^a/(^>r^ua S^cadcmy £/cii aenceb RECEIVED BY GIFT FROM Uarch 11, 1959 A Revision of the SPIDER MITE Family Tetranychidae A REVISION OF THE SPIDER MITE FAMILY TETRANYCHIDAE A. EARL PRITCHARD AND EDWARD W. BAKER MEMOIRS SERIES VOLUME 2 1955 SAN FRANCISCO PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Published and sold by THE PACIFIC COAST ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco 18, California Printed with the assistance of the H. C. Fall Memorial Publication Fund Edited by: P. D. Hurd, Jr. Designed by: John B. Goetz Preface The history of development of our knowledge of animal groups follows a uniform pattern. First there is the problem of identification, usually beginning with description of new forms. This is followed by first attempts at a classification. Then regional systematic treatments appear. Finally a monograph becomes possible, based on the accumulated work of many people. Curiously, the mites have not followed this precise pattern. Because of their economic importance, mites have long attracted attention. Much has been written on these small but numerous and widely distributed arthropods. \et for years scientists did little to further knowledge of the systematics of mites. Only recently have new species been described in precise terms and old species redescribed adequately. Now the time is propitious for monographic treatment, and it is indeed fortunate that two such outstanding specialists as Professor A. Earl Pritchard and Dr. E. W. Baker have dedicated themselves to the job and have chosen the group that is most destructive to agricultural crops, the spider mites. In the following pages the authors have not only considered all previous work in the group, but they have gone to original sources of type speci¬ mens and living material in the museums of North America and Europe and the type localities of two continents. The revision of the Tetranychidae presented in this book not only provides the essential information re¬ quired by economic entomologists, but also provides illustrations of a caliber seldom equalled in taxonomic work and a sound classification for the use of taxonomists. G. W. W harton, Professor and Head and Director of the Institute of Acarologv Department of Zoology University of Maryland College Park, Maryland Contents Introduction . 1 Collection of samples . 2 Slide preparation . 2 Acknowledgments . 3 Systematics of the Tetranychidae . 4 Morphology . 6 Key to the subfamilies . 11 Subfamily Bryobiinae . 12 Key to the tribes . 14 Tribe Bryobiini . 14 Tribe Hystrichonychini . 35 Tribe Petrobiini . . 42 Subfamily Tetranychinae . 96 Key to the tribes . 96 Tribe Tenuipalpoidini . 97 Tribe Eurytetranychini . 100 Tribe Tetranychini . 124 Literature Cited . 447 Index of Host Plants . 462 Index of Spider Mites . 467 Introduction 1 lie family 1 etranycliidae contains many species that tire important pests of agriculture. Practically all the major food crops and many ornamental plants are subject to attack. Especially during the past decade, a great deal of experimental work has been directed toward the control of these mites and a consideration of the particular species involved has become important. The only comprehensive publications on the taxonomy of the family l etrany chidae in North America are by Hanks (1900), McGregor (1919), and McGregor (1950). The last mentioned article is monographic in scope, and it is a noteworthy contribution. A study of the taxonomy of European tetranychids has been con¬ sidered only on a localized basis, but more recent papers by Hirst (1920) for England, Vitzthum (1929) for Germany, and Geijskes (1939) for Holland are worthy of mention. Womersley (1940) reviewed the knowledge of this family in Australia. Heck (1947-1952) has been making important studies on the spider mites of Georgia, S.S.H., but we have seen only a few of his papers. This is the first comprehensive treatment of the species of the world, and it is the over-all picture of the Tetranychidae with which we are primarily concerned. The recognition of subfamilies and tribes is in¬ tended to show phylogenetic relationships within the family, and the new interpretations of genera and the recognition of species groups are intended to further delineate these relationships. A study of the taxonomy and nomenclature of tetranychids must be conducted on a world-wide basis. Man has undoubtedly transported many of the more omnivorous species throughout the world, and these mites are adjusting to new hosts in new geographical locations. The present revision is largely synoptic, and the diagnoses and illustrations are presented for ready identification. There are undoubt¬ edly a great many species that are undescribed, even as there are de¬ scribed species that cannot be recognized readily from the literature and species complexes that cannot be readily resolved on a morpho¬ logical basis. [1] 2 Spider Mites Collection of Samples When it is possible to bring infested plant material into the laPoratory, it is easy to ascertain that both sexes are obtained for study by select¬ ing the specimens individually with the aid of a dissecting microscope. In the field adequate samples of heavy infestations are often obtained by placing infested leaflets into wide-mouthed vials of alcohol. With lighter infestations, and particularly with conifers, it is practical to beat the plant material over a Boudreaux funnel — a hand funnel equipped with a wire screen at the top and bearing a vial of alcohol at the spout to catch the specimens (Boudreaux, 1954). Care must be taken that specimens are not left clinging to the sides of the funnel. A slower method is to beat the plant material over an enameled pan and remove the mites individually with a fine camel’s-hair brush. For collecting mites that feed on grass, the Berlese funnel is very practical. Heat, often in the form of an electric light bulb over the large funnel, is used to drive the mites from the plant material over a period of several days. Slide Preparation We have attempted the use of many mounting media for spider mites, including Canada balsam, Clarite, Euparol, Hyrax, polyvinyl alcohol (with lactic acid and phenol), methyl cellulose (Clark and Morishita, 1950), and glycerine. Hover’s modification of Berlese’s mounting medium has proved to be the most satisfactory. It is true that this is not a permanent mounting medium, but specimens may be remounted if nec¬ essary. Our formula of Hoyer’s is prepared by mixing in the following se¬ quence: Distilled water . 50 grams Gum arabic (flakes) .... 30 grams Chloral hydrate . 200 grams Glycerine . 20 grams Specimens may be mounted directly into Hoyer’s medium, either alive or from alcohol. Males must be oriented laterally for study of the aedea- gus. An oil-immersion lens is necessary for critical study of spider mites, and the phase attachment is invaluable for detailed observations. 3 Introduction Acknowledgments A large number of entomologists have contributed material for this study, and vve have attempted to name the collectors whenever individual col¬ lections are cited. We have particularly credited colleagues throughout the world who were able to respond to our requests for needed material, with the gift of specimens collected by them or by the loan of types, lo all of these cooperators we are indeed grateful. We also acknowledge our appreciation to Frederick Cunliffe, of the Pinellas Biological Laboratory, for travel grants enabling survey work on the tetranychoid and other mites of Florida. Dr. Josef lv. Winkler, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia, has been particularly helpful in obtaining otherwise unavailable articles by recent Russian workers. Dr. Schozo Fhara, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, has also located for us Japanese articles unavailable in the U.S.A; moreover, he has been kind enough to make translations. It is, indeed, a pleasure to work with acarologists internationally, each scientist being anxious to contribute unselfishly to an advancement of our knowledge of mites. Systematics of the TETRANYCHIDAE FAMILY TETRANYCHIDAE DONNADIEU I ETRANYCHIDES Donnadieu, 1875, Recher. Serv. Hist. Tetranych., p. 9. TETRANYCHIDAE Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Aptera, pp. 93, 97; Kramer, 1877, Archiv. Naturg., 43(2): 225, 228; Trouessart, 1891, Rev. Sci. Nat. Ouest, 1: 289, 308; Berlese, 1897, Acari Myr. Scorp. Prostig., pp. 7, 8, 51; Oudemans, 1897, Tijd. Ent., 40: 120; Banks, 1900, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent. Tech. Ser., 8: 70; Banks, 1907, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 32: 598; Ewing, 1909, Univ. Ill. Bui., 7(14): 35; Oudemans, 1910, Bui. Ent. Res., 1: 112; Vitzthum, 1913, Mikrokos., 6: 99, 108; Banks, 1915, U. S. Dept. Agr. Rep., 108: 32; Ewing, 1929, Man. Ext. Parasites, pp. 20, 28; Vitzthum, 1929, Tierw. Mitteleur., 3(Lief 7): 47; Vitzthum, 1931, Handb. Zoo 1 . , 3(1, 3): 145; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. L andbouvvh. Wagen- ingen, 42(4): 11; Carman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 431: 67; Womersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 234; Vitzthum, 1942, Klass. Ordn. Tierr., 5(Abt. 4, Buch 5): 809; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 257; Radford, 1950, Check List Mite Gen. and Type Spp., Intern. Union Biol. Sci. Ser. C. (Sect. Ent.), 1, p. 76; Reck, 1950, Irudy Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9: 117; Baker and Wharton, 1952, Intr. Acar., p. 211; Reck, 1952, Izd. Akad. Nauk S.S.R. 1952: 3. Tetr AN^ CHINI Canestrini and hanzago, 1878, Atti Reale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 5), 4: 148; Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale 1st. Ven. Sci. Let. Art. (ser. 6), 7: 491. TETRANYCHINA Berlese, 1886, Acari Dann. Piante Colt., p. 16. The taxonomic revisions of TragWh (1915), Zacher (1916, 1933), McGregor (1919), and I garov and Nikolskii (1937) refer to the family only by a common name. [4] S rystematics of the l etranychidae Concepts of the family 1 etranychidae have undergone considerable evolution since the group was first given a suprageneric name in 1875. Only two genera, Tetranychus Dufour and Bryobia Koch were recognized prior to thut time, and to the former genus had been assigned a number of species of predaceous mites properly belonging to several families of the Prostigmata, Hven Donnadieu, in the dissertation proposing the family name, considered eriophyids to be immature stages of tetrany- chids, and some contemporary workers believed daggers to represent their young. Predaceous mites properly belonging to several genera of the Haphignathidae were once included in tetranychid genera, and the rhapig- nathid genus N eophyllobius Berlese, 1886, was only recently removed from the 1 etranychidae (McGregor, 1950). The genus II eteronychus Canestrini and Fanzago, 1876, was referred by the original authors to the family Tetranychidae. 1 he species on which the genus was based has not since been recognized. The descrip¬ tion of the coloration of the mite and the setation of the legs is entirely inconsistent with our knowledge of the tetranychids, being, perhaps, more like that of a member of the genus N eophyllobius. During recent years the tetranychoid mites have been segregated into separate units of family status. The latest and most comprehensive comparative treatment of these family categories is by Baker and Pritchard ( 1953). l’he genera Tenuipalpus Donnadieu, Brevipalpus Donna¬ dieu, Phy top tip alp us Tragardh, Pseudoleptus Bruyant, Raoliella Hirst, and Tegopalpus Womersiey, all previously referred to the Tetranychidae, are now placed in the family Phytoptipalpidae. Similarly Tuckerella Womersiey is now placed in the Tuckerellidae. The superfamily Tetranychoidea (Reck, 1952b; Baker and Pritchard, 1953) consists of those prostigmatic mites having the paired basal seg¬ ments of the chelicerae fused into a pouch-like lobe called a stylophore; within the latter are anchored the curved proximal ends of the movable Fig. I. Stylophore and chelicerae of a tetranychid mite ( Tetranychus telarius). 6 Spider Mites digits or stylets (fig. 1). In the family 1 etranychidae, the fourth palpal segment bears a strong “claw” and the dorsum of the bod) bears not more than 16 pairs of setae. These obvious characteristics will separate the tetranychids from all other mites. MORPHOLOGY Mites of the family Tetranychidae bear two obvious types of setae (fig. 2): tactile and chemosensory (see Grandjean, 1948). The former are l ig. 2. Sensory, tactile, and duplex setae of a tetranychid mite ( Yetranychus telarius, female). 7 Systematics of the / etrnny chidae Fig. 3. Anterior portion of propodosoma of a tetranychid showing location of the peritremes ( Eotetrany chus uncatus). slender, finely pointed, with thick walls, and bearing pubescence. The latter have thin walls in which transverse striations may be evident, and they are nude. The chemosensory setae are referred to as sensorv setae for convenience, dhe sensory setae are sometimes distinguished as to whether they are slender and tapering or else slender and broadly rounded at the distal end or fusiform. A third type of seta, found on the tarsal appendages, is characterized by having a knob or hook at its distal end. Setae of this type are referred to as tenent hairs. They are always found on the claw, and usually a number of tenent hairs are amalgamated distally, each appearing to originate from a number of roots. Tenent hairs are also found on the empodium of the more generalized tetranychids, as in related tetrany- choids, but they are replaced by tactile hairs in higher forms. The tetranychid palpus, bears a nearly constant number of setae. The dorsal seta on the second palpal segment of the male is usually swollen, and the terminal sensillum on the fifth palpal segment of the male is usually more slender than in the female. Seven setae occur on the fifth segment: three are tactile and four are sensory. Of the latter, the prox¬ imal one is fusiform, two are tapering, and the terminal sensillum is usually well developed and rounded at the tip but rarely reduced or absent. The development of the stylophore is similar among various genera, but an anteromedian cleft may represent a species differentiation. 8 Spider Mites Fig. 4. Types of true claws found in the Tetranychidae: A.) Tetrany cop sis horridus (an individual claw is shown); B.) ttryobia drummondi ; C.) Aplonobia acharis; D. ) Oligonychus ununguis. The peritremes (fig. 3) consist of a pair of arms that arise medially near the anterior end of the body and diverge over the surface of the protrusible stylophore. The oil-immersion lens will sometimes suffice to demonstrate that these “tubes” are open dorsally as observed by Blauvelt (1939). The ends of the peritremes are anastomosing sacs of tracheae in the most generalized tetrany chids. In the higher species they usually end simply but each may terminate in a simple bulb, or have several distal chambers and be simply hooked, or else the distal end is irregular or anastomosing. The dorsum of the tarsus of leg I of the adult bears two pairs of intimately associated setae, a characteristic of the family Tetranychidae (except in one tribe where the close relationship of both pairs of setae is not apparent). These setae are termed the duplex setae (fig. 2). One pair of duplex setae is found on the dorsum of tarsus II. Development and placement of the duplex setae are sometimes valuable for species differentiation but more often serve for recognition of species groups or higher categories. The distal and comparatively long member of each duplex is sensory, and the proximal member is tactile. 9 Systematics of the Tetranychidae 1 he legs possess sensory setae, other than those of the duplexes, on all tarsi, the anterior tibiae, and sometimes tibiae 11-1 V. Other leg setae on all segments are tactile, lhe number of setae on a given tibia or tarsus mu.y be variable, but in many cases the tactile or else the sensory setae will independently be constant in number; usually both numbers are constant. In contrast to other prostigmalic mites, the sen¬ sory setae are more apt to be variable. lhe tarsal appendages consist of a pair of true claws laterally and u central empodium. Iheir evolutionary development is of considerable taxonomic value (fig. 4). The claw is primitively clawlike or else padlike, and with latero- ventral tenent hairs. Trag&rdh (1915) first demonstrated that the higher tetranychids possess a claw derived from this type. The lateroventral tenent hairs of each claw form separate rows in T etranycopsis, but they are fused distally to form one or several pairs in Bryobia. The distal end of the claw disappears; and the proximal portion of the remaining claw is slender in relatives of Petrobia, but it is strongly reduced in higher forms, leaving mainly the pair of tenent hairs. The dorsal texture of the integument of the body of a tetranychid varies considerably. It is smooth, except for large folds in some of the more generalized forms. There may be a development of mediodorsal areas bearing areolate or punctate impressions on the propodosoma and opisthosoma. However, the higher tetranychids bear integumentary stnations, irregular and widely spaced in some species but similar to that of a finger-print pattern in most. The striae may be characteristically dotted or else solid. lhe chaetotaxy of the body of a spider mite is of tribal and generic significance. Only two genera have four pairs of dorsal propodosomal setae, the rest three. Three genera have nine pairs of dorsolateral and dorsosublateral hysterosomal setae. Other genera have only seven pairs of dorsolateral and dorsosublateral hysterosomal setae. The hysterosoma always bears three pairs of setae mediodorsally, and these are called the dorsocentrals (fig. 5). Laterad of the first pair of dorsocentrals are two setae on each side: the outermost is called the humeral and the inner is the first dorsolateral. Laterad of each of the second and third dorsocentrals is a pair of setae in certain of the more generalized tetranychids. One member of each of these pairs of lateral setae may occupy a sublateral position, or else it is absent in the higher forms. Caudad of the dorsocentral hysterosomals, there are three pairs of setae, the posterior, inner pair being the clunals. This interpretation differs from that of Oudenians and our own earlier work (Pritchard and 10 Spider Mites Fig. 5. Dorsum of body of a tetranychid showing nomenclature of the setae. Baker, 1952) in which the clunals were regarded as being either present or absent (the caudal setae that drop out are now regarded as being the post-anals). The two pairs of setae between the clunals and the dorso- centrals are conveniently referred to as the sacrals inasmuch as they may be marginal in some of the lower forms or else the inner pair re¬ sembles a fourth pair of dorsocentrals in higher forms. Chaetotaxy of the venter is constant within the family, except for the opisthosoma. Females of the higher tetranychids have two pairs rather than three pairs of anal setae, and males have four pairs rather than five pairs of genito-anal setae. Certain genera of the tribe Tetrany- chini have the caudal set of the two pairs of para-anal setae displaced (fig. 6) to appear as a terminal pair of dorsal setae (the post-anals), and these setae are lacking in two genera. 11 Systemutics of the 1 etrany chidae Fig. 6. Venter of body of a tetranvchid showing nomenclature of the setae. Taking into consideration other characters that represent a more generalized morphological structure within the family, it is thus evident that a reduction in the number of body setae is indicative of phylogenetic development. Key to subfamilies of Tetranychidae 1. Empodium with tenent hairs; female with three pairs of anal setae and male with five pairs of genito-anal setae (fig. 7) . . Bryobiinae (p. 12) 1. Empodium (rarely appearing absent) without tenent hairs, female with two pairs of anal setae and male with four pairs of genito- anal setae (fig. 7) . T ETRANY' CHIN A E (p. 06) I Subfamily BRYOBIINAE Berlese Bryobiini Berlese, 1913, Acaroth. Ital., p. 17. Bryobiinae Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9: 122; Reck, 1952, Izd. Akad. Nauk S.S. R. 1952: 24. Bryobiidae Reck, 1952, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S. S. R.. 13(7): 422. The subfamily Bryobiinae contains the most generalized members of the family. None of the species is known to produce silken strands. The true claws are well developed in Bryobia and Tetranycopsis but each is reduced to a small but slender pad bearing a pair of distal tenent hairs in the other genera. The pad, however, is better developed than in the I etranychinae and represents an intermediate stage in its reduction. The peritremes each have a glomerate, elongate or saccular termina¬ tion or, in some cases, the distal end is simple or else reflexed and multilobed. The character of the duplex setae is distinctive of the subfamily. They are always placed at the abruptly declivate distal end of the tar¬ sus, and the proximal member of each pair is minute and straight. The most generalized species possess four pairs of dorsal pro- podosomals whereas others have three pairs of dorsal propodosomals. The hysterosoma bears twelve pairs of dorsal setae in the more general¬ ized species and ten pairs of dorsal setae in the higher Bryobiinae. 1 he female bears three pairs of anal setae and the male has five pairs of genito-anal setae (fig. 7). [12] 13 Subfamily Bryobiinae Herlese Fig. 7. Opisthosomal venters showing setation of the genital areas of the Bryobiinae: A.) female of P etrobia harti\ FO male of P. harti\ and the Tetrany- chinae: C.) female of TeUanychus telarius ; and D.) male of 7. telarius. 14 Spider Mites Key to tribes of Bryobiinae 1. Propodosoma with four pairs of dorsal setae; true claw long and with tenent hairs mediolaterally .... BRYOBIINI (p. 14) 1. Propodosoma with three pairs of dorsal setae; true claw a short but slender pad with a pair of terminal tenent hairs ... 2 2. Hysterosoma with five pairs of dorsolateral and dorsosublateral setae (with twelve pairs of dorsal hysterosomals) . . Hystrichonychini (p. 35) 2. Hysterosoma with three pairs of dorsolateral setae (with ten pairs of dorsal hysterosomals) . PeTROBIINI (p. 42) TRIBE BRYOBIINI RECK Bryobiinae Reck, 1952, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R. 13(7): 423. The tribe Bryobiini is characterized by having four pairs of dorsal propodosomals and the true claw is developed as a curved hook or a long pad, with lateral tenent hairs. There are twelve pairs of dorsal hysterosomals. Key to the genera of Bryobiini 1. True claw uncinate, with one or several pairs of mediolateral tenent hairs . Bryobia (p. 14) 1. True claw padlike, with two rows of ventrally directed tenent ()airs . T etranycopsis (p. 34) GENUS BRYOBIA KOCH Bryobia Koch, 1836, Deuts. Crust. Myr. Arachn., 1: 8, 9; Koch, 1838, Deuts. Crust. Myr. Arach., 17: 11; Koch, 1842, Uebers. Arach, Syst., 3: 31; Canestrini and Fanzago, 1878, Atti Reale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 5), 4: T18; Berlese, 1886, Acari Dann. Piante Colt., p. 24; Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7 : 494, 505; Oudemans, 1905, Tijd. Ent., 48: 242; 15 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Banks, 1907, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 32: 598; Ewing, 1909, Univ. Ill. Bui., 7(14): 52; Banks, 1915, U. S. Dept. Agr. Hep., 108: 34; Ewing, 1921, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 59(2394): 661; Vitzthum, 1929, 'lierw. Mitteleur., 3(7): 48; Oudemans, 1930, Ent. Ber. 8(176): 172; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1063; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageniugen, 42(4): 14; Womersley, 1940, 1 rans. Hoy. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 23; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 364; Hadford, 1950, Syst. Check List Mite Gen. and lype Spp. Ser. C. (Sect. Ent.), 1: 76; Baker and Wharton, 1952, Introd. Acar., p. 213. Type of genus: Bryobia praetiosa koch, by present designation ( B . speci- osa, the t)pe designated by Koch and that usually cited, was not originally included). Sannio Scheuten, 1857, Arch. Naturg., 23: 104. Type of genus: ( Sannio rubrioculus Sheuten) = Bryobia praetiosa; monobasic. Torynoph'ora Cambridge, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 168: 258. Type of genus: ( Torynophora serrata Cambridge) = Bryobia praetiosa; monobasic. Schmiedleinia Oudemans, 1930, Ent. Ber., 7(181): 290. Type of genus: ( Schmiedleinia tiliae Oudemans) = Bryobia praetiosa Koch; monobasic. P seudobryobia McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 355. Type of genus: P seudobryobia bakeri McGregor, by original designation. New synonomy. McGregor (1950) proposed the generic name P seudobryobia for those species of Bryobia in which the distal enlargement of the peritreme is not obviously slender and protruding from the body. This character is not valid for generic distinction inasmuch as the distal enlargement of the peritreme of Bryobia praetiosa is usually slender but is some¬ times broadly rounded, and the peritreme is not protruding when the stylophore is protracted. The arrangement of the more lateral dorsal hysterosomal setae is subject to displacement among the various species. The setae laterad of the three pairs of hysterosomal dorsocentrals are arranged in dorso- sublateral and lateral rows in Bryobia curiosa and B. bakeri; they form a single lateral row in B. praetiosa and B. cristata; and they are inter¬ mediate in B. drummondi and B. sarothamni. Trag&rdh (1904a, 1904b) considered Acarus denticulatus Linnaeus, 1758, to be a prior name for Bryobia praetiosa. However, Oudemans (1937) and others refer this Linnaean species to the family Labidos- tommidae; and the name is here given no further consideration. All of the described species of Bryobia are included in the following 16 Spider Mites treatment, but two of the recognized species are not known from North America. 17 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese 1. 1. 2.(1). 2.(1). 3.(1). 3. (1). 4. (3). 4.(3). i. (3). Fig. 9. Bryobia curiasa : dorsal aspect of propodosoma. Key to the species of BRYOBIA Einpodia Il-IV each consisting of a pair of tenent hairs . . 2 Empodia II-IV padlike, each with two ventrally directed rows of tenent hairs . 3 Stylophore cleft mediodistally; body with dorsal setae obviously spatulate . curiosa (p. 19) Stylophore convex distally; body with dorsal setae lanceolate . bakeri (p. 19) Propodosoma with anterior two pairs of setae arising directly from dorsum; body with dorsal setae slender even if subclavate . 4 Propodosoma with anterior two pairs of dorsal setae arising from strong projections; body with dorsal setae short and broadly spatulate . 5 Empodium I consisting of a pair of tenent hairs; propodosomal dorsum striate . drummondi (p. 19) Empodium I consisting of a short pad with ventral rows of tenent hairs; propodosomal dorsum dotted, with smooth reticulations . sarothamni (p. 20) Empodium I consisting of a short pad with ventral rows of tenent hairs; males common . cristata (p. 22) 18 Spider Mites Fig. 10. Bryobia bakeri: dorsal aspect of female, type. 5.(3). Empodium I consisting of a single pair of tenent hairs; males unknown . praetiosa (p. 26) 19 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Bryobia curiosa Summers (Figures 8, 9) Bryobia curiosa Summers, 1953, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 46: 290. Type: femule, Mojave Desert, California, on unknown host; in the IJ. S. National Museum. Adults of Bryobia curiosa may be recognized among other members of the genus by the sharply cleft stylophore. I he adults resemble those of B. baheri in that the empodia each consists of only a pair of tenent hairs. However, the dorsal setae of the body are broadly spatulate rather than being lanceolate as in B. bakeri, and there are four small projec¬ tions anteriorly on the propodosoma. 1 his species is indigenous to the desert region of southern Califor- nia, although its host is unknown. Ihe only collection is that of the types from the Mojave Desert, California, beaten from mostly composite desert plants. Bryobia bakeri (McGregor), new combination (Figures 10, 11) P seudobryobia bakeri McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 366 Type: female, Mt. Popocatapetl, Mexico, 12,000 ft., from trunk of pine; in the U. S. National Museum. Bryobia bakeri resembles B. curiosa in that the empodia each con¬ sists of a single pair of tenent hairs. However, the stylophore of B. bakeri is not cleft, and the dorsal setae of the body are slender and lanceolate. This species is known from the type specimen from Mt. Popocatapetl near Mexico City, and from a female, Texas (R. K. Fletcher) on wheat. The latter specimen is smaller than the type, and the sensory setae on the tarsi are also shorter. Bryobia drummondi (Ewing), new combination (Figures 12, 13, 14) Petrobia drummondi Ewing, 1926, Ent. News, 37: 143. Type: female, Death Valley, California, on creosote bush; in the U. S. National Museum. P seudobryobia drummondi, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 368. 20 Spider Mites Fig. 11. Bryobia bakeri: tarsus I of female. Bryobia drummondi may be recognized by having no cephalic propodo- somal projections; empodium I consisting only of a pair of tenent hairs; and empodia II to IV padlike, one-half as long as the claws. The dorsal setae of the body are slender, and the dorsum of the body is striate. This species is indigenous to the arid southwestern United States. It is found commonly in that region on creosote bush, Larrea tridentata. Collections studied, other than the type, are from Little Rock, California, (E. W. Baker), on Larrea tridentata; Lucerne Valley, (A. E. Pritchard), on Larrea tridentata; Old Woman Springs, California (A. E. P ritchard), on Larrea tridentata; Pearblossom, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Larrea tridentata; and \sleta, Texas (P. J. Netterville), on Larrea tridentata. Bryobia sarotbamni Geijskes (Figure 15) Bryobia sarothamni Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 14. Types: female, male, nymph, and larva, Holland, from Sarothamnus vulgaris; possibly in the Laboratorium voor Entomol- ogie, Landbouwhoogeschool te Wageningen, Holland. Bryobia sarothamni may be recognized by having no cephalic projec¬ tions on the propodosomal dorsum and by having all the empodia padlike, as long as the claws, and bearing two ventrally directed rows of tenent hairs. The dorsal integument of the body is distinctive in being retic¬ ulate, and, the dorsal setae are lanceolate. I his species is possibly common in Europe, although it was recog¬ nized only recently. Numerous specimens studied in connection with this revision were collected at East Mailing, Kent, England. (A. M. Massee), on Cytisus sp. 21 Subfamily liryobiinae Herlese Fig. 12. Bryobia drummondi : dorsal aspect of female, Little flock, California. 22 Spider Mites B.) distal end of peritreme of female; C.) tarsus I of male; D.) duplex setae of tarsus II of female; E.) tarsus I of female. Bryobia cristata (Duges) (Figures 16, 17, 18) Tetranychus cristatus Duges, 1834, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 1: 15, 28; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3 (C): 1064; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 17. De¬ scribed from males and females from Paris, on numerous hosts and under stones. Bryobia cristata, Oudemans; 1905, Ti j d. Ent., 48: 242; Oudemans, 1906, Ent. Her., 2: 60; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3 (C): 1065. Bryobia praetiosa, Womersley (not Koch, 1836), 1940, Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 246. Misidentification. Bryobia urticae Sayed, 1946, Bui. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 30: 86. Types: males and females, Dokki near Cairo, Egypt, on Urtica urens and 23 Subfamily Hryobiinae Herlese Fig. 14. Bryobia drummondi : dorsal aspect of male, Little Rock, California, with lateral view of aedeagus. 24 Spider Mites other weeds; probably in the collection of M. T. Sayed. New synonymy. Bryobia borealis Oudemans, 1930, Skrift. Sval. Isharet Oslo, 27: 102. Types: females, Hiortham, Iceland, under boards and stones; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, Holland. New synonymy. Although Oudemans considered cristata Duges to be a prior name for praetiosa Koch, Geijskes did not accept the synonymy because Duges described males. Geijskes noted that males of Bryobia praetiosa were unknown in Europe, except for the Duges reference. Duges’ description, however, obviously refers to a species of Bryobia, and because he described the male in such detail, even observed in copulation, his scientific name should be applied to the close relative Fig. 1F>. Bryobia sarothamni: dorsal aspect of female, England. 25 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese of B. praetiosa in which males are common. Even though this species has not been recognized subsequently in Europe (except for Iceland), the description of B. urticae Sayed shows that the species occurs in the palaearctic region. B. cristate cannot be considered as an earlier name for B. sarothamni, because of the very long front legs of the female. Bryobia cristata resembles B. praetiosa in that the first two pairs of dorsal propodosomals are borne on cephalic projections, and the Fig. 17. Bryobia cristata, female: above, tarsus II; and below, tarsus I. dorsal setae of the female body are subspatulate. However, the empodium of tarsus I of the adult female consists of a short stub bearing two rows of ventrally directed tenent hairs, and males are common. The dorsal setae of the body appear to be somewhat more slender. Otherwise, fe¬ males of the two species are difficult to distinguish. Bryobia cristata as thus recognized is known from Europe and North Africa, Australia, and Japan. Specimens studied by us are from Japan (intercepted in Seattle, Washington, by Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine personnel), on chrysanthemums. Bryobia praetiosa Koch (Figures 19, 20) Acarus graminum Schrank, 1781, Beytr. Natur., p. 8; Oudemans, 1906, Ent. Ber., 2: 60; Oudemans, 1929, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 2: 289. Be scribed from specimens from Germany, on grass. Bryobia graminum, Oudemans, 1929, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 2: 289; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1067. Bryobia denticulata, Tragardh* 1904, Zool. Anz., 27: 565. Misidenti- fication. Bryobia praetiosa Koch, 1836, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arach., 1: 8; Canestrini and Fanzago, 1878, Atti Heale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 5), 4: 91; Berlese, 1886, Acari. Dann. Piante Colt., p. 24; Canestrini, 1889, Atti Heale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 505; 27 Subfamily liryobiinae fieri ese Fig. 18. Bryobia cristata: dorsal aspect of male, Japan, with dorsal view of aedeagus. Oudemans, 1900, Tijd. Ent., 43: 138; Oudemans, 1905, Tijd. Ent., 48 : 242; Oudemans, 1906, Ent. Ber., 2: 60; Trag&rdh, 1914, Meddel. Centralanst. Forsoks. Jordbruck, 92: 3; Zacher, 1916, Mitt. kais. biol. anst. Land. — Forstw., 16: 23; Oudemans, 1927, Ent. Ber., 7: 259; Tragardh, 1928, Rep. Sci. Res. N orveg. Exped. Nov. Zemlya, 40: 7; Vitzthum, 1929, Tierw. Mitteleur., 3(7): 48; Oudemans, 1930, Ent. Ber., 8: 172; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. 28 Spider Mites Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1069; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen , 42(4): 16; Garnian, 1940, Conn. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bui., 431: 69; Andre, 1941, Bui. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 13: 430; Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Acad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R. , 8(7): 653; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 365. Described from specimens from Germany on shrubbery. Bryobia gloriosa Koch, 1836, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arachn., 1: 9. Described from specimens from Germany, in fields. Bryobia speciosa Koch, 1838, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arachn., 17: 10; Oudemans, 1905, Tijd. Ent., 48: 242; Oudemans, 1912, Ent. Ber., 3: 273; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1070. Described from specimens from Germany, in woods. Bryobia nobilis Koch, 1838, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arachn., 17: 11; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar. (Gedeelte 3), C: 1069. Described from specimens from Germany; no host given. Rhyncholophus haustor Hardy, 1850, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 2), 6(33): 182. Described from specimens from England, on grasses and fruit trees. Bryobia haustor , Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1067. Torynophora serrata Cambridge, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 168: 258. Described from specimens from Kerguelen Land, Indian Ocean, under stones. Bryobia pratensis Garman, 1885, Fourteenth Rep. State Ent. Illinois, p. 73; Riley and Marlatt, 1890, Ins. Life, 3: 45; Banks, 1915, U. S. Dept. Agr. Rep., 108: 34. Described from females, Illinois, on grass. Bryobia weyerensis Packard, 1889, Cave Memoir, p. 42. Described from Weyer’s Cave, Virginia. Bryobia glacialis Packard (apparently a nomem nudum, since we have not been able to find a reference to this species in Packard’s articles, even though this is listed as a new species in the Zoological Record for 1889). Bryobia pallida Garman, 1885, Fourteenth Rep. State Ent. Illinois, p. 74; Riley and Marlatt, 1890, Ins. Life, 3: 74. Described from nymphs, Illinois, on grass. Bryobia ribis Thomas, 1896, Zts. Pflanzenk., 6: 80. Described from specimens from Germany, on Grossularia sp. Bryobia glacialis Berlese, 1913, Redia, 9: 78. Type : probably nymph, Sandrio, Italy (no host given); probably in the Berlese collection at Florence, Italy. Bryobia brevicornis Ewing, 1921, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 59(2394): 662. Types: females, Arizona, on alfalfa; in the U. S. National Museum. 29 Subfamily Hry obiinae Herlese Fig. 19. Bryobia praetiosa : dorsal aspect of female, Los Alamos, New Mexico. 30 Spider Mites Fig. 20. Bryobia praetiosa : appendages of tarsi II and IV. Bryobia longicomis Ewing, 1921, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 59(2394): 662. Types: females, Ashland, Nebraska, from Dutchman’s breeches, Bikukulla cucullana; in the U. S. National Museum. Bryobia humeralis Halbert, 1923, Jour. Linn. Soc. Zool., 35: 385. Types: females, Ireland, on garden walls and moss. Schmiedleinia tiliae Oudemans, 1930, Ent. Ber., 7(176): 291. Types: larvae, Berlin Dahlem, Germany, on Tilia sp.; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historic, Leiden, Holland. Bryobia praetiosa, as here identified, may be differentiated from other members of the genus by having strong anterior propodosomal projections and by having empodium I of the adult female consisting of a single pair of tenent hairs (a short empodial pad with several pairs of ventrally directed tenent hairs is present on this segment in the nymphs), Empodia II to IV are padlike, about as long as the claws, and with two rows of ventrally directed tenent hairs. Dorsal setae of the body are short and broadly spatulate. Males are unknown. Oudemans (1905, 1927, 1937) considered the praetiosa complex to consist of at least two species, although he once (1900, 1906) con¬ sidered the forms as being merely physiological races. Tragardh (1914) considered Bryobia praetiosa to be a single, variable species, and Vitzthum (1929) stated that although specimens collected from enumer¬ ated hosts appear to be different species, still no morphological dis¬ tinctions are evident. Geijskes (1939) also pointed out that Bry'obia praetiosa is not a sharply delineated species. He postulated that there must exist a number of probable subspecies or races on different hosts. Geijskes observed that the anterior legs of the female bear more setae on specimens col¬ lected from certain hosts and that populations on different hosts differ biologically, particularly in regard to overwintering habits. He was 31 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese unable to separate the forms morphologically and recognized no similar species in Holland. McGregor (1950), without further comment, considered certain of the species described from North America ( Bryobia pallida was disre¬ garded), as well as the European B. speciosa, to be synonyms of B. praetiosa. Hoosje and Van Dinther (1953) recently reviewed the taxonomy und biological considerations of this mite in Holland. They found that popu- lat ions from ivy transfer readily to the same host and to Zinnia e It gans; but their transfers from ivy to gooseberry, red clover, and European boxwood were all negative. Morphological distinctions are evident among collections of Bryobia praetiosa that are taken from different types of hosts. The most obvious differences are in the length of the fore legs of the female, accompanied by variations in the number of tactile setae on tibia I: from 11 to 17 in the specimens studied, lhese setae are not always constant on a single specimen, nor are these numbers correlative with a given host. Females from England, California, and Chile — all from apple — appear to have the distal enlargement of the peritreme shorter and more globular (not projecting anteriorly when the stylophore is protracted). Other specimens have the peritremal enlargement slender and usually project¬ ing. However, no sharp morphological distinctions are evident with this character, when all specimens are studied. Summers (1952) made a detailed study of the biology of Bryobia praetiosa on California almonds. His findings differ considerably from the observed behavior of this mite on other types of plants and sub¬ stantiate the observations by Geijskes (1939) and others that seasonal development may vary according to host. It is evident, therefore, that there are a number of subspecies or species in the Bryobia praetiosa complex and that a morphological dis¬ tinction of the various populations and their further delineation nomen- claturally is extremely difficult. In view of the fact that these mites are entirely parthenogenic, one might expect that a single mutation could give rise to a clone and subsequent population that differs to some extent from the parent, at least with regard to host relationships, biological development or minor morphological characters. It is very difficult to ascertain whether such mutations represent actual species differences, since reproductive isolation is always present. In the meantime, the taxonomist can recognize only Bryobia praetiosa with its long list of synonyms. Bryobia graminum is undoubtedly a prior name, but its proposed use is withheld pending further studies on the species complex. 32 Spider Mites Specimens of Bryobia praetiosa have been studied from Europe, Turkey, South Africa, North America, South America, and Australia. Deciduous fruit trees such as apple, pear, plum, prune, cherry, peach, and nectarine are important hosts. Almond is a favorite host, and walnut is reported to be a host. Wild or native grasses commonly harbor the mite, as well as wheat, barley, and other grains. Clover and alfalfa are occasionally infested. Many weeds are favorable hosts. Ornamentals such as ivy, orchids, and shade trees are also subject to infestation. Bryobia praetiosa commonly invades homes in both Europe and North America, particularly during the fall. Bryobia amygdali Reck Bryobia amygdali Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Cruz. S.S.R., 8(9-10): 658. De scribed from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Rhamnus pallasii. This and all of the following species described by Reck are presumed to belong to the praetiosa complex, because his keys identify the species by the anteromedian projections of the propodosoma, length of legs, type of setae on femora I, and coxae I setation. Bryobia go riensis Reck Bryobia goriensis Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(9-10): 656. Described from specimens from Gori, Georgia, S.S.R., on Rubus sp. Bryobia longisetis Reck Bryobia longisetis Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(9-10): 655. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Salvia spp. Bryobia osterloffi Reck Bryobia osterloffi Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(9-10): 657. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Astragalus caucasicus. 33 Subfamily Rryobiinae fierlese Fig. 21. Tetranycopsis horridus : dorsal aspect of female, California. Bryobia parietariae Reck Rrvobia parietariae Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(9-10): 660. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Parie taria judaica. 34 Spider Mites Bryobia redikorzevi Reck Bryobin redikorzevi Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(9-10): 658. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Prunus spinosa. Bryobia ulmophila Reck Bryobia ulmophila Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(9-10): 659. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Ulmus sp. GENUS TETRANYCOPSIS CANESTRINI T etranycopsis Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale Istit. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 494, 504; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wagen- ingen, 42: 26. Type of genus: Tetranychus horridus Canestrini and Fanzago; monobasic. Tetrany chops is, Berlese, 1893, Acari Myr. Scorp. Prostig., 72: No. 8. Emendation for T etranycopsis Canestrini. The genus T etranycopsis may be recognized by having the claws long and padlike, each with two rows of short, ventrally directed tenent hairs. The empodium resembles the claws. Similar tarsal appendages are found elsewhere only in the Linotetranidae and the Phytoptipalpidae. A single species of Tetranycopsis has been definitely recognized. Four species have been erroneously assigned to the genus: T. simplex Iraglirdh, T. spinosa Banks, T. histricina Berlese, and T. paupera Berlese. The status of T. spiraeae Reck has not been determined. Tetranycopsis horridus (Canestrini and Fanzago) (Figure 21) Tetranychus horridus Canestrini and Fanzago, 1876, Atti Soc. Veneto- Irentino Sci. Nat., 5: 139; Canestrini and Fanzago, 1878, Atti Reale Istit. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 5), 4: 151; Berlese, 1887, Acari Myr. Scorp. Prostig., 36: No. 9; Reck, 1948, Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8. Described from specimens from Italy, on unspecified host. 35 Subfamily Hryobiinae Herlese Neophyllobius horridus, Herlese, 1886, Acari Dunn. Piante Colt., p. 20. Tetranycopsis horrida, Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 504. Tetranychopsis horrida, Herlese, 1893, Acari Myr. Scorp. Prostig., 72: No. 8. I etrany copsis horridus, Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 26. Tetranycopsis horridus is a very distinctive spider mite with long dorsal setae that are borne on strong tubercles. It feeds typically on the upper surface of the leaves of hazel, Corylus maxima, in south¬ eastern Lurope. However, Canestrini and Fanzago, as well as Herlese, recorded additional hosts. This species was known only from Italy until Hirst and Reck recorded its occurrence on hazel in England and Georgia, S.S.R. respectively. A moderate but persistent infestation occurs near Niles, California, on hazel trees imported many years ago from Europe. Tetrarrycops is spiraeae Reck Tetranycopsis spiraeae Reck, 1948, Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R. , 8. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R. , on Spiraea hypericifolia. Vie have not seen the article in which this species was described. HYSTRICHONYCHINI PRITCHARD AND BAKER, NEW TRIBE The tribe Hystrichonvchini is rather intermediate between the Bry- obiini and the Petrobiini, although it is more closely allied to the latter group. The hysterosoma possesses nine pairs of dorsolateral and dorso- sublateral setae in addition to the three constant pairs of dorsocentrals, as in the Bryobiini; but there are only three pairs of dorsal propodo- somals. Moreover, the true claw consists of a slender pad bearing a pair of tenent hairs distally. The empodium consists of a pair of tenent hairs. 36 Spider Mites Kig. 22. hystrichonychus gracilipes : dorsal aspect of female, Texas. 37 Subfamily Rryobiinae fierlese Fig. 23. Hystrichonychus gracilipes : above, tarsus I of male with lateral enlargement of appendages; below, tarsus 1 of female with dorsal enlargement of appendages. GENUS HYSTRICHONYCHUS McGREGOR Hystrichonychus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 272. Type of genus: 7 etranychus gracilipes Banks; monobasic and by orig¬ inal designation. A eotetranycopsis Bagdall, 1951. New synonymy. The original description of this genus has not been seen; the new synonymy is based on the key presented by Reck (1952a). The genus Hystrichonychus is known to us only from the southwestern and western United States. It contains two species that feed on members of the family Malvaceae in the southwestern United States. A third species was described by Bagdall (1951) from Armenia, S.S.R., but we have not seen this description nor the specific name proposed. 38 Spider Mites Fig. 24. hystrichonychus gracilipes : dorsal aspect of male, Texas. 39 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Key to the species of H YSTRICHON YCHUS 1. Peritreme terminating in a very complex enlargement; dorsal setae of body stout, nearly blunt di stall y . . . gracilipes (p.39) 1. Peritreme hooked distally, but sometimes irregularly sub¬ branched; dorsal setae of body slender, tapering to a fine point . . sidae (p.40) Hystrichonychus gracil ipes (Banks) (Figures 22, 23, 24, 25) l etranychus gracilipes Hanks, L900, U.S. Dept. Agr. l ech. Ser., 8: 72. Types: females, Phoenix, Arizona, on Sphaeralcea; in the U. S. National Museum. Hystrichonychus gracilipes, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 272. Hystrichonychus gracilipes may be recognized by having the dorsal setae of the body stout, set on strong tubercles, and the distal end of the peritreme consisting of a complex enlargement. This species, as here defined, is known only from Sphaeralcea in the southwestern United States. Aside from Banks’ types, collections have been studied from El Centro, California, (E. A. McGregor), on Sphaeral¬ cea angusti folia; and Tsleta, Texas (P. Netterville), on mallow. Fig. 25. Hystrichonychus gracilip es, peritremes: A.) male, Texas; B.) female, type; C.) female, Texas. 40 Spider Mites Fig. 26. Hystrichonychus sidae: dorsal aspect of female, holotype. Hystrichonychus sidae Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 26, 27) Hystrichonychus sidae is very closely allied to //. gracilipes. It differs by having the body with comparatively slender and more tapering dorsal setae, and the distal end of the peritreme is comparatively simple. Moreover, H. sidae occurs only on alkali mallow, Sida hederacea. Female. — Rostrum very slender, reaching middle of genu 1. Palpus slender, the claw of the fourth segment surpassing the fifth segment; 41 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese P ig. 27. Hystrichony chus sidae: peritreme of male and aedeagus. terminal sensilla slender. Peritreme with several distal chambers forming a strong hook (sometimes with lobulate diverticula). Legs with slender, tapering, pubescent, tactile setae. Anterior legs about as long as body; tarsus I with one dorsal pair and three ventral pairs of tactile setae proximad of duplex setae and with a pair of medioventral sensory setae. Empodium a single pair of divergent tenent hairs, about one half as long as the pair of tenent hairs on the true claw. Body with fine, mostly transverse striae on integument; propodosoma with the three pairs of dorsal setae similar to the twelve pairs of dorsal hysterosomals, all very long, slender, tapering from near the base, sparsely serrate, and set on strong tubercles. Length of body, 353 ft ; with rostrum, 500 p. Male. — Similar to female except tarsus I with three pairs of sensory setae proximad of the duplex setae, and the dorsum of the body with all of the setae shorter than the first three pairs of dorsocentral hystero¬ somals. Aedeagus slender but stout and curved dorsad to the dorsally directed, tiny, distal angulation. Length of body 300 p ; with rostrum, 366 g. Holotype. — Female, Modesto, California, August 8, 1949 (A. E. Pritchard), on alkali mallow, Sida hederacea; type no. 2075 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Six males, 2 females, Corcoran, Califor¬ nia, August 6, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on Sida hederacea; 1 male, 4 females, 5 nymphs, August 31, 1948, August 31, 1948 and 8 males, 25 females, 2 nymphs, Modesto, California August 8, 1949 (A. E. Pritchard), on Sida hederacea; and 7 males, 9 females, Tracy, California, May 26, 1949 (J. W. MacSwain), on Sida hederacea. 42 Spider Mites TRIBE PETROBIINI RECK Petrobiinae Reck, 1952, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 13(7): 423. The tribe Petrobiini differs from other tribes of the Bryobiinae in that the hysterosoma possesses only five pairs of dorsolateral and dorsosublateral setae. In other words, the second and third dorsolaterals are single, rather than paired. In many of the species, the inner sacrals are placed medially to resemble a fourth pair of dorsocentral hystero- somals; but in other cases they are marginal so that the mite has three pairs of caudal setae. The true claw resembles that of the tribe Hystrichonychini. It con¬ sists of a small, slender pad that bears a pair of tenent hairs distally. The empodium may consist of a slender pad bearing many pairs of tenent hairs; but it may be only a small pad or even reduced to just a single pair of tenent hairs. Key to the genera of Petrobiini 1. Empodium uncinate . 2 1. Empodium without a terminal hook, being padlike or else con¬ sisting of a pair of tenent hairs . 3 2. Empodium with two rows of ventrally directed tenent hairs . P etrobia (p. 42) 2. Empodium with one pair of mediolateral, distally directed tenent hairs . Schizonobia (p. 56) 3. Hysterosoma with inner sacrals approximate and resembling a fourth pair of dorsocentrals . Aplonobiaip. 58) 3. Hysterosoma with inner sacrals more widely spaced than dorso¬ centrals and more removed from them than the dorsocentrals are from each other . Monoceronychus (p. 74) GENUS PETROBIA MURRAY P etrobia Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent., Apt., p. 118; Oudemans, 1915, Ent. Ber., 4(83): 193; Oudemans, 1915, Arch. Naturg. 81(A,5): 48; Vitzthum, 1929, Tierw. Mitteleur., 3(7): 49; Geijskes, 1939, Med- ed. Eandbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 27; Womersley, 1940, Trans. 43 Subfamily Hryobiinae Herlese Fig. 28. P etrobia harti : dorsal aspect of female. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 254; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 363. Baker and Wharton, 1952, Introd. Acarol., p. 213; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Hilgardia, 22(7): 206. Type of genus: ( Trombidium lapidum Hammer) = P etrobia latens (Muller), by original designation and monobasic. Tetranobia Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 194. Type of genus: (Tetranobia decepta (Banks)) - P etrobia latens (Muller); monobasic. Tetranychina Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 195; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 360. Type of genus: Tetranychina apicalis Banks; monobasic. Sew synonymy. 44 Spider Mites Fig. 29. P etrobia harti : peritreme and tarsus I of female, with enlargement of tarsal appendages. Tenuicrus Womersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 250. Type of genus : (Tenuicrus errabundus Womersley) = Petrobia harti (Ewing); monobasic. New synonymy. Neobryobia Reck, 1941, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 2(8). Type of genus: ( Neobryobia spectabilis Reck) = Petrobia harti (Ewing). New synonymy. Petrobia may be recognized by having an uncinate empodium bearing two rows of ventrally-directed tenent hairs. The genus Tetranychina is here considered to be a synonym of Pet¬ robia, because the only distinction that has been made between the two genera is in the termination of the peritreme: elongate and protruding when the stylophore is retracted in Petrobia, and more globular in Tetranychina. A study of the genus Bryobia showed that this single character is of no value for generic consideration in that group, and in the absence of supplementary characters, the termination of the peritreme is similarly considered to be of no generic value in this related group of mites. Neobryobia was considered by Reck (1950) to be a synonym of Tetranychina. Petrobia drummondi Ewing is now known to belong to the genus Bryobia. 45 Subfamily Bryobiinae Herlese Key to the species of PETROBIA Females 1. Body with dorsal setae much longer than intervals between them and set on tubercles . 2 1. Body with dorsal setae shorter than intervals between them and and not set on tubercles . 3 2. C.lunal setae shorter than other dorsal hysterosomals; anterior legs much longer than body . hard (p. 45) 2. Clunal setae similar in length to. other dorsal hysterosomals; anterior legs about as long as body .... lupini (p. 47) 3. Sacrals distinctly longer than other dorsal hysterosomals . . apicalis (p. 49) 3. Sacrals similar in length to other dorsal hysterosomals . latens (p. 51) Petrobia hard (Ewing), new combination (Figures 28, 29, 30) N eophyllobius hard Ewing, 1909, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 35: 405. Type: female, Carbondale, Illinois, on moss; in the U. S. National Museum. letranychina hard, Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 195; Garman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 431: 73; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 363. letranychina macdonoughi McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 51 (2167): 588; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 361. Types: males and females, Quincy, Florida, on Oxalis stricta; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy, letranychina tuberculata Kishida, 1921, Dobutsugaku Zasshi, 33: 449. Described from a female, Tokyo, Japan, from human urine. New synonymy. T enuicrus errabundus Womersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 251. Type: female, Concord West, New South Wales, on ground; probably in the South Australian Museum. New synonymy. Neobrxobia spectabilis Reck, 1941, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 2(8); Reck, 1948, Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8. Described from specimens from Suchumi, Georgia, S.S.R., on Oxalis comiculata. 46 Spider Mites enlargement of aedeagus. 47 Subfamily H ryobiinae Herlese Tetranychina age rati Sayed, 1946, Bui. Soc. Kouad ler tint., 40: 83. types: females, Dokki, near Cairo, Egypt, from Ageratum con y- zoidis and Petunia hybrida; probably in the collection of M. T. Sayed. !\eiv synonymy. temales of Petrobia harti may be recognized by having the body with long dorsal setae that are set on strong tubercles, the clunal setae being obviously shorter than the others. Ihe male is distinctive in having the first pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals comparatively long and slender and the second to “fourth” (the inner sacrals) pairs short and lanceolate. 