9 4 6 4 4 4 5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 6 5 3 9 8 3 1 (Z) 8 3 4 1 8 4 2 1 47 48 49 50 42 6 1,508 250 1 (Z) 2 (Z) (z) 3 1 1 (Z) 29 37 2,431 1,870 1 (Z) 1 10 4 5 1 2 i io 1 (z) 5 20 26 927 12 12 319 162 2 (Z) US 6 3 3 1 4 4 1 1 51 52 53 54 59 1 2,293 100 1 1 2 1 (Z) (Z) 17 21 2,013 1,262 1 18 1 2 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 2 (2) 55 56 57 58 47 38 2,262 2,321 1 1 2 i 1 (Z) 3 2 (Z) (Z) 2 (zi 4 228 1 6 65 33 2 9 476 1,210 1 (Z) i (Z) 2 6 7 93 1 "i 1 (2) 1 (zi 1 (z) i (zi 1 (Z) 1 3 (Z) (2) 1 4 (Z) W 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Stub Items c<»tlnued 460 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explai Fayette Fisher Foard Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Frio Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet corn farms reporting 1959. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1959., 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959., 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Watermelons. -farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. •farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cantaloups, honeydews, and muskmelons farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Squash farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Okra farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Dry onions farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Carrots farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954., Lettuce and romalne . .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. -farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 2 Reported in small fractla TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 461 Part 5 of 6 Galveston ae™ Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg GH^s Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Ban^ Hardeman 108 333 78 124 631 858 66 22 268 342 689 978 99 ISO 1,241 1,702 259 552 606 1,067 824 655 686 1,034 208 91 678 632 57 58 146 96 1 2 43 50 974 847 4 8 28 8 38 59 108 257 4 1 6 (Z) 8 5 24 30 116 283 5,739 8,910 7 31 30 148 38 24 107 54 33 8 123 27 53 132 763 1,984 69 124 1,248 2,863 105 34 2,746 333 2 4 8 11 8 6 18 7 3 5 8 8 78 43 3 4 5 6 147,483 152,262 975 1,625 14,737 21,583 535 100 1,305 2,450 336,406 349,098 1,666 6,442 5,993 4,285 9,702 3,480 45,669 100,566 57,094 114,695 360,256 44,906 1,160 435 525 350 125 2,400 5,135 7 8 20 19 17 24 1 3 (2) (Z) 34 39 50 99 3 "i :■ l (Z) i 27 107 65 553 1 4 1 1 28 9 13 5 14 "4 6 9 3 9 11 17 3 11 16 8 48 13 8 1 1 (Z) 1 (zj 9 10 11 12 4 3 6 6 3 1 11 1 6 < l 2 i i (z) 1 4 3 4 5 21 4 11 1 14 1 9 1 2 3 3 2 6 8 17 6 9 6 8 9 7 2 4 1 2 2 4 "4 13 14 15 16 18 13 15 19 9 3 4 1 1 (Z) 4 i 9 4 12 6 2 (Z) 12 2 2 (Z) 9 2 7 1 4 5 (Z) 3 7 15 2 35 28 2 490 2 7 1 1 (Z) i i 17 18 19 20 10 7 4 3 1 2 2 (zj 4 1 5 2 2 (Z) ) 4 5 1 i 1 5 (Z) 16 8 2 15 3 2 (Z) 6 3 1 1 2 10 (Z) 4 12 2 15 1 5 2 2 (Z) 1 "i 21 22 23 24 23 16 143 108 3 5 9 3 13 19 10 72 2 1 1 (Z) 7 15 104 254 5,512 8,284 4 29 14 141 23 9 14 12 15 4 26 4 47 128 737 1,941 65 120 1,203 2,635 13 14 X 56 "4 10 5 1 5 1 1 4 7 14 36 23 26 27 28 16 15 42 25 3 (Z) 2 (zj 3 1 3 (zj i (zj 1 3 (Z) 1 3 1 3 i 3 3 (Z) (Z) 2 51 29 HI 31 V 10 9 4 1 2 (Z) 2 1 1 (Z) 3 (Z) 4 37 1 1 33 K 30 X 90 86 1 1 (Z) 1 7 6 1 11 1 (zj 3 (zi 13 7 27 29 i i 13 6 14 * 5 4 3 2 4 5 3 8 5 13 12 87 16 8 69 9 1 1 2 1 (Z) (Z) 1 i 3 3 13 4 15 36 17 1H 14 9 13 8 2 1 6 1 3 (zj 5 i 2 3 (Z) 26 8 85 31 3 1 9 (Z) 31 15 31 16 25 3 53 4 15 10 16 12 11 11 9 68 41 10 6S4 68 1 2 8 1 8 1 5 1 45 1 I'l 41) 41 42 12 15 11 29 1 1 (Z) 1 21 28 69 3 1 5 "io 1 1 (Z) (Z) 11 1 2 (Z> 5 3 1 4 2 2 (Z) (Z) 5 2 1 (Z) 2 2 (Z) 4 5 i 1 (zj 1 1 (Z) 1 43 44 43 .... 11 10 32 27 1 (Z) 9 1 i (zj 4 i 4 2 1 1 4 2 1 (Z) 19 3 7 4 11 3 2 3 (Z) 3 6 3 1 11 9 6 62 8 2 (Z) (zj 1 2 (Z) 1 47 48 49 50 3 1 8 3 3 3 i (zj i 2 (Z) 28 5 1 11 (Z) 17 8 5 1 11 2 3 3 (Z) (Z) 4 5 (Z) 1 39 4 987 141 1 6 4 (zj 1 (zj 51 52 53 3 1 (Z) 1 2 (zj l (zj 3 (zj 1 (Zj 1 (zi i (zj i (zj (zj 3 1 82 3 56 57 58 5 5 5 5 1 (zi 2 2 (zj l (zi 2 (zj 2 2 (Z) (z) 5 177 59 60 61 62 15 12 24 27 1 (zj (zj l (zj 1 1 1 5 (Z) 1 63 64 63 66 13 13 13 24 (zj 1 (zj 1 2 (Z) (Z) 2 (zj 4 2 67 68 70 Stub Items continued 462 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Hardin Harri Hartley Haskell Hays Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for heme use farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acreB 1959. 1954. Snap beans (bush and pole types) Watermelons. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cantaloups, honeydews, and muskmelons farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. SquBsh farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Okra farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Dry onions farms Lettuce and romaine. eporting 1959. 1954. acre! L959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. -farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. -farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Z Reported in small fractlo TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 463 Part 5 of 6 mil Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 464 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles. Watermelons. -farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. . farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cabbage farms eporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cantaloups, honeydews, and muskmelons farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. -farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. •farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Lettuce and Jim Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble Z Reported in small fraetf TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 465 Part 5 of 6 King Kinney Kleberg Knox Lamar Lamb La Salle Lavaca Lean Liberty Lineetone Lipaconb Lirm Oai Llano i Stub Items continued 466 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Vegetables lor home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. 1954., Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954.. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet corn farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles. .. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. 1959. . 1954.. seres 1959.. 1954.. Watermelons farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959. . 1954. . Cabbage farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Cantaloups, honeydews, and muslonelons farms reporting 1959. 1954. seres 1959. 1954. Black-eyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Loving Lubbock Lynn McCulloch McLennan McMullen Madison Marlon Martin Maeon Squash fan Dry onions fan Carrots fan reporting 1959.. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. i reporting 1959. 1954. seres 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. •farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 2 Reported in small fracti TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 467 Part 5 of 6 •Mtagorda Maverlci Medina Menard Midland lUlaa mile Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Karris Motley dochee »«. *«. 414 659 37 41 269 298 70 131 103 79 931 1,547 372 247 330 199 590 1,007 548 844 72 73 376 483 142 91 1,035 1,775 705 1,223 542 761 1 2 66 76 356 577 31 71 3,707 7,083 43 51 1,443 803 1 6 (Z) 4 8 4 21 11 98 289 1,832 4,325 11 14 41 41 6 14 61 34 51 96 405 680 25 27 196 223 4 4 7 1 77 78 219. 420 5 11 73 229 740 1,444 17 15 60 271 18 13 64 24 3 4 5 6 21,097 26,562 653,830 1,078,611 143,008 28,086 53 795 2,761 1,555 92,221 186,626 2,585 2,054 3,052 2,153 25,136 30,781 12,950 11,053 763 225 10,827 21,280 2,185 62,162 65,949 3,709 8,289 4,871 2,153 1 8 12 6 5 7 15 50 448 1,280 12 9 24 28 1 2 (Z) 1 44 170 76 715 8 2 2 3 4 4 27 33 34 56 8 9 4 5 4 8 (Z) 6 2 1 29 140 25 184 6 1 3 (Z) 10 1 2 (Z) 9 10 11 12 2 7 (z) 140 5 2 7 4 10 7 292 143 2 1 1 (zi 9 8 9 7 6 1 6 1 3 3 7 5 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 4 1 2 12 8 6 4 1 (zi 4 2 2 1 13 14 15 16 7 2 3 1 3 2 22 12 5 24 1 (zi 1 (zi 7 12 17 18 4 i 1 (zj 4 5 1 2 2 2 (z) (z) 29 9 37 12 6 1 3 2 1 (zi 2 (zi 17 13 19 20 39 43 95 118 3 4 2 19 11 6 82 44 3 1 3 3 9 5 4 1 3 1 1 (zi 4 1 1 (Z) 4 9 1 4 2 1 1 (Z) 3 i 1 1 8 6 3 2 2 2 1 1 7 3 1 6 21 22 23 24 5 17 31 45 5 2 20 48 10 22 81 401 1 (Z) 4 2 7 7 62 224 1,265 3,012 9 7 26 24 4 11 11 21 34 79 294 545 11 17 129 60 1 1 52 77 136 367 4 6 43 101 594 1,122 8 10 18 33 7 5 13 13 2^ 28 27 28 4 9 6 4 130 49 7 2 238 15 3 2 (Z) (Z) 1 2 1 1 3 (zi 2 1 1 (Z) 29 M 30 )2 3 2 2 7 3 1 1 1 1 (z) 33 34 10 15 35 22 4 5 4 36 1 2 4 (z) 3 (Z) 2 1 7 3 45 92 375 523 2 4 1 3 4 3 11 2 24 40 34 69 3 5 2 1 9 3 5 3 1 1 17 16 29 34 2 4 1 4 3 1 1 (Z) IS 36 37 38 38 34 123 173 4 3 10 3 125 15 3 1 31 21 80 40 6 3 4 3 6 2 28 3 19 2 36 1 17 12 33 116 3 1 19 9 36 29 1 2 31 27 61 72 12 6 34 27 16 5 35 4 w 40 41 42 5 1 5 147 12 8 41 34 3 1 8 1 2 (Z) 2 28 L98 67 2 2-;.' 370 3 «8i Stub Items continued 470 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for heme use farms reporting 1959 . 19 54. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet corn farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles. .. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Snap beans (bush and pole types ) farms Watermelons farms Cabbage farms Sweet peppers farms Cantaloups, honeydews, and muskmelons farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Squash farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Okra farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Dry anions farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Carrots farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Lettuce and romaine farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Beets (table)... farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Spinach farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Z Reported In small fractions. Augustine Jacinto Patrici San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Somervell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell 471 Part 5 of 6 Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity Stub Items continued 472 Part 5 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Tyler Upshur Upton Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet corn farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cucumbers and pickles . eporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Watermelons farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Cabbage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sweet peppers farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. Cantaloups, honeydews, and muskmelons farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas. farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Squash farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Okra farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Dry onions farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Carrots farms report ing 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Lettuce and ramaine farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Beets (table) farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Spinach farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Z Reported in small fractions. TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita "Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkle: 473 Part 5 of 6 Young Zapata Zavala Stub items continued 474 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes:1 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Peaches farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Pears farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Grapes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vines of all ages 1959. 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Cherries farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Apricots farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Figs farms reporting 1959. Trees of all ages 1959. Trees not of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . Improved pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. The State Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer Armstrong Atascosa Austin 14,881 14,729 173,396 132,787 3,033 4,903 50,212 72,417 17,230 19,778 32,982 52,639 21,298 26,127 7,634 12,229 100 806,309 895,951 4,720 184,182 1,902 193,788 2,578 622,127 1,183 702,163 2,142 572,168 1,700 109,629 458 5,936 8,104 90,949 113,081 22,792 26,253 68,157 86,828 101,094 22,276 2,847 3,909 105,127 176,571 47,861 41,176 57,266 ... 13 ... ... 38 2,032 135,395 225 ... 27 ... 8 9 6,069 267,403 645 ... 40 ... ... 730 24,130 416,521 4,703 53 6,359 64 257,153 12,784 202,449 12,296 71,428 1,305 60,680 2,702 185,725 11,479 141,769 9,594 84,103 7,697 35,957 3,180 1,010 1,538 5,555 9,241 2,872 2,626 2,683 6,615 7,799 8,547 2,364 2,752 12,845 14,655 7,103 5,219 S,742 9,436 1,675 636 3,270 77,144 18,878 58,266 1,004,161 6,356 8,463 647,517 2,653 605,638 2,912 188,947 1,154 115,458 458,570 1,499 ... 30 ... 15 4 1,194 490,180 2,637 32 201 ... 7 ... 1,594 2,666,555 12,244 ... 440 ... ... ... 21,285 3,100,195 4,935 50 450 ... 10 ... 1,810 9,478 11,146 1,419,592 1,589,702 271,986 282,906 1,147,606 1,306,796 5,963,006 4,643,575 Include data for farms with less than 20 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 475 Part 6 of 6 Bailey Bandera Bastrpp Baylor Bet Bell Beiar Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks 15 44 94 20 12 180 141 81 9 58 96 170 36 5 7 17 1 9 90 75 24 4 156 132 56 6 83 126 62 15 22 24 2 11 201 1,451 43 8 1,148 929 378 86 324 709 1,028 487 '4 4 146 3 10 511 886 58 7 973 808 345 70 786 574 597 58 21 201 4 10 16 11 5 17 4 12 5 3 47 9 3 2 2 5 18 22 5 9 13 10 2 5 6 116 3 1 1 26 6 89 68 243 85 107 57 24 52 6 519 37 5 9 34 7 139 92 10 96 85 84 3 79 37 1,475 14 3 1 279 8 26 30 217 47 41 13 18 19 5 110 13 2 3 9 92 34 8 28 29 27 1 14 15 213 14 3 *41 U 63 38 26 38 66 44 6 33 1 409 24 3 6 34 11 47 58 2 68 56 57 2 65 22 1,262 1 238 12 7 12 35 48 62 10 1 55 332 50 13 11 21 1,003 1 14 14 33 43 20 13 140 *80 65 9 '38 55 24 15 5 6 15 24 67 54 31 4 172 73 67 6 72 123 25 11 1 39 16 166 1,752 1,533 554 716 5,968 2,218 10,191 3,348 5,809 4,177 211 3,887 79 99 17 340 1,681 4,389 1,985 132 7,772 1,299 10,390 5,082 9,786 6,492 218 660 6 1,138 18 30 615 1,116 301 51 2,320 1,112 2,666 527 3,034 2,196 127 309 20 33 19 256 645 571 818 56 2,216 405 1,655 2,097 1,455 1,441 79 196 6 152 20 136 1,137 417 253 2J 3,648 1,106 7,525 2,821 2,775 1,981 84 3,578 59 66 21 84 1,036 3,818 1,167 -b 5,556 894 8,735 2,985 8,331 5,051 139 464 986 22 48 869 369 241 25 3,840 353 9,056 3,121 1,313 1,298 24 3,330 6 70 23 24 230 17 373 157 519 1: 806 328 29 65 5 24 8 29 40 11 4 57 62 37 4 15 49 74 17 2 1 2 25 15 39 42 10 2 70 56 23 3 24 99 50 14 2 19 26 34 1,697 408 45 23 323 542 120 14 40 968 1,128 186 8 2 15 27 63 983 298 52 25 403 1,287 96 18 134 1,659 567 299 7 84 28 10 507 208 16 17 124 166 36 6 22 88 749 75 2 ii 29 44 38 157 23 5 102 157 23 3 62 72 141 240 6 29 50 24 1,190 200 29 6 199 376 84 8 18 880 379 111 8 31 19 945 141 29 20 301 1,130 73 15 72 1,587 426 59 1 55 32 2 843 351 47 294 168 127 10 29 2,588 641 247 a 54 204 2 57 81 1 39 212 78 34 9 8 14 7 • 19 38 10 3 8 27 23 8 2 "l 35 15 10 8 12 2 22 27 4 2 8 42 9 7 1 18 36 127 31 106 136 7* 81 628 26 40 47 240 258 53 8 25 37 130 230 32 86 02 249 911 28 12 82 253 152 72 12 156 SB 35 11 64 37 5 53 140 6 22 15 83 23 19 3 22 39 73 12 9 14 n 53 168 7 28 65 45 54 61 40 92 20 42 99 69 28 488 20 18 32 157 235 34 "5 3 41 57 218 23 72 10 196 743 28 5 54 188 107 18 12 95 42 720 11 218 254 50 368 4,679 322 96 73 517 1,573 284 43 2,480 110 13 520 56 13,438 5 50 363 15 438 44 11 17 31 9 5 77 68 32 5 22 33 34 13 2 2 45 15 23 33 U 3 92 52 10 4 34 61 18 10 2 23 46 64 110 341 79 45 931 978 146 38 138 442 195 257 6 8 47 86 80 2,203 112 35 801 1,274 38 26 285 347 98 352 4 78 48 38 65 157 40 26 612 347 46 28 35 46 79 IS 49 54 27 1,664 39 35 145 181 6 26 73 57 46 142 2 23 50 26 45 184 39 19 319 631 100 10 103 396 116 239 6 4 51 32 53 539 73 4 656 1,093 32 212 290 52 210 2 55 52 17 10 71 7 106 605 28 6 22 451 46 60 3 53 2 76 1 70 346 3 6 40 7 22 20 54 11 4 1 2 4 4 4 2 11 1 "2 5 55 15 5 2 1 5 4 2 5 16 1 1 27 56 92 5 15 3 2 11 "7 IS 7 22 1 8 12 57 132 505 3 40 8 69 3 9 24 1 2 102 58 52 5 15 3 2 4 "i 10 5 11 1 3 5 59 75 2 2 20 17 3 8 11 1 32 60 40 7 6 8 2 11 5 7 61 57 503 i 20 4 52 1 13 2 70 62 573 20 18 2 ,,1 1,439 i 4 "i 50 25 85 64 12 15 • 10 35 23 23 3 13 5 5 4 6! 12 12 3 17 22 6 3 2 10 9 2 25 66 94 58 44 62 105 63 81 17 53 18 23 9 67 51 41 4 67 90 21 10 9 80 18 3 4 218 68 66 32 38 46 49 22 25 11 14 14 5 3 69 30 21 2 22 43 12 3 9 29 2 2 102 70 28 26 6 16 56 41 56 6 39 4 18 6 71 21 20 2 45 47 9 7 51 16 3 2 116 72 m* 8 12 22 29 2 23 8 8 2 5 73 74 '23 29 3 "> 59 50 '26 "2 15 '26 '75 is "i 75 141 Ml 9 292 386 103 18 37 138 7,831 267 6 76 60 35 13 101 136 31 9 14 36 1,262 99 77 81 106 9 14 191 250 72 9 23 102 6,569 168 6 78 1,235 3,419 69 50 2,194 1,045 495 141 2,146 286,050 238 150 79 4 20 52 12 2 102 86 31 2 28 61 74 16 3 3 2 80 3 40 72 16 2 141 113 31 3 40 71 67 16 5 2 81 16 1,045 8,715 328 1 4,824 3,892 851 12 1,884 3,672 4,291 4,100 29 13 16 82 1,992 12,303 383 3. 6,544 4,512 771 15 2,838 7,684 6,315 741 19 4 83 14 463 2,028 186 • 1,129 558 61 1 471 1,111 520 1,581 "7 3 14 84 4 109 566 222 17 553 1,499 30 7 1,036 172 1,775 128 7 3 85 2 582 6,687 142 3,695 3,334 790 U 1,413 2,561 3,771 2,519 22 10 2 86 1,883 11,737 161 u 5,991 3,013 741 8 1,802 7,512 4,540 613 12 1 87 1,550 92,758 357 19,479 38,589 310 150 6,007 54,326 116,413 1,461 205 50 88 1,005 76,491 860 5 31,614 8,499 740 50 2,693 89,166 1,035 1,225 50 89 1 31 89 5 1 167 99 76 1 88 44 265 45 1 90 2 87 147 2 3 197 115 78 1 139 35 68 15 1 91 6 4,370 11,677 24 > 26,769 10,744 7,847 15 19,165 7,345 48,405 3,286 1 ■>.' 3 11,125 36,241 52 10 21,101 23,207 7,039 20 17,895 5,294 6,920 4,205 30 93 6 981 2,300 16 7,212 1,022 2,617 5,684 3,442 7,394 430 94 1 1,206 8,818 52 "• 3,429 5,046 1,544 5,242 1,120 505 1,406 '30 95 3,389 9,377 8 5 19,557 9,722 5,230 is 13,481 3,903 41,011 2,856 1 96 2 9,919 27,423 2 17,672 18,161 5,495 20 12,653 4,174 6,415 2,799 97 215 90,242 20 25 115,372 102,611 1,450 375 78,429 40,348 383,630 18,866 25 98 5,700 145,718 " 72,501 18,789 250 20 26,410 14,297 3,635 30,075 99 476 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 1954., acres 1959., 1954., Apples farms reporting 1959. , 1954. , Trees of all ages 1959., 1954. , Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959., 1954. , Peaches farms reporting 1959., 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959., 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954.. Quantity harvested busheLs 1959. , 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959 . , 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Tree3 not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested.... bushels 1959.. 1954.. Grapes farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . Vines of all ages 1959.. 1954. . Vines not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954. . Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954.. Cherries farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Apricot3 farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. . bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. farms reporting 1959. . Trees of all ages 1959.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. pecans farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age - 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested .pounds 1959.. 1954.. Calhoun Callahan 84 4,126 5,441 1,383 1,708 2,743 3,733 1,909 58 9,005 5,318 1,178 1,218 7,827 4,100 125 84 14,380 16,375 3,084 3,834 11,296 12,541 39,837 43,015 4,924 3,131 1,255 616 3,669 2,515 9,552 1,490 7,847 6,426 3,577 1,537 943 1,635 2,079 5,024 421 150 872 273 522 1,485 1,207 4,751 4,960 3,595 2,643 39,096 70 59 122 128 8,990 21,851 15,252 17,607 2,669 7,255 4,199 1,942 6,321 14,596 11,053 15,665 18,370 16,399 19, 241 126,959 1,687 1,094 1,009 . 1 4,761 1,046 4,119 7,549 7,606 5,564 5,968 6,644 1,073 5,935 18,522 26, 3L3 1,154 1,968 1,260 17,020 18,410 3,540 10,198 443 8,212 3,097 7,174 elude data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS 477 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 6 of 6 33 185 5,038 7,427 1,822 2,026 3,216 5,401 1,364 395 19 114 187 64,038 78,277 13,689 12,355 50,349 65,922 89,276 32,012 80 105 5,600 1,957 4,585 17,838 29,288 2,743 550 15,095 28,738 9,900 r >,„,„ r~i„ Polpmm Collin Collings- Colorado Comal Comanche Concho Cooke Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin mr0k l-oj-ots o 1,046 5,364 4,997 9,403 232 430 1,433 2,057 814 4,934 3,564 7,346 493 3,398 3,674 4,576 2,977 229 199 256 28,679 35,717 9,082 8,596 19,597 27,121 7,414 16 158 2,858 4,089 4,833 6,303 19,806 1,474 820 4,829 18,966 39,612 55,380 2,521 4,160 4,954 1,001 2,825 8,267 5,720 89 116 58,832 59,705 5,091 17,561 53,741 42,144 31,261 4,811 ; 876 1,167 2,409 2,001 9,604 7,992 28 36 3,059 3,673 2,547 3,252 17,080 40,780 177 1,082 8,364 13,856 96,930 60,460 1,135 288 2,240 43 33 5,513 13,885 1,505 5,239 4,008 8,646 7,015 5,560 2,184 1,973 6,772 456 26,948 150 240 7,643 20,674 2,271 8,093 5,372 12,581 5,005 48,091 1,907 2,896 22,130 14,294 61 132 32,047 45,610 14,916 5,241 17,131 40,369 46,502 69,530 1,389 6,112 1,585 196 216 25,915 27,910 2,446 2,161 23,469 25,749 31,374 79,748 337 339 105,435 81,616 13,234 4,851 92,201 76,765 291,632 580,644 1,983 2,874 6,110 2,360 2,039 3,252 1,837 3,090 5,325 44,762 98 198 9,411 25,884 2,248 3,955 7,163 21,929 9,321 139,515 478 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions ftnd explanations Coryell Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959., 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Apples farms reporting 1959., 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959., 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. Peaches farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Pears farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954. . Grapes farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Vines of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954. . Cherries farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954-.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Apricots farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. Figs farms reporting 1959 . . Trees of all ages 1959.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. Improved pecans farms reporting 1959,. 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954. . Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. 1Does not include data for farms with less than 20 tree 1,721 1,879 1,860 111 90 14,843 8,228 3,240 2,408 11,603 5,820 17,455 14,240 and grapevines. 1 2,978 6 4,856 346 446 1 2,632 6 4,410 3,727 17,845 96 187 7,216 14,952 1,031 1,544 6,185 13,408 10,579 59,597 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 479 Part 6 of 6 Dear Smith Delta *nton De Witt Dickens DUHnit Donley Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin 13 42 119 42 6 39 32 5 204 2 27 106 30 196 99 122 1 14 44 204 27 10 53 48 1 292 2 13 155 55 253 79 167 2 13 190 989 400 10 349 98 17 2,599 7 166 381 147 1,102 920 443 3 10 172 873 223 17 460 206 200 2,554 1 170 579 109 1,407 1,088 777 4 7 10 38 4 16 83 2 5 9 6 51 10 46 5 12 38 86 i 8 *2 20 147 1 2 24 29 84 9 81 6 51 25 189 21 660 2,861 15 10 26 23 569 42 662 7 68 150 800 i 41 65 142 6,494 12 5 92 202 1,800 1,010 494 6 30 14 115 328 299 15 3 22 6 268 29 346 9 26 75 145 1 15 5 17 1,241 6 3 25 20 516 704 201 10 21 11 74 21 332 2,562 7 4 17 301 13 316 11 42 75 655 26 60 125 5,253 6 2 67 182 1,284 306 293 12 12 11 33 1,100 1,951 9 20 315 3 166 13 22 347 io '26 1,323 "2 158 55 12 163 14 io 24 87 20 7 1 29 134 2 19 76 11 135 75 76 15 IB 59 220 21 20 4 49 267 3 6 220 43 246 94 158 16 165 289 5,080 352 105 12 3,045 15,639 150 484 2,657 314 11,295 2,914 1,452 17 170 942 8,269 404 329 256 5,301 34,816 21 102 5,782 562 14,209 5,262 4,883 IS 56 115 3,847 159 4 1,421 5,129 50 242 597 293 3,502 767 678 19 to 215 1,486 203 27 172 405 6,331 76 1,367 120 2,865 2,291 924 20 109 174 1,233 193 101 12 1,624 10,510 io6 242 2,060 21 7,793 2,147 774 21 130 727 6,783 201 302 84 4,896 28,485 21 26 4,415 442 11,344 2,971 3,959 22 5 160 648 68 25 10 95 8,768 200 104 1,547 14 6,625 1,654 353 23 1 62 23 123 10 7 14 15 1 278 318 24 236 267 24 5 27 71 9 5 1 20 112 2 9 41 6 109 33 64 25 9 49 147 9 4 17 177 2 4 97 28 152 55 100 2b 26 83 566 28 14 1 96 1,478 13 33 206 16 2,091 532 2,559 27 39 230 1,270 95 11 54 2,683 3 15 435 131 3,473 840 1,352 28 22 2 279 20 "i 24 520 13 10 108 4 669 171 162 29 3 58 237 9 11 449 9 133 21 873 301 146 30 4 81 287 8 14 72 958 23 98 12 1,422 361 2,397 31 36 172 1,033 86 11 43 2,234 3 6 302 110 2,600 539 1,206 32 4 170 3 356 7 8 1 2,624 5 7 149 2 37 2,894 2 885 542 1,550 45 33 34 8 15 38 5 2 2 14 79 7 ii 11 52 12 33 35 9 17 86 9 8 4 19 115 "2 4 25 33 68 7 44 36 10,222 108 687 37 10 63 880 1,725 33 43 1,319 648 355 222 .17 260 75 915 528 135 587 1,498 1,990 '22 16 119 5,437 1,944 33 423 38 6,676 6 107 5 1 28 235 1 21 1,090 82 26 101 39 78 17 117 11 574 45 384 11 10 2,588 1,165 15 58 40 3,546 102 580 32 9 63 852 1,490 32 22 229 566 329 121 41 182 58 798 517 135 13 1,453 1,606 '22 5 109 2,849 779 18 365 42 5,219 981 3,303 575 10 40 662 8,587 45 9 850 1,681 414 758 43 106 6 1,384 815 100 15 505 6,288 *75 50 30 13,594 1,019 137 569 44 5 21 59 18 5 1 14 60 1 8 38 7 70 35 52 45 18 32 124 10 14 1 19 105 4 95 30 115 34 82 46 46 57 535 706 37 2 95 416 4 33 248 89 397 274 276 47 162 115 799 109 80 10 337 693 31 19 568 139 1,943 160 635 48 36 14 350 120 6 2 13 117 4 14 74 74 83 62 111 49 47 26 187 32 14 10 35 288 5 11 122 39 145 57 120 50 10 43 185 588 31 82 299 19 174 15 314 212 165 53 115 89 612 77 66 302 405 *26 8 446 100 1,798 103 515 52 31 157 97 1 118 7 89 4 167 68 89 53 4 19 11 25 22 4 1 28 9 214 35 54 7 2 18 "3 24 9 3 3 7 4 17 55 IS 7 21 9 30 21 i 1 15 5 14 3 23 56 121 12 133 9 241 63 6 6 17 7 42 57 292 27 58 45 287 65 i 4 62 15 61 12 57 58 73 10 121 1 60 19 2 3 15 7 23 59 33 7 9 34 6 13 5 10 5 12 60 48 2 12 "e 181 44 4 3 2 19 .,1 259 20 49 45 253 59 i 4 49 io 51 7 45 62 66 2 9 1 136 83 157 10 238 '16 1 43 64 9 8 37 6 21 71 1 11 15 5 66 10 30 65 11 2 59 . 15 24 122 24 27 107 4 10 66 61 22 1,104 35 93 310 10 38 36 155 466 20 57 67 55 7 192 ■ 130 298 512 35 19 67 80 1,022 11 49 6B 51 5 1,066 19 121 10 7 14 149 300 2 29 69 18 1 70 "3 '36 34 177 4 5 23 38 639 5 22 70 10 17 38 35 74 189 31 22 6 168 18 23 71 37 6 122 "2 94 264 335 '31 14 44 42 383 6 27 72 9 12 29 . 49 15 "2 27 7 5 21 91 8 8 73 74 "i 17 28 7 49 13 24 7 49 29 23 75 3 41 166 28 187 78 101 48 666 153 295 76 3 5 87 10 49 35 29 19 552 15 49 77 36 79 18 138 43 72 29 114 138 246 78 464 324 255 498 355 1,193 230 1,721 1,266 791 79 33 56 25 3 1 7 146 1 IS 47 27 111 45 64 80 2 55 106 30 2 1 4 188 1 9 107 59 166 51 115 .11 9 1,295 7,212 2,274 8 10 188 14,836 6 989 6,005 5,102 5,676 3,965 6,247 82 2 1,749 9,904 809 8 50 8 13,006 4 1,006 4,775 6,964 8,488 14,919 12,368 83 9 265 439 188 10 176 5,232 6 108 2,403 665 307 325 465 84 113 743 305 4 1,835 203 217 3,141 1,039 5,076 2,628 8'. 1,030 6,773 2,086 "a 12 9,624 881 3,602 4,447 5,369 3,640 5,782 86 i 1,636 9,161 504 8 50 4 11,171 4 803 4,558 3,823 7,449 9,843 9,740 67 2,290 5,101 9,958 37,753 380 20,072 40,525 23,090 13,498 1,567 88 16,472 71,079 3,862 4 92,861 6 1,880 6,340 23,515 17,789 9,430 58,649 39 41 107 57 1 133 36 83 156 71 96 90 1 83 178 63 "l 1 184 14 169 5 264 72 128 91 1,471 10,056 45,173 4 17,606 4,894 8,134 20,106 3,916 4,595 ''. 3,020 11,053 32,071 100 1,500 16,490 2,422 27,746 i48 29,906 5,126 7,631 93 60 2,983 3,149 4,077 100 1,668 1,783 508 696 94 "2 204 1,639 9,093 3,999 240 1,895 16 9,431 459 1,773 95 1,411 7,073 42,024 13,529 4,794 6,466 18,323 3,408 3,899 " 2,816 9,414 22,978 166 1,500 12,491 2,182 25,851 132 20,475 4,667 5,858 97 11,545 6,754 253,731 33,048 11,015 60,031 28,706 49,363 6,256 98 '■'■' 1 18,810 47,782 60,507 16,392 2,270 22,024 625 44,414 8,270 34,849 99 480 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanal a text) Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Apples farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Peaches farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Grapes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959.. 1954„ Vines not of bearing age 1959:. 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954. . Cherries farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Apricots farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Figs farms reporting 1959.. Trees of all ages 1959.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . Improved pecans farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959. . 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. 2,649 2,057 1,796 3,275 740 3,343 969 1,372 5,997 9,453 22,620 36,915 306 28,179 40,598 4,361 10,006 23,818 30,592 94,638 48,764 135 92 35,489 17,717 2,594 3,123 32,895 14,594 312,372 49,695 12,227 8,643 2,116 842 10,111 7,801 8,695 2,795 1,438 2,368 2,252 2,404 7,045 12,924 1,600 1,633 13,177 2,470 include data for farms with less than 20 ■ TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 481 Part 6 of 6 Galveston Ga™ Gillespie Glasscock Goli ad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg O^s Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 41 4 278 9 11 ) 128 10 180 49 43 156 83 5 65 1 16 1 29 5 250 2 1 ) 49 21 241 60 26 122 87 4 95 2 25 2 452 2 2,112 18 4 S 2,513 18 622 97 144 2,181 174 4 154 4 22 3 463 4 2,399 1 1 786 70 813 143 101 1,654 116 13 386 1 28 4 2 1 99 9 L 1 7 77 36 9 14 50 13 8 5 1 5 108 2 4 23 206 38 7 7 79 4 23 1 15 6 5 10 1,243 135 i 9 391 598 294 31 68 331 199 79 7 2 43 1,390 16 35 888 1,143 383 219 26 525 27 159 'io 64 8 5 340 33 > 9 9 300 114 25 60 98 177 43 9 2 22 355 4 4 79 243 155 218 14 240 'is 36 'io 41 10 10 903 102 382 298 180, 6 8 233 22 36 11 21 1,035 12 31 809 900 228 1 12 285 12 123 23 12 623 102 100 218 57 3 3 43 10 13 8 469 20 1 103 563 70 48 14 "*3 232 9 1 20 6 121 42 24 71 78 4 55 1 u 15 1 7 259 2 J_ 10 21 41A 64 20 91 99 8 121 1 36 16 11 102 72,222 253 .:. > 1,082 164 2,890 4,256 459 1,715 1,264 194 2,195 30 406 17 20 129 90,043 13 - > 496 446 8,209 2,657 497 1,290 1,687 198 3,104 8 965 ia 4 27 16,062 163 T 419 104 1,016 1,223 330 933 280 53 1,093 160 19 20 46 15,755 13 L6 1 128 122 1,986 379 359 515 610 512 98 598 20 7 75 56,160 90 2" ! 663 60 1,874 3,033 129 782 984 141 1,102 30 246 21 83 74,288 3< 368 324 6,223 2,278 138 775 1,077 100 2,592 8 367 22 26 84,726 io6 1 74 11 1,042 12,592 107 300 567 48 1,078 30 78 23 21,145 2 ) 80 68 380 77 250 52 128 24 19 1 123 5 18 4 97 37 27 52 47 29 11 25 12 4 140 2 > 8 13 304 43 25 45 69 3 46 24 26 212 5 606 15 282 20 812 143 1,364 412 204 133 77 27 381 58 1,002 2 3 > 42 190 1,729 178 442 303 396 29 301 177 28 49 184 13 241 6 136 33 123 310 25 61 18 :•' 32 2 108 1 I 2 26 267 47 249 197 161 11 51 119 X 163 5 422 2 41 14 676 110 1,241 102 179 72 59 31 349 56 894 1 1 40 164 1,462 131 193 106 235 is 250 58 32 46 1 965 23 3 930 289 522 100 167 46 113 33 158 180 ' 3 12 20 3 76 496 64 6 1 34 8 1 50 1 10 2 48 8 13 27 39 "3 17 5 15 8 3 60 2 3 8 133 16 8 24 71 3 11 17 36 64 4 686 4 370 33 543 35 105 1,037 336 41 475 209 37 268 41 11,211 12 1 ) 24 110 1,893 186 100 157 583 54 63 39 384 ':! 15 4 106 i 326 161 14 60 837 74 5 435 80 )9 31 22 134 "ii ... 28 402 7 67 61 179 14 32 166 40 49 580 4 44 33 382 21 45 200 262 36 40 129 41 237 19 11,077 1 24 82 1,491 179 33 96 404 40 31 39 216 42 25 2,159 L 330 10 757 176 97 362 1,738 365 275 48 43 448 380 22,671 i 5- ) 100 184 2,260 265 170 292 3,171 500 144 830 — 9 1 98 4 19 2 68 20 16 68 50 3 33 8 45 3 2 101 2 9 10 230 28 14 70 79 4 56 22 .... 58 6 1,838 61 2 794 15 382 275 1S9 3,459 283 23 393 53 47 21 12 1,050 9 • ) 104 78 1,585 139 196 857 1,192 36 394 149 48 39 918 4 L 537 101 27 85 2,541 97 13 329 29 49 10 6 92 3 1 2 37 379 25 103 228 339 IB 88 82 50 19 6 920 57 L 257 IS 281 248 74 918 186 10 64 24 51 11 6 958 6 a 102 41 1,206 114 88 629 853 18 306 67 52 6 128 100 79 4 91 337 28 194 48 3 10 5 5) 1 309 1 24 15 47 17 111 51 6 54 i 7 2 6 19 1 3 4 48 2 4 3 55 2 5 2 IX 64 6 1 2 83 4 6 6 56 4 36 45 65 4 6 8 206 6 15 7 •" 8 18 ' 3 556 151 12 2 4 444 17 35 12 12 58 23 47 4 4 8 35 3 hi 7 ...j 2 6 3 61 46 5 2 2 155 10 17 10 6 60 4 13 18 2 171 3 1 61 6 12 5 495 65 230 105 91 67 "■7 50 ' 2 289 428 432 7 24 18 6 62 63 64 2 99 6 4 35 3 4 49 4 31 11 65 4 101 1 13 30 4 "7 76 6 39 19 66 13 544 54 51 107 6 7 282 56 92 37 67 23 16 567 12 73 74 6 19 478 96 137 80 68 5 270 32 6 61 6 7 80 33 45 20 69 3 145 12 23 25 2 11 137 36 35 45 70 8 274 22 45 46 202 23 47 17 71 23 13 1 422 21 50 49 18 ... "i 341 10 60 5 102 8 35 2 72 73 31 35 ii 32 74 24 84 4 33 30 18 8 1 '26 75 44,939 278 55 145 92 131 40 5 66 76 8,043 53 S 12 29 24 45 23 5 26 77 36,896 225 43 116 68 86 17 40 78 570,620 ::: 2,095 170 587 1,361 1,686 200 664 79 22 2 157 7 ) 64 3 106 26 16 97 28 1 25 7 80 15 2 235 1 ) 40 2 206 U 17 122 33 1 55 11 81 2,440 2 6,214 147 1 > 6,961 10 6,168 184 295 6,057 1,887 3 451 29 82 2,500 3 6,057 10 ■ 5 9,212 8 7,116 93 487 10,482 638 2 2,721 47 .13 245 1,539 82 2,200 1,759 93 106 2,549 1,399 3 173 17 84 112 2 740 3 > 1,038 "2 601 60 15 1,794 112 1 451 30 85 2,195 2 4,675 65 1 ) 4,761 10 4,409 91 189 3,508 488 278 12 86 2,388 1 5,317 10 9 1 8,174 6 6,515 33 472 8,688 526 1 2,270 17 87 5,210 2,379 170 3 1 8,885 20,888 533 3,508 28,595 2,201 640 12 SB 1,235 50 10,445 160 > ) 1,700 50 42,074 165 4,467 34,754 9,200 651 20 89 10 174 144 1 270 9 34 184 7 65 2 ' - 3 267 2 L 122 3 415 4 48 163 10 84 5 91 253 14,885 x ! 56,538 10 14,553 90 2,153 32,013 21 12,563 9 92 92 's 30,299 "2 .2 1 72,743 21 22,029 IS 4,152 26,291 39 23,621 108 93 100 3,268 8 ) 6,574 4,889 74 729 7,180 3 2,236 94 72 3,148 0 S 9,628 2,410 9 579 3,962 31 7,043 106 95 153 11,617 2 ! 49,964 'io 9,664 16 1,424 24,833 18 10,327 9 96 20 5 27,151 SI 5 63,115 21 19,619 9 3,573 22,329 8 16,578 2 97 1,351 3,905 3, V 118,329 19,042 200 19,326 80,970 20 18,995 60 96 20 23,622 J5 S 52,930 350 176,128 34 40,185 180,215 60 1,820 20 99 482 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanal p text) Harris Harrison Hartley Haskell Hays Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Peaches farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Pears farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested. bushels 1959. 1954., Grapes farms reporting 1959. 1954. , Vines of all ages 1959. 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. 1954. , Trees of all ages 1959. 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959., 1954., Cherries farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954., Quantity harvested pounds 1959. , 1954., Apricots farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Figs farms reporting 1959. Trees of all ages 1959. Trees not of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. Improved pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. 2,641 1,417 20,392 4,937 171 36,584 2S9 8,437 101 4,251 194 2,121 70 32,333 95 6,316 14 23,149 20 2,622 95 43 107 92 1,340 291 1,450 447 118 126 5,761 8,479 2,026 4,595 3,735 3,884 30,292 10,270 53 12,697 1,877 5,482 1,442 7,215 435 5,349 165 9,033 199 4,110 46 1,832 186 1,239 119 7,201 13 697 77 53 12 51 77 3 4,205 2,778 305 2,430 493 105 1,775 2,285 200 2,910 162 3,939 2,309 15,088 7,580 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 483 Part 6 of 6 Hill Hockley Hood H;p:-:.r_; Houston H_ Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irion Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 116 46 90 37 80 15 2 85 11 25 35 69 17 35 1 SO 45 79 58 53 14 5 110 8 35 9 51 10 14 1 2 406 28 4,205 55 1,133 62 10 698 30 546 27 416 54 135 3 153 30 1,318 197 438 36 4 931 23 426 6 262 57 111 i 4 16 33 21 22 6 8 2 21 3 7 3 11 12 3 5 19 29 27 48 11 S 3 61 2 15 21 10 6 93 227 310 133 628 65 23 755 47 ii 33 681 19 7 124 157 1,188 490 51 41 9 647 103 163 108 1,906 S 47 66 52 63 107 6 22 59 3 39 io 2 137 18 9 49 75 40 120 19 11 3 100 119 67 658 10 46 161 258 70 521 59 1 696 1 8 31 544 1 11 75 82 1,148 370 32 30 6 547 103 44 41 1,248 12 1 4 99 34 4 4 10 168 4 6 251 13 4 3 64 206 6 3 8 123 20 2 4,130 14 87 45 57 30 28 14 2 47 5 15 '15 27 11 6 15 130 43 61 58 33 15 3 118 5 34 19 49 5 5 16 2,345 943 23,272 984 1,277 1,090 11 1,318 35 162 261 395 131 47 17 4,954 776 22,811 1,559 1,320 1,475 9 8,833 66 1,099 187 750 61 21 18 768 488 192 388 614 109 6 364 14 64 121 132 61 22 19 773 295 1,263 282 1,075 109 1,621 25 145 92 305 20 6 20 1,577 455 23,080 596 663 981 5 954 21 98 140 263 70 25 21 4,181 481 21,548 1,277 245 1,366 9 7,212 43 954 95 445 41 15 22 927 164 9,761 500 275 1,756 20 293 10 29 14 91 115 (Z) 23 88 2 2 327 107 26 10 222 2 11 23 73 20 13 24 51 23 48 32 44 7 42 4 13 17 47 9 19 25 56 22 44 43 45 5 i 96 2 20 12 64 7 12 26 440 70 390 371 1,605 14 217 6 58 191 530 57 252 27 629 61 464 276 1,473 14 2 603 8 90 84 702 44 306 28 71 16 19 53 230 101 6 26 94 104 40 51 29 254 44 113 54 401 4 120 5 32 35 225 12 156 JO 369 54 371 318 1,375 10 116 2 32 97 426 17 201 31 375 17 351 222 1,072 10 "2 483 3 58 49 477 32 150 32 358 1 S85 326 2,606 2 251 12 19 108 1,403 43 164 13 40 1 1 175 1,194 "3 23 10 38 707 84 116 ■u 21 27 17 14 4 4 1 20 1 1 10 16 10 6 35 14 25 15 31 7 3 3 47 3 15 2 24 4 3 li. 209 264 1S9 115 10 138 20 128 5 8 159 112 176 39 37 52 323 88 382 35 61 61 361 13 197 12 177 47 8 38 9 73 72 42 10 1 53 S3 16 20 22 39 IS 136 10 122 4 *35 100 2 -76 5 19 ... 200 191 117 73 137 20 75 5 B 76 96 156 17 41 34 187 78 260 °31 61 26 261 11 121 7 158 47 8 42 97 909 251 142 150 200 353 57 599 1,189 115 43 230 1,366 30 1,409 205 5 300 316 250 130 927 265 16 44 54 29 28 22 46 e 34 3 13 14 24 9 6 45 66 31 30 34 27 s "3 71 3 15 7 32 4 6 41 603 117 163 425 78,454 SO 375 14 52 492 472 89 71 ■.',' 1,460 1S3 250 241 32,634 94 9 1,392 17 70 275 373 23 53 48 269 64 29 50 24,713 15 105 8 10 119 104 30 34 49 159 66 37 97 12,326 17 105 5 23 30 109 11 16 50 334 53 134 375 53,736 65 270 6 42 373 368 59 37 51 1,301 117 213 144 20,308 77 - 1,287 12 47 245 264 12 37 58 68 35 132 10,183 5 114 1 1 61 8 11 3 53 13 6 69 19,097 176 1 8 63 7 2 54 7 23 5 1 "S 8 4 1 1 6 3 5 5 26 6 7 8 1 10 1 2 2 3 '■(. 37 114 12 15 i 106 2 36 7 1 1 15 V 16 144 20 33 60 1 21 - 6 3 14 58 24 44 S 9 i 103 22 7 9 V. 9 58 9 3 i 10 60 13 70 4 6 3 2 14 1 1 6 61 7 86 11 30 56 6 2 4 b. 66 230 401 1 60 '46 SO 33 50 101 1 ... 