1 he anterior legs are very long in adults of both sexes, about twice as long as the body in the female and about three times as long as the body in the male. Tenuicrus errabundus (Australia), Tetranychina agerati (Egypt), and Tetranychina tuberculata (Japan) are considered by us to be synonyms of Petrobia harti. There is nothing in the illustrations accompanying the original descriptions of these species to indicate a difference from specimens that are found commonly on Oxalis in scattered parts of the United States. T. macdonoughi is also considered to be a synonym of P. harti inasmuch as no reliable difference has been found between Ewing’s type of harti and other specimens studied. The synonymy of Tetranychina spectabilis is based on the host. In view of the fact that Petrobia harti feeds primarily on members of the genus Oxalis, there has been a question as to whether specimens recorded from other hosts, such as clover, ageratum, and petunia, may not represent other species that form a complex with P. harti. However, it has been noted in greenhouses and nurseries in the San Francisco Bay area that specimens may be found on many other hosts when Oxalis is present as a weed. Collections of this species have been studied from Maryland, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Illinois, and California. Petrobia lupini ( McGregor), new combination (Figures 31, 32, 33) T etrany china lupini McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 362. Types: males and females, Oxnard, California, on Lupinus arboreus; in the U. S. National Museum. P etrobia lupini is closely allied to P. harti and resembles that spe¬ cies in having the body with long dorsal setae that are set on strong tubercles. However, the anterior legs are shorter, about as long as the 48 Spider Mites Fig. 31. Petmbia lupini: dorsal aspect of female, type. 49 Subfamily Hryobiinae lierlese Fig. 32. P etrobia lupini : peritreme and tarsus I of female. body in the female and about twice as long as the body in the male. Moreover, the clunal setae are as long as the other dorsal hysterosomals. Ihis spider mite is known only from lupines on the California coast. The types were collected on Lupinus arboreus in southern California. Other material has been collected near Montara on the San Francisco peninsula (A. E. Pritchard), on Lupinus varicolor. Petrobia apicalis (Banks), new combination (Figures 34, 35, 36) T etrany china apicalis Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 195; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 360. Types: females, St. Bernard, Louisiana, on white clover; in the U. S. National Museum. Adults of Petrobia apicalis may be readily recognized and distin¬ guished from Petrobia latens, which they resemble, by having very short, slender setae on the body except that the sacrals are obviously longer. The anterior legs are about as long as the body in the female, about twice as long as the body in the male. 50 Spider Mites Fig. 33. P etrobia lupini: dorsal aspect of male, with lateral enlargement of aedeagus. 51 Subfamily firyobiinae Hertese Fig. 34. Petrobia apiccdis ■ dorsal aspect of female, Louisiana. 4^ x. - / Petrobia apicalis is found on legumes in the southeastern United States. Specimens have been studied from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia, on clover, peas, and vetch. Petrobia latens ( Muller ) (Figures 37, 38) Acarus latens Miiller, 1776, Zool. Dan. Prodr., p. 187. Described from specimens from Denmark, under stones. 52 Spider Mites Fig. 35. Petrobia apicalis- tarsus I of female. Petrobia latens, Oudemans, 1915, Arch. Naturg. , 81(A, 5): 44; Oudemans, 1929, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 2: 285; Womersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 254; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 364; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Hilgardia, 22(7): 206. Acarus praegnans Schrank, 1781, Ins. Austr., p. 520. Described from specimens from Austria, on soil. Acarus petrarum Fourcroy, 1785, Ent. Paris, 2 : 529. Described from specimens from France, on soil. Trombiaium lapidum Hammer, 1804, in Hermann, Mem. Apt., p. 49. De¬ scribed from specimens from Germany, on stones. Petrobia lapidum, Oudemans, 1915, Arch. Naturg., 81: (A, 5): 49; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 27. Tetranychus anauniensis Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale 1st. Veneto Let. Sci. Arti (ser 6), 7: 503. Described from specimens from Italy, under stones. T etrany chops is simplex Tragardh, 1904, Zool. Exp. Egypt White Nile 1901, 20(1): 8. Types: females from Egypt, under stones; probably in the Tragardh collection. T etrany chop sis paupera Berlese, 1910, Redia, 6: 346. Types: female and several nymphs, Cansiglio, Italy, under wood. New synonymy. Tetranychus longipes Banks, 1912, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 14: 97; Ewing, 1913, Ann. ,Ent. Soc. Amer., 6: 460. Types: females, Springer, New Mexico, on Agropyron sp., as well as California; in the U. S. National Museum. Tetranobia decepta Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 194. Types: females, Mesa, Arizona, on barley; in the U. S. National Museum. T etrany china tritici Ewing, 1921, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 59(2394): 665. Types: females, Idaho, on wheat; in the U. S. National Museum. 53 Subfamily Rryobiinae Rerlese Fig. 36. Petrobia apicalis : dorsal aspect of male, Louisiana, with lateral enlargement of aedeagus. 54 Spider Mites Fig. 37. Petrobiu latens : dorsal aspect of female. 55 Subfamily Hryobijnae H erlese Fig. 38. Petrobia latens : tarsus I of female, with enlargement of appendages. Petrobia cephae Sayed, 1946, Bui. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 30: 79. Types: females, Upper Egypt, on onions; probably in the collection of M. 1 . Sayed. Petrobia latens may be readily recognized by having a clawlike empodium and the dorsal setae of the body all short, slender, and similar in length. The anterior pair of legs is much longer than the body. It further differs from other members of the genus by having the peritremal enlargement slender, and by having the dorsum of the body with contin¬ uous but minutely crenulate striae rather than with dotted striae. This species reproduces parthenogenetically, and males are unknown. Eggs that are destined to hatch quickly are red and spherical, radially striate dorsally and with a short dorsal stipe. However, eggs that serve for dormancy are coated with a white material, including a circular, radially striate cap (as first illustrated by Hammer, 1804). The dormant eggs are laid on stones and other debris, and do not hatch until condi¬ tions are favorable for the growth of new annual grasses. An individual female lays only one type of egg (Fenton, 1951). Petrobia latens feeds primarily on monocotyledonous plants such as grasses, wheat, barley, sorghum, onions, gladiolus, and iris, ^hen large populations build up on grasses, the mites migrate and may feed on other hosts. Damage has been reported to cotton, carrots, lettuce, and melons. Alfalfa, bur clover, and apple are other recorded hosts. Homes are sometimes invaded when large populations build up in the yard. 56 Spider Mites Petrobia latens is almost worldwide in distribution. It is known from Europe, North Africa, Australia, and North America. This species was not recorded from the United States until 1917, but it has since been recognized as an important pest of agriculture in the southwestern and western states. Collections also have been made in several eastern states. Specimens studied are from England, as well as from Oregon, Idaho, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, North Carolina, and New Jersey. Petrobia brevipes Reck and Bagdasarian Petrobia brevipes Reck and Bagdasarian, 1949, Doklady Akad. Nauk Armenia S.S.R., (10)4: 189. Types. Male and female, Erevan, Armenia, on Kochia prostrata. This species belongs to the latens group in possessing short dorsal setae. Petrobia erevanica Reck and Bagdasarian Petrobia erevanica Reck and Bagdasarian, 1949, Doklady Akad. Nauk Armenia S.S.R., (10)4: 190. Type. Females, Niuvad and Erevan, Armenia, on Artemisia and other plants. This species belongs to the latens group in possessing short dorsal setae. Petrobia zachvatkini (Reck and Bagdasarian), new combination Tetrany china zachvatkini Reck and Bagdasarian, 1949, Doklady Akad. Nauk Armenia S.S.R., (10)4: 191. Type. Females, Erevan, Armenia on Salsola ericoides and Kochia prostrata. This species belongs to the hard group in possessing long dorsal setae set on tubercles. GENUS SCHIZONOBIA WOMERSLEY Schizonobia Womersley, 1940, Frans. Roy. Ent. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 251. I ype of genus: Schizonobia sycophanta Womersley; basic. mono- 57 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Fig. 39. Scni zonobia sycophanta : peritremes and tarsal appendages (after rtomersley). The genus Schizonobia, as described by ^omerslev, is closely allied to Petrobia. It may be distinguished from P etrobia in that a single pair of distallv directed tenent hairs are borne medially on the uncinate empodium. The distal end of the peritreme, as figured by Womersley, is also distinctive in that the branches originate together and fan out to form a broadly rounded enlargement. The fore legs of the female are not lengthened. 58 Spider Mites Schizonobia sycophanta V/omersley (Figure 39) Schizonobia sycophanta Womersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 251. Type: female, Hobart, Tasmania, on couch grass; probably in the South Australian Museum. This species is known only from the type female(s). We have not seen this species. GENUS APLONOBIA WOMERSLEY Aplonobia Womersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 252. Type of genus: ( Aplonobia oxalis Womersley) = A. histricina (Berlese); monobasic. The genus Aplonobia may be recognized by having the empodium consisting of a pad bearing two rows of ventrally directed tenent hairs or else a pair of tenent hairs, together with a rounded body bearing only three pairs of dorsal propodosomals and with the inner sacrals resembling dorsocentrals. Aplonobia has been previously known from a single species in Aus¬ tralia. Five new species from the Pacific coast of the United States are here referred to the genus. The distal enlargement of the peritreme varies from being a complex anastomosing chamber to having a simple enlargement in otherwise similar species. There may be many fine dorsal striae, or the striae may be comparatively few in number. The aedeagus forms a slender stylet (fig. 40). Key to the species of APLONOBIA Females 1. Empodial pad twice as long as pad of true claw .... 2 1. Empodial pad not longer than pad of true claw .... 3 2. (1). Body with d orsal setae stout, as long as intervals between them, and set on strong tubercles . histricina (p. 59) 2.(1). Body with dorsal setae very slender; much shorter than intervals between them, and not set on tubercles . . . myops (p. 63) 59 Subfamily Hryobiinae Berlese acharis ame anisa Fig. 40. Aplonobia, aedeagi. 3.(i). Dorsal setae long and stout, arising from strong tubercles; en> podial pad with rows of ventrally directed tenent hairs . . 4 3. (1). Dorsal setae slender or very short, not arising from strong tuber¬ cles; empodial pad with tenent hairs on either side united dis- tallv . 5 4. (3). Hysterosoma with second and third pairs of dorsocentrals minute . anisa (p. 64) 4. (3). Hysterosoma with second and third pairs of dorsocentrals as long as first pair of dorsocentrals . deina (p. 67) 5. (3). Body with dorsal setae very short, not on tubercles; empodial pad about as long as pad of true claw .... acharis (p. 69) 5.(3). Body with dorsal setae slender and tapering, set on small tuber¬ cles; empodial pad much shorter than pad of true claw . . calame (p. 70) Aplonobia histricina (Berlese), new combination (Figures 41, 42) T etranychopsis histricina Berlese, 1910, Redia. 6: 243. Types : females. New South Wales, on fruit trees; in the Berlese collection at Florence, Italy. 60 Spider Mites P.60 Fig. 41. Aplonobia histricina : dorsal aspect of female, Australia, Subfamily Hryobiinae Herlese Fig. 42. Aplonobia histricina: A.) dorsocentral hysterosomal; B.) termination of peritreme; C.) legs I and II of female; D.) tarsal appendages; E.) tarsus I of female. Aplonobia oxalis Womersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. \ustralia, 64(2): 253. Types : females. South Australia and New South Wales, on Oxalis primarily; probably in the South Australian Museum. Aeu; synonymy. Aplonobia histricina may be readily recognized by the empodial pad that is much longer than the pad of the true claw, together with the stout setae on the dorsum of the body that arise from strong tubercles and reach about as far as the distances between their bases. The end of the peritreme bears a rounded enlargement that is composed primarily of branches arising from the base of the expansion. There are numerous, closely set striae on the dorsum of the body. Aplonobia histricina is known only from Australia where it is found commonly on Oxalis weeds in orchards. Womersley reports that fruit trees may become infested, and that eggs are laid in clusters under 62 Spider Mites bark und on twigs lying on the ground. Specimens studied by us, other than Berlese’s types, were kindly forwarded by D. G. Swan. 63 Subfamily Bryobiinae fieri ese Fig. 44. Aplonobia myops : peritremes and tarsus I of female, with enlargement of tarsal appendages. Aplonobia myops Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 43, 44) Females of Aplonobia myops may be readily recognized by having the empodial pad much longer than the pad of the true claw, together with having the dorsal setae of the body slender, much shorter than the intervals between them, and not set on tubercles. The peritreme is simple distally, and there are numerous, closely set striae on the body. Female. — Rostrum short, reaching middle of femur I. Palpus with “claw” reaching end of fifth segment. Peritreme ending distally in a simple enlargement. Legs with tactile setae similar, slender and finely pubescent, tapering. Anterior legs about as long as body; tarsus I with two pairs of dorsal and seven ventral, tactile setae proximal to the duplex setae; and one mediolateral and one distoventral sensory setae proximal to the duplex setae. Empodium somewhat tapering, twice as long as pad of true claw, and with two rows of ventral ly directed tenent hairs. Body with dorsal integument finely striate; dorsal setae all sim¬ ilar in size, very slender, finely pubescent, much shorter than intervals 64 Spider Mites Fig. 45. Aplonobia anisa : dorsal aspect of female. between their bases, and not set on tubercles. Length of body, 533 p ; including rostrum, 666p. Male. — Unknown. Holotype. — Female, Holt, San Joaquin County, California, July 14, 1950 (W. W. Middlekauff) on asparagus; type no. 2076, in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Fifteen females, Holt, California, July 14, 1950 (W. W. Middlekauff), on asparagus. Dr. Middlekauff reported that this species was causing considerable damage to a commercial field of asparagus. Aplonobia anisa Pritchard and baker, new species (Figures 45, 46) Females of Aplonobia anisa may be readily differentiated from other members of the genus by having the second and third pair of dorsocentral 65 Subfamily Hryobiinae Berlese Fig. 46. Aplonobia tmisa: peritreme, tibia and tarsus I of female, with enlargement of tarsal appendages. hysterosomals minute. Setae on the anterior part of the dorsum of the body are short and subspatulate, whereas the caudal setae are long and slender. Female. — Rostrum reaching end of genu I. Palpus with “claw” of fourth segment approximate to end of segment five. Peritreme ending in a distal, anastomosing, circular enlargement. Pegs with tactile setae tapering, minutely pubescent, all of the same length; anterior legs shorter than body. Empodia very slightly longer than pads of true claws and each with two ventral rows of tenent hairs. Dorsum of body with widely spaced striae. Propodosoma with dorsal setae stout, pubescent; first pair slightly longer than second pair and first two pairs of setae more acuminate than the subspatulate third ‘pair. Hvsterosoma with second and third pair of dorsocentrals minute, the other setae anteriorly being long and subspatulate but posteriorly stout and tapering. Length of body, 353 g; including rostrum, 480 g . Male. — Body with dorsal setae all slender and tapering, slightly shorter than distances between their bases. Aedeagus with internal 66 Spicier Mites Hg. 47. Aplonobia deina : dorsal aspect of female, with enlargement of peritreme. 67 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Fig. 48. Aplonobia deina: above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. portion very long and slender, the external portion consisting of a nearly straight, slender and pointing sclerotization. Length of body, 335p ; including rostrum, 406g. Holotype. — Female, Bakersfield, California, August 11, 1949 (A. E. Pritchard), on Artemisia-, type no. 2077, in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Three males, 4 females, Bakersfield, California, August 11, 1949 (A. E. Pritchard), on Artemisia sp. Aplonobia deina Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 47, 48) The females of Aplonobia deina closely resemble those of A. histricina, the type of the genus, in that the dorsum of the body bears very long setae that are set on strong tubercles. However, the empodium is not more than approximately as long as the pad of the true claw. The dorsal integument of the body bears numerous striae as in A. histricina. Female. — Rostrum short, reaching middle of femur I. Palpus with “claw” reaching end of fifth segment. Peritreme with the distal enlarge¬ ment a slender sac of branches originating together. Tegs with tactile setae slender and strongly pubescent. I. eg I about as long as body; tarsus I with two pairs of dorsal and three pairs of ventral tactile setae 68 Spider Mites Fig* 49. Aplonobia acharis : dorsal aspect of female. 69 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Fig. 50. Aplonobia acharis : peritreme and tibia and tarsus I of female, with enlargement of tarsal appendages. proximal to the duplex setae; and one mediolateral and one distoventral sensory setae proximal to the duplex setae. Empodium a short pad about as long as the pad of the true claw, with two rows of ventrally directed tenent hairs. Body with dorsal integument mostly with fine striae; dorsal setae long, slender, tapering and set on strong tubercles, except for the somewhat shorter marginal setae. Length of body, 533/i ; including rostrum, 613 fx . Male. — Unknown. Holotype. — Female, Wenatchee, Washington, May 1952 (W. M. llants- barger), on Balsamorrhiza sagittata; type no. 2078, in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Five females, Wenatchee, Washington, May 1952 (W . M. llantsbarger), on Balsamorrhiza sagittata. Aplonobia acharis Pritchard and Baker , new species (Figures 49, 50) The female of acharis may be differentiated from other species of Aplonobia by having all the dorsal setae of the body minute, except 70 Spider Mites for the slender anterior propodosomals. The integument, except for the median area on the propodosoma, bears widely spaced striae. The em- podium consists of a short pad on which each row of ventrally directed tenent hairs are more or less united distally. The male may be recognized by having the dorsal setae long and slender but not as long as the intervals between their bases. Female. — Rostrum reaching end of femur I. Palpus with “claw” reaching end of fifth segment. Peritreme with distal enlargement con¬ sisting of two irregular branches. Legs with tactile setae strongly tapering, finely pectinate. Leg I shorter than body; tarsus I with two pairs of dorsal and seven ventral setae proximad of the duplex setae; with a mediolateral, a distodorsal, and a distoventral setae proximal to the duplex setae. Empodial pad about as long as pad of true claw, with two rows of more or less distally united tenent hairs. Dorsum of body with rather broadly spaced integumentary striae except for median portion of propodosoma; dorsal setae slender, pubescent, fine except for longer pair of anterior propodosomals. Length of body, 466 p ; in¬ cluding rostrum, 580//. Male. — Similar to female except dorsal setae longer but not as long as intervals between their bases. Aedeagus with external portion short, straight, slender. Length of body, 400//; including rostrum, 486//. Holotype. — Female, Tesla, California, October 20, 1949 (J. W. MacSwain), on Hemizonia virgata; type no. 2079, in the U. S. National Museum. P aratypes. — Six females, Livermore, California, October 15, 1948 (J. W. MacSwain), on Hemizonia sp.; 5 males, 24 females, Tesla, California, October 20, 1949 (J. W. MacSwain), on H emizonia virgata; 8 males, 8 females, Tesla, California, July 27, 1950 (A. E. Pritchard), on H emizonia virgata; 2 males, 2 females, Tesla, California, September 19, 1950 (A. E. Pritchard), on Hemizonia virgata. Aplonobia calame Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 51, 52) The female of calame differs from other species of Aplonobia in having the dorsal setae long and slender and set on small tubercles. The empodium is distinctive in possessing a single, long pair of tenent hairs. The male is distinctive in having the dorsal setae long and slender, fully as long as the intervals between them, and set on small tubercles. Female. — Rostrum reuching end of femur I. Palpus with “claw” reaching end of fifth segment. Peritreme with terminal enlargement 71 Subfamily liryobiiriat' Herlese made up of three chambered branches. Legs with tactile setae narrowly tapering, with long pectinations. Anterior legs about as long as body; tarsus I with four dorsal and seven ventral tactile setae proximal to 72 Spider Mites Fig. 52. Aplonobia calame : peritreme and tibia and tarsus of female, with enlargement of tarsal appendages. the duplex setae; with a mediolateral, dorsodistal, and distoventral setae proximal to the duplex setae. Empodium a short pad bearing a pair of tenent hairs that are nearly as long as the tenent hairs of the true claws. Body with integumentary dorsum bearing rather widely spaced striae except for pebbled area on propodosoma; dorsal setae very slender, pubescent, about as long as intervals between their bases, set on small tubercles. Length of body, 466 p; including rostrum, 566 p. Male. — Similar to female except dorsal setae of body somewhat longer. Aedeagus with external portion very long, slender, nearly straight, and tapering. Length of body, 400p; including rostrum 466^i . Ilolotype. — Female, Bakersfield, California, August 11, 1949 (A. E. Pritchard), on a composite plant; type no. 2080, in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Six males, 8 females, Bakersfield, California, August 11, 1949 (A. E. Pritchard), on a composite plant. 73 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese GENUS MESOTETRANYCHUS RECK Mesotetranychus Heck, 1948, Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8. lype of genus: Mesotetranychus vachushtii Heck; monobasic. A description of the genus Mesotetranychus has not been seen by us, nor a description of the type of the genus. Heck’s keys (1950, 1952a) indicate that his genus is similar to Aplonobia and Monoceronychus. Mesotetranychus vachushti i Reck Mesotetranychus vachushtii Heck, 1948, Trudy. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S. R., 8. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S. H. on Ephedra procera. The de scription of this species has not been seen by us. Mesotetranychus samgoriensis Reck Mesotetranychus samgoriensis Reck, 1949, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 10(6): 365. Described from females, Samgorien Desert, Georgia, S.S. R., on Eryngium campestre. Heck’s description and illustrations of Mesotetranychus samgoriensis indicate that this species belongs to the genus Monoceronychus , as here interpreted, inasmuch as the inner sacrals are placed laterally. However, the body is rounded; and the closest relationship is probably with M. corynetes , a species that may not properly belong in the genus Mono¬ ceronychus. A knowledge of the genital structures of the male of each species may contribute to a better understanding of their generic place¬ ment. Mesotetranychus samgoriensis is distinctive in having the dorsal integument of the body mamillate. The dorsal setae are all short. The empodium is longer than the proximal pad of each true claw. This species is known only by the female from the Samgorien Desert of Georgia, S.S.R. 74 Spider Mites GENUS MONOCERONYCHUS McGREGOR Monoceronychus McGregor, 1945, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 47(4): 100; McGregor, 1950, Anier. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 369. Type of genus: Monoceronychus californicus McGregor; by original designation and monobasic. The genus Monoceronychus is very closely allied to Aplonobia. As here recognized, the only constant difference observed between the two genera consists in having the inner sacral setae more widely spaced than the dorsocentral hysterosomals and placed more remotely from them than the dorsocentrals are from each other. Most of the species of Monoceronychus are readily differentiated from Aplonobia by having the body very slender rather than rotund, the propodosoma with a conspicuous, triangular projection mediocephalically (not found elsewhere in the Tetranychidae), and the dorsal integument of the body without striae in the area surrounding the third pair of dorso¬ central hysterosomals. Moreover, monocotyledonous plants (and gymno- sperms) are the only known hosts of Monoceronychus, whereas Aplonobia occurs on dicotyledonous plants. One of the new species, Monoceronychus corynetes, swept from grasses, is very intermediate between its assigned genus and Aplonobia. It has a rather rounded body, no propodosomal projection, and possesses dotted striae across the dorsocentral hysterosomal area. The antero¬ median placement of the inner sacral setae represents an extreme of the Monoceronychus series. In the only males known, Monoceronychus californicus, M. ae chmetes, and M. linki, the distal portion of the aedeagus is very long and stylet¬ like, and ventrad of the aedeagus is a slightly wider, shorter, median projection. Fig. 53, Monoceronychus californicus : dorsal view of aedeagus. 75 Subfamily Hryobiinae Herlese I L I 1. I 2.(1). ! 2.(1). | 3.(1). j 3.(1). , 4.(3). 4. (3). 5. (4). 5. (4). 6. (4). ' 6.(4). 7. (3). 7.(3). Key to the species of Monoceronychu s Females Propodosoma without an anteromedian projection ... 2 Propodosonm with an anteromedian projection . 3 Anterior legs longer than the body; iodiosoma rounded and with spatulate dorsal setae . corynetes (p. 75) Anterior legs shorter than the body; idiosoma slender and with slender dorsal setae . mcgregori (p. 77) Propodosoma with anteromedian projection much shorter than rostrum . 4 Propodosoma with anteromedian projection as long as or longer than rostrum . 7 Hysterosoma with caudal two pairs of setae very slender. . 5 Hysterosoma with caudal two pairs of setae obviously widened . . 6 Anterior legs longer than body . machetes (p. 81) Anterior legs much shorter than body . . . enoplus (p. 90) Hysterosoma with caudal three pairs of setae broadly spatulate . . californicus (p. 83) Hysterosoma with caudal three pairs of setae lanceolate . . aechmetes (p. 86) Propodosomal projection covering only rostrum; hysterosoma with caudal three pairs of setae slender, tapering, and set on s-trong tubercles . scolus (p. 90) Propodosomal projections covering entire gnathosoma; hystero¬ soma with caudal three pairs of setae differing in size and shape and set on small tubercles . linki (p. 92) Monoceronychus corynetes Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 54, 55) The female of corynetes may be differentiated from other members of Monoceronychus, as well as Aplonobia , by having the body rounded, the propodosomal projection absent, and the dorsal setae all short and broadly spatulate. The anterior legs are much longer than the body. The male is unknown. 76 Spider Mites Fig. 54. Monoceronychus corynetes : dorsal aspect of female. 77 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Female. — Rostrum reaching just past the end of trochanter I. Stylo- phore slender, broadly rounded anteriorly, Peritreme with distal enlarge¬ ment slender. Anterior leg one and one-half times as long as body; dorsal setae on proximal segments slender and pubescent; tarsus I with ten tactile and two sensory setae proximad of duplex setae. Empodium somewhat longer than pad of true claw. Propodosoma without medio- cephalic projection. Dorsum of body with crenulate and usually dotted integumentary striae except for pebbled area on propodosoma; dorsal setae all short and broadly spatulate. Length of body 413p ; including rostrum 500 p. Holotype. — Female, Tesla, California, September 21, 1951 (ft. C. Bentinck), sweeping grass; type no. 2081 in the L. S. National Museum. Paratype. — Female, Tesla, California, September 21, 1951 (ft. C. Bentinck), sweeping grass. Monoceronychus mcgregori Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 56, 57) The female of Monoceronychus mcgregori may be recognized by having the propodosomal projection absent and the body slender. The anterior legs are shorter than the body. The male is unknown. 78 Spider Mites 79 Subfamily Hryobiinae Herlese / Fig. 57. Monoceronychus mcgregori : above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. Female. — Rostrum nearly reaching middle of femur I. Stylophore slender, the sides angularly converging anteriorly and with a small mediocephalic emargination. Peritreme with distal enlargement slender. 80 Spider Mites Fig. 58. Monocerony chus machetes : dorsal aspect of female. v\ 81 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Fig. 59. Monocerony chus machetes : dorsal view of tarsus I of female. Anterior leg distinctly shorter than body; dorsal setae on proximal seg¬ ments setiform; tarsus I with three tactile setae proximal to duplex setae. Empodium distinctly longer than pad of true claw. Propodosoma without anterior projections. Dorsum of propodosoma and most of opistho- soma with nearly smooth integument, the metapodosomal dorsum with rather widely spaced, solid striae. Dorsal propodosomals and dorsal hysterosomals all minute and setiform except for somewhat longer outer sacrais and clunals. Length of body 380 /j; including rostrum 420 ft. Holotype. — Female, Miami Shores, Florida, May 5, 1952 (1). 0. Kolfenbarger), on St. Augustine grass; type no. 2009 in the U. S. National Museum. P aratypes. — Five females, Miami Shores, Florida, May 5, 1952 (D. O. Wolfenbarger), on St. Augustine grass. This species is named in honor of E. A. McGregor who forwarded to us the specimens for inclusion in this revision. Monoceronychus machetes Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 58 , 59) The female of Monoceronychus machetes may be readily recognized by having the anterior legs much longer than the body and the dorsal 82 Spider Mites • • *' 4,- ;VV ■*».- Fig. 60. Monocewnychus californicus : dorsal aspect of female, type. setae of the body short and subspatulate except for slender setae caud- ally. The male is unknown. 83 Subfamily Hryobiinae Herlese Fig. 61. Monoceronychus californi cus'- above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus I of female. Female. — Rostrum reaching to base of femur I. Stylophore slender, rounded anteriorly. Propodosoma with anteromedian projection well developed but shorter than rostrum, the anterior dorsal propodosomals set on long projections. Leg I slightly longer than body; dorsal setae on proximal segments slender and pubescent; tarsus I with four tactile setae proximal to duplex setae. Empodium much longer than pad of true claw. Body with broad dorsomedian area of propodosoma granulate, the metapodosoma with rather widely spaced, solid, transverse striae. Dorsal setae of body short and broadly lanceolate except for long and slender outer sacrals and clunals. Length of body, 433 p; including rostrum, 500 p. Holotype. — Female, Jacumba, California, April 13, 1950 (A. E. Pritchard), on juniper; type no. 2082 in the U. S. National Museum. Monoceronychus cal ifornicus McGregor (Figures 53, 60, 61, 62) Monoceronychus califomicus McGregor, 1945, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 47(4): 100; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 370. Types’- 84 Spider Mites Pig. 62. Monoceronychus califomicus: dorsal aspect of male, type. 85 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese 63. Mono ceronychus aechmetes • dorsal aspect of female. 86 Spider Mites / Fig. 64. Monoceronychus aechmetes : tarsus I of female, with enlargement of appendages. males and females, Laguna Beach, California, on salt grass; in the U. S. National Museum. The female of Monoceronychus californicus may be readily recognized by having broadly spatulate dorsal setae on a slender body that bears a small anterior propodosomal projection. As here limited, this species is known only from the coastal region of California, on salt grass. In addition to the types from Laguna Beach, collections studied are from Larkspur, California (R. E. Beer and A. E. Pritchard), on salt grass; San Rafael, California (A. E. Pritchard), on salt grass; and Clayton, California (J. W. MacSwain), on salt grass. Monoceronychus aechmetes Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 63, 64) Monoceronychus aechmetes is very closely related to M. californicus, and it may actually represent only a subspecies. Specimens of both forms have been studied, and M. aechmetes differs consistently in having the caudal setae of the body elongate — lanceolate rather than broadly spatulate, and in being found in the interior valleys of California rather than in the coastal area. McGregor (1950) noted the morphological dif¬ ferences. Female. — Rostrum reaching proximal part of femur I. Stylophore acuminate anteriorly and with a terminal angulation. Anterior legs much 87 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Fi n* 65. Monoceronychus enoplus : dorsal aspect of female, 88 Spider Mites Fig. 66. Mono ceronychus enoplus : dorsal and lateral views of tarsus I of female. shorter than body; dorsal, tactile setae of proximal segments slender; tarsus I with five tactile and one sensory seta proximal to duplex setae. Propodosoma with anteromedian projection slender, reaching as far as ends of first propodosomal setae. Body with dorsum bearing transverse striae across median portion, the propodosoma and opisthosoma with strong areolets or globules; dorsal setae short and broadly spatulate except for caudal three pairs of lanceolate setae. Length of body, 513 p; including rostrum, 566p. Male. — Similar to female. Shaft of aedeagus abruptly narrowed to form a long and very slender terminal stylet. Length of body, 267 p ; including rostrum, 300 p. Holotype. — Female, Coalinga, California, May 10, 1952 (A. E. Pritchard), on Agrostis sp.; type no. 2085 in the l . S. National Museum. Paratypes. — One female, Sage, California, August 23, 1935, on Bermuda grass; 1 male, 1 female, 1 nymph, Yokohl Valley, Tulare County, Cali¬ fornia, November 3, 1935 (E. A. McG regor), on salt grass; 1 female, San Jacinto, California, May 26, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on salt grass; 1 female, Coalinga, California, May 10, 1952 (A. E. Pritchard), on Agrostis sp.; 3 males, 13 females, Palm Canyon, California, August 19, 1934 (E. A. McGregor), on salt grass; and 2 nymphs, 3 larvae, Huron, California, September 20, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard), on Bermuda grass. 89 Subfamily Rryobiinae Berlese $>, f ^ Vi. ■ l*/’Sv v* ****#»• <9 •N.- ■ v O ^ Fig. 67. Monocerony chus scolus : dorsal aspect of female. 90 Spider Mites Fig. 68. Monoceronychus scolus : tibia and tarsus I of female. Monoceronychus enoplus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 65, 66) The female of Monoceronychus enoplus may be readily recognized by having the dorsal setae of the body short and lanceolate or narrowly spatulate except for the slender two pairs of caudal setae. Female. — Rostrum not reaching middle of femur I. Stylophore broadly angulate anteriorly. Propodosoma with anteromedian projection present, short and wide. Anterior leg much shorter than body; tactile setae on dorsum of proximal segments setiform; tarsus I with six tactile and no sensory setae proximal to duplex setae. Empodial pad similar in length to pad of true claw. Dorsum of body with crenulate striations medially, the propodosoma and opisthosoma largely pebbled. Length of body, 445 p; including rostrum, 533 ft. Holotype. — Female, Hemet, California, May 26, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on grass; type no. 2084 in tHe U. S. National Museum. Paratype. — One female, Hemet, California, May 26, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on grass. A protonymph, Tesla, California, October 4, 1951 (J. E. Gillaspy), on grass, is also regarded as representing this species. The nymph resembles the adult except that the dorsal setae are very small and slender except for longer and more lanceolate anterior propodosomals and inner sacrals. Monoceronychus scolus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 67, 68) Females of Monoceronychus scolus are distinctive in having all of the lateral setae on the body long and slender, set on strong tuber¬ cles. The anteromedian projection of the propodosoma is very long, covering the rostrum. The male is unknown. 91 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Fig. 69. Mono cerony chus linki : dorsal aspect of female. 92 Spider Mites Fig. 70. Mono cerony chus linki: above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus I of female. Female. — Rostrum reaching proximal third of femur I. Stylophore broadly angulate anteriorly. Propodosoma with median projection very long, covering rostrum. Anterior legs much shorter than body; dorsal setae on proximal segments very long and slender, pubescent; tarsus I with five tactile setae and a proximolateral sensory seta proximal to the duplex setae. Empcdium longer than pad of true claws. Body with dorsal integument transversely striate medially and with clusters of globules over must of propodosoma and opisthosoma; dorsal setae all lateral, slender, set on obvious tubercles except for the three pairs of short and broadly lanceolate dorsocentral hysterosomals. Length of body, 533 p . Iiolotype. — Female, Hemet, California, May 26, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on grass; type no. 2083 in the U. S. National Muse¬ um. Paratypes. — Two females, Hemet, California, May 26, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on grass. Five deutonymphs, Durham, North Carolina, June 18, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard), on Bermuda grass, appear to represent Mono cerony chus scolus. The nymphs differ from the females mainly in having smaller dorsocentral hysterosomals and a smaller anteromedian projection of the propodosoma. Monoceronychus linki Pritchard and Baker , new species (Figures 69, 70, 71, 72) Adults of Mono cerony chus linki may be recognized by having three anterior projections of the propodosoma very strongly developed and covering the rostrum and palpi. 93 Subfamily Bryobiinae Berlese Fig. 71. Monocerony chus linki : dorsal aspect of male. 94 Spider Mites B.) propodosomal projections of male; C.) tarsus II of female with enlargement of appendages. Female. — Rostrum not reaching end of trochanter I. Stylophore slen¬ der, slightly emarginate mediodistally. Leg I about as long as body; dorsal setae on proximal segments lanceolate; tarsus 1 with five tactile setae proximal to duplex setae. Empodium about as long as pad of true claw. Propodosoma anteriorly with mediolateral angulations and with three strong, medially widened projections covering gnathosoma. Dorsal integument punctate, the metapodosoma with transverse striae. Dorsal setae of body very short and mostly lanceolate, the clunals being long and slender. Length of body 725 p; greatest width of body 292 p. Male. — Similar'to female except legs I much longer than body; tarsus I with ten tactile setae proximad of duplex setae; and clunal setae shorter and more lanceolate. Aedeagus abruptly constricted to form a long, stylet-like distal portion. Length of body 711 p; greatest width of body, 285 p. Holotype. — Female, Miami, Florida, April 15, 1953 (0. D. Link), on Mariscus amcinensis ; type no. 2181 in the U. S. National Museum. Para- types. — Five males, 4 females, 1 nymph, Miami, Florida, April 15, 1953 (0. D. Link), on saw grass. 95 Subfamily Hryobiinae lierlcse lhis species is named in honor of 0. 1). Link who collected this and many other interesting tetranychoids in Florida. 2 Subfamily TETRANYCHINAE Berlese Tetranychini Berlese, 1913, Acaroth. Ital., p. 17 Tetranychinae Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9:123. Tetranychidae Reck, 1952, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 13(7): 423. The subfamily Tetranychinae is distinctive in having only two pairs of anal setae in the female and four pairs of genito-anal setae in the male. The true claw is reduced to a very small pad bearing a long pair of tenent hairs. The empodium bears no tenent hairs, although paired hairs are often present proximoventrally. The placement of the duplex setae varies considerably, and the proximal (tactile) member is nearly always more strongly developed than in the Bryobiinae. There are three pairs of dorsal propodosomals and only ten pairs of dorsal hysterosomals, the dorsosublaterals being absent. Key to the tribes of Tetranychinae 1. Tarsus I dorsally with two pairs of duplex setae, the proximal member of each pair shorter than the distal member ... 2 1. Tarsus I dorsally with at most a single pair of usually loosely associated duplex setae, the proximal member usually as long as or longer than the distal member, or else duplex setae absent; 96 97 Subfamily Tetrarxychinae B erlese emporium very small or absent . . EuRYTETRANYCHINl (p.100) Hysterosoma with sacral setae all marginal; tarsus II with distal member of duplex setae a short sensory peg; propodosoma reti¬ culate dorsally . TENUIPALPOIDINl (p. 97) Hysterosoma with inner sacrals mediodorsal; tarsus II with distal member of duplex setae long and tapering; propodosoma without reticulations . TetrANYCHINI (p.124) TENUIPALPOIDINl PRITCHARD AND BAKER, new tribe The tribe Tenuipalpoidini is a rather anomalous or, perhaps, somewhat primitive member of the subjamily Tetranychinae. The strongly reduced pad of the true claw, as well as the presence of only two pairs of anal setae in the female and four pairs of genito-anal setae in the male, indicates a subfamilial relationship with the I etranychinae. However, the character and placement of the setae on tarsus I, the complex distal enlargement of the peritreme, the integumentary sculpture, and the lateral position of the inner sacrals are all characteristic of the Bryobiinae. TENUIPALPOIDES RECK AND BAGDASARIAN Tenuipalpoides Reck and Bagdasarian, 1948, Doklady Akad. Nauk Armenia S.S.R., (9): 4: 183-186. Type of genus. — Tenuipalpoides zizyphus Reck and Bagdasarian, monobasic and by original designation. The genus Tenuipalpoides may be recognized by having the peritreme hooked or with an irregularly pectinate enlargement distally, tarus I with two pairs of well-developed duplex setae placed on the dorsodistal declivity, tarsus II with the distal member of the duplex setae short and peglike, and the empodium simple, short and uncinate. Tenuipalpoides zizyphus Reck and Bagdasarian Tenuipalpoides zizyphus Reck and Bagdasarian, 1948, Doklady Akad. Nauk Armenia S.S.R., (9) 4: 183-186. Described from female, Erevan, Armenia on Zizyphus vulgaris (Lam.). Spider Mites 98 99 Subfamily T etrany chinae fieri ese Tenuipalpoides zizyphus may be recognized bv having the distal ends of the peritremes hooked rather than with irregular pectinate branches. The dorsal body setae as illustrated appear to be shorter than in 7 . dorychaeta from locust, and tibia 1 has two broadly lanceolate setae instead of a single one found in I\ dorychaeta. Tenuipalpoides dorychaeta Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 73, 74) The peritreme development separates this species from T. zizyphus. Female. — Rostrum broadly obtuse anteriorly. Peritreme with distal end broadly enlarged because of irregularly pectinate branches. Tarsus 1 with an inner, tactile seta and an outer sensory seta proximal to duplex Fig. 74. Tenuipalpoides dorychaeta: A.) appendages of female tarsus IV; B.) peritreme; C.) tarsus I of female; D.) duplex setae of tarsus II of female. 100 Spicier Mites setae. Propodosoma with dorsum reticulate, the integument bearing fine dashes; hysterosomal dorsum with widely-spaced, irregular mostly transverse wrinkles and with dashed integumentary striae. Idiosoma with dorsal setae all long, mostly longer than intervals between them, and broadly lanceolate, the expansion beyond the median, sclerotized, setiform skeleton being thinner and serrate. Length of body, 400 p ; including rostrum, 566 p; greatest width of body 330 p . Male. — Similar to female. Tarsus 1 with two sensory setae proximad of duplex setae. Aedeagus with distal end turned dorsad, sigmoid and tapering. Length of body, 400 p; including rostrum 533 p. Holotype. — Female, Natchez, Louisiana, August 22, 1953 (H. B. Boudreaux), on black locust; type no. 2175, in the U. S. National Mu¬ seum. Paratypes. — Two males, five females, six nymphs, Natchez, Louisiana, August 22, 1953 (H. B. Boudreaux), on black locust; one male, 4 females, 2 nymphs, Durham, North Carolina, June 11, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard and H. B. Boudreaux), on honey locust; one male, four females, Logan, Utah (G. F. Knowlton and E. M. Kardo), on black locust; and one female, (Utah (G. F. Knowlton and Shi Chun Via), on unknown host. In life the mites are brilliant red with snow-white setae. They are rather inactive and are found on the bark of honey locust and black locust. TRIBE EURYTETRANYCHINI RECK Eurytetranychinae Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S. R., 9: 123; Reck, 1952, Izd. Akad. Nauk S.S. R., 1952: 25; Reck, 1952, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S. R., 13(7): 423. Members of the tribe Eurytetranychini are quite distinctive in that tarsi I and II both lack the duplex setae that are otherwise so character¬ istic of the family T etranychidae. Tarsus I and tarsus II each may bear dorsally a single pair of setae that appears to be homologous with the duplex setae, but the proximal (tactile) member of the pair is more strongly developed than the distal (sensory) member, and their alveoli are adjacent but not coalescent. Tarsus I bears lateroventrally a pair of setae that resemble the second pair of duplexes. The body is rotund, and the legs are long and slender. There are ten pairs of dorsal hyster- osomals and two pairs of para-anals. The dorsal integument of the body is striate. The termination of the peritreme is a simple distal bulb or hook. Eurytetranychine mites feed primarily on the dorsal surface of leaves. 101 Subfamily I etranychinae lierlese Key to the genera of Eury tetranychini 1. 1. Empodial claw present, small and hooked . . Eurytetranychus (p.101) Empodium rudimentary and rounded, appearing absent .... . Eutetranychus (p. Ill) GENUS EURYTETRANYCHUS OUDEMANS Eury te tr any chus Oudemans, 1931, hint. Her., 8(178): 224, Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 30. 7 ype of genus: Uetranychus latus, Oudemans, not Canestrini and Fanzago) = Eury tetrany chus buxi (Carman); monobasic and by original desig¬ nation. Simplinychus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 274. Type of genus : A eotetranychus buxi Garman; monobasic and by original designation. A eiv synonymy. Eurytetranychoid.es Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S. R., 9: 127. Type of genus: Eurytetranychus thujae Reck; monobasic and by original designation. A ew synonymy. 1 he empodium of Eury tetrany chus consists of a rudimentary, uncinate projection. I he only other genus of tetranychids having a similar em¬ podium is Tenuipalpoides , a dissimilar genus having the sacral setae all strongly widened and marginal, and having well-developed duplex setae. In Eurytetranychus the inner sacrals resemble dorsocentral hysterosom- als, and duplex setae, as such, are absent. Eurytetranychoides was differentiated from Eurytetranychus because the species on which the fomier name was based has a single pair of postanals, whereas two pairs of postanals are apparent in Eurytetrany¬ chus. A single pair of postanals is present in E. admes, a species closely allied to the type of Eurytetranychoides. However, the first pair of para-anals is present in admes, and it is probable that they were overlooked by Reck. A difference in the placement of the anterior para- anals is insufficient for generic recognition. Zacher (1933) considered both P aratetranychus nuptialis Zacher and P. brevipilosus Zacher to belong to the genus Eury tetranychus. The original generic reference of ( P aratetranychus ) - Oligonychus for these species was correct. Ugarov and Nikolskii (1937) described Eury tetrany- chus stenoperitrematus, a species that is also properly referable to the genus (P aratetranychus) - Oligonychus (Baker and Pritchard, 1953). 102 Spider Mites Fig. 75. Eurytetranychus buxi: dorsal aspect of female, Florida. Key to the species of EURYTETRANYCHUS * 1. Dorsal setae nearly as long as intervals between them; sensory setae absent on tibia III an d IV . buxi (p.103) Dorsal setae less than one-fourth as long as intervals between them; proximal sensory seta present on tibia III and also tibia IV . admes (p.110) *We have not seen the descriptions of E. thujae and E. recki. 1. 103 Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlese Fig. 76. Eurytetranychus buxi: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus 1 of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Eurytetranychus buxi (Garman), new combination (Figures 75, 76, 77, 78) Tetranychus latus, Berlese (not Canestrini, 1876), 1889, Acari Myr. Scorp. Frostigmata, 46: 7. Misidentification. 104 Spider Mites 105 Subfamily T etruny chinae Herlese Fig. 78. Eurytetrcinychus buxi : aedeagus and appendages of tarsus I of female (left) and male (right). Eurytetranychus latus, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 224: Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Nageningen, 44(4): 30; Reck, 1948, Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9(4). Misidentifi- cation. Eutetranychus latus, Ewing, 1932, Proc. Ent. Soc. ^ash., 34: 14. Mis - identification. A eotetrany chus buxi Garman, in Ries, 1935, Jour. Econ. Ent., 28: 57; Garman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta., 431: 73. Types: males and females, Michigan, on boxwood; probably in the collection of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Simplinychus buxi, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 274. Canestrini and Fanzago (1876, 1878) originally stated that Tetrany- cfius latus occurs on conifers. The illustration in the latter article, inordinately diagnostic with regard to tarsal appendages for that period 106 Spider Mites I'ig. 7l). hurytetrunychus admes: dorsal aspect of female 107 Su bfamily Tetranychinae fierlese Fig. 80. Eurytetranychus admes : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 108 Spider Mites Fig. 81. Eurytetranycnus admes : dorsal aspect of male, with enlargement of aedeagus. of research, clearly shows two well-developed true claws. This indi¬ cates that 7. latus cannot be a tetranychid. Moreover, the very strongly developed palpi and the very small rostrum figured are not in keeping with the tetranychid figures of these Italian workers. The shape of the specimen figured and the comparative development of the dorsal body setae are similar to those of certain species of the Eurytetranychini, but this is not sufficient for recognition of T. latus as a tetranychid. We believe, therefore, that Berlese (1889) erred in his identification 109 Subfamily T etranychinae flerlese Fig. 82. Eurytetranyc/ius admes: tarsus I of female with enlargements of appendages. of T etranychus latus Canestrini. He apparently illustrated the boxwood spider mite as this species, even though McGregor (1950) considered Berlese’s figure of the foreshortened fifth palpal segment, the tibio- tarsal proportions, and the length of the leg vestiture to be an indication that a related species was under consideration. Other workers have based their identifications of latus on Berlese’s redescription and figures, but they have differed as to whether the name should apply to mites here considered under the name Eury tetranychus buxi or else Eutetranychus banksi. Eurytetranyc/ius buxi is credited to Garnian alone (and not Carman and Ries), because the article by Ries (1935) indicates that Garman was responsible for the original description. 1 h is species may be readily recognized by possessing, in addition to the generic characters, slender dorsal setae of which many are nearly as long as the intervals between their bases. This spider mite occurs primarily on the European boxwood, Suxus semp ervirens, and it is often a serious pest of this ornamental plant. The Japanese boxwood, Buxus microphylla , is rarely infested. In addition to the record of Berlese (1889) of collections from Italy, E ury te trany c bus buxi is known to be widespread in the l nited States. Garman (1935,1940) described specimens from Michigan and Connecti¬ cut, and Ewing (1932) reported collections from Virginia and Ohio. 110 Spider Mites McGregor (1950) reported collections from California, Georgia, Michigan, Oregon, and Virginia. Specimens studied by us are mostly from Berkeley, San Rafael, and Niles, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Buxus semper- virens; Medford, Oregon (L. G. Gentner), on boxwood; and Durham, North Carolina (A. E. Pritchard), on Buxus spp. Eurytetranychus admes Pritchard and Baker , new species (Figures 79, 80, 81, 82) Eurytetranychus admes differs from E. buxi in that the dorsal setae of the body are much shorter than in E. buxi, and tibiae III and IV each possesses a proximal sensory seta that is absent in that species. More¬ over, it occurs only on cupressaceous conifers. Female. — Stylophore slightly emarginate distally. Peritreme with distal end hooked. Palpus with terminal sensillum slender. Anterior legs about as long as body; tibia I with nine tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I without paired setae resembling duplex setae; tibia II with eight tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus II without paired setae resembling duplex setae; tibiae III and IV each with a dorsomedian sensory seta in addition to the tactile setae. Idiosoma with dotted dorsal striae; dorsal setae slender, tapering, pubescent, greatly shorter than intervals between them. Length of body, 466 p ; including rostrum, 606 p. Male. — Similar to female. Tibia I with eight tactile and five sensory setae. Aedeagus distally turned dorsad at right angle and tapering to a slightly sigmoid apex. Length of body, 320 p; including rostrum, 413/z. llolotype. — Female, Camp Nelson, California, September 7, 1947 (E. W. Baker), on incense cedar; type no. 2119 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Four males, 19 females, Camp Nelson, California, September 7, 1947 (E. W. Baker), on incense cedar; 2 females, Keen Camp, California, May 26, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on juniper; 1 male, PI acerville, California, July 19, 1950 (A. E. Pritchard), on incense cedar; and 6 females, Utah (G. F. Knowlton), on juniper. Eurytetranychus thujae Reck Eurytetranychus thujae Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(7). Described from female, Georgia, S.S.R., on {Biota) - Thuja orientalis. Eurytetranychoid.es thujae, Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz., 9: 127. Ill Su bfam ily I e trany chinae lierlese Heck, s 1950 description of this species indicates that it is closely allied to Eurytetranychus admes. lhe original description lias not been seen. Eurytetranychus recki Bagdall Euryt etranychus recki Bagdall, 1948, Dokl. Akad. Nauk Armenia S.S. R., 9(3). Described from specimens from Armenia, on Astragalus caucasicus or Medicago spp., or both, oe have not seen the article in which this species was described. GENUS EUTETRANYCHUS BANKS A eotetranychus ( Eutetranychus ) Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 197. Type of subgenus : 7 etranychus banksi McGregor, by subsequent desig¬ nation of McGregor, 1950. Eutetranychus , McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 267. Anychus McGregor, 1919, Proc. U, S. Natl. Mus., 56: 644; Sayed, 1942, Bui. Soc. F'ouad ler Ent., 26: 125; Sayed, 1946, Bui. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 30: 143. Type of genus: T etranychus banksi McGregor; by original designation. The genus Eutetranychus is distinctive in that the empodium is rudimentary and consists only of a rounded knob. Tarsus I bears on the dorsum a pair of associated setae that are probably homologous with one pair of the duplex setae. However, the alveoli are not coalesced, and the proximal, tactile member is longer than the more distal, sensory member. Key to the species of EUTETRANYCHUS 1. Body with dorsal setae set on strong tubercles; dorsocentral hysterosomals as long as dorsolateral hysterosomals . . 2 1. Body with dorsal seta not set on tubercles; dorsocentral hyster¬ osomals obviously shorter than dorsolateral hysterosomals . . banksi (p.X 15) 112 Spider Mites Dorsocentral hysterosomals long and tapering; third dorsal propo- dosomal, humeral, outer sacral and clunals all slender and blunt . spinosus (p.113) Dorsocentral hysterosomals long and blunt; third dorsal propo- dosomal, humeral, outer sacral and clunals all short and spatu- late . schultzi (p. 1 IS) Fig. 83. Eutetranychus spinosus: dorsal aspect of female, Maryland. 113 Subfamily T etranychinae Berlese Fig. 84. Eutetranychus spinosus : above, tibia and tarsus 1 of female, with ventral enlargement of distal end of tarsus: below, tibia and tarsus II of female. Eutetranychus spinosus [Banks) (Figures 83, 84, 88, 86) T etranychopsis spinosa Banks, 1909, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 11: 134. Type', female, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, on basswood; in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A eotetranychus ( Eutetranychus ) spinosa. Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 197. Eutetranychus spinosa, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 267. The female of Eutetranychus spinosus may be readily differentiated from other species in the genus by having the dorsocentral hysterosomals very long and tapering, together with having the third propodosomal, humeral, and outer sacrals short, slender, and sometimes blunt. The dorsal setae of the body are set on strong tubercles. The dorsolateral hysterosomals are similar to the dorsocentral hysterosomals; but the outer sacrals are very short and slender, and the clunals are somewhat shorter than the inner sacrals. The male, previously unknown, resembles the female. The aedeagus has the distal half of the external portion bent sharply dorsad, with the 114 Spider Mites / 1'ig. 05. Eutetranychus spinosus : above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus II of male. 115 Subfamily T etrany chinae Rerlese Fig. 86. Eutetranychus spinosus : aedeagus. distal end curved somewhat caudad, and narrowing to a blunt tip. In addition to the type female from Canada, on basswood, one female was examined from Cabin John, Maryland, September 17, 1944 (E. Baker), on grass; and a series was studied from Ithaca, New York (J. G. Matthysse), on linden. Eutetranychus schultzi ( Blanchard ), new combination (Figures 87, 88, 89) Anychus schultzi Blanchard, 1940, Rev. Fac. Agron. La Plata, (3)2: 24 (1939). Types: females, Tucuman, Argentina, on Ricinus com¬ munis; of unknown disposition. Eutetranychus schultzi is closely allied to E. spinosus. The female has long, slender, and nearly parallel-sided dorsocentral hysterosomals and they are blunt distally. They are also set on strong tubercles. However, the third dorsal propodosomals, the humeral, the outer pair of sacrals, and the clunals are all very short and broadly spatulate. The anterior pair of dorsal propodosomals are slender but shorter, as in E. spinosus. The male is unknown. Our recognition of this species is based on specimens from Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Ricinus sp.; kindly forwarded by A. Ibarra Grasso. Eutetranychus banks i (McGregor) (Figures 90, 91, 92) T etrany ch us banksi McGregor, 1914, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 7(4): 358. Types : females, Orlando, Florida, on castor bean and velvet bean; in the U. S. National Museum. l\eotetranychus ( Eutetranychus ) banksi, Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 177. Anvchus banksi, McGregor, 1919, Proc. L. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 644. Eutetranychus banksi, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 268; Muma, Holtzberg, and Pratt, 1953, Fla. Ent., 36(4): 141. 116 Spider Mites Fig. 87. Eutetranychus schultzi: dorsal aspect of female, Argentina. Tetranychus rusti McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 51(2677): 582. Types: males and females, Mira Flores Station, Dept. Piura, llaciendo “San Jacinto,” Peru; in the G. S. National Museum. New synonymy. 117 Subfamily 7 etrany chinae Berlese Fig. 88. Eutetranychus scnultzi : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; B.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 118 Spider Mites Fig. 89. Eutetrany chus schultzi: aedeagus. Anychus rusti, McGregor, 1919, Proc. II. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 645. Eutetrany chus rusti, M cGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 669. Anychus ?latus. Hirst, 1923, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1923 : 991. Mis- identification. Anychus latus, Sayed, 1942, Bui. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 26: 125. Mis- identification. Anychus africanus Tucker, 1926, Union S. Afr. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent. Mem., 5: 5. Types : males and females, Durban, Natal, on oranges and lemons, and Plumeria (Frangipani); of unknown disposition. New synonymy. Anychus clarhi McGregor, 1935, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 37: 161. Types: males and females, Weslaco, Texas, on citrus; in the U. S. National Museum. Eutetranychus clarki, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 270. Anychus orientalis (Zacher) Klein, 1936, Bui. Agric. Res. Sta. Rehovoth, 21: 3; Sayed, 1946, Bui. Soc. Ent. Fouad ler Ent., 30: 143. (This species appears to be based on a manuscript name of Zacher.) Anychus verganii Blanchard, 1940, Rev. Fac. Agron. La Plata, (3)2: 24 (1939). Types : females, Bella Vista, Corrientes, Argentina, on citrus; of unknown disposition. Neiv synonymy. Anychus ricini Rahman and Sapra, 1940, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., ll(sect. B): 194. Types: males and females, Lyallpur, India, on castor bean, almond, Cassia fistula , Ziziphus jujuba, and citrus; of unknown disposition. New synonymy. Eutetranychus mexicanus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 27. 119 Subfamily T etranychinae Herlese Fig. 90. Eutetranychus banksi: dorsal aspect of female, Florida, croton. Types : female and two nymphs, Guadalajara, Mexico, on sapota: in the U. S. National Museum. Our studies indicate that Eutetranychus banksi is a polytypic spe¬ cies. It appears that there are several different morphological forms as far as the development of dorsal body setae are concerned, and that intercontinental introduction of these forms on citrus and certain orna¬ mental plants has created widespread opportunity for interbreeding and and morphological intermediates. The dorsal setae of the female body are all short and spatulate in the tvpe series of banksi (Florida, citrus), with certain of the laterally situated setae somewhat longer than the more mediodorsally located setae. Specimens representing verganii (Argentina, citrus), are similar 120 Spider Mites D Fig. 91. Eutetranychus banksi: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 121 Subfamily l etrany chinae Berlese Fig. 92. Eut etrany cnus banksi: dorsal aspect of male, with enlargement of aedeagus. 122 Spider Mites except that there is more disparity between the length of the dorsolateral setae and the dorsomedian setae. In correlation with an increased length of the dorsolateral setae of the body, there is a tendency for these setae to be less spatulate or merely slender and rather blunt, as in the types of rusti (Peru, papa¬ ya). Such variations are found on many individual specimens and within individual series studied from Florida, Texas, Mexico, and Argentina. The forms having the lateral setae slender and parallel-sided resemble the types of clarki (Texas, citrus) as figured and illustrated by McGregor (1935). However, the type series of clarki also consists of females that have the lateral setae of the body slender and subspatulate. The dorsocentral hysterosomals are short and spatulate in females having subspatulate lateral setae. However, those specimens having slender lateral setae sometimes have slender dorsocentral hysterosomals (particularly in males and nymphs). The dorsocentral hysterosomals tend to be longer and more or less slender in the types of mexicanus (southern Mexico, citrus) and certain specimens from Florida, Texas, Mexico, and Argentina. We are, therefore, unable to differentiate between banksi, verganii, clarki, rusti, and mexicanus, inasmuch as complete intergrades are found between the length and shape of the dorsal setae of the female body. No other differences such as the number and arrangement of dorsal setae referred to by McGregor (1919, 1950) have been verified. Muma, Holtzberg, and Pratt (1953) were also unable to differentiate Eutetrany- chus banksi, E. clarki, and E. mexicanus. Still another form has been noted in specimens from .Texas citrus wherein the females possess lateral setae on the body that are long, slender, and tapering. Specimens with dorsolateral body setae that are tapering have been observed also from Mexico and Florida. Again, there appears to be no sharp distinction from similar setae that are slender but comparatively blunt. Hirst (1923) identified as ?latus (Canestrini) Berlese a spider mite found on citrus and other hosts in the Sudan. Hirst’s description indi¬ cates a species belonging to the genus Eutetranychus as defined by us. Sayed (1942) accepted this identification of latus as being applic¬ able to a species from Fgypt having relatively slender and subspatulate setae on the dorsum of the female. Later Sayed (1946) identified as orientalis Zacher (apparently a manuscript name) females with shorter and more spatulate dorsocentral hysterosomals. Sayed further remarked that the status of latus would remain in doubt until Berlese’s specimens were examined.. However, Sayed (1946) simultaneously recognized as latus, a similar form in 123 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae lierlese which the Literal setae of the body are slender and tapering, and the dorsocen tral hysterosonials were also figured as slender and tapering. Specimens studied by us from Israel, on citrus, show some of the variations found in specimens from the New World. The lateral setae of the female are slender and subspatulate, or else slender and tapei^ ing; and the dorsocentral hysterosonials are short and sputulate, or else slender. Thus, they illustrate intermediates between the dorso¬ lateral setae of the two forms illustrated by Sayed (1946), but the tuper- ing dorsocentral hysterosonials of the female of latus, as determined by Saved, are different (see pantopus). 1 he descriptions of africanus (South Africa, citrus) and ricinus (India) indicate that type specimens resemble those determined by Sayed (1946) as orientalis. A sensory seta is present at the proximal end of tibia III in the specimens from Israel. This sensory seta is absent in specimens studied from the Americas, and the significance of this sensillum is not known. No geographical isolation is particularly evident with citrus pests that appear to have been distributed throughout the world. No differences have been observed among the aedeagi of males asso¬ ciated with females representing the various developments of dorsal setae. The aedeagus is simple, abruptly turned dorsad near the distal end. The development of the dorsal setae of the male body varies, but not as strongly as in the females with regard to differential length of the dorsocentral hysterosonials and the lateral setae. The same is true for the nymphs. In summary, this species complex is known from Texas and Florida in the United States; Mexico, Argentina, and Peru in Central and South America; Italy, Palestine and Egypt in the Palaearctic region; South Africa, and India. Hosts of Eutetranychus banksi, in addition to citrus, include croton, Ficus sp., Oncoba spinosa, and Flacourtia indica as far as our own studies are concerned. Published records are from citrus, castor bean, velvet bean, almond, sapota. Cassia fistula , and Zizy-phus jujuba. Eutetranychus pantopus ( Berlese), new combination T etrany chus pantopus Berlese, 1910, Redia, 6: 242. Types: two males. Moreton Bay, Australia, on Ficus sp.; in the Berlese collection. Anychus latus, Sayed, 1946, Bui. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 30: 143. W/s- identification. 124 Spider Mites The type males of pantopus Berlese agree with the drawing of the male of latus as determined by Sayed (1946). These specimens as well as the female illustrated by Sayed differ from banksi by having all of the dorsal setae long, slender, and tapering. Similar mediodorsal setae have not been noted in the New World nor in Egypt. Sayed’s material was apparently from the Sudan on Lebbek trees, and Berlese’s is from Australia. Eutetranychus pantopus may represent an extreme variation of the banksi complex or else a distinct species. Further studies are needed to determine its true status. TRIBE TETRANYCHINI RECK Tetranychinae Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9: 123; Reck, 1952, Izd. Akad. Nauk S.S.R. 1952: 25; Reck, 1952, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R. , 13(7): 423. The tribe Tetranychini contains most of the members of the family Tetranychidae, and particularly most of the species of economic impor- tance. Their identification is often difficult without representatives of both sexes, or at least in many cases, males. The aedeagus must be mounted laterally to see the outline of this simple but often diagnostic structure. Members of the Tetranychini may be differentiated from other tribes in the subfamily by having the empodium well developed - not a tiny hook or protuberance. The empodium in this tribe is usually represented by several pairs of ventrally directed, proximoventral hairs, and a dorso- median clawlike appendage may or may not be developed. When the dorsomedian empodial claw is not prominent, the proximal pair of empo- dial hairs may be enlarged (with the others reduced or absent) to form a pair of clawlike appendages; or else the bases of the empodial hairs may unite to form a slender, more or less clawlike appendage. At least for taxonomic purposes, if not for phylogenetic considera¬ tions, there are two major divisions of the tribe Tetranychini. The more primitive genera resemble the rest of the family in that two pairs of para-anal setae are present. The caudal pair of para-anals are widely spaced and laterad or somewhat caudad of the end of the anus in Metatetranychus and Allonychus, but they are approximate and resemble a terminal pair of dorsal opisthosomals in Eotetranychus and closely allied genera ( Schizotetranychus and A' eotetranychus). In Oligonychus and 7 etranychus, the caudal pair of para-anals are lacking. 125 Subfamily 7 etrany chinae Rerlese Fig. 93. M etatetranychus ulmi: dorsal aspect of female. Oudemans (1930) first recognized the significance of the presence or absence of a pair of caudal setae for generic separation of this group of mites. He referred to this distinction in terms of whether the clunal setae are present or absent. This terminology was followed by Geijskes (1939), Womersley (1940), and Pritchard and Baker (1952). We now believe that the presence of clunal setae is constant through¬ out the family Tetranychidae, and that a theory of the presence or absence of the caudal pair of para-anals not only provides an easier criterion for taxonomic purposes, but it also provides a more acceptable interpretation for phylogenetic considerations. The duplex setae are characteristic of the tribe inasmuch as there are two pairs that are variously located on the dorsum of tarsus 1 and one pair on the dorsum of tarsus II. The proximal member of each duplex is comparatively well developed, long enough to cross the distal member. 126 Spider Mites Fig. 94. Metatetrany chus ulmi: tarsus I of female, with dorsal enlargement of appendages. The peritreme is comparatively simple distally, often ending in a simple bulb. Sometimes the distal end is recurved, consisting of several compartments, and rarely the recurved end possesses irregular diverti¬ cula. Members of the tribe Tetranychini have the ability to produce silken strands, and some spin copious webbing when colonies develop. Some early workers believed the silk to originate from near the anus, but later (Claparede, 1868) it was recognized that the silk glands are at the anterior end of the body. Blauvelt (1945) believed the silk to orig¬ inate from two types of glands, one originating above the anterior coxae and the other above the base of the palpi. Grandjean (1948) considered the silk glands to be in the palpi. Key to the genera of Tetranychini 1. Opisthosoma with two pairs of para-anal setae 2 127 Subfamily 7 etrany chinae Herlese 1. Opisthosoma with a single pair of para-anals . 6 -MO. Empodium with a simple, clawlike dorsal member and with paired proximoventral hairs . 3 2. (1). Empodium not clawlike and with paired proximoventral hairs. 4 3. (2). Empodium with a simple “claw” nearly as long as three pairs of similar, proximoventral hairs; tarsus I with duplex setae adjacent near distal end of segment .... Metatetranychus (p .127) 3. (2). Empodium with “claw” much shorter than the longest of the dissimilar proximoventral hairs; tarsus 1 with duplex setae sep¬ arated along dorsal surface of segment . . . Allonychus (p. 137) 4. (2). Empodium with the two proximoventral hairs enlarged forming two clawlike appendages, the dorsal hairs very short if present . Schizotetranychus (p.225) 4. (2). Empodium (excluding legs 1 and II of males) comprised of three pairs of hairs of similar length, the proximal member of which is slightly the stronger, or else with the hairs united proximally to form a single appendage . 5 5. (4). 1 '.mpodium forming a single, slender appendage on at least proxi¬ mal one-half . A eotetranychus (p.215) 5. (4). Empodium (excluding leg I and II of male) composed of three pairs of hairs . Eotetranychus (p.138) 6. (1). Empodium clawlike and somewhat shorter than or about as long as proximoventral hairs; peritreme usually straight distally and ending in a simple bulb; tarsus I usually with duplex setae ad¬ jacent and placed near distal end . . . Oligonychus (p.270) 6.(1). Empodium with clawlike dorsal member much shorter than proximo¬ ventral hairs or else rudimentary; peritreme recurved distally or rarely anastomosing; tarsus I with duplex setae widely spaced on dorsum of segment . Tetranychusi p.373) GENUS METATETRANYCHUS OUDEMANS Metatetranychus Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 199; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 224; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. ftageningen, 42(4): 41; Zacher, 1933, Mitt. zool. Mus. Berl., 19: 586; (Vomersley, 1940, Trans. Hoy. Soc. S. Australia, 64: 260; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 329. Type of genus: Tetranychus ulmi Koch; by original designation. 128 Spider Mites A j Members of the genus Metate¬ tranychus have the dorsal setae of the body borne on strong tubercles. The empodial claw bears three pairs of proximoventral setae that are similar in length. There are two pairs of para-anal setae, and the caudal pair are spaced widely but similar to the anterior pair and located caudad of the anus. These characters will serve to identify the genus. The duplex setae of tarsus I are adjacent and placed near the distal end of the segment. The peritreme is straight distally, ending in a simple bulb. Two species of Metatetranychus are definitely known to occur in North America. These species are similar morphologically, but differ considerably in color, biological habits, and geographical distribution. Both species are found in many parts of the world. Fig. 95. Metatetranychus ulmi: aedeagus. Key to North American Species of Metatetranychus 1. Hysterosoma with outer sacrals similar in length to clunals, each about one-third as long as inner sacrals . . . citri (p. 133) 1. Hysterosoma w'ith outer sacrals about two-thirds as long as inner sacrals and the clunals about one-third as long . . ulmi (p.128) Metatetranychus ulmi (Koch) European Red Mite (Figures 93, 94, 95) Tetranychus ulmi Koch, 1836, Dent Crust. Myr. Arach., 1: 11; Berlese, 1886, Acari dann. Piante Colt., p. 22. Described from specimens from Regensburg, Germany, on elm. Oligonychus ulmi. Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920 : 58. Metatetranychus ulmi., Oudemans, 1921, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 198; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 43; Reck, 1941, 129 Subfamily 7 etranychinae Berlese Fig. 96. Metcitetranyctius citri : dorsal aspect of female. Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S. R. (2)9; Gunthart, 1945, Mitt, schweiz. ent. Ges. 9 : 285; Womerslev, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. , 64: 261; Groves and Massee, 1951, Syn. World Lit. Fruit Tree Red Spider mite, p. 3; Pritchard and Baker, 1952, Hilgardia, 21(9): 260. P aratetranychus ulmi, Andre, 1937, 1 til. Appl. Ltud. Acar., p. 21. T etranychus pilosus Canestrini and Fanzago, not ( Distigmatus ) = 7 et~ ranychus pilosus Donnadieu, 1875, 1876, Atti. Soc. Yen. Trent., 5: 133; Canestrini and Fanzago, 1878, Atti Reale 1st. \ eneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 5), 4; 150; Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale 1st. 130 Spider Mites D Fig. 97. M etatetranychus citri: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 131 Subfamily 1 etrariy china e Rerlese \eneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 500; Berlese, 1889, Acari Myr. !Scorp. Prostigmata, 46: 6. Described from specimens from Trevi¬ giano, Italy, from fungus. Secondary homonym. Paratetranychus pilosus Zacher, 1913, Mitt. Lais, biol. Land-Forst. Anst., 14: 39; T ragardh, 1915, Centralanst. forsok. jordbr. Knt. avdel., 20(109): 21; Tragardh, 1915, Z. angevv. Ent., 2: 161; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 671: Zacher, 1921, Zts. ang. Ent., 7: 184; Carman, 1921, Jour. Econ. Ent., 14: 355; Carman, 1923, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 252: 103; Essig, 1922, Mo. Bui. Calif. Dept. Agr., 11: 409; Hamilton, 1924, Bui. Maryl. Agr. Exp. Sta., 264: 1; Andre, 1932, Bui. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 3: 531; Carman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta., 431: 77; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 348. .1 letatetranychus pilosus, Zacher, 1933, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 19: 587. P aratetranychus pilosus alboguttatus Zacher, 1913, Mitt. kais. biol. Anst. Land-Forstw., 14: 39. Described from specimens from Zehlendorf, Germany, on gooseberry. I\'ew synonymy. Metatetranychus alboguttatus, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 199. Paratetranychus pilosus occidentalis McGregor and Newcomer, 1928, Jour. Agr. lies., 36: 180. Described from specimens from \akima, Washington, on deciduous fruits, hew synonymy. 7 etranychus mytilaspidis, Ewing (not Riley, 1885), 1912, Jour. Econ. Ent., 5: 414; Ewing, 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 6: 459. Mis- identification. Oligony chus mus corum Oudemans, 1929, Ent. Ber., 7(168): 484. Type female from Amsterdam, Holland, on moss, hew synonymy. Metatetranychus muscorurn, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 232; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42: 42. Oligony chus potentillae Oudemans, 1929, Ent. Ber., 7(168): 484. Type: female, Berlin, Germany, on P otentilla fruticosa; of unknown disposition, hew synonymy. Metatetranychus potentillae, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 233; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 43. Oligonychus alni Oudemans, 1929, Ent. Ber., 8(169): 19. Described from specimens from Berlin, Germany, on Alnus glutinosa. Metatetranychus alni, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 231. Metatetranychus mali Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(181): 290; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42: 43. Type: female, Bremen, Germany, on Pirus malus; in the Rijksmuseuni van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, Holland, hleu synonymy. Metatetranychus canestrinii Oudemans, 1939, Zool. Anz., 127: 78. New name for T etranychus pilosus Canestrini and Fanzago, not Donnadieu. 132 Spider Mites Fig. 98. M etatetranychus citri : A.) appendages of tarsus I of female; B.) appendages of tarsus III of male; C.) appendages of tarsus I of male. M etatetranychus ulmi, long known in North America as P aratetrany- chus pilosus , is a well-known pest of deciduous fruit trees. The body of the adult female is brick red with whitish dorsal tubercles, and this coloration serves for ready determination in the field. Slide preparations of both sexes of the adult may be differentiated from M etatetranychus citri by having the clunals distinctly shorter than the outer sacrals. The E uropean red mite is known from Europe, Georgia, S.S.R., and throughout the United States, and southern Canada. It is also recorded from Tasmania and New Zealand, and specimens have been received from Japan. Hosts are primarily deciduous trees and bushes belonging to the family Rosaceae. Fruit trees, namely apple, cherry, pear, peach, plum, and prune are cortimon hosts, as well as berries and the ornamental shrubs cotoneaster and pyracantha. Metatetranychus ulmi also occurs commonly on elm. Other known hosts are almond, walnut, mountain ash, and black locust. Metatetranychus ulmi overwinters in the egg stage on the twigs of trees. The egg is red, slightly flattened and radially striate dorsally, and with a dorsal stipe. Feeding injury occurs on the upper surface of the leaf, and very little or no webbing is spun. Groves and Massee (1951) present an extensive, annotated bibliography of this mite. Metatetranychus citri (McGregor) Citrus Red Mite (Figures 96, 97, 9H, 99) 133 Subfamily 7 etrany chinae Herlese l etranychus mytilaspidis, Hanks, 1900 (not Hiley, 1885), U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Ent. lech, Ser., 8: 71; Quayle, 1912, Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui., 234: 487; Ewing, 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 6: 459. M isidentification. P arat etrany chus mytilaspidus, Hanks, 1915, U. S. Dept. Agr. Hep., 108: 37. Misidentification. T etrany chus citri McGregor, 1916, Ann. Ent. Soc. Ainer., 9: 28. lypes: males and females, Orlando, Florida, on lemon; in the U. S. National Museum. Paratetranychus citri, McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 672; McGregor and Newcomer, 1928, Jour. Agr. Res., 36: 157; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 335. Me tat etrany chus citri, Heck, 1941, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 2(9); Haker and Wharton, 1952, Introd. Acar., p. 214. Adults of Metatetranychus citri may be recognized in nature by having the entire body, including the strong tubercles, velvety reddish or pur¬ plish. Mounted specimens differ from those of M. ulmi by having the outer sacrals and the clunals all similar in length, about one-third as long as the inner sacrals. McGregor (1916) first showed that T etrany chus mytilaspidis can¬ not refer to a tetranychid. The citrus red mite is known from California (from Sacramento southward) and the southeastern United States. Specimens also have been received from South Africa; Canton, China, and southern Japan. It undoubtedly occurs in most citrus growing areas of the world. Hosts are primarily broadleaved evergreen trees and shrubs. Meta- tranychus citri is sometimes very abundant on citrus and broad¬ leaved evergreen ornamentals such as Choisva, Xylosma, Elaeagnus, Fig. 99. .1/ etatetranycnus citri: aedeagus. 134 Spider Mites Fig. 100. Allonychus brazili ensi s: dorsal aspect of female, with enlargement of peritreine. Umbellularia, and Prunus laurocerasus. Incidental hosts include rose, almond, pear, castor bean, and grasses. Large populations that build up on favorite hosts such as citrus may 135 Subfamily T etmny chinae Herlese Fig. 101. Allonychus braziliensis : above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. give rise to infestations on neighboring plants such as roses. Our ob¬ servations tend to show that such a secondary host is not favorable for continuation of the species. Reproduction continues throughout the year, with the greatest popu¬ lations being produced during the spring and fall under semi-tropical conditions (cool winters). The egg is red, slightly flattened and radially 136 Spider Mites Fig. 102. Allony chus brazili ensis: A.) ventrocaudal view of female opis- thosoma; B.) appendages of tarsus I of female; C.) dorsocaudal view of female opisthosoma; D.) terminal segment of female palpus. striate dorsally, and there are usually fine guy fibrils arising front the tip of the dorsal stipe. Feeding injury occurs on the upper surface of the leaves and on the fruit. Boyce (1948) summarized our knowledge of the biology of the citrus red mite, and Debach et al. (1950) present studies on the effect of natural enemies on the mite. Metatetranychus spinigerus (Lucas) Tetranychus spinigerus Lucas, 1849, Hist. Nat. Anim. Art., in Explor. Sci. d’Algerie, Zool., 5(1): 309. Described front specimens from Canstantine, Algeria, on Antirrhinum orontium. Metatetranychus spinigerus, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 199; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overs. Acar., 3(C): 1058. The original description and figures of spinigerus indicate that 137 Subfamily Tetrany chinae fieri ese Oudemans was correct in referring this species to the genus Meta- te trany chus. It is possible that this is an earlier name for M. citri, but the tetranychid fauna of the Mediterranean area should be better known before synonymy is made. Metatetranychus hadzhibejl iae Reck M etatetranychus hadzhibejliae Heck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S. S. R., 8(7). De scribed from specimens from Georgia, S. S. R., on Ficus carica. Vie have not seen the description of this species. ALLONYCHUS PRITCHARD AND BAKER, new genus Type of genus. — Tetranychus braziliensis McGregor. The genus Allonychus is proposed for a single species that is closely allied to \l etatetranychus, but it appears to bear a relationship with the genus Tetranychus similar to the relationship that M etatetranychus bears with Oligonychus. The most distinctive characteristic of Allonychus is in the compo¬ sition of the empodium. This structure differs from that of all other tetranychids in consisting of a mediodorsal spur that bears a tiny pair of dorsal hairs, and in having four pairs of proximoventral hairs that are dissimilar in length. Allonychus is considered by us to be closely allied to the genus M etatetranychus because there are two pairs of para-anals; the caudal pair is nearly as widely spaced as the anterior pair and is placed lat- terad of the anus. However, the duplex setae on tarsus I are separated lengthwise of the dorsal surface of the segment, the dorsal setae of the body are not set on tubercles, and the integumentary striae are longitudinal between the third dorsal hysterosomals and inner sacrals as in most species of T etranychus. Allonychus braziliensis (McGregor), new combination (Figures 100, 101, 102) Septanychus tumidus, ftomersley, 1942, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 66: 87. Misidentification. 138 Spider Mites Septanychus braziliensis McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 318. Types: Five females, Vicosa, Brazil, on quince; in the U. S. National Museum. Our reference to Womersley s record of this species from Victoria, Australia, is not authenticated. Womersley presents an excellent photo¬ graph of copious webbing spun by the mite on buffalo grass. Specimens studied by us are the types and a number of females from Boaca, Nicaragua, February 28, 1951 (E. J. llambleton), on leaves of an unknown tree. McGregor recorded banana as a host. GENUS EOTETRANYCHUS OUDEMANS Eotetranychus Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 224; Geijskes, 1939, Zacher, 1933, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 19: 587; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 30. Type of genus : Trombidium tiliarium Hermann, referred to as A cams telarius Linnaeus; by original designation. Apotetranychus Oudemans, 1931, Eng. Ber., 8(178): 225; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 32. Type of genus: Apotetranychus muscicola Oudemans; monobasic and by original designation. New synonymy. Platytetranychus Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 224; Oudemans. 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(181): 293; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 45. Type of genus: T etranychus gibbosus Canestrini: by original designation and monobasic. New synon¬ ymy. Mites belonging to the genus Eotetranychus may be recognized by having the caudal pair of para-anals (the postanal setae) present, to¬ gether with having the empodium (except for leg 1, and sometimes II, of the male), consisting of three pairs of hairs. The proximal pair of empodial hairs is typically stronger than the other two pairs, but the development is not as great as that of Schizotetranychus, a genus derived from Eotetranychus. The base of the empodial hairs may form a short stalk, but the base is not pro¬ longed greatly as in N eotetranychus. Empodium i of the male sometimes resembles that of the female by having three pairs of fine hairs. More often, however, the hairs are 139 Subfamily I etrany chinae Berlese Fig. 103. Eotetranychus, caudoventra] aspects of the female opisthosoma, showing types of striae. reduced to slender or short teeth, so that the empodium appears as a pair of divergent, short and broad, trifid plates. The dorsal tooth is the smallest, and sometimes it is nearly absent. Empodia III and IV' of the male resemble the female empodium. The genus Apotetranychus is considered to be a synonym, because specimens that undoubtedly represent the type of the genus have been studied by us and they present no morphological differences of generic significance. Oudemans considered the comparative shortness of the dorsal setae of the body as well as the apparent shape of the alveoli in which they are inserted to be of generic value. Platytetranychus is also considered to be a synonym of Eotetrany¬ chus. Oudemans (1931) regarded the type of the genus, T etranychus gibbosus Canestrini, to be lacking a pair of caudal setae; but his des¬ cription of the genus is obviously based on the poor drawing of Berlese. The Berlese drawing indicates that gibbosus is closely related to E. libocedri and E. thujae, both of which also occur on conifers. No other species with an empodium consisting of only three pairs of hairs are known from conifers. 140 Spider Mites planki multidicitul i I ibocedri perplexus thujae sexmaculatus maivastris yumensi s Fig. 104. Eotetranychus, aedeagi. Eotetranychus resembles the genus Tetranychus, a more distant relative, in that the empodium consists of only three pairs of hairs. However, representatives of Eotetranychus, in addition to possessing two pairs of para-anals, have the duplex setae on tarsus I adjacent. The peritreme is variable with regard to its termination, but it often ends in a simple bulb. The dorsal striae of the female (as well as the male) are usually, but not always, transverse between the third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals and the sacrals. 141 Subjamily I etrany chinae lierlese cory I i popul i weldoni deflexus hi coriae smit'ni Fig. 105. Eotetranychus, aedeagi. pal I idus The characteristics of the integumental striae on the genital flap and just anterior to the flap were noted by C. A. Fleschner to be of value for species differentiation. Although this character appears to be variable in related genera, it has proved to be of considerable sig¬ nificance for determination of Eotetranychus females. The number of tactile setae on tibia I, II, and III are here noted to be of value for species recognition or assignment to related groups of species. Similarly the number of tactile setae on the proximal portion of tarsus I, as well as the shape of empodium I of the male, is valuable for identification. These characters are delineated for the first time for most of the species. 142 Spider Mites Adult mites are usually tiny, with the body of the female slender. They are strawcolored or somewhat greenish with several spots of dark pigment along each side of the body. Species found in temperate regions hibernate as bright, lemon-yellow females. The eggs are typi¬ cally pearly, globular, and with a tiny dorsal stipe. Members of the genus Eotetranychus are found feeding on the under surface of leaves. They reside primarily along the veins, forming small colonies, and their webbing is usually sparse. Several acarologists have misdetermined the genus Eotetranychus as defined by Oudemans and interpreted by us. McGregor (1950) used the character of the dorsal striae of the female hysterosoma (apparently as a subgeneric character) and, consequently, included erroneously several species of Tetranychus. Ugarov and Nikolskii (1937) plainly included only species properly belonging to Tetranychus. E. inexpec - tatus Andrd and E. cucurbitacearum Sayed are other species of Tetrany¬ chus that were erroneously assigned to Eotetranychus. In our systematic treatment of the genus Eotetranychus, species groups are recognized as an aid in presenting morphological characters and as a means for ready identification. We are not sure that the groups are discrete units phylogenetically. For instance, E. steganus and E. clitus both closely resemble members of the liliarium Group; but the leg chaetotaxy of each is distinct, and it is convenient to discuss them separately. Key to North American species of EOTETRANYCHUS Females 1. Tibia II with five to seven tactile setae . 2 1. Tibia II with eight tactile setae (Tiliarium Group) ... 8 2. (1). Second tibia with five tactile setae . 3 2. (1). Second tibia with six or seven tactile setae . 6 3. (2). Peritreme with a distal hook bearing irregular projections; on honey locust (Multidigituli Group). . . . multidigituli (p.163) 3. (2). Peritreme ending in a simple bulb . 4 4. (3). Dorsocentral hysterosomals longer than longitudinal intervals between them; on palmetto (Steganus Group) . steganus (p.167) 4. (3). Dorsocentral hysterosomals shorter than longitudinal intervals between them; on cupressaceous conifers (Libocedri Group). . 5 5. (4). I ibia 1 with nine tactile (anil one sensory) setae; tibia III with five tactile setae . libocedri (p.154) 5. (4). 6. (2). 6.(2). 7.(6). 7.(6). 8.(1). 8.(1). 9.(8). 9. (8). 10. (9). 10. (9). 11. (10). 11.(10). 12.(11). 12.(11). 13.(12). 13. (12). 14. (9). 14.(9). 143 Subfamily I etrany chinae Herlese Iibia I with seven tactile (and one sensory) setae; tibia 111 with four (or three) tactile setae . thujae (p.159) Body with dorsal setae slender and tapering, much longer than longitudinal intervals between them; tibia 11 with six setae (Clitus Croup) . clitus (p.170) Body with dorsal setae subclavate, no longer than longitudinal intervals between them; tibia II typically with seven setae (Caribbeanae Group) . 7 Dorsocentral hysterosonials not over one-half as long as inter¬ vals between them; propodosomal integument with irregularly arranged dots or granulations mediodorsally, and usually around tubercles on the hysterosoma . . caribbeanae (p.147) Dorsocentral hysterosonials about as long as intervals between them; propodosoma with anastomosing striae mediodorsally, as well as on lateral parts of the hysterosoma . . planki (p.148) Tarsus I with four tactile setae proximal to duplex setae . . perplexus (p. 175) Iarsus I with five tactile setae proximal to duplex setae . .9 Area immediately anterior to genital flap with longitudinal or irregular striae . 10 Area immediately anterior to genital flap with transversely parallel striae . 14 Genital flap with only transverse striae . 11 Genital flap with longitudinal striae on anterior portion , . sexmaculatus (p.202) Area immediately anterior to genital flap with irregular striae . . pallidus (p . 21 1 ) Area immediately anterior to genital flap with only parallel, longitudinal striae . 12 Peritreme straight distally . ecclisis (p. 210) Peritreme strongly hooked distally . 13 Palpus with terminal sensillum twice as long as broad at base . hicoriae (p.21l) Palpus with terminal sensillum one and one-half times as long as broad at base . smithi (p.192) Tarsus II with duplex setae subequal in length . . willamettei (p. 1 87) Tarsus II with proximal member of duplex much shorter than distal member . 15 144 Spider Mites 15.(14). Peritreme anastomosing distally . populi (p.189) 15. (14). Peritreme straight distally or with a simple bend or hook . 16 16. (15). Peritreme straight distally, rarely bent . 17 16.(15). Peritreme with a strong hook . . uncatus ; weLdoni; malvastris; frosti; yumensis; lewisi • • . . (pp. 183, 191, 192, 199 , 205) 17.(16). Palpus with terminal sensillum twice as long as wide at base . deflexus (p.206) 17.(16), Palpus with terminal sensillum more than two times as long as wide at base . 18 18.(17). 18.(17). Palpus with terminal sensillum two and one-half times as long as wide at base . carpini (p.179) Palpus with terminal sensillum three times as long as wide at base . coryli (pj.83) Males* The male of caribbeanae is unknown. 1. Tibia II with five to seven tactile setae . 2 1. Tibia II with eight tactile setae (Tiliarium Group) ... 7 2. (1). Second tibia with two sensory setae; on cupressaceous conifers (Libocedri Group) . 3 2. (1). Second tibia without sensory setae; (rarely with a single sensory seta); on other hosts . 4 3. (2). Aedeagus with distal portion slender and parallel sided, the caudal end rounded . thujae (p.159) 3. (2). Aedeagus narrowing only slightly and with the caudal end emarginate . libocedri (p.154) 4. (2). Aedeagus bent ventrad . 5 4. (2). Aedeagus curved strongly dorsad and tapering to an acute tip (Ste ganus Group) . steganus (p.167) 5. (4). Aedeagus with distal portion sigmoid and tapering (Clitus Group) . clitus (p.170) 5. (4). Aedeagus with a terminal knob . 6 6. (5). Peritreme anastomosing distally; knob of aedeagus with a long caudally directed angulation; dorsal setae of body not on tubercles (Multidigituli Group) . . . multidi gituli (p. 163) 6.(5). Peritreme straight distally, ending in a simple bulb; knob of aedeagus with both angulations very short; dorsal setae of 145 Subfamily I etrany chinae Berlese 7.(1). 7. (1). 8. (7). 8. (7). 9. (8). 9. (8). 10. (9). 10. (9). 11. (10). 11.(10). 12.(11). 12.(11). 13.(9). 13. (9). 14. (8). 14. (8). 15. (14). 15. (14). 16. (15). 16. (15). 17. (16). 17. (16). 18. (15). 18. (15). 19. (18). body borne on strong tubercles (Caribbeanae Group) . . . . planhi (p.148) Aedeagus enlarged at distal end to form a terminal knob . perplexus (p.175) Aedeagus tapering distally, without a terminal enlargement 8 Aede agus linear, long, slender, and caudally directed . , 9 Aedeagus not forming a linear shaft . 14 Aedeagus with a strong wave near the middle and tapering to a point . 10 Aedeagus with a broad curve medially and with the distal end rounded . 13 1 arsus 11 with both members of the duplex setae about equal in length . willamettei (p.187) Tarsus II with the proximal member of the duplex much shorter than the distal member . . 11 Peritreme strongly hooked distally . . . uncatus (p.l 83 ) Peritreme straight distally or bent . 12 Peritreme straight distally, ending in a simple bulb . carpini (p.l 79) Peritreme bent at distal end . coryli (p.183) Peritreme anastomosing distally . populi (p.189) Peritreme with a simple hook distally . . iveldoni (p.191) Aedeagus forming a triangle, the lower margin straight or nearly so . malvastris (p.192) Aedeagus obviously curved or bent dorsad or ventrad . . 15 Median portion of aedeagus curved or bent dorsad ... 16 Median portion of aedeagus curved or bent ventrad ... 18 Aedeagus shallowly bent dorsad . 17 Aedeagus abruptly bent dorsad . frosti (p.l 99) Aedeagus abruptly constricted at end of curvature to form a slender distal stylet . smithi (p.l 92) Aedeagus gradually narrowing beyond bend . yumensis (p.l9Q) Aedeagus abruptly declivate, the bent portion forming an acute angle . 19 Aedeagus more shallowly bent, the distal end forming an obtuse angle . 20 Shaft of aedeagus abruptly constricted at bend; peritreme with distal end forming a weak angulation; dorsal setae of body 146 Spider Mites slightly longer than intervals between them . pallidus (p. 21 1 ) 19.(18). Shaft of aedeagus gradually narrowing to bend; peritreme with distal end strongly hooked; dorsal setae of body much longer than intervals between them . hicoriae (p.211) 20.(18). Aedeagus with bent portion sigmoid and evenly tapering, the tip directed caudally . 21 20.(18). Aedeagus with bent portion not sigmoid, the tip abruptly nar¬ rowed and caudoventrally directed . . . sexmaculatus (p.202) 21.(20). Bend of aedeagus very gradual; palpus with well-developed terminal sensillum . lewisi (p.205) 21.(20). Bend of aedeagus abrupt; palpus with terminal sensillum rudimentary . 22 22.(21). Terminal segment of palpus with tapering sensilla subequal in length; aedeagus gradually tapering through bend . deflexus (p.206) 22.(21). Terminal segment of palpus with tapering sensilla very dis¬ similar in development; aedeagus slightly widened at bend . ecclisis (p.210) Caribbeanae Group Adults of the Caribbeanae Group may be recognized by the peculiar integument on the dorsum of the body. The mediodorsal portion of the propodosoma, and usually some of the hysterosoma bears broken, very irregular striae rather than the parallel striae found in other members of the genus. Moreover, the dorsal setae of the body are clavate or near¬ ly so. Iibia I of the female bears seven or nine tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I bears four tactile and one sensory setae proximad of the duplex setae. Iibia II bears seven tactile setae, and tibia III bears six tactile setae. The empodium of the female has a moderately long base before division into six hairs. Tibia I of the male possesses nine tactile setae plus four sensory setae; and tibia II has seven tactile setae; and tibia III has six tactile setae. Tarsus I bears four tactile and three sensory setae proximal to the duplexes. Empodium I of the male consists of a slender, moderately elongate base, with three short teeth on each side distally. Two species, both of tropical distribution, belong to this group. 147 Subfamily l etrany chinae lierlese Fig. 106. Eotetranyckus caribbeanae : dorsal aspect of female, with enlarge¬ ment of integumental striations, Key West, Florida, Cassava. Eotetranychus caribbeanae (McGregor), new combination (Figures 106, 107) T etranychus caribbeanae McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 283. Types: females, Loiza, Puerto Rico, on cassava; in the U. S. National Museum. The female of Eotetranychus caribbeanae may be recognized readily by having many of the dorsal striae anastomosing; and the striae are composed of short dashes rather than dots. The dorsocentral setae of the hysterosoma are less than one-half as long as intervals between their bases, and they widen to near the tip. Other dorsal setae of the 148 Spider Mites Fig. 107. Eotetranychus caribbeanae : above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. body are longer, spatulate and set on tubercles. In the female, tibia I bears seven tactile setae plus a sensory seta. The male is unknown. In addition to the types, specimens have been studied from Coral Gables, Florida (0. D. Link), on Jamaica dogwood; Key West, Florida (L. W. Holley), on cassava; and South Miami, Florida (A. E. Pritchard), on Dalbergia sisso. Eotetranychus planki (McGregor), new combination (Figures 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113) Tetranychus planki McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 300. Types: males and females, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, on Erythrina berte- roana; in the U. S. National Museum. The female of Eotetranychus planki may be readily differentiated from other species included in the genus by having the mediodorsal portion of the propodosoma, as well as broad areas around the dorsal hysterosomals all with the integument irregularly dotted. In some of the females from Argentina, however, the hysterosomal dotting is strong¬ ly reduced. The dorsal setae of the body are slender, each slightly 149 Subfamily 7 etranychinae lierlese Fig. 108. Eotetranychus planhi : dorsal aspect of female, Trinidad, Cajanus indicus. enlarged near the distal end. Dorsocentral hysterosomals are approx¬ imately as long as intervals between them and not differentiated from most other dorsal setae. The female bears nine tactile and one sensory seta on tibia I. Eotetranychus planhi has been known only from specimens from western Puerto Rico, on Erythrina. Additional specimens have been 150 Spider Mites I 151 Subfamily l etrany chinae Berlese B Fig. 110. Eotetranychus planki : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male; all from Trinidad. 152 Spider Mites Fig. 111. Eotetranychus planki : lateral aspect of male, Argentina, Cassia sp. Fig. 112. Eotetranychus planki: above, appendages of male tarsus I; below, appendages of female tarsus 1 (all from lrinidad). 153 Subfamily 7 etrany chiriae Berlese Fig. 113, Eotetrany chus plcmki: aedeagus, Puerto Rico. studied from the type locality, Mayagiiez, Puerto Rico (H. k. Plank), on Soya max, P uereria phaseoloides, and “kudzu” leaves; Santa Maria, lrinidad (R. G. Fennah), on Cajanus indicus; and Concordia, Argentina (L. C. knorr), on Cassia occidentalis. Libocedri Group Members of the Libocedri Group may be recognized by having the dorsal setae of the body, especially the dorsocentral hysterosomals, very short, together with having only five tactile setae on tibia II, and the peritreme ending in a simple bulb. Tibia I of the female bears seven or nine tactile and one sensory setae; tibia II rarely may bear one or two sensory setae in addition to the five tactile setae; tibia III bears three to five tactile setae. The tibiae of the male resemble those of the female with regard to tactile setae, but there are five sensory setae on tibia I and two sensory setae on tibia II and one or two sensory setae on tibia III. Tarsus I bears three to five tactile and one or two setae proximal to the duplex setae. Members of the Libocedri Group are found only on cupressaceous conifers. No other species of Eotetranychus are known from similar hosts. 154 Spider Mites Fig. 114. Eotetrany chus libocedri : dorsal aspect of female, Texas, Arizona cypress. Eotetrarrychus libocedri (McGregor), new combination (Figures 114, 115, 116, 117,) 7 elranychus libocedri McGregor, 1936, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 29(4): 771; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 289. Types: males and females, Camp Nelson, California, on Libocedrus decurrens; in the U. S. National Museum. 155 Subfamily T etranychinae Berlese Fig. 115. Eotetrany chus libocedri : A.) tibia and tarsus 1 of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus 1 of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 156 Spider Mites Fig. 116. Eotetrany chus libo cedri- above, appendages of tarsus 1 of male; below, appendages of tarsus I of female. Adults of Eotetrany chus libocedri may be recognized by having the dorsocentral hysterosomals very short and tapering (sometimes with a slight medial enlargement), together with the distinctive leg chaetotaxy. The dorsal propodosomals vary considerably in length, and there is some variation in the humeral and dorsolateral hysterosomals. The dorsocaudal hysterosomals are often conspicuously longer than the dorsocentrals. Tibia I of the female bears nine tactile setae, and tarsus I bears five tactile (and sometimes one sensory) setae proximal to the duplex setae. Tarsus I of the male bears four tactile and two sensory setae proximal to the duplex setae. A tactile member of the two tactile and one sensory setae that are ven- trad of the duplexes may appear to Fig. 117. Eotetrany chus libocedri : aedeagus, Texas, Arizona cypress. 157 Subfamily Tetranychinae lierlcse Fig. 118. Eotetrany chus thujae : dorsal aspect of female, Maryland, arbor vitae. be slightly proximal. The aedeagus of Eotetranychus libocedri is dis¬ tinctive. It consists of a simple rod slightly narrowing distally and laterally emarginate at the tip. This species is known from cupressaceous conifers in the western and southwestern United States. In addition to the types, specimens have been studied from Danville, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Thuja sp. and Cupressus sp.; Murietta, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Italian cypress; Camp Nelson, California (E. ft. Baker), on incense cedar: San Diego, California (D. F. Palmer), on cypress; \akima, ftashington 158 Spider Mites Fig. 119. Eotetranychus thujae : A.) tibia and tarsus 1 of female; B.) tibia and tarsus 11 of female; C.) tibia and tarsus 1 of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male; all from type material. 159 Subfamily T etranychinae Herlese Fig. 120. Eotetranychus thujae : aedeagus. (1.. Baker), on arborvitae; l tah (G. F. Knowlton), on juniper; and ^tsleta, Iexas (P. Nettervill e), on Arizona cypress. Eotetranychus thujae [McGregor), new combination (Figures 118, 119, 120) T etranychus thujae McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 303. Types: males and females, Monticello, Florida, on arborvitae and “ever- greens”; in the U. S. National Museum. Eotetranychus thujae is closely allied to E. libocedri, and the adults similarly have very short dorsocentral hysterosomals. However, these setae are enlarged near the distal end, and the leg chaetotaxy and the aedeagus are considerably different. There is variation in the length of the second and third dorsal propodosomals. Tibia I of the female bears seven tactile and one sensory setae, and tarsus I bears three (or four) tactile setae that are definitely proximal to the duplex setae. Tarsus I of the male similarly bears three tactile and one sensory setae proximally. The tarsus is abruptly declivate just beyond the duplex setae, and the two ventral tactile and one lateral sensory setae ac¬ companying the duplexes may appear to be placed slightly more proximally. The aedeagus is distinctive in that it consists of a sharply 160 Spider Mites 161 Subfamily I etrany chinae Berlese Fig. 122. Eotetrany chus multidi gituli: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female, with enlargement of appendages; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsu? I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male, with enlargement of append¬ ages of tarsus I. 162 Spicier Mites / Fig. 123, Eotetranychus multi digituli: aedeagus. narrowed rod, forming a fingerlike distal end thdt is broadly rounded at the tip. This species is known from the eastern and southwestern United States on cupressaceous conifers. In addition to the types, specimens have been examined from Beltsville, Maryland (E. W. Baker), on arbor- vitae; St. Petersburg, Florida (E. W. Baker), on juniper; Williana, Louisiana (L. D. Newsom), on Juniperus virginiana; and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (A. E. Pritchard), on juniper. McGregor also recorded specimens from Alabama. Eotetranychus gibbosus ( Canestrini ), new combination T etranychus gibbosus Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale 1st. Veneto Let. Sci. Arti (ser. 6), 7(2): 501; Berlese, 1886, Acari, Myr. Scorp., 72, no. 7. Described from specimens from Trentino and Padova, Italy, on conifers. 163 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae Herlese P latytetranychus gibbosus, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 224; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Lundbouwh. Wugeningen, 42(4): 45. 1 he original description and Canestrini’s illustration indicate that gibbosus is allied to Eotetranychus thujae and E. libocedri. Berlese’s illustration also indicates that it may be a member of this group, even though his specimen could represent Paratetranychus ununguis. Oudemans apparently based his description of the genus P latytetrany¬ chus on Berlese’s poor figure, and he considered the postanals to be absent in his key (1931). Ceijskes (1939) followed Oudemans in con¬ sidering the absence of these setae to be a key character. Definite identification of this species must be based on topotype material. Multi digituli Group Adults of the Multidigituli Group may be differentiated from other members of the genus by having the peritreme forming an anastomosing chamber distally, together with having the dorsocentral hysterosomals shorter than the longitudinal intervals between them. Tibia 1 bears seven tactile plus one sensory setae in the female, seven tactile plus four or five sensory setae in the male; tibia II bears five tactile setae in the female and an additional two sensory setae in the male; tibia III bears five tactile setae in both sexes. Tarsus I is abruptly declivate distally, and it bears three tactile setae proximally, with one sensory seta in the female and three sensory setae in the male. The aedeagus is distinctive in that it bends sharply ventrad and forms a distal knob the distal angulation of which is much longer than the anterior angulation. The palpus bears three tactile and four sensory setae as is typical of the family. The Group contains a single species. Eotetranychus multidigituli {Ewing), new combination (Figures 121, 122, 123) Tetranychus multidigituli Ewing, 1917, Jour. Econ. Ent., 10(5): 497; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 654; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 306. Types: five females, booster, Ohio, on Gleditsia triacanthos ; in the U. S. National Museum. 164 Spider Mites Fig. 124. E ote.tr any chus steganus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 165 Subfamily I etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 125. Eotetrany chus steganus: aedeagus; and appendages of tarsus I of male with dorsal view. 7 etranychus ellipticus Gannan, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 431: 83; McGregor, 1940, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 284. Types: males an’d females, New Haven and Glastonbury, Connecticut, on Gleditsia triacanthos; in the collection of the Connecticut Agri¬ cultural Experiment Station. Aeu’ synonymy. There is some variation in the length of the dorsal setae of the body of this species, and they are not widened proximally (as indicated in Carman’s illustration). In specimens from the northeastern United States the dorsocentral hysterosomals are longer and possibly more pubescent than in specimens from the midwestern and southern states. Eotetranychus multidigituli is known only from honey locust, Gledit¬ sia triacanthos, occurring under the leaves. The types of both multidigituli and ellipticus (kindly loaned by Dr. Garman) have been studied, as well as collections from Hamden, Connec¬ ticut (Philip Garman), on honey locust; Washington, D. C. (E. W. Baker), 166 Spider Mites Fig. 126. Eotetranychus clitus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 167 Subfamily I etrany chinae H fries e Fig. 127. Eotetrany chus clitus : A.) terminal segment of palpus of female; B.) t erminal segment of palpus of male; C.) appendages of tarsus I of female. on thornless honey locust; Durham, North Carolina (Bruce Boudreaux), on honey locust; and Natchitoches, Louisiana (L. D. Newsom), on honey locust. Steganus Group The Steganus Group resembles the Tiliarium group in that the dorsal setae of the body are all long, slender, and tapering. However, tibia II possesses only five, rather than eight, tactile setae, and there are very few setae on tarsus I. The aedeagus is also distinctive in forming a long, dorsally bent stylet. This group is recognized on the basis of a single species that occurs on palmetto in Florida. Eotetranychus steganus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 124, 125) Female. — Rostrum reaching beyond middle of femur I. Palpus with terminal sensillum small and slender. Stylophore emarginate antero- medially. Tibia I with six tactile and one sensory seta; tarsus I with a single sensory seta proximal to duplex setae and with a single, ventral 168 Spider Mites Fig. 128. Eotetranychus clitus : aedeagus. tactile seta at the level of the duplex setae; tibia II with five tactile setae; tibia III with three tactile setae. Empodium with three pairs of hairs, divergent almost from base. Dorsal integument with regular, parallel, dotted striae. Dorsal setae of body much longer than inter¬ vals between bases, slender and acutely tapering from near base, very finely pubescent. Length of body, 330p; including rostrum, 410fi. Male. — Similar to female. Tibia I with six tactile and three sensory setae; tarsus I with three sensory setae proximal of duplex setae; tibia II with a sensory seta in addition to the five tactile setae. Aedeagus with external portion of shaft curved abruptly dorsal, the curved portion longer than the shaft, needle-like, and tapering. Length of body, 266 p; including rostrum, 333pi. Uololype. — Male, St. Petersburg, Florida, July 1, 1952 (E. W. Baker), on palmetto; type no. 2176 in the U. S. National Museum. P aratypes. — Seventy-seven females, 59 males, St. Petersburg, Florida, July 1, 3, 169 S ubfarnily Tetrany chinae lierlese Fig. 129. Eotetrcmychus muscicola: dorsal aspect of female, Scotland. and 11, 1952 (E. W. Baker), on palmetto; 2 females, 4 nymphs, Ponte Vedra, Florida, July 3, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard), on palmetto; 5 females, South Miami, Florida, July 9, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard), on palmetto; 3 males, 10 females, Miami, Florida, (E. W, Baker), on palmetto. Clitus Group The Clitus Group is based on a species that closely resembles Eotetranychus deflexus, and it is probable that the closest relation¬ ships are with that species. However, E. clitus is distinctive in having six tactile setae on tibia II. 170 Spider Mites Fig. 130. Eotetranychus muscicola: above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. Eotetranychus clitus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 126, 127, 12,3) The male of Eotetranychus clitus closely resembles that of E. de- flexus in having the aedeagus tapering and abruptly declivate in a sigmoid curve. However, the distal segment of the palpus of this sex bears four sensory sensilla, the terminal sensillum being very long and slender. The peritreme forms a strong hook distally, and the clunals of the female are much shorter than the inner sacrals. 171 Subfamily T etrany chinae Rerlrsr Fig. 131. Eotetranychus perplexus : A.) tibia and tarsus 1 of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. This species is known only from the southeastern United States, on low-growing hosts. 172 Spider Mites B Fig. 132. Eotetranychus perplexus: A.) appendages of tarsus I of female; B.) terminal segment of palpus of female; C.) appendages of tarsus I of male; D.) terminal segment of palpus of male. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum obconical, about three times as long as broad at base; proximal sensillum of last palpal segment slender, somewhat longer than the mediodorsal, tapering sensilla. Peri- treme strongly retrorse distally. Tibia I with nine tactile and four (or three) sensory setae; tarsus I with four tactile and three sensory setae proximal to duplexes; empodium I with three pairs of short teeth. Tibia II with six tactile setae; tibia III with six tactile setae. Dorsal setae of body slender and tapering, considerably longer than longitudinal inter¬ vals between bases. Aedeagus bent ventrad near middle of shaft, the distal portion tapering and sigmoid. Length of body 280 p ; including rostrum 360p . b emale. — Similar to male. Terminal sensillum on palpus twice as long as broad. Tibia I with nine tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I with five tactile and one sensory setae proximal to duplexes. Clunal setae about two-thirds as long as outer sacrals. Genital flap and area immediately anterior with transverse striae. Length of body 366 p ; in¬ cluding rostrum 433p; greatest width of body 253p. Holotype. — Male, Leesburg, Florida, June 29, 1948 (R. A. Lafler), on azalea; type no. 2177 in the 11. S. National Museum. P aratypes. — Sixty-one females, 2 nymphs, Winter Garden, Florida, March 29, 1948 173 Subfamily l etrany chinae Rerlese (0. D. Link), on blackberry; 3 males, 11 females, Leesburg, Florida, June 29, 1948 (R. A. Lafler), on azalea; 13 females, Raleigh, North Carolina, May 28, 1950 (C. F. Smith), on azalea; 19 females, Frost Proof, Florida, April 20, 1951 (A. C. Baker), on passion flower; 8 fe¬ males, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May 22, 1951 (L. D. Newsom), on blackberry; 3 females, 1 larva, Corey, Louisiana, July 8, 1952 (J. S. Roussel), on Rubus sp. T il iarium Group Members of the Tiliarium Group may be recognized by having eight tactile setae on tibia II. The species are, for the most part, very closely allied, and a lateral 174 Spider Mites view of the aedeagus is usually necessary for identification. Differences in the length of the dorsal setae, the terminal sensillum of the palpus, the termination of the peritreme, the comparative length of components of the duplex setae, and ventral striations of the opisthosoma are char- acters sometimes useful for separation of the females on a local basis. Eotetranychus muscicola ( Oudemans ), new combination (Figures 129, 130) Apotetranychus muscicola Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 234; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 33. Type : female, Arnhem, Holland, from moss; in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke, Leiden, Holland. The female of muscicola differs from other members of the genus Eotetranychus that have nine tactile and one sensory setae on tibia I and eight tactile setae on tibia II by having only four tactile (and one sensory) setae proximal to the duplexes on tarsus I, together with hav¬ ing the body broadly rounded with the dorsal setae somewhat shorter than longitudinal intervals between them. The male is unknown. This species has been known from a single female collected in Holland, on moss. A number of females from Scotland (at Hoboken, New Jersey quarantine, Perlmutter) were intercepted on Calluna sp. Eotetranychus georgicus {Reck), new combination Apotetranychus georgicus Reck, 1948, Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Rhamnus pallasii. We have not seen the original description of Apotetranychus georgi¬ cus. However, the outstanding conception of tetranychid phylogeny, which is expressed in the articles by Reck that we have been able to see, indicates that he understands the basic principles of relationships within the family. Reek’s keys (1950, 1952), indicate that his conception of Apotetranychus is similar to that of Eotetranychus, and we, therefore, make the new combination. Our own studies invalidate a distinction between these related genera on a basis of dorsal tubercles on the body, the shape of the dorsal setae, or the shape of the alveoli bearing the dorsal setae. 175 Subfamily I e (rariy chinae Herlese Fig. 134. Eotetrany chus carpini borealis : dorsal aspect of female. Eotetranychus perplexus (McGregor), new combi nat ion (Figures 131, 132, 133) Tetranychus perplexus McGregor, 1950, Anier. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 298. Types : males and females, Lebec, California on Salix sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. The female of Eotetranychus perplexus agrees with most members of the genus in that there are nine tactile and one sensory setae on tibia 176 Spider Mites Fig. 135. Eotetranychus carpini: above, tibia and tarsus I of male E. carpini borealis ; below, tibia and tarsus I of male, Hamden, Connecticut. I and eight tactile setae on tibia II. However, it agrees with E. musci- cola in that there are only four tactile (and one sensory) setae on tarsus I proximal to the duplexes. In contradistinction to E. muscicola, the body is slender, with the dorsal setae longer than the intervals between them, and thus resembling most of the Tiliarium Group. Females are sometimes found in association with Eotetranychus willamettei from 177 Subfamily /’ etrcuiychinae llerlese Fig. 136. Eotetranychus carpini borealis : A.) aedeagus; B.) peritreme; C.) palpus of female. which they may be separated by having the peritreme bent or hooked, not straight, dis tally. The male may be readily recognized by having the aedeagus flaring at the distal end to form a dorsal and a ventral angulation. Collections, in addition to the types, that have been studied from California are labelled: llatcreek (A. E. Pritchard), on Purshia triden- tata; Modesto (A. E. Pritchard), on willow; Wasco and Bakersfield (G. L. Smith), on willow; Tulare County H. Schweers), on willow; Camp Nelson (E. W. Baker), on mountain mahogany; and Ridge Route, Frenchman Flat (E. W. Baker), on willow. Other specimens studied are from Satus Pass, Washington (E. J. Newcomer), on Prunus emarginatus; Blewelt Pass, Washington (E. W. Baker), on Purshia sp.; and Basseaux 178 Spider Mites Lake, British Columbia (E. VV. Baker), on Purshia sp. McGregor also recorded this species from Idaho, and he further noted Cercocarpus sp. as a host. Eotetranychus tiliarium ( Hermann ) Trombidium tiliarium Hermann, 1804, Mem. Apt., p. 42. Described from specimens from Straatsburg, France, on Tilia sp. T etranychus tiliarium, Koch, 1838, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arach., 17: 13; Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920: 57; Hirst, 1924, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist (ser. 9), 14: 622; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 235; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1051. T etranychus minimus Targioni Tozzetti, 1878, Ann. Agric., 1: 247. Described from specimens from Italy, on Tilia Europaea. New synonymy. T etranychus telarius, Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920: 57; Oudemans, 1930, Ent. Ber., 8(175): 166. Zacher, 1921, Z. ang. Ent., 7: 186. Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1045. Misidentification. Eotetranychus telarius, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 225; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(3): 31; Reck, 1948, Soobsch, Akad, Nauk Gruz. S.S.R. 8(9-10): 373. Misidentifi¬ cation. The male of Eotetranychus tiliarium may be recognized by having the aedeagus very long and slender, straight, and tapering to the tip. The female bears nine tactile and one sensory setae on tibia I; eight tactile setae on tibia II; and five tactile and one sensory setae proximal to the duplexes on tarsus I. As in all other species having this count of leg setae, the body is small and slender with long and slender dorsal setae. As is usually the case with related species, the end of the peritreme is hooked or angulate at the distal end (however, Zacher describes a simple bulb). Hermann (1804) may be considered the first reviser, inasmuch as he proposed the specific name tiliarium for the linden mite and used the# specific name telarius for the common spinning mite- of Europe. It is true that Hermann was not entirely clear on his separation of the two species. However, Koch (1838) restricted the specific name tiliarium to the linden mite, and there appears to be little justification for sub¬ stitution of the Linnaean specific name telarius for this mite a£ proposed by Oudemans (1931) and used by certain of his followers. 179 Subfamily I etrany chinae Herlese lhe synonymy of minimus with tiliarium is based primarily on the host and the figure of the leg and empodium that was presented by 1 argioni Tozzetti. Specimens studied are from Germany, on I ilia sp., kindly submitted by h . Zacher. Other authentic records are all from Europe on trees such as maple, sycamore, horse-chestnut, hawthorne, hazel, and willow. A collection too recent to be included in the key was made from 7 ilia sp., July 9-19, Amherst, Massachusetts (W, B. Becker). Eotetranychus carpini ( Oudemans ) (Figures 134, 135, 136) Tetranychus carpini Oudemans, 1905, Tijd. Ent., 48: LXXIX; Oudemans, 1910; Bui. Ent. Res., 1: 114; Oudemans, 1915, Arch. Naturg., 81 (5): 44; Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920 : 56; Zacher, 1921, Z. ang. Ent., 7: 185. Type: male, Beuel, near Bonn, Hol¬ land, on Carpinus betulus; represented only by a figure in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, Holland. Eotetranychus carpini, Oudemans; 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(131): 290; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 32. Tetranychus borealis Ewing, 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 6: 457; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 658; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 306. Types : males and females, from the Coast Range Mountains, Benton County, Oregon; on Spiraea sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. Eotetranychus carpini borealis, Pritchard and Baker, 1952, Hilgardia, 21(9): 261. Tetranychus flavus Ewing, 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. -Amer., 6:458; McGregor, 1909, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 654; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 286. Types: males and females, Hood River, Oregon, on apple; in the U. S. National Museum. Tetranychus oregonensis McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 51(2167): 585; McGregor, 1919, Proc. 1. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 661; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 295. Types: males and females, Portland, Oregon, on wild cherry: in the U. S. National Museum. Tetranychus monticolus McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 51(2167): 584; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 662; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 293. Types: males and females, Mount Hood, Oregon, on I accinium sp. 180 Spider Mites Fig. 137. Eotetranychus coryli: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 181 Subfamily Tetranychinae Rerlese Fig. 138. Eotetranychus coryli: aedeagus. (Tetranychus willamettei, Garman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., (431: 85. Misidentification. Schizotetranychus ( Eotetranychus ) carpinula Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9: 131. Described from male and female, Gori and Lagodekhi, Georgia, S.S. R., on Carpinus betulus. New synonymy. ( Schizotetranychus ( Eotetranychus ) pterocaryae Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S. R., 9: 130. Described from male and female, Lagodekhi, Georgia, S.S.R., on P terocarya fraxinifolia. New synonymy. The peritremes of both carpinula and pterocaryae end in a simple bulb, and only the comparative size of the bulb was used to differentiate the two species. The other synonymy is based on the studies of Pritchard and Baker (1952). The males of Eotetranychus carpini, E. willamettei , and E. coryli, E. aesculi, E. viticola, E. uncatus, and E. pruni, form a complex in which each of the species has an aedeagus that is very long and slender, acutely tapering, and strongly undulate near the middle. Both sexes of E. carpini differ from E. willamettei by having the proximal member of each duplex very short in comparison with the distal member; and from the other species by having the distal end of the peritreme forming a simple bulb (not a fork as illustrated by Oudemans, 1915). Males studied from England, on Carpinus betulus, have only one or two sensory setae (in addition to the nine tactile setae) on tibia I; whereas there are four sensory setae on tibia I of the males studied from the northwestern United States. Because of this discrepancy, 182 Spider Mites Fig. 139. Eotetranychus coryli: A.) terminations of the peritreme of speci¬ mens from Washington, D. C.; B.) terminal segment of the palpus of female; C.) terminal segment of male palpus; D.) appendages of tarsus 1 of female; E.) appendages of tarsus 1 of male. Pritchard and Baker (1952) referred to the European form as Eotetrany¬ chus carpini carpini and that from the western United States as E. carpini borealis. A third possible subspecies, or else a variation, occurs in the north¬ eastern United States. Specimens from Hamden, Connecticut (Philip 183 Subfamily 1 etranychinae Herlese Garman), on beech, differ from the two named forms in that tibia I of the male possesses three sensory setae, being intermediate between previously examined specimens. Eotetranychus carpini carjjini is recorded from Germany and England, on hornbean, hazel nut, willow, maple, and alder. Eotetranychus carpini borealis is known from British Columbia, Canada, to central California, where it is often a pest of apples and pears. Other hosts include cherry, raspberry, blueberry, spirea, alder, and willow. Eotetranychus co ryli [Reck), new combination (Figures 137, 138, 139) Schi eotetranychus [Eotetranychus) coryli Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S. R., 9: 130. Described from males and females, Staliniry, Gori, Telavi, and Lagodekhi, Georgia, S.S.R., on Corylus avellana. The original description and figures of coryli indicate that this species differs from other members of the carpini complex in that the distal end of the peritreme is simply bent, d he terminal sensillum of the palpus of the female is slender, about three times as long as broad. Specimens examined from Washington, D. C., (E. W. Baker), on red maple, are tentatively referred to this species. Eotetranychus uncatus Garman (Figure 3) Eotetranychus uncatus Garman, 1952, in Pritchard and Baker, Hilgardia, 21(9): 263. Holotype: male, Amherst, Massachusetts, on apple; in the collection of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Eotetranychus uncatus is closely allied to E. carpini from which it differs only in having the distal end of the peritreme strongly T-shaped. Many specimens studied have shown no variation in this character. The terminal sensillum of the female palpus is two and one-half times as long as broad. This species has recently been recognized as a serious pest of apples in Massachusetts and Connecticut. The only other specimens studied that are similar are from Utah, on white birch. Spider Mites Fig. 140. Eotetrany chus willamettei : palpus of female and tarsus I of female. Eotetrarrychus aesculi {Reck), new combination Schizotetranychus {Eotetrany chus) aesculi Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9: 128. Described front males and females, Tiflis, Georgia, S.S.R., on street plantings of Aesculus hippocastanum and Acer platanoides. Reek’s description and figures of aesculi indicate that this may be a prior name for Eotetrany chus uncatus, the peritreme being IJ-shaped distally. However, the terminal sensillum of the female palpus, as described and figured by Reck, is somewhat slenderer and narrows proximally. 185 Su bfamily Tetranychinue lierlese Fig. 141. Eotetranychus populi- A.) tibia and tarsus 1 of female; R.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 186 Spider Mites Fig. 142. Eotetranychus populi: A.) appendages of tarsus I of male; B.) empodium of tarsus IV of male; C.) appendages of tarsus II of male; D.) append¬ ages of tarsus I of female. Eotetranychus viticola (Reck), new combination Schizotetrany chus ( Eotetranychus ) viticola Reck, 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9(6); 374; 9(7): 446, 447. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on grape. The long, slender, tapering, undulate aedeagus places this species in the carpini complex; although the terminal sensillum is slender as in E. willamettei, the peritremes are hooked distally. Eotetranychus pruni ( Oudemans ) Tetranychus pruni Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 195. Type : female, Germany, on Prunus domestica; possibly in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Histone, Leiden, Holland. Eotetranychus pruni, Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 31. Schizotetranychus ( Eotetranychus ) pruni. Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S. R., 9: 129. Oudemans original description of pruni, on the basis of a single female collected in Germany in 1884, on Prunus sp. indicates that this species differs from carpini in that the end of the peritreme is “gebogen” 187 Subfamily T etrany chinae Herlese or I -shaped. Heck (1950) found a similar mite on Erurius spp. in Georgia, S.S. R., and f^ave a more ample description of both sexes. Heck’s mites resemble Eotetranychus uncatus closely, except that the terminal sen- sillum of the female palpus is very slender, four times as long as broad. Eotetranychus w ; / lamettei ( McGregor ) (Figure 140) 7 etranychus willamettei McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 51(2167): 586; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 660; Types : males and females, Oregon City, Oregon, on Quercus garryana4, in the P. S. National Museum. Eotetranychus willamettei, Pritchard and Baker, 1952, Hilgardia, 21(9): 263. Fig. 143. Eotetranychus populi : aedeagus, Connecticut. Both sexes of Eotetranychus willamettei differ from other species in the genus by having each member of the pair of duplex setae on tarsus II nearly equal in length. The female further differs from Eotetranychus carpini and E. uncatus by having the distal sensillum on the palpus about four times as long as broad. The peritreme is straight distally, ending in a simple bulb. The aedeagus resembles that of Eotet¬ ranychus carpini and E. uncatus, being long and slender, tapering and with a strong undulation. Tibia I of the male bears four sensory setae. This species is known from southern California to Washington State. It is a serious pest of grapes in California and occasionally in¬ fests apple. Other hosts include antelope brush, box elder, service berry, and oak. 188 Spider Mites Fig. 144. Eotetranychus weldoni: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Eotetranychus populi (Koch) (Figures 141, 142, 143) 189 Subfamily T etrany chinae Berlese l etranychus populi Koch, 1838, Deut. Crust. Myr. Arach., 17: 14; Oudenmns, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1041; Hirst, 1930, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend., 1920 : 52; Carman, 1923, Bui. Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta., 247: 339; Oudemans, 1931, E nt. Ber., 8(178): 235; Oudemans, 1939, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1041; Carman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta., 431: 85; McGregor, 19-10, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 301. Described from specimens from Regensburg, Germany, on poplar. T etranychus salicicola Zacher, 1920, Vorlauf. Diag. ein. neu. Spinn- milb., p. 1; Zacher, 1921, Zts. angew. Ent., 7: 186. Types : males and females, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, on willow and poplar. Possibly in the Zacher collection. New synonymy. Amphitetranychus salicicola, Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 41. Schizotetranychus ( Eotetranychus ) salicicola, Reck, 1948, Soobsh, Akad. Nauk. Cruz. S.S.R., 9(7):374. Both sexes of Eotetranychus populi may be differentiated from other members of the genus by having the distal end of the peritreme forming an irregular, anastomosing enlarge¬ ment, together with having the dorsal setae of the body longer than the intervals between them. The aedeagus is very long and slender, as in Eotetranychus tili- arium and the E. carpini complex, but it is slightly undulate and less tapering, being rounded at the tip. Hirst (1920) showed that specimens from England, on poplar, and identified as populi, have an aedeagus similar to that of species often occurring on poplars in North America, and Zacher’s description of salicicola indicates that of a similar aedeagus with clarification of the complex termination of the peritreme. Garman’s (1940) identifica¬ tion of populi is, therefore, accepted. This species is recorded from Germany and England, as well as Georgia, S.S.R., on poplar and willow. It also occurs in the eastern United States on the same hosts. Specimens examined are from Hamden, Connecticut (Philip Carman), on poplar; Farmingdale, New ^ ork (J. G. Matthvsse) , on aspen; and Durham, North Carolina (A. E. Pritchard), on weeping willow. Fig. 145. Eotetranychus weldoni- aedeagus, California. 190 Spider Mites Fig. 146. Eotetranychus malvastris: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 191 Subfamily I etranychinue Berlese Fig. 147. Eotetranychus malvastris: A.) appendages of tarsus I of female; B.) appendages of tarsus I of male; C.) palpus of male. Eotetranychus weldoni {Ewing), new combination (Figures 144, 145) Tetranychus weldoni Ewing, 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 6: 457; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 660; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 305. Types: males and females, Grand Junction, Colorado, on cottonwood and possibly other hosts; in the U. S. National Museum. Tetranychus californicus McGregor, 1928, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 30: 11; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 282. Types: males and females, Porterville, California, on Populus sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. Eotetranychus weldoni differs from E. populi only in that the distal end of the peritreme forms a simple, long hook rather than being anas¬ tomosing. The two names represent allopatric species or subspecies. This species is known from the midwestern and western Lnited States on poplar and willow. Aside from the types of weldoni and californicus , specimens have been studied from Great Bend, Kansas (R. E. Beer), on poplar; Wildwood, Wyoming (G. F. Knowlton), on willow; Shafter, Cali¬ fornia (G. L. Smith), on poplar; Arvin, California (A. E. Pritchard), on poplar; and San Joaquin, California (G. I .. Smith), on willow. 192 Spider Mites Eotetranychus malvastris (McGreyor), new combination (Figures 146, 147, 148) Tetranychus malvastris McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 290. Types: males and females, Whittier, California, on Malvastrum sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. The aedeagus of Eotetranychus malvastris is distinctive in being triangular with the ventral margin practically straight and the dorsal margin gradually narrowing to an acute tip. Females are not readily differentiated from several other members of the Tiliarium Group. Specimens are known only from southern California and Arizona. Types of malvastris are from Whittier, California, on Malvastrum sp. and McGregor recorded specimens from Gila Bend, Arizona, on the same host. In addition to the types of malvastris, we have studied speci¬ mens from Aguanga, California, (A. E. Pritchard), on Adenostema fasci- culatum; and Barrett, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Malva sp. Fig. 148. Eotetranychus malvastris : aedeagus, California. Eotetranychus smithi Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 149, 150) The male of Eotetranychus smithi may be recognized by having the proximal half of the aedeagus with the ventral margin directed some¬ what dorsad, and with the distal portion abruptly narrowed to form a fine, caudally directed stylet. The female resembles that of Eotetranychus hicoriae in that there are longitudinal striae anterior to, but not on, the genital flap, and the peritreme is strongly hooked at its distal end. The terminal sen- sillum on the palpus, however, is stouter than that in the female of E. hicoriae, being about one and one half times as long as wide proximally. 193 Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlese Fig. 149. Eotetranyct.us smithi : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 194 Spider Mites Fig. 150. Eotetranychus smithi : aedeagus and terminal segment of palpus of male. Fig. 151. Eotetranychus yumensis: aedeagus, type. This species is known only from the northeastern United States on rose and bramble. Male. — Terminal sensillum of pal¬ pus about three times as long as broad at base. Peritreme strongly retrorse at distal end. Tarsus 1 with four tactile and three sensory setae proximal to the duplexes; empodium I with three pairs of very slender digits, the dorsal pair being the finest. Tibia II with eight tactile setae; tibia III with six tactile setae. Body with dorsal setae slender, much longer than longitudinal intervals between them. Aedeagus with proximal portion of shaft curved dorsad, the median portion abruptly narrowed, and the distal portion very slender, tapering, caudally directed but slightly undulate. Length of body 230p ; including rostrum 320 p. 195 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae llerlese Fig. 152. Eotetranychus frosti: A.) tibia and tarsus 1 of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 196 Spider Mites Fig. 153. Eotetranychus frosti : A.) terminal segment of palpus of male; B.) terminal segment of palpus of female; C.) appendages of tarsus I of male; D.) appendages of tarsus I of female. Female. — Similar. Terminal sensillum of palpus about one and one half times as long as wide as base. Tibia I with nine tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I with four tactile and one sensory setae proximal to duplexes. Area immediately anterior to genital flap with longitudinal striae; genital flap with transverse striae. Length of body 280 p; greatest w idth of body 385 p . l/olotype. — Male, College Park, Maryland, June 22, 1951 (Floyd F. Smith), on rambler rose; type no. 2178 in the U. S. National Museum. P aratypes. — Four males, 2 females, 2 nymphs, College Park, Maryland, June 22, 1951 (Floyd b. Smith) on rambler rose; 1 male, Tyson’s Corner, Virginia, July 11, 1951 (F. \\. Baker), on Rubus phoenicolasius. Ihis species is named in honor of Floyd F. Smith who collected part of the type series and who has made major contributions toward control of the two-spotted spider mite in greenhouses. 197 Subfamily T etrany chinat Rerlese Fig. 154. Eotetranychus frosti : A.) aedeagi of types; B.) aedeagi of specimens from Missouri. 198 Spider Mites Kip. 155. Eotctrunychus sexmaculatus : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus 1 of male; C.) appendages of tarsus I of female; D.) appendages of tarsus I of male. 199 S ubfamily I etranychinae Herlese Eotetranychus yumensis (McGregor), new combination (Figure 151) Tetranychus yumensis McGregor, 1934, Proc. Fnt. Soc. Wash., 36: 256; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 304. Types: males and females, Yuma, Arizona, on citrus; in the U. S. National Museum. The aedeagus of yumensis differs from other species of Eotetranychus in that it forms a shallow, nearly sigmoid dorsal curve, the distal end tapering gradually to a caudally directed point. The female resembles several other members of the Tiliarium Group having transverse striae anterior to the genital flap. This species, originally known from Yuma, Arizona, has recently become rather abundant in the Coachella and Imperial Vallies of Cali¬ fornia, particularly on lemon and tangerine. Grapefruit and orange also serves as hosts. L. R. Jeppson and Andrew Deal sent us most of the specimens studied from California citrus. Eotetranychus frosti [McGregor), new combination (Figures 152, 153, 154) Tetranychus frosti McGregor, 1952, Proc. Fnt. Soc. Wash., 54: 142. Types : males and females, lempe, Arizona, on rose; in the l . S. National Museum. The male of Eotetranychus frosti may be recognized by having the aedeagus sharply bent dorsad to form a slender, sigmoid, distal end. Females are similar to several others of the Tiliarium Group that bear transverse striae anterior to the genital flap. 200 Spider Mites Types from Tempe, Arizona, on rose, have been studied as well as specimens collected near Modesto, California, August 8, 1949 (A. E. Pritchard), on blackberry. Additional specimens referred to this species are from Louisiana, Missouri, August 12, 1952 (D. W. Hamilton), on raspberry; and Valley City, North Dakota (V. Goodfellow), on raspberry. In males from these collections, the aedeagus bends somewhat more sharply dorsad and the bent portion is somewhat stouter. Moreover, the terminal sensillum on the palpus of the male is more conical. Eotetranychus hirsti Pritchard and Baker, new name Tetranychus fici Hirst, 1926 (not Murray, 1877) Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1926: 828; Rahman and Sapra, 1940, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (ser. B), 11: 186. Types : males and females, Coimbatore, India, on fig ( Ficus carica); probably in the British Museum (Natural History). Primary homonym. This species, known only from South India, on fig leaves and fruit, is very closely related to Eotetranychus frosti McGregor. The aedeagus bends dorsad, with the upturned portion slender, tapering, and sigmoid. The aedeagal bend, as figured by Hirst, is constricted; whereas it is not in McGregor’s species. Murray regarded his fig mite, from near London, England, to be an introduced species. However, his description of the female as being ovate is not characteristic of most species of Eotetranychus ; and it is likely that Murray was dealing with an infestation of the two-spotted spider mite, a species that is known to occur on fig. Eotetranychus suginamensis ( Yokoyama ), new combination Tetranychus suginamensis Yokoyama, 1922, Bui. Imp. Seric. Exp. Sta. Japan, 8(6): 282. Described from specimens from Japan, on mulberry. Tetranychus mori Rahman and Sapra, 1940, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (ser. B), 11: 184. Types: males and females, Lyallpur, India, on mulberry ( Morus alba). New synonymy. Yokoyama’s description of the mites as forming small colonies on the underside of the leaf, the hibernation of adults, and the pearly 201 Subfamily T etranychinae Berlese c Fig. 157. Eotetranychus leuisi : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; R.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; 0.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 202 Spider Mites Fig. 158. Eotetranychus lewisi: above, empodium I of female; below, empodium I of male. egg with a dorsal stipe all indicate that this is a species of Eotetrany¬ chus. The aedeagus was described as having a short shaft, tapering and bending distally to form a small hook. The description and figure of the aedeagus of Tetranychus mori is similar to that of T. suginamensis, the aedeagus being tapering, strongly curved dorsad and with the tip directed anteriorly. Both are from the same host, mulberry. Mori is, therefore, considered to be a synonym of suginamensis. We have not seen this species. Eotetranychus sexmaculatus {Riley), new combination (Figures 155, 156) Tetranychus 6-rnaculatus Hi ley, 1890, Insect life, 2: 225. Described from specimens from Florida, on citrus. Tetranychus sexmaculatus. Banks, 1900, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Ent. lech. Ser., 8: 75; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 659; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 301; Ebeling, 1950, Subt. Ent., p. 374. Emendation. 203 Subfamily I etrany chinae Berlrse The aedeagus of Eotetranychus sexmaculatus is distinctive in that it curves slightly dorsad near the middle of the shaft; but the distal portion is caudoventrally directed, and the tip bears a diagnostic, some¬ what ventrally deflexed hook. The female is distinctive in having longitudinal striae on the genital flap. This species has long been known as a serious pest of citrus in Florida and southern California, and more recently it has become an important pest of avocado in California. The mites are found primarily on the foliage, forming restricted colonies under the leaves. California specimens studied by us are from Berkeley, (A. E. 204 Spider Mites Fig. 160, Eotetranychus deflexus : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 205 Subfamily Tetrany chinae Berlese Fig. 161 .Eotetranychus deflexus : terminal seg¬ ment of male palpus. Pritchard) on elaeagnus, royal paulonia, pyra- cantha, azalea, camphor, and maple; Palo Alto (A. E. Pritchard), on camphor; Ventura (L. R. Jeppson), on lemon; Capistrano (L. R. Jeppson), on citrus; Orange (C. A. Fleschner), on citrus; and Costa Mesa (M. Badgley), on citrus, Florida collections are from Ojus (0. D. Link) , on citrus; Eloise Loop (L. C. Enorr), on citrus, and Lake Alfred (L. C. Knorr), on citrus. Additional mate¬ rial has been studied from Formosa (T. C. Mao), on Citrus grandis. Eotetranychus talisiae (Hirst), new combi nation Tetrany chus talisiae Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1920 : 54; Me Gregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 302. Types: males and females, from tropical greenhouse, Kew Gardens, England, on Talisia princeps; in the British Museum (Natural History). Eotetranychus talisiae is related to E. sexmaculatus in that the area immediately anterior to the genital flap in the female has longitudinal striae, as does the anterior portion of the flap. Talisiae may be dif¬ ferentiated from sexmaculatus in that each empodium of the female possesses a small, well defined dorsal spur which is lacking in sex¬ maculatus. The aedeagus of talisiae is similar to that of yumensis , being straight distally and without the ventrally deflexed hook found in sex¬ maculatus. Eotetranychus lewisi (McGregor), new combination (Figures 157, 158, 159) T etranychus lewisi McGregor, 1943, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 45: 12<; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 288; Ebeling, 1950, Subt. Ent., p. 376. Types: males and females, Corona, California, on orange; in the U. S. National Museum. The aedeagus of Eotetranychus lewisi is distinctive by being grad¬ ually tapering and by forming a broad, sigmoid, ventral bend. The peritreme is strongly hooked or angulate distally. Tibia 1 of the male 206 Spider Mites usually bears three sensory setae (in addition to the nine tactile setae), but rarely only two sensory setae are present. The Lewis spider mite is found primarily along the California coast. It is a pest of citrus, having been noted primarily on the fruit, causing a silvering on lemons and a russetting of oranges. McGregor recorded this species from southern California, on orange, lemon, bur-clover, and castor-bean. Other than the types, collections studied by us are from Palo Alto, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Ceanothus sp.; and Santa Paula, California (C. A. Fleschner), on castor bean and olive. Eotetranychus deflexus (McGregor), new combination (Figures 160, 161, 162) 7 ctranychus deflexus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 284. I ypes: males and females, Grant’s Pass, Oregon, on Symphori- carpos sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. 207 Subfamily I etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 163. Eotetrany chus eccli sis: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; 0.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 208 Spider Mites Fig. 164. Eotetrany chus ecclisis : A.) empodium I of male; B.) empodiuin II of male; C.) terminal segment of palpus of female; D.) terminal segment of palpus of male. Schizotetranychus cercocarpi McGregor, 1950, Anier. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 308. Types : males and females, Camp Nelson, California, on Cercocarpus sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. A rew synonymy. The male of Eotetranychus deflexus may be recognized by having the aedeagus strongly bent ventrad near the middle with the bent portion tapering and sigmoid, together with having the distal segment of the palpus provided with a rudimentary terminal sensillum. The mediodorsal, tapering sensilla of the last palpal segment of the male are subequal in length. The peritreme is straight distally, terminating in a simple bulb, and the striae on the genital flap of the female and the area immediately anterior is transverse. This species is known only from Oregon, and California. A new collection is from The Dalles, Oregon (E. W. Baker), on snowberry. 209 Subfamily Tetranychinae Hrrlese Fig. 166. Eotetranychus pcdlidus : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; P.l tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 210 Spider Mites Fig. 167. Eotetranychus pallidus : peritremes and aedeagus. Eotetranychus ecclisis Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 163, 164, 165) Eotetranychus ecclisis is closely allied to E. deflexus in that the terminal sensillum on the male palpus is rudimentary and the aedeagus is ventrally bent to form a sigmoid curve. However, the tapering sensilla on the male palpus are strongly dissimilar in length, and the aedeagus is slightly widened at the ventral bend. Moreover, the female has longi¬ tudinal striae immediately anterior to the genital flap. This species is known only from southern Mexico, on, Artemisia mexicana. Male. — Terminal segment of palpus with distal sensillum rudimentary; mediodorsal, tapering sensilla with one member strongly developed, twice as long as the other and nearly four times as long as proximodorsal fusiform peg. Peritreme straight distally, ending in a single chambered bulb. Tibia I with nine tactile and three sensory setae; tarsus I with four tactile and two sensory setae proximal to duplexes; empodium I bifid with a small mediodorsal tooth, each side being composed of three short teeth. Tibia I with eight tactile setae; tibia III with six tactile setae. Body with dorsal setae slender and tapering, considerably longer than longitudinal intervals between them. Aedeagus with distal one- half bent ventrad and sigmoid, the ventral bend somewhat widened and the distal end caudally directed. Length of body 293 g ; including rostrum 400 g. Female. — Similar. Terminal sensillum of palpus about twice as long as wide at base. Tibia I with nine tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus 211 Subfamily 1 etranychinae Berlese I with five tactile setae posterior to duplexes. Genital flap with trans¬ verse striae; iirea immediately anterior to genital flap with longitudinal striae. Length of body 330(1; greatest width of body 460 fi. Holotype. — Male, Mexico City — Cuernavaca Highway, kilometer 67, January 22, 1941 (E. W. Baker), on Artemisia mexicana ; tvpe no. 2179 in the l . S. National Museum. P aratypes. — One male, 7 females, Mexico City — Cuernavaca Highway kilometer 67, January 22, 1941 (E, U. Baker), on Artemisia mexicana. Eotetranychus pallidus ( Garman ), new combination (Figures 166, 167) Tetranychus pallidus Garman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Expt. Sta., 431: 86; McGregor, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 297. 7 \pes: males, females, nymphs, larvae, and eggs, Hamden and Southington, Connecticut, on beech; in the collection of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Males referred to Eotetranychus pallidus may be readily recognized by having the aedeagus bent sharply ventrad near the middle, the shaft being abruptly constricted just before the bend. The distal portion of the aedeagus is tapering and strongly sigmoid. Ihe female is distinctive in that the striae of the integument im¬ mediately anterior to the genital flap are irregular, rather than being transversely or longitudinally parallel. This area of irregular striae is not as broad as in those species with longitudinal striae. The peritreme is straight distally or with a terminal, but simple angulation. Dorsal setae on the body are but slightly longer than the longitudinal intervals between them. This species has been known only from New Haven, Co nnecticut, on beech. Type material has been studied by us, as well as specimens from Cromwell, Connecticut, June 21, 1950 (P. Garman), on alder. Eotetranychus hicoriae (McGregor), new combination (Figure 168) Tetranychus hicoriae McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 287. Types: males and females, biggins, Mississippi, on pecan; in the U. S. National Museum. 212 Spider Mites Fig. 168: Eotetranychus hicoriae: peritreme and aedeagus. The aedeagus of Eotetranychus hicoriae closely resembles that of E. pallidus in that it is bent very sharply ventrad with the bent portion strongly sigmoid. However, the shaft of the aedeagus gradually narrows to the bend. The peritreme is strongly hooked distally;and the dorsal setae of the body are much longer than the longitudinal intervals between them. The female is similar to Eotetranychus smithi and E. ecclisis in that the integumentary striations immediately anterior to the genital flap are longitudinal. The genital flap bears transverse striae. Ihe species is common in the southeastern United States, and Pierce (1953) reported serious infestations on pecan scattered through¬ out northern Louisiana. Specimens studied by us, in addition to the types, are from Durham, North Carolina (A. E. Pritchard), on hickory, horse chestnut and black¬ jack oak; Glendale, Maryland (E. Van Leeuwen), on Asiatic and European chestnut; Ithaca, New York (J. G. Matthysse), on red oak; and many specimens from Georgia, on pecan. Eotetranychus fagi ( Zacher)j new combination Epitetranychus fagi Zacher, 1922, Verb. Deut. Gesel. ang. Ent., 5: 6; Zacher, 1932, Zoo. Anz., 97(7)8: 181; Zacher, 1933, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 19: 587. Types: probably males and females, on Eagus silvatica ; possibly in the Zacher collection. 213 Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlese Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) fagit Heck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. \kad. Nuuk Gruz. S.S. K., 9: 131. lhe illustration ol the aedeugus that was presented bv Zacher (1932) indicates that this species may be recognized by having the aedeugus bent sharply ventrad, the bent portion straight and broadly tapering to a point. However, Heck (1950) illustrates the aedeugus as being sharply bent dorsad and narrowly tapering to a point. The peri- treme is straight distally, ending in a small bulb. Zacher indicates that this is a common species in Germany, on European beech, and Heck recorded specimens from Georgia, S.S. H. on beech. Eotetranychus jungiae Oudemans Eotetranychus jungiae Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(178): 225; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 32. Type: female, Triesdorf, Germany, on Salvia (= Jungia) splendens; possibly in the Zacher collection. This species was described on the basis of a single female, found in association with cotypes of T etranychus ludeni Zacher (in Europe), and supposedly originating from Brazil. Oudemans’ description of the female indicates only that it is similar to females of Eotetranychus tiliarium and E. carpini, but the terminal sensillum of the palpus was described as being very small and lancet-like. Eotetranychus aurantii ( Targioni Tozzetti), new combination T etranychus aurantii Targioni Tozzetti, 1878, Ann. Agric., 1: 253, fig. 4a. Described from females (probably Florence) Italy, on live oak. 7 etranychus quercinps Berlese, 1886, Acari Dann. I’iante Goltivate, p. 23. Based on the description of Targioni Tozzetti ( 18 < 8) of mites from Italy, on oak. New synonymy. Targioni Tozzetti referred in his text (p. 253) to this mite as “Tet- rcmico della Erinosi del Leccio,” apparently not intending to give it a scientific name. However, in his legend to the figures of this species, the name T etranychus aurantii is validated. The figures of the tarsal appendages indicate that there are three pairs of empodial hairs. 214 Spider Mites Topotype material must be species can be determined. studied before the true status of this Eotetranychus aceri (Reck), new combination Schizotetranychus ( Eotetranychus ) aceri Reck, 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Cruz. S.S.R., 9(6): 373: 9(7): 446. Described from specimens from Tiflis, Georgia, S.S.R., on Acer negundo. This species is very similar to E. coryli and may prove to be the same. The peritreme ends distally in a simple bulb which is bent weakly posteriorly. Eotetranychus bakuriensi s (Reck), new combination Schizotetranychus ( Eotetranychus ) bahuriensis Reck, 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9(6): 374; 9(7): 448. Described from specimens from Bakuriani, Georgia, S.S.R., on Alchimilla erythropoda. Reek’s figure of the aedeagus, although showing it bending dorsally rather than ventrally, indicates a relationship with E. deflexus and E. ecclisis. The peritreme ends distally in a simple bulb which is bent weakly posteriorly. Eotetranychus fraxini (Reck), new combination Schizotetranychus ( Eotetranychus ) fraxini Reck, 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9(6): 374; 9(7): 448, 449. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Fraxinus spp. The aedeagus is short, gently sigmoid, somewhat similar to that of E. lewisi. The peritreme ends in a simple bulb. Eotetranychus rubiphilus (Reck), new combination Schizotetranychus ( Eotetranychus ) rubiphilus Reck, 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9(6): 374; 9(7): 447. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Rubus sp. Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlese I his species is similar to h. bakuriensis but with a much shorter aedeagus. The peritreme ends in a simple bulb. Eotetranychus ulmicola (Reck), new combi not ion Schizotetrany chus (Eotetranychus) ulmicola Reck, 1048, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9(6): 374; 0(7): 449. Described from specimens Georgia, S.S.R., on L imits spp. 1 he figure of the aedeagus indicates a close relationship with E. carpini. The peritreme ends in a simple bulb which may be bent weakly posteriorly. GENUS NEOTETRANYCHUS TRAGARDH A eotetranychus lriigardh, 1915, Medd. Centralanst. forsoks. jordbruk. Ent., 109(20): 23; Tragardh, 1915, Zts. aug. Ent., 2: 163; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 646; Geijskes, 1039, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 45. Type of genus: IS eotetranychus rubi Tragardh; monobasic. Anatetranychus Womersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2): 261. Type of genus : Anatetranychus hakea Womersley; monobasic. New synonymy. An unusually long extension of the base of the empodium of both females and males was the basis on which lriigardh differentiated the genus A eotetranychus from Eotetranychus. McGregor assigned a second species to A eotetranychus because of a similar development of the female empodium. However, the male of McGregor’s species departs even njore from the Eotetranychus pattern in that all empodia are simply clawlike. I he genus Anatetranychus was based on a species in which the empodia of the female (male unknown) were described as simply clawlike. The species that are here considered under the generic name Aeo- tetranychus probably do not constitute a phylogenetic unit, the structure of the empodium representing parallel development. The chaetotaxy of the legs, the development of the dorsal setae of the body, the form of the aedeagus and empodium I of the male, and the color of the body in life all indicate that the species are not closely allied. 216 Spider Mites Fig. 169. A eotetrany chus rubi: dorsal aspect of female. 217 Subfamily T etrany chinae Berlese Fig. 170. Seotetranychus rubi : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 218 Spider Mites Key to the species of Neotetranychus Females 1. Body with dorsal setae longer than longitudinal intervals between them and set on tubercles . 2 1. Body with dorsal setae shorter than longitudinal intervals between them and not set on tubercles ......... 3 2. Tibia II with seven tactile setae (Europe) . . . rubi (p. 218) 2. Tibia II with six tactile setae (southwestern United States) . siccus (p. 219) 3. Empodium with three pairs of hairs at distal end (eastern United States) . virginiensis (p. 223) 3. Empodium simply clawlike (Australia) .... hahea (p. 225) Neotetranychus rubi TragSrdh (Figures 169, 170, 171, 172) Neotetranychus rubi Tragardh, 1915, Medd. Central anst. forsoks jordbruk. Ent., 109(20): 33; McCregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 647; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Uageningen, 42(4): 45. Types : males and females, Stockholm, Sweden, on Rubus sp.; possibly in the Tragardh collection. Neotetranychus rubi may be readily recognized by having long, acutely tapering setae that are tset on strong tubercles on the dorsum of the body. The empodium of the female has a very long, slender, curved base, and only the distal end is divided into three pairs of hairs. The empodia of the male are similar except that on leg I it resembles a split claw. Tibia I of the female bears seven tactile and one sensory setae, and two sensory setae are present in the male; tibia II bears seven tactile setae in both sexes; and tibia III bears six tactile setae in both sexes. Tarsus I bears four tactile setae proximally in the female, along with two or three sensory setae in the male. Fig. 171. Neotetranychus rubi: empodium of female and terminal palpal segment of male. 219 Subfamily T etranychinae Rerlese Ihe aedeagus is sickle-shaped, curved sharply dorsad and tapering to the tip. This species is known only from Rubus spp. in Europe. Records are from Sweden, the type locality, and from Germany. Our material is from Germany, kindly presented by Ur. F. Zacher. Neotetranychus siccus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 173, 174) Females of Neotetranychus siccus resemble those of A. rubi except that the body is much smaller and the dorsal setae are narrower and not borne on as prominent tubercles. The paired hairs at the distal end of the empodium are quite obvious, and tibia II bears only six tactile setae. The male is unknown. 220 Spider Mites Fig. 173. Neotetranychus siccus: dorsal aspect of female. 221 Subfamily Tetrany chinae Berlese c Fig. 174. is eo tetrany chus siccus : A.) empodium of female; B.) tibia and tarsus I of female; C.) tibia and tarsus II of female. This species is known only from the Arizona desert. Female. — Palpus with terminal sensillum about three times as long as broad. Stylophore about twice as long as broad. Peritreme straight distally, ending in a simple bulb. Tibia I with seven tactile and one sensory seta; tarsus I with four tactile and one sensory seta proximal to duplexes; empodium stem slender, slightly longer than the six distal hairs. Tibia II with six tactile setae. Body with dorsal setae arising from tubercles, slender, slightly longer than longitudinal intervals between them. Hysterosomal integumentary striae mostly transverse, but longitudinal between third dorsocentrals. Length of body 276 p , including rostrum 335 g; greatest width of body 193 fi. Holotype. — Female, Phoenix, Arizona, September 27, 1953 (F. h . Bibby), on leguminous desert shrub; type no. 2180 in the 1 . S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Five females, 3 nymphs, Phoenix, Arizona, September 27, 1953 (F. F. Bibby), on desert shrub (legume). 222 Spider Mites Fig. 17F>. N eotetranychus virginiensis : dorsal aspect of female, 223 Subfamily T e trany chinae Herlese Fig. 176. Seotetranychus virginiensis: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Neotetranychus virginiens is McGregor (Figures 175, 176, 177, 178) A eotetranychus virginiensis McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 275. Types : males and females, Arlington Farm, Virginia, on black locust; in the U. S. National Museum. 224 Spider Mites Fig. 177. Neotetranychus virginiensis: above, appendages of tarsus I of male; below, appendages of tarsus II of female. Adults of Neotetranychus virginiensis may be recognized by having the dorso- central hysterosomals shorter than the longitudinal intervals between them, not set on tubercles, and the empodium with a long, slender base. The empodium of the male forms a simple clawlike append¬ age on all legs, and the aedeagus char¬ acteristically curves slightly ventrad to form a distal knob having the anterior and posterior angulations more or less similarly developed. Tibia I bears six or seven tactile setae in the female plus one sensory seta, and eight tactile setae in the male plus four sensory setae; tibiae II and III each bears five tactile setae in both sexes. Tarsus I bears three (rarely two or four) tactile setae in both sexes proximal to the duplexes, plus one sensory seta in the female and three sensory setae in the male. This species is known only from black locust in the eastern United States. Specimens, other than the types, examined are from Beltsville, Maryland (E. W. Baker), on locust; and Natchitoches, Louisiana (L. D. Newsom), on black locust. Fig. 178. Neotetranychus virginiensis: aedeagus. 225 Subfamily I etrany chinae Berlese Neotetranychus hakea ( Womersley ), new combination Anatetranychus hakea Womersley, 1940, lrans. Hoy. Soc. S. Australia, 4(2): 262. T ype: female, Claremont, Western Australia, on llakea sp.; in the South Australian Museum. 1 he female of hakea differs from other members of the genus A eo- tetrany chus in that the empodium of this sex is described us being simply clawlike, and the color of the body in life is reddish. The dorso- central hysterosomals are slender and shorter than the longitudinal intervals between them, lhe male is unknown. 1 hi s species is known only from the type female from Australia, on Eucalyptus. GENUS SCH1Z0T ETRANY CHUS TRAGARDH Schizotetranychus Tragardh, 1915, Stockholm Landtbr.-Akad. Handl., 54: 277; Tragardh, 1915, Medd. Centralanst. forsoks. jordbruck. Ent. avdeln., 20(109): 20; Tragardh, 1915, Zts. angew. Ent., 2: 162; McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 647; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42: 28; Garman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agric. Expt. Sta., 431: 74; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 307. Type of genus: T etrany chus schizopus Zacher, by original designation. Stigmaeopsis Banks, 1917, Ent. News., 28: 195. Type of genus: Stigmae- opsis celarius Banks; monobasic. Divarinychus McGregor, 1930, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 32: 161. Type of genus: ( Divarinychus floridensis McGregor) - Schizotetranychus asparagi (Oudemans); monobasic and by original designation. P eritetranychus 1 garov and Nikolskii, 1937, Irudy Sredneaz. Stan. Zasch. Rast., p. 37. Type of genus: P eritetranychus tuberculatus Ugarov and Nikolskii; by present designation. A etc synonymy. The genus Schizotetranychus is an offshoot of the Eotetranychus stem. The ventrolateral pair of empodial hairs is enlarged to form two clawlike appendages, and this development will serve for generic recognition. The other two pairs of empodial hairs are extremely thin in proportional size, usually difficult to see, and sometimes one or both pairs of hairs are absent. 226 Spider Mites garmani asparagi fluvialis camur spireafolia andropogoni Fig. 179. S chi zotetrany onus, aedeagi. 227 Subfamily Tetranychinae Berlese Species of Schizotetranychus are most commonly found on monocoty- ledonous plants, particularly grasses, but also bamboo, and asparagus. Other hosts include willow and spirea. 1 he adult females are greenish, sometimes slightly pinkish, with a number of dark spots of pigment within the body on each side, lhey spin considerable webbing, and in the case of S. celarius a dense canopy is spun over each colony on the under surface of the leaf. One species, ( Schizotetranychus cercocarpi McGregor) = Eotetrany- chus deflexus has been erroneously referred to the genus. Key to North American species of Schizotetranychus Females The female of Schizotetranychus camur is unknown. 1. Body with dorsal setae lanceolate, acutely tapering from the widened proximal portion, nearly nude, and shorter than the intervals between them; on Spirea . . . spireafolia (p. 248) 1. Body with dorsal setae slender, not obviously widened proximally . 2 2. (1). Hysterosoma with first pair of dorsocentrals similar in length to first dorsolaterals . 3 2, (1). Hysterosoma with first pair of dorsocentrals about one-half as long as first dorsolaterals; on grass. . . eremophilus (p. 251) 3. (2). Hysterosoma with first pair of dorsocentrals similar in length to second pair of dorsocentrals . 4 3. (2). Hysterosoma with first pair of dorsocentrals about one-half as long as second pair of dorsocentrals; on bamboo . . celarius (p. 249) 4. (3). Hysterosoma with dorsal setae much shorter than intervals be¬ tween them . 5 4. (3). Hysterosoma with dorsal setae nearly as long as or longer than intervals between them . 5. (4). Stylophore very slender, over twice as long as wide; dorsal setae finely pubescent; on grass . 6 5. (4). Stylophore comparatively broad, only one-third longer than wide; dorsal setae densely pubescent; on asparagus fern .... . asparagi (p. 237) 6. (5). Hysterosoma with second and third dorsolaterals similar in length to second and third dorsocentrals .... fluvialis (p. 254) 228 Spider Mites 6. (5). Hysterosoma with second and third dorsolaterals much longer than second and third dorso centrals . nugax (p. 264) 7. (4). Empodium with proximolateral chaeta . 8 7. (4). Empodium without proximolateral chaeta . 10 8. (7). Tarsus with ventral tactile setae very strongly pubescent; hysterosoma with dorsal setae approximately as long or slightly longer than longitudinal intervals between their bases; on grass . cynodonis (p. 229) 8. (7). Tarsus with ventral tactile setae minutely pubescent ... 9 9. (8). Hysterosoma with dorsal setae much longer than longitudinal intervals between them; on grass . . . parasemus (p. 230) 9. (8). Hysterosoma with dorsal setae slightly shorter than longitudinal intervals between them; on willow . . . schizopus (p. 240) 10. (7). Dorsal hysterosomals far surpassing the longitudinal intervals between them; on willow . garmani (p. 233) 10.(7). Dorsal hysterosomals slightly longer than longitudinal intervals between them; on grass . elymus (p. 254) Males The males of parasemus and nugax are unknown. 1. Aedeagus flanked by a pair of triangular genital stylets; empodium with proximolateral chaeta; on grass . . cynodonis (p. 229) 1. Aedeagus not accompanied by genital stylets; empodium without proximolateral chaeta . 2 2. (1). Aedeagus strongly bent, dorsad or ventrad . 3 2. (1). Aedeagus slender, undulate, caudally directed; on willow . . garmani (p. 233) 3. (2). Aed eagus bent ventrad, the distal end with an anterior angulation; on asparagus . asparagi (p. 237) 3.(2). Aedeagus bent dorsad . 4 4.(3). Distal end of aedeagus forming a knob with an acute angulation anteriorly and a slender angulation posteriorly . . schizopus (p. 240) 4. (3). Distal end of aedeagus without an anterior angulation . . 5 5. (4). Farsi I and II with some sensory setae fusiform . . eremophilus (p. 251) 229 Subfamily Tetranychinae Berlese 5. (4). 1 arsi 1 mnl II with sensory setae all slender . 6 6. (5). Aedeagus bent dorsad to form an acute angle; dorsal setae of body very minutely pubescent, widened proximally and tapering to a very fine point; on spirea .... spireafolia (p. 248) 6. (5). Aedeagus bent dorsad at not more than a right angle; dorsal setae of body obviously pubescent and not very acutely tapering from a widened base; on monocots . 7 7. (6). Aedeagus bent sharply dorsad at nearly a right angle; on grasses . 