25 26 22 6 4 4 3 8 1,'. 13 28 31 3 1 9 "j 7 4 18 2 3 66 96 119 49 18 7 22 30 6 46 67 42 121 225 1 33 28 17 86 6 17 68 32 63 12 8 4 8 16 5 12 22 '■■• 24 41 40 3 21 3 25 5 70 64 56 37 10 "i 14 14 1 35 24 71 18 8 80 1 185 7 1 i 22 25 7 3 14 1 61 5 12 36 72 73 2 4 2 "3 9 74 28 1 13 13 3 1 '26 5 '26 28 5 14 75 212 2 28 91 9 3 134 26 2 197 139 19 153 76 136 2 2 39 13 3 24 8 2 26 27 15 77 76 26 35 78 5 110 IS 171 112 19 138 78 399 81 259 269 645 140 4,785 2,583 247 2,880 79 43 10 43 16 20 6 50 10 16 16 51 28 60 53 6 59 31 33 2 91 9 23 8 56 6 21 81 951 50 104,023 291 695 337 5,813 286 3,592 190 5,670 439 2,687 32 784 17 11,713 1,177 810 113 'm 16,463 225 4,552 67 3,422 112 2,522 B3 318 46 87,049 28 70 80 732 10 201 92 42 208 381 34 192 15 8,732 64 318 25 6,494 29 72 20 632 25 97 83 633 16,974 263 625 257 5,081 276 3,391 98 5,628 231 2,306 36 592 2 2,981 1,113 492 83 *68 9,969 196 4,480 67 2,790 87 2,425 87 1,545 3 62,455 1,131 1,493 1,003 3,785 4,860 3,175 550 44,385 3,773 20,490 38 4,839 11,225 5,408 2,050 250 25,910 320 9,005 60 4,601 1,150 6,842 39 82 123 11 11 95 10 30 29 15 10 ,, 64 - 127 22 15 13 65 31 22 5 13 6,346 30,218 282 127 4,778 4,001 10,549 1,324 126 io 103 '. 6,811 7 53,632 1,577 2,736 . '25 8,949 2,051 13,912 4,288 385 104 'i 977 1,709 125 29 1,633 2,882 1,305 220 33 1 34 14 1,629 6 2,737 1,033 17 . 25 1,986 260 1,351 794 59 39 9J 5,369 28,509 157 98 3,145 1,119 9,244 1,104 93 9 69 '■■ 5,182 50,895 544 2,719 6,963 1,791 12,561 3, 494 326 65 97 39,567 83,928 2,169 178 11,992 5,500 7,385 16,450 2,241 300 865 IS 6,741 168,309 4,415 2,455 100 19,340 370 525 99 484 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For dermil xpla. ■»I) Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimbl »e ttuits, nuts, and grapes Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959 . . 1954. acres 1959. 1954.. Apples farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Peaches farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Pears farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Grapes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Vines of all ages 1959 . 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Cherries farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Apricots farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age I 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Figs farms reporting 1959 . Trees of all ages 1959. Trees not of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959 . Quantity harvested pounds 1959. Improved pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 19 59 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. 3,548 4,415 7,258 6,878 1,452 S3 1,500 238 2,096 4,332 5,758 6,640 1,350 904 77 134 7,135 10,466 1,242 1,388 5,893 9,078 9,551 11,522 1,117 2,541 3,200 5,404 2,558 2,371 485 3,033 2,073 2,470 17,160 8,238 3,361 1,024 1.675 2,115 30 78 2,659 11,417 1,158 2,249 1,501 9,168 2,135 7,285 1,755 1,263 1,050 3,522 include data for farms than 20 trees TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 485 Part 6 of 6 King Kinney | Kleberg Knox umr _ U^S.3 La Salle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live 0 ak Llano 1 8 15 89 61 91 8 211 78 26 79 63 6 f 37 1 3 2 7 34 173 39 49 4 115 58 17 17 81 8 1 25 2 1 413 8 21 680 111 986 23 502 659 234 279 566 10 77 3 5 25 27 70 510 29 788 23 502 236 64 61 646 14 1 170 4 4 41 36 11 10 LO 6 4 9 5 9 5 1 9 138 47 5 3 8 1 7 14 8 1 6 204 1,557 154 183 20 -c 13 13 29 183 48 7 -2 170 3,111 240 33 23 24 5 31 72 183 2 8 188 240 59 169 18 35 9 12 5 27 22 9 130 360 47 9 2 13 5 26 46 73 2 10 16 1,317 95 14 2 11 4 1 24 156 26 11 12 4C 2,751 193 24 23 11 5 26 110 12 10 519 33 18 1 7 1 16 200 18 13 9 2,439 15 1 100 14 1 2 15 50 60 57 83 51 17 17 43 5 28 15 2 : 40 202 71 33 55 62 8 15 73 13 12 16 7 20 279 6,942 887 2,892 1,126 925 429 104 4,105 105 8 405 17 52 12 1,082 8,164 1,059 2,798 731 1,669 176 98 11,388 268 2T 203 18 6 SO 1,186 371 400 391 392 80 42 425 30 At 163 19 12 749 1,238 244 480 196 977 14 57 1,554 98 124 20 7 14 199 5,756 516 2,492 735 533 349 62 3,680 75 4 242 23 52 333 6,926 815 2,318 535 692 162 -1 9,834 170 2' 79 22 17 113 5,458 424 918 83 239 71 13 4,563 < 139 2.:. 55 513 56 10 92 141 47 23 3,012 4 ... 24 8 45 33 27 91 44 21 48 24 3 22 25 2 14 137 26 10 40 61 11 23 36 7 13 26 21 352 115 381 513 401 352 426 673 33 8 79 27 28 30 1,874 74 144 169 563 154 613 1,262 22 33 28 8 55 37 71 209 94 140 128 25 14 21 29 "2 17 432 24 27 44 198 5 139 151 9 15 JO 13 297 78 310 304 307 212 298 648 19 9 58 il 26 13 1,442 50 117 125 365 149 474 1,111 13 18 32 22 569 22 157 401 678 256 250 721 176 " 2 115 1 124 389 209 295 139 34 1 2 6 23 37 10 24 16 7 18 6 1 10 X 1 1 20 71 36 6 18 15 10 13 i 5 16 7 4 89 976 459 95 91 88 68 109 14 4 4 64 (7 20 20 1,058 842 529 232 172 141 26 55 118 47 2 17 18 4 44 32 90 34 27 22 21 2 r 16 i.j 717 139 22 21 2 37 6 15 5 10 14 40 "7 45 944 369 84 57 61 46 88 12 4 . 48 il 20 341 703 507 211 170 104 20 40 113 37 : 3 42 106 3,838 3,764 571 520 175 70 280 10 1 .' 45 ..i 710 800 3,450 312 148 10 150 564 50 a ... 44 1 9 31 45 33 77 34 14 29 20 20 45 2 16 147 52 17 25 33 6 14 36 9 46 6 39 163 263 451 1,362 351 255 274 180 i 75 47 16 77 1,394 364 399 393 438 228 119 626 26 i 37 48 16 50 100 42 397 130 156 140 37 i 33 49 i 42 339 60 112 55 103 22 79 333 9 : 21 Ml 6 23 113 163 409 965 221 99 134 143 42 53 15 35 1,055 304 287 338 335 206 40 293 17 16 52 10 41 58 25 139 60 157 66 68 18 53 174 71 1 26 66 80 12 34 2 54 1 10 44 5 1 3 1 2 55 i 1 26 49 1 1 1 3 1 3 9 i •■< 2 15 270 10 2 10 3 10 57 1 10 80 309 2 3 5 4 1 7 33 8 58 2 6 77 9 2 5 59 10 14 9 66 a 42 65 193 244 1,280 1,833 2 1 3 5 "3 1 1 5 4 3 3 6 10 27 2 25 8 62 63 64 1 8 9 43 24 1 3 5 4 16 65 1 17 7 42 15 2 3 2 9 9 ,,,, 2 33 20 214 106 1 7 25 32 59 67 6 86 12 235 118 6 6 4 32 40 68 9 11 74 38 1 5 6 21 10 31 69 61 4 64 37 4 1 4 11 30 70 2 24 9 140 68 2 4 22 28 •• 6 25 1 8 1 171 13 20 81 49 2 5 21 10 18 72 73 1 1 19 6 30 2 50 34 8 39 18 L 12 n 10 3 436 11 94 4 309 142 44 255 175 > 61 76 11 8 15 2 31 34 35 73 73 14 77 10 3 425 3 79 2 278 108 9 182 102 47 78 10 319 465 2,176 1,360 88 4,977 716 L. , 414 79 1 8 49 20 40 3 118 38 13 52 32 > 18 80 1 1 27 94 7 27 4 127 61 9 19 54 L 23 81 1 104 3,594 1,483 6,149 162 4,579 839 662 2,240 3,038 1 278 82 "2 48 316 3,555 9 1,122 250 5,672 1,465 740 558 3,804 11 L > 2,012 6 1 1 74 806 1,472 975 2 2,174 109 172 169 97 132 84 48 231 417 3 397 150 1,230 208 40 439 239 6 1 > 398 85 30 2,788 11 5,174 160 2,405 730 490 2,071 2,941 1 146 3l 2 85 3,138 6 725 100 4,442 1,257 700 119 3,565 1,614 87 270 5,576 5 14,302 2,000 16,611 3,554 1,645 20,902 1,585 345 88 354 33,513 2,870 370 889 977 447 243 16,495 2,500 89 1 8 3 75 5 127 445 90 7 40 28 L 35 JO 5 8 130 79 342 127 5 10 38 25 w 2 2,805 18 3,711 13 16,860 45,912 9,318 157 2,211 2,475 2,729 92 650 97 5,137 15,977 52,800 20,024 302 197 2,584 3,775 ■II 2 30 4 1,262 11 1,721 12,663 3,607 77 438 488 220 94 305 32 993 2,836 15,414 2,489 3 59 245 630 95 2,775 14 2,449 2 15,139 33,249 5,711 80 1,773 1,987 2,509 96 345 65 4,144 13,141 37,386 17,535 299 138 2,339 3,145 97 67,614 20,413 43,177 335,910 23,914 265 9,907 56,633 12,881 v8 ... 50 37,443 8,030 3,594 16,354 200 310 27,405 18,600 99 486 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (Fordefm ..,,[„, ? t#xl) Loving Lubbock Lynn McCulloch McLennan McMullen Madison Marlon Martin Mason Tree ffuits, nuts, and grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Peaches farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Pears farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Grapes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Vines of all ages 1959 . 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Cherries farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Apricots farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Figs farms reporting 1959 . Trees of all ages 1959 . Trees not of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959 . Quantity harvested pounds 1959. Improved pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954.. 97 152 2,744 4,612 1,427 1,553 1,317 3,059 865 204 3,835 4,435 2,672 8,620 18 65 42 127 1,621 3,504 5,614 7,282 37 658 218 1,624 1,584 2,846 5,396 5,658 7,806 54,493 3,575 6,715 6,207 5,042 5,922 475 1,093 100 6,300 9 5 8 5 14,280 16 17,169 117 123 7 16 14,157 9 17,169 101 122,000 100 B8,25 150 iDoes include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevin TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 487 Part 6 of 6 Uatagaro a Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam mils Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motl y Naccf- KarajTO Navtai 1* ] 10 41 33 3 124 76 13 111 42 2 34 2 25 60 42 1 2. J 3 38 30 2 112 53 19 131 21 2 24 2- 42 76 44 2 54 ) 28 137 223 228 837 1,632 21 1,081 107 5 52 91 43 380 SS 3 14. > 17 175 487 6 963 1,783 37 939 57 2 63 31 > 74 554 ] 04 4 1 7 7 2 11 19 4 35 4 1 23 L 6 9 19 5 > 1 6 6 2 13 15 6 71 6 3 24 > 31 19 Z7 6 2- 2 19 20 8 79 249 17 2,172 18 80 151 9 > 50 135 69 7 4 28 14 11 48 219 67 3,024 26 21 296 r 143 210 ] S3 8 2 15 13 8 31 45 10 502 6 80 67 5 1 13 6 40 9 12 10 26 47 8 890 26 17 130 85 21 19 10 2 ) 4 7 48 204 7 1,670 12 84 1 37 129 a 11 4 16 4 11 22 172 59 2,134 4 166 T 58 189 V, 12 ... 1 2 4 295 7 942 5 73 3 > 30 1 20 11 ii 2 12 395 97 » ) 13 22 o U 1 3 21 18 2 72 51 12 64 11 1 27 2 15 44 22 15 1 r 3 26 20 2 123 41 25 133 15 4 28 2 58 96 v 16 23 31 306 154 32 1,453 1,873 313 6,369 99 10 903 2, )» ) 504 2,218 i 29 17 40 169 499 153 21 3,256 4,271 665 8,898 126 30 1,081 19 1,680 5,269 OS 18 7 21 200 59 16 728 331 87 2,363 61 10 268 UK 201 621' , 48 19 17 70 100 12 919 881 91 606 72 11 623 L5 710 1,525 30 20 15 10 106 95 16 725 1,542 226 4,006 38 635 1, 0 303 1,597 ] 81 21 23 99 399 141 21 2,337 3,390 574 8,292 54 19 458 i 970 3,744 25 22 2 ... 69 55 2 675 1,612 159 7,981 5 736 M 223 1,540 X 23 7( 135 91 13 13 770 28 2 307 43 115 201 96 22 24 4 1 12 8 2 57 32 5 48 30 25 1 16 34 35 21 2- 1 17 10 2 82 25 10 89 34 2 25 1 50 62 36 Jo 1,81 2 106 18 7 934 270 22 606 1,634 99 g 173 469 JO 27 1,56( 2 256 43 11 2,707 391 36 1,049 1,163 122 1 309 358 50 28 30 2 16 9 6 110 67 11 77 75 X 7 35 153 J7 29 < 183 3 5 323 49 4 82 234 57 105 174 58 111 1,51( ... 90 9 1 824 203 11 529 1,559 69 5 138 316 93 31 1,56( 2 73 40 6 2,384 342 32 967 929 65 3 204 184 92 12 80" ... 98 • 1,017 572 25 752 1,380 138 9 748 689 K 33 57 ... 64 5 1,619 4 1 1,012 27 141 17 in 34 1 7 10 s 2 22 20 4 32 10 11 1_ ) 5 6 12 " 2 13 6 38 16 11 70 12 10 13 15 12 it. 14( 2,662 153 77 7 145 73 32 8,557 69 98 < 7 1 57 43 5* 17 1< 53 152 81 2,519 148 185 33,321 109 58 7 205 141 M) 13 J 62 9 10 7 54 29 22 52 13 37 ' 1 S 52 11 18 *J 1( 3 52 60 44 21 804 22 25 45 28 M 40 14 2,600 144 67 91 44 10 8,505 56 61 9 1 5 32 38 41 ( 50 100 81 2,459 104 164 32,517 87 33 7 160 113 55 42 43( 375 575 30 434 433 10 56,822 125 49 1, 8 200 73 S3 si X 20 687 375 9,160 646 1,032 137,295 68 247 01 ) 890 16 BO 44 1( 2 17 10 1 52 26 5 28 22 17 1 S 11 25 25 4S 1 21 7 1 69 19 12 52 15 4 14 : ) 35 39 29 46 8 13 162 52 2 514 91 46 134 429 108 - ) 400 196 » 47 3( 2 246 18 6 628 103 65 325 261 24 66 L4 431 372 >92 48 4 5 95 24 2 267 47 21 34 129 66 8 258 94 Jl ,i 20 ... 85 2 189 33 25 61 125 15 22 "- 143 64 95 50 3 8 67 28 247 44 25 100 300 42 5 142 102 93 51 1 2 161 16 6 439 70 40 264 136 9 44 v> 288 308 97 52 2 66 4 160 15 6 44 48 11 1 ? 49 18 48 53 40 5 108 11 25 65 8 58 17 21 '- 1 i 1 3 i 3 1 2 r 2 1 3 55 1 1 7 1 2 21 4 3 6 6 M 2 3 6 7 6 4 10 40 4 5 3 3 9 57 i 1 6 55 1 7 51 60 ; 8 26 38 S3 2 3 6 2 6 2 10 40 2" » 3 9 59 i 24 2 27 30 2 4 11 3 17 60 ui 6 31 1 7 24 30 1 61 4 ) 15 1 62 63 112 30 1 15 64 9 1 14 31 3 19 2 1 > 2 8 65 1 7 16 8 14 13 43 "i 1 > 2 3 nt, 22 4 44 110 11 57 3 'l 28 21 67 30 69 17 61 32 161 "s ... 4 2 7 68 7 4 16 43 2 23 3 3 25 7 69 12 7 5 24 13 42 2 1 1 2 70 15 28 67 9 34 5 3 14 71 5 18 62 12 6 37 20 19 2 119 11 6 ... i- 1 5 5 1 72 71 25 1 8 11 3 7. 2 4 9 13 46 17 1 5 8 18 "8 22 If, 75 »' 45 87 47 195 44 2 10 1,024 75 85 218 84 7f. 1 4 60 8 46 8 3 1,004 35 73 58 ii 77 18 41 27 39 149 36 2 7 20 40 12 160 54 78 1,64 320 280 224 1,112 681 110 1,272 509 40 754 25 79 5 3 28 27 3 47 45 5 52 18 13 8 35 27 80 21 3 39 50 109 40 5 58 24 16 40 82 .". 81 4,57 451 551 3,526 3,006 5,111 48,755 32 3,098 626 20 227 2- 220 2,816 14 82 3,44 423 3,151 4,987 10,572 47,809 19 3,822 304 265 753 8,006 55 8 1 68 26 105 66 6 105 528 30 579 39 20 20 1 80 1,013 85 34 28 3 503 439 3,460 10,438 10 853 130 95 365 695 20 85 3,89 425 446 3,460 3,000 5,006 48,227 2 2,519 587 207 140 1,803 i 29 86 3,16 420 2,648 4,548 7,112 37,371 9 2,969 174 170 388 7,311 - 35 87 53,77 6,200 4,190 24,050 60,000 41,536 389,275 9,327 1,845 17 1,940 32,103 5,- 90 88 48. 991 16,425 30,123 367,196 110 10,599 460 927 1,646 32,411 < .05 if. 18 t. 24 60 77 81 1 141 11 6 5 67 9 90 8" ... 46 66 147 67 196 10 6 20 148 12 n 23,99- 31 2,923 19,597 8,780 11,856 3 25,246 209 15 47 7,867 41 92 14,141 ... 3,937 14,333 26,029 10,283 34,242 194 254 119 16,032 ] if; 93 1,49 5 184 403 1,140 3,079 3 1,419 65 10 7 2,759 li .• 6,76 ... 1,751 190 3,928 1,273 5,218 110 40 42 4,373 52 9'. 22,50 26 2,739 19,194 7,640 8,777 23,827 144 5 40 5,106 23 96 7,37< ... 2,186 14,143 22,101 9,010 29,024 84 214 77 11,659 ] 35 97 582,72 > 200 34,910 98,592 64,006 28,775 47,625 1,760 705 50,269 < il'. .,3 1,931 ... 1,220 22,262 83,564 18,5*6 127,871 107 866 52 57,459 41) '.., STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 6 of 6 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definition? and explanations. * text) Nueces Ochiltree Oldham Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer Pecos Tfee fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treeB farms reporting 1959 . , 1954., acres 1959.. 19 54.. Apples farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954 . . Peaches farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954 . . Peara farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 1954.. Ojantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. GraPes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Vines of all ages I959 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959... 1954... Vines of bearing age 1959... 1954... Quantity harvested pounds 1959... 1954... Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. . . _ 1954... Trees of all ages 1959 ■ 1954..! Trees not of bearing age 1959.. . __ 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959 1954 .. . Ojantity harvested bushels 1959... _ , 1954... uierrles farms reporting 1959... ■>. 1954... Trees of all ages 1959... _ 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959 .. . ,x_ 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959 .. . 1954... Ojantity harvested pounda 1959. . . 1954... Apricots fame reporting 1959... «_ 1954... Trees of all ages ^959 _ 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959 .. . ,x- 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959 Ojantity harvested bushels 1959 ! ! ! 1954. . . "6s farms reporting 1959... Trees of all ages 1959 Trees not of bearing age 1959 Trees of bearing age 1959 Ojantity harvested pounds 1959 ! ! '. Improved pecans farms reporting 1959. . . Trees of all ages 1959!!! _ 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959 _ 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959 Ojantity harvested pounds 1959!!! Hid and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959.'.'. _ 1954... Trees of all ages 1959... nx. 1954..! Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . _ 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959 Ojantity harvested pounds 1959!!! 1954... 2 Reported in small fractions. Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines 1,203 1,216 2,000 5,410 2,989 39 1,058 4,445 4,322 3,820 19,016 88 73 15,946 10,963 1,462 4,326 14,484 6,637 2,544 17,500 2,400 1,248 25,472 12,493 3,813 34,186 1,195 397 7,535 4,908 1,505 4,768 1,205 851 17,937 7,585 2,308 29,418 113 1,028 1,332 18,564 20 1,130 3,555 3,779 2,915 5,822 4,647 52,008 19,448 38,242 36,816 204,119 TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 489 Part 6 of 6 Pali Pott Presldl 3 Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Roclnall Runnels Rusk Sabine 45 5 U 12 1 38 59 13 1 57 6 a 74 22 1 26 20 27 14 60 97 3 3 32 12 44 80 8 2 69 8 K 15 14 1 309 531 50 4 U) 230 19 65 115 28 3 105 23 If 50 10 469 596 8 2 111 26 131 149 11 4 11 3 4 12 6 27 8 9 1 35 11 5 16 2C i 24 22 11 86 1 8 3 9 69 6 6 117 17 1. 23 672 13 216 106 59 4 272 46 7 69 .14 6' 100 91 48 1,658 8 219 24 58 380 15 S 32 15 t 2 564 4 70 101 25 4 83 9 9 36 5 5 28 28 6 406 4 176 1 12 134 6 10 85 2 21 108 9 146 5 34 189 37 11 33 9 1 72 63 42 1,252 4 43 23 46 246 9 12 10 3 46 20 3 244 1 8 56 11 13 1 3 5 2 18 715 61 84 5 14 25 4 10 15 1 21 34 11 1 40 "I 11 70 13 15 30 27 40 25 1 24 104 1 2 32 10 34 117 9 16 340 33 3 436 405 3 249 7,919 1,009 20 3,081 126 179 4,765 203 17 333 i 39 ia 1,579 297 12 471 22,178 12 70 1,325 216 1,252 5,115 135 18 129 25 23 309 30 2,055 469 10 511 47 83 1,325 43 19 74 27 2 413 129 7 73 3,426 6 30 ... 964 85 325 1,377 44 .11 211 S 3< ) 413 96 3 219 5,864 540 10 2,570 79 96 3,440 160 2: 259 .12 B 1,166 168 5 398 18,752 6 40 361 131 927 3,738 91 22 97 6 989 185 3,783 1,001 1,936 44 16 5,238 64 23 35 12< 222 1 15 5,527 3 206 21 2 718 2 24 29 2 6 9 19 28 8 26 4 3 57 15 25 38 15 24 18 17 64 2 1 37 5 18 86 9 26 301 19 12 315 202 1,503 66 1,883 27 10 259 78 27 366 57 127 49 150 2,418 10 5 2,048 13 229 389 43 28 135 19 307 15 28 61 119 12 55 29 .-) 73 6 51 19 14 61 6 2 1,685 6 22 133 7 <0 166 12 8 187 1,475 5 1,764 15 10 204 49 31 293 51 76 30 136 2,357 4 3 363 7 207 256 36 >2 235 62 407 2,500 2,707 15 7 436 92 13 137 116 11 1 292 13 134 53 34 15 J > 2 7 1 6 1 5 1 5 20 8 35 13 19 12 12 8 31 1 1 8 5 16 34 5 36 82 6 1 15 45 8 100 206 20 49 6 90 662 51 37 49 7! 4 59 127 92 601 12 10 53 10 353 139 31 13 3 L ' 27 8 27 204 20 27 6 5 577 10 f) 1 . 3. 17 39 18 164 6 29 3 37 56 14 40 41 3 5 15 18 73 2 22 85 85 41 41 48 63 5 42 88 74 437 6 24 7 316 83 17 42 216 9J 1 3 20 116 75 142 555 255 -i 80 60 2 5 281 20 250 632 185 40 2,143 322 50 44 27 5 3 10 1 5 14 5 26 4 4 38 6 ,-■ 20 21 19 21 9 55 2 21 6 18 43 6 st, 222 b: 1 23 354 1 22 91 39 8,289 16 23 677 35 47 290 69 2 ) 134 128 55 439 13 456 19 73 254 142 48 78 43 ... 327 6 22 39 5,997 11 2 219 8 49 61 33 i 86 62 36 122 9 345 6 18 101 52 50 144 .7 23 27 1 16 69 2,292 5 21 458 27 51 229 36 L i 48 66 19 317 4 111 13 55 153 90 52 52 27 61 8 25 1,725 5 20 517 6 53 6 5 1 118 32 3 49 11 54 2 1 ! 13 1 5 3 2 2 1 6 1 55 2 25 4 25 1 11 1 2 4 56 3 20 1 ? 350 3 13 16 6 3 4 15 1 57 3 2! 10 211 - 25 2 5 16 58 1 g 1 ! 281 3 10 15 5 3 7 1 59 1 09 3 77 12 2 5 1 60 2 :.■ 69 3 1 1 8 61 2 -• 20 JO 51 7 5 134 465 X 13 45 21 15 2 62 63 64 1 ) 11 1 5 7 6 1 6 3 2 9 3 65 2 17 J 17 4 1 3 1 11 2 66 1 7 327 1 18 12 28 20 62 6 10 26 14 67 8 83 3 J 51 15 9 12 16 3 32 6 ,,!>. 3 313 6 28 10 39 4 7 18 69 6 t ... 21 3 7 6 14 3 17 70 1 1 14 1 18 6 10 23 2 3 8 10 71 79 3 1 3 30 12 9 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 15 2 1 3 72 73 74 1 3 3 2 10 11 6 8 3 3 41 12 75 136 2 2 1 7 59 51 29 62 10 8 199 57 76 69 1 D 11 14 26 35 8 2 89 29 77 67 . 1 1 7 4 48 37 3 27 2 6 110 28 78 1,044 12 5 200 238 300 964 30 21 1,316 675 79 31 1 ! 