8 7. (6). Aedeagus broadly curved dorsad at an obtuse angle; on bamboo . . celarius (p. 249) 8. (7). Hysterosoma with dorsocentrals less than one-half as long as longitudinal intervals between them . . . fluvialis (p. 254) 8. (7). Hysterosoma with dorsocentrals nearly as long as longitudinal intervals between them . 9 9. (8). Bent portion of aedeagus about one-half as long as external portion of shaft . elymus (p. 254) 9.(8). Bent portion of aedeagus less than one-third as long as external portion of shaft . camur (p. 260) Schizotetranychus cynodonis McGregor (Figures 180, 181, 182) Schizotetranychus cynodonis McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 309. Types : 12 males and 18 females, Julian, California, on Bermuda grass; in the U. S. National Museum. The male of Schizotetranychus cynodonis is distinctive in that a pair of triangular plates, the genital stylets, accompany the aedeagus. These stylets are not known to occur elsewhere in the Tetranychinae. The female may be recognized by having a pair of proximolateral chaetae on the empodium, together with having the ventral setae of the tarsi strongly pubescent. Schizotetranychus cynodonis has been known only from southern California, on Bermuda grass and salt grass. New collections are from San Rafael, California (A. E. Pritchard), on salt grass; Coalinga, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Agrostis; and Palm Springs, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Bermuda grass. 230 Spider Mites Fig. 180. Schizotetranychus cynodonis: dorsal aspect of female. Schizotetrarrychus parasemus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 183, 184) Schizotetranychus parasemus appears to be closely related to S. cynodonis, and it similarly possesses a pair of proximolateral chaetae on the empodium. However, the dorsal setae of the body are much longer in S. parasemus than in S. cynodonis, and the tactile setae of the tarsi are nearly nude. The male of S. parasemus is unknown. Female. — Gnathosoma reaching end of femur I, the palpi slightly 231 Subfamily Tetranychinae Berlese Fig. 181. Schi zotetranychus cynodonis: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. longer than the rostrum. Palpus with terminal sensillum on fifth segment slender, about four times as long as wide, the mediodorsal sensilla somewhat long, and the proximal, fusiform sensillum also slender and somewhat longer. Peritreme straight distilly, ending in a bulb. Tibia I with seven tactile setae and one sensory seta; tarsus 1 slender 232 Spider Mites Fig. 182. Schi zotetranychus cynodonis: A.) terminal segment of palpus of male; B.) terminal segment of palpus of female; C.) aedeagus. with three tactile setae and a sensory seta as proximal end; and all tactile setae minutely pubescent. Tibia II with six tactile setae; tibia III with five tactile setae. Empodium with each of the clawlike divisions bearing a pair of fine dorsal hairs, and with an obvious pair of proxi- molateral chaetae. Body with dorsal setae very long, reaching nearly to base of second seta caudad, tapering and densely pubescent. Length of body including rostrum 346 p; greatest width of body, 193 p. Holotype. — Female, Nortonville, 10 miles east of Clayton, Contra Costa County, California, October 15, 1952 (Vi. C. Bentinck), on Distiehlis spicata; type no. 2128 in the U. S. National Museum. P aratypes. — Female, Nortonville, California, October 15, 1952 (W. C. Bentinch), on Distiehlis spicata; 3 females, 1 nymph, Clayton, California, October 8, 1952 (J. W. MacSwain), on salt grass; 5 females, Sage, California, August 23, 1935 (E. A. McGregor), on Cynodon sp. Schi zotetranychus oudemansi Reck Schizotetranychus schizopus, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber. 8(179): 260, 261; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Rageningen, 42(4): 28, 29. On Vaccinium uliginosum, Winterswijk, Holland. Misidentifi- cation. Schizotetranychus oudemansi Reck, 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9(6): 374, 375. Until Oudemans’ material can be studied the exact status of this species will remain in doubt. It is probably closely related to S. cynodonis and S. paras emus , with all dorsal setae of equal length but longer than the longitudinal intervals between them. 233 Subfamily 7 etranychinae H erlese Fig. 183. Schi zotetranychus parasemus : dorsal aspect of female. Schi zotetranychus garmani Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 185, 186, 187, 188) Schi zotetranychus schizopus, Carman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agric. Exp. Sta., 431: 74. Misidentification. Carman’s identification of Schizotetranvchus schizopus Zacher, from Connecticut, is not accepted because the aedeagus of the New England species differs markedly from that of S. schizopus as figured by Hirst (1920) and McGregor (1950). 234 Spider Mites Fig. 184. Schizotetranychus parasemus : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) terminal segment of palpus of female; D.) empodium I of female; E.) lateral view of female empodium. The aedeagus of S. garmani is distinctive in that it forms a slender, undulating rod as in Eotetrany chus carpini and related species. The female does not possess a pair of proximolateral chaetae on the em¬ podium, and the dorsal setae of the body are all long and slender, much longer than the longitudinal intervals between them. This species is known only from Connecticut, on willow. Male. — Fifth segment of palpus with terminal sensillum moderately slender, about four times as long as wide at base; mediodorsal sen¬ sillum about as long as terminal sensillum; the proximal, fusiform sensillum shorter. Peritreme straight distally, ending in a simple chamber. Tibia I with eight tactile and four sensory setae; tarsus I short with duplex setae just beyond middle of segment, with four tactile and three sensory setae proximal to the duplexes; empodial claws I each with three slender teeth of which the inner, ventral tooth is fine. Tibia II with eight tactile setae; tibia III with six tactile setae; empodia 235 Subfamily I etrany chinae Berlese Fig. 185. Schizotetrunychus garmani : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; R.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 236 Spider Mites Fig. 186. Schizotetranychus gar- mani : A.) terminal segment of palpus of female; B.) terminal segment of palpus of male. II-IV with two pairs of very fine hairs dorsally on each clawlike division; proximolateral chaeta minute. Dorsum of body with very long setae, much longer than inter¬ vals between them. Aedeagus very long and slender, tapering, caudally directed but with distinct wave near the middle. Length of body, 213 p’, including rostrum, 272 p. Fig. 187. Schizotetranychus garmani: A.) appendages of tarsus I of male; B.) appendages of tarsus IV of male; C.) appendages of tarsus I of female. Female. — Similar to male except tibia I with two or three sensory setae and tarsus I with a single sensory seta proximally; empodial claws with dorsal hairs less evident and proximolateral denticulation more evident; and dorsal setae of body only about as long as longitu¬ dinal intervals between them. Length of body, 316 p, including rostrum, 383 p; greatest width of body, 210 p. Uolotype. — Male, Hamden, Connecticut, September 24, 1922, on willow leaves; type no. 2127 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Eight females, Hamden, Connecticut, September 24, 1922, on willow; 13 females, Amherst, Massachusetts, July 17, 1950 (W. B. Becker), on willow. This species is named in honor of Philip Garman, a pioneer in the study of spider mites in North America. 237 Subfamily T etrariy chinae Herlese Fig. 188. Schi zotetranychus garmani: aedeagus. Schizotetranychus asparagi ( Oudemans ) (Figures 189, 190, 191) Epitetranychus asparagi Oudemans, 1928, Ent. Ber., 7 : 288. Types : males and females, Amsterdam, Holland, on Asparagus springeri. Schizotetranychus asparagi, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8: 292; Geijskes, 1939, \leded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42: 29; Pritchard, 1949, Bui. California Exp. Sta., 713: 7. Divarinychus floridensis McGregor, 1930, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 32: 161. Types: males and females, Longvvood, Florida, on Asparagus plumosus; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. Schizotetranychus floridensis, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 312. " Females of Schizotetranychus asparagi may be readily recognized by having the dorsal setae of the body all similar in length, slender, densely pubescent, and much shorter than the intervals between them. The stylophore is comparatively broad, little longer than wide. The male of Schizotetranychus asparagi is distinctive in that the aedeagus turns rather abruptly ventrad, and the distal end is nearly sigmoid with an anterior angulation on the barb. This species is found only on Asparagus ferns, which are usually grown under greenhouse or lath-house conditions in the United States. Asparagus springeri and A. plumosus are the only recorded hosts. Holland, Florida, and California are the only localities from which the mite has been recorded. 238 Spider Mites Fig. 189. Schizotetranychus asparagi: dorsal aspect of female. Collections studied by us, in addition to the types of floridensis, are from Oakland and Colma, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Asparagus plumosus; Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico (F. Sein), on /Lsparagus plumosus; Waipahu, Hawaii (C. Schmidt), on Asparagus sp.; Washington, D. C. (Smith and Lung), on Asparagus plumosus; and Deland, Florida (M. L. Wright), on Asparagus plumosus. 239 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 190. Schizotetranycnus asparagi : A.) tibia and tarsus 1 of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; C.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 240 Spider Mites Fig. 191. Schi zotetranychus asparagi : A.) aedeagus; B.) empodium III of female; C.) empodium I of male; D.) palpus of male; E.) palpus of female. Schi zotetranychus schizopus ( Zacher ) (Figures 192, 193) Tetranychus schizopus Zacher, 1913, Mitt. kais. biol. Anst. Land Forst., 9: 40; Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1920 : 50. Types: from Dahlem, Germany, on willow; possibly in the Zacher collection. Schizotetranychus schizopus , Tragardh, 1915, Stockholm Landtbr.- Akad. Handl., 44: 277; Tragardh, 1915, Medd. Centralanst. fdrsoks. jordbrucks. Ent. avdeln., 20(109): 20; Tragardh, 1915, Zts. angew. Ent., 2: 162; Zacher, 1921, Zts. angew. Ent., 7: 184; McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 648; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(179): 260; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42 : 28; Reck, 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 9(7): 450; McGregor, 150, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 313. 1 he male of Schizotetranychus schizopus may be readily recognized by having an anterior angulation on the distodorsad curvature. 1 he female may be recognized by having a pair of obvious proximo- lateral chaetae on the empodium and the empodial “claws”'each with a single dorsal hair. The dorsal hysterosomals are slightly shorter than the longitudinal intervals between them. Subfamily / etrunychinae Herlese Fig, 192, 5 chi zo tetrany chus s cm zopusi A .) tibia and tarsus 1 o B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I cf male; D.) tarsus II of male. f female; tibia and 242 Spider Mites Fig. 193. Schizotetranychus sctiizopus: A.) empodium I of male; P.) empodium II of male; C.) empodium I of female; D.) terminal segment of palpus of male; E.) terminal sensillum of palpus of female; F.) aedeagus. This species is known from Europe and Georgia, S.S.R., on willow. Material examined by us is from Ithaca, New York (J. G. Matthysse), on willow. The species recognized by Garman (1940) under this name is described as Schizotetranychus garmani in this publication. Schizotetranychus cornus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 194, 195, 196, 197) The male of cornus differs from all other members of the genus Schizotetranychus in that the aedeagus is caudally directed and simple except for a small, terminal enlargement (much as in Eotetranychus perplexus). The adult female may be recognized by having all the hysterosomals similar in length and less than one-half as long as the intervals between them. I his species is known only from New Zealand, on Elaeocarpus. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum of fifth segment nearly twice as long as broad at base and triangular; mediodorsal sensilla slender 243 Subfamily 1 etruny chiriae Herlrse Fig. 194. Sctiizotetranychus cornus: dorsal aspect of female. 244 Spider Mites Fig. 195. Schizotetranychus cornus : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus 11 of female; C.) tibia and tarsus 1 of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Subfamily I etranychinae Herlese Fig. 196. Schi zotetranychus cornus: A.) appendages of tarsus I of female; B.) appendages of tarsus I of male; C.) terminal segment of aplpus of male; D.) terminal segment of palpus of female. with one twice as long as the other; proximal, fusiform sensillum similar to shorter mediodorsal sensillum. Peritreme with distal end hooked. Tibia I with six tactile and one sensory seta; tarsus I very short, with one tactile and one sensillum at proximal end of segument. Tibia II and III with five tactile setae. Empodia I and II with three very strong cusps on each digit; empodia III and IV with a pair of dorsal hairs on each of the clawlike parts. Body with dorsal setae slender and pubescent, somewhat less than one-half as long as longitudinal intervals between them. Aedeagus straight, several times longer than wide at base, gradually narrowing, and with the distal end slightly widened, especially caudoventrally. Length of body, 293 p; greatest width of body, 170 p. Female. — Similar to male, the terminal sensillum of the palpus larger, not over twice as wide as long; dorsal setae of body even shorter than in the male; and all empodial claws with a pair of dorsal setae and a pair of obvious proximolateral chaetae. Length of body, 345 P , including gnathosoma 450 p; greatest width of body 200 p. Fig. 197. Schi zotetranychus cornus : aedeagus. 246 Spicier Mites Holotype. — Male, Levin, New Zealand, December, 1949 (A. Lush), on Elaeocarpus dentatus; type no. 2138 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Five males, 12 females, Levin, New Zealand, December 1949 (A. Lush), on Elaeocarpus dentatus. 247 Subfamily I etrariychinue Herlese Fig. 199. Schi zotetrimychus spireafolia: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; R.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 248 Spider Mites Fig. 200. Schizotetrany chus spireafolia : A.) appendages of tarsus III of female; B.) distal segment of palpus of female; C.) appendages of tarsus I of male; D.) distal segment of palpus of male. Schizotetranychus spireafol ia Garman (Figures 198, 199, 200, 201) Schizotetrany chus spireafolia Garman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 431: 74; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 315. Types : all stages, Connecticut, on Spirea lati(olia\ in the collection of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Specimens of Schizotetrany chus spireafolia may be readily recog¬ nized by the shape of the dorsal setae on the body. These setae are very minutely pubescent, widened near each base, tapering to a slender, acute tip, and they are somewhat shorter than the longitudinal intervals between them. The aedeagus bends upward at less than a right angle to form a slender, sigmoid, acuminate tip. Schizotetranychus spireafolia, previously known only 'from Spirea latifolia in Connecticut, has been collected on a similar host in Phila¬ delphia, Pennsylvania (T. Parr). Schizotetranychus andropogoni (Hirst), new combination (Figures 202, 203, 204) Tetranychus ( Schizotetranychus ) andropogoni Hirst, 1926, Proc. Zool. Soc. Eond., 1926: 829. Types: male and female, Coimbatore, India, on Andropogon annulatus; in the British Museum (Natural History). 249 Subfamily 7 etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 201. Schizotetranychus spireafolia: aedeagus. Adults of Schizotetranychus andropogoni resemble those of 5. spireafolia in that the dorsal setae setae of the body are very minutely pubescent and lanceolate, being broadened proximally and finely tapering distally. In the female, however, the dorsal setae are about as long as the longitudinal inter¬ vals between them. In the male, the aedeagus distally forms a dor- sally directed sigmoid curve, but it is less acutely turned than in spireafolia. Specimens studied by us are from Coimbatore, India, August 12, 1950 (G. H. Rao), on Saccharum spontanum. Schi zotetranychus ce/arius (Banks) (Figures 205, 206, 207) Stigmaeopsis celarius Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 196; Essig, 1926, Insects West. N. Amer., p. 32. Types : females, Oneco, Florida, on bamboo; in the U. S. National Museum. Schizotetranychus celarius, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44 : 308. Schizotetranychus latitarsus Ewing, 1917, Jour. Econ. Ent., 10: 498. Types: females, Pasadena, California, on bamboo. Females of Schizotetranychus celarius may be readily recognized by having the first pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals about one-half as long as the second pair of dorsocentrals and similar in length to the first pair of dorsolateral hysterosomals. The aedeagus is distinctive in being broadly curved dorsad. This species is found only on bamboo. It forms restricted colonies on the undersides of the leaves and lives underneath a dense cover of webbing. Schizotetranychus celarius is known only from Florida, Georgia, and California. 250 Spider Mites Fig. 202. Schizotetranychus andropogoni: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 251 Subfamily l e trany chinae Herlese Sch izotetranychus bambusae Reck Schizotetranychus bambusae Heck, 1941, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk. Gruz. S.S.R., 2(5); Heck 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk. Gruz. S.S.H., 9(5): 375; 9(7): 451. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R., on Phyllostachys spp. Fig. 203. Schizotetranychus andro- pogoni: A.) terminal segment of pal¬ pus of female; B.) terminal segment of palpus of male; C.) tarsal append¬ ages of female. The description of the aedeagus states that it is short and with a hook. S. celarius , also from bam¬ boo, has the aedeagus broadly curved dorsad. Fig. 204. Schizotetranychus andropo goni : aedeagus. Schizotetranychus eremophi lus McGregor (Figures 208, 209, 210, 211) Schizotetranychus eremophilus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 311. Types: males and females, Plaster City, California, on Bermuda grass; in the U. S. National Museum. Adults of Schizotetranychus eremophilus may be readily recognized by having the first pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals much shorter than both the second pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals and the first pair of dorsolateral hysterosomals. 252 Spider Mites Fig. 205. Schizotetranychus celarius : dorsal aspect of female. 253 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae Series? Fig. 206. Schizotetranyckus celarius : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus I of male; C.) tarsus II of female; D.) tarsal appendages of female; E.) tibia and tarsus II of female; F.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Two sensory setae on tibia I and the three proximal sensory setae on tarsus I of the male are fusiform, and this is distinctive of the sex. The aedeagus bends upward to form a sigmoid distal end as in Schizo- tetranychus elymus, S. fluvialis, and S. camur. This species is known only from southern California, on Bermuda grass. New collections are from the Coachella Valley, California (R. h. Smith), on Bermuda grass; Bond’s Corner, 15 miles east of Calexico, California (F. M. Summers), on Bermuda grass; and Riverside, California (Jack Hall), on Bermuda grass. 254 Spider Mites Fig. 207. Schizotetranychus celarius : A.) distal segment of palpus of female; B.) distal segment of palpus of male; C.) aedeagus. Schizotetranychus fluvial is McGregor (Figures 212, 213, 214, 215) Schizotetranychus fluvialis McGregor, 1928, Proc. Ent. Soc. \lash., 30; 13; McGregor, 1950, Anier. Midi. Nat., 44: 313. Types: males and females, Lemon Cove, California, on Epicampes rigens; in the U. S. National Museum. The female of Schizotetranychus fluvialis may be recognized by having the dorsal setae of the body slender, much shorter than the longitudinal intervals between them, and rather finely pubescent. The aedeagus resembles that of Schizotetranychus eremophilus, S. elymus, and S. camur in that the distal end forms a dorsally directed sigmoid curve. However, the short dorsal setae of the body will serve for differentiation. This species is known only from the type series from central California, on grass. Schizotetranychus elymus McGregor (Figures 216, 217, 218, 219) Schizotetranychus elymus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 310. Types: males and females, Pine Valley, San Diego County, California, on Elymus sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. The male of Schizotetranychus elymus may be recognized by having the aedeagus with a dorsally directed sigmoid portion that is about 255 Subfamily Tetranychinae H erlese Fig. 208. Schizotetranychus eremophilus: dorsal aspect of female, 256 Spider Mites l'ig. 209. Schizotetranychus eremophilus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; H.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 257 Subfamily i etrany ckinae Kerlese Fig. 210. Schi zotetranychus eremophilus: A.) appendages of tarsus 1 of female; R.) appendages of tarsus 1 of male; C.) distal segment of palpus of female; D.) distal segment of palpus of male. one-half a9 long as the shaft, to¬ gether with having the dorsal setae of the body similar in length, slender, and slightly longer than the longitudinal intervals between them. The female may be recognized by having similar dorsal setae on the hysterosoma; and no proximolateral chaeta is evident on the empodium. This species is known only from the western United States. Collec¬ tions studied, other than the types, are from Coalinga, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Agrostis sp.; Niles, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Bermuda grass; Tesla, California (J. E. Gillaspy and A. E. Pritchard), on grass; Modesto, California (R. E. Beer), on grass; Antioch, Cali¬ fornia (ft. C. Bentinck), on grass; and Logan, Utah (G. F. Knowlton). Fig. 211. Schi zotetranychus eremophilus: aedeagus. 258 Spider Mites Fig. 212. Schi zotetranychus fluvialis: dorsal aspect of female. 259 Subfamily / e trany chinae Herlese Fig. 213. Schi zotetranychus fluvialis: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 260 Spider Mites Fig. 214. Schizotetranychus fluvialis: A. ) distal segment of palpus of female; B. ) distal segment of palpus of male; C. ) appendages of tarsus I of female. Fig; 215. Sent zotetranychus fluvialis : aedeagus. Schizotetranychus camur Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figure 220) The male of Schizotetranychus camur may be recognized by having the aedeagus with the distal one-third dorsally directed and sigmoid, together with having the dorsal setae of the hysterosoma similar and slender, nearly as long as the longitudinal intervals between them. No proximolateral chaeta is evident on the empodium. The female is unknown. This species is known only from Florida, on grass. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum absent. Stylophore slender, rounded anteriorly; peritreme hooked distally. Tibia I with seven tactile and two sensory setae; tarsus I short and abruptly declivate distally, with one tactile and three sensory setae proximal to duplexes; empodium composed of two simple claws, without dorsal setae or proximolateral chaetae. Tibia II with five tactile setae. Hysterosoma with dorsal setae slender, tapering, nearly as long as longitudinal intervals between them, but with longer humerals. Aedeagus with distal one-third bent dorsad at a right angle, the distal end curved caudad. Length of body 320 p, including rostrum 400/x; greatest width of body 200 p. Ilolotype. — Male, Fast Palatka, Florida, February 27, 1950 (0. D. Link), on reed grass; type no. 2188 in the F. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — I wo males, 1 larva, 1 nymph, East Palatka, Florida, February 27, 1950 (0. I). Link), on reed grass. 261 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 216. Schizotetranychus elymus: dorsal aspect of female, 262 Spider Mites Fig. 217. Schizotetranychus elymus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 263 Subfamily l etrany chinae Herlesr Fig. 218. Scni zotetranychus elymus: A.) distal segment of palpus of male; FI.) distal segment of palpus of female; C.) appendages of tarsus of female. Fig. 219. S chi zotetranychus elymus : aedeagus. 264 Spider Mites F Fig. 220. Schizotetranychus camur : A.) lateral view of aedeagus; H.) dorsal aspect of aedeagus; C.) tibia and tarsus II of male: D.) appendages of tarsus I of male; E.) tibia and tarsus I of male; F.) distal segment of palpus of male. Schizotetranychus nugax Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 221, 222) The female of Schizotetranychus nugax may be recognized by having the dorsocentral hysterosomals shorter than the intervals between them, the second and third dorsolaterals being much longer. The male is unknown. Female. — Stylophore slender, nearly acuminate anteromedially. Tibia 1 with seven tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I short and abruptly declivate distally, with two tactile and one sensory setae setae proximal to the duplexes; empodium consisting of two simple Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlese Fiu. 221. Scnizotetranychus nugax'. dorsal aspect of female. claws, without dorsal setae or proximolateral chafetae. Propodosonia with dorsal setae somewhat shorter than intervals between them, slender, tapering, and finely pubescent: hysterosoma with dorsocentrals and 266 Spider Mites Fig. 222. Schizotetranychus nugax: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) appendages of the female tarsus. first dorsolaterals similar in length, shorter than the longitudinal inter¬ vals between them; other dorsal hysterosomals considerably longer. Length of body 283 fi, including rostrum 333 p ; greatest width of body 133 p. Holotype. — Female, Portales, New Mexico, August, 1953, (T. L. Harvey), on native grasses; type no. 2189 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Twenty-eight females, Portales, New Mexico, August, 1953, (T. L. Harvey), on native grasses. Schizotetranychus hindustanicus {Hirst), new combination Tetranychus ( Schizotetranychus ) hindustanicus Hirst, 1924, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 14), 9: 525. lypes: males and females, Coimba¬ tore, South India, on citrus; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). 267 Subfamily T etranychinae Herlese Fig. 223. Oligonychus, aedeagi of species on conifers. This species is known only from the type series from South India, on citrus. The description and figures of the aedeagus indicates that Schizotetranychus hindustanicus is closely allied to those species in which the distal portion turns dorsad to form a sigmoid distal end. However, the dorsal aspect of the distal curvature of the aedeagus is distinctively truncate. Schizotetranychus graminicola Goux Schizotetranychus graminicola Goux, 1949, Bui. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 18(6): 100. Types', males, females, and immature stages, Bessenay (Rhone), France, on grass. 268 Spider Mites Fig. 224. Oligonychus, aedeagi. 1 he illustration of the adults of Schizotetranychus graminicola that was presented by Goux indicates that this species may be readily recognized by having the second pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals greatly longer than the other dorsocentral and dorsolateral hystero- somals. The figure of the aedeagus indicates that this species is closely allied to Schizotetranychus eremophilus, S. elymus, S. fluvialis, and S. camur. This species is known only from the type series. 269 Subfamily i etrany chinae Herlese Schizotetranychus tuberculatus (Ugarov and Nikolskii), new combi nation P eritetranychus tuberculatus Ugarov and Nikolskii, 1937, Trudy Sreadneaz. Stan. Zasch. Hast., p. 37. Described from females, lashkent, Russia, on mulberry. 1 wo species of Schizotetranychus that are known from Russia are distinctive in that the dorsal setae of the body are borne on tuber¬ cles. In S. tuberculatus the dorsal setae are strongly pubescent. This species is known only from the types. Schizotetranychus glabri setus ( Ugarov and Nikolskii), new combination P eritetranychus glabrisetus Ugarov and Nikolskii, 1937, Trudy Sread¬ neaz. Stan. Zasch. Rast., p. 39. Described from a single female, Tashkent, Russia, on grass. Schizotetranychus glabrisetus was described on the basis of a single female that differs from S. tuberculatus in that the dorsal setae of the body are nearly nude. Sch i zotetranychus guatemalae-novae {Stoll), new combination Tetranychus guatemalae-novae Stoll, 1886, Biol. Cent.-Amer., Zool., Arach., Acar., p. 8. Described from Guatemala City, on Cassia nic titans. This species was recorded as webbing the undersides of the leaves of wild sensitive plant near Guatemala City. The description allows reference of the species to the genus Schizotetranychus , but no further diagnosis is possible. Schizotetranychus ibericus Reck Schizotetranychus ibericus Reck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(7); Reck, 1948, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R. 9(6): 375; 9(7): 451. Described from specimens from Georgia, S.S.R. , on Quercus spp. 270 Spider Mites modestus Fig. 225. Oligonychus, aedeagi. The bent portion of the aedeagus is at right angles to the shaft, and the tip is curved slightly candad somewhat similar to that of elymus. The body setae are long, reaching to the bases of the setae of the next row. GENUS OLIGONYCHUS BERLESE Oligonychus Berlese, 1886, Acari Dann. Piante Coltiv., p. 24; Canestrini, 1889, A tti lleale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 532, 534; Banks, 1917, Lnt. News, 28: 197; Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920: 58; Kwing, 1921, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 271 Subfamily T etrany chinae llerlese 59(2394): 659. I ype of genus: ileteronychus brevipodus Targioni 1 ozzetti; monobasic. Paratetranychus Zacher, 1913, Mitt. Kais. biol. Anst. Land-. Forst., 14: 39; lriigardh, 1915, Zts. angew. Ent., 2: 162; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 665; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. I .andbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 33; Carman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 43: 75; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 329; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Hilgardia, 22(7): 209, Type of genus: Tetranychus ununguis Jacobi; by present designation. Panonychus Yokoyama, 1929, Nippon Sangyo Gaichu Zensho (Tokyo), p. 531. lype of genus : P anonychus mori Yokoyama; monobasic. N eiv synonymy. Tacebia Yokoyama, 1929, Nippon Sangyo Gaichu Zensho (Tokyo), p. 536. Type of genus: Tacebia parva Yokoyama; monobasic. A'eu; synonymy. Berl ese’s description of the genus Oligonychus was based on his identification of brevipodus Targioni Tozzetti, from holly oak in Italy. Both authors emphasize that the empodium is clawlike, and Berlese further noted, although inaccurately, that proximoventral hairs are present. Several acarologists have considered Oligonychus to have priority over Paratetranychus, and we have no reason not to accept this synonymy. The genus Rhodaxes Kirchner, 1863, has been regarded by some workers as possibly being synonymous with Oligonychus. ^e regard Rhodaxes as belonging to the Eriophyidae. Mites belonging to the genus Oligonychus may be recognized by having the empodial claw well developed, with six to twelve hairs proximoventrally, and the caudal pair of para-anal setae absent. These mites are usually found on trees, shrubs, or perennial grasses, where they overwinter in the temperate zone as eggs. The egg bears a dorsal stipe and is more or less radially striated dorsally; and it is reddish or amber when laid by reddish females or pearly when laid by greenish females. The mites usually feed on the dorsal surface of broad leaves ( Oligonychus aceris is an exception), and leave the entire upper surface speckled. The number of tactile setae on tibia I and tarsus I are here employed for segregation of species groups or subgroups. The number of sensory setae on these segments is often constant, as in other genera, but sometimes subject to considerable variation. Moreover, the proximal tactile setae on tarsus I of the female may be of a distinctive number when males all exhibit similar numbers of tactile setae. Exceptions, 272 Spider Mites of course, are sometimes encountered, but the present breakdown on this basis has proved to be very useful for identification. Males have more sensory setae than the females, as a rule. We recognize five major species groups of the genus Oligonychus and each is probably worthy of subgeneric rank. The first group consist of Oligonychus ununguis and related species in which the aedeagus bends down. The fore tibia bears only five, six, or seven tactile setae, and the fore tarsus bears from none to four tactile setae proximal of the duplex setae and one ventral, tactile seta (with one exception) just distal to the duplex setae (on the portion with longitudinal striae). The empodium bears four to six pairs (appar¬ ently only three pairs in 0. cunliffei and the fore tarsus of males of some species) of ventral hairs proximoventral to the empodial claw. The second group consists of Oligonychus peruvianus alone. The configuration of the dorsal striae of the idiosoma is distinctive. The fore tarsus agrees with the Ununguis Group in that there is a single tactile seta ventrodistad of the duplex setae. The aedeagus bends ventrad also as in 0. ununguis. However, tibia I bears nine tactile setae, and the empodium consists of only three pairs of proximoventral hairs, both characters being as in the following groups. The remainder of the genus Oligonychus consists of those species in which the aedeagus bends dorsad, and tibia I bears eight or usually, nine tactile setae. There are two tactile setae ventral ly at or just beyond the duplex setae of tarsus I (on the portion with longitudinal striae); and there are only three pairs of proximoventral hairs on the empodium. The dorsal striae of the body of the female as well as the structure of the aedeagus will separate the Pritchardi, Pratensis, and McGregori Groups. It is emphasized that the following key is not infallible. Occasionally a specimen is encountered in which a tactile seta of the leg is lacking or else an additional seta is present. However, the tactile setae of the tibia and tarsi have proved to be much more constant than the sensory setae on these segments, and their numbers are valuable, at least with consideration to populations, for purposes of identification. biharensi s Fig. 226. Oligonychus, aedeagi. 273 Subfamily Tetranychinae fieri ese l. 1. 2.(1). 2.(1). 3,(2). 3. (2). 4. (3). 4.(3). 5.(4). 5. (4). 6. (5). 6. (5). 7. (2). 7. (2). 8. (7). 8.(7). Key to American and Hawaiian species of OLIGONYCHUS Females libia I with five, six, or seven tactile setae; tarsus I with a single tactile seta on venter beyond first duplex; empodium usually with four to six pairs of proximoventral hairs (Ununguis Group) . 2 libia I with eight or nine tactile setae; tarsus 1 usually with two tactile setae on venter beyond first duplex; empodium with only three pairs of proximoventral hairs . 13 Hysterosoma with first pair of dorsocentrals not reaching bases of second pair . 3 Hysterosoma with first pair of dorsocentrals reaching well beyond bases of second pair . 7 Tibia I with seven tactile (and one sensory) setae; tarsus 1 with three tactile (and one sensory) setae proximal to duplex setae; on cypress (Boudreauxi Subgroup) . boudreauxi (p. 291) libia I with five or six tactile (and one sensory) setae; tarsus I with one or no tactile (and one sensory) setae proximal to duplex setae; on pine (Subnudus Subgroup) . 4 Hysterosoma with first pair of dorsocentrals over one-half as long as interval to second pair; dorsal setae and para-anals nearly nude . pityinus (p. 290) Hysterosoma with first pair of dorsocentrals less than one-half as long as interval to second pair; dorsal setae and para-anals obviously pubescent . 5 Dorsocentral hysterosomals with anterior pair much shorter than posterior pair . milleri (p. 280) Dorsocentral hysterosomals all similar in length .... 6 Tarsi III and IV much longer than tibiae III and IV, and grad¬ ually narrowing distally . subnudus (p. 281) Tarsi III and I\ subequal in length to tibiae III and I\ and abruptly declivate at tip . cunliffei (p. 284) Tibia I with six tactile (and one sensory) setae (Aceris Subgroup) 8 Tibia I with seven tactile setae (and one or more sensory) setae . 9 Idiosoma with dorsal setae not conspicuously heavy; sensory seta on tibia I more than one half as long as dorsal tactile seta; on maple . aceris (p. 297) Idiosoma with dorsal setae large; sensory seta on tibia I about 274 Spider Mites 9.(7). 9. (7). 10. (9). 10. (9). 11. (10). 11.(10). 12.(9). 12. (9). 13. (1). 13. (1). 14. (13). 14. (13). 15. (14). 15. (14). 16. (14). 16.(14). one fourth as long as dorsal tactile setae; on oak and chest¬ nut . endytus (p. 301) Tarsus I with three tactile setae proximal to duplex setae ( Hi- color Subgroup) . Tarsus I with four tactile setae proximal to duplex se*. guis Subgroup) . Duplex setae with proximal member nearly as long as distal seta . platani (p. 304) Duplex setae with proximal member very short in comparison with distal setae . 11 Outer sacrals much shorter than inner sacrals. .ilicis (p. 305) Outer sacrals similar in length to inner sacrals .... • bicolor, viridis, neiccomeri, coffeae (pp. 308, 311, 312, 315) On conifers .... ununguis, coniferarum (pp. 319, 328) On other hosts . . . . . yothersi, punicae, mangiferus, peronis (pp. 330, 335, 336) Body with dorsal setae broadened proximally and strongly tapering distally; integumentary striae longitudinal between third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals (Peruvianus Group) . peruvianus (p. 342) Body with dorsal setae not acutely tapering from an obviously widened base; integumentary striae transverse between third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals . 14 Hysterosoma with integumentary striae longitudinal caudad of inner sacrals . 15 Hysterosoma with integumentary striae transversely parallel between inner and outer sacral setae (Pritchardi Group). . 16 Peritreme ending in a simple bulb (Pratensis Group) . . stickneyi, gramineus, pratensis, . . modestus, indicus, sacchari (pp. 344, 347, 349, 354, 355) Peritreme retrorse distally (McGregori Group) . . mcgregori (p. 359) Peritreme retrorse distally . biharensis (p. 364) Peritreme straight distally, ending in a simple bulb . . * . . o . . .pritchardi, propetes (pp. 365, 366) Males 1. Aedeagus bent ventrad; tarsus 1 with not more than a single tactile seta on venter just distad of duplex setae. ... 2 275 Subfamily T etranychinae lierlese 1. 2.(1). 2.(1). 3.(2). 3. (2). 4. (3). 4. (3). 5. (4). 5. (4). 6. (5). 6.(5). n ( (6). 7.(6). 8.(3). 8.(3). Aedeagus bent dorsad, although the distal end may be directed ventrad; tarsus 1 with two tactile setae on venter just distad of duplex setae . 21 Body with dorsal setae obviously widened proximally and acutely tapering distally; tibia 1 with nine tactile setae; empodium with three pairs of proximoventral hairs; on dicot¬ yledonous plants (Peruvianus Croup) . . peruvianus (p. 342) Body with dorsal setae slender, not acutely tapering from widened proximal portion; tibia 1 with six or seven tactile setae; empodium usually with four to six pairs of proximo- ventral hairs (Ununguis Group) . 3 b irst pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals shorter than interval to second pair . 4 hirst pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals longer than interval to second pair . 8 Tibia l with seven tactile setae; tarsus I with three tactile setae proximad of duplex setae; on cypress (Boudreauxi Sub¬ group) . boudreauxi (p. 291) Tibia I with five or six tactile setae; Tarsus 1 with one or no tactile setae proximad of duplex setae; on pine (Subnudus Subgroup) . 5 First pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals about one-half length of interval to second pair, finely pubescent . pityinus (p. 290) First pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals not over one-fourth length of interval to second pair, coarsely pubescent . . 6 Dorsocentral hysterosomals with anterior pair much shorter than posterior pair; aedeagus with ventrally directed portion from two-thirds to as long as dorsal part of shaft .... . milleri (p. 280) Dorsocentral hysterosomals all similar in length; aedeagus with ventrally directed portion about one-fourth as long as dorsal portion of shaft . 7 Tarsi III and I\ much longer than tibiae III and IV , and grad¬ ually narrowing to distal end .... subnudus (p. 281) Tarsi III and IV about as long as tibiae III and I\ , and abruptly declivate over base of pretarsus .... cunliffei (p. 284) Tibia I with six tactile setae (Aceris Subgroup) .... 9 Tibia I with seven tactile setae; on other hosts (Bicolor and Ununguis Subgroups) . 10 276 Spider Mites 9.(8). 9. (8). 10. (8). 10.(8). 11.(10). 11.(10). 12.(10). 12.(10). 13.(12). 13. (12). 14. (13). 14. (13). 15. (14). 15. (14). 16. (15). 16. (15). 17. (16). 17. (16). 18. (17). 18. (17). 19. (18). 19.(18). Body with dorsal setae very strong; anterior dorsal sensory seta of tibia I about one fourth as long as dorsal tactile seta; on oak and chestnut . endytus (p. 301) Body with dorsal setae slender; anterior dorsal sensory seta of tibia I about one half as long as dorsal tactile seta; on maple . aceris (p. 297) On conifers . 11 On other hosts . 12 Aedeagus with bent portion ventrally directed and tapering . ununguis (p. 319) Aedeagus with bent portion directed caudoventrally and abrupt¬ ly truncate at tip . coniferarum (p. 328) Duplex setae with proximal member of each pair nearly as long as distal member . platani (p. 304) Duplex setae with proximal member of each pair greatly shorter than distal member . 13 Hysterosoma with outer sacrals much shorter than inner sacrals . ilicis (p. 305) Hysterosoma with outer sacrals more or less similar in length to inner sacrals . 14 Aedeagus with distal bend as long as dorsal margin of shaft, the distal half of the bend very slender . . yothersi (p. 330) Aedeagus with bent portion much shorter than shaft ... 15 Bent portion of aedeagus much wider than long .... . peronis (p. 336) Bent portion of aedeagus longer than wide ...... 16 Aedeagus gradually narrowing distally . 17 Aedeagus with distal end abruptly narrowed . 20 Bend of aedeagus widened and with dorsocaudal portion of bend flattened . newcomeri (p. 312) Bend of aedeagus not widened and with dorsocaudal portion evenly curved . 18 Aedeagus with bent portion at right angle to shaft ... 19 Aedeagus with bent portion forming an acute angle with shaft . mangiferus (p. 330) Bent portion of aedeagus sigmoid, the tip curved slightly caudad . viridis (p. 311) Bent portion of aedeagus with tip directed ventrad . coffeae (p. 315) Subfamily l'etranychinae Bcrlese 20.(16). 20.(16). 21.(1). 21.(1). 22.(21). 22.(21). 23.(22). 23. (22). 24. (23). 24. (23). 25. (23). 25. (23). 26. (25). 26. (25). 27. (21). 27. (21). 28. (27). 28. (27). 29. (28). 29.(28). Aedeagus with bent portion forming a right angle with shaft . punicae (p. 335) Aedeagus with bent portion forming an obtuse angle with shaft . bicolor (p. 308) larsus 1 with proximoventral empodial appendages forming a pair of empodial spurs; on monocots, mostly grasses (Prutensis Group) . 22 larsus 1 with three pairs of proximoventral hairs on empodium; on other hosts . 27 Aedeagus with distal end strongly sigmoid, the S-shaped portion without obvious enlargement . sacchari (p. 355) Aedeagus with distal end enlarged, not sigmoid .... 23 Knob of aedeagus about one-third as long as dorsal portion of shaft . 24 Knob of aedeagus not over one-fourth as long as dorsal portion of shaft . 25 Axis of knob of aedeagus forming about a 45-degree angle with axis of shaft . gramineus (p. 347) Axis of knob of aedeagus forming obviously less than a 45- degree angle with axis of shaft, and knob more strongly enlarged . stichneyi. (p. 344) Knob of aedeagus about twice as wide as stem of knob . . pratensis (p. 349) Knob of aedeagus less obviously widened . 26 Aedeagal knob with axis parallel to axis of shaft . modestus (p. 355) Aedeagal knob with axis forming an angle with axis of shaft . indicus (p. 354) Aedeagus with terminal portion drawn out into a very slender stylet (McGregori Group) . mcgregori (p. 359) Aedeagus with distal end forming an acute angulation (Pritchardi Group) . 28 Barb of aedeagus terminating above level of axis of shaft; peritreme retrorse distally . biharensis (p. 364) Barb of aedeagus with tip projecting into level of axis of shaft; peritreme with a simple bulb at distal end . 29 Aedeagus with distal enlargement slightly angulate on dorsal side, the distal end straight .... pritchardi (p. 365) Aedeagus with distal enlargement strongly curved on dorsal side, the distal end curved ventrad . . . propetes (p. 366) 278 Spider Mites Fig. 227. Oligonychus milleri : dorsal aspect of female, Pomona Park, Florida. Ununguis Group Adults of the Ununguis Group may be recognized by having only six or seven tactile setae on tibia I ( Oligonychus cunliffei is an ex¬ ception in that there are only five such setae). Tarsus I bears from one to four tactile setae proximal to the duplex setae, and a single tactile seta on the venter of the segment near or beyond the duplex setae (except in 0. perditus where there are two such setae). There are from four to six pairs of proximoventral setae on the empodium, 279 Subfamily T etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 228. Oligonychus milleri : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. except on tarsus I of the male where there are often only three pairs. The aedeagus bends ventrad as found otherwise in the genus only in the Peruvianus Group. The integumentary striae of the adult female 280 Spider Mites Fig. 229. Oligonychus milleri : A.) empodium I of male; B.) empodium IV of male; C.) empodium I of female; D.) empodium II of female. are transverse throughout the dorsocentral area of the hysterosoma. Members of the Ununguis Group are ordinarily found on trees and shrubs. Oligonychus milleri [McGregor), new combination (Figures 227, 228, 229, 230) P aratetranychus milleri McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 343. Types : males and females, Placerville, California, on Pinus ponderosa; in the U. S. National Museum. Adults of Oligonychus milleri may be recognized by having the dorsocentral hysterosomals successively increasing in length, the first pair being very short, the second pair longer, and the third pair much longer than the first. The aedeagus is also distinctive among the Subnudiis Subgroup (tibia I with six tactile setae and tarsus I with one tactile seta proximal to duplex setae) in that the distal end is very long, from two-thirds to as long as dorsal portion of shaft, and it 'narrows evenly from a very broad curvature. There is no geographical correlation with the compar¬ ative length of the turned down portion of the aedeagus, nor with variations in the length of the dorsal seta of the body. Specimens examined other than the types, are from El Cerrito, Cali¬ fornia (A. E. Pritchard), on pine; Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (J. C. Evenden), on ponderosa pine; Logan, Utah, on scots pine; Lakewood, Wisconsin (II. E. Mill iron), on jackpine; Coushaeta, Louisiana (L. D. Newson), 281 Subfamily I etrany chinae Berlese on loblolly pine; Bryceland, Louisiana (L. 1). Newsom), on pine; Pomona 1 ark, Florida (0. 1). Link), on pine; Lake Placid (Arclibold Foundation) anil St. Petersburg, Florida (L. \\. Baker), on pine; Durham, North Carolina (A. F.. Pritchard), on pine; and Rehobeth Beach, Delaware (L. \\. Baker), on pine. McGregor also recorded specimens from Arizona and V irginia, on pine. 01 igonychus subnudus (McGregor), new combination (Figures 231, 232, 233) Paratetranychus subnudus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 355. Types: males and females, Oxnard, California, on pine; in the U. S. National Museum. Adults of Oligonychus subnudus may be recognized by having all the dorsocentral hysterosomals very short and more or less similar in length, together with having the tarsi, especially Ill and IV, slender and longer than the tibiae. Differences in the shape and length of the lateral and caudal setae of the body of specimens studied indicate considerable variation, or else that a species complex is involved. In typical specimens of 0. subnudus (coastal California), the dorsolateral hysterosomals and humerals are rodlike, scarcely longer than the dorsocentral hysterosomals, but the outer pair of sacrals are obviously longer than the inner pair. Specimens from inland southern Cali¬ fornia exhibit dorsolateral hystero- somal setae that are tapering and much longer than the dorsocentrals, the humerals being even longer; and the dorsocentrals are also tapering. The stylophore is deeply emarginate distally in most of the specimens studied, but it is only slightly cleft or else broadly convex in specimens studied from the interior of southern California. Fig. 230. Oligonychus milleri: The aedeagus is distinct from aedeagus. that of Oligonychus milleri in that 282 Spider Mites Fig. 231. Oligony chus subnudus : dorsal aspect of female, Yakitna, Washington. the ventrally bent distal portion is not over one-fourth as long as the dorsal portion of the shaft, and the distal end is acuminate and slightly sigmoid. Variation in the comparative length and the curvature of the bent distal portion is evident. Specimens examined, except for the types, are from Richmond, Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward, Monterey, Julian, and Keen Camp, Cali¬ fornia (A. E. Pritchard), on pine; Mountain View, California (M. Klaich), on Monterey pine; Grant Grove, California (A. E. Pritchard), on red fir; and Yakima, Washington (E. W'. Baker), on pine. 283 Subfamily Tetranychinae Berlese Fig. 232. Oligonychus subnudus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 284 Spicier Mites 01 igonychus hondoen si s (Ehara ), new combination ? Teramychus sp. ? (partim), Niijima, 1903, Textb. Jap. Forest Protect., p. 335, fig. 51. ? T etranychus sp. (partial), Niijima, 1923, Textb. Forest Protect., new ser., vol. 1, p. 339, fig. 106; iVlatsushita, 1948, Textb. Forest Pests, p. 401; Yamamoto, 1948, Textb. Forest Protect., p. 137. P aratetranychus hondoensis Ehara, 1954, Annotat. Zool. Jap. 27(2): 102, 103. Types: Males and females, Sibusawa, Japan, on Cryptomeria japonica; in Zoological Institute, Faculty ofScience, Hokkaido University, Japan. Oligonychus hondoensis is related to 0. subnudus by the type of aedeagus, and the dorsal setal structure of the female. It is differentiated by having the first two pairs of propodosomal setae and the humeral setae quite long in the female, and in having com¬ paratively long dorsal body setae in the male. Fig. 233. Oligonychus subnudus : aedeagus. Oligonychus cunliffei Pritchard and Baker , new species (Figures 234, 235, 236, 237) Oligonychus cunliffei is closely allied to 0. subnudus and similarly possesses very short dorsocentral hysterosomals. It differs, however, in that all of the tarsi are short and stubby, and tarsus I lacks the tactile seta proximad of the duplex setae. The body size is also con¬ siderably smaller. This species is known only from Florida, on pine. Female. — Palpus with terminal sensillum shorter than the dorsal, fusiform seta. Stylophore broadly rounded anteriorly and slightly emarginate medially. Peritreme straight distally. Tibia I with five tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I very short, abruptly declivate beyond duplexes, with a single sensory seta proximoventral to duplexes, and with a single tactile seta just beyond the duplexes before the terminal setae of the tarsus; empodial claw very short, strongly hooked, shorter than the three pairs of proximoventral hairs. Tibia II with four tactile setae. Propodosoma with dorsal setae setiform, much shorter than intervals between them, the second pair shorter than first and third pairs. Hysterosoma with dorsocentrals similar in length and much 285 Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlese Fig. 23 k Oligonychus cunliffei: dorsal aspect of female. 286 Spider Mites Fig. 235. Oligonychus cunliffei : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. shorter than intervals between them, the first and second dorsolaterals similar; humerals, third dorsolaterals, sacrals, and clunals all consider¬ ably longer; para-anals similar to clunals. Length of body 320 p , including rostrum 380//; greatest width of body, 193 p. 287 Subfamily l ctrany chinae Herlese Fig, 236. Oligonychus cunliffei : A.) empodium I and tip of palpus of female; B.) empodium I and tip of palpus of male. Fig. 237. Oligonychus cunliffei : aedeagus. l/olotype. — Female, St. Petersburg, Florida, June 27, 1952, (E. W. Maker), on Pinus palustris ; type no. 2139 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes . — Five females, St. Petersburg, Florida, June 27, 1952 (E. Vi. Baker), on pine; 4 females, Pomona Park, Florida (0. D. Link), on pine; 1 female, Lake Placid, (Archbold Foundation), Florida, July 1952, (E. ft. Baker), on pine. The male has been misplaced. This species is named in honor of Frederick Cunliffe, of the Pinellas Biological Laboratory, St. Petersburg, Florida, because of his keen interest in advancing knowledge of plant-feeding mites. 288 Spider Mites Fog. 238. Oligonychus pityinus: dorsal aspect of female. 01 igonychus brevipilosus ( Zacher ), new combination Paratetranychus brevipilosus Zacher, 1932, Zool. Anz., 97: 179; Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk S.S.R., 9: 126. Types : females, Baden, Germany, on conifers; possibly in the Zacher collection. 289 Subfamily Tetrany chinae Herlese Fig. 239. Oligonychus pityinus: above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. The photograph and drawings of the female presented by Zacher indicate that this species is similar to Oligonychus subnudus (McGregor). This species is known only from the types from Germany, on pine, and from Reek’s record from Georgia, S.S.R., on pine. Oligonychus picei (Canestri ni ), new combination Tetranychus picei Canestrini, 1889, Atti. Reale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 502. Described from specimens from Trentino, Italy, on spruce. Although Berlese (1894) and Geijskes (1939) considered Tetranychus picei to be a synonym of Oligonychus minimus, this synonymy is not accepted because of the difference in type hosts, and the longer dorsal setae of the body in picei. 290 Spider Mites Fig. 240. Oligonychus pityinus: above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus II of male. A study of three type females in the Berlese collection indicates that picei is closely allied to subnudus. The dorsal setae of the body are short and lanceolate but not much shorter than the intervals between them longitudinally. 01 igonychus pityinus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 238, 239, 240, 241) 1 he adults of Oligonychus pityinus may be recognized by having the first pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals from one-half to three- fourths as long as the interval to the second pair, tapering, and sparsely 291 Subfamily T etrariy chinae Herlese Fig. 241. Oligonychus pityinus : aedeagus. pubescent. 1 he second ami third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomuls .ire similar. The fore tibia bears six pairs of tactile setae, and the fore tarsus bears a single tactile seta as in 0. milleri and 0. subnudus. The aedeagus resembles that of 0. subnudus in that the distal, ventrally directed portion is tapering and somewhat curved, but it is only about one-half as long as the dorsal portion of the shaft. Ibis species is known only from southern California, on pine. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum much shorter than fusiform sensillum, about as long as wide. Peritreme straight distally. Tibia 1 with five tactile and four sensory setae; tarsus I with one tactile and three sensory setae proximal to the duplexes and with a single tactile seta ventrally at the level of the duplexes; empodial claw short, slightly shorter than the four pairs of proximoventral hairs. Tibia 11 with four tactile setae. Propodosoma with dorsal setae slender, tapering, finely pubescent, about as long as longitudinal intervals between them. Hyster- osoma with dorsal setae similar to dorsal propodosomals; para-anals similar to clunals. Aedeagus with distal one-half bent sharply ventrad at a right angle, the distal portion with caudal face curved and tapering to near the tip. Length of body 233 p ; including rostrum 300 p . Female. — Similar. Terminal sensillum of palpus larger. Stylophore broad and very slightly emarginate anteromedially. Tibia I with five tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I with one tactile and one sensory setae proximal to duplexes. Length of body 333 p, including gnathosoma 433 p; greatest width of body 233 p. Holotype. — Male, Big Pine, Inyo County, California, May 24, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on Pinus monophylla; type no. 2140 in the U. S. National Museum. P aratypes. — Six males, 4 females, Big Pine, Cali¬ fornia, May 24, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on Pinus monophylla. Oligonychus boudreauxi Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 242, 243, 244, 245) Adults of Oligonychus boudreauxi may be distinguished by having the first pair of dorsocentral hvsterosomals much shorter than the interval to the second pair, together with having seven tactile setae on tibia I and three tactile setae proximal to the duplex setae on tarsus I. The ventrally directed end of the aedeagus is tapering, slightly 292 Spider Mites Fig. 242. Oligony chus boudreauxi: dorsal aspect of female, Leland, Mississippi. 293 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae Berlese curved, and not over one-fourth as long as the dorsal portion of the shaft. This species is known to occur only in the southeastern United States, on cypress. ] Idle. — Palpus with terminal sensillum very small. Peritreme straight distall y, slightly enlarged at distal end. Tibia I with seven tactile 294 Spider Mites Fig. 244. Oligonychus boudreauxi : above, empodium I of male; below, empodium I of female. Fig. 245. Oligonychus boudreauxi : aedeagus. 295 Sub family Tetrany ch inae H t-rl es e Fig. 246. Oligonychus aceris : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; C.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 296 Spider Mites Fig. 247. Oligonychus aceris : A.) empodium III of male; R.) empodium I of male; C.) empodium III of female. and three sensory setae; tarsus I with three tactile and three sensory setae proximal to duplexes and a single tactile seta ventrally just distal to duplexes; empodial claw I slender, curved, longer than the four (sometimes apparently three) pairs of proximoventral hairs. Tibia II with four tactile setae. Propodosoma with dorsal setae slender, tapering, rather coarsely pubescent, the first pair longer than the interval to the second, the third pair similar, the second pair considerably shorter. Hysterosoma with dorsocentrals gradually increasing in length, the first pair being less than one-half as long as interval to second pair, the third pair reaching the inner sacrals; dorsolaterals, humerals, and sacrals as long as third pair of dorsocentrals. Aedeagus with distal one-fourth directed ventral, slightly curved and tapering. Length of body 233p, including rostrum 282p; greatest width of body, 120g. Female. — Similar. Terminal sensillum of palpus larger. Stylophore comparatively broad, distinctly emarginate mediocephalically. Tibia 1 with seven tactile and one sensory seta; tarsus I with three tactile 297 Subfamily I etranychinae Herlese and one sensory seta proximal to duplexes. Length of body 366 p , including gnatbosoma 400 p; greatest width of body 200 p . Holotype. — Male, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May 29, 1953 (R. W. Burrell), on cypress; type no. 2141 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Five males, 20 females, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, jMay 29, 1953 (R. W. Burrell), on cypress; 3 males, 5 females, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 5, 1951 (L. D. Newsom), on cypress; 1 male, 7 females, Leland, Mississippi (C. J. flay), on T axodium distichum. This species is named in honor of H. B. Boudreaux, an outstanding student of spider mites of the southeastern United States. 01 igonychus aceris ( Shimer ), new combination (Figures 246, 247, 248) Acarus aceris Shimer, 1869, Trans. Amer. F.nt. Soc., 2 : 320. Described from specimens from Illinois, on maple. 298 Spider Mites Fig. 249. Oligonyclius endytus : dorsal aspect of female. Subfamily fetrany chinae Berlese Fig. 250. Oligonychus endytus: above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tarsus II of female. Tetranychus aceris, Banks, 1907, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 32(1553): 598. Adults of Oligonychus aceris may be readily recognized by having only six tactile setae on tibia I, together with having the dorsal setae of the body long and slender, set on small tubercles. The fore tarsus bears three tactile setae proximal to the duplex setae, and the empodial claw is very long. In contrast to other members of the Ununguis Group that feed on broad-leaved plants, Oligonychus aceris is found primarily on the lower surface of the leaf. Adult females are straw colored with large black markings. 300 Spider Mites Fig. 251. Oligonychus endytus : above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus II of male. This species is widespread and often abundant on maples in the eastern United States. Specimens have been studied from Ithaca, New \ ork (J. G. Matthysse), on maple; New \ ork City (from Philip Garman) on sugar maple; Princeton, New Jersey (E. G. Brewer) on red maple; Washington, D. C. (E. W. Baker), on red maple; Durham, North Carolina (A. E. Pritchard), on maple; Vincennes, Indiana (S. A. Summerland) on maple; Lawrence, Kansas (R. E. Beer), on maple; and \akima, Washington (E. J. New-comer), on maple. 301 Subfamily T etruny chinae Berlese Fig. 252. Oligony chus endytus : above, empodium I of male below, empodium I of female. 01 igonychus endytus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 249, 250, 251, 252, 253) Adults of Oligonychus endytus may be readily recognized by the very long and stout dorsal setae that are borne on strong tubercles. This species is known only from California, on valley oak and chestnut. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum very short and conical. Peritreme straight and simple distally. Tibia I with six tactile and three sensory setae; tarsus 1 with three tactile and three sensory setae proximal to duplexes; with a single tactile seta ventrad of duplexes; empodial claw moderately long and slender but shorter than the three pairs of proximoventral hairs. Tibia II with five tactile setae. Dorsal setae of the body moderately stout, narrowing, borne on tubercles, and longer than longitudinal intervals between their bases; second dorsal propodosomal much larger than first or third: humerals somewhat shorter 302 Spider Mites Fig. 253. Oligonycnus endytus: aedeagus. than dorsal hysterosomals except for the shorter clunals and outer sacrals. Aedeagus with distal one-third bent ventrad, the terminal portion narrowed to an acute tip. Length of body 266 p; including gnat bo- soma 313 p. Female. — Terminal sensillum of palpus broader and larger. Stylo- phore moderately broad, somewhat emarginate anterodistall v. Tibia I with six tactile and one sensory seta; tarsus I with three tactile and one sensory setae proximal to duplexes; empodial claw with four pairs of proximoventral setae. Body with dorsal setae stronger. Length of body 286p, including gnathosoma 328p; greatest width of body 233 p. Holotype. — Male, Berkeley, California, October 20, 1951 (W. C. Bentinck), on oak; type no. 2142 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Four males, two females, Berkeley, California, October 20, 1951 (W. C. Bentinck), on oak; 1 female, Berkeley, California, October 4, 1949 (A. E. Pritchard), on valley oak; 4 males, 2 females, 1 nymph, Lafayette, California, September 10, 1952 (A. D. Borden), on chestnut. According to A. D. Borden, this species is a serious pest of chestnut. Deciduous oaks on the U niversity of California campus are only moder¬ ately infested. The mites feed primarily on the upper surfaces of the leaves, as is characteristic of most other members of the genus. Subfamily Tetranychinac Hrrlt-se Fig. 254. Oligonycnus platani: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 304 Spider Mites Fig. 255. Oligonychus platani: above, empodium I of male; below, empodium I of female. Oligonychus platani (McGregor), new combination (Figures 254, 255, 256) Paratetranychus platani McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 349. Types: males and females, Davis, California, on sycamore; in the U. S. National Museum. Adult females of Oligonychus platani have seven tactile setae on tibia 1 and three tactile setae proximad of the duplex setae on tarsus I. Adults are distinctive in that the proximal member of each pair of duplex setae is nearly as long as the distal member. The aedeagus closely resembles that of Oligonychus viridis : the distal one-fourth bends abruptly ventrad, and the distal end is slender. California females have one sensory seta proximally on tarsus 1; whereas Mexican specimens bear two or three such setae. The color 305 Subfamily T etrany chinae Berlese of the adult female in life is somewhat greenish with pronounced black spots. The eggs are pale, radially striate dorsally, and with a dorsal stipe. It is possible that there are two species or subspecies involved in this taxonomic category. Oli gonychus platani is a constant, serious pest of the sycamore in the hot, interior valleys of California. Specimens have not been collected from London plane trees on the coastal area of California, even though similar specimens are common on and sometimes a serious pest in this area on broad-leaved evergreens. Specimens examined are from Davis, Tracy, Delano, Madera, and Bakers¬ field, California (A. E. Pritchard), on London plane tree; Berkeley, California (A. E. Pritchard), on loquat, toyon, coast live oak, and valley oak; Redwood City and Palo Alto, California (A. E. Pritchard), on coast live oak; Niles, California (A. E. Pritchard), on cork oak; Sacramento, California (A. E. Pritchard), on cork oak; Glendora, California (J. W. Mac- Swain), on toyon; Riverside, California (A. E. Pritchard), on pyracantha; and Mexico (J. A. Baker, at El Paso, Texas, quarantine), on oak. Fig. 256. Oligony chus platani: aedeagi. 01 igonychus ilicis (Me Gregor), new combination (Figures 257, 258, 259) T etrany chus ilicis McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 51(2167): 586. Types: males and females, Batesburg, South Carolina, on American holly; in the U. S. National Museum. Paratetranychus ilicis, McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 673; Garman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 431: 78; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 340. 306 Spider Mites Fig. 257. Oligonychus ilicis : dorsal aspect of female, North Carolina, holly. The adult female of ilicis belongs to that species subgroup of the genus Oligonychus in which the fore tibia bears seven tactile setae and the fore tarsus three tactile setae proximal to the duplex setae. Adults are distinct from other members of this subgroup (as well as the Subfamily Tetranychinae Htrlt'se Fig. 258. Oligonychus ilicis: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Tnunguis Subgroup) in that the outer sacral setae are obviously smaller than the inner sacrals. The body of the female is basically purplish or reddish, paler anteriorly and with a paler spot medially, and the dorsal setae are borne on small tubercles (sometimes not evident in mounted specimens). The aedeagus closely resembles that of Oligony- chus platani. 308 Spider Mites Fig. 259, Oligonychus ilicis : empodium of female and aedeagus. Oligonychus ilicis is particularly a pest of camellias and azaleas in the southeastern United States, although its native home is probably the Far East. English and Turnipseed (1940) have discussed its im¬ portance in Alabama. Specimens, other than the types, that have been studied are from Brookville, New York (J. Matthysse), on laurel; Tareytown, New \ork (J. Matthysse), on camellia; Patchoque, Long Island, New ^ ork (C. V. Johnson), on camellia; Raleigh, North Carolina (C. F. Smith), on holly and azalea; Durham, North Carolina (A. E. Pritchard), on camellia; Lake Co., Ohio (R. Neiswander), on boxwood; Baton Rouge, Louisiana (J. Roussell), on camellia; Hayward and San Leandro, California (A. E. Pritchard), on camellia and azalea; and Kyushu, Japan (M. Tanaka), on rhododendron. Oligonychus bicolor {Banks), new combination (Figures 260, 261, 262) T etranychus bi color Banks, 1894, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 21: 218; Banks, 1900, U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Bui., 8: 72; Types: females, Sea Cliff, New \ork, on oak; in the U. S. Na¬ tional Museum. Paratetranychus bicolor , McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56 (2303): 675; Carman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 431: 77; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 334. The adult female of Oligonychus bicolor resembles that of O. viridis, O. newcomeri, and 0. coffeae in that the fore tibia bears seven tactile setae and the fore tarsus bears three tactile setae proximad of the duplex setae. The female resembles that of 0. newcomeri and O. coffeae in that it is reddish in basic color. 309 Subfamily T e trany chinae li frit's? Fig. 260. Oli gonyciius bicolor: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 310 Spider Mites Fig. 261. Oligonychus bicolor : A.) empodium 1 of male; B.) Empodium III of male; C.) empodium IV of female. The aedeagus of this species is distinctive in that the distal end of the ventrally bent portion is very abruptly narrowed and the bend forms an obtuse curvature with the shaft. Specimens of Oligonychus bicolor that have been studied by us are all from oak or chestnut in the eastern United States, and severe damage may be caused to shade trees. Series examined are from Ithaca, New York (J. G. Matthysse), on oak; Hamden, Connecticut (Philip German), on red oak; Washington, D. C. (E. W. Baker), on red oak; Durham, North Carolina (A. E. Pritchard), on willow oak and white oak; and Lawrence, Kansas (R. E. Beer), on pin oak. 311 Subfamily I etrany chinae Rerlese Fig, 262, Oligonychus bicolor, aedeagus, Kansas. 01 igonychus viridis {Banks), new combination (Figure 263) 1 etranychus viridis Banks, 1894, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 21: 218. Described from specimens from lexas, on pecan; of unknown disposition. Paraletranychus viridis, McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56 (2303): 671; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 357. 1 he female of Oligonychus viridis closely resembles tliat of 0. bicolor, 0. newcomeri, and O. coffeae. However, tlie basic color of the body in life is greenish. lhe aedeagus of Oligonychus viridis differs from those species from which the females are morphologically indistinguishable in that the portion bent ventrad tapers evenly to an acute tip, and it is sigmoid, the distal end being somewhat caudally directed. Specimens have been studied from Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Hardwick), on pecan: Keatchie, Louisiana (VL C. Pierce), on pecan; Albany, Georgia (G. F. Moznette), on pecan: and Monticello, Florida (J. B. Gill), on pecan. 312 Spider Mites Fig. 263. Oligonychus viridis : tarsus IV of female and aedeagus. 01 igonychus newcomer/ (McGregor), new combination (Figures 264, 265, 266, 267) P aratetranychus newcorneri McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 345. Pritchard and Baker, 1952, Ililgardia, 21(9): 261. Types : males and females, Yakima, Washington,, on pear; in the U. S. National Museum. Adult females of Oligonychus newcorneri are reddish in basic color, and they are indistinguishable from females of P. bicolor. The fore tibia bears seven tactile setae, and there are three tactile setae proximad of the duplex setae on tarsus I. The aedeagus of Oligonychus newcorneri is distinctive in that it is widened at the bend with the upper surface straight on the dorso- caudal portion of the bend, and it is acutely tapering distally. Specimens studied include the types and topotypes, Yakima, Wash¬ ington (R. W. Burell), on pear. 313 Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlrse Fig. 264. Oligony chus newcomeri : dorsal aspect of female. 314 Spider Mites Fig. 265. Oligonychus newcomeri: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; 0.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 3ir> Subfamily I etranychinae Herlese Mg. 266. Oligonychus neucomeri: empodium IV of female. 01 igonychus co ffeae ( N ietner), new combination (Figures 268, 269) Acarus coffeae Nietner, 1861, Observ. Enem. Coffee Tree Ceylon; Nietner and Green, 1880, Coffee Iree Enemies, pp. 19, 20. Described from specimens from Ceylon, on coffee trees. 7 etranychus bioculatus Wood-Mason, 1884, Hep. Tea-Mite Tea-Dug Assam, p. 1. Described from specimens from Ceylon, on tea. A ew synonymy. P arat etranychus bioculatus, Daker and Pritchard, 1953, Hilgardia, 22(7): 213. Oligonychus meru'ei 1 ucker, 1926, Ent. Mem. Dept. Agric. Pretoria, 5: 6. De scribed from males and females, Stanger, Natal, on tea plants. New synonymy. Our identification of Oligonychus bioculatus is based on topotypes submitted by courtesy of C. A. Loos. We have not seen the 1861 publication in which Nietner described Acarus coffeae, but the description in the second edition, 1880, is probably identical. Die description allows reference of the species to the genus Oligonychus. Although we have not seen specimens from coffee, it is assumed that they would represent the same species that occurs commonly in Ceylon on tea. The female bears seven tactile (and one sensory) setae on tibia I and three tactile (and one sensory) setae proximal to the duplex setae on tarsus 1. This sex is morphologically indistinguishable from Oligony¬ chus bicolor, 0. viridis, and 0. neu comeri. However, the aedeagus differs from these three species in that the distal bend is at right angles to the shaft and it gradually narrows to a slender distal end. The tip is truncate. In specimens from Florida, on Melaleuca, the bent portion appears somewhat shorter and more pointed, but other Florida material is typical. 316 Spic/er Mites Oligonychus merwei was described from South Africa, on tea, the descrip¬ tion and figures obviously referring to a member of the Ununguis Group. Speci¬ mens have been studied by us that are from South Africa, on Virginia creeper, and they are indistinguishable from 0. coffeae. Because 0. coffeae is thus known to occur in South Africa and because it is regarded as occurring on tea, 0. meruei is here considered to be a synonym. Specimens studied by us that are referred to this species are from Ceylon (C. A. Loos), on tea; Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa (E. K. Hartwig), on P arth- enocissus quinque folia', Brisbane, Aus¬ tralia (E. H. Derrick), on Quisqualis indie a; Gainesville, Florida (L. C. Kuitert), on camellia; and Richmond, Florida (F. G. Butcher), on Melaleuca sp. Oligonychus terminalis ( Sayed ), new combination P aratetranychus terminalis Sayed, 1946, Bui. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 30: 94. Types: males and females, Egypt, on Mangifera indica, Terminalia sp., Eugenia gambolana, and Vitis vinifera; probably in the collection of M. T. Sayed. Sayed’s original description of terminalis indicates that this species belongs to the Ununguis Group. The figure of the aedeagus is not sufficiently detailed, however, to give positive identification. Ihe figure of tarsus I of the female, together with figures of the dorsal chaetotaxy, indicates that this species is possibly a synonym of Oli¬ gonychus coffeae. Oligonychus perditus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 270, 271, 272, 273) Oligonychus perditus may be differentiated from all other members of the Ununguis Group by possessing two tactile setae ventrally just 317 Subfamily T etrany chinae litrlese Fit*. 268. Oligonychus coffeae: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; P.) tibia and tarsus II of female, with enlargement of empodium; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; H.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 318 Spider Mites beyond the duplexes on tarsus I. The aedeagus is of the ununguis type, but it is distinctive in having a mediodorsal notch near the base of the external portion of the shaft. This species is known only from Japan where it is apparently common on cupressaceous conifers. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum very small, about as long as the fusiform dorsal rod. Peri- treme straight distally, slightly enlarged at tip. Tibia I with seven tactile and four sensory setae; tarsus I with three tactile and three sensory -setae proximal to duplexes and with a pair of tactile setae ventrad of the duplexes. Tibia II with five tactile setae. Empodial claw slender, cultriform, about as long as the five or six pairs of proximoventral hairs. Dorsal setae of body slender, tapering, somewhat longer than longitudinal intervals between them. Aedeagus with distal one-third bent abruptly ventrad, the distal end narrow; dorsum of shaft with a conspicuous notch near base. Length of body 333 p, including rostrum 410 p. Female. — Similar. Terminal sensillum of palpus much larger than fusiform rod. Stylophore slightly emarginate anteromedially. Tibia I with seven tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I with three tactile and one sensory setae proximal to duplexes. Length of body 345 p, including gnathosoma 433 p ; Greatest width of body 300 p. Holotype. — Male, Japan, May 20, 1952 (E. I. Smith), at Seattle, Washington quarantine, on juniper; type no. 2143 in tfie U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Three males, 15 females, Japan, July 24, 1950 (at Seattle, Washington quarantine), on dwarf juniper; 2 males, Japan, August 29, 1950 (C. V. Scott, at Seattle, Washington quarantine), on juniper; 1 male, Japan, May 3, 1951 (Howard, at San Francisco, Cali¬ fornia quarantine), on Juniperus sp.; 11 females, Japan, May 20, 1952 (E. 1. Smith, at Seattle, Washington quarantine), on juniper. 319 Subfamily 1 etrany chi nae Herlese Fig. 270. Oligony chus perditus : dorsal aspect of female. 01 igonychus ununguis ( Jacobi ) (Figures 274, 275, 276, 277) T etrany chus ununguis Jacobi, 1905, Natunv. Zts. Land.-Forstw., 3: 239. Described from specimens from Dahlem, Germany, on spruce. P arat etrany chus ununguis, Zac her, 1913, Mitt. kais. biol. Anst. Land.- Forstw., 14: 39; Jragardh, 1915, Medd. Centralanst. Forsoksv. jordbruksomr. Ent. Avdeln. 109 : 29, 57; Zactier, 1916, Mitt.* 320 Spider Mites Fie. 271. Oligonychus perditus: A.) tibia and tarsus 1 of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 321 Subfamily I etrwiychinae Herlese Fig. 272. Oligonychus perditus: A.) empodium I of male; 13.) empodium I of female; C.) empodium IV of female. kaiserl. biol. Anst. Land.-Forstw. , 16: 25; McGregor, 1919, Proc. IL S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 669; Garnian, 1923, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 247: 340; Zaclier, 1921, Zts. ang. Ent., 7: 184; Ryle, 1925, Quar. Jour. Forestry, Lond., 1925: 1; Hirst, 1924, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 9), 14: 526; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(180): 277; Zaclier, 1932, Zool. Anz., 97: 180; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. ^ageningen, 42(4): 34; Garnian, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 431: 80; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 356; Reck, 1950, Irudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk S.S.R., 9: 126. Oligonychus ununguis , Hirst, 1^20, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. lf)20:59. T etranychus uniunguis Ewing, 1917, Jour. Econ. Ent., 10: 497. Types: females, Urbana, Illinois, on arbor vitae; in the U. S. National Museum. \ ew synonymy. 322 Spider Mites Neotetranychus uniunguis, McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 647. Paratetranychus uniunguis, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 356. Oligonychus americanus Ewing, 1921, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 59(2394): 660. Types: males and females, Saskatchewan, Canada, on spruce; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. Paratetranychus americanus, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 333. Paratetranychus alpinus McGregor, 1936, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 29: 770. Types: males and females, Camp Nelson, California, on Libocedrus decurrens; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. P aratetrany chus pini Hirst, 1924, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 9), 14: 526. Types: males and females, Oxshott, Surrey, England, on Pinus sylvestris ; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). The female of Oligonychus ununguis bears seven tactile (and usually one sensory) setae on tibia I and four tactile (and usually one sensory) setae proximal to the duplex setae on tarsus I. This sex is indistinguish¬ able from O. coniferarum, 0. mangiferus, 0. yothersi, O. punicae, and 0. peronis. The aedeagus is distinctive among these species in that the bend is at a right angle to the shaft and the bent portion tapers gradually to an acute tip; no dorsal notch is present on the shaft. Ihe length of the bent portion varies considerably, being from less than one-half to nearly as long as the dorsal margin of the shaft. It is probable that a species complex is involved, but no clear-cut morphological separa¬ tions are indicated, and no distributional pattern nor host relationship is correlated. That Oligonychus ununguis is ordinarily found only on conifers has been demonstrated by extensive collecting in the San Francisco Bay region where no morphologically similar species has ever been found on hosts other than conifers. In collections from Amherst, Massachusetts, the only series studied from spruce, the female bears in addition to the normal num¬ ber of tactile setae, four sensory setae proximally on tarsus I. The additional setae are considered to be a variation. Fig. 273. Oligonychus perditus: 323 Subfamily 1 ctrany chinae Herlese Fig. 274. Oligonychus ununguis: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II 324 Spider Mites Fig. 275. Oligonychus ununguis: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of of male, all from Amherst, Massachusetts, spruce. 325 Subfamily I etranychinae lierlcsc Fig. 276. Oligonychus ununguis: above, empodium I of male; below, empodium of female, both from Coachella Valley, California. Fig. 277. Oligonychus ununguis: left, aedeagus, Coachella Valley, California; right, aedeagus, Amherst, Massachusetts. In collections from Beltsville, Maryland, on pine, the only specimens studied from this host, the females consistently bear only three tactile setae proximal to the duplexes on tarsus I. These specimens could represent a distinct species, but no other differences are apparent. The striae in the area immediately anterior to the genital flap are trans¬ verse in the specimens from pine. These striae are usually longitudinal in females from cupressaceous hosts, but they vary to being transverse. Hirst gave the name pini to specimens from England, on pine, that he had previously (1920) identified as Oligonychus ununguis. Specimens later examined by Hirst (1924) from England, on spruce, were identified as the ununguis of Tragardh, and pini was regarded as having the distal, bent portion of the aedeagus as being less slender and drawn out. No 326 Spider Mites Fig. 278. Oligonychus coniferarum: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 327 Su b furri ily I ft ran y ch in a e fi erlese Fig. 279. Oligonychus coniferarum: A.) empodium I of male; R.) empodium III of male; C.) empodium II of female. otlier characters were given by liirst for differentiating the two species, and t fie length of the dorsal setae of pini was not noted. Because the comparative length of the distal bend of the aedeagus is here considered to be variable, pini is considered to be a synonym. The figure given by Hirst (1920) of the aedeagus of pini is more typical of ununguis than that presented by Hirst (1924) for ununguis. We have studied a large number of specimens collected from through¬ out the United States and many specimens from Europe that were intercepted at American ports. Members of the Cupressaceae are among the favorite hosts: Juniperus, Cupressus, Thuja, Chamaecyparis, and Libocedrus. Spruce is reported to be a favorite host; and specimens have been collected on redwood and sequoia in California. 328 Spider Mites Oligonychus inouei ( Ehara), new combination ? Tetranychus sp. (partim), Harada, 1927, Principl. Forest Enem. Con¬ trol, p. 72; Inoue, 1942, Prakt. Anleit. f. Vorbeug. u. Vertilg. v. biolog. Forstschad., p. 121, fig. 75; Matsushita, 1943, Textb. Forest Rests, p. 403, fig. 187. P aratetranychus inouei Ehara, 1954, Annotat. Zool. Jap. 27(2): 104-106. Types : Males and females, Hokkaido, Japan., on Picen jezoensis and Abies mayriana, and Mombetsu, Japan, on Abies mayriana ; in Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan. Oligonychus inouei appears to be closely related to 0. ununguis by reason of the dorsal setal pattern, tarsus I setal pattern of the female, and aedeagus of the male. Oligonychus coniferarum ( McGregor ), new combination (Figures 278, 279, 280) P aratetranychus coniferarum McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 338. Types: males and females, Glen St. Marys, Florida, on arbor vitae; in the U. S. National Museum. Fig. 280. Oligonychus coniferarum : aedeagus. Oligonychus coniferarum differs from O. ununguis only in that the aedeagus forms a short, truncate, caudolaterally directed bend. 1 his species was originally known from specimens collected in Florida, but other specimens have been examined from Hrownsville, Texas (R. Alexander), on arbor vitae; and Ysleta, Texas (P. Netterville), on Pfitzer juniper. McGregor stated that “other conifers” are also hosts. 329 Subfamily 1 etranychinae Hrrlrse Fig. 281. Oligonychus mangiferus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; R.) tibia and tarsus 11 of female; Cl.) tibia and tarsus 1 of male; R.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 330 Spider Mites 01 igonychus mangiferus ( Rahman and Punjab), new combination (Figures 281, 282) P aratetranychus mangiferus Rahman and Punjab, 1940, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (ser. B), 11: 192. Described from males and females, Lyallpur, India, on mango, grape, and Eugenia jambolana. P aratetranychus insularis McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 341. Types : males and females, Poamoho, Oahu, on mango; in the U. S. Natio’nal Museum. New synonymy. The female of Oligonychus mangiferus is indistinguishable from other members of the Ununguis Subgroup, which is characterized by having seven tactile setae on tibia I and four tactile setae proximal to the duplexes on tarsus I. The aedeagus is distinctive in that the bent portion is small, triangularly tapering or nearly so, and forming an acute angle with the shaft. The synonymy of insularis with mangiferus is based on a similarity in drawings of the aedeagus, and both were described from the same hosts. There are no tetranychids endemic to Hawaii, and tropical Asia is probably the original home of this mite. Specimens studied by us, other than the types, are from Honolulu, Hawaii (F. S. Morishita), on mango; Mopulehu, Malokai (F. S. Morishita), on mango; Poamoho, Oahu (F. S. Morishita), on Anona sp.; and Peru (at Houston, Texas quarantine), on rose. Fig. 282. Oligonychus mangiferus : aedeagus. Oligonychus yothersi (McGregor), new combination (Figures 283, 284, 285) Tetranychus yothersi McGregor, 1914, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 7: 355. Types: females, Orlando, Florida, on camphor; in the U. S. National Museum. P aratetranychus yothersi, Banks, 1915, U. S. Dept. Agric. Hep., 108: 37; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 676; 331 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae Berlt'sr Fig. 283. Oligonychus yothersi : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 332 Spider Mites Fig. 284. Oligonychus yothersi : empodia of female. McGregor, 1941, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 43: 86; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 358. Oligonychus major Ewing, 1921, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 59(2394): 660. Types : males and females, Rockville, Maryland, on avocado; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. Females of Oligonychus yothersi are indistinguishable from other members of the Ununguis Subgroup — those having seven tactile setae on tibia 1 and four tactile setae proximal to the duplex setae on tarsus I. The number of sensory setae associated with these tactile setae is subject to considerable variation: from one to four on tibia I and from one to two on the proximal portion of tarsus I. Rarely only three tactile setae are found proximally on tarsus I. The aedeagus is very distinctive in that the bent portion is as long as the dorsal part of the shaft and the distal one-half of the hook is long and slender and usually truncate at the tip (rarely pointed in Florida specimens). The male bears seven tactile setae on tibia 1 and three tactile setae on the proximal portion of tarsus 1, and the sensory setae vary in number as in the female: from one to three such setae on tibia 1, and from one to four such setae on the proximal part of tarsus 1. 333 Subfamily I etranychinae Herlese The specimens on the type slide of yothersi are all females and they represent two species, the other being that here identified as Oligonychus coffeae. These two species are found commonly assoc¬ iated in South America. McGregor’s 1941 identification is accepted as that of the first reviser. Oligonychus major is here considered to be a synonym of Oligonychus yothersi. The types are extremely deteriorated, but tarsus I of the female bears four setae proximad of the duplex setae. The types of major were from experimental avocado plots, and this is an important host of yothersi. Ewing referred to the aedeagus as -being much larger and differently shaped in comparison with ( americanus ) - ununguis. The synonymy is probably correct. Series studied by us in which males and females are associated are from Richmond, Florida (F. G. Butcher), on avocado; Fredonia, 334 Spider Mites Fig. 286. Oligonychus ■ punicae : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male; all coiti types. 335 Subfamily T etranychinae Herlese Fig. 287. Oligonychus punicae: left, empodium I of male; right, empodium I of female; coiti types. Colombia (C. 11. Ballou), on coffee; Pomasqui, Ecuador (11. II. ^ ust), on Capuli cherry; Guail labamba, Ecnutlor (11. R. Vast), on avocado; and Concordia, Argentina (L. C. Knorr), on Salix alba. Females alone from Florida are from Richmond (F. C. Butcher), on avocado and mango; Sunland Groves (F. G. Butcher), on mango; Florida City (F. G. Butcher), on avocado; Coral Gables (F. G. Butcher), on mango; Perrine (F. G. Butcher), on mango, avocado, litchi, Euphora longana, and Averrhoa carambola; Bomestead (D. 0. Wolfenbarger), on mango and avocado; Orlando (L. C. Knorr), on camphor; and Gainesville (L. C. Kuitert), on camphor. Oligonychus punicae {Hirst), new combination (Figures 286, 287, 288) Paratetranychus punicae Hirst, 1926, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1926: 830. Types : males and females, Coimbatore, South India, on pomegranate and grape; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). Paratetranychus coiti McGregor, 1941, Proc. Ent. Soc. Kash., 43 : 85; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 337. Types: males and females, Chula Vista, California, on avocado; in the U. S. Nation¬ al Museum. New synonymy. The female of Oligonychus punicae possesses seven tactile (and one sensory) setae on tibia I and four tactile (and one sensory) setae on tarsus I proximal to the duplex setae. This sex cannot be distin¬ guished from females of 0. yothersi, 0. mangiferus, and 0. peronis, all of which also occur on broad-leaved tropical plants. The aedeagus is distinctive among this group of species in that the hook is rather broad and with the distal end abruptly narrowed to form a fingerlike projection. The synonymy of Oligonychus coiti with 0. punicae is based on the study of type material. 336 Spider Mites The only specimens, other titan the types, examined by us might be considered topotypes of coiti in that they are from southern Cali¬ fornia (Walter Ebeling and Lee Jeppson) on avocado. Although formerly a serious pest of avocado in this area in the past, this species has seldom been encountered in recent years. It is probable that this species is tropical Asian in origin, but it may have been introduced to California from Central America. 01 igonychus peronis Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 289, 290, 291) The female of Oligonychus peronis belongs to that subgroup having seven tactile setae on tibia I and four tactile setae on tarsus I proximal to the duplex setae. The aedeagus shows that this species is closely allied to 0. punicae, but the distal fingerlike end of the aedeagus is extremely small and ventrally placed on the very bulbous enlargement. This species is known only from Ecuador, on Derris sp. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum no longer than fusiform peg of last palpal segment. Peritreme straight distally, scarcely en¬ larged at tip. Tibia I with seven tactile and four sensory setae; tarsus I with three tactile and three sensory setae proximal to duplexes and with a single tactile seta ventrally just beyond duplexes. Tibia II with five tactile setae. Empodial claw slightly longer than the four pairs of proximoventral hairs. Dorsal setae of body rather slender, tapering, longer than longitudinal intervals be¬ tween them. Aedeagus forming a swollen bulb caudally above the ventrally direct¬ ed, narrow and truncate distal end. Length of body 266 p, including gnatho- soma 320 p, greatest width of body 133 p. Female. — Similar. Terminal sensil¬ lum of palpus considerably larger. Stylophore broadly rounded medio- anteriorly. Tibia I with seven tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus I with four tactile and one sensory setae proximal to duplexes. Integumental striae longitudinal immediately F'ig. 288. Oligonychus punicae : aedeagus; coiti type. 337 Subfamily 1 etranychinae lit-rlt'se Fig. 289. Oligonychus peronis’ A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; R,1 tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 338 Spider Mites Fig. 290. Oligonychus peronis: above, empodium I of male and terminal segment of palpus; below, empodium I of female and terminal sensillum of pal pus. Fig. 291. Oligonychus peronis : aedeagus. Subfamily l etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 29 2. Oligonychus peruvianus : dorsal aspect of female. anterior to genital flap. Length of body 333 g , including gnathosoma 400 g; greatest width of body 250 g. Holotype. — Male, Santo Domingo, Pichincha, Ecuador, November 27, 1952 (H. R. ^ust), on Denis sp.; type no. 2144 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Two males, 19 females, Santo Domingo, Pichincha, Ecuador, November 27, 1952 (11. R. ^ust), on Denis sp. 01 igorrychus primulae ( Oudemans ), new combination Paratetranychus primulae Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(181): 291; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Rageningen, 42(4): 35. Types : eight females, Arnhem, Holland, on Primulus obconica; 340 Spider Mites Fig. 293. Oligonychus p eruvianus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of mal e. probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historic, Leiden, Holland. The rotund body, the five pairs of proximoventral enipodial hairs, the long dorsal setae and the dorsal striae of the body (Geijskes, 1939) all indicate that Oligonychus primulae belongs to the Ununguis Group. Males are unknown, and the status of this species must remain in doubt. 01 igonychus nuptialis ( Zacher ), new combination Paratetranychus nuptialis Zacher, 1932, Zool. Anz., 97(7/8): 13. Types: males and females, Einbeck, Germany, on “Myrthenstecklinge”; probably in the Zacher collection. Zacher’s description of nuptialis indicates, although by no means certainly, that this species belongs to the Ununguis Group. The yellow¬ ish-red color of the body, as described by him, is found only in this group, and his figure of the aedeagus indicates that it bends ventrad 341 Subfamily l etrany chinae fieriest • ns in this group, lhe terminal enlargement of the aedeagus, as illus¬ trated by Zacher, will distinguish this species from all species of the Ununguis Group. Oligonychus kobachidzei (Reck), new combination Parat etrany chus hobachidzei Heck, 1947, Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.R., 8(7). De scribed from specimens from Georgia, S.S. H., on Platanus occidentalis. We have not seen the description of this species. 01 igonychus mori (Yokoyama) , new combinat ion P anonychus mori \ okoyama, 1929, Nippon Sangyo Gaichu Zensho (Tokyo), p. 531. Described from male and female, Japan, on mulberry. Although \okoyama credited this species to kishida, no article by kishida has been found in which the name was used. However, the name is validated by Yokoyama, and his description clearly indicates that this is a reddish species belonging to the Ununguis Group. 0 1 igonychus parva (Yokoyama), new combination Tacebia parva Yokoyama, 1929, Nippon Sangyo Gaichu Zensho (Tokyo), p. 536. Described from female, Japan, on mulberry. \ okoyama validated this species, even though it was credited to kishida. No reference to publication of tlje name by kishida has been found. Parva was described as being very similar to mori, but smaller in size. Peruvianus Group The Peruvianus Group is based on a single species that may be readilv recognized by the shape of the dorsal setae of the body. These setae are short, lanceolate, and nearly nude. 342 Spider Mites Fig. 294. Oligonychus p eruvianus : tarsal appendages and aedeagus. In common with the Ununguis Group the aedeagus bends ventrad and tarsus I bears a single tactile seta ventral to the duplexes. In common with the other groups, tibia I bears nine tactile setae and the empodium bears only three pairs of proximoventral hairs. Tibia I bears one sensory seta in the female, two sensory setae in the male. Tarsus I bears four tactile setae proximal to the duplexes, plus one sensory seta in the female and three sensory setae in the male. Tibia II possesses seven (rarely six) tactile setae. The integumentary striae of the female are distinctive in that they are longitudinal between the third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals. Oligonychus peruv ianus (McGregor) , new combination (Figures 292, 293, 294) Tetranychus peruvianas McGregor, 1917, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 51(2167): 581, 589. Types : males and females, La Legua, Peru, on willow; in the U. S. National Museum. P aratetranychus peruvianus, McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 667; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 346; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, llilgardia, 22(7): 209. P aratetranychus trinitatis Hirst, 1922, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1921: 801. Types: males and females, Trinidad, on grape; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). Oligonychus peruvianus has been recorded from Peru, Trinidad, and southern California, on willow, grape, carob, and cotton. The colonies are very restricted, being found on the undersides of the leaves. 343 Subfamily I etrany chinae Herlese big. 29. «. Oligonychus stickneyi : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; H.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Pratensis Group Mites tlmt belong to the Pratensis Group are distinguished by having the proximoventral appendages of the male empodium I consisting of a single pair of spurs (each with a trace of the first and second proximo- ventral hairs). The males are further recognizable in that the aedeagus bears a strong bend dorsad, with the distal end either sigmoid or with a rather compact distal enlargement. Females are distinguishable as a group, but they cannot be differ¬ entiated as to species. Tibia I bears nine tactile setae. Tarsus 1 has four tactile setae proximad of the duplex setae, and the venter of tarsus I bears two tactile setae on the ventral surface (in the portion bearing longitudinal striations) just distal to the location of the duplexes. The dorsal striae of the females of the Pratensis Group are transverse between the dorsocentral hvsterosomals, but they are longitudinal between the sacrals. Dorsolateral striae of the body are mostly transverse. 344 Spider Mites The peritreme is straight distally, ending in a simple bulb. There are three pairs of empodial hairs below the long and slender empodial claw. The duplex setae on tarsus I are more widely spaced on the dorsum of the segment than in other groups of Oligonychus except for the illcGregori Group. Mites belonging to the Pratensis Group feed characteristically on grasses, and they are often pests of such crops as sorghum, maize, sugar cane, and rice. Two species, ordinarily found on grasses, are serious pests of the fruit of date palms. Adult females are very small, pale yellowish or straw-colored, and have dusky spots along each side. Oligonychus stickneyi (McGregor), new combination (Figures 295, 296, 297) Paratetranychus stickneyi McGregor, 1919, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 41: 253; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 353. Types: males 345 Subfamily fetrany chinae Herlrse and females, Whittier, California, on Bermuda grass; in the U. S. National Museum. ihe male of Oligonychus stichneyi may be recognized by having the terminal enlargement of the aedeagus very large, about one-third as long as the dorsal portion of the shaft, the anterior margin broadly rounded, the caudal end acutely angulate, and with the axis of the enlargement forming less than a 30 degree angle with the axis of the shaft. The shaft is sharply constricted just before the dorsal bend. Specimens other than the types that have been studied are from Redlands, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Bermuda grass; Tulare County, California, on corn; Santa Barbara, California (A. E. Pritchard), on Bermuda grass; Riverside, California (Jack Hall), on Bermuda grass; Indio, California, on corn; Avondale, Arizona (M. H. brost, Jr.), on maize; and Jalostoc, Morelos, Mexico (J. J. Mckelvev), on maize. 346 Spider Mites Fig. 298. Oligonychus grarrineus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Specimens from Windermere, Florida (0. D. Link), on maiden cane grass appear to be identical. McGregor recorded tlie following genera of grasses as hosts: Arundo, Bouteloa, Cenchrus, Clitoris, Cynodon, Digitaria, Echinochloa, Eragr- ostis, Setaria, Sorghum, and Sporobolus. 347 Subfamily I etrany chinae Herlese I*ig. 299. Oligonychus grumineus : above, empodium I of male; below, empodium I of female. 01 igonychus gramineus (McGregor), new combination (Figures 298, 299, 300) Paratetranychus gramineus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44 : 339. Types: males and females, Julian, California, on Hordeum murinum ; in the U. S. National Museum. Oligonychus gramineus is closely allied to 0. stickneyi , but the distal enlargement of the aedeagus is narrower and the axis of the enlargement forms a 45 degree angle with the axis of the shaft. This species has been known only from the very southern coastal area of California, from San Diego County to Los Angeles County. A more northern collection, from Davis, California (F. M. Summers), on rye, has been studied by us. Oligonychus exs iccator ( Zehntner ), new combination (Figure 301) Tetranychus exsiccator Zehntner, 1897, Arch. Java-Suikerind., 5(1): 525; Zehntner, 1901, Arch. Java-Suikerind., 9(1): 193. Described from specimens from Java, on sugar cane. 348 Spider Mites Fig. 300. Oligony chus gramineus : aedeagus. The figures of the aedeagus that were presented by Zehntner (1901) indicate that this species belongs to the Pratensis Group and that it is closely related to Oligony chus stickneyi. However, the caudal pro¬ jection of the aedeagal knob is rounded in Zehntner’s figures. Swezey (1922) and Williams (1931) regarded this species as a sugar cane pest in Hawaii, but their identification is in need of confirmation. We have not seen this species. Fig. 301. Oligony chus exsiccator : empodium and aedeagus (after Zentner). 349 Subfamily T etrany chinae Herlese 01 igonychus afrasiat icus (McGregor), new combination (Figure 302) Paratetranychus afrasiaticus McGregor, 1939, Proc. Ent. Soc. Rash., 41(9): 255; McGregor, 1950, Anier. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 331. Types: males and females, Biskra, Algeria, on dates; in the U. S. National Museum. Oligonychus Psirnplex, Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920: 60; Buxton, 1921, Bui. Ent. lies., 11: 299. Misidentification. Paraletranychus simplex, Andre, 1932, Bui. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord., 23: 325. Misidentification. The aedeagus of Oligonychus afrasiaticus has a moderately large terminal knob, about one-fifth as long as the dorsal portion of the shaft. The axis of the knob is parallel to that of the shaft; the anterior pro¬ jection is broadly rounded, and the posterior angulation is deflexed at the tip, about as long as the anterior angulation. No sharp constriction is evident on the shaft. This species is reported to be a serious pest of dates in Algeria and Iraq; and Buxton (1921) also recorded “khadhrawi” trees as a host. 01 igonychus pratensis {Banks), new combination (Figures 303, 304, 305, 306) Tetranychus pratensis Banks, 1912, Proc. Ent. Soc. Rash.., 14: 97; Ewing, 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 6: 459; Types: females, Pullman, Washington, on timothy; in the U. S. National Museum. Paraletranychus pratensis, 3anks, 1915, U. S. Dept. Agr. Rep., 108: 37; McGregor, 1919, Proc. h. S. Natl. Mus. , 56(2303): 668; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 350. Tetranychus simplex Banks, 1914, Pomona Jour. Ent. and Zool., 6: 57. 350 Spider Mites Types: described from specimens from El Centro, California, on date palm, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. New synonymy. Paratetranychus simplex, Banks, 1915, U. S. Dept. Agr. Rep., 108: 37;. McGregor, 1939, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 41: 248; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 352. 351 Subfamily I etrany china e tterlrse Fig. 304. Oligonychus pratensis: A.) tibia and tarsus 1 of female; B.) tibia ind tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; B.) tibia and tarsus II >f male. 352 Spider Mites P aratetranychus heteronychus Ewing, 1922, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 24: 105. Types : males and females, Coachella Valley, California, on dates; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. The male of Oligonychus pratensis may be recognized by having the distal knob of the aedeagus about twice as wide as the stem of the knob, the axis of the knob forming a distinct angle with the axis 353 Subfamily I etranychinae Berlese of the shaft. 'Hie dorsal margin of the knob may be nearly straight with the tip slightly down, or it is curved or angulate. The anterior projection of the knob is bluntly angulate, the posterior angulation acute. No constriction of the shaft is evident. Oligonychus pratensis has been inadequately characterized due to the lack of males. An outbreak of this species on grasses and grains occurred in the Pacific Northwest in 1951, and specimens collected near Pullman, Washington, are regarded as topotypes. They represent the same species previously known as the date mite in southern Cali¬ fornia. 1 his species is common on grasses in the western United States. Specimens examined are from Pullman, Washington (H. S. Telford), on wheat; Dishman, Washington, on grass; La Grande, Oregon (13. G. Thompson), on wheat; La Grande, Oregon (R. W. Every), on grass; Pickleville, Utah (G. S. Knowlton), on aspen; Indio, California (L. R. Jeppson), on dates; and Riverside, California (Jack Hall), on Bermuda grass. Specimens from the eastern and midwestern United States differ from specimens from the far West in that the knob of the aedeagus is more slender, the anterior angulation more acute, and the caudal angula¬ tion somewhat more deflexed. Such collections have been studied from Clovis, New Mexico (T. L. Harvey), on wheat; Garden City, Kansas (C. F. Henderson), on wheat; Curtis and Benton, Louisiana (L. D. Newsom), on Panicum sp.; Pelican Lake, T lorida (D. D. Questal), on sugar cane; and Miami Beach, Florida (0. D. Link), on para grass. In other males from Florida the aedeagal knob is somewhat smaller, approaching that of Oligonychus indicus but with the dorsally bent portion comparatively large in relation to the size of the shaft and the anterior angulation evident. These collections are from Belle 354 Spider Mites Fig. 307. Oligonychus modestus : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Glade, Florida (R. Mathes), on sugar cane; Miami Beach, Florida (0. D. Link), on smut grass; and Miami, Florida (0. D. Link), on broom grass. 01 igonychus indicus {Hirst), new combination P aratetranychus indicus Hirst, 1923, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1923; 990; Rahman and Punjab, 1940, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. (ser B), 11: 189; Rahman and Sopra, 1940, Ind. Jour. Ent., 2: 201. Types : males and females, India, on sorghum; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). P aratetranychus mexicanus McGregor and Ortega, 1953, Fol. Tec., 10: 3. Types: males and females, Chapingo, Mexico, on maize and Johnson grass; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. 355 Subfamily I etranychinue Berlese Fig. 308. Oligony cnus modestus: aedeagus. Oligonychus indicus is closely allied to O. pratensis. Types of 0. mexicanus (similar to the illustrated types of indicus) are distinctive in having the distal knob of the aedeagus very small, directed caudo-dorsally , and with the anterior angulation virtually absent. 1 he bend of the aedeagus forms an ucute angle with the axis of the shaft. It is possible that the specimens discussed in the last paragraph under Oligonychus pratensis might be prop¬ erly referred to 0. indicus. The com¬ plex needs additional study. 01 igonychus modestus [Banks), new combination (Figures 307, 308) Tetranychus modestus Banks, 1900, U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Ser., 8: 73. Types: males, Washington, D. C. on corn; in the U. S. National Museum. Paratetranychus modestus, Banks, 1915, Dept. Agr. Rep., 108: 37; McGregor, 1919, Proc. L. S. Natl. Mas., 56(2303): 670; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 344. The aedeagus of Oligonychus modestus is distinctive in that the distal end is scarcely enlarged, and the dorsal surface of the tiny knob is curved and parallel to the axis of the shaft. The distal bend is at a right or obtuse angle with the axis of the shaft. In addition to the types from Washington, D. C. on com, specimens have been examined from Washington, D. C. (F. A. McClure), on bamboo. 01 igonychus sacchari [McGregor), new combination (Figures 309, 310, 311) Paratetranychus sacchari McGregor, 1942, Jour. Univ. Puerto Rico, 26: 91; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 351. Types: males and females, Mavagiiez, Puerto Rico, on sugar cane; in the U. S. National Museum. 356 Spider Mites Fig. 309. Oligonychus sacchari: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 357 Subfamily l etranychinae Lierlese Fig. 310. Oli gonychus sacchari: above, empodium I of male; below, empodium I of female. Th e male of Oligonychus sacchari is distinctive in having the distal end of the aedeagus bent dorsad, tapering, strongly sigmoid, and with the tip turned down. This species was originally known from specimens collected on sugar cane in western Puerto Rico, but McGregor later recorded speci¬ mens from the New Hebrides and Windward Islands, on dendrobium orchids and foxtail millet. 01 igonychus oryzae (Hirst), new combination P aratetranychus oryzae Hirst, 1926, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1926: 830. Types: males, Coimbatore, India, on paddy leaves; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). Oligonychus oryzae is closely related to 0. sacchari, but Hirst’s drawing of the aedeagus shows the tip of the slender, sigmoid distal end to be dorsally directed. The bent portion of the aedeagus is much longer than in 0. iseilemae. This species is known only from the types, from south India, on rice. 358 Spider Mites 01 igorrychus iseilemae [Hirst), new combination Paratetranychus iseilemae Hirst, 1924, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 9), 14: 524. Types: males and females, Coimbatore, South India, on Iseilema laxum; probably in the British Museum (Natural 11 istory. Oligonychus iseilemae is a grass infesting mite. Hirst’s figure indicates that the aedeagus bears a small, sigmoid, dorsal bend without any distal enlargement and with the tip directed upward. The peritreme is distinctive among the group inasmuch as the distal end is described as being U-shaped. This species is known only from the types from South India. Oligonychus stenoperitrematus ( Ugarov and N i kol ski i) , new combination Eurytetranychus stenoperitrematus Ugarov and Nikolskii, 1937, Sredneat. Stant. Zasch. Iiastenii, p. 36. Described from males and females, probably Tashkent, Russia, on corn, watermelon, cotton, and th istle. P aratetranychus stenoperitrematus, Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Hilgardia 22(7): 209. Hie description of stenoperitrematus and its position in Ugarov and Nikolskii’s key indicate that the empodium is a simple claw with six ventral hairs. The peritreme is described as forming a simple, enlarged ultimate compartment. The description of the aedeagus (not illustrated) further indicates that this mite belongs to the Pratensis Croup. No satisfactory identification of this spider mite can be made at tli e present. McGregori Group The McGregori Group is closely allied to the Pratensis Group. Fe¬ males of the two groups bear similar patterns of dorsal striae on the idiosoma, the striae behind the inner sacrals being longitudinal and the dorsolateral striae being mostly transverse. Tibia 1 bears nine 359 Subfamily I etranychinae Herlese Fig. 311. Oligonychus sacchari : aedeagus. tactile (and one sensory) setae; and tarsus 1 bears four tactile (and one sensory) setae proximal to t lie duplexes, and two tactile setae just distal to the duplexes on the ventral side. There are similarly only three pairs of proximoventral empodial hairs. However, the peri- tremes are strongly retrorse distally, and the duplex setae on tarsus 1 are more widely spaced. More¬ over, members of the McCregori Group are not known to occur on grasses. The aedeagi of the species re¬ ferred to the McCregori Group are distinctive in that the distal end is bent dorsad and with a very long appendages of empodium 1 and slender termination. The proximoventral of the male consist of three pairs of hairs. 01 igonychus mcgregori ( Baker and Pritchard), new combination (Figures 312, 313, 314) P aratetranychus mcgregori Baker and Pritchard, 1953, llilgardia, 22(7): 209. Holotype: male, Chinandega, Nicaragua, on cotton; in the U. S. National Museum. The female of Oligonychus mcgregori may be recognized by the group characters. The very slender prolongation of the aedeagus is distinctive. This species is known only from the types from Central America, on cotton. Oligonychus gossypii (Zacher), new combination (Figure 315) P aratetranychus- gossypii Zacher, 1920, Zts. angew\ h,nt., 7: 183; Hirst, 1926, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1926: 832; Andre, 1933, 360 Spider Mites Fig. 312. Oligonychus mcgregori: dorsal aspect of female. Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 5: 306. Types: males and females, Togo, Africa; probably in the Zacher collection. Descriptions of Oligonychus gossypii will not definitely determine whether this species is referable to the Mcgregori Group. However, published figures of the aedeagus indicate that this species is either closely allied to 0. mcgregori, or else it is worthy of a group of its own. Hirst recorded this species from Sierra Leone, Africa, on cassava and beans; and from Portuguese West Africa, on papaya. It was originally described from cotton. 361 Subfamily Tetranychinae fieriest* Fia. 313. Oligonychus mcgregori: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 362 Spider Mites Fig. 314. Oligonychus mcgregori: A.) aedeagus; B.) empodium II of female. Fig. 315. Oligonychus gossypii : aedeagus. Pritchardi Group Tlie Pritchardi Group of the genus Oligonychus is readily recog¬ nizable by the integumentary pattern of the striae on the dorsum of the female, the striae being transverse between the inner and outer sacrals, together wdth the tibial chaetotaxy. The female bears nine tactile (and one sensory) setae on tibia 1; four tactile (and one sensory) setae on tarsus I proximal to the duplexes; and two tactile setae disto- ventrad of the duplexes on tarsus I. There are only three pairs of proximoventra! hairs on the empodium. I ll e male bears three pairs of short, proximoventral hairs on empodium 363 Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlrsr Fig. 316. Oli gonychus biharensis : above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus 1 of male. 1 in contradistinction to the Pratensis Group. The form of the aedeagus is distinctive in that there is a short and broad curvature upward with a long distal knob; the distal end of the knob is drawn out and may be ventrally directed to give the aedeagus the appearance of a primary ventral bend. Members of the Pritchardi Group are usually found on trees. They are very small mites, yellowish, and with parallel-sided bodies. 364 Spider Mites Oligonychus biharensis [Hirst), new combination (Figures 316, 317, 318) P aratetrany chus biharensis Hirst, 1925, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1925: 69. Types : males and females, Pusa, India, on rose; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). P aratetrany chus hawaiiensis McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 340. Types: males and females, Honolulu, Hawaii, on loquat; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. The figures of the aedeagi presented by Hirst and McGregor, together with a study of specimens having similar aedeagi, convince us that hawaiiensis is a synonym of biharensis. Females are readily differentiated from other members of the group by having the peritremes retrorse distally. Oligonychus pritchardi (McGregor), new combination (Figures 319, 320, 321) P arat.etranychus pritchardi McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44: 350. Type s : males and females, Berkeley, California, on vallev oak; in the U. S. National Museum. 