3 4 1 20 22 9 2 15 3 14 31 19 80 24 2 S 12 3 1 22 49 3 2 27 6 20 52 12 81 472 2 1 r 42 30 15 956 1,071 978 4 636 156 304 244 218 82 725 5 J 88 5 11 1,325 3,353 262 57 964 361 369 548 198 83 106 2 > 4 28 12 117 226 978 4 31 5 55 102 16 84 190 1 1 i 37 5 8 402 1,030 6 55 150 51 151 133 33 85 366 1 S 38 2 3 839 845 605 151 249 142 202 86 2 61 i 51 3 923 2,323 256 2 814 310 218 415 165 87 2,670 ' ) 600 553 410 1 2,134 734 2,017 88 1,681 v ) 502 10 508 23,412 1,100 3,316 3,101 856 1,171 2,672 89 12 2 1 52 34 2 13 19 10 9 90 18 17 4 50 62 4 33 7 21 25 3 91 400 11 1 16,325 7,162 8 358 372 3,622 174 66 92 1,173 237 20 6,367 5,736 305 5,891 382 1,179 204 83 93 83 1 3,000 451 ' 8 155 90 770 75 22 94 112 21 19 990 3,064 275 2,849 282 209 70 30 95 317 11 13,325 6,711 203 282 2,852 99 44 96 1,061 216 1 5,377 2,672 30 3,042 100 970 134 53 97 3,422 650 3,340 76,306 796 2,735 611 655 98 205 1,450 4,825 32,159 200 12,610 2,350 433 699 240 ■*, 490 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definition? and explanatio ? Lcxt) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples Trees of Trees Trees Quantity Peaches Trees of Trees Trees Quantity Trees of Trees Trees Quantity Vines of Vines Vines Quantity farms reporting 1959. 1954. all ages 1959. 1954. not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. of bearing age 1959 . 1954. harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. farms reporting 1959 . 1954. all ages 1959. 1954. not of bearing age 1959. 1954. of bearing age 1959 . 1954. harvested bushels 1959. 1954. farms reporting 1959. 1954. all ages 1959. 1954. not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. of bearing age 1959. 1954. harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. farms reporting 1959 . 1954. all ages 1959. 1954. not of bearing age 1959. 1954. of bearing age 1959 . 1954. harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Cherries farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954 . Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quanti ty harvested pounds 1959 . 1954. Apricots farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . , 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954.. Figs farms reporting 1959 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . Trees of bearing age 1959. . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . Improved pecans farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954 . . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. 1,976 9,555 1,613 1,244 1,130 1,341 131 205 34,098 32,079 11,353 6,113 22,745 25,966 195,381 341,520 189 282 66,837 70,210 4,019 2,975 62,818 67,235 51,641 318,392 1,082 1,596 2,354 1Does not include data for farms wl th less than 20 trees and grapevines . TEXAS 491 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Part 6 of 6 Sc^rvell St^r Stephen* Starlit 5t«-U *tt- adsher Tar^t T^lsr Terrell 1,405 3,950 1,445 5,673 15,123 27,352 16,440 144 2,281 310 730 525 1,030 37 8 30 7 5,315 1,263 3,094 9,174 1,449 1,677 5,100 3,866 1,247 1,417 4,074 1,140 1,125 70 1,300 73 227 3,744 9,789 1,997 1,937 1,747 7,852 863 134 1,829 1,558 1,152 2,194 974 2,929 1,000 2,600 3,550 36,068 623 9,792 13,139 208 1,199 207 22,929 415 8,593 613 163,247 2,372 66,601 4,822 81 18 142 24 23,308 1,405 5,692 1,819 20,689 154 1,472 142 2,619 1,251 4,220 1,677 15,350 1,900 607 492 Part 6 of 6 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For dp fin ■>,,!», •xl) Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walier Waller Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nanbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested .bushels 1959 . 1954. Peaches farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ageB 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Pears farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Grapea farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vines of all ages 1959. 1954. Vines not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Vines of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . 1954. Cherries .farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. TreeB not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Apricots farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959 . 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Figs farms reporting 1959 . . Trees of all ages 1959 . . Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . Improved pecans farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Wild and seedling pecans farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Mjoes not include data for farms with less than 20 tree 1,373 4,570 7,425 75 118 158, US 61,335 9,685 24,020 148,453 37,315 59,937 17,159 52 1,642 1,010 8,740 4,550 4,199 1,572 14,790 5,406 290,100 20,400 ■ '.' 0 3,000 25,300 2,585 2,891 7,498 1,372 36 7,907 10,119 2,023 3,037 5,884 7,082 7,165 2,100 1,328 602 2,545 3,085 11 28 8 43 81 16,872 261 16,375 11 6,224 48 5,495 70 10,648 213 10,880 475 12,455 680 48,728 and grapevines TEXAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 493 Part 6 of fi Washington Webb marton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoaiojm Young Zapata Zavala 174 5 137 77 37 50 97 220 70 158 77 13 27 2 6 1 76 14 37 109 53 54 114 258 37 159 53 7 47 5 2 259 105 1,447 289 779 177 3,161 575 292 1,145 187 16 195 38 3 192 93 350 410 722 131 1,786 662 175 811 155 12 476 237 4 6 5 42 7 12 25 5 43 53 12 5 1 5 8 8 73 4 20 1 19 2 71 56 11 11 6 47 14 394 27 64 80 28 390 520 84 32 6 7 83 28 1,544 10 103 2 59 11 879 988 80 229 8 25 8 37 17 22 57 24 169 161 60 13 6 9 60 27 700 9 36 2 29 9 159 207 36 73 10 22 6 357 10 42 23 4 221 359 24 19 11 23 1 844 1 67 30 2 720 781 44 156 12 5 18 265 10 2 14 92 312 30 11 13 20 40 362 383 17 97 14 117 39 70 21 46 1 173 48 74 65 14 19 3 15 46 26 129 27 65 2 196 36 166 68 14 40 2 lb 2,637 423 8,851 375 5,091 5 3,195 1,023 3,251 1,885 329 1,496 37 17 815 35 355 16,680 855 4,963 46 5,271 696 9,556 2,374 239 4,667 32 18 1,555 150 525 153 2,346 5 1,081 210 1,000 878 220 468 35 19 280 7 112 4,561 297 788 1,455 162 1,815 691 46 802 30 1,082 273 8,326 222 2,745 2,114 813 2,251 1,007 109 1,028 2 21 535 28 243 12, 119 558 4,175 46 3,816 534 7,741 1,683 193 3,865 32 22 524 20 302 53 802 2,387 275 1,409 1,343 87 582 2 < 132 35 20 15 495 402 2,202 66 17 1 15 24 91 1 58 39 13 33 80 29 63 50 11 12 2 25 33 1 33 63 12 34 1 88 12 120 52 10 19 .-<■ 465 1 437 142 69 393 272 161 692 414 59 140 6 27 230 3 376 478 146 486 3 372 64 1,426 710 58 127 28 120 1 172 22 18 67 101 55 190 121 51 21 6 29 43 223 173 127 41 3 137 10 287 453 15 40 30 345 265 120 51 326 171 106 502 293 8 119 a 187 3 153 305 19 445 235 54 1,139 257 43 87 3: 494 360 63 63 468 301 51 673 739 188 .11 242 78 2 20 154 10 35 *4 16 3 26 27 5 13 2 35 15 28 26 10 ii "i « 8 4 9 44 5 17 5 30 12 55 26 11 11 16 1,816 6,520 172 1,153 27 139 38 121 97 647 311 94 1,737 3 37 7,797 16,041 59 2,578 68 200 45 1,271 66 2,159 645 112 1,797 >.'■ 125 5,000 45 71 5 67 44 68 148 80 54 336 3 w 4,748 16,022 14 135 19 42 21 51 24 208 341 31 45 40 1,691 1,520 127 1,082 22 72 38 77 29 499 231 40 1,401 41 3,049 19 45 2,443 49 158 24 1,220 42 1,951 304 81 1,752 ia 361 750 528 312 107 52 50 557 177 1,587 836 257 11,216 43 101 499 5,926 220 250 200 2,084 563 5,843 3,047 1,568 2,682 44 48 27 22 12 23 97 36 42 33 9 10 2 45 11 3 15 46 8 26 90 21 74 34 9 18 1 ... 373 195 109 60 211 620 537 339 1,112 59 132 8 tn 140 11 294 436 114 177 530 322 717 2,670 43 155 8 ■;>>. 99 77 38 23 83 203 200 95 838 45 8 6 s" 6 4 93 156 102 29 154 81 127 902 6 61 50 274 118 71 37 128 417 337 244 274 14 124 ' Z 53. 134 7 201 280 12 148 376 241 590 1,768 37 94 8 52 114 27 2 20 7 112 107 143 165 9 53 26 11 2 51 56 3 1,543 4 54 2 1 37 6 2 3 6 7 11 1 1 55 2 56 1 7 5 1 21 6 5 2 '•!■ 21 297 1 12 6 13 19 16 63 3 2 57 9 491 2 16 16 1 83 28 30 48 58 11 30 202 1 2 3 6 4 6 13 12 34 13 25 48 1 3 46 "2 59 60 10 267 9 2 7 3 15 61 9 3 289 25 10 10 4 1 49 15 3 29 1 110 2 62 ., 1 64 4 I 42 61 9 8 20 22 34 19 2 4 37 50 16 1 11 10 7 22 1 65 66 26 277 194 149 90 2 129 33 65 27 67 534 41 267 44 14 240 3 40 152 3 68 * 32 136 90 26 30 87 52 25 1 6 45 75 21 54 22 10 61 69 70 2 245 398 2 104 15 90 119 180 115 4 3 38 19 14 1 8 84 165 17 12 3 2 11 18 17 91 6 3 71 72 73 79 1 37 3 2 1 97 14 9 25 2 1 75 322 4 292 6 10 7 4 421 118 20 91 3 20 76 88 128 5 1 97 62 9 35 77 234 4 164 1 10 6 4 324 56 11 56 3 20 78 3,396 200 6,560 15 10 4,383 498 50 418 1 79 69 1 73 5 26 25 3 122 29 70 33 5 12 5 80 53 3 41 7 32 24 2 134 38 72 27 3 35 3 m 1,322 50 10,103 8 3,594 432 11 3,089 822 5,139 1,146 24 732 176 82 1,523 85 6,101 61 4,420 429 3 5,730 1,379 4,894 293 12 1,722 3,620 83 226 1,116 3 440 90 10 521 254 1,049 245 24 20 30 84 207 29 852 29 475 109 3 474 369 444 68 12 245 85 1,096 50 8,987 5 3,154 342 1 2,568 568 4,090 901 712 146 86 1,316 56 5,249 32 3,945 320 5,256 1,010 4,450 225 1,477 3,620 87 4,329 172,406 37,625 730 2,772 1,342 19,575 1,150 4,020 90 8fl 5,041 60,435 14,932 2,500 15,777 10,990 35,337 2,130 8,225 500 89 228 172 6 23 5 163 46 191 27 1 16 90 161 83 5 19 i. 229 44 270 16 1 33 91 15,193 27,443 41 7,342 23 13,915 2,859 30,630 478 1 2,150 92 9,557 10,227 23 5,143 93 21,909 2,819 31,632 556 4,015 93 3,504 5,064 10 248 5 3,141 388 5,703 316 1 133 94 1,368 1,271 12 943 91 2,839 831 6,996 373 1,207 95 11,689 22,379 31 7,094 18 10,774 2,471 24,927 162 2,017 96 8,189 8,956 11 4,200 2 19,070 1,988 24,636 183 2,808 97 121,752 322,772 50 1,685 105 17,210 36,240 25,199 561 1,765 98 45,022 6,075 5,915 68,027 15,055 164,446 3,300 100 3,964 ■r, 494 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Irrigated cropland harvested farmB reporting. CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Corn for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Corn sold bushels . Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting. pounds. Sorghums sold pounds. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting . bushels. bushels sold. Oats farms reporting. bushels, bushels sold. . Barley farms reporting. bushels, bushels Bold.. Rice farms reporting. . 162 -lb. barrels.. 162-lb. barrels sold.. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . , Harvested for beans farms reporting . , bushels. . Cut for hay farms reporting. , Cowpeas grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting.. Harvested for peas farms reporting . . bushels. . Cut for hay farms reporting. . Peanuts grown for all purposes.. . .farms reporting.. Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . . Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting . . Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . tons sold . . All other hay cut except alfalfa and grass silage acres. . tons sold . . Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . . bushels. . Cotton farms reporting . . Vegetables harvested for sale. acres. . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting . . 2,621 57,338 1,782 36,498 1,797,261 1,365,914 7,641 1,309,919 4,865,622,914 4,488,645,910 393,305 11,740,999 11,462,115 9,875 329,912 172,078 1,382 67,257 2,082,221 1,736,932 1,836 429,440 8,400,140 8,235,029 1,604 52,200 178,060 101,681 21,892 41,167 8,415 15,208 1,516,395 1,753,465 1,717 4,591,442 4,409,180 Z Reported in small fractions . 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2 Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959 495 Part 1 of 2 Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexar Blanco Borden BO,*, Bcwie Brazoria Bra,os Br^r Briscoe BTC^S 547 5 8 55 13 14 151 7 26 8 10 182 56 2 187 15 1 111,785 66 662 3,218 1,566 640 12,284 162 1,513 553 1,862 48,308 7,010 26 46,275 •670 2 72 1 6 3 36 1 1 2 2 8 1 3 1,912 35 336 64 1,555 5 3 112 16 93 6 4 52 1 6 2 28 1 1 2 2 5 1,065 35 316 44 993 5 3 112 16 6 40,220 1,000 16,210 3,005 39,299 150 240 7,000 525 7 33,328 500 14,890 1,700 29,974 240 3,100 25 8 243 2 5 5 2 1 17 1 2 1 92 9 29,745 48 538 122 196 32 1,825 40 22 25 17,702 10 231 1 4 J 2 1 7 91 11 28,997 40 337 122 196 32 766 17,185 12 RS, 954, 629 80,000 726,000 366,700 594,000 60,000 1,926,000 ... >V,294,966 13 72,918,419 40,000 426,000 297,700 570,000 60,000 590,400 SB, 514,906 1/4 149 3 1 66 15 5,029 91 12 5,336 16 150,810 2,713 372 140,064 1? 148,066 2,613 350 US, 069 18 16 2 1 2 19 373 29 4 45 20 11,631 1,075 120 1,200 21 9,731 600 22 55 15 23 1,666 499 24 53,857 14,699 25 47,318 1 512 11,250 11,250 171 47,913 801,255 780,424 13,675 2b 27 21 29 10 18 6 31 1,161 320 32 17 4 33 1,15* 265 34 14,743 5,615 35 36 37 38 12 4 1 2 1 39 232 182 20 204 70 ,0 8 2 1 41 123 72 70 42 1,427 1 300 3 5 700 43 44 43 4n 47 6 1 30 3 334 4 48 49 6 30 281 50 17,600 40,500 252,000 2 113 70 ',1 52 ■■3 54 115 2 1 6 6 3 2 1 8 1 55 3,724 33 4 169 208 27 78 10 213 10 ••<, 12,583 68 8 390 838 83 340 18 725 10 57 9,410 246 16 2 570 10 ■.a 305 42 6 107 1,720 74 20 26 22 227 ',g 275 111 12 166 3,334 11A 80 51 42 393 60 225 26 15 9 61 10 1 24 1 62 696 1 600 (Z) hi 215, 149 200 81,740 2 M 390 1 15 3 1 5 2 2 31 138 1 65 38,599 55 650 144 10 118 111 286 2,751 10,804 8 66 37,709 37 593 116 6 IX 66 367 4,054 14,257 2 1,7 668 257 11 4,081 49 307 (Z) 47 79 •A 11 8 2 3 1 15 1 5 10 76 1 10 6 6 1 (z) 1 1 1 1 4 72 69 70 Stub items continued 496 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting- CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Corn for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain farms reporting pounds. . Sorghums sold pounds. . .farms reporting Barley farms reporting Rice farms reporting Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for beans farms reporting Cowpeas grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting Harvested for peas farms reporting bushels Cut for hay farms reporting Peanuts grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting pounds Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Miscellaneous croos harvested: irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . bushels. Cotton farms reporting . Vegetables harvested for sale acres. Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards , groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting. 3,264 60,715 56,158 2,297 85,352 67,581 15,218 29,549,206 27,722,536 1,295 3,157 1,815 1,216 87,743 92,232 Z Reported In small fractions. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 497 Parti of 2 Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Collings- Colorado Comal Comanche Concho Cooke 4 706 184 31 65 6 345 7 9 6 81 225 10 28 4 1 1 25 287,560 138 39,992 261 6,216 1 159 65,550 5 268 2 357 m. 7,395 43,785 5 214 1,069 2 155 1 2 3 5,139 1 115 6 160 20 4 80 1 2 5 2 5 2,667 1 6 160 20 6 175,335 20 280 6,700 800 7 152,422 1,450 8 610 1 5 33 1 1 3 3 3 1 9 149,624 75 134 4,559 18 20 177 690 84 19 10 604 4 33 1 1 2 2 11 144,919 97 4,331 18 20 155 489 12 586490,666 340,000 9,854,860 54,000 40,000 280,000 825,000 13 549,837,086 334,000 8,030,860 54,000 254,800 200,000 14 460 11 1 30 5 15 51,249 699 23 683 222 16 1,468,123 16,926 650 15,815 4,027 17 1,402,252 15,620 650 15,478 3,976 18 10 3 1 19 146 55 15 20 4,295 1,700 300 a 400 500 22 184 1 15 23 9,938 20 457 24 291,274 300 7,189 25 254,592 100 5,451 26 182 213 27 39,417 42,422 28 758,399 879,551 29 744,901 861,732 10 72 1 31 2,872 X 32 65 1 33 2,662 30 34 51,184 649 35 2 36 36 37 16 IS 17 1 3 39 1,551 22 151 40 9 3 41 420 151 42 2,913 4,120 43 44 45 46 1 1 10 47 1 1 436 48 1 1 9 49 1 1 387 50 300 1,200 560,963 8 155 104 H 52 53 54 96 3 17 1 9 3 ".■■ 1,918 177 627 7 144 74 M, 6,696 352 1,417 5 »4 260 57 2,734 598 126 58 436 30 UO 26 25 37 15 70 59 1,185 30 44 60 120 12 32 100 i,ii 360 44 9 60 61 26 6 1 1 1 1 '..■ 1,246 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) 63 307,490 33 25 15 13 1 64 508 26 240 3 3 l 26 3 1 1 65 36,429 1,886 35,456 96 201 20 2,524 87 15 14 66 30,876 2,141 36,409 69 178 21 2,785 72 3 7 67 10 620 22 14 1 (Z) 26 1 (Z) (Z) 48 3 2 1 1 1 25 2 2 3 7 (z) 3 15 68 69 70 Stub Items continued 498 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definitions nnd explanations, see text) Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting. bus he 1b. Corn sold bushels . Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting . pounds. Sorghums sold pounds . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting . bushels, bushels sold. Oats farms reporting . bushels, bushels sold. Barley farms reporting. bushels, bushels sold. Rice farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. 162 -lb. barrels sold. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for beana farms reporting . bushels . Cut for hay farms reporting. tons. Cowpeas grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. Harvested for peas farms reporting. bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting . tons. Peanuts grown for all purposes .... farms reporting. Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. tons sold. All other hay cut except alfalfa and grass silage acres. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . bushels . Cotton farms reporting. Vegetables harvested for sale acres . land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting . 26,533 67,705,424 63,242,012 7,025 138,474 135,089 1,800 40,062 32,383 6,510 19,128,485 12,569,975 3,140 76,968 76,028 Z Reported in small fractions. 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 499 Parti of 2 92,360 394,304,100 349,726,097 64,418 2,223,120 2,176,731 15,834 589,892 519,662 3,109 9,894 4,557 8,101 35,980 24,598 1,205 3,059 1,130 Stub Items coitljiued 500 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Parti of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Corn: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Corn sold bushels . Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting. pounds. Sorghums sold pounds . Small grains harvested. Wheat farms reporting . bushels sold. Oats farms reporting. bushels. bushels sold. Barley farms reporting . bushels sold. Rice farms reporting . 162 -lb. barrels. 162-lb. barrels sold. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for beans farms reporting . bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting. Cowpeas grown for all purposes .... farms reporting. Harvested for peas farms reporting. bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting. Peanuts grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. pounds. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting . Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . tons sold. All other hay cut except alfalfa and grass silage acres. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irisn potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . bushels. Cotton farms reporting. Vegetables harvested for sale acres . Land in bearing and nonhealing fruit orchards , groves, vineyards , and planted nut trees2 farms reporting . 80,050 325,200,098 301,732,048 27,019 759,954 736,374 2,927 82,221 65,983 1,612 5,841 4,018 16,077 303,825 289,865 1,763 4,220,900 3,072,300 Z Reported in small fractions . lDoes not include acreage far farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2 Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 501 Part 1 of 2 1 Galveston o.™ Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 41 147 30 62 7 16 37 9 3 4 10 1,444 94 14 135 , 140 1 5,416 10,858 637 6,299 598 1,809 5,459 152 14 1,838 363 451,877 10,107 535 52,257 9,713. 2 4 2 2 5 3 1 135 1 2 1 3 21 28 222 203 14 4 3,819 21 87 2 4 4 2 2 5 1 1 80 1 2 1 5 21 27 222 203 5 4 1,466 21 75 2 6 860 1,751 17,400 5,300 130 100 92,852 420 5,000 100 7 115 15,400 4,500 73,592 400 8 1 2 7 1 5 8 1 1,155 3 2 101 14 s 66 26 498 70 946 692 60 207,969 445 39 17,827 599 10 1 2 2 2 7 1,142 3 1 100 11 11 66 26 110 222 574 204,636 443 27 17,570 462 12 110,000 66,600 290,000 486,400 1,754,600 799,702,621 1,494,000 70,000 71,110,186 956,040 13 83,000 210,000 400,000 1,706,000 762,293,866 1,494,000 52,000 55, 047, 486 508,800 14 1 2 2 6 642 3 2 28 20 15 3 81 18 987 38,474 247 63 6,069 876 16 120 1,818 400 20,606 1,292,649 6,095 1,260 126,777 19,521 17 120 1,818 1 6 200 368 1 12 600 300 19,864 1 30 600 540 1,277,826 14 280 10,258 8,123 153 5,066 152,124 131,424 5,750 1,260 1 15 300 120,369 1 6 180 180 2 130 3,500 3,500 17,692 2 170 3,600 3,100 18 19 2G 21 22 23 24 25 :>■ 22 27 4,951 28 73,498 .'i 70,176 1 20 1 20 33,000 289 15,219 285 14,933 411,370 1 4 5 47 2,583 38 2,118 21,877 1 105 42 2 1 1 (Z) 200 1 1 1 1 14 1 14 280 1 53 1 53 400 1 3 .10 31 12 13 34 15 >t. 17 38 ' 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 r>] 52 53 54 1 3 2 2 5 1 2 141 3 9 18 5 55 5 18 250 308 244 18 70 5,218 23 359 422 156 56 5 40 1,050 1,360 500 55 250 22, 346 55 918 1,650 521 57 500 50 25 120 15,806 17 285 917 388 58 15 17 170 10 23 119 394 280 20 59 60 35 400 10 46 175 562 660 12 60 13 20 1 3 60 45 120 17 592 119,178 10 61 62 63 64 42 45 2 1 11 1,276 17 13 71 65 3,086 4,401 185 19 473 133,856 1,338 214 4,055 66 3,230 5,728 210 14 424 159,235 1,288 228 6,505 67 249 1 23 1 (z) 1 40 2 9 2 14 1 2 -'."■'•■ 70 6 2 68 69 1 5 3 34 5 1 5 112 7 70 502 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Parti of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS {For definitions and explanations, see text) Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Corn for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain farms reporting bushels Corn sold bushels Sorghums: Sorghums for a 11 purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting Sorghums sold pounds Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting bushels bushels sold Oats farms reporting . bushels bushels sold Barley farms reporting bushels bushels sold Rice farms reporting . 162 -lb. barrels 162-lb. barrels sold Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for beans farms reporting bushels Cut for hay farms reporting, Cowpeas grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. Harvested for peas farms reporting bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting. Peanuts grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting poundi Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . tons sold. All other hay cut except alfalfa and grass silage acres, Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting bushels Cotton farms reporting Vegetables harvested for sale acres Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting Z Reported In small fractions. 1Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 1,299 26,394 25,747 40,721 794,817 778,977 1,627 4,455,040 4,455,040 9,929 17,278 9,929 17,068 1 70 5 84 1,400 2,550 1,310 1 3 60 104 1,500 2,700 2,500 TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 503 Part 1 of 2 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson W- Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg e 1,115 11 8 17 34 73 5 46 18 1 94 1 17 306 3 1 251 187,211 498 102 1,747 1,789 14,539 143 28,420 837 3 21,236 78 562 56,984 ' 262 2 1 9 1 7 2 1 1 2 3 7 153 132 4 30 5 14 1 8 1 6 2 1 1 5 7 151 4 117 25 5 6 390 8,115 7,840 125 200 1 3,360 900 10 200 2 2,100 37 5 120 4 1 2 7 8 9 13,679 150 806 5 9,846 247 225 90 110 10 122 5 37 2 3 1 11 13,349 425 9,440 74 125 80 12 31,961,989 1,017,500 32,472,873 212,000 315,000 80,000 13 30,711,349 760,000 25,031,560 89,000 80,000 14 5 19 1 15 221 8,327 2 16 6,911 171,531 50 17 6,911 158,729 L8 3 1 1 3 19 62 30 10 160 20 2,530 900 300 6,800 21 1,980 300 2,500 22 3 2 2 23 305 80 125 24 7,400 3,150 4,200 25 7,400 2,650 3,000 84 20,565 427,311 411,910 1 78 1,447 1,447 291 56,687 1,123,738 1,114,983 26 27 28 29 !0 21 31 801 '.' 21 33 801 34 15,818 1! ir, 37 38 10 1 39 260 25 40 8 1 41 213 25 42 1 2,805 1 1 1 125 43 44 45 46 47 79 1 22 117 48 1 1 1 ... 1 49 79 1 4 117 ... 50 94,800 500 3,000 9,100 ... ::: 51 ... 1 1 V 18 117 ■'1 5 18 1 45 1 20 6 1 ■■•'. 47 13 5 608 105 87 57 30 56 154 30 50 1,395 328 77 102 63 57 30 430 180 62 30 58 47 25 5 10 77 45 212 15 2 209 ■' 72 40 10 ... 7 15 105 1 1 100 103 211 57 63 4 232 60 61 62 64 1 808 1 3 4 66 1 4 1 3 4 65 7 104,182 30 959 227 12,596 8 89 2 136 355 ,,, 4 96,629 3 1,069 256 24,284 6 93 1 115 623 67 4 1 1 344 11 8 10 141 6 2 6 164 1 10 1 1 2 6 23 (Z) 3 4 6 10 35 3 2 4 72 68 69 70 Stub items continued 504 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting- CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Cora for all purposes farms reporting Harvested for grain farms reporting Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Oats farms reporting. Barley farms reporting. Rice farms reporting . Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for beans farms reporting . Cowpeas grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. Harvested for peas farms reporting . bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting . Peanuts grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. pounds Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting . Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . bushels. Cotton farms reporting . Vegetables harvested for sale acres . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting. Z Reported in small fractions. 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 505 Part 1 of 2 1,845 38,928 38,333 3,443 222,173 196,745 88,818 286,333,899 270,956,394 5,147 13,0685 128,693 2,578 60,768 36,692 3,231 10,501 7,026 1,151 127,072 I 1,336 27,110 23,910 29,617 571,746 564,184 140 I 60,000 506 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (Tor definitions and explanations, sw? text) Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting.. CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED nv Corn for all purposes farms reporting. . Harvested for grain farms reporting . . bushels. . Corn sold bushels. . Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting.. Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting . . pounds. . Sorghums sold pounds . . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting. . bushels. . bushels sold.. Oats farms reporting . . bushels. . bushels sold. . Barley farms reporting.. bushels . . bushels sold. . Rice farms reporting.. 162-lb. barrels.. 162-lb. barrels sold.. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . . Harvested for beans farms reporting.. bushels. . Cut for hay farms reporting.. Cowpeas grown for all purposes .... farms reporting.. Harvested for peas farms reporting . . bushe Is . . Cut for hay farms reporting.. Peanuts grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting.. Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting . . pounds. . Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting., Hay ctops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . All other hay cut except alfalfa and grass silage acres., tons sold., Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting. bushels . . Cotton farms reporting. Vegetables harvested for sale acres. land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting . 73,275 202,600,424 190,183,314 2,660 102,546 100,735 1,623 3,170,000 2,495,000 1,236 156,745 161,861 1,112 2,140,300 2,052,300 Z Reported In small fractions. 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 507 Part 1 of 2 1,675 3,998,660 2,754,660 20,451 83,241,448 77,688,888 14,936 446,961 441,792 44,194 922,058 903,484 1,312 2,843 1,148 ... Stub Items continued 508 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting.. CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting.. bushels. . Corn sold bushels . Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting . pounds. Sorghums sold pounds. Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting. bushels, bushels sold. Oats farms reporting. bushels, bushels sold. Barley farms reporting . bushels. bushels sold. Rice farms reporting. 162 -lb. barrels. 162-lb. barrels sold. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for beans farms reporting . bushels . Cut for hay farms reporting. Cowpeas grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. Harvested for peas farms reporting . bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting. Peanuts grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. pounds. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting. tons. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . tons sold . . All other hay cut except alfalfa and grass silage acres., Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . bushels. Cotton farms reporting. Vegetables harvested for sale acres. land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting . 3,668 24,502,850 13,963,530 1,124 40,402 37,934 3,079 13,540,690 13,377,1 1,437 53,823 53,558 5,237 83,165 82,674 1,760 112,467 102,115 182,902 789,926,806 757.648,682 64,804 2,112,883 2,075,679 8,909 250,398 223, 86 1,202 4,538 2,871 Z Reported in small fractions. 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 509 Part 1 of 2 6,502 25,066,702 22,300,342 24,782 97,912,548 85/44,878 7,020 21,835,985 19,443,625 14,711 377,560 366,929 2,203 60,737 51,035 1,027 39,339 31,819 1,426 3,172 1,651 Stub Items continued 510 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Corn sold bushels . Sorghums: Sorghums for all purpose's farms reporting. Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting. Sorghums sold pounds . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting . bushels, bushels sold. Oats farms reporting. bushels, bushels sold. Barley farms reporting . bushels. bushels sold. Rice farms reporting. 162 -lb. barrels. 162-lb. barrels sold. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for beans farms reporting. bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting. Cowpeas grown for all purposes .... farms reporting. Harvested for peas farms reporting . bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting. Peanuts grown for all purposes. .. .farms reporting. Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. pounds. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. tons sold. All other hay cut except alfalfa and grass silage acres. tons sold. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting. Cotton farms reporting. Vegetables harvested for sale acres. Iiind in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting. 1,001 2,237,783 1,5*7,000 9,198 33,061,968 27,6*7,058 6,984 212,183 209,011 Z Reported in small fractions. 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 511 Part 1 of 2 133,362 542,657,328 508,577,135 5,480 12,364,500 12,296,500 42,833 1,178,946 1,155,710 1,433 35,904 35,672 6,828 190,472 151,951 1,335 3,949 1,127 Stub Items continued 512 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 1 of 2 County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Corn for all purposes farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reporting. bushels. Corn sold bushels. Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting . pounds. Sorghums sold pounds . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting. bushels, bushels sold. Oats farms reporting . bushels. bushels sold. Barley farms reporting. bushels. bushels sold. Rice farms reporting. 162-lb. barrels. 162-lb. barrels sold. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting. Harvested for beans farms reporting . bushels. Cut for hay farms reporting . tons. Cowpeas grown for all purposes .... farms reporting. Harvested for peas farms reporting. Cut for hay farms reporting. Peanuts grown for all purposes. .. -farms reporting. Harvested for piclcing or threshing farms reporting. pounds. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. tons sold. All other hay cut except alfalfa and grass silage acres. tons sold. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting. bushels. Cotton farms reporting . Vegetables harvested for sale acres. land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting. 2,744 6,995,735 3,552,600 3,198 70,546 68,453 13,602 273, 7U 269,1 78 2 Reported in small fractions. 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 513 Part 1 of 2 Wharton Wheeler Willacy Williamson Wilson 2,573 5,311,590 4,433,590 2,156 5,319,400 4,746,000 3,248 203,140 171,410 7,540 21,690,244 20,821,404 55,951 1,141, 2» 1,128,209 216 20 9,300 a 5,800 22 Stub items continued 514 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Corn for all purposes f arms reporting Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting Oats farms reporting Barley farms reporting Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . Cotton farms reporting . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting . 1Doea not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959 515 Part 2 of 2 Bailey 3andera Bastrop Baylor Baa Bell Bexar Blanco Borden Bosque •Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooto, 1 144 1 8 1 40 1 10 5 191 1 304 2 50 1 2 90 8,085 1 2 15 497 4 191 1 43 16 1,730 1 30 3 220 1 111 48 6,538 4 195 3 4 8 194 16 464 2 66 1 15 2 127 30 2,517 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 4 505 1 4 1 80 36 20 11 12 13 1 20 1 20 14 15 125 14,002 1 5 36 1,179 5 270 2 190 ... 24 1,402 3 19 2 431 ... 1 16 22 3,982 38 2,046 1 40 16 17 18 19 516 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definitions and explai Corn for all purposes farms reporting. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . Oata farms reporting . Barley farms reporting. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . Cotton farms reporting . . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting . . . TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 517 Part 2 of 2 _ Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Cote Coleman Collin Colllngs- Colorado CaMl Comanche Concho Cooke 1 4 3 49 1 15 1 2 48 17,559 5 121 85 7,964 3 80 1 4 7 345 2 252 1 76 3 4 29 4,773 3 332 4 80 8 444 5 6 1 12 1 38 1 5 1 50 7 8 4 176 2 54 1 20 1 25 1 25 9 10 11 12 23 ... 40 8 13 14 15 6 1,055 1 65 34 2,698 2 30 2 65 103 14,536 1 34 3 67 2 37 53 3,559 5 92 3 65 16 17 18 19 518 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definitions and expla Corn for all purposes farms reporting. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Oats farms reporting. Barley farms reporting. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale f anus reporting . Cotton farms reporting. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 519 Part 2 of 2 Deaf Smith Delta Denton De Witt Dickens DWt Dome, Duval Eastland Ector Edwards ElllB El Paso Erath Falls Pannln 1 20 1 2 51 15,662 1 100 2 55 10 248 4 2,076 14 792 2 104 1 26 1 192 4 60 1 200 3 4 53 10,141 3 256 4 369 1 25 5 6 1 9 1 25 7 8 11 899 1 25 141 2 49 10 12 3 48 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 217 ... ... 115 6,791 34 1,704 1 9 1 30 17 1,524 3 78 16 17 18 19 520 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Corn for all purposes farms reporting . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Oats farms reporting . Barley farms reporting . Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for heme use and for sale farms reporting. Cotton farms reporting. .farms reporting. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 521 Part 2 of 2 Galveston - Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 1 4 4 31 2 94 3 50 1 1 1 10 1 2 14 383 2 7 2 39 3 255 1 6 1 6 31 4 74 1 10 2 17 20 1,781 9 1,073 1 30 1 21 38 2 36 150 20,708 34 3,006 2 80 6 637 1 20 1 12 1 8 18 22 3,959 93 23,740 1 30 1 2 1 30 34 12 303 10 292 2 28 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 105 7,292 1 5 14 1,116 2 36 2 28 3 1,800 2 26 17 1,822 76 7,140 61 3,147 lb 17 2 50 1 2 ... 18 19 522 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Corn for all purposes farms reporting for all purposes farms reporting Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting Oats farms reporting Barley farms reporting Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale , farms reporting. Cotton farms reporting. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees2 farms reporting. 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with lees than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 523 Part 2 of 2 Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson «- ,ack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jljn Hogg ( 1 e 3 , 35, 9 '-I ) 3 2 5 ! > 1 0 1, 2 i 2 ) 317 25 6 1,074 26 8,862 1 40 1 8 2 55 6 225 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 524 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Corn for all purposes farms reporting . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Oats farms reporting. Barley farms reporting . Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . . Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home UBe and for sale farms reporting. Cotton fa Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 2 farms reporting . TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 525 Part 2 of 2 King Kinne, Kleberg Knc* ^ Lamb Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee Lee Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 5 i s 5 ) ) 6 66 3,238 41 1,639 2 162 3 46 3 150 8,220 1 18 373 38,547 266 5 379 188 18,832 7 358 3 109 3 40 3 67 10 1 M 1 15 1 4 10 2 221 1 60 1 7 6 584 4 665 1 20 2 12 5 342 1 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 526 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Corn for all purposes farms reporting. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. Oats farms reporting. Barley farms reporting . Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . Cotton farms reporting. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees2 farms reporting. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 527 Part 2 of 2 '.'at^- c la Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milan Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley doches Navarro Xe^on 1 500 11 414 4 144 1 15 1 2 2 1,875 28 1,316 1 10 2 165 4 162 5 399 2 90 1 50 6 275 27 5,451 51 12,830 1 75 3 70 2 395 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 145 38 85 50 36 13 14 15 3 131 3 17 1 1 41 4,633 1 150 7 470 1 650 68 3,427 2 14 39 2,059 2 250 16 17 18 19 528 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nolan Nueces Ochiltree Oldham Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer Pecos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CROPS FOH WHICH ONLY A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Small grains harvested: Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay All other hay cut except alfalfa Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use 9 182 1 40 1 10 50 2,900 1 20 6 631 15 1,250 13 1,635 39 6,426 1 45 1 25 110 15 2,172 19 4,378 1 10 1 40 ao 2 10 1 50 73 16,918 41 5,707 3 209 5 313 2 120 1 19 2 255 17 18 19 Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 529 Part 2 of 2 Polk Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine J L ) 13 •4,742 27 6,059 1 156 4 70 109 19,017 77 9,747 S 572 2 17 26 5 3 76 1 IS 30 1 35 2 257 2 401 2 60 4 775 11 1,703 7 212 5 303 1 37 29 956 1 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 530 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith 1 2 3 CROPS FOR WHICH ONLY A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Small grains harvested' 11 1,884 75 26 3,205 104 3 109 1 30 5 270 6 216 4 136 1 41 8 946 3 84 36 1,280 1 20 2 2 30 6,014 53 10,574 1 12 1 70 90 6 8 10 11 12 13 Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay All other hay cut except alfalfa 14 Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use 15 17 18 Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 19 TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 531 Part 2 of 2 Somervell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throck- morton Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity 4 43 2 22 1 2 107 2 32 1 34 1 25 2 179 1 30 108 16,294 86 10,850 5 280 1 10 2 50 3 140 6 8 230 4 123 1 9 173 18,183 3 708 2 19 1 103 1 23 1 20 33 1,673 2 94 55 3 170 1 75 1 1 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 W 15 17 657 1 75 7 404 22 1,000 14 335 249 31,096 1 230 54 2,647 1 36 16 17 18 19 532 Part 2 of 2 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tyler Upshur Upton Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CHOPS FOB WHICH ONLY A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Small grains harvested: Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay All other hay cut except alfalfa Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use 25 2, 2 375 18 4 121 68 10 2 2 30 14 17 18 19 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 4 270 150 1Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 2Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. TEXAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 533 Part 2 of 2 fBBbingl :: Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Will lams on Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum Young Zapata Zavala 1 3 20 397 1 14 1 4 7 453 1 5 2 470 1 2 1 20 1 12 3 195 128 6 267 2 82 7 128 2 402 1 18 1 20 6 440 14 1 5 37 2,835 5 393 46 6,683 2 61 1 30 11 1,397 2 96 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 15 15 1 10 277 20 746 1 2 5 100 11 12 13 14 15 2 36 1 153 6? 3,822 9 477 4 75 60 2,792 97 9,948 1 10 2 228 2 79 1 16 39 5,353 1 175 16 17 18 19 534 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nurs«y and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable .^eeds and plants, flower?, and bulbs sold farms reporting dollars On farms with sales of iti 4 105 iiS (Z) 1 2 21 (D) 300 405 44,475 191,652 (D) 34,045 8,955 10,360 22 5 300 300 1 150 200 6,001 50 1 1 1,780 500 138,380 3 3 18 7,100 2,340 350 1 1 800 (D) 3,580 3 2 1 ioo 2 2 2 (Z) 190 45 21,500 4 2 3 2 2,176 340 1 US 1,473 2,210 1,740 1 3 1 1 4,400 50 2 8 800 525 23 25 26 28 29 30 31 8! 33 35 176 355 10 107 145 130 1 72 179 85 129 1 36 12 39 1 22 13 13 26 85 6 15 37 10,383 6,801 200 23,122 9,176 1,311 11,011 55,562 4,917 20,033 38 5,762 20,381 1,500 19,391 2,775 2,448 18,307 20,836 14,426 11,882 30 M 2 12 6 5 7 70 1 7 40 140 2,869 1,516 3,991 2,968 33,891 150 1,183 41 11 34 1 20 12 21 29 5 9 10,243 3,932 200 21,606 5,185 1,311 8,043 21,671 4,767 18,850 43 11 31 1 19 12 13 20 27 4 9 41 8,243 3,282 200 20,046 5,085 1,311 7,878 20,730 4,667 18,850 45 2 4 4 1 2 6 1 46 2,000 650 1,560 100 165 941 100 47 162 314 6 89 110 115 1 39 85 83 109 1 48 1 288 461 "a 44 265 174 187 184 135 83 103 1 26 49 1,301 1,548 35 563 773 858 2 230 441 1,335 2,010 5 50 8 1,966 6 3,334 16 40 179 1,649 1,417 9 1,315 10 1,135 5 650 1 1,139 4 1,929 7 5 222 51 52 71 136 191 110 87 25 20 12 359 1,390 1 53 54 m XXX 1 200 XXX 1 5 1 XXX 50 280 1,427 46 XXX XXX 55 59 57 47 121 6 17 63 28 36 44 2 44 St) i 90 310 10 39 84 104 49 127 158 26 65 19 39 40,715 31,581 3,952 90,070 28,819 7,615 44,593 17,340 400 10,236 i,l i,666 26,272 5 95,149 17 4,440 15,308 1 115,437 11 15,795 4 26,935 3 145,198 16 49,903 7 4,194 16,431 2 100 6,689 61 as 36,600 7,168 3 1,000 87,440 18,276 900 37,765 3,950 12 1 450 1 63 64 ™ XXX 22 2 XXX 5 XXX 55 397 9 1 5 5 XXX XXX 65 66 XXX XXX 72 2 2 XXX 55 XXX 523 10 387 406 183 67 69 69 536 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (Fordefinitioi ixplai Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown (or sale: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vepetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms reporting 1059 - sales of S0,O(W o . farms reporting 1050. . farms reporting 19511 . 195-1. used for growing 1959. 1954. dollars 1059. 1954. Grown under glass farms report ine 1959. 1954. square Teet 1959. 1954. Grown in the open farms report ire 1959. 1954. acres used for growing 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Grown under glass or in house. farms reporting 1959. 1954.. square feet 1959 . 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for growing 1959 . 1954 . Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. Any forest products cut and/or sold farm? reporting toss Sales of anv forest products forms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of standing Umber farms reporting 1959.. dollars 1953., Saltt of all other forest products farms reporting 1959. k-nb1'- of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, and SftwlOgB Sales of other miseell farms reporting 1959. Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . , cords (4' x 4'x B*)lfl5B.. 1954 . . Sales tarns reportme 1959., cords (J' x4'x 6') 1959.. Pulpwood sold farms reporting 1959.. 195-1 . . cords (4' X 4' **') 1959.. 1954 r-nci' posts rut farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959. . . . farms rfp«>rl inj_- 1959 . 195 11 .nnds of board ' D Date not shown to avoid disc xxx Not applicable; inquiry no Z Reported in small fractions, ■'includes sales of standing timber. LOj '"1 12 3,139 TEXAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 537 fess Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Colllngs- Colorado C-l Comanche Concho Cooke 4 3 35 1 1 1 11 2 10 6 5 5,200 1,380 252,950 (D) (D) (D) 49,045 (D) 31,945 23,333 37,770 2 8,190 950 213,999 600 600 9,535 28,250 1,200 4,106 22,550 17,715 61,907 3 1 17 5 1 4 4 2 4,000 240,500 9 1 46,365 8 (D) 26,900 5 21,573 1 34,970 2 5 2 9 92 1 1 2 4 57 2 5 14 2 15 2 35 7 8 1 63 141,050 2 (z) (D) 36 12,580 9 30 27,200 12 8,073 52 16,200 9 10 600 84,800 300 700 13,250 3,906 14,350 3,715 11,500 11 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 6 4 3 12 3 1 2 1 . 3 1 1 3 2 13 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 14 2 i 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 15 3,670 1,100 740 2,000 7,500 13,000 620 4,460 11,620 13,800 16 1,180 1 3,200 1 1,890 1 630 3,500 16,700 3 1,500 138 2,450 4 3,600 2 8,780 2 17 18 2 1 2 1 3 1 19 1 1 (z) 16 2 2 1 20 (z) 1 30 (zj 3 1 21 4,700 1,353 200 (D) 34,965 (D) 4,350 15,060 21,270 22 860 1 800 1 3,500 25 300 1 8,250 13,000 2 1,606 100 8,200 3 13,900 1 50,407 1 23 24 3 1 31 1 2 1 1 1 25 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 26 27 640 8 15,000 7,500 1,666 1,560 420 28 1,620 125 11,700 24 520 150 i 100 3 1 29 30 3 31 180 i i 1 1 1 (Z) 31 7 172 15 (zj 2 33 500 27 111,700 (D) 1,500 395 200 300 6,730 150 125,699 600 585 2,000 206 106 100 35 200 28 272 2 9 48 21 232 42 17 6 81 36 130 7 138 1 4 2 12 39 23 2 2 9 :n 109,157 3,575 118,799 600 934 1,352 2,231 17,177 13,133 130 364 659 38 43,996 11,252 76,163 2,548 1,110 1,230 200 7,164 7,889 644 812 39 101 6 108 1 2 7 16 5 36,000 3,355 56,108 600 440 1,653 7,271 868 41 66 2 84 3 2 5 25 19 2 ' 2 9 73,157 220 62,691 494 1,352 578 9,906 12,265 130 364 659 43 66 2 83 3 2 5 24 17 2 2 9 4) 71,039 320 62,636 494 1,352 318 9,902 11,639 130 364 659 45 2 2 1 4 2,118 55 260 4 626 47 72 16 126 1 8 27 7 196 30 12 5 49 48 247 5 267 37 45 66 59 255 121 93 11 213 49 337 47 665 7 67 355 39 1,093 746 96 33 368 50 1,703 17 2,093 469 158 506 400 21 1,573 1,757 681 98 1,597 51 11 12 3 2 3 15 12 2 2 7 52 228 72 38 104 16 414 598 10 28 43 53 51 68 54 118 XXX 2 137 3 55 4,417 56 3,839 XXX 610 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 452 XXX XXX XXX 57 24 7 2 27 7 92 15 7 43 58 187 5 30 46 58 144 74 69 1 153 59 3,510 2,648 14,328 204 1,878 1,900 26,700 20,994 857 8,442 60 46,587 13,200 43,826 6,740 6,192 3,583 14,548 2,001 32,025 41,451 7,970 100 35,256 61 4 1 2 8 12 3 62 901 500 1,150 550 12,600 19,324 500 63 7 1 15 24 64 57 8 71 36 65 72 3 411 72 66 922 XXX 325 2,213 XXX XXX XXX 1 XXX XXX XXX 115 XXX XXX XXX 67 6 1 15 1 66 41 3 384 ... 1 50 69 " - STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST :r^- e_-i= rails.- :,,$! - i^ pBBB feaos i^ ^_ E » -■- - r-»^ mi bMfc me - «mi (encore; 1»3.. 1».. 1*59.. — . ua fan s --tiT^ -_• l ftvj 'r^?s' :ttc_c" :.' i~z -' s S«l»«o.' > * i^cWiasw^ m»iact~ . Firracoi lai fa*4«ocd c ■ aw' lot ^l_:nl± _^:__— B0t 3C ^ies"ii^ZLair= - cities salsa =f s*-si±i^g '-*-iher. 1.622 See :"3C,=^r-^ 3: S-.sze zc-.il. TEXAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FA I AND 19->4-Continued 539 2fC zxx m m xzz m 540 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (Fc ..fin:t •»PIai ■xt) Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold. farms reportin farms reporting 1959. 1054 . acres used for prow in;: 1!'59 , 195-1. Sales dollars 1 i5ii . 1954. Grown under glass farms reporting 1059. square feet 1959 . 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959. 1954 . acres used for prowinc 1959 . 1954 . Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Grown under class or in house farms reporting 1959. 1954 . square feet 1959. 1954. Grown in the open farms' reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for pr"*;n- 1 * ■ r- ■ • 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1%1. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reportinc 1959 . . es of any forest products farms reportinc 19511 - f all other forest [rr.li.i. dollars 1959. . farms reportinc VX-'i • ■<-l. pulpwood. fence posts, and Sales of othrr miscellaneous prod ■ep-rtinc 1959 I nnd fuel wood c dollars 1959. . fnmis reportinc l!)f>9. 1 95 1 . cords (■!' ^ I' > V) 1959. 1 95 1 Sales farms r »{■*' 5*1 1 . farms reportinc l'1:'-' . . T,js(4,x f v 8') 1959. farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959. ihousnnds of board feel 1959. (2) 1,079 1,114 2,962 7,014 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations . kxx Not applicable; inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote on State 2 Reported in gmnll fractions. 1 Includes sales of standing timber. (2) (2) 3,206 10,020 TEXAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 541 Galveston Garza GlUeaple Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman 12 2 3 20 2 1 2 4 2 4 1 1 636, 584 (D) 31,281 233,122 2,025 (D) (D) 24,525 1,503 6,417 200 2 268,321 60 1,200 702 30 11,700 166,775 9,300 780 1,400 12,500 1,500 1,845 850 3 6 1 2 11 3 1 4 631,450 (D) 30,781 230,100 23,525 4,957 5 9 1 1 7 1 ■ 1 3 2 6 10 1 1 2 2 7 3 1 3 2 1 1 7 899 1 30 537 (z) (Z) 19 8 8 224 (Z) (Z) 1 25 535 1 (z) 3 18 2 (zj 9 618,885 (0) 23,316 138,550 100 (D) 21,025 5,957 10 225,721 60 200 200 7,600 92,250 5,700 100 1,666 12,500 375 850 11 5 2 2 12 2 1 2 1 2 2 12 7 1 1 5 5 5 1 2 2 IS 4 1 2 10 1 1 2 11 3 1 1 5 4 4 1 2 2 15 27,340 840 2,850 99,605 900 816 1,840 50,640 750 3,000 5,464 63,840 4,964 720 1,650 840 17 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 18 6 3 3 1 1 1 19 1 : 2 1 1 1 2 20 16 9 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) 21 17,699 (D) 7,615 94,067 1,900 (D) (D) 1,500 1,503 450 22 41,350 1,000 500 3,350 1 53,525 3 3,000 1 150 1 1,500 1,450 1 1 23 24 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 M 2 1 1 170 2 418 1 1 6,500 375 27 26 1,050 90 1,230 4,000 1 1,000 1 TO 1 20 30 i 1 3 (Z) 2 (Z) 2 1 1 1 31 (Z> (zj 150 28 505 (Z) 25 (Z) 1 2,000 (Z) 10 200 S3 1,250 2 30 750 21,000 600 530 400 20 35 2 160 6 87 4 50 85 77 124 99 39 19 3 9 1 18 31 42 11 5 .17 4,948 163 1,108 160 3,590 46,129 39,165 1,530 283 3S °io 3,724 2 226 570 1 20 4,523 2,814 5 1,445 8,726 17 39,092 27,711 23 22,847 1,638 327 1 10 39 40 41 19 3 9 1 14 19 23 ii 4 43 4,722 143 1,106 160 2,145 7,037 16,318 1,530 273 43 18 3 9 14 18 23 11 4 44 4,616 143 1,108 160 2,145 6,737 15,999 1,530 273 45 2 2 2 46 106 300 319 47 2 ISO 5 48 27 57 32 110 92 48 2 594 14 256 1 162 84 260 124 268 1 49 6 1,372 15 299 444 403 769 488 466 BO 5 4,937 442 1,809 4 919 490 1,757 1,146 50 1,420 51 17 3 7 12 2 9 8 4 N 355 11 61 155 14 14 737 11 100 21 53 54 1 XXX ™ XXX "2 XXX 1 32 261 21 401 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 55 se 1 XXX XXX XXX ii XXX 10 549 1,508 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 57 14 1 58 3 16 12 15 41 9 58 77 5 288 7 85 65 74 113 33 1,481 40 10,303 275 3,002 1,493 3,690 4,391 689 60 15,851 352 61,187 1,965 24,954 18,245 28,475 24,157 185 366 3,870 400 61 1 3 3 3 3 62 6 1,375 2 1 650 6 615 2 1,150 1 63 XXX "* XXX 4 XXX 4 2 9 94 18 27 XXX XXX 4 XXX XXX i\; XXX XXX 1 1 XXX 1 4 30 718 4 66 572 1 7 XXX XXX 97 68 89 542 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursery and greenhouse products, (lowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale; Nursery and greenhouse products, flower find vegeta seeds and plants, (lowers, and bullis sold ffl nn (amis with sales of 52,000 c . farms reporting ] y products (trees, shrubs, , ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1059 - 1054. acre? used fbr gn ■ ■ ■ 1954 Grown under glass farr-s reporting 1359 1354 square feet 1959 1054 Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 1954 acres used for growing 1959 1954 Sales dollars 1959 1954. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms report in;' 1*>59. 1954 Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 1959 1954 Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 1954 acres used for growing 1959 1954 Sales dollars 1959 1954 Any forest products cut and or sold farms report Sales of any forest products farms reporting I'.'.Vt. Sales of standing limbec farm* reporting 1959 dollars 1959 Sales or all other forest products . . . "^alos of fire wornl, pulpwood, fence posts, and Sales of other n dollars 1959 farms reporting 1959 dot I are 1959 ellaneous products farms reporting 1959, dollars 1959 1 fuel wood cut farms reporting 1959. 1954 cords (4* x C v V) 1959 1954 1959 cords (I* x I' x 61 1959, .... farms reporting 1959. 1954 . cords n' \ i* \ 8*) 1959. 1954. .... farms reporting 1959 1954 numherl959 1954 ' thousands of board fert 1959 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. xxx Not applicable; inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote Z Reported in small fractions. 1Includes sales of standing timber. (z) 7,210 17,700 29,298 75 59,460 1,000 7,531 3,828 1 3 1,000 649 TEXAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 543 Hill Hockley Hood Hep kins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson ». Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg 3 4 2 6 1 10 2 4 5 1 27 i 740 (D) (D) 11,375 (D (D) 123,649 (D) 12,821 4,494 (D) 296,742 2 174 1,600 23,057 1 (B) 35 2 9,000 3,001 (D ) 8,000 1 (D) 262,010 5 121,378 21,495 1 (D) 6,150 2 12,246 4,001 75 251,900 9 2B2.022 3 5 2 2 2 6 3 3 4 13 6 2 1 1 i 7 2 4 1 20 7 1 1 1 31 131 9 4 206 8 2 80 1 (Z) 116 2 1 2 205 9 600 CD) (D) 10,275 (D ... 13,350 8,746 4,014 61,020 10 600 20,000 35 1,00( > 5,000 113,280 u,666 590 5O0 107,250 11 1 1 1 2 1 8 2 1 2 1 19 11 2 1 1 8 2 1 1 1 26 13 1 1 1 i 1 1 7 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 19 23 14 15 400 200 960 680 2,400 1,200 69,490 81,150 6,272 3,060 800 1,240 392 280 15 95,664 51,044 17 i i 2 2 1 1 1 i 1 3 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 1 i i i 6 7 2 3 18 19 20 21 iio (D) (i>) 1,100 (D) 110,299 (D) 4,000 480 (i) 222,272 22 1,000 3,000 3,000 138,730 10,495 3,000 3,501 75 124,450 23 l 3 1 ... ... i 1 1 2 11 8 CI ss i ... i 1 8 6 26 27 400 35< '.'.'. 3,240 272 11,850 11,400 s i 2 i ... ... 1 1 2 4 2 30 31 7 (Z) 1 32 (z) (D) (z) (D ... 7 (D) 2 75 (Z) 13,450 33 H 174 57 2,001 ... 10,666 2,560 20,200 33 32 34 71 23( ... 72 5 17 3 147 1 15 1 If, 7 14 16 13 ... 15 1 3 83 11 1 37 2,025 3,030 4,104 109,23. 2,162 25,000 575 106,285 19,403 3,900 38 1,560 1 587 2 1,094 10 70,52" V ... ... 3,535 2 1 1,720 1 46,810 70 150 60,930 7 900 1!) 10 500 200 2,414 32,44J 330 25,000 500 34,531 14,357 41 6 13 8 9! '.'.'. 13 2 40 4 1 1,525 2,830 1,690 76,781 ... 1,832 75 71,754 5,046 3,900 43 5 13 7 •K ... 13 2 36 3 1 14 1,495 1 2,830 1,640 1 72,981 ... ... 1,673 2 75 69,411 8 4,210 2 3,900 I', 46 30 50 3,80t ... 159 2,343 836 47 27 19 31 7C ... 3 9 3 73 1 4 1 19 98 59 95 rr 1 119 11 48 10 25 16 2 2 220 111 223 53 ... 186 22 42 13 294 2 14 300 10 599 5 354 3 520 1 2,631 2 1 ... 765 6 57 559 1 52 122 2 164 3 304 1 SI 115 i i ™ 54 XXX 10 ' 2 5 28< 4< 91 2,28" 6,26' ... ... XXX ... XXX 51 XXX £ 5 XXX 10 32 127 1,350 3,644 ™ 2 270 KM •ill S4 J7 4 12 41 7( 45 2 6 1 13 1 96 47 32 98 201 "i 120 2 39 9 28 6 1 It 615 14,650 8,835 23,51. ... 13,014 400 1,170 20 2,999 800 5,087 8,557 10 10,641 22,087 3 750 4 8 34 79,03" 1 5,83 1 ■K 89 200 ... ... ... XXX ... XXX 35,563 7 5,048 2 XXX 87 5,420 1 50 1,350 30,653 3 1,355 6 36 1,234 3,150 12 1 800 2 2,485 61 64 XXX XXX 109 1,78 XXX XXX 23 XXX XXX XXX 1,828 XXX 2,093 67 3 1 4 in 34 84. 1,219 ::: 69 544 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursefy and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown toi sale: Grown under class . . fami= roportir . . farms report ir square U-Fil<-s nf firewood, pulpwood (■ i ■ ■ Mops ■ ■ I .farms roportir dollar ■ rnrn - n nmtin nd« nfiwunl f« CD) 25,000 1,339 2 1,339 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. xxx Not applicable; inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote Z Reported in small fractions. includes sales of standing timber. State t rtal. TEXAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 545 (Hug Kiimey Kleberg Knox ,-, Urf, Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee *. Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 1 7 2 4 2 11 1 1 7 3 2 (D) (D) (D) 9,625 (E) 24,448 (D) 3,000 19,594 0» CD) 0 300 11,250 35,200 5,003 5,250 3,035 3,765 2,400 11,200 9,400 4,200 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 (D) (D) 8,300 (D) 20,495 (D) 3,000 16,139 (D) (D) 5 1 5 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 e 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 13 1 5 5 30 3 4 2 (Z) s (Z) 6 2 11 9 25 6 5 29 1 9 (D) (D) (D) 4,700 21,795 (D) 3,000 2,734 (D) (D) 10 250 1,100 200 4,900 1,160 3,750 2,400 4,000 7,450 1,200 11 1 2 1 3 1 7 6 2 2 12 3 1 1 3 i 3 5 1 IS 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 2 1 [9 250 14,200 13,000 1 3 18,000 15,000 1 96 900 2 2,800 1,400 5 3 1 16,980 12,140 2 3,500 2,700 3 3,000 1,200 1 1 16 17 IS 19 (Z) 1 1 2 (Z) 100 2 (Z) (Z) "2 1 (Z) 1 21 lb) (D) 9,550 "2 35,000 4,925 100 (D) 1 1 2,350 1,825 3 1 ... 