366 Spider Mites Fig. 320. Oligonychus pritchardi: empodium I of male. Fig. 321. Oligonychus pritchardi : aedeagus. the University of California Berkeley, California (A. E. Washington (E. J. Newcomer), on oak; Oregon City, Oregon Oregon (E. W. Baker), on oak. The male of Oligonychus pritchardi is distinctive in that the distal hook is nearly straight on the dorsal margin, except for the obtuse angulation. The tip of the aedeagus reaches a level of the axis of the shaft. The peritreme has a simple bulb distally. The female is indistinguishable from Oligonychus propetes. This species forms compact col¬ onies that live under very dense canopies of webbing, either on the upper or lower sides of leaves of deciduous oaks. In this biological characteristic it differs considerably from that of other species of Oligo¬ nychus. Oligonychus pritchardi was de¬ scribed from specimens from oak on campus. We have studied specimens from Pritchard), on valley oak; Wiley City, on oak; Yakima, Washington (E. W. Baker), (E. W. Baker), on oak; and Hood River, Oligonychus propetes Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 322, 323, 324) The female of Oligonychus propetes resembles that of 0. pritchardi . It differs from O. biharensis in that the peritreme is straight distally, 367 Sub farm' ly / etrany chinae Berlese Fig. 322. OligonyctiUS propetes ■ A.) tibia anH tarsus I of female; R.) tibia and tarsus I of male; C.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 368 Spider Mites Fig. 324. Oligonychus propetes : aedeagus. and from 0. hadrus in that the mem¬ bers of each duplex are very unequal. The aedeagal barb is strongly convex on the dorsal margin with the acuminate tip directed ventrally, much as ir Oligonychus hadrus. This mite is apparently common on deciduous oaks in the eastern United States. Male. — Palpus with terminal sen- sillum rudimentary. Peritreme straight distally, ending in a simple bulb. Tibia I with nine tactile and four sensory setae; tarsus I with four tactile and two (or three) sensory Fig, 325. Oligonychus hadrus : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; B.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 369 Subfamily I etranychinae Berlese < Hg. 326. Oligony chus hadrus : empodium I of female. setae proximal to duplexes, with a pair of tactile setae ventrally at level of duplexes; duplexes each with proximal member very short; empodium 1 a hooked claw, longer than the three pairs of proximoventral hairs. Tibia II with five tactile setae. Dorsum of body with setae slender and tapering, longer than intervals between bases. Aedeagus curved dorsad but terminal enlargement large, with short proximodorsal angula¬ tion and with long caudoventrally curved terminal angulation. Length of body 266 p, including rostrum 340 p; greatest width of body 166 p. Female. — Similar. Palpus with terminal sensillum large, three times as long as wide at base. Stylophore broadly convex cephalically. Tibia 1 with nine tactile and one sensory setae; tarsus 1 with four tactile and one sensory setae proximal to duplexes. Length of body 345 p, including gnathosoma 440 p; greatest width of body 200 p. Holotype. — Male, Tyson’s Corner, Virginia, July 24, 1951 (E. ft. Baker), on oak; type no. 2145 in the U. S. National Museum. Para- types. — Nineteen males, 35 females, Tyson’s Corner, Virginia, July 11 and 24, 1951 (E. Vi. Baker), on oak; 8 males, 8 females, McLean, Vir¬ ginia, August 18 and September 4, 1952 (E. ft. Baker), on oak; 15 males, 35 females, ftashington, D. C., July 4, 1953 (E. ft. Baker), on oak; 2 males, 1 female, Durham, North Carolina, June 19, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard), on white oak. 01 igonychus hadrus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 325, 326, 327) Adults of Oligonychus hadrus closely resemble those of 0. pritchardi and 0. propetes, but both sets of duplex setae on tarsus II are composed 370 Spider Mites Fig. 327. Olig onychus hadrus : aedeagus. of members that are more or less similar in length, rather than having the proximal member of each duplex very short. Moreover, the distal sensory rod on the female palpus of Oligonychus hadrus females is very slender, over four times as long as wide. The aedeagus of Oligonychus hadrus closely resembles that of 0. propetes. The distal enlargement is strongly convex on the dorsal margin, and the acuminate tip is caudoventrally directed and reaching the level of the axis of the shaft. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum rudimentary. Peritreme straight distally, ending in a simple bulb. Tibia 1 with nine tactile and four sensory setae; tarsus I with four tactile and three sensory setae proximal to duplexes; with a pair of tactile setae ventral to duplexes; duplexes each with the proximal member about two thirds as long as distal mem¬ ber; empodium I cultriform, longer than the three pairs of proximoventral hairs. Tibia II with six (or seven) tactile setae. Body with dorsal setae slender, tapering, longer than longitudinal intervals between them. Aedeagus with ventral surface curved dorsad, but the distal enlargement large, with a small anterior angulation and with a large, caudoventrally curved projection. Length of body 266 p, including rostrum 320 p. 371 Subfamily I etrany chinae Herlese pacif icus Fig. 328. Tetranychus, aedeagi of Pacificus Group. F emale. — Similar. Palpus with terminal sensillum slender, somewhat over four times as long as wide. Stylophore convex anteriorly. 1 ibia 1 with nine tactile and one sensory setae: tarsus I with four tactile and one sensor)' setae proximal to duplexes. Length of body 266 p, including gnathosoma 340g; greatest width of body 153.p. Holotype. — Male, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, March 21, 1951 (H. k. Munro), on Combretum zeyheri; type no. 2146 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — One male, 7 females, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, January 2, 1951 (E. k. Hartwig), on Combretum zeyheri-, 1 male, 20 females, Pretoria, Transvaal, March 21. 1^51 (II. k. Munro), on Combretum zeyheri. 372 Spider Mites desertorum mexicanus / tumidellus Fig. 329. Tetranychus, aedeagi of Desertorum and Tumidus Groups. 01 igonyclws brev ipodus ( Targioni Tozzetti) Heteronychus ? brevipodus Targioni Tozzetti, 1878, Ann. Agric., 1: 255. Described from specimens from (probably Florence) Italy, on holly oak. Oligonychus brevipodus, Berlese, 1886, Acari Dann. Piante Coltiv., p. 24; Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale 1st. Veneto Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 534; Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920: 60. Oligonychus quercinus. Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1920: 59. Misidentification. 373 Subfamily I etrany chinae Rerlest Oligonychus minimus, Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 30. Misidentification. Targioni Tozzetti originally emphasized that the empodium of brevi- podus is clawlike, his description being based on a nymph. Berlese similarly appears to have figured a nymph as his identification of this species, but he does indicate, although inaccurately, that proximoventral hairs are present. Examination of Hirst’s quercinus from oaks in England shows that it is structurally related to 0. coffeae, although the small size and pale color belong to the Pritchardi Group. However, we consider quercinus to be a synonym of Eotetranychus aurantii. Hirst also pointed out the possibility that Oligonychus brevipodus Berlese, as well as T etranychus virescens Berlese (apparently a manu¬ script name) might represent the same species. The specific status of Oligonychus brevipodus must be based on topotype material. GENUS TETRANYCHUS DUFOUR T etranychus Dufour, 1832, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris, 25: 276; Koch, 1836, Deutsche Crust. Myr. Arach., fasc. 1, 10; Duges, 1834, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 1: 14; Koch, 1842, Uebers. Arach. Syst., 3: 58; Donnadieu, 1875, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon (n. ser.), 22: 147; Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Apt. p. 97; Canestrini and Fanzago, 1878, A tti reale Istit. Ven. Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 5), 4: 148; Canestrini, 1889, Atti Reale Istit. Ven. Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 494; Banks, 1900, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser., 8: 70; Banks, 1907, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 32(1553): 598; Trag&rdh, 1915, Zts. ang. Ent., 2: 163; Irag&rdh, 1915, Meded. Centralanst. Forsoks. Jordbruks. Ent. Avd., 20: 19; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 649; Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920: 49; Vitzthum, 1929, Tierw. Mitteleur., 3(7): 49; Oudemans, 1930, Ent. Ber. 8(175): 158; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 190: Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 221; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acer., 3(C): 1012; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. K ageningen, 42(4): 35; Garman, 1940, Bui. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 431: 80; ttomersley, 1940, Trans. Roy. Soc. S, Australia, 64: 256; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 277; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Hil- gardia, 22(7): 212. 374 Spider Mites cucurbitae marianae piercei Fig. 330, T etranychus, aedeagi of Telarius Group. Distigmatus Donnadieu, 1876, Ann. Soc. L.inn. Lyon (1875), 22: 146. Type of genus: (Distigmatus pilosus Donnadieu) T etranychus telarius (Linnaeus); monobasic. T etranychus ( Epitetranychus ) Zacher, 1916, Mitt. kais. biol. Anst. Land-Forstvv., 16: 22. Type of subgenus: (T etranychus altheae Hanstein) = T . telarius (Linnaeus); by original designation. Epitetranychus, Zacher, 1916, Mitt. kais. biol. Anst. Land-Forstw., 16: 24; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(177): 193. Septanychus McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303):663; Mc¬ Gregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2) :3 16. Type of genus: Tetrany- chus tumidus Hanks, by subsequent designation of Baker and Pritchard (1953). Amphitctranychus Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(178): 225; Geijskes, 193^, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 32. Type of genus: Telranychus viennens is Zacher; by original designation and monobasic. New synonymy. 375 Subfamily I etranychinae Berlese Mites belonging to the genus T etranychus feel on the underside of leuves of most of the ungiospermous plants, usually forming colonies, at least to start with, and sometimes producing a great deal of webbing. 1 he eggs are pearly, spherical, and without a dorsal stipe. Adult females in the more northern climates are nearly always green¬ ish or straw-colored, but those in the tropical areas are carmine in basic color. 1 hey overwinter, or enter a non-feeding phase, as orange females; elsewise reproduction is continuous throughout the year. I he genus Tetranychus may be recognized by having only one pair of para-anal setae (the postanals being absent) and by having the em- podium composed of three (only two in T. fijiensis) pairs of proximoventral hairs on the female, or on tarsi III and IV of the male, above which there is a rudimentary or small spur, much shorter than the ventrally directed hairs, lhe paired empodial hairs are all similar in length and width (except in /. fijiensis). I he end of the peritreme always bears a long, four or five chambered hook, rarely anastomosing. The duplex setae on tarsus 1 are widely separated on the dorsum on the tarsus, and this segment is long and gradually narrows distally. Empodium 1 of the male usually consists of a pair of short, tridigitate appendages with or without a mediodorsal spur, ami tarsus II usually bears a short spur above the paired empodial empodial hairs, lhe aedeagus bends sharply dorsad, and the develop¬ ment of the distal end is characteristic of the species. Dorsal setae of the body are long and slender, and they are not borne on tubercles. Species Erroneously Referred to the Genus Tetranychus Less than a century ago, some scientists believed that red-spider mites were the adult forms of chiggers or eriophyid mites. Related families of predaceous, prostigmatic mites were still not clearly dif¬ ferentiated. It is not surprising, therefore, that a few species have been described in or transferred to the genus Tetranychus although they properly belong to other families. Hie following list comprises such names known to us: prunicolor Duges, 1834 caudatus Duges, 1834 trombidinus Duges, 1834 major Duges, 1834 longipes Duges, 1834 celer Duges, 1834 glabrum Duges, 1834 salicis Koch, 1838 Raphignathidae Phvtoptipalpidae St igmaeidae Lupodidae Eupodidae Tydeidae Stigmaeidae Tvdeidae 376 Spider Mites tini Boisduval, 1867 taxi Murray, 1875 molestissimus (\\ eyenberg), 1876 tlalsahuate (Murray), 1877 superba (Canestrini), 1888 longirostris Mola, 1907 vestitus Canestrini and Fanzago, 1876 For a complete list of tbe tetranychids that have been referred to the genus Tetranychus, see the index. The following names appear to be nomina nuda : Tetranychus gibbus Koch; and T. brevipes Koch. The original description of one other species has not been located. This is Tetranychus ulicis Jourdain, referred to by Andre (1933) and considered by him to be a synonym of the mite that we refer to as Tetranychus telarius. Phytoptipalpidae Eriophyidae Trombiculidae Trombiculid ae Raphignathidae Aphidae Stigmaeidae 1. 1. 2.(1). 2.(1). 3.(2). 3. (2). 4. (3). 4. (3). 5. (4). 5. (4). 6. (3). Key to species of TETRANYCHUS Empodium with two pairs of empodial hairs, the dorsal pair shorter than the ventral pair; mediodorsal spur of empodium nearly one-half as long as proximoventral hairs (Fijiensis Group) . fijiensis (p. 382) Empodium with three pairs of empodial hairs, all similar in length; mediodorsal spur of empodium not over one-third as long as proximoventral hairs . 2 Peritreme with distal end irregularly anastomosing (\ iennensis Group) . viennensis (p. 384) Peritreme with distal end forming a simple hook. ... 3 Tarsus I with proximal pair of duplex setae in line with most other proximal setae (Desertorum Group) . 4 Tarsus I with proximal pair of duplex setae distad of other proximal tactile setae . 6 Knob of aedeagus nearly one-third as long as dorsal margin of shaft . g/'gas (p. 405) Knob of aedeagus not over one-fourth as long as dorsal margin of shaft . 5 Aedeagus with knob about one-fourth as long as dorsal margin of shaft . desertorum (p. 403) Aedeagus with knob scarcely larger than stem and the caudal angulation absent . ludeni (p. 405) Empodium with an obvious empodial spur (Tumidus Group) . 7 377 Subfamily Tetranychinae fieriest- 6. (3). 7. (6). 7. (6). 8. (7). 8. (7). 9. (8). 9. (8). 10. (9). 10. (9). 11. (9). 11. (9). 12. (6). 12.(6). 13.(12). 13.(12). Kmpodiuin (except for legs 1 and 11 of male) with the empodial spur very tiny or absent . 12 Fmpodial spur at least one-third as long as proximoventral hairs . 8 Fmpodial spur not over one-fourth as long as proximoventral irs . 11 Knob of aedeagus with anterior projection broadly rounded . turnidus (p. 408) Knob of aedeagus with anterior projection ungulate ... 9 Aedeagus with knob less than twice as wide as its stem, the angulations similar . tumidellus (p. 409) Aedeagus with knob four times as wide as its stem, the caudal angulation much longer than the anterior angulation ... 10 Axis of aedeagal knob parallel to axis of shaft .... . mexicanus (p. 411) Axis of aedeagal knob forming an angle with axis of shaft . magnoliae (p. 412) Palpus of male with terminal sensillum three times as long as broad at base; knob of aedeagus with posterior angulation but slightly longer than anterior angulation . cocosi (p. 414) Palpus of male with terminal sensillum over four times as long as broad at base; knob of aedeagus with posterior angulation twice as long as anterior angulation . . cocosinus (p. 417) Female* with transverse (sometimes irregularly so) striae between the third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals and in the area caudad of these setae (Pacificus Group) .... 13 Female with longitudinal striae between the third pair of dorso¬ central hysterosomals and with a diamond shaped pattern in the area caudad of these setae (Telarius Group) .... 19 Female with transverse integumentary striae between inner sacral setae . 14 Female with longitudinal or irregular integumentary striae between inner sacral setae . 15 * Males belonging to the Pacificus and Telarius Groups may be identified by reference to figures of the aedeagus, but it is exceedingly difficult to present a key to the shapes of the simple aedeagi without considering the integumentary striae of the females. Moreover, females are found more easily than the males and are nearly always present in any collection. 378 Spider Mites 14.(13). 14. (13). 15. (13). 15. (13). 16. (15). 16. (15). 17. (16). 17. (16). 18. (15). 18. (15). 19. (12). 19. (12). 20. (19). 20. (19). 21. (20). 21.(20). 22.(21). Aedeagus with bent portion sigmoid, with or without a small anterior angulation, the distal end being at a level of caudal end of bend ......... mcdanieli (p. 386) Aedeagus with a long posterior angulation on distal knob, its tip reaching well beyond level of caudal end of bend . . , pacificus (p. 388) Empodia I and II of male each with an obvious mediodorsal spur . 16 Empodia I and II of male each with mediodorsal spur rudimen¬ tary or absent . 18 Posterior angulation of aedeagal knob over three times as long as anterior angulation ...... homorus (p. 390) Posterior angulation of aedeagal knob not over twice as long as anterior angulation . 17 Aedeagus with distal knob strongly enlarged, about one-half as long as dorsal margin of shaft .... schoenei (p. 392) Aedeagus with distal knob smaller, about one-fourth as long as dorsal margin of shaft . canadensis (p. 393) Knob of aedeagus over twice as wide as its stem, the anterior angulation acute and the posterior angulation slender . Iambi (p. 399) Knob of aedeagus less than twice as wide as its stem, the anterior angulation obtuse and the posterior angulation very short . polys (p. 396) Knob of aedeagus berry-like, the rounded anterior projection more strongly developed than the posterior convexity . . . . cucurbitae (p. 419) Knob of aedeagus not globular, the caudal projection angulate . .20 Aedeagal knob comparatively large, about one-third or one- fourth as wdde as the dorsal margin of the shaft .... 21 Aedeagal knob very small, not over one-sixth as long as dorsal margin of shaft . 23 Knob of aedeagus with dorsal margin obtusely angulate; female greenish . atlanticus (p. 424) Knob of aedeagus with dorsal margin broadly convex; female carmine . 22 Anterior projection of aedeagal knob much broader than base of posterior angulation . merganser (p. 429) 379 Subfamily T etrany chinae Herlese 22. (21). \nterior projection of aedeagal knob similar in width to base of posterior angulation . hydrangeae (p. 425) 23. (20). Axis of knob of aedeagus forming a strong angle with axis of shaft, the posterior angulation obviously longer than the tiny anterior angulation . 24 23. (20). Axis of knob of aedeagus parallel or forming a small angle with axis of shaft, the posterior angulation no longer than anterior angulation . telarius (p. 432) 24. (23). Knob of aedeagus wider than base of its stem .... . marianae (p. 429) 24.(23). Knob of aedeagus much smaller than base of its stem . piercei (p. 431) 380 Spider Mites Fig. 332. Tetranychus fijiensis'. above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus II of male. Fijiensis Group The empodium of the single species on which the Fijiensis Group is based departs strongly from others in the tribe Tetranycliini in that there are only two pairs of proximoventral hairs, and the dorsal pair is considerably smaller than the ventral pair. The mediodorsal spur of the empodium is strong, about one-half as long as the longer pair of proximal hairs. Such tarsal appendages suggest that this species is derived from a form similar to Allonychus braziliensis. There is a single pair of para-anal setae. Tarsus 1 is attenuated and with the duplex setae widely spaced. The peritreme is strongly U-shaped distally. The integumentary striae on the hysterosoma between 381 Subfamily Tetranychinae Herlese Fig. 333. Tetranychus fijiensis : A.) terminal segment of palpus of male; R.) terminal sensillum of palpus of female; C.) empodium I of female; D.) empodiuin I of male. the third pair of dorsocentrals and the inner sacrals form a diamond¬ shaped pattern. Empodium I of the male is similar to the others, except that the proximoventral hairs are nearly equal in length. The aedeagus also departs strongly from other members of the genus Tetranychus in that it is very slender and tapering, curved dorsad. The group may be worthy of subgeneric or generic standing. 382 Spider Mites Tetranychus fijiensis Hirst (Figures 331, 332, 333, 334) Tetranychus fijiensis Hirst, 1924, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 9), 14: 523. Types : male and female, Ovalau, Fiji, on coconut; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). Specimens examined by us are from Fiji (H. W. Simrnonds), on coco¬ nut; Nakuoro Island, Micronesia (Townes), on Cyrtosperma chamissonis ; and Likiep Island, Micronesia (Oakley), on coconut. Viennensis Group The irregularly anastomosing termination of the peritreme is char¬ acteristic of this group. The proximal pair of duplex setae on tarsus I is distal to the other proximal setae; and the empodial spur is rudi¬ mentary or absent. The actively feeding female is described as being greenish-yellow in color (l)osse, 1953). Integumentary striae of the female are transverse between the third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals and also the inner sacrals. The distal portion of the aedeagus is very long and slender. 383 Subfamily 1 etrany chinae II e rl e s e 335. Tetranychus vi ennensis: above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. 384 Spider Mites Fig. 336. Tetranychus viennensis : terminal segment of palpus of female and peritreme. Tetranychus viennens is Zacher (F’igures 335, 336) Tetranychus ( Epitetranychus ) viennensis Zacher, May 1920, Vorl. Diag. neuer Spinnmilb., p. 1; Zacher, 1921, Zts. ang. Ent., 7: 186. Types: male and female, Wien, Austria, and Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, on apple, pear, sour cherry, and sweet cherry; possibly in the Zacher collection. Tetranychus viennensis, Reck, 1950, Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk. Gruz. S.S.R., 9: 127. Amphitetrany chus viennensis, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(178): 225; Geijskes, 1929, Meded. Landbouwh. Viageningen, 42(4): 32. Tetranychus crataegi Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., July 1920: p. 51; Hirst, 1923, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1923: 991. Types: male and female, Salisbury, Wilts, England, on hawthorn; probably in the British Museum (Natural History). Apotetranychus longipenis Ugarov and Nikolskii, 1937, Trudy Sreadneaz. Stan. Zasch. Hast., p. 34. Described from male and female speci¬ mens, Tashkent, Russia, on apple. A 'em synonymy. According to the recommendations of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (Bui. Zool. Nom., 4: 217; 1950), the pri¬ vately published (mimeographed) paper by Zacher (1920) constitutes publication. Tetranychus viennensis, therefore, has priority over T. crataegi. The aedeagus of T etranychus viennensis is bent sharply dorsad, and the distal knob is modified as a small anterior angulation near the base of the bent portion, with the caudal angulation very attenuated and tapering. 385 Subfamily Tetranychinae Rerlese ltiis species lias been recorded from England, on hawthorn; from Germany and Austria on apple, pear, and both sweet and sour cherry; and from Georgia, S.S.R., on apple, pear, prune, cherry, blackthorn, and oak. We have studied a series of females transmitted by courtesy of E. Zacher. Tetranychus virginis [Ugarov) , new comb i nat i on Apotetranychus virginis Ugarov, probably 1937, Vuipisha iz otcheta za 1936g, No. 465: 1-4. ( reference in Zool. Record); 1937, Inst. Zaslich. rast. za 1936g, 11 (reference in Reck, 1952a). 1 he article in which this species was described has not been seen, lhe generic transfer here is based on Ugarov’s conception of the genus Apotetranychus in the paper in which “ Apotetranychus ” longipenis was described. Pacificus Group lhe Pacifi cus Group is defined principally on the basis of females. In this sex the integumentary striae are transverse (sometimes irregu¬ larly so) between the third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals , and they are also transverse in the area between these setae and the inner sacrals. The area between the inner sacrals may bear either transverse or longitudinal striae. The distal end of the peritreme consists of a simple hook. The proximal pair of duplex setae on tarsus I is distad of the other proximal setae? and the empodial spur is rudimentary or absent. The distal end of the aedeagus varies from being sigmoid to having a very large knob. In life the actively feeding adult females are greenish, with a pair of dark medially and a pair of dark spots caudally. Species in this group are found in temperate zones. 386 Spider Mites Fig. 338. Tetranychus pacificus : dorsal aspect of female. Tetranychus mcdanieli McGregor (Figure 337) Tetranychus mcdanieli McGregor, 1931, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 33: 193; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 292; Pritchard and Baker, 1952, Hilgardia, 21(9): 266. Types : males and females, Bridgman, Michigan, on raspberry; in the U. S. National Museum. 387 Subfamily l etranychinae Berlese Fig. 339. Tetranychus pad ficus: female showing body markings when feeding. 388 Spider Mites Fig. 340. T etranychus pacificus: aedeagi. Tetranychus mcdanieli may be recognized by having the dorsally directed bend of the aedeagus sigmoid, the distal end being directed dorsocaudad at about a 45° angle and terminating at a level of the posterior margin of the bend. The bent portion may narrow gradually or there is often a small, obtuse, anterior angulation. The female resembles that of Tetranychus pacificus in that the integumentary striae are transverse between the third pair of dorso- central hysterosomals and also between the inner sacrals. For many years this species was known only from the type series from Michigan. However, it is now known to be a serious pest of decidu¬ ous fruit trees in the northwestern United States. Collections have been studied from British Columbia, Washington, Utah, California, Montana, North Dakota, Michigan, and New \ork; on apple, plum, prune, and raspberry. Tetranychus pacificus McGregor (Figures 338, 339, 340) Tetranychus pacificus McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 96(2303): 657; lleriot, 1941, Canad. Ent., 73(1): 1; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 296; Pritchard and Baker, 1952, llilgardia, 21(9): 265; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, llilgardia, 22(7): 215. Types: males and females, Portland, Oregon, on Philadelphicus gordonianus, Viciia sp., and Kibes sp., and Tracy, California, on chinaberry; in the U. S. National Museum. T etranychus pacificus may be recognized by having the integumentary striae transverse between both the third pair of dorsocentral hystero¬ somals and the inner sacrals of the female (as in 7'. mcdanieli), together with having the knob of the aedeagus directed slightly dorsad and with the terminal angulation ending well beyond the level of the bend. This species is an important pest of agriculture in the far western United States. It is known to occur in Idaho, Oregon, and California. Subfamily Tetranychinae lit-rlese Fig. 341. Yetrany cuus hornoms : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 390 Spider Mites Fig. 342. Tetranychus homorus : aedeagus. Crops that are subject to severe infestation include cotton, deciduous fruit trees and walnuts, grapes, melons, beans, berries, alfalfa, clover, and vetch. Shade trees such as elm and black locust, ornamental shrubs such as cotoneaster, and wild plants such as garrya, ceanothus, sun¬ flower, tarweed, morning glory, California poppy, milkweed, salvia, and pigweed are also hosts. No thorough investigation of the biology of Tetranychus pad ficus has been published. Tetranychus homorus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 341, 342) The aedeagus of T etranychus homorus resembles that of T. pad ficus very closely. However, specimens are known only from the far eastern United States, and the integumentary striae of the female are longitu¬ dinal between the inner sacral setae. T. homorus may represent a sub species of T. pacificus . Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum slender, about four times as long as wide. Peritreme with long hook at distal end. Empodium I a pair of trifid plates but slightly longer than the strong mediodorsal spur; empodium II with obvious mediodorsal spur; empodia III and IV each with the spur tiny but evident. Aedeagus with knob forming a distinct angle with axis of shaft, slender, about three times as long as neck of stem, the anterior angulation short, the caudal angulation slender, tapering and reaching well beyond level of bend. Length of body 300 p, including rostrum 370/i. Female. — Palpus with terminal sensillum less than three times as long as broad. Tarsus I with proximal duplex well distad of four tactile setae. Empodia with mediodorsal spur rudimentary. Ilysterosoma with transverse striae dorsally except for longitudinal striae between inner 391 Subfamily T etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 343. Tetranychus schoeni: dorsal aspect of female. 392 Spider Mites Fig. 344. Tetranychus schoeni: aedeagi. sacrals. Area immediately anterior to genital flap with longitudinal striae. Length of body 430 p, including rostrum 500 P ; greatest width of body 290 p. Holotype. — Male, Durham, North Carolina, June 18, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard), on hickory; type no. 2182 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Two males, 4 females, Durham, North Carolina, June 18, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard), on hickory; 5 males, 7 females, Durham, North Carolina, June 18, 1953 (A. E. Pritchard and Harvey Goldstein), on ash. Tetranychus schoenei McGregor (Figures 343, 344) Tetranychus schoenei McGregor, 1941, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 43: 223; Pritchard and Baker, 1952, Hilgardia, 21(9): 266; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Hilgardia, 22(7): 216. Types: males and females, Winchester, Virginia, on apple; in the U. S. National Museum. Septanychus schoenei, McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 324. The aedeagus of schoenei is distinctive among species of the genus Tetranychus in that the distal knob is very large, about one-half as long as the dorsal margin of the externa] shaft. The anterior angulation of the knob is more or less broadly rounded, and the caudal angulation is acute. The mediodorsal spur on empodium 1 (and 11) of the male is obvious. 393 5 ub family l etranychinae Herlese M -3 J tig. 345. Tetrany chus canadensis : aedeagi. The female resembles most other species of the Pacificus Group in that the integumentary striae between the inner sacral setae are longitudinal. Tetrany chus schoenei is widely distributed over the eastern and southwestern United States. Specimens have been studied from Mary¬ land, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma. This species is sometimes a serious pest of apple, cotton, and shade trees such as elm and black locust. Bean, bramble, raspberry, wild plum, and buckberry are other hosts on which it has been taken. Cagle (1943) presented an excellent study on the biology of this species. Tetrarrychus canadensis ( McGregor ) (Figure 345) Septanychus canadensis McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 319. Types: males and females, Ontario, Canada, on apple; in the U. S. National Museum. Tetranychus canadensis, Pritchard and Baker, 1952, Hilgardia, 21(9): 267; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Hilgardia, 22(7): 221. The knob of the aedeagus of Tetranychus canadensis is a rather miniature replica of T. schoenei. It is about one-third as long as the 394 Spider Mites Fig. 347. Tetranychus Iambi: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; R.l tibia and tarsus II of female; (..) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 395 Subfamily T etrany chinae Berlese Fig. 348. T etrany chus Iambi : A.) terminal segment of palpus of male; B.) terminal segment of palpus of female; C.) empodium I of male; D.) termination of peritreme; E.) empodium IV of male. dorsal margin of tlie external shaft, the anterior projection being rounded or somewhat angulate and the caudal projection forming an acute angle. Empodia 1 and II of the male each possesses an obvious mediodorsal spur. The female bears longitudinal striae between the inner sacral setae, and it is indistinguishable from other members of the Tacificus Group with similar striae. This species is widespread throughout the eastern and southwestern United States and southeastern Canada. Specimens studied, other than the types from Ontario, Canada, are from Connecticut, New Tork,New Jersey, Washington, D. C., Maryland, \ irginia, Indiana, Ohio, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kansas, Texas, and Arizona. This species is sometimes of economic importance on apple, plum, and cotton. Other hosts are elm, linden, horse chestnut, Osage orange, poplar, rose, and umbrella tree. The only biological notes of this species were published by Lienk and Chapman (1951). 396 Spider Mites Tetrarvychus polys Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figure 346) Tlie aedeagus of Tetranychus polys resembles that of T. canadensis except that it is smaller, about twice as wide as the stem. Moreover, the empodium on tarsus I (and II) of the male does not possess a medio- dorsal spur. The female bears more or less longitudinal striae on the integument between the inner sacral setae, thus resembling the females of T. schoenei, T. canadensis, and T. Iambi, but there is considerable variation in these striae. This species is known only from the Mojave Desert, in California. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum slender, about four times as long as broad. Peritreme with a short hook (or elbow) terminally. Empodium I with stem about one-half as long as the pair of trifid divi¬ sions terminally, the teeth slender and the mediodorsal spur absent; empodia III to IV without mediodorsal spur. Aedeagus with distal knob very small, less than twice as wide as its stem, the anterior angulation somewhat broader than the acute posterior angulation. Length of body 266 (x , including rostrum 345 p. /' emalc. — Palpus with terminal sensillum about three times as long as wide. Tarsus 1 with proximal duplex well beyond four tactile setae. 397 Subfamily I etranychinae Hrrlese Fig. 350. Tetranychus desertorum : dorsal aspect of female. Empodium without mediodorsal spur. Hysterosoma with transverse striae across median line except for caudally directed angulations in area arising between inner sacrals. Area immediately anterior to genital flap with longitudinal striae. Length of body 300 p, including rostrum 400 p; greatest width of body 233 p. 398 Spider Mites Fig. * 351. Tetrany chus descrtorum: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus of male. Subfamily I e trany chiriae Berlese Fig. 352. Yetranychus desertorum : A.) terminal palpal segment of male; B.) temiinal palpal segment of female; C.) empodium I of male; D.) empodium I of female. Holotype. — Male, Mojave, California, August 11, 1945 (A. E. Pritchard), on Atriplex sp.; type no. 2183 in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — Ten males, 39 females, Mojave, California, August 11, 1945 (A. E. Pritchard), on Atriplex sp. Tetranycbus Iambi Pritchard and Baker , new species (Figures 347, 348, 349) The aedeagus of 7 etranychus Iambi is distinctive in that the distal knob of the aedeagus is scarcely widened dorsoventrally, but the an¬ terior, and particularly the posterior, angulation is pronounced. Empodium 1 of the male consists only of two, almost amalgamated, trifid appendages, the mediodorsal spur being absent as in 7. polys, and empodium 11 similarly lacks a mediodorsal spur. The female re¬ sembles other members of the Pacificus Group that have longitudinal striae between the inner sacral setae. This species is known only from New Zealand. 400 Spicier Mites Fig. 353. T etrany chus des ertorum' aedeagus. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum about four times as long as broad. Peritreme with distal end strongly hooked. Empodium I con¬ sisting of two pairs of nearly united, trifid plates, the mediodorsal spur absent; empodia II to IV without median spurs. Aedeagus with axis of knob parallel to axis of shaft, slender, the anterior angulation acute and pronounced, the caudal angulation very slender and acute. Length of body 246p, including rostrum 313 p. Female. — Distal sensillum of palpus about twice as long as wide. Tarsus I with proximal duplex distal of four tactile setae. Empodia each with mediodorsal spur absent, llysterosoma mediodorsal ly with transverse striae except for longitudinal striae between and caudad of inner sacrals. Area immediately anterior to genital flap, as well as Fig. 354. Tetranychus gigas: aedeagus. Subfamily I etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 355. Tetranyctius deviatarsus : above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. anterior portion of flap, with longitudinal striae. Length of body 320 g, including rostrum 410 g; greatest w idth of body 233 g. Holotype. — Male, Oratia, Auckland, New Zealand, March 11, 1953 (k. IN Lamb), on apple; type no. 2184, in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — hive males, four females, Oratia, Aukland, New Zealand. March 11, 1953 (k. P. Lamb), on apple; 3 males, 5 fen, ales, Owairaka, New Zealand, August 28, 1948 (K. P. Lamb), on strawberries in green¬ house. 402 Spider Mites Fig. 356. Tetranychus deviatarsus : above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus II of male. This species is named in honor of K. P. Lamb, the collector and an entomologist keenly interested in the plant-feeding mites of ?>ew Zealand. Desertorum Group I he Desertorum Group is based on species that exhibit a migration of the proximal pair of duplex setae into line with the four tactile setae on tarsus 1. I he peritreme ends in a simple hook, and the dorsal striae of the female hysterosoma form a broad triangle between the third pair 403 Subfamily l e trany china? Merit's? of dorsocentrals and the inner sacruls, the striae being longitudinal between these setae. The mediodorsal spur of the empodium may be rudimentary or apparent, but it is not as obvious as in most of the lumidus Group. hemales of species in this group are carmine, and tropical or sub¬ tropical in distribution. They are indistinguishable. 1 he three species assigned to this group are all similar except with regard to the comparative enlargement of the distal knob of the aedeagus. hemales that belong to this group have been received from Iransvaal, Africa, on cotton, and from New Zealand, on greenhouse tomatoes and strawberry. Males must be observed before their specific identity can be ascertained. Tetranychus desertorum Banks (Figures 350, 351, 352, 353) T etranychus desertorum Banks, 1900, Tech. Bui. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Ent., 8: 76; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Hilgardia, 22(7): 229, Types: males and females, Mesilla Park, New Fdexico, on Larrea tridentata and Phacelia crenulata ; in the U. S. National Museum. 7 etranychus opuntiae Banks, 1908, Proc. Ent. Soc. Rash., 10: 36. Types : females, San Antonio, Texas, on Opuntia sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. T etranychus thermophilus Ewing, 1926, Ent. News, 37: 142. Types: males, and females, Furnace Creek, Death Valley, California, on ( Covillea ) - Larrea sp., in the U. S. National Museum. Septanychus argentinus McGregor, 1943, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 45: 176; McGregor, 1950, Atner. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 317. Types: males and females, Argentina (at New Vork, Quarantine), on pear; in the U. S. National Museum. Septanychus deserticola McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 321. Types; males and females, Palm Springs, California, on creosote bush; in the U. S. National Museum. Septanychus texazona McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 328. Types; males and females, College Station, Texas, on turnip; in the U. S. National Museum. The aedeagus of T etranychus desertorum is typical of the Desertorum Group in that the dorsal margin of the knob of the aedeagus is sigmoid, 404 Spider Mites Fig. 357. Yetranyciius deviatarsus : A.) empodium I of female; B.) empodium I of male; C.) empodium II of male. the anterior angulation being small and acute and the posterior angula¬ tion being acute and curved ventrad to a variable extent. The width of the aedeagal knob is not more than one-fourth as long as the dorsal margin of the aedeagal shaft. The female is similar to that of other females in the Desertorum Group. This species is an important pest of cotton in Texas, and it is widespread, although apparently only of local importance, throughout other parts of the southern United States. Specimens have been received from California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina in the United States, as well as from Tamaulipas and Coahuila in Mexico. Collections from South America are from Peru and Argentina. In addition to cotton, crops such as melons, cantaloupe, cucumber, celery, carrots, turnips, and alfalfa are known to be subject to infesta¬ tion. Other records are from creosote bush, grass, wild tomatoes (Peru), Stillingia sp., Opuntia sp., monkey flower, puncture vine, Eriodictyon sp., sunflower, horseweed, and gladiolus. Subfamily I etrcmychinae lierlese Tetranychus gig as Pritchard and Baker , new species (Figure 354) Uie aedeagus of Tetranychus gigas resembles that of T. desertorum except that the distal knob is considerably enlarged, being nearly one- third as long as the dorsal margin of the shaft. Otherwise the characters of both the male and female are as in T. desertorum. lo date, this species is known only from western lexas and Arizona, on cotton. Male. — Terminal sensillum of palpus about three times as long as wide. P eritreme very strongly retrorse distally. Empodium 1 with u strong proximoventral, tapering tooth proximo ventrally on each side and with a pair of finer, more medial teeth on each side, the mediodorsal spur strong and nearly as long as the trifid appendages; empodium 11 w i th mediodorsal spur strongly developed; empodia Ill and IV each with the mediodorsal spur small but obvious. Aedeagus with knob about one-third as long as dorsal margin of shaft, the anterior angulation acute and the caudal angulation acutely curved ventrad. Length of body 293 p, including rostrum 366 p. Female. — Terminal sensillum of palpus about twice as long as wide. Tarsus I with proximal duplex located level with the four tactile setae. P.mpodia may have minute mediodorsal spur. Ilysterosoma with striae forming a broad triangle between the third pair of dorsocentrals and the inner sacrals, the striae being longitudinal between these striae. Length of body 445 p , including rostrum 566 g; greatest width of body 280 g. llolotype. — Male, Sahuarita, Arizona, July 8, 1953, on cotton; type no. 2185, in the U. S. National Museum. Paratypes. — One male, 6 fe¬ males, Sahuarita, Arizona, July 8, 1953, on cotton; 12 males, 36 females, Crosby County, lexas, July 9-20, 1953, on cotton. Tetranychus ludeni Zacher (Figures 355, 356, 357, 358) 7 etrany chus ludeni Zacher, 1913, Mitt. kais. biol. Anst. Land-Forstw., 14: 40; Zacher, 1921, Zts. ang. Ent., 7: 187; McGregor, 1919, Proc. L. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 653; Ilardouin, 1934, Bui. Soc. Ent. France, 39: 123. Described from specimens from St. Cloud, near Paris, France, on Salvia splendens, Solanum melongena, and Cucurbita sp. 406 Spider Mites T etranychus ( Epitetranychus ) ludeni, Zacher, 1921, Zts. ang. Ent., 7: 187; JIardouin, 1934, Bui. Soc. Ent. France, 39: 123, Andre, 1934, Bui. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 6(40): 348. T etranychus salviae Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 230. Types : 3 females, possibly from Paris, France, on Salvia splendens; possibly in the Kijksmuseum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. New synonymy. Septanychus deviatarsus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 322. Types: males and females, Anaheim, California, on castor bean; in the U. S. National Museum. Fig. 358. Tetranychus deviatarsus : aedeagus. The aedeagus of T etranychus ludeni resembles that of T. desertorum except that the distal knob of the aedeagus is very small, scarcely larger than the stem, and the pos¬ terior angulation is absent. The female is indistinguishable from other members of the Desertorum Group. This species is encountered occasionally out of doors in the southern United States, collections being from southern California and Louisiana. Specimens have also been found in greenhouses in northern California and in Missouri. Zacher’s specimens were from greenhouses near Paris, France, on several different hosts. The Louisiana material, collected by H. Bruce Boudreaux, is from cotton. Outdoor collections from southern California are from Carlsbad (A. E. Pritchard), on lantana, Los (C. A. Hanson); on Ken- wonder beans; and Santa (C. A. Fleschner), on castor Bay region, California, are and Datura sp. South Chile (A. E. Michelbacher), R. King), on kudzu; San Salvador, Angeles tucky Paula bean. Collections from the San Francisco from greenhouses (A. E. Pritchard), on lantana American specimens studied are from Catema, on castor bean; Concordia, Argentina (J. 407 Subfamily 7 etrany chinae Herlese / / Fig. 339. / etranychus tunidus : tarsus I of female. El Salvador (Ross), on Cosmos sp. Still other collections have been received from Taringo, Australia (E. H. Derrick), on Convolvulus sp.; and Australia (Maehler and Ross, at Hawaiian quarantine), on celery. On one of Zacher’s slides that Oudemans studied, three out of 21 specimens were larger and with longer legs, longer setae, and larger eyes. These specimens formed the basis for Tetranychus salviae Oudemans, but we are unable to appreciate the differentiation from T. ludeni. The placing of deviatarsus into synonymy with ludeni is based upon the study of one of Zacher’s slides from the Oudemans’ collection loaned us through the courtesy of Dr. H. Boschma. 408 Spider Mites Tumidus Group Mites belonging to the Tumidus Group may be recognized by having an obvious mediodorsal spur on the empodium and the proximal pair of duplex setae on tarsus 1 placed distad of the proximal tactile setae. In I etranychus cocosi and T. cocosinus the empodial spur is consider¬ ably smaller than in the other species, but it is easily seen. These species are included in the lumidus Group because the aedeagus re¬ sembles that of certain species belonging to this group and they are apparently very closely related. The hysterosoma of the female bears a diamond-shaped pattern in the area between the third pair of dorsocentrals and the inner sacrals, the striae being longitudinal in the interval between each of these pairs of setae. Adult females are carmine, and they are for the most part indistinguishable. The species are tropical or subtropical in distribution. Tetrarrychus tumidus Banks (Figures 359, 360) 1 etranychus tumidus Banks, 1900, U. S. Bept. Agr. Tech. Ser., 8: 73; Baker and Pritchard, 1933, Ililgardia, 22(7): 232. Types: females, Eustis, Florida, on water hyacinth; in the U. S. National Museum. Septanychus tumidus, McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 664; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 326. T etranychus gloveri. Banks, 1900, U. S. Dept. Agr. lech. Ser., 8: 76. Types: females, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on cotton; in the U. S. National Museum. T etranychus quinquenychus McGregor, 1914, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 7(4): 358. Types: females, Orlando, Florida, on castor-bean; in the U. S. National Museum. Septanychus quinquenychus, McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., 56(2303): 664. Tetranychus antillarum Banks, 1917, Ent. News, 28: 194. Types: females, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, on Lconotis nepetacfolia and Asclepias curassavica\ in the E. S. National Museum. The male of 7 etranychus tumidus may be recognized by having the anterior development of the aedeagal knob broadly rounded, together with having an obvious empodial spur on tarsi 111 and IV. The caudal development of the aedeagal knob is short and acutely angulate. Subfamily T etranychinae lierlese Tetranychus tumidus is foutul commonly in the southeastern United States, and collections have been studied from Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, and southeastern lexas. It also occurs in Puerto It i co, and McGregor ( 1950) recorded specimens from Guam. In California, this species is often a greenhouse pest (Pritchard, 1949). lhis species is a serious pest of cotton (Rousel et al., 1952) as well as vegetable crops such as celery, beans, eggplant, beets, okra, peas, and sweet potato. It is also very destructive to commercial crops of potted ornamentals such as palms, maranta, and bamboranta. We have accumulated a long list of other low-growing plants that serve as hosts. Tetranychus tumidel lus Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figures 361, 362, 363) Tetranychus tumidellus is closely allied to T. tumidus from which it differs only by having the terminal knob of the aedeagus very tiny. I h is species is known only from the southeastern United States. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum about three times as long as broad. Peritreme with a long distal hook. Empodium 1 with a pair of trifid plates, the teeth minute, and with a mediodorsal spur nearly as long as the appendages; empodia I I-I \ each with the dorsal spur nearly one-half as long as the proximal hairs. Aedeagus with ventral margin gradually curved dorsad, the terminal knob only slightly wider than its stem and with posterior and anterior angulations similar, acute. Length of body 300 p, including rostrum 390 p. Female. — Similar. Terminal sensillum of palpus about twice as long as wide. Tarsus I with proximal duplex located distad of the four tactile setae. Empodia each with mediodorsal spur nearly one-half as long as proximoventral hairs, llysterosoma with longitudinal striae between both the third pair of dorsocentrals and the inner sacrals. Anterior portion of genital flap and area immediately anterior to genital flap with longi¬ tudinal striae. Length of body 366 p, including rostrum 433 p; greatest width of body 280 p. 410 Spider Mites Kig. 361. Tetranychus tumidellus : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus 1 of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 411 Subfamily T etrany chinae Htrlcse Fig. 362. Tetranycnus tumidellus: A.) terminal segment of palpus of female; B.) terminal segment of palpus of male; C.) empodium I of female; D.) empodium 1 of male. Holotype. — Male, lift County, Georgia, July 23, 1948 (P. W. Gilmer), on peanut vines; type no. 2186 in tlie U. S. National Museum. P aratypes. — Forty ftiales, 93 females, Tift County, Georgia, July 23, 1948 (P. Vi. Gilmer), on peanut; 9 males, 49 females, Union Springs, Alabama, August 23, 1949 (F. S. Arant), on peanut; 2 males, 8 females, Bullock County, Alabama, September 15, 1949 (F. S. Arant), on peanut. Tetranychus mexi canus (McGregor), new combi nation (Figures 364, 365, 366, 367) Septanychus mexi canus McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 323. Types: males and females, Mexico (at Laredo, Texas, quarantine), on orange; in the U. S. National Museum. 412 Spider Mites Fig. 363. Tetranychus tumidellus: aerieagus. The male of Tetranychus mexicanus may be differentiated from other members of the Tumidus Group that have a large empodial spur by having the axis of the knob of the aedeagus parallel to the axis of the shaft, and with the anterior angulation short and acutely angulate and the posterior angulation considerably longer and acutely angulate. This species is known from the type specimens found on orange being shipped from Mexico; Valles, Mexico (II. D. Smith), on citrus; Monte Alto, Texas (II. A. Dean), on lemon; and Concordia, Argentina (J. King), on citrus. Tetranychus magnoliae Boudreaux (Figures 368, 369) Tetranychus magnoliae Boudreaux, 1954, Pan-Pac. Ent., 30: 184. Uolotype : male, Baton llouge, Louisiana, on Magnolia grandi flora; in the U. S. National Museum. 113 Subfamily ietranychinne Berlese Fig. 364. Tetranyclius mexicanus : above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. T etranychus magnoliae is closely allied to T. mexicanus from which it differs in having the axis of the knob of the aedeagus forming an angle with the axis of the shaft. The terminal angulation of the knob is slen¬ derer and longer than in 7. mexicanus. This species is known only from southern Louisiana on magnolia and tulip tree. Adult females are carmine. They spin dense webbing on the upper surface of magnolia leaves but inhabit both surfaces of the tulip tree leaf. 414 Spider Mites Fig. 365. Tetranychus mexicanus ■ above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus II of male. Tetranychus cocos/ (McGregor), new combination (Figures 370, 371, 372) Septanychus cocosi McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 320. Types : males and females, Whittier, California, on royal palm; in the IJ. S. National Museum. The aedeagus of Tetranychus cocosi resembles that of T. mexicanus in that the aedeagal knob, with an axis parallel to the axis of the •U5 Subfamily 7 etranychinae Merles? Hg. 366. Tetranychus mexicanus : above, empodium IV of female; below, empodium I of female. Fig. 367. Tetranychus mexicanus : aedeagus. 416 Spider Mites Fig. 368. Tetranychus magnoliae : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of mal e. 417 Subfamily T etrany chinae Herlese Fig. 369. T etrany chus ma&noliae'- aedeagus. shaft, bears slender angulations both anteriorly and posteriorly. The caudal angulation is somewhat the longer. The terminal sensillum on the palpus of the male is parallel-sided, about three times as long as wide at the base. 1 he mediodorsal empodial spur of both sexes is small but quite evident, and in this respect, T etrany ck us cocosi is rather intermediate between the Tumidus and lelarius Groups. I he adult female is carmine. I his species is known only from southern California. Recently collected material is from Fullerton, California (A. E. Pritchard), on royal palm; San Diego, California (A. E. Pritchard), on royal palm; and Coronado, California (A. E. Pritchard), on bamboo. T etrany chus cocos inus Boudreaux (Figures 373, 374) 7 etrany chus cocosinus Boudreaux, 1954, Pan-Pac. Ent., 30: 182. liolotype : male, Port Allen, Louisiana, on Celtis sp.; in the U. S. National Museum. This species is closely allied to Tetranychus cocosi, similarly having the knob of the aedeagus parallel to that of the shaft and with both the anterior and posterior angulations slender. However, the poste¬ rior angulation is twice as long as the anterior angulation. Moreover, the terminal sensillum on the palpus of the male is somewhat clavate and nearly five times as long as the proximal width. The female is dark purple in life. T etrany chus cocosinus is known only from the types from southern Louisiana, on brambles, hackberry, rose, and American elm. 418 Spider Mites Telarius Group Mites belonging to the Telarius Group of the genus Tetranychus have the mediodorsal spur of the empodium tiny or absent; and the proximal pair of duplex setae on tarsus I is distal to the four tactile setae at the base of the segment. The female has longitudinal striae on the integument between the third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals and also the inner sacrals, and a diamond-shaped figure is formed in the area between these setae. Adult feeding females occurring naturally in the temperate zones are greenish. However, most of the species are found in tropical or subtropical areas, and their females are carmine. 419 Subfamily 7 etrany chinae Berlese Hg. 371. T etrany ctius cocosi : A.) tibia and tarsus II of female; R.) tibia and tarsus I of male; C.) tibia and tarsus II of male. Tetranychus cucurbitae Rahman and Punjab (Figures 375, 376, 377) Tetranychus cucurbitae Rahman and Punjab, 1940, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (ser. B), 11: 179; Rahman and Sapra, 1946, Indian Jour. 420 Spider Mites Agr. Sci., 15(3): 124. Types: males and females, Lyallpur, India, on pumpkins ( Cucurbita maxima, C. pepo, and C. moschata), Citrullus vulgaris var. fistulosus, Luffa aegyptica, cabbage ( Brassica oleracea), tomato ( Lycoperciscum esculentum), and hollyhock ( Althaea rosea), as well as many others, totaling about sixty different plants. Tetranychus equatorius McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 285. Types : males and females, Waipahu School, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, on string beans; in the U. S. National Museum. New synonymy. Tetranychus cucurbitae may be readily recognized by the aedeagal knob, which is berrylike with the anterior curvature more strongly developed than the posterior con¬ vexity. The adult female is carmine. Specimens from India have been studied that are undoubtedly refer- rable to this species. They are the same as Tetranychus equatorius. McGregor recorded this species from several of the Hawaiian Islands, the Fiji Islands, Venezuela, and Puerto Rico. Recorded hosts are Cinchona sp., Cracca vogeli, Grammatophyllum sp., peanut, string bean, water hyacinth, and water¬ melon. New collections studied by us are from Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii (F. S. Morishita), on mango; Bahamas (at Hoboken, New Jersey quarantine; McMaster), on Codiaeum sp.; Coral Gables, Florida (F. G. Butcher and A. E. Pritchard), on papaya and Bauhinia alba; P t. Lauderdale, Horida (0. 1). Link), on Buddlcia asiatica; Ft. Lauder¬ dale, Florida (C. Poucher), on Maranta sp.; Geneva, Florida (0. D. Link), on Chinaberry; Northport, Long Island, New York (G. V. Johnson), on sweet potato in greenhouse; South America (at Honolulu, quarantine; Yokoyama), on Cynoches sp.; and Mysore, India (M. Puttarudriali), on bean. Fig. 372. Tetranychus cocosi: aedeagus. 421 Subfamily T ttrany chinae Herlesr Fig. 373. Tetranychus cocosinus: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; If.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of mal e. 422 Spider Mites Fig* 375* Tetranychus cucurbitae: A.) empodium I of female; B.) empodium 1 of male; C.) tibia and tarsus I of female. 423 Subfamily 1 etranychinae Herlese Fig. 376. 7 etrany ckus cucurbitae : A.) tibia and tarsus II of female; B.) tibia and tarsus I of male; C.