16,710 7,200 1 (D4 1,950 2 3,000 1 34 2! 3 1 **2 1 .'»'■ 2 4,064 i66 3,250 120 27 ■JS 2,150 9 1 1 10 1 (Z) ■!1 so 31 (Z) 30 (D) (Z) 303 iio (D) (D) 33 II 50 600 5,250 50 11 145 101 6 609 307 102 27 9 5 in 53 1 58 63 67 - 1 1 37 20,893 1,573 78 9,630 8,884 18,412 81,435 3,240 30 195 38 600 12,392 5,255 7,374 5,955 11,701 23,020 4,155 1,425 1,014 39 28 8 24 52 2 11 4,897 400 1,237 887 6,733 29,908 2,580 11 36 6 56 43 45 3 i 1 42 20 15,996 1,173 78 8,393 7,997 11,679 51,527 660 30 195 1; 1 35 6 1 56 41 43 43 3 1 1 44 20 15,796 1 200 795 378 8,393 7,997 11,679 51,086 3 441 660 JO 195 45 If. 47 97 92 3 555 509 202 38 13 5 5 46 "i "2 177 160 26 866 729 325 13 263 "2 12 78 in 691 607 12 2,697 3,200 1,111 202 64 15 46 30 107 n 1,530 1,141 201 1 5,065 48 5,219 2,243 8 77 4 2,111 io 59 496 1 51 99 258 59 6 598 504 91 52 15 93 1 32 1 .,, 1 xxx "i 7 18 1 XXX xxx ..... ... 400 2,406 20 Mi XXX XXX ... xxx 400 xxx xxx 5 4 175 561 34 XXX xxx 37 2 ... 29 11 3 194 216 141 3 U 5 1 31 6 'i4 no 22 23 365 414 291 13 174 "4 54 18 U 450 24,374 2,359 950 30,910 39,870 101,625 400 5,645 . 400 60 4,050 1,625 2,965 60,142 19,381 12,580 54,426 87,775 106,258 2,815 37,747 2,315 19,747 6,296 11 1 14 2 9 U 36 2 1 62 100 xxx 18,808 16 92 XXX 140 3,095 "s 7,225 2 33 2 47,680 4 36 65 22 385 1,800 1 3 6 XXX 150 xxx 53 6' 63 XXX 267 5 xxx 9 113 1 949 1 735 13 36 xxx xxx 88 "■ ... 1 24 358 69 546 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery and greenhouse products, Floi . fant.s r.-|.r ■ ■ ■ Grown under glass ram - repi square reel 1959 Drown in the open rarms reportinc 195Q u res ■ ed For - ■ 1954 . Snip* 1954. Vegetables crown under das*, (lower seeds, vegetable ■■■■ vegetable plants bulbs, and mushrooms farms repotting 1959 - 19!H Grown under glass or in house rarms reporting 1959. 1954. *C|Uarefeet 1969. 1954. Gmwn in the open farms reporting 1959 . '■I i i .■■■ used for gptwinj: lOfil . Sales hilars 1959 Any forest products cut and /or sold. farms reportine Wl , ■ pcodm i - irms reporting .:>].■■- .if nil ,ith.>r '"■ r. -I i ■ -Mile- nf hrfwoni. pulpwi-Hul, Irmv |ki-( ..Mini- l'.l.Vl . Sales of other miscellaneous products . ■eporting L959 dollars 1959, 1 fuel wood cut cords (4' x I' x s cords (!'-. I'x »'1 195! reporting HB! - [954. nunilwr 1950. ,,i i.m..i i,ti in ifl MM (z) 1,250 (D) 2,200 rzi 23 28 1,200 16,395 6,000 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. xxx Not applicable; inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote ■ Z Reported in small fractions, includes sales of standing timber. i State total. TEXAS 547 PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued CD) 6,850 [D) Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milan Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley j£££ Navarro (D) 47,000 (D) 10,640 292,447 125,150 3,443 10 3,019 548 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST Nursery and greenhouse products, (lowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: . fnrrr ? rpportin:: 1959. farms reporting 105!* . 1954. acres used for prow ins 1950. 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954 . Grown under glass fanrs report ine 1959. 1954 . square feet 1959 . 1954 . Grown in the open farms reportintr 1959, 1954. acres used for po»me 1959 . 1954. Sales dollars 1959. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting ] Grown under glass or in house farms repotting 1959. 1954 . , square feet 1 959 . 1954 . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959. 1954 . acres used for growing 195't - 1954 . Sales dollars 1959 . 1%4. Any fOfest products CUt and Or SOld farms reporting 1959 . . Sales of any forest products forms reporting 1959 dollars 1959, Sales of standir: . farms report ir ![>:■■< . dollars 1959., lales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959. Sales of firewood. rMil[>\"»>i. frm •• posts, and sawlogs - farms reportinc 1959 dollars 1959. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959., ewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1959. 1 954 cords (4* x4* x S')1959. fulpwood sold farm.- reporting 1959 1954. coeds (4' x4'x8' 1959 1951 . Fence posts nut farms reporting 1959 . 1954. numlier 1959 . 19 51 Sales farms reporting 1959. number 1954 . Swings and \ 6,000 1 (D) (D) 3,000 cul (ami* reportine 1959 . . 10541- thousands of board reel 1959. - MM1. gales farms reporting 1959. . thousands of Isuvtl foot 1959., D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of Individual operations. xxx Not applicable: inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote Z Reported in small fractions. 1Includes sales of standing timber. i State total. (Z) 21,150 5,5X 25,300 .'. "«■ 4,520 2 2 i 2 (z) (Z) 5,300 39,125 1,025 8,125 TEXAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 549 ?:li Potter Presidio ■**, Randall Reagan Real Red River Ree,es Refugio Roberts Robertson Rocimll Runnels Rusk Sabine 2 15 1 4 2 1 7 1 1,000 1 68,409 86,250 5 60,599 3 3 3 11 6,025 16,400 12 8 130 1 1 130 (D) 42,400 2 (D) 1 4 10 13 (D) 41,000 2 3 710 1 (z) 10 1 (D) 2,160 1 -r^ CUl farms reportinc 1959. 1954. number 1959 . thousands of board feel 1H59. 1954* Sales farms reporting 1959 . thousands of Ivard feel V.Ki'.} . D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of Individual operations. xxx Not applicable; Inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote i Z Reported in small fractions. 1Includes sales of standing timber. 3,000 68,287 1 1,700 21,155 13 2,662 113, 558 185 141,736 State total. TEXAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 551 1 Scmsrvell Starr Stephens • Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terr, Throcx- Titus Tcxo Green Travis Trinity 2 1 1 3 58 4 2 2 6 28 1 (D) 10 (D) (D) 17,500 1,278,551 785,752 15,154 82,670 (D) 10,150 3,250 7,625 9,770 40,700 200,043 117,010 3 1 2 39 2 1 1 12 (D) (D) 3 2 10 8 (D) 17,500 1,265,578 34 63 468 837 691,554 536,815 13,887 3 2 17 7 4,267 52,000 1 20 10,000 3,000 1 3 1 3 250 4,025 8,000 1 1 5 7 8,000 35,000 187,640 10 10 56 42 104,133 62,200 5 6 S 9 10 11 2 1 1 1 28 23 1 2 2 4 1 24 15 12 13 1 1 i 1 26 21 1 4 *2 "i 3 1 21 15 14 13 1,280 168 600 1,050 253,537 124,804 9,000 22,250 3,000 288 232 3,600 69,375 32,808 16 17 1 7 13 i 1 7 1 18 It i 2 20 (Z) i 174 (Z) 20 (D) 10 (D) 1 144 (D) (DJ 585,652 226,550 7 12 7 9 1,134 19,160 1 6 (z) 5 1,345 22,387 10,887 30,650 "i : 300 20 CM "i i (z) iio 600 3,000 3,000 1,060 2,000 4 2 2 1 160 3,300 2 1 (Z) (Z) 710 3,700 94,490 45,750 7 9 6 5 1,671 24,740 1 5 (Z) 1 1,420 9,060 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 33 34 33 15 8 39 1 20 64 7 1 1 50 11 118 74 36 1 1 2 14 1 29 23 61 37 1,774 10 200 208 2,443 140 20,966 39,668 109,699 36 4,162 42 2,390 800 25,139 10,637 34,035 39 4 1 21 1 43 40 507 1,000 4,993 37 36,762 41 8 1 1 14 1 14 23 49 42 1,267 10 200 208 1,443 140 15,973 39,631 72,937 43 8 1 1 2 14 14 23 46 44 1,267 10 200 208 1,443 40 1 100 15,973 35,631 1 4,000 72,440 6 497 1! 46 47 6 21 1 17 55 6 1 1 13 11 93 12 46 47 59 88 41 142 13 3 6 97 6 105 47 49 214 5 75 285 35 2 15 114 53 636 82 50 447 2 1,077 541 3 435 2 747 14 87 72 43 676 2 38 883 7 270 51 IS 9 1 XXX XXX XXX 16 XXX XXX 111 XXX XXX XXX XXX 51 7 5 478 XXX 113 43 75 3,656 58 54 55 56 XXX 3 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 198 XXX 4,325 57 10 8 22 1 5 3 1 1 17 3 40 4 M 62 69 56 5 14 39 i 8 112 2 60 43 ■:• 7,750 3,585 2,528 320 650 151 200 200 4,880 560 174,716 1,700 Ml 39,570 25,194 9,616 665 10,864 3,877 2,080 ioo 4,500 27,410 325 60,565 14,317 61 8 1 1 1 3 18 62 5,750 50 1,000 200 700 3 170,810 15 63 64 XXX ~ ~ ™ XXX 27 205 1,492 3 200 ~ 30 471 511 14 440 65 mi 67 66 69 552 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST farms reporting 105(1 . LOW. acres used for growing 1950. 1954. Sales dollars 1050. 1154. Grown under glass farms report inn 1059 . 1054 . square feel 1059 . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1050. 1954.. acres used for grow me 1050 . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1950. 1954. square feet 1959 . 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for griming 1959. IBM . Sales dollars 1050 . 1054 . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reportin: Sales of any forest products farms reportm l'l.Vi Sales of standing limber Sales of all olher foresl produi . farms report] n dollars 1959. Sales of firewood, pulpwood, fence posts, am) sewlogs farms reporting 1050 . dollars 1050. Sales of other miscellaneous producta farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959 . Firewood and fuel wood cut , forms report) np 1050. 1054 . cords (4'x l" x 8') 1051). 1054. Sales form* reporting 1950. cords (I* x I" v 6*) 1959. Pulpwood sold farms n ■ . farms reporting 1050 1054 numtier 1050. . farms reporting 1050 . 1954 nds of tioanl feet 1059. D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. xxx Not applicable; inquiry not on questionnaire. See footnote on State total. Z Reported in email fractions. lIncludes sales of standing timber. TEXAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 553 -M^ Webb Whartco Ibeeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy Willi ans or. Wilson Winiler Wise Wood Yoafcum Young Zapata Zavala 1, 5, 2, 5, 3, 18, 11, 17, 16, 1, 1, 3, 1, 27, *3, 9, 2 >O0 91 1 2 : XX 00 1 3 3 94 1 ! z} z; . . 99 414 63 221 873 3 198 62 60 ,96 4 227 160 778 199 73" 99 013 1 3 too 17 132 ae tin 4.>2 26 7 32 22 309 1 2 1 (D) 8,025 "i (z) 5,850 1 5 3 1,870 1 4 2 1 (B) 2,175 1,200 13 219 11 7,530 6 8,370 3,100 1 4,030 5 2 9 2 2,720 3,100 3 2 8,432 3 1 3,930 1 i 1,620 1 (Z) 1,720 6 2 325 1,189 2 325 2 325 6 125 53 747 2 25 1 50 10 680 1 1 1 1 2 i l 511 i in l 400 1 400 2 14 XXX 4 14 2,980 3,570 1 2,000 10 115,499 62,650 7 113,479 7 2 5 (Z) 31,519 2,750 9 5 9 5 34,160 30,070 4 3 1 (Z) 81,680 57,400 2 2 2 2 1,900 3,220 1 (Z) 2,300 2,500 9 1 108 1 108 1 108 7 41 1 8 XXX 2 2 130 250 1 20 XXX 5 7,675 16,350 2 7,200 1 3 2 36 2,750 11,100 3 2 3 2 6,537 1,290 4,850 4,750 1 2 1 150 1 1 (Z) 2 75 500 1 1 3,200 i 3,200 3,200 XXX "2 766 XXX XXX 1 (D) 8,700 1 (D) 1 5 10 6 (D) 6,500 1 1 1 1 5,000 400 (D) 200 1 1 '26 2,000 1 3,900 1 50 1 5 15 17,200 1 5 2 (D) 200 1 (D) 1 (Z) (D) 1 1 1 3,500 1 i 200 160 27 5,582 40,783 2 22 26 5,560 26 5,508 1 52 141 341 867 6,313 13 156 3 '26 27 112 21,900 59,958 14 17,400 1 (D) 19,200 i 2 9,6o6 1 1 1 1,000 1 '») "(D) 4,400 1 1 1,466 5,266 70 5 297 140 5 297 5 297 42 59 IS* 1,231 2 13 32 93 4,652 15,923 4 640 XXX XXX 2 500 4,405 2 1 3 2 500 25 1 1 1,260 1,260 5 5 68 3,120 26 3 108 378 1 X 2 78 2 78 18 103 149 980 2 6 XXX 10 99 956 15,244 16 357,769 23,300 9 353,847 11. 6 249 36 331,464 22,600 4 2 3 2 11,650 1,590 1 1 6 (Z) 25,300 700 2 i 2,000 1 (z) 1,665 131 71 28,410 52,131 51 19,438 26 8,972 22 8,595 5 377 57 182 650 1,035 15 323 4 23 92 1,736 32 153 7,820 32,551 5 680 3 48 72 1,039 3 72 1 (D) 1 i i (6) 3 29,985 5,778 2 29,585 2 2 2 2 21,800 7,254 1 7 29,585 5,087 1 2 1 2 200 2,418 400 691 7 740 42 250 XXX 7 63 615 9,211 2 (D) i (D) 2 6 (6) 2 25 19 6,300 7 163,000 105,652 7 163,000 2 1 2 1 120 12 40,000 5,200 5 10 5 10 317 493 123,000 100,452 i 200 1 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 a 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 2) 25 26 27 28 29 so .11 33 34 35 36 17 38 39 (0 11 43 11 46 47 48 49 so M IS 33 14 H M SI 38 '.'.1 .,11 11 tv || ... SI 67 68 89 APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (555) 556 THE QUESTIONNAIRE NORTH TEXAS US DEfARTMEKT OF COMMERCE Al CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE j QCQ QUESTIONNAIRE: * 9W Section I.— PERSON Section II.— OWNERSHIP ■re considered t s do you own? you rent Irom others? Include acre: llfSone," mark X and skip t and address o( each landlord and t es for each? [PuM office Hlld State' t of it may be located elsewhere or in other counties, al acres of land reported for this question. LOCATION OF LAM): 8. Is any of this land located in another county' . . . No Q <., ho.. „,„, «,„ „ ,<"r^;. (b) Give names of other cnuniies nod :irres located in each Report all crops harvested < -CROPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR, f harvested this year from these (read a n shares include landlord's share. CORN (Include the landh as sold if taken from this [9] Was any corn harvi purpose this year? . . (//"AV mark X M 10. Corn for all purpose*? (Do not include sweet corn or popcorn.) in Cora for grain? (70 lb. ear corn or 56 lb shelled sted for any • ■ ■ No D and skip to question [II J ) n*uicr these questions, 1/ "Yea: (b) Corn for sllafe? . . (c) Corn honed or (razed, and (c! = I bu.) for freen or di ed)T equal the acres for ques (1) How m.tiy (2) How much (3) How much of •iU be soldi * ,a" ,'"" "~ £», I 10 SORGHUMS FOR GRAIN, FORAGE, AND SIRUP: (Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from this place .) [It J Were any sorghums harvested for any purpose thin year? No D Ves O {// "AV mar* X and skip to question [13] ) Sorghums for all purpoaea? (Include sorghums for gnun, silage, forage, pasture, and sirup ) Sorghum* for grain or seed? (b) Sorghu (C) Sorghu: 1 cut for dry forage or hay, or hogged or grazed? 1 for alrup? * i/10 a™ Lb. Lb. AM $s> Mri TMs : no SOYBEANS: CI 3] Were any purpose t 14. Soybean (b) Soybean: ,[.5], (The total of t COWPEAS: [IS] Were any purpose fi s for all purposes? - for beans? i for hay? i hogged or grazed, ) plowed under for 1 acres for (a), (b), (c). 1 cowpeu grown for a/ -No, 16. Cowpeas for all purposes? (Include blackeyes, t grazed ( X and sk, hippoorwills, purple freezers, c ■ question 14.) Yes Q ■■ Cowpeas for dry peas'* (b) Cowpeaa for hay? PEANUTS: [17] Wen this year? IB. Peanui (a) Peanui r peanuts grown for any purpose (// "So," mark X and ved for hay or lorage? aved after i'i< k ir *hole plants saved for hay. This 1 ded in the acres reported in questic [21] Wheat? 26. Oats for grain? 29. Barley? . . . 30. Rr«? 31. Flazseed? . . . HAY CROPS: once but give landlord's shi Include the 1/")<2 45. Oals, wheat, barley, nearly ripe for feeding untnreshed.) 46. Wild hay (prairie, range, or marsh grass) cut for hay? . . . . 47, Any other hay? (Include bromegrass, lespedeza, millet, old meadows, redtop, Sudangrass, billed" ALFALFA SEED, CLOVER SEED, AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS: 49. Were any alfalfa seed, clover seed, or other i X and skip to question [791.) (An»v>er these questions, if "Yes .") SO. Alfalfa seed? 54. Sweelclover seed? 68. Sudangrass seed? POTATOES, COTTON, AND BROOMCoRN [79] Irish potatoes for I How much of How many harvested'' sold? harvested harvested? TEXAS 557 558 THE QUESTIONNAIRE D OTHER INCOME' January 1. 1958. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME: 222. How many days thit year did vou work off your /arm? Include work at a nonfarm job, bui profession, or on someone else's farm, 'include days you expect to work off your farm between no December 31, 7959. (Do not include exchange work t ^^ ■ family living with you hav> No O Yea D Pensions? Vet Dividends? Profits from is year from any of the following sources: Sale of Cash rent? Boarders? Social Security? Old-age allowances? Unemployment compensation? Interest? m business? Financial help from members of your n 222 and "No" for both questions 223 and i in questions 223 and 224) be greater th I or to be sold from your place tki$ year? VII.— FOREST PRODUCTS THIS YEAR, 1959 I for pulpwood ) • year from the include sale of standing t » posts, and saw logs ) (AntwtT these q None sold Q $_ None sold U $- S'D LIVESTOCK Include all poultry and ■ i this place owned by y nployees. and by POULTRY: 236. Are there any chickens, turkeys, or other poultry on this place? No D Yea □ 237. If "No," were there any on this place any time thia year? No Q Yes □ (.If "No" for hath questions 236 and 237, mark X and skip to question [24CJ.) 238. Ho old and c 239. How many broilers t . pullel - pla. □ Number - I broilers sold t I hens, roosters, pullet*, cockerels, 241. How 242. Ho irheys and turkey fryers (lnd light, jing for I 243. How many turkey hens n ding next year? tiv ducks, geese, y (not counting 244. H. ind other poultry ( miscellaneous poui SHEEP AND LAMBS: 1246] How . wethers, and {If •None," mark X and skip (s) l.imhM under 1 year old? (b) Ewes 1 year old and over? (c) Rams and wethers I year old and ovt (The total for quest must equal the nurr Number . Number _ Number . s (a), (b), and (c) r for question 246 ) HORSES AND MULES: r (// -None," mark X and skip to j Angora goals and kids? Other goats and kids? (The total for questions (a [249] How many goats and kids were clipped this year? . . Nc (// ••None." mark X and skip to question [251] ) 260. How many pounds of mohair and kid hair were clipped this year? SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR, 1959: [251] Were any sheep or lambs shorn thia year? , if 'Yes") any lambs s im in 1959? rn in 1959? HOGS AND PIGS [264] How many bog. pigs of all age boars, are on this place* (If •None," mark I ( a Since June I. t ~\(b) Before June 1. [ and skip to question [255] ) hi* year? Number _ thia year? Number . (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 254.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: CATTLE AND CALVES: (Include all t both dairy and beef, le □ Number cattle and calves of all ages are on this place? No (// "None," mark X and skip to question [262] Cowb? Numbei r calves? Number COWS MILKED AND BUTTER CHURNED: 258. How many cows and heifers were milked yesterday? e on this place yesterday? . and milk heifers that have calved ) 260. How many gallons of milk were produced yesterday? , , 261. How many pounds of butler were churned last week? None D Number _ None □ Number . None D Gallons . None Q Pounds _ answered by CENSUS ENUMERATOR (a) Dose AJ Dumber end m J or 7? No Q Yes Q (6) Axe acres in question 7. 1,000 or more? No □ Yes Q IX.— DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1959 [262] Was, Report all ss landlord. Be s v milk or creai (/, > from this pin ip to question [265] ) u or by others. Report dairy products i will sell by December 31. thia year, low much whole milk ? sold in 1*59? No a gallons of milk low much crest* e sold in 1959? f cream was sold bv th jmber of gallons by 2H pounds of butterfat.) " None D lultiply the tnds of butterfat.) S'LMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 1959 s place whether m llord. and animals nber 31, thia year. r others. Be i Were a of the follow H [266] Calves? 266. Cattle, not 267. Horses, mules, colls, and ponies? 270. Goats and kids? •1- How (i) •old (Ma (2) How many more will be sold (31 How much was or will be Ihe Value or sales in 1959? and Dec. 31? □ D D D □ D a a D D □ G D N.-be. a "■"""" I /(«> D □ % /ltd a a a a D D a D TEXAS 559 Section XI— FERTILIZER AND LIME I. (■) 140 days unng f nis year? None Q Persons . How many of the following are on this place— [291] Grain combines? 292. Corn pickers (include picker- forage crops)? . 295. Motortrucks (include pick-ups)? . . 296. Wheel tractors other than garden ? 297. Garden tractors? 298. Crawler tractor* (tr*cklaying) ? . . . 299. Automobiles? 