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 424 Spider Mites Fig. 377. Tetranychus cucurbitae: aedeagus. Tetranychus atlanticus McGregor (Figure 378) Tetranychus atlanticus McGregor, 1941, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 43: 26; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 280; Pritchard and I3aker, 1952, Ililgardia, 21(9): 271; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Bilgardia, 22(7): 227. Types: males and females, Chadbum, North Carolina, on strawberry; in the U. S. National Museum. Tetranychus atlanticus may be recognized by having the distal knob of the aedeagus moderately enlarged, about one-fourth as long as the dorsal margin of the shaft, and with the dorsal margin of the knob obtusely angulate. The anterior projection of the knob is broad and narrowly rounded, and the posterior angulation is small and acute. The axis of the knob usually forms an angle with the axis of the shaft. Actively feeding females are strawcolored or greenish with a pair of large black spots near the middle of the body. This spider mite is found throughout most of the United States, but it appears to reach greatest abundance in the West. Records are from New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, South 425 Subfamily 1 etrany china? Merit's? Fig. 378. Tetranychus atlanti cus: aedeagi. Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and California. Tetranychus atlanticus is found primarily on low-growing plants. It is a serious pest of cotton, alfalfa, beans, melon, clover, straw¬ berry, parsley, and eggplant. Many weeds serve as hosts. Occasional collections are taken on pear, peach, apple, walnut, and lemon. One collection was forwarded from Ankara, Turkey (Zeliha Diizgiines), on apple; and another collection from Okitsu, Shiznoka, Japan (Jiro Fukuda), on apple. Tetranychus hydrangeae Pritchard and Baker, new species (Figure 379) The knob of the aedeagus of Tetranychus hydrangeae is moderately enlarged as in /. atlanticus but the dorsal margin of the knob is convex, not angulate. The anterior, rounded projection of the knob is about as wide as the base of the acute posterior angulation, and the axis of the knob is parallel to that of the shaft. Fig. 379. Tetranychus hydrangeae: aedeagus. 426 Spider Mites Fig. 300. Tetranychus merganser: A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; B.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C.) tibia and tarsus I of male; D.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 427 Su b fam ily l e truri v cfi in a e H e rlese l he adult female, and also the male, is carmine in color, and hy¬ drangea is the most important host. Male. — Palpus with terminal sensillum subclavate, nearly five times as long as broad at base. Peritreme strongly retrorse distally. Lmpodium I with two trifid appendages having slender digits, the medio- dorsal spur strong; empodium II with mediodorsal spur strong; empodia 111 and IV each with tiny but apparent spur. Aedeagus with dorsad bend t nearly right angle; knob about one-fifth as long as shaft, its axis parallel to that of shaft, the anterior projection rounded and no wider at base than base of the acute posterior projection. Length of body 330 p, including rostrum 450 p. Female. — Similar, Terminal sensillum of palpus about three times as long as wide at base. Tarsus 1 with proximal duplex distal to four proximal tactile setae. Empodia with tiny mediodorsal spur. Ilysterosoma with longitudinal striae between third pair of dorsocentrals and between inner clunals. Area immediately anterior to genital flap with longitudinal striae. Length of body 375 p, including rostrum 500 p; greatest width of body 300 p. Holotype. — Male, Los Angeles, California, February 15, 1952 (11. N. Jefferson), on bean; type no. 2187 in the U. S. National Museum. Para- types. — Twenty-four males, 12 females, San Francisco, California, October 22, 1949 (A. F.. Pritchard), on hydrangea in greenhouses; 1 male, 1 female, December 15, 1951 (A. E. Pritchard), on poinsettia in greenhouse; 4 males, 5 females, Los Angeles, California, July 18, 1949 (R. N. Jefferson), on Maranta sp. in greenhouse; Los Angeles, California, February 14, 1952 (R. N. Jefferson), on beans. This species is an important pest of hydrangeas, particularly potted plants grown commercially in greenhouses. Davis (1952), by transfers in the laboratory, showed that the mites could live and reproduce on bean, strawberry, and violets, but are unable to survive on banana squash. Poinsettia is not a favorable host, the colonies remaining very small and often disappearing under warm greenhouse conditions. 428 Spider \1ites Fig. 382. Tetranycnus marianne : A.) tibia and tarsus I of female; R.) tibia and tarsus II of female; C. ) tibia and tarsus 1 of male; 13.) tibia and tarsus II of male. 429 Subfamily Tetranychinae fieriest ‘ vVV Fig. 383. Tetranychus marianae : above, empodium I of male; below, empodium I of female. Tetranychus merganser Boudreaux (Figures 380, 381) T etranychus merganser Boudreaux, 1954, Pan-Pac. Ent., 30: 181. Holotype : male, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Ligustrum vulgare ; in the U. S. National Museum. The knob of the aedeagus is moderately enlarged with the dorsal margin convex, thus resembling T etranychus hydrangeae. However, the evenly rounded anterior projection of the aedeagal knob of T. merganser is very broad in comparison with the acute caudal angu- 1 ation. The female is carmine. In contrast to Tetranychus hydrangeae and T. atlanticus, the anterior portion of the genital flap bears longitudinal striae. This species is known only from Louisiana, on privet. Tetranychus marianae McGregor (Figures 382, 383, 384) T etranychus marianae McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 291; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, llilgardia, 22(.): 229. Types: males and females, Mt. Lasso, Tinian Island, Mariana Group, on Passiflora foetida; in the U. S. National Museum. 430 Spider Mites Fig. 384. Tetranyciius marianae: aedeagus. T etranychus marianae may be recognized by the aedeagus, the axis of the terminal knob forming a definite angle with the axis of the shaft, with a small anterior angulation and with a longer, dorso- caudally directed angulation. The knob is obviously longer than the stem. Adult females are carmine in life. McGregor recorded this species from Saipan, and the Tinian Islands on castor bean, passion flower, and Melanolepis multiglandulosa. Additional specimens studied by us are from Iwo-Arno Atoll (R. L. Usinger), on 1 Vedelia sp.; Concordia, Argentina (J. R. King), on night¬ shade; Chinandega, Nicaragua (R. B. Swain), on cotton; Managua, Nicaragua (R. Pinell), on cotton; Key West, Florida (E. ft. Baker), on wild lavender; and Miami, Florida (0. D. Link), on Triumfetta semitriloba. Tetranychus neocaledoni cus Andre T etranychus neocaledoni cus Andre, 1933, Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 5: 302. Types: females, New Caledonia, on cotton; probably in the Museum d’ Kistoire Naturelle de Paris. Andre’s description of T etranychus neocaledonicus is based on the female alone, and F. Cohic, the entomologist of the island, has been unable to find topotype males on which we might base determina¬ tion of the species. The original host, cotton, is no longer a commercial crop on the island. Fig. 385. Tetranychus piercei: aedeagus. 431 Subfamily I etranyehinae Herlese Our knowledge to date indicates that this name preoccupies that of either l etranychus marianae or T. cucurbitae. Tetranychus piercei McGregor (Figure 385) l etranychus piercei McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 14(2): 299. lype: male, Victorias Occ. Negros, Philippine Islands, on Clitoria temata ; in the U. S. National Museum. I etranychus piercei appears to be closely related to 7. marianae, but the aedeagal knob is diminutive and much smaller than the base of the stem that supports it. 1 he only male is in very poor condition, and this species may prove to be a synonym of 7. marianae. Only the type from the Philippine Islands is known. Tetranychus dugesii Cano y Alcacio I etranychus dugesii Cano y Alcacio, 1886, Naturaleza, 7(12): 197. Described from specimens from Hacienda Escuela (probably near Mexico City), Mexico, on Medicago denticulata. lhe reddish coloration of the female indicates that this species belongs to the genus T etranychus, even though Cano y Alcacio’s figure of the empodial appendages is more suggestive of Schizotetrany chus. Identification will have to be based on topotype material. Tetranychus kanzawai Yokoyama I etranychus kanzawai Vokoyama, 1927, Zool. Mag., 39(460): 105. De¬ scribed from male and female, Japan, on mulberry. The aedeagus of Tetranychus kanzawai, as figured bv Yokoyama. is distinctive. The distal knob is about one-third as long as the shaft, with a small, dorsally projecting angulation on the anterior, rounded development, and with the caudal angulation acute. 432 Spider Mites Fig. 386. Tetranychus telarius: female with indications of body markings when feeding. Tetranychus telarius ( Linnaeus ) (Figures 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391) Acarus telarius Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10: 616; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(177): 221. Described from specimens from Sweden, on various hosts and 7 ilia sp. 433 Subfamily T e trany chinae Herlese Fig. 387. Tetranychus telarius: dorsal aspect of non-feeding female. Tetranychus telarius, Duges, 1834, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 1: 15; Donnadieu, 1875, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon (n. ser.), 22: 151; Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Apt., p. 97; Canestrini, 1889, Atti Beale 1st. \ en. Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 6), 7: 497; Banks, 1900, U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. lech. Ser., 8: 75; Ewing, 1914, Bui. Oreg. Agr. Expt. Sta., 121: 1; Tragardh, 1915, Meded. Centralanst. forsoks jordbruks. Ent. avd., 20 : 40; McGregor, 1917, U. S. Dept. Agric. Farm. Bui., 831: 3, 40; McGregor, 1919, Proc. L. S. Nat!. Mus., 56(2303): 650; Hirst, 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920: 49; Hirst, 1924, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 9), 14: 621. 434 Spider Mites Fig. 388. Tetranychus telarius : dorsal aspect of actively feeding female 435 Subfamily I etruny chinae Herlesc Fig. 389. Tetranychus telarius : above, tibia and tarsus I of female; below, tibia and tarsus II of female. Acarus sambuci Schrank, 1781, Enum. Ins. Austr., p. 521. Described from specimens from Germany, on Sambucus. 7 etranychus sambuci, Koch, 1842, Ueber Arachn. Syst. Fam. 3, p. 37; Oudemans, 1930, Ent. Der., 8(176): 168; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar. , 3(C): 1043; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Land- bouwh. ftageningen, 42(4): 37. 436 Spider Mites Fig. 390. Tetranychus telarius: above, tibia and tarsus I of male; below, tibia and tarsus II of male. Epitetranychus sambuci, Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 194. Acarus textor Fourcroy, 1785, Ent. Paris, 2: 530. Described from speci¬ mens from France, on bark of tree. Tetranychus textor , Oudemans, 1929, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 2: 276. Tetranychus lintearicus Dufour, 1832, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris, 25: 276 — also spelled as lintearius on p. 281; Canestrini and Fanzago, 1878, Atti Reale Istit. Ven. Sci. Let. Arti (ser. 5), 4: 148; Hirst 1920, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1920 : 56; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(177): 196; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1038. Described from specimens from Saint-Sever, France, on Ulex europaeas. Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1836, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arach., 1: 10; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(177): 231; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. 437 Subfamily letrany china e H crime Iht., 8(180): 276; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. I.andbouwh. Wagen- ingen, 42(4): 36; Womersley, 1940, Trans. Hoy. Soc. S. Australia, 64: 256; Heck, 1950, hudy lust. Zool. Akad. Nauk Gruz. S.S.H., 9; 127. Described from specimens from Hegensburg, Germany, on nettle. Tetranychus urticae dianthica Dosse, 1952, Hofchen-BHefe, 5: 250. l)e scribed from specimens from Germany, in greenhouse, on carnation. New synonymy. 7 etranychus russeolus Koch, 1838, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arach., 17: 15; Oudemans, 1937, krit. Hist. Over/. Acar., 3(C): 1042. Described from specimens from Germany, on nettle. Tetranychus viburni Koch, 1838, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arach., 17: 17. Described from specimens from Germany, on Viburnum opulus. Sch izotetranychus vibumi, Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1061. I etranychus fervidus Koch, 1841, Deu. Crust. Myr. Arach., 37: 21; Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1037. Described from specimens from Germany, in moss. Acarus cucumeris Boisduval, 1867, Ent. Ilort. , p. 84. Described from specimens from France, on cucumber. I etranychus cucumeris, Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Apt., p. 102. Acarus rosarum Boisduval, 1867, Ent. Ilort., p. 84 Described from specimens from France, on rose. 1 etranychus rosarum, Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Apt., p. 102. Acarus cinnabarinus Boisduval, 1867, Ent. Hort., p. 88. Described from specimens from France, in greenhouse on Dracaena. Acarus haematodes Boisduval, 1867, Ent. Ilort., p. 88. Described from specimens from France, on castorbean. Tetranychus telarius haematodes, Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Apt., p. 101. Hearns ferrugineus Boisduval, 1867, Ent. Hort., p. 90. Described from specimens from France, in greenhouse on cyclamen. I etranychus ferrugineus Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Apt. p. 103. Acarus vitis Boisduval, 1867, Ent. Hort., p. 92. Described from speci¬ mens from France, on grape. T etranychus vitis, Murray, 18 <7, Econ. Ent., Apt. p. 103. Distigmatus pilosus Donnadieu, 1875, Rech. Serv. Hist. Tetran., p. 118. Described from specimens from France, on prune, peach, and other rosaceous trees. T etranychus major Donnadieu, 1875, (not Duges, 1834), Rech. Serv. Hist. Tetran., p. 120. Described from specimens from France, on vegetation, particularly trees. T etranychus piger Donnadieu, 18^5, Rech. Serv. Hist. letran., p. 121, 438 Spider Mites Described from specimens from France, on elm and paper- mulberry. 7 etranychus minor Donnadieu, 1875, Rech. Serv. Hist, detran., p. 121. Described from specimens from France; no host given. T etranychus longitarsus Donnadieu, 1875, Rech. Serv. Hist. Tetran., p. 122. Described from specimens from France; no host given. 7 etranychus plumistoma Donnadieu, 1875, Rech. Serv. Hist. Ietran., p. 122. Described from specimens from France, on herbaceous plants. New synonymy. T etranychus fici Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Apt., p. 107. Described from specimens from near London, on fig. New synonymy. T etranychus eriostemi Murray, 1877, Econ. Ent. Apt., p. 109. Described from specimens from England, in greenhouse, on Erios temon verii folium. New synonymy. T etranychus inaequalis Targioni Tozzetti, 1878, Ann. Agr., 1: 251. Described from specimens from Italy, on many greenhouse plants. 7 etranychus bimaculatus Harvey, 1893, Ann. Rep. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. 1892: 133; McGregor, 1912, U. S. Dept. Agr. Lire., 150: 1; McGregor, 1917, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bui., 416: 3; McGregor, 1919, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 56(2303): 654; Garman, 1940, Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui., 431: 81; McGregor, 1942, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 44: 28; McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 281; Pritchard and Baker, 1940, 1952, Hilgardia, 21(9): 268; Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Ililgardia, 22(7): 221. Described from specimens from Orono, Maine, on numerous hosts. 7 etranychus altheae von Ilanstein, 1901, Zts. wiss. Zool., 70: 74; dragardh, 1915, Midd. Central anst. fbrsoks jordbruks, Ent. avd., 109(20): 36; Oudemans, 1930, Ent. Ber., 8(175): 163. Epitetranychus altheae, Zacher, 1916, Mitt, kaiserl. biol. Anst. Land- Forstw., 16: 23; Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Ber., 8(177): 193. Epitetranychus hamatus Zacher, 1916, Mitt, kaiserl. biol. Anst. Land- Forstw., 16: 25. Described from male and female specimens from Germany, on Euphorbia ; possibly in the Zacher collection. New synonymy. Epitetranychus aequans Zacher, 1916, Mitt, kaiserl. biol. Anst. Land- borstw., 16: 25. Described from male and female specimens from Germany, on mint; possibly in the Zacher collection. New synonymy. Epitetranychus alceae Oudemans, 1928, Ent. Ber., 7(159): 290. De¬ scribed, and erroneously accredited to Linnaeus, 1758, not 1746, from specimens from Holland, on Althea rosea. New synonymy. 139 Subfamily T etrany ehinae Htrlese Tetranychus reinwardtiae Oudeinans, 1930, hint. Her., 8(175): 170. types: male and female, Stockholm, Sweden, in greenhouse on Keinwardtia tetragyna ; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuur- lijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. New synonymy. Epitetranychus reinwardtiae, Oudeinans, 1931, Knt. Her., 8(177): 194. Epiteh any chus caldarii Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(177): 194. types: female, Stockholm, Sweden, in greenhouse, on unknown host; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, lloll and. New synonymy. tetranychus ( Epitetranychus ) caldarii, Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Land- bouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 40. Tetranychus fragariae Oudemans, 1931, lint. Her., 8(17H): 226; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 37. types: male and female, Holland, on Tragaria vesca; probably in the llijks- museum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. A' ew synonymy. 1 etrany chus fransenni Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(178): 227; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 38. Types: female, Wageningen, Holland, in greenhouse, on unnamed host; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. A ew synonymy. 7 etrany chus aspidistrae Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(179): 258; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 39. Types: male and female, Halfweg, Holland, on Aspidistra elatiae; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. New synonymy. I etrany chus choisyae Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(180): 274; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 38. types: male, female, and nymph, Apeldoorn, Holland, on Choisya temata ; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. New synonymy. I etrany chus stellariae Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(180): 275; Geijskes, 1939, Meded. Landbouwh. Wageningen, 42(4): 39. types: female and nymph, Arnhem, Holland, on Stellaria media ; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. New synonymy. Tetranychus violae Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(180): 277. Type: one male, Naarden, Holland, on Viola tricolor, probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. New synonymy. 7 etranychus manihotis Oudemans, 1931, Ent. Her., 8(181): 289. Types: male, female, nymph, and larva, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, on Manihot utillissima ; probably in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke llistorie, Leiden, Holland. A ew synonymy. 440 Spider Mites Eotetrany chus inexspectatus Andre, 1933, Bui. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, 5: 131. Types : males and females, Paris, France, in greenhouse, on Acalypha spp. and Salvia splendens ; probably in the Museum d’llistoire Naturelle de Paris. New synonymy. 1 etranychus dahliae Oudemans, 1937, Krit. Hist. Overz. Acar., 3(C): 1022. Based on descriptions of specimens from Europe, on dahlia. New synonymy. Eotetranychus turhestani Ugarov and Nikolskii, 1937, Sredneaz. Stant. Zasch. Rastenii, p. 28. Described from specimens from Tashkent, Russia, on many hosts. Tetranychus turkestani, Baker and Pritchard, 1953, Ililgardia, 22(7): 213. Eotetranychus scabrisetus Ugarov and Nikolskii, 1937, Trudy Sredneaz. Stan. Zashch. Rast., p. 33. Described from male and female specimens from Tashkent, Russia, on grass. New synonymy. Eotetranychus cucurbitacearum Sayed, 1946, Bui. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 30: 90. Types: males and females, Egypt, on weeds, shrubs, and trees; probably in the collection of M. T. Sayed. New synonymy. Tetranychus multisetis McGregor, 1950, Amer. Midi. Nat., 44(2): 294; Davis, 1952, Pan-Pac. Ent., 28: 1; Keh, 1952, Jour. Econ. Ent., 45: 308. Types: males and females, Riverside, Cali¬ fornia, on bean; in the U. S. National Museum. There is no doubt that the name Tetranychus telarius as employed here represents a polytypic species represented by at least several subspecies or species. Differences have been noted from samples taken in many parts of the world with regard to the comparative development of the inediodorsal spur of the empodium as well as the length of the empodial digits on leg I of the male and the comparative development of the empodial spur, especially on leg II, but also legs III and IV of the male. There is rarely some variance in the comparative length of the terminal sensil- lum of the male palpus. The knob of the aedeagus is always small, but its axis sometimes forms a small angle with the axis of the shaft; and the dorsal margin of the knob as well as the development of each of its angular projections varies considerably. In some cases (particularly in Ceylon) the proximal pair of duplex setae on tarsus I is set more proximally than usual. We have been unable to correlate these dif¬ ferences, even though some populations appear to be amply distinct on a local basis. Actively feeding females in the more temperate zones of each hemi¬ sphere are greenish in basic color, and typically with a large internal 7 flrunychivi telariua females: the green color form; (lie carmine color form; and ilx nonfeeding colmalton •141 Subfamily l ctrany chinae llerlese fig. 391. Tetranychus telarius : aedeagi. dark., trifid spot on each side of t he body. Ibis form represents typical telarius. In the tropics and often in northern greenhouses, the females are carmine in basic color, typically with darker internal markings along each side of the body. Most of the morphological differences exhibited in specimens that vve have studied are in forms from the tropics of subtropics, presumably carmine in color. One of these carmine forms sometimes exhibits in the female two (or one) sensory setae in addition to the four tactile setae that typically are found proximal to the proximal duplex setae as in the male. Davis (1952) showed that females with the extra setae breed freely with carmine males lacking such, setae, the chaetotaxy of the offspring resembling the mother. This morphological distinction is, therefore, of no value for characterizing one of the carmine forms. However, when Kell (1952) crossed the green form with the carmine form, reproductive isolation was evident in most cases in which the first generation was inbred; and subspecies or species rank was in¬ dicated for the two color forms used in his experiments. Boudreaux (in litt.) has suggested that rearing experiments indicate that the green form, T. telarius , is a distinct species, as is the red form, T. cinnabarinus, with T. multisets (the red form with the extra tarsal I setae) a subspecies or variety of T. cinnabarinus. Tetranychus telarius (Linnaeus) has been accepted by the great majority of acarologists as the scientific name of the common spinning mite of Europe — the two-spotted spider mite of North America. Linnaeus (1758) described Acarus telarius, the only tetranychid among the 38 species of mites included in his tenth edition of “Systema Naturae.” It is relevant that Linnaeus previously (1746) in his “Fauna Suecica,” referred to two such mites: Acarus alceae and Acarus viridi- albicans foliorum tiliae. Both of these concepts were united in the 1758 publication, inasmuch as Linnaeus referred to .4. telarius as being a spinning mite on European plants, also found in greenhouses (“ caldario inclusis ”) and on Tilia (linden). 442 Spider Mites Twentieth century acarologists decided that Linnaeus included two or three species in his description of Acarus telarius: 1) the common outdoor spinning mite of Europe, 2) a species that is more or less confined to the linden tree in Europe, and 3) a greenhouse species closely allied to the common spinning mite. Tragardh (1915), wdio might be considered the first modern reviser (see Eotetranychus tiliarium) first made such a distinction obvious, and he referred to the common outdoor mite as T etranychus telarius , the greenhouse form being T. altheae. Oudemans (1931) maintained that telarius should be used for the linden mite, and he substituted the name T. urticae for the common spinning mite indoors and outdoors. Zacher (1916) followed Oudemans in restricting telarius to the linden tree mite, but he used the specific name altheae for the common spinning mite of Europe. Andre (1933) followed a combination of these ideas, 7. telarius being the linden mite, T. urticae the common spinning mite outdoors, and T. ludeni being the greenhouse relative. Hirst (1920, 1924) argued strongly that telarius should be retained for the common spinning mite of Europe. And in North .America, Banks and Ewing continued to apply this name to the similar species in this country. McGregor (1944) followed Zacher in restricting telarius to the linden mite, and he employed the specific name altheae for the common spinning mite of Europe. McGregor at that time considered altheae to be present in North America; but he later (1950) restricted American specimens to T etranychus bimaculatus, a name that has been used by economic entomologists in this country during the past few years. In most of the voluminous literature dealing with the common spinning mite of Europe or the two-spotted spider mite, the name T etranychus telarius has been used; and it is best to preserve this Linnaean name for the common species. It is true that an entirely different species is often found on linden in Europe, but so is the common spinning mite. More recent European workers who could definitely separate the two species have testified to this, and we have seen linden defoliated by the two-spotted spider mite in California. The synonymy here included under the name 1 etranychus telarius is undoubtedly subject to further scrutiny. Most of the synonymy of older names is not new, and most of the names were proposed long ago in Europe when the taxonomy of tetranychids was, indeed, little under¬ stood. No attempt has been made to include references to other than names of zoological standing and references that may have a direct (and usually modern) bearing on the interpretation of these names. Subfamily I etranychinae Herlese Undoubtedly, u careful, modern study of the tetrunychoid and allied mites of Europe would enable new interpretations of some of the de¬ scriptions. We have attempted to give reasonable interpretations to the European descriptions, and we have believed it best in many cases to place a name in synonymy with the common or two-spotted spider mite of Europe rather than let the name dangle, perhaps forever, as a norneri dubium. 1 he first of such names is Acarus sarnbuci Schrank. It is probable that modern acarologists were correct in considering this mite to be an overwintering or else the carmine form of the two-spotted spider mite; but it could also have represented some predaceous prostigmate. Hirst (1920) maintained that a single male that he hud examined representing Acarus linteari cus Dufour, 1832, from England on gorse, was distinct with regard to the aedeagal termination from the two-spotted spider mite. Oudemans (1931) did not agree with Hirst; and we have studied two collections from England, on gorse, transmitted by courtesy of A. M. Massee, that are indistinguishable from the tw’o-spotted mite. / etranychus lintearicus is, therefore, considered to be a synonym. 1 etranychus urticae Koch, the name commonly used in Europe and British territories during recent years, undoubtedly represents the same species. I. fervidus Koch probably represents the hibernating color form of the same species. However, 7. vibumi Koch could be an Eotetranychus. Boisduval (1867) as well as Donnadieu (1875) introduced a number of new names based primarily on color characters, host, and size. Most of these names are considered to be based on variants, but 1 etranychus rosarum might well represent an entirely different type of mite. Murray (1877) had an unusual understanding of the tetranychid and other mites at the time of his work, and 1 etranychus eriostemi, therefore, must represent the two-spotted spider mite. 7. fici was regarded as an imported species, and we are unable to evaluate this possibility; the fig is known to be a host of the two-spotted spider mite. T etranychus altheae von Hanstein (1901), was promulgated by Tragardh (1915) as a name for the greenhouse two-spotted spider mite as differentiated from the outdoor form in Europe. If 7. altheae had been restricted to the carmine females, the differentiation would have been more valid. However, Tragardh’s distinction has not been acceptable, and 7. altheae , as far as the literature is concerned, is another name used in the telarius complex. During 1930-37, Oudemans described a number of new species of 7 etranychus from Europe, each based on differences of characters that we are not able to appreciate: integumentary striae of the female solid 444 Spider Mites or dotted (now known to be a seasonal character — see Pritchard and Baker, 1952); width of the diamond-shaped figure formed by the striae between the third pair of dorsocentral hysterosomals and the inner sacrals; basic color of the female in life; and other variations such as the number of chambers at the distal end of the peritreme, the de¬ velopment of the empodial spur on legs III and IV of the male, the apparent length of the terminal sensillum on the palpus of the female, and the comparative length of the dorsal propodosomals. It is possible that Oudemans has validated names for several dif¬ ferent species, but this is not apparent from his descriptions nor from the Oudemans drawings that were published by Geijskes. Consequently, nearly all V>f these names are here considered to be synonyms. The aedeagus of each species, when known to Oudemans, was simply re¬ ferred to as the hamate type, thus confirming only the generic placement. There is no justification for the obvious belief of Oudemans that the spider mites on introduced greenhouse plants were imported from the native country of the plants. Andre (1933) described as Eotetranychus inexspectatus a greenhouse form (with greenish females) that he considered to be distinct by pos¬ sessing four pairs of proximoventral hairs on the empodium. Cotype specimens kindly loaned by Dr. Andre are indistinguishable from the tw'o-spotted spider mite. The aedeagus of inexspectatus as figured by Andre has the terminal knob decidedly enlarged. The male loaned to us for study was mounted with the aedeagus oriented dorsoventrally, but it appeared to present no differences from the two-spotted spider mite. Reck (1950) considered turkestani to be a synonym of the common spider mite of Europe. Scabrisetus is here considered also to be a synonym; its aedeagus (figured only from a dorsal aspect) was described as being similar to that of turkestani, although the peritreme was re¬ garded as being straight, not hooked distally. The earliest trinomial for the carmine form appears to be T etranychus telarius cinnabarinus Boisduval. Most of the older students, as well as many modern workers, have referred to the orange, non-feeding phase as “red” (hence, the name “red-spiders”), and the synonymy of this form is difficult to determine. Our lack of knowledge of the outdoor occurrence of the carmine form in Europe adds to the problem. Among more recent names, however, T. cucurbitacearum Sayed (in part), T. multisetis McGregor, and T. urticae dianthica Dosse are more certain to represent this form. We have compared live material of carmine, “resistant” mites from greenhouse carnations in England with similar specimens in California. Subfamily I etranychinae Herlese Numerous collections ot tins species complex liuve been studied from through out the United States and Hawaii, Europe, tbe Middle East, South Africa, Peru, New Zealand, Western Australia, and Ceylon. Tbe plant host list is exceedingly large. Literature Cited Andre, Marc 1932. Compte rendu d’unu mission dans le Sud-Algerien (May 1932) pour 1 ’etude d’un Acarien nuisible au Dattier. Bui. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 4: 521-532. 1932. Contribution a l’etude du “ilou-l' aroua” Tetranyque nuisible au dattier en Algerie. Bui. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord., 23: 301-338. 1933. Note sur “l’Araignee rouge” des serres du Museum. Bui. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 5: 130-137. 1933. Sur la biologie des letranyques tisserands. Rev. Path., 20 : 8-25. 1933. Note sur un Tetranyque nuisible au cottonier en Nouvelle- Caledonie. Bui. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 5: 302-308. 1934. Note de systematique sur des letranyques. Bui. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 6: 352. 1937. Util ite et Applications des Etudes Vcarologiques, 38 pp. Paris. 1941. Sur le Bryobia praetiosa Koch (acarien). Bui. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris (ser. 2), 13: 430-434. Bagdall, A. I. 1948.* Novii ved pautiknovo klescha ez Armenii. Uokl. Akad. Nauk Armenia S.S.R., 9(3). Baker, Edward W. and G. W. Wharton 1952. An introduction to acarology, 465 pp. Macmillan Co., New 1 ork. Baker, Edward W. and A. Earl Pritchard 1953. 1 lie family categories of tetranychoid mites, with a review of the new families Linotetranidae and 1 uckerellidae. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 46(2): 243-258. 1953. A Guide to the spider mites of cotton. 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Index of Host Plants Abies , 328 Atriplex, 399 Acalypha, 440 Averrhoa, 335 Acer, 179, 183, 184, 187, 205, 213, avocado — see Persea 297, 300 Achras, 119 Adenostoma, 192 Aesculus , 179, 184, 212 Ageratum, 47 Agropyron, 52 Agrostis , 88 , 229 , 257 A l biz zia, 124 Alchimilla , 214 alder — see Alnus alfalfa — see Medic ago Allium, 55 almond — see Prunus Alnus, 131, 183, 211 Althaea, 420, 438 Amelanchier, 187 Andropogon, 248 Anona, 330 antelope brush — see Purshia Antirrhinum, 136 Apium, 404, 407 , 409 apple — see Malus Arachis — 411, 420 arbor-vitae — see Thuja Areca, 365 Artemisia, 56, 67, 210, 211 Arundo, 346 Asclepias , 390 , 408 ash — see Fraxinus Asparagus , 64, 237, 238 aspen — see Populus Aspidistra, 439 Astragalus, 32, 111 azalea — see Rhododendron Balsamorrhiza, 69 bamboo, 249, 355, 417 Bamboranta, 409 banana — see Musa barley — see Hordeum basswood — see Tilia Bauhinia, 420 beech — see Fagus bean — see P haseolus beet— see Beta Bermuda grass — see Cynodon Beta, 409 Betula, 183 Bikukulla, 30 Biota — see Thuja birch — see Betula blackberry— see Rubus blackthorn — see Prunus black locust — see Robinia blueberry — see Vaccinium Bouteloa, 346 boxwood — see Buxus box-elder — see Acer bramble — see Rubus Brassica, 403, 404, 420 Buddleia, 420 bur-clover — see Medicago Buxus, 31, 105, 109, 308 cabbage — see Brassica Cajanus, 153 463 Index of Host Plants California poppy — sit Eschscholzia Calamagrostis , 260 Calluna, 17-1 Camellia, 308, 316 camphor-tree — see Cinnamomum cantaloupe — see Cucumis Carica, 360, 420 carob — see Ceratoniu Carpinus, 179, 181, 183 carrot — see Daucus Carya, 211, 212, 311, 392 cassava — see Manihot Cassia, 118, 123, 153, 269 Castanea, 2 1 2 , 301, 302 castor-bean — see Ricinus Ceanothus , 206 , 390 celery — see Apium Celtis , 417 Cenchrus, 346 Ceratonia, 342 Cercocarpus , 177, 178, 208 Chamaecyparis , 327 Chenopodium, 390 cherry — see Prunus chestnut — see Castanea China-berry — see Melia Chloris, 346 Choisya, 133, 439 Chrysanthemum, 26 Cinnamomum, 205, 230, 335 Cinchona, 420 Citrullus , 358, 420 Citrus, 118, 123, 133, 199 , 202 , 20 5, 206, 266, 267, 411, 412 Clitoria, 431 clover — see Trifolium Codaeum, 123, 420 Coffea, 315, 335 coffee — see Coffea Combretum, 371 Convolvulus , 390, 407 corn — see Zea Corylus, 35, 179, 183 Cosmos, 407 Cotoneaster , 132, 390 cotton — see Gossypium cottonwood — see Populus Covillea — see Larrea Cracca, 420 Crataegus , 179, 384 creosote bush — see Larrea croton — see Codaeum Cryptomeria, 284 cucumber — see Cucumis Cucumis, 55, 390, 404, 425, 437 Cucurbita, 405, 420, 427 Cupressus, 157, 159, 293, 297, 327 Cyclamen, 437 Cynoches , 420 Cynodun, 88 , 92, 229 , 232 , 251, 253, 257, 345, 346, 353 cypress — see Cupressus Cytisus, 20 Dahlia, 440 Dalbergia , 148 date — see Phoenix Datura, 406 Daucus, 55 Dendrobium, 357 Derris , 339 Digitariu, 346 Distichlis, 86, 88, 229, 232 Drac aena, 437 Echinochloa, 346 eggplant — see Solanum Eichhornia, 408, 420 Elaeocarpus , 242, 246 Elae agnus , 133, 205 elm — see Ulmus Elymus, 254 Ephedra, 73 Epicampes , 254 Eragrostis , 346 Erigeron, 404 Eriobotrya, 364 Eriodictyon, 404 Eriostemon, 438 Eryngium, 73 Erythrina, 148, 149 Eschscholzia, 390 Eugenia, 316, 330 Euphora, 335 Euphorbia, 438 Fagus, 211, 212, 213 Ficus, 123, 137, 200 fig — see Ficus Flacourtia, 123 foxtail millet — see Setaria Fragaria, 401, 424, 425, 427, 439 frangipani — see Plumeria Fraxinus , 214, 392 Garry a, 390 Gladiolus , 55 , 404 Gleditsia, 100, 163, 165, 167 gooseberry — see Ribes Gossypium, 55, 342, 358, 359, 360, 390, 393, 404, 405, 408, 409, 430 Grammatophyllum, 420 464 Spider Mites grape — see V it is grass, 26, 28, 32, 55, 58, 77, 90, 92, 115, 134, 138, 267, 269, 354 Grossularia, 28 hackberry — see Celtis Hakea, 225 hawthorn — see Crataegus hazel — see Corylus Hedera, 31, 32 Helianthus , 390 , 404 Hemizonia, 70, 390 Hibiscus , 409 hickory — see Carya holly — see Ilex hollyhock — see Althaea honey locust — see Gleditsia Hordeum, 32, 52, 55, 347 hornbeam — see Carpinus horse-chestnut — see Aesculus horseweed — see Erigeron Hydrangea, 427 Ichthyomethia, 148 Ilex, 305, 308 incense cedar — see Libocedrus Ipomaea, 409, 420 Iris, 55 Iseilema, 358 ivy — see Hedera Jamaica dogwood - see Ichthyomethia Johnson grass — see Sorghum Juglans, 32, 132, 390, 425 J ungia — see Salvia juniper — see Juniperus ] uniperus , 83, 110, 159, 162, 318, 327, 328 khadhrawi, 349 Kochia, 56 kudzu — see Pueraria Lactuca, 55 Lantana, 406 Larrea, 19, 20, 403, 404 laurel — see Laurus Laurus, 308 Lebbek-tree — see Albizzia legume, 51, 221 lemon — see Citrus Leonotis, 408 lettuce — see Lactuca Libocedrus, 110, 154, 157, 322, 327 Ligustrum, 429 linden — see Tilia Liriodendron, 413 Litchi, 335, 365 locust — see Robinia loquat — see Eriobotrya Luffa, 420 Lupinus, 47, 48 Lycopersicum, 404, 420 Maclura, 395 Magnolia, 412, 413 maidencane grass — see Panicum maize — see Zea Malus, 31, 32, 55, 132, 179, 183, 384, 385, 388, 392, 393, 394, 395, 401, 425 Malva, 192 Malvastrum, 192 Mangifera, 316, 330, 335, 420 mango — see Mangifera Manihot, 147, 148, 360, 439 maple — see Acer Maranta, 409, 420, 427 Maris cus , 94 Medicago, 28, 32, 55, 111, 206, 390, 404, 425, 431 Melaleuca, 315, 316 Melanolepis , 430 Melia, 420 melon — see Cucumis Mentha, 438 milkweed — see Asclepias Mimulus , 404 mint — see Mentha monkey-flower — see Mimulus morning-glory — see Convolvulus Morus, 200 , 269, 341, 431, 438 mountain ash — see Sorbus mountain mahogany — see Cercocarpus mulberry — see Morus Musa, 138 Myrthe — see Myrtus Myrtus , 340 nectarine — see Prunus nettle — see Urtica nightshade — see Solanum oak — see Quercjis okra — see Hibiscus Olea, 206 olive — see Olea Oncoba, 123 onion — see Allium Opuntia, 403, 404 orange — see Citrus orchid, 32 Oryza, 357 Index of Host Plants Osage orange — see Maclura Oxalis , 45, 61 paddy — see Oryzu palm, 409 almetto — see Sabal anicum, 346, 353 papaya — see Carica para grass — see Panicum Parietaria, 33 parsley — see P etroselinum Parthenocissus , 316 Pass i flora, 173, 429, 430 passion flower — see P assiflora pea — see Pisum peach — see Prunus peanut — see Arachis pear — see Pyrus pecan — see Carya Persea, 203, 332, 333, 335, 336 P etroselinum, 425 Petunia, 47 P hacelia, 403 Phaseolus, 360 , 390 , 393, 409 , 420, 425, 427, 440 Philadelphicus , 388 Phleum, 349 Phoenix, 349, 350, 352, 353 Photinia, 305 P hyllostachys , 251 pigweed — see Chenopodium Picea, 289, 319, 322, 325, 327, 328 pine — see Pinus Pinus, 19, 280, 281, 282, 284, 287, 289, 291, 322, 325 Pisum, 51, 409 plane tree — see Platanus P latanus , 304, 305, 341 plum — see Prunus Plumeria, 118 P oinsettia, 427 pomegranate — see Punica poplar — see Populus Populus, 189, 191, 353, 395 P otentilla, 131 Primulus , 339 privet — see Ligustrum prune — see Prunus Prunus, 31, 32, 34, 118, 123, 132, 134, 177, 179, 183, 186, 335, 384, 385, 388, 393, 425, 437 Pterorarya, 181 Puereria, 153 , 406 Punica, 335 Purshia, 177, 178, 187 P yracantha, 132, 305 Pyrus, 32, 131, 132, 134, 183, 312, 384, 385, 403, 425 Quercus, 187, 212, 213, 269, 301, 302, 305, 308, 310, 365,366, 368, 369, 372, 385 Quisqualis , 316 raspberry — see Rubus redwood — see Sequoia reedgrass — see Calamagrostis Re inwardtia, 439 Rhurnnus , 32, 174 Rhododendron, 172, 173, 205, 308 Ribes , 3 1, 131, 388 rice — see Oryza Ricinus, 115, 123, 134, 206, 406, 408, 437 Robinia, 100, 132, 223, 224, 390, 393 Rosa, 134, 194, 196, 199, 200, 330, 364, 365, 395, 417, 437 rose — see Rosa royal palm — see Roystonea Roystonea, 414, 417 Rubus , 32, 173, 183, 194, 196, 200, 214, 218, 219, 305, 386, 388, 393, 417 rye — see Secale Sabal, 169 Saccharum, 249, 347, 348, 353, 354, 355, 356 Saint Augustine grass — see Stenotaphrum Salix, 175, 177, 179, 183, 189, 191, 234 , 236 , 240, 242, 335, 342 Salsola 55 - salt grass — see Distichlis Salvia, 32, 213, 390, 405, 406, 440 Sambucus , 435 sapota — see Achras Sarothamnus vulgaris, 20 Secale, 347 Sequoia, 327 service berry — see Amelanchier Setaria, 346, 357 Sida, 41 smut grass — see Sporobolus snow berry — see Symphoricarpos Solanum, 405, 409, 425, 430 Sorbus, 132 Sorghum, 55, 346, 354 Soya, 153 Sphaeralcea, 39 Spiraea, 35, 179, 183, 248 spirea — see Spiraea Sporobolus , 346, 354 466 Spider Mites spruce — see Picea squash — see Cucurbita Stellaria, 439 Stenotaphrum, 81 Stillingia, 404 Stizolobium, 115, 123 strawberry — see Fragaria sugarcane — see Saccharum sunflower — see Helianthus sweet potato — see Ipomoea sycamore — see Platanus Symphoricarpos , 206 , 208 Talisia, 205 tangerine— see Citrus tarweed — see Hemizonia Taxodium, 297 tea — see Thea Terminalia, 316 Thea, 315, 316 Thuja, 110, 157, 159, 162, 321, 327, 328 Tilia, 30, 113, 115, 178, 179, 395, 432 timothy — see Phleum tomato — see Lycopersicum toyon — see Photinia Trifolium, 31, 32, 47, 49, 51, 390, 425 Triticum, 19, 32, 52, 55, 353 Triumfetta, 430 tulip-tree — see Liriodendron turnip — see Brassica Ulex, 436 Ulmus, 34, 128, 132, 214, 390, 393, 395, 417, 438 Umbellularia, 134 umbrella tree — see Melia Urtica, 22, 437 Vaccinium, 179, 183, 232 velvet bean — see Stizolobium vetch — see Vicia Viburnum, 437 Vicia, 51, 388, 390 Viola, 427, 439 violet — see Viola Virginia creeper — see Parthenocissus Vitis, 186, 215, 316, 330, 335, 342, 390, 437 walnut — see Juglans water-hyacinth — see Eichhornia watermelon — see Citrullus Wedelia, 430 wheat — see Triticum willow — see Salix Xylosma, 133 Zea, 342, 345, 354, 355, 358 Zinnia elegans, 31 Zizyphus , 97, 118, 123 Index of Spider Mites Italics are used to indicate names in synonmy, misidentifications, and erroneous combinations. Acarus aceris, 297 Acarus cinnabarinus , 437 Acarus coffeae, 315 Acarus cucumeris , 437 Acarus denticulatus , 15 Acarus ferrugineus , 437 Acarus graminum, 26 /Icarus haematodes , 437 Acarus latens, 51 Acarus petrarum, 52 Acarus prae gnans , 52 Acarus rosarum, 437 /Icarus sambuci, 435 Acarus telarius, 432 Acarus textor, 436 Acarus vitis, 437 Allonychus, 137 Allonychus braziliensis, 137 Amphitetranychus , 374 Amphitetranychus salicicola, 189 Amphitetranychus viennensis, 384 Anatetranychus , 215 Anatetranychus hakea, 225 Anychus , 111 Anychus africanus , 118 Anychus banksi, 115 Anychus clarki, 118 Anychus latus , 118, 123 Anychus orientalis , 118 Anychus ricini, 118 Anychus rusti, 118 Anychus verganii, 118 Aplonobia, 58 Aplonobia acharis, 69 Aplonobia anisa, 64 Aplonobia calame, 70 Aplonobia deina, 67 Aplonobia histricina, 59 Aplonobia myops, 63 Aplonobia oxalis, 61 Apotetranychus , 138 Apotetranychus georgicus, 174 Apotetranychus longipenis, 384 Apotetranychus muscicola, 174 Apotetranychus virginis, 385 Brevipalpus, 5 Bryobia, 14 Brvobia amygdali, 32 Bryobia bakeri, 19 Bryobia borealis, 24 Bryobia brevicornis , 28 Bryobia cristata, 22 Bryobia curiosa, 19 Bryobia denticulala, 26 Bryobia drummondi, 19 Bryobia glacialis , 28 Bryobia gloriosa, 28 Bryobia goriensis, 32 Bryobia graminum, 26 Bryobia haustor, 28 Bryobia humeralis , 30 Bryobia longicornis , 30 Bryobia longisetis, 32 14671 468 Spider Mites Bryobia nobilis , 28 Bryobia osterloffi, 32 Bryobia pallida, 28 Bryobia parietariae, 33 Bryobia praetiosa, 22, 26 Bryobia pratens is , 28 Bryobia redikorzevi, 34 Bryobia ribis, 28 Bryobia sarothamni, 20 Bryobia speciosa, 28 Bryobia ulmophila, 34 Bryobia urticae, 22 Bryobia weyerensis, 28 BRYOBIINAE, 12 BRYOBIINI, 14 Distigmatus , 374 Distigmatus pilosus, 437 Divarinychus , 225 Divarinychus floridensis , 237 Epitetranychus , 374 Epitetranychus aequans, 438 Epitetranychus alceae, 438 Epitetranychus altheae, 438 Epitetranychus asparagi, 237 Epitetranychus caldari.i, 439 Epitetranychus fagi, 212 Epitetranychus hamatus , 438 Epitetranychus reinwardtiae , 439 Epitetranychus sambuci, 436 Eotetranychus, 138 Eotetranychus aceri, 213 Eotetranychus aesculi, 184 Eotetranychus aurantii, 213 Eotetranychus bakuriensis, 214 Eotetranychus caribbeanae, 147 Eotetranychus carpini, 179 Eotetranychus carpini borealis, 179 Eotetranychus clitus, 170 Eotetranychus coryli, 183 Eotetranychus cucurbitacearum, 440 Eotetranychus deflexus, 206 Eotetranychus ecclisis, 210 Eotetranychus fagi, 212 Eotetranychus fraxini, 214 Eotetranychus frosti, 199 Eotetranychus georgicus, 174 Eotetranychus gibbosus, 162 Eotetranychus hicoriae, 211 Eotetranychus hirsti, 200 Eotetranychus inexspectatus , 440 Eotetranychus jungiae, 213 Eotetranychus lewisi, 205 Eotetranychus libocedri, 154 Eotetranychus malvastris, 192 Eotetranychus multidigituli, 163 Eotetranychus muscicola, 174 Eotetranychus pallidus, 211 Eotetranychus perplexus, 175 Eotetranychus planki, 148 Eotetranychus populi, 189 Eotetranychus pruni, 186 Eotetranychus rubiphilus, 214 Eotetranychus scabrisetus , 440 Eotetranychus sexmaculatus, 202 Eotetranychus smithi, 192 Eotetranychus steganus, 167 Eotetranychus suginamensis, 200 Eotetranychus talisiae, 205 Eotetranychus telarius, 178 Eotetranychus thujae, 159 Eotetranychus tiliarium, 178 Eotetranychus turkestani , 440 Eotetranychus ulmicola, 314 Eotetranychus uncatus, 183 Eotetranychus viticola, 186 Eotetranychus weldoni, 191 Eotetranychus willamettei, 187 Eotetranychus yumensis, 199 EURYTETRANYCHINI, 100 Eurytetranychus, 101 Eurytetranychus admes, 110 Eurytetranychus buxi, 103 Eurytetranychus latus, 105 Eurytetranychus recki, 111 Eurytetranychus stenoperitematus, 358 Eurytetranychus thujae, 110 Eurytetrany choides , 101 Eurytetranychoides thujae, 110 Eutetranychus, 111 Eutetranychus banksi, 115 Eutetranychus clarki, 118 Eutetranychus latus, 105 Eutetranychus mexicanus, 118 Eutetranychus pantopus, 123 Eutetranychus rusti, 118 Eutetranychus schultzi, 115 Eutetranychus spinosus, 113 Heteronychus, 5 Heteronychus brevipodus, 372 Hystrichonychus, 37 Hystrichonychus gracilipes, 39 Hystrichonychus sidae, 40 Mesotetranvchus, 73 Mesotetranychus samgoriensis, 73 Mesotetranychus vachustii, 73 Metatetranychus, 127 Metatetranychus alboguttatus , 131 Metatetranychus alni, 131 469 Index of Spider Miles Metetetranychus cunestrinii, 131 Metatetranychus ritri, 133 Metatetranychus hadzhibejliae, 137 Metatetranychus mali, 131 Metatetranychus mus corum, 131 Metatetranychua pilosus, 131 Metatetranychua potentillae , 131 Metatetranychus spinigerus, 136 Metatetranychua ulmi, 128 Monoceronychus, 92 Monoceronychus aechmetes, 86 Monoceronychus californicus, 83 Monoceronychus corynetes, 75 Monoceronychus enoplus, 90 Monoceronychus linki, 92 Monoceronychus machetes, 81 Monoceronychus mcgregori, 77 Monoceronychus scolus, 90 Neobryobia, 44 Neobryobia spectabilis , 45 Neophyllobius, 5 Neophyllobius harti, 45 Neophyllobius horridus, 35 Neotetranychus, 215 Neotetranychus buxi, 105 Neotetranychus hakea, 225 Neotetranychus rubi, 218 Neotetranychus siccus, 219 Neotetranychus uniunguis , 322 Neotetranychus virginiensis, 223 Neotetranychus (Eutetranychus), 111 Neotetranychus (Eutetranychus) banksi, 115 Neotetranychus (Eutetranychus) spin- os a, 113 Neotetranycops is , 37 Oligonychus, 270 Oligonychus aceris, 297 Oligonychus afrasiaticus, 349 Oligonychus alni, 131 01 igonvchus americanus , 322 Oligonychus bicolor, 308 Oligonychus bihariensis, 364 Oligonychus boudreauxi, 291 Oligonychus brevipilosus, 288 Oligonychus brevipodus, 372 Oligonychus coffeae, 315 Oligonychus coniferarum, 328 Oligonychus cunliffei, 284 Oligonychus endytus, 301 Oligonychus exsiccator, 347 Oligonychus gossypii, 359 Oligonychus gramineus, 347 Oligonychus hadrus, 369 Oligonychus hondoensis, 284 Oligonychus ilicis, 305 Oligonychus indicus, 354 Oligonychus inouei, 328 Oligonychus insularis, 330 Oligonychus iseilemae, 358 Oligonychus kobachidzei, 341 Oligonychus major, 332 Oligonychus mangiferus, 330 Oligonychus mcgregori, 359 Oligonychus rneritiei, 315 Oligonychus milleri, 280 Oligonychus minimus, 373 Oligonychus modestus, 355 Oligonychus mori, 341 Oligonychus mus corum, 131 Oligonychus newcomeri, 312 Oligonychus nuptialis, 340 Oligonychus oryzae, 357 Oligonychus parva, 341 Oligonychus perditus, 316 Oligonychus peronis, 336 Oligonychus peruvianus, 342 Oligonychus picei, 289 Oligonychus pityinus, 290 Oligonychus platani, 304 Oligonychus potentillae , 131 Oligonychus pratensis, 349 Oligonychus primulae, 339 Oligonychus pritchardi, 365 Oligonychus propetes, 366 Oligonychus punicae, 335 Oligonychus quercinus , 372 Oligonychus sacchari, 355 Oligonychus simplex, 349 Oligonychus stenoperitrematus, 358 Oligonychus stickneyi, 344 Oligonychus subnudus, 281 Oligonychus terminalis, 316 Oligonychus ulmi, 128 Oligonychus ununguis, 319 Oligonychus viridis, 311 Panonychus , 271 P anonychus mori, 341 Parotetranychus, 271 Paratetranychus afrasiaticus, 349 P aratetranychus alpinus, 322 Paratetranychus americanus , 322 P aratetranychus bicolor, 308 Paratetranychus bihariensis, 364 Paratetranychus bioculatus , 315 Paratetranychus brevipilosus, 288 P aratetranychus citri, 133 P aratetranychus coiti, 335 P aratetranychus hawaiiensis , 364 P aratetranychus coniferarum, 328 470 Spider Mites P aratetranychus gossypii, 359 Paratetranychus heteronychus , 352 P aratetranychus hondoensis, 284 P aratetranychus ilicis, 305 Paratetranychus indicus, 354 P aratetranychus inouei, 328 Paratetranychus insularis, 330 Paratetranychus kobachidzei, 341 P aratetranychus mangiferus, 330 P aratetranychus mcgregori, 359 P aratetranychus mexicanus , 354 P aratetranychus milleri, 280 P aratetranychus modestus, 355 Paratetranychus mytilaspidis , 133 P aratetranychus newcomeri, 312 P aratetranychus nuptialis, 340 Paratetranychus oryzae, 357, 358 Paratetranychus peruvianus, 342 P aratetranychus pilosus, 131 Paratetranychus pilosus alboguttatus , 131 P aratetranychus pilosus occidentalis, 131 P aratetranychus pini, 322 P aratetranychus platani, 304 P aratetranychus pratensis, 349 Paratetranychus primulae, 339 P aratetranychus pritchardi, 365 P aratetranychus punicae, 335 P aratetranychus sacchari, 355 P aratetranychus simplex, 349, 350 Paratetranychus stenoperitrematus, 358 Paratetranychus stickneyi, 344, 347 P aratetranychus subnudus, 281 Paratetranychus terminalis, 316 P aratetranychus trinitatis , 342 P aratetranychus ulmi, 129 P aratetranychus uniunguis , 322 P aratetranychus ununguis, 319 Paratetranychus viridis, 307 P aratetranychus yothersi, 330 P eritetranychus , 225 P eritetranyci.us glabrisetus, 269 P eritetranychus tuberculatus, 269 Petrobia, 42 Petrobia apicalis, 49 Petrobia brevipes, 56 Petrobia cephae, 55 Petrobia erevanica, 56 Petrobia harti, 45 Petrobia latens, 51 Petrobia lupini, 47 Petrobia zachvatkini, 56 PETROBIINI, 42 Phytoptipalpus, 5 P latytetranychus , 138 Platytetranychus gibbosus, 163 Pseudobryobia, 15 Pseudoleptus, 5 Raoliella, 5 Rhyncolophus liaustor, 28 Sannio, 15 Schizonobia, 56 Schizonobia sycophanta, 58 Schizotetranychus, 225 Schizotetranychus andropogoni, 248 Schizotetranychus asparagi, 237 Schizotetranychus camur, 260 Schizotetranychus celarius, 249 S c hizotetranychus cercocarpi , 208 Schizotetranychus cornus, 242 Schizotetranychus elymus, 254 Schizotetranychus eremophilus, 251 Schizotetranychus floridens is , 237 Schizotetranychus fluvialis, 254 Schizotetranychus garmani, 233 Schizotetranychus cynodonis, 229 Schizotetranychus glabrisetus, 269 Schizotetranychus graminicola, 267 Schizotetranychus guatamalae-novae, 269 Schizotetranychus hindustanicus, 266 Schizotetranychus ibericus, 269 Schizotetranychus latitarsus , 249 Schizotetranychus nugax, 264 Schizotetranychus oudemansi, 232 Schizotetranychus parasemus, 230 Schizotetranychus schizopus , 232, 233 Schizotetranychus schizopus, 240 Schizotetranychus spireafolia, 248 Schizotetranychus tuberculatus, 269 Schizotetranychus viburni, 437 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) aceri, 213 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) aesculi, 184 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) bakuriensis, 214 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) carpinula, 181 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) coryli, 183 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) fagi, 212 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) fraxini, 214 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) pruni, 186 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) pterocaryae , 181 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) rubiphilus, 214 471 Index of Spider \lites Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) salictcola, 189 Schi zotetranychus (Eotetranychus) ulmicola, 214 Schizotetranychus (Eotetranychus) viticola, 186 Schmiedleinia, 15 Schmiedleinia tiliae, 30 Septanychus , 374 Septanychus urge minus , 403 Septanychus braziliensis, 138 Septanychus canadensis, 393 Septanychus cocosi, 414 Septanychus deserticola, 403 Septanychus deviatarsus , 406 Septanychus mexicanus, 411 Septanychus quinquenychus , 408 Septanychus schoenei, 392 Septanychus texazona, 403 Septanychus tumidus , 137 Septanychus tumidus, 408 Simplinychus , 101 Sirnplinychus buxi, 105 Stigmaeopsis, 225 Stigmaeops is celarius, 249 Tacebia, 271 Tacebia parva, 341 Tegopalpus, 5 Tenuicrus , 44 Tenuicrus errabundus , 45 TEN HIP AL POIDINI, 97 Tenuipalpoides, 97 Tenuipalpoides dorychaeta, 99 Tenuipalpoides zizyphus, 97 Tenuipalpus, 5 Te tranobia, 43 Tetranobia decepta, 52 TETR ANYCHIDAE, 4 T etr any china, 43 Tetranychina agerati, 47 Tetranychina apicalis, 49 Tetranychina harti, 45 Tetranychina lupini, 47 Tetranychina macdonoughi , 45 Tetranychina tritici, 52 Tetranychina tuberculata, 45 TETR AN YC HO IDE A, 5 Tetranychopsis , 34 Tetranychopsis histricina, 59 Tetranychopsis horridus, 35 Tetranychopsis paupera, 52 Tetranychopsis simplex, 52 Tetranychopsis spinosa, 113 Tetranycopsis, 34 Tetranvcopsis horridus, 34 letranycopsis spiraeae, 35 TETR ANYCH1NAE, 96 TETR ANYCH1NI, 124 Tetranychus, 373 Tetrany chus aceris, 299 Tetranychus ultheae, 438 l etranychus anuuniensis , 52 Ietranychus antillarurn, 408 Ietranychus aspidistrae, 439 Ietranychus atlanticus, 424 Ietranychus aurantii, 213 Ietranychus banksi, 115 Ietranychus bicolor, 308 Tetranyc-hus bimaculatus , 438 Tetrany chus bioculutus , 315 Tetrany chus borealis, 179 Tetrany chus californicus , 191 Ietranychus canadensis, 393 Tetrany chus caribbeanae, 147 Tetranychus carpini, 179 Tetrany chus caudatus, 375 Tetranychus celer, 375 Tetranychus choisyae, 439 Tetranychus citri, 133 Tetranychus cocosi, 414 Tetranychus cocosinus, 417 Tetranychus crataegi, 384 Tetranychus cristatus, 22 Tetranychus cucumeris , 437 Tetranychus cucurbitae, 419 Tetranychus dahliae, 440 Tetranychus deflexus, 206 Tetranychus desertorum, 403 Tetranychus dugesii, 431 Tetranychus ellipticus, 165 Tetranychus equatorius , 420 Tetranychus eriostemi , 438 Tetranychus exsiccator, 347 Tetranychus ferrugineus , 437 Tetranychus fervidus, 437 Tetranychus fici, 200 Tetranychus fici, 438 Tetranychus fijiensis, 382 Tetranychus flatus, 179 Tetranychus fragariae, 439 Tetranychus fransenni , 439 Tetranychus frosti, 199 Tetranychus gibbosus, 162 Tetranychus gigas, 405 Tetranychus glabrum, 375 Tetranychus gloveri, 408 Tetranychus gracilipes, 39 Tetranychus guatamalae-novae, 269 Tetranychus hicoriae, 211 Tetranychus homorus, 390 Tetranychus horridus, 34 472 Spider Mites Tetranychus hydrangeae, 425 Tetranychus ilicis, 305 Tetranychus inaequalis , 438 Tetranychus kanzawai, 431 Tetranychus Iambi, 399 Tetranychus latus, 103 Tetranychus lewisi, 205 Tetranychus libocedri, 154 Tetranychus liniearicus , 436 Tetranychus longipes, 52 Tetranychus longipes, 375 Tetranychus longirostris, 376 Tetranychus longitarsus , 438 Tetranychus ludeni, 405 Tetranychus magnoliae, 412 Tetranychus major, 437 Tetranychus major, 375 Tetranychus malvastris, 192, 199 Tetranychus marianae, 429 Tetranychus manihotis , 439 Tetranychus mcdanieli, 386 Tetranychus merganser, 429 Tetranychus mexicanus, 411 Tetranychus minimus, 178 Tetranychus minor, 438 Tetranychus modestus, 355 Tetranychus molestissimus, 376 Tetranychus monticolus , 179 Tetranychus mori, 200 Tetranychus multidigituli, 163 Tetranychus multisetis , 440 Tetranychus mytilaspidis , 131, 133 Tetranychus neocalidonicus, 430 Tetranychus opuntiae, 403 Tetranychus oregonensis , 179 Tetranychus pacificus, 388 Tetranychus pallidus, 211 Tetranychus pantopus, 123 Tetranychus perplexus, 175 Tetranychus peruvianus, 342 Tetranychus picei, 289 Tetranychus piercei, 431 Tetranychus piger, 437 Tetranychus pilosus , 129 Tetranychus planki, 148 Tetranychus plumistoma, 438 Tetranychus polys, 396 Tetranychus populi, 189 Tetranychus pratensis, 349 Tetranychus pruni, 186 Tetranychus prunicolor, 375 Tetranychus quercinus , 213 Tetranychus quinquenychus , 408 Tetranychus reinwardtiae , 439 Tetranychus rosarum, 437 Tetranychus russeolus , 437 Tetranychus rusti, 116 Tetranychus salicicola, 189 Tetranychus salicis, 375 Tetranychus salviae, 406 Tetranychus sambuci, 435 Tetranychus schizopus, 240 Tetranychus schoenei, 392 Tetranychus sexmaculatus, 202 Tetranychus simplex, 349 Tetranychus spinigerus, 136 Tetranychus stellariae, 439 Tetranychus superba, 376 Tetranychus suginamensis, 200 Tetranychus talisiae, 205 Tetranychus taxi, 376 Tetranychus telarius, 178 Tetranychus telarius, 432 Tetranychus textor, 436 Tetranychus telarius haematodes , 437 Tetranychus thermophilus , 403 Tetranychus thujae, 159 Tetranychus tiliarium, 178 Tetranychus tini, 375 Tetranychus tlalsahuate, 376 Tetranychus trombidinus, 375 Tetranychus tumidellus, 409 Tetranychus tumidus, 408 Tetranychus ulmi, 128 Tetranychus uniunguis , 321 Tetranychus ununguis, 319 Tetranychus urticae, 436 Tetranychus urticae dia-ithica, 437 Tetranychus vestitus, 376 Tetranychus viburni, 437 Tetranychus viennensis, 384 Tetranychus violae , 439 Tetranychus virginis, 385 Tetranychus viridis, 307 Tetranychus vitis , 437 Tetranychus willamettei , 181 Tetranychus willamettei, 187 Tetranychus yothersi, 330 Tetranychus (Epitetranychus), 374 Tetranvchus ( Epitetranychus ) caldarii, 439 ' Tetranychus ( Epitetranychus ) ludeni, 406 Tetranychus ( Epitetranychus ) viennensis, 384 Tetranychus (Schizotetranychus) andropogoni, 248 Tetranychus (Schizotetranychus) hindustanic.us, 266 Torynophora, 15 Torynophora serrata, 28 Trombidium lapidum, 52 Trombidium tiliarium, 178 Tuckerella, 5