300. Telephone? No Q Ye* Q 301. Home freezer (for quick freezing and storing food}? No Q Ye* □ i\^o not include refrigerators > 302. Milking machine? . . ., ..... No Q Yes Q JOS. Electric milk cooler? No t) Ye*-Q 305. Crop drier vfor grain, forage, or other crops)? No Q Yes Q 306, Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower? No Q Yes □ what kind of road i this place located? (1) Hard surface? (2) Gravel, shell, or shale? (3) Dirt or unimproved? D s- ♦How many miles to a .« n I Qftrd surface road? " • ■ ■ ■ U I q Leas than 1 mile OR / Whole miles. // marked hert, answer Section XV— RENTAL AGREEMENT. FARM VALUES, AND MORTGAGE DEBT tMfsJ Do you rent any land from others* So Q Ye (b) Do you work any land on shares? ... No Q Yea Q (// "AV* for both qveattona 308(a) and 308(b), mark X and ik,p to queHion [314]) (// •»*'■ for ntttr owitton 308(b) or 308(b), answer Questions 309 through 313) 309. Does the landlord furnish all the work animab or tractor power (a* a part of his share of the operation of the place)? No Q Ye* □ 310. Do you pay to your landlord any cash as rent? No Q Yea Q (■) If "Yes," how much for t 311. Do you pay to your landlord any share of the crops (such as |. 1, i)? No Q Yes Q 312. Do you pav to your landlord anv share of the livestock or livestock products (such as J. ,. T' . . No D Y«e D 313. Do you have this land under any other arrangement (such aa a Axed quantity of any product, upkeep of land and buildings, pavmcnl of i of Ian.-' ' taxes, keep ■. landlord. No D Yea D [314] About how much would the land and thi buildings la) Land and buildings owned by yon? (bi Land and buildings rented from others? (Copy acre* from question 4 ) (c) Land and buildings mansged far others? ' n question 5 ) (M (2i ted to others? (Copy acre* from question 6 ) 316. Is there any mortgage debt on land and buildings owned by you? (Afar* onr )^^^^ 318. On what date did you All this questionnaire'1 s> No D Ye* D No land owned □ I MERATOR'S RECORD— To be filled by Census Enuas Date (monlA and day) Date (month and day) 560 THE QUESTIONNAIRE ring that the inquiries be answered completely and accurately. tnnot be uted for purpoaea of taxation, investigation, or SOUTH TEXAS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE- A | CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE -t QCQ MX QUESTIONNAIRE: -15*33* I.— PERSON NOW IN CHARGE member of (he family < ! Ihst all (he ir II.— OWNERSHIP paatureland, woodland, and \ LAND MAN f5] Ho UIEI) FOR OTHERS: (Enter tin- name and addreiw of employ Nl) RENTED (>H IE \SED TO OTHERS Include any separi ented to others. Include land worked on shares by others. Do o the Government under the Soil Bank. 1. How m.uiy ncrcii do you rent to others? (// "None," <»ark X and nlcip to queahon [7] ) ude land leased I i>t anothercoui.lv? . ... No Q Yes Q (// "No," mark X and skip to question [9] ) in your county? Section III.— CROPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR, 1959 Report all crops harvested < f you rent or work land for o OHN AM) SORGHUMS: ' from theae (read anawer for question 7) i (a) Corn for grain? (b) Corn for sllai No Q Yes Q Ifld skip to question [II] ) ■r theat queations, \j "Ye*,.")*** weet corn or popcorn ) r 56 lb shelled com = I I How much will be SORGHUMS FOR CHAIN AND FORAGE: [II] Were any sorghums harvested for purpose this year? No Q Yes Q I ifcij (0OU«t,0n [15]) ulage, forage, and pastu (a) Sorghums for grain or seed? (b) Sorghums for silage? (e) Sorghums cut for dry forage or hay, or hogged or graied? (The K and (c) zr COWPEAS: [15] Wer biiv cowpeas grown for his year? No Q Yea Q (// "No," mark X and skip to question [17] 1 (Answer theae questions, if "Yes ")-^^— ■ Cowpeas for all purposes? aort ti (b) Cowpeaa for hay (The total of the acres for (a), (b). (e), and (d) must equal the acres for question 16.) PEANUTS: [17] Were any peanuts grown for anv purpose this year? No □ Yes d (// "No," mark X and skip to question [26] ) 16. Peanuts for all purposes* (a) Peanuts for picking or threshing? IMALL GRAIN [26] Oats for grain? 29. Barley? 31. Flaiseed? 32. Rice? I Report barrels on dry-weight basis.] 38. Other grains? Rye ' Wh.rtt'' Mixed KHUN- ' of tb'n tear'e crop a** or will be sold? HAY CRO! landlord's iold if taken from this plai [AntVH* three question*, 45. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay? nearly ripe for feeding untnreshed.) 46. Wild hay (prairie, range, or 47. Any other hay? (Include bromrgrsM, Johnson- pedcza, millet, old in. ii.i..«- ■. ri-dt.'i]i, Sudnngrass, -m-.-iilnv it. v etcn ■ How many harvested! FIELD SEEDS: field seeds linn harvested or to be harvested? 78. \\ hat Aeld t POTATOES, COTTON, AND HROOMCORN: [79] Irish potatoes for home use or for si ( If lew thin. 20 bushels or 10 hundredweight (If less than 20 bushel* > harvested, do not report Cotton? L TEXAS 561 I year for home u*' 1 1 1 v vegetables, sweet I year for sale (or fro *""*•«/"■■■■ - melons. (6. ^1 X a. No p Yes Q C"3] Aere any of (he following egetable crops harvested 107. Tomatoes? 110. Snap beam nd pickles? hush utid pole types)? Tiade, eitht-r on the same And or on dnTeranl land, ■eport the total harvested IllC landlor. 113. Sweet peppers* 117. Cantaloups, honeydews, musk melons? 118. Blackeje* and other gr< 121. Squash? 122. Okra? 123. Dry onions? 125. Carrots? 126. Lettuce and romalne* 127. Beets (table)? ... 130. Spinach? 141 Other? - of all vegetables sold lhi$ year. wpeaa? C D TrnvatuffM > potato?* fl ■rrrlr-* ■ grapevine* ■ (Acre i/urttion*. \f "Yet s 154 Apples? IS8. Pear.? MS. Plums and prune*? ISH ( hcrrir.* 177. Improved perana? 178. Wild and seedling pecans? • ■■ iriag agg ■ 197. Other (Yalta and nula? imquaU? Hon mUM n HS9-U from bloom [I9&] VYeTC an) numery Of greenhouse products, flower --r egelablr seed" or plant*, flowers, or bulb* kmkh f r sair /his year? [202 J I r IhtMr qutition*, "^la_ Section IRKICATION ■ I in question 203). I Irrigated rnia year? None D Aci 214. Ho* many acre irrigated >y aprlnltlers (h«s |>ear.* 215. From how many acre* of Irrigated land None Q Aci :,l"ihi« year* ' None Q Aci ,. ludc "II Irrigated land from which hay was cut and nil irrlRftled land in both bcannit and nonbenrlllf, frull ind mil CrOpa and irriRal. .1 land from which volunteer crOpa (// rVotM," marl X and tk,p to ouri'ion [217] ; 211. What part of the land from vi ittd ffils jrear i - Irrigated? ■ a rk X and >*>; 'igattd h'l ICTfj irrjfattd for tach crop If all orrha i/ atl vegetable! for .a/c. /.»( " Vegetable* Ntmp ot crop Irrlgalfli? irrigated' s= : rigated? ' x.r.. Irrigated? (1) 1 ^ l ■ 1, [2I7J What percent of it,. - flowinft) or spring . Prom » well (i directly l>> thin farm or from another f t>> r rain >• stream, lake, drainage ditch, a organlrallon? (Oil L 562 THE QUESTIONNAIRE Keel Ion VI.— RACE, AGE, RESIDENCE. OFF-FARM WORK. AND OTHER INCOME I2I8J What is your I 218. How old were yo 220. Do you live on t 221. Wh irthday? Years No 0 Yes □ i opcr ■ this phi. Report month if you brgi January 1. 1958. DFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME: 222. How many days thia year did you work off your farm7 In profession, or on *onieone eUe'f farm Include dnvs vou expect to December 31. 1959. (Do not include exchange work ) [ Atari (1) (2) (3: 224. Have you any income thia year fron product;- from tund rented out' Cash rent iends? Profits from noiifnnn business? f.mily? (lf"None"forque»tton 222 and -yo- for 224. »*ib to question [226] ) » 223 and 224) lilh you have a nonfarm job, following sources: Sale ' Social Security? olds help from member* of yc i» 223 and Section VII— FOREST I'RfllMTTS THIS YEAR, 1959 he sale of standing timber or trees? (Include standing timber >od, pulpwood, if "Km.") b sold O S- e sold □ $__ Products sold t i 226.) 228. Firewood and fuelwood? 229. Pulpwood? 230. Fence posts? 231. Sawlogs and veneer logs? |d d D D ol n How much be cut in 1959? I poultry and anlrn nployees, and by POULTRY: 236. Arc the 237. If "No iny chickens, turkeys, or other poultry i cere there any on tins place any time th (If ••No" /or both question* 236 and 233 . No 0 Yes Q No D Ves □ . [246] ) J other chicken r ivill . pullets, cockerels, « sold I /lis year? ken eggs 241. How many dozens of ohJi ran or will be sold thia year? 242. How many turkeys and turkey fryers rere raised thia year? led from poult* hatched, poults None G Number . None D Number . None G Number . None Q Doiens _ None D Number _ ught, an lany lurl ceding n 14. How many ducks, geese, olher poultry (not counting kens and turkeys) : sold thia year? None Q much was or v e sale of turkej - poultry, and I s. rams, wethers, and hi- place? {If "None," mark Xan (<• Lambs under I year old? J(b> Ewes 1 year old and over? \ e) Rams und wethers I year old and over? ,.| f ii r .(ueslions (a), (b). r for question 246 ) HORSES AND MULKS: £247] Huw manv horses, ponies are on tin* phtcc' GOATS AND KIDH AND MOHAIR CLIPPED: 240. How manv goals and kids of all ages are on this place7 . . . . None I ] Number . // "AW," mark X and »k,p to question [349] I - - tngora goals and kids? Number . \,b. Other goats and kids? Number . (The total for qu> r for question 248.) [249] How manv goals sod kids wore clipped thia year? (If "None," mark X and skip to q< 260. How many pounds of mohair and kid hair were cllppc< SHEEP AND LAMPS SHORN THIS YEAR, 1959: [261] Were any sheep or lambs shorn thia year? (If "No," markX and sk 262. We 263. We , lambs shorn in 1959? , sheep shorn in I9S9? PIGS: s and boan ind pigs of all ant re on this place? . {If "None," mark l « Since June /, thia it \{b) Before June 1, thia 256. How many Miters December 1, laat year, and J farrow before December 1? CATTLE on this p 267. llo* MD CALVES: (Include manv cattle and calves 0 {If -Non (Include hcifc ■> to question [262] ) Heifers and heifer calves? (Do not Includ Bulls, bull calves, heifers that ha1 estions (a), (b). and (c) mu ■ for question 267 ) 259. How Are acres in question 7. 1.000 or more? No Q YeeQ IX.— DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1969 [262] ffu any milk or cream sold (hi [If "No," m Report all sales from this place whelhei landlord. Be sure to Include dairy produ< i year, 19S9? irk X and skip . No Q Yes a , queslton [265] ) by others. Report dairy products sold for y tt.-rfat.) . . Nor ultiply tli i sold I of sales in 1*69? X.— ANIMAL* SD TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 19 s from ihls plsce whether made by ■ your landlord, and animals fed under I by December 31, thia year. n sold thia I for others. Be i (2) How many more will be sold and Dec. 31? How much was or wil< be the value of sales in 1959? 267. Horace colts. « 270. Goats and kids? . Q TEXAS 563 5T Section XI— FERTILIZER AND LIME r 19S9. whether & i fertHiter i thi$ pear toy of (he [2721 Ho. 273. How i a Hav and cropland poet a re? b Other paslare (not c Corn? d Sorghums? fi Cotton? ... ft All other crop*? snv acres ven limed in 1959? None Q Acres. (// "Ntmt," mark X and trip to que»t,on [2741 | l Hue or liming material* w« used in 1959* Tons - EXPENDITURES: Includ landlord for ihia plat [274] Peed for livestock and poult ■ ' . be paid by December roughs*.- amount* paid for grinding and miiing feed.) 275. Thfl purchase <>f livestock and poulir. * V (Include baby chick*.) 27«. Machine hire? Ml (Include custom work such as tractor hire, hing, combining, cotton picking. mlo filling, corn pick n ». br 7* . .„d >ne D t »00 »ne D « 100 i ginning, alio t i picking. ;, plowing, fruit picking, "praying 277. Hired labor? . None D (Do not include housework, custom work. payments only ) 278. Seed*, bulbs, plants, and trees? 279. Gasoline and other petroleum fae ; PRACTICES: Of cropland used f»r grata or row None Q Acre" _ None D Acre*. None Q Acrs- . None Q Acrw. Section XIII.— FARM LAROR on in chsrgi .if Km place I do fan Work or chore* u pkseeT V — 2*4. Ho* m*jnj other members *l jour Itmllv did 15 hours or more of irm w..rk ur < r ■ . . r . - m lhi> place lost treek without receiving cash wages? None Q Persona . biluda I •*•*.. rk I hired persons did any farm work or chores !A7. Ol these hired I • l&l >ersons working fast tceek, I low man* were emplojed 1 m thla place for \» I. . -' Number of pcrvma \\ hat m the agreed ca ratr of pay? N than one person, give gvgrafv) iOO per month (The tOtaTof the per«on« rrpOrtOi I 2»t. Hon many hired unworn paid h ■ piecework bast* rerlwd ... lab place fas* Friday? I' \ -n, sura X and .k,p to vNiiiiDn [2*1] 2*0. Hen much did ibnw hired pmon on s4* operation of the place)' No Q Yn 310. Do you pay to your landlord any cash a* rent? No Q Yes □ . K" how much for the year' t 311. Do you pay lo your landlord any share of the crops (such aa |, \, |)? No Q Ye 312. Do von pav to your landlord any share of the livestock or • products (such as |, \, J)' . No D Ye* Q 313. I>o vou have this land under any other arrangement (such as a (lied quantity of any product, upkeep of land and buildings, payment ol taxes, keep of landlord, rent free, ste.)1 No □ Yea Q [314] Aboi would the s l-snd snd buildings owned bv vou* (Copy acre* from qui b Land and bulldlnga rented from others? ... rron quwsllon 4 I I I. snd and building* managed roe othora? (Copy acres from question I ) d Land and building* rented to other*? n y morlgag* debt on land and (1) 310. On what date did you fill this questionnai No Q Ves D No land owned Q 1069 Section XVI— ENUMERATOR'S RECORD— To be filled by Census Enumerator Cen«us county division WKofurnuhed the information Ossssasr Q WMssrsaaar m i»n. 'tportr [Mark Date {month and day) Dale {month and day) 564 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK KL LISTING PART I -LIST Of PLACES IN ED PART II -AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS PART lll.~PILUNt, Al Li* ik. ksaj of t>«T ko«~kold !.».«« tkte ED. AND ALSO o< hu kr~» kold ■ fwio nmch)? (» rofM.tg.nkiy An, lh»- uock? ££ «c.) («> War nTT?; No |Y« L. irr E&' cr No |Ye. nTTyS No ; Yn HoTTeT __L_ No [Ye — L. -i — I 1 — 4— No ! Y, i h No; Ytt -..i No! v" i No] Yn J , u »*' " v^ *nH ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK 565 [111 PART IV -KfcCOKI) Of COMPLKTION OP ENUMIMTION 1 i < Don tab work •oy (11) Callborit nqalnd Turned over to (Ml 0>lr (161 IVhtn I.. rtmm. irkprane (U) DM On k«Jcn (Ml Al Nu v. ] IS Dju Dlie : ! Al No No 7 Vr. f».t Dire 6 ft 10 Al "- W, • Yn ■ D_a Dtt i I [ Al No "nt: "Tpi Dm l>.lr ,. llll mi 111) 1141 ID) (101 9C^{~L 3SS2S ""gS^i^HSSS #~™~™- ••-'■"••::; 566 INDEX TO TABLES Abnormal farms ." Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay Alfalfa seed Almonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes , spec if ied Apples Apricots Area, approximate land Asparagus Automobi les Austrian winter peas Average size of farm Avocados Barley Beets (table ) Berries , specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries (tame or wild) Boysenberries Broccoli Broilers sold Broomcorn Buckwheat Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons , etc Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cauliflower Change in definition of farms Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Christmas trees sold Citrus fruits , spec if ied Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, tiJDOthy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Collards Color of operator Commercial farms Commercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial ryegrass seed Conservation of land Corn pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cowpeas Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop drier Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland in cover crops Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants Crop fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested, specified ._ Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeration Days worked off farm Definition of farms, change In Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks sold Durum wheat Economic class of farm Eggplant Eggs sold Electric milk cooler Elevators, power-operated, conveyor or blower. Emmei- and spelt English or Persian walnuts Equipment and facilities, specified Escarole, endive, and chickory 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 ,lfl,19,2C ,20,21,22 ,14,15,16 ,19,20,21 ,19,20,21 7,12 G , 1 . 7,12 17, 18 j 17,18; 17,18, 19,20,21 19,20,21 I'V .. i 17,18,19, 1,17,18,19, 4,17,18,19, 15,17,18, 3,15 19.20 20 , 23 1,2,3 2i .:: L9,2Q L,2 20,21 20,23 3,17,18,19 1,2,17,18,19 17,18,19, 17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 ,13,17,18,19,20,21 ,13,17,18,19,20,21 8 1,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 7 7,17,18,19,20,21 11 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 la, 11a 4,11 5,11 Expenditures, farm. See Farm expenditures. Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures, specified Farm labor Farm operators : By age By color By residence By tenure By of f -farm work and other income Farm products , value of Farm property, value of Farms , number By color of operator By economic class By kind of road on which located By kind of workers During specified week By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold Farms with all harvested crops irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for. Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for Fertilizer, commercial, uses for Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts , sold Field forage harvesters Field seeds Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Fi rewood and fue lwood Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Fruit-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese sold General farms Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Goats and kids sold alive Grain combines Grains Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas sold Hairy vetch seed Harvesters, field forage Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Honeydews Hops Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and/or mules Horses and/or mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated farms , number Irrigated land in farms By use Kale Kind of road Kumquats Iadino seed land and buildings , value of land area, approximate land from which hay was cut land in farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 6,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18, 3,4,17, 4,17,18, 3,4,17,18, 4,17,18, 17,18, 1,17,18, 1,2,17,18, 3,17, 1,17,18, 2,16,17, 3,17, 1 1,20,23 18,19,20 19,20,21 19,20,21 19 , ; 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 18,19,20 17,18,19 19,20,21 19,20,21 5 19,20,21 18,19,20 18,19,20 18,19,20 19,20, :i 17,18, 5,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,19,20 9,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 5,17,18,19,20,21 7 15,17,18,19,20 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,16,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 7 9,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 1 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 INDEX TO TABLES 567 Land in irrigated fairs 3y use Land in - - /stems for soil erosion centre! Land irrigated by source of water Land pastured Legunes, specified annual ■ Lespeaesa seed _ : rc-aine liaa beans xpenditures for... T,